LAST MODIFIED Tuesday 4 February 2025 9:53
Thomas Leggatt and family
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"Thomas Leggatt and family",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
See also:
Professor of music, former master of the band of the 7th Hussars, oboist, clarinettist, cornet player, conductor, musical arranger, publican
Born Kinsale, Cork, Ireland, c.1794
Married Susan ELLARD, Ireland, by c. 1825
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by March 1839
Died Sydney, NSW, 30 April 1846, aged 52 years (buried 2 May 1846, St. Peter's graveyard, Cook's River) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Born Ireland, c. 1798; daughter (? eldest child) of
Andrew ELLARD and Anne McKENNA
Married Thomas LEGGATT, Ireland, by c. 1825
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by March 1839
Died Balmain, NSW, 16 July 1873, "aged 75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Elder sister of Francis Ellard and Maria Logan
John Andrew LEGGATT (1827-1828)
William Lube LEGGATT (1828-1890)
Sophia LEGGATT (1829-1919)
LEGGATT, Thomas (junior) (Thomas LEGGATT)
Amateur vocalist, music librarian
Born ? UK/Ireland, 25 February 1832
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by March 1839 (with parents)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1841-60
Died Vanua Levu, Fiji, 30 August 1873, aged "42" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Francis John LEGGATT (1834-1835)
Alfred LEGGATT (1836-1919)
LEGGATT, Ida (professionally as "Miss Ida LEGGATT"; Idaleigh Clarice LEGGATT; Mrs. George H. A. AIKEN)
Soprano vocalist, actor
Born Paddington, NSW, 2 May 1889; daughter of William Alfred LEGGATT and Marjory Mary RHODES; grand-daughter of Alfred LEGGATT above
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1906
Married George Henry Adolphus AIKEN, St. Matthew's, Auckland, NZ, 12 December 1923
Foundation member of ABC Wireless Chorus, 1832, to her retirement in 1941
Died Avalon, NSW, 22 August 1977
No record has yet been identified of Thomas Leggatt's birth in surviving Kinsale registers; however, family historian Steve Ford did find record of the baptism in 1793 of a possible brother or cousin (RCB Library, Dublin P1028.1.1):
Dec. 7. William John son of John Leggatt, Musician in the Louth Militia and Mary his wife
According his obituary Leggatt had been for "28 years master of the 7th Hussars Band", which means that he served in that role from c.1810, and therefore during the late stages of Napoleonic Wars (the regiment fought in the Peninsula wars and at the Battle of Waterloo).
When it was announced that the regiment was being redeployed to Canada, he requested a discharge from the Hussars, which was granted on 4 May 1838. Pension registers show that on 12 September 1838 Thomas Leggatt, born in Kinsale, Cork and 47 years of age, having served 27 years 10 months and discharged at his own request, was awarded a gratuity of £19 15s 5d, and approved for an ongoing pension of 1s 8d per day, for the collection of which he was listed as resident in New South Wales, his death there on 30 April 1846 being also duly noted.
He can have sailed for Australia no later than November 1838, and since his surname does not appear on any published incoming passenger lists, he and his family may have arrived with a military detachment.
Leggatt's name first appears in the Sydney press on 9 March 1839, in a report on a Cecilian Society concert earlier that week:
Amongst the performers on Wednesday evening, were Mr. W. Wallace, Mr. Leggett (brother-in-law to Mr. Ellard, of George-street), Mr. Deane (the Leader) and family, Mr. Lee, and several Amateurs of musical talent.
He was indeed a brother-in-law of Francis Ellard; his wife Susan was Francis's sister, and eldest daughter of Andrew Ellard, who also arrived in Sydney in March 1839.
A much later report has him refers to him as a cousin of William Vincent Wallaces (his Ellard mother-in-law and Wallace's mother were sisters).
Thomas bought the license of the Hope and Anchor inn on the corner of Sussex and Druitt Streets in September 1839, which was to remain in his wife's hands long after his death. In George Peck's concert in October he accompanied the Bushelles on the cornet in Bellini's Let the trumpet sound ("Suoni la Tromba", from I puritani), one of the earliest of documented concert performances of any Bellini work in Australia (preceded only by Rosalie Deane singing Gentle Goddess a month earlier on 3 September).
Early on, he seems to have gained a critic in W. A. Duncan, who, noting his clarinet solo at the Gautrots's concert in November:
. . . should have had something to say in favour of Mr. Leggatt's Exile of Erin, if he had not put us out of all patience previously to his performing it, by his conceited capers on the platform playing voluntaries, interludes and symphonies, and God knows what.
A Master Leggatt, presumably son of Thomas Leggatt, was listed among the treble vocalists at Isaac Nathan's Sydney Oratorio in June 1841.
Thomas junior was librarian of Sydney Philharmonic Society in 1860. He died in Fiji in August 1873. Almost certainly he would not have been aware that his mother, Susan Leggatt, had died in Sydney in July. Her relative (a nephew or cousin), William Barnes Ellard, was the executor of her estate.
My thanks (2018) to family historian, Steve Ford, for kindly sharing the results of his extensive researches into the Leggatt, Ellard, Logan, and Wallace families.
As generally in this site, the document transcriptions below preserve as closely as practicable the orthography of the originals, and spellings and other oddities are standardised or corrected only where confusion would otherwise arise.
27 August 1821, Dublin, Ireland

[Advertisement], Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin] (27 August 1821), 2
At the Harmonic Saloon, and Musical Circulating Library,
THE CORONATION QUADRILLES, with an entire New Set of Figures; to which is added, King George the IV. Grand Waltz, and the Circular Road Waltz; the Music arranged for the Harp, or Piano-Forte, by Mr. LEGGATT, Master of the 7th Hussar Band, and Dedicated, by permission, to the Lady Mayoress. - Price 3s . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Willis (music publisher)
See also Coronations quadrilles, "composed by Miss Crawford" ? = Marian Maria Chester, ? a cousin of Leggatt's; ? [Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Dublin] (10 September 1821), 2
NEW MUSIC. This Day is Published, BY I. WILLIS, At the Harmonic Saloon and Musical Circulating Library, NO. 7, WESTMORLAND STREET . . . THE CORONATION QUADRILLES, with new Figures, and composed by Miss Crawford. Price 3s. . . .
July 1825, north England

Thomas Leggatt, manuscript commonplace book, journal entries for 4-14 July 1825; fol. 1r above (by kind permission of Leggatt family descendent Steve Ford, 2018)
[fol. 1r]
Marched from Hounslow July 4th 1825 - on the Rout to York
1st stage - Hampstead to King of . . . [? inn] next Wolstenholme
2nd to [ ? ] - the Bull
3rd to Hitchin - the Red Hart
this day we had some heavy
rain - the other two
extremely hot and the roads
very dusty - Polson left behind sick Peters and Hawkins
4th day to St Neots - The Brown Barn - the appearance after of the
houses on this day march
very poor principally of [ ? ]
the weather heavy - a fine old
church - nothing striking in
the appearance of the town -
5th day - Huntingdon - the Coffee
house - the appearance of the country
seems to improve
[fol. 1v]
6th day - Stilton - Cody taken in
the George - the country very
fine - fine view of Whitlsea
Mare a large lake - 5 miles
from Norman Cross - the Sea
is supposed to have come up
this far formerly -
7th day - Stamford - The Dolphin
8th day - Grimthorpe - the Blue Lion - good
spent the Evg. with Roberts and
friends - went to the Royal again
remarkable fine Church steeple
9the Newark - the Hotel -
here there is the ruins of a fine
old Castle - built by the Bishop
of Lincoln in the Reign of King
Steven - King John died
here - a branch of the Trent
is navagable up to the Town
10th day - Bidford - nothing
striking in the town or
[fol. 2r]
neighbourhood - spent the evening
with Wolstenholme Brothers Th.
and Joseph - [ ? ] Arms
11th day - Doncaster entrance
to the town good but not so
superior as it is [ ? ]
the house disturbance in the night
12th Ferry bridge - the Weather
extremely hot
April 1826, north England, May, Scotland
Thomas Leggatt, manuscript commonplace book, journal entry for 8 April 1826
[fol. 2r]
Memo - Left York on
the 8th of April 1826 for
Edinburgh - Newcastle the
first night - stopped at the
Half Moon
On Thursday last a ball and concert was given in the Assembly Rooms, George Street, for the benefit of the distressed manufacturers, which was attended by a fashionable party of nearly 400 . . .
The band of the 7th hussars, by their performances the throughout the evening, excited universal admiration. The airs of "Bid me discourse," and "Thro' the forests, thro' the meadows," were executed with peculiar taste and expression; as were also "Tell me where is fancy bred," Largo al Factotum," and the overture to "La Gazza Ladra;" all of which are arranged by Mr. Leggatt, the master of the band, and along with his performance on the clarionette, proved his superior abilities as a performer, and a man of science and taste . . .

Concert bill, printed on silk, Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, 29 May 1826; image reproduced here by kind permission of Leggatt family descendent Steve Ford, 2018
[Advertisement], Caledonian Mercury [Edinburgh, Scotland] (29 May 1826), 3
Theatre-Royal. MR. PRITCHARD'S BENEFIT. ON MONDAY next, 29th of May 1826, on which occasion, by the kind permission of Colonel THORNHILL, the celebrated BAND OF THE SEVENTH HUSSARS will perform several Popular Airs, Marches, and the Celebrated OVERTURE TO DER FREISCHUTZ by the Band of the Seventh Hussars and the Orchestra of the Theatre Royal united . . .
At the end of the Play, for the first time in Public, will be performed on the Stage, the celebrated Air of "Cherry Ripe" by the Band of the Seventh Hussars, and arranged by Mr. Leggatt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Langford Pritchard (actor)
14 August 1826, Leith, Scotland
"CEREMONY AT LEITH OF DRIVING THE FIRST PILE OF THE EXTENSION PIERS, Edinburgh, 15th [August 1826]", The Edinburgh annual register for 1826 (Edinburgh: Caddell and Company, 1828), 195-96
Since the landing of his Majesty at Leith, yesterday four years, the town of Leith has not presented so animating a scene as it witnessed yesterday at the above ceremony . . . At half past ten o'clock, the different public bodies, composing the procession, began to assemble in the Assembly Rooms, Leith; and, after being marshalled under the suerintendence of Sir Patrick Walker, Usher of the White Rod, and Mr. Murray of the Theatre Royal, (part of the quay lined by a party of the 25th regiment,) they moved off in the following order: - Band of the 7th Hussars. Officers of the High Constables of Edinburgh . . . About a quarter to twelve, the procession reached the extremity of the pier, where the platform for the ceremony of driving the pile of the extension pier was erected. The platform was occupied by the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh, the Bailies of Leith and Canongate, Commissioners of the Docks, &c. After the parties had taken their stations, a prayer was offered up by Mr. Grant, one of the ministers of Leith. After which, a very fine anthem was played by the band of the 7th hussars . . .
23 February 1827, Theatrical Fund Dinner, Edinburgh, Scotland
"CHRONICLES OF THE CANONGATE", The prose works of Sir Walter Scott . . . ( )
[. . . extract from the Edinburgh weekly journal for Wednesday, 28th February, 1827.]
. . . The Theatrical Fund Dinner, which took place on Friday, in the Assembly Rooms, was conducted with admirable spirit. The Chairman, Sir Walter Scott, among his other great qualifications, is well fitted to enliven such an entertainment . . .
The band of the theatre occupied the gallery, and that of the 7th hussars the end of the room, opposite the chair, whose performances were greatly admired . . .
March 1827, Scotland to north England

Thomas Leggatt, manuscript commonplace book, journal entries for March 1827; fol. 3r pictured above
[fol. 2v]
To Haddington - 16 [miles] = 7[s]-0[d]
To Dunbar - 11 = 5-0
To Berwick on Tweed - 30 = 5-2
To Belford - 16 = 4-6
To Alnwick = Hull - 15 = 9-0
To Morpeth - 20 = 4-7
To Newcastle - 16 = 14-0
To Durham - 15 = 6-0
To Darlington - 18 = 4-6
To Heatherington = 16 =
to Borough Bridge = 19 . . .
[fol. 3r]
Marched from Edinbro
March the 13th 1827
Haddington the Kings
Arms - the weather fine
went to see the ruins of
the church = Good
14th Dunbar - the Black
Buck - stoped in the room
that had been occupied
by Mary Queen of Scotts
visited the old Castle
formerly a strong fortress
built on [ ? ]
Rocks that [ ? ] into
the Sea - the Harbour
good but the entrance
to it very dangerous -
Quarters good - Wickham Inn
15th Berwick on Tweed
Nags Head - So So
16th Belford Black Swan
[fol. 3v]
17th Alnwick the George and
Dragon, Prichard left there
18th Halt
19th Morpeth Howard Arms
20th Newcastle
21st Durham - Hat and Feathers
went to see the Cathedral
22nd Darlington - Dun Cow
23rd Northarlington [? Northallerton] White Horse
24th Borrough Brige
25th Halt
26 Wetherby
27 Ferry Bridge
21 December 1828, Dublin, Ireland, birth of son William Lube Leggatt
UK registrations of births, extract SA 074250; from register of baptisms, 7th Regiment of Hussars, 1828
[Birth] 21 December 1828 / [baptism] Portobello, Dublin, 6 January 1829 / William Lube / [son of] Thomas and Susan Leggatt / [rank of father] Sgt. Major / Henry Murray Curate
20 December 1829, Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Ireland, birth of daughter Sophia Leggatt
UK registrations of births, extract SA 074133; from register of baptisms, 7th Regiment of Hussars, 1829
[Birth] 20 December 1829 / [baptism] Newbridge, 10 January 1830 / Sophia / [daughter of] Thomas and Susan Leggatt / [rank of father] Sgt. Major / Matthew Crowley Minister
5 November 1832, Norwich, England
"Report of the Proceedings of the GENERAL COURT MARTIAL AT NORWICH BARRACKS", Norfolk Chronicle [England] (17 November 1832), 4
November 5. Charles Edwards, Private in 7th Hussars, was Put upon his trial for exciting and joining mutiny the 27th Sept. last . . . DEFENCE, Norwich Barracks, Nov. 7th, 1832 . . . I was then under the direction of Lieutenant-Major Thomas Leggatt, master of the band (as in the capacity of a musician in the regiment). - I was shortly after marched to the riding school to hear the Court Martial and to witness the punishment of private Pitman; I returned and was regularly dismissed by the master of the band . . .
1 February 1833, Beeston, England
[News], Norfolk Chronicle (2 February 1833), 2
Yesterday sennight being the day on which Sir Jacob Henry Preston, Bart, attained his twenty-first year, there was a grand and supper at Beeston Hall. The extended scale and excellent arrangements of which reflected great credit on the taste and liberality of Lady Preston. Dancing began at about nine in the evening, and was kept up with unabated vigour till four the next morning. Col. Keane having kindly given permission, the band of the 7th Hussars attended and obtained the highest approbation their masterly performances. All the first families in the neighbourhood were present, amounting to nearly 200.
7 March 1833, Norwich, England
[News], Norwich Mercury (9 March 1833), 3
We were happy to see MR. MUELLER'S Concert Room at the Swan Inn, so fully and genteely attended on Thursday Evening, when he gave his third Concert . . . the novelty of the evening was a quintetto concertante, of Reicha, for Oboe, Clarionet, Flute, Bassoon, and Horn, by Mr. Leggatt, the Master of the band of the 7th Hussars; Sergeant Onion and three other performers in the same regiment. The composition itself was perhaps more suited to a select audience of amateurs than to the public, but it was nevertheless full of very rich and beautiful passages; and was performed with a precision and delicacy we have rarely been accustomed to hear at a concert in Norwich . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Mueller (violinist, flautist, music-seller, conductor; formerly of London; later of Boston and Nashville, USA); a bandsman of the 7th hussars at Norwich in 1833 was Henry Johnson, who later, in the 1850s, served as master of the Band of the 40th Regiment in Victoria
"GLASGOW AMATEUR SOCIETY. To the editor", The harmonicon (1833), 188
Glasgow, Aug. 12, 1833.
SIR, As you have always taken an interest in the proceedings of provincial societies for the cultivation of music,
I have thought that it might be interesting to you to hear of the existence of an association so far north as Glasgow,
the object of which is the performance of the choral compositions of the great masters.
This Society has been now nearly two years established, and consists entirely of amateurs;
one of its fundamental laws being the ineligibility of professional musicians as members.
It is called the GLASGOW AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY. I beg leave to transmit a programme of their Second Annual Concert,
which took place on Wednesday evening, the 7th August, in the nave of the venerable cathedral.
The admission was entirely gratuitous, by tickets issued by members of the Society,
and the audience, a most respectable one, amounted to upwards of 600 in number.
The orchestra, led by Mr. Andrew Thomson, was composed partly of professional gentlemen of Glasgow,
and partly of the band of the 7th Hussars, now stationed here.
Mr. Thomas McFarlane, organist of St. Mary's Episcopal Chapel, conducted, and Mrs. McMillan, (late Miss Thomson,)
of Edinburgh, took the principal soprano parts . . .
1 April 1833, Glasgow, England, birth of son Francis John Leggatt
UK registrations of births, extract SA 074134; from register of baptisms, 7th Regiment of Hussars, 1834
[Birth] 1 April 1834 / [baptism] Glasgow, 15 April 1834 / Francis John / [son of] Thomas and Susan Leggatt / [rank of father] Master of the Band [civilian] / William Routledge, Officiating Chaplain
April-May 1834, Glasgow, Scotland

Two views of snuff-box, presented to Thomas Leggatt, by the Philo-Harmonic Society, Glasgow, 1834; images reproduced here by kind permission of Leggatt family descendent Steve Ford, 2018
"7TH HUSSARS", Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent (13 May 1834), 3
We copy from the Glasgow Argus the following flattering tribute to the Master of the Band of the above distinguished regiment with much pleasure, the compliment being as creditable to the individual as it is worthy of the donors: - "MR. LEGGATT. - At a meeting of the members of the Philo-Harmonic Society, held last night the James Walt Tavern, Mr. Leggatt was presented with a very handsome snuff-box, with the following inscription: - 'Presented to Thomas Leggatt, Esq., of the 7th Hussars, the Philo-Harmonic Society, Glasgow, in testimony of his valuable services during the season, 1833-34.'"
September 1834, Kingston-upon-Hull, England
"KINGSTON-UPON-HULL", Yorkshire Gazette [England] (27 September 1834), 3
Grand Musical Festival; the completion of the magnificent East Window of the Holy Trinity Church; and for the benefit of the Hull Infirmary . . . The following is a list of the principal performers: - VOCAL. - Madame Caradori Allan, Miss Masson, Miss Clara Novello, Madame Stockhausen, Mr. Braham, Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Machin, and Mr. Phillips. INSTRUMENTAL - Leader, Mr. F. Cramer . . .Sir George Smart was the Conductor . . .and the entire vocal band, (comprising the members of the Hull Choral Society, of the Choirs of York and Lincoln Cathedrals, and a numerous of the celebrated West Riding Choristers,) consisted of about 157 performers; the instrumental of 78 . . .a grand total of 239 performers, of whom the following were from York: - Violins, Allen, Hildreth, Hunt, and Jackson; Viola, Tomlinson; Oboe, Leggatt (master of the band 7th hussars); Treble-voices, Master Barnby, Master Smith, two Masters and Mrs. Robinson; Tenors, Messrs. Barker, Crump, Dixon; Basses, Messrs. Ellis and Masser.
