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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–J
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–J",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- J -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in December 2019, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
JACK, Captain (Captain JACK) = KADLITPINNA
JACKMAN, Thomas John (Thomas John JACKMAN; T. J. JACKMAN)
Amateur tenor vocalist, member Melbourne Philharmonic Society, accountant
Born Ipplepen, Devon, England, 26 May 1837; baptised Fore Street chapel (Independent), Totnes, Devon, 30 June 1837; son of Thomas JACKMAN and Mary LUDSCOMBE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1862 (per Swiftsure, from London, 6 January 1862, aged "24")
Married Leah MARQUAND, VIC, 1863
Died South Perth, WA, 17 October 1914, aged "77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descrptions of passengers per Swiftsure, from London 6 January 1862 for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 December 1862), 8
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (8 December 1862), 5
"'ABRAHAM' AT THE PHILHARMONIC", The Argus (10 December 1862), 5
"THE ORATORIO", The Age (10 December 1862), 6
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age (26 December 1862), 5
"MUSIC", The Mirror [Perth, WA] (15 July 1910), 19
"DEATH", The Daily News [Perth, WA] (17 October 1914), 6
JACKMAN. - At Mends-street, South Perth, on October 17, 1914, T. J. Jackman, after a short illness; aged 77 years.
"PERSONAL", The West Australian (19 October 1914), 6
JACKSON, Madame (Madame JACKSON)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1859), 1
CONCERTS- New York and Liverpool Hotel, Lower George-street. -
Mr. O'REILLY announces the above room will be open for Select Concerts, commencing on
SATURDAY NIGHT next. Conductress, Mrs. E. Jackson.
Singers from Melbourne. First-rate talent engaged.
Mrs. Jackson respectfully requests the assistance of friends and amateurs to patronise her.
Pianist and Comic Singer wanted.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 August 1859), 8
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. - "A hit, a hit, a palpable hit."
The actual "queen of comedy and song" Madame JACKSON, late of the Eagle Saloon -
to be seen nightly, in her characteristic songs and scenas, at Toogood's Concert Hall,
in connection with the old established favourites, Mr. and Mrs. EASTWICK,
and the new distinguished tenor, Mr. FLORENCE.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Wilhelmina Eastwick (vocalists, pianist); J. Florence (vocalist); Toogood's Saloon (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1859), 16
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. - Immense success of the Company. -
Come and hear Eastwick in his burlesques of "Rycharde ye Thyrde," "Shylock," and his celebrated song of "Punch;"
likewise Mrs. Eastwick, Madam Jackson, and J. Florence, the tenor singer.
N.B. - Upwards of One Thousand persons have visited Toogood's during the week. Admission Free.
Vocalist, bones castanet player, minstrel, serenader
Active Melbourne, VIC, October 1849 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News [NSW (VIC)] (19 October 1849), 2
First Appearance of Mr. JACKSON the Congo Minstrel, from America.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with the Romantic Drama, entitled The NOTE FORGERS; Or, the Felon's Daughter.
A favourite Ballad Mr. COOKE.
AFTER WHICH, Mr. JACKSON, the celebrated American Serenader, will have the boner of making his first appearance in the Colonics, as the CONGO MINSTREL,
and sing the Ethiopian Melody of "Dandy Jim from Caroline," accompanying himself with the Congo Bone Castinets,
as originally performed by him with 2000 stick approbation . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - MR. MEGSON.
But see also [Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (23 October 1849), 3
JACKSON, Charles James (Charles James JACKSON; C. J. JACKSON)
Organ builder
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by mid 1865 (from England, via India)
Active Sydney, NSW, by February 1866
Died Haberfield, NSW, 19 May 1920, aged ? 80 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See Rushworth 1988 for a detailed chronicle of Jackson's career and output.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1866), 8
TO CLERGYMEN and ORGANISTS. C. J. JACKSON, Organ Builder, Manufactory, Richmond, Melbourne. Mr. J. during his stay in Sydney will be glad to examine and give estimates for re-building, enlarging, &c, or for cleaning, re-voicing, and tuning of organs. Mr. J. would call the attention of clergymen and organists to having, on his previous visit to Sydney, tuned and regulated the organ of St. John's, Parramatta, All Saints', ditto, and St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney. All communications addressed to Mr. CORDNER, Organist of St Mary's Cathedral, 135, Bourke street, Woolloomooloo, will receive prompt attention.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1866), 14
G. E. YOUNG, Pianoforte Tuner, in returning thanks for past favours,
respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has entered into partnership with
Mr. C. J. JACKSON, Organ-builder of Melbourne, at 160, Pitt-street, a few doors north of King-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Edward Young
"ORGAN RECITAL IN SYDNEY", The Maitland Mercury (25 June 1870), 2
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 May 192), 6
"MR. C. J. JACKSON", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1920), 10
Mr. Charles James Jackson, whose death occurred last week, at an advanced age, was for many years in business in Sydney as an organ builder, several large instruments having been produced at his factory in Newtown-road. He arrived here from England in 1865, and the first organ which he built was at the Exhibition Building, for which he was presented with a silver medal and a certificate. Amongst other organs which he built were those at the Garden Place, which was destroyed by fire, St. Mary's Cathedral, St. Mark's Church, Darling Point, the Pitt-street Congregational Church, the old Methodist Centennial Hall in York-street, and the Congregational Church at Glebe.
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme Rushworth (1988), Historic organs of New South Wales, 84-98
JACKSON, George Forbes (George Forbes JACKSON; G. F. JACKSON)
Amateur tenor vocalist, tailor
Born ? England, c.1837; son of Thomas JACKSON
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1864
Married (1) Rachel FOWLER (CLARKE), Sydney, NSW, 23 April 1868
Married (2) Agnes ROACHE, 1878
Died Glebe, NSW, 27 March 1900, aged 63 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JACKSON, Rachel (Rachel CLARKE; Miss R. CLARKE; Mrs. Frank FOWLER; Mademoiselle/Miss/Madame REILOFF; Madame REILOFF JACKSON; Mrs. G. F. JACKSON)
Soprano vocalist, pianist, teacher of piano and singing
Born West London, c.1839; daughter of James CLARKE (c.1802-1873) and Catherine LOCK (1839-1877)
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 23 May 1855 (per Asiatic, from London)
Married (1) Frank FOWLER, NSW, 9 February 1856
Departed (1) Melbourne, VIC, April 1858 (per Royal Charter, for Liverpool)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, by May 1867
Married (2) George Forbes JACKSON, Sydney, NSW, 23 April 1868
Died Glebe, NSW, 21 June 1877, aged 39 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Rachel Clarke, of Sydney, married the visiting English journalist Frank Fowler (1833-1863) on 9 February 1856. The pianist and composer Frank Henry Fowler (1857-1893) was their son. The family returned to England in April 1858.
After her first husband's death in London in 1863, Rachel and her children reportedly suffered severe financial hardship. This perhaps led to her decision to pursue a career as a professional vocalist, under the stage name of Madame Reiloff, in London during 1865-66.
She evidently returned to Sydney early in 1867, and continued her singing career, appearing in the People Concerts series, alongside Sydney tailor and semi-professional vocalist George Forbes Jackson, whom she married on 23 April 1868.
Previously George had written the words for Eliza Wallace Bushelle's new song, The destruction of St. Mary's (now lost), which he first sang at the Orpheonist Society's concert in aid of the cathedral restoration fund in August 1865. At a Christmas Night Oratorio in the Prince of Wales Opera House in 1869, one of Charles Packer's early appearances after his release from prison, George sang in extracts from The creation and Elijah, as well as from Packer's The crown of thorns, and thereafter the couple often appeared in Packer's concerts.
In London, Rachel had been a pupil of pianist, organist and composer Bennett Gilbert (1833-1885), and in September 1875, she (as Mrs. G. F. Jackson) and her son Frank Harry Fowler advertised jointly in Sydney as teachers of singing and piano.
After Charles Packer's death, George, who was a pallbearer at his funeral, served as a committee member of the Packer Memorial Fund, with August Huenerbein junior and clarinettist Sebastian Hodge.
England census, 30 March 1851; Parish of St. John's, Smith Square
James Clarke, head, 48, French polisher / Catherine, wife, 48, school mistress / Elizabeth, dau., seamstress, 21 [born] Westminster / Rachel, dau., 12 / Henry, son, general porter, 18
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1864), 1
[Advertisement], Empire (2 August 1865), 1
"CONCERT" The Sydney Morning Herald (3 August 1865), 4
Mr. G. F. Jackson, who is getting rid of the mannerism that used to beset him, sang with feeling and effect "Annie, dear, good-bye", as well as "My heart's first home", and we think that by continued careful study and practice this gentleman will become a valuable acquisition to our concerts . . . Mr. Douglas Callen was accompanyist, and played in his usual careful and effective style, greatly aiding the amateurs in their singing.
Rachel (London 1865-66)
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London] (6 December 1865), 1
A GRAND CONCERT at the "HORNS" ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Kennington Park. MR. B. JOHNSON (Honorary Band-Master the Licensed Victuallers' School) begs respectfully announce that his NINTH ANNUAL CONCERT will take place on MONDAY next, December 11th, 1865, on which occasion has secured the services of . . . the celebrated English Glee and Opera Union, directed Dr. Bennett Gilbert, comprising the following vocalists: - Madame Reiloff, Miss Alice Golding, Mr. Stanley Mayo . . . and Mr. W. H. Hook . . .
"LITERARY INSTITUTION, 165, ALDERSGATE-STREET", London City Press (30 December 1865), 6
In order to raise a fund to make additions to the library of the above institution, several members thereof invited the attendance of their friends and the public to a musical and literary soirée on Wednesday evening. The invitation was accepted by a very large number of ladies and gentlemen, nearly every seat in the lecture hall being occupied. The chair was taken at half-past seven o'clock, by W. C. Fowler, Esq., one of the representatives of the Ward of Aldersgate in the Common Council. The musical arrangements were under the care of Mr. Thomas Rogers, a very accomplished tenor, who sang some very pleasing songs, and shared in the execution of the concerted music. He was assisted by Madame Reiloff, Mr. C. Birks, and Mr. W. H. Hook. In addition to all this vocal talent, Mr. Sidney Naylor, the eminent pianist, played brilliant solos, and accompanied the singers on the grand pianoforte.
"ANOTHER NIGHT IN THE WORKHOUSE", Leicester Chronicle [UK] (27 January 1866), 2
On Friday evening the inmates of the Camberwell Workhouse had their New Year's treat in the large dining hall . . . The entertainment commenced with a concert under the direction of Mr. Cocking, organist of St. George, Camberwell, and Mr. Heaton, organist of Lorrimore, in which Mdme. Reiloff, Mdme. R. Barratt, Mdme. L. Leslie, Mdme. L'Estrange, Miss Farmer, and other ladies took part, assisted by Messrs. Burgess, I. J. Watts, Crook, Stanley Mayo, R.A.M.. Dakin, George Schroeder, and Hook . . .
"Lecture-hall, Carter-street", South London Press (14 April 1866), 11
On Thursday night, a concert took place at the above hall in connection with the division band of the Metropolitan Police. The array talent was all that could be desired by audience which crowded every nook and corner, the list including Madame Reiloff, Miss E. Withers, Mdlle. Liebdart, Miss Lizzie Farmer . . . Madame Reillof gave with pleasing effect "Auld Robin Grey" . . .
"ANGELL-TOWN", South London Chronicle (28 April 1866), 3
On the evening of the 16th inst., Mr. John Wilson (conductor of the South Lambeth Choral Association, &c.) gave a grand concert at the Angell Town Institution, Gresham-road, Brixton. The principal vocalists were - Madame Reiloff, Miss Amelia Lennington, Mr. John Soper, Mr. John Wilson, and Mr. T. Rogers. The first part of the program consisted of the principal music in Balfe's Bohemian Girl (by special permission), after which there was miscellaneous selection of English, Irish, Scotch, and Welsh melodies . . . "I dreamt that I dwelt marble halls," sung by Madame Reiloff, had to repeated . . . A solo and chorus, "O what full delight," was very effectively sung by Madame Reiloff and the choir, and concluded the first part the program. In the second part, Madame Reiloff and Mr. Rogers sang "Bid me discourse," and was followed Mr. Rogers Love's pleasing ballad, "Live in my heart, and pay no rents" . . .
[Advertisement], The Musical Standard [London] (15 September 1866), 169
MR. W. H. STAREY'S THIRD ANNUAL CONCERT . . . on 27th September, at St. John's Schools, Canterbury Road, Brixton S. . . . Madame Reillof, Miss Lizzie Bradshaw . . .
"ST. JOHN'S SCHOOLS, BRIXTON", South London Press (29 September 1866), 11
On Thursday last, Mr. W. H. Starey (organist and choir master of St. John's) gave his third annual musical evening with marked success . . . The chief musical features of the evening were the selections from Macbeth and Macfarren's cantata "Mav Day," the solos being taken in the former by Madame Reiloff and Mr. Gadsby, the first-named eliciting loud applause later in the evening by her rendering of the ever-pleasing ballads, "Auld Robin Gray," and "Kathleen Mavourneen" . . .
"MR. HARRADINE'S EVENING CONCERT", London City Press (22 September 1866), 6
Mr. Edward Harradine's annual concert was given, at the City of London College, on Thursday evening, before a moderately large audience . . . The lady vocalists were Miss Annie Cox, Madame Reiloff, Miss Louisa George, and Miss Rosina Houghton . . .
"CHELSEA LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE", West Middlesex Advertiser and Family Journal (29 September 1866), 2
On Friday, the 21st instant, the winter session of the above deservedly popular institution was fittingly inaugurated a concert on the works of Mozart, given under the direction of Mr. John Wilson, who was assisted by the following vocalists: Madame Reiloff, Rea, Miss E. Withers, and Mr. T. Rogers. The scheme of concert comprised selections from "Il Don Giovanni," "Il Seraglio," "Il Flauto Magico," &c, but undoubtedly the place of precedence was given - and rightly - to the deliciously fresh, sparkling, and captivating music of "Le Nozze di Figaro" . . .
"ST. PHILIP'S, KENNINGTON ROAD", South London Chronicle (6 October 1866), 3
A musical entertainment to inaugurate the choral society connected with this church was given to a very select audience at the Mission-school, Pleasant-place, West-square, on Tuesday evening the 2nd inst. . . . The first part consisted a selection sacred music, which was followed by some well chosen choruses and ballads. Among the latter, "Home, Sweet Home," by Madame Reiloff, and "The Wolf," by Mr. Albert Hubbard, were effectively rendered, and they were received with great applause.
Sydney (1867 onwards)
[Advertisement], Empire (4 May 1867), 1
SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS. Mademoiselle REILOFF, Miss JAMES, Mr. JACKSON. Mr. BEAUMONT. Rev. Mr. KENT, Chairman. Temperance Hall, THIS EVENING. Admission, Sixpence. Reserved Seats, One Shilling. Commence half-past 7.
"MASONIC HALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1867), 4
To that succeeded the ever fresh "Wapping Old Stairs," sung by Madame Reiloff in a way that elicited a rapturous encore, when Madame Reiloff substituted Franz Abt's beautiful cuckoo song, and afforded her auditory a rare musical treat by the pure taste and perfectly clear articulation which distinguishes her delivery of the words of the songs that she executes. The public may be congratulated on possessing so excellent a vocalist.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 April 1868), 10
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1868), 1
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1868), 9
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 June 1869), 8
"AMATEUR PERFORMANCE", Empire (22 June 1869), 2
"TEMPERANCE-HALL CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1869), 5
"HERR SIPP'S CONCERT", Empire (19 October 1865), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1868), 6
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 December 1869), 8
"Centenary Musical Festival in the Exhibition Building", Australian Town and Country Journal (8 October 1870), 5
[News], Evening News (26 June 1877), 2
Many of our readers, especially those who are lovers of music, will learn with regret that there passed away from us on Thursday morning last, the 21st June, one who, by exquisitely artistic rendering of high-class vocal music in the concert rooms of Sydney for many years, is certainly worthy of a passing notice. Mrs. G. F. Jackson quietly breathed her last, at her residence, Tucker's Cottage, Glebe-road, on the above date, after a life which, though modest and unobtrusive, whether considered from an artistic or social point of view, being lost, leaves a gap which it will be hard to fill. It may not be malapropos to mention that Mrs. G. F. Jackson leaves a family of six, the eldest of whom, at present engaged in Melbourne, is in a fair way to distinguish himself as the possessor of uncommon talent as a composer and executant.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1883), 2
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 March 1900), 1
"MUMMER MEMOIRS", Truth (11 March 1911), 6
. . . Mr. Fowler married, in Sydney, a lady who, after his early death in England, returned to Sydney, and sang at concerts, under the name of Madame Reiloff. She re-married, her second husband being musical.
JACKSON, Harry (Henry JACOBSON; Henry Charles JACKSON; "Harry JACKSON")
Actor, comedian, vocalist
Born England, c. 1835/6
Active Geelong, VIC, by April 1853
Died London, England, 16 August 1885, aged "49" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JACKSON, Emma (Miss Emma JAMES; "Mrs. Harry JACKSON")
Active Castlemaine, VIC, by mid 1858
Married (common law) Harry JACKSON, VIC, c. 1859
JACKSON, Annie (Miss Annie LOCKHART; "Mrs. Harry JACKSON")
Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1860
Died Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 18 November 1869, aged "33/34" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (30 October 1852), 3
THEATRE ROYAL GEELONG. Nights of Performing - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Mr. SPENCER, the celebrated Tragedian, from the Theatres Royal Calcutta and Sydney,
is engaged for Three Nights only, previous to his return to Calcutta.
THIS EVENING, The entertainments will commence, with Shakspear's Tragedy of RICHARD THE THIRD; or THE BATTLE OF BOSWORTH FIELD . . .
Sir James Tyrrel, Mr. Jackson . . .
To conclude with the laughable Farce of BLUE JACKETS; or the FEMALE MEN O'WAR'S MEN . . . Sambo Long, Mr. Jackson . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Moore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (comedian, manager); Albert Spencer (actor); Andrew Moore (violin, leader)
"ELECTRO-BIOLOGY", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (6 April 1853), 2
The lecture by Mr. Pike, last night in the Theatre, was, making allowance for many adverse circumstances, eminently successful . . . Twelve more afterwards volunteered, and after gazing for a quarter of an hour at the dices, no less than five were found to be susceptible - two of them Mr. Henry Jackson, and Mr. Webster (comedian) eminently so . . .
"CLARENCE THEATRE", The Cornwall Chronicle (4 November 1854), 4
The spirited proprietor of this popular place of amusement, ever anxious to gratify the taste of his patrons, has engaged the services of Mr. Henry Jackson, a pupil of Mr. George Coppin, the best low comedian that ever trod an antipodean stage. Mr. Jackson made his debut at the Clarence to a Launceston audience in the part of Peter White on Thursday evening last, and acquitted himself admirably, well supported by Mrs. Moore, who sustained the character of Mrs. White . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (26 November 1855), 1
VICTORIA THEATRE. Sole Lessee and Manager - Mr. J. H. QUINN. Stage Director - Mr. J. H. VINSON . . .
Engagement, for a few nights only of the world-renowned artiste LOLA MONTES, Countess de Lansfelt, Princess of Bavaria,
whose performances in the neighbouring colonies have been attended by the most fashionable, select, and crowded audiences.
MADAM LOLA MONTES Will be assisted by the principal members of her Talented Troupe
Mr. F. FOLLAND "The popular Light Comedian;"
Mr. HARRY JACKSON, "The talented Low Commedian";" Mrs. CROSBY, from the Victoria Theatre, Sydney.
Musical Director to Mad. Montes, M. Charles Eganschank [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (dancer, entertainer); Charles Eigenschenck (musical director)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (11 January 1856), 5
. . . Lola Montes has during her Victorian tour, added to her company a gentleman possessed of rare qualities as a low comedian. Mr. Harry Jackson, during his several appearances, has invariably afforded great amusement, and occasionally when he gave a free rein to his humourous faculties, set at defiance all attempts by the audience to restrain their visible propensities. On Wednesday night Madame Montes appeared as the Duchessde Chartres in the Follies of a Night in which she was well supported by Mr. Folland as the Duke, Mr. Lambert (an established favourite,) as Dr. Druggendraft; Mr. Jackson as Pierre Palliot, and Mrs. Crosby as Madame Duval . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (17 January 1856), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - THIS EVENING, the celebrated serio-comic interesting chaunt of VILLIKINS AND HIS DINAH; by Mr. HARRY JACKSON.
MUSIC: Vilikins and his Dinah (by John Parry)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (30 July 1858), 1
With those talented Artistes, Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT HEIR,
"BIRTH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (5 February 1859), 2
On Friday Morning, at Spring Creek, Beechworth, the wife of Mr. Harry Jackson, Comedian, of a son.
ASSOCIATIONS: According to the birth record, Henry Charles Jackson was son of Harry Jackson and Emma James
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (25 February 1859), 2
And Last Appearance of Mr. & Mrs. HARRY JACKSON . . . Comic Song - HARRY JACKSON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Legrew (comedian)
"THE LATE MR. HARRY JACKSON", The Era (22 August 1885), 8 (PAYWALL)
On Tuesday Dr. W. Wynne Westcott held an inquest at the St. Giles's Coroner's Court touching the death of the late Henry Jacobson, or "Harry Jackson," as he was known in theatre circles. According to his widow, Lydia Ann Jacobson, deceased was forty-nine years old, and they resided at 45, Great Russell-street . . .
"Harry Jackson", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (10 October 1885), 10
An actor who was well known to Australian playgoers, has joined the great majority. Mr. Harry Jackson, who acted in our principal theatres for a long time several years ago, died in London on August 16. The deceased was a clever comedian, but his forte was stage managing. He acted in this capacity at the Princess's Theatre, London, for a number of years. At the time of his death he was playing in the Pavilion Theatre, London, and acted the night before his death. He was also cast for a principal part in "Human Nature," which began in Drury Lane in September last.
"HARRY JACKSON", Freeman's Journal (25 March 1915), 8
. . . In connection with theatricals in this country he was first heard of as dresser to George Coppin. That was probably about the time when Coppin was manager and principal comedian of the little theatre at Geelong, which George struck in a happy hour after he had returned from the diggings with "blistered fingers and a penniless purse," as he often said himself when recurring to that episode of his career. Coppin's tenancy of the Geelong Theatre lasted from 1852 to 1854 . . . Harry Jackson, by the way, it may be mentioned, was an Englishman, and one of the many who flocked to Victoria after the gold discovery in 1851. Some accounts represent Newcastle-on-Tyne as his birthplace. Others say London. Whether he belonged to London; or the ancient Northumbrian city, he was at all events one of a race that was ancient before either of these cities were heard of. Harry Jackson was a Jew. Needless to add that no disparaging innuendo is intended by thes mention of that fact . . . In the latter half of 1854 Jackson's name occurs on the playbills, of the Victoria Theatre, Sydney, then under the lesseeship of James Simmonds. The late Mr. Brewer, in his interesting record of the Drama in New South Wales, with reference to this engagement gives a passing word to Jackson as "a good comedian," which he certainly was. He did not, however, stay very long in New South Wales. A little before his short season in Sydney he was for awhile in New Zealand . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Simmonds (manager); Francis Campbell Brewer (theatre historian)
Bibliography and resources:
JACKSON, HARRY (Jacobson; 1836–1885), Jewish virtual library
Key bugle player
Active Sydney, NSW, 1832 (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE INCIDENTS", The Sydney Herald (24 September 1832), 1s
THURSDAY - John Jackson, an exact representation of the London blue devil corps, was charged with blowing a key bugle under the porch of St. James's Church, at 2 o'clock the previous morning. Tantara, tantara, tamara, tan-tan-tara, went John's mouth-organ. "Holloa you sacriligious rogue," said Charley, "keep silence and come here;" fallalla, fallalla, falla -, so far had John proceeded in the stave, when the constable put his paw upon the horn, and conveyed the man of music to the lock-up.
BENCH - What have you to say to such strange conduct.
JOHN. - I was merely trying a little instrumental; it never sounds so well as under the canopy of heaven.
CONSTABLE.- You were swipey and in the Church porch.
JOHN.- "Phoo" man, his worship don't believe a word you say.
BENCH.-You must pay five shillings.
JOHN. -The horn is a sufficient security, I say, (to the Clerk of the Exchequer,) won't you advance a trifle on the bugle. The clerk shook his head, and John was obliged to put up with the stocks for two hours.
JACKSON, John Dettmer Dodds = John Dettmer Dodds JACKSON (DETTMER FAMILY)
JACKSON, James Norris Newby = James Norris Newby JACKSON (DETTMER FAMILY)
Violinist, pianist, composer, band leader
Active McIvor, VIC, by 1865
Died Mansfield, VIC, 28 January 1872 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"ENTERTAINMIENT IN AID OF THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The McIvor Times and Rodney Advertiser (24 August 1866), 2
. . . Previous to the rising of the curtain, the band under the direction of Mr. Jackson played in fine style the promised overture, in which the soft full notes of Wilson's flute reminded old habitues of former times . . . Mr. Jackson's original piece of music, the "rose of Heathcote Polka" was well rendered by the composer. He also played some rapid and brilliant variations in a most masterly manner, and so pleased were the audience that he was recalled amid the most deafening applause . . .
"MR. ADAMSON'S CONCERT", The McIvor Times and Rodney Advertiser (16 November 1866), 2
"AMATEUR CONCERT IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE HEATHCOTE HOSPITAL", The McIvor Times and Rodney Advertiser (23 August 1867), 3
"DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM JACKSON", The McIvor Times and Rodney Advertiser (2 February 1872), 2
Many of our readers who knew Mr. Jackson when he undertook to form and instruct the Heathcote Amateur Band, will be extremely sorry to hear of his death, which occurred at Mansfield on the 28th of January. We are indebted to Mr. J. B. Morris, of Alexandra for the intelligence. It appears that Mr. Jackson, on New Year's Day, met with an accident in stepping out of a buggy; he broke his leg above the ankle. On the 28th of January it was considered necessary to take the limb off, but the patient expired before the operation was performed. Mr. Jackson was the only son of a highly respectable couple of old identities on McIvor, who have enjoyed the friendship and respect of a large circle of acquaintances since the earliest days of gold digging in this locality, and much genuine sympathy is felt for them in their bereavement. There was that about William Jackson that made him welcome everywhere; his good natured smile, his musical talent, as shown by the manner in which he handled the violin and bow; his choice collection of songs which he used to sing in public; his frank manner and good temper, all combined to make him a general favorite while here.
JACOBI, Charles Julius (Charles Julius JACOBI; Charles JACOBIE)
Violinist, ? guitarist
Active Goulburn, NSW, 1856; Beechworth, VIC, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"FALSE CHARGE OF MURDER", The Goulburn Herald (24 May 1856), 4
. . . On Saturday evening, a gentleman named Charles Julius Jacobi, by birth a Prussian, but who is an excellent scholar and linguist, having travelled over the principal continental countries of Europe, and through England, called at Goulburn . . . Mr. Jacobi, having been duly handcuffed, was conducted across the mud to the watch house and searched. But he had neither stiletto nor pistol - no poignard encrusted with blood. No, besides a trifle of cash, he only had about his person a small guitar, which he carries with him in his travels for an occasional evening solace; some valuable rings, a letter, and some official documents written in foreign languages.
"POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (8 May 1857), 2
. . . The plaintiff swore that he had been engaged by the Bailiff (then in possession) and the defendant conjointly, to play the violin, and to amuse them with an occasional song in the evenings. During the day he was permitted to act as cook.
JACOBS, Coleman (Charles Coleman JACOBS; Mr. Coleman JACOBS)
Musician, professor of music, pianist (pupil of Thalberg; pianist to the duchess of Gloucester)
Born ? England, c. 1827
Active Melbourne, VIC, by October 1852
Married Edith Annie CONLIN, NSW, 1856
Died East Melbourne, VIC, 4 July 1885, aged 58 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Jacobs advertised himself variously as "a first cousin" and "nephew and pupil" of Henry Russell, a pupil of Sigmund Thalberg, pianist to the duchess of Gloucester, pianist to the duke of Cambridge, and dedicatee of a piano fantasie on "Massaniello" by Alfred Quidant.
In London, in April 1845, The metropolitan predicted that Jacobs's debut at Drury-Lane would "create no small sensation", he having been:
for some time engaged in giving private lessons on the pianoforte in families of distinction, by whom his talents as a professor of music are held in the highest estimation.
The writer had "repeatedly heard him in private" and had "no hesitation" in declaring him a most able pianist. Nevertheless, by October 1851, "Coleman Jacobs, Hill-st., Walworth, Surrey, teacher of music" was before the insolvency court.
Less than a year later, in September 1852, Jacobs reappeared in Melbourne, in company with another recent arrival, the cornet player Henry De Grey.
He sailed for Sydney in April 1853, with a party of musical colleagues, and appeared with John Winterbottom in a concert for the relief of the survivors of the wreck of the Monumental City.
In October 1853, W. J. Johnson published an edition of Talexy's Mazurka brillante as "Performed by Mr. Coleman Jacobs at his Farewell Concert".
Jacobs arrived in Hobart in February 1854, and spent a year in Tasmania, though after April his movements are undocumented.
In February 1855 he returned to Sydney. In June, Henry Marsh advertised a Mazurka brillante "by Coleman Jacobs" as no. 5 of his series, The Australian cadeau, but no copy of this has been identified.
Jacobs's Domain polka was played for the first time by the German Band on Sydney's Domain in February 1856. By April, however, the press reported that, after giving "a few musical entertainments" at the City Theatre, Jacobs had "become non est, and that he had "victimised his creditors to a large amount".
In October 1855, Jacobs advertised to warn the public against confusing him with "Wizard Jacobs".
In December 1856, recently married, he and his wife moved on to Adelaide. There, after a promising early reception in January 1857, he was again indigent:
Having failed in his profession since his arrival in Adelaide . . . with his wife and family destitute.
He was quickly reduced to working under a pseudonym, Gerard Jones, pasting circulars for a small business, for which he was arrested for defacing public property, and sent to the City Gaol in April.
He had moved on to Ballarat, VIC, by June 1857, where in July he presented a Henry Russell entertainment.
Thereafter, however, he disappeared entirely from record until 1860 when he advertised, in Melbourne, that he had "returned to his profession".
He was still teaching pianoforte and singing in Melbourne in 1883.
His only surviving musical work is The young hero schottische, published in Melbourne in July 1878 and dedicated to Thomas Pearce, "the Gallant Survivor" of the wreck of the Loch Ard, and in aid of the Loch Ard fund.
England (to 1852):
"MADAME HUERTA AND MISS FLOWER'S CONCERT", Evening Mail (25 April 1842), 4
These ladies gave a concert yesterday evening in the great room at the Hanover-square Rooms . . . Madame Huerta was deservedly applauded in a grand fantasia from Robert le Diable, pianoforte (Thalberg), which she played in a very brilliant manner . . . Miss Flower was also encored in the song "Kathleen Mavourneen," which was beautifully sung . . . Madame Huerta and Mr. Coleman Jacobs was in the programme for a grand concertante duet, to pianofortes (Herz) . . . The concert went off excellently well.
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Huerta (Angiolina Panormo, 1811-1900); see also Miss Panormo later in Australia; Sara Flower
[News], The metropolitan magazine (April 1845), 529
. . . we beg to take the opportunity of mentioning, that a young gentleman may, ere long, be expected to make his debut, who, if we mistake not, will create no small sensation in the musical world. We allude to Mr. Coleman Jacobs, who has been for some time engaged in giving private lessons on the pianoforte in families of distinction, by whom his talents as a professor of music are held in the highest estimation. We have repeatedly heard him in private, and have no hesitation in saying, that a more able pianist has seldom appeared.
"DRURY-LANE THEATRE", Morning Advertiser (11 April 1845), 3
Last night, after the performance of Donizetti's opera of L'Elisir D'Amore, which was very well given, Mr. Coleman Jacobs made his debut as a pianoforte-player. It is not very usual to a give performer on this instrument an opportunity of making a first appearance in such a conspicuous manner; hence expectations of greatness in the present case were probably excited in the minds of the auditors which were not altogether realised. Mr. Jacobs performed a fantasia of his own, from Balfe's opera, "The Daughter of St. Mark," taking for his themes the favourite airs, "We may be happy yet," and "While all around our path is dreary." Mr. Jacobs is a nimble player, something after Litz's [sic, Liszt's] manner; his touch is crisp, and in general his manipulation is masterly. He acquitted himself well, and was rewarded with considerable applause, not unmixed, however, with demonstrations of an opposite description.
"CONCERTS . . . DON CIEBRA", The musical world (3 July 1847), 432
The "Recital" given on Friday morning last by Signor Don R. de Ciebra, was of considerable interest to the amateurs of the guitar . . . Signor Don J. de Ciebra likewise performed in a duet for guitar and pianoforte, with a Mr. Coleman Jacobs, who, confident in the power of his fingers, was determined the audience should have proofs of it. We recommend him, the next time he performs in public, not to forget that there are certain shades of intensity in music called piano and forte, which, albeit they may be incumbrances, have the prestige of fashion; it is as well for him, therefore, to fall in the general use . . .
"INSOLVENT DEBTORS", The Jurist (11 October 1851), 365
. . . Coleman Jacobs, Hill-st., Walworth, Surrey, teacher of music . . .
Melbourne, VIC (September 1852 to April 1853):
"CONCERT", The Argus (17 September 1852), 3
One of the advantages accruing from the discovery of gold was shewn last night at the Concert, which was certainly the best we ever heard here. Mr. De Grey, a new arrival, played on the cornet-a-piston most superbly, quite electrifying the audience, who showed their delight by repeated encores. Mr. Jacobs also played a Fantasia on the piano, in brilliant style . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 September 1852), 5
GRAND CONCERT . . . J. H. ANDERSON . . . THIS EVENING . . . Fantasia Pianoforte, Mr. C Jacobs, from the London Concerts, his second appearance - C. Jacobs . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 October 1852), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 March 1853), 7
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (1 April 1853), 4
March 31. - Shamrock, steamer, 200 tons, J. J. Warner, for Sydney. Passengers - cabin, J. T. Smith, Esq., M.L C. (Mayor of Melbourne) . . . C. and J. Jacobs . . . Mr. and Mrs. Winterbottom and Child, Mrs. Varney, Mr. and Mrs. Young and child . . . Mrs. Fiddes, Miss Fiddes, Miss S. Fiddes . . .
Sydney (April 1853 to February 1854):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 April 1853), 1
MR. COLEMAN JACOBS, the celebrated Pianiste, begs respectfully to inform the public that he has arrived in Sydney, from Melbourne, and will be happy to accept engagements. Address Mr. C. JACOBS, at Mrs. Gowland's, Wynyard-terrace, Sydney.
"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1853), 2
Mr. Marsh's benefit on Friday night attracted a very large audience . . . Mr. Coleman Jacobs, whose pianoforte playing is characterised by a vigour and brilliancy to which we have long been strangers - if these are not worth hearing, we do not know what is - Mr. Jacobs on Saturday performed a solo, with variations, on the popular air, "We may be happy yet," which has never been equalled in this city, and we believe we express tht general feeling of the audience when we say it was excellent. We had occasion some time since to notice Mr. Jacobs' arrival in Sydney, and we may confidently recommend the lovers of instrumental music to go and hear for themselves . . .
"MONUMENTAL CITY", Empire (6 June 1853), 2
. . . But the great treat of the evening, to the musician, was the pianoforte solo by Mr. Coleman Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs is a pupil of Thalberg, and has acquired much of the style of that great master. The brilliancy of his fingering in rapid passages, and the feeling and taste with which he brought out the air, created quite an excitement. The effect of his performance was much assisted by the beautiful grand pianoforte, by Erard, which was kindly lent by Mr. Thomas Woolley, of the Glebe, for this occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Woolley
"MR. COLEMAN JACOBS' CONCERT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (2 July 1853), 2
When expectation is highly raised, we too often find by sad experience that it is doomed to be disappointed, but we are gratified to state that the Concert given by Mr. Jacobs, at the Theatre, on last Thursday evening, presented an exception to this remark . . . Mr. Jacobs took a share as one of the performers of the fine overture to Zampa on six Piano Fortes, which was on the whole effective and pleasing, and would have been still more so, had there been a more decisive proof of simultaneous rehearsal without which such performance should never be attempted . . .
Tasmania (February 1854 to February 1855):
[Advertisement], The Courier (15 February 1854), 3
MR. COLEMAN JACOBS (the Celebrated Pianiste) begs to announce his arrival in Hobart Town, after having created the greatest sensation in Sydney, Melbourne, &c. Macquarie Hotel, Macquarie-street, February 15.
[Advertisement], The Courier (15 April 1854), 1
POSTPONEMENT OF GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL. ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. MR. COLEMAN JACOBS (Pianist to Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester), begs to inform the Gentry and the Public of Hobart Town that his GRAND EVENING CONCERT, announced to take place on the 12the instant, is unavoidably postponed until THURSDAY EVENING, the 27th April, 1854, in consequence of the non-arrival of celebrated artistes engaged for this occasion . . .
Sydney, NSW (February 1855 to December 1856):
"CRIMEA . . . GRAND CONCERT IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1855), 3
This evening, a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music, in aid of the Patriotic Fund, for the relief of the widows, mothers, sisters, and orphans of those of our military, naval, and marine forces who may have suffered in the war with Russia, will take place at the Victoria Theatre . . . Mons. Boulanger performs Thalberg's "Marche Funebre;" Mr. Coleman Jacobs, Quidant's Fantasia pour le pianoforte, founded upon Auber's Massaniello; Mr. F. Ellard, the exquisite finale di Lucia, "Fra Poco" . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 February 1856), 1
"Sydney News . . .(From our own correspondent)", The Maitland Mercury (3 April 1856), 2
You have frequently seen the name of Mr. Coleman Jacobs in the papers as a professor of music; this person lately rented the City Theatre, Market-street, and gave a few musical entertainments. I learn to-day that he has become non est, and that he has victimized his creditors to a large amount."
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1856), 1
DOMAIN GALA. - Mr. COLEMAN JACOBS begs to inform the public of Sydney that he was not in any way connected with the entertainment given in the Domain on Tuesday evening last, the 7th instant.
Adelaide, SA (December 1856 to May 1857):
[News], South Australian Register (24 December 1856), 3
"MR. COLEMAN JACOB'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (9 January 1857), 3
The concert advertised by Mr. Jacobs to be performed yesterday evening was postponed till further notice, in consequence of the thin attendance. Several reasons may be assigned for this, the principal of which was no doubt the extreme heat of the weather.
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (3 February 1857), 2
. . . Mr. Coleman Jacobs's performance on the piano elicited repeated plaudits, and one enthusiastic encore. - In addition to the accompaniments to the vocal piece[s], he played with brilliant variations "We may be happy yet," and a caprice on airs from "Masaniello" . . .
"POLICE COURTS . . . INDECENCY", South Australian Register (2 April 1857), 3
Coleman Jacobs, alias Gerard Jones, teacher of music,
was charged with affixing a certain paper on the Footbridge, Park Land, without having permission or authority, on the 1st instant;
also, with indecent behaviour; also, that he did with "subtle craft, means, of device, attempt to impose on Her Majesty's subjects on the aforesaid Footbridge."
He pleaded not guilty. Police-constable Denis Sullivan deposed that in consequence of complaints having been made at the Police Station,
North Adelaide, that a person had been misconducting himself near the Footbridge, he was on the look out,
and that morning watched the prisoner from the City Bridge public-house to the Footbridge, Park Lands . . .
Witness at once apprehended the prisoner, who said, "For God's sake let me go, I am a married man."
Brought him to the Station, and on searching him some pawntickets were found, together with a begging petition,
which alleged that Coleman Jacobs, having failed in his profession since his arrival in Adelaide, was with his wife and family destitute . . .
His Worship - You say it is your first offence; you are liable to be sent to prison for three months,
but as it may be the first time you have so committed yourself, you must go to hard labour for 14 days.
Prisoner - Oh, dear; don't, don't, Sir, if you please; don't sentence me.
The prisoner was removed to the City Gaol.
Ballarat, VIC (June-July 1857):
"NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (10 June 1857), 2
Musical. COLEMAN JACOBS the unrivalled Pianist will arrive at Ballarat in the course of the week, open to engagements. Letters, care of Huxtable & Co.
[Advertisement], The Star (19 June 1857), 3
Pianist to H. R. H. the Duke of Cambridge, will make his first appearance in his celebrated
Song - "The Ship on Fire," - Mr. Coleman Jacobs.
Song - "The Maniac" - Mr. Coleman Jacobs . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (4 July 1857), 3
BATH'S HOTEL. VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT. Musical Treat For One Night Only.
MR. COLEMAN JACOBS, Nephew and pupil of the great composer and vocalist, Henry Russell,
will give an entertainment on Monday evening, the 6th inst., at Bath's new and splendid concert room,
(the gas having been laid on expressly for the purpose), that gentleman having kindly granted the use of it for the occasion,
when he will have the honor of singing the following compositions:
Maniac - Simon the Cellarer -
Ship on Fire - I'm Afloat, I'm Afloat -
Ivy Green - Gambler's Wife -
Miller of the Dee - Madoline -
Life Boat - Lover's Mistake -
Hunter of the Tyrol - Pull Away Cheerily (Digger's song)
Newfoundland dog - &c.
Tickets 5s each - to be had at Bath's Hotel, Huxtable & Co , and all the principal Hotels and stationers on Ballarat.
Doors open at half-past seven, commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Melbourne, VIC (from May 1860):
"OPENING AT KEW ATHENAEUM", The Argus (9 May 1860), 5
. . . the vocal portion of the entertainment of the evening commenced, and was most efficiently and delightfully supported by Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. Farquharson . . . Mr. Coleman Jacobs presided at the pianoforte with much energy and ability.
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 July 1860), 8
MUSICAL. - Mr. COLEMAN JACOBS, having resumed his profession, will be happy to RECEIVE PUPILS for piano and singing. Particulars at M. Wilkie's, Collins street east.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (23 July 1864), 6
Charles Coleman Jacobs, of St. Kilda, musician. Causes of insolvency - Falling off of business, bad debts, loss by sale of furniture, and pressure of creditors. Liabilities, £284 7s. 9d.; assets, £20 ; deficiency, £264 7s. 9d. Mr. Moore, official assignee.
"MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA", The musical times [London, England] (1 July 1866), 341
. . . ON the 18th [April] an excellent Concert was given in the Town Hall, Prahran, for the benefit of the Building Fund of the New Presbyterian Church, South Yarra. Mr. Charles Edward Horsley, Mr. Coleman Jacobs, Mr. Schott, and Herr Leide [Siede] gave their professional services . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 July 1878), 8
""PUBLICATIONS," The Mercury (6 August 1878), 2
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 July 1883), 1
"Deaths", The Age (6 July 1885), 1
JACOBS - On the 4th of July, at his residence, Grey-street, East Melbourne, Coleman Jacobs, professor of music, aged 58 years, after a long and painful illness.
JACOBS, John Lewis (John Lewis JACOBS; Jacob Lewis JACOBS; J. L. JACOBS)
Actor, vocalist, violinist, comedian, entertainer, dancer, teacher of dancing
Born London, England, February 1816; son of John (Lewis) JACOBS and (Milcah) SIMMONDS (LEVI)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by December 1833
Died Melbourne, VIC, 23 September 1900, aged "84", "nearly 85" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
May or may not be connected with or related to:
JACOBS, Joseph (Joseph JACOBS; "Wizard JACOBS"; "Professor JACOBS")
Entertainer, magician, wizard, ventriloquist, venue manager
Born Canterbury, England, 1813
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, February 1855 (per Pacific, from England, via Melbourne, 23 February)
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, 6 November 1858 (per Donald Mackay, for Liverpool)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, February 1865 (per Great Britain, from England)
Departed (2) Melbourne, VIC, 10 November 1866 (per Sussex, for England)
Died Sydenham, London, England, 11 October 1870, aged "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
John Lewis Jacobs, actor, comedian, singer, dancer, and violinist, was active on the Australian stage from December 1833, and for 20 years thereafter. Recognised as one of the oldest remaining veterans of the early colonial stage, he died in Melbourne in September 1900, aged 84, "nearly 85". According to a newspaper report the previous year, he had turned 83 in February 1899. His headstone inscription (Melbourne General Cemetery) reads:
In memory of John Lewis JACOBS brother of David JACOBS Ranelagh Street, Liverpool and Solomon JACOBS Grays Inn Road, London died 23 Sep 1900 age 84 years left England for Port Phillip in 1834
A Solomon Jacobs, born Middlesex, 1831, was living at Grays Inn Road at the time of 1871 London census, probably the Solomon Jacobs, aged 9, son of Lewis Jacobs, 45, glass dealer, and Milcah his wife, 45, and brother of David Jacobs, 15, also glass dealer, listed in the parish of St. John's, Smith Square, Middlesex, and all born in Middlesex, in the 1841 English census. According to the 1851 census, Lewis was born, c. 1792, at Spittalfields (according to the 1861 census, c. 1796, at St. Botolph, Ludgate); he is thought to have married Milcah Levi c. 1813-15, and if they were indeed John's parents, he was likely their first child.
Notably, in Jacobs' trial for perjury in Adelaide on 18 May 1850 (the jury, without retiring, found him not guilty), John Lazar told the court that he:
had known Mr. Jacobs for a long time - almost from infancy, and knew his parents; had always entertained a good opinion of him; and much regretted having to appear against him.
There is considerable confusion as to whether or not John was also the "Wizard Jacobs" active in Australia first 1855-58, and again 1865-66.
In 1976, George F. J. Bergman claimed that the 1850s wizard was John's "brother" Joseph, supported by John as his "Sprightly", but that, Joseph having meanwhile returned to England and retired from the stage, in 1865-66 John himself assumed the role of the wizard in Australia and New Zealand. According to the 1906 Jewish encyclopedia, Joseph was born at Canterbury in 1813, began his English stage career as early as 1835, but certainly by c. 1841, and that he died in London on 13 October 1870. However, probate of Joseph Jacobs, curiosity dealer, of 12 Old Bond-street, gave the date as 25 September 1870, and named his widow and executor as Sarah.
As recently as 2013, however, John Levi claimed Jacob (John) Lewis Jacobs was the Wizard/Professor Jacobs in Australia in both the 1850s and 1860s, though he incorrectly gave him Joseph's birth year (1813) and calculated his death (aged 84) had therefore been in 1897 (correctly 1900).
However, since in 1855 George Coppin clearly gave it to be understood that he had engaged the well-known Wizard Jacobs in England, and that his Australian tour was reported in Britain, Levi's claim, in respect of the 1850s, can probably be discounted. Shipping records duly show the arrival from England, on the same ship as the actor Gustavus Vaughan Brooke, in February 1855 of two Jacobs (presumably the Wizard and plausibly a younger brother as Sprightly), though reportedly aged only 28 (rather than 42) and 26, and a "servant".
But it also seems possible that Joseph himself was again the touring Wizard/Professor in Australian and New Zealand in 1865-66, as there is no record of him performing in England during this period, while there were many British newspaper reports of the tour.
If that is the case, it is also possible that there was never any connection at all between John and the Wizard/Professor or his Sprightly. In this respect it is notable that neither of John's two obituaries make any mention of Wizard/Professor Jacobs.
Confusingly, at least one and perhaps two or three other magicians and ventriloquists "Professor Jacobs" also later appeared, one (reportedly a Tasmanian native) in Hobart and on the mainland in 1873-74, and the same or another who toured widely between 1878 and 1882, who once gave his name as Louis Jacobs, and who claimed several times to be a son of the original.
Documentation (John Lewis Jacobs):
"THE THEATRE", The Austral-Asiatic Review (10 December 1833), 3
. . . Mr. Jacobs the comic actor of the Company is extremely clever, both as a singer and performer, and we are convinced will become a great favorite . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Austral-Asiatic Review (31 December 1833), 4
There is a new Era in Van Diemen's Land. Public amusements have opened upon us in as great variety as in so limited a population could be possibly expected . . . This being then the commencement of a new Era, we shall devote more than the space we usually spare to such subjects to our notice of the opening of the Theatre on Tuesday evening. The proprietor is a Mr. Cameron, a gentleman of excellent family in Scotland - brought up and educated in a manner appropriate to his station in life. Mrs. Cameron is well remembered by many here when [? as] Miss Bouchiere, the Star of the Norwich - Bath - and Cheltenham Circuits. They came out purposely to establish a Theatre here, deceived (as well as so many others in the more humble walks of life) by the lying announcements with which the passage-dealing kidnappers humbug the unwary. He embarked, however, with a capital equal to his purpose, which he has again embarked in the establishment of the Hobart Town Theatre. Liberally indeed has he set to work, and we most sincerely rejoice to add, that there is every prospect of his spirited attempt being liberally remunerated . . . Mr. Cameron has been extremely fortunate - host of strength as is no doubt his own, and Mrs. Cameron's ability, and especially the versatility of talent of the latter, yet it was singularly advantageous to him that Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, both "regulars" from the London boards, should have arrived at the same time. Mr. Fenton also is an old London performer, and Mr. Jacobs possesses many most useful qualifications. He is an excellent comic actor - plays with much skill on the violin - sings well, being a good theoretical musician, and possesses all the necessary qualifications for "an actor of all work," so useful in a small company . . .
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 December 1838), 2
A Mr. Jacobs, "from the Hobart Town and Launceston Theatres," as the bills have it, made his first appearance before a Sydney audience, on Monday evening last as Squire Aldwinkle, in the SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM, and as Marbleau, in MONSIEUR TONSON. We also heard him sing the song of the Horn of Chase. Of Jacob's abilities as an actor, we do not intend to speak until we have seen him again. We are, however, inclined to think favourably of him. Jacobs was received by the audience very flatteringly. We hope he will prove that their apparent confidence in his abilities as an actor, has not been misplaced.
MUSIC: The horn of chase ["To join the chase at break of day . . ."] (by Charles Gilfert, song introduced by John Braham in Der Freischutz)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (31 December 1838), 2
On Monday evening last, a gentleman from the Hobart Town and Launceston Theatres, of the name of Jacobs appeared at our Theatre for the first time. The parts selected by the debutant were Aldwinkle in the Spectre Bridegroom, and Morbleu in the farce of Monsieur Tonson. The famous song of The Horn of Chase, was also announced to be sung by Mr. Jacobs, between the interlude and the after-piece. On Mr. Jacobs' appearance, he was greeted with that applause which is always bestowed by a Sydney audience by way of encouragement on every new comer at his or her first entre . . .
[News], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (1 January 1839), 3
Mr. Jacob, the Van Diemen's Land comedian, is engaged at the Victoria, and makes his second appearance this evening.
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (16 January 1839), 2
. . . Mr. Jacobs played Mellifleur, a French officer and a rival to Quill, in but an indifferent manner. Probably his spirits were damped by the failure of the song between the pieces, The Death of Nelson, for a more egregious burlesque we never heard. He did not know either the air or the words. We would, in sober sadness, recommend Mr. Jacobs to leave the vocal department to other hands. Mrs. Clarke's Arab Steed followed, and was well received. Mr. Jacobs is under a complete delusion in fancying he can sing in public. He may please his friends in his own parlour, but to attempt singing first-rate songs is quite ludicrous. Mr. Jacobs seems troubled with the same quality of mind which induced a late actor in Sydney to write to London before he quitted us, "that he was the Keane of New South Wales, and performed to splendid houses the first-rate tragic characters."
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 June 1839), 2
The Victoria opens for the season on Monday evening next, front which time the performances will only take place three times a week. It is said that one of our oldest favorites, Mrs. Clarke, has declined an engagement, as has also Mr. Jacobs, on account of a proposed reduction of salary, and that she intends to take her departure shortly for England, by the way of India . . .
"DANCING", Adelaide Times (30 October 1848), 2
We are requested to direct attention to Mr. Jacob's advertisement for teaching this accomplishment. From his well-known efficiency in the various branches of dancing, and his assiduity in teaching, pupils will find it advantageous to engage his services.
"SUPREME COURT . . . 'Saturday, May 18", South Australian (21 May 1850), 2
[Advertisement], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (30 March 1859), 2
GOLDEN AGE THEATRE . . . WISEMAN FAMILY, Thursday 31st March . . . Agent, J. L. JACOBS.
[Advertisement], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (21 November 1874), 3
COLONIAL WINE LICENSE. - I, JOHN LEWIS JACOBS do hereby give notice that I require and intend to apply at the next quarterly licensing meeting for the district of Melbourne, for a colonial wine license, for the promises situate in Flinders street west, in the City of Melbourne, and known as the Commercial Dining Rooms.
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 February 1883), 3
MR. JOHN LEWIS JACOBS - Sir, I am sorry for having raised my hands on you, and what I said was untrue. I trust my apology will stop further proceedings. Yours sincerely, Adam Young, Melbourne, February 24, 1883.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 September 1900), 1
JACOBS. - On the 23rd September, at the residence of Mrs. L. Green, 91 Victoria-avenue, Albert-park,
John Lewis Jacobs, aged 84 years; a colonist of over 60 years.
JACOBS. - At the residence of Mrs. Green, 91 Victoria-avenue, Albert-park, John Lewis Jacobs,
aged 84. A colonist of 66 years.
