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John Winterbottom and family in Australia

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "John Winterbottom and family in Australia", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025


Members of an extended family of English military band and orchestral musicians (active 19th - early 20th century)

[1] John WINTERBOTTOM (1817-1897, Australia 1853-61)
[2] Maria Margaret WINTERBOTTOM (c.1829-1904, Australia 1853-61)
[3] Frank Midwinter King WINTERBOTTOM (1861-1930, Australia 1881-82), nephew of [1]
[4] Charles WINTERBOTTOM (1866-1935, Australia 1888-89), nephew of [1]

"A Notable Family. The Winterbottoms", Cornishman [England] (26 February 1903), 3

The Winterbottoms have been associated with British military bands for over century, during which period its various members have put in total joint service of over 225 years. We all like to hear of generation after generation serving with the colours, and the story of the Winterbottom family provides a striking instance. John Winterbottom, born in 1781, was, in the end, paymaster of the Light Infantry. That was in 1838. He fought many a battle for his country, and had seen extensive service. Another John Winterbottom, who passed away in 1855, was voted facile princeps of the army in small and broad-sword instruction. On his retirement, after twenty-one years' service, the Iron Duke appointed him warder of the Tower of London. And thereby hangs tale. It was while acting in this capacity he conducted the rebel, Thistlewood, to the Bayard Tower, and had charge him during his incarceration. During his period of service here fire broke out in the Tower. The British Crown was in jeopardy, but Winterbottom carried it to the chapel, an act which was duly recorded in the "Times" of that date. He left five sons, all of whom attained great distinction as musicians.

The eldest son, Thomas, was for nine years a musician in the Royal Horse Guards (Blue), and afterwards served as bandmaster of the Royal Marine Light Infantry (Plymouth) for seventeen years. He died in 1869, and was interred in Plymouth Cemetery, his funeral obsequies being most imposing.

He was succeeded by his brother William (who had previously served as bandmaster of the Woolwich Division for about twelve years, and had also been musician in the 1st Life Guards), who held the post for five years.

The third son, John [1], named after his father, also became bandmaster the Royal Marine Artillery, and served for twenty-one years, and on his retirement was appointed bandmaster of the Artists' Corps, London.

Henry, the fourth son, likewise won distinction as bandmaster, being fifteen years in the 7th Royal Fusiliers, the 18th Royal Irish, and the Royal Marines, Woolwich.

The fifth son was the late Ammon Winterbottom, the father of the popular conductor of the Royal Marine band. He was long known as a distinguished double-Bass player, being a member of the late Queen's private band, the Royal Italian Opera, the Philharmonic Society, etc., etc.

Remainder of the text, concerning Ammon's son, [3] Frank Winterbottom, given under his entry below.


Bassoonist, conductor, entrepreneur, bandmaster, composer

Born Knightsbridge, London, England, 11 June 1825; baptised Clewer, Berkshire, 17 July 1825; son of John WINTERBOTTOM (d. 1855) and Winifred MIDWINTER (d. 1890)
Married Maria Margaret COZENS, St. Pancras Old Church, London, 3 June 1847
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 20 December 1852 (per Moselle, from Dartmouth, 21 August 1852)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 17 December 1861 (per Result, for London)
Died Putney, England, 13 May 1897 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)


Actor, pianist, vocalist

Born c. 1829
Married John WINTERBOTTOM, Camden, London, 3 June 1847
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 20 December 1852 (per Moselle, from Dartmouth, 21 August 1852)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 17 December 1861 (per Result, for London)
Died Surrey, England, 9 November 1904 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

WINTERBOTTOM, Sophia Winifred (Sophia Winifred WINTERBOTTOM; Mrs. JANSSENS)

Born Camden Town, England, 19 August 1848
Married Pierre Joseph JANSSENS, January 1877
Died Kensignton, London, England, 12 February 1939


Born Melbourne, VIC, 1853
Died Melbourne, VIC, 1853


Born Melbourne, VIC, 1861
Died London, England; buried 13 September 1862

"Winterbottom", watercolour sketch, George Gordon McCrae (1833-1927), c.1860, detail: Winterbottom conducting, with his bassoon sketched in, resting on the music stand; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: George Gordon McCrae


WINTERBOTTOM, English family of musicians

- - -

WINTERBOTTOM, John (1825-1897)

John Winterbottom (1825-1897), English bassonist, conductor, composer, entrepreneur

A member of a British military-musical family, John Winterbottom was a business man, as much as a musician. He made an instant impact with newly cashed-up Sydney and Melbourne audiences, entrepreneuring not one-off concerts, but month-long seasons of nightly "Grand Promenade Concerts A La Jullien", advertising himself as "the sole projector of these popular concerts in the Australian colonies", and a regular cohort of featured soloists. For these and his later trademark "Monster Concerts", new prosperity delivered not only large mixed audiences, but also allowed him to fill his orchestra with other hopeful recent arrivals; as he claimed:

. . . the vast influx of population has enabled him to form a band, selected from the finest orchestras in the world, artistes as well capable of interpreting the sublime compositions of Handel, Beethoven, or Mendelssohn, as to delineate music of a lighter character.

His rather unexpected transformation from a London instrumentalist into a colonial entrepreneur was newsworthy even back in Britain, earning "AUSTRALIA" one of its earliest notices in the The Musical Times

Mr. Winterbottom, the performer on the bassoon, is catering for the mixed public of Melbourne by giving promenade concerts, in close imitation of M. Jullien, to vast audiences, and with corresponding profit to himself.

Winterbottom also started selling himself as a composer. For a "monster concert", with "100 performers", in Sydney on 26 May 1853, he announced his "intention of presenting each Lady in the Reserved Stalls" with a New polka, "beautifully illustrated by Walter Mason" (who, formerly of the Illustrated London News, was also part of the recent "vast influx", having come from England in 1852).

Probably in response to market forces, Winterbottom's programs increasingly rationed the "sublime compositions" of the masters, though what The Musical Times called his "mixed public" seems to have welcomed his virtuoso bassoon solos as a Classical curiosity.

Numerous musical prints of works by other composers, both local (notably Edward Boulanger) and imported, were billed as, for instance, "[performed] with immense success, at Winterbottom's Promenade Concerts", or "Played by Winterbottom's Unrivalled Band".

From being an opportunistic outsider at first, within two years of arrival, Winterbottom was part of the theatrical establishment. At the Royal Victoria Theatre in Sydney on 22 August 1855, he composed music for "a new Electro-Biological Burlesque Operatic Extravaganza", Alonzo the brave; or, The fair Imogene (to a libretto by Sidney Nelson's son-in-law, H. T. Craven). And on 26 August 1856, at the Lyceum Theatre, the evening's performance commenced with "the new Dramatic story", Eva; or, Leaves from Uncle Tom's Cabin

. . . (second time) . . . The overture and entire music composed and arranged by M. Winterbottom . . . the [REDACTED] dances and serenades by the Ethiopian Minstrels engaged expressly to give effect to the delineation of slave life!

It was perhaps this production that led him to announce, late in 1856, that he was shortly leaving for California. In the event, however, he stayed on in the Australian colonies.

In Hobart, when the new Theatre Royal opened in summer 1857, Winterbottom directed the music and composed an overture Theatre Royal, which the Mercury described as "a spirited composition . . . extremely well performed by the Orchestra". He was also credited with having "composed the Music of the drama", billed as Cinderella. Winterbottom later also directed the music at the Prince of Wales Theatre in Sydney, where in November 1858 he introduced a new "Grand Musical Burlesque", The yellow dwarf; or, The king of the goldmines, "Music by Winterbottom". Recently published in Sydney in March 1857 were his Hermione valse.

Apart from these, only two more Australian printed compositions survive, both issued close to the end of his Australian stay, The Lady Don valse, and The Zoe galop. The first was introduced at the Royal Victoria in Sydney in June 1861, to celebrate the last night of the season there by the visiting British burlesque artiste William Don, and his wife Emily in Sheridan's The rivals. Four days later, Winterbottom took his first Sydney "farewell", at the Masonic Hall with the Howsons and bandmaster Douglas Callen as his co-conductor, only to turn up again at the Lyceum in July with a performance of the Zoe galop "dedicated to the owner of that celebrated race-horse, Mr. John Tait".

Winterbottom and his wife took their final Melbourne benefit on 26 November, "on the eve of departing for Europe".


Britain (to August 1852)

"MESSRS. A. AND H. NICHOLSON'S CONCERT", The Leicester journal (20 September 1844), 3

On Wednesday evening week these gentlemen gave their annual Concert . . . Mr. Winterbottom, a metropolitan performer on the bassoon, added to the attractions by a solo of wonderful power, dexterity, and sweetness, containing a series of most difficult variations the air "Pria ch'ia l'impegno" . . .

3 June 1845, concert

"BLAGROVE'S CONCERT-ROOM, MORTIMER-STREET", Illustrated London News (7 June 1845), 1

Messrs. J. and H. Winterbottom, two promising performers - one on the flute, the other on the bassoon - gave a concert, on Tuesday evening, at the above Rooms. The principal singers were - Mesdames Connor, Lanza, Williams, Messrs. Corri, Calkin, Weis, and John Parry, who gave his "Cinderella." The concert was well attended.

24 November 1845, concert, Society of British Musicians

"SOCIETY OF BRITISH MUSICIANS", The London evening standard (26 November 1845), 3

The fourth concert given by members of this society took place at Erat's rooms on Monday evening; upon which occasion Mozart's quartet in G, No. 1, Op. 10 . . . and Onslow's Grand Sextuor . . . were ably executed . . . In the sextour (a favourite specimen of the composer), a Mr. Winterbottom made his first appearance as a bassoon performer, and disclosed a good and even tone . . .

22 June 1846, concert

"WESTERN LITERARY INSTITUTION", The morning advertiser (25 June 1846), 3

On Monday night Miss M. O'Connor gave a concert in the theatre of the institution . . . Among the pieces mart applauded were, Song, "By the sad sea-wave." Miss Sara Flower. We have on former occasions spoken in terms of praise of this lady's singing: her voice apparently improves from frequent use, and she may, without doubt, be considered one of our first English contraltos . . . Solo, Bassoon, "Crown Diamonds," Mr. Winterbottom . . .

"WILLIS'S ROOMS, KING STREET, ST. JAMES", The morning post (1 June 1848), 5

Mr. Julian Adams gave his first chamber concert of vocal and instrumental music last night, and completely established himself as an English pianist and composer of eminence. The programme selected for the occasion contained few pieces, but they were classical and good. The concert commenced with Spohr's quintetto in C minor (Op. 52), for piano, flute, clarionet, horn, and bassoon, which was rendered in excellent style by Messrs. Julian Adams, Richardson, Sonnenberg, Jarrett, and Winterbottom . . .

"THEATRICALS, ETC." Lloyd's weekly newspaper (14 October 1849), 10

Mr. George Tedder's annual concert came off or Monday evening, in the assembly-room of the Horn Tavern, Kennington . . . We must not conclude our notice without a word of praise for young Mr. Winterbottom, who, in a solo on the bassoon, exhibited his wonderful command over that instrument.

