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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–K
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of
Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical
personnel–K", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- K -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in January 2020, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
KADLITPINNA ("Captain Jack"; Minno Gadnaitya Kadlitpinna)
Kaurna indigenous leader, singer, songmaker (NLA persistent identifier) (NLA persistent identifier)
ASSOCIATIONS: Mullawirraburka (leader, singer); Christian Teichelmann (Lutheran clergyman); Clamor Schürmann (Lutheran clergyman); Kaurna (Indigenous people of the Adelaide plains); Rundle Park / Kadlitpina (place)

Kadlitpinna; George French Angas; State Library of South Australia
ASSOCIATIONS: George French Angas (artist)
Kadlitpinna was also known by the colonists as Captain Jack, a leader of "the Adelaide tribe". His full name was Minno Gadnaitya Kadlitpinna, meaning wattle tree, third-born male child, father of (child called) dingo. Diarist William Cawthorne noted his intelligence and kind heart. A prominent figure in the early colonial period, Kadlitpinna was appointed an honorary constable in 1838 and attended official meetings in that capacity. Later that year he attended Governor Gawler's feast, recorded by artist Martha Berkeley. Kadlitpinna was painted "full dressed as a warrior" by George French Angas, sporting a black cockatoo tail feather in his hair.
Teichelmann and Schürmann recorded language information given to them by three Kaurna elders, Mullawirraburka ("King John"), Kadlitpinna ("Captain Jack") and Ityamaiitpinna ("King Rodney"), and published a vocabulary and grammar, and phrase and sentences translated into English. They also recorded Kaurna songs and short texts illustrative of dialect differences, and translated six German hymns and the Ten Commandments into Kaurna.

"King John . . . tallest one", "Little Captain Jack . . . in the foreground", "Rodney . . . on the further side" (notes on reverse); detail from "The first dinner given to the Aborigines, 1838", by Martha Berkeley (Art Gallery of South Australia); see Gara 1998, 103, and Kirchauff 2021, 344, Figure 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Martha Berkeley (artist)
"THE NATIVES", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (3 November 1838), 4
A SCENE, which we venture to assert has not yet had its parallel on this continent, was witnessed by the assembled inhabitants of Adelaide on Thursday last. In consequence of a desire expressed by his Excellency Colonel Gawler, the whole natives of the district of Adelaide were assembled; and public intimation of the Governor's intention to meet and entertain them having been given . . . In a short time, a band of about of 200 of our friendly natives were seen approaching, accompanied by their lubras and wak-waks, (wives and children) headed by Onkaparinga Jack, Captain Jack, both native constables, and numerous other natives well known to the people; Mr. Wyatt, the Protector, also attended, and was assisted on the occasion by James Cronk, the interpreter, and William Williams, the deputy storekeeper, both great favorites of the natives, and tolerably versed in their language and customs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wyatt ("Protector of Aborigines", SA)
C. G. Teichelmann and C. W. Schürmann, Outlines of a grammar, vocabulary, and phraseology, of the aboriginal language of South Australia: spoken by the natives in and for some distance around Adelaide (Adelaide: Published by the authors at the native location, 1840), 73 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Pindi mai birkibirki parrato, parrato. (Da capo bis.)
The European food, the pease, I wished to eat, I wished to eat.
Natta ngai padlo ngaityarni-appi; watteyernaurlo tappandi ngaityo parni tatti. (Da capo.)
Now it (viz. the road or track) has tired me; throughout Yerna there is here unto me a continuous road.
Teichelmann and Schürmann 1840, 34 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Ngunyawaieti, s. play; dance; corrobberee . . .
Nguya, s. pustule; the disease of small-pox, from which the aborigines suffered before the Colony [SA] was founded. They universally assert that it came from the east, or the Murray tribes, so that is not at all improbable that the disease was at first brought among the natives by European settlers on the eastern coast [NSW]. They have not suffered from it for some years, but about a decennium ago it was, according to their statement, universal; when it diminished their numbers considerably, and on many left the marks of its ravages, to be seen at this day. They have no remedy against it, except the nguyapalti.
Nguyapalti, small-pox song, which they learnt from the eastern tribes, by the singing of which the disease is believed to be prevented or stopped in its progress.
See also as reproduced in Edward John Eyre, Journals of expeditions of discovery into central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1 . . . including an account of the manners and customs of the aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans . . . vol. 2 (London : T. and W. Boone, 1845), 240-41 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
A. Russell, A tour through the Australian colonies in 1839, with notes and incidents of a voyage round the globe calling at New Zealand and South America (Glasgow: David Robertson, Duncan Campbell, 1840), 82-83 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
As there are no military in this province, the constabulary force musters strong, and some natives are employed at times as such. Amongst them [83] are three called by the Europeans king John, Captain Jack, and Rodney, who were instrumental in bringing to justice those two natives who were recently executed in front of the government stores for murder; the natives generally acknowledging the justice of their punishment, attended the execution of the two unfortunates, till their bodies were interred within the precincts of the jail, a small building on the south side. It is said that the criminals themselves made some rather singular dying requests, two of which being so very opposite may be instanced. The first was, that they might have plenty of bread and cheese before execution. The other was, that they might be buried on their own hunting ground.
King John appears to be as proud of his office as a constable, as in the dignity of his kingship. Captain Jack is a very active looking fellow, and crossed lately with an exploring party to Port Lincoln, in the hope of his being able to negotiate with the natives there, but found the language of that tribe quite different from that of the Adelaide one.
Bibliography and resources:
Rob Amery, Warraparna Kaurna! Reclaiming an Australian language (Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press, 2016), especially chapter 5, "Kaurna sources", 88, 91, 110, 118-21, 121-23, 123-25 (notes) (FREE DOWNLOAD) (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Skye Krichauff, "Mullawirraburka and Kadlitpinna: how and why influential individuals facilitated amicable cross-cultural relations in the Adelaide district, 1836-1840", History Australia 18/2 (2021), 342-69 (PAYWALL)
Kadlitpinna (Captain Jack), The Centre of Democracy, SA
Rob Amery, "Kaurna language (Kaurna warra)", SA History Hub, History Trust of South Australia
Musician, flute player (New Queen's Theatre), master of the German Band
Active Adelaide, SA, 1848 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Query ? = Keidel
[Advertisement], South Australian (18 February 1848), 2
NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE . . . this Theatre will be closed on Saturday evening next, and re-opened on the following Monday, Feb. 21st, 1848, under the management of MR. LAZAR . . . The Orchestral Department will be considerably augmented, and consist of - Mr. Lee (leader), Mr. Richards (second violin), Mr. Thomson (violincello), Mr. Poltridge (cornet-a-piston), Mr. Hewitt (trombone), Mr. Swift (tenor), Mr. Kaebet (master of the German Band, flute).
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (9 October 1848), 1
NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE . . . OCTOBER 9th . . . A Choice Selection of the most admired pieces from the Operas of Cinderella, Bohemian Girl, Fairy Lake, Crusaders, La Somnambula, etc., etc . . . Instrumental Performers: Leader .. Mr. Lee, Mr. Richards (second violin), Mr. Thompson (violoncello), Mr. Kaebet (flute), Mr. Hewitt (trombone), Mr. Hertz (double bass), Mr. Hauffman (tenor) . . .
Whadjuk Noongar man, singer (shareable link to this entry) (Wikimedia incubator)
ASSOCIATIONS: George Grey (explorer, reporter)
Musician, bass vocalist, member of Lyster Opera Company
Active Melbourne, VIC, by April 1864
Active Sydney, NSW, until December 1866 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (29 April 1864), 1
a Farewell Season of Forty-eight Nights . . . Musical Director and Conductor, Mr. G. Loder.
THE CHORUS . . . Second Bassos - Mr. H. Benham, Signor Roncoveri [sic], Mr. Kaible, Mr. Leveson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Loder (conductor); Henry Benham (vocalist); Alfred Roncovieri (vocalist); John Levenson (vocalist)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 July 1866), 5
In the County Court yesterday, in Bachrach v. Lyster, the plaintiff, a chorus singer in the Opera company, sued the director thereof for damages for assault and for wages. It appeared that at a rehearsal plaintiff was charged by another member of the chorus with "doing an imitation of him," and that a quarrel ensued, which led to blows in the middle of which defendant interfered, and struck the plaintiff, who was also told to quit the theatre. On a subsequent occasion he presented himself, and having written asking for an apology, was answered by having his note thrown at his head, and, so he alleged, by a further assault being committed on him. Defendant paid a small sum into court to cover the salary claimed, with costs, and also 40s. or 50s. for the assault, which, it was put on the part of defendant, was merely a constructive assault, called for by the necessity of preserving subordination in a theatrical company. The judge, after reviewing all the circumstances of the case, gave a verdict for the defendant.
ASSOCIATIONS: Martin Bachrach (vocalist); William Saurin Lyster (manager)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (28 July 1866), 5
A little fracas at one of the rehearsals of the opera company gave rise to an action in the county court, yesterday,
the defendant in the case being Mr W. S. Lyster, and the plaintiff a member of the chorus, named Bachrach, who charged Mr. Lyster with an assault, laying his damages at £50.
Bachrach's statement was that, while the company were rehearsing an opera, on the 27th of Jane last, he happened to make some little observation to another member of the chorus,
named Thomson, which Kiebel, a third of their number remarking, took to be some reflection upon himself and assaulted plaintiff,
who, while defending himself, was set upon by Mr. Lyster, and severely chastised with a stick, which was broken about his head and back.
He immediately left the theatre, and an apology being refused, he brought the present action.
He then called two members of the company, J. H. Sutcliffe and Benjamin Levison, who testified to having witnessed the assault.
Mr. Lyster then stated that on the day in question, while Madame Simonsen and others were rehearsing with the chorus, he observed a scuffle among the latter, and saw Bachrach and Kiebel fighting.
Conceiving the former to be the aggressor, he, as he admitted, hit him with a stick he had in his hand, and broke it over him.
As a compensation for this, £5 had been paid into court.
Bachrach then threw off his coat by the footlights, and seemed about to fight, but, after using some abusive language, he left the theatre.
Witness met him next day outside the dress circle entrance, in Bourke-street, and, as he appeared to be sorry for what he had done,
he (witness) promised that Kiebel should be dismissed if he had been the offender.
On the day after, he was surprised to find a letter sent to him from Bachrach requiring an apology, which he, of course, refuses to give.
Henry Thompson said that he was standing between Bachrach and Kiebel, at the rehearsal, and that Bachrach was the first to commence the fight, taking Kiebel by the throat.
The latter then hit Bachrach with a stick, and Mr. Lyster interfered.
Charles Kiebel, who is a much older and smaller man than Bachrach, then stated that he saw Bachrach imitating him, and on his remonstrating was seized by the throat.
He then struck Bachrach with a stick, but was too much excited to remember who parted them.
His Honor Judge Pohlman found a verdict far the defendant, with costs. Mr. F. L. Smyth appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Aspinall for the defendant.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Osborn Thompson (vocalist); Benjamin Leveson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 December 1866), 8
Conductor - Mr. Martin Simonsen . . .
POWERFUL CHORUS . . . First Basses: Mr. Stokmeyer, Mr. Kaible, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Evans . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martin Simonsen (conductor); Adolphus Stockmeyer (vocalist)
Sergeant and master of the band of the 3rd Regiment (Buffs) (active NSW, 1823-27)
KAVANAGH, William see main page William KAVANAGH
Bandsman 3rd Regiment (Buffs) (active NSW, 1823-27)
KAWERAU BROTHERS (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
KAWERAU, Frederick (Friedrich Ferdinand KAWERAU; Frederick Ferdinand KAWERAU; Frederick KAWERAU; KAVERAU; Fritz)
Amateur vocalist, architect, surveyor
Born Hamburg, Germany, c. 1817/18
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 April 1849 (with wife Marie, per Dockenhuden, from Hamburg, 4 December 1848, via Rio de Janeiro, 16 February)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 7 January 1869 (per Holmsdale, for London)
Died Berlin, Germany, May 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
KAWERAU, Theodore (Carl Theodor KAWERAU; Charles Theodore KAWERAU; Charles KAWERAU; T. KAWERAU; TH. KAWERAU; KAVERAU)
Vocalist (counter-tenor, ? tenor, ? bass), teacher of singing, piano tuner
Born Prussia, Germany, c. 1821/22
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 April 1849 (per Dockenhuden, from Hamburg, 4 December 1848, via Rio de Janeiro, 16 February)
Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1863
Died Ballarat East, VIC, 15 September 1904, aged 83 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The architect Frederick Kawerau (or "Kaverau", "pronounced Carvero") arrived at Melbourne, the Dockenhuden from Hamburg, on 21 April 1849, with his wife Marie (d. 1875) and younger brother Theodore.
Frederick first advertised in Melbourne in July 1849, and Theodore as a singing teacher in April 1850, using pianist Julius Buddee's address. However, from as early as August 1849, they were both probably partly responsible for the spate of German vocal quartets programmed in the Mechanics' Institute music class concerts. One or other of them, perhaps Theodore, was the probably the German singer who assisted Joseph Griffiths in his December concert.
In 1850, "Mr. S. Kawerau" (recte Frederick), and Theodore were first billed by name to appear in the music class performance on 30 May for Thomas Reed.
Theodore sang in three concerts during the Separation celebrations in December 1850, the first two in Melbourne for Joseph Wilkie, and appearing in solo songs and a duet with Elizabeth Testar. In the third, in Geelong for Julius Buddee, Theodore again appeared in duet with Testar, and in the comic duet from Cimarosa's The secret marriage with "F. K.", his brother. Both brothers also probably sang in the four German quartets on the program.
Both brothers moved to Geelong in the mid 1850s, where at least Theodore, and perhaps both of them, participated in performances by, among others, the Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society.
One or other of the brothers continued to appear occasionally in concerts; for instance, in Melbourne, probably Frederick with Octavia Hamilton in July 1863. Theodore was in Ballarat by 1860; in June 1863 he was honorary secretary of the newly formed Ballarat Vocal Union, under the leadership of Austin Turner, and later a member of the German Liederkranz, and president of the Deutsche Verein.

List of German immigrants on the Dockenhuden from Hamburg, 1849; Public Record Office Victoria
No. 91 / Fritz Kawerau / Architect & Carpenter / [Age] 31 / [native place] Hamburg . . .
92 / Marie Kawerau / Wife / 25 / Hamburg . . .
93 / Theodor Kawerau / Soldier / 27 / Prussia . . .
"MELBOURNE NEWS", Geelong Advertiser (24 April 1849), 2
The Dockendhuden, with 100 German immigrants, came into the harbor about midday on Saturday, having left Hamburg on the 4th November. She has made a some what lengthy passage. The immigrants, the greater portion of whom were selected by Mr. Westgarth, who was at Hamburg when the Dockenhuden sailed, are described as being highly respectable, and of a description urgently needed in the colony. The vessel, after discharging a small portion of her cargo here, proceeds to Adelaide.
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 July 1849), 3
A CARD. MR. F. KAWERAU, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, (from the Royal Academy, Berlin.) . . .
[2 Adjacent news items], The Argus (3 August 1849), 2
CONCERT. We are glad to find that the music class of the Mechanics' Institute is all alive, and intend presenting another of their admirable concerts this evening. The programme is unusually rich, containing solos on three distinct instruments, two of the German quartettes which formed so striking a feature of the last concert . . .
ARCHITECTURE. A German gentleman of the name of Kawerau (pronounced Carvero by any body wishing to be successful in finding him,) has left at our office some plans and drawings of buildings erected by him in Hamburg and elsewhere. We wish to call public attention to them as indicative of very considerable taste and ability. Having lately arrived in one of the German vessels, he is anxious to practice his profession in this district, and as his talents appear equally to embrace the simplicity of a Pyramid, and the elaboration of an Alhambra, and he speaks of being perfectly capable of undertaking any building from a dog-kennel to a tower of Babel, we wish to draw the attention of intending builders to his claims for support, and feel convinced that he ought to procure as much employment as he could possibly stagger along under, in a place in which buildings are progressing with such rapidity as in Melbourne.
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 April 1850), 3
SINGING. MR. T. KAWERAU, from Koenigsberg (Prussia) at the request of numerous friends, intends to commence Tuition in the Art of Singing, in Melbourne and its vicinity, for terms, apply to Mr. J. Buddee, Russell street.
"SINGING", The Argus (26 April 1850), 2
We perceive from our advertising columns that Mr. T. Kawerau has commenced tuition in the art of Singing. This is the gentleman whose beautiful counter-tenor voice produced so fine an effect in many of the German quartettes which have lately been presented to the public. As we hear that his aptitude in instruction is fully equal to the effectiveness of his own performance, we commend the offer of his services to those who are inclined to attempt the acquisition of one of the most pleasing of the Arts - regretting that an unkind Fate has awarded us an organ of so unmusical a character that we have never been able to coax out of it anything better than an abominable hybrid between the croak of a frog and the creak of a door, and thus finding ourselves utterly beyond the pale of Mr. Kawerau's assistance.
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 May 1850), 2
Mechanics' School of Arts Music Class.
THE Members of the class beg to announce that they will give a public concert in the Room of Mechanics' Institute on Thursday evening, 30th instant, under the direction of Mr. Reed.
VOCAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Young, Mr. Troy Knight, Mr. Walter, Mr. S. Kawerau [sic], Mr. T. Kawerau
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Reed, Mr. Woodward, Mr. Pietzker, Mr. Gooch, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Lord, Mr. Greenwood, Mr. Smith, and the members of the music class . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 December 1850), 3
Principal Vocalists - MRS. TESTAR, (late Miss E. Turner,) MRS. RIVIERES, From the London Concerts.
Pianoforte Accompanyist, MR. WILKIE . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Song - The Last Adieu - Mr. Kaverau . . .
PART II . . . Duet, I've Wandered in Dreams, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Kaverau - Wade . . .
"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", The Melbourne Daily News (6 December 1850), 2
. . . We have no hesitation in saying, (and we are not the most easily pleased in such matters) that Mrs. Testar is the Prima Donna of the Colonies, and it is to be regretted that such an artiste must be buried in private tuition . . . Wade's sweet duet, " I've Wandered in Dreams," was very pleasingly performed by Mrs. Testar and Mr. Kaverau, but was beneath her powers. One of the most charming, touching ballads ever written, "The last Adieu," better known as "Farewell, Dearest," in F minor (Perry, composer) was entrusted to Mr. Kaverau, who acquitted himself pleasingly, but from his imperfect pronunciation of our mother tongue, and want of breadth and power in his voice, could not do all the beautiful composition deserved.
MUSIC: The last adieu (Edward Perry); I've wandered in dreams (J. A. Wade)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (17 December 1850), 3
MR. WILKIE' S CONCERT, In the Mechanics' Hall, THIS EVENING DECEMBER 17, 1850.
Overture, "Norma."
Trio, "The Wreath, Mrs. TESTAR, Messrs. Kawerau and Lord
Song, "I am thine," - Miss PANORMO.
Solo on the Sax Horn, (from Somnambula) - Master HORE.
Cavatina, "Il Soave Bel Contento," Mrs. TESTAR.
Solo on the Guitar, Miss PANORMA.
Duette, "I've wandered in Dreams," Mrs. TESTAR, and Mr. Kawerau.
"Instrumental, "Railway Galop," Full Band
Instrumental, "Wilkie's Separation Polka" - Full Band
Trio, "Magic Wove Scarf" - Mrs. TESTAR, Messrs. Kawerau and Lord
Song (with Flute accompaniment), "Lo, here the gentle Lark," - Mrs. TESTAR
Quartette - Sax Horns
Song, "Trab.Trab," (Guitar accompaniment) - Miss PANORMA [sic]
Duett - Messrs. Kawerau and Lord
Song, "Where the Bee sucks" - Mrs. Testar
Solo and Chorus. "God save the Queen."
By particular desire.
Mr. Wilkie will preside at the Pianoforte.
The Band will play several favorite Airs and Pieces before the commencement of the Concert, and between the parts.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had at Mr. Wilkie's Collins-street.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (19 December 1850), 3
MR. BUDDEE has the honor of informing the inhabitants of Geelong,
and its vicinity, that his GRAND CONCERT will take place, on the evening of Thursday, December 19 . . .
1. German Quartett (Die Capelle) (Blauer Montag) a comic song
2. GLEE (MRS. TESTAR, T. KAWERAU, J. K. [sic]) . . .
4. A Quartet (German) Trinklied . . .
6. Duet (I've wandered in dreams) - MRS. TESTAR, T. KAWERAU
7. Quartett (Where would I be?) Die Kaferknaben, the "Three Beetles," comic song
8. Quartett (A. B. C.) . . .
11. Comic Duett (from the "Secret Marriage," by Cimarosa) - T. KAWERAU, F. K.
12. Quartett (Walzer ohne Worte) . . .
15. Quartett, by Mendelsohn Bartholdi
16. Separation song, by MR. REED . . .
MUSIC: Se fiato in corpo avete (comic duet from Il matrimonio segreto, Cimarosa)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (21 December 1850), 2
Pianoforte Tuning.
T. KAWERAU respectfully intimates that he intends to stay one weeks in Geelong, during which time he will be happy to tune Pianofortes.
Orders to be left at Dr. Bailey's, Yarra street.
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (14 March 1851), 4
MR. WILKIE Begs to announce that the
GRAND CONCERT In aid of the funds for the Relief of the Sufferers by the late Bush Fires,
will take place in the QUEEN'S THEATRE, THIS DAY, the 14th MARCH, 1851.
Leader of the Band - Mr. REED.
Overture. - "L' Italiana in Algeri," - Band - Rossini.
Solo and Chorus. - "The Gypsies Tent," - Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy, Wheeler, White, &c. - Cooke.
Song - "Tubal Cain," - Mr. Hemy - Russell
Violin Solo. - Mons. Hue, - with Pianoforte accompaniment - Mr. Hemy - De Beriot
Solos and Choruses. - Lock's celebrated Music in Macbeth, - (got up expressly for this occasion under the direction of Mr. Hemy), -
"Speak Sister, Speak," - "He will, he will," - "We should rejoice," - "When cattle die," - "Let's have a dance," - "At the night Raven's dismal Voice," -
"Echo Chorus," - "My little Spirit," - "Come away," - "Now I go," - "We fly by night," - "Black Spirits and White," "Round, around about," &c..
Band, "Birthday Quadrilles" - H. F. Hemy
Quartette. - "A te O Cara" (Il Puritana) - Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy and Wheeler
Scena - "Man the Life Boat," - Mr. Hemy - Russell
Scena - "Ah, Non Giunge," (La Somnambula) - Mrs. Testar - Bellini
Pianoforte Solo, - "Norma," Mr. Hemy - Bellini
Song - "The Flying Dutchman," - Mr. Wheeler - Parry
Ballad, - "I dreamt that I dwelt," (by desire) - Mrs. Testar - Balfe
Solo and Chorus - "Roderick Vich Alpine," - Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy, Wheeler, Gouge, Shearcroft, White, Nicholas, &c. . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (23 April 1851), 3
Pianoforte Tuning and Repairing.
A CARD. TH. KAWERAU, (From Melbourne.)
BEGS leave to inform the Public, that he is now going to reside in Geelong; and that he will be most happy to receive Orders for Tuning and Repairing Pianofortes,
in town and its vicinity; he is fully convinced he can give satisfaction to all those parties who may favour him with their patronage.
Orders to be left at the Office of Mr. Charles Laing. Architect, Bellerine street.
"GEELONG", The Argus (1 October 1855), 5
The Oratorio (the "Creation)" given by the Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society came off in the Independent Chapel, on Thursday evening last . . . Mr. Kaweraw, who also gave his services, sang remarkably well; his is a fine deep bass voice . . .
"THE SACRED CONCERT IN AID OF THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTION", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (20 February 1856), 2
The Oratorio given by the Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society last evening, was in every respect successful . . . Mr. Kawerau's singing the air "Thou art gone up on high," was very effective and pleasing . . .
"SOCIAL", The Star (24 June 1863), 1s
A choral society has been formed on Ballarat. This newly organised society has taken the name of the Ballarat Vocal Union, and is under the leadership of Mr. A. Turner, late conductor of the defunct Philharmonic Society - Mr. Kawerau being the hon. secretary, and Mr. Lake the hon. treasurer . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 July 1863), 8
At the ARTILLERY ORDERLY-ROOM, Bridge-road, Richmond,
In aid of the Building Fund
Vocalists - Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Liddle, Messrs. Driver, Strettle, Lang, Kawerau, and Kursteiner, (Gentlemen Amateurs.)
Instrumentalists - Oboe - Herr Schott. Drums- Signor P. Canna.
JUVENILE VOLUNTEER FIFE and DRUM BAND, In their picturesque uniform.
Conductor and Pianist - Herr Elsasser . . .
"ARRIVAL OF THE PRINCE IN BALLARAT . . . THE BANQUET", The Ballarat Star (24 December 1867), 1 supplement
. . . Certain members of the German Liederkrantz being present at the dinner sang at intervals the "Frosch Cantate" and the "Wein Galopp."
The names and voices of the singers were as follow: -
1st tenor, Messrs. Carl Franz and Schmidt; 2nd tenor, Messrs. L. E. Bruun and Thiemeyer; 1st bass, Messrs. De Hugard and Theodor Kawerau;
2nd bass, Messrs. Seiffert and Caesar Kieser, M.D.
Mr. Coleman Jacobs undertook general direction in musical matters . . .
"SHIPPING FOR THE MONTH", Illustrated Australian News (1 February 1869), 35
January 7. - Holmsdale, ship, for London: His Excellency Colonel Gore Browne, C.B.; Mrs. Gore Browne . . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Kawerau, Miss Kawerau . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (14 April 1874), 2
Mr. Frederick Kaverau, the designer and architect of the Kew Lunatic Asylum, left Victoria about eight years ago for Germany. Mr. Kaverau since then has occupied the position of City Architect of Dantzig, and last December he was appointed by the municipality of Berlin as chief inspector of the underground sewerage, which latter work is to be one of the most extensive sewerages in Europe. It is with great pleasure we note this piece of good news to our readers, especially as Mr. Kaverau has been one of the first pioneers in Victoria, is well known to the profession, and has a large circle of friends in this country. We may add that the gentleman who has thus obtained professional position in Europe is brother of Mr. Kaverau, of Messrs. Hepburn and Leonard's office, Ballarat.
"Deaths", The Argus (24 July 1876), 1
KAWERAU. - In May last, at Berlin, Prussia, Frederick Kawerau, formerly of the Public Works Department, Melbourne.
"Deaths", The Ballarat Star (15 September 1904), 2
KAWERAU. - On the 14th September at No. 16 Eastwood street, Ballarat East, Carl Theodore Kawerau, aged 83 years. Funeral private.
"PERSONAL ITEMS", The Ballarat Star (15 September 1904), 6
The death took place yesterday of a very old identity of Ballarat, in the person of Mr. Carl T. Kawerau. at the ripe age of 83 years. The deceased gentleman was for a very long time connected with the old firm of Hepburn and Leonard, and was a prominent member of the Deutscher Verein, of which he was at one time president. He was a colonist of over half a century, and was very well known and highly respected amongst the older colonists.
Bibliography and resources:
"Frederick Kawerau", Wikipedia
KAYE, Samuel (Samuel KAYE; Mr. S. KAYE)
Singing-master, professor of music, organist, music seller, organ builder, arranger, music publisher, music and musical instrument importer and seller
Born Lockwood, Huddersfield, England, 11 June 1829; baptised Queen's Street Chapel, Huddersfield, 5 November 1829, son of John KAYE (c. 1784-1856) and Elizabeth EARNSHAW (c. 1790-1861)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 17 March 1855 (unassisted immigrant per Hastings, from Liverpool, 10 December 1854)
Married Sarah Constance CHAMNEY, VIC, 1860
Departed Melbourne, VIC, after July 1876 (for Queensland)
Died Toowong, QLD, 17 November 1895, aged 66 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
As Lee and Kaye: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Samuel Kaye arrived from England in March 1855 and first appeared in public as a bass soloist, in Israel in Egypt, for the Melbourne Philharmonic Society in August. By 1858, if not earlier, he was a singing master with the Denomination Schools board.
In January 1865, prior to his departure on a visit to Europe, the St. Kilda Glee and Madrigal Society, of which he was the conductor, gave a concert in his honour. Back in Collins-Street east, Melbourne in September 1866, with David Lee, he opened a "Pianoforte and Harmonium Warehouse". They continued to run the business, as "Lee and Kaye", for ten years. In 1876, Kaye sold up his personal effects and left the colony, and Allan and Co. took over the premises.
Lee and Kaye published at least two local compositions, George B. Allen's song A wild night (poetry by Henry Kendall) in July 1870; and So far away (written by Emery Gould; composed by Sidonia; dedicated to to Miss Lennon, Geelong").
Kaye was also responsible for another publication, Music for the masonic order ("being Ritual No. 1 selected and arranged by Bro. Samuel Kaye").
Register of baptisms, Queens Street Wesleyan Chapel, Huddersfield, 1817-1837, 58 verso; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 378 / Samuel the son of John Kaye of Lockwood in the parish of Almonsbury in the County of York, Carpenter, and of Ann his wife, who was the daughter of William and Nancy Earnshaw was born on the [11]th day of June [1829] and baptised . . . [5]th day of November [1829] . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus (19 March 1855), 4
March 17.- Hastings, ship, 1080 tons, A. Y. Marshall, from Liverpool 10th December. Passengers . . . two hundred and thirty in the intermediate and steerage. Meyers and Co., agents.
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 August 1855), 8
PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. FOURTH SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT . . . Tomorrow (Tuesday) Evening, 28th inst . . . PART II. From Handel's "Israel in Egypt." . . . Duet - The Lord is a man of war . . . Mr. Kaye and Mr. Bancroft . . .
"GEELONG ((FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Friday, 22nd August, 1866", The Argus (23 August 1856), 7
The sacred concert given on Wednesday evening by the Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society was very well attended, considering the very inclement weather, bad roads, and also that the same night had been most injudiciously chosen for the theatrical benefit in aid of the hospital. Mrs. Testar and Mr. Kaye, who executed the different solos, as well as Mr. Gabb, the conductor of the band, deserve the highest praise for their exertions.
"THE ORATORIO", The Argus (17 April 1856), 5
[in Spohr's The last judgment and Mendelssohn's As the hart pants] . . . The Exhibition Building was exceedingly well attended last evening, the ladies in particular mustering in large numbers. The principal vocalists were Mesdames Testar and Goodliffe, and Messrs. Ewart and Kaye . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (17 June 1856), 1
Second Week of the Operatic Season.
First Appearance of MADAME ANNA BISHOP As AMINA.
Musical Director, Mr. Lavenu.
On Tuesday Evening, June 17th, The performances will consist of Bellini's Opera of LA SONNAMBULA.
Count Rodolph - Mr. F . Howson. Elvino - Mons. Laglaise.
Alessio, Mr. Hill. Notary, Mr. Kaye.
Postillion, Mr. Wright. Amina - MADAME ANNA BISHOP. Lisa - Mrs. Guerin. (From the Victoria Theatre, Sydney - her first appearance here.)
Teresa, mother to Amina - Mrs. Fiddes. The Opera will be strengthened by A Full and Powerful Chorus.
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 October 1856), 8
PART I . . . Duet - "Flow gently Deva," Mr. Ewart, Mr. Kaye - Parry . . .
PART II . . . Recit - "I rage, I melt, I burn," Mr. Kaye.
Air - O, ruddier than the cherry," Mr. Kaye . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Age (18 October 1856), 6
The fourth subscription concert of the Philharmonic Society took place on Friday evening, at the Exhibition Building. The attendance was not very numerous, but brilliant and highly distinguished; his Excellency the Acting-Governor, and several members of the Executive being present. The entertainment, which consisted of a miscellaneous selection, and Handel's serenata "Acis and Galatea," was of the most satisfactory character, and gave evident gratification to the audience. The principal vocalists consisted of Mrs. Testar, Mrs. McDougal, Mr. Ewart, and Mr. Kaye . . .
"CONCERT AT MOONEE PONDS", The Age (5 November 1857), 6
To-morrow evening, Mrs. McDougall (late Miss Bose Josephs, of the Liverpool Concerts) is to give a concert of vocal and instrumental music at Mr. Hinckises's school-room, Moonee Ponds. She is to be assisted by Mrs. Goodliffe, Mr. Kaye, Mr. Compton, and Mr. H. J. King . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (27 April 1858), 1
In connexion with THE OPENING OF THE ORGAN.
Principal Vocalists, Mrs. Goodliffe, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Fox, Miss Parsons, Mr. Williams, and others selected from the Collingwood Harmonic Society.
Conductor, Mr. Kaye. Leader of the Band, Mr. Leslie. Organist, Mr. Boswell.
Band and Chorus will number nearly 100 Performers.
PART I. - "CREATION" . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1858), 8
THIS EVENING, At the Collingwood Assembly Hall, Gertrude-street, when will be performed Handel's sublime Oratorio
One Hundred Performers.
Principal Vocalists:
MISS OCTAVIA HAMILTON, Messrs. Williams, Mitchell, Moxon, &c.
Conductor - Mr. Kaye.
Leader - Mr. Leslie. Pianist - Mr. Pringle.
Tickets, 5s.
"DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL FESTIVAL", The Age (23 December 1858), 5
The annual singing festival of the children attending the schools, under the management of the Denominational School Board, came off yesterday . . . The singing masters are G. L. Allan, B. Hadfield, J. Allen, and S. Kaye . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (22 January 1859), 1
"MR. LISSIGNOL'S CONCERT", The Argus (24 January 1859), 5
. . . Mr. Kaye has but to diveat himself of an over amount of diffidence to place him in a prominent position as a very good basso . . .
"MR. LISSIGNOL'S CONCERT", The Age (24 January 1859), 5
. . . Mrs. Andrew and Mr. Kaye sang very prettily a duett by Emmanuel, and the fine voice of the latter vocalist had an excellent opportunity for display in an air "Die Zauberflote," with the English words, "Who treads the path of duty" . . .
[News], The Argus (22 December 1859), 4
The Exhibition Building yesterday presented a very gay and animated appearance. About one thousand children, from the different schools in and near Melbourne under the Denominational Board of Education, were assembled in holiday trim, the occasion being their annual musical festival and exhibition of drawings . . . "Willie, we have missed you," and other melodies of a like character, formed a portion of the morning's entertainment, which reflected no little credit upon the perseverance of Mr. George L. Allan, Mr. B. Hadfield, Mr. J. H. Allen, and Mr. S. Kaye, by whose instruction the children have profited . . .
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (11 January 1860), 4
On the 10th inst., at the Church of England, Prahran, by the Rev. J. H. Gregory, Mr. Samuel Kaye, singing-master, Denominational Schools, Melbourne, to Sarah Constance, eldest daughter of Mr. James Chamney, builder, Prahran.
. . . The singing masters are Mr. Geo. L. Allan, Mr. B. Hadfield, Mr. John H. Allen, and Mr. S. Kaye . . .
[News], The Argus (12 January 1865), 4
The St. Kilda Glee and Madrigal Society gave a concert last evening, in the Town hall, Prahran, to the conductor of the society, Mr. Samuel Kaye, prior to his departure for Europe. The compliment was a well deserved one, by a good musician and conductor, as will be admitted by all who have noted the musical precision and proficiency acquired by this local society. The programme of the evening for the most part consisted of part songs, including such favourite pieces as "The Young Musicians," "O world, thou art wondrous fair," the beautiful volkslied, "How can it be?", Hurtel's "Miller's daughter," beautifully sung and deservedly encored; "The happiest land," &c. Mendelsohn's quartette, "The primrose," was also well rendered, and encored. The gentlemen amateurs were assisted by several lady amateurs, who gave a cavatina or two, a canzonet, and some ballads, in a style far above the average of amateur art. Meyerbeer's "Robert toi que j'aime" was given with wonderful voice and taste, and an encore produced "Home, sweet home," very sweetly executed. Rossini's "Una voce poco fa" was likewise well sung. The large hall was well filled, and the audience gave hearty expression of their approval of the entertainment.
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 September 1866), 8
PIANOFORTE and HARMONIUM WAREHOUSE, 84 Collins-street East, opposite Mechanics' Institute. - Mr. David Lee and Mr. Samuel Kaye (professors of music) have commenced the above business in partnership, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the musical public.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 December 1868), 8
Will (by the kind permission of the deacons of the church) be given in
The INDEPENDENT CHURCH, Collins-street east, On CHRISTMAS NIGHT, By the
Principal Vocalists, MISS STAFF, Miss LAMBERT, Mr. E. EXON, Mr. C. BLANCHARD.
On this occasion the conductor of the society (Mr. DAVID LEE) will preside at the organ,
and Mr. SAMUEL KAYE will act as conductor . . .
S. MOXON, Secretary.
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 July 1870), 3
[News], The Argus (1 August 1870), 4
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 December 1875), 8
THE PARTNERSHIP hitherto subsisting between the undersigned, trading as R. Mackenzie and Co.,
organ builders, has been this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All debts and liabilities will be received and paid by the undersigned,
David Lee and Samuel Kaye, and the business will be carried on by them in future, under the style of Lee and Kaye,
late R. Mackenzie and Co.
R. MACKENZIE, DAVID LEE (by his attorney Thos. White), SAML. KAYE.
The services of Mr. R Mackenzie have been retained.
Melbourne 16th February, 1875.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 July 1876), 10
LEE and KAYE, having disposed of their business to Messrs. Allan and Company (Wilkie's),
give notice that the PARTNERSHIP hitherto subsisting between them, under the style of Lee and Kaye,
has been DISSOLVED, as from this date. All assets and liabilities will be received and paid by Mr. David Lee,
whose address will be at Messrs. Allan and Co's, for whom the late firm solicit the patronage of their customers.
Dated this 21st day of July, 1876.
DAVID LEE, SAMUEL KAYE. Witness to both signatures - Robert E. Lewis, solicitor, Melbourne.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 July 1876), 3
. . . 12 Anderson-street, Close to the Albert park Station, Emerald-hill . . . W. P BUCKHURST has received instructions from Mr. Samuel Kaye, of Lee and Kaye, who is leaving the colony, to SELL by AUCTION, as above, the whole of his household furniture, comprising brilliant toned cottage piano, music stool, several parcels of choice music . . .
"THE SCOT'S CHURCH", The Argus (25 July 1876), 7
. . . The musical performance was full of interest, both on account of the organist, who is comparatively new to Melbourne, and of the instrument he played upon, which is one of local manufacture and the next best to, although a long way after, the magnificent organ in the Town-hall. The instrument at the Scots Church was built by Messrs. Lee and Kaye, associated with Mr. Mackenzie, who came here from the house of Hill and Sons in London. We have described this organ before in the terms of the general specification. In its finished condition it presents a very handsome appearance, although it is hidden away from at least one-half of the congregation . . .
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (13 September 1876), 1
NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing and the business lately carried on under the firm of R. T. JEFFERIES & CO. is hereby DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All Accounts due to and by the late firm will be received and paid by Mr. R. T. Jefferies. R. T. JEFFERIES & CO. Dated this 12th September, 1876.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned William Henry Paling, Samuel Kaye, and Richard Thomas Jefferies,
have this day entered into PARTNERSHIP as Importers of Pianos, Music, and Musical Instruments, under the style and firm of PALING, KAYE, & JEFFERIES.
The business will be carried on at the Warehouse in Queen-street, Brisbane, lately occupied by Messrs. R. T. Jefferies & Co.
WITH reference to the above, we beg to inform the public that the business will be largely extended by the new firm.
And in soliciting the patronage and support of the inhabitants of Brisbane and the surrounding districts,
may state that the long and practical experience of Mr. W. H. PALING, of the celebrated Continental and Sydney houses of Paling & Co.;
Mr. SAMUEL KAYE, of the well-known firm of Messrs. LEE & KAYE, Melbourne; and of Mr. R. T. JEFFERIES,
who has worked so energetically and with such great success for the propagation of the musical taste in this city, will,
we trust, ensure to our customers all the advantages necessary to secure for them first-class Musical Instruments,
as well as the very newest Selections of Music and Songs in publication,
while this is the only legitimate Music Establishment in the Colony of Queensland.
All kind favors will receive the most liberal and prompt attention.
(Signed) PALING, KAYE, & JEFFERIES, Queen-street, Opposite School of Arts.
"ALLAN AND CO.'S NEW MUSIC WAREHOUSE", The Argus (5 October 1876), 10
The vacant space in Collins street east, until lately occupied by the stores of Lee and Kaye and Mr. McGuigan, Nos. 17 and 19, will in a few months be filled up by the erection of a new music warehouse for the firm of Messrs. Allan and Co. . . .
? "THE MUSICAL ARTISTS' SOCIETY OF VICTORIA", The Argus (28 February 1887), 9
. . . The thanks of the society were given to . . . Messrs. Ford, Madden, Dixon, Juniper, and Samuel Kaye for having contributed two vocal quartets in most pleasing fashion . . .
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (9 July 1891), 1
I, SAMUEL KAYE, hereby give notice that I have This Day taken my son, WALTER CHAMNEY KAYE, into Partnership with me in the business of a Musical Instrument Importer, heretofore carried on by me at 94 Queen street, Brisbane, and that the said business will hereafter be carried on under the style of S. Kaye & Son, Dated at Brisbane this First day of July, 1891. (Signed) SAMUEL KAYE. Witness: H. B. Hemming, Solicitor, Brisbane.
"Current News", The Brisbane Courier (18 November 1895), 4
The many friends in Brisbane and throughout Queensland of Mr. Samuel Kaye will receive with regret the announcement of his death, which took place at his residence, Toowong, on Sunday. Mr. Kaye, who was 67 years of age had been ill for fourteen weeks. The deceased gentleman arrived in Melbourne in 1854 [sic], and held a leading position in musical circles there till 1876, when he came to Queensland, and engaged in business in Brisbane, his music warehouse being one of the leading establishments of that kind in Queen street. Mr. Kaye was widely and favourably known in the colony. He leaves a widow and a family of three sons.
[News], Western Star and Roma Advertiser (26 August 1896), 2
Probates have been granted in the following matters . . . Samuel Kaye, Brisbane, musical instrument maker, realty and personalty &3 [sic] . . .
Music for the masonic order, being ritual no. 1 selected and arranged by Bro. Samuel Kaye (St. Kilda, [Vic.]: Masonic Musical Union, [? c. 1860s])
Bibliography and resources:
W. A. Carne, A century of harmony: the official centenary history of the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society (Melbourne: Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society, 1954), passim (DOWNLOAD PDF TRANSCRIPT FROM PANDORA)
KEANE, Michael (Michael KEANE)
Drummer and fifer, drum major (formerly of 25th Regiment), convict
Born Tipperary, Ireland, c. 1795
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 2 May 1820 (convict per Seaflower) (shareable link to this entry)
"AUTOBIOGRAPHY (Of a Botany Bay Hero)", The Australian (11 November 1826), 4
A memmorandom of the corproal punshment and solitary confinment that I underwent sence the 5th June, 1805, untill the 26th September, the yeare 1826: -
The 5th June, the yeare 1805, I listed in the 25th Regiment, lying at that time in the Castle Barrack's in Limrick, in Iriland; I very soon fell in with compaions that lead me into all kind mischeiff, which brought me sooner to feill the affecttes of punshment then I should have dun if I had kep my owne companey; I was indused by two of then to stop out of Barrack's day and a night, and losing a fife, I recavid seventy-five lashess on the britche; the Regiment went to Formoy; and on my routh there 1806, for losing a bealt and drum, which was stoel from nie at Broff,, I recavid one hundered lashess on the britch, and this I got through a yeoman drummer takeen them from the house I was billited at . . . I often thought to desart, but I did not, this hapenned in the yeare 1807. The Regiment came to Formoy the second time, and I was fifer of the main-guard . . .
On the 2d January 1809, there was orders came from the Cammander-in-Chieff, that the 25th Regiment was to go to assiste in taken Martinquaeso from the Freinch . . . the Island . . . was taken from the Franch after three months, and seventeen days, at the loss of nine thousand fourne hundered and six men killed. I went to the Island of St. Kitts, wheare I was transferred from the band to the ranks . . .
I landed in Sydney the 2d May, 1820, wheare the mother of misfortuane kep close to me, and still remains a compaione of mine . . .
. . . I still remain, the same Michael Keane . . .
[Editorial], The Australian (11 November 1826), 3
KEARNEY, Patrick (Patrick KEARNEY)
Harp owner, ? harpist
Active Campbell Town, TAS, 1865 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Joseph Pollard; Albert Francis Weippert
"INSOLVENT COURT", Launceston Examiner (16 December 1865), 3
In re JAMES JOSEPH POLLARD, of Launceston, pianoforte maker. Second meeting and on application for discharge. Mr. Butler appeared for insolvent. Insolvent, examined by Mr. Campion - I know Mr. Patrick Kearney of Campbell Town. I received from him about 14th or 15th Nov., 1864, a harp to repair; I was to receive £7 for the repairs; it was to be repaired within any time convenient to myself; there was a written agreement that the harp should be repaired within four months, but that was only given to show his right to the harp in case of my death, &c. . . .
. . . I think I told you the harp was worth £15; on the following Saturday it was taken to Mr. Tucker's auction rooms and sold; it was not advertised; a man named Weippert, a brother-in-law of mine, took away the harp for sale; I attended the sale; my brother-in-law bought the harp for Mr. Wadham for 30s. Mr. Wadham paid for it in my presence. The ordinary price of a modern harp is from [200] to £500. This harp is about a hundred years old. That would not make it more valuable than a modern harp, for it is only single action. Modern harps are double action . . .
KEARNS, Edward (Edward KEARNS; Edwin KEARNS)
Clarionet player, bandsman (Band of the 12th Regiment), bandmaster (Coldstream Brass Band), composer
? Born c. 1839
Regiment in Australia, 1854-67
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1861; Maitland, NSW, by 1875; Sydney, until 1895 or later;
? Departed NSW, for Canada, 1905 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment
"CORONER'S INQUEST", Empire (19 September 1861), 5
An inquest was held yesterday morning, by the City Coroner, at the Lord High Admiral Inn, Surry Hills, touching the death of a male infant, named Frederick Michael Kearns, aged two months. It appears from evidence received, that deceased was the only child of Edward Kearns, a bandsman, of the 12th Regiment. During the last six weeks, deceased had been suffering from thrush, which prevented it suckling sufficiently for its support. It received no neglect, and medicine was administered, but without effect, and deceased expired in convulsions about a quarter past seven on Tuesday evening last. Verdict - Died suddenly from natural causes.
[News], The Argus (6 February 1875), 7
Messrs. W. H. Glen and Co. have sent us copies of a ballad, "Don't go, Molly Darling," specially composed for Mr. Beaumont Read, and bearing a portrait of that gentleman on the cover . . . The ballad is pretty and well arranged . . .
"VOLUNTEER PARADE", The Maitland Mercury (14 December 1875), 2
. . . The first of these performances is to take place this (Tuesday) evening, weather permitting, under the able conductorship of Mr. Edward Kearns, the bandmaster, who deserves great credit for the efficient state of the performers.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 November 1880), 5
"The Courts", Evening News (11 March 1891), 2
Edward Kearn, 52, musician, was charged with having been the bailee of a clarionet, the property of Peter Richards, he did fraudulently appropriate the same to his own use. Prosecutor lent accused the instrument. When prosecutor asked for it accused said he did not know where it was. Two months' hard labor.
"BENEFIT CONCERT AT BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1895), 6
. . . the Balmain Coldstream Brass Band, under Mr. Edward Kearns, rendered selections . . .
? "PRESENTATION To Mr. E. Kearns", The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate (8 April 1905), 6
ON Tuesday evening, at the Band Hall, a couple of presentations were made to Mr. E. Kearns, on the occasion of his departure for Canada, where he intends to settle with relatives on the shores of Lake Erie. The Macquarie Brass Band was holding its regular practice, and during an interval the first presentation was made on behalf of the Dubbo Amateur Orchestral Society . . .
"OLD SYDNEY", Truth (13 February 1910), 11
. . . I am favored with two interesting letters from Mr. Conlon, one under date January 24, 1910, as follows: -
. . . And this brings me down to another of your correspondents of Sunday last. He speaks of the Brothers Taylor, musicians who played in the old Victoria Theatre, especially the cornet player. I think it was Sergeant Prince who took his place in the old Victoria Theatre orchestra, as he used to meet us on Tuesday and Friday evenings at 6.30, and leave us for the theatre at 7 o'clock; but he always left a clarionet player from the barracks band with us until 8 o'clock. His name was Edward Kearns, and he was afterwards and for years bandmaster, to the Balmain Brass Band, where I often met him in years afterwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Joseph Conlon (amateur bandsman); Henry Prince (band sergeant, bandmaster)
"THE HOME OF OUR COADJUTOR-ARCHBISHOP: ST. BENEDICT'S STORY", Freeman's Journal (12 October 1922), 12
. . . Father Corish then started a band in connection with the society, and very soon twenty instrumentalists were enrolled under the tuition of Mr. Steer, who was connected with the Royal Artillery, stationed at Dawes Point. The band, however, was afterwards taken in hand by the late Sergeant Prince, of the 12th Regiment, stationed at the Victoria Barracks. He was assisted by Edwin Kearns, a clarionet player. The musical ability of the band was quickly recognised on all sides, and their services were requisitioned for all movements connected with parish affairs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Stier (bandmaster);
Musical works:
Don't go, Molly darling. music by Edward Kearns; words by F. Mears, especially composed for Mr. Beaumont Read of Madame Bishop's company (Melbourne: W. H. Glen, [1875])
KECK, Henry (Henry KECK; Mr. KECK)
Prison governor
Born Dublin, Ireland, 6 May 1800; baptisded Balbriggan, 18 August 1800; son of Thomas KECK (d. 1816) and Sarah LOWE
Married Teresa FITZGERALD (d. 1879), Dublin, 1820
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29 October 1832 (per Sarah, from Liverpool, 10 June, via Hobart, 21 October)
Died Sydney, NSW, 25 December 1863, aged 63 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Henry Keck was not, so far as we know, a practising musician - though he may well have been. He was, however, an agent and purveyor of music in a particular situation. At Darlinghurst Gaol, of which he was governor, he oversaw performances of music by prisoners at functions held by his family and staff within the prison walls, and was noted, as well as being scapegoated, for doing so. The prisoner musicians being harder to identify with certainty, Keck is profiled here in their stead.
"SHIP NEWS", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (19 October 1832), 2
OCTOBER 14. - Arrived the brig Sarah, Capt. Isaac Smith, from Liverpool, which she left the 10th of June, with merchandize and 107 passengers; viz. . . . Mr. Henry Keck, six children, and servant . . .
"Shipping Intelligence", Hill's Life in New South Wales (2 November 1832), 3
Arrivals - On the 29th instant . . . the Sarah, Smith, from Liverpool via Hobart Town, having left the former place on the 18th of June, and the latter on the 21st instant. Lading, merchandize. Passengers - Mr. Keck and four children . . .
"COUNCIL PAPER. DARLINGHURST GAOL. REPORT from the Select Committee on the Darlinghurst Gaol", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1849), 2
The Select Committee of the Legislative Council appointed on the 6th June, 1849, "to inquire into the discipline and security of the Darlinghurst Gaol," have agreed to the following Report:
. . . To these startling proofs of the existence of corruption, your Committee have to add the still more glaring cases of prisoners under sentence to solitary confinement having been released and employed by Mr. Keck to take part as musical performers in entertainments given by him, from which they returned to their cells in a state of drunkenness. Others under sentence to hard labour, even for serious offences, have been employed in horsebreaking, and attending picnics and fishing parties, by which facilities for escaping were afforded them, of which they availed themselves . . .
"THE GAOL DISCLOSURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1849), 2
Surprising, monstrous, and disgraceful, as are the facts which have been elicited by the Gaol Committee, and proper as are the recommendations contained in the Report, there is we suspect a sympathetic clinging together amongst officials, which will seek to save the visiting magistrate, if appearances can possibly be kept up, whilst dealing with the unparalleled difficulties of the case . . . It has been proved that all the week round, Sundays included, the prisoners of Darlinghurst Gaol were encouraged in the manufacture of cabbage-tree hats for sale, with the proceeds of which sales the prisoners were in the habit of purchasing meat, bread, tobacco, butter, &c, from the shop of Mr. Keck, much to the advancement of that eccentric Hermit's income. It has been proved that convict musicians were taken out of their cells, and dressed in a little brief respectability (if wearing young Mr. Keck's clothes may be so described) whilst contributing the music to the Hermit's ball. It has been also proved that the same musicians got excessively drunk, and at the close of that gay and festive scene, naturally revolted at the idea of returning to the solitude of their cells . . .
"THE DARLINGHURST GAOL", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (1 September 1849), 5
The following is a summary of the evidence given before the Select Committee of the Legislative Council relative to the Darlinghurst Gaol:-
Henry Keck, Esq.. the principal gaoler, stated that he had held that office about thirteen years, and performed his duties under the directions of the Visiting Magistrate, who usually visited the gaol every day - sometimes twice a day, sometimes twide a week, when he walked over the gaol and inquired of the prisoners if they had anything to say to him . . .
James Alexander - Had been employed in Darlinghurst Gaol as a turnkey for seven months, but resigned . . . There was a regular public ball held shortly after young Mr. Hughes's marriage to Miss Keck; a good many were there; the band consisted of two prisoners out of the cells, one a drummer in the 11th regiment, who was dressed in Hibbs's clothes, the other was a prisoner named Jones, who afterwards escaped at the back gate. The ball did not break up up till four o'clock in the morniug, and the two prisoners were not returned to their cells till that hour, when they were brought to me by Dr. Fitzsimmons and Miss Keck, the former was quite drunk, and so were both the prisoners; believed the prisoners might easily have gone out of the gaol with the guests. The music could be heard all over the gaol. The place was properly fitted up for the ball; one of the prisoners, a carpenter, was employed for a long time to hang up lamps and arrange everything for a dance. There was another ball after this, at which so many persons did not attend. The family and visitors used to be very jovial over playing the piano forte. When Richardson was in the condemned cells, he used to ask who was singing with the pianoforte; could not say that the music could be heard in the condemned cells . . .
"DEATH", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 December 1863), 1
On Christmas day, at his residence, Verona-place, Surry Hills in his 64th year, Henry Keck, for thirteen years Governor of her Majesty's Gaol at Sydney, and for the last eleven years clerk of the Markets, last surviving son of the late Captain Keck, of Fethard, county Tipperary, Ireland.
Bibliography and resources:
Ronald Rose, "SUNDAY EXTRA. DARLINGHURST JAIL. Prison 'reformer' was eventually found out; Henry Keck: rich rogue", The Canberra Times (29 March 1987), 7
KEDDIE, Robert (Robert KEDDIE: also KIDDIE; KIDDY)
Owner of a violin, publican, builder
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 11 October 1831 (immigrant per Stirling Castle)
Died Belfast (Port Fairy), VIC, 24 April 1851 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Immigrants per Stirling Castle, Sydney, NSW, 11 October 1831; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Kiddie Robert / Kiddie Mrs. / [from] Scotland . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: His wife Margaret; their first Child, Beatrice, was born in Sydney in 1834
"ALLEGED BREACH OF THE LICENSING ACT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (30 June 1847), 2
Yesterday Robert Keddie, of the Trades' Arms, East Maitland, appeared to answer the charge of having kept his house open after nine o'clock on the evening of the 23rd June. Mr. Keddie pleaded not guilty to the charge, but admitted that he had served liquor after that hour, although his door was shut. The bench appeared to feel considerable doubt whether, under the Act, they could convict him if this were found to be the case, and at length deferred their decision till Tuesday next. As no evidence had been gone into, Mr. Keddie begged permission to state how the matter occurred. It appeared from Mr. Keddie's statement, and the deposition of Mr. John Wilson, that on that evening two lodgers at the Trades' Arms had invited Mr. Wilson to join them, and Cornish, a violin-player, calling in to borrow Mr. K.'s violin, had also been invited in, with two companions, to play a tune. Cornish had commenced tuning the instrument, neither himself nor his companions having had any liquor after the house had been closed at nine o'clock, when three constables, Murray, Hood, and Walker, tapped at the door, and were admitted. At this time the two lodgers and Mr. Wilson had each a glass of whiskey toddy. Constable Hood insisted on tasting the liquor, and pronouncing it gin, gave some to Murray, who also tasted. This was about half-past nine. They then left, and some time afterwards the party broke up, and Mr. Keddie was serving Cornish in the bar with a glass of rum, which had been given him by one of the lodgers, when the constables again entered. Mr. Keddie complained much of Hood's manner in the affair, which he stated was very insolent, and said also that Hood had repeatedly told him he would have him some day. The bench remarked that these complaints were always made when an information was laid, and that they could not listen to them when a charge of a breach of the Act was being heard; but if complaint had been made at the time, and the fact proved, no constable should remain in the force who had uttered such threats, or performed his duty in an improper manner. The case was then adjourned till Tuesday next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Cornish (violinist); Music on licensed premises (general)
"SUICIDE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (26 April 1851), 2
See also "SUICIDE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 April 1851), 1 supplement
KEENE, Miss (Miss KEENE)
Teacher of pianoforte and singing
Active Hobart, TAS, 1862 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (2 November 1859), 3
[Advertisement], The Mercury (7 October 1862), 1
PIANOFORTE AND SINGING - MISS KEENE continues her Musical Tuitions at No. 36, Montpelier street, and can now give morning lessons in private families. Terms - Three guineas a quarter for each accomplishment. No vacations given.
[Advertisement], The Mercury (6 January 1865), 3
KEENE, Laura (Laura KEENE)
Active Australia, 23 October 1854 to January 1855 (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (4 April 1854), 2
Among the passengers by the John L. Stephens, were a complete galaxy of theatrical talent, consisting of Kate Hayes, Laura Keene, the Misses Denin, the Batemans and Mrs. Thoman, the gifted lady of the Stage Manager of the Sacramento Theater. Also, Madam Cailly, a singer of reputation, from the opera at Lima . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist, in Australia, from September 1854); Clarisse Cailly (vocalist, in Australia from December 1855)
KEEP, Edward (Edward KEEP; E. KEEP)
Musical amateur, ironmonger, member of Melbourne Philharmonic Society
Born Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, England, 14 January 1828; baptised Great Meeting House (Indepenent), Newport Pagnell, 10 February 1830; son of John KEEP (c. 1790-1857) and Caroline SCRIVENER (1792-1853)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 April 1853 (per Harbinger, from Southampton, February)
Married Janet RONALD (1837-1891), Geelong, VIC, 25 June 1859
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 11 May 1901, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Great Meeting (Independent), Newport Pagnell, 1830; UK National Archives, Non-parochial registers, RG4/254 (PAYWALL)
Keep / Edward Son of John and Caroline Keep of Newport born Jan'y 14 1828 baptized Feb'y 10 1830 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sibling Eliza (b. 9 December 1829) baptised in the same ceremony
England census, 30 March 1851, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Warwickshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2049/315/46 (PAYWALL)
Hagly Road / John Keep / Head / Mar. / 60 / Hardward Merchant / [born] Bucks Newport Pagnell
Caroline [Keep] / Wife / Mar. / 58 / - / [born] Northampton Blacksby
Edward [Keep] / Son / Unm. / 22 / Hardware Merchant's Clerk / [born] Bucks Newport Pagnell . . .
"BIRMINGHAM", Aris's Birmingham Gazette [England] (28 February 1853), 3 (PAYWALL)
Among the passengers who sailed the Harbinger steamer, which left Southampton for Australia a few days ago, was Mr. Edward.Keep, son of our respected townsman Mr. John Keep. Previously to his leaving Birmingham for Australia, a numerous party of Mr. Keep's friends assembled at the Hen and Chickens Hotel, and presented to him a very handsome testimonial, expressive of their regard for his private worth, and of their sincere wishes for his success in the mercantile career he has entered upon.
List of the passengers arrived at Melbourne, 22 April 1853, from Southampton on board the Harbinger; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . [Mr.] Keep / 31 [sic] . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Great Britain from Melbourne, 22nd Oc. 1853 for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Edward Keepe / 25 / Gent. . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (12 January 1855), 5
The Annual Meeting of this Society took place at the Mechanics' Institute, on Tuesday evening, and was well attended.
The Rev. W. Jarrett on being called to the chair made a few prefatory observations and called upon Mr. Patterson, the secretary, who read the following -
"Report of the Committee of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, for the year 1854 . . ."
On the motion of Mr. Keep, seconded by Mr. Tumner, the report was, after some discussion, adopted . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Jarrett (chair); James Paterson (secretary); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (4 January 1856), 5
The second annual meeting of this society was held yesterday evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institution . . .
Mr. Russell was voted to the chair, and called upon the Hon. Secretary, Mr. G. B. Richardson, to read the report, which he did as follows -
Your committee has withing the twelve months undergone considerable change . . .
vacancies which have been filled up by the election of Messrs. G. L. Allan, T. H. Davis, R. Bradford, and W. G. Dredge . . .
The following gentlemen were elected members of committee for the ensuing year:-
W. G. Dredge, Thomas Ewart, Richard Bradford, Thomas Holme Davis, Benjamin Horton, W. H. Williams, E. Keep, Joseph Edwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (chair, conductor); George Bouchier Richardson (secretary); George Leavis Allan (member); Thomas Holme Davis (member); William Gilpin Dredge (member); Thomas Ewart (member); William Henry Williams (member)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (27 June 1859), 4
On the 25th inst., at Geelong, by the Rev. Dr. Brough, Edward Keep, Esq., to Janet, third daughter of R. W. Ronald, Esq., Liverpool.
"PERSONAL", The Argus (13 May 1901), 5
A very old colonist and city merchant, Mr. Edward Keep died at St. Kilda on Saturday, aged 73. Born in Buckinghamshire, England, Mr. Keep, after a business experience in the hardware trade aquired in Birmingham, came to Victoria in the year 1853. For a period of upwards of 40 years from that date, at first in partnership with Mr. Bishop, subsequently with the late Mr. Richard Anderson and Mr. Harcourt, and lately with his nephew, Mr. John Francis Keep, and his son, Mr. Ronald Keep, he established and carried on a successful hardware merchant's business. Early in 1873 Mr. Keep retired from active business in the firm, and went to live in England, always maintaining his connection with the colony by frequent visits. In 1882 he decided again to return to Melbourne, and was resident here at the time of the fire in October, 1899, which destroyed the stock and premises of the old firm of Edward Keep and Co. Mr Keep then decided not to re-engage in active business as a hardware merchant, but devote his attention to his other interests here. The deceased was a director of the London Bank of Australia Limited, a member of the Melbourne board of the British and Foreign Insurance Company, and was interested as a shareholder in other industrial and commercial businesses in Victoria. He took no active part in public life, but was for some years past the chairman of the Victorian Hardware Association, and was well and widely known among the mercantile community in Melbourne. Mr. Keep was a widower, but leaves five children surviving him - Mr. Ernest E. Keep solicitor, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Ronald Keep; Miss Keep, resident in London; Mrs. Whitney, Nebea, Coonamble, New South Wales; and Miss Agnes Keep.
See also "OLD COLONISTS' HOMES", The Age (20 March 1911), 11
KEIDEL, A. (? Augustus KEIDEL; ? Georg August KEIDEL; KEIDLE; ? KIEDEL)
Musician, flute player, flautist, bandmaster (Adelaide Amateur Brass and Reed Band)
? Born Germany, c. 1815
Active Adelaide, SA, 1849-51
? Died Ballarat, VIC, 30 July 1860, aged "45" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Query ? = Kaebet
? "ADELAIDE SHIPPING. ARRIVED", Adelaide Observer (31 October 1846), 6
. . . Wednesday, October 28 . . . Same day. - The ship Herjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel, 560 tons, Laun, master, from Bremen. Passengers . . . Ungar, Schlinker, and Kiedel, miners . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (13 March 1849), 3
New Queen's Theatre . . . FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. W. G. LAMBERT, ON THURSDAY, March 15th . . .
