Fibrosis and wound healing - Charles Perkins Centre

Fibrosis and wound healing

Generating real-world solutions to fibrosis

We’re bringing together researchers from a diverse range of disciplines to prevent, treat and reverse fibrosis across a diversity of diseases.

Fibrosis – or scar formation – is an abnormal, pathological response to tissue injury, causing loss of function in an affected tissue or organ. Diseases associated with development of significant fibrosis include complications of diabetes and obesity, chronic liver, lung and kidney disease, stroke, and many others. Many cancers often have an associated fibrosis that sustains cancer growth.

Fibrosis is a common pathway in disease, but we still don’t understand what causes it to occur in different diseases, or how to prevent, treat and reverse it.

Our team will focus on the tissue pathology of fibrosis at both clinical and preclinical levels, and collaborative methods across disciplines to study, prevent, treat and reverse fibrotic disease.

Our team is working on understanding, preventing and treating fibrosis (scar formation) occurring through disease.

This research has the potential to ease the burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. By preventing, stabilising and reversing fibrosis we hope to offer improved quality of life.


  • Biology
  • Population
  • Society and environment
  • Solutions


Project Node Leader

Professor Stephen Twigg
Professor Stephen Twigg
Visit Stephen Twigg's profile