LAST MODIFIED Wednesday 19 March 2025 9:01
Joseph Gautrot and Madame Gautrot
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"Joseph Gautrot and Madame Gautrot",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
GAUTROT, Joseph (Mons. GAUTROT; Joseph GAUTROT; ? Henri; H. L. J. GAUTROT; Gautrot, pere; ? Ameot GAUTROT)
Violinist, composer, professor of music
Born France, June 1775; or 1783/4
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1 March 1839 (per Sarah and Elizabeth, from Batavia, 4 January)
Died Sydney, 30 January 1854, "aged 71" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
GAUTROT, Madame (Madame GAUTROT)
Soprano vocalist
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1 March 1839 (per Sarah and Elizabeth, from Batavia, 4 January)
Active Sydney, until May 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
See also all TROVE items tagged French operatic company 1839: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
See also all TROVE items tagged Foreign operatic company 1842: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
France (? c.1775 to c. 1831)
In Hobart in 1845, Joseph Gautrot himself advertised a June concert to celebrate his seventieth birthday, from which we might hope we could reliably calculate a birth year of 1775. However, according to his death notices in the Sydney press, presumably placed there by his wife, he was 71 years of age in January 1854, and therefore born in 1783/84. Reports suggest that neither Gautrot may ever have become fluent in English, and so, allowing also for the possibility of their interlocutors mishearing, perhaps neither date is correct.
In Paris in 1810, a "Gautrot", whose residence was given as no. 10, rue-N-D-de-Nazareth, in the 3rd arrondissement, was listed as one of the first violins in the orchestra of the Opéra-comique, under the leadership of Frédéric Blasius. The name "Gautrot" was also written on a second violin part for the first performance of Cherubini's Chant sur la mort d'Haydn, performed at the Paris Conservatoire on 18 February that same year.
According to his brief obituary in Bell's life in Sydney, Gautrot was with Napoleon's imperial guard when it entered Moscow in 1812. And, as late as 1926, his extremely elderly former Sydney pupil, James Walker, remembered "M. Guthrow" as having been "Napoleon's first violinist". A François Gautrot (1774-1827), of the grendadiers à cheval in the Imperial Guard, was enlisted in the Legion d'honneur in 1805.
He was perhaps the Gautrot who in 1817 was director of the orchestra at the Franconi family's Cirque Olympique, and named as composer of the instrumental music accompanying Franconi junior's pantomime, Caïn; ou, Le premier crime, premiered there on 26 June.
An "M. Gautrot" was chef d'orchestre at the Grand Théâtre de Gand in 1829 and 1830, and a "Mme. Gautrot" among the minor principals. In 1831, "M. Gautrot" was chef d'orchestre at the Théâtre de Genève, and a "Mme. Gauterot" [sic] one of the minor principals.
Batavia (c.1831 to 1838)
Gautrot's Sydney obituary claimed that he was for "about eight years" leader of an orchestra at Batavia.
He was also documented as having given a concert at Cape Town, in the Cape Colony, presumably en route to South Asia.
He and his wife were certainly documented as working at the theatre at Batavia between late 1836 and the end of 1838, as part of François Minard's French theatrical troupe, and, if they had indeed been there earlier, may also have toured with Minard to Calcutta in 1834. Also appearing with the company in Batavia in 1836-37 was the dancer, Charriere, whom the Gautrots would meet again in Sydney.
Australia (1838 to 1855)
The Gautrots arrived in Sydney in March 1839 with Minard's small operatic company, to give what would turn out to be their last performances together. When Minard and his wife left in April, he advertised the music of 25 operas for sale. Alone of the small company, the Gautrots opted to remain.
In 1839 Joseph Gautrot signed a letter to the press in Sydney "J. Gautrot, Pere", and W. A. Duncan also referred to him as "Pere" in the Australasian Chronicle, perhaps suggesting that a son was also with them in Australia at least briefly. A Henri Gautrot was in Batavia in 1841; was he perhaps the "Monsieur Henry" who appeared with the company in Sydney? In the 1841 census, taken in Melbourne in March, the Gautrot household is listed under the name "Henri Gautrot".
As to Madame Gautrot, neither her forename nor initial appears anywhere in print or other documentation as yet uncovered.
Charles Rodius exhibited a sketch portrait of Gautrot in Sydney in 1849, said to be a good likeness; if it survives, it is so far unidentified.
The Gautrots lived for periods in Hobart and Melbourne, but were mostly based in Sydney. They planned to leave Australia several times, but were prevented by misfortunes and penury.
Of the two, Madame Gautrot was probably better known to Sydney audiences for her many vocal appearances. She continued to perform after her husband's death, but disappears completely from colonial record after May 1855.
Musical works
Of around 30 documented compositions and arrangements by Joseph Gautrot, only one was published and survives, the:
Josephian hymn (Hobart: T. Bluett, 1844).
Among his documented, but lost colonial musical works were:
Australia, a pastoral (composed for the Ladies of the Colony for violin solo) (Sydney in November 1839)
Quintett (for two Tenors, two Violoncellos, and one Double Bass) (Sydney, June 1840)
Overture a la Melbourne (for band and orchestra) (Melbourne, April 1841)
Russian air with variations: a sestett (for pianoforte, two Violins, two flutes, violoncello, and double bass) (Sydney, August 1842)
Septett (for pianoforte, two violins, two flutes, violoncello, and double bass; "composed, we believe, for the occasion") (Sydney, August 1842)
Overture ("composed expressly for this Theatre . . . with variations for all the instruments") (Hobart, December 1843)
Grand septuor ("for Three Violins, Viola, Violoncello, Flute, and Contra Basse") (Hobart, December 1845)
A new grand overture ("by a Double Orchestra, composed expressly for this occasion") (Sydney, May 1850)
Documentation (France 1810-30)
Mémorial dramatique, quatrième année 1810 (Paris: Hocquet et Ce., [1810]) (DIGITISED)
[56] . . . ORCHESTRE.
Chefs. MM. Blasius . . . Lefebvre . . . Second Chef Frédéric . . .
Premiers Violons. Griot . . . Guigne . . . Cudret . . .
Gautrot, rue N.-D-de-Nazareth , no. 10.
Habeneck . . . Dieudonné . . . Seconds Violons . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frédéric Blasius (leader); ? François Habeneck (violinist)
18 February 1810, a "Gautrot", 2nd violin, at first performance of Luigi Cherubini's Chant sur la mort d'Haydn; Paris Conservatoire
Chant sur la mort d'Haydn, set of manuscript parts for performance at the Paris Conservatoire, 1810; Bibliothèque nationale de France (DIGITISED)
Noms des interprètes sur certaines parties: . . . Gautrot [2e violon] . . . (DIGITISED)
PRINTED EDITION AND RECORDING: Chant sur la mort d'Haydn (Cherubini)

Vue du Circque Olympique de M.M. Franconi, from Les animaux savants; ou, Exercices des chevaux de M.M. Franconi (Paris, 1816), plate after 36 (DIGITISED)
Almanach des 25,000 adresses de Paris pour l'année 1817 (Paris: C. L. F. Panckoucke, 1817), 288 (DIGITISED)
Gautrot, chef d'orch. au cirque Olymp. r. Miromesnil, 1.
Cain; ou, Le premiere crime; pantomime en trois actes, imitée du poeme de Gessner, par M. Franconi jeune, mise en scène par le même; musique arrangée et composée par M. Gautrot, chef d'orchestre du Cirque Olympique . . . représentée, pour la première fois, à Paris, sur le théâtre du Cirque Olympique, le 26 Juin 1817 (Paris: Fages, [1817])
Copy at Bibliothèque nationale de France (DIGITISED)
Copy at British Library (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henri Franconi
"BOITE", La Pandore, journal des spectacles . . . (12 October 1825), 4 (DIGITISED)
On y voit que: La troupe de Troyes revient, après avoir fait les délices d'une autre ville, qu'aux sons flatteurs du violon de M. Gautrot viendra se joindre le chant du rossignol si parfaitement imité par Mme. Mandelli . . .
Théatre de Gand, comptes-rendus et programmes 1829-1830 ([Paris: ? , 1829-30], 2 (DIGITISED)
DE 1829 A 1830.
Messieurs, Alphonse d'Apréval, Elleviou.
Le Roux, Philippe.
Annet, forte 2e Haute-Contre, Colin.
Vautrin, 2e Haute-Contre, Colin.
Mondonville, Martin.
Leclerc, jeune, 1re Basse-taille.
Padres, 2e Basse-taille.
Baudot, 2e et 3e Basse-taille.
Prud'homme, Trial.
Emery, Laruette.
Vandevyver, Grande utilité.
Choristes. - Dix hommes.
Liger, 1re Chanteuse à roulades.
Thibault, 1re Chanteuse sans roulades.
Le Rous, 1re Dugazon.
Alphonse d'Apréval, 2e Dugazon.
Fay, 2me Chanteuse, 2me Dugazon.
Prud'homme, 2me et 3me Amoureuse.
Vautrin, 1re Coriphée.
De Fite, 1re Duègne.
Gautrot, 2me Duègne.
Leaneau, 2me Coriphée.
Choristes. - Huit dames.
Leclerc, aîné, directeur gérant;
Mondonville, Alphonse d'Apréval, Leclerc, jeune,
Mlle. Thibault, directeurs sociétaires;
Baudot, régisseur en chef; Vandevyver, 2e régisseur;
Mengal, chef d'orchestre; Gautrot, 2é chef d'orchestre et répétiteur . . .
Almanach des spectacles pour 1830 (Paris: Barba, 1830), 338 (DIGITSED)
Grand Théâtre de Gand. MM. Leclerc, directeur gérant . . . M. Gautrot, chef d'orchestra
[News], Journal des comédiens (29 November 1830), 8 (DIGITISED)
. . . Mme. Verteuil, tenant l'emplot de premier rôle dans la comédie, première Dugazon dans l'opera . . . étant denrierement pout affaire à Genève, s'est arrêté dans cette dernière ville, où, d'après une indisposition subite de Mme. Gautrot, qui tient l'emploi, on la pria de jouer Mme. Jeannin, dans le Jésuite.
Almanach des spectacles pour 1831 (Paris: Barba, 1831), 251 (DIGITISED)
Théâtre de Genève.
M. Lonce et Mme.Lintaut, directeurs . . .
Gautrot, chef d'orchestre. Thonon, second maître de musique.
Honoré, premier violon solo. Voirou, second violon.
Henselin, basse solo . . .
Martial, première hautecontre, Allan, Philippe et Gavaudan . . .
Mmes . . . Gauterot [sic], des meres Dugazon . . .
Documentation (Batavia, 1836-39)
"THE FRENCH DRAMATIC COMPANY", Calcutta Journal (August 1836), 379
The French Company recently arrived, made their debut on the evening of the 23d August, in a little theatre fitted up in one of the large rooms on the second floor at the Government House. The pieces chosen for the occasion were two very humorous one-act Vaudevilles - "Une Affaire d'Honneur," and "Watel," or the illustrious cook. The principal role in both pieces was taken by M. Fleury, who was very respectably supported by our old friend M. Sivord, and by five others of the corps, namely, Madame Thonon, Mademoiselle Fleury, M. Bonniol, M. Alphonse and M. Charles, the last a young actor destined, we guess, for the parts that were assigned to M. Minard in the former Company, but, to judge from a first performance, not quite equal to him. The two ladies had not much opportunity of displaying their talents: we prefer them both to the "adorable" Flore of the last Company . . .
12 October 1836, earliest notice of Gautrot at Batavia
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (12 October 1836), 5
Monsieur Gautrot, chef de I'orchestre de Batavia, se propose de donner des leçons de chant, de violon, d'accompagnement de piano et autres instrumens. Les personnes qui veulent I'honorer de leur coniiance pouront s'adresser chez lui, chez M. Chaulan.
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (15 October 1836), 6
THÉATRE-FRANCAIS, Sous la direction de M. MINARD. Lundi 17 Octobre 1836 . . . INTERMEDE MUSICAL dans lequel Mme. GAUTROT chantera le grand air du Concert à la Cour . . .
"THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (11 November 1836), 2
. . . Mardi dernier la Dame Blanche, opéra de Scribe et Boieldieu, vient d'être donné pour la 2e fois et cette fois-ci l'exécution a été parfaite . . . Mme. Gautrot a chanté a ravir et la même observation peut être appliquée a cette actrice . . . M. Henri tient fermement sa partie de chant et promet assez pour l'avenir . . . La musique, tant de l'ouverture que de l'accompagnement, a été exécutée a merveille et a contribué en bonne partie a l'illusion y que doit causer naturellement une représentation du chef-d'oeuvre de Boieldieu . . .
"THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (16 November 1836), 4
"THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (26 November 1836), 2
. . . Pourquoi aussi l'orchestre pour les vaudevilles est-il si mal pourvu? Moyennant une petite dépense, M. Minard trouvera bien deux ou trois artistes; cela serait bien plus agréable pour l'auditoire et ferait que, quand M. Gautrot devrait tourner sa feuille il n'y aurrait pas tacet pour tout le reste de l'orchestre composé de lui seul . . .
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (30 November 1836), 5
THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS. Sous la direction de M. MINARD. Samedi 3 Novembre 1836 . . . LE BARBIER DE SÉVILLE, Opéra en 4 actes, musique de Rossini. Dans la leçon de chant du 3me acte Mad. Gautrot chantera un air de Mozard [sic], avec variations de la composition de M. Gautrot.
"ERUDITIO MUSICA. Achtste Concert", Javasche courant (14 January 1837), 2
Welligt was er voor de beminnaren der toonkunst, in deze gewesten, in langen tijd geen genoeglijker, ja gelukkiger avond, dan die van den 9den dezer.
Zij althans, die met ons, in de verschillende gewaarwordingen, welke elk nummer van het Programma der uitgevoerde muzijk-stukken te weeg bragt, deelden, bekennen dit met den waren kunstliefhebber volmondig.
Dat men het dan ook niet euvel neme, wanneer wij ons het regt aanmatigen, om, langs dezen weg, de tolken te zijn der dankbare gevoelens, waarmede ieder onzer bezield is, voor de krachtdadige medewerking der dames en heeren liefhebbers, welke zoo ruimschoots tot dien schoonen avond, in het concert voor den heer Gautrot en deszelfs echtgenoot hebben bijgedragen . . .
Het vijfde nummer, zijnde eene romance uit Guillaume Tell van Rossini, door Mevr. Gautrot gezongen, voldeed bij uitnemenheid; een weinig meer vast- en toegevenheid in de begeleiding, ware ons zeker niet ongevallig geweest; doch overigens was de voordragt en uitvoering overschoon . . .
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (13 May 1837), 4
"THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (1 July 1837), 2
Mercredi dernier, M. Minard, en donnant une représentation de Vatel, suivi de la Dame Blanche . . . Mme. Gautrot, à son entrée en scène, fut salué par un violent coup de sifflet . . . M. Gautrot, du haut de son siège musical, s'est permis de provoquer le siffleur: soit par respect pour les cheveux blancs de ce vieillard, soit que l'on ait jugé plus conveuable de mépriser l'injure grossière de cet homme, personne n'a répondu à son appel belliqueux. Du reste, les murmures du public ont assez fait compreadre à M. Gautrot, combien sa conduite était inconvenante.
"THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (1 July 1837), 4
OPERA: La dame blanche (Boieldieu)
VAUDEVILLE: Vatel; ou, Le petit fils d'un grand-homme (Scribe)
See also "BATAVIA", in Rafael Díaz Arenas, Viaje curioso é instructivo de Manila á Cádiz por China, Batavia, el Brazil (Cádiz: D. D. Féros, 1839), 137-38 (DIGITISED)
. . . Se representaba aquella noche La Dama blanca, ópera en dos actos, música de Boaldieu, y el Baudeville, Batel ó el nieto de un grande hombre. Al presentarse en la escena M. me Gautrot, se oyó un silvido, se retiró ella y se paró la representacion; el público empezó á gritar fuera el que ha silvado; por último se presentó segunda vez, y la colmaron de aplausos: supe entónces que habia dos partidos, uno á favor de ella y otro por Mme. Alexandre, cuyo marido fué quien me recordó en la posada que habia ópera; y entónces conocí que lo que él deseaba era que fuesen mu-[138]-chos espectadores para oir gritar á lasenemiga lírica de su esposa.
Conocí en otra representacion que esta era mas cómica, y tenía cierto despejo y gracejo, con que compensaba la ventaja que en la música le llevaba Mme. Goutrot [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (30 August 1837), 11
THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS, Sous la direction de M. MINARD. MERCREDI 30 Août 1837, AU BÉNÉFICE DE MADAME GAUTROT . . . Une première représentation de FRA DIAVOLO, Opéra en 3 actes, musique d'Auber . . .
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (20 September 1837), 6
THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS, Sous la direction de M. MINARD. VENDREDl 22 Septembre 1837, Au Bénéfice de M. GAUTROT . . . Une première représentation de LA PIE VOLEUSE, Opéra en 3 actes, musique de Rossini . . .
"THEATRE FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (17 January 1838), 2
[Opera La Muette de Portici . . .] . . . notre bon Gautrot lève son archet . . . un accord électrique, brusque, brillant, annonce l'ouverture que l'on couvre d'applaudissemens étourdissans . . . Des fleurs, des fleurs en masse à Mme. Gautrot dans son air délicieux: ô moment enchanteur! Une couronne de chêne a l'énergique Gautrot . . ..
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (26 May 1838), 5
Twee zeer goede piano's te koop; te bevragen bij den heer Gautrot, Koningsplein naast den heer van Teutem.
"VERTREKKENDE PERSONEN", Javasche courant (20 June 1838), 5
. . . - Monsieur Robert et Madame Alexandre, repatrient.
- Mr. Gautrot et familie guittent Java.
"FRANSCH TOONEEL TE BATAVIA", Javasche courant (4 July 1838), 8-9
[9] . . . Men onderscheide dus wat het publiek oordeelt en wat eenige enkele min onpartijdige personen voor deszelfs gevoelen wel willen doen doorgaan; van welk laatste toch de avond van gisteren een klaar bewijs heeft opgeleverd, daar Me. Bonniol door hare verhaaste terugkomst den schijn had als of zij van te voren van alles onderrigt ware, en het verhaaste ophalen van de gordija bijna veroorzaakt had dat zij ten tooneele ware verschenen, voor en aleer haar naam nog door enkelen genoemd was, en men bepaald wist, of het haar dan wel Me. Gautrot gold . . .
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (18 July 1838), 5
SPECTACLE-FRANCAIS, sous la direction DE MESSIEURS LES AMATEURS DU THEATRE HOLLANDAIS. Vendredi 20 Juillet 1B38. Dixseptième représentation de l'abonnement. LE BOUFFE ET LE TAILLEUR, Opéra en 1 acte, Dans cette pièce MM. BONNIOL, ROBERT et Mme. GAUTROT placeront quelques nouveaux morceaux de chant dont le programine du jour donnera le détail . . .
[Advertisement], Javasche courant (21 July 1838), 6
VENDU DEPARTEMANT . . . Op dingsdag den 24sten Julij 1838. Ten huize van den heer Gautrot, op het Koningsplein, van wagens, paarden, huismeubelen, ledikanten, spiegels, stoelen, een drankbufet, kleerenkasten, glaswerk, hanglampen; alsmede een palanquin met engelsch ijzerwerk zoo goed als nieuw.
[Shipping], Javasche courant (1 September 1838), 6
BATAVIA . . . Vertrokken . . . Aug. 30 - Ned. stoom-boot Van der Capellen, C. Borneman, naar Samarang, met Zr. Ms. troepen, passagiers . . . H. E. le Normant, F. Minard, G. Bonniol en familie, H. L. J. Gautrot en familie . . .
"VERTREKKENDE PERSONEN", Javasche courant (24 November 1838), 5
M. et Mme Minard, M. et Mme Gautrot et son fils, quittent Java.
[Shipping], Javasche courant (12 December 1838), 5, 6
BATAVIA Aangekomen. Dec. 7 - Ned stoom-boot Van der Capellen, C. Borneman, van Samarang den 5den december, met Zr. Ms troepen, passagiers . . .. de heeren J. A. Moser, Darling, H. Gautrot, Minard en echtgenoot, Gautrot en echtgenoot, en de jonge heer Tholen.
SAMARANG . . . Vertrokken . . . Dec. 4 - Ned. stoom boot Van der Capellen, C. Borneman, naar Batavia, met Zr. Ms. troepen, passagiers, kollonel De Koek van Leeuwen, de heer J. A. Moser, de heer en mevrouw Gautrot, en de heer en mevrouwen Minard en H. Gautrot.
[Shipping], Javasche courant (5 January 1839), 5
Jan. 4 . . . Eng. schip Sara en Elizabeth, J. Davison, naar Sijdneij, passagiers, de heeren W. Yong, F. Minard en familie, H. L. J. Gautrot, en familie . . .
1840-41 (Henri Gautrot)
"Vertrekkende Personen", Javasche courant (16 December 1840), 5
Henri Gautrot retourne en France.
"Scheepsberigten", Javasche courant (30 January 1841), 6
Vertrokken . . . Jan. 28. - Frans. schip Philantrope, J. Jayer, naar Samarang, passagiers . . . H. Gautrot . . .
"Scheepsberigten", Javasche courant (31 March 1841), 5
BATAVIA. Aangekomen . . . Maart 26 - Frans. schip Le Java J. Jager, van Samarang . . . passagiers . . . Gautrot . . .
Documentation (Australia, 1839-55)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Gautrot for 1839:
For all TROVE items tagged Madame Gautrot for 1839:
For all TROVE items tagged French Operatic company 1839:
Sydney, NSW (1 March to 7 May 1839)
1 March 1839, arrival in Sydney, from Batavia
"ARRIVALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 March 1839), 2
From Batavia, same day [yesterday], whence she sailed the 4th January, the barque Sarah and Elisabeth, Captain Davidson, with sugar, rice, and arrack. Passengers, Monsieur and Madame Monuard [sic], Monsieur and Madame Gantral [sic], and Mr. Young. Agent, Captain Davidson.
ASSOCIATIONS: Monsieur and Madame Minard

Interior of St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney, by John Skinner Prout, c. 1841-44; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Skinner Prout (artist)
"FINE ARTS", The Australian (5 March 1839), 2
By the arrival of the Sarah and Elizabeth, the Colony has been favoured by the appearance of no less than six foreign gentlemen and ladies of the musical profession. Of Monsieur Mirnard, the leader, and Ins enterprising companions, we have heard the most flattering testimonials. At every place where they have performed, they have met with the most distinguished encouragement and applause. At Madras, they performed under the patronage of Sir Frederick Adams, and at Calcutta, Sir Charles Metcalfe favoured them with his support. They also performed with great success at Batavia.
Monsieur Gantrot, le chef d'orchestre, was for ten years first violin player at Feydan [sic], a circumstance which alone is sufficient to gain for him and his friends the support of the musical portion of our community. Every lover of the fine arts cannot but rejoice that these gentlemen have visited our shores, for we feel no hesitation in inserting that they will greatly contribute to amuse and refine our fellow-citizens. Mr. Wyatt, the proprietor of the theatre, would be conferring a great favour upon those foreigners as well as upon the public at large, were he to allow them the use of the theatre at least once a week, while they remain in the Colony.
From the known liberality of this gentleman, we have no doubt but that he will attend to our suggestion. Mr. Wyatt could not bestow a greater favour upon the public than by giving the use of his splendid building to those votaries of an art which it is in the nature of all mankind to admire, and which, wherever it makes its appearance, does not fail to civilize and exalt.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney)
10 March 1839, St. Mary's cathedral, Hyde Park, Sydney
[News], The Australian (12 March 1839), 2
The French Company of Comedians make their first appearance on Friday. The report of judges who have witnessed their capabilities is highly in their favour, and of one, (Madame Gonton [sic]), we can personally speak. This lady assisted in the choir of St. Mary's Cathedral, on Sunday, and with Miss Wallace, executed a duet which had an astonishing effect upon the audience. Her notes are sound and brilliant, and powerful, and her expression is marked with feeling; - her enunciation was remarkable for distinctness; but we could not judge of her execution which is reported to be good. The duet excelled any thing we have heard in the Colony. Miss Wallace's full Contra Alto blending so brilliantly with the soprano, as to form a beautiful unity of volume which came without blemish on the ear. If the rest of the company are any thing equal to Madame Gonton, they cannot fail to meet with encouraging support.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace (vocalist)
15 March 1839, opening night, French operatic company, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney
FIRST PIECE: Michel et Christine (vaudeville, Scribe and Dupin, 1821)
SECOND PIECE: Le bouffe et le tailleur (opéra comique, words by Armand Gouffé and Villiers; music by Pierre Gaveaux, 1804)
THIRD PIECE: Les premieres amours; ou, Les souvenirs d'enfance (vaudeville, Scribe, 1825)
[Advertisement], The Australian (14 March 1839), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
FRIDAY EVENING, March, 15, 1839.
FIRST NIGHT of the French Operatic Company, who will have the honor of representing
Michael and Christina, A Vaudeville in one Act, by Scribe and Dupin.
After which,
THE BUFFO, Opera Buffa, in one Act.
Airs to be Sung during the Piece
No. 1. "On dit que je suis sans malice," sung by Monsieur Minard
No. 2. "Ton coeur bon et sensible," by Madame Gautrot and Monsieur Minard
No. 3. "Gaiment je m'accomode de tout," a Rondo, by Monsieur Henry
No. 4. "Conservez bien la paix du coeur," a Duet, by Madarne Gautrot and Monsieur Henry
No. 5. Air from the Barber of Seville, "Una Voce," by Madame Gautrot
No. 6. "Monsieur vous avez une fille, &c.," a Burlesque, by Monsieur Minard
No. 7. "Assis au bord d'une onde pure," a Parody, by Madame Minard
No. 8. "Plaignez les tourmens," a Duet, by Madame Gautrot and Monsieur Henry
No. 9. "Finale Chorus."
The Evening's Amusenent will terminate with the favorite Piece of
Between the two last Pieces, Madame Gautrot will Sing the
Grand Air from the Pre Aux Clercs, With an Accompaniment, Violin Obligate, executed by Monsieur Gautrot.
Dress Boxes, 7s 6d. - Upper Boxes, 5s. - Pit, 2s. - Gallery, 1s . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (18 March 1839), 3
On Friday night the French "Comedians" lately arrived from India made their debut on the Sydney Stage. The weather was dreadful. First, the wind was similar to the heat of an oven, until just about the hour when the doors were opened, a breeze, from the south-east enveloped the town in dust. Every body expected that the dress boxes would be deserted, and that even the common people would not brave the dust to fill the pit. To the astonishment of every one, the house was full in every part; and the boxes and pit absolutely crowded. The expectations which we had formed from the performance of so small a number of persons, were surpassed by the general result, and the continuous applause from all parts of the house proved, that the audience appreciated the merits of the performers. The first part of the evening's entertainment was a Vaudeville, by the celebrated "Scribe;" it his been adopted into the English Language and performed on the Sydney Stage but the translation has lost all the naivete, and natural feeling of the original; the songs to which Madame Gautrot, Monsieur Minard, and Monsieur Henri, did perfect justice, are, so far as expression of sentiment is concerned, wholly untranslateable into English. Madame Gautrot was a perfect model for an "Aubergiste" (Country Landlady) and in Stanislas and his Monstache (Minard) we recognized a veritable "Grognard" (True Soldier), who would die sooner than forfeit his word or offend his Colonel. Monsieur Henri is well adapted to the line he has taken, and his perfect self-possession on the Stage, whether as a peasant or a gentleman, would be a great acquisition to most of the "Sydney Corps Dramatique." The Opea Buffa, which formed the second part of the entertainment, consists of a very simple plot as follows: - Cavatini, an Italian singer, not very much troubled with cash, and fortunately, he gets into the house of a tailor, whose wife (Madame Minard) although most prudent in all other matters, would give her house, husband, and all, for the sake of music; at the same time not knowing a single note of the gamut. Cavatini's valet, (Benini,) falls in love with the hostess' daughter; the attachment becomes mutual, and they at length persuade Cavatini to take advantage of the old lady's foible, in order to obtain her consent to her marriage. The old lady comes to the lodgings of the "singer," and finds Benini (who introduces himself as Cavatini his master) and forthwith the lady commences fishing for a song. Benini, who is as ignorant of music as herself, endeavours, by every excuse he can invent, to put off the exhibition of his powers; he at length prevails on her to sing first, and she, overcome by his protestations of admiration, and her own vanity, commences - "Assis au bord d'une onde pure," a parody, in which the action of the songstress is also burlesque, and of which Madame Minard appeared to be perfect mistress. This song kept the house in a roar of laughter. The plot terminates by the entrance of Cavatini, (Monsieur Henri) and Celestine (Madame Gautrot) who conceal themselves in a closet, one on each side of the old lady, whose back is turned towards Benini, who sits at the piano; the latter pretends to sing, and the old lady is enchanted; his master retires as soon as the song is over, and the old lady begs for something more. Benini offers to sing a lover's duet "all alone." She is perfectly astounded and the more so, when, he he tells her he will imitate the young lady's voice, at the same time. Cavitini and Celestine then step gently behind Mamma's chair and sing the sweet duet "plaignez les tourmens" and towards the end of their singing gradually approach the chair towards of the end, Benini not singing at all. Benini rises and takes his master's place, and he kneels on one side of her, Celestine being on the other, and the old lady quite overcome by the music which she thinks proceeds from Benini, drops an arm on each, and then discovers her mistake. She is very angry at having been deceived, but Cavatini (Henri) immediately launches into a bravura, which silences all her scruples, and she then consents to their union. The duet sung by Monsieur Minard, (a conversation supposed to be held between himself and the father of his mistress) was admirably executed. Madame Gautrot in the course of the opera sang the old favorite "Una voce poco fa," and it has lost nothing in public estimation by her performance. Several other songs were sung during the. piece, and all with great applause. A duet by Monsieur Minard and Madame Gautrot was encored. It was however unreasonable to demand an encore when we consider the length of the performance, and that only four persons had to sustain the whole. Between this and the concluding piece Monsieur Gautrot accompanied by Madame G. with his violin in the grand air from the opera "Le pre aux clercs." Of Madame's singing, we will only say, that it equalled her former performance. Monsieur Gautrot appeared at first rather nervous, but soon recovered and executed the accompaniment in the first style. The evening's entertainment concluded with another Vaudeville, by Scribe. The plot is simple, and so natural was the action, so full of life and reality, that those who did not know a syllable of the language, were delighted with the performance, and perfectly comprehended it. We were glad to see our leading "Victoria" performers in the house both male and female.
"THEATRE", The Australian (19 March 1839), 2
A new era in our colonial dramatic annals has taken place within the last week in the introduction of a French operatic company amongst us. To say that we view this event as a matter or congratulation, and as deserving our best encouragement, would be only to express a sentiment in which we have been anticipated by the proceedings of Friday evening last. Considerable excitement had been occasioned by the announcement, that the French company newly arrived, would give their first entertainment on the evening above-mentioned, and we are happy to say, that the result has more than realized the highest expectations. We ought not, however, to omit to state, that our new corps dramatique appear under considerable disadvantage from having recently lost some of their most efficient members. But they have made arrangements to supply the loss at the earliest possible opportunity. We must, therefore, now speak of them as they are.
The evening's entertainment opened with an agreeable vaudeville, called Michel et Christine. The incidents possess that domestic simplicity and interest which make the readiest and most effective appeal to the feelings of a promiscuous audience. So much so, that we think, that even those who may not clearly have understood the dialogue, would have been at little loss to interpret the proceedings. The action (nature being the guide) was sufficient expositor of what was expressed. Messieurs Minard and Henry, and Madame Gantrout [sic] were the only persons engaged in this piece, which circumstance, sufficiently proves that numbers are not absolutely essential to the interest and success of scenic exhibitions. Their performances in this vaudeville alone, were sufficient credentials of their histrionic talent and experience. In the progress of the piece, however, we must admit that we thought M. Minard less happy in his impersonation of Stanislas than Madame Gantrout and M. Henry as Michel and Christine. But if there were any defects in the outset, he amply redeemed them in the separation scene at the finale.
An Opera Buffs next followed, in which Madame Minard played with an equal degree of amusement to the audience as credit to herself. This lady appears to us to possess great capabilities as an actress; with a rich vein of humour, there is a placidity of manner, combined with a good knowledge of stage business, that invest her acting with great point and effect. Her voice, though far from comparable to that of Madame Gautrout, is nevertheless agreeable, and quite adequate to what is required in a vaudeville. Owing to the want of strength in the company, it was necessary to make a slight change in the adaptation of this piece. The substance of the plot, however, remained unaltered, and with such a substitute as Madame Minard, we have no reason to be dissatisfied with the change. M. Minard has but little capability as a singer, but in vaudevilles, as we have just said, great compass of voice, or richness of tone, is not required. The fictitious duet which he sings in this piece, was exceedingly good; and his facility of manner gives a character of gaiety and vigour to the whole, that voice alone never can effect.
In the Grand Air from the Pre Aux Clercs, sung by way of interlude between the second and the third piece, Madame Gautrot displayed the results of diligent and continuous study. As Prima Donna, her voice is certainly not of the first quality, but this is quite forgotten in the high state of cultivation in which we find it. Nor must we forget to make honourable mention of her Una Voce, which, if we except a few notes at the end, was exceedingly well sung. It is not too much to jay, that as a vocalist and as an actress, this lady would be heard and seen with pleasure any where. It is by no means necessary that she speak the language of her auditors, in order to her efforts being rightly appreciated - nature is her interpreter.
In the last piece, "les Souvenirs d'Enfance," the favourable opinion we had entertained of our Gallic visitants in the early part of the evening, was fully confirmed. Mr. Henry's Naivete in this, and in the first piece, afforded considerable merriment to the audience. Indeed, the performances throughout, received, as they deserved, the hearty and reiterated plaudits of the whole house. While, however, we congratulate our newly arrived friends on their success - we congratulate the colonists no less on the valuable and unexpected acquisition they have in the presence of these strangers. Whether their sojourn amongst us be of long or of short duration, we confidently predict that their exertions will receive the warmest encouragement. We shall make no invidious comparisons, but we cannot help observing, that if this undertaking be properly encouraged, it will contribute materially to advance the general interests of the drama.
We had almost forgotten to mention, that this company have in M. Gautrot, a finished musician, and an able orchestral leader. His obligato on the violin in the course of the evening was, of itself, sufficient to demonstrate his claims as an artist. On Friday evening next (and we believe every succeeding Friday) they play again, when we hope to see the house present an audience as numerous and as respectable as on Friday evening last. By the way, we would beg to suggest the propriety (and we thereby mean the interest of those more immediately concerned) of retaining the entrance money at the regular price. Of course, they will determine for themselves, but we think we are given them a friendly advice in recommending them to keep the boxes at five shillings, instead of seven shillings and sixpence.
Vive la Compagnie Francaise! - Who could have persuaded Captain King, that fifty years should scarcely elapse, when on the ground where kangaroos held their gambols, and native blacks their corobera, an elegant theatre would be erected, and Vaudevilles orthodoxically represented therein ! ! !
"FRENCH MUSIC" and "THE FRENCH PERFORMERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 March 1839), 2
FRENCH MUSIC. "What on earth will the French company do for musicians?" asked a wiseacre connected with the theatre as the arrangements for the French performances were being completed. "Why, they can have our own orchestra, can they not?" queried in return the party addressed. "Our orchestra," retorted the former, "what use would they be - pray what do our musicians know about French music?" It is needless to say that this was a poser.
THE FRENCH PERFORMERS. The performances of the French actors drew a good house together on Friday, owing in great measure to the novelty of the proceeding. The number of performers is five, but with this limited number they got through three pieces in a very successful manner. The whole of the performance was plentifully sprinkled with songs and duets, which afforded favorable opportunities for their vocal talents. The singing of Madame Gautrot elicited universal applause from all parts of the house; it appeared altogether of a higher order than usual, and was perfectly distinct and unconstrained, singing the most difficult pieces with perfect ease. Madame Minard also has a sweet voice, and in one instance caused much amusement in the execution of a burlesque bravura. The leader (Minard) has also a good voice, and, what is almost of equal importance, a gentlemanly carriage. The orchestra was under the conduct of Monsieur Gautrot, whose execution seems of a finished character. The house, as we before said, was well attended, and every one appeared gratified. A contemporary suggests that it would be advantageous for Mr. Wyatt to enter into an arrangement with these performers, for the purpose of getting up a light piece occasionally between the performances - a suggestion in which we decidedly agree.
ASSOCIATIONS: Monsieur Henry
22 March 1839, second performance of the French company
FIRST PIECE: La vieille (opera comique, 1 act, Scribe, music by Fétis, 1826)
SECOND PIECE: Les deux chasseurs et la laitiere (opera comique, 1 act, Anseaume, music by Duny, 1763)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (22 March 1839), 2
THIS EVENING, March 22, 1839, the French Company will have the honor of representing
THE OLD WOMAN; an Opera, in one Act; Music by Fetis, the words by Scribe.
Characters - The Countess of Xenia, Madame Gautrot; Emilius, a French Officer, M. Minard; Leonard, a Painter, M. Henry;
Madame Petcroff, Superintendent for the Countess, Madame Minard.
Airs sung during the Piece
No. 1 - Doux souvenir de la Patrie, duet, sung by Monsieurs Minard and Henry
No. 2 - Ou cher ille le Poule dix ans, trio, by Madame Gautrot, M. Minard, M. Henry.
No. 3 - Au beau pays de France, duet, Madame Gautrot, M. Minard
No. 4 - Je viens Madame avec Prudence, quartette. Mesdames Gautrot, Minard, Messrs. Minard, Henry
No. 5- Oui de utte terra Sauvage, song, by M. Henry
No. 6 - Madame and Monseigneur, quartette.
No. 7 - Finale, Chorus.
Between the first and second pieces will be sung
The celebrated Song "Di piacer mi babra il cor," by Madame Gautrot;
the favorite song "Place au Factotum," Rossini (Largo el Factotum), M. Henry;
Andante de Mozart, O dolce concento, Madame Gautrot.
After which, THE HUNTER AND THE DAIRYMAID, a Comic Opera, in one Act;
Characters - Guillop, M. Minard ; Colas, M. Henry; Perrette, Madame Gautrot.
Airs sung in the piece
No. 1 - Je suis perce jus qu 'aux os, air, sung by M. Henry.
No. 2 - Tant qu'il me reste le moindre espaer, M. Minard
No. 3 - He bien Colas, he bien Guillon! duet, Messieurs Minard and Henry
No. 4 - Le briquet frappe la pierre, air, M. Minard
No. 5 - Voila la petite Laiture, air, Madame Gautrot
No. 6 - Li vous trouvez dans la Plaine, air, M. Minard
No. 7 - Quand je trouvt a l'ecart, duet, Madame Gautrot and M. Minard
No. 8 - Voici mon prajet, air, Madame Gautrot
No. 9 - Helas jai repaudu mon lait, air, Madame Gautrot
No. 10 - Finale, Chorus, by all the Company.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (22 March 1839), 3
As above, in French, and English
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (26 March 1839), 2
Our French artistes favored us with a second representation on Friday evening last, and confirmed the flattering opinion entertained by the public on their performances of the preceding week; and what gives a substantial zest to this reception is, that the applause was that of a well-filled house.
The opening piece was an opera, in one act, called La Vieille, and a very amusing trifle it is. Madame Gautrot played with great point and effect. There is a certain quietude of manner in this lady's acting, so consonant with her role, that, apart from her capabilities as a singer, her performances are highly interesting. In M. Minard also, there is the ease and appropriateness of action indicative of a well-bred man, combined with a thorough knowledge of what he has to do. Nor must we forget Madame Minard and M. Henry: we have not space to particularise, further than to say that what was committed to their care, was well done. Between the pieces Madame Gautrot sung Di Piacer, and O Dolce Contento. We cannot, in truth, speak of Madame's success in Di Piacer with unqualified praise. She used a freedom with the composition which we think unjustifiable. Now she has a beautiful voice, and consequently has less excuse for the license she allows herself in ornamental introductions. The latter piece was well sung, but the time seemed to be somewhat slow. M. Henry sang Largo al Factotum, from the French adaptation of the Barber of Seville. He excused it with much energy and vivacity, but his voice (a baritone) has not sufficient stamina for such a piece. The Hunter and the Dairy-Maid closed the evening entertainment, and the audience seemed to depart highly gratified with what had been presented for their amusement. This being passion week, we shall not have the pleasure of witnessing another representation by our artistes till Friday week next. They have established their reputation, and have at the same time created a general taste for their performance, and a determination to support them. May their success be equal to our wishes.
5 April 1839, third performance of the French company
FIRST PIECE: Le diner de Madelon (vaudeville, 1 act, Désaugiers)
SECOND PIECE: Le bouffe et le tailleur (2ND TIME)
THIRD PIECE: Le philtre champenois; ou, L'élixir d'amour (vaudeville, Mélesville and Brazier, 1831)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (5 April 1839), 2
THIS EVENING, April 5, 1839, the French Operatic Company will have the honor of representing
THE DINNER TO MADELON, or, THE EAR CLIPPER, a Vaudeville in one Act, by Desaugiers.
Characters, - Benoit, a returned citizen, M. Henry; Vincent, his friend, M. Minard; a Corporal, Mr. Jacobs; Maddon, Benoit's servant, Madame Minard.
After which, THE BUFFO, Opera Buffo, in one Act.
Characters- Cavatini, an Italian singer, Monsieur Henry; Benini, his servant, Monsieur Minard;
Madame Barbeau, a great lover of music, Madame Minard; Celestina, her daughter, Madame Gautrot.
Airs to be sung during the piece:-
No. 1 - "On dit que je suis sans malice," sung by Monsieur Minard
No. 2 - "Ton cour bon et sensible," by Madame Gautrot and Monsieur Minardv
No. 3 - "Gaiment je m'accommode de tout," a rondo, by Monsieur Henry
No. 4 - "Conservez bien la paix du cour," a duet, by Madame Gautrot and Monsieur Henry
No. 5 - "Monsieur, vous avez une fille, &c.," a burlesque, by Monsieur Minard
No. 6 - "Assis au bord d'une onde pure," a parody, by Madame Minard
No. 7 - " Plaignez les tourmens," a duet, by Madame Gautrot and Monsieur Henry
No. 8 - Finale Chorus.
In this piece, between Nos. 4 and 5, the celebrated bravura, from the Concert a la Cour, sung by Madame Gautrot.
In the course of the evening, Monsieur Gautrot, will execute, on a discordant violin, a barcarole,
with variations composed by himself, in the style of Paganini.
The evening's performance will terminate by
THE CHAMPAGNE PHILTRE, a Vaudeville in one Act, by Mellesville.
Gobergeot, a hairdresser, Monsieur Minard; Eloi, a country booby, Monsieur Henry; Catherine, a country girl, Madame Gautrot;
Mother Michelin, a retired suttler, Madame Minard. The rest as in former bills . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (9 April 1839), 2
Some writer has said that Time is the only true test by which the excellence of the poet or the musician can be determined. The same standard may be applied to art, to science, and to morals. We are led to this remark, by the high degree of gratification that we derived from the performances of our French Operatic Company on Friday evening, being their third night of representation. We were favourably impressed with their qualifications on their first entertainment, and each succeeding one has not only confirmed our first impressions, but has enhanced them.
The company is small, and they necessarily labour under many disadvantages, but they nevertheless produce an effect that it is impossible to praise too highly. Throughout they have exhibited a very high order of excellence as actors. We have not time, nor is it perhaps necessary, to speak seriatim of their exertions on Friday evening, but we cannot refrain from noticing the performance of Madame Minard in Le Bouffe, and of Madame Gautrot in Le Philtre Champenois. They required no interpreter - nature spoke aloud. The expression of disgust and alarm conveyed by the latter lady, when she sees her suitor, Gobergert, in a state of inebriation, realised everything that has been said of that particular charm with which Mrs. Jordan invested all her scenic exhibitions. In a word, we think Madame Gautrot's Catherine was a piece of consummate acting - it must be seen to be adequately appreciated. This lady's execution of the grand air Du concert à La Cour, was indeed honourable to herself, as it was gratifying to the audience; and what is more extraordinary, this lady was suffering throughout the evening from very severe indisposition, so much so that medical aid was required for her. Of M. Gautrot's solo on the violin it will be sufficient to say, that we were astonished - and having had so formidable a predecessor as Mr. Wallace, this is saying a great deal. His tact and talent as leader in the orchestre, had given us a very high opinion of his attainments as a musician; but on Friday evening he surpassed our most sanguine expectations. Had there been no other entertainment, we should have thought our visit well paid. We understand that the dramatic performances of this talented company are about to be brought to a close; we hope not - for we think their exertions conducive in no small degree to raise the tone of music and the drama in this Colony. We, therefore, hope to hear of their permanent settlement amongst us.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (actor, vocalist)
12 April 1839, fourth performance of the French company
FIRST PIECE: Le médecin turc (comic opera, 1 act, Nicolo)
SECOND PIECE: Les deux chasseurs et la laitiere (2ND TIME)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (12 April 1839), 2
THIS EVENING. April 12, 1839, the last night of the French Company's performance in New South Wales, when will be represented
THE TURKISH DOCTOR, a comic opera, in one act. Music, by Nicolo.
