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Leopold Rawack (Ravac) and Amalia Rawack

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Leopold Rawack (Ravac) and Amalia Rawack", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 20 February 2025

RAWACK, Leopold (RAVAC; Leopold RAVAC, Leopold RAWACK)

Musician, violinist, merchant

Born Gloglau, Silesia, Prussia, c. 1819; son of Jacob RAWACK
Arrived Singapore, 28 December 1844 (per Indiaren, from Hamburg, 4 September)
Arrived (1) Adelaide, SA, 13 April 1846 (passenger per Cacique, from Singapore)
Departed (1) Sydney, 3 September 1846 (per Emerald Isle, for Calcutta)
Married Amalie MAUTHNER, Vienna, Austria, 1854 (registration no. 1854/333)
Arrived (2) Sydney, 22 October 1852 (per Formosa, from Southampton, 7 August)
Died Darlinghurst, 12th January 1873, aged 54 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)



Musician, pianist (pupil of Sigismond Thalberg and Franz Liszt)

Born Pest (Budapest), Hungary, c. 1830-32, daughter of Zacharias MAUTHNER (c.1789-1862) and Theresia PIVIANI (c. 1790-1878)
Married Leopold RAWACK, Vienna, Austria, 1854 (registration no. 1854/333)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 July 1854 (per Norna)
Departed Sydney, 6 February 1861 (per Duncan Dunbar, for London)
Died Vienna, Austria, 15 December 1915 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Summary (Leopold)

According to his 1853 NSW certificate of naturalization, Leopold Rawack was a native of Gloglau, Silesia; as Ludwig Leichhardt had also observed in a letter of 1846.

On tour in Asia and Australia in 1845-46, he claimed to have studied in Paris with Pierre Baillot. If so, this was probably very late in Baillot's life (d. 1842), sometime around 1840.

In 1844, Leopold was advised to make a sea voyage to help restore his frail health; and, on 4 September 1844, he sailed from Hamburg on the Danish ship Indiaren for Singapore, with a travelling companion named Dellvie. Also on the voyage were the merchant trader Theodor August Behn and his wife Caroline, likewise bound for Singapore.

Spelling his surname in the French style as as Ravac, he gave performances on the violin in Hong Kong in May 1845, Batavia in November and December, and in February 1846 in Singapore. In all these places his associate artist was the pianist Ferdinand Fiebig (b. Germany, c. 1801), who had previously been active in London in the 1820s as a composer and musical inventor of a musical instrument he called the "kallifthongon", and was later also known as a photographer.

Parting company with Fiebig at Singapore, he then sailed on the Cacique for Australia, arriving in Adelaide in April 1846. There he gave 2 concerts with pianist Julius Imberg, a pupil of Moscheles, who had himself arrived in South Australia from Bremmen only 3 months earlier.

Among the works he programmed on his Asian and Australasian tour, he repeatedly played Artot's Souvenirs de Bellini (Artot), and Prume's La mélancolie, with Ernst's varaitions, Le carnaval de Venise as a grand finale. Another recent work in his tour repertoire was Theodor Hauman's fantasie on Ma Céline.

Ravac and Imberg continued on from Adelaide with the Cacique, for Melbourne, where they gave two poorly attended concerts in May.

They then left the ship at Launceston, rather than continuing to Sydney, as Ravac had probably first intended. During June and July, the duo gave at least eight concerts in Tasmania, travelling several times between Launceston and Hobart to do so, before sailing from Launceston for Sydney, on the William, on 15 July.

In Sydney, the last stop on his Australian tour, Ravac found a new associate in Stephen Marsh. Marsh and his wife duly sailed with Ravac for Calcutta in September. However, Marsh wrote to friends in Sydney saying that their Indian concerts had been financially unsuccessful, and that he and Ravac had quarrelled, and parted ways. Both reportedly went on to London separately, though Ravac was still in Calcutta as late as January and February 1847. According to an unsubstantiated report from London in the Australian press in early 1848, Ravac had been playing at Drury Lane Theatre, though there is no mention in the English press of a violinist of that name (or Rawack, Rawak) appearing in London at the time.

As Leopold Rawack, he returned to Sydney in 1852, to set up in business as a shipping agent, in partnership with his brother, Theodore, in Hamburg.

In Sydney in February 1853, Rawack was naturalised as a British subject, presumably in preparation for his departure on a business trip to Asia and Europe. He sailed on the Chusan in April 1853, listed as a passenger for Alexandria. But he evidently left the ship early, and in August 1853 arrived in Batavia from Singapore.

If not earlier on his travels, on reaching Europe he must have received the troubling news that his brother had died. Theodore's death, and the predicted demise of the business, had been reported in the London press in February 1853.

In Vienna, early in 1854, Leopold Rawack married Amelie Mauthner, and the couple arrived back in Sydney on the Norna in July.

In Sydney, Rawack resumed public musical activities solely as an amateur. As well as playing as a violinist in its orchestra, Rawack served as a committee member of the Sydney Philharmonic Society. Likewise, he was an amateur performer and member of the organising committee for the Sydney University Musical Festival in July 1859.

Rawack also appeared in public occasionally as a violin soloist, and although, strictly observing his amateur status, he chose not to be billed by name, in a few instances he can be relaibly be identified nevertheless.

For instance, he was evidently the "gentleman amateur" violinist at Amalia's third Sydney concert in May 1858. On that occasion he revived Prume's pastorale La mélancolie, having previously played it widely (as Ravac) on his 1846 Australian tour.

According to an 1877 account, he was well-known in musical circles as leader of an amateur string quartet.

His name last appeared in a musical connection, as a committee member for the Leichhardt Search Fund concert in 1865.

He died at his home in Sydney, on 12 January 1873, reportedly aged 54.

Ludwig and Samuel Rawack, also active in Australia in the 1850s, were evidently relations.

Having, almost certainly, witnessed him playing both in 1846 and the 1850s, in 1892 Francis Campbell Brewer positively identified Ravac/Rawack as one and the same.

Summary (Amalia)

Amalie (in Australia, usually Amalia) was daughter of Zacharias and Theresia Mauthner. She was a pupil of the pianist and composer Anton Halm (1789-1872). She began to appear in public in Vienna in 1844-45 at around the age of 12, as well as giving concerts in Pest (1845), Wieselburg (1845), Karlsbad (1846) and Pressburg (1847). Her early programs included compositions by Hummel, Chopin, Thalberg, Döhler, Halm, Weber, Liszt, Leopold von Meyer, and Émile Prudent.

In late 1853 in Vienna, Amalie met Leopold Rawack, and they married shortly afterward and sailed for Australia. Their only daughter was born in 1856, but died in infancy in February 1858.

Only two months later, Amelia appeared in public as a soloist for the first time, in the first of a series of concerts she gave under her own auspices, and later with and for others, including the Sydney Philharmonic Society.

At one of her concerts, in May 1858, with "a gentleman amateur" violinist (almost certainly her husband Leopold) and the cellist Edward Smith Deane, she gave the local performance of the last three movements of Mendelssohn's Piano trio in D minor, Op. 49.

Edward Boulanger dedicated his Polka di bravura to Amalia, and she gave its first performance in Sydney in July 1858. Boulanger later published it as the Impromptu Polka, in Sydney in 1862, again with the dedication to her.

According to the Novara diarist Karl Scherzer, who met her during the ship's visit to Sydney in November and December 1858, Amalia had intended from first arrival in Australia to return to Vienna as soon as finances allowed. Apart from her concert performances, Sherzer observed, she was much in demand as a teacher:

The most prestigious and richest families in Sydney's regarded it as a special favor and weighed it in gold to have their children trained as pianists by Mrs. R.

She composed a waltz, Novara-Klänge, in celebration of the ship's visit. It was published in Germany in 1860, but was plausibly originally destined for, and performed by, the ship's own band.

Reported in Sydney to be only a visit, Amalie sailed for Vienna in February 1861, but she never returned. She evidently divorced Leopold, for in Vienna in 1865 she married the pianist Julius Epstein (1832-1918).



Vienna (Amalie, 1845)

[Review], Der Wanderer 32/12 (14 January 1845), 48 

Wiener Concert-Conversation. (Alfred Jaell's zweites Concert. Sonntag am 12. Jänner im Saale der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde.) . . . Alfred Jaell spielte heute die "Lucrezia-Borgia - Phantasie" und die "Stumme von Portici-Phantasie" von Thalberg, dann "Elegie" von Heinrich Albin, "Etude für die linke Hand" von Döhler, das "Kindermährchen" (zweimal) von Moschelles, und endlich mit Amalie Mauthner das neueste Duo concertant über Norma - Motive von Thalberg . . . Die Aufnahme Jaell's von Seite des zahkreich versammelten Publicums war eine fehr ehrenvolle; besonders lebhaft war der Beifall während der letzten Piece, die aber auch ganz vortrefflich von der talentvollen, liebenswürdigen Amalie Mauthner und dem Concertgeber in der geschmackvollsten, graziösesten Zusammenwirkung vorgetragen wurde ...

[Review], Der Wanderer 32/31 (5 February 1845), 124 

Baron Klesheim's Akademie zu Wiener-Neustadt. Am 24. Jänner 1845. (Schluß) Außer dem Genannten nahmen an dieser Akademie noch folgende Beschäftigte Theil: 1. die zwölfjährige Pianistin Amalie Mauthner. Ich habe den Taufschein des Mädchens nicht eingesehen und kann onach nicht verbürgen, ob Amalia Mauthner nicht einige Jährchen über das angegebene Dutzend aufzuweisen vermöchte; im merhin, sie bleibt eine seltene Erscheinung und ich wünschte dieselbe nach 12 Jahren zu hören, wenn es übrigens zu dieser Zeit ja noch Concerte und Concertirende gibt. Amalie Mauthner spielte ihre beiden Piecen (ich habe kein Programm bei der Hand, um sie mit Namen zu nennen) auf einem herrlichen Streicher'schen Flügel, welchen ein Verfertiger zu diesem Zwecke unentgeldlich hieher sfchaffen ließ.

China and Hong Kong (Leopold, May to July 1845)

28 May 1845, Leopold Rawack, with Ferdinand Fiebig (piano), Hong Kong

[Advertisement], The Friend of China and Hong Kong Gazette (28 May 1845), 796 (transcr. Sweeting, Education in Hong Kong, 24-25)

NOTICE. MESSRS. FIEBIG & RAVAC beg respectfully to announce to the Public that on Thursday the 29th inst. they intend giving AN EVENING CONCERT In which with the kind permission of Colonel Reynolds and the Officers of the 18th Royal Irish, they will be assisted by The Military Band of that Regiment.
1. Cavatine from the Semiramis by Rossini - Military Band.
2. Souvenir de Bellini by Artot for Violin - Ravac.
3. La Sarabanda, Grand divertimento for Pianofort composed for this occasion - Fiebig.
4. Da Melancholie, by Prume, for Violin - Ravac.
5. Duetts, Romeo and Julietta, by Bellini - Military Band.
6. Adagio elegico, by Ernst for Violin - Ravac.
7. The Cells, composed and played by - Fiebig.
8. Carnival of Venice, Variations by Ernst & Ravac - Ravac.
9. God save the Queen - Military Band.
Reserved seats, $5, unreserved seats, $3. Tickets may be had on application at Mr. C. W. BOWRA or at the office of the Chinese Mail. The Concert will commence at 8 o'clock precisely.

MUSIC: Souvenirs de Bellini (Artot); La mélancolie (Prume); Elegie (Ernst); Le carnaval de Venise (Ernst)

[News], The Straits Times [Singapore] (15 July 1845), 2 

We understand that Messrs. Fiebig and Ravac, who are now engaged in a series of Concerts at Hongkong, may shortly be expected at Singapore. We await their arrival with some degree of pleasure, as, from the favourable accounts received of their success in Hongkong, we are led to anticipate that during their stay here we shall have frequent opportunities of listening to their vocal performances [sic].

Batavia (November and December 1846)

24 November 1845, Batavia

[Advertisement], Javasche courant (22 November 1845), 10 

THEATRE FRANÇAIS DE BATAVIA. Lundi, 24 Novembre 1845 . . .
UN INTERMÈDE MUSICAL. Dans lequel ou entendra M. RAVAC; violiniste.
PROGRAMME . . . 5o. Souvenir de Bellini, et accompagnée sur le piano M. le professeur Fiebic [sic] . . .

[Review], Javasche courant (29 November 1845), 1 

Bij gelegenheid van de tooneelvoorstelling van laatstleden maandag is een intermede musical gegeven, waarin onderscheiden anistes zich hebben doen hooren. Onder deze heeft de algemeene tevredenheid in hooge mate mogen wegdragen de heer Ravac, dezer dagen van Manilla alhier aangekomen . . .

See English translation (Singapore, The Straits Times, 25 February 1846) below

3 December 1845, Batavia

[Advertisement], Javasche courant (3 December 1845), 10 

Donée par M. L. RAVAC, dans la Salle de Spectacle de Batavia.
Mercredi 3 Décembre 1835 . . .
PROGRAMME DU CONCERT. Première Partie . . .
3o. Souvenir de Bellini, exécuté par M. Ravac . . .
5o. "Ma Céline", Fantaisie pour le violin, exécuté par M. Ravac . . .
Deuxième Partie . . .
3o. La Mélancolie, Pastorale de Prume, pour le violin, exécuté par M. Ravac . . .
5o. Le Carnaval de Venice, exécuté par M. Ravac.
Le Piano sera tenu par M. le professeur Fiebig.
Le Concert Commencera à 7 heures.