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS" The dramatic and musical review (November 1849), 267-68 

Two concerts were given at the Western Literary Institution, on the 2nd and 9th [October], an agreeable feature of which was the really admirable performances of an excellent orchestra, consisting of the following performers: Messrs. Stephenson (conductor,) Bradley, C. Barrett, H. Webb, C. Griesbach, C. Davenport, Reynolds, violins; Boileau, Thompson, tenors; G. Calkin, Cubitt, violoncellos; A. Winterbottom, J. Brown, double basses; J. Richardson, D. Godfrey, P. Jewell, flutes; Schott, oboe; A. Anderson, W. Egerton, clarionets; J. Winterbottom, J. Green, bassoons; J. Catchpole, J. Horn, horns; E. Harper, J. Harvey, cornets and trumpets; Webster, trombone; Jepp, ophicleide; Stevens and Thompson, drums. At the second concert (for which tickets only were forwarded to us) the orchestra performed the overtures to La Gazza Ladra, Fra Diavolo, La Bayadere, quadrilles, etc. . . . Mr. J. Winterbottom [gained a genuine encore] for his bassoon performance.

Mr. G. Tedder gave a vocal and instrumental concert on the 8th, at the Horns, Kennington, when he was supported by Misses Poole, J. and M. Wells, Sarah Ann Harris; Messrs. Leffler, H. Allen, Collet, Furtado, Richardson, (flute,) G. H. Lake, (concertina,) Winterbottom, (bassoon,) and Herr Meyer Lutz, (pianist.) An efficient orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Stevenson, was engaged, and performed two overtures by Auber, and some waltzes, &c., with admirable effect . . . Mr. J. Winterbottom, a very talented performer on the bassoon, played the final scena from Lucia with great expression . . .

"JULLIEN'S CONCERT", Dundee, Perth, and Cupar advertiser (4 October 1850), 2

. . . Mr. Winterbottom on the bassoon was magnificent. When played by master, this is one of the noblest and most effective instruments in the orchestra, and we think the conversation between it and the flute, in the Selection from Meyerbeer, was one of the most enchanting performances ever listened to . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Pratten (flute)

"M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS", The morning chronicle (9 November 1850), 5

. . . Mr. ALFRED WINTERBOTTOM performed the solo part for the bassoon hitherto played by M. BAUMANN, who has now gone to the orchestra at the National Concerts . . .

"M. JULLIEN'S CONCERTS", The illustrated London news (9 November 1850), 370 

The annual series of promenade entertainments was opened last night (Friday), in Drury-Lane Theatre. The concert was over at too late an hour for any detailed notice in our present Number. It may be mentioned, that the orchestra is the same as last season, with the exception of fourteen players, who have been replaced by native and continental artistes of celebrity, amongst whom are - M. Delavigne, first oboe; Mr. A. Winterbottom, bassoon [sic]; M. Dortu, ophicleide; M. Demunck, the famed violoncellist, from Brussels; M. Vogel, the alto and viola d'amour, &c. Amongst the executants of note in the old band are Messrs. Cioffi, Jarrett, Pilet, Collinet, Deloffre, Nadaud, Tolbecque, Collins, Harper, Howell, Pratten, Sommers, Sonnenberg, Koenig, &c.; the whole forming an orchestra of 110 performers. Mdlle. Jetty Treffz, for whom the great Meyerbeer has expressly composed a new song, is re-engaged . . .

30 March 1851, English census, Kentish Town, St. Pancras

John Winter Bottom / Head / 56 / Warder Tow'r London / [born] Yorkshire
Winifred [Winterbottom] / Wife / 57 / - / Middlsx.
Hammon [Winterbottom] / Son / 21 / Musician / [Middlesex]
Sophia [Winterbottom] / G'd Ch'd / 2 / [Musician's] Dau'tr / [Middlesex] . . .

NOTE: John's parents and brother, Ammon; and Sophia, John and Maria's daughter

"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERTS", Greenock advertiser (26 December 1851), 2

Mr. Julian Adams' concert on Tuesday was without doubt the best and most successful yet given in the series . . . The solos of Mr. J. Winterbottom on the bassoon, and Mr. Viotti Collins on the violin, were quite equal to those of the same gentlemen which we have had formerly the pleasure of complimenting . . .

"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERTS", Greenock advertiser (3 February 1852), 2

. . . Mr. John Winterbottom followed with a solo on his wonderful bassoon, which was no doubt regarded by many as the chief feature in the evening's entertainment, and at all events was the piece which came most home to the hearts of his audience. He commenced with the simple air of "Comin' thro' the Rye," upon which he introduced several beautiful and one or two exceedingly comical variations, and followed it up with that most plaintive of all plaintive strains, "Saw ye Johnnie coming." Great and well known as Mr. Winterbottom is as an artist on his very difficult and unwieldy instrument, it was not without some apprehension that we heard him undertake the melodies we have named, but all fears this score were soon dissipated; they were given, particularly the latter, with a depth of feeling and body of tone impossible on any other instrument; and one of the most enthusiastic encores of the season followed in token of the delight of the audience, and their appreciation of the performance, which hope soon to hear again. In responding to the call he gave the "Last Rose of Summer" with a sweetness and finish we have never heard excelled, and was most warmly applauded . . .

[Advertisement], The Berkshire chronicle (6 March 1852), 4

NEW HALL, READING. THE principal SOLO PERFORMERS from JULLIEN'S BAND, will have the honour of giving an Evening Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the New Hall, Reading, on Wednesday, March 17th, 1952.
M. RICE, Alto, of Her Majesty's Theatre . . .

"CONCERTS BY JULLIEN'S BAND", Hereford Journal (17 March 1852), 3

As announced in our last, two Concerts were given on Thursday, in the Assembly room of the Green Dragon Hotel, in this city, by some of the principal performers of Jullien band; but rarely, if ever, have the whole been present on one and the same occasion with M. Jullien . . . A rich treat was afforded in the performance of selection and Fantansia from Meyerbeer's Opera Roberto il Diavolo, in which the Clarionet solo of Mr. T. Winterbottom, and the Bassoon solo of Mr. J. Winterbottom, were beautifully given, and received with much applause, especially the latter, who rendered the Romanza Robert toi que J'aime with wonderful effect on that very difficult instrument . . .

Australia (20 December 1852 to 17 December 1861)

Melbourne, VIC (20 December 1852 to 31 March 1853)

20 December 1852, arrived, Port Phillip, VIC (on the Moselle, sailed from London, 20 August 1852)

Victoria, Australia, Assisted and Unassisted Passenger Lists, 1839-1923; 1852, Moselle, 20 December; Public Records Office of Victoria, VRPS 947

Moselle / [master] Thomson / 393 tons / . . . / Dearmouth 21 Aug 1852 / . . . Passengers:
Winterbottom John / 27 / Physician [sic, recte Musician] / English / Port Phillip
Winterbottom Maria / 23 / . . . / English
Winterbottom Sophia / 3 / . . . / English . . .


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1853: 

[Advertisement], The Argus (25 January 1853), 8

PROMENADE CONCERTS, a la Jullien, Olympic Circus, top of Bourke-strert, east.
The Public are respectfully informed, that this Establishment will open on Saturday next, 29th January, and every evening during the week (for one month only), the Promenade will be splendidly decorated and brilliantly illuminated, after the style of the original Promenade Concerts given by Monsieur Jullien in England.
Band of forty performers. Mrs. E. Hancock, will sing the favourite ballads of "Trab, Trab," and "Coming through the Rye."
Conductor, Mr. J. Winterbottom. Doors open at 1/2 past 7, commence at 8, and terminate at 10 o'clock.
Admission One shilling. Dress Circle, half a crown.

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 February 1853), 8 

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 February 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 February 1853), 9 

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 March 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 March 1853), 9 


[Advertisement], The Argus (9 March 1853), 5 


14 March 1853, concert, Winterbottom (benefit), The Circus, Top of Bourke Street, Melbourne

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 March 1853), 5 

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERT", The Argus (15 March 1853), 7 

As we predicted, the splendid entertainment presented last night by Mr. Winterbottom drew a crowded audience, the Bourke-street circus bring quite full, and hundreds being disappointed in obtaining admittance at all. This just proves what we have always said to the committee of the weekly concerts and others, and we now repeat, that if good musical entertainments are offered at a reasonable rate, any room that can be built will be readily filled; so as to afford very liberal remuneration indeed to all the first class of talent to come amongst us. The Exhibition Quadrille, with the combined force of the two bands, &c., was the grandest specimen of music ever heard in Victoria, and was most rapturously applauded. In regard to smoking, Mr. Winterbottom did not quite act up to his word, although during the first part of the concert not a whiff of tobacco was discernible, showing how easily the execrable habit might be checked with a little management and determination. This must be seen to, if the conductor of this establishment wishes to see ladies at his concerts, and we are sure that he will agree with us that a concert is but a melancholy affair without them. Last night's experiment shows how large a fund can be contributed for the preservation of order, and therefore the public has a right to expect that a due attention to the proprieties should be enforced.

Links: Exhibition quadrille (D'Albert)

21 March 1853, monster concert

"MONSTER CONCERT", The Argus (21 March 1853), 9 

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 March 1853), 7 

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 March 1853), 12 

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 March 1853), 12 


LADIES and GENTLEMEN, - The honor you conferred upon me at my last appearance at the above concerts was so unexpected, that it caused me entirely to forget the courtesy I owe a generous public. But in extenuation of my error, permit me to return you my heartfelt thanks for your liberal and cheering support, which has enabled me to extend the concert season for a period of two months, with a success in every way commonsurate with the responsibility of the undertaking.

If I have tended to your amusement in endeavoring to revive pleasant reminiscences of "Old Drury" and Home, I am amply repaid for the cares and anxieties of management.

My engagements at Sydney compel me to leave the city, but I trust in a short timo to be again amongst you, ready to commence a fresh campaign, and doubt not that in catering for you, I shall meet with the same flattering success that has hitherto attended my efforts.

I have the honor to remain,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your's most humbly and faithfully,

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 March 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 March 1853), 3 

Tuesday, March 29th, 1853.
MRS. FIDDES' BENEFIT, and Last Appearance previous to her departure for Sydney, on which occasion
MR. WINTERBOTTOM will perform a SOLO on the BASSOON,
And will make his Last Appearance previous to his departure for Sydney . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Solo. - Bassoon - Mr. Winterbottom . . . PART II . . . Air. - Batti, batti, O bel Mazetto (Don Giovanni) accompanied on the Bassoon by Mr. Winterbottom . . .

MUSIC: Winterbottom evidently adapted Mozart's obligato cello part to the aria for the bassoon

See also:

"MUSIC AND DRAMATIC GOSSIP", The athenaeum (23 July 1853), 897 

Mr. Winterbottom, the performer on the bassoon, is catering for the mixed public of Melbourne by giving promenade concerts, in close imitation of M. Jullien, to vast audiences, and with corresponding profit to himself.

"AUSTRALIA", The Musical Times [London] (1 August 1853), 235

31 March, cleared out, and 1 April, Winterbottoms sailed from Melbourne for Sydney

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. CLEARED OUT", The Argus (1 April 1853), 4 

March 31. - Shamrock, steamer, 200 tons, J. J. Warner, for Sydney. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom and Child . . . Mrs. Fiddes, Miss Fiddes, Miss S. Fiddes . . .