"DRAMATIC NOTES", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (20 May 1899), 24
Among those who were present at Mr. Coppin's conversazione on Wednesday evening in the Town-hall was Mr. John Lewis Jacobs, who is among the oldest actors now in Victoria. Mr. Jacobs, who was 83 last February, arrived in Victoria at the end of 1836, and in 1843 was engaged by Mr. Coppin to play as harlequin in his pantomime. He is still bright and lively, and has many recollections of the earliest days of Melbourne.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (24 September 1900), 2
There passed away, at Albert Park yesterday, one of the oldest members of the theatrical profession in Australia. Mr. John Lewis Jacobs, who died at the advanced age of nearly 85 years, arrived in Victoria at the end of 1836, and for many years played various parts on the boards of almost every theatre in Australasia. He has for a long time been living in retirement, and to the majority of playgoers of the last two or three decades his name will recall no memories. Mr. Coppin, who engaged him in 1842 to play in pantomime, is one of his surviving contemporaries, and Mr. E. Holloway, still active on the stage, is another. It is questionable if there are any more. Until quite recently Mr. Jacobs was hale and hearty. His funeral will take place at the Melbourne General Cemetery to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Jacobs used to tell of his purchase of a quarter-acre allotment in Bourke-street for L60. As this entailed the erection of a building of the value of not less than L50, he sold out to John Pascoe Fawkner, accepting L5 on his bargain.
"NOTES AND NEWS", Jewish Herald (28 September 1900), 9
One of the most interesting figures in the Jewish community of Melbourne passed away on Sunday last, in the person of Mr. John Lewis Jacobs, who had attained the ripe age of eighty-four years. Mr. Jacobs was a very old colonist, arriving in Australia in 1834. After passing through the many vicissitudes which befel the early pioneers, he became more or less permanently attached to the stage as a profession, in his leisure from which he taught dancing, an art in which he was a pastmaster. Of his contemporaries on the boards in those days there now only remain the Hon. George Coppin and Mr. E. Holloway. After his retirement, from the theatre the deceased gentleman engaged in many occupations with varying fortunes, and only consented to take a well-earned rest from the toil and struggle of life a few years before his death. Mr. Jacobs was a man of superior education and attainments, an excellent raconteur with a remarkable memory and a keen sense of humour, and in his reminiscences of his early experiences in the colonies was singularly happy and entertaining. Throughout his long life the deceased never forgot his obligations to his religion, and up to within a few weeks of his death was in the habit of walking from Albert Park on every Sabbath and Holyday to attend synagogue service. He was a man of most lovable disposition, and to have known him is to deeply mourn his loss. The relatives of Mr. Jacobs reside mostly in Liverpool, England, and though he was frequently invited to spend his last days with them there, he always refused to do so, chiefly on account of his affection for his adopted country and for his associations therein.

Professor Jacobs, Wizard, c. 1855; W. F. Gordon, del.; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
Documentation (Wizard Jacobs and Sprightly):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Pacific, from London, arrived at Melbourne, 22 February 1855; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mr. G. V. Brooke . . . [for] Melbourne (DIGITISED)
[Passengers for Sydney] . . . Mr. Jacobs / [Mr.] [? E.] Jacobs . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 February 1855), 4
February 22 - Pacific, S. S., 985 tons, W. C. Thompson, Commander, from Plymouth 25th November, via Cape of Good Hope and King George's Sound. Passengers - saloon: for Melbourne - Miss Cathcart, Captain Skurrey, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Brooke and two servants . . . For Sydney . . . Jacobs (2), and servants . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Pacific, from Melbourne, 23 February 1855, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Jacob / 28 [sic] // Mr. Jacob / 26 . . .
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (6 March 1856), 1
THEATRE ROYAL . . . Thursday, March 6th . . . being for the
BENEFIT OF SPRIGHTLY, Assistant and goblin page to the GREAT WIZARD JACOBS . . .
MR. SPRIGHTLY will himself give a CONCERT, in which he will have the honor of singing the following popular songs: -
"Long parted have we been" - Russell.
"Mother, he is going away" - Lover.
"What will you do, love, when I am going" - Lover.
"I'm the pet of my papa" (comic) - Sprightly . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 April 1856), 8
"SHIPPING . . . CLEARED OUT", The Age (8 November 1858), 4
November 6 - Donald Mackay, ship, 260 1/2 tons, T. James Tobin, for Liverpool. Mackay, Baines and Co., agents. Passengers cabin: Mr. Frazer, the Wizard Jacobs and his Goblin Sprightly . . .
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (18 February 1865), 2
Amongst the passengers by the Great Britain are the Wizard Jacobs, and Miss Edith Palmerston . . .
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (28 February 1865), 2
After an absence of something like eight years, the Wizard Jacobs has returned to Melhourne, and last night, at the Theatre Royal, renewed his acquaintance with us. Those who witnessed his entertainment on his first visit to Australia will notice very little difference in him. The same genial manner distinguishes as of old his colloquies with his audience, and the same marvellous skill and rapid manipulation in the management of his tricks are observable. His reception was cordial in the extreme . . .
"Theatrical Memoranda", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (20 April 1867), 2
Our old and genial friend, Professor Jacobs, arrived home early in January, in excellent health, and intended to commence a tour early in the spring.
Passengers by the Sussex from Melbourne, 11 November 1866; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mr. Jacobs / 45 [sic] / Artist / English // Servant / 24 . . .
"DEATHS", Jewish Record [London, England] (21 October 1870), 4 (PAYWALL)
JACOBS. - On October 11, at the residence of his beloved friend, Mr. A. M. Cohen, Mount villas, Sydenham hill, Professor JACOBS, aged 58, deeply lamented by his sorrowing friends and family. May his soul rest in peace. Australian and New Zealand papers please copy.
[News], Gippsland Times [VIC] (28 March 1871), 4
Many an old Gippsland colonist who was in Melbourne in early days, will recollect Professor Jacobs, the wizard, and his man Sprightly. Jacobs had all his paraphernalia destroyed at the theatre of the United States hotel, Ballarat, in the year 1856. The conjuror had long retired from the profession to a neat little villa at Sydenham in Kent where he died in October last. I notice that all Australian demands and claims on his estate are to be sent to 36 Finsbury Circus, London.
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph Jacobs, Goodman Lipkind, "JACOBS, JOSEPH (known as Jacobs the Wizard)", Jewish encyclopedia (1906)
English conjurer; born at Canterbury 1813; died Oct. 13, 1870. He first appeared in London at Horn's Tavern, Kennington, in 1835, when he introduced the Chinese ring trick. At the Strand Theatre in 1841 he achieved a great success by the aid of expensive apparatus. Jacobs in 1850 invented the trick of producing from under a shawl bowls of water containing goldfish; he appeared at the Adelaide Gallery in 1853, in America in 1854, and in Australia and New Zealand in 1860 [sic, recte 1855-58]. In the last-cited year he opened the Polygraphic Hall in London.
G. F. J. Bergman, "THE WIZARD JACOBS BROTHERS", The Australian Jewish Times (12 August 1976), 19
John Levi, These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850 [2nd edition] (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2013), 360-61
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1856
Died Yarra Bend Asylum, VIC, 10 August 1858, aged 46 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE . . . A SELF-MADE LUNATIC", The Age (22 December 1856), 6
Samuel Jacobson, an individual who was some time since sent to the Lunatic Asylum, habits of intoxication having produced an aberration of mind, was on Saturday released from custody, low diet and cool water having effected a perfect cure. He was cautioned against again having recourse to the fatal dram, that active agent in supplying our Lunatic Asylum with inmates.
"POLICE. CITY COURT", The Argus (3 June 1857), 6
Samuel Jacobson, a musician, was charged with lunacy. He was so violent that he could not be brought into Court, and had to be taken from his house in Bouverie-street, North Melbourne, for the safety of his wife and children. His madness was stated to be the effect of almost constant drunkenness.
"ODDS AND ENDS FROM FAR AND NEAR", Bendigo Advertiser (17 August 1857), 3
On the 10th, Samuel Jacobson, aged 46, a lunatic, died in the Yarra Bend Asylum of debility.
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1862 (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Argus (10 June 1862), 4
The efforts of Madame Stuttaford to give a series of cheap and popular concerts at Prahran appear likely to achieve the success which they deserve, judging from the support and approbation which attended last night's entertainment, which took place at the Town-hall of that populous suburb. There was a numerous attendance, and the gallery especially was well filled. The vocalists were - Madame Stuttaford, Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mr. E. A. Beaumont, Mr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Jacqueson. Mr. Plaisled presided at the pianoforte . . . Mr. Jacqueson, whose name we suspect to be a nom de guerre, sang "The Merry Little Fat Gray Man," which was encored, but in its stead he gave "The Cork Leg." Both songs afforded immense amusement, especially to the audience in the gallery; but the singer indulged in rather too much gesticulation for the concert-room. While concerts, to be popular, must no doubt be of a miscellaneous character, and contain an admixture both of the sentimental and the humorous, it should not be forgotten that one of the great ends of popular concerts ought to be to cultivate the taste of the masses of the people for really good music . . .
[Advertisement], The Herald (23 June 1862), 8
LOCKE'S Celebrated MUSIC to MACBETH, As well as a Selection of Ballads, Duetts, Buffo Songs, Glees, Etc.
TO-NIGHT . . . Mrs. WEBSTER, R.A.M., Contralto, (Her Second Appearance since arrival from England.)
Pianists and Conductors, Messrs. LESSIGNOL and PLAISTED . . .
JAFFA, Rebecca (Rebecca MARKS; Rebecca JAFFA; Madame JAFFA; Mrs. Henry Solomon JAFFA)
Musician, pianist, composer
Born ? Greenwich, England, 1831
Married Henry Solomon JAFFA (c.1820-1887), London, England, 24 April 1854
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 22 October 1854 (per The sovereign of the seas, from London, 29 July)
Departed (1) Newcastle, NSW, November 1866 (per Golden Sunset, for San Francisco)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, 14 December 1888 (per R.M.S. Alameda from San Francisco)
Departed (2), Melbourne, VIC, 3 August 1889 (per Elingamite, for NZ and San Francisco)
Died ? San Francisco, USA, 1911 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Rebecca Jaffa was daughter of Myer Marks, and his wife Rachel Heurwitz (Hurwitz). She was registered with her parents in London in the 1851 census, as aged 20, having been born in Greenwich. She claimed later to have studied piano at the Royal Conservatory, Liège, under Jules Jalheau.
She married Henry (Herzl) Solomon Jaffa in London, in April 1854, only shortly before they sailed for Sydney in July.
She first appeared in a Sydney concert as an anonymous "lady amateur" soloist for the Sydney Philharmonic Society on 23 February 1857, playing the rondo from Beethoven's fifth piano concerto.
She again appeared for the society, but under her own name, on 24 January 1859, performing the Fantaisie sur Lucie de Lamermoor by Émile Prudent, and, as an encore, Erin, a fantasie on Irish Airs, by Julius Benedict.
That month she also advertised that, "at the suggestion of her friends", she had "made arrangements for giving a few private lessons"; and, on 21 September, gave her own concert, at which she again played the Prudent and Benedict pieces, and introduced Beethoven's Moonlight sonata, as well as performing complete, Mendelssohn's First piano quartet (Op. 1) with the Deane brothers. In other appearances that year, she gave the Rondo from Beethoven's B-flat concerto as a piano solo. At her second annual concert, in October 1860, she introduced, for the first time in a public concert in Sydney, a Bach fugue on the harmonium, from the various descriptions given, probably Czerny's edition of the Fugue on B-A-C-H, BWV 898.
She continued to be active as a teacher and concert performer into the mid 1860s.
She left for San Francisco with her husband and four children (all born in Sydney) late in 1866, and arrived safely though their ship was wrecked. At her first concert there, in March 1867, she was assisted by other recent arrivals from Sydney, Frank Howson, his daughters Emma and Clelia, and son Frank junior.
By 1872, the Jaffa family was living at 730 Howard Street, San Francisco, where Henry and Rebecca were teaching music and languages at the French Spring Valley Grammar School. By 1885 the family had moved to 2420 Bush Street, and the two daughters Fannie and Rachel had also become music teachers. Rachel, as Rose Alice Jaffa, was also a pianist. Henry was naturalized on 10 August 1875, giving his country of origin as Germany.
After her husband's death (? 1887), Jaffa made a return tour of Australia in 1889.
Two Australian compositions by her are documented, both lost:
Sweet and low; words by Alfred Tennyson; composed expressly for the occasion for Sara Flower ([Sydney: F. Mader; Wilkie, Elvy and Co., 1863])
The message; "the music . . . composed by Madame Jaffa"; (words: Adelaide Proctor); [sung] by Mr. Charles Stewart [from MS, July 1864]
England census, 30 March 1851, Middlesex, Hampstead; UK National Archives, HO 107/1492 (PAYWALL)
Myer Marks / 65 // Rachel Marks / 50 // Rebecca Marks / 20 / [born] Greenwich Kent
[Advertisement]", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1854), 4
THE SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS. We, the undersigned first-class passengers by the ship Sovereign of the Seas . . .
Henry Solomon Jaffa, Rebecca Solomon Jaffa . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 February 1857), 1
SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY . . . The Fifth Concert of the Season will take place at the Concert hall, Royal Hotel, on
MONDAY EVENING, February 23rd, 1857. On which occasion the following artistes have kindly volunteered their services:
Madame Cailly; Lady Amateur; Monsieur Armand Roeckel; Mr. Wheeler.
PROGRAMME. PART I. . . . 4. Concerto, Pianoforte, by a Lady Amateur, Beethoven . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1857), 4
. . . A lady amateur performed a concerto of Beethoven on the pianoforte, and that, too, in excellent time and with good execution. Were we inclined to criticise, we might venture to offer a word or two of advice, but with amateurs, and, of course, with amateureses, this is forbidden, and, no doubt, judicious friends will point out to what we allude . . .
"To the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald", Empire (27 February 1857), 3
SIR - Your critical correspondent or reporter has favoured the public with an article on the last Philharmonic Concert, which seems to be very ridiculous, and seeing a similar criticism in to-day's Empire, I request that you will allow me, through your columns, to offer a few remarks. I hope your critic will rejoice that somebody takes notice of his remarks, although his observations deserve to be passed over with silent contempt.
The principal attraction of the evening was the lady amateur; of her your critic says as follows, which I take the trouble to report verbatim: "A lady amateur performed a concerto of Beethoven on the pianoforte, and that too in excellent time, and with good execution. Were we inclined to criticise, we might venture a word or two of advice, but with amateurs and of course with amateuresses (!!) this is forbidden, and no doubt judicious friends will point out to what we allude." Does your critic now believe, for one single moment, that these judicious friends do not perceive, at once, that he wishes to hide his ignorance behind unfortunate soft-sawder? In the name of every one who takes any real interest in music, what is his advice? I am an amateur myself, and all amateurs will no doubt be thankful for advice; we wish to be criticised, it shows us that the public pay attention to our mediocre talents, and one remark, if even a little sharp, made by a competent judge gives us more pleasure and satisfaction than a volume or sweet trash for which we do not care two pence, always expecting that their criticisms will be made for the laudable purpose of cultivating good musical taste, and that proper consideration will be taken that we are no professional artists. Your critic begins to state that the lady played a concerto of Beethoven; he has probably never heard of the existence of the 5th concerto of this maestro, otherwise he ought to know that he heard only a small portion, viz.: the rondo. I heard the whole concerto some years ago executed by Mendelssohn, one of the very few artists who were able to enter into the spirit of this sublime and wonderful musical creation; it lasted about three quarters of an hour, and during all the time, a sacred awe took possession of the whole audience. Your critic says, in the way of eulogy, "the concerto was performed in excellent time." If our friends at home were to read such a monstrous remark in your wide-spread paper, and should unfortunately think it to be the opinion of the Sydney musical world, they would not only consider us to be antipodes in geographical position but also in musical taste or good sense.
To give a performed credit that she played a concerto of Beethoven in an excellent time is nearly as much credit as you would give a man for opening his mouth when he wants to eat, the one ought to be just as natural as the other. I have only heard such a remark applied to a little piano-playing girl whose governess gives the good news to the delighted mama that she is able to to keep time. Well, Mr. Editor, this concerto abounds with beauties and technical difficulties, and I have seen many a professional artist of high standing to whom the modern music of Thalberg, Dohler, &c., &c., is childs-play, but they would never venture upon the dangerous enterprise of trying this noble work in public. I must confess that under the circumstances, I was rather puzzled to hear that a lady amateur was to play it. I thought it could not be done, that it was next to an impossibility; but I was most agreeably disappointed. I must, however, take the liberty of blaming this lady, who I understand has been some two years in the colony, for not having more sufficiently studied her audience to choose at her debut that sublime composition, which can only be understood by a few real musical people. I am fully convinced that this lady must possess a profound knowledge of classical music, which she could only have acquired by studies in one of the continental conservatoires; it is only there, in London, and on the Continent in general, that we hear good music; and, in order to acquire good taste, the incessant opportunity of mixing in good society is requisite. I believe that there is scarcely any possibility for an amateur, taught only in this city, to delight the cool reflecting critic, who little cares for the youth or age of the performer, but whose only desire is to hear real good music. Much as he has reason to admire another extraordinary talent of a young lady of this city, who appeared on a former occasion at the Philharmonic Concert, and who, if she were to continue assiduously her studies at the conservatoires of Paris, or Leipsic, might in some years bring lustre to her native place.
I am rather amused at the eulogy which, in the way of contrast, has been lavished on a Mr. Roeckel, for his having accompanied two songs.
If this gentleman, as stated, is a clever pianist, he will consider such a remark as tantamount to irony;
he will know well enough that it does not require much dexterity to accompany the two difficult morceaux sung by Mrs. Cailly,
and will, no doubt, laugh at the naivete of your critic, who, I hope, will favour me through your columns with an answer to the above,
and will enlighten at the same time the musical world with his advice.
If he is not able to do so, I advise him never to write again on matters on which he does not seem to understand anything at all,
and to limit himself to such reports which every one is able to give who has eyes and ears:
for instance - whether the audience was numerous or not; whether the weather was fine or rainy; whether there was much applause or not;
and more such-like chat; but to spare, in future, the public from his common-place, insipid sayings, most improperly called criticisms.
Ready to continue this controversy in music,
I am, sir, your obedient servant, _____
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1857), 3
The artistic record of a month must necessarily be but a brief one in a community like ours, limited as to numbers, and composed exclusively of persons all occupied in business pursuits of some description or other. In our hive we have no drones, all are working bees, and thus, much of the patronage that in the fatherland is given to art is wanting here, and the attendance at concert or opera is precarious and fluctuating. One concert per month is about as much as can be ventured upon with reasonable prospects of success, and that one has been given by the Philharmonic Society. This society embraces amongst its members many of our leading gentry and most of the more respectable of our business men, whilst the playing members, with a few exceptions of professionals of a high order of talent who preside over the study and practice, are amateurs, who by their diligence and attention have attained to no mean range of excellence. The selections of music for public performance also evince great taste, being chiefly from the scores of those masters whose works have stood the test and gained the approval of European critics. It is not extraordinary, then, that the concerts of this society should have always secured a good audience, and the last performance was no exception to the general rule, the concert hall of the Royal Hotel being well filled, despite an evening of storm and rain. The occasion is the more worthy of note, from having introduced a lady amateur to the public, being the second Australian who has made her debut as an amateur pianist before a Sydney audience. Her first effort in public was decidedly a successful one . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 April 1857), 4
. . . the business commenced with the reading of the report for the past year . . . the solos had been performed by the following artistes: - Madame Cailly, Madame Jaffa, Miss Aldis, Miska Hauser, Boulanger, Mr. Sloper, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Prost, and Mr. Wheeler, to whom the Society is indebted for their most valuable assistance . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1858), 8
. . . FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT . . . Your Committee most gladly tender their acknowledgments to Madame Jaffa, and to Miss Aldis, for their ready acquiescence in the desire of the Society to avail of their services, regretting that their excellent examples have not, as yet, been more generally followed . . .
"To the Editor", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 January 1859), 3
. . . Madame Jaffa was for many years a resident in Liege, Belgium, and acquired a first-class musical reputation . . .
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1858), 1
On the 21st Instant, at 65, Botany-street, Surry Hills, Mrs. Jaffa, of a son.
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 January 1859), 5
. . . The fantasie on the pianoforte - "Sur les motifs, de Lucie de Lammermuir," by Madame Jaffa, stamped that lady as a pianist of surpassing merit. She enjoys, we understand, a high reputation in the musical world, having, for a number of years, held a distinguished position in the Frankfort Musical Association.
"MUSIC", The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (12 February 1859), 104
. . . The attraction of the evening however, was the performance by MADAME JAFFA, of Prudent's beautiful, but difficult arrangement of airs from Lucia de Lammermoor. The breathless attention with which the audience listened to the "divine harmony" was perhaps the most grateful tribute to the lady's skill, a discerning public could confer: but not content with silent approval, they greeted her at the close of her performance with a rapturous and unanimous encore, this was gracefully responded to by the lady - she favouring us with another specimen of her talent, by playing with remarkable execution a fantasia on Irish airs which we do not remember previously to have heard. The style, precision and finish this lady displayed in her performance, together with the graceful ease with which she executed the most difficult passages, are proofs of talents of a very high order, and we congratulate the society and the musical public generally on the presence of such a talented Pianiste amongst us. We have not had the honor of the acquaintance of the distinguished lady - but we are informed that MADAME JAFFA was a distinguished pupil of the celebrated "Conservative Royale de Siege" [sic, Liège]
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 February 1859), 1
MADAME JAFFA begs to announce that she has, at the suggestion of her friends, made arrangements for giving a few private lessons. Address Mr. MADER, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1859), 1
MADAME JAFFA, Pianiste and Pupil of the Conservatoire Royal de Liege. For terms apply either at her residence, 7, Bligh-street; or Mr. MADER, George-street.
"MADAME JAFFA", Empire (30 August 1859), 5
[Advertisement], Empire (19 September 1859), 1
Trio - "Magic Wove Scarf" - Barnett. - Madame Carandini, Messrs. Sherwin and Gregg.
Song - "Der Wanderer" - Schubert - Mr. Gregg.
Quartette - Piano, Violin, Viola, and, Violoncello; first Grand Quartette Concertante - Mendelssohn - Madame Jaffa and the Messrs. Deane.
'Duo - "Bella imago" Semiramide - Rossini. - Madame Sara Flower and Mr. Gregg.
"Song - "Il mio tesoro," Don Juan - Mozart. - Mr. Sherwin.
Solo - Violoncello, "Hymn from Stradella" - Flotow. - Mr. Deane.
Song - "Auld Robin Gray" - Madame Carandini.
Solo - Piano, "Fantasie on airs from Lucie Di Lammermoor - Prudent. - Madame Jaffa.
Quartette - "Rigoletto" - Verdi. - Mesdames Sara Flower, Carandini, Messrs. Sherwin and Gregg.
Song - "Non, so piu" Noze di Figaro - Mozart. - Madame Sara Flower.
Solo - Piano "Sonata" (moonlight), op. 27 - Beethoven. - Madame Jaffa.
Duo - "Lasciami," Tancredi - Rossini. - Mesdames Carandini, and Sara Flower.
Song - "The Messenger" - J. Hatton. - Mr. Gregg.
Song - "Com e Gentil" Don Pasquale - Donizetti. - Mr. Sherwin.
Trio -"Gran Dio," - Don Juan - Mozart. - Madame Carandini, Messrs. Sherwin, and Gregg.
Solo - Piano "Erin," Fantasie, on Irish Melodies - Julius Benedict - Madame Jaffa.
Conductor, Mr. C. PACKER . . .
"MADAME JAFFA'S CONCERT", Empire (22 September 1859), 8
The entertainment given by this lady at the Exchange last evening, may be characterised as par excellence, undoubtedly the concert of the season. The hall was fully and fashionably attended . . . The quartett of Mendelssohn in C minor followed. All four movements were played. The Adagio - one of the most expressive pieces of music written by this genius - was played with exquisite taste and feeling. In the short duet passages, Mr. J. Deane on the violin admirably assisted the pianiste by the mellowness of his tones. The scherzo, and more particularly the concluding allegretto, showed a want of more practice in concert - the stringed instruments being slightly at fault . . . Prudent's "Lucia" Fantasia, brilliantly executed by the beneficaire concluded the first part of the concert . . . The great novelty of the evening succeeded - Beethoven's "Moonlight" Fantasie-Sonata (Op. 27, No. 2), and the delight experience by the connoisseurs of the art may compensate Madame Jaffa for her determination in elevating the standard of music. The opening Adagio was executed in the purest style, - soft and clear, the instrument on which the executant performed seemed slightly to mar the purity of the following allegretto . . . Madame Jaffa was loudly applauded . . . Jules Benedict's Variation on Irish melodies, (composed for Arabella Goddard, the greatest pianiste of the day,) brilliantly executed by tbs beneficiare, concluded this very delightful entertainment.
"MUSICAL NOTES", Empire (27 September 1860), 4
Madame Jaffa announces her annual concert for next week. This lady is too seldom heard in Sydney; she is one of the few artists who endeavour to refine and cultivate the taste by the dissemination - in public and private - of the highest class of music. One of the pieces to be performed by Madame Jaffa on the present occasion, is a fugue on the harmonium, by the mighty master, Sebastian Bach - the celebrated piece consisting of chromatic variations on his own name - the fugue being on the keys B.A.C.H.. Madame Jaffa will be assisted by the Misses Macarthy, and Madame Sarah Flower, who has returned to town after a lengthened absence, and will be warmly greeted by a large number of her admirers. The Band of the XII Regiment will also take part in the concert.
"MADAME JAFFA'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1864), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 August 1862), 1
MADAME JAFFA begs to announce that the last of her first series of popular subscription CONCERTS
will take place at the Masonic Hall, MONDAY, August 18.
Quartet - Male Voices - Kucken. - Under the direction of W. J. McDougall, Esq., amateurs who have kindly volunteered their services.
Concerto - Pianoforte - Dussek, Madame JAFFA.
Solo - Voi che Sapete - Mozart, Madame SARA FLOWER.
Solo - Violin - Kallwooda, Mr. PECK.
Pianoforte solo - Fantasie on Robin Adair - Wallace, Madame JAFFA.
Buffa Scena - The Maniac.
Quartet - Evening - De Call, Gentlemen Amateurs.
Pianoforte solo - Reveil des Fees - Prudent.
Solo - "Sweet and Low" (Tennyson) - Madame Jaffa (Composed expressly for this occision), Madame SARA FLOWER.
Duet - Dunque io son - Rossini, Madame SARA FLOWER and Mr. FARQUHARSON.
Pianoforte - Solo - Home Sweet Home - Thalberg (By particular desire), Madame JAFFA.
Buffo Scena - Fayre Rosamonde - a legende of Englishe Historyie - Parry, Mr. FARQUHARSON.
Accompanyist, Mr. BRIDSON . . .
"MADAME JAFFA'S MATINEE MUSICALE", Sydney Mail (3 January 1863), 4
On Wednesday afternoon, Madame Jaffa, long favourably known in the musical world of Sydney as an excellent pianiste, gave a grand day concert to a numerous and fashionable audience in the hall of the Australian Library, in Bent-street. The programme was of a varied and comprehensive character, the talent of some of the best of our resident musical artists (both vocal and instrumental) being called into requisition upon the occasion . . . The second piece was a solo pianoforte - The Grand March and Finale to Concert Stuck - by Weber, performed with great taste and delicacy by Madame Jaffa, who was warmly received by the ladies and gentlemen present . . . A grand duo, The "Liedeohnewort" [Lieder ohne Worte] of Mendelssohn, followed - Madame Jaffa at the harmonium and Mr. F. Ellard at the piano. This performance was much admired, the singular style of the music, and the ability with which it was executed, being particularly noticed . . . the first part concluded with a solo pianoforte by Thalberg, which served to show the brilliant performance of Madame Jaffa. The second part commenced with a well-known glee . . . This was succeeded by a grand solo, pianoforte (Woelfl's celebrated sonata, the "Ne Plus Ultra"), by Madame Jaffa, which was heartily applauded. The song of "Sweet and Low" (the words by Tennyson) was also highly successful, and received a very decided encore. It was sung with great sweetness by Madame Sara Flower - Madame Jaffa playing the accompaniment. We believe we are right in attributing the music of this pretty little song to Madame Jaffa. The music is easy, and the air so simple and pleasing that it deserves to become a favourite. The remainder of the pieces were . . . Thalberg's Barcarolle No. 15, by Madame Jaffa . . . and variations on Home Sweet Home by Madame Jaffa . . . Although the room was by no means as full as might be wished, we shall he glad to hear that there was a sufficient number of persons present to render this Matinee Musicale remunerative to the lady who gave it.
"NEW SONG", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1863), 4
Tennyson's pretty lines "Sweet and Low" have been set to music by the talented pianiste Madame Jaffa, and the composition is dedicated by that lady to her master M. Jalheau, Professor of the Pianoforte at the Royal Conservatory of Music at Liege. The touching simplicity of the poetry is appropriately preserved in the music, and which it may be remembered, was so exquisitely sung by Madame Sara Flower a short time since. To the plaintive air composed in six flats, a very chaste accompaniment is arranged principally in chords, and capable of that amount of instrumental expression for which songs like "Sweet and Low" depend very materially for successful interpretation. The publishers are F. Mader, and Wilkie, Elvy, and Co., and as a specimen of musical typography the copy before us is very creditable.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1864), 1
Kreutzer Sonata - Beethoven. Madame JAFFA and Mr. HAIMBERGER . . .
Piano Solo - Grand Fantasia - Rigoletto, Litz [Liszt] (Played this season by Arabella Goddard), Madame JAFFA . . .
Piano Solo - Fantaisia Impromptu - Chopin - Madame JAFFA . . .
Song - The Message - Madame Jaffa (Words by the late Adelaide Proctor,) Mr. CHARLES STEWART . . .
Piano Solo - Grand Fantaisia on the Cracovienne - Wallace, Madame JAFFA . . .
"MADAME JAFFA'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 September 1866), 4
This lady gives her farewell concert to-morrow evening. As it will be the last opportunity her friends and admirers will have of hearing her truly classical performances, no doubt she will receive that encouragement which her talents so richly deserve.
"MADAME JAFFA", Empire (31 October 1866), 5
This accomplished pianiste has taken a passage per Golden Sunset, for San Francisco. As it is her intention to make America her future home, all true lovers of the pure and truthful of musical art, will regret her absence from this city, leaving as it must a void in musical circles not readily to be filled. It it but an act of justice to state that no artiste who has visited these colonies has evinced to a like extent, what may be termed fidelity to the strict laws of musical orthodoxy; and while others may have pandered to a meretricious taste, and indulged in sensational displays, with at the same time a pecuniary profit to themselves, Madame Jaffa has ever remained faithful to her great master and his school to which she was so devoted a pupil. In her interpretation of the elaborate productions of Beethoven, Mendelssohn, &c., she, to use the language of a musical composer and critic of acknowledged merit, "presents qualifications not displayed to a like degree by other artistes," and which we are convinced will be duly appreciated and acknowledged by our brethren in the far land of the West.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Maitland Mercury (15 November 1866), 3
10 - Golden Sunset, barque, Hyndmarsh, for San Francisco, with 890 tons coal.
"LOSS OF THE GOLDEN SUNSET. PRIVATIONS OF THE PASSENGERS AND CREW (From the Newcastle Chronicle.)", The Mercury (24 July 1867), 3
"MADAME JAFFA'S FIRST CONCERT", Daily Alta California [San Francisco] (28 March 1867), 1
As has heretofore been announced, Madame Jaffa, a pianist who has attained great celebrity in her profession in the cities of Australia, will give her initial public performance in California, this evening, at Platt's Hall. The selections for the concert are admirable. She will be assisted by the Misses Howson, Mr. Frank Howson, and Mr. Buch . . .
"AMUSEMENTS" Daily Alta California (22 April 1868), 1
A fair audience attended Madame Jaffa's concert at Platt's Hall last night . . .
"ARRIVAL OF THE ENGLISH MAIL AT AUCKLAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1888), 8
"SHIPPING", The South Australian Advertiser (11 January 1889), 7
[News], The South Australian Advertiser (22 January 1889), 4
"MADAME JAFFA' S RECITAL", The Mercury (30 March 1889), 3
"PIANOFORTE RECITAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 July 1889), 8
[News], The Argus (1 August 1889), 5
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (5 August 1889),4
Bibliography and resources:
Northern California Composers (Finding Aid, San Francisco Public Library)
JAGER, Ernest Augustus (Ernest Augustus JAGER; Ernest Auguste JÄGER; ? Ernst August JÄGER; Mr. E. A. JAGER)
Professor of music, violinist and viola player, band leader, concert annotations (program note) writer (president, Musical Artists' Society)
Born ? Hamburg, Germany, c. 1849; son of Jas. JAGER
Active by early 1860s
Married Charlotte SHOESMITH (1853-1931), Fitzroy, VIC, 8 July 1873
Died Ascot Vale, VIC, Melbourne, 21 April 1921, aged 74 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Passenger lists show that Jager was playing in George Loder's orchestras as early as 1864 (for the Rainfords) and 1865 (Lyster's company), and he was a member of the Victorian Musical Association in November 1867. While advertising as a professional music teacher, he was leading band rehearsals for the Melbourne Exhibition in November 1872. He was elected a member, along with Julius Herz, of the Musical Association of Victoria in July 1876, and was viola player of the Melbourne Quartett Society in September. He was president of the Musical Artists' Society by April 1878 and in June the Argus noted a significant innovation:
The musical artists have sent us a copy of the annotated programme with which they will present their visitors on Monday night. It is highly creditable to the annotator, Mr. E. A. Jager, the president of the society, and will be found to be a most valuable adjunct to the enjoyment of the music by those who will be present at the concert. This programme heralds the introduction here of an excellent plan which is carried out in London and the larger cities on the Continent.
And again, in July 1879:
The annotated programme which they distribute amongst their visitors is a most interesting and valuable production, of great use to the audience and highly creditable to the "E. A. J." whose initials are appended at the foot of it, a musical artist whom we have no difficulty in identifying as Mr. E. A. Jager, the energetic and intelligent president of the Society . . .
In March 1890, the Argus published a detailed précis of his lecture, "The Orchestra, its Material, and How to Listen to it".
The nature of his relationship to Madame Jager, theatrical and operatic costumier, active in the 1860s, is unclear, though, given his young age in 1864, it is perhaps most likely that she was his mother. A Master Jager had appeared in theatrical roles in Sydney in 1861-62.
"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 April 1864), 4
Wonga Wonga (s.), 700 tons, Captain Trouton, for Melbourne. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Nish, Mr. and Mrs. Rainford, Mr. and Mrs. Norton, Mr. Melvyn, Mr. A. King, Mr. Steele, Mr. Leslie, Mr. F. Trevor, Mr. G. Loder, Mr. W. Lloyd, Mr. J. McCoy. Mr. J. B. Kitts, Mr. H. J. Christian, Mr, J. Herman, Mr. E. Jager, Mrs. Currie, Miss Levey, Mr. Forlong, Mr. Brown, Mr. Hart, Mr. E. L. Cohen, and 29 in the steerage.
"CLEARANCES", Empire (16 August 1865), 4
[News], The Argus (27 September 1867), 5
[News], The Argus (2 November 1867), 4
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 November 1872), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 January 1874), 8
[News], The Argus (25 December 1875), 5
[News], The Argus (26 July 1876), 4
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 September 1876), 12
[News], The Argus (1 April 1878), 7
[News], The Argus (1 June 1878), 6
Public Record Office, VIC; VPRS / 4396; index to naturalisation certificates, 1851-1900; reel 2 (PAYWALL)
Ernest Auguste Jäger / Residence Ascot Vale / Age 49 / Native Place - Hamburg - Germany / Occupation Professor of Music / Date of Certificate 12-2-1898 / No. of Certificate 7474
"UNIVERSITY CONSERVATORIUM. TO THE EDITOR", The Argus (10 September 1908), 7
"DEATHS", The Argus (26 April 1921), 1
"MUSICAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA", The Argus (17 March 1926), 26
Musical works:
Mollie darling ([by ? W. S. Hayes or John Hill] "transcribed for pianoforte by E. A. Jager" (in The Australian Musical Magazine (Christmas number, 1875) (Melbourne: Nicholson and Ascherberg)
JAMES, Mrs. (Mrs. JAMES)
Musician, teacher of pianoforte, harp, guitar, and singing
Active Belfast (Port Fairy), VIC, c. 1859 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Banner of Belfast [Port Fairy, VIC] (4 May 1859), 1
JAMES, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Ann JAMES; Miss JAMES; Mrs. Alexander James GRAY; Mrs. A. J. GRAY)
Musician, soprano vocalist
Born Singleton, NSW, 1848; baptised Whitingham, Singleton, 29 October 1848; daughter of William JAMES and Elizabeth Ann WINNETT (d. 1898)
Married Alexander James GRAY, Pitt-street Congregational Church, Sydney, NSW, 3 August 1872
Died Woolwich, NSW, 29 January 1915, aged "68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Whittington parish, Singleton, NSW, 1848; Australia, births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
29 October 1848 / Elizabeth Ann / daughter of William and Elizabeth Ann / James
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 August 1872), 1
On the 3rd instant, by special license, at Pitt-street Congregational Church, by the Rev. John Graham, ALEXANDER JAMES, second son of the late Mr. GEORGE GRAY, to ELIZABETH ANNE [sic], third daughter of Mr. WILLIAM JAMES, of Surry Hills, Sydney.
"DEATHS", The Australian Star (3 October 1898), 1
JAMES. - September 30, at the residence of her son. Rev. W. F. James, St. Paul's Vicarage, Stockton, Newcastle, Elizabeth Ann James, widow of the late William James, and beloved mother of Mrs. A. J. Gray, Eton, Summer Hill, aged 85.
"DEATHS", The Sun [Sydney, NSW] (31 January 1915), 8
GRAY. - At "Wyong," Gale-street, Woolwich, on 29th January, 1915, Elisabeth Ann, the dearly beloved wife of Alexander James Gray, aged 68.
"DEATH OF MRS. A. J. GRAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 February 1915), 10
Mrs. A. J. Gray well known in local musical circles died at Woolwich on Friday at the age of 68 years. As Miss James she was a musical pupil of the late Madame Bushell, and at 14 years of age was leading soprano in a Sydney church. In later years she was the soloist in various churches and at concerts she sang with the late Mr. Andrew Fairfax, Mr. G. F. Jackson and many other singers. Miss James was a member of the Opheonist Musical Society, the Civil Service Society when Mr. Douglas Callan conducted, and for several years she was a prominent star in the Saturday evening concerts. Miss James was married to Mr. A. J. Gray in the Pitt street Congregational Church by the late Rev. John Graham and she leaves three sons and two daughters. Deceased was a native of Sydney. The funeral took place on Saturday at Gore Hill, the officiating clergymen being the Revs. E. S. Lumsdaine and W. F. James.
JAMES, Henry (Henry JAMES)
Musician (of a strolling band), itinerant musician
Active Sydney, NSW, 1856 (shareable link to this entry)
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 September 1856), 2
Henry James was charged with having wilfully and maliciously broken a lamp, of the value of 25s., the property of Robert Watts. Complainant is a cab owner and driver residing in Pitt-street; defendent is a musician of a strolling band. On Saturday the band was performing in front of defendant's house when he drove up, requested them to give him passage, which they refused; he drove on and they were under the necessity of standing aside; defendant took up a music stand and made a blow at complainant, which missed him but smashed the carriage lamp. Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to pay the damage or to be imprisoned for forty-eight hours.
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. MONDAY", Empire (23 September 1856), 6
JAMES, J. B. (Mr. J. B. JAMES)
JAMES, Mrs. (Mrs. J. B. JAMES; Madame LOUISE) = Madame LOUISE
Actor, dancer, vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842-45
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (8 August 1843), 3
[Advertisement], Huddersfield Chronicle [Yorkshire, England] (26 March 1859), 4 (PAYWALL)
MR. J. B. JAMES (whose former Entertainment was most favourably received by a kind and discriminating audience)
will have the honour of giving a Second MONOLOGUE ENTERTAINMENT,
embracing THIRTY SKECTHES OF CHARACTER, Tragical, Historical, Allegorical, and Comical.
Front Seats, 2s.; Second Ditto, 1s.; Gallery 6d.
Doors open at half-past Seven, to begin at Eight o'clock.
JAMES, John Abraham (John Abraham JAMES; John A. JAMES; J. A. JAMES)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, choral conductor
Born Poplar, London, Engand, 17 June 1852
Arrived Launceston, TAS, 1856
Died Launceston, TAS, 15 October 1891, aged "39" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"MR. JOHN A. JAMES", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (16 October 1891), 3
"OBITUARY", Launceston Examiner (16 October 1891), 3
JAMES, Marie (Marie JAMES; Miss JAMES)
Vocalist, pianist
Active Melbourne, VIC, by mid 1859; to 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 June 1859), 8
[News], The Argus (29 July 1859), 4
Mr. W. H. Williams, of the Philharmonic Society, assisted by Miss Marie James, Mr. Angus, and other vocalists, gave a miscellaneous concert in the Mechanics' Institute, Emerald Hill, yesterday evening. The concert was announced as the first of a series of musical entertainments, "for the people," and, judging from the numbers present, the projector had no reason to complain of want of patronage. Miss James is a recent and welcome addition to the number of our lady vocalists. She has a pleasing voice, and evidently a perfect knowledge of music . . .
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (3 August 1859), 2
. . . Miss James is a vocalist new to the colony, and her debut on Monday evening before a Geelong audience was of a flattering kind. She sang "The Queen of the Merry Green wood," "Smiling Faces," "The Dashing White Sergeant," and " My heart is sair for somebody." She was encored enthusiastically, and nothing would do but the rules of the Concert Society had to be infringed. One of her encore sougs was " Gin a body," which Miss James rendered with exquisite simplicity and effect. She was a little timid at the commencement of the evening, and might have been indebted to her accompanyist for more gentle consideration and encouragement. The audience, however, was with her, and she became the favorite of the evening . . .
JAMES, Philippa (Philippa BRIDGES; Mrs. John Frederick JAMES)
Musician, organist, pianist
Born London, England, 9 April 1820; baptised Pentonville, 10 May 1820; daughter of William BRIDGES (d. 1838) and Philippa HARDWIDGE (d. VIC, 1868)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1849
Married John Frederic JAMES (d. 1864), St. Paul's church, Melbourne, VIC, 18 February 1854
Died Surrey Hills, VIC, 26 April 1911, aged "91" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 December 1849), 3
EDUCATION. MISS BRIDGES BEGS to intimate to her friends, and to the inhabitants of Melbourne generally,
that she re-opens school on Monday, 7th January.
Vacancies of two boarders, and four Daily Pupils.
Terms - Quarterly payments in advance. La Trobe-street. December 7th, 1849.
"MARRIED", The Argus (21 February 1854), 4
On the 18th instant, at St. Paul's Church, Melbourne, by the Rev. S. Lloyd Chase, A.M., John F. James, Esq., late of Camberwell Grove, to Philippa, eldest daughter of the late William Bridges, Esq., of Camberwell.
"ST. PAUL'S CHURCH NEW ORGAN", The Age (3 February 1855), 5
A new grand organ, which, we are informed, is a most magnificent instrument, has recently been erected in this place of worship by Mr. Smith, formerly of Bristol, but now of this city, organ builder. Of the tone or capacity of this instrument we cannot speak until privileged to hear it; of which an opportunity will be afforded to-morrow when it will be played publicly for the first time, and will doubtless be displayed to the best possible advantage under the able manipulation of Mrs. James, the organist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Smith (organ builder)
"OPENING OF TRINITY CHURCH, DONCASTER", South Bourke Standard (2 April 1869), 3
The opening of the pretty little Episcopal Church at Doncaster, in the parish of Bulleen, near Kew, took place on Easter Monday afternoon . . . The opening services were largely attended, not only by the residents, but by many friends of the church from Melbourne and suburbs. The Rev. R. Hayward offered the prayers; the R. B. Macartney read the first lesson, and the Rev. B. S. Walker the second lesson; and the Dean preached from 1 Cor., v, 4. Mrs. James, organist of St. Mark's, Fitzroy, and some members of the town choirs, very kindly gave their services on the interesting occasion. The psalms were chanted, and an anthem from the Book of Chronicles was sung at the appointed time. The hymns were, "Hail to the Lord's anointed," and "Rock of Ages" . . .
"CHURCH MUSIC IN VICTORIA. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, FITZROY", Weekly Times (11 September 1869), 6
Without the slightest straining after effect or parade of any sort, and indeed without any purpose beyond rendering to religious service the appropriate homage of unpretending harmony, we find interesting features in the choir of this church which, in the earnestness and vigour of their efforts tend almost to compensate for the musical deficiencies (strictly speaking) which appear to exist. However, upon the whole, the music is good. The choir consists of some dozen voices, and is pretty fairly balanced, and the sopranos and basses are decidedly beyond the general average, one lady in particular possessing a very beautiful voice. On Sunday week we visited this church, and were pleased to see that the canticles and psalms were chanted in a manner which showed that a more than ordinary degree of care and attention had been paid to the details in rehearsal, and we noticed that the hymn tunes were appropriately selected in accordance with the meaning of the words. Mrs. James presided at the organ, and played her part with much care, but, at the same time, we are bound to observe that she fell short of our expectations in accompanying the psalms of the day; frequently the organ was behind the choir, and this, of course, marred the effect. The choir took the chanting throughout in excellent strict time, with out giving that undue prominence to the "bar notes" so often noticeable elsewhere. The hymns were sung remarkably well, and were accompanied with nice taste. We may venture to hint, by the way, that the resources of the organ were seldom developed. Mrs. James, however, appears to us superior to most lady performers on such a masculine instrument (as the organ undoubtedly is), and used the pedals and managed the stops very fairly, notwithstanding that she ignored the use of some solo stops which the organ possesses. The organ - a very old one, and formerly the property of the Philharmonic Society - is built by Forster and Andrews, Hull, and has this peculiarity - it has two ranks of keys, but instead of having an independent swell organ the whole is encased in a general swell box with the ordinary Venetian shutters. The effect to be produced by such an arrangement may certainly be questioned. The organ, however, has good points, it is excellently voiced, and its tone is very sweet. Mr. Anderson, organ builder, has added a new principal, and a bourdon, the latter in volume of tone being perhaps the best we have heard here, and closely approximating a sixteen foot stop. The tenoroon and viol di gamba are also very excellent. At evening service the music went steadily, and the chanting was much better accompanied than in the morning. The anthem was capitally sung, and brought out the powers of the choir to the utmost.
It may not be out of place to mention that, on Tuesday week last, an interesting ceremony took place at the residence of Mrs. James, which was no less than the presentation to her of a purse of fifty sovereigns, which had been collected by the congregation of St. Mark's Church, and given as a token of appreciation of her valuable services as organist and directress of the choir, which office she has held for upwards of three or four years, having performed her duties to the satisfaction of every one concerned, gratuitously. The presentation was made by the Reverend the Incumbent Hubert Barlow, B. A., who was accompanied by the churchwardens, and who made a point of referring to the fact that a salary of £40 a year had been offered to Mrs. James, but which she had in the most generous manner declined to receive.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Anderson (organ builder)
"NEW INSOLVENTS", Weekly Times (19 March 1881), 7
Philippa James, of Balaclava road, St. Kilda, school teacher. Causes of insolvency: Decrease in pupils, sickness in family, and pressure of creditors.
Liabilities, £820 14s. 1d.; assets, £120 4s.; deficiency, £700 10s. 1d. Mr. Jacomb, official assignee.
"Obituary", The Reporter [Box Hill, VIC] (5 May 1911), 2
Mrs. Philippa James, so well known locally some years ago as the principal of "Campden" ladies' college, Surrey Hills, passed away on Wednesday, April 26. Mrs. James came to Victoria in 1849 (as Miss Bridges), accompanied by her mother and sisters, and opened a ladies' college in Melbourne. As soon as her sisters had become settled in life she married Mr. John Frederic James (the first registrar, respectively, of the diocese of Melbourne and the Melbourne university), to whom she had become engaged prior to leaving England. After a brief married life she was left a widow with four young children. Mrs. James then opened the educational establishment which became so famous as "Grantown House," Nicholson street, Fitzroy, opposite the present Exhibition building. Subsequently, as the outlying parts of the city became the residential districts, the school was removed to St. Kilda, and finally to Surrey Hills. Mrs. James was an accomplished musician, and most creditably filled the important position of organist both at St. Paul's pro-cathedral, Melbourne, and at St. Mark's, Fitzroy, for considerably more than 20 years. Her musical skill was eminently displayed upon the school speech days in the excellent pianoforte trios and duets, which were always striking features of those gatherings. In these trios three pianos were used, at each of which were three pupils, with of course a triple musical setting. Without any conductor, these young ladies would render such pieces as "Tancredi," "Silver Trumpets," Mendelssohn's "Wedding March," without a fault. The results so produced were striking testimony of the excellence of [. . . ] to the Misses Singleton, who continued to carry it on. During recent years Mrs. James resided at the house of her son-in-law, his honor Judge Neighbour, at Beaumnaris, where her useful life of nearly 92 years came to a close last week. She will ever be remembered for her loving nature and gentle disposition, which endeared her to all and especially to the many hundreds of pupils who always held her (and she was a strict disciplinarian) in the deepest affection and respect. Churches and charities alike owed her much for, apart from her personal labors and support, every year a school bazaar was held in aid of one or other of those causes. Mrs. James leaves one son, Mr. J. F. C. James (of Surrey Hills) and two daughters, Mrs. Neighbour (of Beaumaris) and Mrs. H. Folliott Sandford (of Ringwood).
Bibliography and resources:
Enid Noel Matthews, Colonial organs and organ builders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 116, 134, 141
[116] ST. PAUL'S CHURCH . . . Organists: 1852, Mrs. James; 1863, Mr. Goold . . .
[134] [Fitzroy] ST. MARK'S CHURCH . . . Organists . . . 1865, David Lee, Herr Schott, Mrs. James; 1874, Mr. Forster . . .
[141] [North Melbourne] ST. MARY'S CHURCH . . . Organists . . . 1856, Mrs. James; 1866, Mr. H. Hayward . . .
JAMES, William (William JAMES)
Musical instrument maker and repairer, ? machinist, ? electrician
Active Sydney, NSW, c. mid 1850s, ? 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
? Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Sydney directory for 1858-9 (Sydney: Sands and Kenny, 1858), 166 (DIGITISED)
. . . James, William, machinist, Albert-st., Darlinghurst . . .
? Sands and Kenny's commercial and general Sydney directory for 1861 (Sydney: Sands and Kenny, 1861), 182 (DIGITISED)
. . . James, William, electrician, 118 Dowling-st.
"OLD SYDNEY . . . (BY 'OLD CHUM')", Truth (13 February 1910), 11
. . . I am favored with two interesting letters from Mr. Conlon, one under date January 24, 1910, as follows:- . . . According to your correspondent, the first band he speaks of was started in 1854. I was then at school, and I was the principal messenger, selected to take the band instruments to be repaired. I had to take them to a musical instrument maker named William James, who lived in Domain Terrace, off Macquarie-street, city, and to the Victoria Barracks, Paddington (where the 11th Regiment, under Colonel Bloomfield, was then quartered) twice a week. I was selected for this duty, as I knew the town well . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde (columnist, "Old Chum"); Michael Joseph Conlon (correspondent, former bandsman)
NOTES: The earlier correspondent, "N.S.", had written a letter than appeared in "OLD SYDNEY . . . (BY 'OLD CHUM'), Truth (30 January 1910), 11
N.S. kindly writes: - . . . "There were two brass bands at St. Benedict's, started by Father Corish - one about 1854, the other about 1858-9. Bass Hodge, Dick Seymour, and a man named Sykes were the intructors of the first band; and a Dutchman named Van de Stadt was Organist at St. Benedict's and bandmaster of the second band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sebastian Hodge (musician); Richard Seymour (musician); Sykes (musician)
Professor of Music (from Bath), teacher of pianoforte and violin
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, May 1839 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? "MARRIAGES", Newcastle Journal [England] (25 June 1836), 3
At Wallsend, on the 23rd inst. Mr. Jameson, professor of music, to Miss Isabel Bourley.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (8 June 1839), 1
MR. JAMESON, (From Bath,) PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, BEGS to acquaint the Ladies, Families, and others desirous of receiving Lessons on the Pianoforte, and Gentlemen who may feel disposed to learn the Violin, that should sufficient encouragement offer, he will remain in Melbourne to teach the above. Pianofortes tuned, repaired, and old ones however broken or out of order made equal to new. For Cards of Address apply at the Gazette Office.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (22 July 1839), 4 supplement
A CARD. MR. JAMESON continues giving lessons on the Pianoforte and Violin for a few months.
Pianofortes Tuned and Repaired.
Terms, Teaching Pianoforte per quarter - £3 0 0
Tuning - 1 0 0
Teaching the Violin per quarter - 3 0 0
For Cards of Address apply at this Office.
? England census, 30 March 1851; Northumberland, Tynemouth; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 2410 (PAYWALL)
James Jameson / Head / 45 / Organist . . .
isabel [Jameson] / Wife / 35 . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Alexander Sutherland, Victoria and its metropolis, past and present (Melbourne: McCarron, Bird, 1888), 173
In May 1839 there arrived our first professor of music, Mr. Jameson, from Bath, and next year Mons. and Mme. Gautrot took up their quarters in Little Collins-street and began a series of instrumental and vocal concerts . . .
