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William Joseph Cavendish

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "William Joseph Cavendish", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025


Musician, dancing-master, composer, arranger

Born Kilkenny, Ireland, 1789; baptised 27 May 1789
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1833 (per Sovereign from Mauritius, 12 December 1832)
Died Sydney Harbour, 26 January 1839 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

CAVENDISH, Mary (alias of ? Mrs. Mary CECIL, "sister"/partner of CAVENDISH)

Musician, teacher of music

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1833 (per Sovereign from Mauritius, 12 December 1832)
Died Sydney Harbour, NSW, 26 January 1839

Cavendish's family in England:

CASTELL, Peter (CASTELLI; d. May 1805), father

CASTELL, Sophia (JONES; Mrs. CASTELLI; CASTELLE) (d. March 1806), mother

JONES, William (d. 1811), maternal grandfather


CASTELL, Susannah Elizabeth (? PORTAL; Mrs. Maximillian HUMBLE; Mrs. W. J. CASTELL) (b. c.1774; d. 28 June 1849), wife

CASTELL, William Jones (b. 18 April 1812; d. 20 March 1888), son

CASTELL, Alfred (b. February 1814), son

CASTELL, Emily (b. August 1815; d. 28 May 1849), daughter

CASTELL, Susan (b. April 1820), daughter


HUMBLE, Augustine (b. 30 November 1796; d. 1 September 1841), stepson


Cavendish, whose original surname was Castell, was born in Ireland to English parents. He began his not very distinguished professional career in England as a string player in theatre orchestras, church organist, occasional published composer, and music teacher. While a husband and father of four children, he pursued irregular, possibly sexual relationships with several female pupils, first in England, and later in France, after callously abandoning his family to fend for themselves in London.

Very few details of his life would ever have been considered worthy of historical attention, were it not that he himself ended his life in Australia in 1839, and that a large cache of his personal correspondence and accounts survive to this day among the papers collected from his intestate estate by the NSW Supreme Court, and now held in the State Archives of NSW. These papers were the source of the first short biography of "Devenish" - so called - by Roger Therry in his Reminiscences of 1863, and Ann Beedell returned to deal with them more thoroughly, first in a complete edition of the large number of surviving letters from his wife Susannah in London to Cavendish in France, Mauritius, and Sydney, for her unpublished master's thesis in 1990. Redacted from this, Beedell's published study of 1992 presented a fascinating and scarifying reconstruction of what she characterised as Cavendish/Castell and his family's failed musical careers, the principal and rightful hero of which was his wife, Susannah Castell.

Beedell also gave a scathing account of Sydney and its musical life in the 1830s, that was as colourful, amusing, and engagingly racy as it was, ultimately, misleading. Much evidence suggests, contrarily, that Cavendish, for all his personal failings, was mostly successful, and well liked and respected in Sydney musical, social and business circles, and that the years he spent in Australia were perhaps some of the happiest and most productive of his life. A 2010 donation to the State Library of New South Wales of an 1833 manuscript contains, so far as is known the very earliest example of a settler colonist Australian musical composition to survive.

Cavendish and his "sister", herself a "teacher of music", drowned in Sydney Harbour during the 1839 Anniversary Regatta. Recollecting events 25 years later, Roger Therry claimed to have been passing by as their funeral party arrived at the old Sydney Burial Ground (where Sydney Town Hall now stands), and to have personally observed that "[w]ith the exception of the mutes and other hirelings in attendance, not a single person followed them to the grave". At the time, however, The Australian reported on a well-attended ceremony:

The funeral took place yesterday at four o'clock, and the bodies of the deceased were followed by a numerous train of friends to whom they were endeared by their friendly and correct demeanour. The musical profession has lost a friend and a warm supporter in Mr. Cavendish, who has always been foremost to render his services, gratuitously, to the advance and encouragement of the science. In private life he was greatly esteemed.

Cavendish was remembered, among other things, as "founder" of the Cecilian Society, whose name recalls not only the patron saint of music, but also his residence at Cecil House, itself perhaps named after his mysterious "sister", Mary Cecil. As a memorial, the society hung a portrait of him at its June 1839 meeting. Speculatively, Beedell reproduced a "portrait of an unknown man, Sydney, c.1835, possibly William Joseph Castell", from Cedric Flower's Duck and cabbage tree: a pictorial history of clothes in Australia, 1788-1914 (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1968).

Birth and family background

William Joseph Castell was born in Ireland, and baptised at St. Mary's Church, Kilkenny, on 27 May 1789. His mother, Sophia Jones, professionally known as Mrs. Castelli, was in Kilkenny as a principal actor-singer with a touring theatrical troupe led by William Joseph Smithson (father of Harriet Simpson, later the wife of Hector Berlioz). Having previously played at Wexford, the troupe opened in Kilkenny on 24 April with Sophia as Rosetta in Love in a village. After giving birth, she reappeared on stage with the company, on the evening of her new son's baptism, as Yarico in Inkle and Yarico. Castell's father, Peter Castelli, was also with the troupe, working as a box-keeper. (Beedell 1992, 8.)

Sophia appeared regularly on the Dublin stage during 1791-92, but had moved to London by 1793, where she was engaged at Covent Garden, and Peter also employed as a doorkeeper. Soon after, as Peter Castell, he took a commission in the 87th Regiment, as in 1794 was listed as cavalry quartermaster. (Beedell 1992, 36.)

Peter Castell died in May 1805, and Sophia Castell in March 1806, leaving William, not yet 18, and his younger brother Peter. Castell evidently began working professionally as a musician shortly afterwards, perhaps under the guidance of his maternal grandfather, William Jones, until the latter's death in 1811. Beedell reasonably suggests that he was the trumpeter William Jones, active in the orchestra at Drury Lane from 1787 to 1796. (Beedell 1992, 9, 73; BDAA7, 244.)

Marriage and early career

On 19 August 1810, at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, William Castell married Susannah Humble (born ? Portal, c. 1774; died 1849), fifteen years his senior, and widow of the musician Maximillian Humble (the younger). Augustine Humble (1796-1841), Susannah's son by her first marriage, was 13 at the time, and also destined to become a professional musician. By 1811 or shortly, William was playing in the orchestra at the Surrey Theatre, under the proprietorship of Robert Elliston (1774-1831), whose son W. G. Elliston later settled in Hobart. On 5 June 1814, Castell was accepted as a member of the Royal Society of Musicians, having declared that he had by then been practising music for seven years, that he was proficient on the Piano Forte, violin, tenore [viola], and double bass, and that he was currently employed in the orchestra and as chorus master at the Surrey, and also as deputy organist at the churches of St. Mary, Lambeth, and St. Catherine Cree, in the City. (Beedell 1992, 74, 79, 83, 128, 300.)

In July 1814, Elliston quit the Surrey Theatre, and Castell, along with the rest of the company, was probably forced to look for a new position. However, he was probably the "Castello" playing double-bass at the Theatre Royal ("Little Theatre"), Haymarket in 1815. In 1817, the Castells and their three young children moved to St. Albans, where William had been appointed organist of St. Peter's church. A fourth and final child was born there in 1820, by which time the marriage, and Castell's reputation as a private teacher, were under the severe strain, largely due to alleged intimacies with a female pupil.

On at least one occasion Castell violently beat his wife, and they separated for several months, but they remained at St. Albans until 1823. Back in London in December 1825, Castell competed unsuccessfully for the position of organist of St. Stephen Walbrook in the City. By early in 1826 he was almost certainly back playing at the Surrey Theatre, now renamed the New Surrey, and under the direction of Charles Dibdin the younger. Together with his musical director and composer, John Whitaker (c.1776-1847), Dibdin produced over 20 operas at the Surrey in the first half of that year, with a Mr. Erskine as leader of the band. (Beedell 1992, 137, 145-46; BDAA4, 3; Therry 1863, 114.)

Apart from information gleaned from playbills and reviews of theatrical performances at which he might have played, little evidence remains of Castell's London career. One important piece of evidence, however, is a single advertisement from The times of 10 June 1826, for a benefit concert for his eldest son. William Jones Castell (1812-1888) was then only 14, but was already apparently a talented enough performer to attract the support and assistance of some of London's leading professionals at his concert in suburban Kennington, among them Maria Caradori Allan, Nicholas Mori, Robert Lindley; the Cawse sisters (of whom Harriet later came to Australia), and Pio Cianchettini.

MASTER CASTELL has the honour to announce that his
CONCERT this season will take place in the Great Room at the
Horns Tavern, Kennington, on Friday, June 16, 1826.
Principal vocal performers - Madame Caradori Allan, Miss Love,
Miss Cawse, Miss H. Cawse, and Mrs. Bland (having recovered from her late sever indisposition, has obligingly consented to sing one of her most favourite ballads, accompanied by herself on the pianoforte);
Signor Curioni, Signor Pelligrini; Mr. C. Bland, and Mr. Phillips.
Leader of the Band: Mr. Mori; Violoncello: Mr. Lindley;
Harp: Mr. Chatterton, of the Royal Academy of Music;
Grand Pianoforte: Master Castell; and Conductor, Pio Cianchettini.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets half-a-guinea each, to be had of Master Castell, 19 Stangate-street, Lambeth, and all the musicshops.

A little over a fortnight later, William Castell senior disappeared. As the son of British army officer Charles Vaughan Waldron (d. Wollongong, 1834), who met him shortly thereafter in France, recollected in 1839:

In the year 1826 owing to some causes (family disagreement, I believe) he quitted London suddenly and secretly, it was his wish to have it believed that he had drowned in the Thames, his hat was picked up in the river & it is possible that his wife and children are under the impression that he has long since been no more.

France 1826-31

It was his wife's recollection that Castell disappeared on 3 July 1826. Susannah later estimated that the "frightful catalogue" of debt he left behind amounted to about 300 pounds. Besides small sums owed to a baker and tailor, and one large debt of 75 pounds to an otherwise unidentified person named Raper, most of his creditors were musical - 10 pounds owed to the conductor George Smart; 22 pounds to the piano makers John Broadwood and Sons; 10 pounds to Goulding, the music publisher; 11 pounds to someone called Howson, probably Francis Howson, perhaps for music tuition of the children; 5 pounds to Lavenu's, music-sellers (then run by Lavenu's widow, Eliza, mother of Lewis Henry Lavenu); and 26 pounds to the cellist Richard Hatton (b.1804), a much younger colleague. Susannah was fearful that the creditors - Hatton in particular - would institute bankruptcy proceedings, and that her family's household goods would be seized. (Beedell 1992, 154, 165-66.)

Castell finally wrote to Susannah in August 1827, but without indicating his whereabouts. Soon afterwards, however, she learned from Nicholas Mori (since 1826, Lewis Henry Lavenu's stepfather) that musical gossip had traced Castell to St. Servan, at St. Malo, in France, where he had set up as music teacher to the English residents. Shortly after that, Castell again wrote to Susannah himself, warning her that the family of one of his pupils, Ellen Jones, would likely try to contact her. And in October, she indeed received a furious letter from the father, Thomas Jones, informing her:

He is here now, presenting a very advantageous line, that of music master under the name of Cavendish - the son of a colonel - a man of great family, and connected with a lady, a descendent of Henry IV of France, whom he has been oblig'd to quit from her in furious temper. Under this guise he has partly ruined the happiness of my family by corrupting the mind of my daughter. If you have any wish to reclaim him you ought to come over as his Wife . . . he denies all acknowledgement of his being a married man.

A friend, a Miss Murray, arrived from nearby Jersey, to comfort the distraught Miss Jones, and, according to Cavendish (hitherto Castell), in one of his few letters to Susannah to survive, "spread my name from one end of the Island to the other". Having done so, Miss Murray was returning home to Jersey when she was drowned in the wreck of the sloop La Fanny on 1 January 1828. As Cavendish wrote to Susannah on 30 January:

. . . they were overtaken by a storm . . . and were wreck'd within half a mile of Jersey Pier, where the rocks are most terrific . . . The storm was the most tremendous I ever remember, it was impossible to walk against the wind in the streets, and the slates flew about like hail. Only 4 bodies have been found, which were so devoured by the crabs and conger eels, that they were only known by part of their dress remaining. One lady was recognized by a ring on her finger bone, for all the flesh had been eaten away. £40 has been offered for the body of Miss Murray, by her distracted father, but neither her nor her trunks have yet been discovered. The wretches here say that I was the cause of her death, for if Miss Jones had not been so miserable, she would not have come over to visit her. They might as well say that I was the cause of the Wind . . .

Somehow Cavendish persevered for three years more at St. Servan, apparently with enough cash to hand to make some small speculations in dubious mining ventures. In the meantime, Susannah estimated that he had sent only 10 pounds home to his family in London, four of which were to pay his subscription to the Royal Society of Musicians. Thanks to the intervention of her neighbour, John Mackintosh, a guardian of the society, his membership at least netted Susannah and her needy family a further £5 as a Christmas gratuity in 1826. Late in 1830, Cavendish wrote to tell Susannah that he was leaving Europe. He sailed from Le Harve on or about 19 March 1831, on the Indus, for Mauritius. With him was his "sister", "Mrs. M. Cecil", who, later, in Australia, was to be known as Miss Mary Cavendish. (Beedell 1992, 157-58, 161-64, 179, 186.)

Mauritius 1831-32

When the Indus docked in Port Louis on 15 July 1831 the return of passengers listed "Mr. Cavendish" as an "artist", 36 years of age (he was 42), and a prospective settler, with a recommendation from a "Captain Royer", evidently Charles Royer (1775-1854), a British naval officer and the Port Louis harbourmaster. Almost nothing can be gleaned of his time on the island from Susannah's letters. He had apparently written to her in December that he was barely able to make a living, presumably by either of his usual sources of income, performing or teaching; but he did ask her to make enquiries in London about the possibility of importing a seraphine, perhaps as a speculation or for a client. Beedell was unable to find any other evidence connecting him with the theatre orchestra or the town's French musical societies, and if he performed and taught at all it was probably within the small and, during his time there increasingly embattled, English enclave. Meanwhile, replying to his first letter from Port Louis, Susannah wrote on 16 May 1832 expressing her frustration that he was, apparently, continuing to deny his marital status, and at his likely reasons for doing so:

I understood from you when [you] left France that your intention was to make mention of your family when you landed in the Isle of France. Who now have you to be afraid of, and who is the existing cause of this scrupulous secrecy[?] Is there anything so dishonourable in being a married man, and the father of four children[?] Is it not a common occurrence for men to leave their family's to try to better their situation in life if so understood and I feel assured that you would not be less respected on that account . . .

(Beedell 1992, 218, 221, 238.)

Cavendish's two most significant documented incursions into the life of the island were made 2 months apart in late 1832, only shortly before his departure for Sydney. The first, in September, was entirely unmusical, but no less interesting for that. Under British governance since 1810, Mauritius was still largely an African slave colony, with a couple of thousand Europeans - mainly French - making up only 10 per cent of the total population. John Jeremie (1795-1841), a well-known abolitionist, arrived from London in June to be the London government's new advocate general, much to the consternation of the plantation owners. Violent protests broke out, and did not stop until the governor, Charles Colville, attempted to placate the French by sending Jeremie back to England. Perhaps merely because he had time on his hands, but possibly also in expectation of some form of remuneration or preferential treatment from within the English community, Cavendish took it upon himself to write a lengthy report on the recent unrest addressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies in London, Frederick John Robinson (lord Goderich). Signed "Cavendish de Castell" and dated 12 September 1832, his highly detailed, but by no means impartial account runs to over 20 manuscript pages, defending both Jeremie and Colville, while generally laying the blame for the disturbances on the French. (For a detailed summary of its contents, see Beedell 1992, 228-32.)

Cavendish's second documented foray into the island's public affairs occurred two months later. His father, Peter Castell's former regiment, the 87th, was stationed at Mauritius, and, together with its bandmaster, a Mr. Smith, Cavendish advertised a concert at the Salle de spectacle in November 1826. With ill-feeling toward the British military establishment already running hot, rumors were evidently circulating in advance that the concert was to be presented by and for "all the English, none but the English", which, as a letter in complaint to the editor of Le cernéen put it on 16 November, was nothing but a slight to French community:

I tell Mssrs. Smith and Cavendish that if they expect a full house on such terms they must persuade the officers of the Garrison, their "patrons", to march at the head of their soldiers into the salle de spectacle . . . "A beggarly return of empty boxes" unless military influence be employed. Be it so - let Mssrs. Smith & Co. entertain their gentleman masters . . . I compliment them sincerely upon the good feeling, good taste and promised enjoyment of their national Reunion. The inhabitants of Port Louis will know how to show their contempt, as well as their energy when occasions arise.

According to Beedell, the concert was a failure, and in the days following Cavendish wrote his own letter to the editor of Le cernéen, complaining bitterly of the earlier letter, and the public campaign waged against the enterprise:

Like the viper in the fable, he may gnaw the file until his lips are bloody, but he will get very little good by nibbling at me, who on occasions, can bite iron and steel.

This was not to be one of those occasions, however. Having persevered on the island for 17 musically undistinguished months, Cavendish and his "sister" Mary sailed from Port Louis on the Sovereign on 12 December 1832, bound for Sydney.

("To the Editor . . . [from] An Englishman", Le cernéen (16 November 1832), 1-2; "To the Editor . . . [from] W. J. Cavendish de Castel", Le cernéen (23 November 1832), 2-3; Beedell 1992, 239-42.)

Sydney, NSW, Australia 1833-39

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Castell, marriage, 19 August 1810

Marriages, August 1810, St. George, Hanover Square, London; register 1807-12, page 377; City of Westminster Archives (PAYWALL)

644 / William Joseph Cavendish and Susannah Elizabeth Humble both of this Parish were married in this Church by Banns this [19 August 1810] . . .


"REVIEW OF MUSIC", The harmonicon (December 1823), 197 

. . . 3. "The force of Sympathy," A DREAM, inspired by the Author of Waverly, and dedicated to LOVE. (Lavenu, 24 Edward street, Manchester Square.) . . .

Without feeling any interest in the account which the author of song, No. 3, has taken the trouble to give of its origin, - (which, by the way, is quite unnecessary, if not exceedingly puerile,) was have been mightily pleased with his melody, which, trifling as it may appear to the lover of canon, bears the impress of something that we are much inclined to call genius. From the faint inscription at the lowest corner of the title-page, we are to conclude that the name of the author - (the "Somniator,") is Castell . . .


"REVIEW OF MUSIC", The harmonicon (May 1824), 97 [W. I. CASTELL]

. . . 6. SONG, "The Soldier's Adieu," composed by C. M. SOLA, (published by the same.)

7. Song, "Henry and Susan," composed by W. I. CASTELL, (published by the same.)

8. HYMN, "Hosanna! to the Prince of Light," composed four voices, by MARIA HINCKESMAN. (Whitaker and Co., St. Paul's Church Yard.) . . .

. . . Nos. 6 and 7 are both composed with taste. The latter by Mr. Castell, shews a good deal of strong musical feeling. The Hymn, for so we have called this piece, the fair author not having bestowed a title upon it, is in 3 time, and is the composition of a lady . . .


Advertisement for Master Castell's concert, The times, 10 June 1826, page 1

16 June 1826, William Jones Cavenish (b. 1812), Horns Tavern, Kennington, London

[Advertisement], The times [London] (10 June 1826), 1

MASTER CASTELL has the honour to announce that his CONCERT this season will take place in the Great Room at the Horns Tavern, Kennington, on Friday, June 16, 1826. Principal vocal performers - Madame Caradori Allan, Miss Love, Miss Cawse, Miss H. Cawse, and Mrs. Bland (having recovered from her late sever indisposition, has obligingly consented to sing one of her most favourite ballads, accompanied by herself on the pianoforte); Signor Curioni, Signor Pelligrini; Mr. C. Bland, and Mr. Phillips. Leader of the Band: Mr. Mori; Violoncello: Mr. Lindley; Harp: Mr. Chatterton, of the Royal Academy of Music; Grand Pianoforte: Master Castell; and Conductor, Pio Cianchettini. To commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets half-a-guinea each, to be had of Master Castell, 19 Stangate-street, Lambeth, and all the musicshops.


Letter, from Susannah Castell, London, 28 May 1831, to William Joseph Castell [Cavendish], Mauritius; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203; ed. Beedell 1992, 233

. . . I particularly warn you from attending to every account you hear respecting "Swan River" etc. - for were you to read our newspapers you would be of a different opinion. I speak from knowledge of others, who have severely suffer'd from emigration, for neither the former or Van Dieman's Land are yet sufficiently established for the introduction of arts and sciences . . . [2] . . . you write an account of a "young gentleman" lately returned from "Swan River" who describes the settlement as consisting of 5000 persons, but I should like to know how many labourers and other description of menial dependents form part of these 5000 for we must not suppose their half consists of "Ladys and Gentlemen!" and I verily believe that a professional man would find it difficult to procure six pupils out of their united classes for ornamental instruction . . . 'Tis natural for your informant to paint a country in its fairest light when his representations are made to a speculative voyager, for by doing so one more might be added to their number . . .


Letter, from Susannah Castell, London, 19 January to 16 May 1832, to William Joseph Castell [Cavendish], Mauritius; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203

19 January - May 16 / 32
Your letter dated Dec'r 4th I rec'd last month (April) the contents of which leave me but little to reply to, being entirely fill'd with the people at your part of the world. . . . You mention a professor of the name of "Dean" having settled with his family at Van Dieman's Land [verso] I never hear of the name except it be the same, or a branch of the family of a man that kept a shop-stall and sold second hand music near Waterloo Church, our Piano was removed by his to the "Horns Tavern" for Wm's performance there . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Cavendish was evidently referring to John Philip Deane, but he cannot have been the Dean referred to by Susannah Castell, as he was already in Tasmania at the time of William junior's performance in 1826

Letter from Susannah Castell, to Cavendish, 2 June 1832

Letter, from Susannah Castell, London, 2 June 1832, to William Joseph [Cavendish] Castell, Mauritius; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Records Authority NSW, 6/26823, item 203; also transcribed Beedell 1990, 666-67, and Beedell 1992, 236-37

June 2 / 32 -
Your late dated Dec'r 4 I rec'd May 8th in which you mention your intention of writing again in the course of a fortnight, but which letter I have not yet received. I have just learn'd that a ship sails tomorrow for the Isle of France and I will take this opportunity of making the following request - and which I think it is in your power to comply with.

Can you supply us with original and choice national airs, and adapt them for quadrilles, Waltzes &c. - as the rage of novelty in that line is in such request, that the compositions of some of our finest authors are pulled to pieces bit by bit to furnish passages - endeavour to collect Indian, Russian or any other whether outlandish or otherways and endeavour to compose some yourself, adapted to the figures - for (was) by assisting Augustine you serve us for without him, we could keep our present station in society one month longer and every shilling first passes thro' my hands - for its appropriation - a great alteration has taken place in that branch of the profession, for we have a foreign band that comes over here every season and as nothing but french will go down with the nobility they reap the harvest, to the discomforture of the english who they engage to play with them. Laporte has taken Covent Garden for 4 years (more french still) the German operas have met with so much encouragement that they are going to be established With a German band - (I might have added that in addition to Covent Garden!! M. Laporte is proprietor of the Italian, German and French plays at the little theatre, Haymarket) [1 verso]

The English Opera is going to open. Salary, £1.5.1. for the principal violin!! so much for bringing up children to music - All trades can earn more, but nothing like tailors, they cheat and flourish - But to return to the Subject. I think you night contrive to rule the 5 lines in writing paper and by a close conexions of the notes (tho plain) it might be contain'd in a letter or letters, for should the purpose answer the expence must be looked at - All we expect to get by prompt payments as at present Augustine is glad to receive a trifle from his account which frequently remains in the hands of his employers for months after the sum has been earned - for when Saturday night comes deputys and porterage leaves us with but little and the height of the business does not last above 3 months. latterly the seasons have been very bad for the great folks have been so much engaged in political squabbles that they will not meet each other in their houses - Our reform bill is not yet settled - but a few days will decide it - and the people are beginning to form a government of their own, in Birmingham they all wear badges of distinction and political unions are forming all over England - our Queen is in bad odour - she is averse to the measures and they say she has influenced the king to the same side - but there is no doubt that she has been made the tool of for others to profit by - Lord Grey is for the present reinstated but for how long we know not - I have heard nothing from the lady at Kensington! I suppose she has engaged with a person contrary to your views - I wrote to you my answer to the letter she brought from you to me - date May (I think) the 18th in which contained my opinion on the subject you alluded to - with some other remarks - which requires no further comment. The letter you have doubtless received before this.

[. . . opposite folio, 2, of letter torn away, except for narrow strip on the fold . . .]

Letter, Cavendish de Castell, Mauritius, 12 September 1832, to Secretary of State (Goderich), London; UK National Archives, PRO CO 167/167; see Beedell 1992, 228-32

. . . [This report] may contain information that could reach you through no other channel, of the disgraceful circumstances & scenes, which have blotted the escutcheon of this beautiful island . . .

. . . [On the arrival of John Jeremie, in June 1832] . . . Every species of labor instantly ceased, the shops were immediately closed, the boats and barges in the harbor refused to ply, carts and waggons on the wharfs were driven home, Contractors with the government refused to fulfil their engagements, the slave-gangs were recalled by the proprietors, merchants ceased to purchase, tradesmen to sell, the college-youths were sent home, the colonial committee assembled & usurped the direction of public affairs & so perfect was the system of its power, that, like a Spanish Inquisition, the whole population either from choice or fear bowed & trembled before its banner. It had been predetermined to receive Mr. Jeremie in the most sombre manner & the theatre, courts of justice, public baths & shops closed, the total absence of activity & labor joined to the tranquility of the air, the water & the light, threw a gloom over the town, as dreary and deep as for a good king's death, & all was mournful & mute as the City of Sleep . . .

See also Gerald S. Graham, Great Britain in the Indian Ocean: a study of maritime enterprise 1810-1850 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967), 71 note; and Carter and Ng Foong Kwong 2009, 204


To call up all the TROVE newspaper items tagged William Joseph Cavendish for 1833: 

20 January 1833, arrival in Sydney of Cavendish and Mary Cavendish

"ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (21 January 1833), 2 

From the Mauritius, last night, having sailed from thence on the 12th of December, the ship Sovereign, 398 tons, Captain McKellar, with a cargo of sugar. Passengers, Lieutenant Hopkins, and Lieutenant Austin, of the Bengal Army; Mr. Dempster, Surgeon; Mrs. Dempster, and 5 children; Captain Fyans, of the 4th Regiment, and Mr. Demestre, from the Mauritius; Miss Anen, Mr. Hazard, Mr. Cavendish, Miss Cavendish, 3 Lascar servants, and 2 prisoners of the Crown.

26 March 1833, opening of Cavendish's dance academy, Macquarie Place, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 March 1833), 1 

DANCING ACADEMY. MR. CAVENDISH de CASTELL, Member of the Royal Academy and Conservatoire, Paris, respectfully announces that his "Salle de Danse," will open for the season, at his residence, Macquarie-place, on Tuesday 26th instant, and continue on the Tuesdays and Fridays following for every species of fashionable dancing: Minuets, Gorvets, Quadrilles, Swedish, Spanish, and Polish dances, Bolero's, Muscovian and Circassian Circles, Galopades, the Grand Polonaise and Gymnastic exercises. Morning Academy at 12 for Ladies, evening at 7 for Gentlemen. The monthly balls will be under the direction of the Gentlemen Subscribers, who will act as Stewards in succession. Terms including the Soirées, two guineas per quarter. Parties desiring it, may form private classes at their more suitable convenience.