Sydney and regional NSW (4 April 1853 to 2 July 1853)

4 April 1853, the Winterbottoms arrived Sydney

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 April 1853), 2 

APRIL 4.- Shamrock, steamer, 200 tons, Captain Warner, from Melbourne, 1st instant. Passengers - Mr. J. T. Smith (Mayor of Melbourne) . . . Mrs. Winterbottom and child . . . Mr. Winterbottom . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1853), 1 

. . . In course of publication
As performed at Winterbottom's Promenade Concerts with immense success,
Wholesale Music sellers and Publishers, 4904, George-street . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], Empire (20 April 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 April 1853), 1 

(25 postponed) 26 April 1853, promenade concert, Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney

"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 April 1853), 2 

A series of concerts à la Jullien, is announced at the Royal Hotel, the first taking place this evening. The arrangements, which are announced to be under the direction of M. Winterbottom and Mr. Henry Marsh, include an instrumental force of thirty performers, and a corps vocale of which report speaks highly. Foremost among the latter is Mrs. Fiddes, formerly Miss Harriet Cawse, so long and so favourably known as a member of the operatic company of Covent Garden and the English Opera House.

[Advertisement], Empire (25 April 1853), 3 

[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 April 1853), 1 

GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS. - MR. WINTERBOTTOM and Mr. HENRY MARSH beg to apologize to the public for the unavoidable postponement of their Concert last evening, occasioned by the non-arrival of the Shamrock, by which some of the principal performers of Mr. WINTERBOTTOM'S BAND were arriving hither.
The first Concert will take place THIS EVENING.

"PROMENADE CONCERTS A LA JULLIEN", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 April 1853), 3 

"PROMENADE CONCERTS", Empire (28 April 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1853), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1853), 3 

It is a source of the greatest pride and gratification to M. Winterbottom (as the sole projector of these popular concerts in the Australian colonies,) that the vast influx of population has enabled him to form a band, selected from the finest orchestras in the world, artistes as well capable of interpreting the sublime compositions of Handel, Beethoven, or Mendelssohn, as to delineate music of a lighter character.
The immense success attending these Concerts at Melbourne enabled M. Winterbottom to extend his season over a period of
Mr. Winterbottom, and Mr. Henry Marsh, in conjunction, respectfully solicit the patronage of the gentry and public.
VOCALIST - Mrs. FIDDES (late Miss H. Cawse) will make her last appearance but one.
M. CARANZANI DEL VALLE, the celebrated Violinist from La Scala.
Overture - "Tancredi," by desire, Rossini.
Valse - "Fairest of the Fair" - Introduction, Solo, Sax-horn, M. Evans Sloper - D'Albert.
Solo Cornet-a-Piston - "Exile's Lament" Koenig - M. Henri Durant, first time.
Quadrille - "Ibrahim Pacha" - D'Albert.
Song - "The Slave Girl's Lament" - Linley - Mrs. Fiddes.
Polka - Drum - Jullien. As performed at Winterbottom's Promenade Concerts, Melbourne, for 100 nights, - Cornet Obligato, M. H. Durant. The Drummers of the 11th Regiment under the direction of the Drum Major, by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield.
New Irish Quadrille - "The Hibernians" - Jullien. Composed expressly in honour of Her Majesty's visit to Ireland, with variations for flute, M. Williams. Cornet a-Piston, M. H. Durant; and Sax Horn, M. Sloper Evans.
Song - "The broken Rose" - Kucken - Mrs. Fiddes.
Valse - "The Bridal" - H. Marsh - first time.
Solo, Bassoon - M. Winterbottom, as performed before Her Most Gracious Majesty, at Windsor Castle, December 27, 1851.
Galop - "Duke of Cambridge" - Ernesto.
LEADER - Mr. Edward Tucker.
CONDUCTOR - M. Winterbottom.
Doors open at half-past 7; to commence at 8 o'clock.
Carriages ordered at half-past 10 o'clock.
Stalls, 3s. 6d.; Promenade, 2s.
Tickets to be had of H. Marsh and Co., 490 1/2, George-street; and Royal Hotel.
N.B. - The whole of the above music may be had of H. Marsh and Co., Music Sellers, 490 1/2, George-street.
All communications to be addressed to Mr. NUGENT VARLEY, Manager.

"PROMENADE CONCERT", Empire (2 May 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 May 1853), 2

"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1853), 3 

"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (7 May 1853), 3 

[News], Freeman's Journal (7 May 1853), 9 

[Advertisement], Empire (9 May 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 May 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], Empire (20 May 1853), 1 

"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], Empire (23 May 1853), 1 

Winterbottom and his magnificent band; W. G. Mason (Sydney, 1853)

"Winterbottom and his magnificent band"; Sydney, May 1853, by Walter George Mason; from the cover of Winterbottom's presentation polka (Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke, [1853] 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 May 1853), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 May 1853), 1 

WINTERBOTTOM'S PRESENTATION POLKA. THE Ladies who (owing to the inadvertency of the music printer in not working off a sufficient number of copies in due time) were not supplied with the above, will please send or write to the undersigned, and they shall be supplied. The ladies who obtained the title only will also be furnished with the music of the polka. WOOLCOTT AND CLARKE, Music Sellers and Publishers, 656, George-street, Sydney.

"WINTERBOTTOM'S MONSTER CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney (28 May 1853), 2

26 May 1853, last promenade concert, Winterbottom's benefit

"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 May 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 May 1853), 2 

"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], Empire (27 May 1853), 1 

"WINTERBOTTOM'S MONSTER CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (28 May 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 May 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], Empire (30 May 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 June 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 June 1853), 3 

"LOSS OF THE MONUMENTAL CITY STEAMER", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], Empire (2 June 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], Empire (4 June 1853), 1 

"MONUMENTAL CITY", Empire (6 June 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 June 1853), 2 

NSW tour

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (4 June 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (8 June 1853), 3 

"WINTERBOTTOM'S PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 June 1853), 2 

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 June 1853), 3 


[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (15 June 1853), 3 

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (15 June 1853), 2 

Adelaide (proposal)

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S BAND", Adelaide Times (11 June 1853), 2

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 June 1853), 2

[2 Advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 June 1853), 1 

WINTERBOTTOM'S Band will arrive in Sydney on Tuesday next, June 21. All communications to be addressed to Mr. NUGENT VARLEY, Manager, 555, George-street.

FOR SALE, the Orchestra Desks, and fittings, lately erected for Winterbottom's Band at the Royal Hotel, so constructed that it can be erected at the shortest notice, and taken down without injury. The whole comprises about 500 feet of timber. For price enquire 555, George-street, between 10 and 12 o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: 555, George-street was the premises of Woolcott and Clarke

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1853), 1 

2 July 1853, Winterbottom and party sailed for Melbourne

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1853), 2 

[July] 2. - New Orleans, steamer, 300 tons, Captain Wilson, for Melbourne. Passengers - . . . E. Tucker, Mr. Winterbottom, Messrs. Gregg, Durant, H. Edwards, J. Beattie . . .

Melbourne and Geelong (6 July to 28 October 1853)

6 July 1853, Winterbottom and party arrived Melbourne

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (7 July 1853, 2 

July 6. - New Orleans, steam-ship, 1880 tons, E. Wakeman, from Sydney 2nd inst. Passengers - cabin: . . . Mr. and Mrs. Boursiquet . . . Winterbottom, Tucker . . .

"AMUSEMENTS", The Argus (9 July 1853), 3 

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 July 1853), 4 

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 July 1853), 3 

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERT", The Argus (15 July 1853), 5 

"PROMENADE", The Argus (16 July 1853), 5 

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 July 1853), 2 

MUSICAL EDUCATION - Mr. Winterbottom begs to intimate to his friends and all who are desirous of perfecting themselves in the delightful study of music, that it is his intention to devote a few hours daily to giving instruction, either vocal or instrumental; and feels convinced that all who honor him with their preference, his mode of teaching will give the utmost satisfaction. Letters to be addressed, care of M. Wilkie, Clarendon Hotel.

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (19 July 1853), 3 supplement 

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 July 1853), 7 

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 July 1853), 8 

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 July 1853), 8 

PROMENADE CONCERT, The Argus (1 August 1853), 5 

Mr. Winterbottom was surrounded on Saturday nlght by a crowded and admiring audience. The concert went off with great spirit if we except the performances of Miss Lewis, whose voice is quite unequal to such a place as Rowe's Circus, where even the full-toned notes of Mr. Gregg are often dissipated before they reach the distant part of the audience. This gentleman seems to have escaped at last from the epidemic, and sang on Saturday as well as ever. The Saxehorn band was an agreeable feature in the entertainment, and the solos of the conductor were honored with the usual encore. Notwithstanding the crowds at this concert, the Salle Valentino was filled to overflowIng, and Mr. Barlow, with his monster key unlocked the lands and gave little farms to all with his usual liberality and humor.

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 August 1853), 8 

"THURSDAY CONCERTS", The Argus (4 August 1853), 5 

"CONCERTS", The Argus (5 August 1853), 5 

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 August 1853), 8 

MELBOURNE THURSDAY CONCERTS - Under the Direction of Mr. WINTERBOTTOM. - Mechanics' Institute, Thursday next, August 10th Mr. Winterbottom, in taking the direction of these Concerts feels it incumbent upon him to state that his whole endeavor shall be to reinstate their former position in the public favor, both by constant succession of novelties, and the careful production of the works or the great Masters, aided by all the available talent the Colony may produce.

Mr. Winterbottom flatters himself that being the first in this Colony to attempt the formation of a Complete Orchestra he has been the humble means of somewhat improving the public taste for Music, and although his productions hitherto may not be termed Classical, he trusts there is an extenuation in his conviction, that refinement of musical taste can but be produced by gradations, and he confidently relies upon the same cheering support with which the inhabitants of this highly musical city have hitherto favored his efforts.

Programme in tomorrow's issue.

28 October 1853, Winterbottom and party sailed from Melbourne

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE.CLEARED OUT", The Argus (29 October 1853), 4 

October 28 - Clarence, steamer, 199 tons, W. M. Saunders, for Launceston, in ballast. Passengers . . . Mrs. Winterbottom, Miss Lewis . . . Messrs. . . . Salaman, J. Gregg . . .

Launceston and Hobart, TAS (30 October to 3 December 1853)

30 October 1853, Winterbottom and party arrived Launceston

"SHIPPING NEWS . . . LAUNCESTON. ARRIVALS", The Courier (2 November 1853), 2 

October 30. - Clarence, 199, Saunders, Melbourne, sundries. Passengers -Mrs. Winterbottom, Miss Lewis, Mr. J. Gregg, M. Salamon . . .

"WINTERBOTTOM'S LAST CONCERT", The Courier (10 November 1853), 3

3 December 1853, Winterbottom and party sailed from Launceston for Melbourne

"SHIPPING NEWS . . . LAUNCESTON . . . CLEARED OUT", The Courier (7 December 1853), 2 

December 3. - Clarence, steamer, 199, Saunders, Melbourne. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom, Mr. and Mrs. Salamon, Mr. J. Gregg . . .

Melbourne and country VIC (December 1853 to 14 April 1854)

About 5 December 1853, Winterbottom and party arrived Melbourne


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1854: 

"VICTORIA", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (11 April 1864), 2 

Mr. Winterbottom has returned to Melbourne, after a tour through the diggings, and was to appear every night this week at the Hall of the Criterion, in conjunction with Madame Carandini and other popular artists.