Characters: - Kali (a Turkish Doctor), Monsieur Henri; Forlis (a Frenchman, a Slave of the Grand Vizier), Monsieur Minard;
Adela (the Wife of Forlis, a Slave of Kali), Madame Gautrot; Bourzoula (the Wife of Kali), Madame Minard.
Airs to be sung during the piece:
No. 1 - "Without Pleasure and without Hope," a romance sung by Madame Gautrot
No. 2 - "Pleasure followed her footsteps," by Madame Minard.
No. 3 - "Let it he known to all whom it may Concern," by Monsieur Henry
No. 4 - A Trio, sung by Mesdames Gautrot, Minard, and Monsieur Henry.
No. 5 - "What Voice from these Gloomy Shores," by Monsieur Minard
No. 6 - A Quartett, Mesdames Gautrot and Minard, Messieurs Minard and Henry.
No. 7 - Finale.
Between No. 3 and 4, the grand air entitled "La Fauvette," will be sung by Madame Gautrot.
After which, THE HUNTERS AND THE DAIRYMAID, a comic opera in one act.
Characters - Guillot, Monsieur Minard; Colas, Monsieur Henry; Peretto, Madame Gautrot.
Airs sung in this piece:-
No. 1 - "Je suis perte jusqu 'aux os" air, sung by Monsieur Henry.
No. 2 - "Tant qu'il me reste le moindre espoir," by Monsieur Minard.
No. 3 - "He bien Colas? He bien Guillot?," duet, Messrs. Minard and Henry.
No. 4 - "Le briquet frappe la pierre," air, Monsieur Minard.
No. 5 - "Voila, voila la petite laitière," air, Madame Gautrot.
No. 6 - "Si vous trivouz duns la plaine," air, Madame Gautrot.
No. 7 - "Quand je trouve, a l'ecart," duet, Madame Gautrot, and Monsieur Minard.
No. 8 - "Voici mon projet," air, Madame Gautrot.
No. 9 - "Hélas j'ai repandu mon lait," air, Madame Gautrot.
No. 10 - Finale, chorus, by all the Company . . .
"THEATRE", The Australian (16 April 1839), 2
We regret to say, that our French Artistes gave their final representation on Friday evening last. The farewell pieces were, Le Medecin Turc, and Les Chasseurs et la Laitiere. The first was a new piece, and a very entertaining trifle it is. Madame Gautrot has left us a delightful souvenir in her brilliant execution of the Grand Air de la Fauvette. It is much to be regretted that this company did not find sufficient inducement to establish themselves amongst us. However, we are much indebted to them for the gratification they have given us, and shall always revert to their operatic entertainments here with a very high degree of pleasure. We now beg to offer them our best wishes for their success, and to bid them adieu . . .
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (17 April 1839), 2
It is reported that Madame and Monsieur Minard shortly proceed to Europe, with the intention of returning here with a French Operatic and Ballett Corps. Madame Goutrot [sic], it is believed, remains here; her attention it is supposed will be turned to concert singing.
[News], The Australian (18 April 1839), 2
Monsieur and Madame Minard proceed to Europe by the Parland, on Sunday next. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot intend to remain here for a short time. We have been informed that they intend shortly giving a concert.
26 April 1839, the Gautrots' first concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (26 April 1839), 1
HAVE the honor to announce that their CONCERT will take place on
FRIDAY EVENING, April 26, 1839, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on which occasion
His Excellency the Governor and Lady Gipps, His Excellency Major-General Sir Maurice O'Connell, K. C. H., and Lady O'Connel
have kindly signified their intention of being present.
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot will have the valuable assistance of Miss Wallace, Mr. W. Wallace, Mr. W. Stanley,
and the Amateur whose performance at the three last Concerts gave such satisfaction.
By permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the Band of the 50th Regiment will attend.
The Overture to "La Vestale," Spontini.
1. Duet, from Tancredi," Ah, se de mali miei," Rossini - Miss Wallace & Madame Gautrot
2. Song, "Some love to roam" - Amateur
3 "Le Rossignol," Lebrun. - Madame Gautrot
4. "Black-eyed Susan." - Miss Wallace
5. "Eh ben per mia memoria," from the Gazza Ladra - Madame Gautrot and Amateur
6. "Dall 'Asilo della pace," Costa. - Miss Wallace
7. "Suoni la Tromba," from I Puritani - Miss Wallace and Amateur
8. "Non pui Andrai," Mozart, accompanied by the full band - Amateur
Overture by the Military Band.
1. Solo, Violin, Air varié - M. Gautrot
2. Trio, "Fatal Moment! Cruel Mystere," from "Robert le Diable" - Miss Wallace and Amateur
3. Song, "The Spring time in coming." - Miss Wallace
4. Duet, "Care Zitelle," Curcio - Madame Gautrot and Amateur
5. "La Muette de Portici," Auber. -Madame Gautrot
6. Duet, "All'idea de quell Metallo," Rossini - Miss Wallace and Amateur
7. Concerto, Pianoforte. - Mr. W. Stanley
8. " Largo al Factotum," Rossini. -Amateur
The Concert will commence at eight o'clock.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Ellard's Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. Tyrer's; and of Mr. Sparkes,
at the Royal Hotel.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (29 April 1839), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot gave a Concert of Vocal und Instrumental Music, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on the evening or Friday last. It was patronised by their excellencies Sir George Gipps and Sir Maurice O'Connell; and was not only numerously, but, also, respectably attended. The room was nearly as full as it could conveniently hold. "Music has charms to to sooth a savage breast," says Congreve, in that piece of fustian called The Mourning Bride. It has also "charms" for the intellectual and the fair. And here we may remark, in reply to those who say that dramatic representations of a superior order will not "take" in Sydney, that at our Concerts are to be round congregated whatever of rank, intelligence - aye, and let us add, female elegance - in town or near it. Why is this? Because, there is a taste, even in New South Wales, for amusements superior to those which the theatre affords. We have been in many places of public amusement at "home" - as British Colonists fondly designate their native country - and have never witnessed an auditory more generally respectable and orderly than that of which, on Friday night, we formed one. This is creditable to the increasing respectability of the Colony; and deserves, therefore, to be recorded.
Of the Concert itself we have little to say - save that, altogether, it was a very pleasing evening's entertainment. We have no "choice fruit" to offer; no "bill of the play" before us. The practice of enumerating each song, duet, or instrumental performance, has become so dull, that we shall take the new, and more improved, plan of stating at once that, on the whole, the Concert afforded much satisfaction. Madame Gautrot possesses a voice of great flexibility and power but, in its Upper tones, it is sometimes harsh, and is often out of tune. There was one song, of which we forgot the name, of the ballad style, in which the voice being necessarily somewhat subdued, was very effective. Those of a more bravura character were frequently very grating. The best of this class was Di tanti palpiti, which, if we recollect rightly, was the last song of the evening, Miss Wallace surpassed herself: we have seldom heard her to more advantage. Her song of Black-eyed Susan was beautifully given, the singer seemed to feel the sentiment of the song, and imparted a corresponding feeling to the auditors. Monsieur Gautrot's performance on the violin, must nave pleased the lovers of that instrument. Monsieur G's style is more that of Mori than of Paganini. It is very chaste. Wallace was a more brilliant player than Monsieur Gautrot, but he was not so correct - it was more easy to detect false stopping in Wallace, than in Gautrot. The latter, if he docs not astonish the ear by flights, like Wallace, does not offend it by grating sounds - false concords, as it were, in music.
We do not know that we have much more to say on the subject of this Concert, save to observe, that the Amateur delighted the audience, for a concert singer, however, we are of opinion that he enacts too much. His splendid burritone voice [sic], however, (as, indeed, the voices of all the singers) was much impaired by the construction of the room, which is not all fitted for a Concert-room. The voice is, in a great measure deadened in it. The over-hanging orchestre, in which the military band was stationed contributed much to prevent the sound from spreading. In conclusion, it is but just to state, that the vocal parts were admirably accompanied on the piano-forte by Mr. Stanley, whose talents as a musician are evidently of a superior order.
"The Concert", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (29 April 1839), 3
The concert given by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, was crowded. The most respectable families were present. The Governor and family entered the room early, and his arrival was announced by the performance of the King's Anthem, at which the Company rose and remained standing until its conclusion. The lady of Sir Maurice O'Connell and family were also present.
It would be in vain to criticise the pieces sung and performed on account of their number. Madame Gautrot's voice mellowed every tune she sang, so that the last sung was the best. In the first songs, her voice was harsh, and she was not always in perfect tune. Her voice seems more powerful than Miss Wallace's, but we do not think it is really so, if the latter chose to put forth her strength. We remember her opening piece at the Concert, when her tones filled St. Mary's Cathedral, and almost vibrated on the ceiling and seats. Madame's voice is too loud for a room. At the Opera house she might excel Miss W. unless the latter (which we believe she could do,) sang strongly in proportion to the extent of the house.
Sixteen pieces are too much by four, for one night's entertainment. The only fault of this Concert was, that the Company had no rest. As soon as one piece was finished, another had to be commenced without intermission, in order to get through with the whole in reasonable time. Abundance may be considered a good fault by many, but the senses should never be palled. Twelve pieces are enough. The company then has a little time to rest and look about them.
What distinguished this Concert from others was, not only the very superior style of the singing, but the great perfectness of the performers. They had a bad light at the Orchestra. No person was in attendance during the whole three hours to trim the lamps, (essential at these public entertainments,) and the performers therefore sang without book. They were admirably correct. This was strongly shewn in the trio between Miss Wallace, Madame Gautrot, and the Amateur. It was a beautiful piece of music, and as beautifully executed. Indeed the whole of the pieces were most correctly performed, saving the first piece, in which Madame Gautrot missed a bar, or two towards the conclusion, and could not recover herself. There were sung nine Italian and French pieces, and four English songs. The public like English songs, and Italian singers hate them. And as the choice lies with the performers, their inclinations induce them to trench on those of the public; but it is not in good taste, and very bad policy. Let us have half and half in future, and then there will be fair play on both sides.
"Black-eyed Susan," was beautifully sung by Miss Wallace, but she could have sung it better if she had had as much practice as Incledon had in this, his most celebrated of Ballads. Miss Wallace with good taste made no gamut display in this song, which would have been downright murder; for simplicity of style is its soul and character. But while she sang it chastely, she might have dwelt on the pathetic closes with more effect. An ad libitum on single notes, and an appogiatura or two; a dwelling lingering intonation, as if the singer could not part with her feelings, has always a fine effect in pathetic songs. Barring this (it is not a fault - it is is only an omission,) nothing could be better. We have heard Incledon sing this song. It was one which Braham could not sing. But Miss Wallace can sing it; and she will by practice render this song an exquisite treat to all lovers of nature and real music. We hope it will be given next Concert.
Mons. Gautrot's violin is of the finest. This gentleman may not excel Mr. Wallace (the absent Mr. W. we mean,) in execution, but he excels him in a much superior thing to mere execution, and that is soul. In his "Air varié," Mons. Gautrot, being himself inspired, inspired his hearers. Mr. Wallace was never inspired in his life, and cannot be. He therefore never inspired his hearers. He was an imitator of Paganini, but he could imitate that necromancer only in his manipular skill. He could not imitate him in his inspiration and frenzy, because he has no capacity for exquisite feelings.
What renders "the Amateur" so great a favourite? Doubtless his voice is as good as any instrument of brass or wood. But the organ of Haerlemn, if played by turning a handle, would inspire no one. It is the enthusiasm, the inspiration of the Amateur, that impelled a wearied audience to encore him in his inimitable "Largo al Factotum," and which ravished them in his "Non piu Andrai."
Miss Wallace improves in something every time we hear her. Naturally extremely modest, even to bashfulness, she has overcome nature, and is now animated in her gesticulation and motions, which gives her singing additional interest. She may venture to sing, generally, (in a full room as least,) a little louder. The medium between Miss W. and Madame's would be that, which would suit the full room of Friday.
The Governor was incommoded on entering the room. He could not pass up the centre for the crowd. Those who give concerts should be in attendance, and should, as Mr. Sheridan did when the King visited Drury Lane after a long absence, precede his Excellency with a pair of candles in his hands, and the passage should be cleared before-hand by other gentlemen. We do not like to see the Queen's representative treated like a common man. This is no part of British Radicalism; at least it is no part of ours.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Standard and Colonial Advocate (29 April 1839), 3
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot delighted a highly respectable audience at the Royal Hotel, on Friday evening last. The selection of songs und music displayed much taste and judgment. We shall not draw comparisons, for they are odious. We admired Madame Gautrot, and we were as on former occasions delighted with our prime favourite Miss Wallace. What we so much admire in Miss Wallace, is her perfect freedom from affectation and studied effect, which often disgusts us with those of equal and, perhaps, superior pretensions. The performances altogether were highly creditable; but we shall never give our unqualified approbation to any species of public amusement which cannot he conducted without exceptionable aid. Talent is no substitute for moral worth; and we beg distinctly to be understood that we condemn, in the most unqualified sense, the countenance given by persons who ought to know better, to parties who do not deserve it.
ASSOCIATIONS: "exceptionable aid" = Bushell's
"CONCERT", The Australian (30 April 1839), 2
On Friday evening we had the pleasure to attend the musical entertainment announced by Monsieur and Madam Gautrot, and to have our highest expectations amply realised. The audience was as flattering, as rank and number could make it. The appearance of the Saloon on this occasion was exceedingly gratifying, not alone as manifesting the disposition of the higher classes of our community to encourage the professional exercise of this science, but as an honorable acknowledgment of the just claims of Monsieur and Madam Gautrot to public patronage and support. The more especially, as they appear before us, not merely as artists of great natural and acquired talent, but as foreigners just landed on our shores. We think we may confidently say, that in expressing a wish that they may often favour us with a similar entertainment, we are only communicating the voice of all those who were present on Friday evening.
We have not time to make a detailed review of the performances, nor would it perhaps be necessary. There was a choice selection of pieces, and they were, with slight deductions, most ably executed. In the opening of the concert, Madam Gautrot labored under extreme lassitude (the result, as we understand, of severe previous indisposition) and we were apprehensive that she would not recover her energies during the evening. Luckily however, the attack was but transient. She soon rallied and throughout the rest of the entertainment, sang with her usual excellence and effect. The trio between this lady, Miss Wallace and the amateur was remarkable for the richness of effect produced by the capabilities of the voices respectively, and the full sustained harmony throughout the piece. M. Gautrot's solo on the violin, establishes his claim to take a stand amongst the first, in the first rank of musicians. His natural and acquired talent are of the highest order, the former is developed by means of the latter, which from long diligent study possesses the character of facility and refinement. We are happy to find that there prevails among the public, a taste for fine music, and a readiness to encourage those engaged in its introduction. We were somewhat surprised to find that Mr W. Wallace did not render his assistance; but on enquiry we were informed that it was owing to the illiberality of Mr. Wyatt in prohibiting any of the musicians engaged in his orchestra from rendering their service at this concert. We can not believe that any man can have been actuated by any such paltry illiberality and selfishness; we shall therefore offer no comment, until we fully ascertain the truth of the report and all facts connected with it. If it prove true, we shall not fail to expose it to the public reprobation, which, in so signal a degree, it deserves.
"THE CONCERT", The Colonist (1 May 1839), 3
. . . In our opinion, Madame Gautrot's voice was on rather too high a pitch for the height and construction of the room in which the concert was held; it sounded in some of her higher notes so sharp and shrill as to grate upon the ear. Madame Gautrot's voice, however, has great compass and flexibility, so as to afford her complete command over it even in the most rapid and intricate pieces. The style of Madame Gautrot is, of course, ex-officio operatic; but her manner is amiable, unaffected, and lady-like. Her slight failure towards the close of the first piece, which she performed with Miss Wallace, was owing to a feeling of faintness which came over her, and to which, we regret to say, she is constitutionally liable. The applause of the audience, however, on perceiving the situation of the lady, gave loud and gratifying proof of their satisfaction with what she had performed. It struck us that Madame's and Miss's voices did not exactly harmonize in their tones throughout this piece. The one seems to be the very opposite of the other, and would require several intermediate voices of different tones to form a concord between the two extremes. This discrepancy was not so observable when the rich mellow tones and powerful intonation of the amateur absorbed the disunited strains of the ladies in the trio which they performed. But the performance in which Madame Gautrot elicited the most rapturous applause, by which she afforded the most lively gratification to the audience, and in which for that very reason, we consider her to have been most decidedly successful, was the little, sprightly, laughing, French song which she introduced with such admirable effect instead of Le Rossignol, which she passed over in the early part of the performances on account, we suppose, of her recent indisposition. The change was a most fortunate one, for it displayed the versatility and ease of Madame Gautrot's style in a most captivating manner, and so delighted the assembly that she was obliged to sing it a 'second time to please them. Madame Gautrot was dressed in a very lady-like manner, in black satin, with her hair plain . . .
. . . In the course of the evening, Mons. Gautrot gave specimens of his skill and talents as a performer on the violin. He is considered to be a first-rate player on that instrument. Mr. W. Wallace was expected to perform on the flute at this Concert, but was unavoidably prevented. No small share of credit is due to Mr. W. Stanley for his talented accompaniments and performances on the pianoforte.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Gipps (governor); Mary O'Connell (patron); "the amateur" = John Bushelle; Miss Wallace = Eliza Wallace Bushelle ; Spencer Wellington Wallace (flautist); William Stanley (pianist); Band of the 50th Regiment; Joseph Wyatt (theatrical manager); Joseph Gautrot's playing compared with that of William Vincent Wallace
7 May 1839 [sic], departure from Sydney, for Hobart
"PROJECTED DEPARTURES", The Colonist (4 May 1839), 2
Marian Watson, Ayerst, for Hobart Town, this day. Agent, D. Egan. Passengers - Cabin, Mrs. Shribbs, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Messrs. Kemp, Logan, Davis, and Rogers . . .
Hobart Town and Launceston, VDL (TAS) (16 May to 29 July 1839)
"Shipping Intelligence. HOBART TOWN ARRIVALS", The Hobart Town Courier (17 May 1839), 2
16 - the schooner Marian Watson, 146 tons, Blackburne, from Sydney, May 7, with sundries, A. Morrison, agent - passengers, Mr. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Gautrot, Mrs. Shribbs, Mr. Kemp, Mrs. Rogers, Mr. Davis . . .
"The French Plays", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (21 May 1839), 7
We perceive by the Sydney Gazette that Monsieur and Madame Gautrot gave a Concert on the 26th April, to a crowded audience, of the first rank and fashion. Madame Gautrot, it is said, has a voice of extraordinary compass and force, and Monsieur Gautrot as a violinist, far surpasses Mr. Wallace in feeling and expression. We understand that it is their intention shortly to give a concert here, of which due notice will be given.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (24 May 1839), 2
The Theatre, which has so long and so obstinately remained closed to amusement, is, we are happy to perceive, at length about to open its doors - like the Temple of Janus - to concord. This is promised to us next week by Mons. and Madame Gautrot, two distinguished artistes, who have just arrived from Sydney, and who have announced their intention of giving a Concert next Tuesday. The lovers of vocal and instrumental music are promised a rich treat upon the occasion; and we are confident, that as such visits to our colony are like those of angels, "few and far between," the attendance will in every way correspond to the expectations of Mons. Gautrot, whose reputation as a violin player, is understood to be of the very highest order.
"CONCERT", Colonial Times (28 May 1839), 7
From the "Bill of Fare," we anticipate a high treat from the Concert of this evening. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, we learn from our Sydney friends, are both proficient, in their respective lines; the lady, as a vocalist, the gentleman as a violinist or fiddler. We shall not mystify our readers with any disertation upon the quality, compass, state, &c. of Madame's voice, leaving the learned of the Incomparable to perform that foolery; but, we may be permitted, from the little knowledge we possess of such matters, to promise the public good and rational entertainment, from the concert in question. In addition to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mr. Reichenberg will perform a solo on his favourite instrument the clarionet, and Mr. Leffler will preside at the piano; the fine band of the 51st Regiment will also be in attendance. We heartily wish our musical visitors every success.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Leffler (pianist); Joseph Reichenberg (clarinet); Band of the 51st Regiment
28 May 1839, the Gautrots' first Hobart concert
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (28 May 1839), 1
(Under distinguished Patronage.)
Mons. & Mad. Gautrot,
HAVE the honor to announce that their Concert will take place on Tuesday next, the 28th May, 1839,
at the Theatre Royal, Campbell-street.
By the kind permission of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, the band of the 5lst Regiment will attend.
Overture - Militaire.
1. - Air, Il Barbiere de Seviglia - "Una Voce," Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
2. - Variations on the Violin, Gautrot - Monsieur Gautrot.
3. - Air from "Tancredi," Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
4. - Solo, Clarionet - M. Reichenberg.
5. - Air, Francais (Le plaisir des Dames,) Auber - Madame Gautrot.
Symphony - Militaire.
1. "O Dolce Concento," with variations, composed by Mons. Gautrot - Madame Gautrot
2. - Quartette - Instrumental.
3. - Air with variations, De Beriot - Monsieur Gautrot.
4. - Air, Francais, from Pre Aux Clercs, Herold - Monsieur and Madame Gautrot.
Finale - Rule Britannia.
Mr. Leffler will preside at the Pianoforte.
B3- The Concert will commence at eight o'Clock.
Tickets 7s 6d each - Children's do 5s each.
To be had of Monsieur Gautrot, Ship Hotel; Mr. Tegg, Circulating Library;
Mr. Guesdon, Musical Repository; Mr. Hedger, Confectioner; and Mr. Lester, Ship Inn.
"THE CONCERT", The Hobart Town Courier (31 May 1839), 2
The Concert of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot took place at the Theatre on Tuesday evening last, and as if to punish us for making a mistake about his temple and to vindicate his offended deity, that two-headed gentleman Janus had nearly afforded us a practical illustration of the absence of concord, which we had predicted as likely to attend upon the doors of the Theatre being thrown open, and convinced us that a more safe remedy to have produced any such effect would (in one sense at least) have been to have kept them closed. We were led to this conclusion by a very extraordinary scene which was enacted in the boxes previously to the commencement of the performance. The plot was as follows. The box appropriated for the reception of the Governor and his party was one in the centre of the tier, the front row of which a party of young ladies, disappointed in procuring seats in another part of the Theatre, unhesitatingly took possession. The circumstance excited some slight surprise, and when at length it was announced that His Excellency had arrived, all eyes were most anxiously directed to the fair objects of attraction who were determined to dispute the possession of the Governor's box. In vain were the luminaries borne before the Lieutenant-Governor - in Vain did Monsieur Gautrot herald His Excellency with all that innate politeness which distinguishes the French character, while unspeakable surprise agitated his features - in vain the imploring looks of the Aide-de-Camp and the ardent solicitations of friends - all were exhausted upon the tacit indifference of the party who remained in the full pride of the victory which they had so gracefully achieved. We are informed that there was a gentleman of the party also in the box, who exhibited a similar spirit of independence and indifference to all entreaty. As if to make the conduct the more conspicuous, on the box itself was seen the inscription "EMOLLIT MORES" in large letters, which we may translate for the benefit of those whom it most concerns, into the REFINEMENT of manners! After pausing for some time at the top of the box, with Lady Pedder on his arm, His Excellency turned round to a different part of the Theatre, when, after some little confusion, and a clatter of seats, we had at length the satisfaction of seeing him occupy a position whence he acknowledged the warm greetings of the audience. We are willing to believe that some unfortunate mistake must have occurred, for otherwise a more outrageous insult was never offered to the representative of royalty. Had His Excellency left the Theatre, we are quite sure he would have been accompanied by the majority of persons present; but not wishing to prejudice the interests of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, he consented to take his seat in another box, and in so doing showed himself superior to any feeling of temporary annoyance, which so gross a violation of all decorum was calculated to excite. The vulgar triumph was thus disappointed, and the audience evinced their sense of the treatment by most enthusiastically and repeatedly cheering His Excellency at the close of the evening's entertainment. There was but one sentiment pervading all present, whether politically opposed, or otherwise, to His Excellency's government; and if we lament that such an occurrence took place, our regret is materially diminished by the universal expression of public feeling which it called forth. The exception is said to prove the rule, and it never did more effectually than in the present instance.
Thus much concerning this part of the performance. We are happy to revert with more satisfaction to the voice of Madame and the violin of Monsieur Gautrot. Madame sings with great taste, but the compass of her voice is too powerful for a small theatre. Some of the tones are exceedingly rich, but as she proceeds it seems to want more melody and modulation, and its great power in so limited a space astonishes sometimes more than it delights. We were, however, much gratified by several of her performances, which we hope to see repeated before her departure from this colony, as they serve to remind us that we are not altogether excluded from the excellencies of the old world. Madame Gautrot was applauded enthusiastically throughout the evening, and one or two airs which she sung were vigorously encored. With regard to Monsieur Gautrot - in his case, music may be said most fairly to be married to song. His execution on the violin is rapid, and at the same time possessing that ease which denotes a thorough command over the instrument.
We must not omit to mention, that in the absence of Mr. Leffler, who was to have presided over the pianoforte, Mrs. Logan consented at once to relieve Monsieur and Madame Gautrot from the embarrassment in which they must otherwise have been placed. The audience failed not to appreciate the kindness, and she was led on the stage amidst universal applause. Through the courtesy of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, the fine band of the 51st was permitted to be present, and relieved the interludes with several delightful pieces of music.
"THE CONCERT", The Tasmanian (31 May 1839), 7
{Editorial], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (4 June 1839), 4
WE had not intended to have touched the very disagreable occurrence at Mons. Gautrot's Concert the other evening, but that both the Courier and the other Journals of Friday, having brought it prominently under the public notice, we feel ourselves compelled not to pass it by in silence . . .
. . . The concert itself afforded general satisfaction. Mr. Leffler who had been announced in the silly though usual manner to "preside" at the Piano Forte, having failed to appear Mr. Elliston came forward and in a very neat address stated that Mrs. Logan had very handsomely consented to take the vacant seat; the change, so much for the better, was received, as it deserved, with vehement applause. We need not add that Mrs. Logan's performance was distinguished for its usual excellence. Mr. Reichenberg's concerto on the clarionet also elicited warm approbation, and the admirable performance of the band of the 51st, which attended by kind permission of Colonel Elliott, gave great general satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Franklin (lieutenant governor); William Gore Elliston
13 June 1839, the Gautrots' second and last Hobart concert
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (11 June 1839), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot
Have the honor to announce that their
At the Theatre Royal, Campbell-street,
18th Instant, at 8 o'clock.
By the kind permission of Lieut-Colonel Elliott, the Band of the 51st Regiment will attend.
Overture - Militaire
1, - Air, La Fauvette, Gretry - Madame Gautrot
2, - Solo, Flute, Mr. Duly
3. - Air, "II braccio Mio Conquisa," from the Opera of Tancredi - Madame Gautrot
4. - Violin Concerto, Rode's Air, with variations, Monsieur Gautrot
Overture - Militaire
1. - Cavatina, "Di piacer," - Madame Gautrot
2. - Solo, Clarionet - Mr. Reichenberg
3. - Solo, Violin - Air, with variations, from the Opera of "La Vestale" Spontini - Monsieur Gautrot
4. - Air, from "The siege of Corinth," Rossini, Madame Gautrot
5. - Favorite Air, (De Beriot) on two strings and harmonics a la Paganini - By an Amateur
*** On this occasion Madame Gautrot will, at the request of many friends, attempt our National Air of Rule Britannia.
The doors will be opened at seven o'clock.
Box Tickets, 5s. - Pit Tickets, 3s. - Children's
Tickets for the Boxes, 3s. 6d., to be had of Monsieur Gautrot, Ship Hotel; Mr. Tegg,
Derwent Circulating Library; Mr Guesden, Musical Repository, Elizabeth-street; Mr.
Hedger, Confectioner; and of Mr. Lester Ship Inn.
"THE CONCERT", The Tasmanian (14 June 1839), 7
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot's second concert took place in the Theatre, last evening. The house was not so well attended as on the former occasion, yet there was a very respectable audience of between 200 and 300. The performance, during the evening, was first-rate, especially Monsieur Gautrot's execution on the violin, which was indeed a rich treat, and can be seldom equalled. Madame sung the national air of "Rule Britannia," in which she was accompanied by the band of the 51st regiment, as a finale, in beautiful style; in which she was encored, and received with rapturous applause. His Excellency was not present.
Letter from Jane Franklin, Sydney, 15 June 1839, to John Franklin (lieutenant-governor); ed. O. Havard, "Lady Franklin's visit to NSW, 1839, extracts from letters to Sir John Franklin", Royal Australian Historical Society Journal 29 (1944), 333; also Russell 2002
. . . I suppose the French musicians are now at Hobarton. Sir George told me they were horrible. They contrived to get up one concert at Sydney, but their after attempt was a total failure, as well as their French plays . . .
28 June 1839, the Gautrots' concert, Launceston
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (27 June 1839), 1
HAVE the honor to announce that their Concert, under the patronage of the Gentry of Launceston and its neighbourhood, will take place
ON FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1839 At the Cornwall Hotel, Cameron-street, Launceston.
1. Air From the Barber of Seville (Rossini) - Madame Gautrot
2. Air, with variations from Joseph (Kreutzer) for violin - Monsieur Gautrot
3. Air, Tancredi (Rossini) - Madame Gautrot
4. Le Plaisir des Dames (Auber) - Madame Gautrot
5. Piu non mi sento with variations for violin - Monsieur Gautrot
6. Air de Rossini - Madame Gautrot
7. Polonaise, violin and piano - Monsieur Gautrot
8. Rule Britannia - Madame Gautrot
Other Instrumental Music will be introduced.
The Concert will commence at half-past seven o'clock.
Terms of Admission, 7s, 6d. - Children, 4s.
Tickets can be procured at Mr. Dowling's Library; Mr. Cozens, Chemist; and at the Cornwall Hotel.
June 26, 1839.
9 July 1839, musical entertainments at Campbell Town
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (6 July 1839), 3
Concert at Campbell-Town.
MR. GAUTROT begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of the district of
Campbell Town, that at the particular request of the Gentry in that neighbourhood, he intends giving a
MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, at the Caledonian Hotel, on the 9th July next.
For the accommodation of Country Subscribers, it is also his intention to perform at 2 o'clock in
the day, and to repeat the Entertainment in the Evening, for those persons who do not reside at a distance.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (12 July 1839), 3
A respected correspondent informs us, that Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, whose musical talents afforded so much pleasure to our townsfolk a few weeks ago, gave a morning and evening concert, at Campbell Town, on Tuesday last, which was numerously attended, most of the magistrates and respectable settlers in that district bringing their families either in the morning or evening, as best suited their convenience. We understand, that Monsieur and Madame Gautrot have returned to Launceston, where, under special patronage, they are to give one or two subscription concerts previously to their departure for New South Wales.
15 and 17 July 1839, the Gautrots' second and third Launceston concerts
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (11 July 1839), 2
M. AND MADAME GAUTROT RESPECTFULLY beg leave to inform the Gentry of Launceston and vicinity, that their Concerts will take place on MONDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, the 15th and 17th July instant, at the "Cornwall Hotel," on which occasion they have been kindly promised some assistance from GENTLEMEN AMATEURS. Launceston, 10th July, 1839.
[News], Launceston Advertiser (18 July 1839), 3
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, the musical foreigners who have recently visited this Island, have during the last fortnight afforded the public of Launceston a great treat. On Monday evening we for the first time heard their performances, and were much gratified with the singing of Madame Gautrot and the violin performance Monsieur Gautrot. Mad. Gautrot has a voice of great compass and power, and her execution displays the accomplished cantatrice. Monsieur Gautrot's performance on he violin ire do not remember to have heard surpassed. He displays a complete mastery of the finger board, and his tones ere remarkable for their brilliancy and clearness. In his slow movements, in reality the most difficult of execution, though to appearance perhaps the most simple, this was particularly apparent. On the whole the performance was of the most gratifying description. Yesterday evening there was another concert, when the pieces chosen were of a very popular character. The Overtures to Figaro and the Caliph of Bagdad were performed with considerable effect, by the aid of several gentlemen, M. Gautrot leading on the violin. Rossini's favourite air of Di tanti palpiti was sung by Madame Gautrot in a manner which excited universal applause, and an Air Varie by Rode was very brilliantly executed by M. Gautrot. We learn that the concert yesterday night is the last M. and Mad. Gautrot intend giving in Launceston. We trust however that this is not the case; and that the public of Launceston may yet have a few more musical treats.
"NATIVE NAIVETE", The Cornwall Chronicle (20 July 1839), 2
During one of Monsieur Gautrot's concerts the other evening, whilst the audience were boisterously "encoring" one of Madame Gautrot's songs, a gentleman in the back part of the room, apparently quite astonished at the stupidity of the audience, exclaimed, with much "naivete," "What nonsense! how can they understand what you mean by "encore" when they don't understand a word of English?" This beats the gentleman, who, having enquired of a Frenchman what time it was, was told in reply, "Je ne sais pas." "God bless me," he exclaimed, "I had no idea it was so late."
Sydney, NSW (4 August 1839 to 1 December 1840)
4 August 1839, arrival, Sydney
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (5 August 1839), 2
From Launceston, yesterday, having left the 29th ultimo, the brig Giraffe, Captain Burn, with potatoes. Passengers - Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Vickerman.
"MUSICAL WORLD", The Colonist (7 August 1839), 2
Mr. Deane's concert will take place next Tuesday evening. We understand that some fresh candidates for public favour will make their debut. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot have returned from amongst the Vandemonians, and we hope we shall have the pleasure of hearing them again soon. The musical powers of Sydney are increasing and improving very rapidly. Why could not a series of subscription concerts be got up? We understand also that the Cecilian Society are preparing for a subscription concert, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to charitable purposes. We hope they will meet with the encouragement which is due to them.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (violinist); Cecilian Society (musical association)
"To the Editor", The Australian (20 August 1839), 2
Sir, - In claiming the indulgence of a place in your journal on this occasion, I may be permitted to say, that I do so less from personal considerations than from sense of what I think is due from me to the public.
Since the publication of the Programme of the Concert, announced by Dr. Reid, for the Relief of the Distressed Poor, I have received many impressions of surprise, amounting indeed almost to reproach, at the circumstance of Madame Gautrot not having contributed her assistance in this benevolent undertaking. In order, therefore, to remove from the public mind any unfavourable impression that it might entertain towards her in consequence, I beg to say, that Madame Gautrot has not received, either directly, or indirectly, any invitation to sing at such Concert, and that she cannot, therefore, have acted so ungenerously and so unworthily as to send a refusal - a belief which, I am apprehensive, is at least partially entertained. Had Madame Gautrot, or myself, received the slightest intimation from those employed in the direction of this Concert, that our professional services could have been made available, it would have afforded us the highest degree of pleasure to have been, in any way, instrumental in the promotion of so praiseworthy an object.
I trust, sir, that in any place, and under any circumstance, the cause of suffering humanity would have sufficient claim upon our best energies and means to afford relief. But when I recollect the generous encouragement and assistance afforded us, when strangers on these shores, we should be ungrateful, in the last degree, to withhold our humble efforts on any public occasion, of which the object was to succour the distressed. Under these circumstances, sir, you will not be surprised at my anxiety to remove from the public mind any unfavourable and unjust impression that might be left towards us from the occasions above mentioned; and you will, I am sure, as a matter of justice, bear with this intrusion on your time, and the columns of your respectable journal.
I am, Sir, Your most obedient servant,
Sydney, August 19.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Aquinas Reid
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 August 1839), 3
BEGS to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he purposes establishing himself as a Professor of Music,
and to give Lessons on the Violin, Pianoforte Accompaniments, and in Singing.
Madame GAUTROT will also be happy to give Lessons in Singing.
Mr. Redmond's, Pitt street, North.
[Advertisement], The Colonist (28 August 1839), 3
BEGS to acquaint . . . [as above] . . . at 105, Pitt-street North.
"MUSICAL WORLD", The Colonist (4 September 1839), 3
This position of our community appears to be increasing in magnitude every day. We have now the Busheles, the Gautrots, the Reids, the Ellards, the Deanes, the Curtises, and others whose names we do not remember all singing and playing and teaching others to sing and to play. There is a very unpleasing circumstance existing as regards the professors of music. They are almost invariably unfriendly to each other, and music, which in other beings tends to soften the soul and awaken best sympathies, appears in them to increase envy and malice. We hope to see this evil remedied, but if not, the profession cannot expect to get on. A house divided against itself, must and will fall.
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Eliza Bushelle; James Reid and his sisters; the Ellard family; the Deane family; the Curtises
11 September 1839 (and general rehearsal 6 September), Eliza Wallace Bushelle's concert
"To-Morrow's Concert", The Australian (10 September 1839), 3
We never remember having been present at any musical entertainment from which we derived greater pleasure than we experienced on Friday evening during the general rehearsal for Mrs. Busbelle's Concert, at the Theatre. The orchestral accompaniments - on a very large scale - were marked by a precision exceeding our most sanguine expectations. Monsieur Gautrot certainly realises our beau ideal of a leader, as he possesses brilliant execution, promptness in detecting and correcting error, and above all, professional enthusiasm. Mr. Wallace's flute accompaniment to Madame Gautrot, in the "Rossignol," was very fine - as was his violin in the other accompaniments. We admired the contrast in the style of the several pieces executed by Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle, who seemed animated by an ardent, though generous feeling of emulation, to display the beauties of their respective schools, and that they are above the professional jealousy so evident in our community . . .
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (11 September 1839), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre, PITT-STREET.
MRS. BUSHELLE (LATE MISS WALLACE) BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public that her CONCERT
will take place at the Theatre Royal, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th instant;
she will be assisted by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, and Mr. Bushelle; Mr. W. Stanley, Pianist;
Mr. S. W. Wallace; Mr. Peck; Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Senior; Mr. Sippe; Mr. Curtis; and all the Theatrical Band,
and by the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the Band of the 50th Regiment
Overture to William Tell, Rossini - Full Band
1 - "Suoni la Tromba," Grand Duet from the Puritani, Bellini - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
2 - "Al dolce Canto," [O dolce contento] with variations, as sung by Madame Catalini, Rode - Madame Gautrot
3 - "Now with grief no longer bending" as sung by Mrs. Wood in Cinderella, Rossini - Mrs. Bushelle
4 - "Some love to roam," Russell - Mr. Bushelle
5 - Solo, Violin - Monsieur Gautrot
6 - Duet "Ah se de Mali miei," Rossini - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle
7 - Concerto Pianoforte, Herz - Mr. W. Stanley
8 - "Povera Signora," by particular desire - Madame Gautrot
9 - "Miei rampolli feminini favorite," Buffo Song, as sung by Signor Lablache, in the Cenerentola accompanied by the full Band - Mr. Bushelle
Overture to the Barbiere de Seviglia
1 - "The Rossignol," Song, (Flute Obligato - by Mr. S. Wallace), Lebrun - Madame Gautrot
2 - "Suona dindin," duet, from Zauberflote, Mozart - Mr. & Mrs. Bushelle
3 - Flute Solo, Tolou - Mr. S. W. Wallace
4 - "Il mio tesoro infanto," Song, Mozart - Mrs. Bushelle
5 - "Dunque io sono," Duet, Rossini - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle
6 - "To Norma's arms," Song, Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle
7 - "Let others rejoice," Song, Russell - Mr. Bushelle
8 - "Black-eyed Susan," by particular desire - Mrs. Bushelle
9 - "Rule Britannia" - Madame Gautrot who will endeavour to sing it with English words.
The Pit will be elegantly fitted up with covered seats and will communicate with
the Boxes. The Orchestra will be erected on the Stage.
Tickets to be obtained at Mr. F. Ellard's; Mr. Tyrer's; Mr. Spark's, Royal Hotel;
Mr. Aldis's, George-street; and Mr. Ellard's, Pitt-street, next the Theatre.
Boxes and Pit, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 4s.; the Gallery will be closed.
The Concert will commence at eight o'clock precisely.
"MRS. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (13 September 1839), 2
. . . Mdme. Gautrot was also very successful in some of her vocal performances. Her "Rule Britannia" also called forth great applause - but, as obvious, we may say, that the applause was called forth on account of her attempt to sing it in English. She may, however, have done better had she sung it in a lower key . . . Monsieur Gautrot's performance on the violin is distinguished for its precision. On a former occasion, we attempted a comparison between him and Mr. W. Wallace. The opinion we then expressed, we still hold. Mr. Wallace was the most showy, Monsieur Gautrot is the most correct player. Mr. Wallace was of the Paginini school - Monsieur Gautrot is of the Mori school - Wallace surprised - Gautrot pleases. This I take to be the true distinction between the two performers. Gautrot's playing is distinguished by feeling - Wallace's was distinguished for manipulation, for performing feats which make us stare. Let us not, however, be supposed that Mr. Wallace was deficient in feeling, far from it. Nothing could be finer than his (for instance) the airs "Ye banks and Braes," or "My lodging is on the cold ground," the latter especially, was beautifully executed - it was thrilling to hear . . .
"Concert", Australasian Chronicle (13 September 1839), 1
. . . The concert was, we should think, one of the best that has ever been given in Sydney. Monsieur Gautrot's solo on the violin was delightful, and though not much in the modern style, was executed with a degree of good taste which is exceedingly rare. We have very seldom heard such correct intonation elicited from that difficult instrument, with the same degree of purity. If any of our readers think us too partial to Gautrot père, they will probably be more surprised when we state that we do most distinctly raise our voice against Madame Gautrot's most ludicrous and unmusical style of singing. It is nothing, absolutely, but music-run-mad. She sings neither in time nor in tune, both of which she could do admirably, if she would attend to the composer's notes and marks, and to them only. Does not Madame Gautrot know that Rossini, unlike other composers, inserted in all his compositions all and every one of the embellishments which he wished to be used in them, and that he pointedly condemned all attempts that were made to add additional fiorituri to his melodies. God knows! in all conscience he had reason, for they are already numerous enough and to spare. Madame Gautrot, with wonderful command of the musical powers which Nature has given her, might sustain the character of an excellent artiste, by devoting herself to the cultivation of pure melody, but for a person whose voice is unusually unmanageable, to attempt to sing à la Catalani, is, to say the least, not judicious. We trust that these and the following remarks will not be misunderstood . . . Above all, Madame Gautrot's "Rule Britannia" was irresistible, and we feel ourselves as yet completely shaken from the effects of it.
Upon the whole, though the style of this concert is not our favourite style, we were highly gratified by the performances, and we hope soon to hear all parties again, particularly the Bushelles, et notre cher Monsieur Gautrot père.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 September 1839), 2
"MRS. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Colonist (14 September 1839), 2
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (14 September 1839), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Leggatt (clarinettist, oboist); George Peck (violinist); Spencer Wallace senior (violinist, viola player); George Sippe (cellist); Richard Curtis (cellist)
20 September 1839, Lucy Fernandez's concert
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (20 September 1839), 2
Miss Fernandez's Concert takes place this evening, at the Old Court House, under the patronage of Ladies Gipps, Dowling and O'Connell, and several other Ladies of distinction - report speaks highly of this Lady's talent as a Pianiste. Madame and Mons. Gautrot, with Mrs. and Mr. Bushell are announced to take a great portion of the evening's Entertainments, under the direction of Mons. Gautrot, whose talent as a leader is well known. We have every reason to anticipate that a crowded room will follow this Lady's announcement.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (20 September 1839), 3
MISS FERNANDEZ has the honor to announce that her CONCERT will take place in the OLD COURT HOUSE,
THIS EVENING, the 20th September, when she will be assisted by MONSIEUR and MADAME GAUTROT,
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, and a most efficient Orchestra.