14 October 1834, York, England
"York Choral Society's first Anniversary Concert", Yorkshire Gazette [England] (18 October 1834), 2
This Society, to which we last week adverted, gave its first anniversary Concert on Tuesday last, in the Festival Concert Room. This splendid room was very nearly filled by a respectable audience; who seemed much to enjoy the evening's entertainment, which consisted of the following pieces.
Overture. - Semiramide - ROSSINI.
Glee - "Hark! Apollo" - BISHOP.
Solo - French Horn - PUZZI.
Chorus - "Sing to the Lord" - NAUMANN.
Glee - The Indian Drum - BISHOP.
Song - "The British Oak" - NEUKOMM.
Selection from Mass, No. 12 - MOZART.
Overture - Guillaume Tell - ROSSINI.
Glee - "Blow, gentle gales" - BISHOP.
Song - Abercrombie - BRAHAM.
Chorus - "Glory to God" - PERGOLESI.
Solo - Clarionet - BREPSANT.
Song - The Mansion of Peace - WEBBE.
Overture - Du Maçon - AUBER.
We certainly were not prepared, in the infancy, as it may be termed, of this society, to find the members capable of giving a concert, in which there was so much to praise, and so little to condemn. - The band, reinforced by Mr. Leggatt, the master, and several of the members, of the band the 7th hussars, was led by Mr. W. HARDMAN, and performed the instrumental pieces and accompaniments in very good style. The overtures to Semiramide and Guillaume Tell, went uncommonly well . . . The two instrumental solos, were very effective performances. Mr. Bean perfectly understands his instrument (the horn), and, with more practice, cannot fail of becoming an excellent performer . . . Mr. JAMES WALKER is already an excellent clarionet performer . . . Of the solos, "The British Oak" was given by Mr. GEORGE WILSON, in a style which would not have disgraced a concert of much higher pretensions. It was deservedly encored; and given the second time even better than the first. The orchestral accompaniments to this song were composed on a very short notice by Mr. Leggatt, - the original score being sent to Birmingham, and not returnable in time. They were very beautiful, and reflected great credit upon him . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hardman (1792-1855 suicide) was brother of Daniel Hardman, also a musician, who settled in Melbourne, VIC, c.1853
11 and 18 November 1834, York, England
"FIRST SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT", York Herald [England] (15 November 1834), 2
This Concert was given in the Great Assembly-Room, on Tuesday evening, under the patronage of Lady B. Johnstone, daughter of his Grace the Archbishop of York, and was numerously and fashionably attended . . . The only novelty in the scheme was the composition from "Mount Sinai," in which Neukomm has displayed his superior qualifications in writing for the orchestra, the accompaniments being exceedingly beautiful. There is a delicious solo for the oboe in the opening movement, which was delightfully played by Mr. Leggatt, band master of the 7th Hussars. Mrs. Knyvett appeared in good voice . . . but the audience never got awakened to anything approaching enthusiasm, in their plaudits of either the vocal or instrumental performances . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Deborah Travis Kynvett (soprano), was the wife of coutertenor singer William Knyvett (1779-1856); William's nephew Edmund Knyvett was in Sydney, NSW, in 1852-53, before settling in New Zealand
MUSIC: Mount Sinai (Neukomm)
"YORK CHORAL SOCIETY", Yorkshire Gazette [England] (22 November 1834), 3
This Society gave a public concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Merchants' Hall. The room was exceedingly crowded . . .Part I consisted the following selection from Handel's Messiah, Overture . . .The second part comprised a miscellaneous selection, which included . . . Overture, Don Mendoza (Romberg) . . . The band was most effective in the overtures; and the one composed by Romberg was encored. The assistance of Mr. Leggatt, the leader, and several the band of the 7th Hussars, added much to the effect of these performances . . .
27 January 1835, York, England
"FULL DRESS BALL", Yorkshire Gazette [England] (31 January 1835), 2
This ball, so long anticipated, and twice postponed on account of the elections, took place on Tuesday evening last . . . Dancing commenced at ten o'clock; quadrilles and waltzes succeeding each other in the Concert-Room, and the gallopade prevailing in the Assembly-Room. Hardman's quadrille band played in the former, and the band of the seventh Hussars led by Mr. Leggatt, in the latter . . .
12 May 1835, Lincoln, England
"LINCOLN MUSICAL SOCIETY", Stamford Mercury [England] (15 May 1835), 4
No concert of the Musical Society ever gave so great pleasure the one which took place Monday evening last. The attractions were rich and varied: Miss Clara Novello, the pearl the treat, - Mr. Clegg, the tasteful trumpeter, from Sheffield, - Thirlwall and Rudersdorff, two extraordinaries on the violin,- Leggatt, the clever performer on the oboe and clarionet; together with five of the band of the 7th Hussars, and the whole of the society's regular performers. We scarcely know where to commence our string of commendations - the whole was so excellent, and all who listened were so pleased. The Overtures were struck off capital style, the Glees finely executed; and had not the audience been puzzled with the variety of their excitements, some of the latter would no doubt have been encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Clara Novello (soprano vocalist); either Charles Clegg or Charles Clegg junior (trumpeter); John Thirwall (violinist); Joseph Rudersdorff (violinist)
18 December 1835, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England
[News], Stamford Mercury [England] (4 December 1835), 3
A succession of musical treats of no common quality is in preparation for the week preceding Christmas . . . On Friday evening the 18th, the Musical Society also open their campaign with a splendid display of first-rate talent. M. and Mde. Stockhausen, Mdlle. Bildstein, Mr. Leggatt of the 7th Hussars, with other performers from the regimental band, and Mr. Leng of Hull, are engaged, in addition to the usual and effective native corps . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Margarethe Stockhausen (soprano vocalist); her husband Franz Anton Stockhausen (harpist); and her niece Josephine Bildstein (vocalist)
26 January 1836, Stamford, England
"MUSICAL SOCIETY", Stamford Mercury [England] (29 January 1836), 3
The concert last Tuesday night was, on the whole, a highly pleasing one. The instrumental band was weak, owing to the presence of Mr. Leggatt and the expected Hussars being pretermitted by their commanding officer; but the attractive performances of M. Stockhausen on the harp, the full clear-throated tones of Mademoiselle Bildstein, - and, above all, the exquisite execution of the Stockhausen herself, almost banished the remembrance that the Hussars bad been promised . . .
4 March 1836, baptism of Alfred Leggatt, Nottingham, England
Baptisms solemnised in the Parish of St. Mary, Nottingham, in the year 1836
[Page 13] No. 250 / March 4 / Alfred / [son of] Thomas and Susannah / Leggatt / Nott'm Barracks ∴ Hussars / [father's profession] Master of the Band / J. Lewellin Curate
20 April 1836, Stamford, Lincolnshire, and 26 April 1836, Lincoln, England
"MUSICAL SOCIETY", Stamford Mercury [England] (22 April 1836), 3
The concert on Wednesday night closed the season in capital style - Clara Novello was more than ever charming: her "Jock of Hazeldean" was enchanting, and was encored. Leggatt on the oboe and clarinet was a host in himself to the instrumental band; and young Farmer, of Nottingham, gave a violin concerto which was most rapturously encored.
[News], Nottingham Review and General Advertiser for the Midland Counties [England] (29 April 1836), 2
The Lincoln Musical Society's last concert, on Wednesday week, was attended quite as fully as on any former occasion. Miss Clara Novello was in most enchanting voice, and imparted more than usual pleasure. Messrs. Brook, Knowles, and Ashton, were equal to their highest promise. - Mr. Leggatt's performance on the clarionet was highly admired for the profound skill and taste it displayed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Farmer (violinist)
1837, Britain
A course of counterpoint and fugue, by L. Cherubini . . . translated by J. A. Hamilton . . . volume 1 (London: R. Cocks, 1837), xvi
SUBSCRIBERS, L - . . . Leggatt, Mr. Professor of Music, 7th Hussars.
4 May 1838, Dublin, Ireland
Serjeant Thomas Leggatt, 7th Hussars, discharge papers, 4 May 1838; UK, WO 97/81 130421

HER MAJESTY'S Seventh REGT. of Hussars
Whereof Gen'l. the Marquis of Anglesey is Colonel
No 1. Serjeant Thomas Leggatt, BORN in the Parish of Kinsale
in or near the Town of Kinsale in the County of Cork by Trade a Musician
ATTESTED for the Seventh Regiment of Hussars at Dublin in the County of Dublin on the 28th June 1810
at the age of Nineteen years which he is entitled to reckon up to the 4th May 1838 is
1ST SERVICE AFTER the Age of 18 Years, Twenty Years and Twenty Seven [sic] days, the statement of which is as follows:
Private / 25th June 1810 to 24 Decr. 1810 / 183 days
Promoted Serjeant / 25th Decr. 1810 to 21st July 1830 / 19 years, 209 days
x Promoted Sergeant / 22 July 1830 to 4th May 1838 / Nil
x The Period from his last enlistment to the present date not allowed to reckon agreeable
to letter from Horse Guards dated 6th July 1830
Total Service up to the 4th May 1838 [as] Serjeant / 19 years 207 days [sic]

Description of Thomas Leggatt at the time of discharge.
He is 47 Years of Age, 5 feet 10 3/4 Inches in Height, Grey Hair, Grey Eyes, Fresh Complexion, by Trade a Musician.
Australia (arrived Sydney, NSW, by March 1839)
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1839:
6 March 1839, open rehearsal, Cecilian Society, Sydney, Leggatt (oboist)
"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Australian (9 March 1839), 3
This Society, which has been established nearly three months, has flourished in a manner almost beyond the anticipations of its originators. There are about one hundred subscribers on the list, most of whom are performers upon some musical instrument, or who contribute to the vocal entertainment of the evening. Amongst the performers on Wednesday evening, were Mr. W. Wallace, Mr. Leggett (brother-in-law to Mr Ellard, of George-street), Mr. Deane (the Leader) and family, Mr. Lee, and several Amateurs of musical talent. The Glee department is under the direction of Mr. Johnstone, professor of music; and although the attendance was thin, in consequence of the unfavorable weather, the performance in the musical department was of the first order. The overtures to Gustavus and William Tell elicited great applause; Mr. Leggett's oboe and Mr. Wallace's flute produced a fine effect; Mr. Wallace performed several of the Irish Melodies on the violin, without any of the Monitor's "fantasias" ( !!! ); his tones were full, his stopping minutely perfect, and the few graces, ad libitum, were chaste. It is said by the first judges that Mr. Leggett is, without exception, the best musician in the colony. It is intended to request His Excellency to become the Patron of this cheap and instructive Society, which, when properly organized, will afford the delight of a concert in every sense of the word, once a-week, for the trifling sum of five shillings a-month.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cecilian Society (Sydney); Spencer Wellington Wallace (flautist, violinist, Susan Leggatt's first cousin); John Philip Deane (violinist) and sons, John Deane junior (violinist) and Edward Smith Deane (cellist); Philip Lee (violinist); James Johnson (vocal leader)
13 May 1839, Anne Remens Clarke, benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, Leggatt (clarinet)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (10 May 1839), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney . . . MRS. CLARKE'S BENEFIT . . . MONDAY MAY 13, 1839 . . . for the first time in the Colony, the musical burletta, in two Acts, of MIDAS; APOLLO - MRS. CLARKE; AFTER WHICH, A Musical Melange, In which MR. LEGGETT will, for the first time, play a Concerto on the Clarionet. TO CONCLUDE WITH, THE SPIRIT OF THE RHINE. By the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse the Band of the 50th Regiment will attend the Theatre and play during the evening several admired Pieces of Music . . .
"THEATRICALS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (11 May 1839), 2
Mrs. Clarke, the only professional vocalist attached to the Sydney Stage, takes her Benefit on Monday next, at the Victoria . . . The pieces chosen are the musical burletta, in two acts, of Midas, Apollo by Mrs. Clarke; this will be followed by a Musical Melange, in which a Concerto on the Clarionet will be played, by Mr. Leggett, whose performance on that instrument are not to be equalled by any other professional gentleman in Sydney . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (soprano vocalist); Band of the 50th Regiment
10 September 1839, Court of Petty Sessions, Leggatt (publican)
"TRANSFER OF LICENSES", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (11 September 1839), 2
A special petty sessions of Justices for the transfer of publicans' licenses for the town and district of Sydney, was held yesterday, by adjournment from the previous Wednesday, at the Police Office. Present Colonel Wilson, F.P.M.; Charles Windeyer, Esq., 2nd P.M.; Colonel Shadforth, J.P.; and H. H. Brown, Esq. J.P., when the following applications for transfers were granted upon the usual certificates, &c.:- . . . the Hope and Anchor, corner of Druitt and Sussex streets, from John Icke Kettle to Thomas Leggatt; . . .
Thomas Leggatt, memorial, 13 September 1839; State Records NSW; Registers of Memorials (archive Reel: 1590; Series: 12992)
Lease for five yeaers from the date thereof / John Icke Kettle, Sydney, Wine Merchant of the one part and Thomas Leggatt of Sydney, Merchant, of the other part
All that messuage & tenement of him the said John Icke Kettle at present known as the sign of the Hope and Anchor situate at the corner of Druit and Sussex Street in the town of Sydney aforesaid are now in the occupation of Thomas Leggatt / at yearly rent of six hundred and ninety five pounds . . .
. . . [registered] this thirteenth day of September A.D. 1839 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Kettle, later a well-known magistrate, died in 1881; he had only held the license for a matter of months, succeeding Henry Doran; the famous Sydney flying pieman, William Francis King (1807-1873) had reportedly been a barman for Doran at the Hope and Anchor, and may have continued under Leggatt, before starting on his peripatetic career c.1842
11 September 1839, Eliza Wallace Bushelle, concert, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, Leggatt (performer)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (11 September 1839), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre, PITT-STREET.
MRS. BUSHELLE (LATE MISS WALLACE) BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public that her CONCERT
will take place at the Theatre Royal, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th instant;
she will be assisted by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, and Mr. Bushelle; Mr. W. Stanley, Pianist;
Mr. S. W. Wallace; Mr. Peck; Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Senior; Mr. Sippe; Mr. Curtis; and all the Theatrical Band,
and by the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the Band of the 50th Regiment
Overture to William Tell, Rossini - Full Band
1 - "Suoni la Tromba," Grand Duet from the Puritani, Bellini - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
2 - "Al dolce Canto," [O dolce contento] with variations, as sung by Madame Catalini, Rode - Madame Gautrot
3 - "Now with grief no longer bending" as sung by Mrs. Wood in Cinderella, Rossini - Mrs. Bushelle
4 - "Some love to roam," Russell - Mr. Bushelle
5 - Solo, Violin - Monsieur Gautrot
6 - Duet "Ah se de Mali miei," Rossini - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle
7 - Concerto Pianoforte, Herz - Mr. W. Stanley
8 - "Povera Signora," by particular desire - Madame Gautrot
9 - "Miei rampolli feminini favorite," Buffo Song, as sung by Signor Lablache, in the Cenerentola accompanied by the full Band - Mr. Bushelle
Overture to the Barbiere de Seviglia
1 - "The Rossignol," Song, (Flute Obligato - by Mr. S. Wallace), Lebrun - Madame Gautrot
2 - "Suona dindin," duet, from Zauberflote, Mozart - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
3 - Flute Solo, Tolou - Mr. S. W. Wallace
4 - "Il mio tesoro infanto," Song, Mozart - Mrs. Bushelle
5 - "Dunque io sono," Duet, Rossini - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle
6 - "To Norma's arms," Song, Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle
7 - "Let others rejoice," Song, Russell - Mr. Bushelle
8 - "Black-eyed Susan," by particular desire - Mrs. Bushelle
9 - "Rule Britannia" - Madame Gautrot who will endeavour to sing it with English words.
The Pit will be elegantly fitted up with covered seats and will communicate with
the Boxes. The Orchestra will be erected on the Stage.
Tickets to be obtained at Mr. F. Ellard's; Mr. Tyrer's; Mr. Spark's, Royal Hotel;
Mr. Aldis's, George-street; and Mr. Ellard's, Pitt-street, next the Theatre.
Boxes and Pit, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 4s.; the Gallery will be closed.
The Concert will commence at eight o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace Bushelle (soprano vocalist, Susan Leggatt's first cousin); John Bushelle (bass vocalist); Joseph Gautrot (violinist); Madame Gautrot (soprano vocalist); William Stanley (pianist); Spencer Wallace senior (violinist, viola player, Susan Leggatt's uncle by marriage); George Sippe (sellist); Richard Curtis (cellist)
2 October 1839, concert, George Peck (presenter), Leggatt (cornet-a-piston, ? oboe)
[News], The Australian (1 October 1839), 2
The lovers of music, we hope, will not fail to patronise Peck's Grand Concert, tomorrow evening. We are sure it will be the best musical festival ever given in this Colony. Certainly Mr P. has been very fortunate in securing the talent of so many of our professionals on the same evening. We are to have Gautrot, on the violin; Wallace, on the flute; Legget [sic], on the clarionet and other instruments; Miss Fernandez, on the piano; Mrs Curtis, on the harp, and Dr. Reid to conduct the chorus department. The musical department is equally effective - among them may be numbered Madame Gautrot, Medames Bushelle and Clarke - Bushelle - and a good round number of choristers.
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (2 October 1839), 1
to inform his Friends and the Public that he will give a
GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT of Vocal und Instrumental Music, at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
PITT-STREET, THIS EVENING, October 2nd, when he will be assisted by the entire musical talent of Sydney,
being his FAREWELL BENEFIT CONCERT prior to his departure for England.
The Instrumental and Vocal Departments will be upon the most extensive scale, comprising upwards of Seventy Performers.
PRINCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS: - Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Griffiths.
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Miss FERNANDEZ, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Deane and Family, Mr. Peck, Mr. Leggat [sic],
Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, and (by the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse)
the Band of the 50th Regiment.
Leader, Monsieur Gautrot; Conductor: Dr. Reid; Violin obligato, Mr. Peck; Flute obligato, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Harp, Mrs. Curtis;
Pianoforte, Miss Fernandez.
OVERTURE - Les Avuegles de Toledo - Mehul
Song - Mr. Bushelle - "King Death," accompaniments full orchestra - Neukomm.
Duet - Harp and Violin - Mrs. Curtis and Mr. Peck - Labarre and De Beriot.
Glee - Five Voices - "Blow gentle Gales," accompaniments full orchestra - Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Clarke,
Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Griffiths - H. R. Bishop.
Grand Duet - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle - "Let the Trumpet sound," with full orchestra and cornet a piston obligato, by Mr. Leggatt - Bellini.
Solo - Pianoforet - Fantasia on Robert le Diable - Miss Fernandez (her second appearance in public) - Thalberg.
Song - Madame Gautrot - "Oh! Je suis dans mon Coeur," accompaniments full orchestra - Auber.
Grand Chorus (from the Knights of Snowdon) - Soprano obligato, Mrs. Clarke, and full orchestra -
"Now tramp o'er moss and fell" - H. R. Bishop.
OVERTURE - The Maniac - Bishop.
Ballad - Mrs. Bushelle - "Mary of Castle Carey," (by particular desire.)
Solo - Flute - Mr. S. W. Wallace - Nicholson.
Favorite Buffo Song - Mr. Bushelle - "Miei Rampolli," as sung by Signor Lablache, in the Cenerentola,
which was received with unbounded applause on its last performance - Rossini.