30 January 1854, concert, Mechanics' Insitution, Melbourne

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 January 1854), 8

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION - Monday, January 30th, 1854.
M. Winterbottom has much pleasure in announcing to his patrons and the public that he will have the honor of introducing to a Melbourne audience Madame Elena Rossi, Pupil of Signora Garcia and Crevelli, who has just arrived from England, and will make her first appearance on Monday, January 30th.
In addition to the above great attraction, will be performed, for the first time in the colony, Two Overtures, arranged by M. Salaman for six pianofortes, Zampa and Der Freischutz.
Vocalists - Mrs. Testar, Madame Elena Rossi, Mr. W. F. Sayer, M. Winterbottom.
Solo instrumentalists - Bassoon, M. Winterbottom.
Violoncello, Mr. S. Chapman (from Jullien's Band, and the Royal Italian Opera) - his first appearance.
Pianofortes. - Messrs. Salaman, White, Tolhurst, Smith, Elsasser, and George [sic].
Pianist - M. Salaman. Conductor - M. Winterbottom.
Part I.
Overture - Six Pianofortes - Zampa (Arranged by M. Salaman) - Messrs. Salaman, White, Elsasser, Tolhurst, Owen, &c - Herold
Song - Nora McShane, Mr. W. F. Sayer
Aria - Dio Clemate [sic] (First time) - Mrs. Testar - Duo
Solo - Violoncello, Mr. S. Chapman, his first appearance.
Grand Scene - Ernani Ernani Volimi [involami], Madame Elena Rossi - Verdi
Solo - Bassoon (first time), M. Winterbottom.
Part II.
Overture - Six Pianofortes, Der Freischutz (arranged by E. Salaman), Messrs. Salaman, White, Elasser, Tolhurst, &c. - Weber
Song - Come when the morn is breaking (first time), Mrs. Testar - Linley
Ballad - Crazy Jane, Mr. W. F. Sayer.
Grand Duetto - Lasciami non t'ascolto, Mrs. Testar and Madame Elena Rossi - Rossini
Solo - Bassoon (first time), M. Winterbottom.
English Ballad - Oh! do no chide me, Madame Elena Rossi - H. Smart
Trio - Sweet is the breath of morning, Mrs. Testar, M. Winterbottom, and W. F. Sayer - E. Salaman
Reserved Seats, 8s.; Unreserved Seats, 5s.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Wilkie's Music Saloon, Collins-street, and at the Mechanics' Institute.
Persons wishing to have their seats reserved will please to leave their names with Mr. Wilkie, or at the Institute.
Doors open at half past Seven, Concert to commence at Eight.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elena Rossi (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Samuel Chapman (cello); Edward Salamon (piano, arranger); Thomas White (piano); Charles Elsasser (piano); George Tolhurst (piano); Richard Owen (piano)

13 February 1854, concert, Masonic Hall, Geelong

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (11 February 1854), 3 

MASONIC HALL. For one Night only.
MADAME ELENA ROSSI, the celebrated contralto, and M. WINTERBOTTOM, beg to announce to the public of Geelong, that they will have the honour of giving a Grand Evening Concert at the above institution, on Monday, February 13th, when the following eminent artistes will appear.
AND MADAME ELENA ROSSI, (Pupil of Signors Garcia and Crivelli) who has just arrived from Europe.
SOLO INSTRUMENTALISTS. Bassoon - Mr. Winterbottom.
Piano Forte - Mr. C. Elasser [Elsasser].
Reserved seats, 8s; Unreserved Seats, 5s.
Tickets and programmes may be had at Mr. Creed Royal's Music Saloon; at the Mechanics' Institution, and also at Mack's Hotel.
Doors open at half past seven. Concert to commence at eight.

"THE CONCERT AT THE MASONIC HALL", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (14 February 1854), 4 

The evening concert, at which Madame Elena Rossi, and M. Winterbottom, made their first "debut" to a Geelong audience, was succesful; and the re-appearance of Mrs. Testar amongst us, was hailed with greetings [?], which we trust was gratifying to that amiable and talented lady. Madame Elena Rossi has a fine contra-alto voice, and evoked applause in "La Somnanbula." The syren voice of Mrs. Testar, has been so often the subject of eulogy, that praise is exhausted. Mr. W. F. Sayer sang very correctly and simply. The Solo on the bassoon, "The last Rose of Summer," with variations, was loudly encored, and Mr. Winterbottom, we should think, pretty well exhausted. The Bill of Fare was rather meagre, there being only two concerted pieces. Before the next concert, it would be well to call in the services of the piano forte tuner.

14 April 1854, Winterbottom sailed from Melbourne for Sydney

Sydney, NSW (16 April to 4 May 1854)

16 April 1854, Winterbottom arrived in Sydney

"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (17 April 1854), 70 

16 - Golden Age, America steamer, 3000 tons, Capt Porter, from Melbourne 14th inst. Passengers . . . Winterbottom . . .

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERT", Illustrated Sydney News (22 April 1854), 2 

Those of our readers who have a taste for good music will be glad to hear that Mr. Winterbottom has returned to Sydney, and that he intends to give a Grand Concert on Wednesday Evening next, at the Royal Hotel . . .

1 May 1854, concert, Bazaar, Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1854), 1 

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1854), 5 

"M. WINTERBOTTOM'S GRAND CONCERT", Illustrated Sydney News (6 May 1854), 3

On the evening of Monday last, M. Winterbottom's Musical Festival collected in the Bazaar-Saloon of the Royal Hotel a more crowded and brilliant assemblage than is often brought together for any purpose in Sydney. Indeed, the sitting accommodation was quite inadequate, and not a few were compelled to stand during the entire performance. Mrs. Hancock and Miss Flora Harris delighted the audience with their "most sweet voices" - but we must say that the pleasure would have been still greater if the selection had been more judicious. M. Winterbottom's bassoon-playing, however, constituted the chief attraction; and, certainly, that gentleman's complete mastery of this very difficult instrument was something marvellous. M. Winterbottom, in fact, seems to have in his chest a sort of "Inexhaustible Bottle", from which issue in bewildering profusion the very eccentricities of an intricate and yet most harmonious melody. We trust that we shall often have the pleasure of attending M. Winterbottom's Concerts. If due attention be paid to the selection of the programme, they cannot fail to become the most fashionable entertainments of our city.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1854), 2 

M. WINTERBOTTOM begs to return his most sincere thanks to his patrons and public in general for their very kind and liberal patronage, on Mouday last, at his Concert, Royal Hotel.

4 May 1854, Winterbottom cleared out for Melbourne

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1854), 4

May 4. - Hellespont (s.s.), 332 tons. Captain R. P. Pockley, for Melbourne. Passengers - . . . Winterbottom . . .

Melbourne, VIC (10 May 1854 to 3 January 1855)

10 May 1854, Winterbottom arrived Melbourne

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (11 May 1854), 4 

May 10 - Hellespont, S. S. S., 332 tons, R. F. Pockley, from Sydney, 4th instant. Passengers - cabin . . . Winterbottom . . .

"MADAME CARANDINI'S BENEFIT", The Argus (29 May 1854), 5 

The entertainment at the Theatre, on Saturday evening, for the benefit of Madame Carandini, was in every respect successful. The house was well filled, and the audience experienced unequivocal satisfaction. No contretemps, if we except the break-down of Mr. Winterbottom, who perspicaciously insisted on accepting an ironical encore . . .

"MADAME CARANDINI'S BENEFIT", The Argus (30 May 1854), 5 

Our attention has been drawn to an unfavorable notice of the performance of Mr. Winterbottom at the late concert at the Theatre, which appeared in the report of the proceedings published in our columns yesterday. The paragraph in question slipped into the paper without our seeing it; or it is unnecessary to say that a statement which we believe was at once incorrect and very unjust, never would have received publicity. It is rarely that we have to make use of such an excuse; as we are watchful as mortal eyes will enable us to be, to prevent anything objectionable from appearing in our columns. The occasional negligence or stupidity of a printer will, however, sometimes wear out, or get the better of the utmost vigilance in the editor, and will baffle all his care to avoid error or injustice. To the first, at all events, of the performances of Mr. Winterbottom on the occasion alluded to, we can bear personal testimony; and we must do him the justice to say that he neither "broke down," not was the encore by which he was complimented in any way an "ironical" one. It appeared, on the contrary, in every respect as genuine as the encores which almost invariably greet so accomplished a master of a very difficult instrument. In frankly expressing our regret at a purely accidental imputation upon the skill of this gentleman, we must hint to him that the tone he adopts, in his letter of remonstrance, is scarcely justifiable even from an angry man. The conductor of a public journal is not expected to write with his own hand every line that appears in his paper, and accidents, as in the present case, may happen for which he ought not to be held responsible without an opportunity for explanation. We think, too, that the indulgent spirit which invariably pervades the Argus in its criticisms upon the performances of every one who endeavors to cater for public amusement, might have led Mr. Winterbottom to the conviction that we have no wish to deal harshly, much less unjustly, with either him or any of his fraternity. And having taken some pains to develop a taste for music in this community, and to secure adequate remuneration and a kindly reception to musicians, we think that we might have been spared a most uncalled for insult at the hands of any one of its professors.

ASSOCIATIONS: The author of this response was apparently The Argus's editor Edward Wilson

8 June 1854, concert, for the funds of the Prahran Mechanics' Institute

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 June 1854), 3

A GRAND Concert, under the Patronage of His Excellency the Acting Lieutenant-Governor, will be given by Mr. Winterbottom, in aid of the Building Fund of the Prahran Mechanics' Institute, on Thursday, June 8th, in the Royal George Assembly Room, Chapel street, Prahran.
The following artistes have kindly given their services for this occasion: -
Madame Rossi, Miss Octavia Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom.
Tickets of admission to be had from the Secretary, Mr. ROMANIS, Chapel-road, South Yarra, or from any of the Committee.

"PRAHRAN MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Argus (13 June 1854), 7 

The concert given by Mr. Winterbottom, on the 8th Instant, for the benefit of the Building Fund of the above institution, was most respectably attended. His Excellency the Acting Lieutenant-Governor and his lady honored the company with their presence. Miss Hamilton was in excellent voice, and Mr. Winterbottom elicited great applause, as did also Mr. Crook, one of the first inhabitants of Prahran, and one to whom Prahran is much indebted, for his great exertions to promote its onward progress. He sang the "Old Arm Chair" with much feeling and taste. There not being a suitable room large enough in Prahran, a great many were disappointed, as there was not even standing room to be obtained. But we hope it will have the good effect of stirring up the inhabitants to support and insitution which not only provides amusement, but would also provide a suitable place for it . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Probably Joseph Thomas Crook junior (amateur vocalist, committee member of the Institute)

"GRAND PROMENDADE CONCERT", The Argus (18 July 1854), 5 

On Saturday evening Mr. Winterbottom gave the first of a series of musical entertainments, which he designates as the revival of his promenade concerts, a la Jullien in Rowe's American Arena. The circus holds about thirteen hundred when full, and on this occasion there could not have been less that that number present, as the circus itself was crowded close up to the stage. The orchestral arrangements were of a very superior order, and comprised some of the best musical talent in the colony. Among the most distinguished artistes were Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mons. Barre, Herr Elsasser, Herr Strebinger, Mr. Johnson, the inimitable Barlow, and Mr. Winterbottom the prime mover and conductor. The concert exhibited a variety of classical and popular music, both vocal and instrumental. The concert opened with Auber's grand overture to the Opera of "Fra Diavolo," which was performed with excellent effect. Then followed a quadrille, composed by Winterbottom, and performed here for the first time, called the "Elixir of Love," a spirited composition, with solos for the cornet, clarionet, and flute . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1854), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 September 1854), 8

16 December 1854, concert, Astley's Amphitheatre

"WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERTS", The Argus (18 December 1854), 5 

Mr Winterbottom has resumed his concerts a la Jullien at Astley's. The first of the series came off on Saturday, but the attendance was very thin . . .