"POLICE INCIDENTS", The Sydney Herald (21 March 1833), 3 

John Wilson, a swellish sort of a chap, was handed to the bar, having been found, during Church hours, practising some of Mr. Cavendish de Castell's last new steps, in King-street. On being called upon to account for such conduct, he tried to come Tom Shuffleton over the charley, with "ah my dear fellow, we men of the world do business this way, you understand, no hiding our talents under a bushel, but let them bask in the sun, what think ye of that, eh." The constable appeared to think very little on the subject, for he carried him fotthwith to a place of safety. In defence, all he had to say, was, that he thought it cursed hard he could not have a little recreation, in a gentlemanly way, without being locked up. Three hours lounge as he was fundless.

ASSOCIATIONS: ? Was this John Thomas Wilson

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 March 1833), 3 

QUADRILLES, Minuets, Gavottes, Waltzes, Galopades, the Grand Polonaise, and every style of fashionable Dancing, taught by Mr. W. J. CAVENDISH DE CASTELL, Macquarie-place, Sydney. Morning Academy for Ladies only, on Tuesdays and Fridays; Evenings for Gentlemen. Private lessons to untaught or incomplete Pupils of any age, wishing secrecy and expedition. Schools and Families punctually attended to. Music provided for Quadrille Parties, Balls, and Assemblies.

20 April 1833, five quadrilles and two waltzes

Letter, Cavendish, Parramatta, Notasia [i.e. Oceania-Australasia], 20 April 1833, to Susannah Castell, London [by the ship Edward Lambe, departed Sydney that day] 

Paramatta Notasia, April 20, '33.

I wrote by the ship Sovereign which sailed from Port Jackson on the 2d of March last, but as this Dutch hubbubboo may prevent your receiving it, I send you this duplicate, to which I have added two waltzes. The ["first" struckout] 2d and ["third: struckout] 5th Quadrilles I obtained from a Manilla Guittarist also the waltzes. No 1 is Bourbonnaise, No 3 is original and the second part was added by a creole of the Cape de Verde Islands. I have given them names characteristic of their origin. You may call them Australian, Notasian, Arabian or Mad[a]gascke quadrilles. Below I have given you a title page. Publish only one waltz at a time, bit to spin out the page, instead of marking the repeats, let them be printed at full length, 2nd time an octave higher. I gave you a short description of this paradise of places, Oranges, grapes, figs, apples, pears, flowers & fruits all the year round, the pigs fed upon peaches, & dogs upon rumpsteaks, & the sheep's heads thrown into the ditches, wh[ic]h the household cur will scarcely condescend to smell. In this land of plenty none need to starve or beg; but I must reserve my full description for a separate letter, which perhaps may accompany this. Yours W. J. Cavendish.

The Fairy Quadrilles
as danced
On a Sunbeam
by the
Elves of the Ocean
in the
Hall of Beauty
at the
Coral Palace
of the
Queen of the Sea.
Composed by the
Peri of the Purple Wing.

Do not sell these outright, you should bargain for a certain number of copies for yourself. The agent here to Ellards music warehouse of Dublin offered to purchase them, & I have offered him a set when I can collect them. I I think this letter should not be kept [with] the Printer, but let him have a copy to engrave from. I should like . . . [breaks off here]

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard

27 April 1833, first announcement of foundation of a Philharmonic society, Sydney

"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY IN SYDNEY. To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 April 1833), 3 

SIR, As Sciences and Arts are so closely connected, I feel much pleasure in acquainting the public, through your respected journal, that a society of the above description has been formed in our town. A locale has been hired, and the preparations have advanced so far, that in a month or six weeks friends may be admitted to witness the proceedings of the society. We must apologise, when, in the hurry of other occupations, we might pass over names, more or less connected with the society; but when we find that Messrs. EDWARDS, SIPPE, CAVENDISH, F. WILSON, &c. are connected with the institution of the Philharmonic Society, we congratulate the lovers of musical science upon this opportunity to improve the minds of our fellow citizens. Dr. J. L.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Lhotsky; John Edwards; George Sippe; F. Wilson

28 May 1833, official celebration of the king's birthday

"THE KING'S BIRTHDAY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 May 1833), 2 

His Majesty's birth-day was celebrated on Tuesday last with the usual honours . . . In the evening Government-House was splendidly illuminated within and without, and His Excellency the Governor and Miss BOURKE entertained a brilliant party of about five hundred persons at a ball and supper. Mr. CAVENDISH, professor of dancing, by the express desire of Miss BOURKE, had the honour of conducting the ball, by which many of those imperfections in the quadrilles (so generally complained of), were happily avoided, and the figures danced with a precision hitherto unknown in this colony. About six hundred invitations were issued, and perhaps there were not a hundred short of that number present. At one o'clock the whole party partook of a cold collation, at which native delicacies, foreign luxuries, contributions from the Tagus, Rhine, and Garonne, and the mines of Potosi, seemed labouring to render refreshing, exhilirating, splendid, and precious. Quadrilles, waltzes, and the gay sauteuse were kept up with unabated animation untill three o'clock, when the party retired cheerful and charmed with the amusements of the evening.

ASSOCIATIONS: recently widowed governor Richard Bourke, and his daughter, later Anna Maria, Mrs./Lady Deas Thomson

"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (1 June 1833), 2 

Mr. Cavendish Castello presided as Master of the Ceremonies at the Ball, at Government House, on Tuesday last. In consequence, the dances were conducted with greater regularity than heretofore on such occasions.

16 July 1833, Cavendish's fancy dress ball

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 July 1833), 2 

A fancy dress ball took place on Tuesday evening at Mr. Cavendish's academy, in Macquarie-place. Owing to the unfavourable state of the weather, it was not so numerously attended as might otherwise have been the case. The characters, in general, were well supported; particularly that of a Boatswain, which was admirably sustained by a gentleman dressed as a New Zealander. We should be glad to see another got up on a larger scale.

"March of Mind", The Sydney Monitor (20 July 1833), 3 

On Tuesday evening last, a Masquerade took place at Mr. Cavendish's Dancing Academy, in Macquarie-street, at which all the fashionables of Australia were present. Elegance in all its pleasing shapes, and the most refined hilarity, reigned throughout the evening.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (19 August 1833), 3 

REMOVAL OF THE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL OF MR. AND MRS. DAVIES . . . [to Cockle Bay] Drawing will be taught by Mr. EVANS; Dancing by Mr. CAVENDISH DE CASTELL; Music by Mr. SIPPE, and Miss BATES, with the constant superintendence of Mr. DAVIES . . . 1, Liverpool-street, 19th Aug. 1833.

ASSOCIATIONS: John J. Davies (schoolmaster); George Sippe

5 October 1833, opening of the first season, Theatre Royal, Sydney

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (23 September 1833), 2 

We have been requested to give the following information respecting the proposed arrangements of Mr. Levy's Theatre; - Stage and Acting Managers, Messrs. Knowles and Cavendish; Leader of the Orchestre [sic], Mr. Edwards; Violincello, Mr. Sippe . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (proprietor); John Edwards (violinist, leader); Conrad Knowles (actor)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 September 1833), 3 

Theatre Royal Sydney. IT is with no small degree of pleasure that the undersigned (after much procrastination and many disappointments) is at length enabled to announce to his Friends and the Public the opening of the Sydney Theatre . . . The Orchestra will be composed of men of high respectability, and of the first musical talent in the Colony . . . The first performance will take place on the night of Saturday, the 5th October next. The entertainments for that evening are as follows . . . the highly popular melodrama of THE MILLER AND HIS MEN; AFTER WHICH THE AMUSING FARCE OF THE IRISHMAN IN LONDON . . . Stage Manager, Mr. Cavendish; Acting Manager, Mr. Knowles. B. LEVEY.

"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 October 1833), 2 

The performances on Saturday evening were any thing but satisfactory to the highly respectable audience. There was an evident want of organization, a negligence in the management of the scenery, and jerking stiffness in many of the actors, particularly repulsive to those who had formed rather sanguine expectations of a more favourable issue. - The muster of heads at the opening was great, but the talent was limited. - The chorus and songs were drowned by the orchestra. The music was not sufficiently full, and was occasionally out of tune. The Band of the garrison would have made the walls virberate [sic], while, in remote parts of the house, the phil-harmonic society's instruments were weak. There must be a stronger Band to give effect to the performances of the evening. Now for the acting . . .

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (1 November 1833), 2 

Last night, the Comedy of the Heir at Law was performed to an overflowing house, which had assembled to testify the satisfaction felt by the visit of His Excellency to the Theatre. About seven o'clock, the Governor and family, entered the State Box, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion, and the Orchestra struck up the National Anthem, which was encored . . . Between the Acts, Mr. Stubbs performed an air with variations upon the flute, accompanied by Mr. Cavendish upon the seraphine. This latter instrument, though very beautiful, is not at all adapted to a Theatre, but seems better suited for Church Music. Mr. Stubbs' flute was, however, uncommonly good, and deservedly applauded . . .

"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (4 November 1833), 2 

. . . The music was chaste and harmonious - free from that jarring discord which on other occasions has offended our ears. The seraphine, a delightful instrument in the chamber, was here introduced, but it certainly has not sufficient fulness of tone for a theatre; with that reservation, its strains were most harmonious, and Mr. Cavendish, who played upon it, displayed great execution and taste, accompanied by Mr. Stubbs' flute, which commanded the admiration of the house, and was loudly applauded; a more exquisite specimen of taste and execution on that instrument is seldom to be met with in this Colony.


"THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 November 1833), 2 

. . . The orchestra is well attended to by Mr. Edwards; and he is well supported also, by Mr. Sippe, Mr. Cavendish, and the other musicians. We know not what better judges may think; but in our opinion, the music is far superior to that produced by the military band which has hitherto played in the theatre.


To call up all the TROVE newspaper items tagged William Joseph Cavendish for 1834: 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 February 1834), 3 

respectfully announces to his Friends, Pupils,
and the Public in general, that he has REMOVED
from Macquarie-place, to a more central situation, opposite Mr. S. Terry's, Pitt-street.
The Academy open as usual, on Tuesday and Friday Evenings.
- Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of forming Private Practical Parties, may exclusively engage the Dancing Saloon, suitable to their own time and convenience.

[News], The Australian (28 February 1834), 3 

On Wednesday night the house of Mr. Cavendish, in Macquarie Place, was robbed by his servant of £4 4s. The fellow absconded, but was captured shortly after, when the money was discovered secreted under his left arm. He has been committed.

"POLICE INCIDENTS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 March 1834), 2 

"SYDNEY QUARTER SESSIONS . . . TUESDAY, APRIL 29", The Sydney Monitor (30 April 1834), 2 

Joseph Cooley stood charged with stealing four one-pound notes, and one dollar, the property of his master, Mr. Cavendish the Music-master. It appeared that the prisoner in this case, took an opportunity of purloining this property from a drawer, while he was employed int the room about some domestic duty. As soon as he had stolen the money, he absconded, but was taken about half an hour after, in a house in Clarence-street. When searched, four one-pound notes were found concealed under his arms. - Guilty. - To be transported to a penal settlement for seven years.

[Advertisement], The Australian (10 March 1834), 3


SIR, - I thus publicly acknowledge the receipt of your communication, respecting my performance on the Organ, at St. James's Church on Sunday morning the 23rd ult., and your interdict prohibiting me from again officiating during Divine Service, "because I belonged to the Sydney Theatre."

Oh reason when wilt thy long minority expire.

You appear to forget Sir, the "Benefit of the Sons of the Clergy" annually held at St. Paul's Cathedral, at which the performers are all, (with the exception of the King's boys) from the Theatres Royal, and at which ceremony I have had the honor of performing on the Organ, probably before you adopted the Pulpit for the display of your omneloquent discourses.

You forget also the annual music Meetings at the Cathedrals of York, Hereford, and Gloster, at which the principal singers and performers from the London Theatres invariably assist, the receipts of which Meetings have exceeded £2000 a day.

The Professional singers at the Foundling Asylum and Quebec Chapels, are from Drury Lane and Covent Garden, for the Clergy of England who have been regularly educated for the church, are convinced it must be the perfection of cant, to say that they conscientiously object to any one officiating in the musical duties of the Church, merely because they were engaged in a public Orchestra.

Hypocrisy is the tribute which vice pays to virtue, and if the vicious assume its garb, they should at least conduct themselves with external propriety.

W. T. CAVENDISH DE CASTELL. [sic] Pitt Street, March 8, 1834.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Hill (parson)

22 April 1833, theatrical benefit

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 April 1834), 3 

By Permission of His Excellency the Governor,
TO-MORROW EVENING, Tuesday, the 22d of April, 1834,
when will be performed a number or CHORUSES, GLEES, DUETS, SONGS, &c,
by Mesdames Taylor, Jones, Meredith, Downes, and Messrs. Knowles, Meredith, Braham, Buckingham, Grose, and Taylor, late of the Sydney Theatre, assisted by several amateurs.
Mr. Cavendish will preside at the Piano Forte.

"THEATRICAL BENEFIT CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (21 April 1834), 2 

On Friday evening last, the principal performers of the Sydney Theatre gave their first Concert at the Pulteney Hotel . . . At the conclusion of the first part Mr. Meredith came forward and requested the Company would look over the weakness of the orchestra, and stated, that he had been through Sydney and Parramatta for Musicians, and could not engage any, most of them making the excuse that they had been paid at a high rate not to perform at the Pulteney . . .

NOTE: Cavendish was not among the performers named in the review, and, probably in his place, Conrad Knowles reportedly played at least some of the piano accompaniments.

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (soprano vocalist); Conrad Knowles (actor, vocalist, pianist); Harriet Jones (vocalist); Mrs. Downes (vocalist); George Buckingham (vocalist), Mr. Braham (vocalist)

"FROM A CORRESPONDENT", The Sydney Monitor (23 April 1834), 3 

You will perceive in this morning's Herald, a letter addressed to you from Mr. B. Levey, relative to the late theatrical fallings out. You will observe, also, that therein an imputation cast upon the veracity of those performers who have seceded from the Theatre. I have again to assure you, Sir, that the actors and actresses were led to expect Benefits, though holding no vouchers for the same, and therefore Mr. Levey assertions I unhesitatingly pronounce substantively false. Mr. Levey alludes to Messrs. Cavendish, Sippe, Edwards, and Wilson, being entitled to benefits. None of these gentlemen could be so entitled, except it might be Mr. Cavendish, he having held the office of Stage Manager for a few months. Who ever heard of the members of an Orchestra having Benefits?

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Wilson (violinist)

"SINGULAR CIRCUMSTANCE", The Sydney Herald (22 May 1834), 3 

Mr Cavendish of Macquarie-place, having occasion to proceed to Liverpool on business a few days ago, put a Bank note in his pocket for the purpose of paying his expenses, but on his arrival at Liverpool, he discovered to his surprise that it was non est. He had not stopped any where on the road, and was quite unable to account for its disappearance. A short time after his return to town, he received a letter through the post, enclosing a note of the same amount as the one he had lost. The letter was a mere blank envelope, and afforded no clue to the manner in which it had been lost.

16 June 1834, first announcement of new metalaphone [sic] (seraphine) for St. Mary's Catholic Chapel

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (16 June 1834), 1 Supplement 

A gentleman of Sydney has made a handsome present to the Roman Catholic Chapel of a beautiful instalment called a Metalophone, which produces tones similar to the church organ. Mr. Cavendish has been engaged to perform on the instrument.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 June 1834), 2 

What irreligious people those Roman Catholics must be! We understand that they have actually engaged Mr. Cavendish to assist in divine service, in their chapel, by performing on a beautiful instrument called the Melalophone, which has been liberally presented to them by a gentleman of Sydney! - Mr. CAVENDISH, who has been a member of the orchestre in the theatre, and at Concerts in this very town!! He to be permitted to desecrate a place of worship by playing on the organ there! - he ought to be excommunicated! At all events we can state that he would not be suffered to play his music in St. James's Church.

"TO CORRESPONDENTS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 June 1834), 2 

In reply to the letter from Mr. Cavendish, it is only necessary to state, that we think few can misunderstand our meaning. Let Mr. C. play upon the organ, or whatever else may be the "hard name" of the instrument substituted for it in the Roman Catholic Chapel, and be thankful that he has not been excommunicated, without entering into any public explanation of what is self evident!

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (23 June 1834), 2 

We are requested to state that Mr. Cavendish has not been "engaged" to play on the Metalaphone at the Catholic Chapel, but volunteered his gratuitous services for that purpose.

"[FROM A CORRESPONDENT]", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 June 1834), 3 

The music and singing in the Roman Catholic Chapel on Sunday morning were superior to that which is usually heard in St James's Church; although the instrument is small for so large a place, yet the music produced from it by Mr. CAVENDISH contributed very much to give a beautiful effect to the voices as they rose in full harmony in the chant. I did not visit the chapel with a view to to become a proselyte to its tenets, yet I could not help being deeply impressed with the sense of devotion which pervaded the whole of the congregation. I remained to hear a sermon from Mr. ULLATHORNE, the first the Rev. gentleman has delivered since his return from Hobart Town, and was particularly struck with the graceful manner in which he introduced the subject of his return, and the gratification he felt in being again in the midst of his flock. The sermon was simple, but persuasive and elegant; and without drawing any invidious comparison, I must acknowledge, left upon me a greater impression than any which I have heard in Protestant Churches in this Colony.

16 July 1833, Cavendish's quarterly ball

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 July 1834), 2 

We are glad to learn that Mr. Cavendish proposes to have a series of subscription balls in his spacious saloon in Pitt-street. The first ball will be shortly announced. From Mr. Cavendish's correct conduct and respectable connexions in Sydney, we have no doubt that his assemblies will be select, in the proper sense of the word; and we therefore wish him success. Occasional festive meetings like these have the very desirable effect of bringing society together and promoting good feeling; but we rather fear that a ball once a month will be too often. However, that is a question solely for the consideration of Mr. Cavendish and those by whom he is supported.

"To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 July 1834), 2 

SIR, I presume by your paper of to day, that Mr. Cavendish intends to establish Monthly Balls in Sydney, an undertaking in which I wish him »very success, from a conviction that such entertainments are conducive to good morals and productive of much public benefit.

There are now residing in Sydney, very many gentlemen whose means will not permit them to mix in that society which their birth fully entitles them to, and who, for want of other means to pass their dull hours, enter into excesses which entertainments such as that proposed by Mr. Cavendish, would not only prevent, but save many a respectable and worthy man from the after afflictions of inebriety.

In India, such entertainments as that now proposed, have been long in use, and many of the first class are seen to mix - on such occasions - with respectable people of even the middle class there. - It is to be hoped that the same liberality of mind will exist here.
Sydney, July 8, 1834.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 July 1834), 1 

MR. .CAVENDISH announces to his Friends and Pupils generally, that his
QUARTERLY BALL will take place on WEDNESDAY, July 16.
Dancing to commence at eight o'clock.

2 September 1833, Philharmonic society soiree

"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (4 September 1834), 3 

The Philharmonic Society gave their Second Musical Soirée, on Tuesday evening last, at the Pulteney Hotel; and we regret to state that the attendance was meagre in the extreme, there being only about seventy persons present, amongst whom were the Governor, Potter Macqueen, Esq., (who appears to display a spirit of liberality worthy of emulation,) Colonel Despard, Captain Hunter, James Laidley, Esq., and several Commissariat and Military Officers. - The Overtures by the 17th Band were performed in a masterly manner, particularly those of Auber, (the French Opera writer,) from "Gustavus III," and "Fra Diavolo;" there is a pleasing peculiarity of style in Auber's productions, which bears no affinity to any author who has preceded him in the musical world; we have no doubt that the name of Auber, by this time, has become as attractive in Europe as the justly celebrated Weber. The Glees were not sung with taste or sweetness, neither of the singers having a good voice; "Ye Gentlemen of England" was the happiest effort. But where were the Amateurs who compose the Society? Why did they not come forward and take the glees? The Society profess to give these Concerts, and only two or three of the members attend, and the getters up are obliged to be beholden to the Bandsmen for the major part of the entertainment. This is certainly not according to "Cockey." The female vocalists set an example to the absentees, which it is hoped will excite in the gentlemen amateurs a "spirit-stirring mood," at the next Soirée. The old Emerald favorite Savourneen Delish, was Mrs. E's. best performance, and was sung with much plaintive simplicity. Mrs. B. has a delightful voice, and was loudly applauded in "The Deserter;" the duet of "My pretty Page," between Mrs. E. and Mrs. B. was also applauded. Mr. L's Solo on the Clarionette was rather too long, although executed in that gentleman's best style. Mr. C's songs wanted a little more spirit in them; that of "My ain fireside" was the most pleasing. The duet of "Time has not thinned my flowing hair," between Mr. C. and Mrs. B. did not appear to have had sufficient practice - it was however above mediocrity. The Solo on the bugle by Mr. S. was a treat, and at the completion elicited applause. There is something however which Mr. S. requires both in his performance on the bugle and flute, notwithstanding he may be unrivalled in his execution of the former instrument, - that is expression. We regretted to witness such scarcity of stringed instruments; - there was nothing very wonderful in this department of the entertainment worth making mention. "Latour's Pianoforte Duet" by Mr. C. and Mrs. B. was played with much spirit and execution. "God save the King," according to custom, wound up the performances, and at about twelve o'clock the company retired. It is hoped that the next Concert will be better attended, both on the part of the Society and the Public.

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 17th Regiment; Thomas Lewis (master of the band, clarinet); Mrs. Boatright (vocalist, pianist); Joanna Ellard (vocalist)

Letter, Susannah Castell, London, to Cavendish, 28 May-7 June 1834

27 October 1834 [postmarked Sydney], receipt in Sydney of Susannah Castell's letter of 28 May 1834

Letter, Susannah Castell, London, to Cavendish, 28 May - 7 June 1834 [postmarked Sydney 27 October 1834]; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203; also transcribed Beedell 1990, 671-74

May 28 - 34 / - June 7 - 34
Your last letter was receiv'd Feb'y 7. I regret to observe that the Quadrilles you sent is a total failure both in style and quality, for the finest compositions from foreign masters we now explored for subjects so that we have never been able to benefit by them. My long silence is accounted for by the very severe illness in my family - My two daughters have been afflicted with whooping cough for the past eight months and attended with the most distressing symptoms this beginning to abate. William has just recover'd from Erisypilas - Emily was never a strong and healthy subject and I have still my hands and heart full of employ. I feel gratified that your present employments enable you you not only to exist but something more in such a state as you described - I think it is needless to point out what is necessary to be done - Boys, may and can, encounter with the world and all its temptations (to a certain extent) and can buffet with the world. But who will protect my two dear female children when I and my present domestic Partner are gone or business fail. My object is this remit what ever you can possibly afford to do, and what ever can possibly be spared from the common stock, I wish to be invested for their benefit - I am far from being young and you are becoming old and for the first time, you begin to find out.

On dit!! Old Mackintosh is married to the widow of a Magistrate and is become possessed of great Property (1400 pr year) his wife belongs to the Westmorland family, he still retains some of his professional engagements and attends the Royal Society in his own carriage. Alfonso [Mackintoch] is married to Miss. Hervey (Mr. Knight's partner) his child will be two weeks old tomorrow - Mrs. Knight is dead - Mr. Cary Do. - - Mrs. Lemon Do. - Mr. Cook Do., and I forgot Mrs. Clifford Mr. Knight's daughter also - we have endeavoured to send you the bass strings - which I hope wi11 arrive safe, also two little books containing quadrille figures - the music for which you must compose yourself as I cannot send the origina1 - Business here is very bad for Alfred at present has no engegement. I read to him the subject of your letter as related to him (but without comment) but he adheres to remaining in England to the chance of sailing to a country from whence he might never return - your silence respecting my present habitation denotes that you forget that the lease of the house expires next Christmas, so that about the time you receive this I shall be removing to Heaven knows where; rent and taxes high, my last poor's rate was £1 6. alone. I am frequently paying 1/8 in the pound; when you left the rate was 16 or 18 shillings. So much for the new police, which turn out the greatest thieves themselves.

I cannot inform you where you can direct your next letter to as I cannot refer you to any Person for no one is acquainted with your present residence and were it known [it] would form a precious thread for neighbour's gossip - and Mr. Hahn would take the lead, as an interested individual, Our postman is sure to enquire at his shop when at a loss for any person's address - so wait till I sent you word where to direct to - perhaps you are not aware that debts are renewable every six years. Whether any of your creditors have availed themselves of this advantage I cannot tell, but Raper, Hatton, and Alphinstone would be sure to do so. Hatton in particular for with him you have kept the debt alive by reminding him of it. Next month is to be usher'd in by a Musical Festival at Westminster Abbey similar to that of 50 years ago, which after paying expenses the profits to go to the old and new Society's Choral fund and Academy of Music! boys that have nothing but impudence to recommend them. John Martha and Mack's eldest boy is there for the bassoon. They are liberal enough to offer 4 guineas for 4 rehearsals and 4 performances, each expected to last the whole of the day. Mr. G. Smart, conductor and hear of the mob - tickets 2 guineas each, scarcely one left a month ago - King Queen Bishop Lords and Commoners and a host of everything and nothing - your string &c. will be packed in a small box and sent by the James which is expected to sail the end of this month, should it come by any other, I shall write to inform you of it - for Mr. Cavendish de Castell - Sydney, N.S.W. (June 7th) the James has sailed but your little deal box not a foot - you will sail by the next ship which I shall give you due notice in my next - as I intend writing again in a few days - I have just receiv'd your last dated Xmas day - but not the newspapers, but as this is already written I shall despatch it immediately as I have not room to reply to any observations of yours I shall write within the next fortnight perhaps you may receive both by the same.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (22 December 1834), 2 

EDUCATION. THE Public are respectfully informed that the duties of Mr. and Mrs. Trood's Boarding and Day Schools, for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, will be resumed on Monday, the 5th of January. Dancing is Taught by Mr. Cavendish. A French Class will be formed under the superintendence of Monsieur Duvauchelle, from Paris. Kent-street, Dec. 22, 1834.

