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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–D (Doa-Dz)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–D (Doa-Dz)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- D - (Doa-Dz)
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
Major upgrades of the contents of this page were completed in April 2020 and March 2024, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
DOANE, Joseph Atwood (Joseph Atwood DOANE; J. A. DOANE)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, conductor, lecturer on music, architect
Born Barrington, Nova Scotia, 5 October 1822; son of Josiah Paine DOANE and Mary WOOD
Married (1) Ann SARGENT (1822-1855), 23 July 1851
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 11 November 1852 (per Sebim, from Halifax, Nova Scotia, 29 September)
Married (2) Jessie LOCKIE, Ballarat, VIC, 1 December 1857
Died Surrey Hills, VIC, 14 November 1901, aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged) (shareable link to this entry)
Passengers per schooner Sebim, arrived at Melbourne, 12 November 1852, from Halifax, 12 July 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mrs. S. Doane & Child / 26 / 2 // Mrs. J. Doane / 30 // Mrs. A. Doane / 23 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Atwood Doane was registered owner of the Sebim in 1849; his brother, Seth Doane, was the master on this voyage;
see also, "SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 November 1852), 4
November 11 - Selim, schooner, 111 tons, Seth Doane, master, from Halifax, Nova Scotia July 12th. via the Cape of Good Hope, September 29th. In ballast. With fifty passengers. S. Doane, agent.
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (9 August 1856), 3
SINGING SOCIETY. AT a meeting of the friends of Vocal Music, called by advertisement, and held in the Wesleyan School, Lydiard-street,
it was resolved by those present, - numbering upwards of thirty, - to form a Singing Society, and to assemble weekly.
The use of the school room was solicited, and the hour of meeting appointed for seven o'clock in the evening of every Tuesday.
Mr. Doane consented to become president, and to give a course of free lessons and exercises, which were at once commenced.
It was agreed, by those enrolling, to pay 2s. 6d. per month to provide for incidental expenses,
but that the class should be open to all, and especially ladies who should be disposed to attend. -
It is therefore notified, that the Society will meet on Tuesday the 12th instant, and on following Tuesdays, at seven o'clock in the evening, for instruction, in the school room;
and it is the only desire of all, that the room may be filled by visitors.
J. CATHIE, Secretary.
"WESLEYAN CHURCH SCHOOLS", The Star (17 September 1857), 2
The quarterly meeting of the Local Board of Education for the Ballarat district was held on Monday evening, at the Wesleyan Parsonage, Lydiard-street . . . Mr. Joseph Attwood Doane was chosen Treasurer vice Mr. Crombie, resigned, and Mr. Price then took the post of Secretary, previously held by Mr. Doane . . .
"BALLAARAT PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (10 March 1858), 5
A meeting of gentlemen, desirous for the formation of a Philharmonic Society upon Ballaarat, was held on Friday evening, at the Miners' Exchange.
Mr. D. Oliver was nominated in the chair, and opened the proceedings by stating the objects of the meeting.
He said that a preliminary meeting had been held at his house, when several gentlemen were present, and it was then resolved to call a public meeting,
and endeavor to form a really good Philharmonic Society on Ballaarat.
He believed if they liked they could establish a society which would equal either Melbourne or Geelong,
and he trusted all lovers of music would come forward and tender their assistance.
He congratulated the meeting upon having secured the services of a first rate conductor and leader,
the former in the person of Mr. A. S. Turner, and the latter in M. Fleury, who was so justly celebrated by his powerful performance on the violin.
He had written to Melbourne and Geelong for copies of the rules and regulations of the societies existing in those towns,
and he believed that the rules of the Melbourne society would be found with a few alterations suitable for the Ballaarat Society . . .
The following gentlemen were then unanimously appointed to act on the committee, viz., Dr. Kupplerhery [sic],
of the Leiderkrantz, Messrs. Towle, Gates, Brunn, Frantz, Lake, Doane, Stoddart, Sayers, and Stower;
Mr. D. Oliver was appointed secretary, Mr. Thomas White, treasurer, and Mr. Alfred Oliver [sic], librarian . . . - Ballaarat Times.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel and Albert Oliver (chair and member); Austin Theodore Turner (conductor); Achille Fleury (leader); Florian Kupferberg (member); Edward Towl (member); John Lake (member); Thomas White (member); Ballarat Philharmonic Society (association); Ballarat German Liederkranz (association); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Geelong Philharmonic Society (association)
"BALLARAT PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Star (18 November 1859), 2
Last (Thursday) evening a meeting of the members of the above society was held in Christ Church School-room, for the purpose of receiving a financial report of the last concert, and electing a secretary for the ensuing 12 months. Mr. Doane was called to the chair . . . Mr. Pope was unanimously elected secretary . . . the society proceeded to harmony, the piece selected for practise being the Messiah, and our reporter withdrew.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henry Pope (member)
"WESLEY CHURCH. MUSICAL CELEBRATION", The Star (25 August 1860), 2
The erection of the organ in Wesley Church, Lydiard street, was celebrated by an inaugural musical service, on Friday evening last, when a selection of sacred music from the masters was performed by several gentleman and ladies connected with the Ballarat Philharmonic Society, the conductor of the society, Mr. Turner, presiding at the instrument . . . After a voluntary on the organ, The Rev. Mr. Millard gave an address to the audience, in which he briefly recapitulated the history of the organ. He began by stating that the original precentor in the congregation there was Mr. Daly who had gone away. To him succeeded the Messrs. Doane, who organised a choir. And now they had an organ to assist in the psalmody of the church, and from which such excellent music had just been discoursed by Mr. Turner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Wesleyan churches (general)
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", The Star (1 September 1860), 2
A concert was given by the Ballarat Philharmonic Society last night at the Theatre Royal before a tolerably good house . . . The programme for the evening comprised both sacred and secular music, the first part being Handel's "Dettingen Te Deum," performed on this occasion for the first time in Ballarat . . . Mr. A . T. Turner wielded the baton as heretofore, as conductor, and M. A. Fleury officiated as leader, Mr. Linly Norman presiding at the piano; Miss Julia Harland, Miss Minnie Clifford, and Mr. Cazaly were the principal soloists . . . The solos by Mr. Cazaly and Master Nicholls were very well sung, and the trio, "Thou sittest at the right hand" by Mr. Cazaly, Mr. Doane and Master Nicholls, was also delivered with much expression . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (pianist); Julia Harland (vocalist); Minnie Clifford (vocalist); Peter Cazaly (vocalist); Hamilton Nicoll (vocalist); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
A Soiree was held on Good Friday, at the Lydiard-street Wesleyan School-room and Wesley Church, and we never witnessed a larger gathering at the latter place than on this occasion. The main attractions of the evening were the array of the school children in the church, and the performance by them of a large number of pieces of music, under the superintendence of Mr. J. A Doane . . . The sight presented inside was worth the seeing. The centre of the church for about half the depth from the pulpit end was boarded over, and on this platform the school children were arranged, while from every other part of the edifice there radiated no end of interested glances from no end of interested eyes, as the more or less gaily dressed groups of little ones sang the several songs chosen for the festival. Mr. Doane seemed to have his young band in pretty good control, and the volumes of melody or harmony, as each interchanged, were really most pleasant to the ear . . .