Harpist, pianist
Active Adelaide, SA, 1850-51 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (26 October 1850), 6
HARP AND PIANO. MRS. JAMIESON, Will be happy to give instruction on either of the above instruments. Residence - West-terrace.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (31 October 1851), 2
. . . 3. Duo for Harp and Piano, on Airs from Zampa, LABARRE - Mrs. Jamieson (who has kindly consented to play on this occasion) and Mr. F. Ellard . . .
"MR. ELLARD'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (3 November 1851), 3
. . . An instrumental duet for harp and piano followed, Mrs. Jamieson and Mr. Ellard being the performers. The piece was a potpourri of subjects, from Zampa; and the sparkling morceaux of Herold's opera were finely illustrated by the artistes . . .
MUSIC: Two grand duets, for harp and piano, on the favorite subjects from Herold's operas, no. 1. Zampa ou La fianceée de marbre (Théodor Labarre)
Music copyist, school teacher
Active Maitland, NSW, 1846 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (22 August 1846), 3
MUSIC COPIED at 3d. per page, by Mr. J. Jamieson, Teacher, Wesleyan School, West Maitland.
JANSZ, Claes (Claes JANSZ, "t hooft" [the head])
Chief trumpeter (Batavia)
Active WA, 1629 (shareable link to this entry)
Bibliography and resources:
Csilla E. Ariese, Databases of the people aboard the VOC ships Batavia (1629) and Zeewijk (1727) - An analysis of the potential for finding the Dutch castaways' human remains in Australia (Fremantle: Australian National Centre of Excellence for Maritime Archaeology, 2012)
Ralph J. G. Henssen, Trompetters en tamboers in de Zeeuwse zeevaart ten tijde van de Republiek: plichten en Praktijken (thesis, Utrecht University, 2011)
JARRETT, William (William JARRETT; Rev. W. JARRETT)
Congregational (Independent) minister, amateur vocalist (Melbourne Philharmonic Society), newspaper editor (The Argus), later Episcopalian presbyter
Born Southwark, London, England, 17 June 1810; baptised Surrey Chapel, Southwark, 14 December 1810; son of George JARRETT and Sarah his wife
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by February 1833
Married Mary Anne RUSSELL (c. 1817-1884), Sydney, NSW, 17 June 1834
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 30 January 1867 (per Swiftsure, for London)
Died Hulmeville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA, 18 February 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Jarrett was ordained in London in September 1832 to serve as an Independent minister in Australia. He arrived in Hobart and preached his first sermon in February 1833. He married Mary Ann Russell in Sydney in June 1834, after which he served congregations in Sydney and Hobart. In 1846 he settled in Melbourne, where he was an early performing member, vice-president, and committee member, of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and for a time editor of The Argus. He sailed for England in January 1867, and reportedly took up a to a charge in Galway, Ireland, before sailing for America in 1868. By 1869 he was in Philadelphia, and by 1872 in Hampton, Virginia. Having appafrently been reordained as an Episcopalian, he was rector of Hulmeville, Pennsylvania, at the time of his death on 18 February 1883. His widow died in East Melbourne, VIC, on 19 June 1884.
Register of births and baptisms, 1802-37, Surrey Chapel (Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion), Blackfriar's Road, London, page 67; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
171 / William son of George Jarrett and Sarah his wife, was born June 17 1810 in the parish of Christ Church, Surry, and baptized Dec. 14 1810 . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (19 February 1833), 3
Van Deimen's Land. Missionary Society. ON Sabbath next, Feb. 24th, two Sermons will be preached on behalf of the above Society, at the Independent Chapel, Brisbane-street, by the Rev. William Jarrett, from London. - Service to commence in the morning at eleven o'clock, and in the evening at half-past six. Feb. 18th, 1833.
"CLERGY IN NEW SOUTH WALES . . .", The Sydney Herald (28 March 1833), 2
ORDINATION OF THE REV. W. JARRETT, at Union Chapel, Islington, on Thursday evening, Sept. 27, 1832, for the Independent Church, Sydney, New South Wales . . .
"Marriages", The Sydney Herald (19 June 1834), 2
On Tuesday last, at the Residence of Mrs. Russel, in Elizabeth-street Sydney, by the Rev. J. McGarvie, A. M., the Rev. W. Jarrett, Minister of the Independent Chapel, Pitt-street, to Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Captain R. B. Russel, of the ship Lady Rowena.
"SHIPPING . . . CLEARED OUT", The Age (31 January 1867), 4
January 30 . . . Passengers per Swiftsure, ship, (Messrs. Green's Blackwall Line) 1500 tons, Mr. Byall Mayhew, commander, for London. Saloon: Mrs J. J. Hewett and four children, Miss Hewett, Rev. W. Jarrett . . .
Bibliography and resources:
William Jarrett, Find a grave
[much later gravestone] In memory of the Rev'd William Jarrett, a presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania, and rector for two years of Grace Church, Hulmewille, Native of England, his life devoted to the praise of God and the interests of his fellow men, in his native country, in Australia, and in this land, he died suddenly alone in the night in the rectory on Sunday February 18, 1883 in the [73] year of his age . . .
"Jarrett, Rev. William", Our family history
Amateur musician, viola player, tenor violin player
Born Burslem, Staffordshire, England, 9 June 1830; baptised Primitive Methodist chapel, Burslem, 17 June 1830; son of John JARVIS (c. 1792-1864) and Sarah DUTTON (c. 1802-1871)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 14 December 1840 (per Fairfield, from London, and Plymouth, 30 July)
Married Ann ARTHUR (c. 1829-1918), St. John's, Adelaide, SA, 27 January 1856
Died Poet Elliot, SA, 13 December 1870, aged "41" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
A register of baptisms solemnized [Primitive Methodist chapel, Burslem], 1830; UK National Archives, RG4/3087
June 17th 1830 / Thomas a male / [born] Burslem June 9th 1830 [son of] John Jarvis / Sarah Jarvis formerly Dutton / Burslem Staffordshire / Boiler maker
"THE HANDEL FESTIVAL", South Australian Register (15 April 1859), 3
The second part of this entertainment took place on Thursday evening . . . "Alexander's Feast," as we have said, is in character strikingly unlike the "Messiah" . . . To the instrumentalists generally too much praise can hardly be given when it is considered that they are all amateurs; and foremast amongst them is Mr. Chapman, the leader, whose violin-playing would be no disgrace to the best orchestra in the world. Mr. Jarvis, tenor violin, also deserves honourable mention . . .
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (20 February 1862), 2
The full report of the Norwood Philharmonic Society's concert on Tuesday evening did not reach us in time for Wednesday's Advertiser; we therefore now supply the omission. An excellent programme was provided, commencing with Boildieu's overture "La Dame Blanche," which was admirably performed by the band. Mr. Chapman acted as conductor and leader . . . The instrumental quartette from "Chiara de Rosenberg," by Luigi Ricci followed, the respective performers being Messrs. Proctor (flute); Chapman (violin); Jarvis (viola); and Betteridge (violoncello). It was admirably done . . . The "Huntsman's Chorus," from "Der Freischutz," by the whole Company, wound up a most successful concert, which was said to have equalled any given by the old Adelaide Choral Society in its palmiest days . . .
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (27 August 1863), 2
Mrs. Wishart's benefit concert was given on Wednesday evening at the Assembly Rooms, and was one of the best which has taken place in Adelaide for a long time . . . The programme commenced with the overture to the "Dame Blanche," executed very creditably by Mr. Chapman's well-known quadrille band . . . Mrs. Smart sang Wallace's beautiful air "Sweet spirit hear my prayer," after which a very elegant quartette, arranged on airs from the opera of Chiara di Rosenberg, was performed by Messrs. Proctor (flute), Chapman (violin), Jarvis (viola) and Betteridge (violoncello) and it is due to Mr. Proctor to notice his very sweet flute playing, which was generally admired. The second part of the Concert commenced with the overture to Fra Diavolo . . .
"STRATHALBYN [From our own Correspondent] . . . September 9", Adelaide Observer (17 September 1864), 2 supplement
. . . Since writing the above, news of the sudden death of Mr. John Jarvis, farmer, near Belvidere, has been brought to the township. It appears that the old gentleman (whom I should suppose to be rather over 60 years of age) fell from or got thrown off his horse on his journey home from this place on Tuesday. From the effects of this he seemed to be recovering, and this morning he went out for a walk, but soon returned from inability to proceed further, and went to lie down on the bed, where he almost immediately expired. Mr. Jarvis was an old veteran, having in his earlier days fought under Wellington for the honour of his King and the prestige of his country.
September 12. The funeral of Mr. John Jarvis . . . took place yesterday at 2 p.m., at the Strathalbyn Cemetery, where a large number of friends and relatives of the decease assembled to show their respect for the departed. According to medical certificate, Mr. Jarvis, who was 73 years of age, died from the effusion of blood into the lungs.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (20 October 1865), 2
The half-yearly soirree of the Trinity Church Mutual Improvement Association was held in the schoolroom on Thursday evening, October 19 . . . The programme was commenced by Mendelssohn's Wedding March, which was well played by Messrs. Shakspeare, Chapman, and Jarvis . . . and the overture to "The Caliph of Bagdad" by Messrs. Shakespeare, Chapman, and Jarvis, also encored, brought the first part of the entertainment to a close . . .
[Advertisement], The Adelaide Express (31 January 1866), 1
TO-MORROW (Thursday) EVENING, February 1. To commence at 8 o'clock sharp.
The following artistes have kindly given their services: -
Instrumentalists - Messrs. Chapman, Schrader, McCullagh, T. Heydecke, White, Proctor, Rietschler, Jarvis, Fritz Heydecke, Betteridge, Wiedenhofer, Plumstead, and Wallace.
Vocalists - Messrs. G. Ball, Gowenlock, H. Pounsett, and gentlemen members of the Choral Union, also gentlemen of the Amateur Christy Minstrels . . .
"GENERAL NEWS", The Adelaide Express (18 May 1866), 2
The sixth annual soiree of the Trinity Young Men's Mutual Improvement Society, was held in the schoolroom of Trinity Church, on Thursday evening, May 17 . . . The musical portion of the entertainment was then commenced by the band playing the overture "La Dame Blanche," which was excellently performed and loudly applauded . . . The music was under the direction of Mr. J. Shakspeare, who was ably assisted by Messrs. Chapman, Jarvis, and Schrader.
[Advertisement], The Express and Telegraph (11 November 1869), 1
The Musical portion under the direction of Mr. JAMES SHAKSPEARE,
assisted by Messrs. HALL, (1st Violin), CHAPMAN (2nd Violin),
JARVIS (Tenor), and BETRIDGE (Double Bass) . . .
"NEWS OF THE DAY', The South Australian Advertiser (23 April 1870), 2
On Friday evening, April 22, a concert for the benefit of a German family in distress was given at the Hotel Europe. The programme was sustaiued by Messrs. Hall, Schrader, Heydecke, Klauer, Chapman, Howson, Jarvis, Weber, Proctor, Weidenhofer, Pappin, Vincent, Waite, and Stratton, as instrumentalists, and efficient service was rendered in the vocal portions by the Liedertafel, under the leadership of Mr. Chas. Puttmann . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Evening Journal (20 May 1870), 3
The concert of sacred music given by Philharmonic Society on Thursday evening in the Town Hail was very largely attended . . . Mr. E. Spiller acted as conductor, Mr. R. B. White as leader of the band, and Mr. James Shakespeare presided at the grand pianoforte. The principal instrumentalists included also the following: - Messrs. J. Hall, W. Chapman, Schrader, F. Heydecke, Webber, Julius Jarvis [sic], Howson, Betteridge, Tilley, Kay, Pappin, Harris, Pank, Vincents and Burns . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (18 November 1870), 1
Given by the Ladies and Gentlemen comprising the ADELAIDE LIEDERTAFEL,
Under the Conductorship of MR. CHARLES PUTTMANN,
In conjunction with the following Instrumentalists under the Leadership of MR. J. T. HALL.
PROLOGUE. CONCERT. 1. Overture - "Zampa," by Herold - Orchestra . . .
To be followed by the Romantic Opera, in Three Acts, the
"DIED", The South Australian Advertiser (14 December 1870), 2
JARVIS. - On the 13th December, at Port Elliot, Thomas Jarvis, aged 41 years.
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (14 December 1870), 1
M.U. - The MEMBERS of the Lodge and Order are respectfully requested to MEET at the Lodgeroom,
on THURSDAY, the 15th instant, at 2.30 p.m., to FOLLOW the REMAINS of the late BROTHER THOMAS JARVIS to the West-terrace Cemetery.
JEFFERY, Robert Cornwall (Robert Cornwall JEFFERY; R. C. JEFFERY; Mr. JEFFERY; also JEFFREY)
Musician, professor of music, pianist, teacher of pianoforte and singing
Born London, England, 22 May 1832; baptised St. Pancras, 3 March 1833; son of Robert JEFFERY and Caroline CORNWALL
Arrived VIC, by 1859
Married Fanny Lillian Wardlow HART, Sandhurst (Bendigo), VIC, 28 October 1872
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18 August 1898, aged "65" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Pancras in the county of Middlesex in the year 1833; register 1832-34, page 207; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/Pan1/018 (PAYWALL)
No. 343 / [1833 March] 3rd / Robert Cornwall [son of] / Robert & Caroline / Jeffery / Upper North Place / Coach Maker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Jeffery and Caroline Cornwall married at St. Pancras on 26 June 1826
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Pancras, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1495/453/11 (PAYWALL)
10 Upper North Place / Robert Jeffery / Head / Mar. / 50 / Coach Maker (Master) / [born] Midd'x Mary-le-bone
Caroline Jeffery / Wife / Mar. / 45 / - / [born] [Midd'x] St. James
Harriet [Jeffery] / Daur. / Unm. / 20 / - / [born] Midd'x St. Pancras
Robert [Jeffery] / Son / Unm. / 18 / - / [born] [Midd'x St. Pancras]
Kate / 14 // John / 12 // Charles / 9 // [all born Midd'x St. Pancras]
"AMATEUR THEATRICALS", The Mount Ararat Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera [VIC] (29 April 1859), 2
On Tuesday evening the Amateur Theatricals of Ararat gave their services for a performance at White's Assembly Rooms, New Rush, Commissioner's Hill, the same being for the benefit of the funds of the Benevolent Asylum, and under distinguished patronage . . . The performances commenced with Douglas Jerroid's world-famed Nautical Drama of "Black Ey'd Susan, or all in the Downs" . . . The interlude was well received, consisting of soags by Mr. Troy Knight, Anderson and Jefferies, and dancing by Mr. Gibson . . .
[Advertisement], The Mount Ararat Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera (5 July 1859), 3
Quadrille Assembly. ORIGINAL STAR, Commissioner's Hill,
Thursday Evenings. Monthly Subscription - 10s 0d. Single do. - 3s. 6d.
Conductor, Mr. R. C. JEFFERY.
Tickets to be had at Dobson's Library, Ararat, and Cope's Library, Commissioner's Hill.
[Advertisement], The Mount Ararat Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera (18 May 1860), 3
THE FIRST ASSEMBLY will be held on TUESDAY NEXT, May 22nd, at 8 o'clock,
at the Shamrock Assembly Rooms, Barkly-street . . .
Musical Director - MR. JEFFREYS. M.C. - MR. W. H. SMITH.
"THE MASONIC BALL", The Mount Ararat Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera (1 January 1861), 2
As we stated in our last issue, the Masonic Ball came off successfully on Thursday evening last [27 December] . . . We were sorry to see so few ladies there. The great excess in number of the gentlemen proved a serious drawback; this is a matter, however, which the originators of the ball could have little power of remedying. The music was only tolerable, the excellent playing of Mr. Jeffery being not much improved by the assistance of two or three very mediocre performers. The fact, is just at the present time, it was found impossible by Mr. Sadler to get an efficient band, and the music provided was really the best which the district afforded. We heard a large number of complaints about the arrangement of the programme; by, we presume, an oversight, polkas were practically omitted, there being not one from dance number two to number twenty. As the great majority of people were not there so early as the second dance and did not stop till the twentieth they got no polka-ing at all; however, the programme was abundantly stored with Scotch reels, Caledonians, &c. All suggestions that a polka should be improvised, were met with a most decided negative from one of the Stewards, who asserted most dogmatically that the principles of Freemasonry would be overthrown if the programme were interfered with in the least . . .
[Advertisement], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon and Newstead Advertiser (5 November 1870), 3
MASONIC HALL. The Talented and Versatile Artiste
In which she will sustain 20 DIFFERENT CHARACTERS.
Pianist - MR. R. C. JEFFERY.
Admission, Front Seats; 2s, Back, 1s.
"MARRIED", Bendigo Advertiser (29 October 1872), 2
On the 28th October, at Sandhurst, by the Rev. Mark Butler, Mr. Robert Cornwall Jeffery, to Fanny Lillian Wardlow Hart. Melbourne papers please copy.
[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star [VIC] (10 August 1874), 3
THEATRE ROYAL. Commencing THIS EVENING, MONDAY. For a Few Nights Only.
Leader - Mr. S. F. SHRADER. Cornet - J. F. EVANS.
Pianist - Mr. R. C. JEFFERY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Frederick Schrader (musician); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 March 1879), 8
MR. R. C. JEFFERY, Teacher of PIANOFORTE and Singing. 2 Murchison-street, Carlton.
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (2 June 1883), 8
MR. R. C. JEFFREY, Pianist, removed to 2 York-terrace, Brunswick-street north.
"DEATHS", The Age (19 August 1898), 1
JEFFERY. - On the 18th August, at his late residence, 71 Grey-street, East Melbourne, Robert Cornwall Jeffery, musician, aged 65 years.
"DEATHS", The Argus (10 May 1915), 1
JEFFERY (nee Hart). - On the 7th May, at 183 Simpson street, East Melbourne, Frances Wardlow, relict of the late Robert Cornwall Jeffery, Esq., musician. (Interred privately.)
"TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Age (9 December 1933), 6
Sir, - A couple of weeks ago a correspondent inquired the date of Madam Cora's appearance in Bendigo.
I have just come across several old programmes of theatrical companies with which my father and mother were connected.
My father, Robert C. Jeffery, was Madam Cora's pianist. The company appeared at Bendigo in 1874.
The other musicians were S. F. Schrader and J. Evans.
Madam Cora was a clever illusionist, and was supported by several artists, including Mr. Martin Ford, whose name will be remembered by old theatregoers.
Among the programmes are such names as J. J. Harwood, Harry Daniels, Miss Fanny Hart (my mother), Miss Wieland and Miss Ada Hart (my aunt),
but unfortunately the programmes do not contain the year, except one, which bears the date September, 1869.
The others must have been printed about the same time. -
Yours, &c., FLORENCE FROST, Pascoe Vale.
ASSOCIATIONS: Florence Augusta Jeffery (born Carlton, VIC, 1879; m. Gustave Robert Frost, VIC, 1900); Harry Daniels (actor)
JENKIN, Charles (Charles JENKIN)
Active Beechworth, VIC, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)
"SMALL DEBTS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (22 March 1859), 3
Charles Jenkin v. John Jones. A claim for £16, for services as a musician. On examination, the plaintiff said he had been left behind at the Buckland, when the circus returned from there. He admitted, however, that it was his own fault, as he had got drunk on the road. He had not given notice of his intention to leave. He had left because he saw no prospect of getting his money. He acknowledged having received the sum of £10 5s. on account of the debt. Verdict for £5 5s., without costs. The Court then adjourned for half an hour.
(1 or more) Musician(s), viola player, drum player
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1852-53; 1855 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 July 1852), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 September 1852), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 April 1853), 12
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. Promenade Concert and Ball.
Open Every Evening. Admission One Shilling, M. Fleury, in returning thanks to the citizens of Melbourne for their very kind patronage,
begs to say that no expense or exertion shall be spared on his part in making the Salle de Valentino the first place of its kind in this city.
M. Fleury promises also to make it his especial object to produce every novelty in Music,
both vocal and instrumental and will not be satisfied with merely telling the public that he has an efficient band but will give their names, which, it is hoped,
will be a sufficient guarantee of ability:
Instrumentalists: Violinists, Messrs. Reed and Fillon.
Ophecleide - M. Hartigan (the first soloist in the colony.)
Cornopean - M. De la Balestriere.
Saxe horn, Mr. Baker.
Clarionette - Mr. Kinsella.
Double-bass - Herr Hendorff.
Trombone - Mr. McNamara.
Drum - Mr. Jenkins.
And Herr Polin, the celebrated solo performer on the flute.
M. FLEURY, Leader and Conductor.
Singers: Mrs. Byrne [sic, Bourn], whose style of singing has been so much admired; And an Irish Comic singer.
Gazza Ladra, - overture - Rossini.
Duette, "Lucrezia di Borgia," Baker and Hartigan.
La Sultana des fleurs (arranged for full band by M. Fleury).
Faust Valse (Diabolique) - Chas. D'Albert.
Malta Quadrille . J. Kalozdy.
La Vie de Boheme - Chretien.
Napoleon Quadrille - Musard.
Gadogan Polka, composed by Kalozdy, Conductor of the Hungarian Band.
Solos by Mr. Hartigan and Polin every night next week.
ASSOCIATIONS: Auguste Filhon (violin); Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide, 40th band); Alfred Labalestrier (cornopean); William Baker (Sax horn, 40th band); James Kinsella (clarinet); Hermann Harndorff (double bass); Daniel McNamara (trombone, 40th band); Lawrence Frederick Palin (flute)
JENKINS, Edward (Edward JENKINS)
Musical instrument maker and repairer, cabinetmaker
Active Sydney, NSW, 1848-51 (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1848), 4
MR. MORT has had placed in his hands for unreserved sale,
ON TUESDAY, 30TH INSTANT, At 11 o'clock precisely,
On the premises, two doors from Mrs. Terry's, Pitt-street,
Guitars, flageolets, flutes, accordions, violins, cornet-a-pistons, &c., &c., strings, bows, music, &c.
Terms - Cash. NO RESERVE.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (22 August 1848), 3
EDWARD JENKINS, Cabinet and Musical Instrument Maker,
No. 373, Pitt-street, North, 2 doors from Mrs. Terry's.
Flutes, Guitars, Violins, &c, &c. &c. neatly repaired.
Rosewood furniture and bed posts always on hand at most reasonable prices.
Best French polish six shillings a quart.
"MASTER AND APPRENTICE", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1851), 3
Two or three weeks ago, Edward Jenkins, of Pitt-street, was summoned to the Police Office by William Allingham, his apprentice, for neglecting to teach him his trade. It appeared that Mr. Jenkins had gone to the gold country, and had left a man in charge, who, however, only remained one week. Being then left to himself, the lad wished his indentures to be cancelled. As it was thought possible, from Mrs. Jenkins' statement to the Bench, that the defendant might be home in a few days, their Worships postponed the case for a fortnight. Yesterday it was aguin called on, when, Mr. Jenkins not having returned, the Bench cancelled the indentures, observing that the boy was not to be compelled to lose his time because his master thought proper to go gold digging, without making arrangements for the fulfilment of his contract with his apprentice.
JENKINS, William Stitt (William Stitt JENKINS; W. S. JENKINS)
Musical amateur, poet, songwriter, choral singer (Corio Total Abstinence Society chorus)
Born England, 30 June 1812
Arrived VIC, ? 1850s (late of Liverpool)
Died West Melbourne, VIC, 1 August 1878 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (25 July 1859), 4
MONDAY EVENING, 25th JULY, 1859 . . .
Song - "The Argus Reporter" - The Secretary . . .
W. S. JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.
[News], The Argus (2 August 1878), 5
Mr. Stitt Jenkins, a colonist well known by virtue of his so called poetical productions, died at Rosslyn-Street, West Melbourne, yesterday, at the age of 66 years. Mr. Jenkins was for many years a resident of Geelong, and was a steady contributor to the "poets corner" of the local press, chronicling with much assiduity every possible social event in verse. Latterly he removed to Melbourne, and was for a short time private secretary to Mr. Berry. He will be buried at Geelong on Saturday next.
"A Rhymester's Will", Australian Town and Country Journal (12 July 1879), 26
William Stitt Jenkins, Australian anthem (Geelong: Printed by James Curtis, 1858)
Bibliography and resources:
"Stitt Jenkins Memorial Fountain, 24 Gheringhap Street, Geelong
JENSEN, Robert (Robert JENSEN; Bob)
Musician, conductor, pianist, teacher of voice production and pianoforte, musical adjudicator
Born Campbell's Creek, VIC, 1868
Active Castlemaine, VIC, 1880s
Died Albert Park, VIC, 14 September 1934 (TROVE public tag) (shareable link to this entry)
Summary (from information supplied by Robert's descendent, James Ashburner, October 2016)
Robert was the eldest of eight; his two brothers were musical, singing in church choirs, and one also in the Campbell's Creek Brass Band; all five sisters were also musical (piano and singing), two were visual artists, three were organists, and the eldest married a singer and raconteur Jack Greaves (J. C. Greaves). Their mother Christina (McBeath) owned a harmonium ("the finest organ in the district"), and probably taught her children. She had arrived in Melbourne aged 8, on the Marco Polo's maiden voyage in 1852, and her family went to the Diggings and never left. Robert is said to have studied orchestration and conducting with George Marshall-Hall.
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (18 December 1889), 2
A concert was held at Campbell's Creek on Monday night, at Appel's Assembly Rooms, in aid of the instrument fund of the Campbell's Creek Brass Band. Mr. T. Elliott (the Mayor of Castlemaine), presided. The band opened each part of the programme with a selection of music, under the leadership of Mr. R. Jensen, in very good style. Songs were well-rendered by the Misses Cowling, Langham, Turton, and Messrs. George, Brown and Greaves. Clarionet solos by Messrs. Rackstraw and Cowling were very well performed. Recitations were given by Messrs. Banfield and Brown, and were well received. The accompaniments were ably played by Mr. R. Jensen, and the singing of the "National Anthem" brought the enjoyable entertainment to a close.
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (9 July 1907), 2
Mr. Robert Jensen, a native of Campbell's Creek, who some years ago left the banking profession in Castlemaine to go in for the musical profession, for which he was eminently fitted, has made rapid strides in his profession. Several years ago he proceeded to Tasmania, where he is now the conductor of the Launceston Choral Society, and also of the Christ Church choir . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (15 September 1934), 15
JENSEN. - On the 14th September, Robert, the dearly beloved husband of Janet (Dr. Cooper), of No. 6 Kerferd road, Albert Park, loving father of Margaret, and brother of Mell, Ess, Jim, and George. (Private cremation.)
Teacher of Music, composer, piano tuner and repairer, poet (? Wesleyan minister)
Born Alfreton, Derbyshire, England, 1810
Married Alice DAVIS (1813-1897), Bidford, Warwickshire, 3 November 1833
Active Hobart, TAS, by November 1858
Died Germantown, via Holbrook, NSW, 31 May 1896, aged 86 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851; Surrey, Camberwell, St. George; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1582 (PAYWALL)
Henry Jephson / Head / 40 / London City Missionary / [born] Derbyshire Alfreton
Alice [Jephson] / Wife / 38 // . . . [4 daughters, 14 to 1] . . .
"METHODIST FREE CHURCH", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (20 October 1858), 3
The Rev. Mr. Jephson, recently from England, will conduct the services at the Chapel to the Infant School, in Murray-street, tomorrow evening at six o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (17 November 1858), 1
Music. MR. H. JEPHSON, teacher of Music, 145 Harrington street N.B. - Pianofortes tuned and repaired on moderate terms.
1[Advertisement], The Mercury (13 October 1862), 1
SCHOLASTIC. - NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Mr. H. Jephson in announcing his change of residence, from 145, Harrington-street, to those commodious premises lately occupied by Mr. E. Browne, and formerly by the Rev. Wade, 146, Murray-street, takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends (musical and otherwise) for their very liberal support during the last four years, and hopes by strict attention to the morals and intellectual advancement of pupils committed to his care, to merit a continuation of their patronage. Terms on inquiry. N.B. - Tuition on Pianoforte as usual. Dancing Class re-formed under the able conduct of Mr. Cohen.
[Advertisement], The Mercury (10 June 1865), 1
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Mercury (4 October 1865), 2
The usual weekly lecture at the Mechanics' Institute is to be given to-morrow evening by Mr. H. Jephson, who has for his subject "Music." In these days of amateur concerts and philharmonic societies, we should imagine that such a theme would possess unusual attractions.
"MASONIC FESTIVAL", The Mercury (19 July 1866), 2
. . . Song - Brother Jephson . . .
"NEW MUSIC", Hobart Town Punch (20 April 1867), 11
WE have received a copy of a Song entitled "Adeline," the music of which we are told, is composed by A. Y. Z. (meaning we presume "A wise head") and the poetry by Mr. J. R. Betts. The song is what may be termed a sentimental and decidedly spooney one. We have any quantity of "face grace," "glance entrance," "gaze rays," "eyes dies," and so on. However the lines are up to the average mark of such songs, but we fear the music is not quite original. At any rate we fancy that we have heard something very like it before. "Amo," this is the title of a Masonic Song, written and composed by Henry Jephson, and affectionately dedicated to his "brethren of 345." We would with all due submission venture to point out to Mr. Jephson that "fame" does not rhyme with "gain." There are some very original ideas however that amply alone for any such deficiency. For instance, we are told that,
"Kings are under ambition's sway,
The warrior thirsts for fame,
The statesman schemes for place and pay,
The merchant's lured by gain."
Not the Tasmanian statesman, oh brother Jephson !
[Advertisement], The Mercury (15 January 1874), 1
"FATA MORGANA", The Mercury (5 November 1881), 2
We have received from the author, Mr. Henry Jephson, through the publisher, Mr. T. L. Hood, bookseller, a copy of a narrative poem, entitled, "Fata Morgana," or the Bristol Sculptor's Idol. The poem is neatly printed and bound by Mr. N. H. Propsting, of Elizabeth-street. We will take ae early opportunity of reviewing the little volume.
"Deaths", The Mercury (9 June 1896), 1
JEPHSON. - On May 31, at his late residence, Germantown, N.S.W, Henry Jephson, formerly of Hobart and Ironville, Derbyshire England, beloved husband of Alice Jephson, and father of Mrs. H. Doyle and Mrs. H. W. W. Sinclair, aged 86.
Henry Jephson, Find a grave
Musical works:
AMO: a masonic song, words and music by Henry Jephson (Hobart Town: J. Walch & Sons; Launceston: Walch, Brothers & Birchall, [1860s?]; Hobart: M.L. Hood, Lith.) ("Suggested by certain slanderous reports being circulated against the Ancient and Honorable Order of Masons; affectionately dedicated to his brethren of 345 by Henry Jephson")
Literary work (NB: not by Henry Lorenzo Jephson)
Fata morgana; or, The Bristol sculptor's idol (Hobart: T. L. Hood, 1881)
See review in Melbourne Review 7/26 (April 1882), 224-25
JERSON, Mr. = Thomas I'ERSON
Active Geelong, VIC, 1850s
JERVIS, Mrs. (Mrs. JERVIS; probably Jane Edwards WESSEN, Mrs. H. C. JERVIS, below)
Vocalist, ? pianist
? Born Bristol, England, 19 March 1818; daughter of Charles Jones WESSEN and Mary WESSEN
? Married Harry Cooper JERVIS, St. James's, Bath, England, 17 December 1839
? Arrived Adelaide, SA, by 14 December 1840 (per Fairfield, from London via Plymouth, 30 July, and the Cape)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1844-45; ? 1867
? Died North Shore, NSW, 15 February 1869 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
? (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Registers of births, Bristol, Broad Mead Baptist, 1813-1837; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 June 1844), 3
AUSTRALIAN PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS . . . June 12th, 1844 . . . under the management and direction of Mr. Nathan . . . PART I . . . Terzetto - "Gia fan ritorno," Mrs. Jervis, Master Tibbey, and Master Riely - Mozart . . .
MUSIC: Gia fan ritorno (terzetto from The magic flute; Mozart)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1844), 3
AUSTRALIAN PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS . . . 26th June, 1844 . . . The Vocal and Instrumental Department, with the exception of Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Ximenes, Mrs. Portbury, Mrs. Jervis . . . sustained by Amateurs . . . TERZETTO - "Gia fan ritorno" - Mozart . . .
"PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (24 August 1844), 91
. . . Mrs. Jervis sang The May Rose in a pleasing style . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 May 1845), 1
ROYAL CITY THEATRE (Under Distinguished Patronage.) MISS HINCKESMANN . . . intends giving a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music . . . on FRIDAY EVENING, May 30th, 1845 . . . The following talented Professional, as well as several Amateur performers, have most kindly promised their valuable assistance: - Mesdames Gibbs, Jervis, Ximenes, and Miss Tuohy (pupil of Miss Hinckesmann) her first appearance; Messrs. Waller, Worgan, Calaghan and Griffiths. The Theatrical Band will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band . . . Leader, Mr. Gibbs; Conductor, Mr. Johnson (Organist of St. James's) . . .
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1867), 5
J. CLARK'S CITY MUSIC HALL, Pitt-street, opposite Tattersall's Hotel . . . Pianiste - Mrs. Jervis . . .
"DEATHS", Sydney Mail (20 February 1869), 12
JERVIS - February 15th, suddenly, at North Shore, Jane, relict of the late Mr. Harry C. Jervis, engraver, Pitt-street, Sydney, aged 49 years.
JERVIS, Harry Cooper (Harry Cooper JERVIS; Henry Cooper JERVIS)
Engraver, printer, music engraver, piano seller (1850s)
Born Somerset, England, 1814/15; baptised Wincanton, 15 February 1815, son of James JERVIS and Sarah COOPER
Married Jane Edward WESSEN (1818-1869), St. James's, Bath, 17 December 1839
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by 14 December 1840 (per Fairfield, from London via Plymouth, 30 July, and the Cape)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1843 (per Emma, from Adelaide, 10 March, via Hobart Town)
Died Sydney, NSW, 3 December 1862 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
See also:
JERVIS, James Henry (James Henry JERVIS; James JERVIS)
Printer, engraver, musical instrument repairer
Born Sydney, NSW, 1845; son of Harry JERVIS and Jane WESSEN
Married Rosa LANCASTER (1845-1919), Sydney, NSW, 26 December 1864
Died North Sydney, NSW, 23 November 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Among the services Jervis offered in one of his first Sydney advertisements was "Music Title pages Engraved, each . . . 0 7 6". He appears to have done so for his colleague, Thomas Rolfe, who published a local edition of Horn's song, Child of earth with the golden hair, probably around this time, with a titlepage engraving signed by Jervis.
Press reviews seem to suggest that, in the case of two prints he himself printed and published in 1845, Jervis engraved not only covers, but also the music.
During the 1850s, Cooper evidently also sold pianos from his business premises.
Following a vicious attack on his wife, he was imprisoned for 12 months, apparently also leading to an estrangement between Cooper and his son James. On Cooper's death, however, James resumed control of the printing and engraving business, having in the meantime worked as a musical instrument repairer.
Printed music and music titlepages
Child of earth with the golden hair, cavatina . . . composed by Charles E. Horn
(Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, Hunter St., [c.1843]) (DIGITISED)
Jervis signed titlepage, and probably engraved that only
Lady O'Connell's waltz composed . . . by her Ladyship's very humble servant, T. Stubbs
(Sydney: Engraved, printed & published by H. C. Jervis, Pitt St. N., [1845]) (DIGITISED)
Hail to thee mighty one! song of Australia and chorus composed by S. H. Marsh . . .
(Sydney: Engraved & printed by H. C. Jervis, Pitt St., [1845]) (DIGITISED)
Marriages solemnized by banns in the parish of St. James, Bath, in the county of Somerset; Somerset Archives (PAYWALL)
306 / December 17, 1839 / Harry Cooper Jervis / of age / Bachelor / Engraver / 5 Bridewell Lane / [father] James Jervis / Silk Mercer
Jane Edwards Wessen / of age / Spinster / - / 9 Bridewell Lane / Charles Jones Wessen / Agent . . .
[Advertisement], The Dispatch (9 December 1843), 3
H. C. JERVIS'S Engraving and Printing Office, 3 doors below A. & S. Lyons's, Pitt-street North.
A Card-Plate, and 50 Cards, for - 0 5 0
Silver, &c., Engraved, per letter - 0 1 8
Music Title pages Engraved, each - 0 7 6 . . .
"MUSICAL EXAMINER", The Examiner (16 August 1845), 13
HAIL TO THEE MIGHTY ONE, SONG OF AUSTRALIA, AND CHORUS. Composed by S. H. Marsh. The Poetry by John Rae, A. M, Sydney: H. C. Jervis . . .
"LADY O'CONNELL'S WALTZ", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 September 1845), 3
. . . It has been engraved on steel by Mr. Jervis of Pitt-street, and both the composition and execution of the engraving are alike creditable to the musician and the artist.
In the estate of Henry Cooper Jervis, a single meeting was held, at which the following claims were proved: John Thomas, £15; Robert Bickwell, £1 15s. 1d.; John Charles Hawe, £13 10s. The meeting allowed the insolvent to retain his bed, bedding, and wearing apparel.
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (12 November 1853), 15
REMOVAL. REMOVAL. REMOVAL. City Engraving and Printing Establishment. Established upwards of 12 years. H C. JERVIS begs to inform his friends and the public generally, he has removed for the present three doors below Mr. Mort's Auction Rooms, Pitt-street North . . . For sale or hire, 1 Cottage Pianoforte.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1854), 3
PIANOFORTES for Sale or Hire. Enquire of H. C. JERVIS, Engraver, &c., Pitt-street North; or at the Crown and Anchor, Newtown. N.B. - One first-rate Square Piano-forte for sale, by Broadwood and Sons, price only 22 guineas.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1855), 8
FOR SALE, a bargain, a Square Pianoforte, by Broadwood and Sons. Price £17. H. C. JERVIS, Pitt street, near Mr. Mort's.
"SYDNEY NEWS", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (5 July 1856), 2
NEW INSOLVENTS. JUNE . . . 21. - Harry Cooper Jervis, engraver, Sydney, liabilities, £122: assets, £50; deficit, £72. Official assignee, Mr. Adam Wilson.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 December 1856), 8
PIANOFORTE (Grand), a bargain. Enquire H. C. JERVIS, engraver, 28, Pitt-street North.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1860), 6
In the Insolvent Estate of H. C. Jervis. THIS DAY, March 8th. G. F. BAKER has received instructions to sell by public auction, on the premises, Pitt-street, THIS DAY. at 11 o'clock, Engravers' tools, furniture, &c. Terms, cash.
"SYDNEY DISTRICT GENERAL SESSIONS", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1860), 3
Harry Cooper Jervis was indicted for assaulting his wife, Jane Jervis, by throwing vitriol in her face, on the 14th instant, thereby doing her grievous bodily harm. A second count charged the prisoner with a common assault. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to be imprisoned in Parramatta gaol, with hard labour, for twelve months. Mr. Brenan defended the prisoner.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1861), 1
NOTICE. - My Son, JAMES, having left his home, and being under age, I hereby caution any person employing or harbouring him without my consent, will be dealt with as the law directs. H. C. JERVIS, engraver, &c., 169, Pitt-street.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1862), 1
On the 3rd instant, at his residence, 169, Pitt-street, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude, Mr. Harry Cooper Jervis, in his 47th year, leaving a wife and large family to deplore their loss. His end was peace.
"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 December 1862), 8
The Friends of HARRY C. JERVIS, engraver, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, which will move from his late residence, 169, Pitt-street North. TO-MORROW (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock precisely. JOHN SMITH, undertaker.
ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. 169, Pitt-street. JANE JERVIS, widow of the late H. C. Jervis, begs to inform her friends and the public, that having secured the services of a first-class workman, she will be enabled to execute any orders that may be entrusted to her in either of the above branches, and hopes by strict attention and punctuality to secure a share of their patronage.
JAMES JERVIS, son of the deceased H. C. Jervis, begs to inform the public in general that he will continue to execute orders for the repairs of violins, flutinas, concertinas, &c., on the shortest notice.
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 183 (DIGITISED)
"Jervis, Henry Cooper", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO) (ONLINE)
Harry Cooper Jervis, Find a grave
JERVIS, Pryce Challis (Pryce Challis JERVIS; P. C. JERVIS; P. JERVIS)
Amateur vocalist
Born London, England, 31 March 1833; baptised Trinity church, St. Marylebone, 30 August 1833; son of Reece Pryce JONES (c. 1801-1867) and Mary Sarah CHALLIS (1806-1876)
Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1858
Married Emily Jane SEALE (1836-1927), St. James's cathedral, Melbourne, VIC, 1 May 1860
Died Gilberton, SA, 23 November 1888 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The above concert took place at the Montezuma Theatre last evening, and though the audience was by no means so numerous as might have been expected, they were of a class of which an ordinary Ballarat assemblage is not generally composed, most of our "fashionables" ornamenting the dress circle. The programme was very attractive. Mrs. Turner, Miss Chalker, and Mrs. Vincent were the lady performers . . . Mr. Gregg sang, as usual, with great power and execution; and Mr. Jervis gave as Sims Reeves' favorite songs of "My pretty Jane" and "In this old chair" in very creditable style. Mr. McDonald's Scotch songs were nicely sung . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (6 July 1858), 3
DUCHESS OF KENT CONCERT HALL. IMMENSE ATTRACTION. JOE MILLER HAS ARRIVED, and will appear to-night, Monday, 5th July [sic], and every evening, in addition to the present company, consisting of MISS MARIA CHALKER, The Eminent Soprano. MR. McDONALD, The Scottish Vocalist. MR. JERVIS, The Favorite Tenor. MR. R. A. R OWEN, Pianist and Conductor.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Star (18 January 1861), 3
The annual meeting of the Philharmonic Society was held yesterday evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute - Mr. A. Park, vice-president, in the chair. Mr. Park opened the proceedings by a few remarks, and called upon the secretary, Mr. Jervis, to read the report of the committee . . .
"SHORT HOURS SOIREE", The Star (21 November 1861), 2
. . . Song - "Love and War," by Messrs. D. Oliver and P. Cazaly. Song - "In this old chair," Mr. P. Jervis . . .
JEVONS, William Stanley (William Stanley JEVONS; W. S. JEVONS)
Amateur musician, harmonium player
Born Liverpool, England, 1 September 1835
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 6 October 1854 (per Oliver Lang, from England 29 June)
Departed Sydney, NSW, April 1859 (per Chrysolite, for Callao)
Died Bexhill-on-sea, Sussex, England, 13 August 1882 (TROVE tagged) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

William Stanley Jevons, aged 22, Sydney, 1 March 1858
William Stanley Jevons, letters (8) mainly to his father and brothers in England, 25 January 1855 to 18 January 1857; State Library of New South Wales, B 1610 (TRANSCRIPT)

Jevons, "My study, Double Bay", c.1857/58, with harmonium; John Rylands Library, Manchester
Bibliography and resources:
Harriet A. Jevons (ed.), Letters and journals of W. Stanley Jevons (London: Macmillan and Co., 1886)
[50] . . . [Letter to his sister Lucy, Sydney, 28 May 1855] . . . If I get the first payment of my salary towards the end of this week I shall probably buy a bookcase with glass doors to keep my books and other things clean and out of the way. Possibly I may even spend £30 in getting an harmonium, as I wish very much to have a little music; but this may seem very extravagant . . .
[55] . . . [Letter to his brother Herbert, Petersham, NSW, 29 November 1855] . . . A little time ago I was at a very jolly thing, viz. a moonlight concert in the Domain. It struck my fancy as the most enjoyable way of hearing music, from the place and manner being completely natural. The Domain is a sort of natural park, and you walk about it or lie on the grass in the moonlight just as you like . . .
[Letter to his sister Henrietta, 28 February 1858] You say that I seemed from my last letters not so much occupied with music. This can scarcely have been the case, [100] for music is always to me the same, a condition of my existence, a part of me. I believe I could live a life of music. If our physical nature did not interfere I can almost conceive it possible that a man might play music ad infinitum and still never tire. Have you ever felt, when much pleased and interested by several different things in the same day, as if you would like to have a separate existence for each, something in the way that in vingt et un you can divide a pair of similar cards and play two or more separate hands? Now I think that nothing less than a lifetime would quite satisfy my musical thirst, while I find with concern that a single hour per day out of the twenty-four considerably interferes with other affairs equally or more important. Music, then, ought to be a rare but still legitimate and occasional delight. I greatly envy you with your music master, and lessons, and new pieces, and concerts, and other grand opportunities. Here, I come to a stand, surprised and pleased, if I hear a (supposed) young lady strumming in a second-floor room in a Sydney street . . .
The Philharmonic concerts, with their questionably-performed overtures and symphonies, have now ceased, because the concert-room has, in the most Gothic manner, been converted into an auction-room. Of musical as well as dramatic "stars," the Sydney sky from horizon to zenith has been quite clear for at least six months. You can understand then, the dull and miserable thing that it is to ramble through the beauties of all the chief oratorios, etc., and yet be beyond the reach of all those grand performances I hear of in London and Liverpool. If one of the Exeter Hall oratorios (at 3s.) took place here, and the price were raised to £10, I feel pretty nearly sure I should go. About two weeks ago I fell upon Beethoven's Mount of Olives and Pastoral Symphony, and instantly buying them at the price demanded, have since played scarcely anything else. Many pieces in the first I have mastered, I really think, better than anything before, most of the latter is beyond my power altogether, and I can only here and there catch an air. Of the Mount of Olives I can only say that it contains some things of the beauty and sublimity of which I had before formed no conception. It is like gaining a new insight into a thing. My two favourite [101] passages I copy out; they are the simplest parts of the whole, but surpassingly beautiful and striking. Beethoven's music seems to me characterised by "being full of soul," every note seems to be a thought, or at least a part of an expression, while the whole seems to be an inspiration rather than an exertion of mere musical knowledge, art, or talent. Of all other composers Weber seems to me most nearly to resemble him in this; Haydn, Mendelssohn, Spohr follow next in this respect. Mozart and Handel, though perhaps greater than any, on the whole, are distinguished, especially the latter, by the preponderance of the musical art, pure or combined with the dramatic . . .
[Letter to his sister Lucy, Emerald Hill, Melbourne, VIC, 16 March 1859] . . . Having left Beechworth at 5 A.M., we met with evident signs of the proximity of Melbourne at daybreak the next morning, and at eight o'clock found ourselves, covered as we were with a frightful accumulation of dust, in the busy streets of this great town. As yet I am charmed with Melbourne. It is totally unlike Sydney, and artificially as much greater as it is by the nature of its site worse than it. Built upon an expanse of land as nearly flat as can well be, nothing picturesque can be expected, but the fine straight regular streets, filled with handsome buildings and stored with every luxury, are the next best thing. But what chiefly charmed me was that on the very morning of my arrival I saw an announcement, by the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, of the oratorio Israel [Israel in Egypt] for the evening. I instantly bought a ticket. I have often longed for an oratorio, but did not expect such a thing on this side of the world; moreover, with one exception, the Mount of Olives, there is [126] no piece of music I more wished to hear than Israel. You will perhaps be surprised to learn that such a great and difficult mass of double choruses was very well performed here. The solo singers, indeed, were wretched, and the instruments were few and played with want of taste; but there was a good organ, and, what is more, the two choruses, making together some 120 or 130 people, sang with at least as much force and feeling as a similar number would in Exeter Hall. I found almost everything realised that I had expected of the Israel.
Compare: "NEW PATENT MODEL HARMONIUM", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 March 1855), 5
R. D. Collinson Black (ed.), Papers and correspondence of William Stanley Jevons, vol. 2: correspondence 1850-1862 (London: Macmillan, 1973)
250-51 (Letter 94) (PREVIEW)
I might do a deal more at Meteorology & such things only that my Music takes up such an awful deal of my time. I have got, as perhaps you know, a moderately good harmonium on which I play for an hour or two per day an indiscriminate mixture of Operas & Oratorias, Sacred or Profane, beautiful and sublime musical compositions in much of my usual style of execution. It does not seem to injure anybody else, nor myself either, so I play away by myself to my hearts content, and say as people always say of music "its no harm". I likewise attend most of the Concerts in Sydney, and it is my firm belied that if I were in London I should go to some concert or theatre every night for three months. The last Philharmonic Soc.'s concert was a very good one as we had Miska Hauser a first rate violin player whose playing I was delighted with. I was also somewhat pleased to see a fair assemblage of the ladies of Australia, most of them young . . . . . . I thought them in general very pretty, but not being acquainted with any one of them, I cannot speak of their inward qualities. Their behaviour in public is usually decorous and on the occasion I referred to I noticed only one slight breach of etiquette, which was that a very handsome girl apparently fell dead in love with me, truly at first sight, or at all events expressed it in a series of the most determined & gratifying nods from the opposite side of the Concert room . . . (PREVIEW)
. . . The Philharmonic concerts, with their questionably-performed overtures and symphonies . . . [as above]
Bert Mosselmans and Ernest Mathijs, "Jevons's music manuscript and the political economy of music", in Neil De Marchi and Craufurd D. W. Goodwin (eds), Economic engagements with art (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1999), 121-156 (PREVIEW)
G. J. McCARTHY, "Jevons, William Stanley (1835-1882)", Encyclopedia of Australian science (1993; 2018)
[Jevons's photography], On this date in photography
JOEL, Caroline (Caroline DAVIS; Mrs. JOEL; "Mrs. JEWELL")
Soprano vocalist
Born Surrey, England, August 1813
Active Goulburn, NSW, by 1856
Died Sydney, NSW, 9 May 1868, aged "54 and 9 months" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Davis (nephew); twin sister of Samuel DAVIS, d. 1892, of Goulburn
"GRAND CONCERT IN AID OF THE GOULBURN HOSPITAL", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (31 May 1856), 4
A Grand Concert of vocal and instrumental music, for the benefit of the Goulburn Hospital, was given last Thursday evening, in the grand concert room of the Commercial Hotel, Sloane-street, Goulburn . . . The performances were conducted by five amateurs, viz: - Mrs. Jewell, a songstress of very superior talent, from London; Mr. Isaac Davis, a young violinist, recently arrived in the colony from London, and who, although apparently not above eighteen years of age, displayed a mastership over his beautifully-toned instrument which elicited loud encomiums from the audience. In fact, he was encored upon every occasion. Mr. Holmes, a young gentleman engaged in the management of the Australian store, presided at one pianoforte, and Mr. Bennett at the other, Mr. Holmes taking part in the vocalism, and Mr. Bennett displaying his skill in two solos on the flutina, and was upon both occasions encored. Captain Natthey performed on the violincello, and his solo from the opera "Lucia di Lammermoor," was a most masterly performance, and called forth great tokens of approval. The selections of songs, &c., was highly creditable to the party or parties who made the arrangement, and seemed to suit the feelings and the wishes of all present. Mrs. Jewell was undoubtedly the " diamond" of the evening, and indeed it would be a task of extreme difficulty to single out any particular ballad in which she proved herself super-eminent, having been encored on the conclusion of every one of her songs. The lady's voice is a brilliant and clear soprano, while she displays great ability and tact in varying it from the soprano, through the counter-tenor to the treble. She sung the "Merry Zingara" in a most effective manner. If permitted the liberty of choosing the ballads in which she excelled, we would select "Lo, here the Gentle Lark, "In Fairy Bowers," and "The Genius of Freedom." The great differences of intonation and expression required to sing these songs with effect, are undeniable proofs of Mrs. Jewell's talent. The duet by Mrs. Jewell and Mr. Holmes "When a little farm we keep," created much amusement, and was encored, as also were the beautiful and well rendered duets - "When thy bosom heaves a Sigh," and "I know a Bank." The grand solo on the violin was also loudly applauded. Captain Natthey displayed great proficiency and masterly skill in his performance on the violincello, and was encored. Mr. Holmes was applauded over and over again, and evinced considerable skill as a pianist, and as a vocalist. He possesses an agreeable baritone voice. Mr. Bennett, in his performance on the flutina, also received great applause. So enthusiastic were the audience, and so excellent the performances, that the Concert was not concluded until half-past eleven o'clock, when the audience went away to their several residences, all evidently highly gratified at having passed so agreeable an evening. It is but justice to Mr. Coleman Jacobs, the Pianist, to state that he most kindly proffered his assistance at the Concert, but as the programme had been definitely arranged, his services were declined. We understand that the proceeds of the Concert will amount to between £40 and £50. We shall be able to give the exact amount in our next issue.
"GOULBURN", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 June 1856), 3
"ACCIDENT AT WATSON'S BAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 October 1860), 5
Mrs. Joel, sister of Mr. Samuel Davis, of the Exhibition Hotel, had a very narrow escape on Sunday afternoon last, whilst proceeding to Watson's Bay in a dogcart, in company with Miss Clelia Howson and Mr. Isaac Davis . . .
"MRS. C. JOEL'S CONCERT AT THE MASONIC HALL", Bell's Life in Sydney (11 April 1863), 2
"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Empire (15 April 1863), 4
A new candidate for public favour makes her debut before a Sydney audience this evening. Mrs. C. Joel has for a long period been known in this city as an amateur vocalist of considerable ability. She will give her first professional concert at the Masonic Hall, this evening, and will be assisted by Madame Sara Flower, Madame Flora Harris, Mrs. W. J. Cordner, Messrs, Sussmilch, Banks, and a gentleman amateur. The programme consists entirely of vocal music, from the popular works of the day. Mrs. Joel herself is ardently partial to the compositions of Bishop; she will sing, "Should he upbraid," and "Lo, here the gentle lark," and with Madame Sara Flower, the duet, "As it fell upon a day."
