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A bibliography of Australian colonial music part 3 - 2001 to 2022
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A bibliography of Australian colonial music part 3 - 2001 to 2022",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
Bibliographic notes:
This resource has the dual purpose of listing materials of general relevance to Australian colonial music, and of serving as a bibliography for the other pages of this site.
Many of the earlier works cited, and some of the later ones, make only isolated references to music and musical practice. However, such scarce references are musically and historically important enough not merely to warrant, but to demand, their inclusion in any comprehensive bibliography of Australian music.
Because of the latter, some items make only occasional or no direct reference to Australian music, but are nevertheless of general relevance to the subject and the site.
Entries are arranged chronologically by year, then alphabetically by author (or where no clear author, other identifier).
Entries are formatted for ease of reuse in footnotes and endnotes.
Bibliographic data appears in black type; reviews are listed, and notes and comments given in lighter type; and occasionally key extracts from the texts themselves are given in yellow-ochre type.
Most entries also have live links to corresponding bibliographic record in TROVE or another relevant site (e.g. WorldCat).
Where a work is digitised and freely available online, live persistent links are given (where possible https).
Where a full-colour digitised version is available (e.g. at it is listed above black-and-white versions (e.g. at
Persistent links are also given to some digitised works with restricted or paid access (e.g. journal articles in JSTOR).
As a general rule, colonial music scores, modern editions of musical works, and recordings are not included here. Many of these, however, have been specially tagged as "Australian colonial music" within TROVE, and may be found by searching (for instance, by decade or year of publication) at
Curated websites are not generally listed; however, many resources currently available only in solid state digitised form are listed.
Not yet included here are many items of more particular interest (e.g. to individual musical works, individuals or institutions) listed elsewhere in the site's checklists and registers.
All major works of general Australian history have been, or will be, listed; for the colonial period (part 1), where possible every separate edition is given its own entry and the relationship between editions noted.
For the colonial period (part 1), most newspaper articles referred to elsewhere in the site are not also inculded here. However, key articles that are specifically historical, discursvive, or of wider and general relevance, will be progressively added. Many of these, meanwhile, may be found among specially tagged 19th-century items at
For the post-1900 period (part 2), newspaper articles of special or general relevance to colonial music will be progressively added. Many of these, meanwhile, may be found among specially tagged 20th- and 21st-century items at
In addition, any other books, journal articles, pictures, and musical works tagged by Australharmony inside TROVE may be viewed under the public tag
Bleby 2001
Elizabeth Bleby
Their sound has gone forth: a history of change ringing in Australia and New Zealand to 2001
(Millswood: Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers, 2001)
Boyce 2001 (2014)
James Boyce
God's own country?: the Anglican Church and Tasmanian Aborigines
(Hobart: Social Action and Research Centre, Anglicare Tasmania, 2001)
Reprint ([Hobart] [Anglicare Tasmania], 2014) (DIGITISED)
Brook 2001
Jack Brook
"The forlorn hope: Bennelong and Yemmerrawannie go to England"
Australian Aboriginal Studies (2001/1), 36-47
Burke and Woods 2001
Colleen Burke and Vincent Woods (eds)
The turning wave: poems and songs Irish Australia
(Armidale: Kardoorair Press, 2001)
Clay 2001
John Clay
Maconochie's experiment (London: John Murray, 2001)
Alexander Maconochie, Mary Ann Maconochie, Charles Packer, James A. Reid
Divall 2001
Richard Divall (conductor, arranger, author)
Australia unite! the road to Federation: songs and dances from colonial Australia
(ABC CLASSICS CD 461 826-2)
(Sydney: Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2001)
Drake 2001
Diana Drake
"Thomas Stubbs: Australia's first returned soldier, native born composer and well known auctioneer"
Descent 31/4 (December 2001), 180-88
Hetherington 2001
Michelle Hetherington (curator)
Cook and Omai: the cult of the South Seas
(Canberra: National Library of Australia with the Humanities Reseach Centre, Australian National University, 2001) (DIGITISED)
Holmes 2001
Robyn Holmes
"Musical dialogues"
in Peter Cochrane (ed.), Remarkable occurrences: the National Library of Australia's first 100 years
(Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2001), 213-33 (PREVIEW)
Holmes and Martin 2001
Robyn Holmes and Ruth Lee Martin
The collector's book of sheet music covers
(Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2001) (PREVIEW)
McDonald 2001
Barry McDonald
"You can dig all you like, you'll never find Aboriginal culture there": relational aspects of the history of the Aboriginal music of New England, New South Wales, 1830-1930
(Ph.D thesis, University of New England, Armidale, 2001)
Maguire 2001
Roslyn Maguire
"'Pleasure of a high order': Paolo Giorza and music at Sydney's 1879 International Exhibition"
Context: Journal of Music Research 22 (Spring 2001), 41-50
Notosudirdjo 2001
Franki Suryadarma Notosudirdjo (Franki Raden)
Music, politics, and the problems of national identity in Indonesia
(Ph.D dissertation, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2001)
Joseph Gautrot
Pettet and Doggettt 2001
Helen Pettet and Anne Doggett
The bells are ringing!: a celebration of Melbourne life through the story of her bells
([Flemington]: Helen Pettet and? Anne Doggett, 2001)
Pitt 2001
Charles Pitt
"Opera's Indian spring, part 2"
Opera 52/8 (August 2001), 930-946
Discusses several artists of the 1860s to 1880s either from or recent visitors to Australia
Preston 2001
Katherine K. Preston
Opera on the road: traveling opera troupes in the United States, 1825-60
(University of Illinois Press, 2001) (PREVIEW)
Radic 2001
Thérèse Radic
The Salvado legacy
(New Norcia: The Benedictine Community of New Norcia, 2001)
Royle 2001
Jennifer Royle
"'Turning the wilderness into flowers': music as triumph at Australia's international exhibitions, 1879-1888"
Context: Journal of Music Research 22 (Spring 2001), 51-60
Stilwell and Von Oppeln 2001
G. T. Stilwell and Carolyn Von Oppeln
"Henry Mundy: an unfortunate life"
[Earlier versions of this paper were given by Geoffrey Stilwell at the Mead, Smith, von Stieglitz Memorial Lecture, organised by the National Trust, in Launceston, 2 April 1993 and at a Tasmanian Historical Research Association meeting, 8 March 1994]
Papers and Proceedings of the Tasmanian Historical Research Association 8/3A (September 2001), 161-171
Teniswood 2001
Arabella Teniswood
The 1870s Australian tours of Madame Arabella Goddard
(M.Mus thesis, University of Melbourne, 2001)
Anderson 2002
Hugh Anderson
"The wild colonial Jack Donahoe"
Journal of Australian Colonial History 4/1 (April 2002), 57-80
Bannister 2002
Roland Bannister
"How are we to write our music history? Perspectives on the historiography of military music"
Musicology Australia 25/1 (2002), 1-21
Binns 2002
Georgina Binns (ed.)
Music printing and publishing in Australia: papers from the history of the book in Australia seminar, Monash University, 17 November 2000
([Melbourne]: Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2002) [Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, 25/3-4 (2001)]
Georgina Binns, "Music publishing and selling in Australia"
Wallace Kirsop, "The Walches as sellers of music and their customers in the 1840s"
Keith Maslen, "Music selling in nineteenth-century New Zealand"
Prue Neidorf, "The composing and publishing ventures of the Marsh brothers"
Dianne Gome, "The church and music publication in Australia"
Ross Harvey, "'Musical gems that will capture the public imagination!' The production and distribution of Around the Boree Log"
Bruce Steele, "'Numerous little songs in my drawer': editing and publishing the music of Henry Handel Richardson"
Faye Patton, "Music printing and publishing in Australia between the wars: The Kynoch Stock Book 1921-1939"
Georgina Binns, "Exhibition catalogue: music printing and publishing in Australia"
Forsyth 2002
James Forsyth
Music of the Anglican churches in Sydney and surrounding regions: 1788-1868
(Ph.D thesis, University of Sydney, 2002)
Gänzl 2002
Kurt Gänzl
William B. Gill: from the goldfields to Broadway (New York; London: Routledge, 2002)
Garvey 2002
Nathan Garvey
"Reviewing Australia's first performance: The recruiting officer in Sydney 1789"
Australasian Drama Studies 40 (April 2002), 26-57
Reviews evidence surrounding the performance; some paranthetical mentions of songs and music, especially concerning actors William Hogg and Harry Parsons (54, note 21: "Harry Parsons, who played the recruit Costar Pearmain in 1800, was a first fleet marine, and being a musician might possibly have played some off-stage role in the 1789 performance.")
Greenwood 2002
Andrew Greenwood
"Australian albums: 'All new-all colonial'"
National Library of Australia News (June 2002), 15-18
Henderson 2002
Ian Henderson
"Young colonists on the Australian stage: adaptations of Paul et Virginie by James Cobb and Marcus Clarke"
Australasian Drama Studies 40 (April 2002), 90-105
Also discusses earlier productions of Cobb's 'musical entertainment' in Sydney (1842, 1844) and Launceston (1844).
