Research at the Sydney School of Health Sciences

Our research

Expertise in health sciences


Our researchers from the University of Sydney School of Health Sciences are solving critical health problems by discovering new ways of tackling society’s biggest challenges, influencing health policy with transformative thinking and developing new models of healthcare delivery.

We partner with local and global organisations and work closely with people and communities to identify solutions that directly translate to health benefits.




$46 million in income

We have generated over $46 million in research-related income over the past five years.

4,243 in publications

We have generated 4,243 publications and 41,567 citations over the past five years.

1.9 average CNCI

We have a 1.9 average category normalised citation impact (CNCI) score over the past five years.


Behavioural and social sciences in health

Our behavioural and social sciences in health research aims to transform health and healthcare through deeper and richer understandings of people and their social contexts.

Our researchers bring a diverse expertise across sociology, psychology, anthropology, First Nations health, digital health, health policy, epidemiology, demography, and research methods.

We think holistically and critically about health and wellbeing and collaborate with partners to address the most urgent challenges facing individuals and communities.

Exercise and sport science

Our researchers focus on the integration of exercise and physical activity into healthcare, disease prevention and rehabilitation, as well as sports development and performance.

Our research is multidisciplinary and varied, including physiology, skill development, sleep, nutrition, sport performance, biomechanics and clinical exercise interventions (including metabolic disorders, cancer, pain, spinal cord injury and osteoarthritis).

Medical imaging science

Our research is leading the way in cutting-edge research within the field of medical imaging and radiation sciences, with the goal of  integrating innovation, technology, and interdisciplinary knowledge into clinical practice to ultimately enhancing patient care.

Our researchers comprise of diagnostic radiographers, nuclear medicine scientists, medical ultrasonographers, radiation therapists, medical physicists, and engineers.

Our research is supported by advanced medical imaging technology, including digital and mobile x-ray, spectral CT, low-field MR, ultrasound, and a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) for high-fidelity simulation research.

Occupational therapy

Applied research in occupational therapy aims to contribute to a greater understanding of human occupations, including roles, performance and adaptation of occupation across the lifespan particularly for those impacted by injury, illness, disability or psychological impairment.

Our research focuses on finding new ways of living well leading change to have impact, solving complex everyday living problems. We aim to transform everyday life by informing clinical and community on the latest occupational therapy practice and building occupational therapy research capacity.


Our physiotherapy research is multi-disciplinary and covers an extensive range of topics across the body and lifespan. It explores work on injury and concussion prevention and management, rehabilitation for people with lung and cardiac/cardiometabolic diseases, cancer, and spinal cord injuries, physical activity and sleep for people with chronic disease, and many other topics.

Speech pathology

Our cutting-edge research is at the forefront of speech pathology practice areas across communication and swallowing. Our researchers are exploring the themes of treatment research, clinical guidelines and pathways and emerging diseases.

Their investigations include communication disorders following acquired brain injury (ABI) and other acquired neurological communication disorders, speech motor control and disorders, childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), and clinical research into medical paediatric speech pathology.

Useful links

occupational therapist with patient