Tickets to be had of Miss Fernandez, at Mrs. Simpson's, 1, Terry's Buildings, Pitt-street North.
The Concert will commence at Eight o'Clock.
OVERTURE - "Fair Maid of Perth."
1 - "Care Zitelle," Florio, Duet - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle.
2 - "Hours of Rapture," Lee, Song - Mrs. Bushelle.
3 - "Rondo," Pianoforte, with quartet accompaniaments - Moscheles - Miss Fernandez.
4 - "Una Voce," Rossini, Song - Mad. Gautrot.
5 - "My Heart's in the Highlands, Phillips - Mr. Bushelle.
6 - "Lasciami," Rossini, duet - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle.
7 - "Solo," Pianoforte, Herz - Miss Fernandez.
OVERTURE -"Siege of Rochelle."
1 - "On donc est il," Carafa, Song - Mad. Gautrot
2 - "Non piu Andrai," Mozart - Accompanied by the full Band, Mr. Bushelle.
3 - "Trio," Beethoven - Miss Fernandez, Mons'r Gautrot and Master Deane.
4 - "Solo," violin - Mons. Gautrot.
5 - "Fremar Vonce," Cemorosa - Mrs. Bushelle.
6 - "Crudel Perche," Mozart, Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle.
7 - "Largo al factotum," Rossini - (by desire) Mr. Bushelle.
FINALE - "God save the Queen," full Band.
Colonel Wodehouse has kindly allowed the assistance of the Band of H. M. 50th Regiment.
"Miss Fernandez' Concert", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (23 September 1839), 2
. . . That Madame Gautrot can sing well, we admit; but that she does not do so, so often as she might, we venture to affirm. Her voice is naturally powerful, yet she strains it till she screams. And this is not necessary with Mrs. Bushelle for a coadjutor, for the latter is inclined to sing under her full voice. Madame Gautrot too still bores us with the gamut. The people are weary of these rapid ups and downs, which may be very clever, but have not a bit of music in them. What the public want, is music, not the gamut . . . Monsieur Gautrot presided at the Orchestra with his usual tact and taste. He has a fine ear, and as fine a judgment.
"MISS FERNANDEZ'S CONCERT", The Australian (24 September 1839), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Fernandez (pianist)
2 October 1839, George Peck's farwell concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (2 October 1839), 1
to inform his Friends and the Public that he will give a
GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT of Vocal und Instrumental Music, at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
PITT-STREET, THIS EVENING, October 2nd, when he will be assisted by the entire musical talent of Sydney,
being his FAREWELL BENEFIT CONCERT prior to his departure for England.
The Instrumental and Vocal Departments will be upon the most extensive scale, comprising upwards of Seventy Performers.
PRINCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS: - Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Griffiths.
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Miss FERNANDEZ, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Deane and Family, Mr. Peck, Mr. Leggat [sic],
Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, and (by the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse)
the Band of the 50th Regiment.
Leader, Monsieur Gautrot; Conductor: Dr. Reid; Violin obligato, Mr. Peck; Flute obligato, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Harp, Mrs. Curtis;
Pianoforte, Miss Fernandez.
OVERTURE - Les Avuegles de Toledo - Mehul
Song - Mr. Bushelle - "King Death," accompaniments full orchestra - Neukomm.
Duet - Harp and Violin - Mrs. Curtis and Mr. Peck - Labarre and De Beriot.
Glee - Five Voices - "Blow gentle Gales," accompaniments full orchestra - Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Clarke,
Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Griffiths - H. R. Bishop.
Grand Duet - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle - "Let the Trumpet sound," with full orchestra and cornet a piston obligato, by Mr. Leggatt - Bellini.
Solo - Pianoforte - Fantasia on Robert le Diable - Miss Fernandez (her second appearance in public) - Thalberg.
Song - Madame Gautrot - "Oh! Je suis dans mon Coeur," accompaniments full orchestra - Auber.
Grand Chorus (from the Knights of Snowdon) - Soprano obligato, Mrs. Clarke, and full orchestra -
"Now tramp o'er moss and fell" - H. R. Bishop.
OVERTURE - The Maniac - Bishop.
Ballad - Mrs. Bushelle - "Mary of Castle Carey," (by particular desire.)
Solo - Flute - Mr. S. W. Wallace - Nicholson.
Favorite Buffo Song - Mr. Bushelle - "Miei Rampolli," as sung by Signor Lablache, in the Cenerentola,
which was received with unbounded applause on its last performance - Rossini.
Comic Glee (Finale to the First Act of Guy Mannering) - Five Voices -
"The Fox jump'd over the Parson's Gate" - Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Griffiths - Bishop.
Imitations of PAGANINI on the Violin (for this night only) - Mr. Peck.
Chorus (from Masaniello) - "Come hither all who wish to buy," accompaniments full orchestra - Auber.
"Rule Britannia" (by particular desire) - Verse and Chorus - Madame Gautrot, who will sing it with English words . . .
"MR PECK'S CONCERT", The Australian (5 October 1839), 2
. . . Monsieur Gautrot is a truly elegant violinist, and performed the business of leader to perfection . . .
"MR PECK'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (7 October 1839), 1 supplement
. . . We were glad to hear Mrs. Clarke singing at a concert - it is there she is enabled to show what she can do. She ought to have sung "Rule Britannia," and not Madame Gautrot. Let the next concert conclude with "God save the Queen" - the solo part, by Mrs. Clarke, and then we shall see whether we are correct in our judgment. Let us not, however, be understood as depreciating Madame Gautrot. On the contrary, we assert that she possesses a voice of great power; great flexibility, and evidently brings mind to aid in the exercise of her art. We could hardly pay the lady a higher compliment . . .
"MR PECK'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 October 1839), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist); Mrs. Richard Curtis (harpist); George William Worgan (vocalist); William Griffiths (bass vocalist)
5 and 8 October 1839, the Gautrots' country concerts, Windsor and Parramatta
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (2 October 1839), 3
MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT Have the honor to announce to the Inhabitants of Windsor and its Vicinity, that their CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, WILL take place at the COURT-HOUSE, WINDSOR, on on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, October 5, at Half-past Seven o'Clock precisely. They will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. BUSHELLE; Mr. EDGERTON; Mr. W. STANLEY, Pianist: and (by the kind permission of COLONEL BAKER,) the Band of the 80th Regiment . . .
"To the Editor of the . . .", Australasian Chronicle (8 October 1839), 1
SIR - I beg leave to enclose you a report of our concert, which took place last evening.
The first performance of the evening, was an overture by the 80th regiment, admirably well played.
Then followed a duet by Madame Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle, au clair de la lune, which, considering the quality of Madame Gautrot's voice, was tolerably well sung.
"Black-eyed Susan," by Mrs. Bushelle, was tolerably fair.
Song, by Madame Gautrot, "Una Voce." was anything but pleasing; the quality of this lady's voice is so truly unmusical,
that, were it not for her execution, it really would be painful to sit and listen to her.
My "Boyhood's Home", was heavy, and seemed ill adapted to Mr. Bushelle's voice.
"Non piu Andrai," - this song is a fine composition, and was admirably well sung by Mr. Bushelle;
it appeared the only thing of the evening that his voice was adapted to.
To enter minutely upon every thing, would be only taking up too much of your valuable time.
Suffice it to say, we were much disappointed, after reading such extolled praises in one or two of the Sydney papers, of the talent of your Sydney vocalists.
I can assure you we have many ladies here, whom I have frequently had the honour of hearing;
whose voices and style will bear comparison,
with those ladies of whom it has been asserted that they might sit unbonnetted in any part of the world.
Perhaps the reporter meant that they might sit as lookers-on only. -
I am Sir, yours,
A Lover of Music.
Windsor, Oct. 6, 1839.
[We think the above criticism by far too severe; but as it contains much truth, and is evidently the production of a person of taste, we do not hesitate to insert it. - ED.]
[Advertisement], The Australian (8 October 1839), 1
"CONCERT AT PARRAMATTA", The Colonist (12 October 1839), 3
The concert was not numerously, but very respectably attended, which may be attributed to the very short time allowed for circulating the information as to the when and where. The pieces were well selected and appeared to give general satisfaction, with the exception of the overtures by the military band, which were as bad and discordant as it is possible to imagine. Bushelle's Largo al factotum, which was given with his usual judgment and spirit, seemed to please the most; next to which, was Mrs. Bushelle's sweet ballad, Mary of Castle Carey, and Madame Gautrot's petit chanson comique, Povera Signora. Mr. Stanley played Hertz's variations on Non piu Mesta, on the pianoforte, in a masterly manner, and Mons. Gautrot, an air and variations on the violin, by Rode, in a manner worthy of a disciple of the school of the charming Viotti. - Correspondent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Edgerton (bandmaster of the 80th); Band of the 80th Regiment (Stanley's regiment)
13 November 1839, the Gautrots' city concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (13 November 1839), 1
GRAND CONCERT. MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT have the honor to announce that their
Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT will have, on this occasion, the valuable assistance of Mrs. Bushelle,
Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, Miss Fernandez, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Peck, Mr. Leggatt,
Mr. Deane and Sons; and, by permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the BAND OF THE FIFTIETH REGIMENT will attend.
Overture - "The Siege of Rochelle."
1. Trio - "'Mid these shades?" (from Il Crociato) (Meyerbeer) - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Mr. Worgan.
2. Song - "Le Plaisir du Rang Supreme" (Auber) - Madame Gautrot.
3. Song - "As burns the Charger" (Shield) - Mr. Bushelle.
4. Song - "Fatal Goffredo" (Donizetti) - Mrs. Bushelle.
5. "Recollections of Scotland" - Piano (Moschelles) - Miss Fernandez.
6. Duet - "Se a caso Madama" (Mozart) - Madame Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle.
7. Song - "The magical Maydew" (Irish Melody) (Lover) - Mrs. Bushelle.
8. Solo - Violin - Air, with Variations, composed and executed by - Mons. Gautrot.
Overture - "Il Barbiere di Seviglia."
1. Duet - Opening Duet of "Le Nozze di Figaro" - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle.
2. Song - "Quando un guerrier splendido" - Madame Gautrot.
3. Solo - Clarionet - Mr. Leggatt.
4. Song - "Qui sdegno" (Zauberflote) - Mr. Bushelle.
5. Song - "The Macgregor's gathering" - Mrs. Bushelle.
6. Solo - "Australia," a Pastoral, composed by Mons. Gautrot, for the Ladies of the Colony - Monsieur Gautrot.
7. Song - "The Soldier Tired of Wars Alarms" (Arne) with full Orchestral Accompaniment, arranged by Monsieur Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
8. "Laughing Glee" (Martini) - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Mr. Worgan.
Tickets may be had at Mr. Ellard's, Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. Tyrer's; Mr. Sparke's, Royal Hotel;
Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist, George-street; and at Monsieur Gautrot's residence, 105, Pitt-street.
"M. GAUTROT'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (15 November 1839), 1s
"MONSIEUR GAUTROT'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (18 November 1839), 2
This description of entertainment has been so multiplied of late, that with all the ingenuity we may be supposed to possess, with all the fancy in which we may indulge, we can write nothing new upon so stale a subject. The last concert was a mere ditto of those which preceded it. Besides, it was too long; some persons think they never have enough of a good thing. The concert was insufferably long - it was tedious. Of the Italian and French music we shall say nothing; because we again enter our protest against its introduction into concerts performed before a Sydney audience. The audience was not very numerous on Wednesday evening; but we would venture a wager that not one out of every fifty persons present understood a word of many of the songs to which they were treated by Madame Gautrot and Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle. Why not treat the audience to English songs? These concert-giving people are creating a false taste in the Colony. If they had a grain of sense, they would know that Italian and French songs are not such as ought to be introduced to concerts here. But the truth is, that the motive power is to be found in affectation. We cannot particularise the performances. As we have before said, Madame Gautrot possesses a voice of great flexibility - it is sometimes harsh in the higher tones; it is sometimes rough; but it is very powerful, and possesses great compass. Mrs. Bushelle, whose talent and artlessness of manner have won for her the especial favour of the public, acquitted herself to the satisfaction of all. Mr. Bushelle's powerful voice was not heard to effect on this occasion. The songs chosen by him were particularly heavy. With Monsieur Gautrot's violin playing the public are now pretty familiar. He is the most chaste player we have ever heard in the Colon. His must, indeed, be a nice ear which can detect a false note in Monsieur Gautrot's stopping. There is no mountebankism about his playing. He is of the school of Mori, the most classical violinist of modern times. We fear that Monsieur and Madame Gautrot will not realize much by their concert. The room was by no means so full as we could wish to have seen it. We had almost forgotten Miss Fernandez - for which we beg the lady's pardon. There is no doubt that she possesses a great command over the keys of the piano-forte. But there is too much of manipulation in her performance - too great an exhibition of mechanical skill. She could not have chosen a more beautiful theme than the air "Kelvin Grove" - yet it and other Scotch airs introduced by the lady were rendered perfectly ineffective under the weight of ornament with which they were encumbered.
3 and 10 December 1839, the Deanes' weekly concerts
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (3 December 1839), 4
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
Tuesday Evening Next, Dec. 3, 1839.
Mr. Deane will have, on this occasion, the valuable assistance of
Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto, Haydn.
2. Song, "The Sea," Neukomm - Mr. Thomson
3. Glee, " Here in cool grot," Mornington - Master Weavers, Mr. Deane, Master E. Deane and Mr. Thomson.
4, Fantasie, Piano-forte, Herz - Miss Deane.
5. "Chanson de Rossini" - Madame Gautrot.
6. Duetto, - "The Slinging Lesson," Herz - Miss Deane and Mr. Deane.
7. Air, with variations ,on the Violin - Monsieur Gautrot.
1. Quartett, Haydn.
2. Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen," Lee - Miss Deane.
3. Duetto, Piano-forte and Violin - Mr. Deane and Mr. J. Deane.
4. Song, "La Coquette de Village" - Madame Gautrot.
5. Song, :What is the Spell," with Guitar accompaniment, Rooke. - Mr. Thomson.
6. Sung - "Green Hills of Tyrol," Rossini - Miss Deane.
7. Trio, Pianoforte, Violin; and Violoncello, Moshcelles - Miss Deane, Mr, Deane, and Mr. E. Deane.
8. The celebrated "Laughing Glee," Martini - Mr. Thomson, Mr. Deane, and Master E, Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely . . .
"Deane's Weekly Concert", The Australian (5 December 1839), 2
On Tuesday evening, we paid another visit to Mr. Deane's concert at the Mechanics' School of Arts, and were glad to see it so numerously and respectably attended. Madame Gautrot is a charming singer; her "Chanson de Rossini" was a splendid performance, as also, her "La Coquette de Village," which was enthusiastically encored. Miss Deane's extraordinary fantasias on the pianoforte are very clever and very surprising, but we cannot believe them very pleasing to the majority of amateurs, who go to hear melody and not to witness manipular feats of execution. We regretted that this young lady was prevented, by severe cold, from getting through our favourite "Singing Lesson," but she treated us to an extra fantasia instead, which we would have gladly excused. The glees were well practised and well sung and Monsieur Gautrot's valuable assistance contributed much to the harmony of the evening.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (10 December 1839), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
Tuesday Evening Next, DEC. 10, 1839.
Mr. Deane has engaged for a few evenings, the valuable assistance of
Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "The Friar" - Mr. Thomson.
3. Song; "Air de le Pie Voleuse", Rossini - Madame GAUTROT.
4. Solo, Pianoforte, "'Guillaume Tell" - Herz - Miss Deane.
5. Song, "Fly away, pretty Moth" - Bayly - Master Weavers.
6. Song, "'Air du Clair de lune" - Boildieu - Madame GAUTROT.
7. Glee, "Lightly tread" - Scotland - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
8. Rondo, Violin - Rode - Mons. GAUTROT.
1. Quartett, "God save the Queen" - Onslow - Mons. GAUTROT, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "I'm free, I'm free" - Mr. Thomson.
3. Solo, Violoncello - Muntz Berger - Master E. Deane.
4. Song, "Air de la Lettre de charge" - Bochsa - Madame GAUTROT.
6. Trio, Pianoforte, Violin, and Violoncello - Pixis - Miss Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
6. Song, "Meeting of the Waters" - Stevenson - Mr. Thomson.
7. Duetto, Pianoforte and Violin - Miss Deane and Mr. J. Deane.
8. Glee, "When the rosy Morn" - Webbe - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, and Mr. Thompson.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Deane (pianist, vocalist); John Deane junior (violinist); Edward Smith Deane (violoncellist); Mr. Thomson (vocalist)
17 December 1839, Deane's weekly concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (17 December 1839), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public, that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on,
This Evening, Tuesday, DEC. 17, 1839.
Last Appearance but Two OF Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "The Wolf" - Shield - Mr. Thomson.
3. Song, "Cease your funning" - Mrs. Clancy.
4. Poland Fantasia, on the national airs of God Save the Queen and Rule Britannia, for the Pianoforte, as performed by the composer before her Most Gracious Majesty
Queen Victoria - Thalberg - Miss Deane.
5. Song, "Di tanti palpiti" - Rossini - Madame GAUTROT.
6. Aria Varie, Violin - Mons. GAUTROT.
7. Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen" - Lee - Miss Deane.
8. Glee, "When the Rosy Morn" - Webbe - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, and a Mr. Thomson.
1. Quartett - Beethoven - Mons. GAUTROT, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "The Soldier Tired" - Arne - Mrs. Clancy.
3 . Song, "The Friar" - Reeve - Mr. Thomson.
4. Song, "The Peasant Boy" - Master Weavers.
5. Song, "Cupid, hear me!" - Cooke - Miss Deane.
6. Song, "La Troubadour, Romance" - Boildieu - Madame GAUTROT.
7. Glee, "Hark, 'tis the Indian drum" - Bishop - Miss Deane, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Deane
To commene at 8 o'Clock precisely . . .
18 December 1839, Eliza Bushelle's concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (18 December 1839), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre.
MRS. BUSHELLE BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public, that her
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, On the same extensive scale as her last one, will lake place at the Theatre Royal,
on WEDNESDAY, the 18th December. She will be assisted by Madame Gautrot, Miss Deane, Mr. Bushelle and Amateurs;
Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. Worgan, Masters J. and E. Deane,
Mr. Wallace senior, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Walton, several Amateurs, all the Theatrical Band, and, by permission of
Colonel Wodehouse, the BAND of the FIFTIETH REGIMENT.
Symphony, (Beethoven) - Full Orchestra.
1. - Trio, "Fatal Moment," (Meyerbeer) - Mad. Gautrot, Mrs. Bushelle, and Mr. Bushelle.
2. - Grand Air, from the "Pre aux Clercs," with Violin Obligato by Mons. Gautrot and full orchestral accompaniments - Mad. Gautrot.
3. - "Lo! the factotum of this gay place, I come!" adapted from the Italian - Mr. Bushelle.
4. - Song, "Mary of Castlecary," a Scotch air - Mrs. Bushelle.
5. - Flute Solo (Nicholson) - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
6. - "Dunque io sono" (Rossini) - Mad. Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle.
7. - "Savourneen Deelish," an Irish air, accompanied by herself on the Harp - Mrs. Bushelle.
8. - Fantasia on, the Airs of "La Vestale," executed on the Violin by Mons. Gautrot.
Overture of the "Marriage of Figaro," (Mozart) - Full Orchestra.
1. - The celebrated Polacca from "I Puritani," Solo and Quartet, with full orchestral accompaniments -
Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Bushelle.
2. - Ma vicille Tante Maugerite - Mad. Gautrot.
3. - Grand Fantasia for the Pianoforte on the Air "I tuoi frequenti," (Sowenski) - Miss Deane.
4. - The favourite Song, " Miei Rampolli," as sung by Signor Lablaehe - Mr. Bushelle.
5. - "Black Eyed Susan," an English Ballad - Mrs. Bushelle.
6. - "The Soldier Tired," with new orchestral accompaniments by Mons. Gautrot - Mad. Gautrot.
7. - "The Groves of Blarney," an Irish Melody, with the original "Ulla goane" - Mr. Bushelle.
To obviate the disappointment experienced by many families last Concert,
Mrs. Bushelle will feel obliged by an early application for Private Boxes at her residence,
Castlereagh-street North; lately occupied by Mr. Sydney Stephen.
Tickets to be had of Mr. F. Ellard, Mr. Tyrer, Mr. Sparks (Royal Hotel), and Mr. Aldis, George-street;
Mr. A. Ellard and Mr. Cruickshank, Pitt-street; and at Mrs. Bushelle's residence, Castlereagh-street.
A communication will be established be tween the Boxes and the Pit, which will be elegantly fitted up.
Boxes and Pitt, 7s. 6d.; Upper Boxes, 4s. the Gallery will be closed.
The Concert will commence at a Quarter past Eight.
"Mrs. Bushelle's Concert", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (20 December 1839), 2
"MRS. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (25 December 1839), 2
. . . Madame Gautrot afforded just cause to sustain the opinion we have formed and expressed of her. With a pleasing appearance, she brings a powerful voice, and, evidently, very considerable acquaintance with musical science. She sang that showy but meagre composition of Arne's - The Soldier tired - with very great power . . . Monsieur Gautrot delighted all hearers by his chaste and elegant playing on the violin; and, to say nothing of his Italian songs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Humphrey Walton (viola player)
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Colonist (21 December 1839), 3
In addition to the engagements which we mentioned in our last, we are glad to hear that Monsieur Gautrot is engaged for the orchestra, and that terms have been offered to Madame Gautrot, to sing three times a week, between the pieces. We hope Madame Gautrot will come to terms. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles are not yet engaged.
24 December 1839, Deane's weekly concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (24 December 1839), 4
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public, that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
This Evening, DEC. 24, 1839.
Last Appearance but one OF Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "The Land" - Neukomm - Mr. Thompson.
3. Song. "Air du Barbier de Seville," Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
4. Solo, "Piano Forte," Herz - Miss Deane.
5. Song, Master Weavers.
6. Song. Miss Deane.
7. Air Varié Violin - Monsieur Gautrot.
1. Quartetto - Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, Master E. Deane.
2. Song, Miss Deane.
3. Solo, "Violoncello" - Hunken--Master E. Deane.
4. Duetto, "Ye Banks and Braes", Philipps - Miss Deane, Mr. Thompson.
5. Song, "The Wolf", Shield - Mr. Thompson.
6. Song, "Jeune Brigette Romance" - Madame Gautrot.
7. Glee, "The Watchman" - Miss Deane, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Admission 2s. 6d. Quarterly Subscription Tickets 21s. -
Double Ticket to admit Lady and Gentleman. 30s.
To be had of Mr. ELLARD, George-street; Mr. BRENNAND, George-street; and Mr. DEANE, Macquarie-street.
7 January 1840, Deane's soiree
"News and Rumours of the Day", Australasian Chronicle (3 January 1840), 1
Mr. Deane has engaged Mr. Simmons and Mrs. Taylor, of the Victoria, and Mr. Horatio W. Williams, to sing at his weekly soirees. Madame Gautrot appears for the last time at Soiree on Tuesday first.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (7 January 1840), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public, that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechastics' School of Arts, on
THE LAST NIGHT OF Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "Hurralh for the Road" - Mr. Thompson.
3. Song, "When the Sigh long suppressed" - Auber - Miss Deane.
4. The Celebrated Laughing Glee - Martini - Mr. Thompson, Master E. Deane, Mr. Deane.
5. Solo, Pianofort - Herz - Miss Deane.
6. Song, Air, "Joanne D'arc, de Carafe" - Madame GAUTROT.
7. Duetto, "The Singing Lesson" - Horn - Miss Deane, Mr. Deane.
1. Quartett - Mons. GAUTROT, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "'Tis the Last Rose of Summer" - Miss Deane.
3. Glee, "Canadian Boat Song" - Master Weavers, Mr. Deane, Mr. Thompson.
4. Air Varie, Violin, Mons. GAUTROT.
5. Song, "The Land" - Neukomm - Mr. Thompson.
6. Song - Master Weavers.
7. Song, "Romance, Pre an Clercs" - Herold - Madame GAUTROT.
8. Glee, "Hark Apollo Strikes the Lyre" - Miss Deane, Master E. Deane, Mr. Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist); Maria Taylor (actor, vocalist); Horatio Williams (vocalist)
27 January 1840, Sydney Anniversary Regatta prize presentation, Royal Victoria Theatre
[News], The Australian (28 January 1840), 2
We have been favored with a view of the Prize Cup, to be presented by Mr. Wyatt, the Proprietor of the Victoria Theatre, to the winner of the first-class sailing-boat match at the Regatta this day . . . We fully hope that the very interesting, scene of the presentation of the cup will induce all the Patrons of the Regatta to visit the theatre; the performance is of a superior description, and besides the many novelties that the Manager has prepared to give eclat to the entertainments of the evening, Madame Gautrot is engaged, and will sing "Rule Britannia."
3 February 1840, Elizabeth Clancy's concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (3 March 1840), 1
. . . PART I.
1. Overture - Preciosa, Weber.
2. Song - Success, (Words by Linsburg, Music by Monsieur Gautrot,) - Madame Gautrot . . .
PART II . . .
4. Solo - Violin - Monsieur Gautrot . . .
7. Song - Black Eyed Susan - Madame Gautrot . . .
[News], The Australian (5 March 1840), 2
. . . Madame Gautrot sang two pieces in very good style, the first, a French air, was animating and melodious, but somewhat lengthy; the second, Black Eyed Susan, was very successfully executed, and with few exceptions her defect of accent was not perceptible . . . Monsieur Gautrot's violin solo confirmed the high opinion which we have so often expressed of his talent as a first rate musician; this gentleman is advanced in years, and therefore in estimating his professional attainments, this circumstance must not be forgotten: he is, however, a sound musician, and plays with great taste and precision . . .
"MRS. CLANCY'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (6 March 1840), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist)
21 April 1840, Deane's concert, Parramatta
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (21 April 1840), 3
Grand Concert at Parramatta, under distinguished Patronage. MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his friends and the public of Parramatta and its vicinity, that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on Tuesday evening, April 21, 1840, at Mr. Nash's New Boom, George-street, Parramatta, on which occasion he will be assisted by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, and other professionals from Sydney, and, by the kind permission of Colonel French, the band of the 28th regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 28th Regiment
26 May 1840, Eliza Wallace Bushelle's concert
"CONCERT", The Colonist (23 May 1840), 2
Mrs. Bushelle's concert will take place at the Theatre on Tuesday night next. This concert is given under the patronage of Lady Gipps, and several others of the beau monde, and we have no doubt the theatre will present a splendid appearance on the night of the concert. It has been put off and delayed for some time in consequence of the illness of Mr. Gautrot, and we are sorry to say that he is unlikely to be able to play on Tuesday night . . .
"(From a Correspondent)", The Australian (28 May 1840), 2
We were, present at Mrs. Bushelle's concert on Tuesday evening last, and were gratified at witnessing such a numerous and respectable auditory assembled to hail the re-appearance of so universal a favourite as is the lady in question . . . We shall conclude by wondering what has become of our old favorites Mrs. Clancy and Madame Gautrot? A concentration of talent would have been desirable, and these ladies would have added much to the effectiveness of the evening's amusement, which, however, we are bound to add, afforded us, on the whole considerable gratification.
8 July 1840, Deane's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (8 July 1840), 2
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage
his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the THEATRE ROYAL on
WEDNESDAY, July 8th, 1840, He will he assisted by MRS. BUSHELLE, MADAME GAUTROT, MISS DEANE,
MR. PARBURY, MR. J. DEANE, of Parramatta; All the Members of the Theatrical Orchestra, and
several Amateurs who have kindly profferred their assistance.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Wallace.
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
PART I . . .
3. Song - Aria Cenerentola - MADAME GAUTROT . . .
PART II . . .
3. Song - Le Rendezvous composed by Monsieur Gautrot - MADAME GAUTROT.
4. Quintett - Composed by Monsieur Gautrot, for 2 Tenors, 2 Violoncellos, and 1 Double Bass.
1st. Tenor, MONSIEUR GAUTROT; 2nd. MR. DEANE; Violoncello, MR. CURTIS and Mr. E. DEANE; and Double Bass, MR. PARBURY . . .
MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (9 July 1840), 3
We have just returned from this concert, and have only time to say that it went off with great eclat; that Mesdames Gautrot, Bushelle, and Clancy, were in excellent voice; that Miss Deane was better by far than ever on the piano; that Mr. Bushelle was delightful; that Monsieur Gautrot's and Master Deane's fiddles were in good tune . . . We were exceedingly pleased to find so full a house, and to see his Excellency, Lady Gipps, and the members of our colonial court in their proper places.
["CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (10 July 1840), 2
Mr. Deane's concert in the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday, went off remarkably well. The house, notwithstanding the weather, and the state of the streets, was very nearly full. We have not space to enter into a lengthened detail of the performance, but will merely observe, that Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Madame Gautrot were in excellent voice, that Mrs. Clancy sang two pretty ballads, one of which the Tyrolese maiden's song, was very sweetly performed, that Monsieur Gautrot's quartette was ably led by himself, his tenor violin playing being a perfect master piece . . .
17 July 1840, Cecilian Society's concert
"CECILIAN SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (18 July 1840), 2
This Concert came off last evening at the Old Court House, and from the frequent postponements we did expect something, but are sorry to say we were much disappointed in the performances, with one or two exceptions. The whole of the overtures were well played. The song by Madame Gautrot, as also the quartetto by her husband, were performed in their usual masterly style, and if they and the overtures bad been omitted, the Concert would scarcely have been worth hearing . . .
10 September 1840, John Meredith's benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (9 September 1840), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
MR. MEREDITH'S Night being fixed, he respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general,
and especially those who may remember his exertions in first forming a Corps Dramatique in this Colony, that his
BENEFIT Will take place on THURSDAY, September 10, 1840, On which occasion lie solicits their kind patronage and support.
The first part of the Evening's Entertainments, will be a Comedy, never before produced in the Colony, and of unparalleled celebrity in the Mother Country, called
after which, MADAME GAUTROT, having kindly volunteered her services on this occasion will sing a Song from the
ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor)
"PORT PHILLIP EXTRACTS", Launceston Advertiser (10 September 1840), 2 supplement
We are happy to inform our readers that Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, noted in Sydney for their musical talents, the former as leader at all the concerts, and composer of several beautiful pieces of music, the latter as a celebrated songstress, having written to a gentleman in town, stating their intention to come to Melbourne to teach music and singing as soon as the theatrical season is over, Monsieur Gautrot's leading the orchestra at the Victoria preventing his coming at an earlier period. Monsieur Gautrot will have his hands pretty full for some time, if only engaged in putting pianofortes in tune; about nine-tenths of these instruments at the present moment being in a wretched state of disrepair, owing to the absence of any professional gentleman to put them in order.
17 September 1840, Mary Ann Larra's benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Australian (17 September 1840), 3
. . . A popular French Song, the Music by Gretry, by Madame Gautrot . . .
. . . The favourite Song of Black Eyed Susan, by Madame Gautrot . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Larra (actor)
5 October 1840, Spencer Wellington Wallace's benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (5 October 1840), 3
Upon which occasion he has the honour to announce
The Performance will commence with . . . THE LADY OF THE LAKE . . .
Programme . . .
Favorite Ballad "We've lived and loved together," Madame Gautrot . . .
French Air, by particular desire, "Provera Signora." Madame Gautrot . . .
"THEATRICALS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (7 October 1840), 2
The entertainments of Monday night were for the benefit of Mr. S. W. Wallace, the leader of the orchestra, on which occasion the house was well filled, and the evening's amusements passed off with considerable eclat. "The Lady of the Lake" was got up in a much better style than we had anticipated, or than could well have been expected at so short a notice; and the leading characters were ably sustained by Messrs. Arabin and Lazar, and Miss Winstanley. The opera was followed by a variety of singing and dancing, which was well received; but no one who has ever heard the masterly style in which Madame Gautrot executes her continental music, could, with any degree of patience, listen to her inefficient attempt at English harmony, and we would advise her either to continue in that course by which she has previously elicited such well-merited applause, until private practice shall have rendered her more perfect in the English style and language.
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (8 October 1840), 2
. . . Madame Gautrot sang "We have lived and loved together," and "Povera Signora." This lady sang with her usual success, and was encored, but owing to some interruption in the pit occasioned by squabbling and fighting, she was compelled to retire without completing her encore in the latter song . . .
21 October 1840, opening mass, St. Matthew's Catholic church, Windsor
"OPENING OF ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH, WINDSOR", Australasian Chronicle (27 October 1840), 2
Wednesday last having been the day appointed for the performance of this solemn function,
on the day previous the bishop was met on the way, at the distance of fourteen miles from Windsor . . .
. . . The choir of St. Mary's Cathedral, conducted by Mr. Bushelle, occupied the right transept, and the military band the left.
The sacred music of the great Italian and German masters, to which the seraphine formed the accompaniment,
was executed in a style of grace and power worthy of its high character.
We never heard the choir including Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Curtis, &c. &c. to greater advantage . . .
30 October 1840, the Gautrots' Sydney farewell concert
"CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (27 October 1840), 3
We perceive that Mons. and Madame Gautrot, assisted by the whole musical powers of the colony, are about to give a farewell concert to the inhabitants of Sydney. We cannot doubt that the lovers of music will on that occasion evince their high opinion of the musical talent of this family.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (29 October 1840), 3
have the honour to announce that their
LAST CONCERT will take place at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street,
Tomorrow (Friday), the 30th October, 1840.
Programme. -- Part I.
Overture, Der Freischutz, Weber
1. Duet, Semiramide, Mrs. Bushelle and Madame Gautrot
2. Song, "Let us seek the yellow shore," Bishop, Mrs. Clancy
3. Song, "The Wolf," orchestral accompaniments, Mr. Bushelle
4. Fantasia on the "March In Otello," Hertz, Miss Deane
5. Scena ed Arie, from the celebrated opera of " Robert le Diable," arranged for a full orchestra by Monsieur Gautrot, Madame Gautrot
6. Air, varie for the violin, Rode, Monsieur Gautrot
7. Cavatina, "Se Romeo," arranged for a full orchestra by Mr. Leggatt, Bellini, Mrs. Bushelle
8. Favorite song, Mr. Bushelle.
Part 2.
Medley overture, Leggatt, full orchestra
1. Song, "Donald." Mrs. Clancy
2. Fantasia for harp and violin, from "Moise in Egetto," Labarre and De Beriot, Mrs. Curtis and Monsieur Gautrot
3. Buffo duet, Mrs. and Mr. Bushelle
4. Tyrolean Maiden's Song, Madame Gautrot
5. Song, "Sweetly o'er my senses," Mrs. Bushelle
6. Duet, "Barber of Seville," Madame Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle
7. Song, "Cease your funning," Mrs. Clancy
8. Celebrated buffo song and chorus, "Papuccie," Pacini, arranged with full orchestral accompaniments by Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Bushelle.
Tickets, 7s. 6d.; to be lad of Mr. Ellard, Mr. Tyrer, Mr. Aldis, and Mr. John Sparks, George-street,
and of Monsieur Gautrot, 33, Pitt-street, next door to Mr. Nash's.
Performance to commence at Eight o'clock.
4 November 1840, Cecilian Society concert
"CONCERT", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (4 November 1840), 2
The periodical concert of the Cecilian Society will take place this evening, at which Mons. Gautrot, Miss Strickland, and some of the principal musical performers of Sydney will assist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Strickland (vocalist)
"Port Phillip", Australasian Chronicle (28 November 1840), 3
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, the former celebrated as a violinist and the latter for her vocal powers, are about to pay a professional visit to Melbourne, where, from the existing harmony of the public, they anticipate extensive patronage and a rich harvest. - [P. P. Gazette.]
1 December 1840, departure for Melbourne, on the inaugural voyage of the Clonmell
"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Herald (2 December 1840), 2
For Port Phillip, yesterday, the steam ship Clonmell, Captain Tollervey, with sundries. Passengers - Messrs. Harpur, Mackay, Jeffreys, Ryan, Jones, Beswick, Ellard, Ellard, Junior, Gautrot . . . Mrs. Horden, Madame Gautrot and seventeen deck passengers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musical instrument retailer); Frederick Ellard
Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (5 December 1840 to 26 January 1842)
5 December 1840, arrival in Melbourne, of the Gautrots (and Francis and Frederick Ellard), on the first run of the Clonmell
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", Port Phillip Gazette (9 December 1840), 3
On Saturday [5 December], from Sydney, the steam-ship Clonmel . . .
"THE CLONMEL STEAMSHIP", The Sydney Herald (23 December 1840), 2
This vessel arrived in port yesterday afternoon, having been absent from Sydney twenty-one days. She has succeeded admirably, all the passengers by her expressing themselves in the highest terms of her efficiency in every respect. She will return to Port Phillip in a few days, and it is hoped that such arrangements have now been made that there will be no more delay for want of fuel. We have great pleasure in laying before our readers the following documents, which shew the estimation in which a numerous body of passengers hold the Clonmel, and also that the urbanity of Captain Tollervey is justly appreciated.
To Lieut. Tollervey, R. N., Commander of the Steam-Ship Clonmel.
Dear Sir, - The first voyage of the Clonmel from Sydney to Port Phillip being an event of much public importance,
we, the undersigned, passengers on the occasion, beg to tender to you our sincere congratulations ou our safe arrival at the latter port.
We have at the same time unfeigned pleasure in thus recording our grateful acknowledgment
for your considerate and gentlemanly attention to our comfort on board.
The excellent attendance, sumptuous table, and cleanly comfortable bedding, probably not surpassed in any similar
establishment in Great Britain, evince a desire to render the Clonmel in every respect worthy of public support.
With every good wish for your prosperity and happiness, we remain, Dear Sir, Yours very sincerely,
J. Mackay, J. Roach, James McFarlane, Arch. McCullum, James Beawicke, Sam. Rawson, 28th Rgt., H. H. Jones, James McPherson Grant,
Henry Harper, Alexander Campbell, Edward W. Jeffreys, Benjamin Shain, G. A. Urquhart, Daniel Curdie,
F. Ellard. M. Ryan, Richard Capel, J. B. James, H. Webb, F. Ellard, Jun., M. Gautrot.
Port Phillip, 5th Dec, 1840.
"CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette (9 December 1840), 3
The public will learn with much gratification the fact of the arrival per Clonmell, of Madame and Monsieur Gautrot, who intend holding a series of concerts so soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. The chief difficulty at present that offers, is the possibility of procuring a room adapted for the purpose; the only one calculated for accommodation (solely considered) being the Lodge Room at the Adelphi. Whatever objections may exist as to concerts being held at a tavern, they will no doubt upon this occasion be ceded to the consideration of the necessity which "compels the choice" - and the recompense will be sufficiently afforded for the sacrifice of scruples, in the musical treat which the talents of Madame Gautrot as a vocalist, and Monsieur as a violinist, will offer to their patrons.
"MUSIC", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (10 December 1840), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot have at last arrived in Melbourne, and bid fair to revive the musical spirit which has so long lain dormant within it. They propose giving a public concert as soon as a room sufficiently commodious can be obtained, of which due notice will be given. Monsieur Gautrot assisted at a rehearsal of the Amateur Concert on Tuesday evening last, and delighted every one with his execution and masterly style. We certainly hail the arrival of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot as likely to contribute in every way to the tastes of the elite of the musical world of Melbourne.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (10 December 1840), 3
CONCERT. Under the Patronage of His Honor Mr. LaTrobe.
MADAME AND MONSIEUR GAUTROT having arrived from Sydney,
intend giving a public Concert on an early day, of which due notice will be given.
The programme and the place will be named in an early newspaper.
Melbourne, December 7.
"FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENTS", Geelong Advertiser (12 December 1840), 2
The arrival of the steamer Clonmel on Saturday last, put the good citizens of Melbourne all agog with preparations for a visit on the following day to the bay; and notwithstanding the intolerable heat of the weather, a vast number paid their respects on board . . .
The monotony of this town is to be disturbed shortly by a professional Concert to be given by Madame Gautrot from Sydney assisted by her caro sposa on the violin; and it is murmured that the "Amateurs" have signified their readiness to lend their required aid in filling up the interstices of the evening's amusement, politeness as flowering to our Parisian visitors, as it is amiable on the part of the amateurs, and gratifying to all.
"MR. LA TROBE AND THE HERALD", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (17 December 1840), 2
The Port Phillip Herald has attacked His Honor the Superintendent, and with very bad taste, for patronising Mons. Gautrot's concert, after refusing to patronise the projected Church concert some time ago. With the same bad taste, the Herald, a short time since, sneered at the professions of goodwill on the part of the Presbyterian Church towards the Episcopalian Church, because the Minister and Trustees of the Scots' School refused to allow the building at present used as the Scots Church to be converted into a Concert room.
The Herald, it would seem, is not charitable enough to suppose it possible that either Mr. La Trobe or the Presbyterians can entertain conscientious objections to the plan of raising money for religious purposes by public entertainment, and yet have no objections to such entertainments themselves, - our contemporary, therefore, jumps at the conclusion that both he and they are ill-affected towards the Church. - His Honor, like ourselves, likes a little music, when it comes in the shape of recreation, and has promised his patronage to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot; but it seems, that having refused to give his sanction to the mode in which it was proposed to raise funds for the erection of the Church, it is no longer competent for His Honor to enjoy any such recreation.
"Pause, O! Mr. Latrobe (says our chivalrous contemporary) - unless you are destitute of every sense of justice to that Church of which you are a professed member, - unless you are destitute of respect for your own character for consistency of principle; pause upon the brink - pass not the Rubicon - go not to Madame Gautrot's concert"!!! The stretch of bathos can no farther go.
We would recommend to our contemporary a little more of the milk of human kindness: a fresh examination of the subject may then serve to show that it is quite possible that Mr. LaTrobe, in common with the Presbyterians and many very worthy Episcopalians, may entertain conscientious objections to the raising of money for religious purposes, either by concerts or theatrical entertainments, and may yet enjoy either when got up whether for the public or individual advantage, without being chargeable with inconsistency, want of delicacy, or any wish to deprive the Church of that support which the public would have rendered independently of his indifference or hostility.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (superintendent of Port Phillip district)
17 December 1840, the Gautrots' first Melbourne concert
[2 advertisements], Port Phillip Gazette (16 December 1840), 2
MONSIEUR & MADAME GAUTROT beg to announce that they have fixed on TO-MORROW Evening, for giving their first
Concert at the Adelphi Hotel at eight o'clock.
Tickets 10s 6d, each, to be had at Mr. Kerr's Stationery Warehouse, Collins street,
or of Monsieur Gautrot at the Imperial Hotel. The programme will be published in due time.
Monsieur & Madame Gautrot
WILL be happy to give Lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music.
In order to accommodate his Pupils by receiving them in town, M. Gautrot has taken the house
lately occupied by the Bank of Australasia, in Little Collins-street, to which he will remove in the course of next week.
"CONCERT", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (17 December 1840), 2
As will be seen by an advertisement in another page Monsieur and Madame Gautrot fixed upon this evening for giving their first concert in Melbourne, in the large room at the Adelphi . . .
"CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette (19 December 1840), 3 supplement
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot held the first of a series of Concerts on Thursday evening last. The whole performances resting upon themselves was an undertaking which pre-disposed the public opinion to conclude that the entertainment would prove heavy and monotonous; but as the programme proceeded, the auditory were agreeably relieved from any sensation of tedium or ennui. His Honor the Superintendent and Mrs. La Trobe honored the room with their presence, and a tolerably numerous company, considering the extreme heat of the evening, congregated upon this occasion. There were four solo performances on the violin, and the same number of songs allotted respectively to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, and to say that they were admirably executed is the only remark we need make to sustain the reputation already so justly acquired by both parties throughout these colonies. Towards the conclusion Madame Gautrot complimented the company voluntarily with the air of Rule Britannia, in the chorus of which the audience seemed strongly disposed to unite, but they sacrificed their patriotic to their politer feeling, and suppressed in "half-smothered tones" the exciting national strain. We cannot conclude this brief notice without commenting upon the new appearance [recte non-appearance] of the Amateurs in aid of Monsieur Gautrot, and regret to find that it arose from a feeling of pride, as unnecessary as it was contemptible. Whilst in England, Noblemen do not deem it derogatory, upon certain occasions, to condescend from their high estate, and lend their assistance to promote harmony and social kindness, the musical Dons of this province are far too grand to afford their talents for the diffusion of such benefits to a community.
