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Dr Graeme Skinner
Curator, Australharmony
B. Mus. (Hons) (University of Melbourne), Ph.D. (University of Sydney)
Honorary Associate, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney
From 2011 and until March 2021, and again from April 2024, Graeme Skinner is an Honorary Associate of the University of Sydney, Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
From April 2021 to March 2024, he wass an Australian Researh Council (ARC) Senior Research Associate, on the ARC project "Hearing the music of early New South Wales, 1788-1860", Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney.
He is author of the biography Peter Sculthorpe: the making of an Australian composer (University of New South Wales Press, 2007), which covers the first half of the late composer's career to 1974. The book was reissued in paperback and ebook formats in 2015, with a new preface added in response to Sculthorpe's death in 2014.
He has published books, academic book chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles in both his main areas of his scholarly research to date, the history of Australian music and musical composition, and the historical sacred liturgical music sources, plainsong and polyphony, of Toledo Cathedral in Spain.
He was a 2007 Harold White Fellow at the National Library of Australia, and a featured author at the 2008 Sydney Writers Festival. His research and publications have been supported by major funding from the Australian Council of the Arts and the University of Sydney.
He is curator of the online research resource Australharmony in which he continues documentation, begun in his doctoral thesis, of Australian music and musicians, both settler and Indigenous, in the colonial era.
He also curates a public virtual resource on Australian colonial music inside Trove (, under the user profile australharmony.
Since producing a commissioned report in 2011 on the colonial musical collections of Musuems of History NSW (formerly Historic Houses Trust of NSW/Sydney Living Museums), he has had ongoing relationship with the organisation as a music consultant. In 2016-17 he was a member of the joint SLM/SCM Dowling Songbook Project team, a presenter at the SLM's Sound Heritage Australia Sydney international forum. In 2019 he was co-curator of the SLM's Songs of home exhibition at the Museum of Sydney.
In September 2017, he gave an invited keynote lecture, "Australian fugitive pieces: national romanticism, national music, and colonial nationalism", at Rethinking the dynamics of musical nationalism, an international conference held at the University of Amsterdam, as part of its Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms and Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism ( projects.
Since the mid 1990s, he has regularly worked with co-author Dr Michael Noone on numerous projects relating to Spanish music of the Golden Age. Since 2013, this has entailed working on various projects for Boston College, USA, including studies and editions of vocal polyphony of such composers as Morales, Vivanco, and Bruceña, of Franciscan plainchant, and, for forthcoming publication, a catalogue of the 16th-century polyphonic choirbooks of Toledo Cathedral, Spain.
He lives and works in Sydney, NSW, on Gadigal country in the Eora nation.
Publications and presentations
2015 / 2007

Graeme Skinner, Peter Sculthorpe: the making of an Australian composer (Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2007; ebook and print on demand edition, with new introduction, 2015) (2007 edition PREVIEW) (2015 edition PREVIEW)
Musical editions

Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner (eds), Sebastián de Vivanco: Liber magnificarum (1607) (Recent researches in the music of the renaissance, 173) (Middleton, Wisconsin: A-R Editions, 2020) (PREVIEW)
Book chapters
Graeme Skinner, "The print culture of colonial music from its beginnings", in Wallace Kirsop, Elizabeth Webby, and Judy Donnelly (eds), From convict printers to book arcades, a history of the book in Australia, volume 1: 1788-1890 (Monash University: Ancora Press, 2024), 348-64

Graeme Skinner, "Eliza Hamilton Dunlop, Irish and colonial melodist: her songs for music and collaborations with Isaac Nathan", in Anna Johnston and Elizabeth Webby (eds), Eliza Hamilton Dunlop: writing from the colonial frontier (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2021), 121-58 (print and ebook)