ASSOCIATIONS: Abel Salter Trood (1795-1868) and his wife, arrived Sydney, by 1834, departed for England, 1844; the printer Thomas Trood (1797-1850) was Abel's brother; J. A. Duvauchelle, professor of French and Italian, arrived Sydney by April 1833, departed August 1839

26 December 1834, opening of the season, Theatre Royal

"THE SYDNEY THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (29 December 1834), 1 supplement 

. . . The Theatre opened, we understand, on Friday night last, without scarcely a brush having been put to one of the old worn-out scenes - no addition to the tattered theatrical wardrobe - the boxes, stage, and, in fact, the whole of the theatre in the same filthy condition as when the place closed - the Orchestra, too, exhibited a similar batch of musicians as the celebrated band of "Bombastes," and the greatest disorder prevailed behind the scenes. Mr. Simmons, in his closing address, informed the Public, that Mr. Levey had gone to Hobart Town "to cull from the theatrical garden there, the choicest flowers." Where are those flowers? . . . What have become, too, of the best musicians - Messrs. Cavendish, Lewis, Sippi, Wilson, Edwards, and others - and what has driven them from the Theatre? . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist, manager)

Letter, Susannah Castell, London, to Cavendish, 9 October 1834 [arrived Sydney, by ? February 1835]; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203; also transcribed Beedell 1990, 676-67

Oct 9 - 34
I directed a letter last month informing you that you might expect a small deal box containing various trifling articles viz. - the principle of which are D. Bass strings, Pr. of scissors with knives attached - a gold petit d'or pencil case accompany'd with a case of leaden points for the same &c. &c. - enclosed in that letter you will receive a paper which will authorize you to receive the said boy sign'd by "Millar Captain of the Undaunted" from which vessel you may expect it - on its arrival in Sydney, it has already cost 12/- and I cannot think you can have much to pay - on its landing We are told at the docks that the usual way of trading was to send the printed paper which is properly filled up with the respective charges by the same conveyance & that at the arrival of the ship this paper would be directed to the party - but I consider'd it the safest way to transmit it by post otherways they would not only have the property but the security in their own hands. I have receiv'd 2 sets of newspapers from you and from all I have read of their contents I feel gratefull than we can get a morsel of English bread, for your living expenses in most instances exceed ours and the horrid account that our newspapers record of the exploits of the bushrangers are terrific - in fact the major part of the population are a mass of thieves & the refuse of creation. I should be afraid to close my eyes fearing to be mirder'd by them in the night time - The postage for the newspapers are #/- each packet & were I to send them back I suppose they might cost the same - the present situation is very precarious for I am about quitting the house a partial survey has already been taken - but not a final one I have been advised by an eminent lawyer to go out before the expiration of the lease otherways I may be subject to much trouble and expense for when you sign'd the lease you must be well aware that your Heirs & successors to the completion of the contract, consequently myself & family are "amenible to the strict letter of the law" - to leave the premises in that state which the tenor of the contract implies what is expected of us in the shape of repairs I know not - but if they cannot get money they will resort to other means and seize on what they can lay hold on - go we must, and that soon but not to lodging or receive lodgers for none would stay with us - the rent is material to us particularly at this time - it would greatly assist us could this object be depended on &c. no house that would really suit us "including rent and taxes could be procured under £40 pr. An. - only recollect the last - &c. the other rooms will of course correspond tho' uncall'd for" we cannot do without 4 bedrooms a sitting & practising [ ? ] a kitchen &c. &c. I have not room or opportunity to write half that [ ? ] could, so many circumstances crowd on me many of a harassing nature my two girls have been severly afflicted with Hooping Cough for 9 months they are now recover'd - and many other serious indispositions have awaited my self and rest of the family Address - Mrs. Castell G'l Post Office St Martin's Le Grand London Till you hear from me.


To call up all the TROVE newspaper items tagged William Joseph Cavendish for 1835: 

20 January 1835, George Gordonovitch's concert

"MR. GORDONOVITCH'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (12 January 1835), 2 

By an advertisement in another column, it will be seen that Mr. Gordonovitch has appointed the 20th Inst, for his Concert. About twenty Vocalists have already offered their services, and Mr. Cavendish (under whose superintendence the entertainment will be conducted,) is making it his business to get up the Concert in a style unknown in Sydney. It is much to be regretted that the capacious and splendid hall of the Sydney College could not be obtained for that purpose, that being the only building in the Colony with the reverberation necessary to give the proper effect to music, and through the want of which, most of the Concerts got up in Sydney, have lost their effect.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 January 1835), 2 

Mr. Gordonovitch's concert will take place on Tuesday evening next. We understand that the music, vocal and instrumental, has been very judiciously selected, and that the whole of the musical talent in Sydney will muster on the occasion. The concert will be under the direction of Mr. Cavendish, whose arrangements at late Philharmonic concerts were so generally and deservedly commended. Mr. Gordonovitch is understood to be one of the Polish refugees, whose dread of the "miscreant" Nicholas of Russia compelled to expatriate themselves. At all events, he is a stranger, and that itself is a character which has ever ensured the sympathy and the patronage of Englishmen.

"MR. GORDONOVITCH'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 January 1835), 2 

On Tuesday evening one of the most brilliant and fashionable assemblages that New South Wales can produce, assembled at the Pulteney Hotel for the purpose of hearing (as it turned out to be) some of the finest specimens of vocal and instrumental music ever before heard in this colony. The arrangements made by Mr. Cavendish, under whose superintendence the concert was got up, reflect infinite credit, on that gentleman; as we are perfectly certain be must have been indefatigable in his exertions, which we are happy to say have been crowned with complete success. We observed there His Excellency the Governor, and the officers of his staff and many families of the highest standing in the colony. The room was crowded to excess, there being upwards of 500 persons present. We Will here endeavour to lay before our readers a short outline of the evening's performances.

It commenced with a Sinfonia, (Auber) which was finely executed; next followed a Hymn to the King, (Haydon) paraphrased from the German; Mrs. Tayor's "Come where the Aspens quiver," elicited great applause; as did likewise a French song, (Lechaleier [?]) sung by Mr. Knowles with great effect; Mr. Gordonovitch's German polacca accompanied by a full band went off with great eclat; and a glee by Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Aldis and Mr. Knowles gave entire satisfaction; a song by a young lady was sweetly sung, and would have had a fine effect had she been able to overcome her timidity; an Irish song, by Mr. Ellis, was received with rapturous applause; a cavatina by Mr. Gondonovitch, was tolerably well executed; but this gentleman does not appear to be a perfect master of the Italian language; glee, "Dame Durdon," by Mr. Aldis, Mr. Knowles, and Master Horn, was middling; a solo on the flute by Mr. Stubbs was brilliantly executed, it was decidedly the finest performance throughout the evening.

PART II. commenced with an overture, (Mozart) which was a fine performance; a glee by Messrs. Aldis and Knowles and Mrs. Taylor, went off very gaily, and Mr. Gordonovitch's song "Yes I will leave my Father's Halls," was rapturously encored. Song, "We met," by a young lady, as before, sweet, but low; and Mrs. Taylor's "When first I heard a tale of Love," was sung in that lady's best style, and encored. In Mr. Gordonovitch's song "Up, comrades up," there was a dulness about the music that was not in unison with the words, although it was well executed. A trio, "Lady fair," by Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Aldis, and Mr. Knowles, was finely executed, Mr. Knowles's bass, fine in the extreme. Solo and grand double chorus (Purcell), Knowles, in his first part, was greatly at fault, not being able to reach the high notes. Finale, "Figaro" (Mozart), by the whole band, was brilliant, and the company departed well pleased with the evening's entertainment.

A series of Concerts conducted on a like scale, would, we are sure, meet with every support and patronage. We understand Mrs. Taylor is about to have one on a similar plan, and we hope that lady will meet with the success her talent, and abilities merit. The construction of the orchestra was extremely good, being on one side of the room, and not under the gallery as heretofore, whereby full scope was given to the voice, without being deadened by the gallery immediately above the performer.

[News], The Sydney Herald (22 January 1835), 2 

The Concert for the benefit of Mr. Gordonovitch, on Tuesday evening, was very numerously attended, and a more respectable audience never congregated in Sydney. Considerable pains had been taken by the new host of the Pulteney to add as much lustre as possible to the Concert Room and by the excellent arrangements of Mr. Cavendish every thing was managed in the most comfortable and orderly manner . . .

"The Concert", The Sydney Monitor (24 January 1835), 2 

. . . The entertainment went off on the whole very well; every thing was regular and orderly. The night happened to be very sultry. Although Mr. Gordonovitch nominally gave the concert, - Mr. Cavendish actually gave it. We consider, therefore, Mr C. fully entitled to half the profits, and that he was engaged on these terms by Mr G.. It is most gratifying to understand that Mr. Cavendish would not accept a single sixpence for the time and labour he expended in the getting up of this concert. Mr. G. as a stranger and a foreigner could have done nothing of himself. Mr. C.'s conduct, therefore, entitles him to the applause of every man who can duly estimate a generous action of no common kind . . .

[Editorial], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 January 1835), 2 

We take some blame to ourselves for not having noticed the very liberal conduct of Mr. Cavendish, with respect to his exertions in getting up Mr. Gordonovitch's Concert. From the Monitor we learn, that the former gentleman refused to accept a farthing for his services - an act of liberality which, under all the circumstances, deserves to be generally known. We wish Mr. Cavendish, in the present dearth of public amusements, would give, on his own account, a few concerts similar to those which he has so ably conducted. We really think he would find it to his advantage to do so.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Gordonovitch (vocalist); William Henry Aldis (vocalist)

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (29 January 1835), 2 

Mrs. Taylor, the vocalist, intends giving a Concert at the Pulteney Hotel early in the ensuing month. Most of the profession have offered their services on the occasion, and Mr. Cavendish will superintend the performances; a splendid new instrument called a Metalaphone, recently imported by Mr. Ellard, will be introduced on the night of the Concert to accompany the chorusses.

"SYDNEY GENERAL TRADE LIST . . . IMPORTS", The Sydney Monitor (11 February 1835), 2 

February 4. - Undaunted, (ship), 299 tons, Armstrong, master, from London . . . 1 case musical instrument strings, - Cavendish . . .

12 March 1835, ball at Regent Ville

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (5 March 1835), 3 

Mr. Cavendish has been engaged to conduct the Ball and Concert, to be given next week at the fete of Regent Ville.

"THE FETE AT REGENT VILLE", The Sydney Herald (16 March 1835), 3 

. . . At about nine o'clock, most of the company that could be expected in such disagreable weather, having arrived, some of the gentlemen of the 17th Regiment led the way to the ball-room, and were followed by the rest of the company, the majority of whom entered in fancy dresses of the most costly description. The bands of the 17th and 4th Regiments being in attendance, the party immediately commenced dancing, Mr. Cavendish being the conductor of the ceremonies. At this time the ball-room presented a very animated scene, and contained about two hundred persons, splendidly dressed in the costumes of various nations - Greeks, Turks, Swedes, Normans, Spaniards, Frenchmen, Indians, Dutch, Flemings, &c. The dancing continued until morning, when the company retired to the supper table, which was ranged under the verandah of the house. After supper, the cloth being removed, several toasts were given, and on the health of Sir John Jamison being drank, the worthy Knight rose and delivered a neat and most appropriate speech, which was followed by a number of other toasts and speeches. On returning to the ball-room the company kept on the "light fantastic toe" until near daylight, when the amusements were concluded by a splendid display of fireworks.

A party of vocalists from Sydney were in attendance for the purpose of giving a Concert, but the rain having altered the arrangements of the evening, the idea of a Concert was given up . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Regent-ville, country estate of John Jamison (landholder); Band of the 4th Regiment

24 March 1835, Maria Taylor's concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 March 1835), 1 

RESPECTFULLY announces to her Friends and the. Public generally, that her
CONCERT will take place at the PULTENEY HOTEL, on
TUESDAY next, the 24th Instant, assisted (with Permission of Colonel Despard) by the
Band of the 17th Regiment.
1 Overture- Gustavus - Auber
2. Glee, three voices, Ye Shepherds - Mazzinghi
3. Song, Mrs. Child, Wilt thou say Farewell - Stevenson
4. Duet - When a Little Farm we Keep, by Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Knowles - Mazzinghi
5. Song, Mrs Taylor, Lulled by thy Siren Voice - Smith
6 Solo, Clarionet, Mr. Lewis - Gambarra
7. Song, Mr. Gordonovitch - Ger. Bravura
8. Song, Mr. Simmons, Mountain Maid - Sinclair
9. Song, Mr. Bonnar, The Boutie Rows, accompanied on the Guitar by himself - Scotch
10. Song, Mrs. Boatright, The Rover's Bride - Lee
11. Song, Mrs. Taylor, Isle of Beauty, accompanied on the Metalaphone - Rawlinson
12. Overture, Zauberflote - Mozart
1. Overture. The Battle of Waterloo -
8. Glee, Three Voices.
3. Song, Mrs. Boatright, Muffled Drum - Lee
4. Matrimonial Duet, Mr. Simmons and Mrs. Taylor - French Air
5. Song, Mrs. Child, Farewell to Love - Mrs. Child
6. Solo, Flute, Mr. Stubbs - Nicholson
7. Song, Mrs. Taylor, Young Coquette - Lee
8. Song, Mr. Gordonovitch, Maid of Judah - Sloman
9. Glee, The Sea Sprites - Godbe
10. Song, Mr. Bonnar, The Guitar of Spain, accompanied on the Guitar by himself - M. S.
11. Song, Mr. Simmons, The Misletoe Bough -
12. Song, Mrs. Taylor, Minstrel Boy, with Band accompaniments - Stevenson
13. Sinfonia - Mozart
Mr. Cavendish will preside at the Piano-forte. * Tickets 7s 6d. each; to be had at Mr. Ellard's Hunter-street, and at the Pulteney Hotel.

"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (26 March 1835), 3 

Mrs. Taylor gave her Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Saloon of the Pulteney Hotel, to rather a thin house, scarcely sufficient we should think to cover the expenses. The performers were Mesdames Taylor, Boatwright, and Child, and Messrs. Simmons, Ellis, Gordonovitch, and Bonner; Mr. Cavendish presiding alternately at the Seraphine and Pinoforte [sic]. Mr. Thomas Stubbs assisted on the flute, and the Band of the 17th Regiment with their scientific leader Mr. Lewis, performed several celebrated Marches in their best style, and were loudly applauded throughout the evening. The finest piece of music next to the military performances, was a beautiful selection of airs with variations, by Mr. Stubbs, on the flute, and which for sweetness and expression we never heard equalled at any previous Concert. Mrs. Taylor sang, with her usual confidence, a number of pretty songs, amongst which was the sweet and plaintive air of Rawlinson's "Isle of Beauly," accompanied by Mr. Cavendish on the seraphine, and also assisted in the duetts and glees. We never heard Mr. Simmons to more advantage than in the interesting ballad of the "Misletoe Bough;" his comic duetts with Mrs. Taylor, although out of character in a concert-room, did much to enliven the spirits of the audience in all of which he was encored. The difficult song of the "Muffled Drum" was performed very creditably by Mrs. Boatwright, who seemed to be labouring under indisposition. Mr.Gordonovitch sang a number of songs, but we would advise that gentleman to confine himself to his own native airs, his style and pronunciation not being consonant with English ballad singing. The performances terminated at about half-past eleven o'clock.

"THE CONCERT", The Australian (27 March 1835), 2 

. . . Mrs. Taylor sung the "Minstrel Boy," accompanied by the metalaphone, an instrument which much resembles the sustenuto, attached to Motte's piano fortes. Mr. Cavendish evidently was out of his elements; he can't play it . . .

"CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (28 March 1835), 3 

. . . Mr. Cavendish presided at the piano and metalaphone, with his usual taste . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Child (vocalist); Charles Fawcett Bonnar (vocalist, guitarist)

21 April 1835, Thomas Stubbs's concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (20 April 1835), 3 

WE are requested to state that the Principal Vocal und Instrumental Performers to Mr. STUBBS' CONCERT, are as follows, viz.:-
MRS. RUST, Professor of Singings Pupil of the Royal Academy, London, and Member of the Philharmonic Society of Milan.
MR. WILLIAMSON, and other Amateurs.
Instrumental Performers,
MR. WILSON, (Leader)
MR. LEWIS, Master 17th Band,
MR. COLEMAN, Master 4th Band,
MR. STUBBS, &c., &c, &c.

"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (23 April 1835), 2 

Mr. Stubbs' Concert, at the Royal Hotel, on Tuesday evening last, went off with the most perfect éclat, to a crowded and respectable audience. Mr. Stubbs' arrangements of the evening reflected considerable credit, and the performances, in every particular, surpassed any previous entertainment of the kind in the Colony. The principal attraction of the evening was that of a female debutante named Rust, a professional singer recently arrived amongst us from Europe, and whose brilliant talents will, no doubt, be the means of forming a new era in the musical history of Australia. Mrs. Rust made her appearance in the beautiful duet of Bishop's Oh! Maiden Fair, with a gentleman named Clark, and we must confess ourselves disqualified to point out its varied beauties it was a first-rate exhibition of vocal talent. At its conclusion followed one of the most noisy bursts of applause we have heard for some years, forming a strange contrast with the recent mellifluous tones. This lady also sung the song of Lo! here gentle lark, and another duet with Mr. Clarke, When thy bosom heaves a sigh, in both of which she displayed her superior talents as a singer. Mrs. Rust's style of singing appears to approximate to that of Miss Paton of the London theatres, but her forte is said to be the Italian, in which some of our music masters say she is nearly on an equality with Camporesi; these comparisons will not appear absurd when it is known that Mrs. Rust has practised professionally at Milan, and other places in Europe. We were glad to witness such a strong muster of instrumental performers,- Messrs. Wilson, Cavendish, Sippe, Stubbs, Lewis, Coleman, Josephson, and the band of the 17th Regiment. The Overtures were executed in masterly style, and we believe gave universal satisfaction. Mrs. Boatright sung the martial song, Follow to the War, with great effect, and Miss Douglas, under some disadvantages, gave the song of Gaily we Dance, in a very pleasing manner. With proper care, this young lady would become a first-rate ballad-singer, possessing a sweet voice and a neat style of execution, assisted by a knowledge of the science. The Bridesmaid's Chorus wanted vocal strength; the whole power of the performers should have been thrown into it - without which it is absurd to attempt chorusses. The glees appeared to want more animation, although the singers no doubt "followed copy;" the Muleteer's Glee was the most satisfactory. His Excellency the Governor was present at the performance, which closed at a late hour in the morning. - Mr. Stubbs may take to himself the gratification of having got up the best musical entertainment ever exhibited in Australia, and we believe no one left dissatisfied with the performances of the evening. There were upwards of three hundred persons present.

"MR. STUBBS'S CONCERT", The Australian (24 April 1835), 2 

Mr. Stubbs' Concert was performed on Tuesday night, before a numerous, respectable, and highly delighted audience of least 300 persons. Great expectations had been raised from rumours of the fine singing of Mrs. Rust, which were more than realized. It has seldom fallen to our lot to hear a more accomplished vocalist; and while we congratulate the Colony on so great an acquisition to our soirees, our thanks are due to Mr. Stubbs for introducing a lady so competent to afford us delight. We should say that Mrs. Rust's forte was Italian music; in an English song, she appears out of her proper element; her enunciation is not clear. Indeed, it would seem that she never before sung our native melodies. But she labored under disadvantages from ill health, which prevents us from forming a correct opinion of her excellence. The voice, especially, is affected by ill health; of hers, therefore, we can form no correct opinion, and will only say, that her lower notes are good, and that she has a very great compass of voice. She manages her higher notes with judgment and clearness, and her shake is very fine. - We wait with impatience to hear her under more favorable circumstances. Even laboring under the disadvantages she did, Mrs. Rust gave us great pleasure. The Concert opened with the overture to Rossini's opera of "Il Barbiere di Seviglia," which was beautifully performed by a most excellent orchestra. Mr. Lewis's solo on the clarionette was a high treat, and gave the greatest satisfaction. We are indebted, too, to Messrs. Stubbs and Wilson for the pleasure their masterly style of playing afforded. Mr. Josephson played a concerto by Lozier [? Logier], and did full justice to the composition of that celebrated pianist. - Mr. Gordonovitch sang "Di Piacer" with good taste, and, with the other singers, added to the pleasure of the evening. Mrs. Rust was encored in her first song, and her others narrowly escaped repetition.

The audience listened with great attention to "The Miseltoe Bough," as sung by Mr. Simmons.

We are sorry that the songs selected for Mrs. Boatwright were not the ones suited to her style of singing. They were, we think, beyond the compass of her voice and execution. Plaintive melodies are her forte; had she sung them, she would have given more general satisfaction. We stated before that she was an improving singer; - the event has shown that opinion to have been correct, or she could not have sung the songs she did. Still more simple melodies would have suited both her voice and execution better.

In our notice of the last Concert, we ventured to remark that there was too much vocal, and not enough instrumental music. The hint was of use, or Mr. Stubbs' good taste made him avoid the error; there was a fair "division of labor." We are in too good a humour with the Concert and performers to find much fault, or we should say, that Mr. Cavendish is not a good person to accompany a timid singer; he gives no assistance to the singer; and to be well accompanied, is of the first consequence.

On the whole, we were highly delighted, and look forward with pleasure to another Concert under Mr. Stubbs' judicious management. We are happy that this one was so well attended, and honored by the presence of His Excellency, since it may induce Mr. S. again to come forward to add to our amusement.

ASSOCIATIONS: Margaret Rust (vocalist); Ellen Hatch Douglass (actor, vocalist); Mary Ann Paton (London theatrical vocalist)

"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (27 April 1835), 2 

We understand that the Public may anticipate a musical treat in the course of a few weeks, another Concert being on the tapis. We have not heard for whose benefit the next is intended, but presume for Mr. Cavendish - that gentleman having been the drudge of all the previous Concerts, renders him justly entitled to this one. When the next entertainment of this description is given, it is to be hoped we shall see some of our musical young men step forward with their assistance in the chorusses, &c. If they fancy that such practices are derogatory, they are mistaken; it being quite common all over Europe for even nobility to render their assistance at musical festivals. At Van Diemen's Land, the first people in the Colony may be seen in public promoting the science; and it is only by such united efforts that we can expect this delightful art to flourish amongst us. There is, however, no excuse for persons keeping backward in these matters, since such a vocalist as Mrs. Rust has led the way.

[News], The Australian (28 April 1835), 2 

It is stated in the Herald that Mr. Cavendish is about to give a concert.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 April 1835), 2 

We understand that Mr. Cavendish is about shortly to give a concert for his own benefit. Mr. C. deserves every encouragement, not only on account of his acknowledged talents and respectability but for the readiness with which he at all times affords his very valuable assistance to others who may require it.

3 May 1835, solemn mass with music, St. Mary's, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1835), 1 

THE Reverend JOHN JOSEPH THERRY will preach a SERMON in ST. MARY'S CHURCH, HYDE PARK, in Aid of the Funds of this INSTITUTION, on Sunday next, the 3d of Way, immediately after Solemn Mass, to commence at 11 o'clock, and at which a full Choir, under the superintendence of Mr. CAVENDISH, will be in attendance.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Joseph Therry (Catholic cleric)

4 May 1835, opening night of the season, Theatre Royal, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (2 May 1835), 3 

Theatre Royal, Sydney.
THE LESSEES respectfully inform the Patrons of the Drama, and Public in general, that the
TREATRE will open
On Monday Evening, May 4th,
WITH A CELEBRATED TRAGEDY, and other Entertainments . . .

The Lessees are highly gratified in informing the Public, that they have succeeded in engaging all the first-rate musical talent in Sydney, to form their Orchestra, which consists of the following Gentlemen, viz.:--
Leader of the Band - Mr. Clarke.
Violins - Messrs Spyers, Johnson, Dyer, and Scott.
Principal Flute - Mr. Stubbs.
Violincello and Grand Pianoforte - Mr. Cavendish.
Clarionets - Messrs. Turner and Sharp.
Bassoons - Messrs. Hoare and Ball.
Bugle - Mr. Pappin.
Drum - Mr. Vaughan.

. . . The Musical Department will be considerably improved under the direction of Mr. Cavendish. Prices as formerly. Second Pride precisely at 9 o'clock.

The Public are most particularly requested to notice, that under the new arrangement, the Door will open at half-past Six, and the Performance will commence with an Overture, the composition of some well-known Author, by the full Band at Seven o' Clock precisely, and the curtain will rise at the conclusion of the same; and invariably at the fall of the drop scene, will be played some Concerto by an eminent composer . . .

. . . under the sole direction of Mr. JOSEPH SIMMONS.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Clarke (violinist); Lawrence Joseph Spyer (violinist); Mr. Johnson (violinist, probably Richard Johnson junior); Benjamin Bissell Dyer (violinist); Mr. Scott (violinist); Stephen Turner (clarinet); Mr. Sharp (clarinet); Mr. Hoare (bassoon); Mr. Ball (bassoon); Stephen Pappin (bugle); Michael Vaughan (drum)

Letter, Susannah Castell, London, to Cavendish, 4 May 1835 (1st and 2nd versions); Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203; also transcribed Beedell 1990, 678-83

London 4 May 1835
I received last November by the hand of two persons who called at Stangate Street to deliver your letter, I did not see them but W did. The letter you intended for Mr. Watmore when enquired for, we were told had been sent to the post - but this much I doubt for I have heard nothing of it. I am very glad for it would have occasion'd a great deal of unpleasant description and scoffings very much to our disadvantage when it became known that you had repair'd to Sydney and many constructions at J[est]. When the persons call'd we were in great confusion and packing up as our lease expir'd last Xmas. Respecting the music you wished us to select with Mr. Kenyon we know nothing as we never saw him after he called and [we] removed from Stangate a few days after to our new residence. Wm. called shortly after according to the direction he left and was informed that he had gone to Manchester for 3 months - but left no card and present address - we heard nothing till this day with the information that the ship had sail'd a week ago. I have sent several letters but of remote dates - but none I think since August, September last - at which time one contain'd a bill of freightage for a small deal box address'd to you which you cannot receive without producing this paper. The letter was sent posrt address Mr. Cavendish, Sydney, N.S.W. the box by the ship "Undaunted" Capt'n Millar. Its contents were 2 entire sets of bass strings and several that had been but little used and a pr. of scissors a pencil case of points 2 small quadrille books - a copy of the vocal "Messiah" 3 Abbey bills - a shilling coin and a small china egg. It was nailed down and wrapped in a large sheet of brown paper directed as above August (I think 15th & to the best of my recollection cost 15/-!) do not send any more newspapers for they are too expensive and very uninteresting (3/6 each packet) besides the risk (for upon 2 or 3 you had written your initials) which subjects the receiver to a heavy fine. A gentleman the other day paid 13/6 for only one paper so sent and the like for more in proportion to numbers - Our present address is at No. 8 North Terrace, Mount Garden near the Marsh Gate, West'n Road, Lambeth. Be very particular in your directions in copying the above as our residence is rather intricate when you reply to this wait again 'till you hear from me as we may not remain here longer than Xmas and I would not like a letter to be sent after us for I do not relish the "Post Mark" particularly situated as we are at present and now I have something to solicit of you. You must be aware that I have a family and an expensive one too, we have struggled on for nearly nine years neither can you accuse me of incessantly importuning you for the support of a family grown to the state of Man and womanhood; Many privations we have suffered and much more to endure and I regret to think that I have two daughters tenderly bred and incapable of earning their living. Their health too is delicate. Lina's in particular. What is to become of them I know not and our expences are now greatly increas'd by the additional burthen of House Rent which, hitherto have [we been] spared as Wm. is the only one that is earning a farthing - and that no more than a weekly engagement produces, for he never had a pupil in his life. Alfred is past 21 Lena 20 next August and her sister 15 - I should think something might be spared for us. I am getting [on] in years and they are without friends - reflect on this and if possible, set about ameliorating our situation.