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Age (19 December 1854), 5 

MR. WINTERBOTTOM", The Age (18 December 1854), 5 

Amongst the approaching departures from the colony, we are sorry to find we must number Mr. Winterbottom, who proceeds to England to fulfil an engagement with Mons. Jullien. Mr. Winterbottom is an old and deserving favorite of the musical public of Melbourne, both for his unrivalled performances on the bassoon, and for his constant readiness to lend his professional services to the advancement of charitable objects. The best wishes of the thousands he has often delighted will, we doubt not, accompany him, and we trust that merit so conspicuous will meet a full appreciation in the old country.

23 December 1854, ? did Winterbottom make a preliminary trip to Sydney, returning to Melbourne before sailing finally on 3 January?

"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (25 December 1854), 250 

December 23 - City of Sydney (s.), 500 tons, Captain Moodie, from Melbourne the 23rd instant. Passengers . . . Messrs. . . . Winterbottom . . . 28 in the intermediate, and 113 in the steerage. A.S.N. Company, agents.

3 January 1855, Winterbottom sailed for Sydney finally


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1855: 

Sydney, NSW (6 January 1855 to 21 May 1859)

6 January 1855, Winterbottom arrived in Sydney finally

"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (8 January 1855), 258 

January 6. - City of Sydney (s), 750 tons, Captain R. T. Moodie, from Melbourne the 3rd instant. Passengers - Mr. Winterbottom, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Taylor, Misses Taylor (3) and servant, Messrs. Dalton, Atkinson, J. Davis, Boyle, Stark, Busaco, Miss Young, Mrs. Henay, Mrs. Hackin, Messrs. Laurie, Williams (2), Rose, Young, Sharpe, Swift, Chat, Rice, Sharp . . .

"THE DRAMA . . . ROYAL VICTORIA, Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (31 March 1855), 2 

. . . It is only a graceful act of duty to take notice of the excellent orchestra, now under the baton-ship of Mr. Winterbottom. There has never been so good a theatrical band in these colonies, and its only faults are a deficiency of stringed instrnmcnts, to fill up and balance the wind, and more sustaining power in the bass. It is really a treat to hear Mr. W's chaste selections from Lucrezia, Norma, Ernani, Lucia, and other favorite classical productions.

"Mr Winterbottom, the eminent musician", Walter G. Mason (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1857); National Library of Australia

This image originally appeared in The Illustrated Sydney News (5 May 1855), but captioned "MR. WINTERBOTTOM, MUSICAL CONDUCTOR AT THE VICTORIA THEATRE", and signed as here "W. G. M." [Walter G. Mason], but additionally at bottom left "C. W. A" [Charles William Andrews]; my thanks to Richard Bradshaw for bringing this to my attention

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (9 May 1855), 6 

. . . The orchestra, under the able guidance of Mr. Winterbottom, has become one of the greatest attractions in the Theatre to lovers of music, and it is no small pleasure to have selections from the best operas of Verdi and Donizetti so well performed, as is now the case every evening . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1855), 1 

M. WINTERBOTTOM begs to inform the inhabitants of Sydney that he intends devoting a few hours each day to giving private lessons in singing and music generally. For terms apply, by letter, to M. WINTERBOTTOM, Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1855), 4

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, August 22, Will be performed a new Electro-Biological Burlesque Operatic Extravaganza, entitled ALONZO THE BRAVE AND THE FAIR IMOGENE. The Libretto written by Mr. H. T. Craven; the Music composed and arranged by Mr. Winterbottom; Machinery by Mr. Cooper. To conclude with the Ballet, entitled LA FILLE MAL GARDEE . . .

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (27 November 1855), 4 

THIS EVENING, Tuesday, November 27, 1855, the evening's performances will commence with Donizetti's favourite Opera of
L'ELISIRE D'AMORE. Characters by Messrs. Winterbottom, Bellair, Holloway, Stuart [sic], Mrs. H. T. Craven, Mrs. Winterbottom, Miss Douglass, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Moore.
To conclude with a Petite Comedy, entitled THE RETURN FROM THE CRIMEA.
J. G. GRIFFITHS, Manager.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1855), 4 

This Evening, November 29 . . . Donizetti's Opera of L'ELISIRE D'AMORE.
Dr. Dulcamara, Mr. Winterbottom; Nemorino, Mr. Bellair; Sergeant Belcore, Mr. Holloway; Adina, Mrs. H. T. Craven; Gretta, Mrs. Winterbottom; Florette, Miss Douglas; Minetta, Mrs. Gibbs; Jessie, Mrs. Moore . . .
Under the direction and management of Mr. A. TORNING.

"VICTORIA THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (8 December 1855), 2-3 

Discussion has lately been prevalent as to the comparative virtue of out-door and in-door recreation. We, ourselves, certainly see nothing objectionable to the fascinations of a Promenade Concert in public grounds; but we do suggest that the proceeds should not pour into any private pocket, but be appropriated to charitable purposes, - the first of which, might with justice, be the foundation of almshouses for distressed managers. The moonlight attractions of the Domain have already lent one blow towards the general demolition of the theatres . . . The uncompensating attendances at the two houses during the last fortnight, stimulates these remarks; for the entertainment offered has been such as, under ordinary circumstances, would and should have commanded a large patronage. We will instance Donizetti's opera THE ELIXIR OF LOVE, in the production of which, industry has overcome some difficulties, and talent achieved the rest. That glorious quack - that mountebank, Falstaff Dulcamara was undertaken by Mr. Winterbottom: his first step over the foot lights, from the orchestra which he has long adorned. His appearance literally and figuratively was great. Lablache-like from wig-top to boot; and what was of equal importance, his singing and acting were both humorous and correct; he rendered the music as a thorough musician should do, and infused a spirit into it, which every musician could not do. We heartily congratulate him on a success for which we need not remind him he was to some extent indebted to Mrs. Craven: their voices harmonized admirably, and their duetts were the gems of the opera. The lady was in excellent voice, and sang with her usual sweetness, and now well acknowledged [3] flexibility; acting with a most pleasing archness. Mr. Holloway as Belcore, and Mr. Bellair as Nemorino acquitted themselves creditably. The first of these gentlemen has a really valuable voice, which he would do well to cultivate diligently. To Mr. Bellair, we suspect the management is indebted for filling a gap, which, unfilled, would have been a serious obstacle to the production of the piece. The orchestra, led by Gibbs, deserves high commendation. The melody is so frequently given to the instruments, that much attention is naturally drawn to the band. This charming little opera deserves a frequent call for repetition . . .

15 December 1855, John Winterbottom (benefit), Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney

"THE THEATRES", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1855), 4 

. . . On Saturday last Mr. Winterbottom, to whose taste, talent, and tact, the Victoria is indebted for much of its prestige, took his benefit. The gems of the opening concert were Mr. Winterbottom's remarkable solos on the bassoon, which were rapturously encored - considering their difficulty, a somewhat unkind compliment. The Nelson family, who kindly performed gratuitously, gave good and unassuming service; and the admirable orchestra of the theatre was excellently seconded by the band of the XIth, which played with a spirit for which, more especially at flower shows, its is not always remarkable. The concluding quadrille, played by the two bands in concert - The British Army in the East - was really a very fine piece of music. It stirred the heart like the sound of a - or rather, of a good many - trumpets, calling up recollections of its composer, Jullien, and "Old Drury;" and the Grand Demonstration, with its beautiful tableau, and patriotic songs by the whole force of the compaay, sent the house almost wild with loyal enthusiasm. They rose en masse and clapped, and stamped, and thumped, and cheered, after the approved head-ache fashion of English-men. Donisettl's Elixir of Love, which, save for Dr. Dulcamara and Adina (and their Impersonators) would be a rather deadly - lively specimen of the "comic opera," formed a somewhat "lame and impotent conclusion" to the evening's entertainments. The same night Mr. Frank Howson took his benefit at the Prince of Wales in Fra Diavolo and Slasher and Crasher, every member of the company giving his or her services gratuitously - a graceful and well-merited compliment . . .

"SYDNEY", The Argus (26 December 1855), 4 

Passing from great things to small, I have learned that we are to have a third theatre in Sydney, at which Winterbottom's band, with Frank Howson, Hydes, Craven, Mrs. Craven, and a few othes will appear. It is very likely to pay, for the company will be a favorite one, but it can only do so by shutting up one of the other theatres.

"THE DRAMA. MADAME ANNA BISHOP", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (29 December 1855), 2 

This lady made her debut before a Sydney audience on Saturday last; and though a sufficiently complimentary anxiety was manifested to hear so distinguished a cantatrice, the extravagantly high rates of admission checked its indulgence, and but second rate house had assembled at the rising of the curtain . . .

. . . Madame Bishop appeared under another grievous disadvantage. The secession of Mr. Winterbottom and the pick of his admirably organized orchestra, left her most most inadequately supported, and not even the conductorship of a Bochsa could avert or ameliorate so serious a drawback . . .


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1856: 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1856), 1 

MR. W. H. STEPHENS, late of the Royal Victoria Theatre, will deliver a LECTURE to the New Hall of the School of Arts, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, January 7th, 1856, entitled, Thoughts on the Comic Drama of the Age . . . Between the first and second parts of the lecture a Solo on the Bassoon, Mr. Winterbottom, who has kindly volunteered his services. Mrs. Winterbottom will preside at the Pianoforte . . .

"OUR LYCEUM", Empire (12 July 1856), 4 

Our Lyceum is announced to be opened on Monday next. The theatre, which is a commodious and elegant building, occupies the site of Malcolm's Circus, in York-street; but with the exception of the walls of the old place of amusement, every thing is new . . . The band will be under the able dircction of Mr. Winterbottom; it is stated that it will be the most efficient in the colonies, and will include the following gentlemen: M. Charles Eigenschenck (leader), Messrs. W. Tranter, Boans, Wilkinson, Strong, Seymour, Volpi, Sharpe, Richardson, &c, &c. . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1856), 1

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 December 1856), 7 

. . . The orchestral department in this establishment is now under the direction of Mr. Winterbottom, and led by M. Eigenschenck, and to them is owing much of that eclat which has attended the production of Cinderella. Mr. Winterbottom shortly leaves for California, a circumstance which will be generally regretted.

"THE DRAMA . . . MR. WINTERBOTTOM", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (20 December 1856), 2 

The friends and admirers of this talented musician will be happy to learn that he has been offered an engagement by the eminent "Costa," Conductor und Managing Director of the Royal Italian Opera, London, to appear as first bassoon player in his orchestra, as also to perform at the Philharmonic Society's Concerts. We need scarcely add that the departure of Mr. Winterbottom from the colony would leave a gap in the profession here of which he is so distinguished a member not easily filled up, and be a loss to the Society in which he moves, and of which he is so great an ornament.