[Review], Javasche courant (6 December 1845), 5

Het aangekondigde Concert van den heer L. Ravac heeft op woensdag avond in de schouwburgzaal plaats gehad en ten volle aan de daarvan gekoesterde verwachting beantwoord. In het vroeger aangekondigde programma is eenige verandering gebragt, hebbende de fransche tooneellisten zich bereid beloond om door de opvoering van de vaudeville Jovial ou l'huissier chansonnier lot het genoegen van den avond bij te dragen . . .

De concert gever, de heer Ravac heeft vier stukken uitgevoerd, welke alle met ingespannen aandacht aangeboord en met daverend handgeklap toegejuicht zijn geworden. Wij hebben ons gevoelen over het meesterlijk spel van dezen toonkunsienaar reeds in een vorig nommer medegedeeld en zullen dus in geene herhalingen treden, alleen opmerkende dat de heer Ravac de verwachting van het publiek zoo mogelijk nog heeft overtroffen. Wij hopen dat hij Batavia niet zal verlaten zonder zich andermaal te hebben doen hooren.

See English translation (Singapore, The Straits Times, 25 February 1846) below

23 December 1845, Batavia

[News], Javasche courant (17 December 1845), 1 

Uit het programma , voorkomende in de laatste kolom van ons tegenwoordig nummer, blijkt dat de heer Ravac, vóór zijn vertrek van hier, nog een Concert zal geven inde schouwburgzaal, en zulks op Dingsdag den 23sten dezer. Wij wenschen dien reizenden toonkunstenaar een talrijk auditorium too.

[Advertisement], Javasche courant (20 December 1845), 8 

Donné dans la Salle de Spectacle de Batavia, par M. LÉOPOLD RAVAC, Mardi, 23 Decembre 1845.
PROGRAMME. Première Partie . . .
2o. Troisième Concerto de Bériot, pour le violin, exécuté par M. Ravac . . .
5o. Troisième Concert de Bériot, adagio et allegretto, exécuté par M. Ravac . . .
Deuxième Partie . . .
2o. La Mélancolie, Pastorale de Prume, pour le violin, exécuté par M. Ravac . . .
4o. Le Carnaval de Venice, exécuté par M. Ravac.
Le Piano sera tenu par M. Fiebig . . .
des Billets . . . chez M. RAVAC, à l'hôtel de Provence . . .
Le Concert Commencera à 7 heures.


Singapore (February 1846)

5 February 1846, arrived from Batavia

[Shipping], The Straits Times (7 February 1846), 2 

Feb. 5th. - Dutch Steamer "Bromo" from Batavia, Messrs. Embracht and Ravac . . .

23 February 1846, concert

[Advertisement], The Straits Times (21 February 1846), 2 

GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. MR. RAVAC has the honour to announce that he proposes to give a Grand Musical Entertainment at Singapore.
The assistance of Professor Fiebig and the Amateur Band has been kindly offered for the occasion.
Monday 23rd February.
2. Souvenir de Bellini. Fantasia for violin. Executed by Mr. RAVAC . . .
4. Ma Celine. Fantasia for violin. Executed by Mr. RAVAC . . .
6. La Melancholie. Pastorale for Violin. Executed by Mr. RAVAC.
7. Le Carneval de Venise. Executed by Mr. RAVAC.
Mr. Professor Fiebig will accompany on the Pianoforte . . .

"MR. RAVAC'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Straits Times (21 February 1846), 2 

We beg to remind our readers, that on Monday evening the above entertainment will come off. From what we read in the China, Manilla, and Batavia papers we were led to form a high estimation of Mr. Ravac's powers as a violinist. We have since had the pleasure of hearing that Gentleman play several Solos in private, and we frankly admit that, we were greatly surprised at the tones, and the most delicate enharmonious relations which were produced by the action of the fingers on the strings, whilst the bow elicited notes that would have fascinated the ear of Apollo himself. Mr. Ravac's execution is perfect; the harmony subdues every thought into ecstatic admiration, and the ear is titilated, as it were, until the listener is enchanted by the magical spirit-subduing spell. Mesmeric influences could not have rivitted the favored few who heard Mr. Ravac more closely to the spot than did, the intonations of the violin in the hands, of so admirable a performer. To hear such sounds we would willingly pay treble the cost of teckets, were no other entertainment provided; but when, in addition to the once-in-an-age-luxury which Mr. Ravac's instrumental talents offer, we add that Professor Fiebig (himself a host,) will accompany on the Piano-Forte, and the pleasures of the evening be further augmented by the well-tested and ever admired Amateur Band, we certainly think our singapore folks will never forgive themselves, should they allow the opportunity to pass - it will the an ONLY opportunity as we believe, Mr. Ravac will quit out Settlement next week. We have no fear that our present notice will be charged with flattery by any one who has heard, or may hear, Mr. Ravac; the violin in the hands of that Gentleman, is made to speak a language that defies all efforts of the tongue to utter, or the pen to indite!

"MR. RAVAC'S MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Straits Times (25 February 1846), 2 

On Monday evening last the above entertainment came off at the Singapore public Rooms, and a most agreeable interlude it was . . . The uniform praise bestowed on Mr. Ravac at Hongkong, Manila, and Batavia, attest that musical talent is rewarded as it deserves. We annext a translation of two notices from the Java Courant which cannot fail to interest our reader:

". . . Mr. Ravac, a German by birth, received his musical instruction from the famous Baillot at Paris, where he exhibited several times with much success. Last year he was advised to make a sea voyage to restore his tottering health; in consequence of this recommendation he embarked at Hamburg on board a merchant vessel bound to China. At Hongkong, Canton, and Macao his talents were universally admired and whenever he was heard loud and long was the general applause bestowed upon him: the Chinese papers of July last have given their testimonial of this fact. From China he sailed to Manila where the same favorable enthusiasm awaited him; the Philharmonie established at Manila named him an honorary Director of their society and honoured him by presenting him with a gold medal . . . Courant. Nov. 29.

". . . Courant. Dec. 5."

"MR. RAVAC'S CONCERT", The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (26 February 1846), 2 

We were on Monday evening greatly gratified and delighted with an entertainment which though appealing to the senses, like all Music, was nevertheless both rational and intellectual, and for which we are indebted to the talents of M. RAVAC, Professor FIEBIG, and the able assistance of a few Gentlemen Amateurs . . .

Seldom has Singapore been visited to so able a performer on the Violin, never certainly since the year 1832 when Sr. MASSONI touched here on his way to Calcutta . . .

. . . M. RAVAC, we believe, has since left this [place] for Sydney but proposes to touch here in about four or five months on his way to Calcutta, when we hope again to have the delight of listening to his masterly performances.

Australia (13 April to 3 September 1846)

Adelaide, SA (13 to 25 April 1846)

"ADELAIDE SHIPPING (From the South Australian Gazette, April 18) ARRIVED", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (28 April 1846), 2 

April 13. - Cacique, McKie, from Singapore. Passengers - Jose D' Almeida, Esq., Mr. Ravac.

21 and 24 April 1846, 2 concerts, Freemasons' Tavern, Adelaide

[Advertisement], South Australian (21 April 1846), 1 

FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! Grand Musical Entertainment.
MR. RAVAC has the honour to announce that he purposes to provide a grand musical entertainment at the Freemasons' Tavern, in Adelaide, on the evening of Tuesday next, April 21st, upon which occasion the assistance of Mr. Jmberg has been most kindly offered, and when the performances will be in accordance with the following
1. Overture to Massaniello - Mr. Jmberg
2. Souvenir de Bellini, fantasia for violin, executed by Mr. Ravac
3. Fantasia for piano, theme by Bellini, executed by Mr. Jmberg
4. Ma Céline, fantasia for violin - Mr. Ravac
5. Ecco ridente, fantasia for piano, theme by Rossini - Mr. Jmberg
6. La Mélancolie, pastorale for violin - Mr. Ravac
7. Air varie, for piano - Mr. Jmberg
8. Le Carnaval de Venise - Mr. Ravac
Tickets of admission, 5s. each, may be had at Mr John Stephens's, Bookseller and Stationer, Hindley-street; and at Mr. Platts's library, Hindley-street.
The doors will be open at seven o'clock, the performance commencing at eight o'clock precisely.

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (22 April 1846), 3

"Local News", South Australian (24 April 1846), 3 

On Tuesday evening, Mr. Ravac gave his concert at the Freemason's Tavern, and we feel great pleasure in reporting that it even surpassed the expectations formed of it. Mr. Ravac (who, we understand, is voyaging for his health), is a violin player of very high ability. Indeed, connosseurs consider that he would be acknowledged in Europe as a first-rate performer. It is, therefore, needless to say that we enjoyed the entertainment. Each of his solos were listened to with breathless attention; and the "Carnival of Venice," with the extraordinary pizzicato passages, a la Paganini, was enthusiastically encored. Mr. Imberg played on the piano some brilliant variations by Hunter [Hunten], and two or three pleasing fantasies, with splendid execution. The audience departed well content with the concert, though by two person only. We are delighted to observe, from an advertisement in another column, that Mr. Ravac will favor the public with another entertainment this evening, in which he will be assisted with the valuable vocal services of Mrs. Murray.

[Advertisement], South Australian (24 April 1846), 2 

MR. RAVAC, at the request of many gentlemen who were present at the Musical Entertainment on Tuesday evening last, has determined on its repetition at the same place (the "Freemason's Tavern," Pirie-street) this evening.
He regrets that, leaving the colony by the Cacique, he is unable to give a longer notice.
The performances will be in accordance with the following
1. Overture, Nozze de Figaro, by Rossini, for four hands - Mrs. Murray and Mr. Jmberg.
2. Fantasia for violin, of Elisir d'Amore - Mr. Ravac.
3. Song - Mrs. Murray.
4. Fantasia for piano - Mr. Jmberg.
6, Elegie, for violin, Adagio Mélancolie - Mr. Ravac.
6. Song - Mrs. Murray.
7. Air Varie, for violin, by Beriot - Mr. Ravac.
8. Fantasia, for piano, of Bellini - By Mr. Jmberg.
9. Le Carnaval de Venise, for violin - Mr. Ravac.
Mr. Ravac will be accompanied by Mr. Jmberg, on the Piano.
Tickets of admission, 5s. each . . .

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (25 April 1846), 3

Last night, the good folk of Adelaide had again the gratification of listening to Mr. Ravac's enchanting performances upon that prince of instruments (when in the hands of an accomplished master), the violin. Unfortunately the weather turned out extremely unfavourable towards the afternoon, and continued so during the whole of the evening, which rendered it quite impossible for there to be such an overflowing attendance as the fame of that gentleman's previous display of his extraordinary abilities on the evening of Tuesday last, would, otherwise, undoubtedly have insured. But, notwithstanding this unpropitious circumstance, Mr. Ravac must have felt assured of the due appreciation of his high talent by the admirers of music in Adelaide, when he saw how many of our fair ones braved the adverse elements, in order to enjoy so great a treat as they were led to anticipate from his final entertainment at the "Freemason's Tavern." He may have noticed, very probably, also, that a great proportion of the visitors, last evening, were the same individuals that attended his first Concert, a few evenings before: a circumstance that must constitute as gratifying a compliment to him as a public performer, as even the enthusiastic applause that justly awaited him at the termination of each seperate piece, and which occasionally interrupted him, from an evidently and consciously irresistable impulse, during its execution, on the occurrence of any passage of superlative merit.

Mr. Ravac's performances of last night consisted of a Fantasia of Elisir d' Amore, an Elegie, Adagio Melancolie, an Air Varie, by Beriot, and the celebrated Carnaval de Venise of which, with the exception of the last, we scarcely know which claims the preference, each having inexpressible beauties and charms of its own, when under the witchery of this wizard's touch. The two last named pieces, the enchanted audience could not for the life and soul of them refrain from encoring, con amore, and Mr. Ravac with great promptness and good nature, complied with the request both times. Mr. Ravac is, unquestionably, a violin player - of the very first class. All the greatest difficulties on that truly difficult instrument, are mastered by him with consummate ease. Staccatos, Arpeggios, Pizzicatos, and Flageolet, he surpasses in them all, and his execution of such passages is of that high order that we have only heard from the most celebrated performers in Paris and London. In his Staccatos more especially we think he may safely defy all competition. At the same time his entire performance is full of the sweetest expression and feeling. His transitions from any particular notes to others at a very considerable interval are managed with amazing delicacy and softness, his cadencies [sic] are exquisitely tender, and his runs, especially in the most piano passages, are beautifully clear and distinct.

We understand that Mr. Ravac has been most cordially received in all the places which he has lately visited, viz: Hongkong, Canton, Macao, Manilla, Batavia, and Singapore, and likewise in South Australia, and as he is about to call at Sydney and Hobart Town and probably also Port Phillip, we are wishful to acquaint our friends in all those places of the grand treat that is in store for them, whenever Mr. Ravac makes his appearance among them; at the same time, from what we know of our neighbours we are quite sure we may safely promise Mr. Ravac a hearty and enthusiastic reception in each and all of the Australasian colonies.