In those letters I have sent you I requested you would address to the G. Post Office as I was ignorant of my destination I have enquired but to no purpose. This letter is entrusted to a person (a female) who says she has one to send to Sydney it comes from No. 5 Martha St., Commercial Rd. which was Mr. Kenyon's direction. I shall write immediately by post something like a copy of this in case you should not receive it. If you have not already receiv'd the box make enquiry's. It was deliver'd to Mr. Adams, Custom House Agent, 34, Dempsey St., Commercial Rd., and at the Docks Baggage Warehouse. We are all tolerably well at present which is rather uncommon.

[second version of the above]
London May 4 - 35
Yours I receiv'd last Nov'r by the hand of two persons who call'd in Stangate St. to deliver your letter. I did not see them but Wm. did. The one you intended for Mr. Watmore when enquired for we were told had been sent by post to him - but I heard nothing further on the subject - When the person call'd we were in great confusion & packing up for our departure, our lease being out -

Respecting the music you wished us to select with Mr. Kenyon we know nothing as we never say him again as he never call'd and we are remov'd a few days after to our new residence - but Wm. called on him shortly after and left his address and told that he was gone to Manchester for 3 months & we nothing till this day when we were informed that the ship had sail'd a week ago - I have sent several letters to you but of remote dates. I think none since August or September last at which time One contained a bill of freightage for a small deal box address'd to you which you cannot receive without producing this paper. The letter was sent post address'd to Cavendish, Sydney, N.S.W. The box, Mr. Cavendish, Sydney, N.S.W. August (I think is) but I do not think they sailed till Sept'r Ship "Undaunted" Capt'n Millar. If you have not received the box, make enquiries, it was delivered to Mr. Tho. Adams Customs Agent 37 Dempsey St., Commercial rd. & at the Docks Baggage Warehouse. Its contents were two entire sets of bass strings and some that had been but little used, a pr. of scissors - a pencil case of points wt. lead points for the same - 2 small quadrille books a copy of the vocal "Messiah" - 3 Abbey bills and a shilling coin, and small china egg - it was nailed down and wrapped in a large sheet of brown paper directed as above and I think 15th cost 15/6. We paid 3/6 each packet - besides you had written your initials on some which subjects the receiver to pay a heavy fine, perhaps as much as 13/- each paper so written on - In those letter I have sent you I directed you to address to me at the post office as I was ignorant of my future destination - but without effect - our present direction is -

No. 8 North Terrace
Mount Gardens
Near the Marsh Gate
Lambeth, London

Be very particular in the direction [?] copy the above as our residence is rather intricate to find out, when you reply to [this] wait again until you hear from me as we may not remain here longer than Xmas and I should not like a letter to be sent after us.

I have written another of a more circumstancial nature which I shall send by the post directed exactly like this - This is entrusted to a female who says she has a letter to send to Sydney it comes from No. 5 Martha St., Commercial Rd. which is Mr. Kenyon's direction which he left with us.

"Domestic and Miscellaneous Intelligence", The Australian (15 May 1835), 2 

On the arrival of the Roman Catholic Bishop, a Grand Oratorio will take place in the Catholic Chapel, the selections are from the work of Handel and are to be under the able direction of Mr. Cavendish. The Choir will be supported by all the professors and amateurs in Sydney.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 May 1835), 2 

We understand that a grand performance of sacred music is in preparation, and will take place in St. Mary's Church, Hyde Park, shortly after the arrival of the Roman Catholic Bishop of this colony, who is daily expected. The whole of the arrangements will be under the direction of Mr. Cavendish.

8 June 1835, Theatre Royal

"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 June 1835), 2 

On Monday evening an unusually crowded audience assembled to witness the performance, and to welcome the return of Captain Piper to town, who, agreeably to advertisement, honoured the theatre with his presence on that night . . . The orchestra struck up "See the conquering Hero comes;" and Captain Piper, in the fullness of heart occasioned, no doubt, by the cordial welcome he met from his fellow-colonists, shortly addressed the audience . . .

. . . The orchestra, as usual, made a sad bungle on this occasion: when the period had arrived for Mrs. Taylor's introducing the "Sale of loves," Mr. Cavendish was not to he found, and the Pianoforte was therefore silent. Mrs. T. kept walking up and down by the foot lights for several minutes, beseeching one or other of our crack violin players to accompany her, but all in vain. Mr. Clarke's fiddle was mute, and Mr. Spyers's bow had, as we suppose, been soaped by some mischievous wight, "for the deuce a bow would either of them draw." Mrs. T. and the audience had just given up all hopes of the song, when Mr. Cavendish entered the orchestra in breathless haste, and made good the deficiency his absence had occasioned . . .


"To they Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 August 1835), 3 

SIR, In your paper of this day's date, you very correctly observed that the band of the theatre is incomplete. It is impossible to have a full band in this colony, but I have to notice many greater faults than those that you, and your contemporary point out. I am fully aware that the present band of the theatre costs more than a full band of first rate talent at any of the minor London theatres, who have treble the work, for they have to attend day rehearsals; which none do here, and I know from the best authority that each of the three gentlemen. viz. Messrs. Clarke, Spyer and Cavendish, get almost double the salary of any performer of that establishment; yet what musical treat do they afford us, or what talent do they evince. In former times, when any one had to sing, Mr. Sippe would arrange parts for four of five instruments, and well we remember with what tact Mr. Wilson led and accompanied; but now when Mrs. Taylor sings what do we have ? a piano forte accompaniment solely; and no doubt those three gentlemen rank themselves as men of great musical talent and flatter themselves, they do justice to the public and their employers.

The greatest improvement that ought or should took place, is, that all the songs should be accompanied by the band, and the director (Mr. Cavendish) should prepare the parts; and we do assure him, we do not like to see him sit like a boarding school young lady with a pianoforte copy before him and Messrs. Clarke, Spyers and the other little fry, sit gaping and gazing at the singers, as if they were of the audience. It is really disgraceful to see individuals who receive from the Treasury (so report says) £250 per annum each, do so little for it; and really if their services are worth that enormous and extravagant sum what must the services be worth of Mr. Simmons, Mrs. Taylor or Mr. Knowles, who are always before the public and perform more arduous duties in one night, than those three gentlemen in a month. I have long noticed this abuse, but out of pity to these gentlemen's feelings, I refrained from exposing it; but now the abuse is so glaring, that it cannot be passed over any longer.

I wish you, Mr. Editor, to bear in mind that all the music which has been played lately, in the stock pieces, is from the pen of Mr. Sippe. Such, Sir, is the true state of the band of the theatre, and as the lessees are paying so truly liberally for the music, perhaps, these three gentlemen will take this gentle hint to improve their department. Your insertion will oblige all lovers of theatricals and music, and none more so than one that visits the dress boxes generally at

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 August 1835), 2 

A case of considerable importance in the theatrical world, was disposed of by the learned Commissioner of the Court of Requests, on Saturday last. Mr. Cavendish, who has the entire musical direction of the orchestra at the theatre, sought to recover the sum of £5 from Mr. Simmons, the manager and joint lessee, being the amount of one week's salary of which he had been mulcted for non-attendance to his duties during one nights' performance . . .

20 September 1835, installation of John Bede Polding, St. Mary's Cathedral

[News], The Sydney Herald (21 September 1835), 3 

The inauguration of the Roman Catholic Bishop Poulding, took place yesterday, at Saint Mary's Chapel, Hyde Park. The Bull, containing the Bishop's authority, was read by the Vicar-General, after which an address was delivered by Dr. Poulding. During the Mass, which followed, several new musical pieces were performed by Mrs. Rust, the Rev. Messrs. Spencer and Corcoran, &c. Mrs. Chester and several other professional singers were also in the choir, Mr. Cavendish presiding at the Seraphine.

"Domestic and Miscellaneous Intelligence", The Australian (22 September 1835), 2 

The installation of the Right Reverend Dr. Polding, Catholic Bishop of the Colonies,, took place on Sunday last at the Catholic Church, Hyde Park. The Bishop was received at the great door at the west end of the building, by the Clergy dressed in their sacerdotal vestments, and having put on his Episcopal Robes, and assumed his Crosier and Mitre, he and the Clergy moved in procession to the foot of the High Altar, chaunting the Te Deum accompanied by the organ . . .

High mass was next performed by his Lordship in a most edifying manner, at the end of which he gave his solemn blessing to a crowded congregation, in which we observed a great many Protestant ladies and gentlemen.

Mr. Cavendish presided at the organ and the music, which was most beautiful was, we understand, executed by Mrs. Rust and several of the clergymen. Mrs. Rust was in excellent voice, and her execution of some of the most difficult passages was delightful in the extreme, she certainly appears to much more advantage in sacred music than at concerts . . .

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 September 1835), 2 

The Roman Catholic Bishop, Dr. Paulding, was inaugurated on Sunday last at St. Mary's Church, with episco-papal ceremony. The musical department was conducted, on a grand scale, Mr. Cavendish presiding at the seraphine, and Mrs. Chester and several superior vocalists assisting in the choir.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (bishop); Marian Maria Chester (vocalist); John Spencer (vocalist); James Vincent Corcoran (vocalist)

16 and 17 November 1835, entertainment, Maria Taylor

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (5 November 1835), 2 

An entertainment of a novel description is advertised by Mrs. Taylor, the actress, to be given on the 16th instant, at the Royal Hotel, on which occasion Messrs. Cavendish, Sippe, Stubbs, Clark, and Wilson, have volunteered their musical services. Particulars of the entertainment are to appear in a future Herald.

"NOVELTY IN AUSTRALIA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 November 1835), 2 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (16 November 1835), 1 

Theatre Royal, Sydney.
By permission of His Excellency the GOVERNOR.
MRS. TAYLOR RESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public in general, that her Entertainment, announced to take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, will now be performed in the Theatre, which she has engaged from Mr. Simmons, he having become the Sole Lessee, and on which occasion he has offered his valuable services gratuitously.
On MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1835, will he performed
an entire new descriptive Entertainment, with Songs, in two parts, with new Scenery, Dresses, and Decorations, got up expressly for the occasion by Mrs. Taylor,
called Theatrical Reminiscences.
For the programme, see bills of the day.
Song - The Romalka, (Moore's Melodies) accompanied by herself on the Piano-forte, and Mr. Stubbs on the Flute.
Scotch Air - "Within a mile o' Edinbro' town"
French Air - "Dunois the brave."
German Air - "Lieber Augustein."
Fashionable Air.
Moorish Air.
The following characters will be sustained by Mrs. Taylor, and in which she will sing the following songs. CHARACTERS:
Jeanny Dean, Madame Meannette, Mrs. Haller, Louisa Lovetrick, Marguerite, Becky Butterfly, Agnes, Ernestine, and Don Giovanni.
A New Medley Song - Buckstone.
"I have a silent sorrow here" - Sheridan.
"Dashing White Sergeant" -Whittaker.
"My heart's true blue" - A. Lee.
"When the hollow drums" - Colman.
Between the first and second parts
Mr. Simmons, on this occasion, will give a new Entertainment called
In which he will sing
"Morning at Bow-street," and "London at Six o' Clock in the Morning."
The Musical Department, under the direction of Messrs. Stubbs, Clarke, Cavendish, Wilson, and Sippe, who have kindly offered their services gratuitously.
The performance will commence at Seven o'Clock, and terminate at Eleven.
Tickets and Boxes to be had at the Theatre.
Prices to all parts of the house as usual.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 November 1835), 2 

Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather, a tolerably numerous audience assembled at the theatre on Monday evening last, to witness Mrs. Taylor's novel entertainment, after the manner of Miss Kelly, at the London Theatres. Mrs. Taylor gave extracts from several of the leading characters she has sustained during the late season, with her usual superior ability; and she sang several songs, with her accustomed success. "I have a silent sorrow here," we particularly noticed for it's simplicity of style, and chasteness of execution. Some of the appeals to the public on the faults of managers, orchestra, &c. were by no means contemptible specimens of wit, and they kept the audience in continued good-humour. Mr. Simmons also introduced his "early recollections" with a happy effect, and his songs of "Mornings at Bow Street," and "London at six in the morning," were most humorously given. In the second part, Mrs. Taylor appeared in the character of Don Giovanni, in which, she did every thing to please her auditors, and was as usual, successful in her endeavours. A similar entertainment, with some slight variation in the minor details is to be repeated this evening; and we invite all those who delight in witnessing novel amusements, to profit by the present opportunity.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (28 December 1835), 3 

Mr. Cavendish, of Pitt-street, has succeeded in constructing a very curious and useful article - a self-exploding gun for giving the meridian time with as much truth as a sun-dial. It consists of a small mortar securely fixed to a block of stone, with a lens above for the purpose of concentrating the sun's rays - the focus of which is reflected upon a long aperture in the gun at 12 o'clock, when it explodes. These constructions, on a much larger scale, are common in Paris, where the exact meridian time is publicly known. Quere. - Would not one of these guns be of much utility to the town's people of Sydney, erected in a central situation? say the Military Barracks?


To call up all the TROVE newspaper items tagged William Joseph Cavendish for 1836: 

[News], The Sydney Herald (4 February 1836), 3 

Mr. Cavendish, who has been busily engaged for some years past instructing the juveniles of Australia in music and dancing, we hear, intends leaving the colony for Paris, in the course of next month.

1 April 1836, Good Friday, St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney

"ROMAN CATHOLIC CEREMONIES", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 April 1836), 2 

The Roman Catholic Chapel was crowded, to excess, on Good Friday, notwithstanding the rain fell in torrents, incessantly, during the whole of the day to witness High Mass performed by the Right Reverend Bishop Poulding, who appeared upon the occasion, in his gorgeous sacerdotal robes and performed the ceremony with great solemnity; the sacred music is spoken of in the highest strain of praise. Mrs. Rust is said to have far eclipsed any female vocalist who has yet appeared before the Australian public. Messrs. Clarke and Spencer afforded their valuable assistance on the occasion, and Mr. Cavendish presided at the Metaliphone [metalaphone]. (some call it a Seraphine.)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (2 April 1836), 3 

MR. CAVENDISH respectfully informs his Friends and the Public generally, that his visit to Europe has been superseded by an accredited agent; and a gentleman on the eve of departing for France has politely undertaken to execute the mission to Paris, with which Mr C. was entrusted, and those parties who have signed it may rest assured of the fidelity of its accomplishment, as duplicates have been forwarded to the "Academie Royale," and he has taken such measures to promote its completion, as the distinguished patronage accorded him since his arrival in this Colony so highly merits. Under these circumstances he has consented to remain until the arrival of a respectable professor; and to renew his engagement at the close of the Easter holidays.
30th March.

4 April 1835, "an Easter keepsake"

"EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 April 1836), 3 

On Monday, a female with a child in her arms, called at the house of Mr. Cavendish the professor of Music, and asked to speak with him. She was shown into the parlour, and the servant went to inform his master, that a visitor was waiting for him. On Mr. C entering the room, he discovered (wirabile dicktu) that the visitor had fled, leaving the child kicking and screaming on the sofa. Mr. C. was horror struck, as he could discover no likeness of the Cavendish lineaments in the bantling's face, and applied to the police, for assistance; when a woman named Ann Harris, acknowleging the fact was taken into custody. She might better have deposited the infant in the domicile of some childless ten thousand pounder.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (7 April 1836), 3 

On Monday last, Mr. Cavendish, professor of music, appeared at the Police Office to make affidavit of the following circumstance: - On Monday morning, a respectably dressed woman called at Mr. Cavendish's house, and enquired if he was at home. The servant maid told the querist that he was upstairs and that she would call him; for which purpose she left the female in the parlour. Shortly afterwards Mr. Cavendish (having been apprised of the visit) went to his parlour, and seeing no woman as had been represented to him, he was about leaving the room, when he was startled by the cries of a child on the sofa; and he then discovered that the mother (unknown to him) had left him an Easter keepsake, in a lovely baby of two or three months old. The magistrates directed the police to enquire after the mother.

"POLICE INCIDENTS. THE MYSTERIOUS CASE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 April 1836), 3 

Anne Harris a free woman (arrived so) was placed at the bar on the following charge. The keeper of the female watch house deposed that on Monday a child was given into his charge which was stated to have been left at the house of Mr. Cavendish; shortly, afterwards two women came to look at it, he asked them if either was the mother; they replied " no, but they know her and she was not far off;" shortly after the prisoner arrived and she was taken into custody on claiming the child.

Ellen O'Brien - servant in the employ of Mr. Cavendish deposed that on Monday morning the woman Harris came to the kitchen of her master's house and asked if he was at home, she replied "no;" prisoner then enquired if her mistress was, and on answer in the affirmative, she rushed up stairs into the parlour and laid an infant between 3 and 4 months old on the sofa and ran away. On being called upon to account for such extraordinary conduct, she replied that it was Mr. Cavendish's child and that she would not take charge of it without he allowed something towards its support. The Bench informed her that if such was her resolution, they would probably be under the necessity of committing her for the desertion; in this country mothers must support their offspring. Remanded for the attendance of Mr. Cavendish.

"ACCIDENTS, OFFENCES, &c.", The Sydney Herald (11 April 1836), 2 

The amiable mother of the child which was left at Mr. Cavendish's house, last week, is in custody, to answer the charge of abandoning her offspring. She appeared at the bar of the Police Office on a charge of drunkenness, and disclosed to the officers that she had left her child somewhere, but she could not state where.

"Police Office. SATURDAY, APRIL 8TH, 1836", The Sydney Monitor (13 April 1836), 2 

Ann Harris, who had on a former day been placed at the bar, charged with deserting her female infant, but who was then remanded for the evidence of the gentleman on whom she appeared anxious to confer the honor of paternity, was again put to the bar. The Chief Constable intimated to the Bench, that Mr. Cavendish, the gentleman who was alleged to have thus set the doctrines of the immortal Malthus at defiance, had been duly warned to attend, in order to prosecute the defendant; but he had stated his unwillingness to appear, and had not been seen about the Court. Mr. Windeyer enquired if the lady had anything to offer in justification of her unmotherly conduct, in abandoning her infant in the manner she had done; it was an offence for which she might be indicted, and subjected to punishment. The defendant observed that she would not deny the fact of having left her child; but was of opinion, that it could not be deposited in a safer or better place withal in the house of its father; that was all site had to offer in mitigation of the alleged offence. Mr. Windeyer observed, that as the burthen rested solely on mothers, as to the support of their illegitimate children, be would require defendant to find sureties for her good conduct in that respect; herself in £10, and two sureties in the sum of £5 each for twelve months. Defendant, who is a simple looking girl, apparently in the humblest capacity of life, produced the required sureties.

18 May 1836, John Philip Deane and family, concert

[News], The Sydney Monitor (18 May 1836), 3 

Mr. Deane from Hobart Town gives his first Concert at the Royal Hotel, this evening. Miss Deane will perform several solos on the Pianoforte, an instrument on which we understand, she plays brilliantly. Mr. D. has secured the assistance of Mrs. Chester, and Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Cavendish, Stubbs and several amateurs. Major England with his accustomed urbanity has given permission to the band of the 4th Regiment to attend on the occasion.

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (18 May 1836), 1 

MR. JOHN PHILLIP DEANE, Member of the Philharmonic Society, and Professor of Music, BEGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally of Sydney, and its vicinity, that he will give a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the Royal Hotel,
THIS EVENING, May 18, 1836, on which occasion the following talent will render their valuable assistance:
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Allen, Mr. Stubbs, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Masters John & Edward Deane, Miss Deane, several Gentlemen Amateurs, Mr. Aldis, and Mrs. Chester.
Overture - Tancredi - Rossini
Glee & Chorus - Bragela, Mrs. Chester, Master Deane, Mr. Aldis, &c - Stevens
Song - If o'er the cruel tyrant love, Mrs. Chester - Dr. Arne
Solo - Pianoforte, Rule Britannia, Miss Deane - Ries
Song - Death of Nelson, Mr. Allen - Bishop [Braham]
Septette - In which will be introduced Haydon's Surprise, Miss Deane, Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Stubbs, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Deane, Masters J. and E. Deane - Haydon
Duet - As it fell upon a day, Miss Deane and Master E. Deane - Bishop
Glee - The Foresters, Amateurs - Bishop
Overture - La Villanella Rapita - Mozart
Glee - My sweet Dorabella, Mrs. Chester, Mr. Deane, & Amateurs - Mozart
Fantasia - Flute, Mr. Stubbs - Toulou
Song - Mocking bird, Mrs. Chester, (flute obligato) Mr. Stubbs - Bishop
Solo - Pianoforte, Greek March, with variations, Miss Deane - Hertz
Duetto - Dear Maid , Mrs. Chester and Mr. Aldis - Bishop
Solo - Violincello, Air with variations, Master E. Deane - Dusseck
Glee and Chorus - Away, away, the morning freshly breaking, by all the Vocalists - Auber
By the kind permission of Major England, the Band of the 4th or King's Own will attend.
Tickets 5s. each, to be obtained of Mr. Sparks, Royal Hotel; Mr. Chester, 8, King-street; Mr. Russel, Hatter, George-street; and Mr. Deane, 5, Terry's Buildings, Pitt-street.
* Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.

"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (19 May 1836), 3 

Mr. Deane's Concert took place last night at the Royal Hotel. There were about four hundred persons present, and at eight o'clock the Concert commenced with the Overture to Tancredi, performed in fine style by Messrs. Deanes, Cavendish, Wilson, Sippe, Stubbs, and the Bass of the excellent Band of the 4th Regiment, under the superintendence of Mr.- - -, who gratuitously exerted himself, as did all the performers for Mr. Deane's benefit. The glee and chorus "Bragela," sung by Mrs. Chester, Master Deane, and Amateurs, was well executed, and elicited deserved applause. Mrs. Chester's "If o'er the cruel tyrant, received great and deserved applause, love " was a beautiful performance, Miss Deane's pianoforte solo "Rule Britannia," was an extraordinary performance for so young a lady. Miss Deane is but fourteen years of age, and her execution drew forth tremendous cheers, which continued long after the young lady had left the instrument. Mr. Allen, an amateur, sung the "Death of Nelson;" his voice is musical but weak, and would have sounded much better in some of the simple Scotch Melodies, which would have been graced by his strong Scotch idiom; it was not, however, sufficiently strong to give effect to the song he sang. A Septette performed by Mr. Deane, Miss Deane, Masters I. and E. Deane, Messrs. Cavendish, Stubbs, and Wilson followed, and was a real musical treat, embracing almost the entire talent of Sydney. The duet of "As it fell upon a day," by Miss Deane and Master E. Deane, was pleasingly sung, much applauded and encored; Miss Deane has a sweet voice, but we think it a pity to introduce the young lady until her voice is matured - her execution was good, and Master Deane supported her well. Glee "The Foresters," well sung, closed the first part of the Concert.

The second part commenced by the overture "La Villanetta Rapita" by the full orchestra, which was remarkably well played. "My Sweet Dorabella," a comic glee, by Mr. Deane, Mrs. Chester, and an Amateur, elicited much laughter and applause. Mr. Stubbs's solo on the flute, " Come where the Aspens Quiver," with variations, was a masterly performance, and was most deservedly lauded. Mrs. Chester did ample justice to the " Mocking Bird," and was accompanied by Mr. Stubbs, with much feeling. Miss Deane's pianoforte solo "Greek March," with variations, was an improvement on her former playing. The passages in the variations, which are by Hertz, are the most difficult that can he imagined, and the rapidity ef her execution surprised every person present. The duetto " Dear Maid" by Mrs. Chester and an Amateur, pleased by its simplicity. Master E. Deane, ten years of age, executed a solo, "The Ploughboy," with variations, on the violincello, in which he was rapturously applauded between each variation. The instrument was nearly as large as Master Deane, and taking into consideration the smallness of his hand, it was a very praiseworthy performance. The evening's entertainment closed with a chorus from "Massaniello," which was very well sung. The proficiency of Mr. Deane's family does him great credit as a teacher of music, and it is to be hoped he will receive his share of the public patronage. It is highly creditable to the profession, that the performers stepped forward gratuitously to help a brother performer.

"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Australian (20 May 1836), 2 

. . . The Septette, introducing Haydn's Surprise, by Messrs. Cavendish, Stubbs, Wilson, Deane, and James Deane [sic], was a performance which exceeded in brilliancy the expectations of the most sanguine . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (violinist); Rosalie Deane (pianist, vocalist), John Deane (violinist); Edward Deane (violoncellist, vocalist)

22 May 1836, Whitsunday (Pentecost), solemn mass, St. Mary's Cathedral, Hyde Park, Sydney

"DOMESTIC", The Australian (20 May 1836), 2 

On Sunday next, (Whit Sunday,) the lovers of sacred music will do well to attend divine service at St. Mary's Church, Hyde Park; when, in addition to the usual excellent choir at that church, there will be collected nearly the whole of the professional musicians of Sydney, both instrumental and vocal, including Mrs. Rust, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. Cavendish, and some others whose names we are not acquainted with, of distinguished ability, forming a phalanx of talent that can never be brought together at a concert, for the benefit of any individual.

[News], The Australian (24 May 1836), 2 

The admirers of sacred Music had a rich treat in the service at St. Mary's Church last Sunday, the whole of which, we believe, was under the superintendence of the Rev. Mr. Spencer, who displayed great taste in his selection of the music. Part of the mass was from Magginghi [Mazzinghi], which was peculiarly pretty, and part from that splendid composer Mozart. Mrs. Rust sung two beautiful solos, one "Ave verum," arranged by Myren, and the "Agnus Dei," from Mozart, which she executed with her usual brilliancy and feeling. The offertory was extremely beautiful, the treble by Mrs. Rust, the tenor by Mr. Clarke, and the bass by Mr. Bushell. We have never heard this gentleman before - his voice is a very fine bass, and he sung the last mentioned piece in admirable style. We also observed Mr. Deane and Mr. Wallace in the choir, who added their valuable assistance. Mr. Cavendish presided most scientifically at the Seraphine. We observed a great number of Protestant ladies and gentlemen in the body of the Church, which was crowded in every part.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Clarke, probably Francis Clarke (amateur tenor vocalist); John Bushell (Bushelle), future husband of Eliza Wallace

"ST. MARY'S CHURCH", The Colonist (2 June 1826), 4 

WE copy the following article from The Australian of the 24th ult. -

The admirers of sacred music had a rich treat in the service at St. Mary's' Church last Sunday . . . [full text as above] . . . We observed a great number of Protestant ladies and gentlemen in the body of the Church, which was crowded in every part.