Comic Glee (Finale to the First Act of Guy Mannering) - Five Voices -
"The Fox jump'd over the Parson's Gate" - Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Griffiths - Bishop.
Imitations of PAGANINI on the Violin (for this night only) - Mr. Peck.
Chorus (from Masaniello) - "Come hither all who wish to buy," accompaniments full orchestra - Auber.
"Rule Britannia" (by particular desire) - Verse and Chorus - Madame Gautrot, who will sing it with English words.
The Pit will be elegantly fitted up as a Concert Saloon, and will communicate with the boxes.
The Orchestra will be erected on the Stage, which will be extended for the occasion.
Tickets, and books of the words, with the Italian translated, to be had of Mr. Ellard, George-street;
Mr. Tegg, George-street; Mr. Evans, bookseller, Bridge-street; Mr. Barlow's Repository, Bridge-street;
Mr. Ellard, Pitt-street; Mr. Moffitt, stationer, Pitt-street; and Mr. Gibson, Victoria Hotel, where also boxes may be taken.
Tickets - Boxes and Pit, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 4s.; The Gallery will be closed.
For further particulars see hand-bills.
"Mr. Peck's Concert", Australasian Chronicle (4 October 1849), 1
Amongst the passing events of the day, Concerts now form a prominent feature, and we could wish that they might long continue to do so if well conducted and got up with a view towards the advancement of the science. Music, although not a recognised agent in political economy, has always exerted a powerful influence over the progressive civilization of a people, and it is therefore of paramount consequence that in a young country the taste of the inhabitants receive a good direction in the beginning. We are sorry to say that the tendency of some of the late concerts has not been favourable to the cultivation of a sound musical taste. To begin our criticism with the overture - Mr. Peck has proved himself a musician of decided talent, and still he selects two such overtures as the "Two Blind Men," and the "Maniac," the first (at least as performed at this concert) being a very poor oboe solo, with as poor orchestral accompaniments; the second, one of Bishop's most miserable compilations Surely, with the wide range of modern concerted music, two more unmeaning pieces could not have been selected to bring out the power of so numerous an orchestra. We beg leave to remind the leader or leaders, that any orchestra ought to move as one mass of sound, and not drag its unwieldy, disjointed limbs in such a straddling manner as was the case on this occasion.
Of the individual performances, we have the less to say, as our leading singers seem determined to stick fast to what they consider "decided hits ;" we have no fewer than five several pieces repeated, some of them under different names - (a childish subterfuge which ought not to be tolerated) we have the eternal "Market Chorus," and again the little less known "Tramp" chorus; and again, "Let the Trumpet sound," - (by the bye, at the next concert, we should recommend the trumpet to sound a little less out of tune) . . .
"MR. PECK'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (4 October 1839), 2
Mr. Peck had the good fortune to see "a good house" on Wednesday evening, which, considering the numerous demands lately made on the public for their time and money on behalf of musical recreation, was almost more than we expected. The songs and pieces which gave most satisfaction at this Concert, were, the two Overtures, Suoni la Tromba by Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, Mary of Castle Carey by Mrs. Bushelle, Miei Rompoli by Mr. Bushelle, and Imitations of Paganini by Mr. Peck. The Overtures were full of music, and generally well played. Now and then there was a jar . . . Suoni la Tromba was greatly damaged by a rascally horn, which the player had the ill taste to blow while Mrs. Bushelle was singing. The idea of allowing a coarse horn, not merely to accompany the tones of this lady's mellifluous voices but to play the same notes at the very same moment, (the horn too being played out of tune) was downright murder. Mrs. Bushelle's part in this song, is full of thrilling heart-stirring melody, and which this villainous horn did all it could to drown and spoil . . .
"MR PECK'S CONCERT", The Australian (5 October 1839), 2
The programme of this concert led us to expect a rich and varied evening's entertainment, and the performance fully justified our anticipations; Mr. Peck is entitled to the highest praise as well for the selection of the pieces, as in having secured the assistance of nearly all the musical talent of the colony. Monsieur Gautrot is a truly elegant violinist, and performed the business of leader to perfection. And when we add the names of Mr. Leggatt, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Peck, Mr. Curtis, and Mr. Deane, we need scarcely add that the instrumental portion of the performance was executed in superior style; the only drawback (and truth compels us to say it was a drawback ) upon the efficiency of the orchestra, was the inattentive playing (to use the mildest term) of some of the members of the military band.
The duet "Suoni la Tromba" (Bellini), by Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, was delightful, and the obligato accompaniment was performed by Mr. Leggatt, most tastefully . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violinist); Lucy Fernandez (pianist); Mrs. Richard Curtis (harpist); James Aquinas Reid (chorus leader); George William Worgan (vocalist); William Griffiths (bass vocalist); William Augustine Duncan (editor of Australasian Chronicle and author of its music reviews)
13 November 1839, concert, Joseph and Madame Gautrot (presenters), Leggatt (clarinettist)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (13 November 1839), 1
GRAND CONCERT. MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT have the honor to announce that their
Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT will have, on this occasion, the valuable assistance of Mrs. Bushelle,
Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, Miss Fernandez, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Peck, Mr. Leggatt,
Mr. Deane and Sons; and, by permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the BAND OF THE FIFTIETH REGIMENT will attend.
Overture - "The Siege of Rochelle."
1. Trio - "'Mid these shades?" (from Il Crociato) (Meyerbeer) - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Mr. Worgan.
2. Song - "Le Plaisir du Rang Supreme" (Auber) - Madame Gautrot.
3. Song - "As burns the Charger" (Shield) - Mr. Bushelle.
4. Song - "Fatal Goffredo" (Donizetti) - Mrs. Bushelle.
5. "Recollections of Scotland" - Piano (Moschelles) - Miss Fernandez.
6. Duet - "Se a caso Madama" (Mozart) - Madame Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle.
7. Song - "The magical Maydew" (Irish Melody) (Lover) - Mrs. Bushelle.
8. Solo - Violin - Air, with Variations, composed and executed by - Mons. Gautrot.
Overture - "Il Barbiere di Seviglia."
1. Duet - Opening Duet of "Le Nozze di Figaro" - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle.
2. Song - "Quando un guerrier splendido" - Madame Gautrot.
3. Solo - Clarionet - Mr. Leggatt.
4. Song - "Qui sdegno" (Zauberflote) - Mr. Bushelle.
5. Song - "The Macgregor's gathering" - Mrs. Bushelle.
6. Solo - "Australia," a Pastoral, composed by Mons. Gautrot, for the Ladies of the Colony - Monsieur Gautrot.
7. Song - "The Soldier Tired of Wars Alarms" (Arne) with full Orchestral Accompaniment, arranged by Monsieur Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
8. "Laughing Glee" (Martini) - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Mr. Worgan.
Tickets may be had at Mr. Ellard's, Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. Tyrer's; Mr. Sparke's, Royal Hotel;
Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist, George-street; and at Monsieur Gautrot's residence, 105, Pitt-street.
"M. GAUTROT'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (15 November 1839), 1
This Concert was rather thinly attended on Wednesday evening, at which we were much disappointed, considering the pains that had been taken to select good music. The performances were, notwithstanding this discouragement, very creditable, at least to the vocal performers. The instruments being entirely left to themselves, went every one his own way in glorious confusion . . . We should have had something to say in favour of Mr. Leggatt's "Exile of Erin," if he had not put us out of all patience previously to his performing it, by his conceited capers on the platform playing voluntaries, interludes and symphonies, and God knows what . . . On the whole, this Concert ought to have attracted much more notice; and we shall be glad to see M. Gautrot's next effort crowned with better success.
18 December 1839, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle (presenter), Leggatt (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (18 December 1839), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre. MRS. BUSHELLE BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public, that her of CONCERT
of Vocal and Instrumental Music, On the same extensive scale as her last one, will lake place at the Theatre Royal,
on WEDNESDAY, the 18th December. She will be assisted by Madame Gautrot, Miss Deane, Mr. Bushelle and Amateurs;
Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. Worgan, Masters J. and E. Deane,
Mr. Wallace senior, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Walton, several Amateurs, all the Theatrical Band, and, by permission of
Colonel Wodehouse, the BAND of the FIFTIETH REGIMENT.
Symphony, (Beethoven) - Full Orchestra.
1. - Trio, "Fatal Moment," (Meyerbeer) - Mad. Gautrot, Mrs. Bushelle, and Mr. Bushelle.
2. - Grand Air, from the "Pre aux Clercs," with Violin Obligato by Mons. Gautrot and full orchestral accompaniments - Mad. Gautrot.
3. - "Lo! the factotum of this gay place, I come!" adapted from the Italian - Mr. Bushelle.
4. - Song, "Mary of Castlecary," a Scotch air - Mrs. Bushelle.
5. - Flute Solo (Nicholson) - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
6. - "Dunque io sono" (Rossini) - Mad. Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle.
7. - "Savourneen Deelish," an Irish air, accompanied by herself on the Harp - Mrs. Bushelle.
8. - Fantasia on, the Airs of "La Vestale," executed on the Violin by Mons. Gautrot.
Overture of the "Marriage of Figaro," (Mozart) - Full Orchestra.
1. - The celebrated Polacca from "I Puritani," Solo and Quartet, with full orchestral accompaniments -
Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Bushelle.
2. - Ma vicille Tante Maugerite - Mad. Gautrot.
3. - Grand Fantasia for the Pianoforte on the Air "I tuoi frequenti," (Sowenski) - Miss Deane.
4. - The favourite Song, " Miei Rampolli," as sung by Signor Lablaehe - Mr. Bushelle.
5. - "Black Eyed Susan," an English Ballad - Mrs. Bushelle.
6. - "The Soldier Tired," with new orchestral accompaniments by Mons. Gautrot - Mad. Gautrot.
7. - "The Groves of Blarney," an Irish Melody, with the original "Ulla goane" - Mr. Bushelle.
To obviate the disappointment experienced by many families last Concert,
Mrs. Bushelle will feel obliged by an early application for Private Boxes at her residence,
Castlereagh-street North; lately occupied by Mr. Sydney Stephen.
Tickets to be had of Mr. F. Ellard, Mr. Tyrer, Mr. Sparks (Royal Hotel), and Mr. Aldis, George-street;
Mr. A. Ellard and Mr. Cruickshank, Pitt-street; and at Mrs. Bushelle's residence, Castlereagh-street.
A communication will be established be tween the Boxes and the Pit, which will be elegantly fitted up.
Boxes and Pitt, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 4s. the Gallery will be closed.
The Concert will commence at a Quarter past Eight.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Deane (pianist, vocalist); Humphrey Walton (viola player)
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1840:
3 March 1840, concert, Elizabeth Clancy (presenter), Leggatt (performer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (2 March 1840), 1
Will take place in THE OLD COURT HOUSE, Castlereagh Street, On TUESDAY EVENING, March 3, 1840,
On which occasion she will be assisted by Madame and Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Deane and Family,
Mr. Leggett, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Sippe and the Cecilian Society, who have kindly offered their assistance.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. S. W. WALLACE, Piano, Mr. Johnson; who have also kindly given their assistance.
1 Overture - Preciosa - Weber
2 Song - Success, (words by Linsburgh - Music by Mons. Gautrot) - MADAME GAUTROT.
3 Duet - When thy bosom heaves the sigh - MRS. CLANCY and MR. WORGAN.
4 Song - Follow him - MR. GRIFFITHS.
5 Song - Let us seek the yellow shore - MRS. CLANCY.
6 Solo - Pianoforte - Quick March - Herz - Miss DEANE.
7 Song - Some love to roam - AMATEUR.
8 Song - Donald - Mrs. CLANCY.
1 Overture - Italiana - Rossini
2 Song - The Land - Neukomm - AMATEUR.
3 Song - Tell me my heart - Bishop - Mrs. CLANCY.
4 Solo - Violin - MONS. GAUTROT.
5 Song - Green hills of Tyrol - Miss DEANE.
6 Duett - Love in thine eyes - Jackson - Mrs. CLANCY and AMATEUR.
7 Black eyed Susan - MADAME GAUTROT.
8 Song - The Gipsey Prince - Sporle - Mr. GRIFFITHS.
9 Song - Tyrolese Girl - Mrs. CLANCY.
N.B.- Tickets 7s. 6d. each, to be had at Mr. Ellard's, Mr. Aldis, Mr. Turner, and at Mrs. Clancy's residence, 14, King-street.
The Concert will commence precisely at 8 o'Clock.
"Mrs. Clancy's concert . . .", The Australian (5 March 1840), 2
Mrs. Clancy's concert was very flatteringly attended on Tuesday, and presented on the whole a very pleasant evening's entertainment. There was nothing perhaps very brilliant, but there is more gratification in a quiet, unobtrusive exhibition, than one with higher pretensions which may not effect what it promises. The overtures (with Mr Wallace as leader) were well played, infinitely better than we have ever heard them here by a military band, if we except that of the 17th. Regt . . .
"MRS. CLANCY'S CONCERT . . . ", Australasian Chronicle (6 March 1840), 2
MRS. CLANCY'S CONCERT on Tuesday was well attended, and, upon the whole, went off in a very satisfactory manner. The Overtures to Preciosa and the Italiani were well played by the Cecilians, and Mrs. Clancy's own songs were sung with her usual pleasing delicacy . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist)
3 April 1840, monthly meeting, Cecilian Society, Leggatt (conductor, director)
"CECILIAN SOCIETY", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (8 April 1840), 2
The monthly meeting of the members and friends of the Cecilian society met at the Old Court house on Wednesday evening last; and the latter particularly were highly delighted with the evening's entertainment. This society seems to be taking deep root in the musical hearts of the Sydney folk, and eventually we expect to see it equal to any harmonious society in the world. Already can the society boast of a powerful and talented orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Leggitt [sic] as conductor, and Mr. W. Wallace as leader; and already does it count amongst its patrons and supporters, the most influential members of our community.
26 May 1840, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle Deane (presenter), Leggatt (performer)
"CONCERT", The Colonist (23 May 1840), 2
Mrs. Bushelle's concert will take place at the Theatre on Tuesday night next. This concert is given under the patronage of Lady Gipps, and several others of the beau monde, and we have no doubt the theatre will present a splendid appearance on the night of the concert. It has been put off and delayed for some time in consequence of the illness of Mr. Gautrot, and we are sorry to say that he is unlikely to be able to play on Tuesday night. The Deanes and Wallaces, Mr. Leggatt, and Mr. Worgan, are on the list of performers, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, and several other amateurs have offered their services. Altogether a treat may be anticipated. Most of the pieces selected are Italian, but those who want to hear "the Groves of Blarney," may do so and one or two English songs.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (26 May 1840), 1
Under the patronage of Lady Gipps, Lady O'Connell, Lady Dowling, Mrs. Deas Thompson, Mrs. Plunkett,
Mrs. Hely, and several other ladies of distinction.
MRS. BUSHELLE has the honour to announce, that her Concert will lake place
on TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at the Theatre Royal;
she will be assisted by Miss Deane. Mr. Worgan, Mr. Deane and Sons, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Curtis,
Mr. Walton, Mr. Parbury [Portbury], all the members of the Theatrical Orchestra, Mr. Wallace,
Mr. W. Wallace, and Mr. Bushelle. Several amateurs have also kindly offered their assistance.
Overture - Full Orchestra
1. Duet - Suoni la Tromba, from I Puritani, (Cornetto Obligato Mr. Leggatt) Full Orchestral Accompaniments - Mrs. & Mr. Bushelle.
2. Song - When the sigh long suppressed - Auber - Miss Deane
3. Song - When time hath bereft thee - Orchestral Accompaniment - Auber - Mr. Bushelle
4. Song - Come innocente giovane - Donizetti - Mrs. Bushelle
5. Solo - Violin - De Beriot - Mr. W. Wallace
6. Aria - Sento destarma in seno (as sung by Signor Tamburini, in the Schiava in Bagdad) Full Orchestral Accompaniments - Mr. Bushelle
7. Bravura - To Norma's Arms - Full Orchestral Accompaniments - Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle
8. Solo - Pianoforte - Herz - Miss Deane.
Overture - Full Orchestra
1. Comic Duet - Ai capricci - Rossini - Mrs. & Mr. Bushelle
2. Song - The Mocking Bird, (Flute Obligato, Mr. W. Wallace) - Bishop - Miss Deane
3. Buffo Song - Miei rampolli, (as sung by Signor Lablache in the Cenerentola) - Mr. Bushelle
4. The celebrated Polacca, Solo and Quartett, Son vergin vezzoza - Bellini -
Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Bushelle
5. Solo - Flute - Mr. W. Wallace
6. The Groves of Blarney, (an Irish Melody, with the original Ullagoane) - Mr. Bushelle
7. The Land of the West, (accompanied by herself on the Harp) - Lover - Mrs. Bushelle
8. Lo! the Factotum of this gay place, (by desire) Rossini - Mr. Bushelle.
The Pit will be elegantly fitted up with covered seats, and will communicate with the Boxes. The
Orchestra will be erected on the stage. Tickets to be had at Mr. Ellard's and Mr. Tyrer's, George-street;
Mr. Curtis, Hunter-street; and at Mrs. Bushelle's, Castlereagh-street North.
Pit and Private Boxes, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 5s.; Gallery, 2s. 6d. The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock.
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (28 May 1840), 2
Mrs. Bushelle's Concert came off on Tuesday evening at the Victoria Theatre, before a very numerous and distinguished audience . . . The orchestral accompaniments might certainly have been much better. With such a dearth of amusement as we have in New South Wales, Tuesday evening's concert was an exceedingly welcome event.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Portbury (cellist, double bass player, violinist)
8 July 1840, concert, John Philip Deane (presenter), Leggatt (conductor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (8 July 1840), 2
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage
his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the THEATRE ROYAL on
WEDNESDAY, July 8th, 1840, He will he assisted by MRS. BUSHELLE, MADAME GAUTROT, MISS DEANE,
MR. PARBURY, MR. J. DEANE, of Parramatta; All the Members of the Theatrical Orchestra, and
several Amateurs who have kindly profferred their assistance.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Wallace.
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
Overture - BAND
1. Duet - Serbami ognir - Rossini - MRS. BUSHELLE AND MRS. CLANCY
2. Song - My Boyhood's home with Orchestral Accompaniments Rooke - MRS. BUSHELLE [sic]
3. Song - Aria Cenerentola - MADAME GAUTROT
4. Solo - Piano Forte - Grand Fantasia on the National Airs of "God save the Queen," and "Rule Britannia,"
as performed by the composer (Thalberg) before Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria - MISS DEANE.
5. Song - The last Rose of Summer - MRS. CLANCY.
6. Song - Basta Miei Cari - MRS. BUSHELLE.
7. Solo - Violin - MR. DEANE.
Overture - Bronze Horse - BAND
1. Duette - Ai Caprici - MR. AND MRS. BUSHELLE.
2. Song - The Tyrolien Maidens' Song - MRS. CLANCY.
3. Song - Le Rendezvous composed by Monsieur Gautrot - MADAME GAUTROT.
4. Quintett - Composed by Monsier Gautrot, for 2 Tenors, 2 Violoncellos, and 1 Double Bass.
1st. Tenor, MONSIEUR GAUTROT; 2nd. MR. DEANE; Violoncello, MR. CURTIS and Mr. E. DEANE; and Double Bass, MR. PARBURY.