Holmes 2002
Robyn Holmes
"MusicAustralia: a digital strategy for music"
National Library of Australia Staff Papers (2002)
Jordan 2002
Robert Jordan
The convict theatres of early Australia 1788-1840
(Sydney: Currency House Inc., 2002)
[Review], R. A. Fotherington, "Spouting in the colonies", Australian Book Review 248 (2003), 31
Kavenagh 2002
Terence Kavenagh
"The Sydney Benedictines and the (first) bells of St Mary's"
Tjurunga (an Australasian Benedictine Review) 63 (December 2002), 5-18
Lais 2002
Peggy Lais
"Horace Poussard and Dead Heroes: a musical tribute to Burke and Wills"
Context: Journal of Music Research 23 (Autumn 2002), 23-32
Morris 2002
Norval Morris
Maconochie's gentlemen: the story of Norfolk Island and? the roots of modern prison reform
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2002)
Alexander Maconochie, [Charles Packer / James A. Reid]
Parsons 2002
Michael Parsons
"'Ah that I could convey a proper idea of this interesting wild play of the natives': corroborees and the rise of Indigenous Australian cultural tourism"
Australian Aboriginal Studies (2002/2), 14-26
Radic 2002a
Thérèse Radic
"Federation: music in service to national ambition"
Australasian Music Research 6 (2002), 1-26
Radic 2002b
Thérèse Radic
G. W. L. Marshall-Hall: a biography and catalogue
(Melbourne: Marshall-Hall Trust, 2002)
Radic 2002c
Thérèse Radic
"The lost chord of Australian culture: researching Australian music history"
in Jane Southcott and Ros Smith (eds)
A community of researchers: proceedings of the XXIInd annual conference (Melbourne: Australian Association for Research in Music Education, 2002)
Robinson 2002
Shirleene Robinson
"The unregulated employment of Aboriginal children in Queensland, 1842-1902"
Labour History 82 (May 2002)
Russell 2002
Penny Russell
This errant lady: Jane Franklin's overland journey to Port Phillip and Sydney, 1839
(Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2002) (DIGITISED)
Corroboree; [Gautrot] French performers, 1839
Tomkins 2002
Eric S. Tomkins
Thomas Edward Bulch, musician: a family history
Castle Hill: Eric S. Tomkins, 2002
See also revised edition Tomkins 2009
Southcott 2002
Jane Southcott
"Now the labourer's task is o'er: Alexander Clark and the foundation of school music in South Australia"
Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia 30 (2002), 24-38
Whiteoak 2002a
John Whiteoak
"Popular music, militarism, women, and the early 'brass band' in Australia"
Australasian Music Research 6 (2002), 27-48
Whiteoak 2002b
John Whiteoak
"Unorthodox adlibbers [Australia ad lib]"
Sounds Australian (Journal of the Australian Music Centre) 59 (2002)
Williams 2002
Beth Mary Williams
Lineages of vocal pedagogy in Australia, 1850-1950 [Lineages of Garcia-Marchesi and other traditional Italian vocal pedagogy in Australia, 1850-1950]
(Ph.D thesis, University of Melbourne, 2002)
Brown 2003
Patricia Brown
"Arthur James Diamond: a gentleman of scarce renown"
Early Days (Journal of the Royal Western Australian Historical Society) 12/3 (2003), 221-30
Campbell 2003
Peter Campbell
"National identity: 'Unfurl the flag and federate': flags as a representation of patriotism and nationalism in Australian federation songs, 1880-1906"
in Peter Horton and Bennett Zon (eds), Nineteenth-century British Music Studies, volume 3
(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003)
Fisher 2003
Rod Fisher
Diggles down under: Brisbane via Sydney from Merseyside 1855-80: life and times of Silvester Diggles, artist, musician, scientist and churchman of Brisbane
(Brisbane: Brisbane History Group, 2003)
Gibbs 2003
Martin Gibbs
"Nebinyan's songs: an Aboriginal whaler of south-west Western Australia"
Aboriginal History 27 (2003), 1-15
Nebinyan, Daisy Bates
Gome 2003
Diana Gome
Australian hymnody database
(Melbourne: Australian Catholic University, 2003; National Library of Australia, Pandora Archive)
Hamnes 2003
David Scott Hamnes
Catalogue of Australian organ compositions 1866-2002
(Organ Historical Trust of Australia, 2003)
Holmes 2003
Robyn Holmes
"Digitisation project brief: Snell collection of pre-1930 printed Australian music"
National Library of Australia Staff Papers (2003; archived website)
Holmes and Ayres 2003
Robyn Holmes and Marie-Louise Ayres
"Federating access to Australian culture: PictureAustralia, Australia Dancing and MusicAustralia"
National Library of Australia Staff Papers (2003)
Johns 2003
Keith T. Johns
"Australia - piano industry"
In The piano: an encyclopedia, second edition
(New York: Routlegde, 2003), 27-29
Lake 2003
Robyn Lake
"George Peck purveyor of the fine arts", Australiana 25/4 (November 2003), 125-136, notes 154-55
Republished in UK, as Lake 2006
Lonergan 2003
Kath Lonergan
The Wiggins of Wiggins Town, Van Diemen's Land: the family of Colonial Marine Samuel Wiggins, circa 1750 to 2003; Pennington family history; the violin makers; Wiggins family stories; more Wiggins but not ours
(New Town: K. Lonergan, 2003)
Merry 2003
Kay Merry
"The cross-cultural relationships between the sealers and the Tasmanian Aboriginal women at Bass Strait and Kangaroo Island in the early nineteenth century"
Counterpoints: The Flinders University Online Journal of Interdisciplinary Conference Papers 3/1 (September 2003), 80-88 (DIGITISED)
Moore and Gome 2003
Laurence Moore and Dianne Gome
"The not so dour Scots and their hymnody in Victoria 1859-67"
Australian Studies [London] 18/1 (Summer 2003), 5-40
Orme 2003a
Barrie J. Maclachlan Orme (comp., ed.)
Extracts of letters from and about Simon Fraser describing his piobaireachd and heritage
([Southbank: B. J. Orme, 2003])
Orme 2003b
Barrie J. Maclachlan Orme (comp., ed.)
Simon Fraser's canntaireachd collection
([Southbank: B. J. Orme, 2003])
Parsons 2003
David Parsons
Waringh Waringh: a history of Aboriginal people in the Warwick area and their land
(Maryvale: Author, 2003) (DIGITISED)
Especially chapter 4, "Music and ceremony", 73-86, includes English translation of original MS sources of Beckler 1868, with Beckler's original manuscript music examples, reproduced from Voigt 1991
Pelosi 2003
Janette Pelosi
"Colonial drama revealed, or plays submited for approval"
Margin: Life and Letters of Early Australia 60 (July/August 2003), 21-34
Nathan, Nagel, Geoghegan
See also Pelosi 2012 below
Renard 2003
Julien Renard
Aboriginal life in old Australia: being an enhanced facsimile of Field sports, &​c. &​c. of the native inhabitants of New South Wales: with ten plates ... by John Heaviside Clark
(Ivanhoe, VIC: Edition Renard, 2003)
From Clark 1813; with bibliographic history, and discussion of possible origins on text and images
Rushen 2003
Elizabeth Rushen
Single & free: female migration to Australia, 1833-1837
(Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2003) [? 3rd edition]
Eliza Wallace Bushelle, Charlotte Kelly "sister-in-law of Spencer Wallace"
Based on Rushen's Ph.D thesis, Monash University, 1999
Seal and Willis 2003
Graham Seal and Rob Willis
Verandah music: roots of Australian tradition
(Fremantle: Curtin University Books, 2003)
[Review], Tony Smith, Journal of Australian Studies 81 (2004), 177-78
Selleck 2003
Richard J. W. Selleck
The shop: the University of Melbourne, 1850-1939
(Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2003)
Smart 2003
Bonnie Jane Smart
Leon Caron and the music profession in Australia
(M.Mus. thesis, University of Melbourne, 2003)
Southcott 2003
Jane Southcott
"The origins of colonial class music education in South Australia: a Sunday school was established"
in Lai Chi Rita Yip et al. (eds), Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research
(Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2003), 338-342
Stockigt 2003
Janice B. Stockigt
"Melbourne in love with Dvorák 1885-1886 (and beyond)
Hudební veda 40/2-3 (2003), 211-28
Whiteoak and Scott-Maxwell 2003
John Whiteoak and Aline Scott-Maxwell (eds.)
Currency companion to music and dance in Australia
(Sydney: Currency House, 2003)
Banfield 2004
Stephen Banfield
"Towards a history of music in the British empire: three export studies"
in Kate Darian-Smith et al (eds.)
Exploring the British world: identity, cultural production, institutions
(Melbourne: RMIT Publishing, 2004), 460-478;dn=873164759068148;res=IELHSS
See also as Banfield 2007
Clark and Heydon 2004
Ian Clark and Toby Heydon
A bend in the Yarra: a history of the Merri Creek Protectorate Station and Merri Creek Aboriginal School 1841-1851
(Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press, 2004) (PREVIEW)
Coggins and Lea 2004
Alan Coggins and Michael Lea
"Making it down under"
The Strad 115/1371 (July 2004), 712-17
Cosham 2004
Lyn Cosham (ed.)
There's a good time coming! the musical King family from Bristol to Melbourne in 1854
(Tongala: L. Cosham, 2004)
Doggett 2004a
Anne Doggett
"Harmony on the goldfields: music and identity in multicultural Ballarat"
Victorian Historical Journal 75/1 (April 2004), 49-69
Doggett 2004b
Anne Doggett
"The 'resistless fascination of the unknown': fifteen years of opera in Ballarat's 'other' golden age"
Journal of Australian Colonial History 5 (2004), 73-99
Harrison 2004
Jennifer Harrison
"From Youghal Harbour to Moreton Bay: in Uniacke's wake"
Australian Journal of Irish Studies 4 (2004), 7-17
Holmes and Ayres 2004
Robyn Holmes and Marie-Louise Ayres
"MusicAustralia: towards a national music information infrastructure"
National Library of Australia Staff Papers (2004) (DIGITISED)
Jacques 2004
Judy Jacques
"Passing the torch: commemorating the songs of Fanny Cochrane Smith"
in Denis Crowdy (ed.), Popular music: commemoration, commodification and communication: proceedings of the 2004 IASPM Australia New Zealand Conference, held in conjunction with the Symposium of the International Musicological Society
(Melbourne: International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Australia New Zealand Branch, 2004), 11-19
Lais 2004
Peggy Lais
"The Melbourne Popular Concerts: emulating an English concert model"
Context: Journal of Music Research 27/?28 (2004), 97-109
Malaspina (Jamieson) 2004
Alejandro Malaspina; Sylvia Jamieson (trans.); Andrew David, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Carlos Novi, Glyndwr Williams (ed.)
The Malaspina expedition, 1789-1794: journal of the voyage by Alejandro Malaspina ... volume 3, Manila to Cadiz
(London: Hakluyt Society; Madrid: in association with the Museo Naval, 2004)
From Malaspina (Novo y Colson) 1885
Mansfield 2004
Joan Mansfield
"A history of music in Australian church life"
Church Heritage 13/4 (September 2004), 122-142
O'Leary 2004
John O'Leary
"Giving the Indigenous a voice - further thoughts on the poetry of Eliza Hamilton Dunlop"
Journal of Australian Studies 82 (2004), 85-93
Pinner 2004
Mark Pinner
A history of brass bands in New South Wales, 1788-1901
(M.A. honours thesis, Macquarie University, 2004)
Radic 2004
Thérèse Radic (ed.)