This article undoubtedly exhibits the character of the Protestantism of The Australian as vividly as it does that of the Romanism of St. Mary's; or rather, we should say, it exhibits in a sufficiently clear and intelligible manner the Heathenism of both, while it demonstrates the absolute necessity of having at least one Journal in this colony conducted on the principles of scriptural Christianity. To think of all the fiddlers and dancing-masters of the colony congregated on the Lord's day in the Roman Catholic chapel and engaged, under the direction of the Roman Catholic priesthood, in celebrating an act of divine worship - what a piece of gross profanation! To think of these worthies, in depreciation of whose moral character or professional talents we should be exceedingly sorry to say a single syllable; to think of their performing in Mr. Barnett Levey's Theatre on Saturday, and performing (for it is the same word that must be used in both cases) in Bishop Poulding's church (we had almost said theatre too) on Sunday - it is a positive outrage upon the Christian feeling of the community! And were we not right, therefore, in saying, as we did a few weeks ago, that a large portion of the superstructure of Popery had been erected on the foundation of Heathenism? Why, the professional singers, the violinists, the flute-players, &c., &c., who were performing on the late occasion in St. Mary's church, so much to the satisfaction of the Editor of The Australian and the other Protestant ladies and gentlemen who were' present, were acting precisely the same part in the observances of the day as the Nautch girls in the Hindoo temples. Now, will any man in his sound senses believe that when the apostle Paul "lived two whole years in his own hired house in the city of Rome," preaching the gospel to all that came unto him; and was thereby the honoured instrument in the hand of his divine master of laying the foundations of the once apostolic church of Rome, he would have allowed the psalmody to be conducted by a professed fiddler or opera singer, however excellent and unexceptionable in his proper vocation? Oh no, that glorious apostle was not the man "to give that which was holy unto the dogs!"

We perfectly understand the object of those unchristian exhibitions which are thus permitted to take place in St. Mary's church, and which our musical brother of The Australian extols so highly. They are intended, like Mr. Barnett Levey's theatrical bills of fare, "to fill the house," and especially to fill it with such "Protestant ladies and gentlemen" as have "itching ears," and can stand the desecration. Such Protestant ladies and gentlemen are in the fair way of becoming Roman Catholics, and we verily believe that they will just have as little of anything that constitutes genuine Christianity under the one designation as under the other. As genuine and not nominal Protestants, however, we enter our solemn protest against all such acts of profanation - against all such sinful compliances with the will-worship of the Roman Catholic Church.

ASSOCIATIONS: The author of this unsigned article was John Dunmore Lang, Presbyterian minister, and The Colonist's editor

"CHURCH MUSIC", The Tasmanian (23 September 1836), 6 

We apprehend nobody will deny that King George the 3rd was essentially, both, as religious and moral a man, as even Dr. Lang himself, or any other of the Australian Puritans. Who is ignorant of the splendid commemorations of Handel, and other "sacred music" composers, "got up" under the immediate direction of that revered Monarch, at which all the first musicians of Europe, "fiddlers and dancing-masters" as Dr. Lang calls them, were engaged? Yet, surely, it will not be said that George the 3rd was a "Heathen," or that he would be "an actor in the performances of the Hindoo Nautch girls." Surely Dr. Lang is as far behind the Spirit of the Age" as the "Baron of Australia" himself, or others upon whom he is so severe. We copy the following from Dr. Lang's journal, the Colonist: -

ST. MARY'S CHURCH. - The admirers of sacred music had a rich treat in the service at St. Mary's Church last Sunday . . . [as above]

This article undoubtedly exhibits the character of the Protestantism of The Australian as vividly as it does that of the Romanism of St. Mary's . . . [as above]

1 June 1836, concert, William Vincent Wallace (3rd benefit), saloon of the Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney

[News], The Sydney Herald (30 May 1836), 2 

Mr. Wallace's Concert takes place on Wednesday, at which Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Miss E. Wallace, the brother and sister of Mr. W. Wallace, make their debut in public. Report speaks very highly of Mr. Wallace's flute playing, that gentleman having studied that instrument as assiduously as his brother has done the violin. Miss Wallace's voice is of a superior order, and she has studied hard for the improvement of it. Mr. Wallace will be assisted by Mr. Cavendish, who is foremost on every occasion to advance the interests of his professional friends, Mr. Josephson, and several amateurs of no mean ability; Mrs. Chester also sings some of her most pleasing songs, and with Miss Wallace, will perform a favourite Duet. Of Mr. Wallace's violin solo, it is useless to speak.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (1 June 1836), 3 

UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF His Excellency the Governor, Who has signified his intention of being present.
MR. W. WALLACE, Leader of the Anacreontic Society, and Professor of Composition, Royal Academy.
BEGS to announce that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
THIS EVENING, The 1st JUNE, 1836, on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. Cavendish, and Amateur, and Mr. S. W. Wallace.
1. Overture - Lestocq, Auber
2. Duet - Guillaume Tell, Rossini - Miss Wallace and Mrs. Chester
3. Grand Rondo Brilliante (Piano-forte), Hertz - Mr. W. Wallace
4. Song - Tell me my Heart, Bishop - Mrs. Chester
5. Concerto (Flute), Nicholson - Mr S. W. Wallace
6. Song - Una Voce poco Fa, Rossini - Miss E. Wallace
7. De Beriot's Sixth Air, (Violin) in which will be introduced the Double Stop Movement from Paganini's Grand Concert in E - Mr. W. Wallace
PART II. 8. Overture - La Gazza Ladra, Rossini
9. Song - Love's Young Dream, Irish melody - Mrs. Chester
10. Swiss Air - The Spring time is coming - Miss E. Wallace
11. Fantasia - (Flute) Toulou - Mr. Josephson
12. Song - Let us seek the yellow shore, Bishop - Mrs. Chester
13. Extemporaneous performance on the Piano forte, on any subject or subjects which may be presented (written) - Mr. W. Wallace
14. Song - The Minstrel Boy, Irish Melody - Miss E. Wallace
15. (By particular desire,) Fantasia di Bravura, dedicated to Paganini, in which will be introduced 'Tis the last Rose of of Summer - Mr. W. Wallace
By the kind permission of Major England, Mr. Wallace will be allowed the aid of the Band of the 4th Regiment.
Tickets, 7s. 6d, each - to be had at Mr. Ellard's Music Warehouse.
Concert to commence at 8 o'Clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist); William Vincent Wallace (violinist, pianist); Eliza Wallace (vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (flute)

"ORATORIO", The Sydney Herald (30 June 1836), 2 

A performance of sacred music, on a grand scale, is shortly to be given at St. Mary's Church Hyde Park, the objects of which, are said to be the advancement of the science of music and musical talent, and to assist in raising funds for an organ. The Oratorio is to be under the direction of Mr. Wallace. Mrs. Rust, Mrs. Chester, Miss Wallace, Mrs. Curtis, Messrs. Cavendish, Clarke, Deane, Stubbs, Spencer, Gordonovitch, Martin, the Choir of the Church, and many Amateurs, have already consented to perform. The two Military Bands are also engaged. The Oratorio is expected to take place on the 26th of next month.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Curtis (vocalist); George Gordonovitch (tenor vocalist); Mr. Martin (? Conrad Martens)

6 July 1836, concert, John Philip Deane, Saloon, Royal Hotel, Sydney, NSW

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (6 July 1836), 2 

UNDER THE PATRONAGE of His Excellency the Governor,
MR. J. P. DEANE, Member of the Philharmonic Society, London, and Professor of Music.
RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public, that his next CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place
THIS EVENING, July 6th, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on which occasion he will be supported by
Mrs. Chester, Miss Deane, Messrs. Cavendish, Stubbs, Sippe, Wilson, Masters J. & E. Deane, and Amateurs.
Overture - Italiano in Algeri - Rossini.
Glee - The Witches, (by permission) the Band - Calcott.
Solo - Pianoforte, Grand variations on the fall of Paris, Miss Deane - Moscheles.
Song - Lo here the gentle Lark, (by desire) Mrs. Chester, flute obligato, Mr. Stubbs - Bishop.
Quintette - Mr. Deane, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Stubbs, Masters J. and E. Deane - Hayden.
Duett - I know a bank, &c., Miss Deane and Master E. Deane - Horn.
Chorus - The Chough, and Crow - Bishop.
Overture - Caliph of Bagdad - Bishop.
Song - Far, far at sea, Master E. Deane - Arnold.
Solo - Flute, Rule Britannia, with Drouet's celebrated variations in C, Mr. Stubbs - Drouet.
Song - At close of day, Mrs. Chester - Rossini.
Solo - Pianoforte, Variations on the Greek March, (by desire) Miss Deane - Hertz.
Duett - Tell me where is fancy bred, Mrs. Chester and Mr. Aldis - Bishop.
Solo - Violincello, Hope told a flattering tale, Master E. Deane.
Chorus - Of Huntsmen, C. M Von Weber.
* By the kind permission of Major England, Mr. Deane will be allowed the assistance of the Band of the 4th or King's Own.
Tickets 7s 6d; Children,- 5s each, to be obtained at Mr. Tyrer's Fancy Repository; Mr. Chester, King-street; Mr. Ellard, Hunter-street; Mr. Sparke's, Royal Hotel; and Mr. Deane, 5, Terry's Buildings, Pitt-street.
N. B. - Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.

13 July 1836, concert, William Vincent Wallace, Theatre Royal, Sydney, NSW

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (13 July 1836), 3 

Under the Patronage of His Excellency the GOVERNOR,
who has signified his intention of being present.
CONCERT OF Vocal & Instrumental Music,
will take place on THIS EVENING, the 13th of July, in the THEATRE-ROYAL, on which occasion, he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. S. Wallace, and Mr. Cavendish.
Programme Concert.
1. OVERTURE - Red Mask - Marliani
2. GLEE - Hark, Apollo strikes the Lyre
3. SONG - Di Piacer - Rossini - Miss E. Wallace
4. FANTASIA, Flute, introducing 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer - Nicholson - Mr. Josephson
5. SONG - Trifler Forbear - Bishop - Mrs. Chester
6. QUARTETTE - Violin, Pianoforte, Flute, and Violoncello - Mayseder - Mr. W. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. S. Wallace, and Mr. Cavendish
7. SONG - Spring time is Coming (by desire) - Miss E. Wallace
8. RONDO BRILLIANTE, Violin, in which will be introduced the "COOLUN," Irish Melody - Mr. W. Wallace
10. CHORUS, with Violin obligato accompaniment - Carl Maria Von Weber
11. SONG - Auld Robin Grey - Mrs. Chester
12. CONCERTO, Flute - Mr. S. Wallace
13. SONG - Cease thus to palpitate - Rossini - Miss E. Wallace
14. GRAND DUO CONCERTANTE, for two Piano Fortes - Herz
(as played by Henri Herz and Mr. W. Wallace) - Mr. W. Wallace and Mr. Josephson
15. SONG - The Minstrel Boy - Mrs. Chester
16. CONCERTO, Violin, in which will be introduced by particular desire, Savourneen Deelish, Irish Melody - Mr. W. Wallace.
Dress Circle - 7 6
Upper Boxes - 5 0
Pit - 4 0
Gallery - 3 0
To ensure comfort and respectability, care will be taken to prevent the admission of improper persons and constables will be stationed throughout the upper part of the house.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Ellard's Music Warehouse, Hunter-street; and of Mr. Sparke at the Royal Hotel.
N B. By the kind permission of Major England Mr. Wallace will be allowed the assistance of the Band of the 4th Regiment.

"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Australian (15 July 1836), 2 

MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT Took place on Wednesday night, and notwithstanding the muddy state of the streets and roads from the late rains, a very numerous assemblage of rank and fashion appeared in every part of the Theatre; His Excellency and Suite, with all the Members of his Family honored Mr. W. with their presence.

The Overture from the Red Mask, was played in very good style, by the Band of the IVth Regiment. The wind instruments were far more harmonious in the Theatre, where there is greater space for such a volume of sound, than in the Saloon. Indeed, the effect of all the night's performances manifested Mr. W.'s just discrimination in selecting the Theatre in preference to the Saloon.

The Glee by three of the Band was sung in good time and tune; the first soprano was very clear and musical. Miss Wallace was successful in Di Piacer. As we predicted, her voice is become more flexible by practice, and she now executed her turns and runs with great neatness. Nicholson's Fantasia, was played with very good taste, and the Air, 'Tis the last Rose of Summer, with great sweetness, by Mr. Josephson. His lower tones are full rich, but in executing rapid passages in the higher octaves the breath is heard in the embouchre [sic] of his flute.

Bishop's Trifler Forbear, was indifferently well sung by Mrs. Chester. The Quartette, by Messrs. W. and S. Wallace, Josephson, and Cavendish, was good; but Mr. Wallace's violin absorbed all attention. The song of Spring Time is Coming, by Miss Wallace, followed; and then the Rondo, by Mr. W. Wallace. During this, he introduced Coolun, with such exquisite taste and feeling, that his violin seemed a creature of life. His double stop shake is wonderful, - and, which is seldom the case in passages of difficult execution, it was most beautiful.

The second part opened with the Overture to Zauberflote, by the Military Band, which was played in a very spirited manner, though, in rather longer time than it is usually played by a London Orchestra. The Chorus, by Weber, by Miss Wallace, Mrs. Chester, and four of the Band, was in good harmony. Auld Robin Gray was sung with feeling, by Mrs. Chester; but it is not suited to her voice or style. Mr. S. Wallace's Flute Concerto, was very brilliant, and performed with vast execution. Rossini's Cease thus to Palpitate, was sung so beautifully by Miss Wallace, that the audience forgave its being in English and encored it. The Duet on two pianos, by Messrs. Wallace and Josephson, appeared rather tame, after many of the pieces which had preceded it, but it was calculated to display their respective execution upon the instrument. In our opinion, the Duet suffered a little from being played upon pianos differing in quality of tone. Mrs. Chester next sung pleasing enough, The Minstrel Boy; and the Concert concluded with a Violin Concerto, by Mr. Wallace, which it is sufficient to say, was in his usual style, and rapturously encored.

17 August 1836, Mr. Coleman's concert

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (17 August 1836), 1 

Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor,
who has signified his intention of being present.
MR. COLEMAN, Master of the Band 4th, or King's Own Regiment.
BEGS to announce that his CONCERT of Vocal and instrumental Music will take place on
WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 17, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane and family, Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Stubbs and Mr. Josephson.
Programme Concert,
1 - OVERTURE - Der Freischutz, Weber
2 - CHORUS - Vive le Roi, Balfe
3 - SONG - My Own Blue Bell, Mrs. Chester
4 - SOLO - Flute, in which will be introduced Auld Robin Gray, &c., Nicholson, Mr. Stubbs
5 - GLEE - See our Oars, Sir John Stephenson
6 - Market Chorus, from the celebrated Opera of Masaniello, Auber
7 - SOLO - Violin, Mr. Wallace.
1 - OVERTURE - Maniac or Swiss Banditi, Bishop
2 - GLEE - See our Bark, Sir John Stephenson
3 - SOLO - Pianoforte, Miss Deane
4 - FANTASIA - Flute, introducing the Coolun, Drouet, Mr. Josephson
5 - SONG - Bid me Discourse, Bishop, Mrs. Chester
6 - SOLO - Kent Bugle, Mr. Stubbs
7 - CHORUS - Hail, all hail our Patriot King.
* Tickets 7s 6d each, which may be had at Mr. Ellard's Musical Saloon, Hunter-street; Mr. Tyrer's Repository; Mr Sparke, Royal Hotel.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Coleman (master of the band of the 4th Regiment)

31 August 1836, Marian Maria Chester's concert

[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (31 August 1836), 1 

Under Distinguished Patronage.
RESPECTFULLY announces to her Friends, and the Public generally, that her
CONCERT OF Vocal & Instrumental Music,
Will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING,
August 31st, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on which occasion she will be assisted by
Also - a Gentleman Amateur has kindly consented to sing a German Song and an Italian Duett.
Programme Concert.
Overture - "Gustavus" - AUBER.
Glee - "Step as soft as Zephyr's dying" - ROSSINI.
Solo - Pianoforte - Air, Variations, & Finale, a la Militaire - HERTZ - MISS DEANE.
Song - "Soldier Tired" - DR. ARNE - MRS. CHESTER.
Trio - Pianoforte - Violin, Violincello, - MR. JOSEPHSON, MR. DEANE & SON.
Market Chorus - From Masaniello - AUBER,
(Will be repeated in consequence of the rapturous applause bestowed upon it on its first performances in this Colony,)
Solo - Violin - MR. W. WALLACE.
Overture - Der Frietchutz [sic] - WEBER.
Song - "Under the Walnut Tree - LINLEY - MRS. CHESTER.
Quartette - HAYDON. [sic]
Duett - "La Ci darem la mano," - MOZART - MRS. CHESTER and AMATEUR.
Chorus - "Hail, all Hail!" - AUBER.
Duett - "I know a bank," - HORN - MISS & MASTER DEANE.
Finale - "Rule Britannia," The Solos by MRS. CHESTER.
By permission of Major England, Mrs. Chester will be allowed the valuable aid of the Band of the King's Own Regiment.
TICKETS, 6s. each, to be had of Mr. Ellard, Hunter-street; Mr. Tyrer, George-street, and Mrs. Chester, No. 8, King-street.
Concert to commence at Eight o' Clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: The amateur referred to is the tenor singer Charles Rodius, better known as a visual artist

14 September 1836, concert, William Vincent Wallace, saloon of the Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (14 September 1836), 1 

Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor, who has signified his intention of being present.
Leader of the Anacreontic Society and Professor of Composition, Royal Academy.
BEGS to announce that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on
THIS EVENING, September 14, 1836, in the Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL,
on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Miss Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Cavendish, and the Amateur who was received so favourably at Mrs. Chester's Concert.
Programme Concert.
1. Overture
2. Glee, Vive le Roi - BALFE
3. Solo - Flute - NICHOLSON - MR S. WALLACE
4. Come Dolce - MISS WALLACE
5. French Song - BOILDEAU [sic] - AMATEUR
6. Fantasia, Piano Forte, with orchestral accompaniaments - KALKBRENNER - MR. W. WALLACE
7. Song-Soldier Tired - DR. ARNE - MRS. CHESTER
8. Paganini's Grand Solo (to be performed on one string), Violin - MR. W. WALLACE
1. Overture
2. Trio and Chorus - Viva Enrico - PUCITTA - MRS. CHESTER, MISS WALLACE, AMATEUR and Chorus
3. Song - Rover's Bride - LEE - MRS. CHESTER
4. Duet. Pianoforte - HERTZ - MISS DEANE and MR. W. WALLACE
5. Song, Swiss Melody - MISS WALLACE
6, Duet - La ci darem la mano (by desire) - MOZART - MRS. CHESTER & AMATEUR
7. "Nel Cor pieu" [sic] Violin - by particular desire, MR. W. WALLACE
By the kind permission of Major England, Mr. Wallace will be allowed the assistance of the Band of the 4th, or the "King's Own," Regiment.
Single Tickets 7s 6d each; Family Tickets, to admit four £1 1s;
to be had of Mr. Ellard, Hunter-street; Mr. Chester, King-street, and Mr. Tyrer, George-street.
Concert to commence at 8 o'Clock.

21 September 1836, oratorio, St. Mary's Cathedral, Hyde Park, Sydney

"THE ORATORIO", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 September 1836), 2 

The first musical treat of this description in the Colony, took place at Saint Mary's Chapel on the evening of Wednesday last. At seven o'clock the Chapel was crowded with all the fashion and beauty of Sydney, nearly seven hundred visitors mustered on the occasion, who, we think, must have been highly gratified with the arrangements made for their accommodation, as well as the exhibition and talent displayed by the respective performers, both vocal and instrumental. At about half-past seven the performance commenced with an introductory hymn on the saraphine [sic]; the principal attraction was Mrs. Rust - her powers as a vocalist were known to many, but as this lady only once before appeared in public, there were many who had heard of her talent only. We cannot however attempt to do justice to this lady's splendid abilities; her voice, which commands great compass, at the same time combines that most exquisite sweetness of tone, that nothing we ever heard of in this Colony, either public or private, at all comes up to. We trust this accomplished lady will throw off the timidity that has restrained her from appearing before the public oftener. Miss Wallace acquitted herself, better than we ever heard her; the size of the building gave her full scope for her very powerful voice; she certainly ranks, in our estimation, to Mrs. Rust, but the latter lady has the decided superiority of sweetness of tone, which cannot be expected in so young a girl.

Mrs. Chester was perhaps not quite so happy, in her first song, Where is this stupendous stranger? but she more than made up for the deficiency in her subsequent performances in the Hallelujah chorus, where the powers of her voice were finely developed. This lady appeared to much greater advantage than at Mr. Wallace's Concert. Her voice, indeed, is perhaps better adapted for the Theatre than a confined room. Mr. Aldis did not come up to our expectations in He shall feed his flock; his voice, though sweet, is too weak, and the circumstance of his following Mrs. Rust was quite sufficient to shew him in the greatest possible disadvantage. Mr. Rhodius, we are glad to see, is appearing oftener in public; he has a particularly sweet voice, but wants nerve. His duet of Graceful consort by thy side, was the happiest of his efforts, and he sang it with much taste and judgment. This gentleman has no male competitor in the Colony. Mr. Gordonovitch sang Of Stars the fairest in good tone, but he does not come up to Mr. Rhodius.

Of Mr. Wallace, it is superfluous to speak - suffice it to say, he led the orchestra and displayed his usual skill and execution; his violin was distinctly heard above the whole performers in the choruses. Mr. Dean and son, Mr. Cavendish, and the Members of the Philharmonic Society contributed also their valuable assistance, for which they certainly deserve every credit. The Chapel was very prettily and neatly illuminated with pale lamps, hung in festoons between the columns of the building. The Band of the 4th (or King's Own) were in attendance, and assisted not a little to the success of the performances. Major England has always, in the most handsome manner, done all in his power to promote musical entertainments. We cannot conclude without stating the high satisfaction the arrangements made by the Stewards, Messrs. Plunkett, Therry, and Wilson, &c., gave to the Company, who exerted themselves to the utmost, by paying the greatest possible attention to the arrangement of the seats. which prevented the confusion which must otherwise have taken place. The net proceeds, we learn were upwards of 300 guineas, which is to be appropriated for the purchase of an organ.

"The Oratorio", The Sydney Monitor (24 September 1836), 2 

We had been afraid, that an Oratorio, selected from that giant in music, Handel, was more than the musical force of this colony could accomplish in a degree at all adequate to the great conceptions of the first of composers. We were most agreeably disappointed; the chorusses were so well arranged, the instruments at command divided the chorus so equally, that the loss of mere strength was not felt. The chorusses were full, and efficient in their kind. As to power, if the thunder were to lend its aid to man in celebrating the praises of the Almighty in Handel's Hallelujah chorus, the effect would not exceed the conception of that mighty author. It is a great honor that men are enabled to celebrate the praises of Jehovah in so exalted a manner. To join in heart in such celebrations, is a sublime enjoyment, and proves that man, though encumbered with flesh, is still of an angelic nature. In such Divine services men feel a superior state of existence, of which the present life is but the forerunner. How deeply is this presentiment fastened on the mind, when words like the following are sung in the strains of Handel.

"I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though worms shall destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!"

We consider it would not be in good taste to criticise the performances of Wednesday evening as if it had been a concert, or a theatrical performance. An Oratorio is a DIVINE service, and our criticisms therefore must be of that general nature, which would be tolerated in speaking of the psalmody of a Church. Mr. Wallace is a splendid leader. He has the command which is the result of confidence, and in him that confidence is well founded. The whole of the instrumental performers seconded him with precision and effect. We expected nothing so good in New South Wales.

The vocal performers also acquitted themselves with great satisfaction to a most respectable and most numerous audience (we suppose there were 700 persons present). We cannot however deprive ourselves of the pleasure of expressing the delight which seemed universal, whenever Mrs. Rust executed the portions of the performance assigned to her. This lady's voice is powerful, yet clear and melodious. But that which captivates in Mrs. R.'s singing, is the great FEELING she displays. You can see in her features, that the soul of the anthem is in full possession of her judgment and sympathies. And thus inspired, she delivers her inspiration with exquisite taste.

If there were points in the performance more striking than the rest, we should say it was when Mrs. Rust sang the words in repetition - "Keep silence!" The accompaniment by the Orchestra was transporting. The whole sentence is this - "The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him." The accompaniment to the words - "Let there be light, and there was light;" was also exciting in the highest degree. The rush of the music did well portray the spread of the light over the great abyss of darkness in the instant execution of the fiat of the Creator.

Messrs. Rhodius and Gordonovitch sang well; but there is a delicacy of intonation in Mr. R.'s voice which is universally admired.

Mrs. Chester executed the many portions assigned her with great effect; and Miss Wallace sang far beyond her years that fine air - "I know that my Redeemer liveth." Her voice is powerful, and she bids fair to render her a first-rate singer, provided she study a few years under a good teacher.

The following is the published list of the evening's services [program]; and we have only to hope that this musical festival will be repeated every year.

The cathedral was well lighted, and the coup d'oeil from the western end was imposing. That from the gallery over the Orchestra was still more striking. From the town, the Cathedral looked like an ancient gothic structure of Europe, lit up on some great festival. The chorusses were heard by a thousand spectators who surrounded the buildings, and whom the moonlight evening, and the charms of the music, had led to saunter from their habitations. We understand that Mr. Cavendish was the original promoter of this Oratorio. His bass viol was of infinite service. Mrs. Chester exerted herself with fine effect in the chorusses. Her voice in the Hallelujah was heard above the whole Quire. The gentlemen of the Orchestra gave their services gratis. When all deserve the thanks of the audience, it would not be decorous to mention individuals. We were sorry that any symptoms of applause shewed themselves. Being a divine service, they were in bad taste. We hope this will not be repeated at the next Oratorio. We are happy to say they were not general.

We have noticed Mrs. Rust's singing chiefly on account of the deep feeling of that lady's manner. A compliment to her understanding full as great as to her skill as a singer. The following description of the nature of her voice, we copy from the Australian, on account of its goodness. "Like the liquid tones of a silver bell," should however have been substituted for "liquid drops of the bending flower," to follow out the metaphor, flowers having no sound, though exquisite in scent -


"Comfort ye my People was sung by her with a deep and impressive solemnity, which made every note sink into the hearts of her hearers. The beautiful air, Every Valley, most felicitously displayed the fine and flexible voice of this very accomplished singer. In this air, as well as in Holy, Holy Lord, her notes lingered on the ear like an involuntary echo to the music - as if the sentiment were blended with, and trembled on her voice. Besides great compass, there is a christalline clearness in this lady's voice, as if the notes fell from her lips like the liquid drops from the bending flower. More than once throughout the evening, her singing brought our memory back to the days in which we were familiar with the sweet and silvery tones of Sontag."

"THE ORATORIO", The Sydney Herald (26 September 1836), 2 

The Musical Festival which has been for some time announced took place on Wednesday evening at St. Mary's Church, and more than realised the expectations of the Public. This entertainment was first suggested, we understand, by Mr. Cavendish, upon whom the whole weight of the arrangements of the performances have fallen - and through whose exertions it was finally completed. Mr. Cavendish is therefore deserving of all the praise the Public can bestow as the projector and manager of the Oratorio. The audience on Wednesday evening consisted of nearly one thousand persons, principally of the middling classes, besides many government officers and others of the first classes of society. There were also in the gallery about one hundred of the best behaved soldiers in the garrison, who were allowed admission in consideration of the services of the bandsmen. A neat stage was erected over the altar, and judiciously arranged for the musicians, in front of which were the vocalists. The Church was lighted principally with lamps hung in festoons, and notwithstanding the unfinished state of the building, produced an effective appearance. Some of the heads of the Roman Catholic Church were in attendance at each of the entrances to usher the company to their seats. At half-past seven the Seraphine struck up a Voluntary, and at the conclusion the musicians and vocalists entered and took their places.

