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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–S (Sq-Sz)

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–S (Sq-Sz)", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

- S - (Sq-Sz)

Introductory note:

The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.

Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.

A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in January 2022, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.

Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.

The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.

SQUARISE, Raffaelo (Raffaelo SQUARISE; Signor SQUARISE; Raphael SQUARISE)

Musician, violinist, band master, orchestral conductor, composer

Born Vicenza, Italy, 13 November 1856
Active South Australia, by 1882
Departed Australia, 1889 (for New Zealand)
Died Roxburgh, NZ, 15 April 1945 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Bibliography and resources:

David Murray, Raffaello Squarise (1856-1945): the colonial career of an Italian maestro (Ph.D thesis, University of Otago, 2005) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)


Musician, tenor vocalist, primo tenore Lyster's Opera Company

Born Bennington, Vermont, USA, 7 May 1825; son of Buckley SQUIRES (1791-1860) and Lucretia NORTON (1791-1880)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 March 1861 (per Achilles, from San Francisco)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 August 1868 (per Alexander Duthie, for San Francisco)
Married Lucy ESCOTT (Lucy Evans GRANT), Manhattan, New York, USA, 21 June 1870
Died Burlington, Iowa, USA, 14 January 1907 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


Henry Squires, Sydney, 1861; drawn by Edmund Thomas (Sydney: J. R. Clarke)

Henry Squires, Sydney, 1861; drawn by Edmund Thomas (Sydney: J. R. Clarke) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Thomas (artist)


"AMERICAN MUSICAL TALENT ABROAD", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (1 December 1854), 10 

We see by the papers that two American singers have met with the most unprecedented success on the continent of Europe. They are Mrs. Lucia Escott and Henry Squires. They went to Europe about three years ago, studied Italian and music at Bologne, and made their debut at Naples. Their triumph from the first was complete. Mrs. Escott was patronized by the Royal family, and at once took her place as prima donna of the Queen. After an extraordinary career of success at Naples, they repaired to England, where she has just finished a most triumphant engagement. Mr. Squires has been equally successful. While singing through an opera in Naples he was called out eleven times by the audience, and probably one of the most discriminating audiences in the world.

It is a curious coincidence, that both these singers, before going Europe, were engaged as soprano and tenor, in the choir of St. Paul's Church, Albany, then under the rectorship of the present Bishop of California. It was there they made their first reputation. Mrs. Escott's salary was $300 a year, and Mr. Squires' $200 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist)

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED. MARCH 1", The Argus (2 March 1861), 4 

Achilles, ship, 553 tons, Henry T. Hart, from San Francisco 8th January. Passengers - cabin: Madame Lucy Escott, Miss Rosalie Durand, Miss Georgia Hodson, Mrs. Ada King, Messrs. A. Reiff, H. Squires, F. Trevor, W. S. Lyster, F. Lyster, W. Lloyd, D. Fries Hagelsea. Holmes, White, and Co., agents.

ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Durand (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Ada King (vocalist); Anthony Reiff (conductor); Frank Trevor (vocalist); William Saurin Lyster (vocalist); Frederick Lyster (vocalist); William Lloyd (agent); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)

[News], The Argus (2 March 1861), 5

The ship Achilles, which arrived from San Francisco yesterday, has brought to these shores a "complete operatic troupe," comprising the names of Madame Lucy Escott, and Miss Rosalie Durand, sopranos; Miss Georgia Hodson, contralto; and Madame Ada King, as seconda donna. The tenor, Mr. Henry Squiers [sic], is supported by Mr. Frank Trevor, as second tenor. The baritone is Mr. F. Lester [sic]. Mr. A. Reiff is the conductor; and the whole are under the supervision of Mr. W. L. Lester [sic]. The agent of the troupe is Mr. W. Lloyd. Arrangements are being made for the appearance of the new company at the Theatre Royal, and we understand they will produce both tragic and comic opera.

"CLEARANCES. - AUGUST 28", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1868), 4 

Alexander Duthie, ship, 1159 tens, Captain Douglass, for San Francisco. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lyster and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. De Antoni, Madame Escott, Miss Warden, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. King, Messrs. Squires, Beaumont, Symons, Sutcliffe, Baker, Habbe, Kitts, Bachrach, Nathanson, Swift, Timms, and 17 in the 2nd cabin.

ASSOCIATIONS: Geraldine Warden (vocalist); Theresa Shirley Andrew (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (vocalist); Martin Bachrach (vocalist); Gottfried Nathanson (vocalist)

Associated musical editions:

The star of love (William Vincent Wallace; pub. Sydney, 1861)

The star of love, serenade, poetry by George P. Morris, music by W. V. Wallace, introduced and sung in the opera of Lurline by Mr. Henry Squires (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861]) (DIGITISED)

"MUSIC", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (18 September 1861), 4 

Very many of our musical readers both in this city and in the bush have, we understand, experienced considerable disappointment through the inability to procure at any of our numerous music warehouses, copies of the most favourite morceau from Wallace's opera, Lurline, which during its recent performance by the Lyster opera company, attained so wide a popularity. We are informed that the supplies of the music of the opera which had reached Sydney previous to its production at the Victoria, were exhausted within a few hours, and the copyright being protected by the publishers, the well known firm of Cramer, Beale, and Chappell, of Regent-street, their re-publication in this city was out of the question. It may, therefore, afford some gratification to our readers to learn that the very charming song, "The Star of Love," introduced by Mr. Henry Squires into the opera, and presented to him by Mr. Wallace, which hitherto only existed in manuscript, has just been published by Mr. J. R. Clarke, George-street, and will thus supply, in some degree, the deficiency to which we have alluded. We need not recall to our readers' recollection the success which invariably attended Mr. Squire's delivery of this beautiful serenade; it will suffice to say that the production of this composition is altogether worthy of the renomme which Mr. Clarke has earned by his publications generally, being illustrated by a very characteristic portrait of the favourite tenor, from the talented pencil of Mr. Thomas, and the typography being altogether worthy of the highest praise. The composition is in the key of A minor (four flats) [sic], and of moderate compass and difficulty.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (composer); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher)

To look upon her face once more (Anthony Reiff, junior; publ. Sydney, 1862)

To look upon her face once more, ballad, music composed expressly for and dedicated to his friend Henry Squires, esq., by Anthony Reiff junr., conductor of Lyster's Opera Company (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1862]) (DIGITISED)

"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 September 1862), 5 

. . . A new ballad, entitled "To look upon her face once more" is a chaste morceau, by Anthony Rieff [sic], junior, the excellent conductor of the present opera company, and dedicated to Mr. Henry Squires, the tenore. The music, in five flats, is plaintive, without being insipid, which in modern ballads is a rare merit, and we should think it admirably suited to the voice and style of the gentleman to whom it is inscribed . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Anthony Reiff (composer)

I'm listening for thy voice love (Frederick Ellard; publ. Sydney, 1863)

I'm listening for thy voice love (serenade), words by Charles D. O'Connell, esq., composed & dedicated to his friend, Mr. Henry Squires, by Frederick Ellard (Sydney: Wilkie, Elvy & Co., [1863]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (composer); Robert Hammond Elvy (publisher)

My sister dear (Auber; publ, Sydney, 1865)

My sister dear, the favorite ballad sung by Mr. Henry Squires in Auber's grand opera Masaniello (Sydney: Reading and Wellbank, [1865] (DIGITISED)

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1865), 1 

THIS EVENING, will be given, for the last time, Auber's grand opera, MASANIELLO . . . Masaniello - Mr. Henry Squires . . .

MUSIC - JUST PUBLISHED, My Sister dear, admired ballad in Masaniello, 2s, post free 2s 2d. . . . READING and WELLBANK, Musicsellers, 356, George-street (next Flavelle's).

ASSOCIATIONS: James Reading and Isaac Wellbank (publishers)

Other sources:

Henry Squires, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra (DIGITISED)

Henry Squires, objects and images, Bennington Museum 

Bibliography and resources:

Harold Love, "Henry Squires: an American tenor in Australia", The La Trobe Journal 16 (October 1975), 89-92 (DIGITISED)

Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies: pioneering opera in Australia (Sydney: Opera-Opera/Pellinor, 1999), passim

STAAB, Franz August (Franz August STAAB; Franz STAAB)

Musician, pianist, music teacher, composer

Born Mainz, Germany, 21 December 1835; baptised Domkirche (S. Martin), Mainz, 26 December 1835; son of Johannes STAAB (1808-1885) and Barbara GEBHARD (1809-1879)
Active USA, 1855-62
Married Maria KRAEMER, Germany, 1864
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1866
Died Melbourne, VIC, 7 September 1871, aged 35 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Births and Baptisms, Mainz, 1835; Stadtarchiv Mainz (PAYWALL)

Franz August Staab / 21. Dez. 1835 / Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz / Johann Staab / Barbara Staab (PAYWALL)

Franciscus Augustus Staab / 26. Dez. 1835 / Dom Katholisch, Mainz, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt / [Father] Johannis Staab / [Mother] Barbara Gebhard

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 August 1866), 8

MR. FRANZ STAAB, solo pianist and organist, receives PUPILS for ORGAN, Pianoforte, Singing, and Harmony.
Mr. Staab also gives finishing lessons in the most modern style, and is prepared to accept engagements as solo-pianist for concerts, and as cathedral or church organist.
References to Wilkie, Webster, and Co., 15 Collins-street east.

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 November 1866), 8 

MESSRS. WILKIE, WEBSTER, and Co , 15 Collins-street east, have the pleasure to announce that HERR STAAB, the eminent pianist, will perform on their pianofortes, at the Intercolonial Exhibition, THIS DAY (Thursday), at 4 o'clock, the following compositions: -
Grand Fantasie Dramatique - "Lucia di Lammermoor," F. Liszt.
"Home, sweet home" (for the left hand only), F. Staab.
"Rock me to sleep, Mother," Transcription di concert, F. Staab.
"Last Hope," L. Gottschalk.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie and John Campbell Webster (music and instrument sellers)

"ENTERTAINMENTS", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (10 November 1866), 17 

On Tuesday evening there was a most pleasant entertainment at the Australian-hall, in Bourke-street . . . There were readings by Miss Aitken, and you know - or if you do not know you ought to know - how she can read; there were pleasant songs pleasantly sung by Miss Liddle and Miss Watson; there was exquisite pianoforte playing by Signor Cutolo, who also most kindly played all the accompaniments; and Mr. Horne, whom everybody knows, discoursed pleasantly on his guitar. Add to these Herr Staab, a pianist who has only recently come to Victoria, whom few persons have heard as yet, but whom everybody having once heard will desire to hear again. And all the services of these clever, delightful people were given for the benefit of the Benevolent Asylum . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maggie Liddle (vocalist); Bertha Watson (vocalist); Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Richard Horne (vocalist, guitarist)

"THE ORPHEUS UNION CONCERT", The Argus (15 October 1867), 7 

. . . Herr Staab, the pianist, furnished a great treat by his performance of Chopin's funeral march, and a piece of Schumann's, but a fantasia founded on some airs from "II Trovatore," selected at random, was vastly inferior. It is to be regretted that Herr Staab should waste his really fine powers on trashy "transcriptions" of threadbare Italian operas . . .

[News], The Argus (3 August 1871), 4

The members of the musical profession in Melbourne have resolved to make a charitable effort on behalf of a brother in distress, in the person of Herr Staab, the well-known pianist, who, in consequence of continued illness, has been unable to attend to business, and is now both physically and financially in a very depressed state.

"DEATHS", The Argus (8 September 1871), 4

STAAB. - On the 7th inst., at Williams-road, Prahran, Herr Franz Staab, the celebrated pianist, aged 35.

"THE LATE HERR STAAB", The Herald (8 September 1871), 2 

By the death of Herr Staab, which occurred at an early hour yesterday morning, a vacancy has been caused in the ranks of the musical profession of this colony, which it will be difficult to fill up. The deceased gentleman, who was scarcely thirty-five years of age, was born at Mayence, his father being a pianoforte teacher of repute, and bandmaster of a Prussian regiment. At Wiesbaden the deceased gentleman was well-known as the popular conductor of concerts which took place at the Kursaal of that fashionable place of resort. Some idea of his musical talents may be formed from the fact, that when the eminent pianist Thalberg was in New York, giving concerts, he selected Herr Staab to play, in conjunction with himself, concert pieces for two pianos, and we have warrant for stating that the opinion entertained by Thalberg of Herr Staab's ability was a very high one. We may also mention that the subject of our notice assisted Mrs. Cutter, when that lady was giving concerts in the States. Mrs. Cutter sang one of Herr Staab's compositions at Brighton - the last time, we believe, that she appeared in public. The song will be long remembered under the name of "I have no mother now," as a most pathetic and pleasing production. Such of our readers as may have heard Herr Staab perform "The last rose of summer" on the piano, with the left hand only, and Chopin's funeral marches, will concur with us in saying that he was a performer of consummate skill. As a composer of elegant drawing-room pieces for the pianoforte, he occupied a high position; his caprice from "Trovatore," for two pianos, and which was played by himself and Mr. Pringle, being a sample of high class music. It is also an acknowledged fact that he was the only man in Melbourne who could play Liszt's pieces. We have been informed that his last effort was a "March concerte de Germania," and that it is intended to forward it to the home country for publication.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sigismond Thalberg (pianist, composer); Mrs. Cutter (vocalist)

"THE STAAB BENEFIT CONCERT", The Argus (18 September 1871), 5

There was a moderately good attendance at the Town-hall on Saturday night, when the concert was given for the benefit of the widow and children of the late Herr Staab. The result of this benefit, in addition to private subscriptions, will no doubt be sufficient to enable Madame Staab to return to her friends . . . Herr Staab's last composition, the Marche de Concert entitled "Germania," was played by fourteen hands . . .

"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Herald (18 September 1871), 2 

Considering the widely-spread popularity of the late Herr Staab, it is somewhat to be wondered at that there was not a larger attendance at the Town-hall on Saturday evening last, when a benefit was given to the widow and children. Musically speaking, the concert was a success in every way, and called forth much applause . . . The proceeds will we hope, reach the amount required to afford the necessary assistance to Mrs. Staab and her children. It is but right to refer especially to Herr Plock, who arranged the last production of the deceased musician as a duett, and has long been unremitting in his attentions to the afflicted family.

ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Plock (musician)

"DRAMATIC RELIEF ASSOCIATION", The Argus (23 September 1871), 6 

A meeting of the theatrical professions was held in St. George's Hall yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of establishing an association for the assistance of distressed and infirm members of the dramatic, musical, and equestrian professions. There were between 50 and 60 ladies and gentlemen present. Mr. GEO. COPPIN, as convener of the meeting, explained the object in view, and referred to the recent case of Herr Staab, also that of a once leading lady in the dramatic profession who arrived not long ago from Sydney, on her way home, in very distressed circumstances . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (convenor)

Musical works (USA):

I have no mother now, composed by Franz Staab, to Miss Cora Kimberley (Boston: Oliver Ditson & Company, [1856]) (DIGITISED)

The banner of the free, words by John G. Whittier, music by Franz Staab (Chicago: H. M. Higgins, [1856]) (DIGITISED)

The Chicago skating polka, by Franz Staab, to Miss Pauline Pommer (Chicago: H. M. Higgins, [1862]) (DIGITISED)

Geo. F. Root's Rock me to sleep mother, transcription de concert pour le piano, par Franz Staab, op. 25, à Mlle Louise Kehr (de St. Louis) (Cleveland; S. Brainard, [1862]) (DIGITISED)

See also: 

STACE, Robert Austin (Robert STACE; Robert Austin STACE)

Amateur musician, vocal instructor, schoolmaster, upholsterer

Born Dover, Kent, England, 5 May 1820; son of Austin STACE (d. 1861) and Susanna MUMMERY (d. 1861)
Married (1) Maria SYMONDS (widow ALLEN) (d. 1889), St. Saviour, Southwark, 29 June 1847
Arrived Brisbane, Moreton Bay district, NSW (QLD), 6 December 1848 (immigrants per Artemisia, from Plymouth, 2 August, aged "28")
Married (2) Emily Althea BRUSTER, St. John's, Wellington, NSW, 29 June 1890
Died Sydney, NSW, August 1902, aged "over 85" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Register of non-conformist dissenter births, Dr. William's registry, Stace; UK National Archives, RG4/4664/1 (PAYWALL)

No. 1299 / Robert Stace / Par'h of St. James Dover County of Kent / Reg'd Oct. 11th 1821 . . . /
[Son of] Austin Stace and Susanna Daughter of Robert Mummery / . . . [born] 5 May 1820 . . .

"LAST NIGHT'S GAZETTE. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED", Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette (8 May 1847), 3 (PAYWALL)

R. A. STACE, Sandgate, Kent, upholsterer.

1847, marriage solemnized at the parish church in th Parish of St. Saviour's in the county of Surrey; register 1837-49, page 59; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 118 / 29th June 1847 / Robert Stace / Full age / bachelor / Upholsterer / [resident at] Cheriton Kent / [son of] Austin Stace / Gentleman
Maria Allen / Full Age / Widow / - / St. Saviour's Wouthwark / [daughter of] William Symmonds / Baker . . .

Transcription (c. 1890s) of passenger list, Artemisia, arrived Brisbane, 6 December 1848; Queensland State Archives, DR7914 (DIGITISED)

. . . Stace Robert / 28 / Cabinet Maker / Kent
[Stace] Maria / 35 / - / [Kent] . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Artemisia (immigrant ship)

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (6 July 1850), 1

TENDERS are required for the erection of a PARSONAGE at North Brisbane.
Plans and specifications to be seen at Mr. Stace's, Church of England Schoolmaster, North Brisbane.
Tenders must be sent to the Rev. Mr. Wallace, by noon on Tuesday next, the 9th July.

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (27 July 1850), 1

EVENING MUSIC CLASSES; MR. STACE respectfully informs the residents of Brisbane and its vicinity, that be intends shortly to OPEN SELECT ADULT CLASSES, for instruction in VOCAL MUSIC, on a well tried and approved method, one by which the study is rendered extremely interesting, and the rapid progress of the pupil certain.
For particulars, apply to Mr. Stace, at the School-house, North Brisbane.

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (10 May 1851), 3 

AT a Preliminary Meeting of the Provisional Committee of the Moreton Bay Amateur Musical Society, held at the Court House on Thursday, the 8th instant, it was resolved -
That a Public Meeting of the Subscribers, and Persons favourable to the object, shall be held in the Lower Room of the Court House on THURSDAY, the 15th May, at Seven o'clock, P.M.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Augutsine Duncan (musical amateur, chair); Moreton Bay Amateur Musical Society (organisation)

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (24 May 1851), 4 supplement 

A GENERAL MEETING of the MEMBERS and SUBSCRIBERS to the above Society will be-held THIS EVENING, the 22nd inst., in the Lower Room, Court House, for the purpose of electing Officers, receiving entrance fees, and enrolling the names of persons wishing to join the Society.
W. A. DUNCAN, Chairman. R. A. STACE, Brisbane, May 22,1851. Hon. Secretary.

"MORETON BAY AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY", The Moreton Bay Courier (24 May 1851), 2

A meeting of the friends and promoters of this Society was held in the Court House on Thursday evening last, for the appointment of officers, when the following gentlemen were unanimously chosen to fill the respective offices named, viz.:
President, Mr. W. A. Duncan; Vice-President, Dr. J. M. Swift; Treasurer, Mr. W. A. Brown; Secretary, Mr. R. A. Stace. Committee - Dr. Cannan, Dr. Barton, and Messrs. J. S. Beach, J. S. Landridge, H. Watson, D. Skyring, A. Eldridge, and W. Carter. On the motion of Mr. Buckley, seconded by Dr. Swift, it was resolved that the books of rules should be sold at sixpence each. A Committee meeting was subsequently held, for the purpose of appointing a Musical Conductor, in accordance with the eighth rule, when Mr. R. A. Stace was unanimously elected to the office. The first meeting for practice was fixed for Tuesday next, the 27th instant.

ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Skyring (1804-1882, musical amateur, member), father of Eliza Skyring (musician)

[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (6 September 1851), 1 

A SPECIAL General Meeting of the Members and Subscribers to the
COURT HOUSE, THIS EVENING, the 6th September, at Seven o'clock P.M.,
to consider the propriety of Purchasing certain Instruments,
- to fix the Amount of the Conductor's Salary, and for the transaction of other business.
All Persons interested in the success of this Institution are requested to attend.
R. A. STACE, Hon. Secretary.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1854), 8 

UPHOLSTERY.-R. A. STACE, late Upholsterer to the Queen, and many of the nobility of England, begs to announce that he is prepared to execute every kind of work in the above business, in the most modern and elegant English, French, German, or Italian styles; also paperhanging.
R. A. Stace will be happy to wait on those families who may desire their furniture remade, with the introduction of the most recent improvements, or assistance in the selection of new furniture, confident, from his thorough knowledge of the business, and the satisfaction already given by him to some of the most respectable families of this metropolis, those who entrust him with their orders may depend upon their completion in the most finished manner.
Ladies' work carefully mounted on screens, ottomans, &c.
Please address R. A. Stace, corner of Liverpool and Yurong streets.

"WELLINGTON (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) . . . AMATEUR ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (17 September 1862), 2 

A very successful entertainment of the above description, for the benefit of the Wellington Hospital, took place at the Court-house on the evening of the 9th. instant. The room was well filled and after a few introductory remarks by the conductor, Mr. Stace, the entertainment commenced with an instrumental piece, prepared by the full band, followed by various songs, choruses, symphonies, and jokes. Two of the songs were vociferously applauded and encored, viz. the "Dandy Broadway Swell," by Mr. Wyatt, who accompanied on the banjo; and the "Wellington Races," by Mr. G. Burgess, who exhibited considerable comic powers. The "Blue-tail Fly" was well executed by Mr. J. Byrnes; and the "Bells," solo, on the banjo, by Mr. Wyatt, was played with considerable effect. The "Virginian Breakdown," danced by Messrs. A. A. Bynes and G. Burgess, elicited frequent bursts of applause. The names of the performers were; Mr. R. A Stace, conductor; and Messrs. Wyatt, G. Burgess, A. A. Byrnes, J. Winchester, H. Druett, W. Drewett, and J. Byrnes. The whole affair was most creditable to the performers, whose time for practice had been short.

"A Tour to the North-Western Interior (BY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT) WELLINGTON (CONTINUED)", Australian Town and Country Journal (1 August 1874), 21 

Foremost among the local institutions in the town of Wellington is the excellent Public School, which the inspector classes as one of the best in the North-west. Mr. R. A. Stace was the first teacher, having opened a school in September, 1861. The local board then consisted of J. M. Marsh, P.M. (now Water Police Magistrate of Sydney), James Callaghan, Esq., of Apsley, and Messrs. Lambert, Drew, Skinner, and Shaughnessy. Mr. Stace carried on the school for five years, and after various changes, in 1870, the present teacher (Mr. J. W. Turner) took charge, and the school has progressed in a very successful manner ever since . . .

"WELLINGTON (Gazette) DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (30 April 1889), 3 

It is our melancholy task to record the death of Mrs. R. A. Stace, a resident of 30 years, who ended a course of severe bodily suffering on the evening of Easter Sunday, aged 76 years. The deceased lady was much beloved by all within the circle of her acquaintance, being noted for her kindly disposition and estimable qualities of mind and heart . . . As a former instructress of youth, she is affectionately remembered by many of her pupils who are now of middle age. The funeral took place on Easter Monday, when the coffin, borne by old friends, adorned with flowers, and a handsome floral cross (presented by ladies of congregation) was taken into St. John's Church, where the Rev. S. G. Fielding read a portion of the solemn burial service of the Church of England, and the choir sang the departed's favorite hymn "Rock of Ages." Upon leaving the church the organ pealed forth the magnificent strains of "The Dead March in Saul." The remains were interred in the Wellington cemetery, followed by a number of sorrowing friends.

"Wellington (N.S.W.) May 27 . . . PRESENTATION", Australian Town and Country Journal (1 June 1889), 16 

On Friday night the members of a choir of St. John's Church met for the purpose of presenting a handsome, ebony baton, silver mounted, to Mr. J. V. Bayley, the choirmaster. The baton was presented by Miss Alice Swan, the leading soprano, for whom Mr. Rae acted as spokesman. Mr. R. A. Stace, the senior member of the choir, spoke of Mr. Bayley's tact in preserving harmony among the members - and Mr. R. Porter said he considered Mr. Bayley a model choirmaster . . .

"Marriages", The Daily Telegraph (14 July 1890), 1 

STACE - BRUSTER. - June 29, at St. John the Evangelist's, Wellington, New South Wales, by the Rev. S. G. Fielding, Robert Austin Stace, son of the late Austin Stace, Esq., Cheriton, Kent, England, to Emily Althea, youngest surviving daughter of John Bruster, Esq., Cumbergate House, Peterborough, England, and sister of the Rev. John Bruster, vicar of Gatley, Cheshire, England, author of the "Lily of the Valley" series.

"A Man of Eighty. GARROTTED AND ROBBED. IN A CITY THOROUGHFARE", Evening News (26 September 1900), 4 

Mr. Robert A. Stace, an estate agent, of Wellington, near Dubbo, has had an unpleasant experience at the hands of a couple of Sydney thieves. Mr. Stace is a man of 80 years of age, who is, nevertheless, as hearty and vigorous as many a man of half his years. An old imperial army man, he came to Sydney as one of the body-guard of Governor Denison, forty-five years ago, and remained in the colony, having now spent nearly forty years in the Wellington district. On Monday evening, Mr. Stace was walking from the Coffee Palace, at which he is staying, to William-street, with the object of visiting a friend. When crossing Hyde Park, near the statue of Captain Cook, two men passed him, and he noticed that they turned round and glanced back at him, though he then attached little Importance to the matter. Along William street they walked a little distance ahead of Stace, until the corner of Forbes-street was reached. Here, although it was not quite 7 o'clock in the evening, there was nobody about, and the pair, turning suddenly, attacked their victim. One placed his arm around the old man's throat and forced his head back, while the other rifled his pockets of his watch and chain. Mr. Stace was carrying a box containing a zither and another musical instrument, and this dropped, but the thieves picked it up and ran up Forbes-street, turning into Premier-lane, after which they became lost to view. Mr. Stace, fortunately, was not much the worse for his experience, soon recovering from his rough handling.

"A Novelty", Nepean Times [Penrith, NSW] (1 June 1901), 3 

On Friday we heard rather a novel musical instrument, which was played by Mr. R A. Stace, of Wellington. This gentleman plays the accordzither and harmonica in combination. The music is excellent, and we hope in a few weeks' time that the public will have an opportunity of hearing that gentleman play it.

ASSOCIATIONS: Akkordzither (musical instrument)

"WELLINGTON, Today", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1902), 10 

News was received here this afternoon that Mr. Robert Austin Stace, one of Wellington's oldest and best known identities, has died in Sydney at the age of 87 years. Deceased had resided here for upwards of 40 years and was much inspected and esteemed locally.

"Death of Mr. R. A. Stace", Wellington Times (1 September 1902), 2 

News was received in Wellington on Friday that Mr. Robert Austin Stace, an old resident of this town, had died in Sydney. It will be remembered that Mr. Stace was recently an inmate of Prince Alfred Hospital, and had left that institution a little while ago apparently cured. He had been a resident of Wellington about 40 years and is said to have been over 85 years of age. In his early days, he was master of the old Ironbarks School, and at one time had a farm in the district. He was also at one time an alderman of Wellington. He was married twice and is survived by his wife, but leaves no children.

"Local Jottings", Wellington Times (11 September 1902), 4 

Messrs. F. A. Thomas and Co. hold a sale of furniture, saddles, horses, vehicles, poultry, eggs, &c., at their rooms on Saturday next at 2 p.m.; also musical instruments on account of the late Mr. R. A. Stace.

"EARLY HISTORY OF QUEENSLAND .The Sad, Bad, Mad; but Sometimes Glad Old Days (By A SURVIVOR.) CHAPTER XVI", Truth [Brisbane, QLD] (9 May 1915), 12 

. . . The Moreton Bay Amateur Musical Society was formed in 1851. Members were those only who could sing or play, by note. Mr. R. A. Stace was appointed conductor. Members' fees were 2s. 6d. a quarter, non-members 5s. There were only 16 vocalists accepted as members, and 25 instrumentalists, but the society soon increased in numbers . . .

"Education. REMINISCENCES OF THE EARLY DAYS (By G. S.)", Wellington Times (15 April 1926), 2 

Education! The earliest record of public instruction we have, is by Mr. R. A. Stace, now residing at Ponto, who in September 1861, rented the premises at the corner of Lee Street, and Gobolion Terrace near the bridge (which were afterwards occupied as police barracks), and opened a school under the Board of National Education, and a local board consisting of the late Mr. James Callaghan, of Apsley, chairman, and treasurer, and Messrs. H. J. Lambert, J. Drew, W. B. Skinner and T. Shaughnessy. The attendance was about 40 children. In 1862, Mr. Stace removed the National School to more commodious premises in Gisborne Street, in which the late Mr. Daly had previously carried on the Post Office, and a private school. Mr. Stace was succeeded by Mr. R. Chapman, the first teacher appointed by the Council of Education . . .

STAFF, Charles (Charles STAFF)

Musician, music instrument dealer, accordeon and concertina maker, music seller

Born Norwich, England, 16 October 1823; baptised St. John Sepulchre, Norwich, 19 October 1823; son of Edward STAFF (1786-1854) and Mary BARNES (c. 1787-1845)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 8 June 1863 (per Bates Family, from Liverpool, 7 March 1863)
Married Hester WRIGHT (Mrs. NICHOLS) (1818-1890), St. Paul's, Redfern, NSW, 28 December 1874 [sic]
Died Moreland, VIC, 29 June 1888, in his "67th year" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STAFF, Isabel (Isabel Nichols STAFF; Mrs. Daniel HOWITZ)

Soprano vocalist

Born Wigan, England, 1850 (4th quarter); daughter of Charles STAFF and Hester (NICHOLS) WRIGHT
Married Daniel HOWITZ (c. 1843-1911), Melbourne, VIC, 7 September 1870
Departed Melbourne, 11 February 1881 (per Sobraon) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Charles Staff 1823-1888

Charles Staff


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint John Sepulchre in the Counry of Norwich [sic] in the year 1823; register 1813-36, page 79; Norfolk Record Office (PAYWALL)

No. 630 / Oct. 19 / born 16th / Charles Son of / Edward & Mary / Staff / this Parish / Weaver . . .

England census, 7 April 1861, St. George, Liverpool, Lancashire; UK National Archives, RG 9/2672/30/6 (PAYWALL)

26 Strand St. / Charles Staff / Head / Mar. / 38 / Accordion Maker / [born] Norfolk Norwich
Esther [Staff] / Wife / Mar. / 39 / - / [born] Suffolk Knetishall
Edward [Staff] / Son / 12 / Scholar / [born] Wilts. Salisbury
Isabel [Staff] / Daur. / 10 / [Scholar] / [born] Lancs. Wigan
Charles / 8 / [born] Suffolk Ipswich // Esther / 6 / [born] Lancs. Liverpool

Names and descriptions of passengers per Bates Family from Liverpool, 7 March 1863, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Edward do / 11 // Charles do / 7 // Hester do / 6 // Isabella do / 10 // Charles Smith / 40 / Lab[orer] . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 September 1863), 7

C. STAFF, ACCORDEON and CONCERTINA MAKER, 122 Bourke-street cast, opposite Wax Works. Repairs. Charges moderate.

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (3 August 1864), 6

Charles Staff, of Melbourne, musical instrument and ornamental wax-flower dealer. Causes of insolvency: Continued sickness in family, unremunerative employment, and pressure of creditors. Liabilities £446.2s.4d.; Assets, £28; deficiency, £418. 2s. 4d.


The second concert of the year took place last evening in St. George's-hall, when Handel's oratorio "Israel in Egypt" was performed . . . Miss Staff and Miss Pitts sang the soprano duet, "The Lord is my strength and my song," very carefully; but here again, nervousness was perceptible. Each of these ladies has a pleasing voice, that of Miss Pitts being the more powerful of the two. Let them practice well, and they will in due time, without doubt, be effective vocalists . . . Mr. David Lee conducted with his well-known skill, and Mr. E. King led the orchestra with his usual ability. The audience filled the concert-room.

ASSOCIATIONS: David Lee (conductor); Edward King (leader); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation)

"MELBOURNE", Mount Alexander Mail (2 August 1869), 2 

. . . A visit to Mr. Staff's music shop to-day was one of much pleasure, as it gave me the opportunity of hearing some excellent music from one of the "model harmoniums" recently imported by that gentleman. These elegant instruments are fitted up with barrels each with pieces of music on them. They can be changed at pleasure, each instrument being provided with four . . . The instrument is the invention of M. Bussom, of Paris . . .

[Advertisement], The Australasian (10 September 1870), 28 

For 25 years maker of the celebrated Nottingham Accordions, and inventor of the BROAD REED FLUTINA,
from 26 Strand-street, Liverpool, begs to inform the musical world that he has the largest and most varied assortment of English, German, and Anglo-German Concertinas, Flutinas, Accordions, Dutch Accordions, in the colony. C. Staff has had the honour of making instruments for the principal players both in England and America, and has received the most flattering testimonials from the world-renowned George Case, the eminent professor of the English concertina, Messrs. Kohler, Oaten, and others.
Parties requiring instruments of the above description may depend upon Mr. Staff's judgment in selecting for them, he having devoted upwards of 30 years to that particular branch of musical instrument.
Large assortment of Violins, Flutes, Bows, Cases, Strings, &c., on hand. Price-lists forwarded on application.
91 SWANSTON-STREET, MELBOURNE (nearly opposite the Rainbow Hotel).

ASSOCIATIONS: George Case (musician); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); John Oaten (musician)

"MARRIAGES", The Argus (9 September 1870), 4

HOWITZ - STAFF. - On the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride, by the Rev. Hermann Herlitz, Daniel Howitz, His Danish Majesty's Vice-Consul, son of Daniel Howitz, of Zealand, Denmark, to Isabel, eldest daughter of Charles Staff, Melbourne.

"THE MESSIAH", The Argus (26 September 1870), 6

. . . For solo singers we had Mrs. Cutter, Mrs. D. Howitz (formerly Miss Staff), Mr. Exon, and Mr. Angus . . . The pure soprano tones of Mrs. Howitz's young voice fell very gratefully upon the ear, and great applause greeted the following pieces sung by that lady, namely "Rejoice greatly" (this piece was not named in the programme), and "Come unto Him all ye that labour";" but her most successful effort was the air, "I know that my Redeemer liveth", for which the singer was also honoured with a recall. When Mrs. Howitz's declamatory powers shall be equal to the purity of her voice, she will be still more valuable in oratorio than she is even now.

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 December 1870), 8

PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: Miss Staff (Mrs. Howitz), Mrs. Cutter, Mr. Edwin Exon, Mr. Angus.
Band and Chorus of 300 Performers. Principal Violin - Mr. Edward King. Conductor - Mr. David Lee . . .
R. B. CAUNTER, Hon. Sec.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Cutter (vocalist); Edwin Exon (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist)

[Advertisements], The Argus (12 October 1872), 8 

PEOPLE'S CONCERTS, Temperance-hall, every Saturday evening, 8 o'clock. Admission - Balcony, 1s.; body of hall, 6d.
PEOPLES CONCERTS, To night. Vocalists - Mrs. D. Howitz, Miss Staff, Mr. Alfred Ford, Mr. W. Juniper.
PEOPLE'S CONCERTS, To night. Miss Gertrude May. Instrumentalists - Mr. C. Staff, Miss Slatford, and Madame Pett.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Ford (vocalist); William Juniper (vocalist); Victorine Pett (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 June 1876), 1

ANGLO GERMAN CONCERTINAS, steel notes, any key, three, four, five, and six guineas. Staff, Royal Arcade.
FACT - I have the best Assortment of CONCERTINAS in the colonies Charles Staff, Royal Arcade.

Anglo German concertina, with label: Charles Staff, concertina maker, Royal Arcade, Melbourne (private collection)

Anglo German concertina, with label: Charles Staff, concertina maker, Royal Arcade, Melbourne (private collection, photo courtesy of family historian, posted at

[Advertisement], The Argus (2 April 1877), 1 

ANGLO GERMAN CONCERTINAS, by Louis Lachenal, London, 35s each. Guaranteed.
Charles Staff, Royal Arcade.

"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (18 August 1880), 6

The members of this Society gave another of their great concerts last night in the Town hall. This was their 179th concert since the establishment of the Society in 1853 . . . Mr. David Lee conducted. The programme submitted was a very full one beginning with Plumpton's Spring cantata, and ending with Schumann's cantata The Pilgrimage of the Rose . . . In recording a general impression we must leave unsaid much that would apply in the way of admiration of many of the twenty four different numbers comprised in the index to the Pilgrimage of the Rose. Hearty praise is due to Mrs. Howitz for her performance of the chief soprano part. Her charming voice and her irreproachable intonation in the midst of unusual intervals and in many places against the influence of the orchestral accompaniment are to be remembered with great gratification. Miss Christian sang with the womanly warmth and artist self reliance which have made her name to be always associated with the finest performances that have taken place in the Town hall . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Plumpton (composer); Mary Ellen Christian (vocalist)

"MRS. HOWITZ'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Argus (7 February 1881), 6

. . . Mrs. Howitz took the place of honour on the programme and wound up the first part of the concert with a brilliant and spirited performance of the "Inflammatus" from Rossini's "Stabat Mater." The choral part of the work was sustained by the choir of St. Patrick s Cathedral. Mr. David Lee, the city organist, played a really orchestral accompaniment on the organ, and the whole number was conducted by Mr. Alfred Plumpton. The effect in each division of the work was very fine. The irreproachable purity of Mrs. Howitz's intonation and the flexibility sweetness and power of her voice did ample justice to the exalted strain . . .

"The Theatres", The Australian Sketcher (26 February 1881), 74

. . . Mr. Arthur Howell and Madame Rose Hersee and Mr. and Mrs. Howitz and their family left Melbourne on Saturday, February 11, by the Sobraon, via the Cape of Good Hope . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 November 1882), 6 

ANGLO-GERMAN CONCERTINAS, every variety, any key; Accordeons, the best make. Staff, Arcade, opposite Post office . . .
CHARLES STAFF, tuner, from Lachenal and Co., the world renowned concertina manufacturer, London, 40 years' experience. Best Stock in Melbourne Arcade, opposite Post-office.
CONCERTINAS, 3s. 6d.; organ tone, 6s. 6d.; Violins, with bow, 5s, 6d. Instruments repaired. Staff, Arcade, opposite post office.

"OUR LETTER BOX. IS IT WISE?", The Herald (22 March 1886), 4 

MR. CHARLES STAFF writes: - I see in a paragraph of your very excellent paper to-day that a poor fellow has been fined 30s for having sold a few shillings' worth of fruit in the street. Now, Sir, is this wise? These men have perhaps no other means of obtaining a living. Then is it necessary to drive them to other courses? For live they must. As far as I have seen they are civil and obliging, and offer no obstruction to the traffic - indeed, they are undoubtedly a distinct convenience to the public. And this applies in like manner to the ice-cream men. And, Sir, it does, and must necessarily irritate an old colonist to see those of his own race precluded from earning an honest livelihood, while scores of German and Italian musicians (save the mark!) are allowed to set their stools and instruments down on the footpaths in the busiest parts of the city, and during the busiest hours of the day, to the manifest interference with the traffic, without being in the slightest interfered with by the authorities. I am impelled by a love of fair play to address you on this subject, and hope I have not trespassed on your kindness.

[Advertisement], The Age (30 April 1887), 7 

ACCORDIONS, Accordions, Concertinas, Steel Notes, best quality. Violins, Flutinas, Banjoes, Charles Staff, Royal-arcade.

"Deaths", The Argus (30 June 1888), 1

STAFF. - On the 29th inst., at the residence of his son, Ferngrove, Blair-street, Moreland, Charles Staff, in his 67th year, late of the Royal Arcade.

"DEATH", The Herald (31 October 1890), 2 

STAFF. - On the 29th inst., of pneumonia, Hester the relict of Charles Staff, and loving mother of Mrs. D. Howitz, Mrs. A. L. R. Smith and E. N. Staff, J. P., aged 72.

Bibliography and resources:

Charles Staff, Wikitree 

STAFF, John Foreman (John Foreman STAFF; J. F. STAFF)

Parish clerk, choir leader

Born Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, 25 February 1802; baptised Great Yarmouth, 3 March 1802; son of James STAFF and Sarah WALTER
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 May 1822 (per Denmark Hill, from England, 6 January)
Married Mary SANDLE, Parramatta, 1824
Died Parramatta, NSW, 8 August 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STAFF, Eliza Sophia (Eliza Sophia STAFF)

Musician, organist, school teacher, artist

Born Parramatta, NSW, 16 January 1831; baptised St. John's, Parramatta, 9 February 1831; daughter of John Foreman STAFF (1802-1876) and Mary SANDLE (c. 1804-1886)
Died Parramatta, NSW, 10 May 1854, in her 23rd year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

St. John Parramatta pulpit, 1846

Three-decker pulpit, organ and organ gallery, St. John's, Parramatta, picturing the organ and the late Samuel Marsden (top), Henry Bobart (centre), and John Foreman Staff (bottom); needlework by Eliza Staff, painted faces by William Griffiths, 1846

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marsden and Henry Hodgkinson Bobart (clergymen); William Griffiths (artist, painter)


"SHIP NEWS", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (18 May 1822), 2

Arrived this morning from England, the ship Denmark Hill, Captain Foreman, with merchandize. . . . together with 27 steerage passengers, comprising only three families except three persons; namely . . . Mr. John Staff.

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint John Parramatta in the County of Cumberland in the year 1834; register 1826-34, page 34; St. John's Parramatta (PAYWALL)

No. 496 / 1831 February 9th / [born] 1831 Jan'y 16th / Eliza Sophia / [daughter of] John & Mary / Staff / Parramatta / School master / [officiant] Thomas Hassall

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Hassall (clergyman)

"NEEDLEWORK", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1846), 2

A piece of needlework has lately been executed in this town, which, it is certainly not asserting too much in saying while it is a chef d'ouvre of this feminine art in New South Wales, may have been equalled, but not surpassed in the mother country. The subject is a view of the interior of St. John's church (in this town), looking from the altar. In the pulpit and reading desks are the late Rev. Samuel Marsden, the late incumbent; the present one, the Rev. H. H. Bobart, and Mr. J. F. Staff, the then and present clerk. The portraits of these gentlemen have been painted by Mr. Griffiths, and are admirable likenesses, that of Mr. Marsden has been pronounced by the Lord Bishop to be a speaking one. With the exception of these and the lamps to the pulpit and desks, all has been worked with the needle in silk, worsted and chenille, and so beautifully are the shades given, and the architectural proportions of the building preserved, that it requires almost personal contact to induce the assurance that it is not a picture that is gazed on. As a slight instance of the truthfulness and fidelity of the representation it is merely necessary to observe that the copy of the doors leading into the church has been so accurately and minutely made, that even the brass nails on the green baize are represented. Without reference to the talent that has been employed on this work of art, the labour that has been bestowed on it (the size being 4 feet by 3,) must have been immense, and, surprised as one feels at the perseverance that has been displayed perhaps such is increased when it is added that the worker, (a daughter of Mr. Staff) is only fifteen years of age, and has executed it in little better than eight months. This extraordinary performance has been visited by some hundreds here, and as it is proposed being sent to Sydney to be exhibited, there is little doubt that numbers will there award it their admiration, and testify the high approbation now bestowed on it is not undeserved.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marsden and Henry Hodgkinson Bobart (clergymen); William Griffiths (artist, painter)

"PARRAMATTA . . . NEEDLE-WORK", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1846), 3

A slight omission occurred in the notice of the specimen of needle-work executed by Miss Staff, (see the Sydney Morning Herald of Tuesday). The superintendent of the work is certainly deserving of notice, and also of considerable credit, and as the young lady whose work was so highly spoken of, with an amiable modesty, is inclined to consider more is due to the lady under whose immediate care the work was begun, progressed, and finished, than to herself, it is only just to notite that the lady to whom this merit is due is Mrs. Mills, of this town.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 November 1848), 1

BOARDING SCHOOL on the Infant Training System, for the Board and Education of Pupils between the ages of four and ten years, to be conducted by
The course of instruction which will be studiously subservient to the inculcation of sound moral and religious habits, will comprise Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Grammar, Music, and Drawing.
The School to be opened in January next.
TERMS, including Washing and Stationery, Twenty Guineas.
Reference as to respectability, &c. of the establishment, mav be made to the
Rev. R. Forrest, M.A., King's School, Parramatta.
Rev. J. Walker, M.A., Liverpool.
Charles Cowper, Esq., M.C.
James McArthur, Esq , M.C.
William McArthur, Esq., J.P.
T. Campbell, Esq., J.P.
November 24.

"VESTRY MEETING of All Saints Church in the Parish of Marsfield, Parramatta", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 April 1854), 5

. . . The Parishioners deserve much credit for having placed a powerful and splendid toned organ in the church. The value is somewhere about £200; it was opened on Sunday last by a celebrated performer, Mr. C. Packer, who has been appointed organist, to succeed Miss Staff, who resigned on account of ill health.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (organist); Music in Anglican churches (general)

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1854), 5

At Parramatta, on the 10th May, Eliza Sophia, eldest daughter of Mr. J. F. Staff, in her 23rd year. She died in faith in the Redeemer. "Whom having not seen she loved, yet believing she rejoiced with joy unspeakable and full of glory, receiving the end of her faith even the salvation of her soul." - 1 Peter, 8, 9.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1854), 8 

CHURCH MUSIC - Clergymen and other persons interested in the solemn services of churches are hereby informed that the undersigned has for sale, by private contract, two excellent instruments, well adapted for churches.
One is a powerful seraphine by Nott; and the other a symphonium orchestrion.
The above are sufficiently powerful for any of the ordinary sized places of worship, and will be sold reasonable, by applying to
J. F. STAFF, Parramatta.

Bibliography and resources:

"IN MARSDEN'S TIME. PIONEERING DAYS IN PARRAMATTA . . . MUSIC FROM A BARREL-ORGAN", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 November 1911), 6 

. . . [St. John's, Parramatta] . . . The choirmaster of the old church was Mr. John Foreman Staff, who organised a choir of men of the 28th Regiment [sic, probably 58th Regiment]. The first instrumental music was produced by a large barrel organ, the handle of which was turned by Mr. James Samuel Staff, son of the choir master . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Samuel Staff (1825-1893, son); Band of the 28th Regiment (military); St. John's Parramatta (music at)

Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 23-24 

Ann Toy, "Eliza Staff", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)  


Musician, violinist, leader of the band at the Theatre Royal, Geelong, bootmaker, draper

Born Burnley, Lancashire, England, 1808; baptised Burnley, 1 May 1808; son of Robert STAINSBY (1781-1857) and Isabella WHITTLE
Married Elizabeth DOWNHAM (1806-1873), St. Peter's chapel, Burnley, 25 October 1827
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 2 January 1841 (per Salsette, from Liverpool)
Died Geelong, VIC, 9 August 1887, aged 79 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Musician, violinist, conductor, teacher of music

Born Burnley, Lancashire, England, 1836; baptised St. Peter's, Burnley, 22 November 1866; son of Robert STAINSBY and Elizabeth DOWNHAM
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 2 January 1841 (per Salsette, from Liverpool)
Married Susanna WILLIAMSON (1838-1920), VIC, 1860
Died Camberwell, VIC, 26 May 1905, in his 69th year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Register of baptisms (bishop's transcripts), Burnley, Lancashire, 1808; Lancashire Archives (PAYWALL)

May 1808 / [No.] 96 / Robert Son of Robert Stainsby of Burnley, Cordwainer, by Isabella his wife / 1st [May]

Marriages solemnized in chapelry of Burnley in the county of Lancaster in the year 1827; register 1754-1857, page 4 (PAYWALL)

No. 12 / Robert Stainsby of this Chapelry Cordwainer & Bachelor and
Elizabeth Downham of this Chapelry Spinster were married in this Chapel by banns . . . this [25 October 1827] . . .

Baptisms solemnized in chapelry of Burnley in the county of Lancaster in the year 1836; register 1813-67, page 188; Lancashire Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 1504 / November 22 / James / [son of] Robert [and] Elizabeth / Stainsby / [? Hater / Water] St. / Cord Wainer . . .

Alphabetical list of Immigrants . . . per the ship "Salsette" from Liverpool . . . arrived at Port Philip on the 2nd of Jan'y 1841; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Stainsby Rob't / 32 / bootmaker / [Protestant] / [Read and write] / [born] Lancashire . . .
[Stainsby] Eliz'h / 33 / Bonnet maker / [Protestant] / [Read and write] / [born Lancashire] . . .
[Stainsby] Ja's / 3 / Son // Isabella / 12 / daughter

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (18 June 1842), 3 

. . . SIR, - We, the members of the Amateur Theatre . . . Yours &c. &c.,
George Buckingham, John Davies, James Southall, William John Miller, Richard Smith, James Warman, H. S. Avins, Robert Stainsby, Richard Capper, Joseph Harper . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor, manager); William John Miller (actor); Henry Stacey Avins husband of Julia Avins (actor); Richard Capper (actor, stage carpenter); Royal Pavilion Theatre (venue)

[News], Port Phillip Gazette (22 October 1842), 4 

The following parties whose names have appeared as Burgesses upon the roll compiled by the collectors, have received notice of objection: - . . . GIPPS WARD . . . Rigby, Jeremiah, grocer, Bourke-lane
Stainsby, Robert, musician, off ditto . . .

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (14 January 1843), 3 

ON MONDAY EVENING, January 16th, will be performed for the first time in this province, with new Music, Dresses, Scenery, and Decorations, the Magnificent Spectacle, entitled
The Music by Mr. Stainsby; the Dresses by Mr. Brock and assistants; the Scenery by Mr. Lightwood . . .
the Machinery by Messrs. Capper and Benham; the Monsters by Mr. Grey; the whole produced under the superintendence of Mr. Buckingham . . .
G. BUCKINGHAM, Stage Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria = Royal Pavilion Theatre (venue, as above)

[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (18 December 1847), 3 

PROGRAMME: PART I. OVERTURE - "Le Cheval de Bronze" - Auber . . .
PART II. OVERTURE - "Bohemian Girl" - Balfe.
Solo - Violin, (the Gamut with variations) - Master Stainsby, nine years of age (pupil of Mr. Megson) . . .

"MR. MEGSON'S CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (18 December 1847), 2 

We perceive by our advertising columns, that Mr. Megson is to give his third annual concert on Wednesday evening next, in the Queen's Theatre, under the most distinguished patronage that any artist has ever yet been honored with. This is certainly paying a high, and we must say not undeserved, compliment to Mr. Megson, who is on old and worthy favourite . . . The duet (L'Enfant du Regiment) so much admired at Mr. Ellard's concert, will be performed by Messrs. Megson and Ellard. Master Stainsby, a pupil of Mr. Megson, will play the simple gamut, with variations. We are told that this is very interesting performance . . .

"Mr. MEGSON'S CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (25 December 1847), 2 

This brilliant affair came off on Wednesday evening, in the "Queen's Theatre," when one of the most fashionable audiences it has ever been our lot to witness on a similar occasion, assembled together, to observe and to hear the proceedings of the evening. In the boxes the audience were packed as close as a barrel of sprats, while a large number were obliged to keep upon their legs from the utter impossibility of being able to procure such a thing as a seat. A considerable number were also in the pit, which was nicely fitted up for the occasion. The beneficiaire was warmly greeted when he made his appearance upon the stage. The first overture placed was Auber's "Le Cheval de Bronze," which was certainly done every justice to by the band, notwithstanding there were some very difficult passages in it . . . The overture played at the commencement of the second part of the programme was Balfe's "Bohemian Girl," which contains some exquisite music, the beauties of which were fully brought out by the band. A pupil of Mr. Megson's, only nine years of age, played the simple gamut, with variations by Mr. Megson, in a style that reflected the highest credit on both pupil and teacher . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin, leader); Frederick Ellard (pianist); Robert Stainsby probably also played in Megson's band on this occasion and regularly at the Queen's Theatre (venue)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (28 November 1848), 2 

On WEDNESDAY, November 29, 1848, The Performances will commence with the Drama OF
Aria, "Cease thus to palpitate," Mrs. Batters.
To be succeeded by the Farce (in two Acts) entitled
PERFECTION, on THE Lady of Munster . . .
Kate O'Brien, (with the songs "Tis really very strange," and "the Fairy Tempter") - Mrs. Batters . . .
Mechanist - MR. TOOLE. Scene Painter - Mr. LIGHTWOOD.
Leader of the Band - Mr. STAINSBY.
Prompter - Mr. WILKS.
Stage Manager, MR. DEERING.

ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Wallace alias Mrs. Batters (actor, vocalist); Henry Deering (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (venue)

MUSIC: Cease thus to palpitate (Rossini, adapted by Thomas Dibdin and George Perry from "Di tanti palpiti" from Tancredi)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (26 December 1848), 3 

On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, 26th and 27th December,
The performance will commence with the New Serio-Comic Legendary, Operatic Burlesque, Grand Comic,
Christmas PANTOMIME, Written and arranged expressly for this Theatre, entitled the
The Music arranged by Mr. Stainsby; New scenery by Messrs. Wallis and Henry;
the Dresses and Decorations by Mrs. Lucas; Machinery by Mr. Toole; Properties by Mr. Tasker.
The whole arranged and produced under the superintendance of Mr. Deering,
Author of the celebrated Pantomime of JACK SPRAT, originally produced under his superintendance at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, and which was more successful, and had a longer run, than any other ever performed in the Australian Colonies . . .

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (21 June 1849), 2 

Scene Painter, Mr. Wallis; Mechanist, Mr. Martin; Prompter, Mr. Clifford;
Leader of the Band, Mr. Stainsby.
Stage Manager, MR. DEERING.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (1 January 1850), 4 

THIS EVENING, JANUARY 1, The Proprietor has the honor to announce to his Patrons
"at the express desire of several Scottish Families," the celebrated Musical Play of ROB ROY . . .
SONG - MR. HOWARD. Dance - Miss & Master Chambers.
COMIC SONG - MR. MILLER. Highland Fling (by desire) Mr. Chambers . . .
Proprietor - Mr. H. ELMES
Prompter - Mr. EVANS
Leader of Orchestra - Mr. STAINSBY . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers and family (dancers); Richard A'Beckett Evans (actor, prompter)

PIECE: Rob Roy Macgregor (Pocock, with songs mainly by John Davy)

INSOLVENT COURT . . . Tuesday, 10th September", The Melbourne Daily News (11 September 1850), 2 

IN RE ROBERT MARKALL OLDMAN, late innkeeper of Geelong. This was a first meeting . . .
The Insolvent having sworn to the accuracy of his schedule, deposed : - In the schedule I have put down household furniture, and have included all the furniture claimed by Mr. Ruffin, and in possession at the time of my insolvency. The schedule included also the properly as attached by the messenger, with the exception of a watch and a ring, a piano, a saddle and bridle, and a double-barrelled gun, belonging to a ledger . . . I had a piano in my possession at the time of my insolvency. It was taken away by an order of the Official Assignee by Mr. Webb. That piano belonged to Mr. Stainsby. I had a "harmony" in my house three times a week, and Mr. Stainsby lent it to me. He charged me rent for it the last week before my insolvency. I mentioned this circumstance to the Messenger at the time the attachment was made . . .

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (25 September 1850), 1 

Retreat Hotel, SOUTH GEELONG.
WILLIAM LOCK BEGS most respectfully to inform his friends and the public, that he intends giving a Select Ball and Supper, on Monday the 30th September, 1850.
Dancing to commence as half-past 8 o'clock . . .
Mr. Stainsby's Band will attend.

"NARROW ESCAPE", Geelong Advertiser (24 January 1851), 2 

On Tuesday afternoon as several young lads were amusing themselves at play, on the jetty, opposite the Custom House, one of them named Stainsby, son of the musician of that name, in Malop-street, fell into the sea, and but for the opportune arrival of a young man, would have met a watery grave. The lad was rescued with some trouble from his perilous position.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser 8 April 1851), 3 

Theatre Royal, GEELONG.
Nights of performance, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, in each week.
On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1851 . . .
Song - Mrs. Gardener. Dance, Mrs. Stubbs.
[REDACTED] Melody - Mr. W. Evans. Dance - Miss Howard
Song - Mr. Gardiner
To conclude with the Operatic Farce of BOMBASTES FURIOSO . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Stainsby.
Pianist, Mr. Finster . . .
J. H. S. LEE Manager.
W. LOCK, Lessee.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Ann Gardiner (actors, vocalists); William Evans (vocalist); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, manager); Arthur Guido Finster (pianist)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (10 May 1851), 3 

Theatre Royal, GEELONG . . .
On MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1851.
The entertainments will commence with a Nautical Drama, entitled Tom Cringle's Log.
The interlude mill consist of
Comic Irish Song - Mr. W. Evans.
Pas de Deux, Miss Howard and Mrs. Stubbs.
[REDACTED] Melody - Mr. W. Evans.
Dance, Mazourka - Mrs. Stubbs . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Stainsby.
Pianist, Mr. Finster . . .
J. H. S. LEE Manager.
W. LOCK, Lessee.

ASSOCIATIONS: This was the last Theatre Royal advertisement listing Stainsby

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (21 May 1861), 2 

On Saturday night, or early on Sunday morning, the premises of Mr. Stainsby, draper, in Bellerine-street, were burglariously entered, and literally gutted. From the quantity of property taken away there is no doubt that the burglars must have employed a vehicle to carry away their plunder.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (23 March 1863), 4 

Orchestra - Messrs. Stoneham, Andrews, Stainsby, and Best.
Admission - Front Seats and Gallery Sixpence, Body of the Hall, Threepence each.
W. STITT JENKINS, President.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Daniel Goodall (pianist); William Stoneham (musician); Robert James Andrews (violin); John Parry Best (cello); William Stitt-Jenkins (musical amateur)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (30 June 1863), 4 

For the Benefit of the WIDOW and FAMILY Of the late JOHN BRYAN LEE, Will be given by Mr. W. STONEHAM, at Stirling Hotel, Winchelsea, on Wednesday, July 1st, 1863,
Under the distinguished Patronage the LOYAL WINCHELSEA LODGE A.I.O. O.F O.F. Who will appear in full regalia.
The following talented performers have volunteered their services: -
Vocalists - Mrs. Crooks, Mr. Andrews, Mr. W. Shepherd -
Instrumentalists - Mr. W. Stoneham, Mr. R. J. Andrews, Mr. J. Stainsby, Mr J. Best.
Tickets - Reserved seats, 5s; back seats, 2s 6d, may be had of Mr. W. Stoneham, Yarra-strect, Mr. Stirling, Spring-street, or any of the committee at Winchelsea.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (21 December 1863), 3 

Commencing promptly at eight o'clock, USUAL MUSICAL WEEKLY RE-UNION FOR FAMILY RECREATION,
and for which occasion THE GEELONG AMATEUR TROUBADOURS Have kindly volunteered their valuable services.
Pianist - Mr. W. D. Goodall.
Orchestra, Messrs. R. J. Andrews, 1st violin; J. Stainsby, 2nd do;
Jas. Gates, cornet; J. Best, violincello.
ADMISSION: Sixpence - Subscribing Members and Children Three-pence each. The inmates of the Orphanages free.
W. STITT JENKINS, President.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Mortimer Gates (cornet)

"GEELONG EAST ELECTION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Geelong Advertiser (2 March 1871), 3 

. . . In 1851, 8th February (Black Thursday), when the Barrabool farmers were burnt out, Mr. J. P. Smith and I gave a concert, assisted by Mrs. Testar, Stainsby, Mr. Elmes generously lighting up and giving his theatre gratis in aid of the sufferers, and netted £47 for their benefit . . .
Yours, G. T. LLOYD.

ASSOCIATIONS: Black Thursday (bushfires); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); George Thomas Lloyd (correspondent, musical amateur)

"DEATHS", Geelong Advertiser (21 August 1873), 2 

STAINSBY - On the 18th August, at her residence, Bellerine-street, Geelong, Elizabeth, aged 67 years, the beloved wife of Robert Stainsby, formerly of Burnly, Lancashire, England. Home papers please copy. The funeral will move on Thursday, 21st inst., at 2.30 p.m., for the Eastern Cemetery . . .

"HAMILTON POLICE COURT", Hamilton Spectator (31 August 1882), 3 

. . . James Stainsby deposed: I am a music teacher residing at Geelong. In August, 1880, I lived near Wickliffe. On the 16th of that month I was assisting Mr. Williamson to muster sheep on his selection near Wickliffe. I noticed a dark object on the ground, and on riding up, discovered it to be the dead body of a man. The body was lying on its face . . .

"OLD TOWN BANDS", The Herald (23 June 1883), 3 

. . . A second and more select band was organised in 1841, of which the Messrs. Middlemiss, Mr. Stainsby and Mr. Roberts of a well-known firm Roberts and Fergusson were members, but though less eventful than Tickle's, it came to an end by the removal of members to the country and other causes . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Middlemiss (musician); George Roberts (amateur musician); John Tickle (musician)

"SACRED CONCERT BY THE GEELONG CHORAL SOCIETY", Geelong Advertiser (3 October 1885), 3 

A musical treat was afforded to the public of Geelong last evening, when the recently formed choral society gave their first public performance In the Mechanics' Hall. The society has been organised for the purpose of encouraging the study and practice of sacred music of a high class character. By special request they gave last night Mozart's Twelfth Mass, several solos from the Stabat Mater by Rossini and the Creation being included in the programme in order to make the concert additionally attractive . . . There was a full orchestra of twenty first class instrumentalists, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stainsby, whilst Miss Hunt acted as pianist, the company being under the conductorship of Mr. H. J. Hobday . . .

"DEATHS", Geelong Advertiser (10 August 1887), 2 

Stainsby - On the 9th August, at Bellerine street, Robert Stainsby, aged 79 years. The funeral will leave his late residence, Bellerine-street, this day (Wednesday), at 1. 50 p.m., for the Eastern Cemetery . . .

Will and probate, Robert Stainsby, 1887; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

"DEATHS", The Age (27 May 1905), 5 

STAINSBY. - On the 26th May, at "Roslyn," Inglesby-road, Camberwell, James Stainsby, the beloved husband of Susanna Stainsby, late of Pakington-street, Geelong West, in his 69th year.

Bibliography and resources:

Robert Stainsby, Find a grave 


Musician, piano teacher, importer and retailer of pianos, merchant, consul

Born St. Thomas, West Indes, 10 February 1807; son of Hermann Conrad STAKEMANN (1777-1833) and Anna Margaretha HOLTON (1773-1858)
Married (1) Maria Juliana Wilhelmine BODEKER (d. 1851), Aabenraa, Denmark, 28 September 1842
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 22 May 1843 (per Davidsons, from Liverpool, 1 January
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1857
Married (2) Elizabeth WILLIAMS (d. 1902), VIC, 1879
Died North Adelaide, SA, 1 November 1890, aged "83/84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Denmark, Aabenraa, marriages, 1842; Danmark Kontraministerialbog, 8010690901 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)

28 Sep 1842 / Aabenraa, Aabenraa-Sonderborg, Denmark / Hermann Conrad Stakemann /
[Born] 10 Feb 1807 / [son of] Hermann Conrad Stakemann, Anna Margaretha Stakemann /
[married] Maria Juliana Wilhelmine Bodeker

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (24 May 1843), 2 

Monday, May 23.- The brig Davidsons, 218 tons, A. Cairncross, master, from Liverpool, having sailed on the 2d of January. Passengers -. . . H. C. Stakeman, Mrs. Stakeman . . .

"SOUTH AUSTRALIA", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 January 1850), 2 

Mr. Stakemann, the consul for Hamburgh at Adelaide, has been appointed Consul for Prussia in South Australia.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (7 January 1855), 1 

COTTAGE PIANOS. - A few, which can be recommended for tone, appearance, and general construction. Apply to H. C. STAKEMANN. Currie-street, February, 1855 [sic].

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 January 1857), 8 

INSTRUCTIONS on the PIANOFORTE, by Mr. Stakemann. Apply to Mr. Charles Bial, 100 Bourke-street west.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Bial (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 May 1857), 8 

INSTRUCTIONS on the PIANO, for advanced Pupils in particular, by Mr. Stakemann.
Address Post Office, Melbourne. Residence at. Mr. Greig's, Prahran-street, Murphy's Paddock, South Yarra.

[Advertisement], The Argus (27 July 1857), 7 

Music, Mrs. Batten, and Professor Stakemann . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Batten (music teacher)

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 September 1857), 6 

INSTRUCTION on the PIANO, for advanced Pupils in particular, by Mr. Stakemann. Address Post Office, Melbourne. Residence, at Mr. Greig's, Prahran-street, Murphy's Paddock, South Yarra.

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 April 1861), 8 

MR. STAKEMANN, INSTRUCTOR on the PIANO. Residence, at Mr. Greig's, Prahran-street, Murphys-paddock, South Yarra.

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 January 1863), 3 

MR. STAKEMANN, INSTRUCTOR on the PIANO. Kew and Hawthorn visited once a week. Prahran-street, South Yarra.

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 February 1862), 3 

MR. STAKEMANN, PIANOFORTE INSTRUCTOR, Mr. Greig's, Murphy's Paddock, South Yarra. Kew visited twice a week.

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 January 1866), 8 

MR. STAKEMANN, instructor on the piano, REMOVED from South Yarra to Church-street, corner of Vaucluse, Richmond.

"THE WESLEY COLLEGE", The Age (3 January 1866), 5 

. . . Mr. Stabemann [sic] has been appointed teacher of music . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus (8 February 1866), 4 

STAKEMANN. - On the 6th inst., of consumption, Augustus John Herman Stakemann, twenty-two years of age, last surviving son of Mr. H. C. Stakemann, late of Adelaide.

ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus, born Thebarton, SA, 27 May 1844

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 January 1870), 8 

MR. STAKEMANN, INSTRUCTOR on PIANO, Adolph cottage, Union street, Windsor.

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 January 1879), 3 

MR. STAKEMANN, Instructor Piano, having relinquished connexion, 13 years, Wesley College, is prepared RECEIVE additional PUPILS. Visited or received residence. 18 Union street, Windsor.

[Advertisement], The Age (10 February 1885), 8 

MR. Stakemann, Instructor on the Piano. Pupils visited and received at his residence, 18 Union-street, near Railway crossing, Windsor.

"Deaths", The Age (8 November 1890), 3 

STAKEMANN.- Passed away on the 1st November, at Adelaide, in his 84th year, Herman Conrad Stakemann, late of Union-street, Windsor, Melbourne, formerly Prussian Consul, at Adelaide, son of the late Governor and brother of the present Governor of the Island of St. Thomas, West Indies.

"THE LATE MR. H. C. STAKEMANN", Evening Journal (3 November 1890), 2 

Our obituary column includes a notice of the death in North Adelaide on Saturday of Mr. H. C. Stakemann, a very old colonist. Mr. Stakenann was a merchant in Adelaide, carrying on business in Hindley-street more than forty years ago, and was agent for the Godeffroy line of vessels, which brought out emigrants from Germany in the early days. He was also connected with the Glen Osmond Silver Mine. The deceased gentleman, who died at the advanced age of eighty-four, retired from business many years ago.

STAMM, Sophie (Sophie STAMM; Signora STAMM)


Active Adelaide, SA, by 1848 (shareable link to this entry)


[News], Adelaide Observer (12 February 1848), 3 

Bibliography and resources:

Lois Zweck, "A musical shipboard romance: Sophie Stamm and Carl Otto on the Gellert, 1847", in Herbert Stock (ed.), German music heritage in South Australia: proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Adelaide on 20 May 2017 (Adelaide: German Heritage Research Group, 2018), 19-22

Julja Szuster, "Philipp Oster's music book: evidence of an early South Australian music library", in Rosemary Richards and Julja Szuster (eds), Memories of musical lives: music and dance in personal musical collections from Australia and New Zealand (Melbourne: Lyrebird Press/Editions de l'oiseau-lyre, Australia, 2022), (11-27),

STAMP, Dorothea (Dorothea ASHTON; Mrs. John Sundius STAMP)

Musician, teacher of music and drawing, school mistress

Born Liverpool, Lancashire, England, 8 December 1804; baptised St. James, Liverpool, 22 January 1805; daughter of John ASHTON and Sarah FROST
Married John Sundius STAMP (1799-1849), St. James, Toxteth, Lancashire, 24 August 1835
Arrived Geelong, VIC, 28 October 1849 (per Tasman, from London and Plymouth, 11 July)
Died Mornington, VIC, 23 November 1895 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STAMP, Anne (Anne STAMP)

Musician, teacher of music and drawing, ? governess

Born England, 31 July 1827; baptised Southampton, Hampshire, 31 July 1829; daughter of John Sundius STAMP and Anne HAYWARD
Arrived Geelong, VIC, 28 October 1849 (per Tasman, from London and Plymouth, 11 July) (shareable link to this entry)


Marriages solemnized in the parish of Toxteth in the county of Lancashire in the year 1835; register 1824-37, page 247; Liverpool City Council (PAYWALL)

No. 741 / John Sundius Stamp, Widower of Liverpool, Wesleyan Minister, and Dorothea Ashton, Spinster were married in this church by license this [24 August 1835] . . .

Nominal list of immigrants per the ship "Tasman" which arrived at . . . Geelong, 28 October 1849, from Plymouth, 11 July . . . surgeon superintendent John S. Stamp . . .; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

List of passengers who arrived at their own cost . . . Mrs. Stamp, daughter, & two sons . . .

"Shipping Intelligence. GEELONG. ARRIVED", Geelong Advertiser (30 October 1849), 2 

October 28 - Tasman, ship, 563 tons, J. B. Blackburn, commander, from London (Plymouth, 11 July.) Passengers (cabin) - Rev. William Singleton (religious instructor) Mrs. Singleton & family, Dr. Stamp (surgeon superintendent) Mrs. Stamp, Miss Stamp, Mr. Stamp, jun., Master Stamp . . . and 234 bounty emigrants, men women and children . . .

"OBITUARY", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (15 November 1849), 3 

. . . In reference to a notice in this journal of the burial of the late Dr. Stamp, our contemporary the Victoria Colonist states, that the remains of that gentleman were conveyed from Point Henry to the jetty in Corio Bay, and from thence to the burial ground in a hearse, attended by the medical profession &c. . . .

"MRS. STAMP", Geelong Advertiser (17 November 1849), 2 

This lady, the widow of the late Dr. Stamp, Surgeon Superintendent of the immigrant ship Tasman, has, under the peculiar circumstances in which she is placed, been compelled to allow the public to exercise their sympathy on behalf of herself and family. Arriving here with her husband, who died ere he was permitted by Providence to reach the shore, she has been placed, by circumstances completely beyond her control, dependant on those for temporary assistance upon whom she has no other claim than the ties of universal humanity. So peculiar, so painful a position, cannot fail in eliciting the sympathy of all who can recognise what their situation and feelings would have been under similar circumstances. To accommodate herself to the exigencies of her present position by fulfilling some situation in life by which her accomplishments and education may be made useful to others, is we believe both the desire and intention of this lady, but to make use of a homely proverb, while the grass grows the steed starves; and in order to carry her intended efforts into effect, something is needed to make the commencement. For this purpose a number of lists have been made out and volunteers have offered their assistance in making collections. There is a scriptural text in the memory of every one which being called to mind speaks with greater force and on infinite higher authority than any thing we can urge in behalf of the widow and her family.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (22 November 1849), 3 

the property of the late Dr. Stamp. To be seen as Dr. BAYLIE'S Medical Dispensary, Yarra-street.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (27 November 1849), 3 

PROPOSES receiving a limited number of young Ladies as pupils in Music and Drawing, and hope that by kindness and assiduity, they will he enabled to meet the most anxious wishes of those who may be entrusted to their care.
TERMS. Music - 10 Guineas per Annum
Drawing - 8 Ditto do
Geelong, Ryrie-street.

[News], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (28 November 1849), 3 

A few weeks since, we mentioned amongst our English news the fact that the Rev. J. S. Stamp, assistant Editor of the Wesleyan Magazine, a joint treasurer of one of the Society's funds, and a popular preacher and author, had disappeared, having appropriated a large amount of the Connexional funds. At the last Conference, Mr. Stamp was, in consequence, solemnly and unceremoniously expelled from the body . . . At the time the Conference was sitting, no person seemed to know whither the delinquent had fled; but, from the Portland Guardian of the 16th November, we learn that a Dr. Stamp arrived in Geelong, as Surgeon Superintendent of the Tasman, and died the day after the ship's arrival. We subjoin our contemporary's significant account, and leave our readers to infer whether this is the defalcator whose fall has occasioned so much pain to the friends of religion in England:-
"The cause of his death we wish not to make known, from a respect which we have for his friends. The deceased was formerly a preacher in the Conference Connexion of Methodists; he was a man of great pulpit attainments; for a considerable time he was sub Editor for the Wesleyan Magazine, and librarian of the Methodist book-room; and, notwithstanding the situation in life formerly occupied by the deceased, the only burying-ground that could be afforded in this strange land, where Methodists are so numerous, was the Limeburner's Point, seven miles from Geelong."

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (19 March 1851), 3 

A LADY wishes to obtain a situation as Governess.
She instructs in English, French, Music, and Drawing from nature.
Satisfactory, references given.
Address, A. C. Mrs. STAMP'S, Halstead place, Newtown, Geelong.

[advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (20 January 1855), 1 

EDUCATION - MRS. STAMP, and MISS WARD, beg to inform their friends in Geelong, and its vicinity, that they have united to form a first class establishment for the Education of young Ladies, in which every regard will be paid to the comfort morals, and deportment of their pupils.
4 Pakington-street, Melbourne Road, New Town.

"DEATHS", The Argus (26 November 1895), 1 

STAMP. - On the 23rd inst., at Rydal Mount, Barkley-street, Mornington, Dorothea Stamp, in her 91st year.


Musician, pianist, vocalist, teacher of pianoforte and singing

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1854 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (27 April 1854), 3 

MRS. STANDRING, having had the advantage of studying abroad under the first masters, offers to give instructions upon the Pianoforte and Singing, at 133 Collins-street east.



Active Melbourne, VIC, c. 1859 (shareable link to this entry)


David Stanhope, of Melbourne, otherwise unknown, is credited with having written the music, and James Grassie the English words, of the Indigenous-themed song "Black-eyed Zitella sat weeping alone"; the words only survive.


"BLACK EYED ZITELLA SAT WEEPING ALONE", Geelong Advertiser (15 March 1859), 3 

(Words by James Grassie. Set to Music by David Stanhope, Melbourne.)

Black eyed Zitella sat weeping alone,
Her love had departed, her brothers were gone,
The last of the race of Wimmeira was she,
And the Queen of a tribe once happy and free;
Now homeless and friendless on Talbot's grey stone,
Black eyed Zitella sat weeping-alone . . . [4 more stanzas]

ASSOCIATIONS: James Grassie (lyricist)

George Thomas Lloyd, Thirty-three years in Tasmania and Victoria (London: Houlston and Wright, 1862), 463-64 

. . .The following graphic stanza was sent to me with a request to place it in these records: -
BLACK-EYED ZITELLA SAT WEEPING ALONE. (Words by James Grassie. Set to Music by David Stanhope, Melbourne.)
Black-eyed Zitella sat weeping alone . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Thomas Lloyd (author)


Musician, professor of the harp and pianoforte

Active Sydney, NSW, 1840 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 February 1840), 3 

HARP TUITION. MRS. STANLEY, professor of the Harp, respectfully begs to inform the Public that she gives instructions on that Instrument at home and abroad. Terms may be known by applying to Mrs. STANLEY at Mr. Wilson's, Artist, Morgan's Buildings, Kent-street North.

"HARP AND PIANO", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 February 1840), 2

Mrs. Stanley, a lady recently arrived in this Colony, proposes to give instruction on the harp, that sweetest of stringed instruments when well played. Mrs. Stanley has informed us that neither pains nor expense have been spared to qualify her as a professor. She has had the advantage of the best master London can boast of. We hope she may meet with adequate and remunerative support from those who love to discourse sweet melody.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (7 February 1840), 1 

TUITION - Mrs. Stanley, Professor of the Harp and Pianoforte, respectfully begs to inform the public, that she gives instructions on these instruments at home and abroad.
Terms may be known by applying to Mrs. Stanley, at Mr. Wilson's, Artist, Morgan's Buildings, Kent-street North, or to Mr. Ellard, George-street. Schools attended.

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (music seller)

STANLEY, Emma (Emma Louisa STANLEY; Miss Emma STANLEY)

Musician, pianist, harpist, guitarist, vocalist, monologuist, actor

Born Exeter, Devon, England, 13 November 1816; baptised St. Martin, Exeter, 24 December 1816; daughter of George STANLEY and Frances (Fanny) FLEMING (d. 1861)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 April 1858 (per Vaquero, from San Francisco, 30 January, via Honolulu, 28 February)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 September 1859 (per Ocean Rover, for Calcutta)
Died London, England, 11 December 1881, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Stanley (mother, travelling companion); J. B. Wheaton (pianist, accompanist, musical director)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Martin in the city of Exeter in the year 1816; Devon Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 31 / Dec'r 24 1816 / Emma Louise / [daughter of] George & Frances / Stanley / St. Martin's / Gent. / . . .

[Advertisement], Exeter Flying Post (26 December 1816), 4 (PAYWALL)

THEATRE, EXETER. MR. and Mrs. STANLEY most respectfully venture to offer the present ENTERTAINMENT to the notice of the Ladies and Gentlemen, and the Public of Exeter, and its vicinity, under the hope it will not be deemed intrusive, when the Situation of the Theatrical Company they were lately attached to is considered, the Dissolution of which has deprived them of the Honour of labouring in their profession this Present Winter, to obtain a Renewal of that Patronage they so liberally experienced last Season, and gratefully remember; being on the Eve of departing to an Engagement in the Sister Country (Ireland) they are, from the great Distance they have to travel, and the long Vacation they have experienced, induced to trespass once more on their Friends and the Public, to request a Portion of that Favour they before granted, and which at present would he received by them with redoubled Sentiments of Gratitude: -
They trust, the novel and very respectable Entertainment they have prepared will ensure that kind attention it has and will ever be, their pride to acknowledge and obtain.
The whole of the APPARATUS and HEADS as originally displayed and delivered by that celebrated Author and Actor, designed and painted by Mr. STANLEY.
Between the several Parts Mrs. STANLEY Will RECITE "Collins's Ode on the Passions," with the original Music. - "The Idiot, or, Poor Mad Ned," "Poor Mary, the Maid of the Inn." And "Moore's Melologue on National Music."
The whole to conclude with the PETIT PIECE of PERSONATION. Lord Henry, Mr. Stanley; Lady Julia, Mrs. Stanley.
Boxes, 3s. - Pit, 2s. - Gallery, 1s. Doors opened at six, and begin precisely at seven.
The THEATRICAL BAND have kindly consented to attend on the present occasion.

[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle [London, England] (6 December 1855), 1 (PAYWALL)

EMMA STANLEY'S "SEVEN AGES of WOMAN." - St. Martin's Hall. -
On Monday next, the 10th inst., and during the week, EMMA STANLEY will have the honour of making her re-appearance in London, after an absence of four years, in a new illustrated lyric entertainment, the SEVEN AGES of WOMAN.
Music by Herr Carl Anschuez. Musical director and accompanyist, Mr. T. Browne; Manager, Mr. Joseph Starmers. -
Admission: Area, 1s.; Chairs (reserved), 2s. 6d., Doors open at Half-past Seven, to commence at Eight o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Anschuez [Anschütz] (1818-1870)

"ATLANTIC THEATRICALS", The Argus (7 November 1856), 5

. . . Miss Emma Stanley, the new melo-dramatic actress, has created a most favorable sensation at the Walnut-street Theatre, Philadelphia . . .

List of passengers who have arrived at the port of Melbourne on 16 April 1858 from San Francisco on board the Vaquero; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Mrs. Stanley / 55 / [British] // Miss E. Stanley / 35 / [British] // Miss Mortimer / 25 / [British] // C. K. Mason / [60] / British] // Mrs. Russell / 35 / [British] // Wheaton / 30 / American . . . Geo. H. Ince / 28 / American // . . . Miss Annette Ince / 22 / [American]

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", The Argus (17 April 1858), 4 

April 15. - Vaquero, American schooner, 370 tons, F. A. Newell, from San Francisco 30th January, via Honolulu 28th February. Passengers - cabin: Mrs. and Miss Stanley . . . Miss Annette Ince, Miss Caroline Ince . . . Messrs. . . . Wheaton . . . C. K. Mason, G. H. Ince . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Kemble Mason (actor, d. NY, 1875)

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (17 April 1858), 4 

Miss Annette Ince, Miss Emma Stanley, and Mr. C. Kemble Mason, three celebrated theatrical characters, have arrived from California in the "Vaquero."

"THE THEATRES. PRINCESS'S THEATRE", The Argus (4 May 1858), 4 

Miss Emma Stanley is a sort of female John Parry, with as much dramatic ability as that gentleman, and a trifle less musical power than he possessed. Her stage experience has given her the self-possession, the technical knowledge, the flexibility of voice, and mobility of feature requisite for success in monologue, while her vocal and instrumental qualifications enable her to diversify her entertainment with some taking songs and clever accompaniments.

In the course of two hours Miss Stanley assumes a score of characters, appropriately costumed, and keeps up the never-failing monologue with untiring vivacity and variety, speaking all sorts of languages and all sorts of dialects in all sorts of voices, and exhibiting some animated portraits of females in the different classes of society while illustrating the "Seven Ages of Woman" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Parry (English vocalist, entertainer)

"SHIPPING NEWS . . . LAUNCESTON, ENTERED INWARDS, AUGUST 28", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (30 August 1858), 2

Royal Shepherd, steamer, 300, Saunders, Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mrs. and Miss Stanley, Messrs. Wheaton . . .

"THEATRE ROYAL. MISS EMMA STANLEY", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (15 September 1858), 3 

THIS distinguished artiste made her second appearance last evening . . . this gifted lady's performance is not only new, but it is a great improvement upon any of the old stock amusements presented on the boards of our theatres. One of the peculiarities of Miss Stanley's entertainment is, that it is beyond the grasp of criticism. We cannot, with the recollection of her comic humour fresh upon us, calmly advert to the many excellencies which characterised her performances. They are something which we cannot well explain to others; they must be seen to be appreciated. Miss Stanley possesses a talent peculiar to herself. As a musician she is very pleasing, and she has a sweet and captivating voice and manner. Her songs were admirable - "Willie, is it you?" was loudly encored, and "Kate Kearney" was brilliantly rendered in answer to the encore, Miss Stanley accompanying herself on the harp. There are many by others, such as "Mr. Jones - the intelligent man," we might advert to as having been exquisitely given. We sincerely trust that Miss Stanley will meet with the patronage her unquestioned ability entitles her to.

"MISS EMMA STANLEY", The Tasmanian Telegraph (18 September 1858), 5 

. . . In the music lesson Miss Stanley exhibits powers of vocalisation of first-rate order. Her voice is a mixture of soprano with a touch of contralto, having the sweetness and extent of the former, with some of the fullness and lower notes belong to the latter. In the 'cadences' and 'fiorituri' of the Italian music Miss Stanley is quite at ease; the two notes of the cadences are always accurately given, and the gamuts are run up with great perfection and correctness. As an instrumentalist Miss Stanley also shines. On the piano her touch is elegant, combining great, lightness celerity, and artistical 'maniere.' She strikes her octaves in a masterly style, and she accompanies herself with great taste. As a linguist, Miss Stanley again astonishes us. Italian, Spanish, and French were the only three languages amongst the five in which she sang, that we were conversant with and in these three her pronunciation was exceedingly good; her Marseillaise hymn was sung with as much spirit and fire, and with as true a pronunciation as could have been expected from even a gifted French woman . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (2 November 1858), 2

Monday, November 1 - The steamer Havilah, 337 tons, McFie master, from Melbourne October 30 . . . Passengers - Mrs. and Miss Stanley, Miss Smith, Mr. T. Wheaton [sic] . . .

[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (17 November 1858), 1

The Great London Artiste, MISS EMMA STANLEY . . .
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. J. B. Wheaton . . .
W. H. BUCIRDE, Agent.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED OUT", South Australian Register (2 December 1858), 2

Wednesday, December 1 - The steamer Admella, 478 tons, McEwan, master, for Melbourne. Passengers - Mrs. and Miss Stanley . . . Mesrrs. Bucirde, Wheaton . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (28 December 1858), 1 

PIANOFORTE and MUSIC SELLERS, 27, Collins-street west, Melbourne.-
McCULLOCH and STEWART, having published the beautiful Ballad of
"WILLIE, WE HAVE MISSED YOU," sung by Miss Stanley, they will forward any number of copies to order.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1859), 1 

JUST PUBLISHED, "Willie we have missed," [sic] ballad sung by Miss Emma Stanley. JOHNSON and CO.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1859), 5 

This evening, the last night but one of her present professional engagement, Miss Emma Stanley takes a benefit at the Royal Victoria Theatre, where crowded houses have, night after night, assembled to witness her unprecedented and wonderful performances. Her exquisite impersonations have been already witnessed and keenly appreciated by such large numbers, that some may be disposed to wonder how it is that her entertainment can still be as fresh and as acceptable as ever, and continue to draw good houses; but, when it is borne in mind how great is the variety of character which it is the peculiar talent of this actress to exhibit show rapid the change, and how brilliant each successive development, the wonder at once ceases. We have already spoken of some of her delineations, and of the vocal and instrumental illustrations by which they are rendered instinct with life and melody. In all of them, there is obviously a great knowledge and careful study of character which must be seen to be understood. Who could imagine that the gay and mocking belle who sings so sweetly and so archly to her harp, plays so triumphantly on the piano, and so petulantly on the guitar, is indeed the same being as that dear old Grandmother Grey - so neat, so calm, so feeble, and so kind coming before us like a voice from the dead - like a recollection of our boyhood - a type, a reflection, a palingenesis of some one long past away, but never to be forgotten? We gaze at this strange picture in silence, and with humid eyes and are hardly pleased when, with a merry, quick, and bounding step, and a roguish laughing eye, the "bonnie weird woman" comes in again, and deliberately breaks the spell. If Miss Stanley played nothing else, "Grandmother Grey " alone would stamp her as a great artist.

"CLEARANCES", Empire (30 September 1859), 4

Ocean Rover, ship, 770 tons, Captain Briard, for Calcutta. Passengers - Mrs. Stanley, Miss Emma Stanley . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 March 1860), 3

JUST PUBLISHED, new edition of the favourite Scotch Ballad, MY AIN DEAR NELL (Nelly Brown), sung by Mrs. Hancock and Miss Emma Stanley. McCulloch and Stewart.

"DEATH OF EMMA STANLEY", Launceston Examiner (19 April 1882), 1s

We announced a little time back the death of this actress who, it will be remembered, visited Launceston some years ago, and the following further particulars taken from the London Era will be found interesting:

Emma Stanley died on December 11, at her residence at Bayswater, at the good old age of 63 years. While yet young she displayed a remarkable aptitude for the vocation her parents had adopted, and at an early age became a great provincial favourite, especially at the Liverpool Theatre Royal, and at Glasgow and Edinburgh. On the occasion of her debut in the latter city she was led forward by the manager, Mr. William Murray, at the conclusion of the play amidst the most demonstrative acclamations, thus receiving the marked honour of being the first actress ever called before an Edinburgh audience. Her first appearance on the London stage was at the Lyceum Theatre as Catherine, in the play of "The Exile," August 1st, 1842. Her immediate success resulted in the prompt offer of an engagement for leading comedy business at the Princess Theatre, where she remained for several seasons, and played the principal part in "The Devil's In It," "The Angel of the Attic," "Ernestine," "Ladies Beware," and "A Wife for an Hour," when those pieces were originally produced. At the Adelphi Miss Emma Stanley was specially engaged for one season, making a decided hit in the late Charles Selby's piece of "The Moral Philosopher." At the termination of Mr. Maddox's lesseeship of the Princess' Miss Emma Stanley commenced a provincial tour, and in Dublin had the honour of being chosen by the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland to be the leading artiste at the garrison performances for three consecutive years.

Devoting herself to the study of music and languages, in which great proficiency was ultimately attained, Miss Emma Stanley gave in 1850, at the Hanover square Rooms an entertainment after the style of the celebrated John Parry, in which her instrumental talent was shown on six different instruments, and songs were rendered in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Greek, and Russian. A much more successful experiment was made a few years later, when Mr. E. L. Blanchard wrote for her the monologue entertainment called "The Seven Ages of Woman," introducing thirty-seven different changes of character and costume, and calling into requisition all her dramatic, lingual, and musical acquirements. This was first produced at St. Martin's Hall, Long-acre, in December, 1855, and was at once recognised as a success to be identified with the most wonderful feminine achievements on record. With this entertainment Miss Emma Stanley went in the autumn of the succeeding year to America, and thence to Australia, India, New Zealand, and the Sandwich Islands; returning four years afterwards to England, and reappearing in London, with her famous "Seven Ages of Woman" at the Egyptian Hall, October 22nd, 1860. A provincial tour followed; but soon after the death of her mother, who had been the companion of her adventurous travels through "distant lands," Miss Emma Stanley retired from public life.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Laman Blanchard (dramatist)

Associated musical editions:

Willie we have missed you, the popular ballad sung by Miss Emma Stanley in her musical entertainments ["written and composed by Stephen C. Foster"] (Sydney: W. J. Johnson & Co., and Lewis Moss, [1859]) (DIGITISED)

Willie we have missed you, favorite ballad, sung by Miss Emma Stanley in her entertainment of the Seven ages of woman ["written and composed by Stephen C. Foster"] (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1859]) (DIGITISED)

Niminy pym polka, composed and respectfully dedicated to Miss Emma Stanley, by J. B. Wheaton (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1859]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: J. B. Wheaton (composer)

My ain dear Nell, sung by Miss Emma Stanley & Mrs. Hancock, a new Scottish ballad written and composed by A. Hume, fourth edition (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1860]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Hume (1811-1859, Scottish composer)

The Victoria songster . . . part 5 . . . second edition (Melbourne: Charlwood & Son, 1860), 151 (DIGITISED)

WILLIE, WE HAVE MISSED YOU. As sung by Miss Emma Stanley, at the Princess' Theatre . . .

Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, programme and words of the songs of the Seven ages of woman: a new lyric entertainment written expressly for Miss Emma Stanley, by E. L. Blanchard ([London: Savoy Printing Company, 1860) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

See also biographical note at beginning: "Miss Emma Stanley was born in Exeter . . ."

Bibliography and resources:

"STAMMERS v. HUGHES and STANLEY", Reports of cases argued and determined in the English courts of common law [12 June 1856] (Philadelphia: T. & J. W. Johnson, 1857), 527 (DIGITISED)

"Fleming, Miss", Dictionary of national biography (1885-1900), 19, 271,_Miss_(DNB00) (DIGITISED)

FLEMING, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Stanley (1796?-1861), actress . . . She married George Stanley, a low comedian, who appeared 9 Oct. 1834 at the Lyceum as Nicholas Trefoil in "Before Breakfast," went to America, and there died . . . Her daughter, Emma Stanley, born 13 Nov. 1823 [sic, recte 1816], made her first appearance at the Lyceum, in May 1843, as Catherine in "The Exile." Mrs. Stanley died suddenly of bronchitis in Jermyn Street, 17 Jan. 1861, at the reputed age of sixty-nine years.


Amateur musician, violinist, brass band player, concertina player, maker, and repairier, memoirist

Born UK, c. 1834
Active Bathurst, NSW, by c. 1853 (age "18")
Married (1) Emma PONTIFEX, Bathurst, NSW, 1865
Married (2) Lydia BROWN, Bathurst, NSW, 1879 (common law by 1866)
Died Bathurst, NSW, 22 November 1913, aged "79" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Australian Town and Country Journal (25 August 1883), 42 

STEEL ANGLOS, Extra Loud, for Dancing.
Guaranteed for Two Years.
J. STANLEY, Concertina Doctor, Bathurst.

[Advertisement], The bulletin (22 August 1855), 8

[Advertisement], The bulletin (22 August 1855), 8 


"The Bathurst Show", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (8 April 1886), 2 

. . . Mr. J. Stanley has a large space taken up by musical instruments including a dissected concertina, he being a concertina doctor . . .

"The Bathurst Show . . . AWARDS", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (10 April 1886), 2 

. . . Certificates were awarded to the following: J. Stanley, Improvements in Musical Instruments and collection of Violins, Concertinas, &c. . . .

"UP AND DOWNS OF LIFE (By J. STANLEY)", National Advocate (14 June 1913), 7 

Sydney entrepreneurs and others give Bathurst a bad name for not appreciating their scraggy Squalini's and raspy-voiced, worn-out tenors when they visit us on a professional tour. No wonder we want something better. We breed tenors and sopranos, and also successful performers on variety and dramatic lines. I have a list of forty-three local people, who are or were connected with the show business. First I will mention Kate Rooney of the glorious voice, almost equal to the renowned Melba, I was one of a seven-pound house to hear Mrs. Armstrong as she was when she paid her first visit to Bathurst. When she came again the house reached £206 with the same voice, but more experience. A few days ago another local star returned from England after a very successful visit. I mean Miss Olive Godwin, born at Bunnamagoo, near Rockley. I knew her father, Charlie Godwin, who was overseer for the late Tom Pye, and reared his family on Campbell's River. She rejoins the Williamson Opera Companies. From Rockley came Tom Bird, circus performer, rider, vaulter, acrobat; every turn he could take on at will . . . Tom Bird went into partnership and formed Taylor and Bird's circus. I first knew Taylor in Burton's circus. He was a capital ring-master and ground juggler in every branch. He was a prominent Mason, high up in the fraternity, and the last I heard of him was that he had joined the Salvation Army, and was a consistent and conscientious member of that community. Another celebrity was a man from Rockley, who frequented the Haymarket and Brickfield Hill in Sydney. He had six toes on each foot and always went bare footed. He was the brother of a sporting publican in Bathurst who did very little to help his afflicted relative. Our own George MacDougal had the voice of an angel, alto as well as tenor, and I have heard him sing "Please Give Me a Penny" in C, which I never knew to be done, but by Rockfellow in Hussey's Minstrels; William Morgan, of Kelso, solicitor, had a beautiful tenor voice. Tom Hellyer, several times Mayor of Bathurst, was a fine baritone. Baker, "The Bard of Erin," was unequalled in Tom Moore's songs. Miss Fernandez (stage name), a native of Hill End, or rather Tambaroora, the niece of a well-known Bathurst citizen and official, was equally good with voice or mandolin. Annetta Bodin, singer and dancer, and a great favorite at the Tivoli, was born on the spot where "the Grand bar" now stands at the corner of William and Russell streets; she is now the wife of Frank York, comedian and corner man in minstrel troupes. Wallace, corner man of Clay's and other companies, is a Bathurst native. Tom Fanning, father of Charlie and Maude, a very fine violinist, was located here for years. I played second violin to him at the Governor's ball, held at what is now, the Club-House Hotel. The Wirth boys came from Wattle Flat. Wirth senior, with his boys band, took Busche's bass player from Bathurst and toured Queensland, striking Rockhampton at a land sale; the father, Johannes Wirth, picked up several allotments of land at nominal prices which afterwards were sold for fabulous amounts, and which I presume produced the capital to start Wirths' celebrated circus. The Fitzgerald boys were reared at the White Rock up the river. Dan was a saddler at Paul's. Jack and Tom were compositors at the "Times." The father afterwards kept the hotel now in the hands of Mr. Curran of George street. In Busche's band I was playing E flat trumpet, and one night Johannes Wirth stood behind me and found fault with my music score. I let him alter it and he greatly improved it. He was a slide trombone player and could play a hornpipe on that difficult instrument, and was the best I ever heard except Duprez, a colored player in the real Georgia Minstrels. The three Cooke brothers formed the "Iron Clad" Minstrels. One was a plasterer and lived in William-street below Willman's. The three Chittendens, father and two sons, played in the "Court Minstrels." They lived in Koppel-street and hung the first peal of bells in All Saints'. Whitmore, the solo cornet of the Artillery Band in Sydney, is a Bathurst boy from the corner of George and Howick streets. Dazzy Martin, baritone, is singing around Sydney suburbs. Tom Lunn sings in a North Sydney choir. Charlie Naylor could sing baritone or tenor; Swayne was a fine bass, and we have another still in Kenny. The two Kennas have splendid voices, one still with Williamson's Opera Companies; the other too much engaged in coining money at the Grand to sing now. Miss Polly Kenna was one of the best pianists I have ever heard outside the profession. Then the Buckingham family; playing under various names - one Jimmy Herman as violinist and alto singer, the father as Reeves the 'cellist. I forget the brother's name. A sister, wife of Mr. Baldwin, Hunter River squatter. Jimmy Herman, a very successful teacher of the violin in Sydney, has put his savings into several terraces of houses in good localities. One of the Palmer girls married Ashton of the circus, another married Jimmy Armstrong, circus clown. Their half brothers were John and W. Hurley, both M's.L.A. As I was listening to the German Band in George-St. Sydney, one day, the big drummer came and spoke to me and told me he had been cook at our Court House Hotel for a long time. He was a nephew of Spohr, the celebrated violin player and author of several musical works. The band master, Herr Appell, gave me some very fine dance music. When I saw him last he was playing in an American circus in Bourke-street, near Moore Park, Sydney. Among our ladies, Kate Coffey had a beautiful voice and was a wonder. The Stephens girls and Miss Mason were equal to any Colonial opera singers. Miss Hazeltine, from Mudgee, had a beautiful voice and a very taking style. Miss Martin was a rider in Jones's Circus. Mrs. Franklyn, of Peel-street, was an acrobat in La Rosiere's Circus. Madge Hope, the beautiful and emotional actress, was born in Howick-street, at the Club House. I think I have said enough to show that from the success of our local talent we are quite capable of judging what is up to the mark or not in the class of performers the Sydney people try to foist on to us.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Wirth (circus proprietor, musician); George Buckingham (entertainer); Edward Faning (violin); George Chittenden and sons (musicians); Henry Joseph Spohr (musician); Conrad Appel (musician)

"Personal", National Advocate (24 November 1913), 2 

Mr. John G. Stanley, an old and respected resident of Bathurst, died on Saturday at the age of 79 years. The deceased had been ailing for some time. An interesting narrative of his career will appear in to-morrow's issue

"LATE MR. STANLEY. A NOTABLE IDENTITY", National Advocate (25 November 1913), 2 

With the passing of Mr. John G. Stanley, announced in yesterday's issue, Bathurst loses one of its most notable identities, and a man who knew more about the early history of the place and its inhabitants than any other man whom it has been out lot to know. A native of the Old Country, the late Mr. Stanley was the son of an Anglican Minister. An uncle was a member of the same profession, and a sister became the wife of a gentleman prominent in the British Consular service. After being educated at one of the great public schools of England, where his schoolmates included the late Mr. Bean (fomerly of All Saints' College), Willoughby, and Bland Holt. Mr. Stanley, at the age of 18 years came to Australia, and for practically the whole of the remaining 61 years of his life lived in Bathurst. In the early days, he performed quite a variety of duties as a means of livelihood. For many years he filled the position of Warden's bailiff, for a time acted in the capacity of town clerk, and for a lengthy period occupied the post of pound-keeper. Droving and dealing also occupied his attention, and he was also associated with the now defunct "Bathurst Sentinel" at a time when it boasted amongst its contributors some of the best writers in the State. During the period that the late Mr. Dan Mayne was serving a term of imprisonment for libel, he was in charge of the paper, and acquitted himself in a manner which evoked pundits from competent judges of the day. Up to a year or two ago, he was for twenty years caretaker of the Bathurst School of Arts. During this period, he made the acquaintance of the leading theatrical and operatic stars who visited Bathurst, and latterly he was wont to chat interestingly of these personages . . .

Of Mr. Stanley's knowledge of early Bathurst, it is unnecessary for us to say anything. That is already known to our readers from his own pen under the heading of "Ups and Downs." Several of the pictures of old Bathurst, published in our Centenary number, were generously supplied by him. The portrait of the late Mr. McCarthy, the first bandmaster in Bathurst, he especially prized, as for several years he played in the band under this gentleman's baton. Mr. Stanley, who was in his 80th year, is survived by a 70-year-old widow and a family of three sons and one daughter, to whom widespread sympathy will go out in their bereavement . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Mayne (newspaper proprietor); Michael McCarthy (band master)

Bibliography and resources:

John George Stanley, Find a grave 

Warren Fahey, The concertina doctor of Bathurst; who was the concertina doctor of Bathurst?; Australian folklore unit 

STANLEY, John Millwood (John Millwood STANLEY; J. M. STANLEY)

Pianoforte maker, repairer, and tuner (formerly of Charles Cadby's, London), drum major (volunteer artillery), horticulturalist

Born Essex, England, 1833; son of John Millwood STANLEY
Married (1) Amelia Ann PEALL (d. 1856), St. Pancras old church, 12 June 1855
Married (2) Elizabeth BUTT (1835-1916), St. James's, Piccadilly, 20 September 1856
Arrived Tasmania, ? late 1856 or early 1857
Died Hobart, TAS, 17 September 1885 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


1855, marriage solemnized at St. Pancras church in the parish of St. Pancras in the county of Middlesex; register 1855-56, page 9; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 18 / June 12 / John Millwood Stanley Jun'r / full [age] / Bachelor / Pianoforte tuner / Leverton St. / [son of] John Millwood Stanley / Printer
Amelia Anne Peall / full [age] / Spinster / - / Bartholomew Place / [daur. of] Henry Waite Peall / Government officer . . .

1856, marriage solemnized at the church in the parish of St. James Westminster in the county of Middlesex; register 1855-56, page 233; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 465 / Sep'r 20th / John Millwood Stanley / full [age] / Widower / Pianoforte maker / St. James Westm'r / [son of] John Manning [sic] Stanley / Printer
Elizabeth Butt / Full [age] / Spinster / - / St. George's Hanover Sq'r / [daur. of] Joseph Butt / Glass Cutter dec'd . . .

"COURT OF REQUESTS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD, 1857 . . . POLLARD v. SCREEN", The Hobart Town Advertiser (7 September 1857), 2 

Mr. McMinn for plaintiff. Mr. Crisp for defendant. An action for £8 for repairs to a pianoforte.
J. J. Pollard deposed that he agreed to put the piano in thorough repair for £10 and to allow him the use of a piano while the repair was being done. It was put into a complete state of repair, and was returned in five months
Cross-examined - I have performed the contract. When I delivered the piano it was in a better state of repair than when I got it.
Mr. Pollard, plaintiff's father, deposed that he had been a pianoforte maker twenty-six years. The piano (a square) was at his son's house in March last, when he arrived in this colony . . .
J. M. Stanley a pianoforte tuner, deposed that he had seen the piano before it was repaired, and he saw it after it was returned. The work was not done in a workmanlike manner, and it was not in a thorough state of repair.
Cross-examined by the plaintiff (Mr. McMinn having withdrawn from the case, not being able to cross-examine according to the technical phraseology) - I have been a tuner nine years. I am a gardener also, and I believe I am a judge. I have not been brought up to the trade. As a tuner I work in the finisher's shop.
Re-examined - I served my apprenticeship in London and had 3000 pianos through my hands.
By the Commissioner - I am not with Messrs. Pollard now; there have been collisions between us.
H. W. Loveday, (a professional tuner of musical instruments) deposed that he saw the piano twice before Messrs. Pollard had it . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Joseph Pollard (pianoforte maker); James Pollard senior (pianoforte maker) Henry William Loveday (pianoforte tuner and repairer)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (25 January 1858), 1 

Pianoforte Tuning and Repairing.
J. M. STANLEY, from the House of C. Cadby, London, Pianoforte, Seraphines, Harmoniums, and all other kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired, with punctuality and despatch.
Terms. Single Tuning in Town, 5s. Annual tuning, six times per year, £1 1s.
The Country districts regularly visited every two months.
All orders and communications to be addressed to Mr. Stanley, 112 Murray-street, Hobart Town.

"INSOLVENT COURT. THIS DAY . . . In re J. M. Stanley.", The Courier (10 November 1858), 3 

First meeting of creditors.
Proofs. - J. Whitesides, Hobart Town, cabinet maker, £21 5s. 6d.; Dr. Smart, £34 15s. 6d., professional attendance and goods sold.
Insolvent examined by Mr. Whitesides - Said that Mr. Whitesides required a reference; insolvent told him that he could give no reference, as he had no relations here, except that his wife was Mr. Stewart's niece; I said I was not acquainted with him myself; you told me that Mr. Stewart said he would bring me up at the Police Office if I made use of his name; Mr. Loveday was with me, and referred, I think, to Huxtable & Deakin; I agreed to pay £5 per month; made two payments; it was on representations made to me by Loveday, that I said I had an extensive business; I was a stranger to the colony and he had been here some time.
Examined by Mr. Lees. - Loveday had been here some time; he was at Huxtable and Deakin's, and proposed to me to join him, stating that he had a good business, which might be increased; had it not been for him I should not have gone into the business then; on his representation I thought I had reasonable expectation of being able to pay for the things; I had no debts when I joined Loveday; he told me that he had several accounts due at Christmas, by which I thought I should be able to pay Mr. Whitesides a part; the small sums I received I was obliged to pay for the living of myself and wife; at Christmas, Loveday left my house; we had agreed to separate in November, but he remained to that time; when he left he took his connection with him; if we had remained together I expected we should have earned £50 or £60, by which I should have been enabled to have paid Mr. Whitesides another portion; Mr. Whitesides wished me to return the furniture, but as I was behind in my rent my landlord would not allow me to do so; I have incurred much expense by making journies into the country, &c. ; owing to competition and the lowering of prices, the receipts were much diminished.
On the application of Mr. Lees, the meeting was adjourned to the 24th instant, and the same day was appointed to hear the application for discharge.

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (13 November 1858), 3 

SIR, - In the examination of John Millwood Stanley at the Insolvent Court on Wednesday last, that person endeavored to make it appear that I had been the sole cause of his insolvent circumstances. I neither dragged him into business as he has stated I did, nor did I leave him without the means of paying his debts.
Allow me to state a few facts in my own defence.
Mr. Stanley arrived in the Colony on the 2nd of March 1857 penniless. He stated that Mr. J. L. Stewart was his uncle and represented that that gentleman would receive certain moneys from England for him.
On his arrival Mr. J. J. Pollard engaged him for the term of five years but discharged him on account of his dissipated habits after he had been with him some fourteen weeks. In alluding to his dissipation only I shew a consideration for him of which he has proved himself to be unworthy. He was next engaged by Mr. Colvin as gardener with whom he remained only three days. With his subsequent history of the Sailor's Delight I have nothing to do. If he considered it creditable I have nothing to say against it. Mr. Stanley says that after his engagement with me his means were barely enough to support him, although he has repeatedly boasted that did he not earn from £1 to 16 10s per day he could not "Shout" so freely as was his practice. There were ample means placed at his disposal by myself; and had he acted honorably towards me, there still would have been. The following fact will be the best refutation of Mr. Stanley's assertion:
On the 30th July 1857 Mr. Stanley came to me, and from that day to the 19th September, seven weeks and two days, the receipts of my business were £59 17s 6d. I left town for the Country leaving Mr. Stanley in charge, and giving him the necessary instructions and introductions requisite for carrying on the business with success. On the 30th November I returned having been absent ten weeks and two days. I then asked for the accounts and to my surprise and astonishment, was informed by him that the receipts for the whole of that period amounted only to £8 8s! Believing that something was radically wrong I made enquiries, and the result was that I found that this person had not only been vilifying me in my absence, but that in money matters he had acted in a way which at once and for ever placed a barrier between us. I at once disposed with his Services. No man will willingly submit to have trust and confidence abused by the same party more than once if he can avoid it. One report circulated by him was that I had left the Colony and had transferred my business to him!
In his examination Stanley said that he had paid two instalments to Mr. Whitesides. The first of these I paid for him the second I authorised him to pay out of monies I remitted to him from Falmouth. The receipt of this money not having been acknowledged I abstained from forwarding any more.
Mr. Stanley's present position is entirely owing to his own want of principle and dissolute habits. After using every endeavor to rescue him from obscurity, and to place him above the reach of want, he now repays my kindness by leading his creditors to believe that I have been the sole cause of his having involved himself in debt. Ingratitude, such as this, however, is unhappily so frequently exemplified, that men cease to marvel at it.
I remain
Your obedient servant,

[Advertisement], The Mercury (24 March 1865), 1 

STANLEY & WINTER BEG to inform the musical public of Tasmania that, having purchased the whole of the manufacturing plant belonging to the late Mr. John Williams, they are prepared to execute orders for the manufacture, repair, tuning, and regulating of all kinds of musical instruments.
Orders received by Mrs. Williams, Liverpool-street; and at the manufactory, Elizabeth-street, opposite Burn's Auction Mart.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert George Winter (pianoforte maker); John Williams (pianoforte maker)

"INDUSTRIAL BAZAAR AT THE TOWN HALL", The Mercury (21 April 1870), 2 supplement 

. . . The rosewood and walnut cottage pianofortes on the platform, from the manufactory of Messrs. Winter and Co., Elizabeth-street, were both of 7 octaves, provided with Brooke's improved escapement lovers and hoppers, and patent elliptic fronted keys, metallic bridge and bearings, and with those exceptions the work was colonial. The case making, bellying, and furnishing were done by Mr. R. G. Winter, (who for fifteen years was attached to Kirkman's, London); the stringing, registering, and tuning by Mr. J. M. Stanley. The fret work with which the instrument was ornamented was cut with the hand-saw. The moulding, in which there was great art, especially that of the Italian walnut, the material used for one of the instruments, was difficult to veneer. These pianos were turned out in a perfectly finished style, equal to, although the prices were much lower than, Kirkman's. £70 was the selling price of the walnut, the same style, size, and make as Kirkman's at £90; and £65 that of the rosewood, £85 being Kirkman's figure. The firm has manufactured including those two, thirty pianos, all previous ones being highly spoken of. The firm state that they are going in for the manufacture of harmoniums, hoping to turn out half-a-dozen within the next three months . . .

[News], The Mercury (18 September 1885), 2 

John Millwood Stanley, who expired at his residence in Upper Murray-street yesterday morning, from an attack of bronchitis. Mr. Stanley was born in Essex in the year 1833, being the only, son of Dr. J. M. Stanley. He was apprenticed to the pianoforte trade, serving his time with Messrs. Cadby and Moore, of London. In 1856, whilst still a young man, he came to this colony and followed the same business, being for, some years a partner of Mr. R. G. Winter, of Elizabeth-street. Latterly he has been by himself, and has confined his attention to the tuning branch of the business, in which he was universally acknowledged to have no superior in the colony. He was one of the, first to join the old Volunteer Artillery Force, and for years filled the position of drum major of the Artillery band, and he was also an enthusiastic amateur cottage gardener, one of his principal delights being the garden of his residence, where he reared the choicest of flowers. Mr. Stanley leaves a widow, five sons, and seven daughters to mourn their loss.

STANLEY, William - see main page William STANLEY 

Musician, pianist, organist, composer (1820-1902)


Musician, vocalist, minstrel serenader

Active NSW, 1850s (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (17 August 1850), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 December 1854), 1 

[Advertisement], Empire (11 February 1856), 1 

- The Greatest Bill of the season and Grand Fashionable night. -
Entirely new and attractive programme by the SABLE BRETHREN, who are re-engaged for four nights more,
MONDAY, February 11th. Astounding Feats of Horsemanship, and Strength.
To conclude with a new Burlesque (as arranged by F. Harrington), entitled
Sambo Augustus Julius Ceasar Tipp, D. Brenni;
Daddy, a henpeck'd specimen, M. Stanwood;
Mammy, a vicious old lady, F. Harrington;
Rosa Angelina Seraphine Squeakini, an elegant young lady, F. Germone.
Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8. The cheapest amusement in the city.

STAPLETON, Joseph William (Joseph William STAPLETON; J. W. STAPLETON)

Pianoforte maker, tuner, repairer, regulator

Born England, c. 1797
Tried Old Bailey, London, England, 28 June 1820 (sentenced to death, commuted to life transportation, age "23")
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 27 June 1821 (convict per Lady Ridley, from England, 4 January) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Found guilty of forgery and sentenced to death on 28 June 1820, aged 23, Stapleton was transported for life in 1821, and recommended for a free pardon in 1843 (confirmed January 1845). From 1822 until 1827 he advertised regularly in the Hobart press as a piano maker, tuner, and repairer, making him, apart from military bandsmen, one of the first musical professionals on record working in Tasmania. One of his advertisements was reproduced in the press in 1897, with the explanation: "This advertisement in itself will be an education to those among us who proudly assert there was not a piano in Tasmania 50 years ago."


Trial of Joseph William Stapleton, Royal Offences / coining offences, 28 June 1820; Old Bailey online 

782. JOSEPH WILLIAM STAPLETON was indicted for that he, on the 16th of May, at St. James, Clerkenwell, feloniously did dispose of and put away a certain forged and counterfeit Bank note (setting it forth, No. 12168, 1l. dated 11th of December, 1819, signed J. C. Baker), with intent to defraud the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, well knowing it to be forged and counterfeited . . .
Prisoner's Defence. I stand here, entirely resting on my own innocence. I have refused to plead guilty to the minor charge knowing myself to be innocent. My friends and relations are in France. I left Paris three days prior to this circumstance. The night previous to my being apprehended I slept at a house in Shepherd-street. Having met a woman at Drury-lane Theatre, I told her I had no money, nor anything but a watch, which cost me thirty francs, and which I meant to dispose of, as I intended to return to Paris. I accompanied her and another female to sell it - they took me to a house in Drury-lane, and I received this note of a man there for the watch, of course I cannot produce the villain who paid me the note. I wanted change, to defray the expences of the night, and put my right name and address (Shepherd-street) on it, as, in all probability I should have accompanied her there again that night. Sometimes I come to London, and sometimes my brother - we are under our father.
GUILTY. - DEATH. Aged 23.