SIR, - The paragraph in the Star of to-day calling attention to the concert of this evening, contains a mistake,
which looks as if it originated in jealousy and partisanship.
It may have been written in ignorance of facts, if not, it must have been dictated by strong prejudice acting on a mind where conscientiousness has been but poorly cultivated.
The statement to which I refer runs as follows: -
"It seems that St. Paul's Church Choir is practically identical with the most serviceable members of the late society."
The fact is that Mrs. Little and Messrs. Oliver, Cazaly, and Nicholls, who are named in the paragraph,
and Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Burns, the Messrs. Miller, Mr. Lake and Mr. Doane, who were probably the most serviceable members of the late society,
(as well as several others who ought not to be ignored), are not identical with St. Paul's Choir,
as none of them belong to it, and almost all of them sing or play in some of the other churches.
I am Sir, &c.,
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Little (member); Music in Anglican churches (general)
"SOCIAL", The Star (26 August 1864), 1s
. . . Mr. Doane, Mayor of Ballarat West, has engaged to give a course of twelve lessons in music on the Pestalozzian system, and for the benefit of the funds of the Mechanics' Institute . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (educationist); for adaptations of Pestalozzi's system to singing instruction, see for instance Manual of the Boston Academy of Music for instruction in the elements of vocal music, on the system of Pestalozzi by Lowell Mason (Boston: Carter, Hendee & Co., 1834) (DIGITISED)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (7 September 1864), 2
Mr. Doane's first music lesson, at the Mechanics' Institute, was given on Tuesday evening. There were between thirty and forty persons present, and all or nearly all were adults, the sexes being about equally represented. As being the first lesson it was of course a "beginning at the beginning," both as to the explanatory remarks and the practice given. Mr. Doane bas a quiet, deliberate, careful, repetitive manner in the class which is admirably adapted to learners, and we have no doubt that his generosity in giving his time and knowledge in this way, for the benefit of his pupils and of the institute, will be highly successful.
The second evening of the anniversary entertainments in aid of the funds if the Mechanics' Institute brought Mr. J. A. Doane and his band of some seventy or eighty juveniles upon the platform on Tuesday evening. It is hardly necessary for us to state that this concert is a counterpart of that given by Mr. Doane and his young charges once or twice before in the Hall, and to those who have had the pleasure of listening to the performances we need not remark how pleasant it is to have so agreeable an entertainment provided. To Mr. Doane a great deal of praise is really due for his devotion to music in this way. When it is remembered that the delightful art is, with Mr. Doane, not a profession, but an appendage to other professional and public duties of an onerous nature, the zeal and success with which he has undertaken the instruction of so many young people in this pure and delightful art are matters for general congratulation. And when to these things we find both Mr. Doane and his band of tractable young ladies and gentlemen always willing to aid in a good cause without expectation of pecuniary reward, the credit due to them is obvious. The repeated and hearty applause, therefore, which greeted everything they did, on Tuesday evening, was but a fair recognition of merit, and the formal thanks which the President of the Institution tendered to the performers at the close of the entertainment was not only endorsed by the acclamations of the audiences but was a fitting sequel to the frequent plaudits accorded by the audience previously.
The programme consisted of the following songs and glees:
Part 1: "We come with joy to greet you", glee, "Hark the Bells;" "Mountain Song;"
glee, "Behold the Morning Gleaming;" "Happy, happy, we;" "The Skylark;" "The Maltese Boatman's Song;" "Boat Song;" "Only Waiting;" "Isle of Beauty, fare thee well."
Part II : "Met Again;" "Tis the Last Rose of Summer;" "The Wanderer's Farwell;" "Home;" "Canadian Boat Song;" "Sabbath School Bells, chime on;" "My Mother's Bible;"
"The Orphan's Prayer;" "Home, Sweet Home;" "God Save the Queen."
So ample a bill of fare made a long, but by no means tiresome, evening's entertainment, and the charming harmonies of the programme were sung with a precision as to time and a general skill which reflected highly upon the pains that had been taken both by teacher and pupils. There was now and then a too great prominence of single voices which did much to mar the effect of the rendering. This remark applies especially to a very nice tenor voice, but one which was in need of toning down very often. To show what we mean we may the two songs "The Skylark" and "The Maltese Boatman's Song," which came in succession in the programme as giving a marked contrast in interpretation. The former was quite a treat, as showing a well blended and even artistical harmony of all the voices, while the latter was almost spoilt by the tyranny of the one tenor which we have mentioned. That a good voice and one able to obtrude itself should be tempted to do so is no wonder, but it is a fault nevertheless. This, however, and one or two other little things were but small drawbacks in a capital entertainment, and one which the public would, no doubt, be glad to see repeated. The hall was filled on the occasion, and the orchestra, with its host of young girls arrayed in pure white dresses and scarfs of various colors, presented a gay and pleasant appearance.