The "Adelaide Amateur Brass and Reed Band," leader Mr. Keidel, have also volunteered their services in the Orchestra,
and will play some admired Polkas and Waltzes . . .
"AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION", South Australian (22 February 1850), 2
Yesterday the Society's annual exhibition was held on the usual spot in the Park Lands; It was in every respect an improvement upon those of former rears, as regards not only the show of produce but the arrangements generally, and the number of persons present . . . The attendance of ladies and gentlemen from Adelaide and the country was very large, and the day was enlivened by the performances of Mr. Keidel's amateur band . . .
"DECLARATION OF CONFIDENCE IN MR. JOHN STEPHENS", South Australian Register (7 March 1850), 2s
. . . A. Keidel, musician, Rundle street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Stephens (newspaper editor and proprietor, died Adelaide, SA, 28 November 1850)
"MOUNT BARKER AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION", South Australian (29 March 1850), 2
. . . The proceedings of the day were enlivened by the performances of the Adelaide Amateur Band, led by Mr. Kiedel [sic], both during the forenoon and after dinner . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (20 May 1850), 1
. . . MR. S. W. WALLACE has the honour to inform the residents of Adelaide and its vicinity that he intends giving a Grand Concert, on the evening of Wednesday, the 22nd inst. . . . assisted by Mrs. Murray, Messrs. Ellard, Gale, Tilly, Fischer, Mater, Hunerbein, Chapman, Keidel, Osborne, Lee, Frederick Coppin, &c., &c. . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (19 July 1850), 1
Conductor - Mr. Wallace.
Principal 1st Violins - Messrs. Wallace, Osborne, Lee, and F. Coppin.
2nd Violins - Messrs. Chapman, Berry, Cobin, jun., and Herr Matter.
Tenors - Messrs. Bennett, Cobin, sen., Swift, and Master Cobin.
Violoncellos - Messrs. Tilly, Allen, Smith, and Thurlow.
Double Basses - Mons. Paris, and Herr Zeigler.
Flutes - Messrs. Addison, Keidel, and Clisby.
Clarionets - Messrs. Gatelin and Williamson.
Cornets a Piston - Messrs. Harwood and McCullagh.
Trombone, Mr. Hewett. Oboe, Mr. Sumsion.
Oplecleide, Herr Huenerbein. Drums, Mr. Barnett. Piano, Mrs. Murray. Mr. Ellard, Herr Cranz, and Herr Weber . . .
On Friday Evening, July 19th, 1850 . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (7 April 1851), 2
. . . GRAND EVENING CONCERT . . . MRS. EDWARD JUPP . . . April 9th, in the Commercial Exchange . . . assisted by . . . Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. F. Ellard, Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mr. C. Walsh, Herr Linger, Mr. Bennett, Herr Mater, Herr Huenerbein, Herr Keidle, Herr Ziegler, Mons. Paris, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Lee, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Harwood, Mr. McCullagh, the Messrs. Cobbin, &c. &c. . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (17 September 1851), 1
ON Wednesday, the 17th of September, a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert will be given at the Exchange,
King William-street . . . by the DEUTSCHE LIEDERTAFEL,
assisted by a Grand Orchestra, and the principal musical talent of this colony, who have most liberally volunteered their services . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 9. Grand chorus, from the Opera "Euryanthe," C. M. v. Weber,
with Bass Accompaniment by Messrs. Chapman, F. Coppin, Herren Huenerbein, Keidel, and Ziegler . . .
"BRIEFE FUER AUSLAENDER", Adelaide Observer (11 December 1852), 8
Die nachfolgenden Briefe fuer Auslaender liegen auf dem General Post-Office in Adelaide zur Abnahme bereit:
. . . George Keidel . . . Mr. Kredel . . .
? "DEATHS", The Star (6 August 1860), 2
On the 30th ult., Augustus Keidel, aged 45 years, late of Klausdhal, Hanover, of jaundice.
KEILEY, Henry (Henry KEILEY)
Amateur tenor vocalist, music reviewer (The Argus, 1869-89)
Born London, England, 1831
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1852
Died Richmond, Melbourne, VIC, 7 March 1889, aged 57 (TROVE public tag) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 November 1854), 8
SPORTSMEN'S ARMS HOTEL, Thursday, 23rd November, 1854.
I hereby beg to apologise for the assault committed on you in my house on the evening of Wednesday,
the 22nd inst, and also, at your request, to pay into the poor-box of the police court, the sum of £2 2s to stay further proceedings.
DANIEL O'REILY. To Mr. Henry Keiley.
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 February 1855), 7
DAGUERREOTYPE Apparatus Wanted; complete. Address Henry Keiley, 123 Flinders-lane east.
. . . 1. From Mr. Henry Keily, Quartz Reef, Pleasant Creek, stating that a society had been formed in that part of Victoria, under the title of the Wimmera Union Ploughing Society, and requesting to be furnished with a copy of the rules observed by the society at ploughing matches . . .
[News], The Argus (12 November 1868), 4
A soiree musicale, the fourth and last of the season, in connexion with the German Liedertafel was given last evening in Hockin's Assembly-rooms . . . The fine duet from Mendelssohn's "Zuleika and Hassan," was well sung by Miss Nordt and Mr. Keiley . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 July 1869), 8
ACADEMY OF MUSIC . . . (Late Princess's Theatre.)
MADAME FANNY SIMONSEN, The celebrated Prima Donna,
Misa REBECCA NORDT, Mezzo Soprano,
Mr. HENRY KEILEY, Tenor, Mr. FR. C. COPE, Basso Profundo,
MARTIN SIMONSEN, The world-renowned Violinist,
HERR STAAB, The great Pianist, And Herr J. SCHOTT, Oboe and Piano, Will appear.
The following select programme will be performed tonight (Thursday), the 29th, and to-morrow (Friday), 30th July . . .
PART SECOND . . . 2. Song, "Come Into the Garden, Maud," Balfe - Mr. Henry Keiley . . .
6. The Miserere Scene from "Il Trovatore," In character, and appropriate scenery, with chorus, Verdi - Madame Fanny Simonsen, tenor part by Mr. Henry Keily.
PART THIRD . . . 3. Duet from "Linda di Chamouni," Donizetti - Miss Rebecca Nordt and Mr. Henry Keiley . . .
6. Quartett, "Good Night," from the opera "Martha," Flotow - Madame Simonsen, Miss Nordt, and Messrs. Keiley and Cope . . .
[News], The Argus (30 July 1869), 4
. . . The less said about Messrs. Keiley and Cope's duet from "I Puritani," perhaps, the better. Mr. Keiley has a good voice, sadly deficient, however, in cultivation. He suffers, too, from the customary fault of amateurs - a disinclination to open his mouth . . .
"Deaths", The Argus (19 April 1881), 1
KEILEY - On the 13th January, at Waldegrave road, Upper Norwood, London, Henrietta, relict of the late Robert Keiley, mother of Henry Keiley, Richmond terrace, aged 81
"Deaths", The Argus (8 March 1889), 1
KEILEY. - On the 7th inst., at his residence, 141 Church-street, Richmond, Henry Keiley, musical critic of "The Argus," aged 57 years.
"DEATH OF MR. H. KEILEY", The Argus (8 March 1889), 7
The death of Mr. Henry Keiley, which we regret to have to announce this morning, removes from journalistic and musical circles of this colony a very prominent figure. Mr. Keiley, who was best known as the musical critic of The Argus, occupied that position for upwards of 20 years, enjoying during that time the entire confidence of the office, the close fellowship and goodwill of his colleagues, and the friendship of all the members of the musical profession with whom he was brought into contact. His genial and gentle personality will be much missed - it is no empty compliment to his memory to say that he was always upright in giving judgment and while he had to deal with performances and appearances of all kinds of artistes, from the greatest who have visited these shores to the aspirants among our native born population, he was always careful that he criticised with dignity, praised when praise was deserved, encouraged when encouragement was necessary, and condemned when the interests of the public demanded it. He never fell into the common error of regarding criticism as an opportunity for fault-finding but, on the contrary, he placed before his readers a bright picture of the occurrence, conjoined with solid information, which rendered his notices a musical education in themselves. He was born in London in 1831, and nurtured among musical surroundings. At a very early age he was made familiar with the efforts of performers of the first rank, and during his youth, though his avocation lay in business in the city, he was always moving among musical people. He came to Victoria in 1852, and sought his fortune at Pleasant Creek (now Stawell). Afterwards, when the gold fields waned, be, in 1869, joined the staff of The Argus as musical critic. As has been said, he retained that position until his death, and the value of the work he did is appreciated by all who have studied it. Mr. Cowen before his departure publicly expressed surprise at the high standard of musical criticism in Melbourne. It was Mr. Keiley who was entitled to the credit of having established that standard. In late years Mr. Keiley suffered much from visitations of gout, and during the currency of the Exhibition, when his labours were most arduous, he was compelled to take a rest. He did not regain strength, not ever, and died last night at 1 o'clock, after eight weeks' illness, from congestion of the brain and gout. He was attended by Dr. Moloney and Dr. Eisner. His funeral will leave his residence, 141 Church street, Richmond, at half past 2 o clock on Saturday afternoon.
"A SERVICE OF SORROW", The Argus (11 March 1889), 8
It was but a week ago that we were required to form a lodge of sorrow for Dr. Bromby, and Saturday last brought a call to a similar function in connection with the burial of Henry Keiley, beloved wherever known. Henry Keiley was musical critic on this journal for 20 years, and through those years it had been his duty to deal with all matters musical which have been introduced to Melbourne. With all people musical also - a matter much more difficult. On Thursday evening last his long day closed. On Saturday afternoon it was announced that he would be buried, and no sooner was this known than all those who had been performers when he was critic, said - "There is a duty before us-we must take a last farewell of our friend." And how should musicians say farewell but with tuneful mourning, even as friends with silent tears?
Therefore, while the town was comparatively quiet on Saturday afternoon, while Flemington was roaring and holiday sport was making noise in every suburb, a somewhat peculiar congregation filled the sombre little pro-Cathedral, made more mournful for the occasion with heavy hangings and draperies of black. Men and women not often seen in ordinary congregations sat there. Men of the world, the town, the theatres, the concert-halls, singers, actors, prime donne of the present and the past decade, theatrical managers, and all those who work in the service of making life sweeter by song. Most of them sat in the body of the church, but a selected few had places within the choir. They were deputed to say farewell in that fashion which the "old man" loved. Picked players from Mr. Cowen's orchestra were there, leaders of the musical societies in the city, and, conducting, those who had been contemporary and competitive with him in his own work.
It was very mournful in the little church even before the bell began its tanging toll and the surpliced choristers their procession. Then, like a troubled spirit, the organ began to moan, the clear melodious voice of the officiating clergyman was heard, and "Old Man Keiley" came in. Not, alas! in the old style; not as we had so often seen him, warped and wrung with gout, maybe - for he had for many years suffered much physical agony - but upright, open faced, true hearted, with voice to which all listened, for it never uttered aught which should give a good man pain. We should never know Keiley in that way any more. He was carried in now. They laid him down there by the music, and around him for a while the sweet voices and the cunningly bandied instruments mourned their best. The beautiful choral burial service of the church was well performed, and that great true poem be loved so well, Beethoven's "March Funebre" was solemnly played. Then out of the church again, and through the half deserted streets to the cemetery, where, when the clergyman had consigned "ashes to ashes, and dust to dust," a choir from the Liedertafels rendered a farewell tribute.
Then all was over. And why had we gathered such a strange congregation? The answer is very simple. It was "Old Man Keiley" who had died and was buried. The term will be only comprehensible to those who know Australia very well. Yet it does not need much interpretation. It is the "old man squatter" who feeds all who come to his door, an "old man rain" that makes the grass grow everywhere. "Old Man Keiley" had known much of Australia, though he brought to us a matured and cultured manhood. He lived his youth in London, and knew London, and loved to talk, as only one who has poetic insight and power of expression can talk, of its present greatness and marvelous history. But, entering into Victoria, he joined the general march to the diggings, and only those who knew him can understand aright how strange a mind went along the bush tracks then, not disguised by the fleas - for the old man's face was very expressive - but concealed from the ignorant by the mole-skin and flannel of the digger's dress.
"I went to a Squatter's house once," he said, "to buy a little flour, everything about the place was very magnificent, but the man a churl. I had to wait a little, and, waiting, I observed. On arrival, said my squatter to me, 'I will not sell you flour, I will give you work ' I replied, 'I could not work here'. He said, 'Why not? and, being constrained to speak truth, I answered, 'Your house here is very fine, but in ill taste, somebody within essays to play the piano, but is ill taught. I could not endure these things.' And then he refused me flour."
That incident is indicative of his character, which never changed. He came down to Melbourne with intent to sing; but his literary gift was quickly recognised, and in 1869 he accepted that position which he held till his death. His method of criticism was not of that niggling and pedantic sort which seeks to make note of any slightest slip or error in the performance of the most complex matters, but rather to deal in just and generous fashion with whatever came before him, to make a fair record, and to do a little in the way of additional interpretation. And his best knowledge was not that in which the commonplace critic delights. Music to him was essential - almost a first essential - to the complete being of man, and he loved to trace its history in connection with human and with national development. He knew the music of England from the beginning, and would often reply with magnificent scorn to those very cultured, but also superficial, folk who talk of Germany, or even Italy, as the birthplace of good music.
"I tell you, sir, that when Germans were croaking tuneless gutturals, and Italians whining but the songs of slaves, English cathedrals rang with glorious sound, and English homes knew melodies which have never been surpassed."
How full was his knowledge of the whole history and literature of music was well shown in the lecture he delivered in the Town hall a year ago on the "History of Music in All Nations." It was said at the time that the lecture was cut too short by reason of the multitude of examples, for the old man had but to beckon, and "the profession" marched en masse to his aid.
We who knew him well, however, were not bound to him by any knowledge or admiration of his powers, but by a true love of his truly gentle and lovable nature. In five and thirty years of labour in Australia he had never lost a friend worthy to be so called, because he never did aught that justice did not demand and a just but generous humanity approve. And so the long day closeth, and another Ave atque vale is spoken, and we get about the everyday work again, though with a consciousness of a bigger gap and more constant want than one man's departure usually makes.
Stage works:
Alfred the great, a dramatic & musical fancy written and arranged by Marcus Clarke and Henry Keiley [the music composed by Fred Lyster and Alfred Plumpton] (Melbourne: Nicholson & Ascherberg, [1879])
KEITEL, August (August KEITEL)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1850
? Active Ballarat, VIC, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (23 February 1850), 2
Our readers, who were so much pleased with the musical entertainment at the Agricultural Show on Thursday, will be interested to learn that the leader of the very efficient band, Mr. August Keitel, was presented in the evening by his fellow-musicians with a handsome silver snuff-box, on wich a suitable inscription was engraved, as a token of regard and esteem they bear him.
"AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION . . . THE DINNER", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (23 February 1850), 3
At seven o'clock, about one hundred members and friends of the Society sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Host Dyke, in the long room of the Freemasons' Tavern . . . The amateur band, ied by Mr. Keitel, was in attendance, and executed at intervals marches, waltzes, and more difficult music, in a style which did them great credit . . .
"MOUNT BARKER AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (30 March 1850), 3
On Wednesday the 27th instant, the annual exhibition of this Association was held at Balhannah. A suitable pavilion and stock-pens were erected on a section of land the property of Osmond Gilles [sic], Esq., on the banks of the now celebrated Onkaparinga . . . His Excellency Sir Henry Young and the Hon. Capt Sturt were present . . . while the picturesque and happy scene was enlivened by the spirited performances of Mr. Keitel's amateur band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Osmond Gilles (landowner); Henry Young (governor); Charles Sturt (surveyor)
? [Advertisement], The Star (17 August 1857), 3
THIS EVENING - MONDAY, And every evening during the week
Engagement of the celebrated local comic singer, MR. COXON . . .
the celebrated Dancers, the MISSES WISEMAN.
The Proprietor having determined upon affording the inhabitants of Ballarat, and its environs, a grand musical treat - a la Jullien -
has engaged the most celebrated artistes in the colonies, thus forming
A MONSTER BAND, The solo performers consisting of
Herr Richty and Herr Weideman, 1st Violins.
Monsieur Feon, and Herr Rodi, 2nd Violins.
Herr Keitel, and - Navaiski, Tenor.
Herr Elliott, Contra Bass.
Herr Bohler, Flute.
Herr Bouleke, 1st Clarionet.
Herr Holzapfell, 2nd Clarionet.
Herr Vohr, Oboe.
Herr Ide, 1st Cornet.
Herr Busse, 2nd Cornet.
Herr Schulze, Trombone.
Mr. Parker, Pianist.
Monsieur PIETRO CANNA, on the Drums.
Leader of the Band, HERR RICHTY.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (proprietor); Carl Richty (leader, violin); John Coxon (comic vocalist); Pietro Canna (drums); none of the other musicians named have as yet been reliably identified
KELK, Miss (Miss KELK)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1845 (shareable link to this entry)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1845), 2
. . . THIS EVENING, JULY 28, 1845 . . . The Mazurka, by Miss Kelk . . .
KELLERMANN, Frederick (senior) (Frederick William KELLERMANN)
Musical amateur; pianist, foundation committee member of Sydney Philharmonic Society
Born Frankfurt, Germany, c. 1822/23; son of Karl and Julia KELLERMANN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 May 1853 (per Panthea)
Married Sarah Baxindine HUMPHREYS (d. 1887), Woolloomooloo, NSW, 30 April 1859
Died St. Leonards, NSW, 10 February 1898, aged 75 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
KELLERMANN, William (Frederick William KELLERMANN, senior; KELLERMAN)
Instructor in vocal and instrumental music, professor of music
Born Germany, c. 1822; son of Karl and Julia KELLERMANN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 May 1853 (per Panthea, from the Downs, 26 January)
Married Ann Willis SIMPSON (d. 1858), Maitland, NSW, 1857
Died Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW, 15 June 1891, in his 71st year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
KELLERMANN, Frederick William (junior; Frederick William KELLERMANN; F. W. KELLERMAN)
Musician, professor of piano and theory, violinist
Born Sydney, NSW, 23 May 1860; son of Frederick KELLERMANN (above) and Sarah HUMPHREYS
Married Alice CHARBONNET, Sacred Heart and St. John's churches, Ashfield, NSW, 18 December 1882
Died Paris, France, 8 October 1907, aged 47 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The brothers Frederick and William Kellerman arrived in Sydney, from England, on the Panthea, on 8 May 1853, their fellow passengers including the printer and engraver John Degotardi and his wife.
"A pupil of the celebrated Mr. Staudigl of Vienna", presumably Joseph Staudigl (1807-1861), William was in partnership with his brother Frederick as merchant traders in Sydney and Maitland by late 1853.
Frederick, based principally in Sydney, was a founding committee member of the Sydney Philharmonic Society in 1854.
Having withdrawn from the business partnership with his brother, William Kellerman appeared in Maitland in concerts in June 1855 and advertised as a music teacher in December. He was a founding member and conductor of the Maitland Philharmonic Institute, which gave him a benefit concert in November 1858. Together with Dr. Charles Horn and Marmaduke Wilson, he organised a concert in "aid of the distressed in Lancashire" in August 1862. By December 1863, having meanwhile arranged his piano, harmonium, music, books and furniture to creditors to be actioned in January 1864, he had relocated and was teaching again in Sydney.
Frederick's son, Frederick William Kellermann, born in 1860, was, like his uncle, also a professional musician; he married the pianist Alice Charbonnet in 1882.
May 8. - Panthea, 511 tons, Captain Hannant, from the Downs January 26th., Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Decotardi [sic], Messrs. Tindall, H. Bateman, K. Keightley, King, Gothemanas [sic], two Kellermans, Foulk, Hogg, and two in the intermediate. Montefiore, Graham, and Co , agents.
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (1 October 1853), 15
Sold at 7s. 6d. per box at MESSRS. KELLERMANN BROTHERS, & Co., Wholesale Depot, 30, Hunter-street, Sydney . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 December 1853), 1 supplement
Wholesale Warehouse OF MESSRS. KELLERMANN, BROTHERS, & CO.. High-street, West Maitland . . .
Direct Importers of, and Wholesale Dealers in German, French, and English Goods . . .
The Goods lately landed comprise chiefly Musical Boxes, Accordeons, Flutinas, Concertinas, Violins, Looking Glasses . . .
No. 30, Hunter-street, Sydney, and High-street, West Maitland.
[Advertisement], Empire (8 March 1854), 1
THIS Society has been established by a number of musical gentlemen, for the cultivation and performance of the most approved vocal and instrumental music.
The proceeds after paying the necessary expenses to go towards a fund for the encouragement of musical talent in this colony.
The Society to be supported by annual subscriptions, and by voluntary contributions, and to consist of members, subscribers, and associates.
Members to take an active part in the Society, and subscribers to be admitted to the concerts;
the former to pay and annual subscription of £2, and the latter, £1 1s.
Associates are elected by the Committee, and admitted gratuitously.
Parties desirous of joining the Society, will please send their names and the amount of their subscriptions, either to the
Treasurer, Mr. B. Mountcastle, George-street, the gentlemen of the Committee -
Mr. Gilbert Wright, King-street
Mr. Frederick Kellerman, Church-hill
Mr. Charles Younger, Pitt-street
Mr. Francis Clarke, Woolloomooloo
Mr. William MacDonnell, George-street,
Or to MONS. EUGENE PARIS, Hon. Secretary, 231, Elizabeth-street.
"CONCERTS IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Maitland Mercury (13 June 1855), 2
This evening, at the Rose Inn, and on Friday, at the Court-house, East Maitland, two concerts will be given in aid of the Patriotic Fund, which we have little doubt will be most numerously attended. Our readers are well aware that the musical talent of Maitland is of very high character, and that any concert at which Mr. Kellermann presides will be conducted with taste and spirit. We perceive that Mr. Kellermann is on each evening to sing two songs, whilst Mr. Sullivan will give two solos on the cornet-a-piston. Mrs. Pritson [Bridson] will on each evening sing three songs, her performances on the first evening consisting of three favourite ballads, and on the second evening of classic Italian music, with the beautiful Song, "Hark, hark, I pray thee haste away." Besides several glees there will also be a piano and violin duet from the opera of William Tell. For such an object, and with such a concentration of talent, we trust that on both occasions there will be bumper houses.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (5 December 1855), 3
Music and Singing.
MR. WILLIAM KELLERMANN has the honor to announce to his friends and the public that he purposes giving instructions in
VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, and will be happy to attend schools and pupils at home, or at his own residence.
Should sufficient inducement offer, classes, separate for ladies and gentlemen,
conducted on the most approved principles of continental masters, will be formed, to join which early application is solicited.
For terms, &c., address -
MR. W. KELLERMANN, West Maitland.
"MAITLAND PHILHARMONIC INSTITUTE", Northern Times (30 September 1857), 2
On Monday last the members of the Maitland Philharmonic Institute gave a musical entertainment in the hall of the School of Arts. Long before the commencement of the proceedings the hall was tolerably filled, and ere the conclusion of the performance, was crammed to overflowing. One of the members of the Institute delivered a lecture on music, and very prudently occupied only about an hour in the delivery of his discourse. The first part of the lecture consisted chiefly of historical memoranda, tending to show that the influence of music was elevating and universal; and the latter part comprised disquisitions on the ancient music of Scotland, the mode in which music operated on the passions, the direct and indirect imitative power of music, and the history and nature of the modern opera. The lecturer interspersed his remarks with some choice extracts from various poets. At the conclusion of the lecture the musical part of the entertainment began. A number of ladies and gentlemen connected with the institute cheerfully lent their valuable services on the occasion. Webbe's glee "Glorious Apollo" was sung by the company, after which the "Merry Sunshine" was given with great taste and suitable brilliancy by Miss Elizabeth Cunningham. The lady was rapturously encored. The Fuschia Valse (cornct and piano) followed, the cornet being played by Mr. Brown and the piano by Mr. Kellermann. The performance was loudly applauded. The glee "See our oars," by Sir John Stevenson, was given with great effect, and drew a rapturous encore. A piece, comprising two beautiful airs from Norma, with modern words, "Sun of Freedom," was sung by Mr. Briggs with great skill and effect, the music being extremely suitable to his fine deep voice. It were unpardonable to omit mentioning the beautiful arias "All is lost" and "Still so gently," beautifully sung by Mrs. Kellermann. This lady displays great promise of future musical excellence should she be disposed to cultivate the gifts of nature. A solo on the guitar was performed by Mr. Hitchins with a view of shewing the capabilities and imperfections of that instrument when played on In a large room and before a crowded assembly. It is needless to say that the artist extracted as much music from his instrument as the imperfection of the guitar would permit. "Thou art gone from my gaze," sung by Miss A. Riley with much sweetness and expression, elicited a hearty burst of applause. A glee was then sung, and then a duet (Friendship) was sweetly rendered by Miss Elizabeth and Miss Theresa Cunningham, after which Mr. James Dean sang a sacred solo, "Lord, remember David," with great precision and effect, his voice being very suitable to the rendering of that beautiful air. He was greatly and deservedly applauded. In the course of the evening, Dr, Wilkinson sang in true Scherzando style, "O the merry days when we were young," and being rapturously encored, substituted for the preceding a pretty German air. "Where the bee sucks." was rendered very effectively by the company, and was encored. Mr. Kellerman presided at the pianoforte with his usual taste and ability. The whole affair was extremely well conducted, and passed off without anything occurring to mar the pleasures of the evening. The singing, though not first-class, was respectable, and such as cultivated ears might listen to with delight; and a better conducted audience never before assembled in Maitland, nor in any other place. There could not have been less than 400 persons present, and many had to go away, not being able to obtain admittance. We congratulate the Philharmonic Institute on this its first concert and first success, and hope that it will continue to extend its influence proudly and wide, until it reaches maturity and becomes an ornament to the town and neighbourhood.
"CONCERT ON BOXING NIGHT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (29 December 1857), 2
On Saturday night a second concert was given at the School of Arts by Miska Hauser and Boulanger . . . Mr. W. Kellermann sang several songs, including Kathleen Mavourneen, and was accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. F. Kellermann - those gentlemen contributing much to the gratification of the assembly.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (18 November 1858), 3
"MR. KELLERMANN'S CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (25 November 1858), 2
On Monday evening the members or the Maitland Philharmonic Institute gave Mr. Kellermann, their efficient conductor, a benefit concert at the School of Arts, West Maitland. Considering the increase of the price of admission, the attendance was good. The programme which appeared to have been carefully selected was gone through in a manner highly creditable to the pupils and their teacher. Criticism we conceive should not be made and therefore refrain from making those pointed allusions which we hold to be objectionable in notices of amateur performances. We would remark however that the finish was much superior to the commencement. Confidence, or which at first there appeared a want, was then felt, and the contrast was gratifying. The duetts by the Messrs. Kellermann were very favourably received and the song of "Piff Paff," by Meyerbeer sung by Mr. W. Kellerman, was loudly applauded. The reception he met with shows in what estimation he is held by the public as a conductor and teacher of music. And to his assiduous attention and perseverance may be attributed the marked progress made by the members of the Institute, whose concerts are looked forward to with much interest, and which give general satisfaction. We heartily commend the Institute to the support of every inhabitant of the town.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1859), 1
On Saturday, the 30th of April, by the Rev. Dr. Lang, at the residence of Mr. M. Castle, 45, Bourke street, Woolloomooloo, the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. Frederick Kellermann, merchant, Sydney, to Miss Sarah Baxindine Humphreys, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Humphreys, of Greenwich, England.
"BIRTHS", Empire (26 May 1860), 8
KELLERMANN. - On Wednesday, the 23rd May, at her residence, 106, Harrington-street, Mrs. F. Kellermann, of a son.
"MAITLAND PHILHARMONIC INSTITUTE", The Maitland Mercury (16 May 1861), 2
On Monday evening a public meeting of inhabitants of West Maitland, convened by advertisement, was held at the School of Arts, for the purpose of reorganizing the Philharmonic Institute. The attendance was very scanty . . . There had been three conductors - Mr. Kellermann, Mr. Bateman, and Mr. Hitchins . . . Mr. Hitchins had conducted the institute gratuitously after Mr. Kellermann left, and only resigned when it was resolved to pay a conductor. The ladies had left, or were leaving before Mr. Kellermann left . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (19 August 1862), 1
Mr. MEULMAN, Bandmaster, And a large number of talented Ladies and Gentlemen,
Amateurs, beg to inform the public that the above WILL TAKE PLACE on TUESDAY, the 9th of September,
at the School of Arts, West Maitland . . .
"MESSRS. POUSSARD AND DOUAY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (5 November 1863), 2
. . . they are about to visit this district, and give concerts at Maitland, Newcastle, and Singleton during the ensuing week. Messrs. Kellermann and Lachaume, to whom we owe the anticipated pleasure of hearing these artistes, deserve the thanks of the public . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1863), 1
SINGING and MUSIC - Mr. WILLIAM KELLERMANN, pupil of the celebrated Mr. Staudigl, of Vienna, begs to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Sydney that he is prepared to teach the above accomplishments. For terms apply to Messrs. WILKIE, ELVY, and CO., 221, George-street.
"MR. R. N. SADLEAR'S SALES", The Maitland Mercury (9 January 1864), 2
We have been requested to direct attention to Mr. R. N. Sadlear's . . . sale on Monday, at Mrs. McCartney's residence, comprising pianoforte, harmonium, superior furniture, books, music, &c., the property of Mr. William Kellermann . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (9 January 1864), 4
MR. R. N. SADLEAR has received instructions from W. Kellermann, Esq., to sell by auction, at the residence of Mrs. McCartney, Free Church-street,
West Maitland, on MONDAY, the 11th day of January, at Twelve o'clock,
One very superior ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE, nearly new, by Aucher, Paris, 7 octaves, 3 stringed oblique folding keyboard - as powerful and sweet in tone as a grand piano.
One HARMONIUM, quite new, by Alexandre, Paris, 13 stops; suitable either for a church, school, or the drawing-room.
Also, A quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting of chairs, sofas, chest of drawers, washstands, &c.;
and a lot of Books, Music, &c., &c., &c.
The Auctioneer deems it scarcely necessary to remark that Mr. Kellermann's possession of the above superb instruments is a sufficient guarantee of excellence.
He desires to state, however, that they were imported direct from Paris for his own use, and are now disposed of only in consequence of his departure from the district . . .
"Marriages", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 December 1882), 1
KELLERMANN - CHARBONNET. - December 18, at the Sacred Heart Church, by the Rev. Father Garvey, and at St. John's, Ashfield, by the Rev. Dr. Corlette, Frederick William Kellermann, eldest son of F. W. Kellermann, Esq., Ashfield, to Alice, daughter of the late A. Charbonnet, Chief Justice, New Caledonia, and of the late Madame Charbonnet.
Frederick Kellerman (senior), certificate of naturalization, 26 February 1884; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Frederick Kellermann, a native of Frankfort on the Main, Germany, aged 60 years, who is a Merchant, and arrived in the Colony of New South Wales by the ship Panthea in the year 1853 and who has resided in the said Colony for 30 years . . . given . . . this 26th day of February [1884] . . .
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1891), 1
KELLERMAN - June 15, at 66 Albert-terrace, Darlinghurst, William, beloved brother of Frederick Kellermann, in his 71st year.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (23 June 1891), 4633
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. PROBATE JURISDICTION. In the will of William Kellermann, late of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, professor of music, deceased. APPLICATION will be made, after fourteen days from the publication hereof, that probate of the last will of the above named deceased, may be granted to Frederick Kellermann, of Sydney, in the said Colony, merchant, and Albert Whitby Simpson, of Armidale, in the said Colony, solicitor, the executors named in the said will. SLY & HAMILTON, Proctors, George-street, Sydney.
Pianist, composer
Born Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 12 October 1858
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by April 1878
Married Frederick William KELLERMANN, Sacred Heart and St. John's churches, Ashfield, NSW, 18 December 1882
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1907 (for London and Paris)
Died Paris, France, 14 July 1914 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
A daughter of the late Chief Justice of New Caledonia, Alice Charbonnet "of the Conservatoire of Paris" (1876-77), made her Sydney debut as a pianist in April 1878. In 1882 she married Australian-born violinist Frederick Kellermann junior (nephew of William Kellermann above). Though at first billing herself in Australia as Madame Charbonnet-Kellermann, later in life in Paris she reportedly preferred to be known as Madame Kellermann. Her daughter was the Australian swimmer Annette Kellermann, and a son Maurice (b. Sydney, 1885), a violinist, settled in the USA in 1912.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1878), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 April 1878), 2
"Marriages", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 December 1882), 1
KELLERMANN - CHARBONNET. - December 18, at the Sacred Heart Church, by the Rev. Father Garvey, and at St. John's, Ashfield, by the Rev. Dr. Corlette, Frederick William Kellermann, eldest son of F. W. Kellermann, Esq., Ashfield, to Alice, daughter of the late A. Charbonnet, Chief Justice, New Caledonia, and of the late Madame Charbonnet.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1890), 12
[Advertisement], The Methodist (11 August 1900), 6
. . . Little Frederick Kellerman (8 years old, son of . . . Madame C. Kellermann), the Wonderful Child Violinist . . .
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 June 1914), 6
"PERSONAL", The West Australian (26 August 1914), 6
"MENTONE", Brighton Southern Cross (5 September 1914), 4
Musical works (Alice Charbonnet-Kellermann):
"M. K." [Madadme Kellermann]: Composer's bound album of sheet music editions
"Madame Charbonnet Kellermann's Pianoforte Works": Bound album of sheet music editions
See also:
Bibliography and resources:
G. P. Walsh, "Kellermann, Annette Marie Sarah (1886-1975)", Australian dictionary of biography 9 (1983)
Angela Woollacott, Race and the modern exotic: three 'Australian' women on global display (Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2011), "Chapter 1: Annette Kellerman: mermaids and South Sea Islanders"
Soprano vocalist
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1848 (shareable link to this entry)
Kellow was described as a "native"; was she perhaps Fanny Kellow, born in Hobart 14 November 1825?
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (24 August 1848), 3
. . . The amateurs performed, and sang admirably, and a Miss Kellow (a native, as we understand) gave proofs of very great innate, and acquired ability. Her tone of voice is clear and melodious, and her great attention to time deserves praise. Her intention to the musical reading before her, as respects tune, and the admirable manner in which the accompaniments to her singing were performed, were excellent. In our opinion, Miss Kellow will prove one of our best vocalists, by care and attention. As a very young person at a first appearance as a singer, she displayed that quietude of nerve, upon which very materially depends success. A few more years will give her an increased knowledge of the world, with all its pains and pleasures. This practical knowledge influences the heart and feelings, and cannot but assist in giving that expression to music, without which singing by score is mere mechanical sound . . .
KELLY, Isabella (Mrs. William Vincent WALLACE), and sisters and their descendents - see main entry KELLY FAMILY
Tenor vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1842), 3
The Spacious Hall, Sydney College,
WILL be performed THIS EVENING, the 27th May, 1842. The Overtures and the whole of the Music,
expressly arranged for full orchestra (which, by the politeness of Colonel French, will include the Band of the 28th Regiment) by Mr. Nathan . . .
TENORS - Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Allen, Mr. Richards, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Nathan . . .
KELLY, Edward (Edward KELLY)
Born c. 1821
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, April 1856 (per City of Hobart, from Hobart Town, 24 April, aged "35") (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descriptions of passengers per City of Hobart, from Hobart Town, 24 April 1856, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Edw'd Kelly / 35 / Musician . . .
KELLY, Charles (Charles KELLY; Charley KELLY)
Choir singer (St. Joseph's Catholic chapel), congregational singer (St. Mary's cathedral)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1830s
Died Sydney, NSW, March 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1857), 8
The Friends of the deceased Mr. CHARLES KELLY, commonly known as OLD CHARLEY KELLY, are invited to attend his funeral; to move from St. Mary's Cathedral THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. JAMES CURTIS, undertaker. Hunter-street. March 5th, 1857.
"DEATH OF AN OLD SYDNEY CHARACTER", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 March 1857), 2
J. H. B. Curtis, "SOME QUEER OLD FOLKS OF OLD SYDNEY", Freeman's Journal (4 July 1907), 2
. . . One of the most frequent attendants at St. Mary's was Charley Kelly. He used frequently go thrice a day, and never less than twice, and went to Communion three or four times a week. No character was better known in the city. He earned his living by collecting debts. He was a member of the choir of St. Joseph's Chapel, before the Cathedral was built. Some of the music sung there was taken down from Charley's voice, and when they had a good choir in the Cathedral, Charley would always turn up on Christmas Day to take the counter-tenor part in the "Cantet Nunc Io" of the "Adeste Fideles." If poor old Charley has not gone to heaven, few of us will have a chance . . .
MUSIC: Adeste fidelis (US edition, c. 1810)
KELLY, James (James KELLY; Captain KELLY)
Sealer, mariner, amateur accordion player, fiddler, violin player songwriter
Born Parramatta, NSW, 24 December 1791; son of James KELLY and Catherine DEVEREAUX
Married Elizabeth GRIFFITHS (1796-1831), St. Philip's church, Sydney, NSW, 17 November 1812
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 20 April 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE REPORT . . . Thursday, November 21st", The Tasmanian (22 November 1833), 7
James Kelly, Colin Coburn, James Woolf, William Booth, Joseph Dunn, and James Coates, were charged with very disorderly conduct in the streets of Hobart Town late last night. The defendants were whalers, enjoying their lay, with Mr. Kelly the fiddler, at their head, chaunting along Liverpool-street, and all hands joining chorus. They might have passed, but on very quiet remonstrance, they shewed fight, and in consequence they were favoured with a lodging, and ordered to find sureties for their future good behaviour.
"HOBART TOWN POLICE REPORT", Trumpeter General (3 October 1834), 2
John Kelly [sic], fiddler to a whaling company, and for a long time master musician to "King William the Fourth," at Hobart Town, at whose residence he so played upon constable Clarke's service (who went to execute a warrant upon him) as to overpower him; and he escaped, but was afterwards heard of playing his tender ditties in the bush, and was brought from his Arcadean retirement to Hobart Town, to attend a concert at the Police Office, when the most noxious instrument, the base viol, played him a tune to the amount of 10l. and costs and spoilt his fiddle.
"Hobart Town Police Report . . . Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1835", Colonial Times (24 November 1835), 8
Francis Heany or Gilheany, prayed for redress under the following circumstances. He stated, that having been upon intimate terms with Mr. Fiddler Kelly, who a long time since had retained his fiddle, stick and all. This was about eighteen months back. That he had brought the case repeatedly before Mr. Mason who had dismissed it; notwithstanding which, he was determined to keep the fiddle in tune, and had applied to Mr. Holland, the information clerk, who had d-d him and his fiddle too, and all the Irishmen! in the country. Mr. Holland explained, that the fiddling story had been repeatedly before Mr. Mason, but as no felony had been proved, the case had been discharged, and that probably knowing so much pen, ink, paper, and time had been Wasted on such a fiddling case, he might have d-d the fiddle, and that he had refused to waste any more time about it, until he had first referred the complainant to the magistrate. This explanation unstrung the fiddle, and destroyed the case. Mr. Gilheany then complained of Mr. Holland having reported in the newspapers a case of felony he had preferred against a female, which had been dismissed as groundless. The Magistrate informed him that was a case, although no fiddle, in which he could not interfere, and Mr. Gilheany left the office, quite out of tune, growling like a "base viol."
"SUDDEN DEATH OF A VERY OLD COLONIST", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (21 April 1859), 2
Yesterday morning the city was shocked by a report of the sudden death of Mr. James Kelly, better known as Captain Kelly, who it was stated had dropped down dead in the street. The report was true to some extent, for although he did not instantly die, he expired on the way to the Colonial Hospital . . .
Will Lawson, "OUR LITTLE-KNOWN EXPLORERS. 2. INTREPID CAPTAIN KELLY", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 April 1939), 11
. . . It was Lady Franklin who said of Kelly, and a song he composed called The Blue Song, when writing to a friend in England: "I am sending you a song entitled The Blue Song. It was written by Kelly the Whaler, a curious and rich old fellow. He sports a carriage on which he has for a crest a hand grasping a harpoon with the motto, "Olium."
Will Lawson, "How old are sea chanties?", The World's News (20 June 1953), 12
Today no relics remain of Captain Kelly's songs, but the melodion on which he played them lies in an historical museum in Launceston.
Bibliography and resources:
Will Lawson, Blue gum clippers and whale ships of Tasmania (1949), 17, 73
K. M. Bowden, Captain James Kelly of Hobart Town (1964), 122 note 9
. . . "The Blue Song" cannot be traced. Evidently Kelly was musical - his accordion is in the Launceston Museum . . .
E. R. Pretyman, "Kelly, James (1791-1859)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
KELLY, John (John KELLY)
Musician, bandsman (Band of the 51st Regiment)
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), August 1846
Died India, 1846/47 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 51st Regiment
[News], The Courier (12 August 1846), 3
"THE 51ST REGIMENT IN INDIA", The Courier (15 May 1857), 2
We regret to record that, since the arrival of the head-quarters of this fine regiment in the China and Agincourt, at Bangalore, there have been many deaths, among whom we may mention . . . sergeant Jones (of the band,) . . . Kelly (of the band,) Simpson (of the buglers) . . .
"THE 51st REGIMENT IN INDIA", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (22 May 1847), 2
Under this head we published in a recent Courier several interesting particulars of the arrival of the main body of the regiment In India,
including a notice of the mortality which occurred, from cholera, in the fatiguing march from Poonamalee to Bangalore,
between the dates of 9th and 23rd January. We are now enabled to publish a more full and detailed list of the men,
women, and children who perished from the disease, numbered in the order in which the deaths occurred - . . .
10. John Kelly, of the band . . .
To the above may be added Sergeant Jones of the band, and Mrs. Cameron.
KELLY, Ned (Edward KELLY; Ned KELLY)
Bushranger, amateur singer
Born Beveridge, VIC, June 1855
Executed Melbourne, VIC, 11 November 1880 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
The "Kelly song" has been whimsically identified as "Farewell to my home in Greta"; however, whatever song the report was actually referring to remains a mystery.
"DESTRUCTION OF THE KELLY GANG", The Argus (30 June 1880), 6
. . . Between 12 and 1 o'clock on Sunday morning one of Mrs. Jones's sons sang the Kelly song for the amusement of the gang, and his mother occasionally asked him to sing out louder. Most of the prisoners were then cleared from the front parlour, and the gang had a dance. They danced a set of quadrilles, and Mr. David Mortimer, brother-in-law of the school-master, furnished the music with a concertina. Ned Kelly had the girl Jones for a partner, Dan had Mrs. Jones, and Byrne and Hart, danced with male prisoners.
"THE KELLY GANG", Australian Town and Country Journal (10 July 1880), 6
"THE KELLY GANG. TO THE EDITOR", The Mercury (26 July 1880), 3
"INTERCOLONIAL SUMMARY", South Australian Register (7 August 1880), 2 Supplement
Ned Kelly has been removed from Melbourne to Beechworth. On the journey he was some times rather noisy, as if wishing to direct attention to himself. He sang two bushranging songs, conversed freely stout his exploits, and pointed out different objects of interest on the way, especially in the neighbourhood of the Strathbogie Ranges.
[News], The Argus (1 December 1881), 7
"THE KELLY GANG OF BUSHRANGERS", The Advertiser (19 August 1911), 23
"The Real Story of NED KELLY", Mirror (25 July 1953), 8
Associated musical works:
Songs of the Kelly gang ([Hobart Town: T. W. Allen, 1879/80])
A song sheet containing four pro-Kelly songs written and published while the gang was still active; 2nd song set to the tune of "Going to Ballarat"; 3rd song to tune of "Bold Sojer Boy"; 4th song "Sticking up of the Euroa Bank".
Bibliography and resources:
John V. Barry, "Kelly, Edward (Ned) (1855-1880)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)
KEMPTON, Mr. and Mrs (? Mr. and Mrs. Samuel KEMPTON)
Musicians, vocalists, violinist, guitarist
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1856 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (28 October 1856), 1
A CAPITAL EVENING'S AMUSEMENT. AT THE CITY BRIDGE HOTEL. ADMISSION FREE EVERY EVENING. MR. and MRS. KEMPTON, who have just arrived from England, will make their first appearance in these colonies, as Musicians and Vocalists, at the City Bridge Hotel. Performances will be given on the Guitar, Violin, and some racy COMIC and fine old SENTIMENTAL SONGS will be introduced by these Artistes. The DANCING will be accompanied as usual, by the well-known musician, Mr. O. Blake, on the Violin.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (2 December 1856), 1
SINGING and DANCING every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evening, at the ROSE OF AUSTRALIA; to commence at half-past 7. Room conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Kempton.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (3 July 1857), 1
AMUSEMENT EVERY EVENING, at the CITY BRIDGE HOTEL.- Admission Free. - More Songs and More Fun. - Mr. J. HEED, having engaged the services of Mr. and Mrs. Kempton (who have lately made their appearance in these colonies as musicians and vocalists), they will give their performances on the Guitar and Violin, and some racy Comic and fine old Sentimental Songs will be introduced, by them. Mr. Newson, the well-known vocalist, will also sing some of his good old Irish and English Comic Songs, for which he has been so much applauded in these colonies. Mrs. Martin will, as usual, perform on the Pianoforte, whose musical talent needs no comment. The worthy Host will always be willing to oblige with one of his good humoured Comic Songs. The Dancing as usual. Remember - Admission free.
"LAW AND CRIMINAL COURTS", South Australian Register (17 August 1858), 3
. . . Samuel Kempton, harness-maker and player on the violin - Bought the duplicate or the watch from the prisoner, who was washing for him at the latter end of June . . .
Librettist, songwriter, poet
Born Ulladulla, NSW, 18 April 1839
Died Surry Hills, NSW, 1 August 1882 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
In addition to his major collaborations with Charles Horsley and Paolo Giorza, Kendall wrote many poems he designated as "songs". Notably, his 1862 collection, Poems and songs (published in Sydney by Jacob Clarke) included the "Squatter's song" and "Song of the cattle hunters". Later collection were Leaves from Australian forests (1869) and Songs from the mountains (1880).
In the colonial era, song settings were made of Kendall's poetry by George Peck and George B. Allen.
In the Federation era, Alfred Hill, Christian Hellemann, and Varney Monk composed and published settings of Kendall's songs.
"KERRASSU. AN ABORIGINAL SONG", Bell's Life in Sydney (30 November 1861), 4
"ABORIGINAL DEATH SONGS", Clarence and Richmond Examiner (15 April 1862), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1863), 1
"HENRY KENDALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1863), 8
[Advertisement]: "MASONIC HALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1872), 8
"LITERATURE. Poems and Songs by Henry Kendall", Australian Town and Country Journal (29 March 1873), 18
"POEMS AND SONGS BY HENRY KENDALL", Empire (31 March 1873), 4
Works with music by colonial composers:
Silent tears (words by Henry Kendall; music by G. Peck; "A song of affection"; "Dedicated with permission to Lady Stephen, Lyon's Terrace, Hyde Park") (Sydney: Peck's Music Repository, [1859])
The song of the cattle hunters (song with chorus; words: Henry Kendall; as sung by Christy's Minstrels; dedicated to the squatters of NSW) ([Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1863])
A wild night (poetry by Henry Kendall; the music composed expressly for and sung by Mrs. Cutter by G. B. Allen) (Melbourne: Lee & Kaye, [1870])
Euterpe (op.76: an ode to music written by Henry Kendall, composed expressly for the opening of the new town hall . . . by Charles Edward Horsley) (Melbourne: W. H. Glen, [1870)
Honor the hero ("Song in Memory of our lamented patriot, the late W.C. Wentworth") (words: Henry Kendall) [Unidentified print] Copy at SL-NSW (Mitchell Library); see Thomas Thornton Reed, Henry Kendall: A Critical Appreciation (Rigby, 1960), 56
Cantata written expressly for the opening ceremony of the Sydney International Exhibition (words by Henry Kendall; music by cavaliere Paolo Giorza (Sydney: [The Exhibition], [1879/80])
The poems of Henry Kendall with biographical note by Bertram Stevens (original edition 1920; transcript Project Gutenberg Australia)
Bibliography and resources:
T. T. Reed, "Kendall, Thomas Henry (1839-1882)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)
Musician, pianist, organist, musical instrument maker, tuner, and repairer, organ builder, piano tuner
Born Margate, Kent, England, 1834; baptised St. John the Baptist, Margate, 1 June 1834; son of Isaac Debock KENNARD (d. 1866) and Charlotte
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 April 1855 (per Gipsey Queen, from London, 1 January and Plymouth, 13 January)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 26 January 1859 (per Maidstone, for London)
Married Elizabeth PIERCE (1834-1888), Zion Chapel (Lady Huntingdon's Connexion), Margate, 1859 (4th quarter)
Died Margate, Kent, England, 31 October 1902 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851, Trinity, St. John baptist, Margate; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1629 (PAYWALL)
2 High St. / Isaac D. Kennard / Head / Mar. / 46 / Hatter / Master employing 2 sons / [all born] Kent Margate
Charlotte [Kennard] / Wife / Mar. / 45
Henry [Kennard] / Son / U. / 20 / Hatter's Son
Eliza / Daur. / U. / 21
Isaac D. [Kennard] / Son / U. / 17 / Hatter's Son
James H. / 15 // Sarah A. / 14 // Matilda / 13 // Vincent / 10 // Charles / 7 // Daniel / 5
Names and descriptions of passengers, per Gipsey Queen, from London, 1 January 1855, for Port Phillip; State Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Kennard Isaac / 21 / Tailor / [English] . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 June 1855), 8
PIANOFORTES Tuned 7s. 6d., by J. Kennard, from Broadwood's, at Phillpott's, outfitter, 46 Swanston-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 August 1855), 8
PIANOFORTES, Tuned, 7s. 6d.; out of town, 10s. 6d.
Kept in order, 15s. per quarter.
Repairing in all its branches. Terms reasonable.
By J. Kennard, from Broadwood's.
Apply G. Phillpotts, outfitter, 46 Swanston-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 November 1855), 7
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Repaired by Kennard and Davis can be warranted to stand.
The nobility's cards sufficient guarantee as to competency.
All orders received at Mr. Prebble's, watchmaker, opposite Theatre Royal.
ORGANS, Finger and Barrell, Seraphines, Harps, Guitars, Violins, Tuned and Repaired by Kennard and Davis.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Davis (musician, pianoforte tuner)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 November 1855), 3
PIANOFORTES Tuned, 7s. 6d.; Repaired Cleaned, Regulated, Resilked.
Kennard and Davis, from Broadwood's and Ball's, London.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 March 1856), 7
ORGAN BARREL for £7. Plays 21 tunes.
Kennard and Davis, organ builders, Wellington-street, Collingwood.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 March 1856), 3
PIANOFORTES and Organs, no matter, how much out of repair, tuned and repaired equal to new.
Pianofortes tuned, 7s. 6d. Highest recommendations.
Kennard and Davis, from Broadwood and Ball's, 32 Wellington-street, Collingwood, and at C. Prebble's, jeweller, opposite Theatre Royal.
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 May 1856), 3
PIANOFORTES Tuned, 7s. 6d.; Repaired &c. J. Kennard, from Broadwood's, at C. Prebble's, jeweller, opposite Theatre Royal.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 March 1857), 3
A QUADRILLE Assembly will be held at the above-named Hotel every Friday evening. Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock.
N.B. -The proprietor wishes to state that no one will be admitted unless introduced by a member.
A first-rate Quadrille Band will be in attendance.
M. J. De B. Kennard, Pianist.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (6 March 1857), 3
DE BOCK KENNARD, Tuner, Regulator, and Repairer of Pianos, Harmoniums, &c.,
from Broadwood's, London, begs to notify to the musical fraternity of Sandhurst and surrounding neighborhood,
that having just arrived, and hearing there are certain persons professing to be tuners in Sandhurst,
wishes to put them on their guard against any such pretending imposters.
Pianos, Harmoniums, &c., Tuned, &c., on the shortest notice.
Address De B. Kennard, office of this paper; and Withers', Bird-in-Hand Hotel, Epsom.
[Advertisement], Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (12 August 1857), 3
BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Portland and its Vicinity that he will be prepared to
For the coming week only. All commands to be forwarded immediately to the Office of this paper.
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (10 August 1858), 3
Pianoforte Tuning. PIANOFORTES TUNED, repaired, &c.,
by J. Kennard, from Broadwood's. Apply at Mr. Emery's Washington Hotel.
Names and descriptions of passengers, per Maidstone, for London, from Port Phillip, 26 January 1859; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . I. Kennard / 45 [sic, 25] . . .
"MARGATE . . . CONCERT", South Eastern Gazette [Kent, England] (19 February 1861), 5 (PAYWALL)
On Wednesday last the choir belonging to Zion chapel (Countess of Huntingdon's connexion) gave a tea and concert of sacred music the large school-room adjoining the chapel, on behalf of the organ fund. The school-room was decorated with evergreens and variegated lamps and banners, with suitable inscriptions on them. At 6 o'clock between 300 and 400 sat down to tea, but the school-room not being large enough to hold them all, many had to take tea in the chapel. At 7 o'clock the concert commenced under the direction of Mr. J. D. Kennard, who presided at the harmonium, when several pieces were admirably sung the choir . . .
England census, 1861, Trinity, St. John Baptist, Margate; UK National Archives, RG 9 / 534 (PAYWALL)
11 Market St. / Isaac D. Kennard / Head / Mar. / 26 / Piano Forte Tuner / [all born] [Kent] Margate
Eliz'th [Kennard] / Wife / Mar. / 26 // Isaac D. / Son / 6 mo.
"THE CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WORKMEN'S CLUB", Thanet Advertiser (27 February 1864), 2 (PAYWALL)
In accordance with previous announcements, on Tuesday evening last a sacred concert was given in St. James's Hall with the view of augmenting the funds of the recently re-established Workmen's Club . . . For the talent we were entirely indebted to the Margate Harmonic Society, by the members of which the programme was sustained . . . The programme was well selected one, comprising compositions by some of the most renowned musicians. It opened with "God bless the Prince of Wales," the solo of which was sung by Miss Nicolls. This young lady possesses a soprano voice of excellent quality . . . In the course of the evening she also sang the recitative and air entitled "Ye sacred Priests" and "Farewell ye limpid streams," by Handel, together with another short solo, all of which were charmingly rendered, the air being deservedly encored. Mr. Lewis, with his sweet tenor voice, sung Haydn's air "In native worth," and Handel's solo "I know that my Redeemer liveth," in a style that elicited well merited applause; while Mr. Poat, junr., in Haydn's recitative and air "Straight opening her fertile womb," and "Now Heaven in fullest glory shone," displayed a bass voice of good quality and sang with surprising correctness . . . The choruses, some of which were extremely difficult, were performed with amount of precision and correctness that could hardly be expected of a body of amateur vocalists. The orchestra was under the conductorsbip of Mr. J. D. Kennard, who with much ability presided at the pianoforte . . .
"TESTIMONIAL", Thanet Advertiser (17 March 1866), 2 (PAYWALL)
Mr. J. D. Kennard, late conductor of the Margate Sacred Harmonic Society, was, on Tuesday evening last, presented with a handsome time piece and silver plate, as an acknowledgment of his past services as conductor of the above society. Mr. Clarke, in presenting the testimonial, referred to the various charities which had been assisted by the concerts of the society, fourteen of which had been given within the last six years, ten having been conducted gratuitously by Mr. Kennard the whole producing nett profits amounting to the handsome sum of £229 9s. which had been handed to various charities. He regretted that so few of the members of the society had contributed towards this acknowledgment of the uniform urbanity and kindness of Mr. Kennard, but was glad to find that comparative strangers had come forward liberally and acknowledged their approval of his conductorahip. Mr. Kennard replied in terms expressive of the deepest feeling, and assured the deputation that all he had done had been done for the welfare of the society and the public. We are sorry to hear that the society is now broken up. We have often listened with pleasure to the concerts given by it, and trust that shall yet hear of it springing up once more to delight the public with good performances of sacred music.
"DEATHS", Thanet Advertiser (1 November 1902), 5 (PAYWALL)
Margate - Oct. 31. at Ballarat House, Cliftonville, Isaac de Bock Kennard, late organist of Holy Trinity Church, aged 68.
KENNEDY, Mrs. and Misses (Mrs. and Misses KENNEDY)
? Musical amateurs
Active Perth, WA, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
"General Intelligence", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (27 December 1861), 3
A concert will be given next Monday evening at the Museum of the Mechanics' Institute, we believe in honor of Mrs. and the Misses Kennedy on the eve of their departure, the funds accruing to be appropriated to the formation of a Harmonic Society, in purchasing books and a Harmonium for the use of the Society, Concerts, &c.
KENNEDY, David (David KENNEDY, senior; Mr. KENNEDY)
Scottish vocalist
Born Perth, Scotland, 15 April 1825
Toured Australia, 1872-75
Died Stratford, Ontario, Canada, 12 October 1886 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
KENNEDY, David (junior)
Kennedy's colonial travel: a narrative of a four years' tour through Australia, New Zealand, Canada, &c., by David Kennedy, junior (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Publishing Company, [1876])
Bibliography and resources:
"David Kennedy (singer)", Wikipedia
KENNEY, James Richard (James Richard KENNEY; J. R. KENNEY; J. R. KENNY; Mr. KENNEY; Mr. KENNY)
Actor, theatrical manager, comedian, vocalist, Irish vocalist
? Born Ireland / England, c. 1812 ("24" at 1836 trial); or c. 1821 ("22" at 1843 marriage)
? Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 12 November 1836 (per Lady Nugent, from England, 12 July)
Married (1) Jane WILSON, Launceston, VDL (TAS), 3 May 1843
? Married (2 ? common law) Caroline MERCHANT, ? Launceston, VDL (TAS), ? by 1849
? Died Launceston, TAS, 11 August 1890, aged "77" (born Ireland) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Merchant (dancer, actor) was possibly sister of Caroline
The Launceston carver and stonemason, James Richard Kenney alternated between occasional stints as a theatrical professional, and other periods as an amateur.
He was perhaps the convict, Richard Kenney, sentenced at Leicester, on 4 January 1836, reportedly aged 24 (born c. 1812), and who arrived on the Lady Nugent on 12 November 1836. If so he was probably neither quite as old as the 24 he claimed to be at the time of his 1836 trial, nor as young as the 22 he claimed at his wedding in 1843.
He was conditionally pardoned on 4 August 1842, and received his certificate of freedom in September 1843. He may have adopted the extra forename James as a reference to the popular London playwright James Kenney.
He was probably the "Mr. Kenny" who received his first stage try out in Samson Cameron's company at Launceston in May 1842. In October, "John Kenney", a ticket-of-leave holder, was given six days on the treadmill for being in the town of Launceston without having reported himself.
James Kenney, stonemason, aged "22", married Jane Wilson in the Baptist chapel, Launceston, on 3 May 1843. His name also appeared several times, with that of his wife, in court reports in 1843, remanded for a suspected theft of jewellery, but ultimately discharged.
He next appeared in Hobart in 1844, at the Albert Theatre, with Anne Clarke's company at the Victoria. He was at the Olympic Theatre in Launceston by 1848, and in 1849 was probably also author of a song printed in the Launceston press, the local "hit", Billy Barlow, a clerk of a market, which "in which character he elicited very general applause."
He was manager of the Radford's Royal Amphitheatre, Launceston, from August 1849, and was still there in November 1851, when he played Benjamin Bowbell in his namesake, James Kenney's The illustrious stranger, "with all the songs" (by Isaac Nathan).
His (second, ? common-law) wife, Caroline Merchant, gave birth to their child John George Kenney in Launceston in 1849; another son, Herbert Richard, born in 1851, died in Launceston on 8 March 1854, aged 2. No other sure record of his own birth, marriage, or death has so far been identified.
? "LEICESTERSHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS . . . Tuesday, January 5", Leicester Journal [England] (8 January 1836), 1
Thomas Copson, 24, charged, on the oaths of John Berridge and Thomas Johnson, with having broken open a mill, in occupation of Thomas Berridge, and stolen therefrom quantity flour, in bag, some fishing lines, ten shillings in silver, and other articles, the property of the said Thomas Berridge and John Berridge. - Guilty - twelve months' hard labour.
Richard Kenney, 24, charged with being accomplice in above felony with Thomas Copson. - Guilty - seven years' transportation.
? Kenney, Richard / Kenney, John; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1408897$init=CON31-1-26p147
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (14 May 1842), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, (CAMERON'S) PATERSON STREET, Open for the Season on the Evening of Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Several Novelties are in preparation, and will follow each other in rapid succession. MONDAY, MAY 16, 1842, Will be produced, for the liret time these few years, Kotzebue's celebrated Play of THE STRANGER . . . To conclude with the favorite Farce of The Little Pickle . . . Thomas - Mr. Kenny . . .
"The Gazette", Colonial Times (3 January 1843), 4
. . . The periods for which the under-mentioned persons were transported expiring at the date placed after their respective names, Certificates of their Freedom maybe obtained then, or at any subsequent period, upon application at the Muster Master's Office, Hobart Town, or at that of a Police Magistrate in the interior . . . Lady Nugent . . . Richard Kenny, 4th [January] . . .
1843, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:825341; RGD37/1/3 no 22$init=RGD37-1-3p6
[No.] 22 / York St. Chapel / 3d May 1843 / James Kenney 22 Stonemason bachelor / Jane Wilson 21 spinster . . .
"SUPREME COURT - CRIMINAL SIDE, Monday, October 2", The Cornwall Chronicle (7 October 1843), 3
Timothy Deaking was indicted for receiving one necklace and a pair of earrings, well knowing the same to be stolen . . . The statement of the prisoner was here: it stated that the prisoner obtained the necklace and a watch, &c. from a man named Oliver for the purpose of selling; that he gave the said articles to a man of the name of Kenney soon after to sell; that Kenney subsequently gave him £4; that he did not know Kenney further than seeing him at the theatre . . .
"ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE", Colonial Times (22 October 1844), 3
We visited this place of public amusement, which opened last night for the season, under the management of Messrs. Watson and Falchon . . . The first piece, Tom Cringle, was rapturously received. Falchon in Gipsey Jack was inimitable . . . Watson's Tom Cringle was played in a style which reflects the greatest credit upon him as an actor . . . Mr. Kenney as Walter, was perfect; be must avoid preaching, or it will prove fatal to him as an actor; he appears, however, a young stager, and his ability, coupled with time and study, will enable him to become not only a useful actor to our colonial Theatre, but we think a clever one also . . . Lo Studio, by Kenney, was a treat; we prefer, however, the curtain falling in changing attitudes . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (9 September 1848), 11
. . . Song, "Statty Fair," Mr. Kenney . . .
MUSIC: Statty Fair [The statute fair] (song)
"BILLY BARLOW CLERK OF THE MARKET", The Cornwall Chronicle (31 March 1849), 477
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (14 April 1849), 3
. . . MR. KENNEY will appear as that eccentric cosmnopolic BILLY BARLOW, in an entirely new character, as CLERK OF A MARKET. To be followed by two favorite Scenes from the celebrated romance of the CASTLE SPECTRE! COMIC SONG, My Brogue and my Blarney, BY MR. KENNEY . . .
"LOCAL", The Cornwall Chronicle (28 April 1849), 542
The Theatre is to be opened once more on Monday night, when Kenney takes a benefit; and as we understand, his losses by recent theatrical speculations are heavy, he seems to have a claim to patronage and support on the occasion, particularly as the pieces selected for that night, promise to afford more than the average quantum of amusement. In addition to the other entertainments (for which we refer to the bills of the night), Mr. Kenney is once more to appear as Billy Barlow, a Clerk of a Market, in which character he elicited very general applause on the last play-night, and it is expected that the hit then made, will attract a numerous audience on Monday.