We cannot close this notice of Mr. Ravac's splendid performances on the violin, without congratulating the musical world of Adelaide on the acquisition of another talented performer on the piano-forte, Mr. Jmberg, whose introduction to the public has been one feature in these concerts of Mr. Ravac. Mr. Jmberg accompanied Mr. Ravac on the piano with much judgment, and his solo performances were listened to with great pleasure. He has considerable execution and taste. He also played two duetts with Mrs. Murray, one the overture to the Nozze de Figaro, the other, the overture to the Maid of Artois, which were both deservedly applauded. Mrs. Murray also sung "I'll be there" a pretty gentle song, and likewise an Italian song which required considerable powers of execution, and was much admired.

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Imberg (pianist); Georgiana Murray (pianist, vocalist)

"ADELAIDE SHIPPING . . . CLEARED OUT", South Australian Register (25 April 1846), 2 

Friday, April 24 . . . The barque Cacique, 150 tons, J. D. McKie, master, for Launceston. Passengers J. Almeida, jun. Esq., Mr Ravac, and Mr. and Mrs. Cobham . . .

Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (11 to 21 May 1846)

"Shipping Intelligence", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (12 May 1846), 2


May 11. - Cacique, barque, McKie, master, from Singapore via Adelaide the 27th April. Passengers, J. Almeida, jun., supercargo, Mr. and Mrs. Cobham, Mr L. Ravac, and Mr. Imberg.

"THE VIOLIN", Geelong Advertiser and Squatters' Advocate (13 May 1846), 2 

A Mr. Ravac has just arrived from South Australia, where he has been astonishing the natives as a first-rate violinist - at least so say the papers. We learn that Mr. La Trobe, who scrapes in this line in a very creditable manner, can only play "second fiddle" to Mr. Ravac, who has expressed his intention to show his powers in a concert yet to be announced. - Herald.

15 and 19 May 1846, 2 Melbourne concerts, Prince of Wales Hotel

[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (15 May 1846), 3 

Grand Musical Entertainment,
Mr. Ravac HAS the honour to announce that he purposes to provide a grand Musical Entertainment at
Mr. JMBERG, from Adelaide, will assist at the Piano. The performance will be as follow:
1 Overture to Massaniello - MR. JMBERG
2 Souvenirs de Bellini, Fantasia for Violin - MR. RAVAC.
3 Fantasia for Piano, theme by Bellini - MR. JMBERG.
4 Ma Celino, Fantasia for Violin - MR. RAVAC.
SECOND PART. 5 Ecco Ridente, Fantasia for Piano, theme by Rossini - MR. RAVAC
6 La Melascolie, Pastorale for Violin - MR. RAVAC
7 Fantasia ds Thalberg sur le theme - MR. JMBERG
The performance commencing at eight o'clock precisely.
Tickets of admission, 7s 6d each, may be had at the Patriot Office; at the "Prince of Wales;" and at Mr. Pullar's, Stationer, Collins-street.

"MR. RAVAC'S ENTERTAINMENT", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (16 May 1846), 2 

"MONSIEUR RAVAC'S CONCERT", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (16 May 1846), 2 

"MR. RAVAC'S CONCERT", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (19 May 1846), 2 

We would remind our readers of the rich musical treat prepared for them this evening at the Prince of Wales . . . It is somewhat remarkable that in Adelaide, where the population is about one-third of that of Melbourne, Mr. Ravac's performances "in spite of wind and weather," invariably attracted a crowded assembly . . . Messrs. Ravac and Jmberg purpose visiting Launceston en route to Sydney per the Cacique.

[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (19 May 1846), 3 

Grand Musical Entertainment.
AT the request of many gentlemen who were present at the Musical Entertainment on Friday evening, has determined on its repetition at the same place
(PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL,) This Evening, Tuesday, May 19.
He regrets that, leaving this Colony by the Cacique, he is unable to give a longer notice.
Mr. Clarke has kindly given his assistance for this occasion.
The performance will be in accordance with the following: -
1. - Overture, Don Giovanni, duet - piano Mozart - MR. CLARKE AND MR. JMBERG.
2.- Air varie de Beriot, for violin, by - MR. RAVAC.
3. - Fantasia, for piano - MR. JMBERG.
4. - Le Melancolie Pastorale, for violin, by - MR. RAVAC.
1.- Overture, Dame Blanche, duet piano - MR. C. & MR. J.
2.- Fantasia, for violin, of Elisir d' Amore, by - MR. RAVAC.
3. - Fantasia, for piano, sur le theme - "God save the Queen," by - Mr. JMBERG.
4.- LE CARNIVAL DE VENISE, for violin - MR. RAVAC.
MR. R., will be accompanied by Mr J. at the Piano.
Tickets of admission, 5s. each; and for family tickets to admit five, One Guinea, may be had at the Patriot Office, Prince of Wales, and at Mr. Pullar's, Collins-street.
The performance commences at Eight o'clock precisely.

"MR. RAVAC'S SECOND CONCERT", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (20 May 1846), 2 

A highly respectable, and rather numerous audience were present at Mr. Ravac's concert last night, at the "Prince of Wales Hotel" - for unfavourable as were the circumstances which conspired to defeat the success of this artist's first appearance, his superior talent enabled him to surmount them, and establish a reputation, which was quickly re-echoed through our musical circles. In consequence of the absence of Mr. Clarke, the programme was altered - and the opening performance L'Italiani in Algeri substituted for "Giovanni" - but marred by the instrument, and the dampers being out of order, gave the idea that the performer was mismanaging his pedals. Air varie (de Beriot), violin by Mr. Ravac, was more bizarre than on the former occasion - it was a close imitation of de Beriot's style of playing, particularly in the wonderful precision with which the latter made his stoccatoes [sic], of six and often eight octaves, which Mr. Ravac performed - a merveille; we also noticed another De Beriot-ism - his playing over the finger-board. La Melancolie was rapturously received. We prefer his Adagios to any of his efforts, although he evidently fancies more florid passages - "Le Carnival de Venise," - a great favorite with Paganini, and an intricately difficult work, abounding with contrasts, is evidently considered by Mr. Ravac as his own particular crack morceau. We are not sufficiently acquainted with the composition itself to speak critically of his execution of it - but must record the powerful effect which it produced upon his auditors, who, in their enthusiastic admiration, frequently interrupted the performance by a running accompaniment of applause. An Elegie by Ernst deserves the highest commendation, as also his performances of Souvenirs de Bellini, in which passages from Somnambula and (Tu Vedrai) from Norma, were played with the most thrilling effect.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Clarke (pianist; in the event, did not appear)

"Shipping Intelligence", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (21 May 1846), 2 

The Cacique, barque, Captain J. D. McKie, clears out this morning, for Launceston. - Passen gers- J. D'Almaida, Esq., M. Ravac, and M. Jmberg . . .

Launceston and Hobart, VDL (TAS) (29 May to 15 July 1846)

"Shipping Intelligence. LAUNCESTON . . . ARRIVALS", Launceston Examiner (30 May 1846), 5 

May 29. - Barqne Cacique, 150 tons, McKee, master, from Melbourne; Kerr, Bogle & Co., agents. Passengers - Messrs. J. D. Almaida, S. Ravac, J. Eniburgh [sic],, Mr. & Mrs. Cobham.

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Launceston Examiner (30 May 1846), 4 

Some professional gentlemen of celebrity have arrived by the Cacique, and intend giving a concert here before proceeding to Hobart Town. Mr. Ravac, the principal performer, is spoken of in terms of unqualified admiration. Upon reference to the Singapore, South Australian, and Port Phillip papers, we find flattering notices of his entertainments, and can venture to anticipate a treat not often experienced in this dull locality. At Hong Kong, Manila, Batavia, and Singapore, as well as Adelaide and Melbourne, Mr. Ravac appears to have received an uniform praise; and the highest attestation is borne to his surpassing abilities as a violinist. In the Straits Times and Singapore Journal of 25th Feb. we find the following notice:

"Mr. Ravac, a German by birth, received his musical instruction from the famous Baillot at Paris, where he exhibited several times with much success. Last year he was advised to make a sea voyage in order to restore his tottering health; in consequence of this recommendation he embarked at Hambro on board a merchant vessel bound to China. At Hongkong, Canton, and Macao, his talents were universally admired, and whenever he was heard loud and long was the general applause bestowed upon him: the Chinese newspapers of July last have given their testimony of this fact. From China he sailed to Manila, where the same favorable enthusiasm awaited him; the Philharmonie established at Manila named him honorary director of their society, and honoured him by presenting him with a gold medal."

3 June 1846, concert, School-room, Launceston

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (3 June 1846), 1 

MR. RAVAC has the honour to announce that he proposes giving a GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, on WEDNESDAY evening next, at the School-room, Cameron-street.
The excellent band of the 96th regiment will, by kind permission of Col. Cumberland, assist at the entertainment.
The performances will be as follows.
1. Overture, de la Prize d'Alger par Brepsant, executed by the Military Band.
2. Souvenirs de Bellini, for violin, by Mr. Ravac.
3. Fantasia de Hünton, for piano, by Mr. Anderson.
4. Aria and Chorus, opera Belisario, (Donnizetti), by the Band.
5. La M6lancholia, pastorale for violin, by Mr. Ravac.
6. Overture, Anna Bolena (Donizetti), by the Band.
7. Fantasia de Thalberg, for piano, by Mr. Imberg.
8. Finale, Lucrezia Borgia, (Donnizetti) by the Band.
9. Le Carneval de Venize, (Paganini), for violin, by Mr. Ravac.
God Save the Queen, by the Band.
MR. RAVAC will be accompanied on the pianoforte by MR. IMBERG.
Tickets of admission, 5s. each, to be had at Mr. Tegg's and Mr. Dowling's, Brisbane-street, and the offices of the Examiner and Cornwall Chronicle newspapers.
The performance will commence at eight o'clock. May 30.

"MR. RAVAC'S MUSICAL SOIREE", Launceston Advertiser (4 June 1846), 3 

. . . Mr. Ravac and Mr. Imberg proceed to Hobart Town to-morrow . . .

See also "FROM THE LAUNCESTON ADVERTISER, JUNE 4. MR. RAVAC'S MUSICAL SOIREE", The Courier [Hobart] (6 June 1846), 3 

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Cornwall Chronicle (6 June 1846), 429 

"MR. RAVAC'S CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (10 June 1846), 4 

. . . We are glad to hear that Mr. Ravac intends returning to Launceston from Hobart Town before proceeding to Sydney. Hundreds here are anxiously anticipating the enjoyment of which they were not partakers on the last occasion.

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 96th Regiment; James Henri Anderson (piano)

12 June 1846, concert, Music Hall, Hobart Town

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (12 June 1846), 2 

MR. RAVAC has the honor to announce, that he purposes to provide a Grand Musical Entertainment, in the Music Hall, Collins-street, THIS EVENING, the 12th instant. The performances will be as follow:
1. Overture.
2. Souvenirs de Bellini, for Violin, by Mr. Ravac.
3. Fantasia de Thalberg, for Piano, by Mr. Finberg [sic].
4. La Melancholia, Pastorale, Violin, by Mr. Ravac.
1. Overture.
2. Air Varié de Beriott, for Violin, by Mr. Ravac.
3. Fantasia de Thalberg, on the Theme, "God save the Queen," for Piano, by Mr. Finberg.
4. Le Carnival de Venise, for Violin, by Mr. Ravac.
Mr. Ravac will be accompanied on the Piano by Mr. Finberg.
Tickets of admission, 6s. each, to be had at Mr. Walch's und Mr. Barfoot's, Stationers, and at this Office.
The performances will commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
June 12, 1846.

"THE CONCERT", The Courier (17 June 1846), 2

"The Concert", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (18 June 1846), 3 

We were agreeably surprised to see the Music Hall, on Friday evening last, so well attended, considering that the tickets of admission were six shillings each, a price far beyond the amount most persons can afford under the existing circumstances of the times. About one hundred, however, were present, many of them well able to appreciate the extraordinary talent evinced by M. Ravac. We have never heard such a performance out of England, and to attempt any thing more than a very brief description of it, would be as futile, as absurd. It was a treat of the richest kind to the professional musician, and the amateur, and also, to those, who, having souls for melody, yet have no practical knowledge of the art. We could allude to it in terms of enthusiasm, so perfect are his instrumental powers. The manner of Mr. Ravac's performance is that of the foreign schools; M. Leffler's style is mild, although sufficiently energetic, and always gentlemanly, without any action of the body, throwing about of the head, and arms, or other outward appearance of what is passing mentally within. We have always considered M. Leffler's fingering of the violin, and his movements of the bow, such as are seldom exceeded, and not often equalled, away from the European operas. Mr. Ravac is of another teaching, and, in the unbounded enthusiasm he apparently entertains for sound, his whole soul is thrown into its production, on the correctness of which even his life appears to hang. He is therefore the very contrast to Mr. Leffler in that respect, for every muscle is thrown into action; - we do not mean to say, vulgarly so, on the contrary, the style is amusing. As an instance: He is about to produce some extremely difficult note; the bow is on the string, his head is down, almost upon it, listening like a mother for the first note of her newborn child; it thrills the air, or merely whispers joy, or sorrow, and that first note is over; then on, and on, and on, in a, manner, as we have already said, indescribable. M. Ravac had been highly spoken of by several Provincial Newspapers, and we also gladly respond to his merits. He is a foreigner, come amongst us in the time of peace; he comes, not only for his own advantage, but, his coming shows to what excellence of sound the violin can be made available, when in the hands of a Master. We wish him every success, and, that he may leave the Colony for his native land, (after having travelled through several others,) impressed with a kindly feeling, not only for any attentions he may receive as a private individual, but from the generous consideration which we hope will be shown to his undoubted talent. We take the liberty of asking, would it not be well for the Choral Society to receive him as an Honorary Member, and give him, as a first class performer, and a respectable foreigner, a public reception?