5. Song - King Death With Orchestral Accompaniments - MR. BUSHELLE.
6. Song - Lo! Here the Gentle Lark, Flute Obligato, Mr. S. W. Wallace - MRS. BUSHELLE.
7. Duet - Piano Forte and Violin, Le Postellon de Lonjumeau - Herz and Lafont - MR. J. DEANE AND MISS DEANE.
8. Glee - "The Chough and Crow," - MRS. BUSHELLE, MRS. CLANCY AND MR. BUSHELLE.
9. God Save the Queen. (Chorus) MR. BUSHELLE.
The Pit will be elegantly fitted up as a Concert Saloon, and will communicate with the Boxes.
The Orchestra will be erected on the Stage.
TICKETS to be had of MR. ELLARD, MR. TYRER, MR. ALDIS, George-street, MR. CURTIS, Hunter-street,
and MR. TURNER, King-street.
T1CKETS. - BOXES, 7s. 6d. UPPER BOXES, 4s. GALLERY, 2s. 6d.
The Concert will Commence at Eight o'Clock.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (10 July 1840), 2
Mr. Deane's concert in the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday, went off remarkably well. The house, notwithstanding the weather, and the state of the streets, was very nearly full. We have not space to enter into a lengthened detail of the performance, but will merely observe . . . that the overtures were well played, the oboe of Mr. Legatt being remarkably fine. The Governor and family and a very respectable audience were in the boxes.
5 August 1840, concert, Cecilian Society, Leggatt (oboist)
"CECILIAN CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (7 August 1840), 2
This concert was held on Wednesday evening in Castlereagh-street, and was well attended. The Overtures continue to be well selected, and well executed, and to give great satisfaction to the subscribers. It might perhaps be invidious to point out particular instruments so excelling, but Mr Legatt's Oboe had a delightful effect in the second part of the first Overture, "The Serpriss" [? "Surprise"]. This society, by continual practice, will gradually excell all temporary Concerts . . .
30 October 1840, concert, Joseph and Madame Gautrot (presenters), Leggatt (composer, arranger)
[Advertisement], The Australian (27 October 1840), 3
Under the Patronage of Lady Gipps, Lady Dowling, Mrs. Deas Thomson, and other Ladies of distinction, -
CONCERT. MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT have the honor to announce that their LAST CONCERT
will take place at the Old Court House, Castlereagh street, on Friday, the 30th October, 1840.
Overture, Der Freischutz - Weber.
1 - Duet, Semiramide - Mrs. Bushelle & Madame Gautrot.
2 - Song, "Let us seek the yellow shore" - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy.
3 - Song, "The wolf," Orchestral accompaniments - Mr. Bushelle.
4 - Fantasia on the March in Otello - Hertz [Herz] - Miss Deane
5 - Scena ed Arie, from the celebrated Opera of "Robert le Diable," arranged for a full Orchestra, by Monsieur Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
6 - Air, Varie, for the Violin - Rode - Monsieur Gautrot
7 - Cavatina, "Se Romeo" arranged for a full Orchestra by Mr. Leggatt - Bellini- Mrs. Bushelle.
8 - Favorite Song - Mr. Bushelle.
Medley Overture - Leggatt - Full Orchestra.
1 - Song, "Donald," Mrs Clancy.
2 - Fantasia for harp and violin from "Moise in Egetto," Labarre & De Beriot - Mrs. Curtis & Monsieur Gautrot
3 - Buffo Duet, Mrs. & Mr. Bushelle.
4 - Tyrolian Maiden's Song - Madame Gautrot
5 - Song, "Sweetly o'er my senses" - Mrs. Bushelle
6 - Duet, "Barber of Seville," Madame Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle.
7 - Song, "Cease your funning," Mrs. Clancy.
8 - Celebrated Buffo Song and Chorus, "Papuccie," Pacini - arranged with full Orchestral accompaniments by Mr. Leggatt - Mr. Bushelle.
Tickets 7s. 6d, to be had of Mr. Ellard, Mr. Tyrer, Mr. Aldis, Mr. John Sparke, George-street;
and of Monsieur Gautrot, 83, Pitt-street, next door to Mr. Nash's. Performance to commence at 8 o'clock.
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1841:
10 February 1841, concert, John and Eliza Bushelle (presenters), Leggatt (performer)
[Advertisement], Free Press and Commercial Journal (6 February 1841), 3
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, at the solicitation of several Families of distinction,
have fixed their CONCERT for the above-named day, which is also that appointed for the
Floral and Horticultural Exhibition. They will be assisted by the Professionals of Sydney,
several distinguished Vocal Amateurs, by a young Lady a pupil of Mrs. Bushelle's, Messrs.
Wallace, Leggatt, Dean and son, Sippe, Flaherty, Partbury, Downes, Pappin, Westrop, and the rest of the THEATRICAL BAND . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
Part I.
Overture to "La Vestale" - Spontini - Full Orchestra
1 Trio, "O Nume benefico" from the Gazza ladra - [Rossini] - Mrs. Bushelle, Amateur, Mr. Bushelle
2 Song, "Through the Woods" - Horn - Miss A. Winstanley
3 Cavatina, from Romeo and Juliet, with full Orchestral Accompaniments - Mrs. Bushelle
4 National Song, "The Queen of merry England," with full Orchestral Accompaniments - Marsh - Mr. Bushelle
5 National Song, "The Red Cross Banner", Amateur
6 Concerto, Violin - Mr. W. S. Wallace [sic]
7 Ballad, "Down the burn, Davie" - Mrs. Bushelle
8 Song, "The Fairy Tempter," by a Pupil of Mrs. Bushelle's - Miss --
9 Song, " When time hath bereft thee" (by desire), with full Orchestral Accompaniments - Auber - Mr. Bushelle
10 Grand Finale to "Catherine Grey" - Balfe. Solo, "Joy's bright fountain." Chorus, "Hail to the Queen" - Mrs. Bushelle and all the Vocalists.
Part II.
Overture to the "Gazza ladra" - Rossini - Full Ochestra
1 Song, "The Coronation of Queen Victoria," adapted to the favourite air, "The Groves of Blarney," with the original Ullagoane, -
with Orchestral Accompaniments - Mr. Bushelle
2 Ballad, "Your Molly has never been false, she declares" - Mrs. Bushelle
3 Ballad, "Meet me to-morrow" - Miss A. Winstanley
4 Buffo, Duet, "Ah che d'amore" - Rossini - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
5 Ballad, Farewell to the nymph" - Bartleman - Amateur
6 Song, "Let others rejoice in the merry moonlight" - Mr. Bushelle
7 "Lo! hear [sic] the gentle lark!" [Bishop] - Mrs. Bushelle, Flute obligato, Mr. Wallace
8 Buffo, Song, "Papuccie," as sung by Signor de Begnis, with an Obligato Chorus, and full
Orchestral Accompaniments - Mr. Bushelle, and the Vocalists
God save the Queen
The Performance will begin at Eight o'clock.
"MR. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (11 February 1841), 2
We have returned from this concert much gratified, both at the performance generally and at the very numerous attendance, which speaks highly for the progress of musical taste in Sydney. The orchestra consisted in a great measure of the fine band of the 28th regiment, which, but for some deficiency in the orchestral arrangements, would have formed a very important feature of the evening's entertainments. The wretched overture to "La Vestale" was badly chosen, but the overture to the "Gazza Ladra" was exceedingly well performed . . .
"BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (12 February 1841), 2
. . . The overture to Spontini's "La Vestale" was given by the full orchestre, including part of the band ol the 28th regiment. The piece itself was rather monotonous, exhibiting a meagreness of imagination in the composer, and it was probably a poverty of fancy which caused him to repeat the same idea, (and that by no means a bright one) till both the performers and the audience were tired of its cuckoo-like twing-twang. The performance was good - too good for the music - though, from want of thorough rehearsal, perhaps, we observed the performers in several instances to be out of time so as to give pain to their leader . . .
The fine Cavatina in the opera of Romeo and Giulietta, founded on Shakspeare's drama, with full orchestral accompaniments, was sung in an excellent and spirited style by Mrs. Bushelle . . .
The SECOND PART of the Concert was begun with Rossini's overture to the "Gazza Ladra," and, after Spontini's barren "La Vestale," it was really refreshing to meet with il Maestro; for with all his occasional affectations of finery and brilliancy, and something sadly like clap-trap contrasts, Rossini is unquestionably a highly imaginative and beautiful composer. The execution, too, was much belter than in the first overture, the performers evidently catching some of the great master's inspiration to lead them on in the concord of sweet sounds . . .
Band of the 28th Regiment;
Ann Winstanley (vocalist);
Henry O'Flaherty (orchestral violinist)
Mr. Downes (orchestral player);
Stephen Pappin (horn and orchestral brass player);
Zachariah Westrop (flute player)
February 1841, Cecilian Society, and projected concerts
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Herald (15 February 1841), 2
In consequence of a requisition from the leading members of this Institution a Public Meeting was held on Friday in the Society's Temporary Concert Rooms, when after the subjoined report had been read the following resolutions were moved, seconded, and adopted by the meeting -
1. That the report of the Committee now read be adopted and received by the meeting.
2. That as the expenses at present incurred in carrying on the operations of this Society considerably exceed its income, some other arrangement with regard to performing members is imperatively called for. The Committee therefore earnestly and respectfully urge all those persons possessed of musical talents and who are anxious for the promotion of so delightful a science, to come forward and support this society with their abilities at a time when it so much requires their aid.
3. That as the operations of this Society are much impeded by the irregular attendance of the Members of the Committee that it shall be a standing rule of this Society that any Member of the Committee absenting himself for three nights consecutively shall be ineligible for re-election.
4. That the thanks of this Meeting be presented to the Right Reverend Dr. Polding, through the Rev. Francis Murphy, for his kindness in allowing the use of the Catholic School Room to the Society and for his uniform kindness in furthering the interests of the Society upon every occasion which presented itself.
5. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Gentlemen and Officers of the Committee for their very efficient services since the last meeting and that the following gentlemen be requested to act for the ensuing year, viz:- Mr. W. E. Rogers, Treasurer; Mr. Joseph Levien, Secretary; Committee - Messrs Bradridge, Thomson, LeBritton, Barnett, James Johnson, Leggatt, Greville, Challis, Tomlins, and R. Johnson . . .
The following is the report presented by the Committee: -
Since the last general meeting of the society, the committee have had difficulties to contend with, some of which have caused serious anxiety for the welfare of the Institution, and had not good fortune rather than skill which they have been able to exert warded off their immediate effects, the consequence must have been irremediable . . .
Impressed with the proper sense of the present affairs of the society, the committee at a meeting held on the 15th January last, after stating their various peculiar embarrassments respecting the funds, and unless some change in the pecuniary affairs of the society could be devised its operations must inevitably be suspended for a certain period, requested Mr. Leggatt and Mr. Wallace (our conductor and leader) to render such gratuitous assistance as would help to relieve it from its present difficulties. Every request to these gentlemen made by the committee, was refused, and in consequence the committee deemed it expedient to call a general meeting . . .
The committee foreseeing the impossibility of carrying out its operations under the present plan, have endeavoured to form an orchestra composed nearly entirely of amateurs who of course will require a paid person to instruct and teach them. The competency of any person to fill such a situation must be for the committee or general meeting to decide upon: it is thought, however, that this plan if approved of, will be far less expensive, and more in unison with the character of the Institution . . .
[News], The Australian (16 February 1841), 2
It is contemplated by several professional members of our musical corps to give monthly concerts. Three times in the course of the month rehearsals will take place at the Old Court House. It is more over proposed, to pay the professionals at a certain rate, and to admit all amateurs freely. These latter will have the advantage of practising with the qualified vocalists, and enjoying the help of orchestral accompaniments. Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, Messrs Wallace and Leggatt will take an active part in this projected arrangement. The place at which the concert will be given is not yet determined, but will be selected after due enquiry. We shall be very glad to hear of the success of the project, as it must tend to gratify and improve the musical taste of Sydney.
"MUSIC" and "CECILIAN SOCIETY", Free Press and Commercial Journal (17 February 1841), 3
MUSIC - A project is on foot to establish periodical concerts by subscription, and we are happy to say that many most respectable names are amongst the subscribers. It is proposed that, from the subscriptions a sufficient, though not extravagant remuneration shall be made to the professionals who may lend their services at these concerts. Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and their pupils, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt and others will be amongst the performers, and if the public come forward as they ought on this occasion, they will get a rich treat at very little expense. Subscription periodical concerts have long been a desideratum. Sydney can well afford to support them, and professional musicians by lending their assistance at as moderate a rate as possible, will encourage a love for music and musical entertainments, which must in the end redound to their own to their own great profit.
CECILIAN SOCIETY - A meeting of the members of this Society took place on Friday last, in the Society's Concert Room. It appears that the Society has been labouring under some difficulties in consequence of the expenses entailed upon it by the charges of professional musicians for their assistance at the monthly concerts, and the Committee deemed it advisable that such assistance should no longer be engaged, unless given gratuitously. Various resolutions were passed, and the report of the Committee adopted. Officers for the ensuing year were nominated. We are of opinion, that professionals would be consulting their own interests if they were to come forward to aid this Society. The soirees would engender a love of music by which they, and not the amateurs of the Society would profit, and therefore, with out making any personal allusions, we hope we shall not in future hear of any of the charges which have embarrassed the Society's funds. - Correspondent.
24 March 1841, concert, Maria Prout (presenter), Leggatt (conductor, performer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (24 March 1841), 1
GRAND CONCERT, under the distinguished patronage of Lady Gipps, Lady Mitchell,
Mrs. Deas Thomson, Mrs. Barney, and several other ladies of rank, who have all signified their
intention of being present.
Mrs. J. S. PROUT, Pianist, begs to announce that her Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music
will take place at the Royal Victoria Theatre, THIS EVENING, March 24.
She will be assisted by Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, several vocal amateurs,
Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. T. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton,
Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Downes, and the other members of the theatrical orchestra.
Colonel French has also kindly allowed the use of the excellent Band of the 28th Regiment.
Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
A Book containing the Italian Songs with a correct translation, may be had at the doors of the theatre.
Overture to Don Giovani, Mozart - Full orchestra
1. Opening Scene and Pastorale, "Notte Giorno" and Giovanette, from Mozart's celebrated Opera
"Don Giovanni;" full Orchestral Accompaniments - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Griffiths
2. Song, "What is the Spell?", Rooke - Mr. Worgan
3. Song, "La Tremenda Ultrice Spada," from Bellini's Romeo; Orchestral Accompaniments- Mrs. Bushelle
4. Song, "As I view these Scenes so charming," from the Somnambula; Orchestral Accompaniments - Mr. Bushelle
5. Solo, Pianoforte, Air Varié "Suoni la Tromba," Herz - Mrs. J. S. Prout
6. Quintett, "When Winds breathe soft" - All the Vocalists.
7. Song, "Auld Robin Gray," with Quintett Accompaniments, and Oboe Obligato, Mr. Leggatt - Mrs. Bushelle
8. Song, "Largo al Factotum," with full Orchestral Accompaniments - Mr. Bushelle
Overture to Ludovic, Herold - Full Orchestra
1. Solo, "Joy's bright Fountain;" Chorus, "Hail to the Queen!" full Orchestral Accompaniments - Mrs. Bushelle and all the vocalists.
2. Song, "When Time hath bereft thee," (by desire,) full Orchestral Accompaniments - Auber - Mr. Bushelle.
3. Duet Concertante, Piano and Violin, Herz & Lafont - Mrs. J. S. Prout, Mr. Wallace
4. The Buffo Duet, "All'Idea," with full Orchestral Accompaniments - Rossini- Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
5. "The Groves of Blarney" - Mr. Bushelle
6. The favourite Polacca in Il Puritani, Solo and Quartett, with Orchestral Accompaniments - Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Leggatt
"God Save the Queen!"
Tickets for Pit or Boxes, 7s. 6d. each; Upper Boxes, 5s.; and Gallery, 2s. 6d each.
The Pitt will be elegantly fitted up and communicate with the Dress Boxes.
Private Boxes may be secured on application to Mr. Prout, Elizabeth-street North,
where tickets may be obtained, as well as at Mr. Ellard's and Mr. Aldis's, George-street.
Doors open at half-past seven; the concert will begin at eight o'clock.
"MRS. PROUT'S CONCERT", The Australian (27 March 1841), 2
. . . The concert in most respects, went off with eclàt. The overtures were played with taste and correctness, with the exception of the flutes, which were sadly out of tune . . . Auld Robin Gray was most feelingly sung by Mrs. Bushelle; but we could not help regretting that, in her evidently ill-state of health, so long and exhausting a song should have been allotted to her . . .
"MRS. J. S. PROUT'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (27 March 1841), 2
ON Wednesday a large assemblage of the élite of Sydney attended the Theatre to hail our newly arrived musician, Mrs. J. S. Prout, who was warmly received and enthusiastically applauded, as she well deserved to be . . . In the overtures [Mr. S. W. Wallace] seemed afraid of overpowering the weak and powerless orchestra, which is called "Full" in the Programme; but we have seldom heard any attempt so feeble and deficient in spirit as the Don Giovanni. Had Mozart been present, he could not, assuredly have recognised his own music. Herold's Ludovic was rather better; but, still feebleness was its decided characteristic . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Prout (pianist, harpist)
30 June 1841, oratorio, Isaac Nathan (director), Leggatt (conductor, clarinettist); Master Leggatt (performer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (30 June 1841), 1
ORATORIO. MR. NATHAN has the honour to announce that on WEDNESDAY, June 30th 1841,
Vocal Performers: Mrs. Bushelle, a Young Lady (pupil to Mrs. Bushelle), the Misses Nathan, Miss Baron,
Miss Sullivan (pupil to Miss Baron). Miss Strickland, Miss Winstanley, Miss S. Smith, Mr. Bushelle,
Mr. Nathan, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Edwin Grobety (organist to St. Peter's Church, Campbelltown),
Mr. Boyce, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Allen, Mr. Falchon, Mr. Darley, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Wye, Master Leggatt,
Master Edward Allen, Master A. Moore, and Master Reilly; with the aid of several amateurs,
who have kindly volunteered their services on this occasion.
Instrumental Performers: Mrs. Prout, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. Edward Deane.
Mr. William Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen. Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Strong and Mr. Walton;
with the kind assistance of the gentlemen amateurs from the Cecilians Society,
and (by permission of Colonel French) of the Band of the 28th regiment.
Leader, Mr. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
The whole under the entire management of Mr. Nathan, who will preside at the organ.
New National Anthem, "Long live Victoria" - Nathan.
Overture - Handel.
Quartetto and Chorus - "Kyrie Eleison" - Beethoven.
Recitativo and Solo, "Comfort ye, my people," "Every valley" - Handel.
Recitativo and Solo, "For behold darkness shall cover the earth,"
"The people that walked in darkness" - Handel.
Quartetto and Chorus, " On Jordan's banks" - Nathan.
Recitativo and Solo, "Behold, I tell you a mystery," "The trumpet shall sound" - Handel.
Duet, "We sat down and wept by the waters of Babel" - Nathan.
Quartetto and Chorus, "The wild gazelle" - Nathan.
Solo, "He was despised" - Handel.
Recitativo and Solo, "The people of Jerusalem," "He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter" - Handel.
Solo, "O, had I Jubal's lyre" - Handel.
Duet, "The Lord is a man of war" - Handel.
(A selection from the Oratorio of Saul - Handel.)