Graeme Skinner, "Recovering musical data from colonial era transcriptions of Indigenous songs: some practical considerations", in Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin (eds), Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics, 2017) (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Graeme Skinner and Jim Wafer, "A checklist of colonial era musical transcriptions of Australian Indigenous songs", in Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin (eds), Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics, 2017) (FREE DOWNLOAD)
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Australian musical first modernism", in Stephen Ross and Allana C. Lindgren (eds), The modernist world (London & New York: Routledge, 2015), 273-81 (PREVIEW)
Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner, "Multum in parvo: a 1555 Morales processional partbook at Toledo Cathedral, its genesis, use, and later history", in Tess Knighton and Emilio Ros-Fábregas (eds), New perspectives on early music in Spain (Papers on Hispanic music from the Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference, Barcelona 2011) (Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2015), 88-107
Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner, "Liturgia y polifonía: globalización y localismo en la catedral de Toledo durante los años Del Greco", in Eva Esteve Roldán, Carlos Martínez Gil y Víctor Pliego de Andrés (eds), El entorno musical del Greco. Actas del Simposio celebrado en Toledo (30 de enero - 2 de febrero de 2014) (Madrid: Editorial Musicalis, 2015), 189-201 (DOWNLOAD PDF)
Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner, "The cathedral, the copyist, the composer and the canon: revising Toledo Cathedral's Victoria choirbook and the Liber primus (1576)", in Javier Suárez-Pajares y Manuel del Sol (eds), Tomás Luis de Victoria: estudios/studies (Madrid: Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales, 2013), 37-54
Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner, "Toledo Cathedral's manuscript polyphonic choirbooks ToleBC 18, ToleBC 25, and ToleBC 34 and their origins", in João Pedro d'Alvarenga and Manuel Pedro Ferreira (eds), "New music" 1400-1600: papers from an international colloquium on the theory, authorship and transmission of music in the age of the renaissance (Lisboa, Évora, CESEM, Centro de História da Arte da Universidade de Évora, Editora Casa do Sul, 2009), 129-170
Michael Noone, Graeme Skinner, y Ángel Fernández Collado, "El fondo de cantorales de canto llano de la catedral de Toledo: informe y catálogo provisional", in Memoria ecclesiae 31: Música y archivos de la iglesia ([Yearbook of the] Asociación de Archiveros de la iglesia en España, 2008), 585-632
Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner, "The nuevo rezado, music scribes, and the restoration of Morales's Toledo lamentation", in Owen Rees and Bernadette Nelson (eds), Cristóbal de Morales: sources, influences, reception (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2007), 3-22
Refereed journal articles
Graeme Skinner, "The invention of Australian music", Musicology Australia 37/2 (2015), 289-306 (PAYWALL)
Graeme Skinner, "Mapping Australian colonial music with Trove: new paradigms for music research, teaching, and librarianship", Music References Services Quarterly 14/1-2 (2011), 1-14 (PAYWALL)
Graeme Skinner, "Australian composers and arrangers of early colonial synagogue music: new light on Isaac Nathan, James Henri Anderson, Joseph Reichenberg, and Herman Hoelzel", The Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal 20/2 (June 2011), 193-214
Graeme Skinner, "Some makings of an Australian composer (1964-65): historical context and the National Library of Australia's Peter Sculthorpe Papers", Fontes artis musicae (Quarterly Journal of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres) 55/1 (January-March 2008), 111-127 (PAYWALL)
Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner, "Toledo Cathedral's collection of manuscript plainsong choirbooks: a preliminary report and checklist", Notes (Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association [USA]), 63/2 (December 2006), 289-328 (PAYWALL)
Graeme Skinner, "Peter Sculthorpe: los espíritus del lugar" [Spirits of place] [translated: Miguel Ángel Coll], Sibila (Revista de arte, música y literature Sevilla) 21 (Abril 2006), 47-54
