11 outstanding early career researchers join the University - The University of Sydney

11 outstanding early career researchers join the University

2 November 2016
2017 University of Sydney Fellows announced.

Eleven outstanding early career researchers from around the world will join the University of Sydney in 2017 under the University of Sydney Fellowship scheme.

Now in its 21st year, Sydney Fellows was the first scheme of its kind in Australia when launched in 1996. It aims to recruit promising young scholars in order to enhance the research strengths and culture of the University and enable them to contribute to its thriving intellectual life.

This year, the scheme focused on recruiting talented recent doctoral graduates who can contribute to our whole-of-university multidisciplinary initiatives, including the Charles Perkins Centre, the Brain and Mind Centre and the China Studies Centre.

2017 Fellows and their projects

Joins the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology.

Project: 'Ultra-compact highly-nonlinear hybrid plasmonic waveguides'

Joins the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology.

Project: 'Single-shot error correction for robust quantum technologies'

Joins the Brain and Mind Centre.

Project: 'Enabling technologies for simultaneous PET-MR brain imaging in awake and responsive small animals'

Joins the Brain and Mind Centre.

Project: 'Using functional neuroimaging and neurophysiology to aid the prediction and diagnosis of common synucleinopathies'

Joins the Cancer Research Network.

Project: 'Bioinformatics and machine-learning methods for diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian cancer empowered by next generation sequencing'

Canadian neuroscientist Dr Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens is among the 2017 fellows. Working with the Brain and Mind Centre, she will investigate whether walking behaviour and associated brain network changes in high-risk individuals can act as an early biomarker for Parkinson’s disease.

Banglideshi researcher Dr Mohammad Ali Moni will join the Cancer Research Network to develop machine-learning techniques to diagnose and predict the prognosis of ovarian cancer patients, while British physicist Dr Benjamin Brown will join the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology to help bring practical quantum technologies closer to reality.

2017 Fellows and their projects

Joins the Charles Perkins Centre.

Project: 'Losing sleep over cancer: The role of HIF in obstructive sleep apnoea and tumour development'

Joins the China Studies Centre.

Project: 'Vital fluid – The evolving social, moral and economic value of blood in China'

Joins the Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity.

Project: 'Functional genomics of Cryptococcus gattii elucidates, new niche adaptations and the emergence of novel clinical phenotypes'

Joins the Sydney Centre for Translational Data Science.

Project: 'Multi-source transfer learning for time series prediction in areas of climate change'

Joins Sydney Environment Institute.

Project: 'Preppers: Defending against anticipated environmental collapse'

Joins the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre.
Project: 'Disasters and disability: Making inclusion a reality'

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