Chorus, "How excellent thy name, O Lord"
Trio, "Along the monster Atheist strode"
Chorus, "The youth inspired thee O Lord"
Chorus, "Our fainting courage soon restored"
Chorus, "How excellent"
Chorus, "Hallelujah"
A New Overture, composed for the occasion - Nathan.
Symphony - Mozart.
Chorus, "The heavens are telling" - Haydn.
Solo, "Jeptha's Daughter" harp-accompaniment, Mrs. Prout - Nathan.
Recitative and Solo, "Deeper and deeper still," "Waft her angels" - Handel.
Solo, "Why do the nations so furiously rage together" - Handel.
Quartetto, "O weep for those that wept" - Nathan.
Recitativo and Solo, "O let eternal honours," "From mighty kings" - Handel.
Solo, "The last Man" - Callcott.
Solo, "Gratias Agimus" - obligato accompaniment clarionet, Mr. Leggatt - Guglielmi.
Quintetto and Chorus, "Saul" - Nathan.
(Selections from the Oratorio of Saul - Handel.)
Solo, "Brave Jonathan"
Chorus, "Eagles were not so swift as they"
Solo, "In sweetest harmony"
Chorus, "O fatal day"
Quartetto and Chorus, "Thy days are done" - Nathan.
Chorus, " Hallelujah" from the Messiah - Handel.
Tickets for the nave and transepts of the Cathedral, 15s. each;
for the western end, 10s. each. Two Children admitted by one ticket.
Early application is requested, as no more tickets will be issued than the accommodation permit.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Nathan at his residence, Ada Cottage, Princes street;
off the Music and Bookseller's; and off the Committee of the Cathedral.
The Oratorio will commence at half-past Seven, precisely.
A Libretto, containing the words of the selection is published. Price 10s.
"ORATORIO", The Sydney Herald (2 July 1841), 2
The Oratorio, on Wednesday night, went off in a style which has been seldom equalled in this Colony . . . The audience was numerous, (about 800) and throughout the performance there was evinced all the decorous propriety which the solemn and sacred character of the music demanded . . . Mrs. Bushelle sang Guglielmi's "Gratias Agimus," but it did not impress us that she was at home. In this Mr. Leggatt's obligato accompaniment was excellent . . .
"The Oratorio", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (2 July 1841), 2
"The Oratorio" [continued], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (5 July 1841), 2
. . . GRATIAS AGIMUS.- Solo Guglielmi.
(Obligato accompaniment Clarionet Mr Leggatt.)
"We give thee thanks, for thy great glory, O Lord God, the Heavenly King, the Father Omnipotent."
"THE ORATORIO", Australasian Chronicle (3 July 1841), 2
. . . Guglielmi's "Gratias agimus" is a mere singing lesson tastelessly set to inappropriate words, and alike unworthy of the composer and the singer. It was, however, made the most of by Mrs. Bushelle, and the accompaniment by Mr. Leggatt was admirable . . .
. . . Having studied music for twenty years, and heard nearly all the musical "stars" the age has produced, we may be permitted to express our opinion, and we say the oratorio was eminently successful. We, therefore, give our thanks to Mr. Nathan; to Messrs. Leggatt and Wallace, who so ably co-operated with him; to the Misses Nathan and Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, who sang so sweetly; and to all the other performers; for so excellent an entertainment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (music director); Edward Meyer (instrumentalist)
14 July 1841, concert, John Philip Deane (presenter), Leggatt (performer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 July 1841), 1
Under the distinguished Patronage of Lady Gipps and Mrs. E. Deas Thomson,
Mrs. Gibbes, and other Ladies of distinction.
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage,
his CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, on a very extensive scale, will take place at the Theatre Royal,
on WEDNESDAY, the 11th July, 1841.
VOCAL PERFORMERS - Mrs. Bushelle, Miss Deane, and Mrs. Emanuel (being her first appearance),
Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Allen, and several other Gentleman Amateurs.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Prout, Miss Deane, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Deane and Sons,
Mr. Wallace, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walton, and other Gentleman, who have kindly offered their assistance,
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Wallace; Conductor - Mr. Leggatt
By the kind permission of Colonel French, the Band of the 28th Regiment will assist.
Overture - D'Otello - Rossini
1. Song - Arab Steed - Mrs. Emanuel (her first appearance in public.)
2. Solo - Greek March - Hertz - Miss Deane
3. Song - La tremend ultirce spada - Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle
4. Song - As I view these scenes so charming - Mr. Bushelle
5. Duetto - Harp and Pianoforte, "God save the Queen" - Bochsa - Mrs. Prout & Miss Deane
6. Duetto - Buffo (with full Orchestral Accompaniments arranged by Mr. S. W. Wallace) - Mr. Bushelle, Mrs. Bushelle
7. Song - To Norma's Arms - Miss Deane
8. Solo - Violin - Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane
Overture - La Dame Blanche
1. Song - Oh! softly sleep - Miss Deane
2. Solo - Violin (Juvenile Performance) - Master Charles Muzio Deane
3. Song - Land of the West - Mrs. Bushelle
4. Duet - Pianoforte - "The celebrated Duet from Gulielmus Tell." - Mrs. Prout, Miss Deane
5. Song - Orynthia, my beloved - Mrs. Emanuel
6. Song - Largo al Factotum - Mr. Bushelle
7. Solo - Long live Victoria (with Chorus, and full Orchestral Accompaniments) - Mrs. Bushelle
The Pitt will be elegantly fitted up as a Concert Saloon, and will communicate with the Boxes.
The Orchestra will be erected on the Stage. Tickets - Boxes, 7s. 6d.;
Upper Boxes, 4s.; Gallery, 2s. 6d. The Concert will commence at eight o'clock.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Ellard, Mr. Perkins; Mr. Aldis, George street; Mr. Turner, King-street;
Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; Mr. Barnett, Wine Stores, Pitt-street; and Mr. Deane, O'Connell-street.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (16 July 1841), 2
Mr. Deane's Concert, on Wednesday Evening, attracted a numerous and highly respectable audience . . . The performances of the evening began with the overture to Otello and the style in which that delightful composition and "La dame Blanche," were executed reflects much credit on the talented leader Mr. W. Wallace, and on Mr. Leggett who performed with great skill and precision . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Emanuel (vocalist) Abraham Emanuel (pianist) Edward Allen (tenor vocalist)
22 September 1841, concert, Eliza and John Bushelle (presenters), Leggatt (performer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (22 September 1841), 1
Under the special patronage of Lady Gipps
(his Excellency the Governor having also kindly signified his intention of being present),
his Excellency Sir Maurice O'Connell, Colonel Gibbs, M. C., and several other personages of distinction. -
FAREWELL CONCERT, Royal Victoria Theatre, Wednesday, the 22nd of September, 1841;
which day is also appointed for the Horticultural and Floral Exhibition.
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE will, on this occasion, make their last public appearance in Sydney,
and respectfully solicit the same patronage and liberal support they have for so many years
experienced from the gentry, and inhabitants of New South Wales.
Vocal Performers: Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Bushelle, Signorina Emilia, Mr. Bushelle, and amateurs.
Instrumental Performers: Mrs. Prout, Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt. Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Deane,
Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Downes, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Westrop.
The rest of the theatrical orchestra; and, by the kind permission of Colonel Baker,
a select number from the far-famed band of the 80th regiment, under the superintendence of Mr. Egerton.
Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace; conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
Overture - full band.
1 Grand trio, from the "Matrimonio Segreto" (Cimarosa) - Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Bushelle, and Mr. Bushelle.
2 "Proudly and wide," the celebrated martial air sung by Mr. Braham, in "Fra Diavolo,"
with full orchestral accompaniments by Mr. S. W. Wallace, trumpet obligato (Auber) - Mr. Bushelle.
3 Grand air from Didone, "Il soave bel contento" (Pacini) - Mrs. Bushelle.
4 "Let us seek the yellow shore," (Bishop) - Mrs. Clancy.
5 Solo, flute - Mr. S. Wallace.
6 The highly popular matrimonial comic duet, "Per piacere,"
sung for the first time at Mr. Deane's concert,
and enthusiastically applauded on that occasion (Rossini) - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle.
7 Concerto pianoforte, with orchestral accompaniments (Herz) - Mrs. Prout.
8 "Non piu Andrai," by particular desire, accompanied by the full band (Mozart) - Mr. Bushelle.
Overture - full band.
1 "Povera Signora," (as sung by Madame Gautrot) - Signorina Emilia.
2 "JEPHTHA'S DAUGHER," accompanied on the harp, flute, and violoncello, by Mrs. Prout,
Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Mr, E. Deane - (Nathan) - Mrs. Bushelle.
3 The characteristic Irish ballad, "Molly Carew," with orchestral accompaniments by Mr. Leggatt- Mr. Bushelle.
4 "Tell me, my heart," (Bishop) - Mrs. Clancy.
5 Solo, violin - Mr. Wallace.
6 Duet, from Tancredi - Mrs. Clancy and Mrs. Bushelle.
7 "Miei Rampoli," buffo song (Cenerentola), as sung by Signor Lablache - Mr. Bushelle.
8 "Black eyed Susan" - Mrs. Bushelle.
9 "The Groves of Blarney," (by desire) - Mr. Bushelle.
The pit will be elegantly fitted up and communicate with the dress boxes.
Tickets - Pit and boxes, 7s. 6d.; upper boxes, 5s.; gallery, 2s. 6d.;
to be had of Mr. Ellard and Mr. Aldis, George-street; Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel;
and of Mr. Bushelle, 14, Philip-street (the late residence of Mr. Justice Stephen), where places may be taken.
The Performance to begin at Eight o'Clock.
"BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", Sydney Free Press (25 September 1841), 3
On Wednesday evening last, we again had the pleasure of hearing those deservedly great favourites of the Australian public, Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, at the Concert given by them in the Theatre, which was attended by His Excellency and Lady Gipps, and by a crowded and fashionable audience, and all appeared highly delighted with the entertainment provided for them . . . The orchestral department was admirably conducted by Mr. Leggatt, and led by Mr. S. W. Wallace. It must have been a source of great pleasure to Mr. Bushelle to have drawn together so numerous and respectable an audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 80th Regiment; Signorina Emilia (vocalist)
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1842:
21 February 1842, first night of the season, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, Leggatt (orchestra member)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 February 1842), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. FIRST NIGHT OF THE SEASON . . . ON MONDAY, FEB. 21 . . . THE ORCHESTRAL DEPARTMENT WILL CONSIST OF MR. S. W. WALLACE, LEADER, Mr. Deane, Master Deane, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Senr., Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Robertson, Master Strong, Mr. Boyle, &c, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Strong (violinist); Mr. Robertson (orchestral musician); Mr. Boyle (orchestral musician)
23 February 1842, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle (presenter), Leggatt (conductor, performer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (22 February 1842), 3
which day is also that fixed for THE FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION.
MRS. BUSHELLLE, AT the desire of several families of distinction, who were unable to attend her last Concert,
respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Sydney, who so favourably noticed, on former occasions,
her exertions to merit their patronage, that she is induced to appear once more before them.
Confidently anticipating their liberal support, she solicits their attendance on this occasion,
when she will be assisted by Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Bushelle, and Amateurs, in the vocal department;
and by Mrs. J. S. Prout, pianiste, Mr. S. W. Wallace, leader, Mr. Leggatt, conductor of the concert,
Mr. Deane, Mr. Wallace, senior, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Edward Deane, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin,
and the rest of the Theatrical Orchestra, as instrumental performers.
Part I.
Overture -
1. - Duet from Demetrio, with orchestral accompaniments - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
2. - The favorite Duet, "Near to the willow," (Blangini) - Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Bushelle
3. - Popular Song, "Some love to roam," (Russell), with full orchestral accompaniments - Mr. Bushelle
4. - The much admired Song, "Languir per una Bella," from L'ltaliana in Algieri with Flute Obligato by Mr. S. W. Wallace - Mrs. Bushelle
5. - Cavatina, "I'll seek her on every shore." (Rodwell) with orchestral accompaniment - Mrs. Wallace
6. - "La Vendetta," from Mozart's Figaro - Mr. Bushelle
7. - Concerto - Violin - Mr. Wallace
8. - Song, "When we two parted," (Nathan) - Mrs. Bushelle
9. - The celebrated Comic Duet, from, Il Turco in Italia,
received at Mr. Deane's last concert with immense applause - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
Part II.
Overture - Full Band.
1. - Concerto - Clarionet - Mr. Leggatt
2. - "The Groves of Blarney" with orchestral accompaniments, with the original Ullagoane,
and the new version - Mr. Bushelle
3. - The "Grand Quarreling Trio," (by Cimarosa) - Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle
4. - The "Widow Malone," 'from the late popular novel Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon,
with a characteristic Irish accompaniment by Mr. Leggatt - Mr. Bushelle
5. - "The last sweet chime" (Cianchettini) - Mrs. S. W. Wallace
6. - Solo - Flute - Mr. S. W. Wallace
7. - "Jephtha's Daughter!" at the earnest solicitation of the Amateurs,
and positively the last time in public (Nathan) - Mrs. Bushelle
8. - "Sweet Molly Carew" (Lover) - Mr. Bushelle
The Stage will be brought forward twelve feet, to render the Music more effective.
The Pit will be elegantly fitted up, and communicate with the Boxes.
Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Bushelle, Elizabeth-street,
two doors south of Bathurst street, where Private Boxes can be secured.
Tickets also may be had from Mr. Ellard, Mr. Aldis, and Mr. John Sparke, George-street;
Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; Mr. Baker, Stationer, King-street.
Pit and Boxes, - Seven and Sixpence, Upper Boxes, - Five Shillings.
Gallery, - Two Shillings and Sixpence.
The Doors will be opened at Half-past Seven and the Concert will begin at Eight o'clock.
WORDS: The Widow Malone (from Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon, by Charles James Lever, 1841)
9 March 1842, concert, Maria Prout (presenter), Leggatt (performer)
"MRS. PROUT'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (8 March 1842), 2
It will be seen from our advertising columns, that Mrs. Prout's annual concert, which was postponed for the arrival and assistance of her brother, Mr. Marsh, is fixed to take place to-morrow evening, in the Victoria Theatre. The bill of fare which Mrs. Prout has provided for the occasion is attractive, and will be relished, we doubt, not, by every musical epicure amongst tis. In the instrumental department, Mrs. Prout on the piano; her brother, Mr. Marsh, who is equally at home, we understand, with the piano and the harp; and Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, and Mr. Leggatt, whose several talents are sufficiently known and appreciated by the public of Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Colonial Observer (9 March 1842), 181
GRAND SOIREE MUSICALE. MRS. PROUT has the honour to announce,
that her ANNUAL CONCERT will take place THIS EVENING, March 9, 1842, at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
on which occasion MR. MARSH, from the Hanover Square and Nobility's Concerts, London and Bath,
will perform, for the first time in this colony, on a new Erard's Patent Grand Pianoforte,
of the same manufacture as those played on by Thalberg, Liszt, Herz, &c.,
his " Grandes Variations Brillantes," composed and dedicated to him by Czerny,
and one of his own favourite compositions on the harp.
Mrs. Prout will play a brilliant fantasia on the pianoforte, likewise a grand duet
of Bochsa's on "Rule Britannia," for pianoforte and harp, with Mr. Marsh,
and in a quartette for the harp, pianoforte, flute, and violoncello,
with Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, and. Mr. Marsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle will sing some new and popular English songs,
in addition to the celebrated Aria from "Il Puritani," "Vien diletto,"
Bellini's much admired scena, "Ah per Sempre," and in two new concerted pieces with Mrs. Wallace.
Mr. Wallace will perform a duet concertante, for flute and harp, with Mr. Marsh.
Leader, Mr. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
1. Trio, "The Harem Bells," first time, Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Wallace, and Mr. Bushelle - Hodson.
2. The celebrated Aria from II Puritani, "Vien diletto," first time, Mrs. Bushelle - Bellini.
3. Fantasia, harp, Mr. Marsh - Marsh.
4. Moore's song of "The Prairies," Mrs. Wallace - Balfe.
5. Grand Fantasie, pianoforte, from Le Pré aux Clerc, Mrs. J. S. Prout - Herz.
6. New ballad, "The Parting Hour," the music composed on board the "Sir Edward Paget,"
by Mr. Marsh, on the voyage to Sydney; the poetry by Captain A. Tait - Marsh.
7. Grand Scena, "Ah per Sempre," first time, Mr. Busheile - Bellini.
8. Quartette from La donna dell Lago, for harp, pianoforte, flute, and violoncello,
Mr. Marsh, Mrs. Prout, Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Deane - Bochsa.
1. Grandes Variations Brillantes, pianoforte, Mr. Marsh, dedicated to him by Czerny.
2. Quartetto, "The Voyager's Evening Song," Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Daniels,
and Mr. Bushelle; the words by Captain Tait, and the music composed on the voyage by Mr. Marsh - Marsh.
3. Duetto, "Mio figlio non sei," Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle - Rossini.
4. Duo Concertante, harp and flute, "Italy and Ireland," Mr. Marsh and Mr. Wallace - Bochsa.
6. Song, "Proudly and wide," from Fra Diavolo, Mr. Bushelle - Auber.
6. Song, "Wanted a Governess," Mr. Marsh - J. Parry.
7. Finale, grand duet, harp and pianoforte, on "Rule Britannia," Mrs. Prout and Mr. Marsh - Bochsa.
The Concert to commence at Eight o'clock.
Tickets may be had at Mr. Ellard's Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. Moffitt's, stationer, Pitt-street;
Mr. Aldis', George-street; or of Mrs. Prout, at Mr. Marsh's, Bligh-street, where a plan of the boxes may be seen.
Dress circle and pit (which will be elegantly fitted up for the occasion,) 7s. 6d.; upper boxes, 5s.; gallery, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (composer, pianist, harpist)
26 April 1842, market fair, Leggatt (master of the Sydney Band)
"SMITHFIELD MARKET", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 April 1842), 3
On Tuesday last the first cattle fair held in New South Wales took place at Smithfield under the auspices of John Ryan Brenan, Esq. . . . The attendance was not so numerous as we had anticipated, there being little more than five hundred persons on the ground, but these were persons of respectability, and not composed of the canaille, which usually frequent similar places in the mother county. Several of our most influential citizens were also present. Mr. Brenan provided an ample feast for the occasion. An ox and sheep were roasted, and we observed that the porter and liqueurs were done ample justice to . . . " . . . Several booths and tents were erected, and after the public breakfast they had their share of custom. The Sydney band attended, led by Mr. Leggatt, and contributed much to the gaiety of the day, - on the whole, every thing was conducted quite in the English style, and the fair went off as well as could be expected. We congratulate the public that we have at length a fair established, which cannot fail of producing the most beneficial results to the community at large."
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Town Band (from July 1842, Sydney City Band)
"Publicans' Night Licenses", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 July 1842), 2
For the greater part of the past week, the Magistrates were employed at the Police in looking over the applications (of most of our Sydney licensed victuallers) for permission to keep their houses open after the regulated hour, 9 o'clock. Although several houses have been allowed to be kept open until 12 o'clock; it is understood that in future, the Magistrates do not intend to grant permission next year, longer than 10 o'clock, excepting only a very select number, for the convenience of travellers, when a later hour will be allowed. It is also rumoured, that the Police have received instructions to watch closely and vigilantly those houses that allow tippling on the Sabbath day, and after hours, to the great evil of society such scenes being contrary to all good order, and an encouragement to vice. Underneath is given a list of applications received, and the hours for which licenses have been granted to the parties applying; those marked M. L. are called market licenses, and are allowed to keep open until 11 o'clock on market days only; they will be allowed to open their houses on those mornings, one hour earlier, but they must close them at 10 o'clock on other nights. T.L. means theatre licences, it being understood that when the Theatre is closed, they must shut up at 10 o'clock, but when the Theatre is open, an extension of the license until 12 o'clock has been sanctioned. A list of those who have obtained Billiard Table licenses, is also added: . . .