The performances commenced with the celebrated Overture of Joseph, and amply repaid the leader (Mr. Wallace) for his indefatigable exertions at the various rehearsals; we have never yet heard any instrumental performance equal to Joseph, or the Overture of Zara performed in the second Act. Mrs. Rust was decidedly the star of the evening, and shone with brilliancy. We cannot particularise any one piece of music more beautiful than the rest - performed by this very talented lady - they were all transcendently superior to anything we have before heard in the musical profession of Sydney. The only solo allotted to Miss Wallace was the very heavy one of Handel's - "I know that my Redeemer Liveth" - and, although it will be some time before she arrives at the mature perfection of Mrs. Rust, we were much gratified with her talents; her voice is peculiarly strong and delightfully mellow - and in the course of years, if she does not practice over-much, will acquire a greater brilliancy of tone. Nature has given her the material, and family connexions have thrown in her path the means of becoming a first-rate singer. Mrs. Chester sung in her usual excellent manner, and appeared to more advantage in Haydn's very delightful song of "With Verdure Clad" than we ever had the pleasure of hearing her before. In the chorusses Mrs. Chester was invaluable. Mr. Rhodius stands pre-eminent amongst his brethren in the profession, and sung with much expression "He was despised," and also in a Duet with Mrs. Chester. If Mr. R. will but throw off a little timidity he would appear to much greater advantage. Mr. Gordonovitch has certainly improved since he last appeared before the Public. Mr. Spencer performed with much energy the difficult Recitative and Air at the opening of the "Creation," and a number of amateurs assisted in the chorusses, &c.; the most gigantic effort of the evening was the "Hallelujah Chorus," into which the whole vocal and instrumental strength were thrown. We understand that such was the grand effect of this chorus, that it was distinctly heard nearly a mile from the Church. The gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society lent their valuable assistance, and Major England with his usual kindness allowed the Band of the 4th. There must have been altogether about fifty performers. As a concluding remark we must say that Mr. Wallace lead in a masterly manner and embraced the only opportunity of giving the audience one of his most delightful solos in the symphony to Mr. Gordonovitch's song. It is said that there was about £350 collected upon this occasion.


To call up all the TROVE newspaper items tagged William Joseph Cavendish for 1837: 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (12 January 1837), 2 

RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and Pupils, that he has removed to the House lately occupied by Mr. Innes, Stationer, King-street, where he intends to resume his Dancing Academy, as soon as the season will admit.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (27 March 1837), 3 

MR. CAVENDISH announces to his Friends and Pupils, that his Dancing Academy will open for the Season, on Tuesday Evening, April 4th. To commence at 7 o'clock. King street, March 25, 1837.

"POLICE. TUESDAY, JULY 18TH", The Sydney Monitor (19 July 1837), 3 

Frederick White, a member of the corps dramatiq[ue], was charged with stealing a saddle under the following circumstances. Mr. Miller, a gentleman belonging to the Commnissariat Department and connected with the Savings' Bank, stated that having occasion to go to the Bank on Monday afternoon, he left his horse in the Bank Court, with the saddle on, the horse was fastened by the bridle, to a hook in the wall; after a delay of about half an hour, he came to the Court but the horse was gone, he made enquiries and ascertained, that the horse was loose in Mr. Bryant's stable, but had no saddle on. A servant of Mr. Bryant stated that he had seen the prisoner who is employed as a servant to Mr. Cavendish, about the yard, endeavouing, to conceal something in a cellar, search was made and the saddle was found hid under some articles. Mr. Miller said the saddle was worth £3. - The case was remanded.

"AN EX-COMEDIAN IN TROUBLE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 July 1837), 3 

. . . Upon enquiry being made, a young man of Mr. Bryant's stated, that he had seen White to take the saddle and hide it under the bed in a cellar where he slept, he being a servant to Mr. Cavendish. He was given into custody at which time he was much intoxicated.

"QUARTER SESSIONS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4", The Sydney Monitor (6 October 1837), 3 

Frederick White was indicted for stealing a saddle, value two pounds ten shillings the property of Mr. Miller of the Savings Bank. It appeared that in July last Mr. Miller went into the Bank, leaving his horse and Saddle in Bank Court. When he returned after an absence of about twenty minutes, both horse and saddle were gone. He made enquiries at Mr. Bryant's, and ascertained that the horse was in the stable, but without a saddle. From suspicion that fell on the prisoner, who was employed at Mr. Cavendish's, his place was searched, and the saddle found under his bed; he had previously been seen by Mr. Sullivan the shopman of Mr. Cavendish, stooping down at the place where the saddle was found. White was intoxicated at the time. In defence, he urged that the place where the saddle was found was accessible to many other persons, and prayed a mitigation of punishment on account of the long period he had been in custody. His employer said he had known him a long time, and believed he would not commit an act of dishonesty while sober. Guilty, sentenced to be imprisoned in Sydney Gaol three months, every alternate week to be in solitary confinement.

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick White


To call up all the TROVE newspaper items tagged William Joseph Cavendish for 1838: 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (22 January 1838), 3 

Organ for Sale.
To be Sold by Private Contract,
ORGAN, just imported, and in the best possible condition, containing the following stops, viz --Diapason, Principal, Fifteenth, and Dulciana, with shifting movement to take off the loud stops, and also a general swell. The case is of Spanish mahogany, very handsomely moulded and panelled, with gilt pipes in front. It stands nine feet high, and has altogether a very handsome appearance.
This Instrument was built to the express order of the celebrated Prince Talleyrand. It combines very considerable power with great sweetness of tone, and is admirably adapted for a small Church or Chapel.
To ensure a speedy sale, it will be disposed of on the following liberal terms, namely, for negotiable Bills at three, six, and nine months.
Such an opportunity has never before been presented in this Colony, and it will probably be long ere another Instrument so complete in every respect will be imported. The Instrument is the Property of the importer - can be seen, and all further particulars learnt by enquiry of Mr. Cavendish, King-street; or, Mr. Johnson, Professor of Music, George-street, next the Commercial Bank.

ASSOCIATIONS: James or William Johnson

[Advertisement], The Australian (27 November 1838), 3 

NOTICE. THE Public are requested to take Notice, that in consequence of a misunderstanding having taken place between my Partner, Mr. Edward Webb, and myself, the business of the Firm of Edward Webb and Co. is suspended; and that the said Edward Webb is not authorised to make any purchases, or contract debts on account of the said Firm, as I will not be responsible for engagements so entered into. All debts due to the Firm of Edward Webb and Co. will be received by Mr. D. Jones, to whom parties are referred to settle their accounts now due. W. J. CAVENDISH. Cecil House, King-street, Nov. 26, 1838.

31 January 1838, oratorio, St. Mary's Cathedral, Hyde Park, Sydney

"THE ORATORIA" [sic], The Sydney Herald (5 February 1838), 2 

A grand Musical Festival took place at St. Mary's Church on Wednesday evening last, which was attended by upwards of five hundred persons. The selection of music was from the best authors; and the professionals of Sydney, who gave their assistance gratuitously, mustered strong on the occasion. Mr. Wallace, as usual was the star of the instrumental performers, and was assisted by Mr. W.'s brother, Messrs. Deane, Cavendish, Edwards, Spyer, Josephson, Lane, and the full Band of the 50th regiment. Amongst the female vocalists we observed Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clark, and several of the Choir of the Chapel. In the vocal department of the other sex there was an evident want of tenors and counter-tenors, which were however judiciously supplied by the stringed instruments. From the short notice of the entertainment, we did not think it possible that such an intellectual treat could have been produced. Such was the effect of the performance that the audience could not be restrained from exhibiting their approbation and applause at the termination of every piece. We regret that our limited space will not allow us to enter more into detail, and do individual justice to the performers. We must conclude by saying that it was altogether highly creditable to the musical profession of Australia.

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 50th Regiment

"Supreme Court. - Civil Side. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 February 1838), 2 

This being the first day of term, executions were ordered to be issued against the following persons for not attending as Jurors when duly summoned: . . . Robert Campbell, tertius, merchant, £5; Thomas Collins, merchant, £5; John Coghill, Esq., £5; Charles Cowper, Esq., £5; James Chisholm, Esq., £5; Edward Cox, Esq., £5; William Clamp, shop-keeper, £2; J. C. Cavendish, dancing master, £2; William Henry Chapman, boat builder, £2; J. B. Campbell, shopkeeper, £2; and J. C. Howe, £2.

17 March 1838, St. Patrick's Ball, Royal Victoria Theatre

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 March 1838), 2 

One half of the pit at the Royal Victoria Theatre will be boarded over on the night of the St. Patrick's Ball - the stage, which is 50 feet square, having been found too small to contain the company expected to attend. Upwards of 500 visitors have been invited. Mr. Cavendish will undertake the arrangements for the dancing, and the two bands, of the 50th and 28th regiments will perform during the evening. The Theatre will be brilliantly illuminated with variegated lamps. In fact, no pains have been spared to make the evening's entertainments pass off with the greatest hilarity.

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 28th Regiment

"BIRD-FANCIER", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 May 1838), 2 

A miserable old man was placed at the bar of the Police Office on Friday, who had been lying - his senses steeped in forgetfulness and grog in Macquarie-Place the previous evening, embracing, apparently, with the most affectionate solicitude, a cage containing a very beautiful specimen of the Paroquet species, which, being claimed by a gentleman named Cavendish, who lives in King-street, was restored to the owner, and the bird fancier was committed to take his trial for having so far committed himself.

"Odd Fellows' Column", The Sydney Monitor (4 May 1838), 2 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (18 June 1838), 3 

RESPECTFULLY announces that he i is now opening a most extensive variety of the newest Music, Vocal and Instrumental, selected with great care by a Gentleman of established talent and taste; he has also received a few Books of Instruction for the Pianoforte, Violin, and Guitar, as well as a case of the finest Roman Strings in the best possible state of preservation.
Cecil House, King street,
June 16, 1838.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (25 June 1838), 3 

MR. CAVENDISH has received thirty splendid Instruments, by Tomkinson [sic, Tomkison], which for richness of tone and delicacy of touch have never been surpassed by any Piano-fortes hitherto imported.
Parties residing in the country, by transmitting their instructions to him in Sydney, will meet with respectful attention.
Cecil House, King-street.

[Advertisement], The Australian (4 September 1838), 3 

PERDATEDOR FURATED on an inauspicious nocturnal hour, subsequent to the day authoritatively devoted to humiliation and penitence, from the faemiliar dome of hyposcriptoratist, a lucophated quadruped of the jumentan order, equestrian genus, feminine gender, in the quindecimal year of existence, and according to equisonic admeasurement, thirteen and a half chirometres, asterically marked in sinciput. Tollutates with facility, furates with agility, in a course conutated is elegantly graceful, and moves in the superlatative degree. Whoever by the ahove inconison, either by procontation, deambulation, perspiculation, gains information of the Nonpariel, and will apport or communicate, idemically to me, shall receive a remuneration adequate to a reward hyperbollically ample,
Cecil House, King street,
September 3, 1838.

[Advertisement], The Australian (21 September 1838), 3 

TO LET, In a Central Situation, A THREE-STALLED STABLE, with a good Loft and Chaise House. Apply to Mr. Cavendish, Cecil House, King-street.

[News], The Sydney Monitor (24 September 1838), 2 

On Tuesday evening, about six o'clock, as an assigned servant of Mr. Bryant, of King-street, was going up the archway leading to his master's premises, he saw a man named Hugh McKenzie, coming out of the wicket gate leading to the kitchen of Mr. Cavendish. He had something concealed under his jacket, and was making some observations respecting the servant woman; at this moment, William Penny, the servant of Mr. Cavendish came up, when Mr. Bryant's man told him of the circumstance, saying that he thought all was not right. They followed the man McKenzie into the Golden Fleece, and there found him standing at a table upon which was laying a pair of boots, the property of Mr. Cavendish. They took him into custody, and handed him over to the Police. This man appears to have a remarkable penchant for boots. Some time since, he was sentenced six months to an ironed gang for stealing a pair of boots from the market-place.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (1 October 1838), 2 

Tomkison's Pianofortes.
HAS a few of these magnificent instruments remaining, which are allowed by all who have heard them to be the most superb and brilliant in quality and tone hitherto imported.
Cecil-house, King-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 November 1838), 3 

THE Public are requested to take Notice that in consequence of a misunderstanding having taken place between my Partner, Mr. Edward Webb and myself, the business of the firm of Edward Webb and Co. is SUSPENDED; and that the said Edward Webb is not authorised to make any Purchases, or contract any Debts on account of the said Firm, as I will not be responsible for engagements so entered into.
All Debts due to the Firm of Edward Webb and Co. will be received by Mr. D. Jones, to whom parties are referred to settle their accounts now due.
Cecil House,
King-street, Nov. 26, 1838.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 December 1838), 3 

NOTICE. IN consequence of an advertisement on the 26th ultimo, signed W. J. Cavendish, stating that "All debts due to the firm of Edward Webb & Co., will be received by Mr. D. Jones." All Persons indebted to the firm of Edward Webb & Co. are hereby cautioned against paying their accounts to Mr. D.Jones, who has not been authorised by me to receive any money on account of the firm, and whose receipt will not be held valid.
EDWARD WEBB, Elizabeth-street, corner of King-street,
Sydney, Dec. 26, 1838.

By December 1838, formation of the Cecilian Society

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (14 December 1838), 2 

We understand that several gentlemen, both amateur and professional, have found [sic] themselves into a musical society, called the Australian Cecilian Society, and meet every Wednesday evening at Mr. Cavendish's, King-street. Amateurs have now an opportunity of enjoying a rational evening by their becoming members.

"Musical Society", The Australian (29 December 1838), 2 

Most of the Professors, and a number of Amateurs, have formed themselves into a society for the encouragement of this science, and part of their arrangements consist in having periodical concerts, which will be supported by the Society generally. The Society is divided into three classes, the first consisting of Professors, by whose talent the other classes will benefit, and consequently they are exempted from contributions to the fund. The second class, which is to consist of professional amateurs who will receive mutual instruction, and rational amusement, contribute a small monthly sum to the fund for providing music, lights, &c.; and the third class, consisting of those not being performers themselves, but who are fond of music, will also contribute a small sum to the funds, the principal support of which will be drawn from periodical concerts at which all the members being so disposed will assist. The society has been named the Cecilian Society, and has already upwards of an hundred members enrolled. The direction of the meetings, which will take place every Wednesday evening, has been entrusted to Mr. J. P. Deane, who, from his acknowledged talent and gentlemanly deportment, will do justice to the society. At present, the musical strength of the society, including amateurs of great proficiency, is upwards of sixty. The performances are regulated with judgment and order, and the weekly meetings form a delightful concert in themselves. Mr. Cavendish, who has always been foremost to promote the interests of the profession, has given his room for the occasion, but as the list increases rapidly, future meetings will be held in the school room of the old court-house, Castlereagh-street, which has been kindly lent for the occasion.


To call up all the TROVE newspaper items tagged William Joseph Cavendish for 1839: 

26 January 1839, death by drowning of Cavendish and Mary, Sydney Harbour

"MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT", The Sydney Herald (28 January 1839), 2 

On Saturday Mr. Cavendish, of King-street, accompanied by his sister, Miss Cavendish, two persons named Duvachelle and Lennon, two boatmen and a servant, embarked in a large sailing boat for the purpose of proceeding to Middle Harbour, to inspect some land that Mr. Cavendish was about purchasing; in Chowder Bay a puff of wind caught the boat while she was going about and she capsized, when Mr. and Miss Cavendish were drowned. The two boatmen, being expert swimmers, reached the shore, and the other parties saved themselves by clinging to the bottom of the boat; Mr. Cavendish was an expert swimmer, but was drowned in endeavouring to save his sister - the last words he uttered being "don't be afraid Mary dear, I'll hold you up." Mr. Green's sailing boat, which was contesting with the first class boats, was the first that discovered them, and Mr. G., after picking up the bodies, made the best of his way to Sydney, where Mr. Surgeon Neilson was sent for but without avail, life being quite extinct. An inquest was held yesterday, when the above facts were proved, and a verdict of accidental death returned.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Green (1810-1872) sailor, boatbuilder

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (28 January 1839), 2 

The inquest was held at Cecil House, King-street, the residence of the deceased Mr. Cavendish, and Miss Mary Cavendish, his sister, who came to their death the day previously, under the following melancholy circumstances: - It appeared that the two deceased, accompanied by Messrs. Lennon and Duvanchelle, the house-servant and two boatmen, proceeded in a boat to the North Shore, for the purpose of viewing some land. Just as they had reached the entrance of Chawdor Bay, on this side of Bradley's Head, the boat in going about, was capsized by a sudden gust of wind. Mr. Cavendish and his sister being seated on the leeward side were the first propelled into the water. The two boatmen followed but immediately swam ashore. Mr. Lennon, Mr. Duvanchelle, and the house servant, succeeded in scrambling upon the keel of the boat, and called for assistance. Mr. Cavendish was seen endeavouring to support his sister, and which he was enabled to do so long after she had become apparently insensible, her head being under water. The last words he was heard to say were, "Never mind Mary, I have hold of you." Shortly afterwards they became separated, it is supposed from the exhaustion of Mr. C. Mr Lennon although an indifferent swimmer had previously left the keel of the boat and attempted to save the young lady, but she laid hold of his clothes and encumbered him so much by her weight that he was compelled to extricate himself for his own safety. One of the contending boats (the Haydee) first came near, and then bore off, owing to the crew lying down so close that they were not aware of the catastrophe. After ten minutes or a quarter of an hour had elapsed, Mr. Green's boat (the Queen Victoria) came to their assistance, and being directed by the gentleman clinging to the keel to the situation of the deceased, proceeded to take up the bodies, and forthwith bent their course for Sydney. Messengers were dispatched for medical aid, and Mr. Neilson arriving first tried the usual remedies, but failed to produce reanimation, although the bodies were warm. Mr. Cavendish was an excellent swimmer, and could have saved himself had he not had the care of his sister. Several boats were to the leeward, and it is singular they did not hear, as her shrieks were incessent while she had life; but so it was, none came to her assistance. Some people fishing near Bradley's Head in Mr. Hawser's boat, observing the accident, pulled round from Bradley's Head to the survivors on the keel and took them ashore. Mr. Lennon is of opinion, that had the bodies been conveyed, when taken out of the water, to Mr. Kell's house in Chowder Bay, instead of being taken to Sydney, and the means prescribed for recovering drowned persons been used, the lives of the deceased might have been recovered. The jury, on the certificates of Mr. Neilson, Surgeon, returned a verdict of accidental death.

"THE ANNIVERSARY REGATTA" and "Coroner's Inquests", The Australian (29 January 1839), 2

Last Saturday being the fifty-first anniversary of the foundation of the Colony, the harbour early in the day presented a scene of bustle and activity, indicative of the preparations that were being made for the ensuing races . . .

We are sorry that there was one fatal accident which contributed to throw a degree of gloom upon the days amusement. This was the drowning of Mr. Cavendish and his Sister, whose boat was upset near Bradley's head. An account of this lamentable occurrence will be found in another column. Another accident happened, but we are happy to say that it was not attended by any fatal catastrophe. This was caused by the Revenue Cutter running down a party in a sailing boat . . .

Coroner's Inquests.

On Sunday morning, at nine o'clock, at Cecil House, King-street, an inquest was holden on the bodies of Mr. Wm. James Cavendish, and Miss Mary Cavendish, whose bodies were picked up at Chouder Bay, about two o'clock on Saturday. The witness, who spoke most clearly as to the particulars, was a Mr. James Leonnard, a friend of the deceased's who arrived in Sydney late on the Friday evening, and was invited to be of the party. Mr. Leonnard stated, that the deceased, Mr. Cavendish, was going to inspect some land on the North Shore, and they started from the wharf between ten and eleven o'clock, in a boat belonging to Mr. J. T. Wilson. In the boat were Mr. and Miss Cavendish, Mr. Duvachelle, the French teacher, a man named Anderson, servant to Mr. Cavendish, two other men to manage the boat, and the witness. They sailed steadily, until they arrived off Bradley's Head, when in putting the boat about, a sudden gust of wind came off the land, and the whole of the crew being to leeward, she immediately capsized. On Mr Leonnard's coming to the surface he got hold of the boat, and held on the keel, at which time he saw the two boatmen striking away towards the shore; Mr. and Miss Cavendish were a few yards from the boat, and Anderson (the servant), and Mr. Duvachelle were close to her, and also managed to raise themselves on the keel. At this time Mr. Cavendish was floating, and Miss C. appeared to be sinking, when the witness (Mr. Leonnard), quitted the keel, swam to Miss Cavendish, and grasped her. Miss C., however, had lost her presence of mind, and clasping her arms round Mr. Leonnard, she drew him under the water, and his only alternative was to release himself from her grasp, and make back to the boat, half suffocated, dreading to make a second attempt, as he was a bad swimmer. Mr. Cavendish then got hold of his sister and supported her, encouraging her to be tranquil, and witness heard him say, "Never mind, dear Mary, I have got hold of you." At the time Mr. Cavendish was supporting his sister, her head was under water, and Mr. C. having exerted himself to the last, was himself drowned. Mr. Leonnard was decidedly of opinion that Mr. Cavendish might have saved himself, but for his affection to his sister. When the witness had placed himself on the keel of the boat, when first she was capsized, he halloed with all his might to some boats belonging to the race then running, which was about half-a-mile to leeward of them, and after some time Mr. Green saw them and bore down to them, and at the same time a boat belonging to Mr. Hawser, of Chouder Bay, which was at anchor fishing in the bay, got her anchor up, and made for the capsized boat. Mr. Green's boat arrived first, and witness requested Mr. G. to first go and pick up Mr. and Miss Cavendish, who, by this time, were at some distance from the boat. Mr. Green accordingly did so, and on getting them on bonrd, found they were dead, or apparently so to him, and he immediately left the race and made all sail for the Cove. On his passage down he hailed Mr. M. M. Cohen, who was in a sailing-boat, and communicated the sorrowful fact, upon which Mr. Cohen made sail for the Revenue-Cutter to get medical aid, and proceeded from thence to the shore, when he arrived shortly before Mr. Green's boat with the bodies, and immediately dispatched his men in search of professional aid, whilst he remained and afforded assistance in removing the bodies and freeing them from their wet clothes. Mr. Surgeon Neilson was the first person who arrived, and resorted to the usual means of resuscitations, but in vain. Witness was of opinion that if the bodies, when taken from the water, had been taken to the nearest house, and proper means resorted to, they might have been recovered. It was suggested by some of the jury that the commander of the Haidee, which was reported to have been the nearest boat to them when they capsized, must have heard the cries, and that he had displayed a great want of feeling in not immediately bearing down to them. This matter was sufficiently explained away by Mr. M. M. Cohen, who stated that the crew of the Haidee, one and all, were laid in the bottom of the boat, which was the leading one in the race, and the gentleman who was steering her, a man of family of the greatest humanity, had expressed his horror of such an imputation. The bodies were subsequently removed from Mr. Duke's wharf, where they were landed, to Cecil House. The Jury returned a verdict of - "Accidentally drowned."

The funeral took place yesterday at four o'clock, and the bodies of the deceased were followed by a numerous train of friends to whom they were endeared by their friendly and correct demeanour. The musical profession has lost a friend and a warm suppporter in Mr. Cavendish, who has always been foremost to render his services, gratuitously, to the advance and encouragement of the science. In private life he was greatly esteemed.

"MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 January 1839), 2

The following distressing circumstance, of itself sufficient to throw a cloud over the amusements of the day, occurred on Saturday during the Regatta. On the morning of that day about nine o'clock, a party consisting of Mr. Cavendish, of King-street, his sister, Miss Mary Cavendish, Mr. Duvanchelle, a French gentleman, a Mr. Leonard, William Williams, an assigned servant to Mr. Cavendish, and two hired boatmen, left the Government Jetty in a sailing boat, the property of Mr. J. T. Wilson, for the purpose of visiting some land at Middle Harbour. The party had rounded Bradley's Head, and were opposite Chowder Bay, where, while in the act of going about, a sudden puff of wind from the shore caught the sheet, capsized the boat, and all in her were immersed in the water. The two boatmen, being good swimmers, succeeded in reaching the shore; Messrs. Duvanchelle, Leonard, and the assigned servant contrived to save themselves by clinging to the bottom of the boat, but Mr. Cavendish and his sister were drowned. Mr. C. is reported to have been an expert swimmer, and could therefore have easily saved himself, but he lost his life in endeavouring to rescue his sister. He was seen to make towards her as she floated away, and the last words which he was heard to utter, were "Mary dear, don't be afraid - I'll hold you up." His efforts to save his sister were unavailing, and he lost his own life in the attempt. Shortly after the accident, the boats of the first class match passed the spot, at some little distance, and Mr. Green's boat, The Queen Victoria, was the first to notice the situation of the party and hasten to their relief. The persons on the boat begged Mr. Green to leave them, and to look for the bodies of the deceased, which were found at a little distance floating near each other; Mr. Green made the best of his way back to Sydney, where he arrived shortly before three, (the accident is reported to have occurred about two o'clock.) On the bodies being brought ashore at Mr. Anderson's wharf, Macquarie-place, there appeared to be some remains of warmth about the person of Mr. Cavendish, in consequence of which Dr. Neilson was sent for, who immediately attended, and attempted, by means of inflation of the lungs and other remedies, to restore animation, but without effect. The recovery of Miss Cavendish was at once seen to be hopeless. The three survivors left on the boat, were shortly afterwards relieved from their perilous situation, by a boat belonging to Mr. Horsey of the North Shore. On Sunday morning at nine o'clock, an inquest was held on the bodies at their residence in King-street, and the above facts having been proved in evidence, the Jury returned a verdict of - Accidentally Drowned.

"MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT", The Colonist (30 January 1839), 3

A deep gloom was cast over the rejoicings on the day of the anniversary of the founding of the colony, by the melancholy intelligence received in Sydney during the afternoon, of the upsetting of a boat, and the consequent death, by drowning, of two persons, Mr. and Miss Cavendish, of Cecil House, King-street. From the evidence given at the inquest we glean the following particulars regarding this melancholy catastrophe. Mr. Cavendish had taken advantage of the holiday to proceed down the harbour to visit some land he had recently purchased on the North Shore, and accompanied by his sister, Mr. Duvauchelle, a French gentleman, a Mr. Leonard, an assigned servant, named Williams, and two hired boatmen, left the Cove between eleven and twelve o'clock, in a boat belonging to Mr. J. T. Wilson. After rounding Bradley's Head, off Chowder Bay, while in the act of putting about a sudden gust of wind caught the sail, capsized the boat, and immersed the whole party in the water. The two boatmen being excellent swimmers made for the shore which they reached in safety; Messrs. Duvauchelle and Leonard, and the assigned servant, Williams, clung to the boat and thus saved themselves. Mr. and Miss Cavendish each rose to the surface at a little distance from the boat, and the former being an excellent swimmer could easily have saved himself had not affection for his sister prompted him to swim to her assistance. Mr. Leonard also swam to Miss Cavendish to afford her assistance, but being but an indifferent swimmer, he was drawn under water by her weight, and compelled to release himself from her grasp as the only alternative for the safety of his own life that remained. On regaining the boat, Mr. Leonard saw that Mr. Cavendish had got hold of his sister who was now completely exhausted, and heard him encouraging her with the expression "never mind, Mary, I have got hold of you." Before any assistance arrived Mr. Cavendish too had become exhausted and had relinquished his grasp. At this time the Regatta first-class sailing-boats had made their appearance round Bradley's Head, and the survivors used every exertion to attract the notice of the persons on board. With the first boat, the Haidee, belonging to Mr. Thornton, their exertions were of no avail, but with the second, the Queen Victoria the property of Mr. Green, they were more successful. Mr. Green, although the second in the race, and standing a fair chance of coming in first, much to his credit as soon as he perceived the perilous situation of the parties on the boat, although unaware of the sad catastrophe that actually occurred, instantly abandoned the race, put about his boat and came to the assistance of the sufferers. On his approach the bodies of Mr. and Miss Cavendish, then floating lifeless on the water were pointed out to him; he immediately picked them up and made all sail to Sydney to procure medical assistance. Even after the bodies had arrived in Sydney some remains of warmth were still perceptible in the body of Mr. Cavendish, but life had long fled from his sister. Dr. Neilson was immediately summoned to their assistance, and applied all the usual means to restore animation, but in vain. It seems probable, that had the bodies in the first instance, been conveyed into Chowder Bay, instead of being brought up to Sydney, life might have been restored in the case of Mr. Cavendish; but, considering the difficulty of procuring assistance there, it remains doubtful whether the course adopted was not the best that could have been resorted to under the circumstances. The survivors were released from their perilous situation by some persons who had been fishing in a boat belonging to Mr. Horsey of the North Shore. We would fain hope that the stewards of the regatta will take care that Mr. Green is no loser by his humanity.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (30 January 1839), 2

The remains of the late Mr. and Miss Cavendish, whose untimely death are noticed in our last, were interred on Monday evening. They were followed to the grave by a numerous assembly of respectable friends.

Letter from F. C. Waldron, Wollongong, NSW, 30 January 1839, to J. Edye Manning, Supreme Court, Sydney; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203

Mount St. Thomas, Wollongong
January 30th, 1839

[To] J. Manning, Esq.

Having just been made acquainted with the melancholy fate of Mr. Cavendish (so called here) and his sister, it seems to me that I may render some service to his family by communicating to you, what may not perhaps indeed what I believe is not generally known. In the year 1826 owing to some causes (family disagreement, I believe) he quitted London suddenly and secretly, it was his wish to have it believed that he had drowned in the Thames, his hat was picked up in the river & it is possible that his wife and children are under the impression [1v] that he has long since been no more.

These facts were ascertained by my late father, Capt. Waldron late 39th Reg't while residing at St. Servan in France, who found it necessary to make some inquiries respecting him and elicited the foregoing Castell (his real name) came to reside at St. Servan during the residence of my family there in 1826 & established himself there as a professor of music. His occupation in London formerly was in the orchestra of one of the minor Theatres, Sadlers' Wells I think. I have thought it as well to make you acquainted with these [2r] facts as it may afford some clue to the discovery of his wife & family in England, whom I should imagine to be in distressed circumstances - a feeling of delicacy to the unfortunate deceased begs me request that this may be private.

I have the honor to be
Your very Ob't Humble Servant
F. C. Waldron

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Vaughan Waldron (d. Wollongong, 1834); Francis Charles Waldron (1808-1847)

"Police News", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (1 February 1839), 2 

Ann Cutts, who takes in lodgers, and Margaret Hanks, one of her lodgers, residing in Phillip Street, were placed at the bar (the former with an infant at her breast) under the following circumstances. Mary Crampfeld, another lodger of Mrs. Cutts, deposed, that about one o'clock on Tuesday she went to Cutt's house, and took her box there. The next morning she went with Mrs. Cutts to see the funeral of Mr. and Miss Cavendish. When she returned her box had been broken into, and part of the contents were gone. (Here the witness, an intelligent woman, gave an account which lasted about three quarters of an hour, to which Mr. Windeyer listened with exemplary patience.) The materials of a black silk cloak, valued at five guineas, the principal articles were charged against the prisoners. She said she had always been in the habit of going to Mrs Cutts' when out of a situation. She had left articles of value there before, and always found them correct until Mrs Hanks came to lodge in the house. Remanded.

ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Windeyer (barrister, also musical amateur, and foundation member of the Cecilian Society)

"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (1 February 1839), 2 

We understand that the lamented death of Mr. Cavendish has been the occasion of the introduction to many respectable families of M. E. C. Greene, in his profession of dancing master, and that his abilities and manners give general satisfaction. M. Greene brought to Van Diemen's Land testimonials from officers in the French army, in which, as was the case with most of the French youth, he served a number of years. From Van Diemen's Land, he brought to Sydney satisfactory documents as to his conduct and professional services there, and which, though acceptable in Hobart Town, were not, owing to competition, sufficiently extensive to warrant his remaining, especially as the superior prosperity and population of Sydney promised him a higher remuneration.

ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Charles Green

[Advertisement], The Australian (7 February 1839), 3 

In the Estate of the late W. J. Cavendish, Deceased. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By J. T. Wilson, On SATURDAY next, the 9th instant, at his extensive Rooms, 74 1/2 George-street, by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court, J. K. Manning, Esq..

ONE Dark Bay Horse, with black points, rising a years old, stands about 15 1/2/ hands high, and is a first-rate Saddle, Harness or Draught Horse.

One Chestnut Horse, 15 1/2 hands high, 6 years old, has been thoroughly handled either to Saddle, Harness or Draught.

One Gig with Harness and Tandem Harness complete, the whole in a perfect state of repair, and well worthy the attention of Gents generally. Terms Cash.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (11 February 1839), 5 

Carriages. &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY J. T. WILSON, At his Rooms, immediately after the sale of the Gig; and Horses of the late Mr. Cavendish, ONE Splendid PHAETON and HARNESS, painted green, patent axle. One poney Stanhope, patent axle, drab lined. One Dennet, richly lined, patent axle, of the finest possible make. One four-wheeled Carriage, a little used. AND AT THE SAME TIME, A quantity of genuine Household Furniture. Terms at Sale.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (22 February 1839), 3 

In the Estate of the late W. J. Cavendish, deceased. By order of the Registrar, of the Supreme Court, J. E. Manning, Esq. J. T. WILSON Announces that he has been honored with Instructions from the Registrar of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, to Sell by Public Auction, and without the least reservation, on SATURDAY, 2nd day of March, 1839, on the Premises, Cecil House, King-street, at half-past 10 for 11 o'clock. THE undermentioned First-rate Household Furniture, Silver Plate and Plated Ware, Glass and Glass Ware.

Room No. 1 contains: Sofa; 9 Chairs; 2 Tables and Sideboards; Tea Trays; 2 pair Silver-mounted Plated Candlesticks; 1 [silver-mounted] Cruett Stand; Shells, Chimney Ornaments; Tumblers and Wine Glasses; Decanters, Butter Bowl and Plate; 1 Metal Sugar Bowl; Carpets; India Matting; Parasols; Toast Rack; Glass Bowl; 1 Bronze Tea Urn; 1 Timepiece in Glass Case; 1 Globe Lamp; 1 Tea Tray; 2 [Tea trays]; 1 Picture

Room No. 2: Silver Tea Spoons: Dishes and Soup Plates; Table Covers; Glass Pickle Dishes; Lamp shades; Cruet stands and Cruets; Fender and Fire Irons; Silver Salt and dessert Spoons.

Room No. 3: Kitchen Chairs, Cane Bottomed [chairs], Couches, Tables, Stretchers, Lamps, Guitars, and Violins.

Room No. 4: Mattrasses, Chairs, Pillow Cases, Blankets, Counterpanes, Wash-hand Stands, &c. complete, Boxes, Violin, and Piano Strings. A quantity of Books and Music, Writing Paper and Dressing Glasses, &c., &c., &c.

Nos. 5, 6, and 7, contain a great variety of sundries, by far too numerous for insertion in an advertisement. TERMS - CASH.

Sale at auction of goods from the estate of the late W. J. Cavendish, 2 March 1839; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203

Account [of] Sales of the undermentioned Goods sold by Auction on the 2nd March 1839 by J. T. Wilson, by Order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court, on Account of the Estate of the late W. J. Cavendish

12 Cane bottom'd Chairs, @ 8/6 - 5 / 2/ 0
1 table - 1 / 17 / 6
. . . .
[bottom of page 1]
. . . .
1 Sofa - 4 / 8 / 0
1 Double Bass Viol in Case - 25 / 0 / 0
1 Violin and Case - 5 / 0 / 0
1 Guitar - 3 / 3 / 0
. . . .
[middle of page 2]
A Lot of Music - 3 / 0 / 0
70 Books, @ 1/9 - 6 / 2 / 6
. . . .
[page 4]
[SUB-TOTAL] £ 314 / 3 / 2
[minus 5% sale commission and expenses] 21 / 11 / 2
Nett Proceeds £ 292 / 12 / 0

Inventory of songs and music unsold, from the estate of the late W. J. Cavendish; undated [after March 1839 auction sale]

Particulars of Songs & Music Unsold A/c of the estate of the late W. J. Cavendish

Particulars of Songs & Music Unsold
- - -
- - -
178 Sea songs, @ /6 - 4 / 9 / 0
12 Days gone by, 2/ - 1 / 4 / 0
1 Daughter's Song, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Dost thou love me Sister Ruth, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Dublin Cries, 2/ 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Death of Mary, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The Dreams of early years, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Draw Soldier, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
11 Deck not with Gems, [2/ ] - 1 / 2 / 0
11 Time is on the Wing, [2/ ] - 1 / 2 / 0
10 Tho! The heart, [2/ ] - 1 / 0 / 0
9 Tis our last Night, [2/ ] - 0 / 18 / 0
2 Troubadour Songs, [2/ ] - 0 / 4 / 0
1 Tyrolese Even'g Hymn, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 They tell me, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The Thames, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 True Blue & Old England, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 To distant Clime, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
3 With Verdure Clad, [2/ ] - 0 / 6 / 0
6 Woman, 2/6 - 0 / 15 / 0
8 We Met, 2/ - 0 / 16 / 0
11 When Time hath bereft, 2/ - 1 / 2 / 0
12 We ne'er shall meet , 1/6 - 0 / 18 / 0
1 Within those Hallow'd, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 When the dew, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The Wanderer, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [The] Warrior's home, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
- - -
Continued [PAGE TOTAL] £ 15.8.0

[page] 2 Continued £ 15 / 8 / 0
- - -
1 We parted, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Wake Maiden, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 What woke the bussied [busied] Sound, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The willow, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 When shall we three meet again, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Vital Spark, 1/ - 0 / 1 / 0
5 The Veteran, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 I would be a soldier, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
2 Vesper bell, [2/ ] - 0 / 4 / 0
4 Victorine, [2/ ] - 0 / 8 / 0
2 L'Indecisione, 1/6 - 0 / 3 / 0
2 Corsair bride, 2/ - 0 / 4 / 0
7 Child of the earth, [2/ ] - 0 / 14 / 0
1 Chimes of Zurich, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Come to the old, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
1 [Come] where the splendid, [2/6] - 0 / 2 / 6
1 The chore is hurt'd [?], 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
4 Come dwell with me, [2/ ] - 0 / 8 / 0
7 By gone hours, [2/ ] - 0 / 14 / 0
1 The Land which fill [?], 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
7 Banners of blue, 2/ - 0 / 14 / 0
6 Bonnie Scotland, 2/ - 0 / 12 / 0
1 Bed of Heath, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
2 Burrial in the [?], [2/ ] - 0 / 4 / 0
1 Bell at sea, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 By the waters of [?], [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Mrs. D, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
14 Best of all good company, [2/6] - 1 / 15 / 0
12 Breaking of the day, [2/ ] - 1 / 4 / 0
10 Brave old oak, [2/ ] - 1 / 0 / 0
10 British oak, [2/ ] - 1 / 0 / 0
- - -
Continued [subtotal] £ 26.14.6

[Page] 3 Continued £ 26.14.6
- - -
3 Bard of Judah, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
2 Air [Ave] Sanctissima, [2/ ] - 0 / 4 / 0
4 Alice Grey, [2/ ] - 0 / 8 / 0
1 As the bark, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 AEolian Harp, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
3 Adesti fedalle [Adeste fidelis], 1/ - 0 / 3 / 0
2 Angels ever, [1/ ] 0 / 2 / 0
7 The auld wife, 2/6 - 0 / 17 / 6
9 All's well, 2/6 - 1 / 2 / 6
4 Auld Robin Grey, 1/ - 0 / 4 / 0
1 Alpine horn, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
11 Angel of life, 3/ - 1 / 13 / 0
5 Auld land syne, 1/ - 0 / 5 / 0
1 Origin setting of Man [sic], 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The Ships of merry England, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [The] Fairy, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
3 [The] Minstrel Harp, [2/ ] - 0 / 6 / 0
1 [The] Last wish, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [The] Highland Message, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [The] Mountaineer's Return, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [The] Mountain Guide, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 No sigh of woman's, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The faded wreath, [2/6] - 0 / 2 / 6
1 [The] Roman Girl, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
3 Lett every great [?], 1/6 - 0 / 4 / 6
3 Lord of all power, 1/ - 0 / 3 / 0
1 There's one heart, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The morn was gay, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Though the Rose, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 They bade me sing, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 The Summer is coming, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [The] Exile's farewell, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
- - -
Continued [subtotal] £ 34.11.6

[Page] 4 Continued £ 34.11.6
- - -
1 The Greek bride's farewell, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 This odina [?] green, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
1 The manly Heart, 1/6 - 0 / 1 / 6
1 The even'g Scene, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
2 Meeting [? of the] Waters, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Great King in me believe, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [Grat'ful ? an hymn], 1/6 - 0 / 1 / 6
1 Let's take this world, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Minute gun at sea, 1/6 - 0 / 1 / 6
1 Sweet peace, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Second bright [?], [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Sweet melody, , [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Rely not on beauty, , 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 No music's tuneful, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Joy's bright fortune, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
1 I remember, I remember, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 I've wandered in dreams, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
1 Fare thee well, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Farewell, 1/6 - 0 / 1 / 6
1 Ambition's glorious dream, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
1 Never till now I knew, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Will go come, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 My Childhood hours, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [My] Mountain home, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Moonlight, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Have you left the Greenwood, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Her last words, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 O'er shepherd pipe, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
1 Oh! think what Joy, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
1 Ocean thou mighty monster, 3/6 - 0 / 3 / 6
1 Oh! ne'er was fondness, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
- - -
Continued [subtotal] £ 38.2.6

[Page] 5 Continued £ 38.2.6
- - -
1 Of that e'en for me have sigh'd, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Say not that hope ever died, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Oh! life has gleaned [?], [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [Oh!] how those bells, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [Oh!] believe not the tears, [2/ ] - 0 / 2 / 0
1 Old England, 1/6 - 0 / 1 / 6
1 Oh when do I wish, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
1 [Oh] Devina Agnese, 1/6 - 0 / 1 / 6
9 Sabbath belles [sic], 2/ - 0 / 18 / 0
2 She was the fairest, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
7 She wore a wreath of roses, [2/ ] - 0 / 14 / 0
7 Sol fa Duet, 2/6 - 0 / 17 / 6
6 Return of the Admiral, 3/ - 0 / 18 / 0
6 Roland the brave, 2/ - 0 / 12 / 0
10 She was the fairest, [2/ ] - 1 / 0 / 0
11 Night at sea, [2/ ] - 1 / 2 / 0
13 Old Times, [2/ ] - 1 / 6 / 0
9 On the banks of the Rine [Rhine], [2/ ] - 0 / 18 / 0
7 The pilot, [2/ ] - 0 / 14 / 0
13 Village Church, [2/ ] - 1 / 6 / 0
5 Pretty Mary, [2/ ] - 0 / 10 / 0
7 Remember I forgive thee [2/ ] - 0 / 14 / 0
6 Old English Gentl'n, [2/ ] - 0 / 12 / 0
3 Orphan Girl, [2/ ] - 0 / 6 / 0
3 The Sea, 3/ - 0 / 9 / 0
5 Or che in cielo, 2/6 - 0 / 12 / 6
7 Infant's prayer, 2/ - 0 / 14 / 0
10 Life Boat, 3/ - 1 / 10 / 0
6 The last shilling, 1/ - 0 / 6 / 0
12 Hassan the brave, 2/6 - 1 / 10 / 0
10 Go forget me, 2/ - 1 / 0 / 0
5 Green Hills of Erin, 2/ - 0 / 10 / 0
- - -
Continued [subtotal] £ 58.0.6

[Page 6] Continued £ 58.0.6
- - -
4 Remember me, 2/ - 0 / 8 / 0
3 Martin Luther's Hymn, 1/ - 0 / 3 / 0
2 O Lord our Governor, 2/ - 0 / 4 / 0
3 Masaniello, 2/ - 0 / 6 / 0
5 O peaceful lake, [2/ ] - 0 / 10 / 0
5 Message Bird, [2/ ] - 0 / 10 / 0
5 Mid scenes of early youth, [2/ ] - 0 / 10 / 0
7 Flow Gentle Deva [?], 2/6 - 0 / 17 / 6
3 The Land, [2/6] - 0 / 7 / 6
11 My Heart in the Highlands, 3/ - 1 / 13 / 0
6 Last Man, 2/6 - 0 / 15 / 0
2 Friar of St. Dunstan, 2/ - 0 / 4 / 0
2 Pirate Crew, 2/6 - 0 / 5 / 0
2 Peace of the Valley, 2/ - 0 / 4 / 0
2 O Nanny wilt thou gang [?], [2/ ] - 0 / 4 / 0
1 Qui la voce, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
5 I go where the aspens quiver, 2/ - 0 / 10 / 0
2 When crowned with summer Roses, 2/ - 0 / 4 / 0
2 God Save the Queen, 1/6 - 0 / 3 / 0
- - -
Flute, Piano Forte & Violin Music
- - -
2 Fantasias, 3/6 - 0 / 7 / 0
1 Select Air[s] Op@ Grey, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
2 [Select Airs Opera] Fair Rosamund, [5/ ] - 0 / 5 / 0
2 Favourite [Airs Opera] Il Puritanin [sic], [5/ ] - 0 / 5 / 0
2 [Favourite Airs Opera] Siege of Rochelle, [5/ ] - 0 / 5 / 0
2 [Favourite Airs Opera] Maid of Artois, [5/ ] - 0 / 5 / 0
1 [Favourite Airs Opera] Bettey [?], 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
7 Beethoven's Grand Symphonies, 8/ - 2 / 16 / 0
6 Mozart's [Grand Symphonies], 6/ - 1 / 16 / 0
9 Clare's Psalmody, 3/ - 1 / 7 / 0
- - -
Continued [subtotal] £ 73.15.0

[Page 7] Continued £ 73.15.0
23 Flute preceptors, 2/ - 2 / 6 / 0
6 Sets Duets by Viotti, 8/ - 2 / 8 / 0
24 The beauties of the Opera, 2/ - 2 / 8 / 0
17 Violin preceptors, 2/ - 1 / 14 / 0
1 piece " " [?], 1/ - 0 / 1 / 0
2 " " ", 1/6 - 0 / 3 / 0
4 " " ", 2/ - 0 / 8 / 0
16 " " ", 2/6 - 2 / 0 / 0
47 " " ", 3/ - 7 / 1 / 0
10 " " ", 3/6 - 1 / 15 / 0
60 " " ", 4/ - 12 / 0 / 0
11 " " ", 5/ - 2 / 15 / 0
5 " " ", 6/ - 1 / 10 / 0
1 " " ", 7/ - 0 / 7 / 0
1 " " ", 7/6 - 0 / 7 / 6
1 " " ", 8/ - 0 / 8 / 0
3 " " ", 9/ - 1 / 7 / 0
- - -
Violin & Piano Forte Strings about 20 / 0 / 0
- - -
[subtotal] £ 133.9.6

Willis McIntyre's Music
2 pieces, 1/6 - 0 / 3 / 0
15 [pieces], 2/ - 1 / 10 / 0
1 [piece], 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
1 [piece], 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
1 [piece], 3/6 - 0 / 3 / 6
1 [piece], 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
1 [piece], 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
7 [piece], 6/ - 2 / 2 / 0
1 Exercise book, - 0 / 14 / 0
[subtotal] 5.7.0
- - -
[Grand total] £ 138.16.6

Another list, casual hand, with the above

Peck's Music / Peck's Music [? Peek's]

Many entries illegible; appears to be a rough draft most of which also listed above, one notable exception being:

12 [copied] Jim Crow, [each] 1/6

ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician); or ? Richard Peek

"CECILIAN AMATEUR SOCIETY", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (16 March 1839), 2 

On Wednesday evening last we were highly gratified at the performance of this infant Musical Society, at the Old Court-house. It will be recollected that some time ago mention was made in most of the Sydney journals of note that certain members of the Mechanics' School of Arts wished to form themselves into a music class, for which the theatre was to have been allowed by the acting committee one night per week, for practising and improvement in this delightful art; but in consequence of a want of unity, and some misunderstanding, and a measure of interference by discordant and would-be oratorical gentlemen of the school, it was finally decided to form the above society, which, about four months ago, commenced practising at the house of the late lamented Mr. Cavendish, in King-street; and hence its name, "Cecilian" Amateur Society. On Wednesday the playing members, about twenty in number, and others who subscribe towards the funds of the society, invited their friends to the first concert, which took place as above. The visitors were presented with a neatly lithographed programme of the evening's performances, on their entrance, printed gratis by our enterprising townsman and neighbour, Mr. Barlow, engraver, &c.; by which the company were enabled to anticipate each separate performance as they were dished up. The first overture (Wilhelm Tell) by the whole company, was played with spirit and surprising correctness, as were nearly all the pieces, for a company or society so lately knit together; and no doubt it would even have been improved by the assistance of two or three others who came late to the scene of action. Next followed a glee (The Witches), which was well sung, but hardly loud enough for the Old Court house. Besides, the piano-forte was placed in an awkward position to give the proper effect and assistance to the singers. The song "Spirit of the Storm" was pleasingly executed, but the voice was partly destroyed by the position of the instrument. The Flute Solo we liked exceedingly well at the first (Hope told a flattering Tale), but the latter part of up-and-down the gamut is only pleasing to practical musicians, still the execution was grand and surprising. Besides these, three other glees ("The Wreath," "Willie brew'd a peck o' maut," and "The Red Cross Knight") were sung in a manner certainly not inferior to those at the seven-and-sixpenny concerts, as well as two songs ("The Britannia," and "The Land"), a quartette (by Beethoven), and two overtures ("Gazza Ladra" and "Otello"), the latter of which was more than we could have supposed to have been in the compass of so young a society, and with so few instruments. The company broke up at about ten o'clock, while the amateurs were playing, by way of a finale, the National Anthem (God save the Queen), in which some joined their voices, making the performance still more effective.


"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (1 May 1839), 526 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales . . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE GOODS OF William Joseph Cavendish, of Sydney . . . PURSUANT to the Rule of this Honorable Court, the Creditors of the above-named deceased Persons are, on or before Saturday, the 29th day of June next, to come in and prove their debts before John Edye Manning, Esq. . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (5 June 1839), 5 

MR. T. S. HALL, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist . . . has REMOVED to those well-known Premises - formerly occupied by the late Mr. Cavendish - immediately over the UNION BANK . . .

Sale of printed music &c. from the estate of W. J. Cavendish, deceased, 6-10 June 1839, to John Philip Deane, and D. Poole; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203

Printed Music claimed by Mr. Deane from
the Estate of W. J. Cavendish, deceased.
Delivered to Mr. Deane, June 6th 1839
Supr'e Court Sydney
The favorite Airs by Rossini, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Beauties of the Opera, Violin, Mori, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Reminiscences of Oberon, Moschelles, 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Divertissement by Hünten, 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Les Aimables, Three Duets [by Hünten,], 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Gems de Paganini, 24, Mori, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Gems a la Pisaroni & Donzelle, [Mori], 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Select Airs from "Norma", Opera, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Beauties of Sola, 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Mayseder's Variations of a German Air, 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Twenty second Fantasia, By Weiss, 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
The Beauties of Tulou, 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Selection of Mayseder's, 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Six Duets for two Flutes, Kuhlau, 8/ - 0 / 8 / 0
[Six Duets for two Flutes, Kuhlau], 8/ - 0 / 8 / 0
Three Favorite Trios by Clarke, 8/ - 0 / 8 / 0
Six Duet, 2 Flutes, by Berbiguice [sic, Berbiguier], 6/ - 0 / 6 / 0
Selection of Airs from Der Freischutz, Mori, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
The Admired Airs [? from Der Freischutz], by [Mori], 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Three Duets, 2 Flutes, by Gabrielsky, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Tyrolese Melodies sung by Rainer Family, 5/ - 0 / 5 / 0
Les Oiseaux Quadrilles, Dos Santos, 3/6 - 0 / 3 / 6
Select Airs from Opera "Marino Faliero", 4/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Weippert's Quadrilles, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Dramatic Flowers, by Dressler, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Three Airs for Flute from Winter's Opera by Dressler, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
over [subtotal] 6 / 3 / 6
- - -
[carried over] - 6 / 3 / 6
Dramatic Flowers by Weiss, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Three Divertimentos by J. Ghys, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Three Capriccios by Bucher, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Three Melodies by Berbiguier, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Beauties of Tulou, No. 6, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
[Beauties of Tolou], No. 2, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Les Aimables, No. 2, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
Vive le Roi, by Pavini, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
La Parisienne, by Diabelli, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
The Violinist, by Mori, 2/6 - 0 / 2 / 6
Rode's Air in G, by Tulou, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Three Cavatinas by Forde, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
[Three Cavatina's by Forde], No. 2, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Beauties of Drouet, No. 7, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Forde's Trios, 5 parts, 3/ each, - 0 / 15 / 0
Gems of Italy, by Bucher, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Viotti's Trios, 8/ - 0 / 8 / 0
[Viotti's] Duets, 8/ - 0 / 8 / 0
[Viotti's Duets], 4 sets, 8/ each - 1 / 12 / 0
Tyrolese Peasants by Knapton, 3/ - 0 / 3 / 0
Weber's Grand Waltz, by Herz, 1/6 quere - 0 / 1 / 6
"The Evening Sun has tinged the Sky", 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
The Greek Bride's Farewell, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
Tyrolese Evening Hymn, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
Troubadour Song, 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
The Violinist, by N. Mori, 6 parts, 2/6 each - Peck's Invo'.
[TOTAL] £ 12.0.6


A List of printed Music selected from the Estate of
W. J. Cavendish, deceased, by Mr. J. P. Deane, and taken by him
in account with the said Estate, at half the Published prices -
Supreme Court, Sydney, June 6th 1839
- - -
The Violinist, 6 copies @ 2/6 - 0 / 15 / 0
The Highland Message - 0 / 2 / 0
The Manly Heart - 0 / 1 / 6
I remember how my Childhood fleeted - 0 / 2/ 0
Farewell, oh Farewell - 0 / 1 / 6
Ambition's Glorious Dream - 0 / 2 / 6
Will you Come - 0 / 2 / 0
My Childhood hours farewell - 0 / 2 / 0
My Mountain Home - 0 / 2 / 0
The Minute Gun at Sea - 0 / 1 / 6
The Meeting of the Waters - 0 / 2 / 0
Great King in me believe - 0 / 2 / 0
[Great King in me believe] - 0 / 2 / 0
National German Hymn - 0 / 1 / 6
Three favorite Airs - 0 / 4 / 0
Reminiscences of England - 0 / 7 / 0
Roland the Brave, 3 copies @ 2/ - 0 / 6 / 0
On the Banks of the Rhine, 3 [copies] @ 2/ - 0 / 6 / 0
Old Times, 2 [copies] @ 2/ - 0 / 4 / 0
Old Times, 1 [copy @ 2/ - 0 / 2 / 0
Night at Sea, 4 [copies] @ 2/ - 0 / 8 / 0
She was the fairest, 3 [copies] @ 2/ - 0 / 6 / 0
Oh Devina Agnese - 0 / 1 / 6
[Sub total] Halved - 4 / 4 / 0
[Total] - 2 / 2 / 0


Estate of W. J. Cavendish d.d.
J. P. Deane's Ac't
£ 32.14.6

To the Executor of the late Mr. Cavendish

Supreme Court Sydney June 10th 1839
The Estate of W. J. Cavendish, deceased in Account with J. P. Deane. Cr.