17 and 22 June 1846, second and third Launceston concerts

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (17 June 1846), 5 

Mr. RAVAC has the honour to announce that he will give his LAST ENTERTAINMENT in LAUNCESTON THIS EVENING (Wednesday, June 17), at the School-room, Elizabeth-street, (near St. John's Church.)
1. Overture, De Semiramis (Rossini) - Military Band.
2. Concertino by Beriot, for Violin, Mr. Ravac.
3. Fantasia, for Piano, Mr. Anderson.
4. Cavatina, Papataci che mai sento (Rossini), the Band.
5. L'EIegia, Chant for Violin, Mr. Ravac.
1. Overture, L'Italiana in Algieri (Rossini), the Band.
2. Air varie de Beriot,for Violin, Mr. Ravac.
3. Fantasia, on theme "God save the Queen," for Piano, Mr. Imberg.
4. Cavatini Opera Belisario (Donizetti), the Band.
5. Le Carneval de Venise, Mr. Ravac.
God save the Queen, by the Band.
Tickets, 5s. each; family ticket (for five), 21s. . . .

"RAVAC again . . .", Launceston Advertiser (18 June 1846), 2 

"MR. RAVAC'S MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Cornwall Chronicle (20 June 1836), 469 

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (20 June 1846), 473 

GRAND CONCERT. MR. RAVAC HAVING been detained in Launceston a few days longer than he expected, will have the honor of complying with the general desire, that he would repeat his performance in Launceston. On Monday Evening next, June 22, 1846, In the Schoolroom, Elizabeth-street.
1. Overture, The Statue (Rossini) - Military Band.
2. 18th Concerto de Beriot, for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
3. Fantasia, Piano-forte - Mr. Anderson.
4. Souvenirs de Bellini - Mr. Ravac.
5. Air varie, for Piano - Mr. Imberg.
1. Quartette, "II Puritani" (Bellini) - The Band.
2. Fantasia, D'Elizir d'Amore, for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
3, Cavatina, Scaramucia (Donizetti) - The Band.
4. Romance, de Lucrezia Borgia, for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
5. Solo, "The Little Savoyard," a study for the Violin by - Mr. Ravac.
6. Duetto, Sonambula (Bellini) - The Band.
7. Le Carneval de Venise - Mr. Ravac.
God Save the Queen, by the Band.v Tickets, 5s. each . . .

"MONSIEUR RAVAC'S CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (24 June 1846), 6 

25 June 1846, second Hobart concert

[Advertisement], The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (25 June 1846), 1 

"MR. RAVAC'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (26 June 1846), 3

Last evening, Mr. Ravac's Concert was given at the Mechanics' Institute, to a numerous and very genteel audience. The admiration of our neighbouring contemporaries is not without good cause, for decidedly Mr. Ravac is a wonderful performer; not, however, as to the power and force of his instrument, but for the fine tone and feeling - nay, indeed, of sentiment itself - which he expresses. His first piece, a concertino from D'Beriot, was the least pleasing, and his last, "Le Carneval de Venise," arranged by himself, the most attractive. To our taste, however, his adagio performances are the most pleasing and delightful, breathing, as they do, the very soul of melancholy and pathos, and thus constituting the very poetry of music. The audience was perfectly entranced during Mr. Ravac's performance, and the applause which burst upon him at the conclusion, evinced no less admiration for the performer than their own decided gratification; he is, in our opinion, the greatest genius as a violinist that has appeared in this quarter of the globe . . .

"THE CONCERT", The Courier (27 June 1846), 3 

2 July 1846, last concert, Hobart Town

[Advertisement], The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (2 July 1846), 3 

9 July 1846, "farewell" concert, Launceston

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (9 July 1846), 1 

"MR. RAVAC'S FAREWELL CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (11 July 1846), 4 

15 July 1846, morning concert, Launceston

[News], Launceston Advertiser (13 July 1846), 2 

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (15 July 1846), 1 

"Launceston Shipping List", Launceston Advertiser (16 July 1846), 2 

July 15 - Brig, William, 121 tons, J. Thom, master, for Sydney; F. W. Townley, agent. Passengers - Major Wentworth. Mrs. Wentworth, Monsieur Ravac, Monsieur Imberg . . .

Sydney, NSW (27 July to 3 September 1846)

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1846), 2 

July 27 - William brig, 149 tons, Captain Thom, from Launceston, the 18th instant. Passengers - Major Wentworth, Mrs. Wentworth, Mr. Ravac, Mr. Jmberg and servant . . .

"Music", The Spectator (1 August 1846), 333 

The Farewell Concert of Mons. and Mdme. Gautrot took place on Wednesday last in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel . . . the friendly exertions of Mrs. Bushelle and her brother Mr. S. W. Wallace, compensated for the various drawbacks of the evening . . . Mr. S. W. Wallace (in Mayseder's celebrated Air in E) seemed resolved to surpass all former efforts. Perhaps the presence of Mon. Ravac in the saloon was an additional excitement to him; at all events, he appears determined to admit no rival near his throne, and Mon. Ravac must strain every nerve if he aims at supplanting him . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist and vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violinist)

Ludwig Leichhardt, letter to William Macarthur, Sydney, 1 August 1846; State Library of New South Wales (ed. Aurousseau, Letters, vol. 3, 888): (DIGITISED)

. . . Tomorrow I wish to pay a visit to Mr. Ravac, who is from Glogau in Silesia not very far from my own country; he called on me yesterday but I had too much to do . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Leichhardt (explorer, musical amateur); William Macarthur

5 August 1846, first Sydney concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1846), 1 

MR. RAVAC HAS the honour to announce, that he proposes giving a MUSICAL SOIREE
THIS EVENING, 5TH AUGUST, 1846, At the City Theatre, Market-street.
ASSISTANCE: Mr. Marsh, Mr. Ellard, Mr. Imberg, and per kindly permission of Colonel Blomfield, the band of the 11th Regiment.
1. Overture - "Le Sirene," Auber - Band.
2. Souvenirs de Bellini, Fantasia for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
3. Entreacte et Chour de l'Opéra "Les Huguenots de Meyerbeer." - Band.
4. Variations brillantes, sur un thème, original de Herz, for Piano - Mr. Ellard.
5. La Melancholia, Pastorale for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
6. Overture - "La Part du Diable," Auber - Band.
7. Ma Céline, Fantasia for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
S. Ballad - Mr. Marsh.
9. Finale, de l'Opéra "Le Serment" - Auber - Band.
10. Le Carneval de Venise - Mr. Ravac.
Mr. Ravac will be accompanied on the piano by Mr. Imberg.
Tickets of admission 7s. 6d.; may be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon; Mr. Birnstingl; Messrs. Kern and Mader, Stationers, Hunter-street; and at the door at the City Theatre.
The doors will be open at seven o'clock, commencing at eight o'clock precisely.

"MUSICAL SOIREE", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 August 1846), 3 

Mr. Ravac gave his first concert at the City Theatre last evening, assisted by Messrs Marsh, Ellard, and Imberg, and by the band of the 11th Regiment. The whole of the performance was excellent; but we have only time to speak of Mr. Ravac. He is really a violinist of the first order. His beautiful tone - exquisite pathos - and wonderful execution, surpass our power of praise or description. He must be heard, and we can promise that on no future occasion will his audience be so thin as it was last evening.

"Music. MR. RAVAC'S CONCERT", The Spectator (8 August 1846), 340 

"CONCERT", The Australian (11 August 1846), 3 

ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (harpist, pianist); Frederick Ellard (pianist); Band of the 11th Regiment

12 August 1846, second Sydney concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 August 1846), 1 

MR. RAVAC begs to announce that on THIS EVENING, AUGUST 12th, he will have the honour of giving a MUSICAL SOIREE, by the kind permission of the proper authorities, at the OLD COURT HOUSE, CASTLEREAGH-STREET.
1. Overture, "Semiramide," Rossini - Duo (for piano and harp) - Messrs. Marsh and Imberg.
2. Souvenirs de Bellini, (by desire) Fantasia for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
3. Casta Diva, Aria de Norma (Bellini) - Madame Carandini.
4. Ode to Leichhardt, the poetry by Mr. E. K. Silvester, composed by Mr. Marsh - Mr. Marsh.
5. Melange de l'Opera Euryanthe, (Weber), par Thalberg, for Piano - Mr. F. Ellard.
6. Air Varié de Bériot, for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
7. Duett, "Guillaume Tell," Rossini - Messrs. J. and F. Howson.
8. Duo Briliant, for Harp and Violin - Mr. Marsh and Mr. Ravac.
9. Duetto, "Anticipations of Switzerland" - Madame Carandini and Mr. F. Howson.
10. "Elisir d'Amore." Fantasia on the Violin - Mr. Ravac.
11. "The Ship on Fire," Song - Mr. F. Howson.
12. Rec. and Aria, "Lucia di Lammermoor," Donizetti - Mr. J. Howson.
13. Le Carneval de Venise - Mr. Ravac.
14. Finale, "The Australian National Song," composed by Mr. Marsh.
Mr. Ravac will be accompanied on the Pianoforte by Mr. Imberg.
Tickets of admission, 5s. each . . .

"MR. RAVAC'S Concert", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 August 1846), 2

"MR. RAVAC'S SECOND CONCERT", The Spectator (15 August 1846), 357 

"CONCERT", The Australian (15 August 1846), 3 

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (soprano vocalist); Frank Howson (baritone vocalist); John Howson (tenor vocalist)

26 August 1846, third Sydney concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1846), 1 

MR. RAVAC has the honour to announce that his third Musical Soirée will take place THIS EVENING,
WEDNESDAY, at the Old Court House, Castlereagh street,
upon which occasion His Excellency Sir Charles and Lady Mary Fitz Roy have kindly signified their intention of being present. ASSISTANTS. - Mr. Marsh, Mr. Ellard, Jun., Signor and Madame Carandini;
and by the kind permission of Colonel Despard, THE BAND OF THE 99TH REGIMENT.
1. Overture, "Fra Diavolo," Auber - Military Band.
2. Concertino de Bériot, Violin - Mr. Ravac.
3. Scena di Sappho, Pacini - Madame Carandini.
4. Duet, Piano and Violin - Messrs. Ellard and Ravac.
5. Duo di Lucrezia Borgia, Donizetti - Sig. and Madame Carandini.
6. La Melancolia, Pastorale for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
7. Overture, Guillaume Tell - Rossini - Military Band.
8. Duo, Harp and Violin - Messrs. Marsh and Ravac.
9. Ballad - Mad. Carandini.
10. Elegie, Song for Violin - Mr. Ravac.
11. Ballad - Mr. Marsh.
12. Le Carnaval de Venise - Mr. Ravac.
Railroad Gallop - Military Band . . .
Tickets of admission, 5s. each . . .

"Music", The Spectator (29 August 1846), 376 

"MR. RAVAC'S CONCERT", The Australian (29 August 1846), 3 

"PROFESSIONAL TRICKERY", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (5 September 1846), 2 

Mr. Ravac's concert on Wednesday, had a more fashionable audience than I have seen at anything of the kind for a long time, of course, the great attraction lay with Sir Charles and Lady Mary. This being their maiden visit at any public entertainment. Mr. Ravac's musical powers seemed to have received an additional stimulus by the presence of his distinguished visitors, for he exhibited his artistic gifts more effectively than on either of the two preceding occasions. I am sorry to say that we shall lose this gentleman next week - he proceeds to Calcutta, accompanied by Mr. Marsh, the Harpist, and gives his farewell concert on Monday.

As an instance of the petty professional envy and malice that exists here, I may mention that Mr. Ravac having obtained permission from the Bishop, to hold his soirees in the school room, Castlereagh-street, - and which of course is not "only licensed" in that behalf - certain of the small fry in the vocation were instituting arrangements to lay an information against their fellow (but more talented) labourer. By this magnanimous device, a double object would be effected - the fine - £50! would most effectually take the gilt off Mr. Ravac's gingerbread, in respect to his profits, and, as one half of the fine goes to the informer, the personal exchequer of the said belligerent rival would be materially aggrandised! The plot, however, became known just in sufficient time for Mr. Ravac's friends to avert it. The facts were laid before the Colonial Secretary, who, with great kindness and good feeling, took the trouble, not only to prepare the required licence himself, (it being then evening, and of course after office hours), but to forward it to Mr. Ravac immediately. It arrived about half-past seven o'clock - just in time before the opening of the doors. The knavish, tricks therefore of the ungenerous enemy were happily frustrated - the teeth have been shown, but the power to bite has keen taken away. But qui invidet minor est you know.