1849, births in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1108308; RGD33/1/23/ no 2518$init=RGD33-1-23-p923
[no.] 2518 / [born] 31 October / James / [son of] James Richard Kenney / Carline Kenney, formerly Merchant / Stonemason / [signed] Jas. R. Kenney, Elizabeth St. Father / [reg'd] 16 November . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. John's, Launceston, in the county of Cornwall, in the year 1851; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1090765; RGD32/1/3/ no 3919$init=RGD32-1-3-p661
No. 1385 / [baptised] 23rd July 1851 / [born] 9th June 1851 / Herbert Richard / James Richard and Caroline / Kenny / Launceston / Stone mason . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (15 November 1851), 732
Deaths in the district of Launceston, 1854; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1196348; RGD35/1/23 no 1259$init=RGD35-1-23p43
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (23 December 1868), 5
THE WESTBURY GARRICK CLUB Will open The Prince of Wales Theatre On MONDAY, January 4th, 1869,
When will be produced the comedy of FATAL CURIOSITY!!
The interlude will consist of Comic Song, Statty Fair - Mr. J. R. Kenny . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Cornwall Chronicle (3 December 1870), 6
. . . The Theatre Royal, though the "season" was announced to be over, has continued to "drag its slow length along," the principal business, in the absence of Messrs. Edwards, Reeves, and James, being undertaken by Mr. J. R. Kenny, who displayed a remarkable adaptability to melodramatic performances. It is almost remarkable that his talents should not have received an earlier recognition . . .
"THEATRICAL REMINISCENCES", The Tasmanian (10 June 1882), 622
. . . On Monday, 3rd October, 1859, the Theatre Royal was leased by Mr. Kenny, a local tradesman, who had a strong taste for theatricals (William in "Black-eyed Susan" was one of his favourite characters, but his impersonation was a long way after that of the late T. P. Cooke's) and a strong dramatic company was engaged . . .
? 1890, deaths in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1215863; RGD35/1/59 no 269$init=RGD35-1-59p26
269 / 1236 / James Kenny / 11 August 1890 (died S. Depot) (born Ireland) / 77 years / Laborer / Senility . . .
Active Sydney, NSW, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (8 April 1861), 1
Actor, vocalist
Active Launceston and Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1842
See James Richard Kenney above
KENNY, Francis (Francis KENNY; KENNEY [sic])
Church singer
? Born NSW, c. 1800/01
Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1818-20
Married Mary BYRNE (c. 1848), Catholic chapel, Sydney, NSW, c. 1826
? Died Appin, NSW, 14 March 1839 (shareable link to this entry)
[Columbus Fitzpatrick] "To the editor . . . C. FITZPATRICK, [undated in Duffy]", The Goulburn Argus (? 1865); transcribed in full Duffy, 18-24
Sir, I promised you when concluding my last letter . . . to give you as my leisure served some further of my recollections on the progress of Catholicity in this country, as exemplified by the unremitting efforts made by Father Therry . . . [19] . . . I am led to this train of thought by reading a little work, published in Sydney, bearing the title of "St. Mary's," the writer of which . . . makes several mistakes . . . the writer says that Father O'Flynn left the Blessed Eucharist in the house of a devoted Catholic near the present site of St. Patrick's church. This is another mistake. Father O'Flynn left the Blessed Sacrament, in a pix, at the house of the late Mr. James Dempsey of Kent Street, near to Erskine Street, and next door to the then residence of Mr. Thomas Day, the boat-builder, which is not near St. Patrick's church. When Father O'Flynn came to this country he found, amongst other good and zealous Catholics, the late Mr. James Dempsey, a stonemason by trade, and who, having neither wife nor children in this country, was enabled to devote the better part of his time to works of charity and religious exercises . . . [when O'Flynn was forced to leave Sydney he] left the Blessed Sacrament in a pix with Mr. Dempsey, who consecrated the best room in his house for the safe-keeping . . . [20] . . . This room was converted into a little chapel, and it was no unusual thing on a Sunday, when Catholics could assemble to join in the prayers at Mass which were being read in that room, to see many of them kneeling under the verandah, aye even in the street . . . Catholics still continued to meet at Mr. Dempsey's until the arrival of Father Conolly and Father Therry . . . Among the many who came from distant parts in those days, there was one who I particularly remember, on account of his not only being a very fine man but also a very fine singer: we used to sing all the vespers in those days as they did in St. Mary's lately; his name was Francis Kenny, and he was afterwards a very wealthy man in this district, and was the father of the present Kennys, of Kenny's Point . . .
KENT, Benjamin Archer (Benjamin Archer KENT; Dr. KENT)
Amateur musician, flautist, flute player, vocalist, glee singer, foundation member and president Adelaide Choral Society, medical practitioner
Born Abingdon, Berkshire, England, c. 1808
Married (1) Margery Redman BONAR, St. Cuthbert's church, Edinburgh, Scotland, 11 May 1831
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 17 April 1840 (per Warrior from London, 17 November 1839, via Plymouth)
Departed Adelaide, SA, 23 December 1864 (per Antelope, for England)
Died London, England, 25 November 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Benjamin Archer Kent (State Library of South Australia)
"PORT ADELAIDE SHIPPING. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (25 April 1840), 4
April 17 - The ship Warrior, 478 tons, Beckett, commander, from London and Plymouth, having left the former place on the 16th, and the latter on the 27th November, with a general cargo. Passengers - Dr. Kent, surgeon-superintendent, lady and two children; Mr. J. Bonnar . . .
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (25 June 1842), 2
The Amateur Concert, for the benefit of the Adelaide Infant School (not the Trinity Church Sunday School as erroneously stated in our last), took place on Tuesday evening. The room was crowded by a highly respectable assembly, and the whole concert "went off" most creditably for a first attempt. The overtures to Zampa and Fra Diavolo, in particular, were played with much spirit. Some disappointment, as well as considerable disadvantage to the vocal harmony, accrued from the desertion of the ladies who had promised their valuable assistance on the occasion. Notwithstanding their defection, however, the fine glees "Hark the Lark," "Bragela," and "Here in-coot grot," were sung with great sweetness. Dr. Kent and Dr. Knott were both most successful in their solos, and applauded to the "very echo." Among the amateurs, to whom the orchestral effect was principally owing, we may mention Mr. F. S. Dutton, who presided at the piano forte, Mr. Newland, Mr. McGill (96th Regt.), Mr. Wyatt, Dr. Kent, and Mr. Barnard. Messrs. Bennett, Poole, and Ewens also contributed their valuable assistance on the occasion; Mr. Charles Campbell good-naturedly complied with a request made to him in the room, and sung an Irish song in a style which reminded us of poor Jack Johnstone. The whole concert, in short, spoke highly of the musical talent of Adelaide, and is calculated, we hope, to lead to many similar agreeable entertainments. The proceeds to the benefit of the Infants' Schools amounted, we believe, to about twenty-five pounds.
[Advertisement], South Australian (7 November 1843), 3
THE AMATEUR CONCERT, FOR the liquidation of the debt incurred on Trinity Church School,
will take place in Messrs. Lambert and Son's new Auction Room, THIS EVENING, at seven o'clock, P.M.
Overture - "Masaniello" - Auber
Glee - "The Red Cross Knight" - Calcott
Song - "The Flag that Brav'd" - Nelson
Duet - "Borne in yon Blaze" - Dr. Clarke
Duet (flutes) - "Di tanti Palpiti" - Rossini
Glee - The Curfew" - Bishop
Duet - "Flow gently, Deva" - Bishop
Overture - "Tancredi" - Rossini
Overture - "La Cenerentola" - Rossini
Glee - "Hunting Glee" - Wade
Song - "Zephyr among the Flowers" - Bennett
Duet - "Now at Moonlight's fairy hour" - Thompson
Concerto - "Pianoforte" - Herz
Glee - "The Chough and Crow" - Bishop
Overture - "L'Italiana" - Rossini
Finale - "God save the Queen" . . .
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (11 November 1843), 3
On Tuesday a vocal and instrumental concert, of which we had a short notice in our last, was given by several amateurs in Messrs. Lambert's new auction-rooms. The doors were opened at half-past seven, and nearly the whole of the seats were occupied by eight o'clock, at which time his Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Grey arrived. They were received with every demonstration of respect, and the concert almost immediately commenced with Auber's Overture to Masanielo. Mr. Bennett took the pianoforte, Dr. Kent, Dr. Wyatt, and Lieut. Magill had their flutes, and Mr. Poole his bass-viol. The music of this piece is too well known to require comment, and, if we may judge from the applause of the audience, the performers did it full justice.
Dr. Calcott's beautiful glee, "The Red Cross Knight," followed, by Drs. Kent and Wyatt, and Messrs. Ewens and Howard, accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. Bennett. In our very humble opinion, the effect was rather injured by its being sung too fast: it had the appearance of being hurried over, and many of the best points were lost. Still, this is a matter of taste, and probably ours may be peculiar. Dr. Knott next sang "The flaunting Flag of Liberty" with his usual good taste and gentlemanly manner.
A Lady, who has sometimes before delighted us in public, and often in private, then sang, as a duet, with Dr Kent, "Borne on yon blaze of orient sky" - a very pretty piece - in which she also played the pianoforte accompaniment.
A duet on flutes by Drs. Wyatt and Kent followed, ("Di tanti palpiti") and, another glee and a duet, the first part closed with the Overture to Tancredi, in which Mr. Bennett's violin was added to the instruments before used, the lady playing the pianoforte.
Not to be tedious, we will only say that, in the second part, several very pretty pieces, mostly of a light kind, were introduced. In one Dr. Kent threw in a dash of variety by accompanying himself on the guitar.
A concerto on the pianoforte by the lady was received with much applause.
The beautiful glee, "The Chough and Crow," was given in excellent style, followed by a duet on the pianoforte, and the concert concluded with the National Anthem by the lady before alluded to, and Drs. Wyatt and Kent.
An entertainment of this kind is rather a novelty here, and we were much gratified to see that it could be so well done, and that it was so well supported. The most distinguished persons in the Colony were present, and the room presented a very pretty appearance from the taste and elegance of the ladies' dresses, not to mention their own beauty, which is proverbial. An air of cheerfulness seemed to pervade every one. He whom we are bound to deem the most august personage in our community, threw aside his dignity, and was only the courteous and gentlemanly young man. The gravest here (by virtue of his office) looked as if he had never tried a culprit in his life - all bows and smiles - gracefully handing one lady to a seat - politely yielding his own to another - and making the amiable to all. Even the most devout looked down with a smile on human weakness, and condescended not only to seem, but evidently to be pleased. A small detachment of the bravest, too, acknowledged the force of music and of beauty, and, throwing aside their swords, had but little of the Achilles about them. In short, such a collection of happy faces we seldom see. It was truly a gay scene, and we trust such amusements may be more common in future. They are harmless, exhilirating, and improving. The trifle expended by each is little felt - but the amount collected will be of great service to the charity. In this instance pleasure has been blended with a really useful object. We should suppose about two hundred persons were present. The room was well lighted, and all the arrangements were good. The concert was finished before eleven, but we understand that a large party remained to supper, which was furnished in another room under the superintendence of Mr. Henry.
"IMPROMPTU", South Australian Register (15 November 1843), 2
On hearing it observed that there were so few singers at the Amateur Concert.
You cannot in fairness complain of the numbers -
I saw a good Knott, or my memory slumbers;
And to swell out the chorus that evening were lent
The science, the taste, and the voice of all Kent.
O. P. Q.
"MISS CATHERINE HAYES'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (30 November 1854), 3
. . . For the treat afforded by the transient visit of Miss Hayes we are chiefly in indebted to the enterprise and energy of Dr. Kent, who had met that lady in the other colonies during his recent tour, and induced her to promise, if possible, to appear before a South Australian audience . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (15 December 1854), 4
THIS DAY (Friday), December 15, At 3 o'clock in the Afternoon.
SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO. are intructed by Dr. Kent, to sell, in the Hall of the Exchange -
His MEDICAL LIBRARY and Works of General Literature and Philosophy.
Surgical and Philosophical Instruments and Apparatus.
ALSO, A large collection of Music for one, two, three, and four, Flutes, Guitar, Concertina, Pianoforte;
Songs, Glees, and Madrigals, and Sacred Music. Catalogues of which will be published . . .
"PRESIDENT OF THE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Observer (23 December 1854), 12
Dr. Kent has addressed a letter to the Committee, in which, after acknowledging the honour conferred upon him by the Society for so many successive years to the presidential chair, intimates his intention to visit Europe. In addition to his annual subscription of £5 5s., Dr. Kent transmitted a similar sum as a donation - The acknowledgments of the Committee have heen communicated to Dr. Kent in very gratifying terms.
"DIED", The South Australian Advertiser (18 January 1865), 2
KENT. - On the 25th of November, 1864, at Dover-street, London, Benjamin Archer Kent, M.D., late of this city.
Bibliography and resources:
Peter H. Schurr, Benjamin's son: Benjamin Archer Kent M.D. (1808-1864)
"Benjamin Archer Kent: a South Australian pioneer"
KENT, Ellen (Ellen KENT; Miss Ellen KENT; Miss KENT)
Musician, vocalist, music teacher
Arrived Hobart, TAS, 9 September 1859 (per Oriental, from London, 21 May, aged "31")
Active Hobart, TAS, until April 1860 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Ellen Kent cannot be identified with certainty, beyond her given age of 31 in 1859 and birthplace of London, and her advertised claim to have been a prize pupil of John Hullah.
She was perhaps Ellen Kent, daughter of Samuel Kent of Suffolk, aged 37, who married John Turner, aged 53 (d. 1889) at St. George's, Battery Point, on 2 December 1862, and who died at Hobart on 3 September 1894, aged 69. (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Descriptive list of immigrants per Oriental, sailed from London 21 May 1859, arrived Hobart Town, 9 September 1859; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:445171; CB7/12/1/9 p106$init=CB7-12-1-9P071 (DIGITISED)
. . . 23 / Kent Ellen / 31 / [native] London / Music Teacher . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (7 December 1859), 1
Classes for Vocal Music, upon Hullah's Method. -
MISS ELLEN KENT, 1st of Mr. Hullah's, Upper School, will open
CLASSES for instruction in VOCAL MUSIC on that Method, in the second week in January, or as soon as a sufficient number of names are enrolled.
The Mechanics' Institute has been kindly placed at Miss Kent's disposal for the above purpose.
TERMS AS FOLLOWS: For the Course of Sixty Lessons, Two Guineas,
One half payable at entrance, the other at the end of thirty lessons.
For Members of the Mechanics' Institute and their Families, 12s. One half payable at entrance as above.
The first Class, for Ladies only, will assemble for Practice every Tuesday and Friday afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock.
The first Class for Gentlemen on the same time from 8 to 9 o'clock.
A Class for Children will be held on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 3 to 4 o'clock.
Miss Kent's terms for private instruction are as follows:
Singing per Quarter, Four Guineas.
Piano, Three Guineas.
Further particulars may be obtained at Miss Kent's residence, 35 Collins-street, Hobart Town.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (11 February 1860), 3
PROGRAMME. - PART I . . . Song - The Violet, (Mendelssohn), Miss Kent . . .
PART II . . . Song - Come when the Moon is Breaking [sic], (Lindley [sic, ? Linley]), Miss Kent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Henry Brooks (harpist); Carl Schmitt (violinist); Julius Buddee (pianist); Rosina Carandini (vocalist)
MUSIC: The first violet (Das erste Veilchen) (Mendelssohn); ? Come with me, the moon is beaming (Italian melody)
"THE MONTH . . . PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (14 February 1860), 3
In addition to the Oratorio already alluded to our citizens have been treated to two concerts given at the Temperance Alliance Rooms by Mr. T. H. Brookes, "the celebrated harpist," and Herr W. Carl Schmitt, "the great Bavarian Violinist," assisted by Misses Ellen Kent and Rosina Carandini, as vocalists, and Mr. Buddee, as pianist. The music selected for performance was admirably calculated to exhibit the great musical abilities of the artistes, whose style of playing, especially that of Mr. Brooks, elicited deserved applause.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (12 March 1860), 4
Hobart Town Mechanics' Institute . . . PROPOSED COURSE OF LECTURES . . .
The Committee also propose to open the following Evening Casses, provided sufficient encouragement is given for their formation: -
8. Vocal Music, to be conducted by Miss Kent . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (18 April 1860), 4
MISS ELLEN KENT will open an Elementary Class for instruction in singing on Hullah's method at the Mechanics' Institute,
on Wednesday afternoon the 25th inst. at 3 p.m. . . . 35 COLLINS-STREET.
KENT, Harry Chambers (Harry Chambers KENT; Harry C. KENT)
Organist, architect
Born Barnstaple, Devon, England, 1853 (3rd quarter); son of Samuel Chambers KENT (1826-1911) and Emily DEACON (1825-1868)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 February 1855 (per Pacific, with parents, from Plymouth, 24 November 1854)
Died Sydney, NSW, 9 August 1938, aged 86 (shareable link to this entry)
"Shipping Intelligence", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (3 March 1855), 2
February 26. - Pacific (s.), 985 tons, Thompson, from Plymouth November 24, St. Vincent December 8, St. Helena December 21, Cape of Good Hope January 12, King George's Sound February 16, and Melbourne February 24. Passengers: From Plymouth - Mr. and Mrs. A. Fairfax and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, five children and servant. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and servant, | Rev. S. C. Kent, Mrs. Kent and two children . . .
"MEMORIES OF SYDNEY. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1918), 9
"OLD TIMES. MEMORIES OF NEWTOWN. WONDERFUL CHANGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1926), 14
. . . The recollections of Mr. Harry C. Kent, the well-known city architect, who has been in practice for more than 44 years and whose memories of Newtown go back to the middle 'Fifties, are interesting. Mr. Kent arrived in Sydney as a child with his parents in January, 1855, his father being the Rev. S. C. Kent, who in his day was a very honoured minister of the Congregational denomination. On their landing in Sydney the family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Foss at Richmond-terrace, in the Domain . . .
Mr. Kent, though now 73 years of age, is a marvel of mental and physical activity. He has been a church organist for more than 50 years, and takes the keenest interest in church work and in various philanthropic movements. He is the sole survivor of the large party of passengers who arrived in Sydney by the Pacific in January, 1855. She was the first ocean-going steamer to have feathering floats to her paddles, and was considered a palatial liner. The other passengers included Mr. Alfred Fairfax, who was returning from a visit to England; Mr. and Mrs. Wright, who built Drummoyne House, Mr. and Mrs. Rae, Mr. G. V. Brooke, the distinguished Shakespearean actor; Mr. J. R. Houlding ("Old Boomerang" fame). Mr. George Wilkie, Professor Jacobs, a celebrated ventriloqulst; and Miss Fanny Cathcart (afterwards Mrs. George Darrell and Mrs. Robert Heir).
"DEATH OF MR. H. C. KENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 August 1938), 13
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales (1988), 96, 251, 273, 276, 284, 292, 294
KENTISH, Nathaniel Lipscomb (Nathaniel Lipscomb KENTISH; N. L KENTISH)
Amateur songwriter, poet, author, surveyor, explorer, controversialist, litigant
Born Winchester, England, 1798; baptised St. Lawrence, Winchester, 7 May 1798, son of Nathaniel KENTISH (1746-1801) and Elizabeth LIPSCOMB
Married Anna Maria JUDD, Saint Lawrence, Winchester, 7 February 1826
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 30 March 1830 (per Dunvegan Castle, from London, via Hobart Town)
Died Ashfield, NSW, 11 October 1867 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony and others) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING . . . ARRIVED", The Australian (2 April 1830), 2
The Dunvegan Castle, which arrived on Tuesday, has brought up 175 male prisoners. Surgeon Superintendent, Dr. Dunn, R. N. . . . Passengers: Mrs. Grey and child, Mr. N. L. Kentish, Mrs. Kentish . . . and Mr. Mortimer Lewis, of the Surveyor's Department.
[Advertisement], Southern Australian [Adelaide, SA] (10 September 1841), 2
South Australia, in 1841. IN TWO VOLUMES:
THE First consisting of a Poem in five (or more) Cantos, entitled
"THE BUSH in South Australia by [manicule] in the Bush"
of which the 3rd Canto includes a Colonial Opera containing 13 Songs and a Glee.
The Second Vol. will consist of a description of the Province, touching chiefly on its Political Economy,
but commenting freely on Public Measures and on Public PERSONS, as well as on "THINGS in general."
Price to Subscribers 10s., payable by one shilling on delivery of each part.
The first two Cantos will soon be ready for delivery by the Publisher, Southern Australian Office, Rundle Street,
where and at Mr. Platt's library, the names of Subscribers will be received; a list of which will be prefixed to the work.
* * * [asterism] The Author having been effectually, though most unwarrantably dragged from his incognito by the Register,
is superior to the affectation of suppressing his name, which might be thought to savour of pusillanimity.
See also [Advertisement], The South Australian magazine (September 1841), 2
"THE NEW COUNTRY", Launceston Examiner (1 June 1844), 7
The following ballad was picked up by a [hand-symbol] in the bush of the newly-explored western country, on the 20th instant, on the new road now in progress from Deloraine to Emu Bay, near the mouth of the Devil's Glen.
Air - "The Coronation."
You 've heard no doubt, "the ins and outs
"Of him and hemmigration;"
Zo now I will remove your doubts
About my exploration;
And ov the wonders ov the bush,
I'll give a true relation,
'Zo be, you neither laugh nor push,
Whilst I zings EXPLORATION.
Hi toorle loorle loorle loo
Ri toorle loorle lido.
Ri toorle loorle loorle loo
Hi toorle loorle lido . . . [9 more verses]
"REPORT ON THE COUNTRY LYING BETWEEN THE RIVERS MEANDER AND EMU", The Cornwall Chronicle (28 January 1846), 73-74
In the N. W. quarter of Van Diemen's Land, explored in the years 1842-3-4-5, and on the route discovered through the same, and opened into a bridle road from Deloraine to Emu Bay, by N. L. KENTISH, Civil Engineer and Surveyor in the service of the Government and of the Van Diemen's Land Company . . .
With permission, we shall enliven this account by the introduction of a song, which graphically as humourously, adds to the description of the "life and adventures" of the Explorer of the Western Interior, which the author of the report has playfully introduced into his private copy of that document, with a sight of which we are favored; but which he says illustrates the proverb that "many a true word is spoken in jest," by giving far better than is possible in mere humble prose, a description as accurate as ludicrous, of "life in the bush" from the pen of some wag of his party, who is said to have picked it up in a place of less euphonious than suspicious, though appropriate nomenclature - The Devil's Glen . . .
XPLORATION. Air - "The Coronation."
You've heard no doubt, "the ins and outs
Of him and hem-migration,". . .
[Advertisement], The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (8 October 1846), 3
The Two Magazines.
INTENDING SUBSCRIBERS, who have or have not entered their names, are respectfully informed that, in lieu of the above,
a Book, now in the Press, will be ready for delivery in a fortnight, entitled
"WORK IN THE BUSH, THOUGHTS IN THE BUSH, and LIFE IN THE BUSH of Van Diemen's Land, and their results!"
By N. L. Kentish, Esq., Government Surveyor in these Colonies, and formerly Professor in the Royal Military College of England, at Sandhurst.
Price 10s., boards, or for perusal, 1s.
In Part IV. of the above, the peculiar circumstances are explained, in which Mr. Kentish's design of publishing a Magazine originated;
which may yet be carried into effect, if sufficient encouragement be given by the reading and thinking classes:
but the principal object which the Author had in view, is superseded by the above Publication, which will be found to possess much Colonial interest.
George Rolwegan, Publisher.
Collins-street, Hobart Town, October 2, 1846.
"BEGGING LETTER WRITER", The Cornwall Chronicle (23 June 1847), 2
WE are bound in courtesy to acknowledge the receipt of a printed paper bearing the name of the notorious Nathaniel Lipscombe Kentish; it is characteristic of the person, and is the first thing of the sort we have known got up in this colony: it is not unlike the effusions of the notorious "Joseph Ady" - a promise to impart information to the advantage of the party addressed, on receiving "a letter of acknowledgment enclosing one pound;" but Nathaniel is rather more extravagant in his demand for remuneration, and does not pretend to benefit by money advantages; his advantage consisting in the promise of publishing at his convenience, "if enabled to do so without loss" - sundry of his brainless effusions. The remittance demanded is £1 10s., and the advantage promised, seven works in perspective. The following is a fair specimen of the whole:--
THE TASMANIAN BOY'S BOOK; a small 12 mo., containing a Colonial Opera, being the Third Canto of the "Bush" Poem, &c.
This Little Song Book, it is hoped, may be an acceptable Present to the youthful "Sons of the Soil,"
to whose Parents it is commended at 2s. each; but will be presented by the Author's little Son,
to every boy who may claim fellowship with him, at Mr. Bonwick's School, Hobart;
at the College, Bishopsbourne; or at the Church Grammar School, Launceston;
and of course to each fair Currency Lass, who may assert her claim on the contract with the Author's young friends -
the Colonial Youth- that they shall well perform the "toorie loorie."
[There will also be a condition prefixed, by which any Native-born Tasmanian or Australian may become entitled to a copy of the Boy's own Book,
on demanding the same of the Author, as a "REWARD OF MERIT and of memory."]
The close of the person's begging letter is worth reading - though not worth the space it occupies in our columns: . . .
CONFLAGRATION. SUFFERERS' RELIEF. To the Editor of . . .", The Argus (22 February 1851), 2
Sir, - Whilst admiring the noble example set to their fellow colonists by Ed. Willis, Esq. and a few compatriots, who so promptly afforded practical active assistance to the sufferers by fire at the Barrabool Hills, and glad to find that there is not an utter want of sympathy towards the bereaved and "entirely ruined" settlers who have been burnt out of house and home . . . Sir, I propose that all stockholders in the colony, except the incurably selfish, and the miserably mean, should transmit to the relief Committee . . . a contribution of one penny for each horse - one half-penny for each head of cattle, and one half farthing for each sheep and lamb in his possession. This, will afford real relief to the unfortunate gentlemen and others, who have sustained heavy losses by the late calamity, and this mode will distribute the not heavy burthen, as it ought to be distributed somewhat equally . . .
Should I by the employment of my tongue or of my pen, be instrumental towards the attainment of the great object,
which in common with the Argus I have ardently in view, I shall the less regret the absence of California metal from my purse:
but having intimated my hope to contribute - though indirectly - as largely to the fund, in any one of my fellow citizens present at the meeting yesterday;
I would be permitted to explain the mode in which I propose to do, and hope to be supported in doing so.
For such a purpose, almost any amateur play would be sure to be well supported.
I therefore venture to solicit the support of young men of parts, and especially of vocal talent, to assist me to bring out a Bush Opera,
which I was guilty of perpetrating in "the bush, of South Australia," ten or eleven years ago;
and which (owing to the entire publication - 1000 copies, having been burnt in the fire of the bookbinders house, Mr. Rolwigan's in Hobart Town,) has lain dormant ever since.
However, humble its merits, it will at least be a novelty, and it comprises, with some humour it is hoped, 15 or 16 songs and a glee.
Many of the songs are written to standard airs, and the others will be forthwith set to music by a talented professor of harmony.
I remain Sir,
Yours and my "Gentle Public's"
Faithful and obedient servant,
102, King-st., February 19, 1851.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Rolwegan (printer); the fire in Rolewegan's Hobart premises was in August 1844
See also, "RATHER GOOD", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal [Adelaide, SA] (12 April 1851), 3
Some old colonists may remember that Mr. N. L KENTISH, once published a pamphlet filled with doggrel verse on some subject, we forget what, the profits of which were benevolently to be applied towards the relief of the poverty-stricken inhabitants of South Australia. What the sum received amounted to we never heard. Mr. Kentish has a scheme of a similar sort on the tapis. Some considerable damage has been done, it seems, by bush fires in the Melbourne district, and Mr. Kentish having written a Bush OPERA! (the libretto we suppose) offers it in aid of the funds to be collected in alleviation of the distresses of the sufferers, thinking that for such a purpose any amateur play would be sure to be well supported. Mr Kentish's proposition in his own words is: - "I venture, therefore, to solicit . . . [as above]
"CONFLAGRATION SUFFERERS RELIEF. To the Editors and Proprietors of the . . .", Port Phillip Gazette (1 March 1851), 4
GENTLEMEN . . . I shall now,
(that it as soon as I shall have had the pleasure to witness the signatures of not less than one thousand of my fellow-colonist,
in the cause of humanity and of sound statesman-like policy) leave the document to the voluntary support of Victorians who approve its prayer;
and for myself, intreating only to be supported in my "Bush Opera," as soon as prepared by Mr. Megson, in aid of the relief fund for the sufferers.
I remain, Gentlemen,
Your humble and obedient aervant,
156, Burke-street, West,
February 25, 1851.
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 March 1851), 3
MR. MEGSON HAVING in preparation, (with the kind and valuable assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Young, of the Victoria Theatre,) a highly interesting
from the pen of N. L. Kentish, Esq, they on behalf of the Sufferers by the
respectfully invite the co-operation of both ladies and gentlemen of vocal or histrionic talent to carry out the author's design of
An Amateur Opera,
Several excellent vocalists have already signified their readiness to aid in this object so worthy of the generous and humane fellow-colonists of the bereaved and ruined sufferers;
but as the piece contains not less than 16 or 17 songs, volunteers will be thankfully enrolled at the Theatre;
also by the author, 156, Bourke-street, West; or by the Composer, 148, Little Flinders-street, East.
Many of the songs are written to old and favorite standard tunes;
others, which are being set to music by the undersigned, will be completed in a few more days.
It is desirable, therefore, to arrange the characters as soon as possible that the amateurs may have time to study and become perfect in their parts by the 29th instant,
on which evening it is hoped to amuse and gratify a large Melbourne audience with a
literally from
being the first Opera written, set to music, and performed in the Colonies.
Professor of Music.
148, Little Flinders, street, East.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (composer); Charles and Jane Young (actors, vocalists, managers); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne)
"METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT . . . KENTISH V. SPAGNOLETTI", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1861), 5
This was an action to recover £25 for composing to defendant's order a song - "The Captured Lady's Answer to Ever of Thee I'm fondly Dreaming" - which defendant had set to music and published. Plaintiff not being in a position to prove his contract, was nonsuited.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ernesto Spagnoletti senior (composer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 August 1861), 2
KENTISH v. SPAGNOLETTI - To his Fellow-colonists and the Public. - FRIENDS and GENTLEMEN, - Not presuming to address you through the editor on a subject purely personal, yet having a great objection to being misapprehended by society with respect to any affair of mine brought under public notice, I adopt this mode of explaining to the readers of the Sydney newspapers of Saturday last the real circumstances of a case which, unexplained, makes me to appear, prima facie, both avaricious and as a mere poetaster conceited; whilst those who know me most intimately are well able to vouch for my characteristics being in a very opposite direction.
When requested by Signor Spagnoletti, jun., to say what remuneration would be satisfactory to me, to induce compliance with his solicitation to try my hand at a sentimental ditty in response to, and to be written to the music of "Ever of Thee," which he had slightly varied, I smiled at his complimentary notion of "my possessing the ability" to do what he required to be done, and - being no mercenary - I did not desire, and I never dreamt of accepting other recompense, for any effort of my humble Muse, if sufficiently successful to satisfy the Professor, than, perhaps, a score of two of copies when published. As it happened, that a few months after this first and last meeting "my Poet's eye, in a fine fire of frenzy rolling," I suddenly became sufficiently "inspired" to throw off the lines which the talented musician of Balmain has, by his setting, enabled all captivated maidens to sing to their gallant captors at the Court of Venus, or in the temple of Apollo; I sent them to the Signor for approval or rejection and not being honoured with any reply for three months - viz., until after they had been set to music, printed, and published in my name, but as the property of his father, who had the nonchalance actually to solicit me "to exert myself for the sole of his song" (!) which I was, and still am under the impression of being "my own song," and no more Signor Spagnoletti's than is his music mine - I naturally felt very indignant, and addressed to the composer and naive publisher, the following letter, which I leave to speak for itself. After waiting [an]other four months in vain, for the courtesy of a reply, I at length applied to the District Court, making a claim, as the author, of a moiety of the bagatelle, of what is estimated to be a value of a fourth share of the net profits. Had Signor Spagnoletti treated me with common civility, my expectations would have been satisfied by merely a moderate number of the songs for presentation to my acquaintances, but when compelled to make a demand, I dare to believe, that no publisher will deem twenty-five per cent of the profits an unreasonable expectation on the part of an author, whose pen has created the same, and whose literary property has been published in his name, for the sole benefit of a rude and unscrupulous pirate.
(Copy) To Signor Spagnolotti (meaning the son), "Sir - I have the honour to acknowledge your note and three copies of 'your song,' and having long felt surprise at no acknowledgment having reached me of your receipt of the words, which I enclosed under cover to you about three months ago, not suspecting a gentleman of discourtesy, I was under the impression that I had been misinformed as to your address, and that the lines which I posted to 'Balmain,' as soon as my Muse enabled me to throw them off were lost, but having copied them into my MS book, I had it in contemplation to get them set to music by Mr. Packer, and myself publishing 'The Captivated Maiden's response to her enamoured swain,' 'Ever of thee,' at the same time with my 'Volunteers' War Song.'
"It is most annoying to me to be held up to the public as a fool by stupid errors of the Printer's Devil, as a fault in orthography will, of course, be attributed to the author. "Had you, Sir, but condescended to consult with, or even had the decency to cause a proof to be shown to the author, before putting his words in the Press, he would have prevented this disgrace to himself and blunders enough to damn the song with the public, notwithstanding its admirable arrangement, and to injure is sale, until republished with four corrections of the words. 'Any,' instead of 'my fond heart,' is a double error, as it destroys both the sense and the sound - the metre and the meaning. None but a foreigner could have permitted the word 'principle,' as of course written by me, to be printed 'Heavenly principal (see English Dictionary), nor the points or stops to abound in errors - all of which, and 'claim' instead of 'love's chain invincible,' &c. Even the title page itself - is most disgraceful, and my name is neither Charles nor Christopher, but Lipscomb. But that's of no consequence.
"I confess that I should like to see the whole of the 250 copies at present printed, put into the fire, which are falsely stated to be published 'by the author,' which I am, who never sanctioned the publication, nor was informed of it instead of 'By the composer,' which I suppose you claim to be, as having altered the arrangement of ----'s original music to 'Ever of Thee.' Having composed the words of this song expressly at your request, purely as a matter of business (for you are aware that I never had the pleasure of seeing you in my life, nor did I so much as know your name before that occasion, when accidentally meeting with me at Mr. Grocott's, and being shown my Volunteers' song, you were pleased to think that 'I was just the very person to effect for you, - a wish you had long entertained' - not being yourself poetical, as well as musical, viz., to get some suitable words written as a response to that most popular ballad, 'Ever of thee)' I beg leave politely, but distinctly, to give you notice, that your presuming to exercise the right of 'printing, publishing, and selling my composition,' and that, too, for your own exclusive benefit, is illegal, as well as in my opinion dishonourable, besides being ungentlemanly, and will not be tolerated 'by the author,' whose copyright is thus barefacedly appropriated without his consent, or even his knowledge.
"Unless a proper understanding and equitable agreement in writing, such as is usual, between the joint producers of a 'new piece' of vocal music, viz., the author of the words and the composer of the music be entered into forthwith, I shall place myself entirely in the hands of my attorney to institute such legal proceedings, under the extraordinary circumstances as he may deem proper.
"It is not for me, but for the public only, to judge of the composition of my humble Muse (as of yours also), but several literary and musical acquaintances assure me that my verses (little as I think of them), happen to harmonise so perfectly in sentiment with 'Ever of thee' - one of the most popular songs of the day - that they are - I mean that our song is - sure of a good sale; and a professional - I mean musical - gentleman having asked me, 'whether I would take £50 for my share of the profits on its sale in these colonies,' - this circumstance, and the disgust which I naturally feel at you treatment of me (the illegality of which is even exceeded by what I cannot but view as meanness so outrageous as to be perfectly insulting, but I am free to admit, practised on me without any intention on your part, that I should so consider it) in not only publishing my song without my knowledge, but in coolly appropriating the copyright, just as if you had purchased it; which words of mine, attached to the old popular air, will realise, at first say 1000 copies, profit £75 , and from time to time, for years, perhaps, more than a second thousand, also selling in the other colonies, and in England, for my share of which (far the greater part of the work, and perhaps of the merit, being mine - as my composition is now and original, whilst your composition consists of the slight variation from an old favourite air) you have been pleased most liberally to reward me with 'Signor Spagnoletti's thanks' and a couple of his (whose?) songs, of the value of about 1s. 6d. or 1s. 9d. sterling; that being about the cost price of the three sent (two of which are soiled), in return for which extreme generosity you tell me that 'you trust that I will use all my interest for the sale of your song,' of my own composition, for your exclusive benefit !!!
"Having consulted a solicitor, I find that it is open to me to file an information against you on affidavit, which will entitle me to an injunction, restraining you from making use of that which is exclusively MY literary property, or to bring an action against you for damages, for pirating, or illegally appropriating my copyright. But, Sir, I have no desire to do either, provided a proper understanding be come to immediately, by means of an agreement in writing to be prepared by my solicitor, at our joint expense.
"Requesting the favour of your immediate attention,
"I have the honour to be, Sir,
"Your very obedient servant,
"425, Pitt-street South, March 28th, 1861."
"Metropolitan Correspondence. SYDNEY, Tuesday Afternoon", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (24 August 1861), 2
Do ye ken a certain Mr. Nathaniel Lipscombe Kentish? I confess I don't, save by his name, which has a tripping sound on the tongue and remains there; but I think he was up your way somewhere as Clerk of Petty Sessions for a a short time. However, this gentleman lately wrote what he calls a "Volunteers' Song" - saving your presence, the veriest trash that was ever spawned out of Seven Dials. He has lately had a case before the District Court here, which is a lark in its way. A certain Mr. or Signor Spagnoletti (chaffing him, I suppose) asked him to write a song - a response to the ballad "Ever of thee I'm fondly Dreaming," with which request Mr. Kentish complied on the very next occasion when he had a visit from the Muses. He says that if Spagnoletti had sent him a few score copies of the song when set to music, he might have let him off, though an intimate friend had asked him if he would take £50 for the copyright - adding, no doubt, sotto voce, "don't you wish you may get it?" but when he found that the musician only sent him a couple of copies - value (as Kentish says) 1s. 9d., but which I presume would be dear at the odd ninepence, he waxed wroth, and summoned the luckless wag to the District Court for £25, which he didn't get, of course, being a kinder sorter non-suited. Good Lord how this world is given to bosh!
"DEATHS", Empire (14 October 1867), 1
On the 11th instant, at Ashfield, in the 70th year of his age, Nathaniel Lipscomb Kentish, ESQ., an old and respected colonist.
Songs and lyrics:
Commemoration Victorian-Australian anthem, : composed in celebration of the glorious occasion of separation, dedicated to the loyal sons of Victoria ([Melbourne: N. L. Kentish, 1850/51])
Mount Alexander gold-diggers' song ("Chorus by all the diggers in full costume") ([?]: [?], [1852])
Four lyrics, in The question of questions . . . The land and water question in Victoria (Melbourne: J. J. Blundell, 1855), 50-52, 53-55, 76-79, 80-84, and list of works in advertisement on inside cover (DIGITISED)
The Author having been repeatedly reminded by his friends and acquaintances of his intended Poetical Work,
which was defeated by the sudden desertion of every Printing-office in Melbourne,
on the Gold discovery at Ballaarat, in 1851; is induced to renew his former announcement, of
THE AUSTRALASIAN MUSE; In two Vols, Royal 8vo.
In the hope that Literary and Mental Productions, may not be wholly excluded from that support,
which it is so universally admitted by the Australian Public, and advocated by the Press,
to be true patriotism of Colonists to afford to the cultivation of Wheat and Wool,
and of all other physical products of "the Land we live in" Mr. Kentish - in accordance with the suggestion of friends -
is induced to submit to his Fellow-Colonists, the unpretending effusions of his Muse;
trusting that - however humble her merits -amongst his literary acquaintances, and the educated and higher classes in general,
of New South Wales (where, as an Editor he had the pleasure to cater for the greatest number of subscribers,
including almost every Magistrate in that Colony some years ago), South Australia, Swan River, Van Diemen's Land,
New Zealand, and especially Victoria, sufficient encouragement may not be wanting to support him in the publication of a perfectly Colonial Work,
the whole having been "perpetrated" in, and no small portion being descriptive of, these several Colonies respectively.
The first Volume will probably contain upwards of 300 pages of Miscellaneous Poetry, by the "From grave to gay - from lively, to severe," - comprising:
AUSTRALIA - In three Cantos; written in New South Wales.
NEW ZEALAND - By a Shipwrecked Traveller; written in Cook's Straits.
TASMANIA - Written principally during a Three Years' Exploring Expedition in Van Diemen's Land.
VICTORIA - A Peep at the splendid Pastoral Province of Port Phillip; written on the Murray, in 1848.
THE BUSH IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA - A desultory Poem, in five Cantos; written at Yankalilla;
in one of which, is included a "Colonial Opera," containing sixteen Songs and a Glee,
(to be set to Music and sung by the privileged purchaser, "au plaisir.")
LINES (350) on the Explorers of Australia and Tasmania.
THE REFORMATION -In several Books.
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT - An Essay to promote the Abolition of.
IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT - In two Books; eleven Cantos.
ELEGY on the Death of his late Excellency Sir Eardley Wilmot, Bart.
ELEGY on the Death by drowning, of the late Alfred O. Montagu, Esq.
ELEGY on the lamented and terrible Death of E. B. Kennedy, Esq., and his ten Comrades, who perished in the Exploration of Northern Australia.
The second Volume (of at least 500pages), will consist of a Compilation of the "Gems of Australian Poesy,"
extracted with great pains from the various Newspapers and Magazines of each of the Austral Colonies,
from their first settlemen to the present date - enriched by hitherto unpublished compositions of merit,
from the pens of Colonial Literati - (which, if composed in Australia, will be entitled to a preference over productions of the Muse, however excellent, warbled elsewhere):
the object of the Editor being, to bring into one focus - to centralise as it were, and give a "local habitation and a name,"
to as large a number as practicable, of the really meritorious Odes, Sonnets, and Songs, Religious and pathetic pieces -
humorous and satirical effusions - and even Poems of considerable length as well as force, of Australian Poets,
and to rescue from oblivion the harmonious breathings of sundry Bards and Ladyes-faire,
whose melodies have hitherto comparatively, been in Australia
"Like many a flower that blows to blush unseen,
And waste its fragrance on the desert air."
PRICE ONE GUINEA - or either Vol. separately, 15s.
*** Subscribers names are received at the Libraries in Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart Town, Launceston, Adelaide, Perth, Auckland, and Wellington;
a list of which will be prefixed.
N.B—The favour of support will be greatly enhanced, by early communication to either of the Libraries, or to the Author,
(at the Publishers, James J. Blundell & Co.), 44 Collins street, Melbourne, who will put the Work, in the Press,
as soon as a sufficient number of copies shall have been ordered, to indemnify from actual loss.
P. S. - Mr. Kentish takes the liberty of inviting the attention of the Military, in these Colonies;
there being few Regiments, in which his name may not be familiar to some of the Officers, as a Professor in the R. M. College, Sandhurst, in 1827-8-9.
The captured lady, answer to Ever of thee I'm fondly dreaming, respectfully dedicated to Miss Reid, and the yougn ladies of the Australian College, Sydney; words by N. C. [sic] Kentish; composed by Spagnoletti, R. A. ([Sydney]: [Spagnoletti], [1861]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Ernesto Spagnoletti senior (composer)
MUSIC: Ever of thee I'm fondly dreaming (words by George Linley; music by Foley Hall)
Bibliography and resources:
L. J. Blake, "Kentish, Nathaniel Lipscomb (1797-1867)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Tony Marshall, "Mr. K. in the colonies: romp through the life of Nathaniel Lipscomb Kentish", Papers and proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 53/2 (June 2006), 72-78;dn=200608259;res=IELAPA (PAYWALL)
Amateur musician, vocalist, choir leader, founding member Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (? 1854)
Born Lancashire, England, 20 June 1824; baptised Wesleyan chapel, Oldham, 19 July 1824; son of John KENWORTHY and Hannah KITCHEN
? Arrived Hobart Town, VDL, by 1827
Died Launceston, TAS, 29 July 1892, aged 68 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Marriages in the district of Hobart, 1847; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:835349; RGD37/1/6 no 1066$init=RGD37-1-6P195 (DIGITISED)
No. 64 [1066] 1 May 1847 at the residence of Mrs. White, 57 Argyle street /
Robert Kenworthy/ Full age / Carpenter / Bachelor / and Ann Sarah Presnell / Twenty one years / Dressmaker / Spinster . . .
married . . . according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Wesleyan Church . . . In the presence of . . . John Kenworthy . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (6 September 1859), 1
- A PUBLIC CONCERT will be given by by the above Society, in the Cornwall Assembly Rooms,
on Thursday Evening, September 8th in aid of the Building Fund of the Mechanics' Institute.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, concert to commence at half-past 7 precisely.
Tickets 2s. 6d. each a programmes 6d. each, to be obtained at Mr. Sharp's Music Warehouse, George-street;
Messrs. Walch and Sons', Brisbane-street; Messrs. Stephens and Kenworthy's, Charles and Elizabeth-streets;
the Secretary and Committee of the Mechanics' Institute; and at the Reading Room, on Tuesday and Friday evenings.
W. STOKES, Hon. Sec. September 3.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (conductor); Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (organisation)
"LAUNCESTON MUSICAL UNION", Launceston Examiner (24 July 1883), 3
The annual meeting of this Society was held in St. Andrew's School-room last night, at 7.30.; Mr. R. Kenworthy occupying the chair.
The following report of the Committee was read: . . . Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Alex. Wallace, the Society's conductor . . .
JOHN G. WALLER, Hon. Secretary . . .
That the following gentlemen be the office-bearers for the ensuing year: -
Patron, his Excellency Sir G. C. Strahan; President, his Worship the Mayor; Vice - Presidents, H. Button, Esq., and A. W. Birchall, Esq.;
hon. Librarian, Mr. M. Green; hon. Treasurer, Mr. J. G. Waller; hon. Secretary, Mr. J. A. James;
Committee, Messrs. G. P. Hudson, R. Kenworthy, G. Orpwood, J. Frost, F. Ferguson, A. Hart, M. E. Robinson, W. Tregilgas, W. Stokes, and A. Meston" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Launceston Musical Union (organisation); Alexander Wallace (conductor); John Gough Waller (member); George Orpwood (member); John Frost (member); Frederick Ferguson (member); Anthony Hart (member); William Stokes (member)
"Deaths", Launceston Examiner (30 July 1892), 1
KENWORTHY.- On 29th July, at his residence, Balfour-street, Mr. Robert Kenworthy, aged 68.
"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY (W.S.)", Launceston Examiner (19 November 1892), 7
Your correspondeont H.B. in his interesting reminiscences last Saturday desired to know something more of the above society. As its secretary from start to finish I am only too glad to supply what information I possess from memory. The old society after practising in the Baptist Chapel, York-street, was dissolved. I believe in 1854 a meeting was convened at the residence of the late Mr. R. Kenworthy, Cameron-street, and there the new society was formed. It was decided to practice in the Wycliffe Chapel, York-street, and there the meetings were regularly held. The first invitation rehearsal was held in Tamar-street church, the late Rev. C. Price becoming an honorary member and an ardent supporter until its close. All the officers were honorary, and the concerts were given in aid of local charitable objects. These were held in the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. At the time of the Indian mutiny the society united with the Philharmonic and produced the "Creation" in aid of the fund for the wounded, which was a great success, the tickets being 10s 6d and 7s 6d, and the proceeds upwards of £600. The leading parts were Miss Lucy Chambers, soprano; Mrs. Hamilton, contralto; Mr. Henslow, Hobart, tenor; Mr. Farquharson, bass; Mr. J. Adams, conductor; Rev. W. A. Brook, pianist. This society then numbered 100 members, but, like everything in this city, interest and attendance declined, and eventually the society was dissolved, the property sold, and the books, etc., placed in care of the Mechanics' Institute, where, I suppose, they might be perused on application to the librarian, Mr. Johnstone, who was one of the old members.
ASSOCIATIONS: "W.S." = William Stokes (member); Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (organisation); Lucy Chambers (soprano); Emma Elizabeth Hamilton (contralto); Francis Hartwell Henslowe (tenor); Robert Farquharson (bass); Warren Auber Brooke (piano); Alexander Johnston (member); the earlier article referred to, "REMINISCENCES", Launceston Examiner (12 November 1892), 2
Amateur vocalist, tailor
Born England, c. 1822
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, October 1852 (per James Carson, from England, aged 30 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 July 1853), 1
BRIGHTON, Sussex. Brighton, Sussex. - John Kenyon, from the above beautiful town, Tailor and Woollen Draper, Llttle Oxford-street, opposite the Collingwood Hotel, Collingwood, Melbourne.
[Advertisement], The Banner (16 September 1853), 10
VOCAL MUSIC. COMPETENT AMATEURS are respectfully invited to assist in the formation of a GLEE AND MADRIGAL SOCIETY. Apply to J. Kenyon, Smith Street, and Mr. Izard, Oxford Street, Collingwood.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry John Izard
KENYON, Joseph (Joseph KENYON)
Vocalist, bass viol player, principal singer St. John's Church, Parramatta, weaver, convict, nurseryman
Born England, 29 September 1781; baptised Woodkirk, York, 21 October 1781; son of Joshua and Betty KENION
Married (1) Mary Ann ATKIN (c. 1782-1842), Wakefield, York, England, 29 April 1803 (aged 22)
Tried and sentenced York Assizes, England, 11 March 1815 (14 years
Arrived NSW, 30 January 1816 (convict per Ocean, aged "37", from England, August 1815)
Active Parramatta, NSW, 1820s
Died Prospect Creek, NSW, 25 August 1860, "in the 87th year of his age" (shareable link to this entry)
[News], Leeds Intelligencer [England] (2 January 1815), 3
Committed to York Castle, Joseph Kenyon, late of Wakefield, weaver, charged upon oath with having feloniously entered, on the 21st ult. the Bleaching Grounds of Joseph Beckett, Esq; and stealing therefrom a quantity of linen year.
"YORKSHIRE ASSIZES", Tyne Mercury, Northumberland and Durham and Cumberland Gazette (4 April 1815), 4
At these assizes . . . Joseph Kenyon, for stealing linen yarn, to be transported 14 years . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 March 1817), 1
A CARD. JOSEPH KENYON, late Tutor in the Reverend Mr. MARSDEN'S Family, most respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Parramatta and its Vicinity, that he intends opening a DAY SCHOOL for the Instruction of Youth, on Monday the 17th Day of March, 1817, at the House belonging to Mr. William Laverton, situated in Parramatta.
Inquiry into charges against James Ring, August 1825, HRA, I, 11, 736, 738 (DIGITISED)
[736] SUSAN PRISCILLA BISHOP . . . Cross-examined . . . Mr. Kenyon and one or two of the Singers at the Church have been in the habit of attending at Mr. Marsden's family worship. It is not, that I am aware, a common understood thing that any respectable person may attend at Mr. Marsden's Worship on a Sunday evening. I know a person named Pritchard. He is a Ticket of Leave Man, and he was one of the Singers. I know a man named Newsome. He was a Singer . . .
JAMES ELDER . . . Examined . . . [738] . . . Mr. Marsden said, "You know he [Ring] is one of my Singers and I allow him to lodge at the Clerk's [Kenyon's] because he is one also."
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Marsden (clergyman); James Ring (singer); William Pritchard (singer); John Newsome (singer)
"TO THE EDITOR", The Monitor (26 July 1828), 2
Parramatta, 16th of July, 1828. To THE EDITOR OF THE MONITOR.
SIR, Mr. Joseph Kenyon of the Woodlands,
near Prospect entertained a large party of his friends on Monday last at his house. A Ball and Supper succeeded the dinner,
which was tastefully got up, and the rosy morn was hailed before the party broke up. Some of the intimates stopt breakfast next day,
and some few lingered until Mr. Kenyon regaled them with a tiffin, Yours,
A highly-entertained Guest.
"Public Notice", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 April 1829), 1
THE undermentioned Persons have obtained Certificates of Freedom during the last Week; viz. . . . Ocean (1) . . . Joseph Kenyon . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1860), 1
On the 25th instant, at his residence, Woodlands, Prospect Creek, Joseph Kenyon, sen., Esq., in the 87th year of his age.
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 23, 440 note 19
Before the advent of an organ at St. John's, hymns and psalms were sung to music provided by the military band, or to a bass viol played by the Parish Clerk, Joseph Kenyon. In 1829 Kenyon became the Leading Singer, for which he received £5 per quarter. He was supported by five Assistant Singers, each paid 10s per quarter.
"Joseph Kenyon", Convict Records
Musician, clarionet player, clarinet player, clarinettist
Active Dungog, NSW, 1852 (shareable link to this entry)
"A WEEK IN DUNGOG [FROM A CORRESPONDENT]", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (20 March 1852), 4
. . . It is strange, however, that the village should still be without a barber, a baker, or a druggist. There is, nevertheless, a dancing master, one of the best in the colony, a variety of titled soubriquets and female grooms who attend and serve the horses; Mr. Jacobs' musical instruments and Mr. Keogh's clarionets. Mr. Malcom's Circus Company lately performed three nights in a temporary pavilion, and on each night there were nearly three hundred spectators . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bradley (tailor, professor of dancing) "Jacobs" was probably Archichald Hamilton Jacob, recently appointed clerk of the bench at Dungog, though not otherwise remembered for his musical interests
KEOGH, Thomas (Thomas KEOGH)
Amateur musician, bandsman, founding member of St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), by c. 1845 (shareable link to this entry)
KEON, Georgina Isabella (Mrs. Sylvester O'SULLIVAN)
Amateur musician, composer, pianist
Born Newbrook, co. Leitrim, Ireland, c. 1841; daughter of Ferdinand KEON (c. 1794-1876) and Margaret PLUNKETT (1795-1862)
Married Sylvester O'SULLIVAN (c. 1831-1877), St Patrick's cathedral, Melbourne, 29 August 1866
Died North Sydney, NSW, 9 June 1927'Sullivan+d1927 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Irish born, Keon was a niece (daughter of the sister) of the NSW attorney-general (and amateur musician) J. H. Plunkett. Her parents remaining in Ireland, she had evidently come to NSW and settled with her brother, George Plunkett Keon (d. 1899) and his family at Eden, on Twofold Bay, NSW.
In November 1864, J. H. Anderson published Keon's The Twofold Bay waltzes, dedicated to her uncle and his wife.
In Melbourne in 1866 she married the Irish-born grazier Sylvester O'Sullivan.
? "CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1857), 4
November 21. - Gipsy, schooner, 45 tons, Captain Shepherd, for Twofold Bay, with sundries. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Rose and family, Miss Lynn, Miss Keon, Miss Allen . . .
"DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, DURING FEBRUARY, 1859", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 March 1859), 5
. . . A priapulus from Twofold Bay, by Mrs. Keon . . .
[Editorial], Twofold Bay and Maneroo Telegraph (7 September 1860), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1864), 16
Just Published, THE TWOFOLD BAY WALTZES, elegantly illustrated with view of Twofold Bay. Dedicated to the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Plunkett by Miss McKeon [sic]. J. H. ANDERSON, Music Warehouse, 360, George-street, and 57, Collins-street, Melbourne.
"The Twofold Bay Waltzes", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1864), 4
A set of waltzes, bearing the above title, have been published by Anderson, of George-street. They are the composition of Miss Georgina Keon, a young lady possessing considerable musical talent. The waltzes are not pretentious, though very pretty, and are rich in harmony, the result of a plentiful use of full chords in the bass, with octaves for the dacapo or repeat. The keys alternate between B flat, A flat, C natural, and F. This composition is dedicated to the Hon. J. H. Plunkett and Mrs. Plunkett, both of whom are known to take more than ordinary interest in the progress of music in this colony. The waltzes are beautifully printed, and the title-page contains a view of Twofold Bay taken from Boyd Town. A better view, however, might have been obtained from the Eden side of the Bay, and the beautiful peak of Mount Imley thus introduced.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 September 1866), 1
O'SULLIVAN - KEON. - On the 29th inst., by special licence, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, by the Right Rev. Dr. Gould, R. C. bishop of Melbourne, assisted by the very rev. the vicar-general and the Rev. F. S. Corbett, Silvester O'Sullivan, Esq., of Cudgelligo, Lachlan, to Georgina Isabella, youngest daughter of Ferdinand Keon, Esq., of New Brook, County of Leitrim, Ireland, and niece of the Hon. J. H. Plunkett, late Attorney-General New South Wales.
"DEATHS", Freeman's Journal (16 June 1927), 26
O'SULLIVAN. - June 9th, 1927, at North Sydney, Georgina Isabella, widow of the late Silvester O'Sullivan, late of Burwood, and Lachlan, aged 86 years. R.I.P.
Musical works:
The Twofold Bay waltzes (1864)
The Twofold Bay waltzes, composed and dedicated to the honorable Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Plunkett by Miss Georgina Isabella Keon (Sydney: J. H. Anderson, [1864]); "J. Degotardi" (DIGITISED - cover missing) (DIGITISED)
KERN, Charles (Charles KERN; John Louis Charles Gustavus KERN)
Music printer, music publisher, musicseller, bookbinder, general stationer
Born Pappenheim, Bavaria, Germany, c. 1812
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 6 September 1843 (per Persian, from Gravesend, 8 May, and Portsmouth, 10 May)
Active Sydney, NSW, as Kern and Mader, 1845-53
Married Jane WILKINS (d. 1857), NSW, 1847
Departed Sydney, NSW, December 1877 (for Germany) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
As Kern and Mader: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Mader

Kern and Mader, Stationers, No. 4 [later no. 7] Hunter Street, north side, corner of George St. (originally Francis Ellard's first Sydney premises); from Sydney in 1848, illustrated by copper-plate engravings of its principal streets, public buildings, churches, chapels, &c., from drawings by Joseph Fowles (Sydney: J. Fowles, 1848) (DIGITISED)
Apart from his place and approximate year of birth (given on his certificate of naturalisation in 1850), nothing is known for certain of Kern prior to his arrival in England by April 1843. He was perhaps related to the Charles Kern, late of the Couriers' Club, in St. James, London, who died in Munich, Bavaria, on 28 September 1873, and for whom probate was granted in London on 12 December that year. If this was perhaps Kern's father, his own subsequent departure from Sydney for Germany in 1877 may be connected.
From evidence presented in London in 1843, it seems likely that Kern had already formed some sort of business partnership with the bookbinder, Frederick Mader, in Germany. Mader had preceded Kern to Sydney, arriving in December 1841, via London.
Statement by Mr. Ehrensperger, dated London, 26 April 1843; in "1846, NOV. 16. ACKERMANN AND OTHERS v. EHRENSPERGER", Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer of Pleas, Michaelmas term, 10 Victoriae", The law journal reports for the Year 1847 . . . (London: Edward Bret Ince, 1847), [Michaelmas section] 4
. . . At the trial, before Pollock, C.B., at the London Sittings, after Michaelmas term, 1844, the following facts appeared: - In April 1843, a Mr. Charles Kern, being about to sail to Sydney, in New South Wales, applied to the plaintiffs for a supply of stationery, with which the latter agreed to furnish him, on receiving a guarantie. The defendant accordingly gave the following guarantie, dated the 26th of April 1843: - "Gentlemen, - For the sum of 1l. sterling, which we hereby acknowledge to have received, we guarantie you the due acceptance and payment of the following two bills of exchange, drawn by Charles Kern, to your order, on Frederic Mader, Sydney, New South Wales, namely 165l. 5s. sterling, dated London, the 8th of April 1843 . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1843), 2
From London, last night, having left Gravesend the 8th, and Portsmouth the 10th May, the ship Persian, 600 tons, Captain Oppenheim, with a cargo of merchandise. Passengers . . . Kern . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 September 1843), 3
NOTICE. KERN AND CO., Stationers, Bookbinders, Jewel-case and Pocket-book Makers,
beg to inform the gentry and the inhabitants of Sydney generally, that they have opened a shop, No. 4, Hunter street,
with a splendid assortment of stationery, comprising English, German, and French goods.
K. and Co. beg to state that, being practical men, having a thorough knowledge of the business in all its departments
(having been engaged in most of the principal cities on the continent - Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London),
and having purchased their stock under their own immediate inspection, they can warrant their goods to be of the very best description.
N.B.- Bookbinding in all its varieties, pocket book and jewel-case making executed according to order.
[Advertisement], The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (26 April 1845), 204
. . . CHAS. KERN AND T. MADER [sic],
Stationers and Bookbinders, 7, Hunter-street. Sydney, April 26.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1846), 1
Robertson's selection of Tunes
Steven's ditto
Birch's Psalmody
MelodÃa Sacra
Mozart's Masses
Haydn's Passione
Haydn's Creation
Handel's Joshua
Handel's Israel in Egypt
On sale at KERN'S AND CO.'S, Hunter-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 August 1847), 1
MUSIC. JUST RECEIVED, and on view at KERN and MADER'S, 7, Hunter-street, an assortment of Vocal and Instrumental Music, consisting of Waltzes, Quadrilles, Polkas, and Mozart's Operas, complete with text; also, an assortment of Quadrille small band books.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 November 1848), 1
NOTICE TO THE MUSICAL WORLD. NEW MUSIC. MR. A. EMANUEL, Professor of the Pianoforte, respectfully informs his musical friends and the public in general, that he has received ex Volunteer, a case of new and fashionable Music, including an immense variety of charming morceaux, but in consequence of his removal to No. 161, Elizabet-street, Mr. E has appointed Messrs. Kern and Mader, of Hunter street, agents for the sale of the same, where it will be on view on Monday next, the 27th instant.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1849), 1 supplement
JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, at KERN AND MADER'S, 7, Hunter-street . . .
Beethoven's Quartettes, perfectly new, beautifully half-bound . . .
Music and Musical Albums, plain music books
Violin, guitar, and harp strings, tuning forks, &c. . . .
N.B.- Bookbinding in all its branches manufactured on the premises . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 January 1851), 1
2000 PIANOFORTE PIECES, One Shilling each piece.
Mr. A. EMANUEL, Professor of Music, being the importer of the above, wishes to inform the musical world
that Catalogues may be had on application to his Agents, Messrs. Kern and Mader, Stationers, Hunter-street,
where the Music is for sale.
Certificate to naturalize Charles Kern, 3 April 1850; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . that John Louis Charles Gustavus Kern is a native of Pappenheim in Bavaria, thirty eight years of age, having arrived by the ship Persian in the year 1843, he is now residing in Sydney, carrying on business as a stationer and bookbinder, and wishing to obtain legal title to land in this Colony . . . this third day of April [1850] . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1851), 1
NEW POLKA. - The Very Last Polka composed by F. Bernard, price 2s. This original and characteristic Polka, performed by J. Weippert's band at Her Majesty's last state ball, June 26, at Buckingham Palace, was one of the most effective and attractive compositions of the night. It is supposed to be the last dance at the ball, and is descriptive of the clock striking, regret at parting, resolution of making the last not the least merry, &c. The pianoforte copy is exceedingly well adapted to dance to. May be had at Messrs. Kern and Mader's, Stationers, Hunter-street.
MUSIC: The very last polka (Bernard)
[Advertisement], Empire (25 June 1853), 2
THE Partnership hitherto existing between Charles Kern and Frederick Mader, under the style and firm of Kern and Mader,
No. 7, Hunter-street, will expire on the 30th of June.