Convict record, Joseph William Stapleton; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1437150; CON31/1/38$init=CON31-1-38P113 (DIGITISED)

326 / Stapleton Jos. Wm. / Lady Ridley 1821 / 28 June 1820 Life . . .
Conditional Pardon . . . 12th April 1841 / Free pardon . . . 27 Sept. 1843

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (13 July 1822), 1

J. W. Stapleton, Piano Forte Maker, begs leave to offer his sincere thanks to the Public, for the encouragement he has already met with; and trusts, by a continuance of care to insure further favours. -
He likewise takes this opportunity to state, that he repairs Piano Fortes & Violins on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. -
Applications to be made, by Letter, at the Printer's.

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (22 March 1823), 2 

J. W. Stapleton, Piano Forte Maker, Collins-street, respectfully informs the Public, that he continues to repair and regulate Piano Fortes at his own place, or at the proprietor's own residence, upon the most reasonable terms, and trusts that his exertions and care will meet with liberal encouragement.
N. B. - An excellent well toned square Piano Forte, with additional keys, to be sold cheap.

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (13 August 1824), 4 

J. W. STAPLETON, Piano Forte Maker, begs to return his grateful Acknowledgments to a liberal and patronizing Public, for the kind Support which he has hitherto met with; and he hopes, from the experience which he has received from the first London and Parisian Piano Forte Establishments, that he will still merit a continuance of their Favours.-
He continues to repair and regulate the Grand, Square, and Cabinet Piano Fortes; and has now for Sale, a fine-toned Piano Forte Guitar, by Longman and Broadribbs -
This Instrument, in point of delicacy, is particularly recommended to the Ladies, and is esteemed as a complete Accompaniment to the Female Voice, and capable of producing all the beauties of Harmony; its sweetness and fulness of Tone have recommended it to Ladies of the first distinction in England. -
J. W. S. has also on Sale, a fine-toned Violin; instructive Books will be given with both the above Instruments. -
Application to be made in Elizabeth-street, next door to the Printing Office.

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (30 September 1826), 3

J. W. STAPLETON, PIANO FORTE MAKER, grateful for past favours, begs to acquaint the Gentry of Tasmania that he still continues to Clean, Regulate, and Repair the Grand, Square, and Cabinet Piano Fortes upon moderate Terms, at his Residence in Elizabeth street.
J. W. S. respectfully recommends to the Gentry the cleaning and regulating their Piano Fortes at least once every Six Months, as that greatly tends to improve the sound of the Instrument.
Violins repaired.

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Gazette (7 October 1826), 3 


[Advertisement], Colonial Times (21 September 1827), 1

MUSIC - J. W. Stapleton, Piano Forte Maker, grateful for past Favours, begs to acquaint the Gentry of Tasmania, that he still continues to clean, regulate, and repair the Grand Square, and Cabinet Piano Fortes, at his Residence near the Post Office, and trusts from his experience in that Business with some of the first Makers, both in London and Paris, to give that Satisfaction which alone will ensure a continuance of their Favours.-
J. W. S. respectfully recommends to the Gentry, the cleaning and regulating their Piano Fortes, at least every Six Months, as that greatly tends to improve the sound of the instrument.
Violins, &c. repaired.

"GOVERNMENT NOTICE . . . Memoranda of Free Pardon", Colonial Times (3 October 1843), 4

. . . Joseph William Stapleton, Lady Ridley . . .


. . . "Music. - J. W. Stapleton, pianoforte maker, grateful for past favours. . ."
This advertisement in itself will be an education to those among us who proudly assert there was not a piano in Tasmania 50 years ago.

STARK, James (James STARK; Mr. STARK)


Born Windsor, Canada, 16 August 1819
Married Sarah KIRBY, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1851
Arrived [1] Sydney, NSW, 14 May 1853 (per New Orleans, from San Francisco, 10 March)
Departed [1] Sydney, NSW, 10 May 1854 (per Golden Age, for Panama)
Arrived [2] Sydney, NSW, 13 April 1856 (per Jane A. Falkinburg, from San Francisco, 25 February)
Departed [2] Sydney, NSW, 17 January 1857 (per Sea Witch, for San Francisco)
Died New York, NY, USA, 12 October 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Kitts (agent)

STARK, Sarah (Sarah ? ; [1] Mrs. J. Hudson KIRBY; [2] Mrs. J. B. WINGERD/WINGATE; [3] Mrs. James STARK; Sarah Kirby STARK)

Actor, manager

Born c. 1813
Married James STARK, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1851
Died 1898 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)

Bibliography and resources:

Lawrence Estavan, The Starks, the Bakers, the Chapmans (San Francisco: W. P. A., 1938), 1-75b (DIGITISED)

STARLING, David Payne (David Payne STARLING; D. P. STARLING)

Musician, organist, piano tuner, farmer, grazier

Born Warminster, Wiltshire, England, 28 July 1834; son of Joseph STARLING (1807-1888) and Matilda Pady PRING (d. 1860)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 27 April 1853 (per Strathfieldsaye, from London, 18 January)
Married Emma Adelaide SOWERBY (d. 1888), VIC, 1854
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 4 February 1886 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Registration of birth, David Payne Starling, 28 July 1834; Dr. William registry (dissenters); UK National Archives, RG5/142 (PAYWALL)

[Registered] 5 May 1837 / . . . that David Payne the son of Joseph Starling of Warminster in the County of Wilts, Hatter, and Matilda Pady his wife (who was the daughter of John Pring of Warminster . . . Chemist) was born at the house of the said Joseph Starling in the Market Place Warminster . . . on [28 July 1834] . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Newport, Hampshire; UK National Archives, (PAYWALL)

30 Lugley Street / Joseph Starling / Head / Mar. / 43 / Manager of the I. of W. [ ? ] / [born] Middlesex Hoxton London
Matilda Pady [Starling] / Wife / Mar. / 42 / - / [born] Wilts. Warminster
Maria Perry [Starling] / Daur. / U. / 19 / Governess / [born Wilts. Warminster]
David Payne [Starling] / Son / U. / 16 / Railway Clerk / [born Wilts. Warminster]
John Penny [Starling] / Son / U. / 14 / Scholar / [born Wilts. Warminster]
Mary Annell [Starling] / Daur. / U. / 24 / Housekeeper (visitor) / [born Wilts. Warminster]

Names and descriptions of passengers per Strathfieldsaye, from London, 9 December 1852 (18 January 1853), for Port Phillip (27 April 1853); Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . David Phyne [sic] Starling / 18 . . .

"ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, RICHMOND", The Argus (22 August 1853), 5 

We are informed that Mr. D. P. Starling is appointed organist to this church.

"ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, RICHMOND", The Age (15 September 1856), 2 supplement 

On Friday evening about two hundred persons sat down to a most sumptuous tea provided in the Boys' School Room, Richmond, in honor of the presentation of a well deserved testimonial from the parishioners to the ladies of the choir. After tea was concluded, the Rev. C. T. Perks was called to the chair. After some, suitable observations, he, in the name of the parishioners, presented a testimonial to each of the Misses Stodart, accompanied by a purse of one hundred sovereigns. The following is a copy of the testimonial: -

This testimonial, accompanied with a purse of sovereigns, is presented to Miss Stodart by the minister, acting churchwardens, and choir of St. Stephen's Church, in the name and on behalf of the congregation, as a small yet practical expression how much her voluntary and valuable services in the choir during the past three years have been appreciated.
Charles Thomas Perks, Minister.
Edward Cotton, Otto Neuhauss, J.P., Acting Church-wardens.
Members of the Choir: - Joseph Griffiths, leader; D. P. Starling, organist; Martha Perks.
During the evening several pieces of music were sung under the direction of Mr. Joseph Griffiths (leader of the Philharmonic Society), in whose able hands the Richmond Church Choir has gained its present efficiency.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Griffiths (musician, violinist, choir leader)

"ELECTIONS QUALIFICATIONS COMMITTEE. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Thursday, January 8th", The Argus (9 January 1857), 4 

The first witness called was Mr. Francis Lokey, who said: I am a farmer living on the Maine Creek I have known Mr. Bennett intimately for a good many years. I saw him previously to the election for East Bourke . . . I think I saw him at the last meeting before the election at the Shannon Inn, Northcote . . .
Mr. Starling was called, but asked for his expenses before giving his evidence.
The committee decided that a voter could be examined without his expenses being paid but ultimately Mr. Starling was allowed L1 1s. per day by the committee.
David Payn Starling, examined: - I am a piano tuner. I know Mr. Bennett, I worked for him at the East Bourke election. I voted fro him. I asked persons for their votes for him, but did not canvass for him, as he would not allow me. I told him I would do him all the good I could but was never paid one penny for what I did . . .

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (13 October 1859), 6

David Payne Starling, of Anderson's Creek, Warrandyte, farmer and cattle dealer. Causes of insolvency - Bad debts, falling off in value of stock and produce, and pressure of creditors. Liabilities, £2,114 2s. 11d. ; assets, £932 5s.; deficiency, £1,181 17s. 11d. Mr. Jacomb, Official Assignee.

[News], Alexandra Times (24 June 1870), 2 

We are glad to learn that Mr. D. P. Starling, has resumed the full management of the Mohican, Murrindindi, and Big River Stations; and from the well-known energy and business qualifications of that gentleman, there is little doubt but that the affairs of those valuable properties will soon be placed in a satisfactory condition.

"ECHOES FROM THE MOUNTAINS (BY ECHO)", Evelyn Observer, and South and East Bourke Record (19 February 1886), 3 

I regret to chronicle the death of Mr. David Payne Starling, of Glendale, Upper Acheron district. The decased gentleman had been ailing for some months, but it was not thought in the district to be of such a serious nature as the sequel has proved. Lately he went to Melbourne for the benefit of first class medical advice and a change, but the change was fraught with evil, for sinking rapidly he passed away on the 4th inst., at Pine Cottage, Hawthorn. Early in the sixtys Mr. Starling came to the Mohican Station when the now farmed, fenced, and populated valley of Acheron was one unfenced, houseless stretch of virgin forest. Since those days he had resided continuously in the district, which has since then greatly prospered and improved, and will now miss the deceased gentleman who devoted a deal of his time to public wants, and was ever advocating some public interest or another, apart from his public character he was universally respected throughout the district, and all say "May he rest in peace."

Bibliography and resources:

Enid N. Matthews, Colonial organs and organ builders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1869), 3, 127, 136-37, 147-48 

[136-37] Hawthorn . . . CHRIST CHURCH: . . . Church, stone set 19 November 1853 . . . Organ presented 1855, erected in organ-loft at west-end, by D. P. Starling, name of builder, and details of organ unknown . . . Organists: 1855, Walter Bonwick; 1864, Montague Harvie . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Bonwick (organist); Montague Harvie (organist)

[147-48] Richmond . . . ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH: Stone of first section set 21 June 1850; opened 16 November 1851 . . . Organ built by Henry Bevington, London, installed in gallery 1853 . . . 1858, Jesse Biggs, organbuilder, reported that it was 'deficient in wind, some person having added pipes since the organ was built', besides other defects 'the pipes are in very bad order, bent and bruised at the tops and in many I saw pieces of cardboard inserted to flatten the pitch which will prevent them remaining in tune' . . . Organists: 1853, D. P. Starling; 1854, Mr. Griffiths; 1858, Mr. Harvie; 1861, P. C. Plaisted . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (organbuilder); Joseph Griffiths (organist); Montague Harvie (organist, as above); Philip Charles Plaisted (organist)

STATES, Agatha (Agatha MANDELVILLE; Mrs. William STATES; Madame Agatha STATES; Mrs. Carlo ORLANDINI)

Soprano vocalist

Born Dublin, Ireland, ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 December 1871 (per Nevada, from California)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 8 October 1872 (per Hero, for New Zealand)
Died New York, USA, 2 September 1874 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



"ANOTHER OPERA COMPANY", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1871), 6

. . . [The troupe, which, consists of Madame Agatha States, prima donna; Signor Cecchi, tenor; Signor Orlandini, baritone; Signor Susini, basso; Signor Giorza, musical conductor and pianist, and Signor Biscaccianti, director, arrived here yesterday per Nevada, from Honolulu.]

ASSOCIATIONS: Paolo Giorza (musical director); Pietro Cecchi (vocalist)

"MADAME STATES' FIRST CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1871), 4

Those who love to hear fine music magnificently rendered, and who were not present at the Masonic Hall last evening, missed the greatest treat ever offered to the residents of this city . . .

"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1872), 6

. . . Those exceedingly clever artists, Madama Agatha States and Signor Orlandini, are at present in Sydney, and it is a subject of regret that they cannot arrange for an appearance in opera . . .

"SHIPPING . . . CLEARANCES", Evening News (10 October 1872), 2 

October 9. Hero (s), 851 tons, Logan, for Auckland. Passengers . . . Mrs. Orlandini . . . Orlandini, and 10 in the steerage.

"GENERAL NEWS", Empire (16 October 1874), 3

Madame Agatha States died at Now York, on September 2nd, after a long and wasting illness.

"THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL . . . NEW YORK, SEPT. 4", The Argus (19 October 1874), 6 

Madame Agatha States Orlandini, the well-known operatic singer, died in this city on Wednesday. The deceased, whose maiden name was Agatha Gaynor, was a native of Dublin, whence her parents moved to San Francisco in her childhood.

"Death or Madame Agatha States", The Brisbane Courier (29 October 1874), 3 

Madame Agatha States, we are informed by a telegram, died in New York, Wednesday, September 2, at half-past 11 o'clock. Her end was one of peace and calmness, though a long, wasting illness preceded her decease. The death of one so long known and highly esteemed by the people of San Francisco has given a severe shock to a large circle of friends who esteemed her for her many high qualities of mind and heart, and to a large number who knew her only through her excellent artistic abilities. But just attaining the meridian of her powers, her untimely death has deprived art and music of a brilliant star, whose rays of talent were just beginning to be felt and appreciated.

Madam Agatha States was the second of the three sisters, Misses Jennie, Agatha, and Alicia Mandeville. In 1857, in company with Miss Jennie, she came to San Francisco with the Pennsylvanians, a company of vocalists, under the management of Mr. J. E. Johnson. The company first appeared at the old Metropolitan Theatre, and for two years thereafter its career of success knew no abatement. All the principal towns of the State were visited, and in every one the magnificent qualities of Miss Agatha's voice gained the warmest admiration. In 1859 Miss Agatha Mandeville married Mr. Wm. N. States, and retired from the stage for a period of two years. During this time Madam States devoted herself to the cultivation of her voice and the study of Italian Opera. During the year 1863 she sang the role of Leonora in the opera "Il Trovatore," with the Bianchi Opera Troupe. For her benefit previous to her departure for Europe to continue her studies, she appeared in the leading role in "La Travinta." The house was an extraordinary one, no less than 2800 dollars being received at the door. After the performance, at a farewell supper given her by her friends, she was presented with a purse of 800 dollars. Madame States now proceeded to Italy, where she spent several years in perfecting her natural talents. Her appearance in Milan, subsequently, was a pronounced success. Thereafter she sang in all the principal cities in Europe, everywhere winning the highest praises for her magnificent, fresh, and vigorous vocalisation. In New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago, under the direction of Maretzek, she played a series of successful engagements. In 1871 she returned to San Francisco, and had a most extraordinary season of successful Opera. She then went to Australia, where her success was of the highest. Returning to San Francisco, after stopping at the Sandwich Islands, where royalty itself did homage to her talents, she appeared a few times, and in May last left for New York. The rest is told by a brief telegram. The operas in which Madame States gained more particular renown were, "The Sicilian Vespers," "Norma," "Ernani," "Il Trovatore," " Lucrezia Borgia," "The Barber of Seville," "The Masked Ball," and "Faust." Her singing of the " Bolero," in the first-named, was held by musical critics as never having been surpassed.
- Alta California.

STATHAM, Edwyn Henry (Edwyn Henry STATHAM; E. H. STATHAM)

Printer, publisher, journalist, newspaper editor

Born Shoreditch, London, England, 20 April 1811; son of Edwyn STATHAM (c. 1785-1855) and Sophia HALL (c. 1789-1854)
Active Sydney, NSW, by November 1835
Married Elizabeth COX (alias SNAPE) (c. 1816-1864), St. John's church, Parramatta, NSW, 1838
Died North Rocks, NSW, 17 January 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Forster (business partner, printer)

See also (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Dr. Williams's Library. registry of non-confomists' birth certificates, 1812-17, page 116; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

[No.] 1386 / Edwyn Henry Statham, haberdasher's Street, Hoxton, Par. of Shoreditch . . . Reg'd Oct'r 26th, 1813 . . .
[Son of] Edwyn Statham, & Sophia, daughter of Hugh Victor Hall / . . . [born] 20th April 1811

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (25 November 1835), 1 

LETTERPRESS PRINTING. E. H. STATHAM begs to inform his friends and the public, that he has commenced the business of LETTERPRESS PRINTING, in all its branches, at the Office of The Sydney Monitor, No. 39 YORK-STREET, where orders will be received and executed on the lowest terms, in the best manner, and with the greatest punctuality and dispatch . . .

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. John, Parramatta . . . in the year 1838; register, 1834-38, page 51; St. John's Anglican Church, Parramatta. (PAYWALL)

No. 203 / Edwyn Henry Statham of the Parish of St. James,
Elizabeth Cox (alias Snape) of this Parish / were married in this Church by License this [29 August 1838] . . .

"COUNTRY NEWS . . . PARRAMATTA. MONDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 January 1887), 8 

Mr. Edwyn Henry Statham, a very old resident of the district, died to-day, at his residence, North Rocks, aged 76-years. The deceased, who had been totally blind for several years, was at one time superintendent of the Parramatta Hospital for the Insane, and was connected with journalistic pursuits in the early days of the colony.

"Mr. E. H. Statham (FROM A CORRESPONDENT)", The Cumberland Mercury (29 January 1887), 8 

. . . He received his education at Christ's Hospital (the excellent institution founded by Edward VI.), usually called the Blue Coat School, and there he acquired that classical knowledge which gave a tone to his character, and prepared him for the battle of life. He was not a profound classic, for he had never followed up the pursuits of his youth; but he had acquired a sufficient knowledge of the learned languages to enjoy a familiar quotation, and to assist him in the mysteries of etomology. Soon after leaving school he appears to have gone to sea; and in the merchant service he suffered the hardships incident to a maritime life - at one period having served on board a whaler and encountered the dangers of harpooning the monsters of the deep. Coming to New South Wales in one of his voyages he fell in with Mr. E. S. Hall, who in 1825 had established "The Monitor" newspaper, and that gentleman being his uncle on his mother's side, and seeing the ability which he had for literary work, employed him in the office. During the days of General Darling (1825-1831) Mr. Hall was felt to be a great power in the colony, and though by the pungency of his style he made himself many enemies in high quarters, he was ever ready to espouse the cause of the oppressed and to agitate for the extension of free institutions. Mr. Statham aided him in his labours, and when the circumstances of the colony rendered such a step practicable, he (Mr. S.) resuscitated the "Australian" (founded originally by Mr. C. Wentworth and Dr. Wardell), and carried it on for some time in a very moderate and creditable style, softening down the asperities of party feeling by his considerate views, and affording an opportunity for various sections of the community to ventilate their political opinions. Whilst engaged in the work of the press he became intimately acquainted with the late Mr. Charles Kemp (who subsequently, in conjunction with Mr. Fairfax, took over the "Sydney Herald" from Messrs. Stevens and Stokes), and was in communication with the leading politicians of the day. It is a fact, that overtures were made to Mr. Statham to become proprietor of the "Herald," but he, either shrinking from the responsibility of the undertaking, or fearing that he had not sufficient means at his command to carry it on, declined the offer. The "Australian" was not a success, and though the late Mr. James Macarthur and those acting with him gave a powerful support to the principles which it advocated and also assisted in a pecuniary way, the paper gradually declined, owing probably to the fact that the cause which had brought it into existence had ceased to exist, and that the colony was then entering into a new era of its Government. In 1843 Mr. Statham took a prominent part in the election of Parramatta's first member to the Legislature of New South Wales, and as in those days there were no Volunteer or German bands to discourse sweet music to the electors, he exemporised a band to play before Mr. H. H. Macarthur's carriage "See the conquering hero comes." On giving up the "Australian," Mr. Statham entered the Civil Service of the colony and accepted the situation of superintendent and storekeeper to the invalid establishment of Parramatta . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith Hall (newspaper editor, proprietor)

Musical prints:

The first, second, and third of a series of lectures on the theory and practice of music, delivered at the Sydney College, New South Wales, giving an historical account of the origin, rise, and progress of the science, from the earliest period up to the present time, with progressive exercises for improvement on the piano-forte, harmony, and modulation; and for the cultivation of the human voice, from the first rudiments to the most refined and elaborate details of a perfect mastery of the art: forming a work of instruction for the pupil, and a work of reference for the master, by I. Nathan, musical historian and theorist to his late reverend majesty, George IV., professor of singing and composer to her late royal highness, the princess Charlotte of Wales, author of the "Hebrew Melodies," the "Musurgia Vocalis," &c. (Sydney: W. Ford; London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, 1846)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1846), 1 

Part I - Price, 5s., in Royal Quarto.
THE First, Second, and Third of a Series of Lectures on the
Giving an historical account of the origin, rise, and, progress of the Science, from the earliest period up to the present time, with Progressive Exercises for improvement on the Pianoforte, Harmony, Modulation, and for the cultivation of the Human Voice, from the first rudiments to the most refined and elaborate details of a perfect mastery of the art: forming a work of instruction for the pupil, and a work of reference for the master.

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (author); William Ford (publisher)

STEBBING, Francis John (Francis John STEBBING; Mons. STEBBING)

Circus performer, equestrian

Born London, England, 1835; baptised St. Pancras, 28 June 1835; son of Francis William STEBBING and Dinah COX (m. 1831)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 23 December 1854 (per Stebonheath, from London, 31 August, aged "19")
Married [1] Caroline HENNESEY (1841-1874), Independent Chapel, Melbourne, VIC, 9 February 1859
Married [2] Elizabeth Sarah THOMPSON, Tower Hamlets, London, England, 24 December 1876
Died London, England, 10 April 1899 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1835; register 1834-38, page 346; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/Pan1/019 (PAYWALL)

No. 1033 / [1835 June] 28 / Francis John [son of] / Francis William & Dinah / Stebbing / Judd Street / Ironmonger . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Stebonheath from London, 31 August 1854, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . . . . Reau Jean / 21 / Equestrian / Foreign // Marie / 28 / Wife . . .
Berg Adolphi / 43 / Equestrian / Foreign
Marie / 24 / Wife // Antoinette / 13 / Child // Robert / 9 // Matilda / 6 // Baptiste / 4 . . .
Labalestrier Alfred / 22 / Musician / Foreign
Kelly John / 28 / Musician
Walker Henry / 36 / ? [musician]
Dherang Alfred / 22 / Equestrian
Stebbing Francis / 19 / Equestrian
Barlow William / 28 / Equestrian
Bingham Arthur / 35 / Equestrian
Adams Henry / 35 / Ringmaster
Bannister Richard / 32 / Equestrian . . .

"MARRIAGES", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 February 1859), 4 

On the 9th inst., by licence, at the Independent Chapel, by the Rev. Alexander Morrison, Francis John Stebbing, of London, to Caroline Henesy, of Victoria.

STEAD, John Charles (John Charles STEAD; John C. STEAD; J. C. STEAD)

Musical amateur, storekeeper, railway manager

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1855 (Melbourne Philharmonic Society)
Artive Castlemaine, VIC, 1860s (Castlemaine Choral Society)
Departed TAS, 1871 (for England) (shareable link to this entry)

STEELE, Samuel (Samuel STEELE)

Precentor, leader of the singing, psalmody leader, bailiff

Active West Maitland, NSW, 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"BAILIFF TO THE COURT OF REQUESTS, WEST MAITLAND", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (13 March 1858), 2 

It was announced at the Court of Petty Sessions, on Thursday, by Major Crummer, that Samuel Steele had been appointed bailiff of the Court of Requests, at West Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (8 April 1858), 2 

MR. STEELE begs to intimate to the Public of Maitland and its vicinity that his VOCAL MUSIC CLASSES assemble on FRIDAY EVENING in the High School, Free Church-street.
Terms - One Shilling per Month. As a new Class will be formed on FRIDAY, the 9th instant.
Mr. S. would recommend those wishing to join to be present on the above evening.

"MAITLAND CIRCUIT COURT . . . MONDAY, MARCH 21. STEELE V. ANDERSON", The Maitland Mercury (22 March 1859), 2

In this action, Samuel Steele was plaintiff, and Joshua Anderson was defendant. The declaration stated that the defendant had falsely and maliciously published against the plaintiff certain words, namely, that he was living in open adultery with another man's wife, and that he was keeping a woman, whereby the plaintiff lost his situation as precentor to the Free Presbyterian Church at West Maitland. Damages were laid at £300. The defendant pleaded not guilty. For the plaintiff, Mr. Faucett; attorney, Mr. Mullen. For the defendant, Mr. Darvall, Q.C.; attorney, Mr. Chambers.

Mr. Faucett stated the case. The plaintiff had held the office of precentor to the Free Church of Scotland at West Maitland, and the defendant was one of the deacons of that church. The defendant had mentioned to one of the elders of that church, and to the minister, that the plaintiff was living in adultery with another man's wife; and the manner in which he had mentioned this showed malice. If it had been the duty of the minister to make investigation into the truth of this charge (which the plaintiff would prove to be untrue), the defendant might argue that the communication was privileged; but this would be shown not to he the case. If he had simply uttered the charge to the deacons, for the purpose of inquiry, the communication might also have come within the class of privileged communications; but this also had not been the ease. The minister, who said it was not his business to make the enquiry, referred it to the deacons, and they, after considerable delay, instituted, through the defendant's pertinacity, some investigations, conducted them in the plaintiff's absence, and dismissed the plaintiff from his office. Even if the communication had been a privileged one, and the defendant had been actuated by ill will, improper motive, or malice, the plaintiff would be entitled to a verdict; if the charge was untrue, malice would be implied, and the defendant by his pleading admitted that the statement was false.

Mr. Darvall said that there was no such admission. The guilt or innocence of the plaintiff was not an issue raised. Mr. Faucett contended that, as the plaintiff had alleged that the words were falsely used, and the defendant had not answered that allegation, there was an admission of that falsity; and the plaintiff could prove that they were untrue. The plaintiff brought the action chiefly with the view of defending his own character; but it was a case in which substantial damages should be awarded. The witnesses called were David Dickson, William Mclntyre, William Heagh, and Samuel Steele.

The principal facts in this case appeared from the evidence to be as follow: - The defendant was one of the deacons of the Free Presbyterian Church at West Maitland, of which the Rev. W. McIntyre was minister. The plaintiff was formerly precentor, or leader of the singing, at that Church. In April, 1858, the Rev. W. McIntyre and Mr. Dickson - the former ex officio chairman, the latter one of the members of the Deacons' Court of that church - were standing outside the building in which the court met, awaiting the holding of a meeting, when the defendant joined them, and made a statement to the effect that there was a report current in town that the plaintiff had been frequently seen at unreasonable hours at the house of a woman whose husband was up the country. He also suggested the propriety of an inquiry as to the prevalence of this report. The Rev. W. McIntyre said that his engagements would prevent him from making the investigation, and that it would be better for Mr. Dickson and Mr. Scobie (another deacon) to make it. As a sufficient number of members did not attend, a meeting of the Deacons' Court was not held that day. Nothing further was done for some time; but the plaintiff hearing a "buzz" of the matter in the congregation, inquired about it in July, and pressed for an investigation. Eight weeks elapsed, and he attended at three meetings of the court, but was not admitted. At the third meeting, however, he was informed of a resolution that had been passed - appointing a committee to inquire into the question of the prevalence of the report. Inquiries were made of five individuals, some members of the church. The report was found to be prevalent, and the plaintiff was on that ground dismissed. Before this case came before the Deacon's Court, the plaintiff had been appointed bailiff of the Small Debts Court; and the defendant had expressed to one of the parties, through whose recommendation he obtained that office, his wonder that he should have recommended him. The plaintiff had subsequently to his dismissal suffered in character. A considerable amount of evidence was taken, touching the regulations of the church, and as to whether it was the practice to dismiss officers or servants against whose character evil reports might be prevalent, without inquiring into the truth of those reports. The evidence tended to show that it was, and that it was the duty of any deacon, on hearing of such reports, to mention them to the court. It appeared also that the plaintiff, who was not a member of the church, was liable to dismissal at any time, on ordinary notice, and that on his dismissal his salary for the current quarter was paid. The declaration was amended by the plaintiff, the defendant being alleged to have stated that there was a report against the plaintiff leading to the suspicion that he held improper intimacy with a married woman.

Mr. Darvall addressed the jury for the defendant. If there had been no justification for the communication in question, the law would presume the existence of a mischievous intent; but if, under the pressure of moral or social duty, the communication was made bona fide, the law would hold there had been a justification, and the communication would be a privileged one. Where bodies were constituted for purposes such us those of the body with which the defendant was connected, their members were justified in making statements us to the character of individuals for the protection of their mutual interests, provided they did not go too far in doing so. He argued that the course pursued in not making an inquiry into the truth of the report, but simply with reference to its prevalence, was prudent, and the least injurious even to the plaintiff. The defendant, in making the communication, had simply discharged his duty, and had done so in the gentlest and mildest manner possible. There was no evidence of improper motive, or want of bona fides on his part.

His Honor summed up. The question for the jury to consider was, he said, whether the defendant was justified in making the report to the members of the Deacons' Court. They must, in order to give a verdict for the plaintiff, find that the communication was made from indirect motive or malice; but, if they held that it was made honestly, in the discharge of duty, they should find for the defendant.
The jury, without retiring, returned a verdict for the defendant.

STEINMEYER, Marie Catherina (Marie Catherina Margretta BOYSEN; Mrs. Gustav Adolph STEINMEYER; Madame STEINMEYER; Margaret STEINMEYER)


Born Germany, c. 1833; daughter of Carl BOYSEN and ? DAHL
Married Gustav Adolph STEINMEYER (d. 1915), c. 1852
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by May 1858
Died Kyneton, VIC, 18 January 1897, aged 64 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (13 December 1858), 5 

. . . The same evening [Saturday, 11 December] Herr Schluter, one of the most serviceable members of the late operatic company, gave a concert of miscellaneous music at Hockin's Hotel, in which he was gratuitously assisted by Miss Octavia Hamilton, Madame Leon Naej, Madame Steinmeyer, Mons. Laglaise, and Signor Grossi. Mr. L. H. Lavenu conducted. The programme was short, but well selected, and its length was nearly doubled by encores. The audience was miserably small, a circumstance which must be attributed to the inadequate means taken to make the entertainment public. The chief features of the evening were the debut of Miss Hamilton in the contralto parts of "II Trovatore," which she managed admirably; Madame Naej's brilliant execution in a duett in "La Figlia," with Herr Schluter; and the debut of Madame Steinmeyer in German songs.

ASSOCIATIONS: Adolph Schluter (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Madame Leon Naej (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (pianist, accompanist, conductor)

[News], The Kyneton Observer (10 March 1863), 2 

The Concert given by Herr Carl Schmitt last night in the Mechanic's Institute was a complete success: - The performances of Herr Schmidt on the Violin were exquisite and loudly encored, and at the conclusion of one of his pieces was inundated with bouquets. The singing of Mrs. Steinmayer was perfection itself and on her singing "the Minstrel to his Harp" (Herr Schmitt' composition), she was loudly encored. Mr. Stewart's singing was also greatly admired, as also Mr. Pollard's performance on the piano. We are sorry that, owing to a press of other matter, we are unable to give a more extended criticism of the evening's entertainment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (violinist, composer); Joseph Henry Pollard (pianist)

[News], The Kyneton Observer (7 April 1863), 2 

The Presbyterian Bazaar movement was brought to a close, on Thursday night, by a conversazione in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, which was well attended by both ladies and gentlemen, Dr. McMillan presided on the occasion, and the musical arrangements were under the direction of Herr Carl Schmitt . . . During the evening Herr Carl Schmiit performed some choice musical selections on the piano and harmonium, and Mrs. Isaac and Mrs. Steinmeyer, and also Mr. Kingk [sic] favored the audience with a number of very pleasing arias, ballads, and songs, which were given with great sweetness and superior artistic taste . . .

"NATIONAL SCHOOL SOIREE", The Kyneton Observer (31 August 1865), 2 

Another of those interesting social events that offer so pleasing a method of raising money took place last evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, for the purpose of aiding the funds of the National School . . . The proceedings were most agreeably enlivened by music and singing, in which Mesdames Vance, Swanwick, Schmitt, and Steinmeyer took part, with Messrs. Kingk and Styles, under the leadership of Carl Schmitt. The school children also sang several hymns with great credit . . .

[News], The Kyneton Observer (4 October 1866), 2 

The second of the series of popular readings at Kyneton, took place at the Mechanics' Institute, last evening and was in every respect more successful than the first . . . The musical entertainment last evening agreeably relieved the monotony of the readings . . . a trio "The Wreath" was then very agreeably sung by Madame Steinmeyer, Mrs. C. Perkin, and Mr. Paynter . . . Madame Steinmeyer sang very prettily "I care for nobody, nobody cares for me," and was very warmly applauded . . . Madame Steinmeyer again sang, and was encored . . .

[News], The Kyneton Observer (5 October 1867), 2 

An entertainment, given by the Choral Society, on Wednesday evening last, interspersed with readings and recitations, for the benefit of the Hospital, was, considering the inclemency of the weather, very well attended, the gross receipts amounting to nearly £7 . . . Mrs. Steinmeyer gave a Cavatina from Robert le Diable in magnificent style . . . We never heard Mrs. Steinmeyer sing better than on Wednesday, her morceau from "Roberto il Diavolo" having been sung in a very superior style . . .

[News], The Kyneton Observer (10 October 1867), 2 

The special entertainment at the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday night for the benefit of Mr. James Thies, was one of the most successful that has been held in Kyneton for years, and was extensively and liberally patronised . . . the entertainment being opened by Herr Becker, a professional gentleman who has lately taken up his residence amongst us, who played a selection from "Der Freischutz" . . . Madam Steinmeyer sang the "Prayer from Der Freischutz" in a very feeling manner, and being in good voice was warmly applauded . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Franz Becker (pianist)

"Funeral Notices", The Kyneton Observer (19 January 1897), 3 

Friends of the late Mrs. MARIE CATHERINA MARGRETTA STEINMEYER are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Kyneton Cemetery.
The Funeral is appointed to leave the residence of her husband, Mr. G. A. Steinmeyer, Mollison street, Kyneton, at Three o'clock TO-MORROW afternoon,
P. H. BROMLEY, Undertaker, Market Street, Kyneton.

Will and probate, Marie Steinmeyer, 1897; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

"DEATH OF MR. G. A. STEINMEYER", Kyneton Guardian (2 March 1915), 2 

The obituary columns of the metropolitan press contained yesterday the notice of the death of Mr. G. A. Steinmeyer, a Kyneton pioneer . . . Sixty years ago Mr. Steinmeyer came to Australia from Germany, and shortly afterwards settled in Kyneton. A confectioner by trade, he gradually, however, left his old business and conducted a tobacconist's, hairdressing and news agency . . . About 20 years ago Mrs. Steinmeyer died, and her memory is cherished by many as a woman who had taken a keen interest in charitable and other work. Her death was shortly followed by that of their son Charles, from typhoid fever . . .

STENNER, George (George STENNER)

Musician, organist, choirmaster (Macquarie Street Unitarian Chapel), carpenter

Born Somerset, England, c. 1823; son of Robert STENNER
Married Mary Ann STOATE (widow TAINTON) (d. 1887), St. Michael, Bristol, 18 September 1849
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1860
Died Sydney, NSW, 19 November 1879, aged "56" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STENNER, Elizabeth Jane (Elizabeth Jane TAINTON; Miss STENNER; Mrs. Sidney MATTHEWS)

Soprano vocalist

Born Bristol, England, 6 April 1845; baptised All Saints, Poplar, 19 September 1853; daughter of Richard TAINTON (dec.) and Mary Ann STOATE
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1860
Married Sidney MATTHEWS (d. 1894), Sydney, NSW, 16 October 1867
Died Paddington, NSW, 17 May 1902, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


England census, 1841, Bedminster, Somerset; UK National Archives, HO107/376/6/13/38 (PAYWALL)

Dean St. / Ann Stenner / 30 / Ironer / [born in county]
George [Stenner] / 17 / Carpenter / [born in county]
Edwin / 10 // Henry / 3 // Alfred / 1

1849, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Michael in the City of Bristol; bishop's transcripts, 1842-58, page 4; Bristol Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 7 / September 18 / George Stenner / Full age / Bachelor / Joiner / St. Michael's Hill / [son of] Robert Stenner / Joiner
Mary ann Tainton / Full age / Widow / Dress maker / Tankard's Close / [daur. of] George Stoate / Time Keeper . . .

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of All Saints, Poplar, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1853; register 1835-79, page 45; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 353 / Sept'b'r 19 / Elizabeth Jane / [daur. of] Richard & Mary Ann / Tainton / Poplar / Brass founder . . . Born April 6 1845
No. 354 / [Sept'b'r] 19 / Sidney Herbert / [son of] George & Mary Ann / Stenner / 4 St. Leonards Road Bromley / Carpenter . . . Born June 24 1850

Entrance book, Darlinghurst Gaol, July 1860; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

George Stenner / [committed] 6 July / Refusing to pay wages / 14 days / Sentence expired / 21 July

"LITERARY AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Empire (4 December 1863), 4 

On Wednesday evening last, a social meeting, consisting chiefly of the members of the Unitarian Congregational Church, Macquarie-street, and their friends, was held in the Australian Library, Bent-street . . . The musical department was under the management of Mr. G. Stenner, the organist of the church, and under his able leadership, the choir, assisted by several amateurs from various musical societies in the city, sang with great taste, and to the evident satisfaction of the audience . . .

"RELIEF FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 July 1864), 4 

A literary and musical entertainment was given in the Temperance Hall on Monday evening, by the choir and members and friends of the Unitarian Christian Church, in aid of the fund for the relief of the sufferers by the late disastrous floods. The use of the hall was granted free of expense; the piano used on the occasion was very kindly lent by Mr. Buist, of George-street; and the musical part of the entertainment was under the able management of Mr. G. Stenner, the organist of the Macquarie-street chapel. The tickets and programmes were supplied gratuitously by Mr. R. Bone, printer, Pitt-street.

"RELIEF FUND", Empire (13 July 1864), 4 

On Monday evening a literary and musical entertainment, in aid of the fund for the relief of the sufferers by the late disastrous floods, was given in the Temperance Hall, Pitt-street, by the choir and several members and friends of the Unitarian Church, Macquarie-street . . . The musical part of the evening's entertainment was under the management of Mr. G. Stenner, organist of the Macquarie-street chapel, and the various pieces were very tastefully and effectively sung by the members of the choir, assisted by several friends belonging to the musical societies in this city. Two pieces especially, "Bid me discourse," sung by Miss Stenner, and "Lilly Bells," sung by Miss Barnes, were greatly admired, and called forth unanimous encores . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1865), 1 

FREE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. The First Anniversary . . .
THURSDAY, the 20th instant . . . a Public MEETING will be held in the Church,
and the following selection of SACRED MUSIC, will be sung:
Anthem - "Thine, O Lord" - Kent
Anthem - "How beautiful upon the mountains" - Smith
Aria - "Angels ever bright and fair," (Theodora) - Handel
Solo Soprano - "Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty," (Redemption) - Handel
Miss STENNER (Amateur) . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (14 October 1865), 1 

PROGRAMME . . . Song - Miss STENNER (Lady Amateur) . . .
Conductor - Mr. W. J. CORDNER. Hon. Manager and Treasurer, Mr. W. J. JOHNSON . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William John Cordner (conductor); William Jonathan Johnson (manager)

"THE INFANT MUSICIAN", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 March 1866), 5 

A concert was given in the School of Arts, Pitt street yesterday evening to celebrate infant musician's seventh birthday. Several lady and gentlemen amateurs including Miss James, Miss Fleming, Miss Stenner and Mr. Bannister took part in the evening's entertainment. Mr. E. H. Cobley performed some pieces on the harp and Mr. H. Marsh presided at the pianoforte. The young musician sustained his part in an exceedingly creditable manner proving himself to be already an accomplished violinist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick John Molteno (violinist); Edwin Harry Cobley (harpist); Henry Marsh (pianist)

[Advertisement], Empire (16 June 1866), 1 

A CONCERT will be given in the Hall of the School of Arts, Pitt-street,
On TUESDAY EVENING, 19th June 1866.
Chorus - "Angelus" - Wallace
Song (Soprano) - "The harp in the air"
Duet (Soprano and Bass) - "Of Fairy wand, had I the power"
Song (Tenor) - "In happy moments"
Song (Bass) - "Now, my courage"
Song (Tenor) - "Let me like a soldier fall"
Duet (Soprano and Contralto) - "Sainted Mother"
Song (Bass) - "Hear me, gentle Maritana"
Song (Soprano) - "Scenes that are brightest"
Song (Contralto) - "Alas, those chimes"
Song and Chorus - "Pretty Gitana"
Solo and Chorus - "Behold, how brightly breaks the morning" - Auber
Duet - "Ecco lanciar le corde" - Maria Padilla
Duet (Piano and Violin) - "Fantasia sur motifs de Guillaume Tell" - De Beriot and Osborne
Song (Soprano) - "A Gipsy's life for me" - Glover
Song (Bass) - "Thee only I love" - Wallace
Song (Contralto) - "Softly ye night winds" -
Song (Tenor) - "You'll remember me" - Balfe
Song (Soprano) - "Say, my heart" - Wallace
Song (Bass) - "The Blacksmith's son" - Hatton
Chorus - "Hear, Holy Power" - Auber.
Conductor - Mr. G. STENNER.
Accompanyist - Mr. T. V. BRIDSON.
Tickets, 2s. and 1s. each, may be had of Mr. Ferguson, Bookseller, Market-buildings, George-street.

"CONCERT", Empire (27 June 1866), 4 

The second concert [program above repeated] given, yesterday evening, by the choir of the Unitarian Chapel, Macquarie-street, in the hall of the School of Arts, will be admitted by the numerous audience who patronised it to be not only an agreeable one, but as excellent in quality as it was charming in variety. The first part of the programme contained selections from "Maritana," the second miscellaneous pieces from some of our most favourite composers. The young lady who sang "The harp in the air," and "A Gipsy's life for me," produced a very pleasing impression in her favour by her beautiful soprano voice, and the ease and abandon with which she sang. Nor less so the young lady who sang contralto, in "Sainted mother," and "Alas those chimes," the latter being deservedly encored. The most powerful soprano was that of the young lady who sang "Of fairy wand had I the power." Her voice has great compass. Her repeated descents from the top her register in "Pretty Gitana," evinced much correctness; and she sang with a zest quite refreshing. The tenor voices, one especially, and the bass voices - the latter of Mr. T. Bushelle, and another gentleman, were remarkably good, and their singing was as much appreciated as it was loudly applauded. The choruses were also excellently rendered, and the duet, piano and violin, was a most attractive morceau, developing such skill in the violinist, and rapidity of execution on the part of the youthful pianiste, as to elicit an imperative encore. By going through the second part we should only be repeating encomiums deservedly awarded to the ladies already alluded to, and to confirm what is already written of the gentlemen. The conductor was Mr. G. Stenner, and the accompanyist Mr. T. V. Bridson. Every item in the concert, both vocal and instrumental, was admirably given, and there was every proof that this choir was both ably and highly trained. Auber's chorus, "Hail, holy power," brought a tastefully selected programme to a close shortly after 11 o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Vicary Bridson (pianist, accompanist); Tobias Vincent Bushelle (vocalist, nephew of William Vincent Wallace, composer of Maritana)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 September 1866), 8 

PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Ballad - Why do I weep for thee - Wallace - MISS STENNER . . .
PART II . . . Scotch ballad - Coming through the rye - MISS STENNER . . .
Duet - Crudel perche - Mozart - Miss STENNER and Mr. EGAN . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Rudolf Sipp (pianist)

"MADAME JAFFA'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 September 1866), 4 

The farewell concert announced by Madame Jaffa attracted a pretty numerous audience, at the School of Arts, last evening. This lady is recognised in local musical circles as one of our best pianists, and her performances last evening were worthy of her reputation. The vocalists by whom she was assisted were Miss Stenner, Messrs. Wood and Morris, and the members of the St. Patrick's Choral Society . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Jaffa (pianist)

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1867), 1 

On the 16th instant, by the Rev. W. Curnow, SIDNEY, youngest son of the late FRANCIS MATTHEWS, of George-street, Sydney, to ELIZABETH JANE, only daughter of the late RICHARD TAINTON, Esq., of Bristol, and step-daughter of Mr. George Stenner, of Dowling-street, Sydney.

"WATER POLICE. TUESDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1868), 2 

. . . George Stenner was fined 5s., for drunkenness in Dowling Street . . .

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 November 1869), 1 

STENNER. - November 19, at his residence, 94, Dowling-street, Woolloomooloo, G. Stenner, aged 56 years.

"DEATHS", Evening News (15 September 1887), 4 

STENNER. - September 13, at her residence, 116, Dowling-street, Woolloomooloo, Mary Ann, relict of the late George Stenner, and mother of Sidney Stenner and Mrs. Elizabeth Matthews, aged 63 years.

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1902), 1 

MATTHEWS. - May 17, 1902 at her late residence, 46 Gordon street, Paddington, Elizabeth Jane Matthews, relict of the late Sidney Matthews, aged 67 years, of paralysis.

Bibliography and resources:

Eleanor Wilson, "The story of the Sydney Unitarian Church 1850-1974", Sydney Unitarian Church (online) 

. . . The [Macquarie Street] Chapel was opened for public worship on Sunday, November 6th, 1853 . . . At a preliminary meeting it had been decided that the service in the morning should be liturgical and according to the Congregational mode in the evening. Mr. Stanley began his ministry with a membership of 141 persons, and a choir of 27, and soon had a Sunday School of over 60 pupils. A Religious Improvement Society was organised, an organ purchased, and the ministerial stipend increased to £400 per annum. Nearly all the pews were let and books sent out from the parent association in London formed the nucleus of a library. The choir, presided over by a salaried organist, consisted of amateurs, "being persons of education as well as attached to our principles, do not sing for the sake of display or of lucre, yet all have the regularity so seldom found in volunteers. They meet twice weekly for practice and chant now with considerable precision and no little taste" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Heape Stanley (minister, 1853-64, d. 1891)

STEPHEN, Alfred (Alfred STEPHEN)

Amateur musician, musical amateur, musical patron, chief justice of NSW (1845-73)

Born Basseterre, St. Kitts (St. Christopher), West Indes, 20 August 1802; son John STEPHEN and Mary Anne PASMORE
Married (1) Virginia CONSETT, St. George's, Holborn, 22 June 1824
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 24 January 1825 (per Cumberland)
Married (2) Eleanor BEDFORD, St. David's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 21 July 1838
Died Sydney, NSW, 15 October 1894 (NLA persistent identifier) (People Australia) (shareable link to this entry)

STEPHEN, Virginia (Virginia CONSETT; Mrs. Alfred STEPHEN)

Musical amateur, musical patron

Born England, 23 March 1803; daughter of Matthew CONSETT
Married Alfred STEPHEN, St. George's, Holborn, 22 June 1824
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 24 January 1825 (per Cumberland)
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 23 January 1837 (People Australia) (shareable link to this entry)

STEPHEN, Eleanor (Eleanor Martha Pickard BEDFORD; Mrs. Alfred STEPHEN; from 1846 "Lady STEPHEN")

Musical amateur, musical patron, dedicatee

Born England, 1810; daughter of William BEDFORD and Eleanor Martha PICKETT (PICKARD)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, December 1822 (per Countess of Harcourt, July)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), January 1823 (per Caledonia)
Married Alfred STEPHEN, Dt. David's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 21 July 1838
Died Sydney, NSW, 12 July 1886 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (People Australia) (shareable link to this entry)

Alfred Stephen 1839 aet 37 (attributed to Thomas Wainewright) (SL-TAS)

"Alfred Stephen 1839 AET 37 Hobart Town Van Dieman's [sic] Land"; attributed to Thomas Griffiths Wainewright$init=AUTAS001124067729w800 (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Griffiths Wainewright (artist)


Stephen returned to England on a visit, arriving in mid 1832, in time there to witness Nicolo Paganini "on his unearthly violin", the only time and place he could have done so, clearly not during his student days as he recalled in his Jottings from memory in 1891, although his acquaintance with Robert Lindley's cello playing, likewise recalled, may well date from the early 1820s.

Stephen himself almost certainly met William Vincent Wallace in Hobart late in 1835. Stephen's daughters being too young, the later recollection (1872) that "the ladies of Sir Alfred Stephen's family" were among those who availed themselves of Wallace's talents (presumably as a teacher), probably refers to one or more of his sisters, Sibella (c. 1806-1864; from 1827 Mrs. Robert Robinson), Mary Anne (1810-1869, from 1828 Mrs. Henry Shadforth), and Clara (c. 1813-1882, from 1837 Mrs. John Richard Hardy).

Eleanor Stephen was dedicatee of several musical works. She was the "Mrs. Stephens" [sic] of no. 11 of Francis Ellard's so-called "ladies of Sydney" set, in his published collection of National country dances for 1843. As "Lady Stephen" (from 1846), she was the dedicatee of Edward Boulanger's piano work Nocturne de concert (1856), and of George Peck and Henry Kendall's song Silent tears (1859)

Eleanor Stephen (State Library of Victoria)

Eleanor Stephen (State Library of Victoria) (DIGITISED)


Letter, Charles Darwin (Hobart, 14 February 1836), to Catherine Darwin (from Barlow 1945, 135-36) (modern edition online)

. . . All on board like this place better than Sydney - the uncultivated parts here have the same aspect as there; but from the climate being damper, the Gardens, full of luxuriant vegetables, & fine corn fields, delightfully resemble England.

To a person not particularly attached to any particular kind, (such as literary, scientific &c.) of society, & bringing out his family, it is a most admirable place of emigration. With care & a very small capital, he is sure soon to gain a competence, & may if he likes, die Wealthy. - No doubt in New S. Wales, a man will sooner be possessed of an income of thousands per annum. But I do not think he would be a gainer in comfort. There is a better class of Society. Here there are no Convicts driving in their carriages, & revelling in Wealth. - Really the system of emigration is excellent for poor Gentlemen. You would be astonished to know what pleasant society there is here. I dined yesterday at the Attorneys General, where, amongst a small party of his most intimate friends, he got up an excellent concert of first rate Italian Music. The house large, beautifully furnished; dinner most elegant, with respectable! (although of course all Convicts) Servants. - A short time before, they gave a fancy Ball, at which 113 people were present. - At another very pleasant house, where I dined, they told me, at their last dancing party, 96 was the number . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Darwin (scientist)

"CONCERT OF THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (28 December 1854), 4 

This society of amateurs gave an excellent concert to their friends and subscribers, last night, at the School Room of St. Marys Cathedral, being supported nearly entirely by the efforts of amateurs, who, for the love of the "divine art," devote hours of their leisure time to the attainment of some proficiency in its exercise, it would not be fair to test their performances by the strict rules of criticism. We are, however, convinced that such a body of instrumentalists could not be supplied from the ranks of the profession in Sydney. They are as yet young, but we have little doubt that, with some additional practice together, they will be able to present their friends with specimens of the works of the great masters, performed in a style worthy of their fame . . . Patronage of such societies and entertainments is a practical, though an inconspicuous way of fighting the great battle against intemperance and depraved taste. The earnestness with which his Honor is engaged in that contest seems to cause him to lose no means, direct or indirect, of strengthening the cause of refinement and of social elevation.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society (organisation)


. . . Whilst in Sydney, Wallace gave instruction on the pianoforte, in families of the highest distinction, who were anxious to avail themselves of his talents, amongst them were the ladies of Sir Alfred Stephen's family, Judge Josephson, Lady Mitchell, the sister of Sir William Macarthur, Lady Parker, and many others.

See also "VINCENT WALLACE STATUE. Composer's Adventures. Years in Early Australia", The Argus (24 February 1927), 11

. . . In New South Wales Wallace composed the greater part of Maritana. He was tutor for a time to the families of Sir Alfred Stephen and Judge Josephson . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (musician, but probably not as claimed); Joshua Frey Josephson (pupil of Wallace); Mary Thomson Mitchell (pupil of Wallace); Emmeline Emily Macarthur ["Lady Parker" (pupil of Wallace)

Other sources:

[Alfred Stephen], Jottings from memory, by an Australian great grandfather: first portion, 1802 to 1818, birth and school boy days; with some account of his people, and life in the West Indies (Sydney: Robert Bone, printer, 1888) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

. . . [17] . . . I did not remain at the Charter House more than twelvemonth. My father took a dislike to London; and soon purchased the beautiful little estate called Summerleaze, at Wokey, near Wells, Somerset, wither of course we all removed. Thence I was sent as a boarder, to a small school kept by the Rev. Mr. Valentine at the little town of Martock, in the same county . . . I advanced there, doubtless . . . I certainly got into the pleasant graces, on Sundays, of a buxom lassie . . . daughter of a neighbouring farmer, and "principal soprano" in the village choir; by whom I was taught to chant their responses to the Commandments, and to sing psalms - of which my favorite was the 149th. I have the chant in memory still, and think it superior to all others. [Footnote: Until this year (1888) I had never written the chant. Rendered by one of my daughters, and harmonised by the Reverend Precentor, it may now be heard, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, here in Sydney.] There was no organ; but we had a clarionet or two; a bassoon, two (I think two) violins, and a bass-viol, also a violincello; the artist on which was leader of the whole. [18] There were some really sweet voices among us; but the bassi largely predominated . . .

[20] . . . our tall black fellow [family servant] . . . He had been a slave, of course, in the West Indes, and probably was brought to England by my father. Ultimately he became "Big Drum" or "Turkish Cymbals" in the band of one of the Regiments of Foot Guards; which in those days generally had such a performer. Strange that I cannot now tell his name, (I think it was James) . . .

[27] I pass now [from childhood] . . . to that of entrance on the sterner work of life; commencing with the day on which . . . I embarked with my father at Falmouth . . . [29] . . . St. Kitts was at length reached . . . During the voyage I may have read a little, but my chief occupation was flute-playing; an art not forsaken by me even at these three score years and ten . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: All Saints's, Martock (church)

[Alfred Stephen], Jottings from memory, by an Australian great grandfather, second portion 1818 to 1824, student-days and call to the bar by an Australian great grandfather (Sydney: Robert Bone, printer, 1891) (DIGITISED)

[4] . . . I lived . . . during that period [from 1818], and until 1822, with my mother, at Winchester Place, Pentonville . . . My three sisters liver there also; and they had teachers in music and languages, interfering with my work not a little. Sad to day, also, certain lessons that I took on the violin - (as if I had not enough to do) - interfered occasionally with it. But, on the whole, we got on well together; though I had to abandon violin practice. They scandalised me by declaring that it was impossible to bear the noise. Thus a Paganini has been lost to the world! . . .

[9] [1821, Exeter] . . . On Sunday went to Church at the Cathedral. The whole of the service, except the Lessons, was chaunted. The organ is externally beautiful, and its tone sublime. The effect produced by it, and fifteen of the sweetest voices I almost ever heard, in so lofty a place, was to me grand and fine beyond expression. I had heard finer music in St. Paul's; - but then the style was so different. Here too the voices of the Congregation, chiming in with the responses, added greatly to the effect. The Exonians indeed pride themselves on their Choir. The organ is above 200 years old . . .

[18] . . . Spirit drinking among us was of course unknown. But I confess to the not infrequent meetings of some of us, between nine and eleven, in the passage leading from Holborn to Bedford Row, at "The Fathers" Tavern; where we sang old English catches and glees, and had for supper Welsh rabbit and Burton ale. The sounds are still well remembered by me; but modern taste has superseded them, for the intricacy of performances more scientific.

[31] . . . As I have said, I seem now to have been every where. Often to the theatres, and heard more operas of Rossini and others than I can remember. At the Italian Opera House preferred the gallery, because it cost five shillings instead of ten, and saved the trouble of full dress. Of singers and actors, the names - and in some cases the faces and manner - are familiar to me still. How well is Braham remembered! and Miss Stephens, and Madame Caradori, and Lablache; and Charles Kemble, Farren, Kean, Young, and the inimitable Liston. Paganini on his unearthly violin, and Lindley on the violincello, were a delight to me. Catalani's wondrous voice had gone before my time. She reappeared one evening at Drury Lane; but her failure was decided, and painful to every one. Went once to a masquerade at the Opera House; a huge gathering; orchestra and pit added to the stage . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Braham (vocalist); Catherine Stephens (vocalist); Rosalbina Caradori-Allan (vocalist); Luigi Lablache (vocalist); Nicolo Paganini (Stephen can only have heard Paganini on his later visit to England c. 1832); Robert Lindley (cellist); Angelica Catalani (vocalist)

Musical dedications:

No. 11. Mrs. Stephens [sic], in No. 5 of F. Ellard's national country dances (Sydney: F. Ellard, [1843])

"No. 11. Mrs. Stephens" [sic], in No. 5 of F. Ellard's national country dances (Sydney: F. Ellard, [1843]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (publisher); Margaret Burton (dedicatee of No. 10, from 1844, "Lady Burton"), wife of William Burton (judge)

Nocturne de concert, composed for the pianoforte, respectfully dedicated to Lady Stephen by E. D. Boulanger; no. 2 from Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856 (Sydney: F. Mader, 1856])

See here in Boulanger worklist; and see also later reprint from the same plates (DIGITISED)

Silent tears, a song of affection, the words by H. Kendall (a native poet), the music composed by George Peck, leader & musical director to the Prince of Wales Theatre &c., dedicated with permission to Lady Stephen (Sydney: Published at Peck's Music Repository, [1859]) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Nora Barlow (ed.), Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle (London: Pilot Press, 1945), at Darwin online 

Martha Rutledge, "Stephen, Alfred (1802-1894)", Australian dictionary of biography 6 (1979; 2006)

. . . In 1818 he returned to London and entered Lincoln's Inn on 16 May where he read for the Bar under his cousins Henry Stephen, serjeant-at-law, and (Sir) James Stephen. Although impecunious, Alfred led a gay life, enjoying the theatre, concerts, pleasure trips, walking tours and visits to his relations on which he met prominent politicians and members of the Clapham sect. He recalled that "Paganini on his unearthly violin, and Lindley on the violincello, were a delight to me". On 20 November 1823 he was called to the Bar . . .

"Stephen, Virginia (1803-1837)", Obituaries Australia 

"Stephen, Lady Eleanor Martha (1810-1886)", Obituaries Australia 


Theatrical manager, alderman

Born 1798; son John STEPHEN and Mary Anne PASMORE
Died Melbourne, VIC, 30 October 1854, aged "56" (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Stephen (brother)


"MELBOURNE THEATRE", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (29 July 1842), 4 


Singing instructor, singing class leader

Active Newtown, NSW, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 November 1859), 10

THE NEWTOWN SINGING CLASS, conducted by Mr. J. H. STEPHENS, meets every TUESDAY, at half-past seven in the evening, at the Baptist Chapel, Missenden Road, Newtown, for the practice of devotional psalmody.
Any persons wishing to become members may do so on application to the secretary, EDWARD SANDERS.

ASSOCIATIONS: Newtown Singing Class (instruction group)

STEPHENS, William Henry (William Henry STEPHENS; Mr. W. H. STEPHENS)

Actor, comedian, comic vocalist, buffo singer

Born London, England, c. 1818
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, by late March 1855 (? via Melbourne)
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, March 1858
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, February 1860
Departed (2) Sydney, NSW, 2 July 1861 (per Damascus, for England)
Died Brook Green, London, England, 7 October 1888, aged "70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Comic sketch of Mr. Stephens as Aminadab Sleek; Walter George Mason

Comic sketch of Mr. Stephens as Aminadab Sleek; Walter George Mason, in The Australian picture pleasure book (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1857) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Walter George Mason (artist)

PIECE: The serious family (Morris Barnett)


England census, 30 March 1851, Hulme, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/2221/480/10 (PAYWALL)

77 Clapton Street / William Henry Stephens / Head / Mar. / 33 / Comedian / [born] London St. Martin Fields
Louise Stephens / Wife / Mar. 24 / - / [born] France British Subject

"THE DRAMA - ENTERTAINMENTS OF THE WEEK, &c. . . . ROYAL VICTORIA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (31 March 1855), 2 

. . . At the close of Mr. Jacobs' performances, this Theatre will open with a newly organised company; and the management has engaged several clever artistes who will make their debuts previous to the arrival of the great tragedian, Mr. G. V. Brooke. Amongst the new aspirants for the favour of the Sydney public are Mr. Lambert, an excellent delineator of old men's characters, late of the Haymarket Theatre; and Mr. Stephens, an actor who has gained considerable provincial reputation. With this troupe, and such aides-de-camp as Miss Cathcart, Mr. Younge, and Mr. G. Coppin, Mr. Brooke's star bids fair to be in the ascendant.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (magician); George Coppin (actor); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (venue)

"Royal Victoria Theatre", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (14 April 1855), 2 

Royal Victoria Theatre.
First appearance, of the celebrated Comedian, Mr. W. H. STEPHENS,
from the Theatres Royal Manchester, Bath, &c.
This Evening, April 14, 1855 . . .
A. TORNING, Sole Lessee.

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (lessee)

"Sydney News (From our own Correspondent) . . . Dec. 20", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 December 1855), 2 

. . . Arrangements were made for the appearance of Madame Anna Bishop and Mr. Bochsa, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, this evening; but Mr. Torning's company refused to play at any other place than the Victoria. This led to a general misunderstanding, and at the close of this week both places of amusement will be left without a company. Frank Howson, Miss Young, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Craven, in fact all the best actors, intend taking the Lyceum (formerly the Circus in York-street); they will expend a few hundred pounds towards fitting it up in a suitable manner, and being under a rental of only £10 a week, I have no doubt it will be a very paying speculation. Madame Bishop's performances have of necessity been postponed, and it is at present a matter of great uncertainty whether she will sing in Sydney at all. She does not appear to have created any excitement as Kate Hayes did.

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Nicholas Charles Bochsa (musician); Frank Howson (actor, vocalist); Henry and Eliza Craven (actors, vocalist); Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Prince of Wales Theatre (venue); Lyceum Theatre (venue); Malcom's Amphitheatre (circus venue)

"CITY THEATRE", Empire (25 March 1856), 4 

The City Theatre has been again opened as a place of public amusement. By the programme we are informed that it is opened "Positively for one week only." A musical entertainment was given last evening to a highly respectable audience, numbering about 200 persons. The performers included Mr. Winterbottom, Mrs. H. T. Craven, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Wheeler, and others . . . Mr. Stephens was encored on singing a burlesque, "Trouble your heads with your own affairs," and created considerable merriment by his delineation of "Alonzo ye brave, and ye fayre Imogene" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (musical director); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician)

MUSIC: Trouble your heads with your own affairs (words by Eliza Cook; music by J. Blewitt); Alonzo the brave and the fair Imogene (words by Sam Cowell; music arranged by J. Harroway)

"OUR LYCEUM", Empire (12 July 1856), 4 

Our Lyceum is announced to be opened on Monday next. The theatre, which is a commodious and elegant building, occupies the site of Malcolm's Circus [Malcom], in York-street; but with the exception of the walls of the old place of amusement, every thing is new . . . The band will be under the able direction of Mr. Winterbottom; it is stated that it will be the most efficient in the colonies, and will include the following gentlemen: M. Charles Eigenschenck (leader), Messrs. W. Tranter, Boans, Wilkinson, Strong, Seymour, Volpi, Sharpe, Richardson, &c., &c. . . . The design of the managers (Messrs. Craven and Stephens) - who are great favourites, we believe, with the public - is to provide a first-class family theatre, to be conducted on the admirable plan of the London Lyceum. First-class productions only will be produced, and everything placed upon the stage will, it is stated, be perfect in its way . . . The theatre will open on Monday night, when Mr. Brooke will appear in one of his most celebrated characters . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Eigenschenck (leader, violinist); William Joseph Tranter (musician); Philip Barnett Boam [sic] (musician); George Strong (violinist); Richard Seymour [sic] (trombonist); Frederick Sharp (drummer); Francesco Volpi (musician); John James Mallcott Richardson (flautist)

[Advertisement], Empire (18 December 1856), 1 

OUR LYCEUM. - Mr. W. H. STEPHENS in announcing his first COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, has much pride and pleasure in publishing the following document placed in the Green-room of the Theatre, and signed by the whole Company: OUR LYCEUM THEATRE. - The opening of the above-mentioned Theatre having furnished employment to a number of Actors, Actresses, Artists, Musicians, Carpenters, and others, and Mr. W. H. STEPHENS having been principally instrumental in effecting this great good, it is proposed to give him a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, on THURSDAY Evening, December 18, 1856. All persons employed in "Our Lyceum Theatre" disposed to tender their GRATUITOUS SERVICES on the occasion will please affix their Signatures to this paper immediately."

[Signed] . . . The Band: Messrs. Wheeler, Davis, Pearson, Friedlander, Wilkinson, Boans, H. Cramer, F. Cramer, Hall, Cramer, &c. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Henry Davis (violinist); William Friedlander (musician); John Thomson Hall (violinist); Cramer brothers (musicians)

"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1857), 5 

. . . We ought not to omit - though last not least a mention of Mr. Stephens' buffo scene we should have called it a medley - of "Alonzo ye Brave," which was loudly encored, and for which on a repeat "Villikins and his Dinah" was substituted, scarcely the particular kind of morceau that one would expect to hear in a concert-room, however interesting it may be in a bar parlour . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist)

MUSIC: Villikins and his Dinah (song)

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (13 March 1858), 3 

Prince of Wales. Under Distinguished Patronage. THE FAREWELL BENEFIT and LAST APPEARANCE of Mr. W. H. STEPHENS, who, in issuing this invitation to his numerous friends, looks forward with hope and confidence that those who have passed a merry hour with him, - "many a time and oft", will not forget their old favorite, but come in crowds to give him their hands previous to his departure for England . . .

Mr. W. H. Stephens will introduce, for the first time in N.S.W., the History, Melancholy Fate, and End of
MY OLD DOG TRAY, as sung by Mr. F. Robson, in London, and Mr. Geo. Coppin, in Melbourne, and at present causing the greatest excitement . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Robson (English comic vocalist)

MUSIC: Old dog Tray (Robson's celebrated song)

"THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1860), 7 

Yesterday evening, the favorite comedian Mr. W. H. Stephens, who experienced so enthusiastic a reception at his re-appearance before a Sydney audience on Wednesday last, as Mark Meddle, in London Assurance, ably sustained the character of Giles Fairland, in the pleasing comedy of the Foster Children . . .

"THE THEATRES", Freeman's Journal (25 February 1860), 3 

. . . On Wednesday an old Sydney favorite, and a comedian of excellence, Mr. W. H. Stephens, made his first appearance since his return from California, as Ollapod, in the comedy of "The Poor Gentleman" . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (6 August 1860), 1

TO-MORROW (Tuesday) EVENING, August 7.
After which, for the FIRST TIME, the song (in character of OUR SARAH)

MUSIC: That young man from the country ("as sung with great applause by Mr. W. H. Stephens"); music arranged by Marmaduke Henry Wilson (pianist, composer)

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 January 1861), 1 

THE Celebrated Comedian, Mr. W. H. STEPHENS, from the English, Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmanian Theatres,
the favourite Ballad Singer, Miss MARIE P. RAYMOND,
and the eminent Composer and Pianist, Mr. MARMADUKE H. WILSON,
will have the honour of giving Two of their highly amusing and SELECT ENTERTAINMENTS, in West Maitland,
This Evening (Tuesday), and Tomorrow (Wednesday), January 1st and 2nd, 1861, in the Hall of the School of Arts.
OVERTURE (original) - Marmaduke H. Wilson.
Mr. W. H. Stephens will appear in his highly interesting Entertainment (a la Albert Smith), entitled
Interspersed with the following Comic Songs - "A Life on the Ocean Wave (Parody);
"The Householder;" "Freedom of Opinion;" "The Miseries of Moving;"
"The Sly Little Man;" "Think of your Head in the Morning,"
"The Awkward Squad," "Rifle Fever," "So they say the French are Coming,"
"The Tight Little Island."
Intermission of of Ten Minutes.
Song, "I Watch for Thee in Starless Night," Miss M. P. Raymond.
Fantasia, introductory, M. H. Wilson.
PART II. - Mr. W. H Stephens in his "FLYING TRIP through California, to the United States, via the Panama Route,"
introducing the Comic Songs of "Ethorization,"
"The Young Lady with Nothing to Wear," "Lament of Joe Bowers,"
and "Trouble your Head with your own Affairs. -
Ballad, "The Green Trees Whispered," Miss M. P. Raymond -
The evening's Entertainment will conclude with Mr. W. H. Stephens singing the following SONGS in Character, viz -
"My Love he is a Saileure Boy, only Nineteen Years old;" and "That Young Man from the country."
Front seats, 4s.; Back seats, 2s. 6d. Doors Open at half-past Seven, commence at Eight precisely.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles V. Mason (alias Howard) (agent)

MUSIC: Oh! my love he is a saileur boy (song, in Hiawatha)

"MR. STEPHENS AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (3 January 1861), 2 

One of the most pleasing entertainments we have been present at for some time was given at the School of Arts, West Maitland, on Tues- day evening, by Mr. W. H. Stephens, assisted by Miss M. P. Raymond, and Mr. M. H. Wilson. The attendance was but limited, which may be attributed to two causes - first a huge number of the inhabitants having gone to Newcastle for the day, and secondly, the charge of admittance being considered by many too high. The entertainment was entitled, "Where I went and what I saw," being an account of the various places that Mr. Stephens visited on his route from Sydney to New York, including a stoppage at some of the South Sea Islands, and various conversations that he had with different persons, which were made the subjects for the comic songs. The overtures and fantasia were most brilliantly executed by Mr. Wilson, who certainly is the best pianist that has visited Maitland for a long period. The various songs that were interspersed throughout the entertainment were sung in a masterly manner, and were all in connection with Mr. Stephens' adventures. The songs were loudly applauded, and all seemed to be to the taste of the audience, though perhaps "The lament of Joe Bowers," who went to California to make his fortune, and then return to England for his intended wife, whom he had left behind, and who had promised to await his return, but who, in the mean time, provided herself with a fat butcher with red hair, received the largest share of applause and roars of laughter. During the interval, Miss Raymond sang, a few favourite ballads with exquisite taste and feeling, all of which were well received by the audience. The entertainment concluded with Mr. Stephens singing "My love is a Saileure Boy only nineteen years old" and "That Young Man from the Country" in female attire, which elicited roars of laughter.

"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Empire (21 May 1861), 3 

. . . The retirement of Mr. W. H. Stephens, prior to his departure for Europe is . . . a subject for regret. The ovation, however, accorded to him on the occasion of his farewell benefit on the 14th instant, must have been most gratifying; rarely, if ever, has so crowded and fashionable an audience been congregated together within the walls of the Victoria . . .

"MR. ALEXANDER FITZGERALD", Empire (24 May 1861), 4 

The entertainment announced by this gentleman, who has obtained so large a popularity in the city since his appearance at the Victoria, came off, yesterday evening, in the lecture-hall of the School of Arts . . . A musical melange followed, in which Mr. W. H. Stephens sang the popular ballad of "Alonzo the Brave, and ye fayre Imogene," which was rapturously encored, and Mr. Banks gave Wallace's "Hear me, gentle Maritana," very effectively . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Fitzgerald (actor, manager); Thomas Banks (vocalist)

"THE DRAMA", Empire (22 June 1861), 4 

Another crowded house, comprising a large representation of the beauty, wealth, and influence of the city, was the result of Mr. W. H. Stephens' farewell appeal to his very numerous clientele in Sydney last night . . . The programme included Bourcicault's very brilliant comedy "London Assurance" . . . Mr. W. H. Stephens playing his favourite part of Mark Meddle with immense unction . . . At its conclusion Mr. Stephens sang "Alonzo ye brave," which, as a natural consequence, having been encored vociferously, he substituted "That young man from the country," with almost equal effect, and then proceeded to address the audience as nearly as possible in the following words: - "Ladies and Gentlemen, I cannot let this opportunity pass without thanking you, not only for your presence here to-night, but for your constant and sustaining kindness, and, I may say, over-appreciation of my humble endeavours to please . . ."

"MR. W. H. STEPHENS", Empire (3 July 1861), 4 

This popular comedian sailed for England yesterday, in the ship Damascus, accompanied by Mrs. Stephens. We believe it is the intention of Mr. Stephens to re-visit the Australian colonies after a tour in England and America.

"DEATH OF MR. W. H. STEPHENS", The Lorgnette (4 December 1888), 2 

A London paper thus writes of the above gentleman's decease: -
"Mr. W. H. Stephens, the well-known old man comedian and character actor, dropped dead on his knees, as he was praying at mass, at the Brook Green Roman Catholic Church, near London, on Sunday, October 7th, 1888 . . . The late Mr. Stephens was a sterling actor of the old Farren, Leaton, Buckstone and Coppin School - a school which has unfortunately long died out. He made his first appearance on the stage at the Theatre Royal, Derby, England, on the 11th of April, 1839. He then went on a lengthened tour through Great Britain and Ireland until 1854, when he came out to Australia. In 1855 he was underlined to appear at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, under the lesseeship and management of the late Mr. John Black, but through some misunderstanding he did not then put in a show, but went to Sydney, where he became a great favorite. In that city he was mainly instrumental in building the Queen's Theatre, years ago burnt down. Returning to Melbourne he made his debut in the metropolis of Victoria, at the Theatre Royal, on the 1st of October, 1857, as Graves, in the late Lord Lytton's comedy of "Money" - the late Mrs. Robert Heir, the late Mrs. Alfred Phillips, the late Mr. Lambert, the late Mr. G. V. Brooke, and others well-known to fame appearing in the cast. After a few more years in Australia he returned to England, and made his London debut at the St. James's Theatre, as the Marquis, in the comedy of "Self-Made." During the last ysars of his life he confined himself almost exclusively to the line of old men. In all his parts he reached a standard of the highest excellence. The qualities of his heart and mind were well-known and thoroughly appreciated by the profession, by whom he was honored and beloved. The deceased gentleman was recently married to Mrs. Charles Poole, an actress well-known in Melbourne some thirty years ago, and who was with him at the time of his sudden death.

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Cathcart (Mrs. Robert Heir, actor); Elizabeth Phillips (actor), Joseph Charles Lambert (actor); Amelia Poole (actor)

"PERSONAL NOTES FROM LONDON", The Daily Telegraph (15 May 1899), 3 

The death is announced at the age of 72 of Mrs. W. H. Stephens, widow of the actor who gained fame as the creator of Mr. Furnivall in "Two Roses." Mrs. Stephens was herself very successful in "old women" parts, and as Mrs. Charles Poole was the first Marquise in "Caste." Her first husband was, in the fifties, associated In the management of the Prince of Wales' Theatre, Sydney, with Mr. Frank Howson (father of Mr. Charles E. Howson, of the Lyceum Theatre, London), and it was during that time Lola Montez, Mme. Anna Bishop, and Miss Catherine Hayes were introduced to the Australian public.

Associated musical editions:

That young man from the country, as sung with great applause by Mr. W. H. Stephens, arranged expressly by Marmaduke Henry Wilson (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Marmaduke Henry Wilson (pianist, composer, arranger); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher)

Other sources:

My diary from Sydney 1858-59 [My journey from Sydney]; manuscript, University of California, Los Angeles, Library Special Collections 

Journal of W. H. Stephens' journey from Australia to Samoa, Tahiti, Honolulu, California, Mexico, and Panama. Includes detailed description of theaters in Australia and Northern California. Also includes some discussion of local customs and dress in Samoa, Tahiti, and Hawaii; Journal entries date from May 1, 1858 to June 6, 1859. The author first gives an account of the decline of drama in New South Wales, a decline that he blames on the arrival of the comedian James Simmonds, a performer brought to Australia by Lola Montez. Stephens makes reference to Sydney, Melbourne, and Geelong theaters. He then sails from Sydney on a ship called the Ocean, and describes his travels in Samoa, Tahiti, and Hawaii with some attention to local customs and dress in all three places. Stephens' travels on the Eurydice from Tahiti to San Francisco. Once in San Francisco, he provides a detailed description of the local theatre scene and his professional engagements, as well as an overview of life in the city. The journal also records his travels in California's Gold Country (with some mention of local drama), Acapulco, Mexico, and Panama. The journal ends abruptly after Stephens reaches Panama . . . 110 folios:
ff. 1v-11v: discussion of theaters in Sydney, Melbourne, and Geelong, with particular attention to author's career;
ff. 13r-20r, 36v-65v: discussion of life onboard the ship; ff. 20r-28r: Samoa . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Simmonds (actor, manager)


Musician, singing class leader, conductor, leader of the singing at Pitt-street Congregational Church, Sydney

Active Sydney, NSW, 1850-51 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"THE PEOPLE'S SINGING CLASS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1851), 2

A society under this designation was established some twelve months ago, under the management of a committee, and under the tuition of a Mr. Stevens. Since that period two other classes have been formed, and on Wednesday evening the whole three classes, numbering about 350 pupils, held their second quarterly meeting at the Rev. Dr. Ross' Church, in Pitt-street. The spacious building was comfortably filled; the galleries being mostly occupied by the singers, and the body of the church by a highly respectable auditory. The object of the Society is the practice of devotional psalmody, and the pleasing performance of the other evening, gives promise of great benefit arising to general congregational singing. A correspondent, who was present, and who is in no way connected with the classes, has written a letter upon the subject, which will be found in another column. Its insertion does away with the necessity of any lengthy comments on our part. The organ was presided over by Mr. Freeman and Mr. Holme. The object of these gentleman appeared to be to accompany rather than lead the singers.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Ross (Congregational clergyman); People's Singing Class (Sydney); Pitt-street Congregational Church (venue)

"To the Editors of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1851), 2 

Gentlemen, - I have never been more pleased with a public exhibition or entertainment since my arrival in this colony, than I was on Wednesday evening. It took place in the Independent, or Congregational Chapel, in south Pitt-street, which had been kindly lent by Dr. Ross, to Mr. Stevens for the use of his singing class. Dr. Ross was in the chair. The body of the Chapel was filled with spectators, as well as the eastern ends of the two galleries. The western ends, were filled with the class; and Mr. Stevens, as leader, stood in front of the organ, with a long roll of paper in his hand, used by him in keeping time. Dr. Ross sat in the body of the chapel, and faced the organ; and the congregation on the ground floor, in order to face the leader of the singers, had to sit rather sideways, but with perfect convenience. The Chapel was cheerfully full in all quarters. The class in the galleries at the east ends consisted of young men and women, and boys and girls, all apparently belonging to respectable families. The female portion sat in pews by themselves. Dr. Ross opened the meeting by stating, that it was the wish of the leader, and his own wish, that as the place was sacred, and the pieces to be sung of a devotional character, it was requested that no outward tokens of approbation of any kind would be made, but each piece received with silence. A gentleman, Mr. Gravely, the secretary of the institution, then read a short but interesting report of the history of the Classes, by which we understood that three consisted of about 350 members of all ages and both sexes, and that they had not been in the classes, save a few, more than nine months, and a great many not more than three months, so that whatever might have been their proficiency, the company assembled could judge of it.

The Programme consisted of two parts, each of six pieces. The last piece was the Queen's Anthem.

We can hardly say which piece we liked best, the whole were so good and so exciting; we mean exciting as regards the highest feelings of man's nature, adoration. These young people, with their leader, carried the people away with them. Mr. Stevens (this we understood was the leader's name) seems to us singularly qualified for the office he has undertaken. Full of enthusiasm as he waves his paper wand, with a fine voice well tutored, and under command so as to strike the first and every succeeding note distinctly and with energy, yet without harshness or stoccato [sic], he inspired his audience as he must have done his pupils. Under his impulse, the scholars were never weary, so long as they could make intonation. Thus all the pieces went off with delight; not indeed for the perfection of the melody, nor for the faultlessness either of solo voices, or the chorus, but because there was life and soul in the manner of the singing, and excellent time was kept. The class mind was at work, and so covered all physical defects. Those defects were however few, and made no impression against the general effect.

We can hardly say which piece we greatly preferred. They were all good. The piece commencing "Prayer is the burthen of a sigh, the falling of a tear, &c." was perhaps the most pathetic, and the last trumpet chorus the most heart-stirring. As the class proceeded they increased in energy, till towards the latter end of the second part they strained their voices, and so far the harmony of the latter chorus though louder, was not such good music as those of the first part. When a Prussian regiment lifts up its voice, the strong voices by command, sing under their strength, that the weaker and softer voices may be heard, and form a part of the chorus of notes that fill the air from the throats of a thousand men. If the stronger voices of a choir of soldiers, or children, be not kept in check, all pleasure will be taken from the weaker voices, and the chorus itself will not be so musical, though louder. But it is music that the leader and the audience require, chiefly, and before all; power and volume are the secondary consideration.

Gentlemen, I congratulate the class on their labours, and society at large on the fact of our young men, and youth of both sexes, devoting their leisure to an accomplishment, which in its social tendencies and connexions is admirable; in its refinement is unquestionable; and which (before all) in its tendency to true and sincere piety is certain. No man could sit and see Mr. Stevens at the head of so many young people all full of emulation of the best kind, uttering sentiments of grandeur and pathos in one strain of divine harmony without being made the better for it. The devotion which was felt on this occasion by the whole assembly was equal and similar to what a congregation feels when it listens to a thrilling sermon full of wisdom and vital religion.

We could understand pretty well the words of the pieces sung, the boys articulated and enunciated the syllables, and above all the last syllable, tolerably well. This is a very great point in all singing. Half the professional singers cannot be heard, even with a book before you. Without a book, you cannot catch a word. Mr. Stevens' class must keep this diligently in mind. Mr. Stevens, himself, pronounces the syllable ed, id. I have always heard it pronounced ed by Braham and other first-rates; and ed gives more expansion to the throat than id; the latter syllable, closes the mouth, and weakens the note most annoyingly.


ASSOCIATIONS: John Braham (English vocalist)

MUSIC: Prayer is the soul's sincere desire (words; tune: unidentified)

"THE PEOPLE'S SINGING CLASS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (11 January 1851), 3 

From advertisements and other notices which have at various limes appeared in the public journals of this city, most of our readers are doubtless aware that a class for teaching singing on the principle of Mainzer, Hullah, and others, has for some few months past been in existence in this city. As we believe that music, particularly of a devotional or sacred character, has a most humanising and beneficial influence on the masses of the people, we regard this institution with a large degree ef pleasure, particularly as it has nothing in it of a sectarian character, and the hymns and pieces, as far as we have seen, are such as may be conscientiously sung by the professors of every Christian denomination. Believing, as we do, that the establishment of classes of this kind cannot fail to have a good effect on the minds of the people, particularly those of the working classes, and as we have not hitherto had an opportunity of noticing this institution, we shall here briefly enter into its history.

In the month of June, 1849, a society called the "Sacred Harmonic Society" was formed in this city, one of the objects of which was to establish a class to impart the rudiments of vocal music. A class was accordingly established, and Mr. Stevens was engaged to conduct it. The class at first numbered very few, but it went on gradually increasing, and in a short time numbered a hundred persons; and towards the end of July it was considered to be sufficiently established to be separated from the Harmonic Society, and left to its own resources. This was done by mutual consent, and the singing olass appointed its own officers, still retaining the services of Mr. Stevens. Subsequently two other classes were formed, and the three classes united comprise upwards of 350 members or pupils. It is scarcely more than six months since the oldest of these classes began to receive musical instruction, and the other two have not been practising more than three months; but such has been their proficiency that it was determined to hold the concluding meeting of the quarter in public, and thus bring it prominently before the community. Accordingly, Dr. Ross's chapel in Pitt-street, was granted for the purpose, and the meeting took place on Wednesday evening last. The object of the committee in thus coming before the public is, perhaps, best explained by the following paragraph from their advertisement -

"The motive for inviting the public to be present on this occasion is not for display, but to give the Christian citizens of Sydney an opportunity of judging for themselves of the merits of the system of teaching pursued, and to induce them to respond to the disinterested and liberal views of the committee (whose aim from the first has been to reduce the charges to the lowest sufficient amount, and thus render the advantages available to the masses), by joining in hundreds the new class it is intended to form. The peculiarity in this popular system of teaching being that hundreds can be taught more effectually than tens, and thousands better than hundreds - classes of upwards of 3000 being common in England."

We may here observe that the class fees are - for children under fourteen years of age one shilling per quarter, for other persons two shillings. The meeting on Wednesday evening was numerously and respectably attended, the chapel being in fact crowded. The number of singers was at least 300, and the effect of so many voices of all ages and of different musical calibre, was in some of the choruses truly sublime; and would, if it had not been requested that no outward marks of approbation should be manifested, have elicited the warmest applause. We were much pleased with the manner in which the first hymn, Calvary, was executed, as well as most of the other pieces; but that which most took our fancy, and which appeared also to meet with the general approbation of the audience, was the following beautiful duett and chorus, on "Prayer": -

Prayer is the burthen of a sigh -
The falling of a tear;
The upward glancing of an eye.
When none but God is near.

Prayer is the simplest form of speech
That infant lips can try;
Prayer the sublimest strains that reach
The Majesty on high.

Prayer is the Christian's vital breath,
The Christian's native air;
His watchword at the gates, of death -
He enters Heaven with prayer.

Prayer is the contrite sinners voice,
Returning from his ways;
While angels in their songs rejoice,
And cry, "Behold he prays!"

Oh, Thou by whom we come to God,
The Life, the Truth, the Way!
The path of prayer thyself has trod;
Lord ! teach us how to pray.

The finale of "God save the Queen," accompanied by the audience, was also very splendid. Altogether we were highly pleased with the manner in which the singing was performed; great credit is due to the committee of management, as well as to Mr. Stevens for the conduct of the classes, whose exertions we are sure must have been most indefatigable. We trust the institution will meet with the countenance and support of the public, so that the shpere [sic] of its usefulness may be considerably extended. We shall watch the progress of these classes with some interest. A new class is about to be formed, whose first meeting will be held on Tuesday evening next, in Mr. Blair's Chapel, Pitt-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Mainzer (German singing master); John Hullah (English singing master); Sydney Sacred Harmonic Society (organisation)

"SINGING FOR THE MILLIONS. To the Editors", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 April 1851), 4s

Gentlemen, - I was present on Friday evening at the third quarterly meeting, in the York Street Chapel, of the friends and members of the People's Singing Class, for the practice of Devotional Psalmody, at which the Rev. Mr. Tuckfield presided, and at which Mr. Stevens conducted the choir . . .

But the gratification we are now recording could not have been elicited unless the pieces had been well executed. And looking to the age of the choristers, (from seven years old to fourteen, say 200 of them) and that adults as well as the boys and girls, have been in class under Mr. Stevens's tuition less than a year, we certainly could not have expected the precision in time, and general accuracy in tune, which were exhibited. We heard them pronounce very few words wrong. One, however, was conspicuous, and jarred us. The choir pronounced the word captivity cap-tiv-a-ty instead of cap-tiv-e-ty. In the first chorus there was another defect. A few scores of little fellows on the right of the gallery, as you face the organ, being full of zeal, and fresh from their bread and butter, strained their voices until they absolutely screeched. But they abated this defect afterwards as they became more and more tired, until towards the last chorus, their voices fell into nice order.

Mr. Stevens' care and skill as a teacher, is not apparently confined to chorus singing. The perfect intonation, and bell-like distinctness of the notes of the female singer of the solos, were very pleasing. A youth of about thirteen or fourteen also sang a solo very sweetly, and above all, in good tune and time. Talking of time, the mechanical precision of the little fellows on our right (above-mentioned) in resting and resuming, and resuming and resting, throughout the pieces, was admirable. The treble solos, together with the quartette, afforded an agreeable contrast to, as well as a very pleasing sort of relaxation from the thunder of the choruses.

It seemed almost imprudent for a class that has not yet practiced together twelvemonths, to venture on such a piece as Handel's "Worthy is the Lamb," the whole of the 300 not being able to join in it. But Mr. Stevens, both in voice and movement, led his pupils with so much enthusiasm, that they became inspired, and got through it with the greatest satisfaction to the audience . . .

Mr. Stevens is aware, that harmony cannot be rich and complete without the introduction (in the proper place) of discord. We have given him great praise, because we cannot help it, for it is only justice. But now we have to complain of him, and to prophecy, that unless he introduces a radical reform in his mode of teaching, he will be the ruin, instead of the promoter of congregational psalmody. The great fault of public psalmody in the churches and chapels of Sydney has been that the congregation at some of the former do not sing at all, and at the latter, sing too loud, that is to say, the coarse rough singers drown the good ones.

But Mr. Stevens is making matters worse. There was tolerable singing at the Independent Chapel before he had the command there. Now, the choir around the organ sing with such vociferation, that the congregation below do not join. Nobody sings at that chapel now, but the choir . . .


"SINGING FOR THE MILLIONS. To the Editors", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 April 1851), 2

GENTLEMEN, When I read the letter of your correspondent this morning, who signs himself a "Lover of Sacred Music," I felt an amount of virtuous indignation that I could have gladly vented upon the writer if he had been near. I also was at the meeting of the friends and members of the people's singing class, and listened with rapture to the whole performance, and but for Mr. Tuckfield's well-timed caution could have joined in endorsing every piece in fact, so enthusiastic were the friends surrounding me, that a very little encouragement would have induced them to break through the bounds Mr. Tuckfield prescribed, and the whole place would, have rung with applause. We, however, subdued our feelings until the meeting closed, after which, in walking down the street, every tongue was loud in praise of Mr. Stevens and all concerned . . .

Your correspondent states that "nobody sings at the Congregational Church, Pitt street, now but the choir, and that the singing is much worse since Mr. Stevens took the command;" - against all this I enter my solemn protest, and am at a loss to conceive how the writer could have formed such an opinion; he cannot surely be a regular attendant at the Church, or if he is he must sit in a position where he cannot see the faces of the congregation. I have enjoyed the privilege of worshipping there for years, and I have no hesitation in stating that I speak the sentiments of a large portion of the body, when I say that the singing is vastly improved since Mr. Stevens took charge, and that the congregation to join in it; their voices may not be so perceptible as the voices of the choir in the first and second hymns, because they sit; but will any man tell me that the last hymn is not sung by the entire congregation, at which they all stand, and thus render their voices of course more powerful? So far from the congregation not singing, I have frequently felt, and heard it expressed by others, that in the last hymn the sound is one grand harmony throughout the building; that there is still room for improvement all will admit, but that the congregation are quiet while the choir sing is so contrary to the fact, that I felt bound to notice it. Why! it would be opposed to all our views of duty. We go to Church not to listen to the choir, but to worship God and sing his praises, and we believe that every voice should join in those praises and as far as I can judge, the great majority of the Congregational Church do.

Let your correspondent open his ears next Sabbath morn, and if he can hear nothing but the voices of the choir, I shall be quieter than usual for one, and so I think will a great number of my friends.

Oh, no! We are deeply indebted to Mr. Stevens for what he has done in improving Congregational Psalmody, and do not let us attempt to discourage him by suggesting "that he is making matters worse." What could have been more complete than the effect produced on Friday night to use the language of the Press, "It ended in triumph; the effect was grand, solemn, magnificent."
Your obedient servant,
Sydney, April 16.

See also, "THE PEOPLE'S SINGING CLASS", Empire (14 April 1851), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 April 1851), 1 

A PUBLIC MEETING of the inhabitants of Balmain will be held in the Scots Church, Balmain, on MONDAY EVENING next, 28th April, at half-past seven, for the purpose of forming a SINGING CLASS for the practice of sacred music, under the superintendence of Mr. STEVENS.
N.B. - Members' tickets will be issued at the close of the meeting.
JOSEPH HUNT, Secretary pro. tem

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1851), 3 

TO THE INHABITANTS OF BALMAIN. NOTICE. - The public meeting for the formation of a Singing Class, under the superintendence of MR. STEVENS, having been postponed in consequence of the inclemency of the weather, will be held This Evening, at half-past seven o'clock, at the Scots' Church, Balmain.
JOSEPH HUNT, Secretary pro. tem.
Tickets of membership will be issued at the meeting.

"BALMAIN SINGING CLASS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1851), 2

At a meeting held at the Scots Church, Balmain, on Monday evening last, Mr. Palmer in the chair, it was resolved to form a singing class under the superintendence of Mr. Stevens. A committee was formed to arrange and manage the class, and the prices of tickets were fixed at 3s. for adults; 2s. for children under 14 years. After the business of the meeting was concluded Mr. Stevens delivered an introductory address on the rise and progress of singing classes, as introduced by Hullah, Wilhelm, and others, which was listened to with marked attention by a respectable, if not a large audience, among which were a number of ladies.

ASSOCIATIONS: Guillaume-Louis Wilhem (Parisian singing master)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1851), 1

MR. STEVENS having resigned his connexion with the People's Singing Classes for the practice of Devotional Psalmody, the Committee beg to announce that Mr. Swain, late of the Chapel Royal, Windsor, a gentleman just arrived in the colony, has accepted the professorship, and will meet the classes as follows:
THIS EVENING, at Surry Hills.
Each Monday, at Balmain.
Tuesday, Class B., Pitt-street.
Wednesday, Class A, Pitt-street.
Succeeding Thursday, Surry Hills.
At 7 o'clock p.m.
By order of the Committee,
Honorary Secretary. May 30.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Swain (class instructor); Arthur Gravely (member)

Bibliography and resources:

Susan Lloyd, Guide to the records of Pitt Street Congregational Church Sydney 1828 -1971 in the Mitchell Library State Library of New South Wales (thesis, Master of Information Management, University of NSW, 1998) (DIGITISED)


Vocalist, member Adelaide Choral Society

Active Adelaide, SA, 1850-52 (shareable link to this entry)


"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (18 December 1850), 4 

Last evening a concert was given by the members of this Society, in the large room in the Exchange, which was one of the best we have yet heard in the colony, the Solos being well sung, and the Chorusses - the Deutsch Liedertafel having rendered their valuable assistance - being rendered with greater power and precision than heretofore . . . The second [part] commenced with the overture to "William Tell" which was well played, but the orchestra had scarcely sufficient power to render it with full effect. Balfe's "Gipsy Chorus" calls for little remark; it is an ordinary composition, and was done justice to. Then came the "Gamester's Wife," [sic] sung by Mr. Stevens. We are not admirers of Russell's songs in general, and perhaps less so of this one in particular, but we must do justice to the singer, who gave it with good feeling and expression, and indeed, in all respects sung it well . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Choral Society (organisation)

MUSIC: The gambler's wife (music by Henry Russell)

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 December 1852), 1

CONCERT. MR. BENNETT begs respectfully to inform his friends and the public, his intention of giving a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, in the Large Room at the Freemason's Tavern, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 23rd December.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - "Tancredi" - Rossini.
Song, Mr. Stevens - "Man the Life-Boat" - Russell.
Song, Miss Pettman - M.S.
Duett - Violin and Pianoforte - De Beriot.
Song, Mr. Stevens - "We are Boys together" - Russell.
Solo, Cornopean, Mr. McCullagh - "Love Not" - Norton.
PART II. Overture - "Montrose" - Bishop.
Song, Miss Pettman - M.S.
Song, Mr. Stevens - "The Slave Ship" - Russell.
Irish Comic Song, Mr. McCullagh - M.S.
Song, Miss Pettman - Russell.
Finale - "God Save the Queen."
Tickets 5s. each, to be had at the Freemason's Tavern, and of Mr. Bennett, Thebarton.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Bennett (conductor); Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Robert McCullagh (vocalist, cornet player)

MUSIC: Man the life-boat (Henry Russell); We were boys together (Russell); The slave ship (Russell)

STEVENS, Master (Master STEVENS)

Musician, pianist

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (shareable link to this entry)


"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (6 October 1852), 5 

We hear great things of the preparations for the Concert of tomorrow evening. The programme is not yet issued, but we understand that no fewer than four lady singers will appear, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Pellatt, a Madame Clasen, and a Miss Hall. Miss Clasen is to perform on the piano, as well as Master Stevens, who was so warmly encored on Thursday last, and the Concert is to be still further enriched by a German chorus or two, and by the efforts of a gentleman amateur. Herr Mater is very active and enterprising and deserves encouragement.

"THE CONCERT", The Argus (7 October 1852), 5 

. . . PART II . . . Piano Solo - (By desire) - Master Stevens . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Isabella Pellatt (vocalist); Charles Albert Frederic Mater (musical director); Thursday Concerts (series); Melbourne Mechanics' Insitution (venue)

STEVENS, John Michael (John Michael STEVENS; John M. STEVENS)

Musician, pianist, music teacher, composer, pupil of Charles Sandys Packer

Born Sydney, NSW, 31 August 1861; son of Richard STEVENS (1835-1886) and Mary Anne LORD (1844-1879)
Died London, England, 5 November 1916 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



"BIRTHS", Empire (5 September 1861), 1

STEVENS. - On the 31st August, at her residence, Upper Fort-street, the wife of Richard Stevens, of a son.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 October 1876), 1

The Sydney Polka Mazurka, by Master John Stevens, 2s 6d. . . . CLARKE, No. 235, George-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (music seller)

[News], The Argus (31 May 1877), 5

We acknowledge receipt from the composer, Master John Stevens, of Sydney, of two pieces of music for the pianoforte. The one is called the "Sydney Polka-Mazurka," and is dedicated to the citizens of Sydney; and the other, "The Champion Boat Race Waltzes," and this is dedicated to Messrs. Trickett and Punch. The first-named of these pieces was written by Master Stevens at the age of 14. They both of them have the merit of original tunefulness, and are certainly evidence of the possession of a valuable talent on the part of the young composer. Th themes are simple, and so is the setting. They would make simple and suitable exorcises for young players. They are both published in Sydney.

"Christmas Day", Evening News (26 December 1879), 2

. . . The usual "Adeste" was sung; but in place of the "Benedictus," a simple, though charming "O Salutaris," composed by John M. Stevens, was very well rendered by Miss J. Goodridge . . .

[Advertisement], Evening News (10 January 1880), 5

JOHN M. STEVENS (late pupil to Mr. Charles Packer), Teacher of Music, Stanley-ter., Harris St., Ultimo.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (teacher)

"MEN AND WOMEN", The Sun [Sydney, NSW] (15 November 1916), 6 

Cable information has been received by relatives to the effect that Mr. John M. Stevens, well known in Sydney as a musician, died in London last Sunday week. Mr. Stevens. and his family left Australia a few years ago to enable his daughter Cecile, a talented violinist, to take advantage of a scholarship at the Royal Academy of Music. His family consisted of seven daughters and two sons. The elder son, Jack, is attached to the British Royal Flying Corps.

"PERSONAL PARS", The Cumberland Argus (18 November 1916), 12

Word has been received by cable, of the death in London of Mr. John M. Stevens, whose accomplished and handsome daughters were educated at the Parramatta convent. Miss Cecile Stevens, one of the daughters, was a talented violinist, and it was to let her take advantage of a scholarship at the Royal Academy of Music that Mr. Stevens voyaged to London.

"DE LUXE STAR PLAYS FOR RADIO", The Music Trade Review (15 July 1922), 23

Miss Cecile Ann Stevens, one of the cleverest of Australia's younger violin artistes, is returning to America next month after a stay of rather over a year on this side . . . Miss Stevens is now going direct to Los Angeles for the preparation of a film entitled, "The Story of an Old Violin," in which she will be the central figure. The violin in question was the property of her father, the late John M. Stevens, of this city, the composer of various songs and a "Requiem," to whom it was bequeathed by a French musician as a genuine "Nicolo Amati" (Cremona, 1596-1684). Miss Stevens took the instrument to the Royal Academy, where it was examined by various connoisseurs with approval, and finally was pronounced genuine by Hill and Sons, of New Bond-street, who declared it worth more than it thousand pounds.

Musical works include:

The Sydney polka mazurka, composed by Master John Stevens (at the age of fourteen), dedicated to the citizens of Sydney (Sydney: [s.n.], [1876]) (DIGITISED)

The Bulwara waltzes, by John Stevens, respectfully dedicated to His Worship, the Mayor of Sydney (John Harris, Esq. M.L.A.) and Mayoress, "Bulwara", Ultimo; as played by the City Band at the Citizens' Complimentary Ball, August 16th, 1883 (Sydney: W. Akhurst & Co., lith, [1883]) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Akhurst (printer, lithographer, publisher)

The Sir Joseph Banks polka, by John Stevens; respectfully dedicated to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Smith "Sir Joseph Banks", Botany, as played by all the leading bands (Sydney: W. Akhurst & Co., lith., [1884]) (DIGITISED)

Good bye, song, words by Phillip D. Lorimer, music by John M. Stevens ([Sydney]: W. Akhurst & Co., [1889]) (DIGITISED)


Musician, vocalist, singing class instructor on Hullah's system, school master

Born c. 1816; son of Silvester Stanford Stephen STEVENS (d. TAS, 1851) and Bridget EDWARDS (d. TAS, 1865)
Married (1) Celia REED (d. 1846), St. James, Taunton, 4 April 1837
Married (2) Maria REED, by c. 1852
Arrived George Town, TAS, 20 February 1853 (per Northumberland, from England, aged "37")
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 28 December 1858, aged "44" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Marriages solemnized in the parish of Taunton St. James in the county of Somerset in the year 1837; register 1813-37, page 180; Somerset Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 538 / Joseph Stevens of this parish and Celia Reed of this parish were married in the church by Banns . . . this [4 April 1837] In the presence of . . . Maria Reed . . .

England census, 6 June 1841, Castle Cary, Somerset; UK National Archives, HO107/937/11/30 (PAYWALL)

Joseph Stevens / 25 / National School M. / [born in county]
Celia [Stevens / 25 / [National School] Mistress / [born] Ireland
George Henry / 3 // Walter Fred'k / 2 // Maria Louisa / 4 months // Celia Reed / 50 . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Somersham, Huntingdonshire; UK National Archives, HO107/1749/180/28 (PAYWALL)

Church Lane / Joseph Stevens / Head / Wid. / 35 / national School Master / [born] Somer't Taunton
Walter Stevens / Son / 11 / Scholar / [born Somer't Taunton]
Jane Stevens / Daur / 7 / [born Somer't] Paulton
Sydney / 6 // Edward / 5 / [both born Somer't Paulton]
Maria Reed / Sis'r in Law / Un. / 30 / National School Mistress / [born] Cheltenham Gloucestershire

Immigrants per Northumberland, 20 February 1853; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1572996; CSO24/1/216 file 8194 pp 120 & 128 

Joseph / 37 // Maria / 33 // Walter / 12 // Maria / 11 // Jane / 9 // Sydney / 8 // Edward / 7 // George / 14


The duty of chronicling, as an event in the history of Tasmania, the departure of His Excellency Sir William Thomas Denison for the seat of his future Governor-Generalship in New South Wales, after exercising administrative powers in this colony for a period of nearly eight years, devolves upon us this day . . . As to the numbers attending, the particulars of arrival on board the Tasmania, how the singing classes of the public schools of St. David's, Bethesda, and Argyle-street, recently trained by Mr. Stevens on the Hullah System, sang the National Anthem and Rule Britannia, on board the Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company's hulk Propontis . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (governor); John Hullah (English singing master)

"ST. DAVID'S AND ARGYLE STREET SCHOOLS. Treat to the Children", The Hobart Town Advertiser (24 January 1855), 3 

On Saturday last his Excellency Sir Henry Fox Young and Lady Young, Col. Last, the Lord Bishop of Tasmania, the Venerable Archdeacon . . . his Worship the Mayor [etc.] . . . met the children at the New School Room, Argyle st. at 11 a.m. when his Excellency delivered the prizes to the deserving, after which the Bishop addressed the children, complimenting them upon their progress, and also those who instructed them. Several pieces were sung by the children, conducted by their able superintendent Mr. Stevens. "The village Choristers" and "Rule Britannia" were performed in a manner worthy of any British School . . .

MUSIC: The village choristers [Come, brothers, tune the lay] (attr. Moscheles)

"CONCERT AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. MISKA HAUSER AND M. BUDDEE", The Tasmanian Daily News (24 November 1856), 2 

The first of two subscription concerts announced by Messrs. Miska Hauser and Buddee took place on Saturday evening, in the ball-room of Government House. The chamber band of the 12th regiment, by the permission of Colonel Percival, C.B., added to the evening's amusement, and the Messrs. Stevens, with Mr. Bryant, diversified the entertainment with some well-delivered glees. The appearance of Miska Hauser, and the popularity of so great a favorite with the musical public of Hobart Town as M. Buddee, combined to fill the room with a large and attentive audience. The raised dais was occupied by His Excellency the Governor and Lady Young, the Chief Justice and Lady Fleming . . .

1858, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1222290; RGD35/1/5 no 1262$init=RGD35-1-5P277JPG (DIGITISED)

No. 1262 / December 28 / Joseph Stevens (died Melville Street) (born England) / Male / 44 years / Schoolmaster / Consumption / [reported by] George Henry Stevens, Son . . .

"DIED", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (31 December 1858), 2 

At his residence, No. 27, Melville-street, Hobart Town, on the 28th instant, after a lingering illness, Mr. JOSEPH STEVENS, aged 44 years, Master of the Trinity Hill School, and formerly of Taunton, Somersetshire.

Will and probate, Joseph Stephens, 1858-59; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1670744; AD960-1-4 Will Number 768$init=AD960-1-4-768_1 (DIGITISED)


Musician, music teacher, composer

Active Sydney, NSW, 1861-64 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1861), 10

DARLING VILLA, Balmain. - Mrs. and Miss STEVENSON resume the duties of their SCHOOL on TUESDAY, the 16th instant.
N.B. - Miss Stevenson gives private tuition in music.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1862), 7 

DARLING VILLA, Balmain. - Mrs. and Miss STEVENSON resume the duties of their School on MONDAY, the 21st instant.
Miss Stevenson has a few vacancies for music pupils.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 April 1864), 6 

JUST PUBLISHED. - The ELECTION GALOP [sic], composed by Miss Stevenson; price 3s. ELVY and CO.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 April 1864), 5 

JUST PUBLISHED, the Electra Galop, composed and dedicated to the belles of Sydney, by Miss Stevenson, price 3s. ELYY and CO.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Hammond Elvy (publisher)

"ST. MARY'S LITERARY INSTITUTE, BALMAIN", Empire (11 May 1864), 5 

The monthly soiree in connection with St. Mary's Literary Institute, Balmain, was given last evening, by the members, in the Adolphus-street schoolroom, Balmain. The programme comprised the quartette, "Slumber sweetly dearest;" the quintette, "Come where my love lies dreaming;" the glee, "O Sanctissima," "Bright sword of liberty," and "Zum Zum;" the serenade, "Good night;" "the soldier's song," and select readings. Sothern's "New Year's March," sod the "Electra Galop," were nicely given. The audience was a large one, and appeared to be thoroughly pleased with the evening's entertainment.

MUSIC: The Australian New Year's march (music by John Russell Sothern)

"THE ELECTRA GALOP", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1864), 4

The above galop, composed by Miss Stevenson, has just been published by Messrs. Elvy and Co., of George street. Though in style this piece of music somewhat resembles the well-known "Electric Galop," it differs in many points sufficiently to exonerate Miss Stevenson from the charge of plagiarism. The music is comparatively easy of execution, though affording scope for brilliance in playing. It is, however, to be regretted that young students in music here do not endeavour to leave the beaten track of "dance music," and exert their abilities in the production of other and more lasting compositions. Of course it would be absurd to expect from youthful composers symphonies, overtures, or the other classical styles that characterise the writers of celebrity; but there is a large field in the arrangement and adaptation of simple melodies for the pianoforte, that ultimately might lead to compositions of more pretension - indeed we have heard a very beautiful arrangement of the pretty ballad, "I'd choose to be a daisy," which without being intricate in construction, or difficult of execution, possesses a charm for the listener infinitely beyond that of ordinary dance music, and the piece can be performed well by a child of ten or twelve years old who has been instructed with proper care. The effect of this kind of study is to give an enlarged idea of the use and effect of music, and certainly induce a purer style, and a due appreciation of the works of the most renowned musicians. In illustration of the fact we might allude to the positive relief experienced when after hearing the pianoforte hammered away to the "tum-tum" of a polka or a waltz, some real admirer of the better school sits down to the instrument and performs even the quiet and unostentatious arrangement of Gluck's "Orpheus to Eurydice," and pieces of a similar character. At the same time brilliance of performance must not be ignored; but unless pieces requiring the latter style of execution are by the most experienced composers, they usually present a meaningless jumble of notes, harmonious perhaps, but certainly devoid of true musical expression. The piece before us is creditable as regards appearance, being well printed with a fair title-page. The Electra Galop is dedicated to "Belles of Sydney," which for the sake of those who have pecuniary interest in the publication, we trust will be found a large section of the fair portion of our community.

STEVENSON, Sara Ann (Sara Ann BARLOW; Miss BARLOW; Mrs. William STEVENSON)

Musician, teacher of music and languages

Born c. 1834; daughter of Randal BARLOW and Sara ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1858
Married William STEVENSON, Melbourne, VIC, 7 October 1871
Died Moonee Ponds, VIC, 11 March 1917, aged "83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


? [Advertisement], The Argus (14 May 1863), 8 

BONDURER-HOUSE, Darebin-creek, conducted by Miss Barlow. -
VACANCIES for young ladies, as BOARDERS or Day Pupils.
Address care Mr. Thomas Stevenson, Neave's-buildings.

? [Advertisement], The Argus (24 September 1866), 8 

PRIVATE LESSONS In MUSIC and SINGING. Miss Barlow, 27 Palmer-street, Fitzroy.

"MARRIAGES", The Argus (10 October 1871), 4 

STEVENSON - BARLOW. - On the 7th inst., by the Rev. P. S. Menzies, William Stevenson to Sara Ann, youngest daughter of the late Randal Barlow, Esq., of London.

"DEATHS", The Age (12 March 1917), 1 

STEVENSON. - On the 11th March, at private hospital, Moonee Ponds, Sara Ann, relict of William Stevenson, formerly of Clifton House, Kew, and Gippsland, and loved mother of Randal and Harry Stevenson, in her 84th year.

"Crossed the Bar", Weekly Times (17 March 1917), 24

By the death on March 11 of Mrs. Sara A. Stevenson, at a private hospital in Moonee Ponds, another old colonist is removed. She was 84 years of age. Mrs. Stevenson, who was the relic of Mr. William Stevenson, of Clifton House, Kew, and Gippsland, was at one time teacher of music and languages in the family of the late Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. She arrived in Melbourne in 1858. Two sons survive her.



Active Sydney, NSW, 1857 (shareable link to this entry)

DISAMBIGUATION: Apparently not Eliza Stewart (vocalist), active in Hobart, TAS, at the same time


"PRINCE OF WALES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (24 January 1857), 2 

This favorite establishment will re-open in about a fortnight, under the joint lessee-ship of Mr. Frank Howson and Mr. Howard, with an Operatic Company comprising all the available talent in the colonies. The company embraces many well-known names amongst which we may enumerate the following ladies: - Madame Sara Flower, Madame Carandini, Mrs. St. John Hancock, Mrs. Guerin and Miss Stewart . . . A splendid orchestra, under the conductorship of Mr. Lavenu . . . gives promise of a brilliant revival of Opera . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist, manager); Sam Howard (actor, manager); Sara Flower (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Marianne Adcock [sic] (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor)

"THE JUBILEE AT ST. BENEDICT'S", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (9 May 1857), 2 

. . . The first High Mass was celebrated on Tuesday . . . Mozart's No. 12 was sung by the Cathedral choir, conducted by the talented and Rev. Mr. Curtis. We very much admired the middle movement of the Gloria. We never hear that majestic Quoniam Tu solus Sanctus, but we fancy that we have a faint glimpse of the All Holy. The Benedictus is one of the most charming morccaux that ever was written. The Soprani were Miss Stewart, Mrs. Bridson, and Mr. Peter Curtis; the Alta, Madame Lamont; the Tenor, Mr. Howson; and the Bass, Mr. Banks. The Dona nobis pacem, introducing the grand chorus after the Agnus Dei, was charmingly rendered by Madame Lamont, who has an exceedingly sweet mezzo-soprano voice. In a word, the music was all that could be desired . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Anselm Curtis (conductor); Sarah Bridson (vocalist); Peter Curtis (vocalist); Maria Augusta Lamont (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Thomas Banks (vocalist); St. Benedict's church (Sydney)

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (11 May 1857), 1 

To toko plaoo on WEDNESDAY next. May 13th, on which occasion the Eminent Tragedian, McKEAN BUCHANAN,
Miss STEWART, G. H. ROGERS, Together with the principal Members of the
Victoria and Prince of Wales Theatres, have volunteered their valuable services, and will appear in a

ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); William Henry Stephens (actor); George Herbert Rogers (actor, vocalist)


Musician, pianist, accompanist

Active Maitland district, NSW, 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12 April 1854), 3 

SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT! at The Newcastle Court-house.
MR. PAXTON, from Scotland, has the honor to announce
In the above Hall, On Thursday Evening Next, the 13th instant, at Eight o'clock.
Mrs. Stewart will preside at the Pianoforte.
Programme - Part 1st.
The OLD SONG of "Toddlin Hame." - Mrs. Hamilton's words.
SONG - "My Ain Fireside."
BALLAD - Descriptive of a Wooing Match in the olden time.
OLD BALLAD - "Muirland Willie."
SONG, by Hacket, in which the Lassie bewails her Jamie ta'en awa'; and Sandy, wi's siller, houses and land, lays siege to her heart, but is rejected.
SONG - "Logie o' Buchan."
In the course of the Evening, Mr. Paxton will sing
BALLAD - "Norah, the Pride of Kildare." "I'm Afloat."
LOVER'S POPULAR SONG - "Widow Machree."
AND - "The Anchor's Weighed."
Part 2nd.
BURNS - A tribute of gratitude to Mrs. Stewart, of Afton Lodge, for the notice she had taken of the Bard-Song, "Afton Water."
BALLAD - "Hame came our Gude Man at E'en."
SONG - "Comin thro' the Rye."
HUMOUROUS SONG - Ludicrous position of the lad - amazement of the gudeman and wife - SONG, "There came a Young Mun to my Duddie's Door."
NEIL GOW's much admired Song, characteristic of the manners and language of the Newhaven Fish Wives - SONG, "Caller Herring." A universal favorite.
SONG AND CHORUS - "Auld Lang Syne."
Tickets, together with Programmes, may be had of Mr. Hannell, "Ship Inn," Newcastle.
Doors open at Half-past Seven o'clock, Entertainment to terminate about ten.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Paxton (Scottish vocalist)

"MR. PAXTON", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (19 April 1854), 2 

According to advertisement this gentleman gave his "Scottish Entertainment," in the Court House, East Maitland, last Saturday evening, and was greeted upon his entrance in a very warm manner, by a numerous and highly respectable audience . . . "Afton Water" was a great treat, and reflected great credit upon Mr. Paxton. Time and space will not allow us to notice, seriatim, all the songs announced in the programme, and introduced during the course of the evening, which we regret, as much might be said in praise of the manner in which they were sung, especially "When the kye comes hame," - "For the sake o' somebody," - "O, but, he was a brisk young lad," - and "I met four chaps yon birks amang," or as it is familiarly and better known, "Jenny's Bawbee." But, what shall we say, what can we say of "Wha'll buy caller herrin." This song was unquestionably the real gem of the evening, and the style in which it was sung, and the rich, clear tone which constitutes the "cry" for the sale of fish, was exquisitely achieved, and made us almost imagine that "Newhaven Meg" had arrived in Australia, and without loss of time had begun to ply her vocation by bawling out, not "Fish 'o," but, "Wha'll buy caller herrin" . . . It would be very ungallant in us, were we to conclude without noticing Mrs. Stewart, who is undoubtedly perfect mistress of the instrument at which she presided, and added so much to the sweet harmony of the evening. It struck us that the piano-forte, which was evidently a full, rich toned instrument, did not occupy a favourable position, but, should Mr. P., as hinted at, give a second " Entertainment", this error may be remedied by placing it more in the body of the house, opposite the bench.