24 Demceber 1840, the Gautrots' second concert
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (21 December 1840), 3
MONSIEUR & MADAME GAUTROT have the honor to announce, that their second Musical Soiree will be held at the Adelphi Hotel, On THURSDAY Evening, the 24th inst. After the Concert, the band consisting of Messrs. Tickell, Hulley, Milsted, Boreham, and Drane, will perform quadrilles and country dances during two hours.
"PUBLIC CONCERT", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (28 December 1840), 2
Monsieur Gautrot's second soiree took place on Thursday evening last, when a numerous audience assembled to listen to the delightful performances of Monsieur and Madame. The selection of music was good, and the execution brilliant. After the concert, the services of the Melbourne Quadrille Band were put into requisition, and the dancing was kept up with much spirit until a late hour.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Tickell (musician)
[2 advertisements], Port Phillip Gazette (3 February 1841), 1
TO be held on WEDNESDAY Evening the 3rd of February next, at the Caledonian Hotel, Londsdale-street.
First Part - - -
Overture - Il Nozzi di Figaro - Mozart
Song - The Blighted Flower - Balfe
Glee - The Wreath - Mazzinghi
Quartette - Introduzione - Sola
Song - Air from, the Siege of Corinth
Madam Gautrot - Rossini
Solo - Violin - Air variee (Monsieur Gautrot) - Kreutzer
Glee - Life's a Bumper - Webb
Song - All is now lost "Somnambula" - Bellini
Septette - Air Russes (with variations for all the instruments, composed and dedicated to the Melbourne Amateur Society, by Monsieur Gautrot) - Gautrot
Second Part - - -
Quadrilles - (full Orchestre) - Musard
Song - The Outlaw (with full accompaniments - Loder
Glee - The Chough and Crow - Bishop
Duett - Piano and Violin - Moise en Egitto - Hertz & Lafont
Song - Black-eyed Susan (Madam Gautrot) - Dibdin.
Quartette - Mi vedrai - Bellini
Duet - Semiramide - Rossini
Glee - Hail smiling morn - Spofforth
Finale - God save the Queen - verse and chorus - Phillips
Single Tickets of admission 15s [sic, 5s]. each; family ditto, 12s. 6d.; to he had of either of the Stewards, or at Messrs. Kerr and Holmes, Stationery
Warehouse, Collin's street, Tickets not transferrable.
Doors open at half-past seven, and the Concert to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot WILL be happy to give Lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music, at their residence, the house lately occupied by the Bank of Australasia; in Little Collins street. Pianofortes Tuned.
"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette (10 February 1841), 3
Wednesday evening last having been selected for giving this long looked for fete, we were induced, as well as from the novelty of the performance as the object it had in view, to attend the concert in person. On our arrival at the Caledonian Hotel, we found the music room tastefully decorated, and, we are happy to announce, with a very numerous audience, amongst whom we observed a goodly attendance of the ladies. The band, which consisted of amateurs, assisted by Monsieur & Madame Gautrot, acquitted themselves most ably, were highly applauded throughout, and we are happy in being able to bear testimony to the universal entertainment experienced by the audience. We have not heard the amount of the proceeds which are likely to he appropriated to benevolent purposes, nor is it yet known what associations will benefit by this fund, the committee not having arrived at any conclusion upon that matter.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (8 February 1841), 1
MONSIEUR GAUTROT, BEGS leave to inform his Patrons, the public of Australia Felix, that the increasing patronage he has received call for more scope for the comfort of his pupils. He therefore notifies that he has taken Mr. Munton's premises in Collins Lane, near his former residence. The former house he offers to let to any person requiring a neat comfortable private residence.
"MELBOURNE . . . THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser (13 February 1841), 3
We are given to understand that Monsieur and Madame Gautrot are engaged for the new Theatre about to be erected in Bourke street - the piles are laid, and it is supposed that the building, which is to be composed of wood, will be completed in six weeks at the utmost. - Herald.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (13 February 1841), 2
"PAVILION", Port Phillip Gazette (27 March 1841), 3
The newly erected building designated for a Theatre, will be opened on Monday night week with a Concert, under the management of Monsieur Gautrot, assisted by a full Orchestra. Concerts will also be held during the race week.
Late March 1841, census of Port Phillip district completed
New South Wales - Census of the year 1841; Port Phillip district, Melbourne, Bourke ward; State Records Authority of New South Wales, CGS 1282
Name of Establishment - Henri Gautrot / Males 1 aged 21-45 and 1 aged 45-60 / Females 2 aged 21 to 45 / Males 1 married 1 single / Females 1 married 1 single / Males 2 arrived free / Females 2 arrived free / All 4 Roman Catholic / 2 domestic servants and 2 other . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (29 March 1841), 1
Tuition in French. M. AUGUSTUS SUCHET, a native of France, is desirous of devoting a portion of his time to tuition in the French language . . . For further information apply to M. Gautrot, Music Master, or to M. Suchet, at the Lamb Inn.
12 April 1841, opening concert, the Royal Pavilion Saloon
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (10 April 1841), 1
WILL open on MONDAY EVENING, April 12, with a Vocal and Instrumental Concert.
Part I.
Opening Chorus - God save the Queen." - By the whole Company.
Overture - " A la Melbourne" - Monsieur Gautrot and Band.
Song - "Blue Violets" - Mrs. Avins.
Song - Madame Gautrot.
Comic Song - "The Nervous Appeal." - Mr. W. Miller.
Comic Song - "Cherry-cheek'd Patty." - Mr. Hodge.
Comic Song - "Nothi.
Overture - Monsieur Gautrot and the Band.
And a variety of Entertainments.
Part II.
Overture - Monsieur Gautrot and Band.
Song - Classical delineations of the Grecian Statues - Mr. Miller.
Song - "Curly-headed Ploughboy" - Mr. Hodge.
Song - Madame Gautrot.
Song - "Away to the Mountain's Brow." - Mrs. Avins.
Duet - "The Charity School Boy'' - Mrs. Avins and Mr. Miller.
Overture - Band.
Finale - "Rule Britannia," by the whole strength of the Company.
Doors open at half-past 6, and performances to commence at 8 o'clock.
Tickets of admission to be had of Mr. T. Hodge, at the Box Office, from 10 till 3 o'clock
every day, Sundays excepted - Box tickets, 10s. 6d., Pit, 7s; Gallery, 4s.
MONSIEUR GAUTROT, Leader of the Band.
MR. W. MILLER, Stage Manager.
MR. T. HODGE, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Avins (vocalist)
"COMBINATION", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (29 April 1841), 2
Mons. Gautrot and his cat-gut scrapers have had the effrontery to demand the moderate compensation of three pounds each for their services at the dinner to Mr. Brodie, and the stewards have in consequence resolved to dispense with their attendance. Considering that with the single exception of Mons. Gautrot there is not a tolerable musician in the band, this savours of a degree of arrogance which requires to be checked by competition.
"TOWN BAND", Port Phillip Gazette (29 May 1841), 3
The late Birth day Ball was attended by the Town Band, which upon this occasion was led by Monsieur Gautrot. The performances were throughout well executed, and consisted of the latest and most fashionable Quadrilles, Waltzes and Scotch Reels.
"MASONIC", Port Phillip Gazette (26 June 1841), 3
On Thursday, being St. John's the Baptist Day, the members of the Lodge of Australia Felix congregated at their Lodge Room . . . During the day an application was made in behalf of Monsieur Gautrot, as one of the "mystic tie," for the aid of the brethren in getting up a Concert; and it was resolved that the Lodge should afford him its public patronage upon that occasion, and upwards of fifty tickets were instantly subscribed for.
"MASONIC", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (28 June 1841), 2
"MONSIEUR GAUTROT", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (12 July 1841), 4
MONSIEUR GAUTROT, COMPOSER and professor of music,
has the honor to announce to the gentry of Melbourne and to the public,
that he will hold a concert on a future day, under the patronage of the Freemasons of Australia Felix,
to be notified by the journals of the day.
In the meantime Mons. Gautrot begs to draw the attention of Melbourne generally to the peculiarly distressing position in which he is placed.
Having after severe and protracted illness in Sydney, which for several months disabled him from pursuing his professional avocations,
visited Melbourne in compliance with the recommendations and express desire of several residents,
he has the extreme mortification to find that he is notwithstanding without pupils,
and the only remaining means of procuring any adequate remuneration for his services,
having been taken from him by a decision, which though strictly conformable with the penal statutes of the colony of New South Wales,
had deprived the inhabitants of Melbourne of the only public amusement the town affords,
he has only to throw himself upon the generous sympathies of an enlightened British public for that support which it never denies to a foreigner in distress.
Tickets half a guinea each.
The following gentlemen have already kindly promised to take the number of tickets opposite their respective names.
(Further particulars will appear in a future advertisement.)
[. . . lists names of over 50 subscribers . . .]
"CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette (24 July 1841), 3
On Monday Evening next, as our advertising columns announce, a concert of vocal and instrumental music will take place at the Royal Exchange Hotel. This entertainment is given specially under Masonic patronage, for the benefit of Monsieur Gautrot, who being a member of the craft, and under pecuniary embarrassments, is entitled to receive this benefit at the hands of the fraternity.. Upon the occasion, such members of the mystic tie as are gifted with musical talents, lend their aid in furtherance of this object - a sufficient guarantee for favourable reception, even should their performances fail to excite general approbation, which is not very probable. Amateurs, upon these claims to public sympathy, are exempt both from censure and criticism, which starched notions of dignity or the cynic sneers of upstart prudery might engender. The abilities which the hand of providence has bestowed cannot more laudably be employed than in contributing to relieve the destitute, more especially as in the present case, wherein the call is made in behalf of a distressed "Brother" in a foreign land.
26 July 1841, concert for Gautrot's benefit
"MASONIC CONCERT", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (26 July 1841), 2
Monsieur Gautrot's concert of vocal and instrumental music, under the direction and patronage of the Lodge of Australia Felix, comes off at the Royal Exchange Hotel this evening. The Freemasons with their families will of course be in attendance and a pretty numerous assemblage of the towns-folk is expected. Several of the Masonic brethren, whose names we are not permitted to mention, have very kindly consented to lend their assistance to Monsieur Gautrot, but we may state from our knowledge of the vocal powers of the amateurs that the public have a treat to expect which is not often obtainable in Melbourne.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (26 July 1841), 3
HAS the honor to announce, that a Concert of Vocal and instrumental Music will take
place this Evening, the 26th instant, at the Lodge Room of the Royal Exchange Hotel,
at seven o'clock, under the especial patronage of The Lodge of Australia Felix.
Upon this occasion, a number of gentlemen Amateurs have kindly tendered their powerful assistance.
Overture (full Orchestra) - GAUTROT.
Masonic Glee "Hail, the Craft" - PANCY.
Duett (Piano and Violin) - HERZ et LAFONT.
Witches' Glee - M. P. SANDS. [King]
Air - (Madame Guutrot), a la Catalani (accompanied by Mr. Clark on the Piano) - RHODE. [Rode]
Variations on the Violin - AMATEUR.
Waltz - (By Amateurs), on two Violins, Flute, Clarionet, Violincello, Bassoon, Trombone, two Cornets, double Bass, arranged by M. Gautrot.
Military March (full Orchestra) - GAUTROT.
Romance du pre aux Clercs, (Madame Gautrot) - WILDE.
Air - (With variations by M. Gautrot) - DE BERIOT.
Air - (Pianoforte And Flute) - AMATEURS.
Air - Du Proscrit (Md. Gautrot) - AUBER.
Finale - God save the Queen.
Mr. CLARK will preside at the Pianoforte.
Tickets - 10s. 6d. each, to be procured at the Royal Exchange Hotel; Kerr & Holmes' Book
and Stationery Warehouse; and of M. Gautrot.
"BURGLARY" and "CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette (28 July 1841), 3
BURGLARY.- During the time of the Concert on Monday evening, some daring villains look the opportunity of the absence of Monsieur Gautrot, to break open his house and rob every thing of value upon which they could lay hands. Amongst these were a writing desk, containing about fifty pounds in cash which had been collected during the day by sale of his Concert Tickets, and also a small quantity of Jewellery, consisting of rings, a watch and a gold neck chain. The outer door had been forced open, and the bolt of the lock by the force used was broken in two. The bed room door also had been in like manner burst open. A dog was left in this room for the protection of this little remnant of its masters property; but it does not appear that the neighbours were disturbed by any noise, either of the barking of the dog, or the breaking into the house; which leads to an impression that the offence was not committed by a stranger, either to the premises or its temporary guardian. The police are on the alert, and hopes are entertained of the discovery of the vile perpetrators of this (under circumstances) most cruel act.
THE CONCERT. - The vocal and instrumental concert announced for the benefit of Monsieur Gautrot, took place on Monday evening, at the Royal Exchange Hotel. A platform for the performers was erected at the upper end of the room, elevated about two feet from the floor, and the remainder of the room was occupied by rows of benches, which were completely filled, there being about two hundred and ninety persons present. The opening overture was a composition of M. Gautrot's, and was intended apparently to elicit the effect of the Orchestra, which consisted of about a dozen instruments, rather than to obtain applause for its merit. The Glee "Hail to the Craft," was well executed, and being given in honor of the Masonic body, under whose immediate auspices the evening's entertainments were placed, could not fail to receive a due portion of plaudits. Two other glees that followed tested their claims however for approval, upon totally different grounds, and received the universal applause of the assembly; as did also the favorite round "Hark 'tis the Indian Drum," which upon the whole was the chef d'oeuvre of the evening. Madame Gautrot, who by the way evinced that interesting state, which lords-loving ladies desire, favored the audience with two of her most celebrated songs, "Romance du pre aux Clercs" and "Du Proscrit," and with a bravura in the style of Catalani. The execution of these performances was more of the "brillant" than the "sort de secte en Ecosse." The violin performances if Monsieur partook of his usual well known skill, surprising from the rapidity of fingering, rather than pleasing from its expression. The most attractive instrumental performance was executed by the gentlemen amateurs on the pianoforte and violia, which displayed not only proficiency, but its more estimable concomitants taste and feeling. Upon the whole, the concert went off well, and every person present appeared satisfied.
"ANOTHER BURGLARY", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (29 July 1841), 3
During the absence of Monsieur Gautrot, at the concert on Monday evening, some heartless ruffians forcibly entered his dwelling-house, and carried off the whole of the money he had received for his concert tickets, a silver watch, several articles of jewellery, and other property amounting in all to the value of between seventy and eighty pounds. Monsieur Gautrot's is a particularly cruel case, for the poor old gentleman had, through the assistance of his "brethren of the mystic tie," just realised sufficient to clear off the little debts he had contracted in his distress, and by this heartless robbery he is again left completely destitute.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Clarke (pianist)
"MUSIC", Geelong Advertiser (7 August 1841), 2
The intended visit of Monsieur and Mademe Gautrot will afford a rich treat to the lovers of music in this district. Monsieur Gautrot is allowed to be the most scientific violinist that has ever visited these shores. We have never seen any critique which, in our opinion, did justice to the vocal powers of Madame Gautrot; the only fault that can reasonably be found with her voice, is, that it is too powerful for a small room, and is heard to the greatest advantage in a cathedral or theatre. We trust that they will have no cause to repent their visit, and that the gratification will not be on the side of the public alone.
23 August 1841 (postponed from 12 August), Gautrots' concert, Geelong
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (7 August 1841), 3
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (14 August 1841), 3
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (21 August 1841), 1
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot
HAVE the honor to announce to the inhabitants of Geelong and the surrounding district,
that they intend giving a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music,
On MONDAY the 23rd of August,
They have also the honor to state, that they will be assisted by numerous gentlemen amateurs,
who have kindly consented to accompany them to Geelong,
where they trust they will receive that support which they have been led to anticipate.
N. B. - Monsieur Gautrot has also the honour to announce to the inhabitants at Geelong,
that during his stay he will be happy to tune pianofortes.
"THE CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser (28 August 1841), 2
This enlivening little entertainment acted as a sort of relief to the usual monotony of such a sequestered township as Corio. As the audience met with the determination of being pleased, the evening passed in a very satisfactory manner. Although there were several points on which an ill-natured critic might display his powers, yet we cannot find it in our disposition to be over-fastidious. Madame Gautrot was of course the "evening star," and the other twinklers only served to increase her brilliancy by contrast. She sung well; but we have heard her sing better where there was not the necessity to subdue her powerful voice to suit the size of the room; as it was, she succeeded beyond expectation. Monsieur is an expert violinist; but his skill appears to consist chiefly in the mechanical execution of fantastic variations. But we are forgetting our promise to abstain from criticism, and the less we say about the amateurs the better. They did their best, and the audience maintained the greatest good humour throughout.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (4 September 1841), 1
Monsieur Gautrot WILL be in Corio early next week to tune Pianos. Those who may honor him with their commands are requested to leave their names with MR. BOHUN.
"Original Correspondence. Per favour of the . . .", Port Phillip Gazette (4 September 1841), 3
SIR - Reports of the most painful nature have reached me, stating that no robbery was committed at my house on the night of my last concert. I beg the
favor of a contradiction, in your widely circulated journal, to such gross and malicious calumnies.
On returning from the concert, accompanied by Mr. Suchet (in the employment of Mr. Davies), and Madame Gautrot,
we found the doors of the house broken open, and numerous articles of value carried away, besides the money received for the concert tickets.
To this fact Mr. Suchet and the watchman (Clarke), who was passing at the time, can both testify.
It is sufficiently distressing to undergo the sufferings to which I am doomed in a foreign country,
without the addition of imputations on a character on which no man has ever dared to cast a slur.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
Melbourne, 1st September, 1841.
22 September, the Gautrots' concert, Williamstown
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (22 September 1841), 1
HAS the honor to announce that a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will
take place THIS EVENING, Sept. 22nd, at Messrs. Benjamin's extensive new Stores, Williams Town, at half-post seven o'clock.
1st PART.
1. - Simphonie - CHERUBINI.
2. - -Glee, Perfida Clori - AMATEUR
3. - Duetto - BOILEDIERE.
4. - Solo de Violon (M. Gautrot) - RODE.
5. - Ditenti Palpiti (ditto) - ROSSINI.
6. - English Glee (Amateur) - BISHOP.
2nd PART.
1. - Simphonie
2. - Glee (Amateur)
3. - Song (ditto)
4. - English duet (2 ditto)
5. - English Romana (ditto)
6. - French Song (M. Gautrot) - ROSSINI.
7. - Glee (Amateur) - MARTINI.
8. - God save the Queen, (3 voices.)
Tickets 10s. 6d, each, to be procured at the Albion Hotel, at Mr. Walter Butler's, and at Mr.
Levien's, Williams Town.
"CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette (25 September 1841), 3
It affords us great pleasure to state that the Concert given at Williams Town, on Wednesday evening last, afforded universal satisfaction; it commenced with a concerted piece of music, arranged by Monsieur Gautrot, for three instruments, which was very cleverly executed by Gautrot, Hailes, and Tickel. Without being accused of flaterry, we pan speak in the most unqualified terms of Madame Gautrot; we heard her sing a solo in a tone of sweetness we have seldom heard surpassed. The other artistes were each excellent in the various songs they sung; the music, also, was much applauded. About fifty persons were present, a number of them from Melbourne, all of whom expressed their entire approbation. We trust we shall see M. Gautrot and friends paying us another visit previous to his embarkation for India.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Button Hailes
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE", Port Phillip Gazette (2 October 1841), 3
SIR - Monsieur Gautrot has bid adieu to the shores of Australia, for another country;
where, he hopes, his musical career may be more successful, and where he may be remunerated for his perseverance.
Still, though disappointed with his success as a musician, he is anxious to return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Melbourne,
and particularly to the Free Masons, who have been of such essential service to him, on many occasions.
M. G. regrets much at not being acquainted with their names individually, that, when he might return to his native country,
he could acquaint his countrymen of the kindness received from the inhabitants of Melbourne;
he cannot, however, refrain from alluding, in a more particular manner, to three individuals
through whose kindness and assistance he has procured a passage to India;
whose names I am forbidden - through motives of delicacy - to make known;
but, I hope, by giving their initials, which are D., Q., and M., a tolerable guess may be made of my talented countryman's benefactors.
In conclusion, M. G. begs to assure the people of Melbourne, that, wherever fate may please to send him,
and whatever fortune may attend him, he will always bear with him a grateful recollection of their kindness.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your very obedient servant,
Melbourne, 2nd Oct.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (4 December 1841), 2
All outstanding debts due to the late firm of Arden and Strode,
are to be paid to George Arden, of the Gazette Office, whose receipt for the same will be a sufficient discharge . . .
Gautrot - 7 0 0 . . .
"Domestic Intelligence", Port Phillip Gazette (25 December 1841), 3
. . . The Harmonic Society will, it is reported, venture, at no distant period, upon a public exhibition, for a charitable undertaking. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, advertise a concert for the 28th . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Harmonic Society (1840-42)
27 December 1841, St. John's day
"ST. JOHN'S DAY", Port Phillip Gazette (1 January 1842), 3
The anniversary of the Masonic Tutelar Saint passed off with the accustomed ceremonies, namely, the installation of the Master of the Lodge of Australia Felix, together with the officers appointed for the ensuing year. The festival followed at the hour of seven p.m., and was held at the Lodge Room of the Royal Exchange, about sixty of the fraternity having assembled upon the occasion . . . All the toasts were accompanied by Glees or Songs, which were performed in exquisite style. Monsieur Gautrot attended and performed a Fantasia on the violin upon one string, accompanied by Brother Clarke on the piano, which was received with well merited applause. It is almost needless to add that the whole entertainments passed off with the utmost harmony and conviviality.
4 January 1842, the Gautrots' farewell concert
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (3 January 1842), 3
By Permission of the Magistrates.
have the honor to announce that their
FAREWELL CONCERT AND BALL will take place on Tuesday, the 4th January, 1842,
in the great room of the Royal Exchange Hotel, at half-past seven in the evening.
1st Part.
1 - Symphony - Lampugnani
2 - Air, Madame Gautrot, from La Muette de Portici - Auber
3 - Andanto Varie, on one string of the violin, Monseiur Gautrot, Recollections of my friends in Australia Felix - Gautrot
4 - Glee, Amateurs, Fair Flora decks - Danby
5 - Symphony - Martini
6 - Air, Madame Gautrot, from La Cenerentola - Rossini
7 - Glee, Amnteurs, Life's a bumper - Wainwright
2nd Part.
1 - Symphony- Humphries
2 - Glee, Amateurs, Alderman's Thumb - Harrington
3 - Air, Madame Gautrot, from Jeanne d'Arc - Corafa
4 - Duet, Amateurs, Minute Gun at Sea - M. P. King
5 - Air, with variations, Monsieur Gautrot - Lofond [Lafont]
6 - Air, with variations, Madame Gautrot
7 - Fragment of Symphony.
Tickets 7s. 6d. each, to be had of Mr. Holmes;
of Mr. Cashmore; of Mr. Benjamin; of Mr. Hart; of Mr. Lazarus; of Mr. Suchet, at the
Royal Exchange Hotel; and of Monsieur Gautrot, Allen's Buildings, Little Collins-street.
Family ticket, to admit three persons of the same family, 15s.
"Domestic Intelligence", Port Phillip Gazette (5 January 1842), 3
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot gave their concert last night, at the Royal Exchange; the room appropriated to the purpose was very fairly filled, and the proceeds will give the worthy old musician the assistance which he requires, not less than he deserves.
"THE CONCERT", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (6 January 1842), 3
Mons. and Madame Gautrot's Farewell Concert came off at the Royal Exchange Hotel on Tuesday evening, and, we were sorry to see, was but thinly attended. On the whole the performance went off rather flatly. The symphonies neither displayed taste nor ability in their performance, and the same may be said of the glees and duets, for the voices of the singers obviously came from throats more accustomed to swallow beer and brick-dust, than eggs and butter. The glee "Life's a bumper" was the only exception to this rule. Madame Gautrot's singing was more remarkable for power than music; the "Air, with variations" in the second part evinced considerable scope and power in the management of the voice. Monsieur Gautrot acquitted himself with his usual ability, indeed his performances on the violin cannot fail to excite the admiration of the nicest connoiseurs of musical talent. The air "Andante varie" performed on one string, displayed great command over the instrument and was executed in a style at once chaste and elegant, the correctness of his touch and the clearness of the harmonies was absolutely beautiful. A ball was to have followed the concert, but the ladies disappearing at the close of the performances, the project was abandoned, despite the attempts of a few forlorn bachelors to get up a quadrille.
26 January 1842, the Gautrots' departure for Sydney
"Shipping Intelligence . . . CLEARED OUT", Port Phillip Gazette (29 January 1842), 2
Jan. 26. - Alexander ship, 523 tons, Ramsay, master, for Sydney, with part of original cargo. Passengers, Mons. and Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Mossman and children; 18 in the steerage.
Sydney, NSW (10 February 1842 to 30 September 1843)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (11 February 1842), 2
FROM Port Phillip, yesterday, having left the 26th ultimo, the ship Alexander, Captain Ramsay, with sundries. Passengers. - Mrs. Mossman and four children, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, and two children, and 12 steerage.
"Theatrical Chit Chat", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 February 1842), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot have arrived from Port Phillp, and have been engaged by Signor Dalle Case. They will make their first appearance at the Olympic, on Monday next.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 February 1842), 2
THE Public is most respectfully informed that, in order to meet the desires of the Patrons of this Establishment,
and to afford the best entertainment to the Public generally,
Signor Dalle Case begs to observe that he is determined to spare no expense in order to render the Olympic complete,
and in every respect worthy their patronage. He has, therefore, (immediately on their arrival), entered into an engagement with
MONS. & MAD. GAUTROT, who will make their appearance here for a limited number of nights.
The performances will commence with (for the first time in the colony,) a Drama of intense interest,
written by Mr. K. Lacy, and called THE TWO FRIENDS; OR, WHICH IS THE BROTHER . . .
At the conclusion of the Drama, MADAME GAUTROT will have the honour of appearing before them and sing a
Grand scena from the Barber of Seville.
Monsieur Gautrot will preside in the Orchestra.
A Popular Dance, by Mrs. Brock.
Song, "The Old House at Home," MRS. XIMENES.
To conclude with the favourite Farce called, SWISS SWAINS; OR, THE ALPINE MAID . . .
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (15 February 1842), 2
A pretty little drama, entitled the Two Friends, was produced at the Olympic last night . . . Madame Gautrot made her first appearance, and sang a scena from the Barber of Seville: she did not appear to much advantage, which might have been caused by want of practice.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (15 February 1842), 3
THIS EVENING, (Tuesday,) Feb. 15, 1842 . . .
At the conclusion of the Drama,
MONSIEUR GAUTROT Will have the honor to perform, for the first time in Australia,
SONG, "The Slave," by Mr. JACOBS . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (22 February 1842), 3
. . . THIS EVENING (Tuesday), 22nd of February, 1842 . . . Grand Duo, arranged for the voice and violin,
sung and accompanied by Mdme. and Mons. Gautrot . . .
At the conclusion of the entertainments, Madame Gautrot will sing "Rule Britannia," assisted by a chorus consisting of the whole company . . .
"THE THEATRES", The Sydney Herald (23 February 1842), 2
At the Olympic, The Irishman in London, My Fellow Clerk, and another farce, which was admirably played, formed the staple of the evening's amusement . . . Madame Gautrot sang a very difficult concerted piece delightfully: since she has recovered from the fatigues of the voyage her voice has resumed its original richness and beauty.
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case (proprietor); Mrs. Brock (dancer); Ann Winstanley Ximenes (vocalist); John Lewis Jacobs (actor, vocalist)
3 March 1842, the Gautrots' benefit, Olympic Theatre
"OLYMPIC", The Australian (3 March 1842), 2
Mons. and Madame Gautrot take their benefit at this establishment tonight. The bill of fare is certainly very attractive. There are two French operettas, in which Madame Gautrot, who is well known as a charming actress and good singer, appears, assisted by Mons. and Madame Charriere, the Adolphes, &c. To give a change to this performance, the high wrought drama of Mons. Jacques will be performed, in which Mr. K. plays Jacques, the enraged musician, which is a most arduous character. Mons. G. was very unfortunate during his slay at Port Phillip. The members of the Masonic fraternity, however, behaved to him very kindly during his sojourn among them, and it is to be hoped the brotherhood here will not forget a brother in distress, and who, moreover, is a foreigner.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (3 March 1842), 1
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot
HAVE the honour to announce to the gentry of Sydney and its neighbourhood, and the public generally, that having taken the Theatre for
THIS EVENING, March 3, 1842, and having procured the assistance of several professional ladies and gentlemen, they have made arrangements for their
to take place this Evening ; when they trust that the novelty and variety of the entertainments
will ensure them a portion of that patronage which the public has so liberally bestowed upon them.
Monsieur Gautrot begs also to intimate that
Monsieur and Madam Adolphe
will make their first appearance before a Sydney public on this occasion, in French popular characters; also that
Monsieur and Madame Charriere
will make their first appearance on the Olympic Stage on that occasion.
The entertainments will commence with a laughable opera, in one act, in the French language, called
Cavatini (Italian Singer) - Mr. Jacobs
Benini (his confidential servant) - M. Adolphe
Barbeau (tailor) - M. Charriere
Celestine (his daughter) - Mad. Gautrot
At the conclusion of the Opera
No. 1. - Non piu mesta accauto al fuoca, aria in La Cenerentola, by Madame Gautrot.
No. 2. - Song, Mrs. Ximenes.
No. 3. - Song, "Poor Bessy was a Sailor's Wife," Mrs. Knowles.
No. 4. - Song, Mr. Falchon.
No. 5. - Duo, du Clair de la Lune, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot.
No. 6. - Air varié, Monsieur Gautrot.
No. 7.- Chorus by the whole Company.
Pas de Deux, by Mr. T. Chambers and Mrs. Brock.
Messrs. King and Larosiere will appear in some
For the first time in the Colony a DRAMA of intense interest, and equalling in popularity
any piece ever produced on the London boards, called
M. Sequence (landlord of the house) - Mr. Lane
Monsieur Jacques (a poor musician) - Mr. Knowles
Vivid (a friend to Jacques) - Mr. O'Flaherty
Antonio (servant to Nina) - Mr. Falchon
Nina, Mrs. Knowles.
In the course of the piece, "Oft in the stilly Night," by Mrs. Knowles;
And the original song "A noble's Daughter loved to madness," accompanied on the piano-forte, by Mrs. Knowles.
The Signorinas Anna and Emilia will appear in some extraordinary
Clown - Mr. Holland.
To conclude with a French Vaudeville in One Act, called
Which will be performed as at the Grand Theatre in Paris.
Remi (Capt. of the Gend'armes) - Un Amateur
Anatole (Dancing Master) - Mons. Charriere
Isidore - Mons. Adolphe
Madame Remi - Mad. Adolphe
Madame Durand (Porter) - Mad. Gautrot.
Baptistine - Mad. Charriere.
The scene is supposed to take place at M. Anatole's, Dancing Master.
The doors will be opened at Seven and the Performances will commence at Half-past Seven o'clock precisely.
Tickets of admistion for the Dress Circle, 4s.; for the Pit, 2s.; to be had at the Box Office of the Olympic Theatre, Hunter-strtet;
and of Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist, George-street.
Private Box tickets to be had at Monsieur Gautrot's, No. 5, Pitt-street North, nearly opposite the Union Bank.
Half-price at Nine o'clock.
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (5 March 1842), 2
At the Olympic, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot had a benefit night. The entertainments were of the most varied and liberal description: French and English farces, vocal and instrumental melange, et ceteras. Of this evening's performance we may truly say, "where is the choice where all are fit to choose." But, if we were to select, we should certainly give priority to Monsieur Charriere and Monsieur Gautrot. The characters taken by the former in the two French pieces, were exquisitely well played. While their respective outlines were faithfully preserved, the artistic colourings imparted an unmistakeable individuality in the most humorous and interesting points of view: the achievement of which, is, indeed, the perfection of the mimic art. As a dancer, Monsieur Charriere is unquestionably first-rate. Of Monsieur Gautrot's violin solo, we have heard competent judges speak in the most flattering terms. Madame Gautrot was in good voice, and sang several airs very prettily. Mr. Knowles pleased us exceedingly in Monsieur Jacques. In a word, the whole evening's entertainments were altogether unexceptionable. We sincerely trust that Mons. Gautrot, having laboured so hard to please the public, has not laboured in vain. Indeed, setting aside any claim on the score of talent, an actor can hardly be requited by the profits of his benefit, for the labour and anxiety he must undergo in preparing for it.
FIRST PIECE (as 1839 above): Le bouffe et le tailleur (opéra comique, words by Armand Gouffé and Villiers; music by Pierre Gaveaux, 1804)
SECOND PIECE: Monsieur Jacques, a musical piece by Morris Barnett . . . the music by John Barnett, first performer at St. James's Theatre, January 12th, 1836 (London: John Miller, [? 1836]) (DIGITISED)
MUSIC: A noble's Daughter loved to madness (Barnett)
THIRD PIECE: Les gants jaunes, vaudeville en un acte, par M. Bayard, représenté pour la première fois, a Paris, sur le Théatre national du Vaudeville, le 6 mars 1853 ([Paris]: [Barba], 1835) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Monsieur and Madame Charriere (actors); Harriet Knowles (vocalist); Arthur Falchon (vocalist); Conrad Knowles (actor, manager); Henry Charles O'Flaherty (actor, musician); Signorinas Anna and Emilia (juvenile performers)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (28 April 1842), 3
THE SPACIOUS HALL OF THE SYDNEY COLLEGE HAVING BEEN KINDLY GRANTED FOR THE OCCASION TO MR. NATHAN, IT IS RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCED, THAT ON FRIDAY EVENING, 27TH MAY, 1842, WILL be performed a GRAND SELECTION of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC . . . A new SOLO will be performed on the violin, by that great musician and excellent theorist, MONSIEUR GAUTROT, who has most generously volunteered his services . . .
4 May 1842, Foreign Operatic Company, opening night
"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Herald (2 May 1842), 2
A new theatrical company has been formed in Sydney under the title of the "Foreign Operatic Company;" the principal performers are, Mr. and Mrs. Charriere, Mr. and Mrs. Gautrot, Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, and Mr. Adolphe, with the two Brazilian Girls from the Olympic. They intend to give performances in the saloon of the Royal Hotel.
"THEATRE FRANCAIS AND ITALIAN OPERA", Australasian Chronicle (3 May 1842), 2
We are pleased to learn that a company has been formed, and a theatre is to be opened on Wednesday, at the Royal Hotel, for the production of Italian and French operas. A strong taste for music already exists in Sydney, which only requires a better direction in order to be productive of most beneficial effects in society. Nothing could so much contribute to this desirable end as the production of the classical Italian operas, which abound with every imaginable beauty in musical composition. Of the majority of French operas we hold a different opinion, though several of them are decidedly good. The principal performers in the new company are, we believe, the Bushelles, and the Gautrots, who are a host in themselves, to say nothing of the others; and if proper taste be displayed In the selection and management, we anticipate many a treat from the new foreign company.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (3 May 1842), 3
Under the distinguished Patronage of his Excellency Lieutenant General SIR MAURICE O'CONNELL, K.C.B.
THE ARTISTS of the FOREIGN OPERATIC and DRAMATIC COMPANY respectfully announce that, having obtained a License,
from the Honorable the Colonial Secretary, they have at considerable expense fitted up the Lower Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL as a Theatre
where they will produce a series of the best French and Italian Musical Compositions, and the choicest Dramatic Pieces of the Parisian Theatres.
By the valuable accession of MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, as well as that of several distinguished Amateurs,
a hope may be reasonably entertained that these performances will not be unworthy of the continued patronage of the Australian gentry and public.
Trusting that the refined amusement to be derived from them in the first instance will be duly appreciated,
the Managers earnestly appeal to the parents and guardians of the youth of Sydney to give, by the prompt and sustained extension of their patronage,
an irresistible impulse to the study of languages and music on a legitimate principle, recognised in the present day.
The utmost care will be taken to keep the Theatre strictly select by an uniform price of admission, and a rigid surveillance of the visitors.
His Excellency Lieutenant General Sir Maurice O'Connell, K.C.B., having signified his intention of being present, the first representation will take place on
WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1842, and will consist of the truly laughable Vaudeville,
Remi, a retired captain of gens d'armerie - Mr. Bushelle
Anatole, a dancing master, a great coward, and always on the move - Mons. Charriere
Madame Durand, an old chattering and mischief making gossip - Mdme. Gautrot
Madame Remi, a much injured and falsely suspected woman - Mrs. Bushelle
Baptistine, a young milliner slightly infected by the green-eyed monster - Mdme.Chartiere
Isidore, cousin of Madame Remi - Mons. Adolphe.
Pas de Zephyre Dance, par Mdmselle. Emilia.
This piece will be followed by the much admired Comic Opera,
Cavatini, an Italian Buffo - Mr. Bushelle
Barbeau, a music-mad tailor, wished to exchange coats for notes - Mons. Charriere
Celestine, an ingenuous milliner, possessed of considerable musical talent - Mrs. Bushelle
Benini, confidant of Cavatini, and very confident of his own powers of pleasing the fair sex - Mons. Adolphe.
In the course of this piece, besides the original music, the following pieces will be sung:
Bellini's celebrated Polacca - Mrs. Bushelle.
Rossini's favorite duet, "Mio figllo non sei." - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle.
And the laughable duet, "Grenadier que tu m'affliges," The Grenadier and Cook Maid - Mr. Bushelle.
After the Opera,
"La Tarantelle," Spanish Dance, by Signorinas Anna and Emilia, pupils of Mons. Charriere.
The evening's amusements will terminate by the admired Vaudeville, interspersed with songs, duets, and choruses, called
Coquardon, a retired restaurateur and great lover of music - Mr. Bushelle
Irene, his daughter - Mdme. Charriere
Leriset, a pianoforte tuner, and misanthropist through having lost his wife and his umbrella - Mons. Charriere
Philibert du Bouage, director of concerts in the open air - Mons. Adolphe
Honore Maillard, nephew to Coquardon, and in love with Irene - Amateur.
In the course of the evening several favourite Concerted Pieces, by Mrs Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, and Mr. Bushelle.
By permission of Col. French, K.H , the excellent
BAND OF THE 28TH REGIMENT will be in attendance.
Price, 5s.; children under ten years of age, 2s. 6d. No half price.
Doors to open at Seven; to commence at half-past Seven precisely.
Tickets may be had at Mons. Charriere's, No. 6, Pitt-street North; of Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel;
and of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon, George-street.
"THEATRE FRANÇAIS", Australasian Chronicle (5 May 1842), 2
The first performance of this company was given last evening, and, making due allowance for unavoidable deficiencies, may be said to have gone off well. The chief faults were in the selection, and the extreme length of the performances, caused by the interpolation of songs unconnected with the pieces, and the great delay between the parts. The first piece, Remi, is contemptible at best, and not very delicate. For instance, Mlle. Baptistine, when discovered issuing from Anatole's chambre a coucher, answers quite naivement, "ce n'est pas la premiere fois." The Buffo Singer is a piece of far different character. It contains much wit and some good music. The part of Barbeau was admirably performed by M. Charriere, who also represented the itinerant accordeur des pianos in the subsequent piece with much humour. Madame Gautrot and M. Adolphe were very happy in some things, and Mrs. Bushelle's excellent singing atoned for her bad French. We shall be glad to notice any improvement in the next selection, as well as any additions that may be made to the corps dramatique and the scenery.
"THE FRENCH THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (6 May 1842), 2
About two hundred persons assembled in the saloon at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday evening, to witness the performance of the little company which has been formed of French and Italian performers. Charriere is inimitable here, and Madame Charriere will make an excellent actress; Madame Gautrot was not in voice; Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle did well, but theirs was not "French," - the singing, however was good; the two young gentlemen, Adolphe and the amateur, want practice.
"THEATRE FRANCOIS", The Australian (7 May 1842), 2
The performance of French plays in the room of the Royal Hotel, fitted up for this purpose, commenced on Wednesday evening last. The attendance was numerous and select. The entertainments consisted of three well-chosen and amusing pieces, which were got up in a very creditable style. In fact, the evening's amusements went off well, and were received with much applause and satisfaction, which, for an undertaking of this sort, is saying great things. Monsieur and Madame Charriere are both finished artistes, particularly the former, whose genuine pourtrayal of whimsical French enthusiasm was most successful. Madame C. will also, with a little practise, make a charming actress. Her personal appearance is much in her favour, and her carriage and intonation chastely perfect. Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and the rest of the performers sustained their parts exceedingly well. We would only, encourage them not to be afraid as nervous anxiety is not congenial to the display of French vivacity. Of the music, with which the performances were interspersed, it was selected in good taste and executed admirably. We do not know that we ever heard Mr. and. Mrs. Bushelle to such advantage. The polacca of Bellini was sung by Mrs. Bushelle with a finished elegance which would have elicited the bravo of Laporte himself. Madame Gautrot also sung with very good taste and execution. The performances were concluded by the National Anthem by the Company, and Monday, the 16th, was announced as the next evening on which they would renew these entertainments.
THIRD PIECE: Ma femme et mon parapluie, vaudeville en un acte, par M. Laurencin . . . (Bruxelles: Neirinckx et Laurel, 1835) (DIGITISED)
23 May 1842, Foreign operatic company, second night
"THEATRE FRANCAIS", Australasian Chronicle (24 May 1842), 3
We were much gratified by the foreign company's performance last evening. The pieces were better selected and shorter than on the previous evening. There was an important addition to the scenery, and upon the whole the acting was better. Mons. Charriere displayed a great deal of humour in the character of Christophe; and his Barbeau was inimitable. Madame Charriere's performance is also tasteful; and there is a gentlemanlike reality about Mons. Adolphe which is better than mere acting. Among the musical performances, the best were Bellini's "Son Vergin Vezzoza," by Mrs. Bushelle, Paer's well known variations upon the Venetian air "La Biondena in Gondoletta" by Mme. Gautrot, and an excellent violin solo by Mons. Gautrot. The audience was not large, but it was very respectable; and we hope the proceeds will be sufficient to induce the company to continue its performances.
27 May 1842, Nathan's concert, Hall of Sydney College, Hyde Park, Sydney
"NATHAN'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (28 May 1842), 2
. . . We have not room to notice the separate performances of last evening. Suffice it to say that all was good; that Mme. Gautrot's "La Biondina," Mme. Gautrot's and Mr. Nathan's "Crudel perche," Miss R. Nathan's "Love and Folly," Miss Nathan's "Do not mingle," and " Aldiborontiphoscophornio," were rapturously encored; and that Mons. Gautrot's violin solo and Mr. Marsh's harp solo were received with marked approbation . . .
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (30 May 1842), 2
. . . Madame Gautrot, notwithstanding an apology was made for a cold she laboured under, sung very sweetly, and with much judgment . . . Monsieur Gautrot, in a solo on the violin, showed himself a master of his instrument, his tone is very fine, and his taste and execution admirable. We particularly admired one variation in which he maintains three distinct parts on the instrument at the same time . . .
"CONCERT. To the Editor", The Australian (31 May 1842), 2
"Mr. Nathan's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 June 1842), 3
. . . Madame Gautrot was deservedly encored in her song in this part. We admire more than we can express, the finished taste, the beautiful execution, the genuine musical science, of this accomplished cantatrice. Her trip to Van Diemen's Land has certainly done her no harm. We never heard her to such perfection as on Friday night . . . We unfortunately missed one or two of the earlier pieces in the second part. Mozart's gem, Crudel Perche, by Madame Gautrot and Mr. Nathan, was encored. An encore from such an audience as was assembled on this occasion, was quite sufficient to establish the merit, aye, and superior merit of any performance so honored . . . Monsieur Gautrot's solo on the violin was true music. Yes, we have heard many performers, and admired them, but we yet will give Mons. Gautrot a high place among musicians. His performance was one of the chief treats of the night . . .