"DEATH OF MR. J. A. DOANE", The Ballarat Star (16 November 1910), 1
All of the old identities of Ballarat will regret to learn of the death of Mr. Joseph A. Doane, formerly of this City, which took place on Thursday, at Surrey Hills, near Melbourne. The deceased gentleman, Who was over 80 years of age, was a native of Canada, though of Scotch parentage. In 1853 he arrived at Ballarat with three brothers, and for some time lived at Clayton's Hill, near Canadian, where Wesleyan Methodism was practically started on Ballarat. In the work there in connection with that denomination, Mr. Doane took a very active part, being especially interested in Sunday school duties, and on the departure for Sydney of Mr. Wearne, the first superintendent of the Sunday school at Wesley Hill - as Clayton's Hill was often termed - Mr. Doane was appointed to the position. When the Wesleyan cause was established in Lydiard Street, Mr. Doane acted in a similar capacity there, and carried out the duties with marked success for a period of over 30 years. It was largely due to Mr. Doane's influence, in popularising the school, that it was raised to the proud position it now holds, one of the largest and most successful Wesleyan Sunday schools in the state, if not the largest. Mr. Doane served his time as a cabinet maker, but studied as an architect, and in that capacity he will be best remembered, many of the churches in this district having been built according to plans prepared by him. The deceased gentleman took a keen interest in public affairs, was a member of the City Council, and on one occasion filled the mayoral chair. The flag at the City Hall was in consequence, hoisted at half-mast yesterday on receipt of the news of his death, as were those at several business places. Mr. Doane was thrice married, and leaves a widow to mourn her loss.
"DEATHS", The Argus (18 November 1901), 1
DOANE. - On the 14th November, 1901 at Kent-road, Surrey Hills, Joseph Atwood Doane, the beloved husband of Jessie Doane, born 5th October, 1823 [sic]. Deeply regretted. (Interred in the Boroondara Cemetery, Kew, on Saturday, 16th November.)
Bibliography and resources:
William Bramwell Withers, The history of Ballarat from the first pastoral settlement to the present time . . . second edition . . . (Ballarat: Printed by F. W. Niven and Co., 1887), passim (DIGITISED)
. . . Musical societies have been many in Ballarat, commencing with the Philharmonic, which was formed on the 5th of March, 1858, Mr. D. Oliver in the chair. He was chosen secretary; A. T. Turner, conductor; A. Fleury, leader; A. Oliver, treasurer; and E. Towl, Dr. Kupperberg, L. Bruun, C. Franz, J. Lake, J. A. Doane, Stoddart, E. Gates, Sayers, and J. Stower, committeemen. The society died in 1863 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Bramwell Withers (journalist, historian)
Alfred Alder Doane, The Doane family (Boston: Alfred Alder Doane, 1902), 213 (DIGITISED)
JOSIAH PAYNE DOANE was born at Barrington, N. S., Aug. 31, 1784 and died there in July, 1875.
He married first, Nov. 20, 1806, by his father, Samuel O. Doane, Esq., Mary Wood, who was born at Barrington, Aug. 5, 1787 and died Aug. 5, 1846,
a sister of Lydia Wood, who married his brother Prince Doane (205) . . . Children of first marriage, from Barrington records: -
vii - Joseph Atwood, b. Oct. 5, 1822; d. at Kent Road, Surrey Hills, Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 14, 1901;
m. 1st, July 23, 1851, Ann Sargent, b. June 8, 1822; d. at Ballarat, Aus., July 2, 1855, dau. of Winthrop and Mary Jane (Allison) Sargent;
m., 2nd, Catherine Sargent, sister of his first wife;
m., 3rd, Jessie Lockie of Leith, Scotland, who survives him.
Mr. Doane removed to Australia soon after the gold discoveries in that country.
He sailed from Halifax, accompanied by his brothers Seth C. Doane, Arthur W. Doane (424) and Arnold Doane,
and a number of neighbors and friends belonging to Barrington, in the Brigt. Sebin [sic], in July, 1852.
He first engaged in gold mining, after which for several years he followed the profession of an architect.
His home until 1875 was in Ballarat, where he took an active part in public affairs, being a member of the city council and for many years Mayor of the city.
He was an active member of the Methodist church, and filled various church official positions both in his native land and in the land of his adoption.
He visited his old home in Nova Scotia in 1875, and afterward for several years lived in Leith, Scotland.
Returning to Australia he settled in Melbourne, where he made his home until the time of his death. No children.
Ian W. Fry, "Early Canadian contributions of Australia's economic development", in Kate Burridge, Lois Foster, and Gerry Turcotte (eds), Canada-Australia towards a second century of partnership (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1997), (171-88), 182-83 (PREVIEW)
DODD, Mr. (Mr. DODD)
Musician, violinist
Active Sydney, NSW, June 1844 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (14 June 1844), 4
ON SATURDAY EVENING, June 15th, and the following week,
THE QUADRILLE BAND will play several Airs, Overtures. &c.
Pianist, Mr. Fillmore; Flute, Mr. Westrop; First Violin, Mr. Wilson; Second Violin, Mr. Dodd; violoncello, Mr. Portbury . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor);
Henry William Fillmore (pianist);
Zachariah Westrop (flute);
Mr. Wilson (violin);
Benjamin Portbury (cello);
Clown Hotel (Sydney venue);
like some of the other players, Dodd, otherwise unidentified,
may also have been a member of the band at the Royal Victoria Theatre
DODD, Josiah Eustace (Josiah Eustace DODD; J. E. DODD)
Musical instrument maker, organbuilder, organ builder
Born Richmond, VIC, 16 August 1856; son of Ebenezer Daniel DODD and Johanna MOLONEY
Died Glenelg, SA, 30 January 1952 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
"S.A. Organ Builder Still Working at 90", News (16 August 1946), 4
Bookseller, editor and publisher of several local Catholic hymnbooks
Born St. Omer, France, 26 December 1831; son of Thomas DOLMAN (c. 1770-1840) and Catherine DELAHAY (1797-1886)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1853
Married (1) Caroline NAGEL (c. 1835-1871), St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney, NSW, 27 December 1853
Married (2) Mary DONOHOE (c. 1852-1899), NSW, 1875
Died Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1902, aged "70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
A cousin of the London Catholic publisher, Charles Dolman, he published various local editions of collections of Catholic hymns in Sydney from 1856 onwards. He also published a selection of hymn tunes, said to have been edited by William John Cordner, in 1857.
