Mathematics and statistics - The University of Sydney
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Mathematics and statistics

The University has developed a number of resources and workbooks to help develop your skills in maths and stats.

The University has developed a number of workbooks, that are made freely available for your use. If you reproduce any part of these documents, please ensure that the University of Sydney’s copyright is appropriately acknowledged.

Resources are grouped into topics and can be downloaded individually, or as a zip file containing all resources for the topic area. You can also download of all the resources featured on this page (zip, 14.4MB).

More assistance

If you’re enrolled in a mathematics, statistics or related unit of study, visit our Canvas site for information on how to best use these materials.

The Learning Hub (Mathematics) also offers face-to-face support, including a Drop-in Centre and unit of study workshops.

New students

If you're a new student, we suggest visiting the University's Maths learning support page where you can chat to our maths bot to determine which units to enrol in based on your program of study and receive personalised advice for learning support.

Last updated: 19 March 2025

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