1838 / To Amount of A/C tendered - £ 32.14.6 / 1839, June 6
3/4 32.14.6
15/- in the £ 24.10.10 1/2

By Printed Music claimed by & delivered to Mr. J. P. Deane - 12 / 0 / 6
By Commission on Music Sold £ 21.14.0 @ 15 p'cent - 3 / 5 / 2
By 12 Bundles Violin Strings @ 12/- - 7 / 4 / 0
By Printed Music selected by & delivered to,
Mr. J. P. Deane at half published price,
and taken by him as a conditional balance of his Account
at the rate of 15/- in the pound sterl'g
- he agreeing to pay or receive any difference which the
winding up of said Estate my require - 2 / 2 / 0
[TOTAL] - £ 24 / 11 / 8
[Signed] John P. Deane
Witness J. E. Smith


Est'e of W. J. Cavendish
C. 10/6
Music sold to D. Poole

Supreme Court, Sydney, 26 June 1839
Estate W. J. Cavendish, d.d.
- - -
4 Pieces Printed Music
Fantasies, "Oberon" - 0 / 4 / 0
Mozart's Overture - 0 / 2 / 6
Overture La Dame Blanche - 0 / 2 / 0
[Overture] Men of Prometheus - 0 / 2 / 0
[TOTAL] £ 0.10.6

Sold to D. Poole Esq.
& Paid for by him
this day

"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 June 1839), 2

This Society had another meeting on Wednesday last, which was well attended. A portrait of the founder, the late Mr. Cavendish, was hung up in the room upon the occasion.

"CECILIAN CONCERT", The Colonist (8 June 1829), 3 

On Wednesday night we accepted of the polite invitation of the Committee of the Cecilian Society, and attended their Concert in the Old Court House. We were both pleased with the performances and arrangements of the evening, and astonished at the number of respectable persons who attended notwithstanding the very disagreeable and boisterous nature of the night. The whole range of the hall was occupied on this occasion; a crimson cord drawn across the room at the first range of pillars from the south end of the room, separated the orchestra from the audience. The hall was well lighted, and the southern wall was ornamented with a portrait of the founder of the Society, the late Mr. Cavendish. The instrumental performers formed a semi-circle round the open space reserved for the orchestra. In the centre stood the players of the first and second violins, and of the grand piano forte. There were altogether some five or six violins, two flutes, two clarionets, one bass violin, and a french horn. The instrumental music consisted of a series of splendid overtures by the first masters, and were admirably performed. There-was a deficiency, however, in the bass department, but we are glad to hear that this was not owing to want either of funds, instruments, or performers, but to the difficulty of procuring the appropriate sets of music for each instrument. That deficiency, it is expected will soon be remedied, and then the Band will be perfect. The vocal performances were also pleasing and chaste. The gentlemen of this department do themselves injustice, by their diffidence and want of energy. This we expect to see rubbed off in the course of an exhibition or two, as the amateurs will be gaining that confidence, which their powers and talents entitle them to assume. The Society and all who attend its concerts are indebted to Mr. Sea, whose polite and courteous attention to visitors, and general exertions for the interests of the Society and the arrangement of its concerts, are particularly appreciated. Our hopes of this interesting Society are still confident and sanguine; and we shall rejoice to see it prosper, beneath the fostering encouragement of the ladies and gentlemen of the higher circles in the metropolis.


"AUSTRALIAN CECILIAN SOCIETY", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (29 June 1839), 2 

The Members of this Society gave their monthly invitation Concert, at the Old Court House, on Wednesday evening last, to a crowded assembly of the respectables of Sydney. The performances were commenced with Rossini's [overture] II Barbiere de Saviglia, by the whole strength of the instruments, which was executed in beautiful style; and considering the difficulties and annoyances with which the Society have been surrounded since the death of their original leader, Mr. Cavendish, it far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. There were besides five glees, five solos, and two choruses sung, a duet on the pianoforte and violin; and the whole concluded with the overture Masaniello. Taking the performances in the whole, we were never better entertained at a public concert; and by so saying, we think we express the feeling of all those who were present. Such societies as these should be encouraged, as they lend more than any other to improve the tone of good feeling in such a community as New South Wales, which until lately has been but a monotonous discord, and a people of dissatisfaction and turmoil, loving nothing beyond the glass and the discordant drunken song.


18 January 1840, auction sale of music from Cavendish's estate

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (17 January 1840), 3 

THE AUSTRALIAN AUCTION COMPANY is instructed by J. E Manning, Esq., Registrar of the Supreme Court, to sell by Public Auction, at the Mart, in George-street, TO-MORROW, the 18th instant, at eleven o'clock, the following Effects belonging to Intestate Estates: -
To the late J. W. Cavendish, a very large assortment of Music, and of Violin, Harp, and Piano Strings . . .

Inventory and auction sale of music, 16-20 January 1840; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203

Inventory of Printed Music & Violin &c Strings
In the Estate of W. J. Cavendish, d.d.
taken by Order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court
Sydney 16th Jan'y 1840

Estate of W. J. Cavendish, d.d.

Printed Music

[1] Mozart's Grand Symphonies - 6 parts
[2] Beauties of the Opera - 16 parts
[3] Beethoven's Grand Symphonies - 7 parts
[4] Rode's duos - 16 parts
[5] 122 Pieces Music of celebrated Composers - Viz. Overtures,
symphonies, Airs, Fantasies, Trios, Duettos, &c. &c.
[6] [Raphael] Dressler's Elementary works - Flute - 2 parts
[7] Fryer's Exercises - Piano Forte
[8] 650 Popular Songs & Duets, by eminent Composers
[9] 14 Tutors - Violin & Flute
- - -
[10] A Tin Box with
- 20 Dozen Violin Strings - 4ths
- 5 B'dles Violin Strings - 2ds
- 4 Do. Do. do. - 3rds
- 2 Do. Do. Roman - 2nds
- 6 Bundles - Do. Roman - 1sts
- 5 Do, Do. Roman - 3rds
- 11 Violin Strings - mostly 1sts
- 16 Wire Strings - Piano forte
- - -
In round Tin Box
19 Base Viol Strings

[Signed] J. E. Smith

Sydney January 18th 1840
Sold by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court
By the Australian Action Company
At Auction
Cash / Estate of W. J. Cavendish /
1 Lot Music - 3 / 12 / 6
1 Lot do. Instructions - [0] / 16 / 0
1 Lot Mozart Symphonies - 2 / 10 / 0
Ballads of this day - 2 / 6 / 0
Ballads of this day - 3 / 3/ 0
1 Tin Box Containing Violin Strings - 7 / 15 / 0
[Total] 20 / 2/ 6
5 per cent Commission - 1 / 0 / 2
Prop't'n Advertisement - [0] / 4 / 0 = 1 / 4/ 2
[Net Proceeds] - 18 / 18 / 4

George Street
E. E. Sydney 20th Jan'ry 1840
For the Aust'n Auction Co. . .

1841 and after

"ORATORIO IN THE CATHEDRAL", Freeman's Journal (15 August 1857), 2 

Many years have now elapsed since we were treated to a grand Oratorio. The very phrase "Oratorio in St. Mary's Cathedral," which we see pasted in monster characters about the city, recalls to our minds beloved names which now we seldom hear - Wallace, Bushelle, Rust, Cavendish, &c. An oratorio in our Cathedral was always a great treat. The present one, we feel sure, will be the greatest one. In saying this we do not go on the principle that the last bit is the sweetest; but we feel sure that the list of talented artistes, who have kindly volunteered, or have been engaged, surpasses any that we have hitherto had, or are likely to have for some time. The Prima Donna (Madame Anna Bishop), who was the prime mover in the business, is one of first in the world . . .

Roger Therry, Reminiscences of thirty years' residence in New South Wales and Victoria . . . (London: S. Low, Son, and Co., 1863), 114-16 

. . . To these sketches of the career of convicted persons the successful imposture of an unconvicted person may be not inappropriately added in conclusion.

It has been said, with more smartness than truth in the expression, that the Colony of New South Wales consisted of "persons who had been transported, and those who deserved to be so." That there were some unconvicted persons who might deservedly have shared the fate of transportation, and who made New South Wales an asylum of refuge, may, however, be truly alleged. The case of Devenish (not the real name, but representing a real personage) furnished a curious instance of successful imposture. Devenish was not a convict, yet his career was a strange, mysterious, and guilty one.

This man's story is gleaned partly from personal knowledge of the man, and partly from papers and letters that after his death fell into the hands of the Curator of Intestate Estates in Sydney. Devenish had been the leader of the orchestra at one of the theatres at the Surrey side of London. He was an accomplished musician and an excellent dancing-master. Finding his affairs embarrassed, he resolved to fly the country, leaving his wife and four children to provide for themselves as best they might. The following ingenious plan was adopted to avoid inquiry about himself after his exit from England. Having taken his passage in a chasse-maree that was to sail from Ghravesend for St. Malo on Sunday morning, he appeared in his usual place at the orchestra on the previous Saturday, and was seen there so late as [115] ten at night. On that evening he wore a new hat, inside which his name and address were written in very legible letters. On his way to his home, Devenish had to pass over Waterloo Bridge. In passing over it, he threw his hat over the parapet of the bridge, in order that it might be supposed he had thrown himself over along with it. The stratagem succeeded. The hat was picked up the next morning close to the bridge; the owner was nowhere to be found, the river ineffectually searched, and the supposition prevailed that he was drowned. After remaining some time at St. Malo, where he supported himself by the exercise of his talents, he deemed the place too close to the shores of England, and betook himself to the Isle of France. He might have remained there prosperous and undetected for many years, for he was an adept as a teacher of music and dancing; but he eloped - whether at St. Malo or St. Louis it does not appear from the papers - with the wife of a Captain C-;-, of the French navy. With her he arrived in Sydney in 1832, and passed her off as his sister. For several years he had excellent business as teacher of dancing and music, realizing an average income of from 600l. to 800l. a year.

It is customary to hold a regatta in Sydney Harbour on the 26th of January, the anniversary of the foundation of the Colony, and on that particular day in 1842 [recte 1839] Devenish had hired a boat for the amusement of himself and his soi-disant sister. As the evening advanced, when they were a mile distant from the land, a sudden gale arose and upset the boat. The case was one in which the only hope of safety lay in swimming. The boatman escaped by doing so, and Devenish might have also saved his life, for he was an expert swimmer, but he would not leave his female companion to perish. He [116] was seen from the shore to bear her up bravely for nearly half a mile. At length they sank together and were drowned. The bodies were next day found.

A few days afterwards I happened to pass by the Sydney cemetery as their funeral approached. With the exception of the mutes and other hirelings in attendance, not a single person followed them to the grave. That Devenish behaved well and nobly in risking his own life to save that of his companion must be admitted, but genuine pity should be reserved for the wife whom he had cruelly deserted, and whose letters indicated that she knew of his whereabouts, and the mode of life he was leading, and the deep distress she and her children suffered from his desertion. She was aware it would be unavailing to follow him from England, and from some passages in these letters, it was plain he had told her so.


"NOTES ON MUSIC. TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1863), 2 

SIR, - Passing down Pitt-street the other day, I saw, amid the omnium gatherum of old furniture that is exposed every Monday morning in front of the Labour Bazaar, an old spinnet. You know what I mean - one of those queer little pianofortes that our grandfathers and grandmothers used to be proud of - somewhere about the size of a shoe trunk, and elevated on attenuated legs, no doubt at one time thought the height of elegance. On looking at it, I observed it bore the name of Clementi and Clementi, and the date (they dated pianos then) 1789. It supplied me with a fertile theme for meditation, and on it allow me to hang a few notes on music, that I hope may prove at least as interesting as one of Mr. Dalgleish's speeches. I thought of the pride and happiness of the original purchaser of this venerable instrument, to how many generations it had contributed some amount of pleasure. When did it arrive in the colony? Was it in the last century? Was it the grandfather of all the pianofortes here? What an enormous family it had seen spring up! At one time perhaps it was the only one, and was known to the early settlers as the piano. How many merry toes that have danced to its music are now turned up to the daisies! Did the early music masters give lessons on it? Has it responded to the touch of Cavendish, Horncastle, or Wallace? Did some of the lady singers of the old days, whose memory is now only a tradition in the minds of the first colonists, enchant their admirers with its strains? And is it come to this? I took quite an interest in the venerable old relic, and furnished it with a hundred scenes . . .

But suddenly the romance was knocked out of my head by the sharp and strident voice of the auctioneer. "Now, then, what do you say for the piannar." A rash woman who saw in it a possible side table, but who did not heed the shaky condition of the legs, bid ten shillings, and the lot was at once knocked down to her, and my dreams were dissipated.

But it set me thinking on the condition of music in the colony, and whether the importance of the art was sufficiently recognised. As a corollary to these thoughts, I venture to call your attention to the advertisement just issued by the Philharmonic Society. It surely is not to the credit of the lovers of music in this city, that the oldest society established here for its support, should be in difficulties. Those who have longest resided here, could speak with more distinctness than I can, as to the earlier struggles of the art, but I have heard enthusiastic amateurs recall with delight the performances of Cavendish, of Horncastle, of Mrs. Bushell, and of Vincent Wallace, and I have sometimes wondered what those artists' sensations would be could they now visit us once more, and find an admirable Italian Opera company established and largely, supported, - could they attend the performances of the Philharmonic Society, and find, upwards of a hundred musical amateurs gathered together. And to what are we indebted for these advantages, but to the exertions of some of the members of committee of the Philharmonic Society, who have for ten years past devoted themselves laboriously and disinterestedly to the sustaining of that society . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William Horncastle (vocalist, composer)

Musical works (with documentation)

The force of sympathy (song)

The force of sympathy, a dream, inspired by the author of Waverly [cover signed: "Castell"] (London: Lavenu, [1823])


"REVIEW OF MUSIC", The Harmonicon (December 1823), 197 

. . . 3. "The force of Sympathy," A DREAM, inspired by the Author of Waverly, and dedicated to LOVE. (Lavenu, 24 Edward street, Manchester Square.) . . .

Without feeling any interest in the account which the author of song, No. 3, has taken the trouble to give of its origin, - (which, by the way, is quite unnecessary, if not exceedingly puerile,) was have been mightily pleased with his melody, which, trifling as it may appear to the lover of canon, bears the impress of something that we are much inclined to call genius. From the faint inscription at the lowest corner of the title-page, we are to conclude that the name of the author - (the "Somniator,") is Castell . . .


Henry and Susan (song)

Henry and Susan, composed by W. I. CASTELL (London: Clementi & Co., [1824])


"REVIEW OF MUSIC", The Harmonicon (May 1824), 97 [W. I. CASTELL]

. . . 6. SONG, "The Soldier's Adieu," composed by C. M. SOLA, (published by the same [Clementi & Co.].)

7. Song, "Henry and Susan," composed by W. I. CASTELL, (published by the same [Clementi & Co.].)

8. HYMN, "Hosanna! to the Prince of Light," composed four voices, by MARIA HINCKESMAN, (Whitaker and Co., St. Paul's Church Yard.) . . .

. . . Nos. 6 and 7 are both composed with taste. The latter by Mr. Castell, shews a good deal of strong musical feeling. The Hymn, for so we have called this piece, the fair author not having bestowed a title upon it, is in 3 time, and is the composition of a lady . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman (composer)


Five quadrilles and two waltzes (piano; Sydney-Parramatta, 1833)

5 quadrilles and 2 waltzes ("The Fairy Quadrilles";
"Australian, Notasian, Arabian, or Mal[a]gareske quadrilles"); (2 Quadrilles have Sydney titles: Woo-loo-moo-loo and Kurry Jong)

MS score and accompanying letter (dated "Parramatta, Notasia [i.e. Australasia], April 20, [18]33"), at State Library of New South Wales, Castell family papers, 1786-1993, MLMSS 7989 (DIGITISED covering letter) (DIGITISED music page 1) (DIGITISED music page 2) (DIGITISED music page 3)

Letter, from Susannah Castell, London, 2 June 1832, to William Joseph [Cavendish] Castell, Mauritius; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203; also transcribed Beedell 1990, 666, and Beedell 1992, 236-37

June 2 / 32 -
Your late dated Dec'r 4 I rec'd May 8th in which you mention your intention of writing again in the course of a fortnight, but which letter I have not yet received. I have just learn'd that a ship sails tomorrow for the Isle of France and I will take this opportunity of making the following request - and which I think it is in your power to comply with.

Can you supply us with original and choice national airs, and adapt them for quadrilles, Waltzes &c. - as the rage of novelty in that line is in such request, that the compositions of some of our finest authors are pulled to pieces bit by bit to furnish passages - endeavour to collect Indian, Russian or any other whether outlandish or otherways and endeavour to compose some yourself, adapted to the figures . . .

. . . But to return to the Subject. I think you night contrive to rule the 5 lines in writing paper and by a close conexions of the notes (tho plain) it mlght be contain'd in a letter or letters, for should the purpose answer the expence must be looked at - . . .

Letter, from Cavendish, Parramatta, Notasia [i.e. Oceania-Australasia], 20 April 1833, to Susannah Castell, London [by the ship Edward Lambe, departed Sydney that day] 

Paramatta Notasia, April 20, '33.

I wrote by the ship Sovereign which sailed from Port Jackson on the 2d of March last, but as this Dutch hubbubboo may prevent your receiving it, I send you this duplicate, to which I have added two waltzes. The ["first" struckout] 2d and ["third: struckout] 5th Quadrilles I obtained from a Manilla Guittarist also the waltzes. No 1 is Bourbonnaise, No 3 is original and the second part was added by a creole of the Cape de Verde Islands. I have given them names characteristic of their origin. You may call them Australian, Notasian, Arabian or Mad[a]gascke quadrilles. Below I have given you a title page. Publish only one waltz at a time, bit to spin out the page, instead of marking the repeats, let them be printed at full length, 2nd time an octave higher. I gave you a short description of this paradise of places, Oranges, grapes, figs, apples, pears, flowers & fruits all the year round, the pigs fed upon peaches, & dogs upon rumpsteaks, & the sheep's heads thrown into the ditches, wh[ic]h the household cur will scarcely condescend to smell. In this land of plenty none need to starve or beg; but I must reserve my full description for a separate letter, which perhaps may accompany this. Yours W. J. Cavendish.

The Fairy Quadrilles
as danced
On a Sunbeam
by the
Elves of the Ocean
in the
Hall of Beauty
at the
Coral Palace
of the
Queen of the Sea.
Composed by the
Peri of the Purple Wing.

Do not sell these outright, you should bargain for a certain number Of copies for yourself. The agent here to Ellards music warehouse of Dublin [Francis Ellard] offered to purchase them, & I have offered him a set when I can collect them. I think this letter should not be kept [with] the Printer, but let him have a copy to engrave from. I should like ... [breaks off here]

Letter, Susannah Castell, London, to Cavendish, 28 May - 7 June 1834 [postmarked Sydney 27 October 1834]; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203; also transcribed Beedell 1990, 671

May 28 - 34 / - June 7 - 34
Your last letter was receiv'd Feb'y 7. I regret to observe that the Quadrilles you sent is a total failure both in style and quality, for the finest compositions from foreign masters we now explored for subjects so that we have never been able to benefit by them . . .

Modern edition:

Richard Divall (ed.), W. J. Cavendish, Five quadrilles and two waltzes (Australian Music Series - MDA041; originally published Music Archive of Monash University)

Bibliography and resources

Manuscript sources

Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203

Includes letters from Susannah Castell to Cavendish, 1826-35; other letters to Cavendish, to 1839; letters, accounts, and other papers concerning Cavendish's estate, 1839-40

Castell family papers, 1786 - 1993, including music manuscript composed by William Joseph Cavendish in Sydney, 1833; State Library of New South Wales, MLMSS 7989 (DIGITISED)

Includes letter, from Cavendish, Parramatta, Notasia [i.e. Oceania-Australasia], 20 April 1833, to Susannah Castell, including manuscript music of 5 quadrilles and 2 waltzes

Other sources

Therry 1863

Roger Therry, Reminiscences of thirty years' residence in New South Wales and Victoria . . . (London: S. Low, Son, and Co., 1863), 114-16 (DIGITISED)

On "Devenish"; see documentation above for Transcription

Fitzpatrick 1865

[Columbus Fitzpatrick], "REMINISCENCES OF CATHOLICISM IN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE COLONY", Freeman's Journal (25 November 1865), 741 

. . . I never heard anything like it except once, that was the day on which our venerated Archbishop first landed in Sydney. On that occasion Dr. Ullathorne, now Bishop of Birmingham, had made every preparation for a grand High Mass, and poor Cavendish (who was drowned with his sister off Bradley's Head in after years) had charge of the choir; he exerted himself to the utmost and secured the assistance of a great cantatrice (Mrs. Rust) who happened to be in the colony at the time. Mr. Clarke the architect, who was a fine singer, also lent his aid, and these with the assistance of the regular choristers quite astonished the, Bishop. Dr. Polding was only bishop, at that time and he did not expect to hear Mozart's Mass sung in Botany Bay, and well sung too: he was accompanied by several rev. gentlemen, some of whom were fine singers, amongst these were the Rev. Mr. Spencer, who afterwards went home, and the Rev. Mr. Sumner, who was the first priest ordained in these colonies. He could sing very sweetly at that time, but neither these nor the Rev. Mr. Watkins, who took charge of the choir, could ever equal Mr. Richenberg's choir, for he had so many bandsmen, and they played with such precision that finer music could not be found out of Europe . . .

Clark 1965

William Smith Clark, The Irish stage in the county towns, 1720-1800 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965), 14, 24, 181

BDAAL 1975-82

"Mrs. Castelle", "Mr. Castello", in Philip H. Highfill, Kalman A. Burnim, and Edward A. Langhans (eds), A biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, musicians, dancers, managers and other stage personnel in London, 1660-1800, volume 3: Cabanel to Cory (Carbondale and Edwardsville: University of Illinois Press, 1975), 113 (DIGITISED)

"Costellow, Thomas", in A biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, musicians, dancers . . . volume 4: Corye to Dynion (Carbondale and Edwardsville: University of Illinois Press, 1975), 3 (DIGITISED)

. . . He also may have been the Mr. Castello who played double bass in the band at the Haymarket Theatre in 1815 at a salary of £1 16s per week . . .

"Jones, W.", , A biographical dictionary of actors, actresses, musicians, dancers . . . volume 8: Hough to Keyse (Carbondale and Edwardsville: University of Illinois Press, 1982), 244 (DIGITISED) (PREVIEW)

Beedell 1990

A. V. Beedell, William Joseph Castell, o. k. a. Cavendish (1789-1839), musician: his origins, life and career in Ireland, England, France, Mauritius and Australia (M.A. honours thesis, University of New South Wales, 1990)

No UNSW Library or Trove record; thesis housed in UNSW history department secretariat (as at 2011)

Beedell 1992

Ann V. Beedell, The decline of the English musician, 1788-1888: a family of English musicians in Ireland, England, Mauritius, and Australia (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992) (SNIPPET VIEW)


Cyril Ehrlich, [Review], Music & letters 74/3 (August 1993), 445-46 (PAYWALL)

David Warren Hadley. [Review], The journal of interdisciplinary history 25/2 (Autumn 1994), 297-98 (PAYWALL)

John-Pierre Joyce, [Review], The musical times 134/1802 (April 1993), 213 (PAYWALL)

Kathleen E. McCrone, [Review], Victorian studies 37/3 (Spring 1994), 491-93 (PAYWALL)

Deborah Rohr, [Review], Notes 50/3 (March 1994), 958-59 (PAYWALL)

Nicholas Temperley, [Review], The American historical review 99/1 (February 1994), 230-31 (PAYWALL)

William Weber, [Review], A quarterly journal concerned with British studies 25/3 (Autumn 1993), 508-10 (PAYWALL)

Duyker 1996

Edward Duyker, "Castell (alias Cavendish de Castel), William Joseph (1789-1839)", Dictionnaire de biographie mauricienne 51 (1996), 1604-05 

Carter and Ng Foong Kwong 2009

Marina Carter and James Ng Foong Kwong, Abacus and mah jong: Sino-Mauritian settlement and economic consolidation (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009), 204 (PREVIEW)

Holman 2010

Peter Holman, Life after death: the viola da gamba in Britain from Purcell to Dolmetsch (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2010), 316 (PREVIEW)

[Richard Hatton] . . . joined the Royal Society of Musicians on 2 July 1826, when he stated that he "Performs on the Vionincello & Pianoforte, is engaged at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden as Principal Violoncello is a Single Man"

Greene 2011

John C. Greene, Theatre in Dublin, 1745-1820: a calendar of performances, volume 4 (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2011), search "Castelli" (PREVIEW)

Professional activities of Cavendish's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Castelli, in the years around his birth.

Duyker 2010

Edward Duyker, "Castell, William", Dictionary of Sydney, posted 2010 and later (ONLINE)

Greene 2011

John C. Greene, Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: a calendar of performances, volume 4 (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2011), 2462-63, 2492, 2494-95, especially 2679 (PREVIEW) (PREVIEW)

Skinner 2011

Graeme Skinner, Toward a general history of Australian musical composition: first national music, 1788-c.1860 (Ph.D thesis, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, 2011), 117-18 (DIGITISED)

Basil Considine, Priests, pirates, opera singers, and slaves: séga and European art music in Mauritius, "The little Paris of the Indian Ocean" (Ph.D thesis, Boston University, 2013), 174-75 (DIGITISED)

Based entirely on Beedell 1992

Skinner 2015

Graeme Skinner, "The invention of Australian music", Musicology Australia 37/2 (2015), 303-04 (PAYWALL) (FREELY DOWNLOADABLE PDF)

Other general references cited in page

Jeremie and Reddie 1835


Recent events at Mauritius, by John Jeremie, esq., attested also by John Reddie (London: S. Bagster, jun., 1835) (DIGITISED)

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