In Sydney in 1853, he married Caroline Nagel, daughter of Charles Nagel. Their daughter Mary Dolman was an amateur vocalist, who married, in turn, the amateur vocalist Peter Campbell Curtis, and the professional musician Raimund Pechotsch. Dolman's grandson Raimund Pechotsch junior was also a violinist.
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 December 1853), 5
By special license, at St. Mary's Cathedral, on the 27th instant, by the Rev. S. A. Sheehy, William Dolman, fourth son of Thomas Dolman, of Pocklington, Yorkshire, to Caroline, second daughter of Captain C. A. Nagel, late of Her Majesty's 97th Regiment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nagel (father-in-law)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 March 1854), 6
begs to acquaint his friends and the public generally, that he has just opened a large assortment of Catholic Works and publications . . .
Park-street, between Castlereagh and Elizabeth-streets . . .
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (28 June 1856), 1
Sacred Songs, and School Songs, together with the Hymns for Benediction and Processions.
WILLIAM DOLMAN, 21, Market-street.
"CATHOLIC HYMNS", Freeman's Journal (28 June 1856), 4
CATHOLIC HYMNS. Sydney: W. Dolman, Market-street.
We congratulate our enterprising fellow-citizen Mr. Dolman and the Catholic public,
on the republication of the neat volume of beautiful Catholic Hymns which he has just issued.
We need not say a word in commendation or recommendation of this exquisite little volume.
We shall be extremely disappointed if the first edition is not soon exhausted, and a second demanded.
As the Australian editor of the collection remarks, in his gracefully written preface . . .
The work has received the approbation of his Grace the Archbishop.
"His Grace," says the editor, "in sanctioning the publication of this little Hymn-book,
wishes that all the faithful should join in singing the Hymns in Church, and that the children should be taught them at school,
that they may be thus enabled to join in the common devotion, and may introduce so salutary a practise to their homes."
We give the hymn on St. Patrick's Day as a specimen of the contents of the volume.
It "goes" to the old tune "St. Patrick's Day;" -
All praise to St. Patrick, who brought to our mountains
The gift of God's faith, the sweet light of His love! . . .
"NEW HYMN BOOK", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 June 1857), 1
We have received a copy of a Roman Catholic Hymn Book, just issued by Mr. Dolman, of Pitt-street. It is divided into three parts, and contains altogether ninety-seven hymns. Among the sacred songs are introduced a few which, although, like the others, of a religious character, may be regarded somewhat in the light of national effusions, giving to the pages an appearance of variety which will doubtless render them more interesting in the eyes of many. The third part is almost entirely composed of Latin hymns, which frequently occur in the vespers and other services of the Catholic Church. The little volume is neatly printed and bound, and will doubtless be found a valuable acquisition by those for whose use it is intended.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (27 June 1857), 3
PRICE ONE SHILLING. JUST PUBLISHED, the SECOND EDITION of the CATHOLIC HYMN BOOK, containing the Hymns as sung at Benediction.
WILLIAM DOLMAN, 121, Pitt-street.
"REVIEW", Freeman's Journal (4 July 1857), 4
Catholic Hymns. W. DOLMAN, 121, Pitt-street, Sydney. Price 1s.
We have received a copy of the above little work, which is an exact reprint for the first edition which was published June, 1856 . . . We hope Mr. W. Dolman maybe induced in the next issue to print the music with the words, which would be a great acquisition; and we feel assured that, should he receive sufficient encouragement, he would most willingly act up to this suggestion, at least for the principal hymns . . .
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (28 November 1857), 1
JUST PUBLISHED, PRICE 4s., CATHOLIC HYMNS, LITANIES, &c, with an Organ or Pianoforte Accompaniment. No. I.:
Contents: The Most Holy Trinity; The Eternal Father; Daily, Daily; Mother of Mercy; Pilgrims of the Night; Jesus is God;
Litany of the Blessed Virgin; Jesus, my God and my all; Litany of the Blessed Virgin.
W. DOLMAN, 236 (late 121), Pitt-street.
"CATHOLIC HYMNS", Freeman's Journal (28 November 1857), 2
We are delighted with the first number of a series, of Tunes for Catholic Hymns, &c., which Mr. Dolman (the publisher) has sent to our office. We have been long wishing to see such a useful publication commenced. Often have we asked those who we thought should be the supervisors of such a work, why it was not taken in hands. The answer was invariably the same - "The demand is not great enough to cause it to pay; and we have so often been the losers in affairs of this kind that we do not wish to undertake any more of them." Mr. Dolman deserves the thanks of the Catholic community, more especially the members of choirs, for having begun this work. In the present number we notice two tunes which are very great favorites with all who attend the Cathedral, namely "Daily, Daily," and "Pilgrims of the Night." The pianoforte accompaniment to these two is very good. Musicians who attend the Cathedral, and are familiar with the tones of its mighty organ, can have but little difficulty in discovering who was the arranger of them. The other airs are all charming bits; the names of the composers are too well known to stand in need of commendation. The two Litanies are very good: the first of them is a very popular one. The mechanical part of the work is good: the notes are very legible; and the size is very convenient. We hope there is not a Catholic young lady in Sydney, or in the country, who has a piano, that will not take a copy. All members of country choirs should at once secure their copies. The quicker the first number is disposed of, the sooner the publisher will bring out the second one; which he promises shall contain Benediction pieces, and other music for the evening service.
ASSOCIATIONS: William John Cordner (organist, musical editor); St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney)
"REVIEW. MUSICAL NOTICE", Freeman's Journal (12 December 1857), 4
Catholic Hymns, Litanies, &c., arranged with an easy accompaniment for the use of Country Missions and Schools. Sydney: Dolman, 1857.