Race against time: the diaries of F. S. Kelly
(Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2004) (PREVIEW)
Reeves 2004
Keir Reeves
"A songster, a sketcher and the Chinese on central Victoria's Mount Alexander diggings: case studies in cultural complexity during the second half of the nineteenth century"
Journal of Australian Colonial History 6 (2004), 175-92
Ryan 2004
Robin Ryan
"And we marched to the tune of the Gumleaf Band but to whose tune did we march?"
in Denis Crowdy (ed.), Popular music: commemoration, commodification and communication: proceedings of the 2004 IASPM Australia New Zealand Conference, held in conjunction with the Symposium of the International Musicological Society
(Melbourne: International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Australia New Zealand Branch, 2004), 21-39;dn=448377541380356;res=IELHSS
Southcott 2004
Jane Southcott
"The singing by-ways: origins of class music education in South Australia"
Journal of Historical Research in Music Education 25/2 (2004), 116-27
Thornley 2004
Clare Thornley
The Royal Philharmonic Society of Sydney: the rise and fall of a musical organisation
(M.Mus thesis, University of Sydney, 2004) (DIGITISED)
Anae 2005a
Nicole Anae
"A crowned and selected band of women": Tasmanian actress/celebrities of the nineteenth century and "home-grown" identity
(Ph.D thesis, University of Tasmania, 2005) (DIGITISED)
Anae 2005b
Nicole Anae
"'The New Prima Donnas': 'Homegrown' Tasmanian 'Stars' of the 1860s, Emma and Clelia Howson"
Journal of Australian Studies 28/84 (2005), 173-181
Byrne 2005
John Henry Byrne
Sacred or profane: the influence of Vatican legislation on music in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, 1843-1938
(Ph.D thesis, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 2005) (DIGITISED)
Carmody 2005
John Carmody
"Giorza, Paolo (1832-1914)"
Australian Dictionary of Biography suppl. (2005)
Clendinnen 2005
Inga Clendinnen
Dancing with strangers: Europeans and Australians at first contact
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005)
Cole 2005
Suzanne Cole
"'As much by force of circumstances as by ambition': the programming practices of the Melbourne Liedertafel societies, 1880-1905"
Nineteenth-Century Music Review 2/2 (2005), 107-132
Dyer 2005
Colin Dyer
The French explorers and the Aboriginal Australians 1772-1839
(St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2005)
Evans 2005
Julie Evans
"Anderson, David Beveridge (1823-1891)"
Australian Dictionary of Biography suppl. (2005)
Fahey and Seal 2005
Warren Fahey and Graham Seal (eds)
Old bush songs: the centenary edition of Banjo Paterson's classic collection
(Sydney: ABC Books, 2005)
Gyger 2005
Alison Gyger
"Flower, Sara Elizabeth (c.1823-1865)"
Australian Dictionary of Biography supplement (2005)
Hill 2005
Jennifer Hill
"'A source of enjoyment': the social dimension of the Melbourne Liedertafels in the late nineteenth century"
Nineteenth-Century Music Review 22/2 (2005), 77-106
Irving 2005
David M. Irving
"The Pacific in the minds and music of enlightenment Europe"
Eighteenth-Century Music 2/2 (2005), 205-29
Johnston and Anderson 2005
Judith Johnston and Monica Anderson
Australia imagined: views from the British periodical press 1800-1900
(Perth: University of Western Australia Press, 2005)
Lais 2005
Peggy Jane Lais
The rise and fall of the Melbourne Popular Concerts: chamber-music concerts in pre-Federation Melbourne
(M.Mus. thesis, University of Melbourne, 2005)
Marrett 2005
Allan Marrett
Songs, dreamings, and ghosts: the Wangga of north Australia
(Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2005)
Murphy 2005
Kerry Murphy
"'Volk von Brüdern': the German-speaking Liedertafel in Melbourne"
Nineteenth-Century Music Review2/2 (2005), 55-76
Murray 2005
David Murray
Raffaello Squarise (1856-1945): the colonial career of an Italian maestro
(Ph.D thesis, University of Otago, 2005)
Radic 2005
Thérèse Radic
"Major choral organizations in late nineteenth-century Melbourne"
Nineteenth-Century Music Review 2/2 (2005), 3-28
Richards 2005
Rosemary Richards
'Frae the friends and land I love': the 'McCrae Homestead music book'
(Melbourne: Author, 2005)
Roland Bannister, [Review], Musicology Australia 28/1 (2005), 168-172
Royle 2005
Jennifer Royle
"Musical (Ad)venturers: colonial composers and composition in Melbourne, 1870-1901"
Nineteenth-Century Music Review 2/2 (November 2005), 133-159
Smith 2005
K. Smith
"The Veech Library Australian church music collection"
Australasian Catholic Record 82/2 (2005), 189-201
Southcott 2005a
Jane Southcott
"Drums, fifes and drill: patriotism and militaristic practices in 19th century Australian school music"
in Steven J. Morrison (ed.)
Proceedings of the 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, University of Washington School of Music, 2005
(Seattle: University of Washington School of Music, 2005), 1-10
Southcott 2005b
Jane Southcott
"Removing the 'Australian twang and slang': vocal health, singing tone and enunciation in school music in South Australia in the 19th and early 20th centuries"
in Peter de Vries (ed.)
AARME Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference (AARME, 2005) 134-141
Stockigt 2005
Janice B. Stockigt
"A study of British influence on musical taste and programming: new choral works introduced to audiences by the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, 1876-1901"
Nineteenth-Century Music Review 2/2 (2005), 29-53
Boyce 2006
P. James Boyce
An environmental history of British settlement in Van Diemen's Land: the making of a distinct people, 1798-1831
(Ph.D thesis, University of Tasmania, 2006) (DIGITISED)
Cameron 2006
Neil Matheson Cameron
Music of the Anglican churches of the diocese of Sydney, 1836-1868
(M.Mus. (Musicology) thesis, University of Sydney, 2006)
Collins 2006
Diane Collins
"Acoustic journeys: exploration and the search for an aural history of Australia"
Australian Historical Studies 37/128 (October 2006), 1-17
Divall 2006
Richard Divall (comp.)
Charles Edward Horsley, 1822-1876: catalogue of musical works
([Melbourne]: [?], 2006)
Doggett 2006
Anne Doggett
"And for harmony most ardently we long": musical life in Ballarat 1851-1871
(Ph.D thesis, University of Ballarat, 2006) (DIGITISED)
Fotheringham 2006
Richard Fotheringham (ed.)
Australian plays for the colonial stage: 1834-1899
(St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2006)
(with appendix of music used in the plays edited by Angela Turner) (PREVIEW)
Lais 2006
Peggy Lais
"St. James's Hall to bust the success and failure of the Melbourne Popular Concerts"
Victorian Historical Journal 77/1 (May 2006), 46-65
Lake 2006
Robyn Lake
"George Peck, purveyor of the fine arts"
The East Yorkshire Historian (Journal of the East Yorkshire Local History Society) 7 (2006), 33-64
UK republication of Lake 2003
Levi 2006
John Levi
These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850
(Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing, 2006)
See second edition Levi 2013
Orme 2006
Barrie J. Maclachlan Orme (comp., ed.)
Ceòl Mòr in the style of Simon and Hugh Fraser of Australia ... third edition
([?: B. J. MacLachlan Orme, 2006])
Pybus 2006
Cassandra Pybus
Black founders: the unknown story of Australia's first black settlers
(Sydney: UNSW Press, 2006)
John Randall ("Black Randall"), bandsman, Band of the NSW Corps
Rushworth 2006
Graeme R. Rushworth
A supplement to historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940
(Camberwell: Organ Historical Trust, 2006)
Seal 2006
Graham Seal
"A. L. Lloyd in Australia: some conclusions"
Folk Music Journal 9/1 (2006), 56-71
Stevens 2006
Robin S. Stevens
"'Forward gaily together'": the school music compositions of Samuel McBurney"
in Australian Association for Research in Music Education: proceedings of the 28th annual conference, 24-26 September 2006
Allison 2007
Brian Allison (ed.)
John Harry Grainger; architect and civil engineer
([Melbourne]: Publications, Information Services, University of Melbourne, 2007)
Banfield 2007
Stephen Banfield
"Towards a history of music in the British Empire: three export Studies"
in Kate Darian-Smith, Patricia Grimshaw and Stuart Macintyre (eds), Britishness abroad: transnational movements and imperial cultures
(Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing, 2007), 63-89
See also as Banfield 2004
Brownrigg 2007
Jeff Brownrigg
"Sir Richard Bourke and La clemenza di Tito: the 'humane' connection between an early colonial governor and a lesser-known Mozart opera"
National Library of Australia News 17/8 (May 2007), 19-21 (FREE);dn=200705869;res=IELAPA (PAYWALL)
Dreyfus and Crotty 2007
Kay Dreyfus and Joel Crotty
"Music, migration and multiculturalism"
[Introduction to special issue: Music, Migration and Multiculturalism, Kay Dreyfus and Joel Crotty (eds)]
Victorian Historical Journal 78/2 (November 2007), 147-151
Duncan 2007
Beth Duncan
Mary Thomas: founding mother: the life and times of a South Australian pioneer
(Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2007)
Alfred Mantegani
Garvey 2007
Nathan Garvey
"'Where Sydney cove her lucid bosom swells': the songs of an imagined 'nation', 1786-1789"
Literature Compass 4/3 (2007), 599-609
Hagen 2007
Nadine Hagen
"A mind-map of a nation: The Australian Encyclopaedia"
Allgemeinwissen und Gesellschaft (July 2007) ( 247-256
[International Conference on Knowledge Transfer and Organising Systems of Encyclopedias. Proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge Transfer and Organising Systems of Encyclopedias (Prangins, Switzerland 18-27th September, 2007)]
Hansen 2007
David Hansen
"Death dance" [A salute to Bungaree of the Carigal clan of the Kuringgai tribe from Broken Bay, NSW]
Australian Book Review (April 2007), 27-32
Holmes and McIntyre 2007
Robyn Holmes and Kaye McIntyre
"Music Australia: from development to production service"
National Library of Australia Staff Papers (2007)
Jones 2007
Maree-Rose Jones
"Musical activities at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart, Van Diemen's Land"
Tasmanian Historical Research Association Papers and Proceedings 54/3 (December 2007), 144-53
Kassler 2007
Michael Kassler
"The remarkable story of Maria Hinckesman"
Musicology Australia 29 (2007), 43-67
Konishi 2007
Shino Konishi
"François Péron and the Tasmanians: an unrequited romance"
in Ingereth Macfarlane and Mark Hannah (eds), Transgressions: critical Australian Indigenous histories
(Aboriginal History monograph, no. 16)
(Canberra: ANU E Press and Aboriginal History Inc., 2007), 1-18 (DIGITISED)
Marshall 2007
Tony Marshall
"'The choosing of a proper hobby': Sir William Crowther and his library"
The Australian Library Journal 56/3-4 (November 2007), 404-17 (DIGITISED)
Mulvaney 2007
John Mulvaney
"The axe had never sounded": place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania
(Canberra: ANU E Press and Aboriginal History Incorporated, 2007)
Oppeln 2007
C. A. von Oppeln
"Crowther, William Edward Lodewyk Hamilton (1887-1981)"
Australian Dictionary of Biography 17 (2007)
Pender 2007
Graeme Pender
"Improvisatory musical practices in Australia's colonial Church of England"
Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society (June 2007), 77-93
Poussard 2007
Horrie Poussard
"Horace Remi Poussard: 19th century travelling violinist"
Explorations 42 (June 2007), 27-34
Thomas 2007
Martin Thomas
"The rush to record: transmitting the sound of Aboriginal culture"
Journal of Australian Studies 90 (2007), 107-21
Discusses the history and reception of recordings by Fanny Cochrane Smith (1899-1903, Hobart) and of Torres Straits islanders by the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition (1898, QLD)
Wang and Doggett 2007