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1857: 

"THEATRE ROYAL", The Hobart Town Mercury (11 March 1857), 2


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1858: 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1858), 2

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (13 November 1858), 3

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1858), 4 

PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE . . . ORCHESTRA: John Winterbottom, conductor; R. Vaughan; Charles Friedrichs; F. S. Wilkinson; W. Dalton; S. Davis; L. Hall; W. J. S. Tranter; Charles Eigenschenk . . .


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1859: 

21 May 1859, Sydney, Winterbottom cleared out for Melbourne

"CLEARANCE. - MAY 21", Empire (23 May 1869), 4 

CITY OF SYDNEY (s.), Captain T. Moodie, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mr. Winterbottom . . .

Melbourne and regional VIC (24 May 1859 to May 1860)

24 May 1859, Winterbottom arrived Melbourne

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (25 May 1859), 4 

ARRIVED. - May 24 . . . City of Sydney, A.S.N. Co's s.s.s., 730 tons, R. T. Moodie, from Sydney 21st inst. Passengers - saloon : . . . Mr. and Mrs. Strebinger . . . Winterbottom . . .


. . . Where is Mr. Winterbottom? . . . . . . engaged, but withdrawn . . .


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1860: 

8 and 9 May 1860, Winterbottom cleared out and sailed for Launceston

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (9 May 1860), 4 

CLEARED OUT. - MAY 8 . . . Black Swan, s.s., 129 tons, A. T. Woods, for Launceston. William Bayles and Co., agents.

Launceston and Hobart, TAS (11 May to 15 June 1860)

11 May 1860, Winterbottom and Farquharson arrived Launceston

"Shipping Intelligence", Launceston Examiner (12 May 1860), 2 

ENTERED INWARDS. May 11 - Steamer Black Swan, 100 tons, A. T. Woods, from Melbourne; G. Fisher, agent. Passengers - Mr. Seelig, Robert Adams, Farquharson, Winterbottom, Kippel; 9 steerage.

15 June 1860, Winterbottom, Farquharson and Kitts sailed from Launceston

Melbourne, VIC (17 June to 3 October 1860)

17 June 1860, Winterbottom, Farquharson, and Kitts arrived Melbourne

"SHIPPING", The Age (18 June 1860), 4 

June 17 - Black Swan, s.s.s., 137 tons, A. T. Woods, from Launceston 15th inst. Passengers - cabin: Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Morton and child, Messrs. Elliott, Fitzhenry, Farquharson, Winterbottom, Kitts, Marks, Garside, Lush; and twelve in the steerage. Wm. Bayles and Co., agents.

3 October 1860, Winterbottom sailed from Melbourne

Launceston and Hobart, TAS (5 October to 5 November 1860)

5 October 1860, Winterbottom arrived Tasmania

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Launceston Examiner (6 October 1860), 2 

ENTERED INWARDS. Oct. 5 - Steamer Royal Shepherd, 300 tons, W. H Saunders, from Melbournoe; G. Fisher agent. Passenegers - Dr. Lempriere, Mr. Winterbottom, Mr. Wilkins, Miss Shaw; 12 steerage.

5 November 1860, Winterbottom and company cleared out Launceston for Melbourne

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Launceston Examiner (6 November 1860), 2 

CLEARED OUT. Nov. 30 [sic] - Steamer Black Swan, 800 tons. A. T. Woods. for Melbourne . . . Passengers - Signor Bianchi, Signora Bianchi, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Messrs. Gregg, Winterbottom, Mons. Paltzer, Mariotti, Mr. James Robinson; 1 steerage.

Melbourne and regional VIC (6 November 1860 to June 1861)

6 November 1860, Winterbottom and company arrived Melbourne

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (7 November 1860), 4 

ARRIVED. - NOVEMBER 6 . . . Black Swan, s.s.s., 139 tons, A. T. Woods, from Launceston 5th inst. Passengers - saloon : Signor and Signora Bianchi, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Messrs. Winterbottom, Gregg, Paltzer, Mariotti Robinson . . .


To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1861: 

"THE "BUFFALO GALS", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (14 January 1861), 3

On Friday night the Golden Age Theatre was crowded to witness the performance of these sable novelties, who as novelties, seem to be taking the public eye and ear wherever they go. And not merely as novelties we think, judging from the hearty reception they met at the hands of Friday's audience. The company consisted of five ladies, and two male performers, who did the bones and tambourine. The programme of the entertainment was very similar to that of the old original male [REDACTED]s; the oddites of whose doings became additionally odd in the hands of fair ladies - albeit, for the occasion, assuming the blackness of eight. The outrageous humour of the negro melodist proper, and his extravagant action, was, of course, much toned down; and, indeed, was of a very modest kind. The lady who answered to the name of Miss Dinah was very good we thought, piquant, without coarseness. Many pleasant songs were sung, of which the audience testified their appreciation by a frequent encore. In the second part of the entertainment, a duet - "the Rose and the Lily" was sung with good taste and considerable power by two of the ladies, but that which we thought the gem of the performance was the really graceful dancing of Madame Louise in the third part. Her first appearance in the Spanish dance, with castanets, accompanied as it was by some beautiful music and singing of the other ladies was extremely effective and good. Other National dances, reels, and hornpipes succeeded and closed the performance in a very agreeable manner. We have little doubt that the " Buffalo Gals" will be appreciated wherever they go and we wish them every success. The company left Maryborough for Dunolly, where they were engaged to play on Saturday, intending to return again. We perceive by an advertisement elsewhere that they will give another entertainment at the Golden Age on Wednesday night, when in addition to the ordiuury performances, Mr. Winterbottom will play several solos on the bassoon.

"INSOLVENT COURT", The Age (12 June 1861), 6 

In re John Winterbottom : The insolvent, a musician, who was formerly engaged in the orchestra of the Theatre Royal, was in attendance.

About 16 June 1861, Winterbottom sailed from Melbourne for Sydney

Sydney, NSW (19 June to 13 August 1861)

19 June 1861, Winterbottom arrived Sydney

"THE DRAMA", Empire (21 June 1861), 5 

If Mr. Rogers had required any additional proof of the estimation in which he is held by the citizens of our good town, he could not have found a more ample or more elopquent response than the very crowded and brilliant audience which greeted him last night at the Victoria, on the occasion of his benefit . . . To add to the attractions of the evening, a selection from Wallace's very popular opera', "Tha Amber Witch," very skilfully arranged by Mr. F. A. Howson, was performed by the orchestra at the conclusion of the comedy, and was greatly admired; a pas seul was very prettily executed by Miss O'Brien, a pupil of Professor King; and Mr. Winterbottom (who had arrived the preceding night from Melbourne, and was received in the most enthusiastic manner) kindly volunteered a fantasie on the airs "Tu non sai" and "Ah! non guinge," from the Sonnambula, on that most unmanageable of instruments, the bassoon, it is needless to say how very skilfully and effectively. For an encore he played some grotesque and very difficult "aggravations" on a popular Ethiopian air . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 June 1861), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 June 1861), 7

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 June 1861), 1

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S BENEFIT", Empire (8 July 1861), 4

. . . We feel confident that it is only necessary to advert to the fact that, owing to several unsuccessful speculations in the neighbouring colony, Mr. Winterbottom will return to England, after many years of unremitting toil and assiduous catering for the public amusement.

"OPENING OF THE LYCEUM THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1861), 5

13 August 1861, Winterbottom departed for Melbourne

"MR. WINTERBOTTOM", Empire (14 August 1861), 5 

A very gratifying testimonial was presented to Mr. Winterbottom, the eminent bassoonist and conductor, previous to his departure from Sydney, yesterday, for Melbourne, en route for England, by several of the artistes who have been members of the corps d'orchestre, under Mr. Winterbottom, since he arrived in these colonies. The testimonial consisted of a handsome frame, containing photographic portraits, very beautifully executed by Mr. Glaister, of Pitt-street, of Mr. Winterbottom himself (in the centre), surrounded by those of the following artistes: Mr. Eigenschenck (leader), Mr. J. Hall (second violin), Mr. Rice (viola), Mr. Vaughan (flute), Mr. Chate (basso), Mr. Prince (cornet), Mr. Seamore (trombone), and Mr. Sharp (drums); all of whom, we understand, have, with slight intermission, been connected with Mr. Winterbottom during the last nine years in his professional career in Australia. The manner in which they have thus testified their regard and sympathy for their late talented conductor, is at once appropriate and suggestive, and we doubt not, will be long cherished by the accomplished artiste to whom it has been offered, and whose departure from these colonies will create a vacuum in the musical world which it will be extremely difficult to supply.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Glaister (photographer); Charles Eigenschenck (violin, leader); John Thomson Hall (violin); Walter John Rice (viola); Robert Vaughan (flute); Alfred Henry Chate (double bass); Henry Prince (cornet); Richard Seymour (trombone); Frederick Sharp (drums)

"SHIPPING GAZETTE . . . DEPARTURES", Sydney Mail (17 August 1861), 4 

August 13. Wonga Wonga (s.), 700 tons, Captain Walker, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mr. Winterbottom, and 30 in the steerage.

Melbourne and country VIC (15 August to 17 December 1861)

15 August 1861, Winterbottom arrived Melbourne

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (17 August 1861), 4 

ARRIVED. - AUGUST 15 . . . Wonga Wonga, A.S.N. Co.'s s.s s., 700 tons, David Walker, from Sydney 13th inst. Passengers - saloon . . . Winterbottom . . .

[News], The Melbourne Leader (23 November 1861), 11 

On Tuesday next, Mr. John Winterbottom, whose name is a familiar one to all musical people, takes a farewell benefit at the Theatre Royal. We understand that Mr Winterbottom is under engagement to proceed at once to London to join the orchestra at the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden, under the leadership of Signor Costa. As a bassoon-player, Mr. Winterbottom had achieved a wide reputation before coming to Australia ten years ago, and, if we are not mistaken, was one of the chiet performers in Jullien's celebrated band. He was the first to bring together a really good corps of instrumentalists in Victoria, and has always maintained a first-class position amongst us as a musician. Mr. Winterbottom's skill as a fencer has also contributed to bring him into prominent notice, and at the various assaults of arms he has generally managed to hold his own against all comers. We believe that his claims deserve recognition from the public, and we hope to see a good house assembled on the occasion of his last appearance before a Melbourne audience.

[News], The Argus (26 November 1861), 4

[News], The Star (2 December 1861), 2

To-morrow evening that accomplished swordsman and equally accomplished performer on the bassoon, will take a farewell benefit at the Theatre Royal, previous to his departure for England in the Result. The entertainment, which is under the patronage of Major Wallace, Captains Campbell, Smith, and Drury, and the Ballarat Rifle Rangers, is to consist of a comedy, followed by a vocal and instrumental concert; the strains of the Rangers' Band; an assaut des armes, involving the presentation of a prize medal for the best broadsword player; Mr. Winterbottom's own feats of skill in swords-manship; and a new burlesque! With such a dainty and tempting bill of fare, surely it cannot be necessary for us to urge our readers to be at the feast, though we rather think that the better motive will actuate them - that of visiting the theatre out of compliment to an accomplished and worthy man.