This is the first number of a publication which was much needed, and which, we trust, will be continued through many similar numbers, till a large body of correct, elegant, and facile Catholic music is presented to the Australian public. And such is the high character of the work, or rather the specimen of the work, here offered, that it will be most disgraceful to our body if it do not meet with an immediate and most extensive sale.
The words of the hymns in the present number are taken from the collection of hymns some time since published by Mr. Dolman, and which are chiefly a reprint of the hymns published by Dr. Faber, of the Oratory. It is needless, therefore, to say that they are excellent in their kind. The first here given is the hymn "To the Most Holy Trinity," and it is set to a beautiful and simple German melody, nicely harmonized. This, we are sure, will be a lasting favourite. The next is a "Hymn to the Eternal Father," set to a very sweet air by Mayer, arranged in the same correct and easy style. Then follows a translation of the celebrated Hymn of St. Casimir, "Omne die, dic Maria," set to a rather lively melody, of French origin, we believe. After this comes the well known hymn, "Mother of Mercy, day by day," very well adapted to a pathetic German air; and then the sacred song, "Pilgrims of the Night," pleasingly set, but to a somewhat operatic looking air, in six-eight time, with an arpeggio accompaniment, which we suspect the organist of St. Mary's plays after a very different fashion from what it exhibits here. But the editor, doubtless, thought it necessary to do something for our fair pianists, and, although we should have treated the chords differently, in this instance, we are willing to pardon him for the sake of the said fair piano players. "Jesus is God" is adapted to a very beautiful melody by Pleyel, which will be more admired the oftener it is heard. After this we have a simple and pleasing litany, B. V. M., in D major, which is followed by that most charming hymn, "Jesus, my God and my all," adapted to a well known and much admired air from Mehul's delightful Oratorio of Joseph. We consider this last and the two first hymns well worth the whole price of the book, and we shall be surprised as well as pained if they are not heard in every church and school, as they ought to be heard in every Catholic family, before many weeks shall have elapsed.
The publication concludes with a very good melody for the Litany, but to which the word "Kyrie," in the first line, is twice incorrectly set, and there occurs an instance of consecutive octaves in the harmony of the first bar, where the bass rises from F to G, and the same motion occurs in one of the intermediate parts an octave higher. If the F in the second part was necessary to resolve the discordant G preceding it, the error might have been avoided by contrary motion in the bass part. We feel bound to notice the apparent negligence with respect to this last piece, because we think a work so admirable in design, and so excellent in execution, generally, should be purged even of these trifling faults. We hardly know whether we ought to point out what we regard as a slight mistake in the plan of the work. As the accompanist from this work will in most cases be the director also of the choir or school, he should have before him the words as well as the music of each hymn. Here we have only the first verse of each. It is true we can have the book of hymns for a shilling, but it is very inconvenient to have two books at once on the instrument, particularly when you have to turn the pages of both. In future numbers we would recommend that at least two or three verses (those usually sung) should be printed with each melody, and that they should be capable of being read without turning the page. This could hot much interfere with the separate sale of the Hymn Book, and even if it did we believe the present work to be one of much more importance, and more permanent interest and profit, than the other. Indeed, if succeeding numbers equal the first in merit, it will be the most important and useful work that has ever issued from the Australian Press. We sought to add that the "getting up" of the publication is highly creditable to the spirited publisher, who, in embarking in so extensive an undertaking, has established a claim to support, which, we trust, the Catholic public will not be slow to recognise.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William Faber (English hymn writer)
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (29 October 1859), 4
JUST PUBLISHED. Price, 5s. By Post, 5s. 6d.
CATHOLIC HYMNS, LITANIES, &c., &c., arranged with an easy organ accompaniment, for the use of Catholic Churches and Schools.
Permissu Superiorum.
Contents. - Veni Sancte Spiritus; Holy Spirit, Lord of Light; Veni, Creator Spiritus; Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, Come;
Jesus Crucified; Jesus, the only Thought of Thee; The Blessed Sacrament; The Immaculate Conception;
Immaculate, Immaculate; O Hour of Grace; Hail, Queen of Heaven; O Salutaris Hostia;
O Saving Victim; Stabat Mater; At the Cross Her Station Keeping; Stabat Mater; At the Cross Her Station Keeping;
Ave Maris Stella; Gentle Star of Ocean; Tantum Ergo; To the Sacred Host Inclining; O Sanctissima; O Most Holy One;
Adeste Fideles; O Come, all ye Faithful; Litany of the Blessed Virgin; The Most Holy Trinity; The Eternal Father;
Daily, Daily; Mother of Mercy; Pilgrims of the Night; Jesus is God; Litany of the Blessed Virgin; Jesus, My God and My All;
Litany of Blessed Virgin; Ave Maris Stella; Hail, Thou Sea Star Gleaming.
WILLIAM DOLMAN, 234, Pitt-street.
"REVIEW", Freeman's Journal (29 October 1859), 2
Catholic Hymns, Litanies, &c., arranged with an easy organ accompaniment. Sydney: W. Dolman, 1859. Permissu Superiorum.
We have great pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to this very elegant and extensive collection of Catholic Hymns, with Music. It is the very thing of which our Catholic schools, congregations, and families, have long felt the want; and they will be guilty of a great error of judgment, if not something worse, if they do not so patronise the work as to encourage the publisher in similar efforts.
A glance at the contents of the publication will shew that utility has been chiefly studied in its compilation -
that old familiar airs have been preferred to more modern compositions; and even in the case of the more modern hymns by Faber and others,
the melodies to which they have been for some time sung have been preferred to others which some fastidious persons might consider better adapted to express their sentiment.
Thus, we have the old O Salutaris and Tantum ergo in F, the Veni Sancte Spiritus in the same key, by Webbe,
the same composer's Tantum ergo in A.
