Dr Dori Patay

Dr Dori Patay

Research Fellow
Global and Intersectoral Health Policy Theme, Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economy
Charles Perkins Centre
Sydney School of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Dr Dori Patay

Dr Dori Patay is an interdisciplinary researcher who investigates public health issues with a regulation and governance, political science and development lens, with a particular focus on multisectoral governance. Dori frequently takes an transdisciplinary approach, drawing from different bodies of scholarship that alone have been unable to untangle the complex issues arising in food systems and public health. She completed her PhD at the School of Regulation and Global Governance, Australian National University (ANU), in 2021.

In her PhD at the School of Regulation and Global Governance, Australian National University (awarded in 2021), Dori researched how better alignment can be achieved between health, trade, agriculture, and industry sectors in regulating tobacco production and use in the Pacific. Post-PhD, she has leveraged this expertise and skills to build an emerging research portfolio in multisectoral governance specific to food systems while working with multidisciplinary teams across ANU, the University of Queensland, and The George Institute for Global Health. Dori currently works as a Research Fellow at the Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economy at the Sydney School of Public Health, leading governance and policy analysis at the intersection of health, trade, investment, agriculture and environment. Her current projects focus on food systems in the Pacific Islands region, and international investment agreements and health.

food systems, commercial determinants of health, multisectoral and multistakeholder governance, whole-of-government approaches, whole-of-food system governance

Member, Sydney Environment Institute (2023 to present)

Member, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (2023 to present)

Member, Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET, 2021 to present)

Member, Public Health Association of Australia (2019 to present)

Member, Australian Research Centre for Health Equity (formerly Menzies Centre for Health Governance(2017 to present)

Project titleResearch student
Examining Marketing Restrictions across the Digital Environment for a Case Study on Healthier, Sustainable, and Equitable Food SystemsKamara PATHER



  • Farrell, P., Reeve, E., Johnson, E., Farmery, A., Patay, D., Thow, A., Wu, J., Bogard, J. (2024). Measuring characteristics of wild and cultivated food environments: a scoping review. BMC Medicine, 22, 519. [More Information]
  • Reeve, E., Farrell, P., Thow, A., Mauli, S., Patay, D. (2024). Why health systems cannot fix problems caused by food systems: a call to integrate accountability for obesity into food systems policy. Public Health Nutrition, 27(1), s22. [More Information]
  • Patay, D., Ravuvu, A., Iese, V., Wilson, D., Mauli, S., Maelaua, J., Reeve, E., Farmery, A., Farrell, P., Johnson, E., Thow, A. (2023). Catalysing sustainable development through regional food system governance: Strengthening the translation of regional food system policy guidance to national level in the Pacific. Sustainable Development. [More Information]


  • Farrell, P., Reeve, E., Johnson, E., Farmery, A., Patay, D., Thow, A., Wu, J., Bogard, J. (2024). Measuring characteristics of wild and cultivated food environments: a scoping review. BMC Medicine, 22, 519. [More Information]
  • Reeve, E., Farrell, P., Thow, A., Mauli, S., Patay, D. (2024). Why health systems cannot fix problems caused by food systems: a call to integrate accountability for obesity into food systems policy. Public Health Nutrition, 27(1), s22. [More Information]


  • Patay, D., Ravuvu, A., Iese, V., Wilson, D., Mauli, S., Maelaua, J., Reeve, E., Farmery, A., Farrell, P., Johnson, E., Thow, A. (2023). Catalysing sustainable development through regional food system governance: Strengthening the translation of regional food system policy guidance to national level in the Pacific. Sustainable Development. [More Information]
  • Patay, D., Ralston, R., Palu, A., Jones, A., Webster, J., Buse, K. (2023). Fifty shades of partnerships: a governance typology for public private engagement in the nutrition sector. Globalization and Health, 19(1), 11-1-11-11. [More Information]
  • Mauli, S., Maelaua, J., Reeve, E., Thow, A., Johnson, E., Farrell, P., Patay, D. (2023). Systemic Capacity in Food System Governance in the Solomon Islands: "It's More than Just Training". Sustainability, 15(13), 10710.


  • Cullerton, K., Patay, D., Waller, M., Adsett, E., Lee, A. (2022). Competing public narratives in nutrition policy: insights into the ideational barriers of public support for regulatory nutrition measures. Health Research Policy and Systems, 20(1), 86-1-86-15. [More Information]
  • Lee, A., Patay, D., Summons, S., Lewis, M., Herron, L., Nona, F., Canuto, C., Ferguson, M., Twist, A. (2022). Cost and affordability of healthy, equitable and more sustainable diets in the Torres Strait Islands. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46(3), 340-345. [More Information]
  • Patay, D., Friel, S., Townsend, B., Baum, F., Collin, J., Cullerton, K., Dain, K., Holmes, R., Martin, J., Ralston, R., et al (2022). Governing ultra-processed food and alcohol industries: the presence and role of non-government organisations in Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46(4), 455-462. [More Information]


  • Lee, A., Patay, D., Herron, L., Parnell Harrison, E., Lewis, M. (2021). Affordability of current, and healthy, more equitable, sustainable diets by area of socioeconomic disadvantage and remoteness in Queensland: insights into food choice. International Journal for Equity in Health, 20(1), 153-1-153-17. [More Information]
  • Lee, A., Patay, D., Herron, L., Tan, R., Nicoll, E., Fredericks, B., Lewis, M. (2021). Affordability of Heathy, Equitable and More Sustainable Diets in Low-Income Households in Brisbane before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nutrients, 13(12), 4386-1-4386-12. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • Food system governance in Indonesia: innovation to deliver health, environment and livelihoods, Patay D, Sydney Southeast Asia Centre/SSEAC Incubator Program
  • Strengthening national food system governance, Patay D, Charles Perkins Centre/Early-Mid Career Researcher Seed Funding Grant


  • FMH Showcase Travel Award 2023, Patay D, Faculty of Medicine and Health/FMH Showcase Travel Award 2023