"SINGLETON . . . SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (19 April 1854), 2 

We have much pleasure in informing your readers that Mr. Paxton, who has been so successful in Sydney and elsewhere, is about to visit Singleton, and give two concerts, which will come off on Thursday and Friday evenings, at the Caledonian Hotel . . . Mrs. Stewart, whom we are informed is a very talented pianiste, will preside at the instrument . . .

"SINGLETON . . . MR. PAXTON'S CONCERTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (26 April 1854), 2 

Mr. Paxton gave two of his favourite Scottish Entertainments at Singleton on Thursday and Friday evenings. The concert on Thursday was attended by a fair and fashionable audience, who appeared delighted with the songs of old Scotia. Every song was well sung, and elicited great applause. We liked the style and humour of Mr. Paxton, and his "Wha'll buy caller herrins" was inimitable. Mrs. Stewart, who presided at the piano forte, evinced considerable talent, her "touch" being considered as very tasty. The concert on Friday was but thinly attended, but went off well; Mr. Paxton exerted himself to the utmost. The cause of such a thin house was owing to the Council meeting occurring at the same time, but the concerts were attended on both nights by the Bishop of East Maitland. Singleton, April 24, 1854.



Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1864 (shareable link to this entry)


Musician, cornet player, bandsman Band of the 40th Regiment

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1860 (per City of Hobart, for New Zealand)
Active Melbourne, VIC, until 1869 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Band of the 40th Regiment, Melbourne, c.1859

Band of the 40th Regiment (front row only), Melbourne, VIC, late 1850s, Edward Stewart (third bandsman from right) (State Library of Victoria) (DIGITISED)


Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 to 30 December 1852; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office 

1937 / Stewart Edward / . . . Band

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 July 1853), 3 

MECHANICS INSTITUTION - Weekly Concerts, Thursday, 28th inst. -
Principal Performers: - Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, who will have the honor of making her first appearance, and will sing a duet with Mrs. Testar.
Sig. Maffei will play a Duo with Mr. Stuart; pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan, his first appearance.
Conductor and Director - Mons. Saltzer [sic].

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 July 1853), 8 

This Evening, Thursday, 28th July, a grand concert will take place in the Hall of the above Institution, when the following artistes will appear:-
Vocal: - Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, Mr. Taunton (Their first appearance).
Instrumental. - Harp, Mr. Edwards (his first appearance), Violin, M. Paltzer, Cornet a Piston, Signor Maffei and Mr. Stewart, Pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan (his first appearance).
Full Band. Director and Conductor - Mons. Paltzer.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - L'Italiana in Algeri - Rossini
Melodie Musicale - Full Band - J. G. Reed [T. German Reed] . . .
Polka - Young Couple, with Cornet Obligato (by desire), Mr. Stewart - Cooke . . .
PART II. Overture - Harmonious Blacksmith, Full Band - Handel . . .
Duet for two Cornopeans, from Belisario, Signor Maffei and Mr. Stewart - Donizetti . . .
Polka - The Drum - Jullien . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (soprano vocalist); Joseph Maffei (cornet); Charles O'Sullivan (piano); Jacques Paltzer (violin, conductor)

"GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT", The Argus (18 July 1854), 5 

On Saturday evening Mr. Winterbottom gave the first of a series of musical entertainments, which he designates as the revival of his promenade concerts, a la Jullien in Rowe's American Arena. The circus holds about thirteen hundred when full, and on this occasion there could not have been less that that number present, as the circus itself was crowded close up to the stage. The orchestral arrangements were of a very superior order, and comprised some of the best musical talent in the colony . . . The concert opened with Auber's grand overture to the Opera of "Fra Diavolo," which was performed with excellent effect. Then followed a quadrille, composed by Winterbottom, and performed here for the first time, called the "Elixir of Love," a spirited composition, with solos for the cornet, clarionet, and flute. It was decidedly appreciated and received its due meed of applause . . . The Great Exhibition Quadrille was a grand performance, embodying, as in an overture, a sort of operatic review of the national elements of the Worlds' Fair, each nation being represented by appropriate specimens of its own music, and finishing with a Grand March and "God Save the Queen." Several very fine polkas were played by the full orchestra with buoyant and brilliant effect, the most remarkable of which was "L'Echo du Mont Blanc," with echoes for the cornet, flute, and clarionet, and performed for the first time in the colony in public . . . In the quadrille "La Sonnambula" (which was introduced here for the first time), Mr. Stewart performed a solo on the cornet, an instrument on which he excels, and Mr. Johnson was equally successful in his solo on the clarionet . . . With such performers and performances, M. Winterbottom's series of concerts are sure to take with the Melbourne public. The next concert takes place at Rowe's American Circus, on the evening of Saturday next.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Henry Johnson (master of the band of the 40th regiment); Rowe's American Circus (venue)

MUSIC: Great Exhibition quadrille (Jullien); L'echo du Mont Blanc (Jullien); Sonnambula quadrille (Tinney)

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (14 April 1859), 5 

The Misses McCarthy's concert in the Exhibition Building last night was well attended, considering the attractions of "La Traviata" at the Theatre Royal, and the scarcely intermitted inclemency of the weather . . . Mr. Ewart sung Balfe's "Come into the garden, Maude," and Hobbs's "Nina," with much taste, and the band of the 40th added to the attractions of the concert, especially so far as Messrs. Stewart (cornet-a-piston) and Hartigan (ophecleide) were concerned.

ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina and Maria McCarthy (vocalists); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide, sergeant of the band of the 40th Regiment)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (19 April 1859), 2 

Mr. Stoneham's concert last night, in the Mechanics' Institute was completely successful in every point of view . . . The concert opened with Rossini's "Overture to Semiramide," given with a fulness of effect never previously attainable here, and very many of the audience must have felt that for the first time in their lives they had heard an overture played as it ought to be . . . Messrs. Johnson, Hartigan, and Stewart, on the clarionet, ophicleide and cornet played with artistic finish and power . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Stoneham (flautist)

"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (13 August 1859), 2 

The Melbourne Philharmonic Society, to whose foresight the design of a Musical Festival commemorative of the centenary of the death of the great Saxon composer has this week been carried into successful execution, merit the thanks and unqualified approbation of the musical public . . . The selections on [Tuesday] were from the oratorios of "Samson," "Judas Maccabeus," and "Israel in Egypt," and on Thursday evening the glorious masterpiece of the composer, "The Messiah," was performed in its entirety, and with unqualified success . . . Mr. Farquharson . . . was in fine voice, and his delivery of the magnificent "Why do the Nations" evoked a tumult of applause. He was also deservedly praised for his vocalisation of "And the trumpet shall sound," the trumpet obligato to which was very skilfully rendered by Mr. Stewart . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (9 May 1860), 2 

The audience at Mr. Stoneham's concert last night was very thin - a fact we can only account for by supposing that the live consecutive days' bazaaring had tired out those ladies and gentlemen who are in the habit of attending concerts. The performances were worthy of a much better house . . . Mr. E. Stewart, of the 40th, played an effective cornet solo. Mr. Stoneham gave a solo on the flute which elicited repeated plaudits, and was redemanded. The overtures were "La Gazza Ladra" and "Otello," both by Rossini, and it was refreshing to the ear after so much "Verdi" as we have heard in Geelong - not that we seek to run down Verdi, but variety is pleasing - to hear some of Rossini's carefully written harmonies . . .

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (5 June 1860), 3 

The Concert will commence with the First and Second Parts of HAYDN'S SEASONS,
Never before performed in the Colonies . . . the entire BAND OF THE 40TH REGIMENT . . . IN UNIFORM. 33 PERFORMERS! BAND MASTER - Mr. JOHNSON.
BASSOONS, Mr. McCoy, Wakefield; CORNET-A-PISTON, Stewart; OPHICLEIDES, Weaver, Horton; SMALL DRUM, Willis; B FLAT CLARIONETS, Murrell, Madden, Powell, Keating; HORNS, Field, Kingston, FLUTE, Murrell; E FLAT CLARIONETS, Loton, Tiner; TROMBONES, McGrearty, McNamara, Tristrum; B FLAT CLARIONETS, Stowe, Gore, Kinsella, Hifferman; TRUMPETS, Cullen, De Maria; SAX-HORNS, Raker, Royane; CORNET-A-PISTON, Llewellynn; BOMBARDONS, Shaw, Place; BASS DRUM, Ilsey . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Geelong Harmonic Society (organisation)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (18 June 1859), 2 

The Recreative Society gives its second Saturday evening's concert in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute this evening. The programme includes the names of Miss Juliana King and Mr. Ewart, besides promising several other performers of well known talent. Mr. Stoneham's band is engaged for the occasion, and will be strengthened by the attendance of Mr. Stewart (cornet a piston) of the 40th Regiment, Leader, Mr. Gabb. Conductor, Mr. Stoneham. The concert will commence at half past seven, precisely. The charge for admission is one shilling for an adult, and half that sum for juveniles not beyond their second teen.

ASSOCIATIONS: Juliana King (vocalist); John Gough Gabb (violinist, leader); Geelong Recreative Society (organisation)

Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1860; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office 

1937 / Stewart Edward / . . . Band

[Advertisement], New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (20 April 1863), 2 

By the kind permission of Colonel Leslie, C.B., and the Officers.
PROGRAMME: Part I. Overture - "Haydee" - Band of H.M. 40th Regiment . . .
Scena - "Bid me discourse," by Sir Henry Bishop - Madame Carandini.
Duett, for Two Cornets - "I know a Bank" - Messrs. Stewart and Kohler . . .
Part 11. Grand Selection from Auber's Opera Le Chalet - Band of H.M. 40th Regiment . . .
Solo, Rock Harmonicon - "Overture to William Tell" Mr. R. W. Kohler . . .
Gallop - "The Night Bell" - the Band of H.M.'s 40th Regiment. (With a Chorus of Thirty Voices.) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Richard Wildblook Kohler (musician)

"POLICE COURT. Saturday . . . THE MURDER CASE", Daily Southern Cross (22 June 1863), 4 

Richard Harper, butcher, was placed in the dock, charged with having, on the 16th day of June instant, wilfully murdered his wife Jane Alice Harper, by stabbing her near the heart with a butcher's knife . . .
Sarah Ann Stewart, a little girl, said: My father's name is Edward Stewart. He is a bandsman of the 40th Regiment I live in Edward-Street. I knew the deceased. I know the prisoner. I saw him on Tuesday evening last. He was with Mrs. Harper in Mrs. Baker's yard. They were lying by the pile of firewood. He had a knife in his hand at the time I saw him. It was a big knife with a black handle. It was like the knife produced. He put his hand upon her shoulder and he had a knife in his hand. I saw afterwards a lot of blood come from her shoulder and face, right down from her forehead . . .

? [Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 May 1867), 8 

GRAND VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT. New Exhibition-building.
All the principal members of the musical profession have generously volunteered their services on this occasion . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . 10. Duet - Messrs. R. W. Kohler and Stewart . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Armes Beaumont (vocalist)

STEWART, Eliza (Eliza STEWART; Miss STEWART, Mrs. ELLIS; alias of Eliza Stewart KIPLING) = Eliza Stewart ELLIS

Musician, vocalist, pianist

Active (as "Miss Stewart") VIC, 1854-57


Amateur musician, vocalist, amateur violin maker, stock broker

Died Bendigo, VIC, 1906 (shareable link to this entry)


"DEATH OF MR. JAMES STEWART", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (7 September 1906), 5 

STEWART, Matthew (Matthew STEWART)

Musicseller, publisher

Born c. 1834; son of Robert STEWART and Isabella MILLAR
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1858
Married Mary Ann STUBBS (d. 1900), VIC, 1861
Died Camberwell, VIC, 27 March 1899, aged 65 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Frank McCulloch (business partner), trading as McCulloch and Stewart (1858-62) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Argus (30 August 1858), 1 

. . . For particulars apply to Messrs. McCulloch and Stewart, music warehouse, 27 Coliins-street, Melbourne . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 December 1858), 3 

WILLY, WE HAVE MISSED YOU, to be had at McCulloch and Stewart's, 27 Collins-street west.

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1859), 6 

NEW MUSIC. Just received,
Oneida polka; Cricket-Match schottische; Simla galop; European march; Last Rose of Summer, with variations.
By Boulanger.
McCULLOCH and STEWART, musicsellers, 27 Collins-street east

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (composer); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher, Sydney)

[Advertisement], The Age (14 April 1859), 2 

Dedicated to their Excellencies, with permission, Sir W. Denison, and Sir H. Barkly.
Poetry by Mrs. Postle. Music by S. Nelson.
Will be ready for sale on Saturday, 16th instant, at the publishers,
McCulloch and Stewart, 27 Collins-street west.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Nelson (composer); Eliza Postle (lyricist)

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (14 September 1859), 4 

PIANOFORTE & MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 27 Collins-street west, Melbourne.
McCULLOCH & STEWART have just landed a fresh stock of Pianofortes by Collard and Collard, Allison and Allison, &c.
Also several cases of Alexandre's Harmoniums, which they will sell at the reduced prices of 9, 12, 18, and 25 guineas.
The new and popular song, "My ain Dear Nell," to be had at all the music sellers, price 2s.,
published by McCulloch and Stewart.

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 March 1860), 3

JUST PUBLISHED, new edition of the favourite Scotch Ballad, MY AIN DEAR NELL (Nelly Brown), sung by Mrs. Hancock and Miss Emma Stanley. McCulloch and Stewart.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Emma Stanley (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 March 1860), 7 

ADVANCE AUSTRALIA, the new and only appropriate national Song;
Ever of Thee; I think of Thee; Willie, we have Missed You; and the celebrated Opera Schottische.
Published at McCulloch and Stewart's, musicsellers and publishers, Collins-street west.

JUST PUBLISHED. JESSIE'S DREAM, a descriptive Song of the Relief of Lucknow. McCulloch and Stewart, pianoforte and music sellers, Collins-street west.

JUST PUBLISHED, beautifully illustrated, the popular Song, CASTLES in the AIR. McCul- loch and Stewart.

JUST PUBLISHED, new edition of the favourite Scotch Ballad, MY AIN DEAR NELL (Nelly Brown), sung by Mrs. Hancock and Miss Emma Stanley. McCulloch and Stewart.

PIANOFORTES and NEW MUSIC, just landed per ships John Parks and Marion, McCulloch and Stewart, pianoforte and music sellers, Collins-street west.

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 February 1861), 7 

CHRISTY MINSTREL, In a few days. Price, 1s.
Mocking Bird, Gentle Annie, Rosalie, &c. Williams, publisher.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (printer, music typesetter) first advertised himself as publisher, but evidently sold on copies to McCulloch and Stewart who issued them under their own covers

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 June 1862), 3 

JUST PUBLISHED, new and popular BALLAD, "The Cottage by the Sea," sung by Madame Lucy Escott at the Monster Concerts, and nightly encored.
McCulloch and Stewart, 19 Collins-street east.

ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 November 1862), 3 

F. McCULLOCH (late of McCulloch and Stewart, Musicsellers),
begs respectfully to inform his friends and the public that he has COMMENCED BUSINESS on his own account, at 60 Collins-street west.
All Orders for tuning, repairing, and regulating carefully attended to.

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 February 1863), 8 

PIANOFORTE TUNING. - M. STEWART (late McCulloch and Stewart, 10 Collins street east) is happy to announce that he has made arrangements with
Mr. MARQUIS CHISHOLM, the eminent pianist and harmoniumist (for six years principal tuner to the firm of De Monti and Co.,) by whom in future all orders for tuning will be executed.
Terms - Town, 5s., within two miles, 7s. 6d., within three miles, 10s.

ASSOCIATIONS: Marquis Chisholm (musician, tuner)

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1864), 8 

THE alterations and enlargement of M. STEWART'S Pianoforte and Music Warehouse 10 Collins-street east, being completed, he begs to call attention to his very superior stock of PIANOS, Harmoniums, &c., which will be offered at reasonable prices.
N.B. - All kinds of musical Instruments tuned and repaired by experienced workmen with despatch.

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 May 1879), 11 

WE, the undersigned, Joseph Kilner (late Wilkie, Kilner and Co.) and Matthew Stewart (late pianoforte and music seller) of Collins street, have this day entered into PARTNERSHIP as pianoforte manufacturers, importers, and repairers.
The business of the firm will be carried on as usual at Richmond and 41 Collins street east, under the name of KILNER and STEWART (Signed)
Dated this 1st day of May, 1879.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Kilner (business partner)

[Advertisement], The Herald (3 May 1879), 4 

Beg to announce to the inhabitants of Melbourne, its suburbs, and the Colonies of Australia, that they have entered into partnership as
and from the long and favorably known experience they have gained during the past 20 years in the pianoforte trade, they venture to hope they may meet with a share of the public patronage, which will at all times receive their personal attention.
Further announce that they possess the only factory in the Australian colonies that has every facility, with the appliance of steam power and machinery, for the manufacture and repair of Musical Instruments.
SPECIAL NOTICE. KILNER and STEWART Will be happy to visit personally their friends desirous of obtaining their professional advice in reference to pianos, etc., and also give estimates for partial or general repairs that may be required, for which no charge is made.
Vide Public Notices.

[News], The Argus (18 September 1879), 5 

From Messrs. Kilner and Stewart of 41 Collins-street east, and Bridge-road Richmond, we receive copies of Mr. Caws's new composition, "Rosaline," the words by H. H. Blackham - composed for and sung by Miss Lucinda Blackham at her benefit concert in the Town-hall on the 6th September. This song is set in the key of four flats major - common time, andante suavamente - compass from E flat to C (optional) 13 notes. We noticed this song at the time of performance as having produced a very agreeable effect.

ASSOCIATIONS: William St. John Caws (composer)

"DEATHS", The Argus (28 March 1899), 1 

STEWART. - On the 27th March, at Sunnyside, Canterbury-road, Camberwell, Matthew Stewart, aged 65.

Will and probate, Matthew Smith, 1899; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Extant musical editions:

McCulloch and Stewart:

Willie we have missed you, favorite ballad, sung by Miss Emma Stanley in her entertainment of the Seven ages of woman ["written and composed by Stephen C. Foster"] (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1858]) (DIGITISED)

Molly Asthore by L. H. Lavenu, composed for and sung by Miss Catherine Hayes (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1859]); Fergusson & Mitchell, lith. (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (composer); from J. R. Clarke's posthumous Sydney edition (late 1859)

My ain dear Nell, a new Scottish ballad, written and composed by A. Hume (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1859]) (DIGITISED)

My ain dear Nell, sung by Miss Emma Stanley & Mrs. Hancock, a new Scottish ballad written and composed by A. Hume, fourth edition (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1860]) (DIGITISED)

Jessie's dream, a story of the relief of Lucknow, written by Grace Campbell, composed by John Blockley, new edition (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, 1860); Clarson, Shallard, & Co., printers (DIGITISED)

Castles in the air, words by James Ballantine, music by Robert Adams, Scotch song, sung by Miss Lizzy Stuart in her entertainment entitled "A peep at Scotland through her songs", new edition (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1860]) (DIGITISED)

Advance Australia, dedicated with permission to their excellencies, Sir W. Dennison [sic], K.C.B., and Sir H. Barkly, K.C.B., words by Eliza Postle, music by S. Nelson (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1860]); Fergusson & Mitchell, lithographers (DIGITISED)

The opera schottische, for the pianoforte, by William Youens (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1860]); Clarson Shallard & Co., typs. 

Gentle Annie, song and chorus, sung by the Christy Minstrels [music by S. C. Foster] (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1861]); W. H. Williams, printer (DIGITISED)

The mocking bird, song and chorus, sung by the Christy Minstrels (Melbourne : McCulloch & Stewart, [1861]); W. H. Williams, printer (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (printer, music typesetter, above two editions, and of Rosalie, the prairie flower, of which NO COPY IDENTIFIED)

The cottage by the sea, ballad, composed by J. R. Thomas (Melbourne: McCulloch & Stewart, [1862]) (DIGITISED)

Kilner and Stewart:

Rosaline, song, words by H. H. Blackham, music by St. John Caws, composed for and sung by Miss Lucinda Blackham (Melbourne: Kilner & Stewart, [1879]) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 282 (Kilner and Stewart), 291 (McCulloch and Stewart), 305 (Stewart) (DIGITISED)

STEWART, Richard (John Richard TOWZEY; alias Richard STEWART; J. R. STUART [sic]; R. STEWART; Mr. STEWART)

Actor, vocalist, comedian, theatrical manager

Born South Shields, England, 24 May 1827; baptised St. James, Piccadilly, London, 12 August 1827; son of Thomas TOWZEY (d. 1855) and Eleanor EGAN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, c. 1852
Married Theodosia YATES (Mrs. GUERIN), NSW, 1857
Died Melbourne, VIC, 24 August 1902 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

STEWART, Theodosia (Miss YATES, Mrs. STIRLING; Mrs. GUERIN; Mrs. Richard STEWART) = Theodosia GUERIN

NOTE: She continued to appear professionally as Mrs. GUERIN after her marriage to STEWART early in 1857, and until as late as 1864

Vocalist, actor

STEWART, Docy (Theodosia GUERIN; Miss Docy STEWART) = Docy GUERIN

Vocalist, actor

STEWART, Maggie (Margaret GUERIN; Miss Maggie STEWART) = Maggie GUERIN

Vocalist, actor

STEWART, Nellie (Eleanor Stewart TOWZEY; Miss Nellie STEWART; Mrs. ROW)

Vocalist, actor

Born Woolloomooloo, NSW, 20 November 1858; daughter of Richard Stewart TOWZEY and Theodosia YATES
Married (1) Richard Goldsborough ROW (1860-1914), Sydney, NSW, 26 January 1884 (almost immediately separated)
Married (2, ? common law) George MUSGROVE
Died Sydney, NSW, 21 June 1931 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


John Richard Towzey was born on 24 May 1827, and baptised at St. James's, Piccadilly, on 12 August 1827, probably the first child of Thomas Towzey and Eleanor Egan, who had married at St. George's, Hanover Square, in April 1826.

According to his obituaries, Towzey arrived in Sydney in 1852, via California, and gave his first attention to the NSW gold rushes, spending time at Sofala.

His first appearance on stage in Sydney was at the Lyceum Theatre in the last days of December 1854, when, as "J. R. Stuart, the celebrated Burlesque Comedian, and Buffo Singer, (From the London Theatres)", he played General Bombastes ("with song") in Bombastes furioso.


[Advertisement], Empire (28 December 1854), 1 

Mrs. L. Melville, Mr. J. Milne, and Mr. J. R. Stuart, are engaged, and will shortly appear . . .
J. P. HAMMOND, Manager.

[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (30 December 1854), 14 

Immense success of the celebrated Juvenile Artiste, Miss Anna M. Quinn, the youngest living actress - being but Six years of age:
also, Mr. J. H. Vinson, Comedian (late of the Californian Theatres.)
Second Appearance in this city of Mr. J. R. Stuart, the celebrated Burlesque Comedian, and Buffo Singer, (From the London Theatres.)
THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, December 30th, 1854, will be presented a Nautical Drama of intense interest, entitled
William - Mr. J. H. Vinson; Droggrass - Mr. Hammond
Gnatbrain - Mr. Stuart; Capt Crosstree - Mr. Russell
Hatchet - Mr. Briarly; Susan - Mrs. Melville
Dolly Mayflower - Mrs. Howard
To be followed by the Burlesque tragic Opera of
General Bombastes - Mr. J. R. Stuart; Fusbos - Mr. Hammond
Artexominous - Mr. Russell; Distaffina - Miss A. M. Quinn . . .
J. P. Hammond, Manager.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1854), 1 

. . . After which the burlesque tragic opera entitled BOMBASTES FURIOSO. General Bombastes, with song, Mr. J. R. Stuart . . . Manager, Mr. J. H. Vinson.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Hetters Vinson (actor); Anna Maria Quinn (actor); Lyceum Theatre (venue)

PIECES: Bombastes furioso (Rhodes)

[Advertisement], Empire (8 January 1855), 1 

THIS EVENING, Monday, January 8th, 1855. BENEFIT of Mr. J. P. HAMMOND . . .
Song, Mr. J. R. Stuart . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1855), 1 

THE PUBLIC are respectfully informed that Miss BASMANN and Mrs. FAIRBURN'S
CONCERT takes place, THIS EVENING, when they will be assisted by the following talented Artistes: -
The celebrated tenor Mr. Fairchild, Mr. Stewart, and Miss A. Hart, her first appearance as vocalist.
Ballad - "Lurline" (by desire), Miss Basmann.
Song - "What will they Say in England," Mr. Stewart.
Ballad - "My Own, my Lovely Bride," Mrs. Fairburn.
Duet - "The Gipsy Countess," Miss Basmann and Mr. Stewart.
Ballad - "Madoline," Mr. Fairchild.
Song - "The Old House at Home," Miss A. Hart.
Solo, Pianoforte - "La Parisienne" (by Herz), Miss Basmann.
Song - "Cheer! Boys, Cheer!" Mr. Stewart.
Duet - "What are the Wild Waves Saying?" Miss Basmann and Mr. Fairchild.
Song - "I'm Thinking now of Thee, Jamie," Mrs. Fairburn.
Aria - "Tyrolienne" (first time in Sydney), Miss Basmann.
Recitative and Air - "Death of Nelson," Mr. Fairchild.
Scottish Song - Mr. Fairburn.
Aria - "Oh! For an Eagle's Pinions" (Lucia di Lammermoor), Miss Basmann.
Ballad - Miss A. Hart.
Duet - "A. B. C," Miss Basmann and Mr. Stewart.
Doors open at a quarter to 8 o'clock, to commence at 8. Admission, 2s. 6d.

ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelmina Basmann (vocalist); Mrs. Fairburn (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Ada Hart (vocalist)

ASSOCIATIONS: What will they say in England (music by J. W. Hobbs); The gipsy countess (Stephen Glover); Cheer, boys, cheer (Henry Russell); A. B. C. (duet) (John Parry)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1855), 1 

SCHOOL OF ARTS. - Miss BASMANN and Mrs. FAIRBURN beg most respectfully to inform their friends and the public that their
second CONCERT will take place at the above institution, on WEDNESDAY evening next, 18th July.
They will be assisted by the celebrated tenor, Mr. J. Fairchild; Mr. Stewart; and the renowned comic singer, Mr. Frederick Sams; and Miss A. Hart, her second appearance as vocalist.
Song - The Flag of the Free - Mr. Stewart . . .
Comic Song (in character) - The wretched little man - Mr. F. Sams . . .
Comic Duet - Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Miss Basmann, Mr. Stewart
PART II . . .
Descriptive Song - The Soldier's Wife - Mr. Stewart . . .
Comic Duet (by particular desire) A.B.C. - Miss Basmann, Mr. Stewart.
Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8 precisely. Admission, 2s. 6d. each.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederic Sams (vocalist)

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 September 1855), 4 

The Evening's entertainments will commence with Balfe's grand Opera of THE BOHEMIAN GIRL:
Count Arnheim, Mr. Stewart; Thaddeus, Mr. J. Howson; Florestein, Mrs. Guerin;
Devilshoof, Mr. F. Howson; Arthur, Miss Catherine Hayes;
Queen of the Gipsies, Madame Sara Flower; Buda, Mrs. Rogers.
To conclude with the very laughable Petite Comedy entitled THE PET OF THE PUBLIC.
F. HOWSON, Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (actor, vocalist, manager); John Howson (actor, vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (actor, vocalist); Catherine Hayes (actor, vocalist); Sara Flower (actor, vocalist); Emma Rogers (actor, vocalist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (27 November 1855), 4 

THIS EVENING, Tuesday, November 27, 1855, the evening's performances will commence with Donizetti's favourite Opera of
L'ELISIRE D'AMORE. Characters by Messrs. Winterbottom, Bellair, Holloway, Stuart [sic], Mrs. H. T. Craven, Mrs. Winterbottom, Miss Douglass, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Moore.
To conclude with a Petite Comedy, entitled THE RETURN FROM THE CRIMEA.
J. G. GRIFFITHS, Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: John and Maria Winterbottom (actors, vocalist); Thomas Smith Bellair (actor, vocalist); Edmund Holloway (actor, vocalist); Eliza Craven (actor, vocalist); Eliza Gibbs (actor, vocalist); Rachel Moore (actor, vocalist); John Gordon Griffiths (actor, manager)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1855), 4 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Under the direction and management of Mr. A. TORNING.
Mr. H. T. CRAVEN respectfully announces his benefit for THIS EVENING, December 8th, on which occasion will be presented (third time in Sydney) Mr. Craven's electro-biological burlesque extravaganza (now having an extraordinary and unprecedented run in London) entitled ALONZO YE BRAVE AND YE FAYEE IMOGENE.
To be followed by song, "Yes, 'tis a spell," Mr. T. S. Bellair; song, "My Pretty Jane," Mr. Stuart [sic];
flag hornpipe, Mr. J. Mungall; song, " 'Twas Merry in the Hall," Mr. Lambert.
To be followed by the popular operatic drama entitled, MY DAUGHTER'S DEBUT.

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (manager); Henry Thornton Craven (actor); John Mungall (actor, dancer); Joseph Charles Lambert (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (venue)

MUSIC: My pretty Jane (Henry Bishop)

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 January 1856), 6 

Under the Direction and Management of Mr. A. Torning.
THIS EVENING, January 19, The entertainments will commence with (third time this Season)
Bellini's grand Opera of NORMA, with all the original music, choruses, etc.
Pollio, Mr. J. Howson; Oroveso, Mr. F. Howson;
Flavius, Mr. Stewart; Norma, Mdme. Anna Bishop; Adalgisa, Mrs. Guerin; Clotilda, Mrs. Gibbs.
To conclude with a laughable farce.

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist, actor)

"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (16 February 1856), 2 

The great achievement of the week was the production of Flotow's celebrated Opera of MARTHA. It frequently happens that far too much pre-laudation is used upon these occasions. This is bad in principle, inasmuch, as it raises expectation to too high a pitch, and thereby, tends to create disappointment. Such was not the case with this opera, which was placed upon the stage in a most finished style. Its success was unbounded, and the house, crammed in every part, testified their admiration of the performance by loud and constant plaudits. As regards the composition of the opera, musical critics hold that Martha is unquestionably the finest production of Flotow, and its performance, at the Imperial Theatre in Vienna in 1845 was a triumph : and it has been equally well received by every country into which it has had an introduction. The music is sparkling and perfectly in keeping with the subject - its very simplicity constitutes half its charm. That delightful Irish melody - "The last rose of summer" - runs like a golden thread through the opera, and is frequently brought forward most felicitously. In fact, Martha is a production which cannot fail to please the most captious critic and inveterate fault finder.

Our first duty, in speaking of those engaged in the performance, must necessarily be to mention the merits of Madame Anna Bishop in the character of Martha . . . To Mrs. Guerin was allotted the part of Nancy, the friend of Lady Harriet and the companion of her freaks. She sustained it with more than her wonted ability. She entered fully into the spirit of the character, and was not only lady-like and graceful in Nancy, but most arch and lively in the country Julia. She was warmly applauded throughout, as was also Mr. F. Howson who performed Farmer Plunket . . . Sir Tristram Mickleford was entrusted to Mr. Stewart, and very properly so, as he sustained it in the most spirited manner, and showed powers, both musical and histrionic, which were scarcely anticipated. We shall be much surprised if he do not shortly occupy a more prominent position on the stage . . . The orchestra was in a high state of efficiency: it was admirably conducted by Mr. Paling, and as well led by Mr. Gibbs . . . Suffice it to say, Martha made a decided hit, and we confidently vaticinate for a long and successful run.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (conductor)

"THE ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (26 July 1856), 2 

On Wednesday Miss Julia Harland took her farewell benefit at this house . . . The performances were Donizetti's tragic opera of "Lucia di Lammeymoor" and the second act of Balfe's "Bohemian Girl" . . . All was done beautifully, and amongst the artistes we must not forget to particularize the name of Mr. Stuart, who most ably assisted in the general effect. This gentleman sang "The heart bowed down" with infinite feeling and pathos. He is a valuable appendage to any theatre, not only for his usefulness but his adornment of utility. He is promising and performing - an excellent combination.

ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (vocalist); English Opera Company (troupe); "English Opera House" = Prince of Wales Theatre (as above)

MUSIC: The heart bow'd down (Balfe, from The Bohemian girl)

"ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (30 August 1856), 2 

The entertainments consisted on Tuesday of a "Musical Melange" and two acts of Donizetti's tragic opera of LUCREZIA BORGIA. The house was a bumper, and the recognition of the great Prima Donna's powers as fervent as ever. Her exquisite rendering of English, Irish, and Scotch ballads was only to be equalled by her magnificent assumption of the Duchess of Ferrara. The versatility of Madame Anna Bishop's talent is indisputable - her home is with the tender pathos of ballad and the grand sublimity of the highest tragic lyric power. It is difficult to tell in which she excels - the warbling of the simple or the delivery of the grand. She was ably supported in the opera by M. Emile Coulon, Mons. Laglaise, and Mr. Stewart . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); "English Opera House" = Prince of Wales Theatre

"THEATRICAL ON DIT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (28 February 1857), 3 

That an interesting connubial comedietta is in rehearsal between Mrs. Guerin and Mr. R. Stewart.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 December 1857), 5 

The performances of the week have been of a better description than usual, and the operatic selections are worthy of commendation. The vocalists Mrs. Guerin, Messrs. John and Frank Howson, and Mr. R. Stewart were loudly applauded, and several of their songs received encores.

"DEATHS", The Argus (25 August 1902), 1 

STEWART. - On the 24th August, Richard Stewart, sen., the beloved husband of Theodosia, and devoted father of Docy, Maggie, Nellie, and Richard Stewart, in his 76th year.

"DEATH OF MR. RICHARD STEWART", The Argus (25 August 1902), 7 

The many friends of Mr. Richard Stewart, one of the oldest members of the theatrical profession in Australia, will learn with regret that he died yesterday morning after a short illness. Mr. Stewart was born in South Shields in 1827, and was educated at Christ's College (the "Blue-coat School"), London. In the early days he followed the avocation of ship-builder, and when the Californian gold rush broke out in 1849 he made his way to San Francisco, and went to the gold-fields. In 1852, after the discovery of gold in New South Wales, he came to Sydney, and worked in New South Wales at the Sofala and other fields. He was always very popular with his mates, and as he displayed exceptional ability as an entertainer he was urged constantly to enter the theatrical profession. He adopted this suggestion, and secured an engagement from Mr. Gordon Griffiths at the Victoria Theatre, Sydney, where he played a round of parts. In Sydney he met and married Mrs. Guerin, who was then a leading light of the lyric stage.

In 1860 Mr. Stewart came to Melbourne under engagement to Mr. Barry Sullivan as principal comedian. He played the part of a Frenchman in a piece called "The Station-house," and afterwards scored a great success as Myles-na-Coppaleen in "The Colleen Bawn." Lord Dundreary in "Our American Cousin" was another part in which he achieved distinction. He became associated then in management with Messrs. Harwood, Belair, Charles Vincent, Hennings, and Lambert, and afterwards in 1867 at the Theatre Royal with Messrs. Harwood, Hennings, and Coppin. Miss Nellie Stewart, who was born in Sydney, made her first appearance as a child in the Theatre Royal at this period. Mr. Coppin bought the other partners out, and was sole manager of the Theatre Royal in 1872, when it was burned down. The new theatre was rebuilt and opened in November, 1872, with Messrs. Harwood, Stewart, Hennings, and Coppin as proprietors. Being anxious to travel, Mr. Stewart then made a tour of Tasmania, New Zealand, Europe, and America, with Miss Docy Stewart, Miss Maggie Stewart, and Miss Nellie Stewart, who appeared in "Rainbow Revels" and "If, or An Old Gem Reset." While he was at Boston he received a cable message from Mr. Coppin, who asked him to return to Melbourne to play in "Sinbad the Sailor." The offer was accepted, and in this most successful pantomime Miss Nellie Stewart first appeared as principal boy.

In 1880 Mr. Stewart retired from theatrical enterprises, but after an absence of three years from the stage he joined Mr. Garner's London Comedy Company. He afterwards retired again, and made his home in Melbourne, but suffered severe losses in the financial crisis of 1892, and was obliged to return to work once more. He held the position of treasurer for Mr. J. C. Williamson for five years, and when he left it received a similar position with Mr. George Musgrove - a position which he helf up to the time of his death. He leaves a widow and a family of two, Miss Nellie Stewart and Mr. Richard Stewart, junior, who holds the position of touring manager for Mr. J. C. Williamson.

The funeral will leave the late residence of the deceased, Evelyn-street, Fitzroy, at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and the remains will be interred in the Boroondara Cemetery, Kew.

"DEATH OF MR. R. STEWART. AN OLD THEATRICAL IDENTITY. Melbourne, August 24", The Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (25 August 1902), 5 

One of Australia's oldest theatrical identities (Mr. Richard Stewart, Sen.) died this morning at his residence, East Melbourne, at the age of 67. Mr. Stewart, who was the father of Miss Nellie Stewart, had been acting for a year or two past as Mr. George Musgrove's treasurer at the Princess Theatre. A fortnight ago, and while still in harness, he developed liver complaint. Complications ensued with the result that Mr. Stewart was removed to a private hospital, where he had the services of two doctors. The patient, however, grew worse, and died at the 3.30 a.m. to-day. Miss Nellie Stewart and other members of the family were present at the bedside when the deceased passed away.

Mr. Stewart first reached Australia in 1852, when he arrived from the California gold diggings. Displaying a talent for acting, she was tempted to enter the theatrical profession, and made his first appearance in Sydney in 1860 [sic]. He was the late Barry Sullivan's principal comedian during that actor's Melbourne season. Entering upon the responsibilities of management, he took his place in the firm of Harwood, Stewart, Hennings, & Coppin, which was formed in 1877. During this period he made a world's tour with the "Rainbow Revels" entertainment, and simultaneously introduced his clever daughter, Nellie, to the playgoing public of America, England, and the Continent. Returning to Australia, Mr. Stewart played under Mr. Arthur Garner's management. Then, retiring from the profession till in 1892, circumstances compelling, he joined Mr. J. C. Williamson in "The Front of House." Later he became associated with Mr. Musgrove. The funeral takes place to-morrow.

"PERSONAL", Arrow (26 May 1917), 3 

. . . Nellie Stewart's father, Richard Stewart, was born at South Shields on May 24, 1827. His family name was either Towzey or Tousey. He was educated at Christ's Hospital - the famous Blue Coat School of London. In 1849 he went to the Californian gold diggings, and, after some experience, crossed the Pacific to Sydney, whence he went to the Turon rush of 1852. His first theatrical experience was gained in 1856 in Sydney, where he played continuously during several seasons, and became a great favorite.

It was at the beginning of his Sydney career that he married Mrs. Guerin, as already stated last week under this heading. In 1860 he played a season in Melbourne under Barry Sullivan, as chief comedian . . . Soon after that he went into management at Melbourne Royal . . .

Bibliography and resources:

F. C. Brewer, The drama and music in New South Wales (Sydney: Charles Potter, Govt. Printer, Sydney, for the New South Wales Commission for the World's Columbian Exposition (1893: Chicago, Ill.), 1892), 41 (DIGITISED)

[1878] . . . In this year, Mr. R. Stewart introduced his three daughters to Sydney, Maggie, Nellie, and Docy, in a sparkling entertainment, written by Garnet Walch, entitled "Rainbow Revels." Since then Nellie Stewart has become the most popular burlesque and light comedy actress in the colonies, in fact, and the feeling is excusable - other artistes in the same line are judged by her standard. The entertainment took immensely. Stewart who first appeared in Sydney, made his reputation in Melbourne, where he, Mrs. Stewart (Mrs. Guerin), and the piquant (Stewart's favourite term of approbation) girls were very popular. Harcourt Lee was the pianist at this entertainment . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Campbell Brewer (author); Harcourt Lee (pianist)

STEWART, Robert (Robert STEWART)

Amateur poet, lyricist, songwriter, attorney, lawyer

Born ? England/Scotland, c. 1806
Married Maria LONGRIDGE, St. Dunstan, Stepney, London, 18 June 1829
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 31 August 1833 (passenger on the brig Children, from London, 20 April)
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 20 June 1849, aged 43 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Stewart and his wife, Maria, and two children arrived in Sydney in August 1833. Having served as a NSW police magistrate since and chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Stewart and his family had moved to Hobart by early in 1838, where he applied to the Supreme Court for admittance as a barrister.

Robert Stewart wrote the words of at least two published songs. An early version of the words of Echo's song first appeared anonymously in The Australian (20 March 1835) and was later set by William Vincent Wallace (1837), and dedicated to Wallace's Hobart "friend" and cousin Maria Logan. Then in 1839, Logan herself set another of Stewart's lyrics, The vow that's breathed in solitude. Her song was published in April, but no copy has been identified.


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Dionis Back-Church in the city of London in the year 1830; register 1813-56, page 43; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 340 / [1830] May 19th / Robert Bruce born March 13 Son of / Robert and Maria / Stewart / Philgson lane / Solicitor . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (2 September 1833), 2 

From London . . . From same port, on Saturday last, having sailed from thence on the 20th of April, the brig Children, 254 tons, Captain Durocher, with a general cargo of merchandize. Passengers, Mr. Robert Stewart, attorney; Mrs. Stewart, Master Robert Bruce Stewart, and Josephine Stewart . . .

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (12 September 1833), 2 

A Mr. Robert Stewart, Attorney of the High Court of Westminster, has posted his intention on the door of the Supreme Court to apply for admission to practice.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 November 1833), 2 

Robert Stewart Esq., who has lately acted as under Sheriff, has been nominated police magistrate for Campbell Town.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 November 1834), 2 

The newly appointed third Police Magistrate, Robert Stewart, Esq., took his seat on the Sydney Magisterial Bench on Saturday last. Mr. S. bids fair to prove a valuable acquisition to our Sydney Bench of Justices; and during the severe loss (which we trust will be but temporary) occasioned by Mr. Windeyer's illness, through recent and severe domestic affliction, his accession may be hailed as a public benefit.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Windeyer (attorney, musical amateur)

"Original Poetry", The Australian (20 March 1835), 4 


Oh! I'm the fairy Queen of sound,
Mid rocks and caves I roam;
Unseen I float the wide world round,
And make the sea my home.

Upon the distant shore I sleep,
'Till waked by magic song;
Then climbing up the mountain steep,
I bear the notes along.

I hide me in the leafy glade,
And rule the trembling air,
The winds in whispers woo the shade,
While I repeat them there.

When darkness clothes the lovely lake
And gently flows the wave,
Upon its brow my bed I make
And answer every lave.

But in your Heaven I rest my wing,
Tho' music fill the skies,
No sounds from thence to earth I bring,
I love alone to - rise.

[News], The Colonist (2 February 1837), 2

A piece of colonial music was ushered into existence yesterday. It is entitled, Echo's Song - the words by Mr. R. Stewart, and the music by Mr. W. Wallace; it is simple and pretty.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (composer)

"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (2 February 1837), 2 

We have received from Messrs. Austin and Co., a new musical production called the "Echo Song; the words by George [sic] Stewart, Esq., composed and dedicated to his friend Mrs. Logan, of Hobart Town, by William Wallace, late leader of the Anacreontic Society, Dublin." We have not had leisure to look into the merits of the publication - the name of William Wallace, however, is a sufficient recommendation to the musical folks of Sydney.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gardner Austin (publisher); Maria Logan (dedicatee)

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 February 1837), 2 

Mr. Stewart, the Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, has composed a very pretty little song , called "Echo's Song," which he has dedicated to Mrs. C. Logan, of Hobart Town; it has been set to music by Mr. W. Wallace, and is printed by Austin & Co., in a style that does these gentlemen credit. The printing of the music is excellent, but the printing of the words have not been taken the same pains with. It is to be had at Messrs. Ellard, Tyrer's and at the printers.

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (3 February 1837), 3 

We have been favoured by the publisher with a copy of a new piece of music, styled "THE ECHO'S SONG - the words by R. Stewart, Esq., the music by Mr. W. Wallace. We shall take an early opportunity of obtaining the opinion of some of our fair friends on its beauties. It is rather out of our line.

"SYDNEY NEWS", The Hobart Town Courier (17 February 1837), 2

Mr. Wallace, and our old townsmen, J. P. Deane, gave a concert on the 2nd instant, which was very numerously attended: the whole of the performances gave the most entire satisfaction. Mr. Wallace, whom many of our readers may recollect, during his short sojourn here; has composed a song, called the "Echo Song," the words by Mr. R. Stewart. The Colonist styles it "simple and pretty."

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician)

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (23 February 1838), 1 

NOTICE is hereby given that I, Robert Stewart, late Chairman of the Courts of Quarter Sessions for the Colony of New South Wales, and now residing in Macquarie street, Hobart town, in Van Diemen's Land, Gentleman, one &c, do intend to apply to the Honorable the Supreme Court of Van Diemen's Land, on the last day of the first term in the present year to be admitted a Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor and Proctor of the said Supreme Court.
Dated this 2nd day of February 1838. Robert Stewart.

"Colonial Music", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (9 April 1839), 7 

Who shall say that the march of civilization, one of the greatest blessings which man can know, is now rapidly progressing here, when we find a gentleman finishing the poetry, and a lady the music of a beautiful little composition recently published by Mr. Elliston. The melody and the harmony are agreeably creditable to the taste and ability of Mrs. Logan. The impression, we understand, consists but of a limited number, which will of course soon be disposed of.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gore Elliston (publisher); Maria Logan (composer)

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (26 April 1839), 2

A song, entitled "The vow that's breathed in solitude" - the words by Mr. Stewart - the music arranged by Mrs. Logan - has been forwarded to us, and, according to our judgment, affords a very creditable specimen of "immortal music married unto verse." This is the first Van Diemen's Land melody it has been our fortune to encounter, and is well worthy of being hailed by all the lovers of song and of Tasmania, with all the gladness and rejoicing of a new birth.

"MUSIC", The Hobart Town Advertiser (3 May 1839), 4 

Not only from our desire to contribute by every means in our power to the information and amusement of our readers, but induced also by our love of music, and all that appertains to it we have latterly gone through a good deal of reading under the head of Music, and Musicians, in order to glean instruction as to the tone of feeling at present evinced in England on that subject. From this we gather that music is at present, as other sciences have been occasionally - at a pause, neither advancing or deteriorating, and that it appears likely so to continue until some new and peculiar style of composition is introduced. We do not profess to understand whether this change is most likely to be occasioned by the composition of the Musician, or by the song writer, - by the introducing by the latter of an unusual metre, at the end of lines, or verses, or as we say, by the compositor; but it is evident that the present order of melody is considered to have been so varied, and transformed, as that it is scarcely possible now to touch a note which has not been already worn senseless.

We may here observe, that the song of "The Sea, the Sea, the open Sea," - is one of a new style of cadence, which being new and full of peculiar pathos, gave it an extraordinary celebrity. Briefly then the musical world at present appears, to be waiting the arrival of some event, the springing up of some peculiar genius, who, like Scott in literary composition, will give a new tone to English melody - and to English song writers.

Whilst on this subject, we think it right to offer a passing remark on a new song, entitled "The vow that's breathed in solitude," the music arranged by Mr. Logan, the words by Mr. Stewart. It is very highly spoken of, and we will give a notice of it in our next number.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Abbott (journalist, editor)

MUSIC: The sea (Neukomm)

"POET'S CORNER", The Hobart Town Advertiser (10 May 1839), 4 

Words by R. Stewart, Esq. - Set to music by Mrs. Logan.

The vow that's breathed in solitude
Is dearer far than all;
When lonely thoughts of grief intrude,
And latent love recal.

The mystic spell that binds the soul,
What tongue may e'er reveal?
Though seas between us darkly roll,
The self-same throb we feel.

I cannot lay me down to sleep,
To dream of home and thee,
Or restless on my pillow weep
The tear that none may see,

But that I feel some spirit nigh,
Soft whisper in mine ear,
She too breathes out the lonely sigh,
And blesses with a tear.

It was our intention to have offered our opinion upon the above original song, both as respects its poetical claims, and the musical composition of the air. We regret that we cannot do so, the words only having been forwarded to us. It is true, we might have hazarded the conjecture that any effort of Mrs. Logan's in musical composition, must be good; we should feel quite safe in saying this, but we do not approve this conjectural review writing, and especially where a lady is interested, who has the merit of being the first musical compositor in the Colony. We must not pass lightly by "the music by Mrs. Logan," and therefore we will give a notice of it a place in a future number. Of the words, we say that they are excellent, and had they but the fashion of a name, the song, if well set to music, which no doubt it is, (in the plaintive and impressive style of composition,) would become very popular. - The "Bayleys" have written several songs in no one respect better, but in their name there is a fashion in the musical world; this gives to them and to others, celebrity. We shall be happy to give Mr. Stewart's compositions a place in our Poet's corner at any time, it being our wish to introduce into our columns as much varied reading as possible.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Haynes Bayly (songwriter, composer); Frederick William Naylor Bayley (poet, songwriter)

[Editorial], The Hobart Town Courier (17 April 1840), 4

Here is another poem from the never-dying muse of Moore! . . . [a review of The epicurean, a tale and Alciphron, a poem, by Thomas Moore] . . . We are not blessed with hurdy-gurdies or barrel-organs in this hemisphere, but claim some exemption from the tomb of oblivion, in an occasional offering to the muses, which passes through the colony with the swiftness of the Highland fire-brand, visiting the mansion and the cottage, and thereby indicating a taste for the "tender and true". We allude more particularly to

The vow that's breathed in solitude . . .

"TO CORRESPONDENTS", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (5 June 1840), 2 

In answer to several inquiries on the subject, we beg to state that Mr. R. Stewart is not the author of Hobartia, but that he is of the "vow that's breathed in solitude."

"DIED", Launceston Examiner (14 February 1844), 4 

On Sunday the 11th instant, after a few hours illness, Robert Bruce Stewart the only Son of Robert Stewart, Esq., of Hobart Town, aged 13.

"DIED", Colonial Times (22 June 1849), 2 

DIED, At his residence in Collins-street, on the 20th instant, after a long and painful illness, Robert Stewart, Esq., Barrister at Law, aged 43 years.

Musical editions:

Echo's song, Wallace (Sydney, 1837), 2

Echo's song, the words by Robert Stewart, esq're, composed and dedicated to his friend, Mrs. C. Logan of Hobart Town by Will'm Wallace, late leader of "The Anacreontic Society Dublin" (Sydney: Printed by J. G. Austin and Co., [1837]) (DIGITISED)

STIER, Charles William Ferdinand (Charles William Ferdinand STIER; Mr. C. W. F. STIER; Mr. STEER, STIERS [sic])

Musician, sergeant and master of the Band of the 11th Regiment, professor of music, composer, first conductor of the Sydney Philharmonic Society

Born Braunschweig, Germany, 1818
Enlisted sergeant 11th Regiment, by c. July 1845
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 October 1845 (with headquarters of regiment per Castle Eden, from Deptford, 19 July)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1846 (with headquarters of regiment per Tasmania, from Hobart Town)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 17 January 1847 (with regiment per Java, from Sydney)
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), 31 January 1847 (with regiment per Elizabeth & Henry, from Hobart Town)
Married Margaret Letitia SIMPSON, Launceston, VDL (TAS), 12 July 1847 (aged "29")
Naturalised Sydney, NSW, 5 January 1854 (aged "35")
Discharged 11th Regiment, Sydney, NSW, 28 February 1854
Departed Sydney, NSW 20 October 1859 (per Dawsonia, for London)
Died King William's Town, East Cape, South Africa, 16 June 1890 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment (military); Sydney Philharmonic Society (organisation)

The Band of the 11th Regiment, playing in the Domain, 1854

The Band of the 11th Regiment, playing in the Domain, Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW, detail: with bandmaster, Charles Stier, with top hat, beard and spectacles, and wielding baton, in centre; this illustration, "MILITARY BAND IN THE DOMAIN", Illustrated Sydney News (21 January 1854), 1, 2 


By his own account Stier was born in Braunschweig, Germany, almost certainly, from his age as given at his marriage in July 1847 ("29") and naturalization in January 1854 ("35"), during the calendar year 1818. No corresponding record of birth, baptism, or parentage has yet been found, however. His forenames, whether or not original, were evidently adopted in reference to the late Charles William Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick (d. 1806).

(In 1812, a Charles Stier, musician, aged 19, from the "Armstadt's" [Darmstadt] regiment, was a prisoner of war at Chatham, in Kent.)

Stier first arrived in Hobart, in 1845, with the Band of the 11th Regiment.

As a result of disciplinary difficulties with the 99th regiment in NSW, in the New Year of 1846 the 11th band was in Sydney, where it played at the public Anniversary dinner in late January at the City Theatre. They remained in NSW for the rest of the year, then returned to Tasmania early in 1847.

The band (followed by the headquarters of the regiment) then returned to Sydney permanently in August 1848, remaining there until the regiment finally left for England in October 1857.

In August 1852, Henry Marsh dedicated his topical Nugget schottische (no copy identified) "to his friend C. W. F. Stier".

In January 1853, Stier began advertising "Lessons in Music" (later specifically "on the Pianoforte, Flute, and Violin, also in Harmony and Composition" and as an "importer" of music and instruments) and in April 1854 he was named as "Conductor" of Eugene Paris's newly-formed Sydney Philharmonic Society:

The object of the Society is the practice and cultivation of the most approved vocal and instrumental music, and is based on the principles of the London Philharmonic Society, and other amateur musical societies in England.

At their first concert in December 1854 - at which Miska Hauser and Frederick Ellard appeared - the Empire commented of the band:

. . . it would not be fair to test their performances by the strict rules of criticism. We are, however, convinced that such a body of instrumentalists could not be supplied from the ranks of the profession in Sydney.

At the society's concert in 28 August (assisted by Sara Flower, pianist Edward Boulanger playing Beethoven's "Pathetique" Sonata, and violinist Henry Herwyn; in the event, Catherine Hayes, billed to appear, was indisposed), Stier conducted the band in the first two movements of "Haydn's famous Symphony No. 8" [ie. No. 100] and "Beethoven's magnificent overture to the Men of Prometheus".

Having speculated unwisely in property, Stier was insolvent in mid-1857, though a charge of "fraudulent insolvency" was withdrawn, on the non-appearance of the prosecutor, in November.

John Deane, previously leader under Stier, assumed full conductorship of the Philharmonic Society around this time.

Stier was advertising again regularly as a teacher by mid 1858. That year, too, at W. H. Paling's concert for the Indian Mutiny Relief Fund in April, there was a Grand march ("by Mr. Stier, late bandmaster of H.M. 11th Regiment"), possibly the same work that he published in July as The warrior's lament ("March composed for pianoforte by C. W. F. Stier"; no copy identified). According to Bell's Life:

We know not whether it was contemplated by the author to illustrate the mourning of the British soldiery over the scene of the appalling Cawnpore butchery; but if so, the plaintive strains of his composition fully embody the idea.

Stier was naturalised as British subject in 1854, and had resigned his post as bandmaster of the 11th before the regiment left Australia in 1857. In October 1859, however, he and his family also left for England.

Back in England, by summer 1862 or earlier, Stier had been appointed master of the Band of the 96th Regiment (the regiment had been in Tasmania while Stier was there with the 11th). In 1863, Stier went with the 96th Regiment to the Cape Colony, but resigned, and remained there when the regiment moved on again to India in 1865.

Stier died at King Williams Town, in June 1890.


Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 July to 31 August 1845; Australian Joint Copying Project; from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

760 / Dillon Robert / . . . Embarked 18 July
2416 / Stier William / 18 July to 23 Nov / Embarked 18 July / Appointed Serjeant vice O'Neill dead

Hobart, VDL (TAS) (October 1845 to January 1846):

"THE REGATTA", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (6 December 1845), 2

. . . The varied amusements of the day at once commenced. The Horticultural Show, rich, beyond all precedence in this colony, in the magnificent productions of Flora - the fine band of the 51st, and the more novel band of the 11th, with newer music, and a different style of excellence . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 51st Regiment (military)

"THE 11TH REGIMENT", Launceston Advertiser (11 December 1845), 2 

The band of this regiment is highly spoken of in the Colonial Times, in the account of the late regatta. The writer says - "The band of the 11th is a first rate affair, the band master, Stiers, a German, being a perfect master of his art. We admire his practice of conducting his band, instead of playing an instrument, by which his attention must necessarily be abstracted from the performance of his subordinates. This band, we may mention, is a very accomplished one, the prevailing music being of the good old German school."

Sydney, NSW (January 1846 to January 1847):

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1846; Australian Joint Copying Project; from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

760 / Dillon Robert / . . . Band
2416 / Stier William / . . .

NOTE: Earliest onshore colonial list with band indicated

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 October to 31 December 1846; Australian Joint Copying Project; from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

760 / Dillon Robert / [first muster] Band / [second muster] Band / [third muster] Band
2416 / Stier William / . . . / [in right column, added later] Band

NOTE: First paylist in which Stier is listed as band

Launceston, VDL (TAS) (January 1847 to August 1848):

1847, return of marriages in the district of Launceston, VDL; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:835561; RGD37/1/6 no 1175$init=RGD37-1-6P248 (DIGITISED)

No. 131 / 1175 / 12th July 1847 / Holy Trinity Church Launceston / Charles William Ferdinand Stier / 29 years / Master of the band of the 11th Reg't
Margaret Letitia Simpson / 16 years . . . in the presence of David Simpson

"GRAND CONCERT", The Cornwall Chronicle (28 June 1848), 2

We understand that a vocal and instrumental concert, will be given by Mr. William Stier, under the patronage of Colonel Bloomfield. The selection of music for the evening, will be from the most eminent English and Continental composers, together with Mr. Stier's own compositions, with which he has delighted the public of Launceston at various times, and which have been so highly approved of. Mr. Stier is a native of the kingdom of Hanover, where he finished his musical education under the most eminent composers of the present day.

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (15 July 1848), 3

Will be given at the "Cornwall Hotel" Assembly Rooms, on MONDAY, the 17th day of JULY instant,
Overture to Euryanthe - By C. Von Weber
Duet - By C. W. Glover - Vocal
Introduction to Zemira and Azor - By L. Spohr
Ballad - By Louis Leo - Vocal
Part of Beethoven's 7th Symphony.
Overture - By W. Stier
Air - By H. Russell - Vocal
Rondeau Militaire - By W. Stier
Railway Gallop - By Gung'l
Rule Britannia - By Dr. Arne - Vocal
Tickets five shillings, each - Family Tickets (to admit five,) one guinea.
To be had of Mr. Stier, Mr. Dowling, Mr. Blake, and of Mr. Whitehead, at the Cornwall Hotel.

[news], The Cornwall Chronicle (19 July 1848), 2

The Concert on Monday, was respectably attended, and the exertions of Mr. Stier, gave much gratification to his numerous friends; it is a long time since we saw so pleasing an attendance at a Concert in Launceston. The Band of the XI. rendered their services, and an Amateur vocalist or two added to the interest of the entertainment. The Overture to Euranthe, was given in the best style, and the same may be remarked of the Overture in part the 2nd. composed by Mr. Stier himself. The connossieurs in music were much delighted also, with the other portions of the performance. The Railway Gallop, by Gung'l, was of course rapturously applauded. The attendance at the Concert, and the universal appreciation of the music - vocal and instrumental, shew that the townspeople still retain their wonted character as votaries of Apollo.

Sydney, NSW (August 1848 to November 1860):

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 November 1848), 1

assisted by all the available musical talent in Sydney; and on which occasion, by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield,
PROGRAMME. Part I. Overture - Composed by Mr. STEER, Bandmaster of H.M. 11th Regiment . . .
PART II. Overture - "La Sirène." (Auber) - By the Band of H.M. 11th Regt. . . .

"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 November 1848), 3

November 6, at Rushcutters View, Mrs. W. Stier, of a daughter, still born.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 November 1851), 1

NEW MUSIC. - The undersigned will shortly publish (for the author)
a Quadrille, entitled
Arranged, and in part composed, for His Excellency the Governor-General's Costume Ball.
A Schottisch, entitled
Composed for the same occasion, and dedicated to the Honorable Mrs. Keith Stewart.
And a Polka, entitled
Dedicated to the Ladies of New South Wales,
by C. W. F. Stier.
HENRY MARSH, Late of Jamison-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (publisher); Charles Augustus Fitzroy (governor) and daughter (Mrs. Keith Stewart); on the ball, held on 30 October, see "COSTUME BALL AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 November 1851), 5 

On Thursday night, His Excellency the Governor-General gave a grand costume ball at Government House, at which between four and five hundred guests attended, attired in the habiliments of all nation . . . We must not conclude without referring to the excellence of the orchestral arrangements, which (including the stringed instruments) were carried out, in their usual style, by the band of H.M. 11th Regiment.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1853), 1 

MR. C. W. F. STEER [sic] has the honour to announce that he intends giving Lessons in Music. Particulars may be obtained at Messrs. Kern and Mader's, Hunter-street, and letters addressed to the same will be attended to.

[News], New Zealander [Auckland, NZ (2 February 1853), 3 

The Band of the 58th Regiment will perform the following pieces of Music, in the Government Lawn, to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, from four to six.
PROGRAMME - . . . Galopadi - C. W. F. Stier . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 58th Regiment (military)

Certificate to naturalize . . . Charles William Ferdinand Stier, 5 January 1854; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 1040; roll: 129 (PAYWALL)

WHEREAS . . . Charles William Ferdinand Stier, of Paddington, Professor of Music . . . is a native of the city of Brunswick in the duchy of Brunswick, German, thirty five years of age, and that having arrived by the "Tasmania" in the year 1847 [recte, 1846] he is now residing in Paddington, near the city of Sydney, and wishing to purchase real estate and to follow his profession as a musician in the said colony . . .
GIVEN . . . this [5 January 1854] . . .

See also "NATURALIZED ALIENS", Journal of the Legislative Council of New South Wales (5 October 1858), 5 (DIGITISED)

1854 / Stier Charles William Ferdinand / Brunswick, Germany / [arrived in colony] 1847 / [date of certificate] 5 January [1854]

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 January to 30 March 1854; Australian Joint Copying Project; from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

2416 / Stier William / 1 January [to] 28 February / . . . Band / Discharged 28 February

[Advertisement], Empire (20 April 1854), 1

PRESIDENT - The Hon. J. H. Plunkett.
VICE-PRESIDENT - H. G. Douglass, Esq., M.L.C.
TREASURER - Mr. B. Mountcastle.
COMMITTEE. Messrs. G. Wright, F. Kellermann, C. Younger, F. Clarke, W. MacDonnell.
Conductor - Mr. C. W. F. Stier.
The object of the Society is the practice and cultivation of the most approved vocal and instrumental music, and is based on the principles of the London Philharmonic Society, and other amateur musical societies in England . . .
Practice Meetings will be held at the School Room, Jamison-street, for Instrumental every Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock. Vocal, every Friday evening.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (president, musical amateur); Benjamin Such Mountcastle (treasurer); Eugene Paris (secretary); Gilbert Wright (committee member); Frederick Kellerman (committee member); Charles Younger (committee member); Francis Clarke (committee member); William Macdonnell (committee member); Sydney Philharmonic Society (organisation)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 June 1854), 1 

A CARD. - Mr. STIER, Professor of Music, Victoria-street, Paddington.
Mr. Stier is now prepared to give lessons on the Pianoforte, Flute, Violin, Violincella [sic];
also in Harmony und Composition, in Sydney, and at his residence, Victoria-street, Paddington.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1854), 2 

PATRON, His Excellency the Governor-General . . .
Conductor, Mr. C. W. F. Stier . . .
The first Concert of this Society will take place in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary
THIS EVENING, the 28th instant, at half past 7 precisely.
Programme - Part 1st.
1 Overture - "La Dame Blanche." - Boildieu.
2 Glee - "How merrily we live." - M. Este.
3 Duett - "Duo brillante pour Flute et piano, de Robert le Diable - Walkiers et Kalkbrenner.
4 Song -"Largo al Factotum." - Rossini.
5 Solo Grand Morceau de Freichutz pour Violin - M. Herwyn - A. Moeser..
6 Symphony - The Surprise - Haydn.
Part 2nd.
1 Overture - Figaro - Mozart.
2 Chorus - Yager Chorus - Kook.
3 Solo - Fantasie brillante pour le piano, de Norma. - Mad. Herwyn - S. Thalberg.
4 Symphony No. 44 - Haydn.
5 Song
6 Symphony No. 15 - Haydn . . .

ASSOCITAIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violinist and pianist)

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1854), 4 

The first concert of this society took place last evening in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary, and it is matter of congratulation to the originators of the Society that they succeeded in attracting so large a share of public attention. It is a matter of congratulation in a double sense: first that they have enlisted public attention to the cultivation of an art nearest divine; and secondly, that the concert of last evening afforded an assurance that the objects of the Society would be carried out on high principles. We have never, previously to the concert of last evening, heard good orchestral music in this colony. With very slight exceptions the instrumental music last night was excellent. Haydn's symphony from the "Surprise" completely wrapt the audience in the feeling and tenderness of expression, with which its minutely skilful execution was invested. The brilliancy of Mozart's overture to Figaro received also full effect from the hands of a band of performers evidently not only skilful in their respective lines, but keenly imbued with the love of good and correct music . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (27 November 1854), 1 

THE Second Concert of this Society will be held in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary,
on MONDAY, the 27th instant, at half-past seven precisely.
Part I.
1. Overture - "La Caravane"
2. Glee - "Hark, Apollo!" - Bishop.
3. Solo - "Fantasia Brillante pour Piano (Mr. C. Kriegsmann) - S. Thalberg.
4. Song - "Andante Pastorale" de "Le Prophete" - Meyerbeer.
5. Symphony - No. 35 - Haydn.
Part II.
1. Overture - "Zampa" - Herold.
2. Glee - "Sleep Gentle Lady" - Bishop.
3. Duo Brillante pour Flute et Piano de "Robert le Diable" - Kalkbrenner at Walkiers.
4. Song -
5. Symphony - No. 1 - Beethoven . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Caspar Kriegsmann (pianist)

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Empire (30 November 1854), 6 

This society, which has recently sprung into a very vigorous existence, gave a concert to its members and their friends on Monday evening, at the School Room of St. Mary's Cathedral. There was a numerous assemblage, among whom we noticed some of the most devoted amateurs of the "social art." M. Miska Hauser was also present in his capacity of a member of the society, which includes on its roll of members Miss Hayes, Monsieur Coulon, and all the musical celebrities who have recently visited this city. The progress that this society has made is quite astonishing, which will be shown when we state that we heard complete symphonies by Beethoven and Hayden, performed in a very satisfactory manner by a full orchestra. This latter term has sometimes a very limited meaning in the colonies, but to explain what we mean it to convey we detail the executants. There were twelve first and second violins, five violincellos, one contrebasso, three flutes, two French horns, two bassoons, two treble clarionets, and one tenor clarionet, and one ophicleide. This orchestra was excellently conducted by Mr. F. C. W. Stier, and performed these classical compositions in a manner that has never before been equalled in this colony. The orchestra consisted nearly entirely of members of the society, with the exception of some of the wind instruments which the band of the 11th Regiment supplied. The concert commenced with the Overture to "La Caravane," a work with which we were not previously acquainted and of no very high degree of merit. It was well played, however, and met with applause . . . The second part of the concert commenced with the well known overture of Zampa. This was very spiritedly performed, and produced the exhilarating effect that it never fails to excite when well played . . . and the concert concluded with Beethoven's Symphony No. 1. Altogether we were much delighted with this concert, and hail it as the commencement of a series of entertainments by the same society where the youth of Sydney may make an acquaintance with the works of the great masters of music, - men who, although, they may take lower rank than the philosophers, the poets, or the historians of the age, have yet exercised a vast influence in the amelioration of manners and the refinement of society.

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist)

"CONCERT OF THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (28 December 1854), 4 

This society of amateurs gave an excellent concert to their friends and subscribers, last night, at the School Room of St. Marys Cathedral, being supported nearly entirely by the efforts of amateurs, who, for the love of the "divine art," devote hours of their leisure time to the attainment of some proficiency in its exercise, it would not be fair to test their performances by the strict rules of criticism. We are, however, convinced that such a body of instrumentalists could not be supplied from the ranks of the profession in Sydney. They are as yet young, but we have little doubt that, with some additional practice together, they will be able to present their friends with specimens of the works of the great masters, performed in a style worthy of their fame. The opening overture to "Il Barbiere di Seviglia" was very well played, and did great credit to the conductor, Mr. F. Stier . . . the concert concluded with the favourite overture to "Tancredi," which brought the performance to a very satisfactory close . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1855), 5

The attendance, last evening, of an audience comprising nearly one thousand of the members of the families of the citizens of Sydney, at the Concert Hall of the Royal Hotel, on the occasion of the third concert of the second season of the Sydney Philharmonic Society, is a significant proof of the earnest recognition amongst us of the "Poetry of Progress" . . . The orchestral performance, in which the Society now displays much force and ability, consisted of Rossini's Overture to L'ltaliana in Algeria; Haydn's famous symphony No. 8 1st and 2nd parts, and Beethoven's magnificent overture to the "Men of Prometheus" . . . The concert was under the direction of Mr. C. W. F. Stier, who conducted it in his usual careful and artistic style.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1855), 1

The Fifth Concert of the Season will take place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel, on
MONDAY EVENING, December 3rd, at half-past seven.
Programme - Part I.
1. Overture - "Semiramide" - Rossini.
2. Glee - "Strike the Lyre" - Dr. Cooke
3. Solo, piano - "Les Huguenots" - Thalberg
4. Song - "From mighty pens" - Haydn
6. Solo, violoncello (Mr. E. Deane) - J. Muntz Berger.
Part II.
1. Symphony - Allegro of No. 5 - Beethoven
2. Glee - "See our oars with feathered spray" - Stevenson
3. Solo, Saxe-horn - "But thou didst not leave" - Handel
4. Song - "The summer bloom hath passed" - C. Hay
5. Solo - Piano, Nocturne, in B flat; Impromptu Etude, in A flat - F. Chopin (E. Boulanger)
6. Overture - "Diamans de la Couronne" - Auber.
Conductor - Mr. C. W. F. Stier . . . E. PARIS, Hon. Sec. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith Deane (cello); Edward Boulanger (piano)

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew, in the county of Cumberland, in the year 1856; register 1842-64, page 89; Sydney Anglican Diocesan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 823 / February 14th 1856 / [born] January 6th 1856 / Mary Jeda Julia / [daughter of] Charles William Ferdinand & Margaret Letitia / Stier / Paddington / Professor of Music . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1856), 4 

On Tuesday evening, the sixth and last concert of the present season, of this Society, took place at the Concert Hall, at the Royal Hotel. His Excellency the Governor-General, Lady Denison, and suite; his Honor, Sir Alfred Stephen, C.J., Lady Stephen and family; his Honor Mr. Justice Therry, Mrs. Therry and family; Mrs. E. Deas Thomson; Colonel Bloomfield, and a numerous attendance of the civil, military, and naval officers of the city and port; together with the leading families resident in Sydney and the suburbs, evinced, by their presence, the interest with which the progress of this Society is regarded . . . The orchestra consisted of thirty performers, conducted by Mr. C. W. F. Stier; and the overtures to Bellini's "Il Pirate," and "Norma," Haydn's famous Symphony No. 3; and Auber's overture to the "Crown Diamonds," were executed in a masterly manner: - strangers did not believe that Mr. Stier's baton directed a band of amateurs . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1856), 1

The Third Concert of the Season will take place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel,
THIS EVENING, Monday, November 17th, at half-past 7 o'clock precisely.
1. Overture - D'Otello, Rossini
2. Glee
3. March - Athalie, Mendelssohn
4. Cavatina - Lucia de Lamermoor, Donizetti - Madame Clarisse Cailly
5. Symphony - Allegro, No. 4, Mozart.
1 Symphony - Andante and Presto, No.4, Mozart
2 Scena from the opera of Der Freyschutz "How gently was my slumber," C. M. von Weber - Madame Clarisse Cailly
3. Solo Piano - Galop di Bravura, Schulhoff - Mr. E. D. Boulanger
4. Cavatina - Casta Diva, Bellini - Madame Clarisse Cailly
5 Overture - Figaro, Mozart.
Conductor, Mr. C. W. F. Stier; Leader of the Orchestra, John Deane . . .
JOHN DEANE, Secretary . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist); John Deane (violinist, leader, secretary)

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (13 January 1857), 5 

The fourth concert, for this season, of the Philharmonic Society was given last evening in the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel. The hall was more than three parts filled with a highly respectable and critical audience, and we noticed that many of our leading public men, with their families, were present. The concert was a complete success, and reflected the highest credit on the society. Mr. C. W. F. Stier wielded the baton; Mr. John Deane officiated as leader. The entertainments consisted chiefly of instrumental music - comprising a choice selection of favourite pieces from some of the first composers. The execution of many of those pieces was of a high character, being such as to win the unqualified approval of the audience. We mention more particularly the overture to "William Tell," and a concerto (Weber) on the pianoforte, with accompaniment for two violins, tenor, violincello, and double bass . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (18 April 1857), 5 

The annual meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society was held on Thursday evening, at the Society's Practice Rooms, in Jamison-street, Mr. Plunkett, M.L.C., the President of the Society, took the chair; after which, the Secretary read the report for the past year . . . The departure from the city of M. Paris rendered a successor to that gentleman necessary, and Mr. John Deane accepted the appointment of leader . . . The thanks of the committee have also been given to Mr. Stier for his services as conductor, and they regret that the distance of his residence from Sydney had lately deprived them of his valuable assistance. The committee hope shortly to appoint a successor to Mr. Stier . . .

"INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. NEW INSOLVENTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 June 1857), 2 

June 16. - Charles William Ferdinand Stier, of Burwood, teacher of music.
Liabilities £1565 1s. Assets - value of real property, £1303; personal property, £24; oustanding debts, £4; total assets, £1533.
Deficit, £32 1s. Mr. Morris, official assignee.

"INSOLVENT COURT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20", Empire (21 August 1857), 3

In the estate of Charles William F. Stier, a third meeting was held. The insolvent was not present. Seven debts were proved, amounting to £248 11s. 10d. The official assignee read his report, when the creditors present directed him to sell the furniture (valued at £10), also to sell two watches - one a gold watch, said to be a present from England to Mrs. Stier, and to inquire into and investigate the circumstances under which certain mortgages were given by the insolvent over property at Paddington, Lane Cove, and Burwood, and the consideration for the same. The Chief Commissioner ratified the last mentioned directions, but reserved his decision as to the sale of the gold watch and the furniture. The assignee was then directed to call a meeting for examination of insolvent, at as early a period as possible. The third meeting then terminated.

"INSOLVENT COURT. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3", Empire (4 November 1857), 5

In the estate of Charles. W. F. Stier, a meeting was held to hear a charge of fraudulent insolvency against the insolvent. The charge was withdrawn, no prosecutor having appeared.

[Advertisement], Empire (5 January 1858), 1 

MR. STIER, Professor of Music, attends Schools and Private Families in Sydney and its suburbs, and receives Pupils at his residence, No. 1, Elizabeth buildings, Paddington. Has vacancies for pupils.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 February 1858), 1 

MR. STIER, Professor of Music (late bandmaster of H. M. 11th Regiment, conductor of the Philharmonic Society, teacher of academies and families of the highest distinction in England and on the Continent) receives Pupils at his residence, and attends Schools and private families. 169, Campbell-street, Surry Hills.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 April 1858), 1

INDIAN MUTINY RELIEF FUND. - Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT . . .
W. H. PALING begs to inform the public that the concert in aid of the above fund will take place on
PROGRAMME. 1. Overture, "Der Freischutz " - Weber - Band . . .
PART II . . . 9. Grand march, by Mr. Stier, late bandmaster of H.M. 11th Regiment.
Finale - "God save the Queen."
Piano accompanist, Mr. Cordner.
By the kind permission of Colonel Straton, C.B., and the officers of the gallant 77th, the assistance of the splendid band of the Regiment has been kindly granted . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (violinist); William John Cordner (piano accompanist); Band of the 77th Regiment (military band)


Never since the erection of the Prince of Wales Theatre do we recollect to have seen so fashionable an audience assembled within its walls, as that which assembled last evening to second the effort of Mr. Paling to add to the fund now being raised for the relief of the sufferers by the Indian rebellion . . . The programme was an extremely inviting one. All are familiar with the excellence of the band, and we need, therefore, say nothing in its behalf here, but simply state that it played in its usual masterly style the overture to "Der Freischutz," selections from Il Trovatore, and Steir's Grand March . . .

Baptisms administered in the parish of St. Michael, Surry Hills, in the county of Cumberland, NSW, in the year 1858; register 1855-67, page 12; Sydney Anglican Diocesan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 162 / May 6th 1858 / [born] April 8th 1858 / Minna Olivia / [daughter of] Charles William Ferdinand & Margaret Letitia / Stier / Campbell St. Sydney / Teacher of Music . . .

"NEW MUSIC. THE WARRIOR'S LAMENT", Bell's Life in Sydney (10 July 1858), 3

Under this title a very beautiful march, composed by Mr. C. W. F. Stier, has recently been published. We have to acknowledge the receipt of a presentation copy from Mr. Stier, but we are indebted to the fair fingers of the of the opposite sex for the pleasure derived from its execution. We know not whether it was contemplated by the author to illustrate the mourning of the British soldiery over the scene of the appalling Cawnpore butchery; but if so, the plaintive strains of his composition fully embody the idea. We learn that but a very few copies remain undisposed of.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1858), 6

MR. C. W. F. STIER, Professor of Music. Address General Post Office, or Paddington.
MUSIC - New Publication - "Warrior's Lament," March composed for pianoforte, by C. W. F. STIER.

"MULTUM IN PARVO", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (4 August 1858), 3 

. . . A new piece of music, entitled the "Warrior's Lament," by Mr. C. W. F. Stier, has just been published. It was composed as a tribute to the memory of the late General Havelock. Mr. Stier is favourably known to us as an accomplished musician, and hence, although we have not yet seen the "Warrior's Lament," we are certain that it will be worthy of an extensive sale . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Havelock (British soldier)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 October 1858), 10 

MUSIC- Mr. STIER, formerly bandmaster of H.M. 11th Regiment, continues to give instruction in Sydney and its suburbs on the piano, violin, flute, violoncello, harmonium, in singing, and composition. Terms, six guineas per quarter; finishing lessons, and lessons in composition half a guinea each. Music arranged, corrected, and revised. Port View House, Paddington.

"DEPARTURES FOR ENGLAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 November 1859), 9

October 20, Dawstone, ship, 496, Newton, for London. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Steer and 2 children . . .

England (1860-62):


. . . This day [26 August] . . . For the amusement of the visitors the band of the 78th Highlanders, under the direction of Mr. J. Smalley, band-master, was stationed here, while the band of the 54th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. H. Brosang, band-master, played on the Pavilion-lawn, and the band of the 96th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. C. W. F. Stier, delighted the visitors on the beach, by discoursing most excellent music throughout the day . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 96th Regiment (the regiment had much earlier been in Tasmania, 1841-49, at the time Stier was in the colony with the 11th band)

"GRAND MILITARY CONCERT", Kentish Gazette [England] (7 October 1862), 6 (PAYWALL)

It had been arranged, by the munificence of Mons. Doridant, the spirited proprietor of the Royal Pavilion Hotel, aided the splendid bands of the 78th Highlanders, under the conductorship of Mr. Smalley, of the 84th Regiment, under Mr. Brosing, and of the 96th, under Mr. Stier, to give a grand military concert on Thursday afternoon for the benefit of the distressed Lancashire operatives. The weather, however, was unpropitious; and, although large numbers attended, it was imperative, owing to a severe shower, to postpone it till Friday. Accordingly at half past two o'clock on Friday afternoon, the beautiful grounds were well filled with a fashionable and brilliant audience . . .
The following programme was performed, to the delight of all present:
Overture - "Guillaume Tell, Rossini; Valse - "First Love," Farmer; Selection - "Puritan's Daughter," Balfe; Quadrille - "Bonnie Dundee," D'Albert; Overture - "Zampa," Herold; Valse - "Satanella," Laurent; Selection - "Lily of Killarney," Benedict; Quadrille - "Old English," Jullien; Overture - "Masaniello," Auber; Selection - "Lucretia Borgia," Donizetti;
Mazurka - "The Sunny South," Stier;
Quadrille - "St. Patrick," Laurent; Galop - "Archery," Brosang. "God Save the Queen."
Mr. Smalley, who had a special request to conduct the finale, "God save the Queen," which was given in a spirited and splendid style, was warmly received, and the whole concert proved a perfect success, producing for the funds of the society about £70.

"GRAND MILITARY AMATEUR CONCERT", Folkestone Chronicle (20 December 1862), 8 (PAYWALL)

This concert came off on Tuesday last, at the Town Hall, the use of which was granted for the occasion by the Worshipful the Mayor. The concert was got up with the very laudable design of contributing towards the fund for the relief of the distress in Lancashire. The concert was held under the distinguished patronage of the Marchioness of Tweeddale, Lady Jane Hay, Miss Stotherd, Miss Sutton, the Marquis of Tweeddale, Major-General Stotherd (commanding the South. Eastern District), Brigadier-Gencral Sutton, Colonel Ormsby (Royal Artillery), Colonel Ewart (78th Highlanders), Colonel Lightfoot, C.B. (84th Regt.), Colonel the Hon. A Cathcart (96th Regt.), and the officers of Sorncliffe Camp. The following gentlemen formed the Committee of Management, - Sir Alexander Mackenzie, Bart. (78th Highlanders), Capt. Smart (R.A.), and Major Bray (96th Regt). The following were the principal performers, - Mrs. Drummoud Hay, Mrs. Swift, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. George Bray, Mrs. Stier, Col. Drummond Hay (78h Highlanders), Mr. Swift (96th Regt.), Dr. Jones, Mr. Toke (96th Regt.), Schoolmaster O'Conner, (84th Reg.), School-master McCormick (96th Regt.), Bombadier Joseph Vaughan (R.A.), Serjt. Farquharson (78th Regt.), Col-Serjt. Lee (96th Regt.), Pte. Snowden (84th Regt.). The band was composed of members of the bands at Shorncliffe, under the direction of Mr. Stier, the bandmaster of the 96th Regiment, whilst the glees and concerted pieces were executed by the Military Glee and Madrigal Society, under the direction of Mr. O'Connor, 84th Regiment. Mr. Goodban presided at the piano some part of the evening, and exerted himself much in getting up the concert. Amongst the best of the tunes performed by the band, which by-the-bye were all excellent, was the Overture, "International Exhibition," Auber; and a grand Selection from the Opera, "Il Tancredi," Rossini; the latter so beautifully rendered, as to deserve the rapturous encore which greeted it. Lutzow's "Wild Chase," Weber; by the Military Glee singers, who we are credibly informed, only commenced to sing together about a week before the concert, was well sung, and got a hearty encore . . . Duetts by Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Stier, Mrs. Drummond Hay, and Mrs. Swift, as also a Cavatina by Col. Drummond Hay, was well sung. The whole concert was a most decided success . . . A Concert by the same performers was held at Mr. Valyer's Assembly Room, Sandgate, on the following evening with a like success . . .

South Africa (1863-90):

Register of baptisms at the Military Chapel, Keiskama Hoek, 1859-69; Cory Library, Grahamstown, MS 19/153 

Augusta [Von Seidlitz], born 27 July, baptised 18 October 1863, daughter of Charles William Ferdinand and Margaret Letitia STIER of Keiskama Hoek, Bandmaster 96th Regiment

"THE LATE MR. STIER", Grahamstown Journal (8 July 1890)

Many old Grahamstown residents will remember Mr. STIER, formerly Bandmaster of the 96th Regiment, and subsequently teacher of music in the City. Mr. STIER was recently found dead in bed at Kingwilliamstown, having suffered for some time from heart disease. He was much esteemed wherever he resided. 

Later recollections:

"OLD SYDNEY . . . (BY 'OLD CHUM')", Truth (13 February 1910), 11 

. . . I am favored with two interesting letters from Mr. Conlon, one under date January 24, 1910, as follows:- . . . According to your correspondent, the first band he speaks of was started in 1854. I was then at school, and I was the principal messenger, selected to take the band instruments to be repaired. I had to take them to a musical instrument maker named William James, who lived in Domain Terrace, off Macquarie-street, city, and to the Victoria Barracks, Paddington (where the 11th Regiment, under Colonel Bloomfield, was then quartered) twice a week. I was selected for this duty, as I knew the town well. The second band started in 1859. I Joined it, of course. Your correspondent states that the name of the bandmaster was Van de Stadt. Now, we always called him "Mr. Stehr." He certainly was a Dutchman, and was teaching the Royal Artillery Band at the time, the Artillery being then in barracks at Dawes Point. After three months' tuition under him, we found that we could not play one tune perfect. He was discharged, and the services of Sergeant Prince, of the 12th Regiment, enlisted. We progressed amazingly under Sergeant Prince's teaching . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde (columnist, "Old Chum"); Michael Joseph Conlon (correspondent, former bandsman); Henry Prince (musician), from Band of the 12th Regiment (British military); Band of the Royal Artillery (local military)

NOTES: There was perhaps some confusion by the earlier correspondent, "N.S.", between the organist of St. Benedict's, who was perhaps the Dutchman T. L. Van De Stadt, and Stier; see "OLD SYDNEY . . . (BY 'OLD CHUM'), Truth (30 January 1910), 11 

N.S. kindly writes: - . . . "There were two brass bands at St. Benedict's, started by Father Corish - one about 1854, the other about 1858-9. Bass Hodge, Dick Seymour, and a man named Sykes were the intructors of the first band; and a Dutchman named Van de Stadt was Organist at St. Benedict's and bandmaster of the second band . . .


. . . The 21st was relieved by the 51st King's Own Light Infantry (now the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry) . . . The instrumental character of this band was somewhat superior to its predecessors. There were more clarionets and flutes, and the Turkish Crescent (bells on pole attached to straps) was for the first time in Hobart. It was about this period the cornopean was introduced. T. Duly [sic], the bandmaster, often rendered great service at concerts. The 51st left per ship Agincourt and China on August 8, 1846. On Wednesday, December 3, 1845 (Regatta Day) they played on the ground alternately with the band of the 11th (Devonshire Regiment), the playing of the latter being much superior, having just within a few weeks landed from England with the latest music and modern instruments. It was reckoned one of the best in the United Kingdom. Lieutenant Steer (an Italian) was its bandmaster. The 96th Regiment (now 2nd Manchester) arrived about 1846. The band of the same had a great number of clarionets, and was very sweet toned. Mr. Bishop was bandmaster. In 1849 the 99th Regiment, Lanarkshire (now 2nd Wiltshire) arrived. Several Hobart residents can remember this band and the fine name it bore. Mr. Martin was bandmaster . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Philip Duly, master of the Band of the 51st Regiment (military band); Robert Martin, master of the Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)

Extant musical works:

Merry old England quadrilles (1851)

Merry old England quadrilles, C. W. F. Stier; original edition [Sydney: Henry Marsh, 1851]; reprint from original plates (Sydney: Woolcott & Clarke, [n.d.]); "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" (DIGITISED)

"Arranged, and in part composed, for His Excellency the Governor-General's Costume Ball"; "engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney"
contents: 1 Whilst with village maids I stray; 2 Sweet Anne Page; 3 I've kissed and I've prattled; 4 When the rosy morn appearing; 5 'Twas merry in the hall)

Fitz Roy schottische (1851)

Fitz Roy schottische, for the pianoforte, composed, and most respectfully dedicated to the Honorable Mrs. Keith Stewart, by C. W. F. Stier (Sydney: (For the composer) by H. Marsh, [1851]); "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" (DIGITISED)

"Composed for the same occasion [the Governor-General's Costume Ball], and dedicated to the Honorable Mrs. Keith Stewart"

The native flower polka (1851)

The native flower polka, for the pianoforte, composed and dedicated to the ladies of New South Wales, by C. W. F. Stier (Sydney: Published (for the composer) by H. Marsh, [1851]); "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 November 1851), 1

NEW MUSIC. - The undersigned will shortly publish (for the author)
a Quadrille, entitled
Arranged, and in part composed, for His Excellency the Governor-General's Costume Ball.
A Schottisch, entitled
Composed for the same occasion, and dedicated to the Honorable Mrs. Keith Stewart.
And a Polka, entitled
Dedicated to the Ladies of New South Wales,
by C. W. F. Stier.
HENRY MARSH, Late of Jamison-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (publisher); Francis Ellard (engraver); Charles Augustus Fitzroy (governor) and daughter (Mrs. Keith Stewart); on the ball, held on 30 October, see:

"COSTUME BALL AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 November 1851), 5 

On Thursday night, His Excellency the Governor-General gave a grand costume ball at Government House, at which between four and five hundred guests attended, attired in the habiliments of all nation . . . We must not conclude without referring to the excellence of the orchestral arrangements, which (including the stringed instruments) were carried out, in their usual style, by the band of H.M. 11th Regiment.

Other relevant musical editions:

The nugget schottische by Henry Marsh (Sydney: H. Marsh, [1852]) (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1852), 1

In the Press, the Nugget Schottische, by Henry Marsh, dedicated to his friend, C. W. F. Stier . . .
H. MARSH, AND CO., Wholesale Music Sellers and Publishers.

STINSON, Thomas (Thomas STINSON; Thomas STRINSON [sic])

Musician, naval bandsman

Born Bath, Somerset (or Battle, Sussex), England, 1815
Active Sydney, NSW, 1854, ? 1857, ? 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (24 January 1854), 190 

SEAMEN who have deserted from their respective Vessels, and been reported at the Shipping Master's Office. - Warrants have been issued . . .

Thomas Strinson, H.M.S. Herald, musician, 5 feet 5 inches, dark complexion, dark brown hair, grey eyes, aged 38, native of Bath, Somerset, England; reward £3 . . .

See "H. M. S. HERALD", Empire (31 January 1855), 4 

The Herald sailed from Watson's Bay, after a stay in Port Jackson of nearly five months, on May 27th, 1854 . . .

[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (6 November 1857), 2122 

SEAMEN who have deserted from their respective vessels, and been reported at the Shipping Master's Office, Sydney . . .

From H.M.S. "Herald" - Thomas Stinson, Musician; age, 42 years; height, 5 feet 5 inches; hair, dark brown; eyes, grey. £3 Reward . . .

[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (4 February 1859), 276 

DESCRIPTION of Straggler from Her Majesty's Ship "Herald": -
Thomas Stinson, musician, 42 years of age, a native of Battle, Sussex, 5 feet 5 inches in height, dark brown hair, grey eyes. £1 reward.
JOHN McLERIE, Inspector General of Police. Office of Inspector General of Police, 3rd February, 1859.


Soprano vocalist, actor



Born Scotland, 1891; son of Andrew STIRLING and Anne STIRLING [sic]
Married Ellen MANGLES, Stoke church, 3 September 1823
Arrived Garden Island, Swan River Colony (WA), 31 May 1829 (on the Parmelia, from England, 24 January)
Departed Fremantle, WA, 5 January 1839 (for England)
Died Guildford, Surrey, England, 22 April 1865 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


Amateur musician, hostess, patron, wife of governor

Born Stoke, Guildford, England, 4 September 1807
Married James STIRLING, Stoke church, 3 September 1823
Arrived Garden Island, Swan River Colony (WA), 31 May 1829 (on the Parmelia, from England, 24 January)
Departed Fremantle, WA, 5 January 1839 (for England)
Died Stoke, England, 8 June 1874 (shareable link to this entry)

Ellen Stirling, c. 1828 (1807-1874); by Thomas Phillips (National Portrait Gallery, Canberra)

Ellen Stirling, c. 1828 (1807-1874); by Thomas Phillips (National Portrait Gallery, Canberra) 

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Phillips (artist)


Ellen Stirling is reported to have been a musical amateur. As wife of the governor, she was also hostess of the first ball held in Perth, on 3 September 1831, described by colonel John Hanson (1833) and George Fletcher Moore (1884). Moore also described later balls (see below).

ASSOCIATIONS: James Mangles (brother)


[John Hanson, Pamphlet printing of a letter, on the Swan River Colony, written] on board the Lord Lyndork, at sea, January 9, 1832 ([Madras: ? for the author, 1832]), 15 (DIGITISED)

"COLONEL HANSON'S PAMPHLET", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (19 January 1833), 11 

. . . I attended the second or third market day after my arrival at Perth, and bought fine fresh butter for 4 s. 6d. a pound-potatoes for 9d. and vegetables at the same scale of price. In short during my stay there for two months, I neither heard or dreamt of any want, and I will appeal to those friends who occasionally breakfasted with me, whether I had not on my table as excellent a meal as they would wish to sit down to, I cannot speak of my Dinners, as my friends were too hospitable, ever to permit of my dining at home. Whilst writing on the subject of supplies, I could wish that you had seen an entertainment, given by the Governor, to the Ladies and Gentlemen of the colony. I think you would have acknowledged, that the whole affair would have done credit to any part of the world. We quadrilled and waltzed until midnight, sat down to a sumptuous supper laid out for a hundred and fifty people, returned to the dance, enlivened by Champagne, and separated only, when the rising Sun began to smile upon our Orgies . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Hanson (colonel), a senior soldier, based in Madras; the "invalid" visitor referred to below by Moore, and this above the letter to which Moore referred

Extracts from the letters and journals of George Fletcher Moore, esq., now filling a judician office at the Swan River settlement, edited by Mr. Martin Doyle . . . (London: orr and Smith, 1834), (DIGITISED)

[87] . . . We shall be roasted to-morrow, if this heat continues, and all the world here is going to the ball.

Perth, Sept, 2nd [1831], - I must tell you all about the great doings since the last entry in my logbook. Yesterday I came down here for our market, and meeting of the Agricultural Society, and for the Governor's ball. The brig had just arrived, bringing the first Indian invalid to our shores, Quarter Master General Colonel Hanson, and also Lord F. Beauclerk. All Perth was alive; upwards of fifty sat down to the Agricultural dinner . . . [88] [THE GOVERNOR'S BALL] . . . The ball was kept up with the greatest spirit until six in the morning; and the dancing almost without interval - contre-dances, quadrilles, Spanish dances, and gallopades. I never before witnessed such gaiety at a ball, nor ever before danced so much in one night; four rooms and an arcade were all filled, and connected with the verandah; a superb tent was fitted up, decorated and festooned with naval flags, and in this we had supper - an elegant and abundant one. The gentlemen from India were astonished, for there they had heard the most gloomy reports; and the invalid confessed that when coming ashore he had been considering with the captain, the expediency of sending some provisions from the ship, as a preventive against starvation; his amazement at seeing ample supplies of butter, eggs, vegetables, poultry and butcher's meat, may be guessed at; he purchased freely and paid liberally; has rented a house for some time, and is now recovering; indeed he was actually frolicksome all the evening.*

[Footnote] * The invalid recovered his health completely. A letter from him appeared in the Ceylon paper, which may be interesting, as [89] it will show the impression made on Col. Hanson and his party, by their visit to the Swan River.

Frederick Chidley Irwin, The state and position of Western Australia, commonly called the Swan-River settlement (London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1835), 81, 82 (DIGITISED)

[81] . . . To the ladies generally, of the settlement, the meed of praise is due. Some of them are highly educated as well as most amiable women. They have not neglected to cultivate and maintain, as opportunity has occurred, those elegancies and accomplishments in which they have excelled; and music, especially, forms a most pleasing part of the evening recreations of several families . . . [82] . . . The town of Perth is particularly favoured in regard to its social circle, and much friendly intercourse is kept up. To Lady Stirling, the very amiable wife of the Governor, the colonists are greatly indebted . . . The town of Guildford may also be named as furnishing excellent society . . . The families of Messrs. Tanner, Whitfield, Walcot, Ridley, Boyd, and Captain Mears (several of them blessed with amiable and accomplished daughters), add greatly to the cheerfulness of this neighbourhood. A musical treat may often be had here, and also at Perth and Fremantle . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Chidley Irwin (author)

George Fletcher Moore, Diary of ten years eventful life of an early settler in Western Australia and also a descriptive vocabulary of the language of the Aborigines (London: M. Walbrook, 1884), 311, 312, 350, 351, 368, 370 (DIGITISED)

[May-June 1837] . . . There is to be a ball in commemoration of the establishment of the colony on Thursday next, the 1st June; and, in the day time, rustic games, races, soaped tails, &c . . . [312] . . . In the evening there was a subscription ball, at which there were 80 people and upwards. (DIGITISED)

[350] [1838] June 3rd. - There was a ball on Friday night in Perth. I was up almost all night, so that accounts for the sleepiness . . .

[351] There is to be a ball on Monday night given by the naval and military men here - "a United Service ball." I shall have to go down to it, for one has no option in these matters, for fear of giving offence.

June 4th - The United Service ball was a splendid one. The rooms were decorated with the ship's flags, which had a fine appearance. The company did not come away till near six o'clock in the morning. (DIGITISED)

[368] [November 1838] The Governor is to give a parting ball at Government House on Thursday night, when I trust it will be cooler weather than it is just now . . .

On the 20th the Governor and Lady Stirling gave a farewell ball to almost everybody. Dancing was kept up literally till breakfast time next day . . .

[372] [January 1839] There were great doings in Fremantle on Friday - a dejeuner and a ball in honour of Sir James and Lady Stirling.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Fletcher Moore (diarist)

Bibliography and resources:

F. K. Crowley, "Stirling, Sir James (1791-1865)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967) 

. . . The musical evenings and the outdoor recreations of hunting and picnicking were designed to make any new settler from the English counties feel almost at home . . .

Georgina Arnott, "WA's first governor James Stirling had links to slavery, as well as directing a massacre. Should he be honoured?", The conversation (8 June 2021) 

STOBIE, Catherine (Catherine VERT; Mrs. David Grieve STOBIE)

Musician, piano-forte teacher

Born Haddington, Scotland, c. 1828; daughter of John VERT and Catherine ?
Married David Grieve STOBIE (1821-1896), Haddington, 4 April 1852
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 2 August 1852 (per Castle Eden, from London and Plymouth, 1 May)
Died Prahran, VIC, 19 January 1855, aged "27" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Scotland census, 1851, Haddington; National Records of Scotland, Census 709/8/16

1 Market Street / Francis Vert / Head / Unmarried / 30 / Auctioneer & Sheriff Officer / [born] Haddington
Catherine Vert / Sister / Un. / 21 [sic] / Housekeeper / [born] Haddington
Eliza Vert / Sister / 14 / . . .

Marriages solemnized in the parish of Haddington, 1852; Scotland Select Marriages (PAYWALL)

David Grieve Stobie / Catherine Vert / 4 April 1852 / Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland

Names and descriptions of passengers per the Castle Eden from London, 19 April 1852, for Port Phillip and Sydney, 2 August 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Stobie David G / 30 // [Stobie] Catherine / 21 [sic]

"BIRTHS", The Argus (31 December 1852), 4 

At Great Brunswick-street, Collingwood, on the 25th inst., Mrs. D. G. Stobie, of a daughter.

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 March 1853), 1 

IF Mr. or Mrs. DAVID STOBIE, from Haddington, East Lothian, will send their address to H.H., office of this paper, they will receive letters from home.

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 August 1853), 3 

PIANOFORTE - A few Pupils will be received by Mrs. Stobie, Great Brunswick-street, Collingwood.
Cottage third door from Gertrude-street, on the right going down.
Terms, three guineas per quarter.

"BIRTH", The Argus (14 July 1854), 4 

On Tuesday, the 11th inst., at Cliff street, Prahran, Mrs. D. G. Stobie, of a son.

"DIED", The Argus (2 July 1855), 5 

On the 29th ult., at Cliff-street, Prahran, Catharine, wife of David G. Stobie, of the Audit Office, aged twenty-seven years.


Musician, bass vocalist, pianist

Born Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1835
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 17 July 1860 (per Magdalena, from Hamburg, 10 April)
Married Jane WATSON (1847-1906), Sydney, NSW, 1868 [sic]
Departed Sydney, NSW, 23 February 1869 (per Ashburton, for San Francisco)
Died Adams Point Camp, Alameda, California, USA, 27 May 1906, aged "70 years and 8 months" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Summary (after Ganzl):

Born in Rio de Janeiro, of German-Portuguese extraction, Stockmeyer arrived in Melbourne in July 1860 via Hamburg. During his 8 years in Australasia (1860 to c. 1868) he was active as a concert pianist and accompanist, and from 1864 or earlier as a chorus singer for the Lyster opera company. He married Jane Watson (whose sister Minnie married Frederick Lyster) in Sydney in 1868, though they were claiming to be married already up to two years earlier. After Melbourne, they settled in San Francisco, where from the mid 1870s until c. 1897 Adolphus sang in the chorus of the Tivoli Theater. Their six daughters also went on to sing in Tivoli chorus.

THANKS: To Kurt Ganzl, 2018, for kindly sharing his research findings


List of passengers arrived at Melbourne, 17 July 1860 from Hamburg on board the Magdalene; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Cabin . . . A Stokmeyer / 33 . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. JULY 17", The Argus (19 July 1860), 4

Magdalena, Hamburg barque, 432 tons, M. D. Hennchsen, from Hamburg 16th April. Passengers - cabin: Miss M. Scklareck, Miss H. Singer; Messrs. K. R. Von Wolff, R. Schreier, A. Lunecke, A. Stockmeyer; and 85 in the steerage. Haege and Prell, agents.

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 February 1861), 8

PRINCE of WALES THEATRE - Herr STOCKMEYER TO-NIGHT. Grand fantasia on piano. First appearance in the colonies.

"TOWN TALK", The Herald (5 December 1861), 5 

The German Gymnastic Association gave an entertainment last evening at their Hall, in Russell street . . . The first piece last evening was a sketch of Goethe's, entitled "Die Geschwister," in which the lady who sustuined the part of Marianne shone far above her male assistants; and after some singing by Messrs. Sprinkhorn and Nathanson (Mr. Stockmeyer accompanying), a dramatic monologue, "After the Ball," was given by a young lady who, possessing a very retentive memory, exhibited some imitative talent, and whose nervousness in rendering the songs did not prevent her from earning well-merited applause.

ASSOCIATIONS: Johann Sprinckhorn (vocalist); Gottfried Nathanson (vocalist)

[News], The Argus (16 January 1863), 5

The "Royal Italian and English Opera Glee Company," formed of the minor members of Mr. Lyster's opera troupe, gave a concert at the Prahran Town-hall last evening . . . The majority of the pieces were selections from operas, the soloists being Messrs. T. Ewart, Herr Sprinckhorn, and Messrs. Baker, Nathanson, and Ramsden. The pianist, Herr Stockmeyer, obliged the company with two fantasias upon popular opera airs, admirably played. The company perform to-night at the St. Kilda Town hall, when they may experience a more liberal and discerning patronage.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Richard Ramsden (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 October 1863), 8

[News], Wellington Independent [NZ] (19 November 1864), 3 

The members of Lyster's Opera Company, who arrived per s.s. Queen, from Wellington, on Wednesday, were: - Messrs. Springthorne [Sprinckhorn], Nathanson, Stockmeyer, Ramsden, and Mrs. King, Mrs. Andrews, and Miss Watson. The other members of the troupe are still performing in Wellington, but will be here by the opening night, on the 15th inst. The artists, as well as the carpenters, are busy at work at the Prince of Wales preparing for the reception of this talented company.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ada King (vocalist); Theresa Shirley Andrew (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 May 1866), 1 

WILL Mrs. STOCKMEYER, formerly Miss Jane Watson, call for a LETTER at Post Office, Sydney, from her school companion, MARIE THERESA H.

[News], The Argus (22 February 1868), 5

Messrs. Kitts and Baker, of Lyster's Opera Company, gave a concert at Emerald-hill, on Wednesday evening last, under the patronage of the mayor and borough council. The entertainment - one of high order - took place in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, but was indifferently attended in consequence of the excitement of the election. The vocalists were Mrs. E. Andrew, and Messrs. Kitts, Baker, Nathanson, Hall, and Sprinckhorn; M. Stockmeyer presiding at the piano. The selection of music gave satisfaction, and a violin solo by Mr. Hall was loudly applauded. During the interval between the parts, Mr. Kitts delivered an election speech, entitled "Larkins v. Fitzherbert," the humour of which was relished by the audience. The concert concluded with Carl Hennings' "Frogs Cantata," with the imitation of frogs in a pond. The mayor and other gentlemen have guaranteed a large number of tickets for a second concert, which will take place in a week or two, when it is believed that a crowded room will compensate for the poorness of the attendance at the first concert.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Kitts (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, USA] (8 May 1869), 2 

A CARD - To Captain C. Smith, Dr. barque Ashburton. -
We, the undersigned passengers per bark Ashburton, from Sydney, Australia, beg to return our sincere thanks for your treatment . . .
[signed] . . . Mr. and Mrs. Stockmeyer . . .

US Census, 1870, San Francisco; United States Federal Census database (PAYWALL)

Lyster Fred / 45 / Musician / [born] Ireland
[Lyster] Minna / 19 / Actress Theatrical / [born] Australia
Stockinger Adolph / 38 / Musician / [born] Brazil
[Stockinger] Jane / 20 / - / [born] Australia
[Stockinger] Charlotte / 5 // Minna / 2 [both born Australia]

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Lyster (musician)

[Advertisement], Figaro [San Francisco, USA] (2 January 1873), 2 

ADOLPHUS STOCKMEYER, TEACHER OF PIANO AND SINGING. Balls and Parties attended to, and Music furnished. Residence, 298 Eddy Street.

"DEATHS", San Francisco Call (28 May 1906), 11 

STOCKMEYER. - At Adams Point Camp, Cal., May 27, 1906, Adolph Stockmeyer, beloved husband of Jane Stockmeyer, father of Mrs. Henry Norman of Philadelphia, Mrs. H. H. Hoffing and Mrs. Frank C. Ward, and grandfather of Mortimer Snow, Jr., and George H. Snow, a native of Rio de Janeiro, aged 70 years and 8 months

Bibliography and resources:

Adolph Stockmeyer, Find a grave 

STODART, Robert (Robert STODART)

Amateur violinist, composer, bookseller and publisher (in London), publican, licensed victualler, wine and spirits merchant (in VDL)

Born Dunsyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland, 21 March 1796; baptised Dunsyre, 28 March 1796; son of David STODART (d. 1831) and Elisabeth BRADFUTE (1765-1835)
Married Maria STODART [sic] (1792-1869), St. James, Clerkenwell, 26 July 1815
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 22 September 1822 (per Minerva from Leith and Falmouth, 1 May)
Died Bagdad, VDL (TAS), 30 April 1848, aged "52/53" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Robert Stodart was born in Dunsyre, Scotland, on 21 March 1796, a son of David Stodart (d. 1831) and Elizabeth Bradfute (1765-1835), who had married at Dunsyre on 23 January 1791.

One of Robert's maternal uncles was the Edinburgh bookseller, John Bradfute (1763-1837) who, from the 1790s had traded with his uncle, John Bell, as the well-known publishers Bell and Bradfute. One of Robert's paternal uncles was the pianoforte maker Robert Stodart (1748-1831).

In London in 1815, Robert married Maria Stodart, his first cousin, and daughter of another paternal uncle, the Strand bookseller, Matthew Stodart (1758-1845). Robert himself was trading as a bookseller and publisher by 1816.

As well as issuing books, Robert specialised in political pamphlets, generally of a radical bent, at least one of which resulted in him being summoned to appear before the House of Commons to identify the anonymous author, John Cam Hobhouse.

Among his more elegant and notable imprints were the original edition of William Hazlitt's collection of dramatic reviews, A view of the English stage, which appeared in April 1818, and in 1819 the playscript of Thomas Dibdin's melodramatic romance The heart of Mid-Lothian (see here for Stodart's own list of his major publications to 1820).

In May 1821, Robert and his father-in-law were jointly declared bankrupt, and a year later Robert, Maria and their two sons, sailed for Van Diemen's Land.

In Hobart, Stodart set up in business as a licensed victualler, and landlord of Stodart's Hotel, in Macquarie-street, from 1824 until 1832, when he moved to the country.

Stodart's Hotel, Hobart; Thomas Bock, engraver; National Gallery of Australia

Stodart's Hotel, Macquarie-street, Hobart, on an invoice for wines, probably in Stodart's hand, mid 1820s; Thomas Bock (engraver); National Gallery of Australia

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Bock (artist, engraver, musical amateur)


Baptisms in the parish of Dunsyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland, 1876; Scotland, Births and Baptisms (PAYWALL)

Robert / Born 21 March 1796 / Baptised 28 March 1796 / Son of David Stodart and Elisabeth Bradfute / Dunsyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Marriages solemnized in the parish of Saint James Clerkenwell in the county of Middlesex in the year 1815; register 1813-25, page 149; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 446 / Robert Stodart of this Parish and Maria Stodart of the parish of Saint Marylebone were married in this church by licence . . . this [26 July 1815] . . .

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1816; register 1816-20, page 67; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 530 / [1816 December] 4th / David Edmund / [son of] Robert & Maria / Stodart / 9 George St. Adelphi / Bookseller . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: David Edmund Stodart (eldest child, medical practitioner, d. Geelong, VIC, 1890)

[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle (13 December 1817), 2 (PAYWALL)

and on the Conduct of his Majesty's Government. In a Letter to a Friend in Ireland.
"Quò, quò scelesti, ruitis?
Parumne campis, atque Neptuno super
Fusum est Latini sanguinis?"
Published and sold by Robert Stodart, Bookseller, No. 61, Strand.

"HOUSE OF COMMONS . . . Friday, Dec. 10 . . . Breach of Privilege", Perthshire Courier (16 December 1819), 3 (PAYWALL)

Mr. Courtenay rose to call the attention of the House to a breach of privilege in a publication reflecting on the House . . . it would be fit to call upon the publisher, in order to get at the author, whose name was not affixed. - He moved that Mr. R. Stodart, bookseller, be ordered to attend the House. The title of the pamphlet was read. It was called, "A trifling mistake corrected in Lord Erskine's pamphlet" . . . R. Stodart was ordered to attend on Monday.

ASSOCIATIONS: A trifling mistake corrected in Lord Erskine's pamphlet; the anonymous author John Cam Hobhouse, and also of A defence of the people, in reply to Lord Erskine's Two defences of the Whigs, also published by Stodart

"BANKRUPTS", Hampshire Chronicle (21 May 1821), 4 (PAYWALL)

Robert and Matthew Stodart, Strand, booksellers.

Van Diemen's Land (TAS) (from 22 September 1822):

"SHIP NEWS", Hobart Town Gazette (28 September 1822), 2

On Sunday last arrived from Leith, and lastly from Falmouth, which she left the 1st May, the brig Minerva, Captain James Bell, with merchandize, and 40 passengers, among whom are, Mr. Robert Stodart and family . . .

[Notice], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (9 April 1824), 1 

Court House, Hobart Town.
AT a Meeting of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, held at the Court House in Hobart Town, on Monday, the 29th of March . . . Mr. Robert Stodart and Mr. Richard Pitt, were licensed to retail Spirits and Wine; the former at Stodart's Hotel in Macquarie-street, the latter at the Sign of the Man of Ross, Ross Bridge.
John Abbot, Clerk to the Bench.

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (29 July 1825), 4 

SELECT LIBRARY. - For Sale, about 800 Volumes, the Property of a Gentleman leaving the Colony. - Three Months Credit will be given on approved Security. - For a Catalogue apply to Mr. R. Stodart, Macquarie-street.