Wang Zheng-Ting and Anne Doggett
"Chinese music on the Victorian goldfields"
[Paper in special issue: Music, Migration and Multiculturalism, Kay Dreyfus, and Joel Crotty (eds)]
Victorian Historical Journal 78/2 (2007), 170-186
Whitely 2007
Christina Jennifer Whitely
Reading the past through colonial piano music of New South Wales
(Ph.D thesis, University of New England, 2007)
Zon 2007
Bennett Zon
Representing non-Western music in 19th century Britain
(Rochester, USA: University Rochester Press, 2007) (PREVIEW)
Indigenous, George Grey
Agnew 2008
Vanessa Agnew, Enlightenment Orpheus: the power of music in other worlds (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008)
James Cook voyages, Burney family
Anderson 2009
Gae Anderson, Tivoli king: life of Harry Rickards vaudeville showman (Hartwell, VIC: Sid Harta, 2008; Kensington, NSW: Allambie Press, 2009)
Blainey 2008
Ann Blainey, I am Melba (Melbourne: Black Inc., 2008)
Boehme 2008
Almut Boehme
"An initial investigation into the early dissemination of Scottish music in Australia"
Fontes artis musicae 55/2 (April-June 2008), 274-96 (PAYWALL)
Boyce 2008
James Boyce, Van Diemen's Land (Melbourne: Black Inc., 2008)
See especially "Music and the Pub" (135-37)
Deacon 2008
Desley Deacon, "Cosmopolitans at home: Judith Anderson and the American aspirations of J. C. Williamson Stock Company members, 1897-1918", in Robert Dixon and Veronica Kelly (eds), Impact of the modern; vernacular modernities in Australia 1870s-1960s (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2008), 202-222
Including, 207-11, on Henry Bracy, Clara Thompson Bracy, and Sydney Bracy
Doggett 2008
Anne Doggett, "Strains from a flowery land: responses to Chinese musical activity in mid-nineteenth-century Ballarat", Context: Journal of Music Research 33 (2008), 107-120
Grant 2008
David Grant, "William Vincent Wallace and Music in Australia 1835-38" , in Laurence M. Geary and Andrew J. McCarthy (eds), Ireland, Australia and New Zealand: history, politics and culture (Irish-Australian Conference, 14th, 2005, Cork, Ireland) (Dublin; Portland, OR: Irish Academic Press, 2008)
Hills 2008
Stephen Hills, " 'The grand experiment of the civilisation of the Aborigines" perspectives on a missionary endeavour in Western Australia", in Evangelists of empire? Missionaries in colonial history, ed. Amanda Barry, Joanna Cruickshank, Andrew Brown-May and Patricia Grimshaw (Melbourne: University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre, 2008)
Rosendo Salvado
Lea 2008
Michael Lea; "By appointment ... John Devereux - Australia's first professional stringed instrument maker", Australiana 30/2 (May 2008), 11-17
McKenry 2008a
Keith McKenry, "The ballads of Eureka" [Paper in: Eureka: Releasing the Spirit of Democracy.], Journal of Australian Colonial History 10/1 (2008), 51-74
McKenry 2008b
Keith McKenry, " 'Sweet Mary of Kilmore': discrimination in Australian folk song scholarship", Australian Literary Studies 23/4 (October 2008), 474-80
Murphy and Cole 2008
Kerry R. Murphy and Suzanne Cole, "Wagner in the antipodes", WagnerSpectrum 2 (2008), 237-268
Murray 2008
David Murray
"Fitchett's fallacy and music at the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, Dunedin, 1889-1890"
New Zealand Journal of History 42/1 (2008), 42-59
Rieser and Eberharter 2008
Toni Rieser and Helmut Eberharter (eds)
Die Abenteuer des Veit Rahm: Unterhaltung, Abenteuer u. Reisebeschreibung des wirklichen weltbereisten Tiroler Sängers und Zitherkünstlers Veit Rahm aus dem Zillertal vom Jahre 1851 bis 1857 Umfasst die Reise von Australien nach Vandiemensland der englischen Strafkolonie
([Austria]: Hemut Eberharter, 2008) (DIGITISED)
An facsimile and edition of Veit Rahm's manuscript memoir of his visit to Australia
Roberts 2008
David Andrew Roberts, " 'Language to save the innocent': Reverend L. Threlkeld's linguistic mission", Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 94/2 (2008), 107-25
Skinner 2008a
Graeme Skinner, "Alpen, Hugo", Dictionary of Sydney (2008)
Skinner 2008b
Graeme Skinner, "Lemmone, John", Dictionary of Sydney (2008)
Skinner 2008c
Graeme Skinner, "McCormick, Peter", Dictionary of Sydney (2008)
Whiteoak 2008
John Whiteoak, "Making Gemutlichkeit: antecedents of 'Bavarian-style' musical entertainment in Australia", in Music on the edge: selected papers from the 2007 IASPM Australia/New Zealand Conference (International Association for the Study of Popular Music, 2008)
Agati 2009
Luke Agati
"A far-famed cantatrice tours Tasmania: Anna Bishop in concert in 1857"
Papers and Proceedings (Tasmanian Historical Research Association) 56/3 (December 2009), 191-206
Barnes 2009
Robert Barnes
An unlikely leader: the life and times of Captain John Hunter
(Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2009) (PREVIEW)
Bohlman 2009
Philip V. Bohlman
"Music before the nation, music after nationalism"
Musicology Australia 31/1 (2009), 79-100
Carey 2009
Hilary M. Carey
"Death, god and linguistics: conversations with missionaries on the Australian frontier 1824-1845"
Australian Historical Studies 40 (2009), 161-177
Casey 2009
Mayrose Casey
"Theatre or corroboree, what's in a name? Framing Indigenous Australian 19th-century commercial performance practices"
in Jane Carey and Claire McLisky (eds), Creating white Australia (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2009), 123-139
Coggins 2009
Alan Coggins (with introduction by Michael Lea)
Violin and bow makers of Australia
([Blackheath]: WriteLight, 2009) (DIGITISED short entry summaries archived at Pandora)
Collins 2009
Diane Collins
"A 'Roaring Decade': listening to the Australian goldfields"
in Joy Damousi and Desley Deacon (eds), Talking and listening in the age of modernity - essays on the history of sound
(Canberra: ANU Press, 2009), 7-18 (PREVIEW)
Djubal 2009
Clay Djubal
"'Looking in all the wrong places'; or, harlequin false testimony and the Bulletin magazine's mythical construction of national identity, theatrical enterprise and the social world of little Australia, circa 1880-1920"
in Amit Sarwal and Reema Sarwal (eds), Creative nation: Australian cinema and cultural studies reader
(New Delhi: SSS Publications, 2009), 405-422
Doggett 2009a
Anne Doggett
"Beyond gentility: woman and music in early Ballarat"
History Australia 6/2 (2009), 37-53
Doggett 2009b
Anne Doggett
"'The old vexed question': divergent attitudes and practices in the sacred music of early Ballarat"
Journal of Religious History 33/4 (December 2009), 401-17
Dyer 2009
Colin Dyer
The French Explorers and Sydney
(St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2009)
Fisher 2009
Rod Fisher
Boosting Brisbane: imprinting the colonial capital of Queensland
(Brisbane: Boolarong Press and Brisbane History Group, 2009) (PREVIEW)
Silvester Diggles
Horton 2009
Peter Horton
"A well-traveled concerto"
[Review: Charles Edward Horsley, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D minor, Op. 29 (1849), edited by Richard Divall; Melbourne: Lyrebird Press, 2007]
Notes 66/1 (September 2009), 168-70
Jones 2009
Maree-Rose Jones
Musical activities at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Van Diemen's Land: a study of cultural practice 1827-1857
(Ph.D thesis, University of Sydney, 2009)
Karskens 2009
Grace Karskens
The colony: a history of early Sydney
(Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2009) (PREVIEW)
Keary 2009
Anne Keary
"Christianity, colonialism, and cross-cultural translation: Lancelot Threlkeld, Biraban, and the Awabakal"
Aboriginal History 33 (2009)
On Lancelot Threlkeld's Lake Macquarie mission, and Biraban
Lais 2009
Peggy Jane Lais
Chamber-music in Melbourne 1877-1901: a history of performance and dissemination
(Ph.D thesis, University of Melbourne, 2009)
McKenry 2009
Keith McKenry
"The great Australian folk song that wasn't"
Quadrant 53/3 (March 2009), 30-36
Mackenzie 2009
Bridget Mackenzie
"Simon Fraser reconsidered"
in Joshua Dickson (ed.), The highland bagpipe: music, history, tradition
(Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2009)
Also on his teacher Peter Bruce
Miller 2009
Benjamin Miller
The fantasy of whiteness: blackness and aboriginality in American and Australian culture
(Ph.D thesis, University of New South Wales, 2009);
Blackface minstrelsy, "Ethiopian" serenaders
Moore 2009
Laurence James Moore
Never on a Sunday: a study of Sunday observance and Sunday public musical entertainment in theatres in Melbourne, 1890-1895
(M.Phil thesis, Australian Catholic University 2009) (DIGITISED)
Patterson 2009
Richard Patterson
Nobblers and lushingtons: a history of the hotels of Beechworth and the Ovens District
(Beechworth: Endymion, 2009)
Austin Saqui, George Peck, William Radford, Octavia Hamilton, Emile Coulon
Pender 2009
Graeme Pender
"Improvisatory musical practices in nineteenth century Melbourne Roman Catholic churches"
The Australasian Catholic Record 86/3 (July 2009), 297-313
Smith 2009
Keith Vincent Smith
"Bennelong among his people"
Aboriginal History 33 (2009), 7-30
Also biography of "Harry", 14-16; mention's Barron Field's transcription from Harry's singing
Tomkins 2009
Eric S. Tomkins
Thomas Edward Bulch, musician: a family history, revised edition
(Castle Hill: Eric S. Tomkins, 2009)
Original edition Tomkins 2002
Wills 2009
Rob Wills (ed.)
The Castle of Andalusia: a comedy by John O'Keeffe performed on Norfolk Island by convicts in 1840
(North Stradbroke Island: Pigface Press, 2009)
Alexander Maconochie, James Lawrence/George Frederick Laurent, Henry Witton
Worrall 2009
Dan Mitchell Worrall
"Chapter 7: The concertina in Australia"
in The Anglo-German concertina: a social history, volume 2
(Fulshear, Texas: The Author, 2009), 75 (PREVIEW)
Agati 2010
Luke Agati
"Sweetly sings the swan of Erin: Catherine Hayes in Tasmania in 1856"
Papers and Proceedings Tasmanian Historical Research Association 57/2 (August 2010), 119-138
Anae 2010
Nicole Anae
"'Operatic performances two hundred miles in the Australian bush': staging rural identity, the case of Madame Fannie Simonsen in Wagga Wagga, 1866"
Rural Society 20 (Where the crows fly backwards: notions of rural identity) (October 2010), 67-83
Baston 2010
Kim Baston
"Circus music: the eye of the ear"
Popular Entertainment Studies 1/2 (2010), 6-25
Brumm 2010
Adam Brumm
"'The falling sky'; symbolic and cosmological associations of the Mr William greenstone axe quarry, Central Victoria, Australia"
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 20/2 (2010), 179-96
Kulin 'song-makers', 186-87
Cahir and Clark 2010
David Cahir and Ian Clark
"'An edifying spectacle': a history of 'tourist corroborees' in Victoria, Australia, 1835-1870"
Tourism Management 31/1 (2010), 412-420
Carey 2010
Hilary M. Carey
"Lancelot Threlkeld, Biraban, and the Colonial Bible in Australia"
Comparative Studies in Society and History 52/2 (2010), 1-32 (DIGITISED)
On Biraban and Lancelot Threlkeld's mission
Chapman 2010
B. and M. Chapman
A list of marine officers, marines, ships crews and officials, with families, who arrived January 26, 1788, as part of the Fleet, arranged by ship
Harry Parsons, George Boucher Worgan, John Hunter, bandsmen
Covell 2010
Roger Covell
"The weakening force of origin: reputations and allegiances of musicians in colonial Australia"
Australian Studies 2 (2010) (ONLINE)
Dutt and Munsi 2010
Bishnupriya Dutt and Urmimala Sarkar Munsi
Engendering performance: Indian women performers in search of an identity
(New Delhi: SAGE, 2010)
Chapter 1: Actresses of the colonial space; English actresses in India (1789-1842), 3-46; on Maria TAYLOR (Madame Dhermainville), her late career and death in Calcutta in 1841, on and Marian CHESTER at the Chowinghee Theatre
Fahey 2010
Warren Fahey (ed.)