17 December 1861, the Winterbottoms sailed from Melbourne for London

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (17 December 1861), 4

The Blackwall ship Result leaves this day for London with a very valuable freight. Among her passengers are Sir Henry and Lady Young, and family . . .

After 1861

"MR. ALFRED MELLON'S CONCERTS. THE OPENING NIGHT" The musical world (14 August 1864), (513), 514 

. . . The strength of the orchestral soloists was exhibited in a well-made quadrille by Mr. Coote, founded on some of the most captivating themes of M. Gounod's charming opera of Mireille; and still more prominently in the so-called "selection" (which ought rightly to be denominated olia podrida) from Verdi's Il Trovatore. It is enough to state that Mr. R. S. Pratten was flute, M. Barret oboe, Mr. Lazarus clarionet, Mr. J. Winterbottom bassoon, Mr. H. Young piccolo, Mr. C. Harper horn, Mr. W. Winterbottom trombone, Mr. Hughes ophicleide, and Mr. Levy cornet-a-pistons. All these gentleman, it need scarcely be said, are acknowledged masters of their instruments . . .

"Reports" The musical standard (11 August 1866), 81 

Mr. Alfred Mellon's annual course of promenade concerts at the Royal Italian Opera House, Covent Garden, was commenced on Monday evening last . . . As usual Mr. Mellon has brought together a very powerful band of one hundred performers, which includes in its ranks a goodly number of our best instrumentalists. As soloists he has secured for the present the services of Mdlle. Liebhart (vocalist); Mdlle. Marie Krebs (pianist); Mr. H. W. Hill and Herr Wieniawski (violinists); MM. G. Collins (violoncello), Hughes (ophicleide), Lazarus (clarionet), Levy and Reynolds (cornet), W. Winterbottom (trombone), J. Winterbottom (bassoon), and Master Bonnay (Xylophone); and other engagements will doubtless be announced.

[News], The Argus (23 December 1869), 5

For the following items we are indebted to the "Anglo-Australian" of the European Mail: ". . . John Winterbottom, another old colonial favourite, has charge of the orchestra at the Olympic [London] . . .

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1889), 10 

THE Volunteer Artillery Band will, by kind permission of Colonel Wells and officers, perform the following programme in Hyde Park at 3.30 p.m., under the direction of Bandmaster C. Helm: . . . gavotte, "True Love" (J. Winterbottom) . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 February 1889), 8 


"Mr. Philip Langdale", Table Talk (21 June 1889), 15 

. . . Subsequently Mr. Langdale had occasion to plny at the Olympic Theatre, London, with Mr. Winterbottom as conductor, but that gentleman cast a wet blanket over the young man's hopes by declaring he never would make a bassoon player. This statement is all the more remarkable, as Mr. Langdale has been the only bassoon player who has caught the public taste in Melbourne since Mr. Winterbottom's phenomenal success here . . .

Links: Philip Langdale

"A FAMILY OF BANDSMEN", The Mercury (12 May 1892), 2

Mr. John Winterbottom, who has completed 21 years of service in the Royal Marine Artillery as bandmaster, [h]as] just retired from it to take up the appointment of bandmaster of the 20th Middlesex (artists) Volunteer corps. From 1799 to the present time, Mr. Winterbottom's family, - who came from Saddleworth, Yorkshire, have (according to a writer in Lloyd's News) put in the unique service, in the army and navy, of 213 years. His great uncle (John Winterbottom), who enlisted as a private in the 52nd Regiment in 1799, was given a commission as ensign and adjutant for galant conduct in the Peninsula War in 1808, having fought with great distinction at Bajadoz and Waterloo. His material grandfather was 30 years in the 1st Life Guards, and as quartermaster of the regiment fought also at Waterloo. His father served 21 years in the 1st Life Guards, and was the first sword instructor of the army; his portrait, by command of William IV, was painted and hung in the Waterloo Gallery at Windssn. Mr. Winterbottom's three brothers have all been bandmasters, and the four have put in a hundred years' service. The elder generation may remember the subject of this notice as a solo player at Julien's Promunado concerts at Drury Lane; at the Monday Populars at St. James's Hall; and at one time as musical director at the Olimpic Theatre; while Australians will not forgot his carrying out a concert in 1856, at Sydney, for the benefit of the survivors of the Monumental City, which went down with nearly all on board. During a residence of ten years in Australia Mr. Winterbottom earned the esteem of all classes, and left, as he does at Portsmouth, the record of an honourable and distinguished name. There was a Mr. Winterbottom, probably the musician here referred to, who played the ophicleide, in the orchestra of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, for some years, and whose wife was a soubrotte actress at the same theatre.

"A REMARKABLE RECORD", Timaru Herald (23 May 1892), 3

Mr. John Winterbottom, who has completed 21 years of service in the Royal Marine Artillery as bandmaster, has just retired from it to take up the appointment of bandmaster of the 20th Middlesex (Artists) Volunteer corps. From 1799 to the present time, Mr. Winterbottom's family, who came from Saddleworth, Yorkshire, have (according to a writer in Lloyd's News)  put in the unique service, in the army and navy, of 213 years. His great uncle (John Winterbottom), who enlisted as a private in the 52nd Regiment in 1799 was given a commission as ensign and adjutant for gallant conduct in the Peninsular War in 1808, having fought with great distinction at Badajoz and also at Waterloo. His maternal grandfather was 30 years in the 1st Life Guards, and as quartermaster of the regiment fought also at Waterloo. His father served 21 years in the 1st Life Guards, and was the first sword instructor of the army; his portrait, by command of William IV, was painted and hung in the Waterloo Gallery at Windsor. Mr. Winterbottom's three brothers have all been bandmasters, and the four have put in a hundred years' service. The elder generation may remember the subject of this notice as a solo player at Julien's promenade concerts at Drury Lane; at the Monday Populars at St. James's Hall; and at one time as musical director of the Olympic Theatre; while Australians will not forget his carrying out a concert in 1856, at Sydney, for the benefit of the survivors of the Monumental City, which went down with nearly all on board. During a residence of ten years in Australia Mr. Winterbottom earned the esteem of all classes, and left, as he does at Portsmouth, the record of an honourable and distinguished name.

"DEATH OF MR. JOHN WINTERBOTTOM", Portsmouth Evening News (15 May 1897), 2

The great majority of our readers, taking an interest as they do in Portsmouth and Service matters, will share the regret feel in announcing today the death of Mr. John Winterbottom, formerly bandmaster of the Royal Marine Artillery at Eastney. The sad event occurred on Thursday at Mr. Winterbottom's residence, 27, Spencer-road, Putney, and the funeral is fixed take place on Monday, when the remains will interred at Kensal Green Cemetery.

Mr. Winterbottom, was for many years a notable figure in the Military musical world, belonged to distinguished family, whose aggregate services the present century already amount to 218 years. The father of the present generation served the 1st Life Guards, and subsequently, while warder of the Tower of London, had charge the rebel Thistlewood. Mr. John Winterbottom, now deceased, started learning music from a bandsman in the Life Guards, afterwards taking lessons from a private master, and year after year attending the weekly practices at the Royal Academy of Music. His first professional engagement was as a bassoon player in the orchestra of the Princess's Theatre, with the English Opera Company. He also played for a number of years at Chappell's Monday Popular Concerts at St. James's Hall, and was solo bassoon player at Mellon's Popular Promenade Concerts at Covent Garden. For a time, too, he was musical director at the Olympic Theatre. He first came into prominence in the musical world, however, a solo player at M. Julien's promenade concerts at Drury Lane. After this he went out to Australia, where for ten years he was conductor of the English and Italian Opera Companies, of which Catherine Hayes, the English prima-donna, was the leading artiste. Then he returned to England, and in 1870 was appointed bandmaster of the Royal Marine Artillery. This position he filled, with credit to himself and advantage to the corps, until March 31st, 1882, when he retired by the exigencies of the Service, and left Portsmouth for London to take up a new appointment as bandmaster of the Artists' Corps of Volunteers, the 20th Middlesex. Prior to his departure from Portsmouth, two complimentary concerts were given in his honour by the professional musicians of the town, and he was publicly presented by Mr. Pillow, on their behalf, with a pair of gold spectacles in a silver case. Mr. Winterbottom had been the recipient of many such marks of esteem in the course his career, and among his prized possessions was a scarf-pin, from a fellow-musician, H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh.

"MR. J. WINTERBOTTOM", Army and Navy Gazette (29 May 1897), 11

Mr. J. Winterbottom, whose death at Putney, at the age of 80, is announced, was for many years Bandmaster of the Royal Marine Artillery at Portsmouth; subsequently he became Bandmaster to the Artists' Rifle Volunteer Corps. His was the fourth generation of long service in the Army. His father, whose portrait, painted by order of King William IV, hangs in Windsor Castle corridor, was the finest swordsman in the Army, and fought at Waterloo in the Life Guards, as did four others of the family, whose military services in the four generations extend to 215 years. The deceased began his career as a bassoon-player in Jullien's orchestra, and for some years he was band conductor in Melbourne and Sydney.

"FIRST GOLDFIELDS DRAMATIC COMPANY IN AUSTRALIA", Bendigo Advertiser (14 January 1899), 6 

. . . Also early in 1854 John Winterbottom, the celebrated bassoon player, instrumentalist and conductor, visited Bendigo with his band of 12 performers, of which that well-known leader of Sydney orchestras, Mr. Walter Rice, ("Daddy" Rice) was first violinist, and the late poor Fred Sharp was drummer. They gave promenade concerts a la Julien in a larye marquee facing the camp, now called the Mill. But the venture turned out unprofitable, and was soon brought to a close . . .

Musical works (John Winterbottom)

KEY: Extant works (published or MS); Lost works (or no copy yet identified)

The arcade polka (1853) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

The bird song (1855) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Hermione valse (1857) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

The Lady Don valse (1861) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

The Zoe galop (1861) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

WINTERBOTTOM, Frank Midwinter King (R.A.M.)

Cellist (Adelaide String Quartet Club), pianist, composer, conductor, arranger, military band director

Born Kentish Town, London, England, 21 March 1861 (son of Ammon WINTERBOTTOM and his wife Rosa)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 2 August 1879 (per Collingrove, from London, May 1)
Departed SA, after March 1882
Died January 1930 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (WorldCat identities)


"Shipping News", South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (9 August 1879), 3 

"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (29 April 1880), 2 

. . . Mr. Winterbottom, a gentleman who has recently arrived from Melbourne, next favored the audience with a Siciliano (by Pergalese [sic]) for the violoncello; and we may safely class this as the gem of the evening; on being loudly encored the "Cradle Song" was given in response; Mr. Winterbottom will be a great acquisition to our musical circles, as he is undoubtedly an artist of no mean ability . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (18 September 1880), 1

"CONCERT OF THE ADELAIDE LIEDERTAFEL", South Australian Register (13 October 1880), 6

Mr. F. Winterbottom afterwards played on the violon-cello with his accustomed good taste and expression one of Schubert's songs and Gounod's "Berceuse," the latter being especially masterly, and eliciting loud applause.