India is abstracting all our talent. Messrs. Ravac and Marsh leave us next week. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, with Mrs. Bushelle and her brother, Mr. Wallace, contemplate and early departure, and some "lesser stars" are about to follow them. - Sydney Correspondent.

ASSOCIATIONS: Gerome Carandini (vocalist); Band of the 99th Regiment; Eliza Bushelle (soprano vocalist); Charles Fitz Roy (governor)

31 August 1846, Stephen Marsh's farewell concert

"MUSICIANS", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1846), 2

We regret that Mr. Marsh, who has made himself so familiar with the inhabitants of Sydney, by his musical talents, has resolved upon leaving this colony for India in company with Mr. Ravac, the talented violinist, whose fleeting visit amongst us has done so much to improve the standard of musical taste in the colony . . . Mr. Marsh has announced a farewell concert . . . This will be the last performance of Mr. Ravac before they leave Australia.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1846), 2 

"MR. MARSH'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 September 1846), 2

"MR. MARSH'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Australian (3 September 1846), 3 

"Music", The Spectator (5 September 1846), 391 

The present has been a musical week: two concerts having taken place within three days; Mr. Marsh's farewell, on Monday evening, we regret to say was but scantily attended, although the audience was of the first respectability. The weather proved unfavorable, and the shortness of the notice, added to the circumstance of Mr. Wallace's entertainment having been previously announced, must have had an injurious effect. The selection for the evening's performance so closely resembled that of the foregoing week, that a report would be little more than a repetition of our last week's critique. It is unnecessary for us to add to our observations on the merits of Mr. Marsh or Mr. Ravac . . .

"Music. MARSH'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Citizen (5 September 1846), 4 

This concert came off on Monday evening in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, but from the insufficient notice given previously, we regret to say that the audience was not so numerous as the acknowledged talents of Mr. Marsh might naturally be expected to draw. The performances were limited both in style and character, being chiefly instrumental. Of Mr. Ravac's execution on the violin it is impossible to convey a correct idea, suffice it to say, he proved himself a perfect master of his instrument, and carried the feelings of his hearers with him in the deep and pathetic cadences of his soul-stirring melody . . . Messrs. Marsh and Ravac, whose anticipated success in Australia has fallen far short of their expectations, proceeded in the Emerald Isle, which sailed on Thursday for Calcutta, on a musical tour through the Indian Presidencies, where we hope their talents will command a more gratifying reception than they experienced in Sydney.

[Advertisement], The Australian (5 September 1846), 2

A CARD. MR. IMBERG has the honor to inform the residents of Sydney and its vicinity, that he Intends giving instructions on the Piano . . .
MR. RAVAC has much pleasure in recommending, as a teacher of music, to his friends and the public of Sydney, MR. IMBERG, and feels confident in recommending him as being competent to give instructions on the Pianoforte in the most modern and improved style, as at present adopted in the principal Cities of Europe.
Sydney, September 3, 1846.

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. DEPARTURES", Sydney Chronicle (5 September 1846), 3

3.- Emerald Isle, ship, 600 tons, Capt. Palmer, for Calcutta. Passengers . . . Mr. H. J. Marsh [sic], Mrs. Marsh, Mr. L. Ravac . . .

India and London (1846-48)

"MR. MARSH", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1847), 3

The friends of Mr. Marsh (for several years teacher of music in Sydney) will be sorry to hear that his trip to India has been altogether unsuccessful. At the concert given by him and Mr. Ravac, the expenses were so great that they swallowed up all the receipts, and as people who are losing money are very apt to be cross, it was very natural that Messrs. Ravac and Marsh should quarrel and dissolve their quasi partnership. Mr. Marsh is extremely sorry that he was induced to leave Sydney, where he had a large circle of friends and pupils, and we believe that he intended to proceed to England in the course of the present year, and after staying there for a summer return to this colony.

Membership register, Lodge of Fine Friendship, Calcutta, 1847; The Library of Museum of Freemasonry^cf^b^1837-00246?pid=1716062 

[Date of Initiation] Jan 12 [1847] / [Passing] Feb. 23 / [Raising] - / Ravac / L / [age] 27 / [residence] [Calcutta] / Prof. of Music / [paid 1847] 1 [shilling] . . .

"MULTUM IN PARVO", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 August 1848), 2


. . . Mr. Ravac, the violinist, who visited these colonies some time since, had reached England, and was giving concerts at Drury lane Theatre . . .

Sydney, NSW (from 1852)

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 October 1852), 1s

October 22. - Formosa, P. O. C. screw-steamer, 676 tons, Captain W. Parfitt, from Southampton 7th August, and Melbourne 19th instant. Passengers from England - . . . Mr. and Miss Lippman . . . Messrs. Rawack, J. Wallack, Thee . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1852), 1 

A CARD. RAWACK, BROTHERS, AND CO., 523, George-street, Sydney.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1853), 3 

NOTICE. - Mr. JULIUS LIPPMANN has been admitted as partner in our firm. RAWACK, BROTHERS, AND CO. Sydney, January 1.

"FAILURE", London Evening Standard (7 February 1853), 2

Letters from Hamburgh state the suspension of the house of Mr. T. Rawack, with liabilities for about 40,000l. This event has been caused by his death. The chief assets consist of goods on their way to Sydney. The winding up, it is supposed, will not be favourable.

"MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 February 1853), 2 

On Sunday, three clerks, belonging to the establishment of Messrs. Rawack, Brothers, and Co., went out to the Heads in a whale boat on an expedition of pleasure, the boat being under the direction of an experienced sailor. A sudden squall arose and the boat went down. One of the gentlemen, M. Gottfried Futra, uttered a frightful shriek, and seemed to be dragged under the water as if by a shark. The others, after struggling for a considerable time, were rescued by a boat from the Lighthouse. The deceased was a gentleman highly esteemed by the firm he served, and is deeply mourned by a large circle of friends.

Certificates to naturalize Leopold Rawack, 16 February 1853; State Records and Archives NSW 

Leopold Rawack of the City of Sydney, Merchant . . . a native of Glogau, in the province of Silesia and Kingdom of Prussia, Thirty three years of age . . . having arrived by the ship "Formosa" in the year 1852 . . . 

"PURE NATIVE SILVER", Freeman's Journal (24 February 1853), 10 

Some very good specimens of pure native silver, brought to Sydney last week by a gold digger from the Ovens, have been purchased by Messrs. Rawack, Brethors, George street, who are, we hear, making a collection of our mineral specimens for transmission to Hamburg.

"THE CHUSAN", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (2 April 1853), 95 

"DEPARTURES", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (9 April 1853), 102 

April 2. - Chusan, P. and O. Co.'s steamer, 579 tons, Captain Down, for Singapore, via Melbourne. Passengers . . . For Alexandria: L. Rawack . . .

"Aangekomen Vreemdelingen, van 1 tot en met den 8 Augustis 1853", Java-Bode (10 August 1853), 1 

Rotterdamsch Hotel . . . L. Rawack, [van Singapore] . . .


"Shipping Intelligence", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (22 July 1854), 2 

July 15. - Norna (s.s.), 186 tons, Downs, from Singapore, June 18th, Batavia June 22nd, King George's Sound July 3rd, and Melbourne 13th inst . . . Passengers . . . from England - Mr. and Mrs. Rawack and servant . . .


Certificate to naturalize Ludwig Rawack, 7 February 1855; State Records and Archives NSW 

. . . the said Ludwig Rawack . . . is a native of Prussia in Germany, twenty two years of age, and having arrived in the said Colony in or about the year 1855 . . .

[News], Essex Standard [England] (21 February 1855), 4

Much has been said of the great sagacity of the mercantile community in the management of affairs in contrast to the blunders in official departments; and our wealth is a proof of the extent of our trading sagacity. Yet that the shrewd merchant blunders as well as the Government official is evident from the most superficial glance at the state of the Australian trade. Up to this time, says Rawack Brothers, &c. Co., writing on the 20th November from Sidney [sic], notwithstanding previous warnings that improvement in the market could only be brought about by "a complete cessation of shipments," "the influx of goods from all quarters has continued as great as before; swelling our already too over-stocked markets, and causing a still further depression in our import trade. We could not mention a single article that would be sold at a remumerative price." They venture to predict that there will be more European capital lost than ever was gained in Australia.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1855), 1 

NEW PIANOFORTE MUSIC by MISKA HAUSER - Just published, price 2s 6d. each, "Chanson d'Amour," dedicated to Madame Montifiore; and a Mazurka, dedicated to Madame Rawack . . . W. J. JOHNSON and CO., 57, Pitt-street . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist)

Return of the arrival at the port of Hobart Town of the Ship Wilhelmsburg, 26 Aug't 1855; Tasmanian names index 

PASSENGERS . . . Sam'l Rawack . . .

"PORT OF HOBART TOWN. ARRIVALS", Launceston Examiner (28 August 1855), 2 

Ship Wilhelmsburg, 900 tons, Muller, master, from Hamburgh May 10, with general cargo. Passengers . . . Messrs. George Assmas, Becker, Rawack . . .


"INSOLVENCY OF RAWAK AND COMPANY", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1856), 4

. . . This is an Appeal by the Representatives of Theodore Rawack, late of Hamburgh, deceased, who was formerly a partner in the firm now insolvent . . .

Leopold Rawack had left this colony in 1843 [recte 1853], in order to make certain arrangements in Hamburgh. On his arrival there, the brother (who was largely in advance for the firm, and was entitled to one-half of its profits, if any, with interest also on his advances), having been some months deceased, the latter's Representatives called on him for a settlement. The Sydney house had previously remitted £1000, it appears, to Theodore Rawack, to be paid to one Nathan; but the money was retained by the Representatives, (they claiming a right to do so, on some ground not explained, nor to be explained without reference to them), and Nathan sued Rawack for the amount. In this state of things, the accounts between the firm and the deceased's representatives were gone into, by them and Leopold Rawack mutually; the amount of advances was settled at a certain sum; the profits, which up to that time were known to be large, were put at another sum; and the following arrangement was entered into for the liquidation . . .


"DEATHS", Empire (19 February 1858), 4 

DEATHS. On the 16th instant, at Woolloomooloo, Leonie Julia Harriet, only daughter of Mr. L. Rawack, aged one year and nine months.

8 April 1858, Amalia's first concert, School of Arts, Sydney

[Advertisement], Empire (5 April 1858), 1 

MADAME AMALIA RAWACK begs to announce that she will give a Grand Concert on THURSDAY EVENING next, 8th of April, at the School of Arts, on which occasion she will be kindly assisted by Mr. MISHA HAUSER, the members of the German Glee, and several talented Amateurs. Tickets, at 7s. 6d., and gallery tickets, 6s., to be had at Messrs. Clarke, Mader, and J. M. Leigh, George-street; Messrs. Parrot Brothers, Hunter-street; and Mr. Johnson, Pitt-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 April 1858), 1 

MADAME AMALIE RAWACK'S CONCERT at the School of Arts, TO-MORROW (Thursday), April the 8th.
1. Sanger Marsch, "German Liedertafel" - Zelbner.
2. Piana Solo, Grand Fantaisie, "Somnambula" - Madame Amalie Rawack - Thalberg.
3. Violin Solo, "Andante and Rondo di Concerto" - Mr. Miska Hauser - Hauser.
4. Piano Solo, variations sur des motifs de l'Opera "Guillaume Tell" - Madame Amalie Rawack - Dohler.
1. Tager Lied, "German Liedertafel" - Mendelsohn.
2. Duo brilliante, for piano and violin, on airs from the opera "Der Freischutz" - Madame Amalia Rawack and Mr. Miska Hauser - Hauser
3. Solo Sax Horn, "Lucrezia Borgia" - A Gentleman Amateur - Donizetti.
4. Violin Solo "Blue Bell of Scotland" - Mr. Miska Hauser - Hauser
5. Piano Solo, "A La Fauvette (Nordish Song) - Willmers.
6. Grand Hungarian March - Madame Amalie Rawack - F. Liszt.
Tickets, at 7s. 6d, and gallery tickets 5s., to be had at Messrs. Clarke's, Mader's, and J. M. Leigh, George-street; Messrs. Parrot, Brothers, Hunter-street; Mr. Johnson, Pitt-street; and School of Arts. Doors open at half-past seven. To commence precisely at 8 o'clock. Special Omnibus will leave after the Concert for Woolloomooloo, Glebe, and Miller's Point.

"MADAME RAWACK'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1858), 4

On Thursday evening this lady not only achieved all the success which we anticipated, but has shown herself entitled to rank with those great artistes whose names are so familiar and so pleasing to the ears of the musical world. The hall of the School of Arts was filled by an enthusiastic and fashionable audience, and the accomplished lady received the warmest plaudits, which her great and delightful performance so richly merited. The programme was remarkable for being throughout good, and the principal performers certainly two of the greatest artistes in the world. Of Miska Hauser, we need not speak; he is unmistakably a great favourite, and a musician of the highest order. He adorns whatever he touches, and the exquisite pathos with which he renders melody impresses the most fastidious hearer with the feeling that nothing could be added, improved, or taken away.