"CONCERT AT THE MASONIC HALL", Empire (16 April 1863), 5
Mrs. Joel selected an unfavourable period for her debut in Sydney as a vocalist. The theatre, occupied by a good company, is attracting large audience; whilst the musical portion of the community devote their attention to the Christy Minstrels. These causes, added to the fact of Mrs. Joel being unknown to the general public, had the effect of a very limited attendance at the concert last evening. The debutante belongs to the old school of vocalists - the bravura florid style, and her voice is sufficiently flexible to meet all the requirements of this class of music. It is also very powerful, and Mrs. Joel infuses considerable taste and spirit in her execution. An apology was again made for Madame Sara Flower, on the score of indisposition, and Mr. Banks did not make his appearance for the "kindly promised" buffo song. The audience, which no doubt, composed many personal friends of Mrs. Joel, were enthusiastic in her favour, and she was consequently (very deservedly) encored in Bishop's "Should he upbraid," (substituting the ballad, "I'll follow thee,") and in the same composer's "Lo, here the gentle lark," (substituting Lavenu's "Cushla Machree.") Bishop's "Blow, gentle gales," commenced the concert, and his "Indian drum," formed the termination.
"MRS. C. JOEL'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney (18 April 1863), 3
"SYDNEY SUMMARY", Goulburn Herald (18 April 1863), 2
A new vocalist, Mrs. Joel, formerly residing in Goulburn, made her debut on Wednesday, and well spoken of.
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 April 1863), 3
"BENEFIT OF MR. AND MRS. CHARLES JONES", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1863), 4
"INSOLVENCY COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 March 1864), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 June 1864), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1864), 1
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 May 1868), 1
On the 9th instant, at the residence of Mr. B. H. Cohen, 229, Pitt-street, CAROLINE JOEL, aged 54 years and 9 months, beloved mother of Mrs. H. Solomon, and sister of Mr. Samuel Davis, late of Goulburn, lamented by a large circle of friends. English papers please copy.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1892), 1
DAVIS. - December 27, at the residence of Mrs. S. Solomon, 249 Riley-street, Samuel Davis, Esq., late of Goulburne, age 80 years.
JOHN, King (King John; Onkaparinga Jack) = MULLAWIRRABURKA
Musician, violinist (Theatre Royal)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1835 (shareable link to this entry)
The brothers James and William Johnson did not arrive until the following year; however, perhaps this was their father, Richard senior, or brother (also Richard), who had been in Sydney already for a couple of years.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1835), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney . . . The Lessees are highly gratified in informing the public, that they have succeeded in engaging all the first Musical Talent in Sydney to form their Orchestra, which consists of the following gentlemen, viz. Leader of the Band - Mr. CLARKE; Violins - Messrs. SPYER, JOHNSON, DYER, and SCOTT; Principal Flute - Mr. STUBBS; Violincello and Grand Piano Forte - Mr. CAVENDISH; Clarionetts - Messrs. TURNER & SHARP; Bassoons - Messrs. HOARE & BALL; Bugle - Mr. PAPPIN; Drums - Mr. VAUGHAN . . .
Comic vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853; ? 1855 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 January 1853), 8
OPEN from seven till eleven on the evenings of Wednesday 5th, Friday 7th, and Saturday 8th, this week.
Principal Performers: Mr. John Gregg.
M. de Courcy, from the Lyceum Theatre (his first appearance)
Mr. Ellis, Comic.
Mr. Johnson, from the London Concerts.
Pianist, M. Salamon.
Music to commence at eight every evening.
Admission, 2s. Chops, Steaks, &c., till half-past ten o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 April 1854), 3
IF MR. JOHNSON, Comic Singer, lately singing at Charles Wilkie's, Melbourne Cider Cellars, will call on Mr. F. Jackson, Studley Arms, Collingwood, he may hear of an engagement.
"A NIGHT WITH OULD IRELAND", The Argus (1 September 1855), 5
Last night Mr. T. P. Besnard entertained a respectable audience in the Mechanics' Institution with a national entertainment, consisting of recitations, songs, and anecdotes, illustrative of Irish customs, peculiarities, and eccentricities. The stories were not all new, but they were effectively told, and, from the good acceptance they met with, we supposed that the promise of an "An Hour in Ould Ireland" had brought to Mr. Besnard's reception a large muster of his compatriots. He was assisted by Mr. Murphy, who sang some excellent Irish songs very agreeably and correctly, but without infusing into them so much spirit as we would have liked to hear. Mr. King played accompaniments on the pianoforte and sang several songs in a finished and unexceptional manner, but there was a tameness in his manner, as in Mr. Murphy's, which was a little disappointing, and we think both gentlemen would do better if they would pronounce the words of their songs a little more distinctly. Mr. Johnson infused more feeling into his performances, and, though all are pleasing singers, he comes better up to our expectations of an Irish singer. Mr. Besnard sang "The Widow Malone" with considerable comic effect, and was loudly encored; after which he sang a song full of local allusions, which was equally well received. Altogether the entertainment was a very pleasing one, and such of our readers as would spend an Hour In Ould Ireland would do so very agreeably in the society of Mr. Besnard and his associates.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Pope Besnard (vocalist); Henry John King (pianist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
Musician, drums and triangle player (Lyceum Theatre)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1861), 1
THE FOLLOWING COMPANY HAVE BEEN ENGAGED . . . A full and efficient orchestra of first-class artistes.
Leader and Director - Mr. G. Peck; Principal 2nd violin - Mr. Charles Bowen;
Flute - Mr. Palmer; Clarionet - Mr. McCoy; Double Bass - Mr. Seal; Bassoon - Mr. Wright; Cornet - Mr. McHarnith;
Drums and Triangle - Mr. Johnson.
Teacher of the pianoforte
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 September 1861), 8
PIANOFORTE - Mrs. JOHNSON RECEIVES, or visits, PUPILS. Terms, two guineas. Barry-street, Carlton.
JOHNSON, Charles (Charles JOHNSON)
Musician, vocalist, actor, theatrical manager
Active Hobart, TAS, 1853 (shareable link to this entry)
IDENTIFICATION: Perhaps also appeared under the stage name as Charles Sloman
"ALBERT THEATRE", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [TAS] (25 September 1852), 3
On reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that the above neat little Theatre will re-open on Monday evening next, under the management of Mr. Charles Johnson, who certainly is a useful man on the stage. See Advertisement.
"POLICE COURT", The Courier (28 March 1853), 3
Charles Johnson, free, musician, was charged, under the now Hiring and Servants Act, by Mr. Hand, proprietor of the Waterman's Arms, with non performance of his engagement. The defendant pleaded Not Guilty. Mr. Hand deposed that he had engaged the defendant to sing for two hours every night at his Melophonic Concert, at a weekly salary of £1, in addition to his board; that the defendant would sometimes be absent for two or three nights together . . . The defendant argued in his defence, that being a professional man he could not be tried as a servant.
ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Hand (venue proprietor)
"Police", The Tasmanian Colonist (31 March 1853), 2
Hand v. Johnson. This case, which was tried on Monday, was an information under the hired servants' Act, preferred by Mr. Josiah Hand of the "Waterman's Arms" against Charles Johnson, one of the singers, for absenting himself from his service without leave on the 23rd inst . . . The defendant cross-examined Mr. Hand with a view to show, that he had not been hired by him, but by his fiddler, Mr. Thomas John Turner . . . In his defence, Johnson indignantly repudiated his liability to the Hired Servants Act: he was a "professional" person, a vocalist and a comedian, (great laughter) and was in no way whatever amenable to the Act . . .
Musician, professor of music, band master, clarinet player, oboe player, composer, arranger
Born Dover, Kent, England, 26 July 1813; baptised Zion Chapel, Dover, 20 September 1814; son of Joseph JOHNSON and Sarah ?
Married Louisa GARWOOD (1814-1890), St. George Tombland, Norwich, England, 18 February 1833
Transferred (7th Hussars to 1st Regiment, Grenadier Guards), London, England,
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork, with 40th regiment)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 10 June 1895, aged "82" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony and others) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (second tour 1852-60)
JOHNSON, Frederick (Frederick JOHNSON; Mr. F. JOHNSON)
Amateur musician, flute player, piccolo player, lawyer's clerk
Born Montreal, Canada, 26 October 1840; baptised 22 November 1840; son of Henry JOHNSON and Louisa GARWOOD
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork, with 40th regiment)
Married Henrietta Augusta WORRELL (Mrs. DUGDALE), Melbourne, VIC, 15 June 1903
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18 June 1913, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
At the time of his marriage to Louisa Garwood, at Norwich in 1833, Johnson was a trumpeter with the 7th Hussars, under band master Thomas Leggatt. When the regiment was about to be deployed to Canada in May 1838, Leggatt took his discharge, and Johnson perhaps then took over as band sergeant in his place.
On returning to England, in London, on 8 May 1843 Johnson transferred to the 1st Regiment - the so-called Grenadier Guards, and on (or perhaps even slightly before) his final discharge from the service, on 30 September 1846, he took up the post of civilian master of the Band of the 40th Regiment. In May 1856 he celebrated his tenth anniversary in that post, as reported in the press.
Johnson apparently retired as master of the 40th band around the time of the regiment's departure for New Zealand in July 1860, though he continued some professional association with the colonial forces as master of Victorian Volunteer Band (1860-61), and as a leader in the Head-Quarters Band (1863). Melbourne Post Office directories for 1863-1864 list him as a professor of music living in Wellington Parade, East Melbourne.
From soon after their arrival, Johnson and members of the 40th band were regularly billed as playing for public concerts in Melbourne, as in March and April 1853, when he (as bandmaster and clarinet soloist), and band sergeant Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide soloist) appeared in John Winterbottom's series of monster concerts.
In a "grand military concert" at the Exhibition Building in January 1857, Johnson first introduced his own most notable composition, the "Battle symphony", or "Grand battle sinfonie" ("Descriptive of British Troops Leaving their Native Shores for the Seat of War"), consisting of 20 separate numbers. Unfortunately, apart from the advertised running order, no actual music is known to survive.
Also documented in band programs of the 1850s and 1860s are several other compositions or arrangements by Johnson, including a polka, "Maria"; a selection, "Irish melodies"; and a selection, "Scottish" or "Ecosse"; the music of all of which, likewise, is sadly lost.
Henry and Louisa's eldest child, Emma (1834-1903; Mrs. Charles Jewel Hearle) was born in the regiment (7th Hussars) in 1834, and a son, Frederick, later occasionally documented as a musician, was likewise born at Montreal in 1840 during the same regiment's posting there (1838-42). A second daughter Louisa (1844-1933), was born in London while Henry was serving in the Grenadiers; at St. Mary's, Preston, VIC, on 21 March 1866, she married John Ashcroft Edwards, then a bank clerk but later a professional musician. There were at least two other children, Henry (baptised Hounslow Barracks, London, 10 September 1836; no further record) and Eleanor (born 6 Artillery Place, Westminster, London, 30 May 1843, father "Musician"; buried Westminster, 15 October 1843).
With thanks to family historian Penny Mercer for kindly sharing the results of her research (2018-22)
England, non-parochial registers, UK National Archives, PRO RG4/921; piece 0922; Dover, Last Lane, Zion Chapel (Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, formerly Presbyterian), 1830-37 (PAYWALL)
Johnson / Henry, son of Joseph Johnson (of the Derby Militia) & Sarah his wife was born the 16th July 1813 in the Parish of St. Mary's Dover & baptized 20 Sept 1814.
Although Johnson is not named in either of the next two newspaper extracts below, they date from the weeks around his marriage in Norwich, in February 1833, while he was serving there in the regimental band:
[News], Norfolk Chronicle [Norwich, England] (2 February 1833), 2 (PAYWALL)
Yesterday sennight being the day on which Sir Jacob Henry Preston, Bart, attained his twenty-first year, there was a grand and supper at Beeston Hall. The extended scale and excellent arrangements of which reflected great credit on the taste and liberality of Lady Preston. Dancing began at about nine in the evening, and was kept up with unabated vigour till four the next morning. Col. Keane having kindly given permission, the band of the 7th Hussars attended and obtained the highest approbation their masterly performances. All the first families in the neighbourhood were present, amounting to nearly 200.
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. George, Tombland, in the city of Norwich in the year 1833; register 1813-37, page 51; Norfolk Record Office (PAYWALL)
N., 151 / Henry Johnson of the Hamlet of Pockthorpe 7th Hussars Trumpeter a bachelor
and Louisa Garwood of this parish a spinster / were married in this church by Banns . . . this [18 February 1833] . . .
[News], Norwich Mercury [England] (9 March 1833), 3 (PAYWALL)
We were happy to see MR. MUELLER'S Concert Room at the Swan Inn, so fully and genteely attended on Thursday Evening, when he gave his third Concert . . . the novelty of the evening was a quintetto concertante, of Reicha, for Oboe, Clarionet, Flute, Bassoon, and Horn, by Mr. Leggatt, the Master of the band of the 7th Hussars; Sergeant Onion and three other performers in the same regiment. The composition itself was perhaps more suited to a select audience of amateurs than to the public, but it was nevertheless full of very rich and beautiful passages; and was performed with a precision and delicacy we have rarely been accustomed to hear at a concert in Norwich . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Leggatt (master of the band of the 7th Hussars)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Fulford in the county of York in the year 1834; register 1813-39, page 80; Borthwick Institute, York (PAYWALL)
No. 640 / 1834 6th July / Emma Daughter of / Henry [and] Louisa / Johnson / Barracks / Serjeant 7th Hussars . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the [army] chaplaincy of Hounslow in the county of Middlesex in the year 1836; register 1836-66, page 9; London Metropolitan Archives; (PAYWALL)
No. 183 / 1836 Sept'r 10 / Henry / [son of] Henry and Louisa / Johnson / Hounslow Barracks / Serj't of Hussars . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: No record of son Henry's death has been found
Baptisms, chaplaincy of H.M. Forces, Montreal, 1840; Institut Généalogique Gabriel Drouin (transcr.), Montreal, Quebec, Canada (PAYWALL)
Frederick Son of Henry Johnson, 7th (Queenston [sic, Queen's own]) Hussars, and Louisa his wife was born 26th October 1840 and baptized on the 22nd of November . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. John the Evangelist Westminster in the county of Middlesex in the year 1843; register 1839-45, page 224; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 1785 / 1843 Oct'r 6 Born 30 May 1843 / Eleanor d'r of / Henry & Louisa / Johnson / 6 Artillery Place / Musician . . .
Baptisms solemnized at St. Mary, Tothill Fields, in the parish of St. John the Evangelist's Westminster in the county of Middlesex in the year 1844-45; register 1837-52, page 85; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 676 / 1845 Jan'y 12th Born 16 Dec'r 1844 / Louisa dr. of / Henry & Louisa / Johnson / 73 Vauxhall Bridge Road / Musician . . .
"GARRISON THEATRICALS IN CORK", Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent [Ireland] (18 November 1851), 3 (PAYWALL)
On Friday evening an amateur performance was got up by the officers of the 40th and Carbineers, stationed in the beautiful city . . . The matchless Band of the Regiment (the best in the service, we believe), under the able direction their talented bandmaster, Mr. Johnson, performed a number of favourite overtures, &c., and contributed much to the gratification of the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
[News], Limerick Chronicle [Ireland] (20 December 1851), 2 (PAYWALL)
A grand Dress Ball, the second of the series, came off on Wednesday last in the large room of the Victoria hotel, Cork, which was attended by the lending nobility of the city, the officers of that and the neighbouring garrisons . . . The splendid bands of the 40th and 90th Regts. were in attendance and performed a selection of the most choice and soul enlivening music in dansante, specially arranged by Mr. Johnson, bandmaster of the 40th . . .
"ANTIENT CONCERTS", Cork Constitution [Ireland] (15 April 1852), 2 (PAYWALL)
The society gave its second concert for the season on Monday night, at the Imperial Clarence rooms. The music consisted of Handel's Messiah . . . We roust not omit mention of MR. COGHLAN, who was the leader, and a most effective one, or the able manner in which he was sustained HERR MANEN, the Master of the Band of the 1st Royals. MR. JOHNSON, the Master the Band of the 40th Regiment, also came from Templemore to the Concert, and several Amateurs of great merit took part in the Orchestra . . .
Melbourne, VIC (from 5 November 1852):
"THE MILITARY", The Argus (10 November 1852), 3
The band of the 40th assembled yesterday afternoon in the neighbourhood of the Bishop's Palace, and played a variety of overtures, quadrilles, marches, &c. in a style never before heard in this colony. The band consists of about thirty performers, and is led by a gentleman who not only evidently understands his profession, but enters into its pleasing duties with the true spirit of the musician. A large assemblage was collected, amongst which were his Excellency and family, many of the principal government officers, several members of Council, &c. Some amusement was created by a rather tipsy member of the new aristocracy spurring his Rosinante up to the circle, after one of the prettily executed pieces, and with true digger liberality throwing some money amongst the performers; intimating thereby, we presume, that he at least was an advocate of the "colonial allowance" system. We trust that we shall be able shortly to announce that these very great treats are likely to be of pretty frequent occurrence, as while we retain very distinct impressions on the subject of the military invasion of the Colony, despite the rebukes of our formidable antagonist the Sydney Herald, we honestly confess that, if we could but find an army all band, we fear that we should sink into as great a soldier-worshipper as General Fawkner himself.
ASSOCIATIONS: (not a "General") John Pascoe Fawkner (politician); the 40th was the first British regiment to be permanently stationed in the colony of Victoria, and so too was the band the first military band to be heard in the city
"THE BAND", The Argus (13 November 1852), 5
A very large assemblage of people collected yesterday afternoon in the neighbourhood of the Flag-staff, to enjoy the performance of the band of the 40th. A series of very pretty pieces was very creditably executed, and the band more than confirmed the favourable opinion of their musical talents and training, which was formed upon the occasion of their first public appearance here.
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 November 1852), 8
GRAND BALL, Under distinguished patronage.
MESSRS. De Grey and Coleman Jacob's Plain and Fancy Dress Ball, on a scale of splendour never surpassed in this country,
will take place on Monday, November 22nd, at the Protestant Hall, Stephen-street.
By the kind permission of Colonel Valiant and the Officers of the 40th Regiment,
the splendid band of that distinguished regiment will attend on the occasion, in full costume, conducted by Mr. Johnson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry De Grey (musician); Coleman Jacobs (musician); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE BAND", The Argus (31 December 1852), 5
The performance this afternoon, at Batman's Hill, will comprise the following pieces:
Overture - Stradella - Floton [Flotow]
Daett, Ap [sic, Op.] Marino Faliero - Donizetti.
Waltz, Duro. - Labitzky.
Selection, Irish Melodies - Johnson.
Cavatina Sonnambula - Bellini.
Wedding March - Mendelssohn.
"THE BAND", The Argus (3 January 1853), 5
The pieces selected for performance by the military band at Batman's Hill this afternoon are as under.
Overture, Gustavus - Auber.
Selection from Norma - Bellini.
Polka, Mania [sic, Maria] - Johnson.
Duet Marino Faliero - Donizetti.
Waylett Waltzes.
Gallop, Sturm Marsch - Gungl.
"THE BAND", The Argus (6 January 1853), 5
The following choice morceaux will be performed by the band this afternoon [recte, tomorrow afternoon] at Batman's Hill:-
Overture, Nabucco - Verdi
Winterbluthen Waltzes - Labitzky
Selection from various Operas - Johnson
Paris Quadrilles - D'Albert
Cavatina II Barbiere - Rossini
Night Bell Galop - Labitzky
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 January 1853), 8
PROTESTANT HALL, Open Monday evening, the 24th instant, MR. DENNING, PROPRIETOR . . .
by permission of Colonel Valiant, the admired Band of Her Majesty's 40th Regiment,
conducted by Mr. Johnson, will form the Orchestra . . . Dancing to commence at 8 precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cornelius Peter Denning (dancing master); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (2 February 1853), 5
It appears that the efforts of the anti-musical members of the Committee of the Mechanics' Institution have not hitherto,
at all events been successful; as tomorrow night the usual concert is to be given, the programme containing many features of novelty.
PART I. Overture - "Guy Mannering." (Band) - Bishop . . .
Part II. Overture - "Tancredi (Band) - Rossini . . .
Duet - Clarionet and Flute, Mr. Johnson and Mr. C. Royal - Bishop . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Creed Royal (flute); Thursday Concerts (series); Mechanic's Institution (Melbourne venue)
The musical fetes at the Botanical Gardens in aid of the funds of the Melbourne Hospital were concluded yesterday.
The improvement in the weather, and the attractive inducements held out to the benevolent and pleasure-loving portion of our community,
caused the congregation of a far greater and more fashionable assemblage than on the previous day . . .
Most of our old and wealthy citizens were amongst the visitors.
From the opening of the gardens, at two o'clock, until their close at half-past six, the people arrived in almost a continuous stream;
and there could not have been less than 2000 visitors during the day . . .
The Military Band played five or six excellent selections for the best masters, which were followed by the annexed programme: -
Opening Glee - Hail smiling Morn - Mrs. Fiddes, Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Gregg, and Mr. Hancock - Spofforth
Mr. C. Walsh - Kathleen Mavourneen - Crouch
Mr. Gregg - In this old Chair - Balfe
Mr. Gregg, Heart bowed down.
Mr. Winterbottom - Solo on Bassoon.
Mrs. Fiddes, Happy Land
Mrs. Hancock - Should he upbraid - Bishop
Mr. Gregg - The Monks of Old -
Mrs. Fiddes - Solo - Jeanette and Jeannot.
Final Glee - The Gipsies' Tent - Mrs. Fiddes, Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Gregg, and Mr. Hancock.
After this the Band of the 40th, under the direction of Mr. Johnson, played a few most favorite airs, which terminated a most agreeable entertainment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist); Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); John Gregg (vocalist); Charles Walsh (vocalist); John Winterbottom (bassoon, conductor); Botanic Gardens (Melbourne)
[2 advertisements], The Argus (12 March 1853), 12
CIRCUS, Top of Bourke-street, east.
WINTERBOTTOM'S BENEFIT, Monday Evening Next; March 14th.
M. WINTERBOTTOM begs to announce to his Friends and Patrons that it is his intention on this occasion, to give a
MONSTER CONCERT, For which he has engaged the whole of the Musical celebrities in the Colony,
and, through the kind permission of Col. Valiant, he has succeeded in making an arrangement for the entire
Band of the 40th Regiment, Conducted by Mr. Johnson.
PROGRAMME, Which will be strictly adhered to.
Overture - Zampa - Herold.
Glee - Chough and Crow, Mrs. Fiddes, Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Hancock, and Mr. Walsh - Bishop.
Valse - Ravenswood; Bassoon, with solo introduction, J. Winterbottom - Jullien.
Song - Why do I weep for thee? Mrs. Fiddes - Wallace.
Cavatina - All is lost now, Clarionet, Mr. Johnson - Bellini.
Song - Should he upbraid, Mrs. Hancock - Bishop.
Solo, Orpheclide - The Standard Bearer, Mr. Hartigan - Lindpainter.
Duet - I know a bank, Mrs. Fiddes and Mrs. Hancock - Bishop.
Trio - Turn on, old Time, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs Fiddes, and Mr. Hancock, Op. Maritana - Wallace.
First time, GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLE, By Jullien, Founded on the all absorbing question of that day, the Exhibition of 1851.
In the production of this Quadrille,
M. Winterbottom has endeavored to bring together every possible element which could conduce to the interpretation or the characteristic music of the different nations therein introduced,
and has made the following arrangements: The Grand Morceaux will be aided by
The ENTIRE BAND of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. Johnson, by the kind permission of Colonel Valiant;
The Drummers of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of the Drum Major, by the kind permission of Colonel Valiant; and
INTRODUCTION. - Music of Northern nations.
No. 1. - The French "Pas Accelere," performed by the Drummers, including "La Chamade," "Le Chant d'Honour," and "Le Blanc."
The Grand "Pas Redouble," by the Military Band, and the "Reulement Serre."
Concluding with the grand "Chant Militaire."
No. 2. - The "Spanish Sapateodo," with variations - clarionet, Mr. Johnson; flute and castanettes, M. Vailet.
No. 3. - The "Piedmontese Monferina," concluding with the "Neapolitan Tarantella." Castanettes, M. Vailet.
No. 4. - "Partant pour La Syrie," French air, taken from an old eastern melody, with variations for opheclide, Mr. Hartigan; cornet, Mr. Maffei.
No. 5. - March of all nations to London!
The morning of the Inauguration of the Grand Exhibition is supposed to have arrived.
The Great City which, for the first time, shelters such masses from all parts of the known world, is as yet tranquil,
when at daybreak the Festival is ushered in by the sounding of the chimes of London, echoed far and near from each surrounding belfry.
Soon the City is in movement, and the multitudes hasten towards the same goal,
all eager to behold the most stupendous realisation of human industry recorded in the history of the globe.
A tremendous shout bursts forth, and the welcomed Nations, one and all, join in the glorious cry -
God save the Queen!
Opera - Grand Selections and Fantasia from Meyerbeer's Opera, Les Huguenots, arranged by Mr. Johnson, with Solos for Opheclide, Bassoon, Clarionet, and Saxe Horn - Meyerbeer.
Song - In Happy Moments, Mr. Walsh - Wallace.
Valse - The Prima Donna - Jullien.
Song - Simon the Cellarer, Mr. Gregg - Linter.
Solo, Bassoon - Robert! toi que j'aime, with military band accompaniment, conducted by Mr. Johnson, Mr. Winterbottom - Meyerbeer.
Polka, Drum, with the entire force of the two bands, the drummers under the direction of the Drum-Major of the 40th Regiment - Jullien.
To commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Doors open at Seven o'clock punctually.
PROMENADE CONCERTS, Circus, top of Bourke-street east.
In consequence of the Popular Excitement and Immense Success attending this series of Musical Soirees, they will be continued for ONE MONTH LONGER!
ON MONDAY-EVENING Will be presented a Magnificent Entertainment, which will display all the first Musical Talent in the Colony.
For particulars, see separate advertisement, and small bills of the day
TUESDAY, And during the week, there will be a change of programme each evening, including amongst the
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: - Miss Lewis. Mr. Gregg. Mr. C. Walsh.
Contra-Basso - Herr Elze.
Flute - Mr. Thatcher.
Ophecleide - Mr. Hartigan.
Clarionet - Mr. Johnson.
Bassoon - Mr. Winterbottom.
Negociations are also pending with other Performers of Great Talent, who will shortly be announced.
THE GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLE, Embodying the Music of All Nations, composed and arranged by
MONS. JULLIEN, Which gained such extraordinary applause in London, will be performed Every Evening.
CONDUCTOR - MR. WINTERBOTTOM. Admission - One Shilling. Dress Circle - Half-a-crown.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Lewis (Mrs. Salamon, vocalist); Mons. Vailet (flute, castanets); Joseph Maffei (cornet player); Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide, band sergeant of the 40th); Joseph Foster (drum major, 40th); Charles Thatcher (flute)
MUSIC: Great Exhibition quadrille by Louis Jullien (band leader, composer, active in London c. 1850)
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 March 1853), 7
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. Circus, top of Bourke-street, east.
MR. JAMES ELLIS late lessee of Cremorne Gardens, Adelaide Gallery, &c., of London,
and promoter of these popular Concerts in Melbourne, in conjunction with Mr. Winterbottom,
has the honour to announce to his numerous friends and patrons, that his
BENEFIT is fixed as above, on which occasion will be given a
GRAND MONSTER CONCERT, Supported by nearly One Hundred Performers.
The whole will be so arranged that the tout ensemble shall present the best Concert ever given in the colony.
Tho Vocal and Instrumental corps will on this occasion be strengthened, so as to include all the first talent in Melbourne.
By the kind permission of Colonel Valiant, the splendid Band of the 40th Regiment, conducted by Mr. Johnson, will lend their valuable assistance.
GRAND SELECTIONS from POPULAR OPERAS, by the best composers, will form part of the Programme.
The GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLES introducing the Music of All Nations,
will be given with all the extraordinary effects which excited so much wonder and applause on its first representation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 April 1853), 10
Thursday Weekly Concert. Mr. MEGSON, Leader . . .
Principal Instrumental Performers. - Messrs. Megson, Reed, Cooze, Johnson, Chapman, Hardman, Portbury, &c., with several of the Band of the 40th Regiment.
Mr. Buddie [sic], Pianist. Prices of admission - To the public, 2s. reserved seats, 3s.; members of the Institution 1s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin, leader); Thomas Reed (violin); William Joseph Cooze (musician); George Chapman (musician); Daniel Hardman (musician); Benjamin Portbury (musician); Julius Buddee (pianist)
"SUBSCRIPTION BALL", The Argus (22 June 1853), 7
Mr. Denning's Subscription Ball, at the Protestant Hall last night, was very numerously attended, the Hall being well filled with a most respectable company. The band played most of the new and popular dances very effectively. Mr. Reed was the leader, and among the performers were Mr. Band-Master Johnston and Herr Strebinger . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violin)
"ELLIS'S MONSTER CONCERT", The Argus (29 November 1853), 5
A very numerous assembly collected at Tattersall's on Saturday evening on the occasion of Mr. Ellis's first concert, in the great ball-room . . .It must be observed, that for singing so large a building is ill adapted, as the sound so widely diffused, becomes lost to all except those near the orchestra, especially when the singer's voice is not powerful. But for energetic orchestral pieces, which indeed form usually the chief attraction to the visitors to promenade concerts, the place is a capital one. The Exhibition Quadrilles have never been so well produced on this side of the line; the rich volume given to the La Marseillaise, Partant pour la Syria, and Mourir pour la Patrie, carried the hearer back to the epochs of French history, which gave birth to these soul stirring airs. The clarionet duet by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Berrey [sic. ?], and the cornet solo by Signor Maffei, were capital . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Tattersall's (Melbourne venue)
"TATTERSALL'S", The Banner (30 December 1853), 10
The first, of the concerts to be given at the above building took place last night. Madame Carrandini was the only vocalist: but she alone, with her clear, powerful, and beautiful voice, well repaid our visit. Mr. Johnston, as conductor, showed much taste in the selection of his programme, and being well supported by his military band, produced a selection during the evening from "Sarbat Mater' [sic, Stabat mater, Rossini] with greater correctness than we have yet heard any similar production in this colony. We cordially wish the projector of these concerts every success.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 March 1854), 3
SALLE DE VALENTINO, top of Bourke-street east . . .
Mr. Ellis begs to acquaint his patrons and friends, that he has determined to give a short Season of superior Promenade Concerts,
On a scale far superior to any hitherto attempted in the Colony, for which he has secured the services of the Best Band in the Colony.
Leader and Conductor - M. Fleury . . . A new selection will be produced each week,
comprising the following favorite Scotch Melodies, arranged expressly for this orchestra by Mr. Reed.
"Charlie is my Darling," - Full Band.
"John Anderson, my Joe," (Clarionet Solo) - Mr. Johnson.
"Rothiemurchus Ram," (Clarionet and Violin Solos) - Messrs. Johnson and Fleury.
"Green Grow the Rashes, O," (Picolo Solo) - Mr. Cooze.
Scotch Melody, (Clarionet Solo) - Mr. Johnson.
Highland Quick Step, (Oboe Solo) - Mr. Johnson.
"Argyle is my Name," (Flute Solo) - Mr. Cooze.
"Within a Mile of Edinburgh," and " Annie, in Twenty I am," (Violin Solo) - Mons. Fleury.
Finale - Full Band . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 April 1854), 8
CRITERION HALL, Criterion Hotel, Great Collins-street, Melbourne.
Grand Concert Promenade (a la Gungle [sic, Gungl)
THIS EVENING (Monday) 17th April, 1854 and every evening during the week, with change of programme.
Madame Maria Carandini, accompanied by Mons. Lavenu, Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle, Herr Strebinger, Herr Harendorf,
Mr. George Chapman, Mons. Frank Koehler, Mr. Johnson and a full Orchestra, carefully selected from the best talent of the colony.
Price of admission to all parts of the Hall 2s. 6d.
Doors open at half past seven. Concert to commence at eight . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - Herr Strebinger.
Conductor - Mr. George Chapman.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician, Carandini's musical director); Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); Hermann Harndorff (musician); Franz Andreas Kohler (musician); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue); Joseph Gungl (Austrian band leader, composer)
"GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT", The Argus (18 July 1854), 5
On Saturday evening Mr. Winterbottom gave the first of a series of musical entertainments, which he designates as the revival of his promenade concerts, a la Jullien in Rowe's American Arena. The circus holds about thirteen hundred when full, and on this occasion there could not have been less that that number present, as the circus itself was crowded close up to the stage. The orchestral arrangements were of a very superior order, and comprised some of the best musical talent in the colony. Among the most distinguished artistes were Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mons. Barre, Herr Elsasser, Herr Strebinger, Mr. Johnson, the inimitable Barlow, and Mr. Winterbottom the prime mover and conductor . . . The Great Exhibition Quadrille was a grand performance . . . Several very fine polkas were played by the full orchestra with buoyant and brilliant effect, the most remarkable of which was "L'Echo du Mont Blanc," with echoes for the cornet, flute, and clarionet, and performed for the first time in the colony in public . . . In the quadrille "La Sonnambula" (which was introduced here for the first time), Mr. Stewart performed a solo on the cornet, an instrument on which he excels, and Mr. Johnson was equally successful in his solo on the clarionet . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Anthony Barre (vocalist); Charles Elsasser (pianist); Robert Barlow (comic vocalist, musician); Edward Stewart (cornet, 40th band); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: L'echo du Mont Blanc (Jullien)
"SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Argus (21 August 1854), 5
This place of entertainment has attracted during the past week a larger than average number of pleasure seekers. The entertainment consists of a vocal and instrumental concert, under the direction of M. Fleury, and, as the price of admission has been reduced to 1s., it would be difficult to point out where a more advantageous return for the money could be procured. On Saturday evening the orchestra received several valuable additions, a Chinese fete being the order of the day . . . and the performance by the band of Jullien's Chinese Quadrille made this entertainment quite as characteristic as anybody desired . . . The overture to Guillaume Tell was spiritedly played, we must, however, protest against the excision of the beautiful andante which immediately precedes the principal theme. Several polkas, quadrilles, waltzes, &c., were well given, and some received great applause. Mr. Johnson, bandmaster of the 40th Regiment, conducted the orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violin, leader); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
. . . The band of the 40th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. Johnson, occupied the orchestra all yesterday afternoon, and enlivened the visitors by playing several pieces of operatic music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Victorian Exhibition 1854-55 (event); Exhibition Building (venue)
"THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (20 October 1854), 5
The fine weather yesterday produced a manifest improvement in the number of visitors . . .
The fine band of the 40th Regiment was in attendance from three to five o'clock p.m.,
and performed in a masterly manner the following pieces of music, under the directorship of Mr. Johnson, the band-master:
Overture - Oberon - Weber
Selection from Der Wildschutz - Lortzing
Quadrille Le Fete des Lilas
Selection from Stabat Mater - Rossini.
Polka - Cecile.
Waltz - Fleur de Lis - Boise.
Galop - Cambridge . . .
"CONCERT AT THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (17 February 1855), 6
On visiting Exhibition building on Thursday evening we were gratified to find that the appeal to sympathies of the public in behalf of the sufferers by the late disastrous fire at Sandridge had been so thoroughly responded to. We much doubt, indeed, it there has ever assembled in Melbourne, at any public entertainment, a more numerous and, at the same time, respectable audience. According to the estimate of the doorkeeper, nearly two thousand persons were present; the company including his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor . . . The concert, excluding the orchestral pieces, which were rendered in a masterly manner by the bands of the 12th and 40th Regiments, and the clever instrumental performances of M. and Madame Herwyn, was of rather mediocre quality. The essentially dramatic overture, to "Semiramide" was spiritedly given by the combined bands, under the direction of Mr. Johnson; and the band of the 12th, conducted by Mr. Callen, performed the overture to Auber's "Marco Spada" - in as effective a manner as was possible in the absence of stringed instruments. A valse by Gungl and an exceedingly pretty quadrille by Herefurth [sic, Herfurth] concluded each division of the concert, the two bands combining in those instances . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violin, piano); George Douglas Callen (band master of the 12th); Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
"THE BALL IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Age (13 July 1855), 5
The grand ball given by the Victoria Volunteer Rifle Corps in aid of the Patriotic Fund was attended by the most numerous and fashionable assembly that we have ever seen gathered together upon any previous occasion. About 2000 persons were present . . . Of the music provided on this occasion we must speak in terms of the highest commendation. It was very good indeed, how could it be otherwise, when the bands of the 12th and 40th Regiments were both present, besides that of the Volunteer Rifle Corps. The last named consisted of nine wind instruments, mostly brass; the different parts were excellently well balanced and beautifully mellowed in tone. Herr Wackeldine conducted very skilfully. Our old friends, Messrs. McCalla [sic, Callan] and Johnson, wielded the baton for their respective orchestras, with that uniform spirit and good judgment which has obtained for them universal approval. Besides being a first-rate military band, the gentlemen forming the corps musicale of the Volunteers displayed their versatile ability by taking in band instruments of another kind, thereby forming a most excellent stringed orchestra. The bands all played by turns . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Wackeldine (master, volunteer band)
"OPENING OF THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (16 July 1855), 5
This splendid Theatre will be opened to the public this evening for the first time . . . The National Anthem will precede the other performances, and, in order to give every effect to it, Mrs. Testar has been engaged for the solos, and the chorus will include the whole of the company, upwards of a hundred persons. The band will be on a very efficient scale, both as to numbers and individual ability, - the names of Thom, Strebinger, Creed Royal, Berg, Lundberg, Johnson, &c., being powerful evidence of the latter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bream Thom (violin); Charles Berg (trombone); John William Lundborg (clarinet); John Melton Black (proprietor); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"VICTORIA . . . BANDMASTER OF THE 40TH REGIMENT", The Tasmanian Daily News (16 May 1856), 2-3
On the 6th instant, in Melbourne, a splendid baton of ebony, mounted with gold, was presented after a champagne luncheon, given by the band of the 40th Regiment to Mr. Henry Johnson, for ten years bandmaster of that corps. The baton is of colonial manufacture, having been made by a Mr. G. Henderson, recently arrived by the Schomberg, and is of artistic design and elegantly executed. The gold employed on the mounting was valued at 25 guineas.
An address proposed by Sergeant Robshaw, of the 40th, and very neatly engrossed on parchment (for the purpose of being framed) by Mr. Bayne, solicitor, of Chancery lane, was also presented along with the baton.
In reply to the address, Mr. Johnson made the following fitting and pertinent speech:-
I accept this baton with great pleasure. I shall always look upon it (as doubtless, you intend I should) as a token that the plans I [3] have adopted during the ten years I have been amongst you, have been such, as not only to have produced and maintained a good band, but as having done so with but very few of those misunderstandings which in so long an interval may of necessity sometimes arise. I have always considered these two points, as of equal importation; they, in fact, depend on each other; efficiency soon follows when once a good feeling is established. Mind you, I by no means take the credit of this to myself - a large portion belongs to the band; for had they not had the good sense to have seen that what at first seemed irksome or annoying, was really for the general good, I should not now have before me a band that pull as well as play together, and in which a mutual esteem exists between the head and the members, occasioned as such can only be by all having done their duty, and done it well. It is this thought that gives this baton value, and I trust that the younger portion of the band will endeavour to follow in the track of their elders; if so, I can safely promise that they will become at no distant period, as good performers as the best of us. In conclusion, I beg to add that I shall always look upon this baton with a greater degree of pleasure and satisfaction hand on anything I ever possessed.
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 June 1856), 8
QUEEN'S ARCADE. - By the kind permission of Colonel Valiant,
the Band of the Fortieth Regiment will perform in this beautiful Promenade,
This Day, from half last two till half-past four o'clock, (weather permitting,)
when the following choice selections of music will be executed:
Overture to Martha - Flotow
Music of Macbeth - Locke
Waltz - Zephire Lüfte - Gungl
Selection - Don Pasquale - Donnizetti
Polka - Maria - Johnson
Galop - Evergreen - Labitzky.
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (19 January 1857), 5
Mr. Johnson, the able and estimable bandmaster of the 40th, has announced a grand military concert in the Exhibition Building, on the evening of Thursday. The chief feature of the concert is to be a composition of his own - a battle symphony. For the purpose of giving the fullest effect to this splendid production Mr. Johnson has enlisted the willing services of the whole band, and a treat of the highest order may be expected. Apart from the merits of the concert, which we may make sure will be first-class, Mr. Johnson has great claims on us for hearty support. He has now been several years in the colony, and though he has identified himself with the advancement of music in numberless ways, and by the able conduct of his band gratified our ears with military music of the highest order, he has refrained until now from coming forward before the public to ask from them a substantial recognition of his services. It will remain for the discerning public not to let him suffer for his modesty and moderation. The concert is to be under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Barkly, and we sincerely wish he may have a bumper house.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 January 1857), 8
On Thursday Evening, 22nd January,
Under the distinguished patronage of his Excellency the Governor and Lady Barkly.
Under the direction of Mr. H. Johnson, bandmaster of H.M. 40th Regiment,
On which occasion will be produced, for the first time in Melbourne,
Descriptive of British Troops Leaving their Native Shores for the Seat of War.
Principal Vocalists:
Miss Julia Harland, Mr. W. Sherwin, Mr. Farquharson.
Mr. Creed Royal, flute; Mr. Linly Norman, piano.
Conductor, Mr. H. JOHNSON.
Part I.
Overture, "Martha" - Flotow
Selection, "Stabat Mater" - Rossini
Song from "Trovatore," Mr. Sherwin - Verdi
Air and variations, Miss Harland - Rhodes [? Rode]
Recitative and air, "Ruddier than the cherry," Mr. Farquharson - Handel
Battle sinfonie - Johnson
No. 1 - Warning Drum for Parade.
2 - Bugle Call for Parade and Inspection.
3 - Review of British Troops previous to their Departure.
4 - The March of Regiments to the Railway Station.
5 - Departure of the Train, and Arrival at the Port of Embarkation.
6 - The Embarkation,
7 - Weighing Anchor and Setting Sail; Evening at Sea; Song, "Bay of Biscay," Mr. Farquharson.
8 - Land in Sight, and Arrival on the Enemy's Shore.
9 - Disembarkation, and Taking-up Camping Ground by the Allied Forces.
10 - Advance of the French Army.
" " Turkish ".
" " Sardinian ".
" " British ".
The Halt and Encampment.
11 - Night previous to Battle; Stillness reigns around; "The Marselllaise" and "Home, Sweet Home" are heard from the Camps.
12 - Daybreak, Morning Gun, and Reveille.
13 - Chirping and Warbling of Birds at Sunrise.
14 - Music heard from Enemy's Camp (Nations Air), immediately followed by their Bugle Sounding the Alarm.
15 - The British Cavalry Sound to Horse, Drum Beat to Arms.
16 - The Advance of the Highland Infantry.
17 - The Advance of the British Guards.
l8 - The Engagement.
19 - Victory.
20 - Finale, "God Save the Queen."
(An interval of fifteen minutes),
Part II.
Selection, "Il Barbiere" - Rossini
Solo, piano, "Home, Sweet Home," Linly Norman - Norman
Song, "Happy Birdling;" Flute Obligato, Creed Royal, Miss Julia Harland - Wallace
Song, "Blue Beard," a romance of juvenile literature, Mr. Farquharson - Parry
Duet, "Signora, Where Are You Going?" "Don Pasquale," Miss Harland and Mr. Farquharson - Donizetti
Band, Air with Variations, and Grand Finale - Bender.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Linly Norman (piano); English Opera Company (troupe)
"MR. JOHNSON'S MILITARY CONCERT", The Argus (23 January 1857), 5
The Battle Symphony, which constituted the most prominent, and, as it proved, the most popular, feature in the programme of the Military Concert, at the Exhibition Building last evening, must have reminded many who were present of one of Jullien's novel and ingenious compositions; while the execution of the symphony was marked by a vigour, verve, and precision in every respect worthy of the orchestra over which the great Monsieur used to preside.
Mr. Johnson's composition may be described as a graphic, animated, and picturesque narrative of a series of events incidental to a state of warfare, - musical sounds being the language employed by the narrators; and, judging by the plaudits which repeatedly broke forth, and the enthusiasm occasionally excited, the narrative was thoroughly comprehended, and as thoroughly enjoyed by the auditors.
The Symphony commenced with the warning drum for parade, followed by the bugle call for parade, and inspection; then were successively described, vividly and effectively, the review, the march to the railway station, the transit of the troops by train; their embarkation and debarkation; their encampment; nightfall; national airs breaking on the stillness of the hour; daybreak and the reveille; the preliminary incidents of an engagement; the din of battle; and the triumphal march, denoting victory, followed by "God save the Queen," as the appropriate finale.
Great credit is due to Mr. Johnson for the skill with which he has arranged and inter-woven the various compositions employed in the production of this Symphony; and his reception by the audience last evening was such as to justify him in announcing its repetition whenever a suitable opportunity occurs.
The numerous, demands upon our space compel us to restrict our comments within the narrowest limits, but it would be unjust to Mr. Farquharson, to omit allusion to his admirable delivery of the recitative and air from Acis and Galatea, "Ruddier than the Cherry," which was vociferously encored. The other vocal performers were Miss Julia Harland (who appeared to be labouring under a severe cold), and Mr. Sherwin, whose feeble rendering of a song from Il Trovatore amused the audience greatly. The attendance was not so numerous as we had anticipated, and the Governor and Lady Barkly were prevented from being present.
"GRAND MILITARY CONCERT", The Age (23 January 1857), 4
Yesterday evening the Exhibition Building was well filled, to listen to the musical treat provided by Mr. H. Johnson, the accomplished bandmaster of the 40th Regiment. The grand feature of the evening was the Battle Sinfonie, which was performed by the band in the most unexceptionable style, and despite its extreme length, listened to with rapt attention . . .
"JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND ART", The Illustrated Journal of Australasia 2 (1857), 95
. . . Mr. Johnson, band-master of the 40th regiment, gave a concert at the Exhibition, to introduce his clever "Battle Sinfonia," a composition in which all the sounds incidental to an engagement, even the dead silence of suspense, were described by music . . .
See also a comic response, "NOVEL MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Melbourne Punch (22 January 1857), 194 (DIGITISED)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (14 March 1859), 5
A large concourse of persons attended the grand military concert held at the Botanic Gardens on Saturday last, in aid of the funds for the relief of sufferers by the late fire in North Melbourne. The Piece de Resistance of the concert consisted of Mr. Johnson's veteran "Battle Symphony" . . .
"CONCERT AT THE BOTANICAL GARDENS", The Argus (14 March 1859), 5
There was an unusually large number of visitors on Saturday to these gardens, the special attraction being a "Grand military concert" by the band of the 40th Regiment, in aid of the sufferers by the North Melbourne fire. The peculiar feature of the programme was a "Battle Sinfonie," by Mr. Johnson, the talented bandmaster. This very clever composition, it will be remembered, was performed for the first time at the Exhibition Building, about two years ago, and it has not, as we are aware, been given in its entirety in public since then. It is exceedingly well adapted for out-of-doors playing, and it was listened to on this occasion with marked attention. The extreme fineness of the day, combined with the agreeable influence of the music, created a large amount of enjoyment . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 September 1860), 7
PERSONS desirous of JOINING the BAND about to be formed for the VOLUNTEER FORCE of Victoria should APPLY personally to Mr. H. Johnson, bandmaster, Prince's Bridge Barracks, between the hours of 12 and 4 pm.
ASSOCIATIONS: Victorian Volunteer Band (military)
"AN EXPLANATION. TO THE EDITOR", The Age (16 October 1860), 5
SIR, - Have the kindness to insert, for the satisfaction of the public,
that it was clearly understood by the committee of the Horticultural Society I could not furnish a band for the evening during their show,
in consequence of most of the members of the band which played during the afternoon having professional engagements;
but I proposed to them their applying for the use of the Philharmonic organ as a substitute,
and to assist the committee, I waited on Mr. Lewis, the Philharmonic organist, and asked him to preside at it, which he promised to do.
I also called on Mr. Plaisted, who very kindly offered to play, and was at the Exhibition Building for that purpose,
but was prevented from getting at the organ by the non-attendance of Mr. Lewis, who had the key with him, and who did not make his appearance either to play or unlock it.
I am, Sir,
Yours obediently,
Prince's Bridge Barracks,
15th October, 1860.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Lucas Lewis (organist): Philip Charles Plaisted (organist); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
"THE BAND IN THE BOTANICAL GARDENS. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Argus (28 November 1860), 5
Sir, - Will you allow me to contradict a statement in the columns of your paper of this day,
according to which I should have expected to be remunerated for the little hospitality shown to the excellent military band in 1857 and 1858?
Such idea has never entered my mind, although I entertained a wish that, at the end of each season,
a small collection might be made for presentation to the band,
in acknowledgement of the great enjoyment which they caused to the multitude of visitors on the concert days to this garden.
Increased expenditure I had in reference to several scientific objects rendered it, I regret to say,
impossible for me to continue the sole contributor to the little acknowledgement which I felt was due to the band whilst playing in this establishment.
Very obediently yours,
Melbourne Botanic and Zoological Garden, November 27.
Sir - My band have requested me to state, in reply to the numerous letters which have appeared in your columns and in those of your contemporaries,
and for the information of those gentlemen who take such a friendly interest in its welfare,
that the suggestion, that the band be supplied with refreshments during their Saturday afternoon's performance in the gardens,
did not emanate from them, nor do they know to whom to attribute it.
They, however, wish it to be distinctly understood, that they do not require any refreshment at the expense of the public, or any private individual, but, should they require it, can pay for it themselves.
The inference drawn from the voluminous correspondence, and from the frequent remarks in the public papers,
is, that the band are "cadging" for as much as they can possibly get.
By inserting this in your columns, you will disabuse the public mind of such an impression, and confer a great favour on the band.
Yours obediently,
Bandmaster Volunteer Band.
November 27.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand von Mueller (director, Botanic Gardens)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (15 December 1860), 4
The late rains, which have caused so much injury elsewhere, have been productive of the opposite effect to the Botanical Gardens.
The grounds, in fact, never looked better. The green foliage of the European trees is particularly luxuriant,
and there are an enormous quantity of flowers now blossoming.
To-day the Volunteer Band, under the direction of Mr. Johnson, will play from four p.m. to six p.m.,
and should the weather be fine it may be expected that the gardens will be largely attended.
The following is the programme that will be gone through by the band: -
Grand March, Boom; Overture, Zauberflöte, Mozart; Coro, La Somnambula, Bellini;
Sestetto (Vedi Come), Ernani, Verdi; Waltz, the Mocking Bird, Collins;
Duetto, Gratias Agimus Tibi, Guglielmi; Galop, Johannen, Schacht.
"CRICKET", The Argus (29 April 1861), 5
The Melbourne cricketing season could not have terminated in a more appropriate or pleasant manner than by the appointment of the match which took place on Saturday last on the Melbourne ground, between eleven volunteers and an eleven of the club . . . The scene on Saturday was one unequalled during the past season the gay dresses of the ladies who honoured the ground with their presence - the lively strains of music which flowed from the now almost disused orchestra, the various colours of the contending elevens, and the flags which decorated the pavilions, all contributed to remind one of the days when the band of the 40th Regiment played on the Melbourne Reserve, and tempted those to visit it every week who now as punctually incline to the Botanical Gardens. For almost the last time the volunteer band performed - a want of funds being alleged as the cause of what will be a great loss to the public. It is much to be regretted that, after all the time and attention devoted by Mr. Johnson, their able director, and by the volunteers themselves, some steps should not be taken to prevent their disbandment . . .
[News], The Argus (15 July 1861), 5
The members of the late Volunteer Band met on Saturday afternoon, at Neal's City Hotel, Bourke-street, to take into consideration the desirability of forming a new band, under the direction of Mr. Johnson, late bandmaster of the 40th Regiment. The proposition met with the approval of all present; and it was stated that a number of gentlemen had intimated a desire to support a band of first-class instrumentalists, to play in the Botanic Gardens once or oftener in the week, and it had been suggested that a plain and suitable uniform would be provided by the patrons of the undertaking.
[News], The Argus (14 December 1861), 5
A military concert takes place in the Botanic Gardens to-day, under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Barkly, Major-General and Lady Pratt, and Colonel Carey. The performances will, no doubt, attract a numerous party. The following is the programme: -
National Anthem (first time) - Wallace
Overture - Marco spada - Auber
Selection of Irish Melodies (with solos) - Johnson
Clarionet - Mr. Johnson
Piccolo - Mr. F. Johnson
E flat Clarionet - Mr. Clerke
Cornopean - Mr. Richardson
Trombone - Mr. Berg
Quadrille - Christmas Waits - Farmer.
Selection of Scotch Melodies - Johnson
Polka - Zerlina (Cornopean Obligato, Mr. Richardson, by desire) - Ettling
Waltz - Immortellan: Introduction (Trombone Obligato, Mr. Berg) - Gung'l.
Pot-pourri on English Airs, by Tutton, bandmaster to H. M. Royal Home Guards Blue, will be played for the first time.
Introduction - Grand Fugato on Rule Britannia, British Grenadiers, Cease Rude Boreas,
Sally in our Alley, Morris Dance, Wapping Old Stairs, The Dusky Night, Dulce Domum,
Roast Beef of Old England, God Save the Queen, The Girl I Left Behind Me.
An amalgamation of the following airs will form the finale -
Roast Beef of Old England, God Save the Queen, The Girl I Left Behind Me, Rule Britannia.
The special object of the performance to-day is the benefit of the band fund,
and we trust the fund will be considerably benefited by the patronage the performances will receive.