"ADELAIDE STRING QUARTET", The South Australian Advertiser (27 April 1881), 6

"ADELAIDE STRING QUARTET CLUB", The South Australian Advertiser (12 May 1881), 8

"SONG AND DANCE", The Mail (27 June 1914), 9

"MILITARY CONCERT IN BATH", Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette [England] (20 May 1897), 2

. . . After the Bath Military Band had occupied the orchestra for brief time the Marines came on. Mr. Frank Winterbottom having to attend the funeral his uncle, the famous bandmaster, Mr. J. Winterbottom, could not conduct his band in the afternoon, but he was in his place in the evening . . . Humorous variations on the "Carnival of Venice," Mr. F. Winterbottom's own providing a variation for every instrument, were given by request, and amused the audience that this case also encore was experienced. As appropriate to the Record Reign year the able bandmaster has arranged a fantasia, to which is given the title of "V.R." Various leading events in Her Majesty's reign are described by suitable airs, and as finale "God save the Queen" is played . . .

"A Notable Family. The Winterbottoms", Cornishman [England] (26 February 1903), 3

The commencement of this article is transcribed at the top of this page

. . . The fifth son was the late Ammon Winterbottom, the father of the popular conductor of the Royal Marine band. He was long known as a distinguished double-Bass player, being a member of the late Queen's private band, the Royal Italian Opera, the Philharmonic Society, etc., etc. [His son] Mr. Frank Winterbottom was born in the capital of the empire in 1861. He was educated Bruce Castle, Tottenham, and for ten years was devoted student of music under his uncle, the late William Winterbottom, so well known as bandmaster of the Life Guards. In 1890, having already filled number of important posts, among them Professor of Music at the Dulwich College; conductor, Addiscombe Orchestral Society, Croydon; conductor Clapham Orchestral Society, etc., he was appointed bandmaster of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, an office which he continues to hold with marked distinction. His favourite band principal instrument is the violoncello, on which performs with remarkable ability. A popular educator in the truest sense of the word, Mr. Frank Winterbottom arranges symphony concerts during the winter months which are given in the Town Hall, Stonehouse. These have grown to be among the most important musical functions of the West-country, and attract the elite of Plymouth and the neighbourhood. None but classical works are performed at these concerts, which engage, perhaps, more than anything else outside of his regimental duties his heartiest interest, attention, and energies. Mr. Winterbottom is a lover of classical music, but notwithstanding his earnest efforts to popularise it, he prepared to submit to popular taste at times. He ghtly regards his audience as a wide one, and is not above making an effort to meet their wishes. Thus one finds now and then programmes of his concerts including descriptive pieces and selections from the operas. Occasionally he introduced unique features. At one concert the audience were almost convulsed as the result of a series of trios - one for horns, another for trombones, and a third for bassoons! In addition to much music of a severer type, Mr. Winterbottom has himself contributed largely to the repertory of popular military band music, notable instance being his descriptive fantasia, "V.R.I.," a composition presented for the first time in 1897 at a concert organised by him in aid of the Indian Famine Fund. Socially Mr. Frank Winterbottom is highly esteemed in Plymouth, where, in the performance of his military duties, in the perfecting of his band - of which he is so justly proud - and in the composition and arrangement of an immense quantity of music of diverse kinds, he leads an exceptionally busy life. He enjoys the rare and valued distinction of being an honorary member of the officers' mess of the Royal Marines. On the occasion of the recent visit of the King and Queen to the West-country, Mr. Frank Winterbottom was not only the subject of royal compliments, but the recipient a special mark of the beloved Monarch's esteem. The band had been playing on board the royal yacht, and the conductor was presented to the King by Commodore Lambton. At later stage, his Majesty in person presented him with the Victoria Medal, at the same time expressing his admiration of the performances the band. One of the most interesting relics preserved in the Winterbottom family is a doll's house, with which her late Majesty the Queen frequently amused herself while a child. It formerly belonged to the daughter of Sir John Conroy, who was champion of Princess Victoria, Sir John at that time holding a position in the household of the Duchess of Kent, Kensington Palace. Mr. Frank Winterbottom married Miss Ellen Newbold, daughter of Ed. Newbold, Esq., Scarrington Hall, Notts, and has five children. When I add that a grandson of the second John Winterbottom, whose Christian name is Thomas, is fleet paymaster in the Royal Navy, with which service he has been associated for over thirty-four years, it is apparent that the genial, clever, good-looking, and popular conductor of the R.M.L.I, holds family record which almost unexampled. FREDERIC POPE.

[News], Royal Cornwall Gazette [England] (16 June 1910), 1910

Mr. Frank Winterbottom, the bandmaster of the Plymouth Division R.M.L.I., has applied be allowed to retire. It is twenty years ago since Mr. Winterbottom, than a well known 'cello player in some of the London orchestras, came to Plymouth as head of the Royal Marine Band.

[News], Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer [England] (27 January 1930), 2

Mr. Frank Winterbottom, for many years bandmaster the Plymouth Division Royal Marines, has died in London in his 68th year. The family originally lived Saddleworth, Yorkshire, and there is a memorial in Saddleworth Parish Church.

Bibliography and resources:

The heritage encyclopedia of band music (1991), vol. 2. 289; Self-portrait of Percy Grainger, 20

Charles Winterbottom 1866-1935


Orchestral musician, double-bass player (Centennial Orchestra)

Born Clapham, Surrey, England, 4 November 1866
Active Melbourne, VIC, July 1888 to March 1889
Died Hornsey, Middlesex, England, 12 November 1935 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

See full documentation on Centennial Orchestra: 


"THE ORCHESTRA", The Argus (2 August 1888), Supplement 5 

. . . So we have in our Centennial orchestra in Melbourne, 1888, as follows, namely - . . . 6 contra bassos, by Messrs. Ceschina, Winterbottom, Brown, jun., Briese, Peters, and Pickroh . . .

"POLICE - THURSDAY. Before the full Bench", Mercury and Weekly Courier [Melbourne] (31 January 1889), 2 

Charles Winterbottom sued Mary McWilliams for the illegial detention of a double-bass, valued at £35. Plaintiff is a member of the Centennial orchestra, and lodged with the defendant. He left her home, intending to go to England, but she detained the instrument, on the plea of having extras to be paid for. An order was given for the restoration of the property, with £2 12s costs.

"WINTERBOTTOM V. McWILLIAMS", Fitzroy City Press (1 February 1889), 3

This was an action to recover a double bass-violin, valued at £35. Mr. Winterbottom was one of those gentlemen Mr. Cowen brought out from England for the Centennial orchestra. He went to lodge with his wife at Mr. M'Williams'. They paid their board regularly, but Mr. Winterbottom having to leave rather unexpectedly for England, told his landlady that he would be obliged to go. This did not please Mrs. M'Williams, who at once demanded a week's board merely in lieu of a week's notice. Mr. Winterbottom refused the demand, and the irate landlady seized the unoffending "double bass," and banged its unfortunate neck against the wall and broke it . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Charles Winterbottom collection; miscellaneous UK concert programs 1877-86; Royal College Of Music, Library, London 

My thanks:

To family historian Jenny Stroud, for kindly identifying Charles Winterbottom as member of the Centennial Orchestra (1888-89), and for allowing me to reproduce the splendid photo of Charles and his bass above. In her email of May 2018, Jenny wrote:

I am in the process of writing a book about Charles Winterbottom, probably the most accomplished musician (in his field ) of all our Winterbottom ancestors. He played in 3 royal bands (Victoria; Edward VII, and George V); was a founding member of the London Symphony Orchestra; a professor at the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music; he created a new fingering technique for the bass; was a friend of Elgar's; and is regarded by bass historians as the most eminent British bass player of his generation. His bass, known as "The old lady" was also famous in its own right, believed to be one of the few Maggini basses in existence, the head of the instrument possibly sculpted by 16th-century maker Cellini.

Bibliography and resources

F. C. Brewer, The drama and music in New South Wales (Sydney: Charles Potter, Govt. Printer, Sydney, for the New South Wales Commission for the World's Columbian Exposition (1893: Chicago, Ill.), 1892), 59 (DIGITISED)

Winterbottom, who in London was one of Jullien's celebrated band, arrived in Sydney in 1853, and at once organised a series of promenade concerts, on the model of that "Napoleon of Quadrille," as London Punch styled him. These took place in the only hall available, the Saloon of the old Royal Hotel, commencing on April 20. The principals were H. Marsh (piano), Richardson (flute), Evan Sloper (saxhorn), Kohler (cornet), and Mrs. Storr (harp); the vocalists were Mrs. Fiddes (soprano), John Gregg, said to be a pupil of Staudigl (basso), and afterwards Miss Flora Harris. Winterbottom's instrument was the bassoon, on which he was a fine performer; and he also conducted in the style of Jullien, quite a feature of the concerts. They were a success and ran a month.

ASSOCIATIONS: The author, Francis Campbell Brewer (1826-1911), who began his long career as a Sydney newspaperman as an office boy with the Monitor in 1836, would almost certainly have seen and heard Winterbottom himself in Sydney in 1853

Brown and Stratton 1897, British musical biography, 453-54 

Winterbottom, a remarkable family of military musicians, consisting of five brothers, sons of John Winterbottom, of the 1st Life Guards, who fought at Waterloo, and was, on his retirement from the service, appointed one of the wardens of the Tower of London. He died in 1855. Thomas Winterbottom, the eldest son, was in the band of the Royal Horse Guards nine years, and afterwards bandmaster of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, Plymouth Division, for seventeen years. He died at Plymouth in 1869. William Winterbottom, born about 1822, was a trombone player in the band of the 1st Life Guards. Then he was bandmaster of the Woolwich Division, and succeeded his brother at Plymouth, thence exchanging to the 2nd Life Guards. He died at Boulogne-sur-Mer, September 29, 1889. John Winterbottom, tiie celebrated bassoon-player, was born about 1817. He was a member of the famous Jullien orchestra when a young man. From about 1852 he was in Australia, giving [454] promenade concerts at Melbourne, Sydney, and elsewhere. On his return to England he was appointed to organize the band of the Royal Marine Artillery. This was in 1870, as he completed twenty-one years' service November, 1891, and retired March 31, 1892. He then became bandmaster of the Artists' Rifle Corps, London. He died at Putney, May 18, 1897. Henry Winterbottom was bandmaster of the 7th Royal Fusiliers, the 18th Royal Irish, and the Royal Marine, Woolwich. Ammon Winterbottom was a double-bass player, member of the Queen's private band, Philharmonic orchestra, etc. He died in 1891.

Frank Winterbottom, son of the last named, was born in London in 1861. Educated at Bruce Castle, Tottenham. Studied music under his father and his uncle William. Held appointments as professor of music at Dulwich College, and conductor of orchestral societies at Croydon, Clapham, etc. In 1890 was appointed bandmaster Plymouth Division Royal Marine Light Infantry, a position he still holds. He gives symphony concerts in the Town Hall, Stonehouse, during the winter months, also entertainments in the divisional theatre, etc. His compositions include: Overture and ballet music, "Jorinda;" interlude, "Phaulos;" Illustration of Shakespeare's "Seven Ages," Portsmouth, 1892; a descriptive fantasia, "V. R." Also string quartets ; pieces for violoncello, upon which instrument he is a skilled performer; selections, arrangements, etc.

Farmer 1912, The rise & development of military music, 131, 135, 149 

Lyndesay Graham Langwill, The bassoon and contrabasson (London: E. Benn, 1965), 180

Graeme Skinner 2011, First national music, 318-321 

Trevor Herbert and Helen Barlow, Music & the British military in the long nineteenth century (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2013), (PREVIEW)

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