Then again we have the old and beautiful Veni Creator in the Gregorian 8th Tone; the not less beautiful Adeste Fideles, which one never tires hearing;
the well known Stabat Mater, O Sanctissima, &c.
Of the modern pieces we would especially call attention to Jesus Crucified, set to one of Haydn's finest melodies from the "Passione;"
O Flower of Grace, adapted to one of Mozart's inimitable gems; Dr. Lingard's Hail Queen of Heaven
and to a most beautiful Litany of the Blessed Virgin, by Richardson.
The well known "Daily, Daily," "Jesus my Lord," "O purest of Creatures," "Immaculate," &c., &c.,
are, as we have said, set to the airs with which our ears have become familiar, and if we are obliged to say that they are not equal to the airs previously noticed,
we think the publisher has used a wise discretion in retaining them in preference to others less familiar;
and it will be easy in future publications to increase the variety of melodies, of which he has, we believe, an inexhaustible collection at his command.
In point of "getting up," this is by far the handsomest musical publication that the colony has yet produced. The printing is quite beautiful, and the price, considering the number and variety of the pieces, is uncommonly low. If, therefore, there should be three months hence a single church, or school, or Catholic family, without sacred music, seeing that a collection so useful and so cheap is now within their reach, it will be difficult to account for such a want of taste and energy.
It may be proper to add that the whole of the music in this collection is within the reach of the most ordinary performer.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (27 August 1862), 7
CATHOLIC HYMN BOOK. THE NEW EDITION of the CATHOLIC HYMN BOOK is now ready, price One shilling.
WILLIAM DOLMAN, 234 Pitt street.
"THE BOY VIOLINIST", Freeman's Journal (14 August 1897), 16
We have had many child performers on the musical platform of Sydney, but in almost every instance generous allowance on the ground of extreme youth and inexperience had to be made. In the case of Master Raimund Pechotsch, who has started his career with a concert in the Town Hall, the little fellow, who hardly looks his ten years, claimed no indulgence . . . Mr. and Mrs. Pechotsch shared in the honours of the evening at the concert, the latter playing her son's accompaniments. Conspicuous in the audience was Mr. William Dolman, who, with beaming face, took both a musical and a grand-fatherly interest in the proceedings. Mr. and Mrs. Pechotsch, with Master Raimund, leave for Europe at the end of the month.
ASSOCIATIONS: Raimund Pechotsch senior (son-in-law)
"DEATH OF MR. W. DOLMAN", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1902), 6
An accident, which had a fatal termination, happened to Alderman William Dolman, of the Newtown Council, on Saturday evening . . . The deceased gentleman was 71 years of age. He was a widower, and resided with his two daughters at Summer Hill. He was a well known resident of Newtown, and had been an alderman of that borough for over 11 years. During that period he was twice Mayor . . . He was also an active worker in the Roman Catholic Church . . .
"THE LATE MR. W. DOLMAN", Freeman's Journal (7 June 1902), 23
. . . The late William Dolman, who had passed his seventieth year, came from a fine old family of landed English gentry, who flourished centuries ago in Yorkshire, but had suffered spoliation of estate rather than give up the Faith. He was born at St. Omer, France, and received his secondary education at St. Edmund's College in Hertfordshire, England. It is about fifty years since Mr. Dolman, then a very young man, arrived in Sydney. Almost immediately he was appointed to a professorship in St. Mary's Seminary . . . When the Seminary merged itself in Lyndhurst College Mr. Dolman for some time filled the professorship of French in that famous college. In the meantime, however, he had in the very early sixties started a Catholic book repository, and a little later joined the proprietary of the "Freeman's Journal," with which he was associated till 1869, as managing partner with the late Richard Blundell and the late Richard O'Sullivan, Mr. Thomas Butler succeeding the last named both as proprietor and editor . . .
See also "WILLIAM DOLMAN", Freeman's Journal (7 June 1902), 21
Extant musical editions:
Catholic hymns, a manual for the afternoon services, a new and improved edition containing, besides the English Catholic hymns, the vespers and complin for Sundays, with the Latin hymns for the principal feasts of the year, night prayers, etc. - third edition [words only] (Sydney: William Dolman, 1859) (DIGITISED)
Catholic hymns, a manual for the afternoon services, a new and improved edition containing, besides the English Catholic hymns, the vespers and complin for Sundays, with the Latin hymns for the principal feasts of the year, night prayers, etc. - 4th edition [words only] (Sydney: W. Dolman, 1862)
See also description of the 1862 edition in "Memories and Musings", Advocate [Melbourne, VIC] (15 January 1948), 12
Bibliography and resources:
William Henry Dolman, Genealogy data of Dolman or Dowman, of Pocklington
William Dolman, Sydney aldermen, City of Sydney
William Dolman, Australian Prints + Printmaking, Centre for Australian art
DOMENY DE RIENZI, Grégoire Louis (Grégoire Louis DOMENY DE RIENZI)
Reporter and transcriber of Indigenous song
Born Cavaillon, France, 30 March 1789
Landed in Arnhem Land, North Australia, c. 1830
Died Versailles, France, 30 September 1843 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

The explorer and ethnographer chevalier Domeny de Rienzi had arrived at Bombay, via the Red Sea, late in 1825. He later travelled into South East Asia, and presumably collected this Air australien des sauvages de la terre d'Arnheim having landed in Arnhem Land around 1830. It was published in his Oceanie; ou cinquieme partie du monde . . . tome premier (Paris: Firmin Didot Frères, 1836), 81.
See also entry in checklist of Indigenous song transcriptions:
"CHEVALIER DE RIENZI", The Asiatic Journal (February 1826), 240 (DIGITISED)
Among the strangers who have from time to time visited Bombay, is the Chevalier Domeny de Rienzi, who lately arrived here by way of the Red Sea. This young French savant is well known by his travels to Mount Caucasus, in Barbary, in Syria, among the Druses, in America, the Orkneys, Greece, &c. . . . - [Bom. Cour. Aug. 6.