"Dinner to Major Abbott", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (10 February 1826), 3 

On Wednesday, a splendid Entertainment was given at Stodart's Hotel, by the Gentlemen of Hobart Town, to this Veteran Officer and truly-respected Colonist, on the occasion of his appointment by His Majesty to be Civil Commandant at Launceston. A. F. KEMP Esq. in the Chair; Dr. Hood, Vice. It is impossible to do justice to the merits of Mr. Stodart in getting up this Entertainment. The dinner consisted of every delicacy which pains or expense could procure, and the wines were excellent. The desert gratified the most Epicurean palate . . . Several excellent songs were given by different Gentlemen, particularly by Mr. Roberts and Mr. Deane, who with some other amateurs, sung favourite catches and glees, in a manner which afforded ample compensation for the want of the newly arrived Band of the 40th Regt., which, we lament to say, was refused . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Abbott (soldier); John Philip Deane (musician); Band of the 40th Regiment (military)

[2 advertisements], Colonial Times (28 September 1831), 1

REPORTS having reached me that the Concert given on the 21st inst., at the Macquarie Hotel, was for the benefit of myself and family, I beg most distinctly to state, that neither myself, family, or creditors, (with the exception of Mr. JOHN PHILIP DEANE,) have received one farthing benefit; J. P. DEANE having retained the whole of the proceeds of the Concert, in liquidation of the debt due to himself, after having kept me in gaol four months.
With reference to the Advertisement in the Courier of the 24th instant, I beg to observe, it was hastily inserted, under the impression that the subscriptions for the Tickets had not yet been paid, and Messrs. ROBERT STODART and JOHN C. STRACEY being my principal creditors, I was anxious it should be handed over to those gentlemen, to be equally divided among the creditors generally.
To those ladies and gentlemen, who so kindly and liberally came forward and gave their attendance at the Concert, under the impression it was for the benefit of my family, I beg to return my sincere and grateful thanks, at the same time, in order to undeceive them, I feel it my duty to make the above statement. I also beg to make my grateful acknowledgments to Mr. and Mrs. Cox, who with a view to my family's benefit, so liberally gave the gratuitous use of the room.
Liverpool-street, Sept. 26, 1831.

MR. EDITOR - In reply to the above Advertisement of Mr. Peter Graham's, the following is a plain statement of facts: -
Three years ago, Mr. Peter Graham rented a house of mine situated in Liverpool-street; on the rent becoming due, he failed to pay it; no distrain was made upon his furniture, (as is generally the case) on account of his family, or the amount would have been immediately paid; in lieu of so doing, I took acceptances at Three Months for the amount, which bill has been renewed from time to time; but in February last, upon my refusing to renew the bill any more with out security, Mr. Graham brought forward a Mr. J. Lyndsay to accept a bill for him, and they both failing to pay, my own circumstances compelled me to proceed to an action for the recovery of part of this amount.
In a conversation afterwards I had with Mr. Stodart, I proposed that Mr. Graham should be discharged from Gaol by the proceeds of a Concert, and Mr. Stodart upon this proposition, undertook to get me subscribers, and upon this understanding, I immediately gave instructions for Mr. Graham's discharge.
The following are the details of the proceeds of the Concert on the 21st of Sept., 1831, viz: -
Amount received for tickets sold £38 17 0
Paid Mr. J. E. Cox for refreshment for performers and band £6 5 6
Paid Mrs. Hodges 2 2 0
Do. Mr. Williams, Master of the band 2 2 0
Do. 3 men from do. 1 10 0
Do. door-keeper 0 10 0
Advertisements 1 7 0
Concert bills 2 10 0
Music paper and copying 1 12 6
Mr. Deane and family ---
Mr. J. E. Cox. ---
Mr. Langford. ---
Mr. Marshall ---
Mr. Hickson, 63d band ---
Mr. Hance. ---
Mr. Bock. ---
Mr. Graham's debt and costs 46 11 4
Mr. Graham's balance due me 32 0 0
[TOTAL DEBT] 78 11 4
Credit by a bill of Mr. Martin's, paid by Mr. J. Lyndsay 14 0 0
Do. proceeds of Concert 20 18 0
Balance due Mr. Deane - £43 13 4
I know the above to be a correct statement.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Williams (musician), master of the Band of the 63rd Regiment (military), and Mr. Hickson (also of the band); John Marshall (amateur musician); Thomas Bock (amateur musician); William Hance (musician); Peter Graham died a year later; see "DIED", Colonial Times (16 October 1832), 2 

Yesterday morning, Mr. Peter Graham, of Liverpool-street.

[Advertisement], The Courier (3 May 1844), 1

Mr. DEANE has the pleasure to inform the inhabitants of Bagdad and its vicinity that a
CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC will take place at the above-mentioned Hotel on SATURDAY, the 11th instant.
Mr. Stodart has gratuitously offered the use of his concert room, as well as his personal exertions in the instrumental department.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Best, Royal Hotel, and Mr. Stodart, Stodart's Hotel.

"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (7 May 1844), 3

On Tuesday last our old fellow-colonist, Mr. J. P. Deane, gave a Concert in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Melville-street, which, we are happy to say, was numerously and fashionably attended, so numerously indeed, that the spacious Hall was crowded . . . On Saturday next, we perceive Mr. Deane gives a Concert at Bagdad, at Mr. Stodart's Hotel, when he will be assisted in the instrumental department by Mr. Stodart himself, who plays an admirable violin . . .

[Advertisement], The Courier (10 May 1844), 3 

Mr. DEANE has the pleasure to inform the inhabitants of Bagdad and its vicinity that a
CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC will take place at the above-mentioned Hotel
TOMORROW, the 11th instant. Mr. Stodart had gratuitously offered the use of his concert room, as well as his personal exertions in the instrumental department.
Overture -
Glee - "The merry month of May" - Blewitt - Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Song - "Come where Hie aspens quiver" - Lee - Miss Deane.
Glee - "Mynheer Van Dunk" - Bishop - Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Solo Pianoforte - "Pres aux Clercs" - Herz - Miss Deane.
Song - "Hurrah for the bonnets of blue" - Mr. J. Deane.
Trio - Violin, Violoncello, and Pianoforte, in which will be introduced several national airs by Mr. Stodart, who has kindly offered his services on the occasion - Mr. Stodart, Mr. Deane, and Mr. E. Deane.
Overture -
Duetto - "The celebrated Singing Lesson" - Miss Deane and Mr. Deane.
Solo Violin - (Juvenile performance) - De Beriot - Master C. Deane.
The celebrated Laughing Glee - Addison - Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Song - "Glory from the battle plains" - Rossini - Miss Deane.
Solo and Chorus - "Auld lang syne."
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Stodart, Stodart's Hotel, and Mr. Best, Royal Hotel.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane's family - John Deane (violinist, vocalist); Edward Smith Deane (cellist, vocalist); Rosalie Deane (piano, vocalist); Charles Muzio Deane (violinist)

"COUNTRY THEATRICALS" and "MR. DEANE'S CONCERTS", Colonial Times (21 May 1844), 3

A portion of our metropolitan theatrical performers, including Messrs. Arabin, Davies, with Madame Adelle, have, during the present recess, been entertaining the good people of Richmond with some very clever and well got up performances. Stimulated by their success at the latter place, they purpose to extend their circuit, and on Thursday Evening they appear at Mr. Stodart's Hotel, at Bagdad, in some favourite pieces . . .

We are pleased to find that Mr. Deane's concert at Mr. Stodart's, Green Ponds, on Saturday week, was not only numerously, but most respectably attended. The performance was excellent, and that of Mr. Stodart much admired.

ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Arabin (actor); Madame Adelle = Madame Veilburn (dancer);

"OBITUARY", Colonial Times (2 May 1848), 3

Again has "grim Death" been at work amongst our older colonists. Mr. Robert Stodart, of the Royal Hotel, Bagdad, is one of its victims, and Mr. John Lewis, of the Sir George Arthur Inn, Campbell-street, another; both had long suffered from illness, which they bore with patience . . .

1848, deaths in the district of Brighton; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1193249; RGD35/1/18 no 8$init=RGD35-1-18P50 (DIGITISED)

No. 8 / April 30th 1848 / Robert Stodart / Male / 52 years / Licensed Victualler / Disease of the liver . . .

Death also registered at Hobart 

"DEATH", The Courier (3 May 1848), 2

On Sunday last, the 30th April, at Bagdad, MR. ROBERT STODART, aged 53 years.
The friends of the late Mr. Stodart are respectfully informed that his funeral will take place To-morrow (Thursday,) at two o'clock, from his late residence, Bagdad.

"TWO OLD PIONEERS GONE", The Colac Herald (19 December 1890), 3 

During the past few days two of the oldest pioneers of this district - Dr. Stodart, formerly owner of the Corunnun Estate, and Mr. William Nicholas - have passed away. The first-named gentleman for some years past resided at Geelong, where he expired on Monday, the 15th inst., after a long illness from paralysis, combined with dropsy, at the advanced age of 74 years. Dr. Stodart was the son of Mr. R. Stodart, bookseller, of The Strand, London. He was born in that city in 1816, and in 1821 came out to Hobart Town, Tasmania, where he was educated and apprenticed to Mr. Jas. Scott, the Colonial Surveyor, for five years. Shortly after passing his examinations he went to England, graduated at Edinburgh, took his degrees, and returned to Tasmania in 1840 . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Peter Cochran (ed.), "The publication of Don Juan I and II, the 1819 Westminster election, the Peterloo Massacre, and a Trifling mistake", John Cam Hobhouse's diary 2 December 1818 to 13 December 1819, edited from British Library, Add. Mss. 56540; Peter Cochran's website (PDF) (DIGITISED)

Monday May 17th 1819: I sent the last revise of the Defence of the People to London - this makes now a large pamphlet - 204 pages. Hone was to have published it, but he would not without knowing the author, so Stodart (No. 81, Strand), publishes, on Wednesday. I have taken a deal of pains - God knows whether it will repay me by utility, or whether we can push it or not.

And several later references, 7 December 1819 (page 665), 12 December (668), 13 December (680)

STOKES, Frederick Michael (Frederick Michael STOKES; F. M. STOKES)

Journalist, newspaper proprietor, amateur vocalist, foundation member Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society

Born London, England, 20 May 1804; baptised St. Dunstan in the West, 13 June 1804; son of John STOKES and Elizabeth WRIGHT
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 October 1829 (per Elizabeth, from London, 22 April, via Hobart Town, 23 September)
Married Mary Ann GRAY (widow DICKSON) (1809-1902), Hobart, VDL (TAS), 20 November 1837
Died Marrickville, NSW, 11 June 1891, "in his 88th year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (AustLit) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Dunstan in the West, City of London, 1804; register 1795-1812; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

[June] 13th Frederick Michael son of John & Elizabeth Stokes born May 20th fm. Hind Court Fleet Street

"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 October 1829), 2 

From London via Hobart Town, the same day [Saturday, 10 October], the brig Elizabeth (270), Captain McDonnell, with a general cargo of merchandise. Passengers, William Macpherson, Esq. Collector of Internal Revenue, Mrs. Macpherson, Rev. A. N. Brown, Mrs. Brown, Mr. C. Davis, Mrs. Davis, Mr. F. M. Stokes . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 May 1831), 4 

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE PARTNERSHIP lately existing between Ward Stephens, Frederick Michael Stokes, and William McGarvie, as Printers, in Sydney, is dissolved by mutual consent; and the business in future will be carried on under the firm of Stephens and Stokes, who are responsible for all debts and credits due by or to the late firm.
Witnesses, Wm. Smith, F. H. Dutton.

ASSOCIATIONS: William McGarvie (bookseller)

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. David's, Hobart Town in the county of Buckingham in the year 1837; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:823373; RGD36/1/3 no 3676$init=RGD36-1-3P78 

No. 186 / 3678 / Frederick Stokes of this Parish bachelor and Mary Ann Dickson of this Parish Spinster [sic] were married in the Church by banns this [20 November 1837] . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 November 1858), 1 

THE COMMITTEE of the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society are desirous to obtain the immediate services of an efficient Conductor and Librarian. Also, an Organist and a Teacher for a vocal school. Gentlemen desirous of taking the above occupations are invited to enclose applications on or before THURSDAY next, addressed to the undersigned.
F. M. STOKES, secretary pro. tem., 205, George-street North.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (organisation)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1858), 1 

SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY - A General MEETING of the members and supporters of the above Society will be held in the Infant Schoolroom, Castlereagh-street, on TUESDAY EVENING next, the 21st instant, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Provisional Committee appointed to frame the laws; to confirm those laws; to appoint the officers of the Society, and for other business.
F. M. STOKES, sec., pro. tem

"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 December 1858), 5 

A MEETING was held, at the Castlereagh-street Schoolroom, on Tuesday evening, formally to inaugurate the above society. At a previous meeting, which was held about a month since, a committee was appointed to draw up rules and to recommend officers under whose superintendence the society should be conducted. On Tuesday night the proceedings of the provisional committee were ratified, and the Sydney Vocal Harmonie Society was fairly launched into existence. The chair was taken by Mr. Charles Nathan, F.R.C.S., at a few minutes past 8 o'clock, when, after a few remarks as to the labours of the sub-committee in revising the rules, which had been compared with those of the Sacred Harmonic Society of London and the Philharmonic Society of Sydney, he called on Mr. Dyer to read the rules for the approval of the meeting . . . Mr. SLOPER seconded the appointment of Mr. Nathan as President, and the motion was carried with applause. Mr. Hurford was elected treasurer, Mr. Dyer secretary of the society, and the following gentlemen as committee-men for the year 1859: Rev. W. Cuthbertson, Messrs. D. Dickson, J. Dyer, M. Fitzpatrick, Rev. H. J. Hose, Messrs. H. R. Hurford, J. Johnson, R. Johnson, W. J. Johnson, J. V. Lavers, W. Macdonnell, W. McDonnell, J. Martin, F. L. S. Merewether, C. Nathan, F. E. Sloper, Rev. G. H. Stanley, Messrs. F. M. Stokes, J. Waller, Rev. W. H. Walsh, Messrs. W. Wilkins, C. H. Woolcott . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nathan (president); Joseph Dyer (secretary); Henry Robert Hurford (member); Johnson brothers (members); William Macdonnell (member); Francis Merewether (member); Frederick Evans Sloper (member); James Waller (member); Charles Henry Woolcott (member)

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1891), 1 

STOKES. - June 11, at his residence, Graythorpe, Marrickville, Frederick Michael Stokes, in his 88th year.

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1891), 9 

Our obituary column yesterday contained a notification of the death on Thursday, at his residence in Marrickville, of Mr. Frederick Michael Stokes, in the 88th year of his age. In the journalistic history of this city, Mr. Stokes's name is a prominent one, though of late years he had lived in retirement; and old colonists will remember that he was one of the three founders of the independent press in Sydney. It was in April, 1831, that the first issue of the Sydney Herald took place. Mr. F. M. Stokes, Dr. McGarvie (moderator of the Presbyterian Assembly of the year [sic]), and Mr. Ward Stephens were proprietors. Dr. McGarvie almost immediately retired, and Messrs. Stephens and Stokes carried on the paper for years - first as a weekly, then as a semi-weekly, and afterwards as a tri-weekly paper. Eventually it was converted into a daily paper. At the end of 1840, or in the beginning of 1841, the business was disposed of by Mr. Stokes to Messrs. Kemp and Fairfax. Mr. Stokes was the first to establish in connection with the paper the system of securing information from country centres.

Bibliography and resources:

A century of journalism: The Sydney Morning Herald and its record of Australian life, 1831-1931 (Sydney: John Fairfax & Sons, 1931), 19-52 passim (DIGITISED)

. . . "When I arrived in Sydney," writes Mr. Stokes, "I went as a book-keeper to The Sydney Gazette, of which the Rev. Ralph Mansfield was Manager and Editor, having for a fellow clerk, Ward Stephens, who had been in the office some time before me. Stephens was intimate with William McGarvie, a bookseller in George Street, and the brother of the Rev. John McGarvie, a Presbyterian Minister, contemporary with Dr. Lang. While in the office, Stephens and William McGarvie sent to England for a small printing plant, which arrived in Sydney some months after I was there, but as neither of these were printers, they did not know what to do with it, and upon talking over their dilemma with me, found out that I was a practical printer, and as I had saved some money they agreed to give me a joint interest upon paying my quota of the cost, which I gladly did, and we established the office under the tide of Stephens, Stokes & McGarvie, in Redman's Court, Lower George Street . . .

STOKES, William (William STOKES; Mr. W. STOKES)

Musical amateur, amateur vocalist

Born Essex, England, 17 January 1828; baptised Saffron Walden, 13 April 1828; son of William STOKES (c. 1797-1868) and Mary Ann GUNN (1795-1878)
Arrived Launceston, TAS, by c. 1856
Married Eliza Ann LACEY (1834-1873), Launceston, TAS, 28 September 1855
Died Lefroy, TAS, 21 April 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: From 1862, brother-in-law of Louisa and Thomas Sharp (musicians)


Register of baptisms, Abbey-lane meeting house, Saffron Walden, 1828; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

300 / William the Son of William Stokes of this parish and Mary Ann, his wife, born January seventeenth 1828, and baptised publicly April 12, 1828 . . .

England census, 6 June 1841, Saffron Walden, Essex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 354 / 5 (PAYWALL)

Gold Street / William Stokes / 44 / L[inen] Master / [born in county]
Mary Ann [Stokes] / 44 / - / [born in county]
Alfred [Stokes] / 18 / L. Draper / [born in county]
Mary Ann [Stokes] / 13 / - / [born in county] . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Colchester St. Botolph, Essex; UK National Archives, HO107/1781 (PAYWALL)

Botolph St. / William Griffin / Head / Mar. / 61 / Linen Draper Master . . .
William Stokes / [Assistant] / U. / 23 / [Linen Draper] / [born] Essex Saffron Walden . . .

"LAUNCESTON SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (4 July 1857), 2 

The half-yearly meeting of the above Society was held on Thursday evening, 2nd July, 1857. The President, Mr. Stephens, occupied the chair. The proceedings of the evening commenced by the Chairman calling upon the Secretary, Mr. Cowl, to read the report.

Report of the Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society, July 2, 1857.

Your Society was inaugurated, rules passed, a committee appointed, a conductor chosen, and periodical meetings held. Your society commenced practice March 20, 1856, under many disadvantages. The few persons that were prominent in its formation had difficulties of various kinds to encounter. There appeared no probability of your society becoming so popular, so beneficial to the community, so gratifying to its members, in so short a time, for on account of the continual difficulties necessary to be overcome, it became a question whether your endeavors would be crowned with success. But the effort was made, notwithstanding the difficulty in securing a person capable of conducting, in procuring music and many other things connected with its management.

Such is a brief outline of the commencement of your society, and it must be a source of gratification (not only to those who were foremost in its formation) but every member when they look back to its infancy and compare the past with the present cannot but be reminded of the fact that the day of small things should not be despised . . .

The President, for himself, the officers, and committee, returned his sincere thanks for the honor conferred. He would remark that speclal thanks were due to Mr. Pullen, the conductor . . . Special thanks were also due to Mr. Thomas Sharp, who had rendered professional assistance, and also to Mr. Kenworthy, who had labored hard since the formation of the society . . .
The following officers were then chosen: Mr. Thomas Sharp, President; Mr. George Pullen, Conductor; Mr. Wm. Gurr, Treasurer; Mr. R. Cowl, Secretary.
Committee - Mr. Kenworthy, Mr. Stokes, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Caseley, Mr. A. Hart.
The meeting closed by practising compositions from Handel, Mozart, and others.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Pullen (conductor); Thomas Sharp (musician); Robert Kenworthy (member); William Gurr (member); Anthony Hart (member); Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (organisation)

"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (6 July 1858), 3 

The half yearly meeting of this society was held on Thursday evening, July 1, when a report of its proceedings for the yast twelve months was read and adopted . . . The following gentlemen were elected as officers for the ensuing six months: Mr. R. S. Casely, president; Mr. T. Sharp, conductor; Mr. W. Gurr, treasurer; Mr. W. Stokes, secretary. Committee - Messrs. Kenworthy, Hart, Johnson, Stephens, and Cowl . . .

"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (17 December 1859), 3 

A large party assembled at the Cornwall Rooms on Thursday, at the soiree given by the members of the Sacred Harmonic Society, and the evening passed off very pleasantly, agreeably diversified as it was with social converse, music, and a little speechmaking.

The results produced by reunions such as this are likely to prove of great benefit to the society, inasmuch as the members and their friends are brought into closer contact with each other, and the objects and wants of the society are more freely canvassed than they could necessarily be where the proceedings are of a more formal character, whilst the introduction of music has a tendency to soften down any little asperities which might arise during the heat of debate.

On the present occasion addresses were delivered by the President Mr. Stephens, Mr. E. Button, His Worship the Mayor, the Conductor Mr. T. Sharpe [sic], and the Rev. C. Price, and the following selections of music were performed: -
"Adeste Fideles" (Novello's arrangement); chorus, "Lift up your heads," from the Messiah; "Benedictus" (Mozart's 12th Mass); air, "I know that my Redeemer liveth," from the Messiah; basso solo, "Quoniam tu solus" (Mozart's 13th Mass); "Dona Nobis" (Mozart's 12th Mass);" and the "Hallelujah Chorus" closed the evening's entertainment.

During the evening, in the name and on behalf of the ladies, the President presented the Honorary Secretary, Mr. W. Stokes, with an elegant silver inkstand, as a small token of their appreciation of the indefatigable and disinterested services which he had for years rendered to the Society; and the Conductor made a like presentation to Mr. Stokes on behalf of the gentlemen, whose token of esteem consisted of electro-plated breakfast and tea services. The Honorary Secretary was evidently taken aback, for we are informed that he was not aware of what was about to take place until a few moments before it did so take place; and the consequence was, that in his reply the company were not favored with a set speech of meaningless words, but with what was far better, although given in broken sentences, the thanks of full and honest heart.

"LAUNCESTON MUSICAL UNION", Launceston Examiner (29 November 1860), 3 

A meeting to inaugurate the Launceston Musical Union was held yesterday evening in the Mechanics' Institute. About 80 persons were present. The proposed rules were revised and passed. Mr. Charles Thomson was elected President; Mr. A. J. Marriott Conductor; Mr. J. J. Hudson, Treasurer; Mr. W. Stokes, Secretary; and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee for the ensuing year - Messrs. G. Pullen, R. Sharpe, H. Stephens, Kenworthy, and George Hudson. It was resolved that the Society should meet for practice on each Tuesday evening; but in consequence of the room being engaged for next Tuesday, the first practice is fixed for Friday evening. After this business had been settled, many of those present enrolled themselves as members.

ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur John Marriott (conductor); Robert Sharpe (member); Launceston Musical Union (organisation)

"A CORRECTION. To the Editor of the Examiner", Weekly Examiner (10 November 1877), 16 

SIR, - In a recent issue you stated that the late concert by St. Joseph's Band for the Indian Famine Fund gave the largest sum that has been realised in Launceston by any one concert. Allow me to inform you that one given in aid of the Crimean Relief Fund, conductor, the late Mr. J. Adams, Miss Lucy Chambers, Mr. Farquharson, and the members of the Philharmonic and Sacred Harmonic Societies, the amount realised was £106, the reserved seats being 10s 6d, and the work performed Haydn's "Creation."
- Yours truly, W. STOKES. Nov. 5.

ASSOCIATIONS: St. Joseph's Band (organisation); John Adams (conductor); Lucy Chambers (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Launceston Philharmonic Society (organisation)

"LAUNCESTON MUSICAL UNION", Launceston Examiner (24 July 1883), 3 

The annual meeting of this Society was held in St. Andrew's School-room last night, at 7.30.; Mr. R. Kenworthy occupying the chair . . . It was proposed by Mr. Frost, seconded by Mr. Wallace, and carried unanimously, "That the following gentlemen be the office-bearers for the ensuing year: . . . hon. Treasurer, Mr. J. G. Waller; hon. Secretary, Mr. J. A. James; Committee, Messrs. G. P. Hudson, R. Kenworthy, G. Orpwood, J. Frost, F. Ferguson, A. Hart, M. E. Robinson, W. Tregilgas, W. Stokes, and A. Meston" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gough Waller (member); George Orpwood (member)

"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY (W.S.)", Launceston Examiner (19 November 1892), 7 

Your correspondent H.B. in his interesting reminiscences last Saturday desired to know something more of the above society. As its secretary from start to finish I am only too glad to supply what information I possess from memory. The old society after practising in the Baptist Chapel, York-street, was dissolved. I believe in 1854 [sic] a meeting was convened at the residence of the late Mr. R. Kenworthy, Cameron-street, and there the new society was formed. It was decided to practice in the Wycliffe Chapel, York-street, and there the meetings were regularly held. The first invitation rehearsal was held in Tamar-street church, the late Rev. C. Price becoming an honorary member and an ardent supporter until its close. All the officers were honorary, and the concerts were given in aid of local charitable objects. These were held in the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. At the time of the Indian mutiny the society united with the Philharmonic and produced the "Creation" in aid of the fund for the wounded, which was a great success, the tickets being 10s 6d and 7s 6d, and the proceeds upwards of £600 [sic]. The leading parts were Miss Lucy Chambers, soprano; Mrs. Hamilton, contralto; Mr. Henslow, Hobart, tenor; Mr. Farquharson, bass; Mr. J. Adams, conductor; Rev. W. A. Brook, pianist. This society then numbered 100 members, but, like everything in this city, interest and attendance declined, and eventually the society was dissolved, the property sold, and the books, etc., placed in care of the Mechanics' Institute, where, I suppose, they might be perused on application to the librarian, Mr. Johnstone, who was one of the old members.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Price (Congregationalist minister); Frances Hartwell Henslowe (vocalist); Warren Auber Brooke (pianist)

"DEATHS", Examiner (23 April 1906), 1 

STOKES. - On the 21st inst., at his late residence, Lefroy, William Stokes, late of Carrick and Launceston, aged 78 years.

"DEVONPORT", The North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times (23 April 1906), 2 

On Saturday afternoon Mr. A. J. Stokes, manager of the "N.W. Advocate," was apprised of the death of his father, which occurred at Lefroy that morning. The late Mr. W. Stokes will be remembered by old residents as a useful and respected worker at the River Don in the sixties, where he occupied a responsible position in the firm of Messrs. Cummings, Raymond and Co., who were in an extensive way of business when the little hamlet was a busy centre of activity. He left the Don in 1870, and since then has resided at Carrick, Launceston and Longford. Rather more than two years ago he went to Lefroy to end his days with his one unmarried daughter, where he peacefully passed away, as stated, in his 79th year. He had been twice married and his second wife died about eight years ago. His other surviving children in Tasmania are Mrs. A. W. Biggs (Scottsdale) and Mr. A. G. Stokes (Longford). The oldest and youngest sons are in Westralia. His funeral takes place iu Launceston to-day.

STONE, Mrs. (Mrs. STONE; Mrs. H. STONE; Mrs. W. H. STONE; Mrs. J. W. STONE)


Active VIC, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (24 January 1857), 8 

NATIONAL HOTEL MUSIC HALL, Bourke-street east.
First appearance of Mrs. H. STONE, late of the London Concerts, the celebrated Comic Vocalist.

[Advertisement], The Age (24 January 1857), 6 

NATIONAL HOTEL MUSIC HALL, Bourke street east, Near the Parliament Houses. The following artists are engaged:
MADAME LEON NAEJ, The celebrated artiste from the Grand Opera, Paris, who will this evening sing La Bayadere and the Marseillaise, in costume,
Mrs. W. H. STONE, Late of the London Concerts, her first appearance in the colonies, who with Mr. Ellis will introduce Comic Duets, Sketches, &c.
Mrs. G. ELLIS, The pleasing vocalist.
Mr. G. ELLIS, The popular comic vocalist.
Mr. KITTS, The admired basso, late of the Theatre Royal.
Mr. CHAMBERS, Characteristic Dancer.
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. E. J. Piper.
Proprietor - W. Hutchinson.
Admission Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Leon Naej (vocalist); George and Kate Ellis (vocalists); James Edward Kitts (vocalist); Joseph Chambers (dancer); Edward John Piper (pianist)

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (14 February 1857), 1 

Near the Parliament Houses. The following Performers are engaged; -
Madame LEON NAEJ, From the Grand Opera Paris. Mrs. J. W. STONE, Of the London Concerts,
Mr. G. ELLIS, The popular Comic Vocalist.
Mr. WHITE, Late of Rainer's Serenaders.
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. E. J. PIPER.
Proprietor - W. HUTCHINSON.
Admission Free.

ASSOCIATIONS: M. W. White (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Williamstown Chronicle (7 March 1857), 1 

Mrs. STONE and Mr. ELLIS will appear Nightly in their Popular Comic Duets.
Pianist, Mr. Piper.

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 August 1857), 1 

Proprietors of Concert-rooms. - Mrs. STONE, the Comic Characteristic Singer, Wishes for an ENGAGEMENT up the country.
Address, office of this paper.

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 September 1857), 1 

TO Concert Room Proprietors. - Mr. RIGNOLD and Mrs. STONE,
Comic characteristic Vocalists and Duet Singers,
OPEN to ENGAGE, 14th inst. Address Rignold, office of this paper.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Rignold (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (7 December 1857), 4 

To Proprietors of Concert Rooms.
MRS. STONE, the Comic Characteristic Vocalist and Duet Singer, from the principal London Concerts - will be open to an Engagement on the 7th December.
Address care Mr. Green, top Bellerine street, Geelong.

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (30 April 1858), 3 

ENGAGEMENT of those celebrated Artistes: -
MRS. STONE, From Canterbury Hall, Grapes Concert Hall, Evans's Covent Garden, London.
and MR. JOHN. TAYLOR, The Australian Dibden.
An Efficient PIANIST is Engaged.
Admission Free.

"EVENING AMUSEMENTS", Bendigo Advertiser (31 August 1858), 3 

The energetic landlord of the Victoria Hotel, Mr. E. Ryan, determined not to be behind in the march of improvement, has succeeded in securing the services of a very efficient company for his concert room, which was well attended yesterday evening. Mrs. Stone's impersonation of "The Female Highwayman" is a most laughter-inspiring affair, and was well received by those present. Her singing, in character, such songs as "The Red, White, and Blue," "I'm Afloat," etc., seemed to give the highest satisfaction to the audience. Mr. Clements sings some songs of a comic nature, introducing some very good local hits; and altogether the amusements offered are worthy of recommendation to those who are fond of "sweet sounds," and a "right merrie jest."

ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Ryan (proprietor); E. H. Clements (comic vocalist)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (29 September 1858), 1 

Mrs. STONE and Mr. E. H. CLEMENTS will sing the Comic Duets -
"The Guardian and Ward," "The Footman and Coot," & . . .

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 November 1858), 1 

CAMP HOTEL, EAGLEHAWK. GRAND SOIREE MUSICALE to-night, for the benefit of Mr. Henry James Lindsay.
POWERFUL ORCHESTRA at Lindsay's benefit to-night, conducted by the celebrated Violinist Mr. Sidney Radford.
LINDSAY'S BENEFIT - Mrs. Stone, Messrs. Clements, Fairchild, Small, Hammond, Pierce, and other celebrated artistes will appear.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry James Lindsay (vocalist); Sidney Radford (violinist, band leader); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); W. H. Hammond (vocalist); J. O. Pierce (vocalist)

"VICTORIA CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (11 July 1859), 3 

The engagement of Mrs. Stone, who was always a favorite at the Victoria Concert Hall, and who made her re-appearance there on Saturday night, displayed judiciousness on the part of the proprietor, the numerous audience on Saturday night fully appreciating the excellent singing of Mrs. Stone. A tolerably good comic singer, in the person of Mr. Inglis, also contributed a fair share of amusement during the evening, while Mrs. Byrne's accompaniment on the piano, ably seconded by Host Ryan himself on the cremona, were efficiently performed.

"VICTORIA CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (10 October 1859), 3 

At this place of amusement, on Saturday night a crowded audience were not disappointed in the amusement provided, amongst which the pleasing singing of Mrs. Stone, the Scottish character dancing by Mr. Frazer McGregor, and the Ethiopian illustrations by Mr. West, were loudly encored. The instrumental accompaniments by M. Lissignol were efficiently given on the piano.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eugene Lissignol (pianist)

"MINING INTELLIGENCE . . . SANDY CREEK", Bendigo Advertiser (19 January 1860), 2 

This is without, exception the most rising little township I know of. There are several new engines in course of erection, together with brick and stone houses, on all sides. The quartz produce is spoken of as being enormous. There are two theatres. Clay's opens with opera; and Foot's Hotel, miscellaneous concert. The Bendigo singers, Conna, Joe Miller, and Mrs. Stone, are here.

"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . SANDY CREEK", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (4 February 1860), 2 

Mrs. Stone, Messrs. Kitts, Black, and Troy Knight, are still at the Golden Age, and drawing crowded audiences . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Troy Knight (vocalist)

STONE, Alfred Hawes (Alfred Hawes STONE; Mr. A. H. STONE; Mr. STONE)

Amateur musician, flautist, flute player, conductor, solicitor, attorney

Born Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, 1801; baptised Speldhurst, Kent, 18 January 1824 [sic]; son of John STONE and Jemina BALDOCK
Arrived Fremantle, Swan River Colony (WA), 12 October 1829 (free per Caroline, from England)
Married Sarah Maria HELMS (c. 1811-1872), Perth, WA, 4 July 1835
Died Perth, WA, 7 March 1873, aged 72 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Alfred Hawes Stone, 1861


"MARRIED", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (4 July 1835), 522 

At Perth, on Saturday, the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. B. Wittenoom, Colonial Chaplain, ALFRED HAWES STONE, Esq., to SARAH MARIA, eldest daughter of THOMAS HELMS, Esq., of London.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Burdett Wittenoom (chaplain, musical amateur)

"AMATEUR THEATRICALS", Inquirer (7 September 1842), 3 

The first performance for this season took place on Tuesday evening, the 30th instant. In spite of a reduced force, and delays and misfortunes, which for a time threatened to paralyze their exertions, the members of the company produced three pieces with a vigour and brilliancy not only surpassing their former exhibitions, but exceeding moet amateur performances we have ever seen. The pieces chosen and represented were, "Raising the Wind," "The Queer Subject" and "Bombastes Furioso" . . . We must not pass over the style in which the scenery was painted . . . Neither can we close this brief notice without making most honourable mention of the band; under the skilful leading and careful training of Mr. Stone, the orchestra performed three of Rossini's best overtures in a most creditable style . . . Before the first piece was performed, the following prologue was delivered by Mr. Webb, and warmly received . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Perth Amateur Theatricals (company)

[News], The Perth Gazette (18 April 1846), 2

The Concert in aid of the funds for the purchase of a suitable instrument for St. George's Church, took place at the Court House, on Wednesday last. The performance went off with great precision and effect, evincing the great care and attention which had been bestowed on the practice. The selection of the various pieces which were introduced in the course of the evening, was excellent, and the style of execution brought forth bursts of applause from the auditory. Mr. Stone made his flute discourse most eloquent music; indeed the portions of music allotted to him were the most striking and distinguished in the programme of the evening. To the Conductor, Mrs. Symmons who, had a most arduous task imposed upon her, that of accompanying every piece and taking a part in each performance, the public are greatly indebted for the trouble and pains she has taken, as well as to the gentlemen who lent their assistance to promote this desirable object, and we hope the encouragement given on this occasion, will be a sufficient incentive to insure to us an early repetition of this gratifying entertainment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joanna Symmons (pianist, accompanist)

"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (25 June 1852), 3 

THE concert in aid of funds for promoting a Musical Class for the Mechanics' Institute, took place at the Court House in Perth last Friday evening. It had been advertised as to be given by Amateurs, and the audience therefore were prepared to give a patient hearing, and grant every indulgence to the performers. The evening was fine, and there was a very good attendance on the occasion. Overtures were played by the stringed instruments and flutes accompanied by the piano, which really did great credit to those who had undertaken their management, and we confidently predict that, if similar pains are taken upon future occasions, we shall have an orchestra capable of executing much more difficult pieces than were attempted on Friday evening. The two Misses Ougden performed the Overture to La Dame Blanche very pleasingly on the piano; and Mr. E. Hamersley played an excellent accompaniment to the Rosita Waltz on the Cornet a Piston; Mr. A. H. Stone ably conducted the whole performance. The vocal parts were undertaken by Messrs. William Clifton, Bell and Parry, the former of whom was encored in a new song called Dreams of the Heart. The evening's entertainment concluded with God save the Queen, which certainly appeared to give the greatest possible satisfaction, as it had the effect of sending all parties home with roars of laughter. Mrs. FitzGerald was present. We had almost forgotten to mention that the musical bell-ringers played several popular airs between the parts, with which the audience seemed much pleased.

ASSOCIATIONS: Martha Ougden and elder sister (pianists); Edward Hamersley (cornet)

"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Inquirer (20 January 1869), 3

We call the attention of the lovers of harmony and melody to an advertisement of the Perth Choral Society in our issue of this day. There are still many among us who remember the charming concerts given long since in Perth, and to which Mr. and Mrs. Symmons, Mr. Wittenoom, Mr. Stone, Mr. Schoales, Mr. Lochee, Mr. H. deBurgh, and Mrs. Maycock contributed their great and varied talents . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Schoales (vocalist); Alfred Lochee (amateur); Henry Burgh (amateur); Eliza Maycock (vocalist)

"DIED", The Inquirer and Commercial News (12 March 1873), 2 

STONE. - At his residence, Alpha Cottage, on the 7th instant, ALFRED HAWES STONE, ESQ., J.P., after a long and painful illness; aged 72 years.

"OMNIUM", The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (28 March 1873), 3 

We have to record the death, at an advanced age, of Mr. ALFRED STONE, late Registrar of the Supreme Court. He was one of the earliest arrivals in the colony, and held with credit to himself, and advantage to the colony, many important offices.

Bibliography and resources:

J. W. C. Cumes, Their chastity was not too rigid: leisure times in early Australia (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1979), 197

"Alfred Hawes Stone", Design & art Australia online (DAAO) (Ann Pheloung, 1992; updated 2011) 

STONE, Edward Albert (Edward Albert STONE; Mr. E. A. STONE)

Amateur musician, vocalist, choirmaster, lawyer, judge

Born Perth, WA, 9 March 1844; son of George Frederick STONE and Charlotte Maria WHITFIELD
Married Susannah SHENTON, Wesleyan Chapel, Perth, WA, 3 July 1867
Died WA, 2 April 1920 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


"BACK BEYOND 1850", The Daily News [Perth, WA] (28 April 1916), 7 

Some old-time memories, being the personal reminiscences of Sir Edward Stone . . . edited by Frank Henty (Prahran, VIC: Fraser & Morphet, 1918) (DIGITISED)

STONEHAM, William (William STONEHAM)

Musician, flautist, flute player, cornet player, trombonist, drummer, bandsman, band leader, woodworker, turner, carpenter

Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 19 November 1832; baptised Wesleyan church, Hobart, 9 December 1832; son of John STONEHAM (1806-1868) and Mary SMITH (d. 1850)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1847
Married (1) Elizabeth LUCAS (1834-1860), Geelong, VIC, 1853
Married (2) Ellen WILSON (1844-1889), VIC, 1863
Married (3) Anne Maria LONGDON (1852-1938), VIC, 1889
Died Leichhardt, NSW, 25 March 1913 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STONEHAM, Herbert Leslie (Herbert Leslie STONEHAM; H. L. STONEHAM)

Bandsman, flautist, cornet player, composer

Born Geelong, VIC, 1855
Married Marie Albertine DEL SARTE, St. Peter's church, Melbourne, 1 October 1884
Died Blackburn, VIC, 12 September 1945 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STONEHAM, Henry William (Henry William STONEHAM; H. W. STONEHAM; Harry STONEHAM)

Musician, cornet player

Born Geelong, VIC, 1857
Married Sarah Whitely HEALEY, VIC, 1889
Died Melbourne, VIC, 21 November 1920 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STONEHAM, Frederick Hamilton (Ferderick Hamilton STONEHAM; F. H. STONEHAM; alias Fred LESLIE)

Musician, cornet player

Born Geelong, VIC, 1859
Married Phoebe CLAYTON, VIC, 1880
Died Burwood, NSW, 26 June 1924 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


William Stoneham was born in Hobart Town, on 19 November 1832, the first child of John Stoneham, a free settler and cabinet maker by trade, and Mary Smith, a convict, who had married at St. David's on 27 February 1832.

According to his own later account, William showed an aptitude of music from early childhood, and his first music teacher, in Hobart, was James Allen, drum major of the 96th Regiment.

By around 1845-46, and certainly by 1847, the Stoneham family had resettled in Melbourne, where John again set up in business as a cabinet maker and upholsterer, as well as opening a temperance coffee-house. William joined one of the town bands first as a drummer, and was taught flute and later piccolo by his school masters, before also taking up the cornet.

The family moved again to Geelong, by mid 1849, where John again traded as a cabinet maker and furniture seller, as well as taking leading roles in the local temperance movement and in the Christian Israelite congregation.

By 1853, William was advertising independently of his father as a wood turner, while also beginning to work regularly as a musician. While insolvent in 1855, he was engaged as a member of the band at Geelong's Theatre Royal.


Baptisms, Wesleyan Church, Hobart, 1832; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1082110; RGD32/1/1/ no 4458$init=RGD32-1-1-P238 (DIGITISED)

No. 155 / [baptised] 9th December 1832 / William / [born] 19th November 1832, Hobart Town / [son of] John Stoneham, Mary Stoneham / Hobart Town / Cabinet Maker . . .

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (24 October 1853), 4 

MESSRS. HERRING AND OTTO beg leave to announce to their Friends, and the Public, that they intend giving a GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, in the above-mentioned Garden, on MONDAY, October 12th, for which occasion they have engaged the first musical talent in the colony.
The String Band, under the direction of Mr. B. Thom.
The Brass Band, under the direction of Herr. Hunerbain [sic].
The Orchestra will consist of the following Artists:
1st Violin - Mr. B. Thom.
2nd Volin and Trombone - Mr. Gabb.
Tenor and Cornopean - Mr. F. Coppin.
Bass and Clarionette - Mr. Hunerbain.
Flute - Mr. Stoneham.
Cornopean - Mr. Harward.
Ophicliede - Mr. Tanner.
Drum - Mr. Stanley.
The Concert to commence at 3 o'clock, p.m. Admission - 2s. 6d.

ASSOCIATIONS: Bream Thom (violin, leader); August Christian Huenerbein (bass, clarinet); Frederick Coppin (viola, cornopean); John Gough Gabb (violin, trombone); William Harward (cornopean); William Tanner (ophicleide)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (19 September 1854), 1 

WM. STONEHAM, General Turner, Yarra-street, begs to acquaint the above that he is prepared to receive orders for all kinds of turned work on the shortest notice . . .
two doors north of Mallop-street

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 February 1855), 8 

IN the Insolvent Estate of William Stoneham, of Ashby, near Geelong, in the colony of Victoria, wood turner . . .

"INSOLVENT COURT. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1ST, 1855 . . . IN RE WM. STONEHAM", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (3 August 1855), 2 

This was also a certificate meeting. The amount of debts proved was about £330, and the assets realised £1 6s 4d. The minutes of the third meeting showed that the insolvent had neglected to comply with the provisions of the Act, in furnishing his books, &c., to the official assignee, although he had been expressly ordered to do so; and had not given the assistance in realising his estate which he should have done. Insolvent stated that he had been, since his insolvency, in receipt of £3 10s per week wages, as musician, engaged at the theatre; but had been doing nothing during the day time, yet he had done nothing to further the interests of his creditors. The application for his certificate was therefore suspended for six months.

ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (venue)

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 January 1859), 1 

WOOD TURNERS. - WANTED, a good WOOD TURNER. Apply to W. Stoneham, turner, Ryrie-street, Geelong.

"GEELONG VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE. ANNUAL DINNER", Geelong Advertiser (19 February 1859), 3 

The annual dinner of the Geelong Volunteer Fire Brigade took place yesterday at Hooper's Montpellier Hotel . . . About one hundred guests sat down to the repast which had been provided . . . After due justice had been done to the good cheer provided, and the usual loyal toasts had been loyally received, and appropriately accompanied by Mr. Stoneham's brass and stringed band, Mr. William Paterson gave the "Trade and Commerce of Geelong." - Band - "There's a good time coming" . . .
The foreman proposed - "The Ballarat Fire Brigade." Drunk with all the honours. - Band - "Yankee Doodle" . . .
Song - Mr. Meakin: "The Fireman."
Mr. Macdonald asked permission to give a toast not on the programme - " The Geelong Volunteer Fire Brigade."
As long speeches were not the vogue and quadrilles were at hand, he would not detain the guests by speechifying.
Song - "For they are jolly good Fellows" . . .
The Visitors, The Comunn na Feinne, The Ladies, and The Press were subsequently proposed and responded to. A clearance was then made for quadrilling, for which Mr. Stoneham's band struck up the usual rappel . . .

"SAINT PATRICK'S SOCIETY", Geelong Advertiser (19 March 1859), 2 

An excellent dinner was given on Thursday evening, the 17th of March, in honour of the patron saint of Ould Ireland, at the Olive Branch Hotel, Moorabool-street . . . About sixty persons sat down to do justice to the repast furnished by the host, Mr. Francis McNally; whilst Mr. Stoneham's band, stationed in the ante-room, enlivened the scene by playing the favorite national airs and melodies of Erin-go-Bragh, interspersed now and then with a jig . . .
After the repast was finished, the Chairman called upon the company to charge their glasses and drink to the health of Her Majesty the Queen . . . the band playing the National Anthem.
The Chairman then gave - Prince Albert and the Royal Family. Band - French March.
To this followed - The Health of His Excellency the Governor . . . the band playing Red, White, and Blue.
The next toast proposed was the Army and Navy of Great Britain and Ireland - the band playing, "The Girl I left behind me" . . .
Mr. Wm. Paterson . . . felt great pleasure in drinking success to the Society. Band - "St Patrick's Day in the Morning" . . .
Mr. Tracey, the Vice-President, gave - "Our Father Land" Band - "Garryowen" . . .
Mr. T. C. Riddle proposed "the Trade and Commerce of Geelong" . . . Band playing "There's a good time coming boys" . . .
Mr. Behan proposed the Agricultural Interest . . . Band playing - "Speed the Plough" . . .
Mr. Egan proposed "Success and prosperity to the Comunn na Feinne Society" . . . Band. - "The Campbells are coming" . . .
the health of Mr. W. P. Noonan, the President of St. Patrick's Society . . . Band "Jolly Good Fellow" . . .

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (8 April 1859), 2 

A capital little soiree, got up in a quiet way by purely local co-operation, came off last evening at the Newtown Mechanics' Institute . . . and for the further enlivement of the evening's festivities, Mr. Stoneham, Mr. Gabb, and other musical notorieties were in attendance, and took care to let the meeting be aware of them . . .

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (19 April 1859), 2 

Mr. Stoneham's concert last night, in the Mechanics' Institute was completely successful in every point of view. The spacious hall was filled in every corner; the raised seats for the members of the orchestra even were invaded by such ladies and gentlemen as could not procure sitting or standing room in the body of the hall. The concert opened with Rossini's "Overture to Semiramide," riven with a fulness of effect never previously attainable here, and very many of the audience must have felt that for the first time in their lives they had heard an overture played as it ought to be. Mrs. Hancock followed, with the simple yet pleasing cavatina "One Gentle Heart." Mrs. Hancock has always been a special favorite in Geelong, and her reception last night was enthusiastically warm. Mr. King's solo on the violin was loudly applauded. We must notice the several portious of the programme with a brevity ill accordant with the merits of the music and of the performers. Miss Juliana King sang "The Queen's letter," and "Willie we have missed you," very sweetly, and was by general consent encored in both songs. Messrs. Johnson, Hartigan, and Stewart, on the clarionet, ophicleide and cornet played with artistic finish and power. The quartett with two violins, tenor, and violincello was something new; the first quartett in fact of the kind ever played in public in Geelong. The encores during the evening were unreasonably numerous, and protracted the performance to a very late hour. There were twenty-two pieces in the programme, some of them lengthy, and the audience however desirous of re-enjoying a particular song or piece, or of complimenting the artiste by an encore, should have been more considerate. The programme was evidently compiled with great care and attention to variety and contrast, which the frequent encores marred. The very great success achieved by Mr. Stoneham on this occasion, will no doubt spur him on to still greater efforts, when he gives his second "grand monster concert."

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Edward King (violin); Juliana King (vocalist); Henry Johnson (clarinet); Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide); Edward Stewart (cornet), all of the Band of the 40th Regiment (military)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (20 May 1859), 4 

First appearance of the SISTERS MACARTHY!
W. STONEHAM has the honour to announce to his musical patrons, and the public generally, that he has succeeded in completing arrangements with those talented vocalists,
the SISTERS MACARTHY, Also that eminent solo pianist, HERR BIAL, AND MR. EDWARD KING, The Celebrated Solo Violinist,
For a grand Musical entertainment on Friday Evening, 20th Instant, in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Geelong.
1. Overture - "L'Italiani in Algieri," Orchestra - Rossini
2. Grand Duet - "Mira O Norma," the Sisters Macarthy
3. Solo - Violin, Mr. King - De Beriot
4. Polacca - "Son Vergin" (Puritani) Miss Marie Macarthy
6 [sic]. Irish Ballad - "Kathleen Mavournine," Miss Georgina Macarthy
5. Quartette - Flute, Violin, Tenor, and Violoncello - Mozart
7. Introduction and Grand Valse from Verdis Opera "La Trovatore," Orchestra - Marriott
Interval of Ten Minutes.
8. Overture - "Massaniello," Orchestra - Auber
9. Scotch Ballad - "Auld Rubin Gray." Miss Marie Macarthy
10. Solo - Pianoforte "La Cascade," Herr Bial - Paur [Pauer]
11. Irish Melody - "Shule Agra," Miss Georgina Macarthy
12. Introduction and Grand Valse - "Ada," Orchestra - Farmer
12. Duet - "May Morning," the Sisters Macarthy
Tickets - Reserved seats, 5s.; back seats, 3s.
To be obtained at the Mechanics' Institute; of all the principal Stationers, of Messrs. Bright and Hitchcocks, Market-square, Mr. Towle, chemist, Skene-street, Newtown, of Mr. Stoneham, Little Ryrie-street.
Leader of the Orchestra, - MR. KING.
- For particulars see programme.
Doon open at half-just Seven; Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
Carriages may be ordered at 10.

ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina and Marie McCarthy (vocalists); Charles Bial (pianist)

"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser (21 May 1859), 2 

The Hall of the Mechanics' Institute was moderately well filled last night, expectation being on tiptoe to hear the Misses Macarthy, of whose musical talents fame had spoken so highly. We cannot, however, concur with the eulogists of these ladies. We do not like their style of singing, and prefer saying so bluntly; avoiding the ungracious task of specifying wherein we consider they fall short of the standard by which all musical aspirants for public favor must be tried. Of the concert as a whole we must speak in terms only of qualified praise. It was announced in the programme - though not in the advertisement - as Mr. Stoneham's "second grand concert," leading many no doubt to believe that it would be somewhat similar in strength to the first of the series. Those who went with any such impressions had good reason to feel disappointed. The orchestra was thin, comprising four or five excellent performers, it is true; but these were not supported by anything like the array of instruments which gave such a fulness of effect on the previous occasion. So much for faults, now for merits. The Overture (L'ltaliani) was performed very creditably. Above most other overtures this affords great scope at once for massive harmonics and delicate little solo passages, which were all beautifully taken up by violin, flute, cornet, and violincello. The performance was very successful. Mr. King's violin solo was re-demanded, and worthily. Mozart's quartette, set down in the programme, was omitted; Mr. Stoneham stating, by way of apology, that the music of one of the parts was missing. Of course the audience took the apology in good part. There was no use getting into a passion, but on behalf of the four or five hundred people who were disappointed, we must beg of Mr. Stoneham to exercise a little more vigilant foresight even in such small matters, on the next occasion. The other orchestral pieces were the overture to Masaniello and two grand waltzes with introductions. They were all well played. M. Bial's modest little solo on the pianoforte was loudly encored. His quiet style of playing is very pleasing, and he seems studiously correct in adhering strictly to the music as written. We would have been much better pleased if we had found the Misses Macarthy worthy of all the praise they have earned in the metropolis; but truth must prevail even over gallantry. It is but fair to state that the bulk of the audience loudly applauded every appearance of the ladies, and that all their songs and duets were vociferously encored save the first.

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (23 June 1859), 2 

A special meeting of the Geelong Rifle Corps was held at the drill rooms last night. Colonel Rede occupied the chair, and the muster of members was unusually large. The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed, the Colonel drew attention to the special business of the evening, viz, to consider the propriety of the corps attending the funeral of the late Sergeant Sherrin, which will take place this day . . . Mr. Stoneham, in the meanwhile, was exercising the band in the rehearsal of the "Dead March in Saul," and other pieces of suitable music. The members will muster at the drill rooms, at 2 p.m. this day, shortly after which hour they will march to the Council Chambers, Pakington-street, where the remains of the deceased are lying, and the procession will thence move to the new cemetery, Herne Hill.

ASSOCIATIONS: Daneil Sherrin (late town clerk of Geelong)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (12 September 1859), 4 

Patron - His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B.
Overture - "Il Tancredi" - Band - Rossini.
Song - "I am alone" - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Linly.
Glee - "Mark the Merry Elves of Fairy Land" - Messrs. Buchan, Badnall, and Meakin - Calcott
Quadrille - "Christmas" - Band - Farmer.
Song of the Scottish Emigrant - "My ain dear Nell" - Mr. Denholm - Hume
Song - "I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie" - Mr. B. J. Downing - Barker
Song - "Madeline" - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Nelson
Polka - "The Rose of the Valley" - Band - Farmer.
Overture - "Italiani in Algeri" - Band - Rossini
Ballad - "My Molly Asthore" - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Lavenu.
Comic Glee - "The Owl" - Messr. Buchan, Badnall and Meakin - Freeman
Solo - (Flute) - Mr. Stoneham - Druet [Drouet]
Scottish Ballad - "Ilka Blade o' Grass holds its ain Drap o' Dew" - Mr. Denholm - Ballantyne
Duett - "Zuleika and Hassan" - Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. Badnall - Mendelssohn
Quadrille - "Juno" - Band - Farmer.
"God Save the Queen."
Admission - One Shilling.
Children Schools - Half price. Reserved Seats, Two Shillings.
Doors open at Seven, to commence at half-past Seven.
W. S. JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Henry Meakin (vocalist); Charles Henry Badnall (vocalist); Bartholomew Joseph Downing (vocalist); William Stitt Jenkins (secretary); Geelong Recreative Society (organisation)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (4 October 1859), 2 

Yesterday evening's concert was another great success, so far as a crowded hall, an attractive programme, and on the whole an admirable rendering of it, were concerned. Miss Hamilton was in excellent voice, and sang with all that chastened effect for which she is so justly admired. The glee, "Come, fairies, trip it," was well sung by Messrs. Downing, Badnall, and Meakin. The new aspirant in the cause of affording musical recreation to the people, was Mr. Skarratt, who sang "The Land of the West," and the original song of "Old Dog Tray." Mr. Skarratt was a little nervous, and the too friendly applause rather embarrassed him than put him at his ease. The band was, as usual, very efficient. The duett, "Sweet Sister Fay," by Miss Hamilton and Mr. Badnall, was harmoniously and tastefully rendered, and was deservedly applauded. Mr. Rosenstengle's performance on the piano was also much admired. The various accompaniments by Mr. Pringle were faultless, and Mr. Stoneham's solo on the flute, "'Twere vain to tell thee," deserves mention.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Nicholas Rosenstengel (pianist); George Robert Grant Pringle (pianist, accompanist)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (9 May 1860), 2 

The audience at Mr. Stoneham's concert last night was very thin - a fact we can only account for by supposing that the five consecutive days' bazaaring had tired out those ladies and gentlemen who are in the habit of attending concerts. The performances were worthy of a much better house. Mrs. Hancock sang with all her usual excellence. The new tenor, Mr. Williams, acquitted himself creditably; he has a good voice and sings with careful correctness. Mr. E. Stewart, of the 40th, played an effective cornet solo. Mr. Stoneham gave a solo on the flute which elicited repeated plaudits, and was redemanded. The overtures were "La Gazza Ladra" and "Otello," both by Rossini, and it was refreshing to the ear after so much "Verdi" as we have heard in Geelong - not that we seek to run down Verdi, but variety is pleasing - to hear some of Rossini's carefully written harmonies. Of course Mr. Stoneham will not be frightened at the small success, in a pecuniary point of view his first Winter Concert. We believe the cause simply to be as above stated, the exhaustion of amusement seekers by the late Bazaar, and perhaps the anticipation of to-night's amateur performances in the Theatre.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (vocalist)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (6 June 1860), 2 

The Harmonic Society's Concert of last night was one of those treats which the public could not possibly attain save through some such society's instrumentality. The first part consisted of the "Spring" and "Summer," from Haydn's Seasons; heard for the first time, it is believed, in Australia, and certainly the first time in Geelong . . . The solos were given by Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Hinchcliff . . . Among the VIOLINI, Mr. Gabb and another gentleman, whose name we did not learn, were conspicuous for efficiency. Mr. Stoneham played a good flute, and the basses were strengthened by both professional and amateur talent from the metropolis. The second part of the concert consisted entirely of military music by the full band of the 40th . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Hinchcliff (vocalist); Geelong Harmonic Society (organisation)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (18 July 1860), 2 

Mr. Stoneham's Concert, at which Madame Carandini and Messrs. Farquharson and Winterbottom will assist, takes place to-night in the Mechanics' Institute. The programme seems an excellent one, and, weather permitting, no doubt the hall will be filled.

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); John Winterbottom (musician, bassoonist)

"THE CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser (25 September 1860), 3 

The Concert last night at the Mechanics' Institute could scarcely be other than a great success with a programme containing such names of Carandini, Hancock, Farquharson and Winterbottom; besides such local celebrities as Hinchcliff, Stoneham, and Plumstead. Mr. Alexander, from the Royal Academy of Music, made his first appearance in Geelong, and played two pianoforte pieces in a very excellent manner; Mr. Alexander, we are glad to learn, contemplates remaining in Geelong to practice his profession. The large hall was well but not inconveniently filled . . . A solo on the flute by Mr. Stoneham, with a pianoforte accompaniment by Mr. Plumstead, was brilliantly executed.

ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Alexander (pianist); Henry Plumstead (pianist, accompanist)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (28 September 1860), 2 

Last evening Mr. John Stoneham gave a tea meeting upon the occasion of opening his Temperance Hotel, Providence Rise, Yarra-street. The affair was well patronised, and went off with considerable eclat. During the evening the company were entertained with some very good music from the band of Mr. William Stoneham.

"DIED", Geelong Advertiser (10 December 1860), 2 

On the 8th instant, Grace, only daughter of William and Elizabeth Stoneham, aged three weeks and three days.

"DIED", Geelong Advertiser (18 December 1860), 2

On Monday, the 17th December, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of William Stoneham, aged 26 years. The funeral will take place on Wednesday, at 4 o'clock, from her late residence, Little Ryrie-street. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

"NEW INSOLVENTS", Geelong Advertiser (25 February 1861), 2 

William Stoneham, of Geelong, turner. Debts, L129 16s 3 1/2 d, assets L37 5s 9d, deficiency L92 10s 6 1/2d.
Causes - Losses in giving concerts, falling off of business, sickness and deaths in family, and pressure of creditors.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (21 March 1861), 4 

During the afternoon the following choice selection of music will be played by
STONEHAM'S FAVORITE QUADRILLE BAND, Who have kindly volunteered their services on this occasion.
Overture - 'Masaniello' - Auber.
Quartett - "Lovely Night" - Winterbottom.
'March of the British Heroes' - J. M. Jolly.
Quadrille - 'Erin Go Bragh' - D'Albert
Selections from Il Trovatore.
Grand Waltz - 'Star of the West' - Montague.
Galop - 'Satanella' - Henri Laurent.
Grand Overture - 'La Cenerentola' - Rossini
Waltz - 'Kathleen Mavourneen' - D'Albert.
Garibaldi Galop - Orchestra - D'Albert.
Solo, Flute - 'Blue Bells of Scotland - with band accompaniment - Mr. Stoneham.
Quadrille - 'Merry Christmas' - Farmer.
'The Rifle Corps Galop' - H. Farmer.
The following selection will be performed during the evening
THE BAND OF THE GEELONG VOLUNTEER RIFLES. (IN FULL UNIFORM.) Who have kindly given their services.
Grand Selection from Christy's Minstrels Melodies.
Slow March - 'Polish'
Quartette - 'Maying.'
'From of the Valley' Polka.
'The Volunteer's March.'
'Sturm Marsch' - Galop.
'Little Nell' - Quickstep.
Selections of favorite National Airs.
Solo - Cornet a Piston - Mr. Stoneham.
Grand Quick March - Full Band.
"God Save the Queen."

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (28 October 1861), 3 

A GRAND Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT will be given in the
For the benefit of MR. WILLIAM STONEHAM,
Under the distinguished patronage of the following reverend and influential gentlemen . . .
The following talented artistes have been engaged: -
Miss BAYLEY, of the Melbourne Philharmonic Concerts,
Mr. FARQUHARSON, his last appearance in Geelong, having already taken his passage for England.
Mons. PIETRO CANNA, the celebrated French Drum-Major, and first drummer of the kingdom of Sardinia, who will perform on Twenty Drums a Descriptive Piece illustrating the Siege and Taking of Sebastopol.
Mr. ZEPLIN, the celebrated Harpist.
Mons. LINDEN, the eminent Pianist.
Mr. H. COUSINS, the celebrated Violinist (late of the Queen's Private Band.)
During the evening the MERRY CHRISTMAS CHIMES will be performed on a very superior toned set of bells. The whole entertainment to be strengthened by the performance of some choice selections of first class Instrumental Music from the works of the great masters by a very efficient Orchestra of upwards of twenty performers, under the direction of Mr. W. Stoneham.
PRINCIPAL VIOLINISTS: Mr. H. Cousins, Mr. Gabb, Mr. Wilton
FLAUTIST: Mr. W. Stoneham
HARPIST: Mr. G. Zeplin
Pianist: Mr. H. Plumstead . . .

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (1 November 1861), 2 

Mr. Stoneham's concert on Wednesday night at the Mechanics' was very well attended. Mr. Farquharson, whose name was on the programme, sent an apology for not fulfilling his engagement, which Mr. Stoneham read. Mons. Linden was absent unwell. There was some dissatisfaction expressed at all this, but Miss Bailey and the others who assisted did their utmost to make amends and were successful. The programme was gone through amid much applause.

ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Pietro Canna (drums); George Frederick Zeplin (harpist); Ferdinand Linden (pianist); Henry Cousins (violinist); Thomas Wilton (violinist)

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (30 October 1861), 2 

Mr. William Stoneham who has done so much toward meeting the musical tastes of the people of Geelong, is this evening in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute to receive a complimentary benefit under distinguished patronage. The programme is studded with gems; - Miss Bailey, Mr. Farquharson, Mons. Pietro Canna, who will illustrate upon twenty drums the siege and taking of Sebastopol, will assist. There can be little doubt that under the circumstances, the hall will be crowded, and that the benefit will be one in a literal sense.

[News], The Argus (27 May 1869), 5

A military concert was given last evening in the Carlton Orderly-room, in aid of the band fund of the Carlton Rifles. The attendance was good, there being over 500 persons present. The singers included Miss Maria Chalker, Mrs. Perraton, Mr. Buchan, Mr. W. Bunting, and a glee party. Master Stoneham, who is only about fourteen years of age played a fantasia on the flute in a manner that delighted the audience. The duet, "The Elfin Call," by Mrs. Perraton and Miss Chalker, was loudly applauded, and an encore demanded. Mr. Stoneham, the teacher of the band, gave a fantasia on the trombone and Mr. Gigney was encored in his harp solo. The programme was a long one, and, as rule, encores were not responded to. The concert concluded with a performance by M. Pietro Canna on fifteen drums, representing the fall of Sebastopol. The fund likely to be considerably increased by the concert.

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (27 May 1869), 3 

. . . The programme was both lengthy and well selected, but the performers being amateurs criticism is to a great extent disarmed. A flute fantasia on Scotch airs, by Master Stoneham, and a harp solo on Welsh airs, by Mr. Gigney, are, however deserving of special mention, the latter having been encored . . . Mr. Stoneham (the band master of the Carlton Rifles) executed a fantasia on the trombone on airs from "La Sonnambula," in very good style; and the Carlton rifle band gave the overture to "Tancredi," and selections from "Lucrezia Borgia," with great taste and precision, reflecting much credit on the band-master. On the whole the concert was very successful, and will no doubt leave a surplus for the band fund.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Perraton (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); John Wheeler Gigney (harp)

"THE TOWN-HALL. THE MESSIAH", The Argus (27 December 1878), 3 

The Melbourne Philharmonic Society . . . repeated their annual performance of Handel's "Messiah," at the Town hall, on Christmas night, in the presence of a large audience . . . While speaking of the instrumental part of the performance we mention with great satisfaction the name of Mr. H. W. Stoneham, who played the obligato trumpet part (on the cornet) in the accompaniment to the bass air "The trumpet shall sound." Mr. H. W. Stoneham is a young native Victorian, and this was his first appearance as a solo player. There was such certainty and brilliancy about his tone as to be quite refreshing to ears that have heard the trumpet played in the same part by Harper. If the cultivation of his musical mind be equal to his technical skill, he should in due time rank high as an artist, but not yet without more work and honest devotion to his art . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 December 1888), 12 


ASSOCIATIONS: A younger son (born after 1860 and so not registered above), William Alfred Stoneham (1868-1941)


Eighty years old on Sunday, and almost all that time a musician - nearly eighty years of melody flowing through one's veins. Such a man is William Stoneham, who may claim to be one of the fathers of music in Australia - certainly the father of the Australian volunteer bands.

Just 80 years ago he saw the light of day in Hobart, born of a good old English stock. Almost before he could walk the call of music was with him, and as a mere toddler his ear was already almost perfect, and he would walk miles to hear a band. His first instructor was Drum-Major Allan of the old 96th Regiment, in Launceston, and the drum was his first instrument. Upon it he soon became efficient, so that when at the age of 13 years, he arrived in what was then known as Port Philip with his parents, he was able immediately to take his place in the Town Band.

It came about in this way. Stoneham the elder was a staunch temperance advocate, and he took his boy with him to a great demonstration in Melbourne, where the band was a conspicuous part of the evening's entertainment. They had at that time a fairly good collection of instruments, but no side drums, and upon Stoneham declaring that his son could play them, a trial was immediately made with the big drum turned up on end. The boy proved himself proficient, and it was at once decided to engage him. No side drum, however, was procurable in Melbourne of that day, which was mostly a straggling village, and very rough. Finally, it was decided to manufacture a drum locally, but not a sheet of brass could be got nearer than Sydney, and when that arrived, about a dozen experts set to work, and young Stoneham was a proud boy the day he beat his notes upon it in the ranks. Even then he needed no part, for the time came as naturally to him as the song of the thrush, and he played as one inspired.

The master of the school which he attended was a flautist, and, struck by the boy's aptitude for correctly singing any tune he heard, he suggested to the father that the child should learn his instrument. It became his favorite, and with it his name is closely associated. He knew not a note of music at that time, but played by ear, and the only time he was ever struck was by that instructor, when he failed to know the value of a semi-quaver. The man struck at him with a cane, which young Stoneham parried with the little flute he held in his hand, until fearing that the schoolmaster would break his treasure, he fled out of the room, but he had learned something more than the value of a note - he had discovered his aptitude for defence, and in after years he became a champion fencer, his quick, supple wrist proving too much for his opponents.

As flautist he continued in the band until a new master came from England, who was himself a very fine performer upon the piccolo. Stoneham was thereupon requested to change his instrument, and he chose a cornet, which he soon mastered. While playing the piccolo the young musician had noticed a similarity between certain notes of the two so widely different instruments, and finally he found that by taking a fourth or fifth higher or lower as the case might be he could imitate the wind with the wood or the wood with the wind, and he one day electrified the other members of the band by suddenly bursting out with all the variations upon the cornet that he had been wont to perpetrate upon the piccolo. The result was that he was promoted to first cornet, much to the chagrin of the senior player, who nursed the grudge for years against his youthful and successful rival.

By this time the Stonehams had moved to Geelong, and it was in that city that William grew to manhood, married, and as he puts it, "his real life began." Three boys were born, but after seven years the little mother laid aside her work for ever, and a broken-hearted widower, not much more than half way through his twenties, was left to father his helpless little brood. Not altogether left alone though, he vows, for one night, when he had come in late, and was lying awake, there stole into the room a gracious presence, and standing by the bed spoke to the astonished music master. "William," said the voice of his wife - and every detail of her clothing was distinctly visible - "I wish you wouldn't leave the children so much alone at night. See where you have brought me from." The figure turned and left the room, and Stoneham hurried after her - only to lose sight of her in the hall. It was his dead wife, he declares, and she had come to warn him of his duty to her motherless boys. After that the children resided for some years with their grandparents on the mother's side, but the widower finally finding a kindly woman, married again, and the little family were thereupon happily reunited.

William Stoneham celebrated a silver wedding with his second wife before she, too, passed away, having borne him ten more children, some of whom died in infancy. And yet again, after a short widowerhood, another well-disposed, woman came to the house. Now the thrice-wedded musician is looking forward hopefully to the celebration of a second silver-wedding anniversary. "And it isn't many men who can take part in two such ceremonies," he declares with pride.

Music was not the only business that Stoneham had to rely upon, although he made a good enough thing out of it. He was also a wood and ivory turner by trade, and had a good business in Geelong of his own when he was seventeen years of age. In those days billiard balls were turned from solid ivory, and sets of skittles made of a very special wood were the vogue, and cost £25 a set. Stoneham was so quick a worker, and ran out his designs so quickly, that he often earned his £25 in a day. But music always held him, and lured him away more often than perhaps was advisable from his more humdrum if remunerative work, and he then begun the great educative work of his life, a work the value of which the people of Australia realise imperfectly. He made Geelong famous as a musical centre. Appointed band-master of the first volunteer band organised in Australia, he brought his instrumentalists to a state of perfection which gained them the championship of the country, and, besides this, Stoneham's orchestras were sought after beyond all others for the greatest entertainments given in the countryside at that time.

Later, a long cherished desire of his was gratified. He organised a monster concert, engaging for the soloist no less a star than Madame Octavia Hamilton, of Melbourne, and having the assistance of the regimental band for the evening. The prices of that musical treat were 7s 6d, 5s, and a smaller sum, and the programmes, printed for the front seats upon blue satin and lettered in gold, were not the least interesting feature of the occasion. Given under the most distinguished patronage in the city, the house was a packed one, and current papers of the day testify to the artistic and financial triumph of the night. Even now the old man looks back upon the night as the great triumph of his long life. It was the star turn of a long career devoted to the muse, and unlike so many long sought after fruits, there was no bitter [? taste] in the mouth - the triumph was wholly sweet.

From that out there was no opera season, no concert, no musical gathering worthy of the name without William Stoneham had his finger in the pie, and in the brilliant Simonsen operas his name is coupled with the then star, Signora Tancioni Cuttica. Indeed, so great was her admiration, and her sense of gratitude for his assistance in "Lucia," that she took a rose from her bouquet, and, calling the flautist up beside her, presented him with it, while the audience applauded until he was forced to bow his acknowledgments. On another occasion the great singer - and Mr. Stoneham still declares that she was the most beautiful singer that Australia has ever heard - heaped him with flowers, and he was paid a very special salary to accompany her in her work.

Upon the subject of the flute obbligato Mr. Stoneham has an interesting word to say. One seldom hears one in Sydney, he says, because to properly accompany the human voice upon the flute needs very careful study, and, in addition, a special gift of sympathy. The flautist needs to know by constant rehearsal every note and every method of the singer's interpretation - each little liberty she takes with the music, her breathing, and sustained passages. And then an obbligato player must never for one instant forget that his art is subservient to that of the vocalist. He must find the range of her power with his first note, and hold it so that both wood and voice harmonise, "and when that is properly done," says Mr. Stoneham, "you have the sweetest musical combination on earth. But many expert flautists, both soloists and orchestral players, lack the gift."

Mr. Stoneham remembers well the voice of Madame Melba in the chorus of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and the trouble that had to be taken before the beautiful voice, the quality of which was even then apparent, could be located. He also speaks with delight of the singing of Madame Amy Sherwin, and of the cornet playing of Mr. W. Gresty, who has been for years a prominent member of the J. C. Williamson orchestras. "I discovered that boy," says the veteran. "I literally dug him up from the bowels of the earth, for he was a miner, and he is one of our finest players in Australia to-day."

A second concert followed the first, at Geelong, but although the programme provided was no less distinguished than upon the first occasion, when the overture "Semiramide" was played (as it never was before, nor has been since, says William Stoneham), a shipwreck and wet weather thinned out the audience, but others following after, were again hugely successful. With his sons, most of whom were by this time accomplished instrumentalists, Mr. Stoneham was able to give to the public pieces that not only entertained them hugely, but cultivated that sense of realty good music that has made Australia at once one of the most exacting and appreciative audiences in the world. As time crept on Mr. Stoneham was engaged for band work with circuses and the like, when no opera happened to be on the boards, and it was while with one such band that he came to Sydney. After over 29 years in Melbourne he thought that he would like to try Sydney for a while, and here he has been ever since.

The Stonham family played an important part in the musical portion of the great Centennial Exhibition in Melbourne in 1887, when Sir William Cowan [F. H. Cowen] conducted. Just at that time the firm of Stoneham, as it had become, were performing upon the orpheus, a rare instrument manufactured of silver expressly for them by the Boosey firm in London, and their quintettes became a feature of the afternoon performances. Surrounded by his four stalwart sons, Mr. Stoneham was the idol of the public, and of this wonderful instrument he speaks in terms of the highest praise. The orpheus, he declares, represents very nearly the human voice, and it is fashioned to produce soprano, mezzo, tenor, baritone, and bass. The richness of the tone is wonderful, but the instrument needs very careful playing, not merely blaring out notes, but manipulation by real musicians, who, with heart und soul in their work, seek to represent the words of a song, or the spirit of a scene. When the family finally scattered Mr. Stoneham reluctantly laid away his orpheus, finding no men willing to give sufficient time to the learning of it properly, but now he is again getting four other enthusiasts together, including his eldest son, who is here with the orchestra of "The Chocolate Soldier," and he hopes to yet give Sydney an opportunity of hearing the lovely music before that son leaves again for the south.

For his work as a judge of music at the Exhibition, Mr. Stoneham was presented with a very handsome bronze medal, suitably engraved, but he has lost one of which he was even more proud, a sliver medal, three inches across perhaps, and won by him against 15 competitors in an open fencing combat when he was a young man. Nor was the effective use of the foils his only defensive art, for he boxed, and was able to hold his own, and to give back a very heavy Roland for any Oliver that came along in the way of fisticuffs. Upon one occasion an attempt was made upon him by a garroter, but using his stick as a foil he floored his agressor with a single blow, and left him lying where he fell.

And now, when the hoar frost of time is thick upon his hair, and the past looms up bigger, perhaps, than the future, how is it, one asks him, that his eye is bright and his beautifully modelled hand so steady and delicate in the touch[?] How is it that save for a touch of bronchitis, he is yet a young man to all intents and purposes, with mind and ear alert, and every faculty as sound as a boy of twenty? He says it is because he never worries, and never loses his temper.



ASSOCIATIONS: James Allen (drum major, 96th Regiment)

"DEATHS", The Daily Telegraph (26 March 1913), 8 

STONEHAM. - On March 25, at 22 Marion-street, Leichhardt, William Stoneham, professor of music, passed peacefully away, aged 81. Funeral leaves 8.30 today.

"MEN and WOMEN", The Sun (28 March 1913), 6 

Mr. William Stoneham, probably the oldest orchestral musician in Australia, died on Tuesday at Leichhardt. Mr. Stoneham was in his 81st year, and he had lived in Sydney and Melbourne for over 65 years. He was the father of the widely-known musicians, Messrs. Harry (cornet) and Herbert Stoneham (flute) of Melbourne, Reginald Stoneham who is in the orchestral department of Palings, Ltd., and Fred and Will Stoneham, the successful London music-hall artists, and Miss Elsa Stoneham, a popular contralto, now in America. The late Mr. Stoneham is said to have played the first side drum ever used in Melbourne.

"OBITUARY . . . MR. F. H. STONEHAM", The Daily Telegraph (30 June 1924), 3 

Mr. Frederick Hamilton Stoneham, professionally known as Fred Leslie, died at his home, Lucas Road, Burwood, on Saturday. He was one of the Leslie brothers who enjoyed considerable popularity among theatregoers on their appearance as musical comiques at the Tivoli in Sydney during the early days of Harry Rickards. He was born at Geelong (Vic.) in 1859, and at an early age became enamored of the stage, soon coming into favor as an eccentric comedian and musical artist. He appeared under engagement at the principal music halls for a long period, during which his brother Reginald achieved good success as a song writer, and two other brothers were leading cornet players and flautists. His father, William Stoneham, was the founder, in Sydney fifty years ago, of a brass band that was adjudged one of the best organisations of its kind in Australia. In 1911 Mr. Leslie returned to Sydney with his brother, his wife, and their families, after an absence of 23 years, in which time he had visited abroad. He leaves three sons and two daughters . . .

Bibliography and resources:

William Stoneham (1832-1913), WikiTree 



STONEHAM, Adelaide (Adelaide Blanche COOKE; Mrs. George Thompson STONEHAM; Mrs. STONEHAM)


Born London, England, c. 1822
Married George Thompson STONEHAM, St. Dunstan, Stepney, 18 November 1841
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, October 1862 (per Norfolk, from England)
Died London, England, 24 December 1890 (NLA persistent identifier)

STONEHAM, Harry (Henry William STONEHAM; Harry STONEHAM)

Actor, comedian

Born Bethnal Green, Middlesex, 7 December 1844; son of George Thompson STONEHAM and Adelaide Blanche COOKE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, October 1862 (per Norfolk, from England)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 9 August 1905 (NLA persistent identifier)

STONEHAM, Adelaide (Adelaide Blanche STONEHAM; Miss Adelaide STONEHAM)

Actor, vocalist, dancer, comedian

Born Lambeth, Surrey, England, 1848 (4th quarter); daughter of George Thompson STONEHAM and Adelaide Blanche COOKE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, October 1862 (per Norfolk, from England) (NLA persistent identifier)

Bibliography and resources:

"Adelaide Blanche Cooke", "Henry William Stoneham", and "Adelaide Blanche Stoneham", WikiTree 

STONEY, Henry Butler (Henry Butler STONEY; H. B. STONEY)

Amateur musician, composer, musical editor, author, novelist, army officer (captain, 99th Regiment)

Born Portland, Tipperary, Ireland, 1816; son of Richard Falkiner STONEY (d. 1830) and Jane BUTLER
Married Frances Sarah WILSON (d. 1899), Dublin, Ireland, 1840
Arrived Hobart, TAS, 18 June 1853 (per Senator from London, 2 February)
Departed Hobart, TAS, 20 February 1856 (per Indian Queen, for England)
Died Kawakawa, New Zealand, 5 July 1894, aged 78 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


Stoney, a career army officer, came to Australia to join the 99th Regiment in Tasmania in 1853 as its paymaster.

In April 1854, he floated a scheme to induce members of the regiment to settle in a proposed new township, Wivenhoe, on the Emu River. Later that year he printed his book A year in Tasmania, reissued in England as A residence in Tasmania), which includes comments on local musicians and music making.

Stoney also compiled and edited two anthologies of locally composed music, including three of his own compositions and a song lyric, The Delacourt bouquet, published in Hobart in November 1854, and The Tasmanian lyre, announced at the same time, though not released until March 1855.

In February 1856 Stoney returned with the 99th Regiment to Britain. While there, in August 1856, he was appointed paymaster of the 40th Regiment, and returned to Australia in 1857 to join it in Melbourne. There that year, Stoney published a novel, Reginald Mortimer (or, Truth more strange than fiction: a tale of a soldier's life and adventure). As earlier in Tasmania, he was active in Melbourne in cultural and scientific pursuits and societies. Notably in September 1857, he appeared on stage at the Theatre Royal as an amateur actor in a benefit performance for the local Orphan Asylums.

In 1860 Stoney was transferred with the 40th to New Zealand in 1860, went to New Zealand, where he stayed on and settled. There in 1861 he published his New Zealand novel, Taranaki: a tale of the war.


Wales census, 30 March 1851, Brecon Barracks (depot 19th Regiment), Brecon; UK National Archives, HO107/2489/473/2 (PAYWALL)

[with 19th regiment] . . . Henry B. Stoney / Lieut. Depot Pay M'r / Mar. / 34 / Student of Inner Temple B. A. / [born] Tipperary Portland

"99TH REGIMENT", The Courier (22 December 1852), 3

Lieutenant General Sir J. Hanbury Colonel of the 99th Regiment, has appointed Captain Butler Stoney, unattached, late 19th, to be Paymaster, in the room of the late Captain Pratt.

"99TH REGIMENT", The Courier (25 December 1852), 2 

Captain H. Butler Stoney, the newly appointed Paymaster of the 99th Regiment, entered the service in May 1837, and served in the 19th Regiment fifteen years, having been promoted last May to an unattached company. In 1840 he proceeded to Malta with his regiment, and in 1843 was selected by the Lord High Commissioner as Resident pro tem. for the Island of Cerigo, which high office he held for seven months with much credit, having received a very flattering address on leaving from the inhabitants, and the thanks of Lord Seaton, then Lord High Commissioner; he accompanied his regiment to the West Indies in 1845, and was thanked in general orders for exertions in saving life and property during the fearful hurricane of 1847 in Tobago, and was appointed Fort Adjutant of Tobago by General Midlemore, which post he held until the regiment removed to Canada in 1848; in 1849 he returned home, being recommended again for staff employ by his Colonel, and remained Depot Paymaster till the return of Head-quarters last July.

"SHIPPING NEWS. HOBART TOWN. ARRIVALS", The Courier (18 June 1853), 2

18th - Senator, barque, 500, Philpot, London 2nd February, general cargo. Cabin - Col. W. J. Jackson, 99th Regt., Capt. H. B. Stoney, Dr. Masters, H. and J. Stoney.

"MILITARY SETTLERS", The Courier (13 April 1854), 2

AGREEABLY to a notice in our paper, a meeting of gentlemen was held last night at Webb's, Murray-street, to take into consideration the necessity of entering into some scheme so as to induce the large number of Soldiers of the 99th Regiment that may be likely to obtain their discharge, previous to the return of that Regiment to England, to remain in this colony . . . Captain Stoney, the Acting Secretary to the Meeting, to state what the plan was he had in view relative to the formation of the Town of Wivenhoe. Captain Stoney stated that some time since, being aware of the likelihood of the speedy return to England of the Regiment, and knowing the custom of the service in such cases to grant discharges to a large portion of the men, he had formed the plan of creating from them a community likely to form a highly respectable Town in the colony. For this purpose he had made several trips through the country, seeking an eligible situation; and finally having, during the last month, explored the northern coast, he had carefully inspected the Government reserve township of Wivenhoe, on the Emu, as affording peculiar advantages not met with elsewhere - such as the fertility of the soil, well watered and richly wooded with the most valuable timber - the salubrity of its climate and its location, so favourable for a produce market, both in reference to Launceston and Port Phillip . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Wivenhoe (town)

[Advertisement], The Courier (20 September 1854), 3 

A COLLECTION of Original Local Music, a Potpouri of Song, Polka, Waltz, Quadrille and Schottische.
Embellished with three Engravings.
Edited by the Author of a Year in Tasmania, and dedicated by permission to Lady Denison and the Ladies of that sweet Island of the South.
Published by Huxtable and Deakin, Hobart Town.
N.B. - The Editor solicits the patronage of the public.
Lists for Subscribers are left at Messrs. Huxtable, Walch, and Fletcher's, stationers.
September 10.

"MUSIC", The Courier (20 September 1854), 3 

The author of "A Year in Tasmania," encouraged by the favour with which that publication has been received by the public, has entered into another literary venture, which we hope will be crowned with the same result namely, the preparation for the press of "The Delacour Bouquet," [sic] a collection of original local music, a pot-pourri of song, polka, waltz, quadrille, and schottische, which is to be embellished with three colonially executed engravings. The work will be dedicated by permission to Lady Denison and the ladies of this "Sweet Island of the South."

[Advertisement], The Courier (13 November 1854), 3

By the Author of A Year in Tasmania. Dedicated to Lady Denison, and the Ladies of Tasmania.
Elvina Polka, by Arthur Hill
The Wanderer ditto, by Editor
Wanderer's Return ditto, ditto
Isabel Waltz, 1 and 2, by McDougall
Song, - "There is Lore." Music by Packer, junr., words by Thomas Hood
Chaunt Quadrilles, by Martin
Geelong Schottische. Arranged by Hill, as played by Miss W.
Price 5s.

To he followed in a few days by the
Lanarkshire Polka, by Miss Josephine Smith
Sylvan Dale Schottische, anonymous
Wivenhoe Quadrilles, by Arthur Hill
La Speranza Waltz, by Editor
Song. Words by W. A. Gardiner, Esq., music by Mrs. Feraday [sic]
Galop, by Miss Fraser.

Published by Huxtable and Deakin, and sold by Huxtable, Welch, and Fletcher, Hobart Town; and Watson, Launceston.
Price 5s.

ASSOCIATIONS: Susan Fereday (composer, her advertised work was not in the event included in the published set)

"THE DELACOURT BOUQUET", The Courier (14 November 1854), 2

We have to acknowledge the receipt of a collection of local music, a potpouri of songs, polkas, waltzes, quadrille, and schottische, edited by the author of "A Year in Tasmania," dedicated, by permission, to Lady Denison and the Ladies of the Sweet Island of, the South; and published by Messrs. Huxtable and Deakin of Murray-street, in this city. The principal composers are Arthur Hill, 99th regiment, Captain H. B. Stoney, 99th regiment, W. J. Macdougall, a native Tasmanian, Frederick A. Packer, jun., Robert Martin, 99th regiment. The score is clearly printed, and the sheets are embellished by small views of Launceston, Fern Tree Valley, and Hobart Town. We have no doubt the " Bouquet" will be extensively distributed in the colony.

"THE DE LA COURT BOUQUET", Launceston Examiner (2 December 1854), 3 

We have to acknowledge the receipt of this collection of local music, composed by different hands, and edited by Captain Stoney, of the 99th. It is illustrated by vignettes of Tasmanian scenery, and dedicated to Lady Denison and "the ladies of the sweet island of the south." Mr. Hill, of the 99th, contributes two pieces; Mr. Martin, of the same regiment, one; Mr. W. J. Macdougall, one; Fred. Packer. jun., one; and the Editor two. We hope Tasmanians will secure a copy for their portfolios. It is published by Huxtable and Deakin, Hobart Town, and can be obtained at Mr. Hudson's, Brisbane-street, Launceston.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (7 March 1855), 3 

Just published, and on Sale, at HUXTABLE and DEAKIN'S
THE TASMANIAN LYRE; a Sequel to the Delacourt Bouquet,
The Lanarkshire Polka, composed by Miss Josephine Villeneuve Smith,
L'Esperanaza Waltz by the Editor.
The Louisa Schottische, by Miss Fraser.
The Wyvenhoe Quadrilles, by A. S. Hill, 99th Regiment.
The F. J. C. Waltzes.
The Sylvandale Schottische.
The Wanderer's Farewell; words by the Editor, music by F. M. Henslowe, Esq. [sic]

"GRAND BALL IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Courier (15 June 1855), 3 

A Ball in aid of the Patriotic Fund, now collecting in Tasmania, took place at Mr. Wilson's new store, near the Custom-house, Hobart Town, last night, and, under the able management of His Worship the Mayor to whose care the principal arrangements were committed, passed off with the greatest eclat. The spacious ball-room, which was 87 feet long and 36 feet wide, was tastefully decorated and hung throughout with a splendid collection of new flags, kindly placed at the disposal of the Stewards by Mr. Colvin. The floor, which had been prepared for the occasion under the superintendence of Colonel Last, Captain Stoney, and other officers, was in the best possible state, and the whole was lighted by Moderator lamps, by Mr. O. H. Hedberg, who was unremitting in his attentions throughout the evening. The band of the 99th Regiment, by the kind permission of Colonel Jackson, were in attendance, and the services of a full German band were also secured . . .

"DEPARTURES", Launceston Examiner (21 February 1856), 2

February 20. - Ship Indian Queen, 1051 tons, Jobson, master, for Liverpool. Passengers - Captain and Mrs. Johnstone, Lieut. and Mrs. Gayner, Lieutenant and Mrs. Baylis, Captain Stoney, Captain and Mrs. Goldsmith . . . Mr. and Mrs. Deakin and three children . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Deakin (publisher)


March 21. - Queen, s.s.s., 300 tons, Hugh McMeckan, from Launceston 20th instant; passengers, Saloon . . . Capt. Stoney, and sons . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 August 1857), 8 

NOTICE -The Second BALL of the First Series of the MELBOURNE ASSEMBLIES will take place at the Exhibition Building, on Monday, the 24th inst., the proceeds being devoted to Charitable Purposes.
By order, H. BUTLER STONEY, Sec. &c. Committee room, Swanston street, 11th August, 1857.

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 September 1857), 8

Under the patronage of Major-General Macarthur.
OVERTURE By the Band of the 40th Regiment by the kind permission of Major Leslie and the Officers.
The performance, to commence with the Two Act Drama of TIME TRIES ALL.
Mr. Leeson - Edgar Ray, Esq . . .
Charles Clinton - Captain Stoney . . .
Laura Leeson. - Mrs. Robert Heir.
Fanny Tact - Miss Carry Nelson.
PAS DE DEUX, By Madame Strebinger and Mr. Edouin.
To conclude with the farce of HIGH LIFE BELOW STAIRS . . .
Freeman - Captain Stoney . . .
Kitty - Miss Carry Nelson . . .
Lady Bab - Mrs. Alfred Phillips . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edgar Ray (amateur); Fanny Cathcart (Mrs. Robert Heir); Carry Nelson (actor); Therese Strebinger (dancer); Elizabeth Phillips (actor); Theatre Royal (venue)

"OBITUARY", Auckland Star [NZ] (12 July 1894), 7

Oa July 5th Mr. J. B. Stoney, Clerk of the Auckland Magistrate's Court, received a telegram stating that his father, Major Henry Butler Stoney, had died at Kawakawa, at the advanced age of 78 years. Major Stoney entored the Army as an ensign in the 19th Regiment, in 1837, and served in various capacities for 15 years. In 1840 he accompanied the regiment to Malta, and for some time acted as Resident for the island of Cirago, a position which he filled with credit to himself. Five years later the regiment wenb to the West Indies where Mr. Stoney was appointed Port Adjutant and Superintendent of Roads and Bridges for the island of Tobago. While stationed there Mr. Stoney was thanked in general orders for his exertions in saving life and property in the fearful hurricane of 1847. A year later the regiment went to Canada, and the deceased was again thanked in general orders for holding an outpost against superior numbers during the rebellion of that year. Subsequently Major Stoney was sent Home, and recommended for staff employment, and three years later he became paymaster of the 99th Regiment. Major Stoney was with the 40th when stationed in Victoria, and was present at the Ballarat riot [sic]. He came over to New Zealand with the regiment, and again saw active service during the Taranaki war, and also in the Waikato later on. When the regiment was ordered Home at the close of the war Major Stonoy decided to stay in the colony, and accordingly settled on a farm at the Wade. A few years ago Major Stoney went to Kawakawa and was appointed Inspector of Roads under the Government. Major Stoney has written several books, the most interesting being most probably "Victoria During the Ballarat Riots in 1854," and "A Residence in Tasmania." The deceased leaves behind a widow and two sons, the eldest being Mr. J. B. Stoney, the well-known clerk of the Magistrate's Court at Auckland.

Edited musical collections:

The Delacourt bouquet (Hobart Town, 1854)

The Delacourt bouquet (1854)

The Delacourt bouquet, a collection of local music, or potpouri of song, polkas, waltzes, quadrilles & schottische, edited by the author of "A year in Tasmania", and dedicated by permission to Lady Denison and the ladies of the sweet island of the south (Hobart Town: Huxtable and Deakin, [1854]) 

Left foot of cover: "Des'r. E. Myers Hobarton"

ASSOCIATIONS: John Huxtable and James Edward Deakin (publishers); Edward Myers (lithographer); Caroline Denison (dedicatee)

CONTENTS: Following order of original advertisement)

Elvina polka by Arthur Hill 99th Reg't (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Silvester Hill (composer, bandsman Band of the 99th Regiment)

The wanderer, polka, by Capt'n H. B. Stoney 99th Reg't (DIGITISED)

The wanderer's return, polka, by Capt'n H. B. Stoney 99th Reg't (DIGITISED)

The Isabelle waltzes, composed by W. J. Macdougall Hobarton (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: William James Macdougall (composer)

There is love for you and me, words by Tho's Hood, music by Fred'k A. Packer jun'r (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Augustus Packer (composer); Thomas Hood (lyrics)

The chaunt quadrilles, composed by Rob't Martin 99th Reg't (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Martin (composer, master of the Band of the 99th Regiment)

Geelong Schottisch, arranged by Arthur S. Hill, as played by Miss W- in Hobart Town (DIGITISED)

The Tasmanian lyre (1855)

The Tasmanian lyre, sequel to Delacourt bouquet, dedicated to Lady Denison and the ladies of Tasmania ([Hobart Town]: Huxtable & Deakin, [1855]) (DIGITISED)

Left foot of cover: "F. B. Henslowe, delt."

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Boyle Henslowe (lithographer)

CONTENTS (order of National Library of Australia copy):

[1] The Lanarkshire polka composed by Miss Josephine Villeneuve Smith (DIGITISED)

[2] La Speranza waltz composed by Capt'n H. B. Stoney 99th Reg't

ASSOCIATIONS: Josephine Villeneuve Smith (composer) (DIGITISED)

[3] The Louisa schottische composed by Miss Fraser (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Robina Fraser (composer)

[4] The Wivenhoe quadrilles composed by Arthur S. Hill 99th Reg't, dedicated to Capt'n H. B. Stoney 99th Reg't (DIGITISED)

[5] The F. J. C. waltz composed by Norna (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Norna (composer)

[6] The Sylvandale schottische, anonymous ["Lucy Lempriere", added in pencil in National Library of Australia copy] (DIGITISED)

[7] The wanderer's farewell, words by H. Butler Stoney captain 99th Reg't, music by F. harwell Henslowe esq'r Hobart Town (DIGITISED)

Musical compositions and lyrics:

The wanderer polka (1854)

The wanderer, polka, by Capt'n H. B. Stoney 99th Reg't; in The Delacourt bouquet . . . (Hobart Town: Huxtable and Deakin, [1854]) (DIGITISED)

The wanderer's return polka (1854)

The wanderer's return, polka, by Capt'n H. B. Stoney 99th Reg't; in The Delacourt bouquet . . . (Hobart Town: Huxtable and Deakin, [1854]) (DIGITISED)

La speranza waltz (1855)

La speranza waltz, composed by Capt'n H. B. Stoney 99th Reg't; in The Tasmanian lyre ([Hobart Town]: Huxtable & Deakin, [1855]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

The wanderer's farewell (song, music by Henslowe, 1855)

The wanderer's farewell, words by H. Butler Stoney captain 99th Reg't, music by F. harwell Henslowe esq'r Hobart Town; in The Tasmanian lyre ([Hobart Town]: Huxtable & Deakin, [1855]) (DIGITISED)

Farewell to thee, Erin, I've lov'd thee too well
For the full heart at parting it's sadness to tell:
But fondly the thoughts of the Wanderer's mind
Will turn to the scenes and the home left behind.
Farewell. Farewell. Farewell . . . [4 more verses]

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Hartwell Henslowe (composer)


The Yarra Yarra schottische, arranged by George Chapman and respectfully dedicated to Capt'n. Stoney, of Her Majesty's 40th Regiment, Melbourne ([Melbourne]: G. Chapman's Music Warehouse, [1857]); "F. Price, Litho." (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: George Chapman (composer, publisher, musicseller); Frederick Price (lithographer)

Relevant literary works:

A year in Tasmania, including some months' residence in the capital, with a descriptive tour through the island, from Macquarie Harbour to Circular Head; and a short notice of the colony in 1853, by the author of "Five years in the levant", "The expedition up the Amazon", &c. (Hobart Town: Printed and published by William Fletcher, 1854), especially 162-64 (as below) (DIGITISED)

A residence in Tasmania: with a descriptive tour through the island, from Macquarie Harbour to Circular Head, by Capt. H. Butler Stoney, 99th Regiment . . . (London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1856), especially 132-33 (as below) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

. . . Nor are the inhabitants of the good city without professors and masters in the elegant accomplishment of music; for there are several of no mean repute, and whose talents, judging from the multiplicity of their engagements, their frequent concerts and musical soirees are not unappreciated by the Tasmanians. A glee club has been organized under the direction of Mr. Tapfield, organist of Trinity Church, which has met with considerable success, and is patronised by some of the principal families: the meetings of the club, each alternate week, when members can introduce two or three friends, are of a very recherche and pleasing character. M. Del Sarte has also contributed much to the improvement of musical taste, and his concerts are always crowded. The Mechanics' Institute, under the tuition of Messrs. Salier and Russell, have formed a class for music at a very reduced rate for its members, and moderate fees for all who wish to become pupils. Besides these gentlemen, there are others of no less taste and talents; and in the person of Mr. Packer, a fine vocalist and skilful pianist, the city possesses an unrivalled artist.

There are two theatres in Hobarton; and the principal one, the Victoria, is constantly visited by "stars," who seldom fail to draw crowded houses . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Tapfield (musician); Trinity church (place of worship); Camille Del Sarte (musician, vocalist); John Jabez Salier (musician); William Wilkins Russell (musician); Charles Sandys Packer (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (venue); Royal Albert Theatre (venue)

Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong: and remarks on the present state of the colony; including an account of the Ballaarat disturbances, and of the death of Captain Wise, 40th regiment, by Capt. H. Butler Stoney, 40th Regt., late 99th Regt. . . . (London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1856), especially 96, and "The Philharmonic Concert" [from the Melbourne Herald] and "Theatre Royal", 205-09 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Tony Marshall, "Henry Butler Stoney - author, soldier, settler", Papers and Proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 63/1 (April 2016), 26-48 (PAYWALL)

"Henry Butler Stoney", Design & art Australia online (DAAO)

"H. Butler Stoney" AustLit (PAYWALL)

STOREY, Samuel Thomas (Samuel Thomas STOREY; Samuel STOREY; Mr. STOREY)

Theatre proprietor, publican, baker, convict, emancipist

Born Shoreditch, London, England, 9 March 1805; baptised St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 14 April 1805; son of William STOREY and Sarah ?
Convicted Croydon, Surrey, England, 30 December 1822 (transported for life)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 August 1823 (convict per Commodore Hayes, from England, 26 April, aged "19")
Married Mary Ann BILSON (1819-1853), St. John's, Launceston, VDL (TAS), 4 May 1835
Died Launceston, TAS, 8 November 1856, aged "55" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue, proprietor, c. 1848-49)


Baptisms, St. Leonard, Shoreditch, April 1805; register 1803-07; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/Len/A/004/Ms07496/014 (PAYWALL)

Samuel Thomas S. of William & Sarah Storey / Hackney road / Born March 9 / [baptised] 14 [April 1805]

STORR, Madame de (Madame de STORR; Madame Arthur de STORR)

Musician, harpist, painter, artist

Active Melbourne, VIC, by April 1853; Sydney, NSW, by June 1853; Launceston, TAS, by March 1854
Departed Launceston, TAS, 30 May 1854 (per John King, for Mauritius) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Artist and musician, Madame de Storr and her husband Arthur, "a professor of French language" but principally apparently a merchant trader, had lived at various places in the Pacific basin - including Penang, India, Singapore, Brazil, and Chile - for over a decade before they arrived in Melbourne early in 1853.

If, as she claimed, she was a pupil of the painter Jacques-Louis David and the harpist Nicholas Charles Bochsa, and had herself served as harpist to Marie-Caroline, the duchesse de Berry, she was presumably born not much later than the middle of the first decade of the century, and thus close of 50 during the short time she spent in Australia.


[Advertisement], The Singapore free press and mercantile advertiser (5 January 1843), 1 (DIGITISED)

PORTRAITS. MADAME DE STORR, a pupil of the celebrated David of Paris, has the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Singapore, that she takes Likenesses in Oil of every size, and on the most moderate terms; she also takes Portraits in Crayons (au pastel) in two sittings, at Drs. 15 for each Likeness, of which, as of the former, she guarantees the most perfect resemblance. Madame De Storr resides at the London Hotel, and her stay at Singapore will not be protracted beyond the occasion of the Musical Soiree, which she proposes to give, and for which she will shortly issue a Subscription Circular. Singapore, 26th Decr. 1842.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacques-Louis David (painter, d. Brussels, 1825)

[Advertisement], The Singapore free press and mercantile advertiser (19 January 1843), 3 (DIGITISED)

Madame DE STORR'S Concert came off last night and was attended by the elite of Singapore Society. The music was chiefly selected from the Operas of Rossini and Bellini, and the performance of Madame De Storr upon the Harp, which instrument she plays in a way peculiar to herself, delighted the audience, especially the Chinese. The Evening's entertainment ended with a raffle. The prize a splendid painting of Roustan, the Emperor Napoleon's favorite Mameluke, was obtained by a young man who seemed highly pleased with his good future.

"BENGAL. SHIPPING", Allen's Indian Mail, and Register of Intelligence (25 February 1845), 87-88 (DIGITISED)

PASSENGERS ARRIVED . . . [2 January ? 1844] Per Royal Sovereign, from Penang. - Madame De Storr.

[Report of proceedings] Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal (March 1845), xxxiv-v (DIGITISED)

Read the following letter to the Society:-

Monsieur Torrens, Secretaire de la Societt Asiatique a Calcutta. Monsieur, - Madame de Storr a l'intention de publier, a la fin de chaque mois une livraison de quatre costumes litographies and colories, des different peuples que l'on rencontre a Calcutta; Je desire beaucoup, en regard de chaque costume, faire paraitre une notice indicative des moeurs et habitudes de celui qui le porte. Mais etant depuis trop peu de terns dans le pays, je n'ai pas acquis assez de connaissances pour decrire avec verite des coutumes dont je n'ai entendu parler que vaguement . . . Votre tres humble et obeissant Serviteur, A. B. de Storr. Calcutta, 21st Feb. 1845.

The Secretary stated that he had allowed M. De Storr to have from the library one volume at a time of each of the works applied for, as he deemed it incumbent on the Society to give every aid in its power to works of the kind proposed.

"CHINA &c. SHIPPING"", Allen's Indian Mail, and Register of Intelligence (17 December 1851), (DIGITISED)

PASSENGERS ARRIVED . . . Per Philomena - Capt. and Mrs. Fales and child, Miss Murphy, M. and Madame de Storr.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 April 1853), 12

FOR SALE. REAL Cashmere shawls from India, long and square, superior quality, from £40 to £400.
Pocket handkerchiefs from Manila, in pineapple trade, embroidered, from £2 to £10.
Japan lacquered boxes, red and black. Ivory chessmen of extraordinary dimensions.
A piece of ground wanted, with a frontage of 20 to 45 feet.
Apply to Mr. de Storr, at Misses Burney's school, Flinders-lane, east, between Mr. Kerr's residence, and Mr. Ramsay's chapel.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 June 1853), 1

MADAM DE STORR, from Paris, Harpist, pupil of Bochsa, begs to announce to the nobility, gentry, and dilettanti of Sydney, that she has arrived in this city, after having made a successful tour through India and South America, in which countries she has been specially honoured by the distinguished patronage of his Majesty the Emperor of Brasil, his Excellency the Governor-General of India, the King of Lahore, the Great Mogul, Lord Gough, &c.
Madame de Storr is making arrangements for a grand Concert, which she intends to give at the Royal Victoria Theatre, on which occasion she will secure the aid of all the available musical talent of Sydney. Further particulars will be made public in a few days.
70, Hunter-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Nicholas Charles Bochsa (harpist)

[Advertisement], Empire (2 June 1853), 1

Between Arthur de Storr, Plaintiff, and James Frederick Bennett, Defendant . . .
to recover damages for breach of contract in the non delivery in good order and condition at Sydney of certain goods and chattels of the Plaintiff, which damages are sworn to amount to the sum of £1000 and upwards . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (21 June 1853), 1 

GRAND EVENING CONCERT. Under the distinguished patronage of his Excellency, the Governor-General.
By the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and the Officers, the splendid Band of H. M. 11th Regiment will be in attendance.
MADAME DE STORR Harpist to H. R. Highness the Duchess de Berry, begs to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity that she gives a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert on the above evening, when she respectfully solicits their patronage.
Madame de Storr will be assisted by the following Artistes: -
Madame Sara Flower, Madame Carandini, Miss Flora Harris, Mr. F. Howson, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. Coleman Jacobs (Pianist to H. R. Highness the Duchess of Gloucester), his fourth appearance in Sydney, Signor Caranzani (first violin to his Majesty the King of Sardinia), Mr. Evans Sloper (saxe-horn), Monsr. Longchamp (flutist), who has kindly offered his gratuitous services.
Conductor and Pianist - Mr. STANLEY.
Overture - Military band.
Madrigal - "Down in a flowery vale," (Festa 1650 [sic]) - Miss Flora Harris, Madame Carandini, Madame Sara Flower, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson.
Scena - "She comes in all her loveliness," (Matilda of Hungary) - Mr. F. Howson.
Fantasia - Flute - Monsieur Longchamp.
Aria - "Batti, Batti, bel Musette," (Il Don Giovanni) - Miss Flora Harris.
Ballad - "When I behold those happy scenes," (Sicilian Bride, Balfe) - Mr. J. Howson.
Duet - Harp and violin - Aria -"Varie par Bochsa" - Madame de Storr and Signor Caranzani.
Scena - "Oh! Roberto," (Robert le Diable) - Madame Sara Flower.
Solo - Saxe-horn - Mr. Evans Sloper.
Scena - "Vieni t'affretta," (Macbeth) - Madame Carandini.
Fantasia - Pianoforte - Thema, "We may be happy yet," (by desire) - Mr. Coleman Jacobs.
Duet - "Bright lovely images," (Semiramide) - Madame Sara Flower and Mr. F. Howson.
Solo - Harp, "Cavatina, from La donna del Lago," (Labarre) - Madame de Storr.
Overture - Military Band.
Duet - "Lascia mi, non t'ascolta," (Rossini) - Madame Carandini and Madame Sara Flower.
Song - Mr. J. Howson.
Solo - Violin - Signor Caranzani.
Ballad - "Child of the Sun," (Bondman) - Miss Flora Harris.
Duet - Harp and saxe-horn. - "Morceau par Bochsa" - Madame de Storr and Mr. E. Sloper.
Ballad - "On ev'ry tree that blossoms," (German song) - Madame Carandini.
Descriptive Song - "The Blind Man's Song," - Mr. F. Howson.
Ballad - "Gentle Mother," (Linley) - Madame Sara Flower.
Fantasia - Flute - Monsieur Longchamp.
Glee - "Ye Spotted Snakes," (Midsummer Night's Dream) - Miss Flora Harris, Madame Carandini, Madame Sara Flower, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson.
Finale - "God Save the Queen."
Doors open at hall-past seven; Concert to commence at eight precisely.
Boxes, £2 2s. each, to be had of Mr. F. Howson, Woolloomooloo; Madame de Storr, 70, Hunter-street; Mr. Torning, Victoria Hotel.
Single tickets, 5s. each; Pit Stalls, 3s.; Upper Circle, 3s. each. To be had of the principal stationers and music shops.
[Manicule] The Pit Stall seats will be covered, &c., and rendered, in every way, as comfortable and select as the Dress Circle.

ASSOCIATIONS: Marie-Caroline (duchesse de Berry); Sara Flower (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Flora Harris (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Coleman Jacobs (pianist); Felix Caranzani (violinist); Frederick Evans Sloper (sax-horn player); Jean Francois Lonchamp [sic] (flautist); William Stanley (pianist, accompanist); Band of the 11th Regiment (military); Royal Victoria Theatre (venue)

"MADAME DE STORR'S CONCERT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (25 June 1853), 3 

Last Tuesday evening this entertainment was given at the Theatre, and we regret to state that instead of proving to be a high musical treat, as was anticipated, it turned out a dull, lame, and spiritless affair. This, we are inclined to believe, arose partly from the unusual length of the performance, and also from the little judgment displayed in selecting the pieces composing it. Indeed, with the exception of the Overtures, performed by the Military Band in anything but a first-rate style, the music for the most part seemed to have been selected by the Performers for their own amusement than for that of the audience: the natural consequences ensued, and it was amusing enough to witness it; long before the close of the Concert, the audience, under the influences of the chilly atmosphere and of the frigid and ineffectual attempts to please them, became "fine by degrees and beautifully less," those who departed without doubt sincerely commiserating those they had left behind. The only parties who earned an encore were Madame Flower and Mr. Sloper Evans: the former, as an old established favorite, deserved the compliment paid to her by the skill and professional science with which she successfully overcame difficulties in a musical piece evidently not calculated to display the best parts of her voice; Mr. Sloper Evans was not less entitled to the warm and friendly reception he met with; at every appearance he seems to progress in public favour; we sincerely hope that he will experience still more substantial appreciation of his merits as an artist at his approaching benefit, which there is every reason to believe will be equally attractive to the admirers of L'Allegro and Il Penseroso, to the lovers of the serious and of the comic.

Of the other portions of this Concert little more need be said excepting that Miss Flora Harris, although evidently labouring under indisposition, sung with the same sweetness, feeling and purity of intonation which have established her here as a favorite of the musical cosnoscenti, and that Madame Carandini executed a Cavatina in that energetic but not highly cultivated style, which has earned her a not unmerited popularity with the less fastidious critics of the pit and gallery. Of the lady for whose benefit the Concert was given, we will only observe that she must have heard such unequivocal proofs of the opinion of a Sydney audience with reference to her capabilities, that we trust for her own sake she will not venture to make a second experiment on their indulgence.

"MADAME DE STORR'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (25 June 1853), 2 

On Tuesday evening the Victoria Theatre was attended by a most select and fashionable assembly, attracted by the splendid programme issued by the above-named lady, and which included the names of the most popular artistes in the metropolis. The Band of the 11th Regiment attended on the occasion. Of the "stars" of the night it is alone necessary to speak; and but few words will be needed to record our opinion. The lady's proficiency on the harp may have won for her a professional appointment to the Duchess De Berri; but the effect of her performance upon our weak nerves - heightened though it was by spectacles, wig, and pink gingham - was anything but "stunning." We were not electrified, or - as Uncle Sam would express himself - "struck all of a heap." In brief, we "dropped down" - having unfortunately heard a harp played before, in our time. "Signor Caranzani, (1st violin to H. M. the King of Sardines,) though a queer looking fish, acquitted himself most satisfactorily, he is unquestionably master of that most difficult of instruments, and his execution is unusually brilliant. We were decidedly pleased with the Signor. Our fair friends, Mesdames Flower and Carandini, amply atoned for the disappointment generally expressed relative to "de Storr" of the evening; and the brothers Howson most ably seconded the endeavours of the ladies. The tootle-tooing of Mons. Longchamp, inasmuch as it was gratuitous, must not be cavilled at. "Never look a gift horse in the mouth," is an adage as old as the first present on record, viz.-that of Eve's first-born to his father. Mr. Evans Sloper's masterly performance on the Saxe Hore [sic] elicited much and deserved applause. The entertainments were prolonged almost to too late an hour; too much of a thing, however good, is surfeiting.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1853), 1 

WANTED immediately, for a Lady and Gentleman, a bed and sittng room, with or without board, in a respectable family. Apply to A. de STORR, 70, Hunter-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1853), 1

MADAME DE STORR, 58, York-street, Portrait Painter, and Professor of Harp.
Mr. DE STORR, Professor in French Language.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 December 1853), 7 

MADAME GAUTROT'S GRAND EVENING CONCERT, at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday Evening, December 14.
Under Distinguished Patronage. - Madame Gautrot begs to inform her friends and the public generally that she purposes giving a Grand Concert on the above evening, when she will be assisted by the services of Miss Flora Harris, Madame De Store [sic], Mons. Strebinger, Mr. Lonchamp, Mr, John Howson, and Mr. Natty, the celebrated violoncelliste, recently arrived from the continent, who will make his first appearance.
PROGRAMME. PART I. - Aria, the Lovely Harp, Miss Flora Harris . . .
PART II. - Solo - harp - Partant pour la Syria (composed by the Queen of Holland, mother of Louis Napoleon, variations by Bochsa), Madame De Store . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Octave Natthey (cellist)

MUSIC: Martial fantasia on Partant pour la Syrie (Bochsa)

"CLEARANCES", Empire (11 January 1854), 2 

January 10. - Harbinger, steamer, 593 tons, Captain Lane, for Southampton via Melbourne, in 1 ballast. Passengers . . . for Melbourne . . . Mrs. De Storr . . .

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (18 March 1854), 5

MUSICAL SOIREE. MADAME DE STORR, Harpist to H. R. H. the Duchess of Berry,
BEGS TO INFORM the ladies and gentlemen of Launceston and its vicinity, that she will give a MUSICAL SOIREE on the 30th instant, at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms, when she will perform several BRILLIANT PIECES ON THE HARP.
At the same time, she has endeavored to procure all the available talent of Launceston, to variegate the evening's entertainment.
Full particulars in future advertisement.

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (6 May 1854), 3 

For programme and full particulars see hand bills. FOR THIS NIGHT ONLY.
Admission, 5s. each.