Australian folk songs and bush ballads
(Pymble: HarperCollins, 2010)
Jordan 2010
Robert Jordan
"Blind Larry: the Jewish actor as habitual criminal"
Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal 19/4 (June 2010), 3-26
James Lawrence; aka: George Frederick Laurent
Kerwin 2010
Dale Kerwin
Aboriginal dreaming paths and trading routes: the colonisation of the Australian economic landscape
(Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2010) (PREVIEW)
Lindsay 2010
Heather Lindsay
John Phillip Deane (1796-1849): Australian chamber music pioneer
(M.Mus. (Perf.) thesis, University of Sydney, 2010)
McFarlane 2010
Ian McFarlane
"Adolphus Schayer: Van Diemen's Land and the Berlin papers"
Papers and Proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 57/2 (2010), 105-18;dn=570661619958643;res=IELHSS
An earlier version of this paper was presented at a meeting of THRA held on 13 October 2009
MacFie, Gadd and Gadd 2010
Peter MacFie and Steve and Marjorie Gadd
On the fiddle from Scotland to Tasmania, 1815-1863: the life and music of Alexander Laing (1792-1868), convict, constable, fiddler and composer
(Dulcot, Tas: Peter MacFie; Franklin, Tas: Steve and Marjorie Gadd, 2010)
Mercer 2010
Christine Mary Mercer
Henry Tate (1873-1926): his pursuit of an Australian musical identity
(Ph.D thesis, University of Melbourne, 2010)
Merry 2010
Kay Merry
"Dancing with devils: the Aboriginal women and the sealers of Bass Strait and Kangaroo Island in the early nineteenth century"
in Giselle Bastin et al (eds), Journeying and journalling: creative and critical meditations on travel writing
(Kent Town: Wakefield Press, 2010), 112-21
Noden 2010
Shelagh Noden
"Musical memories of the north east"
Light of the North: A Quarterly Magazine [Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen] 15 (August 2010), 25-26 (DIGITISED)
James Aquinas Reid (Ried), Scottish years to late 1838
Pont 2010
Graham Pont
"Isaac Nathan's songs; in Glenarvon and Ada Reis: leaves from a secret history"
Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal 19/4 (June 2010), 26-42
Shea 2010
Peter M. Shea
Champagne from six to six: a brief social history of entertainments and recreations at Beechworth and the Ovens goldfields, Victoria Australia 1852-1877
(Strategic Book Publishing, 2010)
Shearn 2010
Mark Shearn
Australia's first music festival
(M.Mus. (Perf.) thesis, University of Sydney, 2010)
1859 Sydney University Music Festival
Sherwood 2010
Toni-Anne Sherwood
Annie Baxter in Van Diemen's Land: an abridged and annotated version of her journal, 1834-1851
(Ph.D thesis, University of Tasmania, 2010) (DIGITISED)
Smith and Lamberton 2010
Keith Vincent Smith (curator) and Kathryn Lamberton (ed.)
Mari nawi: Aboriginal odysseys 1790-1850, catalogue of exhibition 20 September-12 December 2010
(Sydney: State Library of New South Wales, 2010)
Bennelong, Yammroweny
St Leon 2010
Mark Valentine St Leon
Sydney Journal 3/1 (December 2010), 1-22 (ONLINE)
Johannes Wirth and sons
Thwaites 2010
Penelope Thwaites (ed.)
The new Percy Grainger companion
(Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2010)
David Walker, "Marvellous Melbourne, 1880-95", 123-29
Penelope Thwaites, "The family background", 130-39
Roger Covell, "An Australian composer?", 140-48
Tibbits and Beauchamp 2010
George Tibbits and D. Beauchamp
"John Harry Grainger: engineer and architect"
Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering 8/1 (2010), 11-22
Wittmann 2010
Matthew W. Wittmann
Empire of culture: U.S. entertainers and the making of the Pacific circuit
(Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan, 2010) (DIGITISED)
Casey 2011
Maryrose Casey
"Cross-cultural encounters: Aboriginal performers and European audiences in the late 1800s and early 1900s"
Double Dialogues 14 (Summer 2011)
Clarke 2011
Andrew Cunningham Clarke
Bath and its musical diaspora, 1788-1868: three case studies
(M.Phil thesis, University of Bristol, 2011)
George Loder (1816-1868), 59-74
Davidson 2011
Jim Davidson
"'Are we there yet?' Cultural transmission and cultural maintenance in Australia"
Musicology Australia 33/1 (2011), 115-28
Doggett and Gillard 2011
Anne Doggett and Gwyn Gillard
See how they ring!: travelling bellringers on the Australasian popular stage
(Bakery Hill: BHS Publishing, 2011)
[Review]: Christeen Schoepf, Journal of Australian Colonial History 15 (July 2013), 237-38
Fels 2011
Marie Hansen Fels
"I succeeded once": the Aboriginal protectorate on the Mornington Peninsula, 1839-1840
(Aboriginal History Monograph 22)
(Canberra: ANU Press; Aboriginal History Inc, 2011) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Ferris 2011
Catherine Ferris
The use of newspapers as a source for musicological research: a case study of Dublin musical life 1840-44
(Ph.D thesis, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 2011)
Stephen Marsh, Catherine Hayes, Lewis Lavenu, William Vincent Wallace
Gard 2011
Stephen Gard
Michael Rush: a Tyrone lad on the Clarence
(Thirlmere: BlueDawe Books, 2011)
Musical details include details of the Rush-Trickett rowing race, the background to Giorza's Trickett Galop and the song The Champion and Rush (by a True Cornstalk), and details of the musical activities of Rush's sister, Emily Agnes RUSH.
Hansford 2011
Katie Hansford
"Eliza Hamilton Dunlop's 'The Aboriginal Mother': romanticism, anti slavery and imperial feminism in the nineteenth century"
Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 11 (2011) (DIGITISED)
Holmes 2011
Robyn Holmes
"Music at the National Library of Australia"
Fontes artis musicae 58/3 (July-September 2011), 212-226
Johnston 2011
Anna Johnston
The paper war: morality, print culture and power in colonial New South Wales
(Crawley: UWA Publishing, 2011)
Jones 2011
Betty Jones
"A modest but steady income", Tasmanian ancestry (March 2011), 209-212
Marian Maria Chester, 209-10; and Julius Samuel Imberg, 210-12
Karskens 2011
Grace Karskens
"Red coat, blue jacket, black skin: Aboriginal men and clothing in early New South Wales"
Aboriginal History 35 (2011), 1-36 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Lynch and Pelosi 2011
Gay Lynch and Janette Pelosi
"Lost and found - reinstating playwright Edward Geoghegan (1813-1869) and his most controversial play, The Hibernian Father (1844)"
in Anders Ahlqvist and Pamela O'Neill (eds)
Language and power in the Celtic world: papers from the seventh Australian Conference of Celtic Studies, University of Sydney, September-October 2010
(Sydney: Celtic Studies Foundation, University of Sydney, 2011), 181-203
Murphy 2011
Kerry R. Murphy
"Melba's Paris debut: another white voice?"
Musicology Australia 33/1 (July 2011), 3-13
O'Leary 2011
John O'Leary
Savage songs and wild romances: settler poetry and the Indigine, 1830-1880
(Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2011)
Eliza Dunlop, James Grassie Hillgay
Pinner 2011
Mark Pinner
"Racial stereotypes as comedic mechanism: Luscombe Searelle and Walter Parke"
Grainger Studies 1 (2011)
Shield 2011
David Shield
"Fresh evidence from the newspapers: rewriting Tasmanian organ history"
OHTA News 35/3 (2011), 21-31
Skinner 2011
Graeme Skinner
Toward a general history of Australian musical composition: first national music, 1788-c. 1860
(Ph.D thesis, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, 2011) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Skinner 2011a
Graeme Skinner
"Mapping Australian colonial music with Trove: new paradigms for music research, teaching, and librarianship"
Music References Services Quarterly 14/1-2 (2011), 1-14
Skinner 2011b
Graeme Skinner
"Australian composers and arrangers of early colonial synagogue music: new light on Isaac Nathan, James Henri Anderson, Joseph Reichenberg, and Herman Hoelzel"
The Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal 20/2 (June 2011), 193-214
Skinner 2011d
Graeme Skinner
"De Cairos-Rego, George"
Dictionary of Sydney (2011) (ONLINE)
Smith 2011
Keith Vincent Smith
"1793: A Song of the Natives of New South Wales"
eBLJ (Electronic British Library Journal) (2011, Article 14), 1-7 (ONLINE/DIGITISED)
Includes facsimiles and pdf has an embedded recording of 2010 performances by Indigenous singers of the 1793 song, from Jones 1811, and Harry's song from Field 1823 and 1825.