Bibliography and resources:
"G. L. Domeny de Rienzi", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)
DON, William (William Henry DON; William DON)
Born England, 4 May 1825; son of Alexander DON and Grace STEIN
Married (1) Antonia LEBRUN, 1847
Married (2) Emily Eliza SAUNDERS, St. Marylebone, London, England, 17 October 1857
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 December 1860 (per Blue Jacket, from Liverpool, 24 September)
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 19 March 1862 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony),_7th_Baronet (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
DON, Emily (Emily Eliza SANDERS [sic, not SAUNDERS]; Miss Emily SANDERS; Lady DON)
Actor, vocalist
Born Lambeth, Surrey, England, 1832; baptised St. John, Lambeth, 15 July 1832; daughter of John SANDERS ("SAUNDERS") and Mary Winifrede DAVIS
Married William Henry DON, St. Marylebone, London, England, 17 October 1857
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 16 December 1860 (per Blue Jacket, from Liverpool, 24 September)
Departed (1) Melbourne, VIC, 27 May 1862 (per Lincolnshire, for England)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 25 May 1864 (per Suffolk, from London via Plymouth, 29th February)
Departed (2) Sydney, NSW, 15 January 1866 (per Otago, via Nelson, New Zealand, for California)
Died London, England, 20 September 1875, age "about 45" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

"Lady Don", caricature by "M. S." (Monty Scott); with "VERSES ON A GALLANT SAILOR", Melbourne Punch (24 November 1864), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Monty Scott (cartoonist)
William and Emily Don arrived in Melbourne in December 1860, and made their colonial debut at the Theatre Royal, on Monday 21 January 1861, in The child of the regiment, as translated by Charles Jefferys, and with Charles Glover's arrangements of some of Donizetti's original music.
In Sydney, where they made their debut on 1 April, shortly afterwards were published the Scottish song My Johnny was a shoe-maker, as "sung by Lady Don", and My own sweetheart William, in new arrangements by Charles Packer.
And in Sydney in June 1861, J. R. Clarke published John Winterbottom's tribute to her, The Lady Don valse.
On its publication in Sydney in mid 1861, Isaac Nathan claimed to have composed his Tennyson setting Circumstance for her, though there is no evidence that she ever sang it in public.
William Don died in Hobart, TAS, on 19 March 1862, aged 36.
From as early as 1860, and continuing through to the times of her death in 1875, some Australian newspapers followed some British sources in incorrectly giving Emily's family name as Saunders, rather than Sanders.
Baptisms in the district of St. John the Evangelist Lambeth in the county of Surrey in the year 1832; register 1824-34, page 76; London Metropolitan Archives, P85/Jna3/003 (PAYWALL)
No. 602 / [1832] July 15th / Emily Eliza daur. of / John & Mary Winifrede / Sanders [sic] / Carlisle Place / Comedian . . .
[Advertisement], Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (29 August 1850), 4 (PAYWALL)
Miss EMILY SANDERS (from the Olympic) . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. THOM . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bream Thom (musician, also active in Australia in the 1850s)
England census, 30 March 1851, Lambeth, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1571/588/22 (PAYWALL)
1 Homer Street / John Sanders / Head / Mar. / 53 / Comedian / . . .
Mary / Wife / 53 / - // Alfred / Son / 15 / Musician / [born] Surrey Lambeth //
Emily / Daur. / Unm. / 19 / Actress / [born] Surrey Lambeth
[Advertisement] Dublin Daily Express [Ireland] (10 September 1857), 1 (PAYWALL)
QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE . . . Last appearance but Two of Miss Sanders . . .
On This (THURSDAY) Evening, Sept. the 10th, 1857 . . .
After which the Fairy Extravaganza entitled THE GOLDEN BRANCH . . .
To conclude with Buckstone's celebrated and very popular drama, in 3 acts, entitled THE CHILD OF THE REGIMENT . . .
Duke Archambant de Grandtete, Mr. Saunders . . .
Josephine, Miss E. Sanders, in which she will sing "The Song of the Drum," "Ask me not Why,"
"Yes, 'tis the Spell," "Search Through the Wide World," and "The Rataplan Chorus" . . .
Saturday the BENEFIT of Miss Emily Sanders . . .
1857, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Marylebone in the county of Middlesex; register 1856-60, page 100; London Metropolitan Archives, P89/MRY1/230 (PAYWALL)
No. 199 / 17th October 1857 / William Henry Don / Of full age / Bachelor / Baronet / St. Marylebone / [son of] Alexander Don / Baronet
Emily Eliza Sanders / Of full age / Spinster / - / [St. Marylebone] / [daughter of] John Sanders / Gent. . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", Hull Advertiser [Yorkshire, England] (17 April 1858), 5 (PAYWALL)
We perceive that on Monday next the eminent comedian, Sir William Don, and his wife, Lady Don, appear at this theatre . . . Lady Don, late Miss Emily Sanders, made her first appearance on Thursday. There are not many of the play-going people of Birmingham who don't know and think well of Miss Emily Sanders. She was charming actress - she is more charming now. Experience has brought out her histrionic gifts and graces, and on Thursday night, on the boards of our Theatre Royal, she achieved final success. Miss Sanders has not only superior acting powers, but also musical abilities far above the ordinary standard. No one could fail to be struck with her highly finished impersonation. Highly as the public thought of her before, they must think more highly of her now.
First tour (16 December 1860 to May 1862):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 December 1860), 4
DEC. 16 . . . Blue Jacket, White Star ship, 1,442 tons, James White, from Liverpool 24th September. Passengers - cabin: Sir William Don, bart., Lady Don, child and servant . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1861), 8
THEATRE ROYAL. Lessee - G. V. Brooke. Director - G. Coppin . . .