With the fair and elegant débutante, Madame Rawack, we are charmed - a pupil of Thalberg and Liszt, she is herself an artiste of the highest order. To wonderful execution and power she adds genius and grace. Her performance of the greatest difficulties is accomplished with the finest touches of light and shade, and a complete conception of the composer. We have never heard more perfect pianoforte playing, and, added to this, the grace and lady-like bearing of Madame Rawack at the instrument is a lesson to our daughters which we hope will be many times repeated - in fact we feel that a repetition of Madame Rawack's concert would be a boon to our rising community. We have been so absorbed with Madame Rawack and Miska Hauser, that we have not said one word about the gentlemen amateurs whose "German Liedertafel" delighted the audience so much. We thank them, and only wish our countrymen would imitate their delightful style of song. We do not forget either the fine solo on the saxhorn by a gentleman amateur - his "Vieni la mia Vendetta" - was very good.

ASSOCIATIONS: Amateur on the sax-horn, probably Frederick Evans Sloper

MUSIC: Grand caprice sur la somnambula (Thalberg); Grande fantaisie et variations sur Guillaume Tell (Döhler); La fauvette (Willmers); Marche hongroise (Liszt)

19 April 1858, Amalia's second concert, School of Arts, Sydney

[Advertisement], Empire (17 April 1858), 1 

MADAME AMALIA RAWACK begs to announce that her second CONCERT will take place, at the School of Arts, on MONDAY, April 19th.
1. Duo - "Peace to the Dead" - Loder - Madame S. Flower and Mr. Howson
2. Piano solo - Fantaisie - "Lucrezia Borgia" - L. de Mayer - Madame AMALIA RAWACK
3. Cavatina - Mercadante. Madame S. Flower
4. Violin solo on "Airs de Donizetti" - Hauser - Mr. M. HAUSER
5. Ballad - "When we recall the happy scenes," - Mr. Howson.
6. Piano solo - (a) l'Hirondelle (the swallow) - Prudent; (b) Gallop chromatique - Liszt. Madame AMALIA RAWACK
1. Duo, piano and violin - Andante and variations, and Finale of the "Grand Sonate" of Beethoven - Madame RAWACK and Mr. MISKA HAUSER
2. Ballad - "I dream of thee" - Barker - Madame S. Flower
3. Violin solo - "Mother's prayer, Adagio religioso." - Ole Bull - Mr. M. HAUSER
4. Cavatina - "A Se Diro." - Mr. Howson
5. Piano solo - "God save the Queen" - Fantaisie, by Thalberg - Madame AMALIA RAWACK.
Conductor, Mr. Stanley.
Tickets at 7s. 6d; family tickets, admitting four persons, one guinea; and gallery tickets, 5s.; to be had at Messrs. Johnsons, and School of Arts, Pitt-street; Messrs. Parrot, Brothers, Hunter-street; Messrs. Clarke, Mader, J. M. Leigh, and Buist and Sons, George-street. N.B. - Doors open at 7; to commence precisely at 8 o'clock.

"MADAME RAWACK'S CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 April 1858), 8 

This lady's second instrumental and vocal concert, at the School of Arts, last evening, went off with eminent success. Madame Rawack upheld the very favourable opinion already formed of her ability as a pianiste, and Miska Hauser was equally brilliant in his execution of the pieces selected for him. But the duo of variations on the grand sonate of Beethoven, called forth all the admiration which its exquisite quality deserved.

[Joseph Sheridan Moore], "MADAME RAWACK'S CONCERTS", The Month: a literary and critical journal (May 1858), 249 

For some time past we have neglected our Dramatic and Musical Chronicle - because we have had little or nothing worthy of serious critical note and notice. Madame Rawack's entertainments, however, leave us this excuse no longer. Nature and education have contributed to reader Madame Rawack a thorough artist. She looks well, feels as she ought, and understands her work perfectly. She surpasses every one we have had the pleasure of hearing play on the pianoforte except Thalberg and, perhaps, Kate Loder. To put our opinion more intelligibly to Sydney connoisseurs, we should say she combines Packer's smoothness and delicacy of touch with Boulanger's brilliancy of execution, superadding Stanley's quiet but dignified mastery over the instrument. We are quite sure that all those who were present at Madame Rawack's last entertainment, given on the 19th of April, would be glad to hear the announcement of another concert. Of course the co-operation of Miska Hauser added considerably to the brilliant results of that evening. We may take this opportunity of announcing to the public that we shall only have one more opportunity of hearing this wizard on the violin previously to his departure by the "European." He gives his last concert on Monday next, the 3rd of May.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (contralto vocalist); John Howson (tenor vocalist); Charles Packer (pianist); Edward Boulanger (pianist); William Stanley (pianist); Gentleman amateur = Leopold Rawack

MUSIC: Variations brillantes sur Lucrezia Borgia (Leopold de Meyer); L'hirondelle (Prudent); Grand galop chromatique (Liszt); Grand fantasia on God save the Queen and Rule Britannia (Thalberg); Andante and variation from the Kreutzer sonata (Beethoven)

"MADAME AMALIA RAWACK", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1858), 5

We are glad to hear that this amiable and talented lady is now recovered from her recent indisposition. We perceive, by our advertising columns, that she has fixed Monday next (the 17th instant), for her third concert, to which we invite all those who appreciate first-class music - indeed, such music (performed as it will be) as would be prized in any part of the musical world. We have no doubt that the musical taste of this city will be proved in an overflowing house on the occasion.

17 May 1858, Amalia's third concert, School of Arts, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 May 1858), 1 

MADAME AMALIA RAWACK begs to announce that her THIRD CONCERT will take place at the SCHOOL OF ARTS, MONDAY next, May 17th.
1. Trio - Andante, Scherzo and Allegro Finale - Piano, violin, and violoncello - Mendelssohn - Madame Amalia Rawack, a Gentleman Amateur, and Mr. E. Dean.
2. Cavatina, "Ah forte en lui," [Ah forse e lui] Trovatore - Verdi - Madame Sara Flower.
3. Violin Solo, - "La Melancholie," Pastorale - Prume - A Gentleman Amateur.
4. Duo, "Twine the Lily and the Rose", Madame Sara Flower and Mr. Howson.
5. Piano Solo, - "Fantaisie Guillaume Tell," - Dohler - Madame Amalia Rawack.
1. Duo for Piano and Violin, - Fantasie from the Huguenots - Thalberg and de Beriot - Madame Amalia Rawack and a Gentleman Amateur.
2. Ballad, - "Angry Words," composed expressly for Madame S. Flower - J. Howson - Madame Sara Flower.
3. Piano Solo, - A) La Campanella, little bell - Taubert; B) Gallop chromatique - Liszt - Madame Amalia Rawack.
4. Recit and Air, - "What is the spell" - Rooke - Mr. John Howson.
5. Piano Solo, - "Souvenir of Great Britain" - Schulhoff - Madame Amalia Rawack.
Mr. H. Marsh will preside at the piano.
Tickets, 5s. each. To be had at Messrs. Clarke, Mader's, J. Leigh's, Buist and Son's, George-street; Messrs. Parrot, Brothers, and Moss, Hunter-street; Messrs. Johnson and Co., and the School of Arts, Pitt-street. Doors-open at 7; to commence precisely at 8 o'clock.

"MADAME AMALIA RAWACK'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1858), 7

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (pianist, accompanist)

MUSIC: Piano trio in D minor (Mendelssohn); La campanella (Taubert); Souvenir de Great Britain (Schulhoff)

21 June 1858, first concert of season, Sydney Philharmonic Society, Great Hall of the Sydney Exchange

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 June 1858), 1 

PATRON: His Excellency the Governor-General. PATRONESS: Lady Denison.
The First CONCERT of the Season will take place in the Great Hall of the Sydney Exchange. THIS EVENING.
1. Overture - Cheval de Bronze (Auber).
2. Glee - By Celia's Arbor.
3. 7th Concerto, Andante and Allegro, violin (De Beriot) - Gentleman amateur.
4. Scena and Aria (Verdi) - Gentleman amateur.
5. Andante and Presto, from No. 52, Symphony (Haydn).
1. Overture - Zampa (Herold).
2. Song - Man of War (Hatton) - Gentleman amateur.
3. Fantasia, pianoforte - L'Elisir D'Amore (Thalberg) - MADAME AMALIE RAWACK.
4. Vocal quartet.
5. Solo, flute - Jeanette and Jeannot - Gentleman amateur.
6. March - Le Prophete (Meyerbeer).
Doors open at a quarter-past 7; concert to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Gentlemen will please to attend in evening dress; and in order that the concert may not be prolonged to an inconvenient length, the audience are particularly requested not to encore. Mr. J. DEANE, Conductor. H. R. WEBB. Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane (conductor); Sydney Philharmonic Society; Gentleman amateur violinist - Leopold Rawack

MUSIC: Violin concerto no. 7 (De Bériot); Introduction et variations sur la barcarolle de L'elisir d'amore (Thalberg)

6 July 1858, Amalia's fourth concert, Prince of Wales Theatre

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1858), 1 

Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert -
MADAME AMALIA RAWACK begs to announce that her last CONCERT will take place on TUESDAY, July the 6th, at the PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General and Lady Denison.
Part I.
1. Overture - Zampa (Verdi) [recte Herold] - The gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society, and the Band of H.M. 12th Regiment, through the kind permission of Colonel Percival and the officers of the 12th Regiment
2. Glee - Spring's Delight- The gentlemen of the Glee Society
3. Piano Solo - Grand Fantasie on airs of Lucretia Borgia (Liszt) - Madame Amalia Rawack
4. Solo - Truth in Absence (Harpur)- Madame Sara Flower
5. Violin Solo - Grand Fantaisie, Lucie di Lammermoor (Artot) - Gentlemen amateur
6. Piano Solo - Fantasia, God Save the Queen and Rule Britannia (Thalberg) - Madame Amalia Rawack.
Part II.
1. Overture - Domino Noir (Auber) - The Gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society and the band of H. M. 12th Regiment
2. Glee - Sweet gentle Lady - The Gentlemen of the Glee Society
3. Piano Duo - Thalberg's Fantaisie on Airs from the Huguenots (expressly arranged for two pianos for this occasion, by Boulanger) - Madame Amalia Rawack and Mr. Boulanger.
4. Song - Ballad, When Sorrow sleepeth (Land) - Madame Sara Flower.
5. Piano Solo - Polka di Bravura (dedicated to Madame Rawack) Boulanger - Madame Amalia Rawack.
6. March from the Opera, Le Prophete (Meyerbeer) - the gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society, and the Band of H.M. 12th Regiment.
Finale - God save the Queen.
Conductor: Mr. John Deane.
Leader: Mr. C. Eigenschenk.
Accompanist: Mr. Cordner.
Dress circle and parquette seats, 5s.; upper boxes, 3s.; pit 2s; gallery, 1s. Tickets to be had at Messrs. Johnson and Co., Pitt street; Messrs. Leigh, Buist and Son, Mader, George-street; Mr. Moss, Hunter-street. Application for boxes to he made to Messrs. JOHNSON and CO.; and MONDAY and TUESDAY, at the Box Office, Prince of Wales Theatre, through CHARLES HOWARD, agent.

[Concert program, printed on silk] Prince of Wales Theatre, 6 July, Amelia Rawack; State Library of New South Wales 

"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1858), 5 

. . . The chief attraction was of course the performance of Madame Rawack, and certainly never before in this colony have the wonderful productions of Lizt [Liszt] and Thalberg been performed with so much taste, correctness, and brilliancy of the pianoforte as they were last night. Any lengthened eulogy would be superfluous, but we may reasonably expect that as Miss Catherine Hayes gave an impulse to the study of vocal music, and as Miska Hauser sang sweetly in favour of the violin, the performances of the fair artiste who has obtained so complete a mastery over the pianoforte will exercise considerable influence in the musical world . . .

[Joseph Sheridan Moore], "MADAME AMALIA RAWACK'S LAST CONCERT", The Month: a literary and critical journal 3 (August 1859), 92-95 

"A swan-like end / Fading in Music."
Oh, Possum - good, genial, jovial, joyous Peter - why didst thou never listen - and if thou didst, why hast thou not chronicled - some of the memorable achievements of Madame Rawack in instrumental poesy? Ah, Peter! we can imagine how enthusiastically thou wouldst have spoken of the sounds so sweet or solemn - both impressive and tender, bold and graceful - elicited by those delicate little fingers: now brilliant as a shower of dew-drops scintillating in the sunshine; now deep and full with the sonorous grandeur of the hurricane or the cataract, when quick lightnings ever and anon brighten the blackness; now stealing softly into your heart as the brook glides into the glen when gentle moonlight silvers its ripples - sounds, various in their beauty as the waters in their motions that "go down at Lodore," and which neither the exquisite word-painting of Southey, nor thine, beloved Peter, could adequately describe.

Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that the first piano solo by Madame of a "grand fantasie" on airs from Lucrezia Borgia, although executed with her usual verve and delicacy of touch, was not satisfactorily heard on account of the running accompaniment of rain which rattled on the roof continually during its performance, and - to use a bold metaphor derived from a sister art - washed out the colour of Liszt's picturesque variations. The old favourite aria, "II segreto per esser felice,” was inter preted with great brilliancy; particularly that fine descending passage in the second part, which concludes with such an effective return to the original theme, where the words "non curiamo l'incerto domani," are repeated in the song. The strange fantasia of Thalberg's on "God Save the Queen," and "Rule Britannia," we never could admire, principally because the airs appeared to be overloaded with ornament - were Thalbergian phantasies - but under Madame Rawack's hands this celebrated piece gathered a certain wild beauty which we had not perceived in it before, although we can never reconcile ourselves to such very bold handling on the part of a composer of our magnificent national melodies, as almost amounts to a kind of profanation.

But let us hasten to the second part of the Concert, in which the most critical ears could not fail to be satisfied with the duo on two pianos, of Thalberg's fantasie on airs from the Huguenots, executed by Madame Rawack and M. Boulanger. In this arrangement Thalberg really and evidently reverences his composer, constructing all his variations up to the spirit of the glorious original; consequently this fantasie is one of the finest which Thalberg has produced . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Gentleman amateur violin soloist = Leopold Rawack; Band of the 12th Regiment; Charles Eigenschenck (violinist, leader); German Glee Society

MUSIC: Polka di bravura = Impromptu polka (Boulanger)

"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 August 1858), 11

A concert given by Madame Rawack has been the only event to record in the musical world. As has been the case on each occasion of this lady's performance, a great success was achieved, and Madame Rawack as a pianist has already taken her stand amongst our musical celebrities, by the side of Hauser, Kohler, and others we could name . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet player)

Karl Scherzer (on board the Novara), journal, Sydney, NSW, 7 November 1858; MS A2635 (17 September 1858-26 August 1859), State Library of New South Wales, trans. Dymphna Clark, 1995 (TRANSCRIPTION)

[Sunday, 7 November 1858] . . . In the evening, at Herr Kirchner's home, I met a Viennese lady called Amalie Mauthner, the well-known pianist, who, for the past 5 years, has been married to a local merchant called Rawack (born in Silesia). In 1853 Rawack came to Vienna with letters of credit made out to Weissenstein and [46] all the world congratulated the charming, highly educated, but impecunious Fraulein Mauthner when they heard that she was going to marry a rich merchant from the goldmining district of Australia. The young couple departed and by the Overland Mail they quickly reached the land of their hopes and dreams. But now the scene changed. The first to come on board to greet Madame Rawack was her husband's partner, who also brought the news that the firm was bankrupt. Since then Madame Rawack lives a very retired life, maintaining herself and her husband by teaching (piano lessons). She is said to earn between £800 and £1000 a year by this means. However this is hardly more than enough to cover their living expenses and put a little by for emergencies. Herr Rawack is now a broker but only earns a bit occasionally as he is not trusted. Madame Rawack wants to return to Europe and Vienna as soon as circumstances allow. Although she is an excellent concert-pianist and also charming, attractive - in short, brilliant in appearance - she is not able to make large sums by giving concerts etc. The expenses are apparently inordinately high . . .

"Die 'Novara' unde die Deutschen in Australien", Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes (17 March 1859), 129

. . . Nachdem in Sydney bereits ein Konzert und ein "Bürger-Ball" fattgefunden hatten, bei welchem die Offiziere und die gelehrten Mitglieder der Novara-Expedition (Dr. Scherzer, Dr. Hochstädter &c.) als Ehrengäste erschienen waren und wobei die Herren unter Anderem Gelegenheit hatten, das meisterhafte Spiel einer in Sydney wohnenden, aus Wien gebürtigen Pianistin, Madame Rawack, zu bewundern, veranstalteten die deutschen Vereine am Mittwoch den 23. November Abends auf dem Dampfboote "Washington" eine Sängerfahrt . . .

Karl Scherzer, Narrative of the circumnavigation of the globe by the Austrian frigate Novara ... undertaken by order of the imperial government, in the years l857, 1858, & 1859 ... (London: Saunders, Otley and Co., 1863), volume 3, 55-56 

. . . Here also our thanks are due to an estimable Austrian lady, a native of Vienna, who, wafted on the pinions of Hymen to Australia, has not a little contributed to uphold in that distant region the gentle dignity of the Viennese ladies, and the renown of Germany for musical supremacy. This lady, widely known in artistic circles as Mlle. Amalie Mauthner, is now Madame R---, having a few years since married a German gentleman settled in Sydney. Quitting her home under the most auspicious anticipations for the future, the newly-married lady arrived in Sydney just in time to see her husband's house of business succumb under the first of the great financial crises. Instead of a life of affluence and ease in the gold country, the sorely-tried lady was compelled to display her irresistible energy and activity by availing herself of her eminent musical attainments. The charming artist was speedily recognized and cordially supported in Sydney. The wealthiest and most distinguished families considered it an especial favour to be permitted to place their children under Mad. R---'s tuition. Her concerts became the most fashionable of the season, and the dark cloud which had gathered above the young inexperienced wife [56] on her arrival in Australia, had, thanks to her marvellous energy and activity, gradually been dispelled, leaving a bright sunny horizon of felicity and content . . .


15 December 1858, Edward Boulanger's concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 December 1858), 1 

GRAND CONCERT. - EXCHANGE HALL. - Under the patronage of the Philharmonic Society. - Mr. BOULANGER has the honour to announce that his GRAND CONCERT will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 15th instant.
PART I . . . 6. Duett Piano, - Grand Sonata (in A flat), - Hummell - Madame AMALIA RAWACK and Mr. BOULANGER . . . PART II . . . 9. Grand Duet, for two pianos, "Huguenots" - Thalberg, arranged for two pianos, by Mr. BOULANGER - Madame AMALIA RAWACK and Mr. BOULANGER . . .

MUSIC: Grand sonata in A flat (Hummel)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 April 1859), 1 

Patron: His Excellency, the Governor-Genaral.
Patroness: Lady Denison.
President: The Hon. John Hubert Plunkett.
Vice-President: The Hon. F. L. S. Merewether.
Mr. J. Black; Mr. T. A. Boesen; E. Deane; J. Dyer; W. McDonell; L. Spyer;
L. Rawack; J. Smith, jun.; J. G. Waller; C. Younger.
Honorary Treasurer: Mr. W. H. Aldis.
Conductor: Mr. John Deane.
Secretary: Mr. H. R. Webb.
Auditors : Messrs. H. Beit and J. Spyer.
This Society is established for the cultivation of instrumental and vocal music by amateurs.
The sixth year of the Society has now commenced . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Spyer (amateur musician); William Henry Aldis (amateur musician); Charles Younger (amateur musician)

9 May 1859, concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 May 1859), 1 

MADAME AMALIA RAWACK begs to announce that her GRAND OPENING CONCERT, at the Australian Library, will take place THIS EVENING, 9th of May.
1. Chorus, "Im Walde" (in the forest) - Mangold - German Gentlemen Amateurs.
2. Piano Solo, Grand Fantasie, "Lucrezia Borgia" - Thalberg - Madame AMALIA RAWACK.
3. Violin Solo, Fantaisie, "Motifs, by Bellini" - Vieuxtemps - Mr. FREDERICK STREBINGER.
4. Song, Cavatina of Eleonora di Guienna - Donizetti - Madame SARA FLOWER.
5. Piano Solo, Grand Polka de Caprice - Leschetizky - Madame AMALIA RAWACK.
1. "Berglied" (Mountain Song) - Kücken - German Gentlemen Amateurs.
2. Song, Duo, "I would that my Love" - Mendelssohn - Madame SARA FLOWER and Lady Amateur.
3. Duo for Piano and Violin, "Huguenots" - Thalberg and de Beriot - Madame AMALIA RAWACK and Mr. STREBINGER.
4. Song, " Evangeline to Gabriel" - Romer - Madame SARA FLOWER.
5. Piano Solo, Fantaisie, "Anna Bolena" - Dohler - Madame AMALIA RAWACK.
Conductor, Mr. CORDNER.
Tickets 5s. each, to be had at Messrs. Johnson and Co.'s, Pitt-street; Messrs. Mader, and Buist and Son, George street, and Mr. Moss, Hunter-street.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, to commence at 8 o'clock.

"MADAME RAWACK'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 May 1859), 5 

Madame Amalia Rawack gave a grand concert yesterday evening, at the Australian Library, in Bent-street. The admiration and applause which this lady's performances on the pianoforte have called forth whenever she has come before the public, justified her in giving this entertainment; and judging from the success which attended what was called an "opening concert," it may be presumed that it will be repeated. The concert was a very short one, which, as the excellence of the music served to whet the appetite, was unavoidably regarded as a defect by the large and highly respectable assemblage; and the fact that Madame Rawack's own performances were announced to occupy nearly half of the entertainment, is a sufficient proof of the high appreciation in which her talents are held. It is gratifying to state that her reputation was fully sustained, if not heightened, by her performances last evening. Three solos, by Thalberg, Beriot, and Dohler, were executed with remarkable brilliancy and expression; and as an encore, "Home sweet home," was exquisitely played. The whole were unanimously, but judiciously applauded, though the impression was general that much of the effect Madame Rawack's playing was lost through the inferiority of the instrument . . .

"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1859), 9

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violinist); William John Cordner (conductor, accompanyist)

MUSIC: Fantaisie et variations de bravure sur une cavatine d'Anna Bolena (Dohler); Grande polka de caprice (Leschetizky)

6 June 1859, Sydney Philharmonic Society

"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (2 June 1859), 4 

The first concert for the season will take place on Monday next. The orchestra and chorus have been reinforced during the vacation, and the concerts for this season will be characterised by various new features. Madame Rawack, the favourite pianiste of Sydney, will assist on the opening night . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 June 1859), 1 

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (7 June 1859), 5 

. . . Madame Rawack's brilliant performance of Thalberg's "Sonnambula" fantasia, elicited very deservedly an encore. We hope that this truly gifted artiste will permit us to judge of her execution of the classical masters. She likewise must aid in the mission of regeneration . . .

"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 June 1859), 4 

. . . The fantasia, from Sonnambula, by Madame Rawack, was in every respect an exquisite performance, being executed with all the grace, power, and wonderful expression which so peculiarly distinguishes this great artiste. At, apparently, the unanimous request of the audience, she again seated herself at the piano, and set many heads a-nodding to a brilliant polka . . .

July 1859, Sydney University Musical Festival, Leopold on the committee and orchestral violinist

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (4 May 1859), 3 

J. G. Waller, Esq., Committee of Philharmonic Society
L. Rawack, Esq., ditto ditto
W. McDonell, Esq., ditto ditto
W. H. Aldis, Esq., ditto ditto
J. Dyer, Esq., ditto ditto
John Deane, Esq., Conductor of the Philharmonic Society . . .
An effective chorus of not less than 200 voices, and an orchestra of not less than 50 performers, with an organ, have bean secured. The price of the tickets will be 10s. for each seat at each concert.
Further particulars will be announced on the arrival of M. Lavenu, who has been engaged to conduct, and is expected shortly to arrive . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (4 July 1859), 6 

"UNIVERSITY MUSICAL FESTIVAL. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", Empire (13 July 1859), 5 

SIR, - DESIROUS of seeing the much-vaunted Festival a credit to the colony, and not end in a failure, I call your attention to to the following:- . . .

. . . Madame Rawack, the only brilliant pianist in Australia, a thorough artiste (resident in Sydney), not engaged . .

. . . I am, Sir, &c., &c.,
July 12th, 1859.

[News], Freeman's Journal (16 July 1859), 2 

A writer in Wednesday's Empire complains that neither Madame Rawack, the brilliant pianist, or Mr. Farquharson, one of the best bass singers extant, or Madame Flora Harris, a soprano of acknowledged merit, have been engaged for the forthcoming University Festival. A second communication in same date also complains of the omission of the two ladies above mentioned.

ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor)

29 December 1859, W. J. Cordner's concert

"MR. CORDNER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1859), 7 

. . . In the secular part there will be various novelties introduced, but perhaps the greatest attraction will be the performance of Madame Rawack, on the pianoforte, this highly gifted artiste having in the kindest manner consented to give her powerful aid . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1859), 1 

. . . Piano Solo - Grand Fantasia du Trovatore par L. de Meyer - MADAME A. RAWACK . . .

"MR. CORDNER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1859), 5 

. . . A solo on the pianoforte - Grand Fantasia du Trovatore par L. de Meyer - was very brilliantly performed by Madame Amalia Rawack; an encore was called for amid loud and prolonged applause, but it was declined, owing probably to the lateness of the hour . . .

[Review], Empire (30 December 1859), 4 

. . . Madame Rawack next ascended the platform, and played a Fantasia on Airs from "Il Trovatore" written by Leopold de Meyer for Arabella Goddard: the composition is well calculated for its evident intention of producing effect: it is otherwise worthless. The brilliant - we may say masterly execution of Madame Rawack only makes us regret that this lady should be so sparing in the display of her talents. It would surely not be derogatory to her as an artiste to assist the cause of music by appearing more frequently in public. Her manipulation is of the true Clara Schumann (Wieck) school, and is a pleasure to behold, as well as to hear. We could wish that Madame Rawack would, like that gifted artiste, play compositions more worthy of her powers. The enoore to this piece was very properly refused . . .


