Dr Robert Boland

Dr Robert Boland

PhD, GradDipAppSc, BAppSc, Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapy
Clinical Associate Professor
Dr Robert Boland

Dr Rob Boland is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists. He has concurrent appointments as a post-doctoral researcher, a Specialist Clinician with the NSW Department of Health, and as Independent Physiotherapy Consultant with Workcover NSW. He has lectured in Australia, and overseas on invited courses, and he has published his research in international journals and presented at international conferences.He has investigated various aspects of carpal tunnel syndrome and he has a long-standing interest in evidence-based practice and how to apply it in the clinic. His current research interests are in the areas of carpal tunnel syndrome, changes in peripheral nerve after spinal cord injury, and motor neuron disease.

Current research interests are in the areas of carpal tunnel syndrome, changes in peripheral nerve after spinal cord injury, and motor neuron disease.

Co-ordinator Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy E

Musculoskeletal Health


Book Chapters

  • Refshauge, K., Boland, R. (2004). The Physical Examination: Testing adequacy of cerebral blood flow (vertebrobasilar insufficiency). In Kathryn Refshauge, Elizabeth Gass (Eds.), Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: Clinical Science and Evidence-Based Practice, (pp. 179-194). Oxford, UK: Butterworth Heinemann.


  • Genel, F., Boland, R., Harris, I., Flood, V., Adie, S., Naylor, J., Pavlovic, N., Gao, M., Hackett, D., Lewin, A., Brady, B., Dennis, S., et al (2024). Optimising body weight in people with obesity prior to knee or hip arthroplasty: A feasibility study utilising a dietitian-led low inflammatory diet. Musculoskeletal Care, 22(1), e1867. [More Information]
  • Pavlovic, N., Brady, B., Boland, R., Harris, I., Flood, V., Genel, F., Gao, M., Naylor, J. (2023). A mixed methods approach to investigating physical activity in people with obesity participating in a chronic care programme awaiting total knee or hip arthroplasty. Musculoskeletal Care, 21(4), 1447-1462. [More Information]
  • Naylor, J., Harris, I., Joon, S., Boland, R., Brady, B., Ogul, S., Mittal, R. (2023). Preliminary insights into patient preparedness for knee or hip arthroplasty: a descriptive survey study. BMC Research Notes, 16(1). [More Information]


  • Han, S., Lin, C., Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2011). Effects of focal nerve compression on membrane excitability and symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome. APA Physiotherapy Conference 2011, NA.
  • Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2007). Accuracy Of Phalen's And Sensory Testing In Diagnosis Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy. IFSHT.
  • Boland, R., Han, E., Kiernan, M. (2007). Ischaemia As A Model Of Focal Nerve Injury. 15th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy WCPT 2007, United Kingdom: Elsevier.


  • Genel, F., Boland, R., Harris, I., Flood, V., Adie, S., Naylor, J., Pavlovic, N., Gao, M., Hackett, D., Lewin, A., Brady, B., Dennis, S., et al (2024). Optimising body weight in people with obesity prior to knee or hip arthroplasty: A feasibility study utilising a dietitian-led low inflammatory diet. Musculoskeletal Care, 22(1), e1867. [More Information]


  • Pavlovic, N., Brady, B., Boland, R., Harris, I., Flood, V., Genel, F., Gao, M., Naylor, J. (2023). A mixed methods approach to investigating physical activity in people with obesity participating in a chronic care programme awaiting total knee or hip arthroplasty. Musculoskeletal Care, 21(4), 1447-1462. [More Information]
  • Naylor, J., Harris, I., Joon, S., Boland, R., Brady, B., Ogul, S., Mittal, R. (2023). Preliminary insights into patient preparedness for knee or hip arthroplasty: a descriptive survey study. BMC Research Notes, 16(1). [More Information]
  • Mills, K., Bowden, J., Boland, R., Pardey, M., Descallar, J., Naylor, J. (2023). Taking the first step: Protocol for a cluster randomised implementation trial comparing strategies on access to exercise programmes for people with knee osteoarthritis. BMJ Open, 13(8). [More Information]


  • Brady, B., Andary, T., Pang, S., Dennis, S., Liamputtong, P., Boland, R., Tcharkhedian, E., Jennings, M., Pavlovic, N., Zind, M., Middleton, P., et al (2021). A Mixed-Methods Investigation into Patients' Decisions to Attend an Emergency Department for Chronic Pain. Pain Medicine, 22(10), 2191-2206. [More Information]
  • Pavlovic, N., Boland, R., Brady, B., Genel, F., Harris, I., Flood, V., Naylor, J. (2021). Effect of weight-loss diets prior to elective surgery on postoperative outcomes in obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Obesity, 11(6). [More Information]