Mr. Johnson has laboured long and well in the service of the public,
and the performances of the band have been so well appreciated (though entirely unremunerated),
that a substantial benefit should now be accorded. The performances commence at three o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: James William Richardson (cornet); Adam Clerke (E flat clarinet); Charles Berg (trombone)
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1863), 8
INSTRUMENTALISTS . . . Flute, Mr. F. JOHNSON. Pianist, Mr. H. KING.
Song, "Lo! here the Gentle Lark," Bishop - Miss O. Hamilton. Flute Obligato - Mr. F. Johnson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Leavis Allan (beneficiaire); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Henry John King (pianist, accompanist); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Argus (30 December 1863), 4
A practice of the Volunteer Band takes place this afternoon, in the Exhibition building.
It will be seen from the following return, made by Colonel Anderson, that the volunteers hereafter will be well provided with music: -
"Strength of the Head-quarters Band, and Drum and Fife Corps of the local force: -
General, band master (Mr. Siede), 1; leader (Mr. Johnson), 1; professional performers, 19;
volunteer performers (under Sergeant Hartigan), 23; 41, Drum and Fife Corps (under Drum-Major Canna), 65. Total 109.
The above performers are now equipped and provided with the best instruments, stands, &c,
for which the property of the former Volunteer Band under Mr. Johnson and of the Collingwood Band, have been made available.
They are organised as follows: - First, for parade purposes, the whole of the above strength when required form one band.
Second, the band, not including drums and fifes, divides into the complete military bands, under Messrs. Siede and Hartigan respectively.
Third, the drum and fifes divide into several complete detachments.
A detachment of drums and fifes is always obtainable by officers commanding corps, on application to the Volunteer-office.
The payment of the professional portion of the band, and all other expenses, will partly be defrayed by the Government;
the rest of the money required will be raised by subscription.
The band will perform twice every week, for the benefit of the public,
and arrangements are in course to establish a drive and promenade at the Prince's bridge reserve,
and to provide seats both there and at Fitzroy Gardens, within an enclosure, to be reserved for subscribers only.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (master); Pietro Canna (drum-major); Head-Quarters Band (volunteer military)
[News], The Argus (12 February 1864), 5
The Collingwood Rifles' Band will perform the following music at the St. Kilda Esplanade this evening:
March; Overture, "Norma" (Bellini); Quadrille, "La Pecheur" (Tollot);
Selection, Irish Melodies (Johnson); "Waltz, "Molly Asthore" (Callen);
Duetto, "Gratias Agimus Tibi" (Guglielmi); Polka, "Matilda" (Hartigan);
Galop, "Rifle" (D'Albert); "God Save the Queen."
ASSOCIATIONS: Collingwood Rifles Band (volunteer military)
[News], The Argus (8 March 1864), 5
The following is the programme of music to be performed by the band on the St. Kilda Esplanade this evening: -
March; selection, "Ecosse," Johnson; quadrille, "Voleur Californien," Bernhard;
duetto, "Gratias Agimus Tibi," Gulielmi; waltz, "Psyche," Bergmaum;
cavatina, opera "Lombardi," Verdi; Polka, "Matilda," Hartigan;
galop, "Death or Glory," Schallehm;" God Save the Queen."
[News], The Age (6 March 1864), 5
One of the best vocal and instrumental concerts which have been heard in Melbourne for some time, was given by Mr. C. E. Horsley at Hockin's Assembly Rooms last evening. The room was tolerably well filled, though the attendance was not so good as the entertainment deserved . . . The orchestra consisted of eight instrumentalists, led by Mr. Horsley on the pianoforte, as follows: - Flute, Mr. Siede; clarionet, Mr. Johnson; violin, Mr. Strebinger; violoncello, Mr. Chapman; oboe, Mr. Schott; horn, Mr. Kohler; viola, Mr. Thomas; and contra-basso, Mr. Gover . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (musician); Samuel Chapman (cello); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Franz Andreas Kohler (horn); Herbert Thomas (viola); Henry Barman Gover (double bass); Hockin's Rooms (Melbourne venue)
"Deaths", The Argus (12 May 1890), 1
JOHNSON. - On the 10th inst., at her residence, No. 29 Murray-street, Prahran, Louisa, wife of Henry Johnson, formerly of H.M. 40th Regiment, aged 87 years.
"DEATHS", The Argus (12 June 1895), 1
JOHNSON.- On the 10th inst., at 238 Toorak-road, South Yarra, Henry Johnson (late of Her Majesty's 40th Regiment), aged 82 years. (Interred in the St. Kilda Cemetery on the 11th inst.)
"PASSED AWAY", Prahran Chronicle (6 July 1895), 4
"Nothing can we call our own but Death!"
There recently died at his residence in Toorak-road, South Yarra, a gentleman whose connection with music in Melbourne from the early fifties up to a few years ago, is worthy of more than passing notice. Possessed of a decided talent and great enthusiasm, the late Mr. Henry Johnson arrived here as a clarionetist with the band of the 40th regiment, whose fine playing was always a subject of admiration, and took a leading part in all musical matters; in fact no event of any importance was considered complete without his assistance. On the breaking out of the Ballarat riots the regiment was ordered there, including the band. Mr. Johnson remained behind to complete his engagement with the excellent orchestra then playing at the Salle de Valentine [Salle de Valentino], at the corner of Bourke and Spring-streets, opposite the Old White Hart Hotel - then a building of much more modest pretentions than the present one. The proprietor of both the institutions, Mr. James Ellis, was also promoter of the Cremorne Gardens on the Yarra at Richmond, and had a large Venetian gondola built for the purpose of taking people there by the river from Princes Bridge. That old veteran, the Hon. Geo. Coppin, succeeded him as lessee. The Salle de Valentino was a circular structure of canons and boards, the exterior appearance of which altogether belied the character of the entertainments given within, which where of the highest class. Mr. Johnson was associated with many celebrities who appeared there, such as the Carandinis, Olivia Hamilton [Octavia Hamilton], Lavanu [Lavenu], and M. Fleury, the latter a brilliant violinist and leader of the orchestra. Of him it is related that on one occasion a member ("Daddy" Reed) had scored a piece for the orchestra in which there was a pause immediately followed by a cadenza ad libatum for the leader. Fleury had been told that then he had a free hand, but the liberal manner in which he interpreted the order utterly astonished the top-booted orchestra and audience, for the cadenza comprised the whole of one of De Beriot's airs with variations. It may appear strange that a band should appear in top boots, but at that stage of Melbourne's existence there were no paved streets, and in wet weather it was absolutely necessary to wear them, and not an uncommon occurrence to leave one behind in the mud. Shortly after Mr. Johnson entered into engagement with the late Mr. Geo. Chapman, who inaugurated a series of promenade concerts in the vestibule of the old Criterion Hotel in Collins-street W., where the Union Bank now stands. There also appeared many notables whose names are still green in the memories of not a few of to-day.
On the 40th Regiment leaving for New Zealand about 1860, Mr. Johnson retired from it, and the famous Head Quarters Band was then organised by Colonel Pitt, Mr. Johnson becoming bandmaster. This existed for some years, and its playing was always delightful to listen to. He assisted in the orchestra at the opening of the first exhibition held here in a building on the site now occupied by the Law Courts, and also at the many concerts held there. The old Philharmonic Society's performances were given in the same place, Mr. Johnson being a leading member of the band. For many years he assisted the oldest amateur instrumental organisation in the city, viz.: the Melbourne Amateur Orchestral Society, conducted for a long term by that able musician Julius Siede, and later by Julius Herz and others. Mr. Johnson was compelled to give up the clarionet through a contraction of the muscles of the hands preventing him manipulating the keys with his usual dexterity, he then took up the trombone until ill-health and advancing years necessitated his ceasing playing entirely.
There are not many living now whose names are so closely connected with the history of music in Melbourne from its early days to a comparatively recent period. Within the last few years death has claimed as victims such old identities and sterling musicians as Ed. King, Elsasser, Chas. Horsley, Sidney Hart, Julius Buddee, Hardman, Keeley [sic, Keiley], Madame Carandini, and others. In these times of high pressure living, and with such a bewildering and constantly changing variety of entertainment offered to us, we are apt to overlook the claims such names have upon our respect and notice. It may be here remarked that the musical entertainments given from twenty to forty years ago were of such excellence that they do not suffer by comparison with those of later years. The orchestras then were not quite so large as at present, but almost every member of them was a skilled performer. Mr. Johnson in addition to being a skillful executant, was an adept in arranging music for the band, and was universally esteemed in and out of the profession. He lived a life full of interesting experiences, and reached the ripe old age of eighty-two years.
Another correspondent kindly contributes the following: -
One by one - and often two by two - the old identities are passing away, one of the latest being Mr. Henry Johnson, of South Yarra, who was bandmaster of the 40th Regiment and one of our best musicians. When the regiment arrived here at the end of 1852 it was quartered on part of the railway reserve, at the corner of Spencer and Latrobe-streets, and a delightful roadway given to Melbourne residents, by reason of the band of the regiment playing on certain evenings on Batman's Hill, under the direction of Mr. Johnson. I lived at the time in King-street, Melbourne, and was able to attend the playing. The then Governor Latrobe was constantly in attendance, appearing on horseback, also on horseback was Mr. Edward Wildon, part proprietor of the Argus, his implacable foe, for he (Mr. Wilson) placed in the paper day by day an advertisement, "Wanted a Governor." Mr. Wilson's captain was Mr. Lauchlann Mackinnon, and a brass to his memory has been erected in All Saints' Church. Another constant attendant at the band-playing was one of our oldest residents, Mr. W. P. Firebrace, then a stripling, he had first been appointed to the Prothonotary's office, and, by sheer merit, rose to the rank of chief, and is now drawing a pension as prothonotary. The 99th Regiment arrived here at the end of 1852 [? recte 1856] from Tasmania after many years of foreign service en route for England, and camped on the vacant piece of ground on which the Mint now stands. I heard its band play occasionally, but it was, as might be expected through its long absence from England, not to be compared, as regards efficiency, with that of the 40th Regiment. One of the instruments used by the former was, I recollect, the long discarded serpent. When the 40th Regiment was ordered to New Zealand, Mr. Johnson elected to remain in Melbourne, and he afterwards collected an excellent body of instrumentalists, termed "The Head Quarters Band," who often delighted Melbourne listeners by their superior playing, till one day Sir Graham Berry, in a fit of retrenchment, ordered it to be disbanded, to the grief of a large body of lovers of music. For some time I noticed Mr. Johnson's health gradually giving way, and it is not to be wondered at when it is considered he had reached the ripe old age of 82.
ASSOCIATIONS: ? obituarist perhaps correctly William Henry Williams (musical amateur); Edward King (violinist); Sidney Herbert Hart (cellist); Graham Berry (politician)
Probate and administration, Henry Johnson, died 10 June 1895; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED - WILL PAGE 5)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (20 June 1903), 9
JOHNSON - DUGDALE (born Worrell). - On the 15th June, 1903, at the office of the Registrar-General, Melbourne, Henrietta Augusta Dugdale (born Worrell) to Frederick Johnson, both of "Telko," Riversdale-road, Boroondara.
Probate and administration, Frederick Johnson, died 18 June 1913; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Band Master Henry Johnson", Australia's redcoat settlers (archived NLA Pandora)
. . . Date of Enlistment: 7th Hussars [?]
Transfered: 8 May 1843 to the Grenadier Guards
Date of Discharge: 30 September 1846 . . .
Descendants: Information kindly supplied by Penny Mercer
. . . Post Office Directories for 1863-1864 list him as a Professor of Music living in Wellington Parade, East Melbourne.
JOHNSON, Master (Master JOHNSON)
Juvenile alto vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1858-62 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
At Christmas 1858, Master Johnson was a soloist in Messiah first for the Melbourne Philharmonic in the Exhibition Building on 24 December, and later for the Prahran Philharmonic on 30 December.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 December 1858), 8
The SIXTH SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT For the year will be held in the Exhibition Building, When the Grand Oratorio,
THE MESSIAH Will be performed.
Principal Vocalists: Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mrs. Goodliffe, Master Johnson, Mr. Ewart,
Mr. Angus, Mr. Blanchard, and Mr, Mitchell. Band and Chorus of One Hundred Performers.
Leader: Mr. King. Organist: Mr. Geo. R. Pringle. Admission to the Gallery, 2s. 6d.
W. G. DREDGE, Honorary Secretary.
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 December 1858), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 December 1859), 8
[News], The Argus (27 March 1860), 5
The members of the Choir of St. Peter's Church gave a concert of sacred music last evening . . . Miss [Octavia] Hamilton also sang some charming words, entitled "Ave Maria," set to music by Shubert [sic], with great effect. Mr. W. H, Williams (the well-known tenor), Mr. Moxon, and Mr. Totten sang some solos from Haydn's "Creation" and Handel's "Redemption" in a very superior manner, and a lad named Master Johnson also acquitted himself well in his execution of the air, "He was despised," from the "Messiah" . . .
[News], The Argus (4 July 1860), 4
The Philharmonic Society's third subscription concert in the Exhibition Building, last night, was less numerously attended than those which have preceded it. Perhaps the influenza had something to do with the circumstance, and perhaps the absence of the names of Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. Farquharson from the programme had also something to do with it . . . The attraction of the evening was, of course, the first performance of a new sacred cantata by Herr Elsasser, which had been for some time expected by the musical world . . . It is entitled "Praise the Lord", and contains three quartetts in the compass of a not very long work, airs for tenor, bass, and contralto voices, and some well-written choruses . . . The contralto air, "My heart is glad," in the absence of Mrs. Button, was capitally taken in alto by a Master Johnson, who was honoured by the only encore awarded.
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 January 1861), 8
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (29 March 1862), 5
. . . Master Johnson sang "Rocked in the cradle of the deep" with a good deal of feeling and taste, and was loudly applauded . . .
JOHNSON, John Elliot (John Elliot JOHNSON; Mr. J. E. JOHNSON; "Jovial JOHNSON")
JOHNSON, Charley (Master Charley JOHNSON; Master JOHNSON)
Entertainers, comic vocalists
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 June 1859 (per Tuisco, from San Francisco, 15 March, aged "25" and "6") (shareable link to this entry) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE 'PENNSYLVANIANS'", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (23 April 1857), 2
We understand from some of the passengers by the Orizaba that the tedium of the passage was frequently relieved by most excellent vocal music - a concert troupe, styling themselves the "Pennsylvanians," being on board. The ladies of the band are said to be as attractive in appearance as they are accomplished in music, while the gentlemen possess musical talents of a high order. The musical director of the company is Mr. J. E. Johnson, whose comic impersonation are spoken of as most droll, and thoroughly original.
[Advertisement], Stockton Independent [CA, USA] (13 June 1857), 2
Mr. J. R. TAYLOR, Basso; Mr. J. E. JOHNSON, Tenor and Comic delineator,
WILL have the honor of making their first appearance before the public of San Andreas, on SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 20th.
They will give two of their amusing musical entertainments at KNICKERBOCKER HALL, on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EVENINGS, June 20th and 21st,
When a varied and interesting programme will be presented, comprising Songs, Ballads, Duetts, Trios, Quartettes and Choruses,
interspersed with Burlesques, Extravaganzas, Comic Local Songs, Duetts, Imitations and Recitations.
FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY!! [manicule] Change of Programme each Evening. - Price of Admission, $1.00.
[Advertisement], Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (12 November 1858), 3
On which occasion a FAREWELL PROGRAMME Will be presented of unapproachable Variety Novelty and Excellence! . . .
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (27 February 1859), 1
LYCEUM, Corner of Washington and Montgomery streets. JOHN WILSON - PROPRIETOR.
Fourth Week at this establishment of MR. JOHN DREW, THE CHIEF OF IRISH HUMOURISTS.
SUNDAY EVENING - FEB. 27, Will be presented the Comedy of THE HEIR AT LAW.
Dr. Pangloss - John Drew.
Comic Song - J. E. Johnson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Drew (comedian)
[California news], Nevada Journal [USA] (11 March 1859), 1
Mr. JNO. DREW designs sailing for Australia within a short time. He will be accompanied by Miss Kinlock. Mr. J. E Johnson, the wittiest and best comic singer of the day, with his family leave on the same vessel.
List of passengers arrived at the port of Melbourne, 1 June 1859, from San Francisco on board the Tuisco; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Johnson, wife & child / 25 / 22 / 6 . . .
Mr. Drew / 32 // Miss Kinloch . . . Louisa Drew / 7 . . .
And see also, "CALIFORNIA", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury [TAS] (9 June 1859), 3
The following paragraph appears in the Golden Era of the 13th March: -
"GONE. - Mr. John Drew, Miss Kinloch, and Mr. J. E. Johnson, wife and son, left yesterday, for Melbourne, Australia.
During their stay in California those ladies and gentlemen made many friends.
May they have a speedy and pleasant voyage across the big waters."
"SHIPPING. ARRIVED (HOBSON'S BAY)", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (2 June 1859), 4
June 1 - Tuisco, Hamburg barque, 400 tons, J. M. Jessen, from San Francisco, 15th March. Passengers - cabin: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and child . . . Miss Drew, Messrs. . . . J. Drew . . .
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (7 June 1859), 1
Where he has created an immense sensation, WILL APPEAR,
"SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (20 June 1859), 3
. . . Mr. Johnson in his humorous ditties was encored again and again. Master Johnson's vocalism was another little feature in the attractiveness of the evening's programme which was as well selected and performed as any we have seen at the Shamrock for some time.
"Death of the Ovens Gold Fields Water Company", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (22 August 1859), 3
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (28 January 1860), 3
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (11 February 1860), 1
MR. J. E. JOHNSON, Comedian, and Characteristic Vocalist, will be open to an engagement about the 1st of March.
He has been managing the Beechworth and Chlltern Theatres most successfully for the last six months,
and can be engaged either alone or in conjunction with a first-class small concert company.
For particulars direct Star Theatre, Chiltern.
Notice. - Miss Chalker, Mr. Hackett, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Houston will please send address at once as above if they would like to appear in the Ovens district.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (19 November 1860), 1
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (2 December 1862), 3
JOHNSON, Jack (Moolbong; Kiitya; Jack JOHNSON)
Indigenous song-maker
Born Kaliyarrkiyalung, Wiradjuri man, Lachlan River district, NSW, c. 1868
Died Condobolin, NSW, 24 June 1943 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
JOHNSON, James see main page James JOHNSON
JOHNSON, William Jonathan (W. J. JOHNSON) see main page William Jonathan JOHNSON
JOHNSON, Richard see main page Richard JOHNSON
JOHNSON, William (William John JOHNSON; William JOHNSON)
Musical amateur, violin maker
Born Hobart, TAS, 1834
Married [1] Emily MARCHANT, VIC, 1856
Married [2] Ann FOREMAN, VIC, 1875
Died South Yarra, VIC, 28 September 1920 (shareable link to this entry)
Bibliography and resources:
Alan Coggins, Violin and bow makers of Australia (Blackheath: For the author, 2009), 111-12 (DIGITISED short entry summaries archived at Pandora)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1855 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 October 1855), 8
ROYAL ARCH, Gore-street, Collingwood. Concerts re-opened. Russell's and Parry's Songs sung by the celebrated Johnston.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 October 1855), 8
RUSSELL'S and PARRY'S SONGS Sung by the celebrated Johnston To-night, Royal Arch Hotel Concert Hall.
ROYAL ARCH HOTEL, Gore-street. Concerts Re-open To-night. Murphy, Collins, and Johnston are engaged.
CONCERT HALL. Royal Arch Hotel, Gore-street, Collingwood, Re-open this Night. Immense attraction! Come all!
JOHNSTON, Alexander (Alexander JOHNSTON; Alex JOHNSTON)
Precentor, conductor of psalmody, amateur vocalist, cabinet maker, librarian
Born Scotland, c. 1829
Married Margaret LYLE (1827-1925), Glasgow, Scotland, 25 March 1853
Active Launceston, TAS, by 1855
Died Launceston, TAS, 12 January 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (30 May 1855), 6
WANTED A PRECENTOR.- A Precentor for St. Andrew's Church wanted. Immediate application to be made to Mr. Alex. Webster, Ironmonger, Charles-street. By order of the Managers. May 30.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Webster (choir leader)
Births in the district of Launceston, 1855; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:997996; RGD33/1/33 no 863$init=RGD33-1-33P457 (DIGITISED)
No. 363 / 5048 / 15 September / - [George] / Male / [son of] Alexander Johnston / Margaret Johnston formerly Lyle / Cabinetmaker / George-street . . .
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (27 April 1861), 4
Mr. A. Johnstone has been appointed librarian and Hall keeper at the Mechanics' Institute in the room of Mr. Biggs. Mr. Johntone is precentor of the Scotch Church, and was formerly connected with the Mechanics' Institute at Edinburgh; he was selected as the most efficient librarian amongst twenty-nine applicants for the situation.
Mechanics' Institute. PENNY READINGS", The Cornwall Chronicle (1 June 1867), 4
. . . Mr. A. Johnston, librarian of the institute, sang "A Thousand a Year" in a fine, rich-toned mellow voice. The audience were the more delighted with this, as they never expected such a treat from Mr. Johnston . . .
"The Penny Reading at the Mechanics' Institute", The Cornwall Chronicle (14 September 1867), 4
. . . Mr. A. Johnstone, the librarian sung that good old Scoth song - "Get up and bar the door," in his customary masterly style. The applause was general and prolonged . . .
"NEW YEAR'S GIFT", Weekly Examiner (11 January 1873), 6
Mr. Johnston of the Mechanics' Institute, Precentor of Chalmers Free Church was waited upon by a deputation on the eve of the New Year,
and presented with a handsome writing desk and envelope case bearing the following inscription.
"Presented to Mr. A. Johnston by teachers and friends connected with Chalmers Free Church Sabbath School,
as a token of esteem and of gratitude for his valuable services in the annual training of the scholars in singing psalms, and hymns, ahd spiritual songs."
"Launceston, 1st January, 1873."
Mr. Johnston, who was taken completely by surprise, after a pause, made a most suitable reply.
"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY (W.S.)", Launceston Examiner (19 November 1892), 7
Your correspondent H.B. in his interesting reminiscences last Saturday desired to know something more of the above society. As its secretary from start to finish I am only too glad to supply what information I possess from memory. The old society after practising in the Baptist Chapel, York-street, was dissolved. I believe in 1854 a meeting was convened at the residence of the late Mr. R. Kenworthy, Cameron-street, and there the new society was formed. It was decided to practice in the Wycliffe Chapel, York-street, and there the meetings were regularly held. The first invitation rehearsal was held in Tamar-street church, the late Rev. C. Price becoming an honorary member and an ardent supporter until its close. All the officers were honorary, and the concerts were given in aid of local charitable objects. These were held in the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. At the time of the Indian mutiny the society united with the Philharmonic and produced the "Creation" in aid of the fund for the wounded, which was a great success, the tickets being 10s 6d and 7s 6d, and the proceeds upwards of £600. The leading parts were Miss Lucy Chambers, soprano; Mrs. Hamilton, contralto; Mr. Henslow, Hobart, tenor; Mr. Farquharson, bass; Mr. J. Adams, conductor; Rev. W. A. Brook, pianist. This society then numbered 100 members, but, like everything in this city, interest and attendance declined, and eventually the society was dissolved, the property sold, and the books, etc., placed in care of the Mechanics' Institute, where, I suppose, they might be perused on application to the librarian, Mr. Johnstone, who was one of the old members.
ASSOCIATIONS: "W.S." = William Stokes (member); Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (organisation); Robert Kenworthy (member); Lucy Chambers (soprano); Francis Hartwell Henslowe (tenor); Robert Farquharson (bass); Warren Auber Brooke (piano); the earlier article referred to, "REMINISCENCES", Launceston Examiner (12 November 1892), 2
"Death of a Librarian", Daily Telegraph (13 January 1906), 6
Mr. Alexander T. Johnston, who for close on half a century occupied the position of librarian at the Mechanics' Institute and Public Library, died early yesterday morning after a short illness. The deceased who came out from Scotland under engagement to St. Andrews Church as precentor, carried on business in Brisbane-street for a short while as a cabinet-maker, but relinquished this, on his appointment as librarian. He was for some time connected with St. Andrew's Church, and subsequently joined Chalmers Church as precentor, but after some rears resigned this position. During the many years he occupied the office as librarian at the Mechanics' Institute he gave every satisfaction to the committee of management, and also gained the respect and esteem of the subscribers. The deceased, who was in his 76th year, leaves a widow, two sons, and a daughter, the latter being married to Mr. Huxtable, of Low Head. The funeral is appointed to leave deceased's late residence, Mayne-street, Invermay, at 3 to-morrow afternoon for the Carr Villa cemetery. At a meeting of the board of management of the Mechanics' Institute last night it was stated that the deceased was appointed librarian on April 23, 1861 . . .
"OBITUARY. MR. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON", Examiner (13 January 1906), 8
. . . Mr. Johnston, who was born in Scotland, came to Launceston to fill the position of precentor to St. Andrew's Church in the 'fifties, and, being a cabinet-maker by trade, he obtained employment from the late Mr. S. Joscelyne. Through some disagreement with the authorities of St. Andrew's Church, he left there and was appointed precentor at Chalmers Church, a position he held for some years. After leaving the employ of Mr. Joscelyne, he commenced business as a cabinetmaker on his own account, occupying the premises, still standing in Brisbane-street, afterwards kept by the late Mr. George Oliver, and now in the occupatioen of Mr. William Gardiner, next Messrs. Smith and Hutchinson's establishment. On Apiril 23, 1861, Mr. Johnston was appointed librarian to the Mechanics' Institute, a position he filled with credit until his demise . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Josecelyne (amateur musician, cellist)
JOHNSTON, George (George JOHNSTON) and family
Soldier, marine, military officer, lieutenant-governor (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Bibliography and resources:
William Crowther, "INTERLOPERS AND SOJOURNERS", Book Collectors' Society of Australia Biblionews 9/1 (issue 119) (January 1956), (DIGITISED)
. . . To return to Sydney, one of my regrets is not having acquired three or four odd little books of music for the Flageolet etc. They were on the shelves in the shop of Messrss. Tost and Rohu in the late thirties, and had come some time from "Annandale" the home of the Johnstons. The volumes appeared to have been locally bound in Kangaroo skin with a touch of blind tooling, similar to that of a Journal and a Log Book of mine, both of which were done in Sydney, the one in 1813 and the other 1819. The music books were inscribed by members of the Johnston family and in one case by Governor Hunter. The opportunity was not taken as they were really outside my (then) interest and (rightly) somewhat stiffly priced . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hunter (governor)
Precentor, conductor of psalmody (at a salary of £10 a year)
Active Mortlake, VIC, 1866 (shareable link to this entry)
Bibliography and resources:
J. E. Murdoch, Fifty years of Presbyterianism in Mortlake, 1847-1897 (Mortlake: Printed at the Dispatch Office, 1917)
JOLLY, Edward (Edward JOLLY; FOLLY [sic])
Born France, c. 1807/11
? Arrived Melbourne, VIC, November 1859 (per Monarch, from England, aged "48") [PROV]
Died (suicide) North Melbourne, VIC, 1 August 1862, aged "55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Argus (2 August 1862), 4
Yesterday forenoon, a Frenchman named Folly [sic], a musician, residing in Lansdowne-street, North Melbourne, was found dead in his own house, his throat cut, and a razor covered with blood lying at his feet. The last time he was seen in life was about four o'clock on the previous after-noon, when he appeared to be sober; but he had been drinking lately. He was also understood to be in trouble about his wife and family, who are in France. It is presumed that the deceased committed suicide, and an inquest will be held on the body to-day.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (2 August 1862), 5
A musician, named Wm. Jolly, a Frenchman, was found dead in his own house, Lansdowne-street, North Melbourne, yesterday, with a deep incision in his throat . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (4 August 1862), 5
An inquest was held on Saturday last, at the Bouverie Hotel, Carlton, by Dr. Youl, on the body of Edward Jolly, the unfortunate musician who was found dead with his throat cut at his lodgings, Lansdowne terrace, Bouverie street, on the 1st instant. At the inquest it was stated that the deceased was a Frenchman, and had been lately engaged as a musician at the Alhambra concert rooms, Bourke street east. He had been formerly a banker in France, where he failed in business. For some time past he had appeared melancholy, and had been very anxious about his wife and family, who are still in France. He was last seen alive on Thursday, at 4 p.m., by Mrs. Guddy, the landlady of the house where he resided. On the following (Friday) morning she knocked at his door, and getting no answer, looked in, when she saw him lying in the fireplace with his throat cut, and a razor covered with blood lying at his feet. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased committed suicide whilst laboring under temporary insanity. The deceased had no property of his own; but in his room were found a number of articles, including a violin and photographic apparatus, and material belonging to a former partner, Mr. W. C. Reilly, of Elizabeth street. They were ordered by the Coroner to be delivered to the owner.
Bibliography and resources:
Edward Folley [sic], Find a grave; Melbourne General Cemetery, 1 August 1862
JOLLY, William (William JOLLY)
Musician, blind violin player
Born c. 1827; son of Thomas JOLLY
Died North Melbourne, VIC, 20 January 1857, aged 30 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SUICIDE", The Argus (22 January 1857), 6
An inquest was held yesterday . . . on the body of a man named William Jolly, a musician, thirty years of age, who shot himself at North Melbourne on Tuesday last . . . Thomas Jolly, father of the deceased, said: The deceased was my oldest son, and was by profession a violin player. He had been blind from three weeks from his birth. For the last four or five months his mind had been much disturbed, and he appeared quite melancholy. He often said that he wished something would kill him or run over him. He has been in the habit of carrying loaded pistols about him since arriving at the period of maturity. He was in the habit of staying out late at night from his professional attendance at parties, and it was with an idea of defending himself at such times that he carried the pistols about with him . . .
"SUICIDE OF A BLIND VIOLIN PLAYER", Bendigo Advertiser (23 January 1857), 3
JONAS, Moritz (Moritz JONAS)
Music teacher, organist, pianist
Born Braunschweig, Germany, 8 December 1817
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, June 1855 (per Marco Polo)
Died Mount Gambier, SA, 13 May 1902 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"AMATEUR CONCERT IN AID OF THE NEEDHAM MEMORIAL WINDOW FUND", Border Watch [Mount Gambier, SA] (25 January 1868), 2
The Deutsche Liedertafel did excellent service upon the occasion under the leadership of Mr. Jonas. Since we last heard them we could hot fail to observe a marked improvement, and the increased number of tenor voices, rendered their singing everything that could be wished.
"HERR JONAS' CONCERT", Border Watch (11 August 1877), 2
"DEATH OF HERR M. JONAS", Border Watch (17 May 1902), 2
Herr Moritz Jonas, an old and highly respected resident of Mount Gambier, passed away on Tuesday night at the residence of Mrs. Gerloff, Wehl-street, after a period of four years of failing health. In February of 1898 the deceased gentleman, who had up till then enjoyed robust health, had a severe seizure of apoplexy, caused by the intense heat that then prevailed. For several months he lay it was thought at the portals of the grave, but his strong constitution, aided by careful medical attention and nursing, enabled him to get over the attack. His great age, however, prevented his complete recovery of health, and from that time he was ailing and weak, and gradually failed until death ensued! Herr Jonas was a native of Braunschweig, Germany, where he was born on December 8, 1817. He was thus in his 85th year when he died. In June, 1855, he came to Melbourne on the ship Marco Polo, and for 12 years thereafter lived at Hochkirk, near Hamilton, in Victoria. He came to Mount Gambier in 1867, and for four years or so conducted a German and English school in the town. On relinquishing that he entered upon the occupation, of a music teacher, which he continued until the apoplectic seizure put an end to his work. For many years Herr Jonas was leader of the German Liedertafel here, and till his serious illness in 1898 was organist and choir leader of the Lutheran church. He was also a Freemason, and for a long time was organist of the lodge. Although he thus took a part in the musical and social affairs of the town during his 35 years residence, and in every case, by his genuineness and integrity, won the esteem and regard of all with whom he had to do, the deceased took no part in the more public business of the community. He was never married, and had no relations in Australia. But in his declining years there were kind friends here - notably Mr. J. M. Jens and Mrs. Gerloff, sen. - who ministered to his needs and smoothed his path to the grave. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon . . .
"MOUNT GAMBIER", The Advertiser (17 May 1902), 8
JONES, Sergeant (Sergeant JONES)
Bandsman, ? band sergeant (Band of the 51st Regiment)
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), August 1846
Died India, 1846/47
See also Band of the 51st Regiment (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Courier (12 August 1846), 3
"THE 51ST REGIMENT IN INDIA", The Courier (15 May 1847), 2
We regret to record that, since the arrival of the head-quarters of this fine regiment in the China and Agincourt, at Bangalore, there have been many deaths, among whom we may mention . . . sergeant Jones (of the band,) . . . Kelly (of the band,) Simpson (of the buglers.)
Professor of Dancing, the violin, double bass, quadrille parties attended with violin and harp
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (shareable link to this entry)
[2 advertisements], The Argus (15 November 1852), 7
MRS. JONES, from Paris, French cleaner, shawls, drawn bonnets, parasols, without unpicking; gloves, feathers, blonds, velvets, table covers, cleaned, dyed, and hot pressed. Alfred Place, Little Collins-street.
DANCING - Mr. Jones (from London), professor of dancing, the violin, double bass. Quadrille parties attended with the violin, accompanied with the harp. 3, Alfred-place, Little Collins street.
"THE BRIGHTON EMIGRANTS TO AUSTRALIA", The Brighton gazette [England] (2 June 1853), 5 (PAYWALL)
In another part of the paper will found extracts from letter with which we have been favoured by the parents or friends of those who have emigrated to that land of promise, the gold fields of Australia. We say favoured, because many of those who receive letters from their relatives abroad do not wish to appear desirous of parading their names before the public. The publication of these letters, however, is actually a boon to the public, because they are characterised by a truthfulness unmistakeable, and must have weight with those who have thoughts of emigrating. Many who have received letters by the "Sarah Sands" are most averse to seeing them in print.
Our readers may gather from the letters which we publish to-day that the gold diggings continue to be perfect lottery, but that the odds are completely against the emigrants with few exceptions, such as carpenters, bricklayers, and persons employed in building. How many a clerk who left a comfortable home to seek his fortune in Australia, bitterly repents the hour when he made up his mind to leave his native land. But even now we believe that hale, hearty and sinuous persons are capable of realising a good living in Australia; it is the hardy sons of toil who are most likely to enrich themselves. All accounts agree in the fact that murder and rapine stalk that country unmolested; and a singular instance of bare-faced robbery and violence is given in the letter of Mr. Godden.
It is, perhaps, rather remarkable that not one of the Brighton party appears to have been successful at the diggings. Some have laboured hard, whilst others have scarcely put a spade into the ground, when they have either given up in despair or become disgusted with the scenes around them, and returned to Melbourne almost penniless. Mr. Hamblin, head cook at the Bedford Hotel, has received letter from his brother, who left good situation to go out to Tahiti; but having the gold fever must needs try his luck at the diggings. He failed, as many hundreds have done besides, and has written to say that he is now returning to Tahiti, where has a brother in business. Three companions who went out in the same ship with him had £35 each, when they landed in Australia; and they were soon reduced almost to beggary.
Mr. Thatcher's son has sent a letter to his parents, on the King's Road, giving a very discouraging account of the country, more especially of the state of society. This letter is fully corroborated in that respect by another received from the son of Mr. Evans, green grocer and fruiterer, Western Road. Among other letters received here, we learn that Mr. Tucker, son of Mr. Tucker, Western Road, and Mr. Alfred Chate, son of Mr. Chate, Bedford Place, are playing at promenade concerts, the former as leader, at £5 5s. a week, the latter, at £4 4s. We believe that Thatcher's son is also with them, deriving a similar emolument from music. Mr. Bryer, the dancing master, is in Melbourne, under the assumed name of Jones; and Mr. John Fleeson has taken the name of Fortune . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (musician)
JONES, Mrs. (Mrs. JONES)
Amateur vocalist
Active Adelaide, SA, c. 1844 (shareable link to this entry)
[News], Adelaide Observer (23 March 1844), 5
Last week the Adelaide Choral Society's Second Concert took place to a respectable, but limited audience. The chorus "And the glory of the Lord" was sung with much spirit. Mrs. Jones's rich voice told to great advantage in "He shall feed his flock" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Choral Society (association)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (28 August 1847), 5
. . . We (Adelaide Observer) were present at the Society's second concert, last night. Mrs. Murray's absence from indisposition, and the consequent silence of the organ were much to be regretted. The pieces performed were selected from, the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, &c. The quartette, "Judge me, O Lord," was sung with great Judgment by Messrs. Ewens, Burford, Harwood, and Mrs. Jones, and the supplicatory, plaintive tone, in which the solemn appeal was expressed, was truly touching. In the choral part of the same piece, the joyously triumphant notes of gladness, in which the Psalmist is made to exhibit his confidence and happiness, were well expressed. The recitative and solos gave painful proofs of the sufferings of their performances [? performers] from the prevalent epidemic . . . The grand chorus "Hallelujah," was rendered with admirable expression, precision, and power, and evidently left an effect on the audience that well suited a closing performance. Some of the instruments were, on a few occasions, rather out of tune; but the cornopean and bass violin did wonders, and it is hardly a stretch of praise to say that they themselves would form no insignificant orchestra. It is calculated that the two evenings' performances will leave a net profit of £60 or £70 on behalf of the South Australian British Destitution Relief Fund.
JONES, Avonia (Avonia JONES; Mrs. Gustavus Vaughan BROOKE)
Actor, vocalist
Born Richmond, Virginia, USA, 12 July 1839; daughter of George ("Count Joannes") JONES and Melinda ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, October 1859
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 31 May 1861 (for Liverpool)
Married Gustavus Vaughan BROOKE, St. Philip's church, Liverpool, England, 23 February 1863
Died New York, USA, 4 October 1867 (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
"MISS AVONIA JONES", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (15 October 1860), 5
. . . Miss Jones proved that in the worship of Melpomene she had not forfeited the good will of Thalia. Her rendering of the Rough Diamond Margery - the wild, hoyden cousin, but the dutiful wife - was highly successsful; and the song - I love the merry sunshine - was creditably given, so much so as to elicit some cries of encore, which, however, were judiciously put down. It is very rarely that in the Australian colonies a lady of Miss Jones's ability makes her appearance on the stage, and the rarity of the circumstance, should make it welcome when it does occur . . .
"THE HISTORIAN. THEATRICAL REMINISCENCES BY AN OLD PLAYGOER", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (7 December 1878), 8
JONES, Benjamin Napthali (Benjamin Napthali JONES; Mr. B. N. JONES)
Active 1850s (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (12 January 1856), 2
Bathurst is at length favoured with a dramatic company of superior pretentions, both as regards respectability of character and talent . . . and in introducing Miss Fanny Young, Messrs. Russell, Daniels, Jones, and King to those of our readers who have imbibed a relish for the drama, we can assure them that we prefer appealing to their judgment rather than to their sympathies. The first appearance of these artistes before a Bathurst audience look place on Thursday last, the pieces selected being "A Kiss in the Dark," "Perfection," and the "Dead Shot" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William and Mrs. Evans (actors, managers); Fanny Young (actor, dancer, vocalist); Charles King (actor)
JONES, Charles (Charles JONES)
Itinerant musician, fiddler
Active Bendigo, VIC, 1873 (shareable link to this entry)
"YOUNG AND OLD IN CRIME", Bendigo Advertiser (30 September 1873), 2
Charles Jones, an itinerant musician - a well known character, often to be seen marching through the streets with an old fiddle and a basket of confectionery, crying "pies, cakes, lollies, and music" . . .
JONES, Charles Edward (Charles Edward JONES; Charles JONES; Mr. C. JONES)
Theatrical/scenic artist, machinist, vocalist, agent
Born ? Bimingham, England, c. 1813
Active Hobart, VDL (TAS), by c. 1840
Married (Christina) Mary THOMSON, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 9 August 1841 (aged "18", "14" according to death certificate)
Died (suicide) Woolloomooloo, NSW, 29 June 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JONES, Christina Mary (Christina Mary THOMSON; Mary THOMSON; Miss THOMSON; Mrs. Charles JONES; Mrs. C. JONES)
Actor, dancer
Born Bath, Somerset, England, c. 1827 (? c. 1823); natural or adopted daughter either
George THOMSON or
Martha Mary COOKE, or both
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 4 February 1837 (per Derwent, from London, 18 October 1836)
Married Charles Edward JONES (c. 1813-1864), Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 9 August 1841 (aged "18", "14" according to death certificate)
Died Paddington, NSW, 21 August 1881, aged "54" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JONES, Rebecca (Rebecca JONES; Mrs. Frederick ZEPLIN)
Born Sydney, NSW, 1842; daughter of Charles Edward JONES and Mary THOMSON
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1848
Married Frederick ZEPLIN, VIC, 24 January 1869
Died Belfast (Port Fairy), VIC, 1886, aged "42" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (1 June 1841), 1
TO-MORROW, JUNE 2 . . . [song] The Dashing White Sergeant - Mrs. G. Thomson . . .
DUET - "Buy a broom," in character, Mrs. Harrold & Mr. C. Jones.
SONG - " O, well do I remember" - Mr. Harrold . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (2 July 1841), 1
Mr. C. Jones most respectfully announces to his friends and the public, generally,
that his Benefit is fixed for MONDAY EVENING NEXT, when he trusts that the pieces selected for their amusement,
which have beeu got up at considerable expense, will meet the approbation of those friends who wish to honour him with their support.
The evening's entertainments will commence with the Grund Equestrian Spectacle, for which Four Horses have been properly trained,
After the play, Mr. Smith will dance the "Highland Fling," in character - his first appearance this season;
a Comic Duet by Mrs. Harrold and Mr. C. Jones; Comic Song, Mr. Rogers.
The whole to conclude willi the Romantic Drama, entitled THE WRECK ASHORE; THE ROVER'S BRIDE. Dederitch Von Voorn, Mr. Smith.
Tickets to be had at Mr. C. Jones's, No. 44, Liverpool-street . . .
F. B. WATSON, Stage Manager. Director of the Scenery, Machinery, and Decorations, Mr. C. Jones . . .
1841, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:827643; RGD37/1/2 no 869$init=RGD37-1-2P97 (DIGITISED)
[No.] 869 / August 9th 1841 St. George's / Charles Edward Jones / 22 / Watchmaker / . . .
Mary Thompson [sic] / 18 / spinster / . . . Married in this parish church . . . [witnesses] Martha Mary Thompson . . .
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", Australasian Chronicle (28 August 1841), 3
AUGUST 26. - From Hobart Town, having left the 16th instant, the schooner Sisters, 131 tons, Captain Clarke, with 150 bushels of wheat, and 216 bags of flour. Passengers - Miss Lucas, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Thomson, Miss Thomson, Miss J. Thomson, Messrs. Lucas, C. Jones, Wilkinson, and Osborne; steerage, Pembroke and Bailey.
"THEATRICALS", Sydney Free Press (16 June 1842), 3
. . . The after piece, which was the Mock Catalani in Little Puddleton was as usual well received, the part of Captain O'Leary, which used to be borne by Falchon, was sustained by Mr. C. Jones, and considering that it was his first attempt in this line, he got on very well: we fear, nevertheless, that he will never make a stage singer.
"DEATHS", Empire (16 June 1864), 1
JONES - On the 14th June, at his residence, Francis-street, Woolloomooloo, Mr. Charles Jones, late treasurer of the Victoria and Lyceum Theatres, agad fifty-one years.
"DEATH OF MR CHARLES EDWARD JONES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (18 June 1864), 2
The above well-known and respected theatrical agent and treasurer of the Victoria Theatre, committed suicide by stabbing himself to the heart, at his residence in Woolloomooloo, on Tuesday evening last. The long illness of certain members of his family, to whom he was passionately attached, added to great despondency, consequent on the depressed state of theatrical matters, seem to have been the immediate causes of his committing the fatal act; and the jury unanimously returned a verdict of temporary insanity. He leaves a widow, and six children behind him, the former being the popular and respected actress, Mrs. Charles Jones. This sad event has very naturally cast a gloom over the whole theatrical community, who, with commendable alacrity, have it in contemplation to give a series of benefits to the bereaved ones - the management of the Prince of Wales taking the initiative on Wednesday evening nest. The deep sympathy felt for the unfortunate lady in her great affliction - the esteem in which she is universally held by a large circle of acquaintances - and the claims of a widow and orphans on the kind-hearted, must surely combine to ensure an amount of patronage and support befitting the occasion. We regret that the arrangements are not sufficiently defined to enable us to state the particulars; but there is no doubt that the example set at the Prince of Wales will be speedily followed by the other places of amusement in Sydney. The funeral of the lamented deceased took place yesterday afternoon, his remains being followed to the grave by a large cortege of his professional and private friends, upwards of forty carriages joining the melancholy procession.
"MARRIAGE", The Argus (28 January 1869), 4
ZEPLIN - JONES - On the 24th inst., at St. Mary's Church, Melbourne, by the Rev. J, Potter, Frederick, second son of George Zeplin, of Melbourne, to Rebecca Mary, eldest daughter of the late Charles Jones, of Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney papers please copy.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 August 1881), 1
JONES. - August 21, at the residence of her son-in-law, H. C. Humfress, 6, Holdsworth's-terrace, Glenview-street, Paddington, Christina Mary, relict of the late Mr. Charles Jones, in her 54th year.
"BREVITIES", Evening News (22 August 1881), 3
Mrs. Charles Jones, sister of Mrs. Herman Vezin, who had been over 29 years on the colonial stage, died at the residence of her son-in-Iaw, Mr. D. C. Humphrey's, Dariinghurst, last evening. She will be buried at Waverley to-morrow. Her age was 54 years.
"DEATHS", The Argus (18 January 1886), 1
ZEPLIN. - On the 16th inst., drowned whilst bathing at Belfast, Rebecca, the dearly-beloved wife of Frederic George Zeplin, professor of music, William-street, West Melbourne.
"Death of an Old Actress", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (26 August 1881), 2
IT is with regret that we have to announce the death on Monday evening of Mrs. Charles Jones, the actress, whose connection with the Australian stage has extended over a period of 20 years. The deceased lady, who was as popular in her profession as she was respected in private life, was the daughter of Mrs. Thompson (whose name will still be remembered by old theatre-goers), and a sister of Mrs. Herman Vezin, better known in the colonies as Mrs. Charles Young. Mrs. Jones was one of our best stock actresses, and during her career upon the boards was associated with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean, Mr. Jefferson, and other theatrical stars who have from time visited Sydney. During the past few years Mrs. Jones, owing to failing health, was obliged reluctantly, to relinquish her professional duties, and her death was not unexpected. Mrs. Jones, at the time of her death, was 54 years of age.
[Joseph Michael Forde], "MUMMER MEMOIRS. MR. H.P. LYONS' INTERESTING REMINISCENCES . . . MRS. CHARLES JONES AND HER SISTERS", Sydney Sportsman (17 July 1907), 3
. . . In the early days, away back in the forties, Mrs. Thompson and her three daughters were playing with Mrs. Clarke's Company at the old Victoria Theatre, Hobart Town, now the Theatre Royal, Hobart. Among the company was the late Mrs. Richard Stewart (Mrs. Guerin), Mr. G. H. Rogers, Charles Young, the Howsons, Signor Carandini, Arabin, and others. Of the three Misses Thompson, the eldest married Charles Jones, afterwards a jeweller in Hobart, the second married Charles Young; obtaining a divorce, she married Hermann Vezin. Eliza, the youngest, married Mr. Medwin Goodwin, the son of the proprietor of the "Cornwall Chronicle," Launceston. I have been a visitor at their home many times; they are both dead, long ago. Many pleasant recollections I have of visits to Mrs. Jones at her home. There were two daughters (? three) and one son. I remember Rebecca married Mr. Zeplin, musical conductor, and was accidentally drowned while bathing. Jenny and young Charley disappeared. I know not where . . . I am informed by a good authority, a personal friend, that Mrs. Charles Jones had three daughters, Rebecca, Jennie, and Ruth.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Percival Lyons; Frederick Zeplin
JONES, David (David JONES)
Harpist, harp maker
Active Footscray, VIC, 1858
Active Williamstown, VIC, 1865 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"VICTORIA INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY", The Age (26 February 1858), 5
. . . The section devoted to musical instruments, contains a single harp made by David Jones, of Footscray, and a Cremona tenor violin, stated to have been made in 1652, by Nicholaus Amatus . . .
[News], The Argus (2 March 1865), 4
The Welsh residents of Melbourne and its vicinity, who form a numerous and by no means unimportant section of our metropolilan commnuity, commemorated the anniversary of their tutelar saint, St. David, by a dinner, which took place at the Protestant hall yesterday evening . . . About 120 Welshmen and friends assembled on the occasion . . . During the evening a rhyme by Mr. W. Stitt Jenkins, to the sons of Cambria who celebrated St. Duvid's Day in Melbourne, was recited with dramatic effect by Miss Edith Mitchell; and a new harp, manufactured by David Jones, of Williamstown, was presented to Mr. Thomas Morgan, an amateur harpist . . . Not the least feature of the evening's entertainment was the really exquisite bardic and national music played by the blind harpist, Mr. John Williams (Alaw Dare), on two instruments, by Mr. Thos. Morgan, and also by a third performer. The demonstration was characterized throughout with great good humour, and the proceedings did not terminate until an early hour.
"CELEBRATIONS OF ST. DAVID'S DAY", The Australian News for Home Readers (18 March 1865), 5
The anniversary festival of Cambria's patron saint was celebrated on Wednesday evening, the 22nd February, at the Protestant Hall. About 120 Cambrian colonists assembled to revive old reminiscences, and to do homage to the history and traditions of their mother land . . . Welsh harps and harpers were in attendance; Welsh songs were sung and Welsh toasts drank . . . T. Morgan and D. Jones, of Williamstown, were the harpists, and they all acquitted themselves admirably . . . The performances of Mr. John Williams, the blind harpist, were particularly brilliant, especially a simultaneous performance on two harps. During the evening a harp was presented to Mr. Thomas Morgan, of Williamstown, by Mr. J. B. Humffray, on behalf of a number of Welsh gentlemen, who selected this mode of making their appreciation of the services rendered by him. The harp was made by Mr. D. Jones, of Williamstown . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Morgan; John Williams
JONES, Edward (Edward JONES; "Bardd y Brenin")
Welsh harpist, composer, music editor and collector, author, recorder of (Australian) Indigenous music [NEVER VISITED AUSTRALIA]
Born Llandderfel, Wales, March 1752
(Never in Australia)
Died Marylebone, London, England, 18 April 1824 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Jones never came to Australia. But he was the earliest known European to make a words and music transcription of an Australian Indigenous song. Having earlier benefitted from the patronage of Charles Burney, Jones was harp-master to the prince of Wales (future George IV) when, in London in 1793, he took down A Song of the Natives of New South Wales from the singing of Bennelong and Yemmerrawanne (Yammroweney).

A SONG OF THE NATIVES OF NEW SOUTH WALES; Which was written down from the Singing of BENELONG, and YAM-ROWENY, the two Chiefs, who were brought to England some years ago from Botany Bay, by Governor Phillips [sic]. The subject of the Song, is in praise of their Lovers; and when they Sang, it seem'd indispensible to them to have two sticks, one in each hand to beat time with the Tune; one end of the left stick rested on the ground, while the other in the right hand was used to beat against it, according to the time of the notes.
Since, however, he did not publish his transcription until 1811, it was not the first example of Indigenous music to appear in print, but preceded by A New-South-Wales Song, in a so far unidentified print volume, nevertheless fairly reliably dateable to c.1805-10.
The 1793/1811 song was reprinted at least twice during the 19th century, by Carl Engel in 1866, and (from Engel) by James Bonwick in 1870. It appears to have been almost entirely overlooked in 20th-century literature on Australian Indigenous song.
See main entry on Jones's transcription:
Sources and documentation:
Edward Jones, Musical curiosities; or, a selection of the most characteristic national songs, and airs; many of which were never before published: consisting of Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Danish, Lapland, Malabar, New South Wales, French, Italian, Swiss, and particularly some English and Scotch national melodies, to which are added, variations for the harp, or the piano-forte, and most humbly inscribed, by permission, to her royal highness the princess Charlotte of Wales . . . (London: Printed for the author, 1811), 15 (music and words)
Facsimile above (exemplar London, British Library, R.M.13.f.5):
Facsimile in Smith 2011, 1 (exemplar London, British Library, R.M.13.f.5) (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], Public Ledger and Daily Advertiser (21 March 1811), 1
This day is published, price 10s. 6d
of the most characteristic National Songs, and Airs;
many of which were never before published: consisting of
Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Danish, Lapland, Malabar,
New South Wales, French, Italian, Swiss, and particularly
some English and Scotch National Melodies. To which are
added, Variations for the Harp, or the Piano-forte; and
most humbly inscribed, by permission, to her Royal Highness
the Princess Charlotte of Wales.
Bard to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent; and Author
of the Musical and Poetical Relics of the Welsh Bard,
Minstrel Serenaders, &c.
London: Printed for the Author; and sold at Messrs.
Birchall's Music-shop, No. 133, and at Chappell and Co's,
124, New Bond-street; at Goulding's Music Warehouse, Soho-
square; and at Clementi and Co's, No. 26, Cheapside.