Tan 2011
Eril Tan
The Musical Society of Victoria: celebrating 150 years 1861-2011
(Malvern: The Musical Society of Victoria, 2011)
Agati 2012
Luke Agati
"Aiming for the 'higher life': how a Tasmanian tour changed the life and career of William H. Jude"
Papers and Proceedings (Tasmanian Historical Research Association) 59/1 (April 2012), 24-37
Ariese 2012
Csilla E. Ariese
Databases of the people aboard the VOC ships Batavia (1629) and Zeewijk (1727) - an analysis of the potential for finding the Dutch castaways' human remains in Australia
(Fremantle: Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology, 2012) (DIGITISED)
Records the 3 trumpeters on the Batavia, 1629, Jacop GROENEWALD, Claes JANSZ, and Cornelis PIETERSZOON
Belanta 2012
Melissa Bellanta
"Poor urban youth and popular theatricals: the case of late 19th-century Australia"
in Gillian Arrighi and Victor Emeljanow (eds), A world of popular entertainments: an edited volume of critical essays (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), 233-243 (PREVIEW)
Casey 2012
Maryrose Casey
"Colonisation, notions of authenticity and Aboriginal Australian performance"
Critical Race and Whiteness Studies 8 (2012)
Discusses 19th and 20th corroborees
Cox 2012
Geoffrey Cox
"Early organ at the residence of Mr. Brown, North Ward, Townsville"
OHTA News 36/1 (2012), 29 f
See also OHTA website
Crichton 2012
Kieran Crichton
"Resisting the empire? Public music examinations in Melbourne, 1896-1914"
in Paul Rodmell (ed), Music and institutions in nineteenth-century Britain
(Burlington: Ashgate, 2012), 181-204
Doggett 2012
Anne Doggett
"Crying in the colonies: the bellmen of early Australia"
Journal of Australian Colonial History 14 (2012), 49-68
English and Wye 2012
Helen English and Stephen Wye
"Musical entertainment in Newcastle, NSW, 1875-77", , and [Appendix C] "Entertainments in Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 1875-77"
in Gillian Arrighi and Victor Emeljanow (eds), A world of popular entertainments: an edited volume of critical essays (Cambridge: Scholars Publishing, 2012), 207-220, 253-254 (PREVIEW)
Groom 2012
Linda Groom
A steady hand: Governor Hunter & his First Fleet sketchbook
(Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2012)
Irving 2012
David M. Irving
Eighteenth-Century Music 9/2 (2012), 179-183
Jakovcevik 2012
Jacinta Jakovcevik
"J. E. Dodd - the transformation of the Perth pipe organ scene"
OHTA News 36/3 (2012), 12-15
Jordan 2012
Robert Jordan
"Music and civil society in New South Wales, 1788-1809"
Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 98/2 (December 2012), 193-210;dn=060857840144157;res=IELHSS
Keary 2012
Anne Keary
"Colonial constructs and cross-cultural interaction: comparing missionary/?Indigenous encounters in northwestern America and eastern Australia"
in David Lindenfeld and Miles Richardson (eds)
Beyond conversion and syncretism: Indigenous encounters with missionary christianity, 1800-2000
(New York: Berghahn Books, 2012), 243-298
On Lancelot Threlkeld's Lake Macquarie mission, and Biraban
Lamb 2012
Andrew Lamb
William Vincent Wallace: composer, virtuoso and adventurer
(West Byfleet: Fullers Wood Press, 2012)
Leahy 2012
Kath Leahy
"George Selth Coppin: colonial clown and gentleman"
in Gillian Arrighi and Victor Emeljanow (eds), A world of popular entertainments: an edited volume of critical essays
(Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), 222-232 (PREVIEW)
Mackenzie 2012
Bridget Mackenzie
Piping traditions of the Isle of Skye
(Edinburgh John Donald, 2012)
On Simon Fraser and his teacher Peter Bruce
Maddox 2012
Alan Maddox
"On the machinery of moral improvement: music and prison reform in the penal colony on Norfolk Island"
Musicology Australia 34/2 (2012), 185-205
[no Trove record]
Alexander Maconochie
Murphy 2012
Kerry R. Murphy
"Ovide Musin in the antipodes"
Revue belge de musicologie (Belgisch tijdschrift voor muziekwetenschap) 66 (2012), 191-201
Nash 2012
David Nash
"'It's etymology Captain, but not as we know it': pump in North Australia"
in Diana Santos, Krister Lindén, Wanjiku Ng'ang'a (eds.)
Shall we play the Festschrift game?: essays on the occasion of Lauri Carlson's 60th birthday
(Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012), 7-18 (PREVIEW)
On Thomas Braidwood Wilson and Collet Barker and the first European sighting of the ebero and the tune of the didoggerry whoan (didgeridoo; dijeridu)
Nicholls 2012
Peter Nicholls (ed.)
A wonderful change: the story of Robert Wrede including his journal 1837-41
([Australia]: Author,, 2012)
Nourse 2012
Nicholas Nourse
The transformation of music of the British poor, 1789-1864, with special reference to two second cities
(Ph.D thesis, University of Bristol, 2012)
Bristol, England, and Hobart, Tasmania
O'Keefe 2012
Dennis O'Keefe
Waltzing Matilda: the secret history of Australia's favourite song
(Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2012)
Pelosi 2012
Janette Pelosi
"Submitted for approval of the Colonial Secretary: popular entertainment in the State Archives, 1828-1856" and [Appendix A] "Plays submitted to the Colonial Secretary, NSW, Australia, 1841-1856"
in Gillian Arrighi and Victor Emeljanow (eds), A world of popular entertainments: an edited volume of critical essays
(Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012), 83-102, 244-49 (PREVIEW)
Pinner 2012
Mark Pinner
Mr. Luscombe Searelle, the popular composer
(Ph.D thesis, University of Sydney, 2012) (DIGITISED)
Pleskun 2012
Stephen Pleskun
A chronological history of Australian composers and their compositions (volume 1: 1901-1954)
([Bloomington, IN., USA]: Xlibris, 2012)
Lists post-1900 works and biographical events of many composers active during late colonial years
Radic and Robinson 2012
Thérèse Radic and Suzanne Robinson (eds.)
Marshall-Hall's Melbourne: music, art and controversy 1891-1915
(Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2012
[Review], R. J. Stove, Quadrant 57/1-2 (January-February 2013)
Rocha 2012
Esmeralda Rocha
Imperial opera: the nexus between opera and imperialism in Victorian Calcutta and Melbourne, 1833-1901
(Ph.D thesis, University of Western Australia, 2012)
Swijghuisen Reigersberg 2012
Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg
"We are Lutherans from Germany': music, language, social history and change in Hopevale"
Aboriginal History 26 (2012), 99-117
Roennfeldt 2012
Peter Roennfeldt
"Music by the few for the many: chamber music in colonial Queensland"
Queensland Review 19/2 (December 2012), 178-189
Ryan 2012
Lyndall Ryan
Tasmanian Aborigines: a history since 1803
(Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin, 2012) (PREVIEW)
Shield 2012
David Shield
"An overview of the life and work of Robert Mackenzie"
OHTA News 36/3 (2012), 20-29
Smith 2012
Keith Vincent Smith
"Tubowgule (Bennelong Point)", and "Bennelong's Song"
in Ewen McDonald (ed.), Site
(Sydney: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2012)
Clark and Cahir 2013
Ian D. Clark and Fred Cahir (eds)
The Aboriginal story of Burke and Wills: forgotten narratives
(Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing, 2013) (PREVIEW)
Clements 2013
Nicholas Patrick Clements
Frontier conflict in Van Diemen's Land: an attitudinal and experiential history
(Ph.D thesis, University of Tasmania, 2013) (DIGITISED)
Cox 2013
Geoffrey Cox
"Alfred Cobby (c. 1818-1905): organbuilder, teacher of music and composer"
OHTA News 37/2 (2013), 19-28
Largely reproduced at (ONLINE)
See also Geoffrey Cox, "A brief history of pipe organs and pipe organ building in Queensland", OHTA (2012-13) (ONLINE)
Durlacher 2013
John Slade Durlacher; Peter Gifford
Landlords of the Iron Shore ... with an introduction by Peter Gifford
(Carlisle: Hesperian Press, 2013)
English 2013
Helen English
"Musical entertainment in Newcastle, New South Wales, in the 1870s: audience identity, power and cultural ownership"
Crossroads (an interdisciplinary journal for the study of history, philopsophy, religion and classics) 6/2 (2013), 73-83 (DIGITISED)
Erickson 2013
Dorothy Erickson
"Joseph Hamblin, an excellent 19th century craftsman"
World of Antiques and Art 85 (August 2013), 34-39
Evans 2013
Andrew Evans
"Playing on: John York and the Sydney Brass Musical Instrument Factory"
Sydney Journal 4/1 (2013), 66-85 (ONLINE)
Boydell and Ferris 2013
Barra Boydell and Catherine Ferris (eds.)
"Ellard, Andrew"
DMT: Dublin Music Trade
Levi 2013
John S. Levi
These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850
(2nd edition; Carlton: Miegunyah Press, 2013)
From Levi 2006
Maynard 2013
John Maynard
"Awabakal voices: the life and work of Percy Haslam"
Aboriginal History 37 (2013), 77-92
Olcelli 2013
Laura Olcelli
"Alessandro Malaspina: an Italian-Spaniard at Port Jackson"
Sydney Journal 4/1 (2013), 38-48
Shield 2013
David Shield
"The organ at 'The Grange', Campbell Town, Tasmania, the residence of Dr. William Valentine"
OHTA News 37/1 (2013), 23-29
Wilkie 2013
Douglas Wilkie
"Marie Callegari in Australia: the identity of Alexandre Dumas's narrator in Le journal de Madame Giovanni"
Explorations (A journal of French-Australian connections) 54 (Australian Winter 2013), 3-24
Bracknell 2014a
Clint Bracknell
"Kooral Dwonk-katitjiny (listening to the past): Aboriginal language, songs and history in south-western Australia"
Aboriginal History 38 (2014), 1-19 (DIGITISED)
Bracknell 2014b
Clint Bracknell
"Wal-Walang-Al Ngardanginy: hunting the songs (of the Australian South-West)"
Australian Aboriginal Studies 2014/1 (Spring 2014), 3-15;dn=356793950257879;res=IELIND
Clarke 2014
Heather Blasdale Clarke
"Captain Cook's country dance"
Australian Folklore 29 (2014), 71-86
Clements 2014
Nicholas Clements
The Black War: fear, sex and resistance in Tasmania
(St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2014)
From Clements 2013
Dalton and McCarthy 2014
Les Dalton, Jenny McCarthy, Susan Tracey (eds)
George Boyle White: surveyor, colonial citizen, diarist
([Princes Hill, VIC] Les Dalton, [2014]), 2 volumes
Volume 1, George Boyle White of the Hunter Valley (PREVIEW)
Volume 2, Selected diaries, 1843-1875 (PREVIEW)
Contents of the published volumes also online at
English 2014
Helen English
"Music-making in the colonial city: benefit concerts in Newcastle, NSW in the 1870s"
Musicology Australia 36/1 (July 2014), 53-73 (PAYWALL)
Erickson 2014
Dorothy Erickson
"Joseph Hamblin, cabinet-maker and piano maker"
Australiana 36/3 (August 2014)
Frankel and Major 2014
David Frankel and Janine Major
Kulin and Kurnai: Victorian Aboriginal life and customs
(Melbourne: Messmate Press, 2014) (PREVIEW)
[Review] Harry Allen, Archaeology in Oceania (Special Issue: The Archaeology of Australian Institutions) 50/3 (October 2015), 183
[Review] Phillip O'Brien, Agora 50/2 (August 2015), 68;dn=433146180283848;res=IELHSS
Especially "Ceremony ... Corroborees, dance and music", 5-21, especially 11-21; and 153
Garvey 2014
Nathan Garvey
"'Folkalising' convicts: a 'Botany Bay' ballad and its cultural contexts"
Journal of Australian Studies 38/1 (2014), 32-51
Gregory 2014
Mark Gregory
Australian working songs and poems - a rebel heritage
(Ph.D thesis, University of Wollongong, 2014) (embrago until 2 June 2018)
Haebich and Morrison 2014
Anna Haebich and Jim Morrison
"From karaoke to Noongaroke"
Griffith Review 44 (Cultural solutions) (April 2014), 72-96 (DIGITISED)
Hallo 2014
Rosemary Margaret Hallo