Persons having claims against the firm are requested to send them in without delay.
Witness - E. MORIZE. Sydney, June 7.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1853), 3
TO THE PUBLIC - In tendering his grateful acknowledgments for the patronage bestowed upon the late firm of Kern and Mader
during the past ten years, the undersigned begs respectfully to intimate that the business will be resumed on the same premises on Tuesday,
6th July, and on his sole account.
CHARLES KERN, 7, Hunter-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 November 1853), 1
NOTICE. - All Accounts due to the late firm of Messrs. Kern and Mader are requested to be paid forthwith to Mr. Hart,
the collector; also to Mr. Kern, Hunter-street; or Mr. F. Mader, 503, George-street, opposite Hunter-street.
As the partnership accounts will be closed immediately,
debtors are respectfully reminded that all accounts which remain unsettled on the first day [of] December next
will be placed in the hands of a solicitor, without exception.
Sydney, 22nd November, 1853.
[Advertisement], Empire (7 November 1854), 2
NEW MUSIC - 60,000 pieces of the Musical Treasury, at sixpence per single number, at CHARLES KERN'S.
NOTE: "The musical treasury", a series published in London by George Henry Davidson; for a single volume words-and-melody only anthology, see Davidson's universal melodist (1853)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 December 1877), 8
W. PRITCHARD has received instructions from CHARLES KERN, Esq., in consequence of his intended departure for Germany,
to sell by public auction, on the GROUND, WITHOUT RESERVE, on SATURDAY next, 8th December, at 3 o'clock,
About 10 1/2 acres of land, delightfully situated on the BURWOOD ROAD . . .
Musical editions (Kern and Mader):
Works by Abraham Emanuel and Michael Balfe (1851)
The enchantress, My presence still, in calm, in storm, the celebrated romance, sung by Miss Sara Flower (Sydney: Published by Messrs. Kern and Mader, [1851]) (DIGITISED)
The casino polka arrainged [sic] by A. Emanuel (Sydney: Published by Messrs. Kern and Mader, [1851])
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1851), 1
NEW MUSIC - Just published, "My Presence Still in Calm or Storm," the celebrated romance, sung by Miss Sara Flower, in the above Opera, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, price 2s.; also, the Casino Polka, arranged by A. Emanuel, and dedicated to the patrons of his fashionable weekly entertainment, at the Royal Hotel, price 1s. May be had of Messrs. KERN AND MADER, Stationers, Hunter-street, on Tuesday next.
Works by Isaac Nathan (1850 to ? 1853):
The southern Euphrosyne and Australian miscellany, containing oriental moral tales, original anecdote, poetry and music, an historical sketch with examples of the native aboriginal melodies put into modern rhythm and harmonized as solos, quartettes &c., together with several other original local pieces, arranged to a piano-forte accompaniment by the editor and sole proprietor I. Nathan (Sydney: [Nathan]; London: Whittaker & Co., [1848-49]) (DIGITISED); though printed by Ford, apparently published and sold by Kern and Mader
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1850), 1
KERN AND MADER, HUNTER-STREET. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME, PRICE ONE POUND. THE SOUTHERN EUPHROSYNE, containing original Moral Tales, chiefly from the Hebrew, Persian, Chaldee, and Arabic, with illustrations, anecdote, poetry, and music, an historical sketch, with examples, of the ABORIGINAL MELODIES, put into modern rhythm, and harmonised (together with other original vocal pieces) as solos quartettos, &c., to a pianoforte accompaniment, by the Editor and Sole Proprietor, I. NATHAN.
Loyalty, a national paean, respectfully inscribed to his excellency, Sir Charles Augustus Fitz Roy, K.C.H., Governor-in-chief of New South Wales and its dependencies by I. Nathan ([Sydney]: [? Kern and Mader], [1850]) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1850), 7
"LOYALTY." A NATIONAL POAEN [sic], inscribed to His Excellency Sir Charles Augustus Fitz Roy. By I. NATHAN. KERN AND MADER, Hunter-street.
Lungi dal caro bene, sung by Mr. Palmer, as newly harmonised, corrected and revised with appropriate symphonies and accompaniments and with variations composed expressly for his extraordinary soprano voice by I. Nathan (Sydney: Kern & Mader, [1852]) (DIGITISED)
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 March 1852), 4
We have received a copy of Mr. Nathan's recent adaptation of the favourite air Lungi dal Caro bene, harmonized and revised, with variations expressly composed for Mr. Palmer, the young sofrano [sic, soprano] singer, who made his debut some months ago at the concert of St. Mary's Choral Society. Mr. Nathan's name is a sufficient guarantee for the correct treatment of the subject, and his acknowledged taste is fully displayed in the elegance and lightness of the fioriture.
"MUSICAL MEMS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 March 1852), 3 supplement
The beautiful air "Lungi Dal Caro Bene," has been newly harmonized, corrected and revised, and variations composed expressly for the soprano voice of Mr. Palmer, by the celebrated composer, Nathan. It is published by Messrs. Kern and Mader, of Hunter-street, in a very neat and cheap form. Some elaborate instructions are also appended to it, for the benefit of tyros.
Angels ever bright and fair, from handel's Theodora, sung by Mr. Palmer at St. Mary's Choral Society, as arranged with variations &c., expressly for his extraordinary soprano voice by I. Nathan (Sydney: Kern & Mader, [? 1853]) (DIGITISED)
Long live our gracious Queen; inscribed to the loyal subjects of her majesty queen Victoria, by I. Nathan ([Sydney]: Kern and Mader, [between 1850 and 1853]) (DIGITISED)
Bound albums of sheet music:
Album owned by Sara Flower; bound by Kern and Mader, Hunter Street, Sydney; State Library of New South Wales
Album owned by Miss Ann Weller, bound by Kern and Mader, Hunter Street, Sydney; State Library of New South Wales
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 188-89 (DIGITISED)
KERR, Andrew (Andrew KERR: ? Charles Andrew KERR, d. 1871)
Socttish vocalist, flauto player (? flute, flutina)
Active Bendigo, VIC, 1858 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 March 1858), 3
BENEFIT and last appearance but one of MR. W. WHITE, (Formerly of Rainer's Serenaders.)
The following Gentlemen have kindly volunteered their valuable services:-
Mr. S. Radford - Violin (primo.)
Mr. James McEwan - Violin (secundo.)
Mr. R. McEwin - Cornet.
Mr. Andrew Kerr - Flauto.
Mr. John McEwan - Basso.
Mr. Hunter - Piano.
Mr. M. W. White - Banjo.
Mr. J. Small, the celebrated characteristic and local Singer, who on this occasion will sing,
for the first time, his new song on the "Mining Board Election."
Mr. R. McEwan, the admired Basso.
Mr. Hammond, the favorite Comic Singer. -
Mr. Kerr, the favorite Scotch Vocalist. -
Mr. White, Tenor and Banjoist.
Prices of Admission: backseats, 2s.6d. ; Front do. 4s.
To commence at Eight o'clock. DANCING AFTER THE CONCERT.
KERR, George = George CARR
Musician, master of the Band of the New South Wales Corps (d. 1804)
KERR, William (William KERR)
Stationer, music seller, journalist, newspaper editor
Born Wigtown, Scotland, 1812
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1832 (from Scotland)
Active Maitland, NSW, by December 1832
Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), by 1839
Died Sunbury, VIC, 25 May 1859, aged 47 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"SUPREME COURT. WEDNESDAY JUNE 29. BULL v. WILSON", The Colonist (7 July 1836), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: Kerr, then a sub-editor of the Presbyterian newspaper, The Colonist, was one of the prosecution witnesses in the case against John Thomas Wilson, recent subject of the squib, John Thomas was a Shropshire man.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 October 1837), 3
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (5 November 1840), 1
Book and Stationery Warehouse, Collins Street. THE Undersigned has just landed from the London, and has now open for inspection, Two very superior Cottage Pianofortes, mahogany French polished, 6 1/2 oct, metalic plate columns, O. G. Fall; One old Violin, by Duke, with octagon pearl handled bow, &c., one of the finest instruments ever imported to the Australian colonies; One ditto ditto, (Italian) equally valuable; Two very superior Violins, oil varnish, double purpled, with octagon pearl mounted bow; One superb Guitar, machine head, pearl, mounted, silver fretts, &c.; Two German silver mounted cocoa Flutes, 8 keys, patent, with handsome rosewood case; A great variety of Horns, Half-moons, Trumpets, one and four keyed Concert Flutes, &c.; An assortment of the newest and most fashionable Music; Guitar, Pianoforte, Violin, and Flute Tutors. The whole of the above will be found well worthy of inspection. WILLIAM KERR. Melbourne, November 2.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (28 December 1840), 4
NEW MUSIC. - The subscriber has purchased the whole of the vocal, pianoforte, violin, and guitar Music, imported by Mr. Ellard from Sydney, in the Clonmel, and will have it ready for inspection, this morning, at the Book and Stationery Warehouse, Collins-street. WILLIAM KERR, A few very superior violins, guitars and flute for sale.
"DIED", Geelong Advertiser (26 May 1859), 2
On Wednesday, 25th inst, at the Sunbury Station of the Melbourne and Sandhurst Railway, Mr. William Kerr.
"THE LATE WILLIAM KERR", The Age (7 June 1859), 4-5
. . . About the foremost and certainly the most independent of the popular leaders of Port Phillip was the late William Kerr, some time town clerk of Melbourne. Mr. Kerr arrived in New South Wales in the year 1832 [sic]; shortly after his arrival he engaged as tutor to the family of a Mr. Homes of Glenlie; afterwards he became a teacher in the Australian College, Sydney; subsequently, but at what date is not exactly known, he became sub-editor of the Sydney Gazette and the Colonist newspapers. He remained in connexion with the former journal till 1839, when he came to Melbourne as the sub-editor of the Herald. He continued on that paper about twelve months, and at the expiry of that time he became lessee and editor of the Port Phillip Patriot, in which position he remained till the beginning of 1845. He then established the Melbourne Courier, of which he was proprietor and editor; but the Courier's existence was brief. Mr. Kerr, however, did not remain long idle; in 1848 he started the Argus and carried it on with great spirit. He was now completely master of his own columns, and from this time may be dated the commencement of free discussion in the colony. The Argus at that time was the only Melbourne paper in which all matters of public interest were allowed to be freely commented on. Most other journals were guilty of the silliest toadyism, and their editors clung with ludicrous tenacity to the tail of the pinchbeck aristocracy. Kerr held on in his independent course, and the Argus took a leading position. Edward Wilson, who had been for a considerable time an amateur journalist, joined the Argus, and, as he said, infused fresh blood into it. Wilson believed himself to be what is called a liberal politician; but his opinions were founded more upon feeling than reason; he became a public teacher when he ought to have been a student; his notions were of the crudest, and it soon became apparent that his overweening egotism and dogmatism had disgusted his co-editor, and that the Argus was under a divided rule. A separation became necessary; an arbitration ensued, and Mr. Kerr was ousted late in 1850. He then joined Mr. McCombie, and became a co-proprietor and editor, with that gentleman, of the Port Phillip Gazette. His connection with this journal did not last for any length of time. The City Corporation found great difficulty in getting a competent successor to Mr. King, their late town clerk, who had gone to England as agent for the Anti-Transportation League. Mr. Kerr in 1851 reluctantly accepted the office, and at that date his connection with the press may be said to have ceased. As a journalist Mr. Kerr stood, at one time, second to none in the colonies. Composition was to him a matter of severe labor, but his articles were always concise, striking, and to the point. His denunciation of what he conceived to be wrong-doing, were often terribly severe, and it must be admitted his strong feelings sometimes made him appear more of a partisan than a patriot, more of a true blue presbyterian than a Christian . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Lyndsay Gardiner, "Kerr, William (1812-1859)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Disambiguation (imges, etc.):
Not to be confused with William Kerr, builder, of Bathurst, who also died in 1859, and who was the subject of a funeral sermon published in Sydney; see
KESTERTON, Emmeline (Emmeline BARFOOT; Emeline, Emma; Mrs. Henry Coleman KESTERTON)
Vocalist, harpist, harp player
Born London, England, 19 November 1809; baptised St. Botolph, Bishopsgate 10 December 1809; daughter of Joseph and Frances Mary BARFOOT
Married Henry Coleman KESTERTON (1809-1886), St. Mary, Newington, Southwark, England, 5 March 1833
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 August 1833 (per Curler, from London 20 March)
Died Anvil Creek, via Maitland, NSW, 12 November 1846, "aged 32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Emeline Barfoot, daughter of the London stationer Joseph Barfoot and his wife Frances Mary, married Henry Coleman Kesterton (born 6 November 1809), son of the London coachmaker, Joseph Kesterton and his wife Anna Maria Coleman, in London in March 1833 (see Kesterton coaches in Sydney in 1838 and 1838 and 1839).
Immediately after their wedding, the couple sailed for Hobart. A daughter, Maria, was born and died in the space of days in April 1834, by which time the couple were living on New Town Road, Henry pursuing his family trade as a coachmaker.
Six months later, Emmeline made the first of her two documented public appearances, among several local performers who, at the behest of Sophia Davis, contributed gratuitously to an October benefit for the Polish refugee, George Gordonovitch. The second, in November, was a concert for another recent arrival in Hobart, the pianist Edmund Leffler.
On both occasions she sang songs from Thomas Moore and John Stevenson's collections, accompanying herself on the harp. Evidently she did not have an instrument of her own, so on the first occasion (and perhaps also the second) a harp was lent by the eldest daughter of governor George Arthur.
At the first concert she sang Flow on thou shining river, on a "Portuguese air" (Henry Bishop arranged another version of the same tune, as the "Sicilian air" of Home, sweet home", as see also Challoner's variations). That at the second concert was Moore's song Wilt thou say farewell love.
A second daughter, also Emmeline (Emma) was probably born the following year, 1835; she died in tragic circumstances, aged about 22, in Sydney in February 1857, having been governess in the family of Edward Riley of Balmain.
Emmeline herself is not on record as having performed in public again. She died in Anvil Creek, near Maitland, on 12 November 1846.
Christenings, 1809; St. Botolph, Bishopgate, London; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
[December] 10 / Emmeline Barfoot / Dau. of Joseph & Frances Mary / [born] Nov'r 19
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Mary, Newington, in the county of Surrey in the year 1833; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 101 / Henry Coleman Kesterton, of this Parish, bachelor / Emeline Barfoot, of this Parish, spinster, were married in this church by license . . . this fifth day of March [1833] . . . in the presence of Uppington Bracee Barfoot [brother] / Anna Maria Kesterton [mother]
Arrival at the port of Hobart Town, the ship Curler, August 16th 1833; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:445379; MB2/39/1/1 p403 (image 202)
. . . Mr. H'y Kesterton / Mrs. E. Kesterton . . .
"TRADE AND SHIPPING", The Hobart Town Courier (23 August 1833), 3
Arrived on Friday the 16th instant, the ship Curler, 327 tons, Lieutenant Hunter, R.N. master, from London 20th March, with a general cargo of goods - Passengers . . . Mr. H. and Mrs. E. Kesterton . . .
Burials in the parish of Hobart Town . . . 1834; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1178990; RGD34/1/1 no 3391$init=RGD34-1-1p149
No. 1395 - 3391 / Maria Kesterton / Newtown Road / 23rd April / [age] 1st days / Coach maker's child / Wm. Bedford
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 October 1834), 1
MR. GORDONOVITCH respectfully begs leave to announce to the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that he will (with the assistance of his kind friends and the professional talent of the town,)
give a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Court House, This Evening, the 28th instant.
Colonel Leahy has kindly permitted the attendance of the splendid Band of his regiment.
Mrs. Davis will preside at the Piano-forte.
PART I . . .
Song - "Flow on that shining river," Mrs. KESTERTON, accompanied by herself on the harp - Moore . . .
[Broadside concert bill]: "Mr. Gordonovitch respectfully begs leave to announce . . . a concert of vocal and instrumental music, at the Court House on Tuesday the 28th instant . . ."; State Library of Tasmania;
"MR. GORDONOVITCH'S CONCERT", Trumpeter General (31 October 1834), 2
. . . Mrs. Kesterton's performance on the harp, was a great attraction, and gave much satisfaction . . .
"Mr. Gordonovitch's concert . . .", The Hobart Town Courier (31 October 1834), 3
. . . Mrs. Kesterton's performance on the harp (kindly lent, we understand, by Miss Arthur) afforded us considerable pleasure; but the timidity under which this lady laboured, detracted very considerably from the full effect which, we know, she could impart to her playing.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 November 1834), 3
MR. LEFFLER respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that his Concert will take place on Thursday Evening next,
November 13, 1834, at the Argyle Rooms, on which occasion Messrs. Reichenberg, Peck, Deane, and Family will assist . . .
PART I . . .
Song - Mrs. KESTERTON, "Wilt thou say farewell, Love?" by desire, accompanied by herself on the Harp - Moore . . .
"DEATHS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (14 November 1846), 3
On Thursday last, the 12th instant, after a painful and protracted illness, sincerely regretted by her numerous acquaintance, Emma, the beloved wife of Mr. H. KesÂterton, of the Crown Inn, Anvil Creek, aged 32 years, leaving a family of five young children, with her disconsolate husband, to lament her irreparable loss.
"ANOTHER DEATH BY POISONING", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 February 1857), 5
"OBITUARY", The Manaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser (15 May 1886), 3
Mr. Henry Kesterton, J.P., a very old inhabitant of the Manaro district, died at his residence, The Falls, Bombala, on the 7th instant, at the advanced age of 78 years. Deceased leaves in bereavement two sons and a daughter . . . He died in comfortable circumstances, and his family will reap what has been gleaned by a gentleman whose commercial speculations were governed by a well-balanced head . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Rosemary Hallo, Erard, Bochsa and their impact on harp music-making in Australia (1830-1866): an early history from documents (Ph.D thesis, University of Adelaide, 2014), 89, 202 (DIGITISED)
KETTEN, Henry (Henry KETTEN; Henri KETTEN)
Pianist, composer
Born Baja, Hungary, 25 March 1848
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 May 1880 (per Australia, from San Francisco, via Auckland)
Departed Brisbane, QLD, 26 April 1881 (per Merkara, for Batavia, via Townsville)
Died Paris, France, 1 April 1883 (NLA persistent identifier) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1880), 5
"M. HENRI KETTEN", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1880), 6
"A Great Pianist", Evening News (14 May 1880), 3
The arrival in Sydney of Mr. Henry Ketten, the distinguished Hungarian pianist, is a noteworthy musical event. That gentleman is, beyond all question, the greatest performer upon the pianoforte who has ever visited the Australian colonies, and he will assuredly create a sensation in musical circles in Sydney when he appears in public. Last evening, about 50 or 60 ladies and gentlemen representing the highest musical talent in the city, and including several well-known pianists, had the privilege of listening to a private rehearsal by Mr. Ketten, at Mr. Paling's pianoforte rooms in George-street. To complete the comfort and convenience of the guests, Mr. Paling had one of his large show rooms elegantly dressed and seated, and refreshments of the most delectable description were provided and served up in the Continental style by Mr. Harris, of George-street. Mr. Ketten played selections from Beethoven, Handel, Mendelssohn, Chopin, and Liszt, besides some compositions of his own. He completely took his audience by storm by his brilliant execution, his faultless phrasing, and his great control over the instrument on which he performed. His style differs entirely from any pianist we have ever heard, and far transcends the best performers that have appeared here. This is not an individual opinion formed in a hurried manner, but the unanimous verdict of a very critical assemblage of musical savans, professional as well as amateur. His mastery over the instrument is such that he produces results that one would suppose could only be achieved by two performers on two instruments, and gives one altogether a far higher idea of the resources of the pianoforte than any player that has hitherto appeared here. He is on the piano what Urso is on the violin, and that is perhaps the highest praise that can be bestowed upon him. Mr. Ketten's public performances will doubtless be looked forward to with uncommon interest by all lovers of classical music.
"HENRI KETTEN, PIANIST AND VIRTUOSO", The Argus (9 June 1880), 6
[News], The Argus (5 April 1883), 7
A cable message this morning announces the death, at the early age of 35, of Mr. Henri Ketten, the eminent pianist, who made such a brilliant and successful tour through the colonies a few years ago. Mr. Ketten was a native of Hungary, having been born at Baja on the 25th March, 1848. His talent showed itself at an early age. In 1860 he played Osborne before the Queen, and subsequently visited Germany, Austria, Russia, Switzerland, and Turkey, remaining for three years at Constantinople as conductor at the Imperial Theatre. In 1879 he visited America, and on the 12th June, 1880, he presented himself before a Melbourne audience at the Opera-house. He had no other artists to assist him, the programme consisting entirely of his own performances. The experiment was brilliantly successful, and Mr. Ketten's tour through the Australian colonies may be described as a triumphal progress, his reception everywhere being as no former musician had ever received. His untimely death will be deeply regretted by all who have had the privilege of hearing his wonderful performances.
"HENRI KETTEN", The Argus (6 April 1883), 7
Richard A. Proctor, "THE STORY OF HENRI KETTEN", Euroa Advertiser (14 October 1887), 5
Colonial publications (works and arrangements by Ketten):
New caprice (deuxième caprice) (Melbourne: Nicholson and Ascherberg, [1880])
Those evening bells (words by Thomas Moore; music by Henry Ketten) (first edition, Melbourne: Allan & Co., [1880]); third edition:
Minuetto di Boccherini ("arranged by Henry Ketten") (Melbourne: Allan & Co., [1880])
Serenade from Don Giovanni ("arranged by Henry Ketten") (Melbourne: Allan & Co., [1880])
Associated publications:
The Ketten galop [by] "Carlmora" (Sydney: Nicholson and Co., [1880])
The Ketten galop [by] "Carlmora" (Melbourne: W. H. Glen & Co., [1880])
KEYSER, Harry (Harry KEYSER)
Musician, bandsman, band of the 3rd Regiment (Buffs)
Born Jersey, 1795
Enlisted (3rd Regiment), Jersey, 18 December 1803 (aged 8 yrs 273 days)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29/30 August 1823 (on the Commodore Hayes, via Hobart)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 23/25 January 1827 (per Speke and Woodford, for India)
Died Chinsurah, West Bengal, India, 4 May 1827 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 3rd Regiment (military)
3rd Regiment: East Kent (Buffs), December 1822 to December 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
3rd Regiment: East Kent (Buffs), December 1825 to December 1827 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
Description book, 3rd Regiment of Foot; UK National Archives, WO25/323 (PAYWALL)
Keyser Henry / [at enlistment] 4 ft 8 in / [at 24 yrs] 5 ft 6 in / [age at enlistment] 8 yrs 273 days / [complexion] fair / [eyes] blue / [hair] light / [visage] oval / [born] Jersey / Jersey / labourer / [enlisted] Jersey / 18th Dec'r 1803 / [deceased] 4 May 1827 / Chinsurah / East Indies
KIERATH, Charles Henry (Karl Heinrich KIERATH; Charles Henry KIERATH; Mr. KIERATH; KEIRATH)
Musician, bandmaster (German band)
Born Brunswick [Braunschweig], Germany, 5 January 1829
Married (1) Henrietta BONDSTADT (d. VIC, 1855), Germany, ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1855
Married (2) Louisa LOHLER, VIC, 1858
Died Chiltern, VIC, 21 February 1922 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Kierath's recollection (1914) was that his party arrived on the Arabia from Liverpool in 1855; however, that famous Liverpool ship ran the Atlantic route, and did not come to Australia. Two other possible Liverpool ships were the Sultana, which arrived in Melbourne on 13 December 1854, with 251 passengers, and the Golconda, which arrived on 5 January 1855, with 343 passengers. Carl Esther, with whom he was later associated in Beechworth, was probably in the same party of musicians, their recent arrival reported in the Argus in February 1855.
The deaths of his Kierath's first wife, Henrietta, and son, Charles, were registered in Victoria in 1855. He was a storekeeper at Woolshed in 1857.
"ITINERANT MUSICIANS", The Argus (6 February 1855), 5
Our streets have been enlivened of late by the performances of some very excellent German musicians who have arrived from the old country. Among the street bands which are at present to be heard in Melbourne is one composed of nine performers, whose execution of dance music, particularly of the valse, for which the Germans are so famous, excels that of any band of itinerant musicians we have ever heard. It consists of two violin, that much neglected but highly useful instrument the viola, contra bass, clarionet, cornet, sax horn, and two French horns. The arrangement and selection of its repertoire, as well as the taste and precision with which its music is rendered, proves that the leader is possessed of both talent and industry.
"WOOLSHED POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 September 1858), 2
. . . Karl Keirath deposed that he was a storekeeper residing at the Woolshed . . .
"MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY", Rutherglen Sun and Chiltern Valley Advertiser (9 January 1914), 5
On Monday, 5th January, Mr. Charles Kierath, of Cornishtown, celebrated his 85th birthday . . .
"EIGHTY-FIVE, NOT OUT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (10 January 1914), 2
. . . Mr. Kierath is also one of the pioneers of the North-Eastern District; he arrived in Victoria by the ship Arabia, from Liverpool, in the year 1855. He is a native of Brunswick, Germany. In the year '55 he formed a bunch of eight musicians for the purpose of visiting England, and then Australia. After a short time in England, and having arranged for the passage of the members of his band to Australia, he was joined by his wife, and the party of young Germans set sail for the Southern Cross lands. On arrival at Melbourne the members of the band gave a series of open air concerts, and also accepted engagements; they also visited Ballarat and Bendigo. On his return to Melbourne he learnt of the Ovens goldfields, and it then became a question whether it would be Beechworth or Sydney. A Mr. Johnston engaged four members of the band, who went to Sydney, our esteemed resident going to Beechworth where, with the late Carl Esther, he commenced a green-grocery business, but also accepting engagements as musicians.
"MR. CHARLES KIERATH", The North Eastern Ensign (24 February 1922), 2
At the ripe old age of 93 years, death came to Mr. Charles Kiereth on Tuesday. Sixty-eight years of his long life were passed in the Rutherglen district, whither he came as a musician in the early days. He was at the Beechworth and Woolshed diggings, and at La Serena Hill was waylaid by would-be robbers, and in escaping from them young Kierath received a bullet in Lthe side - which, by the way, was never extracted. He next settled at Indigo, and afterwards came to Rutherglen and set up as a storekeeper. This was at the time of the gold rush of 1860. Mr. Kierath was about the first business man on the Wahgunyah goldfields. His store was afterwards moved to Indigo, where it still stands. The deceased shone in public life as a member of the Shire Council, School Board, Road Board, Agricultural Society, etc., and was a man greatly respected throughout the district.
KILBURN, Douglas Thomas (Douglas Thomas KILBURN; D. T. KILBURN; Mr. KILBURN)
Amateur vocalist, photograher
Born London, England, 23 August 1811; son of Thomas and Catherine KILBURN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 17 April 1840 (per Warrior from London, 17 November 1839, via Plymouth, with brother Charles)
Melbourne, NSW (VIC), by 1848
Died Hobart, TAS, 10 March 1871, aged 58 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Christ Church, Newgate Street, City of London, 1811; London Metropolitan Archive (PAYWALL)
[September] 25 / Douglas Thomas / son of Thomas and Catherine Kilburn / [born] Aug't 23 1811
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Adelaide Chronicle and South Australian Advertiser (21 April 1840), 2
17 - The ship Warrior, 478 tons, Joseph Beckett, commander, from London and Plymouth, having left the former place on the 16th, and the latter on the 27th November, with a general cargo. Passengers Dr. Kent, surgeon-superintendent, lady and two children, Mr. J. Bonnar, Mr. Douglas Kilburn, Mr. Charles Kilburn . . .
"AMATEUR CONCERT - MECHANICS' MUSIC CLASS", The Melbourne Daily News (22 November 1848), 2
The first of a serious [sic, series] of concerts to be given by this Society, was given last night at the Mechanics' Institution to a very crowded audience. The instrumental portion of the Programme was admirably managed. The performers appear to have had frequent rehearsals, or in other words must be rather advanced for a "class." The overtures went off with sparkling precision. We were agreeably surprised by the singing of Mrs. Reynolds, who appeared to much more advantage than in her recent debut at the Queen's Theatre . . . "England" one of Mr. Russel's compositions, we believe, was warmly encored, and was well sung by an amateur possessing a powerful baritone voice, - he wants distinctness and energy. The flute solo was rapturously encored. The song from Balfe's Bondman, of "They say there is some distant land," introduced here by Mr. Ellard was well, but a little too tamely sung by an amateur possessing a fine voice and taste. The performances concluded about 10 o'clock, the audience expressing themselves highly pleased with the entertainments. Should the members of this Society continue to progress, as they have commenced, their Orchestra promises not only to be an efficient one, but a credit to the city. Mr. Kilburn has been foremost amongst the most active in its organization.
"THE MUSIC CLASS", The Argus (15 May 1849), 2
A special meeting of the Music Class of the Mechanics' Institute was held on Saturday evening, when the following gentlemen were chosen to serve as the committee for the ensuing six months: - Mr. D. T. Kilburn, (Treasurer and Chairman,) Messrs. W. F. A. Rucker, Horsfall, Patterson, King, and Mr. Megson, (ex officio.) It was also determined that none but subscribers, and ladies introduced by them, should be allowed to be present at Saturday evening practice; and that measures should be taken to exclude all others. - It was announced that the committee only pledge themselves to give one concert in each quarter, but that if it is found that a second concert can be got up, it would occasionally be given. We are very glad to learn that the affairs of the class, finances included, are in a very flourishing state, leading to hopes of continued and increased activity, and that another of these admirable concerts is on the tapis.
"MUSIC CLASS", The Argus (3 July 1849), 1 supplement
At a meeting of the members of the music class, held at the Mechanics' Institute, on Saturday evening, Mr. Kilburn, the treasurer and chairman of the committee, being about to leave this place for Sydney, resigned his office into the hands of the class. The class then proceeded to elect the following gentlemen to fill the various offices: - Mr. Patterson, treasurer, pro tem; Mr. Horsfall, chairman of the committee; and Mr. Sprint, one of the committee.
"DEATHS", The Mercury (11 March 1871), 1
KILBURN. - On the 10th March, at his residence, No. 22, Davey-street, Douglas Thomas Kilburn, aged 58 years. The funeral will move from his late residence on Monday, 13th instant at half-past two o'clock, when friends are respectfully invited to attend.
"Douglas Thomas Kilburn", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)
KILIAN, Hubert (Hubertus KILIAN; Hubert KILIAN; Mr. H. KILIAN)
Musician, band leader
Born Jettenbach, Pfalz, Bavaria (Germany), 1 March 1827; baptised (Evangelisch) Jettenbach, 11 March 1827; son of Daniel KILIAN and Margaretha WENZ
Married Philippina DIEHL (1838-1908), Bosenbach (Evangelisch), Pfalz, Bavaria (Germany), 24 January 1856
Active (1) Melbourne, VIC, 1858-63
Active (2) Melbourne, VIC, 1880-87
Died Bosenbach, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, 14 October 1899 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (Wikidata) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: German bands (general)
Baptisms, Jettenbach, Pfalz, 1827; Germany, Select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
11 March 1827 / born 9 March [sic] / Hubertus / son of Daniel Kilian / Margaretha Wenz
Marriages, Bosenbach, Pfalz, Bavaria, 1856; entralarchiv Der Evangelischen Kirche Der Pfalz, Speyer (PAYWALL)
24 January 1856 / Hubertus Kilian / born 1 March 1827 / son of Daniel and Margaretha Kilian / and Philippina Diehl
ASSOCIATIONS: Philippine came with him to Melbourne, and their son August (d. 1934) was born in Melbourne in 1859, and daughter Maria Elisa in 1861
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 November 1858), 8
MUSIC - Mr. H. KILIAN begs leave to offer the SERVICES of his BAND for all kinds of parties in town and country, on moderate charges.
Inquire No. 5 Nicholas-lane, off Bourke-street east, Melbourne.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 January 1859), 8
MR. KILIAN'S REED BAND of eight performers open for ENGAGEMENTS. No. 3 Nicholas-lane, off Bourke-street east, Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Young (musician, a year earlier at same address)
[Advertisement], The Age (15 April 1859), 7
SUBSCRIPTIONS received by the Treasurer of Melbourne Hospital during the Month ending March 31st, 1859 . . . Killian, Hubert - £1 10 0 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 November 1859), 8
MR. H. KILIAN'S BAND, 147 Little Lonsdale-street east, Melbourne, near Cooper's Hotel.
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 March 1860), 7
MR. H. KILIAN'S BAND, 147 Little Lonsdale-street east, Melbourne, near Cooper's Hotel.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (2 May 1863), 1
MUSIC - Mr. J. KILIAN'S BRASS BAND (from Cremorne Gardens, Melbourne), just arrived per Aldinga, will give their
This (Saturday) Evening, from 8 to 11 o'clock, when they will perform some of their newest and best Music. Admission, 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue); according to several accounts, Hubertus had arrived in China by the latter part of 1863; if so, the Kilian in Adelaide was perhaps a former member of his band masquerading as a member of the family
"THE BAND AT BARTINE'S ENTERTAINMENT", South Australian Register (7 October 1863), 2
We have received a long letter from Mr. Kilian, explaining that the defects of management at Mr. Bartine's entertainment on Monday evening was in no respect chargeable to him or his band. He states that he was not engaged to play per programme, and remarks that our notice, if this were not explained, is calculated to injure the reputation of his band, whose qualifications and competency as first-rate musicians have sufficiently been tested and acknowledged in the neighbouring colonies, the City of Adelaide, and its suburbs.
Passengers per Potosi, from London, arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 July 1880; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
[collectively listed as no.] 145 /Hubert Kilian / 50 / Labourer // Edw'd [Kilian] / 11 // Rudolf [Kilian] / 9 // Peter Deimling / 50 // Jacob Schuler / 26 // Jacob Fries / 24 // Geo. Rumpf / 30 // Philipp Schuler / 18 // Peter Hahn / 19 // John Kraus / 18
ASSOCIATIONS: His sons Eduard (Edward) Kilian (b. Essweiler, Bavaria, 1866; naturalised Fitzroy, VIC, 1927, musician, aged 61); and Rudolf Kilian (1867-1940), listed as a musician, New York, in the 1900 USA census)
[Advertisement], The Age (18 August 1882), 4
BAVARIAN BAND, known for good time and harmony. 4 Swiss-terrace, Fitzroy-street. Hubert Kilian, leader.
[News], Williamstown Chronicle (29 September 1883), 2
The bachelors of Footscray held the sixth of their quarterly socials, on Friday evening, September 21st, in the Royal Hall . . . Seventy couples being present, dancing was commenced shortly after 8 o'clock, to the strains of the Bavarian String Band, under the able conductorship of Mr. Hubert Killian, and was continued with great spirit, until the closing of the programme which consisted of 22 dances, arranged with great taste . . .
"'A' BATTERY", Table Talk [Melbourne, VIC] (25 September 1885), 2
On Thursday evening, the 17th instant, a Military Ball was given in the Fitzoy Town Hall by the members of the "A" Battery Field Artillery Brigade, and was a great success . . . the excellent music provided by the brass band, under the direction of Mr. H. Kilian . . .
"Marriages", The Age (30 April 1889), 1
KILIAN - MUMFORD. - On the 11th March, at the bride's residence, 59 Bridport-st., Albert Park, by the Rev. H. Herlitz, Edward, second son of Hubert Kilian, musician, Ehsweiler, Germany, to Matilda Agnes (Tillie), youngest daughter of F. W. Mumford, medical electrician.
But see also, "The Kilian Kouple", Truth (7 March 1914), 5
Deaths and burials, Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Niederkirchen (BA. Kusel), 1899; Zentralarchiv Der Evangelischen Kirche Der Pfalz, Speyer (PAYWALL)
Died 14 October 1899 / buried 16 October / Hubertus Kilian / 72 / spouse Philippina Diehl
KILNER, Joseph (Joseph KILNER; Mr. J. KILNER)
Piano-forte manufacturer, music retailer and publisher
Born Preston, Lancashire, England, 1832; baptised Preston, 16 November 1832; son of John PRESTON and Mary Anne TAYLOR
Married Emma EARLE (1835-1912), St. John's church, Hampstead, London, England, 28 September 1856
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 14 January 1857 (per Sussex, from London, 6 October 1856)
Died Richmond, VIC, 9 May 1891, aged 58 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See also (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Piano exhibited by Messrs. Wilkie, Kilner and Co., with decorative carving by Mr. "Trelliski" or "Trealeki"; Melbourne Exhibition, 1866 (DIGITISED)
Pianos exhibited by Messrs. Wilkie, Kilner and Co.; Melbourne Exhibition, 1866 (DIGITISED)
Though it may be true, I have found no independent evidence for the claim that Joseph Kilner, the piano maker, came to Victoria in the early 1850s ("making his fortune in gold . . . going back to England to collect his family", see Johns 2003 below; a Joseph Kilner who arrived in Victoria in 1853 was probably Joseph Henry Kilner, of Yorkshire, and later of New Zealand).
Kilner was with living his family in London, aged 18, in 1851, and working as a finisher in a piano-making establishment. In 1864, he claimed to have had "considerable experience in the London factory of John Broadwood and Sons. He married Emma Earle at Hampstead on 28 September 1856, and the couple sailed for Australia a week later, arriving in Melbourne on 14 January 1857.
At the time of the baptism of their daughter, Emma Blanche, in June 1860, they were living in Hoddle Street, and Joseph was pursuing his trade as a piano maker.
Kilner's first came to the notice of the Argus in February 1863, and sometime later that year he went into partnership with the musicseller Joseph Wilkie. In March 1864, the reported that Wilkie, Kilner and Co. had "for some months back been quietly engaged in establishing a piano factory on their premises in Queen-street, near Lonsdale-street."
After 1870, Kilner continued in business under his own name.
Kilner's name also appeared as publisher on at least one piece of printed music, the song L'adieu (music by William St. John Caws), co-published with R. J. Paling, perhaps in or around 1878.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Preston, in the county of Lancaster, in the year 1832; Lancashire Archives (PAYWALL)
16 Nov. / Joseph / [son of] John [&] Mary / Kilner / . . . Cabinet maker / . . .
England census, 30 March 1851; St. Pancras, Camden Town; UK National Archives, HO 10 / 1497 (PAYWALL)
College Place, 32 / John Kilner / Head / 61 / Retired Cabinet Maker / [born] Lancs. Preston
Mary A. [Kilner] / Wife / 54 / [born Lancs. Preston] . . .
Joseph [Kilner] / [Son] / 18 / Finish'r Piano Forte Mfg. / [born Lancs. Preston] . . .
1856, marriage solemnized in the parish of Hampstead . . . ; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 293 / Joseph Kilner / Full [age] / Bachelor / Piano Forte maker / Hampstead / [father] John Kilner / [?] Merchant
Emma Earle / Full / Spinster / - / Hampstead / George Seymour Earle / Carpenter [no date given]
Passenger list, Sussex, to Melbourne, 14 January 1857, from London 6th October 1856; Public Records Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
[Third class] . . . / Kilner Joseph / 24 / Merchant // Kilner Emma / 22 / wife . . .
Baptisms solemnized in th parish of St. Peter Melbourne . . . in the year 1860; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)
4739 / June 10 / [born] 8th April / Emma Blanche / [daughter of] Joseph & Emma / Kilner / Hoddle Street / Piano Forte Maker
[News], The Argus (28 February 1863), 4
We have previously called attention to the fact that the manufacture of pianofortes has for some time been a branch of colonial industry; and we yesterday had brought under our notice a specimen of the skill of another maker of these instruments, whose name has not hitherto been publicly mentioned. We allude to a very fine semi-cottage piano made by Mr. Joseph Kilner, of Hoddle-street, Collingwood. The mechanism appears to be of the most perfect character, and the maker has succeeded in producing an instrument which combines in a rare degree strength and purity of tone. The piano has been examined by several musicians of repute, and they have all expressed a high opinion of its qualities. The case is constructed entirely of solid colonial blackwood, and is exceedingly handsome. One great advantage claimed for colonial made pianos is, that they are specially adapted to withstand the effects of the hot winds and other peculiarities of this climate, which frequently play sad havoc with instruments of English make.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (10 March 1864), 4
Messrs. Wilkie, Kilner and Co., connected with the firm of Wilkie, Webster and Co., in Collins-street, have for some months back been quietly engaged in establishing a piano factory on their premises in Queen street, near Lonsdale street. Before an establishment of this character could be brought into full operation in this country, much preparatory work, in the selection and seasoning of woods suitable for manufacture, was requisite, as the value and durability of a good piano depends mainly upon the quality of the materials out of which its sounding-board and other parts of its framework are made. This difficulty appears to have been fairly overcome by the firm in question, who find certain descriptions of colonial wood, such as maple, musk, pine, blackwood and light woods, admirably adapted to this purpose, after undergoing the necessary process of thorough seasoning. Their arrangements for thus effecting the thorough drying of the timber are simple, but complete; and, when these colonial-made pianos come into the market, purchasers will not often, if ever, have to mourn over the utter destruction of a costly instrument during a hot wind, only a few days after it makes its debut in the drawing-room. Messrs. Wilkie and Co. have already a large number of pianos in progress, and two or three completed. Every part of the instrument appears to be constructed with the greatest care and precision, and of thoroughly acclimatised materials, so that the interior will stand the test of the narrowest scrutiny. The exterior, as a piece of cabinet work, is quite equal to that of any of the imported instruments, as our colonial woods are known to take as high a polish and to present as beautiful a surface as the mahogany, cedar and rosewood of the old world. And what will certainly commend the products of Messrs. Wilkie and Co.'s factory is the fact that they expect to furnish a superior and more reliable instrument, at a price not higher than that which is ordinarily obtainable for the showy, flimsily made instruments which have heretofore been so largely introduced from English, German and American workshops. In fact, taking the pianos which are already completed and open to inspection and trial as average specimens of the instruments hereafter to be produced as rapidly as they are demanded, it is clear that, in a few months, colonial pianos, not even second in quality to Erard's, Collard's, or Broadwood's, will be purchasable at rates that have been refused for instruments upon which far more obscure names are inscribed.
"PIANO FORTE-MAKING IN VICTORIA", The Argus (1 April 1864), 6
. . . Mr. Kilner, the practical man of the firm, by substituting New Zealand pine, Tasmanian and Victorian blackwood, he-oak, she-oak, and myrtle, for the beech, oak, sycamore, and maple used in England, is enabled to manufacture a piano which for strength, touch, purity, stability, and fulness of tone, is asserted to surpass the best English pianos of the same description . . .
. . . Excepting the strings, hammers, and ivory keys, which, in the infancy of our ivory manufactures, can hardly be made here sufficiently economically, there is scarcely a portion of the instrument not of colonial production and whose value has been heightened by colonial, industry. For about twelve months past preparations have been making for this new manufacture. Wood has been seasoned, machinery fixed, and such portions as require to be for months subjected to the atmosphere before being fitted to the instrument, have been constructed and arranged. Two hundred pianos are now in the course of construction. Messrs. Wilkie, Kilner, and Co., have about ten persons engaged in this work, including two boys, one of whom is apprenticed. The majority of the men come from the best London houses - such as Collard and Collard's, Broadwood's, Erard's, Allison's, and the like. Their average wages are £3 per week, at eight hours, as against 36s. for ten hours in England. The establishment is very complete in its appliances which have already cost about £1,000, and are shortly to be greatly enlarged.
"WILKIE AND CO'S PIANO MANUFACTORY", The Herald (9 April 1864), 3
. . . Mr. Kilner, one of the firm, has had considerable experience in the factory of Messrs. Broadwood and Co. . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 June 1864), 3
Messrs. WILKIE, WEBSTER, and Co. have now ON VIEW an assortment of their COLONIAL PIANOS, In handsome blackwood cases.
These instruments are made at the factory of Messrs. Wilkie, Kilner, and Co., Queen-street north, upon the model of the best London makers,
being specially adapted for hot climates, and can be guaranteed to stand as well in tune as any instrument imported into the colony.
15 Collins-street east.
"OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (25 October 1866), 5
. . . One of the most conspicuous objects in the centre of the hall is the magnificent collection of pianos shown by Wilkie, Kilner, and Co., Queen-street. The stand on which the instruments are exhibited is surmounted by a tasteful canopy, with curtains suspended. The collection of pianos embraces almost every variety, from the 100-guinea instrument to the twenty-guinea article "for the use of schools." They are made of blackwood, musk, pine, and walnut. The workmanship and decoration on some of the instruments are of the richest character. One of the best is made of blackwood highly polished, with a representation of the Australian arms in front, carved in wood. There are also instruments of somewhat plainer character, and one of small size intended for the use of travelling professionals, and constructed chiefly with a view to stand wear and tear. It has been the object of the exhibitors to have in the collection pianos embracing the different novelties of tone possessed by Instruments manufactured in England, France, and Germany; and we are informed that, in the opinion of competent judges, they have succeeded in achieving this result . . .
"THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (26 October 1866), 5
We alluded yesterday to the elaborate and finished carving on some of the pianos manufactured by Wilkie, Kilner, and Co., and ought to have mentioned that this part of the work was executed by Mr. Trelliski [sic]
"MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", The Argus (6 November 1872), 4s
"PIANOS", The Australian News for Home Readers (20 November 1866), 4
. . . The one we have selected for illustration sake, which they name the Cottage Grand, is a most highly finished article. The case is made of blackwood, and the carving, executed by Mr. Trealeki, is of the most exquisite design and workmanship . . .
[Melbourne Exhibition, 1872-73] Official Record, containing introduction, catalogues, reports . . . (Melbourne: Mason, Firth, & McCutcheon, 1873), 190, 209
WE have examined the following exhibits of Pianos (1380, 1381) manufactured by Joseph Kilner, of Richmond;
also another instrument in walnut case by the same maker. This last-named instrument has not been entered in the catalogue.
Having called in the aid of Mr. H. Servais, we find the Piano in walnut case, manufactured by J. Kilner,
to possess such general merit that we suggest a Bronze Medal should be given to the maker.
In this case we should have felt it our duty to have awarded the Silver Medal, but for the fact that part of the "action" is imported work . . .
We do not recommend that any of the exhibits examined by us should be sent to the London International Exhibition of 1873 . . . R. J. PALING, Chairman.
"Deaths", The Argus (11 May 1891), 1
KILNER. - On the 9th inst., at his late residence, Bosisto street, Richmond, Joseph Kilner, piano-forte manufacturer, aged 58 years.
Bibliography and resources:
Keith Johns, "Australian piano industry", in Robert Palmieri (ed.) Piano: an encyclopaedia, second edition (New York, London: Routledge, 2003) (PREVIEW)
Michael Atherton, A coveted possession: the rise and fall of the piano in Australia (Carlton: La Trobe University Press, 2018) (PREVIEW)
KING, Old (KING; Old KING, "chief of the Goulburn tribe") = Beaning - TAUNGURUNG (Nira Balug)
Go to family main page:
First generation: children of Thomas KING (c.1792-1870) and Ann FRYER (c. 1788-1863)
[1] Charlotte Ann KING (1812-1894) = Charlotte Ann TURNER (Mrs. Austin T. TURNER)
[2] Edward KING (1814-1894)
[3] Sarah Ann KING (1818-1900) = Sarah Ann SOUTH (Mrs. James Anthony SOUTH senior)
[4] Thomas KING (c.1820-1881)
[5] Henry John KING (senior) (c.1832-1888)
Children of [2]
Juliana KING (1844-1866)
Alfred Edward KING (1837-1902)
Ernest Charles KING (1845-1927)
George Oscar Julian KING (1869-1938)
Children and granddaughter of [3]
Eliza Anna SOUTH (Mrs. Frederick Augustus KING) (fl. 1855-1880)
James Anthony SOUTH (junior) (1844-1912)
Minnie (Sarah Ann) Cunningham KING (Mrs. Tom Aspinall THIODON) (fl. 1879-1930) = Madame THIODON
Children of [4]
Ada KING (1850-1923)
Thomas KING junior
Children of [5]
Henry John KING (junior) (1855-1934)
George Frederick KING (1862-1924)
Charles Horatio KING (1864-1950) alias Melnoth RAFALEWSKI
Edward Mendelssohn Bach KING (1871-1918)
See also THIODON FAMILY; and ? Ada King immediately below
KING, Ada (Mrs. Ada KING; Madame Ada KING)
Soprano (mezzo-soprano) vocalist (seconda donna, Lyster's company)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 March 1861 (per Achilles, from San Francisco)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 August 1868 (per Alexander Duthie, for San Francisco)
Died San Francisco, USA, 14 June 1873 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: ? related to the King family above
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California (19 December 1860), 2
AMERICAN THEATRE . . . Grand Complimentary Benefit
TO THE First California Guard (FLYING ARTLLERY) . . .
Wallace's grand Opera of MARITANA
King of Spain - Mr. J. De Haga
Don Caesar - Mr. Henry Squires
Don Jose - Mr. Stephen Leach
Lazarillo - Miss Georgia Hodson
Marchioness - Miss Ada King
Maritana - Mme. Lucy Escott . . .
[News], The Argus (2 March 1861), 5
The ship Achilles, which arrived from San Francisco yesterday, has brought to those shores a "complete operatic troupe," comprising the names of Madame Lucy Escott, and Miss Rosalie Durand, sopranos; Miss Georgia Hodson, contralto; and Madame Ada King, as seconda donna. The tenor, Mr. Henry Squires, is supported by Mr. Frank Trevor, as second tenor. The baritono is Mr. F. Lester [sic]. Mr. A. Reiff is the conductor; and the whole are under the supervision of Mr. W. L. Lester [sic]. The agent of the troupe is Mr. W. Lloyd. Arrangements are being made for the appearance of the new company at the Theatre Royal, and we understand they will produce both tragic and comic opera.
"CLEARANCES. - AUGUST 28", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1868), 4
"[ADVERTISEMENT] To Captain A. Douglas", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 March 1869), 4
Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned passengers on board your good ship, now approaching the end of our voyage,
beg to tender our sincere acknowledgments for the unvarying kindness and consideration you have ever shown for our comfort and happiness . . .
. . . Ada King.
Ship Alexander Duthie, off San Francisco, November 10th, 1868.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald (27 September 1873), 3
The late mail brings the news of the death of Madame Ada King, which sad event took place in San Francisco, on the 14th of June last. Madame King will be remembered as a very useful member of Mr. William Lyster's Escott cum-Squires Italian and English Opera Company, and arrived in this colony with it from San Francisco in March, 1861, and when they returned to California some years after she accompanied them, and remained in San Francisco ever since. The deceased lady was nearly related to Messrs. Edward King (violinist) and Mr. H. J. King (organist) both of this city.
Bibliography and resources:
Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies: pioneering opera in Australia (Sydney: Pellinor, 1999), 119, 124, 125, 250
KING, Charles (Charles KING; Mr. C. KING; Mr. KING; stage name of Allen J. EKINS)
Actor, comedian
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by December 1853
Married Emma STAPLETON, St. James, Sydney, NSW, 10 February 1855
Active Sydney, NSW, until November 1858 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 December 1853), 2
MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1854 . . . the celebrated Nautical Drama in three Acts, (by the late J. T. Haines, Esq ),
as performed in London for upwards of receive nights with unparalleled success, entitled
Black Brandon cousin of a Slaver, Mr. Charles King, from the London Theatre, his first appearance here . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gordon Griffiths (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
PIECES: My Poll and my partner Joe (John Thomas Haines)
"ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (11 July 1854), 2
This popular place of amusement will open this evening with some new attractions for its numerous patrons. In addition to the usual advertisements of the Circus, the Proprietor has undertaken to produce many light and favourite dramas, and for that purpose has newly fitted up the stage, and engaged the services of Mr. Charles King, and Mrs. Howard, late of the Victoria Theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Malcom (proprietor); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 February 1855), 8
On February 10th, by special license, at St. James's Church, by the Rev. C. F. D. Priddle, Mr. Charles King, of the Royal Victoria Theatre, to Emma, second daughter of Mr. Samuel Stapleton, of Woolloomooloo.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette [Sydney, NSW] (3 July 1855), 1748
In the Insolvent Estate of Charles King, of York-street, in the City of Sydney, comedian.
WHEREAS the Estate of Charles King, was, on the twenty-eigth day of June, 1855, placed under sequestration . . .
"INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (4 July 1855), 2
28 [June]. - Charles King, of York-street, Sydney, comedian. Liabilities, £79 12s. 6d. Assets, £7. Deficit, £72 12s. 6d. Mr. Perry, official assignee.
"POLICE . . . A MODERN OTHELLO", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (20 November 1858), 3
Mr Charles King, a sombre-looking tragic actor, was placed at the bar by Sergeant 3 D,
charged with threatening to bring his own and his wife's life to a specially tragic finale.
The officer said that he was engaged in a very agreeable chit-chat with the beautiful housemaid at No/ 3, ------- street, South Head Road,
when he was most disagreeably brought to mundane recollections by the sudden interuption of Mr. King.
That distingue tragedian looked singularly wild and excited.
His eyes rolled wildly like two meteoric orbs; cold drops of perspiration hung on his trembling limbs;
his blood was evidently anything but chilly, and he shook with the horrors.
Throwing himself into artistic attitude, he exclaimed:
"Art thou an Indigo--or blue devil d----d?
-----Speak! I command you.
I'm bent on mischief?-------
My wife! she who was once the idol of my heart,
Is now the object of my soul's fell hate!
I'll stab her to the hear-ar-art!
I'll sever her jugular--I'll cut her throat.
I'm in a fit or jealousy.--Behold! Behold!
At this stage (continued the sergeant) Mr. King pulled out a razor wrapped in a piece of paper, and displayed it to the witness as "the instrument he was about to use."
He asserted that if he was not restrained he would be unable to restrain his inclination to assassinate Mrs. K.
So witness took him to the watch house.
Dr. Rutter said he had examined Mr. King, and found that his nervous system was very much excited by drinking;
so much so that he was likely in his present condition to do mischief, and a little rest, restraint, and medical assistance would be very beneficial to him.
The Bench, in default of his finding sureties, remanded Mr. King to the infirmary ward, Darlinghurst - not for punishment, but for protection.
KING, G. (G. KING; ? George KING)
Bandsman, band leader (London Quadrille Band; European Band)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: George Arnold (violinist); George Sutch senior (bandsman, per European)
[3 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1859), 1
LONDON QUADRILLE BAND, consisting of part of the EUROPEAN BAND (Leader, G. ARNOLD).
are OPEN to ATTEND Balls, Picnics, Excursions, &c.
The above band, consisting of the following instruments -
1st violin, 1st cornet, piccolo, harp, bass, side drum, &c.
For the above band address G. SUTCH, musician, No. 16.
Union-street. N.B.-Small parties and clubs attended with violin, harp, and cornet.
VICTORIA ASSEMBLY ROOMS, opposite Moffitt's, bookseller.
Opening night, MONDAY next, December 5. London Quadrille Band-leader, Mr. G. King;
master of the ceremonies, Mr. Henry Mott. Dancing at nine, terminates at half-past eleven.
VICTORIA ASSEMBLY ROOMS. - The Janet Pride Polka on MONDAY, for the first time.
KING, Julia (Miss Julia KING) = Juliana KING
Vocalist, harp player, harpist
Active Adelaide, SA, 1863
KING, Morton (? Morton Lock KING; Mark Last KING; Morton KING; also Moreton KING)
Actor, theatrical manager, proprietor
Born England, c. 1809; son of William Henry KING and Sarah RIDGERS
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by October 1843
Died East Melbourne, VIC, 14 February 1879 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (30 September 1843), 2
The Victoria announce bills intimate that a Mr. Morton King will shortly make his debut, and we are enabled to add that Monday evening is fixed for his first appearance, which will be in the arduous character of Hamlet . . .
"DOMESTIC RECORD", The Sydney Record (14 October 1843), 12
. . . Since the Victoria opened for the present season, one or two of the performances merit more than ordinary notice. On the 2nd insiant, a Mr. Moreton King made his debut in the character of Hamlet, a performance which we are sorry not to have been able to notice earlier, since, faulty as the actor was in many points, his engagement at the Victoria would afford a change in the personnel of the corps which is now sadly wanted - difficult indeed as we find it, to accord to Mr. Moreton King the meed of a tragic actor, still there is a spirit and an occasional felicity of manner about him that would greatly relieve the present monotonous style of performances on the Sydney boards . . .
"THEATRE", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature [Sydney, NSW] (28 December 1844), 8
Our Theatre has been unusually attractive during the present week. Mr. Coppin took a benefit on Monday evening, and, we regret to add, a farewell at the same time. The performances were well selected, and of a novel and interesting kind, viz., the comedy of "Sweethearts and wives;" the leading characters in which were well sustained by Mr. Morton King and Mr. and Mrs. Coppin . . .
"THEATRICALS", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (22 August 1846), 2
The inclemency of the weather prevented a good attendance at the Queen's Theatre, on Thursday evening, to witness the first representation of Carl Maria Von Weber's Chief D'ouvre Der Freischutz. Therefore, all who witness the second representation will have the advantage of seeing this beautiful opera more glibly gone through, than is usual on the first production of any piece on the stage. The proprietor of the Queen's seems determined to make every effort within his reach, to render his theatre worthy of the patronage it receives, having entered into arrangements with Mr. Morton King, a tragedian of great celebrity, to appear for a limited number of nights at the "Queen's." Mr. Morton King is expected in Melbourne on the return of the Christina. In addition to the attraction of Mr. King, offers have been made to Mrs. Clarke, and her company, for a limited period . . .
"DEATH OF MR. MARK LAST KING, M.L.A.", The Argus (15 February 1879), 8
Mr. Mark Last King, M.L.A. for Footscray, who had been failing in health for some time past, died at about 3 o'clock yesterday morning at his residence, East Melbourne. His death was not unexpected, as his medical adviser, Dr. Gunst, had pronounced him to be in a sinking state several days ago. For many years before his death he had been in an almost insensible condition, and the sudden death of his daughter on Tuesday last could not be communicated to him. The eldest son of the deceased gentleman was so shocked at the news of the death of his father that he was seized with a fit from the effects of which he was suffering, at a late hour last night.
Mr. Mark Last King was an old colonist. He landed first in Sydney and a little while later - viz, in 1844 [recte 1846] came on to Melbourne. In London Mr. King was a silk mercer, but in this colony he took to the stage, and in the quiet years that preceded the gold discoveries was accounted a good representative of the tragic heroes of Shakspeare. For about two years he was lessee of the Queens of theatre, then open in Queen street, but now remembered by few as a place of public amusement. At the end of his theatricals career Mr. King settled down for a time at Port Adelaide but came back to Melbourne in 1853 [recte, 1852]. He was in business, with his partner, as an auctioneer in Bourke street for several years, but later on became a broker, and did a good deal of business for the Chinese merchants of this city. Mr. King obtained a seat in the second Parliament of Victoria elected in August, 1859 . . . In private life Mr. King was much respected . . .
"Reminiscenses of Theatricals", The Lorgnette (26 December 1885), 2
KING, Thomas (Thomas KING)
Bandsman (Goulburn volunteer band)
Active Goulburn and Bathurst, NSW, 1872 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Rossi (officer); Edward Smith Deane (bandmaster)
"THE GOULBURN VOLUNTEERS", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (9 October 1872), 2
"THE GOULBURN VOLUNTEERS AND CAPTAIN ROSSI AGAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1872), 4
The following extraordinary case (reported in the Goulburn Herald) was heard before the Small Debts Court at Goulburn: - On Monday last Captain Rossi sued Mr. Thomas King for £10, the amount of a bond entered into by defendant, by which he bound himself to pay the sum mentioned in the event of his not complying with the condition that he should attend regularly at the practices, &c., of the band. It seems that Mr. King had been absent on some occasions, for each of which he had been fined; but believing that, as a journeyman, he could obtain better employment at Bathurst, he decided to leave Goulburn altogether, and accordingly the delivered up his uniform and the instrument he played to the band-sergeant. He then left Goulburn; and Captain Rossi took out a summons against him, which was served upon him at Bathurst . . .
. . . fourth, that the defendent was not supplied with competent musical instruction as member of a band, it being shown that this was the first brass band taught by the present bandmaster, and that the committee, whose representative the present plaintiff was, had themselves entertained complaints against the bandmaster and unanimously agreed to dispense with his services . . .
KING, Thomas Lemon (Thomas Lemon KING; Thomas KING; Tom KING)
Theatrical and circus proprietor, memoirist
Died 15 January 1917, aged "82" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (17 January 1917), 10
KING - January 15, 1917, Thomas Lemon King, Theatrical and Circus Proprietor aged 82, late of Redfern. Home papers please copy.
KING, William (1) (William KING)
Professor of dancing
Born c. 1815
Married Margaret WHITE (d. 1884), NSW, 1837
Active Sydney, NSW, 1840-42; 1848
Died Sydney, NSW, 28 April 1886, aged 71 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Notably, in 1840 King was offering to teach his pupils the Australian quadrilles, possible Ellard's set of 1835. His 1841 "anniversary ball" was advertised to take place at the premises of his business rival, John Clark.
[Advertisement], The Colonist (2 May 1840), 5
MR. WILLIAM KING, Professor of Dancing,
BEGS leave most respectfully to inform his Fiends, and the Public in general,
that his Rooms, George-street South, are now open for the reception of those who may honour him with their Patronage.
Terms: - £ s. d.
For one Pupil - 2 0 0 per quarter
Ditto three of same Family 5 0 0 Ditto
Ditto four or more ditto - 6 10 0 Ditto
Sydney, May 2.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (11 August 1840), 3
WILLIAM KING, Professor of Dancing, George-street, South, Sydney.
In respectfully intimating to his friends and the public, that he has removed to a more central and commodious house in Castlereagh-street, four doors from Market-street;
cannot let the opportunity pass without acknowledging the kind feeling and patronage he has experienced since the opening of his Academy,
and trusts by paying the most scrupulous and unremitting attention to the comfort and advancement of his pupils,
to merit a continuance and even extension of that support, heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him.
W. K. further wishes it to be known, that it is his intention to give a Quadrille party on the first Tuesday in each month,
to which he respectfully invites his friends and patrons, and in order to maintain the respectability of the establishment notifies that no person will be admitted without a Ticket,
which can be procured by applying at his rooms.
The annexed is a list of the principal dances which W. K. proposes to teach at his new establishment, in the most fashionable style, viz -
Caledonian Quadrilles, Lancers ditto, Mazurkas ditto, Paine's ditto, Royal Devonshire ditto, Lowe's ditto, Australian ditto,
Red Coats ditto, Cuirassiers' ditto, Cambrian's ditto, Chivereau's, &c &c. &c. Highland Laddie, Country Dance, L'ete ditto, La Poole Anglaise ditto,
Pieng's [? Paine's] Medley ditto, The Regeat ditto, St. Quintor ditto, Circle Waltzing, Tyrolese Waltz, Swiss ditto, Ecossoises, Spanish Dances;
&c. &c. &c. Titans.
For, one pupil £2 0s. 0d. per quarter;
Three of the same family. £5 0s. 0d., ditto
Private instruction £3 3s. 0d. ditto Two Lessons each week.
"News of the Day", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (17 August 1840), 2
We are requested to notify, that a party of young men are about giving a Fancy Dress Ball to take place at Mr. William King's Australian Dancing Academy, where early application for tickets is necessary. If the same is got up in a respectable manner - and from what we have heard of Mr. King's establishment it is more than probable that it will be so - much amusement will be the result.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (1 May 1841), 3
MR. WILLIAM KING, Professor of Dancing, begs respectfully to intimate that his Anniversary Ball will take place on the Evening of the 6th May, at Mr. Clark's Assembly Rooms, King-street.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Sydney Herald (21 June 1842), 2
. . . William King, late of Pitt-street, Sydney, professor of dancing . . .