"MUSIC", The Australian (2 June 1842), 3
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", Sydney Free Press (2 June 1842), 3
. . . Monsieur Gautrot's solos were delightful: his intonations - his bowing - his execution - and his expression, we believe, were most perfect, and we were happy to hear them greeted with well-merited applause. At a concert which Mr. Nathan is shortly to give for a public charity, M. Gautrot is to perform a new piece which Mr. N. is at present preparing, and which, doubtless, will be a treat to the lovers of music.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Selina Nathan (vocalist); Rosetta Nathan (vocalist)
2 June 1842, Stephen Marsh's morning and evening concerts
[Advertisement], The New South Wales Examiner (1 June 1842), 1
SUBSCRIPTION CHAMBER CONCERTS . . . MR. MARSH has the honor to announce that his first morning and evening CONCERT will take place at his residence, in Bligh-street, ON THURSDAY, 2nd JUNE. . . Monsieur Gautrot will play a Solo on the Violin . . . VOCAL PERFORMERS. The Misses Nathan, Miss Deane, and Madame Gautrot; a gentleman Amateur, and Mr. Marsh . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (pianist, harpist); Rosalie Deane (vocalist, pianist)
15 June 1842, Foreign operatic company, third and last night
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 June 1842), 2
Who have been pleased to signify their intention of honouring the performance with their Attendance.
The Last Performance of the Foreign Operatic Company,
Will take place on WEDNESDAY, June 15th, 1842. The Pieces selected will be the well known sentimental Drama, entitled,
PAUVRE JACQUES, interspersed with Songs, Duets, &c.
Mons. Jacques, an old Musician, richer in Musical than Bank-notes - Mons. Charriere;
Marcel, a young Poet, more favoured by the Muses than by Plutus - Mons. Adolphe;
Bernard, a rich proprietor, a would be Composer, and great lover of Music, and just honest enough not to get hanged - Mr. Bushelle;
Amelia, a young Italian Lady, Madame Charriere; Antoine, her faithful servant, An Amateur.
Between the Pieces,
Aria Finale to "La Festa della Rosa," "Ah! no La Rosa e mia," - Mrs. Bushelle.
Song from the Opera of "Farinelli," "The dreams of the past fade before me," - Mr. Bushelle.
Solo, Violin - Mons. Gautrot.
Air, "Al dolce canto del Dio d'amoro" - Madame Gautrot.
Song, "Al par della Rosa," - Mrs. Bushelle.
Grand Scena, "Ho gia vinto la causa," from "Le Nozze di Figaro" - Mozart - Mr. Bushelle.
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with the highly comic and laughable Piece,
Characters: - Hamelin, a Gentleman more remarkable for riches than wit. - Monsieur Adolphe;
Albert, Mons. Coquerel, Monsieur Prudhomme, Mother Piton, Jacques Rousseau - with various disguises - Mons. Charriere.
Adolphe Coquerel, suitor of Eulalia - An Amateur;
Madame Hamelin - Madame Gautrot; Eulalia, her daughter - Mrs. Bushelle; Jeannelon, Waiting Maid - Madame Charriere.
By permission of Colonel Baker, the BAND of the 80th Regiment will attend.
Price of admission, 5s. Children under ten years of age, 2s. 6d. No half-price.
Doors to be-open at Seven, to commence at half-past Seven precisely.
Tickets may be had of Monsieur Charriere, Hunter-street; of Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel;
and of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon, George-street.
The Performance will terminate at half-past Ten.
"THEATRE FRANCAIS", Australasian Chronicle (16 June 1842), 2
This company performed last evening to a crowded house, among whom we were glad to see the Governor, the Commander of the Forces, and several other persons of distinction. The pieces were "Monsieur Jacques," and the "Extemporised Family," both of which were exceedingly well performed. In the latter Mons. Charriere sustained five different characters so well disguised that, but for the peculiar sound of his voice, he could scarcely have been recognised. In the character of Pauvre Jacques he was still more successful. The scene in which Jacques resists the temptation to part with his music, and that in which he recognises his daughter, were really fine and true to nature. Between the pieces several good songs were given by Mesdames Gautrot and Bushelle, and Mr. Bushelle, and an excellent violin solo by Mons. Gautrot. We should be glad to hear that the success of last evening may induce the company to continue its performance at intervals.
SECOND PIECE: La famille improvisée, scènes épisodiques par M. Henry Monnier (Paris: Barba, 1831) (DIGTISED)
8 July 1842, concert (benefit for the Benevolent Asylum), Hall of Sydney College, College Street, Hyde Park, Sydney
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (8 July 1842), 2
. . . there is a violin solo by M. Gautrot, a guitar solo by an amateur, and a quartette by Mr. Deane and his three sons. The band of the 80th regiment have been kindly permitted to assist on the occasion.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 July 1842), 1
in aid of the Funds exclusively for the Benevolent Asylum . . .
Leader - Mr. Deane.
Conductor - Mr. Nathan, who will preside at the pianoforte.
THE BAND OF THE 80th REGIMENT will attend, by the kind permission of Colonel Baker.
Overture - Arranged for full Orchestra, by Mr. Nathan - Paer . . .
Solo. - Violin - Nel cor piu non mi sento - Kreutzer . . .
Overture - Nathan . . .
"CONCERT FOR THE BENEVOLENT ASYLUM", The Sydney Herald (11 July 1842), 2
. . . Madame Gautrot was in fine voice, and sung Paer's "La Biondina in Gondoletta" with much power, and would have been encored had the piece not been so long. The two instrumental solos were much admired. Mons. Gautrot introduced "Home, sweet Home," and played it splendidly . . .
"Mr. Nathan's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 July 1842), 2
. . . Monsieur Gautrot's performance on the violin scarcely needs our praise, but an exquisite introduction of "Home Sweet Home" was managed with admirable effect. Madame Gautrot maintained her high character in the Venetian air we before heard . . .
18 July 1842, Charriere and Gautrot's subscription fancy dress ball
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 July 1842), 1
Messieurs Charriere & Gautrot
BEG to announce that this Ball will take place in the Lower Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on
MONDAY, the 18th July. 1842.
Quadrilles of all the newest Figures from the modern Opera, danced by Amateurs. -
Characteristic Dances on the Stage, by Monsieur Charriere and Pupils -
Grand Galopade from Gustavus, with all the figures executed at the Royal Academy of Music, Paris, -
Spanish and Chinese Dances, of the newest description. - English Country Dances, Waltzes, &c. &c.
MONSIEUR GAUTROT, at the head of a numerous and effective Orchestra, will execute splendid Quadrilles, never before performed in public in Sydney.
The Subscribers will of course be at liberty to dance the old figures, should they prefer them to the new ones.
The Ladies and Gentlemen subscribing will be entitled to attend Rehearsals at the Royal Hotel, every intervening
WEDNESDAY, from Eight until Ten, to enable them to receive the advantage of Monsieur Charriere's instruction in the new Figures.
Ticket for One Person - 16s.
Ditto for Gentleman and Lady - £1 10s.
Including Tea, Coffee, Supper, &c.
The Refreshments will be supplied by Mr. Sparke.
All Subscriptions payable in advance to Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel, and at Monsieur Charriere's, Hunter-street,
corner of Phillip-street. Fancy Dresses can be obtained by reference to Monsieur Charriere.
27 July 1842, the Bushelles' concert, Wollongong
"ILLAWARRA", The Sydney Herald (26 July 1842), 2
. . . on the 27th instant, Mr. Bushelle, assisted by M. Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle,
favours Wollongong with a visit, intending to give a concert on that evening. The programme promises a rich musical treat,
I trust the reward will be rich; indeed, all who can should evince how highly they estimate this first attempt to introduce
into the Brighton of New South Wales the most powerful, the most rational, and the most attractive agent to invite amongst us those who will make Wollongong a Brighton in reality.
But I would recommend Mr. Bushelle not to expect too much on the first occasion;
we are more famed for the riches which still lie in the bowels of our earth than for those which line our coffers,
and I very much question if nine out of ten of our people would not prefer playing "money in both pockets"
with the tips of their fingers than hear the most dulcet notes of even Mrs. Bushelle;
this must not, however, daunt her - better times are coming, when she can sing:
The winter Is past, and the summer come at last,
Aud the small birds sing on every tree.
And then we shall be better prepared to pay her our golden homage should she favour us with a second visit.
G. U. A.
17 August 1842, the Gautrots' "last" Sydney concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 August 1842), 3
CONCERT. MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT begs to announce, that they will appear for the last time in Sydney on WEDNESDAY the 17th instant when they will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Busheile, Mr. Marsh, Mr. Deane and sons, and an efficient orchestra. Particulars in future advertisements.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1842), 2
We perceive that M. and Madame Gautrot will give a concert at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday next, and, as their talent is admitted by all, and, they actually require assistance, we trust that they will be well supported.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1842), 1
Wednesday, the 17th August, 1842.
MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT most earnestly solicit the kind support of the gentry and inhabitants of Sydney on the present occasion,
their last appearance in Sydney, when they trust that the programme will merit their approbation.
They have obtained the valuable assistance of Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Marsh, Messrs. Deane and Sons,
Mr. O'Flaherty, and other professionals.
Leader of the Orchestra.... Mr. Deane, Sen.
1. Symphony - Orchestra
2. Grand Air from La Somnambula - Madame Gautrot
3. Kathleen Mavourneen - Mrs. Bushelle
4. Rage thou angry Storm - Mr. Bushelle
5. Russian Air, with variations, a Sestett for Pianoforte, two Violins, two Flutes, Violoncello, and Double Bass, composed by Mons. Gautrot.
6. Duet from William Tell - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle
7. Grand Quattett Concertante, for Pianoforte, Violin, Tenor, and Violoncello - Mr. Marsh, Mons. Gautrot, and Messrs. Deane
8. The Tarantella la Danza - Mr. Bushelle
1. Septett for Pianoforte, two Violins, two Flutes, Violoncello, and Double Bass; composed by Mons. Gautrot.
2. Beauty's Bower; composed by Mr. Nathan - Madame Gautrot
3. Solo Violin on the fourth string, à la Paganini - Mons. Gautrot
4. Grand Air from the Schiava in Bagdad; Violin Obligato, Mons. Gautrot - Mrs. Bushelle
5. Solo Guitar - Mr. O'Flaherty
6. Air, "Le Serment;" Auber - Madame Gautrot
7. Comic Duet - Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle
8. God Save the Queen - Solo and Chorus.
By the permission of Colonel Baker, the Band of the 80th Regiment will execute a grand Orchestral Symphony.
Tickets 7s. 6d. each, to be had from Mr. Ellard, George-street; Mr. Sparke, Royal
Hotel; and from Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, 105, Pitt-street, next door to Dr. Bland's.
"M. GAUTROT'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (18 August 1842), 2
This concert went off last night in good style. Among the principal performances were a beautiful instrumental septett, composed, we believe, for the occasion by M. Gautrot; a comic duet, exceedingly well sung, by Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle; a grand air from the Schiava in Bagdad, sung by Mrs. Bushelle, and, though quite out of tune, vociferously encored by a "discerning public"; Nathan's "Beauty's Bower," sung by Madame Gautrot; a beautiful guitar solo, by Mr. O'Flaherty, justly encored; but, above all, a wonderful violin solo, a la Paganini, on the fourth string, by M. Gautrot, which stamps the performer as a perfect master of his instrument. We were glad to see the room well filled, and we trust the proceeds will be some substantial evidence to M. Gautrot that his talent is appreciated by the citizens as it deserves to be.
16 August 1842, insolvency court, Gautrot gives evidence
"In the insolvency of Luigi Dalle Case", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 August 1842), 2
30 August 1842, ball, Royal Hotel
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1842), 1
GRAND BALL AT THE "ROYAL HOTEL," to take place on the 30th August . . . A grand Orchestra, conducted by M. Gautrot. To commence at half-past eight o'clock. Tickets to had from Mr. John Sparke, "Royal Hotel."
5 September 1842, Charriere's benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 September 1842), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
MONDAY, September 5, 1842.
Respectfully begs leave to inform the Gentry and Public generally, that he has taken the Theatre for the above Night,
on which occasion he begs to announce to his Friends, that the greatest combination of novelty and attraction produced this season will be presented to them,
being for his
MONS. CHARRIERE trusts that the choice of his Entertainments will ensure general satisfaction.
He has much pleasure in announcing also, that by the kind permission of Colonel Baker, the much admired
Band of the 80th Regiment
Will be in attendance during the Evening, and perform various beautiful airs;
and he has availed himself of the assistance of several Ladies and Gentlemen, Professional and Amateurs.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with a Comic Vaudeville, in one Act, by Mr. Scribe, entitled
James Morton, the Quaker - Mons. CHARRIERE
Arthur Darsie, marquis of Clifford - An Amateur
Murray, friend to Darsie - Mr. O'Flaherty
Toby, storekeeper - Madame Gautrot
Miss Georgiana Union, the dancer - Madame Charriere
Servant - An Amateur,
Pas Seul, by Madame Veilburn.
(Her first appearance this Season.)
To be succeeded by an extremely laughable Farce, in one Act, entitled the
Pacha and the Bear.
Schabababam, Pacha - Mr. O'Flaherty
Mareco, a Eunuch - An Amateur
Roxelane, the favorite Sultana - Mrs. Larra
Zetulbe - Madume Charriere
Trisatpate, Roxelane's husband - Mons. Charriere
Lagingole, an intriguing posturer - An Amateur
&c., &c., &c.
In the course of this piece, the scene of which is in Turkey, several Dances will be executed, among which will be the celebrated
Catchoucka, danced by the Bear.
A much admired SONG, by Madama GAUTROT.
A favorite PAS SEUL, by Madame VEILBURN.
Punch's celebrated Stilts Dance,
Terminating with the laughable Drunken Scene, by Mons. CHARRlERE.
SLACK ROPE DANCING; BY SIGNOR AUGUSTE, When he will show his unrivalled performances, including the Windmill, the Turnspit, and perilous Fall, during
which be will carry Five Men, and one by the mouth.
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with the celebrated Comic Ballet, in one Act, as represented at
Paris in the Theatre of Laporte le Martin, by Mons. CHARRIERE, called
Alexis, the deserter - Mr. Simes
Sky Climber, a noisy soldier - Mr. Lee
Grand Cousin, a coward - Mons. CHARRIERE
Rug Currier - An Amateur
Reporting Sergeant - An Amateur
Louise, betrothed to the Coward - Madame Charriere
Mother Michaud - Mrs. Larra
Prisoners, Soldiers, &c.
The Scene is in a Prison. In the course of the piece Messrs. CHARRIERE and LEE will Dance a PAS DE DEUX.
Doors will be opened at Half-past Six ; to commence precisely at Seven o'clock.
Boxes and Tickets to be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon, George-street; of Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; of Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist,
George-street; and of Mons. Charriere, at his private residence, Hunter-street. Half-price at Nine o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Veilburn (dancer); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, dancer)
14 September 1842, Deane's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (10 September 1842), 3
friends and the public that under the above distinguished patronage his Concert of vocal and
instrumental music, on a very extensive scale, will take place at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
on Wednesday, September 14, 1842.
VOCAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, and Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Allen, and
several other gentlemen amateurs. INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Miss Deane, Mr. S. W. Wallace,
Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walton, Mr. Wilson, Mr. O'Flaherty,
and other gentlemen who have kindly offered their assistance. Leader - Mr. Deane. Conductor - Mr. Leggatt.
By the kind permission of Colonel Baker and the Officers, the Band of the 80th regiment will attend.
Overture, "Gustavus the Third," Auber - Full Band . . .
3. Song, "The Last Rose of Summer" - Madame Gautrot . . .
Overture, "Acteon," Auber - Full Band . . .
1. Grand Air, with Chorus, "Sommo Cielo," rapturously encored at Monsieur Gautrot's last concert,
Violin Obligato by Mr. S. W. Wallace, Pacini - Mrs. Bushelle . . .
5. Duet, Buffo, Rossini - Madame Gautrot, Mr. Bushelle . . .
"DEANE'S CONCERT, Australasian Chronicle (15 September 1842), 3
. . . Among the vocal pieces we were particularly pleased with . . . Zingarelli's "Sweetly o'er my senses," very sweetly sung by Mrs. Wallace, and the duet, "Dunque io sono," by Madame Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle . . .
"Mr. Deane's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2
. . . The Italian duets, by Madame Gautrot and Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, had the fault of being too good for the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Portbury (bass player); Edward Allen (vocalist)
12 October 1842, Maria Hinckesman's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (8 October 1842), 3
At the Royal Hotel, Sydney.
MISS HINCKESMANN begs to announce to the gentry of Sydney, and its vicinity,
that her first SOIREE MUSICALE will take place on
WEDNESDAY, October 12th, to commence at eight o'clock precisely, on which
occasion she will be assisted by the following eminent talent:
Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Madame Gautrot; Mr. Allan, Mr. Griffiths, and Mr. Bushelle; Messrs. Deane, J. Deane, and E. Deane . . .
[W. A. Duncan], "MISS HINKESMANN'S CONCERT", Australasian chronicle (13 October 1842), 2
This concert took place last evening, and was on the whole of a rather brilliant character. Madame Gautrot, who failed in "Rule Britannia," surpassed all her former efforts in "Una voce poco fa," which was rapturously encored . . .
[News], The Australian (14 October 1842), 2
Miss Hinksmann's. concert took place on Wednesday evening, at the Royal Hotel. Miss Hincksmann performed two pieces on the pianoforte, and acquitted herself to the satisfaction of the audience. Her young pupil does her credit; the pieces selected for the child's debut were simple, but well performed. Mrs. Bushelle sang Horn's "Through the wood, with good taste. Mrs. Wallace sang, "She wore a wreath of roses," with much sweetness. But the grand attraction of the evening was Madame Gautrot; she performed that splendid composition of Rossini, "Una voce poco fa," with exquisite taste; her ornaments were perfectly beautiful and original, and all the chromatic and diatonic divisions which she so elegantly introduced, were executed with clearness, richness, and with, great distinctness of intonation. Her husband, Monsieur Gautrot, accompanied all the obligate parts on the violin, with considerable delicacy and purity of tone; she was enthusiastically and deservedly encored. She acquitted herself on the repetition, if possible, with greater eclat than on the first effort. Mr. Wallace played a solo on the flute, which was well executed; his flute, however, appeared to have a cold, as we thought it coughed a good deal. We regret, on Miss Hincksmann's account, that the room was not better filled.
"Miss Hinckesmann's Concert", The Sydney gazette (15 October 1842), 2
. . . Madame Gautrot shewed her usual flexibility and execution in the airs she selected, which, by the bye, were not those mentioned in the Programme . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman (pianist)
15 and 17 October 1842, Royal Victoria Theatre
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 October 1842), 2
Saturday, October 15, 1842. Will be performed WONDER, A WOMAN KEEPS A SECRET. Madame Gautrot will have the honour to appear, and sing in English the popular song "Tis the last rose of Summer." To conclude with THE MISLETOE BOUGH; or, YOUNG LOVEL'S BRIDE.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian (17 October 1842), 2
THIS EVENING, October the 17th, will be performed, LOVERS' VOWS. A variety of entertainments. A popular Song by Madame Gautrot. To conclude with MABEL'S CURSE.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (25 October 1842), 1601
In the Insolvent Estate of Joseph Gautrot, of Castlereagh-street, Sydney, Musician. WHEREAS the Estate of Joseph Gautrot was, on the 22nd day of October, 1842. placed under Sequestration in my hands, by order of His Honor Mr. Justice Burton, I hereby appoint a Meeting of the Creditors of the said Joseph Gautrot, to be holden at the Supreme Court House, Sydney, on Tuesday, the 1st day of November next, to commence at 11.30 a.m., and end at noon, for proof of Debts, and election of a Trustee or Trustees, for the collection, administration, and distribution of the said Insolvent's Estate; and unless at the said Meeting it be shewn that the goods and effects of the Insolvent exceed £100, the Commissioner will summarily proceed to rank the Debts which shall be then proved, and will direct the proceeds to be distributed by the Trustees accordingly. Dated this 22nd day of October, 1842. WILLIAM H. KERR, Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates. (3002)
23 November 1842, the Bushelles' concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1842), 3
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, gratefully acknowledging the friendly support and constant patronage extended to them for so many years by the gentry and public of Sydney,
have spared no exertion to render the programme of their FAREWELL CONCERT attractive and national.
They humbly, though confidently, anticipate that the favourable opinion so often expressed of the result of their efforts to cater for their generous patrons,
will be much enhanced by the invaluable and gratuitous assistance of a gentleman of transcendant vocal capabilities,
who has consented to perform in public on this occasion only.
Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Wallace, the Debutante, Miss Jones, and Mrs. Bushelle, the Gentleman Amateur, a numerous Chorus, and Mr. Bushelle.
Mr. S. Wallace, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Denne, Mr. Walton, an efficient Orchestra,
and by kind permission of Colonel Baker, the Band of the 80th Regiment.
Leader, Mr. Wallace; Pianist, Mr. Emanuel; Conductor, Monsieur Gautrot.
Overture to the Flauto Magico, (Mozart.)
No. 1.- The Grand Trio, from Rossini's "Gazza Ladra," beginning with the Invocation and Prayer, and containing passages eminently descriptive of love,
hate, indignation, pity, and fury, with orchestral accompaniments - - Mrs. Bushelle, the Gentleman Amateur, and Mr. Bushelle.
No. 2.- Song, "Should he upbraid," (Bishop) - Miss Jones.
No. 3. - Irish Ballad, "Savourneen Deelish," - Mrs. Bushelle
No.4. - Grand Air, from the "Pres aux Clercs," Violin obligato, by M. Gautrot - Madame Gautrot
No. 5 - Song, "Farewell to the Mountain," with orchestral accompaniments (Barnett) - Mr. Bushelle
No. 6 - Duet, "I know a Band" - The Debutante and Mrs. Bushelle
No. 7 - The admired Ballad "Woodman, Spare that tree!" - Gentleman Amateur
No. 8. - The Grand Finale to Balfe's "Catherine Grey," Solo, "Joy's bright Fountain," and Chorus, "Hail to the Queen" - Mrs. Bushelle and all the vocalists.
Overture to Masaniello, (Auber).
No. 1. - Cavatina, "Sweet Peace," (Balfe), as sung by Mrs. Wood -The Debutante
No. 2. - Song, "Down the Burn, Davie, love," accompanied by herself on the Guitar - Mrs. Bushelle
No. 3. - Solo. Violin, (Gys.) - Mr. Wallace
No. 4. - Ballad, - "Go ! forget me" - Mrs. Wallace.
No. 5 - The Grand Buffo Duet from "Cinderella" - The Amateur and Mr. Bushelle
No. 6 - The "Swiss Boy," with vatiations, as sung by Madame Sontag - Madame Gautrot
No. 7. - Black-eyed Susan, by desire - Mrs. Bushelle
No. 8. - "The Coronation," with additional verses, descriptive of Sydney, the original Ullagone - M. Bushelle
Tickets, seven shillings and sixpence, and Family Tickets, to admit Four, One Guinea each,
to be had of Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel; Mr. Tegg and Mr. Aldis, George-street; Mr. Baker, King-street; and Mr. Bushelle, No 3, O'Connell-street,
where places may be secured by an early application.
ASSOCIATIONS: Matilda Jones (vocalist); Abraham Emanuel (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (28 November 1842), 3
MISS HINCKESMANN begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that she intends giving a Grand EVENING CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, on WEDNESDAY, January 4, 1843, for the benefit of the "JUVENILE PIANIST," (only eight years of age), who gained such unbounded and enthusiastic applause at Miss Hinckesmann's Concert. In the course of the evening the JUVENILE PIANIST will also appear as a VOCALIST, under Madame Gautrot and Miss Hinckesmann; and a DANSEUSE, under Mons. Charriere; and by the kind permission of Col. Baker, the splendid Band of the 80th Regiment will attend. Full particulars will be speedily announced.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Forsythe (juvenile pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (10 December 1842), 3
MISS HINCKESMANN begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that her DANCING ACADEMY will open on Tuesday next, at her residence, Castlereagh-street, under the superintendence of Monsieur Charriere, and will be continued every Tuesday and Friday, at seven o'clock, during the vacation. For terms apply to Miss Hinckesmann, or to Mons. Charriere. N.B. On Mondays and Thursdays, for Music and Singing, under the superintendence of Miss Hinckesmann and Madame Gautrot.
11 January 1843, Sophia Forsythe's concert, Royal Hotel, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1843), 2
Mrs. Gibbs' first appearance at a Concert in Sydney,
A GRAND EVENING CONCERT will take place at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday,
January 11, 1843, for the benefit of the Juvenile
Pianist Miss Forsythe, eight years of age, (who will upon this occasion appear as a Vocalist,
under the tuition of Miss Hinckesmann and Madame Gautrot).
The following eminent performers have kindly promised their valuable
assistance: - Mrs, Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Mrs Gibbs (who will sing a duet with the Juvenile Pianist, Miss Forsythe),
the debutante pupil of Mrs. Bushelle, who was so favourably received at Mrs. Bushelle's last concert,
Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Robinson, and several gentleman amateurs.
Instrumental performers: - Miss Hinkesmann, Miss Forsythe, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Gibbs, and Mr. Watson, (who will preside at the Piano).
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each to be had of Mr. Ellard,
Mr. Aldis, and Mr. Tegg, George-street; Mr. Rolfe, Pitt-street, and Mr. Sparks, Royal Hotel.
By the kind permission of Colonel Baker, the Band of the 80th Regiment, will perform during the evening.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 January 1843), 3
Yesterday evening, the concert, for the benefit of the "Juvenile Pianist," came off at the Royal Hotel. So far as numbers went the concert was well attended. The young lady for whose benefit the concert took place, Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Gibbs, and Madame Gautrot, were the only ladies who came before the audience. The young lady was very kindly received, and Mrs. Bushelle's "Wanted - a Governess" was encored, as it well deserved. Mr. Gibbs' solo on the violin was well-executed, and M. Gautrot's solo on a single string surpassed the expectations of most. The programme as originally issued was not followed, and this led to some surprise, especially as Miss Hinckesmann, "Pianist to the Queen," did not appear at all. When there is another concert, it would be as well that the serving men about the hotel should behave with something like decency and respect to the audience, as well as to the performers; and moreover, that no portion of the room should be turned into a larder.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Gibbs (actor, vocalist); John Gibbs (violinist, leader of the theatrical band)
24 February 1843, lodge anniversary dinner
On Friday last the Brethren at the above assembled at their Lodge Room,
(Brother Smith's, "Saracen's Head Inn," King-street,) to celebrate the Seventh Anniversary of the introduction of the Order into Australia,
and the establishment of their Lodge . . . A very excellent band attended, the principal performers being
Messrs. Gibbs, Gautrot, O'Flaherty, &c. The following toasts were drank:-
"Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen;" three times three - God Save the Queen.
"His Royal Highness Prince Albert," three times three - Blest be the Hour.
"His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales," three times three - Hail smiling Morn!
"The Queen Dowager and other Members of the Royal Family," three times three - Hail, Star of Brunswick.
"The Duke of Wellington and the Army," three times three - Duke of York's March.
"The Wooden Walls of Old England," three times three - Hearts of Oak.
"His Excellency the Governor," three times three - Victoria March.
"Lady Gipps and the Ladies of the Colony," three times three - Here's a Health.
"The Grand Master and Board of Directors of the Manchester Unity, and the Lodges in connexion therewith: - Breathe my Harp.
"Our absent Brethren" - Should auld Acquaintance.
"The Currency Lads and Lasses" - Australian Waltz.
"Prosperity to the cause of Odd Fellowship throughout the World" - Odd Fellows Holiday.
"The Stewards" - Fly not yet.
After the toasts were gone through, several very excellent songs and glees were sung by various brethren,
and the harmony of the evening was kept up until a very late hour . . .
8 March 1843, professional concert for the benefit of the Gautrots
"NEWS AND RUMOURS OF THE DAY", Australasian Chronicle (18 February 1843), 3
It is intended shortly to get up a musical entertainment, in favour of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, in order to enable them to return to Europe.
"GRAND CONCERT", The Australian (1 March 1843), 2
The concert which the friends of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot are getting up, in order to provide funds for the passage of those talented but unfortunate artistes to Valparaiso, takes place on Wednesday next. The programme of the entertainments has been judiciously arranged, and we sincerely hope that the benevolent exertions of the Committee may be successful.
"PHILANTHROPIC CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 March 1843), 2
The concert for the benefit of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot will take place at the Royal Hotel to-morrow evening. The performances are of themselves attractive, but it is the object to which the funds are to be appropriated that induces us to draw the attention of the public to this concert. The Gautrots are first-rate artistes, and have always borne a high character; but partly from their inability to speak English, and partly from the great depression of the times, they have been unfortunate since their arrival here, and a few philanthropic individuals have resolved upon getting up this concert for the purpose of providing funds to enable them to leave the colony and proceed to some place where their talents are likely to be made more available than they have been here.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1843), 3
ON this occasion the assistance of the principal Members of the Musical Profession,
as well as that of several Amateurs, will be gratuitously afforded, and a novelty presented to the public in the performance,
by four of the latter, of several Swiss Melodies, in the style of the Bavarian Brothers and the Rayner Family,
in which the characteristic Jodlin of the Swiss peasantry will be introduced, for the first time in this colony.
Mr. Wallace, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Leggatt, W. Deane, Downs, Gibbs, O'Flaherty, Turner, Deane Sen.,
Portbury, Walstrop [Westrop], MONSIEUR GAUTROT, AND AMATEURS.
VOCAL PERFORMERS, Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Wallace, Madame Gautrot, MR. JOSEPH SIMMONS, And Gentlemen Amateurs.
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt. Leader, Mr. Wallace. J. C. Russell, Esq. Treasurer.
1. Overture: Gaza ladra, Rossini
2. Song: "Mermaid's Cave", E. C. Horn - Mrs. Gibbs
3. Duet, Clarionet, and Tenor: "Together let us range the field." Arranged by T. Leggat - Mr. Leggatt & Mons. Gautrot
4. Song: "I sing to love a roundelay," Mr. Simmons
5. Song: "Ecco redente il cielo," Rossini - Mad. Gautrot
6. Song: "The Last Rose of Summer" - Mrs. Clancy
7. Solo: Flute - Mr. W. Wallace
8. Swiss Melodies, first time in this colony. Amateurs.
1. Overture: Tancredi, Rossini
2. Song: "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing" - Mrs Clancy
3. Song: "La Fauvette," French air and variations - Gretry - Mad. Gautrot
4. Solo: Thema - Paganini arranged by Gautrot for one string - Mons. Gautrot
5. Song: "She wore a wreath of Roses" - Mrs. Wallace
6. Swiss Melodies - Amateurs
7. Song: "Auld Robin Gray," Mrs. Gibbs
8. Song: Tyrolean Maiden's Song, Mrs. Clancy
9. Solo and Chorus: "God save the Queen."
The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Tickets, Five Shillings each, to be had of Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel; Mr. Ellard, George street; Mr. Aldis, George-street;
Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; Mr. Gill, Pitt-street; Mr. Aspinwall, King-street; and of the Treasurer, Mr. Russell, Pitt-street.
"MUSIC AND MUSICIANS", The Australian (10 March 1843), 2
The depression in every department of trade, and all branches of industrial energy, and a variety of local causes, uncontrollable by taste, seem to militate against any hope of considerable resuscitation for the drooping votaries of Polyhymnia. The professors of "harmony divine" are, therefore, gradually disappearing from our cycle, and music and musicians, with us, will soon number only amongst the things that were. Few artistes have, arrived here towards which so much interest has attended as to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot; Monsieur a fine specimen of a violin player of the old school, and Madame, a cantatrice sincerely attached to her art in its highest form, and delighted to devote her powers to its advancement. Arriving as strangers amongst us, without any flourish of trumpet, and without the advantage of stage display, they obtained the universal suffrage of the public in their favour. The times, however, have shed their evil influences on those interesting foreigners, and it has been with regret we have heard that misfortune has pressed heavily upon them. To enable them to seek in other climes that fostering patronage which the Sydney public could no longer extend to them, it was arranged that a concert should be got up for their benefit, and the requisite arrangements having been made under the auspices of their kind friend and patron Dr. Russell, the performance took place on Wednesday evening, at the Royal Hotel. The principal members of the musical profession afforded their gratuitous aid; the programme, including an admirable selection, sustained by the talent of Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Gibbs, - among the vocalists, and of Monsieur Gautrot, Messrs. Wallace, Leggatt, Gibbs, Deane, O'Flaherty, &c., amongst the instrumental performers.
In addition to their immediate musical friends, Mr. Joseph Simmons, with much kindness, stepped out of his usual professional routine, and gave them the benefit of his attractive name, and in the favourite song of "Sing to love a roundelay," was extremely happy. He was most cordially welcomed, and his song was rapturously encored. Some charming Swiss Melodies were sung in fine style by a party of amateurs, whose talent would have been recognised under any circumstances, but coming forward as they kindly did in the cause of philanthropy, an additional warmth was given to the reception which attended them. Madame Gautrot in "Ecco ridente il cielo," imparted all the varied and graceful feeling of this delightful composition. Mrs. Wallace left us little to desire in her ballad of "She wore a wreath of roses." Gautrot, Leggatt, and Wallace, on their respective instruments, displayed their well known skill, and made us the more regret the little encouragement the public now afford them.
With pain we bid those accomplished foreigners farewell, and offer them our best wishes for that good fortune in another country, which circumstances have denied them here.
We had almost forgotten to notice the affront offered to the public by Mrs. Clancy, who, after promising to assist at this concert, refused to sing, because, forsooth, her name was not at the head of the programme! This impertinence is too ridiculous for serious comment. For ourselves, we can only say, that the absence of this grand lady was more agreeable than her presence would have proved; a feeling which was generally expressed throughout the room.
"PROFESSIONAL LIBERALITY", The Sun and New South Wales Independent Press (11 March 1843), 3
Our attention has been drawn, to the conduct of one of the ladies of the "vocal" department, of the musical fraternity, upon the late benevolent occasion of the Concert given at the Royal Hotel, for the purpose of assisting Mons. and Madame Gautrot, to leave the Colony. To the credit of the Sydney professionals, it is to be observed, that both vocal and instrumental performers, upon that occasion, contributed their gratuitous services in aid of so praiseworthy an object, with the solitary exception of Mrs. Clancey, whose husband, we understand, refused to let her appear, although he consented to her name being included in the Programme of the performances. One of the gentlemen, who so benevolently and disinterestedly conducted the Concert, called upon Mrs. C. on the day following, to ascertain the cause, when Mr. Clancey answered for his wife, that it was sufficient for her name to have appeared in the bills, with out her being required to exercise her vocal powers - in fact, that it was "never intended that she should sing"! On being told that his conduct was highly reprehensible, in causing the public to be misled, the reply of the "little great tailor," was, "I consider you an impertinent scoundrel for saying so." So intemperate was the conduct of this gentleman through out, that we have been requested to enquire, whether he is yet as rigid an adherent to the Teetotal principle as he has, heretofore, professed himself to be? It is but justice to Mr. Sparke of the Royal Hotel, and Mr. Wyatt of the Victoria Theatre to state, that they behaved with the same liberality as the professionals, who favoured Monsier and Madame Gautrot, with their gratuitous assistance.
"To the Editor of the . . .", Australasian Chronicle (14 March 1843), 2
SIR, - Allow me, through the medium of your paper, to contradict a statement which appeared in the Australian of Friday last,
relative to Mrs. Clancy's singing at Madame Gautrot's concert.
When Monsieur Gautrot applied to me on behalf of Mrs. Clancy's assistance, I told him no;
that Mrs. Clancy had long since given up singing at concerts, as it interfered too much with her domestic concerns;
but upon the repeated entreaties of Monsieur Gautrot, I told him he might put her name in the programme.
A fortnight previous to the concert taking place, I waited on Madame Gautrot, and told her decidedly
(in the presence of Miss Hinckesman, who acted as interpreter upon the occasion,) that I would not allow Mrs. Clancy to sing.
The reason assigned in the Australian for her not singing is a gross and malicious falsehood.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
March 13.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Charles Russell (d. 1867; fund treasurer, surgeon); Caroline Wallace (vocalist); Stephen Pappin (instrumentalist); John Turner (instrumentalist); William Deane (instrumentalist); Spencer Wallace senior (instrumentalist); Zachariah Westrop (instrumentalist); Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist)
"NOTICE TO CREDITORS", New South Wales Government Gazette (31 March 1843), 481
In the Insolvency of Joseph Gautrot, of Sydney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TAKE Notice, that on Wednesday, the 10th day of May next, or as soon after as the Court may sit, I, the above-named Insolvent, intend to apply to the Honorable the Supreme Court for the allowance of my Certificate, in pursuance of the provisions of the Act of the Governor and Council of New South Wales, passed in the fifth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, No. 17. - Dated this 28th day of March, 1843. JOSEPH GAUTROT. 678
20 May 1843, opening of the theatre and season (May-June only), Royal City Theatre, Leggatt (conductor, performer)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (12 May 1843), 2
The City Theatre positively opens on the 20th instant, and from the arrangements made by Mr. Simmons, we are justified in predicting a successful realization of his hopes. Among the performers already engaged, we find the names of Messrs. Nesbitt, Knowles, and Simmons; Thompson (from the Victoria Theatre, Hobart Town, a gentleman of whom report speaks highly,) Fenton, Meredith, Lee, Riley, Philipsthal, Fitzgerald, Fennell, Stapleton, and Rees. Mesdames Ximenes, Knowles, Thompson, and Wallace, Madame Gautrot, Misses Jones, Thompson, and Taylor. The orchestra includes the most available talent in Sydney. Mr. Leggatt will officiate as Conductor, and Mr. Wallace as Leader . . .
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1843), 2
ROYAL CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET. PROPRIETORS, MESSRS. SIMMONS AND BELMORE. The Public is most respectfully informed, that every arrangement connected with this establishment being completed, the Proprietors have the honour to announce their OPENING NIGHT for SATURDAY, the 20th May . . .
The Orchestral Selection for the evening which will be performed previous to the several Pieces, and between the Acts, include Haydn's Symphony, No. 2; Mozart's Overture to L'Irato; Rossini's Overture to Il Barbiere di Seviglia, and Brilliant Arrangements of Strauss Valses.
The Band comprises the following instrumental Performers - Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Walton, Mr. Wallace, senior; Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walker, Mr. Adams, Mr. Wright, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Andrews . . .
. . . Leader of the Band, Mr. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
"THE NEW THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 May 1843), 2
THE City Theatre was opened on Saturday evening: the house was well filled at first price, and inconveniently crowded towards the close of the evening. We heard but one opinion, and that was admiration of the very tasteful and elegant manner in which the fittings up and decorations were conceived and executed. At seven o'clock the curtain rose and discovered the company, which is a very strong one, who sang the National Anthem, the solos by Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Ximines, and Mrs. Wallace, at the close of which Mr. Nesbitt, delivered the following Address . . .
Royal City Theatre (opened only for month, May-June 1843);
Robert Adam (instrumentalist);
Mr. Andrews (instrumentalist);
Mr. Walker (cellist);
Mr. Wilson (instrumentalist, ? violinist);
Mr. Wright (instrumentalist);
George Strong (violinist)
24 May 1843, the queen's birthday, Royal City Theatre
[Advertisement], The Australian (24 May 1843), 3
being the Anniversary of the Birth of Her Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA,
the Managers have determined upon producing such Performances for the occasion,
as cannot fail to give general satisfaction.
THE Evening's Entertainments will commence with, for the second time in this Colony,
a Drama, in two acts, written by Gilbert Abbott A'Beckett, Esq., entitled
The Orchestra will, in the course of the evening, perform the Overtures to "FIGARO," and "THE CALIPH OF BAGDAD."
At the end of the Drama, the Curtain will rise for A GRAND MELANGE,
In which the whole Vocal strength of the Company will be displayed, commencing with "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN."
Song, "Oh what a joyous day," Mrs. Ximenes
Song, "All is lost now," - Bellini - Mad. Gautrot
Song, "Shakspeares Seven Ages," Mr. J. Simmons
Song, "Love not," - Hon. Mrs. Norton - Mrs. Knowles
Comic Dance by Mr. Fitzgerald, to be followed by a popular Pas de Deux, by Miss Jones and Miss Thomson
Song, "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing," Mrs. Wallace
The Irish Lilt, by Miss E. Jones
"Rule Britannia," Madame Gautrot, assisted by the whole of the Company.
The Evening's Entertainments will concluded with the performance of the much admired Farce of,
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Australian (26 May 1843), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Matilda Jones (dancer); Jane Thomson (dancer; later Mrs. YOUNG)
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1843), 2
OPEN EVERY EVENING . . . THIS EVENING, MONDAY, the 29th May, 1843 . . . At Seven o'clock the Orchestra will play the Overture to the Barber of Seville, and a favourite Overture by Haydn . . . At the end of the Drama, a Song, by Madame Gautrot . . .
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1843), 2
. . . THIS EVENING, TUESDAY, the 30th May, 1843, will be presented, for the first time at this Theatre, Shakspere's admired Tragedy, in five Acts, entitled, OTHELLO, THE MOOR OF VENICE: previous to which will be performed by the Orchestra, Haydn's eighth Symphony . . . At the end of the Tragedy, the Curtain will rise for a THEATRICAL OLIO, commencing with Mozart's Overture to "Idemenio"; Song, My Lodging is on the cold ground, Madame Gautrot; Comic Song, Von-horse Shay, Mr. Lee; new Pas de Trois, by Miss Jones, Miss Thompson, and Miss E. Jones; Song, Sounds so joyful, Mrs. Ximenes; Rustic Dance, by Mr. Fitzgerald; the celebrated Comic Song, The old Woman and her Cats, Mr. Simmons; Song, Banners of Blue, Mrs. Knowles; Song, Ye Banks and Braes, Mrs. Wallace; Rule Britannia, Madame Gautrot, with full Chorus by the whole vocal strength of the Company . . .
"INSOLVENT ESTATES", The Colonial Observer (3 June 1843), 5
. . . Certificates of discharge were ordered to issue in favour of J. Gautrot, S. Pearce, and J. A. Cook . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (5 June 1843), 3
At the conclusion of the play, A MELANGE,
including Singing and Dancing, commencing with the Overture to "La Dame Blanche"
Song, "I seek her on every shore," Mrs. Wallace
A Pas-Seul by Miss Jones.
Comic Song, in character, "Corporal Casey," Mr. Simmons
A Dance by Mr. Fitzgerald
Aria from "La Gazza Ladra," Di piacer, Madame Gautrot
A Hornpipe, in character, Miss Jones.
Song, in character, "The Banners of Blue," Mrs. Knowles.
Song, "The Sea," Mr. Griffiths . . .
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1843), 2
ROYAL CITY THEATRE . . . CITIZENS OF SYDNEY! THIS EVENING, Tuesday, the 13th June, 1843 will be presented, for the first time at this Theatre, Shakspeare's Comedy, in three Acts, entitled TAMING OF THE SHREW; OR, KATHERINE AND PETRUCHIO. After which will be performed, a Grand Concertante by Mr. Leggatt and Monsieur Gautrot. To be followed by the highly laughable farce, called BACHELORS' BUTTONS. At the end of the farce, Mr. Simmons will sing an extemporaneous Song upon various subjects before the house. A favourite Pas de Deux, by Miss Jones and Miss Thomson. A Grand Scena, by Madame Gautrot . . .
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1843), 2
. . . THIS EVENING . . . At the end of the Drama, the curtain will rise for a Melange of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dancing, &c, commencing with a Violin Solo (Meyseder), arranged with full Orchestral Accompaniments, by Mr. S. W. Wallace. Song, "Love among the Roses," by Mrs. Wallace. After which, an Extemporaneous Song, upon various subjects, "Sydney Electioneering, &c.," by Mr. Simmons. A Pas Seul, by Miss Thomson. "Rory O'More," by desire, by Mrs. Ximines. A Nautical Hornpipe, by Mr. Fitzgerald. Song, "Povera Seignora," favourite French Air, Madame Gautrot. Song, "My Pretty Gazelle," by Mrs. Wallace. Song, "The little Sailor Boy," by Miss M. Jones. "Rule Britannia," by the whole vocal strength of the company . . .
"THEATRICALS. ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Australian (19 June 1843), 2
Mr. J. Simmons proceeds in his opening campaign with a spirit which appears to soar above all the difficulties which must necessarily occur in an undertaking like that he has embarked in . . . The performances of the past week have been selected with much care and attention; and the programme of this week's entertainments bespeaks the approval of his patrons. Some delightful singing by Madame Gautrot, whose selections from the Italian school are distinguished by the best taste, and some instrumental performances by Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Leggatt, and Mr. S. W. Wallace, have added greatly to the attractions of the bills, and will, we trust, be continued during the season.