Bibliography and resources:
Tecwyn Ellis, Edward Jones: Bardd y Brenin (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1957) [in Welsh]
Joan Rimmer, "Edward Jones's Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards, 1784: a re-assessment", The Galpin Society journal 39 (1986), 77-96
Keith Vincent Smith, "1793: A Song of the Natives of New South Wales", eBLJ (Electronic British Library Journal) (2011, Article 14), 1-7 (ONLINE/DIGITISED)
Meirion Hughes, "Edward Jones 'bard to the king': the crown, Welsh national music, and identity in late Georgian Britain", in Paul Rodmell (ed), Music and institutions in nineteenth-century Britain (Burlington: Ashgate, 2012), 267-284
"Edward Jones (harpist)", Wikipedia
Tecwyn Ellis, "Jones, Edward (Bardd y Brenin; 1752-1824)", Dictionary of Welsh biography/Y Bywgraffiaduer Cymreig (1959/2009)
"Edward Jones & his collections of national airs (1784-1821) - what is available online?", Humming a diff'rent tune: old songbooks, music history & more
JONES, Edwin (Edwin JONES)
Vocalist, songwriter, sailor
Active Australia, 1867-68 (shareable link to this entry)
[Song], in The Tasmanian songster, third edition ([Hobart]: Published by M. Hornsby, [? late 1867 or early 1868]) (DIGITISED)
[Main contents:] . . .
[20] An account of the voyage of H.M.S.S. "Galatea," for the year 1867,
composed and sung by Edwin Jones, seaman of the above ship [On January the 24th, we heard in Plymouth Town] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (duke of Edinburgh, commander of the Galatea); John Maryatt Hornsby (vocalist, editor)
JONES, Harriet (Miss GOODEN; Mrs. William Lloyd JONES; Mrs. LOVE; Mrs. KNOWLES; Mrs. OLIFFE; Mrs. Harry LAMBERT) see main page Harriet JONES
Vocalist, actor, publican (d. SA, 1871)
JONES, Henry (Henry JONES; Mr. H. JONES)
Cantor, reader (Hobart Synagogue)
? Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), ? 1837 (free, per Isabella); ? or shortly before July 1845
Departed TAS, after 1863 (for New Zealand) (shareable link to this entry)
[Editorial], Colonial Times (8 July 1845), 2
THE interesting ceremony of the dedication of the Synagogue took place on Friday the 4th instant, in the presence of a congregation which occupied even to pressure (although admitted by tickets issued with great restriction), the whole capacity of the beautiful little edifice, and was composed of the elite of the town and neighbourhood. Sir John and Lady Pedder, Judge Montagu, Colonel and Mrs. Elliott, Captain and Mrs. Forster, Captain and Mrs. Swanston, Captain and Mrs. Forth, Mr. and Mrs Dunn, jun., Mrs. and the Misses Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wilmot, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Macdowell, Mr. T. Macdowell, Mr. and Mrs. Hone, Mr and Mrs. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Watchorn, Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson, Captain and Mrs. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Bedford, the Rev. Mr. Fry and several Clergymen of the Established Church of England, several Officers of the 51st K.O.L.I., Mr. Elliston, Mr. Macdougall, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Hall, proprietors of the Hobart Town newspapers; in a word, all that the building could contain of the respectable inhabitants.
The ceremony commenced with one of Haydn's most favourite symphonies admirably performed by a choice orchestra led by Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Reichenberg presiding at the piano. The choir was admirable, and singing of very first order; the melodies beautiful, and the harmonies perfect. A procession composed of the officers of the congregation circumambulated the avenues formed by the visitors seven times, at each interval the choir, accompanied by the orchestra, singing select passages of appropriate Psalms, but arranged to beautiful melodies. The procession was composed of the Rev. Mr. Jones (the reader, a gentleman recently arrived from London), Mr. Nathan (the President of the Committee), Mr. Judah Solomon (the Treasurer), Mr. Moss (the Secretary), Mr. D. Moses, Mr. Heckscher, Mr. Hart, Mr. S. Moses, Mr. Friedman, Mr. P. Levy, Mr. Isaac Solomon, and some other Israelite gentlemen. The Rolls of the Law were borne by these gentlemen alternately at each procession, the bearing being considered a high honour. At the close of the seventh circuit the Rolls were deposited in the Ark, a most splendid recess lined with purple velvet and highly ornamented with gold lace. Mr. Jones, the reader, then went to the desk, and read with much impressiveness the Consecration Prayer (the whole Service was in original Hebrew, a book of which in that character and English, remarkably well printed by Mr. Wolfe of Liverpool-street, was delivered with each ticket), a prayer for the Queen, afterwards delivered, is ensculptured in English on a marble tablet in gold letters on the north side of the edifice. One of the Rolls of the Law was then taken out of the Ark and delivered to "the Reader," who chaunted with musical accompaniments several appropriate passages of Scripture After which he read a prayer for the Royal Family . . .
The 39th Psalm was then chaunted by the choir with great taste and effect. Another prayer then followed, after which the 150th Psalm was sung by the choir, the Hallelujahs particularly beautifully, indeed it is only due to the gentlemen who formed the choir to say that their performances would have done credit to any London Concert of Sacred Music. The ceremony concluded about seven o'clock with the celebration of the ordinary afternoon and Sabbath eve Services, which will be in future regularly performed in this build- ing, and will no doubt attract numerous Christian auditors . . .
. . . The reader was Mr. H. Jones, the leader of the choir. Mr. M. Simeon; the band was led most ably by Mr. Reichenberg, and included Messrs. Duly, Curtis, Gautrot, Singer, &c. . . .
. . . Mr. H. Jones officiated as reader; his chaunts were given with admirable intonation. The orchestral department combined the talent of Messrs. Gautrot, Curtis, Duly, and Singer, ably led by Mr. Reichenberg. The choir was exceedingly effective, the principal parts being admirably given by Mr. M. Simeon, who possesses a falsetto voice of good quality and rarely met with . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Reichenberg
"NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE", Daily Southern Cross (4 December 1866), 4
. . . The name of Mr. Henry Jones, of the Hebrew congregation, is published as an officiating minister within the meaning of the Marriage Act . . .
. . . In 1846 the minister was Rev. Henry Jones. In August, 1846, Rev. Maurice Cohen arrived from London to take up his duties as rabbi, the Rev. Jones being second minister . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Lazarus Morris Goldman, The history of the Jews in New Zealand (Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1958), 105
. . . Henry Jones, the first paid Reader of the congregation, suffered dire privation by reason of the poverty of his brethren. On the dismissal of the drunken beadle, the committee appointed him to the office. He had met with plenty of equally bitter experience in Hobart Town. There he had faithfully served the congregation as a general menial flunkey for a pittance, and as a reward for his devotion, had been summarily dismissed with a sailing ticket for New Zealand for a fault which was not his. Although he had a large family, the Canterbury Congregation employed him for £1 a week, but discovering him to be a man of ability, appointed him as Reader, Secretary and Collector for the magnificent sum of £1 12s. 6d. a week . . ."
John Levi, These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing, 2013), 383-84 (PREVIEW0
JONES, Henry (Henry JONES; Mr. H. JONES)
Organ builder, watchmaker, jeweller
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1855 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1853), 7
FOR Sale by Tender, a powerful and fine-toned CATHEDRAL ORGAN.
Tenders are invited for the Purchase of a most splendid Organ, built to order, and expected to arrive in Melbourne about the middle of October.
The above Instrument had two entire rows of Manuel's [sic] compass, from FFF to F in alt, with twenty stops, one octave and half of pedals, and two composition pedals.
The height of the case is 10 feet, width 8 foot 11 inches and depth 8 feet.
Such an opportunity as the present should not be lost to secure so perfect and chaste an instrument,
combining great power and variety of expression, whilst by means of the swell (which is on an entirely new principle,
and peculiar to the builders, Messrs. Smith of Bristol, only) it commands at all times a soft and melodious accompaniment.
A new stop has also been introduced, called the Karauliphon which has a beautiful effect, and is an addition of great merit.
The want of organs of the class in places of worship in the colonies is greatly felt, but hitherto the expense has prohibited their introduction;
and had the church which the above instrument was intended for been in a state to receive it, the public would not have an opportunity the present offers them.
The following extract from an English paper will give an idea of its intrinsic value in the musical world at home, from the Bristol Mirror of June 25th, 1853. -
"We are glad to learn that Messrs. Smith, of Stokes's Croft, have received and executed an order for an organ of large capacity in Melbourne. The instrument consists of two entire rows of keys, compass of five octaves each; and the swell, which is of a very peculiar and effective construction, extends over four octaves, and contains seven stops; it produces extraordinary effects - 'diminuendo et crescendo.' The pedal range is nearly two octaves, and the great organ contains eleven stops; it has all the recent improvements, and musicians of very high standing who have tried, have pronounced it to be a very first class instrument, and reflects great credit on the builders, Messrs. Smith."
Liberal terms will be accepted. The instrument will be guaranteed perfect, and delivered free of expense to the purchaser. Further particulars may be obtained on application to Mr. H. SMITH (son of the builder) Organ Builder, at Messrs. H. Jones and Co.'s (late Mapson), Watchmakers and Jewellers, &c., 125 Elizabeth-street, opposite the Post Office, Melbourne, to whom Term or must be addressed.
[2 advertisements], The Argus (2 May 1855), 7
DISSOLUTION of Partnership. -
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore carried on by us, the undersigned, as watchmakers and jewellers,
at 125 Elizabeth-street, Melbourne, and at Nelson-place, Williamstown, under the style or firm of H. Jones and Co.,
has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The above business will henceforth be carried on by the undersigned Henry Jones, at Williamstown, alone, who is hereby authorised to receive all debts due to the said firm.
Dated this 1st day of May, 1355.
Witness, Robert Willan, solicitor, Melbourne.
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore carried on by us the undersigned, as Organ Builders,
at 125 Elizabeth-street, Melbourne, under the style, or firm of H. Smith and Co., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The above business will henceforth be carried on by the undersigned Henry Smith, who is hereby authorised to receive all debts due to the said firm.
Dated this 1st day of May, 1855.
Witness, Robt. Willan, solicitor, Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Smith (musician, organbuilder)
Musician, violinist, quadrille band leader, hairdresser
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1860s-70s (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Record [Emerald Hill, VIC] (11 July 1872), 1
Having returned from England, begs to inform his old friends that he is currying on business again at the old shop,
where he will be most happy to meet any of them who formerly patronized him, and would thankfully solicit a continuance of the same.
Cigars and Tobacco of the finest qualities. Quadrille Bands Supplied on most Reasonable Terms.
JONES, John Roberts (John Roberts JONES; J. R. JONES)
Musicseller, bookseller, stationer
Born Denbigh, Wales, 31 July 1818 (date on gravestone); probably correctly 14 October 1817; baptised Denbigh, 20 October 1817; son of William JONES and Sarah ROBERTS
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 November 1841 (immigrant per Joseph Cunard, from Liverpool, 3 August)
Married Phillippa WICKS (1830-1903), Bathurst, NSW, 1851
Died Bathurst, NSW, 7 December 1893 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Swan Lane chapel (Independent), Denbigh, 1817; UK National Archives, RG4/3488 (PAYWALL)
John Son of William Jones Labourer Henllan Street by Sarah Roberts his wife, was born October 14th and baptized October 20th 1817 . . .
Entitlement certificates of persons on bounty ships; State Records Authority of NSW, 5314/1330 (PAYWALL)
UNMARRIED MALE IMMIGRANT. John Roberts Jones . . . A Native of Shrewsbury / Parents Names William & Sarah Jones / Calling Farm Labourer / Age 23 / Person certifying Registry of Baptism - None . . .
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (13 August 1853), 3
Books, Music, Fancy Goods, and Toys.
J. R. JONES respectfully invites the attention of the public in general to an inspection of new books just received, viz. . . .
Five hundred (500) Novels, Pocket Edition, from one shilling each.
New Music one shilling the piece, consisting of Polkas, Quadrilles, Overtures, Songs, Duets, &c., Manuscript Music Books, Drawing and Music Paper.
SONG BOOKS. Henry Russell's Songs; Dibden's Nautical Songs; Davidson's, Diprose's, and Sharp's; the Casket and Bloomer Songster . . .
FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &c. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, and Accordeons, Violin Bridges and Strings . . .
J. R. JONES, Bookseller, Stationer, and Librarian, Near the Royal Hotel, William-street.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (26 November 1853), 3
New Books, Stationery, &c. . . .
MUSIC AND DRAWING BOOKS. Jousse's Pianoforte Preceptor, Nicholson's Flute ditto, Spohr's violin ditto, Davidson's Accordeon and Flutina ditto,
music books neatly bound, music and drawing paper, pencils, &c.
new music one shilling the piece . . .
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (21 July 1855), 3
New Music. SONGS, Glees, Overtures, Waltzes, Galops and Quadrilles.
Also, Piano, Flute, Violin, Accordian, Flutina, and Concertina instruction books, &c.
J. R. JONES, Bookseller, William-street, Bathurst.
[2 advertisements], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (20 December 1856), 3
Selection may be made in Sydney from a stock of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PIECES OF MUSIC . . .
Mr. J. R. Jones, Bookseller, will act as agent for the above at Bathurst, and supply tickets and catalogues.
J. R. CLRAKE (Late Woolcott and Clarke), Music Warehouse, 205, George-street Sydney . . .
FLUTINAS, Flutes, Fifes and Violins, Violin Boes, Strings and Bridges, Large Music Boxes, playing six and eight airs.
J. R. JONES, Bookseller, William-street, Bathurst.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (Sydney musicseller and publisher)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (6 June 1857), 3
FLUTINAS, Accordions, Flutes, Fifes, Violins, Music-boxes, Violin Bows, Bridges and Strings.
PIANO-FORTE, Flutina, Accordion, Concertina, Violin and Flute Instruction Books.
One Hundred Songs of Scotland - Music and words, 2s. 6d.
Union Tune Book and Congregational Tune Book.
J. R. JONES, Bookseller, William-street, Bathurst.
"Death of Mr. J. R. Jones, Sen.", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (8 December 1893), 2
The announcement of the death of Mr. J. R. Jones, sen., has not come with surprise to many in town,
for it has been well known that for some time past he has been in indifferent health and confined to his room, while within the past few days his death has been hourly looked for.
He retained consciousness to the last, and expired yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Jones was born at Denbigh, North Wales, on the 31st July, 1818, and was educated in France.
In 1842 he arrived in Bathurst, within a fortnight of the time of his landing in Sydney, and from that time he has been a resident of the district.
Some 43 years ago he purchased a stationer's business carried on by Mr. Charles James, situate at the corner of Russell and William Streets, the present site of the Grand Hotel.
In this business he prospered, and after a time built the premises now owned by the A.M.P. Society, where his business was conducted.
Subsequently he established himself in the well-known Book Arcade, where, being a shrewd man of business, of sterling honesty and strict integrity,
he won the confidence of the public, and he was enabled to retire in 1886, being succeeded by two of his sons, who still carry on business.
Mr. Jones leaves a widow and family of nine, six sons and three daughters.
He never took any very active part in public affairs, but was at all times ready to assist those who needed his aid.
He was respected by all classes of the community.
JONES, Lewis (Lewis JONES; Mr. L. JONES)
Musical amateur, vocalist, publican, theatre proprietor, convict, emancipist
Born London, England, 1816
Convicted Old Bailey, London, England, 11 May 1835
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1836 (convict per Recovery)
Married Rose PHILLIPS (d. 1902), Sydney, NSW, 1852
Died Carlton, VIC, 26 October 1891, aged "73/74", "a colonist of 55 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Trial of Lewis Jones, theft, pocketpicking, 11 May 1835; Old Bailey online
1181. LEWIS JONES was indicted for stealing, on the 7th of May, 1 handkerchief, value 3s., the goods of William Preston, from his person . . .
(John Levi, a pencil-maker, Jerusalem-passage, and Henry Cowan, his foreman, gave the prisoner a good character.)
GUILTY. Aged 19. - Transported for Seven Years.
Certificate of Freedom, Lewis Jones, 42/2212, 29 December 1842; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Prisoner's No - 36/665 / Name - Lewis Jones / Ship - Recovery 3 / . . . Year - 1836 /
Native Place - London / Trade or Calling - Black Lead Pencil Maker / Offence - Stealing PP /
Place of Trial - Central C. Court / Date of Trial - 11 May 1835 / Sentence - 7 years /
Year of Birth - 1816 / Height - 5 feet 3 inches / Complexion - Ruddy & freckled . . .
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 October 1891), 1
JONES. - October 26, at the corner of Elgin and Drummond streets, Melbourne, Carlton Lewis, the beloved husband of Rose Jones, in his 74th year, late of Albury. A colonist of 55years. God rest his soul in peace.
"DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (30 October 1891), 24
JONES, Margaret ("Miss MORTIMER") = Mrs. George NEMWAN
Comic vocalist, actor
Active VIC, 1854-61
JONES, Matilda (Matilda CALCUTT; Mrs. Stephen JONES; Mrs. M. JONES)
Occasional actor, ? dancer
Born c. 1795
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 24 February 1817 (free per Lord Melville)
Married Stephen JONES (b. c. 1792), St. Luke's, Liverpool, NSW, 22 September 1822
Artive Sydney theatre, c. 1836-37
Died NSW, September 1844 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JONES, Mary (Mary Sarah JONES; Miss Mary JONES; Miss JONES)
? Juvenile actor, vocalist
Born Parramatta, NSW, 16 April 1820; baptised St. John's, Parramatta, 3 September 1821; daughter of Stephen JONES and Matilda CALCUTT
? Active Sydney theatre, by October 1834 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JONES, Thomas (Thomas John JONES; Master T. JONES; Mr. T. JONES)
? Juvenile actor, fencing contractor
Born Penrith, NSW, 22 January 1822 (? 18 January 1822); baptised St. Luke's, Liverpool, 2 September 1822; son of Stephen JONES and Matilda CALCUTT
? Active Sydney theatre, October 1833
Married Hannah PICKUP (c. 1824-1893), Christ church, Sydney, NSW, 5 April 1847
Died Toowoomba, QLD, 21 April 1911, aged "89/90" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JONES, Stephen (Stephen Wilson JONES; Master Stephen JONES; Master JONES; Mr. S. W. JONES)
Juvenile actor, vocalist, dancer, public servant
Born Sydney, NSW, 12 January 1826; baptised St. Philip's, Sydney, 7 January 1827; son of Stephen JONES and Matilda CALCUTT
Married Elizabeth VACEY, Sydney, NSW, 1848
Died Roseville, NSW, 6 February 1903, aged "77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JONES, Matilda (Matilda Rebecca JONES; Miss Tilly JONES; Miss M. JONES; Miss JONES; Mrs. CRANE; Mrs. John CRANE)
Juvenile actor, vocalist, dancer
Born Port Macquarie, NSW, 8 September 1828; baptised St. Thomas, Port Macquarie, 13 October 1828; daughter of Stephen JONES and Matilda CALCUTT
Married John CRANE (1824-1904), Scot's church, Sydney, NSW, 13 November 1843
Died Toowoomba, QLD, 19 June 1872, aged "43" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JONES, Emma (Emma Margaret JONES; Miss JONES, junior; Miss E. JONES)
Juvenile dancer, actor
Born Sydney, NSW, 7 September 1832; baptised, St. Philip's, Sydney, 30 September 1832; daughter of Stephen JONES and Matilda CALCUTT
Married William DINGLE, NSW, 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
At the Old Bailey, London, on 25 October 1815, Stephen Jones, a native of Cardinganshire, Wales, aged 23, lately employed as a shop-boy and clerk, was convicted of the theft of two coats, valued at £4, and sentenced to transportation for life. He duly arrived in Sydney, NSW, on 11 October 1816, as a convict on board the Mariner. By 1818, he had formed a relationship with Matilda Callcutt, who had arrived free on the Lord Melville, on 27 February 1817. In due course, she gave birth to their daughters Mary Ann in 1818 (died 1819) and Mary Sarah in 1820, and son Thomas John in January 1822. On the same day, 2 September 1822, Stephen and Matilda were finally legally married, and Thomas was baptised, both ceremonies at St. Luke's, Liverpool. Stephen senior remained in government service, working mainly for rural overseers, until he finally received tickets of leave in 1839 and 1840, after which he appears to have worked mainly as a fencing contractor, a trade later followed by his eldest son, Thomas. He was recommended for a conditional pardon in 1846. Unless it was Stephen junior acting as an agent for his elder brother Thomas, he was probably the Stephen Jones advertising as a fencing contractor as late as 1854, whereafter his date and place of death is unknown.
Nothing is known for sure about Matilda's birth and parentage. However, she was probably the main insitgator of her children's involvment with Sydney theatre, possibly beginning with stages appearances of Thomas (as "Master T. Jones") in 1833, and of the eldest Mary (billed as "Miss Mary Jones" and "Miss Jones") in 1834. She herself (as "Mrs. M. Jones") appeared on stage with her children a few times in 1836 an 1837.
Of the three most active children, it was probably Stephen who was the "Master Jones" billed as an actor and vocalist from early 1834 onwards, and first positively identified as such at his first benefit in October 1834; while the first appearance of Matilda (as "Miss M. Jones", or simply "Miss Jones") may not have been until 1836.
Stephen and Matilda's names disappeared entirely from Sydney theatre billings in 1838; Stephen never returned to the stage professionally, however Matilda's name reappared in the bills for the Royal Victoria Theatre in October-November 1839, and thereafter she was a regular performer until late 1843.
As was evidently well known in Sydney at the time, Edward Geoghegan wrote his musical play, The currency lass, specifically for Matilda, herself a currency lass (a settler-child born in the colony). She did not appear in the production, however, having finally left the stage early in November 1843 to marry John Crane, a carpenter. This early marriage (she was aged just 15) took place at Scot's church, on 13 November, was evidently occasioned by her having falled pregnant with Crane's child earlier in the year. Sadly Christopher Crane, the first of their many children (who otherwise mostly survived), was born, baptised, and died on the same day, 30 December 1843.
DISAMBIGUATION: Harriet Jones (active at Sydney theatre as "Mrs. Jones", c. 1834-37, actor, vocalist, dancer, unrelated)
Free immigrants per Lord Melville, arrived Sydney, 24 February 1817; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
. . . Matilda Caluctt . . .
Baptisms, St. John's, Parramatta, NSW, 1821; register 1790-1825, page 120; St. John's Anglican Church, Parramatta, REG/COMP/1 (PAYWALL)
Mary Sarah Jones dau'r of Stephen & Matilda Jones South Creel was born April 16th 1820 and Christened Sept'r 3d 1820 . . .
Marriages, St. Luke's, Liverpool, NSW, 1822; register 1811-23; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 86 / Stephen Jones and and Matilda Callcutt were married by banns at Liverpool this [2 September 1822] . . .
Baptisms, St. Luke's, Liverpool, NSW, 1822; register 1811-23; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 152 / Thomas John, Son of Stephen & Matilda Jones, District of Cabramatta, Born Jan'y 22, 1822, Baptized Sept'r 2 1822 . . .
Baptisms, St. Philip's, Sydney, 1827; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
7 January 1827 / born 12 January 1826 / Stephen Wilson son of / Stephen and Matilda / Jones / Clerk
Baptisms, St. Thomas, Port Macquarie, 1828; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
13 October 1828 / born 8 September 1828 / Matilda Rebecca daughter of / Stephen and Matilda / Jones / Clerk
Baptisms, St. Philip's, Sydney, 1832; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
30 September 1832 / born 7 September 1832 / Emma Margaret daughter of / Stephen and Matilda / Jones / Butcher
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (8 October 1833), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. ON THURSDAY Evening, 10th October, 1833,
will be produced, for the first time, the celebrated Nautical Drama, in Three Acts, called
THE MUTINY AT THE NORE . . . Richard Parker, Mr. Knowles . . .
Mary Parker, Mrs. Love . . .
William (Parker's child), by Master T. Jones . . .
Acting Ditto, Mr. KNOWLES . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor, manager); Harriet Love (actor, = "Mrs. Jones", below, unrelated); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
[Avertisement], The Sydney Monitor (12 October 1833), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. THIS EVENING, October 12th, 1833 . . .
The MUTINY at the NORE . . . William (Parker's child) - MASTER T. JONES . . .
After which, will be presented (also for the first time,) the Extravaganza in One Act, called,
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 October 1833), 3
Thearte Royal, SYDNEY. THIS EVENING, OCTOBER 14 . . .
THE MUTINY AT THE NORE . . . William (Parker's child), by Master T. JONES . . .
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (22 May 1834), 3
. . . On Monday evening [19 May], the bill of fare contained The School of Reform, Bombastes Furioso by a Juvenile Company . . . Master Jones' Bombastes was a surprising performance for such a child. His mosquito person, attired in all the trappings of war, covered with scars, and wielding as it were with gigantic dexterity a huge sword, twice as long as himself, with which he "challenged all the human race," had a most comical effect upon the audience. His singing and acting were altogether far superior to any thing that could possibly have been expected. The playing of Miss Winstanley in Distifina, was on an equality with the tiny General; she is decidedly a child of genius. Her articulation was clear and distinct and action natural, and if she has good instructors, will one day be a star in Australian theatricals . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Master Jones = Stephen; Ann Winstanley (actor, dancer, vocalist)
PIECES: Bombastes furioso (Rhodes), with the songs set to pre-existing tunes
"THE THEATRE . . .", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 May 1834), 2
. . . A juvenile company afterwards performed Bombastes Furioso, and it would be manifest injustice to them not to say that they performed it in a highly creditable manner. The swagger of the General by the lad JONES was admirably pourtrayed, and elicited roars of laughter from the whole house. This youth (who we should suppose is not more than eight years of age) bids fair to become something above the common order, and he ought not to be neglected. A little girl named WINSTANLEY, appeared as Distaffina, and acquitted herself well in it. Masters QUIN, (the tight rope dancer) and PHILLIPS, personated the King and Fusbos, and the ludicrous appearance which the whole representation afforded, convulsed the audience with laughter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Master Quin (acrobat, dancer); Charles Aaron Phillips (juvenile actor)
"Theatricals", The Australian (27 May 1834), 2
Much curiosity has been excited during the past week among the "friends of the Drama," by a new species of entertainment being prepared for them in the representation of "Bombastes furioso," by a company composed entirely of juveniles. This, although quite novel in our Colonial Histrionics, is not wholly original. Formerly, this mode of representing Extravaganzas was no rarity in England, particularly at the Provincial Theatres - and it has been the opinion of many, that this is the true way in which such productions should be exhibited. Certainly, the spirit of caricature is more effectually maintained. For the last few years, however, it has been nearly (if not altogether) laid aside - doubtless from the time and trouble necessary to bring the Roscii to a tolerable degree of competence. On the present occasion, the young performers succeeded far beyond what it would have been fair or reasonable to expect. To speak of them respectively, or to review their acting, would of course be absurd. Still, it would be unjust to present talent, and discouraging to its future developement, not to say that Master Jones (General Bombastes) who is but eight years of age, distinguished himself in a remarkable degree. All were at once surprised and delighted at his conception and exhibition of the character. - This miniature appearance, combined with his infantine mimicry of the great man and the warrior, and his want of physical strength to effect what he was anxious to do, was certainly the beau ideal of caricature. There is in this boy, a degree of dramatic material, which if carefully nurtured, and judiciously applied, would make him in reality, what he is by some already declared to be - an Australian Roscius. Miss Winstanley who played Distaffina sang very prettily, but she is of too tender an age to unable one to say how far her voice possesses that power, and is susceptible of that cultivation, which may hereafter render her a professional singer. One thing however, was effected by this entertainment, that of filling the Theatre. On Monday night, 'twas all the Proprietors could wish, and each succeeding representation during the week, was attended by what is considered "good houses" . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (3 October 1834), 1
For the First and only time in this Colony . . . the Favourite Dramatic Opera . . . Dramatized by Pocock, called
ROB ROY McGREGOR; OR, AULD LANG SYNE . . . Rob Roy McGregor Campbell - MR. KNOWLES.
Hamish, Robert. ROB ROY'S SONS - Master Riley, Master Jones . . .
DIANA VERNON - MRS. TAYLOR. In the course of the Piece several Scotch Airs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Clement Shenley Peat (actor); Maria Taylor (actor, vocalist); Dennis Fitzgerald (dancer)
MUSIC: Polly Hopkins and Tommy Tompkins (duet)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 October 1834), 1
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
FOR THE BENEFIT OF Master Stephen Jones, THURSDAY EVENING, OCT. 23 . . .
The whole to conclude with the popular Extravaganza of BOMBASTES FURIOSO (BY A JUVENILE COMPANY.)
General Bombastes - Master S. Jones.
Distaffina - Miss Mary Jones, (Her first appearance on any Stage.)
[Advertisement], The Australian (21 October 1834), 3
When will be performed, for the first, and only time, in the Colony,
HOME'S CELEBRATED TRAGEDY OF DOUGLAS, The part of Young Norval, by Master Jones, the Australian Roscius.
Lord Randolph - Mr. Palmer
Glenalvon - Mr. Knowles
Old Norval - Mr. Buckingham
First Officer - Mr. Simes
Second Ditto - Mr. Lane
Peasant - Mr. Peat
Soldiers, Servants, &c. &c. &c.
Lady Randolph - Mrs. Meredith
Anna - Mrs. Jones
At the close of the Tragedy, a favourite INDIAN DANCE, by Mr. Fitzgerald.
An admired SONG, by Mrs. TAYLOR.
A Recitation by Mr. Meredith.
Mr. LEVEY has kindly consented to sing a Comic SONG.
In the course of the Evening, an appropriate ADDRESS, written expressly for this occasion, will be delivered by Master JONES.
The whole to conclude with that laughable Extravaganza,
General Bombastes - Master Jones
King Artaxomenus - [Master] Riley
Fusbos, Minister of State - [Master] Phillips
Michael Wiggins - [Master] C. Phillips
Grand Army by Masters B. Levi, J. Levi, A. Phillips, J. Palmer, &c. &c. &c.
Courtiers by Amateurs.
Destephina - Miss Jones - Her first appearance, and for this night only.
Tickets to be had, and Boxes let; at . . . Master Jones' Residence, No. 47, Pitt-street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor); Thomas Simes (actor); Mr. Lane (actor); Harriet Jones (actor, vocalist, unrelated); John and Amelia Meredith (actors)
"Poets' Corner. ORIGINAL ADDRESS by Master STEPHEN JONES, on the Evening of his Benefit. BY H. HALLORAN", The Sydney Times (31 October 1834), 4
Friends of the Drama, lend a listening ear;
Australians - brothers -greet your brother here.
With childish hopes I now before you stand,
The youngest votary of this favored band;
Though scarce eight years have rolled above my head,
I meet you here, with more of hope than dread;
You will not blame me, will you? or destroy,
For trivial faults, the efforts of a boy?
Full well I know your generous hearts will spare
My best attempts, nor doom me to despair;
I know that others—others abler far,
(Born as 'tis said beneath a favoring star,)
Might now in fearless confidence stand forth,
To claim your plaudits, and make known their worth;
And in their pride might dauntlessly apply,
The expressive gesture - the commanding eye -
The look that speaks in passion's deepest tone,
With more effect than I shall ever own;
But till these worthies on the stage appear,
Oh! bear awhile my humble efforts here.
Young tho' I be, tho' childish is my frame,
Yet Roscius fills my heart with hopes of fame.
In every pulse I feel a strange delight,
As shades of heroes float before my sight,
While Norval's glory fills my childish breast,
Glows in my heart and robs me of my rest.
Oh! let me call these mighty shades to life,
And join and triumph in the toil and strife.
Call me not rash, my patrons, brothers, friends,
On you my hope - on you my soul depends;
Call me not vain, because the mind of youth,
Gives to each hope, the certainty of truth.
Oh! blame me not severely, and ere long,
The weak and timid may be bold and strong;
Vouchsafe your favors then, my honored friends,
And for each fault I'll strive to make amends;
Strive to be worthy of your kind applause,
And hold your voices as my best of laws.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Halloran (poet)
[Advertisement], The Australian (4 November 1834), 1
[ADVERTISEMENT.] To the Public. in general, and the Patrons of the Drama in particular.
IN consequence of some evil disposed person or persons, having reported that the indvidual's who testified their disapprobation at the Theatre,
on the evening of Master Stephen Jones's Benefit, did so with a view of injuring him in a pecuniary way;
this is to give public intimation that the disapprobation alluded to, was expressed to, and intended for, two Performers alone,
who disappointed the Public, on the previous evening, by withdrawing themselves from their theatrical duties on account of their private quarrels.
And as a tribute of approval of the youthful talent of the Australian Roscius, a subscription was made by the parties whose intentions were misrepresented,
as well as by the opponents on that occasion, from whom jointly the sum of £7 12s. was collected by the undersigned,
and the same has been duly handed over to Master Jones.
Sydney, October 29, 1834.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Driver (publican); Emanuel Solomon (donor)
"Domestic Intelligence", The Australian (7 November 1834), 2
In consequence of the fracas which took place in the Theatre the evening previous to the benefit of Master Jones, it was not so productive as it otherwise would have been. In order to make up in some measure for this, and to manifest, at the same time, a just contempt that private theatrical sqabbles should be made the means of insulting the public, it will be seen by an advertisement that Messrs. Driver and Solomon have collected for the young Australian Roscius, the sum of £7 12s. which has been handed over to him.
See also, "SUPREME COURT. - Civil Side, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18. Hayes versus Solomon", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 March 1835), 2
. . . Richard Driver sworn - I am a publican . . . there were two parties in the house that evening, a party of Australian youths, and a party of Jews . . . Solomon was instrumental in raising a subscription for Master Jones, he paid me for him 5l. 7s. . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 June 1835), 2
On Thursday evening [4 June] . . . Master Stephen Jones was also deservedly encored in "Ladies, how d'ye do," which he sang in the character of Bombastes - he is a clever little fellow and should not be lost sight of . . .
MUSIC: Ladies, how d'ye do [The love-sick tailor] (song)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 September 1835), 2
Mr. Mackay's benefit took place on Saturday evening [26 September], on which occasion was performed "Alonzo the brave, and the fair Imogine;" "Bombastes Furioso," by a juvenile company; and "Valentine and Orson." The two former pieces went off with eclat - the respective performers exerting themselves to the uttermost. The children especially attraced the attention, and obtained the approbation of a numerous and very respectable audience. Miss Ann Winstanley performed the part of Distaffina, and also sang I am a brisk and tight young lad, in character, with considerable ability. Master Stephen Jones was the heroic General, and fully equalled his former representations of the character. Miss M. Jones played the King, and Master Phillips Fusbos, in which they severally obtained well-merited applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Angus Mackay (actor)
"SYDNEY THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 February 1836), 2
Mr. Spencer, who has but lately trod the boards of this theatre, acted the difficult character of the tyrant Gloster, in Shakspeare's tragedy of Richard the Third, on Thursday evening last to a full house . . . Mr. Simmons's "Richmond" was a respectable performance. Mr. Knowles as the "Duke of Buckingham," was not uncourtly nor ungentlemanly. Miss M. Jones and Master Jones, as the two young princes, drew down several rounds of applause from the naive style of their performance. Mrs. Taylor's "Lady Anne" was a very correct representation. Mrs. Downes and Mrs. Jones, in the Duchess of York and Queen Elizabeth, were successful . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor); Joseph Simmons (actor); Mrs. Downes (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 March 1836), 3
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY . . . THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, MARCH 26 . . .
The whole. to conclude with the Melo Drama, called Timour the Tartar.
Timour, Khan of the Afghan Tartars - Mr. Grove . . .
Agib (Prince of Mingrelia) - Master S. Jones . . .
Zorilda (Princess of Mingrelia) - Miss DOUGLASS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Parsons Grove (actor); Ellen Hatch Douglass (actor)
[News], The Sydney Monitor (7 May 1836), 3
Mr. Lane, and The Australian Roscius, as Master Stephen Jones is foolishly styled, take a joint benefit at the Theatre this evening. Master Jones is a boy of considerable talent, and is deserving of patronage. Many characters have been played by him in a style that reflected great credit on those persons who had taken the trouble to instruct him.
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (7 May 1836), 1
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
For the Benefit of MR. LANE and Master STEPHEN JONES, the Australian Roscius . . .
When will be produced for the 1st time at this Theatre, Sheridan Knowles' Play in 5 Acts, called
William Tell, Mr. Simmons. Albert, his Son, Master S. Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist, actor); Barnett Levey (comic vocalist, proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 June 1836), 3
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY. THIS EVENING June 14, will be repeated
an entirely new domestic Drama . . . THE MAY QUEEN . . .
Mary Bowyer, the May Queen - Miss Winstanley
Patience Pipkin - Mrs. Downes
Master Jupiter Pipkin - Master S. Jones
Miss Eliza Pipkin - Miss Levey
Miss Bridget Pipkin - Miss Downes
Miss Caroline Pipkin - Miss Jones
Miss Ann Pipkin - Miss Jones Jun. . . .
C. KNOWLES, Manager.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (23 July 1836), 2
. . . TIMOUR THE TARTAR followed HOFER. TIMOUR is a piece in which gorgeous scenery and dresses are required and we must say, Mr. Knowles has done more than we could have expected, and the effect was equally creditable in point of liberality and expense to the Lessee, Mr. Wyatt . . . We had almost forgotten Master Jones. For a boy, his performance was excellent, and did credit to his instructor. We are happy to see the Sydney Stage becoming gradually a respectable means of public instruction and amusement . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 July 1836), 2
the interesting and Splendid Nautical Drama of Tom Bowling.
After which, the Comic Song of The Bold Dragoon, by Master Stephen Jones, in character . . .
- C. KNOWLES, Manager.
MUSIC: [Mrs. Flinn and] The bold dragoon ["There was an ancient fair, and she loved a nate young man . . ."] (song)
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (3 August 1836), 2
Tom Bowling was well received for the third time on Saturday [30 July] . . . Little Jones' song in character appeared to us in bad taste, though loudly encored by the Gods, when we left the Theatre. We were afraid this clever little boy should be compelled again to exhibit himself in a character of so much buffonery. Men may play the buffoon; for they are too old to be degraded by it, and they are free agents. But the ingenuousness of youth is too tender to be imposed upon in this way. It is painfil to witness it . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (15 August 1836), 2
the interesting Drama of ISABELLE; or, WOMAN'S LIFE . . .
After which, a Recitation of "The Battle of Minden," by Miss Matilda Jones . . .
- C. KNOWLES, Manager.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (24 August 1836), 2
On Monday night there was along piece recited by the little girl Jones. After admitting the child's precocious talent, every thing is said in favor of such an exhibition that the warmest patron of theatricals can devise. All admiration is absorbed by the painful sensation which is created on witnessing an infant so violently "overstepping the modesty of nature;" unless, indeed, some merriment can be excited by its cutting burlesque upon the two grand essentials of the drama - emphasis and action.
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 September 1836), 2
On Thursday evening [22 September] the comedy of the "Honeymoon" was performed . . . Lee, as the Mock Duke, sustained the character tolerably, although in many parts he made it too bombastic. Simes had little to do, but he played that little well. The Duett by Master and Miss Jones were admirably executed. The little girl is extremely clever, and with instruction would be of the greatest utility; her idea of dancing is excellent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (3 December 1836), 3
his BENEFIT . . . on MONDAY NEXT, December 5th, 1836,
on which occasion will be performed for the first time . . . EUGENE ARAM.
Eugene Aram - Mr. Knowles . . . Sal Hammond - Mrs. M. Jones . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 December 1836), 2
will be repeated the popular Play, in three Acts, of EUGENE ARAM.
Eugene Aram, Mr. Knowles; Madeline Lester, Mrs. Cameron.
After which, a Pas Suel by Mr. Fitzgerald,
and the Comic Duet of Polly Hopkins by Miss M. Jones, and Master S Jones.
To conclude with the laughable Farce of the HAUNTED INN.
C. KNOWLES, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cordelia Cameron (actor, vocalist)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 December 1836), 2
On Thursday evening was performed, for the third time, "Eugene Aram" . . . The comic duet of "Polly Hopkins" followed, between Miss M. Jones and Master S. Jones, which they well got through, and received a thundering encore . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 December 1836), 2
Those who are partial to a couple of hours' amusement, should drop into the Theatre, and see "Killing no murder." It is a laughter impelling farce . . . A "Pas Deux" was danced by Miss M. and Master Jones; really these children do wonders . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (12 January 1837), 2
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. THIS EVENING, January 12, 1837 . . . the popular Comedy, called ROCHESTER.
After which, a Hornpipe by Mr. Fitzgerald, and Ladies how d'ye do, by Master S. Jones, in character . . .
- C. KNOWLES, Manager.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 January 1837), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney . . . MR. SIMES' BENEFIT. MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1837 . . .
The Popular "PAS DE QUARTE" from the WOOD DEMON, by Mrs. Jones, Miss M. Jones, Mr. Fitzgerald and Master S. Jones . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (30 January 1837), 2
Theatre Royal, Sydney. MRS. JONES
RESPECTFULLY begs to inform her Friends and Patrons, that her BENEFIT is fixed for Monday, January 30 . . .
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with the Operatic Extravaganza, by Moncrieff, called
Giovanni in London; OR, THE LIBERTINE RECLAIMED . . .
Don Giovanni (for the first time) Mrs. Jones . . .
Succubus and Brimstone, Mrs. M. Jones and Miss Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Jones (actor, vocalist, "Mrs. Jones", unrelated; later "Mrs. Knowles")
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (24 March 1837), 2
Spencer's Benefit took place on Monday [20 March] and though nearly last on the list of benefits, and in spite of the inclemency of the weather, the House was crowded to witness his representation of the Duke of Gloster in the tragedy of King Richard the Third . . . Master Jones, the Australian, danced a hornpipe very satisfactorily . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 March 1837), 2
. . . On Tuesday night [28 March] was produced, for the second time at the Sydney Theatre, the domestic drama of "Lyueshee Lovel, or the Gipsey of Ashburnham Dell" [sic, Lyieushee Lovel] . . . To the drama succeeded the matrimonial duet between Master and Miss Jones, which they played in a manner that reflects much credit on those who instruct them . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 April 1837), 3
LAST BENEFIT THIS SEASON. Theatre Royal, Sydney.
Under the distinguished Patronage of the Australian Lasses.
MASTER S. JONES AND MR. FITZGERALD . . . their joint BENEFIT . . . on SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1837 . . .
The whole to concluded with the Comic Piece, called THE IRISH TUTOR.
Terry O'Rourke, (Dr. O'Toole, First time with the original song, "St. Patrick was a Gentleman,")
MUSIC: St. Patrick was a gentleman (song)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (15 July 1837), 3
Theatre Royal Sydney. JUVENILE ATTRACTION!!!
First appearance of Miss M. Jones, in the character of Lucy Western.
ON Monday Evening, July 17, 1837 . . .
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with the laughable Farce, called THE YOUNG REEFER.
The Young Reefer - Miss Lazar
Miss Lucy Western (her first appearance) - Miss Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rachel Lazar (actor, dancer, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 October 1837), 3
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1837 . . . A Roland for an Oliver . . .
To be followed (for the first time here) with the popular Ballet of
Got up expressly for this Evening, with the original Dances, arranged under the superintendence of Miss Lazar.
Prince Felix - Master Jones. Baron Pompolina - Mr. Dyball.
Grampo (Baron's Servant) - - Mr. Fitzgerald.
Cinderella - Miss Lazar. Jacintha - Miss Jones.
The Herald - Mr. Johnson. Godmother - Mrs. Larra.
In the course of the Ballet, Miss Lazar will dance two entire new Pas Seuls and a Shawl dance.
A Pas De Deux, by Master and Miss Jones
A Waltz, by Miss Lazar, Miss Jones, and Master Jones
A Comic Dance, by Mr. Fitzgerald . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Dyball (actor, dancer); Mary Ann Larra (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (25 November 1837), 4
Theatre Royal, Sydney. For the Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron.
Monday, November 27 , 1837 . . . Song - The Maid of Judah, by Mrs. Clarke.
An Admired Dance, by Miss Lazar, Miss and Master Jones . . .
Duet - One day when working at my Plough, Master and Miss Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson and Cordelia Cameron (actors); Anne Clarke (actor, voclist)
MUSIC: One day while working at my plough [plow] (W. A. Newland)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 November 1839), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. GROVE'S BENEFIT . . . Monday, November 18, 1839 . . .
n the course of the Evening the following Entertainments -
Song - "Draw the Sword Scotland," Mr. Grove
Song - "Paddy's Wedding," Mr. Falchon
Highland Fling - Miss Lazar
Song - "Dashing White Serjeant," Mrs. Clarke
Song - "Good old Days of Adam and Eve," Mr. Riley
Song - "Swiss Toy Girl," Miss Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Rose of Lucerne; or, The Swiss toy girl (arr. John Barnett)
"Theatricals", The Australian (22 February 1840), 2
Massinger's excellent play of A New Way to Pay Old Debts was very creditably played on Thursday evening to a full and respectable house . . . Miss Jones (a little girl about 8 years old) danced a highland fling admirably; she promises to be, in time, No. 1 in the ballet department; she has one great and indispensible qualification in a dancer, a correct ear . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (17 March 1840), 2
. . . That promising little girl, Miss Jones, danced a Naval Hornpipe on Saturday evening [14 March], in capital style. Her selfpossession and general manner are quite beyond her years . . .
[Advertisement], The Colonist (22 September 1840), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
On Thursday Evening, September 24.
The Performance will commence with (for the first time in this colony) a Comic Drama, in Three Acts, from the pen of J. B. Buckstone, Esq., entitled
THE RAKE AND HIS PUPIL; OR, Folly, Love, and Marriage.
ACT 1st. - FOLLY. Showing how the Rake introduced his Pupil to the World. In this Scene Miss M. Jones will Dance a popular Pas Seul.
ACT 2nd. - LOVE. Showing how the Pupil excelled his Master.
ACT 3rd. - MARRIAGE, Showing how the Pupil Repented and Married.
After which, MISS A. WINSTANLEY (who has kindly offered her services on this occasion, and for this night only) will Sing an admired Song, called "Fall not in Love, Dear Girls beware."
A favourite DANCE by MISS LAZAR.
The Song of the "Old Maid" in character, (for the first time) by MISS M. JONES.
A Naval Hornpipe in character, by Mr. FITZGERALD.
The Favourite Song of" Rory O'More," in character, and by particular desire, by. MISS A. WINSTANLEY.
Drunken Broadsword Combat, from the Maid of Genoa, by Messrs. LEE and ALLEN.
A New Medley Dance by MISS M. JONES.
The whole to conclude with the Domestic Drama, in Two Acts, entitled
Thady - Miss M. Jones who will introduce the Song of "The Mountain Maid."
For characters and programme, see the Bill of the Day . . .
J. LAZAR, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (actor, prompter); John Lazar (actor, manager)
MUSIC: The old maid [When I was a girl of eighteen years old . . .] (comic song)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (23 September 1840), 2
To-morrow evening, the performances at the Victoria Theatre will be for the benefit of Miss M. Jones and Mr. Jacobs, the prompter . . . On these occasions it is customary (when benefits are noticed) to say something of the merits of those for whose benefit the performances are; but in this case it is not necessary, as Miss Jones, the youngest of the aspirants to dramatic honors on the Sydnev stage, is well known, from her sylph like performances, and thereby has become a universal favorite, as will no doubt be tested by the attendance at the Theatre to morrow evening . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 October 1840), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Last night but three this Season . . .
Benefit of Mrs. Knowles . . . THURSDAY, October 15 . . .
The Entertainments will commence with the celebrated Operatic Play, in three Acts, called
THE SLAVE With the original Music, Songs and Choruses . . .
Miss M. Jones will sing, in character, the popular Song of The Old Maid
Highland Fling, Miss Lazar
The popular Italian advance adapted to English words, Largo al factotum, Mr. Lazar
Favorite Dance, Miss M. Jones . . .
"THEATRICALS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (17 October 1840), 2
Mrs. Knowles received her benefit on Thursday evening last, and as we had previously expected the house was crowded to excess. The entertainments of the evening commenced with an operatic play entitled The Slave . . . The afterpiece also came off with great eclat, but the chef-d'oeuvre of the evening was the song of the Old Maid, which was executed with great skill by Miss M. Jones, who bids fair to become an honour to the boards . . .
? "THE SYDNEY COLLEGE", The Colonist (19 December 1840), 3
. . . The subjoined list of those who obtained prizes for their improvement during the past year, as ascertained by regular monthly examinations . . .
SECOND DIVISION. Medals - English Composition, Stephen Jones . . .
"SYDNEY COLLEGE", Australasian Chronicle (17 December 1840), 2
. . . Among a host of juvenile essayists . . . was also exhibited an essay on temperance, by Stephen Jones, which would not disgrace our friend of the Temperance Advocate . . .
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", Free Press and Commercial Journal (16 January 1840), 3
On Thursday evening last [14 January], the performances were for the benefit of the Masonic Charitable Institutions. Sir Maurice O'Connell patronised the performance and was present . . . There was a very good house; all the boxes being crowded, the pit, &c., tolerably full . . . Little Miss Jones kept the house in a reor of laughter with the song of "The Old Maid," which she was obliged to repeat . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maurice O'Connell (soldier, patron)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 February 1841), 2
On Tuesday night last, the dish of entertainment served up at the Royal Victoria reflected the highest credit on the skill and judgment of the manager . . . Madame Veilburn as usual, danced to admiration, rigged out in her semi Celtic costume; she did ample justice to "Scots wha hae wi Wallace bled." Miss Jones in her sailor's dress also tripped on her "light fantastic toe" so charmingly that the Cabbage Tree Gentlemen were so enamoured, that nothing would please them but her reappearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Veilburn (dancer)
"THE THEATRE", Australasian Chronicle (10 April 1841), 3
The pieces selected for Thursday evening's entertainments met with unbounded applause . . . Miss Jones has rapidly improved under the tuition of Madame Veilburn . . .
[Advertisement], Free Press and Commercial Journal (1 May 1841), 2
Royal Victoria Theatre. MR. KNOWLES, STAGE MANAGER . . .
his BENEFIT IS FIXED for MONDAY, MAY 3, 1841 . . .
At the conclusion of the Play, a Melange, consisting of Singing and Dancing, introducing the whole strength of the Company.
Madame Veilburn will appear in the highly popular Pas Seul, the Irish Jig . . .
A new version of "I never says nothing to No-body," Mr. Lee.
Highland Fling, in character, Mr. Fitzgerald.
After which, for the first tune, an entirely new Medley Song, Miss Winstanley.
To be followed by, for the first time at this Theatre, a Russian Pas de Deux, by Miss M. Jones and Miss E. Jones . . .
[News], The Australian (8 June 1841), 2
We have been requested to state that Mrs. O'Flaherty and her sister, Miss Winstanley, have se[c]eded from the Theatre, in consequence of little Miss Jones having been announced to sing "Rory O'More," on the evening of Mr Spencer's Benefit. We purposed commenting at some length on the line of conduct pursued by these ladies, but understanding that it is very probable the case will be brought under the notice of one of our Law Courts, we forbear for the present.
See also, "MRS. O'FLAHERTY", Free Press and Commercial Journal (23 June 1841), 3
MUSIC: Rory O'More (song)
[News], The Australian (15 June 1841), 2
That very interesting young lady, little Miss Jones, as she is generally called, takes her benefit on Thursday next. Her selection is extremely good. The 'Climbing Boy' is a very peculiar drama, founded on fact; and the 'Wandering Boys of Switzerland,' well known to all play-going folk; in both of which pieces Miss J. plays the hero. During the evening she will also dance and sing. For the last two seasons this child has given much satisfaction in the various demands that have been made on her. She is one of a large family, and her earnings assist in providing for them. It is to be hoped that she will have a good house. Her claims are far greater than many who are placed on the benefit list. She has much to do on the evening of her seeking the patronage of her friends, and we trust she may not be disappointed in amusing a crowded audience.
[Advertisement], The Australian (15 June 1841), 2
Dance, by Madame Veilburn and Niece.
Mrs. Bland's favourite Ballad of "Sally's Wooden Ware," by Miss Jones.
Song, by Mrs. Knowles.
New Medley Dance, by Miss Jones and her Sister . . .
A Song, by Miss Winstanley . . .
MUSIC: Little Sally's wooden ware (Samuel Arnold, from The shipwreck)
"The Victoria Theatre", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 July 1841), 2
On Saturday night [3 July] we repaired to the Victoria Theatre, this being the last night of the season, and the bills having promised something in the shape of novelty. The house was extremely crowded, and the various performances as a whole went off very creditably . . . We never recollect to have seen Spencer acquit himself so well, and Lee was also in "his proper mood." We have nothing new to remark of the other performers, suffice it io say, that in the dancing department, little Miss Jones elicited, in newspaper parlance, thunders of applause - she is undoubtedly a "phenomenon" . . .