Erard, Bochsa and their impact on harp music-making in Australia (1830-1866): an early history from documents
(Ph.D thesis, University of Adelaide, 2014) (DIGITISED)
Irving and Maddox 2014
David Irving and Alan Maddox
"Towards a theoretical paradigm for the study of music cultures in Australian colonial societies (1788-1900)"
[Excerpt from paper read at the 2013 Musicological Society of Australia conference]
Musicological Society of Australia Newsletter 75 (December 2013-June 2014), 26-27
Karskens 2014
Grace Karskens
"The settler evolution: space, place and memory in early colonial Australia"
Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 13/2 (2014) (DIGITISED)
Lawson 2014
Tom Lawson
The last man: a British genocide in Tasmania
(London and New York: I.B.Taurus, 2014) (PREVIEW)
McKenry 2014
Keith McKenry
More than a life: John Meredith and the fight for Australian tradition
(Kenthurst: Rosenberg Publishing, 2014)
Macknight 2014
Lorraine Macknight
Minding the hymn: Catherine Winkworth and the transmission of German hymnody to Australia
(Ph.D thesis, Charles Sturt University, 2014) (DIGITISED)
Noden 2014
Shelagh Mary Noden
The revival of music in the worship of the Catholic Church in Scotland,1789-1829
(Ph.D thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2014)
On family background and pre-Australian music of James Aquinas Reid (Ried)
Penridge 2014
Helen Penridge
"Echoes of home: park music culture in colonial Brisbane"
Queensland History Journal 22/6 (August 2014), 468-479
Sims 2014
Peter Sims
Colonial artist Henry Mundy and his music
(Quoiba: Peter Sims, 2014)
Includes a facsimile of Mundy's Eight Sets of Quadrilles (1837)
Stephens 2014
Marguerita Stephens
The journal of William Thomas, assistant protector of the Aborigines of Port Phillip & guardian of the Aborigines of Victoria 1839 to 1843
(Melbourne: Victoria Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages, 2014)
Wu 2014
Duncan Wu
"'A vehicle of private malice': Eliza Hamilton Dunlop and the Sydney Herald"
Review of English Studies 65/272 (2014), 888-903
Includes discussion of Dunlop's collaboration with Isaac Nathan
Agati 2015
Luke Agati
"George Frederick Duly and his opera Conrad: the first Australian production"
Papers and Proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 62/1 (March 2015), 39-51;dn=248003291672239;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)
Barnard 2015
Edwin Barnard
Emporium: selling the dream in colonial Australia
(Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2015) (PREVIEW)
See especially "An evening around the piano", 124-25; "Mechanical music makers", 126-27; "Tripping the light fantastic", 144-45
Barrett 2015
Lindsay Barrett
"The Leichhardt refrain"
Journal of Australian Studies 39/4 (2015), 546-60
Discusses Lynd (and Silvester's) Leichhardt verses and Nathan's (and Marshs's) musical settings
Bishop 2015
Catherine Bishop
Minding her own business: colonial businesswomen in Sydney
(Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2015) (PREVIEW)
Sections on music and theatre include Florentine Dudemaine (Madame Farrelly), Flora Harris (Mrs. Joseph Sheridan Moore), Eliza Hudson (and George Hudson and John Gibbs), Eliza Read (Mrs. Charles Read), Eliza Strickland, and Maria Taylor (and John Thomas Wilson)
Both and Fahey 2015
Ross A. Both and Warren Fahey
"Songs from the Australian goldfields, part 1: Gold mania"
Journal of Australasian mining history 13 (October 2015), 144-59 (DIGITISED)
Cameron 2015
Neil Matheson Cameron
Music of the Anglican cathedral and selected Anglican parish churches in the diocese of Sydney 1869-1940
(Ph.D thesis, Macquarie University, 2015 [submitted 2014 on titlepage]) (DIGITISED)
Dreyfus and Murphy 2015
Kay Dreyfus and Kerry Murphy
"Selected bibliography of the writings of Thérèse Radic"
Musicology Australia 37/2 (2015), 307-12 (PAYWALL)
Dudley 2015
Lachlan Dudley
"Hearing the past: sounds, noises and silences in Port Jackson c. 1788-1792"
Limina: a journal of historical and cultural studies 21/1 (2015), 1-20 (OPEN ACCESS)
Fornasiero and West-Sooby 2015
Jean Fornasiero and John West-Sooby
"Cross-cultural inquiry in 1802: musical performance on the Baudin expedition to Australia"
in Kate Darian-Smith and Penelope Edmonds (eds)
Conciliation on colonial frontiers: conflict, performance, and commemoration in Australia and the Pacific Rim
(New York and Oxford: Routledge, 2015), 17-35 (PREVIEW)
Page 24-25 reproduces (? Bernier's original) handwritten notation of the "Air des Naturels de la N[ouve]lle Hollande au Port Jackson" and copy text for the music plate of the Péron and Freycinet Atlas of 1824 (Lesueur Collection, Muséum de l'Histoire Naturells, Le Harve, nos. 16057R , 16059-1)
Gibson 2015
Jason Gibson
"Central Australian songs: a history and reinterpretation of their distribution through the earliest recordings"
Oceania 85/2 (2015), 165-82
On Baldwin Spencer's 1901 recordings of Arunta songs, including those later transacribed (1909) by Percy Grainger
Harris et al. 2015
Amanda Harris, Nick Thieberger and Linda Barwick (eds)
Research, records and responsibility: ten years of PARADISEC
(Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2015) (PREVIEW) (introduction)
Hill 2015
Jennifer Hill
"'Deeply helpful training': Percy Grainger's first piano teachers in late nineteenth-century Melbourne"
Musicology Australia 37/2 (2015), 135-47 (PAYWALL)
Jordan 2015
Robert Jordan
"Music and the military in New South Wales, 1788-1809"
Journal of Australian Colonial History 17 (July 2015), 1-22;dn=428841963923204;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)
Lancaster 2015
Geoffrey Lancaster
The first fleet piano: a musician's view
(Canberra: ANU Press, 2015), 2 volumes
Volume 1 (text) (DIGITISED)
Volume 2: Appendices (DIGITISED)
Rickard 2015
John Rickard
"Writing music into Australian history"
Musicology Australia 37/2 (2015), 269-79 (PAYWALL)
Skinner 2015
Graeme Skinner
"The invention of Australian music"
Musicology Australia 37/2 (2015), 289-306; published online 8 March 2016 (PAYWALL) (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Smith 2015
Graeme Smith
"Australian folk songs: sources, singers and styles"
Musicology Australia 37/2 (2015), 218-33 (PAYWALL)
Standfield 2015
Rachel Standfield
"'Thus have been preserved numerous interesting facts that would otherwise have been lost': Colonisation, protection and William Thomas's contribution to The Aborigines of Victoria"
in Leigh Boucher and Lynette Russell (eds)
Settler colonial governance in nineteenth-century Victoria
(Canberra: ANU Press and Aboriginal History Inc., 2014), 47-62 (DIGITISED)
Stevens 2015
Kate Stevens
"From 'Home sweet home' to the 'Kangaroo hunt polka: the colonial voyages of Marian Sargood's music album"
In Annabel Cooper, Lachy Paterson and Angela Wanhalla (eds), The lives of colonial objects (Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2015), 87–92, 334
Szuster 2015
Julja Szuster
"The injustice of the 1914 assault on Hermann Heinicke"
Journal of the Historical Society of South Australia 43 (2015), 99-110
Taylor 2015
Louise Westall Taylor
Recovering lives: 15 convicts in New South Wales
(Ph.D thesis, Australian National University, 2015)
See chapter 3, on Charles Randall (c.1808-1875) and his family, including piccolo player Frederick Randall (b.1860)
Twigger 2015
Jillian Twigger
"The Australian album for 1857 and Edouard Boulanger's 'The Last Rose of Summer'"
Context 40 (2015), 81-98 (DIGITISED)
Van Rij 2015
Inge Van Rij
The other worlds of Hector Berlioz: travels with the orchestra
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)
Includes very detailed discussion and analysis of Berlioz's account of William Vincent Wallace's Pacific (especially NZ) travels, and, for instance, his sourcing of extra materials for it from the writings of Dumont d'Urville
From index (p. 356):
Wallace, [William] Vincent, 19-21, 134, 335
accounts of time in New Zealand, 20, 323-27
Berlioz's account of, 2-4, 5, 13, 14, 15,
18-19, 21-24, 25-26, 31, 33-34, 38, 48,
55, 320-21, 322, 327, 328, 336-37
Lurline, 325-26, 330, 331
Maritana, 19, 327, 330, 331, 334, 335
Wilkie 2015
Douglas Wilkie
The journal of Madame Callegari: the true story behind Alexandre Dumas's 1855 Journal de Madame Giovanni
([Melbourne]: Historia Incognita, 2015)
Wills 2015
Rob Wills
Alias Blind Larry: the mostly true memoir of James Laurence the singing convict
(North Melbourne: Arcadia/Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2015)
Atherton 2016
Michael Atherton
"A coveted possession": the piano in Australia since 1788
(Ph.D thesis, University of Technology Sydney, 2016)
See also below Atherton 2018
Both and Fahey 2016
Ross A. Both and Warren Fahey
"Songs from the Australian goldfields, part 2: Life on the goldfields"
Journal of Australasian mining history 14 (October 2016), 128-49 (DIGITISED)
Brownrigg 2016
Jeff Brownrigg
"The legend of Frank the poet: convict heritage recovered or created?"
Journal of Australian Colonial History 18 (July 2016), 1-22;dn=342528354865087;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)
Clarke 2016
Andrew Clarke
"Loder & Sons, Bath: a band of musicians"
In Temperley 2016 (below), 76-105
Covell 2016
Roger Covell
Australia's music: themes of a new society, 2nd edition
(Melbourne" Lyrebird Press, 2016)
Described as "The classical text with a new postscript"
John Carmody, [Review], "Australian music portrait neglects indigenous and modern composers", The Weekend Australian (13 May 2017)
Ellsworth 2016
Therese Ellsworth
"The British Isles and beyond: the performance of instrumental music by William Sterndale Bennett during the long nineteenth century"
Nineteenth-century music review 13 (2016), 233-55 (PAYWALL)
Includes a survey of students of WSB and performances of instrumental music by WSB in Australia and New Zealand (242-49), principally in the 1880s and 1890s
Fornasiero et al. 2016
Jean Fornasiero, Lindl Lawton, and John West-Sooby (eds)
The art of science: Nicolas Baudin's voyagers 1800-1804
(Mile End: Wakefield Press, 2016)
Page 21 image is a high quality colour reproduction of a manuscript fair copy of Bernier's transcription of the "Air des naturels de la Nouvelle Hollande au Port Jackson" (original at Muséum d'histoire naturelle du Havre) as later printed in Lesueur and Petit 1824, Atlas, plate 32, page 52, no 1; see also Fornasiero and West-Sooby 2015, 24-25
See aslo Vivonne Thwaites, "Discovering the art of Lesueur" (pages 4-11); and Jean Fornasiero, "Music from the Littoral" (30-35), in Vivonne Thwaites (curator) and Jean Fornasiero, Littoral [exhibition catalogue, ] (Hobart: Carnegie Gallery, 8 April-10 May 2010, Carnegie Gallery; Burnie: Burnie Regional Art Gallery, 30 July-12 September 2010)
Marshall 2016
Tony Marshall
"Henry Butler Stoney - author, soldier, settler"
Papers and Proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 63/1 (April 2016), 26-48;dn=248674078637534;res=IELHSS
Szuster 2016
Julja Szuster
"George Loder's contribution to musical life in colonial Australia"
In Temperley 2016 (below), 149-168
Szuster 2016a
Julja Szuster
"Music of and at the time of the Jubilee Exhibition"
in Christine Garnaut, Julie Collins, and Bridget Jolly (eds), Adelaide's Jubilee International Exhibition 1887-1888: the event, the building, the legacy
(Darlinghurst: Crossing Press, 2016)
Temperley 2016
Nicholas Temperley (ed.)