SUSSEX-STREET. Henry Linden, Woolpack, 10 o'clock; George Simpson, Angel and Crown, 10; Alexander Duncan, Labour in Vain, 10; Richard Cripps, Shamrock, 10; Henry Maddox, Jolly Miller, 10; John Wheeler, Blue Bell, 10; Samuel Jones, Governor Burke, 12; Peter Curtis, Patent Slip, 12; Joseph Smith, Saracen's Head, 12 ; Thomas Winterup, Sir Walter Scott, 12; Thomas Leggatt, Hope and Anchor, 11; Gregory Board, Blue Lion, 10; Joseph King, Paterson's River Hotel, 12; Andrew Higgins, Cheshire Cheese, 12 . . .
22 July 1842, rehearsal, for forthcoming oratorio, Leggatt (conductor)
"THE ORATORIO", Australasian Chronicle (23 July 1842), 2
We had the pleasure yesterday of hearing the first general rehearsal for the forthcoming oratorio, and were rather agreeably surprised by the strength and efficiency of the chorus mustered by these amateurs. There is yet a deficiency of strings in the instrumental department, which is rendered more apparent by a certain coarseness in one or two of the brass instruments, but this Mr. Leggatt is using every exertion to correct. A few of Handel's thundering choruses will be a decided treat compared with the trashy solos which until the recent introduction of madrigals, crowded and disfigured all our programmes; and it shall not be our fault if standard music of this description do not speedily banish from our musical world the fashionable trumpery which furnishes food for pride and individual pretension, and tingles in the ear, but speaks not to the heart, of the listener.
"ORATORIO", The New South Wales Examiner (25 July 1842), 3
We had the pleasure of being present at the first rehearsal for the forthcoming oratorio, at the old school-room in Elizabeth-street, on Friday evening, and were agreeably surprised at the numerical strength of the orchestra. The powerful effect with which Handel's sublime compositions were given, reflects much credit on Mr. Leggett, under whose direction the rehearsal takes place, and the other professionals who are assisting him in getting up the oratorio.
4 August 1842, benefit for Harriet Knowles, Royal Victoria Theatre, Leggatt (arranger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1842), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. GREAT NOVELTY! FOR THE BENEFIT OF Mrs. KNOWLES. MRS. KNOWLES begs most respectfully informs her numerous Friends and Patrons that her BENEFIT is fixed for THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4th . . . Immediately after the conclusion of the drama, the curtain will rise for "Poor Paul Pry," (popular comic song) in character by Miss Jones. A favourite Pas Seul, by Miss E. Jones. Mr. Simmons will have the honour to give the Comical History of "The Old Woman and her Cats." The celebrated Song "The Death of Nelson," by Mrs. Knowles, arranged for a full Orchestra, by Mr. Leggatt, expressly for this occasion. Irish Jig, Mr. Chambers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Knowles (Harriet Jones) (actor, vocalist); Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist)
19 August 1842, rehearsal, for forthcoming oratorio, Leggatt (conductor)
"HANDEL'S MESSIAH", Australasian Chronicle (20 August 1842), 3
Another rehearsal of the principal chorusses of this chef d'oeuvre took place last evening, under the direction of Messrs. Johnson, Leggatt, and Wallace. The greater part of the wind instruments were absent, so that we are unable to say what progress Mr. Legatt has made in reducing them to suavity, tune, and time, but the stringed instruments were all that could be reasonably wished for, and the chorusses, considering the materials of which in a great measure they seem to be composed, certainly gave us equal surprise and delight. Mr. Johnson has in this instance accomplished a feat, and we willingly accord him our meed of praise. We were much satisfied with Mr. Leggatt's conducting generally speaking, but we must say we were terribly annoyed with the timeing of the "Hallelujah chorus," which (at least the first time) was sung absurdly slow as it almost always is by amateurs, but by which the sublime idea of the composer is utterly destroyed. We hope Mr. Leggatt will attend to this, and upon the whole we promise our numerous musical friends a magnificent treat on the last day of this month, without any fear of disappointment.
31 August 1842, oratorio, Leggatt (conductor)
"THE ORATORIO", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 August 1842), 2
The forthcoming Oratorio is expected to come off with great eclat next week, the amateurs having done what amateurs seldom will do, attended the rehearsals and been well drilled, and as there are amongst them many persons of considerable musical talent, and the professional men, particularly Messrs. Johnson and Leggatt, have bestowed a great deal of time and attention on the arrangements, the result we have little doubt will be the performance of that splendid Oratorio, the Messiah, in a very creditable manner.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1842), 1
GRAND ORATORIO in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Society.
PATRONS: His Excellency the Governor, His Honor the Chief Justice, His Excellency the Commander of the Forces,
The Honorable the Colonial Secretary, The Honorable the Colonial Treasurer, Alexr. McLeay, Esq.,
President of the Benevolent Society, Colonel Baker, 80th Regiment.
SUPERINTENDING COMMITTEE: Colonel Barney, Major Christie, James Donnithorne, Esq., A. a'Beckett, Esq.,
W. H. Mackenzie, Esq., Lieutenant O'Connell, G. Cooper Turner, Esq., R. Windeyer, Esq.
MANAGING COMMITTEE: Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Johnson, Mr. E. Scrase, Mr. Cole, Mr. Deacon, Mr. J. P. Deane.
TREASURER, Mr. Waller; SECRETARY, Mr. W. B. Boyce.
will be performed in aid of the Funds of the Benevolent Society,
in the Royal Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street,
on which occasion the following professional performers have kindly offered their gratuitous assistance -
Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Messrs. Leggatt, Johnson, Deane, E. Deane, Griffiths, Allen, Worgan, and Egerton.
The Chorus will consist of 20 trebles, 12 altos, 14 tenors, 16 basses.
The Orchestra will consist of 5 first violins, 6 second violins, 4 violas, 4 violoncellos,
2 double basses, 2 oboes, 2 flutes, 2 clarionetti, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 fagotti, 3 contra basses, 1 tromboni,
2 double drums; making a grand total of 104 performers.
PRINCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Waller, Mr. Griffiths
Mr. Allen, and Master Weavers.
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Mr. Leggatt, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Deane, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. E. Deane,
Mr. Portbury, and, by the kind permission of Colonel Baker, a Selection from the Band of the Eightieth Regiment.
Conductor - Mr. Leggatt.
Leader - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
Chorus Master - Mr. Johnson.
Tickets, and Words of the Oratorio, may be obtained of any member of the Committee;
and of Mr. Ellard, George-street; Mr. Rolfe, Hunter-street; Mr. Perkins, George-street;
Mr. Waller, upholsterer, Pitt-street; and Messrs. Morley, Pitt and King streets.
Pit and Boxes, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 4s.; Gallery, 2s. 6d.
Boxes to be engaged at Mr. Scrase's, 27, Pitt-street, where a plan of the boxes may be seen.
Doors open at seven; performance to commence at half past seven precisely.
It is requested that Carriages will set down with the horses heads towards Market-street,
and take up in the contrary direction.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Scrase (committee member); Samuel Edgerton (instrumentalist) James Waller (vocalist); Master Weavers (vocalist)
"THE ORATORIO", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 September 1842), 2
IT IS with no small amount of pleasure that we notice the performance of Handel's sublime Oratorio of the Messiah, which took place at the Victoria Theatre, on Wednesday evening . . . The Hallelujah chorus was too fast: we know that this is a disputed point, but we take as our standard the performances at Exeter Hall, and the Festivals in England . . . It passed off very well, however, and concluded a performance from which we derived much pleasure, and augur a great deal to come. We shill be delighted to hear the Oratorio repeated complete, as, in this performance, several of our favourite choruses and solos were left out. We cannot conclude without expressing our satisfaction at the able manner in which Mr. Leggatt conducted, and Mr. Wallace led, the orchestra during the performance.
"MUSICAL", The Australian (2 September 1842), 2
The oratorio in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Society came off, as announced, on Wednesday night; and to say that we were pleased, would but faintly convey our feelings on the subject; we were delighted and astonished. We confess that we previously felt some misgivings that a composition, so difficult as the Messiah, and one requiring such effective management, both in regard to the number and ability of the performers, would prove too great an attempt for the musical powers of our community. We are happy to say that our fears proved to be wholly without foundation, and we express not only our own sentiments, but those of every person with whom we have conversed on the subject, when we say, that the performance as a whole was such as to raise, in a very high degree, the character of our city, with respect to its musical powers. The number of complicated and difficult chorusses which were introduced, and the extremely effective manner in which they were performed, reflect the very highest degree of credit upon all parties concerned . . .
We must not omit to mention the skilful manner in which Mr. Leggatt sustained the office of conductor; his great abilities, both as a practical and theoretic musician, were never more conspicuously or more effectively employed . . .
[William Augustine Duncan], "THE ORATORIO", Australasian Chronicle (1 September 1842), 3
At last the immortal "Messiah" has been performed in Sydney. We are so rejoiced at this revival of our finest recollections of "harmony divine," that we are much inclined to forget our duty of critic and praise every thing in the performance. Glad we are to say, there was much to praise. Of the recitatives and arias, it is true, we can say but little, with the exception of "How beautiful are the feet," by Mr. Allen, and another by an amateur, both of which displayed taste and feeling. We could have said the same of "I know that my Redeemer liveth," by Mrs. Curtis, which was not devoid of proper feeling, but that, despite her most visible efforts, it was beyond her powers of execution. Neither of the Bushelles were in voice; Griffiths was drowned by the accompaniment, and Mrs. Wallace, feeling herself at home, said "He shall" and not "HE shall feed his flock, &c." Of the chorusses, which after all are every thing in this work, we can speak in terms of general commendation. A few of them were truly admirable, such as that very difficult one, "Great was the company of the preachers," the "Hallelujah," &c., and, the only one that could be said to be murdered was "Glory to God." There were also some strange mis-pronunciations, such as "giv-en" for giv'n. These we mention for correction next time, but we are bound to repeat that the chorusses were far beyond any expectation that could reasonably have been formed of them. Of the orchestra we can truly say the same. The overtures, excepting the opening movement in Handel's, were perfect, and the pastoral symphony was exquisite. The accompaniments with perhaps one exception, were likewise equal and good.
By the way we were sadly puzzled about the second overture . . . [text as below]
The attendance was very numerous and respectable, and although the expenses must be very heavy, we hope there will be a considerable balance for the benevolent asylum, for the benefit of which the oratorio was got up. We understand that the same body of musicians and amateurs intend shortly to get up "Haydn's Creation." Such exertions combined with such taste in selection deserve the support of every lover of music, and they shall have all that we can give them both publicly and in private.
"THE ORATORIO. To the Editor", The Australian (2 September 1842), 3
SIR, - My attention has been called to an article in the AUSTRALASIAN CHRONICLE of this morning, purporting to he a critique upon the Oratorio performed at the Victoria Theatre last night, and in which the following passage occurs:
By the way we are sadly puzzled about the second overture, said in the Libretto to be "from Mozart's Requiem." We never heard of more than two Requiems by Mozart, neither of which has an Instrumental overture. The mystery vanished when we heard the tones of the Magic Flute. Now this kind of trick should not be practised upon the citizens, for by and bye, when they come to be better acquainted with these undying works, they will be tempted to hiss even the inspiration of Mozart himself, when palmed upon them thus. What would they say, for example, in London or Vienna to an announcement of "The overture from Mozart's Requiem?" Fie!
Now, Sir, to demonstrate that the Editor in this as in his other efforts pseudo criticism, has furnished a palpable illustration of the line in Pope: "And fools rush in where angels fear to tread.†I oppose direct matter of fact to what I will venture to call his presumptuous assertion, I say emphatically presumptuous, because any person possessing gentlemanly feeling, be he Editor of a newspaper, or whom he may, before charging a respectable body of men, or an individual, with imposition on the public, as the observations in the CHRONICLE clearly imply, should at least be satisfied, that his allegation was well founded. In what position then do I place the writer in that journal, either as a musical critic, or a lover of truth, when, in contradiction to his mere assertion, I can prove by the work itself, that Mozart did write "an instrumental Overture" to his Requiem; and in evidence of the fact, I have left a copy of the composition, to be seen by the curious in such matters during a fortnight from this date, at the office of the AUSTRALIAN, Bridge-street.
Under such circumstances, therefore, I trust I shall have saved the critic of the CHRONICLE a voyage to London or Vienna, in search of public opinion on "an announcement of the Overture from Mozart's Requiem;" and I leave the public to judge to whom the term "Fie" now more properly applies.
I presume that the writer in question intends to compliment the gentlemen who undertook the flute part in the Oratorio, when he states "the mystery vanished when we heard the tone of the magic flute;" for if in his erratic imagination he means it to be believed that the Overture of the Requiem was substituted by that of the Zauberfloto, I have only to offer the same unequivocal denial that I have already employed in refuting his other assertion.
I am, Sir, Your most obedient Servant,
THOMAS LEGGATT. Sydney, Sept. 1, 1842.
"THE ORATORIO", Australasian Chronicle (3 September 1842), 2
We observe in the Herald and Australian of yesterday, a letter signed "Thomas Leggatt," in which that important personage returns our constant and merited praise of his abilities as a conductor, by calling us a "fool," a "pseudo critic," a person divested of "gentlemanly feeling," and we know not how many more pretty things, because in noticing the performances at the late oratorio, we denounced the trick practised upon the audience in producing an overture from a profane opera, and calling it the "Overture to Mozart's Requiem." We are afraid that, instead of mending the matter, Mr. Leggatt has made it worse by attempting after its detection to perpetuate the imposition. That which might have been tolerably, if not satisfactorily, explained by a "Deuce take the bungling printer of my Don Giovanni for having led me into such a scrape!" can now only be regarded as an impudent trick, and the whole merit of that trick, which might have been shared, without much damage, among an hundred fiddlers, now rests firmly on the brow of "Thomas Leggatt" . . .
The "position" in which Mr. Leggatt "places us" is one by which we are unwillingly compelled to show the public how he has for ever destroyed his reputation of a learned musician, and, what ought to be of more importance, how he has been guilty of bad faith with the public, first in deliberately imposing upon them an overture under a false name, and secondly in supporting one deception by another.
We take it as an axiom which no competent person will controvert, that no musician of this age can be said to be perfect in his art who has not studied the grand Requiem of Mozart. It is the true musician's idol, and is perhaps the greatest achievement that the human mind has ever accomplished. Now Mr. Leggatt either is, or is not, familiar with this sublime composition. If he is familiar with it he knows (what every musician of any pretension knows) that it begins with a choral fugue in D minor, with the words "Requiem aeternam dons eis Domine," and not with an "overture"; and if Mr. Leggatt is not familiar with it, what becomes of his pretensions as a musician? and by what right does he presume to tax us (who have given days and nights to the study of the Requiem) with "presumption," when we assert that the Requiem has no instrumental overture? In the face of Mr. Leggatt's assertion to the contrary, we again assert that Mozart never did write an instrumental overture to the Requiem; that consequently the piece left at the Australian office is only another edition of the same imposition which was practised at the oratorio; and we are ready to prove both these assertions by the production of two separate editions of the Requiem, together with the whole of Mozart's overtures, among which it will be easy for any person to discover the one abused by Mr. Leggatt, prefixed to the well known Don Giovanni, whose "requiem" is sometimes given on the London stage (though another imposition upon the composer) by a chorus of devils. What would be thought of a poet who finding upon a bookstall a copy of Byron's "Don Juan," having prefixed to it by mistake or design the title-page of the sacred rhymes of Brady and Tate, should proceed to quote "I want a hero, an uncommon want," &c., &c., as a paraphrase of the Psalms of David? The only apology left for Mr. Leggatt is, mutatis mutandis, to acknowledge this to be his position.
We trust we have said enough to teach Mr. Leggatt that it is wiser honestly to acknowledge an error than to support one untrue assertion by another, the last error being worse than the first.
And to prove that we can take the advice we give, we think it right to say that we made one mistake and one or two slight omissions in the critique alluded to. Trusting to memory, and equally familiar with both compositions, we gave the overture in question to the opera of the Zauberflote instead of Don Giovanni; and in noticing Mrs. Wallace's mistake in singing "He shall feed his flock," we ought to have mentioned that many of the old editions have that reading. In noticing, also, the inferiority of the solos generally, we should have remarked the very efficient services rendered by the solo singers in the choruses, which as well as the orchestra must have surprised and delighted every amateur in the audience. In all other respects we believe our critique to be strictly correct and just, although it may not, and never was intended to, satisfy those who, without possessing the rudiments of the art, thirst for supreme distinction in our musical world.
14 September 1842, John Philip Deane (presenter), Leggatt (conductor)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (10 September 1842), 3
Under the Distinguished Patronage of the Lady of the Hon. E. Deas Thomson, M. C.,
Mrs. Colonel Gibbes, and several other Ladies of Distinction.
MR. DEANE begs to inform his
friends and the public that under the above distinguished patronage his Concert of vocal and
instrumental music, on a very extensive scale, will take place at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
on Wednesday, September 14, 1842.
VOCAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, and Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Grilliths, Mr. Allen, and
several other gentlemen amateurs. INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Miss Deane, Mr. S. W. Wallace,
Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walton, Mr. Wilson, Mr. O'Flaherty,
and other gentlemen who have kindly offered their assistance. Leader - Mr. Deane. Conductor - Mr. Leggatt.
By the kind permission of Colonel Baker and the Officers, the Band of the 80th regiment will attend.
Overture, "Gustavus the Third," Auber - Full Band . . .
1. Comic Duet, from L'Elisir d'amore, Donizetti - Mr. Bushelle, Mrs. Bushelle
2. Pianoforte Solo, Grand Fantasia on the national airs "God Save the Queen," and "Rule Britannia,"
performed in the presence of her Majesty Queen Victoria, by Thalberg - Miss Deane
3. Song, "The Last Rose of Summer" - Madame Gautrot
4. Solo, Flute, Drouet's celebrated variations to "Rule Britannia" - Mr. S. W. Wallace
5. Grand Scena, from the "Maid of Artois," "My thoughts which forth had wandered," - Balfe - Mrs. Bulshelle
6. Buffo Song, "Madamina il catalogo e questo," from "Don Giovanni," Mozart - Mr. Bushelle
7. Solo, Violin - Mr. J. Deane
Overture, "Acteon," Auber - Full Band
1. Grand Air, with Chorus, "Sommo Cielo," rapturously encored at Monsieur Gautrot's last concert,
Violin Obligato by Mr. S. W. Wallace, Pacini - Mrs. Bushelle
2. Solo, Violin, (juvenile performance), De Beriot - Master C. M. Deane
3. Song, "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing," Zingarelli - Mrs. S. W. Wallace
4. Solo, Violoncello, Muntz Berger - Mr. E. Deane
5. Duet, Buffo, Rossini - Madame Gautrot, Mr. Bushelle
6. Finale to Cinderella, "Now with grief no longer bending," (by desire), Rossini - Mrs. Bushelle
7. Irish Serenade, From "Il Paddy Whack in Italia," "Molly Bawn," the words and music by Lover - Mr. Bushelle
The pit will be elegantly fitted up as a concert saloon, and will communicate with the boxes, as at the oratorio.