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (24 June 1842), 912
In the Insolvent Estate of William King, late of Pitt-street, Sydney, Professor of Dancing. WHEREAS the Estate of William King was, on the 20th day of June, 1842, placed under Sequestration . . .
"POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1843), 3
. . . Margaret King v. William King, for deserting his wife . . .
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (14 March 1846), 4
St. Patrick's Ball.
MR. WILLIAM KING will hold a Ball in commemoration of the Patron Saint of Ireland, at A. Gray's Hotel, Bathurst street,
on Tuesday, the 17th instant. Double Tickets 5s. each, to be had of Mr. King, and at Mr. Gray's.
[Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock.]
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (5 August 1848), 3
MR. WILLIAM KING respectfully announces, that a Quadrille Party will take place at Mr. Shipman's.Hotel, George and Goulburn-street;
on the evening of Thursday, the 10th. August next.
Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 April 1849), 1
MR. WILLIAM KING begs to apprise the public, particularly those of Paddington, that he is now prepared to instruct any number of pupils in the
His Academy will open on Thursday Evening next, the 26th instant, at his Rooms, Victoria Inn, Paddington.
[Advertisement], Empire (25 July 1859), 1
MR. WILLIAM KING'S QUADRILLE PARTY, at the Royal Polytechnic on TUESDAY, July 20th.
Amongst the many devices conceived by the citizens of Sydney, to assist the sufferers by the recent floods, was the happy thought of getting up a quadrille party, which, we are glad to say, was very successfully carried out by Mr. William King, professor of dancing, 86, Liverpool-street, at his assembly rooms, on Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance on the occasion of ladies, gentlemen, and juveniles, who all, no doubt, had an additional inducement for enjoying the scene from knowing the object to which the receipts would be devoted. All the fashionable dances of the day were gone through with admirable effect. A great feature in the evening's amusements was the introduction of the Prince Imperial Quadrilles, which were most creditably gone through by the company, including a set formed of Mr. King's pupils. Miss King also danced a hornpipe in a manner perfectly surprising for a juvenile so very young. An excellent supper was provided, and a select band of music played very effectively. Towards the close of the ball, Scotch reels, Irish jigs, and other invigorating dances were got up, and the evening's entertainment passed pff merrily. We understand the Floods Relief Fund will be considerably benefited by the affair.
"Annivesrary Day . . . GERMAN ASSOCIATION", Evening News (26 January 1877), 2
The annual picnic connected with the German Association came off to-day, at Correy's pleasure gardens, Botany, with as much eclat as any of its predecessors. A great many omnibuses were laid on by the Sydney United Omnibus Company, and left Wynyard square for Botany every ten minutes. The first eight or nine omnibuses started were crowded, and the rest were soon filled up as they passed through the city. Many persons visited the trysting place in cabs and private vehicles. The full German band, was engaged, and Mr. William King fulfilled the duties of master of the ceremonies for the votaries of terpsichore in the pavilion . . .
"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 April 1886), 14
THE FRIENDS and PUPILS of the deceased Mr. WILLIAM KING, aged 71 years, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral;
to move from his late residence, 96, Liverpool-street, on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at half-past 1 o'clock, for the Necropolis.
ROBERT F. WOOD and CO., Undertakers . . .
THE FRIENDS of Messrs. GEORGE and WILLIAM KING are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased beloved FATHER . . .
THE FRIENDS of Messrs. FREDERICK WARSKITT, H. G. STACEY, and T. EVANS, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased beloved FATHER-IN-LAW . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1886), 1
KING. - April 28, at his residence, 96, Liverpool-street, William King, aged 71. His end was peace.
KING, William (2) (William KING)
Pianoforte maker, seller and tuner (from John Broadwood and Sons)
Born ? Scotland, c. 1811/12
Married Janet BLAIR (1810-1889), Kilwinning, Scotland, 5 August 1837
Active Sydney, NSW, by January 1849
Died Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1881, aged 69/70, "late of Kilwinning, Ayreshire, Scotland" (gravestone) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See also Broadwood pianos in early colonial Australia
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1849), 1
MR. WILLIAM KING, PIANOFORTE-MAKER, (From Messrs. Broadwood and Son's, London,)
BEGS to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced business as a PIANOFORTE-MAKER;
at No. 575, George-street, near the Sydney Morning Herald Office.
Mr. K. having had much experience for many years in Messrs. Broadwood and Son's justly celebrated establishment,
feels confident he will give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their orders,
either to MAKE, REPAIR, or REGULATE Pianofortes.
In soliciting public patronage, he pledges himself to punctuality and moderate charges.
JUST OPENED, AND ON SALE, EX ALERT, 2 Very Superior-toned 6 1/4 Octave (from F to G) Cottage Pianofortes,
with cylinder front, and bass string plate, by Broadwood and Son.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1850), 1
JUST RECEIVED, by William King, Pianoforte Maker, from Broadwood and Son's, Cottage and Square Pianofortes The attention of parties in want of a good instrument is called to these, from the above celebrated house. N.B. - Pianofortes taken in exchange, and repaired in a superior style. 575, GEORGE-STREET, Near the Herald Office.
"GUTTA PERCHA", Empire (4 January 1851), 2
Mr. King of Lower George-street, has recently received some pianofortes from London, in packing cases, lined with gutta percha. Hitherto tin, zinc, and tarpauling have been exclusively used for the lining of similar packages, all of which impose a serious tax on the importer of dry and fancy goods. The gutta percha lining so far from being expensive, will, when removed from the cases, sell to the shoemaker at an advance on the English cost; and as a means of preservation to merchandise in its conveyance to this colony, it is far superior to any other material. The particular specimen of which we are now speaking, is about the substance of thin millboard, and the goods which were packed in it, have turned out as fresh and well-conditioned as when they left the hands of the manufacturer.
Diary of Alexander Brodie Spark, 19 May 1852; ed. in Graham Abbott and Geoffrey Little, The respectable Sydney merchant, A. B. Spark of Tempe (Sydney: Sydney University press, 1976), 213
Engaged Mr. King, a piano forte maker, to come to Tempe on Saturday to repair and tune our Piano.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 September 1860), 7
PIANOFORTES. - Broadwood and Sons' first-class instruments; grands and cottages, of every description, in walnut and rosewood. Country orders faithfully executed. N.B.- Pianofortes repaired, tuned, and taken in exchange. WILLIAM KING, pianoforte maker, 71, Market-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1863), 12
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 November 1864), 12
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1869), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1879), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1880), 7
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1881), 1
KING.- March 17, suddenly at his residence, 76, Hunter-street, William King, aged 70 years.
"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (25 March 1881), 1633
In the will of William King, late of Hunter-street, in the City of Sydney,
in the Colony of New South Wales, pianoforte maker, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given . . . that probate of the last will and testament of the abovenamed William King, deceased,
may be granted to Janet King, the sole executrix in the said will named . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 November 1889), 1
KING. - November 1, at her daughter's residence, Rosythe, Carrabella-street, Milson's Point, Janet Blair, relict of the late William King, Sydney.
KING, William Francis (William Francis KING)
Street vendor, street crier, "flying pie-man", "flying pieman", pedestrian
Born London, England, c. 1807; son of Francis KING
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1829
Died Liverpool Benevolent Asylum, NSW, 10 August 1873, aged "66" (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"TO THE SUPPORTERS OF PIES", The Star and Working Man's Guardian [Parramatta, NSW] (11 May 1844), 2
That well known individual the "Flying Pie-man" is now enlivening Parramatta by his musical cries. His talents for pie making are said to be "hereditary," and he recommends hot-apple pies for breakfast as his father used always to eat them! The Pie-man is one of the most active and industrious men we ever met with, and deserves encouragement.
KINGSMILL, J. K. [sic] (? John Allen KINGSMILL, junior)
Amateur musician, pianist (accompanist)
Born Maitland, NSW, 17 May 1833; son of John Allen KINGSMILL and Anne DRISCOLL
Active Maitland, NSW, 1854
? (John Kingsmill senior) Died East Maitland, NSW, 7 July 1869, aged 75
? (John Allen Kingsmill junior) Died Sydney, NSW, 17 January 1870 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: F. E. Lees (piano); Flora Harris (vocalist); Mr. Ellis (violin); Henry Philip Sullivan (vocalist, cornet)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 September 1854), 2
to he held at the Court House, East Maitland, on WEDNESDAY EVENING,
the 6th of September, 1854.
1.- National War Anthem, recently composed by Sir H. Bishop - "Raise High the Flag."
2. - Grand Fantasia on Pianoforte - Liszt - MR. F. E. LEES.
3. - Song, "Hearts and Homes" - Miss FLORA HARRIS.
4. - Solo, "Violin" - Le Tremolo - L. E. Beethoven - MR. ELLIS.
5. - Song, "The low backed Car" - S. Lover - MR. SULLIVAN.
6. - "Grand Polka," with brilliant variations - MR. F. E. LEES.
7. - Song, "I Love the Merry Sunshine" - Stephen Glover - MISS F. HARRIS.
8. - Solo, "Flute," by an Amateur.
9. - Song, "Bachelor's Reveries" - S. Lover - MR. SULLIVAN.
10. - Air Varie, on "Violin" - De Beriot - MR. ELLIS.
1. - "Rule Britannia," in full chorus.
2. - Solo, Violin - "The last Rose of Summer" - MR. ELLIS.
3. - Song, "Widow Malone" - Charles Lover - MR. SULLIVAN.
4. - Grand Solo on Pianoforte, "Gesang Ohne Worte" - Mendlesohn - Ms. F. E. LEES.
5. - Song, "When the Swallows Homeward, Fly" - Frantz Abt. - Miss F. HARRIS
6. - Solo on "Flute," by an Amateur.
7. - Song, "Farewell, but whenever you Welcome the Hour" - Tom Moore - MR. SULLIVAN.
8. - "Old English Air," on Pianoforte, with brilliant variations, "O dear what can the matter be" - MR. F. E. LEES - accompanied by MR. ELLIS on the Violin.
9. - Song "Shells of Ocean" - J. W. Cherry - Miss F. HARRIS.
10. - "God Save the Queen."
Conductor - Mr. J. K. KINGSMILL.
Tickets to be obtained at Mr. Lipscomb's, West Maitland; Mr. J. C. Bishop's, East Maitland; and at Mr. Rae's, Morpeth.
Price of Admission, 2s. 6d. reserved seats 5s.
Doors open at 7 o'clock ; to commence at seven o'clock precisely.
Musician, contralto vocalist, singing teacher
Organ builder, seraphine and pianoforte maker
Born Scotland, c. 1795
Active Dublin, Ireland, by 1833
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 February 1839 (per Jessie, from Liverpool)
Died Sydney, NSW, 29/30 June 1870, aged 75 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See also (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
John Kinloch (often in early sources Kinlock) was briefly in partnership with the pianoforte maker Thomas Hearth in 1839, then with William Johnson, and much later with Thomas Bridson. His son, also John Kinloch (d. 1897), a Sydney University M.A. and mathematician, married Bridson's widow, Sarah Ann Bridson, in 1870.
One of Kinloch's organs, built originally c. 1845 for his own church, St. Andrew's Scots Church (either he or his was a deacon there in 1852), is now at St. Mark's Hunter's Hill.
Rushworth 1988 has a detailed biography.
"THE BARQUE JESSIE", The Australian (26 February 1839), 3
. . . the passengers per ship Jessie, lately from Liverpool, have presented Captain Keams with a Silver Snuff box,
in token of the esteem in which they hold him . . .
JOEL J. COHEN, T. D. Broughton, J. H. Wraith, J. Kinlock,
Richard Lane, Eben Williamson, Thomas Coneran, Charles Wilson, Alexander Wilson, John McMillan.
Port Jackson, Sydney, N. S. W. February 25, 1839.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (17 June 1839), 3
To the Musical Inhabitants of Sydney.
Organ-Builders, Seraphine, & Pianoforte Makers,
HAVING recently arrived in the Colony, beg to inform the Inhabitants of Sydney and the surrounding Country,
that they have commenced Business in the above line, and are ready to receive Orders for Church Organs of any power or dimension;
likewise that much admired Instrument, the Seraphine, made to any pattern for Places of Worship, or Gentlemen's Houses.
PIANOFORTES tuned and carefully repaired on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (22 January 1840), 3
IF JOHN ARTHUR BOSTOCK, who eight years ago was in the employment of Renn and Boston, Organ Builders, Manchester, will apply at the offices of this paper, or at Johnson and Kinlock, Organ Builders, Prince-street, Sydney, he will hear of something to his advantage.
"WINDSOR", The Sydney Herald (27 March 1840), 2
A subscription having been opened here for the purpose of defraying the expense of building an organ, and the erection of an appropriate gallery for St, Matthew's Church, the inhabitants immediately responded to the call upon their liberality, and a sum approaching very nearly to £500 was in a few days subscribed. The instrument has been contracted for by Messrs. Johnson and Kinlock, organ builders, of Prince-street, Sydney, for the sum of £320, who engage that it shall be found fully equal to any that could be brought from England at the same cost, whether as respects the workmanship, or the power and tone. It is to be ready to assist in the performance of divine worship in St. Matthew's Church by September next.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (16 October 1840), 3
MESSRS. JOHNSON and KINLOCK beg to state, that the Organ built by them for Windsor Church is now finished and will be open for public inspection in the St. James' School Room, Elizabeth-street, on Monday next, and as this is the first specimen of organ building in the colony, the Company of Amateurs and others interested in the progress of the fine arts, is respectfully requested. The Room will be opened at seven o'clock.
"To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Herald (27 October 1840), 3
MR. EDITOR, - May I beg room for a few more words on our first Colonial built Church Organ. The Meeting of Monday evening last, was, indeed, a spirit-stirring occasion; for the instrument then opened, excellent as indeed it is in itself, speaks rather of the prospective capabilities of the builders, than as being a complete specimen of their art, when unshackled by contracts taken too low, or confined by buildings too scant for the developements of scale sufficiently large for the true character of the instrument. When the Church at Windsor was laid out, an organ was not contemplated, and, as a consequence, there is not proper height in the gallery, and the instrument has necessarily been squatted down to suit its place. It may not be amiss here to give our friends the architects a hint about good height in our Church galleries for the future; this should not be less than eighteen feet, if a really good organ is to be mounted, (the organ at St. Pauls, London, is thirty-six feet in height,) for the top of the sound-board cannot conveniently be brought lower than five feet, and the double G of the open diapason foot and pipe requires, in metal, at least twelve feet, making seventeen feet, and the cornices, &c., of course, will take up another foot at least.
But deficient height was not the only obstacle this instrument had to contend with; the contract had been taken too low to allow of the best remedies for confined space being exhibited, and (although, perhaps, more has been done for the money, in this instance, than would have been undertaken even in England) the bass of the instrument has suffered miserably in consequence. The larger pipes (and they are truly noble ones) which have necessarily been ranged at the sides below the wind chest, for want of height above it, being fed from this, in the old fashion, by conveyances, instead of being furnished with the modern improvements of a separate wind chest to themselves, (this, with the necessary additional mechanism, might have cost an extra £20). Although these pipes speak well, yet they actually do not give out nearly the quality of tone, nor above one-fourth of the power, which, from their fine proportions, and very liberal size, they are calculated and intended to produce.
This Instrument, which has a speaking front of beautiful Metal Pipes, may be described as follows:- Great Organ, compass GG, with GG, sharp to F in Alt. (five honest octaves) has five whole stops, viz.: - open Diapason, stopped Diapason, Principal, Twelfth, and Fifteenth, each stop throughout. Swell organ, compass F to F in Alt, three stops, viz. open Diapason, stopped Diapason, and Principal; and it is pierced for a fourth stop. - There is a " Coupler" from the Great Organ Keys to those of the swell, and a shifting movement to take off the Great Organ to the Diapasons, thus forming with the swell coupler, a very good Choir Organ. The swell is on the Venetian principle, giving opportunity for the finest crescendo, at the same time that it affords the power of imitating the Bow-ing of an Orchestra.
An octave, one-half of German pedals, complete the Mechanical apparatus: - but here again the contract is too low for the builder; the pedal has no coupler, and therefore merely take down the bass keys, only giving breadth to the chorus, whilst, if fitted with the extra sound-board and its mechanism, they would be most convenient as affording a violone accompaniment with the softest solo, or giving firm accent to the intonation of the most powerful recitative. The scale of the pipes generally, is half a note larger than that of the St. James's organ; and the body of tone is proportionally more powerful.
The quality of the stops individually is appropriate and excellent, and with the exception of a few pipes in the higher trebles of the twelfth and fifteenth (always a dangerous region for getting the ears cut), the voicing is perfect; in fact the Cathedral quality has been hit most happily, particularly with the diapasons and principal.
Much cannot be said for the opening, either in the performance, or (with exceptions) the pieces selected; but the utmost allowance must be made, for the performers had not previously practiced on the instrument, which was actually not ready when the company assembled. The first piece "To thee Cherubim" told vilely; from the screaming of the overpowerful twelfth and fifteenth, above alluded to; a middle one too "Let the bright Seraphin," was also very poor, for want of the trumpet, which, in this composition, is obligato: and a something in the shape of a voluntary, the most miserable olla podrida of namby pamby trash ever fixed for a school girl's lesson, showed off every other fragment of imperfection which could be had out of the instrument, with most friendly pertinacity. But in "With Verdure Clad," the Hallelujah Chorus, a movement of Zingarellis', and in our National Anthem, which, with recent horrid news in recollection, at present comes home to every Briton's heart, this noble Instrument spoke out for itself, and left nothing to be wished, but that the good people of Windsor may live long to enjoy their acquisition; and that now Messrs. Johnson and Kinlock have shewn how good and cheap organs can be procured here, other churches may have the benefit of their help; and that our Cathedral too may boast a Colonial organ not a thing of a row and a half of keys, but after the pattern of that at the Minster at York, one suited to open to "We praise thee O God."
I trust to your excuse for trespassing on your space, and remain, Sir, your's respectfully,
P. S.- It may give some idea of the relative cheapness of Colonial and imported organs to state, that the contract for the organ for Windsor was taken at £320, whilst the St. James's organ, which contains at the utmost but £70 worth more of work, cost, I have been told, £800 or guineas.
"To the Editors of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 December 1844), 3
Gentlemen - Observing in your journal of this day a paragraph headed the Organ of St. Andrew's Temporary Church, wherein you state that the organ just completed by Mr. W. J. Johnson is the first instrument of the kind that has been constructed in the colony; allow me to state that about four years ago Messrs. Johnson and Kinlock, of Prince-street commenced an organ, which when completed the proprietors invited an inspection of their work at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street. The room was crowded to excess, and the instrument was allowed by all present to be a masterpiece of colonial workmanship. My object in troubling you on this occasion is merely to give credit where it is due, and to state that myself was employed in the work during its progress. Hoping you will insert the above in your valuable journal as soon as possible, I am, Gentlemen, Yours, &c., T. B., Lower George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 September 1856), 1
BRIDSON and KINLOCH, Organ Builders, 29, Palmer-street, opposite Jubilee-terrace.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1870), 1
On the 29th June, at the residence of his son, University Hall, Elizabeth-street, Mr. JOHN KINLOCH, aged 75.
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales (1988), 63-68 (Johnson and Kinloch), 75-77 (John Kinloch)
St Mark's Anglican Church, Figtree Road, Figtree (Hunters Hill)
Clarionet player, bandsman (Band of the 40th Regiment)
Born ? Ireland, c. 1836
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1855
Died Melbourne, VIC, 6 December 1871, aged 35 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony and others) (shareable link to this entry)
See also Band of the 40th Regiment (second tour)
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 June 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO.- Mons. Fleury will perform on Monday, 25th inst. -
Newly decorated by the celebrated artists, Messrs. T. Pitt and Brogden. -
Fleury's Band, comprising the leading talent of the colonies, will consist of the following artistes
Mons. Fleury, Conductor and Leader
Messrs. Reid, Fihon, 2nd Violins
Handoff, Double Bass
Kinzella, Clarionet
De Labestrier, Cornopean
Baker, Saxe Horn
Hartigan, Ophecleide
Brown, Flute
Kummons, Bassoon
Sterne, Drum.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. Promenade Concert and Ball. Open Every Evening.
Admission One Shilling. M. Fleury, in returning thanks to the citizens of Melbourne for their very kind patronage,
begs to say that no expense or exertion shall be spared on his part in making the Salle de Valentino the first place of its kind in this city.
M. Fleury promises also to make it his especial object to produce every novelty in Music,
both vocal and instrumental and will not be satisfied with merely telling the public that he has an efficient band but will give their names,
which, it is hoped, will be a sufficient guarantee of ability Instrumentalists:
Violinists, Messrr. Read and Fillon.
Ophecleide - M. Hartigan (the first soloist in the colony.)
Cornopean - M. De la Balestriere.
Saxe horn, Mr. Baker.
Clarionette - Mr. Kinsella.
Double-bass - Herr Hendorff.
Trombone - Mr. McNamara.
Drum - Mr. Jenkins.
And Herr Polin, the celebrated solo performer on the flute.
M. FLEURY, Leader and Conductor.
Singers: Mrs. Byrne, whose style of singing has been so much admired;
And an Irish Comic singer.
Gazza Ladra, - overture. Rossini.
Duette, "Lucrezia di Borgia," Baker and Hartigan.
La Sultana des fleurs (arranged for full band by M. Fleury).
Faust Valse (Diabolique) - Char. D'Albert.
Malta Quadrille - J. Kalozdy.
La Vie de Boheme - Chretien.
Napoleon Quadrille - Musard.
Gadogan Polka, composed by Kalozdy, Conductor of the Hungarian Band.
Solos by Mr. Hartigan and Polin every night next week.
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 February 1856), 8
EUROPEAN HOTEL, Fitz Roy-street, Collingwood . . .
Of Cremorne Gardens, London; Adelaide Gallery; and Cremorne Gardens, Richmond.
THE Splendid Band, under the direction of Mr. Andrew Moore,
Will comprise the names of MR. CREED ROYAL,
Mr. Kinsella, Mr. Foster, Mr. Ryder,
And others of the elite of the profession;
And will once more call to mind the soul-stirring strains of
Danner, Labitzky, Strauss, D'Albert, Jullien, Bosisto, and others of equal celebrity.
Principal Master of the Ceremonies,
MR. GEORGE LEAVIS, Late of Astley's . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 December 1867), 8
THEATRE ROYAL. Engagement for 12 Nights
LYSTER'S Royal Italian and English OPERA COMPANY . . .
Grand production, for the First Time in Australia, of Rossini's world-renowned Opera,
Clarionettes - Mr. Lundberg - Mr. Kinsella . . .
[News], The Argus (25 June 1868), 5
A murderous outrage, the origin of which yet remains unexplained, was committed at the Eastern Market at an early hour yesterday morning. About six a.m. Mr. James Kinsella, market inspector, was sitting inside his inner office, and hearing footsteps approaching from the outside he turned round in his seat to recognise his visitor. A young man, decently attired, immediately walked up to within a yard of Kinsella's seat, and deliberately presented a cocked pistol in front of him. The self-possession evinced by the ruffian, coupled with the audacity of the proceeding, completely unnerved Kinsella, and before he could adopt any measure to insure his safety, the pistol was discharged in his face . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (7 December 1871), 4
KINSELLA. - On the 5th inst., at Melbourne, James Kinsella, formerly of the band of Her Majesty's 40th Regiment.
"INQUESTS", The Argus (8 December 1871), 7
On the 6th inst. Mr. Candler, the district coroner, held two inquests at the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum. One was on the body of William Bocking, aged 70 years . . . The other inquest was on the body of James Kinsella, aged 35 years, who was admitted on the 21st June last, suffering from disease of the brain, but able to walk about. Formerly he had been employed in the Melbourne Eastern Market, and was shot at by a man named Ritson. This occurrence was probably the chief cause of his insanity. He suffered great pain, had partial paralysis of the face, and ptosis, or falling of the eyelids. On the 20th ult, he became bedridden, and had signs of disease of the lungs in addition to an increase of symptoms of brain disease, till the 5th inst., when he died. Dr. Cutts made a post-mortem examination, and found death to have been caused by disease of the brain and lungs. There were no other results of a gunshot wound observable except marks of powder on the nose. The cartilaginous portion of the nose was astricted or drawn in. The jury found that deceased died of disease of the brain and lungs, and added their opinion that the disease of the brain was brought on by a gunshot wound he received in the face.
KIRK, John (John KIRK)
Parish clerk, convict
Born Ireland, c. 1790
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 July 1824 (convict per Prince Regent)
Active Prospect, NSW, c. 1820s
Died Parramatta, NSW, 9 March 1855 (shareable link to this entry)
Census of NSW, 1828
Parish Clerk at Prospect with seven horses
"SWINDLING AND OUTRANGES", The Australian (19 June 1829), 3
SWINDLING AND OUTRAGES. As one Mr. Kirk, who formerly discharged the peaceful function of parish clerk at Prospect, and is a man not meanly skilled in the divine art of psalmody, but who has exchanged his vocation to be a sub-superintendent to Mr. Superintendent Plunkett at Liverpool, happened to be travelling thence into Sydney, one evening during this or the finishing part of last week, about 4 p.m., he just stepped in to have a refresh at Jackson's on the road, where he was bountifully received and he agreed to have a bed for the night . . .
Bibliography and resources:
"John Kirk (c.1788-1855)", Australian royalty
KITTS, James Edward (James Edward KITTS; J. E. KITTS; "Jim" KITTS)
Bass vocalist, guitarist, banjoist, minstrel performer (New York Serenaders, Totten's Harmoneons, San Francisco Minstrels), opera singer (Lyster's Opera Company), theatrical manager, agent
Born c. 1829
Arrived George Town, TAS, 26 February 1851 (per Spartan, from San Francisco, California, December 1850)
Died Carlton, VIC, 30 March 1894 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Kitts (left) and Armes Beaumont, as Mathias and Jonas, in Le prophète; caricature by Charles Lascelles
"Miscellaneous", Launceston Examiner (1 March 1851), 3
The barque Spartan is at George Town, having arrived from California on 26th February.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (1 March 1851), 133
THE NEW YORK SERENADERS take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Launceston and its vicinity their arrival at this place,
and will have the honour of appearing in Ethiopian character at the "Cornwall Hotel," on TUESDAY evening next.
This company is among the first which were organised in New York, and have given very successful Concerts throughout the United States,
South America, California, and the islands of the Pacific, and are now visiting the Australian Colonies en route to the East Indies and the Continent of Europe.
From long experience in the business they are enabled to give a legitimate American Negro performance.
All the music of the day having been sent them from New York, a new and varied programme will be offered.
The company is composed of the following gentlemen:
W. H. White, Violin - C. Cushing, 1st Banjo
J. P. Nash, Guitar - J. Kitts, 2nd ditto
J. O. Pierce, Tamborine - J. C. Lee, Bone castanets
PROGRAMME OF PERFORMANCE, On Tuesday evening, March 4, 1851.
Overture - Introducing selections from the Operas of I Puritani, and La Dame Blanche - Full band
Let's be gay, from Robert le Diable - Mr. Nash
Julius' Bride - Mr. Cushing
Mary Blane - Mr. Kitts
Trio - Colored Fancy Ball - Messrs. Nash, Kitts, and Pierce.
Juliana, Phebiana, Constantina Brown - Mr. Pierce
Virginia Rosebud, from the Bronze Horse - Mr. Nash
Phantom Chorus, from La Sonambula - Company
Stop dat knocking an Operatic Burlesque - Mr. Pierce
Banjo Solo - Mr. Cushing
Trio - Violin, Guitar, and Bones - Messrs. White, Nash, and Lee
Burlesque on Mesmerism - Company
- - -
Bulgine, Slambang, Humbug - Overture - Full band
Give is chaw tobacco - Mr. Cushing
History of the world - Mr. Pierce
Old Napper - Mr. Lee
Picayune Butler - Mr. Pierce
Bowling Green - Mr. Cushing
[REDACTED] from de Souf - Mr. Pierce
Old tar River - Mr. Lee
Tickets to be obtained at the "Cornwall Hotel," "Launceston Hotel," and at the door, on the evening of performance.
Price of admission, 2s. Doors open at Seven o'clock, commence at half-past Seven.
March 1, 1851.
"ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", Colonial Times (7 March 1851), 2
Six "coloured gemmen" have arrived from America in the Spartan, and gave their first serenade concert here on Tuesday evening, at the Cornwall, to a crowded audience. The singing and instrumental accompaniements were excellent, and the choice of pieces good . . .
"THE SERENADERS", Launceston Examiner (15 March 1851), 5
. . . Mr. Pierce's treble is a voice of fine quality and great compass. Mr. Kitts' bass is, if possible, more admirable; the richness, depth, and power of his voice, formed the fundamental harmony of the company. In "De ole jaw bone," an occasion offered for some of his lowest tones, and the lowest was the most perfect. Mr. Nash's tenor was delightful . . .
"THE SERENADERS", Colonial Times (1 April 1851), 2
. . . Mr. Kitts, who possesses a most excellent bass voice, and understands the management of it well, sung "Linda," and "The Ole Jaw Bone," which were received with admiration by the whole audience . . . The trio of "The Coloured Fancy Ball," by Messrs. Nash, Pierce, and Kitts, was the best song of the evening, harmoniously sung, and irresistible in its laughter-moving [REDACTED] strains . . .
"THE NEW YORK COMPANY OF SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (28 June 1851), 3
. . . The most remarkable of the vocalists is Mr. Kitts (late of the Italian Opera House), whose sonorous bass distinctly resounds below the instrumental crash of the full band. The voices of the six blend most sweetly, and their cadence, perfected by several years' practice, is indescribably beautiful . . .
"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1851), 2
October 26. - Royal Saxon, barque, 510 tons, Captain Charlesworth, for Calcutta via Hobart Town. Passengers . . . Messrs. J. C. Kitts [sic], J. P. Nash, J. C. Lee, W. H. White, W. J. Reading, J. C. Pierce . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (10 May 1853), 4
May 9.- Mary and Ellen, American schooner, 183 tons, M. Tucker; for Sydney, Passengers - cabin: Messrs. Kitts, Pearse, Lee, Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Cassidy . . .
"COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS BEFORE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (26 November 1853), 2
The departure of the New York Serenaders from the colony will be, as is customary, preceded by a "farewell benefit" performance by each member of the company. The celebrated bass vocalist, Mr. Kitts, will commence the series of final entertainments on Monday next. For which occasion he has issued a programme which embraces the latest novelties of Negro melody received in the colony, direct from the States . . .
"TOTTENS HARMONEONS", South Australian Register (19 September 1854), 3
The performances last night attracted a numerous audience, and all were well repaid for visiting the Ethiopian melodists. Among the pieces best received, were "Ginger Blue" and "The old Jaw Bone," the latter giving full scope for the display of Kitt's rich bass voice. Some of the cons. were received with shouts of laughter, and the repetition of the extravaganza, "The Doctor and his Patient," of course sent every one away in good humour.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Age (30 January 1855), 4
The barque Eleanor, Cook, master, from Adelaide (stated to be bound for Port Louis), was compelled to put into Freemantle in a leaky condition. She arrived there on the 14th December, and was to undergo repairs at Garden Island. The passengers reported are Captain Robinson and lady, and a party of six New York Ethiopian Serenaders, among whom were Messrs. Kitts und Lee, so favourably known by their performances here. - S. A. Register.
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (9 February 1856), 3
On Tuesday evening was produced, for the first time, the new local operatic extravaganza, called, Anna Bishop in Australia . . . Madame Bishop is next introduced as the Prima Donna of the Italian Opera, dressed in character and sings several rich operatic selections in Italian, which gives satisfaction to the Manager, and she is requested to unite with Mamzelle Sixfootoo, the giantess (Mr. Kitts), who has meanwhile been introduced in a duet. The Prima Donna performs her part, but is overcome with terror when the first tones of the young giantess fall upon her ears, and she rushes from the stage in disgust . . .
. . . Madame Anna Bishop was in fine voice . . . Her impersonation of the terrible Duchess vas very good . . . Mr. Farquharson was the Duke . . . Mr. J. Gregg as Gubetta, and Mr. Kitts as Astolfo sang their parts commendably, whilst the choruses were delivered in better style than we remember to have heard them in Sydney . . .
"MR. KITTS' BENEFIT", Launceston Examiner (24 August 1858), 3
The entertainment given by Mr. Farquharson last night was for the benefit of his agent Mr. J. E. Kitts, who is well known to the public here in his character first as belonging to the New York Serenaders who visited this colony in 1851, and had so successful a season. The next appearance of Mr. Kitts was as agent for Mr. and Mrs. Stark, the eminent American tragedians, during their professional visit to Tasmania. When the Starks left the colonies, Mr. Kitts engaged with Mr. Farquharson in the same capacity, and we can give our testimony to the ability, zeal, and tact, with which he discharges his duties. He is, as we have often said before, indefatigable. He contrives before he has been in a place 24 hours to put his professional principal's name in every mouth; and as he is too knowing in these matters as well as too careful of his own credit to connect himself with a professional "muff," he has always had the legitimate countenance and assistance of the press. Mr. Kitts informs us that he accompanies Mr. Farquharson to India, which he has already twice visited. The benefeciare was honoured last night with the best house of the short season.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", The Argus (14 June 1859), 4
JUNE 13. Fairlight, ship, 588 tons, R. Kemball, from Calcutta 22nd April. Passengers - cabin: Messrs. Farquharson and Kitts. Downie and Murphy, agents.
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 December 1860), 1
The Promised Return and Farewell Engagement Of the Far Famed
A CARD. - The Minstrels in returning their sincere thanks to the public of Melbourne and vicinity for the extensive patronage accorded them during their last engagement -
hope that the additions made to the Company, together with their new Repertoire of Songs, Burlesques, &c.,
will be rewarded by a continuation of the same - and would, respectfully state that their stay will be necessarily short,
owing to other colonial engagements, prior to their final departure for India.
First appearance here of Mr. J. E. KITTS, the Eminent Basso,
Also, Mr. THOMAS LLEWELLYN, the Celebrated Harpist,
Together with the Established Favorites, Mr. O. N. Burbank, Mr. Dave Carson, J. O. Pierce, Charles Walsh, Geo. Chittenden, T. P. Brower And Mr. G. W. DEMEREST.
The Burlesque Tragedy of HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK.
The Laughable Hippodromatic Display, Entitled,
New Songs, Burlesques, the renowned Rattle Snake Jig,
And last, though, not least, SIGNORA DON.
Doors open as usual. Prices of Admission: Dress Circle, 3s. Boxes, 1s. 6d. Pit, 1s.
"THE OPERA", Empire (16 August 1861), 5
. . . Mr. J. E. Kitts added essentially to the effective representation of the opera by his conscientious rendering of Raimondo . . .
"PRINCE OF WALES", Bell's Life in Sydney (2 April 1864), 2
. . . The great event of the week was, however, the revival of "The Huguenots", in which we are happy to record the great and unqualified success of Mr. J. E. Kitts, who succeeded Mr. Farquharson in the arduous part of Marcel. It is but an act of justice to this deserving and painstaking artiste that he sang and acted with a taste and impressiveness that left nothing to be desired. He looked the old soldier to the life, and his fine bass voice shewed to the utmost advantage; his "Piff Paff", being enthusiastically redemanded, and we gladly record this tribute to his well-deserved triumph . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (31 March 1894), 1
KITTS. - On the 30th inst, at his residence, 210 Station Street, Carlton, J. E. Kitts, for many years theatrical manager.
[News], The Lorgnette (1 April 1894), 2
We regret to announce the somewhat sudden death of Mr. J. E. Kitts ("Jim,") which took place at his residence on Friday, 30th March. Mr. Kitts was a well-known basso vocalist and theatrical manager. He made his first appearance in Melbourne with Totten's Harmoneons at the Criterion Hall, April 1854, and was afterwards associated with the San Francisco Minstrels. During the late W. S. Lyster's operatic management in Australia, Mr. Kitts was engaged as basso and afterwards as treasurer. Since that time he had the management of Miss Myra Kemble and other companies on tour. At the time of his death he was associated with the Alexandra Theatre.
"DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL NOTES", Launceston Examiner (4 April 1894), 3
The tidings of the death of Mr. J. E. Kitts, who was so well-known in theatrical circles, will be received with regret by the many Tasmanians who knew the genial old fellow. He landed originally from California at George Town in a brig somewhere in the fifties, and was a member of one of the very first Christy Minstrel companies that appeared in this city. Subsequently for a number of years he was connected with the Melbourne Opera House, when that place of amusement was under the management of the late William S. Lyster. Of late years Mr. Kitts frequently visited Launceston, the last time as a business manager for Miss Myra Kemble.
"MUSICAL NOTES", Evening Journal (28 April 1894), 5
Still another popular vocalist has joined the great majority - Mr. J. E. Kitts.
He was a prominent member of Lyster's Opera Company, and in such parts as Leporello in "Don Giovanni,"
the Mayor in "Martha," and the old soldier in Meyerbeer's "Huguenots" he was unsurpassed by any of his contemporaries.
His singing of Martin Luther's hymn -
Great God, what do I see and hear?
The end of things created -
in the last-named opera will never be forgotten by those who heard it.
His first appearance in Australia was with Hotten's Harmoneans [Totten's Harmoneons] in the fifties.
For many years he was Treasurer for Mr. Lyster, and at the close of his busy life he was connected with the Alexandra, Melbourne.
"OLD SYDNEY", Truth (3 July 1910), 9
Bibliography and resources:
Harold Love, The golden age of Australian opera: W. S. Lyster and his companies 1861-1880 (Sydney: Currency Press, 1981), passim
Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies: pioneering opera in Australia (Sydney: Pellinor, 1999), 121, 128, 131, 174
KLAUER, Frederick William Augustus (Friedrich Wilhelm August KLAUER; August KLAUER; A. KLAUR; Frederick William Augustus KLAUER)
Band musician, composer, arranger, publican
Born Gloina, Germany (or Yorkshire, England, of German parents), 1829
Active VIC, by 1854
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1864
Died North Adelaide, SA, 17 August 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Frederick William Augustus Klauer, c. 1880; State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)
? "MRS. CHISHOLM AT THE DIGGINGS", The Age (13 November 1854), 4
On Friday evening a public Soiree was held in the Hall of Castlemaine (kindly granted by Messrs. Hitchcock and Co.) for the purpose of entertaining Mrs. Chisholm, who is now on a visit to the diggings. About 350 persons were present, including about thirty ladies. An excellent tea was served by Mr. Barnes, and among other attractions of the evening, which passed off as pleasantly as could be desired, was a band of German musicians, who sang and played a selection of their national melodies so skilfully as frequently to elicit applause from the admiring company . . .
"THE VOLUNTEER FORCE", South Australian Register (10 July 1866), 3
. . . August Klauer . . .
"THE GALATEA BAND", South Australian Register (25 April 1868), 6
. . . Mr. August Klauer, a private in the Adelaide Regimental Band, arranged and forwarded to the Duke of Edinburgh one or two pieces of music for the Galatea Band, one of which - The Queen's Letter - His Royal Highness requested to be supplied with.
"FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. G. LODER", South Australian Register (17 July 1868), 2
"DEATH OF MR. F. W. A. KLAUER. A STIRRING CAREER", The Register (18 August 1906), 7
Mr. Frederick William Augustus Klauer, late landlord of the White Hart Hotel, Hindley street, died on Friday evening at the North Adelaide Private Hospital. The deceased, who was 76 years of age, was for over 20 years a member of the Adelaide City Council. Born at Gloina, Germany, in 1829, at the age of 19 he enlisted in the Kaiser's army, and saw considerable service in skirmishes against the revolutionary Socialists. At Baden he was present at the taking of Restadt. He there received a bayonet wound in the thigh. Mr. Klauer afterwards spent some months in England and the United States, but hearing glowing accounts of Australia, returned to Liverpool and took a passage for Melbourne as a member of a German band, his funds having become exhausted.
He walked from Geelong to Ballarat, and there joined a band which was formed in connection with the Eureka Stockade incident, to play the diggers up to the scene of what proved a tragic encounter with the Government troops. At the Ovens diggings subsequently his party struck a pocket of gold and took out 80 oz. A run of luck followed, and each of the four men made £500 in a month. Mr. Klauer next went to the Indigo diggings, and there had a narrow escape with his life, for through the falling of a prop he was buried four hours in the drive. A boulder fell over him, and just allowed room for him to breathe. Returning from the Crackenback diggings his party was snowed up for three days at the loot of Mount Kosciusko. The deceased was present at Lambing Flat, now the township of Young, when a riot occurred between Chinese and English diggers, and the former were burned out of their tents by the latter. Several diggers were wounded with sabre cuts inflicted by the police, and a bullet fired by a trooper struck a prop against which Mr. Klauer was leaning. The deceased used to tell many interesting stories of the old mining days . . . Mr. Klauer returned to the Ovens from Lambing Flat, and there lost every penny of his money on a claim, at Christmas Town, near Rutherglen. He moved from place to place on the various fields, and recovered his lost fortune to some extent.
Then he joined an American circus, with which he came to Adelaide. His musical instinct led him to join the Theatre Royal orchestra, and he also played in other bands. Mr. Klauer was landlord successfully of the Clarendon, the Lady Fergusson, and the White Hart Hotels for over 30 years, and was the oldest publican in Adelaide. He was a prominent Freemason, having been a Past Master of the Duke of Leinster Lodge, Provincial Sub-Prior of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta, and a Grand Prelate of the Order of Knight Templars.
"BAND ASSOCIATION", The Advertiser (21 August 1906), 9
. . . The secretary was instructed to send a letter of condolence to Mr. E. Klauer on the death of his father . . .
"OBITUARY", Chronicle (25 August 1906), 47
Mr. Frederick William August Klauer of Hilton, died at the North Adelaide private hospital on August 17. Mr. Klauer, who was born of German parents in Yorkshire 76 years ago, was one of the best known men in Adelaide. For many years he kept the White Hart Hotel in Hindley-street and for two decades he represented Gawler ward in the Adelaide City Council. He was a great supporter of manly sports, especially rowing, and he identified himself also with the Locomotive Band, which he accompanied last year to the Ballarat competitions. He had for some years lived a retired life on his estate at Hilton, but be still retained interests in various commercial enterprises in the city. He will be greatly missed in many quarters, his genial disposition making him a general favorite.
[Illustration] "Mr. F. W. A. Klauer", Observer (25 August 1906), 27
[Illustration] "THE LATE MR. F. W. A. KLAUER", Chronicle (25 August 1906), 31
KLEE, Henry Green (Henry Green KLEE)
Died Sydney, NSW, January 1867 (shareable link to this entry)
"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1867), 8
The Friends of the late Mr. HENRY GREEN KLEE, Musician, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, 7th instant; the procession to move from his late residence, Palmer-lane, off Palmer-street, at quarter before 3 o'clock, THOMAS DIXON, Undertaker, South Head Road.
Violinist, viola player, watchmaker
Born Hoechst, Frankfurt, Germany, c. 1831/32
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 November 1856 (per Reihersteig, from Hamburg)
Active NSW, 1858-59; Queensland, 1860s
Died Sydney, NSW, 19 October 1873, in his 42nd year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Watchmaker, jeweller and talented amateur violinist, John Klein, and his wife Julia, arrived in Sydney in November 1856, on the Reihersteig, in a party of 116 German immigrants from Hamburg.
Klein probably joined the Sydney Philharmonic Society during 1857, for it was with two of the society's leading members, violinist John Deane and his cellist brother Edward Smith Deane, that he appeared, for Miska Hauser, playing viola in a complete performance of Mayseder's First string quintet in December, with Charles Eigenschenck as the other viola player.
In March 1858, he played viola again in another chamber music performance, for violinist Julius Haimberger, in Mendelssohn's Second piano quartet, with pianist Charles Packer and Edward Deane again on cello.
Having been naturalised as a British subject in December 1858, Klein moved his business to Queensland. He settled first at Toowoomba in mid 1859, and gave several concerts there over his four year stay.
He moved into Brisbane in 1863, and in December, he appeared in two concerts given by Maria Kramer and Julius Kopp, performing Kalliwoda's Duo concertante for two violins with the latter. According to the Courier review, Klein had returned to Sydney to play in the orchestra for at least one recent season of the Lyster Opera Company's there.
In April 1864, Klein's Brisbane business premises were among dozens destroyed in a huge fire. He returned to Sydney a few months later, and appeared in a concert with Julius Haimberger and his family in July. Later that year he appeared in a concert given by William Cordner. He was declared insolvent in August 1867, and his tools of trade and household furniture were auctioned off in September.
Nevertheless, in December the following year, 1868, he led a large orchestra that played under the baton of Carl Schmitt for a charity concert, as well as appearing at a second concert performing a duo for violin and piano with Charles Edward Horsley.
He appeared in at least two concerts in 1870 for the Sydney Philharmonic Society (which he had may have rejoined on returning to Sydney), in the first, with a lady amateur pianist and cellist Edward Smith Deane, performing the two middle movements (Andante and Capriccio) from the Piano Trio no. 1, op. 25, by Carl Reissiger.
His eldest daughter, Emma (born 1858) died in Sydney in 1878, aged 20, and his widow, Julia, died in 1884, aged 45/46.
"SYDNEY LABOUR MARKET", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 November 1856), 2 supplement
The only arrival of immigrant ships during the week is the Reihersteig, with 116 Germans, from Hamburg . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1857), 1
MISKA HAUSER has the honour to announce that he will give a Grand Instrumental Concert
THIS EVENING, December 17th, at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel.
Quintetto - Mayseder - for two violins, two altos, and violoncello -
Allegro, Adagio, Scherzo, Finale
MISKA HAUSER, Messrs. Klein, J. Deane, E. Deane, and C. Eigenschenk . . .
"MISKA HAUSER", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (19 December 1857), 3
This talented violinist gave his first concert since his return at the Royal Hotel, on Thursday last, to a large and delighted audience. The brothers Deane, M. Boulanger, M. Eigenschenck, M. Klein, and Signor Cavallini assisted on the occasion. The choice selections which formed the bill of fare for the evening's entertainment were rendered with a sweetness and accuracy which called forth unbounded applause.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1858), 1
Certificate to naturalize . . . John Klein . . . 14 December 1858; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . that John Klein is a natice of Hoechst, near Frankfurt on M. is twenty eight years of age, and having arrived by the ship Reihersteig in the year 1856 he is now residing in Sydney and intending to settle in the said colony . . . this fourteenth day of December [1858] . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1859), 8
J. KLEIN, Practical Watch and Clock Maker, 11, Barrack-street, noxt to the Savings' Bank.
[Advertisement], The Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser (4 August 1859), 1
BEGS respectfully to intimate to the inhabitants of Toowoomba and Drayton,
that he has always on hand a select stock of
to suit the taste of the public.
Toowoomba, 26th July, 1859.
[Advertisement], The Darling Downs Gazette (27 February 1862), 3
"THE CONCERTS AT THE ARGYLE ROOMS", The Darling Downs Gazette (6 March 1862), 3
Concerts were given by Messrs. Klein and Mass, on Saturday and Monday nights last, at the Argyle Rooms, pursuant to advertisement. The attendance was not so good as at the last concerts. Mr. Klein as usual was great and attractive on the violin. Mr. Mass appears to play and sing with some taste. His whistling is clever and astonishing, but after all - whew! it's only whistling, though that we confess of a cultivated sort. We believe that Mr. Klein made a mistake in announcing a concert, and having so few performers. True, he is a host in himself, but were he Paganini, he could not sustain the music himself all the evening. And the audience felt ennuied during the intervals between the alternate pieces of Messrs. Klein and Mass. There should either be more performers than two, or some sort of music for the intervals.
[Advertisement], The Courier (19 December 1863), 4
MONDAY and TUESDAY, THE 21ST and 22ND DECEMBER, 1863 . . .
Pianist: MR. ATKINSON.
MR. WYATT and MR. J. KLEIN have most kindly consented to give their assistance.
PROGRAMME . . . PART SECOND . . . VIOLIN DUETT - Duo concertante (Mr. Kopp and Mr. Klein) - Kallivoda . . .
[News], The Courier (22 December 1863), 2
The concert given by Miss Kramer and Mr. Julius Kopp, last evening, !n the School of Arts was a very excellent one . . . [Kopp] was very ably assisted by Mr. J. Klein (of Brisbane) in a beautiful and familiar composition of Kallivoda, arranged as a violin duett, and which was encored. This was Mr. Klein's first appearance before the Brisbane public, and we hail lt as the forerunner of many similar treats to that with which he favored us on the present occasion . . .
[News], The Courier (23 December 1863), 2
. . . Mr. Klein re-appeared and confirmed the good opinion we before expressed of him. We have been informed that this gentleman was well connected with the orchestra of the Prince of Wales Opera House, at Sydney, during the sojourn of the Lyster troupe in that city . . .
[News], The Brisbane Courier (15 November 1864), 2
THE Campbell Minstrels gave their farewell performance in Brisbane last evening, to a very crowded house . . . A novelty in the entertainment was the performance of a violin solo, by Herr Klein, an amateur, who certainly possesses musical ability of a very high order . . .
"MR. CORDNER'S CONCERT", Empire (10 October 1866), 5
. . . Mrs. Cordner, whose singing needs no praise, was encored in her song of "Love's bequest," and Mr. J. Klein played a violin solo - "Il Pirata" - very well, so far as mere correctness was concerned, but during his performance one could not but feel that the soul of the king of instruments slumbered. He lacked the magician hand to waken it and make it penetrate the heart. But a great violinist, like a poet, cannot be made . . .
"INSOLVENCY COURT . . . SURRENDERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1867), 5
John Klein, of Palmer-street, Sydney, watchmaker. Liabilities, £60 12s. 6d. Assets, £14 10s. Mr. Humphery, official assignee.
"IN INSOLVENCY", New South Wales Government Gazette (23 August 1867), 2081
In the Insolvent Estate of John Klein, of Palmer-street, Sydney, watchmaker . . . was, on the 16th day of August, 1867, placed under sequestration . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 September 1867), 7
In the Insolvent Estate of John Klein,
MR. H. VAUGHAN has received instructions from the Official Assignee to sell by auction,
on FRIDAY, 20th instant, at 11 o'clock, on the premises, No. 312, Palmer-street South,
Tools of trade, consisting of watchmakers' and jewellers' implements, Household furniture, counter, shelvings, Kitchen utensils and effects.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 October 1868), 3
FOR SALE an excellent Italian VIOLIN, in good condition. J. KLEIN, 14, Hunter-street.
[Advertisement], Empire (12 December 1868), 1
MASONIC HALL. TUESDAY, 15th December, 1868.
On which occasion the following ladies and gentlemen have kindly given their valuable services . . .
The Gentlemen forming the Orchestra.
Violins - Mr. Klein, Mr. Greenfield, Mr. Macracken, Mr. Neate, Mr. Delany, Mr. Delany, jun., Mr. Marshall, Mr. Bird.
Viola - Dr. Chas Horn, Mr. Schimmel, Mr. Salier.
Violoncello - Mr. Schimmel, Mr. Bain, Mr. Macracken.
Contra Basso - Mr. White.
Flute - Mr. Bailey.
Clarionette - Mr. Hodge, Mr. Hall.
Cornets -Mr. Gaffney, Mr. Richardson.
Horns - Mr. Tetterdale, Mr. Howley.
Trombone - Mr. Noroombe.
Fagotto - Mr. Wright; Tympani - Mr. Brady.
Conductor - Herr CARL SCHMITT.
Pianist - Mr. C. E. HORSLEY . . .
"MR. HOFFMANN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1869), 5
. . . The performances were excellent. Mr. Horsley played several piano solos in splendid style, and a duet with Mr. Klein, who played the violin . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 February 1869), 8
FOR SALE, a good old Italian VIOLIN, at a very low price. J. KLEIN, 14, Hunter-street.
"PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Evening News (22 December 1869), 2
. . . The trio "Andante and Capriccio" [Reissiger, op. 25] by the second lady amateur on the piano, with Messrs. Klein and E. Dean, violin and violincello, was a choice morceau, skilfully rendered . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1870), 8
Conductor: Mr. John Deane.
Accompanist, Mr. W. J. Cordner.
In the Hall of the Exchange, TUESDAY, 31at May, 1870.
1. Grand Overture de Concert, "No. 12" - Carl Schmitt.
2. Glee - Evening's Twilight - Hatton - Harmony Glee Club.
3. Scena - "Robert, toi que j'aime" - Meyerbeer - Madame FANNIE SIMONSEN.
4. Solo (pianoforte) - Sonata in A flat, Op. 26 - Beethoven - Mr. JOHN HILL, K.S., R.A.M.
5. Aria - "Quando le sere al placido" - Luisa Miller - Signor MARIANO NERI.
6. Finale No. 1. - Mozart .
Part 2.
1. Overture - "Der Freyschutz" - Von Weber.
2. French Laughing Song (Adelina Patti's) - Auber - Madame FANNIE SIMONSEN.
3. Solo violin (second air) - De Beriot with quartette accompaniment by members - Mr. JOHN KLEIN.
4. Romanza - "Ebrea di" - Halevy - Signor MARIANO NERI.
5. Solo (pianoforte) - "Paraphrase de Concert" - Il Trovatore - Hill - Mr. JOHN HILL.
6. Duet - "Ah! morir potesso Adessi" - Ernani - Madame SIMONSEN and Signor NERI.
Application for subscribers' or extra tickets must be made at once to Mr. C. H. LONG, Hon. Ticket Secretary, 61, Elizabeth-street; or to
CHARLES DAVIS, Hon. Secretary.
"INSOLVENCY COURT . . . SURRENDERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1873), 2
John Klein, of Hunter-street, Sydney, watchmaker. Liabilities, £91 18s , of which £17 is secured. Assets, £23. Mr. Sempill, official assignee.
"IN INSOLVENCY", New South Wales Government Gazette (3 June 1873), 1589
In the Insolvent Estate of John Klein, of Hunter-street, Sydney, watchmaker . . . WHEREAS the estate of the abovenamed insolvent was, on the 29fch day of May, a.d. 1873, placed under sequestration . . .
"INSOLVENCY COURT. FRIDAY [4 July]", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1873), 5
IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN KLEIN. A first and only meeting. Insolvent was not present, no debts were proved, the official assignee's report was lodged, and the meeting terminated.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1873), 1
At his residence, 19, Hunter-street, on the 19th instant, JOHN KLEIN, watchmaker, in his 42nd year.
KLEIN, Max (Maximilian KLEIN; Max KLEIN)
Violinist (Centennial Orchestra)
Born Norwich, England, 1858 (2nd quarter); son of Hermann KLEIN and Adelaide SOMAN
Active Australia, 1888
Died Cairo, Egypt, 14 October 1894, aged 36 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See also Music at the Centennial Exhibition 1888
ASSOCIATIONS: Herman Klein (brother)
1861 England census, Norwich, St. Andrew; UK National Archives, RG9/1218 (PAYWALL)
28 Castle Meadows / Hermann Klein / Head / 33 / Professor of German / [born] Prussia (Natural British subject)
Adelaide Klein / Wife / 25 / - / Norwich
Hermann Klein / Son / 4 / [Norwich]
Maximillian Klein / Son / 3 / [Norwich]
Adabertha Klein / Dau. / 1 / [Norwich] . . .
"MUSICAL NOTES", The Express and Telegraph (27 October 1894), 6
Musical people will be sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Max Klein, violinist in the original Cowen orchestra. He suffered from consumption in Melbourne, and feared he should never outlive his brother Phillip, who died before him of the same disease.
KNIGHT, Troy (Richard Troy KNIGHT; Troy KNIGHT)
Vocalist, songwriter, banjo player, composer
Born Camden, England, 4 February 1830; baptised St. Pancras Old Church, 11 September 1831
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 24 February 1850 (per Lord Stanley, from England, 15 October 1849, via Adelaide 11 February 1850)
Married Mary COOKSON (1831-1891), Adelaide, SA, 2 September 1852
Died Rockwood, NSW, 1 August 1912, aged 82 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Troy Knight appeared in concert with Sara Flower, Joseph Megson and Thomas Reed in Geelong in March 1850. Among his own material, in Launceston in November 1850, he sang his ballad The fire fly ("Written and sung by Troy Knight"), and in Adelaide in August 1853, Uncle Tom ("written, composed, and sung of this occasion only, by Troy Knight").
His sister, Harriet Elizabeth Knight (1825-1893), had been a fellow student with Sara Flower at the Royal Academy of Music.
Knight's 1902 and 1904 reminiscences (below) still serve as a detailed, and (surprisingly) mostly reliable, autobiography.
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Saint Pancras . . . [1831]; (PAYWALL)
No. 1460 September 11th / Richard Troy / [son of] Thomas & Elizabeth / Knight / Cromwr Street / Hair dresser / [born] 4 Feb'y 1830
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (13 February 1850), 2
Monday, February 11. - The barque Lord Stanley, 336 tons, McKay, master, from Gravesend 15th October, touching, at St. Jago on the 13th and sailing thence on the 18th November; with 104 passengers . . . for Port Phillip . . . Richard Knight . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 March 1850), 2
MR. REED'S Grand Concert, GEELONG, AT Mack's Rooms.
"Theatre", and "Den carry me back to ole Virgini", The Cornwall Chronicle (28 September 1850), 635
Troy Knight's singing, accompanied by the Banjo, has proved highly successful; he nightly improves in public favour . . .
"Den carry me back to ole Virgini." - This beautiful plaintive negro melody has been so much admired - with its American banjou accompaniments - as to induce the celebrated vocalist, Troy Knight, to give instructions either in singing or on the above instrument. His stay here will be limited: doubtless many juveniles will avail themselves of the benefit of his tuition in the vocal or instrumental department.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (6 November 1850), 11
BEGS respectfully to announce a PROMENADE CONCERT, to take place on
THURSDAY, the 7th of November, at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms, on which occasion he will make his last appearance previous to his departure for Hobart Town.
He will present a beautiful copperplate likeness of himself, as an Ethiopian Serenader,
dedicated by Mr. Jones to Troy Knight, to each lady and gentleman visiting the rooms that evening.
** T. Knight has great pleasure in signifying his intention of engaging all the available talent of Launceston,
with the assistance of Mr. Leffler, and several gentlemen AMATEURS ON THE BANJO.
Overture - Rossini.
Ballad - "My Mother dear" - Mr. Troy Knight.
Duet - "Albion, on thy fertile plains" - Braham.
Quadrille - Instrumental - Musard.
Ballad - "Will you love me then as now?" - Mr. Troy Knight
Solo - On the Pianoforte - Mr. Leffler
Comic Medley - "London Exhibitions" - Mr. Troy Knight.
Ballad - "Dearest, then, I'll love you more!" - Mr. Leffler.
Descriptive Song - "Tubal Cain," (by desire) - Mr. Troy Knight.
Set of Waltzes - Bosisio.
Duet, Medley - violin and Banjo - Messrs. Leffler and Troy Knight.
Opening Chorus - "Come Darkies Sing" Ethiopians.
Ballad - "The Fire Fly," written and sung by Troy Knight.
Chorus - "Come to the ole Gum Tree," Ethiopians.
Solo, on the Banjo - "The Bells," - Troy Knight.
Comic version - "De Boatman Dance - A Gentleman Amateur.
Quadrilles - Jeanette and Jeanot" - Jeffries.
Song (by desire) - ''The Cavalier" - Troy Knight.
Grand Finale - "God save the Queen" - Vocal.
* Tickets, 2s. each, to be obtained of Mr. Leffler, Mr. Dowling, Mr. Gould, Mr. Jones, Mr. Clyne, and of Troy Knight, Charles-street, and at the usual places.
Doors open at half-past seven, to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
"MARRIED", South Australian Register (3 September 1852), 2
On Thursday, September 2nd, by the Very Rev. the Dean of Adelaide, Mr. Richard Troy Knight, youngest son of Mr. Thomas Knight, late of Osnaburgh-square, London, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. John Cookson, of South-terrace.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 August 1853), 2
"TROY KNIGHT", South Australian Register (23 September 1886), 5
Mr. Troy Knight announces that on October 7 he will open in Adelaide with his Mohawk Minstrel Combination Troupe.

"A Veteran Singer", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (19 April 1902), 992-93
A writer in the "Mail" upon Madame Sara Flower recently remarked regretfully that there was no portrait of her extant. The publication of that belief promptly brought to light an excellent portrait, which we published. Now the publication of the portrait has brought forth a still more remarkable fact - the existence in full health and vigour, with voice still in excellent preservation, of an artist who sung with Madame Flower, and has sung or played with most of those whom we are disposed now to look upon as beings of a far past generation. And not only has this veteran all his faculties, physical, vocal, and mental, but he actually spends a great part of his time from choice in the arduous work of prospecting in the remoter auriferous country of the State, giving us his reason that he was once a martyr to gout, but the open-air life, plain living, and hard work of the prospector's life cured him of the gout and always, when any recurrence is threatened, beats back the enemy. This remarkable colonist is Mr. Troy Knight, of Claremont, Australia-street, Woollahra, whose portrait, specially taken for the "Mail," we give as he appears to-day.
Mr. Knight is (born February 4, 1830) 72 years of age, and has a grandchild living for every year of his life, bar the first or last - 71. He had 16 children, 11 of whom survive. The oldest son is well known at Broken Hill and is 49 years of age, and the oldest grandchild is 27. Mr. Knight has lived through four reigns, yet shows little of time's ravages, and he describes himself as hale and hearty as when he was married in 1852. At our request Mr. Knight jotted down this skeleton record of his career, particularly interesting from the reminiscences it will call up in old Australians: -
Left England August, '49, in the Lord Stanley, arrived in Adelaide December, with the first company of serenaders, who appeared at the Royal Hotel, George-street, Sydney, under the name of Blythe Waterlands (Harry Burton). I remained behind in Melbourne, giving concerts with Miss Sara Flower, who had arrived three weeks before me. On leaving England my sister placed me in her charge, both of them belonging to the R.A.M.
During our stay in Geelong I introduced Sam Howard, who was in business as a tinsmith, and was also a very good low comedian, to Miss Flower, who afterwards became Mrs. Howard. At that time Miss Flower would be about 28 years of age, and in my opinion the finest contralto singer the world ever heard - only one Lablache - only one Sara Flower. The "Sad Sea Waves" was her masterpiece, and her low notes once heard were never to be forgotten. She went on to Sydney, and I followed my troupe to Hobart Town, played there, took and remained. Harry Deering (father of Olly Deering) persuaded me to join him. Mr. Edward Holloway, of Mr. Darcy's company, played lead in Deering' s company. Mrs. Deering (mother to Olly, whom I have not seen since he was a boy of about 9) was leading lady and an excellent actress. I was playing William Dean, in "Susan Hopley" to Mrs. Deering's Susan. Deering, his boy Olly, and myself were fishing one afternoon in a whaleboat when a storm of rain and wind came on, and nearly finished life for us. We did not play that night. About a week later I left for India after my troupe. It was too hot for me, so I went on to California, after playing a month in Calcutta.
There was too much revolver practice in 'Frisco then. I saw three men shot and one hung for killing a poor old man, a storekeeper in Montgomery-street, in the broad daylight. A little girl looking through the shop window saw the murderer bash the old man's head in with a tomahawk, and afterwards rob the till and the dead man's pockets. When the murderer came out he locked the door, but the girl recovered herself, followed him, and told a man who raised the alarm. The murderer was taken back to the shop, and the crowd cut a length of rope from a coil lying close to the murdered man. The vigilance committee held a short open air trial, and the ruffian was hung on the scene within 30 minutes of the murder. Very different to murder trials in the States now, where a man escapes for years.