  • Lee, J., Boland, R., Ng, K. (2018). Sarcolemmal excitability changes in normal human aging. Muscle and Nerve, 57(6), 981-988. [More Information]


  • Boland, R., Lin, C., Engel, S., Kiernan, M. (2011). Adaptation of motor function after spinal cord injury: novel insights into spinal shock. Brain, 134(2), 495-505. [More Information]
  • Han, S., Lin, C., Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2011). Effects of focal nerve compression on membrane excitability and symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome. APA Physiotherapy Conference 2011, NA.
  • Cheah, B., Vucic, S., Krishnan, A., Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2011). Neurophysiological index as a biomarker for ALS progression: Validity of mixed effects models. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 12(1), 33-38. [More Information]


  • Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2009). Assessing the accuracy of a combination of clinical tests for identifying carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 16(7), 929-933. [More Information]
  • Han, S., Boland, R., Krishnan, A., Vucic, S., Lin, C., Kiernan, M. (2009). Ischaemic sensitivity of axons in carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 14(3), 190-200. [More Information]


  • Han, S., Boland, R., Krishnan, A., Vucic, S., Lin, C., Kiernan, M. (2008). Changes in human sensory axonal excitability induced by an ischaemic insult. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119(9), 2054-2063. [More Information]


  • Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2007). Accuracy Of Phalen's And Sensory Testing In Diagnosis Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Proceedings of the Conference of the International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy. IFSHT.
  • Boland, R., Han, E., Kiernan, M. (2007). Ischaemia As A Model Of Focal Nerve Injury. 15th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy WCPT 2007, United Kingdom: Elsevier.
  • Boland, R., Lin, C., Krishnan, A., Engel, S., Kiernan, M. (2007). Nerve Excitability Changes In Peripheral Motor Axons In Patients With Acute Spinal Injury. International Brain Research Organisation World Congress of Neuroscience.


  • Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2006). Evidence for proximal effects on median nerve function in carpal tunnel syndrome. Life with Physiotherapy, Auckland: New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists.
  • Lee, M., Boland, R., Kilbreath, S. (2006). Reliability and criterion validity of the Perometer for measurements of hand volume. 6th Australasian Lymphology Association Conference ALA 2006, Australia: Australasian Lymphology Association.
  • Henschke, N., Boland, R., Adams, R. (2006). Responsiveness of two methods for measuring foot and ankle volume. Foot and Ankle International, 27(10), 826-832. [More Information]


  • Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2005). Accuracy of the clinical assessment in diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 51(4 Supplement), S12-S12.
  • Boland, R., Kiernan, M. (2005). Accuracy of the clinical diagnosis in carpal tunnel syndrome. Clinical Neurophysiology, 116(9), e21-e21.
  • Boland, R., Krishnan, A., Kiernan, M. (2005). Median nerve excitability during upper limb ischaemia in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 51(4 Supplement), S12-S12.


  • Henschke, N., Boland, R., Adams, R. (2004). An Obturator Reduces Time For Volumetric Measurements Of The Foot And Ankle. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 34(12), 800-804. [More Information]
  • Watson, C., Refshauge, K., Boland, R. (2004). The effect of adding additional compression to an ice and exercise protocol in the acute stage of ankle sprain. Fourth Research Conference 2004 "From Cell to Society 4", Sydney: Faculties of Health, University of Sydney.
  • Refshauge, K., Boland, R. (2004). The Physical Examination: Testing adequacy of cerebral blood flow (vertebrobasilar insufficiency). In Kathryn Refshauge, Elizabeth Gass (Eds.), Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: Clinical Science and Evidence-Based Practice, (pp. 179-194). Oxford, UK: Butterworth Heinemann.


  • Boland, R., Adams, R. (2003). Effects of forearm venous drainage on responses to the volume provocation test. Journal of Hand Therapy, 16(1), 43-48. [More Information]


  • Boland, R., Henschke, N., Adams, R. (2002). Effects of a turbulence dispersing obturator during foot and ankle volumetry. VIIth International Physiotherapy Congress., Sydney: Australian Physiotherapy Association.
  • Boland, R., Adams, R. (2002). Effects of forearm venous drainage on responses to the volume provocation test. VIIth International Physiotherapy Congress., Sydney: Australian Physiotherapy Association.
  • Boland, R., Adams, R. (2002). Evidence for a vascular component in carpal tunnel syndrome. VIIth International Physiotherapy Congress, Sydney: Australian Physiotherapy Association.

Selected Grants


  • A new treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, Boland R, University of Sydney/Internal Research Grant Allocations - Cumberland
  • Perometer, Adams R, Boland R, Harmer A, Kilbreath S, Moseley G, Refshauge K, University of Sydney/Equipment Grant


  • Effects of pre-treatment exersises on outcome in patients with shoulder pain, Boland R, Physiotherapists Registration Board (NSW Health)/Research Grant