The orchestra will be erected on the stage.
Tickets, boxes 7s. 6d.; saloon 5s.; upper boxes, 4s.
The concert will commence at eight o'clock.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Ellard, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Aldis, George-street;
Mr. Turner, King-street; Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; and Mr. Deane, O'Connell-street.
"Mr. Deane's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2
Mr. Deane's concert on Wednesday evening attracted a brilliant, and considering the "pressure of the times," a numerous audience, at the Victoria. The overtures to Gustavus and Acteon were well executed, and seemed more calculated to please the Sydney amateurs than those selected on former occasions, which, though doubtless more scientific, wanted the lightness and brilliancy of Auber's compositions. The band of the 80th seemed to blend most happily with the string instruments - equalising, by a judicious softening down of its power, the hitherto ill-matched contention of catgut against brass. It is much to be regretted that more frequent opportunities should not be afforded for such happy displays of instrumental skill as that of Wednesday evening. The defects were slight, the consequences of a hurried rehearsal, while the beauties were numerous - proving, beyond all question, that we possess the elements of an orchestra, that, under the skilful management of our experienced masters, and the absence of petty professional jealousy, would bid fair to equal, if not surpass many of those of the principal theatres at home . . .
22 September 1842, opening of the season, Royal Victoria Theatre, Leggatt (orchestra member)
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2
It is with much pleasure we avail ourselves of calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement in our columns of to-day, announcing the re-opening of the Victoria Theatre, on the evening of Thursday next, under the distinguished patronage of the Stewards of the Homebush Races, and the Members of the Jockey Club . . . The following are the members of the Corps Dramatique, for the season: - Messrs. Nesbitt, Knowles, Fenton, Jones, Peat, Lee, Chambers, Collins, Simes, Dibden, and Grove; Mesdames O'Flaherty, Thomson, Knowles, Larra, and Wallace; two Misses Jones, Miss Thompson, and 6 from England. The Orchestra: Mr. W. Wallace; Mr. Wallace, sen.; Mr. Leggatt; Mr. Deane; Messrs. Deane, Portbery, Walton, O'Flaherty, Pappin, Downes, and Weston; also Mr. Gibbs, from England, who is expected daily by the Trial.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (violinist)
16 December 1842, annual examination and prize-giving, Normal Institution, Sydney
"THE NORMAL INSTITUTION", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1842), 2
On Friday last, the Normal Institution was examined in the presence of several literary gentlemen, and parents . . . At the close of the business the following prizes for proficiency, were distributed by Mr. Gordon, master, who prefaced the distribution by a few remarks on the standing and attainments of the young persons under his charge . . . Master W. L. Leggatt, prize for composition and penmanship . . . Master T. Leggatt, prize for general knowledge . . .
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1843:
8 March 1843, concert, combined (for the benefit of the Gautrots), Leggatt (conductor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1843), 3
ON this occasion the assistance of the principal Members of the Musical Profession,
as well as that of several Amateurs, will be gratuitously afforded, and a novelty presented to the public in the performance,
by four of the latter, of several Swiss Melodies, in the style of the Bavarian Brothers and the Rayner Family,
in which the characteristic Jodlin of the Swiss peasantry will be introduced, for the first time in this colony.
Mr. Wallace, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Leggatt, W. Deane, Downs, Gibbs, O'Flaherty, Turner, Deane Sen.,
Portbury, Walstrop [Westrop], MONSIEUR GAUTROT, AND AMATEURS.
VOCAL PERFORMERS, Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Wallace, Madame Gautrot, MR. JOSEPH SIMMONS, And Gentlemen Amateurs.
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt. Leader, Mr. Wallace. J. C. Russell, Esq. Treasurer.
1. Overture: Gaza ladra, Rossini
2. Song: "Mermaid's Cave", E. C. Horn - Mrs. Gibbs
3. Duet, Clarionet, and Tenor: "Together let us range the field." Arranged by T. Leggat - Mr. Leggatt & Mons. Gautrot
4. Song: "I sing to love a roundelay," Mr. Simmons
5. Song: "Ecco redente il cielo," Rossini - Mad. Gautrot
6. Song: "The Last Rose of Summer" - Mrs. Clancy
7. Solo: Flute - Mr. W. Wallace
8. Swiss Melodies, first time in this colony. Amateurs.
1. Overture: Tancredi, Rossini
2. Song: "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing" - Mrs Clancy
3. Song: "La Fauvette," French air and variations - Gretry - Mad. Gautrot
4. Solo: Thema - Paganini arranged by Gautrot for one string - Mons. Gautrot
5. Song: "She wore a wreath of Roses" - Mrs. Wallace
6. Swiss Melodies - Amateurs
7. Song: "Auld Robin Gray," Mrs. Gibbs
8. Song: Tyrolean Maiden's Song, Mrs. Clancy
9. Solo and Chorus: "God save the Queen."
The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Tickets, Five Shillings each, to be had of Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel; Mr. Ellard, George street; Mr. Aldis, George-street;
Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; Mr. Gill, Pitt-street; Mr. Aspinwall, King-street; and of the Treasurer, Mr. Russell, Pitt-street.
"MUSIC AND MUSICIANS", The Australian (10 March 1843), 2
The depression in every department of trade, and all branches of industrial energy, and a variety of local causes, uncontrollable by taste, seem to militate against any hope of considerable resuscitation for the drooping votaries of Polyhymnia. The professors of "harmony divine" are, therefore, gradually disappearing from our cycle, and music and musicians, with us, will soon number only amongst the things that were. Few artistes have arrived here towards whom so much interest has attached as to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot; Monsieur a fine specimen of a violin player of the old school, and Madame, a cantatrice sincerely attached to her art in its highest forms, and delighted to devote her powers to its advancement. Arriving as strangers amongst us, without any flourish of trumpet, and without the advantage of stage display, they obtained the universal suffrage of the public in their favour. The times, however, have shed their evil influences on these interesting foreigners, and it as been with regret we have heard that misfortune has pressed heavily upon them. To enable them to seek in other climes that fostering patronage which the Sydney public could no longer extend to them, it was arranged that a concert should be got up for their benefit, and the requisite arrangements having been made under the auspices of their kind friend and patron Dr. Russell, the performance took place on Wednesday evening, at the Royal Hotel. The principal members of the musical profession afforded their gratuitous aid; the programme, including an admirable selection, sustained by the talent of Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Gibbs, among the vocalists; and of Monsieur Gautrot, Messrs. Wallace, Leggatt, Gibbs, Deane, O'Flaherty, &c., amongst the instrumental performers.
In addition to their immediate musical friends, Mr. Joseph Simmons, with much kindness, stepped out of his usual professional routine, and gave them the benefit of his attractive name . . . Gautrot, Leggatt, and Wallace, on their respective instruments, displayed their well known skill, and made us the more regret the little encouragement the public now afford them . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Gibbs (vocalist); Caroline Wallace (vocalist); Stephen Turner (clarinet, orchestral player)
20 May 1843, opening of the theatre and season (May-June only), Royal City Theatre, Leggatt (conductor, performer)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (12 May 1843), 2
The City Theatre positively opens on the 20th instant, and from the arrangements made by Mr. Simmons, we are justified in predicting a successful realization of his hopes. Among the performers already engaged, we find the names of Messrs. Nesbitt, Knowles, and Simmons; Thompson (from the Victoria Theatre, Hobart Town, a gentleman of whom roport speaks highly,) Fenton, Meredith, Lee, Riley, Philipsthal, Fitzgerald, Fennell, Stapleton, and Rees. Mesdames Ximenes, Knowles, Thompson, and Wallace, Madame Gautrot, Misses Jones, Thompson, and Taylor. The orchestra includes the most available talent in Sydney. Mr. Leggatt will officiate as Conductor, and Mr. Wallace as Leader . . .
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1843), 2
ROYAL CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET. PROPRIETORS, MESSRS. SIMMONS AND BELMORE. The Public is most respectfully informed, that every arrangement connected with this establishment being completed, the Proprietors have the honour to announce their OPENING NIGHT for SATURDAY, the 20th May . . .
The Orchestral Selection for the evening which will be performed previous to the several Pieces, and between the Acts, include Haydn's Symphony, No. 2; Mozart's Overture to L'Irato; Rossini's Overture to Il Barbiere di Seviglia, and Brilliant Arrangements of Strauss Valses.
The Band comprises the following instrumental Performers - Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Walton, Mr. Wallace, senior; Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walker, Mr. Adams, Mr. Wright, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Andrews . . .
. . . Leader of the Band, Mr. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
Royal City Theatre (opened only for month, May-June 1843);
Robert Adam (instrumentalist);
Mr. Andrews (instrumentalist);
Mr. Walker (cellist);
Mr. Wilson (instrumentalist, ? violinist);
Mr. Wright (instrumentalist)
24 May 1843, Royal City Theatre, Leggatt (conductor, performer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (24 May 1843), 3
being the Anniversary of the Birth of Her Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA,
the Managers have determined upon producing such Performances for the occasion,
as cannot fail to give general satisfaction.
THE Evening's Entertainments will commence with, for the second time in this Colony,
a Drama, in two acts, written by Gilbert Abbott A'Beckett, Esq., entitled
The Orchestra will, in the course of the evening, perform the Overtures to "FIGARO," and "THE CALIPH OF BAGDAD."
At the end of the Drama, the Curtain will rise for A GRAND MELANGE,
In which the whole Vocal strength of the Company will be displayed, commencing with "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN."
Song, "Oh what a joyous day," Mrs. Ximenes
Song, "All is lost now," - Bellini - Mad. Gautrot
Song, "Shakspeares Seven Ages," Mr. J. Simmons
Song, "Love not," - Hon. Mrs. Norton - Mrs. Knowles
Comic Dance by Mr. Fitzgerald, to be followed by a popular Pas de Deux, by Miss Jones and Miss Thomson
Song, "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing," Mrs. Wallace
The Irish Lilt, by Miss E. Jones
"Rule Britannia," Madame Gautrot, assisted by the whole of the Company.
The Evening's Entertainments will concluded with the performance of the much admired Farce of,
ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Ximenes (vocalist, formerly Miss Ann Winstanley); Matilda Jones (dancer); Jane Thomson (dancer; later Mrs. YOUNG)
29 May 1843, Royal City Theatre, Leggatt (conductor, performer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 May 1843), 3
In announcing the following Bill of Fare for
The Managers feel assured that upon no occasion has such a PHALANX OF TALENT been brought into play upon one and the same evening.
At Seven o'clock the Orchestra will play Rossini's Overture to the Barber of Seville, and a favourite overture by Haydn.
AFTER WHICH, the Curtain will rise for a new Drama, in two Acts, written by W. H. Oxberry. Esq.,
and called THE DELUSION; OR, IS HE MAD? . . .
At the end of the Drama, A Song - By Madame Gautrot.
After which will be performed, for the first time here, a Drama, of deep interest, in two Acts, founded on an American tale, entitled
To be followed by A new Pas de Deux, by the Misses Jones and Thomson.
A Dance, by Mr. Fitzgerald.
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with the justly celebrated
and highly laughable and musical Burletta, written by C. Nagel, Esq.,
with new Songs, &c., composed for this occasion, called
William (the Mock Catalani) - Mr. Simmons
Ensign and Commandant O'Leary, - Mr. Hambleton
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nagel (playwright, composer); The Mock Catalani (burletta); John Hambleton (actor, vocalist); Dennis Fitzgerald (dancer)
2 June 1843, Royal City Theatre, Leggatt (conductor, performer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (2 June 1843), 3
THIS EVENING will be presented, for the second time, Shakspeare's admired Tragedy, in five Acts, entitled
After the Tragedy, the Curtain will rise for the following Entertainments:
Commencing with the grand Overture to Henry IV [Jean-Paul Martini].
Duet, "Now hope, now fear," (from the Opera of Guy Mannering.) [Bishop] - Mr. Simmons and Mrs. Wallace.
Comic Song, "Guy Faux," - Mr. Lee.
Song, "My Father Land," - Mrs. Ximenes.
A Comic Dance, by Mr. Fitzgerald.
Song, "La Rose D'Amour," - Mrs. Wallace.
A Song, by Madame Gautrot.
Song, "The Old Maid," Miss Jones.
The celebrated Comic Song, "The Spider and the Fly," Mr. Simmons.
The Highland Fling, by Miss E. Jones.
To conclude with the "National Anthem," Verse and Chorus, by the whole of the Company.
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with, for the first time at this Theatre,
a Farce, written by E. Stirling, Esq., called BACHELORS' BUTTONS.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Selwyn Lee (comic vocalist); Emma Jones (dancer)
5 June 1843, Royal City Theatre, Leggatt (conductor, performer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (5 June 1843), 3
THIS EVENING will be presented, for the first time at this Theatre, Sheridan Knowles' admired play, entitled
At the conclusion of the play, A MELANGE, including Singing and Dancing, commencing with the
Overture to "La Dame Blanche"
Song, "I seek her on every shore," Mrs. Wallace
A Pas-Seul by Miss Jones.
Comic Song, in character, "Corporal Casey," Mr. Simmons
A Dance by Mr. Fitzgerald
Aria from "La Gazza Ladra," Di piacer, Madame Gautrot
A Hornpipe, in character, Miss Jones.
Song, in character, "The Banners of Blue," Mrs. Knowles.
Song, "The Sea," Mr. Griffiths.
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with, for the first time, at Half-price,
Coleman's Comedy, entitled' THE REVIEW; OR, THE WAGS OF WINDSOR.
13 June 1843, Royal City Theatre, Leggatt (conductor, performer)
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1843), 2
ROYAL CITY THEATRE . . . CITIZENS OF SYDNEY! THIS EVENING, Tuesday, the 13th June, 1843 will be presented, for the first time at this Theatre, Shakspeare's Comedy, in three Acts, entitled TAMING OF THE SHREW; OR, KATHERINE AND PETRUCHIO. After which will be performed, a Grand Concertante by Mr. Leggatt and Monsieur Gautrot . . .
"THEATRICALS. ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Australian (19 June 1843), 2
Mr. J. Simmons proceeds in his opening campaign with a spirit which appears to soar above all the difficulties which must necessarily occur in an undertaking like that he has embarked in . . . The performances of the past week have been selected with much care and attention; and the programme of this week's entertainments bespeaks the approval of his patrons. Some delightful singing by Madame Gautrot, whose selections from the Italian school are distinguished by the best taste, and some instrumental performances by Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Leggatt, and Mr. S. W. Wallace, have added greatly to the attractions of the bills, and will, we trust, be continued during the season.
"NEWS AND RUMOURS OF THE DAY", Australasian Chronicle (27 June 1843), 3
The City Theatre has not been opened since Friday last; but from what ae have heard, we have reason to believe that it will be re-opened, and not suffered to die a natural death as would at present appear.
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1844:
18 March 1844, opening mass at St. Patrick's Church, Sydney, Leggatt (conductor)
"ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (23 March 1844), 495
This handsome edifice was opened for Divine service on Monday last. A pontifical High Mass was sung by the Archbishop, assisted by the Rev. V. Bourgeois, as Deacon; and the Rev. Peter Young, as Sub-deacon; the Rev. Dr. Gregory acting as master of the ceremonies. The Sermon was preached by the Rev. F. Murphy, and consisted of a Panegyric of the patron of the Church. The choral part of the service embraced Mozart's 12th Mass, with Guglielmi's Gratias agimus, as an offertory, and was executed by the choir of the Cathedral, with all the additional vocal and instrumental force that was available. The choir embraced most of our principal singers. The orchestra was selected from the band of the 80th, and from that of the Victoria. Unfortunately the original instrumental score of Mozart was not within reach; and the attempt to reproduce such a score from a compressed organ accompaniment, like most similar acts of temerity was, however necessary, under the circumstances, in some sense a failure; yet in some passages of the Kyrie and Gloria, Mr. Legatt hit more closely upon the original than could have been anticipated. It is no blame, however, to say that in other parts he was sadly astray; but even this, the body of the harmony being preserved, was not so injurious to the general effect as the injudicious abridgements in the cum sancto Spiritu and the Agnus Dei, the latter of which, from some cause or other, concluded in a complete jumble. Apart from these mistakes, both the vocalists and instrument players merit very great praise for their exertions; and we think it would be very well worth their while to give a few more rehearsals to the entire of this sublime composition, and bring it out in a manner worthy of the inimitable author; either on one of the ensuing festivals, or for the benefit of some public charity.
. . . Soon after ten o'clock, the gallery and reserved seats were filled, and at eleven o'clock the service commenced-the Right Rev. Dr. Polding performing High Mass at the Altar, and Father Murphy pronouncing the eulogy of St. Patrick. The ceremony was assisted by a powerful concentration of musical talent, the united efforts of the Military, Theatrical, and one of the Temperance Society's Bands, being brought into action, under the direction of Messrs. Leggatt and Wallace. The female vocal parts were sustained by Mrs. Bushelle and Mrs. Curtis, supported by a host of male voices, and the whole of the arrangements went off with much effect, and obviously to the gratification of the crowded auditory. - Australian.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Patrick's Band (Sydney); Mary Curtis (vocalist)
28 June 1844, weekly concert, Australian Philharmonic Concerts, Isaac Nathan (conductor), Leggatt (oboist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 June 1844), 1
Sanctioned and supported by the Right Worshipful the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors, of the City of Sydney.
THE Fourth Weekly PHILHARMONIC CONCERT in this Colony,
will take place at the Royal Hotel, THIS EVENING, the 28th June, 1844.
The Vocal and Instrumental Department, with the exception of Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Ximenes, Mrs. Portbury, Mrs. Jervis,
and other Professional Talent already engaged, sustained by Amateurs, who have kindly volunteered their services.
The whole under the management and direction of Mr. Nathan.
MADRIGAL - "Down in the Flow'ry Vale," (composed in the year 1680) - Festa.
SONG - "O Patria," Mrs. Bushelle - Rossini.
TERZETTO - "Gia fan ritorno" - Mozart.
SONG - "Friend of the Brave" - Callcott.
SONG - "Jephtha's Daughter," Mrs. Bushelle - Nathan.
QUARTETTO AND CHORUS - "Viva Enrico" - Pucitta.
OVERTURE - Cimarosa.
SONG - "Auld Robin Gray," Mrs. Bushelle.
MADRIGAL- "Now is the Month of Maying," (composed in the year 1595) - Morley.
SONG - "Woodman spare that Tree," Mrs. Ximenes - Russell.
TRIO - Aldiborontiphoscophornio - Callcott.
DUET - "Crudel perche," Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Bushelle - Mozart.
SOLO - Violoncello, "Di tanti palpiti," with an introduction, Mr. Thompson - Berger.
SONG - "Back-eyed Susan," Mrs. Bushelle.
FINALE - "The Chough and Crow" - Bishop.
LEADER, Mr. Edwards; First violin, Mr. Wilson; second violins, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Guerin;
principal tenor, Mr. Walton; principal flute, Mr. Wallace, Sen.; principal violoncello, Mr. Thompson;
oboe, Mr. Leggatt; double bass, Mr. Portbury; conductor, Mr. Nathan, who will preside at the pianoforte.
Tickets, 2s. 6d. each, to he had of Mr. Ellard, George-street, and at the Royal Hotel.