28 May 1860, Sydney Philharmonic Society, Amalia's last advertised Sydney public appearance

[Advertisement], Empire (28 May 1860), 1 

SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY . . . the GRAND EXTRA CONCERT will take place in the Great Hall of the Exchange, THIS DAY, the 28th May, and that in addition to the Orchestral Members of the Society, the following artists have kindly accorded their assistance:
By permission of Colonel Kemp and the Officer of H. M. 12th Regiment, the band conducted by DOUGLAS CALLEN, Esq., will perform on this accasion.
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . 3. Solo, Pianoforte - Grande Fantaisie Sur, "Guillaume Tell" - Madame RAWACK - Dohler . . .

"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1860), 5 

. . . The chief attraction of the entertainment was, however, the pianoforte performance of Madame Rawack, whose services have always been highly appreciated at these and other reunions, and whose execution last night of a Fantaisie from "Guillaume Tell" was marked by the extreme delicacy and elegance which distinguish that lady's playing; the performance was received with enthusiastic applause, and with calls for an encore, which were not of course complied with . . .

MUSIC: Grande fantaisie et variations sur Guillaume Tell (Dohler)

31 August 1860, Sydney Philharmonic Society

"THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1860), 4 

We have been requested to draw attention to an advertisement in this day's publication - the first concert of the season of the above Society . . . The talented bandmaster of the 12th Regiment is the conductor for the first concert, and in the orchestra, in addition to the old members, we hear of Mr. Paling, Mr. Rawack, Mr. Peck, and other gentlemen well known in musical circles. We have therefore much pleasure in anticipating a successful "opening day" to the Sydney Philharmonic Society.

[Advertisement], Empire (31 July 1860), 1 

. . . 8. Duet - Violin and piano - Guillaume Tell - De Beriot end Osborn - Mr. CALLEN and GENTLEMAN AMATEUR . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Gentleman amateur = ? Leopold Rawack; George Douglas Callen (conductor, band master 12th regiment); George Peck (violinist)


Hofmeister, Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbericht Band 1861, 32

[Januar 1861] . . . Rawak-Mauthner, Amalie, Novara-Klänge, Walzer. Triest, Münster . . .

Adolph Hofmeister (comp., ed.), Verzeichnis sämmtlicher im Jahre 1861 in Deutschland und den angrenzenden Ländern erschienenen Musikalien . . . (Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, [1861]), 117 

Rawak-Mauthner, Amalie, Novara-Klänge, Walzer. Triest, Münster . . .

[Advertisement], Empire (29 January 1861), 6 

N.B. -POSITIVE SALE, On THURSDAY, the 31st, at ll O'CLOCK.
MR. ROBERT MURIEL has received positive instructions from Madame Rawack, to sell by public auction, at his Rooms, Wynyard-street,
on THURSDAY, the 31st instant, at 11 o'clock precisely, Her magnificent grand, with all the latest improvements, in rosewood.
*.* The maker of the above instrument obtained the head prize at the Great General Exhibition. It is inlaid with gold, and originally belonged to the Emperor of Austria - seven octaves, - and it is the instrument that Madame Rawack has performed upon at all her concerts.
N.B. - Particulars of the above, and cards to testify the quality of the same, can be had gratis, on application to the Auctioneer, ROBERT MURIEL, Auctioneer, Wynyard-street. Terms, cash.

"DEPARTURES", Empire (19 February 1861), 3

Duncan Dunbar, ship. 1374 tous, Captain Neatby, for London. Passengers . . . Madame Rawack and servant . . .

"MADAME RAWACK IN AUSTRIA", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1861), 5

To the numerous musical dilettanti of Sydney, and especially the admirers of the genius of this talented artiste, who, for so long a period held a sway in Sydney as one of the finest pianists ever heard in this colony, the following notice will not prove uninteresting. We extract and translate it from one of the latest dates of the Viennese daily newspapers, theOesterreichische Zeitung.

It will be recollected that Madame Rawack left Sydney some months since, on a visit to her native town and country, and it cannot fail to be gratifying that the high estimation in which she was held here should be seconded with far greater enthusiasm in a country where great musicians are "to the manner born." The Austrian Gazette, in criticising a grand concert given for charitable purposes at Sauerbrunn, the fashionable summer resort of the gay Viennese beau monde, after speaking of the merits of the great vocalists who took part in the concert, says:

"And now let us come to the principal novelty of this truly splendid entertainment, the re-appearance, after her return from the Antipodes, of Madame Rawack, who, even as a young girl, excited the most intense interest in the artistic world of Vienna, from her extraordinary talent as a pianist, but from whom Hymen doomed us to so long a separation. Madame Rawack played Thalberg's "Sonnambula Fantasia," in what with truth may be said to be a masterly manner. Her execution now combines a full, powerful, and marked emphasis with the most delicate fingering; the most brilliant bravura skill united to a truly classical, but yet expressive repose in the development of the greatest difficulties - qualities but too seldom found in the modern examples of the world of virtuosi. Long, long after Frau Rawack had left the instrument, and had reappeared to acknowledge the compliment, did the tumultuous applause continue." Indeed, it seems to have been rumoured that the young men of the town intended convoying Madame Rawack in triumph to her residence, but that this idea was negatived by a hint from the authorities, lest, as in Denmark, Bavaria, and other places, the scene might be converted into the occasion of a political émeute.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 February 1862), 1 

Committee of Management.
Hon. J. H. Plunkett, M.L.C.
Hon. F. L. S. Merewether, M.L.C.
Laurence Spyer, Esq.
A. H. Mc.Culloch, Esq.
John Black, Esq.
Joseph Spyer, Esq.
Leopold Rawack, Esq.
W. H. Aldis, Esq.
J. R. CLARKE, hon. secretary . . .

"BOULANGER'S IMPROMPTU POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 March 1862), 4 

We have much pleasure in drawing the attention of our musical readers to the above charming composition, just issued from the press. The work itself does not require our recommendation, having been played with great popularity by Madame Rawack and the talented composer many times. Although entitled a polka, it is in every respect a concert piece, and must become a favourite practice with all advanced performers on the pianoforte. We cannot but give the highest credit to the publisher, Mr. Clarke, of George-street, for the correct and excellent style in which the Impromptu has been produced, the engraving being of the best character, and printed with unusual neatness, besides being embellished with a finished portrait of the composer by Mr. Thomas.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 August 1865), 1 

NEW SOUTH WALES LEICHHARDT SEARCH FUND. - A CONCERT in aid of the above object will take place in the Masonic Hall, York-street, on WEDNESDAY next, the 23rd instant, under the distinguished patronage of his Excellency Sir JOHN YOUNG, and LADY YOUNG, the Ministry, the Mayor and Aldermen of Sydney, the Foreign Consuls, and the following committee - . . . L. Rawack . . .


"INSOLVENCY COURT. THURSDAY. SURRENDER", Empire (18 January 1867), 4 

Leopold Rawack, merchant, Sydney, trading under the name of L. Rawack and Co. Liabilities, about £14,000. Assets, between £10,000 and £11,000. Mr. R. H. Sempill, official assignee.


"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. WEDNESDAY", Empire (2 June 1870), 3

Leopold Rawack, charged with having obtained goods under false pretences, was, on the application of his attorney, Mr. Roberts, remanded until Friday next. Mr. Carroll appeared to prosecute.


"DEATHS", Empire (14 January 1873), 1

On the 13th January, at his residence, Sea View-terrace, Liverpool-street, Darlinghurst, Leopold Rawack, aged 54 years.

"SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. JULIUS LIPMANN", Empire (14 January 1873), 2 

THE public will hear with surprise and regret of the sudden death of a well known citizen, Mr. Julius Lipmann, which took place yesterday, at his residence, Argyle-place, from apoplexy. It appears that Mr. Lipmann went to his office, in Spring-street, at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Lipmann and child. After remaining there a short time he requested they would go home and he would follow them in order to attend the funeral of a deceased friend, Mr. Rawack . . . At this time Mrs. Lipmann observed that he appeared to be much depressed in spirits, and the parting was more affectionate than usual . . . Mr. Lipmann originally came out to this colony about twenty years ago in the mail steamship Formosa, and in the year 1858, having returned to England for that purpose, brought out 750 Cornish labourers to complete the Melbourne and Mount Alexander railway.

"Musical and Dramatic Review", Australian Town and Country Journal (21 June 1873), 21

. . . The welcome to Arabella Goddard as she appeared on the platform, [was] long-continued and hearty . . . We have had good pianists here: Madame Rawack (known years gone by in Vienna us Fraulein Mauthner - the only lady artist of fame that has previously visited us) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Arabella Goddard

After 1873

"STRINGED QUARTETS. TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 June 1877), 5

SIR, With the remarks of your critic on the performance of the Musical Union yesterday evening, I think everyone present will agree; he is, however, in error, in stating that "stringed quartettes are an entirely new feature in concerts here". I heard very good performances by the Deanes and others thirty years ago in Sydney; later by a quartette, of which the late Mr. Rawack was the leader, and quartettes of the Chamber Concerts given by Mr. and Mrs. Herman [? Herwyn]. Many persons spent very pleasant evenings it the residence of a well-known musical chemist here, where Beethoven and Mozart ruled the hour, through the interpretations of musicians of ability on stringed instruments.
I remain, sir, yours, &c.,
June 1.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Madame Herwyn (violinist and pianist)

"MUSIC. TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 March 1887), 11 

SIR, - I am sorry that M. Henri Kowalski should have taken in such high dudgeon my remarks on the above subject; and that in his reply he indulges in an attack which would be personal were he not on an entirely wrong track in his surmises as to the authorship of the letter, which is quite immaterial for any purpose of the matter at issue . . .

. . . I might have mentioned a few other names. Madame Rawack, née Amalia Mauthner, of Vienna, a highly gifted German pianiste, who was for a long time the soloist of the [Sydney Philharmonic] society . . .

. . .The gifted musician referred to by "One of the Antique " - M. Heine, the blind violinist (not "Geiger") - and his talented wife, a pianiste, visited this country in 1860, and gave a series of concerts here, which, through the mismanagement of their agent, were a failure. A few lovers of music sympathising with the artists, desired to make them compensation for their heavy losses, and a committee was formed to arrange, with the assistance of the Orpheonistic Society, a complimentary concert . . . I find in the list of tickets sold the following names and numbers : - Mr. M. Baar, 182 tickets; Mr. L. Rawack, 25; Mr. J. H. Plunkett, 20; Sir W. Manning, 12; Judge Francis, 18; Dr. Nathan, 12; Mr. T. Mort, 12; Sir A. Stephen, 12; and many other leading citizens. I could mention many other cases of the liberal support given to music and musicians.
I am, &c.,
Sydney, March 18.

ASSOCIATIONS: Henri Kowalski (pianist); John Hubert Plunkett (musical amateur); Charles Nathan (musical amateur); Orpheonist Society

Musical works (Amalie)

Novara-Klänge, Walzer (published by 1860)

Novara-Klänge, Walzer . . . Amalie Rawak-Mauthner (Triest, Münster, 1860)


Hofmeister, Musikalisch-literarischer Monatsbericht Band 1861, 32 (DIGITISED)

[Januar 1861] . . . Rawak-Mauthner, Amalie, Novara-Klänge, Walzer. Triest, Münster . . .

Adolph Hofmeister (comp., ed.), Verzeichnis sämmtlicher im Jahre 1860 in Deutschland und den angrenzenden Ländern erschienenen Musikalien . . . (Leipzig: Friedrich Hofmeister, [1861]), 117 (DIGITISED)

Rawak-Mauthner, Amalie, Novara-Klänge, Walzer. Triest, Münster . . .

Bibliography and resources

Brewer 1892

F. C. Brewer, The drama and music in New South Wales (Sydney: Charles Potter, Govt. Printer, Sydney, for the New South Wales Commission for the World's Columbian Exposition (1893: Chicago, Ill.), 1892), 62 (DIGITISED)

. . . Madame Rawack was another pianist to whom the Sydney musical public were for a considerable time indebted for admirable readings of high class compositions. Herr Rawack had previously appeared as a solo violinist, his first performance taking place in what is now the Girls' High School, in Castlereagh-street, Sydney . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Campbell Brewer; the venue was known in the 1840s as the School room, Old Court House; the building was demolished to make way for David Jones' Elizabeth Street store.

ÖBL 1956

"Epstein, Richard (1869-1919), Pianist", Österreichisches biographisches Lexikon 1815-1950, Bd. 1 (Lfg. 3, 1956), S. 259 

Epstein Richard, Pianist. * Wien, 26. 1. 1869; + New York, 1. 8. 1919. Sohn des Julius E. (s. d.) aus dessen Ehe mit der Pianistin Amalie Mauthner (+ 1916) . . .

Hieke 1957s

Ernst Hieke (ed.), Zur Geschichte der Firmen Behn, Meyer & Co. gegründet in Singapore am 1. November 1840 und Arnold Otto Meyer gegründet in Hamburg am 1. Juni 1857 (Hamburg: Hans Christians Verlag, 1957), 90

Skinner 2011

Skinner, First national music, 2011, 252-54, 421 (DIGITISED)


Hanna Bergmann/Annkatrin Babbe, "Mauthner, Amalie", Sophie Drinker Institut 

© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025