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Imberg (pianist); John Lees (d. 1855) and "sons" [Hanlon brothers] (gymnasts); see Mark Cosdon, The Hanlon brothers: from daredevil acrobatics to spectacle pantomime, 1833-1931 (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 2009), 9-11 (PREVIEW)

"PORT OF LAUNCESTON", Colonial Times (3 June 1854), 2

DEPARTURES. May 30 - . . . Barque John King, S. Ellis, for Mauritius.
Passengers - Captain Cruanc, M. De Storr, Madame De Storr, Mr. N. M. Ellis . . .

See also ship manifest:$init=POL220-1-3P295 (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Estudos brasileiros (1942), 110

. . . Madame de Storr tambem concorria no magistério artístico: dava liçoes de musica e harpa, de que fôra distinta aluna do célebre Bochsa. Fizera as delícias dos salões de París e Nápoles. Esta senhora foi muito apreciada tambem no Rio de de Janeiro, onde deu um concerto, a que se referiu o Jornal do Commercio de 10 de Agosto de 1840.

W. Arundel Orchard, Music in Australia: more than 150 years of development (Melbourne: Georgian House, 1952), 51 (DIGITISED)

. . . A harpist, Madame de Storr, and a good singer, St. John Adcock, were active at this period, but more important was the arrival in that year [1853], via Hobart, of Charles S. Packer, pianist, organist and composer . . .

Eugenio Pereira Salas, Estudios sobre la historia del arte en Chile republicano (Santiago: Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, 1992), 58

. . . Este sistema, precursor de la fotografía, fue conocido en Chile, y aún en 1842 puede leerse en la prensa los avisos de Madame de Storr, que se dice alumna de David, y que en su taller de la calle de Huérfanos ofrece "retratos de perfil hechos con máquinas".

Rosemary Margaret Hallo, Erard, Bochsa and their impact on harp music-making in Australia (1830-1866): an early history from documents (Ph.D thesis, University of Adelaide, 2014), 54, 79, 101-04, 200, 202 (DIGITISED)

At 54, Hallo identifies the original purchaser of harp 4886 (finished in February 1835), on 17 March 1835, as Madame de Storr "although the ledger entry was not clear"; however, a clear reading shows that the purchaser was a Miss Steers; see Erard London ledger 3, fol. 68 (DIGITISED)

STRAFFORD, John Charles (John Charles STRAFFORD)

Precentor, singing leader, leader of psalmody (Scots Church, Sydney, Presbyterian), builder

Born Wakefield, Yorkshire, England, 1 September 1805; baptised All Saints, Wakefield, 18 June 1806; son of George STRAFFORD and Sarah ? (d. NSW, 1846)
Active Sydney, NSW, c. early 1830s
Died Sydney, NSW, 30/31 December 1852, aged "46/47" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms at All Saints, Wakefield, in June 1806; Yorkshire Archives (PAYWALL)

18 / John Charles S. of George & Sarah Strafford (born Sept'r 1st 1805)

[Advertisement], The Colonist (25 June 1835), 8 

A NEW, SUBSTANTIAL, BRICK-BUILT, VERANDAH COTTAGE, situate in Kent Street South. To be SOLD by AUCTION By Mr. SAMUEL LYONS, On Friday, the 26th Instant, at 11 o'clock precisely. On the Premises. THIS commodious FAMILY COTTAGE is situate in the most respectable part of Kent Street South, between the properties of Mr. Appleton, and H. B. Bowerman, Esq., and is only two doors distant from the new Scots Kirk. It was lately occupied by Mr. Strafford . . .

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Sydney Herald (20 May 1842), 2 

The following insolvents filed their schedules yesterday: Josiah Bridge Garnsey, of Pitt-street, Sydney, and John Charles Strafford, of Goulburn-street, Sydney, builder.

"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1846), 2 

On Saturday, the 21st instant, at her residence, Pitt-street South, Sarah, relict of Mr. George Strafford, builder, formerly of Wakefield, Yorkshire, and late of Brighton, aged 71.

"CORONER'S INQUESTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1853), 4-5

An inquest, held at the Three Tuns Tavern, King-street, on view of the body of Charles Strafford [sic], then lying dead in the Sydney Infirmary. Mr. J. George Chandler stated that the deceased was his uncle; he was about forty seven years of age, and much addicted to intemperate habits. He had complained lately of an affection of the chest. The Rev. Dr. McGarrie stated, that on Wednesday morning be observed some boys leaping over the fence which separated the Scotts' Church from the Baptist Church ground. Knowing there was no school at the time, it attracted his attention, and he was informed that a man was either dead or dying in a water closet there. He proceeded to the spot and found deceased in a very precarious state. He was evidently dying, and unable to reply to the questions put to him. The reverend gentleman procured a pillow, and also had some tea made for him; but the unfortunate man died in a few minutes afterwards. He was well known to Dr. McGarvie, having, about 20 years ago, been, precentor in his church, and being at that time a man of highly respectable character. It was [5] to be feared that he had been lately living a dissipated life. Other evidence was given as to the intemperate habits of deceased, and the jury found a verdict of death caused by intemperance.

ASSOCIATIONS: John McGarvie (clergyman)

STRAHAN, Edward Alfred (Edward Alfred STRAHAN; E. A. STRAHAN)

Musician, organist, professor of music, piano tuner and repairer

Born Tipperary, Ireland, 1840; son of Isaac STRAHAN and Mary FANNING
Married (1) Mary STEWART (d. 1875), Ireland, 1861
Arrived Brisbane, QLD, 14 September 1863 (per Star of England, aged "23")
Married (2) Fanny Louisa Mary Jane DIGGLES, St. Mary's, Kangaroo Point, QLD, 26 September 1877
Died QLD, 15 June 1900 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


STRAHAN, Fanny Louisa (Fanny Louisa Mary Jane DIGGLES; Miss F. DIGGLES; Mrs. Edward Alfred STRAHAN)

Musician, vocalist, organist

Born Birkenhead, Cheshire, England, 18 September 1845; daughter of Silvester DIGGLES and Eliza BRADLEY
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 November 1853 (per William Ernst, from Liverpool, 4 June, with family)
Married Edward Alfred STRAHAN, St. Mary's, Kangaroo Point, QLD, 26 September 1877
Died Kangaroo Point, QLD, 10 March 1917 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


England census, 30 March 1851, Tranmere, Cheshire; UK National Archives. HO 107/2175/856/41 (PAYWALL)

Clifton Park / Silvester Diggles / Head / 34 / Organist, Teacher of Music and Drawing & Artist / [born] L'pool Lancashire
Eliza Diggles / Wife / 35 / - L'pool Lancashire
Robina Diggles / Dau / 10 / Scholar at home / Cheshire, Birkenhead
Robert Diggles / Son / 8 / [Scholar at home] / [Cheshire], Tranmere
Fanny L. M. J. Diggles / Daur. / 5 / [Scholar at home] / [Cheshire], Birkenhead

"Sydney News. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVALS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (16 November 1853), 2 

11.- Willem Ernst, Dutch barque, 407 tons, Captain J B. Doornik, from Liverpool the 4th June. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Mortius and 4 children, Mr. and Mrs. Diggles and 3 children, and Mrs. Stynhorf.

[Advertisement], The Courier (19 November 1863), 3

MR. STRAHAN, Organist and Professor of Music, who has just arrived in Brisbane from France, wishes to obtain some Pupils for the Piano, Harmonium, and Singing.
Mr. S. also proposes giving Lessons in French, dramatically and conversationally.
First-class testimonials can be produced. Pianofortes. tuned and repaired. Terms Two guineas per quarter.
Address, the London Boarding House, Margaret-street, corner of Edward-street.

[Advertisement], The North Australian (18 August 1864), 1

EDWARD ALFRED STRAHAN, late Organist of the Cathedral St. Pol de Leon, France, Professor of Music, Singing, and French to Mrs. Jephson's Seminary, and French Master to the Ipswich Grammar School. Residence, North Ipswich.

[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (24 January 1867), 1

MR. STRAHAN, Organist to St. Mary's, Ipswich, late Professor of Music and French to the Ipswich Grammar School, having taken Australia Cottage, Ann-street, Brisbane, wishes to inform the inhabitants of Brisbane and the vicinity that he gives LESSONS in MUSIC, SINGING, and FRENCH. Reference can be given to some of the highest families in Ipswich and Brisbane, as to character and competency.
Australia Cottage, Ann-street, January 23.

"DEATHS", The Brisbane Courier (28 December 1871), 2

STRAHAN. - On the 12th December, at Euthulla Station, Roma, drowned while bathing, John Henry, eldest son of the late Isaac Strahan, Esq., governor of the County Tipperary Gaol, Ireland, and only brother of Mr. E. A Strahan, organist of All Saints' Church, Brisbane, aged 35 years. [Clonmel Chronicle please copy.]

"DEATH", The Brisbane Courier (14 April 1875), 2

STRAHAN. - On the 11th April, at her residence, Ann-street, Mary, the beloved wife of E. A. Strahan, organist of All Saints' Church, Brisbane. [Clonmel papers please copy.]

"MARRIAGE", The Telegraph (2 October 1877), 2 

STRAHAN - DIGGLES. - On the 26th September, at St. Mary's, Kangaroo Point, by the Rev. D. A. Court, Edward Alfred Strahan, to Fannie Louisa, second daughter of Sylvester Diggles, Esq.

"LOCAL NEWS", Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (5 January 1882), 2 

The parishioners of St. Paul's Church are fortunate in having secured as organist, so talented and artist and so desirable a gentleman as Mr. E. A. Strahan. For the last 5 1/2 years, Mr. Strahan has officiated at the aristocratic church at Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, and previously directed the choral part of the services at St. John's and All Saints Church in Brisbane. Being possessed of high credentials from Mrs. McIlwraith, Mrs. O'Connor, and others whose favorable opinion is worth having, Mr. Strahan should be welcomed by even the most fastidious and circumspect of our citizens who have children awaiting a private musical education. Mr. Strahan's good lady is, like himself, a talented musician, and as the daughter of the late Mr. Sylvester Diggles, she is probably not unknown to many residents in Maryborough.

"THE LATE MRS. STRAHAN", The Brisbane Courier (21 March 1917), 11

The many friends of Mrs. Fanny Louisa Strahan, of Wilson-street, Kangaroo Point, will regret to hear of her death, which took place on Saturday, 10th instant, after a short illness. The deceased lady was born at Birkenhead, England, on September 18, 1845, and was one of the early settlers, having arrived in Australia with her father, the late Silvester Diggles, in the year 1854 [sic]. She was organist of St. Mary's Church, which was then a wooden building in John-street, Kangaroo Point, and although residing for short periods at Ipswich and Maryborough, the major portion of her life had been spent on Kangaroo Point, where her genial nature had endeared her to a large circle of friends.

STRATTON, William (William STRATTON)

Musician, bandsman (Heydecke's Band), pound keeper, rate collector

Born Buckinghamshire, England, c. 1829
Married (1) Isabella HITCHCOCK (d. 1869), Buckinghamshire, England, 1850
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1850 (per Boyne, from London, 24 March, aged 22)
Married (2) Sarah Ann LOMAS (d. 1922), North Adelaide, SA, 5 June 1871
Died North Adelaide, 3 May 1902, in his 74th year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STRATTON, William Henry (William Henry STRATTON; Mr. STRATTON, junior)

Amateur musician, bandsman, kettle-drum player

Born Adelaide, SA, 19 May 1853
Married Emma CLARKE, North Adelaide, SA, 7 September 1875
Died Adelaide, SA, 8 January 1930 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Times (15 July 1850), 2 

July 13. - The ship Boyne, 619 tons, Sabiston, master, from London the 9th, and Plymouth the 25th March, for Adelaide and Port Phillip . . . Passengers per Boyne . . . William Stratton and wife . . .

"GAWLER TOWN RURAL FETE AND PIC-NIC", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (8 November 1862), 1s

[6 November] . . . His Excellency passed in procession through the town, the West Adelaide Band, the Gawler Town Band, and the Kapunda Band playing at intervals . . .

THE BAND CONTEST. Prizes were given for the best performances, and three Bands entered - the West Adelaide, the Kapunda, and the Gawler. The Bands performed on the balcony over the entrance hall of the mansion, large crowds of visitors being collected on the sward beneath, Mr. Linly Norman was appointed arbiter. The contest commenced at about 2 o'clock, and was the grand event of the day. We might mention that the persons composing the various members of the bands almost unanimously complained of being charged 1s, 6d. each for admission to the grounds. We do not mean to impute any blame to the Committee, as no doubt they instructed the gatekeepers to charge all persons an entrance fee, and their trustworthy servants carried out their orders faithfully. Three bands entered for the contest, and the follow ing are the names of the performers and instruments: -

-- Schmidt - Eb Clarionet.
W. Sumsion - Bb Clarionet.
H. Schrader - First Cornet.
John Medley - First Cornet.
George Freeman - Second Cornet.
F. Fletcher - Second Cornet.
R. Morris - First tenor Saxhorn.
W. Stratton - Second tenor do.
W. Vincent [sic] - Contra Bass.
G. Clift - Solo Bass.
T. Schrader - Solo Bass.
H. Clift - Drum . . .

The first band which made their appearance on the balcony was the West Adelaide. They played "The Adelaide March," composed by Herr Heydecke - their instructor - whose high qualities as a musician are established in the colony, and to whose excellent tuition the West Adelaide Band attribute much of their success. The Gawler Band next made their appearance, and performed an excellent piece of music, and at its conclusion were loudly applauded. The Kapunda Band next showed, and played the pretty and popular American air, "Nelly Gray." The same course was again gone through, each band playing a march. "The Song of Australia" was well performed by the whole of the bands. At the time the Kapunda Band were engaged in our national songs a very strong whirlwind passed over the mansion, which very soon choked the instruments with dust. Under these circumstances they stopped, but afterwards completed the song in a very creditable and praiseworthy manner. Mr. Linly Norman then gave his verdict on the merits of the respective hands as follows: - First prize, West Adelaide Band; second do., Kapunda Band; third do., Gawler Band.

ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (adjudicator); William Sumsion (clarinet); Heinrich Schrader (cornet); Richard Morris (tenor saxhorn); George John Freeman (cornet); George Vincent (bass)

"ADELAIDE REGIMENTAL BAND", South Australian Register (3 December 1863), 3

A meeting of the Adelaide Regimental Band Committee was held at the Staff Office on Wednesday, December 2 . . . A letter was received from Mr. W. Stratton, intimating that the members of the band of the First Adelaide Rifles were willing to enrol themselves as a regimental band on the following terms, namely, to attend, 20 drills - that is, 18 regimental drills and two reviews - gratis in one year. Also that they were willing to play in the Botanic Garden, Government Domain, or any other place they might be requested within the city after 4 o'clock p.m. for the sum of 5s. each; and also that, in addition to the instruments already belonging to the company, the band would require the regiment to provide one contra-basso saxhorn. The letter concluded by an intimation to the effect that Mr. Heydecke was ready to provide the old set of books, a new set of books for 16 members, and a complete set of marching books for a sum of £12 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Theodor Heydecke (band master)

"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . THE REVIEW", South Australian Register (25 May 1864), 2

The charge which has not unfrequently been made of late that the military ardour of the volunteers is declining could not have been more completely refuted than by the Review on Tuesday - the birthday of our gracious Queen. . . . Subjoined we give a list of the men who attended, as far as we were able to obtain them: . . .
Regimental Band. - Bandmaster Heydecke, Sergeant F. Heydecke, Corporal Morris, Vincent, Whyte, J. Schrader, H. Schrader, Stratton, Freeman, Fletcher, Waite, Schmidt, Sumsion, Weidenaber [sic, Weidenhofer], H. Cleff, Herbert Allison, and Stratton, jun. Total 18.

"THE PARLIAMENT", South Australian Register (28 May 1864), 2 

. . . Band - F. Heydecke [sic], W. H. Heydecke [sic], H. Schrader, J. Schrader, R. White, 3. Vincent, D. H. Weidenhofer, W. Sumsion, Jno. Waite, W. Stratton, Morris, Frank Fletcher, J. W. Allison, and W. H. Stratton.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Heydecke (band sergeant)

"THE VOLUNTEER FORCE", South Australian Register (10 July 1866), 3

Four companies of volunteers - two of cavalry and two of infantry - have been formed under the new regulations . . . For the information of our readers we subjoin the names of the members of the four companies . . . No. 1. Infantry Company. - Captain - The Hon. John Baker, M.L.C. Lieutenant - Robert John Scott. Ensign - Richard Chaffey Baker.
Privates . . . George John Freeman . . . Theodore Heydecke . . . August Klauer . . . Thomas Green Pappin . . . William Stratton, William Henry Stratton . . . William Sumsion . . . George Vincent, John Waite . . . Total, 73 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William August Klauer (volunteer, musician); Thomas Green Pappin (volunteer, musician)

"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (23 April 1870), 2

On Friday evening, April 22, a concert for the benefit of a German family in distress was given at the Hotel Europe. The programme was sustained by Messrs. Hall, Schrader, Heydecke, Klauer, Chapman, Howson, Jarvis, Weber, Proctor, Weidenhofer, Pappin, Vincent, Waite, and Stratton, as instrumentalists, and efficient service was rendered in the vocal portions by the Liedertafel, under the leadership of Mr. Chas. Puttmann. It consisted of selections of operatic and other high-class music, and in every respect the concert was an admirable one. The laudable object for which it was given met with a hearty response, the lately enlarged and suitable hall being nearly filled.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomson Hall (musician); William Chapman (musician); Charles Edwin Howson (musician); Peter Weber (musician); Nicholas Proctor (musician); Charles Puttmann (vocal leader); Adelaide Liedertafel (organisation)

"OBITUARY", The Advertiser (5 May 1902), 4

Mr. William Stratton, who for 46 years was a rate collector for the Adelaide Corporation, died at his residence, Mackinnon-parade, North Adelaide, on Saturday evening, at the age of 73, after an illness lasting some weeks. Mr. Stratton was most highly respected by members of the council and his [sic] superior officers. He was for many years a member of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, of the Ancient Order of Foresters, of the Alfred Lodge, G.U.O.O.F. (of which he was a trustee), and of the Duke of Leinster Masonic Lodge. He leaves a widow, two daughters, and two sons (Messrs. William and Walter Stratton).

"DEATHS", The Register (6 May 1902), 4

STRATTON. - On the 3rd May, at MacKinnon parade, North Adelaide, William, the beloved husband of Sarah Ann Stratton (late city rate collector), in his 74th year.

"BANDMASTER THEODORE W. HEYDECKE. From A. T. SAUNDERS:", The Register (8 July 1922), 12

Mr. Wells's letter awakens memories of over 50 years past. Mr. Heydecke was bandmaster of the Volunteer forces Military Band, and conductor of the Roman Catholic Band. He sailed for Melbourne in the Coorong (22/1/86 [sic 1867]),- and died in Melbourne, aged 35, leaving a widow and four children. At the old Victoria Theatre, "The Rent Day" and "The Irish Tiger" were performed, and £35 was raised in this way to bring his body from Melbourne. The Register (5/2/67) gives an account of the performance, and says that the overture was excellent. I was at the theatre performance, and also walked to the cemetery with the funeral cortege. The only member of the band whom I can recall is Mr. Stratton, who for years was an Adelaide Corporation rate collector.

"LODGE VETERAN DIES. Mr. William Henry Stratton", News (9 January 1930), 11

. . . As a member of a military band the late Mr. Stratton played the kettle drum . . .

STRAUCH, Gustavus (? Conrad Jacob Friedrich Gustav STRAUCH; Frederick Gustavus STRAUCH; Gustavus STRAUCH)

Musician, bass vocalist, pupil of Luigi Lablache

? Born 1825; son of Christian Friedrich Wilhelm David STRAUCH and Maria Margaretha PARRIT (PARROT)
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 23 February 1855 (per Luise, from Hamburgh, 11 October 1854)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 March 1855
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1855 (for NZ)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 6 January 1861 (per Salcombe Castle, from Auckland, NZ, 11 December, and Bay of Islands, 19 December)
? Married Christina Simpson TAYLOR (1836-1916), VIC, by 1873
? Died Huntly, VIC, 20 July 1901 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


I have as yet found nothing certain about the bass vocalist Gustavus Strauch before his departure from Hamburg in October 1854, or after his only reported appearance as a public singer in Melbourne on 18 April 1861.

However, he is probably the Frederick Gustavus Strauch who settled at Huntly, near Bendigo, and died there, a much respected citizen, in July 1901, despite there being no record (even among his descendents) of that Strauch having a particular interest in music.

At the time of his performance of the part of Elijah in the oratorio Elijah with the Auckland Choral Society in 1859, Strauch apparently claimed to have sung it (or at least to have sung under) the composer Mendelssohn.

On arrival back in Melbourne in February 1861, Strauch also claimed to have been a pupil of Luigi Lablache; however, there is no record that he previously made the same claim in New Zealand.


? Baptisms, Evangelische Kirche Frankfurt (Main), November 1825; Evangelisches Kirchenbuchamt Hannover, 341749/541/542 (PAYWALL)

[Baptism] 11. Dez 1825 / [Birth] 21. Nov 1825 / Conrad Jacob Friedrich Gustav Strauch / [son of] Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Strauch / Maria Margarethe Strauch

Melbourne, VIC, and Sydney, NSW (from 23 February 1855):

List of passengers arrived at the port of Melbourne, 23 February 1855, from Hamburg, per [Luise / Louise]; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Gus. Strauch / 28 / Frankfurt . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Luise, from Melbourne, 12 March 1855, bound for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Gus. Strauch / 28 / [Labourers & Mechanics] / [German] / [bound for Sydney]

Auckland, NZ (1855-61):

"CONCERT", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (16 November 1855), 3 

On Monday evening, in the Odd Fellows' Hall, the Buckingham Family gave one of their series of Concerts, in which a younger member of the family, and several novelties, were introduced . . . Mr. Strauch sung "the Pilot" well. He has a splendid voice, but, in common with many others, is deficient in articulation. He also was encored, and sung, with applause, "I'm afloat;" we should much have preferred, however, a song of his native land . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham and family (musical entertainers)

"CONCERT", New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (12 December 1855), 2 

Mr. G. Wilkinson's concert at the Odd Fellows' Hall on Monday evening was numerously and respectably attended, and that the performance generally gave satisfaction was evinced by the hearty applause and encores awarded to some of the songs sung by Mr. Strauch and Mr. Wilkinson, and the concertina playing of Mr. Moncrieff. Mr. Wilkinson's full barytone-tenor showed to great advantage in the sacred song "Rocked in the cradle of the deep," which was sung with so much expression that it was warmly encored; and in the aria, "The heart bowed down," Mr. Strauch's clear and flexible bass voice, together with his quiet yet thoroughly musician-like style of vocalization, created a highly favourable impression upon the audience, who showed their appreciation of good music and good singing by an encore. Mr. J. Brown presided at the pianoforte, and accompanied the vocal music with great taste and ability . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Wilkinson (vocalist)

"TENDERS . . . CUTTINGS, &c. IN WYNDHAM STREET", New Zealander (15 November 1856), 4 

. . . NON ACCEPTED TENDERS. Gust. Strauch, raising and metalling, £1 19s. per chain; Cuttings per yeard 1s 5d. . . .


The "Public Rehearsal" of this Society, on Thursday evening, the 5th of February, was an event which deserves to be "writ large" in the musical annals of this Colony; for on that night, Handel's sublime Oratorio, The Messiah, was performed as a whole . . . by a band and chorus of a hundred and fifty members . . . The success of the evening, however, among the bass songs was decidedly Mr. Strauch's singing of "The trumpet shall sound;" for not only has he naturally one of the most perfect bass voices we have heard a German bass ofthe first class, of a full, sonorous, ready quality, but his intonation and execution were very correct. His voice rang through the hall, and, although the system of encoring, or applauding sacred music is generally properly deprecated, we could not resist joining in the call for a repetition of this song, the trumpet accompaniment to which, we should add, was very effectively given by a Sergt. of the 58th Band . . .

"THE PEOPLE'S CONCERTS . . . ", New Zealander (4 July 1857), 3 

. . . continue to progress in a most satisfactory manner. The experiment is likely to become a "hit;" and deservedly so, though susceptible of improvement in details . . . A new and sterling attraction was added to the Concert of Wednesday last by the powerful assistance of the splendid hand of the 58th Regt. . . . Mr. Strauch (of whom we have before spoken as an accomplished artist, gifted with a fine, manly, expressive voice), rendered the difficult aria "Largo al Factotum" with such emphasis as to insure an enthusiastic and well merited encore. Mr. Strauch is a great acquisition to any Musical Society. It is not easy to find such a vocalist at the worlds' fag end . . .

"AUCKLAND CHORAL SOCIETY", New Zealander (11 September 1858), 3 

The third public rehearsal took place on Thursday evening, when notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather, there was a very numerous attendance . . . The male solo vocalists were Mr. Strauch (who gave the fine aria "Honour and Arms" from Samson) with admirable effect . . .

"THE CLASSICAL CONCERT . . .", New Zealander (20 April 1859), 3 

. . . conjointly announced by Professor Schmitt and Messrs. Brown and Brooks, senior and junior, took place last Friday evening, when, notwithstanding the heavy showers which fell during the greater part of the day, there was a fair attendance of the lovers of good music . . . Mr. Strauch sang Shield's fine song "The Wolf," and Schubert's dramatic air "The Wanderer" with the musicianly feeling which characterizes all his vocal efforts; he was in excellent voice, and his full lower notes were felt throughout the hall . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brooks (harpist) and son; Carl Schmitt (violinist)

"THE SECOND CLASSICAL CONCERT . . .", New Zealander (30 April 1859), 3 

. . . was given on Wednesday evening, and, notwithstanding a seasonably heavy shower of rain which fell just as folks were "going to go," the attendance was numerous. The performers were, as before, the Messrs. Brooks, father and son, Schmitt, Strauch, and Brown, and all exerted themselves so much to please their audience, that encores were numerous. As a whole, the concert was better than the former one; yet there were some things open to criticism. Why, for instance, did Mr. Strauch select that pleasing old favourite "Childhoods happy hours"? He sang it with great expression, but the song was written for a mezzo soprano or tenor, while his voice is a good sound bass . . . Mr. Strauch sang the air from Lucrezia Borgia well, but we would rather have heard him in "The Wolf" . . .

"THE NOVARA. PRESENTATION OF THE TESTIMONIAL TO DR. HOCHSTETTER (From the New Zealander, 27th July) [Auckland]", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 August 1859), 8 

THE presentation of the address and testimonial to Dr. Ferdinand Hochstetter, of the "Novara" Scientific expedition, in recognition of the eminent services rendered to the Province of Auckland by his geological and topographical exploration, took place in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, on Monday evening, July 25th. About seventy ladies and gentlemen were present and what with the light but elegant decorations arranged by Dr. Fischer and Herr Strauch . . . the company found ample occupation for their attention. The musical portion of the evening's proceedings was under the direction of Herr Schmitt, conductor of the Auckland Philharmonic Society, who was assisted by Mr. Brown, conductor of the Auckland Choral Society, Herr Strauch, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Haast, and a select party of the Band of the 65th Regiment . . . Mr. Strauch sang a German song of remembrance with excellent taste . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Hochstetter (geologist); Albert Alexander (pianist)

"AUCKLAND CHORAL SOCIETY", New Zealander (24 December 1859), 3 

The performance of the oratorio of The Messiah drew, as we anticipated would be the case, a very large audience . . . The bass solos were sung by Messrs. Carleton and Strauch. In "Why do the nations" and "The trumpet shall sound," Mr. Strauch sang with all his accustomed power and music . . .

"MR. STRAUCH'S BENEFIT CONCERT . . .", New Zealander (8 September 1860), 2 

. . . which has been twice postponed owing to the inability of Mr. Joseph Brown, Conductor of the Auckland Choral Society, to be present, came off on Thursday night in the Odd Fellows' Hall. The weather was most unpropitious, and Mr. Brown was again prevented from attending. Colonel Balneavis led, and Mr. Fleetwood conducted - Mr. Fenton taking principal second violin, and Mr. G. J. Brown, contra-basso. Messrs. Fleetwood and Herz were the pianists. The choral music was Lock's Macbeth music, the solos in which were taken by Miss Hamptons and Messr. Reid and Stauch; and, as well as of the choruses, the performance was on the whole very satisfactory. Mrs. Corlett sang her songs with very great taste, and effect, though suffering from influenza; and in the duet with Mr. Reid, with hidden chorus, from the Miserere in "Il Trovatore," she was very successful. Mr. Strauch was in good voice and sang his songs with great expression. The German part-songs, sung by Messrs. Reid, Leech, Bartley, Anderson, and Strauch, went very well. The whole concert passed off satisfactorily, with the exception of the audience not being larger.

"AUCKLAND CHORAL SOCIETY", New Zealander (14 November 1860), 2 

We have till now been unable to resume and complete our notice of the late Musical Festival of the Society . . . given as a compliment to Mr. Joseph Brown, the Society's Conductor, and consisted of a morning and an evening performance. The morning's programme was Haydn's ever-charming oratorio, The Creation, which, taken as a whole, was extremely well rendered . . . The principal solos were taken by Mrs. Corlett . . . Mr. Hugh Reid . . . Mr. Leech . . . and Mr. Strauch, who sang all the principal bass solos with admirable effect: he was in fine voice, and brought out the lower D in a full clear tone . . .

"JURY LIST", New Zealander (13 February 1858), 4 

. . . Strauch Gustavus, High street, clerk . . .

"Shipping Intelligence. PORT OF AUCKLAND . . . CLEARED OUTWARDS", Daily Southern Cross (14 December 1860), 2 

December 11 - Salcombe Castle, schooner, 115 tons, James, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Herr Strauch . . .

See also the later recollection, "AUCKLAND CHORAL SOCIETY", New Zealander (7 September 1861), 5 

. . . Last year, in the part of Elijah, the Society had Mr. Strauch, whose voice - scarcely inferior in power and quality to that of Herr Stadigel [sic] himself - was admirably adapted to the part, and Mr. Strauch had enjoyed the further advantage of singing Elijah under the guidance of the gifted composer himself. Success under such favorable circumstances was comparatively sure . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Josef Staudigl (bass vocalist)

Melbourne, VIC (from 6 January 1861):

Names and descriptions of passengers per Salcombe Castle, from Auckland, 10 December 1860, for Melbourne, 6 January 1861; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Herr Strauch / 30 / Foreigner . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 February 1861), 8 

. . . HERR GUSTAVUS STRAUCH, The eminent basso (pupil of Lablache), will appear on Saturday next . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Lablache (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Herald (18 April 1861), 8 

Song - "Those Bright Black Eyes" (Kucken) - Herr Strauch . . .
Song - "The Wanderer" (Schubert) - Herr G. Strauch . . .
Scena - "Vieni la mia Vendetta" (Lucrezia Borgia) - Herr G. Strauch . . .
Duet - "La ci Darem" (Don Giovanni) - Madame Stuttaford and Herr Strauch . . .

[News], The Argus (19 April 1861), 5 

Mr. Albert Alexander's concert at the Town Hall, St. Kilda, last night, was but poorly attended, a circumstance partly owing, perhaps, to the high prices charged for admission. The vocalists were Madame Stuttaford and Herr Strauch, a gentleman whom we have not had the pleasure of hearing before; and the instrumental performers were Messrs. Reed and Leslie. Mr. Alexander himself presided at the pianoforte . . .

"TOWN TALK", The Herald (19 April 1861), 5 

Mr. Albert Alexander's concert, at the Town Hall, St. Kilda, last evening, was only moderately attended . . . Herr Strauch has a tolerably strong baritone voice, and sang the songs allotted to him with ability . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Stuttaford (vocalist); Thomas Reed (cellist); Alexander Leslie (violinist)

? "HUNTLY SHIRE COUNCIL", The Elmore Standard [VIC] (5 April 18), 2 

. . . From Mr. Strauch, asking for the use of the Shire Hall for Wednesday, the 17th inst., for a concert and dance, the proceeds to be utilised for a picnic for the children attending the Huntly State school. Received, and permission granted . . .

? "COUNTRY NEWS. HUNTLY, Saturday, July 20", The Bendigo Independent (22 July 1901), 3 

I have to record the death of one of our oldest and most respected residents, Mr. F. G. Strauch. It occurred on Friday evening [sic]. He leaves a widow and 3 sons and 3 daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral takes place to the White Hills Cemetery on Monday at 2 o'clock. He had been ailing for several weeks past, and was attended to by Dr. J. H. Eadie.

Gustavus Strauch, of Huntly, VIC

Gustavus Strauch, of Huntly, VIC

Bibliography and resources:

James Leek, "Background to a linguist, Bendigo Weekly (24 January 2018), 22 (DIGITISED)

James Leek, "Varied fortunes for Frederick Strauch, Bendigo Weekly (2 February 2018), 20 (DIGITISED)


Musician, violinist, musical director, orchestral leader, arranger, composer, pupil of Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst

Born Vienna, Austria, 1830; son of Matthias STREBINGER (1807-1874)
Married Thérèse FERDINAND, by 1852
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 12 February 1853 (per Victoria, from Mauritius)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, February 1864 (per Red Rover, for London)
Died ? USA, after May 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Theatrical and operatic dancer, ballet dancer, pantomime artist, dance teacher, vocalist

Born Paris, France, 1826
Married Frederick STREBINGER, by 1852
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 12 February 1853 (per Victoria, from Mauritius)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, February 1864 (per Red Rover, for London)
Died San Francisco, USA, 9 January 1900, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


The family origins of the French ballet dancers, the sisters Ferdinand are obscure. They were perhaps the sisters Robineau, whose births are registered in the Archives de Paris, Armande Eulalie Robineau (dit Ferdinand), born 11 April 1824, and Thérèse Eulalie Robineau, born 19 May 1826.

With the elder Armande, Thérèse Ferdinand was in the ballet company at the theatre at Nantes from 1839, when Marius Petipa was premier danseur. She then appeared in England, in London and provinces in 1844-45, as second danseuse to Fanny Elssler.

She presumably met Frederick Strebinger around 1850, plausibly while he was (as he later claimed) first violin at the Opéra comique in Paris.

In several Australian shipping records, Frederick was registered as being condsiderably older than Therese; however, there is no reason do doubt the 1857 Viennese record of his birth year as 1830, supported as it is by his reported age of 79 at his last documentary appearance in 1909.

The Strebingers arrived in Adelaide on the Victoria from Mauritius, in February 1853. Frederick, as "violinist, from the principal Opera Houses of Paris and Vienna", advertised his intention to give a concert, at which he was assisted by Mathilde Cranz and Carl Linger. He intended to return the favour by appearing for Cranz in April, but in the event sailed on with the Victoria for Melbourne, before her concert took place.

He first appeared in Melbourne in the orchestra for George Chapman's fledgling Melbourne Philharmonic Society (by a small margin precursor of the later society of the same name) on 25 and 27 April 1853, and in early September gave a farewell concert at the Mechanics' institution, at which Therese was first billed to appear, not as a dancer, but as a vocalist.

They then moved on to Sydney where Therese first appeared as the "celebrated Danseuse, from the Italian Opera, London, Paris, Madrid" at the Royal Victoria Theatre.

Frederick's long engagement as leader of the orchestra at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, began even before the official opening of the venue in July 1855, and continued, with seasonal breaks, right up until his last recorded month in Australia in February 1864.

Until then, and throughout their 11 years in the Australian colonies, the couple also toured widely, and in particular over several years performed regularly in Bendigo.

Frederick made a last notorious appearance in the Melbourne press, in absentia, nine months after their final departure, as accused co-respondent in a divorce case.

Frederick was in London by October 1864. Engaged to appear in a theatre orchestra in Birmingham in April 1865, Strebinger reportedly went missing, and soon after reports circulated - incorrectly - that he had died.

Rather, the Strebingers appear to have sailed for north America.

Having the previous year revisited Paris, Therese died in San Francisco in 1900, reportedly (and probably correctly) aged 73.

Frederick is last documented returning to New York from Europe in 1909, claiming (probably correctly) to be aged 79.


Annuaire dramatique de la Belgique, pour 1839 (Brussels: La Librairie Belge-Française, 1839), 177 (DIGITISED)

NANTES . . . BALLET. MM. Laurençon, maître de ballet, premier danseur comique; Marius Petipa, premier danseur; Duchateau jeune, deuxième danseur comique.
Mmes. Armande Ferdinand, première danseuse; Laurençon, deuxième et première danseuse; Thérèse Ferdinand, deuxième danseuse.

ASSOCIATIONS: Étienne-Hughes Laurençon (ballet master); Marius Petipa (dancer)

[Advertisement], Morning Herald [London, England] (8 August 1844), 4 (PAYWALL)

HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE. Last Night but Three of the Season . . .
THIS EVENING (Thursday), August 8, when will be performed (by desire) Bellini's celebrated Opera, I PURITANI.
Principal Characters: - Elvira, Madame Grisi; Giorgio, Signor Lablache; Arturo, Signor Mario . . .
To conclude with the highly successful Ballet, by M. Perrot, with new Scenery, Dresses, Decorations, &c.,
founded on Victor Hugo's celebrated Work of "Notre Dame de Paris," entitled LA ESMERALDA . . .
The Music composed by Signor Pugni. La Esmeralda, Mdlle. Fanny Elssler; Fleur de Lys, Mlle. Ferdinand . . .
Pierre Gringoire (the Poet), M. Perrot; Quasimodo (the Sonneur of Notre Dame), M. Coulon . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Elssler (dancer); Jules Perrot (dancer)

PIECES: Esmerelda (ballet)

Bolton's Mauritius almanac and official directory (Mauritius: Mauritian Printing Establishment, 1852), 243 (DIGITISED)

. . . Strebinger, music . . .

Australia (February 1853 to February 1864):

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (14 February 1853), 2

Saturday, February 12 - The barque Victoria, 244 tons, K. Murphy, master, from Mauritius, January 1. Pastengere . . . Mr. and Mrs. Strebinger, Messrs. . . . Boucherat . . . Chrestien . . . in the cabin; . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (19 February 1853), 2

MR. F. STREBINGER, VIOLINIST, from the principal Opera Houses of Paris and Vienna, beg [sic] to announce to the inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity that he intends giving a CONCERT, particulars of which, with programme, will appear in a few days.
Adelaide, 18th February, 1853.

"THE CONCERT", Adelaide Morning Chronicle (1 March 1853), 2 

We notice that this evening a new hand, a Mr. Strebinger, gives a concert at the Exchange Rooms. We know nothing of this gentleman's powers upon the violin, but as concerts in this colony are like angels visits, few and far between, there is no doubt it will he well attended, as the programme published is of the most attractive description.

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (1 March 1853), 2

on TUESDAY EVENING, March 1st, 1853; to commence at half-past 7 o'clock.
Concerto (1st), Violin, Mr. Strebinger - De Beriot.
Air du Val d'Andore, Mr. B***** - Halevy.
Air from Figaro, Mme. Cranz - Mozart.
Romance, Un auge an bord de mon chemin, Mr. C**** - Arnaud.
Romance, with Violin Obligato, Mme. Cranz - Fruehlings Wanderschaft, Mr. Strebinger - Kucken.
Solo, Violin, Rondo Russe, Mr. Strebinger - De Beriot.
Romance, Si Loin, Mr. C**** - Henrion.
Song, The Nightingale's Death Song, Mme. Cranz - Lodge.
Romance, Le Docteur Noir, Mr. B**** - Abadie.
Solo, Violin, Fantasie sur la Marche d'Otello, Mr. Strebinger - Ernst.
Mr. Linger will preside at the Piano.
Tickets, 5s. each, may be had at Platts's Library, York Hotel, Freemasons' Tavern, and of Mr. Strebinger, Exeter Hotel.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); Carl Linger (pianist, accompanist); Mr. B. = ? Boucherat; Mr. C. = ? Chrestien (fellow passengers above)

MUSIC: Violin concerto no. 1, op. 16 (De Beriot); Frühlingswanderschaft, from Vier Lieder, op. 28 (by Friedrich Wilhlem Kücken); Rondo russe (3rd movement) from Violin concerto no. 2, op. 32 (De Beriot), and also advertised later preceded with Andantino / ? Andante (2nd movement); Fantaisie brilliante sur la marche et la romance d'Otello (by Heinrich Wilhlem Ernst, Strebinger's teacher)

"M. STREBINGER'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (2 March 1853), 3 

After an exceedingly long interval, the programme of a Concert, under the direction of a new aspirant to South Australian honors, was likely to attract a large attendance of our music-loving community. Accordingly, we were not surprised last night, on entering the Exchange, to find that every seat was occupied, and that we were by no means likely to be in the predicament of the "last man." Notwithstanding the absence of Gubernational patronage, and that of the "best" families, who probably were of opinion that a prospectus, consisting, with one exception, of foreign airs, was not likely to add materially to the effect of native (we use the term in its English signification) graces, the audience was large and actually genteel. A few of the "new" aristocracy were present, who appeared to enjoy what they did not understand, as well as the ci devant members of the order. There was a considerable want of punctuality, a failing, we believe, in which the Continentals excel. The Concert, although announced to commence at half-past seven o'clock, was not opened till past eight. This is a fault which is a serious one with our English folk, and we suggest to the conductors of the concert a stricter regard to punctuality next time, or the palpable remonstrances of the two impatient umbrellas and the choloric clouded cane, which proclaimed their owner's impatience last evening, may receive an important reinforcement. The first piece set down in the programme was the premier concerto of De Beriot's, a class piece, in fact one of the stock texts of all solo violinists. This introduced the debutant beneficiare, M. Strebinger. In the early portion of the solo, the performer appeared nervous, and, at its conclusion, our opinion was that M. Strebinger was an average performer, certainly not superior to those we had already heard in the colony. The obligato to the Romance, sung by Madame Crantz, did not materially increase our belief in him. But the masterly performance of the Rondo, which opened the second part of the concert, determined us. This difficult composition - difficult inasmuch as it abounds with real music, and with less adventitious trickery than almost any other of the composer's efforts - was executed in a manner that caused the room to ring again with applause. Mr. Strebinger's style is pure and unaffected, being totally destitute of that showy empiricism by which the uninitiated are led to suppose a man a clever musician, because he possesses a quick hand, and a flexible body. His ear is excellent, his idea of time correct, and his execution is at once chaste and "according to copy." With every temptation to impose upon his audience, he exhibited the characteristics of a sound musician and of one above trifling with the noble art he professes. The concluding part in the Programme was his triumph, and we fearlessly say that finer execution has never been heard in the colony. He entirely abstains from that pizzicato tom-foolery in which some fiddle players delight; a his harmonics are clear as a bell, and true, and he plays his chords, not scrapes them. The remainder of the "business" is scarcely worth noticing. Messrs. B. and C., those letters being the whole of the singers' names that we were allowed by the Programme to know, have good parlour voices, but the maudlin French Romances these gentlemen sang, neither original nor pretty, were sufficient to sicken any one. Our old favourite Madme. Crantz, was, in colonial phrase, "all there," in a sparkling little conceit by Kucken, the name of which would cost us the nibs of a gross of steel pens to indite. This lady is an accomplished musician, and an exceedingly pleasing vocalist. Her selection of music, however, was on this occasion far from fortunate. Altogether, considering the absence of "popular" airs and English singers, the audience appeared to enjoy themselves, and to acknowledge at parting that they had received value for their money.

"M. STREBINGER'S CONCERT", Adelaide Morning Chronicle (4 March 1853), 2

On Tuesday evening last a concert was given at the Exchange by a new aspirant for Australian honors in the person of M. Strebinger. With the usual want of punctuality the concert did not commence until after 8 o'clock, although advertised for half-past 7 o'clock; however, by the time it did commence we were glad to see that the seats were well-filled with respectable people, and also that a number of the musical world were present, all anxiously waiting to hear this new "star" make his debut before them. His first piece set down in the programme was the premier concerto of De Beriot, a first class piece. This introduced M. Strebinger; in the early part of the solo he appeared to be slightly nervous, and we ran away with the impression that he was a very passable violin player, but that we had heard upon the same boards musicians who greatly excelled him. Next came an air Du Val d' Andore of Hoelevy, [Halevy] sung by Mr. B----- (that was his name in the programme). How any man could have presumption enough to stand up in a concert room and sing so dreadfully bad was surprising to us; all we can say about him is that his singing was a perfect failure, not only in the first piece but also in the second Le Docteur Noir. In the Obligato to The Romance, sung by Madame Cranz, M. Strebinger again made his appearance, but our opinions still remained the same. The first part having been concluded, a few minutes elapsed, after which M. Strebinger came forward to play the masterly performance of the Rondo Russe. This difficult composition was executed in a manner which elicited the greatest applause. His style is unaffected and perfectly pure, totally destitute of all that outward show which the uninitiated believe is indispensable in a fine player. His ear is excellent, his ideas of time correct, and his execution chaste and good. We have on frequent occasions attended concerts in this colony, and heard Messrs. Moore and Wallace, and although we cannot throw these gentlemen's talents into the shade and award the palm to M. Strebinger, yet we pronounce him without the slightest fear of contradiction, to be a first-rate musician, his harmonics are perfectly clear and true, and he plays his chords, not scrapes them. In conclusion we wish M. Strebinger every success, and only hope that we shall have other opportunities of hearing him. We should like to hear him play the Carnival of Venice, which is as fine a piece as can be performed on the violin, and which piece both Messrs. Wallace and Moore played to perfection. Of the remainder of the concert little can be said; a Mr. C---- sang a song, but we must plead ignorance as to what it was all about; his voice was certainly better than Mr. B-----'s, but that was not saying much in his favor. Madame Cranz sang her best, and M. Linger presided at the piano. Altogether the concert went off very well, and we only hope that we shall have another opportunity of hearing M. Strebinger, and that the Choral Society and German Liedertafel will within a short apace of time be enabled to give the public a great treat.

ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (violinist); Andrew Moore (violinist)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (8 April 1853), 3 

CONCERT. MADAME M. CRANZ'S concert will take place at the Exchange, on THURSDAY, 14th April . . .
PROGRAMME. PART FIRST . . . . 5. (By desire) Fruehlings Wenderschaft [sic], Violin Obligato - Kückn. - Mad. Cranz and Mr. Strebinger . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (12 April 1853), 2

CONCERT. MADAME M. CRANZ'S CONCERT will take place at the Exchange, on THURSDAY, 14th April . . .
In consequence Mr. Strebinger's departure for Melbourne the above programme has unavoidably suffered some alterations.

"MELBOURNE SHIPPING ARRIVALS", Empire (18 April 1853), 2

April 7. - Victoria, barque, 214 tons, R. T. Murphy, from Mauritius, via Adelaide, 20th ultimo. Passengers - cabin . . . Mr. and Mrs. Strebinger . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (25 April 1853), 12 

THE first of a series of Two Concerts will take place at the above Hall, on Monday Evening, 25th inst, under the direction of Mr. George Chapman . . .
Leader - Mr. Fischer. The Band will consist of the following talented Performers:
Violins - Messrs. Fischer, Strebinger, and Thomson.
Viola - Mr. Thomas. Basso - Messrs. Elze and Hardman.
Clarionet and Oboe - Sig. Blum. Flute - Herr Rosentengel.
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. G. Chapman. Pianoforte - Herr Hertz and Mr. Thomson.
PROGRAMME: PART I. Overture - Anna Bolena - Donizetti . . .
Waltz - Die allpler [sic] - Lanner . . .
Quadrille - Jabel - Strang.
PART II. Overture - Victoria - Muller . . .
Solo - Violin - Fantasia - M. Strebinger
Waltz - Faust - D'Albert . . .
Quadrille - Cherbourg - D'Albert . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Chapman (musical director) of the "Melbourne Philharmonic Society" (by a small margin precursor of the later society of the same name); Mr. Fischer (violin, leader); Herbert Thomas (viola); C. Elze (basso); Daniel Hardman (basso); Sig. Blume (clarinet, oboe); Ferdinand Rosenstengel (flute)

[Advertisement], The Argus (27 April 1853), 12 

PROGRAMME. - PART I. Overture - Anna Bolena - Donizetti . . .
Waltz - Crystal Palace - D'Albert . . .
Polka - Infant (first time) - D'Albert.
PART II. Overture - Don Juan - Mozart . . .
Solo, Violino - Concerto, De Beriot, Mons. F. Strebbinger.
Waltz - Die Aelpler - Lanner . . .
Quadrille - Cherbourg - D'Albert . . .

"THE CONCERT", The Argus (28 April 1853), 5 

The following is the programme for to night, and a very good bill of fare it presents: -
PART I. Overture - Gazza Ladra - Full Band.
Scotch Trio - Up in the morning early - Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock and Mr. Hancock . . .
Solo (Violin) - Grand Fantasia from Othello, - Herr Strebinger, celebrated German violinist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Edward and Mary Hancock (vocalists); Thursday Concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (venue)

"CONCERT", The Argus (5 May 1853), 9 

The following is the programme for this evening: -
PART I. Overture - Fra Diavolo - Full Band . . .
Violin Solo - Andantino et Rondo Russe - Herr Strebinger.
Song - Sweetly o'er my Senses Stealing - Mrs. Testar (Band accompaniment)
Quadrille - Exposition - Full Band . . .
PART II. Overture - Der Freischutz - Full Band . . .
Piano Solo - Sur Lucia (by desire) - Mr. Buddee . . .
Gallop - Sturm Marsch - Full Band . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (pianist, ? accompanist)

"MUSICAL", The Argus (1 June 1853), 5 

Herr Strebinger's concert last evening passed off with the greatest spirit, although in consequence of not having received sufficiently early publicity the attendance was not by any means equal to its merits. The conductor, Mr. Strebinger played two most elaborate fantasias, and proved himself a very Agamemnon of violinists. The singing was very good, varied, and so far sufficient, that the defection of Mr. Walshe did not excite much displeasure. As to the instrumental music, it is impossible to speak too highly. The orchestra was very powerful, and played with so much spirit and precision, that it was quite delightful to hear it. Never, we really believe, have overtures, quadrilles, and waltzes been dashed off with such life since Melbourne was first founded. We regret, for the sake of so talented a musician as Herr Strebinger has proved himself, that this his first trial has not been more successful; but if he will repeat the experiment, and take our advice as to giving the public earlier notice, we think that a result may be calculated upon a little more in consonance with the deserts of one, who last evening certainly furnished one of the most brilliant musical entertainments ever given in Melbourne.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Walsh (vocalist); neither the program nor the list of performers were advertised in the press

[Advertisement], The Argus (13 June 1853), 12 

MR. DENNING'S Select Full Dress Subscription Ball, will be held on Tuesday evening, 21st June, weather permitting, at the Protestant Hall. Herr Strebinger, the eminent Violinist, Mr. Johnson, Bandmaster 40th Regiment, Mr. Reed, Mr. Cooze, Mr. Chapman, and other distinguished musicians, are engaged for the occasion . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Cornelius Peter Denning (dancing master); Henry Johnson (clarinet), master of the Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Thomas Reed (musician); William Joseph Cooze (musician)

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 June 1853), 12 

HERR STREBINGER begs to inform the public, that a false use his been made of his name by M. Fleury and Co., in the programme of a Concert advertised to take place at the Mechanics' Institute, on Monday Evening, the 20th Inst. He being under no engagement with those parties. Herr S. takes this opportunity of announcing to the public this deception, and also to state, that he takes no part in any concert, other than his Farewell Benefit of the 28th Inst.

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 June 1853), 8 

Notice - Signor Maffei, begs to inform the public that Herr Strebinger was wrong to put forth the name of M. Fleury and Co. in his somewhat unkind notice of last Monday. Signor Maffei confesses that the misunderstanding remains with himself. As the time was very short, and as Signor Maffei understood that Herr Strebinger had nothing but good feelings towards M. Fleury he had taken upon himself to place his name on the programme, convinced that Herr Strebinger would heartily join this gentleman and himself in their common endeavours to please the public of Melbourne, towards whom they must all feel so grateful for their generous and discriminating patronage. And Signor Maffei, despite all the difficulties he has encountered, will ever make all his efforts to reunite all the good musicians in the colony in order to establish amongst them, not onlv the musical harmony, but also the harmony of noble feelings.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Maffei (musician); Achille Fleury (violinist); see the offending [Advertisement], The Argus (18 June 1853), 12 

[Advertisement], The Argus (25 June 1853), 6 

HERR STREBINGER, (late first violin of the Opera Comique, Paris,) begs to inform his friends and the public that his Benefit and Farewell Concert will take place on the above evening, when he will be supported by all the vocal and instrumental talent in the Colony, and by some amateurs who have kindly volunteered their services for him on this occasion.
Vocalists: Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock, and Herr Wagenheim (who have kindly offered their services).
Principal Solo Performers: Herr Strebinger - Violin. Herr Bohler - Flute.
THE BAND, which will be considerably increased, will consist of the available talent in the colony and several of the
Band of the 40th Regiment (by the kind permission of Col. Valiant.)
Conductor and Pianist - M. Buddee.
Overture - "Oberon," Full band - Weber.
Cavatina - "O Luce di quest Amina," Mrs. Hancock - Donizetti.
Solo - Violin, "Rondo Russe," Herr Strebinger - De Beriot.
Song - "The Irish Emigrant," Herr Wagenheim.
Waltz - "Dew Drop," Full band - D'Albert.
Song - "The Blind Flower Girl," Mrs. Testar - Holmes.
Solo - Flute, "Air Varie," Herr Bohler - Boehm.
Quadrille - "The Nightingale," Full band - Linter.
Part II.
Overture - "Der Freischutz," Full band - Weber.
Recit. and Air - "Oh Fontaine," from "Lucia de Lammermoor," Mrs. Testar - Donizetti.
Song - From the Opera of "Maritana," Herr Wagenheim - Wallace.
Waltz - "The Crystal Palace," Full band - D'Albert.
Song - "Oh Peaceful Lake," Mrs. Hancock - B. Taylor.
Fantasia -Violin, "Othello," (by desire), Herr Strebinger - Ernst.
Duet - "I know a bank," Mrs. Testar and Mrs. Hancock - Horne.
Quadrille - "Clara de Rosenbergh," Full band - Bossisio.
Finale - God save the Queen.
To commence at eight o'clock.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Paterson the Secretary at the Institution; Wilkie's Music Saloon, and Weber and Co.'s, Collins-street, and of Mr. Lewis, 86, Great Lonsdale-street, west.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Boehler (flute)

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 June 1853), 3 

HERR STREBINGER, late first Violin at the Opera Comique, Paris, having suffered a loss by his first Concert, a committee of gentlemen, in estimation of his extraordinary talent as a violinist have requested Herr Strebinger to give one more concert, prior to his leaving the Colony, hoping to secure for him a bumper on the occasion.
The Concert will take place at the room of the Mechanic's Institution, on Tuesday, the 28th day of June instant . . .

"HERR STREBINGER'S CONCERT", The Argus (29 June 1853), 7 

We were very glad to find that neither showery weather nor horribly muddy streets prevented a very large attendance at the concert given by Herr Strebinger last evening. The room was crowded in every part; and the concert, although protracted to an unreasonably late hour, went off very well. Herr Strebinger was warmly received in both his solo pieces, as was also an amateur countryman of his, who sang two songs with great spirit and taste. The orchestra was very strong and played two of Weber's overtures, besides several waltzes, quadrilles, &c., in first-rate style. We trust that the favorable results of this experiment, under such unfavorable circumstances, will cause Mr. Strebinger to think twice before he leaves a colony in which music is patronised, at least as encouragingly as in any of the Australian group.

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1853), 4 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Thursday Weekly Concerts, under the direction of Herr Strebinger Thursday, July the 7th, 1853.
Principal Vocal Performers - Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Moore and Mr. Cooze.
Solo Performers: Mr. Edwards, Harpist; Herr Strebinger, Violinist; Mr. Chapman, Cornet-a-Piston.
The band will consist or the following talented Performers: - Violins, Herr Strebinger, Herr Fischer, Mr. Greffice [Griffiths].
Viola, Mr. Thomas. Basso, Mr. Reed and Mr. Hardman. Flute, Mr. Cooze. Cornet-a-piston, Mr. G. Chapman. Clarinetto, Sig. Bons [sic].
Pianoforte, Mr. Buddee. Assisted by the band of the 40th Regiment.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Gustavus III, or the Masked Ball - Full Band - Auber.
Solo - Harp, Mr. Edwards.
Air - Casta Diva, from the Opera of Norma, Mrs. Moore - Bellini.
Quadrille - Haimond's Kinder [Haimonskinder], Full Band - Balfe.
Polacca - San vergin vezzosa, Mrs. Testar - Bellini.
Solo - Cornet-a-Piston, Mr. Chapman.
Polka - Bloomer - D'Albert.
Part II. Overture - Full Band - Muller.
Ballad - I'll not beguile Thee, Mrs. Moore - Lee.
Valse - Die Aelpler, Full Band - Lanner.
Ballad - My dear Irish Boy, Mrs. Testar.
Quadrille - Clara de Rosenberg, Full Band - Bossisio.
Le Carnival de Venise (by desire) - Herr Strebinger.
Song Comique - Mr. Cooze.
Finale - God save the Queen.
Concert to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Prices of admission: - To the public, 2s. 6d.; reserved seats, 4s.
Tickets to be had of the Secretary of the Institution; Wilkie's Music Saloon; Weber and Co, Collins-street, and of Mr. Lewis, 30, Great Lonsdale-street, west.

ASSOCIATIONS: Rachel Moore (vocalist); Mr. Edwards (harp)

MUSIC: Le carnaval de Venise [Variations burlesques sur Cara mamma mia] (Ernst)

"CONCERT", The Argus (8 July 1853), 5 

The "Thursdays" were re-inaugurated last night, in a manner which promises a return of their former popularity. The hall was respectably crowded, and there were several encores in the course of the evening. Mrs. Moore sang one of Lee's simple ballads, with considerable taste, and to such songs we would recommend her to confine her endeavours; for even the finished execution of a Testar is sometimes at fault in those higher efforts of song, by means of which the great Italian masters seem to delight in straining the organs of the first artists of the opera. Of Mr. Cooze and his comical songs and comical self, we hardly know what to say. He is so good-natured, so desirous to please, and his singing really does please so many, that we do not feel justified in wishing him off the stage. And, besides, his song always comes last, so that any person objecting to his style, may hear the rest of the concert without being obliged to listen to the "comique." A solo on the harp by Mr. Edwards was deservedly well received, but the gem of the evening was Herr Strebinger's performance of the Carnival of Venice. This gentleman disdains clap-trap and gives all his passages with a grace and delicacy of touch most delightful to the ear, and not unappreciable by a mixed audience, as the rapturous encore of last night plainly proved.

"THURSDAY CONCERT", The Argus (14 July 1853), 5 

We are sorry that the directorship of these concerts should seem to go begging, Mr. Winterbottom undertaking it this evening, and Signor Maffei, we believe, intending to try his fortune next Thursday. Herr Strebinger has not displayed that enterprising spirit in the matter which we have sometimes endeavoured to install into the minds of our citizens . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor)

"ALI-BEN-SOU-ALLE", The Argus (16 July 1853), 5 

The old hall of the Mechanics' never presented so splendid an appearance since we knew it, as on the occasion of the above gentleman's concert last evening . . . The orchestra, under the able direction of Herr Strebinger, acquitted themselves with great brilliancy and effect. The Turk was great, as on a former occasion, with his four instruments, amply meriting the repeated encores he obtained.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician)

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 September 1853), 5 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. Monday Evening, September 5th 1853.
Grand Farewell Concert for the Benefit of Herr Strebinger, previous to his departure for Sydney. Herr Strebinger begs to return his warmest thanks to his friends and the public of Melbourne, for their kind support during his stay amongst them, and trusts that, on this, his Last Appearance before them, to obtain that patronage it has been his study to merit.
Principal Vocalists: Mrs. Testar, Madame Strebinger (her first appearance) and Mr. J. Gregg.
Pianist - Mr. Salamon. Conductor - Herr Strebinger.
Programme: PART I.
Overture - Victoria (1st time) - Full Band - Muller.
Romance - La Grace de Dieu - Madame Strebinger (her first appearance) - L. Puget.
Balla - In this Old Chair - Mr. J. Gregg - Balfe.
Solo - Fantaisie sur les motifs de l'Opera La Sonnambula - Herr Strebinger - Lepinskie.
Valse - D'Amour - Full Band - Koenig.v Aria - Dove Sono, by desire - Mrs. Testar - Mozart.
Rondo, Violin - Rondo Russe - Herr Streinger - De Beriot.
Duet - My Sufferings and Sorrow - Mrs. Tester and Mr. Gregg - Donizetti.
An interval of ten minutes.
Overture - Les Diamins de la Coronne - Band - Auber.
Romance - Marguerite (Melodie du val D'Andorre) - Madame Strebinger - Halery [Halevy]
Song - Revenge, from the opera of Pascal Bruno - Mr. Gregg - Hatton.
Quadrille - The Jubal - Full Band - Strauss.
Ballad - Why do I Weep for Thee - Mrs. Testar - Wallace.
Solo, Violin - Sur les motifs de l'opera Otello - Herr Strebinger - Ernest.
Polka - The Garland - Full Band - D'Albert.
Finale - God Save the Queen.v To Commence at Eight o'clock precisely. Admission - Reserved seats, 10s.; back seats 5s. each.
Tickets to be obtained at Mr. Wilkie's Music Saloon; Mr. J. Lewis, 36, Lonsdale-street, west; and the Mechanics Institution.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); Edward Salamon (pianist); note, the concert was originally advertised for 23 August, with Julius Buddee as pianist

MUSIC: A la grace de dieu (Loïsa Puget); Fantaisie et variations sur La sonnambula (op. 23, Charles Lipinski); Romance de la Marguerite (from Le val d'Andorre, by Fromental Halevy);

Names and descriptions of passengers per Hellespont, from Melbourne, 9 September 1853, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria 

. . . Herr Strebinger / 34 [sic] / German . . .
Mad. Strebinger / 27 / [German] . . .

"SOIREE MUSICALE", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 September 1853), 4 

We must congratulate our musical friends on the arrival in Sydney of a favourite pupil of the great violinist Ernst, Herr Strebinger. On Friday evening last this gentleman gave a preliminary concert at Russell's Hotel, to which he invited a large party of Sydney's cognoscenti. The pieces selected for his own performance were De Beriot's concerto No. 1; De Beriot's Andante et Rondo Russe; Artot's Romance from Lucrezia Borgia; and Ernst's famous Fantasia from Otello. His success was complete and crowded as the saloon was by critics of the strict classical school of Germany, who were most enthusiastic in their approving plaudits, Herr Strebinger may assure himself of his success here. The vocal part of the concert, as also the pianoforte obligato arrangements were undertaken by German amateurs, whose selections from Kreuzer, Bellini, and other great masters afforded a brilliant and agreeable relief to the principal feature of the evening.

MUSIC: Romance dans Lucrèce Borgia (Artot, after Donizetti)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (26 September 1853), 2

THE public are respectfully informed that arrangements have been entered into, for Two Nights only, with MADAME STREBINGER, the celebrated Danseuse, from the Italian Opera, London, Paris, and Madrid, who will make her first appearance on Tuesday Evening, September 27th, in a GRAND BOLERO.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1853), 2 

The lovers of music and dancing will be gratified to learn that Monsieur and Madame Strebinger have accepted an engagement with Mr. Wyatt. They appeared at the Victoria on Tuesday evening, and were received with very flattering demonstrations. M. Strebinger, as we have already observed, is a pupil of the famous violinist, Ernst. His selection on Tuesday was his master's grand fantasia from Otello, and was a performance of a very high order, displaying mastery over construction, and brilliancy of execution in a striking light of excellence. Madame Strebinger danced a pas seul of the Spanish school, Ee Ole, with much taste to which only the "music of the many twinkling feet" could do ample justice. She was warmly encored.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THE OPENING NIGHT", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (17 April 1854), 3 

Madame Ferdinand Strebinger, the celebrated danseuse, who has been honoured by appearing before our beloved Sovereign and other crowned heads of Europe, commences a limited engagement at the Theatre on Wednesday evening, and Mr. Watson has also engaged an old established favourite, Signor Carandini, who also opens on the same evening. Thus the promise of an energetic section has been partially fulfilled, and the lovers of all that is novel and graceful in the "poetry of motion" cannot fail to reap that degree of enjoyment which is compatible with refinement and good taste.

ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (manager); Gerome Carandini (dancer); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)

[Advertisement], The Courier (18 April 1854), 3 

The Lessee is happy to announce the arrival and intended debut of the celebrated danseuse MADAME FERDINAND STREBINGER,
From the Imperial Theatres of La Scala, Milan, Vienna, St. Petersburg, and Her Majesty's and Royal Italian Opera, London.
Also the old-established favourite SIGNOR CARANDINI . . .
Madame Ferdinand Strebinger will have the honour of appearing with Signor Carandini in a
GRAND PAS DE DEUX DE BALLET DE "LADY HENRIETTE," As danced before the Emperors of Austria, France, and Russia, and Her Majesty Queen Victoria . . .

"Public Amusements. ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. The First Night of the Season. First Appearance of Madame Ferdinand Strebinger", The Courier (20 April 1854), 3 

The coming, season opened under very auspicious circumstances last evening with "The Broken Sword." As the maiden effort of the new stage manager, Mr. A'Beckett Evans, it should in justice be stated that it was brought out very well, and gives promise of further activity in this important department of the theatre. The chief attraction of the evening was, however, the appearance of the accomplished danseuse, whose name appears conspicuously not only at the head of this paragraph, but at the head of her profession, Madame Ferdinand Strebinger. One of the grand distinctions of the revolutionary chaos of this golden age is the extraordinary elevation and improved tone of our public amusements, and the debut of this lady is not one of the least important events which have recently surprised and delighted those whose natural good taste and refined appreciation of the beautiful and sublime have led them to the theatre. The sprightly grace, the aerial lightness, the exquisite carelessness, and the chaste elegance which in parts so peculiar a character to the whirling dance, have never been displayed in powerful concentration upon these boards before. The older citizens present - old frequenters of the London houses had another glimpse of the Opera - the younger members of the community never witnessed the like. The senses of the audience were completely dazzled, and the debut was, naturally, exceedingly successful. Signor Carandini, who appeared in the Pas de deux, exerted himself in a manner which sustained his position as an old favourite, although, we believe, he laboured under some inconvenience from the effects of an accidental fall in one of the miserable thoroughfares of the city. The pas, which was rapturously encored, will be repeated to-morrow evening.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard A'Beckett Evans (stage manager, actor)


There was a numerous meeting at Rowe's Circus on Saturday evening . . . there were not less than from twelve to fifteen hundred persons present . . . Special commendation is due to Herr Strebinger, who not only is a perfect master of the violin, but when leading the orchestra or accompanying a vocalist exhibits a painstaking devotion to his profession without any of the mannerism which able performers are apt to fall into, and which gives them an eccentricity of style such as never pleases. Herr Strebinger has none of that; yet he might fearlessly follow on the same platform another Paganini . . .

"MUSICAL FESTIVAL OF ALL NATIONS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 September 1854), 5 

M. Winterbottom closed his season on Saturday evening with a concert, under this imposing title. Selections from the music of eight different nations made up a pleasant entertainment. A German fantasia on the violin, by Herr Strebinger, a solo (of his own composition) on the bassoon, by M. Winterbottom, and a Turkish polka air, by the whole force of the orchestra, were highly applauded, as were some Scotch and Irish songs, sung by Miss O. Hamilton, with much grace and spirit. The house was an excellent one, as was befitting the last night of the season.

ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Winterbottom's season at Rowe's American Circus (venue), for which Strebinger was leader

[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury (16 December 1854), 2 

Monday Evening, Dec. 18, 1854, will be presented (first time) the celebrated romantic drama, replete with interest and effects, entitled
THE WEPT OF THE WISH-TON-WISH; or, The Last of the Narraghansettes! [sic, Narragansetts]
- Deacon Skunk, Mr. Sefton Parry; Marramattah (the Indian Girl) Mdme. Strebinger.
After which, the celebrated DRAWING ROOM ENTERTAINMENT, by Professor Wieland and his Infant Brother.
To be followed by the New Spanish Dance, JALEO DE ZEREG, Mdme. Strebinger.
To conclude with the laughable comedy of The ROUGH DIAMOND - Margery, Mrs. Brougham.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Megson . . . Sole Lessee, Mr. F. B. Watson . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sefton Parry (actor); Tom and John Wieland (comedians, dancers); Emma Brougham (actor); Joseph Megson (violin, leader)

PIECES: William Bayle Bernard's play based on James Fenimore Cooper's novel, The wept of Wish-ton-Wish; or, The last of the Narragansetts; the role of Narramattah written for the French ballet dancer Celine Celeste (1814-1882, "Madame Celeste"), the play in the form of a "burletta," with musical and dancing interludes

"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Hobarton Mercury (3 January 1855), 3

. . . The Pantomime still continues a favorite. Carandini and Stebinger [sic] carrying away the palm . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 April 1855), 8 

CONCERT HALL. Theatre Royal.
Great Attraction, Concentration of Talent and Novelty.
To-Night. Tuesday, April 10th. To-Night, Recommencement of the GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS,
In the Magnificent Entrance Hall of the New Theatre Royal, Now in course of Erection . . .
The Band, so universally known as being superior to anything yet brought before a Melbourne Public, has been considerably increased, and will be conducted under the able and superior management of M. Callen, who has secured the whole available talent in the colonies . . .
Band of Twenty Solo Performers. Director and Manager, Mr. Callen.
Solo Instrumentalists: Herr Strebinger, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hartigan, Mr. Prince
Ryder, King, Radford, Thomas, Gover . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (conductor), master of the Band of the 12th Regiment (military); Joseph Hartigan (musician, Band of the 40th Regiment); Henry Prince (musician, Band of the 12th Regiment); George Hopwood Ryder (violin); Edward King (violin); one of the Radford brothers (violin); Henry Barman Gover (basso); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue, under construction)

"SATURDAY'S CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (30 April 1855), 2 

In spite of a very boisterous rainy night there was a very full attendance at the Theatre on Saturday, and those who did brave the storm were rewarded by a very good evening's amusement Madame Carandini was in excellent voice. M. Coulon in the scenes from Don Pasquale showed a thorough appreciation of acting joined to most exquisite singing. M. and Madame Herwyn played in their usual correct style with a facility of execution truly wonderful. Herr Hunerbein played a modest little solo on the trombone which, although it did not draw down thunders of applause, was in good taste and fluently given. Madame Strebinger's dancing was light and fairy-like, and Signor Carandini ably seconded her agile feats. The finale was the Marsallaise, sung "en Costume de Zoave" by Madame Carandini, and National Anthem was substituted with great applause . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violinist and pianist); August Christian Huenerbein (trombone); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)

"DESTITUTION IN COLLINGWOOD", The Argus (3 July 1855), 5 

Mrs. Testar and Mons. Strebinger have, in the most generous manner, volunteered their services on Friday next, at Miss Hayes's concert at the Exhibition Building, in aid of the destitute of Collingwood. Mr. Lavenu has also consented to lead the band. If any other artistes feel disposed to come forward to the aid of the suffering existing, and show by acts and deeds, as well as sentiment and song, their desire to alleviate it, they will receive the thanks of the committee appointed to inquire into the distress and the blessings of those that are greatly in need of assistance.

ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (Hayes's musical director); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)

"SATURDAY NIGHT'S CONCERT", The Age (16 July 1855), 5 

Sitting quietly down a full hour after the last bar of "God save the Queen" has been played, and the last carriage has rolled away from the Exhibition Building, and the last lamp has been extinguished, and silence and darkness have settled down upon an edifice that was so radiant with light, so populous with eager listeners, so resonant with tumultuous applause, - one is tempted to indulge in a fruitless regret that the delight experienced in listening to a vocalist of such consummate ability as Miss Hayes should be so transitory and evanescent . . . Let us offer at word or two of honest eulogy to Mrs. Testar for her valuable contributions to the evening's entertainment; to Herr Strebinger for his masterly solo on the violin; to Mr. Cooze for his charming obligato accompaniment to "Lo! here the gentle lark," and to the gentlemen of the orchestra generally for their accurate and effective performance of the overtures and accompaniments entrusted to them. There was a youthful vocalist, too, - a little lady, some twelve years old, Miss King by name, who made a very favorable impression . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Juliana King (vocalist)

"OPENING OF THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (16 July 1855), 5 

This splendid Theatre will be opened to the public this evening for the first time. The entertainment consists of Sheridan's chef d'oeuvre "The School for Scandal," and the farce of "The Actress of All Work," in which Miss Anna Maria Quinn will make her first appearance . . . The National Anthem will precede the other performances, and, in order to give every effect to it, Mrs. Testar has been engaged for the solos, and the chorus will include the whole of the company, upwards of a hundred persons. The band will be on a very efficient scale, both as to numbers and individual ability, - the names of Thom, Strebinger, Creed Royal, Berg, Lundberg, Johnson, &c., being powerful evidence of the latter . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Bream Thom (violin); Creed Royal (flute); Charles Berg (trombone); John William Lundborg (clarinet)

Diary of John Buckley Castieau, Melbourne, VIC, 20 and 23 July 1855; original MS, National Library of Australia; transcribed and edited by Mark Finnane, online at Centre for 21st Century Humanities, University of Newcastle (TRANSCRIPT)

[Friday 20 July 1855] . . . Went to the Pit of the New Theatre in the evening . . . The Comedy was not over till eleven o'clock or else I should have waited & seen the Dance by Mrs. Strebinger & Madame [sic, Signor] Carandini.

[Monday 23 July 1855] . . . Called at Gregory's in the evening and went with him & his wife to the Theatre. Saw Romeo & Juliet performed . . . Miss Quinn played in The Spoilt Child of course she took the part of Little Pickle her performance was very creditable for a child but like all children I have ever seen she soon became tiresome. Madame Strebinger appeared to dance very nicely. I say appeared not being myself a judge. She is extremely prodigal of her natural graces & is doubtless fast becoming a favourite. It is a great nuisance that the Pieces can not be managed to be got over earlier, it was nearly one o clock before the house closed last evening.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Buckley Castieau (diarist, theatrical amateur); Edmund Howard Gregory (restaurant proprietor, Theatre Royal); Anna Maria Quinn (actor)

"CHAMBER MUSIC", The Argus (13 February 1856), 5 

We were much gratified yesterday in being present at a performance of classical instrumental music at the Mechanics' Institution. The entertainment, although private, was understood to be a kind of rehearsal of what is contemplated to be offered to public criticism in a few days. The performance consisted of Mozart's No. 1 quartett in G, Beethoven's quartetts in F and A, and a movement from Haydn's quartett founded upon the popular melody "God save the Emperor." The performers were - first violin, M. Miska Hauser, second violin, Herr Strebinger, viola, Mr. Thomas and violoncello, Mr. Lavenu. With such a cast unequalled in these colonies, it is scarcely necessary for us to assure our readers that the splendid selection was done every justice to. It is in contemplation to have a series of six classical concerts, to be guaranteed by subscription; and although the music is probably of too recondite a character to ensure general popularity with pleasure seekers, we feel pretty sure that there is taste in Melbourne to support an undertaking of the kind. We shall probably have further to say on this subject.

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (cello); Herbert Thomas (viola)

MUSIC: String quartet in G, K 387 (Mozart); Variations on the Emperor's hymn, from the String quartet in C, op. 76 no. 3 (Haydn); String quartet in A, op. 18 no. 5, and String quartet in F, op. 18 no. 1 (Beethoven)

"COPPIN'S OLYMPIC. - MADAME ANNA BISHOP", The Argus (14 May 1856), 5 

An entire change of performance, to make use of a somewhat hackneyed theatrical phrase attracted a very numerous attendance to this theatre last evening. The "legitimate" has for the nonce "paled its ineffectual fires" before the new operatic luminary, Madame Anna Bishop whose unqualified success on her debut last evening it now becomes our task to record. The triumph of the debutante was complete, and Mr. Coppin has a card in his hands which must ensure him the game, he himself being so excellent a player . . . The entertainments at the Olympic last evening included two farces, a concert and a scene from Bellini's opera "Norma;" but we have only at present space for a few remarks upon the musical portion of the performance. The orchestral force having been augmented by the addition of M. Strebinger and one or two other instrumentalists, this department was very efficiently represented, and one or two overtures were satisfactorily performed . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); George Coppin (actor, manager)

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 July 1856), 8 

DANCING. - Second Quarter of Madame Strebinger's Lessons commences Tuesday, July 8th. Mrs. Damm's Institution, Apsley-place.

ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Damm (school teacher; Mrs. Charles Damm)

"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (28 October 1856), 5 

Auber's "Masaniello" was produced last night at the Theatre Royal to a full house, with the customary exception of the dress circle. If by some act of managerial legerdemain the accessories of the stage could be converted into its essentials, if magnificent scenery, unexceptionable dresses, and well-appointed properties and effects were all that the public demanded or would be satisfied with, we should pronounce last night's effort a decided success, albeit the spectacle predominated over the opera, and the fine singing of Mr. Farquharson, standing out as it unquestionably did in bold relief from that of the other artistes, was itself subordinated to the successive stages of the spectacle. It is unnecessary to say more on the latter point than that, after making every allowance for the usual hitches of a first night's performance, we have seldom seen a more satisfactory production. The costumes were particularly good, and the pyrotechnic effects at the close gave an air of vivid reality to the eruption of Vesuvius. The performance as a whole was equal, if not striking, the choruses being the weakest point. Miss Julia Harland, as Elvira, was less effective as a vocalist than as a pleasing and graceful actress. Occasionally, however, she took "heart of grace," and in the striking scene with Alphonse (Mr. Sherwin), and Fenella (Mad. Strebinger), at the close of the first act, threw considerable expression into the part. She sang the exquisite appeal to Fenella, in the hut of Massaniello, with so much pathos as to merit and obtain the decisive approbation of the audience. Mr. Farquharson's Massaniello was in all respects an excellent performance. He was received with that genuine applause which is never refused to real merit, and thoroughly justified the compliment. The beautiful air in the third act with which he soothes Fenella to sleep was the vocal gem of the evening. Of Madame Strebinger Fenella, about which we were naturally curious, we can only say that it was remarkable for energy, and occasionally for real pantomimic power. The tale of mingled love, despair, jealousy and sorrow was faithfully told throughout. The Market scene in the second act was enlivened by a pas de deux between Madame Strebinger and Mr. Charles Young, which was honoured with the only encore of the evening. Messrs. Sherwin (Alphonso) and Gregg (Pietro) acquitted themselves well in their comparatively subordinate parts, and the latter especially acted with much animation.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Julia Harland (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Linly Norman (musical director); Richard Younge (acting manager); English Opera Company (troupe); Charles Young (dancer)

"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (10 January 1857), 2 

There has been little change in the contents of the playbills during the week the great success of the Pantomime having saved the company rehearsals, and the manager, much printing. The house has been well filled every night and the patronage of all classes of the community has been extended to the new colonial production. Charles Young's clown would be almost perfect if he would content himself with relying only upon his pantomimical powers . . . The "graceful, fascinating Columbine" has complete impersonation at the hands - or to speak by the card, legs - of Madame Strebinger, whose interpretation of the "poetry of motion" is one of the most enjoyable features in the whole performance. Joseph Chambers and his sister also render good service; the latter has much improved, and with hard study and practice under the tuition of such a proficient as Madame Strebinger, may look forward to a good position in her profession. Wednesday evening was specially devoted to the juvenile, portion of the community, which on this occasion was exceedingly well represented in respect to numbers. The pantomime as usual on juvenile nights took precedence of the other performances, and of course was extremely relished by the young folks. The experiment in fact was so successful that we believe it to be Mr. Coppin's intention to repeat it shortly.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Amy Chambers (dancers)

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 July 1857), 8 

Will be given ON MONDAY NEXT, 18th INSTANT,
To commence at Eleven o'clock. Immediately after the Performance in the Theatre Royal.
Ticket - 5s. 0d. Saloon - 7s. 6d.
Herr Strebinger's magnificent String Band will play the Newest and Choicest Music on this occasion.

"THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (22 August 1857), 2 

A new drama from the pen of Mr. W. M. Akhurst, entitled "The Fall of Sebastopol, or the Campaigners," has been played throughout the week, to good houses . . . A pas de deux by Madame Strebinger and Mr. Edouin, introduced in the trench scene, is danced as only Madame Strebinger can dance it; and as from the sublime to the ridiculous is only one step, we are treated a few moments afterwards to a sailor's hornpipe, by a gentleman who appears to have been rather used to a board in the street, than to any more dignified style . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst (dramatist); Charles Edouin (dancer)

"Citationen", Amtsblatt zur Weiner Zeitung [Vienna, Austria] (28 August 1857), 2017 (DIGITISED)

. . . 1830 Geborens . . . Friedrich Strebinger, Tonkünstler . . .

"SHAMROCK CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (22 June 1858), 3 

We see by advertisement in this morning's issue, that Mr. Heffernan, determined upon giving the public a treat of no common diameter, has made arrangements with the celebrated danseuse, Madame Strebinger, and her pupil, Miss Earle, who will appear at the Shamrock to-morrow evening. These ladies, the former of whom is well known in the Australian Colonies as an artiste, who is second to no lady dancer who has ever appeared in the colonies, have for some time past been playing at the Theatre Royal in Melbourne, where, it is almost needless to say, they have been received with great applause, in addition to these ladies, we are glad to notice the name of M. Strebinger, the violinist, whose performances on this instrument are considered by many to be equal in brilliancy and execution to those of Miska Hauser himself. We trust that Mr. Heffernan's endeavors to cater for the public amusement may induce the good folks of Sandhurst to patronise the Shamrock as they used to do in the palmy days of Old Bendigo.

ASSOCIATIONS: Tilly Earl (dancer, pupil of Therese); William Heffernan (proprietor); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)

"MR. THATCHER'S BENEFIT", Bendigo Advertiser (24 August 1858), 3 

There was not so numerous an attendance at the Shamrock last night as we had expected there would have been to see our old friend Thatcher on his last legs. Still the room was not badly filled, and the array of bonnets, if they did not outnumber, at all events equalled that of the hats. It would be but travelling over ground we have trodden times out of mind before to praise each particular performance of those who lent the aid of their talents to Mr. Thatcher's farewell entertainment. Shall we say that Madame Sara Flower was excellent in her execution of those sweet songs in which all know that she excels, or that Miss Urie was pathetic, comical, arch, or enthusiastic, as the nature of her role required? Shall we dilate on the beauties of the Pas Chinois of Madame Strebinger, of the La Minola or La Giselle of herself and the pretty Miss Earle? Need we speak in glowing terms of the execution of Salamon, Strebinger, and Thatcher, in the overtures, quadrilles, and operatic selections with which they commenced the various parts of the concert? . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (vocalist, flautist); Sara Flower (vocalist); Edward Salamon (pianist)

"MADAME STREBINGER'S BENEFIT", Bendigo Advertiser (9 September 1858), 3 

The attendance at the Shamrock last evening was anything but numerous, but the deficiency was to some extent qualified by the select character of the audience. In the first part the performances went off rather dully, the great power, "the sympathy of numbers," being wanting. The various performers were, as they deserved, applauded, but it was reserved for Mons. Strebinger to obtain the first encore. This gentleman has been recognised on Bendigo as a violinist of high standing, but last night he excelled himself in playing La Tremolo de Beriot, a piece in which taste and power are taxed to the greatest degree. We can safely compliment Monsieur Strebinger on the possession of both these qualities. One thing which adds no inconsiderable charm to his performances is that he can play a very difficult piece without making those grimaces and contortions of body which some appear to think are necessary to gain the sympathy of the hearer, for getting that the action distracts the attention from the sound. Mr. Fairchild then made his first appearance on Sandhurst. To say that this gentleman is "a bright particular star," would be to say too much, while merely to say that he is a good singer would scarcely do him justice. His voice is a good tenor, and his delivery pleasing and unaffected. As to his success, we need only remark that in on each appearance he was encored. The dancing of the beneficiaire and her interesting pupil, Miss Earle, was all that could be desired. It is almost unnecessary to say that these ladies were encored repeatedly; they always are, but we are aware of the fact which may be worthy of their consideration that the spirited hornpipe which succeeded the pas styrien gave greater satisfaction to those present. The stage is too confined for the necessary display in the latter. Madame Sara Flower was unfortunately slightly indisposed, which necessitated a change in the programme, and instead of the duet from "Maritana" and "The Queen's Letter," she sang "The Harp that once through Tara's Halls," and "Katty's Letter," in each case achieving a success. Among the other features we might notice Strebinger's Polka, a pretty composition by Mr. Salamon, played effectively by himself and Mons. Strebinger; and lastly, though not least, the singing generally of Mr. Leeman, and particularly that jolly remnant of old times, "We'll keep the Roundhead's down," which he delivered with telling effect.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist)

"THEATRICAL EXODUS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (21 May 1859), 2 

The Leopold Family, with Mr. and Madame Strebinger, and the entire corps de ballet will leave this day for Melbourne in The City of Sydney, after concluding a most successful engagement in this city, extending over a period of four months. Messrs. Winterbottom, Wigan, and Sharp, from the Prince of Wales, proceed in the same vessel, and the Misses Nelson will either take their departure in the same, or the following steamer. Several other names are mentioned as on the eve of proceeding to Victoria, and amongst others that of Mr. Mungall, the celebrated Scotch comedian, whose engagement at the Prince will terminate this evening . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Leopold family (dancers); Frederick Sharp (musician); Marie, Carry, and Sara Nelson (actors, vocalists); John Mungall (comedian); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (22 March 1860), 2 

The production of good pieces has had the effect during the week of nightly filling this place of amusement. Last night the drama of "Robert Macaire" was performed, with the repetition of "Black Eyed Susan." In the latter piece Miss Fiddes was the chief attraction, as Black Eyed Susan, although, as we understand only partially recovered from severe indisposition, from which she has been suffering for the last day or two. The engagement of Madame Strebinger, one of the most accomplished and graceful ballet dancers in the colony, and the addition of Mr. Strebinger to the orchestra, show that the proprietors are determined to keep up the character of the house for producing novelty and talent of every kind.

ASSOCIATIONS: Josephine Fiddes (actor, vocalist); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)

[News], The Argus (19 September 1861), 5 

The third subscription concert of the Philharmonic Society was given last evening at the Theatre Royal, when "Israel in Egypt" was performed . . . The band, under the conduct of Herr Elsasser and the leadership of Herr Strebinger, was particularly strong in stringed instruments, and contributed greatly to the success of the performance. We might single out for special praise the execution of the very descriptive accompaniment to, the chorus "But the waters overwhelmed their enemies;" and generally, indeed, the instrumentalists exhibited a thorough appreciation of the beauties of the work they were ongaged in interpreting, and did their utmost to develop them to the audience.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Elsasser (conductor); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation)

"TOWN TALK", The Herald (30 December 1861), 5 

Mr. Alexander's concert at Hockin's Assembly Rooms on Saturday evening called up reminiscences of four or five years ago, when Miska Hauser was here, and when a classical concert could be announced with a much greater assurance of success than at present, - a fact not flattering to us, for it indicates anything but an advanced stage of social culture. It is indeed a pity that concerts, of which the performance of classical instrumental music should form the principal feature, are not more frequently given. The reason cannot be that we have not the material, for the orchestra of the Theatre Royal, for example, includes three or four musicians of very great ability; and in fact the concert of Saturday, though far from exhausting the resources of Melbourne in this respect, showed what we can do even now. It would appear that the one thing needful is, not we hope an appreciating, but an actively encouraging section of the community, for to the musically uneducated man the most attractive music will ever be the human voice. That being universally understood, will be universally encouraged; but for a player on the piano, the violin, the flute, or any other leading instrument, to please the ears of the general public, he must diverge from the legitimate sphere of his art if he desires to earn a living by his profession, and descend to mere trickery and ad captandum display. It is then only to a limited class that proprietors of entertainments like that of Saturday can look for support; and that event having been a complete success, we hope that it will tend to revive something of the old spirit amongst the musical microcosm of Melbourne.

The chief concerted composition on Saturday was Beethoven's trio in C minor, which was admirably performed by Messrs. Alexander (piano), Strebinger (violin), and Chapman (violoncello). The performance was most attentively listened to . . . Mr. Strebinger also performed a fantasia on airs from "La Sonnambula," in which he was encored . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Alexander (pianist); Samuel Chapman (cellist)

MUSIC: Piano trio in C minor (op. 1 no. 3, Beethoven)

[News], The Argus (3 July 1862), 5 

There was a numerous attendance at the concert and ball given under the auspices of the German Association, at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Flinders-lane, last evening . . . The places of Messrs. Siede and Strebinger, who have gone to Sydney with the Lyster opera company, were ably supplied by Messrs. Elsasser and Lundborg . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (flute); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)

"VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 September 1862), 4 

A concert of a miscellaneous character was given last evening, in the new hall of the School of Arts, by Mr. Lyster's Opera Company. The popularity which these artistes have acquired by their admirable operatic performances was unmistakably manifested by the crowded audience that was attracted last night to hear them once more, before their departure from the colony. The pieces selected were mostly operatic, and were enthusiastically applauded . . . Two quartetts were very skilfully performed by the violinists, Messrs. Strebinger, Rice, Chapman, and Reiff, jun. Herr Strebinger also gave a solo on the violin - "Souvenirs de Bellini" [Artot] and as an encore, "The Carnival of Venice," both of which were admirably performed . . .

MUSIC: Souvenirs de Bellini (Artot); the advertised program also included the String quartet in C minor (op. 18 no. 4, Beethoven) and an otherwise unspecified Andante by Haydn

"MR. HORSLEY'S CONCERT", The Argus (6 March 1863), 5 

Last night Mr. C. E. Horsley gave a concert of vocal and instrumental music, at Hockin's Assembly-rooms. The programme was of a miscellaneous description, and contained items to suit every variety of taste. To commence with the most classical portion of the entertainment, the first and last pieces deserve especial notice. The concert commenced with Mozart's celebrated G minor quartett, which was admirably given by Mr. Strebinger, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Horsley. Mr. Strebinger's violin has seldom been heard to greater advantage than last night. In the orchestra at the opera, a soloist of such a high order of merit is almost thrown away, and it is only in chamber concerts that his talent can be fully appreciated. The quartett went admirably, especially in the sublime andante movement, which was interpreted by the performers with great taste and expression. The last item was Mendelssohn's D minor trio, which was performed carefully by Mr. Horsley, Mr. Strebinger, and Mr. Chapman, but the audience were too fatigued to appreciate fully the beauties of this marvellous composition. Encores had been frequent throughout the evening, and the trio fell upon weary ears . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (piano); Herbert Thomas (viola); Samuel Chapman (cello)

MUSIC: Piano quartet in G minor (K 478, Mozart); Piano trio in D minor (Mendelssohn)

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 October 1863), 8 

ORPHEUS UNION. Third Season, 1863 . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Fantasia, violin - Lucrezia Borgia, M. Hauser - Herr Strebinger . . .
Conductor, Mr. G. R. G. PRINGLE . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Robert Grant Pringle (conductor, accompanist); Orpheus Union (organisation)

"THE THEATRES . . . THE ROYAL", The Argus (9 November 1863), 5 

"Macbeth" was brought out at this house on Saturday, with great splendour and success. It had been rumoured for some time that the resources of the theatre would be taxed to give effect to the revival of this tragedy, and from Mr. Sullivan's energy and taste much was anticipated; nor was expectation disappointed . . . Monsieur Strebinger and his instrumentalists deserve a special compliment for the spirited manner in which the flat and occasionally difficult music by Locke was performed, and for the effective character of the marches played at the wings. To give greater effect to the musical portion of the performance, Mr. Wharton was retained, and filled the part of Hecate, receiving the compliment of a call. Mr. Walter Sherwin also lent the aid of his voice. The congruities were a little shocked, however, by the murdered Duncan (Mr. Harwood) reviving as one of the singing witches, a few minutes after Macbeth had discovered the monarch's "silverskin laced with his golden bloom" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Barry Sullivan (actor); Henry Wharton (actor, vocalist); Walter Sherwin (actor, vocalist); Henry Richard Harwood (actor, vocalist)

MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (mostly by Richard Leveridge)

"THE GERMAN FESTIVAL", The Age (29 December 1863), 6 

The second German Gymnastic and Musical Festival commenced yesterday, in Cremorne Gardens at noon . . . Herr Schott acted as musical director, and in the orchestra the following volunteers took part: - Messrs. Siede, Strebinger, Fischer, King, Hughes, King, junr., Lewis, Littolf, Montague, Jones, Reed, Chapman, Gover, Thorn, Campbell, Koehler, Braithwaite, Tolhurst, Thomas and Richti.

ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelm Carl Fischer (violin); Ernest King (violin, pupil of Strebinger); Patrick Henry Hughes (musician); Francis Litolff (musician); Alfred Montague (musician); Franz Kohler (musician); George or William Tolhurst (musician); Carl Richty (musician)

See also, on the preparations, "Einsendungen", Süd Australische Zeitung (23 October 1863), 3 

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 February 1864), 8 

THEATRE ROYAL. Solo Lessee and Manager, Barry Sullivan.
THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, And Every Evening until further notice.
GRAND REVIVAL Of Shakespeare's great Historical Tragedy of KING JOHN . . .
In which BARRY SULLIVAN Will appear as FAULCONBRIDGE . . .
Grand Entr'Acte and Military Music, By Mons. Strebinger.

"SUPREME COURT . . . Tuesday, Dec. 13 . . . CONSTABLE (HUSBAND) V. CONSTABLE (WIFE), STREBINGER, AND CLARKE", The Argus (15 December 1864), 5

A suit by Marmaduke Constable, merchant, for divorce from his wife, Ann Mary, on the ground of adultery. As at first framed, Frederick Strebinger, musician, and William Clarke, jun., goldbroker, were made co-respondents; but by order of a judge, the correspondent Clarke's name was removed from the record, and Strebinger, who is now out of the jurisdiction, was left the only co-respondent.
Mr. J. W. Stephen and Mr. Lawes for the petitioner.
There was no appearance for the respondent, or the co-respondent, Strebinger. The material witnesses were the petitioner and - Hitches, who was examined in New Zealand by commission. The petitioner proved that, being under a necessity to leave Melbourne on business for the Lachlan gold-fields, he provided his wife with a residence and means to live in comfort, according to her station, in his absence; that she left the residence provided for her, and gave him cause for suspicion that she had been unfaithful to him with more than one person. The petitioner also, together with the evidence of the witness Hitches, proved that they went in company to a house in Little Flinders-street, raised the alarm of fire, and by surprise obtained sight of the respondent and the co-respondent Strebinger, under circumstances excluding all doubt that they had been guilty of adultery together. The identification of the correspondent was clear at the time, but it was rendered more clear by his leaving behind him his hat and violin.
The Court decreed a divorce.


. . . Petitioner then went to New Zealand. Reports there reached him of the further misconduct of his wife, and he returned to Melbourne on the 4th September [1863], keeping the knowledge of his return secret from his wife. He found her living in a disreputable neighborhood, off Collins street, and determined to watch the house, observing that the servant did not sleep there, and that the door remained unlocked at night. On the evening of the 11th September, about half-past seven o'clock, he saw Strebinger go into the house, and noticed the light carried into the bedroom. In about half-an-hour, Strebinger came out and locked the gate, hanging up the key on a nail, as though accustomed to do so. On the following Sunday evening, petitioner went with a man named Hitches, who knew Strebinger, to watch the house. Upon arriving in the neighborhood, they heard the sound of a violin in the next house. In a short time Strebinger came out, accompanied by Mrs. Constable, and the two went into an oyster shop in Swanston street. They returned and entered respondent's house, petitioner hearing the woman tell co-respondent to lock the gate and the door, which he did. Mrs. Constable and Strebinger went into the bedroom, Hitches identifying the voice of the latter after listening at the window. After the lapse of a few minutes, Constable and Hitches endeavored to break in through the window, and failing in their efforts to effect an entrance, shouted "fire," "police," &c. In a few minutes the door was opened hurriedly, and petitioner stepped into the room. He met his wife in her night dress, holding a lighted candle, and saw Strebinger dressing himself by the bedside. The latter had just got a few garments hurriedly thrown on. Petitioner seized Strebinger and demanded his name. The latter declined to give it, but having undergone a good shaking, answered "Strebinger." He was then allowed to retreat, and he made off with the utmost promptitude, leaving his fiddle and gold watch behind. Respondent, on seeing Constable, exclaimed, "It is my husband, and all is over," or something of that purport. She solemnly stated that "no harm had been done," and subsequently remarked that her husband and Hitches would have caught them had they only waited a little longer. The bed bore the impression of two persons, and the clothes were in a disordered state . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Marmaduke Constable (1823-1898); having received his divorce, in 1866 Constable married Joey Gougenheim (actor, vocalist); William Clarke junior (son of William Clarke); Therese Strebinger was in Sydney, appearing with the Lyster Opera Company, in early September 1863 at the time of the alleged adultery; see [Advertisement], Empire (5 September 1863), 1 

Will be given, for the last time, Meyerbeer's Grand Opera, LES HUGUENOTS . . .
Dances incidental to the opera - By Madame Strebinger . . .

And "SHIPPING. HOBSON'S BAY. ARRIVED", The Age (16 September 1863), 4 

September 15. Wonga Wonga, A.S.N. Company's s., 700 tons, B. Paddle, from Sydney, 12th inst. Passengers - cabin: . . . Madame Strebinger . . .

Europe and America (from 1864):

[Advertisement], The musical world [London, England] (15 October 1864), 656

THE STRAND MUSICK HALL will OPEN on MONDAY, October, 17, with a Company composed the following eminent Artistes . . .
ORCHESTRA. First Violin, Principal, Herr Strebinger . . .
Musical Director - Mr. F. Kingsbury . . .

PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE . . . To the EDITOR", Birmingham Daily Post (19 April 1865), 4 (PAYWALL)

Sir, Can you afford a small space your valuable columns, to offer a trifling explanation that I consider due both the Birmingham public and myself? I had entrusted the leadership the orchestra, in connection with my Opera Company now performing at the Prince of Wales Theatre, to a Mr. Strebinger, whose name was duly announced in the prospectus. From some still unexplained cause, that gentleman has never made his appearance . . .
Apologising for this intrusion, I am, sir, very obediently, J. RUSSELL . . .

"MELBOURNE NEWS (Herald)", Bendigo Advertiser (18 September 1865), 2s

We understand, from private sources, that Herr Strebinger, who was so well known in Melbourne some years ago as a violinist and orchestral conductor, expired in London in June last.

[Advertisement], New York Clipper [NY, USA] (5 May 1866), 31 

WOODS THEATRE. ADMISSION, 5O CENTS. Broadway , opposite St. Nicholas Hotel.
MADAME STREBINGER, and a full company, embracing many PUBLIC FAVORITES,
in the serio-comic Extravaganza, in two acts , entitled the ELVES; OR, THE STATUE BRIDE . . .

"THE BROADWAY THEATRE . . .", New York Clipper (11 April 1874), 14 

. . . . opposite the New York Hotel, is to be opened this evening, April 6, under the management of G. L. Fox, assisted by George H. Tyler as acting manager, M. L. Sutton as treasurer, and F. Strebinger as the leader of the orchestra . . . Humpty Dumpty at Home win constitute the attraction . . .

Passengers per St. Laurent, from Le Havre and Brest, France, arrived at New York, 17 July 1878; Records of the U.S. Customs Service (PAYWALL)

. . . [Mr.] Frederic Strebinger / 35 [sic] / Artist / [born] Vienna (Austria) / [for] New York
Mrs. Therese Strebinger / 45 [sic] / [Artist] / [born] Paris (France) / [for New York] . . .

"HEROLD'S ORCHESTRAL MATINEE", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, USA] (17 October 1878), 1

The attendance at Platt's Hall, yesterday afternoon, was large, and very encouraging to the projectors of these very interesting orchestral matinees. The programme began with Hermann's stirring and popular "Turner's March." This was followed by Beethoven's Symphony in F, No. 8, opus 93 . . . The second part began with Meyerbeer's overture, "Struensee," q massive work, that was very well received. Mr. F. Strebinger executed a violin solo, Lepinsky's, of airs from "La Sonnambula." A vigorous encore testified to the pleasure of the audience and the merits of the artist . . .

"Notes", Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (27 January 1894), 169 

Those who remember the Lyster Opera Company, and their triumphs in the sixties, will have many pleasant memories revived at the name of Herr Strebinger, the principal violinist of the orchestra, who, at latest dates, was in 'Frisco, and about to take part in a benefit concert to Signor Lucchesi, pianist and composer in the Californian capital.

"AMERICAN ROBBED IN PARIS", The sun [NY, USA] (13 July 1899), 1 

PARIS, July 12. - A man named Strebinger of San Francisco, Cal., was robbed of $20,000 this morning in the hotel where he is stopping. He left the money under his pillow while he went into an adjoining room, which was occupied by his wife. When he returned the money was gone.

"FAITS DIVERS . . . Un vol passage Tivoli", Le XIXe siècle: journal quotidien (14 July 1899), 3 

M. Strebinger, professeur de violin, d'origine américaine, a été victime dans un hôtel du passage Tivoli, d'un vol de 100,000fr. M. Strebinger avait caché sous le chevet de son lit les valeurs dont il s'agit. Hier, il alla passer quelques minutes dans une chambre contigue à celle qu'il occupe. En revenant, il s'aperçut que ses économies avaient été enlevéees. Des adroits filous, aucune nouvelle. Désespéré, le malheureux rentier vint conter sa mésaventure à M. Cornegtte, commissaire de police. Le magistrat interrogea le propriétaire et les employés de l'hôtel. Personne ne put lui donner d'indice séreieux. il semble néanmoins qu'aucun étrange n'a pu pénétrer dans la chambre occupée par M. Strebinger pendant le court laps de temps où le vol été commis.

"OUR PARIS LETTER . . . MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE", The Telegraph [Brisbane, QLD] (19 August 1899), 2 

M. Strebinger hails from San Francisco. Thirty years ago he came to France with his wife, as a professor of music, of painting, and as showman. He had decided to return to America, and went to London to receive his scrip and shares, where he had deposited them in order to turn them into French money. He did so, and the total was 100,000 francs, all the scrapings and savings of his life, and on which be hoped to be able to pass his last years. He had 80 bank notes for 1,000 francs each, and several bundles of smaller notes. To guard against thieves he placed the property between two mattresses, and slept thereon. Two mornings ago he passed for twenty minutes into his wife's bedroom, as she was ailing. On returning he cast a peep between the mattresses. The nest was empty. Desolated, he rushed to the hotel proprietor; then to the commissary of police, but found no clue. Worse, he has had to leave the hotel, being unable to pay his bill, and for reflecting by his complaint on the honesty of the house. Had he declared in writing he had that property, and placed it for safety in the hands of the hotel-keeper, he would be richer to-day.

"DIED", The San Francisco Call [California, USA] (11 January 1900), 11 

STREBINGER - In this city, January 9, 1900, Terese, beloved wife of Frederick Strebinger, a native of Paris, France, aged 73 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully notified that the funeral takes place this day (Thursday), at 10:30 o'clock, from the parlors of Valente, Marini & Co., 1524 Stockton street, thence by 11:30 o'clock train for Cypress Lawn Cemetery.

"Killed Herself While Insane", San Francisco Call (12 January 1900), 14 

Coroner Colo held an inquest yesterday morning on the body of Teresa Strebinger, who committed suicide last Tuesday at her home, 739 Green street, by inhaling illuminating gas. The jury returned a verdict of suicide while temporarily insane.

List or manifest of alien passengers per SS. G. Bretagne, from Le Harve to New York, 15 May 1909; New York Arrivals (PAYWALL)

Strebinger Frederic / 79 / W[idowed] / Artist / [nationality] U.S.A. / [last permanent residence] N.Y. / [origin] Vienna (Autrich) / [final destination] N. Y.

Other sources:

Diary of John Buckley Castieau, May and October 1855; original MS, National Library of Australia; transcribed and edited by Mark Finnane, online at Centre for 21st Century Humanities, University of Newcastle; also edited selections in Mark Finnane (ed.), The difficulties of my position: the diaries of John Buckley Castieau 1855-1884 (Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2004) (TRANSCRIPT) (Finnane 2004 DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: John Buckley Castieau (diarist); my thanks to Mark Finnane (April 2023), for kindly giving permission to reproduce and annotate selections from his transcript here

[1855-05-05 Saturday 5 May 1855] . . . Spent my evening at the Concert Room & after it was over went home with one of the Miss Swannells. Miss Swannell has a very nice voice, in fact is called "The Australian Nightingale" (but that's Bosh) she sang us at home some very pretty ditties.

[1855-05-19 Saturday 19 May 1855] . . . After coming back from Richmond I went to the Concert Hall, and got victimised into the purchase of two Theatre Tickets, one for the benefit of the Lessee of the Queen's Theatre, and the other, that of Astley's Theatre. Walked home with Miss Swannell and stayed at her house till very late.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Young (actor, lessee, Queen's); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue); George Lewis (lessee, Astley's); TAstley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue); "concert room", i.e the foyer of the new Theatre Royal, the main auditorium of which was still being completed

[1855-05-21 Monday 21 May 1855] . . . Went to the Concert Hall & from thence with the Miss Swannells to the Theatre a very long & rather dull performance. Mr. Young, the Lessee made a speech upon retiring from the Melbourne Stage. He said he had had to work hard but was thankful to state that the had found some good nuggets at the bottom of his claim. Walked back to their house with the Swannells and did not get home till past one o'clock.

[1855-10-06 Saturday 6 October 1855] . . . Called on Miss Swannell & chatted with her for an hour or two . . .

[1855-10-11 Thursday 11 October 1855] . . . In the evening . . . called upon the Swannells and invited Louisa to accompany us to which she consented. Called for the lady and found myself comfortably seated about five minutes after the rising of the curtain . . . The house was crammed & Mr. Young [Richard Younge] met with a very enthusiastic reception. After the conclusion of the play the beneficiant being called before the audience made a pretty little speech in which due mention was made of the Garrick Club. Our party got on altogether extremely well & after the performance was terminated Dr. Gilbee invited us to his house, where we had some supper. Nield & I then saw Miss Swannell home & separated.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Younge (actor); James Edward Neild (journalist)

Bibliography and resources:

"STREBINGER (MATTHIAS)", in François-Joseph Fétis, Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale (Paris: Firmin Didot, 1870), 457 (DIGITISED)

Edward H. Pask, Enter the colonies dancing: a history of dance in Australia, 1835-1940 (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1979 ), 19-20, passim

"Mon. F. Strebinger", Internet Broadway Database 

Terese Strebinger, Find a grave 

STRETCH, Theodore (Theodore STRETCH; Rev. T. STRETCH; Ven. T. STRETCH)

Anglican cleric, musical amateur (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


[NEws], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon and Newstead Advertiser [VIC] (20 April 1866), 2 


Musician, vocalist, actor, teacher of music and singing

Born London, England, c. 1821
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1 August 1840 (per Andromache, from London, 15 January, and Plymouth, 28 February, via Melbourne, 27 June to 29 July)
Married George Hoyte COMMINS (1816-1878), St. James, Sydney, NSW, 6 December 1841
Died Fish River, NSW, 8 April 1854, aged "33" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


According to her bounty documentation, Eliza Strickland was born in London, a daughter of Richard Strickland, a sawyer, and his wife Ann. Offering to teach theoretical music and singing, she advertised on arrival as a pupil of "T. Welch" - probably Thomas Welsh - and "Signior Lanza" - Gesualdo Lanza (1779-1859), and later as a former pupil of the Royal Academy of Music, London.

She sang regularly for the amateur Cecilian Society in 1840-41, and in Isaac Nathan's oratorio and concerts during 1841. In November 1840 she joined the company at the Royal Victoria Theatre, first as a vocalist, but later also as an actor, a successful association that continued until her marriage in December 1841.


List of immigrants per the ship Andromache, from Plymouth, arrived Port Phillip, 27 June 1840; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

List of passengers who proceed to Sydney . . .
Eliza Strickland / 19 / Nursery maid / [born] London . . .

List of immigrants introduced into the colony by Mr. John Marshall of London on government bounty, per ship Andromache, arrived Sydney, 1 August 1840; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

. . . Strickland Eliza / Nursery Governess / Protestant / Reads & Writes / [born] London / [age] 18 / [bounty] £18 . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (24 August 1840), 3

MISS E. STRICKLAND. (Pupil of T. Welsh and Signoir [sic] Lanzer)
teacher of Music and Singing, No. 11 King-street, east, near Pitt-street, -
Miss. S having just arrived from London, begs respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Sydney, and its environs, she is now prepared to receive a limited number of Young Ladies.
Miss S. begs to impress on the minds of those friends who may feel disposed to place their Daughters under her tuition, that every care will be taken to ensure their progress in both branches of the profession, as it is her system to give her pupils a thorough knowledge in the Theory of Music and Singing, so as to enable the Pupils to play and sing the most difficult compositions.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Welsh (teacher); Gesualdo Lanza (teacher)

"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Colonist (3 October 1840), 3

. . . On Monday night, Mr. Wallace, the leader of the Orchestra, takes his first benefit . . . First, there will be THE LADY OF THE LAKE (Sir Walter Scott's poem dramatised.) Next, a Concert, vocal and instrumental, in which Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, and Mrs. Clancy will assist. Miss Strickland, a pupil of the Royal Academy of music, will also sing. After the Concert there are to be dances, and then the farce HIS FIRST CHAMPAGNE. The selection is one of the best this season, and the additional attraction of the Concert will doubtless ensure Mr. Wallace a bumper.

ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (leader); Eliza Bushelle (vocalist, Wallace's sister); Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue); Royal Academy of Music (London music school)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (5 October 1840), 3 

THIS EVENING, OCTOBER 5, 1840, Upon which occasion he has the honour to announce
AND MISS STRICKLAND, (Pupil of the Royal Academy of Music, London),
have kindly volunteered their services . . .
The Performance will commence with . . . THE LADY OF THE LAKE . . .
Programme. Overture to Fra Diavolo. - Auber
Cavatina "Tell me, my Heart" - Miss Strickland
Favorite Ballad "We've lived and loved together" - Madame Gautrot
Song, "My Friend and Pitcher," - Mrs. Clancy.
The Scotch Ballad, "Mary of Castlecary," Mrs. Bushelle.
Song, "Just by Twilight," - Miss Strickland.
The English Ballad," Wapping Old Stairs" - Mrs. Bushelle.
French Air, by particular desire, "Provera Signora, " - Madame Gautrot.
Swiss Melody - Mrs. Clancey.
"Lo here the gentle Lark," with Flute Obligato Accompaniment, Mrs. Bushelle and S. W. Wallace . . .

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (8 October 1840), 2

Mr. Wallace had, as we anticipated, a closely packed house, to witness the entertainments he had provided for his benefit night . . . The concert (so to speak) which followed gave unqualified satisfaction. Miss Strickland, a late arrival, made her first appearance in "Tell me my heart," and "Just by Twilight," both of which were very prettily sung and encored. It would perhaps be premature to express any decided opinion upon this lady's qualifications as a singer from her efforts on Monday evening, although the lady certainly did not seem deficient in confidence - an essential requisite in either singer or actor. We may, however, express our doubt whether her voice has sufficient power for the theatre, but we have no wish to decide hastily . . .

MUSIC: Tell me, my heart (Bishop, from Henri quartre)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 October 1840), 3 

MUSIC AND SINGING. MISS E. STRICKLAND, Pupil of T. Welch and Signior Lanzer,
Teacher of Music and Singing, Goulburn Cottage, corner of Goulburn and Elizabeth-street . . .
N.B.- Ladies Schools attended.

"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Colonist (3 November 1840), 3 

This Society's monthly soirée will be given to-morrow evening. Monsieur Gautrot, and Miss Strickland, who has appeared only once before in Sydney, have offered their assistance for the evening.

ASSOCIATIONS: Cecilian Society

"THE CECILIAN CONCERT", The Colonist (7 November 1840), 3 

This society's concert came off on Wednesday evening last [4 November]. It was the best that has yet taken place. Miss Strickland took the audience exceedingly, and the "London Cries" afforded considerable amusement, especially to the initiated. The instrumental performances were all good, and on the whole the concert was exceedingly well got up, and highly creditable to the society. We understand that a general meeting of the members will be called shortly on matters of finance, and we trust that the funds will be found in a healthy state. At the same time, we should recommend every one, professional or not, to support the society; more especially the former, as this society has already engendered a considerable taste for music, and its progress can only maintain it to the manifest benefit of professors of music.

"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (13 November 1840), 2 

We attended this Society's Concert last Wednesday Evening [4 November, as above], and are sorry that from press of matter, we had not had time before to pass our remarks on that evening's entertainment, which it so deservedly merits. The overtures were well and correctly executed and that of La Dame Blanche particularly admired by all; Pleyell's concertante did credit to the orchestra, and we could not but admire the breaking in of the hautboy, which we could perceive was in the hands of a thorough musician. Miss Strickland's songs were well executed, and we do not know which of them to choose, "sweetly music stealing," or "softly sighs the voice of evening"; that young lady sings with taste and judgment we have no doubt that she will become a favorite of the public . . . - Correspondent.

MUSIC: Softly sighs the voice of evening (Weber, from Der Freischütz)

"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (12 November 1840), 2

The Theatre will open for the season, on Monday evening next, and after a dull vacation lately, we feel assured that the enlivening gratification of again discussing the merits of candidates for Histrionic Fame, will be eagerly embraced by everyone. The spirited Proprietor is endeavouring to render the "corps dramatique," as effective as possible. Madame Veilburn has been engaged, and she will be a decided acquisition. It is rumoured that vocal talent (the greatest attraction to a Sydney audience) which has for so long a period been an utter stranger to the stage, is likely to be revived in the person of Miss Strickland, who has lately come amongst us, and whose exquisite powers of song, combined with her winning yet unassuming lady like deportment, have so deservedly elicited such unbounded admiration. We suggest to the Proprietor that an engagement with the above lady would render the stage particularly attractive, and at the same time remunerative - Correspondent.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor); Madame Veilburn (dancer)

[Advertisement], The Australian (19 November 1840), 3 

The Public is respectfully informed, that the Proprietor of the above Establishment having made arrangements with
MISS STRICKLAND, that lady will have the honor of making her first appearance in the course of the ensuing week . . .