Conference presentations
Graeme Skinner, invited keynote address, "Australian fugitive pieces: national romanticism, national music, and colonial nationalism", Rethinking the dynamics of musical nationalism, an international conference, University of Amsterdam, 26-29 September 2017
Graeme Skinner, "Sonorous remains: curating the colonial musical museum", Sound Heritage Australia: making music in historic places, international forum, Sydney Living Museums, Elizabeth Bay House, 28 March 2017
Graeme Skinner, "The invention of Australian music", paper presented to the Musicological Society of Australia 2015 Conference, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, 1 October 2015
Graeme Skinner. "A fatal comeuppance? Chevalier Bochsa finally goes to Botany Bay", invited paper presented at the 12th World Harp Congress, Sydney, Australia, 21 July 2014
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Uncovering the foundations: the colonial pre-history of Sydney Conservatorium", in About music: Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, 2014 Monday Public Lecture Series (convened by Prof. Linda Barwick), 28 April 2014
Graeme Skinner, "Musical 'Sydney moderns' between the two world wars?", paper presented at Raymond Hanson Centenary Symposium, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, 23 November 2013; convenors: Assoc. Prof. Kathleen Nelson and Dr. Joanna Drimatis
Graeme Skinner, "Sydney Cecilians and Dilettanti: implanting the science and practice of music in early colonial Australia, 1838-1842", invited paper, at Global Corelli: fame and music in the early modern world, symposium, School of Music, Australian National University, 4-5 November 2013; convenor: Dr. David R. M. Irving
Graeme Skinner, "Mapping early Australian music with Trove: a new paradigm for Australian colonial historiography", 2010 Conference IAML Australia (International Association of Music Librarians), Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, 2-3 September 2010
Graeme Skinner (National Library of Australia, Harold White Fellow), "Unmasking Sculthorpe! A biographer's revenge?", public presentation, 21 August 2007, National Library of Australia, Canberra
Other publications
Graeme Skinner, "'I think of thee' - unlocking a colonial song", Unlocked: The Sydney Living Museums gazette (Winter 2019), 10-11; and online
Graeme Skinner, "A paper jukebox: exploring the sheet music collections at SLM", Unlocked: the Sydney Living Museums gazette (Autumn 2017), 20-23; and online
Graeme Skinner, "Remebering Peter in his music" [program booklet essay], Peter Sculthorpe: a celebration of his life and music; Verbrugghen Hall, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, Saturday 25 October 2014
Graeme Skinner, "Grabowsky, Paul", in Grove Music Online (New York: Oxford University Press, new entry uploaded 26 Oct 2011) (PAYWALL)
Graeme Skinner, "Stanhope, Paul", in Grove Music Online (New York: Oxford University Press, new entry uploaded 26 Oct 2011) (PAYWALL)
Warren Bebbington / Graeme Skinner, "Edwards, Ross", in Grove Music Online (New York: Oxford University Press, revised and expanded entry uploaded 26 Oct 2011) (PAYWALL)
Graeme Skinner, Sculthorpe: an icon of Australian music (K9-12 curriculum resource book and teaching kit) (Sydney: Australian Music Centre, 2010), 90pp + CD
Graeme Skinner, "Conversations at Sandy Creek: interview with Gordon Kerry, author of New classical music: composing Australia", Resonate (Online Journal of the Australian Music Centre) (May 2009)
Web resources (other than Australharmony)
Michael Noone and Graeme Skinner, "Cristóbal de Morales: Missarum liber primus, 1546, a printed source of 16th-century sacred music from the Papal chapel: background, context, and compositional process", web resoursce (Boston College: Morales Mass Book Project, 2017)
Graeme Skinner, "About the antiphoner", in Burns antiphoner (Boston College: Franciscan Antiphoner Project, 2016)
Graeme Skinner, Online index to Boston College Burns Library Franciscan antiphoner MS.1996.097, CANTUS: a database for Latin ecclesiastical chant, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2016
Graeme Skinner, Peter Sculthorpe 1929-2014: the ABC recordings, booklet notes for 10CD set or recordings (Sydney: ABC Classics, 2014) (ABC CLASSICS DROPBOX)