I returned to Melbourne with a very fair company, landed in September '51 and took the Royal in Collins-street. For the first two weeks we did first rate. Governor Latrobe came twice. I had previously played before Governor Denison. Anderson's Creek diggings broke out then and the town was deserted. My boys went to the diggings and I went over to Adelaide, and made arrangements for one month with George Coppin, and Lazar for whom I made my first appearance as Tom Tug in "The Waterman". Coppin, Robin, and Coppin, and Lazar transferred the lesseeship of the theatre over to me at the end of my term for £30 a week and a benefit. I ran the Adelaide theatre until February '52, and then went overland to Bendigo, where we did very well. Eight of us went back overland with 105lb. weight of gold. I arrived in Adelaide three days before Solmers first escort - there was no overland telegraph in those days - but I was interviewed and the town knew when to expect the escort, and when a wire came from Mount Barker everyone that could raise a horse turned out. I took the theatre again, but good business as it was, I felt what I sang in the song 'Billy Barlow.' "Digging's better than singing, says Billy Barlow." I had been bitten by digging fever, and having married, went back overland to the diggings. There I combined the profession and digging. Large concert halls were built, but in the meantime I once more had the Adelaide theatre. I paid our passages myself and wife, and I had one little boy by then, in the Montezuma, £140, the night before she sailed, but transferred our passages to a Mr. and Mrs. Clark and daughter of 17, they paying £45 more. The Montezuma sailed and was never heard of. My people mourned me, thinking I had gone in her. I changed my mind, because Signor Mantegani, son-in-law to Mr. Kytlin Thomas, proprietor of the Adelaide "Register" came over from Ballarat to engage me at £30 a week and all expenses and a clear benefit on the expiration of two months. I made £260 over and above my private expenditure over that engagement. I then joined Clarence Holt, father of Bland Holt, in Geelong and afterwards played a season with him in Ballarat until his last appearance in these colonies, he playing Rob Roy, Mrs. May Holt. Helen McGregor, Johnny Mungal the Baillie, and F. Francis Osbaldiston. Mr. Bland Holt and his sister appeared with their mother on the stage. When Ellen cried, "I am on my native heath, and my name's McGregor," you should have heard the old walls of the Montezuma Theater ring with the applause. My word, the diggers could let out in those days. During the Holt engagement I played Uncle Tom to Julia Matthews's Topsy, Meddle in "London Assurance" to Anna Maria Quinn's Lady Gay Spanker, and James Simmons's Dolly, Tom Tug - poor Bob Dale Robin; also the Duke of Buckingham to Clarence Holt's Richard. I also played his double in the "Corsican Brothers," and we were so much alike when we were made up that Mrs. Holt commenced talking business to me, and we had a rare laugh about it afterwards. I and Julia Matthews, with two others, went up to the Ovens under engagement to John Wallace at the Star Theatre, and did very well. Then I came back and did more concert business with Julia Harland, Madame Carandini, Joe Small, Walter Sherwin, and Rosa and the sisters Carandini, Lola Montez and poor Folland. who committed suicide in Hobson's Bay. He and Lola were always quarrelling. I was with her when she horsewhipped Seacamp, editor of the "Ballarat Courier", who had slated her dancing of "The Spider Dance". Anyway, it drew immense houses. He sued the famous Lola for the assault, and she was fined £10, which was collected in five minutes in the court, and made her more popular. Seacamp had to leave Ballarat. Just a month after Mrs. Crosby, wife of a popular manager, horsewhipped Lola - jealousy was the cause.
I joined Crosby's Company, whose bright star was Carry Nelson, in 1857. I went to the Ararat big rush. During all this time I constantly took spells at digging at Ararat: I had a splendid claim, and while working it I had a letter from G. V. Brooke to come to Lamplough and give him a hand. I went, and consider it my greatest triumph to have played with such artists as poor G. V. and Miss Avonia Jones, his wife. I played Sir Thomas Clifford to his Master Walter in "The Hunchback," and Cassio to his Othello, and other characters. I took no money. I would not; but he made me a present of a beautiful diamond ring, which I lost when burnt out in Horsham some years afterwards. 1858 found me in the profession again, singing with Farquarson, whom I knew before leaving England, where I sang with him at the National Hall in High Holborn. He was a brother of Henry Smith, the rival of Henry Russell, the famous song writer. On Mon- [993] days, Wednesdays, and Fridays Henry Smith gave sixpenny concerts, and Farquharson on the other three nights would appear with Sharp, Ford and myself. I finished up that trip with a two months' engagement at Heathcote with poor Jim Kitts, and Otto Linden as pianist. The latter gentleman is the head of a musical institute in Melbourne. In returning through Bendigo, I met Mr. Robert Heir, who persuaded me to play Gaspar in "The Lady of Lyons" for just one night. The actor was ill, and they were in a fix. I played three nights, and met with a great reception, because I was well known. Thatcher at that time was giving concerts at Heffernan's and was the meanest man I ever knew in the profession. He actually shouted for me, and I wondered what was the matter, but in the morning I was leaving my bedroom door open and in walked Thatcher to get me to stop for his benefit and join him for a month, £20 a week and expenses. I told him I had done with the profession as I had promised my wife, so I went home next morning.
Since that I have played repeatedly, but not for any payment. For instance, Joey Gougenheim and her sister came, I played in "Nan the Good for Nothing", with Joey as Nan. I have also played with many minstrel troupes. I forgot to mention that after my return to Melbourne from California I played a week at the old Queen's. I opened in Tom Tug: Mrs. Charles Young, Wilhemina; her husband, Charley Young, Robin; Sam Webster, Mrs. J. R. Greville's father, Bundle; and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Bundle. In that appearance I wore a genuine Doggetts coat and badge won and lent to me by Mr. Thomas Banner, father of Dick Banner, the famous slipper.
Since then I have constantly devoted myself to mining and hotel-keeping. In the early fifties I received many letters from poor Sara Flower, and once Sam Howard came over to Adelaide to try to induce me to come to Sydney. Also J. P. Hyde tried, but always something kept me from coming to the mother colony. I only intended to give an outline of notes. But if I was to give you a narrative of what I have seen and done through in my digging and my professional life I think it would take a half-dozen 'Sydney Mails' to contain.
"BY THE WAY . . . Mr. Troy Knight writes", Australian Town and Country Journal (10 August 1904), 22
Mr. Troy Knight writes: - Re your article on Harry Burton's Circus. The first time I saw Burton was in Melbourne in 1851. We (the Serenaders' Troupe) arrived in 1850, in the Lord Stanley. Two shipmates are alive at the present time - George Watson, the well-known starter of the Melbourne Cup, and father of Tom Watson, the Sydney starter; and Mr. Hughes, the handicapper of the Adelaide Turf Club. A whiter man than Harry Burton never lived. He made a big fortune, but lost it through an error of judgment. He was too trusting, and, though the courts might have given him redress, he preferred not to take that course. I sang with Miss Sara Flower (on the silk bill of the play I send you, you will see that my name is starred even larger than hers). We did splendid business - overflowing houses, and the prices were high. During my stay In Geelong I introduced Sam Howard, who was in business as a tinsmith, and was also a very good low comedian, to Miss Flower, and she afterwards became Mrs. Howard. At that time, I think, Miss Flower was about 28, and she was, in my opinion, the finest contralto singer the world has ever heard. That is a lot to say, but it's solid truth all the same. Only one Lablache - only one Sara Flower.
If I wrote down all I've done, heard, and seen, it would fill ten "Town and Country's." In 'Frisco I saw three men shot and one hung. In the latter case the man was tried and hanged within 30 minutes of the murder. Very different in these times in the States, when a man can cheat the gallows for years. In Hobart Town Harry Deering persuaded me to join him. Mr. Edward Holloway, of Dampier's Company, played lead in Deering's Company. I landed in Melbourne in September, 1851, and took the Royal in Collins-street. During the first two weeks we did all right, but Anderson's Creek Diggings broke out, and, hey presto! the town was deserted. My boys went to the diggings, and I went over to Adelaide, and made arrangements with George Coppin and Lazar, for whom I made my first appearance as Tom Tug in "The Waterman," and Coppin was Robin.
I ran the Adelaide Theatre till February, 1852, and then went over to Bendigo, where we did very well. Eight of us went back overland with lots of gold. Got married, and harked back to the gold fields. I afterwards joined Clarence Holt (father of the famous Bland) in Geelong, and afterwards played a season with him in Ballarat, until his last appearance in Australia, he playing Rob Roy; Mr. Bland Holt and his sister appeared with their mother on the stage. I did more concert business with Julia Harland, Mme. Carandini, Joe Small, Walter Sherwin, the Sisters Carandini, Lola Montez, and poor Folland who committed suicide in Hobson's Bay. He and Lola were always quarrelling. I was with her when she horsewhipped Seacamp, editor of the Ballarat "Courier," who had slated her "Spider Dance." They fined her £10, but it was good biz - capital advt. Mine has been a crowded career, as you can judge from this small sample of it. Age - well, I'll never see 71 again. But I expect to see 100.
"DEATH OF AN OLD WIMMERAITE", The Horsham Times (2 August 1912), 5
The death occurred in Sydney yesterday of a very old Wimmera identity in the person of Mr. Richard Troy Knight, at the age of 85. Deceased was living with his son-in-law and his health was known to have been indifferent for some time. On Tuesday his daughter, Mrs. H. Swindells, of Horsham, received a summons to the bedside and she left by the Adelaide express on Wednesday morning, but on her arrival in Sydney yesterday her father had passed away. The late Mr. Knight was a popular man, of a bright disposition. He will be remembered by all old residents of the town and district as a former licensee of the Bull and Mouth Hotel and of the railway refreshment rooms. He was of a musical turn of mind, and in his earlier days was a singer of no mean order.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1912), 8
KNIGHT - August 1, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. E. Lassau, 5 Child-street, Rookwood, Richard Troy, aged 82.
"THE LATE TROY KNIGHT", The Horsham Times (5 November 1912), 6
A cutting from the Sydney Mail of April 19, 1902, gives on account of an interesting interview with the late Mr. Richard Troy Knight, one of the oldest identities of Horsham. At the time of the interview Mr. Knight was 72 years of age, and his vigorous health of that time was referred to as something of interest in view of the fact that he was one of the artists who sang with the late Madam Sara Flower in the days when Australia was young. The cutting of the interview, embellished by a portrait of the late Mr. Knight, is treasured very highly by his daughter, Mrs. H. G. Swindells, of Horsham. In the narrative given by the deceased of his career are some stirring incidents of the strenuous times spent on the stage with Sarah Flower, Mrs. Deering, Julia Harland, Madame Carandini, Joe Small, Walter Sherwin, Lola Montez, Mrs. Crosby, Carry Nelson and G. V. Brooke. Writing of the trip which he had to San Francisco, Mr. Knight said: "There was too much revolver practice in 'Frisco then. I saw three men shot and one hung for killing a poor old man, a storekeeper in Montgomery-street, in broad day light. A little girl looking through the shop window saw the murderer bash the old man's head in with a tomahawk, and afterwards rob the till and the dead man's pockets. The murderer was taken back to the shop, and the crowd cut a length of rope from the coil lying close to the murdered man. The vigilantee committee held a short open-air trial, and the ruffian was hung on the scene within 30 minutes of the murder."
KNIGHT, William (William KNIGHT; Mr. W. KNIGHT; Mr. KNIGHT)
Publican, theatre manager and proprietor (Theatre Royal, Sydney; Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney)
Born c. 1802/03
Married Sarah Maria BAXTER (1819-1872), Sydney, NSW, 1834
Died Surry Hills, NSW, 12 March 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 November 1835), 3
Theatre Royal SYDNEY. JOSEPH SIMMONS respectfully informs his Friends and the Patrons of the Drama, that he has engaged the Theatre from the Lessees for the next Season . . . The whole of the arrangements in front of the House will be under the direction of Mr. KNIGHT, who will attend to the comforts of the audience; and the entire direction behind the curtain will devolve on Mr. SIMMONS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist, manager)
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 March 1852), 5
On the 12th instant, at his residence, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, in the 50th year of his age, after a long and painful illness, Mr. William Knight, for many years connected with the Victoria Theatre, leaving a wife and three children to deplore their loss.
Amateur musician, church musician, episcopalian (Anglican) priest
Born Norfolk, England, 2 June 1763; baptised Threxton, Norfolk, 11 June 1763; son of Robert KNOPWOOD and Elizabeth BARTON
Arrived Port Phillip, NSW (VIC), October 1803; (Hobart), VDL (TAS), February 1804
Died Rokeby, TAS, 18 September 1838, aged "76" (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Summary (after Stephens and Boyce):
As incumbent of St. David's Church, Hobart, Knopwood introduced choral and instrumental music and the chanting of the psalms and canticles. He formed a small choir from the military and civil establishment. In May 1821 purchased a violoncello for the church for £5, and in 1825 acquired for it an 8-stop pipe organ, built by John Gray of London, the first to be installed in any Australian church. At the organ's inauguration in St. David's in May 1825, Knopwood, who had since moved from to Rokeby (where he was appointed rector in 1826), returned to preach on the place of music in worship, taking as his text Psalm 57, v.9: "Awake up, my glory; awake, my lute and harp", mentioning psalm settings then popular by Aldrich, Clarke and Blow, and recalling attending the Handel Commemoration at Westminster Abbey in 1784. The organ remained in St. David's until 1857, and since then has been the organ of St. Matthew's, Rokeby.
"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (9 May 1821), 2 supplement
[1] . . . Statements of the Police Fund of Van Diemen's Land, for the Quarters ending, respectively,
the 30th September and 31st December, 1820, and 31st March, 1821 . . .
[2] The Police Fund of Van Diemen's Land . . . for the Quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1820 . . .
Rev. Robt. Knopwood, for that sum paid by him for a violincello, for the use of the church - 5 0 0 . . .
"COLONIAL REVENUE OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (15 November 1823), 2 Supplement
CLERICAL [expenses] . . . Repairing Bass Viol. [£] 1 0 0
"AN ODE. Address to the Organ of St. David's Church", Hobart Town Gazette (13 May 1825), 3
Sermon, preached by Robert Knopwood, 15 May 1825, St. David's Church, Hobart Town; National Library of Australia, MS 7204 (microfilm copy, State Library of New South Wales)
[News], Colonial Times (18 September 1838), 6
"The Reverend Mr. Knopwood", Colonial Times (25 September 1838), 7
Bibliography and resources:
Mabel Hookey (ed.), Bobby Knopwood and his times: from the diaries of 1804-8, 1814-17 by the Rev. Robert Knopwood, M.A., Chaplain to Lieutenant-Governor Collins, the founder of Hobart (Hobart: W. E. Fuller, 1929)
Linda Monks, "Knopwood, Robert (1763-1838)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Geoffrey Stephens, Anglican Church in Tasmania: a diocesan history to mark the sesquicentenary, 1992 (Hobart: Trustees of the Diocese, [1991])
Freda Gray, "Music of the early settlements of the 1800s", Papers and Proceedings Tasmanian Historical Research Association 43/2 (June 1996), 59-62 (PAYWALL)
Peter Boyce, God and the city: a history of St. David's Cathedral (Hobart: St David's Cathedral Foundation, 2012), 18-19, 224 notes 30-33
Amateur vocalist
Born England, 21 October 1806
Married Ellen Maria HACK, Chichester, England, 3 November 1831
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 12 October 1838 (per Pestonjee Bomanjee from London)
Died Adelaide, SA, 21 October 1850, in his 44th year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Knott arrived in South Australia in 1838, and his wife, Ellen Maria Hack and their two children, followed him to the colony in 1840.
"DINNER TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR", South Australian Register (25 July 1840), 5
ON Wednesday last, the OFFICERS of the Adelaide Brigade of South Australian Militia entertained His Excellency the Governor, to dinner, at the Club House . . . Some excellent songs were sung by the Chairman and Dr. Knott, and the party broke up highly satisfied with the proceedings of the evening.
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (25 June 1842), 2
The Amateur Concert, for the benefit of the Adelaide Infant School (not the Trinity Church Sunday School as erroneously stated in our last), took place on Tuesday evening. The room was crowded by a highly respectable assembly, and the whole concert "went off" most creditably for a first attempt. The overtures to Zampa and Fra Diavolo, in particular, were played with much spirit. Some disappointment, as well as considerable disadvantage to the vocal harmony, accrued from the desertion of the ladies who had promised their valuable assistance on the occasion. Notwithstanding their defection, however, the fine glees "Hark the Lark," "Bragela," and "Here in-coot grot," were sung with great sweetness. Dr. Kent and Dr. Knott were both most successful in their solos, and applauded to the "very echo." Among the amateurs, to whom the orchestral effect was principally owing, we may mention Mr. F. S. Dutton, who presided at the piano forte, Mr. Newland, Mr. McGill (96th Regt.), Mr. Wyatt, Dr. Kent, and Mr. Barnard. Messrs. Bennett, Poole, and Ewens also contributed their valuable assistance on the occasion; Mr. Charles Campbell good-naturedly complied with a request made to him in the room, and sung an Irish song in a style which reminded us of poor Jack Johnstone. The whole concert, in short, spoke highly of the musical talent of Adelaide, and is calculated, we hope, to lead to many similar agreeable entertainments. The proceeds to the benefit of the Infants' Schools amounted, we believe, to about twenty-five pounds.
"DINNER TO J. B. MONTEFIORE, ESQ.", Southern Australian (2 June 1843), 3
. . . SONG. - Mountain Maid, by Dr. Knott . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (7 November 1843), 3
THE AMATEUR CONCERT, FOR the liquidation of the debt incurred on Trinity Church School,
will take place in Messrs. Lambert and Son's new Auction Room, THIS EVENING, at seven o'clock, P.M.
Overture - "Masaniello" - Auber
Glee - "The Red Cross Knight" - Calcott
Song = "The Flag that Brav'd" - Nelson
Duet - "Borne in yon Blaze" - Dr. Clarke
Duet (flutes) - "Di tanti Palpiti" - Rossini
Glee - The Curfew" - Bishop
Duet - "Flow gently, Deva" - Bishop
Overture - "Tancredi" - Rossini
Overture - "La Cenerentola" - Rossini
Glee - "Hunting Glee" - Wade
Song - "Zephyr among the Flowers" - Bennett
Duet - "Now at Moonlight's fairy hour" - Thompson
Concerto - "Pianoforte" - Herz
Glee - "The Chough and Crow" - Bishop
Overture - "L'Italiana" - Rossini
Finale - "God save the Queen" . . .
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (11 November 1843), 3
On Tuesday a vocal and instrumental concert, of which we had a short notice in our last, was given by several amateurs in Messrs. Lambert's new auction-rooms. The doors were opened at half-past seven, and nearly the whole of the seats were occupied by eight o'clock, at which time his Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Grey arrived. They were received with every demonstration of respect, and the concert almost immediately commenced with Auber's Overture to Masanielo. Mr. Bennett took the pianoforte, Dr. Kent, Dr. Wyatt, and Lieut. Magill had their flutes, and Mr. Poole his bass-viol. The music of this piece is too well known to require comment, and, if we may judge from the applause of the audience, the performers did it full justice.
Dr. Calcott's beautiful glee, "The Red Cross Knight," followed, by Drs. Kent and Wyatt, and Messrs. Ewens and Howard, accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. Bennett. In our very humble opinion, the effect was rather injured by its being sung too fast: it had the appearance of being hurried over, and many of the best points were lost. Still, this is a matter of taste, and probably ours may be peculiar. Dr. Knott next sang "The flaunting Flag of Liberty" with his usual good taste and gentlemanly manner.
A Lady, who has sometimes before delighted us in public, and often in private, then sang, as a duet, with Dr Kent, "Borne on yon blaze of orient sky" - a very pretty piece - in which she also played the pianoforte accompaniment.
A duet on flutes by Drs. Wyatt and Kent followed, ("Di tanti palpiti") and, another glee and a duet, the first part closed with the Overture to Tancredi, in which Mr. Bennett's violin was added to the instruments before used, the lady playing the pianoforte.
Not to be tedious, we will only say that, in the second part, several very pretty pieces, mostly of a light kind, were introduced. In one Dr. Kent threw in a dash of variety by accompanying himself on the guitar.
A concerto on the pianoforte by the lady was received with much applause.
The beautiful glee, "The Chough and Crow," was given in excellent style, followed by a duet on the pianoforte, and the concert concluded with the National Anthem by the lady before alluded to, and Drs. Wyatt and Kent.
An entertainment of this kind is rather a novelty here, and we were much gratified to see that it could be so well done, and that it was so well supported. The most distinguished persons in the Colony were present, and the room presented a very pretty appearance from the taste and elegance of the ladies' dresses, not to mention their own beauty, which is proverbial. An air of cheerfulness seemed to pervade every one. He whom we are bound to deem the most august personage in our community, threw aside his dignity, and was only the courteous and gentlemanly young man. The gravest here (by virtue of his office) looked as if he had never tried a culprit in his life - all bows and smiles - gracefully handing one lady to a seat - politely yielding his own to another - and making the amiable to all. Even the most devout looked down with a smile on human weakness, and condescended not only to seem, but evidently to be pleased. A small detachment of the bravest, too, acknowledged the force of music and of beauty, and, throwing aside their swords, had but little of the Achilles about them. In short, such a collection of happy faces we seldom see. It was truly a gay scene, and we trust such amusements may be more common in future. They are harmless, exhilirating, and improving. The trifle expended by each is little felt - but the amount collected will be of great service to the charity. In this instance pleasure has been blended with a really useful object. We should suppose about two hundred persons were present. The room was well lighted, and all the arrangements were good. The concert was finished before eleven, but we understand that a large party remained to supper, which was furnished in another room under the superintendence of Mr. Henry.
MUSIC: The flaunting flag of liberty (ballad; Tune: Ye mariners of England)
"IMPROMPTU", South Australian Register (15 November 1843), 2
On hearing it observed that there were so few singers at the Amateur Concert.
You cannot in fairness complain of the numbers -
I saw a good Knott, or my memory slumbers;
And to swell out the chorus that evening were lent
The science, the taste, and the voice of all Kent.
O. P. Q.
"SAINT PATRICK'S SOCIETY. ANNUAL DINNER", South Australian Register (3 May 1850), 2
. . . C. B. Newenham, Esq., (the Sheriff) humorously introduced the next toast . . . He proposed, "The Commercial Interests of the Colony." Mr. Marks being called on by the President, responded in a neat extempore speech. Dr. Knott sang "I've plucked the Fairest Flower" . . .
MUSIC: I've have plucked the fairest flower (ballad in The invincibles, by Alexander Lee)
"DIED", South Australian Register (22 October 1850), 2
Yesterday, at his residence, in Hindley-street West, in consequence of a fall from his horse on the previous evening, John Knott, Esq., M.D. Dr. Knott had completed his 44th year on the day of the fatal accident.
KNOWLES, Conrad (Theodore Conrad George KNOWLES; Conrad Theodore KNOWLES; Conrad KNOWLES; Mr. KNOWLES; alias Mr. COOPER)
Amateur musician, vocalist, pianist, actor, theatre manager, playwright
Born London, England, 22 August 1810; baptised Waterloo St. Wesleyan Chapel, Hammersmith, 23 September 1810, son of John and Eliza KNOWLES
Arrived (1) Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 April 1830 (per Wanstead, from London, and Swan River colony, 19 March)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 September 1832 (per Harlequin, from Launceston, 25 August)
Departed Sydney, NSW, May 1837 (per Fortune, for London)
Arrived (2), Sydney, NSW, 2 October 1838 (per Coromandel, from Plymouth, 14 June)
Died Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 9 May 1844 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony and others) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
KNOWLES, Harriet ("Mrs. KNOWLES") = Harriet JONES
Vocalist, actor
Conrad Knowles and the future "Mrs. Knowles", Harriet Jones, were both in the company for the opening of Barnett Levey's "little theatre" in Sydney, on 26 December 1832, appearing as Susan and Captain Cross-tree in Jerrold's melo-drama Black eyed Susan.
On the first occasion, Knowles evidently used his own name. But already by the second performance, he (or the management) had opted instead to go by the pseudonym "Cooper", plausibly to avoid the question of whether or not he was related to the actor-playwright Sheridan Knowles. If so, suspicion of a similar connection with the London actor John Cooper (1793-1870) was less likely to be quite so troublesome. The inconvenience notwithstanding, however, some of the newspapers persevered in referring to him by his own name, and he and the company gradually returned to it, consistently so from the September 1833 announcement of the opening of Levey's new Theatre Royal onwards.
He was first specifically billed as a vocalist in April 1833, when he and Harriet Jones sang the comic duet Pretty Polly Hopkins between the plays.
Under the continuing influence of Jones, Knowles appeared more frequently as a stage singer in his later years.
Knowles's play Salathiel, written for and premiered at Harriet's August 1843 benefit, included music for two songs and incidental music composed by Spencer Wellington Wallace, all now lost. Knowles's lyrics are preserved in the printed play text, issued by Thomas Trood, in November 1842.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (17 April 1830), 2
Arrived on Sunday the 11th inst. the bark Wanstead, 363 tons, M. C. Friend, R. N. commander, from London, the Cape of Good Hope and Swan river, which last port she left on the 19th ult. with a large cargo of merchandize. Passengers . . . Conrad Knowles . . .
"Original Communications. WRITTEN ON THE SEA SHORE", Colonial Times (11 June 1830), 3
"The Evergreen", Colonial Times (2 July 1830), 3
"Additional Ship News. LAUNCESTON, AUGUST 28, 1832", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (31 August 1832), 4
Sailed, for Sydney, on the 25th . . . Same day, the schooner "Harlequin," Lancey, for Sydney. - Passengers, Messrs. Dawe, Woodward, Knowles, and Eliza Mannington and child.
[News], Hill's Life in New South Wales (28 December 1832), 2
On Wednesday last Mr. Levey opened his little theatre, for the regular drama . . . The opening piece the Melo-Drama of Black-eyed Susan . . . Susan Mrs. Jones . . . Captain Cross-tree by Mr. Knowles . . .
[News], The Sydney Monitor (23 March 1833), 2
We are happy to learn that Mr. Levy has at length concluded an engagement with Mr. Edwards, as leader of the Orchestra of the new Theatre. This engagement, with other new ones, of an equally eligible kind, promise to render the new Theatre deserving the support of the respectable classes of our society . . . Messrs. Knowles and Cavendish are the new managers.
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (17 April 1833), 2
. . . Between the pieces Mr. Knowles and Mrs. Jones sang the comic duett of "Pretty Polly Hopkins" in character, which was encored . . .
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (22 April 1833), 2
. . . On Thursday evening, was performed, Charles the Second, in which, Mrs. Love was particularly happy as the Page. Polly Hopkins, between Mrs. Love and Mr. Cooper, was encored . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 September 1833), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney, IT is with no small degree of pleasure that the undersigned (after much procrastination and many disappointments)
is at length enabled to announce to his Friends and the Public the opening of the Sydney Theatre . . .
The first performance will take place on the night of Saturday, the 5th October next . . .
Stage Manager, Mr. Cavendish; Acting Manager, Mr. Knowles.
"Theatricals", The Australian (24 January 1834), 3
On Wednesday evening there was sort of representation extraordinary. Several military officers about to proceed to Europe had particularly requested the Theatre be opened on this occasion, by way of paying, as it were, their valedictory visits . . . Excepting the pit, the house was as full as Mr. Levy himself could desire . . . Between the pieces . . . Mr. Knowles then appeared to sing in character, "The British Grenadiers," and by way of illustration, some seven or eight soldiers of the 4th Regt. appeared on the stage in full grenadier costume. This certainly gave effect to the song, which, considering the nothingness of the air, was very well sung . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 March 1834), 1
GENTLEMEN, THE present Season now drawing towards a close, we have to urge upon your attention a few reasons why we the undersigned,
should be allowed a Benefit, and beg your early consideration of the same.
We have been members of your Establishment and servants to the Public for a period of 14 or 15 months,
and we think that on no occasion have we been guilty of any act which could give intentional offence.
It has been our unceasing anxiety to please, and we have never shrunk from a rigid performance of our duty to the Public and to you.
We had Benefits during the last Season, and we anticipated a similar indulgence during the present . . .
We are, Gentlemen, your obedient Servants,
Sydney, 25th March, 1834.
P. S. - Having received no answer to a proposition made to you, and the substance of which is embodied in the above,
we reluctantly resort to this present mode of publication.
"THEATRICAL BENEFIT CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (21 April 1834), 2
On Friday evening last, the principal performers of the Sydney Theatre gave their first Concert at the Pulteney Hotel . . .
"Why are you wandering," by Mrs. Jones, accompanied by Mr. Knowles on the pianoforte, was prettily performed . . .
"Rest Thee Babe," arranged as a quartette followed, between Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Buckingham and Mr. Grove, (Mr. Knowles presiding at the piano),
and was sung with great sweetness and melody. This finished Part the First . . .
The "Minute Gun at Sea," by Messrs. Knowles and Grove followed, and was above mediocrity . . .
"Love was once a little Boy," by Mrs. Jones (Mr. Knowles presiding at the piano-forte), was the best of her performances . . .
"Auld Lang Syne," between Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Jones, Braham, and Buckingham, (Mr. Knowles at the piano-forte) which was appreciated by the audience and encored.
"God save the King," by the whole of the Company, wound up the Evening's Amusements . . .
"MR. GORDONOCITCH'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 January 1835), 2
. . . Mrs. Tayor's "Come where the Aspens quiver," elicited great applause; as did likewise a French song, (Lechalsier [? Le chasseur]) sung by Mr. Knowles with great effect . . . and a glee by Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Aldis and Mr. Knowles gave entire satisfaction . . . glee, "Dame Durdon," by Mr. Aldis, Mr. Knowles, and Master Horn, was middling . . . PART II. commenced with an overture, (Mozart) which was a fine performance; a glee by Messrs. Aldis and Knowles and Mrs. Taylor, went off very gaily . . . A trio, "Lady fair," by Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Aldis, and Mr. Knowles, was finely executed, Mr. Knowles's bass, fine in the extreme. Solo and grand double chorus (Purcell), Knowles, in his first part, was greatly at fault, not being able to reach the high notes . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (23 January 1835), 2
. . . The principal singers were Mrs. Taylor, a young lady, Master Horne, Mr. Aldis, Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Knowles. The choruses were by the choir of the Roman Catholic Chapel . . . Mr. Knowles sang "Cupid and the Butterfly." The air was pretty and gay . . . Messrs. Aldis and Knowles, and Mrs. Taylor sung the glee "Shepherds tell me have you seen", accurately, and with taste . . . A glee by Messrs. Aldis and Knowles, and a young gentleman, and the overture to Faustus, closed the first part of the concert . . . Glee, "Oh why to be happy," by Mrs. Taylor and Messrs. Knowles and Aldis . . . "Oh, lady fair," by Mrs. Taylor and Messrs. Knowles and Aldis, was weak, and somewhat out of tune in the chorus, occasioned by Mrs. T's maintaining too high a pitch for the contr'alto with which she had to unite . . .
"The Concert", The Sydney Monitor (24 January 1835), 2
. . . We are not aware what caused Messrs. Knowles and Aldis to quit their ordinary professions and turn public singers. Their voices are not suitable for a concert room. However they appeared to hive heen diligent in practicing, and got through their parts creditably . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 March 1835), 3
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (3 March 1837), 2
. . . The duet of When a little farm we keep is beyond the vocal powers of Mrs. Jones and Mr. Knowles . . .
"PASSENGERS BY THE FOLLOWING VESSELS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 May 1837), 2
Fortune, for London – Cabin, Mrs. Lister and child, and Mrs. Boatright. Steerage . . . Mr. Conrad Knowles, Mrs. Jones and child . . .
"ARRIVALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 October 1838), 2
From Plymouth, on Tuesday last, whence she sailed the 14th of June, the barque Coromandel, 662 tons, Captain Neale, with 281 Emigrants. Passengers, cabin - . . . Intermediate - Messrs. John Shepherd, James Glen, John Marshall and wife, Conrad Knowles, wife, and son . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (4 August 1842), 1
Written by MR. KNOWLES expressly for this occasion . . .
The new and original Music, by Mr. S. W. Wallace . . .
founded on Sir E. L. Bulwer's Romance of "The Siege of Granada," and upon the history of the decline and fall of the Moorish power in Spain, entitled
Salathiel . . . - MR. KNOWLES . . .
Salome, daughter of Salathiel - Mrs. KNOWLES . . .
Zoe, a Moorish slave - Miss Jones . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (6 January 1844), 3
Victoria Theatre. ON SATURDAY, January 6 . . .
"While I hang on your bosom distracted to to lose you," MRS. KNOWLES.
Duet - "Tell me you hussy tell me truly," MR. & "MRS: KNOWLES . . .
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editor of . . .", Port Phillip Gazette (7 February 1844), 2
SIR, - I beg you will be kind enough to insert the following remarks on two articles relative to the Theatre,
the one having appeared in the Herald of 2nd instant, and the other in the Patriot of this morning.
Mr. Miller is accused of singing a song between the drama and farce, not suited to ears polite.
The comedy of The Hypocrite is alluded to as being blasphemous, &c., &c,
An Allusion is made also to an introduction of words in the comedy not written by the author.
It is stated that a Mr. Young was highly incensed on listening to Mr. Miller's song.
A further reflection is also made on Mr. Winter, for singing a comic song called "I'm too little for anything."
To each of these remarks allow me to reply. - 1st, that the song sung by Mr. Miller on the evening alluded to,
I have heard sung by John Reeve at the Adelphi Theatre, London, many times to fashionable audiences.
The same remark will apply relative to Mr. Winter's song, which has been sung night after night at the Strand Theatre by W. S. Hammond,
and the taste of the audience was never offended . . . my aim is to please the public,
and I defy any one to say that during a long professional career I ever sanctioned any thing offensive to the public, either on the stage or any where else.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
C. KNOWLES . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (6 April 1844), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
The Manager has determined to produce such pieces, together with other entertainments consisting of SINGING AND DANCING
that cannot fail to meet the approval of the public . . .
TO BE FOLLOWED BY A CONCERT, consisting of the following songs, duets, &c., &c.
The popular ballad, Oh give me but my Arab Steed, by MRS. RICHARDS.
Shakspeare's Seven Ages, Comic Song for the first time, BY MR. KNOWLES.
For the first lime the favorite Ballad, "The Mountain Maid" BY MRS. KNOWLES.
The famous Irish melody, (also for the firat time) "Kathleen Mavourneen" BY MRS. RICHARDS.
The well knows favorite duet "The Minute Gun at Sea" BY MR. AND MRS. KNOWLES.
And by particular desire, Bishop's popular composition "Tell me my Heart" BY MRS. KNOWLES . . .
"THEATRE. MRS. MURRAY'S BENEFIT", Port Phillip Gazette (11 May 1844), 2
Mrs. Murray's Benefit came off on Monday night last, and was extremely well attended. The pieces selected for the evening were not judiciously chosen; however they were the best on hand. Of the first, Charles the Second, we can only say that Capper was wholly unequal to the difficult character of Captain Copp, playing all the coarseness of the character without its bluff honesty. Miller was also misplaced as the "Merry Monarch," but criticism must here be silent, as the character was thrust upon him at an hour's notice, the audience being informed that Mr. Knowles (the original cast) was suddenly indisposed, and consequently unable to appear . . .
"DIED", Port Phillip Gazette (22 May 1844), 3
On Sunday evening last, after a short but severe illness, Conrad Knowles, Esq., son of the Rev. John Knowles, Wesleyan Minister.
We have to-day the melancholy duty to perform of announcing the death, on Sunday last, of Mr. Knowles, the Manager of the Victoria Theatre, after a short but very severe illness. As a performer, Mr. Knowles has been unrivalled on the Colonial boards during the last twelve years, indeed he was one of the very few gentlemen by birth, breeding, and education, who have adopted the theatrical profession in Australia. Had his lot been differently cast - had he commenced his professional career on the London instead of the Sydney stage, with a wider sphere of action and greater incentives to exertion, Knowles we feel assured would have taken his place among the Macready's and Kean's of the day. It is proposed to get up a performance at the Theatre for the benefit of the widow, we feel assured that in such an event the house would be a bumper.
"DEATH OF MR. KNOWLES", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1844), 3
The numerous friends of Mr. Knowles will learn with regret that he died in Melbourne, on the 20th instant after an illness of about a fortnight's duration. Mr. Knowles has been connected with theatricals from their first establishment in the colony, having been a member of the company which played in the Royal Hotel Saloon. As an actor he has never had an equal in these colonies, either in pathetic tragedy or genteel comedy. He was a man of attainments far superior to those of the general run of actors in the colonies, and had a very extensive circle of friends and acquaintances in this part of the colony, by whom he was held in high esteem. He has for the last few months been lessee of the Melbourne Theatre, but we believe it had not been a very successful speculation.
"THE LATE MR. CONRAD KNOWLES", The Australian (4 June 1844), 3
The subject of this notice, was the son of a respectable Dissenting Minister in England, in the enjoyment of a comfortable living; but possessing no superfluities of worldly riches, he was induced to let his son indulge his natural disposition for travel and adventure, by emigrating to these colonies, to push his fortune by his own enterprising spirit, and with abilities aided with a very liberal education. In the year 1831, or 32, when the colonization of that unfortunate locality, Swan River, was commenced, Mr. Conrad Knowles was one of the first emigrants; and to the utter failure of its success is the Sydney Stage indebted for the production of one of its highest ornaments for many years. Mr. Knowles, in common with his deluded fellow-countrymen, was despoiled of his little all in that untoward adventure, and was thrown pennyless upon the world in a strange land. However, the same elasticity of spirit which subsequently sustained his reputation as an actor, under every disadvantage against which he had to struggle in the infancy of the Colonial Drama, which he so perseveringly labored to establish and improve, supported him under all his misfortunes; and, gathering his effects, such as they were, together, he took his departure from the inhospitable shores of Swan River, and re-emigrated to the sister colony of Van Diemen's Land.
During his sojourn in that colony, he was employed in two of the most respectable private educational establishments in the colony, in teaching drawing, French, and the dead languages, accomplishments in which he was eminently qualified to give instructions. The cause of his abandoning the secluded pursuit of a tutor was as unforeseen and accidental as that which led him to embrace it. A romantic passion for one of the young ladies, who returned it with equal warmth, occasioned some scandal, which induced the friends of young Knowles' "first love," to withdraw her from the establishment, and his dismissal followed immediately afterwards, as a consequence.
Then it was that Mr. Knowles directed his course to Sydney, where he hoped his acquirements would procure for him, at least, a respectable livelihood. He had another inducement for visiting Sydney in preference to any of the neighbouring colonies, which was, that a highly respectable family, to which he was distantly related, resided here, which, he had every reason to anticipate, would give him a welcome reception, and a helping hand in the furtherance of his views. He was not disappointed. He was affectionately received into the bosom of that family, and experienced all the friendship, and kindness he was led to expect. At this period, the late Mr. Barnet Levey was beating-up for recruits to commence the first theatrical campaign in New South Wales, and Mr. Knowles having procured an introduction to him and his embryo company, first conceived the project of entering upon the dramatic profession. Still there was one almost insuperable objection to the step, which was, the certainty of forfeiting for ever the friendship and countenance of his relatives, who, being strict Wesleyans, entertained conscientious objections against theatrical exhibitions. Knowles continued for some time undecided; attending prayer-meetings by night, and rehearsals by day, until, at last, he determined to throw off the disguise he was constrained from prudential motives to wear, and boldly assume the sock and, buskin, to "trot his hour upon the stage, like a poor player." All preliminaries being arranged for that purpose he delivered a farewell address, at the last prayer-meeting he attended, to his Brother Methodists on one night, and made his "first appearance" on the Sydney boards on the night following. Since that period he has laboured, during a series of years, without intermission, to advance the interests of the profession, of which he was so distinguished an ornament, with credit to himself and gratification to the play-going public, who have now to regret the loss of a sterling actor, and an accomplished but unfortunate gentleman.
"AUSTRALIAN STAGE. FAMOUS PLAYERS OF THE PAST", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1912), 7
In his paper on "The Australian Stage," read before the Shakespeare Society of New South Wales, in King's Hall, Phillip-street, on Tuesday night, Mr. W. Farmer Whyte (hon. secretary of the society) gave an interesting glimpse of the past history of our stage, more particularly in regard to Shakespearian productions . . . Some instances were given of the versatility that was required in an actor, in days gone by. It was mentioned how Knowles played Shylock at one of his many "benefits," sang in the duet "Pretty Polly Hopkins" with Mrs. Jones, gave a comic recitation in broken English, and wound up with the part of Mazzaroni in the drama of "The Italian Brigand" - all in the one night. . . .
"OLD THEATRES OF MELBOURNE", Illustrated Australian News (1 August 1890), 10
. . . The building, which is situated in Queen-street, has been standing since 1843, and was taken by many leading men, among whom stands prominently Conrad Knowles. The house is still standing, being occupied by a carriage builder . . .
Salathiel; or, The Jewish chieftain, a drama in three acts by C. Knowles, performed at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, (for the first time,) for the benefit of Mrs. Knowles, August 4th, 1842 (Sydney: Printed by T. Trood, 1842) (DIGITISED)
Included incidental music as songs (music by Spencer Wellington Wallace, lost): Softly while the fountains play (for Matilda Jones as ZOE, act 1, page 11); My native land, sweet native land (for Harriet Jones as SALOME, act 2, page 30)
Bibliography and resources:
F. C. Brewer, The drama and music in New South Wales (Sydney: Charles Potter, Govt. Printer, Sydney, for the New South Wales Commission for the World's Columbian Exposition (1893: Chicago, Ill.), 1892), esp. 6 and 7 (DIGITISED)
. . . [6] . . . in no line taken up by Knowles was he so successful as in the delineation of old characters . . . [7] . . . Knowles had many qualities that are necessary to make a good actor - he was well educated (and indeed it was said that he was intended for the ministry of one of the non-conforming bodies), he usually gave a scholarly reading of the characters of Shakspeare and other great authors, and in lesser parts displayed dramatic power of no mean order. His acting in genteel comedy was characterised by refinement. His personal appearance, too, was in his favour. He had expressive features, and a good stage carriage. One defect however, he never, overcame, and this was his habit of finishing his scenes in the middle of the stage, and then walking off as if he uttered the words, "That's all at present" . . .
Helen L. Oppenheim, "Knowles, Conrad Theodore (1810-1844)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Amateur vocalist, amateur actor, playwright, journalist
Born England, c. 1817
Arrived Circular Head, VDL (TAS), 6 March 1840 (per Thomas Lawrie, from London)
Departed Hobart Town, TAS, 1 March 1850 (per Pryde, for San Francisco)
Died San Francisco, CA, USA, 24 March 1861, aged "44" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"Launceston Shipping List", Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (12 March 1840), 4
March 6. - Schooner Thomas Lawrie, 249 tons, Price, master, from London to Circular Head. Passengers - Mr. Charles Tozer, W. C. Henley, John Latan, Simon Scrivener, Frank Knowles . . .
[News], Launceston Advertiser (11 June 1840), 2
We have been requested to correct an error into which we were led, in stating some weeks since, that Mr. Chas. Friend had received the appointment of Chief Clerk of the Bench in the Police Office, vacated by the removal of Mr. Brady to Hobart Town. Mr. Frank Knowles has been appointed to the situation, a gentleman recently arrived from London, and of highly respectable connexions.
"THEATRE", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (22 March 1845), 2
On Thursday last, Mr. F. Knowles new piece, entitled "High and Low Life," was presented to a numerous, respectable, and, we may add, highly gratified audience. As a specimen of colonial talent, we consider Mr. Knowles' production as creditable in the extreme; - the author evinces throughout the whole piece an intimate knowledge of the scenes which he professes to portray; - altogether the performance was exceedingly well received, and, as we understand it to be the author's intention to favour the public with another of his dramatic efforts, we trust he may prove equally successful . . . We hope that the exertions of Mr. Coppin will be rewarded with bumper houses in return for his efforts to please.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
"HOBART TOWN REGATTA, AND MR. CLEBURNE'S ENTERTAINMENT (From our H. T. Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (5 December 1849), 5
The regatta on Friday last [30 November] was the best ever witnessed in Van Diemen's Land, according to the opinion of the oldest colonists . . . On Saturday last R. Cleburne, Esq., gave an entertainment of a most extraordinary description to the elite of Hobart Town in his soap manufactory, at the Old Wharf. The worthy host provided a most ample collation at twelve o'clock, composed of cold viands of the best description, and the best of wine, spirits and beer ad libitum . . . Afterwards, toast succeeded toast, and song was given after song, and it may only be said that the company met, determined to be happy and not disorderly . . . The best songs on this public occasion were sung by Mr. Knowles, of the Colonial Times office, who as a comic singer gave unbounded satisfaction. Other gentlemen also gratified the company in the like way, and in particular Mr. Wynne . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Wynne (amateur vocalist)
"SHIPPING NEWS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (2 March 1850), 2
March 1 - Sailed the brig Pryde, 204 tons, Robinson, for California, with a general cargo. Passengers . . . Messrs. . . . F. Knowles . . .
"MULTUM IN PARVO", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (30 November 1850), 3
. . . Mr. F. Knowles, formerly connected with the local journals, has left the Daily Public News Office, San Francisco, and is engaged as a law writer . . .
"GENERAL INTELLIGENCE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (31 December 1855), 2
TURNING over our intermediate files of newspapers from California, we find that in August last a question was raised as to whether the State Courts and the right to issue letters of naturalisation or not. In order to have the question tested, an application for letters of naturalisation was made, pro forma, by Mr. Frank Knowles, late of this city, and often reported to be dead, and the case was argued at considerable length, and it was decided that the State Court had not the power. The consequence was that many voters were disfranchised at the elections in September last.
"A MAN OF NOTE DIES IN THE STREET", Placer Herald [California, USA] (2 March 1861), 4
The S. F. Mirror of the 25th of February says: The dead body of Mr. Frank Knowles, was found at 7 o'clock, yesterday morning, lying on the sidewalk in front of Jerry Sullivan's news depot. The deceased was a native of England, aged 44 years, and was a nephew of the celebrated Sheridan Knowles. He came from Australia to California in 1849, and was for a short time connected with the press of this city. He was also a playwright. Laterally he was engaged in the post office, as assorting clerk, and it was evidently while on his way to that institution that he fell. The cause of death was pulmonary apoplexy.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Sheridan Knowles (claimed relative)
KNOWLES, Margaret Ann (Margaret Ann KNOWLES; Mrs. Richard William COX)
Amateur pianist, vocalist
Born Yorkshire, England, 1832; baptised Smarber Hall Chapel (Independent), Swaledale, Yorkshire, 14 July 1832,
daughter of Edmond KNOWLES (1805-1860) and Ann GRIME (1806-1852)
Arrived NSW, by 1852 (mother died Mulgoa, NSW, November 1852)
Married Richard William COX (1832-1914), St. Thomas's church, Mulgoa, NSW, 13 August 1855
Died Mudgee, NSW, 11/12 November 1913 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Register, Smarber Hall Chapel (Independent), Swaledale, Yorkshire, 1832; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
July 14th 1832 Baptized Margaret Ann, the daughter of Mr. Edmond & Mrs. Ann Knowles, of Low Row, she was born [?]
England census, 30 March 1851, Melbecks, Yorkshire; UK National Archives, HO 107/2380 (PAYWALL)
51 / Paridise [Low Row] / Edmund Knowles / Head / 45 / Manufacturer of Hosiery / [born] Yorkshire Melbeck
Nanny [Knowles] / Wife / 44 / - / Yorkshire Melbeck
George [Knowles] / Son / 22 / Clerk / Yorkshire Melbeck
John [Knowles] / Son / 20 / [Clerk] / Yorkshire Melbeck
Margaret Yorkshire /Dau. / 18 / - / Melbeck . . .
"MARRIAGES", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (18 August 1855), 14
On the 9th instant, at St. Thomas' Church, Mulgoa, by the Rev. George Vidal, Richard William Cox, Esq, J.P., second son of Edwin Cox, Esq., of Fernhill, to Margaret Anne, only daughter of Edmond A. Knowles, Esq.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1913), 8
COX. - November 12, at Mudgee, Margaret Ann, wife of Richard Wm. Cox, aged 81 years.
"MR. RICHARD W. COX", Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (14 December 1914), 2
Musical source:
Owner bound album of sheet music, belonging to Margaret Ann Knowles Cox, most contents c. 1850s; University of Sydney, library, rare books
Say yes / composed for and sung by Made. Anna Thillon at M. Jullien's concerts by W. S. Pratten; written by Ernest T. Fripp. (London: Jullien & Co.)
Light in darkness duet / the words by J.E. Carpenter ; the music by Stephen Glover. (London: Duff & Hodgson.)
The old folks at home: the admired negro song for the piano forte with chorus. (London: Musical Bouquet Office.)
The soldier's wife: song / words by Charles Jefferys ; music by Stephen Glover. (London: Charles Jefferys.])
Home, sweet home / as sung by Miss Catherine Hayes. (Sydney: Woolcott & Clarke.)
Oh! For some fairy wings: song /​ written by E.L. Blanchard ; the music composed by Mendelssohn ; adapted by W. Lovell Phillips. (London: Addison & Hollier.)
Bid me discourse / sung by Miss. M. Tree ... ; music composed by Sir Henry R. Bishop. (London: D'Almaine & Co.)
The Australian immigrant, or, "England! Tho' I call thee mother" /​ by Stephen Glover. (Sydney: H. Marsh & Co.)
Sweet love arise: serenade / translated from the French by W. H. Bellamy ; composed by Paul Henrion)
Hear me gentle Maritana / cavatina sung by Mr. Borrani ... ; the words by E. Fitzball ; composed by W. Vincent Wallace. (London: Cramer, Beale & Co.)
Valse a deux temps / par Charles D'Albert. The autumn flower. The Queen of gipsies
The sleigh / polka by Jullien. (Label: C. T. Stanton and Co., Music Publishers & Print-Sellers, 171 , George Street, next "Empire" Office.)
The royal visit quadrille / by Chas. D'Albert. (Label: C. T. Stanton and Co., Music Publishers & Print-Sellers, 171 , George Street).
KNOX, William Robert (William Robert KNOX; W. R. KNOX)
Pianist, organist, composer
Born Adelaide, SA, 21 July 1861
Died Tranmere, SA, 7 September 1933, aged 72 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Paolo Giorza (teacher)
"BIRTH", South Australian Register (23 July 1861), 2
On the 21st July, at Tavistock-buildings, the wife of Mr. John Knox, jun., of a son.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (3 January 1878), 1
The Rechabites connected with the Alliance and Alexandra Tents, I.O.R., held their annual picnic at Gaskmore Park, on the Torrens, about five miles from Adelaide, on New Year's Day. There were some good sports . . . A brass band was in attendance during the day. In the evening a concert was given in the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide, Mr. J. Yardon, P.D.O.R., presiding. There was a large attendance. Some good singing was contributed by the Misses Cole, Lillywhite, a lady amateur, and Messrs. Jessop, Matters, Nethway, Roberts, Stewart, and Thompson, Mr. W. R. Knox presiding at the pianoforte. A very pleasing entertainment was given.
[Advertisement], Evening Journal (31 March 1879), 2
MR. W. R. KNOX (Pupil of Signor GIORZA) is prepared to give LESSONS on the PIANOFORTE. Address Morton Villa, Young-street west, Parkside. Terms on application.
"NEW MUSIC", The Advertiser (10 April 1894), 6
We have received from the publishers, Messrs. P. A. Howells & Co. of Rundle-street, three new musical compositions by local musicians. Of these a, "Menuet" for piano, written br A. Wyatt Mortimer, is dedicated to Mrs. W. Robertson, of Turretfield. This is not a very pretentious writing, a simple melody being set to the graceful movement of the minuet with fair effect. A "Tarentelle en E Mineur," by Mr. W. R. Knox, is a more ambitious composition affording a good arpeggio study within the capabilities of an average student, and is also both pleasing and striking in detail. A Morceau Brillant for the piano, "Elaine," is by the same composer, contains a pretty melody with brightly written variations. The three pieces, which are excellent ensamples of the printer's art, are from the establishment of C. G. Roder, Leipsig.
"DEATHS", The Advertiser (7 September 1933), 14
KNOX. - On the 7th September, at his residence, William Robert, beloved husband of Adelle M. Knox, of Magill road, Tranmere, aged 72 years.
"Order For Administration in Bankruptcy", The Advertiser (20 January 1934), 18
An order for the administration in bankruptcy of the estate of the late William Robert Knox, of Tranmere, music teacher and piano importer, who died on September 7, was made by Judge Paine in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday. The petition was made by the widow. Adelle Martha Knox, of Westbourne Park, on the grounds that the estate was insufficient to pay the debts, the assets being valued at £4,532 10/4, and the liabilities at £5,411 4/-.
Bibliography and resources:
"John Knox", Legacies of British Slave-ownership database
On William's grandfather, John Knox (1898-1868) and father, also John Knox (d. 1908)
David Shield, "The elusive Miss Blown: organists of South Australia", OHTA Journal (April 1998), 16-18, 23-29
Includes a short but detailed biography of Knox.
KNYVETT, Edmund (Edmund William KNYVETT; Edmund KNYVETT)
Professor of music, teacher of music
Born Reading, Berkshire, England, 22 November 1801; baptised St. Mary, St. Mary-le-bone, 8 October 1802, son of Charles KNYVETT (1773-1852) and Jane LANEY
Married (1) Emma RICHARDSON (1808-1853), London, England, 19 March 1829
Arrived Nelson, NZ, 30 January 1850 (per Berkshire, from London, 4 October 1849)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 July 1853 (passenger per Gwalior, from NZ)
Departed Sydney, NSW, after October 1853
Died Nelson, NZ, 6 September 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Edmund Knyvett, New Zealand, c. 1860s (thanks, September 2013, to family historian Linda Burge for information and the photograph reproduced here)
Edmund Kynvett was a grandson of Charles Knyvett (1752-1822), alto singer at the Handel Commemoration of 1784, a gentleman of the Chapel Royal from 1786 and organist from 1822, and father of Charles, Henry, and William Knyvett (1779-1856). Edmund's father Charles (1773-1852) studied under Samuel Webbe and was organist of St. George's, Hanover Square, from 1802. Charles and William, together with and Thomas Greatorex and James Bartleman, were directors of the Hanover Square Concerts.
Edmund was insolvent in 1846, and shortly afterward (allowing for some possible confusion among the Knyvetts) was reportedly the first music teacher of the painter William Blake Richmond (1842-1921), a sickly child who was meanwhile receiving general tutoring at home from Ruskin:
The musical training bestowed on him was of the most thorough description. His first lesson was given to him by old Edmund Knyvett, who was one of Haydn's pupils. He used to go to York Street dressed in a blue coat, with brass buttons and shorts, and play Mozart's and Haydn's fugues and sonatas upon one of those charming tinkling little pianos made about 150 years ago.
Edmund, aged 49, and described as a "farmer", arrived in New Zealand in January 1850 with his wife Emma, 42, and 11 children.
He was in Sydney in mid-1853, and at St. Mark's Collegiate Institution in Alexandria in October 1853:
THE department of Music, Vocal and Instrumental, in the above institution has been undertaken by Edmund Knyvett, Esq., (so well known in musical circles in England,) formerly deputy organist at St. George's, Hanover Square, afterwards organist at St. Peter's, Pimlico, and now organist of St. Mark's Church, Alexandria.
(Music at St. Mark's school was later taken over by Charles W. Harwood.)
Knyevtt's wife, Emma died in NZ on 3 October 1853, and it was probably on receiving news of her death that he left Sydney. sooner than he might otherwise have anticipated, to return to Nelson.
Edmund Knyvett last advertised as a music teacher in Nelson in 1873, two years before his death at the age of 74.
A death notice for Edmund's uncle, William Knyvett (1779-1856) appeared in Sydney in September 1857.
See also: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Old Bailey Proceedings (17 August 1840), 610
2009. PATRICK BOURKE was indicted for stealing, on the 11th of August, 1 tent, value 15s., the goods of Edmund Knyvett.
"INSOLVENCY CERTIFICATES", The Jurist (7 February 1846), 45
CERTIFICATES. To be allotted, unless . . . Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before Feb. 24 . . . Edmund Knyvett, Great Stanmore, Middlesex, teacher of music . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Nelson Examiner (2 February 1850), 191
ARRIVED. January 30, barque Berkshire, 582, Whyte, from London. Passengers for Nelson, the Rev. Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler, and six children, Mr. and Mrs. Knyvett, and eleven children . . .
"LIST OF PERSONS qualified to server as JURORS", Nelson Examiner (7 February 1852), 4
. . . Knyvett, Edmund / Motueka / gentleman . . .
[Advertisement], Nelson Examiner (22 May 1852), 49
Mr. KNYVETT is now in Nelson, and ready of treat with any one requiring MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. Selwyn Street, May 20.
"NELSON PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Nelson Examiner (2 October 1852), 126
Oh Tuesday evening last the members of this Society, which has now been formed six months, gave their first public rehearsal in the Church schoolroom . . . 150 persons at least must have been present . . . The following is the programme of the performance:-
Glee in chorus, "Glorious Apollo" - S. Webbe
Duet, "The minute gun at sea" - King
Solo, "Can I e'er forget the allvey"
Glee, "Of all the brave birds" - Freeman
Glee, "Breathe soft ye winds" - Paxton
Duet, "All's well" - Braham
Song, "When the kye comes hame"
National song and chorus, "Rule Britannia" - Arne.
Glee, "Lightly tread" - Berg
Solo, "The Englishman" - Eliza Cook
Glee in chorus, "To all you ladies now on land" - Callcott
Trio, "A little farm well till'd" - Hook
Ethiopian Melody, "Uncle Ned"
Catch, "Old chairs to mend" - Dr. Arne
Glee, "Dame Durden"
Finale, "God save the Queen"
. . . The Report, which was read by the secretary, shows the unpretending character of this effort of the members of the Society to please their friends. We may however say, that while imperfections were apparent, there was also promise of improvement, and under the able superintendence of Mr. Knyvet, who has undertaken to become their instructor, if the Society does not attain high excellence, it will be likely to rank above mediocrity . . .
July 8.- Gwalior, barque, 450 tons, Captain W. Taylor, from Wellington 13th, and Nelson 16th ultimo. Passengers - Edmond Knyvett . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 July 1853), 3
MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. - Mr. EDMUND KNYVETT, Professor of Music in London for a period of 25 years, begs to inform the public of Sydney that he is desirous of giving instruction in Pianoforte-playing, and Singing. Mr. E. Knyvett is nephew to the celebrated William Knyvett, organist and composer to her Majesty, conductor of the Concerts of Ancient Music, &c, of the York and Birmingham festivals. Mr. E. Knyvett was for many years deputy organist of St. George's, Hanover-square, and afterwards organist of St. Peter's, Belgrave-square. The following extract from a speech of Mr. Justice Chapman, is from the Wellington Spectator, - "The name of one Nelson Settler, Knyvett, is a guarantee for good taste, especially in good old English and sacred music." Double Bay, July, 1853.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1853), 1
MUSIC. THE department of Music, Vocal and Instrumental, in the above institution has been undertaken by Edmund Knyvett,
Esq., (so well known in musical circles in England,) formerly deputy organist at St. George's, Hanover Square,
afterwards organist at St. Peter's, Pimlico, and now organist of St. Mark's Church, Alexandria.
REV. JOHN MILNER, Principal.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1853), 1
COLLEGIATE INSTITUTION, SYDNEY. - Mr. EDMUND KNYVETT, Professor of Music, at the above Institution, and Organist of St. Mark's, Alexandria. Address, Double Bay.
"DEATH", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1857), 1
On the 17th November, Mr. W. Knyvett, the eminent glee composer and singer, in his 78th year. He retired into private life about thirteen years ago, and has since resided at Ryde, in the Isle of Wight, generally respected and esteemed. He was gentleman of and composer to her Majesty's Chapels Royal, having composed three Coronation anthems, viz., George the Fourth's, William the Fourth's, and the present Queen Victoria's; and also a lay vicar of Westminster Abbey; all which appointments he enjoyed till his death. He was for thirty years the principal counter tenor at the ancient concerts and the principal provincial music meetings, and for a number of years preceding his retirement he held the office of conductor of the Birmingham Festivals. His compositions were chiefly glees, some of which are very beautiful, and have become popular among the lovers of English vocal harmony. - London News, December 20th, 1856.
[Advertisement], Colonist (10 January 1871), 4
MUSIC. MR. EDMUND KNYVETT, Professor OF Music, having had many years of experience in tuition in London, begs to announce that he has commenced practice in Nelson, and is prepared to receive PUPILS for instruction in SINGING, the PIANOFORTE, ORGAN, and HARMONIUM. Lessons to be given at his rooms, No. 5, South-street, or at pupils' residences. For terms, apply to Mr. Knyvett, or at Mr. Stanton's, Trafalgar-street.
September 1875, New Zealand, Cemetery Records; Marlborough, Nelson; (PAYWALL)
4008 / Anglican Block 6 - Plot 28 . . . Headstone: EDMUND KNYVETT born at Reading, Berkshie 22nd November 1818 died 6th September 1875.
[Removals from electoral roll], Colonist (8 May 1877), 2
Knyvett, Edmund / Waimea South / household / dead . . .
Bibliography and resources:
"Sir William Richmond and his work", The Review of Reviews (20 December 1902), 588
. . . Sir William has won distinction as a portrait painter. He has always been a devoted student of architecture, and music is another of his artistic interests . . . His first lesson was given to him by old Edmund Knyvett, who was one of Haydn's pupils. He used to go to York Street dressed in a blue coat, with brass buttons and shorts, and play Mozart's and Haydn's fugues and sonatas upon one of those charming tinkling little pianos made about 150 years ago . . .
Robert Farquharson Sharp, "KNYVETT, CHARLES (1752–1822)", Dictionary of national biography (1885-1900), volume 31,_Charles_(DNB00)
George Clement Boase, "KNYVETT, WILLIAM (1779–1856)", Dictionary of national biography (1885-1900), volume 31,_William_(DNB00)
KOHLER, Franz Andreas (Franz Andreas KÖHLER; Franz Andreas KOHLER; Frank KOHLER)
Musician, professor of music, French horn player, orchestral musician, storekeeper, merchant
Born Bohemia (Austria), c. 1819; son of Jacob KOHLER
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 9 February 1854 (per Hong Kong, from London, 2 November 1853)
Naturalised Melbourne, VIC, 26 October 1857 (aged "37", born "Bohemia, Austria")
Married Margaret Mary MURPHY (d. 1891), VIC, 1879
Died Coburg, VIC, 29 October 1892, aged "73/74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Kohler was one of Melbourne's leading players on the French horn from the 1850s to the 1880s. He also played for and toured to other colonial capitals with the Lyster Opera Company. From the early 1860s, he played regularly in the band of most of the major concert organisations, including the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and the Musical Union.
He is not to be confused with the well-known cornet player Richard Wildblood Kohler, whose family name was Wildblood, Kohler an alias.
Passangers per Hong Kong, from London, arrived Melbourne, 9 February 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . [Mr.] Kohler / 34 / German . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (10 February 1854), 4
February 9. - Hong Kong (Dutch), barque, 256 tons, R. Keuker, from London 2nd Nov. Passengers - cabin: Mr. Hystek, family, and servants, Messrs. Hutshens, Liley, Blaksley, Kohler. W. Nicholson, agent.