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (21 November 1840), 2 

In the present attenuated form of the theatrical company, any accession of strength will, of course, be gladly received. We are much gratified, therefore, in announcing that the proprietor has acquired so able an auxiliary as Miss Strickland. This young lady has already appeared before the public and received a very flattering acknowledgment of her capabilities as a singer. Such an engagement was indeed indispensible, seeing that the vocal department was altogether unsupplied. The services of those who, since the re-opening of the theatre, have kindly endeavoured to supply the deficiency in this respect will now, therefore, be superseded; a relief for which they will, doubtless, be most thankful. It would, perhaps, be premature to offer any observation with respect to the managerial changes. We shall see what a few weeks will bring forth. Madame Veilburn's dancing is spoken of in the highest terms, and, if her proficiency in the other branches of the art be equal to that in the Irish Jig, she deserves all that can be said in her praise.

"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 November 1840), 2 

On Thursday evening [26 November] the new piece of the "Gamester of Milan" was performed . . . Miss Strickland sung the beautiful song of "Meet me by Twilight," in a manner highly worthy of the eulogy with which she has been greeted by the public press, and all who have heard her in Sydney. We have heard no vocalist in the Victoria to put in comparison with her. We hope soon to see this young lady lake a part in an opera, but we are sorry that there is no male singer on the Sydney stage to take the male characters . . .

"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 December 1840), 2 

. . . on Saturday evening last [28 November] . . . The afterpiece was the "Gamester of Milan, in the first act of which we had the pleasure of hearing Miss Strickland sing. We must say that we were still more pleased than on the former night. She has acquired a greater degree of confidence, and acquitted herself in a style highly gratifying to the audience . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (30 November 1840), 3 

C. KNOWLES, Stage Manager. T. SIMES, Acting Manager.

ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor, manager); Thomas Simes (actor, manager)

MUSIC: Pretty star of the night (music by Harriet Waylett)

"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (2 December 1840), 2 

The theatre appears to be getting on pretty well, although the male portion of the company is certainly very weak. Since we last noticed the performance, Miss Strickland has made her appearance on the boards; she has a clear sweet voice which she uses with considerable skill, and on the whole she is a great acquisition to the stage, especially as she will enable the manager to bring out some easy operatic piece.

"THE THEATRE" and "CECILIAN SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (5 December 1840), 2

On Thursday evening the Theatre was well attended . . . "Tell me my Heart," was sung with much taste by Miss Strickland, who was encored . . .

The monthly Concert of the Cecilian Society took place last evening, at the old Court House, Castlereagh-street. Notwithstanding that the early part of the evening was wet, and the streets dirty, there were at least two hundred visitors present on the occasion. The performances generally were well received, and some of them were encored. The Society have of late been favoured by the assistance of Miss Strickland, whose singing last night elicited much applause. The Society can now enumerate amongst its performers, nearly the whole of the leading (males) professors of music in the Colony. Annexed is the programme of last night's performances: - Part 1. Overture, La Vestale, Spontini; Glee, the "May Fly," Calcott; Song, "the Outlaw," Loder; Duet, "March from Philtre" Pianoforte, Herz; Song, "What is the Spell," Rooke; Song, "The knight was brave," Rossini; Chorus, "Beauty's praise," Logan; Overture, "Le Pre aux clercs," Herves; Part 2 - Overture, "Der Freischutz," Weber; Song, "The sea rover;" Glee, "Hark, Apollo strikes the lyre," Bishop; Song, "Coming through the Rye;" Song, "Lo! thy hour approaches fast," Weber; Chorus, "What equals on earth," Weber; Finalle, Mozart.

"CECILIAN SOCIETY", Australasian Chronicle (5 December 1840) 2

We have just returned from the concert of this society, and have only time to say that, with the exception of one or two songs, it passed off remarkably well. The song of "Coming thro' the Rye" was very well sung by a young gentleman, who bids fair to be an excellent singer. "Lo thy hour approaches fast" was well executed by Miss Strickland, although we must confess the reports we had heard of her raised our expectations somewhat too high. On the whole the concert was an agreeable one. - Correspondent.

MUSIC: Lo! Lo! thy hour approaches fast! (Weber, from Der Freischütz)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (7 December 1840), 3 

THIS EVENING . . . Song - Coming through the Rye, Miss Strickland . . .

"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (10 December 1840), 3

The Victoria was but thinly attended during the early part of Tuesday night; but filled up at half price. Madame Veilburn and her pupil [sic], Miss Strickland, are very highly thought of, whilst the whole of the performers seem to be industrious and successful in their separate departments.

[Advertisement], The Australian (10 December 1840), 3 

the admired Play . . . THE STRANGER . . .
Act IV - Scene 1st., A DUET, by Miss Strickland and Miss A. Winstanley.
SONG - "I have a Silent Sorrow," by Miss Strickland . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Winstanley (vocalist, actor)

MUSIC: To welcome mirth and harmless glee (duet) and I have a silent sorrow here (words by Sheridan, in The stranger)

"THEATRICALS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (23 December 1840), 3 

Having, as before stated, visited the Theatre on Monday night, we cannot do less than make some comment on the performances of the evening . . . The last piece was exceedingly laughable, and the characters throughout properly supported. Simes' representation of Tom Chaff was well sustained, and convulsed the house with roars of laughter. We we were sorry to see Knowles troubled with a cold, that so materially affected his delivery, and we hope he will soon recover. Miss Strickland, on her first appearance in any piece, really deserves praise, and we entertain sanguine hopes of her future character in the corps - putting the natural diffidence consequent on her first performance aside, we were much pleased, and would wish to encourage her as she deserves. The hissing heard at the conclusion of the piece, whether intended for the play itself, we cannot tell, but if meant as disapprobation of Miss Strickland's performance, was both unmerited and unfeeling, and emanated, we have no doubt, either from some, of the rabble on the left hand corner of the pit, or from some dissatisfied hypochondriacal beings who could neither appreciate the merits of the piece, nor discriminate between the different performances; we hope to see a better feeling displayed amongst the audience, and allowance made for first attempts . . .

[Advertisement], The Australian (26 December 1840), 3 

Song, "Whistle and I'll come to thee my Lad," by Miss Strickland . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: O whistle and I'll come to you my Lad (words by Robert Burns)

"THE THEATRE", Free Press and Commercial Journal (6 March 1841), 3 

On Thursday evening last was performed RICHARD III. and the evening's entertainment concluded with the Popular Farce called MY SISTER KATE, OR, BACHELOR'S COMFORTS . . . The Farce was good. Mr. Knowles' Charles Unit, the uncomfortable Bachelor, was exceedingly humorous, and could only be equalled by Miss Strickland's Kate Morton. Miss Strickland sung a song in the character of Kate Morton, and was encored with loud applause . . .

"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Herald (8 March 1841), 2 

We are happy to learn that Mrs. Clancy and Miss Strickland have made an offer of their assistance to the Cecilian Society for their first concert, which comes off during the present month. When these ladies have a concert or benefit of their own, the least that the Cecilian Society can do is to afford them all the patronage which they can command, which we have no doubt will be the case, not only as a testimony of their intrinsic worth, but also to show that those who exert themselves to please the public will not go unrewarded.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (9 June 1841), 2 

We have been requested to call the attention of the patrons of the drama, to the bill of fare prepared for their entertainment, by that accomplished performer, Miss Strickland, on tomorrow, the evening of her Benefit. The pieces selected are - "The Forest of Bondi, or the Dog of Montargis," in which piece Mr. Lee's celebrated Dog enacts. The scenery, to be introduced on this occasion, is said to be in perfect keeping with the incidents of this extraordinary and spirit-stirring piece. An interesting rustic Ballet or Dance by the whole of the company will be introduced, producing a most pleasing effect - and indeed forming an agreeable interlude. The following vocal pieces will be executed: - Duet of "My Pretty Page," by Misses Strickland and Winstanley; a Comic Song, by our fairy-tripping Danseuse, Madame Veilburn; "Before my Eyes" - Miss Strickland; "Buy my Oranges" (in character), Miss Strickland; and a Comic a Duet, by Miss Strickland and Mr. Lee. A Grand Scena, from Der Freizschutz, will be exhibited, and a Dance by Miss Jones. After which, it will be produced "The Lear of Private Life." On the last piece we need offer no comment - as the acting of Mrs. O'Flaherty, with Messrs. Knowles and Groves alone, have stamped it a universal favorite, and have created intense interest even in its name. We sincerely wish Miss S., as she merits it at the hands of the public, a bumper.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, vocalist); Matilda Jones (actor, vocalist, dancer); Eliza O'Flaherty (actor, Ann Winstanley's sister); Daniel Parsons Grove (actor)

MUSIC: My pretty page (Bishop); Buy my oranges (Auber)

[News], The Australian (10 June 1841), 2 

Miss Strickland's benefit is fixed for to-night. This is this young lady's first appeal to the public, and it is to be hoped she will share a fair portion of patronage. Since she has been on the Sydney stage she has ever been attentive to her duties, and in some of the characters allotted to her she acquitted herself creditably. She has also been very ready to give her time and talent, when called on gratuitously: the Cecilian Society are under many obligations towards her . . .

[Advertisement], Free Press and Commercial Journal (30 June 1841), 4 

ORATORIO. MR. NATHAN has the honour to announce, that
THIS EVENING, June 30, 1841, will be given, at St. Mary's Cathedral, a
Grand Oratorio, Consisting of a SELECTION OF SACRED MUSIC.
Vocal Performers - Mrs. Bushelle, a Young Lady (pupil to Mrs. Bushelle), the Misses Nathan, Miss Baron, Miss Sullivan (pupil to Miss Baron), Miss Strickland, Miss Winstanley, Miss S. Smith . . .
The whole under the entire management of Mr. Nathan, who will preside at the organ . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (conductor) and daughters; Margaret Barron (vocalist, teacher)

"The Victoria Theatre", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 July 1841), 2

On Saturday night [3 July] we repaired to the Victoria Theatre, this being the last night of the season, and the bills having promised something in the shape of novelty. The house was extremely crowded, and the various performances as a whole went off very creditably, though we felt Mr. Knowles' absence very much. The "drama" enacted on this evening was the "Castilian Bandit, or Phantom Bride," which was certainly very well performed. We never recollect to have seen Spencer acquit himself so well, and Lee was also in "his proper mood." We have nothing new to remark of the other performers, suffice it to say, that in the dancing department, little Miss Jones elicited, in news-paper parlance, thunders of applause - she is undoubtedly a "phenomenon." Miss Ann Winstanley in the singing, sustained her well-merited reputation as a vocalist of no ordinary merit, though she was not exactly at home in the pieces she chose, or which we rather suspect to be the case, were chosen for her on the occasion. Miss Strickland also sustained her position in the rank of vocalists. We do not like to offer any remarks that might be construed uncharitable, still we never see this actress on the boards without feeling a painful tingle in our organs of hearing . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor)

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 July 1841), 2 

The Theatre opened for the season on Monday night last . . . The house being full, the several performers exerted themselves with more than their wonted spirit. Knowles, Lee, Grove, and Falchon excelled each other in their various departments. We cannot speak so favourably of the female actors, though it goes against our grain to, say any thing disrespectful of the fair sex; doubtless they did their best, and they could not more; but we found a sad blank, which will not easily be filled up, in the absence of Madame O'Flaherty and her talented sister. The monotony of Mrs. Larra, and the squeaking of that "broken cymbal," Miss Strickland, will all account to the play-going world, for such gifted performers. The desiderata will probably be supplied on Mr. Wyatt's arrival, who is expected to bring out with him a choice batch of the corps dramatique.

ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (actor, vocalist); Mary Ann Larra (actor)

"THEATRICALS", Sydney Free Press (31 July 1841), 3 

We paid a visit to the Victoria Theatre on Thursday last [29 July], and were considerably gratified by the entertainments of the evening, although in consequence of the recent badness of the weather the attendance was very small . . . The farce of "My Sister Kate" . . . was tolerably well played, although it had not the charm of novelty to recommend it, and the character of Kate Norton was well sustained by Miss Strickland, who, we are happy to state, is improving rapidly in her profession, and appears to possess that happy confidence in her own powers which is so eminently useful in aiding the advance of an actress. The extravaganza of "Bombastes Furioso" concluded the amusements . . .

"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (5 August 1841), 2 

. . . We have said that the songs were all well sung . . . Nathan's exquisite "Why are you wandering!" by Miss Jones; the famous "Dicky Dolus," sung in admirable style by Mr. Falchon; all which were rapturously encored, as was also Nathan's earliest composition, "Infant Love," sung by Miss Strickland. There was one cursed mistake in this lady's appearance, which put us in bad humour even with her good singing - she was monstrously painted, and bounteous nature had not so much as given her an excuse for such an outrage . . .

"CONCERT", The Australian (7 August 1841), 2 

. . . Miss Strickland was more happy in her song of Infant Love, than we have ever before heard her. She has some notes in her voice extremely good . . .

MUSIC: Infant love (Nathan)

THE CECILIAN CONCERT, The Sydney Herald (17 September 1841), 2 

On Wednesday evening the amateurs of the Cecilian Society performed a concert in St. James's Parochial school room, before a very select and fashionable audience. At 8 o'clock his Excellency the Governor and Lady Gipps, Sir James and Lady Dowling, Mr. Miles, Captain O'Connell, &c., entered, when the orchestra struck up "God save the Queen." The two overtures of Weber were among the best performances of the kind we have heard in the Colony, in a great degree owing to the masterly leading of Mr. Deane and the superior conducting of Mr. Johnson . . . Miss Strickland managed some cadenzas in a very creditable manner; but she mars her singing by faulty pronunciation, such as Hukk! for Hark!; Hutt! for Heart; &c. We repeat that we have often said that distinct and correct pronunciation is one of the most indispensable requisites in good singing . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (violin, leader); James Johnson (conductor); George and Elizabeth Gipps (governor and wife)

"Summary of Public Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 September 1841), 3 

. . . During the performance of Monsieur Charrier's grand military ballet on Monday evening [20 September], Miss Strickland was so exhausted in the dance that an apology had to be mude for her omitting a song she had to sing . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Monsiuer Charriere (dancer)

"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 September 1841), 2 

On Monday night a ballet entitled the "Deserter," was produced for the first time at the Victoria Theatre - it was got up under the management of Monsieur Charriere, at a very heavy expense to the spirited proprietor . . . The entertainments at the Victoria Theatre on Tuesday evening consisted of the celebrated comedy called "Wild Oats," and the favourite farce called "My Sister Kate" . . . Miss Strickland sustained the principal part of Kate, with bewitching archness and great spirit. This young lady, in addition to her high musical attainments and success as a vocalist, bids fair to rival, as an actress, older stagers on the Sydney boards, in this peculiarly fascinating line of business. Her speaking voice is as yet unpractised in a Theatre; but it will of course, improve by cultivation and practice as her singing has, until it reach equal perfection - her figure is good, her action graceful, genteel, and unembarrassed, and she possesses every other natural advantage to render her a future acquisition to the stage . . .

"HARMONIC ENTERTAINMENTS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 September 1841), 3 

The performances at the Theatre on Tuesday night were under the patronage of the Harmonic Society, and the immediate direction of Mr. Joseph Simmons, one of its leading members . . . Of the rest of the musical performances the least said, perhaps, the better, if we except Miss Strickland's melody. The members of the corps dramatique, especially Mr. Knowles, supported the "lion" of the evening bravely . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist); Australian Harmonic Club (organisation)

[2 news items], The Omnibus and Sydney Spectator (2 October 1841), 3 

. . . Sydney Theatre is not without the material to form good dancers - we seldom find the versatility of talent exhibited by Miss Strickland, and little Miss Jones, Mrs. Grove, and Mrs. Montigue, every one of whom dance well and gracefully, in the Quadrilles, while two of the them are good singers, and the other two excellent actresses in their respective lines . . .

Miss Strickland, the deservedly favourite cantatrice of the Victoria Theatre, will not sing her own favorite song, "Nobody comin' to marry me," as was expected for her own benefit; she now says it would never do for a benefit, and she could not think of it in conscience. She intends comin' out with a new air next year.

ASSOCIATIONS: Bridget Grove (actor, dancer)

MUSIC: "Nobody comin' to marry me," a pun on the name of her fiance, George Commins

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (27 October 1841), 1 

Programme of MR. NATHAN'S GRAND VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT (first of the series),
to take place THIS EVENING, WEDNESDAY, the 27th of October, 1841.
SOPRANOS and TREBLES - The Misses Nathan, Miss Pettingell, Miss F. Pettingell, Miss Strickland, Mrs. Cook, Miss Jones . . . Miss Tuohy . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne and Frederica Pettingell (vocalists); Mary Tuohy (vocalist)

"NATHAN'S GRAND CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (28 October 1841), 2 

. . . Miss Strickland and Mr. Falchon, were very successful in their two duets, which were well chosen . . . The solos were sung in succession by Miss Jane Nathan, Miss Pettingell, and Miss Strickland . . .

"NATHAN'S GRAND CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (29 October 1841), 2 

. . . It would appear to be labour lost to point out any fault or deficiency in Miss Strickland; but surely she must be bewitched to think that the complexion can be improved by a coating of white lead, - pearl-white we imagine would be too expensive to daub on so lavishly; it looked neither death like nor life like, but something between a living person, half a corpse or a corpse half alive. Why does she not get Mr. Nathan to instruct her how to pronounce the letters of the alphabet by a proper position of the lips and tongue? . . .

"Mr. Nathan's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 October 1841), 2 

. . . "No Mr. Gimbo," a comic duet of Mr. Nathan's was given with much humour by Miss Strickland and Mr. Falchon. We have heard this at Drury Lane, and we have also heard "Married and Buried or Benjamin Bow bell" on the Sydney stage - not without being amused, however, at the farcicality of representing a musical afterpiece - minus the music, yet thus is the "Illustrious Stranger" metamorphosed in New South Wales . . . "How can you abuse an easy woman so," a Comic Duet from "Sweethearts and Wives" in which we recognised the air of "au clair de la lune," was well sung by Miss Strickland and Falchon; the wind instruments here were too loud . . .

MUSIC: No, no, Mr. Gimbo, no (Nathan, duet, from The illustrious stranger); How can you abuse an easy woman so (Nathan, duet, from Sweethearts and wives)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (15 November 1841), 1 

MR. KNOWLES, Stage Manager . . . his BENEFIT . . . THIS EVENING . . .
Song, "The Tartar Drum," by Miss Strickland . . . "I've been Roaming," Miss Strickland . . .

MUSIC: The Tartar drum [Row thy bark, my gallant lover] (music by Rodwell); I've been roaming (music by C. E. Horn)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (22 November 1841), 1 

Song, "My Arab Steed," by Miss Strickland . . .

MUSIC: Oh give me but my Arab steed (Music by G. A. Hodson)

[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (25 November 1841), 3 

MISS STRICKLAND'S BENEFIT, Thursday Evening, November 25th, 1841. - Mr. Simmons as John Forrester.
MISS STRICKLAND respectfully informs her friends and the public generally,
that her Benefit will take place on the above Evening, on which occasion she has secured the services of MR. SIMMONS,
who will appear in the popular character of "John Forrester."
The performances will commence with the highly wrought and deeply interesting Drama, entitled
THE JEWESS; OR, THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE . . . John Forrester, Mr. Simmons . . .
In act 1, scene 2 - Song, "The Jewish maid," by Miss Strickland.
In the last scene - song, "Jephtha's Daughter," by Miss Strickland.
After which, a Musical Melange; a celebrated Grecian dance, by Madame Veilburn;
grand scena from "La Somnambula;" "Dearest companions." by Miss Strickland;
an entirely new dance, by Miss Jones;
song, "Buy my oranges," by Miss Strickland.
The whole to conclude with the favourite Farce, called
THIE IRISH TUTOR; OR, NEW LIGHTS . . . Dr. O'Toole, Mr. Simmons . . .
In the course of the piece, "Rory O'More," by Miss Strickland.
Application for boxes and tickets to be made to Miss Strickland, at her Residence, Hutchinson's Buildings, 10, Clarence-street; of Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; and of Mr. George Moss, Australian Office.

MUSIC: Jephtha's daughter (Nathan)

"THE THEATRE", Australasian Chronicle (27 November 1841), 3 

On Thursday evening the drama entitled the "Jewess" was presented at the Victoria Theatre for the benefit of Miss Strickland, The house was a regular "bumper," and the performance was gone through with great credit to all the performers. Mr. Simmons, as John Forrester, particularly distinguished himself; and Mr. Spencer's Mendizabel, the Jew, was sustained in the most effective manner. In the course of the drama Miss Strickland sung two or three of her favourite songs in a sweet and powerful style. In the after piece Mr. Simmons, as Dr. O'Toole, the Irish Tutor, was quite at home; and the whole of the performances went off with great eclat.

"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 November 1841), 3 

On Thursday evening last, Miss Strickland took her benefit at the Victoria Theatre. The Jewess was the play chosen for the entertainment of the brilliant audience that adorned and filled the theatre. The difficult part of Rachael Mendizabel was enacted by Miss Strickland, and as it perhaps may be that we may never again see her on the stage, we will venture to pass a few observations on her performance of that character. First, as regards her voice, which, though not at present fitted to the effect to any striking character, from its want of force, still we opine, might by practice, and a good instructor, be greatly improved. Her diction is pure and unaffected, her accent well placed and in good taste, whilst her action was both natural and graceful. Of her singing during the evening, we need not speak, for the applause that followed each of her well chosen pieces of music, sufficiently evinced the pleasure of the audience. With her benefit, we have bade her adieu, but we cannot leave our present theme, without wishing that her career in private life may be as successful, though perhaps less brilliant than that of her short but pleasing histrionic life.

[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (27 November 1841), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . on Monday Evening, November 29. MR. GROVE . . . his BENEFIT . . .
Song, "The dashing white serjeant," by Miss Strickland . . .

MUSIC: The dashing white serjeant (Bishop)

[Advertisement], The Australian (2 December 1841), 1 

Royal Victoria Theatre. For the BENEFIT of MISS M. JONES, THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 2 . . .
A MELANGE, Consisting of the following . . . Song, "Jephtha's Daughter," Miss Strickland . . .

"MARRIED", The Sydney Herald (7 December 1841), 3

ON the 6th instant, at St. James's Church, by the Rev. Mr. Allwood, by special licence, George Hoyte Commins to Eliza Strickland, both of Sydney.

"MISS STRICKLAND", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 December 1841), 2

We are glad to know that our amiable cantatrice will still "smell the lamps" occasionally - she has entered into an ENGAGEMENT (matrimonial) with Mr. Cummins [sic], of Pitt-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: George had been in business as a Sydney chemist and druggist, but shortly after their marriage, the couple settled at Stonequarry (Picton), where George was a publican and postmaster; it was George's brother, Thomas Commins (1814-1886), who set up business as a lamp and gas fitter (a branch of Commins and Son of Dublin), see "Domestic Intelligence . . . GAS FITTINGS", The Colonist (30 July 1841), 3 

We perceive that a Mr. Commins has opened an establishment in Pitt-street, as lamp manufacturer, gas-fitter, &c. . . .

"BIRTHS", The Colonial Observer (12 October 1842), 532 

On the 6th instant, at Stonequarry, the lady of Mr. George Commins, of a son.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 April 1854), 8

At Garway, Fish River, on the 8th April, Eliza, the beloved wife of George Commins, aged 33 years.


Printer, newspaper proprietor

Born England, 1811
Arrived NSW, c. 1835
Married Mary Margaret Emma HITCHCOCK, Sydney, NSW, 1836
Died Richmond, VIC, 1 May 1880, aged 68 Strode 1811-1880 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


In Sydney in May 1846, Strode printed Isaac Nathan's ode on Leichhardt's return, for publisher William Ford.


"Music", The Spectator (27 June 1846), 273 

Thy Greeting Home Again. A Poem on Leichhardt's Return from Port Essington.
Composed by I. Nathan, Esq. Ford, Sydney; Cramer, Addison and Beale, London. 1846.

We have just received a copy of this composition which has been got up by Mr. T. Strode in a manner that reflects the highest credit on his imprimerie . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Leichhardt (subject); Isaac Nathan (composer); William Ford (publisher); Richard Thompson (editor, The spectator)

"CHRONICLE OF THE MONTH", The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil (22 May 1880), 99 

There are now very few remaining in Victoria of those who may be regarded as the founders of the colony, and one more - the late Mr. Thomas Strode, of Richmond - has just been removed by death. Mr. Strode arrived here in the month of October, 1836, shortly after the late J. P. Fawkner. He soon afterwards left for Adelaide, but returned to Port Phillip in 1838, in which year he founded, and for some time afterwards carried on, the Port Phillip Gazette, the first legally registered printed newspaper in the colony, the only complete file of which is now in the British Museum. Mr. Strode also established the Maitland Gazette and the Pastoral Times, the latter being still published at Deniliquin, N.S.W. In the year 1840 he was a member of the first Masonic lodge formed in Melbourne, and in the following year was principally instrumental in establishing the first lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows in the province of Port Phillip. For the past seven years the deceased gentleman has been a confirmed invalid, the immediate cause of death being paralysis. He expired at his residence, Punt-road, Richmond, on May 1, and was interred in the Boroondara Cemetery.

Musical editions:

Thy greeting home again; a paean on Leichhardt's return from Port Essington; poet: A. K. Silvester, esq. [sic]; composer: I. Nathan. esq. (Sydney: Wm. Ford, [1846]); "T. Strode, printer, Sydney" (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Kennedy Silvester (lyrics)

Bibliography and resources:

John Henniker Heaton, Australian dictionary of dates and men of the time . . . part 2 (Sydney: George Robertson, 1879), 214 (DIGITISED)

A second newspaper, called The Port Phillip Gazette, was printed and published in Melbourne, by Messrs. Strode and Arden. It was issued twice a week. Mr. Strode had brought from Sydney, by the Denmark Hill, the type, and a wooden press of very ancient construction, with which this paper was printed.
October 27, 1838.

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 236 (DIGITISED)

STRONG, Georg (senior) - see main page George STRONG (senior)

Tailor, musician (theatre orchestra)

STRONG, Georg (junior) - see main page George STRONG (junior)

Violinist, composer

STRONG, Emily - see main page Emily STRONG

Amateur vocalist, pianist

STRONG, James (James STRONG)

Musician, fiddler, convict, free man

Born England, c. 1748 / c. 1754
Convicted Dorchester, Dorset, England, 10 March 1784 (7 years)
Arrived Port Jackson (Sydney), NSW, 26 January 1788 (convict per Alexander, age "34")
Active Sydney, NSW, July 1789; Bindi, NSW, 1811; Wilberforce, NSW, 1825-28 (aged "77" in 1828) (shareable link to this entry)

Summary (after Jordan and others):

In July 1789, marines broke up a party and loud singing in a Sydney hut. Strong was one of seven arrested, his name annotated "fiddler". He was sent to Norfolk Island on 4 March 1790 on the Supply, and returned to Sydney in September 1792. In the 1806 muster he was working for William Skinner, at his farm on the Hawkesbury River. In the 1822 muster he was a labourer at Windsor, and in the 1828 census a labourer to David Dunstone at Wilberforce. In a trial of 9 March 1811, however, he was described as a free man and a fiddler who lives on Mr. Roberts' farm at Bindi.


New South Wales convict muster, 1820; UK National Archives, HO10/13 (PAYWALL)

Strong James / Jan'y 1788 / Alexander / [ship master] Sinclair / Dorchester / March 1784

New South Wales, general muster, 1825; UK National Archives, HO10/20 (PAYWALL)

Strong James / [age on arrival] 10 [sic] / Free by servitude / Alexander / 1788 / . . . Laborer / Wilberforce

NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)

Strong James / [Age] 77 / Free by Servitude / [ship] Alexander / [year] 1810 [sic] / [term] 7 years / Protestant / Laborer / [residence with] D'd Dunston / Wilberforce

Bibliography and resources:

Robert Jordan, "Music and civil society in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 98/2 (December 2012), 201, 209 note 45 [sic, not note 46] (PAYWALL)

James Strong, First fleet 

STRONG James / Fiddler / Age when departed England 34 / Trial date 10 March 1784 / Dorchester, Dorset / Stealing bedding value 75 shillings / Transportation 7 years / Ship Alexander

STUART, Frank (Frank STUART; Mr. F. STUART; Mr. STEWART; STEWARD) = (Frank) Stuart O'BRIEN

Actor, vocalist

Active by VIC, TAS, NSW, by c. 1855

STUBBS, Thomas (Mr. STUBBS; Mr. T. STUBBS) - see main page Thomas STUBBS

Musician, professor of music, flautist, composer, cricketer, "currency lad", auctioneer

Born NSW, 1802; died VIC, 1878

STUBBS, Gibson (Gibson STUBBS; Mr. STUBBS)

Actor, manager, scenic artist, theatrical scene painter, painter and glazier

Born England, c. 1821
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), by June 1843
Married Hannah GODDBY, Hobart, VDL (TAS), 17 May 1845
Active Geelong, VIC, by 1850
Died (in the wreck of the Monumental City), 15 May 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Mereton (actor, also died in the wreck of the Monumental City)

STUBBS, Hannah (Hannah GOODBY; Mrs. Gibson STUBBS; Mrs. STUBBS)

Actor, dancer

Arrived VDL (TAS), by 1845
Married Gibson STUBBS, Hobart, VDL (TAS), 17 May 1845
Died (in the wreck of the Monumental City), 15 May 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


? England census, 6 June 1841, Liverpool, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/561/17/18/15/23 (PAYWALL)

Ann's Court / Chas. Robinson / 24 / House painter . . . [and wife and children]
John Ferris / 25 / House painter
Gibson Stubbs / 20 / Plumber's Ap[prentice] / [not born in county]

"OLYMPIC THEATRE", Launceston Advertiser (22 June 1843), 2 

On Friday night, the theatre was distinguished by the first appearance of Mr. Tubbs or Stubbs, as the case may be, "from the Theatre Royal Liverpool." We weep for Liverpool, for losing such an Actor! We are sure his protracted absence must be an object of tender solicitude both to his maternal parent, and the manager at Liverpool. We recommend him to return by all means, and never to give up any engagement he can possibly keep. People here cannot appreciate his acting, and a gentleman from Liverpool positively assures us, he never saw anything of the kind there. He made his debut as Ned Grayling in Ambrose Gwinett, but a more sorry failure we never saw . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)

1845, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:832583; RGD37/1/4 no 1888$init=RGD37-1-4P241 (DIGITISED)

No. 1888 / May 17 [at] No. 70 Murray Street / Gibson Stubbs / Of full age / Painter / . . .
Hannah Goodby / Minor / Servant . . .

"MARRIED", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (20 May 1845), 2 

On Saturday 17th instant, by special license, at the residence of the Rev. F. Miller, Mr. Gibson Stubbs, Comedian, to Miss Hannah Goodby.

1846, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1069851; RGD33/1/2/ no 1589$init=RGD33-1-2-P618 (DIGITISED)

No. 1589 / March 18th / [no name recorded] / male / [son of] Gibson Stubbs / Hannah Stubbs formerly Goodby / Comedian / . . . Sackville Street . . .

"THE THEATRE", Colonial Times (1 January 1847), 3 

The cause of the strictures which we felt called upon to make on the performances of Saturday and Monday being removed, we are again pleased to be enabled to award praise to the performers, who, on Wednesday, in the Pantomime, exerted themselves most effectually in their several capacities . . . We have already stated that Mr. Chambers's Harlequin is excellent; so also is Mrs. Rogers's Columbine and indeed the Clown (Lee) . . . The scenery, generally, is well painted by Mr. Stubbs, the allegorical portion especially . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers (dancer, actor); Emma Rogers (actor, vocalist); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)

"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", South Australian (12 March 1847), 4 

March 10 . . . The brigantine "Timbo," 127 tons, Gedge, from Hobart Town. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Stubbs and child . . .

"POLICE COURT . . . Thursday, June 22", South Australian (27 June 1848), 3 

William Gibson Stubbs was charged with using threatening, abusive, and insulting words towards Richard Townsend, with intent to provoke a breach of the peace.
Complainant sworn - Was in the employ of Mr. Lazar; on Monday last was in Hindley-street, and saw defendant pulling down some of the Queen's Theatre bills he had been sticking on the palings of the Club House; said to him, "Mr. Stubbs, that's not a fair thing of you to pull down my bills;" he immediately replied that witness had pulled down some of his bills; said he had not; walked away, and stuck another bill in the place from which he had pulled one down; Mr. Jacobs came up; defendant said in his presence, "I suppose that long-nosed Jew has employed you to pull down some of my bills;" made no reply, but walked on; this language was used on the footpath in Hindley-street; should say he referred to Mr. Lazar.
John Lewis Jacobs - Confirmed the evidence of the boy, so far as he was concerned.
John Lazar - Considered the language used likely to have provoked him to a breach of the peace; had to complain of similar conduct on former occasions; had occasion to discharge defendant from the Theatre for abusive and obscene language.
For the defence, Henry Deering was called, who said he had heard no language used of an abusive kind, with the exception of one expression, which we have purposely omitted.
Mr. Bonney thought that the Police Act, section 57, clause 5 - "Every person who shall use any threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour, with intent to provoke a breach of the peace, or whereby a breach of the peace may be occasioned" - under which the information was laid, did not apply to abusive language used towards an absent person; and, notwithstanding the arguments of Mr. Poulden, dismissed the case.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (actor); John Lazar (actor, manager); Henry Deering (actor); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)

[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (9 May 1849), 2 

Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. H. Howson; Mechanist, Mr. McCraw;
Acting Manager, Mr. Howard; Manager, Mr. Stubbs . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howson (leader, violin)

"THEATRE ROYAL GEELONG", Geelong Advertiser (7 June 1851), 2 

The performance will commence with the celebrated Domestic Drama, entitled,
SUSAN HOPLEY; or, the Life and Vicisitudes of a Servant Girl.
Song, Mrs. Gardiner. Russian Cracovienne, Mrs. Stubbs. Dance, Miss Howard. Song, Mr. Shearcroft.
To conclude with the laughable farce of THE KING'S GARDENER,
Monsieur Galochard, (with the original song) Mr. Howard; Madame Galochard, Mrs. Stubbs.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Shearcroft (vocalist, actor); Ann Gardiner (vocalist, actor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)


. . . It is our painful duty to narrate the total destruction of the above noble American steam packet, Captain W. H. Adams, commander, together with the loss of thirty three of the lives of the passengers and crew, occasioned by her running on a rock in Malagoutta Bay, at about a quarter to 4 o'clock, A.M., on Sunday, May 15, on her passage from Melbourne to Sydney . . . The number of persons, as far as could be ascertained, who unfortunately perished, was thirty-three. Amongst whom may he mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs, and child, Geelong . . .

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (20 June 1853), 2 

Administration, Gibson Stubbs, painter and glazier, died 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

"POLICE COURT. Friday, 23rd March . . . EJECTMENT", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (24 March 1855), 2 

The case of ejectment brought by Mr. Hy. Deering against Mr. W. F. Morris, which stood over from last week was resumed this day at noon . . .
Mr. Henry Deering deposed that he was the landlord of the premises . . . the property belonged to Stubbs, who was drowned in the Monumental City . . .
Mr King, for the defence, stated that the property in question formerly belonged to Mr. Stubbs, the actor, who was unfortunately drowned. That Mr. Deering, acting for or on behalf of the heir-at-law, Mr. Stubb's father, who is now in England . . .

STURGES BOURN, Mrs. (Mrs. STURGES BOURN) = Georgina Charlotte BOURN

STUTTAFORD, Andrew (Andrew Archelaus Joseph STUTTAFORD; Andrew STUTTAFORD)

Vocalist, agent

Born London, England, 15 June 1831
Married Charlotte PRINGLE, St. John's, South Hackney, London, 15 June 1855
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 January 1861 (per Yorkshire, from London via Plymouth, 28 October 1860)
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1866-67
Departed Melbourne, VIC, August 1867 (per Great Britain, for England)
Died Toronto, Canada, 1 March 1903, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

STUTTAFORD, Charlotte (Charlotte Mary Anne PRINGLE; Mrs. Andrew STUTTAFORD; Madame STUTTAFORD; Charlotte STUTTAFORD)

Musician, mezzo-soprano vocalist, pianist, song composer, teacher of singing and pianoforte

Born London, England, 16 May 1829; baptised St. Mark's, Kennington, Surrey, 27 June 1830; daughter of Alexander PRINGLE and Charlotte GRANT
Married Andrew STUTTAFORD, St. John's, South Hackney, London, 15 June 1855
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 January 1861 (per Yorkshire, from London via Plymouth, 28 October 1860)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, August 1867 (per Great Britain, for England)
Died Toronto, Canada, 1 June 1901, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)



Newly arrived in the colony, Charlotte made "her first appearance in Australia" for her brother, George Pringle, at his concert in Melbourne in February 1861. She also advertised as a teacher of singing, a pupil of Frederick Lablache, "late of Exeter Hall, St. Martin's Hall, and Surrey Music Hall, London".

Her last advertised Australian performance was as Inez in L'africaine for Lyster's Opera Company in July 1866.

The Stuttafords had emigrated to Toronto, Canada, by late 1869, and they and their three children (Andrew, 12; Lottie, 10; and Herbert, 1 year and 4 months - born Ontario) were listed there in the 1871 census.

Charlotte's song The myrtle was published in Melbourne in 1865. No copy of this first edition have been identified, however, the words, by George Isaacs, survive separately, having first appeared in his 1861 published collection (Number one, and, fortuitously, both words and music survive together in a later Canadian edition.

With thanks (2022) to Anne Black, biographer of George Isaacs, for kindly bringing the Canadian edition of The myrtle to my attention.


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mark's, Kennington, in the county of Surrey in the year 1830; register, 1826-33, page 192; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 1530 / June 27 / Charlotte Mary Anne / [daughter of] Alexander & Charlotte / Pringle / Russell Street, North Brixton . . .

"Deptford", Kentish Mercury (25 December 1852), 5 (PAYWALL)

The above society [sic] gave a performance at the Deptford Hall, on Monday evening last, of Handel's Messiah . . . It would have been better policy had the Creation, Sampson, or something more novel been introduced . . . Miss Pringle's is voice clear and flexible, and told to immense advantage in "Rejoice Greatly," but she has a sad fault in not pronouncing her words: it is very well to hear sounds, but we like to convey the sentiment those sounds are intended to convey, neither can we tolerate such an extraordinary cadenza as she finished the solo, so completely out handling Handel . . .

"LIMEHOUSE CHORAL SOCIETY", Patriot [London] (26 October 1854), 2 (PAYWALL)

The zealous friends and supporters of this association gave, on Tuesday evening last, in the school-rooms of St. James's Church, Stepney, their first concert of the season. Th evening's entertainment comprised Handel's oratorio, Samson. The singing of Miss Pringle in her execution of Ye men of Gaza, was vigorous and spirited; more especially so in Let the bright Seraphim, evidently showing good taste and excellent judgment; the cadences, which were accompanied with Mr. Ward's trumpet obligato (to whom great praise is due), met with rapturous applause . . .

[Advertisement], Surrey Comet [South London] (13 January 1855), 1 (PAYWALL)

THIRD ANNUAL SOIREE will take place on TUESDAY, January 16, 1805, at the Lecture Hall, Assize Courts.
The Members of the Kingston and Richmond Choral Society have kindly consented to give their services on the occasion, assisted by Miss Pringle, from the Exeter Hall Concerts, London; and Mr. Henshaw, of Richmond. Pianist and Conductor, Mr. W. Abbott, Organist of St. Mary's, Richmond . . .

1855, marriage solemnized in the parish of South Hackney in the county of Middlesex; register, 1831-61, page 39; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 78 / June 15th 1855 / Andrew Archelaus Joseph Stuttaford / of full ages / Bachelor / South hackney / Proctor's Clerk / [son of] Joseph Stuttaford / Gentleman
Charlotte Mary Ann Pringle / of full age / Spinster / - / South Hackney / [daughter of] Alexander Pringle / cashier . . .

"SOUTH HACKNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", Morning Advertiser [London, England] (19 December 1855), 3 (PAYWALL)

Last evening a concert was given at the Manor Rooms, Hackney, by the South Hackney Choral Society, assisted by the London Sacred Harmonic Society, in aid of the South Hackney Parochial Schools. The subject selected was Haydn's Oratorio, "The Creation," which was done ample justice to. There were some fifty or sixty performers took part in it, the principal vocalists being - Madame Stuttaford (pupil of Signor F. Lablache) . . . Madame Stuttaford was much applauded in the recitative "On Mighty Pens," also on the terzetto, which she sang with Mr. Cozens and Mr. Sharp, "Most beautiful appear" . . . Mr. G. R. L. Pringle, the organist of South Hackney Church, was an excellent conductor . . .

"SOUTH HACKNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The musical world [London, England] (22 December 1855), 826 (DIGITISED)

The oratorio of The Creation was given by this society, assisted by the members of the London Sacred Harmonic Society, on Tuesday, in aid of the South Hackney Parochial Schools. The principal vocalists were Madame Stuttaford, Miss Holmes, Miss Teesdale, Mr. Cousins, Mr. Pousford, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Sharp. Mr. G. R. G. Pringle, organist of South Hackney Church, was the conductor, and Mr. Bliss led the orchestra.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Lablache (vocalist, teacher); George Robert Grant Pringle (conductor, Charlotte's brother)

"SOUTHWARK SINGING ASSOCIATION", South London Journal (16 June 1857), 6 (PAYWALL)

On Monday, the 8th inst., the members of the above association gave their 32nd grand concert of sacred music at the Horns Assembly Rooms, Kennington, which, in a musical point of view, was as successful as could be desired. We are sorry to observe, however, that the attendance was not in proportion to the merits of the concert, the room not being two-thirds fall. The programme comprised selections from Handel's Oratorio "Samson," and Haydn's "Creation," which were magnificently given by a grand chorus of nearly 200 performers, assisted by Madame Stuttaford and Mr. Husk . . . "Honor and Arms," by Mr. Husk, and "Let the Bright Seraphim," by Madame Stuttaford, were both beautifully sung and warmly applauded. . . . The air and chorus, "The Marvellous Work." by Mdme. Stuttaford, and chorus, was so highly appreciated that it received an encore . . .

"GLASGOW . . . SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS", The Era (25 September 1859), 12 (PAYWALL)

Last Saturday's concert, the third of the season, was as equally well attended as the other two, and the singing was also upon a par with them . . . The company was the same as upon the previous evening . . . Madame Stuttaford and Mr. Bartleman were excellent in Parry's A.B.C. duet, although the gentleman might well spare a little of his gesticulatory demonstrations . . .

"SHIPPING . . . ARRIVED, JANUARY 22", The Age (23 January 1861), 4 

Yorkshire, ship, 1200 tons, E. Reynell, from London via Plymouth 28th October. Passengers - cabin: . . . Mr. and Mrs. Stuttaford and family (2) . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 January 1861), 8

MR. G. R. G. PRINGLE begs to announce that he will shortly have the honour to give his
FIRST CONCERT, on which occasion Madame STUTTAFORD Will make her first appearance in Australia.

[News], The Argus (28 February 1861), 5

A concert was given at the Mechanics' Institute last evening, by Mr. G. R. G. Pringle, at which Madame Stuttaford, a lady recently arrived from England, made her first appearance before a Melbourne audience. His Excellency the Governor and party, and a large and fashionable audience, were present. Madame Stuttaford possesses a mezzo-soprano voice of average power, the lower notes of it being the best. She sang a scena from Ernani, and one or two other pieces, during the evening, and elicited considerable applause. Her constant use of the tremolo, which to a certain extent may be effectively employed as artist of great discrimination, is objectionable, and her general style is less cultivated than peculiar, but she undoubtedly understands the value of effect in compensating for what nature or art appear to have denied her, and was, so far, as successful as she could desire . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 March 1861), 8

MADAME STUTTAFORD (pupil of Signor Lablache)
late of Exeter Hall, St. Martin's Hall, and Surrey Music Hall, London, is open to
OPERATIC and CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS, and will receive pupils for English and Italian singing.
Address, Mr. Wilkie's, Collins-street

"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Herald (24 August 1861), 7 

The Bianchis with Madame Stuttaford and Mr. John Gregg, leave Melbourne for Sandhurst to-day, where they intend commencing an operatic campaign forthwith.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists, manager); John Gregg (vocalist); Italian Opera Company (troupe, 1860-62)

"CLARE", Adelaide Observer (3 January 1863), 3

Mr. and Madame Stuttaford gave their second musical entertainment on Friday evening, the 19th inst. Having recovered from the fatigue of the journey, they were in better voice than upon the preceding night, and I believe the expectations of a select audience were more than realised . . .

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (3 June 1863), 7 

A. A. J. Stuttaford, gentleman, of Prahran.
Causes of insolvency - Severe sickness and death in family, bad debt, occasioned by non-payment for services rendered by his wife as vocalist to Signor Bianchi in Victoria and New South Wales, and by himself as agent.
Liabilities, £187 18s. O 1/2d.; assets, £15; deficiency, £122 18s. O 1/2d.
Mr. Courtney, official assignee.

[News], The Argus (13 July 1865), 4

Madame Stuttaford has just set a pleasing song, entitled "The Myrtle," by Mr. G. Isaacs, to music, which will not do discredit to our rising school of Australian composers. The melody is sweet and flowing.

[News], The Argus (10 August 1865), 5 

A pretty musical brochure, "The Myrtle," the manuscript of which was favourably noticed in The Argus a few weeks ago for the charming sweetness and simplicity of its composition, is now placed within easy reach of the music loving portion of the public at a very moderate price, having been lithographed in excellent style by Messrs. Ferguson and Mitchell, and being procurable at all music sellers." The piece is dedicated by the composer, Madame Stuttaford, to her pupils.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Isaacs (poet, lyricist); the words survive separately (see here); James Fergusson and John Mitchell (lithographers, printers)

"REVIEW", The Adelaide Express (5 September 1865), 2 

Rhyme and Prose, and a Burlesque and its History, by George Isaacs; Melbourne, 1865.
The Myrtle. - A Song. Words by George Isaacs; music by Madame Stuttaford.

Mr. George Isaacs is not unknown in this colony as a writer, and under the signature of "A Pendragon" he has more than once published short poems and sketches of considerable merit. About four years and a half ago he edited a little magazine here called Number One which however, like all the efforts at magazines in Adelaide, had a very short life. He has also written for the stage, both here and in Melbourne . . . The last part of Mr. Isaacs's book is occupied with a burlesque entitled "Frankenstein," a novel and capital adaptation of Mrs. Shelley's celebrated sensational story. From the "history" of the burlesque we gather that owing to some disagreement with the theatrical managers in Melbourne it has not as yet been produced . . . With regard to the song, the words are pretty and the music tolerably good of its class. It is well and clearly printed.

"THE OPERA. L'AFRICAINE", The Argus (10 July 1866), 5 

It is something of which these young communities may fairly boast that in little more than a year after the first production of Meyerbeer's posthumous opera in Europe, they should enjoy the opportunity of witnessing its performance in such a style of excellence as last night characterised its presentation on the stage of the Theatre Royal . . . The opera opens as is Meyerbeer's manner, without an overture, but with a brief instrumental introduction, which must announce to the least attentive ear the handiwork of the author of "Les Huguenots" and "Le Prophete." In the first scene Donna Inez declares her love for Vasco de Gama, and is allotted a song, which is one of the gems of the piece. This part was unhappily very weakly sustained by Madame Stuttaford; albeit this air was the least objectionable of her efforts. The concerted pieces in which she was subsequently called upon to take part were sadly marred by her inefficient vocalisation, and altogether her performance of the role she undertook was, we are bound to say, quite the antipodes of a success . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 July 1866), 8

THIS EVENING, Vice-Regal Command Night . . . L'AFRICAINE . . . Anna, Mrs. ADA KING; Inez, Madame STUTTAFORD. Selika, Madame LUCY ESCOTT.

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (conductor); Ada King (vocalist); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)

See also "THEATRICALS IN AUSTRALIA. MELBOURNE, JULY 14", The Era [London, England] (23 September 1866), 6 (PAYWALL)

On Monday Meyerbeer's L'Africaine was produced to a house filled in every part . . . The performance of the opera has been wonderfully good, that of the principal parts, Vasco, Selika, and Inez, being alternated by Squires, Escott, and Stuttaford, and Beaumont, Simonsen, and Durand . . . Mdlle. Durand is far and away superior as Inez to Madame Stuttaford, her costume, acting, and singing being each deserving the highest praise . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Durand (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star (10 June 1867), 3 

MUSICAL.- MADAME STUTTAFORD (Pupil of Signor Lablache) Teaches Singing and Pianoforte, rudimental and finishing. 6 Dawson street south.

Names and descriptions of passengers per Great Britain, from Melbourne, 22 August 1867, for Liverpool; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . A. Stuttaford / 37 [sic] . . .
Charlotte [Stuttaford] / 35 [sic] . . .

"DUNN'S LITERARY INSTITUTE, NEWINGTON-CAUSEWAY", South London Chronicle [London, England] (21 March 1868), 3 (PAYWALL)

The seventh entertainment of music and loadings, taking place on Thursday evening, 12th inst., was one of the best this season. A list the pieces and performers will convey some impression of the evening's amusement. Pianoforte fantasia, Madame Stuttaford; song, "I'll weave a Spell," Madame Stuttaford . . . duo from II Trovatore, Mr. and Madame Stuttaford . . . song, "Robin Grey," Madame Stuttaford; song, "Tim's Unfortunate Attachment," Mr. Stuttaford . . . Humourous duo, "My Dear, with you I wish to speak," Mr. and Madame Stuttaford. The singing of the last-named artistes gave very great pleasure. Mr. and Madame Stuttaford have recently returned from an Australian tour during which they won considerable favour from audiences in Sydney, Melbourne, and Victoria . . .

Canada census, 31 March 1901, Toronto; Library and Archives Canada (PAYWALL)

Stuttaford Andrew / . . . [born] 15 June 1831 / 70 / England / . . . Broker
[Stuttaford] Charlotte / . . . [born] 16 May 1829 / 72 / England / . . . Prof. of Music

"Deaths", Toronto Saturday Night (8 June 1901), 12 (PAYWALL)

Stuttaford - June 1st, at Toronto, Charlotte Stuttaford, aged 73 years.

"SOCIAL", Toronto Saturday Night (8 June 1901), 11 (PAYWALL)

The death of Madame Charlotte Stuttaford, at the age of seventy-three, removes a very handsome and picturesque figure from the ranks of the musical profession. Madame Stuttaford was a well-known singer in England, and has several times sung before royalty. She had all the beautiful manner of the old school, and was in many ways a remarkably talented woman. Mr. Stuttaford, a married daughter and three sons survive her.

"Deaths", Toronto Saturday Night (7 March 1903), 12 (PAYWALL)

Stuttaford - March 1, Toronto, Andrew A. I. Stuttaford, sr., aged 73 years.

"SOCIAL", Toronto Saturday Night (7 March 1903), 3 (PAYWALL)

The death of Andrew Stuttaford, under sad circumstances, removes from our streets a picturesque figure, and those who often admired the handsome and distinguished looking man who walked so airily through the business section day by day will miss him from a city where the commonplace type is not often relieved by the distingue personality. Madame Stuttaford, one of the famous voice culturists of the past regime, a perfect marquise in her white pompadour coiffure, and full of fascinating experiences of a great singer's career, predeceased her husband by several years.

[News], Toronto Saturday Night (7 March 1903), 10 (PAYWALL)

The unexpected dearth of Mr. Andrew Stuttaford will be very much regretted by the musical community. Mr. Stuttaford came to Toronto about 33 years ago, and was subsequently appointed deputy register of Toronto, a position which he occupied for some years, and also acted as returning officer on several occasions at the general elections. In a quiet and unostentatious way he did good service in the cause of local music in the seventies, and was always a sympathetic and indulgent critic. His wife, at one time a well-known operatic singer, settled here with him, and did educational work in teaching and also in drilling several amateur opera organizations. Both Mr. Stuttaford and his wife often gave their time and services in getting up concerts for benevolent purposes. Mr. Stuttaford leaves three sons and one daughter to mourn his loss.

Published songs:

The myrtle [words: George Isaacs; music: Charlotte Stuttaford] (Toronto: A. & S. Nordheimer, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies: pioneering opera in Australia (Sydney: Opera-Opera/Pellinor, 1999), 117, 125, 138

Charlotte Mary Ann Pringle, Geneanet



Active Sydney, NSW, 1842 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (27 May 1842), 1 

The Spacious Hall, Sydney College,
WILL be performed THIS EVENING, the 27th May, 1842.
The Overtures and the whole of the Music, expressly arranged for full orchestra
(which, by the politeness of Colonel French, will include the Band of the 28th Regiment) by Mr. Nathan.
SOPRANOS AND TREBLES. Madame Gautrot, a Young Lady (whose friends have favoured Mr. Nathan by permitting her to sing in public on this occasion only), the Misses Nathan, Miss F. Pettingell, the Misses Sullivan, Miss Ellison, Miss Jones, Miss Mears, Miss Lynch, Miss Riley, Miss Tuohy, Miss Cochlen, Miss Riely . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (conductor) and daughters; Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Frederica Pettingell (vocalist); Matilda Jones (vocalist); Mary Tuohy (vocalist)


Actor, theatrical manager

Born Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, 5 July 1821; son of Peter SULLIVAN and Mary BARRY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 July 1862 (per City of Melbourne, from England)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 1866 (for England)
Died England, 3 May 1891 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)


SULLIVAN, Charles John (Charles John SULLIVAN; C. J. SULLIVAN; Charles J. O'SULLIVAN [sic])

Musician, professor of music, pianist

Born ? Cork, Ireland, c. 1819
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by July 1853
Died Melbourne, VIC, 16 May 1869, aged "about 50 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: ? Henry Philip SULLIVAN (musician, ? perhaps related)


"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY - THIRD CONCERT", Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier (31 March 1836), 2 (PAYWALL)

. . . These remarks have been drawn from us by the efforts of two, in particular, of the performers of Tuesday evening [29 March] - Messrs. W. GILLESPIE and CHARLES SULLIVAN - the former having composed for the occasion an Overture, which was received with considerable applause; the latter appearing for the first time in public, under auspices favorable to excite much hope of future distinction . . . We have only to observe, as far Mr. Sullivan is concerned, that the style and precision with which he performed the Piano Forte solo, selected by him, "ROSSINI's March from Otello," were so creditable as to awaken such a sentiment of admiration amongst the audience, as must supply a gratifying stimulus to his musical pursuits . . .

[Advertisement], Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier (29 September 1836), 3 (PAYWALL)

THEATRE ROYAL. M. HENRI HERZ, Pianist and Composer to the King of France, previous to his departure for the Continent, will have the honour to give his
THE Concert will be concluded by a DOUBLE QUARTETT for Four Pianofortes, and Eight Performers!
Executed for the first time by Messrs. STEPHENS, GILLESPIE, Sen., CARROLL, McCARTHY,

ASSOCIATIONS: Henri Herz (pianist, composer)

[News], Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier (4 April 1839), 2 (PAYWALL)

Among the late arrivals in our city from Paris is Mr. Charles Sullivan, of whose performance on the Piano Forte, at the Philharmonic Society two years and a half since we had occasion to speak in the most laudatory terms. He is, we understand, after two years study under the best masters, materially improved in style, manner and expression as to execution, we conceived he possessed much rapidity at that time as was necessary for any first-rate performer; however, we shall soon be able to draw a comparison, as it is said he intends giving a Concert in a short time, on which occasion we are sure his fellow citizens (who are always ready and willing to encourage and support the talented stranger) will give him substantial proofs of the estimation in which they hold native talent.

[Advertisement], Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier (13 April 1839), 3 (PAYWALL)

PIANO FORTE. MR. CHARLES J. SULLIVAN begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, his Friends and the Public that he has returned for a short period from Paris, where he has been during the last two years under the tuition of KALKBRENNER and HERZ, and that he will give instructions on the PIANO FORTE after the principle of those great Masters during his stay in Cork.
N.B. - For terms, &c., apply to Bowden, South Mall, and to Mrs. Richard Gillespie, Grand Parade 4, Rutland street. April 13

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederic Kalkbrenner (pianist, teacher)

[News], Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier (13 April 1839), 3 (PAYWALL)

It will seen by our advertising columns, that our talented young townsman Mr. Charles J. Sullivan, has returned from Paris, and intends for a short time imparting those first rate instructions on the Piano Forte, which he has received during a period of two years, from the first masters, to some of his young fellow-citizens as are anxious to improve themselves on that superior and delightful instrument.

"ALBERT CLUB", Cork Examiner (20 October 1841), 3 (PAYWALL)

This delightful Club held its first meeting for the season on last evening, the Victoria Hotel, where about sat down to exquisitively served dinner . . . Next toast "The Lord Lieutenant and prosperity to Ireland," which was followed by trio from Donnzetti's overture to "Lucia delamermoore," by Messrs. Charles John Sullivan, Marsh and Forde, the piano, harp, and flute, performed an exquisite style . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (harp)

"SERMON IN AID OF THE LANCASTERIAN SCHOOLS", Cork Examiner (16 December 1842), 2 (PAYWALL)

It will be seen by the advertisement our columns of this day, that a Sermon in aid of the above institution, will be preached on next Sunday, in the South Parish Chapel, by the Very Rev. THEOBALD MATHEWS . . .
We understand by the advertisement, that Mr. C. J. SULLIVAN has most kindly consented to preside at the Organ, and that Lieut. SOBOLEUSKY BRANHELDER and an efficient choir will perform several select pieces of Sacred Music.

"THE GREAT MATHEW BANQUET", Cork Examiner (17 February 1843), 3 (PAYWALL)

ON last evening this magnificent demonstration of Teetotalism in Cork came off . . . No fewer than 15 tables were placed along the hall, and at the lower end a platform was erected for the musicians, whereon was placed a grand piano, presided over Mr. Charles John Sullivan, with his usual well-known ability, and under whose direction principally the music of the evening was got up . . .

"MR. FORDE'S CONCERT", Cork Examiner (21 July 1843), 2 (PAYWALL)

Mr. Forde's Concert last night was highly creditable - the attendance comprised a bright array of fashionables, who filled the commodious Saloon at Mr. Hickie's Bridge-street . . . Mr. C. J. Sullivan performed fantasias from Hertz and Rossini, with great eclat. We have not often heard a more accomplished master of the Piano Forte than Mr. Sullivan; and the flattering proofs he received of the high estimation in which his rare abilities are held, were abundant on this occasion as well as they were merited. Mr. Gillespie's accompaniments were admirable throughout . . .

"MR. C. J. SULLIVAN'S CONCERT AT THE IMPERIAL", Cork Examiner (17 January 1845), 2 (PAYWALL)

We perceive by the advertisement in this day's Journal, that our gifted townsman, Mr. CHARLES JOHN SULLIVAN, has announced his First Concert for Monday next, at McDowell's Imperial Room. Mr. SULLIVAN, after having mastered the first rudiments of music, and after having acquired a facility of execution on the Piano-Forte, instructed by the first Teachers which this country could afford, proceeded to Paris, where, for two years, he assiduously studied his art under the instructions and surveillance of HERTZ, KALKBRENNER, and others of equal ability and celebrity. Mr. SULLIVAN's performances on the Piano have elicited unbounded approbation, especially in a duett performed in conjunction with his master, HERTZ some time since. We trust that his fellow-citizens will, on this occasion, afford that patronage and support to a meritorious individual to which he is so well entitled, and prove though a PROPHET may not, a PIANIST may receive due honour and recompense in his own country.

"SIGNOR DE ANGELIS' CONCERT", Cork Examiner (2 April 1845), 2 (PAYWALL)

We have only space to announce that this concert, which came off last evening, before a highly fashionable and select audience, was generally creditable . . . But we cannot avoid taking special notice of the splendid, the masterly, the inimitable performance of Mr. CHARLES JOHN SULLIVAN, which far surpassed everything that could have been anticipated even from this really gifted artist. It was bold, free, spirited, and withal most delicate and graceful. The enthusiasm of the audience was unbounded . . .

[Advertisement], Cork Examiner (7 April 1845), 2 (PAYWALL)

Mr. CHARLES J. SULLIVAN, Pupil of HERZ and KALBRENNER, has a Vacancy for some Pupils on the above admired Instrument.
Mr. S. begs to assure Ladies or Gentlemen, who may entrust their children to his care, that the greatest attention, and every effort on his part, shall be exerted to impart, to them solid knowledge of Music, and an expressive, brilliant, and elegant style of Playing.
Terms, &c., to be known from Mr. S at his residence, 52, GRAND PARADE.

"MR. FORDE'S CONCERT", Cork Examiner (20 January 1847), 2 (PAYWALL)

This agreeable musical event took place on Monday evening [18 January] in McDowell's large room. The audience was numerous and highly fashionable; indeed, have not witnessed for many years, so crowded an assembly of taste and fashion. The performance, as a whole, was well received . . . Mr. Forde . . . executed a Solo the flute - one of his own composition - which was as liquid and sweet-toned as ever. The style and execution of Mr. Bowden's performance the violin were, as might be expected, finished and masterly, and drew down thunders of applause. Mr. Charles J. Sullivan performed a Solo from Thalberg, on the piano. To speak of the exquisite taste and masterly science of Mr. Sullivan, would be now superfluous . . .

[Musical review], Cork Examiner (24 January 1848), 3 (PAYWALL)

1. The Jamestown Quadrilles, composed and dedicated to Captain Forbes, United States Frigate, Jamestown.
By Charles J. Sullivan, Cork. Duff and Hodgson.

"The Jamestown Quadrilles" are a clever set composed by a pianoforte professor of Cork, in honor of the visit of the Jamestown, American frigate. They are lively, and the rhythm is well marked; and that essential quality in music - an intelligible design, added to an easy flowing melody - bespeaks much future promise. They will become favorites with those who like to run over the keys with some appearance of brilliancy, but without the trouble of much previous practice. The harmonies are clear and correct - Court Journal.

"MUSIC", Cork Examiner (18 June 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)

The Irish Exhibition Quadrilles. - By CHARLES JOHN SULLIVAN, Cork. London, HENRY DISTIN.

These brilliant quadrilles form a graceful and appropriate contribution by a townsman to a department of art hitherto not represented at the National Exhibition. The only fear is lest a name taken from a temporary occasion should seem to give merely a transient and ephemeral interest to a collection, which enshrines some of the choicest specimens of our undying music. Mr. SULLIVAN has gathered together some stray, uncollected flowers of our native melody, which his fine taste enabled him to detect, and has tied them up into a charming bouquet, in which are left in doubt whether to admire more the original materials, or the ligaments of harmony, which his genius has devised. The themes are in themselves charming; and the composer has poured upon them all rich and varied colouring of a fancy familiar with the most ornate models of foreign composition, and wont to revel in the facilities of an execution, which is not to be seen to just advantage except in comparison with the most distinguished continental pianists. We not know much of the art ourselves; but the beauties of Mr. SULLIVAN's style are such as to strike even the most ignorant. We have been particularly pleased with the mode in which the melodies are introduced. They are not clumsily transferred into their new place, but are interwoven in the piece with the highest grace and delicacy - forming, if we may compare things of the eye to those of the ear, a kind of perspective, which at times appears, at others recedes, and on each return with the most beautiful effect. The popularity of M. JULLIEN's Irish quadrilles is well known; and we may with confidence predict equal success for Mr. SULLIVAN's introduction to a politer circle - to the drawing room and promenade - of a class of airs of not inferior merit, and which have the advantage of embellishment by one "to the manner born," and who is also himself a most distinguished master of the instrument, for which they are chiefly intended. The Quadrilles were played the band on Saturday, and also on Wednesday at the Exhibition, and on both occasions with great eclat. They are brought out by HENRY DISTIN, of London, in the best style of musical engraving and illustration.

We have also before a Mazurka, or Cellarius Waltz, an original composition, by the same gentleman, which does the highest credit to his talents, and which is designed particularly as an improving lesson for young performers.

"MR. CHARLES JOHN SULLIVAN", Cork Examiner (20 October 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)

WITH a feeling of regret at the loss of talents which were source of delight to many, we announce the intended departure of the above gentleman for Melbourne, Australia. In noticing this event, we but echo the impressions of private acquaintance, and the unanimous accord of professional judgment, when we state that, besides the manners of a perfect gentleman, and a degree of general cultivation not often found in union with special eminence, Mr. SULLIVAN will carry with him to his new residence the fame of the most accomplished and beautiful pianist of whom our country could boast. In the perfection of an art, which contributes in so great degree to domestic elegance and refinement, the opinion of the most competent has awarded him undisputed pre-eminence. Gifted with fine natural taste, and educated on the Continent by the greatest masters in his profession, he needed only an atmosphere less depressing than that of a country more fruitful of genius than able to reward it, in order to extend his reputation beyond the limits of the United Kingdom. Our columns have often recorded our sense of the beauty of his compositions, and the raptures, which, on the few public occasions that he appeared, his inspiring execution, blending with airy delicacy the most ravishing force and passion, was wont to produce. E are glad to know that the prospects held out to him are such as to qualify the regret that would occasioned by his departure under less inviting circumstances. In that golden world, where his lot is about to be cast, he will be a witness to the genius and music of Ireland, the classic forms of whose native melody he has clothed in a dress of equal harmony and fascination.

"EMIGRATION", Dublin Evening Post (26 October 1852), 4 (PAYWALL)

Mr. Charles J. Sullivan, of Cork, one of the best pianistes in the south of Ireland, and a composer of high repute in that city, leaves few days for Australia. - Limerick Chronicle.

Melbourne, VIC (1853-69):

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 July 1853), 3 

MECHANICS INSTITUTION - Weekly Concerts, Thursday, 28th inst.
- Principal Performers: - Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, who will have the honor of making her first appearance, and will sing a duet with Mrs. Testar.
Sig. Maffei will play a Duo with Mr. Stuart [sic]; pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan, his first appearance.
Conductor and Director - Mons. Saltzer [sic].

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Charlotte Martin (vocalist); Joseph Maffei (cornet); Jacques Paltzer (violin, conductor); Thursday Concerts (series); Mechanic's Insitution (Melbourne venue)

"THURSDAY CONCERT", The Argus (28 July 1853), 5 

We are glad to see that that Signor Maffei is not satisfied will one attempt, and that he is not discouraged, though the attendance last week was not so numerous as the concert deserved. To-night promises even better, for the noble piano was banished on the last occasion, but it to be restored this evening, and presided at by Mr. Sullivan, who makes his first appearance, and of whom, both as a performer and composer, we have heard a very flattering report. This will be and improvement; for many of the songs before were spoiled by the loud orchestral accompaniment. Two new vocalists, Miss Martin and Mr. Taunton, also appear for the first time. M. Paltzer is an excellent conductor, and his solo-playing is rarely excelled here.

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 July 1853), 8 

MECHANICS INSTITUTION - Weekly Concert. This Evening, Thursday 28th July . . .
Vocal - Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, Mr. Taunton, (Their first appearance). Instrumental - Harp, Mr. Edwards (his first appearance),
Violin, M. Paltzer, Cornet a Piston, Signor Maffei and Mr. Stewart, Pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan (his first appearance).
Full Band. Director and Conductor - Mons. Paltzer.
Overture - L'Italiana in Algeri - Rossini
Melodie Musicale - Full Band - J. G. Reed [sic, T. G. Reed]
Song - The Old Arm Chair, Mr. Taunton (his first appearance in Melbourne) - H. Russell.
Solo, Violin - Il passionato, Mr. Paltzer - Remy.
Duet - The Elfin Call, Mrs. Testar and Miss Martin (her first appearance) - Glover.
Waltz - The Berlin Echo - Arban.
Ballad - My Childhood's Happy Home, Miss Martin - Williams.
Polka - Young Couple, with Cornet Obligato (by desire), Mr. Stewart - Cooke.
Overture - Harmonious Blacksmith, Full Band - Handel.
Solo Harp - French Air, Mr. Edwards, (his first appearance) - Edwards.
Song - Gathered Shells, Mr. Taunton - Loder.
Duet for two Cornopeans, from Belisario, Signor Maffei and Mr. Stewart - Donizetti.
Ballad - While I hear thy voice, Mrs. Testar - Balfe.
Polka - The Drum - Jullien.
God save the Queen.
Pianoforte, Mr. Sullivan. Director and Conductor, M. Paltzer.
Concert to commence at eight o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Taunton (vocalist); Mr. Edwards (harp)

[Advertisement], The Banner (23 August 1853), 3 

WILLIAMS TOWN. - Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Court House, on Thursday evening, 25th August, 1853.
Mr. H. J. Witton, Professor of Music, from Adelaide, respectfully announces to the inhabitants of this port, and the masters of vessels in harbour, that he has obtained the sanction of the presiding magistrates to hold a Concert in the above room.
Mrs. H. J. Witton, (her first appearance in public). Mr. Warden, the celebrated Scotch humorist. Mr. Power. Mr. H. J. Witton.
Pianist, Mr. O'Sullivan, Professor of Music, from the Royal Conservatory of Paris.
Conductor, Mr. Witton. Tickets, 7s. 6d. each . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry James Witton and wife (musician, vocalist); William Pierce Power (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Banner (16 September 1853), 1 

MR. WITTON, (FROM ADELAIDE,) Professor of Music and Teacher of the Piano-Forte, Guitar, and Singing, Violin, Flute, &c. respectfully announces to his patrons, pupils, and the public of Melbourne and its vicinity, that from an increase of pupils, since he commenced the active practice of his profession here, he has felt the want of assistance which he has succeeded in obtaining, in the co-operation of Mr. C. J. O'Sullivan, (pupil of Kalkbrenner & Herz,) in continuing that system of musical tuition, in which he has proved his success in communicating, for a period of twenty years; by this arrangement Mr. Witton flatters himself every possible attainment may be acquired, theory, practice, and style.
WITTON'S MUSICAL REPOSITORY. Great Brunswick Street, Collingwood.

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 October 1853), 8 

Mr. TAAFFE begs leave to announce . . . that he will give his Dramatic Illustrations of Popular Poetry of England, Ireland and Scotland, on Monday Evening next, 24th Inst., at 8 o'clock, when he will be assisted by a Gentleman Amateur, and Mr. Charles J. Sullivan, who will preside at the Piano-forte . . .

[Advertisement], The Banner (4 November 1853), 2 

MESSRS. WITTON and SULLIVAN, Professors of Music and Teachers of the Harp, Piano Forte, Guitar, and Singing; Flute, Violin, Cornopean, Flutina, &c., &c..
Great Brunswick Street, Collingwood. - N.B. - Choral meeting every Tuesday evening.

[Advertisement], The Banner (23 December 1853), 2 

MESSRS. WITTON & SULLIVAN, PROFESSORS OF MUSIC, (From the Royal Academics of London and Paris,)
TEACHERS OF THE HARP, PIANO, GUITAR, AND SINGING, &c. Great Brunswick Street, Collingwood.

[Advertisement], The Banner (6 January 1854), 2 

NOTICE. THE connexion hitherto existing between me and Mr. C. J. O'Sullivan, from Cork, as Professors and Teachers of Music, ceases this date, 31st December, 1853.
HENRY. JAS. WITTON, Professor of Music. Musical Repository, Collingwood.

"A MUSICIAN AT FAULT", The Argus (5 October 1855), 5 

Andrew Doyle, the landlord of the Ship Hotel, appeared at the City Court yesterday, and made complaint against Charles O'Sullivan for non-fulfilment of his agreement. The complainant stated that he had engaged the accused as pianist, at the rate of £2 and his board per week. An advance had since been demanded and acceded to. Last week O'Sullivan absented himself several nights, and this week he had not made his appearance at all. Upon inquiry he learned on Wednesday that he had engaged himself at a public-house in Collingwood. Mr. Doyle had no wish to punish the accused; he merely wished him to continue his engagement. O'Sullivan expressed his willingness to do so, on which the case was dismissed.

"CITY POLICE COURT. Saturday, 11th July . . . MINOR OFFENCES", The Age (13 July 1863), 6 

. . . Charles J. Sullivan was fined 5s for exposing his person in the street.

"CITY POLICE COURT. Fridat, 16th October . . . MISCELLANEOUS OFFENCES", The Age (17 October 1868), 3 

. . . Charles J. Sullivan, an old man, accused of indecent conduct in the street, was released with an admonition.

"DEATHS", The Argus (17 May 1869), 4 

O'SULLIVAN. - On the 16th inst., at the Garibaldi Hotel, Little Collins-street east, Melbourne, Charles J. O'Sullivan, pianist.

"Funeral Notices", The Argus (18 May 1869), 8

THE Friends of the late CHARLES J. SULLIVAN, professor of music, formerly of Cork, Ireland, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Melbourne Cemetery.
Funeral to move from the Garibaldi Hotel, Little Collins street east, THIS DAY, at 1 o'clock p.m. JOHN DALEY, undertaker, Latrobe and Spring streets, Melbourne.

"INQUESTS . . . SUDDEN DEATH", Leader (22 May 1869), 13 

Another inquest was held at Emerald-hill, by Dr. Youl, Tuesday, on the body of Charles J. Sullivan, aged about fifty years, who was found dead on the 16th inst. Deceased was in the employ of Charles Lee, a publican. Deceased, who was a pianist, was intemperate and did not enjoy good health. He was playing a piano all Saturday evening, and at about one o'clock next morning he was found sitting at the piano, quite dead. The cause of death was exhaustion and disease of the lungs, and a verdict was returned to that effect.

Cork, Ireland (after 1852):

[Advertisement], Cork Examiner (4 December 1865), 2 (PAYWALL)

SECOND PART . . . 5th - The Celebrated Jamestown Quadrilles,
By CHARLES JOHN SULLIVAN, (one of Cork's greatest Artists), Master EDDY HARDING . . .

[Advertisement], Cork Examiner [Ireland] (18 December 1867), 1 (PAYWALL)

in the SOCIETY'S HALL, Castle Street, on THURSDAY EVENING, 19th December, 1867.
4. Selection of Irish Airs, Piano, arranged by CHARLES JOHN SULLIVAN . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Charles J. Sullivan, Find a grave 

My thanks to Garret Cahill (January 2021) for kindly sharing results of his research into Sullivan's earlier career


Musician, drummer (to 1 June 1836), private, bandsman, Band of the 50th Regiment

? Arrived (with regiment) Sydney, NSW, 21 November 1834 (per Hoogley, from England)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1841 (per Crusader, for India) (shareable link to this entry)


Musician, bandsman, private, Band of the 50th Regiment

Arrived (with regiment) Sydney, NSW, 21 November 1834 (per Hoogley, from England)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1841 (per Crusader, for India) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 50th Regiment (military)


Dennis Sullivan (no. 955) was promoted from drummer to private on 1 June 1836. From the paylist record, John Sullivan (no. 178) was a bandsman at the time of the 1838 police report, but Dennis was not; however, Dennis perhaps already then played in the band informally, pending his later formal membership. Was he perhaps John's son?


Pay-list of the 50th Regiment, [from] 1 September to [disembarkation] 21 November 1834; Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 178 / Sullivan John / . . . [band not indicated] . . . from Ship Hoog by 21 Nov'r 1834

Pay-list of the 50th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1836; Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

DRUMMERS AND FIFERS . . . 955 / Sullivan Denis / . . . / Prom. Private on 1 June 1836 (DIGITISED)

955 / Sullivan Denis / . . . / Fo. Drummer from 1 June 1836
178 / Sullivan John / . . . [band not indicated]

Pay-list of the 50th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1838; Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

955 / Sullivan Dennis / . . .
178 / Sullivan John / . . . Band

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (1 June 1838), 3 

A private of the band of the 50th Regt. named Dennis Sullivan, was summoned to the Police Office, yesterday (Thursday), to answer to a charge preferred against him of having used threatening language to Mr. Holmes, of George-street. Sullivan had been repeatedly detected by Mr. H. decoying his female assigned servant from the house; for which Mr. H. had complained to the Adjutant twice; he obtained no redress, but was merely told if the man again offended he should be handed over to the Civil Power . . .

Pay-list of the 50th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1839; Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

955 / Sullivan Dennis / . . . Band . . .
178 / Sullivan John / . . . Band . . .


Musician, French horn player, bandsman Band of the 12th Regiment

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 18 October 1854 (per Camperdown, from Cork, 8 July)
Arrived Hobart, TAS, January 1856
Arrived Sydney, NSW, April 1858
Departed Sydney, NSW, 22 September 1863 (per Curacoa, for New Zealand)
Died (drowned) Ngaruawahia, NZ, 13 December 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment


Pay-list of the 1st Battalion 12th Regiment, 1 October to 18 October 1854; Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office (PAYWALL)

PRIVATES . . . 3336 / Sullivan Henry . . . Disembarked 18 Oct. . . . [band members not indicted in this paylist]

"CRICKET", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (23 January 1857), 3 

A very interesting match at cricket was played in the presence of the elite of Hobart Town Society, in the Government Domain, the day before yesterday, the contending parties being the Aldridge Lodge Club and the Band of the 12th Regiment, now in garrison. The Band went in first, but from the superior bowling and fielding were only able to score 54; the Club scoring 76 against them, which was only tied by the Band in their second innings. The game was nobly played throughout, and a return match will shortly be played to give the Military a chance of re-winning their lost laurels. The players' names were as follows: -
Band, J. Astley, H. Clarke, H. and J. Hogan, T. Judd, McCarthy, Sullivan, Stimson, White, Whitmore, and Woolridge.
The Club, - T. Whiteside, R. Young, J. Owen, H. Ashton, E. Young, C. Rout, A. Bock, J. Campbell, A. Dobson, and W. Allanby.

Pay-list of the 1st Battalion 12th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1859; Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 3336 / Sullivan Henry . . . [band members not indicted in this paylist]

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (4 July 1859), 6

On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . . CONDUCTOR - Mr. L. H. LAVENU . . .
The ORCHESTRA will, be more numerous and efficient than any that has over before been heard in these Colonies. By the kind permission of the Colonel and Officers of the 12th Foot part of the band of that Regiment will assist in the orchestra. The following Instrumental Performers have already been engaged: . . .
1st CLARINETTE - Mr. A. Fowle, 12th Regiment.
2nd DITTO - Mr. E. Kim, 12th Regiment . . .
1st BASSOON - Mr. E. Fahey, 12th Regiment.
2nd BASSOON - Mr. G. Wright, 12th Regiment . . .
1st FRENCH HORN - Mr. M. McCarthy, 12th Regiment.
2nd Ditto ditto - Mr. H. Sullivan, 12th Regiment.
TENOR TROMBONE- Mr. William Northcote, 12th Regt.
BASS TROMBONE - Mr. William Woolbridge, 12th Regt. . . .
CORNETS-A-PISTON . . . Band-Sergeant Prince . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)

Pay-list of the 1st Battalion 12th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1863; Australian Joint Copying Project, from the records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 3336 / Sullivan Henry . . . Band

"NGARUAWAHIA (FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT) December 17", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (21 December 1864), 5 (DIGITISED)

A fatal accident by drowning occurred here on Wednesday last, the unfortunate deceased being a bandsman of the 12th Regiment, who was drowned whilst bathing in the Waipa. His body has since been recovered, and an inquest held, the verdict being accidental death.

NOTE: Historian Ken Larbalestrier first identified the drowned man as Henry Sullivan 

SULLIVAN, Henry Philip (Henry Philip SULLIVAN; Henry Phillip SULLIVAN [sic]; Henry Philip O'SULLIVAN [sic])

Musician, pianist, cornet-player, schoolmaster, music teacher

Born Cork, Ireland, c. 1829; son of John SULLIVAN (c. 1790-1857) and Winifred ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, c. 1850
Active Maitland, NSW, by March 1854
Married Anne Australia REID (widow TURNER) (1824-1856), Maitland, NSW, 1855
Active Bowral and Bethungra, NSW, c. 1894
Died Liverpool, NSW, 1895, aged 66 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: ? Charles John Sullivan (musician, ? perhaps related)


[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 March 1854), 3

Pianoforte and Cornet-a-Piston.
MR. HENRY PHILLIP SULLIVAN begs leave to announce to the Inhabitants of Maitland, that having a portion of his time dis-engaged, he will be happy to give instructions on the above instruments to a limited number of pupils.
Terms, &c., may be ascertained on application to Mr. Sullivan, at the Rose Inn, West Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 September 1854), 2 

Grand Evening Concert.
MR. F. E. LEES'S GRAND EVENING CONCERT, to he held at the Court House, East Maitland, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 6th of September, 1854.
1. - National War Anthem, recently composed by Sir H. Bishop - "Raise High the Flag."
2. - Grand Fantasia on Pianoforte - Lizst - MR. F. E. LEES.
3. - Song, "Hearts and Homes" - Miss FLORA HARRIS.
4. - Solo, "Violin" - Le Tremolo - L. E. Beethoven - MR. ELLIS.
5. - Song, "The low backed Car" - S. Lover - MR. SULLIVAN.
6. - "Grand Polka," with brilliant variations - MR. F. E. LEES.
7. - Song, "I Love the Merry Sunshine" - Stephen Glover - MISS F. HARRIS.
8. - Solo, "Flute," by an Amateur.
9. - Song, "Bachelor's Reveries" - S. Lover - MR. SULLIVAN.
10. - Air Varie, on "Violin" - De Beriot - MR. ELLIS.
1. - "Rule Britannia," in full chorus.
2. - Solo, Violin - "The last Rose of Summer" - MR. ELLIS.
3. - Song, "Widow Malone" - Charles Lover - MR. SULLIVAN.
4. - Grand Solo on Pianoforte, "Gesang Ohne Worte" - Mendelssohn - MR. F. E. LEES.
5. - Song, "When the Swallows Homeward, Fly"- Franz Abt. - Miss F. HARRIS.
6. - Solo on "Flute," by an Amateur.
7. - Song, "Farewell, but whenever you Welcome the Hour" - Tom Moore - MR. SULLIVAN.
8. - "Old English Air," on Pianoforte, with brilliant variations, "O dear what can the matter be - MR. F. E. LEES - accompanied by MR. ELLIS on the Violin.
9. - Song, "Shells of Ocean" - J. W. Cherry - Miss F. HARRIS.
10. - "God Save the Queen."
Conductor - Mr. J. K. KINGSMILL.
Tickets to be obtained at Mr. Lipscomb's, West Maitland; Mr. J. C. Bishop's, East Maitland; and at Mr. Rae's, Morpeth.
Price of Admission, 2s. 6d. reserved seats 5s.
Doors open at 7 o'clock ; to commence at seven o'clock precisely.

ASSOCIATIONS: F. E. Lees (pianist); Flora Harris (vocalist); Mr. Ellis (violin); John Kingsmill (conductor, pianist, accompanist)

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (27 September 1854), 3 

MR. F. E. LEES has the honor to announce that his next
GRAND EVENING CONCERT will take place on FRIDAY Evening, 29th Sept., 1854, at the Rose Inn, West Maitland.
1. "Rule Britannia" - Solo and Chorus - Miss F. HARRIS, &c., &c.
2. "Solo - Piano-forte - Grand March, from Bellini's Opera of "Il Pirata" - Mr. LEES . . .
4. Solo- Cornet-a-Piston - "Non Giova il Sospirar" - (Donizetti) - Mr. SULLIVAN.
5. Song - "Paddy Croaker" - Mr. SULLIVAN . . .
8. Song - "The Russian Bear" - from Punch - Mr. SULLIVAN . . .
PART II . . . 3. Song - "Leave us a lock of your hair" (Lover) - Mr. SULLIVAN.
4. Solo - Cornet-a-piston - Mr. SULLIVAN . . .
CONDUCTOR - Mr. F. E. LEES . . .

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (7 October 1854), 2 

MR. F. E. LEES has great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Raymond Terrace, and the neighbourhood, that he will give a
GRAND EVENING CONCERT, in the Court-house of that place, on the Evening of THURSDAY, the 12th instant, 1854.
1. Rule Britannia (Solo) - Miss F. Harris . . .
2. Solo, Pianoforte - Grand March, from the opera of "Il Pirato" - Mr. F. E. Lees . . .
4. Song - "The Widow Malone" - Mr. Sullivan . . .
7. Song - "Paddy Croaker" - Mr. Sullivan . . .
Part 2 . . . 3. Song - "Leave me a lock of your hair" - Mr. Sullivan . . .
6. Song - "My Lord Tomnoddy" - Mr. Sullivan . . .
8. "God Save the Queen" (solo) - Miss F. Harris, and chorus.
Conductor - Mr. F. E. Lees . . .

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 November 1854), 3 

Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music.
THE inhabitants of West and East Maitland and of the surrounding districts, are respectfully informed that a
Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT will be given in the Court House, East Maitland, on the evening of
TUESDAY, November the 7th, by a number of Amateurs, assisted by several Professional Musicians.
The proceeds of this concert, after payment of necessary expenses, will be given to the building fund of the Maitland School of Arts.
Duet for Pianoforte - Overture to La Dame Blanche - Boildieu - Messrs. Kellerman and Sullivan.
Song - I love the dewy twilight - Glover - Miss Flora Harris.
Solo for Cornet a Piston - Bellini - Mr. Sullivan.
Song - Air from Lucrezia Borgia - Donizetti - M. Valere.
Duet for Pianoforte and Violin, Norma - Bellini - Messrs. Kellerman and Faning.
Song-Bonnie Bessy Gray - Glover - Miss Flora Harris.
Battle song from the " Huguenots" - Meyerbeer - Mr. Kellerman.
Song from "Haydee" - Auber - M. Valere.
Interval of Ten minutes.
Duet for Pianoforte. - Overture to Il Tancredi - Rossini - Messrs. Kellerman and Sullivan.
Song - The Wishing Gate - Sporle - Miss Flora Harris.
Solo for Cornet a Piston - Donizetti - Mr. Sullivan.
Scena - Du Chalais - Adam - Mr. Valere.
Song - "O charming May" - Rodwell - Miss Flora Harris.
Duet for Pianoforte and Violin, from Der Freyschutz - Weber - Messrs. Kellerman and Faning.
Song - Suabian soug - Mr. Kellerman.
Duet - "What are the wild waves saying" - Glover - Miss Flora Harris and M. Valere . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Kellermann (pianist, vocalist); Edward Faning (violinist); Mons. Valere (vocalist)

"CONCERT ON BEHALF OF THE FUNDS OF THE MAITLAND SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 November 1854), 2 

This concert took place on Tuesday evening, in the court-house, East Maitland, which was crowded to excess Where all the performers gave so much satisfaction it is difficult to draw distinctions. Miss Flora Harris was in excellent voice, and sung with much taste and feeling . . . The duets on the pianoforte by Messrs. Kellermann and Sullivan, and on the pianoforte and violin by Messrs. Kellermann and Faning, were highly applauded, manifesting great taste in execution, and a remarkable accuracy as to time. Mr. Valere sung with much feeling . . . The labours of Mr. Kellermann throughout the evening, as conductor, were indefatigable, and we are certain were fully appreciated . . .

[2 advertisements], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (7 April 1855), 3 

MR. HENRY PHILLIP SULLIVAN begs leave to inform his PUPILS that the duties of his SCHOOL will be resumed on Wednesday, the 11th instant.
Mr. Sullivan has made arrangements to receive a limited number of young Ladies as Day Scholars.
The course of Education will comprehend all the branches of a polite English Education, with Music, and the rudiments of the French Language when required.
Mr. S. has a vacancy for two young Gentlemen as Boarders, who, with instructions in all the branches of a sound English and Classical Education, will enjoy all the advantages to be derived from a comfortable home.
Terms, &c., &c., may be ascertained on application to Mr. S., at his residence, Abbotstreet, West Maitland.

Pianoforte and Cornet-a-Piston.
MR. H. P. SULLIVAN will receive a limited number of PUPILS for the above instruments, at his residence, Abbot-street, West Maitland, where terms and further particulars may be ascertained.

"To the Editors of . . .", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 May 1855), 2 extra 

GENTLEMEN - Although I will perhaps lessen myself in public estimation by deigning to reply to the letters of your correspondents "Henry Philip Sullivan" and the genius styling himself "A Free and Independent Elector," nevertheless the bump of combativeness is so largely developed in me that I must perforce break another lance with these individuals, though I am certain of being soiled in the encounter with such "wretched herns"
Now to the first of your correspondents, "Henry Philip Sullivan." I was at first not aware who this gentleman was, notwithstanding that he gives his name and address so fully, particularising the street even, lest people might make a mistake as to his identity. I was not aware I say who this gentleman was, until I was informed that he was a kind of hedge-schoolmaster, half fool half something worse, who some time ago, in company with a certain crazed individual erewhile well known in Maitland, went about cajoling the public out of their money under the pretence of being musicians. The aforesaid "Henry Philip Sullivan" constantly boasting afterwards that "Faith no one got any applause but himself and Miss Harris." The only compensation that the public received for being deceived by these imposters was a hearty laugh at the absurdity of the performances, which however I suppose these musicians pocketed, like they did the money, with the consoling reflection "that those might laugh who won" . . .
I am, &c.,
R. W.
May 18th, 1855.

"To the Editors of . . .", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (26 May 1855), 1 supplement 

GENTLEMEN - As "R. W." has chosen to vent his spleen against me in a harmless tirade of vulgar and petty abuse, perhaps you will kindly give place to a few remarks of mine in reply thereto.
As to his attack upon my musical abilities, I would merely say, in the language of Sir John Falstaff- "Why, Hal! 'Tis my vocation! Hal -'tis no sin for a man to labour in his vocation!"
When Mr. Kellermann - decidedly the most accomplished musician in Maitland does not think that he takes away from his talent by playing piano duets with me in public, I really think that I can afford to treat with contempt the insane ravings of "R. W." on that subject.
If Mr. Blain did treat as "R. W's." mean trickery as a good joke, I regret it, as I think that a clergyman ought to be the last person who would countenance a barefaced departure from truth and honor. I am not a "Tipperary Celt" - I am a Cork cove - though not "The Cove of Cork."
I have ever held myself personally responsible for my acts, words, and writings, and shall ever do so, as "R. W." would have found had he chosen to indulge his "bump of combativeness" in any other way than that of quill driving. But perhaps "R. W." heard (as I have), that a person who was abusing Mr. Walsh in a public house in Morpeth was knocked down therefor, and that may have cooled his ("R. W's.") belligerent propensities.
For the above reasons "R.W's" remarks on the "Tipperary Celt" cannot apply to me.
"Let the galled jade wince - my withers are unwrung."
I remain, gentlemen, your obedient servant,
Abbott-street, West Maitland.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (13 June 1855), 3 

Concerts in Aid of the Patriotic Fund.
THE First, will take place This Evening (WEDNESDAY), June 13th, at the Rose Inn, West Maitland.
To commence precisely at Eight o'clock.
1st Part.
1. Glee - Glorious Apollo (Webbe) - The Maitland Glee Club.
2. Song - The Maid of Cashmere (Pacini) - Mrs. Bridson.
3. Duett for the pianoforte (Diabelli) - Messrs. Kellermann and Sullivan.
4. Song - Kathleen Mavourneen (Crouch) - Mr. Kellermann.
5. Solo cornet-a-piston (Balfe) - Mr, Sullivan.
6. Song -I'll follow thee (Farmer) - Mrs. Bridson.
7. Duett - piano and violin, De Beriot and Osborne), Messrs. Kellermann and Ellis.
2nd Part.
1. Boat Glee (West) - The Maitland Glee Club.
2. Song - Down among the dead men - Mr. Kellermann.
3. Solo-cornet-a-piston - air varied - Mr. Sullivan.
4. Song-Oh give me but my Arab steed (G. A. Hodson), Mrs. Bridson.
5. Duett - pianoforte - from Zampa (Herold) - Messrs. Kellermann and Sullivan . . .
N.B.-The SECOND CONCERT will be given at the Court-house, East Maitland, on Friday, the 15rh instant.

ASSOCIATION: Sarah Bridson (vocalist)

"CONCERTS IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND".The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (16 June 1865), 2 

Two amateur concerts have this week been given in Maitland in aid of this fund, the one on Wednesday evening, in the Rose Inn, West Maitland, and the other last evening, at the Court House, East Maitland. On Wednesday evening the large room of the Rose Inn was crowded to excess. All who took part in the performances exerted themselves to the utmost in their efforts to please the audience . . . Mr. Sullivan's solos on the cornet-a-piston were most tastefully executed, but the smallness of the room detracted much from a true appreciation of their excellence. The piano forte accompaniments and conducting of Mr. Kellermann were in his usual first-rate style . . .

"SECOND AMATEUR CONCERT ON BEHALF OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND" The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (20 June 1865), 2 

The second concert for this benevolent purpose took place at the Court-house, East Maitland, on Friday evening last, but there was not so large an attendance as at the Rose Inn. The performances were, however, in every respect much superior, arising principally we think from the capacity of the room . . . Messrs. Sullivan and Ellis were loudly applauded . . .

"MALICIOUS INJURY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (7 July 1855), 2 

Henry Philip Sullivan was yesterday charged before the bench with maliciously injuring the tobacco-pipe of Patrick Joseph Phelan, at West Maitland, on the 29th June. The witnesses called were the complainant and Mr. Thomas Evans. From the evidence it appeared that on Friday evening last the complainant was at Mr. Brackenreg's, West Maitland, when Mr. Sullivan came in and asked him to drink, which complainant declined to do. Defendant then commenced blocking him on the head, which he did not like, and when be told him to give it up he hit off the head of the pipe he was smoking, and left the shank in his mouth. - Mr. Evans was present at the time, and thought that as friends the defendant was merely taking liberties with complainant. Mr. Sullivan was somewhat the worse of liquor. - The bench allowed the case to be withdrawn, on defendant apologising and paying 11s. 2d., the costs of the case.

"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. TUESDAY", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (9 April 1856), 6 

Henry Phillip Sullivan was charged by Alfred Toogood with having been illegally upon his premises on Monday evening. The defendant, it appeared, was discovered at the top of the house, up four flights of stairs; was brought down, and when asked by the prosecutor who he was and what he wanted there, at first made no reply, but cocked his eye-glass and looked at him; upon the questions being repeated, he struck prosecutor in the face; no property was missed. The prisoner said he was in liquor at the time, and would not deny that he might have wandered to the upper part of the house, from the public singing-room which was kept there: but he did not strike the prosecutor until he had been given into custody; he was ordinarily of a quiet disposition, but feeling indignant at the disgrace which such a charge would bring upon him, and excited by drink, he admitted that he struck the prosecutor, and he was very sorry for it. The bench acquitted the defendant of unlawful intent, but fined him for the assault in 20s., or seven days' imprisonment.

"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1856), 4 

Henry Philip Sullivan was sentenced to pay a penalty of 20s., or to be imprisoned for seven days, for assaulting Mr. Toogood, of the Rainbow, Pitt-street, in whose house he was last night found under circumstances not altogether free from suspicion.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Toogood (publican, venue proprietor)

[Advertisement], The Yass Courier (10 October 1860), 3 

WHO has been engaged in Educational pursuits for the last eight years, will have terminated his present engagement on the 20th October, and wishes for a PRIVATE TUTORSHIP in a Gentleman's Family after that date.
In addition to the usual branches of a polite and liberal ENGLISH EDUCATION, he is competent to impart instruction in FRENCH, the rudiments of LATIN and GREEK, and on the PIANOFORTE.
Mr. S. has been in the employment of some of the most respectable families in New South Wales, and can refer, with confidence, to them as to his educational abilities.
Communications addressed to "MR. H. P. SULLIVAN, care of W. K. Smith, Esq.," (his present employer.) "Bongongo, via Gundagai," will meet with. prompt attention.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Kempton Smith (landowner, grazier, d. 1888); see "The Sydney papers announce the death of Mr. W. K. Smith . . . ", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (19 June 1888), 2 


The funeral obsequies of the late Captain Maxwell O'Sullivan, of the 88th New York Volunteers (4th Regiment "Irish Brigade,") were celebrated last week . . . - Irish American. (The deceased was a brother of Mr. H. P. Sullivan, who resides near Yass.)

"Electoral Revision Court", Cootamundra Herald (27 June 1894), 5 

BETHUNGRA DIVISION . . . Henry Phillip Sullivan, music teacher (a transfer from Bowral) . . .

"Death of Henry Philip O'Sullivan", Freeman's Journal (31 August 1895), 10 

THERE are many readers of the Freeman, more particularly among those of the Yass district who were familiar with the old town 25 or 30 years ago, who will read with sorrow of the death of Henry Philip O'Sullivan. The sad news will also awaken memories of bygone times in the minds of not a few residents of the Maitland, Gundagai, Wagga, and Cootamundra districts. Forty-five years ago the subject of this sketch arrived in Sydney, then a young man in the vigour of perfect health, with education and natural ability of the highest order, and with excellent letters of introduction. Forty-five years ago there was the opportunity for such a man to advance himself in the ranks of the public service with the influence of friends; but, being of a singularly independent temperament, Mr. O'Sullivan accepted no such appointment. After spending, some time in Sydney he went to Queensland, where be gained colonial experience in sheep station life, and subsequently he returned to this colony.

An accomplished musician, scholarly, genial, and of very active disposition, he quickly became famed in musical as well as other circles, and no local cause of charity ever lacked his willing and often invaluable help. While in Maitland, and then only a young man, a circumstance arose which brought him into a press controversy upon a theological subject with a dignitary of the Anglican Church, and the masterly manner in which he distinguished himself on that occasion will be recollected by some who read these lines. As a press writer and a public speaker in politics he often displayed much ability, particularly so in Yass, in the old days of the Yass Courier, under the management of its proprietor, the late J. J. Brown. In many a political contest in those days the deceased was a foremost figure, whose opposition was as much dreaded as his support and advocacy were sought after. Some 12 years ago he had the misfortune to meet with a painful affliction which practically closed his career, and was the cause of his dropping out of the public life of the districts in which he was best known. In the space of 12 years many old friendships are forgotten, and during that time deceased made few new ones, therefore his name has rarely been before any of his very wide circle of early acquaintances during that time; but it is doubtful if under any circumstances he could have had a more solemn burial than that on Saturday morning. Among those who followed his funeral were his only child and his son-in-law, Mrs. and Mr. T. C. Brown, of Bowral, and the good priest whose administrations bad been so consoling to him in his last days.

The deceased was a native of the city of Cork, the son of a military officer, Captain John O'Sullivan, and a member of a distinguished Catholic family. He married in Maitland a daughter of Captain Reed, whose name is associated with the military in the colony's early history, but was left a widower with an infant daughter, within two years, and he never married again. His age was 66 years.


"DEATH OF CAPTAIN JOHN SULLIVAN", Cork Examiner (23 March 1857), 3 (PAYWALL)

Our obituary column records the death, on yesterday, of an old Citizen of Cork, whose character and abilities were too remarkable to be passed by with an ordinary line in that department. He possessed an extraordinary variety of talents, being at once a musician of singular taste and power, and an artist of great cultivation. In his younger days he had given proof of great cleverness as an amateur actor, and in those times, when dancing was an accomplishment more highly esteemed than now, he won universal admiration for his feats in that art. As a social companion, he had great gifts, his powers of conversation being based not only upon extensive acquaintance with matters of art and taste, but upon an extensive knowledge of the personal celebrities, fashionable and otherwise, of the past generation. In his private character, he was remarkahlo for strict honour and integrity, and if his disposition occasionally evinced warmth of temperament, no action of his was ever chargeable with the least taint of dishonour. To all those who had the advantage of his acquaintance, the intelligence of his decease will be a matter of sincere regret.


Musician, bandsman, Band of the 3rd Regiment (Buffs)

Born Kinsale, Cork, Ireland, c. 1787
Enlisted (3rd Regiment), Kinsale, Cok, Ireland, 14 August 1804 (aged "17", drummer until 24 June 1810)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29/30 August 1823 (per Commodore Hayes, from Deptford, England, 26 April, via Hobart Town)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 23/25 January 1827 (per Speke and Woodford, for Calcutta, India, June)
Discharged (3rd Regiment), Chatham, Kent, England, 10 June 1828 (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 3rd Regiment


Paylist of the 3rd (or Buffs) Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1822 to 24 March 1823; Australian Joint Copying Project, from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . Sullivan John / . . . Band

Paylist of the 3rd (or Buffs) Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1825 to 24 March 1826; Australian Joint Copying Project, from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . Sullivan Jno / . . . Band

Paylist of the 3rd (or Buffs) Regiment of Foot, from 25 September to 24 December 1827; Australian Joint Copying Project, from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . Sullivan John / . . . Embarked for Reg'tal Depot 25th September

Description book, 3rd Regiment of Foot; UK National Archives, WO25/323 (PAYWALL)

Sullivan John / [at enlistment] 5 ft 1 in / [at 24 years of age] 5 ft 6 in / [age at enlistment] 17 years [0 days] / fair [complexion] / hazel [eyes] / black [hair] / round [visage] / [born] Cork / Kinsale / Labourer / [attested] Kinsale / 14th Aug't 1804 / these two men [other Berry] are now on the out pension / [Discharged] 10 June 1828 / Chatham / Worn out from length of service / . . . (Drummer from 14 Aug't 1804 to 24 June 1810)

Berry Zachariah / 5 ft 5 1/4 in / [aged] 16 years 225 days / fresh [complexion] hazel [eyes] / brown [hair] / round [visage] / [born] Sussex / Horsham / Labourer / [attested] Maidstone / 12th Oct'r 1804 / these two men [other Sullivan] are now on the out pension / . . . Transferred 25 Oct'r 1827 / 39th Reg't

ASSOCIATIONS: Zachariah Berry (bandsman)

SULLIVAN, Matthew (Matthew SULLIVAN)

Musician, violinist, fiddler, itinerant musician

Active Geelong, VIC, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)


"POLICE. Tuesday, 15th February . . . VAGRANCY", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (16 February 1859), 3 

Matthew Sullivan was charged by one of the Water Police with being an idle and disorderly character, using no visible means for his support, but subsisting by vagrancy. Sullivan denied the latter portion of this accusation, urging his behalf that he was a professed violin player, and consequently did not depend upon begging or acts of vagrancy for his subsistence. He was cautioned and discharged.


Musician, side drum player

Active Sydney, NSW, July 1859 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1859), 6

On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . . CONDUCTOR - Mr. L. H. LAVENU . . .
KETTLE DRUMS - Mr. F. Sharp.
SIDE DRUMS - Mr. W. Sullivan . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Frederick Sharp (kettle drums); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)

SUMMERHAYES, Cecilia (Cecilia Elizabeth SUMMERHAYES; Madame Cecilia SUMMERHAYES; Madame SUMMERHAYES; Mrs. Alfred George ANDERSON)

Musician, pianist

Born Taunton, Somerset, England, 1840; baptised St. Mary, Taunton, 23 April 1840; daughter of Samuel SUMMERHAYES and Louise HICKMAN
Married (1) Alfred George ANDERSON, Taunton, 27 August 1864; divorced 1877
Arrived Sydney, NSW, September 1879 (from Plymouth, 17 July)
Married (2) Richard F. NICHOLLS, St. Mark's, Alexandria, NSW, 27 September 1886
Died Melbourne, VIC, 13 August 1929 (shareable link to this entry)


SUMMERHAYES, Gertrude (Emma Gertrude Cecilia Anderson SUMMERHAYES)

Musician, violinist

Born London, England, 13 June 1873; baptised St. Michael and All Angels, Ladbroke Grove, 15 June 1873


"SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 October 1879), 3

"THE MUSIC AT THE GARDEN PALACE", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 December 1879), 2

"MADAME CECILIA SUMMERHAYES", The Argus (24 October 1922), 11

"MISS SUMMERHAYES", Cairns Post (28 July 1928), 4

[News], The Herald (15 August 1929), 7 

Mrs. F. R. Nichols, known as Madame Cecelia Summerhayes, died at her home in Elsternwick, yesterday, aged 88, and was burled privately today. Madame Summerhayes made a tour of the world as a pianist, and was ranked as one of the leading solo pianists of her day. For many years she whs closely associated with the musical world in Melbourne. Miss Gertrude Summerhayes, violin soloist, of Melbourne, is a daughter.

"IN MEMORIAM", The Argus (13 August 1931), 1

SUMMERHAYES. - In loving remembrance of Madame Cecilia Summerhayes, the eminent pianist, who died on the 13th August, 1929. (Inserted by her devoted daughter Gertrude, her loving granddaughter Celia, and her loving husband R. Fitz-Nigel Nicholls.)

SUMMERS, Joseph (Joseph SUMMERS)

Musician, pianist, organist, conductor, music educator, composer

Born Charlton Mackrell, Somerset, England, 1839; son of George SUMMERS (1797-1879) and Ruth BOOL (d. 1850)
Married Constance Mary SUMMERS [sic] (1840-1901), St. George's, Bloomsbury, 21 July 1863
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 29 December 1865 (per Royal Standard, from Liverpool, 22 October)
Died Perth, WA, 10 October 1917 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)


Joseph Summers 1839-1917

Joseph Summers, c. 1860s


Summers was a chorister at Wells Cathedral, studied under Henry John Gauntlett and Sterndale Bennett, and qualified as a Bachelor of Music at Oxford around 1863. He married Constance Mary Summers [sic] in 1863, and late in 1865 they arrived in Victoria, where his much older brother, sculptor Charles Summers, had been since 1854. On the voyage out passengers mounted a production of Macbeth for which the "musical business was under the superintendence of Mr. Joseph Summers, bachelor of music".

In August 1867 Summers, Julius Siede, and St. John Caws were deputed by the Victorian Musical Association to make musical arrangements for the reception of the Duke of Edinburgh. One result was his Galatea secunda, a "new cantata expressly composed", to words by Richard Horne, in September 1867. A year earlier Summers had set Horne's Threnodia ("O cruel sea! whose wild embrace").

In May 1868, Summers produced a New ode ("Bearing on the subject of the Attempted Assassination of Prince Alfred"), to words by Rev. Dr. John Edward Bromby (1 Address to the Deity; 2 Assassination Scene; 3 Jubilation; 4 Australia's Prayer).

Summers was organist of St. Peter's, Eastern Hill (1868-79), and All Saints, St. Kilda (until 1896). From 1867, he was an examiner and later "state inspector of singing" for the Education Board.

Court proceedings against Summers in 1871 for conspiracy to defraud a mining company forced him into insolvency in 1872.

In August 1874 Summers and Henry Hughes gave interesting specialist evidence for defence in libel case brought against the Herald for an anonymous critique (actually by Marcus Clarke) of a "mutilated" local production of Offenbach's Princess of Trebizonde.

The fact that his Victorian National Anthem, to words by Gordon McCrae (1879), was being taught in schools drew a criticism of its quality in January 1880. In 1890 he was awarded a doctorate of music by the archbishop of Canterbury.

In May 1891 he was before the courts again for irregularities in his mining dealings, was insolvent again in October, and after a government inquiry into claims of misappropriation was forced to relinquish his departmental post. In 1893 he sued The Age over a satirical review of a performance he conducted of Haydn's The creation.

In March 1897 he moved to Perth, WA, where he continued to compose, teach, conduct and court controversy, not least in litigation over his collaboration on a dramatised Milton oratorio The two worlds (1900). Among his late minor works were a "new Australian National Anthem", King Jarrah (1913), and An Australian madrigal (1914).


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (30 December 1865), 4

"THE BROOKE MEMORIAL FUND", Launceston Examiner (12 May 1866), 2

[News], The Argus (5 October 1866), 4

[News], The Argus (8 August 1867), 4

[News], The Argus (20 September 1867), 5

"GALATEA SECUNDA", The Argus (4 October 1867), 5

"MR. SUMMERS'S NEW ODE", The Argus (25 May 1868), 5

[Advertisement], The Argus (25 May 1868), 8

"THE ALFRED MEMORIAL CONCERT", The Argus (26 May 1868), 5

"CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD", The Argus (18 March 1871), 6

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (11 July 1872), 5

"THEATRICAL CRITICISM", The Argus (22 August 1874), 10



"NEW MUSIC", The Argus (31 December 1885), 6

"MUSICAL NOTES", The Argus (3 May 1890), 4

"LEGAL NOTES", The Argus (15 May 1891), 6

"INSOLVENCY COURT", The Argus (6 October 1891), 6


"A MUSICAL LIBEL ACTION", The Argus (15 July 1893), 15

"NEWS IN BRIEF", The Daily News (15 March 1897), 2

"THE TWO WORLDS", Western Mail (2 June 1900), 58

"AN AUSTRALIAN MUSICIAN'S MEMORIES", The West Australian (9 July 1910), 12

"IS IT A GENUINE RUBENS?", The Advertiser (20 June 1913), 9

"KING JARRAH. A NEW ODE", The Daily News (10 October 1913), 6

"ANOTHER", The Daily News (13 March 1914), 7

"PEEPS AT PEOPLE", Sunday Times (14 October 1917), 13

A remarkable and notable character passed out last week when Musical Dr. Summers smote his last chord. The doctor died at a very advanced, age. and though a marvellously brilliant theorist has left little in the way of haunting melody and majestic measure that will recall his venerable personality. As a master of the technical side of the divine art, Dr. Summers was unapproached in this State, albeit his best work was done long before he came West. It is a long time ago since the present writer, then a small knickerbockered boy at Oldham's State school, South Melbourne, studied, or tried to study, amid pellets of chewed blotting-paper and vocal fireworks, the blackboard crotchets and quavers of the now late-lamented maestro, and it is also a long time since he next met him, when he (Dr. S.), with Father Duff and the local girl-composer, Flora Murchison, was in the throes of evolving The Two Worlds. More anon of dear old Dr. Summers, a kindly old soul gone whom it is hoped the harps won't twang out of tune and worry his sensitive spook.

"DEATHS", The Argus (23 October 1917), 1

SUMMERS. - On the 10th October, 1917, at Perth, W.A., Joseph Summers, Mus. Doc., Oxon., formerly inspector of music in Victoria, composer of the National Anthem "Maker of Earth and Sea," &c. A colonist of over 50 years.

Selected musical and literary works:

Weep not (sacred song; words: Eliza Postle; in memory of the son of Rev. A Cairns, Melbourne, 1866) 

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Postle entered "music" to the Victorian committee for the 1866 Intercolonial & Paris Exhibitions, see The Argus (21 August 1866), 5:

Galatea Secunda (an odaic cantata addressed to H.R.H. Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, on his first arrival in the colony of Victoria; written by Richard Hengist Horne; the music composed by J. Summers) (words only; Melbourne: Printed for private circulation, 1867)

Music and musicians: personal reminiscences, 1865-1910 (Perth: Galwey Printing Company, 1910) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Robin S. Stevens, "Summers, Joseph (1839-1917)", Australian dictionary of biography 6 (1976)


Amateur musician, band leader, instructor

Active Launceston, TAS, 1860

SUMNER, Joseph Charles (Joseph Charles SUMNER; Rev. Mr. SUMNER; Bede SUMNER, O.S.B)

Clergyman, church singer

Born Birmingham, England, 6 September 1801; baptised St. Peter's (RC), Birmingham, 11 September 1801; son of Joseph SUMNER and Elizabeth HAYNES
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 September 1835 (per Oriental, from Liverpool, April, via Hobart Town, 5 September)
Died Parramatta, NSW, 17 October 1871, aged "71/72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"Campbelltown (From a Correspondent)", Sydney Chronicle (2 September 1846), 2-3

Our little town, was quite alive on Wednesday last, that being the day appointed for the celebration of high mass, which took place with great solemnity. The church was crowded at an early hour, and numbers of persons, of difierent persuasions, might be seen wending their way to St. John's Church, which was thronged in every part; and shortly after the hour stated, the solemn service commenced. The Rev. Dean Coffey officiated as high priest, assisted by the Rev. Messrs. Sumner, Goold, Fitzpatrick, Kenny, Benson, McGrath, Keating, and others. After the Gospel, the Rev. Mr. [3] Sumner delivered an eloquent discourse, which was attentively listened to by the congregation, who appeared edified by the sermon. Indeed we seldom heard a more able and dignified delivery. The rev. gentleman strongly alluded to a very prevalent evil which has arisen in this parish, namely, that of parents sending their children to schools of different religions. Indeed, so great has this evil become, that our worthy pastor himself has frequently mentioned it - we are sorry to say with little success. There is a Catholic school established here, and conducted with great ability; and we are very sorry to say that but little support is given by Catholic parents to the institution - for what reason we cannot tell, as no fault can or has been found with the master or mistress thereof. At all events, it is to be hoped that the remarks made from the altar may not be lost.

After the sermon high mass was proceeded with, the Rev. Mr. Sumner kindly assisting in the choir. I am happy to add testimony to the efficiency of our band of singers, who, although very young, acquitted themselves with great credit and ability, conducted by Mr. Grobety, who presided at the organ . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Groberty (organist)

[Columbus Fitzpatrick], "REMINISCENCES OF CATHOLICISM IN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE COLONY (To the Editor of the Goulburn Argus.)", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (25 November 1865), 741

. . . Oh! it makes my heart thrill when I think of those happy days. I have since then heard the organ of Saint Mary's; I have seen Dr. Reid, who was a great man, assisted by his sisters, and Miss Lane and a great body of singers, but they could not equal the choir formed by Mr. Richenberg. I never heard anything like it except once - that was the day on which our venerated Archbishop first landed in Sydney. On that occasion Dr. Ullathorne, new Bishop of Birmingham, had made every preparation for a grand High Mass, and poor Cavendish (who was drowned with his sister off Bradley's Head in after years) had charge of the choir; he exerted himself to the utmost and secured the assistance of a great cantatrice (Mrs. Rust) who happened to be in the colony at that time. Mr. Clarke the architect who was a fine singer also lent his aid, and those with the assistance of the regular choristers quite astonished the Bishop. Dr. Polding was only Bishop at that time and he did not expect to hear Mozart's Mass sung in Botany Bay, and well sung too: he was accompanied by several rev. gentlemen, some of whom were fine singers, amongst those were the Rev. Mr. Spencer, who afterwards went home, and the Rev. Mr. Sumner, who was the first priest ordained in these colonies. He could sing very sweetly at that time, but neither these nor the Rev. Mr. Watkins, who took charge of the choir, could ever equal Mr. Richenberg's choir, for he had so many bandsmen, and they played with such precision that finer music could not be found out of Europe.