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (6 August 1841), 2
MR. NATHAN'S concert, on Wednesday evening last, was most respectably attended, and went off much better than any similar assembly during the season, the audience being very highly pleased, if we may judge from the circumstance of the numerous encores, more in number than we recollect of ever witnessing at any concert, either here or in Britain. Three encores were mentioned as a wonder in a late London paper, but here we had double that number. Miss Nathan was encored in two songs, the two younger Misses Nathan were encored, the three Misses Nathan were encored, the Misses Nathan and Mr. Griffiths were encored, Miss Jones was encored, Mr. Falchon was encored, and Miss Strickland was encored . . . Passing over the serenade from "Alcaid," which is a chastely elegant composition; Miss Jones's "Trembling Lover" archly sung . . . Miss Jones, a native of the Colony, only about 12 years old, was delightful in Nathan's "Why are you wandering here I pray?" She seemed to feel every word she uttered, and gave it with so much name humour, archness of expression, and perfect command of feature, as called forth a loud applause and an encore from all. We remarked, that his Excellency in particular seemed greatly to enjoy her singing. We would say more were we not afraid of spoiling and turning the head of this very clever and pretty girl, of whom Australia may well be proud. She is the second very young lady to whose singing we have had lately occasion to give unqualified praise. Mr. Nathan's Nightingale on the pianoforte chimed in most beautifully, and the arch and simple air of listening to it, exhibited by Miss Jones, was delightful . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan and daughters (musicians, vocalists); William Griffiths (vocalist, actor); Arthur Falchon (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: When a trembling lover dies (Nathan); Why are you wand'ring here, I pray? (Nathan)
"Mr. NATHAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 August 1841), 3
. . . Miss Jones, who is a native of this colony, and only twelve years of age, did her part to admiration, and in "Why are you wandering here I pray," she made a most decided impression, and by her arch and indescribable manner, won the heart not only of His Excellency, but of the whole audience, who, with one accord, proclaimed by their rapturous applause, this "rising star" of Australia, a "phenomenon," which, undoubtedly, when her years are taken into consideration, she is . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Gipps (governor)
"CONCERT", The Australian (7 August 1841), 2
It gives us great pleasure to record the successful issue of Mr. Nathan's first Concert here, and successful it was in every point of view, in the selections, the performance, and the distinguished patronage he received in his auditory . . . We were about to be guilty of great injustice to that clever little Australian, Miss Jones, by passing over her exertions on the occasion. This young lady sang, Why are you wandering here I pray, with a degree of tact and skill quite beyond her years. We thought, however, that we could detect the master-spirit of Mr. Nathan in certain inflections of the voice, and method of singing. However this may be, the exquisite archness and talent with which she managed the air was really most amusing . . .
"CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (22 October 1841), 3
The following is a copy of the Programme of Mr. Nathan's Concert, appointed to take place on the 27th instant . . .
PART SECOND. Overture, "The Illustrious Stranger" - Nathan.
Song, "Bid me discourse" - Bishop.
Song (comic), "Since 'tis plain you disdain" (in character, by Miss Jones),
originally sung byan old duenna, supposed to be 75 years of age, in the opera of "Birds without Feathers,"
at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket - Nathan . . .
"MR, NATHAN AND HIS PUPILS", The Sydney Herald (23 October 1841), 2
A few days ago we had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Nathan give his usual lesson to his interesting band of gratuitous pupils in vocal music, and a more delightful treat could scarcely be met with . . . Mr. Nathan has a dozen or twenty gratuitous pupils, all of whom are to sing at his concert on Wednesday. Amongst others, Miss Jones, of the Victoria, will sing in character, a song, in which an old lady upbraids her young protegee for rejecting her love for that of a girl of sixteen. It was originally composed for "birds without feathers."
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 October 1841), 2
On Thursday night [21 October] the performances at the Victoria consisted of the "Gambler's Fate, or the Hut of the Red Mountain," . . . Mrs. Knowles played Louisa touchingly, and the younger Miss Jones acquitted herself with an artless yet artful naivete becoming her part, which did equal credit to the pupil and her instructress . . .
"NATHAN'S GRAND CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (28 October 1841), 2
We shall briefly notice the leading features of this concert, which went off last evening with great eclat . . . "Since 'tis plain," by Miss Jones, who showed very considerable progress in her singing; this song was sung in character, and was indescribably droll; it was encored . . .
"NATHAN'S GRAND CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (29 October 1841), 2
The Concert announced by Mr. Nathan in the programmes was performed on Wednesday evening, at the Victoria, to a rerpectable, though by no means a numerous audience . . . What a very clever girl Miss Jones is! Her old duenna's song was the very acme of perfection, and could not have been better sung by the best London performer. Her dress was admirable - spectacle on nose and staff in hand, she looked the character capitally, while her natural expression and tremulous tones were beyond all praise. It is a pity that the song was marred by the ungramatical mixture of the singular and plural pronouns, you, thou, and thee. Miss Jones is improving rapidly under Mr. Nathan's skilful tuition . . .
"Mr. Nathan's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 October 1841), 2
. . . "Since 'tis plain you disdain," a comic song of Mr. Nathan's, full of dramatic music and effects, was sung by Miss Jones, in character, with an immense degree of talent - her acting was inimitable, and brought down a most general encore . . .
"THEATRICALS', Sydney Free Press (4 November 1841), 3
The celebrated Eastern Spectacle of Timour the Tartar, was produced at the Victoria on Tuesday evening [2 November] with considerable success . . . Miss Jones appeared as the Prince Agib, and sustained that part so effectively, that her performance constituted, in our opinion, the chef d'oeuvre of the evening's entertainment. The above character is one of greater difficulty than any with which we have, as yet, seen her entrusted, and the manner in which she played it, abundantly proved that it could not have been committed to better hands, her action, the intonations of her voice, and in short her whole personification of the character was at once natural and correct, and called down from the audience the applause which it so justly merited . . .
"THEATRE", Australasian Chronicle (4 November 1841), 2
. . . The scene in which the prince rejoins his mother, then also a captive to Timour, was played true to nature both by Mrs. Thompson and Miss Jones; if the latter continues to improve as she has done lately she will be the best female player the Sydney boards can boast of . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (30 November 1841), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. For the BENEFIT of MISS M. JONES, THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 2 . . .
The Performances will commence with . . . THE IDIOT WITNESS, AND THE BLOOD-STAINED KNIGHT; OR, THE MAID OF THE FERRY . . .
AFTER WHICH, A MELANGE, Consisting of the following Songs and Dances:
Song, "Jephtha's Daughter," Miss Strickland.
An entirely new Scotch Dance, by the Misses Jones.
The Middy's Hornpipe, by Madame Veilburn.
Song, by Miss M. Jones.
The laughable Comic Dance, "Me and my partner,' by Mr. Fitzgerald.
A new Comic Song, "Queen Victoria's Baby" by Mr. Lee.
A Song, by Mr. Falchon.
To conclude with the Romantic Spectacle, called TIMOUR THE TARTAR.
Timour - Mr. Knowles. Oglou - Mr. Knowles.
Liska (with Songs) - Mrs. Knowles. Zorilda - Mrs. Thomson.
Tickets to be had, and Boxes taken . . . at the residence of Miss Jones, opposite the Lamb Inn, Liverpool-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Strickland (vocalist); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, vocalist)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 December 1841), 2
We were highly delighted with the performance of Miss M. Jones, on Thursday evening last. In the character of Walter Arlington in the play of the Idiot witness she acted to perfection. Miss Jones will one day make an excellent actress, unless like the youthful Roscii of our day, maturity may rob her of the talent of her childhood . . .
[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (17 February 1842), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. First Night of the Season.
The Patrons of the Drama will be happy to learn that arrangements havealready been entered into with the following Ladies and Gentlemen of the Corps Dramatique - . . .
MISS M. JONES . . . MISS E. JONES . . . MRS. JONES, from the Hobart Town Theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Christina Mary Jones (Mrs. Charles E. Jones, actor, dancer)
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 February 1842), 2
On Monday evening last [21 February], the Victoria opened for the season . . . The list of actors and actresses that the manager has been enabled to lay before the public is decidedly good . . . We had almost forgotten Miss M. Jones in our list, but though last she is not least amongst the actresses. Her extreme youth prevents her from taking any very leading part at present, but from what we have observed of her acting, we feel ourselves justified in saying, that she will some day, and that at no very distant period, take the lead on the Sydney stage. Having thus briefly enumerated those, who, during the present season, have been engaged for the amusement of the public, we have only to say, that the manager has, as far as laid in his power, done his best . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (24 June 1842), 2
The performances will commence with . . . a New Grand Spectacle . . . called
DWANGEE (the Arab Chief) MR. SIMMONS . . . Parizade (Spirit of the Well) - Miss Jones . . .
After which . . . the following entertainments -
the celebrated Minuet and Gavotte, by Mr. Chambers and Miss Jones . . .
Highland Fling, first time, by Miss E. Jones . . .
Comic Song, "The Little Sailor Boy," by Miss M. Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (cctor, vocalist); Joseph Chambers senior (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1842), 2
The performances will commence with an entirely new Tragic Play, in three acts, written by Mr. Knowles . . . entitled
SALATHIEL, or, the Jewish Chieftain . . . Zoe - a Moorish slave, Miss Jones.
Immediately after the conclusion of the drama, the curtain will rise for "Poor Paul Pry," (popular comic song) in character by Miss Jones.
A favourite Pas Seul, by Miss E. Jones . . .
PIECE: Salathiel; or, The Jewish chieftain (new play by Conrad Knowles)
MUSIC: Poor Paul Pry (comic song)
[Advertisement], The Australian (15 August 1842), 1
The admired Dance called "La Tarantella," by Mr. Chambers, Miss Jones, and Miss Thomson . . .
Sailor's Hornpipe, by Miss Matilda Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Eliza Thomson (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1842), 2
Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen," by Miss M. Jones . . .
Medley Dance, by Miss E. Jones . . .
MUSIC: Meet me in the willow glen (Alexander Lee)
"THEATRE", Australasian Chronicle (12 November 1842), 2
On Thursday evening last [10 November], Mr. Nesbitt made his first appearance at the Victoria, this season, as William Tell, in the historical drama of that name . . . The remaining characters in the drama . . . were all well sustained. Mr. Knowles as Michael, Spencer as Gesler, and Mrs. Thomson as Emma Tell, were all deserving of prasse, as was also Miss Jones as Tell's son. Indeed every time this young Australian appears in a new character, she confirrms the opinion we have before expressed, that she will be second to none on the Sydney stage . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (25 November 1842), 2
The farewell Concert of Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, previous to their departure for Hobart Town, came off on Wednesday evening [23 November], and was well attended. The performers generally acquitted themselves very well . . . The choice of Miss Jones' song "Should he Upbraid" was in bad taste, as it is not at all within the compass of her powers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Eliza Bushelle (vocalists)
MUSIC: Should he upbraid (Bishop)
"THEATRICALS", Australasian Chronicle (21 January 1843), 2
On Thursday evening, the romantic drama called One o'Clock was produced at the Victoria Theatre . . . The most amusing part of the evening's performance, however, was the simple but excellent acting of Miss E. Jones, as Winter in the ballet of the Seasons, which she went through in a manner reflecting great credit upon her skill and industry, particularly when it is considered how juvenile an actress she is.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (23 February 1843), 3
The first appearance of Mr. NESBITT as ELKANAH WHITE,
for the benefit of Misses M. and E. JONES, THIS EVENING, February 23.
THE MISSES JONES beg most respectfully to announce to the gentry of Sydney and its neighbourhood, their friends and the public, that their
JOINT BENEFIT is fixed for the above evening, and they trust that their past endeavours to please their patrons,
and their determination to increase their exertions for the amusement of a generous public for the future,
will secure for them the support of the sons and daughters of Australia,
together with that portion of the Sydney public which has always so kindly encouraged them.
The prerformances will commence with (for the first time at this theatre) a drama of intense interest, in three acts, called
Elkanah White (the Prophet) - Mr. Nesbitt
Ralph Gayton - Mr. Knowles
Master Horner - Miss Jones
Goliah Goodbody, junior - Miss E. Jones
Crazy Ruth - Mrs. O'Flaherty
AFTER WHICH, Comic Song - Mr. Deering.
Tarantula Dance - Mesds. Louise and Torning.
The popular Irish balled (for the first time) "Norah the pride of Kildare." - Miss Jones.
The Irish Jig, in character, by particular desire, Miss E. Jones.
A favourite Comic Dance - Mr. A. Torning.
Popular Song - Mrs. Wallace.
Australian Medley Dance - Miss Jones and Mr. Chambers.
To conclude with the popular Drama, in two acts, called GILDEROY.
Gilderoy - Mr. Knowles. Jessy Logan - Mrs. O'Flaherty.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Nesbitt (actor); Eliza Winstanley O'Flaherty (actor); Henry Shinton Deering (actor, vocalist); Andrew and Eliza Torning (dancers, actors); Madame Louise (Mrs. James, dancer); Caroline Wallace (vocalist, actor)
"SAYINGS AND DOINGS", The Satirist and Sporting Chronicle (18 March 1843), 3
Miss Jones at the Theatre, the other evening, stated or rather sang, that "she had a little court of her own." What does the pretty little damsel mean?
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 March 1843), 3
Great Treat for the Votaries of Apollo and Terpsichore! New Opera, New Songs, new Choruses, and new Dances.
Song, in character, "Solomon Lob" - Miss Jones . . .
Irish Lilt - Miss E. Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Eliza Gibbs (leader of the orchestra and actor and vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 May 1843), 2
ROYAL CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET. Proprietors, Messrs. Simmons and Belmore.
This Evening, Wednesday, 24th May, being the Anniversary of the Birth of Her Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA . . .
At the end of the Drama, the curtain will rise for A Grand Melange, in which the whole strength of the Company will be displayed . . .
Comic Dance by Mr. Fitzgerald, to be followed by a popular Pas de Deux, by Miss Jones and Miss Thomson.
Being, Sweetly o'er my senses stealing, Mrs. Wallace. The Irish Lilt by Miss E. Jones.
Rule Britannia, Madame Gautrot, assisted by the whole of the Company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Belmore (manager); Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Royal City Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (4 November 1843), 3
. . . The gorgeous operatic spectacle of THE BRONZE HORSE continues to draw crowded audiences, and too much praise can scarcely be awarded to Mr. Lazar for the minute attention he has paid to the costume, scenery and all the "means and appliances" to which pieces of this description owe their success. The arch and lively acting of Madame Torning, whose sprightly and espiegle style is rapidly gaining for her "golden opinions" - the excellent singing of Mrs. Gibbs - the buoyant spirit and winning smilingness of Madame Louise - and the pretty trio, Misses M. Jones, Thomson, and Kelk - furnish the materials of a very pleasant entertainment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Kelk (dancer); note that Matilda appeared on stage for this last time despite being perhaps as much as 7 months pregnant
1843, marriages in the district of Sydney; BDM NSW, Presbyterian, no. 396 vol. 77
No. 396 / 13 November 1843 / Scot's Church Sydney /
John Crane / bachelor / aged 20 / Sydney / and Matilda Rebecca Jones / spinster / aged 16 [sic] . . .
[witnesses] Stephen Jones / Matilda Jones / [officiant] John Dunmore Lang
Baptisms, St. James, Sydney, 1843; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
30 December 1843 / born same day / Christopher son of / John and Matilda / Crane / Carpenter
ASSOCIATIONS: The child, Christopher Crane, evidently died either the same or the next day, as his death is registered in 1843
"NEW COLONIAL PLAY", The Australian (30 May 1844), 3
On Monday night a new Colonial play by the author of the Hibernian Father, called the Currency Lass, was produced with considerable success at the Victoria Theatre, and was repeated the following night. The incidents are common-place enough, but when it is understood that the author originally intended the principal character for a real, bona fide Currency Lass, the versatility of whose dramatic talents would have done ample justice to the part - we need scarcely say we allude to Miss M. Jones - the general interest of the piece loses none of its contemplated attractions . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Geoghegan (playwright)
[Advertisement], The Australian (1 April 1845), 2
Under the Patronage of the Currency and City CRICKET CLUBS.
MESSRS. FENTON AND RILEY beg leave, most respectfully, to announce . . . their Joint Benefit . . .
On which occasion, MR. RILEY will appear as CLOWN, positively for the last time.
Pantaloon - Mr. J. Douglass.
MRS. CRANE, LATE MISS M. JONES, Madame Veilburn, and Miss E. Jones,
Have also kindly proffered their services, and will appear during the Evening . . .
After the Drama, the following Entertainments will be presented: -
A Naval Hornpipe, by desire, by Master Simes.
Dance of all Nations, by Miss Kelk.
A Neapolitan Dance, by the Misses Griffiths, who have kindly consented to appear on the occasion.
"Black-Eyed Susan" (by particular desire) Mrs. Bushelle.
A favourite Pas Seul, by Miss E. Jones.
Song, "Australia, the Land of my Birth," by Mrs. Crane.
Song, "The Grand Fancy Ball," Mrs. Gibbs.
Song,"Gathering of the Clans," by Mrs. Bushelle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fenton (actor); John Riley (actor); James Augustus Douglass (actor); Fanny and Emily Griffiths (dancers)
[Advertisement], Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser [NSW] (5 April 1845), 3
Published this day, Saturday, 5th April, 1845.
BY ALBERT MASON, Age Sentinel Office, Pitt St., Sydney, Price 1d.
THE NEW SONG, "Australia the Land of my Birth,"
Written by the Author of the "Hibernian Father,"
Expressly for, and dedicated to MRS. CRANE (LATE MISS JONES),
And sung by that Lady with unbounded applause at At the Royal Victoria Theatre, On Thursday, 3rd April, 1845.
To be had also at the Office of the "Parramatta Chronicle."
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Mason (printer, publisher); no copy of this print has been identified; for a possible later republication of the text, see [Poetry], The Australian, Windsor, Richmond, and Hawkesbury Advertiser (15 August 1874), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 June 1854), 1
NOTICE - I, WILLIAM DINGLE caution all parties from harbouring Emma Margaret Dingle my wife, otherwise Emma Margaret Jones, she having left my house without my consentl likewise I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract from this date. June 21.
"SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE", New South Wales Government Gazette (31 May 1859), 1196
HIS Excellency the Governor General,
with the advice of the Executive Council has been pleased to appoint Mr. Stephen Wilson Jones to be Superintendent of the Government Printing Office,
in the room of Mr. Thomas Richards, promoted; to take effect from the 1st proximo.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (22 June 1872), 1
On the 19th instant, at Toowoomba, Queensland, after a severe and lingering illness, MATILDA CRANE, beloved mother of Mrs. H. S. Bond, Sydney.
"Sydney Sixty Years Ago", Australian Town and Country Journal (19 June 1897), 24
. . . There were infant prodigies too, Master Stephen and Miss Tilly Jones, who in the thirties were great favorites . . .
"PERSONAL", The Daily Telegraph [Sydney, NSW] (7 February 1903), 8
The death occurred yesterday morning at Rosevllle, North Shore line, of Mr. Stephen Wilson Jones, one time clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Mr. Jones died at the age of seventy-seven. He entered the public service in November, 1843, as a member of the Government Printing Office staff. He fulfilled the duties appertaining to this department with distinction, and after some years joined the Parliamentary staff. In October, 1869, he was appointed clerk of the Legislative Assembly, which office he hold until the end of 1887, when he was succeeded by Mr. Webb, who has lately resigned that office. The late Mr. Jones, prior to his retirement, twice visited England, receiving 12 months' leave of absence on each occasion. The first visit was in 1877-78, and the second In 1886-87. The late Mr. Jones' wife died some years ago, and he leaves no children. Throughout his life, he took an active interest in matters connected with the administration of the Pitt-street Congregational Church. He died at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gosman, of Roseville, who are relatives.
"PERSONAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1903), 8
Mr. Stephen Wilson Jones, for many years Chief Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, died at his residence, Nerida, Roseville, yesterday. The deceased gentleman entered the Public Service in 1843, when he received an appointment in the Government Printing Office. After serving some years in that department he became a member of the Parliamentary staff, and on October 2, 1869, was appointed Chief Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, which office he held till December 31, 1887, when he retired, and was succeeded by Mr F W Webb, C.M.G. Mr Jones twice visited England in1877-78 and in 1886-87 receiving 12 months' holiday on each occasion. He was a conscientious public servant, and took a great interest in matters relating to the Pitt street Congregational Church. Mr. Jones was not only respected for his knowledge of constitutional and Parliamentary law, but for his uniform courtesy to those with whom he was brought in contact in the course of his career as Clerk of the Assembly. The manner in which he discharged the duties of his responsible position gained for him the admiration of every member of the House and of gentlemen outside it who had occasion to consult him on Parliamentary usage. The deceased gentleman had just completed his 77th year.
"Music and the Drama. Some Sydney First Appearances", Old times (April 1903), 39
. . . Sydney also had her infant prodigies in Master Stephen, Miss Tilly Jones, and Miss Lazar. The latter, a daughter of John Lazar . . .
"STAGE REMINISCENCES. To the Editor", Evening News (19 November 1892), 7
. . . You, sir, will perhaps permit me, an old actor and manager, resident in this colony for a period extending over 60 years,
and one of the first pioneers of the drama in Australia,
to invite the memory back to that period in Sydney when the stage possessed actors and actresses all now departed to the "undiscovered country,"
and whose talents in the histrionic art were equal, if not superior,
to the majority of the professionals imported from time to time from England and America for the delectation of the Sydney playgoers . . .
Mrs. Mackay, Miss Douglas; Mrs. [sic] Tilly Jones (Dolly), an excellent actress of soubrettes . . .
- Yours, &c., L.S. [sic, J. S.]
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (above);
see also "MUMMER MEMOIRS. REMINISCENT OF JOSEPH SIMMONS . . . No. 129 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (25 October 1905), 3
. . . To resume, Mr. Simmons comments: . . . Mrs. [sic] Tilly Jones (Dolly), an excellent actress of soubrettes . . .
. . . In those days, too, Sydney had her infant prodigies, in Master Stephen and Miss Tilly Jones, very young children. The boy gave serious and comic recitations, and sang songs in character, such as "Bombastes," in all of which he acquitted himself - for a child - with much cleverness; while his sister appeared as a dancer. They were, it is said, great favorites with young Australia in the thirties . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed"); Francis Campbell Brewer (memoirist)
"PERSONAL", The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (25 April 1911), 7
Death has claimed another pioneer of Queensland in the person of Mr. Thomas Jones, who died at Sandgate at 5.30 p.m. on Friday. Up to the fifties the late Mr. Jones was engaged in cutting cedar on the Clarence and Richmond Rivers, when he migrated to Queensland, making his home in Toowoomba. He afterwards took contracts for fencing on the Darling Downs, and in the Maranoa district. The deceased was born at Sydney on January 20, 1822 [sic], and at the time of his death he was on a visit to a daughter, Mrs. Mounsey, of Toowoomba, who was staying at Sandgate for the benefit of her health. Mrs. Jones predeceased her husband 17 years ago, and was buried at Toowoomba. The deceased leaves three daughters and four sons, the descendants, including grandchildren and great grandchildren, numbering 140. The sons are Messrs. William Jones (carpenter, at Toowoomba), Thomas Jones (railway employee, at Brisbane), Stephen Jones (railway employee, at Toowoomba), and John Jones (selector, at Goombungee), and the daughters are Mrs. Mounsey (of Toowoomba), Mrs. Dent (Eagle Junction), and Mrs. Deen (whose husband has a sheep selection in the Maranoa district). The deceased was buried in the Nundah Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, Rev J. Bowes officiating.
"DEATH OF AN OLD PIONEER", Northern Star [Lismore, NSW] (28 April 1911), 4
Dengue fever has claimed a number of victims lately, and the aged seem to succumb to the malady very quickly. Among those who have passed away was Mr. Thomas Jones, of Toowoomba. Some of the readers of this journal may remember that about 15 months ago Mr. Jones paid a visit to this district, and had an interview with the editor, who published a short account at the time of his reminiscences. Mr. Jones was born at Penrith, N.S.W. on the 18th January, 1822 [sic]. His father at the time, was in the Government service, afterwards for many years being head gaoler at Port Macquarie. As a boy, young Jones had only black boys for playmates, and became well versed in the aboriginal dialects of the natives of the Port Macquarie district. He was educated by Mr. J. Chyne, who was at that time Inspector of Government Stock. Mr. Chyne was a past captain of the English Army. When only 18 years of age, Jones was sent in charge of parties of Government men working on the roads, and generally he was the only "free" man with them. The writer has often heard the old gentleman relate stories of this period of his life, and they were full of interest to those who were born so many years later. Mr. Jones came to the Richmond River some 60 years ago, getting cedar, and here his intimate knowledge of the aboriginals and their ways stood him in good stead, for he was able to do very well out of his venture. Returning to Sydney he married Hannah Pickup, of Manchester, England, and for many years had a good and faithful wife. He went to Toowoomba Darling Downs, 58 years ago, purchasing a 40-acre Drayton suburban block . . . In his working days he took contracts, for fencing on a large scale, both in N.S.W. and the Maranoa district, of Queensland. His only brother was the late Hon. Stephen W. Jones, M.L.C., of Sydney, who died a few years ago. About five weeks ago he was staying with one of his sons at Sutton Park, Goombungee, near Toowoomba, in good health. He heard that one of his daughters, Mrs. Mounsey, was at Sandgate for a few weeks, so he went there for a change. While there the dengue caught him, and after an illness of ten days duration he passed away on the 21st April . . . The writer knew Mr. Jones for the last 28 years, and ever found him open, kindhearted and generous. The stories the old gentleman could tell of life on a convict settlement, in the bush with the aboriginals, whaling at Twofold Bay, and life in the bush right across from Goulburn to Toowoomba have been listened to with great pleasure for hours. As a bushman, he had few equals, his knowledge, learned from the open living out of nature's book, and taught by the best teachers - the aboriginals was wonderful. He was unerring in travelling to any point either by sun or stars . . .
Bibliograhy and resources:
Thomas John Jones, Find a grave
Stephen Wilson Jones, Australian royalty
Matilda Rebecca Jones, Australian royalty
Richard Fotheringham, Australian plays for the colonial stage: 1834-1899 (Brisbane: University of Queensland Press, 2006), 49 (PREVIEW)
JONES, Thomas Frederick Fitzsimmons (Thomas Frederick Fitzsimmons JONES)
Musician, professor of music, composer
Married Sabina WILLIAMS (1813-1889), St. Pancras Old Church, London, England, 13 February 1837
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29 April 1850 (per John Knox, from London, "Schoolmaster", aged "40")
Active Parramatta, NSW, 1854-57
Died ? by 1859/60 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
See also: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
At the time of his marriage to Sabina Williams in London in 1837, Thomas Frederick Jones was living in the parish of St. Mary le Strand. Their daughter Frederica Sabina was born in London (St. Pancras) in 1841, and her baptism record lists her father as a "musical professor" of Devonshire Street.
The family arrived in Sydney on 29 April 1850 on the John Knox, bringing Irish orphan girls to NSW, Jones being the schoolmaster on board, and Sabina the matron. Jones wrote a long letter of complaint about conditions on the voyage preserved among the ship's paper in the State Archives of NSW (9/6194; 50/1031) along with a response from the surgeon-superintendent, Richard Greenup (50/1108).
Jones later dedicated his only known published composition, the Parramatta quadrilles, to Greenup's eldest daughter, Elizabeth Louisa (married George Wyndham, St. John's Parramatta, 27 November 1856; d. Maitland, 22 October 1866), who had also arrived with her parents and four siblings on the John Knox in 1839. She may well have become one of Jones's pupils. No copy of the quadrilles, reportedly published by Henry Marsh in August 1854, is currently known to survive.
Jones apparently disappeared from record by 1857-59.
Sabina Jones was in WA by late 1859, sponsoring her Williams nephews in a business venture, and in 1867 was running a day school for girls in Perth. She died, near Fremantle, in 1889.
With thanks (May 2019) to Megan Martin (Sydney Living Museums) for sharing her research findings.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras, in the county of Middlesex, in the year [1841] (PAYWALL)
No. 863 / [May] 26 / Frederica Sabina / [child of] Thomas Frederick & Sabina / Jones / Devonshire St. / Musical Professor / [born] 7 March . . .
Assisted immigrant passengers, John Knox, 1 May 1850; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Jones Thomas F. F. / 40 / Schoolmaster / [born] Dublin / [parents] Robert & Catherine, both dead / C. of E. / . . .
[Jones] Sabina / 36 / Jamaica / Charles White & Harriet Williams, both dead / C. of E. / . . .
Frederica Sabina / 9 / London, Middlesex / - / C. of E. / . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 August 1854), 1
PARRAMATTA QUADRILLES. Just published by the undersigned, the Parramatta Quadrilles and Waltz, dedicated to Miss Greenup. H. MARSH and CO., 490 1/2, George-street; Mr. MASON, Parramatta.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (music publisher)
"PARRAMATTA QUADRILLES", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1854), 3
PARRAMATTA QUADRILLES. A very spirited set of Quadrilles and a Waltz have just been issued from the Press, "Composed for and dedicated to Miss Greenup." They are generally attributed to Mr. Jones Professor of Music, residing in this town, and, from the favourable opinions expressed respecting their merits, there is every reason to believe that they will become very popular.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 February 1856), 2
NOTICE is hereby given that by Indenture of Assignment bearing date the first day of February one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six made between Thomas Frederick Fitzsimmons Jones of Parramatta in the colony of New South Wales professor of music of the first part George Doust of Parramatta aforesaid draper and Richard Harper, of the same place pork butcher two of the creditors of the said Thomas Frederick Fitzsimmons Jones and trustees for the purposes thereafter mentioned of the second part and the several other persons whose names are thereunder written and seals affixed respectively . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 November 1857), 1
On Thursday, 12th instant at George-street, Parramatta, in her 17th year, after a long and painful illness, Frederica Sabina, only daughter of Mr. Thomas Frederick Fitzsimmons Jones, formerly of Parramatta.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1857), 8
JONES - November 12th, at George-street, Parramatta, Frederica Sabina, only daughter of Mr. Thomas Frederick Fitzsimmons Jones, formerly of London, in her 17th year, after a long and painful illness.
"DEATHS", The Daily News (16 July 1889), 2
JONES. - On the 13th July, 1889, at the residence of Mr. J. C. Strickland, North Shore, near Fremantle, Sabina Jones, sister of the late Rev. W. Dacres Williams, of Guildford, W. A.; aged 75 years and 10 months.
JONES, Thomas Henry [1] (Thomas Henry JONES; T. H. JONES)
Theatre proprietor, licensed victualler, publican
Born England, c. 1814
Active Launceston, TAS, c. 1853-54
Died Hobart, TAS, 10 July 1873, aged "59" (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
JONES, Thomas Henry [2] (Thomas Henry JONES)
Musician, organist, composer
Born Williamstown, VIC, 20 September 1856
Died Perth, WA, 14 July 1929 (shareable link to this entry)
"A FORMER CITY ORGANIST", The Advertiser (22 July 1929), 11
Mr. Thomas Henry Jones, former Adelaide city organist, died in Perth last week. Mr. Jones, who was 74 years of age, was one of the outstanding figures in the musical life of South Australia for more than half a century. Teacher, composer, lecturer, organist, and pianist, he wielded much influence in the development of the higher branches of music, and he trained many students, who are now professional musicians. Born at North Williamstown, Victoria, on September 20, 1855, Mr. Jones was educated at St. Paul's Grammar School, Melbourne, and the German School, Adelaide. He graduated at the Adelaide University in 1869, being the first to receive the degree of Mus. Bac. in an Australian University. From then on he played a prominent part in music in Adelaide, four churches having benefited by his activities. His first appointment was to the Baptist Church, Norwood, when he was only 13. He subsequently went to the Tynte-street (North Adelaide) Church. After 19 years' service there he transferred to the Congregational Church in Brougham-place. In August, 1902, he joined the Pirie-street Methodist Church as organist, remaining there for 25 years. During his period of service at that church he collaborated with the Rev. Dr. Henry Howard in the writing of a cantata. The latter wrote the words, and Mr. Jones composed the music. The cantata was sung by a Methodist choir of 600 voices, the choristers coming from various parts of the State. Mr. Jones always maintained that the preaching of Dr. Howard had been an inspiration to him as a teacher. From 1917 until 1923 Mr. Jones was city organist, and he inaugurated a series of recitals which did much to raise the standard of music among the public. He had a preference for orchestral music, and he lost no chance of developing it. Visits to Europe and constant reading kept him in touch with progress abroad. His own work obtained international recognition. He took a practical interest in orchestral movements in Adelaide, and always found time to attend to their needs. He was conductor of the Adelaide Harmonic Society, which, during the nineties, produced Offenbach's "Grand Duchess" and other works. At one time he was grand organist of the Order of Freemasons, an honorary post conferred only on a distinguished musician. One of Mr. Jones's most pleasant memories was the first appearance of Dame Nellie Melba in public. It was a concert in Melbourne, at which he assisted. As a teacher of music in Adelaide the career of Mr. Jones dated back to 1898, when he joined Mr. H. Riemann in the College of Music. That became the nucleus of the Elder Conservatorium, to which Messrs. Reimann and Jones went when the institution was opened. The latter resigned from the Conservatorium in 1927. During his long association with it he won the affection of students and everyone else with whom he was associated. Recently he had resided in Perth.
Bibliography and resources:
"Jones, Thomas Henry (1856-1929)", Obituaries Australia
JONES, William (William JONES)
Active Geelong, VIC, 1847 (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE BUSINESS", Geelong Advertiser and Squatters' Advocate (25 May 1847), 2
William Jones, a brick-maker, charged with having been exercising his vocal powers, by singing sentimental ditties, in the gully, on Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, was fined 5s.
JORDAN, Edward (Edward JORDAN)
Band musician, Adelaide Town Band
Born England, c. 1825
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 25 December July 1849 (per Harry Lorrequer, from London and Plymouth)
Died Adelaide, SA, 12/13 April 1850, aged 25 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JORDAN, William (William JORDAN)
Band musician
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 25 December July 1849 (per Harry Lorrequer, from London and Plymouth)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1855
? Died Adelaide, SA, 6 June 1873, "aged 60 . . . a colonist of 24 years" (shareable link to this entry)
? "SHIPPING . . . ARRIVED", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (27 December 1849), 3
Same day [25 December] the ship Harry Lorrequer, Jeffares master, from London and Plymouth. Passengers - . . . Wm. Jordan wife and child . . . Edward Jordan wife and two children . . .
"DIED", South Australian Register (13 April 1850), 2
DIED. Yesterday morning, 12th of April, at the Colonial Hospital, aged 25 years, Mr. Edward Jordan, a respected member of the Adelaide Town Band, leaving a destitute wife and two children. The funeral will take place at half-past 2 o'clock, this day, from the Hospital, where the members of the band are invited to attend in uniform.
"LAW AND CRIMINAL COURTS . . . JORDAN v. HUGHES", South Australian Register (19 November 1855), 4
. . . This was an action to recover £60 for the services of a band of musicians at the East Torrens election . . . William Jordan, musician, stated that he was engaged to furnish a band of 10 musicians, as per agreement. - He duly attended with 17 men - 10 by virtue of that agreement, and seven engaged previously. The defendant was there, and he (witness) and band attended the procession three days . . . William Jenkins, one of the band, stated that the defendant personally directed them to play "See the conquering hero comes." (Laughter.) William Denton, another musician, gave similar evidence . . .
? "DEATHS", Evening Journal (11 June 1873), 2
JORDAN. - On the 6th June, at his residence, Commercial-street, William Jordan, aged 60 years, formerly of Waymouth-street - a colonist of 24 years.
JORDAN, Heinrich (Heinrich JORDAN)
Born Germany, c. 1831; son of John Heinrich JORDAN and Catherina ?
Died Forrest Creek, VIC, 29 January 1855, aged "24" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 February 1855), 8
IN the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.- In the goods and chattels of Heinrick Jordan, late of Forest Creek, in the colony of Victoria, musician, deceased. Notice is hereby given . . . on behalf of Wilhelm Jordan, of Melbourne . . . that letters of administration of the goods and chattels of the above-named deceased be granted to him as the next of kin . . .
Probate and administration, Heinrich Jordan, 1855; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
In the goods of Heinrick Jordan late of Forrest Creek in the Colony of Victoria Musician deceased . . .
. . . I Wilhelm Jordan of Melbourne of Melbourne . . . Gold digger make oath and say -
1 / That Johan Heinrick Jordan the father of the said Heinrick Jordan deceased and Charatina [sic] Jordan his mother
and myself and Fritz Jordan his brother and Sophie Jordan his sister are to the best of my belief his only surviving next of kin . . .
. . . I Wilhelm Jordan of Melbourne of Melbourne . . . make oath and say -
1 that Heinrick Jordan late of Forrest Creek aforesaid departed this life on the [29 January 1855] intestate . . .
3 That I am the only person in the said colony entitled to his property . . . (DIGITISED)
JORDAN, Richard (Richard JORDAN)
Actor, vocalist
Active Hobart Town and Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1833-38; 1846; 1850 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? Actor
[Advertisement], The Independent (6 August 1834), 2
THEATRE, LAUNCESTON . . . COMIC SONG, - "Dyot Street, Bloomsbury Square," MR. JORDAN . . .
SONG: My lodging is in Leather Lane (". . . In Dyot Street, Bloomsbury Square") (parody for the tune: My lodging is on the cold ground)
"Theatre", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (21 January 1835), 2
. . . After the curtain fell Jordan perpetrated a comic song, which did not meet with one solitary clap, nor did it deserve one. Mrs. Clarke in "Tell me my heart," greatly delighted us. We never heard her sing so well before. She was a little flurried, at first, probably owing to the cold reception which Jordan met with. In this song, and in general the orchestral accompaniments are not strong enough to assist the voice, in the back of the house they are not heard . . .
"To the Editor of . . .", The Tasmanian (1 April 1836), 5
SIR, - My attention having been this day directed to the perusal of a paragraph in the Tasmanian of Friday last,
I could not acquit myself of the charge of ingratitude did I not embrace the earliest opportunity of testifying my acknowledgment of the very kind and feeling manner
in which you have condescended to notice the circumstances of my unfortunate case.
As a member of the first Theatrical Corps embodied in this Island, I feel no small degree of satisfaction at that tribute of approval which you are pleased to attach to my past feeble talent;
and as in all probability a slightly deformed and somewhat shortened limb may render me incapable of future public service,
yet in the veriest shades of obscurity to which I may recede, its gloom will be dispelled by an enlivening retrospection of that distinguished generosity and indulgence,
which have ever been manifested towards me by the liberal patrons of the drama.
Misery, Sir, has now laid lier iron hand upon me; for a period of weeks have I encountered every degree of pain and privation,
and am as yet unable to get about without the aid of a crutch, yet I have good cause to be thankful.
The humane benevolence of a few individuals has administered to my most immediate necessities, otherwise I might have fallen a prey to the extreme consequences of bereavement.
Unfortunately, Colonial enactment makes no provision for the victim of misfortune. -
He has no alternative against the horrors of starvation, but an honest humble appeal to the heart of his fellow man. -
I am, Sir, your obliged, grateful, and very humble servant,
Campbell Town, March 21, 1836.
"THE THEATRE", The Independent [Launceston] (23 August 1837), 3
. . . Mr. Jordan sang between the Plays a Comic Song with much humour, in which he kept the house in one continued roar of laughter; he was encored, as might be expected, and very justly honored with every mark of satisfaction from the audience.
[Playbill] 27 July 1840, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart, VDL (TAS); State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
ON MONDAY EVENING, JULY 27, 1840, Will be produced th Grand Historical Drama, entitled
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Jones (actor)
"WARD MEETINGS", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (22 September 1846), 3
Yesterday morning, pursuant to advertisement, a meeting of the voters for Warwick Ward was held at Mr. Israel Hyams's, the Rose and Crown,
New Town Road, for the purpose of nominating persons for election as Commissioners under the Municipal Act;
the meeting was not very numerously attended, but several highly respectable persons were present . . .
Mr. Jordan, the comedian, in a sensible speech, repudiated the unconstitutionality of the Act,
and called upon the meeting to take it as the found it, and to work it out by the election of their own Commissioners,
in such a manner as would be most conduoive to the public interests, to the benefit of the poor as well as the rich,
for whose exclusive advantage, legislation, he said, had hitherto been carried on . . .
"MR. McMANUS", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (20 February 1850), 2
IN our last we promised a full report of the proceedings at the New Norfolk Police Court, in regard to the Gentleman above named . . . On Monday the 4th instant, Mr. McManus and Mr. Swift, were walking along a lane which leads to a foot road through the bush land of a person named Gill. The lane passes by a School House, which is situate in Gill's land but which is rented by a person named JORDAN. In passing by the School Mr. McManus found himself suddenly attacked by a volley of words of certainly a very unnecessary description, and finding that the speaker, JORDAN, was not the owner of the land, but merely, as he himself alleged, a care taker and being annoyed at his pertenacity and insolence, Mr. McM. suddenly turned round and used the curt exclamation, go be d--d, sir, go be d--d. Boiling with rage and indignity this hero, Jordan, instantly applied to Mr. Mason for a summons, but the offence charged was of so frivilous a nature, that Mr. Mason did not grant it; our worthy hero was not, however, to be baulked, and without delay, writes off to the Comptroller General, or to the Governor, and here he is not disappointed, for with all due speed back comes orders to Mr. Mason to try Mr. McManus as "a prisoner of the Crown" . . . Now, one word as to this man JORDAN. Our readers, we presume, will not be much less surprised than we ourselves were, when we found that this very Mr. RICHARD JORDAN - This instructor of the youth of New Norfolk - This salaried and favored servant of our new Evangelical system of education, is no less a personage than the notoriously celebrated Bailie Nickle Jarvy of the Hobart Town Stage, who by some saintly influence has been transmuted from the strolling commedian into the moral instructor of the rising generation of the district - No wonder there should be some strange pranks played by the youth of New Norfolk.
Musical amateur, amateur musician, cellist, violinist, organ builder
Born Braintree, Essex, England, 23 January 1802; baptised Bocking, 9 June 1803; son of Benjamin JOSCELYNE and Mary LAMBERT (1768-1860)
Married Elizabeth SPARROW (c. 1811-1882), Christ Church, Spitalfields, London, England, 23 July 1832
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 December 1852 (per Syria, from London, 4 September)
Arrived Launceston, TAS, by 1856
Died Launceston, TAS, 20 June 1877, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JOSCELYNE, Emma Elizabeth (Emma Elizabeth JOSCELYNE; Mrs. Archibald HAMILTON) see main entry Emma Elizabeth HAMILTON
Musician, teacher of pianoforte, music, and singing, vocalist, pianist
Born Susbury, Suffolk, England, 1 December 1834; baptised Sudbury, 19 April 1835; daughter of Samuel JOSCELYNE and Elizabeth SPARROW
Married Archibald HAMILTON (c. 1817-1884), St. Mary Le Strand, London, England, 2 August 1853
Arrived Hobart, TAS, 30 November 1854 (per Potentate, from London, 17 July)
Active Launceston, TAS, by 1858
Died Launceston, TAS, 26 July 1920, aged "85/86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Musician, organist
Born Sudbury, Suffolk, England, 1844 (3rd quarter); son of Samuel JOSCELYNE and Elizabeth SPARROW
Arrived Launceston, TAS, 30 November 1854 (per Potentate, from London, 17 July)
Married Mary Ann GOULD, Launceston, TAS, 1868
Died Launceston, TAS, 27 November 1911, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Summary (after Maidment, with corrections):
Sixth child (of about 15) of Benjamin Joscelyne, cabinet-maker at Braintree since 1778, Samuel was at Sudbury, Suffolk listed as a cabinet-maker at Market Hill in the 1830 and 1844 county directories. His son, Charles Walter Joscelyne, was born in 1848. It is not known whether Joscelyne made organs at this time.
In 1852, Joscelyne emigrated to Australia, first to Melbourne, shortly afterwards to Launceston, Tasmania, where he established a furniture warehouse in Charles Street and later in St. John Street. He sold both imported and made "colonial furniture" on the premises, and also acted as an undertaker. Joscelyne was a committee member of the Launceston Mechanics' Institute (where the Charles Brindley organ in the Albert Hall was initially housed), an organist, and also a performer on the viola, violoncello, and double bass.
His son, C. W. Joscelyne, became the Launceston agent for George Fincham, Melbourne organbuilder, and his grandson Stan Joscelyne ran a music shop in Launceston and was music critic until his death in the 1970s.
Joscelyne built at least three pipe organs, notably that at Bothwell Church, making most of the wooden pipes, parts and casework himself, but obtaining the metal pipes from Britain.
Baptisms, Bocking (Independent), Essex, 1803; register 1792-1838; UK National Archives, RG4/1501 (PAYWALL)
No. 30 / Sam'l Joscelyne son of Benj'n Joscelyne / Braintree / Cabinet maker / and of Mary (Lambert) his wife / Born Jan'y 23 1802 / Baptised (Mr. Lambert's) Jan'y 9 1803
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Joscelyne (d. 1839) and Mary Lambert (1768-1860) had married at St. Luke's, Finsbury, London, on 22 March 1792
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Christ Church in the county of Middlesex in the year 1832; register 1828-1843, page 274; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/CTC1/021 (PAYWALL)
No. 822 / Samuel Joscelyne of this parish a bachelor and Elizabeth Sparrow of Halstead in the county of Essex a spinster
were married in this church by licence this [23 July 1832] . . . In the presence of . . . Benj'n Joscelyne . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, Sudbury St. Peter, Suffolk; UK National Archives, HO107/1044/3/10/14/20 (PAYWALL)
Market Hill / Samuel Joscelyne / 35 / Cabinet m[aker] / [not born in county] //
Elizabeth / 30 / [not born in county] // Samuel / 8 // Emma / 7 / [both born in county] . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Sudbury St. Peter, Suffolk; UK National Archives, HO107/1789/233/63 (PAYWALL)
Sepulchre Street / Elizabeth Sparrow / Head / Wid. / 81 / Gentlewoman / [born] Essex Halstead
Elizabeth Joscelyne / Daur. in Law [sic] / Mar. / 39 / Gentlewoman / [born Essex Halstead]
Emma E. [Joscelyne] / Daur. / Unm. / 16 / Scholar / [born] Suffolk Sudbury
Charles W. [Joscelyne] / Son / 6 / Scholar / [born Suffolk Sudbury] / [and female house servant 30]
[Advertisement], Essex Standard [Colchester, England] (28 May 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)
SUDBURY, SUFFOLK. To be Sold or let, by Private Contract,
A LARGE and COMMODIOUS FREEHOLD brick-built DWELLING-HOUSE, adjoining the Market Hill . . .
For particulars apply to Mr. S. Joscelyne, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, Sudbury.
Nominal list of passengers per Syria from London, 4 September 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin / Samuel Jocelyne [sic] / 50 . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 December 1852), 4
December 22 - Syria, ship, 542 tons, George Burrett, commander, from London via Plymouth 5th September. Passengers, cabin . . . Messrs. Jocelyne . . .
"MARRIAGES", Essex Standard (12 August 1853), 3 (PAYWALL)
Aug. 2nd at the Church of St. Mary-le-Strand, by the Rev. J. F. Denham, M.A., Mr. Archibald S. Hamilton, to Emma Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. S. Joscelyne, of Melbourne, Australia, and late of Sudbury.
"SHIPPING NEWS. ARRIVALS . . . LAUNCESTON. NOVEMBER 30", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (1 December 1854), 2
Potentate, barque, 345, Phillips, London. Cabin - . . . Mrs. Jocelyne, Master Walter Jocelyne, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (6 October 1855), 1
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public that he has taken those premises lately in the occupation of Mr. Charles Best,
Charles-street, Launceston . . . He has imported an entirely new and superior stock of ENGLISH FURNITURE,
Ex "Henry Reed," . . . Picolo Pianofortes and Harmoniums. Pianofortes removed to any part of the town . . .
Funerals furnished.
Applications for immigrant bounty tickets, Launceston, TAS, April 1856; Tasmanian Archive, SLTX/AO/MB/266 (PAYWALL)
[Launceston] Joscelyne Sam'l / Cabinet maker / Family tickets - 2 / . . .
"BOTHWELL", The Tasmanian Times (29 September 1869), 2
On Sunday last a new organ was used in the service of the Church at Bothwell, in the place of a barrel organ (facetiously termed a grinder) which had been for some years in the Church - Excellent of its kind, the number of tunes which it played were limited, and it was felt that something better should be substituted. Accordingly an organ, built by Mr. Samuel Joscelyne of Launceston, and voiced, tuned, erected, and regulated by Mr. J. Biggs - (who is well known in this city and throughout the country districts), builder of the beautiful instrument now in use at the Church of the Holy Apostles in Launceston - was purchased. The organ, when tried on Sunday, was all that could be desired; the tone of the pedal organ was full, round and sonorous, making the panels of the pens vibrate; the keranlophon dulciana and flute were deliciously sweet, and the general effect was that of a Cathedral organ in miniature. The choir was augmented for the occasion, and Mr. H. Wilmore officiated at the organ. Colonially built organs appear to be taking the place of imported ones, and we have had several opportunities of judging of their merits and been pleased to have it in our power to report favourably of them.
"GRAND CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Cornwall Chronicle (4 September 1872), 2
. . . The concert commenced with Auber's overture to "Masaniello," by ten performers - Mr. Thos. Sharp, Mr. Abbott, and Mr. Chick (violins). Mr. Wm. Sharp (double bass), Mr. Joscelyne and Mr. A. Hart (violoncellos), Mr. C. Galvin (clarionet), Mr. J. M. Davies (flute), Mr. A. Day and Mr. R. D. Harris (cornets), and Mrs. H. B. Nicholls presided at the pianoforte. The overture was excellently performed, in perfect time, and with fine effect. It gave entire satisfaction, and elicited universal applause . . .
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Cornwall Chronicle (25 January 1875), 3
The second subscription concert by the members of the Launceston Musical Union, was given in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute on the 19th inst. . . . the orchestra consists of Mr. George Collins, leader, Miss McAndrew, pianist; Mr. Charles Galvin, clarionet; Mr. R. D. Harris, cornet; Mr. Anthony Hart and Mr. Joscelyne, violin-cellos. The concert was conducted by Mr. A. Wallace, and commenced with Schiller's "Lay of the Bell," set to music by Romberg . . .
"DEATHS", The Cornwall Chronicle (6 July 1877), 2
JOSCELYNE. - On the 20th June, at his residence, York street, Samuel Joscelyne, formerly of Sudbury, Suffolk, aged 75.
"DEATHS", Examiner (28 November 1911), 1
JOSCELYNE. - At his late residence, No. 3 Spencer-street, Launceston, Charles Water Joscelyne, aged 67years, beloved husband of Mary Joscelyne, son of the late Samuel and Elizabeth Joscelyne, formerly of Sudbury, Suffolk, England, and brother of Mrs. E. E. Hamilton, of No. 1 Spencer-street, Launceston.
Bibliography and resources:
John Maidment, "Samuel Joscelyne (1802-1877), 19th century Tasmanian organbuilder", OHTA News 7/ 4 (October 1983), 24-26 (minor changes)
Musician, pianist, flautist, organist, composer, theatre owner, lawyer, mayor of Sydney, judge
Born Hamburg, Germany, 1815
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1820 (free per Morley to join his convict father Jacob JOSEPHSON)
Married (1) Louisa DAVIES (d. 1862), NSW, 1 December 1838
Married (2) Katerina Frederica SCHILLER (d. 1884), NSW, April 1868
Married (3) Elizabeth Geraldine BRENAN, NSW, 1891
Died Bellevue Hill, NSW, 26 January 1892 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Active 1834 ("a little boy about ten years old"), either:
JOSEPHSON, Manuel Francis (1821-1881)
JOSEPHSON, Isaac John (1824-1887)

"Josephson, 1851"; Charles Rodius; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
Summary (after Holt, corrected and updated):
Joshua Josephson was born at Hamburg, a son of Jacob Josephson and Emma Wilson (a widow, born Moss). His father, a jeweller and a Jewish Christian, arrived Sydney in May 1818, a convict in the Neptune, sentenced to fourteen years for having forgery. Joshua arrived with his mother in the Morley in 1820.
In June 1825, Josephson's step-sister, Sarah Wilson, married the merchant and future theatrical entrepreneur, Barnett Levey.
Joshua first appeared in public, playing the flute, with his teacher George Sippe, in the Sydney Amateur Concerts series in 1826. In Barnett Levey's concerts in 1829, he also accompanied Sippe on the piano.
The first advertised as a teacher of flute, flageolet, and piano, in July 1832, while living with his father at Emu Plains. Eighteen months later, in February 1834, he returned to Sydney, and continued his teaching practice, as well as resuming his appearances in public concerts.
In 1836-37, he appeared regularly as piano accompanist for William Vincent Wallace's violin performances, and was probably taking lessons from Wallace at the time.
His last certainly documented public notice as a professional musician was in the oratorio at St. Mary's cathedral in February 1838, which, coincidentally, was also Wallace's last Sydney appearance.
At his public debut on the flute in 1826, Josephson performed one of Pleyel's flute quartets, with a string trio presumably made up of his instructor Sippe on cello, John Edwards, violin, and Thomas Kavanagh, tenor (viola). During the 1826 series he also played with Sippe in flute duets by Rossini, Mozart (an air from Don Giovanni) and Rodolphe Kreutzer, and in a quartet for two flutes and two French horns by Weber.
Among identifiable works he performed were Charles Nicholson's flute Pot pouri, and variations on The last rose of summer. He also played fantasies by Drouet (on the Irish air Coolun) and Tulou.
With Vincent Wallace he performed a piano duo by Herz on themes from Rossini's William Tell, and a Grand duo concertante, as well as playing piano in a quartet by Mayseder, with violin, flute, and cello.
In 1834, for John Lhotsky, he composed a piano accompaniment for A song of the women of the Menero tribe, the first known piece of printed music published in the colonies.
On 1 December 1838, Josephson married Louisa Davies (d. 1862), a sixteen-year-old, who (according to Holt) had been one of his music pupils. As an amateur, and founding member of the congregation, he was the inaugural honorary organist at St. Peter's church, Cook's River, reportedly serving for 14 years, presumably from around the time of its consecration in 1839 until the early 1850s.