"ROYAL CITY THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 June 1843), 2
. . . THIS EVENING . . . At the end of the drama, Madame Gautrot will sing, by particular desire, The Soldier Tired, with a full orchestral accompaniment . . .
30 September 1843, depart Sydney
"DEPARTURES", Australasian Chronicle (4 October 1843), 3
SEPTEMBER 30. - For Hobart Town, the schooner Waterlily, Hayle, with a general cargo. Passengers - Mrs. Evans, two daughters, two sons, and a servant; Miss Moriarty, Monsieur and Mad. Gautrot, Mr. Bush and child, Messrs. M. Clarke, J. Daniels, Carter, Jones, and Hambleton.
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (8 October 1843 to 5 June 1846)
"SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times (10 October 1843), 2
OCT. 8 - Arrived the schooner Waterlily, Hayle, master, from Sydney 30th Sept, with a general cargo. Passengers - Mrs. Evans, Miss Evans, Miss Lucy Evans, Masters Charles and Henry Evans, Margaret Kennedy (servant), Mr. M. Clarke, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mr. Daniels, Mrs. Bush and child, Mr. G. Carter, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Hambleton.
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Clarke (theatrical manager, husband of Anne Remems Clarke); John Hambleton (actor)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (10 October 1843), 3
Mr. Clarke has returned from his excursion to Sydney, by the Waterlily, bringing with him an accession to the musical ability of the colony, viz. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot; Mr. Jones, formerly of this Theatre, has also returned by the same vessel. We understand Mrs. Clarke intends opening the Victoria about the end of the month.
"THEATRE", The Courier (20 October 1843), 2
Mrs. Clarke commences her theatrical campaign, on Monday next, with a Grand Concert of vocal and instrumental music, assisted, by permission of Colonel Elliot, with the band of the 51st regiment. This concert - the programme of which is agreeably diversified with songs of the English and Italian schools - introduces Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, recently arrived from Sydney, whose musical talents are of a superior order. Our old favourites Mrs. Stirling, Miss Young, and F. Howson, in combination with Mrs. Clarke, give promise of a pleasant night's entertainment. The Theatre will then be closed till the following Monday, when it will reopen for the season with dramatic representations.
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (20 October 1843), 1
MRS. CLARKE BEGS respectfully to Inform the public generally,
that she intends giving a GRAND CONCERT, on Monday, the 23rd of October,
when Monsieur and Madame Gautrot (who have recently arrived from Sydney),
will have the honor of making their appearance . . .
Aria and Variations - "La Biondina in Gondoletta" - Madame Gautrot . . .
Aria - "Se la mia dolce speme" - Madame Gautrot - Violin Obligato, arranged and performed by Monsieur Gautrot . . .
Quartette - "The pretty little Muscovite" (from the Grand Opera "Lestocq") - Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Stirling, and Mr. F. Howson . . .
PART II . . .
Andante, with variations, for the violin, on one string, a la Paganini, composed and performed by Monsieur Gautrot - Pianoforte accompaniment, Mr. Leffler . . .
Duetto - "Ah se di mali miei" - (from Tancredi) - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Clarke . . .
Song - "My lodgings are on the cold ground" - Madame Gautrot . . .
Aria - "Povera Signora" - Madame Gautrot . . .
Leader, Mons. Gautrot; Pianist, Mr. Leffler . . .
"The Theatre", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (27 October 1843), 3
This, the only place at which respectable families can partake of rational entertainment without fear of insult by the "mushrooms," opened for the season on Monday evening . . . Mons. and Madame Gautrot, whose superior musical talents are too well known to need eulogium, render that department complete . . . The musical arrangements on Monday were of the highest order, the selections being from the most celebrated composers, Mr. Leffler, who is at the head of the orchestra, ably supported Monsieur Gautrot's splendid violin . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (27 October 1843), 1
The Orchestra has been considerably increased.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with the celebrated Historical Play of WILLIAM TELL.
William Tell- Mr. Nesbitt, his first appearance on these boards.
After which, Comic Song, " The Wonderful Crocodile," Mr. Rogers.
To be followed by the CHINESE QUADRILLES, just arrived, arranged by Monsieur Gautrot.
Comic Song, "The Nobby Head of Hair," Mr. Young.
After which, the favourite and much-admired IRISH LILT, by Miss Young and Mrs. F. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Stirling (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Edmund Leffler (pianist); Frances Nesbitt (actor); George Herbert Rogers (comic vocalist); Charles Young (comic vocalist); Emma Young (dancer); Emma Howson (dancer)
MUSIC: "[Joseph] Hart's celebrated Chinese quadrilles" (1841)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (5 December 1843), 1
Royal Victoria THEATRE . . . WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6 . . . Performances will commence with the celebrated Historical Play of WILLIAM TELL. WILLIAM TELL - MR. NESBITT. After which (for the first time,) a MEDLEY PAS DE DEUX, Miss Young and Mr. Young. An entirely New OVERTURE, composed expressly for this occasion by Monsieur Gautrot, with Variations for all the Instruments . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 December 1843), 2
The Performances will commence with the favourite and very laughable Piece, in One Act called
MR. AND MRS. PETER WHITE. To be followed by the CHINESE QUADRILLES . . .
The Evening's Performances will commence with (for the first time in this Theatre) a very favourite Melodrama,
in Two Acts, entitled THE SMUGGLER'S DAUGHTER.
To be followed, by a MUSICAL OLIO.
Song - "Rory O'More" - Mrs. Clarke.
Aria - "Barbiere de Seviglia" - Madame Gautrot.
Song - "I'll be no submissive wife" - Mrs. Stirling.
After which (for the second time,) a MEDLEY PAS DE DEUX, by Miss Young and Mr. Young . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 December 1843), 2
Royal Victoria THEATRE . . . WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20.
The Evening's Performances will commence with a very favourite Melodrama, entitled
To be followed by a MUSICAL OLIO.
Overture. - Composed expressly for this Theatre by Mons. Gautrot, with variations for all the instruments.
Quartette - "The Pretty little Muscovite," (from the Grand Opera of "Lestocq.") - Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Stirling, and Mr. F. Howson.
Comic Song - "Berlin Wool." Mr. F. Howson. Song. - "My home shall be the waves." - Miss Young.
Scena. - "The heart that once hath fondly teemed," (from the Grand Opera of "Lestocq') - Mrs. Stirling.
Aria. - "Povera Signora." -Madame Gautrot. Song. - "Here's a health bonnie Scotland to thee." - Mrs. Clarke.
[Advertisement], The Courier (29 December 1843), 1
27 December 1843, St. John's day
"THE FREEMASONS", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (29 December 1843), 3
The Anniversary of the Patron Saint of the ancient and honorable fraternity, was kept in the usual manner by the Lodges here. Nos. 33, 313, and 345, dined together, about fifty in number, at Brother Mezger's. Colonel Elliott kindly permitted the presence of the splendid band of the 51st K.O.L.I., who performed during the entertainment some of the most admired musical compositions, in addition to the accompaniments to the established toasts . . .
The Lodge 326, assembled at their Lodgeroom in the Freemasons Tavern. An excellent dinner and wines were furnished by Mrs. Whitaker, and the Stewards provided a small but very well arranged band, ably led by M. Gautrot. The Lodge-room at the Freemasons Tavern, having the advantage of a gallery, several Ladies, relatives and friends of the brethren, were seated there and expressed themselves highly gratified by being permitted to be present at that portion of the entertainment usual for ladies to partake of at home, particularly the music and singing. The festivities of the day closed by a ball given by the brethren, and the evening passed off with the most convivial union . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 51st Regiment
3 January 1844, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart
"THE THEATRE", The Courier (5 January 1844), 2
On Wednesday evening, agreeably to announcement, Captain Blackwood and the Officers of H.M.S. Fly patronised the Theatre. The boxes were generally taken, and by the most respectable of our community; Sir John and Lady Pedder and party attended. The pit was rather more than ordinarily full, there being an addition to its numbers by several of the tars. The first piece was "The Mountaineers," in which Mr. Nesbitt played Octavian in very good style. The Double Naval Hornpipe, by Miss Young and her brother, was very prettily danced and rapturously encored. In the Musical Melange appeared first, Mrs. Stirling, that established favourite with the Hobart Town audience, and she is not likely to lose ground by appearing again in her vocal character. Next came Madame Gautrot, whom we then heard for the first time, and who pleased and surprised us much by the flexibility and sweetness of her voice. We are not less surprised that she should have been so seldom brought before the public; to those of correct taste she would not be less pleasing than to ourselves . . . We must not omit to notice the song of "Rule Britannia," by Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Clarke, and Mrs. Stirling, which was loudly encored, and enthusiastically sung, to the great rapture of the sailors and to the satisfaction of the whole audience . . .
"THE THEATRE", Colonial Times (9 January 1844), 3
. . . The Musical Melange consisted only of six songs, but they were selected with judgment, and sung with skill. Mrs. Stirling, who gave the first composition, a "Scena from the grand opera of Lestocq," managed the difficulties of the piece with her usual ability, and Madame Gautrot sang Rossini's Aria, Una voce poco fa, in a manner that stamps her a first-rate vocalist, particularly as regards taste and expression, even in comparison with Mrs. Wood (ne Miss Paton), with whom this beautiful aria was a great favourite. In the song "Lo! hear the gentle lark," [sic] Mrs. Clarke, who immediately followed Madame Gautrot, and was therefore open to invidious comparison, acquitted herself admirably . . .
29 January 1844, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Courier (26 January 1844), 1
MACBETH, with the whole of the Music.
Mr. NESBITT as Macbeth.
Mrs. CLARKE respectfully begs to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that on the above Evening will be produced (for the first time in the colonies, With the whole of the celebrated Music,
as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London,) Shakspeare's admired Tragedy, in Five Acts, entitled
To be followed by the CHINESE QUADRILLES, arranged by Monsieur Gautrot.
The whole to conclude with the burlesque Opera, entitled
MUSIC (1): "Locke's music in Macbeth" (probably by Richard Leveridge)
MUSIC (2): Bombastes furioso (Rhodes)
6 February 1844, the Gautrots' farewell benefit
"CONCERT", The Courier (2 February 1844), 3
On Tuesday next Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, assisted by Mr. John Howson and a lady amateur, give a concert at Mr. M'Loughlin's rooms, Argyle-street. Monsieur Gautrot is one of the best violinists we have ever had amongst us, whilst Madame possesses a most powerful and very melodious voice. This concert, from the programme solely, which is admirably arranged, will be worth the patronage of the inhabitants. But there is another consideration which will commend itself to the heart of the benevolent, that the principals give it to assist in reaching their own country, for which this talented musician and his wife intend immediately to embark. We wish them that which their talents deserve - the best of success.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (6 February 1844), 1
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot's
At 8 o'clock in the Evening,
1. Duet, Piano and Violin - Mr. J. Howson and Monsieur Gautrot.
2. Air from "La Gazza Ladra" -(Rossini.) - Madame Gautrot.
3. Song - "The old oak tree" - A Lady Amateur.
4. Song - "My fondest, my fairest" - Tyrolienne - Harp Accompaniment - Lady Amateur and Madame Gautrot.
5. Solo Violin, with Piano Accompaniment - Mr. J. Howson and Monsieur Gautrot.
6. Duet from "Norma" - (Bellini.) - A Lady Amateur and Madame Gautrot.
7. Romance Française-Madame Gautrot.
8. Trio from "Cherublni" - Mr. J. Howson and Monsieur and Madame Gautrot.
1. Set of favourite Waltzes, composed and executed by Mr. J. Howson.
2. Air, Italian, from the Opera " Isciti" with Piano Accompaniments and Solo Obligate Violin - Mr. J. Howson and Monsieur and Madame Gautrot.
3. Song - Mr. J. Howson.
4. Air, with Variations for the Violin on ONE STRING, composed and performed by M. Gautrot. - Pianoforte Accompaniment Mr. J. Howson.
5. Tyrolienne - A Lady Amateur.
6. Variations, as sung by Madame Catalani - Madame Gautrot.
7. Comic Duet - Madame and M. Gautrot.
Tickets to be had at Monsieur Gautrot's (Mr. McLoughlin's,) Argyle-street; Mr. Tegg's, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Lester's, "Ship Hotel;"
and at the "Courier," Office. Price or Admission, 5s.
February 2, 1844.
NOTE: On 12 February, "Der Freischutz . . . With the whole of the Original Music by Von Weber", was given for Anne Clarke's benefit at the theatre
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist, pianist, composer); see also Howson's Tasmanian waltzes; John McLoughlin (cabinet-maker, upholsterer, undertaker)
12 February 1844 (and following), Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, NSW
"CINDERELLA. To the Editors", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 February 1844), 2 supplement
GENTLEMEN, - To forward the laudable object of the manager to cultivate, in this colony, the rising taste for good music
and to promote the interest of Mrs. Bushelle by affording her a fair opportunity of displaying her vocal powers in an opera worthy her capabilities,
I supplied the Theatre with the only copy, in Sydney, of the score of Rossini's elegant music to Cinderella;
but, with the exception of the concerted finale to the 2nd act, "Midst doubt confusing," &c., -
I disclaim any share of the orchestra arrangements, beyond that of advice,
and of exerting my best efforts in giving instructions to the singers in their arduous undertaking.
Some of the orchestra parts were written by that excellent theorist and great musician, Monsieur Gautrot.
(I must here express my regret that so talented a man should have been forced from this colony for want of patronage.)
The rest of the orchestra parts have been supplied by the joint efforts of Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Wallace.
Having been excited into this explanation from a kind notice of the forthcoming opera in the Saturday's Weekly Register,
giving me credit for more than I have any ambition to acknowledge, I have now only the honour, Gentlemen, to subscribe myself.
Yours, very obliged,
Saturday evening, February 10.
Horbury Terrace, Hunter-street.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian (15 February 1844), 3
The production at this theatre, of the opera of Cinderella, must be regarded as an epoch in the progress of Colonial taste, which will hereafter be referred to with feelings of pride and pleasure. An audience which crowded every part of the theatre welcomed its first performance, and testified the warm interest they took in the manager's attempt to do all the justice in his power to this charming effervescence of Rossini's happiest and most buoyant spirit . . . Rophino Lacy's score having been kindly lent to the Victoria by Mr. Nathan, the most effective portions were selected for the version of the opera which was produced on Monday evening, and arranged for the orchestra by Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Gibbs, - Mr. Nathan reserving for his own especial master-hand the brilliant concerted piece in the first act, "Midst doubts confusing," and a very able arrangement of "Miei rampolli," by Gautrot being also retained. The result is very gratifying . . .
"M. Gautrot", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (23 February 1844), 3
We regret to state that this accomplished artist has been for some days so ill, both in health and in purse, that he was compelled to seek the asylum of the Government Hospital, Madame Gautrot was kindly received by Mrs. Philipson, wife of Mr. Philipson, the surgeon dentist, whose professional abilities have been, we are sorry to state, but badly remunerated. Unfortunately, the state of the times is such that the teeth of most persons are quite in sufficiently good order for their means of employing them.
13 March 1844, oratorio, St. Joseph's church, Hobart
[Advertisement], The Courier (8 March 1844), 1
on WEDNESDAY, 13th instant, at 7 o'clock in the evening, with the kind permission of the
Very Rev. J. J. Therry, Vicar-General, for the
BENEFIT of Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT,
assisted by the principal musical talent of Hobart Town, who have charitably come forward on this occasion gratuitously.
Colonel Elliott has kindly offered the assistance of the Band.
The kind and liberal assistance of the public is respectfully solicited upon this occasion.
Monsieur Gautrot has been labouring under severe indisposition, and is in very reduced circumstances.
The object of this relief is to enable Monsieur and Madame Gautrot to return to their native country.
"Te Deum" - Chorus.
"Laudate" - Madame Gautrot.
"Now Heaven in fullest glory" - Mr. F. Howson.
"The Hymn of Eve" - Mrs. Rogers.
"Joseph in Egypt" - Solo, Violin - Monsieur Gautrot.
" The Infant's Prayer" - Mrs. Stirling.
"Oh, Father, whose Almighty power" - Chorus.
"Lord, remember David" - Mr. J. Howson.
"Jeptha's Daughter" - Madame Gautrot, with Harp Accompaniment, by Mrs. Curtis.
"The Last Man" - Mr. F. Howson.
" Hallelujah" - Chorus.
"Sing unto God" - Chorus.
"In native worth" - Mr. F. Howson.
"Agnus Dei" - Madame Gautrot.
"Portuguese Air," with Variations for the Flute, Mr. G. F. Duly; Harp Accompaniment, by Mrs. Curtis.
"Come, ever smiling liberty" - Mrs. Stirling.
"Rolling in foaming billows" - Mr. F. Howson.
"Sound an alarm" - Mrs. Rogers.
"We hear" - Chorus.
"Oh! Jesu" - Mr. Pycroft.
"Tantum ergo" - Madame Gautrot.
"Hallelujah-Amen" - Chorus.
Price of Admission, Four Shillings.
Tickets to be had at Monsieur Gautrot's, Argyle-street; at Mr. Tegg's, Bookseller, Elizabeth-street;
at Mr. J. P. Rowe's, Chemist, Elizabeth-street; Mr. J. W. Davis, Stationer, Elizabeth-street; and at the " Courier" Office.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (12 March 1844), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: John Joseph Therry (priest); Mrs. Curtis (harp); George Frederick Duly (flute); Emma Rogers (formerly Miss Young); Joseph Pycroft (vocalist)

St. Joseph's Church, Macquarie Street, Hobart (with old St. David's behind); engraving published by Thomas Bluett, Hobart, 1844
19 March 1844, St. Joseph's day, St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town; first performance of the Josephian hymn
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 March 1844), 1
ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH, MACQUARIE-STREET. THE FESTIVAL or ST. JOSEPH, will be celebrated THIS DAY, the 19th instant, in this church, by a solemn Mass, Vespers and Benediction. The Morning Service to commence at eleven; Evening Service at seven o'clock. A new Hymn will be sung (for the first time), at the latter, by Madame Gautrot, which, with its musical arrangement by Monsieur Gautrot, is, in the course of a few days, to be lithographed, and afterwards sold for their benefit. March 19, 1844.
[Advertisement], The Courier (5 April 1844), 3
"SACRED MUSIC", The Courier (5 April 1844), 2
SACRED MUSIC. - We have been favoured with a copy of a new piece of sacred music which has just been published, entitled "The Josephian Hymn." The words are by the Rev. T. Therry, the music being arranged by Monsieur Gautrot, for whose benefit we are informed the proceeds of the sale will be devoted.
"THE JOSEPHIAN HYMN", Colonial Times (9 April 1844), 3
THE JOSEPHIAN HYMN. - We have received a new hymn composed by the Rev. the Vicar-General Therry, and the music arranged by Mons. Gautrot, for whose benefit it is intended, which has just been published and is on sale by Mr. Tegg, the Stationer, and Mr. Bluet, the Lithographer. The sublimity of the sentiments and the harmony of the music, are delightfully combined.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Bluett (lithographer); Samuel Tegg (bookseller)
16 April 1844, John Howson's concert
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (16 April 1844), 1
THIS EVENING, APRIL 16, Under the most Distinguished Patronage.
MR. JOHN HOWSON begs most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobarton and its vicinity that he intends giving a GRAND CONCERT
upon a scale of magnitude never before attempted in this colony, on which occasion Mr. John Howson
respectfully solicits the kind patronage of his friends and the public generally.
The Orchestra will be complete in every department. The greater part of the music is entirely new,
and just imported by Mr. F. Howson, sen., amongst which will be found a selection from Rossini's celebrated "Stabat Mater,"
which has created a great sensation throughout Europe; as also several pieces from Bellini's beautiful Opera of "Norma,"
now playing at trie Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, with the greatest possible success.
Overture - "Nozze de Figaro" - Mozart . . .
Aria - "La Schiava de Bagdad" - Madame Gautrot . . .
Overture - "Zampa" - Herold . . .
Solo Violin - A new air, with variations, on one string, composed and executed by M. Gautrot . . .
LEADERS - Messrs. H. Howson and Gautrot.
CONDUCTOR - Mr. J. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howson (violinist)
30 April 1844, Deane family concert (previously advertised for 23 April, and 25 April)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 April 1844), 1
GRAND CONCERT. Under Distinguished Patronage.
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public of Hobart Town and its Vicinity,
that previous to his departure for Sydney, he will give a
CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, on a very extensive scale,
VOCAL PERFORMERS. Madame Gautrot, Miss Deane, Gentleman Amateur, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Master A. Deane.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS. Violins, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Leffler, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. Singer, Mr. Charles Deane, and Master H. Deane.
Tenors, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Duly, Mr. Piecroft, and Mr. W. Deane.
Violoncellos, Mr. Curtis and Mr. E. Deane. Double Bass, Mr. Russell.
By Permission, Part of the Band of the 51st Regiment will assist.
Overture - La Gazza Ladra - Rosini
Glee - "Foresters sound the cheerful horn" Bishop - An Amateur, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
Song - "Vain each base endeavour," (from the Opera of Pre aux Clercs) accompanied by herself on the Pianoforte - Herold - Miss Deane.
Trio - Two violins and violoncello, in which will be introduced the favourite airs, "Home sweet home," and "Hey the bonnie breast knots,"
and which will be performed by three juvenile Tasmanians - Mast. C. Deane, Mast. H. Deane, and Mast. A. Deane.
Grand Air - "All is lost," (in the Opera of La Somnambula) - Belini - Madame Gautrot.
Song - "What is the spell," (from the Opera of Amelie, or the Love Test) accompanied by himself on the Guitar. - Rooke - Mr. J. Deane.
Fantasia - And brilliant variations for the Pianoforte on the Cavitina from Anna Bolena, "Civi Tu,"
performed by the author at his Concerts in London, before Her Majesty Queen Victoria - Dohler - Miss Deane.
Duetto - "My pretty page, look out afar" - Bishop - Miss Deane and Mast. A. Deane.
Ballad - "Mary of Castle Cary" - An Amateur.
Solo Violin - (Juvenile performance) - De Beriot - Mast. C. Deane.
Overture - Barbier de Seville - Rosini.
Duello - "The Singing Lesson" - Horn - Miss Deane and Mr. Deane.
Grand Scena - (From the Opera of Semiramide) - Rosini - Mad. Gautrot.
Solo - Violoncello, Rode's celebrated air - Mr. E. Deane.
Song - "Away, away to the mountain's brow" - Lee - Miss Deane.
Duetto - Vaghi colli ameni prati (in the grand serious Opera of Il ratto de Proserpine) - M. C. Mortellan - Mad. Gautrot and Mr. J. Deane.
Laughing Trio - "Why sure there never met," written and adapted to Martin's celebrated Terzetto - Addison - Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
Quartetto - A celebrated Swiss Air, accompanied by themselves on Guitars - Moschelles - Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Solo and Chorus - "Should auld acquaintance be forgot."
The Concert will commence at Eight o'Clock precisely.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Tegg, bookseller; Mr. De La Hunt; Mr. Davis; Mr. Lester, Ship Inn, Elizabeth-street; and Mr. Deane, Collins-street.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (7 May 1844), 3
On Tuesday last our old fellow-colonist Mr. J. P. Deane gave a Concert in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Melville-street, which, we are happy to say, was numerously and fashionably attended, so numerously indeed, that the spacious Hall was crowded . . . the Scena from the Semiramide of Rossini, a difficult and showy piece, was well sung by Madame Gautrot, who reminds us, in many parts, of Mrs. Bushelle, unquestionably the most accomplished cantatrice over witnessed in Van Diemen's Land. The instrumental pieces were well and spiritedly executed, particularly the very beautiful and characteristic overture to Rossini's "II Barbiere di Seviglia " (the Barber of Seville). Mr. Deane, we perceive, is partial to Rossini's lively and attractive music, and truth to speak, we like it passing well ourselves. We should, however, have been better pleased had Mr. Deane given us one overture at least of some other eminent composer; but we ought not to cavil when the performance of what he did give was so good.
ASSOCIATIONS: The Deane family (from Sydney); Abraham Philip Duly (clarinettist); John Macdonald Singer (violinist)
6 May 1844, Madame Adelle (Veilburn's) benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart
"THE THEATRE", Colonial Times (30 April 1844), 3
Mrs. Clarke has kindly granted the use of the Theatre for a benefit for Madame Adelle, on Monday evening, the 6th of May. The entertainments will consist of a farce and a musical melange, with some excellent dancing by Madame Adelle, who will perform three of her favourite dances. Madame Gautrot and Mr. Arabin will assist in the performances, as will also several favourite performers, who have not proceeded with Mrs. Clarke to Launceston.
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (3 May 1844), 2
. . . Madame Gautrot, and Madame Adelle. Mr. Leffler will lead in the Orchestra, with Monsieur Gautrot, and competent assistants . . .
Ballad - Black Eyed Susan - MAD. GAUTROT . . .
Favourite French Song - MAD. GAUTROT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Adele = Madame Veilburn (dancer); Gustavus Arabin (actor)
7 May 1844, Hobart Town Choral Society
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (3 May 1844), 1
HOBART TOWN CHORAL SOCIETY. THE Members of this Society intend to give their first Grand Performance in Mr. Russell's new Music Hall, Collins-street, on Tuesday the 7th day of May, it seven o'clock in the evening. Mr. Deane and his talented family, also Mons. and Mad. Gautrot, have kindly offered their services on this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (musician); Hobart Town Choral Society
14 May 1844, oratorio, St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town (cancelled)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (7 May 1844), 2
GRAND ORATORIO AT St. Joseph's Church.
ON TUESDAY, MAY 14, there will be given a GRAND ORATORIO, in St. Joseph's Church, at Eight o'clock in the Evening, for the Benefit of the CHORAL DEPARTMENT. The Performances will consist of a choice selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music, by the chief Musical Talent of Hobart Town; and by the kind permission of Colonel Elliott, the celebrated Band of the 51st Regiment will not only assist in the general Entertainment, but will also perform several well selected pieces of music.
Overture - Handel.
Josephian Hymn - Part 1, words by the Very Rev. J. J. Therry, music by Mons. Gautrot - Miss Deane.
Chorus - "But as for His people" - Handel.
Duet - "The Lord is a Man of War" - Handel - Madame Gautrot and an Amateur.
Solo - "The Orphan Girl" - J. Howson.
Chorus - "May no rash intruder" - Solomon.
Solo - "Tantum Ergo" - Violin Obligato - Mons. Gautrot and Madame Gautrot.
Solo - "Tears such as tender Fathers shod", Theodora [Handel] - Amateur.
Chorus - "Swell the full Chorus" - Solomon [Handel].
Hymn - Words by Madame Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
Solo - "What tho' I trace" - Amateur.
Quintette - Composed by Monsieur Gautrot - two Tenors, two Violoncellos, one Bass.
Overture - Haydn.
Josephian Hymn - Part 2, words by the Very Rev. J. J. Therry, music by Monsieur Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
Recitative - "And Israel saw the great work", Judah [Handel] - Amateur.
Chorus - "Arise O Judah" - Judah.
Solo - "Cujus Animam" - from Stabat Mater Rossini - J. Howson.
Chorus - "Now Elevate" - Judah.
Solo - "Sanctum et Terribile" - Pergolesi - Mad. Gautrot.
Chorus - "Kyrie Eleison" - Rossini.
Solo - "With Verdure clad" - Creation [Haydn] - Miss Deane.
Chorus - "The Heavens are Telling" - Creation.
Grand Chorus - "God save the Queen," and "Hallelujah" - Handel.
May 3, 1844.
[Advertisement], The Courier (10 May 1844), 1
[All as above, except that the first part of the hymn was to be sung by Madame Carandini, and Miss Deane's solo With verdure clad omitted.]
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (14 May 1844), 2
NOTICE. We are requested to state, that the CONCERT of SACRED MUSIC will not take place at the Catholic Church of St. Joseph, as was advertised, for this Evening. May 14. 1844.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Deane (vocalist)
15 October 1844, Hobart Town Choral Society, oratorio
"ORATORIO", Colonial Times (19 October 1844), 3
A performance, somewhat novel here, took place on Tuesday evening last in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, by the members of the Choral Society, of an oratorio, the second since the formation of this very admirable Society. There were thirty-six performers, including vocal and instrumental; and when we say that the oratorio went off with eclat, we shall, we are quite sure, be amply borne out by some three or four hundred hearers, who were all abundantly gratified. The instrumental department was the most efficiently managed, especially the opening overture, and Monsieur Gautrot's exquisite quintette, the composer himself conducting . . .
"HOBART TOWN CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (22 October 1844), 3
The second public performance of this highly useful society took place on Tuesday evening last, in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, which had been obligingly lent for the occasion. The platform was fitted up as an orchestra, and the number of the performers, vocal and instrumental, were about forty. With the exception of Madame Gautrot (who lent her powerful assistance) the whole of the vocalists were amateurs, as were also many of the instrumental performers; this branch received considerable aid from the exquisite playing of Mrs. Elliott on the piano, Mr. Duly, Monsieur Gautrot, and Mr. Russell on violins, and Mr. W. H. Howson at the double bass, together with several of the excellent band of the 51st regiment, which, by the kindness of Colonel Elliott, were placed at the disposal of the Committee. The first part was Romberg's delightful ode, "The Transient and the Eternal," which was played and sung in a manner that called forth the repeated plaudits of a crowded audience. The second part was of a mixed character, comprising detached pieces from the works of Mozart, Handel, Haydn, and other esteemed composers, forming a selection well calculated to enable the admirers of those celebrated men to compare their relative styles . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Elliot (piano)
30 October 1844, and following nights, Royal Albert Theatre, Hobart
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (29 October 1844), 4
MESSRS. WATSON and FALCHON [lessees] . . .
Conductor - Mr. G. F. DULY.
Leader of the Orchestra - M. GAUTROT . . .
The Evenings of performance during the Season, will in future be Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Watson (lessee, manager); Arthur Falchon (lessee, manager)
21 November 1844, the Gautrots' concert
"GRAND CONCERT", The Courier (19 November 1844), 2
On Thursday evening next, at the Mechanics' Institute, a Concert will be held, at which the whole of the chief professional talent in this place will lend their aid. It will be for the benefit of Madame and Monsieur Gautrot, »hose abilities deserve encouragement, and whose peculiar situation as foreigners in a strange land have drawn the sympathy of the largest and most respectable portion of the public. We understand that His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, the Lord Bishop, the Chief Justice, and others have already taken tickets, and we have no doubt that there will be a crowded and fashionable audience.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian and Austral-Asiatic Review (21 November 1844), 3
MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT beg most respectfully, to inform their Friends and the Gentry of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that they propose giving a GRAND CONCERT on the above Evening,
when they will be kindly favoured with the valuable assistance of all the principal Professional Talent of Hobart Town, as well as that of two Amateurs.
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot most respectfully solicit the kind support and patronage of the Public,
and beg to assure them that they will use their utmost exertion to produce such an Entertainment as must ensure the approbation of their Patrons.
The following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly tendered their valuable assistance:-
Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. F. Howson,
Mr. H. Howson, W. Howson, A. Howson, Mr. Russell, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Duly, Mr. Singer, Mr. Pyecroft,
Mr. G. F. Duly, Mr. Allen, Master Allen, and several Amateurs.
Overture - Rossini.
Song - "No Flower excels the Rose," - Mrs. Stirling
Song - "Lay of the imprisoned Huntsman" - Mr. Pyecroft
Song - "Through the Wood" - Mrs. Rogers
Song - "Welcome thou tranquil Cloister" - Donnizzetti's "La Favourite" - Mr. J. Howson
Grand Air - "Francis du pre au Clercs," composed by Herrold - Madame Gautrot
Song - "When Time hath bereft thee" - An Amateur
Solo - Clarionette Mr. G. F. Duly
Comic Duet - "Anticipations of Switzerland" - Mrs. Stirling and Mr. F. Howson
Song - "Come dwell with me" - Juvenile Amateur
Aria - "Nel cor non piu mi sento" - variations, composed by Mons. Gautrot, for Mad. Gautrot - Madame Gautrot
Solo - Violin - Air and Variations composed expressly for this occasion, by - Mons. Gautrot
Duet - Harp and Violin - Mrs. Curtis and Mons. Gautrot
Duet - "Mighty Jove" Messrs. J. & F. Howson
Air - "Where are now the hopes" (Norma) - Mrs. Stirling
Descriptive Song - "The Newfoundland Dog" - Mr. F. Howson
Ballad - "What care I tho' Fortune frowns" the Music composed by Mr. F. Duly - Mrs. Rogers
Scena - "A te diro" (from Donnizzetti's Roberto Devereux) - Mr. John Howson
Duet - "Say, Rover, say" - Mad. Gautrot & Mr. Allen
Solo - "Cornet a piston" - Mr. J. Howson - Pianoforte accompaniment - Mrs. Stirling
Song - "The Land" An Amateur
Duet - "I Know know a Bank" - Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Stirling
Aria - "The Soldier tired" - Madame Gautrot
Finale - "God save the Queen" - Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Rogers, GRAND CHORUS.
1st Violin - Mr. Russell; Mr. H. Howson.
2nd Violin - Mr. Singer; Master A. Howson.
Tenor - Mr. Reichenberg; Mr. Duly.
Violincello - Mr. Curtis; Amateur.
Contra Bass - Mr. Pyecroft; Amateur.
Flute - Mr. G. F. Duly.
Clarionette - Mr. Rablin; Mr. W. Howson.
Horns - Mr. ; Mr.
LEADER - Monsieur Gautrot.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Tegg, Bookseller, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Haynes, Confectioner, Murray-street;
Mr. McLoughlin, Argyle-street; Mr. Robertson, Liverpool-street;
at the Trumpeter Office, the Advertiser Office, the Courier Office; Mr. Johnson, Liverpool-street,
and Mons. Gautrot, Harrington-street.
Tickets, 5s. each. Family Tickets to be had of Mons. Gautrot only.
Doors open at Half-past Seven - to commence at Eight precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sergeant Rablin (clarinet player, 51st Regiment); Edward Allen (vocalist) and Master Allen (vocalist)
21 January 1845, Hobart Town Choral Society, 3rd oratorio
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (23 January 1845), 2
. . . We must confess that, in attending the third Oratorio of the Society, given on Tuesday evening, we could not but feel some apprehension lest, in so young an institution, little justice would be done to the exquisite beauties and elevated character of this matchless production [Messiah] . . . But the crowning glory of the evening was Madame Gautrot's delightful performance of the exquisitely beautiful air "Rejoice greatly" - an air the difficulties of which few are willing to encounter, and still fewer succeed in overcoming so well . . .
27 February 1845, Thomas Cramp's ball and concert, Campbell Town
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (15 February 1845), 3
MR. CRAMP, Professor of Music, and Organist of St. George's Church,
Hobart Town, begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Campbell Town and its vicinity, that he intends giving a
Concert and Ball, on THURSDAY, Feb. 27th, 1845, after the London style, and has engaged the services of
Mons. & Madame GAUTROT, AND Mr. NESBITT, (the celebrated Tragedian, from Sydney,)
who will give some of his admired readings.
Programme - Part I.
1. AIR with variations, Violin, and Pianoforte Accompaniement - Mons. GAUTROT and Mr. CRAMP.
2. RECITATION - "Battle of Minden" - Mr. NESBITT.
3. SONG - "La Bion d'ina Gondolet" [La Blondina in gondoletta] (with the celebrated variations, as sung by Mad. Calalani, and Pianoforte Accompaniment) - Madame GAUTROT.
4. GLEE - "Blow, gentle Gales" (from the Opera of the Slave - Bishop) - Madame GAUTROT, Mr. NESBlT, & Mr. CRAMP.
5. RECITATION - "Rolla's Address to the Peruvian Army" - Mr. NESBITT.
6. DUET, Comic - Mons. & Mad. GAUTROT.
Part II.
1. AIR, with variations - Violin, on one string, a la Paganini - Gautrot - M. GAUTROT.
2. SONG - "Soft be thy Slumbers" - Nelson - Mr. CRAMP.
3. GLEE, Comic - Cherubini - Mad. GAUTROT, M. GAUTROT, & Mr. CRAMP.
4. RECITATION - "Othello's Apology before the Senate" - Mr. NESBITT.
5. SONG - "My Lodging" - Drouett - Mad. GAUTROT.
6. GLEE - "See our Oars with feather'd Spray" - Mad. GAUTROT, Mr. NESBITT, and Mr. CRAMP.
7. SOLO - Violin - Mons. GAUTROT.
8. "Rule Britannia" - Mad. GAUTROT, with full chorus.
The Concert will commence at two o'clock. Tickets 5s. each, to be had of
Mr. Sutton, and at the Hotels, Campbell Town.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Cramp (pianist, organist); Francis Nesbitt (actor)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (18 February 1845), 3
Last night Mrs. Stirling took her benefit, to a very fair house; the entertainments were tastily selected, and the first piece, The Fairy Lake, displayed very sweet music, and some beautiful scenery. It was preceded by Auber's rather fantastic overture to Masaniello, which was well performed by an augmented orchestra; M. Gautrot's violin, and the bass horns of the bandsmen, adding much to the attraction of the music . . .
6 March 1845, John Howson's farewell concert
[Advertisement], The Courier (6 March 1845), 1
"THE CONCERT", The Courier (8 March 1845), 2
Mr. John Howson's musical melange of Thursday evening will linger, long after his departure, in the pleasant recollections of the lovers of "sweet sounds." It was a "farewell" that, coming in the melting power of melody, touched the chords of generous feeling in many a heart . . . In the admirable song, "Plaisirs du rang supreme," Madame Gautrot appeared to feel herself quite at home, and seemed to revel in the melodies of her native land. Though this and the "Calif du Bagdad" might not be universally intelligible to an English audience, yet none could withhold admiration from the spirit, expression, and brilliancy of execution with which they were given. The latter, especially, was an extraordinary performance. Nor was Mons. Gautrot less excellent in the instrumental department. The veteran son of Apollo threw his whole soul into the work. His "solo, on one string," brought back to remembrance, in the sudden and violent transitions of movement and surprising rapidity of execution, the wonderful performances of Paganini; while it displayed an occasional delicacy of touch and depth of feeling which that celebrated artiste seldom exhibited . . . The whole band put forth, in the overtures, a degree of skill and power that were most creditable to the musical talent of Tasmania, and that exhibited a combination of excellence of which few communities, so limited, can boast. Bishop's charming overture to "Guy Mannering," replete with interesting recollections and delightful associations, was given in admirable style, and seemed to find its way to every heart and to kindle undefinable sympathies in every bosom . . .
"MR. J. HOWSON'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (11 March 1845), 3
. . . decidedly the most remarkable performance of the evening was Mons. Gautrot's violin solo, on one string, Air - "Rendez moi ma Patrie." The clear, flute-like tones which Mons, drew forth from the instrument, or rather from but a fourth part of it, created alike astonishment and pleasure. He is decidedly the most accomplished violinist we ever heard out of England. The instrumental pieces were well performed, and, in short, the concert went off to the satisfaction of a very good audience . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (15 March 1845), 2
LIST OF OFFICE-BEARERS: President -The Right Rev. Francis Russell Nixon, D.D., Lord Bishop of Tasmania.
Vice-Presidents - Rev. W. Bedford, D.D., and J. Hone, Esq.
Treasurer - Mr. John Marshall; Secretary - Mr. John C. Hall; Director - Mr. Richard Curtis; Conductor - Mr. A. P. Duly;
Leader - Mons. Gautrot; Librarian - Mr. Henry Elliott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Nixon (bishop); William Bedford (clergyman); John Marshall (flute player); Henry Elliot (musician)
24 March 1845, opening of the season, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (22 March 1845), 1
MRS. CLARKE begs most respectfully to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity, and the Public generally,
that the Theatre will re-open on the above Evening and continue so on every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Evenings for the Season . . .
"THE THEATRE", Colonial Times (29 March 1845), 3
On Wednesday Evening, Mr. Green, the Tight Rope Dancer, performed some clever feats in his line of business; he was much applauded. The performances, necessarily at present, confined to Vaudevilles and Farces, went off well, but to a very poor house. We cannot but notice the great improvement in the Orchestra; it was good before, it is now excellent. The admirable leading of Mons. Gautrot, and his excellent performance, greatly enhance the force and beauty of the music, which is selected with much taste, and arranged withe great skill and judgment. In addition to Mons. Gautrot, we have got back Mr. Duly, Junior, whose flute performances are so excellent; we have also Sergeant Rablin, with his beautiful clarionet, a serpent player, and one on the Cornet-a-Piston, an instrument which claims especial favouritism at our hands. The extract from Mozart's splendid Overture to Don Giovanni, with which we were favoured on Wednesday, was given in a style and spirit which plainly proved that every player was a proficient. There is a distinctness - a crispness in Mons Gautrot's bowing, which is well adapted to leading, while his time-keeping is correct. When required, too, this veteran Violinist can produce tones of "silvery sweetness" from his strings, which appear almost inconsistent with the very nature of the instrument. When Mrs. Clarke's expected auxiliaries arrive, we anticipate much entertainment.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (1 April 1845), 1
"THE THEATRE", Colonial Times (1 April 1845), 3
The house, last night, although not a good one, was tolerably attended. The performances, considering the present strength of the company, went off well; and the tight-rope dancing of Mr. Green, "the Australian," to which we have before referred, was the best we have ever seen in the colony . . . Mrs. Clarke sang a very charming song very charmingly; we mean "Through the wood," and admirably accompanied by M. Gautrot . . .
MUSIC: Through the wood (Horn)
"BALL AND SUPPER", and "THEATRE", Colonial Times (5 April 1845), 3
On Wednesday Evening last, the Chief Police Magistrate and his lady gave a very elegant Ball and Supper to about a hundred of our elite, at his residence in Macquarie street: the rooms were splendidly illuminated, and a fine Quadrille Band, under the direction of Messrs. Gautrot and Curtis, and stationed in the entrance hall - the rooms right and left being thrown open for the dancers, - administered a tasteful pabulum to the votaries of Terpsichore. Dancing commenced about 9 o'clock, and was gaily continued till 4 in the morning . . .
As might be expected, the house during the present week has been but thinly attended, while the performances have been excellent of their kind. The feats of Green on the tight rope, on Wednesday evening, were really marvellous . . . Great preparations are making for next week, when, we understand, the performances of Friday night will be under the patronage of the Stewards of the Races . . . We are more than ever pleased with the orchestra. Last night the beautiful overture to Rossini's "II Barbiere di Seviglia" was played with a spirit and precision which made every sweet and melodious movement reach the heart. We never heard it played better.
15 April 1845, Hobart Town Choral Society, oratorio
"THE ORATORIO", The Courier (17 April 1845), 2
. . . Throughout the performances on Tuesday evening, there were abundant manifestations of great and improving excellence. The instrumental department was ably sustained under the accomplished leadership of Mons. Gautrot and the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Curtis, not forgetting Mrs. Curtis at the piano. The choruses selected for the occasion were admirably given. In the solos Madame Gautrot retained the elevated station she has so deservedly won, and the other voices gave gratifying promise of future excellence and eminence . . .
17 April 1845, Frank Howson's farewell concert, Mechanics' Institute, Melville Street
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian and Austral-Asiatic Review (17 April 1845), 3
Mr. F. Howson's Grand Farewell Concert, Thursday, April 17.
MR. F. HOWSON'S GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT, Mechanics' Institute, Melville-street, THURSDAY, April 17th, 1845.
- MR. F. HOWSON begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he intends giving a GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT,
on the most extensive scale, at the Mechanics' Institute, on the above Evening,
previous to his positive departure for Sydney by the "Waterlily;"
when he respectfully solicits a continuance of that liberal patronage he has hitherto experienced and most gratefully acknowledges.
The whole of the Musical Talent of Hobarton have most generously tendered their valuable services upon this occasion,
and the Programme consists of selections from the greatest modern Composers;
therefore MR. F. H. feels confident that he will be enabled to give the greatest satisfaction to those who may kindly
honour him with their patronage and support.
Overture, "Don Giovanni," Mozart.
Trio, "Soft is the murmur of the summer breeze," (from the celebrated opera of "Nourjahad,") Mrs. Stirling, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson - Balfe.
Song, "The breaking of the Day," Mr. F. Howson - C. Horn.
Air and Variations, "Nel cor non piu mi sento," Mad. Gautrot, (arranged by M. Gautrot.)
Song, "My boyhood's home," (from the opera of "Amilie, or the Love Test,") Mr. J. Howson - Rooke.