ASSOCIATIONS: Columbus Fitzpatrick (chorister, memoirist); James Aquinas Reid (choirmaster); Joseph Reichenberg (choirmaster); John Bede Polding (bishop, later archbishop); William Bernard Ullathorne (cleric); William Joseph Cavendish (choirmaster); Margaret Rust (vocalist); Francis Clarke (vocalist); John Benedict Spencer (cleric, vocalist)

"DEAN SUMNER", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 November 1871), 6 

The Rev. Joseph Charles Sumner, Dean of St. Mary's Cathedral, an aged and much-respected clergyman of the Roman Catholic Church, died at Subiaco, near Parramatta, on Tuesday morning last, the 17th October. This gentleman - who was in the 72nd year of his age and the 35th of his priesthood - was a native of England, and educated at Downside College, where he made his profession as a Benedictine Monk. He came out to this country (in deacon's orders) with Archbishop Polding in the year 1835, and was ordained a priest by that Prelate in the following year - being the first clergyman advanced to full orders in the Roman Catholic Church in Australia. The Rev. Mr. Sumner first followed his vocation as a clergyman at St. Mary's in this city, and he subsequently fulfilled his pastoral duties as the clergyman in charge at Penrith, at Appin, at Wollongong, at St. Patrick's, Sydney, and at St. Patrick's, Parramatta. Some of the Roman Catholic churches at these several localities were, for the most part, built during his pastoral charge, and others were completed. After labouring long amongst his own people, and earning the respect of all denominations, the Rev. J. C. Sumner (who was the Titular Dean of St. Mary's), found himself about four years since, from his advanced age and increasing infirmities, unable to continue to discharge his clerical duties, and paid a visit to England to recruit his exhausted energies and enfeebled health. He returned to the colony, after about twelve months' absence, and has since resided at Subiaco a confirmed invalid, but performing, from time to time, as much clerical duty as his health would permit. He said mass for the last time on Sunday, the 16th instant, and on the evening of that day was taken dangerously ill. He died about thirty-six hours afterwards. Dean Sumner's funeral took place at Subiaco on Wednesday morning, and was attended by the Archbishop and thirty-three of his clergy. A dirge and requiem mass was sung; the celebrant at the altar being the Vicar-General (Dr. Sheehy) - the Rev. B. Callachor acting as deacon, and the Rev. Placid Quirk as subdeacon. The body of the Dean is burled in the mortuary chapel of the Subiaco convent, and rests near the coffin of his old friend, fellow-student, and diocesan, Bishop Davis.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Davis (deceased bishop)

Bibliography and resources:

John Kenny, A history of the commencement and progress of catholicity in Australia, up to the year 1840 (Sydney: F. Cunninghame, 1886), 67, 113 (DIGITISED)

[113] . . . I have stated that Messrs. Sumner, Gregory, and Spencer were professed monks of the Order of St. Benedict when they came to the colony, in the year 1835, with Bishop Polding. They were prosecuting their theological studies, which they had commenced in the College of Downside, at Bath, during the voyage, and continued so after their arrival in the colony. On Sunday, 8th May, 1836, Messrs. Spencer and Gregory were promoted to the order of Deacon in St. Mary's Cathedral; and on the following Monday the Revd. C. Sumner was ordained priest . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Kenny (cleric)

Henry Norbert Birt, Benedictine pioneers in Australia . . . volume 1 (London: Herbert & Daniel, 1911), 98, 247, 253, 254, 291, 293, 301, 310, 375, 439, 442, 461, 473 (DIGITISED)

[98] . . . From a diary of the long voyage out to the Antipodes of Dr. Polding and his party, by one of them we learn that the Oriental arrived at Hobart Town on 6th August 1835, Dr. Polding sent Rev. Mr. Corcoran and Br. B. Sumner, O.S.B. ashore with a letter to Father Conolly . . . (DIGITISED)

[291] . . . [Polding writes, 1 May 1836] "On Sunday next, I hold my first Ordinations; Mr. Sumner and Gregory, Deacons, Mr. Spencer, Subdeacon. On Thursday after, Mr. Sumner, Priest. I could wish to defer this, but I cannot" . . . (DIGITISED)

[439] . . . [Ullathorne writes, 18 October 1839] . . . Sumner is a very weak man of especially small use. I have been obliged to be kindly firm in his regard since my return. He is under Mr. Goold at Campbell Town . . .

SUMNER, Theodotus John (Theodotus John SUMNER; Mr. T. J. SUMNER)

Amateur vocalist, member of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society

Born Liskeard, Cornwall, England, 4 May 1820; baptised Wesleyan chapel, Liskeard, 22 June 1820; son of John SUMNER and Sarah STONE
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1848
Married Sarah Jones PEERS (1829-1929), VIC, 1852
Died Brunswick, VIC, 20 April 1884, aged 63 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: John Jones Peers (father-in-law, d. 1850)


Methodist register of births and baptisms, 1820, register to 1828, fol. 115; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 919 / Theodotus John the son of John Sumner, minister for the borough and in the parish of Liskeard in the county of Cornwall and of Sarah his wife, who was the daughter of John and Ann Stone, was born at Liskeard on the fourth day of May in the year [1820] . . . and was also solemnly baptized . . . on [22 June 1820] . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 June 1859), 8 

The Committee of the Society beg to announce that it is intended to give
In commemoration of the Centenary of the Death of Handel.
One Concert to consist of a Selection from JUDAS MACCABAEUS, SAMSON, ISRAEL IN EGYPT, &c.
The other or the MESSIAH, Complete . . .
W. G DREDGE, Hon. Sec.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gilpin Dredge (secretary); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation)

"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (18 January 1860), 5 

The annual meeting of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society took place last evening at the Mechanics' Institute. Mr. Justice Barry occupied the chair . . . Mr. Vaughan having informed the meeting that the Government had granted a site for the proposed Music-hall, moved the appointment of the following gentlemen as Trustees: - The President (Mr. Justice Barry), Messrs. Sumner, Pinnock, J. M. Smith, Russell, Blundell, and Capt. Kay . . . The following gentlemen were appointed office-bearers for the ensuing year: - President, Mr. Justice Barry; Vice-Presidents, Captain Pasley and Mr. T. J. Sumner; Treasurer, Mr. Blundell; Conductor, Mr. J. Russell. Librarian, Mr. Moxon . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Redmond Barry (president); James John Blundell (treasurer); John Russell (conductor); Septimus Moxon (librarian)

"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (31 January 1861), 5 

The adjourned annual meeting of the Philharmonic Society was held at the Mechanics' Institution yesterday evening, Captain Pasley, vice president of the society, in the chair . . . Mr. T. J. SUMNER, in moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, pointed out to the society the necessity of some vigorous action being taken with reference to the erection of the music-hall, for which a site had some time ago been procured from Government. The land was now in the hands of trustees, and should building operations not be commenced within six months, the grant would lapse, and, in all probability, not be renewed. He urged the members to make the effort to raise the funds necessary for the erection of a plain building at the outset. It was sure to be better adapted for their purpose than the Exhibition Building; and he need not tell them that the proposed erection would in itself prove a considerable source of revenue . . .

[News], The Argus (26 February 1862), 5 

An adjourned meeting of the Philharmonic Society last evening, at the Mechanics' Institute, [saw the] election of officers for the current year, with the following result - President, Sir Redmond Barry; vice-presidents, Messrs. T. J. Sumner and John Russell, conductor, Mr. C. E. Hartley [Horsley]; organist, Mr. T. G. Goold; treasurer, Mr. J. J. Blundell, librarian, Mr. S. Moxon. The committee are - Messrs. Elsasser, J. J. Blundell, J. B. Hailes [sic], W. C. Fisher, T. G. Goold, G. O. Rutter, Rev. W. Jarrett, S. Moxon, and Alfred Woolley. Mr. W. G. Dredge was re-elected honorary secretary. A special vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Herr Elsasser for his services as conductor of the society for the past year, and another to the committee and officers. After the meeting, the society proceeded with the usual Tuesday night rehearsal.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (conductor); Thomas Green Goold (organist); Charles Elsasser (member); George Button Hailes (member); Wilhelm Carl Fischer (member); George Oswald Rutter (member); William Jarrett (member)

"Deaths", The Argus (21 April 1884), 1 

SUMNER. - On the 20th inst., at Stony-park, Brunswick, Theodotus John Sumner, aged 63 years.

"DEATH OF MR. T. J. SUMNER", The Argus (21 April 1884), 6 

We announce, with regret the not-unexpected death of Mr. T. J. Sumner . . . He was a Victorian colonist of upwards of 40 years' standing, besides having previously lived in Tasmania . . . Mr. Sumner always manifested an active interest in charitable and religious institutions, and rendered particularly valuable assistance to the Wesleyan body . . .

"THE LATE MR. T. J. SUMNER", The Age (21 April 1884), 5 

Another very old colonist has passed away, Mr. Theodotus John Sumner, the senior partner in the well-known and old established firm of Grice, Sumner and Co., having died at his residence, Stony Park, Brunswick, at an early hour yesterday morning . . . Mr. Sumner was born in 1820, and was therefore 63 years old at the time of his death. By birth he was an Englishman, but he had been a resident in Melbourne for upwards of 40 years. He came originally to Tasmania, but after remaining there for a brief period came over to Victoria, and went into partnership with the late Mr. Richard Grice . . .

Will and probate, Theodotus John Sumner, 1884; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

SUMPH, Mr. (Mr. SUMPH ? spelling)


Active Beechworth, VIC, 1858 (shareable link to this entry)


"POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (15 January 1858), 2 

Thursday, January 14th, 1858. (Before Matthew Price, Esq., P. M.) . . . Sumph v. Warbeck. A claim for £2 6s. 6d for services rendered as a musician. Defendant tried to put in a set off for liquor which his Worship disallowed. Verdict for plaintiff.

SUMSION, William (William James SUMSION; William SUMSION; Mr. SUMSION)

Amateur musician, clarinettist, oboist, volunteer force bandsman, coach trimmer and harness maker

Born London, England, 1819; baptised St. George, Hanover Square, 31 May 1819; son of William SUMSION and Esther
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 2 April 1849 (per Calphurnia, from London, 10 December 1848)
Active Adelaide, SA, ? by 1850 (if the above); by 1861 or 1862
Died Norwood, SA, 6 May 1904, "in his 85th year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint George Hanover Square in the county of Middlesex in the year 1819; register 1818-19, page 188; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 380 / [1819 May] 31 / William James / [son of] William & Esther / Sumsion / Queen's Street / Coach Trimmer . . .

England census, 6 June 1841, St. Marylebone, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/679/5/10/15 (PAYWALL)

Queens Street Edgware Road / [Shed ?] no. 4 / Martha Sumsion / 50 / [born in county]
William [Sumsion] / 20 / Coach Trimmer / [born in county]

William Sumsion, 1849; Passenger history SA 

Coach trimmer, harness maker, Calphurnia, London, 9 December 1848, Adelaide, 1 April 1849

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (3 July 1850), 2 

In aid of the Funds of the GERMAN AND BRITISH HOSPITAL . . . 85 PERFORMERS . . .
INSTRUMENTAL. Conductor - Mr. Wallace.
Principal 1st Violins. - Messrs. Wallace, Osborn, Lee, and F. Coppin . . .
Trombone, Mr. Hewett; Oboe, Mr. Sumsion; Drums, Mr. Barnett; Ophicleide, Herr Huenerbein . . .
On Friday Evening, July 19th, 1850.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - "The Siege of Rochelle" - Balfe - THE BAND . . .
PART SECOND. Overture, "La Straniera," - THE BAND . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (violin, leader); Ferdinand Osborne (violin); Philip Lee (violin); Frederick Coppin (violin); Mr. Hewett (trombone); Mr. Barnett (drums); August Christian Huenerbein (ophicleide)

[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (4 October 1851), 1 

MR. R. BANCROFT respectfully announces to the Gentry and Inhabitants, of Adelaide and its vicinity that his Grand Farewell Concert, previous to his returning to England, will take place in the Exchange, on Wednesday evening, 15th October, 1851. Vocal and Instrumental Performers . . . Messrs. S. W. Wallace, F. Ellard . . . Geo. Bennett, Lee, Chapman, Cobbins, Hunerbein, Mater, Sumsion, Barnett, &c.; together with the whole of the members of the Choral Society and German Chorus . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Bancroft (vocalist); Frederick Ellard (vocalist, pianist); George Bennett (violin); William Chapman (violin); William Cobbin (violin); Charles Mater (musician); Adelaide Choral Society (organisation); Deutsche Liedertafel (organisation)

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 March 1852), 3 

Melbourne, March, 1852. TO CAPTAIN WOOD, Of the Barque Sea Queen.
SIR, - We, the undersigned, steerage passengers on board your vessel, from Adelaide to this Port, beg most respectfully by this means to testify our sense of the hospitable treatment we have received on board, and we all cheerfully wish you success in all your future undertakings.
We are, Sir, Yours respectfully, . . . Wm. Sumsion . . .

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (11 October 1854), 1 

MISS PETTMAN and MR. W. CHAPMAN beg to inform their friends and the public generally, that they will give a GRAND CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music on the evening of
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11th, 1854, at the PANTHEON, King William-street, for which occasion MR. P. LEE has kindly offered his services, as also the following well-known talent: . . .
Instrumentalists: 1st Violins - Mr. P. Lee and Mr. Chapman . . .
Contra Bass - Mr. Betteridge. Cornet-a- Piston - Mr. McCullagh.
Flutes - Mr. R. Clisby and Mr. Phillips.
Oboe - Mr. Sumsion.
Pianists - Mrs. Young and Mr. Linger.
PROGRAMME. PART 1. 1. Overture, Don Juan, Orchestra - Mozart . . .
7. The Star of the Night Valses, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert . . .
PART 2. 1. Overture, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Orchestra - Rossini . . .
8. The Etna Galop, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Henry Betteridge (double bass); Robert McCullagh (cornet); Redford Clisby (flute); Rebecca Young (piano); Carl Linger (piano)

"NORWOOD PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The South Australian Advertiser (22 October 1861), 3

On Monday evening the Norwood Philharmonic Society gave their second grand concert, and notwithstanding the threatening state of the weather, there was a good attendance, the Town Hall being tolerably well filled with a highly respectable audience, numbering about 250. The performance commenced with an introduction by the band, which was followed by Handel's chorus, "Sing unto God," sung by the whole company, comprising seven female and 14 male voices, and 11 instrumental performers, viz. - one cornopean, Mr. McCulloch; one clarionet, Mr. Sumsion; two flutes, Messrs. Spiller and Proctor; five violins, Messrs. Chapman, Finniss, Chapman, jun., and Schrader ; one bass viol, and one double bass . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Spiller (flute); Nicholas Proctor (flute); Boyle Travers Finniss (? or son, violin); William Chapman junior (violin); Heinrich Schrader (violin); Norwood Philharmonic Society (organisation)

"GAWLER TOWN RURAL FETE AND PIC-NIC", The South Australian Advertiser (7 November 1862), 3

"GAWLER TOWN RURAL FETE AND PIC-NIC", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (8 November 1862), 1s

[6 November] . . . His Excellency passed in procession through the town, the West Adelaide Band, the Gawler Town Band, and the Kapunda Band playing at intervals . . .

THE BAND CONTEST. Prizes were given for the best performances, and three Bands entered - the West Adelaide, the Kapunda, and the Gawler. The Bands performed on the balcony over the entrance hall of the mansion, large crowds of visitors being collected on the sward beneath, Mr. Linly Norman was appointed arbiter. The contest commenced at about 2 o'clock, and was the grand event of the day. We might mention that the persons composing the various members of the bands almost unanimously complained of being charged 1s, 6d. each for admission to the grounds. We do not mean to impute any blame to the Committee, as no doubt they instructed the gatekeepers to charge all persons an entrance fee, and their trustworthy servants carried out their orders faithfully. Three bands entered for the contest, and the follow ing are the names of the performers and instruments: -

-- Schmidt - Eb Clarionet.
W. Sumsion - Bb Clarionet.
H. Schrader - First Cornet.
John Medley - First Cornet.
George Freeman - Second Cornet.
F. Fletcher - Second Cornet.
R. Morris - First tenor Saxhorn.
W. Stratton - Second tenor do.
W. Vincent [sic] - Contra Bass.
G. Clift - Solo Bass.
T. Schrader - Solo Bass.
H. Clift - Drum . . .

The first band which made their appearance on the balcony was the West Adelaide. They played "The Adelaide March," composed by Herr Heydecke - their instructor - whose high qualities as a musician are established in the colony, and to whose excellent tuition the West Adelaide Band attribute much of their success. The Gawler Band next made their appearance, and performed an excellent piece of music, and at its conclusion were loudly applauded. The Kapunda Band next showed, and played the pretty and popular American air, "Nelly Gray." The same course was again gone through, each band playing a march. "The Song of Australia" was well performed by the whole of the bands. At the time the Kapunda Band were engaged in our national songs a very strong whirlwind passed over the mansion, which very soon choked the instruments with dust. Under these circumstances they stopped, but afterwards completed the song in a very creditable and praiseworthy manner. Mr. Linly Norman then gave his verdict on the merits of the respective hands as follows: - First prize, West Adelaide Band; second do., Kapunda Band; third do., Gawler Band.

ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (adjudicator); Richard Morris (tenor saxhorn); William Henry Stratton (saxhorn); George John Freeman (cornet); George Vincent (bass)

"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . THE REVIEW", South Australian Register (25 May 1864), 2 

. . . Regimental Band - Bandmaster Heydecke, Sergeant F. Heydecke, Corporal Morris, Vincent, Whyte, J. Schrader, H. Schrader, Stratton, Freeman, Fletcher, Waite, Schmidt, Sumsion, Weidenaber, H. Cleff, Herbert Allison, and Stratton, jun. Total 18.

ASSOCIATIONS: Theodor and Frederick Heydecke (musicians)

"OPENING OF PARLIAMENT", South Australian Register (28 May 1864), 2 

. . . Band - F. Heydecke, W. H. Heydecke [sic], H. Schrader, J. Schrader, R. White, G. Vincent, D. H. Weidenhofer, W. Sumsion, Jno. Waite, W. Stratton, Morris, Frank Fletcher, J. W. Allison, and W. H. Stratton . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: ? Richard Baxter White (musician)

"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", South Australian Register (17 September 1869), 2 

The opening concert of the Adelaide Philharmonic Society took place on Thursday evening, in the Town Hall . . . Mr. E. Spiller acted as conductor, and Mr. R. B. White, R.A.M., as leader. Mr. Shakespeare presided at the grand piano. Amongst the other instrumentalists were Messrs. Chapman, Edwards, Kay, Sumsion, Tilly, Wallace, Betteridge, and Proctor . . . The Society very properly determined to confine itself to the cultivation and practice of classical music, beginning with "The Messiah" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Shakespeare (pianist); Adelaide Philharmonic Society (organisation)

"FIRE AT THE RAILWAY STATION", South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (16 September 1871), 10 

On Friday, September 15, Dr. Clindening, J.P., held an inquest at the Terminus Hotel, North-terrace, for the purpose of enquiring into the circumstances connected with the fire that broke out in the paint shop at the Railway Station on the previous evening . . .
William Sumsion, coach-trimmer at the railway carriage department, said he locked the paint-shop at 5.30, and then left with the painters. Placed the key in its usual place under the door on the rail. Felt sure that no one else beside the two painters knew where to find the key. Saw nothing unusual about the place when he left. No one had been smoking about the place. Coke fires had been used in two nail-cans for drying the paint about 30 feet from where the fire occurred. The fires were out by dinner time . . .

"DEATHS", The Register (7 May 1904), 6 

SUMSION. - On the 6th May, at his residence, Beulah road, Norwood, William James, the beloved husband of Ann Sumsion, aged 85 years. At rest.

"CONCERNING PEOPLE", The Register (9 May 1904), 4 

The late Mr. William James Sumsion, whose death look place at Beulah road, Norwood, on Friday, was for many years connected with the higher branches of Masonry. He was for some time Sub-Prior of the Provincial Priory of South Australia, Past Preceptor of the Knights Templar, and Past M.S.W. of the Percy Chapter and Rose Croix, and Past Master of the Duke of Leinster Lodge of Freemasons. Mr. Sumsion, who was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends, was for many years in business at Norwood. He had reached his eighty-fifth year. On Saturday morning Mr. Justice Boucaut, who had been on intimate terms with the deceased gentleman for 33 years, remarked - "He was a member of the Irish Masonic craft for about 30 years. One of his characteristics was a total lack of ambition. He was the most lovable and charming man in the Irish craft, and was greatly respected by every member of the English craft who came in contact with him. He was always ready and willing to do anything he could for a brother who needed assistance, and to contribute from his own personal funds in aid of charity." Mr. Sumsion was an old civil servant, but retired from the service some time ago.

"PERSONAL", The Advertiser (9 May 1904), 4 

By the death of Mr. W. J. Sumsion, at the age of 85 years, a respected citizen and a worthy member of the Masonic Order (Irish Constitution) was lost. Mr. Justice Boucaut, who was associated with the deceased for many years in lodge matters, states: - Mr. Sumsion was a most lovable and charming man . . . [as above] Coupled with his other qualities there was an innate dignity with him which made it impossible for anybody to treat him other than with the utmost respect. He was a remarkable old man, and all the brethren would have done anything for him." Mr. Sumsion was once a Civil servant, but for some years prior to his death he was a general storekeeper in Beulah road, Norwood.

SUSSMILCH, Christian Bernhard (Christian Bernhard SUSSMILCH; C. B. SUSSMILCH; Christian Bernhardt SÜSSMILCH)

Musician, tenor vocalist, flute player, teacher of music and singing, conductor

Born Hamburg (Germany), 21 December 1829 (date on gravestone); son of Franz Sebastian SÜSSMILCH (1790-1870, musician) and Margaretha Catherina HERBSTAEDT (1798-1833)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 November 1856 (per Reiherstieg, from Hamburg, 1 July)
Married Anna Emilie MERKLE (1845-1914), St. Philip's, Sydney, NSW, 6 February 1869
Died Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1905, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

ASSOCIATIONS: Adolph Carl Sussmilch (son)

SUSSMILCH, Emmy (Emma Emilie SUSSMILCH; Mrs. Horace Bately ALLARD)


Born Sydney, NSW, 30 March 1877
Married Horace Bately ALLARD, NSW, 1909
Died Burwood, Sydney, NSW, 16 February 1932

SUSSMILCH, Emil (Emil Bernhard Heinrich SUSSMILCH)


Born Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1879
Died Burwood, NSW, 17 July 1937


Passenger list, per Reiherstieg, from Hamburg, 30 June 1856, for Sydney; Staatsarchiv Hamburg, Hamburger Passagierlisten, 373-7/I/VIII/A1/9/517 (PAYWALL)

Bernhard Chr. Sussmilch / [born Hamburg] / [resident Hamburg] / Musiker / 26 / . . .

"GERMAN IMMIGRATION", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 April 1858), 4 

A MEETING of German colonists resident in Sydney, was held at the theatre of the School of Arts, on Saturday evening last. Between sixty and seventy persons were present. Mr. Bucksatt briefly stated that the three German societies, at present formed in Sydney, had determined to unite themselves in order to carry out the objects for which they had that evening assembled . . . The chairman entered at some length into the objects of the meeting, which were included more in detail in the petition that had been drawn up for presentation to the Legislative Assembly, and concluded by calling upon Mr. Sussmilch to read the petition . . .[full text given]

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 November 1858), 1 

NOTICE. - The demonstration to be held in honour of the arrival of the NOVARA has been postponed until next week, of which due notice will be given.
SUSSMILCH, hon. secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Novarra (Austrian expeditionary ship); and see also Michael Organ, The Austrian Frigate SMS Novara (UoW)

"WELCOME OF GERMAN RESIDENTS TO H. I. M. S. THE NOVARA", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 November 1858), 8 

A GRAND and singular demonstration of welcome, on the part of the numerous and respected German residents of this city, in honour of the long expected arrival of the Imperial Austrian frigate the Novara took place in the waters of Port Jackson, last evening; and as the proceedings, although of a nature not unfamiliar to Germans and Scandinavians, were almost a complete novelty to the Australian and British mind, considerable interest was excited thereby, not merely amongst those taking an active part in the programme, but also those who, from no worthier sentiment than mere curiosity, went both to listen and to look on . . . The steamer [Washington] left the Circular Wharf shortly after eight o'clock, and proceeded down the harbour until she brought up near the Novara, in the stream, near Fort Denison . . . A large number of persons on board the Washington, under the direction of Mr. Suessmilch, then sang with great effect (and without any instrumental accompaniment) the German national hymn - Was ist das "Deutschen Vaterland?" To this the band on the Novara responded with the National Anthem of Austria, and other harmonious interchanges of music and song continued as long as the two vessels remained together . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1859), 6

On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the
HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Frederick Ellard (vocalist); Ernesto Spagnoletti senior (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)

"THE HUMBOLT COMMEMORATION", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1859), 13 

A number of Germans, resident in Sydney, propose to hold a conversazione, on the 14th of September, in celebration of the birthday of the late Alexander von Humboldt, of whose death and funeral at Berlin recent English papers have brought us the particulars . . . The arrangements for the entertainment will, we understand, after the refreshments usual on such occasions, consist of addresses both in German and English, on scientific subjects, between which there will be some musical performances. The chief of these will probably be German glees given by the Liedertafel, conducted by Herr Sussmilch, who sung with so much success and approbation some pieces of concerted music at the recent University Festival. Some other popular amateur vocalists have also volunteered their assistance for the occasion . . .


"THE PEOPLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 September 1859), 4 

With a view to the moral and social improvement of the people, the first of a series of cheap concerts was given yesterday evening in the Temperance Hall, in connection with the New South Wales alliance. This is evidently a step in the right direction, and it must have been highly gratifying to the committee to meet, at their first concert, so large a body of the class the amelioration of whose condition they have in view. Cheap concerts in England have proved successful, not only as aids in the cause of temperance, but also as incentives to the attainment of proficiency in the musical art, and, in many instances, they have been sufficiently remunerative to pay liberally for the service of first-class artists. But even there, very valuable assistance is rendered by amateurs, and very often there, as here, professionals are found generous enough to co-operate without regard to the usual fees of their profession. It by no means follows because these concerts are cheap that therefore the music is characterised by that other quality which distinguishes things cheap only in name. The concert of last night was a sufficient proof to the contrary . . . In the first part Madame Flora Harris was encored in her canzonet "Truth in absence" . . . Mr. J Howson, on being laudly encored, in "Of what is the old man thinking," sang, with much feeling, "Katty, darling." The glees by Madame Flora Harris, and Messrs. Howson, Banks, and Sussmilch, and especially the flute solo by Mr. Richardson, were also much admired. The second part was not less successful than the first, the chief feature in it being the performance of Madame Jaffa on the pianoforte . . . The concert was under the management of Mr. T. V. Bridson, and presided over by Mr. C. Packer, as musical conductor.

"PEOPLE'S CONCERTS AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL", Empire (27 September 1859), 4 

. . . The vocalists, were Madame Flora Harris, Mr. J. Howson (by permission of Mr. Poole,) Mr. Banks, and Mr. Sussmilch, the leader of the German Choral Society. The concerted pieces were Mazzinghi's "Ye shepherds tell me," Bishop's "Come o'er the brook," (really artistically executed,) Barnett's "Magic Wove Scarf," Balfe's "Lo, the early beam," and Attwood's "Curfew." In addition to this nearly all the vocalists had to do double solo duty . . . Mr. Sussmilch sang Lindpainter's famous song of "The Standard-Bearer," and a beautiful serenade by Kucken, "Ich will vor deiner Thure stehen." [sic] Mr. Packer presided at the pianoforte with his accustomed ability . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); Thomas Banks senior (vocalist); Rebecca Jaffa (pianist); John James Malcott Richardson (flute); Thomas Vicary Bridson (musical director); Charles Sandys Packer (conductor, piano accompanist)

MUSIC: The standard bearer [Die Fahnenwacht] (Lindpaintner); Ich will vor deiner Türe stehn (Friedrich Wilhelm Kücken)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 October 1859), 12 

PEOPLE'S CONCERT. The second Concert of the series . . . in the Hall of Temperance,
on MONDAY EVENING, October 10th, under the management of Mr. T. V. BRIDSON.
The following artists have been engaged: - Madame Flora Harris, Mr. F. Ellard, Mr. Sussmilch, and Mr. Banks.
Fairies' Glee - Glover - Madame Flora Harris, Mrs. Bridson, and Mr. Banks.
Bird Song - C. Streutzer - Mr. Sussmilch . . .
Glee - Spring's Delight. Müller - Mrs. Bridson, Madam F.Harris, Mr. Sussmilch, Mr. Banks.
SECANO PART . . . Love Song - J. Lachner - Mr. Sussmilch . . .
Glee - Madame F. Harris, Mrs. Bridson, Mr. Sussmilch, Mr. Banks.
Mrs. Bridson and Mr. Richardson have, in the most handsome manner, contributed their valuable aid on this occasion.
Musical conductor - Mr. C. S. Packer . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (vocalist, pianist); Sarah Bridson (vocalist)

"CONCERTS FOR THE PEOPLE", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 November 1859), 5 

Yesterday evening the first of a series of "People's Concerts," under the management of Mr. T. V. Bridson, was given in the great hall of the Sydney Exchange . . . The programme for last night consisted of a judicious selection of popular pieces, comprising a great variety of good music. The artistes engaged for the occasion were Mrs. Bridson, Madame Flora Harris, Miss Ryan (amateur), Mr. Packer, Mr. Banks, Mr. Sussmilch, and Mr. Leveson - the list of names being a sufficient guarantee that the musical treat was of a superior character . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Philippina Ryan (vocalist); John Leveson (vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1860), 1 

- Mr. FREDERIC ELLARD has the honour to inform his friends and the pnblic of Sydney, that his Chamber Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place in the Hall of the Australian Library, Bent-street,
THIS EVENING, (TUESDAY), the 17th instant, upon which occasion, independent of some leading professionals, as well as of amateurs of high distinction, he will he assisted by the members of the "Deutscher Turn Verein," who have kindly consented to sing some of their choicest and most classical songs.
1. Introduction - Et Choeur de l'Opera "Haydee" - Enfans de la Noble Venise - Herr Sussmilch, Mr. Ellard, and Gentlemen of the "Turn Verein" - Auber . . .
PART II. 1. Chorus (comic) -"Der Bummelfritz" - Turn Verein - Kuntze . . .
6. Chorus - "The Alphabet" (comic) - Deutscher Turn Verein - Zollner.
Conductor, Mr. PACKER . . .


. . . A public tea meeting, in connection with the Balmain Total Abstinence Society, was held on Wednesday evening, 11th July, in Captain Rountree's store, back of English Church, kindly lent for the occasion by that gentleman. Tea was on the table soon after the hour advertised, six o'clock. Cups and saucers and tables were laid for about 600 persons. Before tea grace was sung by the members of the Band of Hope, many of whom are pupils of Mr. G. Linck, by whom they were led . . . After the addresses, Mr. Linck and some of his young lady and gentlemen pupils, astonished the audience with the highly creditable manner in which they sang several choruses, particularly "The Wanderers' Song" from the German - "Home, Home," &c., &c. Besides executing several duets from Mozart, Tancredi, &c. Mr. Sussmilch sang a solo "Brightest Eyes," and Mr. Banks was rapturously applauded in his songs, "The Man in the Moon," "Beautiful Mrs. Crop," "The Birth of St. Patrick," &c. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Linck (conductor, singing class instructor)

"CONCERT AT BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1881), 5 

The members of St. Mary's choir assisted by the Misses Howson and Mr. Sussmilch last evening gave a pleasing concert of vocal and interesting music at the Schoolroom, Adolphus-street. A large audience attended, and, from the hearty and frequent plaudits, appeared highly gratified with the entertainment . . . The second part embraced . . . the ballads, "Gentle Troubadour" (from Lurline), sweetly rendered by Miss Clelia Howson; and The Convent Cell" (Rose of Castille), which was given with considerable taste by Miss Emma Howson. In addition to these, a waltz, by Rummell was played as a piano duet by the younger Miss Howson and Mr. Linck, the latter also taking part with Mr. Sussmilch in the spirited duet "Il rival salvar tu dei," - from I Puritani . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Howson (vocalist); Clelia Howson (vocalist, pianist, the younger)

"ORPHEONIST SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 November 1861), 4 

A special general meeting of the associates of the society was held on Thursday evening, at Mr. Cane's School-room, for the purpose of electing a music director . . . the original motion for the appointment of Mr. Callen was carried by a large majority. The secretary reported that the managers had engaged Mr. Sussmilch as elementary teacher and choral leader . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (conductor); Orpheonist Society (organisation)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 October 1862), 1

ORMONDE HOUSE, PADDINGTON. - The above School, being now in full working order,
Mrs. W. BLAXLAND can offer parents a thorough and accomplished education for their daughters, on moderate and inclusive terms . . .
Finishing pianoforte and singing lessons by Messrs. Paling, Marsh, and Spagnolotti, are the only extras charged, and a singing class, conducted by Herr Sussmilch, instructor and choral leader of the Orpheonist Society - 1 guinea a quarter . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (teacher); Henry Marsh (teacher); Ernesto Spagnoletti junior (teacher)

"DR. CHAS. HORN'S AND MR. M. H. WILSON'S CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (7 October 1865), 2

On Wednesday evening a grand vocal and instrumental concert was given in the hall of the School of Arts by the above-named musicians, assisted by Mr. F. Z. Herrman, Herr B. Sussmilch, and several of their pupils and friends . . . The programme was unusually attractive, the first half being part first of Haydn's magnificent oratorio, "The Creation." In this, a talented lady amateur from Newcastle, and Herr B. Sussmilch, conductor and primo tenore of the German Glee Club, Sydney (whose services were expressly obtained for this concert), gave their most valuable assistance . . . The tenor recit., "And God saw the light," the air "Now vanish before the holy beams," and the accompanied recit., "In splendour bright," were rendered by Herr Sussmilch in most effective style . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Horn (musician); Marmaduke Henry Wilson (musician); Frederick Zeugheer Hermann (musician)

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1869), 1

On the 6th instant, by special license, at St. Philip's Church, by the Rev. G. F. Macarthur, M.A., CHRISTIAN BERNHARD SUSSMILCH, son of Francis Sebastian Sussmilch, of Hamburgh, to Miss ANNA EMILIE MERKLE, daughter of the late Joseph Merkle, Justice of the Circuit Court of Maulbronn, in the kingdom of Wurttemberg, Germany.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1871), 1 

CARD. - Mr. C. B. SUSSMILCH, Professor of Music, Singing, the Gorman Language, &c.
Schools and private classes attended to. Terms moderate. 10, Bridge-street.

"THE GREAT SYNAGOGUE, - FOUNDATION-STONE", Empire (27 January 1875), 2 

THE foundation-stone of the central arches of the Great Synagogue, Hyde Park, now in course of erection, was laid, yesterday afternoon, by the Hon. Saul Samuel . . . The choir chanted the "Boruk habba be shem" - Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. The music was composed by Mr. Sydney Moss; the choir was conducted by Herr Sussmilch. The music was delightful . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Moss (musician, composer)

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1905), 6

SUSSMILCH.- January 8, at his residence, 143 Forbes-street, Christian Bernhardt Sussmilch, beloved husband of Mrs. Anna Sussmilch, aged 75 years.

"NEW SOUTH WALES", The Telegraph (9 January 1905), 5 

Mr. Christian Bernhardt Sussmilch, an old resident of Sydney, died at his residence, Woolloomooloo, yesterday. The deceased gentleman was a member of the German Club. He was identified also with the musical profession for many years, and was regarded us a successful teacher.

"MUSIC", The Daily Telegraph (14 January 1905), 15 

The death occurred this week of Mr. Christian Bernhard Sussmilch, an old musical identity of this city. He was born in Hamburg in 1829 and was the son of a leading musician there. He came to Sydney in 1856 as a teacher of music and languages. He was in turn conductor of St. Patrick's choir, St. Mary's Cathedral, St. Benedict's, St. Joseph's, Woollahra, St. Charles', Forest Lodge, Mount Carmel, St. Francis', Haymarket, the Jewish Synagogue (where he was succeeded by the late Sydney Moss), and the German Church. He founded the Orpheus Glee Club, and was one of the founders of the Sydney Musical Union. He was the oldest member of the German Club, which on the occasion of his silver wedding created Mr. Sussmilch an honorary life member. Two of his children, Miss Emma Sussmilch and Mr. Emil Sussmilch, have adopted music as a profession.

"MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE", The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People [Sydney, NSW] (14 January 1905), 9 

Death has removed Mr. Sussmilch this week. He was the father of the well-known vocalists, Miss Emma Sussmilch, whose singing has made quite a sensation in Berlin, and Mr. Emil Sussmilch, of this city. Mr. Sussmilch has been a colonist of very long standing.

SUTCH, George (senior) (George SUTCH; Mr. G. SUTCH; also "W. D. SUTCH" [sic])

Musician, harpist, band leader, street musician, itinerant musician

Born London, England, 9 March 1831; baptised St. George, Hanover Square, 16 February 1840 [sic]; son of John SUTCH and Mary LEE
Married Selina MAYO (d. 1856), Weymouth, Dorset, 1854 (3rd quarter)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1857 (crew per European, from Southampton, 14 December 1865)
Married (2) Jane KEEN, Sydney, NSW, 1858
Married (3) Virginia ?
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 16 November 1892, aged "62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SUTCH, George Albert (George Albert SUTCH; G. A. SUTCH; G. SUTCH, junior; George SUTCH)

Musician, violinist

Born Sydney, NSW, 1859; son of George SUTCH and Jane KEEN
Married Carrie BUGG, VIC, 1882
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 7 October 1923, aged "64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SUTCH, William George (William George SUTCH; W. G. SUTCH)

Musician, violinist

Born Carlton, VIC, 20 October 1887; son of George Albert SUTCH and Carrie BUGG
Died Ascot Vale, VIC, 4 October 1944


George Sutch senior arrived in Sydney in 1857 as a crew member and musician on board the steamship European. From an address near Wynyard-square, in 1858 and 1859 he acted as agent for local offshoots of the ships' band, the European Band proper, and a sub-group called the London Quadrille Band, which he appears to have run for a while with violinist George Arnold.

In 1859, J. R. Clarke published an edition of the ballad Norah McShane claiming that it had been "arranged by W. D. Sutch". According to John Turner, however, the arrangement was his, a copy of which he had given to George.

In June 1862, George Sutch was manager of the Prince of Wales Dancing Academy, with John Gibbs as leader of the band.

George senior, as a harpist, and George junior, as violinist, were active in New Zealand, 1868-70, in Tasmania in 1871-72, and later in Melbourne.

George junior was still active as leader of the orchestra at the King's Theatre, Melbourne, in April 1911, and his son, W. G. Sutch, was a Melbourne violinist in 1915 and later.

George senior's elder brother, William Sutch (1825-1887) was a London-based musician, who at the time of his death was also a fine arts dealer.


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the county of Middlesex, in February 1840; register 1833-50, fol. 295; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 144 / Ellen Eliza / [daur. of] John & Mary / Sutch / Thomas St. / [born] 5 Dec'r 1829 / Shoemaker . . .
No. 145 / [Feb.] 16 / George / [son of] John & Mary / Sutch / Thomas St. / [born] 9 M'ch 1831 / Shoemaker . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, St. Marylebone, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1488/729/18 (PAYWALL)

226-27 / 15 Gray Street / John McPherson / coachbuilder [householder, lodging house] . . .
John Connell / lodger / 20 / Musician . . .
George Sutch / lodger / 20 / [Musician] / [born Marylebone]

? Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Melcombe Regis, in the county of Dorset in the year 1855; register 1838-1906, page 61; Dorset History Centre (PAYWALL)

No. 484 / 1855 May 17th / Albert George / [son of] George & Selina / Sutch / Melcombe Regis / Musician . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Albert George Sutch was buried at Melcombe Regis, Weymouth, Dorset, on 13 November 1855; the death of Selina Sutch was registered in 1856 (4th quarter) at Southampton, from whence, on 14 December, the newly widowed George sailed as a crewman on the European for Sydney

A list of the crew and passengers arrived in the steam ship European, from London to Sydney, 19 February 1857; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

. . . George Sutch / [? Porter & Fireman; ? Musician] / 26 / [British]
Joseph Taylor / do. do. / 23 / [British] . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1857), 1

IF this should meet the eye of WILLIAM BUTT, of Southampton, you are requested to communicate with G. SUTCH, Musician, on board the R. M. Steamship European, now in Sydney.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 September 1858), 1

NOTICE. - The European Band are open to attend balls, picnic parties, dinners, processions, &c., &c.
Country engagements promptly attended to.
Address Mr. J. BISHOP, musician, 395, Castlereagh-street South;
and at Mr. G. SUTCHS, musician, No. 16, Union-street, Erskine-street, Wynyard-square.

ASSOCIATIONS: J. Bishop (musician); European Band (performing group)

[Advertisement,] The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1859), 1

LONDON QUADRILLE BAND, consisting of part of the EUROPEAN BAND (Leader, G. ARNOLD), are OPEN to ATTEND Balls, Picnics, Excursions, &c.
The above band, consisting of the following instruments - 1st violin, 1st cornet, piccolo, harp, bass, side drum, &c.
For the above band address G. SUTCH, musician, No. 16, Union-street.
N.B. - Small parties and clubs attended with violin, harp, and cornet.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Arnold (musician); London Quadrille Band (performing group)

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (7 June 1862), 1

PRINCE OF WALES DANCING ACADEMY.- Doors open, THIS NIGHT, at half past seven o'clock. Admission, 1s. each.
Manager - Mr. G. SUTCH; Leader of the Band - J. GIBBS; M.C. - E. McLEAN.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (violinist, leader)

[Advertisement], Westport Times [NZ] (21 December 1868), 3 

BANDS PROVIDED. VIOLIN and Harp open to engage for Balls, Town or Country.
Address - G. SUTCH, Niagara Hotel, Molesworth Street.

[Advertisement], Star {Christchurch, NZ] (7 October 1870), 3

The Best Liquor ! The Best Company ! The Best Music !
Mr. G. Sutch, Harpist; Master St. George Sutch, Violin - The Little Wonder;
Mr. D. Mason, The Celebrated Step Dancer; Mr. J. Kennedy, The Celebrated Irish Vocalist;
Mr. W. F. Wye, Sentimental Vocalist. Doors open 7 1/2, to commence at 8. ADMISSION FREE.

[Advertisement], Star (15 December 1870), 1 

MR. SUTCH'S QUADRILLE BAND, Consisting of the following Instruments: -
Leader (First Violin) Mr. Schmidt; Second Violin, Master G. A. Sutch; Cornet, Mr. P. Linn; Harp, Mr. G. Sutch; Double Bass, Mr. Thorn.
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock sharp. Admission, 3s.

"CONCERT", Cornwall Advertiser [Launceston, TAS] (21 November 1871), 2 

The talented Musicians who some few weeks since excited so much notice by their performances in the streets of Launceston, have been on a visit to Hobart Town, where they have given several very successful concerts, and been largely patronised. They have now returned to Launceston, and will give a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music in the Mechanics' Hall on Monday evening next. The company includes Mr. G. Sutch, harpist; Mr. W. Cowley, vocalist; and Master G. A. Sutch, a very clever young violinist. The entertainment will be a superior one.

"CONCERT IN THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", Launceston Examiner (28 November 1871), 2

A very interesting evening's amusement was afforded to a large number last night, at the Mechanics' Institute, by the talented trio of well-known itinerant musicians, viz.: Master G. A. Sutch, the youthful violinist; Mr. W. Cowley, the vocalist; and Mr. G. Sutch, the harpist. The hall was very well filled, and no doubt if the entertainment were repeated, a still better house would be the result, as the musicians would then be better known. The programme consisted of choice musical selections, and the latest songs - comic, serio-comic, and sentimental - of the day. The applause testified that thee entertainment really was one of "the greatest musical treats of the season."

[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (16 December 1871), 1

BAND, Violin and Harp, for Balls, Picnics, &c., &c.
G. SUTCH, Harpist, Argyle-street. second door from Oldfield's Academy.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 May 1874), 11 

HARP, double action, In good playing order. Price, £25.
G. Sutch, musician, 51 Lygon-street, Carlton.

[Advertisement], The Age (17 April 1875), 1

HARP, single action, modern, Erard, first-rate order, for SALE.
G. Sutch, musician, 163 Lygon-street, Carlton.

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 April 1878), 12

BANDS PROVIDED, Balls, Quadrille Assemblies, Picnics, Excursions, brass or string.
G. Sutch, musician, 95 Cardigan street, Carlton.

"Deaths", The Argus (18 November 1892), 1

SUTCH. - On the 16th inst., after a long and painful illness, at his residence, No. 44 Prince's-street, Fitzroy, George, the dearly-beloved husband of Virginia Sutch, and father of G.A. Sutch, professor of music, of North Carlton, aged 62 years.

"THEATRES AND ENTERTAINMENTS", The Argus (15 July 1893), 10 

The plan of reserved seats in the Athenaeum-hall for the season of Melbourne Popular Concerts that will commence on Wednesday evening next is now open at Messrs. Allan and Co.'s, and, judging by appearances, Herr Benno Scherek will not have cause to complain of a paucity of subscribers. The first programme is to be an attractive one, including as it will Schubert's quintet in A major, op. 114 ("The Trout"), for pianoforte, violin, viola, violoncello, and double bass; Haydn's string quartet in G; and Beethoven's sonata "Patetica." Herr Scherek will himself preside at the piano, and the quartet party will be Mr. Geo. Weston, Mr. George Sutch, Herr Schacht, and Mr. George E. Howard. Madame Anna Steinhauer will sing Schubert's "Die Florelle" (the Trout) song, and Mr. Charles Saunders, a young English tenor whose arrival in Melbourne was mentioned in The Argus last month, will make his first appearance here.

"The Fatal Card", Table Talk (21 June 1895), 6 

Mr. Percy Kehoe, who now counts upon Mr. Mozart Phillips and Mr. George Sutch as his leaders, has made the music of The Fatal Card a matter of special importance.

"DEATHS", The Age (9 October 1923), 1 

SUTCH - On the 7th October, at his residence, 102 Brighton road, St. Kilda, George, the devoted husband of Carrie Sutch and dearly loved father Florence (Mrs. Andrew) and William Sutch, aged 64 years.

Will and probate, George Sutch, 1892; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Musical editions:

Norah McShane, arranged by W. D. Sutch [sic] (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1859]) (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 September 1859), 7 

MUSICAL PIRACY. - I, JOHN TURNER, beg to inform the public, that " Norah McShane," as published by Mr. J. R. Clarke, of 315, George-street, Sydney, is my arrangement, and not that of Mr. SUTCH, of the European Band, who obtained the copy from me under the pretence that it was for a lady at Balmain, and got it published in his own name. I say again, that the arrangement, SU(T)CH as it is, is mine and was never intended by me for publication; indeed it is not fit in its present form, having neither introduction nor finale. I am not certain that the melody as correct, having never seen a printed copy but my own. I wrote the melody from a gentleman's singing (who did not understand music,) about two years ago. A professional lady, who has apartments in my house, can vouch for the correctness of the above statement, having taken the order for the song in my absence. I procured a printed copy and compared it with the old manuscript, and they are alike, chord for chord, and note for note for it would appear that that gentleman harpist, and all the rest as he may be, had not sense enough to alter one chord into an arpeggio.
JOHN TURNER, pianoforte tuner and regulator, 401, Castlereagh-street South.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (music publisher); John Turner (arranger)


Musician, baritone vocalist (Lyster Opera Company)

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by June 1865
Active to 1870 (shareable link to this entry)



[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (9 June 1865), 8 

GRAND CONCERT, in aid of St. Mark's School Building Fund, will take place at ST. GEORGE'S HALL,
On THURSDAY, 15th JUNE, 1865, Undor the direction of Herr Schott.
First appoarance in Melbourne of the celebrated Baritone,
Mr J. H. SUTCLIFF, Pupil of Santley, Sen . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (director); William Santley (teacher) father of Charles Santley (English vocalist); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)

[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 September 1865), 5 

Signor Abecco, the tenor and harpist who made such a favourable impression here during the last visit of the Original Christy Minstrels, is about to give a few subnrban concerts. He will be assisted by Mr. J. H. Sutcliffe, a pupil of Santley.

ASSOCIATIONS: Raffaele Abecco (vocalist, harpist)

"THIRTY YEARS IN STAGELAND. RECOLLECTIONS OF AN AMATEUR. No. I. BY J. H. L.", Adelaide Observer (14 July 1900), 33 

ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Lyons (memoirist)


Musician, accordion player

Active Sydney, NSW, 1848 (shareable link to this entry)


"Stealing On Accordion", The Sydney Daily Advertiser [NSW] (4 September 1848), 2 

George Sutherland, who was remanded till Saturday, charged with stealing an occordion from Mr. Grocott's shop, in George- street, was brought up for re-examination on that day. McMillan, who had bought the accordion from him, and had kept out of the way previously surrendered himself on Friday last. Mr. Livingston, the landlord of the Vine, public house, in Lower George-street, proved that Sutherland had been at his house playing on the accordion some days before the time McMillan stated that he had bought it. This evidence exonerated the latter in some degree, but the case was again remanded in order to procure some additional testimony.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Turner Grocott (musicseller)


Vocalist, actor

Active Ballarat and Melbourne, VIC, c. 1850s (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Age (6 May 1858), 1 

McCOWEN'S, Late Tilke's, CONCERT HALL, Bourke-street east . . .
The usual CONCERTS Will be held every Evening.
The ladies and gentlemen at present engaged are -
Madame Leon Naej, Mrs. Alfred Oakey, Miss Louisa Sutherland,
Mr C. F. Percival, Mr G. Ellis, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Luntly, Mr. Reeves, and Mr. Miller.
Pianist - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Manager - Mr. J. Miller . . .

SUTHERLAND, Isabella Janet (Isabella Janet ? LAWSON; Jane SUTHERLAND; Miss Janet McDONALD; Miss McDONALD; Miss Bella SUTHERLAND (senior); "Mrs. Harry GOULSTONE") ? = Susan SUTHERLAND (below)

Vocalist, actor, dancer

Active Bendigo and Ararat, VIC, c. late 1850s
Active Melbourne, VIC, and Rockhampton, QLD, 1866 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

DISAMBIGUATION: Isabella Janet (Jane) Sutherland (c. Brisbane, QLD, 1886), widow of James Sutherland, third wife of Henry Burton (circus proprietor), and mother-in-law of John George Appel (lawyer, politician)


Dancer, vocalist

Active VIC, late 1850s (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SUTHERLAND, Bella (Isabella Maria SUTHERLAND; Miss Bella SUTHERLAND; [1] Mrs. Matthew RILEY; [2] "Mrs. Walter RODWAY"; [3] Mrs. George Washington GIBSON)

Vocalist, actor, dancer

Born (? VIC), c. 1850
Married (1) Jeremiah Mathew RILEY (d. 1884), Rockhampton, QLD, 28 April 1866
Married (2) Walter Sergeant RODWAY, India, c. 1870s
Married (3) George Washington GIBSON (d. 1924), St. Barnabas, Sydney, NSW, 12 February 1885
Died Brisbane, QLD, 3 June 1918, aged "68" (daughter of Donald SUHTERLAND and Janet LAWSON) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


"Original Poetry", The Mount Ararat Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera (17 June 1859), 3 

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (9 October 1863), 3 

MR. W. BROWN begs respectfully to inform his friends and patrons of Ballarat the grand Re-Opening of his mammoth Music Hall, the finest out of Melbourne, in conjunction with te above hotel, takes place this night, 6th October, 1863, with the following host of talent from the principal concert halls in the colony, who will appear nightly in
quartettes, glees, duetts, comic and sentimental burlesques, operas, comic and sentimental, dances, &c., &c.
The following artistes will appear nightly: -
MISS McDONALD, Scotch and English characteristic Vocalist.
MRS CHAS. RICE, The admired Vocalist and Danseuse.
MISS ISABELLA, The juvenile Soprano.
MR. CHARLES RICE, The Eccentric and only "Cure."
MR J. McGEE, Irish Comic Singer.
MR. HARRY COOK, Clog, Boot, and Pump Dancer,
And MR HARRY GOULSTONE, The renowned Instrumentalist, will perform on the pianoforte, cornet-a-piston, drums and bells at the same time.
Solos on the violin, H. Goulstone.
Overture, half-past seven; concert to commence at Eight sharp, terminating Eleven.
The strictest order enforced. Admission, by refreshment ticket, Sixpence.
Proprietor, W. BROWN. Stage Manager, CHAS. RICE.
Pianist and Musical Conductor, HY. GOULSTONE.

ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Cook (dancer); Harry Goulstone (musician)

"AMERICANISMS", The Ararat and Mount Pleasant Creek Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera [VIC] (27 November 1863), 3 

[Advertisement], Northern Argus [Rockhampton, QLD] (23 June 1866), 3 

MR. MACAREE has great pleasure in announcing his
THIS (Saturday) EVENING . . . PIANIST Mrs. IVIMY . . .
Song "Village Blacksmith" - Mr. Russell . . .
MISS McDONALD will sing the following Melodies:
- "Good-bye Sweetheart Good-bye," Cavatina - "The Horn of Chase," and "Happy be thy Dreams" . . .

[Advertisement], Northern Argus (7 July 1866), 2 

ON TUESDAY NEXT, July 10, when the following talent will appear.
MR. HOWARD, Negro Delineator. WATT, Scotch Vocalist.
HARRY HARKER, Tenor Singer. HAMILTON, Violinist.
FRANK SHORT, Comic Singer. PADDY CAREY, Irish Comedian.
Doors open at Half-past Seven, commonce at Eight.

"CIVIL SITTINGS. TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1866 . . . BREACH OF AGREEMENT", Northern Argus (11 July 1866), 2-3 

Isabella Janet Macdonald v. G. Crook. Damages were laid at £100. M. Paul opened the pleading, the plaintiff had sued defendant for breach of agreement. Defendant had engaged her in Melbourne at £4 per week as a vocalist in Rockhampton. He promised to retain her in his service, and plaintiff was prepared to fulfil her engagement, yet defendant dismissed the plaintiff whereby she was deprived of her ordinary means of support and remained in Rockhampton at great loss. Plaintiff also sued defendant for wages for work and labour done and claimed as damages £200. Defendant pleaded - First that plaintiff is wife of Frank Goldson [sic, ? Goulstone] . . .

Janet McDonald deposed: Is a vocalist . . . [3] . . . Cross-examined: Isabella Janet Macdonald is her proper name. Always went by it. Went by one other name. Is not a married woman. Engaged with Mr. Crook as a single woman, and is one. Never told Crook she had a husband in India. That would be something new . . .

Miss Sutherland was called, and changed by the policeman at the door into Miss Sullivan, to the great merriment the Court, in which his Honor joined as he stated in his capacity of jury. Isabella Sutherland deposed: Is under engagement to defendant at the Cornstalk. Slept in the same bedroom as plaintiff up to three days after being married . . . By Mr. Jones: Is named Isabella Riley. Her maiden surname was Sutherland. Plaintiff is her mother but passed in public as her aunt. Miss McDonald's right name is Sutherland . . . Wm. Howard deposed - Knows a Mrs. Goulston. Knows plaintiff. She has gone by the name of Goulston. He is still alive. She used to live with Goulston . . .

"LOCAL NEWS", Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser [QLD] (22 October 1884), 2 

Many old playgoers will regret to hear of the death of the well known Irish comedian, Mat Riley, who died at Clermont on Thursday last. Mr. Riley arrived in Queensland over twenty years ago, and was at one time a great favorite here, in Brisbane, and in Sydney. Latterly he was travelling with the Muldoon Picnic Party, and being taken ill at Clermont remained there until he died. - Rockhampton Bulletin.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jeremiah Mathew Riley (d. 9 October 1884)

"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . Mr. W. H. Ford's Reminiscences (Continued) No. 77 (BY 'HAYSEED')", Sydney Sportsman (4 August 1909), 3 

"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 100 (by 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (26 January 1910), 3 

Another mummer of old-time memory favors me with an answer to a request for "reminiscences." Miss Bella Sutherland, who was in the cast of "The Lancashire Lass" in May, 1873 ("Sportsman," 29/12/'09); writes from a Brisbane (Q.) suburb under date January 10: -
"My recollections are chilefly about the gold diggings - Ararat, Dunolly, Creswick, Clunes, etc. When my father died my mother adopted the stage as a profession. She had a very good and powerful voice, singing principally Scotch songs. Her first engagement was in Bendigo, at Heffernan's Shamrock Music Hall and Theatre. As travelling was very rough in those days, mother left me in Melbourne with some frlends until she saw what Bendigo was like. She sent for me. I remember leaving Melbourne in Cobb's coach, four horses - a fearful journey to Bendigo. We had to pass over a "corduroy" road, composed of trees thrown down on the road, and over which the coach and four horses travelled. I was about seven years old at the time. I remember arriving about eight o'clock. The streets in Bendigo were lit up with gas lamps to guide the people to the theatre. When I say "the streets," I mean around the theatre. The "lamps" were fish tins filled with grease and pieces of rag stuck in the centre and lighted, to keep the people from falling into the holes, for here were no proper streets formed - holes and trees and puddling machines everywhere: tents, some with weatherboard fronts and mud chimneys, tables and forms with legs driven into the ground, there being no proper furniture. My mother had a theatre in Ararat. It had slab sides and a calico roof. There were large hoops with little tin sockets nailed all round to hold candles. They were pulled up in the centre with ropes from the side. They were indeed primitive chandeliers. It used to be great fun for me watching the people dodging the grease as they sat under the lights. There were Mr. and Mrs. Cox, who played the lead, and a Mr. Morris who was the low comedian. They produced "Richard III.," "Macbeth," and such. There were, also Mr. and Mrs. Evandle Evans, who played "Rob Roy." I remember in the witches' scene in "Macbeth" the cauldron was fashioned out of a large tub. My mother sang the principal parts of the music. A man named Morgan played Hecate. I remember being hauled up to the roof on the wings of a bat while the singing witches sang "We Fly by Night." A peculiar circumstance happened one night. We were playing "The Tempest," and a terrible storm came on. It blew the roof off the theatre and left us all on the stage in the rain. On another occasion I will give you some more recollections."

Thanks do so soon. I hope I am not breaking any confidence in quoting from the letter of an other ancient mummer - respecting Miss Bella Sutherland's family: - Miss Sutherland's husband, Matt Riley, was a very good Irish comedian, and a very great favorite in the North. We came across him at the Ravenswood diggings. He joined our company there. Mr. W. H. Ford makes happy mention of him in his "Reminiscences" published last year in these columns. Miss Sutherland's sister, Miss Jeannie Sutherland, was often in the same companies with me. Their mother was a very fine handsome woman, and a good singer. I met Jeannie Sutherland and her husband, Fred Wilton, at Rockhampton. He was a very nice chap and clever.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan (proprietor); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue); Richard Henry Cox and wife (actors); Edgar Morris (comedian, vocalist, was in Ararat in March 1858); William and Mrs. Evadne Evans (actors); J. W. Morgan (actor, vocalist); William Henry Ford (actor, memoirist);
on hotels and theatres in Ararat in 1857, see "ARARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", Mount Alexander Mail (16 October 1857), 4 


Miss Bella Sutherland, writing from Eagle Farm-road, Brisbane, and enclosing a good photograph of herself, which gets a place in my collection, says: -
"As I told you in my last, my memories are chiefly about the diggings and the diggings towns. I remember when Mrs. Woolridge had a theatre at Ararat. She was not then playing herself. I can close my eyes and see the stage. It was built very high, up from the ground floor. It must have been built for juveniles, not men and women. We were playing "The Spectre Bridegroom," and when Mr. R. H. Cox appeared the audience could not see his head; he was a very tall man. Miss Anna Maria Quinn was singing there at the time. I can see her comong on the stage. She wore a pink satin dress, white stockings, and black shoes, without heels, and black elastic sandals. She had a coronet of pink roses about a foot high on her head, as was the fashion in those times. About the same time Julia Mathews came along. Uncle Tom's cabin was staged, Julia playing Topsy, her sister (Mrs. Gates) Cassy, and myself Eva. Julia was a beautiful dancer, also a good singer, and a very handsome girl. She was short, while I was very small and very fair, with long golden curls. We used to go to school in the daytime. It was a Roman Catholic school. There was no other at that time.

"My mother had an hotel at Ararat. At the time musicians were scarce. I remember two German girls coming to live as our hotel. We had a very large room. It was used as dining-room, courtroom, theatre, and dance room. One of the giris had a barrel organ, and the other a tambourine. They used to play while the diggers danced. When the girls got fatigued, some of the diggers would take a turn at the organ - many turns, in fact - and the tambourine, to give the girls a rest and have a dance. My mother paid these girls £3 a week each. During the day they did the housework. They both married well, one to a rich squatter, the other to a mining manager. They were both pretty and good.

"About the same time Madame Strebinger and her handsome husband arrived on the scene. Madame introduced the poses plastiques. Herr Strebinger was a very good musician (violin), and Madame was a very beautiful figure. During her performance the stage was a perfect picture. It was draped with dark green baize. There was a large wheel in the centre, revolving, Madame representing The Greek Slave, Venus Rising from the Sea. Cupid, Venus and Apollo (I being the Cupid). After our German girls got married we were fortunate enough to get a gentleman pianist. He had a friend with him we used to call Dowey. The pianist was Harry Goulstein. He was a very clever man, and formed quite an orchestra in himself, playing the cornet and piano, drum and cymbals, all together. He played the piano with his left hand, the cornet held in his right, the drum and cymbals with his feet. The pair were gentlemen by birth and education. They had served in the Crimean war. one as a bandmaster, the other as an officer.

"I remember one morning mother and I heard a terrible crash outside our door in the street. Mother went to see what was the matter. She found poor Dowey struggling in the road among ginger-beer bottles and a smashed cart. He had got a billet as carrier at the drinks factory. He had broken his leg. Mother had him taken inside and a doctor sent for. He was laid up for a long time. When he got batter he became our barman. He used to take me to school, lift me over the holes and gullies. One day he was in the bar, and a gentleman asked him his name, and showed him an advertisement in a newspaper. He told us that he had been expectlng that for some time. He left us, as he had inherited a vast amount of wealth and a title. I did not see him for many years after. I was reading a newspaper one afternoon in London. I saw by it that the gentleman in question had just arrived in London, after a beautiful tour through Ireland. I looked up his address, called at the house, sent up my card, and was received with open arms. The gentleman was the Earl of Dungarvan."

(I may mention that Viscount Dungarvan, Richard Edmund St. Lawrence Boyle, was the eldest son and of the Earl of Cork and Orrery, of Marston House, Frome, Somersetshire. I never before heard that he had been in Australia. Ararat "broke out" in the fifties. J. Pollard and ethers got £1,100 from Parliament for the discovery. The Dungarvan of that time was born in 1829, and in 1853 was married. In 1856 he succeeded to the title. In 1860 I met, at Harry Taylor's Waterloo Hotel, in Chancery-lane, Melbourne, Paget Standish O'Grady, who was "knocking about" in Australia, when someone drew his attention to the fact that he was being advertised for. His father, Standish-Derby O'Grady, Viscount Guillamore, of Cahir Guillamore and Rockbarton, in the county of Limerick, had died April 10, 1860, and the "rouseabout" had succeeded to the title and estates - the title being an Irish one, and the estates poor. He was then on his way to Ireland to claim his inheritance. He took with him as companion a Bohemian, of gentle birth named Sanders, who used to frequent the Waterloo. Guillamore, when I met him at the Waterloo Hotel in 1860, was 25 years of age, and single. He married in 1869. I think this must be the gentleman Miss Sutherland alludes to. He died in 1877.)

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Maria Quinn (juvenile actor, dancer, vocalist); Julia Mathews (juvenile actor, dancer, vocalist); Therese and Frederick Strebinger (dancer and violinist); Paget Standish O'Grady (rouseabout, on his father, who died in 1848, see Standish O'Grady; rather, it was Paget's elder brother Standish, third viscount, who died in 1860, and who he succeeded as fourth viscount)

"PERSONAL", Daily Standard [Brisbane, QLD] (11 June 1918), 6 

A link with the stage of the latter half of last century was recently broken by the death of Bella Sutherland, formerly wull-known in theatrical circles as "The Vital Spark," and latterly the proprietress of the Tivoli Picture Theatre, Hamilton. She passed away on June 3, after a long and painful illness, at her residence, Southdean, Hamilton. Born of a theatrical famlly, she spent most of her life associated with the stage, and for many years was a most successful and popular actress, dancer, and singer, playing with various well-known companies (notably the Montagu Turner Opera Company) in many parts of the world. She was particularly well-known through Australia. Thirty-four years ago, in Sydney, she was married to Professor G. W. Gibson, now a Brisbane herbalist. She was 68 years old at the time of her death.

"DEATH OF WELL KNOWN IDENTITY", The Telegraph [Brisbane, QLD] (12 June 1918), 2 

The death took place a few days ago of a lady who was known to a previous play-going generation as Bella Sutherland, "The Vital Spark," and who has of late years been heard of in connection with several vaudeville and moving picture concerns. She came of a family of singers, and although born in Australia, she travelled in other countries, and was a particular favourite in India, which country she visited on the occasion of King Edward's tour. In India, she married Mr. Rodway, and a son (Mr. George Rodway) survives his parents. Miss Sutherland was associated in her early days with the Alice May Opera Company, and later with the Montague Turner company. Over thirty years ago, in Sydney she married Mr. G. W. Gibson, the medical herbalist, and subsequently they took up their residence in Brisbane. Mrs. Gibson's longing for the footlights never left her, and now and again she would organise vaudeville and picture companies. She was one of the first to produce moving pictures on an extensive scale in Brisbane, and up to a year or two ago the Tivoli picture palace, at the Hamilton, was under her management. She was buried quietly at Nundah cemetery.

[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (13 December 1919), 13 

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF QUEENSLAND. In the WILL of ISABELLA MARIA GIBSON (generally known as and in the said Will called Isobel Marie Gibson, and sometimes known as Bella Sutherland) late of Allen-street, Hamilton, near Brisbane in the State Queensland, Wife of George Washington Gibson, of the same place, Herbalist, Deceased . . . that PROBATE . . . may be granted to GEORGE WASHINGTON GIBSON . . . the lawful Husband of the said deceased, and the sole Executor named in the said Will . . .



Active Melbourne, VIC, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], The Argus (6 October 1859), 3

AURORA AUSTRALIS, new polka, beautifully printed in colours. Published by Edward Arnold, 60 Elizabeth street.

[News], The Argus (21 November 1859), 5

We have received a new piece of dance music, entitled "The Aurora Australis Polka," by Mr. J. Sutherland, published by Mr. Ed. Arnold, Elizabeth-street. Without displaying very striking originality or very brilliant talent in the composer, it is decidedly pleasing music, an excellent polka for dancing to, and, as a Melbourne production, does credit both to composer and publisher.

Musical work:

Aurora Australis polka composed by J. Sutherland ([Melbourne]: [Edward Arnold], [1859]); De Gruchy and Leigh, litho.$init=SMU129750022_0 (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Arnold (bookseller, publisher); Henry De Gruchy and Stephen Thomas Leigh (lithographers)


Musician, clarinet player

Active Sydney, NSW, 1841 (shareable link to this entry)


"THE EMIGRANT'S ANNUAL BALL", Australasian Chronicle (7 January 1841), 2 

On Friday night last, the fifth anniversary of this festival took place at Mr. Clarke's dancing academy, King-street, and went off in a style that reflected much credit upon the stewards. About eight o'clock the musicians occupied the tastefully decorated orchestra . . . About half-past nine the ball was commenced with a country dance, led off by one of the stewards, which was admirably gone through, and followed by the first set of quadrilles; the next was a Spanish waltz, which was pretty fairly gone through; then came the lanciers and were well danced; but in the triumph, country dance, which followed, I assert that nothing I have seen for years could excel the precision, which appeared to be in a great degree attributable to the just and well arranged music of the leader, Mr. Cornish, supported by Mr. Sutton on the clarionet, with which the other instruments formed a band of nine. The Caledonian quadrilles and Scotch reel followed, which completed the first part in the programme. I cannot omit noticing that the general admiration of the assembly was elicited at the splendid manner in which Mr. Clarke's pupil, Miss Thompson, aged twelve years, acquitted herself in a pas suel. The dances in part 2 were then begun, comprising, Patronella [sic, Petronella], country dance; Paine's first set quadrilles; the Circassian circles; lanciers; Towe's first set; Scotch reel and Spanish waltz. Between the second and third parts Mr. Clarke, brother to the Professor, entertained the company with an admirable hornpipe, at the conclusion of which the stewards ordered the whole company up for the last country dance, when six full sets appeared, leaving about forty ladies and gentlemen yet in their seats, forming in the party about 112 persons. Heaven's clear light appeared ere the "delighted gents' and ladies fair" thought of going, after a happy night during which -
The merry dance and music's song,
Led the Jocund hours along.
- Correspondent.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Clark (dancing master); Henry Cornish (violinist)

SUTTON, Richard Henry (Richard Henry SUTTON; R. H. SUTTON)

Musician, concertina player, music and instrument retailer, musicseller, musical instrument maker

Born Manchester, England, 1830; son of Samuel SUTTON and Ann GROCOTT
Married Mary JOHNSON, St. John, Manchester, 25 December 1852
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 24 August 1854 (per Invincible, from Liverpool, 5 June)
Died Ballarat, VIC, 24 September 1876, aged "45" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SUTTON, Mary (Mary JOHNSON; Mrs. Richard Henry SUTTON)

Music and instrument retailer, musicseller

Born Manchester, England, c. 1831; daughter of Peter JOHNSON and Susannah WORTHINGTON
Married Richard Henry SUTTON, St. John, Manchester, 25 December 1852 ("full age")
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 24 August 1854 (per Invincible, from Liverpool, 5 June)
Died Ballarat, VIC, 10 March 1894, aged "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SUTTON, Elizabeth (Elizabeth SUTTON)

Amateur musician, contralto vocalist

Born ? Manchester, England, 1853; daughter of Richard Henry SUTTON and Mary JOHNSON
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 24 August 1854 (per Invincible, from Liverpool, 5 June)
Married Henry Finch RIX, VIC, 1876
Died London, England, 18 March 1916

SUTTON, Henry (Henry SUTTON)

Music retailer, musicseller, inventor

Born Ballarat, VIC, 4 September 1855; son of Richard Henry SUTTON and Mary JOHNSON
Died Malvern, VIC, 30 July 1912 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia)

SUTTON, Alfred (Alfred SUTTON)

Music retailer, musicseller

Born Ballarat, VIC, 1857; son of Richard Henry SUTTON and Mary JOHNSON
Died Balwyn, VIC, 1930

SUTTON, Walter (Walter SUTTON)

Music retailer, musicseller

Born Ballarat, VIC, 1859; son of Richard Henry SUTTON and Mary JOHNSON
Died Melbourne, VIC, 6 January 1924

Richard Henry Sutton

Richard Henry Sutton


1852, marriage solemnized at St. John's church in the parish of Manchester in the county of Lancester; register 1851-52, page 238; Manchester Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 476 / December [25th] / Richard Sutton / Full [age] / Bachelor / Mechanic / Ashton Road Ardwick / [son of] Samuel Sutton / Carriage builder
Mary Johnson / Full [age] / Spinster / - / Chancery Lane / [daur. of] Peter Johnson / Brewer . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Invincible, from Liverpool, 5 June 1854, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Rich'd Sutton / [English Adult] / Weaver
Mary [Sutton] / [English Adult] // Elizabeth / [English child] . . .

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (18 October 1861), 2 

Mr. R. H. Sutton, of the Main road, music seller, has lately produced an improved harmonium with a pedal stop, for the registration of which he intends to make immediate application. The advantages of the instrument under notice chiefly consist in the power of producing forte and pianissimo at will, and with perfect facility. The stop occupies a position in the centre of the instrument, between the ordinary pedals used for supplying the instrument with wind. In this respect it possesses great advantages above the knee stop, which is often difficult of approach in consequence of the necessity of keeping up the bellows' action. The stops are forte, forte, bourdon, cor Anglais, vox Celeste, grand organ, vox Celeste (treble), flute, and clarionet - nine in all. The instrument is strictly of Ballarat manufacture, with the exception of the ivory keys and a portion of the metallic reeds, which were imported. The tone is excellent, and the class of instrument recommends itself to the notice of congregations who cannot afford to go to the expense of purchasing ordinary church organs. Mr. Sutton's invention deserves extensive patronage, and will, no doubt, receive it.

[Advertisement], The Star (29 October 1861), 1

invites inspection to his newly invented organ harmonium.
An assortment of harmoniums suitable for places of worship, &c.

[Advertisement], The Star (14 April 1862), 3 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. STURT STREET. - Now open at the large hall, for a short time only,
MR. KREITMAYER'S MUSEUM of ILLUSTRATION, representing our first and latest Explorers and other important personages.
Open from 11 till 5, and from 7 till 10. Admission one shilling; children half-price.
N.B. - Mr. Weber will perform on the Organ Harmonium, manufactured by Mr. R. H. Sutton, of Ballarat.
For particulars see small bills.

ASSOCIATIONS: Max Kreitmayer (proprietor); Emil Rudolph Weber (musician)

Ballarat and Ballarat district directory . . . for 1865-66 (Ballarat: James Curtis, 1865), 113, 183 (DIGITISED)

[113] . . . Sutton, R. H., music seller, Main road
Sutton, R. H., music seller, Scotts parade . . . (DIGITISED)

[183] . . . Professors of Music . . . Sutton, R. H., Main road . . .

[News], The Ballarat Star (15 May 1865), 2 

Two new additions to the shop architecture of the town have lately been opened, one in each borough. In Sturt street, Mr. Shepperd has opened his new druggist's shop . . . In Main street, Mr. Sutton, the music seller, has got into his new premises, which are a very welcome exchange from the old building on the same site. Both of the premises we have mentioned are two stories in height, and are built in permanent material.

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Courier (4 September 1876), 3 

WANTED KNOWN - R. H. SUTTON has just received a Splendid Assortment of Alexandre's CABINET ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, and ORGAN HARMONIUMS (the latter being new style), in rosewood or oak cases, with broad reeds, and possessing the pure organ tone, compass F to F, thus securing deeper tone than usual. For durability they are unequalled, and at half the price of other cabinet organs.
Alexandre's People's Harmoniums from £7, being loud, strong, and durable.
Also, just received, ex Whampea, a huge consignment of best Anglo-German CONCERTINAS.
All other kinds of Musical Instruments, Books, Violin Fittings, &c., on hand; none but best class kept in stock. All kinds of musical instruments tuned and repaired.
Address - R. H. SUTTON, music-seller and manufacturer of the celebrated Steel-note Concertinas, opposite London Chartered Bank, Main street.

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (25 September 1876), 2 

Another very old resident in Ballarat died on Sunday. We refer to Mr. Sutton, the music-seller, in Main street, who had been a long time suffering from heart disease, and on Sunday died rather suddenly. Most of the family were at church, and were sent for to witness the last sad scene. The deceased's name will be familiar to all old Ballaratians, as he had been iu business for some twenty years and more in Ballarat East. A widow and family are left.

"DEATHS", The Ballarat Star (26 September 1876), 2 

SUTTON. - On the 24th September, at his residence, Main street, Ballarat, Richard Henry Sutton of dropsy, aged 45 years. Deeply regretted.

Will and probate, Richard Henry Sutton, 1876; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

"IN MEMORIAM", The Ballarat Star (12 March 1894), 4 

General regret was expressed throughout Ballarat on Saturday when it became known that Mrs. Mary Sutton, of the well-known firm of R. H. Sutton and Co., music warehousemen, of Ballarat and Melbourne, had expired that morning. The deceased lady, who was widely known and esteemed for her many excellent qualities, had been ill for some years past, and though ofttimes suffering great pain, bore her illness with fortitude. About five years ago Mrs. Sutton was stricken with paralysis, and, though she partially recovered, was from that time always an invalid. About five weeks ago she had another paralytic stroke, and in spite of every care and attention, and the skilful aid of Dr. Pinnock, succumbed to it. Mrs. Sutton, who was a native of Manchester, came to Ballarat in 1854 with her husband, who was a native of the same place. On arrival here the deceased lady and her husband opened in a tent a music warehouse in Humffray street, this being the first business of that kind in Ballarat. In 1856 the business was removed to more suitable premises in Main street, opposite to where the London Bank now stands. During the time of their residence in Main road Mr. Sutton died. In 1876 the business was transferred to Sturt street, the premises occupied being those now used by Mr. Thorne, tobacconist. Two or three years ago the growth of the business necessitated larger premises being erected, and the magnificent warehouse, which is justly regarded as one of the finest shops in Ballarat, was the result. Mrs. Sutton, as head of the firm, always took an active interest in the business, and the successful operations of the firm were materially aided by her forethought and ability. For many years and up to the time of her death Mrs. Sutton was a warm supporter of the Lydiard street Wesleyan Church, and her generous help was always given to aid the various movements in connection with that body. In private life the deceased lady was of a most charitable disposition, and many will deeply feel the loss of her kind and true hearted sympathy. A family of four sons and one daughter are left to mourn their loss. The funeral will take place to-day at 4 o'clock, when the remains will be interred in the Ballarat Old Cemetery.

"BALLARAT", The Argus (12 March 1894), 6

Mrs. R. H. Sutton widow of a very old resident of Ballarat, died yesterday morning. Her sons conduct the widely known music and musical importing business of R. H. Sutton and Co., Melbourne and Ballarat.

Bibliography and resources:

"OLD ESTABLISHED MUSIC FIRM", The Argus (23 October 1936), 17

The history of Suttons Pty. Ltd., the music warehouse, goes back many, many years before the firm observed, about 30 years ago, the rapid advance of the town of Geelong, and decided to establish itself there. Suttons, in fact, dates from about 1853 when Mr. Richard Henry Sutton arrived in Melbourne with his young wife and daughter from England. Since that time Suttons has been associated with the sale of music and musical instruments on the goldfields at Ballarat, and afterwards in the rising town of Ballarat, at several familiar places in the city of Melbourne and at Geelong. Indeed, the history of the firm is the history of music, musical Instruments, and musical fashions in the last 70 or 80 years . . .

George Sutton, R. H. Sutton, 1854-1954 ([Melbourne: Suttons, 1954)

Richard Henry Sutton, Esq. 1830-1876, an abridged history of the earlier activities of the Sutton family, compiled by George Sutton from notes and information supplied by the late Mrs. Walter Sutton and the late Alfred Sutton, Esq.

"100 YEARS OF MUSIC. Pioneer's gold was in his concertina", The Herald (27 October 1954), 20 

Tomorrow the music firm of Suttons Pty. Ltd. celebrates the centenary of its founding in a tent near the gold reefs of Ballarat. The firm, still in the family which founded it, will celebrate at a dinner at the Hotel Australia. But the musical background which will be provided at tomorrow night's dinner will be a far cry from the concertina that Richard Sutton used to entertain his wife Mary and baby Elizabeth, in their tent at Ballarat. Young Richard Sutton had brought his wife and baby to Australia, after a six-months journey, to seek their fortune, but although he used a pick and shovel on the gold reefs, his wife soon discovered Richard's future was in music. - Wife's idea - His concertina-playing had proved popular among the other gold-diggers, and he made many concertinas for his friends, but Mary soon suggested he turn it into a business. He did, and his first drayload of instruments took 10 days to come from Melbourne to Ballarat. Business prospered, for all the miners loved music, and soon Richard had to put up another tent beside his "home." He even made a showcase in which he put the first piece of plateglass ever to go to Ballarat. Still the business grew, and the first music warehouse in Ballarat was built on the old Plank Road, mostly by Richard Sutton himself. - Music centre - And as Sutton's business prospered, so did Ballarat as a music centre. His daughter Elizabeth became principal contralto when the Ballarat Harmonic Society was founded. The Sutton's first son, Henry, won fame in the engineering world with his inventions, and at 15 developed a theory of projecting a Melbourne event to be seen simultaneously at Ballarat - a forerunner of television. And when the American telephone expert Bell visited Australia, he went to Ballarat to inspect Henry's telephone system in the music warehouse. Henry also moved the formation of an Automobile Club in Victoria. Suttons were the first to import German pianos into Victoria, and in 1884, after further expansion in Ballarat, the firm opened In Melbourne. Their first provincial branch opened in Bendigo in 1892, and the Geelong branch was opened in 1903. In 1926 the business spread to Sydney, and in 1945 to Newcastle. There ore still two great-grandsons of Richard and Mary Sutton in the firm, and a grandson, George Sutton. Mr. George Sutton, who is a director now, has written an abridged history of the family in honor of the centenary.

Austin McCallum, "Sutton, Henry (1855-1912)", Australian dictionary of biography 6 (1976) 

. . . Richard founded a music firm in a tent on the Ballarat goldfield in 1854. After a short stint as a miner he had found that playing a home-made concertina in his tent at night attracted crowds and he began to make them for his friends. Persuaded by the astute Mary to buy a dray-load of musical instruments in Melbourne, he sold them in a few days. He bought land on Plank Road and built a music warehouse of brick and wood with a plate glass window. Henry, his three brothers Alfred, Walter and Frederick, and his two sisters, Elizabeth and Emilie, were mainly educated by their mother, and all but Henry in their younger years helped in the business . . .

[Henry] Sutton's father had died in 1876 and the prospering business was then run by his mother and brothers, with 19-year-old Alfred as manager; Alfred opened a music store in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, in 1884 and the firm became Sutton Bros. In 1894 the four brothers formed a private company, Suttons Pty Ltd. Henry now concentrated on business . . .

SWAIN, William (William SWAIN; Mr. W. SWAIN; Mr. SWAIN; SWAINE)

Musician, vocalist, pianist, professor of the pianoforte, solfeggio, English and Italian operatic singing, Spanish and French singing, &c., composer

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 May 1851 (per Planet, from San Francisco, 22 February, and Honolulu, 5 April)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 1 December 1852 (per Will o' the Wisp, for Auckland, NZ)
Departed Auckland, NZ, 22 March 1853 (per Lion, for Pacific Ocean) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Sydney, NSW (7 May to October 1851):

Report of a schooner, Planet, arrived at Port Jackson, 7 May 1851, from San Francisco, 22 February, and Honolulu, 5 April; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

Cabin Passengers' Names. William Swain

NOTE: Swain was the only passenger listed

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (8 May 1851), 2 

May 7 - Planet, schooner, 120 tons, Captain Longfield, from San Francisco the 22nd February, and Honolulu 5th April. Passenger - Mr. William Swain.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 May 1851), 1

SINGING. - Mr. Swain, (recently from London)
professor of French, English, Italian, Singing, Pianoforte, &c.,
respectfully offers his services to the inhabitants of Sydney.
Mr. S. was regularly brought up to the musical profession, which he has followed exclusively upwards of eighteen years, and has necessarily much experience as a teacher of music, especially of the Solfeggio, Operatic Singing, &c.
He will give lessons either privately or in classes, at the residence of those who may favour him with their patronage.
Terms moderate. Orders left for Mr. S., at the residence of Mr. Constable, gas-fitter, 93, Castlereagh-street; or at Mr. Grocott's Music Saloon, 486, George-street, will be punctually attended to.
Reference, Mr. Grocott.

ASSOCIATIONS: James Turner Grocott (music retailer)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 May 1851), 1

VENETIAN CASINO. First appearance of Mr. Swain, as Vocalist, from the United States' Concerts.
MR. EMANUEL respectfully informs the public that his Promenade Concert and Concert Dansante, will take place at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday Evening next, May 28th.
Admission One Shilling. Doors open at half-past seven; Concert to commence at eight, und dancing at nine o'clock.
See programme in Wednesday's Herald.

ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Emanuel (musician, event proprietor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1851), 1

MR. A. EMANUEL'S Promenade Concert and Concert Dansant,
This Evening, Wednesday, May 28th, at the Royal Hotel.
1. - City Bond, Air, "Norma"
2. Song, "The Rich Man's Bride" - Mrs. Emanuel
3. Band, "March"
4. Song, "Come Brothers Arouse." Russell - Mr. Swain.
5. Cavatina, "Cherry Ripe." Horn - Mrs. Emanuel
6. Band, "Galoppe"
7. Song, Comic, "Why Don't the Men Propose." Bluett - Mr. Swain
8. Cavatina, " Summer." Blockley - Mrs. Emanuel.
9. Band, Air "Fair Zurick Waters"
PART 2. Dancing.
1 - Polka; 2. First Set of Quadrilles; 3. Scottische;
4. Spanish Waltz; 5. Polka; 6. First Set of Quadrilles;
7. Scottische; 8. Spanish Waltz; 9. First Set of Quadrilles; 10. Polka.
Doors open at half-past seven. Concert to commence at eight.
Dancing at nine o'clock. Admission, one shilling.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Emanuel (vocalist); City Band (performing group)

MUSIC: Come brothers arouse (Henry Russell, from The bride's band); Why don't the men propose (Blewitt)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1851), 1 

MR. STEVENS having resigned his connexion with the People's Singing Classes for the practice of Devotional Psalmody, the Committee beg to announce that Mr. Swain, late of the Chapel Royal, Windsor, a gentleman just arrived in the colony, has accepted the professorship, and will meet the classes as follows:
THIS EVENING, at Surry Hills. Each Monday, at Balmain.
Tuesday, Class B., Pitt-street. Wednesday, Class A, Pitt-street.
Succeeding Thursday, Surry Hills. At 7 o'clock P.M.
By order of the Committee,
ARTHUR GRAVELY, Honorary Secretary. May 30.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Stevens (singing class instructor); Arthur Graveley (secretary); People's Singing Class (Sydney)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 June 1851), 1

NOTICE. - Having seen my name placarded about the City for a second appearance at the "Venetian Casino," I think it right to say that Mr. Emanuel was not authorized by me thus to use my name, as I had no engagement with him, and it is not my intention to appear again at that entertainment.
N.B. - The Pianoforte, thorough bass, and the various branches of vocal music, taught in classes or privately.
Pianofortes tuned on moderate terms.
At Mr. CONSTABLE'S, Gasfitter, Castlereagh-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 June 1851), 1

VOCAL. - MR. SWAIN, Professor of the Italian and English systems of Solfeggio singing, in all its branches, pianoforte, thorough-bass, &c. Morning classes of any number attended at schools, or private families, on moderate terms.
Mr. S. is likewise an experienced tuner of pianos. He will tune squares for 4s. each, cabinet 4s. 6d, and grands 6s., and sing a good song afterwards, accompanying himself when desired so to do.
Residence, Mrs. Shaw's boarding-house, corner of Macquarie-place and Bridge-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1851), 1 

THE Committee of the People's Singing Class for the Practice of Devotional Psalmody, begs to apprise its friends and the public that the Classes now commence
A NEW QUARTER, and urges those desirous of joining to do so at once.
Mr. SWAIN (late of the Chapel Royal, Windsor,) continues his valuable services.
The Committee feels the securing so superior and competent a Teacher is a guarantee that the objects of the Society in imparting correct musical knowledge will be carried out.
Class B., which meets THIS (and each succeeding Tuesday) EVENING, is an Elementary Class, and its practice is confined to the solfeggio.
Class A. meets each Wednesday, and is for the practice of part singing.
Cards of membership can be had on the nights of meeting at the Class Rooms, Bathurst and Pitt streets, at 7 o'clock.
Class Fees: - Children under 14, 1s. per quarter; adults, 2s.
ARTHUR GRAVELY, Hon. Secretary. Sydney, July 1.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1851), 1

SINGING. - Mr. Swain, formerly a member of the choirs of Windsor and Eton College, and of the Windsor Catch and Glee Club, respectfully offers his services to the inhabitants of Sydney as an experienced teacher of the English and Italian systems of Solfeggio, Pianoforte, Organ, Thorough-bass, &c.
In acknowledging the liberal encouragement he has met with during his short residence of two months in Sydney, Mr. S. considers it prudent to repeat the information he gave the public in a previous advertisement, that he has followed the musical profession upwards of eighteen years, and that he has necessarily much experience as a teacher of instrumental and vocal music, - the latter in all its branches.
His coming to this colony was quite accidental, the consequence of a violent attack of fever and ague on his arrival in San Francisco, which prevented him from remaining there and fulfilling a professional engagement entered into at New York. He hopes the musical community of Sydney will improve still more the opportunity which his residence in the city affords of taking lessons privately and of forming classess with a view to the improvement of popular singing.
Classes of any number attended at schools or in private families on moderate terms.
Mr. S. would inform the heads of seminaries that having resided in Paris and visited Mexico and Italy the land of song, he is perfectly competent to teach French and Spanish singing, in learning which pupils have an opportunity of perfecting themselves in the pronunciation of those languages.
Advertiser is likewise an experienced tuner of pianos, having acquired experience in that line collaterally with the practice of his profession, and having travelled on horseback as tuner through Canada and the North American provinces, the United States, a great part of Mexico, and the Spanish, French, and Danish West Indies.
He will tune squares for 4s. each, cabinets 4s. 6d., and grands 5s.
As a music-lesson is nothing more than a business transaction, Mr. S. considers it paltry and superfluous for an artist to say anything on the subject of testimonials - his best and most proper testimonials are in his fingers and voice; but as there are doubtless many who think differently, he would inform thom that he has credentials from the following gentlemen - J. Mitchell, Esq., Lay-vicar of Windsor and Organist of Eton College; Rev. Mr. McMahon, Quebec, Judge Thornton, Entaw, Alabama; and Mr. McGlinn, Recorder of San Francisco.
Testimonial of Judge Thornton - "Mr. Swain is an accomplished professor and worthy of patronage. HARRY J. THORNTON."
Mr. McGlinn to a rev. gentleman - "Rev. Sir, - This will be handed to you by Mr. Swain who has just arrived from New York, in the steamer Sothmus. He brought me a letter from our mutual friend D. R. Harrison, who formerly conducted the choir of St. James' Church. He speaks very highly of Mr. Swain as a singer and musician. As we are much in want of such a person, I am sure the members of the congregation would willingly contribute to this matter, and as he is a teacher of both singing and music, we might get for him a very large class.
I am, Rev. Sir, very respectfully yours,
J. A. McGLINN. San Francisco, February 7, 1851.
Orders left for Mr. S. at the Musical Depot, 23, Hunter-street, will be duly attended to.

Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (16 October 1851 to 7 February 1852):

Report of the arrival at the Port of Hobart Town [from Sydney] of the barque Cape Horn, 16 October 1851; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1574438; MB2/39/1/14 p55$init=MB2-39-1-14P057 (DIGITISED)

Cabin Passengers . . . [Mr.] Swain . . .

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (28 November 1851), 4

Professor of the Piano Forte, Solfeggio, English Italian Operatic Singing, &c.
RESPECTFULLY offers his services to the inhabitants of Hobarton. Mr. S., is recently arrived in the colony from New York, via San Francisco. He was formerly a Member of the Chapel Royal, and has followed his profession upwards of eighteen years.
The following testimonials are by Judge Thornton, of the Supreme Court of Alabama; Mr. Mitchell, Lay-Vicar of Windsor, and Organist of Eton, and Mr. McGwinn, Recorder of San Francisco:-
Eutau, Ala.
Mr. Swain is an accomplished Professor and worthy of patronage.
Cloisters, No. 15, Windsor Castle.
Mr. Swain is a good musician, and a capital tuner.
San Francisco, March 20, 1851.
REV. SIR. - This will be handed to you by Mr. Swain, Musical Professor, who has just arrived in steamer Isthmus. He brought a letter from our mutual friend, D. R. Harrison, organist of cathedral, who speaks very highly of his qualifications as a singer. As Mr. S., is both a teacher of music and singing, and we are very much in want of such a person, I think we shall do well to avail ourselves of his services.
N.B. - A little new music for sale.
Orders left at the Circulating Library of Mr. Lawrence, Elizabeth-street, or at Mr. Duffield's, 31, Melville-street, will be duly attended to.

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Colonial Times (12 December 1851), 2 

The public will have a rare opportunity of enjoying a musical treat of a superior vocal character on Tuesday next, at the Mechanic's Institute. The performer, Mr. Swain will sing a variety of popular songs in the various European languages. The programme which is an extensive one and rich in variety, may be seen in our advertising columns. Tickets of admission, 3s. 6d to be had of the principal booksellers.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (12 December 1851), 3 

MR. SWAIN, RESPECTFULLY informs the lovers of Music that he will give a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, in the Mechanics' Institute, on TUESDAY Evening, the 16th inst., when he will sing a variety of popular Songs, in English, French, Spanish, and Italian.
Come Brothers Arouse - Russel
My Heart's in the Highlands - Russel
Aria from Somnambula - Bellini
J'ai De L'argent - De Begins [De Begnis]
The Newfoundland Dog - Russell
National Airs of America - (Piano Forte)
Wanted a Wife - Parry
The Robber - Bishop
Feliz Yo Quando Cantaba A Mi Laura - Spanish
Wanted a Governess - Parry.
The Maniac - Russell
New Polka, composed for the occasion, by Mr. Swain
O Patria Dolce Ingrata Patria - Rossini.
Mamma, Why Don't the Men Propose? - Parry.
Tickets 3s 6d. each, to he had at the principal booksellers, and at Mr. Williams' Music Saloon.
Doors open at half-past seven, commence at eight o'clock precisely.
December 12, 1851.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Williams (pianoforte maker, music seller)

MUSIC: My heart's in the highlands (Henry Russell); J'ai de l'argent (De Begnis); The Newfoundland dog (Russell); Wanted a governess (John Parry); The maniac (Russell)

"CONCERT", The Tasmanian Colonist (18 December 1851), 3 

On Tuesday evening, Mr. Swain, who, as we are informed, comes from California, gave a Concert at the Mechanics' Institute, according to a programme previously published. The attendance was not so encouraging as could be wished, nor such as the talented exertions of Mr. Swain merited; but at a first performance in this city and under the present excited state of the public mind on other subjects, probably a crowded hall could not reasonably have been expected. Mr. Swain sung some excellent songs, accompanying himself on the piano, and obtained much applause . . . forming a musical treat of no common order. From the specimen given, we judge that Mr. Swain is one of those who can successfully depend on his own genius, for contributing most pleasingly to the entertainment of the public; talent only requires to be known to be appreciated. He will no doubt be extensively patronized on a second occasion. Real genius has always been encouraged by the citizens of Hobart Town.

ASSOCIATIONS: "the present excited state of the public mind on other subjects" - referring to ongoing breaking news of discoveries of gold in Victoria and NSW

"MR. SWAIN'S CONCERT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (19 December 1851), 2 

On Tuesday evening, Mr. Swain (who lately arrived here from Sydney) gave a musical entertainment at the Mechanics' Institute. The attendance was very small, not more than three dozen persons being present. The number of pieces selected were fifteen, including two instrumental pieces. To say that they were well performed would be small praise; but to select the best from them would be next to impossible; however, in the first part, the pieces which pleased us most were the "Newfoundland Dog," (which was as well sung as it could be, and reminds us much of the same song by Frank Howson); "My heart's in the Highlands," a well known Scotch song, sung with much spirit; and the Aria, from Somnambula, which was a beautiful piece, and well sung; the concluding song, "Wanted a Wife," was highly amusing. In the second part, we were much pleased with "the Maniac." This is a most difficult piece, and to be effective can only be performed by an artist; Mr. Swain did full justice to this beautiful production, those who have heard him will admit: this song alone was worth the price of admission. "The Robber" is also a fine song, and was well managed. The comic song of "Wanted a Governess," and "Mama, why don't the men propose?" kept the audience in great good humour, especially the latter, which was exceedingly well sung. Of the Spanish and Italian pieces we can say little, except that the music was very pretty. The instrumental pieces were sufficient to show that the artist was a perfect master of his instrument, and although the pianoforte used on the occasion was not one of the best, Mr. Swain produced some delightful music from it. The original Polka we thought a very pretty little piece. The conclusion was "God save the Queen," sung as a solo by Mr. Swain, and very beautifully sung too. We trust now that Mr. Swain has appeared in public he will receive that patronage which he appears to merit; as far as talent is concerned, we can safely say he will prove a great acquisition to our musical circles. Those of our readers who remember Frank Howson and Mr. Bushelle will recognise much of the style of both those favourites in Mr. Swain, and we hope that, nothing daunted, he will speedily announce another entertainment, when we have no doubt the public will act towards him in the same liberal manner they have ever done to previous artists.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist); John Bushelle (vocalist)

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Courier (20 December 1851), 2 

A musical entertainment was given on Tuesday evening last, by Mr. Swain, a new arrival in Hobart Town, and a musician of first-rate ability. The programme comprised some of the finest descriptive songs in the English language; among which were the "Newfoundland Dog," the " Robber," and the "Maniac." In the execution of these gems, Mr. Swain sustained a power over the various emotions of his hearers which announced the true master. The aria "Do not mingle," from La Somnambula, was chastely sung. Rossini's "O Patria dolce ingrata Patria," De Begnis's "J'ai de l'argent," and a Spanish song, were given in an effective style. Several of Parry's comic songs, such us "Wanted a Governess," "Wanted a Wife," and "Mama, why don't the Men propose?" were exceedingly well received. A pretty pleasing polka was introduced of his own composition. It was a matter of regret to observe that, instead of reaping an ovation, the musician was fronted by empty benches. Those who like to hear only that which has been tested and found good, can, without the slightest hesitation, attend any future entertainment he may give. Mr. Swain has enjoyed not only the support of the authorities in North and South America, but has been patronised by Lord Harris, Governor of the Bahamas, and the present Governor of Ceylon. Mr. Swain's voice is a powerful barytone, but in singing tenor songs he uses a falsetto of extraordinary compass. His sole accompaniment was the pianoforte, and it would seem from his proficiency, that, next to singing, he has made that elegant instrument an exclusive study. Another entertainment will be given shortly.

[Advertisement], The Courier (7 January 1852), 3 

MR. SWAIN RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he will have the honour of giving a
CONCERT In the Mechanics' Institute, On the Evening of FRIDAY Next, January 9th,
When, by the kind permission of COLONEL DESPARD, he will have the assistance of the excellent
Overture - Haydee - Band - AUBER.
Father Land - MALIBRAN.
(By desire) - A Life on the Ocean Wave - RUSSELL.
Thou art gone - ROOKE.
Aria - O! Mio Castello paterno - Band - VERDI.
The Newfoundland Dog - RUSSELL.
Mamma ! Why don't the Men propose - PARRY.
Overture - Zampa, ou la Financee de Mabre [sic] - HEROLD.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep - KNIGHT.
Banks of Ohio (new arrangement) - RUSSELL.
The Maniac - RUSSELL.
Aria - Anch'io dischiuso un giuino - Band - VERDI.
The Robber - BISHOP.
Wanted a Governess - PARRY.
[Manicule] Doors open at Half-past Seven-to commence at Eight o'clock.
Tickets Four Shillings each; to be had at the principal Booksellers.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (governor); Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)

"Poet's Corner", The Tasmanian Colonist (8 January 1852), 4 

(To be Sung by Mr. Swain at the next Concert.)
Rock'd in the cradle of the deep,
I lay me down in peace to sleep;
Secure I rest upon the wave,
For thou, oh Lord! hast power to save . . .

MUSIC: Rocked in the cradle of the deep (Knight)

"THIS EVENING'S CONCERT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (9 January 1852), 3 

We need only refer to Mr. Swain's programme, to induce those who are undecided, to hear for themselves at the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute this evening. The concert is patronized by his Excellency, who has intimated his intention to be present on this occasion. The musical Connossieurs may expect a treat. Mr. Elliston has kindly lent Mr. Swain an excellent pianoforte for the occasion.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gore Elliston (musical amateur)

"Mr. Swain's Concert", The Tasmanian Colonist (12 January 1852), 2 

This concert which was given at the Mechanics' Institute on last Friday evening, was not well attended in point of numbers, but so far as respectability want, the company was quite select. Perhaps the tickets of admission 4s. each were too high. The concert was well got up, and the songs and pieces of music, were sungand played in an admirable manner, and were well worth hearing.

"MR. SWAIN'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (13 January 1852), 3 

On Friday evening last Mr. Swain held his second concert at the Institute in Melville-street. The attendance was highly respectable, but in point of numbers fell far short of the deserts of that gentleman, whose performances were, without exception, conducted with great ability. Mr. Swain has a magical power of exciting at his pleasure the humour, or of depressing the minds of his audiences. The band of the 99th regiment rendered their valuable assistance by alternately entertaining the company with several pieces. Notwithstanding the present excitement, we trust that Mr. Swain's talents will elicit attention, and that his services will be engaged as a teacher in his profession.

"MR. SWAIN'S CONCERT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (13 January 1852), 3 

On Friday evening as announced, this entertainment was given at the hall of the Mechanics' Institute. The audience, though not large, was respectable, and the programme was gone through with the characteristic talent of Mr. Swain, whose exertions elicited continued plaudits. From the rattling of cabs and other vehicles towards the Institute about 8 o'clock, we expected to see a crowded hall; but regretted to find proofs of the all absorbing influence of gold hunting even at a concert. Time was when such a rational treat would have attracted in Hobart Town an overflowing audience; and if the reputation of the citizens for appreciating and encouraging talent has not fulfilled the anticipations of the artist, he must attribute it to the right cause, and hope for better results on a future occasion. Mr. Swain's abilities as a singer cannot be doubted.

"MR. SWAIN'S CONCERT", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (17 January 1852), 3 

We believe His excellency the Governor patronized this gentleman by subscription, having purchased tickets for his household, but did not do him the honor of attending. There was not a full attendance - but perhaps he will be as well satisfied, for this time, with the few elites who honored him with their presence.

"Shipping Intelligence . . . DEPARTURES", Colonial Times (10 February 1852), 2

February 7 - Zephyr, schooner, 60 tons, Jarvey, for Melbourne. Passengers - W. Hardwick, W. Swain D. Hubbard, J. Franagan, and 13 in the steerage.

Melbourne ? and regional VIC (February to December 1852):

"THE WEEKLY CONCERT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 February 1852), 2 

In the multiplicity of concerts this week our readers must not forget their old friend, the Thursday concert, the originator of them all. We are glad to see by the programme that the conductors are still enlisting all the novelty in their power; and we are a so glad to learn that the exchequer is so flourishing that still further efficiency will be imparted, as musical people continue to pour into the colony.
The following is the bill of fare for this evening:
Overture - Don Giovanni.
Ballad - We yet may meet again - Madame Allen
Song - The Robber - Mr. Swaine.
Piano - Concert Polka - Mr. Buddee
Scena - Softly sights - Mrs. Testar
Quadrille [?]
Overture - Bondman.
Song - Tyrol. Qui m'as naitre - Mrs. Testar (Flute Obligato, Mr. Cooze)
Song - The Newfoundland Dog - Mr. Swaine
Song - Trab, Trab - Madame Allan
Gallop - Harmonian.
Ballad - Logie O'Buchan - Mrs. Testar.
Buffo Song - X.Y.Z. Married - Mr. Cooze.
Finale - God Save the Queen.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Francesca Allen (vocalist); William Joseph Cooze (vocalist); Julius Buddee (pianist); Thursday Concerts (series)

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (4 March 1852), 3 

The following is the programme for this evening's concert:
Overture - 'Les Diamans de la Couronne.'
Ballad - 'They say there is some distant land' - Madame Allan.
Song - 'My heart's in the Highlands' - Mr. Swaine.
Solo - Pianoforte - Mr. Buddee.
Mermaid's Song - Mrs. Testar.
Gold Digger's Song - 'The good time come' - Amateur.
Overture - 'Bohemian Girl.'
Scena - 'Robert toi que j'aime' - Mrs. Testar.
Song - 'Come, brothers, arouse' - Mr. Swaine.
Song - 'The Cavalier' - Madame Allan.
Polka - 'Crystal Palace.'
Ballad - 'I love the merry sunshine' - Mrs. Testar.
Buffo Song - 'Wanted a wife' - Mr. Cooze.
Finale - 'God save the Queen.'

"THE SATURDAY CONCERT", The Argus [Melbourne] (6 March 1852), 3 

The musical public will be glad to hear that for the future, in addition to the usual weekly treat on Thursday, there is to be a concert every Saturday, supported by the same talent, and at the same low price of admission.
The first of the series will take place this evening, and the following programme, we think, guarantees the excellence of the performance:
Overture, 'Sadak and Kalasrade' - Packer.
Song, 'By the sad Sea Waves," Madame Allan, Benedict.
Song, 'The Brave Old Oak' Mr. Swaine - Loder.
Piano, Mr. Buddee - Rosellen.
Song, 'Youthful Nights' Madame Allan - Balfe.
Symphony, Band - Mozart.
Overture, 'Guy Mannering' - Bishop.
Song, 'I'm afloat' Mr. Swaine - Russell.
Duett, Violin and Pianoforte, Messrs. Megson and Buddee - Mayseder.
Song, 'Wapping old Stairs' Madame Allan.
Gallop, 'Post Horn'- Koenig.
Buffo Song, 'Wanted - 8, 10, or 12 Thousand Pounds' Mr. Cooze - Ford.
Finale, 'God save the Queen' - National.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin, leader)

MUSIC: The brave old oak (Edward J. Loder)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (17 April 1852), 1 

MUSIC. THOSE who wish to have their Pianos put in good tune and repair, by an experienced tuner from London, will please leave word for Mr. Swain, at Mr. Lewis's, Royal Mail Hotel, corner of Yarra and Corio-street. April 14, 1852.

Auckland, NZ (17 December 1852 to 22 March 1853):

"SHIPPING LIST. Entered Inwards", Daily Southern Cross (21 December 1852), 2 

Dec. 17 - Will o' the Wisp, schooner, 130 tons, Liddell, from Melbourne.
Passengers . . . Messrs. . . . Swain . . .

"CONCERT", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (7 January 1853), 2

It will be seen, on reference to our advertizing pages, that a Concert of Vocal Music is to be given, at the Odd Fellow's Hall on Monday Evening next. The Programme is an inviting one; and if we may credit the report of those qualified to express an opinion of the merits of the recently arrived principal performer. Mr. Swain we can have no doubt of enjoying an evening's entertainment of unusual excellence. Mr. Swain, we understand, is an accomplished master of the joyous science educated at the Chapel Royal Windsor, and, of course, familiar with the first professors of the art. He has since, we are told, followed his vocation in New York, from whence he was wiled by the golden lures of California, and subsequently Victoria. He has now been induced to visit our own more genial climate, where he intends to follow out his musical profession. We heartily wish him the success which we are assured he deserves.

[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (7 January 1853), 1 

to take place In the Odd Fellows' Hall, on Monday Evening, 10th instant.
Part 1st,
Aria, from "Le Dieu et la Bayadere" - Auber.
Ballad - The Newfoundland Dog - Russell.
Glee - The Gypsies - Reeve.
Aria, from "La Sonambula" - Bellini.
Chanson Comique - J'ai de l'argent - De Begnis.
Glee - The Witches - King.
Song - The Robber - Sir H. Bishop.
Catch - Would you know? - Webber.
Part 2nd,
Scena, from "Amilie" - Rooke.
Cavatina, from "Tancredi" - Rossini.
Glee - Haste my Boy - Dr. Smith.
Song - Wanted a Governess - Parry.
Song - The Maniac - Russell.
Glee- Mynheer Vandunck - Sir H. Bishop.
Ballad - Why don't the Men propose? - Parry.
Catch - Ah! how Sophia - Calcott.
God Save the Queen.
Mr. Swain will preside at the Pianoforte.
Tickets, 3 shillings each - to be had at Mr. Stichbury's; at Mr. Williamsons, bookseller; and at the door of the Hall.
To commence at half-past 7 o'clock, precisely.

[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross (14 January 1853), 2 

MR. SWAIN respectfully offers his services to the inhabitants of Auckland, as an experienced Teacher of the PIANO-FORTE, THOROUGH-BASS, and SINGING in all its branches. -
PIANOS tuned - the harsh wiry tone of half-worn Pianos removed, and the original mellow tone permanently restored. -
Terms moderate. - Orders left at Mr. Stichbury's will be punctually attended to.

"SHIPPING LIST . . . Cleared Out", Daily Southern Cross (25 March 1853), 2 

March 22 - Lion, American Whale Ship, 297 tons, James Nichols, for Pacific Ocean. Passengers, Mrs. Nichols, 4 children & servant, Mr. Swain, Mr. Davis. Bain & Burtt, agents.

SWAN, John (John SWAN; Mr. SWAN)

Amateur vocalist, merchant, storekeeper

Born London, England, 20 August 1795; baptised St. Botolph, Aldgate, 13 September 1795; son of John SWAN and Catherine McDONOUGH
Married Mary Ann CAMERON (c. 1800-1869), St. Andrew, Holborn, 6 April 1819
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 26 April 1823 (per Lusitania, from London)
Died Hobart, TAS, 30 April 1858, aged "62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


John Swan was the first child of John Swan and Catherine McDonough, who had married at St. George's, Southwark, in 1794. By 1824 or earlier he was in Hobart. A tradesman and storekeeper, he was elected along with John Philip Deane to an Elizabeth-street neighbourhood watch committee in September 1825. A year later he made his single documented appearance for Deane, in Hobart's first public concert.

He was father of the politician John Swan (1832-1885).


Baptisms at St. Botolph, Aldgate, September 1795; register 1753-97, page 663; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

[13] / John Swan / Son of John & Cath'n Born 20 Aug't, Sharp's Build'gs, Rosemary Lane

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew Holborn London in the county of Middlesex in the year 1819; register 1817-20, page 189; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 567 / John Swan of this Parish and Mary Ann Cameron of this Parish were married in this Church by Banns this [6 April 1819] . . .

"SHIP NEWS", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (26 April 1823), 2 

Arrived yesterday from England, the ship Lusitania, Captain Langdon, with merchandize and passengers, viz. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Swan and 4 children . . . Mr. J. Swan, Miss Swan . . .

[Editorial], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (11 February 1825), 2 

The architectural improvements of Hobart-Town are becoming worth our notice, not only as they indicate the wealth of the Inhabitants, but also as by their extent in design, solidity in structure, and richness of embellishment, they evince most decidedly that many who come to this flourishing land, are determined never to desert it . . . and though it cannot yet vaunt of a cathedral like St. Paul's, or an abbey like that of Westminster, yet many a city cannot boast of such houses as have been erected by Messrs. E. and D. Lord, Bethune, Birch, Loane, and Mitchell, in Macquarie street; by Messrs. Connolly, Swan, Langford, J. P. Deane, Bunster, and some few others in Elizabeth-street . . . besides numerous others which we at present have not time to particularize. In ten years a mere village has become a full sized English town . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician)

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (3 September 1825), 1

. . . That the following Gentlemen be nominated a Committee for the general regulation of the Business of the Watch, and for the Superintendence of the Funds raised for the Purpose of carrying the same into Effect . . . Mr. John Briggs, Chairman; Mr. Robt. Mather, Mr. J. P. Deane, Mr. H. Hopkins, Mr. Geo. T. Howe, Mr. John Swan, Mr. Wm. Johnson . . .

"CRIMINAL COURT", Hobart Town Gazette (21 October 1826), 4

. . . Mr. Swan landed 39 gallons of brandy out of the ship William Penn, in July 1823, the duty on which was £29 5s. 9d . . .

"Hobart Town Concert", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (29 September 1826), 3 

Yesterday evening, the first Public Concert which this Island has as yet known, took place at the Court-house. The plan of the Concert has been organised by a Committee of Gentlemen, and supported by the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Arthur. Notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather, and the wretched condition of the streets, which were almost impassable, there was a numerous assemblage of Ladies and Gentlemen present - several of whom were from various parts of the country. The number of persons could not have been less than 250 or 300, and the effect of the coup-d'-oeil of the whole was most brilliant. The Band of the 40th Regt. were in their elegant and chaste new uniforms. They were placed in three rows, each row a little elevated in height above the other. The trumpets and horns in the hindmost row, each side of what was the Judge's bench, the trombone in the centre. An excellent grand piano forte was in front, a little on one side - at which Mr. J. P. Deane, the Conductor, presided. The Gentlemen who were kind enough to lend their vocal powers in aid of the evening's amusement, had places assigned to them immediately in front of the whole, to which they passed from their seats amongst the audience, & re-passed at pleasure. We have not time for a detailed account of the performances - we can only say, that they were such as would have astonished and delighted the most fastidious ear of the London critic, scarcely escaped from the fascination of Hanover-square. Amongst the distinguished individuals present, were His Excellency and Mrs. Arthur, Chief Justice and Mrs. Pedder, Colonel Balfour, the Attorney-General, the Solicitor General, the Colonial Secretary; the Rev. Messrs. Bedford, Knopwood, Robinson, and Garrard, and their families; Captain and Mrs. Montagu, Mr. and Mrs. Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Neilly, Mr. and Mrs. Sorell, most of the Officers of the 40th, the Sheriff, the Surveyor-General, &c. &c. We subjoin a list of the evening's performances copied from the hand-bills.


La Fête du Village - Overture.
Glee - Glorious Apollo.
Song - The Sun that Lights.
Concerto - Piano Forte.
Glee - Fair Flora.
Song - In this Cottage.
Concerto - Clarionet.


Le Nozze di Figaro - Overture.
Glee - Here in cool Grot.
Recitative and Air- Death of Nelson.
Quintette - The Surprise.
Song - Dearest Maid.
Glee - The Witches.
Song - The Wolf.