"THE PROMENDADE CONCERT", The Argus (3 April 1854), 5
The Promenade Concert, at the Criterion, on Saturday evening, came off with great eclat. The room was crowded, and we were happy to see a number of ladies present, who seemed to enjoy the treat; for it must be confessed that at the present time there is little amusement fit for the patronage of ladies. We hope that the manager means to continue his concerts, as they afford a rational and pleasing pastime for all. Madam Carandini added to her already great popularity, by the effective manner in which she sang the beautiful ballad of Wallace's, "Why do I weep for thee?" which was loudly encored. She won the hearts of our Scottish brethren, of whom there were a number present, by singing the old song of "Coming through the rye;" and she carried the whole of her audience with her when she sang "Home, sweet Home," which was rapturously received and loudly applauded. Those two beautiful but difficult musical compositions - "Il Pirata" and "Paganini's Carnival of Venice" - were played on the violin by Herr Strebinger in a most masterly manner. Both pieces were well received by the audience, who insisted upon an encore of each. The solo on the French Horn, by Herr Koehler was well executed, and he also came in for a share of applause. The orchestral pieces were much admired, not only on account of their novelty, but also for the manner in which they were played.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Frederick Strebinger (violinist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 April 1854), 8
CRITERION HALL, Criterion Hotel, Great Collins-street, Melbourne.
Grand Concert Promenade (a la Gungle), THIS EVENING Tuesday), 11th April, 1854,
and every evening during the week, with change of programme.
Madame Maria Carandini, accompanied by Mons. Lavenu, Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle, Herr Strebinger, Herr Harndorff, Mr. George Chapman,
Mons. Frank Koehler, Mr. Johnson, and a full Orchestra, carefully selected from the best talent of the colony.
Prices of admission to all parts of the Hall, 2s. 6d. Doors open at half-past seven. Concert to commence at eight.
These Concerts are respectfully dedicated to the Ladies and Families of Melbourne.
Gentlemen are politely instructed that smoking will on no consideration be tolerated.
Leader of the Orchestra - Herr Strebinger.
Conductor - Mr. George Chapman.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (accompanist); Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); Hermann Harndorff (musician); George Chapman (musician); Henry Johnson (musician); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue, Criterion Hotel)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 April 1854), 8
CRITERION HALL, Criterion Hotel, Great Collins-street, Melbourne.
Grand Concert Promenade (a la Gungle) THIS EVENING (Monday) 17th April, 1854 and every evening during the week, with change of programme.
Madame Maria Carandini, accompanied by Mons. Lavenu, Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle, Herr Strebinger, Herr Harendorf, Mr. George Chapman,
Mons. Frank Koehler, Mr. Johnson and a full Orchestra, carefully selected from the best talent of the colony . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 November 1854), 8
On Friday, November 3rd, The Philharmonic Society will perform Handel's Oratorio of The Messiah . . . Instrumentalists: . . . Ophicleide - Mr. Hartigan; Horn - Messrs. Kohler and Naughton; Leader - Mr. Jos. Griffiths; Conductor - Mr. Jno. Russell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Hartigan (musician); George Naughton (musician); Joseph Griffiths (leader); John Russell (conductor); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation)
Naturalisation, Franz Kohler, 26 October 1857; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
Franz Kohler / Storekeeper / Melbourne / [age] 37 / [born] Bohemia, Austria / [date of certificate] 26 Oct. 1857
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 February 1859), 3
NOTICE. - The PARTNERSHIP hitherto subsisting between the undersigned, under the style of Plock and Kohler, is this day, DISSOLVED, by mutual content. ADAM PLOCK. FRANZ KOHLER. Witness - Duncan Carter. February 7, 1860.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Plock (musician, business partner)
"CITY COURT", The Argus (17 January 1859), 6
Franz Kohler was, on remand, placed before the Court, charged with having on the evening of Tuesday last, in the absence of her husband, assaulted one Catherine Hamlind, and also by force and violence, and against the consent of the said Catherine Hamlind, with having violated her person . . .
"MELBOURNE NEWS", Bendigo Advertiser (25 February 1859), 2
At the Central Criminal Court yesterday, Franz Kohler was indicted for rape. The case broke down before it was concluded, and Mr. Kohler was, on the direction of Mr. Justice Barry, acquitted and discharged.
"CITY COURT. FALSE PRETENCES", The Argus (26 May 1860), 6
Adolf Beissel, a soi-disant shipping agent, was brought up for further examination, charged with obtaining goods under false pretences. Franz Kohler, a musician, said he knew the prisoner, who came to his store on the morning of the 7th instant . . .
"CHARGE OF STEALING BOOTS", The Argus (9 October 1860), 6
Charles Gurthroyd was charged with stealing a pair of boots from Frank Kohler, a storekeeper in Flinders-lane . . .
[News], The Age (6 March 1863), 5
One of the best vocal and instrumental concerts which have been heard in Melbourne for some time,
was given by Mr. C. E. Horsley at Hockin's Assembly Rooms last evening.
The room was tolerably well filled, though the attendance was not so good as the entertainment deserved.
With two exceptions, those of Miss Hamilton and Mr. Angus, the vocalists were all pupils of Mr. Horsley, in the Philharmonic Society,
and the success they achieved last night reflects great credit upon him as an instructor.
The orchestra consisted of eight instrumentalists, led by Mr. Horsley on the pianoforte, as follows: -
Flute, Mr. Siede; clarionet, Mr. Johnson; violin, Mr. Strebinger; violoncello, Mr. Chapman; oboe, Mr. Schott;
horn, Mr. Kohler; viola, Mr. Thomas; and contra-basso, Mr. Gover.
The proficiency of these gentlemen upon their respective instruments made the orchestral music eminently successful,
and some of the operatic selections were given with unequalled brilliancy and finish . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (pianist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Julius Siede (flute); Samuel Chapman (cello); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Herbert Thomas (viola); Henry Barman Gover (bass)
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 April 1864), 8
THE BAND . . . Horns - Herr Kohler, Mr. Versoe . . .
Musical Director and Conductor, Mr. G. LODER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Verso (horn); George Loder (conductor); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 August 1865), 8
Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, professors of music in Melbourne,
beg to offer you and Madame Simonsen our sincere thanks and congratulations for your visit to our city.
Your marvellous talents have greatly delighted us, and we have no hesitation in saying that we have never yet heard in Australia your superiors.
We wish you every success, and will do all in our power to promote it.
Trusting your stay may be long with us, we are, with all respect and admiration.
Faithfully yours, (Signed)
Chas. E. Horsley, Cesare Cutolo, Edwd. King, Ernest King, F. A. Howson, John Howson, James Schott,
F. A. Kohler, Julius Siede, Saml. Chapman, Herr Lundberg, W. Johnson.
Melbourne, August, 1865.
ASSOCIATIONS: Martin and Fanny Simonsen (musician and vocalist); Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Edward King (violinist), and his son Ernest King (violinist); Frank Alfred Howson (musician); John Howson junior (musician); John William Lundborg (musician)
[News], The Herald (5 December 1866), 2
The Musical Union gave their first concert of the season last evening, at the Town-hall, Prahran . . . The concert was the occasion of the debut of Miss Freyberger, a German lady, and a pupil of Mr. Herz. She has a mezzo-soprano voice of very good quality, and gave Kalliwoda's "Heimweh" - with horn obligato by Mr. Kohler - very sweetly, receiving a considerable amount of applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Herz (musician, teacher); Anna Margaretha Freyberger (vocalist, married Julius Herz, 1867); Musical Union (organisation)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (12 April 1875), 4
Registration Notices. I, the undersigned, hereby make application to Register "The Eureka Extended Company,"
as a No Liability Company, under the provisions of "The Mining Companies' Act, 1871" . . .
The names and addresses and occupations of the shareholders and the number of shares held by each at this date are as below: -
. . . F. A. Kohler, Melbourne, musician - 80 . . .
"IN MEMORIAM", Leader (24 September 1892), 45
KOHLER. - In loving memory of my dear wife, Margaret, who departed this life on the 21st September, 1891, at Bell-street, Coburg.
"Deaths", The Argus (31 October 1892), 1
KOHLER. - On the 29th inst., at his residence, Bell-street, Coburg, Franz Andreas Kohler, aged 74 years. R.I.P.
"AN ORPHAN HEIRESS. THE CASE OF MISS KOHLER", The Argus (2 September 1893), 15
In the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Justice A'Beckett give his decision upon the points stated for his opinion under the will and codicil of Franz Andreas Kohler,
late of Bell street, Coburg, respecting the education of his infant daughter, Mary Ann Rose Kohler.
The girl, who is now in her 13th year, is the only child of the testator, who died in October last, at the age of 73 years, leaving property valued at about £19,000.
By the will, which was made in October, 1891, he left the bulk of the estate to his daughter, and appointed The Trustees, Executors, and Agency Company as his executors and as guardian of the child.
A fortnight before his death the deceased, executed a codicil, by which he appointed the Rev. Matthew Hayes, of St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church,
Coburg to act as guardian of his daughter, and to see that she had the best possible education,
and directed that Mary Soult should have the control and management of his house at Coburg in the capacity of housekeeper,
at a salary not less than she was then receiving, namely, £1 per week.
The Court was now asked to determine the precise effect of the codicil.
It appeared that Mary Soult, whose real name was Hannah Morell, was engaged by the deceased as housekeeper at the end of September 1891, and that she nursed him in his last illness.
She had living with her a son nine years of age, whose fathers name was said to be Soult.
The deceased was a Roman Catholic, and for some time before his death his daughter had been a pupil at the convent school at Beechworth.
The Rev. Father Hayes now desired to send her to that or some other convent school to complete her education,
in which case it would be an unnecessary expense to maintain the house at Coburg.
An income of about £600 a year is available for the child's maintenance.
Mr. H. S. Cole and Mr. Williams appeared, for the child, the nominal plaintiff Mr. Neighbour and Mr. Maxwell for the Trustees,
Executors, and Agency Company, Mr. Higgins and M.r Maguire for the Rev. Matthew Hayes, and Mr. Hayes and Mr. Wasley for Mary Soult.
Mr. Justice A'BECKETT, in giving judgment, said he saw no reason to differ in any respect from the views which the guardian had formed as to what was best for the child's future.
As to Miss Morell's pecuniary position under the codicil, it might have been contended that no benefit to her was intended,
except as incidental to the maintenance of the testator's daughter, but there did appear to be an element of personal benefit to Miss Morell,
who would be entitled to some compensation if the arrangement contemplated by the testator with respect to her were not carried into effect.
It would be absurd to maintain the house at Coburg merely as a residence for Miss Morell and her son,
and he thought that under all the circumstances 25s a week would bearing payment to make to her in lieu of the advantages provided for her in the codicil.
The answers to the questions put to the Court would therefore be -
(1) That Miss Morell was entitled to benefit under the codicil, and that if her employment contemplated by the codicil should become unnecessary the guardian should be at liberty to pay,
and she should be entitled to receive from the moneys payable to him for the maintenance and education of the infant,
payment at the rate of 25s a week so long as she and the infant should live, and until the infant attained the age of 21 years;
(2) that the guardian had power under the codicil to remove the infant from the testators residence,
and to place her in a convent, if he was of opinion that by such removal she might obtain the best possible education;
(3) that it should be decided to place the infant in a convent, the trustees should be at liberty to dispose of the house and furniture at Coburg,
the costs of all parts to be taxed, as between solicitor and client, and paid out of the estate.
Bibliography and resources:
Franz Andreas Kohler, Find a grave
Headstone transcription, Melbourne General Cemetery, R 386/387 R-C
Loving memories of my dearly beloved wife Margaret Mary KOHLER died 21 Sep 1891, 48 years also
Franz Andreas KOHLER died 29 Oct 1892 age 72 years.
Margareta Josephina dearly beloved youngest daughter of Franz Andreas and Margaret KOHLER died 8 Aug 1887, 4 yrs 23 days
also of Mary Rose KOHLER daughter of the above died 9 Oct 1946.
"THE BROTHERS KOHLER" (alias of the brothers WILDBLOOD)
KOHLER, Richard Wildblood (R. W. KOHLER; Dick KOHLER) see main page Richard Wildblood KOHLER
KOHLER, John Wildblook (John W. KOHLER; Jack KOHLER) see main page John Wildblood KOHLER
Chinese musician (? instrument)
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1863 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Star (3 October 1863), 3
QUADRILLE BAND, Under the Leadership of Mr. Schroeder.
MISS PILKINGTON, MRS. JAS. BUNCE, MISS LIDDLE, MR. AMERY, And other Ladies and Gentlemen will assist.
MR. AH COON, Chinese Interpreter, has kindly consented to Sing a Comic Song in the Chinese Language, accompanied by full CHINESE BAND.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (5 October 1863), 2
At about nine o'clock Mr. Lang, the assiduous president of the institute, brought up to the orchestra a band of some tea or a dozen Chinese, whose services he had enlisted in the good cause. It had been announced that Mr. Ah Coon, the Government interpreter, would favor the company with songs in the Malay, Amoy, and Chin Choo dialects, but Mr. Ah Coon, it appears, did not feel himself in sufficiently robust health to trust his reputation as a vocalist to the hazard of an attempt that evening, confining himself to heralding to the audience the performances of his compatriots. With Chinese music and musical instruments our readers are somewhat familiar, but we dare say they will not be sorry to have the comments of an explanatory paper handed to us on Saturday evening by the president. From this we learn that Ge Sin played on the Kong-wai. The drums covered with buffalo skins were played by Ah Kow, and the gong by Le Tak. The Chinese guitar, or moot-kem, a flat circular instrument with four strings, played on by means of a small piece of bone, was manipulated by Lee-Sem. Wee-Pin played with bone the Sam-yen, a guitar like instrument of three strings, the sounding board being covered with snake-skin. The pan-ewoo, a flat disc of wood for the purpose of keeping time, was beaten by sticks. The shap-ar, a small oblong piece of hardwood six inches by three, was also used for marking time. Wee Pin played the cymbals or cha, well known to dwellers in Ballarat East. Lee Tak also played the gong or laur, "very effective", as Mr. Lang says, "in producing loud music". Lee Yeng and Lee Chok played the tee-uh or tuk-tie, which produced sounds similar to the Scotch bagpipes, or Scotch organ, as Ah Coon calls the instrument. As we have before stated, Mr. Ah Coon did not sing, but Lee Tak and Kong Wai did. The first sang in his natural voice, and the second in falsetto; but, owing to the ponderousness of the accompaniment, neither could be heard. At the conclusion of the songs, the party retired amidst the applause which courtesy, if not appreciation demanded.
[News], The Argus (6 October 1863), 4
[News], The Herald (6 October 1863), 2
"CHINESE SINGING AND PLAYING", Bendigo Advertiser (7 October 1863), 3
. . . From this we learn that Ge Sin played on the Kong-wai . . .
Mr. All Coon did not sing, but Lee Tak and Kong Wai did.
The first sang in his natural voice, and the second in falsetto; but, owing to the ponderousness of the accompaniment,
neither could be heard . . .
"VICTORIA", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (16 October 1863), 3
Amateur musician, flute player, SA indigenous man, Indigenous musician
KOPP, Julius (Julius KOPP; Herr KOPP)
Professor of Music and Singing, violinist, organist, orchestra leader
Active Brisbane, QLD, by 1863
Died (suicide) Brisbane, QLD, 6 January 1866 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Klein (violinist); Maria Kramer (vocalist); Paul Atkinson (pianist); Frederick Ellard (pianist); George Birkbeck Mason (venue proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Courier (8 October 1863), 4
JULIUS KOPP, Professor of Music and Singing (from the Conservatory of Munique [Munich]), Belle Vue House.
[Advertisement], The North Australian (12 December 1863), 4
December 15th and 16th, a CONCERT will be given by Miss KRAMER,
and Mr. J. KOPP, Violin Solo Player of the Conservatory of Munich . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (19 December 1863), 4
MONDAY and TUESDAY, THE 21ST and 22ND DECEMBER, 1863 . . .
Pianist: MR. ATKINSON.
MR. WYATT and MR. J. KLEIN have most kindly consented to give their assistance.
PART FIRST . . . VIOLIN SOLO - "Young Australia" Polonaise, dedicated to Captain Philips (Mr. J. Kopp) - Julius Kopp . . .
VIOLIN SOLO - Il Trovatore, Fantasia Brilliante (Mr. Kopp) - D. Alard . . .
PART SECOND . . . VIOLIN DUETT - Duo Concertante (Mr. Kopp and Mr. Klein) - Kallivoda [Kalliwoda] . . .
VIOLIN SOLO - le Souvenir de Bellini (Mr. Kopp) - Artot . . .
[News], The Courier (22 December 1863), 2
The concert given by Miss Kramer and Mr. Julius Kopp, last evening, in the School of Arts was a very excellent one, and worthy of the distinguished patronage under which it had been announced. From some cause, his Excellency the Governor and Lady Bowen, though expected to be present, were not in attendance; and the audience, select and appreciative, was not so numerous as we could have desired. We cannot, however, allow this occasion to pass without congratulating the public upon the acquisition of musical talent which we recognise in the person of Mr. Kopp, who is a violinist of a high order. He is a composer also, his first performance being the "Young Australia" Polonnaise, dedicated by him to Captain Phillips who has just left us. It might be regarded as an indication of something like vanity on the part of the "artiste" that he gave precedence to his own work when the names of some of the great masters appeared on the programme; but let us look upon this act as a manifestation of gratitude for his safe conveyance from "Vaderland" to the wide territory of Queensland, or as a peace offering of the first fruits of his genius to the country of his adoption. Mr. Kopp had not before appeared in Brisbane, but the way in which he has been praised in Ipswich, where he made his "debut," led us to expect something superior at his hands. It is unnecessary that we should say anything as to the merits of his composition as such; but of his performances on the violin we can speak with pleasure. A fantasia ("Il Trovatore") by Alard, was rendered with a decision of touch and brilliancy of execution that have never been equalled in this colony as, also, was Artot's "Souvenir de Bellini". Mr. Kopp proved that he understands the power of his instrument, and that he is earnest in his desire to avail himself of it by all the resources of his art. He was very ably assisted by Mr. J. Klein (of Brisbane) in a beautiful and familiar composition of Kallivoda, arranged as a violin duett, and which was encored . . . We have not referred to all the pieces on the programme, but only to those with which we were most pleased. Our readers should bear in mind that a second concert will be given this evening.
[News], The Courier (23 December 1863), 2
Miss Kramer und Mr. Julius Kopp's second concert, last evening, was not less attractive than their previous entertainment.
The lady was in excellent voice, and her amiable coadjutor, the tenor, strove manfully to obviate any objections on his account.
As the programme was, almost without exception, the same as that produced at the first concert, on Monday,
we have little to add to our remarks upon that occasion.
The more we hear of Mr. Kopp's performances the higher is our opinion of his abilities:
for so young a man he is a very accomplished violinist, and he promises to take a leading position in his profession.
His rendition of Artot's "Souvenir de Bellini " was so excellent that he was recalled by the audience
and in response to the compliment he played "The Bird on the Tree," which has been made familiar to Australians by Miska Hauser
(who, spite of his ungrateful and untruthful criticism upon the manners and customs of the colonists,
and the trenchant denunciations of him as a musician by the Vienna Gazette, was a first class fiddler.)
There is something in the style of Mr. Kopp that leads us to entertain the idea that he and Miska Hauser belong to the same school.
Whether or not we are correct, matters little; for we have a thorough admiration for the performances of the gentleman now amongst us.
Though not quite equal to the other "Herr," his mastery over his instrument evokes unqualified approbation;
he wakes "a thousand voices on the strings," whose articulate speech may be universally understood -
bass as the "bull-roarer," mellifluous as the gentle voice of woman, and rising by melodious gradations to extremest tenuity, in
"Linked sweetness long drawn out" . . .
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (12 July 1864), 1
PROGRAMME: PART I . . . 3. 7eme Concerto - Herr Kopp, accompanied by Mr. Ellard - de Beriot . . .
PART II. 1. Solo - Violin-Souvenir de Bellini - Herr Julius Kopp - Artot . . .
4. Duo Concertante - Violin and Piano (Oberon) - Herr Kopp and Mr. Ellard - Osborne & De Beriot . . .
"GERMAN UNION IN BRISBANE", The Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser (1 February 1865), 4
. . . We are also informed that the lately formed Lidertael [sic, Liedertafel], or German Singing Club, which has been established under the management of Herr Kopp, has met with great success. Its members are now very numerous, and as they are most assiduous at practice, we look forward to public display ere long of German musical talent, both vocal and instrumental . . .
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (4 July 1865), 1
[News], The Brisbane Courier (5 July 1865), 2
MASON's Theatre was, last night, attended by a brilliant assemblage of the elite of the city including Sir George and Lady Bowen, on the occasion of a concert given by the members of the German Liedertafel, in aid of the fund for a search in behalf of their brave and lamented countryman, Leichhardt . . . The programme opened with an overture from one of Mozart's favorite productions, "Figaro," which was finely executed by the orchestra. After which the German Liedertafel sang the chorus, "Oh Schutzgeist," from the same libretto, with great power, and effect, as well as Becker's Grand March Glee, which was deservedly encored. We can hardly pass by the performance of this glee, without a special commendation, the time being so finely kept, while the Liedertafel discoursed such "sweet sounds" under the touch of Herr Kopp's magic wand . . . Herr Kopp's execution of solos on the violin was a perfect treat, which any musical ear could not fail to appreciate; the plaintive tender notes from "La Favorite," as well as the subsequent parts for which his name was placed on the programme, being all loudly encored . . .
"INQUEST", The Brisbane Courier (9 January 1866), 2
AN enquiry into the cause of the death of Julius Kopp, whose body was found near Hill-side, Kedron Brook, on Saturday last, was held at the United Kingdom Hotel, yesterday morning, before the coroner and a jury of seven.
The first witness called was Henry Teichman, whose evidence was unimportant. The next witness was John Teichman, who deposed that he lives at Hill-side, near Kedron Brook; on Saturday last, about 12 o'clock, his son came to him, and told him that he had found a hat, coat, and walking-stick on a log in a water-hole in Mr. Blundell's paddock; he went to the waterhole with a man, named Schwank, stirred up the water with a stick, and the body of the deceased came to the surface; they went away, and about a quarter of an hour after they returned to the water-hole with Mr. Sutherland; the body had then disappeared from the surface, and they poked about with a stick, but it did not come up; witness then went home.
James Sutherland deposed that the waterhole in which deceased was found is about half-a-mile from his residence; on Saturday last his gardener (Schwank) told him that he and the previous witness had found a dead body in the hole; he went there, and after some trouble, succeeded in bringing the body of the deceased to the surface; he searched the pockets of the clothes of the deceased, and found fifteen £1 notes, a programme, and a medical prescription with the name of Julius Kopp upon it; he then went to Brisbane and gave information to the police, one of whom returned with him to the hole; the body was then upon the bank.
Detective Craven deposed that he received information that a body had been found in a water-hole in Mr. Blundell's paddock, on Saturday last, about 3 o'clock p.m.; he took Mr. Faulkner with him, and proceeded to the spot; on arriving at the waterhole, found the body of the deceased upon the bank; he was lying upon his back, with his knees slightly bent, and his right hand raised towards his head; the face was all blown away, as if by a discharge from fire-arms, and there was a small hole in the back of the head; the body had not the appearance of having been long in the water, and was not much decomposed; Mr. Faulkner identified the body as that of Julius Kopp, and searched the pockets of the deceased, and found in the waistcoat and trousers a gold watch and chain and various other articles; he then searched the coat pockets, and found six leaden balls, a quantity of swan shot, a flask of gunpowder, a box of caps, and a pocket-handkerchief marked F.; shortly afterwards, he had the body removed to the morgue; had searched for the pistol, but could not find it; the watch on the deceased had stopped at a quarter to 5 o'clock.
Charles Faulkner deposed that he knew the deceased, who had for some time been a lodger in his house; deceased had been poorly for the last few months, and his spirits had been very depressed; he had known the deceased to have delirium through the pain he had suffered; he saw him for the last time on Friday morning, when he looked very wild about the eyes; he went out of the house about 9 o'clock on Friday morning, saying that he was going to see a doctor; that was the last time witness saw him alive; during that day several came to the house to enquire for Kopp; when he had not come back at the close of the day, witness told the police that he was missing; he went to the water-hole on Saturday with detective Craven, and identified the body lying there as that of Julius Kopp; witness had never seen the deceased with firearms in his possession of any description; did not think that deceased had any firearms so long as he (witness) had known him.
Dr. Smith deposed that he had attended on the deceased for the last six weeks. The malady with which he had been afflicted was nervous debility, which was caused partly by mental excitement connected with his business, and partly by physical weakness; witness saw the deceased on Friday morning, when he looked very wild, and in his conversation mixed up two subjects together; witness gave him a prescription, and advised him to take a car and go to Breakfast Creek and back for exercise; on deceased leaving witness' house, he took him by both hands, and shook them, saying "God bless you, doctor!" Dr. Lansdown was also examined as to the nature of the injuries; he stated that they were such as to cause death.
After some consultation, the jury returned a verdict that the deceased committed suicide whilst laboring under a fit of temporary insanity.
[News], The Brisbane Courier (9 January 1866), 2
The remains of the late Julius Kopp, who perhaps held the highest position in this colony as a musician, were conveyed to the Church of England portion of the Brisbane Cemetery yesterday afternoon. As a proof of the respect in which the deceased was hold by all who knew him, we may mention that the Rev. Mr. Mosely, formerly the incumbent of the Fortitude Valley Church, where Mr. Kopp acted as organist, and also the Rev. Mr. Matthews, the present incumbent of the same church, were present at the funeral . . . The hearse containing the body of the deceased was followed not only by a large number of his countrymen (Germans), but also by all the male members of the corps dramatique of the Victoria Theatre, the leadership of the orchestra of which was most ably represented by the deceased. After the magnificent service of the Church of England had been read, the members of the German Liedertafel sang the "Hymne an der Nicht", which was composed by the late Mr. Kopp, and arranged by Mr. B. Simmons. . . .
"QUEENSLAND", Launceston Examiner (16 January 1866)
Mr. Julius Kopp, the leader of the orchestra of the theatre, shot himself through the head yesterday.
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (26 January 1866), 5
HARMONIUM, by Alexandre
By Order of the Administrators.
A. E. ALEXANDER has received instructions from the Administrators in the above Estate to sell by public auction,
at the Bank Auction Rooms, Edward-street, on TUESDAY, January 30, at 11 o'clock,
1 Vory fine rich-toned HARMONIUM, by Alexandre (9 stops)
2 Very superior Violins
Gold Watch and Albert, Signet Ring, Flute, and Books
Wearing Apparel, consisting of Black Dress Suit, Overcoat, Dressing Gown, Tweed Suit, Shirts, Collars, Socks, &c.
Lot Music, comprising German Music Books, 2 Musical Cabinet, Scottish Minstrel, Quartettes, &c., for piano,
Norma, Lucia di Lammermoor, &c., &c.
No Reserve. Terms - Cash.
Pianist, composer
Born Paris, France, 1841
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 1 September 1880 (per Australia, from San Francisco)
Departed (1) Melbourne, VIC, 20 October 1881 (per Potosi, via Adelaide, for London)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, SA, 5 July 1885 (per Carthage, from London, via Albany, and Adelaide, SA)
Departed (2) Melbourne, VIC, 7 November 1896 (per Armand Behic, for Europe)
Died Bordeaux, France, 8 July 1916 (TROVE public tag) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Henri Kowalski, 1893 (detail) (H. Walter Barnett, photographer); National Gallery of Victoria (DIGITISED)
Kowalski came to Australia for the Melbourne Exhibition of 1880-81. The world premiere season of his opera Vercingetorix at Sydney's Garden Palace opening on 31 March 1881 was followed by a performance in Melbourne.
With his friend the writer Marcus Clarke (who died in August 1881) as librettist for most of the work, he wrote an opera Moustique, reportedly premiered in Belgium in 1883 (see Kowalski's letter to the editor of July 1889 for details of the collaboration). One song only from the score was published, We banish love (1881). Under the composer's direction, the Sydney Philharmonic first played the overture of Moustique in March 1886 and a Sydney production followed in 1889.
At his Sydney farewell in September 1896 he gave the first performance of his new Piano concerto in C minor, with orchestra conducted by John Delaney.
"Musical Arrivals", Evening News (3 September 1880), 3
The San Francisco mail steamer brought to our shores the head of the firm, Messrs. Henri Canut, Moritz-Yser, and Co., the successors of Herz, Neven, and Co., the makers of the well known Herz pianos. M. Canut is about to introduce his pianos more extensively to the notice of the Australian public. He has sent a valuable consignment of pianos to the Melbourne Exhibition, and intends to give concerts and recitals in the Victorian capital. He is accompanied by M. Henri Kowalski, a Polish pianist, of first-class reputation in France, England, and America. Among other flattering notices which he has received from the Press, are several by Theophile Gautier, the well-known writer and critic. Mr. Kowalski was pianist to the late Emperor Napoleon, and recent critical notices indicate that his hand has lost none of its cunning. Messrs. Canut and Kowalski are now only en route for Melbourne. They expect, after remaining at the exhibition for a short time, to return to Sydney, and give a series of concerts, when the merits of the Herz pianos and Mr. Kowalski's playing will be the subject of public criticism.
"SHIPPING ARRIVALS", Australian Town and Country Journal (4 September 1880), 36
September 1. Australia, E.M.S.S., 3200 tons, Captain Cargill, from San Francisco August 2, via Auckland August 26. Passengers . . . Messrs. Kowalski, Canut . . .
"SHIPPING", The Age (8 September 1880), 2
ARRIVED. - SEPTEMBER 7. City of Adelaide, s., 834, David Walker, from Sydney 4th inst. Passengers - saloon . . . Messrs. Kowalski, Canut . . .
"Music and the Drama", Australian Town and Country Journal (2 April 1881), 13
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 April 1881), 7
"KOWALSKI'S EXHIBITION CONCERTS", The Argus (15 August 1881), 6
"VERCINGETORIX", The Argus (22 September 1881), 7
"VERCINGETORIX", The Argus (26 September 1881), 6
"LATER ITEMS", Weekly Times (29 October 1881), 18
"We Banish Love," the last song written by the late Marcus Clarke, and set to music by M. Kowalski, has been published by Nicholson and Co., for the benefit of the widow and children.
"ENTERTAINMENTS", The Australasian (29 October 1881), 18
Kowalski could not attract an audience, though Meilhan and amateurs assisted him. He left for London by the Potosi.
"LAST MOMENT", The Herald (3 December 1881), 3
M. Kowalski has gone to Europe for the purpose of securing a staff of professors for a conservatoire of music, which he proposes to establish in Melbourne, to which he will shortly return.
"SOUTH AUSTRALIA", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1885), 12
JULY 5. Carthage, R.M.S.S., 5,120 tons, Geo. Nelson Hector, R.N.R., commander, from London May 22, Malta May 29, Port Said 2nd ult., Suez 5th ult., Colombo 17th ult., Albany, W.A. 29th ult., and Adelaide 3rd inst. Passengers for Melbourne . . . For Sydney . . . From Brindisi . . . H. Kowalski . . .
"THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1886), 9
"ART, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1889), 7
"AMUSEMENTS. 'MOUSTIQUE' AT THE OPERA HOUSE", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1889), 10
"ROUND ABOUT THE THEATRES", Illustrated Sydney News (11 July 1889), 23
"LIBRETTO OF MOUSTIQUE. TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1889), 8
"M. Henri Kowalski", Australian Town and Country Journal (23 November 1895), 25
"M. KOWALSKI'S ORATORIO", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1895), 10
"ORATORIO - FUTURE LIFE", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 December 1895), 6
"THE KOWALSKI FAREWELL", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1896), 10
"THE KOWALSKI FAREWELL", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 September 1896), 3
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (9 November 1896), 4
CLEARED OUT. Nov. 7 . . . Armand Behic, French Mail Steamer, 6,000 tons, A. Poydenor, for Marseilles via ports. Passengers - saloon: For Marseilles and London . . . M. H. Kowalski . . .
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 September 1916), 8
"Henri Kowalski, pianist-composer, who was just embarking on the Lafayette at the port of Bordeaux for Canada, where he had a series of concerts to give, was taken suddenly ill. He was immediately removed to the Saint Andre Hospital, where he died a little after his arrival." This extract is from a telegram to "Le Temps," Paris, dated July 11. In this way, full of activity to the last, there passes from us a genial French artist who, during a period of 12 years, was a figure in Sydney life, both musical and social, making innumerable friends, and always radiating wit, whimsical ideas, enthusiasms, and good-fellowship . . .
"PERSONAL", The Argus (26 September 1916), 6
For the last 55 years young pianists have struggled with the octave passages of the celebrated "Marche Hongroise." The death of Henri Kowalski, its composer, was announced in the Paris newspapers on July 11. There are many people in Australia who remember this brilliant pianist-composer, of whose career the "Sydney Morning Herald" of last Saturday contained an interesting review. Educated at the Paris Conservatoire, the young Polish pianist rapidly achieved distinction, and at an early age published 200 concert pieces, of which the "Marche-Hongroise" is the best known. After seasons in Brussels and London, he visited the United States and Canada, with the violinist Sarasate, and in 1880 he carne out to Australia, for the Melbourne Exhibition festivities. He returned to Melbourne, again toured Australia in 1885, and remained in Sydney till 1896. During his connection with the Philharmonic Society of Sydney M. Kowalski conducted a performance of the "Messiah," in which Mrs. Armstrong (Madame Melba) sang, and other works were associated with the appearance of Madame Frances Saville and Signor Dimitresco, both of whom afterwards became famous. Ten years ago Kowalski settled in Montreal, as pianist and teacher. He was 80 years old at the time of his death.
Selected colonial works and publications:
The belles of Melbourne (valse de salon) (Melbourne: W. H. Glen & Co., [1880])
Vercingetorix, or, Love and patriotism ([libretto] "a lyric drama in three acts by Henri Kowalski; the English libretto by J. Lake") (Melbourne: W. H. Williams, 1881)
We banish love (from Moustique; words by Marcus Clarke) (Melbourne: Nicholson, [1881])
Wilt thou be mine (words by Albert G. Dawes; "The only melody written in Australia by H. Kowalski; dedicated to Mr. Armes Beaumont" (Sydney: Nicholson & Co., [1885])
Nuit Australienne, op. 76 (valse pour piano) (Mayence: B. Schott; Sydney: Schott, [1886])
Spring song (words by Longfellow) (Sydney: W. H. Paling & Co., [1886] )
Festal lyric ("the pope's episcopal jubilee, 1843-1893") (Sydney: French Musical Instrument Depot, [1893])
Dawn and dusk ("words written by H. H.") in The Australian musical album 1894 (Sydney: W. J. Banks, 1894)
Twilight of love (song; with accomp. of violin or violoncello words by Gilbert Parker; music by Henri Kowalski (Sydney: The French Musical Instruments Depot., [1895])
The future life (La vie future) (oratorio; libretto by Arthur Branscombe Wood) [1895]
For memory (words by May Kendall) ([Sydney]: Gordon & Gotch, [1896])
O Jesus! open wide thy heart (Sydney: Batson & Co., [18--]) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Kerry Murphy, "Henri Kowalski (1841-1916): a French musician in colonial Australia", Australian historical studies 48/3 (2017), 346-62 (PAYWALL)
KOWARZIK FAMILY (shareable link to this entry)
KOWARZIK, Francis Frederick (Franz Friedrich KOWARZIK; Francis Frederick KOWARZIK; Mr. F. KOWARSIK; KOWARSIC; KOWARTSIC)
Professor of Music, violinist ("The Van Diemen's Land Paganini"), vocalist, Spanish guitar player, composer
Born Vienna, Austria, 3 October 1813
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 September 1839 (per Wave, from London, 2 June)
Married Emma Catherine DE LA ROCHE (b. c.1828 - died 9 August 1849), Launceston, VDL (TAS), 25 March 1845
Died Launceston, TAS, 7 August 1883, "aged 73 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
KOWARZIK, Edmund (Francis Edmund KOWARZIK; Edmund KOWARSIK)
Pianist, organist, teacher of the piano, farmer
Born Launceston, VDL (TAS), 30 July 1846; son of the above; Edmund LEFFLER was probably his god-father
Married Janet WILSON, Lilydale, TAS, 29 May 1889
Died Blackburn, VIC, 9 September 1931, aged 85 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
KOWARZIK, Frederick Ferdinand (Frederick Ferdinand KOWARZIK)
Amateur violinist, pianist
Born Launceston, VDL (TAS), c. 1847
Married Mary BINGHAM, Lilydale, TAS, 30 October 1888
Died Lilydale, TAS, 17 September 1911, aged 64 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
According to his naturalisation petition, Kowarsik was born in Vienna, on 3 October 1813. Nothing else is known of him for certain before his arrival in Hobart Town in the Wave from London on 25 September 1839, barely a week short of his 26th birthday. However, it is quite likely that he came to the colony having been offered a position by George Carr Clark and his wife Hannah Davice, as a teacher of music and languages at their school, Ellinthorpe Hall, at Ross, in the midlands. However, with the summer vacation imminent, in November 1839, he advertised that he would first make a tour of the island tuning pianos.
If he did in fact spend the ensuing year - 1840 - at Ellinthorpe Hall, it turned out of be a shorter engagement than, having come half way around the world, he might have hoped; the Clarks closed the school for good in December 1840 when Hannah returned to England. By then, however, Kowarsik had evidently ingratiated himself sufficiently in music social circles outside the school to ensure his survival. In November 1840 he and retired military bandmaster Angus McLeod took charge of the music for a concert at ball at nearby Campbell Town, which they followed up six months later with a second concert and ball, in April 1841. He was still living in Campbell Town at the time of the 1842 census.
Meanwhile, in January 1841, Kowarsik also advertised as a freelance teacher of music and languages in Launceston. He had apparently fixed on settling there in preference to Hobart where, curiously, he is never documented as having been publicly active, musically or otherwise.
In Launceston in March 1843, he was violin soloist and leader of the band for a concert put on by the visiting Sydney vocalists, John and Eliza Bushelle, in association with the pianist, James Henri Anderson, another relatively recently arrival. Again, in 1848, he appeared as a violinist with the pianist Julius Imberg, advertising that he would reproduce some of the favourite pieces from the repertoire of Imberg's former duo partner, Leopold Ravac (or Rawack), who had so impressed Launceston audiences (and, presumably, Kowarsik himself) at his own concerts there in mid-1846.
Thereafter, however, with a few minor and much later exceptions, Kowarzik appears to have avoided concert performing, and to have focussed instead on teaching, in which he was still engaged as late as 1878, and which must have been steadily lucrative enough to finance several land purchases. He ultimately left an estate of over £3,000.
Kowarzik had married Emma Catherina De la Roche at Launceston on 25 March 1845. Their first surviving son was born on 30 July 1846, named Francis in the birth record, but evidently known as Edmund, probably after the Launceston musician Edmund Leffler. A second surviving son, Frederick Ferdinand, was born in 1847. Catherine and their infant third son died in 1849, and, somewhat unusually for the era, Kowarzik never remarried.
The programs of Kowarzik's two early Campbell Town concerts survive in partial detail, including unidentified solo violin works by Kreutzer and De Beriot; overtures by Herold, Auber, and Boieldieu; and a "grand symphony" in manuscript by "Kutchera", perhaps the celebrated Viennese Imperial courtier, soldier, and musical amateur, baron Johann von Kutschera.
"Shipping Intelligence. HOBART TOWN ARRIVALS", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (27 September 1839), 4
25 - the bark Wave, 345 tons, Goldsmith, from London, 2d June, with a general cargo. Bilton & Meaburn, agents - passengers, Mr. Barnard, Mr. Roope, Mr. Herring, Mr. Walker, Mr. Cook, Mr. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Mr. Kowarzing, Mr. Seftwick.
[Advertisement], Tasmanian Weekly Dispatch (1 November 1839), 1
Notice. MONSIEUR F. KOWARZIK, Professor of Music, intends, during the summer vacation at Ellinthorpe, to make a Tour of the Island, when families may avail themselves of the opportunity of having their piano fortes tuned, by addressing (post paid) as above, early in December. October 29, 1839
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (7 November 1839), 2
MONSIEUR KOWARZIK, Professor of MUSIC, intending during the Summer Vacation at Ellinthorpe, to make a Tour of the Island, families who wish to have their Piano Fortes tuned, can avail themselves of the opportunity by applying early in December, (if by letter post-paid)
[Advertisement], The Courier (3 November 1840), 1
ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Campbell Town. - The first CONCERT and BALL will take place here, on Wednesday, the 11th instant . . .
Leader of the Concert - Monsieur Kowarzik.
Do of the Quadrille Band - Mr. A. McLeod, late 21st regt . . .
"THE CAMPBELL TOWN BALL AND CONCERT", Launceston Courier (23 November 1840), 2
. . . By seven o'clock, the greater part of the company had arrived, and many a heart throbbed with that peculiar tremulous delight which every notice feels till the spirit of the dance has been fairly commenced. The managers, however, had wisely decreed a concert for the first part of the evening, of which the following is nearly a programme.
1. Fra Diavolo - Overture.
2. Concerto - Piano forte.
3. Polanaise [sic], with accompaniments
4. Duet
5. L'ltalian in Algieri - Rossini.
opened with the overture to Zampa. This highly attractive piece of composition was executed in first-rate style.
It would be easy to compliment the different performers, but it would also be invidious,
especially as the plaudits of the audience bore full testimony to the merit of all.
Then followed the violin solo by Monsieur Kowarzik. An air, with variations, composed for the occasion, with full orchestra accompaniments,
from the air of "I give thee all;" then a cantata from Beethoven.
Before the conclusion of the concert, however, I observed that a secret longing for the dance was the feeling most prevalent amongst the majority of the audience . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (21 January 1841), 1
MONSIEUR KOWARZIK, professor of music, begs to intimate to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Launceston and its vicinity,
that it is his intention (provided that he can obtain a sufficient number of pupils) to give private lessons on the following instruments:
Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin, and Flute.
* Schools attended twice a week. Mr. K. will also teach Singing and the Italian, German, and French languages.
Early application will be necessary to enable M.K. to make suitable arrangements for the present year.
For Terms, &c, apply by letter, post-paid to M. K., at the office of this paper.
[Advertisement], Launceston Courier (26 April 1841), 1
Campbell Town Assembly Rooms.
ON WEDNESDAY, the 28th inst., a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Assembly Rooms, Campbell Town,
when a grand concerto and air with variations by Monsieur Kowarzik, a flute concerto by Mr. A. McLeod,
and a selection from the works of Harold [Herold], De Beryot [De Beriot], Tulou, Auber, Bishop, Rossini, &c., &c., will be performed.
Leader, Monsieur Kowarzik.
Principal Professional Performers - Messrs. McLeod, Russel, J. Russel, Duly, Clark, &c., assisted by several amateurs,
and by the band of the 51 st regiment, through the kind permission of Colonel Elliott.
Doors open for the Concert at half-past twelve, performance to commence at one o'clock p. m. precisely . . .
On the evening of the same day, Wednesday, 28th inst., an Assembly will be held in the same room . . .
Leader of the Quadrille Band, Mr. A. McLeod.
Dancing to commence at nine o'clock p. m. . . .
"Concert at the Assembly Rooms, Campbelton", Launceston Advertiser (6 May 1841), 3
On Wednesday week last these rooms were filled with company to enjoy a Morning Concert, of which the following is a programme: -
Overture to Zampa - Herold
Flute Solo, with Piano Forte - Sola
Grand Concerto (Violin by Mr. Kowarzik) - Kreutzer
Horn Concerto - Pacini
Overture to the Caliph of Bagdad - Boiledieu
Overture to Massaniello - Auber
Solo, Violin, with Piano Forte accompaniment - De Beriot
Overture to Tancredi - Rossini
Horn Concerto (repeated by desire) - Pacini.
Flute Solo, with orchestra accompaniment - Otto
Grand Symphony - Kutchera [? Kuchera; ? Kutschera].
The opening piece, it will be remembered, was much admired at the last concert, and it was at the request of many of the subscribers that it was on this occasion introduced.
Mr. A. McLeod's solo on the flute was deservedly applauded, and played in a very masterly style.
Mr. Kowarzik's concerto on the violin, which followed, was played with much judgment, his execution was faultless,
and he was listened to with that breathless silence, which must have assured him his exertions were fully appreciated.
Of the horn concerto, we need only say that it was rapturously encored, and, to meet the wishes of the company, was substituted in Part II. for a piano forte solo.
The very difficult overture to Massaniello, with which Part II. opened, attracted very general admiration; it was played with much spirit,
and every member of the numerous orchestra seemed "au-fait" at his part In the execution of the Grand Symphony (by Kutchera) -
never performed out of Germany, being a M.S. copy from the composer. - it were invidious - nay impossible - to single out individual claims to admiration.
It was in truth a brilliant performance.
There was a good deal of amateur musical talent in the room, and it was admitted by all, that the different overtures and accompaniments to the concertos were,
without exception, admirably performed.
Such was the universal satisfaction with which both Ball and Concert came off, that the lists for the two coming meetings for October and March were numerously signed,
so that these elegant periodical amusements may now he fairly considered and established.
The Quadrille Band (at the Hall) gave entire satisfaction; their most attractive performance was, some entirely new sets of quadrilles,
from the latest French operas, arranged by Musard for the piano forte, &c.
These were gone through with the greatest precision and spirit (as under).
First Violin - Mr. Kowarzik
Second ditto - Mr. Clair
Tenor - John McLeod. Esq.
Double Bass - Mr. Russel
Piano Forte - Dr. Hanchette
Clarionet - Mr. Rabelin
Cornupia [cornopean]- Mc. Donald.
"The Campbell Town Assembly Rooms", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 May 1841), 2
. . . In executing their last performance, the "Grand Symphony," the whole Orchestra appeared quite enthusiastic, and it was evident that the well earned plaudits with which their care had been greeted through the morning, had stimulated them to favor the audience with their very very best, in this, their "coup de grace." Mr. Kowarzik, as leader, was much complimented, and his abilities are evidently of a very high order. He is however rather unhappy now and then, in his striking of time and his very flourishing of the bow was anything but graceful. It is probably attributable to enthusiasm, but its effects are prejudicial to the performer; inasmuch as, by attracting the eye of the auditor, his sense of hearing is distracted, and his enjoyment proportionately diminished. It may be regarded as an axiom in acoustics, that when the eye is closed, the sense of hearing becomes more acute; and hence, perhaps, the great number of blind persons who are remarkable for a refined musical taste . . .
1842 VDL census; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:478792; CEN1/1/6$init=CEN1-1-6-157A (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (30 March 1843), 1
GRAND CONCERT. Under Distinguished Patronage.
MR. & MRS. BUSHELLE, with Mr. J. HENRI ANDERSON, student of the Royal Academy of Music, London,
beg to announce that they purpose holding their first CONCERT of Vocal and instrumental Music, at the New Concert Rooms, opposite the Court-house, Patterson-street,
THIS EVENING, the 30th inst.
VOCAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Richards, Mr. Turner, Mr. Bushelle, and several amateurs.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Mr. Kowarzik. Leader and Conductor of the Orchestra;
Grand Pianoforte, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Megson, Mr. Richards, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Beckford,
and (by permission of Colonel Cumberland) the Orchestra will be strengthened
by a selection from the excellent Band of H. M. 96th Regiment.
Overture, "Fra Diavolo," Full Band.
1. Grand Air from Norma, "Gentle Goddess," with full orchestral accompaniments - Mrs. Bushelle.
2. Song from the Somnambula, "As I view these scenes so charming," with orchestral accompaniments, Mr. Bushelle.
3. Ballad, Mrs. Richards.
4. Song, "The Smuggler King," Mr. Turner.
5. Grand Concerto, Violin, De Beriot, Mr. Kowarzik.
0. Ballad, "Black-eyed Susan," Mrs. Bushelle.
7. The celebrated air, "Non piu Andrai," from Mozart's Figaro, with full orchestral accompaniments, Mr. Bushelle.
8. Concerto, Grand Pianoforte, Hummel, Mr. J. H. Anderson.
9. Grand Aria, "Sommo Cielo," from Pacini's "Schiava in Bagdad," violin obligato, Mr. Kowarzik, Mrs. Bushelle.
Overture to Zimpa - Herold - Full Band.
1 . Buffo Duet, from the Barber of Seville, Rossini, Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle.
2. Ballad, Mrs. Richards.
3. The favorite Song, "When time hath bereft thee," Auber, Mr. Bushelle.
4. Song, "I'm afloat," Mr. Turner.
5. Song, "Let others rejoice," Mr. Bushelle.
6. Song, "Wanted a governess," Mrs. Bushelle.
7. Grand Buffo Song, from the Barber of Seville, "Lo the factotum," Rossini, with orchestral accompaniments, Mr. Bushelle.
8. Grand Finale, from Cindrella, "Now with grief no longer bending," Rossini, Mrs. Bushelle.
[News], Launceston Examiner (1 April 1843), 4
MR. BUSHELLE'S Concert came off on Thursday evening last with great eclat, and no doubt afforded the inhabitants of this town such a treat as they have not hitherto enjoyed . . . Mr. Kowarzik's talents, as a violinist, are already well known to thile public, but we have no doubt that his performances of Thursday evening have gained him fresh laurels, as his extraordinary powers will now be more generally known, and consequently more highly appreciated. There was a delicacy and distinctness of expression in his execution which we have seldom if ever heard surpassed, and there is no doubt but that his performances at the concert fully entitle him to the distinction of the Van Dietnen's Land Paganini. The band of the 96th was an important and effective accession.
1845, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:832961; RGD37/1/4 no 2076$init=RGD37-1-4p306 (DIGITISED)
2076 / 25 March 1845 / Francis Kowarzik / Professor of Music
Emma Catherine de la Roche . . .
"PORT OF LAUNCESTON", Colonial Times (10 July 1846), 2
July 6. - Arrived the brig Swan, Carder master, from Port Phillip. Passengers - Mr. Wm. Patterson, A. Weston, John Suet, - Ritchie, F. W. Kowarzik, Mrs. Smith, and two children.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (18 July 1846), 546
MR. KOWARZIK begs to inform the inhabitants of Launceston and its vicinity,
that he continues teaching MUSIC and LANGUAGES on moderate terms. Mr. K. is also willing to provide his pupils with music if required, without any charge.
St. John-street, July 11.
1846, births in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1107154; RGD33/1/23/ no 1364$init=RGD33-1-23-p842 (DIGITISED)
1364 / 30 July / Francis / [son of] Francis Kowarzik / Catherine Kowarzik, formerly De la Roch / professor of Music / F. Kowarzik, St. John Street, Father . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (4 November 1848), 7
BEGS to inform the LADIES and GENTLEMEN of LAUNCESTON, and its Vicinity, that he intends giving a
MUSICAL SOIREE, On Tuesday, the 7th of November, at the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, AT THE "CORNWALL HOTEL,"
When he solicits their kind patronage for that occasion.
He will be, by particular request, kindly assisted by Mr. Kowarsik, who will introduce some of Mr. Ravac's favorite airs;
also, by the kind permission of Colonel Cumberland, by the band of H. M. 96th Regt., and by several amateurs . . .
1849, births in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1108216; RGD33/1/23/ no 2426$init=RGD33-1-23-p917 (DIGITISED)
2426 / 31 July / [ - ] / [son of] Francis Kowarzik / Catherine Kowarzik, formerly De la Roch / professor of Music / F. Kowarzik, St. John Street, Father . . .
1849, deaths in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1145788; RGD35/1/16 no 72$init=RGD35-1-16p193 (DIGITISED)
72 / 5 September / Joseph Edward Kowarzik / 4 weeks / Professor of Music's child / Concussions . . .
"DIED", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 September 1849), 849
Emma Catherine, wife of F. F. Kowarzic, aged 22 years, and Joseph Edmund, son of the above, aged 14 days, on the 5th September, 1849.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (22 September 1849), 882
TEACHING MUSIC in all its branches - Mr. Kowarzik, professor of music, begs to inform the gentry of Launceston, that he has a few hours to spare. Pianos tuned, repaired, and lent out. St. John-street, Sept. 21.
1851 TAS census; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:478793; CEN1/1/110$init=CEN1-1-110-337B (DIGITISED)
[News], The Cornwall Chronicle (1 December 1858), 4
Mr. Kowarsic, the professor of music, is busily engaged in getting up a vocal and instrumental concert, in which his pupils will take part . . .
"INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC", Launceston Examiner (30 April 1859), 2
We have heard with much pleasure that it is in contemplation by Mr. Kowartzic, to immediately open an instrumental class, which shall be accessible to all who have a taste and are desirous to practice instrumental music, and on terms which will be within reach of everyone . . .
Petition for naturalisation, 1861; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:447430; CSD1/1/142/5267 (DIGITISED)
. . . the Petition of Francis Frederick Kowarzik of Launceston in Tasmania, Professor of Music . . . that Your Petitioner is a native of Vienna in the Empire of Austria having been born there on the third day of October in the year [1813] and is of the age of [48] years or thereabouts. That your petitioner emigrated to this Colony in the year [1840, sic, recte 1839] and arrived in Launceston in this isalnd in the month of October in the same year . . .
"CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (3 February 1870), 2
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (5 January 1871), 6
MR. EDMUND KOWARZIK, Quadrant, will be happy to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on pianoforte. Terms moderate.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (18 January 1878), 1
EDUCATION. LADIES' COLLEGE, De Little's Buildings, Upper York-street.
Lady Principal - MRS. SMITH, (Assisted by efficient teachers).
Music, French, and German - Professor KOWARZIK.
Vacancies for boarders. Matriculation class. Duties resumed, January 18.
1883, deaths in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1165438; RGD35/1/52 no 252 (DIGITISED)
1215 / 7 August 1883 / Francis Frederick Kowarzik / 73 years / Musicians / Heart Disease . . .
"Deaths", Launceston Examiner (8 August 1883), 1
KOWARZIK. - On 7th August, at his residence, Quadrant, Francis Frederick Kowarzik, aged 73 years.
The funeral of the late Mr. FRANCIS F. KOWARZIK will take place on Thursday, August 9th,
leaving his late residence, Quadrant, at a quarter to three o'clock.
RICHARDS AND SON, Undertakers, St. John-street.
Will and probate, Francis Frederick Kowarzik, 1883; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:662790; AD961/1/6
"UPPER PIPER", Launceston Examiner (14 February 1884), 4
. . . Mr. J. W. Wolfe was voted to the chair, when addresses were given by the chairman and Mr. F. Wills; followed by pianoforte duet by E. and F. Kowarzik, cornet solo by Mr. F. Watchtershauser, of Longford, violin solo by Mr. F. Kowarzik, with piano accompaniment by Mr. E. Kowarzik. The music was composed by the late F. F. Kowarzik from selections of the opera "Sonnambula." Mr. Watchtershauser gave several pieces on the cornet, accompanied on the piano by Mr. E. Kowarzik, which were a treat. Dialogues by Kowarzik brothers, and reading, recitation, and songs were rendered by . . .
"UPPER PIPER RIVER", Launceston Examiner (8 November 1884), 1 supplement
. . . A well-arranged programme was gone through . . . "Vi Baviso," for the violin, with piano accompaniment, by the Messrs. Kowarzik. The rendering of this beautiful piece of music was excellent, and the easy style of playing, together with the precision with which these gentlemen render even the most difficult pieces, is proof that they received their musical education from one of the best teachers that in Tasmania could be found, viz., thile late Mr. F. F. Kowarzik. We are very proud to have such talented and accomplished, as well as kind-hearted, gentlemen as the Messrs. Kowarzik in our midst . . .
"MARRIAGES", The North West Post (1 November 1888), 2
KOWARZIK - BINGHAM. - On October 30, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev H. T. Hull, F. F. Kowarzik, of Lilydale, to Mary, third daughter of John Bingham, of Spalford, Castra.
"Marriages", Launceston Examiner (17 June 1889), 1
KOWARZIK - WILSON. - On 29th May, at Maxwellton, Lilydale, the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. W. Marlin, Edmund Kowarzik, oldest son of the late F. F. Kowarzik, of Launceston, to Janet, youngest daughter of William and Grace Wilson.
"DEATHS", Daily Telegraph (19 September 1911), 1
KOWARZIK. - On the 17th September, at his residence, Fairfield, Lilydale, Frederick Ferdinand, second son of the late Professor F. F. Kowarzik, of Launceston, aged 64 years. Deeply regretted.
"DEATHS", The Argus (9 September 1931), 1
KOWARZIK - On the 7th September at 12 Linum street, Blackburn, Edmund Kowarzik, husband of the late Janet Kowarzik, and loved father of Annie (Mrs. Dalley), Francis, Fred, and Kathleen (Mrs. Ward), aged 85 years.
"LILYDALE", Examiner (19 September 1931), 5
On Tuesday, September 9, the death of Mr. Edward [sic] Kowarzik occurred at his daughter's residence, Blackburn, near Melbourne. For many years Mr. Kowarzik was a resident of Lilydale where he owned the property known as Seafileld, now owned by Mrs. J. R. Abel. He was a musician of more than ordinary ability, and was for many years organist of the Lilydale Presbyterian Church. Over 30 years ago he sold his property and went to Victoria. He was in his 85th year. He leaves a family of two sons and two daughters. His wife predeceased him by 12 months.
Bibliography and resources:
The cyclopedia of Tasmania: an historical and commercial review, volume 2 (Hobart: Maitland and Krone, 1900), 147, 342, 407 (photo)
G. F. Stilwell, "Mr. and Mrs. George Carr Clark of Ellinthorp Hall", Tasmanian Historical Research Association 11/3 (April 1963), 72-109 (83-84, 101 note 18);dn=81114276306;res=IELAPA (PAYWALL)
[101] . . . 18. Cyclopedia of Tasmania vol. 2; Francis Frederick Kowarzik (1813-1883) a native of Vienna, arrived late in 1839. After leaving "Ellinthorp" he became a teacher of languages and music in Campbell Town and Launceston and for a time in Adelaide. (CSO 1/142/5267; Tasmanian Advertiser 14 Jan. 1841; CSO 20/41/1115; Walch's Tasmanian Almanac 1884; Tas. Weekly Despatch, 1 Nov. 1839).
NOTE: As of 2020, I have not yet found evidence to confirm that Kowarzik was ever in Adelaide.
KRAEGEN, Charles (Carl Wilhelm Immanuel KRAEGEN; Charles KRAEGEN; Mr. KRAEGEN)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist, telegraph operator, member of the Albury German Vocal Club
Born Dresden, Saxony (Germany), 1833
Active Albury, NSW, c. 1860s
Died near Alice Springs, Central Australia (NT), 12 December 1871, aged "38" (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATION: Edward Charles Kraegen (son)
"THE HOSPITAL CONCERT", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (6 March 1861), 2
According to invitation a number of gentlemen assembled on Monday evening last, at Jones's Criterion Hotel,
for the purpose of electing a committee to carry out the arrangements for the approaching grand concert in aid of the funds for the opening of this institution.
Mr. Bennett took the chair, and explained the object of the meeting.
Upon the motion of Mr. L. Solomon a committee of thirteen gentlemen was formed, consisting of Messrs. Edmondson, Boyer, Barnett, Bennett,
Swete, Elliott, Murray, Murphy, Kraegen, Jones, Foster, Banfield, and the mover.
Mr. Mott's name was also added to the list.
The meeting was then dissolved, and the Committee began its labours by appointing the following gentlemen to superintend the musical arrangements - namely,
Messrs. Edmondson, Boyer, and Barnett, Glee and Chorus Masters;
Messrs. Jones and Bennett, Ballad Masters;
Mr. Boyer, Musical Director.
The subject as to where the concert should take place was then discussed,
and a resolution was come to that Captain Brownrigg should be solicited for the loan of the Court House for the occasion,
and, if this shonld be refused, then that it should take place in the Men's Ward of the Hospital.
The gentlemen appointed to wait upon Captain Brownrigg were, Messrs. Boyer, Edmondson, Barnett, and Swete.
Five gentlemen were also duputed to wait upon the lady musical celebrities of Albury, to solicit their assistance and co-operation;
and Mr. Kraegen and the Musical Director were also requested to wait upon the German Vocal Club for the same purpose.
Other preliminary matters having been arranged, the meeting was adjourned till Wednesday (this) evening, at eight o'clock.
This is a good beginning, and we hope the affair will be carried to a happy and profitable consummation.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bennett (musician); James Boyer (amateur); Lewis Jones (amateur); Joseph Knight Barnett (amateur); Edward James Foster (amateur, publican)
[Advertisement], The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (16 November 1861), 3
"POPULAR READINGS", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (9 November 1867), 5
Bibliography and resources:
Carl Wilhelm Emmanuel (Charles) Kraegen, Find a grave
KRAMER, Herr (Herr KRAMER; alias of Lazarus GROSSE; Louis; Lewis Lazarus GROSSE; GROSS)
Vocalist, dealer
Born Pest, Hungary, c. 1814 / 1819
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, "1853", ? 7 October 1854 (per Pestonjee Bomanjee, from Southampton, 18 June)
Active Beechworth, VIC, 1857
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1860 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 March 1854), 3
TO-NIGHT! To-Night! Kossuth Assembly Rooms, Great Brunswick-street, Collingwood.
Music and Dancing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No more dull nights.
P. C. Burke and L. Gross, Proprietors.
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Constantine Burke (musician)
"CITY POLICE COURT. Thursday 26th October . . . THEFT", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (27 October 1854), 5
Lazarus Gross, a man of respectable appearance about fifty years of age, and apprehended by Detective Williams was charged with stealing money from the dwelling house of one Charles Mernet. Mr. Tufton Smith solicitor appeared for the prosecution and Mr. Hogan for the defence. It was alleged that the prisoner had lodged with the prosecutor, and robbed him, whilst under his roof. On the application of the prosecutor's attorney, the case was remanded tomorrow for the production of conclusive testimony.
"THE CASE OF LAZARUS GROSS. To the Editor of the Age", The Age (4 November 1854), 6
Sir - Having read in your issue of to day the report of the above case in which I appeared as the prosecutor,
allow me to state that I am under great obligations to Mr. Martin Farkas for having acted in concert with me as well as the police securing the apprehension and conviction of the prisoner Lazarus Gross.
It appears that the said prisoner was a well known character, both in England and the United States, and also here in Melbourne.
It was his practice to pass himself off as a refugee Hungarian Officer who had served in the Hungarian Revolutionary war,
whereas the truth of the matter is that Gross is a Jew, born in Hungary, and left his native land some ten years ago (as he himself stated in court;) long before the revolution,
since which time the reports of his misdeeds have been such, as to raise the indignation of those few Hungarian gentlemen who,
like Mr. Farkas himself, left their country from far different motives, and who naturally felt greatly annoyed at seeing such persons as Gross assume airs and rank to which they are not entitled.
I have the honour to be
Your most obedient servant
Melbourne, Oct. 31st, 1854.
139, Great Lonsdale street east.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (27 July 1857), 3
FREE CONCERT EVERY Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday Evenings, EL DORADO HOTEL,
Mdle. ROLLAND, From Melbourne.
Mdle. SCHLUTER, Pianist and Vocalist.
Herr KRAMER, From the Royal Concert Rooms, Budah and Pssth, Hungary.
Mr. and Mrs. PENDLETON, In their Comic Scenes.
ALSO, MR. PENDLETON In his Unequalled Performance on the Bones and Three Tambourines.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alwine Schluter (pianist, vocalist); John and Emma Pendleton (vocalists)
NOTE: Also performing in Beechworth at the same time was Marie Kramer (vocalist) and her mother Margaretha Haimberger (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 August 1857), 3
EL DORADO HOTEL . . . The Evening's Performance will conclude with the Laughable Farce, entitled
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (11 August 1857), 3
. . . El Dorado Concert Room . . .
MR. PENDLETON Will appear . . . in his unequalled performance on the BONES AnD THREE TAMBOURINES.
Assisted by HERR KRAMER, MESSRS. GRIFFITH, ZEPLIN, And other professionals . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Griffith (violin); George Frederick Zeplin (harp)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (31 August 1857), 3
The following professional artistes have volunteered their services: -
Mr. Maynard, Mr. King, Miss Lorette, Mr. J. Cavenage, and Herr Kramer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ashton's Circus (troupe)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 September 1857), 3
Alliance Hotel. FREE AND EASY.