Ballad, "Welcome, rosy May," Mrs. Stirling (with Flute Obligato) Mr. G. F. Duly - G. Linley.
Solo, Violin.
Grand Descriptive Scena, "The Ship on fire," Mr. F. Howson (by particular desire) - Russell.
Duet, "Let thine Eyes," (from the opera of "Cinderella") Mrs. Stirling and Mr. J. Howson - Rossini.
Solo, Flute, Mr. G. F. Duly.
Comic Song, "Wanted a Wife," (1st time, as sung by Mr. J. Parry, at the London Concerts.) Mr. F. Howson - J. Parry.
Trio, "Come and let us be gay," Mrs. Stirling, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson - Martini.
Overture, "Don Pasquale" (2nd time in this colony) - Donizetti.
Aria, "Lovely Girl" (the celebrated air "Vivi tu" from the opera of "Anna Bolena") Mr. J. Howson - Donizetti.
Ballad, "Come live with me and be my love," Mrs. Stirling - Barker.
Descriptive Song, "The Newfoundland Dog" Mr. F. Howson (by desire) - Russell.
Tyrolienne, "My fondest, my fairest," Mad. Gautrot - Linley.
Serenade, "O summer Night," (from "Don Pasquale") Mr. John Howson - Donizetti.
Aria, "O thou with power to bless," (from "Masaniello") Mrs. Stirling - Auber.
Solo, Trombone, Thema "Credissi Misera" and Finale" Mr. J. Howson - Bellini.
Comic Song. "The fine young English Lady" (additional verses) Mr. F. Howson.
Trio, "Sweetly sleep," (from the opera of "Keolanthe") Mrs. Stilling, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson - Balfe.
Finale, "God save the Queen."
Violins- Mr. Gautrot, Mr. Leffler, Mr. H. Howson, Mr. Russell, Mr. Singer.
Tenors - Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Duly, sen.
Violoncellos - Mr. F. Howson, Mr. --
Contra Basso - Mr. Pyecroft.
Flute - Mr. G. F. Duly.
Clarinette- Mr. Rablin.
Horns - Mr. -- Mr. --
Basse - Mr. -- Mr. --
Leaders - M. Gautrot, Mr. H. Howson, and Mr. Leffler.
Conductor and Pianist - Mr. J. Howson.
Tickets 4s. each ; Family Tickets, to admit six, One Guinea each. To be had of Mr. Tegg, Bookseller;
Mr. Macgregor, Clothier, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Chick, Bookbinder, Liverpool-st., opposite Watchorn's Emporium; Mr. Haynes,
Pastrycook, Murray-street; and of Mr. F. Howson, 521; Argyle-strect.
* Doors open at Half-past seven, commence at eight o'clock precisely.
"MR. F. HOWSON'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (19 April 1845), 3
We regret to state that the attendance at this Concert was not numerous; and more than one contra temps took place. There was no "Violin Solo," as Mons. Gautrot did not perform, and the Trio set down for the Finale of Part 1st, was omitted, being replaced by "Mighty Jove." The performances were excellent, both vocal and instrumental, and Mesdames Stirling and Gautrot were never in finer voice. Want of room precludes a more detailed critique, and the same cause prevents a notice of the very beautiful Oratorio performed by the Choral Society on Tuesday Evening: we have, however, a lengthened notice of this really grand performance, which we shall insert on Tuesday.
1 July 1845, the Gautrots' concert
"Monsieur Gautrot", The Tasmanian and Austral-Asiatic Review (19 June 1845), 6
On the 1st July next this deserving and talented artist has a benefit concert at the Mechanics' Institute. As a stranger in a foreign land, who has invariably conducted himself with the strictest propriety, but from the slender remuneration that musical talent produces here has found it difficult to support his family, it is to be hoped that he will experience that liberality from the middle classes who can least afford it, which the aristocracy who can so much withhold from everything accessible to the public in general.
"GAUTROT'S CONCERT", The Courier (26 June 1845), 2
This musical entertainment will positively take place on Tuesday next. The first talent, vocal and instrumental, has been secured to render the performance worthy of the patronage of the public. We have no need to draw the "long bow" in praise of the veteran performer, whose merits as a violinist have hitherto been perhaps better known than remunerated. We trust the kindness, if not the taste of the public may induce them to make the celebration of Mons. Gautrot's birthday (his 70th) Concert, as profitable to him as we have no doubt the performances would be pleasing to themselves. It will also be the last appearance of Mrs. Stirling (previous to her departure for Sydney,) a performer who, from her "sterling" merit has never failed to please.
[Advertisement], The Observer (1 July 1845), 1
GRAND CONCERT, (By the kind Permission of the Committee)
MONSIEUR GAUTROT has the honor to inform his Friends and the Gentry of Hobart Town,
that on the 1st of July he intends to give a GRAND CONCERT, and humbly solicits their kind patronage.
He has composed, expressly, a new Piece, with variations, for the Violin, "Le plaisir des Dames," on one string, dedicated to the Ladies.
On the above evening he will be favored with the valuable assistance of all the principal Professional Talent in Hobart Town, as well as that of several Amateurs.
MONSIEUR and MADAME GAUTROT beg to assure the Public, that they will use their utmost exertions to produce such an Entertainment as must ensure the approbation of their Patrons.
The following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly tendered their valuable assistance: -
Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. K--, (Amateur), Mr. A-- (Amateur), Mr. H. Howson, Mr. Duly, Mr. Singer, Mr. G. Duly, Mr. Pyecroft, Mr. Rablin.
OVERTURE - Rossini.
BALLAD - "By the sad Sea Waves," from the Opera of the Brides of Venice - Mrs. STIRLING.
SONG - "I'll speak of thee, I'll love thee too." - MRS. CLARKE.
AIR FRANCAIS - Grande Scene, imitation d'un Oiseau, Concertant avec la Flute - MADAME GAUTROT & G. DULY.
SONG - "La Gitana, or Come wander with me," Auber - Mrs. STIRLING.
LE PLAISER DES DAMES - Variations on one string, Dedicated to the Ladies, and composed for this occasion by MONS. GAUTROT.
DUET ITALIEN, "Ah! se di mala miei." Mrs. CLARKE and MADAME GAUTROT.
SOLO, Piston.
SONG, "Love on, love on, my Soul," J. Hockley [ ? Blockley] - MADAME GAUTROT.
SOLO, Clarinet - MR. RABLIN.
SONG, "Those sweet Chimes," A. Lee - MRS. CLARKE.
SONG, "Swiss Boy," (Tyrolean,) as sung by Mad. de Malibran - MADAME GAUTROT.
DUET, (Opera of Norma) Bellini, Mrs. STIRLING, Mad. GAUTROT.
GRAND AIR, with variations, for the Violin, MONS. GAUTROT.
SONG, "Mountain and Forest," - MRS. STIRLING.
FINALE, "God save the Queen," - MAD. GAUTROT, MRS. CLARKE, and MRS. STIRLING.
1st Violin, Mr. H. Howson, Mr. -- Amateur.
2nd Violin, Mr. Singer, Mr. -- Amateur.
Tenor - Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Duly.
Violincello. - Mr. -- Amateur, Mr. -- Amateur, Mr. Pyecroft.
Flute, Mr. G Duly. Clarinet, Mr. Rablin, Mr. -- Amateur.
Horn, Mr. --, Mr. --.
Mrs. Curtis will preside at the Piano.
TICKETS to be had of Mr. Tegg, Bookseller, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Haynes, Confectioner, Murray-street; Mr. McLoughlin, Argyle-st;
at the Advertiser Office; the Courier Office; Mr. Johnson, Draper, Liverpool-street; and at Monsieur Gautrot's, Argyle-street.
TICKETS - FIVE SHILLINGS EACH. *** Family Tickets to be had of Monsieur Gautrot only.
Doors open at half-past Seven-to commence at Eight precisely.
"MONS. GAUTROT'S CONCERT", The Courier (5 July 1845), 2
As far as regards attendance, the concert on Tuesday evening was eminently successful. In almost every other respect we regret to say it was a failure. It is seldom that we have the gratification of witnessing in Van Diemen's Land such an assemblage of respectability, fashion, and intelligence as was collected on that occasion within the walls of the Mechanics' Institution. But the musical arrangements of the evening exhibited a series of casualties which, to a considerable extent, deprived an audience, numerous and gay, of the rich treat they were led to expect. The indisposition of Mrs. Stirling created a void which, in the paucity of vocal talent in this colony, could not be supplied, and the unexplained absence of other performers, whose assistance had been volunteered or engaged, reduced the orchestra in numerical strength, until, in spite of individual skill and exertion, it was rendered feeble and ineffective. It was in vain that Madame Gautrot put forth all her powers - it was in vain that Mrs. Curtis, who presided at the piano, combined delicacy of touch with brilliance of execution - that Mr. Rablin rendered all the relief that a fine clarionet solo could impart - that a young aspirant for fame, belonging to the military band, gave promise of future excellence on the piston - and that the veteran son of Apollo himself united the spirit and fire of vigorous youth with the confident skill and practised perfection of severity years. A damp was cast over the whole performance that nothing could remove. If all this were occasioned by other than circumstances equally unavoidable as in the case of Mrs. Stirling, it was ungenerous to the venerable artiste who had depended on additional aid, and disrespectful to the public to whom it had been pledged. We had, however, a practical assurance that the audience was prepared to exercise every possible consideration for the painful position in which so many disappointments placed a performer who has often and zealously ministered to their gratification. We may here mention the fact, not generally known, that about four years ago Mons. Gautrot had been enabled to make arrangements to return to Europe, and that just when preparing to join the vessel at Melbourne in which he had taken his passage, he was heartlessly robbed of his desk containing the earnings of years of laborious industry. Not only were his plans thus cruelly frustrated, but he was thrown back, at an advanced age, on the precarious resources of professional skill and the liberality of the public. We rejoice, therefore, to know that the just appreciation of his artistical talent and moral worth in Van Diemen's Land secured him on Tuesday evening an amount of pecuniary compensation that will help to cheer, for a brief season at least, the evening of his days.
4 July 1845, opening and consecration of the Hobart Synagogue
THE beautiful little building in Argyle-street devoted to religious service by the scattered remnant of Israel in this town,
was opened according to announcement, on Friday last . . .
The afternoon and evening services then proceeded, in which latter the choir sang two pieces without the aid of the instrumental band.
The reader was Mr. H. Jones, the leader of the choir, Mr. M. Simeon; the band was led most ably by Mr. Reichenberg, and included Messrs. Duly, Curtis, Gautrot, Singer, &c.
The consecration service was arranged chiefly by Mr. P. Moss, by whom the original prayers, we understand, were composed;
their translation into Hebrew being done with the assistance of two Members of the Committee . . .
[Editorial], Colonial Times (8 July 1845), 2
. . . The ceremony commenced with one of Haydn's most favourite symphonies admirably performed by a choice orchestra led by Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Reichenberg presiding at the piano. The choir was admirable, and singing of very first order; the melodies beautiful, and the harmonies perfect . . .
. . . Mr. H. Jones officiated as reader; his chaunts were given with admirable intonation. The orchestral department combined the talent of Messrs. Gautrot, Curtis, Duly, and Singer, ably led by Mr. Reichenberg. The choir was exceedingly effective, the principal parts being admirably given by Mr. M. Simeon, who possesses a falsetto voice of good quality and rarely met with . . .
"OPENING OF THE SYNAGOGUE AT HOBART TOWN", Launceston Advertiser (10 July 1845), 2
This elegant place of worship, erected by the Jews of Hobart Town, was opened and dedicated with great solemnity, on Friday last. A great number of visitors were kindly admitted by ticket to witness the ceremonies, and all are said to have been highly gratified with the whole ceremonial. The officers of the congregation who took part in the dedication were - the president, L. Nathan, Esq., and the treasurer, Judah Solomon, Esq., with Messrs. D. Moses, D. Heckscher, R. Hart, J. Friedman, P. Levy, J. Solomon, and the secretary, Phineas Moss, Esq. Mr. H. Jones officiated as reader. In the orchestra were Messrs. Gautrot, Curtis, Duly, and Singer, led by Mr. Reichenberg; and the choir is said to have been highly effective. . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Simeon (choir leader)
"TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Courier (12 July 1845), 3
SIR,- I beg the favour of your inserting this article in your widely circulated journal.
I feel bound to explain the failure of my last concert. Having heard reports that one family attributed it to my refusing to pay the performers, and that two gentlemen remarked in the waiting room that I might as well have picked their pockets of five shillings, I must, in defence, publicly state, that six weeks before the concert took place I had engaged the assistance of those who waited the last moment to disappoint me. I depended upon them, having, as well as Madame Gautrot, made it a rule to assist a brother artist without receiving any emolument. We have both performed solos at the concerts and benefits given by Messrs. F. and J. Howson, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Stirling, Mr. Duly, sen., gratis. The evening preceding the concert one performer tells me he cannot play without pay; another tells me he is too poor (meaning he must be paid;) one of the amateurs had a sudden cold; another was suddenly obliged to leave town; and another had devoted himself to Bacchus. Notwithstanding all these contre tems, the evening would have passed off well could Mrs. Stirling have made her appearance; - to the last moment she hoped to be able to sing, but severe indisposition prevented her. I take a pleasure in justifying Mrs. S., whose obliging disposition is generally known. Thus everything conspired against me when it was loo late to find a remedy. I appeal to the public, whether I and Madame Gautrot ought to give our talent gratis to everybody, and yet be expected to pay when we required assistance.
I beg to return my grateful thanks to the company who so kindly honoured me with their patronage, and at the same time I offer them my humble excuses for having failed in getting up a concert equal to their expectations. I also have to thank Mrs. Clarke for her complaisance in singing so many of her best songs. Owing to Madame Gautrot's continued indisposition, and the mortification she experienced during the evening, she failed in the execution which has been applauded on happier occasions. I am beholden to Messrs. Reichenberg, Rablin, Duly, sen., and the performer of the solo on the Piston, also to Mr. -, the amateur player on the Bass; last, but not least, I offer my best thanks to Mrs. Curtis for her excellent accompaniment.
I trust that the public will accept my justification. As to the parties who have compelled me to make it, I will only add that they ought not to have promised unless they intended to perform. I am old, and may leave this scene before them. At another tribunal I will ask their forgiveness, for having done me this injury with patrons who had so kindly assembled for my benefit.
31 July 1845, Charles Packer's first documented public concert appearances in Russell's Hobart concerts
"SOIREE MUSICALE", The Courier (2 August 1845), 3
"This is the only Concert I have attended in the colony" - such was the almost general exclamation during and after this entertainment on Thursday evening last. For ourselves we must echo the same words, and join in the general feeling of gratification that they are intended to convey. The greatest care and attention in both departments, vocal and instrumental, pervaded the whole performance. The vocal department embraced only four performers, Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Hill, Mr. Packer and Mr. Duly; but the selections were so chaste and pleasing, so well arranged, and withal so extremely well executed, that the ear as well as the mind were kept in one constant source of delight. And here it is our duty to notice the debut of Mr. Packer, of whom we were led to expect something of a high order, and which was amply verified . . . We had nearly forgotten to mention the trio, Sadak and Kalasrade, by Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Hill, and Mr. Packer; it was admirably sung, and met its due share of approbation. We have not further space at present to enlarge on the performances, but trust the success of his first attempt will induce Mr. Russell to repeat these soirée musicales.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Hill (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (convict, vocalist, pianist, composer)
16 August 1845, Hobart Town Choral Society, oratorio
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (30 August 1845), 2
Let no one say that musical taste and science are not progressing in Hobart Town. If other evidence were wanting, the Choral Society's ORATORIO, on Tuesday Evening, unequivocally established the gratifying fact . . . We will not particularize individual superiority where all was excellent, from the veteran leader, Mons. Gautrot, and the indefatigable conductor, Mr. Curtis, down to the striplings trained under the auspices of the society. The songs and choruses are too firmly established in popular favour to require comment or the expression of admiration. It will be sufficient to add that the fine "Te Deum" by Paisiello, though presenting peculiar difficulties, was executed in a style worthy of societies with higher pretensions, and boasting a prouder name . . .
19 September 1845, concert, New Norfolk
"SOIREE MUSICALE AT NEW NORFOLK", The Courier (17 September 1845), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, assisted by Mr. Duly, intend giving an entertainment of the above description at New Norfolk, on Friday evening next. For particulars we refer to programme.
[Advertisement], The Courier (17 September 1845), 3
Soiree Musicale, New Norfolk.
MONSIEUR, MADAME GAUTROT, & MR. DULY have the honour to announce that a
SOIREE MUSICALE will take place at the POLICE OFFICE, NEW NORFOLK, (by permission,) on
FRIDAY next, the 19th day of September, at Half-past Seven in the Evening precisely.
First Part.
Duetto, Piano and Violin - Meyerbeer.
Italian Aria - Rossini.
Song - Laver.
Grand Solo, Violin - Gautrot.
"Love on," Ballad - Jn. Blockley.
Solo, Flute - Duly.
Duetto Comique - Boildieu.
Second Part.
Duetto, Norma - Bellini.
Solo, Violin for one string - Gautrot.
La Biondina in Gondoletta - F. Paer.
Solo, Flute - Mr. Duly.
"My fondest, my fairest" - Bishop.
Trio Comique - Cherubini.
Tickets price 5s. each, and half-price for Children, 2s. 6d.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Baker, "Bush Hotel;" Mr. Martin, "Star & Garter" and of Mr. Barton, "Union Inn."
24 September 1845, Russell's concert
"MR. RUSSELL'S CHAMBER CONCERTS", The Courier (4 October 1845), 2
We have hitherto omitted to notice the second of these delightful performances, which took place on Wednesday evening, the 24th of September. The instrumental portions, executed by professional men and amateurs of acknowledged talent, were, as might be expected, admirably sustained. In the vocal department, though Madame Gautrot acquitted herself with her usual ability, we did not think the selection assigned to her was either adapted to her peculiar style or calculated to elicit the more agreeable qualities of her voice. We must also deprecate the introduction of French songs, especially when the words are not given in the programme. Madame Gautrot, it is true, may feel herself "at home" in the melodies of her vernacular language; but we do not consider them as suited to a popular English audience. Mr. Packer's ballads uere given in a style of simplicity, tenderness, and genuine English feeling that excited a response in every bosom . . .
14 October 1845, Hobart Town Choral Society, oratorio, Judas Maccabaeus (Handel)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Courier (18 October 1845), 2
THE introduction of Judas Maccabseus to the acquaintance of the musical amateurs of Hobart Town, furnishes another pleasing proof of the characteristic spirit and zeal of this excellent society. Their sixth public performance, on Tuesday evening, consisted entirely of selections from this fine Oratorio . . . Madame Gautrot, who came forward but once, fell short, we thought, of her accustomed excellence. We regretted that she did not attempt the splendid though difficult air, "From mighty kings." Of the instrumental performers, the veteran leader, Mons. Gautrot, fully sustained the character he has won . . .
"MULTUM IN PARVO", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 November 1845), 2
Monsieur Gautrot, who has been latterly residing in Hobart Town, is about to return to France.
16 December 1845 (earlier advertised for 19 November and 9 December) 1845, the Gautrots' farewell concert
[Advertisement], The Courier (8 November 1845), 1
"MONS. GAUTROT'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (28 November 1845), 3
We perceive that Mons. Gautrot, the veteran violinist of the colony, has advertised a concert to take place at the Music Hall on this 9th of December next. May we hope that he will be rewarded with the patronage he so well deserves? Sickness, with other calamities, has fallen hardly upon our old friend; and the public have it in their hands to make him some compensation - we hope a liberal one - for so solid and talented a servant. The programme, we may add, is good and first-rate music, being selected from the compositions of the best masters; and as to the performance, that also will be first-rate; for Mons. Gautrot, in addition to his own band, has acquired assistance from the splendid military band of the 51st K.O.L.I. We need not add another word - Mons. Gautrot must have a bumper concert!
"CONCERT", The Courier (6 December 1845), 3
Mons. & Madame Gautrot's farewell concert has been postponed to the 16th instant, owing to the illness of Mons. Gautrot.
"GAUTROT'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Courier (13 December 1845), 2
By the generous permission of the committee, the veteran violinist's farewell concert will take place at the Mechanics' Institute, on Tuesday evening next. The protracted illness of Mons. Gautrot has occasioned previous postponements, but we are authorised to say that the entertainment will now positively come off on the above-mentioned evening. The talents, ill health, age and poverty of the luckless musician, render him an object of interest to every generous and reflecting mind; and we trust that the kind patronage of the public will yield our musical Belisarius some relief from the weight of want and weakness that now press down the old man's head.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (16 December 1845), 2
MONSIEUR & MADAME GAUTROT have the honour to announce that their
FAREWELL BENEFIT CONCERT will take place at the Mechanics' Institute, by the kind permission of the Committee,
THIS EVENING, December the 16th, 1845, under very distinguished patronage.
1. Overture - Rossini.
2. Song from Somnambula - Bellini - Madame Gautrot.
3. - Grand Solo - Violin, introducing subjects, by Spontini - Gautrot - Recit la priere, with three variations upon ono string, two strings, and four strings.
4. Grand Aria - (Violin Obligato) - Meradante - Mad. Gautrot.
5. Grand Septuare - Gautrot.-Three Violins, Viola, Violoncello. Flute, and Contra Basse.
6. English Ballad - Madame Gautrot.
7. Song- The White Squall - Barker - By an Amateur.
8. Glee - By Distinguished Amateurs.
9. Overture - Rossini.
10. Aria - Nel Cor Piu - Pale - Mad. Gautrot.
11. Glee.
12. Song - Tambourgi, Tambourgi - Nathan - Amateur.
13. Ballad - Kathleen ma Vourneen - Crouch - Madame Gautrot.
14. Chorus - Auber.
15. Finale - God save the Queen !!!
Mrs. Curtis will preside at the Piano.
Leader - Mr. Gautrot.
*.* The Orchestra will be complete in every department, and, by the kind permission of Col.
Elliott, the excellent Band of the 51st K.O.L I. will attend.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had of Monsieur Gautrot, at his residence, Argyle-street;
of Mr. Tegg, Elizabeth-street; of Mr. Haynes, Pastrycook; of Miss Hedger, corner of Murray-street, and at the Courier Office;
also at the Offices of the Advertiser and Trumpeter.
Doors will be open at half-past seven, to commence at eight precisely.
December 16, 1845.
"MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT", The Courier (20 December 1845), 2
The result of the Concert on Tuesday evening could not but be gratifying to our old favourites. The numerous and fashionable audience appeared determined to be pleased; and the general quality of the performances was such as to justify their approbation and enable them to award it with a consciousness that it was deserved. True it is, the glee was not very successful; and, in the septett, an accident, which the infirmities of the aged leader prevented him from remedying in time, threw some of the followers of the chase off the scent, and prevented them, even after clearing a number of the bars, from being in at the death. Only one or two out of the seven gained that proud distinction. It was, however, seen at once that such a result was neither owing to want of attention nor of skill, but was purely accidental. Ample proof was given, during the evening, that, however the ravages of disease might have unfitted the nether extremities of the veteran musician for the performance of their proper functions, his arm was not unnerved nor his soul bereft of fire. The selection was judicious. The instrumental department, with the powerful aid of the band of the 51st, was full and effective; and the general character of the whole was well sustained by the solo voices. We have seldom heard Madame Gautrot to more advantage or with greater pleasure. We must confess we were apprehensive for her trial of "Kathleen Mavourneen." We feared that her want of familiarity with the dialect and the consequent difficulty of expression would be too much opposed to her ordinary style and too far removed from her habitual routine, to afford even a chance of success. Her execution of it, however, notwithstanding these obstacles, was characterized by a tenderness and feeling of which, while fully admitting her qualifications, we did not think her susceptible. Mr. Allen gave the "White Squall" and Lord Byron's fine song "Tambourgi," both of which received their due share of applause. The piano accompaniments of Mrs. Curtis were, as usual, marked by excellent taste and judgment. On the whole, we trust the expectations of the valitudinarian musician were, in every respect, fully realised. The manner in which he was conveyed into the Hall, and the infirmity which his appearance betrayed, seemed to awaken the sympathy of every heart for one so manifestly bending under the wintry storms of more than three score years and ten.
"MULTUM IN PARVO (From late Australasian papers)", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1846), 2
M. Gautrot, who is well known in the colony is about to proceed to his native land, he is at present in Hobart Town.
20 January 1846, Hobart Town Choral Society
"CHORAL SOCIETY", Colonial Times (23 January 1846), 3
This admirable institution held its seventh oratorio on Tuesday evening last, at the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute in Melville street . . . The attendance was numerous and of the first respectability, including a majority of ladies. Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Elliott, who presided at the piano, and Messrs. McGregor and Allen, exerted themselves with much effect, and the choruses were well performed.
"ORATORIO", The Observer (27 January 1846), 3
. . . Madame Gautrot's foreign enunciation rather heightened the interest in her singing. Her "Rejoice greatly, oh daughter of Sion" was a masterly performance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John McGregor (vocalist)
5 February 1846, Hobart Town Choral Society
"CONCERT", Colonial Times (6 February 1846), 3
A miscellaneous concert, "in aid of the funds of the Choral Society," was given last evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute; but, owing to the shortness of the notice, the hall was not so crowded as we should have liked to have seen it; nevertheless, there was a very genteel audience, the fair sex sweetly predominating. In the orchestra were the "old familiar faces," both vocal and instrumental. Monsieur Gautrot - considerably recovered from his late severe indisposition - presided, and played with great spirit and effect . . . Amongst the vocalists, we recognised Messrs. McGregor, Allen, and Madame Gautrot; and Mr. Edwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Edwards (vocalist)
11 and 17 February 1846, grands soiree musicales, Launceston
"LOCAL", The Cornwall Chronicle (11 February 1846), 111
We direct attention to the Grand Musical Soiree to be given by Madame-Gautrot, this Evening, at the OLYMPIC THEATRE. We need only refer to the delicate hint of Madame Gautrot's being compelled to appeal to the generous feeling of the ladies and gentlemen of Launceston for their kind support to enlist public sympathy on the occasion. Independently of these, grounds of recommendation, we understand that great exertions will be made to afford a rich treat to the lover of the "art divine." Monsieur Gautrot has for some time-past been laboring under severe indisposition, and the sympathies of the Hobart Town public, have been kindly evinced in his favor. We trust the inhabitants of Launceston will exhibit, their wonted benevolence and patronage, towards this really scientific and benevolent object. His brother "Masons," will, doubtless, feel a pleasure in sanctioning the attempt by the presence of themselves and families. The shortness of the notice is to be regretted, but it would be a pity for that circumstance to militate against the success of the entertainment.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (11 February 1846), 2
Madame GAUTROT has the honour to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Launceston and its vicinity, that her first
MUSICAL SOIREE will take place at the VICTORIA THEATRE, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 11th February,
on which occasion, by the kind permission of Lieut.-Colonel Cumberland, the excellent BAND of the 96th regiment-will attend,
and perform some of their most favourite selections.
Madame Gautrot, in soliciting the sup port of the generous public of Launceston,
is assured she need only state she is compelled to appeal to them for their support;
The programme will appear on Tuesday.
Tickets - Boxes 4s., pit 2s. 6d; to be had at this office, at Mr. Dowling's, at the Chronicle office, Cornwall Hotel, Mr. Duchene's, and the Theatre.
Feb. 7.
"LOCAL", The Cornwall Chronicle (14 February 1846), 122
On Tuesday afternoon, the third Horticultural Show will take place, at the Gardens, in Tamar-street, the Band of the 96th to be in attendance. And on the evening of the same day, Madame Gautrot's Musical Soiree will be given it the Olympic, the Band will also assist on that occasion . . .
"MADAME GAUTROT'S CONCERT", The Cornwall Chronicle (18 February 1846), 132
Thanks to Madame Gautrot (not forgetting her patrons, the Brethren of St. John's Lodge) for an agreeable musical treat last evening, at the Olympic Theatre. There was a better attendance than on the former occasion; the boxes shewed a good sprinkling of the elite of the town - but in the pit, we are sorry to say, there was room for a few more. The audience evinced general satisfaction, and seemed to have much spirit and good humour to the close of the performance. The public would patronize such entertainments if given periodically, and conducted with the order and respectability that has characterized these Soirees. We have considerable musical talent in Launceston, which, if encouraged, would conduce to the pleasure and gratification of the inhabitants. Besides the military band, whose services merit much praise, we have pleasure to advert to the professional talents of Messrs. Anderson and Rolfe, both residents, and known as skilful pianists. These rendered able assistance last evening, and their perseverance and success as musical men, are known to many ladies and gentlemen of the neighbourhood. Mr. Howson, senior, performed several pieces on the violin, accompanied by Mr. Rolfe on the piano forte. Of these performances we cannot speak too highly, and next to Madame's enchanting vocalism, Mr. Howson's exertions were highly applauded. Those who have had the opportunity of witnessing Paganini's extraordinary feats on one string, must have been reminded of them while listening to this performance. Madame Gautrot evinced her taste in securing his services on this occasion, and so well pleased was the audience, that we venture to promise him a hearty welcome by the good people of Launceston, whenever his services are again called into request. Madame Gautrot's singing was admirable. Her "My fondest, my fairest," and one or two other airs were given with pathos and judgment; her voice is clear and strong, and she manages it so judiciously, that she would be a credit to a much larger theatre than any we have in these colonies. But the most admired effort of the evening, was her "Rendez moi Ma Patrie" [from] Pre aux Clercs (by Harold [Herold]) every line of which told with thrilling effect, and indicated a just conception of the spirit of the composer. Upon the whole, the encouragement afforded to Madame Gautrot's second concert was such as to justify the hope that that talented lady will have many opportunities of favouring her admirers with an exhibition of her abilities - and if she does so, she will no doubt meet with increased patronage and support. We cannot close this notice with out again adverting to the splendid performances of the military band, whose high state of discipline, and fine execution of the several pieces, are very favorable to the talents and able superintendence of the Band-master, Mr. Bishop.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (pianist); Francis Howson senior (violin); Thomas Rolfe (pianist); Edward Bishop (master of the 96th band); Band of the 96th Regiment
11 March 1846, raffle for Gautrot's fiddle
"MONS.GAUTROT", Colonial Times (6 March 1846), 3
Deeply indeed do we regret to have to announce that our veteran and un-equalled violinist, Mons. Gautrot, has been compelled to part with his old violin, a Cremona too, by a raffle, at 10s., for thirty members. This raffle will take place at Mezger's Hotel either on Tuesday or Wednesday next, and sure we are that we have only to mention this circumstance to insure Mons. Gautrot a large number of subscribers over and above the stated number. Mons. Gautrot has for a long time been afflicted with serious indisposition, and has lost the use of his hands by a paralytic affection. We need not say any more: this aged foreigner is indeed deserving of our aid and commisseration.
"MONS. GAUTROT", Colonial Times (10 March 1846), 3
The raffle for Mons. Gautrot's choice violin takes place To-morrow Evening at Mr. Mezger's, and not this evening, as stated in our last.
"GAUTROT'S FIDDLE", The Courier (14 March 1846), 2
On Wednesday evening last a raffle came off at Mr. Mezger's, for Monsieur Gautrot's violin. We understand that it is a real Cremona, and it was won by Mr. Singer.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Macdonald Singer (violinist)
19 May 1846, Hobart Town Choral Society
"THE ORATORIO", The Courier (23 May 1846), 3
We are compelled to restrict our notice of the excellent performance of the Choral Society, on Tuesday evening, to little more than the expression of general commendation. If a crowded audience and every manifestation of satisfaction and delight may be presumed to afford satisfactory evidence of public appreciation, there is enough to encourage and stimulate the Society in their laudable efforts and to increased exertion. The choruses were well sustained, and the solos were executed with taste and skill, by Madame Gautrot, Mr. M'Gregor, Mr. Allen, and Mr. Belbin. The latter, who made his public debut on this occasion, will, with the confidence that longer practice will impart, become a valuable acquisition to the Society. The duet. "O Lovely Peace," was very sweetly sung by Mrs. Elliott, and Master Allen; and, in the accompaniment to the "Tantum ergo," the soft tones of Mr. Marshall's flute came in with admirable effect. The "Te Deum" was well performed by the full orchestra, and with evident advantage from a more intimate acquaintance. This piece, we must observe, is from an unpublished MS., by Paisiello, presented to the Society by the Bishop of Tasmania. We can only add that this Society deserves all the support of which it receives so liberal a share, and claims the grateful acknowledgments of every lover of sacred harmony, and, more especially, of every admirer of the lofty strains of Handel. Its progress and success reflect the highest credit on the judgment which directs it, and on the public taste which appreciates its labours and its merits.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Belbin (vocalist)
5 June 1846, the Gautrots departed Hobart Town
Sydney, NSW (VIC) (11 June 1846 to February 1847)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1846), 2
June 11 - Joseph Sames, barque, 774 tons, Captain Thompson, from Hobart Town, the 5th instant. Pasengers - Captain and Mrs. O'Connell and child, Captain Newenham, Lieutenant M'Coy, Assistant Surgeon White, and one hundred and twenty runk and file of the 65th regiment, nineteen women, and twenty, seven children. Captain Elliott of the 43rd Native lnfantry, Mr. and Mrs. Gautrot, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Miss Wright, Miss Wilson.
29 July (from 15 July) 1846, Gautrots' "farewell" concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1846), 1
GRAND CONCERT. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF SIR MAURICE O'CONNELL, K.C.B. MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT, about to proceed to Calcutta, beg respectfully to announce their intention of giving a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Entertainment, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday, the 15th instant. On this occasion will be engaged all the available musical talent in the colony, amongst which will be Solos performed by Mesdames Bushelle, Gautrot, Clancy, and Carandini; Messieurs W. Wallace, Gautrot, F. Ellard, Jun., F. and J. Howson, Worgan, Turner, Carandini, and an Amateur. The programme, with full particulars, will be published in a few days.
"Theatricals and Music", The Spectator (25 July 1846), 319
We perceive that Monsieur and Madame Gautrot intend to give a Grand Concert, at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday evening next, on which occasion Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Carandini, and several amateurs give their valuable assistance. The orchestral arrangements are also efficiently appointed, Mr. S. W. Wallace, the Messrs. Deane, Mr. Emanuel, and other favorite instrumental performers being included in the programme. The selections have been carefully made, and we hope that a full attendance will give these amiable foreigners, who are entitled to our sympathies, a substantial mark of the kindness of their Sydney patrons.
"Local Intelligence", The Spectator (25 July 1846), 321
We had forgotten, in calling attention in our inner sheet, to Mons. Gautrot's Concert for Wednesday next, to state that his Excellency the Governor intends to honor the concert with his presence.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1846), 3
A concert for the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Gautrot takes place this evening, and when we state that the object of these highly respectable artists is to obtain sufficient funds to enable them to return to their native country, and that they are very badly off, we are sure we have done more towards securing them a numerous attendance than the most glowing anticipations of the performance would effect. Mrs. Gautrot is said to have much improved in her singing since she was last in Sydney, and Mr. Gautrot is well known as a most accomplished violinist.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1846), 1
MONS. AND MDME. GAUTROT have the honour to inform their friends and the residents of Sydney, that their
FAREWELL CONCERT will take pace THIS DAY, the 29th instant, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
on which occasion they hope to be favoured with the same kind and liberal patronage they have hitherto experienced in New South Wales.
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot will be assisted, on the above occasion, by all the available musical talent in Sydney,
and by the gentlemen of the Sydney Harmonic Society,
who have kindly volunteered their valuable services.
Principal Vocal Performers - Madame Bushelle, Madame Carandini, Madame Gautrot, and Gentlemen Amateurs.
Principal Violins - Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Tenors - Messrs. Deane and Friedlander.
Violoncello - Mr. E. Deane. Double Bass - Mr. W. Deane.
Second Violin - Mr. Gearing. With numerous other performers, comprising a
Mr. A. Emanuel will preside at the Pianoforte.
Leader - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
Conductor - Monsieur Gautrot.
Overture. - "L'Irato," Mehul - Orchestra.
1. Grand Chorus. - "Long live the Queen," from "Catherine Grey," Balfe - Amateurs.
2. Aria - "Una Voce poco fa," Rossini - Mdme. Gautrot.
3. Bandit's Song, Russell - Amateur.
4. The Celebrated Scena from "Freischutz," "Softly sighs the voice of evening," Weber - Mdme. Bushelle.
5. Solo. Violin. Dedicated to his friend Mr. S. W. Wallace, by Gautrot - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
6. Aria and Variations - "Nel cor piu," arranged by Gautrot - Mdme. Gautrot.
7. Ballad. - "Love on," Blockley - Mdme. Carandini.
8. Grand Duet. - "Deh! pensa che domani," Orchestral Accompaniments, Rossini - Mdmes. Bushelle and Gautrot.
Overture. - "Fra Diavolo," Auber - Orchestra.
1. Glee and Chorus, "Chough and Crow," Bishop - Amateurs.
2. Ballad. - "Souvenirs de la Patrie," translated, for the occasion into English - Herold - Mdme. Gautrot.
3. Song - "I'm afloat," J. W. White - Mr. J. Turner.
4. Song. - "Jephtha's Daughter," (by desire) - I. Nathan - Mdme. Bushelle.
5. Solo. Violin - "Mayseder's celebrated Air in E, dedicated to Paganini", Mayseder - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
6. Aria. - From "Maria di Rudenz," - Mdme. Carandini.
7. French Duet. From "La Dame Blanche," Boieldieu - Mdmes. Bushelle and Gautrot.
8. Grand Finale - "La trompette au Guerrier," and "Rule Britannia." - Mdme. Gautrot and the whole Company.
To be had of Mr. Colman, George-street;
Mr. Ford, George-street; Mr. Aldis, Tobacco Merchant; Mr. Spatke, Royal Hotel;
Mr. Morgan, Chemist, Pitt-street; Mr. Clancy, King-street; and of Monsieur Protois, 282, Pitt-street.
"Music", The Spectator (1 August 1846), 333
The Farewell Concert of Mon. and Mdme. Gautrot took place on Wednesday last in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, and although it had been stated that, on the proceeds of the evening these amiable foreigners were anxiously relying as the means of defraying the expenses of their passage to their native land, a very poor attendance painfully disappointed their expectations. The large meeting of the Benevolent Society, at the School room, on the same evening was one cause of the thinness of the audience; and Wednesday being the day fixed for the inspection of the 99th regiment, his Excellency Sir Maurice O'Connell was doubtlessly too much fatigued to honor the concert with his presence. That these combined causes have acted most injuriously to Mons. and Mdme. Gautrot, we need scarcely point out to our readers. We hope, therefore, that some other attempt may be made by their well-wishers to secure for them the desirable means of returning homewards.
We are also, sorry to state that a very unkind set was made against Mdme. Gautrot, by a knot of young men, who seemed to claim recognition as violent partisans of another songstress, whose acknowledged merits surely do not require so unfair a mode of asserting them. In Herold's ballad "Souvenirs de la Patrie," Mdme. Gautrot particularly felt this party attack. Before the symphony was over every kind of annoyance was offered her, and although sport to the rival clique, it was obviously most distressing to her.
However, the friendly exertions of Mrs. Bushelle and her brother Mr. S. W. Wallace, compensated for the various drawbacks of the evening. In Weber's Scena "Softly sighs the Voice of Evening," and Nathan's fine song "Jeptha's Daughter," Mrs. Bushelle displayed her usual powers, and received the enthusiastic applause of all. Mr. S. W. Wallace (in Mayseder's celebrated Air in E) seemed resolved to surpass all former efforts. Perhaps the presence of Mon. Ravac in the saloon was an additional excitement to him; at all events, he appears determined to admit no rival near his throne, and Mon. Ravac must strain every nerve if he aims at supplanting him. Madame Carandini was in good voice and was warmly applauded in her two songs. As we have hinted above, she does not need the assistance of friendly claqueurs, and we are sorry that the mistaken zeal of the parties in question should have led them to make so ungracious a display.
The Messrs. Deane, Friedlander, Guerin, and other instrumentalists lent their efficient aid, and the overtures to "L'Irato" and "Fra Diavolo" were performed with admirable effect.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Gerome Carandini (vocalist); James Guerin (instrumentalist); William Friedlander (instrumentalist); Timothy Gearing (violinist); Leopold Rawack (violinist, in the audience); Band of the 99th Regiment; Australian Harmonic Club (Sydney Harmonic Society)
2 September 1846, S. W. Wallace's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 September 1856), 1
UPON which occasion Mr. Wallace will be assisted by his sister Mrs. Bushelle,
Madame Gautrot, Messrs. J. and F. Howson, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Deane, Messrs. J. E. and W. Deane,
Walton, Guerin, Friedlander, &c., &c., &c., also by the kind permission of Colonel Despard,
Mr. Wallace will have the services of the much admired
Band of H.M. 99th Regiment,
On this evening the sides of the Pit will be painted with fanciful designs, and the seats newly covered expressly for the occasion;
the entrance made through the circle, and the stage will be brought forward several feet,
so as to give due effect to the Vocal and Instrumental performances.
A choice selection of the most admired pieces from the
"OPERA OF MARITANA," Will be performed.
Leader - Mr. Wallace
Pianist - Mr. Imberg
Overture - "Der Freyschütz" - Weber - Orchestra and Military Band
1. Duet - "Gustavus, my Noble Muster" - Auber - Messrs. J. and F. Howson.
2. The celebrated Aria - "Vien diletto il ciel la luna," - from "I Puritani" - Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle
4. Song - "the Maniac" - Russell - Mr. F. Howson
4. Fantasia - Flute - Nicholson - Mr. Wallace
5. Aria, and Variations - "La Biondina" - Paer - Madame Gautrot
6. Song - "Yes! let me like a soldier fall," from Maritana, W. V. Wallace - Mr. J. Howson
7. Song - "Jeptha's Daughter," I. Nathan - Mrs. Bushelle
8. Solo - Violoncello. - Mr. E. Deane
Overture, " Zampa" - Orchestra
1. Grand Duet, "Of fairy wand had I the power" from Maritana, W. V. Wallace - Mrs. Bushelle and Mr. F. Howson
2. Aria - "Fra poco" - Mr. J. Howson.
3. Solo - Violin, De Deriot - Mr. Wallace
4. Grand Scena - "Somme Cielo" - Mrs. Bushells and Violin Obligato, Pacini - Mrs. Bushelle and Mr. Wallace
5. Ballad - "In happy moments" from Maritana, W. V. Wallace - Mr. F. Howson
6. The celebrated Polacca - from "I Puritani," Bellini - Madame Gautrot
7. Ballad - "There is a flower that bloometh," from Maritana, W. V. Wallace - Mr. J. Howson
8. Ballad - "Black eyed Susan" - Mrs. Bushelle
Grand Finale - "Rule Britannia."
Dress Circle, 5s.; Upper Boxes, 4s.; Pit, 4s.; and Gallery, 2s.
Tickets may be obtained at the Box Office of the Victoria Theatre;
Mr. Colman, Mr. Ford, Mr. Ellard, Mr. Grocott, Mr. Aldis,
and Mr. Scott, George-street; Mr. Moffitt, and Mr. Morgan, Pitt-street; Mr. Davies,
Australian Hotel, Lower George-street; Mr. P. J. Cohen, Saracen's Head, King-street West;
and Mr. Wallace, at his residence, No. 228, Castlereagh-street, near Market-street.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1846), 2
On Wednesday evening, Mr. Wallace gave a concert, previously announced in this paper, at the Royal Victoria Theatre. His Excellency Sir Charles Fitz Roy and Lady Mary Fitz Roy had announced their intention of honouring Mr. Wallace with their patronage; and this circumstance, with the highly attractive and judicious programme prepared by Mr. Wallace, contributed, with the excellence of the performers, to ensure a numerous and most respectable attendance . . . Madame Gautrot in "La Biordini," [sic] and the polacca from "I Puritani" was exceedingly effective. In the conception and execution of Italian music, this lady, as a professed vocalist, has no equal in New South Wales . . .
"WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Australian (5 September 1846), 3
. . . Madame Gautrot sang in perfect tune, and with good execution and taste . . .
"Music", The Spectator (5 September 1846), 391
. . . Madame Gautrot sang with better effect than we remember to have heard her, the powers of her voice and its peculiar quality render it unsuitable to a low room like that of the Royal Hotel, where it is, as it were, thrown back upon her, and destroyed by reverberation. In the theatre, where it finds room to develop itself, it is highly effective. She gave the well-known Venetian air, Biondina in Gondoletta, with the highly ornamented and difficult variations upon it by Paer in brilliant style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Imberg (pianist)
28 October 1846, Maria Hinckesman's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1846), 1
Performers: Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. F. Howson, Mr. Worgan, several Amateurs, who have
kindly volunteered their services, and Mr. Wallace who will play De Beriot's first Concerto for the Violin.