Messrs. Deane, Swan, and Langford sung the Glees - "Glorious Apollo," "Fair Flora," and "The Witches." Mr. Swan sung "The Sun that Lights the Roses," and "The dearest Maid," the latter in a most masterly style. The Songs, "Death of Nelson" and "In this Cottage," were sung by Mr. Widowson; "The Wolf" by Mr. Deane; the Glee "Here in cool Grot" by Messrs. Smith, Deane, and Swan.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Langford (vocalist); Henry Widowson (vocalist); Band of the 40th Regiment (military), Joseph Reichenberg (master of the band, clarinet); Hobart Town Concerts (first public concert, see also for music of the 4 glees)

MUSIC: The sun that lights the roses (Thomas Williams)

See also "HOBART TOWN CONCERTS", Hobart Town Gazette (7 October 1826), 4

And "THE FIRST CONCERT IN HOBART", The Mercury (11 October 1883), 2s 

"BIRTHS", Colonial Times (6 August 1830), 2

Mrs. SWAN, of a Daughter, being her seventh child - all girls.

"DEATHS", The Courier (30 April 1858), 2

On the 30th of April, at Beaulieu, Hobart Town, JOHN SWAN, ESQ., aged 62.

"THE LATE JOHN SWAN, ESQ.", The Courier (30 April 1858), 3 

Our obituary of this day announces the death of John Swan, Esq., which melancholy event happened at his mansion at Beaulieu, New Town Road, this morning. The deceased gentleman, whose demise throws many of our leading families into mourning, was a colonist of very old standing, having arrived in Tasmania about 35 years ago. Mr. Swan was a worthy representative of that type of immigrants of whom Mr. Henry Hopkins is the head. He has been the architect of his own fortunes, and goes down to his grave, at a ripe age, sincerely lamented by his numerous relatives and friends, and held in just and deserved esteem by a large portion of his fellow-colonists.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Hopkins (merchant)

Will and probate, John Swan, 1858; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1670710; AD960-1-4 Will Number 729$init=AD960-1-4-729_01 (DIGITISED)

SWANNELL, Louisa (Louisa SWANNELL; Mrs. Frederick Henry IRWIN)

Musician, soprano vocalist ("The Australian Nightingale")

Born Radwell, Bedfordshire, England, 3 July 1837; baptised (Wesleyan), Bedford, 19 June 1838; daughter of George SWANNELL (d. by 1851) and Sarah STREET (d. VIC, 1859)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 29 October 1853 (per Royal Stuart, from London, 7 July, aged "15" [sic])
Married Frederick Henry IRWIN (d. 1914), Dunedin, Otago, NZ, 16 November 1867
Died Dunedin, Otago, NZ, 24 May 1886, aged "48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SWANNELL, Sarah Elizabeth (Sarah Elizabeth SWANNELL; Miss S. E. SWANNELL; Miss SWANNELL; ? Julia SWANNEL; Mrs. FINCH)

Musician, pianist, ? vocalist

Born Radwell, Bedfordshire, England, 28 Apri 1832; baptised, Wesleyan chapel, Radwell, 27 May 1832; daughter of George SWANNELL (d. by 1851) and Sarah STREET (d. VIC, 1859)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 29 October 1853 (per Royal Stuart, from London, 7 July, aged "20")
Married Matthew William HAWKINS, St. Mark's, Collingwood (Fitzroy), 25 January 1858
Died Rooty Hill, NSW, 10 February 1905, aged "71/72" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Louisa Swannell arrived in Melbourne in October 1853, with her widowed mother Sarah, and sisters Mary, Sarah, and Julia. According to the notice of her sister's wedding in Collingwood in January 1858, Sarah was "second daughter of the late George Swannell, Esq., of Moor End House, Radwell, Bedfordshire. Their mother Sarah died in Melbourne on 7 March 1859, and the youngest sister, Julia, married Edwin Yeomans Finch in October that year. Louisa is last reported singing in public for a charity event in Bendigo in July 1858, and her mother's death may plausibly have signalled the end of her performing career. A "Miss Swannell" (if not Louisa, perhaps the eldest Mary), donated "music" (presumably sheet music) to a charitable fund-raising drive in Melbourne in December 1862.

Louisa married the photographer, Frederick Henry Irwin, in New Zealand in 1867. She and her sister Julia (Mrs. Finch) died as a result of injuries received in an explosives accident in May 1886.


Births and baptisms, 1832; Wesleyan Methodist Metropolitan Registry, 1818-1838; UK National Archives, RG5/205/1103/9577/306 (PAYWALL)

No. 306 / Sarah Elizabeth the daughter of George Swannell of Radwell in the parish of Felmersham in the county of Bedford, farmer, and of Sarah his wife, who was the daughter of George and Elizabeth Street, was born at Radwell on the [28 April 1832] and . . . baptised . . . [27 May 1832] at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Radwell . . .

Baptisms, Radwell, Wesleyan Methodist, Bedford Circuit, 1838; England, births and christenings (PAYWALL)

19 June 1838 / Louisa / born 3 July 1837 / daughter of George & Sarah / Swannell

England census, 30 March 1851, Luton, Bedfordshire; UK National Archives, HO107/1757/750/21 (PAYWALL)

New Town Cottages / Mrs. [sic] Swannell / Head / Widow / 45 / Independent / [born] Beds. Harrowden
Mary [Swannell] / Daur. / 23 / Governess / [born Bedfordshire Harrowden]
Louisa [Swannell] / Daur. / 13 / Scholar / [born Bedfordshire] Radwell
Catherine [Swannell] / Daur. / 10 / [Scholar] / [born Bedfordshire Radwell] . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Royal Stuart, from Southampton, 14 July 1853, for Port Phillip, October 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Swannell / Sarah / 47 // Mary Jelles / 23 // Sarah / 20 // Lousia / 15 // Julia / 13

"THEATRE ROYAL, BOURKE STREET", The Age (16 January 1855), 5 

On Saturday evening last a grand concert was given at this place of amusement, which was attended by a very respectable audience, the large concert room being filled to overflowing with numerous occupants; the band of the 12th regt. were present on the occasion, conducted by Mr. Callen, who performed their part with great merit. Mrs. Hancock, also, with her soft sweet voice, contributed, as usual, no inconsiderable amount of gratification, being repeatedly and deservedly encored, as was another lady, we believe a stranger amongst us, in the person of Miss Swannell, who possesses a fine full voice, and performed her part admirably, considering it was her first appearance. Mons. Coulon continues to maintain his usual popularity; he sang some of his pieces in character . . .

"THEATRE ROYAL, BOURKE STREET", The Age (20 January 1855), 5 

The performers at these Concerts continue to maintain a well merited popularity, and the fine Concert Room is nightly crowded to excess. Of the old favourites, Mesdames Hancock and Hamilton, and M. Coulon, it is scarcely necessary to make mention, as there are few of our readers who have not had an opportunity of judging for themselves of their performances. We have, however, to speak in great praise of a talented young debutante, Miss L. Swannell, who, in addition to a voice naturally sweet and powerful, possesses both taste and execution, three requisites which cannot fail to raise her to a high place in her profession. On Thursday evening the young lady sang "Charming May" and "He never said he loved," in each of which she was loudly encored by a crowded audience, substituting "Shells of Ocean" and "I'm a merry laughing girl" with equal effect and applause. Altogether these evenings afford a really cheap shilling's worth of good music.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); George Douglas Callen (bandmaster, conductor); Band of the 12th Regiment (military band); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue, the main theatre still under construction)

MUSIC: O charming May (Rodwell); He never said he loved (Hodson); Shells of ocean (Cherry); I'm a merry laughing girl (Charles Glover)

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 January 1855), 8

AUSTRALIAN Nightingale. - The Australian Nightingale. - On Saturday evening Miss Louisa Swannell will appear. Admission one shilling . . .
ON Saturday Night - Concert Hall, Theatre Royal. - Miss Louisa Swannell, the Australian Jenny Lind, One shilling.

ASSOCIATIONS: Jenny Lind (European vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 February 1855), 8 

Theatre Royal . . . Concentration of talent on this and every Evening.
Grand Promenade Concert in the magnificent Concert Hall of the New Theatre Royal, now in course of erection, which, for size, beauty, and splendor of internal arrangement, will be unequalled by any theatre in the world . . .
Mrs. Hancock, in the celebrated Echo Song, with Orchestral Accompaniment.
Miss Louisa Swanwell, the Australian Nightingale, in her favorite and highly-admired Ballads and Songs.
Mrs. Onn, the favorite soprano.
Mr. J. O. Pierce, in Local Songs.
Great Exhibition Quadrilles, by the Band.
Director, Mr. Callen.
Programme for the Evening.
Part I. Overture: Otello" - (Rossini.)
Glee: "Chough and Crow," by the entire Company - (Bishop.)
Song: "Nelson," by Mr. Lyall - (Braham.)
Ballad: "Home, sweet Home" - Miss Louisa Swannell . . .
Ballad: "Come dwell with me" - Miss Louisa Swannell . . .
Part II . . . Ballad - Miss Louisa Swannell.
Grand Concerted Vocal Piece: "The Love calls us to the chase" - (Rodwell.)
Quadrille, Finale: "Scotland," by the entire Company - (D'Albert.)
Concert to commence at Eight precisely. Admission, One Shilling. Upper Saloons, Two Shillings and Sixpence.

ASSOCIATIONS: Constantia Onn (vocalist); John Ottis Pierce (vocalist, musician); Charles Lyall (vocalist)

MUSIC: Home, sweet home (Bishop); Come dwell with me (Alexander Lee)

"CASTLEMAINE (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Monday, March l2th", The Age (14 March 1855), 5 

This young lady, known as the Australian Nightingale, is now in this locality. The fair songstress has already given two concerts, one at the Albert Hotel in Castlemaine, and one at Forest Creek. I regret to hear that the first was not so well attended as might have been expected in consequence of the Races at Fryer's Town and a rather tempting bill of fare at the Theatre Royal. She was however most rapturously received, and was ably assisted by her sister. I am informed she intends giving other concerts here, and I am sure the lovers of music should not lose the opportunity of hearing this justly celebrated vocalist.

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (30 March 1855), 1 

Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert at the Mount Alexander Hotel, Forest Creek.
Re-engagement of Miss L. Swannell, the Australian Nightingale.
MR. COWPER has the honor to announce to the Inhabitants of Castlemaine, Forest Creek, and its vicinity, that a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert, will be held at his Establishment, ON TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 3rd,
When will be performed some of the most admired selections from the works of Haydn, Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini, Rode, Balfe, De Beriot, Wallace, Hayward, &c. &c.
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS - Miss Louisa Swannell, the Australian Nightingale. Miss Swannell. Miss Byrne. Mr. Morran. Mr. Huggons.
Mr. Webster, the justly celebrated Violinist, and pupil of Hayward the English Paganini, will execute some of his most admired Solos, &c., &c.
Mr. Sothern will preside at the Piano Forte . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell Sothern (pianist); Mr. Webster (violinist); however, Swannell did not appear as advertised; see "To the Editor of the . . .", Mount Alexander Mail (6 April 1855), 2 

"BENDIGO (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Sandhurst, 30th March, 1855. . . . PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Argus (2 April 1855), 5 

. . . Tonight Miss Louisa Swannell, a lady who has been very favorably mentioned in the Melbourne papers, gives a concert in the Exhibition Building, in conjunction with Mr. Barlow. She will be assisted by her sister, Miss Swannell, on the pianoforte, and by Miss Byrne, a vocalist of considerable excellence.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (comic vocalist, musician)

"BENDIGO (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Sandhurst, 18th April, 1855 . . . MISS LOUISA SWANNELL'S CONCERTS", The Argus (23 April 1855), 7 

On Saturday evening this lady gave her farewell concert at the Criterion Hotel. There was a very respectable audience present. Miss Swannell was supported by Miss Lewis, one of our old Bendigo favorites. There was no male singer, although arrangements had been made of the appearance of a gentleman who, however did not come. This want of variety was a great drawback to the evening's entertainments, but the audience paid the high a compliment to the fair vocalist in not manifesting the slightest weariness or disapprobation amidst much of sameness and monotony. Miss Swannell has excited very much interest here by her beautiful, though untutored singing, and her interesting simplicity of manner; and, if report speaks truly, she has taken more than one heart with her.

ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Lewis (Mrs. Edward Salamon) (vocalist)

"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (21 April 1855), 5 

Miss Louisa Swannell has reappeared at this establishment with signal success.

"THEATRE ROYAL", The Age (28 April 1855), 5 

On Thursday evening, while Miss Louisa Swannell was charming the ears of the delighted audience at this temple of song, the lights were suddenly extinguished, and an Egyptian darkness, filled the room. Some confusion might naturally have been presumed from so unexpected an occurrence; but, with much presence of mind, Miss Swannell continued to pour forth her exquisite warblings, and the effect of this sang froid was such as to completely arrest the tumult which, under other circumstances, might have taken place. Like the inhabitants in the palace of the sleeping beauty, each one became as it were statue-fixed, and before the beautiful ballad was ended, the gas had been relit, and Miss Swannell was seen gracefully gliding through the curtain, like the fair star of the morning at the approach of the beams of the orient sun.

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 May 1855), 8 

THEATRE ROYAL, Bourke-Street. Grand Promenade Concert Every Night . . .
PART I . . . Song - "No One," - Miss Swannell, - Parry . . .
PART II . . . Ballad - "The Bloom is on the Rye," - Miss Swannell, - Bishop . . .

MUSIC: The bloom is on the rye (Bishop)

"CONCERT HALL", The Argus (15 May 1855), 5

The Bourke-street Concert Hall was extensively patronised every evening last week. Miss Octavia Hamilton his reappeared with great success; and Miss Louisa Swannell has become so great a favorite that a triple encore is not unfrequently demanded. Mdlle. King, a child of about twelve years of age, who made her debut as a vocalist about six months back, at the Salle de Valentino, appeared for the first time at the Concert Hall on Monday, and has since appeared every evening . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Juliana King (vocalist)


At the request of the managers of these two most valuable institutions, Mr. Tom Barry has undertaken to give two benefits at Astley's previous to his departure for England . . . Miss Louisa Swannell . . . has kindly volunteered her valuable musical services on the occasion of the second, at least, of these entertainments . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Tom Barry (actor, clown); Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)

"MISKA HAUSER", The Argus (1 June 1855), 5

The Hall of the Mechanics' Institution was crowded last evening by the admirers of M. Hauser. The concert was the second given by him in this building; and a brilliant audience, - more numerous than the limits of the hall could accommodate, - was early assembled. Between a hundred and two hundred were obliged to be refused admittance. Among the audience, their Honors the Judges and their families had secured places . . . The songs "The Captive Greek Girl" and "Annie Laurie," and the cavatina "Sprite of the Foam," were sung by Miss Louisa Swannell in such a way as to deserve the general applause which they received . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist)

MUSIC: The captive Greek girl (Hobbs); Annie Laurie (Scottish)

"BALLARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) . . . June 19", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (21 June 1855), 4 

The New Concert Room, at the Star Hotel, will be opened on Friday next, and some of the "stars" of our southern hemisphere will shine forth, we trust brilliantly on the occasion. The much-admired Miss Louisa Swannell, the young "Swan of Victoria," will then make her debut to the diggers of Ballarat and, we confidently anticipate, will meet with a gallant and suitable reception. She will he assisted by a whole host of talent, including her sister as pianist; Mrs. Onn, her accomplished preceptress - Mrs. Robinson, from Exeter Hall; and Mrs. and Mr. Creed, who have made a high reputation on Ballarat. Mr. McCrea deserves the success which Miss Swannell is sure to receive, for he has spared no expense in securing the best talent in the colony, for the purpose of providing for his fellow-diggers intellectual enjoyment of the first order which Victoria can provide.

ASSOCIATIONS: Constantia Onn (musician); Mr. and Mrs. Creed = Creed and Mary Royal (musicians); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)

[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (3 July 1855), 4 

WILLIAM McCREA has the pleasure of announcing that the world-renowned violinist
MISKA HAUSER Will give a Series of Grand Concerts, for Six Nights, in the New Concert Hall in connection with the Star Hotel.
MISKA HAUSER Will arrive on Thursday, 5th July. He will be assisted by a whole host of talent, including
MISS LOUISA SWANNELL, The illustrious and talented young debutante,
Of Exeter Hall celebrity, &c., &c. MISS OCTAViA HAMILTON is also expected to arrive, and nothing will be left undone to produce a series of concerts of the first order in these colonies.

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist)

"DIARY OF OUR MELBOURNE CORRESPONDENT", The Tasmanian Daily News (6 August 1855), 3 

Tuesday, 31st July. - Coppin's new theatre, the Olympic, was opened last evening . . . Our journals here are so accustomed to extol every person and thing indiscriminately, that it is difficult to arrive at a clear notion of the relative merits and demerits of actors or singers. Language, for example, is employed in describing what are discovered to be the excellencies of Miss Swannell, which would be appropriate enough in the praise of Grisi, Lind or Persiani, but is simply ridiculous in its application to a young lady who succeeds in passing the ordeal of "a free and easy," without discredit. Mr. Brooke spoke the address which was composed by the Chief Justice . . .

ASSOCIATIONS (local): George Coppin (actor, manager); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); William A'Beckett (judge, poet)

ASSOCIATIONS (Europe): Giuditta Grisi (vocalist), Fanny Persiani (vocalist)

"BALLARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) August 23rd, 1855", The Age (25 August 1855), 4 

. . . The Star has received a great accession to its large company of artistes in the arrival of the popular Barlow, with his "Blue Tailed Fly," "Gridiron," "Music Box," &c. Every night, the spacious concert hall of this hotel is crowded with a most respectable and highly delighted audience. Miss Swannell, in her richest strains and artless yet powerful style, is received with unbounded applause and Mr. Robinson and Mr. Percival are deservedly esteemed, whilst D. Golding, as a comic singer, is a particular favorite . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles F. Percival (vocalist); Daniel Golding (comic vocalist); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)

"BALLAARAT (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", The Argus (11 September 1855), 6 

. . . In amusements there has been considerable change: the Charlie Napier concerts have ceased, and Mrs. Hancock and company have returned to your city. The Star is now the only music hall open. The powerful company - Miss Swannell, &c. - has been increased by the addition of the accomplished mezzo soprano vocalist Miss Stewart and the celebrated Barlow, and the hall is nightly crowded. The Wizard Jacobs has been playing at the Montezuma to crowded houses . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Stewart (Ellis) (vocalist)

"THE OVENS (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Beechworth, 27th Nov., 1855", The Argus (4 December 1855), 6 

. . . As usual after an election, things are dull; and little is doing but in balls and concerts at the various hotels - among which may be mentioned those which commence on the 28th, at the Eureka Concert Hall, Woolshed, for the benefit of the Patriotic Fund. Upwards of 500 tickets have been disposed of; and as the artistes are engaged by Mr. Heilbronn for three months, and he has announced the whole of the proceeds will be devoted to the fund, a respectable sum will be realised. Mr. Heilbronn has accomplished what no other individual has attempted at the Ovens, viz., built a large, and commodious hall, and engaged the best talent he was able for the purpose of insuring to us a first-rate musical treat. Miss L. Swannell, Messrs. E. F. Morris, Saqui, Wilmott, &c., are among those engaged by this enterprising individual. At present the Eureka Concert Hall is the most decided hit in the locality, and not one will say but that the proprietor deserves a rich reward for the energy he has displayed in the undertaking . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edgar Morris (vocalist); Austin Saqui (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 March 1856), 10 

THEATRE ROYAL. Easter Monday 24th March and Every Evening During the week,
A Series of Grand Promenade Concerts a la Jullien.
On a scale superior to anything yet attempted in the colonies. MR. JACOBS . . .
Vocalists - The celebrated prima donna Madame Clarisse Cailly and Miss Louisa Swannnell.
Leader - Herr Strebinger and a Band of Forty Performers.
Conductor - Mr. Henry Johnson Band Master of her Majesty's 40th Regiment.
Programme for Monday 24th March -
PROGRAMME. Part 1 . . . Song - Why do I Weep for Thee, Miss Swannell . . .
Song - The Young Lady's No, Miss Swannell . . .
Part II . . . Song- The Bloom is on the Rye, Miss Swannell . . .


Our readers will recollect that during the progress of the building of the Theatre Royal, the large centre corridor or entrance hall, was used for Promenade Concerts which were agreeable in themselves - and profitable to the conductors. These concerts however cannot bear the remotest comparison with the scries now projected by Mr. M. Jacobs [sic], and which are to take place within the Theatre itself - the first one coming off this evening. One must call to mind the vast assemblages with in the walls of Drury Lane to have any adequate conception of the treat which Mr. Jacobs has prepared for them. The Theatre has undergone many extensive and costly alterations. That part occupied by the stage has been covered over to shut out the view of the scenic apparatus, and the whole of the pit has been boarded on a level with the stage to admit of an uninterrupted promenade throughout the extreme length of the building. In addition to a full orchestra, the celebrated French prima donna Madame C. Cailly, have been engaged, and Miss L. Swannell's abilities will be severely tested in the large building. Mr. Jacobs evinces considerable enterprise in making such a bold experiment, and we hope the public will not fail to appreciate and reward it.

"THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (25 March 1856), 5 

The Wizard Jacobs has completely metamorphosed this building so that the audience might last evening have imagined themselves to have been on a temporary a visit to Drury-lane Theatre during Mons. Jullien's Promenade Concerts . . . We should have great pleasure in hearing Madame Cailly all the evening, but we must again protest against an undiscriminating encore of every vocal effort. Miss Swannell sang several songs as on previous occasions when promenade concerts were given in the Hall of the Theatre. All this young lady's crudities of style and manner which we then noticed and which we suggested that some judicious training would certainly remove now appear to be confirmed, and we must express an opinion that she is heard now to less advantage than on her first appearance when all allowance was made for extreme youth and inexperience. Never the less the few injudicious admirers who always perseveringly encored her songs as pertinaciously continue to do so. Last evening two encores were thus awarded to Miss Swannell by a vigorous and assiduous minority of about thirteen. This absurd flattery will always spoil a young singer and we begin to fear that Miss Swannell's sweet voice and generally excellent manner will never improve. The programme this evening will be the same as on Monday.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs ("Wizard Jacobs") (performer, manager); Clarisse Cailly (vocalist)

MUSIC: Why do I weep for thee (by William Vincent Wallace)

"CAMP HOTEL CONCERTS", Bendigo Advertiser (21 October 1857), 3 

We perceive that Mr. Edward Hill continues to cater for the public taste in a style which reflects credit upon his well-known concert-room at Eaglehawk. Amongst the artistes who perform there nightly we notice the names of some well-known old favorites of the Bendigo public, namely, Mr. Dixon, Miss Louisa Swannell, and Miss Graham. On Saturday evening the room was crowded to excess, and the evening's performance gave general satisfaction . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Dixon (vocalist); Amelia Graham (vocalist)

"Red Hill Music Hall", Mount Alexander Mail (19 January 1857), 3 

The enterprise displayed by Mr. Low in engaging the artistes who have been performing at the above hall since its opening has been rewarded with very general support. The company comprises Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Craven, Miss Swannell, the American Picco, Mr. Small, Mr. O. Linden, and a star of especial magnitude - Herr Hiram Sugna - described as the "Man-Monkey" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Eliza Craven (actor, and actor-vocalist); J. A. Picco (musician); Joe Small (comic vocalist); Otto Linden (pianist)

[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (11 February 1857), 3 

MADAME SARA FLOWER will appear at the above Hall this (Wednesday) Evening,
and during the week, assisted by the fallowing popular Artistes: -
A New Act Drop, painted by that talented Artiste, Mr. Murphy, will be used for the first time.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist)

"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Age (13 March 1857), 4 

A large and brilliant audience assembled yesterday evening at the Mechanics' Institution, to honor the farewell concert of Miska Hauser, who for two years has favored these colonies with his almost inimitable performances on the violin. On this occasion, he was assisted by Miss Emelie Smith, Miss Marie Chalker, Miss Louisa Swannell, and M. Charles Bial . . . On this occasion also we had the pleasure of hearing our old favorite, Miss Louisa Swannell, who has just returned from a successful tour in the interior. If she will allow us to make the remark, we think she has greatly improved in her vocalization, and could point out her tasteful singing of Wallace's beautiful air, "Why do I Weep for Thee?" as a notable example. She also sang with suitable spirit Nelson's sprightly little air, "Little Goodie Gay," and its encore, "Norah McCree" . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emilie Smith (pianist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Charles Bial (pianist, accompanist)

MUSIC: Little Goodie Gay (music by Sidney Nelson, Eliza Craven's father, resident in Melbourne)


The first of a series of entertainments was given at the rooms of the Atheneaum, on Tuesday evening last, and, we are glad to chronicle, with complete success . . . The introductory overture of L'ltaliani, in "Algieri," was brilliantly rendered by the band, after which Miss Louisa Swannell sung with admirable taste the favourite ballad "Why do I weep for thee." We may venture to remark that our Australian nightingale's style has wonderfully improved since we heard her previous to her late trip to the gold-fields . . . The comic duet, "The Cousins," was prettily given by Miss King and Miss Swannell, in which their voices were heard to great perfection . . .

MUSIC: The two cousins (Charles Glover)

"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . SANDHURST", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (29 August 1857), 3 

Miss F. Urie [sic], the favourite Scotch vocalist, has quitted the company at the Shamrock Hotel, and intends leaving the colony shortly for Europe. This lady appears to have won golden opinions from all sorts of people during her stay at Bendigo. The company at the Shamrock include Madame Carandini, Miss Swannell, Miska Hauser, Mr. Lavenu, and the comic vocalist, Mr. Thatcher.

ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Urie (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (pianist, musical director); Charles Thatcher (vocalist, flautist); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (1 October 1857), 3

SHAMROCK CONCERT HALL. By the kind permission of Messrs. Heffernan and Crowley.
In compliment to the Ladies who so kindly officiated at the CHURCH OF ENGLAND BAZAAR.
The Proceeds to be devoted to the Bazaar Fund . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Messiah - (Handel) - Messrs. Hauser, Pollard, Thatcher, and Lavenu.
Grand Selection from Haydn's Oratorio of THE CREATION . . .
Recit. - "In the beginning." - Mr. Leeman
Chorus - "And the Spirit of God," - Madame Carandini, Miss Swannel, Messrs. Laglaise, Leeman, Dixon, and Pollard . . .
Solo and Chorus - "The Marvellous Works," - Madame Carandini, Miss Swannell, Messrs. Laglaise, Leeman Dixon, Pollard, Thatcher, Hauser, and Lavenu . . .
Chorus - "Angelus," - (Wallace) - Madame Carandini, Miss Swannel, Messrs. Laglaise, Leeman, Pollard, Dixon, Thatcher, Hauser, and Lavenue . . .
Part III. Grand Operatic Concerted Piece - Madame Carandini, Miss Swannell, Messrs. Laglaise, Leeman, Dixon, Pollard, Thatcher, Hauser, and Lavenu . . .
Song - "The Captive Greek Girl." - Miss Swannell . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (musician); Frederick Leeman (vocalist)

"McIVOR (FROM AN OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDENT) January 1st, 1858", Bendigo Advertiser (7 January 1858), 2 

. . . Another improvement and sign of progress, is the establishment of nightly concerts, a la Shamrock, by the spirited and enterprising Mr. James Hay, who has engaged some of the old Shamrock Company, viz., Miss Swannell and Messrs. Pearce and Leeman, together with Mons. Zeyler, a violinist of some merit, who last night gave us some beautiful music after the style and manner of his countryman Miska Hauser. Miss L. Swannell is a decided favorite here, as is also Mr. Leeman, and the house is crowded nightly. I must not forget Johnny Pearce [sic J. O. Pierce], who makes them roar again with his local allusions, election tit bits, &c.

ASSOCIATIONS: Hermann Seyler (violinist)

"MARRIAGES", The Argus (25 January 1858), 4 

At St. Mark's, Collingwood, by the Rev. C. Booth, Matthew William, youngest surviving son of Matthew Hawkins, Esq., of Islington, Middlesex, to Sarah Elizabeth, second daughter of the late George Swannell, Esq., of Moor End House, Radwell, Bedfordshire.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (4 February 1858), 3 

This Night (Thursday, Feb. 4th, 1858), to commence at 8 o'clock.
PART 1 . . . Song, "Why do I Weep for Thee" - Miss Louisa Swannell . . .
PART 2 . . . Duet, "The Cousins" - Miss Swannell and Miss Graham . . .
PART 3 . . . Song, "In Memory of Thee" - Miss Swannell . . .
Conductor - Mr. Edward Salamon . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Henri Wallerstein (pianist); Edward Salamon (conductor, piano accompanist, Annie Lewis's husband)

"CHORAL SINGING CLASS", Bendigo Advertiser (25 May 1858), 3 

The inaugurative meeting of this institution was held yesterday evening at the Church of England School-room; a large and very respectable audience of invited guests attended. Miss Louisa Swannell kindly assisted, and sang some ballads with her usual taste and pathos; we may especially notice the "Bells at Sunset." Mr. J. H. Pollard sang some solos, and also some concerted pieces, ancient melodies, and the earliest choral compositions, assisted by Miss Swannell and some selected scholars from the various denominational schools . . .

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 July 1858), 1 

New Attractions. The following Artistes will appear,
MISS L. SWANNELL, MR. HERMAN SEYLER, The eminent Violinist, (First Appearance),
MR. OTTO LINDEN, Pianist, (First Appearance), and MR. F. A. LEEMAN.
Concert to commence at eight o'clock. Admission Free.

"CONCERT AT EPSOM", Bendigo Advertiser (7 July 1858), 3 

The Shamrock Concert Hall at Epsom was crowded on Monday night, and the performances were rapturously applauded. Miss L. Swannel was in excellent voice, and was repeatedly encored. In fact the whole company succeeded in affording the highest satisfaction. Herr Seyler's execution on the violin was most masterly, and elicited much and deserved applause.

ASSOCIATIONS: Shamrock Concert Hall (Epsom, suburban Bendigo venue)

"KANGAROO FLAT CHORAL SINGING CLASS", Bendigo Advertiser (29 July 1858), 3 

The complete success of the inaugural concert improvised by Mr. Pollard last evening, in connection with the above class, is an evidence of the warm interest excited in this district in the cause of choral music. Several glees and part songs, executed by amateurs of Bendigo, reflected great credit upon their musical taste and talent. We may especially notice "Lutzow's Wild Hunt," and "Strike the Lyre," which were vociferously applauded. Miss Louisa Swannell delighted the audience with several of her favorite songs . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus (8 March 1859), 4 

On the 7th inst., at No. 1 Sydney-terrace, East Melbourne, Sarah Swannell, aged 54 years, relict of the late George Swannell, Esq., of More End House, Radwell, Bedfordshire.

Last will and testament of Sarah Swannell, widow, made on 27 January 1859; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . I give and devise unto my daughter Louisa Swannell my Piano absolutely . . .

[residue ] . . . parts or shares thereof In trust for each of my Children herein after named, that is to day my sons Frederick Swannell and Thomas Charles Swannell and my daughters Mary Jellis Swannell, Sarah Elizabeth the wife of Matthew William Hawkins - Louisa Swannell and Julia Clementina Swannell . . .

"MARRIAGES", The Argus (10 October 1859), 4 

On the 8th inst., at St. Mark's, Collingwood, by the Rev. Robert Barlow, Edwin Yeomans, son of the late George Finch, Esq., solicitor, Worcester, England, to Julia Clementini [sic], youngest daughter of the late George Swannell, Esq., Moorend House, Radwell, Bedfordshire.

[Advertisement], The Age (17 December 1862), 3 

to raise subscriptions through contributions of miscellaneous goods, to be sold by auction . . . a grand auction sale, with a series of festivities, in aid of the Melbourne Hospital, Lying-in Horpital, Benevolent Asylum, Melbourne Protestant Orphan Asylum, St. Vincent de Paul Orphanage, Among which institutions the available surplus will be divided . . .
[donations] . . . Miss Swannell, music . . .

Dunedin, NZ (by 1867):

"MARRIAGES", Australian and New Zealand Gazette [London, England] (18 January 1868), 11 (PAYWALL)

November 16, at Dunedin, Mr. Frederick H. Irwin, to Louisa, third daughter of the late George Swannell, Esq., Moorend House, Radwell, Bedfordshire.

"CONVERSAZIONE", Otago Witness [Dunedin, Otago, NZ] (22 April 1876), 10 

Notwithstanding the very unpleasant weather on the 18th inst., the conversazione held in St. Paul's Schoolhouse under the auspices of the St. Paul's and All Saints' Young Men's Associations was an unqualified success . . . The musical part of the programme was interspersed with some amusing exhibitions, including the dissolving views. Mr. A. J. Towsey presided at the pianoforte. Two glees were nicely rendered by several members of the All Saints' Choir . . . The duet, "I would that my Love," was creditably given by Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Finch . . .

MUSIC: I would that my love (duet, Mendelssohn, op. 63 no. 1)


At 4.55 p.m. to-day, when a blast was being fired in the Dowliqg street cutting, from some cause a quantity of the rock was blown over the tops of the houses fronting Princes street, and, on falling, riddled several roofs. At the London Portrait Rooms several pieces of the rock came through the roof, striking Mrs. Julia Finch (sister-in-law of the proprietor), and killing her instantaneously. Mrs. Louisa Irwin (wife of the proprietor of the London Portrait Rooms) was also struck, and is, it is feared, fatally iujured . . .

"The Dunedin Blasting Accident", Auckland Star (18 May 1886), 3 

Our Own Correspondent at Dunedin telegraphs to-day giving the following additional details of the fearful accident which occurred yesterday, and which is reported in another page of today's issue. Mrs. Finch took an active part in the photographic business, and at the time of the accident was sitting in a front room on the first floor near one of the windows overlooking Princes-street. Mrs. and Miss Vivian, who had called in, were sitting at a table with her and Mrs. Finch was at the moment showing Mrs. Vivian a piece of knitting she was engaged upon. Mrs. Vivian states that suddenly a frightful noise was heard, and Mrs. Finch was struck down before their eyes, and never uttered a word. She sustained fearful injuries to her head and face and died in a very few minutes. Mrs. Irwin did not seem at once to be struck and when the people began to enter the room she was inquiring confusedly as to what was the matter and why the crowd had assembled, but she immediately found that she had fared little better than her sister. She was struck on the head and between the shoulders, and sustained a fracture of the skull and other iniuries that make her recovery very doubtful. Miss Vivian, who sat at the table, was also struck on the head and shoulders, and fell on the floor, but was able to recover herself. Mrs. Vivian marvellously escaped. Dr. Hocken describes Miss Vivian's injuries as a large wound on the head, exposing the skull, concussion of the left eye-ball, and severe contusions of the shoulder and wrist. The ceiling in the right hand corner of the room showed a large rent a yard or more in length and of nearly equal breadth, where a mass of rock had crashed through and stones were scattered about the floor. One of them was 30 or 40 lbs. in weight, and there were several of smaller sizes lying near Mrs. Finch - one of which from the traces it bore was evidently the one which struck her. Mrs. Irwin was conveyed to her residence in Cargill Street. Mrs. Finch also resided with the Irwins, and her body was conveyed to the house. Her skull is completely cut from the forehead to the back of the head. The first of the outside public to enter the room was Mr. Fleury, insurance agent. He states that she was struggling slightly but died within three or four minutes of his entrance. Mrs. Finch was without children, but Mrs. Irwin is the mother of nine, several of whom are young. Deep and general sympathy is felt throughout the city for Mr. Irwin, an old and respected resident. Another large aperture was made in the ceiling of the adjoining room in Mr. Irwin's establishment and large pieces of rock fell through, but the inmates fortunately were not hurt.

[Editorial news summary], Evening Star (25 May 1886), 2 

The death of Mrs. Irwin, who was injured by the Dowling street accident, took place last evening about seven o'clock. General sympathy will be felt for her bereaved husband and children, of whom there are nine, the oldest being seventeen years of age and the youngest three.

"DEATHS", Otago Daily Times (25 May 1886), 2 

On the 24th May, at her residence, Cargill street, Louisa, wife of F. H. Irwin.

"THE CITY COUNCIL . . . THE DOWLING STREET ACCIDENT", Evening Star (31 May 1886), 3 

The following letters in connection with the recent fatal accident in the cutting will be brought before the Council: -
Dunedin, May 29, 1886. The Town Clerk, Dunedin.
Sir, - We are instructed by Mr. Frederick Henry Irwin, photographer, whose wife was killed through the negligence of the Corporation by its servants by means of a stone projected by the blast fired in the Dowling street cutting on the afternoon of the 17th inst., to apply to the Council on behalf of himself and his nine children for damages for the loss occasioned to them. By this unfortunate occurrence, brought about entirely by the negligence of the Corporation in not selecting competent and careful persons to conduct the blasting operations, and in not supplying proper and safe appliances to prevent accidents, Mr. Irwin has been left a widower at the age of fifty-five with nine children, four of whom are girls, and four boys - the oldest being seventeen years of age, and the youngest only three years. We shall be glad to learn from you whether the Council have any offer of compensation to make, or whether they will compel Mr. Irwin to resort to legal proceedings to obtain at the hands of a jury, such a measure of compensation as damages can afford for the irreparable injury which the Corporation have inflicted on himself and his family.
- We are, etc., HAGGITT BROS, and BRENT.

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (27 May 1886), 5 

A cable message was published last week from New Zealand concerning a fatal blasting accident which happened on the 18th inst. at Dunedin. The Auckland Evening Star gives the following details of the shocking catastrophe: -
"The unemployed working in Dowling-street, a cross street from Princes-street, have been firing and blasting within the past few days. Just a little before five o'clock a blast was let off, and either through too much powder being used or not sufficient blinding, or probably both, stones, some of them of very large size, were hurled some distance away. A number fell on the roofs of shops in Princes-street, and a large one came crashing through the roof of the London Photographic Rooms, and instantly killed Mrs. Finch, sister of the wife of the proprietor. Mrs. and Miss Vivian, who had called in, were sitting at a table with her. Mrs. Irwin was struck on the head and between the shoulders, and sustained a fracture of the skull and other injuries that make her recovery very doubtful. Miss Vivian was also struck on the head and shoulders, and fell on the floor, but was able to recover herself. Mrs. Vivian marvellously escaped. The ceiling in the right hand corner of the room showed a large rent, a yard or more in length and of nearly equal breadth, where a mass of rock had crashed through, and stones were scattered about the floor. One of them was 30 or 40 lb. in weight."

Bibliography and resources:

"London Portrait Rooms: Alexander Peyman and Frederick Henry Irwin", Early New Zealand photographers and their successors (blogspot) 


Musician, band leader, itinerant musician, shoemaker

Born Brompton, Kent, England, c. 1825; son of John SWEETMAN and Jane ?
Married (1) Sarah PAY (d. 1868), by 1848
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 March 1858 (per Escort, from Plymouth, 27 November 1857, aged "32")
Active Melbourne, VIC, by August 1862
Married Wilhelmina SMITH (d. 1877), VIC, 1872
Died Melbourne, VIC, 19/20 August 1885 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SWEETMAN, Charles (Charles SWEETMAN)

Musician, cornet player, "cornetist" (on grave stone)

Born Margate, Kent, 1848; baptised St. John Baptist, Margate, 5 March 1848; son of John SWEETMAN and Sarah PAY
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 March 1858 (per Escort, from Plymouth, 27 November 1857, aged "10")
Active Melbourne, VIC, by September 1862 (Sweetman's Brass or String Band)
Married Charlotte COLE (1849-1917), NSW, 1872
Died Sydney, NSW, 31 October 1884, aged 36 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


List of immigrants per ship Escort, Sydney, NSW, 11/13 March 1858; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)

Sweatman John [sic] / 32 / Shoemaker / [native place] Brompton, Kent / [son of] John & Jane, mother dead, father at Margate / C. of E. / Brother Thomas Sweetman, George-street Sydney / . . .
[Sweatman] Sarah / 32 / - / [native place] Margate, Kent / [daur. of] Richard & Sarah dead / Charles / 10 // Thomas / 8 // Sarah / 6 / [all born Margate Kent]

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 March 1859), 1 

A BALL will take place at the Old Australian Inn, Clarence-street, on TUESDAY, March 22nd.
Admission, 2s., supper included ; ladies with gentlemen, free.
Sweetman's Quadrille BAND will be in attendance at 8 o'clock. T. HOPGOOD.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 April 1859), 1 

MR. F. SHIPWAY'S Select Dancing Room, University Hotel, Glebe, open every TUESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS. N.B.- Sweetman's splendid Band is engaged.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 October 1859), 1 

BAND.- SWEETMAN'S Brass and Quadrille Band always ready, in any number, on moderate terms. 284, Sussex-street; observe the address. [Manicule] New music at half-price.

"WATER POLICE COURT. Tuesday [1 November]", Empire (2 November 1859), 2

Joseph Taylor was charged with having assaulted one John Sweetman, musician, at Manly Beach, on the 31st ultimo, by knocking him down and kicking him. The defendant was fined 10s., with constable's expenses.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 November 1859), 10 

BAND. - The English City Brass and Quadrille Band can be engaged 284, Sussex-street, and 383, Pitt-st.
Leader, Brass Band, Mr. McIlvah. [McIlrath]
Ditto, Quadrille Band, Mr. Crow. [Crowe]
Conductor. T. Sweetman [sic].

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 November 1859), 13 

BAND. - The City of Sydney Brass and String Band has the honour to inform their friends and patrons, that the above Band, being the most complete one in the city, they are prepared to attend balls, pic-nic, and quadrille parties, processions, &c.
Small parties attended with violin, harp, and cornet, or violin, pianoforte, and cornet.
N.B. - Charitable institutions attended gratuitously, on application to the conductor of the band, J. SWEATMAN, 284, Sussex-street South.
Leader of the brass band, B. McIlrath; leader of the string band, T. Crowe, late leader.

ASSOCIATIONS: Bernard McIlrath (musician); Thomas Crowe (musician)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1859), 4 

WATSON'S BAY. - Remember Sweetman's City Band will be there on BOXING DAY, and play the Royal Menagerie Quadrilles, the first time in the colony. N.B. Dancing free.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 December 1859), 1 

GRAND PLAIN and FANCY DRESS BALL, to be held at the Rotunda, South Head Road, on MONDAY EVENING, December 26th. Sweetman's full Quadrille Band will be in attendance. Double ticket, to admit a lady and gentleman, 4s. Dancing to commence at half-past 8 o'clock.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1860), 8 

SWEETMAN's CITY BAND is engaged at Middle Harbour, THIS DAY, but will fulfil their engagement as usual at eight o'clock, THIS EVENING, at the Rotunda. F. CROWE, leader.

"SCONE. ASHTON'S CIRCUS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (4 February 1860), 3 

. . . it reflects great credit upon Mr. Ashton . . . The performances, on the whole were noll carried out, making allowance for the unavoidable absence of Sweetman's brass band, not yet arrived, but hourly expected . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 March 1860), 1 

THE CITY BAND is now open to engagement, in any number, brass or string.
Apply JOHN SWEETMAN, 125, Clarence-street, Wynyard-square. N.B.- A good violin wanted.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1860), 1

A QUADRILLE ASSEMBLY at Mr. McMaster's THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Sweetman's band in attendance.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 November 1860), 1 

BALMAIN REGATTA. - SWEETMAN's Brass or String BAND is open to ENGAGEMENT in any number.
N.B. - All kinds of musical instruments bought, sold, or exchanged, and repaired. 324, Pitt-street South.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 December 1860), 1 

WATSONS BAY STEAMERS, every SATURDAY and SUNDAY. - Not to disappoint the public Mr. Sweetman has engaged the Herald steamer to run every SATURDAY for the summer season . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1861), 1

SWEETMAN'S BAND is open to ENGAGEMENT, in any number. 324, Pitt-street South. For SALE, the best Bass DRUM in colony; Harps, Cornets, &c. Remember, they are cheap.


As stated in yesterday's issue, the event which heads this paragram was very successful. The weather, was most unpropitious, as during the whole of the day, and particularly the evening of it, the rain poured down in a most unmerciful manner. The Masonic Hall having been secured by the committee, every endeavour was made by them to add to its beauty . . . Presently the sweet music of the Traviata Quadrille, played by Mr. Sweetman's excellent band, set them in motion, and the spirit of the bewitching goddess, Terpsichore, instantly asserted its sway; polka, schottische, polka mazourka, lancers, and the much neglected Caledonian quadrilles, each did its share in forming an excellent and well selected programme . . .

"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. - TUESDAY", Empire (12 February 1862), 8 

Sarah Johnston was charged by constable Cullerton, with stealing three boots, the property of John Sweetman, shoemaker, from his house in Clarence-street. Sarah Sweetman identified the boots, and stated that she saw the prisoner take them from the window yesterday afternoon. She was sentenced to three months in gaol.

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 August 1862), 1 

SWEETMAN'S BRASS and QUADRILLE BAND, at 10 minutes' notice. Terms moderate. 155 King street.

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 September 1862), 8

BALL, Royal Saxon, Richmond, THIS EVENING, at half-past 8 o'clock. Sweetman's Band. Double tickets, 3s.

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 August 1863), 1

SWEETMAN'S BRASS, or String, BAND can be ENGAGED in any number. 163 King-street, east.

[News], The Argus (15 August 1867), 5 

There was a better attendance than usual at the Polytechnic-hall last evening. The programme was the same as it has been throughout the week, and the excellent singing called forth well-deserved applause. The cornet solo of Mr. Charles Sweetman was especially excellent.

"DEATHS", The Argus (1 August 1868), 4 

SWEETMAN. - On the 30th ult., at her residence, 197 Latrobe-street west, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. John Robert Sweetman, aged forty-three years.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1876), 4

SHAPTER'S FAVOURITE STRING BAND, Mr. E. Shapter, Mr. Gus. Soubier, and Mr. Chas. Sweetman . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Shapter (musician)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 November 1884), 2

THE CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY AFTERNOON will be POSTPONED in consequence of the Death of
Mr. CHARLES SWEETMAN, the late Cornet Soloist.

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 November 1884), 1

SWEETMAN. - October 31, at his late residence, 68, Gipps-street, Charles Sweetman, musician, died very suddenly, of urinic convulsions, leaving an affectionate wife; aged 36 years.

Inquest, John Sweetman, 21 August 1884; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

[Deposition of Thomas W. Alsop] . . . The deceased was a weekly tenant of the room in our Lodging House. His name was John Sweetman His age was about fifty years [sic] he was [a] musician . . . He was a travelling musician. He came to town about a fortnight since . . .

"Funeral Notices", The Age (24 August 1884), 8 

THE Friends of the late Mr. JOHN ROBERT SWEETMAN are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral will leave his son's residence, No. 4 Marion-cottages, Neil-street, Carlton, at 1 o'clock THIS DAY . . .

Bibliography and resources:

John Robert Sweetman, Find a grave 


Musician, bandsman

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 23 December 1857 (crew musician per Invincible, from Liverpool, 5 October) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SWIFT, Thomas (Thomas SWIFT, T. SWIFT; Mr. SWIFT)

Musician, viola (tenor) player, cello player (New Queen's Theatre), tailor and draper, publican

Born Staffordshire, England, born 28 April 1800; baptised St. Lawrence, Gnosall, 22 April 1801; son of Joseph SWIFT and Hannah ?
Married Hannah ROBINSON (1801-1854), Rolleston St. Mary, Staffordshire, 21 October 1822
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1 October 1833 (per Mary Catherine, from Liverpool, 13 June)
Arrived SA, by late 1838 or early 1839
Died Adelaide, SA, 18 June 1860, aged "about 60" ("a colonist of upwards of 22 years' standing") (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Register of baptisms, St. Lawrence, Gnosall, April 1801; Staffordshire Baptisms (PAYWALL)

22 / Thomas, Son of Joseph & Hannah Swift, born April 28 1800

Marriages solemnized in the parish of Rolleston in the county of Stafford in the year 1822; register, page 20; Staffordshire Marrriages (PAYWALL)

No. 58 / Thomas Swift of the parish of Burton upon Trent and Hannah Robinson of this Parish
were married in this Church by banns this [21 October 1822] . . .

Register of births and baptisms, High Street chapel (Independent), Burton Upon Trent, Staffordshire, 1828; register 1808-37; UK National Archives, RG4/3439 (PAYWALL)

Fanny Robinson, daughter of Thomas & Hannah Swift, of the town of Burton upon Trent, was born Aug't 12th 1828 and baptized on the 7th of Sep. 1828 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Robinson, Mrs. George Dale (m. SA, 1847), died SA, 1861

Passengers per Mary Catherine, 1833; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1574621; CUS30/1/1 p. 289$init=CUS30-1-1P160 (DIGITISED)

Thomas Swift / Tailor // Hannah // Fanny R. / 5 // Alfred / 3

"Hobart Town Police Report . . . Tuesday, June 10th", Colonial Times (17 June 1834), 8 

Thomas Swift, tailor, and John Bouch[er], dealer, both appeared to answer counter charges of alleged breach of all decency and good order. The dealer, being a neighbour, and both under one roof, in Macquarie-street, and having only one yard for the charge of their wood and other property, charged Snip [Swift] with befouling and besmearing his wood in a very indecent and filthy manner, so much so, that he could not touch it, and was obliged to sit with his spouse without a fire, rather than be favoured with the frankincence the tailor had prescribed, who - in his defence, charged the dealer with purloining his wood, and which he could in no other way secure and protect, but by placing his own peculiar mark upon, of which the dealer had so bitterly complained. This part of the charge failed, when the dealer charged the tailor with indecently and unmanfully exposing his person to Mrs. Boucher. This charge, with the other, which occupied nearly all the morning, also failed; and the Magistrate ordered them both to pay costs, and discharged them.

[Advertisement], Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (17 April 1835), 1 

THOMAS SWIFT, Tailor and Draper, No. 32, MURRAY STREET . . .

"Hobart Town Police Report . . . Thursday, September 14", Colonial Times (19 September 1837), 8 

A very respectable manufacturer of this town, was complained of by the information of District Constable William Wright for having employed Henry Goodhead, an absconded offender . . . and had gone to his place with a written character from Mr. Thomas Swift, the tailor . . . Mr. Thomas Swift, tailor and licensed publican, was called, whose known respectability in life, and utter aversion it was thought, would have rendered the very secret of even a cidevant convict, much more one remaining so to his person, deposed that he knew Henry Goodhead, and had sent him to the defendant - had known him in England, and heard he was sent out here for seven years - "as he believed" - knew him to be a good maltster, and recommended him to the defendant . . . that he was transported out here about four years before he left England, "he believed." The note of recommendation, written by Mr. Swift, having been mislaid, and unable to recollect whether he called the man Goodhead or Williams, the uncertainty favoured the defendant in the Magistrates opinion, who only levied a fine of 5s.

[Advertisement], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (10 November 1837), 2 

VINE INN, Corner of Liverpool & Harrington-streets. THOMAS SWIFT, late of Murray street . . .

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (9 November 1838), 2 

The following persons have received permission to transfer their licenses: . . . Thomas Swift, to Joseph Murphy, the Vine Tavern, Liverpool-street . . .

[Advertisement], Port Lincoln Herald [SA] (16 November 1839), 1 

T. SWIFT, TAILOR & DRAPER, respectfully informs the gentlemen and settlers of Port Lincoln, that he has commenced business in the above line . . . Happy Valley, Port Lincoln.
MRS. SWIFT, Milliner and Dress maker, begs most respectfully to offer her services to the Ladies of Port Lincoln . . . Happy Valley, Port Lincoln. November, 17, 1839.

See also "EXTRACT FROM A LETTER" [from Thomas Swift of Port Lincoln], The Egotist [Adelaide, SA] (4 June 1839), 4 

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (3 October 1840), 2 

In our last we set down the Jane Flaxman, as having come in ballast, from Port Lincoln. It appears she brought the following cargo and passengers: - 27 casks whale oil. Mr. and Mrs. Swift and familie, Mrs. Sadgrove and family, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Donnington.

[News], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (12 July 1843), 2 

On Tuesday evening last, a musical tea-party was held in Mr. Drummond's Chapel, with the view of aiding the Chapel fund of the Wesleyan New Connexion meeting in Hobson's-place, and of which Mr. Anthony Forster is at present the Minister. About one hundred and fifty persons sat down, and the exercises of the evening passed off with great satisfaction. Haydn's Hymn was sung before tea with great spirit. After tea the pieces were - "My song shall be of mercy - a duet; "Worthy the Lamb," with the Resurrection Chorus; "Comfort ye my people" &c.; Luther's Hymn, with the trumpet solo; "Oh, hold Thou me up - a duet; "Lift up your heads, oh ye gates;" and the Hallelujah Chorus and Benediction . . . About twenty musicians were engaged for the occasion, among whom were Messrs. Fooks, Edwards, Poole, Richards, Swift, Brooks, Blackham, and others. The amount realised we have not yet heard.

"LAW AND POLICE COURTS. RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Wednesday, 5th November, 1845 . . . LEE v. WYATT", Adelaide Observer (8 November 1845), 6 

The plaintiff sought to recover £3 for music provided for the Courier steamer on the occasion of a trip which had been advertised, but not performed. The defendant denied having engaged the band. John Smith, musician, had been with plaintiff to defendant's house. Lee told Wyatt that 12s. each was too little for the band, and he agreed to give £1 each. Mr. Swift, the other musician, was present. This was on Saturday. On the following Monday they went down to the Port. Through the steamer's not going they only took 12s. each. On the Sunday before the day appointed for the second trip, saw Wyatt again, who said he did not think he should go, as the weather looked cloudy, but that, if he did, he should let Lee know at nine o'clock next morning at Platts's or Stephens's. Next morning Lee called and told him the steamer was going. Witness went to the Port at nine o'clock by Bayfield's cart. Saw Mr. Wyatt, who said the weather was very queer: he was afraid he should not start. There was not the number down there that he expected. He did not tell them to go away, and they stayed all day. When they got there the steamer was preparing to start. It was two o'clock before they knew they were not to go. Lee had paid witness his £1. Cross-examined. -On the Sunday morning I do not remember your saying you would do without music if you went.
Defendant - You must remember it.
Thomas Swift confirmed the evidence of last witness, adding that, on the Monday morning of the second intended trip, he was with Lee in Mr. John Stephens's shop when a messenger came in saying that the vessel would go. Did not know who the messenger was. Had not been paid at present, but should look to Lee.
The Magistrate said the plaintiff could not recover the £1 till he had paid it.
Defendant said he had made no engagement for the second time, nor had he sent a messenger to Stephens's on the Monday.
Plaintiff said he did not know who the messenger was, but if he sent to Mr. Stephens's, no doubt the shopman would be able to say.
Defendant said he had made the arrangement that if Lee went it was on his own responsibility.
Verdict for plaintiff, £2.

ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Lee (musician); John R. Smith (musician); Charles Platts (stationer, bookseller)

[Advertisement], South Australian (18 February 1848), 2

THE public is most respectfully informed that this Theatre will be closed on Saturday evening next, and re-opened on the following Monday, Feb. 21st, 1848, under the management of
MR. LAZAR, who will have the honor of making his first appearance in Adelaide these five years . . .
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Leader, Mr. Lee; Mr. Richards (second violin); Mr. Thompson (violoncello); Mr. Kaebet (flute); Mr. Swift (tenor); Mr. Smith (double bass); Mr. Hewett (trombone); Mr. Poltridge (cornet a piston); Mr. Barnett (drum); Mr. Bennett will preside at the Pianoforte . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian (29 February 1848), 2

MISS LAZAR Begs leave most respectfully to acquaint the Public generally, that her first
GRAND EVENING CONCERT, Under the distinguished patronage of
HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR, (Who has signified his intention of honoring her with his presence),
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Leader, Mr. Lee; Mr. Richards (second violin); Mr. Thompson (violoncello); Mr. Kaebet (flute); Mr. Swift (tenor); Mr. Smith (double bass); Mr. Hewett (trombone); Mr. Poltridge (cornet a piston); Mr. Barnett (drum);
Mr. Bennett will preside at the Pianoforte.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - "Il Barbierre di Saviglia" (Rossini) - Orchestra . . .
PART II. Overture - "Massaniello" (Auber), Orchestra . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John and Rachel Lazar (actor manager and vocalist, father and daughter); Henry Augustus Richards (violin); John Charles Thompson (cello); Mr. Kaebet (flute); Mr. Hewett (trombone); Thomas Paltridge (cornet); George Bennett (piano); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (22 April 1850), 2 

MR. RICHARDS (Leader of the Orchestra,) having been for the last eight weeks confined to a bed of sickness, and now lying in a very dangerous state, in consequence of which a Wife and Four Children are placed in a very helpless situation, Mr. Lazar has consented to open the Theatre for the
BENEFIT OF MRS. RICHARDS, On Monday, April 22, Without any charge whatever, the gross proceeds to be given up to her, and upon which occasion
MR. GEORGE COPPIN, And the following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly consented to give their gratuitous services: -
Mr. Lazar, Mr. Opie, Mr. Douglass, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Welsh, Mr. Webster, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Lindon, Mr. Evans,
Mr. Chapman, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Swift, Mr. Harward, Mr. Gatland,
Miss Lazar, Mrs. Lambert, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Elmer, and Mrs. Evans.
Mr. Witton's celebrated Brass Band have very kindly offered their valuable assistance and will play several popular pieces.
The Entertainments to commence with, for the first tune, Tobin's celebrated Comedy of the HONEYMOON . . .
After which A MUSICAL MELANGE . . .
To conclude with, for the first time, a laughable Farce, called A DAY IN PARIS.
To be preceded by an Overture by the Band . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Dorothea Richards (vocalist); George Coppin (actor, vocalist); William Chapman (musician); William Harward (musician); Thomas Gatland (musician); Henry James Witton (musician)

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (14 October 1853), 3 

Instrumental Performers - Mr. Shurloe [sic, Thurlow], Mr. Lillywhite, Mr. Cobbin, Mr. Swift, Mr. Cobbin, jun., Mr. McCullagh, Mr. Walker, Mr. Tuxford, Mr. Smith, Mr. Mantegani.
Leader - Mr. Chapman . . .
PART I. 1. Overture, Massaniello - Auber - Band . . .
PART II. 1. Overture, Guy Mannering - Band . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Blackhurst (vocalist); Charles Alston Thurlow (musician); William Lillywhite (musician); William Cobbin and son (musicians); Robert McCullagh (musician); Alfred Mantegani (musician)

"DIED", South Australian Register (10 May 1854), 2 

On the 9th instant, Hannah, wife of Mr. Thomas Swift, Robe-terrace, aged 53 years.

[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (11 October 1854), 1 

MISS PETTMAN and MR. W. CHAPMAN beg to inform their friends and the public generally, that they will give a GRAND CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music on the evening of
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11th, 1854, at the PANTHEON, King William-street, for which occasion MR. P. LEE has kindly offered his services, as also the following well-known talent: . . .
Instrumentalists: 1st Violins - Mr. P. Lee and Mr. Chapman; 2nd Ditto - Mr. Wm. Cobbin, jun., and Mr. Watts; Viola - Mr. W. Cobbin, sen.;
Violincellos - Mr. J. R. Smith and Mr. Swift; Contra Bass - Mr. Betteridge; Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. McCullagh; Flutes - Mr. R. Clisby and Mr. Phillips; Oboe - Mr. Sumsion; Pianists - Mrs. Young and Mr. Linger . . .
PROGRAMME. PART 1. 1. Overture, Don Juan, Orchestra - Mozart . . .
7. The Star of the Night Valses, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert . . .
PART 2. 1. Overture, Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Orchestra - Rossini . . .
8. The Etna Galop, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Henry Betteridge (double bass); Redford Clisby (flute); Rebecca Young (piano); Carl Linger (piano)

"SUDDEN DEATH AND CORONER'S INQUEST", South Australian Register (19 June 1860), 2 

Dr. Woodforde, Coroner, held an inquest on Monday afternoon, at the Edinburgh Castle, Currie-street, to ascertain in what manner Thomas Swift came to his death. A respectable Jury of 15 was impanelled, of whom Mr. William Harvey Campbell was chosen Foreman. The Jury, after being sworn, accompanied the Coroner to view the body. On their return the following evidence was produced: -
Alfred Robinson Swift, publican, son of the deceased, deposed that his father was about 60 years of age. Last saw him at the Foundry Hotel on Friday last. He had not resided with witness for some time since. When witness saw him on Friday he said he was going to his sister's. He was in the habit of drinking very freely about 14 years ago, but had not done so latterly. Believed him to live freely, but he was not a drunkard. He had had two fits, one seven or eight years since, and another subsequently. He had been residing at Mr. Harrold's, at Hindmarsh, since he had discontinued to live with witness.
George Lewis, mariner, said he knew the deceased. Saw him that day aboat 10 o'clock, at the back of Mr. B. B. Lucas's store. He was quite sober. He appeared to be as well as ever witness had seen him.
Matthew McCullough, waterman, stated that he had seen the deceased about 2 o'clock that afternoon, and shook hands with him. He said he was very well. He was walking along West terrace in a northerly direction. He was carrying a tailor's pressing-board and a bundle. Heard about half an hour afterwards that he was dead, and saw his body brought to that public-house.
Fanny Robinson Dale, daughter of the deceased, said her father had been afflicted with two paralytic strokes. After the attacks his features were very much distorted, but he apparently recovered from the fits.
Henry Hodd, farmer - I was proceeding to Edwardstown about 1 o'clock, when I saw the deceased lying on the ground. He had been apparently proceeding in a northerly direction. Believe he was dead when I saw him. Went for a policeman, and informed him that a man was lying on the ground on West-terrace.
Abraham Wright, sergeant, said Hodd came to him about half-past 1, and informed him that a man was lying on West-terrace in a very doubtful state. Got into his cart and drove to the spot where the deceased was. A gentleman was standing by him. Felt deceased's breast, and found that the heart did not beat. He was quite warm. Believed that life had been extinct only about a minute when he arrived. Sent for Dr. Ayliffe, who came and pronounced life to be extinct. He was also very black in the face.
The Coroner thought it unnecessary to summon Dr. Ayliffe, as he had not been called to see the deceased while he was alive. His own opinion was that he died of apoplexy. His family had said he had been stricken with paralytic fits, which, and paralysis, was a sister disease to apoplexy. There are no wounds on the body to show that he had died otherwise than a natural death. The only conclusion he thought the Jury could come to was, that the deceased died by the visitation of God.
The Jury, without retiring, returned a verdict to that effect.
We may state that the deceased was a colonist of upwards of 22 years' standing.

"SUDDEN DEATH", The South Australian Advertiser (19 June 1860), 2 

An inquest was held on Monday afternoon, before Dr. Woodforde, at the Edinburgh Castle, Currie-street, on the body of Mr. Thomas Swift, musician, an old, well-known, and highly respected colonist, who was struck down that afternoon, on West-terrace, in a fit of apoplexy. Dr. Ayliffe, together with some other persons, who were near the deceased at the time, were examined, the Jury returned a verdict that the deceased died from the visitation of God.


Musician, pianist, teacher of music

Active Geelong, VIC, 1850s (shareable link to this entry)


[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (19 February 1853), 1s

MUSIC. - MR. SWIFT begs to state he still continues to give FINISHING LESSONS on the PIANO-FORTE.
Apply at his residence, Yarra Street, South Geelong, or of G. Mercer, (late J. Browne,) Stationer, &c. Market Square.
Tems, three Lessons for a guinea. Piano-Fortes tuned.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (17 March 1853), 1 supplement 

MUSIC. - MR. SWIFT begs to state he still continues to give FINISHING LESSONS on the PIANO-FORTE.
Apply at G. MERCER'S, (late J. Browne), Stationer, &c., opposite the Tank; or W. Stoneham, Yarra Street.
Balls and private Parties attended. Piano-Fortes tuned.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Stoneham (musician)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (2 July 1853), 1 supplement 

PIANOFORTE TAUGHT, and Finishing Lessons given, by Mr. SWIFT.
Balls and Private Parties attended, and a Pianoforte provided if required.
Apply at Mr. BROWN's, Stationer, Moorabool-street. Pianofortes Tuned.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (13 August 1853), 5 

For which occasion following vocalists are engaged: -
The programme includes selections from the Oratorios of the "Messiah," "Creation," "St. Paul, " &c. . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mr. Lench (vocalist)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (28 October 1853), 3 supplement 

MUSIC. MR. SWIFT begs to state he still continues to give instruction on the Pianoforte, also giving finishing lessons.
Parties attended, and an instrument furnished if required. Pianofortes tuned.
Apply at his residence, Yarra-street South, near the Barwon; or, at Mr. G. Mercer's, bookseller, Moorabool-street.
Mr. S. is disengaged Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (18 November 1853), 7 

A GRAND CONCERT will be given at the above Hall at which the following eminent Artistes will assist: -
Tenor - MR. DE COURCY. Baritone - MR. ROGERS. Baritone - MR. ALLAN. Basso - MR. LENCH.
Comic - MR. LABERNE. Pianist - MR. SWIFT . . .
PROGRAMME - PART I. Overture - Pianoforte - Mr. Swift . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: David De Courcy (vocalist); George Laberne (vocalist); John Rogers (vocalist)

? "POLICE COURT. Monday, 24th July . . . DOG NUISANCE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (25 July 1854), 4 

Charles Swift, of Yarra-street, was called upon by Mr. Henry Hitchins to answer the charge of suffering a ferocious dog to rush on him, and injure him, on the 7th of this month . . . Mr. Swift said there must be some mistake in the matter, as the only dog kept upon his premises was a diminutive animal that belonged to his son . . .

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (6 January 1855), 6 

MUSIC. - Piano-Fortes Tuned and kept in Tune for one month or quarter.
Balls and private parties attended, and instrument furnished if required.
Finishing and other lessons on the Piano.
Address Mr. SWIFT, Yarra-street, South Geelong, or A. de la Torre, Fancy Store, Moorabool-street.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (9 June 1855), 1 

MUSIC. - Mr. SWIFT begs to state he has MOVED from Yarra-street, South Geelong, to Kilgour-street (first house from Yarra-street) where he continues to give finishing and other lessons on the Piano . . .

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Geelong Advertiser (7 February 1856), 2

This evening a grand musical entertainment is announced to be given at the St. Paul's New School Room, in La Trobe Terrace, under the special patronage of the Venerable, the Archdeacon. Mr. Swift will preside at the piano, and Mr. Thomas Walton will give a short sketch of the History of Music, which he will enliven by numerous songs - amongst them, the "Death of Nelson," "Maids of Merry England," "Let's have a dance upon the heath" (Lock), "Beggar Girl," "Ah, how Sophia" (Catch), "The Spider and the Fly," "Alderman's Thumb" (glee,) &c. Mr. Walton will be aided by numerous gentlemen amateurs, who, after singing various pieces, will all join in the performance of the British National Anthem, God Save the Queen, at the conclusion of the entertainments. Mr. Waters, whose extraordinary soprano voice has on many occasions elicited the admiration and excited the astonishment of the listeners, has kindly volunteered to sing on this occasion, "Why do I Weep for thee," and "Merry, laughing girl," are the songs which he is said to have chosen for the display of his powers this evening. The charge for admission is stated at 1s; reserved seats, 2s. The whole of the proceeds to go towards the liquidation of the debt on the building.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Walton (musician); Mr. Waters (vocalist)

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Geelong Advertiser (12 February 1856), 2

The musical entertainment given by Mr. Walton, the organist of St. Paul's Church, assisted by Mr. Swift on the piano, and by several gentlemen amateurs, went off last evening with great eclat. The attendance was very numerous, notwithstanding the lowering sky and drops of threatening rain, but for which the St. Paul's School-room would probably have been more than comfortably full. The audience were in thorough good humour, and encored most of the performances; especial applause having been obtained for the song of the "Spider and the Fly," sung by Mr. Walton, and the Scotch song, "Allister McAllister," by Mr. Laurie. The extraordinary soprano voice of Mr. Waters caused some astonishment, and the "Merry Laughing Girl," and "Why do I weep for thee," sung by that gentleman, were loudly encored. The "Alderman's Thumb," sung by Messrs. Rogers, Waters, and Laurie raised the usual degree of amusement; and the first verse of "God Save the Queen" was the finale to the entertainment.

"MR. WALTON'S MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (28 March 1856), 2 

The entertainment given by Mr. Walton on Tuesday evening last, in the St. Paul's School room, in aid of the Building Fund of the School, was pretty fairly attended. Mr. Walton was assisted by other gentlemen amateurs. Mr. Swift presided at the pianoforte. Mr. Waters, whose soprano has rendered him somewhat celebrated as an amateur vocalist in this town, took part in the performances, and the audience learned with regret that it was the last time he intended appearing in public as an amateur vocalist. But for the rather remote position of St. Paul's, there would no doubt have been a much larger attendance.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (9 August 1856), 1 

PIANOFORTE. - Mr. Swift, Pianoforte teacher and tuner, Kiernan's Cottages, Kilgour-street.

NOTE: Swift is not listed in the Geelong directory (1856)

SWINNERTON, John Jesse (John Jesse SWINNERTON; John J. SWINERTON [sic]; Mr. SWINERTON [sic])

Amateur and semi-professional musician, vocalist, banjo player, minstrel serenader, wood turner

Born Liverpool, Lancaster, England, 31 August 1830; baptised St. David's, Liverpool, 6 April 1851; son of William SWINNERTON and Ann FONT
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 14 August 1853 (per Theoxena, from New York)
Married Mary HULBERT (1834-1919), St. John's church, Melbourne, VIC, 12 September 1857 (BDM VIC)
Departed for Auckland, NZ, 1865
Died Christchurch, NZ, 17 September 1894, aged "64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


England census, 30 March 1851, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool; UK National Archives, HO107/2182/176/84 (PAYWALL)

Back Court Rupert Place No 1 / William Swinnerton / Head / Mar. / 53 / Wood Turner / [born] Chester
Fanny Swinnerton / Wife / Mar. / 47 / - / [born] Whitehaven Cumberland
John J. Swinnerton / Son / Unm. / 20 / Wood Turner / [born] L'pool Lancester
Joseph Swinnerton / Son / Umn. / 11 / Scholar / [born L'pool Lancester]

Baptisms solemnized at St. David's church in the parish of Liverpool in the county of Lancaster in the year 1851; register 1827-51, page 198; Liverpool Record Office, 283 DAV/2/1 (PAYWALL)

No. 1579 / [1851] April 6th / Born March 7th 1828 / William son of / William & Ann / Swinnerton / Rupert Place / Wood Turner . . .
No. 1580 / [1851] April 6th / Born August 31 1830 / John Jesse son [of] William & Ann / Swinnerton / Rupert Place / Wood Turner . . .

Passengers per City of Washington, arrived at New York, NY, 5 August 1851, from Liverpool, England; USA National Archives, M237, RG36 (PAYWALL)

. . . John J. Swinnerton / 21 / Labourer . . .

List of passengers who have arrived at the Port of Melbourne, on the [14] August 1853 from New York on board the Theoxena; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Fred'k Dixon / 1 [married male] / American
James Brice / 1 [married male // Mrs. Brice / [both] American . . .
John J. Swinerton / 1 [unmarried] Male / British
Charles Scott / 1 [unmarried] Male / British . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Dixon (minstrel); James Brice (minstrel); Charles Scott (minstrel)

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 September 1853), 8 

CROWTHER'S Rooms, Terpsichorean Hall, Every night this week. Barlow's Sable Minstrels:
Messrs. Barlow, Brice, Sivorini, Scott, Dixon, and Swinerton . . .
Mr. Dixon will sing the New and Popular song of Poor Uncle Tom, founded on incidents in Mrs. Stowe's work of Uncle Tom's Cabin . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Crowther (dancing master); Robert Barlow (vocalist, musician); Jacques Paltzer (violinist); Terpsichorean Hall (Melbourne venue)

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (29 September 1855), 3 

[News], Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (3 August 1866), 3 

The Newton Total Abstinence Society continues to hold its weekly meetings. On Wednesday evening last the attendance was very good . . . The choir sang "Good Old Jeff" . . . Song, "Toll the Bell," by Mr. Swinnerton, which was well rendered and heartily received . . .

[News], New Zealand Herald [Auckland, NZ] (14 September 1866), 4 

The Newton Total Abstinence Society held their weekly meeting on Wednesday evening last . . . Master A. Hemus sang "Free Contentment" . . . "Lord Hardwick's March," upon the harmonium, by Mr. Lambett, and banjo, Mr. Swinnerton . . .

"NEWTON HALL", New Zealand Herald (10 August 1867), 4 

[Advertisement], New Zealand Herald (6 April 1868), 1 

[News], Star [Christchurch, NZ] (17 September 1894), 3 

A man named John Jesse Swinnerton, sixty-four years of age, died suddenly this morning. Deceased was a wood-turner and carver, and resided in Auckland, having come here on a visit to his brother, Mr. Joseph Swinnerton. He was out with his wife in Addington, and when passing the cemetery complained of pains in his chest, and went into the cemetery for a rest. He had not gone far from the gate, when he fell and expired immediately. Deceased had been suffering from heart disease for some time. The body was removed to the Southern Cross Hotel.

SYKES, George (George SYKES)

Musician, band instructor, bandsman Band of the 11th Regiment

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 October 1845 (per Castle Eden, from Deptford, 19 July)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 23 October 1857 (for England) (shareable link to this entry)


Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1846; Australian Joint Copying Project, from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 1277 / Sykes George / . . . Band

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment (military)

Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1857; Australian Joint Copying Project, from records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)

PRIVATES . . . 1277 / Sykes George / . . . Band

"OLD SYDNEY . . . (BY 'OLD CHUM'), Truth (30 January 1910), 11 

N.S. kindly writes: - . . . "There were two brass bands at St. Benedict's, started by Father Corish - one about 1854, the other about 1858-9. Bass Hodge, Dick Seymour, and a man named Sykes were the intructors of the first band; and a Dutchman named Van de Stadt was Organist at St. Benedict's and bandmaster of the second band . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Andrew Corish (clergyman); Sebastian Hodge (musician, bandsman 11th Regiment); Richard Seymour (musician, bandsman 11th Regiment); St. Benedict's church (Parramatta-road [Broadway])

"OLD SYDNEY . . . (BY 'OLD CHUM')", Truth (13 February 1910), 11 

. . . I am favored with two interesting letters from Mr. Conlon, one under date January 24, 1910, as follows:- . . . According to your correspondent, the first band he speaks of was started in 1854. I was then at school, and I was the principal messenger, selected to take the band instruments to be repaired. I had to take them to a musical instrument maker named William James, who lived in Domain Terrace, off Macquarie-street, city, and to the Victoria Barracks, Paddington (where the 11th Regiment, under Colonel Bloomfield, was then quartered) twice a week. I was selected for this duty, as I knew the town well . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde (columnist, "Old Chum"); Michael Joseph Conlon (correspondent, former bandsman)

SYMMONS, Charles Augustus John (Charles Augustus John SYMMONS)

Amateur musician, pianist, choirmaster, indigenous language and culture reporter

Born London, England, 9 July 1804; baptised St. James, Paddington, 6 August 1804; son of John SYMMONS and Elizabeth Mary ?
Married Joanna ELLIOT, St. Pancras, London, 17 November 1825
Arrived WA, 12 December 1839 (per Jean, from London, end of July)
Died Leschenault, WA, 18 October 1887, in his 84th year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)

SYMMONS, Joanna (Joanna ELLIOT; Mrs. Charles SYMMONS)

Amateur musician, pianist, conductor, soprano vocalist

Born England, c. 1800
Married Charles Augustus John SYMMONS, St. Pancras, London, 17 November 1825
Arrived WA, 12 December 1839 (per Jean, from London, end of July)
Died Perth, WA, 16 September 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

SYMMONS, Ellen Mary Elizabeth (Ellen Mary Elizabeth SYMMONS; Mrs. George Cunninghame MEIKLEHAM)

Amateur vocalist

Born London, England, 17 March 1826; baptised St. Pancras, 28 April 1826; daughter of Charles Augustus John SYMMONS and Joanna ELLIOT
Arrived WA, 12 December 1839 (per Jean, from London, end of July)
Married George Cunninghame MEIKLEHAM, St. George, Perth, WA, 8 August 1845 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Summary (after Conole):

Symmons arrived in WA in late 1839 with his wife Joanna (nee Elliot) and their family, as Protector of Natives, a post he retained until the early 1850s. He and like-minded officials helped compile and publish (1842) the first WA aboriginal language dictionary. Apart from being a major lay benefactor of the Church of England in WA and a prominent colonial public official, Symmons proved to be an important figure in local social and cultural life for decades. In his personal life, he was a convivial and good-hearted man. He was also a fine musician and served as the first choirmaster of St. Georges Church in Perth, in office 1845-53.


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. James, Paddington, 1804; register 1655-1812; London Metropolitan Arcgives (PAYWALL)

August 6 / Charles Augustus John son of John and Elizabeth Mary Symmons born July 9 1804
Memorandum - The Rt. Hon'ble Augustus Earl of Ludlow and the Rt. Hon'ble Charles Francis Greville were the Godfathers of this Child and Miss Lucy Hingston of South Place Kennington Surry was the Godmother

Marriges solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras in the county of Middlesex, in the year [1825]; register 1824-28, page 295; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 801 / Charles Augustus John Symmons of the parish of Paddington, Bachelor
and Joanna Elliot of this Parish were married in the Church by License . . . this [17 November 1825] . . . In the Presence of Thos. Elliot, Susanna Elliot

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1826; register 1823-26, page 445; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 559 / [April] 28th / Ellen Mary Elizabeth / [daughter of] Charles John Augustus [sic] & Joanna / Symmons / Tottenham Court / Gent. / [born] 17 March 1826

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVAL", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (14 December 1839), 198 

On the 12th instant, the Jean, Captain Clark, from London. General cargo. Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and family.

[Editorial], The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (14 December 1839), 198 

The Jean, 200 tons, from London, so long expected, has at length arrived, but we regret to perceive she has only a small number of passengers . . . C. Simmons, Esq., and Dr. Wilson, have been appointed Superintendents or Protectors of the Natives in this colony; the expense of this establishment to be defrayed from the Parliamentary fund. The services of these gentlemen, if properly directed, may be found very useful. Not having any particulars of the nature of their commission, we must withhold any further expression of opinion upon this appointment for the present. Rumour states that the parliamentary grant for the colony has been increased to meet the necessary charge for this additional assistance in watching over and protecting the aborigines of this colony. The gentlemen appointed will find they have no easy task to perform, more particularly if their hands are tied by home instructions, where total ignorance must prevail of our position with the natives. The English news by this arrival, up to the end of July . . .

[Notice], The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (28 December 1839), 208 

THE Right Honorable the Secretary of State for the Colonies has been pleased to appoint Mr. Charles Symmons to the office of Protector of Aborigines in Western Australia.

"Performance of Sacred Music", Inquirer (14 May 1845), 1

A selection of Sacred Music, in aid of the funds for the purchase of an organ, or other suitable instrument, was performed in Saint George's Church, Perth, on Wednesday last, greatly to the delight and satisfaction of a very numerous and respectable audience. This being the first performance of the kind ever held in this colony, some doubts had been expressed, first, as to the capabilities of the performers to give to this peculiar style of music its proper effect; and second, as to whether the performance, so novel to most of our community, would prove sufficiently attractive. We are rejoiced to be able to say that both these doubts are now removed. The ladies and gentlemen who so kindly gave their services on the occasion, proved themselves to be fully equal to their self-imposed task, and indeed many of them would be heard with real pleasure by a much more critical and fastidious audience than our own. The choruses, too, were given with a strength and volume that surpassed our utmost expectation, and any deficiency in this respect (appreciable only by those who have listened to the mighty choirs assembled elsewhere upon these occasions) was counterbalanced by the precision and regularity with which the several parts were taken up - a matter much more easily accomplished with 20 voices than with 500.

The choir was composed entirely of amateurs, who offered to their fellow colonists a highly intellectual entertainment . . . The performance commenced with a symphony for four hands, on the subject of the Hallelujah chorus from Beethoven's Mount of Olives, which was admirably played by Mrs. and Miss Symmons. This was followed by a noble Sanctus by Dr. Carnaby . . . The next was a duett of Beethoven's, from the subject of his 4th symphony, breathing the true spirit of devotion, and instinct with the characteristic beauties of that great master of song. It was most feelingly executed by Mrs. and Miss Symmons . . . This was followed by that majestic piece of recitative from the Messiah, "Comfort ye my people," &c, which, together with the accompanying air "Every valley," was sung, greatly to the delight of the audience, by Mr. Schoales . . . The concluding chorus "And the glory of the Lord," was given in full choir, with great spirit and regularity. These performances were succeeded by a duett by Blake, "Thou shalt show me the path of Life," which we do not remember to have heard before. It was a simple, pleasing melody, charmingly sung by Mrs. Maycock and Miss A. Trigg.

The celebrated air "Let the bright Seraphim," from Handel's Oratorio of "Samson," was next sung in first-rate style by Mrs. Symmons, feelingly accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Leake. We missed Harper's trumpet obligato, but in other respects there was little to desire. The well-known air and chorus "Sound the loud Timbrel," followed, both of which were done ample justice to by Miss Symmons, and the choir. A most lovely terzetto by Sarti, succeeded, enchantingly sung by Mrs. and Miss Symmons, and Mr. Schoales; and the first part closed with Handel's celebrated Coronation Anthem "Zadok the Priest," &c., given with startling emphasis, and beautiful effect, by the choir at large.

The second part opened with the pastoral symphony from the Messiah; followed by the affecting recitative, "There were shepherds, abiding in the field," admirably sung by Mrs. Symmons; together with the majestic and awe inspiring chorus "Glory to God," which was done by the choir in a manner which showed the performers to be fully sensible of its solemn beauties. This was succeeded by Handel's celebrated recitative and air, from Judas Maccabaeus, "Sound an alarm!" which was sung in capital style by Mr. Symmons, whose noble voice was well calculated to give to it the proper bravura effect.

Next followed the magnificent Benedictus from Mozart's requiem, very admirably sung by Mrs. and Miss Symmons, Mr. Schoales, and Mr. Macfaull. To nine-tenths of the audience, this must have been entirely new, as, from the nature and subject of its composition, this requiem has been very rarely performed in England - at least in public, by professionals. We have had the pleasure of hearing the entire requiem twice in our lives, and we only regret that all our readers are not likely to experience the same happiness. The Benedictus was followed by a chorus from the "Te Deum," by Graun, succeeded by that enchanting duett from Judas Maccabaeus, "O lovely peace," which was given with surpassing excellence by Miss and Mrs. Symmons. If it be permitted, or possible, to single out particular beauties where all was so lovely, we should say that this was the gem of the evening. We have heard the same duett many times, and we can honestly declare that we never heard it sung with more exquisite taste and feeling; the accompaniment, too, was most delightfully played throughout by Mrs. Leake, forming altogether the greatest musical treat we have had for many years.

The next was an exquisite air, and trio, of Fitzpatrick's, "Father of Mercy," very beautifully sung by Mrs. Maycock, Miss A. Trigg, and Mr. G. Nash . . . Luther's Hymn, air, and chorus, with an obligato accompaniment on the cornet a piston, by Mr. Irby, was admirably performed; and the whole was very judiciously concluded with the Hallelujah chorus from the "Messiah," which was given with a triumphant volume of tone that could not have been anticipated from so small a choir . . . In consequence of many persons having been prevented from attending the performance on Wednesday last, the choir have come to the determination of repeating it this evening . . . We have heard some talk of celebrating the approaching 1st of June with a concert of secular music, to be performed in the Court house; the receipts to be applied to the same purpose as those from the late performance. We hope that this intention will be carried out . . .

ASSOCIATIONS (local): John Schoales (vocalist); Mary Ann Leake (pianist, accompanist); Eliza Maycock (vocalist); Amelia Trigg (vocalist); Charles MacFaull (vocalist); Mr. Irby (cornet); George Nash (vocalist)

ASSOCIATIONS (English): Thomas Harper (English trumpeter)

"MARRIED", Inquirer (13 August 1845), 2

On the 8th instant, at St. George's Church, Perth, Western Australia, by the Rev. J. B. Wittenoom, Colonial Chaplain, George Cuninghame Meikleham, Esq., M. D., 51st King's Own Light Infantry, to Ellen Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Charles Symmons, Esq., Protector of Aborigines, and granddaughter of the late John Symmons, Esq., of Ewhurst Park, Hants, and Paddington House, Middlesex.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Burdett Wittenoom (clergyman, musical amateur)

[News], The Perth Gazette (18 April 1846), 2

The Concert in aid of the funds for the purchase of a suitable instrument for St. George's Church, took place at the Court House, on Wednesday last. The performance went off with great precision and effect, evincing the great care and attention which had been bestowed on the practice. The selection of the various pieces which were introduced in the course of the evening, was excellent, and the style of execution brought forth bursts of applause from the auditory. Mr. Stone made his flute discourse most eloquent music; indeed the portions of music allotted to him were the most striking and distinguished in the programme of the evening. To the Conductor, Mrs. Symmons who, had a most arduous task imposed upon her, that of accompanying every piece and taking a part in each performance, the public are greatly indebted for the trouble and pains she has taken, as well as to the gentlemen who lent their assistance to promote this desirable object, and we hope the encouragement given on this occasion, will be a sufficient incentive to insure to us an early repetition of this gratifying entertainment.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Hawes Stone (flautist)

"Swan River Mechanics' Institute", The Perth Gazette (23 May 1852), 3

ON Wednesday evening last, Mr. W. D. Williams delivered a very interesting Lecture to the Members of the above Institute. The subject was the Analysis of Light and its application to Sciences, being a continuation of his course of Lectures on Optics. Mrs. Fitz Gerald and party honored the Lecturer and the Institute with being present; but from a ball being given that evening by Mr. and Mrs. Symmons, and one or two other inopportune circumstances, the room was not so crowded as on former occasions . . .

"Died", The Inquirer and Commercial News (22 September 1858), 2 

At Perth, Western Australia, on Thursday, the 16th inst., JOANNA, wife of CHARLES SYMMONS, Esq.

"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Inquirer (20 January 1869), 3

. . . There are still many among us who remember the charming concerts given long since in Perth, and to which Mr. and Mrs. Symmons, Mr. Wittenoom, Mr. Stone, Mr. Schoales, Mr. Lochée, Mr. H. de Burgh, and Mrs. Maycock contributed their great and varied talents . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Burdett Wittenoom (amateur); Alfred Lochee (amateur); Henry Burgh (amateur)

"DEATH", The West Australian (22 October 1887), 3

SYMMONS - At Leschenault, on the 18th October, CHARLES SYMMONS, in his eighty fourth year.


. . . On the arrival of Mr. Symmons in the colony he found it in the strange state of stagnation which ensued between the return of Sir James Stirling in 1835, and the establishment of the Western Australian Company in 1840-1 . . . Not highly paid . . . he lived frugally. Well read, observant, quaint, humorous, and a gentleman; a welcome guest, a genial host, with a well stored memory, he was always a favourite with his compeers. Latterly, deafness and the infirmities of age, beset him. He died at least in comfort, and not forgotten . . .

Published works:

"Grammatical introduction to the study of the Aboriginal language of Western Australia" (". . . October 8th, 1841"), in The Western Australian Almanack . . . 1842 (Perth: Edited and printed by C. MacFaull, [1842]), [appendix 1-24] (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

Bibliography and resources:

Peter Conole, "A colonial law man: Charles Symmons (1804-1887)"; Western Australian Police Historical Society 

Charles Augustus John Symmons, Find a grave 

SYMONDS, William (William SYMONDS, ? senior and junior)

Musical amateurs, fiddler and songwriter

Active Goulburn, NSW, by 1845; to 1861 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


? "CALIFORNIA", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (16 March 1850), 4 

The following letter has been handed to us for publication by the writer's father, Mr. Symonds, late of the post-office, Goulburn. His son left this colony about nine months ago by the "Elizabeth Archer" for San Francisco:
San Francisco; Jan. 3, 1850.
Dear Father, - I take this opportunity of writing by Mr. Bowden, a shipmate of mine, who is returning to Sydney, not being able to do any good here. I am, thank God, in the enjoyment of excellent health just now, but have been very ill with the dysentry. I am doing very little good just now - we arrived in the bad time of the year, and without a cent in the world. I pray that you or none of the family will attempt to come out here, for I don't know what you would do; you would have to go to work at labouring work - there is no such thing as getting a clerk's situation . . . however, I manage to get a living, and that is all, and which I could do in Goulburn and have more comfort with it. Here there is nothing but misery, only that I depend on the mines next summer I would not stop a day longer in this country . . . I am keeping a diary of every thing, and intend to come back, please God, some time next winter, so you may expect me. I have written before, but I understand that no mail has been from here to Sydney for nine months, through the negligence of the captains of vessels, so you must not be surprised if you do not hear from me for some time . . . In haste - the man is waiting - love to all; excuse haste.

"ORIGINAL POETRY", Goulburn Herald (20 April 1861), 4 

AIR: - The von oss shay.

Come lads and lasses all -
Married, single, short and tall -
I'm going to sing a song about the old times, O!
The way we used to do,
And depend your life 'tis true,
When I lived in Goulburn township about ten years ago.

We were all like fathers, mothers,
Sisters, uncles, aunts, and brothers,
So friendly linked together and so happy, O!
Into each other's house we'd walk
Without fuss, or rap, or talk.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Then we'd sit, and laugh and sing,
Or some funny yarn we'd spin,
Or we'd clear away the tables for the dancing, O!
'Twas hands across and down the middle,
To Billy's [1] tune upon his fiddle.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Such spouting and such glitter
At our amateur theatre;
'Twas the source of much amusement to the people. O!
Such laughter, shouts and screams,
And such larks behind the scenes.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

There was Bob [2] in tartan plaid,
And, no trousers on, by gad,
While acting Norval in the play of Douglas, O!
He'd stamp and roar with might and main,
You'd ha' thought he was insane.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Then Griff, [3] in stage boots, thought
That Lord Ronald was his forte;
But his ravings used to frighten all the people so,
With big moustache and feathered hat -
He looked as fierce as any rat.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Young Todd, in curls so smart,
Used to takle a female's part.
One night while playing [4] Peggy nearly fainted, O!
While with Jerry having a tussel,
On the stage he dropped his bustle.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Little supers with lapels,
And swords as long near as themselves,
They used to make such gross mistakes, the gawkies, O!
If Macbeth they were told to scruff,
Why, they'd spifflicate Macduff.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Then such songs, comic and love,
At our philharmonic club,
We'd sing so blithe, and noblerise till daylight, O!
Then wind up with Billy's stunner,
"Crikey, don't I love my Mother."
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Such delightful balls and suppers,
And such jolly, social buffers;
Such flirting, dancing, courting, and such kissing, O!
Such lots of pretty gals,
In their frills and fal-de-rals.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Such pic-nics and such routs,
Turkeys, hams and bottled stout;
Folks in gigs, carts full of tarts, and music, O!
We'd come home all singing glees,
With the girls upon our knees.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Then our Goulburn cricket club
But I must give that a rub.
The Radicals once sent us in a challenge, O!
We went out and made such hits;
But, lor! they licked us into fits.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Since we've commenced for gold to dig,
Small folks have got so big;
There's nought but craving, grinding, and such grasping, O!
At all sports they make grimaces,
For their hearts are in their purses.
Ah, Goulburn's nothing like it used to be some ten years ago.

Now I've sung my song at last,
Of the good old time that's past,
And I leave you all to judge which is the best of them, O!
The times as you now see,
Or the times that used to be,
When I lived in Goulburn township about ten years ago.

W. S.

[1] Mr. W. Symonds, junior. [2] Mr. Robert McGowan. [3] Mr. Griffin. [4] In Raising the Wind.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert McGowan (actor); Goulburn Philharmonic Society (organisation)

SYMONS, Annette (Annette Harriet Elizabeth SPENCER; Annette SPENCER; Mrs. William SYMONS)

Musician, pianist, teacher of the pianoforte, governess

Born England, c. 1806
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 March 1826 (per Toward Castle, from London, 17 August 1825, via Hobart Town)
Married William SYMONS (1782-1852), Sydney, NSW, 27 March 1827
Departed Sydney, NSW, 25 September 1827 (per Lang, for Europe, via Hobart Town)
Died London, England, 1847 (first quarter) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


In England in 1825, Margaret Campbell, colonial-born wife of the Sydney merchant Robert Campbell junior, engaged Annette Spencer as a governess. Spencer, probably then aged about 19, has been fulfilling a similar role in the family of Joanna Powell, wife of Alexander Powell, and daughter of George Henry Law, the bishop of Bath and Wells. However, she had been in poor health, and Campbell convinced there that she would benefit from the better climate of NSW.

With Margaret Campbell, Spencer sailed from London in August 1825 for Sydney on the Toward Castle. Campbell found conditions on the ship were less than ideal, and, on arrival in Sydney, her husband sued the captain, Robert Jeffrey, for failing to provide the contracted services. The Campbells also evidently encouraged Spencer to sue Jeffery for making slanderous accusations against her of misconduct during the voyage with his third mate, William Symons. The court found in Jeffery's favour in the first case, but against him in the second, and awarded Spencer damages of £50, significantly less than £1000 originally claimed, but equal, nevertheless, to a whole year's salary.

By late 1826 or early 1827, Spencer had apparently left the Campbells' household (their youngest daughter, Agnes Sarah, had died, aged 5, on 13 December), after which she set up in Sydney as a teacher of pianoforte, her pupils including two local 16-year-olds, Charlotte Hall, daughter of Edward Smith Hall of the Monitor, and Martha Terry, daughter of the merchant Samuel Terry. In June, William was appointed a tide-waiter in the department of customs.

In Sydney on 27 March 1827, Spencer and William Symons (a widower, aged 45) were married by John Dunmore Lang, and on 25 September they sailed for Europe. In their absence, in early October, they took Samuel Terry to court for failure to pay for his daughter Martha's piano lessons, and were awarded £3 3s damages and costs.

A daughter, Frances Agnes Symons (from 1855 Mrs. J. S. W. Wootton), was baptised at Falmouth, Cornwall, on 20 February 1835. In the 1841 census, Annette, aged 25, and daughter Fanny, aged 6, were living with a schoolmaster and his wife in Dartford, Kent, apparently while William was at sea. The death of Ann Annette Harriet Elizabeth Symons was recorded in the City of London in the first quarter of 1847. Having recently remarried, William, aged 68, and a commander with the Royal Mail Steamship company, was living with his family in Plymouth on the night of the 1851 census. As fully reported in the Australian press, the Royal Mail steam-ship Amazon was destroyed by fire in the bay of Biscay in January 1852, with loss of almost all hands, including the captain, William Symons.


"Ship News", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (10 February 1826), 2 

Arrived on Tuesday last the ship Toward Castle, Captain Robert Jeffrey, from Portsmouth the 17th August, Madeira the 14th Sept., and the Cape of Good Hope the 21st Dec. She put into Simons Bay, inconsequence of springing a leak on the passage. - Cargo, sundries. - Passengers . . . Mrs. Campbell (wife of Robert Campbell, Esq. jun. Merchant, of Sydney), Miss Spencer, governess, and Elizabeth Hague, servant . . .

"ARRIVALS and other NEWS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 March 1826), 1 extra 

THIS MORNING, to the Gratification of the Public, arrived the long expected ship TOWARD CASTLE, Captain Jeffrey, with a cargo of sundries. She left London the 17th August . . . . Passengers from England . . . Mrs. Campbell, wife of R. Campbell, jun. Esq. . . . Miss Spencer . . .

"SUPREME COURT (Monday) CAMPBELL v. JEFFERY", The Australian (3 May 1826), 3 

Mr. Wentworth opened the pleadings. This was an action of assumpsit, brought by Mr. Robert Campbell, jun., a merchant of this town, against the defendant, who is the Commander the Toward Castle, now lying in harbour. The declaration contained four special counts; the substance of which was, that plaintiff took a passage on board the Toward Castle, when in the port of London, to convey plaintiffs' wife, a child, & governess, and female servant to this Colony; for which passage a consideration had been given defendant had undertaken to provide his passengers with proper accommodation on board the vessel, a sufficiency of provisions, and kind treatment during said voyage; which contract, it was now alleged, he had failed to perform . . . Miss Harriet Eliza Spencer [sic] - accompanied Mrs. Campbell from England to this Colony in the Toward Castle . . . . . . at the Cape . . . Mr. Simmons, who was in charge of the boat then waiting at the water tide . . .

"Supreme Civil Court", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 May 1826), 3 

. . . Miss Elizabeth Spencer [sic] examined - Witness came out with Mrs. Campbell from England, on board the Toward Castle . . . Mr. Simmonds, the third officer, hired a boat for Mrs. Campbell and witness . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Margaret Campbell, wife Robert Campbell junior (merchant)

"SUPREME COURT (Wednesday) ACTION FOR DEFAMATION. Spencer v. Jeffery", The Australian (6 May 1826), 3-4 

The Acting Chief Justice took his seat on the bench this morning at about half past ten. Gregory Blaxland and Alexander Berry, Esqs. were appointed to assess the cause; the damages of which were laid at £1000, Mr. Wentworth opened the case. The present was an action for words spoken by defendant, who was master of the ship Toward Castle, with intent to injure the reputation of plaintiff, a lady who had come passenger from England in the above ship, and in the capacity of governess to the children of a Mrs. Campbell, in whose presence, as well as that of a Mr. Simmons, the third officer of defendant ship, the alleged slanderous words were spoken . . .

Mrs. Campbell examined - Plaintiff is employed by Mrs. C. as governess. Mrs. C. was in London in April 1825; was anxious to engage a governess for her children. Miss Spencer was in the latter capacity, at that time, residing with Mrs. Powell, the lady of the bishop of Bath and Wells. Mrs. Campbell visited the latter lady, who spoke in the highest terms of plaintiff's character and acquirements. Miss Spenser had been but a short time with Mrs. Powell, and was in very bad health. The Bishop's residence was situated in a bleak part of the country, and did not at all agree with plaintiff. Her ill-health was the only cause of wishing to leave Mrs. Powell. Plaintiff had lived with Mrs. Colonel Macgregor for 5 years' who requested her sister, Mrs. Elliard, upon Colonel Macgregor and herself embarking for India, to patronise Miss Spenser as she deserved. Mrs. Campbell wrote to Mrs. Elliard, who was then at Newark on the subject of plaintiff, received an answer by return of post highly recommendatory of Miss S . . . Mrs. Campbell was anxious to engage plaintiff from the flattering terms in first which Mrs. Elliard had spoken of her. The years' salary was fixed at £50, and paid in advance; £60 plaintiff was to receive the second year, if she preferred continuing with witness. Miss S. received a higher salary from Mrs. Powell; but thought, with witness, that a change of climate would prove favorable to her health. Witness embarked with Miss S. in the ship Toward Castle . . . [4] . . .

The learned Judge commented on the various bearings of the case. It comprised several counts. In the first, plaintiff is spoken of in her capacity of governess, when defendant acquaints Mrs. Campbell that Miss Spencer, her governess, received visits from his third mate, which, if true, could not fail to prejudice her very materially in Mrs. Campbell's estimation, The young lady had left England under Mrs. Campbell's protection, with an unsullied reputation - in a capacity, the just discharge of which must require the nicest feelings of honor and morality. Her's would be the task of imparting improving and moral, instruction - of moulding and directing the youthful mind in the paths of strict propriety. She undertakes the voyage then with a constitution impaired by sickness, and entitled to more than ordinary care - to the care of Mrs. Campbell, who considered, and wished her to be considered, as forming a part of her own family. Holding so important a situation then as governess to the children of Mrs. Campbell, it would have been a praiseworthy action to have acquainted the latter lady with any levity observable in the conduct of her governess immediately upon its occurring, but what does the defendant? - He does not adopt this latter course - but he keeps Mrs. Campbell in total ignorance of what it was affirmed he had heard from two of the passengers, until the ship's arrival at Madeira . . .

A woman's feelings, the feelings of a tender female, are in general of too sensitive a nature to be lightly sported with. In this country more particularly, the calumnies circulated against plaintiff, could admit of but one construction, and that construction could not fail to sink her in the estimation of the world. - To a civilized female, in any part of the globe, a fair reputation is an inestimable possession. It is a jewel, whose lustre should not be sullied by the blighting breath of calumny, nor parted with on trifling terms. His Honor would recommend, the assessors to be guided by the evidence which they had heard that day, and if they were of his opinion that defendant's charges were without foundation, they would find a verdict for the plaintiff; if on the contrary, for the defendant - proportioning the amount of damages to the injury, which plaintiff's reputation must have incurred from them. After consulting for about a quarter of an hours, the assessors returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages Fifty Pounds. Plaintiff's Counsel moved that the verdict be upon the fourth count. Granted.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joanna Powell, wife of Alexander Powell, and daughter of George Henry Law, the bishop of Bath and Wells

"Shipping Intelligence . . . Departures", The Monitor (27 September 1827), 7

On Tuesday . . . Lang for Hobart Town, to load for London. Passengers in the latter ship, Mr. and Mrs. Symons for Europe . . .

"COURT OF REQUESTS, FRIDAY, OCT. 5. Symons and Annette his wife v. Samuel Terry", The Monitor (8 October 1827), 7

The plaintiffs had lately been resident in Sydney, but were now on their passage to England. Mrs. Symons, previously to her marriage (which took place in the Colony the latter part of last March) had given a quarter's tuition in musick to Miss Martha Terry, daughter of the defendant. The latter had been repeatedly called on to pay the amount charged (three guineas sterling), and had evaded payment, first, by saying he would settle it when convenient; but finally he denied all knowledge of his daughter's having been a pupil of Mrs. Symons, but acknowledged that he had heard that she had visited Mrs. S. as a young friend, when it was probable they might amuse each other with a tune on the piano; but as to receiving lessons, he knew nothing of it.

The Rev. W. Horton deposed, that he and Mrs. Horton had been intimate with Mrs. Symons, as well before her marriage as subsequently, and had heard somewhere, that Miss Terry was a pupil of Mrs. S. but did not know it of his own knowledge. The Rev. Ralph Mansfield deposed that Mrs. Mansfield and himself had also been intimate with Mrs. Symons previously, as well as subsequently to her marriage. Mrs. Mansfield one day expressed her gratification to him, Mr. M., that Miss Terry was added to the number of her, Miss Spencer's, (now Mrs. Symons) pupils; but he did not know of his own knowledge that the young lady had been a pupil of Miss Spencer, except from Miss S. herself, at the time. On being asked the nature of the conversation he had had with Miss S. on this subject, Mr. Terry, the defendant, objected to such a question being put. The attorney for Mr. Symons observed to the Commissioner, the ungracious part Mr. Terry was acting. Although his daughter had been regularly subpaened to appear that morning, Mr. Terry would not allow her to come, knowing, as he did, that the plaintiffs could only, by her evidence, prove their case with that distinctness which was desirable. What species of labour was more deserving the consideration of that Court, than the teaching of accomplishments by females, situated, as Miss Spencer had been, whose support in a strange country depended on the honour of her pupils, or of their parents, in paying her her just demands? He, therefore, trusted the Court would give a latitude to his questions to witnesses in this case, seeing it was not possible Miss Spencer could have foreseen that so wealthy a man as Mr. Terry would refuse to pay three guineas for the instruction of his only daughter. For, if Miss Spencer had really repeatedly explained to her friends, at the time, such as the two Reverend Gentlemen and their ladies, that she now numbered Miss Terry among her pupils, such testimony, under the circumstances of Mr. Terry refusing that his daughter should obey the authority of that Court, ought, in his opinion, to be received by that Court, as a Court of Conscience. The Commissioner agreed, at all events, that the question should be put, but he would put it himself, Mr. Mansfield then distinctly proved, that Miss Terry had been a pupil of Miss Spencer, and afterwards of Mrs. Symons, according to the testimony of the latter, made to him at the time she was teaching Miss Terry, (viz. from March 5 to June 5 of the present year).

Mr. Terry then cross-examined Mr. Mansfield at some length, and elicited the following particulars. That after Miss Spencer left the family with whom she had come out from England in the capacity of governess, he, Mr. T. had had some conversation with Mr. Mansfield, as to some reports which affected the character of Miss Spencer. And that Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield being present, at dinner on the day Miss Spencer was married, and seeing Miss Terry then, he, Mr. Mansfield, had concluded that Mr. Terry was by that time quite satisfied as to the correctness of Miss Spencer's conduct. (The Commissioner here remarked, that they were not trying the moral character of either the plaintiffs or the defendant, though, with regard to that of one of the plaintiffs, Miss Spencer, now Mrs. Symons, the circumstance of her having been visited all along, as well before as after her marriage, by Mrs. Mansfield, was quite sufficient to satisfy his mind as to her character.)

On his being further cross-examined by the defendant, Mr. Mansfield was of opinion that Miss Spencer, she being, in his opinion, inclined to benevolence, would teach the daughter of a person in decayed circumstances without charge, even though she were herself, at the time, in a sickly state of health. Miss Charlotte Hall deposed to her having been a pupil of Miss Spencer, and subsequently of Mrs. Symons; but that she received her tuition in a morning, whereas Miss Terry attended to receive her lessons in an evening. But it so happened that, at two several times, Miss Terry casually mentioned to the witness, that she was taking lessons on the piano of Miss Spencer.

Mr. Terry, in his defence, called on Mrs. Smith. (This person is the wife of a respectable shop-keeper in Pitt-street, who is one of the deacons of the church under the charge of the Rev. R. Mansfield and W. Horton.) Mrs. S. deposed, that previously to Miss Spencer's marriage she had lodged in her house. Witness was present when Miss Terry first called and conversed with Miss Spencer about her terms for teaching the pianoforte. Miss Terry called for the next two months in an evening, and went up stairs to Miss Spencer; but whether to drink tea, or to practise music, witness could not positively swear. Used to hear the instrument being played upon. Never saw Miss Terry go upstairs more than six or seven times, but as witness was often employed in the back part of the premises, Miss Terry might have called and gone up stairs a great many time more than six or seven, without witness seeing her. (No more witnesses were called.)

The defendant addressed the Court in explanation. He said, his daughter had taken instructions in music from Miss Spencer, and afterwards, when she became Mrs. Symons, without his knowledge. He admitted he had heard of her going to Mrs. Symon's lodgings, but he understood it was in the way of a friendly call. His daughter being a minor, was not competent to make such engagements as the one on which the action was founded and consequently he was not liable to judgment. (Being reminded by the plaintiff's attorney that Miss Terry could have given better evidence on such points than himself, if she had made her appearance.) Mr. Terry went on to say, that he would not allow his daughter to come into that Court on such a paltry occasion; and that, in his opinion, Mr. Hall ought to be ashamed of himself for permitting Miss H. to attend there, and give evidence as she had done. If Mr. S. had wanted three guineas, or even five guineas, he would chearfully have given it him; and that he was sure the plaintiffs had received from him aforetime, that which was equivalent to several fives: but he would resist a demand of this sort, when set up as a legal claim. (The attorney for the plaintiffs begged the defendant to desist from such insinuations; for that although he admitted Miss Spencer had not been rich, and could not afford to give the daughters of wealthy men tuition and tea parties all for nothing, her husband, Mr. Symons, was a gentleman of property, and needed not, nor would accept any gifts from Mr. Terry.) The Commissioner summed up in few words. He was satisfied in his own mind Miss Terry had been instructed by Miss Spencer, and therefore should give judgment for the plaintiffs. Damages £3 3s. sterling, and costs.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Terry (merchant); Martha Terry (pupil), from 1829, Mrs. John Hosking; Ralph Mansfield (Wesleyan clergyman, witness); William Horton (Wesleyan clergyman, witness); Charlotte Hall (pupil) daughter of Edward Smith Hall (editor of the Monitor)

England census, 6 June 1841, Dartford, Kent; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 482 / 5 (PAYWALL)

Overup St. / Thomas Barton / 35 / Schoolmaster . . .
Mary Barton / 25 / - /
Annette Symons / 35 / [? School Assistant] / [not born in county]
Fanny [Symons] / 6 / - / [not born in county]


"SOUTHAMPTON, JAN. 7", Sun [London] (8 January 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)

The sudden and appalling account of the total destruction by fire of the Royal Mail steam-ship Amazon at the entrance of the Bay of Biscay, and the loss of the majority of her passengers, officers, and crew, has caused the most widespread sorrow in Southampton among the numerous persons having friends or relatives on board the ill-fated ship. The Amazon was commanded by Captain William Symons, a gentleman of known and tried courage and abilities. He was only provisionally appointed to the Amazon in consequence of the absence from England of Captain Chapman, of the Tay, Who was destined to be her permanent commander, the directors having intended Captain Symons to assume the command of the new steamer Oronoco, now in the Thames and nearly ready to take her station on the main line of the West India mail service. Captain Symons has recently distinguished himself by great bravery in the Isthmus of Panama, where, by his intrepidity and coolness, he presented the slaughter of a great number of American passengers by the infuriated natives, and where, under a heavy fire of musketry and cannon, he succeeded in conveying gold dust to the value of upwards of 2,000,000 dollars in the boats of the Medway on board the United States' mail steam-ship Cherokee; and, further, in rescuing the passengers under circumstances of imminent danger, and placing them safely on board the steamer . . .



Concert and theatrical venue proprietor, manager, actor

Active Ballarat, VIC, c. 1860 (shareable link to this entry)


"THE NEW CHARLIE NAPIER [Letters to the editor]", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (3 December 1861), 4 

SYMONS, John Christian (John Christian SYMONS; Rev. J. C. SYMONS)

Musical amateur, lecturer on music, Wesleyan cleric

Born Treloy, Cornwall, England, 1821; baptised St. Columb minor, 2 March 1821; son of Mark SYMONS and Ann CHRISTIAN
Married Matilda HODGSON (1813-1904), Wesleyan chapel, Truro, Cornwall, England, 6 July 1847
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by April 1849
Active Melbourne, VIC, by late 1852
Active Beechworth, VIC, by mid 1856
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 14 February 1894, aged "73/74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)


Baptisms, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, 1821; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)

No. 311 / 2 March [1821] / John Christian son of / Mark and Ann / Symons / Treloy in this Parish / Farmer

"WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION ANNIVERSARY", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (11 April 1849), 2 

The anniversary sermons in aid of the Weeleyan Sunday School Union took place last Sunday, in the Chapel, Gawler-place . . . the Rev. Mr Symons, lately arrived . . .

[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer [SA] (15 December 1849), 3 

PAYMENTS TO MINISTERS OF RELIGION. Colonial Secretary's Office, Dec. 11, 1849 . . . of stipend to which they are respectively entitled . . . Rev. J. C. Symons . . .

"MUSIC AT BEECHWORTH", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (7 August 1856), 2 

The Rev. J. C. Symons, as President of the Young Men's Association at Beechworth, has been delivering a lecture upon Music in connection with Religion, accompanied by illustrations, which appear to have been very creditably given. We have glanced over the lecture as reported in the Ovens and Murray Advertiser, and must compliment the reverend gentlemen both on the very creditable digest of facts which he has thus prepared upon a very important subject, and upon the marked contrast which his conduct presents to the narrow-minded conduct of a certain clerical dignitary in Melbourne, in banishing from his Church the performance of sacred music.

[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 November 1868), 5 

On Wednesday evening, at the Wesleyan Church, Prahran, the Rev. J. C. Symons gave an interesting lecture on the subject of "Music in Relation to Religion." The lecturer gave a somewhat detailed account of the progress of church music from the earliest times, stating that the choral part of the Jewish Temple service was always conducted in unison, which appeared to have been the only mode of singing known in ancient times. Sacred melody was not confined to the Jews, but had its place also in connexion with the ritual of idolatrous nations. In the early stages of Christianity music fell into disuse, the Christians requiring secrecy and quiet in their worship. Nothing was known of the manner or time of the introduction of what are now known as hymns. That well-known and admired hymn called the "Te Deum," was the product of the third century. It was supposed to be the composition of Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, who, tradition said, was inspired to utter it while in the act of baptising St. Augustine. The musical compositions of Ambrose were thought so sweet that they gave the name of "Ambrosial strains" to whatever was greatly admired. Gregory the Great was the next name of importance in connexion with music. He was the author of the celebrated Gregorian tones, which have ever since formed the basis of cathedral music. One of his melodies, performed on the visit of one of the earliest missionaries to China, so charmed the Emperor that he instantly accorded liberty to preach throughout his dominions. Counterpoint was invented in England, which was the birthplace of many of the most valuable improvements in musical science. Anthems came into use first about Elizabeth's time, and were carried to an excellence even now unsurpassed. The persecution of subsequent times interfered with the use of church music. In Bunyan's time a prejudice against it arose, and the Puritans opposed its employment in worship. This continued until the psalms and hymns of Dr. Watts appeared. The lecture was illustrated by a number of fine tunes, which were admirably performed by the choir. The attendance was large. The lecture was given for the benefit of the parsonage fund.

ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Wesleyan churches (general)

"MUSIC IN RELATION TO RELIGION. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Argus (30 December 1868), 6 

Sir, - In your report of a lecture on the above subject, delivered by the Rev. J. C. Symons, I read the following passage: -
"In the early stages of Christianity music fell into dislike, the Christians requiring secresy and quiet in their worship. Nothing was known of the manner or time of the introduction of what are now known as hymns. That well known and admired hymn, called the Te Deum, was the product of the third century." &c.
My object in writing to you is to bring under the notice of Mr. Symons the complaint made against the Christians in the first or beginning of the second century, viz. that they were accustomed to meet "before it was light to sing alternately among them sch is hymns to Christ as to a God." This is related by Pliny the younger, in a letter to Trajan, about A.D. 100. It is generally supposed from this that their manner of singing was the same as the psalm chanting in the cathedrals and churches of the Anglican communion that is, born side to side, in imitation of the seraphim crying one to another and that the practice of singing hymns had continued from the time when Christ and his apostles sang the hymn. If, then, this supposition be correct, the music could only have fallen into disuse during the second century supposing, also, that the Te Deum was produced in the third century. It is as well to be as correct as possible in this particular, for those who are opposed to music in Divine worship are continually saying there was no music among the early Christians. This subject has been ably written upon by the Rev. Robert Potter, of St. Mary's, Hotham, in a pamphlet published by Beere, Swanston-street.
Your obedient servant.
MUSICUS. Nov. 27.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Potter (Anglican cleric)

"DEATHS", The Argus (15 February 1894), 1 

SYMONS. - On the 14th inst., the Rev. John Christian Symons, acting president of the Australasia Wesleyan General Conference, in his 74th year.

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