Engagement of Herr Kramer, The Celebrated Vocalist (from Buda and Pesth, Hungary.)
AND MR. WEST, The Favorite Comic Singer, and Dancer,
For Three Nights Only - Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday,
Th 7th, 9th, and 11th September. Admission Free!!!
"POLICE COURT. Monday, September 14 . . . ILLEGALLY AT LARGE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (15 September 1857), 2
Herr Kramer, alias Lazarus Grosse, a vocalist lately performing in this district, was charged by Detective John Alexander with being a ticket of leave holder out of his district. Remanded to Melbourne.
Description book, Darlinghurst Gaol, 1859; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
1869 / lazarus Grosse / Came Fee / Pestonjee Bom. / [year] 53 / Hungary / Jew / Dealer / [age] 40 . . .
"CIRCUIT COURT. Wednesday, 24th October. CIVIL JURISDICTION . . . GROSS v. ABRAHAM", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (25 October 1860), 2
. . . Action for malicious prosecution. The damages were laid at £500. The declaration alleged malicious arrest for alleged forcible entrance on certain premises in the Main (Melbourne) road. Plaintiff's counsel, in opening the case, said, that plaintiff was a native of Hungary, and defendant was the proprietor of several brothels in Ballarat or elsewhere, and actually subsisting on the prostitution of his own sister, the wife of the plaintiff. Thus living in a state of moral incest he dared to pollute the sacred temple of justice by his presence in defending that action. When plaintiff's wife was seduced from her allegiance to her husband she took with her £1100 of plaintiff's property, and when he went quietly to the house she was in to assert his rights as a husband, he was ordered into arrest under warrant, and was maliciously prosecuted before the police bench . . .
KRAMER, Madame (Margaretha TEUSEN; Madame Ernest KRAMER) = Margaretha HAIMBERGER
Musician, contralto vocalist, Alpine and Tyrolese vocalist
KRAMER, Marie (Johanna Henrietta Marie KRAMER; Maria KRAMER, Mary KRAMER; ; Mrs. J. C. ELLIS; Marie ELLIS)
Musician, soprano vocalist, Alpine and Tyrolese vocalist (pupil of Georgio Stigelli)
Born Altona, Denmark (Germany), c. 1843; daughter Ernest KRAMER and Margaretha TEUSEN
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 31 July 1855 (per Oliver Lang, from Liverpool, 5 May)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 25 July 1860 (per Norfolk, for London)
Arrived (2) Brisbane, QLD, 26 June 1862 (per City of Brisbane, from Plymouth, 26 February)
Active South Australia and Queensland, 1862-63
Married James Cole ELLIS (1843-1930), South Melbourne, VIC, June 1864
Active Newcastle, NSW, from 1868 to 1890s
Died Penguin, Ulverstone, TAS, 25 August 1907 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See also HAIMBERGER family

Marie Ellis, Newcastle, c. late 1880s
Marie Kramer arrived in Melbourne with her mother, Margaretha, and stepfather, Julius Haimberger, on 31 July 1855, on the Oliver Lang from Liverpool, and the three were first billed to perform for George Coppin, at Coppin's Olympic, in mid August.
With Marie and her mother performing as the "Tyrolese Minstels" ("Alpine and Tyrolean Minstrels"), they toured widely in mixed programs of folkloric and light classical music.
In July 1860, Marie sailed for Europe, where she stayed for eighteen months, and, as she advertised on her return, studied under the operatic tenor and teacher Georgio Stigelli (Georg Stiegele), probably in Vienna.
Having arrived back in Queensland in June 1862, Marie gave her first solo concerts in Ipswich and Brisbane in December 1863, with pianist Julius Kopp, and early in 1864 was enlisted in the Lyster Opera Company during its Queensland visit. In March and April she was a minor principal with the company in Sydney and Melbourne, appearing as Lisa in Lucrezia Borgia (Lucy Escott in the title role), Teresa in La sonnambula (Escott) and Thisbe in Rossini's Cinderella (with Rosalie Durand).
She married the merchant and future parliamentarian James Cole Ellis in Melbourne in June 1864, and in 1865 resumed public singing, as Mrs. J. C. Ellis, as a chorister and oratorio soloist with the Emerald Hill Philharmonic Society. In 1866 she first appeared as an oratorio soloist in Ballarat, and into 1867 as principal soprano with the Melbourne Philharmonic Society.
The Ellises moved to Newcastle, NSW, in mid 1868, and she presented occasional concerts and sang in public there until the end of the decade. Through the 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s, Marie Ellis was a leading figure in Newcastle charities. They retired to Tasmania, where she died in 1907, predeceasing her husband by over 20 years.
Many thanks (2017) to Kurt Ganzl for sharing details of Marie Kramer's marriage and death.
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London, England] (30 July 1847), 1
VAUXHALL . . . Sixth appearance of the celebrated Tyrolean Minstrels, Ernest and Trandel Kramer . . .
[Advertisement], Bolton Chronicle [Manchester, England] (27 November 1847), 1
STAR INN, BOLTON . . . Herr and Madame KRAMER, the celebrated Tyrolean Singers, ARE ENGAGED to appear for SIX NIGHTS . . . on Monday next, which will be their first appearance in any Concert Room in England . . .
[Advertisement], Hull Packet [England] (5 November 1852), 1
MUSIC HALL, HULL, MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY, Nov. 8th, 9th, and 10th; and MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, Beverley, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Nov. 11th and 12th . . . THE TYROLESE MINSTRELS, HERR OELKERS and HERR KAISER, the celebrated Guitarists; MADAME KRAMER, the celebrated Vocalist; and MADEMOISELLE MARIA, who have performed before the principle Courts of Europe . . .
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (7 May 1853), 2
A series of six concerts is now being given in the Lecture-hall of this spacious edifice, by a group of Tyrolese minstrels, denominated the Tyrol Family, and consisting of Herr Oelkers, Madame Kramer, and their daughter, Mademoiselle Marie . . .
[Advertisement], South Eastern Gazette [Kent, England] (31 October 1854), 8 (PAYWALL)
WHO have had the honour of appearing several times before her Most Gracious MAJESTY the QUEEN at Balmoral,
and nearly the whole of the Royalty of Europe, most respectfully announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Maidstone,
that they will give TWO GRAND CONCERTS at the Star Hotel, on Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings,
November 7th and 8th, 1854, under the patronage of the Worshipful the MAYOR.
The following testimonials are among the many received by the Tyrol Family:-
"The Tyrolese sang at Balmoral, in the presence of her Majesty the Queen, his Royal Highness Prince Albert, and her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, and gave very great satisfaction. - (signed) C. B. PHIPPS, Balmoral, September 15th, 1853."
"I am directed to say that the Tyrol Family performed before his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and Lady St. Germans, at the Vice Regal Lodge, and gave very great satisfaction - (Signed) BAGOT, Comptroller. April 18th, 1854."
"I have great pleasure to recommend this Tyrol Family to all admirers of Guitar and Harmonious Voices. (Signed) JENNY LIND. London, July 19th, 1847" . . .
"TUNBRIDGE WELLS. TYROLESE MINSTRELS", South Eastern Gazette (21 November 1854), 5
The lovers of harmony were gratified on Monday and Tuesday evenings, in listening to the performances of Herr Haimberger, Madame Kramer, and Mademoiselle Kramer, a little girl aged only 9 years, whose sweet singing of the "Happy merry mountain home," and "Come away to the valley," called forth repeated applause.
"THE TYROLESE MINSTRELS", Sussex Advertiser (28 November 1854), 6
. . . Mademoiselle Kramer, a little girl of about 12 years of age, sang very prettily her "Come to the Valley" was much applauded, and her occasional aid to Madame Kramer was effectually rendered . . .
[Advertisement], Kentish Independent [Woolwich, Kent] (24 March 1855), 1
Lecture Hall, Nelson Street, Woolwich. TWO GRAND CONCERTS, BY THE TYROLESE MINSTRELS, From the Royal Polytechnic Institution, On Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, March 28th and 29th, 1855 . . .
Australia, by August 1855
[Advertisement], The Age (10 August 1855), 8
First appearance of THE SERIOUS FAMILY, MR. G. V. BROOKE In a New Irish Character,
Mr. Coppin, determined to give a variety of Entertainments, has entered into an engagement, for a limited number of nights, with the celebrated
Who will be assisted by the Celebrated Violinist,
"COPPIN'S OLYMPIC", The Age (13 August 1855), 5
. . . After the comedy on Saturday evening, the Tyrolese Minstrels made ther first appearance and gave an agreeable variety to the evening's entertainment. Madame Kramer and her daughter (who looks just like her mamma viewed through the wrong end of a lorgnette) sang some very characteristic Alpine melodies full of those quaint phrases, echoes, and unusual "intervals" which are peculiar to the wild strains of the mountainous regions of Switzerland and the Tyrol. Both Madame and Mademoiselle possess pleasing voices and tunable ears; and the simple and unaffected style of their singing made a very favorable impression upon the audience . . .
"COPPIN'S OLYMPIC", The Age (31 August 1855), 4
After the "Corsican Brothers" last night, the Tyrolese Minstrels introduced some new melodies, one of which, with a refrain that was like the warble of a bird, was as charming a piece of vocalization as we could desire to hear, and was re-demanded with a burst of enthusiasm. In reply to the encore Madame Kramer and her daughter sang a duet, somewhat similar in character, and running off into the same joyous bird like trill, - an echo, as it were of the "wood notes wild," which fill the vallies of the Tyrol, and still haunt the memories of those who have visited that romantic region . . .
"SHIPPING. . . CLEARED OUT", The Age (26 July 1860), 4
July 15 - Norfolk, ship, 953 tons, J. S. Atwood, for London. Passengers - cabin . . . Miss Kramer . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Courier [Brisbane, QLD] (30 June 1862), 2
June 26, - City of Brisbane, ship, 970 tons, Captain Morris, from Plymouth on the 26th of February, passengers . . . (Second cabin) . . . Miss Kramer . . .
"WEEKLY EPITOME", The Courier (23 August 1862), 2
Very successful concerts were given in Ipswich on Monday and Tuesday evenings, by Mr. and Mrs. Haimberger, assisted by Miss Kramer - who has been, studying in Europe for the past eighteen months . . .
[Advertisement], The North Australian (12 December 1863), 4
December 15th and 16th, a CONCERT will be given by Miss KRAMER,
and Mr. J. KOPP, Violin Solo Player of the Conservatory of Munich . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (19 December 1863), 4
MONDAY and TUESDAY, THE 21ST and 22ND DECEMBER, 1863 . . .
Pianist: MR. ATKINSON.
MR. WYATT and MR. J. KLEIN have most kindly consented to give their assistance . . .
[News], The Courier (22 December 1863), 2
The concert given by Miss Kramer and Mr. Julius Kopp, last evening, in the School of Arts was a very excellent one, and worthy of the distinguished patronage under which it had been announced. From some cause, his Excellency the Governor and Lady Bowen, though expected to be present, were not in attendance; and the audience, select and appreciative, was not so numerous as we could have desired . . . Whether it was that we missed the sustaining presence of Madame Haimberger with her fair daughter, it seemed to us that Miss Maria Kramer sang with unequal voice. In the opening trio, Glover's "Gipsy's Laughing Chorus," she was adequate to the requirements upon her, and the only fault was the lack of energy or confidence in the tenor, a Mr. Wyatt. This gentleman comes forward as an amateur; he possesses a respectable voice, but was very diffident about allowing it to be heard. The duett, "I know a bank," suffered from the same cause, as indeed, nearly everything did, in which Mr. Wyatt took part. The beautiful ballad of "Kathleen Mavourneen," was quite outside Miss Kramer's capabilities, for she failed to catch the spirit of either the words or the melody. But in an exquisite, gushing, lovely, and lovable cavatina, "O bright were my visions" (from the opera of Victorine), she achieved a triumph, and gained an encore. Her vocalisation of the beautiful melody of Mendelssohn, "I would that my Love," arranged as a duett, was equally charming; but the complete success of the performance was marred by the unappreciating tenor. We have not referred to all the pieces on the programme, but only to those with which we were most pleased. Our readers should bear in mind that a second concert will be given this evening.
[News], The Courier (23 December 1863), 2
Miss Kramer und Mr. Julius Kopp's second concert, last evening, was not less attractive than their previous entertainment. The lady was in excellent voice, and her amiable coadjutor, the tenor, strove manfully to obviate any objections on his account. As the programme was, almost without exception, the same as that produced at the first concert, on Monday, we have little to add to our remarks upon that occasion . . .
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. THE OPERA", Freeman's Journal (12 March 1864), 3
. . . The part of the Count was very effectually rendered by Mr. F. Lyster, Mr. F. Trevor appeared in his old part of Alessio, and Miss Kramer, a young debutante with an excellent voice, made her first appearance as Lisa . . .
[News], The Argus (30 April 1864), 4
. . . Lyster brings back his old company . . . and we notice the name of an artiste new to the Melbourne stage - Miss Marie Kramer - as well as that of Mr. E. A. Beaumont (a tenor singer), who wes well received in Sydney . . .
"The Playhouse", Melbourne Punch (5 May 1864), 1
WOT I like in moosik is summat as tells a stori; and that's jest wot Mister GO-AND-NOD'S moosik in Foiost duz . . . The korus-singers kem out strong; and I was kwite pleasd to sea Miss KRAMER, witch I rekollec err singin at the hold Iron Pot in Lonsdale street, wen she wornt no ire than sixpennuth of aypens . . . Yours to komand, A GALLERY BOY.
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (10 June 1864), 4
ELLIS - KRAMER. - At St. Luke's Church, Emerald-hill, by the Rev. R. B. Dickinson, James C. Ellis, to Marie, eldest daughter of the late Ernest Kramer, Esq., of Altona, Denmark.
"BALLAARAT", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (7 July 1866), 2
The Ballaarat Harmonic Society announced a grand secular concert to take place on the 27th inst, when "Acis and Galatea," from Handel's Serenata, and Romberg's "Lay of the Bell" will be presented. Mrs. J. C. Ellis is announced as principal soprano, Mr. J. Robson, as usual, to be conductor.
"The Metropolitan Stage", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (21 July 1866), 2
The oratorio was Handel's "Judas Maccabaeus" . . . Mrs. J. C. Ellis was the soprano of the evening, and acquitted herself in a most satisfactory manner. She is possessed of a sweet expressive voice, and an earnest style of singing, which are admirably adapted to semi-sacred music. I believe this lady has sung at suburban amateur concerts with great success, but this is her first attempt in connection with the Philharmonic Society. Her singing of "Pious orgies" impressed me very favourably, and the subsequent airs, "From mighty kings," and "So shall the lute and harp," were sung in such an appropriate and feeling manner, as to gain her a place with the best of our oratorio singers. The society have shown sound judgment in entrusting to Mrs. Ellis the music of which she was so worthy an expositor on Tuesday evening.
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (23 January 1867), 5
. . . The report of the committee upon the proceedings of the past year was read by the secretary . . . The principal vocalists who appeared at the concerts during the year had been - Mrs. J. C. Ellis, Miss M. A. Liddell, Miss Ivey, Mrs. Perraton, Mr. C. A. Donaldson, Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. E. Exon, Signor Castelli, Mr. G. E. Labertouche, Mr. C. Blanchard, Mr. E. Amery, and Mr. S. Angus . . .
"CONCERT IN THE CITY HALL", The Newcastle Chronicle (10 June 1868), 3
We see by our advertising columns that on Monday next, we are to be favoured with a great musical performance, in the City Hall, in which Mrs. Ellis (formerly known in the musical world as Miss Marie Kramer) will take the leading parts, assisted by two gentlemen from Sydney. Mrs. Ellis has, of late years, resided in Melbourne, where she held the position of leading soprano in the Melbourne Philharmonic and Ballarat Harmonic Societies. We understand that Mrs. Ellis intends to settle here, and we may congratulate the public of Newcastle on such a acquisition, as she may be the means of fostering a greater civility amongst our local amateurs . . .
[Advertisement], The Newcastle Chronicle (25 July 1868), 4
is now prepared to receive Pupils to instruct on the
King-street, June 23, 1868.
"MRS. J. C. ELLIS" [with portrait illustration], Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (7 May 1897), 5
"DEATHS", Examiner (27 August 1907), 1
ELLIS. - On the 25th Inst., at "Lehara," Penguin, the wife of J. C. Ellis, aged 61.
"DEATH OF MRS. J. C. ELLIS", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (27 August 1907), 5
Alderman W. J. Ellis, of Newcastle, yesterday received a cable message announcing the death of his mother, Mrs. J. C. Ellis, wife of Mr. J, C. Ellis, ex M.P. for Newcastle, which took place on the previous day at Penguin, Tasmania, where she nd her husband had been living for some time. The deceased lady, who had been ailing for many months, had been a former resident of Newcastle for about 35 years, and was highly esteemed by a large number of friends and acquaintances, to whom she had endeared herself by her many excellent traits of character. During her long residence in Newcastle, Mrs. Ellis identified herself with nearly every charitable and philanthropic movement, and being the possessor of a good voice, her assistance at concerts and entertainments was constantly in request, and cheerfully given . . . Mrs. Ellis was a native of Altona, near Hamburg, Germany. At the time of her death she was in her 63rd year, and came to Australia when 18 years of age. She married Mr. J. C. Ellis in Melbourne, and soon afterwards came to Newcastle with her husband and established her home . . .
"THE LATE MRS. J. C. ELLIS", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (28 August 1907), 5
Mr. J. A. Hogue, Minister for Public Instruction, in the course of a conversation . . . to-day, said: . . . She was at one time the leading soprano of New South Wales. Her deeply religious cast of mind drew her to oratorio chiefly and sacred music generally. There are many living today who remember the exquisite purity of her voice on the concert platform, in oratorio, and in the church, and the fine artistic instinct and culture with which she sang . . .
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Queenslander (7 August 1909), 35
Other documentation:
Marie Kramer Ellis personal papers mainly relating to Tyrolese Minstrels, ca. 1853-1897; State Library of New South Wales
Bibliography and resources:
Jessie Ellis with Joan Clarke, Belated applause! a biography of Marie Kramer Ellis (Sydney: W. J. Ellis, 1986)
Paul F. Cooper, "Ellis and Levvy: The relationship of Marie Ellis and Frances Levvy", Philanthropists and Philanthropy in Australian colonial history
"Mr. James Cole ELLIS (1843-1930); Parliament of New South Wales
James Ellis (Australian politician), Wikipedia
KRAUSE, George (George KRAUSE)
Musician, bandsman (Headquarters Band, Melbourne)
Born c. 1823
Died Melbourne, VIC, 19/20 October 1874, aged "51" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SUDDEN DEATH", The Herald (20 October 1874), 3
Dr. Youl, City Coroner, held an inquest today at the Melbourne Hospital on the body of George Krause, aged fifty-one years, a musician. Johanna Leader, lodginghouse keeper, of Lonsdale street, deposed: The deceased lodged for a fortnight in my house. He was unmarried. The deceased was always in good health. He went to bed on last Friday night, the 16th inst., at ten o'clock. He was then apparently in good health. He did not drink. He had a room to himself. I did not hear him up in the night. I went to call him on the next morning to breakfast at eight o'clock. I got not answer. I opened the door. I found him lying insensible in bed. I got a doctor to see him, who advised that I should send deceased to the Hospital, which I did. Dr. Lewellin, surgeon at the Meibourne Hospital stated that the deceased never rallied after his admission to the Hospital. The cause of death was apoplexy due probably to disease of the kidneys. Verdict accordingly.
"Funeral Notices", The Argus (20 October 1874), 8
The friends of the late Mr. GEORGE KRAUSE (member of the Headquarters Band) are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral to move from the Melbourne Hospital, THIS DAY, 20th inst, at half past 2 o'clock p.m. JOHN DALEY, undertaker Latrobe and Spring streets, Melbourne.
Violinist (first violin of the Grand Ducal Opera House of Carlsruhe, Baden), composer
Born Kommatau, near Prague, c. 1837/8
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by January 1877
Died Sydney, NSW, 29 April 1918, aged 80 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 January 1877), 2
"SYDNEY MUSICAL UNION SOCIETY", Evening News (26 January 1877), 2
Herr Joseph Kretschmann made his debut as a solo violinist, and played an andante of Mendelssohn's with marked effect, and in the finale proved himself to be an executant of such music to whom an audience can listen with pleasure and interest. He played without affectation, and bows firmly and gracefully, and succeeds in giving even presto passages, with great clearness. His tone, perhaps, maybe improved, but his efforts last night were loudly applauded.
"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 April 1918), 5
"DEATH OF JOSEF KRETSCHMANN", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1918), 8
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1918) 8
The death of Josef Kretschmann at the age of 80 years last Monday removes from amongst us a touching embodiment of cheery old age, known by sight to thousands of people, and a musician with a genius for teaching, who was adored by his pupils, period after period, for 40 years past. All such will rejoice to learn that their kind-hearted old master kept in harness until within a fortnight of the end, and passed away quietly and happily at Lavender Bay, without any seriously apparent illness. According to a statement made by the violinist in 1910, he was born at Kommatau, near Prague, and was left an orphan at the age of seven. Eventually he entered the Leipsic Conservatorium on a scholarship, and later on, after experience as leader of the orchestra at the Court Theatre, he was appointed violinist for some years to the Grand Duke of Baden-Baden. The Grand Duchess furnished him with the means to realise his ambition of visiting the ruins of Babylon and Nineveh, but his money ran out when he was near Mount Ararat and he beat a hasty retreat back to civilisation via Constantinople. His only other adventure consisted of service as a Red Cross stretcher-bearer during the Franco-Prussian war. Kretschmann was gentle and kind-hearted by nature, and the horrors of war made such an impression on him that the subject was one he dreaded even to refer to. He quoted January, 1876, as the date of his arrival in Sydney, but January, 1878, is probably the correct date [recte January 1877], as a few weeks later he made his debut with the Sydney Musical Union. He conducted the first public performance of Bach's "Passion Music" in the Great Hall of the University, where so many concerts were held before the Town hall was opened in 1889, introduced the second act of "Tannhauser," and organised a series of Haydn Chamber Music Concerts at the Royal Society's rooms. Kretschmann in later life was by no means accurate as a violinist, so that for nearly 30 years his public appearances were confined to his crowded annual students' concerts at the Town Hall, and to his Saturday pupils' recitals at Paling's Hall. His pupils, two or three of whom attained celebrity after tuition in Europe, included for violin Bessie Doyle (Eileen Mitchell O'Moore), Cyril Monk, and Rebe Kussman; and of pianists in the same way Elsie Stanley Hall, Yvonne Leverrier (Mme. Charvin), Madeleine Royle, Esther Kahn, Ruby Rich, Phyllis Hopwood Foldi, and May Summerbelle.
KRIEGSMANN, Caspar Rudolph (Kaspar Rudolf KRIEGSMANN; Caspar Rudolph KRIEGSMANN; Casparino; Kasparino; Casper; Caspar KRIEGSMANN; Herr KRIEGSMANN)
Professor of music, pianist, teacher of music, pianoforte and singing
Born Hanover, Germany, c. 1829/30
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 22 October 1854 (per Jacqueline and Elise, from Amsterdam 22 May)
Married Anne ADDISON BROWNE (d. 1893), NSW, March 1859
Died Sydney, NSW, 19 April 1903, aged 73 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire (23 October 1854), 4
October 22. - Jacqueline and Elise, Dutch brig, 204 tons, Captain B. Sikkens, from Amsterdam May 22, Melbourne October 14. Passengers-Messrs. T. T. Krulfhouft, B. C. Kriegoman [sic] Agents. J. Dhanis and Co.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1854), 1
MR. C. R. KRIEGSMANN, Professor of Music, 9, Forbes street, Woolloomooloo. (A card.)
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 November 1854), 5
The second concert of the Sydney Philharmonic Society was given yesterday evening, in the hall of St. Mary s Seminary. The attendance was not so numerous as on the occasion of the first concert given by this society, but amongst those present we noticed, in addition to several of the leading families in Sydney, several professors of music of some eminence. The orchestra, conducted by Mr. F. C. W. Stier, performed, in a very creditable manner, Beethoven's Symphony No. 1, Haydn's Symphony No. 35, and the overtures La Caravane and Zampa. Meyerbeer's Andante Pastorale de la Prophète was encored, as was also the favourite glee, Sleep Gentle Lady, which was beautifully executed. Thalberg's Fantasia Brillante pour Piano was artistically rendered by Mr. C. Kriegsmann. One of the best executed pieces on the programme was a duet (flute and pianoforte), which was rapturously encored.
. . . One of Thalberg's brilliant fantasias for the Pianoforte followed, and was chosen to introduce a new pianist, Mr. C. Kriegsmann, to the Sydney public. This gentleman is a sound and careful player, without any pretensions to extraordinary manual dexterity. He produced considerable effect, but the pianoforte has now become an instrument upon which a high degree of executive skill is so common that it requires the talent of a Thalberg or a Liszt to astonish an audience . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1855), 1
MR. KASPARINO KRIEGSMANN, Professor of the Pianoforte, Singing. - Classes for the above at his residence, No, 9, Forbes-street, Woolloomooloo
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 March 1855), 8
MR. CASPARINO KRIEGSMANN, professor of music, removed from 9, Forbes-street, to William-street (opposite Forbes-street) -at Mrs. MILES'.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 November 1855), 3
MR. CASPARINO KRIEGSMANN, grateful for the patronage of numerous private pupils,
begs to announce that he proposes, by permission of Mr. Johnson, to open at the Music Rooms of the latter, in Pitt-street,
classes for teaching the Piano; at which the students will have the use of four pianofortes,
and the opportunity of acquiring time and precision, best attained by practising in combination.
This method is much epitomised in the German school, and requires but to be introduced to be appreciated.
The Classes will meet on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, from 3 to 7 pm.
References as to terms may be had either at Mr. JOHNSON'S, 57, Pitt-street;
or, at Mr. KRIEGSMANN'S residence, No. 3, Devonshire-place, William street, Woolloomooloo.
Certificate to naturalize . . . Casparino Kriegsmann . . . 1 December 1855; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . that the said Casparino Kriegsmann is a native of Conabruch [?] in Hanover, twenty five years of age, and that having arrived by the ship Jacqueline & Elise in the year 1854 he is now residing in Sydney and intending to reside permanently in the said colony in the exercise of his profession . . . GIVEN . . . this first day of December [1855] . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 April 1856), 1
MR. C. KRIEGSMANN, Professor of Music, removed from 3, Devonshire-plaoe, into Sydney, 10, Wynyard-square.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1856), 8
MR. C KRIEGSMAN, Professor of Music, begs to inform the parents and guardians of his pupils, that the half yearly examination will take place at his residence, St. Kilda House, Woolloomooloo-street, on the 20th June instant.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 October 1856), 1
MUSICAL NOTICE. - Mr. C. KRIEGSMANN begs to inform his friends that the next Examination will take place about Christmas, at 37, Bourke-street. Mr. Kriegsmann further begs to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has received a splendid collection of Music, written by the most eminent composers of Germany. The studies for pianoforte are by I. Moscheles, Cramer, studies of perfection by Sig. Thalberg and other masters.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1857), 1
MR. CASPAR KRIEGSMANN begs to inform his friends that the EXAMINATION of his PUPILS, will take place at Mr. Clark's new Assembly Rooms, Elizabeth-street North, on SATURDAY, July 18th, 18.57, at two o'clock, p.m., precisely. N.B. In order to keep this Concert select, Mr. C. K. reminds his friends to produce their invitation at the door.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 September 1858), 10
HERR CASPAR KRIEGSMANN begs to Inform the public that he has just received a choice collection of Pianoforte Music from the most eminent composers of Germany and France. The studies combine exercises from the very commencement, up to the utmost degree of execution; and also studies for the left-hand only. A vacancy for two pupils, at his own residence, 59, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 November 1858), 9
respectfully invites the attention of his friends and the public generally upon his superior collection of Classical Music,
just received, and which will be now for SALE, at his Music Rooms, 95, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo.
Chopin (Fr.) - Grand Concerto - Solo for the pianoforte with an accompaniment for orchestra or quintor ad libitum, op. 11.
"Scherzo." op. 31
"Scherzo," op. 39
"Scherzo," op, 54
"Nocturne," op. 32, &c.
Thalberg (Sig.)-Moses, William Tell, Barbier di Seville, Les Huguenots, Robert le Diable, Der Freischutz, Eurianthe, Norma, &c.
Kalkbrenner - La ci darem la mano, op. 33
Sonate, op. 42
Pirate, op. 98
Pre aux Clercs, op. 119
I Puritani, op. 140
Kalkbrenner - Air, Hannovrien
Herz (Henri) - Dernier Valse de Weber
Siege de Corinthe
Jessonda, &c.
H. Cramer - No. I-900
F. Beyep - Fleur de l'Opéra Italien - easy and progressive pieces for children, No. 1-900.
Dohler Th.
Czerny, Charles
Moscheles (T.)
Felix Mendelasohn Bartholdy.
Bertini's (H.) Exercises for small hands.
Bertini's Exercises for more advanced pupils, expressly composed for the use of the Royal Academie of Music in Paris.
Cramer (T. B.) op. 70, and op. 81, Liv. 1, 2, 3, 4. These are studies for the use of those who are determined to study their instrument in perfection.
Moscheles' 24 Caractéristique Studies, for more advanced pupils in the different majeurs and mineurs keys.
Kalkbrenner Studies for style op. 20. principally composed for the left hand only, and dedicated to his friend, Frederic Chopin.
Frederic Chopin - School of Perfection, dedicated to Herr Kalkbrenner.
Beyer's (Ferd.) Studies for Children, whose parents would like to improve their children, without music masters.
HERR CASPAR KRIEGSMANN continues to receive pupils (half-hour lessons) at his Music Rooms, 95, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1859), 9
FOR SALE, an elegant Rosewood Cottage PIANO FORTE, 6 7/8 octaves, the property of a gentleman. Apply at Mr. CASPER KRIEGSMANN'S, Music Rooms, 95, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 March 1859), 1
By special license, by the Rev. John Dougal, Mr. Casper Rudolph Kriegsmann, to Mrs. Anne Browne, second daughter of William Addison, Esq., of Eccleshall, Staffordshire, England.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1859), 1
MR. CASP. RUDOLPH KRIEGSMANN has for SALE a choice collection of Pianoforte MUSIC by the best masters; also, popular music, such as dance music. Pianoforte Pupils instructed at his residence, Leicester-place, 59, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo.
"INSOLVENCY COURT", Empire (22 August 1860), 8
Caspar Kreigsman [sic], of Paddington, professor of music, Liabilities, £214 13s. 6d. Assets-value of personal properly, £25; outstanding debts, £47 16s. 10d.; total, £73 16s 10d. Deficit, £141 17s. 8d. Mr. Sempill, official assignee.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (11 December 1860), 2424
Thursday, 13 December.
Grand Pianoforte, by Erard.
In the Insolvent Estate of Caspar Kriegsman, professor of music.
By order of R. H. Sempill, Esq., Official Assignee in the above Estate.
PURKIS & LAMBERT will sell by auction, at their rooms, 255, George-street, on Thursday, 13th instant, at 11 o'clock precisely,
A rosewood full compass grand pianoforte, by Erard, with all the modern improvements.
Can be viewed at Messrs. H. R. Hurford & Co's Pianoforte Warehouse, Castlereagh-street, up to the day of sale.
Terms - Cash.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1862), 10
A FRENCH LADY, Mademoiselle de LAPREZ, intends opening classes for Young Ladies in French, German, drawing, and music; also evening classes for gentlemen. Musical instructions by Mr. C. Kriegsmann. 67, Riley-street, Surry Hills, opposite Reservoir.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1863), 4
AVIS. - EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT for Young Ladies, Boarders, and Day Pupils. - The Misses PURCELL (assisted by competent professors) will open their establishment, Elizabeth-street, corner of Liverpool-street, Hyde Park, on July 13th instant . . . Masters - Mons. E. de Lolle, B. A.. of the University of Paris, French, Latin, and Drawing; Mr. Kriegsmann, from the Academy of Music in-Hanover, Pianoforte and Singing; Miss Purcell, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1865), 1
MR. KRIEGSMANN is prepared to receive three PUPILS on July the 1st. Arrangements can be made at his Pianoforte-class Room, 213, Crown-street, Surry Hills, near South Head Road.
"CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1872), 2
Emile De Lolle was brought before the Court by detective Camphin, who deposed that last night he apprehended him in execution of a warrant, in which he is charged with having feloniously uttered to one John Smith a forged cheque. He said that he received the cheque from a Mr. Kriegsman . . . he said that he received the cheque from a person named Kreigsman for three months' tuition in music. Carlo Kriegsman, professor of music, deposed that the cheque is not his, nor written by his authority . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile de Lolle (musician)
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1893), 1
KRIEGSMANN. - July 26, 1893 at her residence, Hanover House, 361 Dowling street near Oxford-street, Anne Kriegsmann good and faithful wife of Casper Rudolph Kriegsmann.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 April 1903), 6
KRIEGSMANN. - April 19, 1903, at his residence, 361 Dowling-street, Moore Park, Casper Rudolph Kriegsmann, born at Hanover, Germany, aged 73 years.
General rules for playing the piano-forte: a guide to parents, guardians, the general reader and others, translated from the works of the most eminent masters, by C. Rudolph Kriegsmann (Sydney: F. Cunninghame & Co., printers, [n.d.])
KROM, John Herman (Johann Hermann KROM; John Herman KROM; KRON)
Professor of music, piano-forte, English concertina, singing, &c.
Born c. 1821
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1855
Married Christina CLARK, VIC, 1856
Departed Melbourne, VIC, October 1861 (per Ary Scheuffer, for Batavia, aged "40")
Died Batavia, Indonesia, 20 September 1865 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Evidently of German descent, but French-speaking, Krom was probably the "Monsieur Krome" billed to appear for the violinist Frederick Strebinger and his wife, at their concert at the Prince Albert Hotel, Prahran, on 6 July 1854, with Elizabeth Testar. He advertised as a piano tuner in Melbourne's southern-east suburbs in January 1855, and later that year as a teacher of piano, singing, and the English concertina. In February 1855, he was billed among the performers in the nightly promenade concerts at the Criterion Hotel..
In 1856, he married Christina Clark, who later, as Mrs. Krom, in 1860-61 ran a recruitment agency in the city of Melbourne.
Krom evidently became sufficiently well-known and well-liked among fellow professionals, that when he broke his leg in 1857, and was prevented from working, a benefit concert was specially organised to support him in December, featuring an impressive lineup of locals including Octavia Hamilton, Emilie Smith, Charles Bial, Julius Siede, George Tolhurst, and W. H. Williams.
Despite this timely assistance, his incapacity continued to plague him, and he was declared insolvent in August 1858.
In 1859 he spent some time in Geelong, where he advertised as a teacher of French as well as music.
In September 1861, Krom was accorded a farewell benefit, at the Princess's Theatre, organised by a committee of locals under the patronage of the governor, Henry Barkly, at which Horace Poussard and Rene Douay performed. The following month, he and his wife and two daughters, sailed for Batavia.
Krom continued to advertise as a teacher of piano and singing, and as an importer of pianos until mid-1865. He died in Batavia on 20 September 1865, leaving his wife with four young children to provide for. She is probably the Mrs. Krom who, with three children, sailed from Sydney to Melbourne in July 1867.
"UNCLAIMED LETTERS", South Australian Register (10 November 1849), 4
. . . Krön, Mr., Melbourne . . .
"LIST OF LETTERS . . . Unclaimed", The Argus (21 January 1850), 4
. . . Mr. Kron . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1854), 8
HERR STREBINGER'S Concert, Prince Albert Hotel Prahran, assisted by Mrs. Testar, Miss Edwards, Madame Strebinger, Monsieur Krome and Mr. Ferdinand Rosenstein.
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 January 1855), 6
ST. KILDA, Prahran, Brighton. Pianofortes tuned by J. H. Krom. Apply Messrs. Davies, Junction, St. Kilda.
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 February 1855), 8
CRITERION HALL. - Immense Attraction - To-night, and every evening during the week,
Grand Promenade Concerts a la Julllen, in the spacious and magnificent hall of the Criterion Hotel. An entire change of performance.
One shilling. Admission, one shilling.
Miss Graham, in her admired Scotch ballads; Miss Bourne, the well-known and favorite songstress;
Mr. Geo. Clifford, the unrivalled tenor of the colony; Herr Funk, the unsurpassed performer on the clarionet,
will execute one of his elaborate solos every evening during the week.
Together with Chapman's unrivalled band; comprising all the acknowledged available talent in the colony.
Miss Graham, Miss Bourne, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Chapman, Herr Funk, Mr. Weston, Mr. Reed, Mr. Mather, Mr. Weis, Mr. Thorn, Mr. Sims, Mr. Ellis,
Herr Keillor, Mons. J. H. Krom . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 September 1855), 7
MONSIEUR KROM, Professor of Piano-forte, English Concertina, Singing, &c. Apply Mr. Arnott, Junction Library, St. Kilda.
"CONCERT", The Argus (2 December 1857), 4
A benefit concert is is be given this evening at the Mechanics' Institution, and special attention deserves to be drawn to the entertainment because it has been got up by several leading members of the musical profession for the benefit of Mr. Krom, a well-known teacher of music, who has met with a severe accident which has incapacitated him from attending to his professional duties. So kindly and benevolent a project is creditable to the good feeling of those who have set it on foot, and we hope their efforts may be seconded by the public. We observe that a new contralto - Miss E. Turner, a sister of Mrs. Testar - will make her first appearance at this concert.
[Advertisement], The Age (2 December 1857), 1
On Wednesday, December, 2nd, 1857.
First Appearance in the Colony of MISS E. TURNER.
Tho following distinguished Artistes have kindly volunteered their services: -
Part I.
Trio and Chorus - "The chough and crow." - Bishop.
Song - "The sorrows of the heart." - Mr. Blanchard - Balfe.
Fantasia, Pianoforte - "We're a' noddin." - Miss Smith - Thalberg.
Song - "The old arm-chair." - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Russell.
Song - "The minstrel's lament." - Mrs. Batten - Hum.
Fantasia, Flute - Composed and executed by Mr. Julius Siede.
Duett - "I would that my love." - Miss Octavia Hamilton and Miss E. Turner - Mendelssohn.
Song - "The pilot." - Mr. G. Tolhurst - Nelson.
Chansonette - "Ma brunette." - Miss E. Turner - Arnaud.
Part II.
Grand Duett - For two Pianofortes - Miss Smith and Mr. C. Bial - Thalberg.
Song - "Scenes of my youth." - Miss E. Turner - Benedict.
Ballad - "Nina." - Mr. Williams - J. W. Hobbs.
Ballad - "Little Nell" - First time, as arranged for Madame Bishop - Miss Octavia Hamilton - C. S. Packer.
Solo, Concertina. - Mr. Krom - Lake.
Song - "Swiss girl." - Mrs. Batten.
Duett - "Love and war." - Messrs. Williams and Blanchard - Cooke.
Doors open at half-past Seven; Concert to commence at Eight o'clock.
Tickets, Five Shillings; to be had at Wilkie's Music Saloon, 15 Collins street east;
R. Mackie's Music Warehouse, Swanston street; and Litolff and Glen's, Bourke-street east.
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 January 1858), 8
ENGLISH CONCERTINA - Evening CLASS being formed by Mr. Krom. Apply Music Warehouse, 15 Collins-street east.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (10 July 1858), 6
John Herman Krom, Melbourne, music teacher. Causes of insolvency: falling off in business in consequence of having broken his leg, subsequent ill health, and pressure of a judgment creditor under the new County Court Act. Liabilities, £185 19s 11d; assets, £75 5s. Official assignee, Mr. Courtney.
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 August 1858), 8
MR. KROM, TEACHER of the PIANOFORTE, English Concertina, and Singing. 87, Stephen-street south.
"INSOLVENT COURT . . . IN RE JOHN H. KRON", The Argus (15 September 1858), 7
This was a first and only meeting. Mr. Courtney, Official Assignee.
Mr. McGregor appeared for the insolvent, who was present.
Some debts were proved. The insolvent was examined, and it appeared that he had been a teacher of music,
and his insolvency, had occurred through his having broken his leg, thereby being prevented from following his profession.
The furniture was by the voice of the creditors allowed to the insolvent.
Mr. COURTNEY said he was out of pocket, and should expect to be indemnified if the furniture was allowed to the insolvent, as it was the only asset in the estate.
The insolvent was directed to pay £10 to the Official Assignee as soon as he possibly could.
Some inquiry was made into the assets of the estate, as there appeared to be money owed by Mr. Maurice Travers McDonough,
and by Mr. Albert Read; after which the meeting closed.
"INSOLVENT COURT", The Argus (14 February 1859), 5
J. H. Kroms, adjourned certificate meeting at 11 o'clock . . .
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (3 May 1859), 2
Monsieur Krom advertises a concert to take place on Tuesday, the 17th instant, a the Geelong Mechanics' Institute, in which the Misses McCarthy will take a distinguished part.
Membership register, No. 349, Melbourne, VIC, 1859; Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland (PAYWALL)
John Hermann Krom / [admitted] 6th Dec'r 1859 / 173 / 24th Sept'r 1861
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 April 1860), 3
TUESDAY, APRIL 3. 37 Stephen-street, a few doors out of Collins-street, on the right-hand side. Household Furniture, Rosewood Pianoforte. BEAUCHAMP BROTHERS have received instructions Mr. J. H. Krom to SELL by AUCTION, at his residency 37 Stephen-street, on Tuesday, April 3, at twelve o'clock, His superior household furniture . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (15 June 1860), 4
On the 14th inst., at 79 Collins-street east, Elizabeth, second daughter of John and Christina Krom, aged nearly two years.
"BIRTHS", The Argus (3 July 1860), 4
On the 30th ult., at 79 Collins-street east, the wife of J. H. Krom of a daughter.
[Advertisement], The Age (16 September 1861), 1
ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE. Farewell benefit of Mr. Krom, under the Patronage and presence of SIR HENRY BARKLY. PLAYING AT LOVE. Grand Concert by MM. POUSSAND AND DOUAY. And last time of ALADDIN.
[Advertisement], Java-bode: nieuws, handels- en advertentieblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie [Batavia] (18 January 1862), 2
recommandeert zich voor het geven van
Muzijk- en Zanglessen,
alsmede voor het Pianostemmer. HOTEL DES INDES 51.
[Advertisement], Java-bode: nieuws, handels- en advertentieblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie (20 May 1865), 2
J. H. Krom, Passer Baroe, heeft ontvangen per Pollux, Kapt. BLOK, eene uitmuntende PIANINO uit de beroemde Fabriek van PLEYEL, WOLFF & Co. te Parijs, alsmede eene partij Glazen Voetstukken (Socles de Piano), Pianosnaren, enz.
[Deaths], Java-bode: nieuws, handels- en advertentieblad voor Nederlandsch-Indie (23 September 1865), 1
Heden overleed tot mijne diepe droefheid mijn geliefde echtgenoot J. H. Krom,
mij nalatende vie kinderen, allen nog te jong om hun onherstelbaar verlies te befessen.
Weduwe C. KROM, geboren Clarke.
BATAVIA, 20 September 1865.
Eenige kennisgave.
"CLEARANCES - JULY 27", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1867), 4
City of Adelaide (s.) 815 tons, Captain Walker, for Melbourne. Passengers - Mrs. Bruyers and child, Miss Bruyers, Mrs. Krom and 3 children . . .
KRUGER, Benno (Benno KRUGER)
Bandmaster, cornet player, circus musician, manager (Kruger's Variety and Minstrel Company), "musical manipulator" (musical glasses)
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1887
Died ? Keswick, SA, 29 November 1935, aged 71 (shareable link to this entry)
"ROTUNDA CONCERT", South Australian Register (29 October 1887), 6
"KRUGER'S MINSTRELS", Kapunda Herald (24 January 1890), 2
"KRUGER'S MINSTRELS", The Border Watch (24 May 1890), 2
Mr. Kruger is one of the most versatile members, and his performance on the musical glasses was particularly enjoyed. To play correctly on so many glasses, embracing all the notes in five or six octaves, requires a great deal of dexterity as well as good natural talent.
[Advertisement], Morning Bulletin (29 October 1892), 1
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (12 November 1902), 2
"A SPECIAL MARCH", The Advertiser (30 October 1908), 8
Mr. Benno Kruger, bandmaster of the United Labor Party Band, has composed a special march, entitled "Labor," which is to be played in the eight hours procession on Saturday next. The march opens with an inspiring introduction, leading into "The Song of Australia," followed by a bold and massive bass solo, concluding with a trio. The whole makes a fine march, and reflects credit upon Mr. Kruger, under whose direction the United Labor Party Band is attaining a high state of proficiency.
"LABOR PARTY BAND CONCERT", The Advertiser (10 February 1910), 10
? "DEATHS", The Advertiser (2 December 1935), 14
KRUSE, Herman (Herman KRUSE; Hermann KRUSE)
Orchestra leader, bandmaster (Kruse's Band; German band; Full Band from the Royal Garden, Vauxhall)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 6 October 1854 (per Oliver Lang, from Liverpool, 24 June, via Melbourne, 28 September)
? Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 December 1854 (per Oliver Lang, for Liverpool) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

"OPENING OF THE BAZAAR IN THE ROYAL HOTEL", Illustrated Sydney News (14 January 1854), 1 (DIGITISED)
List of the crew . . . arrived on the Oliver Lang, from Liverpool to Sydney, 7 October 1854; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . / Musician / 22 / Germany
. . . / [Musician] / 29 / [Germany]
. . . / [Musician] / 27 / [Germany]
. . . / [Musician] / 19 / [Germany]
. . . / [Musician] / 34 / [Germany]
. . . / [Musician] / 20 / [Germany]
. . . / [Musician] / 45 / [Germany]
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and George Mohr (musicians)
NOTE: The names in the image are illegible, the electronic index (several spellings likely incorrect) has:
Herman Kruse, George Moby/Moley, Henry Moor, Loudy, Harsen, Martin Freudenstin, Valentin Korst, Henry Ratmond
[Advertisement], Empire (10 October 1854), 1
THIS DAY, from 2 to 5 p.m., the celebrated band of Herr Herman Kruse, just arrived,
has been engaged to give a Concert in the Bazaar, Royal Hotel.
Admission Free!
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 October 1854), 2
HERR HERMAN KRUSE'S band will play every afternoon, at the Bazaar, Royal Hotel.
"ROYAL HOTEL BAZAAR", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1854), 5
We have been much gratified on visiting this delightful resort, combining within its precincts amusement as well as business. The proprietor has engaged the services of an efficient band of German musicians, who greet the visitants, who pass in through the Hotel without charge, - with some really good music. This place is becoming quite a fashionable lounge and agreeable retreat from the heat and dust which are now become so annoying.
[Advertisement], Empire (28 October 1854), 1
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS (a la Jullien,) will take place in the Bazaar, every Evening, commencing
MONDAY, October 30.
Full Band from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London. Conductor, Herr Kruse.
Principal Vocalists, Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Hancock, and Mr. J. Fairchild. Pianist, Mr. Emanuel . . .
"SYNOPSIS OF MEETINGS, &c., FOR THE WEEK", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 October 1854), 5
. . . at the Royal Hotel this evening, and to be continued on following evenings, a grand promenade concert a la Jullien is announced. The advertisement represents the performance to be conducted by Herr Kruse, with a full band from the Royal Vauxhall Gardens . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (30 October 1854), 1
ROYAL HOTEL. Great Attraction every Evening.
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place in the Bazaar.
Full Band from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London. Conductor - HERR KRUSE.
Pianist. MR. EMANUEL.
Overture - Falschmuntzer. [Auber]
National Song, Mr. HANCOCK, - "Unfurl the Flag" - Blockley.
Pot Pouri, William Tell - Rossini.
Song, "Tell me my heart," by a LADY.
Polka, Blumenfest - Herr Kreutzer.
Ballad, Mr. J. FAIRCHILD, " Wapping Old Stairs" - Percy.
Cavatina, Sonnambula - Bellini.
Song, "The Tribute of a Tear," - Loder.
Waltz, Amalien - Kalliweda [Kalliwoda]
Ballad, " Cherry Ripe," by a LADY - Horn.
Song, Mr. J. FAIRCHILD, "Tom Bowling" - Dibdin.
"God Save the Queen" - Horn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Edward Hancock (vocalist); Abraham Emanuel (pianist)
[Advertisement], Empire (2 November 1854), 1
ROYAL HOTEL Great Attraction every Evening.
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place in the Bazaar.
Full band from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London. Conductor.- HERR KRUSE.
Pianist - MR. EMANUEL.
PROGRAMME, November 1st.
Overture - Band. Glee - Hail smiling morn. - Spofforth.
Polka - Band. Song - Miss Flora Harris - I love the dewy twilight. - Glover.
Pot Pouri - William Tell. Song - Mr. Hancock - Gipsy Prince. - Sporle.
Waltz - Band. Song - Madame Clementy. - Should he upbraid, - Bishop.
Galop - Band. Song - Mr. J. Fairchild - Madeline. - Nelson.
Cavatina - La Sonnambula. - Bellini. Song - Miss Flora Harris - The Swallows. - F. Abter [Abt].
Polka - Band. Song - Mr. Hancock - The Fugitive Slave.
Galop - Band. Song - Madame Clementy - Banks of Allan Water. - Walker.
Waltz - Band. Song - Mr. J. Fairchild - I'm Leaving thee, Annie. - Barker.
Doors open at half-pant 7; commence at 8 precisely. Admission to Promenade, One shilling; Dress Circle, 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); Sarah Clementi (vocalist)
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 November 1854), 1
PROMENADE CONCERTS. - Bazaar, Royal Hotel.- HERR KRUSE'S Band being engaged by Mrs. Andrew's, there will be no Concert THIS EVENING, Wednesday, at the above place, but will resume TO-MORROW EVENING as usual.
MRS. ANDREWS' GRAND EVENING CONCERT, Royal Hotel, WEDNESDAY, November the 15th, 1854.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture to William Tell - Band - Rossini . . .
PART II. Overture - Band . . . "God save the Queen" - Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist)
"OUR EVENING AMUSEMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 November 1854), 5
. . . I do not remember the time that Sydney has offered so many attractions to money spenders as it does now. The Royal Victoria Theatre and the Lyceum are both open; Herr Kruse's German band is performing nightly in the promenade at the Royal Hotel, and a company of serenaders have made their debut in the saloon of the same establishment . . .
KRUSE, Johannes Secundus (John KRUSE junior)
Born Melbourne, VIC, 22 March 1859; son of John August KRUSE and Johanna SCHULTZ
Died London, England, 14 October 1927 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1888-89 (member of Centennial Orchestra) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], North Melbourne Advertiser (2 April 1886), 2
. . . F. W. Kruse (brother to the renowned violinist) . . .
"FAMOUS VIOLINIST. Johann Kruse Dead. Born in Melbourne", The Argus (18 October 1927), 17
The death is announced of Mr. Johann Kruse, the famous violinist. Johann Kruse was born in Bourke street, Melbourne, where his father had a pharmacy, in 1859, and at in early age he showed signs of unusual musical talent. His first public appearance was with the Philharmonic Society in Melbourne, when he was aged only nine years, and, as he continued to show aptitude with the violin, his parents sent him to Berlin in 1875 to study under Joachim at the Hochschule, where he became a professor. Joachim considered him one of his foremost pupils, and under his guidance Kruse became, in 1882, at the age of 23 years, principal violinist and sub-conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Society. At this time he founded a string quartet which became famous. He returned to Australia on a short visit in 1885 and played in a concert tour with Miss Nellie Mitchell (Dame Nellie Melba) in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. Joachim's health had begun to fail at this time, and he recalled Kruse to relieve him at the Hochschule. Some years later he joined the famous Joachim quartet as second violin, and in 1895 he revisited Australia for a second time for a short season, this time playing with the Marshall Hall quartet. Johann Kruse left Germany in 1897 to live in England, and in London he founded his second quartet party, which gave a series of concerts at St. James's Hall. The Saturday Popular Concerts, which were famous in London at the end of the last century, came under his direction, and were so successful that he revived, with equal success, the "Classical Monday Pops," referred to by W. S. Gilbert in "The Mikado." In the same year, 1902, Johann Kruse organised a series of orchestral concerts, with Felix Weingartner as conductor, and in 1903 his Beethoven festival, consisting of eight concerts, met with tremendous support, and was repeated in the following year with a series of seven concerts, in which the pianist, Wilhelm Backhaus, who was in Melbourne late last year, assisted. Mr. W. W. Cobbett, a foremost critic, said of Kruse at this time:-
"His experience is most extensive in chamber music.
As a violinist, his staccato bowing and trill may be noted as of exceptional brilliancy."
Since then Mr. Kruse spent most of his time in teaching, and several Australian pupils, the most famous of whom is Miss Gertrude Algar, studied under him. Some years ago the Melbourne University had negotiations with him at the time when the Ormond chair of music at the University Conservatorium was vacant, but an agreement was not reached. In a recent letter to his brother he expressed his intention of coming to Australia again. He is survived by his wife, who is in London, and a brother, Mr. J. A. Kruse, who for many years has carried on his late father's chemist's business at Hawthorn.
Bibliography and resources:
Sally O'Neill, "Kruse, Johann Secundus (1859-1927)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)
Papers of Johann Kruse, National Library of Australia
KUNZE, Carl Julius (Carl Julius KUNZE; Karl; Charles; Herr KUNZE)
Born Altenburg, Thuringia, Germany, c. 1825
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1 February 1850 (per Alfred)
Died Adelaide, SA, 26 January 1868, aged 42 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
From his first concerts, Kunze was evidently one of Adelaide's leading pianists, appearing as accompanist with several visiting concert artists, notably Maria Carandini and Emile Coulon in 1855, and Clarisse Cailly in 1856. He was also, as reported in his obituary, a founding member and life director of the Adelaide Liedertafel.
"ARRIVED", South Australian Register (2 February 1850), 3
Passengers per ship Alfred (arrival reported yesterday) - Captain Stanley Carr, Lieutenant Gronwald (the travelling name of the Prince Frederick of Holstein) . . . C. Kunze . . .
"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register (3 May 1855), 3
The North Adelaide Choral Society's first concert was performed last evening at the Baptist Chapel, Lefevre-terrace. The attendance was very large, the chapel being quite full . . . Mendelssohn's "Oh, rest in the Lord," was sung with great precision by a young lady, who is, we understand, a member of the Society. In the performance of this gem of the "Elijah," she was most ably accompanied by Herr Kunze on the piano-forte. We have scarcely heard in the colony a finer contralto voice, particularly as regards the lower tones. We must congratulate the Society upon its having amongst its members so excellent a singer . . . In closing this notice we may mention with commendation the performances of Herr Kunze on the pianoforte, and of Mr. Light on the harmonium . . .
"MADAME CARANDINI AND M. EMILE COULON", South Australian Register (9 July 1855), 3
. . . Herr Kunze presided at the piano, and added his share to an entertainment, which delighted all who had the gratification of being present . . .
"GRAND MORNING CONCERT", Adelaide Times (16 July 1855), 3
Madame Carandini and M. Coulon, assisted by Miss Chalker and Herr Kunze, gave a grand morning concert in the Victoria Theatre on Saturday last. The attendance was select rather than large. The programme was unusually diversified, the compositions of well-known standard English writers forming the principal feature in it. In this particular greater attention was shown to English taste and English prejudices; and it might be added, more effective rendering was obtained . . . It is a pity, for the sake of Herr Kunze's reputation, that a better piano is not available at these concerts; no effective performance can ever be produced upon the instrument now used. In conclusion, we can only hope that these agreeable entertainments will be continued for some time longer; and we are gratified at learning that a grand operatic entertainment will be given on Tuesday evening, under distinguished patronage.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 August 1855), 1
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (13 June 1856), 1
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE SOIREE", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (27 June 1863), 3
. . . The Deutsche Liedertafel, conducted by Herr Kunze, then sang the chorus "Beremannslied," after which Mr. Linly Norman performed Schuloff's fantasia on Bohemian airs on the pianoforte. Mr. Oehlmann sung the "White Squall," accompanied by Mr. Norman. It was encored, and Mr. Oehlmann substituted the song "Teach me, Mary, how to woo thee." After the chorus by the Liedertafel, "Kommt Bruder trinket," His EXCELLENCY called upon Mr. Daly to deliver his lecture . . .
"DEATHS", The South Australian Advertiser (27 January 1868), 3
KUNZE. - On the 26th January, suddenly, after a lingering illness, Mr. Karl Julius Kunze, aged 42 years.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (27 January 1868), 3
We have to record another painfully sudden death, which occurred on Sunday last. About half-past 5 o'clock in the evening Herr Carl Julius Kunze, a well-known musician, entered Dithmer's coffee shop, in Rundle-street, for the purpose of procuring a little refreshment, when he was taken suddenly unwell and staggered towards the door. He subsequently fell to the ground, and blood flowed from his month. Dr. Gosse was sent for, and on his arrival discovered that the unfortunate gentleman had broken a blood-vessel, and a very few minutes afterwards he expired. Herr Kunze had long been a resident in Adelaide, and had a huge circle of acquaintances in consequence of his profession.
"Plötzlicher Todesfall", Süd Australische Zeitung (29 January 1868), 9
Mit Leidwesen haben wir unseren Lesern die Anzeige zu machen, dass am Sonntag Nachmittag, gegen halb 6 Uhr, unser Landsmann Hr. Carl Julius Kunze plötzlich verstorben ist. Hr. Kunze fühlte sich in Rundle-street unwohl werden, erhielt einen Blutsturz und eilte rasch in das ihm zunächst befindliche Kaffeehaus des Hrn. Dithmer, von wo aus sofort ärztliche Hülfe requirirt wurde, die leider erfolglos blieb, indem der Bruch eines Blutgefässes in der Brust seinem Leben in wenigen Minuten ein Ende machte. Da der Verstorbene als bekannter und beliebter Musiker einen grossen Theil von Freunden und Bekannten hatte, so erregte die Nachricht seines so unerwarteten plötzlichen Todes allgemeines Bedauern und sprach sich dieses bei dem am Dienstag Nach mittag statthabenden Begräbnisse deutlich aus. Beim Eintritts des Grabgeleites auf dem West-Terrasse Gottesacker wurde dasselbe mit einem von Schrader's Kapelle gespielten Chorale empfangen und um Schlösse der von dem Rev. Mr. Read gehaltenen Grabrede sangen die Mitglieder der Liedertafel das Lieblingslied ihres verewigten früheren Directors: "Schlaf wohl Camerad." Der Verstorbene war ein Altenburger und hatte als Officier die Kämpfe in Schleswig-Holstein mitgemacht, worauf er im Jahre 1850 auswanderte und hierher kam. Mit grossem Musiktalente begabt, widmete er sich hier dem Lehrfache der Musik und gelang es ihm rasch, in dieser Stellung sich einen hervorragenden Rang zu gewinnen. Der Verstorbene ist etwas über 42 Jahr alt geworden und starb unverheirathet.
With regret we have to inform our readers that on Sunday afternoon, at half past six, our compatriot Hr. Carl Julius Kunze died suddenly. Mr. Kunze became unwell in Rundle-street, suffered a hemorrhage, and hurried quickly to the cafe of Mr. Dithmer, from where immediate medical assistance was requisitioned, but which unfortunately was unsuccessful, and as the result of the rupture of a blood vessel in his chest, his life came to an end a few minutes later. As the deceased was a well-known and popular musician with a large circle of friends and acquaintances, the news of his unexpected sudden death excited general regret, as clearly seen at his funeral on Tuesday afternoon. At the entrance of Gottesaker's funeral chapel of on West Terrace, he was received with a chorale played by Schrader's band, and after a funeral oration read by the Rev. Mr. Read the members of the Liedertafel sang the favorite song of their former life director: "Sleep well, Comrade." The deceased was an Altenburger, and had served as an officer in the battles in Schleswig-Holstein, whereupon he emigrated in 1850 and came here. Gifted with great musical talent, he devoted himself here to the teaching of music and succeeded quickly in gaining a high reputation for excellence. The deceased was just over 42 years old and died unmarried.
[Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung (12 February 1868), 7
Am Montag, den 17. Februar . . . Im Auftrage der Executoren des verstorbenen K. J. Kunze, Esq. . . . in auction . . . Ausgezeichnetes Spanisches Mahagoni Pianoforte, grosse und reichhaltige Auswahl classischer Musik . . .
Amateur bass vocalist, surgeon
Born Germany, c. 1828
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 12 September 1855 (per Alster, from Hamburg, 2 June, age "27")
Active Castlemaine, VIC, by 1856
Died Mainz, Germany, 12 June 1885 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED (HOBSON'S BAY)", The Argus (13 September 1855), 4
September 12.- Alster, Hamburgh barque, 326 tons, H. C. Piening, from Hamburgh 2nd June. Passengers - cabin: Messrs. L. Genicond, F. Riege, F. Kupperberg; and one hundred and forty-three in the steerage. Neuhauss, Woolley and Co., agents.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (8 April 1856), 4
DR. FLORIAN KUPFERBERG, Surgeon, and Accoucheur, begs to inform the inhabitants of Castlemaine and its vicinity, that he has Removed from Barker's Creek to Barker's street, Castlemaine, opposite the Cumberland Inn, and hopes that he may continue to enjoy a share of the public patronage . . .
. . . It was pleasing to see so little foreign aid required. Beyond Mrs. Hancock, (treble), Mr. W. H. Williams (tenor - one of the oldest and best members of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society), Mr. Hancock (bass) and a few instrumentalists, none but Ballarat people took part. Of those, Mrs. Turner, (alto,) Mrs. Moss (treble,) and Dr. Kupferberg (bass,) took the solo parts . . . Dr. Kupferberg then sang "The people that walked in darkness," in so magnificent a style, that we fain would nominate him for more and harder work on the next public performance of the society . . . The quintette, "Lift, up your heads, was admirably sung by Mrs. Moss, Miss Kidd, and Messrs. D. Oliver, Williams, and Kupferberg . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Mount Alexander Mail (3 August 1859), 3
On Monday evening, this society gave a grand concert at the theatre, which was attended by a most respectable and attentive audience. The concert was conducted bv Mr. Moss; Mrs. Fox presided at the piano; and Mr. Vincent played the harmonium . . . The members of the Society were assisted by Mr. Vincent, Mr. W. H. Williams, of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and Dr. Kupferberg . . . The recitative and air of "For behold darkness," and "The people that walked in darkness," were executed in a masterly style by Dr. Kupferberg, who is a thorough musician . . .
"Plötzlicher Tod", Australische Zeitung (19 August 1885), 3
Der "Mainzer Anzeiger" vom 12. Juni, der uns von einem Freunde in Sydney-zugefchickt wurde, enthält folgende Mittheilung: Herr Dr. Florian Kupferberg ist plötzlich gestorben. Man fand ihn heute Morgen todt in feinem Bette, nachdem er gestern noch im Rhein gebadet hatte. Herr Dr. Kupferberg, seiner Zeit in die freiheitliche Bewegung des Jahres 1848 verwickelt, wurde damals zu eiuer längeren Freiheitsstrafe verurtheilt, welche er zum Theil auch verbüßte. Später begnadigt, ging er nach Süd Amerika und Australien, von wo er nach mehrjähriger Abwesenheit hierher zurückkehrte, um sich in seiner Vaterstadt als Arzt niederzulassen. In der letzten Zeit stand er an der Spitze der nationalliberalen Parte.
KURBURU (koala songmaker)
Songman, songmaker
Born c. 1798
Died VIC, 1849 (shareable link to this entry)
For Kurburu's song, as sung by William Barak, see:
KURSTEINER, Alfred Frederick (Alfred Frederick KURSTEINER; Mr. KURSTEINER)
Active Melbourne, VIC, by c. 1863 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
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