Doors open at half-past seven; to commence at eight precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Australian Philharmonic Concerts (directed by Isaac Nathan); Mrs. Portbury (vocalist); Mrs. Jervis (vocalist); John Edwards (violinist); James Guerin (violinist)
6 November 1844, concert, Eliza Wallace Bushelle (presenter), Leggatt (performer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (4 November 1844), 1
MRS. BUSHELLE HAS the honor to announce that her CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental,
Music, will take place On WEDNESDAY, November the 6th, 1844.
She will be assisted by the following Musical Talent:
VOCAL PERFORMERS. Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Signor Carandini (who will appear for the first time
in 'New South Wales as a singer), and Mr. Griffiths.
Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. T. Martyn, the Theatrical Orchestra,
and by the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the celebrated BAND of H. M. 99th Regiment, who will play some
of their most favourite Airs and Overtures.
Mr. Emanuel will preside at the Pianoforte.
Overture - Orchestra.
1 Grand Duet, "Deh! conte," Bellini - Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Bushelle.
2 Cavatina, "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing," Zingarelli - Mrs. S. W. Wallace
D Song, "When time hath bereft them," Auber - Mr. Griffiths
4 Aria, "Vien Diletto," Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle
5 Solo, Orphocleide, Air with variations - Mr. T. Martyn
6 Duet, "As it fell upon a day," Bishop - Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Wallace
7 Ballad, "My loved, My happy Home," Words and music by Mr. Cleary, of H.M. 99th Regiment,
and respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard, accompaniments by Mr. S. W. Wallace - Mrs. Bushelle
8 Song, "I have fruit, I have flowers," Wade - Mrs. Gibbs
9 Solo, Violin - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
Overture; Der Freyschutz - Orchestra.
1 Aria from "I montechi, I capuletti, E. Serbata," Orchestral Accompaniments, Bellini - Mrs. S. W. Wallace
2 Song, "I'll be no Submissive Wife," Julley - Mrs. Gibbs
3 Duet, "Cho Veggio," - Donizetti - Mrs. Bushelle and Signor Carandini
4 Irish Melody, "Molly Bawn," Lover - Mr. Griffiths
5 "Black-eyed Susan," (by particular desire.) - Mrs. Bushelle
6 Solo, Violincello, "Nel cor piu," Muntz Berger - Mr. E. Deane
7 Bravura, "Fortune's Frowns," Rossini - Mrs. Bushelle
8 Grand Quarrelling Trio, from "Il Matrimonio Segreto," Cimarosa - Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Bushelle, Signor Carandini
9 Grand Finale, "Rule Britannia."
Dress Circle - 4s 0d; Pit (2nd Dress) - 3s 0d; Upper Boxes - 2s 0d; Gallery - 1s 0d
Boxes may be engaged, and Tickets had of Mr. Wyatt, Victoria Hotel; also, of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon;
Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist, George-street; at the Office of this Journal,
and at Mrs. Bushelle's residence, 213, Castlereagh street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment; William Cleary (composer, bandsman); Thomas Martin (ophecleide player, bandsman); Gerome Carandini (vocalist)
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1845:
25 August to September 1845, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, Leggatt (orchestra member)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 August 1845), 2
THIS EVENING, AUGUST 25, Will be presented, for the first time, Weber's celebrated Opera, in three acts, entitled DER FREISCHUTZ; OR, THE SEVENTH BULLET. With the original music, new scenery, dresses, properties, &c., as performed at the Theatres Royal Drury-lane and English Opera House. Adolph, Mr. J. Howson. Caspar, Mr. F. Howson. Linda, Mrs. Stirling. Rose, Madame Carandini. A Pas de Deux, by the Misses Griffiths. Song, "The Old Woman," in character, Mrs. Gibbs. A Pas Seul, by Madame Veilburn. To conclude with the admired Melo-Drama, in two acts, called THE BLIND BOY; OR, THE PRINCE OF SARMATIA. Edmond, (the blind boy) Madame Louise. Oberto, Mr. Grifliths. Molino, Mr. Simes. Elvina, Mrs. Stirling.
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (30 August 1845), 3
The event, not only of the week, but of the season, has been the production of the popular, and beautifully dramatic Opera, Der Freischutz. The essentially descriptive character of the whole of Weber's music, and of this composition in particular, rendered the undertaking a great one. Therefore, while we naturally entertained some solicitude on the adequate representation of this work of genius, by our Sydney Company, we were not disposed to be unreasonable in our exactions, but to view the effort with that indulgent consideration, which, on every account, the management were entitled to claim at our hands. And we may, in the outset, state, that making due allowances for insuperable local disadvantages, a high degree of praise must be awarded for the pains that have been taken to place this magnificent composition before the public in a creditable manner, while the company, generally, deserve great approbation for the care and ability with which they have endeavoured to make the undertaking effective.
It must, however, not be forgotten, that, as regards many of the adjuncts, and which so materially contribute to the effect of this piece, we have not the same facilities as at home. We shall not stop to say anything on the excellence of that, which has received the unqualified sanction of the whole civilised world, but proceed forthwith to notice it as submitted to us on Monday, and the subsequent nights.
The first thing that presents itself to our observation, is the constituency of the Orchestra, with reference to the business to be performed. And here, an admitted material difficulty arises. The character of the music requires a Very large proportion of wind instruments, and in this respect the Orchestra is extremely feeble. The horns should predominate, and there are but two - of which, one is little more than nominal. Nevertheless, the difficulty was surmounted much more successfully than we had anticipated. Not alone was the overture well played, but, so far as the musicians were concerned, the piece was efficiently performed. The proviso we have just made was necessary, from the fact, that some of the singers were so utterly regardless, or so utterly ignorant, of time and tune, that it would have been impossible for the most skilful in the art to have accompanied them . . .
[Richard Thompson], "THE THEATRICAL EXAMINER", The Examiner (30 August 1845), 29
When we heard that the management of the Victoria intended to produce Weber's Der Freischütz, with the present inadequate company, we had a gloomy presentiment of the painful disappointment which awaited the lovers of German music; and we sincerely wished that some judicious friend of the proprietors, would urge them to follow the advice, we took leave to offer on the occasion of the late violence done to Auber's Fra Diavolo . . .
. . . The management ought to know that to perform the Freischütz with full effect, every aid that the orchestra can supply, or that first-rate vocal artists can give, together with all the addenda of scenery, machinery, and display are required. But the singularly weak orchestra of the Victoria was in every respect inadequate to the task. The two or three violins were at sixes and sevens, frequently losing sight of their functions or accompaniments, heedless of the time of the singers, and see-sawing away at the awe-inspiring score with decidedly less ease than .when fiddling through the Irish quadrilles. The trombones and other wind instruments, which have to play the magnificent discords and resolutions in the Incantation scene, were represented by two tuneless horns that discoursed anything but music. In fact, but for Messrs. Wallace and Leggatt, who did all they could to redeem the defectuosite d'orchestre, we might, with justice, declare it inferior to a street-band. The weakness in this all-important department was not counterpoised by any scenic effects, wherein the abundant resources of the theatre might easily have been made available. The Incantation scene, was denuded of all its attributes of fearful diablerie; and the evil spirits, from Zamiel downwards, by their grotesque antics and drolleries, brought back boxing-day, and its attendant comic pantomime, rather than the days of the Flagellum Demonum, and the Malleus Maleficarum. Surely Mr. Grove, who on most occasions is a judicious adjunct, ought to be aware that Zamiel should inspire terror, riot laughter: yet his burlesque of this difficult character marred the entire effect of the opera.
The chief vocal parts were entrusted to Mrs. Sterling, Madame Carandini, and Messrs. F. and J. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Thompson (journalist, reviewer); Maria Carandini (soprano vocalist); Frank Howson (baritone vocalist); John Howson (tenor vocalist); Madame Veilburn (dancer)
December 1845, Normal Institution, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 December 1845), 1
NORMAL INSTITUTION. The Young Gentlemen attending the classes of this Establishment underwent their annual examination yesterday, Friday, previous to the Christmas holidays. The attendance of visitors was numerous, and much interest was taken in the business of the day. The opinion of all was, that the high character the Institution had borne for the last eleven years was fully sustained in the progress made by the pupils during the year, made obvious by the answering on the present occasion. The writing, plain and ornamental, was certainly equal, if not superior, to that of former years, and this is saying much. The following classification of names will show the comparative merit of the young gentlemen who received prizes . . . ENGLISH GRAMMAR - B. Campbell, J. Soole, E. Harris, H. Jargal, J. Struth, and T. Leggatt . . . WRITING - Here the specimens of ornamental were so nearly equal as to make it difficult to decide; those of T. Leggatt, Campbell, Ashmore, Craig Hill, Ireland, Boyles, were very beautifully executed . . . GOOD CONDUCT. - Ashmore, Harris, Craig, Wilshire, A. Leggatt, and Blackman.
To call up all the TROVE tagged newspaper items for 1846:
30 April 1846, death of Thomas Leggatt, Sydney
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1846), 3
DIED, At his residence, Druitt-street, on Thursday, after a long and tedious illness, Mr. Thomas Leggatt, formerly, and for a period of twenty-eight years, master of the 7th Hussars' Band.
"SUDDEN DEATH", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (6 May 1846), 1
On Thursday morning Mr. Leggett, publican, of Sussex-street, whilst engaged reading the morning newspaper, fell from his chair, and on assistance being rendered, he was discovered to have breathed his last. - Australian, May 2.
Isaac Nathan, Lectures . . .on music (1846), preface [unpaginated], footnote
. . . Mr. Leggatt, a first-rate oboe and clarinet performer, and the only musician in Sydney who was sufficiently versed in the theory of music to arrange orchestral parts correctly, and who formerly filled the office of Military Band-master for upwards of 40 years, was from the little encouragement he experienced in his profession, compelled to turn publican, and lately died in a small public-house in Sydney, having an amiable wife and family to deplore his loss.
1847 and after
1847 - Susan Leggatt, licensee, Hope and Anchor, corner Sussex and Druitt streets
. . . 140 Susan Leggatt, Hope and Anchor, Sussex and Druitt streets . . .
1860 - Sydney Philharmonic Society, Thomas Leggatt, junior (music librarian)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1860), 1
SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY . . . HONORARY SECRETARY: H. Cherry; HONORARY TREASURER: W. H. Aldis; LIBRARIAN: T. Leggatt. This Society is instituted for the production, by Amateurs, of Classical, Vocal, and Instrumental Music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society (choral and orchestral society); William Henry Aldis (secretary)
1867 - Thomas Leggatt junior and a Logan cousin depart for Fiji
"CLEARANCES", Empire (23 October 1867), 4
October 22. Gleaner, schooner, 43 tons, Starcich, for South Sea Islands. Passengers - Messrs. Leggatt, Binning, Middleton, and Logan.
1873 - deaths of Susan Leggatt, Sydney, and Thomas Leggatt, junior, Fiji
Letter, Thomas Leggatt, junior, Levuka, Fiji, 25 June 1873, to Susan Leggatt, Balmain; original in family collection
Luvuka June 25/73
Dear Mother, I enclose a money order for £21 which please keep in the house until I write you what to do with it as soon as I can get some more sufficient to make it worth while you can bank it I may however draw on it Capt Lyons vessel takes this letter up to Sydney so that he will be as good as another letter.
Things are very dull in Fiji just now and only for a little fighting which is going on somewhere back [1v] in the mountains we would die of ennui – I see we are going to have the Mail Steamers calling here again which will make Fiji very convenient to Sydney We have already had one steamer from New Zealand in six days even this is a great improvement but unfortunately we have hardly any what you would call money here the currency being paper which is only negotiable on the beach the consequence was that the steamer had to take back nearly all the cargo she brought – and all the sovereigns [2r] in Luvuka – We have no bank here so that every vessel that leaves here takes all the ready money she can – I had the greatest difficulty in scraping up 20 sovereigns to get this draft from the man of war and if I could not have got it would have had to send the cash by Capt Lyons.
We are threatened however with a bank here before long which if it comes and make a complete [ ? ] in affairs. The government however are carrying on for [ ? ] and the consequence is that the country is deeply in debt. We are expecting the Dancing Wave in by which I hope [2v] to have a letter from you and in the mean time will remain
your affectionate son
Thomas Leggatt
PS. Of course acknowledge the draft immediately you get it. TL
"DEATHS", Evening News (17 July 1873), 2
On the 16th July, at her residence, Paul-street, Balmain, Susan, relict of the Thomas Leggatt, of Sydney, aged 75 years.
"LATEST FROM FIJI", Evening News (23 October 1873), 2
The death at Bua, Vanua Levu, of Mr. Thomas Leggatt, of Levuka, and at one time of Balmain, Sydney, is reported.
"DEATHS", Evening News (23 October 1873), 2
LEGGATT - August 30, at Cawa, Levu plantation, Fiji, Thomas, second son of the late Thomas and Susan Leggatt, of Sydney, aged 42 years.
"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (9 January 1874), 57
In the will and codicil of Susan Leggatt, late of Balmain, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that probate of the last will and testament and codicil thereto of the abovenamed deceased, may be granted to William Ellard, of Sydney aforesaid, the only surviving trustee and executor in the codicil to the said will named. - Dated, this 5th day of January, a.d. 1874, JOSEPH LEARY, Proctor for the said William Ellard, 108, King-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Barnes Ellard (cousin; ? nephew)
"MISS IDA LEGGATT", Sunday Times (18 February 1906), 2
Winner of the gold medal for soprano (out of 36 competitors) at the recent A.N.A. competition, and who scored a big success at the Town Hall yesterday week. Miss Leggatt is a pupil of Mr. Henry Weir, who predicts a bright future for her in light opera.
Family sources
[Extracts from] William Ellard Leggatt (1855-1937) (son of William Lube Leggatt), "Biographical memoirs and incidents in the life of W. E. Leggatt", unpublished typescript, ? c. 1930, family collection
The history of the Leggatt family in Australia and New Zealand began when my Grandfather Major Thomas Leggatt of the Seventh Hussars retired from the Army some time after the Battle of Waterloo that was in the year June 18th [sic] 1815. However on his retirement he was advised to come to Sydney for his health [sic] sake, accordingly about the year 1836. He left Dublin in Ireland for the sunny shores of New South Wales. He was a fine old Irish gentleman fair tall and of a commanding military bearing and a staunch member of the Masonic order also the Church of England. = Who had been band master in his regiment, therfore as a matter of fact a good musician, one of his favourite instruments being the oboe also he was remarkably good on the Violin. But strictly speaking there was a strain of French in him for his mother was original a Miss Mols the daughter of a french Hugunot [sic] refugee to Ireland. However my Grandfather came to Sydney and brought his wife Susan and four children - My father William Lube being the eldest then a lad of about eight years of age - next came a daughter Miss Sophia Leggatt and them Thomas and Alfred - these children grew up and were educated at Sydney. Then a colony emerging from an earlier convict settlement and later other relations of the family migrated to Australia notably the Ellards and Logans. And it is much to be regretted that among the passengers of the ill fated ship Dunbar which was so tragically wrecked at the Gap at Sydney Heads on the night of August 20th, 1857. - Was a Miss Ida Logan she is said to have been a talented musician who had just finished her education in England and Ireland and who intended taking up a musical profession in Sydney.
But alas the crash of the bold Dunbar into the beetling cliffs at the Gap which Captain Green mistook for the entrance. Cut all this short form only one poor seaman survived this frightful calamity.
But as already stated my Grandfather a retired Crimean [sic] Soldier who had gone through the notorious Battle of Waterloo had still much enterprise left in him for he opens an Hotel in Sydney and became posessed of some property such as land at Lake Macquarie, house and land in William Street, property in Clarence Street, cottage at Balmain etc. Such is a short synopsis of my Grandfather's career in Sydney, and of his family neither Sophia nor her brother Tom married anyhow Sophia was some what of an invalid suffering from the effects of a paralysed side. Thomas went to the Fiji Islands where he owned an extensive plantation but died there a comparatively young man, I believe as the result of fever and I never heard what became of his estate . . .
Musical works and arrangements (all presumed lost)
Coronation quadrilles (published edition, Dublin, 1821)
["THE CORONATION QUADRILLES . . . to which is added, King George the IV. Grand Waltz, and the Circular Road Waltz; the Music arranged for the Harp, or Piano-Forte, by Mr. LEGGATT, Master of the 7th Hussar Band, and Dedicated, by permission, to the Lady Mayoress."]
NO COPY IDENTIFIED; see documentation 1821 above
Molly Carew (unpublished MS, Sydney, 1841)
("The Characteristic Irish Ballad . . . with Orchestral Accompaniments by Mr. Leggatt")
For documentation see entry in Chronological checklist (1841-09-18)
Medley overture, "Leggatt, full orchestra" (unpublished MS, Sydney, 1840)
Se Romeo (Bellini, I Capuleti e i Montecchi) "arranged for a full orchestra by Mr. Leggatt" (unpublished MS, Sydney, 1840)
Papuccie (Pacini, The schiava in Bagdad), song and chorus, "arranged with full orchestral accompaniments by Mr. Leggatt" (unpublished MS, Sydney, 1840)
The death of Nelson (Braham) (unpublished MS, Sydney, 1842)
("the celebrated Song . . . arranged for a full Orchestra, by Mr. Leggatt")
For documentation see entry in Chronological checklist (1842-08-02)
Together let us range the field (Boyce) (unpublished MS, Sydney, 1843)
("Duet, Clarionet and Tenor, [Boyce] arranged by T. Leggatt"; performed by Leggatt and Joseph Gautrot
For documentation see entry in Chronological checklist (1843-02-28)
Bibliography and resources
Brewer 1892, The drama and music of New South Wales, 55-56 (DIGITISED)
. . . . Mr. Wallace, brother of Vincent Wallace, was also a performer on the flute, and some years after led a theatrical orchestra, playing the violin. Another prominent musician was Leggatt, once in the band, or a regiment [56] stationed in Sydney; his principal instrument was the oboe. The concerts with any pretensions to classical and other high-class music were given by Mrs. Prout and Stephen Marsh, a harpist and composer . . .
"Sydney Sixty Years Ago", Australian Town and Country Journal (19 June 1897), 24
. . . Music in the early days of Australia was not a strong point. Although several ladies had given musical entertainments, it was not until the end of the thirties that any notable musicians were heard. Governor Bourke's daughter, afterwards Mrs. Deas-Thompson, encouraged everyone she came in contact with, and about this time some excellent concerts were given. Mrs. Prout, Mrs. Taylor, Wallace (Vincent's brother), Stubbs, Leggatt, Simmons, and Stephen Marsh were all well known, and drew crowded houses . . .
Mackerras 1963, The Hebrew melodist, 83 (SNIPPET VIEW)
Peter Campbell, "Choral singing", in John Whiteoak and Aline Scott-Maxwell (eds), Currency companion to music and dance in Australia (Sydney: Currency House, 2003), 124
. . . Probably the first full-scale performance of Messiah in Australia was given at the Royal Victoria Theatre in Sydney on 31 August 1842. It was organised by James W. Johnson, organist of St. Mary's, and Thomas Leggatt, a second cousin of Wallace who had come to Sydney as a military bandsman. Leggatt conducted 20 trebles, 12 altos, 14 tenors, 16 basses, and an orchestra including clarinets, horns, trombones, and two bass drums . . .
Graeme Skinner 2011, First national music, 47, 49, 125, 151, 152, especially 204-206, 209, 263, 307, 448, 453, 455 (DIGITISED)
© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025