By the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield, the splendid Band of H.M. 11th Regiment will perform several military pieces,
and much admired Railway Gallop.
Mr. Walton will preside at the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Humphrey Walton (pianist); Band of the 11th Regiment
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1846), 1
GAUTROT begs to acquaint his friends and the public, that he purposes to give, in a few days, at the City Theatre,
a Theatrical Representation, consisting of French and English pieces, and miscellaneous entertainments of Singing and Dancing.
M. Gautrot will be assisted on this occasion by all the available talent in Sydney,
and he therefore persuades himself that he will be enabled to present his friends and supporters with something worthy their acceptance.
Particulars will be given in a subsequent advertisement.
21 December 1846, Gautrots' benefit, Royal City Theatre, Sydney
"WEEKLY SUMMARY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (12 December 1846), 2
Monsieur Gautrot, whose misfortunes are well known to the public, takes a benefit at the City Theatre, on the 21st instant, when we hope to see a crowded house.
"M. GAUTROT", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1846), 2
hose very respectable performers, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, take a benefit at the City Theatre, this evening. We have reason to believe that the play-going public can never bestow their patronage more worthily, or where it is more needed, than on this occasion.
"SYDNEY", The Courier [Hobart Town, TAS] (20 January 1847), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot were to take a benefit at the City Theatre (Sydney) on the 21 December. We could not glean how their benefit was attended.
Southern tour and Goulburn, NSW (February 1847 to October 1848)
'CAMPBELLTOWN. FEBRUARY 3", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 February 1847), 2
. . . The district is in a healthy state, and for the last twenty years never presented to the observer a more luxuriant appearance. The hay crops have been abundant, and the flourishing corn promises ample reward to the tiller of the soil. The neighbourhood of Campbelltown would now repay the metropolitan the expense of a visit, its undulating scenery and peaceful environs are paradisical, there is scarcely a straggling furze or solitary thicket but wears a rural nosegay. Rain commenced again last evening, and to-day there has been very heavy showers. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot have arrived, and intend giving a concert in a few days; and it is to be hoped that such rare talent as they can display will be duly appreciated, and rewarded by an approving and discriminating public.
"UNCLAIMED LETTERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1847), 2
. . . Monsieur Gautrot, Camden . . .
5 May 1847, Gautrots' concert, Berrima, NSW
"BERRIMA . . . CONCERT. MAY 6", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 May 1847), 3
Last evening, for the first time, the good people of this town enjoyed a treat which we fear will not occur again for many a long day. Madame and Mons. Gautrot had a concert at the Queen Victoria Inn, which was very respectably attended. The pieces chosen for the occasion were excellent, and the execution of them reflects great credit on Madame Gautrot, who by the bye had all the labour, Mons. Gautrot only assisting occasionally with a violin accompaniment. Madame Gautrot's execution of that beautiful Cavatina in Rossini's Opera of Barbier de Seville - Una Voce poco fa - excited general admiration. Aubert's comic song, Povera Signora, was also well executed. Great disappointment was felt at Mons. Gautrot not displaying his talents as an artists on the violin. On enquiry, we find he had not his own instrument with him, and the one he had was not adapted for such performance. They leave this [place] to-morrow, for Goulburn, where they purpose residing. We trust they will meet with every success.
"GOULBURN. [14th May] . . . CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 May 1847), 3
This town has been visited by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, and we perceive they intend to hold a Concert on Monday evening, at the Royal Hotel, when those who have a taste for music will no doubt avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing them.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1847), 1
MONSIEUR AND MAD. GAUTROT have the honour to inform the inhabitants of Goulburn and its vicinity that they
will give a Concert and Ball on Monday, the 23rd proximo, at Mr. Mandleson's Saloon, Goulburn Hotel.
Single tickets, 12s. 6d. each, double tickets, 21s.; for the admission of three, 30s.
Children under twelve years of age, half price.
For further particulars see future advertisement.
Goulburn, July 24.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 August 1847), 1
GOULBURN. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN. A GENTLEMAN who has received an English College Education, has opened the above establishment, Terms, 35 Guineas per annum. The usual routine of the first English Schools, with Greek, Latin, and French. Music by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot. Hebrew three times per week by a competent teacher. No extra. August 6.
"NEWS FROM THE INTERIOR (From our Correspondents) GOULBURN. COURT OF REQOUESTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 June 1848), 3
Yesterday, June 6, the Small Debts Court held its sittings: there were present Captains Rossi and Hovell, John Edge and Charles Lockyer, Esqs. Fifty cases put down for hearing and one continued from last sittings were either settled out of Court or adjudicated upon. The number of plaints may appear large, but many of them were of long standing, and probably brought to issue from the general stagnation and scarcity of money. The only case of interest which was brought before the Court was that of Gautrot against Layard; the former person is well known in the colony as a French musical artist of eminence and respectability: he sought to recover £9 17s. as a balance for services rendered at defendant's seminary, in conjunction with Madame Gautrot in teaching music and dancing two days a week, two hours each day. As he spoke the English language very indifferently, Captain Rossi, who at the time of this case being called on retired from the bench, stood forward with a benevolence that did him infinite honour, and was sworn in as his interpreter; he also acted as amicus curiae. According to plaintiffs evidence it was agreed that he and Madame Gautrot should receive 30s. per quarter each, to the number of four pupils, and 10s. per quarter for each pupil above that number. It appeared, however, by an agreement written in English, and which Gautrot had signed, but which he did not understand, - in which document the word each after the 30s. is not written, which made that sum alone payment for the whole four pupils, or at the rate of 7s. 6d. per quarter for each pupil - about 1 3/4d. per lesson. At the time the agreement was formed, M. Gautrot, I before he signed it, signified his wish for having a friend who could explain to him the nature of the document; but as Mr. Layard expressed to him that it was not necessary, he signed it. A servant of Mr. Layard's witnessed the signatures of the contracting parties. According to M. Gautot's statement he only received £5 13s. Mr. Layard produced a book in which some accounts were kept, which showed that that amount had been received as being in full of all demands. The words "in full of all demands," as well as an entry of £3 was the subject of consideration by the bench, the former being in a line with Gautrot's name, whereas it is in ordinary cases above it, and the latter appeared to be a subsequent entry. The writing of the words "in full of all demands" was the subject of remark. Mr. Layard explained that on account of the dulness of the pen he wrote them with the back of it, and called a witness to prove the signature of Gautrot; but he could not tell exactly what was the true nature of the document under signature, nor could he say that the plaintiff understood the nature of it. M. Gautrot swore most solemnly he had not received more than £5 13s., and the defendant most tenaciously vowed that he had received about £14. After some little consideration the bench gave a verdict for the defendant. In reference to the above, we, in justice to Mr. Layard, say that he admitted that the sum he proposed to give M. Gautrot was small, but it was done with a view of assisting him, and considering the amount he received from his pupils, it was as much as he could afford.
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. GAUTROT VERSUS LAYARD. To the Editors . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1848), 3
GENTLEMEN, - In the Herald of the 10th instant, your Goulburn correspondent has thought proper to select one solitary case out of fifty-one disposed of at the last sitting of the Court of Requests for this district, which he facetiously terms interesting, to entertain your readers with; and this he has taken pains to report with as much circumstantiality and attention to minute details, as if the most important results depended on its issue.
His object in elaborating this lengthy and circumstantial statement, or rather misstatement, I cannot understand, unless it be for the unworthy purpose of impugning the motives of the bench of magistrates, for awarding a judgment fully borne out by evidence and fact, in favour of myself, against an impudent and unjust claim trumped up by M. Gautrot, and supported "with a benevolence which did him infinite credit," (says your correspondent) by Captain Rossi, who, with great delicacy and consistency, considering he had listened to ex parte statements out of Court, retired from the bench, and volunteered his services as interpreter amicus curiae for his countryman, whose interest he appeared to identify himself with in a remarkable manner, and whose case he conducted with tact and zeal deserving of a better cause. Your veracious correspondent states, in concluding his report, that in admitting the smallness of the sum paid M. Gautrot I stated that considering the amount I received from my pupils, it was as much as I could afford. Now this, gentlemen, I beg distinctly to deny.
Had I made such a confession, it would have been in direct contradiction of a well-known fact, namely, that my terms are the highest charged in this district; and I have, hitherto, been fortunate in receiving my quarterly payments with the utmost regularity. I should not have condescended to notice either your correspondent or his communication, had not the disposition of prejudicing the public against me, and of creating a spurious sympathy in favour of M. Gautrot, manifested itself throughout the whole report.
I remain, Gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
Goulburn Academy, June 13.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Albermarle Layard (defendant); Francis Nicholas Rossi (magistrate)
NOTE: On Rossi see also, Neville Arthur Potter, Francis Nicholas Rossi: the ambivalent position of a French nobleman in 19th century New South Wales (Ph.D thesis, Australian National University, 2017) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (29 July 1848), 3
MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. MRS. HUFF begs to return her sincere thanks to the Ladies of Goulburn and its vicinity, for the very liberal patronage she has received since her arrival here; and to intimate that she has removed from her late residence in Clifford-street, to the house formerly occupied by Monsieur Gautrot, next door to the Golden Boot, Auburn-street, where she solicits a continuance of the favors she has hitherto enjoyed. Goulburn, July 26, 1848.
7 August 1848, Gautrots' benefit, Royal Albert Theatre, Goulburn, NSW
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (5 August 1848), 3
Royal Albert Theatre
At Mr. O' Brien's, Harp Inn, Auburn-st.
FOR THE BENEFIT OF Monsieur and Madame Gautrot,
ON MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1848, will, be performed, for the first time in this town a Farce in two acts, entitled
Song, Dreams of Childhood, Mr. Tell.
Hornpipe, Mr. Winkle.
Song, Farewell to the Mountain, Mr. Tell.
To conclude with two acts from the Tragedy of
"God save the Queen" by the whole strength of the Company.
Doors open at 7. - The Performance commence at half past 7.
Tickets 2s. each - Children half price. * Tickets to be had of Mr. O'Brien, Harp Inn.
8 August 1848, Gautrots' concert, Yass, NSW
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (12 August 1848), 3
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot HAVE the honor to inform the inhabitants of
YASS, and its environs, that they intend giving a
FRIDAY the 8th instant.
Monsieur Gautrot begs to apprise the ladies and gentlemen of that vicinity,
that he will be ready to tune piano-fortes on his arrival there.
Those parties who may wish to communicate with him, will please to do so by an early opportunity, as his time will be limited.
Please address to the care of Mr. M. Moses, Yass Inn, Yass.
Goulburn, 12th Aug., 1848.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1848), 2
M. and Madame Gautrot, to whom the public of Sydney have often been indebted for musical treats of the highest order, have, after an absence of some years, returned to Sydney, and we believe purpose giving some concerts.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (21 October 1848), 2
Monsieur Gautrot and fair Madame are starring it in Sydney, after an absence of some years.
Sydney, NSW (October 1848 to May 1855)
1 November 1848, Gautrots' concert
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 November 1848), 2
Those pleasing artists Mons. and Madame Gautrot, give a Concert at the Royal Hotel this evening. As a violinist, M. Gautrot is a very superior musician, and Madame Gautrot's talents as a vocalist are well known. They are be assisted by nearly all the available talent in Sydney, and the Band of the 11th will also render their valuable assistance, so that there is no doubt there will be a gratifying evening's performance. We believe we are justified in saying that the circumstances of Monsieur Gautrot render a numerous attendance of more than ordinary importance to him, and we shall therefore be glad to report that his concert has been well supported.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 November 1848), 1
MONSIEUR and MADAME GAUTROT beg most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney and its vicinity,
that they purpose giving a
assisted by all the available musical talent in Sydney; and on which occasion, by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield,
MR. GIBBS, Leader,
Part I.
Overture - Composed by Mr. STEER, Bandmaster of H.M. 11th Regiment.
Cavatina - "Peace and Joy" (as sung by Madame Grisi) - Madame Gautrot.
Ballad - "In this Old Chair my Father sat" (Maid of Honour) - Mr. J. Howson.
Scena - From Verdi's Opera, "The Two Foscari" - Madame Carandini.
Scena - "The Land" (Orchestral accompaniments) - (Neukomm) - Mr. F. Howson.
Scena - (Violin Obligato, Monsieur Gautrot) "La Schiava in Bagdat" - Madame Gautrot.
Duet - "Thou hast called" (Loder) - Mrs. Guerin and Mr. J. Howson.
Part II.
Overture - "La Sirene" - (Auber) - By the Band of H.M. 11th Regt.
Ballad - "The Bride's Farewell to her Mother" (composed by Mr. J. Howson) - Madame Carandini.
Fantasia - Violin (composed by Monsieur Gautrot) - Monsieur Gautrot.
Scena - "She comes in all her loveliness" (Matilda of Hungary) (Wallace) - Mr. F. Howson.
Ballad - "We may be Happy yet" - (Balfe) - Madame Gautrot.
Scena - Gazza Ladra - (Rossini)- Mr. J. Howson.
Aria - "Barber of Seville." (By particular desire)- Madame Gautrot.
Comic Duet - "Anticipation of Switzerland" (Parry) - Madame Carandini and Mr. F. Howson.
Aria and Variations - (composed by Monsieur Gautrot) - Madame Gautrot.
Tickets (Five Shillings each) to be had of Mr. Sparkes, Royal Hotel; Mr. Grocott, George street;
Mr. Kern, Hunter-street; Mr. Aldis, George-street.
"SYDNEY", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (10 November 1848), 2
Two thousand shares are already subscribed for towards the formation of a Railway Company.
- Great additions and improvements have been made in the Australian Museum.
- Monsieur and Madame Gautrot gave a concert at the Royal Hotel; it was very well attended . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1849), 3
CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET, MISS HINCKESMANN begs most respectfully to inform her friends and the public generally, that her FAREWELL CONCERT (Prior to her leaving this colony by the Waterloo for England,) Will take place at the above Theatre, ON FRIDAY NEXT, FEBRUARY 9, On which occasion the following Vocal and Instrumental Performers have most kindly promised their gratuitous assistance: MADAME GAUTROT, (Who will be accompanied by Mons. Gautrot) Mr. Smith, Mr. J. Smith. Several Amateurs. MR. JOHN DETTMER, From London, (MASSA SAMBO) Who will sing (for the first time in this colony) some of the most popular Ethiopian Melodies (in character), and accompany himself on the "Banjo" an instrument unknown in this country. An Amateur has also kindly promised to play a Solo on the Accordion. A Professional gentleman - a selection of Scotch and Irish airs on the Union Pipes (by particular desire). AND Miss Hinckesmann will perform (for the first time these five years) a Solo on the Pianoforte. The Orchestra will comprise the following professional gentlemen: - Monsieur Gautrot, Messrs. Gibbs, Deane, sen., J. Deane, and Deane, jun., Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Ducro, Hudson, &c.; and will be complete in every department, reinforced and assisted by the principal members of the splendid Band of Her Majesty's 11th Regiment - by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and the Officers. Tickets to the boxes, 3s. each ; to the pit, 2s.; to be had of Miss Hinckemann, 90, Phillip-street; Mr. Doyle, York-street; and at the principal music and booksellers; and at Mr. Smith's, printer; and Mr. Robinson, next door to the Theatre, of whom private boxes can be procured - £1 1s., -or of Miss H.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Dettmer (black-face vocalist); John Henry Ducros; George Hudson (instrumentalist)
No. 171.- Portrait of Monsieur Gautrot. Rodius. - Property of Mr. Rodius. - A free, light, loose sketch, full of artistical talent, and a very striking likeness.
"ARTISTICAL CRITICISM", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (9 June 1849), 3
. . . No. 171. Portrait of Mons. Gautrot - Rodius. - "A loose sketch." For shame, Rodius!
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Rodius
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (22 December 1849), 3
. . . The orchestral department is appreciated by the bow of the able Monsieur Gautrot, whose chaste and correct style of playing is well known in the musical world. Thursday night's opera, The Bohemian Girl, ascended the scale in an audience every way characteristic of harmonic support . . . The orchestral department felt the sudden bereavement of one of its most talented musicians, the late Mr. Deane, who, as a loss to the profession cannot be more lamented even by his family and large circle of friends.
NOTE: John Philip Deane had died on 18 December
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Gautrot for 1850s:
For all TROVE items tagged Madame Gautrot for 1850s:
25 January 1850, promenade concert, Edward Smith Deane
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1850), 1
PROMENADE CONCERT. MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public, that the next Promenade Concert will take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on Friday Evening next, the 25th instant. On this occasion, Mr. Deane will be assisted by the St. Patrick's Band, also by Madame Gautrot, and several talented Amateurs, who have kindly volunteered their services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith Deane (cellist); St. Patrick's Band
6 May 1850, benefit, Frank Howson
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (4 May 1850), 14
Royal Victoria Theatre.
A new GRAND OVERTURE, by a Double Orchestra, composed expressly for this occasion, by Monsieur Gautrot . . .
25 July, 2 and 28 August, promenade concerts, Sigmont and Emanuel
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1850), 1
and grand performance on the Patent Harmonium will take toke place at the Royal Hotel,
THIS DAY, THURSDAY. the 25th instant. PROGRAMME. PART 1 . . .
2. Italian Air, Opera, Tancredi - Rossini - Madame Gautrot . . .
6. Cavatina - Italian - Rossini - Madame Gautrot . . .
PART II . . .
5. Grand Scena Francais - Herold, violin obligato - Mad. and Mons. Gautrot . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1850), 1
MESSRS. EMANUEL AND SIGMONT'S second Musical Entertainment and grand performance of the Patent Harmonium will take place at the Royal Hotel,
2. Italian Air. Opera, Tancredi - Rossini - Madame Gautrot . . .
G. Cavatina, Italian - Rossini - Madame Gautrot . . .
PART II . . .
5. Grand Scena, Francais - Herold, violin obligatd - Mad. and Mons. Gautrot . . .
"THE PATENT HARMONIUM", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (3 August 1850), 2
Messrs. Sigmont and Emanuel's concert last evening was selectly and fashionably attended, when the full powers of this extraordinary instrument were for the second time displayed to the delight of those assembled. The exquisite touch of Mr. Sigmont, the no less thrilling contralto of Madame Gautrot, and the duetts of the two professors, elicited the warmest applause. The musical community will not regret availing themselves of the next opportunity afforded them of participating in such another treat as that of which we so gratefully partook at the Royal, last night. The concert will be repeated on an early day, of which due notification will be given.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1850), 1
THIS EVENING, third and positively the last performance on Two Patent Harmoniums.
2. Cavatina - Sommo Cielo; Madame Gautrot - Rossini . . .
1. Duetto - Giorno Dorrore; Signor Nicolo and Madame Gautrot - Rossini . . .
. . .
6. La Muniere - a celebrated French Romance - Madame Gautrot . . .
"PROMENADE CONCERT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (31 August 1850), 4
Messrs. Sigmont and Emanuel gave another concert on Wednesday evening which was well and fashionably attended. Several very pretty airs were played upon the Patent Harmonium, which gave great satisfaction, and we should strongly recommend all admirers of music, who have not heard this powerful and beautiful instrument, to attend their next concert. Madame Gautrot also sang several Italian songs with great taste and ability. We would suggest to Messrs Sigmont and Emanuel, as they intend to continue a series of these concerts, to introduce some of the old English ballads, which we are satisfied would be more acceptable to the great majority of people here, and more profitable to these deserving gentlemen.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Abercrombie Sigmont; Abraham Emanuel; Signor Nicolo
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1850), 3
MADAME CARANDINI'S second Subscription Concert, THIS EVENING, November 6th, 1850 . . .
. . . Violin Duet - Mr. Gibbs and Mons. Gautrot . . .
14 April 1851, Royal Victoria Theatre
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 April 1851), 2
THIS EVENING, APRTL 14TH, The evenings entertainments will commence with THE SlEGE OF RHODES; OR, THE KNIGHTS OF ST. JOHN. Comic Song, Mr. Rogers. Pas Suel, Madame Torning. Song, "The Newfoundland Dog," Mr. F. Howson. Scotch Pas de Deux, Misses Griffiths. Solo, Violin, Monsieur Gautrot. Song, "The White Squall," Mr. J. Howson. New Pas Seul (à la Sylphide), Miss Hart. Song, "Cynthia Sue," Mr. Hydes. Genuine Irish Song, "Black Turf," Mr. Belfield. The whole to conclude with JENNY LIND AT LAST; OR, THE SWEDISH NIGHTINGALE.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (vocalist); Francis Belfield (vocalist)
30 January 1852, concert, the Gautrots
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 January 1852), 1
School of Arts, THIS EVENING, Friday, January 30.
Under distinguished patronage.
BY the kind permission of Mr. Wyatt, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot beg to
inform their friends and the public generally that they propose giving a grand Concert on
the above evening, when they will be assisted by the gratuitous services of Madame Sara Flower,
Mrs. Guerin, Madame Carandini, Mr. Stanley, Mr. F. Howson, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. Bayly,
Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Ducros, and the Orchestra of the Victoria Theatre.
By the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield,, the excellent Band of H.M. 11th Regiment will be in attendance.
1. Overture - "Waverly," Berloiz, Military Band
2. Glee - "Ye spotted Snakes," Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Guerin, and Messrs. F. and J. Howson
3. Aria - "Ah no, la Rosa e mia," Coppola, Madame Guatrot
4. Aria - "Ah ! Leonora," Pacini, Mr. F. Howson
5. Song - "The deep, deep Sea," Horn, Madame Sara Flower
6. Ballad - "The old Clock," Russell, Mr. J. Howson
7. Ballad - "Art thou in tears," Mrs. Guerin
8. Solo-Flute, Mr. Bayly
9. Ballad - Madame Carandini
10. Solo, violin, by a young amateur, 13 years of age, pupil of Monsieur Guatrot
11. Duet - "Rash youth beware," Bishop, Messrs. F. and J. Howson
1. Overture-"La Sirène," Auber, Military Band
2. Duet - "The ties of Friendship," Madame Carandini and Madame Sara Flower
3. Ballad - "The Veteran's Return," Mr. F. Howson
4. Duet, Violin and Piano, Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Stanley
5. Duet -"Ebben per mia," La Gazza Ladra, Madame S. Flower and Madame Gautrot
6. Aria, Venetian, Madame Gautrot
7. Solo, Flutina, Mr. Ducros
8. Comic Song - "Those odious Diggings," (composed by Mr. Moore, and to be had at Marsh's and Moore's Music Repository, George-street), Mr. J. Howson
9. Scena - "Der Freischütz," Mrs. Guerin
10. Comic Duet - "Anticipations of Switzerland," Parry, Madame Carandini and Mr. F. Howson
11. Railway Gallop, Gung'l, Military Band
Leader, Mr. J. Gibbs; Pianist, Mr. Stanley.
Tickets 2s. 6d. each; to be had at all the principal Booksellers and Stationers,
and at the Musical Repository; also at the School of Arts, Pitt-street.
Doors open at half-past 7, concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
"MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT'S CONCERT", Empire (3 February 1852), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot's Concert at the School of Arts, on Friday evening was attended by a very numerous and distingue audience. The leading vocalists of the city, Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Guerin, Madame Carandini, Madame Gautrot, and the Messrs. Howson, were among the corps musical. The instrumental performers, in addition to the Band of the 11th Regiment, numbered Mr. Baly, the distinguished flautist, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Stanley, and Mr. Ducros.
The entertainments opened with Berlioz's overture, "Waverly," by the military band. It was followed by the glee "Ye spotted snakes," spiritedly rendered by Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Guerin, and Messrs. F. and J. Howson. Madame Gautrot's aria, "Ah no la rosa e mia," and a Venetian aria, were full of exquisite execution, of feeling rare for its tenderness, and in the latter particularly, of a rich and judiciously disposed fioratura. Madame Gautrot, on this occasion proved herself still to possess all the high musical powers, and the excellent taste and judgment in the management of them, that charmed us at her debut in the Australian metropolis years ago. Her voice is a soprano of delightful fraicheur and flexibility. She sung, "Ebben per mia" from La Gazza Ladra, with Madame Sara Flower; both performers acquitting themselves with a grace and excellence which was deservedly applauded. A solo on the violin by a pupil of Monsieur Gautrot, a boy of thirteen years of age pleased us very much. In the second part, the overture of "La Sirene," was very effectively given by the military band. The strains themselves are inexpressibly sweet, conjuring before the imagination rock-bound homes of ocean elves by moonlight, and "lakes with island haunts of sprites besprent," all sweet phantasies that people the bowers of oriental romance, and furnished charmed suggestions for dear Felix Mendelssohn's "Midsummer Night's Dream." A duet on the violin and piano-forte, by Messrs. Gibbs and Stanley, surpassed anything we have heard for years in purity, precision, and fine manipulation. Mr. Baly's solo on the flute, introducing some charming variations, was characterised by very high artistic finish and was enthusiastically encored. "Anticipations of Switzerland," a comic duet of John Parry's, was sung by Madame Carandini and Mr. Frank Howson with a spirit and breadth of humour that drew down universal plaudits.
The concert, we are pleased to say, gave the most general satisfaction, and we have little doubt that had a larger locale been selected, the audience would have been one of the most numerous we have for a long period seen at any soiree musical.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (formerly Stirling) (vocalist); Edward Baly (flute)
14 June 1852, Royal Victoria Theatre
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Empire (14 June 1852), 2
THIS EVENING (Monday), June 14, 1852, will be produced the Play of PIZARRO; or, THE SPANIARDS IN PERU. Peruvians: Ataliba, Mr. Belfield; Orozombo, Mr. Griffiths; Blind Man, Mr. Rogers; Orano, Mr. Hollis; Rolla, Mr. Nesbitt; Boy, Miss A. Hart; High Priestess, Madame Sara Flower; Cora, Miss Hart; Virgins of the Sun, Mrs. Gibbs, Madame Carandini, Mrs. Hart, Madame Gautrot, the Misses F. Griffiths, Collins, and Hart. Spaniards: - Pizarro, Mr. Spencer; Alonzo, Mr. Willis; Elvira, Mrs. Guerin. Pas de Deux, Miss F. Griffiths and Signor Carandini. To conclude with the laughable Farce of THE LOAN OF A WIFE.
21 September 1852, Gautrot's ball and concert, Rainbow Hotel, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 September 1852), 1
BALL AND CONCERT! - Mons. GAUTROT begs to announce to his friends and the public, that he intends giving a Ball and Concert, including refreshments, at Mr. J. W. ROCHE'S, Rainbow Hotel, corner of Pitt and King streets, This Evening, September 21. Single Tickets, 5s.; double ditto. 8s., to be had of Mr. ROCHE; or of Mons. GAUTROT, at his residence, 274, Castlereagh-street.
14 June 1853, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1853), 3
Last evening, an audience crowded to the ceiling welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Stark, whose success throughout the States of the Union, has been frequently adverted to in the columns of this journal, Shakspere's tragedy of Hamlet was the play selected for the debut of our visitors, and most ably was it rendered, even in its minutest details. Mr. Stark is an actor of no ordinary pretensions, but we regret to say that certain obstacles were opposed to him last evening, to which he ought not, on any account, to have been subject. In the first place, the orchestra, (with the exception of Messrs. Gibbs, Gautrot, and Guerin) was attacked with a chorus of yells and groans, in consequence of a most unjustifiable strike on the part of the band on the previous evening; and in the next place, some very disgraceful scenes which occurred in the boxes, wherein it is an unpleasant duty to state parties who ought to have known better took prominent parts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Stark (American actor, d. 1875)
14 December 1854, concert, Madame Gautrot, with Flora Harris and Frederick Strebinger
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 December 1853), 1
MADAME GAUTROT'S GRAND Evening Concert, at the Royal Hotel, has been postponed till Wednesday, the 14th December, 1853, in consequence of Mrs. Gautrot's indisposition . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 December 1853), 7
MADAME GAUTROT'S GRAND EVENING CONCERT, at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday Evening, December 14.
Under Distinguished Patronage. - Madame Gautrot begs to inform her friends and the public generally that she purposes giving a
Grand Concert on the above evening, when she will be assisted by the services of Miss Flora
Harris, Madame De Store, Mons. Strebinger, Mr. Lonchamp, Mr. John Howson, and Mr. Natty, the celebrated violoncelliste, recently
arrived from the continent, who will make his first appearance.
PART I.- Aria, the Lovely Harp, Miss Flora Harris; Aria, Caliph of Bagdad (with solo violin obligato), Madame Gautrot and Mons. Strebinger;
Solo - flute - (introduction and new variations to the Swiss Boy, by T. Boehm), Mr. Lonchamp; Aria, Madoline (by desire), Mr. John Howson;
Solo - violin - Concert de Beriot, Mons. Strebinger; New Ballad, Madame Gautrot; Solo - violoncello, Mr. Nattey;
Duet, La Gazza Ladra, Miss Flora Harris and Madame Gautrot.
PART II. - Solo - harp - Partant pour la Syria (composed by the Queen of Holland, mother of Louis Napoleon, variations by Bochsa), Madame De Store;
Aria, Barber of Seville (by particular desire), Madame Gautrot; Aria, Oh! charming May, Miss Flora Harris;
Fantasia - flute - on the French opera "L'Ambassadrice," by Tulou, Mons. Lonchamp;
French air, Madame Gautrot; Duet, What are the wild Waves saying? Miss Flora Harris and Mr. J. Howson;
Solo - violin Introduction and variations, by Vieuxtemps, Mons. Strebinger; Aria, Death of Nelson, Mr. John Howson.
Pianiste, Mr. ---
Reserved seats, 5s,; stalls, 3s. Tickets to be obtained at Mr. Marsh's Music Saloon;
Mr. Moffitt, Stationer, Pitt-street; Mr. Lonchamp, Pitt-street; Mr. Mader, George-street; Mr. Kern, Hunter-street;
Mr. Johnson, Pitt-street; and at the Royal Hotel. Performance to commence at eight o'clock.
"PUBLIC CONCERTS", Illustrated Sydney News (17 December 1853), 3
We had the pleasure of attending the concert given by Madame Gautrot on Wednesday evening. The attendance, we regret to say, was not very large. It is evident that this lady understands music thoroughly, and has the remains of a good voice. Miss Flora Harris sung very tastefully, and Monsieur Strebinger executed his solos on the violin with wonderful ease and brilliancy.
"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS IN SYDNEY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (17 December 1853), 3
. . . On Wednesday evening Madame Gautrot made her appearance at a Concert given by her at the Royal Hotel, and we are nappy to state met with a reception such as so old and deservedly a favorite merited. Her performance of "Una voce poco fa," assured us that both in natural powers and professional skill this lady must have once numbered high as a singer. Miss Flora Harris and Herr Strebinger were the two pillars of this concert: the admired Ballad of "Charming Mary" well merited the encore which it obtained . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Octave Natthey (cellist); Jean Francois Lonchamp (flute); Madame de Storr (harpist)
30 January 1854, death of Joseph Gautrot
"DEATHS", Empire (2 February 1854), 4
At his residence, Castlereagh-street, on the 30th January, Joseph Gautrot, Artiste Musicien, aged 71 years.
"DEATH OF A VETERAN MUSICIAN", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (8 February 1854), 4
In our weekly obituary will be found the name of Monsieur Joseph Gautrot, at the advanced age of 71 years. The deceased was one of the Emperor Napoleon's Imperial Guard, and was present at the fatal Moscow conquest and conflagration. Subsequently he became director of the principal theatre in Batavia, which post he filled for a period of about eight years. Mons. Gautrot had, during the last fourteen years, been engaged in the orchestra of the Royal Victoria Theatre, and his name is not unknown to the world, his proficiency on the violin having been frequently displayed and acknowledged by the public. The lamented gentleman leaves a wife to deplore his loss. Bell's Life, Feb. 4.
30 August 1854, oratorio, St. Benedict's Church, Parramatta Road, Sydney
[Advertisement], Empire (29 August 1854), 1
PROGRAMME OF THE GRAND ORATORIO, to take place in ST. BENEDICT'S CHURCH, on WEDNESDAY Evening, August 30, 1854 . . .
PART SECOND . . . "Laudate pueri Dominum" - Soprano Solo, by Madame Gautrot - Mozart . . .
"THE ORATORIO. - ST. BENEDICT'S CHURCH", Freeman's Journal (2 September 1854), 10
Our country readers will be gratified to learn that the grand Oratorio given in St. Benedict's Church, on Wednesday, the 30th ult., came off with decided success . . . The "Artistes" who won the greatest applause, and of whose success fame still speaketh were Mesdames Flower and Gautrot, Madamoiselle Flora Harris, the Messrs. Howson, and Mr. P. Curtis, (an amateur.) Much praise has been awarded, and most deservedly, to the conductor (the Rev. H. A. Curtis) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Curtis (vocalist); John Henry Curtis (conductor)
26 September 1854, concert, Madame Gautrot, St. Patrick's Hall, Church Hill
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 September 1854), 8
THE WIDOW of the late Monsieur GAUTROT, announces to her friends and the public, that she will give a GRAND CONCERT, in St. Patrick's Hall, on TUESDAY EVENING, September 26th. Doors open at half-past 7. Concert to commence at 8 precisely. Reserved seats, 3s.; back seats, 2s. Tickets to be had at Mr. DOLMAN, Bookseller, Park-street, and at Mr. JOHNSON'S, Music Warehouse, Pitt-street, and at St. Patrick's Hall.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Dolman (bookseller, d. 1902); W. J. Johnson (musicseller)
3 May 1855, Edward Boulanger's concert, last documented appearance of Madame Gautrot
"MR. EDWARD BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1855), 5
This evening this gentleman gives a grand concert, at the new concert-hall, at the Royal Hotel. He will be assisted by the Nelson Family, Mrs. St. John Adcock, Miss Flora Harris, Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Banks, and Mr. Hamilton. Mr. William Stanley will preside at the pianoforte . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1855), 1
PART I . . . 6. Aria - Venetian melody with variations - Mme. Gautrot . . . Paer.
PART II . . . 2. Scena- "Rien no peut changer mon ame" Mdme. Gautrot . . . Rossini.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist); Sidney Nelson and family; Marianne Adcock (vocalist); Eliza Banks (vocalist); Frederick Hamilton (Dicker) (vocalist)
? "Binnenland. 's GRAVENHAGE den 24 augustus", Rotterdamsche courant (27 August 1855), 2
Gedurende het tooneel-jaar 1855-56 zal het personeel van den Kon. Franschen schouwburg in deze residentie aldus zamengesteld zijn. Grand opéra, opéracomique et traductions . . . Vaudeville et comédie accessoires . . . Mmes. Adolphine Gautrot, jeune première, forte ingénuité; Vigny, coquettes et róles annexés . . .
After 1855
"A GRAND OLD MUSICIAN", The Brisbane Courier (16 March 1926), 11
Closely connected with the Eisteddfod movement at the present time is Mr. James Walker, in his 90th year. Mr. Walker still returns most of his faculties to a remarkable degree, and takes a great interest in everything connected with music in Maryborough. He himself was a grand old musician of other days, being considered a flautist of the first degree. He was born in South Ireland and came to Sydney when 4 years of age, with his parents. At the age of 7 he had learned the flute under the great French master, M. Longchamp, and later he studied under another equally famous Frenchman, the violinist M. Guthrow. The latter had been Napoleon's first violinist. Mr. Walker played in opera in Sydney, and took a prominent place in his accompaniments under Mr. Vincent Wallace, the composer of "Maritana." He also played his flute in "The Barber of Seville," "Il Trovatore," and "William Tell." Mr. Walker came to Gayndah about 1860, and to Maryborough in 1877. Since then he has been in great demand both in orchestral work and as a soloist. Necessarily, advancing years have taken him off the list of active musicians. He is still engaged in his saddlery business in Adelaide-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Walker; the Wallace was, probably, correctly Spencer Wellington Wallace
Josephian hymn (Hobart Town, 1844)
The only musical work by Joseph Gautrot known to survive is this Josephian hymn. A setting of words in honour of St. Joseph by parish priest of St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town, John Joseph Therry, it was composed, premiered, and published in 1844.
At least one copy of the original print does, or did once, exist, for photocopies of it (and more photocopies of those) survive. Unfortunately, while several photocopies are listed in the national bibliographic record, the whereabouts of the original print copy is (or was) unknown.
With the kind permission of the archivist of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan OSB in Glebe (who has the care of two photocopies), I attach a virtual copy here.

Josephian hymn (on prayer and divine love), words by the Rev'd J. J. Therry, music arranged by Mons'r Gautrot and respectfully inscribed to the most Reverend Count Polding, archbishop of Sydney and metropolitan of Australia, festival of St. Joseph (Hobart Town: T. Bluett, Litho., 1844) (ONSITE DOWNLOAD PDF)
See all TROVE items taggged Josephian hymn (Therry-Gautrot): (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
A virtual performance
Josephian Hymn (arranged by Mons. Gautrot), part 1 only (synthesised by Australharmony 2016)

Published edition of the words:

John Joseph Therry, c. 1860 (engraving, by H. L. Ladd, made in the USA, from locally supplied original)

"JOSEPHIAN HYMN, ON PRAYER AND DIVINE LOVE. For the 19th March. FIRST PART . . . SECOND PART . . .", in John Joseph Therry, Hymns, for children, &c, &c. (Melbourne: W. Clarke, 1846), 6-7 (DIGITISED)

Modern edition (words and music):
Edited by Richard Divall; 27 September 2014; Australian Music Series, MDA027 (Clayton: Monash University) (FREELY DOWNLOADABLE PDF)
Bibliography and resources
Diaz Arenas 1839
"BATAVIA", in Rafael Díaz Arenas, Viaje curioso é instructivo de Manila á Cádiz por China, Batavia, el Brazil (Cádiz: D. D. Féros, 1839), 137-38 (DIGITISED)
. . . Se representaba aquella noche La Dama blanca, ópera en dos actos, música de Boaldieu, y el Baudeville, Batel ó el nieto de un grande hombre. Al presentarse en la escena M. me Gautrot, se oyó un silvido, se retiró ella y se paró la representacion; el público empezó á gritar fuera el que ha silvado; por último se presentó segunda vez, y la colmaron de aplausos: supe entónces que habia dos partidos, uno á favor de ella y otro por Mme. Alexandre, cuyo marido fué quien me recordó en la posada que habia ópera; y entónces conocí que lo que él deseaba era que fuesen mu-[138]-chos espectadores para oir gritar á lasenemiga lírica de su esposa.
Conocí en otra representacion que esta era mas cómica, y tenía cierto despejo y gracejo, con que compensaba la ventaja que en la música le llevaba Mme. Goutrot [sic] . . .
NOTE: This was almost certainly during the company's seasons of La dame blanche in October-November 1836, or July 1837
"THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (16 November 1836), 4
"THÉATRE-FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (1 July 1837), 4
OPERA: La dame blanche (Boieldieu)
VAUDEVILLE: Vatel; ou, Le petit fils d'un grand-homme (Scribe)
"Garryowen" 1883
The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1852: historical, anecdotal and personal by "Garryowen" (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1883), 121-22, 487, 488 (DIGITISED)
[121] . . . The Rev. Mr. Grylls departed for England in the beginning of 1840, and efforts were made to procure funds to haste with the church, and some of those pious subterfuges - means supposed to be justified by the end - were resorted to, in the extraction of cash from pockets not always assailable by a more direct mode. Amongst these, was a concert, for which the patronage of the Superintendent was solicited, which Mr. Latrobe withheld from conscientious motives - for which he was not easily forgiven, especially when [122] some time after he patronised a similar entertainment, the first regular professional concert given in Melbourne, by a Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, new arrivals from Sydney . . .
Contemporaneous with the white settlement, there were musical amateurs in Melbourne,
and at times they assisted at what were little more than tap-room entertainments, generally consisting of a wild chorus of songs,
fiddling, and flute playing, aided by a hoarse, spasmodic piano.
The advent of the Gautrots (popularly pronounced Go-trot) was hailed with satisfaction,
for Monsieur and Madame were not devoid of artistic ability,
though from some cause or other they never attained that degree of success which they deserved.
In 1841, efforts were made to found some kind of a hospital.
The amateur portion of the community had been strengthened by some two or three attorneys of musical proclivities,
and it was suggested to organize a concert in aid of the Hospital Fund.
Gautrot gave his gratuitous assistance, and the following announcement, the first of the kind issued in the colony, was circulated: -
(For benevolent purposes) to be held on
Stewards - William Meek, Esq., George Cavenagh, Esq., Jno. Roach, Esq. Leader - Monsieur Gautrot.
Overture. - "Il Nozzi di Figaro" - Mozart.
Song. - "The Blighted Flower " - Balfe.
Glee. - "The Wreath" - Mazzinghi.
Quartette. - "Introduzione" - Sola.
Song. - Air from the "Siege of Corinth" (Madame Gautrot) - Rossini.
Solo - Violin. - "Air variee " (Monsieur Gautrot) - Kreutzer.
Glee. - "Life's a Bumper" - Webb.
Song. - "All is lost now" ("Sonnambula") - Bellini.
Septette. - "Air Russe" (with variations for all the instruments, composed and dedicated to the Melbourne Amateur Society by Monsieur Gautrot) - Gautrot.
Quadrilles. - (Full Orchestra) - Muzard.
Song. - "The Outlaw " (with full accompaniments) - Loder.
Glee. - "The Chough and Crow" - Bishop.
Duet - Piano and Violin. - "Mose en Egito" - Hertz and Lafont.
Song. - "Black Eyed Susan" (Madame Gautrot) - Dibdin.
Quartette. - "Mi Vedrai" Bellini.
Duet. - "Semiramide" - Rossini.
Glee. - "Hail Smiling Morn" - Spofforth.
Finale. - "God Save the Queen" - Verse and Chorus - Phillips.
Single tickets of admission, 15s. each; Family single ticket, 12s. 6d.;
to be had of either of the Stewards, or at Messrs. and Holmes' Stationery Warehouse, Collins Street. Tickets not transferable.
Doors open at Half-past Seven, and the Concert to commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Towards the termination of 1840, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot arrived from Sydney,
and took up their residence in a brick cottage in Little Collins Street,
whereon the Bank of Australasia commenced business in 1838 (now Henty's stores).
They gave a concert on the 17th December in the large room of the Adelphi Hotel, Little Flinders Street, and it was pronounced a success.
Mr. Superintendent Latrobe and his wife were present, and a gushing scribe ecstatically wrote of it,
"That the music, both instrumental [489] and vocal, was really enchanting,
and the beauty and fashion of the period were so largely represented that it seemed a perfect Paradise."
On the 18th of the same month Mr. Nathan, a musical composer of some celebrity from Sydney [sic],
gave a grand vocal concert at the same place . . .
Wolpowitz 1993
Lily Wolpowitz, "The development of the musical life of Cape Town up to the middle of the 19th century", Quarterly bulletin of the South African Library 48/1 (1993), 24
. . . performances by the violinist Gautrot . . . all of whom gave concerts in the Exchange during the 1830s . . .
Denis 2018
Dominique Denis, "Deuxième Cirque Olympique des frères Franconi", Cirques et Chapiteaux, De M à Q, Tout sur le Cirque; posted 22 July 2018 (ONLINE)
Le deuxième Cirque Olympique rue du Faubourg du Temple - l'ancien établissement des Franconi - ouvrit ses portes le 8 février 1817. Au programme: Un vaudeville intitulé Le boulevard du Temple de Cuvier et Brazier. Il y eut ensuite la reprise de La femme magnanime, en mars Le rénégat, La mascaradomanie, Macbeth, Le pic terrible. En mai, ce fut Barbe bleue, en juin Caïn, en juillet Est-ce une fille, est-ce un garçon, en août L'enfant du Malheur, et La fête du Béarnais.
Puis, en septembre, Atala et Chactas, en octobre, reprise de Robert le diable, et en novembre, Deux heures de caserne et Roland furieux.
La troupe était constituée de la famille Franconi: Laurent, Henri, Adolphe, Elisa, Caroline, Laurence et Emilie. Le ballet était dirigé par M. Jacquinet et l'orchestre était sous la baguette de M. Gautrot avec comme assistant François Sergent. La cavalerie comptait 25 chevaux . . .
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