Musicians of Bath and beyond: Edward Loder (1809-1865) and his family
(Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2016) (PREVIEW)
Twigger 2016
Jillian Twigger
"My own island harp": Irish sentimental ballads in colonial Australia, 1854-1889
(M.Mus thesis, University of Sydney, 2016) (DIGITISED)
Cox, Hastie, Maidment 2017
Geoffrey Cox, Kelvin Hastie, John Maidment
Lost pipe organs of Australia: a pictorial record
([Australia]: Xlibris Corporation, 2017) (PREVIEW)
Kennedy 2017
Patricia Kennedy
The rise and demise of Octavia Hamilton: a study of colonial celebrity and scandal
(M. A. thesis, University of New South Wales, 2017) (DIGITISED)
Murphy 2017
Kerry Murphy
"Henri Kowalski (1841-1916): a French musician in colonial Australia", Australian Historical Studies 48/3 (2017), 346-62 (PAYWALL)
Nichol 2017
Elizabeth Nichol
"Dedicated to the colonial music-loving public": New Zealand's published music 1850-1913
(Ph.D thesis, University of Auckland, 2017) (DIGITISED)
Richards 2017
Rosemary Jean Richards
Georgiana McCrae's manuscript music collections: a life in music
(Ph.D thesis, University of Melbourne, 2017) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Skinner 2017
Graeme Skinner
"Recovering musical data from colonial era transcriptions of Indigenous songs: some practical considerations"
in Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin (eds), Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics, 2017)
Skinner and Wafer 2017
Graeme Skinner and Jim Wafer
"A checklist of colonial era musical transcriptions of Australian Indigenous songs"
in Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin (eds), Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics, 2017)
Sydney Living Museums 2017
Unlocked: the Sydney Living Museums gazette (Autumn 2017)
Megan Martin, "The Stewart Symonds Sheet Music Collection", 24-25; and online
Jacqui Newling, "A musical tour back in time", 29
Neal Peres Da Costa, "The Dowling project", 26-27
Graeme Skinner, "A paper jukebox: exploring the sheet music collections at SLM", Unlocked: the Sydney Living Museums gazette (Autumn 2017), 20-23; and online
Matthew Stephens, "Listening to the past: rediscovering our musical heritage", 15-19; and online
Wafer 2017
Jim Wafer
"Ghost-writing for Wulatji: incubation and re-dreaming as song revitalisation practices"
in Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin (eds), Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics, 2017)
Watt, Scott, and Spedding 2017
Paul Watt, Derek B. Scott, and Patrick Spedding (eds)
Cheap print and popular song in the nineteenth century: a cultural history of the songster
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) (PREVIEW)
And note especially these chapters:
Paul Watt, Derek B. Scott and Patrick Spedding, "1. The nineteenth-century songster: recovering a lost musical artefact"
Paul Pickering, "7. 'Confound their politics': the political uses of God save the king-queen"
Mark Pinner, "8. Charles Robert Thatcher's songsters: politics on the goldfields of Victoria, Australia"
Anthea Skinner, "11. Popular songsters and the British military: the case of The girl I left behind me"
Graeme Smith, "12. Australian songsters and the Australian folk song movement"
Wye 2017
Stephen Wye
An extravagant burlesque: 19th-century blackface minstrelsy and its contemporary revival
(Ph.D creative work and exegesis, University of Newcastle, 2017 (DIGITISED)
Agati 2018
Luke Agati
"Recent discoveries in early Tasmanian music"
Papers and proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 65/1 (April 2018), 31-42
https://search-informit-com-au/documentSummary;dn=061121850543482;res=IELAPA (PAYWALL)
Atherton 2018
Michael Atherton
A coveted possession: the rise and fall of the piano in Australia
(Carlton: La Trobe University Press, 2018) (PREVIEW)
Baker 2018
Andrea J. Baker
"Melbourne (1835-1927): the birth of a music city"
Journal of Australian studies 42/1 (2018), 101-15 (PAYWALL)
Brian 2018
Don and Sue Brian (eds)
The convict voice: songs of transportation to Norfolk Island and NSW
(Newtown: ReCollected (the authors), 2018)
Clarke 2018
Heather Clarke
Social dance and early Australian settlement: an historical examination of the role of social dance for convicts and the "lower oders" in the period between 1788 and 1840
(Professional Doctorate of Creative Works thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2018) (DIGITISED)
English 2018
Helen English
"Migrant musicians and their impact on the emerging music making of the Hunter Valley, 1840-1880"
In Fabian and Napier 2018, 73-100 (PREVIEW)
Fabian and Napier 2018
Dorottya Fabian and John Napier (eds)
Diversity in Australia's music: themes past, present, and for the future
(Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018) (PREVIEW)
Kirby 2018
Sarah Kirby
Exhibiting music: music and international exhibitions in the British Empire, 1879-1890
(Ph.D thesis, University of Melbourne, 2018)
Napier and Fabian 2018
John Napier and Dorottya Fabian
"Musical practices in Australia: refelctions on the past and present"
In Fabian and Napier 2018, 2-21 (PREVIEW)
Roennfeldt 2018
Peter Roennfeldt
"Concert music in early Brisbane"
In Fabian and Napier 2018, 55-72 (PREVIEW)
Gänzl 2018 [Ganzl 2017; Ganzl 2018]
Kurt Gänzl
Victorian vocalists
(Abingdon; New York: Routledge, 2018); released Oct 2017 (PREVIEW)
Kirby 2019 (online 2017)
Sarah Kirby
"'The worst oratorio ever!': colonialist condescension in the critical reception of George Tolhurst's Ruth (1864)"
Nineteenth-century music review 16/2 (August 2019), 199-227 (PAYWALL)
Watt 2019
Paul Watt
"Buskers and busking in Australia in the nineteenth century", Musicology Australia (2019) online (PAYWALL)
Irving and Maddox 2020
David R.M. Irving and Alan Maddox
"Towards a reflexive paradigm for the study of musics in Australian colonial societies (1788-1900)"
Context 46 (2020), 51-73 (DIGITISED)
Kemmis 2020
Kim Kemmis
Men-poodles in the dress circle: competing masculinities in colonial Melbourne
Journal of Australian studies 44/1 (2020), 4-17 (PAYWALL)
McInerney 2020
Jan McInerney
"Carl Linger and August and Matilde Cranz: early South Australian musicians"
The South Australian genealogist (February 2020), 14-20
Richards 2020a
Rosemary Richards
"Georgiana McCrae and her 'favorite' music"
La Trobeana 19/2 (July 2020), 13-20
Richards 2020b
Rosemary Richards, "'To display her chief accomplishment': domestic manuscript music collections in colonial Australia",
In Nancy November (ed.), Performing history: approaches to history across musicology
(Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2020) (PREVIEW)
Peres Da Costa, Mitchell, and Stephens 2021
Neal Peres Da Costa, Helen F. Mitchell, and Matthew Stephens
"The Dowling songbook project: a uniquely Australian opportunity in HIP learning"
In Anna Reid, Jeanell Carrigan, and Neal Peres Da Costa (eds), Creative research in music (New York: Routledge, 2021)
Skinner 2021
Graeme Skinner
"Eliza Hamilton Dunlop, Irish and colonial melodist: her songs for music and collaborations with Isaac Nathan"
In Anna Johnston and Elizabeth Webby (eds), Eliza Hamilton Dunlop: writing from the colonial frontier (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2021), 121-58 (print and ebook)
Troy and Linda 2021
Jakelin Troy and Linda Barwick
"Claiming the 'Song of the women of the Menero tribe'"
Musicology Australia (published online 17 September 2021) (OPEN ACCESS)
Wafer 2021
Jim Wafer
"Unmapping the Mulla: Dunlop and the villa on Wollombi Brook"
In Anna Johnston and Elizabeth Webby (eds), Eliza Hamilton Dunlop: writing from the colonial frontier (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2021), 159-79 (print and ebook)
Richards and Szuster 2022
Rosemary Richards and Julja Szuster (eds)
Memories of musical lives: music and dance in personal musical collections from Australia and New Zealand
(Australian music research 19) (Melbourne: Lyrebird Press/Editions de l'oiseau-lyre, Australia, 2022)
Julja Szuster, "Philipp Oster's music book: evidence of an early South Australian music library", 11-27
Rosemary Richards, "'Heart, my heart, why so sad?': two migrants to Melbourne and their manuscript music collections", 28-52
Shane Lestideau, "Laing, Findlay and Baillie: identifying Scottishness is the music collections of three Scottish Australian violinists", 53-71
Kirstine Moffat, "Chopin in Reefton and Dream Lover at Moutohara Branch Line: owner-bound music albums in New Zealand, 1907-34", 72-90
Clare Gleeson, "Those who played and bound: bound volumes of piano music as an indicator of social change", 91-110
Heather Blasdale Clarke, "Dance music in nineteenth-century owner-bound albums", 111-31
Elizabeth Nichol, "Treasured possessions: pre-1920 New Zealand music in three Auckland historic houses", 132-50
Matthew Stephens, "From piano stool to library shelf: reconnecting library and museum owner-bounr music collections with audiences", 151-72
Aline Scott-Maxwell and John Whiteoak, "Tango ragging, Terang Boelan and the cound volumes of George Bell and Gerty Stewart: music collecting as musicological and ethnomusicological reserach", 173-96
Stephens 2022
Matthew Stephens
"A decorated tune in a decorated room: interpreting the musical palimpsest in historic house museums"
in Janice Brooks, Matthew Stephens, and Wiebke Thormählen (eds), Sound heritage: making music matter in historic houses (London and New York: Routledge, 2022), 181-203 (PAYWALL)
Stephens, Peres Da Costa, and Mitchell 2022
Matthew Stephens, Neal Peres Da Costa, and Helen Mitchell
"Case study - the Dowling songbook project"
in Janice Brooks, Matthew Stephens, and Wiebke Thormählen (eds), Sound heritage: making music matter in historic houses (London and New York: Routledge, 2022), 171-80 (PAYWALL)
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