A younger brother, who accompanied Joshua on the piano in a set of flute variations by Charles Nicholson, on The blue bells of Scotland, in Thomas Lewis's concert in December 1834, was reportedly "a little boy about ten years old". He was either Manuel Francis Josephson (1821-1881) or, matching the reported age more closely, Isaac John Josephson (1824-1887). Both brothers may have been musical, and if so, may well also have been pupils of the Wallaces in the mid 1830s. One or both were perhaps also members of the theatre orchestras in Sydney c. 1859-60.
"AMATEUR CONCERT", The Monitor (9 June 1826), 4
. . . A very respectable and select Coterie assembled on Wednesday Evening at the Freemason's Tavern, to participate in the luxury of the long-talked of musical Melange . . . A quartette in a masterly style introduced Master Josephson, a pupil of Mr. Sippe on the Flute-obligato, who for his years evinced extraordinary talent . . .
"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", The Monitor (21 July 1826), 5
. . . The duetto, on flutes, by Mr. Sippe and Master Josephson, was executed in good style. The tones were excellent in many of the transitions. But we thought the piece selected was more calculated for the display of professional execution, than for pleasing the audience . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (22 July 1826), 3
. . . Master Josephson, a pupil of Mr. Sippe, took a part, in the duet - he ran over the rapid passages with admirable facility. The duet was more difficult than pleasing . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (26 August 1826), 3
. . . Where the octave flute was allowed to fill a stop, it had an excellent effect. The young amateur, Master Josephson, a pupil of Sippe's, who performed so well on this instrument on former occasions, did not appear to be present - - his aid would have been essential . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (9 September 1826), 3
. . . A pupil of Mr. S. performed on the concert flute. He filled up pauses among the other instruments, and warbled over the most rapid passages and cadences in such a brilliant, clear, and plaintive manner, as to excite general acclamation. His instructor deserves credit and support . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (30 September 1826), 3
. . . A flute duet, composed by Kreutzer followed next. The piece was pleasing - not without difficult pan ages and gradual transitions; from the clear and expressive manner in which it was performed, throughout it claimed general and mute attention. Mr. Sippe and a pupil of his, Master Josephson, were the performers . . .
"Amateur Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 September 1826), 3
. . . A duetto, arranged from Kreutzer by Mr. Sippe, and his pupil, Master Josephson, was much and deservedly applauded, and had the peculiar merit, beyond performances of this description generally, of being not merely a shew of execution - it was music, as the difficulty of a passage never concealed the expression . . .
"MR. LEVEY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (22 August 1829), 3
Mr. Levey's, Theatre was well filled on Thursday night . . . The Flute Quartette was very sweet - Master Josephson took part in this, and evinced much improvement . . . Master Josephson accompanied Mr. Sippe on the piano in performing a Fantasia, with considerable taste and skill . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (26 August 1829), 2
. . . Young Mr. Josephson's admirable execution on the concert and the octave flute, was in a great measure drowned amid the drawing of corks, tingling of glasses, nut cracking and chattering in pit and boxes . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (18 September 1829), 2
. . . Mr. Josephson, Junior, ran over a brilliant little divertisement on the flute. Mr. J.'s taste and execution reflect much credit upon himself, and his style and management of the instrument upon his instructor, who was Mr. Sippi, Master of the 57th Band . . .
"Wednesday's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (19 September 1829), 3
. . . The flute divertimento evinced the diligence and improvement of Master Josephson, and was applauded . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 September 1829), 2
. . . Amongst the instrumental performances of the evening, the most prominent and deserving of particular notice, were a duet for two violins, by Rhode [Rode], beautifully played by Messrs. Edwards and Spyer, who afforded the very powerful aid of his talents on the occasion, and a solo on the flute by Mr. Josephson, jun., whose execution on that instrument is so well known that commendation were needless. Mr. Josephson also accompanied the vocal music on the pianoforte . . .
"TO THE EDITOR . . .", The Sydney Monitor (19 September 1829), 3
SIR, The Australian, in noticing Master Josephson's playing on Wednesday evening, ascribes it to the instructions of Mr. Sippe.
Mr. S. was undoubtedly the teacher of Mr. J. until Mr. Edwards's late return from the Country,
and without wishing to detract from Mr. S's merits as a teacher, it comes to my knowledge, that the new style of playing adopted by Master J. at the last Concert,
whether an improvement or not, was entirely owing to the rehearsals and special instructions which Mr. Edwards conducted previously to the Concert,
yours &c. AN AMATEUR.
"Wednesday's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (21 September 1829), 3
. . . The flute Divertimento evinced the diligence and improvement of Master Josephson, and was applauded . . .
"COURT OF REQUESTS. BRUNTON v. JOSEPHSON", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 January 1830), 2
At the last sitting of the Court of Requests in Sydney, Mr. Brunton, maître de danse, sued Mr. Josephson for the amount of a quarter's bill for instructions in dancing, given to the son of that gentleman at a seminary in Parramatta. It appeared in evidence, that Mr. Brunton had only attended the youth twice, but although he had only given two lessons, he contended, that according to custom, Mr. Josephson was liable for the whole quarter, as his son might have the benefit of Mr. Brunton's attendance for the remainder of the quarter, if he thought proper to avail himself of it. On the part of Mr. Josephson, it was stated that no agreement had been entered into between him and Mr. Brunton for a quarter's attendance; his son had only taken two lessons, and discontinued Mr. B.'s instructions, because he found he could only learn, in the class of dancing into which Mr. Brunton had put him, what he had already learned in Sydney.
The COMMISSIONER decided, that Mr. Brunton was not equitably entitled to recover the amount of a whole quarter's bill from Mr. Josephson, unless he had given notice to Mr. Josephson, that if his son entered under his tuition at all, he would become liable for the whole quarter. In this instance no such notice had been given, indeed, no agreement had been made at all between the parties. There was therefore wanting that which was essential to all contracts, the assent of both the contracting parties. In the absence of such assent, it would be most unfair to allow one of the parties to impose arbitrary term and to oblige the other to observe them, without his privity or consent . . . where there was no contract, and no terms of an agreement to guide his decision, he (the Commissioner) would only award a quantum meruit for the work or service actually performed. On these grounds he would now disallow the claim of Mr. Brunton.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 July 1832), 1
Lessons on the Piano, Flute, and Flageolet.
MR. JOSHUA JOSEPHSON, residing with his father, at Emu Ford, having leisure to give lessons on the PIANO, FLUTE,
and FLAGEOLET, will be happy to give instruction to members of families, either at their own residence, or at his father's, upon these instruments.
Emu Ford, Penrith, 9th July, 1832.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 July 1832), 2
By an advertisement in another column we perceive that, on the retirement of Mr. Josephson for Sydney to Penrith, his eldest son is about to practice as a teacher of music in that and the neighbouring districts. Those who have had the pleasure of hearing the young gentleman perform on the flute and piano-forte, will readily acknowledge, that he will be a valuable acquisition to the neighbourhood in which he may exercise his profession; and, we have little doubt that his talents will ensure him success.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 January 1834), 1
AT the request of several respectable Families, J. F. JOSEPHSON intends residing in Sydney after the 1st of February,
for the purpose of giving Lessons on the PIANOFORTE and FLUTE.
Until the above date, letters may be addressed to J. F. J., to the care of Mr. BERNER, Royal Hotel;
afterwards J. F. J. may be seen at his Lodgings in Terry's Buildings, adjoining Clarence House (Mr. RICKARDS'), Pitt-street.
9th January, 1834
{News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 January 1834), 2
We observe by an advertisement in this day's paper, that Mr. J. Josephson, jun., is about to come to reside in Sydney, where he intends to practice as a teacher of music, and give lessons on the pianoforte and the flute. Mr. Josephson's talents, as a musician, are of a very superior order; and we are confident he will meet with very great encouragement when he returns to Sydney.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (21 August 1834), 3
Mrs. Bird gave her first Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Pulteney Hotel, and was patronised by about 100 persons of respectability . . . We have not space for a long critique of the Concert, but the public may form an idea of the quality of the performances when we state, that Mesdames Paul and Bird, and Messrs. Clark, Paul, Williamson, Simmons, &c. were the vocalists; Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Josephson, &c. &c. the musicians; accompanied with the assistance of some of the military band; leader, Mr. Lewis . . .
"CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 August 1834), 2
Mrs. Bird's concert at the Pulteney Hotel, on Tuesday evening, was very respectably attended, and afforded universal satisfaction to the audience . . . It was all excellent, but the concerto on the flute, with a pianoforte accompaniement, by Mr. Josephson, is worthy of particular notice - it was delightfully executed. A Quintette for two violins, tenor, flute, and violincello, by Messrs. Wilson, Sippe, Josephson, Lewis, and another performer whose name we have not heard, was received with much applause; as was also a solo on the clarionet, with a pianoforte accompaniment, by Mr. Lewis . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (27 November 1834), 3
AUSTRALIAN Philosophical Repository . . . Published at this establishment. 1. A Journey from Sydney to the Australian Alps . . . 2. A Song of the Menero tribe near the Australian Alps, arranged with the kind assistance of several Musical Gentlemen for the Voice and Piano Forte, and most humbly inscribed to Her Most Gracious Majesty, Adelaide, Queen, &c. The collaborating at this song of such able musicians as Pearson, Josephson and Sippe demonstrate clearly that it is neither (as some of my enemies say) a Portuguese air, nor any thing else than a wild air, carrying however a great depth of feeling. Several families having expressed their wishes to buy this Air for their children, its present price at Sydney is one shilling and sixpence. J. LHOTSKY. Castlereagh-street, near Hunter-street, Nov. 25th 1834.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (15 December 1834), 1
PART I . . . 4. Air, "Blue Bells of Scotland," with Variations, which Mr. Josephson has kindly consented to perform this evening, accompanied by his brother . . .
6.- Quintette, two Violins, Flute, Tenor, & Violincello, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, McChroan [McCrohan], Hay, and Lewis - Romberg . . .
PART II . . . 4. Air, by Rossini, with Variations, Mr. Josephson - Latour . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 December 1834), 1
PART I . . . 4. Air, Variations - Flute, Mr. Josephson - Nicholson . . .
6. Quintette - two Violins, Flute, Tenor and Violincello - Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Josephson, Hay and Lewis . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 December 1834), 2
. . . The instrumental performers, with one or two exceptions, consisted of the 17th band, whose excellence is so universally admitted as to call for no commendation from us; but we ought not to omit to particularize among the performances a very brilliant concerto on the pianoforte, which was admirably played by Mr. Josephson . . .
"Mr. Lewis's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (20 December 1834), 2
. . . Mr. Josephson played well on the flute, in which he was admirably accompanied on the piano by his brother, a little boy about ten years old . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (23 April 1835), 2
Mr. Stubbs' Concert, at the Royal Hotel, on Tuesday evening last, went off with the most perfect éclat, to a crowded and respectable audience . . . We were glad to witness such a strong muster of instrumental performers, - Messrs. Wilson, Cavendish, Sippe, Stubbs, Lewis, Coleman, Josephson, and the band of the 17th Regiment. The Overtures were executed in masterly style, and we believe gave universal satisfaction . . .
"MR. STUBBS'S CONCERT", The Australian (24 April 1835), 2
. . . Mr. Josephson played a concerto by Lozier [Logier], and did full justice to the composition of that celebrated pianist . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (12 February 1836), 2
Mr. Wallace's Concert is fixed, as will be seen by advertisement, for this evening, when amateurs of music may expect a great treat; Mrs. Chester will sing several admired songs, while Mr. Josephson will exhibit his well-known talents on the flute and pianoforte. The Band of the Seventh [sic, recte 17th] Regiment will be also in attendance.
[Advertisement], The Australian (12 February 1836), 1
PART I . . . Potpouri - Flute, Nicholson - Mr. Josephson
PART II . . . Grand Duett - Piano Forte, Herz, on the favourite March in William Tell - - Mr. Wallace & Mr. Josephson . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (16 February 1836), 2
. . . Mr. Josephson played the celebrated "Pot-pouri" for the flute by Nicholson with great taste and execution; and we are happy to congratulate him on his performances throughout the evening; he bids fair to become a first-rate performer . . .
"MR.WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 February 1836), 3
. . . Our talented young Colonist Mr. Josephson, lent his valuable assistance, and was very fine on the flute - as also in his accompaniments with Mr. W. He is a young gentleman of considerable musical attainments and promise, and we only regret he is not more often before the public . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (26 February 1836), 1
On this occasion, MR. WALLACE will be assisted by MRS. CHESTER, MRS. TAYLOR, MR. JOSEPHSON, MR. WILSON, and MR. SIPPE.
PROGRAMME OF THE CONCERT. PART 1st . . . 5 - Grand Fantasia (flute) Drouet - Mr. Josephson . . .
"LAST FRIDAY EVENING'S CONCERT (From a Correspondent)", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 March 1836), 3
. . . then followed Mr. Josephson on the flute; during the fantasia, he introduced " Auld Lang Syne" with variations, and deserves much credit, for his talented performance . . .
"Mr. Wallace's Concert", The Australian (1 March 1836), 2
. . . Mr. Josephson played a grand Fantasia on the flute in very [?] style; he not only brings out the richness of tone, of which the flute is only susceptible in the hands of an able performer, but executed the difficulties, as they may be called, of the instrument, in a manner to give great and general satisfaction . . .
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (16 March 1836), 1
. . . MRS. TAYLOR AND MRS. CHESTER BEG to announce to their Friends, and the Public generally,
that their CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will be given at THE ROYAL HOTEL,
On WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 16, 1836, on which, occasion the following eminent talent will render their valuable assistance.-
Principal Instrumental Performers, MR. JOSEPHSON, MR. WILSON, MR. SIPPE, And MR. WALLACE . . .
PART I . . . 5. Concerto - Flute - Nicholson - Mr. Josephson . . .
[News], The Colonist (24 March 1836), 6-7
. . . Mr. Josephson's performance on the Flute delighted the audience. That gentleman charged five guineas to his attendance on the occasion, but on finding that it was a losing concert to Mrs. Chester, very handsomely enclosed the whole amount, and sent it back. We have not heard that his example has been followed by any other person engaged.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 March 1836), 3
We were much gratified in noticing a trait of liberality in our young fellow colonist Mr. Josephson, junr., who on understanding that the concert lately given by Mrs. Chester and Mrs. Taylor, so far from leaving them a profit, on the contrary left them minus some ten or twelve pounds, very politely addressed to Mrs. C. a note, declining the five guineas which, it was agreed he should have received for his very excellent performance on the flute. What enhances the act in our estimation is that Mr. J., if not quite a native born Australian, is next kin to one. At least he has lived in the Colony from infancy. Mr. J. was a pupil originally of Mr. Sippe's, who rendered his services at the last concert, and as usual in a manner most creditably, without charge.
"EXTRACTS FROM OTHER PAPERS [From the Australian]", The Sydney Monitor (26 March 1836), 2-3
We hear that Mr. Josephson, our colonial musician, would not accept of any remuneration for his valuable services on the night of Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Chester's Concert, in consequence of the very this attendance on that occasion (owing to the weather). Such conduct is highly praiseworthy, and we do hope that liberality like this will meet with its just reward. Go thou and act likewise.
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (1 June 1836), 1
. . . MR. W. WALLACE, BEGS to announce that his CONCERT . . . will take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
THIS EVENING, the 1st June, 1836, on which occasion he will be assisted by Mrs. Chester, Miss E. Wallace,
Mr. Josephson, Mr. Cavendish, an Amateur, and Mr. S. W. Wallace . . .
PART I . . . 5. Concerto - (Flute) Nicholson - Mr. S. W. Wallace . . .
PART II . . . 11. Fantasia (Flute) Toulou - Mr. Josephson . . .
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (4 June 1836), 3
. . . To Mr. Josephson was apportioned - Fantasia - Toulon [Toulou] - And a fantastical piece it was, exciting no pleasure from the execution, because every body knows Mr. Josephson's execution on the German flute is excellent. However, a Scotch air, introduced in the course of the Fantasia, made some amends for the everlasting mechanism of the evening. But in lieu of reserving all his powers for the air, to make it reach the heart by the tenderness of the notes, it was marred by the never-ceasing skipping up and down the gamut; as if we were all assembled to hear the performers practice; in lieu of coming to hear our passions pleasingly excited. We have all of us, Heavens knows, mechanism enough at home. When, therefore, we go to a Concert or the Theatre, we go to feel; to be charmed and excited by novel and unusual sensations, which cannot be produced in ordinary life. Sorry, however, was the measure of this sort of enjoyment, doled out to us at this Concert.
The same remarks apply to the Concerto (Nicholson) on the flute, as performed by Mr. S. W. Wallace. The execution was good, but the mechanism of the lip and finger is not the chief thing at a Concert, to win the applause of the majority. By the bye, although the lower tones of Mr. Wallace's flute were full and reedy, we preferred those of Mr. Josephson's, as more in character with that sweet instrument . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (13 July 1836), 3
will take place on THIS EVENING, the 13th of July, in the THEATRE-ROYAL, on which occasion, he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. S. Wallace, and Mr. Cavendish . . .
PART I . . . 4. FANTASIA, Flute, introducing 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer - Nicholson - Mr. Josephson . . .
6. QUARTETTE - Violin, Pianoforte, Flute, and Violoncello - Mayseder - Mr. W. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. S. Wallace, and Mr. Cavendish . . .
PART II . . . 14. GRAND DUO CONCERTANTE, for two Piano Fortes - Herz (as played by Henri Herz and Mr. W. Wallace) - Mr. W. Wallace and Mr. Josephson . . .
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Australian (15 July 1836), 2
. . . Nicholson's Fantasia, was played with very good taste, and the Air, 'Tis the last Rose of Summer, with great sweetness, by Mr. Josephson. His lower tones are full rich, but in executing rapid passages in the higher octaves the breath is heard in the embouchre [sic] of his flute . . . The Quartette, by Messrs. W. and S. Wallace, Josephson, and Cavendish, was good; but Mr. Wallace's violin absorbed all attention . . .
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 July 1836), 3
At Mr. Wallace's late Concert, we understand the brilliancy of Mr. Josephson's execution on the pianoforte, was particularly admired, as well as his intonations of the flute. Mr. J. first studied under Mr. Sippe, musical professor. Mr. J. is an example of the precocity of talent of our native youth where care has been taken to nurture it, and occasion given to call it forth.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (17 August 1836), 1
. . . MR. COLEMAN, Master of the Band 4th, or King's Own Regiment,
BEGS to announce that his CONCERT of Vocal and instrumental Music will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING,
August 17, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel on which occasion he will be assisted by Mrs. Chester, Mr. Wallace,
Mr. Deane and family. Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Stubbs and Mr. Josephson . . .
PART I . . . 4 - SOLO - Flute, in which will be introduced Auld Robin Gray, &c., Nicholson, Mr. Stubbs . . .
PART II . . . 4 - FANTASIA - Flute, introducing the Coolun, Drouet, Mr. Josephson . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (19 August 1836), 2
. . . We have frequently heard Mr. Josephson on the Flute, and have been delighted, but never so captivated as with his Fantasia on this occasion, in which was introduced the Coolun by Drouet. Mr. Josephson has not the strength of lungs possessed by some performers on the Flute, but we question if the strongest would have received more merited applause than he did for his Coolun . . .
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (31 August 1836), 1
. . . MRS. CHESTER RESPECTFULLY announces . . . that her CONCERT . . .
Will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 31st, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
on which occasion she will be assisted by MR. W. WALLACE, MR. DEANE, & TWO SONS,
PART I . . . Trio - Pianoforte - Violin, Violincello, - MR. JOSEPHSON, MR. DEANE & SON . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (14 September 1836), 1
. . . MR. W. WALLACE . . . BEGS to announce that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on
THIS EVENING, September 14, 1836, in the Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL, on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Miss Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. S. W. Wallace,
Mr. Cavendish, and the Amateur who was received so favourably at Mrs. Chester's Concert . . .
NOTE: There is no documented notice of Josephson's participating in the oratorio at St. Mary's cathedral on 21 September; however, he is almost certain to have been involved in the event; his involvement in the second oratorio, in February 1838, is on record.
"Amateur Theatricals", The Australian (18 October 1836), 2
The soldiers of the King's Own Regiment, play on Friday next for the benefit of the Sydney Infirmary. If there were no other motive, this would be sufficient to bring a full house. We are happy to hear of the few hours of relaxation which the duties of a soldier allow him, so creditably employed. We hear that Mr. Wallace has very generously promised to play on the occasion, and that Mr. Josephson has made the same liberal offer.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (12 December 1836), 3
REMOVAL. J. F. JOSEPHSON, JUNIOR, BEGS to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from Mr. Pendray's to Mr. F. Ellard's, opposite the Barrack Gate. December 9, 1836.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 January 1837), 3
CONCERT. Postponed to the 1st Proximo. MR. W. WALLACE & MR. J. P. DEANE . . .
On this occasion they will be assisted by Miss Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Miss C. Winstanley, Mr. S. W. Wallace,
Master J. P. Deane, Master E. Deane, Mr. J. F. Josephson (who has kindly consented to play a Solo on the Flute) . . .
PART I . . . 4. SOLO - Piano-forte - March in Otello - Herz - Miss Deane . . .
PART II . . . 12. CONCERTO - Flute - Tulou - Mr. J. F. Josephson . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (7 February 1837), 2
. . . The Concerto on the flute of Mr. Josephson was played well, although in our opinion, some of his performances at previous Concerts were far superior . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (1 August 1837), 2
CONCERT. MR. W. WALLACE . . .THIS EVENING, August 1st, 1837, in the Theatre Royal,
on which occasion he will be assisted by Miss Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. S. Wallace, and Mr. Josephson,
who has kindly given his gratuitous services . . .
PART II . . . 13. GRAND QUARTETT Pianoforte, Violins, & Violoncello - Herz - Mr. W. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Master E. Deane, & Mr. Deane . . .
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT . . .", The Sydney Herald (7 August 1837), 2
. . . Of the other instrumental music - second to the solos on the violin by Mr. Wallace - that which pleased us most was the Quartett, in the second part of the Concert, by Messrs. Wallace, Deane, Josephson (piano-forte), and Master E. Deane . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Times (12 August 1837), 3
. . . Mr. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, and Mr. Deane and son, gave a lively quartette of Hezzo [sic, Herz], that is about the most simple and natural composition of that clever compounder of mechanical difficulties, that we have hitherto come across . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (18 October 1837), 1
THE Public is most respectfully informed that as a tribute of respect for the memory of the late Proprietor Mr. B. LEVY,
and with a view to assist his respected Relict and Family,
the Performers, the Gentlemen of the Orchestra, and all Persons connected with the Establishment,
have felt it their duty to present their gratuitous services to the Widow, for one night, for her BENEFIT,
to whom they most heartily wish every success in her present arduous undertaking.
The Members of the Theatre most respectfully solicit the support and assistance of the Australian Public.
THURSDAY, October 19, 1837,
The Performance will commence with the celebrated Comic Opera in Three Acts, entitled
The Castle of Andalusia;
Has with much kindness, and unsolicited, given his valuable services gratuitously, and will perform
the celebrated FANTASIA, (Violin) introducing the favorite Irish Melody, "'Tis the last Rose of Summer," accompanied on the Piano Forte
by Mr. J. F. JOSEPHSON, who has also presented his services for this occasion . . .
NOTE: A benefit for Josephson's step-sister, her husband, the theatre's proprietor Barnett Levey, having died on 2 October 1837
"THE ORATORIA" [sic], The Sydney Herald (5 February 1838), 2
A grand Musical Festival took place at St. Mary's Church on Wednesday evening last, which was attended by upwards of five hundred persons. The selection of music was from the best authors; and the professionals of Sydney, who gave their assistance gratuitously, mustered strong on the occasion. Mr. Wallace, as usual was the star of the instrumental performers, and was assisted by Mr. W.'s brother, Messrs. Deane, Cavendish, Edwards, Spyer, Josephson, Lane, and the full Band of the 50th regiment . . .
"MARRIED", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 December 1838), 3
By Special License, on the 1st instant, at the Chapel of St. Lawrence, by the Rev. Mr. Steele, Mr. J. F. Josephson, Junior, eldest son of Jacob Josephson, Esq., to Miss L. J. Davies, eldest daughter, of J. J. Davies, Esq. Sydney.
"QUIZ", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 October 1848), 2
Can you inform me, if the present Mayor of Sydney was ever Fiddler at the Royal Theatre, George-street; and if so, what salary he received? -
No; the present Right Worshipful played the Fife at Barney Levy's Theatre in George-street. As it was a "sharing" company; salary is unknown.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (29 August 1854), 4
After an interval of about two months, this popular place of entertainment was last night opened to the public . . . It will be remembered, that Mr. Wyatt's lease of the building having expired, the property was purchased by Mr. J. F Josephson, of whom Mr. Torning has taken a lease . . .
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (17 July 1868), 3
. . . The Victoria Theatre, like others, has had its ups and downs, and after passing through many hands, now belongs to Mr. J. F. Josephson, M. P. . . .
Diary of Alexander Brodie Spark, 27 August and 16 November 1839; ed. in Graham Abbott and Geoffrey Little, The respectable Sydney merchant, A. B. Spark of Tempe (Sydney: Sydney University press, 1976), 110, 112
27th . . . Went to Dr. Reid's to approve of a Seraphin for our new Church.
16th Went with the Rev. Mr. Steele . . . to select a Seraphin for the Church at Dr. Reid's, and afterwards to Dick's to purchase a Communion Service. 18th Ever engaged in preparing for the Consecration . . .
NOTE: Though Brodie Spark does mention Josephson, this concerned the acquisition of the instrument he played as first organist of St. Peter's church, Cooks River; one of Josephson's daughters married one of Spark's sons.
. . . Whilst in Sydney, Wallace gave instruction on the pianoforte, in families of the highest distinction, who were anxious to avail themselves of his talents, amongst them were the ladies of Sir Alfred Stephen's family, Judge Josephson, Lady Mitchell, the sister of Sir William Macarthur, Lady Parker, and many others.
"SYDNEY", Jewish Herald (26 November 1920), 14
. . . Judge Josephson, who was a music teacher before he took to law, and died richer than any other man, Jew or Gentile, who ever sat on an Australian Bench.
"MUSIC AND MUSICIANS: MARITANA", The Mercury (22 June 1932), 3
. . . Sir Richard Bourke, the Governor, heartened him, and in 1836 Wallace gave three concerts, at which he played some of his own works. Two of the concerts, it is said, brought £1,000 each, and in one case the proceeds were given to St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney. He was for a time tutor to the families of Sir Alfred Stephen and Judge Josephson . . .
"ST. PETER'S. A Century of Service. COOK'S RIVER MEMORIES", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 June 1935), 15
. . . The present church, consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Australia (Bishop Broughton) has stood since 1838 . . . Before this church was erected, however, there was a temporary church, very small and barely adequate, built of ironbark slabs with a roof of thatch. It was set up on the identical site in 1835, but has long since disappeared . . . [among those buried in the graveyard] . . . Judge Joshua Josephson, who was the first organist (in which capacity he remained for 14 years) . . . Bishop Broughton consecrated the burial ground in December 1840 . . .
Musical work:

A song of the women of the Menero Tribe arranged with the assistance of several musical gentlemen for the voice and pianoforte, most humbly inscribed as the first specimen of Australian music, to her most gracious majesty Adelaide, queen of Great Britain & Hanover, by Dr. J. Lhotsky, colonist N. S. Wales (Sydney: Sold by John Innes, [1834]) (DIGITISED) (TROVE) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Synthesised sound file, Australharmony 2016

Bibliography and resources:
H. T. E. Holt, "Josephson, Joshua Frey (1815-1892)", Australian dictionary of biography 4 (1972)
Viola player (shareable link to this entry)
Clarinettist, clarinet / clarionet player
Active Sydney, NSW, 1859
I have found no other documentation about Josephsons musically active around this time. Were they possibly one (Martin, query Manuel) or both brothers of Joshua Josephson?
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne VIC] (13 April 1857), 8
THE PRINCESS' THEATRE, and OPERA HOUSE . . . Lessee - Mr. Alex. Henderson.
Grand Opening and Inauguration . . . THURSDAY, 16 April, Under the management of Mr. John Black . . .
GRAND OPERA . . . The Orchestra, Conductor - Mr. George Loder. Messrs. King, Usher, Weston, Ryder,
Josephson, Thomas, Reid, Thorne, Griffiths, Chapman, Lange, Siede, Murrell, Johnson, Kinsela, McCoy, Foster, Webb,
Llewellyn, Kohler, Trimble, McNamara, Baker, Mann, Hooper, Russell, Alfred . . .
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (16 November 1858), 1
[Advertisement], Empire (2 July 1859), 3
VIOLE - Mr. Walter Rice, Mr. William Friedlander, Martin Josephson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Walter Rice (viola); William Friedlander (viola)
[Advertisement], Empire (27 August 1859), 1
TO CHARLES POOLE, ESQ., LESSEE AND MANAGER. DEAR SIR - Allow us to congratulate you on the unprecedented fact of your having kept open the Prince of Wales Theatre during a period of fourteen month's, notwithstanding the difficulties which beset you . . . [signed, including orchestra members] . . . CHAS. EIGENSCHENCK . . . J. JOSEPHSON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (manager); Charles Eigenschenck (violin, leader); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney)
[Advertisement], Empire (21 November 1859), 1
GENERAL MEETING of the THEATRICAL PROFESSION, held November 19th, 1859.
It was Resolved, That none of the following Members of the Profession shall receive any engagement from Mr. CHARLES POOLE,
or any deputed manager of his, until the present pecuniary claims of the whole professional body shall have been indemnified in full.
In guarantee whereof the following signatures were affixed:
[signed, including orchestra members] . . . M. Josephson . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1859), 1
Second violins - Messrs. Josephson and Hall . . .
Clarinetti - Messrs. Josephson and Taylor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomson Hall (violin)
JOSSELIN, Marie Louise Adelaide de (Marie Louise Adelaide de JOSSELIN; DE JOSSELIN; Mrs. James TODD; Mrs. William SANDS)
Teacher of pianoforte and French (pupil of Charles Sandys Packer)
Born Sydney, NSW, 5 May 1864; daughter of Henri de JOSSELIN
Married James TODD, NSW, 1884 (divorced 1891)
Married William SANDS, NSW, 1904
Died North Sydney, NSW, July 1950 (shareable link to this entry)
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 May 1864), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1883), 2
MDLLE. DE JOSSELIN (pupil of C. S. Packer, R.A.M.) visits and receives pupils for Pianoforte and French. Schools attended. Terms at Huenerbein's, 411, George-street.
"Marriages", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 June 1884), 1
Violinist, photographer
Active Maitland, NSW, 1857 (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1856), 8
ERNEST JOURDE. - Write to Mr. DE JOSSELIN at Braidwood. He has a home letter for you.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 November 1857), 3
"AMATEUR CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 November 1857), 2
It is hardly necessary to remind our readers that this Concert will come off to-morrow evening at the Victoria Theatre, and should the weather prove auspicious, we doubt not that a very fine and brilliant audience will be assembled to do justice to the efforts which have been made to render this entertainment worthy not only of the object which it is intended to aid, but also of the patronage which has been extended to it so generally. We understand that the Concert has received a great accession in the person of M. Jourde, a recent arrival in Bathurst, and a highly accomplished violinist, who has kindly volunteered his services upon the occasion.
"DAGUERREOTYPE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (28 November 1857), 2
We have inspected some beautiful specimens of this wonderful art at the atelier of M. Jourde, at Mr. Goode's, George-street, who is obliged to delay the opening of his gallery of daguerreotype portraits of all sizes, until Thursday next, in consequence of the non-arrival of some chemical ingredients essential to the successful production of these works of art . . .
"ARTISTIC", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (16 December 1857), 2
JULIEN, Mr. (Mr. JULIEN; Mr. JULLIEN; ? pseudonym)
Musician, leader of circus band
Active Maitland, NSW, 1858 (shareable link to this entry)
"MAITLAND . . . MR. FOLEY'S CIRCUS", Northern Times [Newcastle, NSW] (24 April 1858), 2
But see also, "AMERICAN AMPHITHEATRE", Northern Times (7 July 1858), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Appel (musician)
JUNG, Jacob (Jacob JUNG, active Melbourne, VIC, 1860) = Jacob YOUNG
JUNIPER, Mary (Mary JUNIPER; Miss JUNIPER; Mrs. James Sturgis EDWARDS; Mrs. J. S. EDWARDS)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, organist
Born Brighton, Sussex, England, 25 December 1844 (date on gravestone); daughter of John JUNIPER (d. VIC, 1871) and Sarah GILLAM (d. VIC, 1902)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 January 1850 (per Harpley, from Plymouth, 21 September 1849, via Adelaide)
Married James Sturgis EDWARDS, Tylden, VIC, 5 October 1865
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 1 October 1897, aged "52" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
JUNIPER, William (William JUNIPER)
Bass vocalist
Born Brighton, Sussex, England, 5 August 1838 (date on gravestone); son of John JUNIPER (d. VIC, 1871) and Sarah GILLAM (d. VIC, 1902)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 January 1850 (per Harpely, from Pylmouth, 21 September 1849, via Adelaide)
Married Lydia TYLER (1847-1880), Brighton, VIC, 1868
Died Auburn, Hawthorn, VIC, 24 July 1899, in his 61st year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The Junipers were part of a group of English Baptist immigrants who arrived in Melbourne in 1850 on the Sussex. Mary was employed as a governess at Kyneton by the early 1860s, and remained a stalwart of the musical life of the district until the 1880s.
"SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL GAZETTE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (8 January 1850), 2
January 6 - Harpely ship 547 tons, Auckland, commander, from Plymouth 21st September, and Adelaide 2nd instant. Passengers cabin . . . Mr. Juniper, wife and family . . .
On Monday, at half-past ten, the Exhibition Building was crowded in every part by the children of the various schools, under the management of the National School Board,
for the purpose of distributing the prizes to such of the children as had been declared recipients at the examination which had been held during the preceding week . . .
The stage was occupied by His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, [etc.] . . .
The children numbered in all about 800, viz.: 300 boys, 250 girls, and 100 infants, belonging to the Model Schools,
and 150 children of both sexes belonging to outlying schools, under the National system.
Under the able management of Mr. Weinritter the children sang several pieces of unaccompanied music in an effective style . . .
[PRIZES] . . . BOYS SCHOOL . . . Singing: - James Leslie.
GIRLS SCHOOL . . . Singing: - Mary Juniper . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Barkly (governor); George M. Weinritter (singing master)
"Members of the newly-formed Fitzroy Musical Union . . .", The Argus (11 May 1860), 4
. . . gave their first concert last evening, at George-street chapel, George-street, before a very numerous audience, and with an amount of success, all things considered, which does thom much credit. Haydn's "Creation" was the oratorio selected for performance . . . Mr. Juniper, who, with Mr. Angus, shared the bass music, did not quite realize the necessities of his position, though he sang with care . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Argus (27 September 1869), 6
"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Williamstown Chronicle (8 October 1870), 5
"MRS. EDWARDS' COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT", Kyneton Guardian (19 October 1878), 2
The attendance in the Kyneton Mechanics' Institute on Wednesday night last was not only a compliment to Mrs. Edwards, but an appreciation of the enterprise of the promoters of the concert in issuing so excellent a programme. The reserved seats, although occupying two-thirds of the hall, were not numerous enough, and they and the balcony were very well filled, although the back seats could have held a few more. The Kyneton Town Band were present, and in playing the overture, and especially the musical selections in the interval, exhibited most favorably the progress which they have recently been making in the musical art. Mr. W. Juniper, from Melbourne (Mrs. Edwards' brother) was present, and sang the opening and closing numbers on the programme, besides taking part in a duet with his sister, and, although suffering slightly from hoarseness, his fine bass voice and finished style of vocalisation was a derided acquisition and attraction. Glover's duet" See the land appears in sight" was one of the gems of the evening, while his rendering of "Nancy Lee" was redolent of the forecastle. Miss Don sang "Come back to Erin" so well that she was encored, and bowed her acknowledgments. Mrs. Edwards and Mr. Jas. Anderson sang "Sunset," a duet of Massett's with excellent taste and repeated the last verse as an encore. Miss E. Anderson, a niece of Mrs. Edwards and a pupil of Mr. David Lee, of Melbourne, played "Capricioso," as arranged for the piano by Mendelssohn, and was deservedly richly applauded. She also played in the second part airs from Lucia de Lammermoor, arranged by Prudent, and accompanied several of the singers, and it is but justice to say that this young lady gives promise of becoming a brilliant pianiste and excellent performer. Mrs. Edwards' song "One morning, oh, so early," although sung with her usual correctness and good taste, lacked that vivacity and sprightliness she is apt to throw into her song . . .
"HAWTHORN AND KEW HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (6 August 1881), 7
![[Playbill] Farewell concert, 20 June 1883, Mechanics' Institute, Kyneton, VIC<](imageslocal/juniper-edwards-kyneton-1883-06-20.jpg)
[Playbill] Farewell concert, 20 June 1883, Mechanics' Institute, Kyneton, VIC
"DEATHS", The Argus (25 July 1899), 1
JUNIPER. - On the 24th July, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Williams, No. 15 Auburn-grove, Hawthorn, William Juniper, in his 61st year.
JUPP, Catherine (Catharine HEALEY; Catherine JUPP; Mrs. Edward JUPP)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, teacher of music
Born England (? Ireland) by c. 1812/13
Married Edward JUPP (d.1853), St. James, Piccadilly, 13 August 1833
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 5 October 1849 (per Trafalgar from London)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1849-56; ? 1858
Died Wellington, NZ, 16 October 1888, in her 76th year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Catherine Healey married Edward Jupp at St. James, Picadilly, on 13 August 1833. The couple and their nine children arrived in Adelaide in October 1849, and Catherine - as "Mrs. Edward Jupp" - immediately began advertising as a teacher of piano and singing. She made her public debut, singing Crouch's Kathleen Mavourneen, at the Mechanics' Institute quarterly conversazione, on 31 October, performing alongside Spencer Wellington Wallace, Francis Dutton, and Georgiana Murray.
She next appeared, on 20 November, in Thomas Gale's concert, and in Wallace's concert on 31 December, singing and playing piano.
Her daughter, Catherine Augusta Jupp (b. 1836; from 1865 Mrs. George Francis), was also active, by 1860, as a school teacher. Catherine senior followed Catherine junior and her husband to New Zealand, where she died in 1888.
Request for marriage licence, London Diocese, 9 August 1833; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
. . . APPEARED PERSONALLY Edward Jupp of the parish of St. James Westminster . . . a bachelor of the age of twenty one years and upwards and prayed a License for the Solemnization of Matrimony in the Parish Church of Saint James Westminster aforesaid between him and Catherine Healey of the parish of Fulham . . . also of the age of twenty one and upward . . .
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. James, Westminster . . . in the year 1833; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
. . . on the thirteenth day of August . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (6 October 1849), 2
ARRIVED . . . Friday, October 5 - The barque Trafalgar, 510 tons, Wright, master, from London and Plymouth. Passengers - . . . E. Jupp, wife and nine children . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (29 October 1849), 2
MUSIC. MRS. E. JUPP, having just arrived from London, begs to announce to the Inhabitants of Adelaide and its Vicinity, that she intends giving instructions in Piano and Singing. Mrs. E. J. having long been accustomed to the tuition in the above branches, trusts that she will be enabled to give every satisfaction. Her terms can be obtained by applying at her residence, Angas Street, Victoria Square.
"MECHANICS INSTITUTE", South Australian (2 November 1849), 2
. . . The entertainments of the evening were commenced by an able and interesting lecture on Geology, by Thomas Burr, Esq., which was followed by the usual musical treat, in which Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Jupp, Mr. Francis Dutton, and Mr. Wallace, took part. The gem of the evening was "Kathleen Mavourneen," which was beautifully executed by Mrs. Jupp, and repeated amidst thunders of applause . . .
"MR. GALE'S CONCERT", South Australian (16 November 1849), 2
We have much pleasure in directing attention to this concert . . . To those who have not heard Mrs. Jupp, we may confidently promise a very great treat. She is by far the best female vocalist we have had in Adelaide.
[Advertisement], South Australian (20 November 1849), 3
Under the immediate Patronage of the Governor and lady Young.
MR. GALE has the honor to inform the residents of Adelaide and its vicinity, that his
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place this evening (Tuesday), the 20th instant,
in the Exchange, King William-street, on which occasion he will be assisted by Mrs. E. Jupp
(who made so successful a debut at the late Conversazione), Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Lee, and several amateurs,
who will give their services on that evening.
PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Overture - "Fra Diavolo," Auber - Mrs. Jupp, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Wallace . . .
4. The Spirit's Song - Mrs. Jupp . . .
PART II. 1. Overture - "Italiana in Algieri" - Rossini- Mrs. Jupp, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Wallace . . .
2. Song - "My Mother bids me bind my Hair" - Haydn - Mrs. Jupp . . .
5. Song - "Meet me to-night" - Horne - Mrs. Jupp . . .
"MR. GALE'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (22 November 1849), 3
The effect of the concert was somewhat injured by the absence of Mr. Lee, from illness, but Mrs. Jupp kindly introduced two extra songs, which in part supplied the deficiency. In "Auld Robin Gray" she was particularly successful . . .
"MR. GALE'S CONCERT", South Australian (23 November 1849), 2
. . . The arrangements of the were unfortunately thrown into some confusion from the sudden announcement that Mr. Lee was taken ill. This occasioned the omission of the overtures and the substitution of some additional songs by Mrs. Jupp and Mr. Gale. The former, though not quite so happy as we thought her at the conversazione of the Mechanics' Institute, sang with much sweetness, particularly "Auld Robin Gray," in which she displayed great feeling and taste. Her piano-forte accompaniment to Mr. Wallace's violin was very defective, partly, we presume, from its not having been practised. This is a pity, for the effect of the whole suffered . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (31 December 1849), 1
MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT . . . this evening, 31st December, 1849 . . .
PROGRAMME . . . Song - The deep, deep sea - Horn - Mrs. Jupp . . .
Duet, from Somnambula - Bellini - Mrs. Jupp and Mr. Ellard . . .
SECOND PART . . . Cavatina - Go I Forget me - Meves - Mrs. Jupp . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (19 July 1850), 1
SONG, "The Mocking Bird," Bishop, MRS. JUPP, With Flute Obligate by MR. WALLACE . . .
MUSIC: Pretty mocking bird (from The slave, Bishop)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (22 August 1850), 2
On Tuesday evening what is called a Conversazione - but which bears no resemblance to one - took place at the Exchange Rooms. A very select and respectable party, including SIR HENRY AND LADY YOUNG, assembled to hear a Lecture delivered by R. D. HANSON, Esq., on the abolition of capital punishment . . . The musical entertainment, at which Mrs. MURRAY, Mrs. JUPP, and Mr. WALLACE assisted, followed; and the party broke up soon after ten o'clock.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (9 April 1851), 1
GRAND EVENING CONCERT. Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Young.
MRS. EDWARD JUPP has the honour to inform her friends and the residents of Adelaide generally that her CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music,
under the direction of Mr. S. W. WALLACE, will take place THIS EVENING (Wednesday), April 9th, in the Commercial Exchange,
King William street, when she will be assisted by Madame Allen, Mons. Del-Sarte (who has kindly offered his valuable assistance on this occasion),
Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. F. Ellard, Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mr. C. Walsh, Herr Linger, Mr. Bennett, Herr Mater, Herr Huenerbein, Herr Keidle, Herr Ziegler,
Mons. Paris, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Lee, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Harwood, Mr. McCullagh, the Messrs. Cobbin, &c. &c.
Mrs. Jupp trusts that the above .concentration of talent, will ensure the patronage and support of the lovers of music in Adelaide and its vicinity.
1. Overture - "'La Dame Blanche" Boildeau - FulI Orchestra.
2. Duetto - "What are the wild waves saying" - Glover - Mrs. Jupp and Mr. J. W. Daniel.
3. Ballad - "The Exile's Farewell," - Mr. C. Walsh.
4. Song from "Les Quatre Fils d'Aymon," - Mr. F. Ellard.
5. Jenny Lind's favourite Song - "My Fatherland" - Mad. Allen.
6. Nocturne Le Reve d'un Marin, pour Piano - Herz - Mr. F. Ellard.
7. "Sans Amour," - Massini - Mons. Del-Sarte.
8. Song - "My Childhood's Home," Clarionet obligato - Blockley - Mrs. Jupp and Herr Mater.
9. Scena - "The Newfoundland Dog," - Henry Russell - Mr. J. W. Daniel.
10. Solo Violin - "La Melancolie Pastorale" (accompanied by Mr. Ellard), Francois Prume - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
1. Medley Overture - Guy Mannering - Bishop - Orchestra.
2. Song - "On Yonder Rock Reclining," from Fra Diavolo - Auber - Mr. C. Walsh.
3. Song - "Wanted a Governess," (by desire) John Parry - Mrs. Jupp.
4. Duet, from Norma, Clarionet and Tenor Tuba - Bellini - Herr Mater and Herr Huenerbein.
5. Cavatina - "Do not Mingle," - Bellini - Madame Allen.
6. Le Chant Beni des Oiseaux - Del Sarte - M. Del-Sarte.
7. Solo - Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. McCullagh.
8. Duet - "The Elfin Call," (first time) - S. Glover. - Mrs. Jupp and Mr. J. W. Daniel.
9. National Anthem - By Madame Allen, Mrs. Jupp, Mr. Daniel, and full strength, Vocal and Instrumental.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Platts, Mr. Dehane; Mr. Coppin, Exchange Hotel;. Mr. Hornabrook, York
Hotel; the Exchange; and of Mrs. E. Jupp, Halifax-street, where all applications, by letter, or otherwise, will be attended to.
Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
"MRS. JUPP'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (10 April 1851), 2
A very numerously-attended concert was given at the Exchange last night by Mrs. Jupp, who was assisted by most of the principal vocal and instrumental musicians of Adelaide. Mrs. Jupp's own songs were very well received, especially John Parry's "Wanted a Governess," which was loudly encored . . .
"MRS. JUPP'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (11 April 1851), 2
This lady's concert took place on Wednesday evening at the Exchange.
We congratulate her on the crowded state of the room,
and hope that the receipts of the concert will recompense her for the liberal manner in which her arrangements for affording a musical treat were carried out.
Indeed, the principal fault to be found with the evening's entertainment was "l'abondance des richesses;"
the programme set forth 19 pieces, comprising nearly all the available talent in the colony;
but whatever the audience may have thought,
the wax candles determined the point by putting an extinguisher on the performances before the second part of the programme was completed.
Making allowances for encores of popular pieces from popular performances and vocalists, we think that six well-chosen pieces in each division of the concert.
is as much as any one can in conscience look for at a concert.
It is irksome for most people to be kept in a crowded room, sitting on hard benches without backs to them for more than a couple of hours;
and we would, as a general rule, also strongly deprecate the practice which prevails here of calling for encores.
This is a practice nearly exploded, except in rare cases, in musical assemblages in Europe.
It is unfair to the artistes themselves, making them undergo a greater degree of fatigue than should in justice be allotted to them,
and in a musical point of view is in the worst possible taste.
It is also unfair to those performers who are towards the latter end naturally enough cut out of the programme altogether,
from the length of time occupied by repeating preceding pieces, and, above all, is calculated to hurt the feelings of those who - |
equally, if not more deserving - are not honoured by a similar call . . .
Mrs. Jupp herself sang pleasingly; she would not thank us for encomiums of a high-flown nature. She is a favourite with the public,
and deservedly so; but her voice, it strikes us, has lost some of the power by which undoubtedly it must have been formerly distinguished . . .
"MR. ELLARD'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (1 November 1851), 2
. . . Mrs. Jupp appeared for Madame Allen, whose absence was occasioned by sudden indisposition. Mrs. Jupp was in excellent voice, and that, together with her clever accompaniment, convinced us that, - notwithstanding her generally admitted ability, she had made some recent improvement. The "Maniac," by Russell, sung by Mrs. Jupp, evinced great powers of expression, and was calculated to produce strong emotion . . .
MUSIC: The maniac (Russell); Wanted a governess (Parry)
"MR. ELLARD'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (3 November 1851), 3
. . . That uncomfortable song the Maniac was well sung by Mrs. Jupp, and made us as wretched as the author we suppose, intended his audience to be . . .
"CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (8 November 1851), 3
. . . Apropos of the pianoforte, we were very much pleased by the performance of Mrs. Jupp, although displayed only in the accompaniment to an excessively disagreeable song. We think this lady has been undervalued, and hope to hear much more or her . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (15 September 1852), 2
MRS. EDWARD JUPP begs to acquaint her Friends and the public of Adelaide, that she connues to gives Lessons on the Pianoforte and Singing. For terms, apply at her residence, Mill-street, adjoining the Adelaide Steam-Mills, Victoria square.
"DIED", South Australian Register (17 January 1853), 2
On Sunday, January 16th, Mr. Edw. Jupp, of Grenfell-street, in the 45th year of his age.
South Australian almanac and directory 1854, 16 (PAYWALL)
Jupp, Catherine, teacher of music, Mill-street, Gouger-street.
"MASTER AND APPRENTICE", Adelaide Observer (20 May 1854), 5
On Tuesday, M. Henry Muirhead, of Hindley-street, watchmaker, was charged before Mr. Wigley, on the information of Mrs. Catherine Jupp, with discharging her son from his service, contrary to the terms of the boy's indentures of apprenticeship . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (3 August 1854), 3
EVENING CONCERT - Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Young.
MRS. EDWARD JUPP Has the honour to inform the residents of Adelaide generally, that her
THIS EVENING, August 3rd, On which occasion she will he assisted by the principal members of the profession.
1. Overture, "Tubal," Mrs. Young and Mr. Linger (C. M. Weber).
2. Song, "Pretty Flower," Mrs. Jupp (Halvy).
Song, "Shall I wasting in Despair," Mr. J. W. Daniel (H. Phillips).
4. Scena and Aria, "Through long dull Years," Madame Cranz, by desire (Linger).
5. Rosellen's celebrated Reverie in G., Mrs. Jupp.
6. The Song of Charlotte Stahley, Miss Chalker (Glover).
7. Duetto, "The Swallows," Madame Cranz and Mr. J. W. Daniel.
1. Overture to "Zampa," Mrs. Jupp and Mr. Bennett (Herold).
2. Duetto, " M'Abbracia," Miss Chalker and Mr. Mitchell (Rossini).
3. Song, "Sweet May," Mrs. Jupp (Kuchen).
4. Song, Mr. Daniel.
5. Song, " When Sorrow Sleepeth," Miss Chalker (E. Lamb).
6. Fantasia Brilliante, Mrs. Jupp (Herz).
7. Song, "An die Bluman," Madama Cranz (Walfram).
8. Song, "Wanted a Governess," Mrs. Jupp (Parry).
9. National Anthem.
Mrs. Jupp begs to state that Miss Horn having received her Harp from England, has kindly
offered her assistance on the occasion of her Concert this evening.
Doors open at half-past 7; to commence at 8 O'clock.
Tickets, 5s. each; can be obtained from the Secretary of the New Exchange; Dr. Frankis, King William-street south;
the Exchange and York Hotels; Mr. Dehane, King William-street; Mr. Dale, Hindley-street;
Mr. G. T. Light, Rundle-street; and at Mrs. Jupp's, Mill-street, adjoining the Adelaide Steam Mills.
MUSIC: Reverie no. 1 in G (Rosellen)
"CONCERT", South Australian Register (4 August 1854), 3
Mrs. Edward Jupp's concert, held last evening in the beautiful Hall of Green's New Exchange, and patronised by His Excellency and Lady Young, was also honoured by the attendance of a highly respectable and numerous audience . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (9 August 1854), 3
[ADVERTISEMENT.] Mrs. EDWARD JUPP, in returning thanks for the kind patronage she received at her Concert on Thursday evening, considers herself justified in stating, that in consequence of the excessive draught in the room, her fingers were so be numbed that she was unable to do justice to the instrumental pieces she selected for the occasion. N.B. - The draft referred to was owing to the room not being finished.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (6 January 1855), 1
THE ADELAIDE INSTITUTION FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES, Tavistock-buildings, Rundle-street (Mr. Heathcote's House),
WILL be OPENED on WEDNESDAY, 17th January, 1855 . . .
3. Psalmody, together with the Practice of Solfeggio, Elementary Exercises, and instruction in the Theory of Vocal Music - Mr. Daniel.
4. Dancing and Deportment - Mr. Watts, Rundle-street . . .
8. Singing - Mrs. Jupp.
9. Pianoforte - Mr. Reyher, Flinders-street and Mrs. Jupp, assisted by Mrs. Nash, and other well-qualified Teachers . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (12 July 1856), 1
MRS. EDWARD JUPP begs to announce to her friends and the public that she continues to give LESSONS on the PIANO and in SINGING, at her Residence, Trafalgar Cottage, East-terrace. N.B. - The purport of this advertisement is to rectify a report that the said Mrs. E. Jupp is not the Mrs. Jupp of Weymouth-street.
"DEATHS", New Zealand Times (8 October 1888), 4
JUPP. - On the 16th October, at Wellington, Catherine, relict of the late Mr. Edward Jupp, and mother of Mrs. C. A. Francis, in her 76th year. JUPP - On the 19th of September, at Sydney, Frederick, sixth son of the late Mr. Edward Jupp, of South Australia, aged 42 years.
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