MONDAY [21 January]. Sir WILLIAM and Lady DON will make thier first appearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager); George Coppin (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Argus (22 January 1861), 4
In Sir William and Lady Don, who made their first appearance at the Theatre Royal last night, Melbourne has at length found something new . . . Perhaps Lady Don could have selected few characters in which she would be sure of securing the goodwill of a Melbourne audience, and, at the same time, of giving them a fair test of her abilities, as that of the Daughter of the Regiment. Criticism upon so graceful a performance, which without the least effort, made its way at once to the sensibilities of all - pit, circle, and gallery, is what we scarcely feel inclined for. But the merit of the acting was almost thrown into the shade by the very charming manner in which the several songs put into the mouth of Josephine were sung. Lady Don has not a very powerful voice, but one of a peculiar, rich, mellow quality, as clear as a bell, a perfectly pure intonation, and taste and expression enough for the most fastidious musician. In short we might multiply epithets in its praise, for a more exquisite ballad voice we have not heard - certainly not in Australia. "From life's early morning," "Ask me not why," and the sparkling "Search through the wide world," were all given with a freshness and piquancy which could scarcely have been surpassed; but still better was the effect of "Ever of thee," in the second part. Lady Don was more than once encored, and she well merited the compliment. In the character of Margery, in "The Rough Diamond," Lady Don sang the Scotch ballad, "Macgregor's Gathering," with great spirit, and, though much fatigued, was obliged to repeat it. Her style of acting is refined, but full of a quiet archness which is peculiarly taking . . .
MUSIC: From life's early morning ("Apparvi alla luce") (Donizetti; arr. Glover); Ask me not why (Donizetti, arr. Glover) Search through the wide world (Donizetti; arr. Glover); Ever of thee (Foley Hall)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (22 January 1861), 5
A numerous and brilliant audience greeted the appearance of Sir William and Lady Don on the boards of the Theatre Royal last night. The carte was a tempting one - "The Child of the Regiment," "The Toodles," and "The Rough Diamond," being served up for the delectation of a house that repeatedly, during the evening, testified a marked appreciation of the distinguished artistes by loud and prolonged applause . . . The natural acting of Lady Don as Josephine in the "Child of the Regiment," combined with the singular good taste with which "Search through the wide world," and "Ever of thee," were sung, gained for the artiste merited applause, while the rendering of the "Macgregor's Gathering," by Margery, in "The Rough Diamond" was given with a forcible energy and spirit we have never seen equalled, enhanced, also, as it was, by the purity of the Doric - an indispensable something so little regarded by mere vocalists . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (26 January 1861), 5
Under the auspices of the Caledonian Society the performances at the Royal last night were a marked success. Seldom this season has the theatre been graced by a more brilliant or crowded audience. Burns's Anniversary is a white stone day to all Scotsmen, and indeed to all lovers of manly worth throughout the world. Even the somewhat remote connection between the poet and the principal artiste of the evening, was a bond of union sufficient to connect the memories of the past with the new homes of many, the descendants of those that toiled and lived and suffered like Burns, in the years that are past. The selections from the works of the world-famed bard were skilfully made. Love, freedom, and friendship, found their echo in "Ye Banks and Braes," "Scots Wha Hae," "John Anderson, my Jo," and "Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot." The singular good taste which characterized Lady Don's rendering of these songs, deserves high praise. Nothing could be more touching than the pathos that breathed through "John Anderson, my Jo," or more thrilling than the bold energy of "Scots Wha Hae." The life picture that illustrated this martial strain was in admirable keeping, and deservedly shared the applause bestowed upon the fair artiste. "Guy Mannering" was, all things considered, well put upon the stage . . . Lady Don, as Julia Mannering, had but little to do, save singing a part in a duet, and the old Scotch songs, "Charlie is my darling," and "Annie Laurie," the former of which was brilliantly executed, although the latter, if we may hint a fault, was perhaps a little too boisterous in parts which, "Like winds in summer sighing," we conceive ought to fall softly on the ears as the reality itself . . .
[News], The Argus (7 February 1861), 5
A large number of persons visited the bazaar in aid of the House of Mercy yesterday, the majority about 3 o'clock p.m., at which hour it was known that Lady Don would sing for the benefit of the charity. We think a great many more would have been present had not the price of admission been injudiciously raised from a shilling to half-a-crown. It is almost needless to say that Lady Don was received in the most flattering manner, and that she sang "Kathleen Mavourneen," and "The Minstrel Boy," in her usual sweet and effective style. She was both times encored, and substituted for "Kathleen Mavourneen" the favourite "Ever of thee." Lady Don was accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. S. Nelson. Miss Bailey, and Messrs. Ewart and Angus, had been entrusted with the remainder of the songs, duets, &c., and acquitted themselves entirely to the satisfaction of the visitors. Mr. Mackie officiate as pianist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Nelson (pianist); Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Robert Mackie (pianist)
[News], The Argus (18 February 1861), 5
Lady Don was welcomed by a bumper house on the occasion of her benefit at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night, and her reception in all parts of the audience was unusually flattering. The character of Josephine, in "The Child of the Regiment," was that in which she made her first appearance before the public of Melbourne, and is one eminently suited to her talents. The incidental songs, especially "Ask me not why," and the famous "Rataplan," were given with all her accustomed finish and vivacity . . . "The Good for Nothing" came last, in which Lady Don made an extraordinary hit in a comic song entitled "My Johnny was a Shoemaker," which was sung with so much point and raciness that she was compelled to submit to a double encore . . .
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (1 April 1861), 1
SIR WILLIAM AND LADY DON . . . their first appearance in Sydney
THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, will be produced the charming Musical Drama of the
During the piece, LADY DON will sing "From Life's Early Morning," "Ask Me Not Why," "Search Thro' the Wide World,"
"France is my Country," "Ever of Thee," and the "Rataplan."
Concluding with Buckstone's very excellent Farce of THE ROUGH DIAMOND . . .
MARGERY - LADY DON. In which character she will give her famous rendering of MACGREGOR'S GATHERING . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Rayner (actor, manager); William Dind (manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE THEATRE. FIRST APPEARANCE OF SIR WILLIAM AND LADY DON", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (2 April 1861), 7
Last night Sir William and Lady Don commenced their professional engagement at the Victoria in the presence of an excellent audience, the theatre being densely crowded in every part, and the dress boxes in particular filled with a highly respectable audience. The principal piece of the evening was the beautiful musical drama of the "Child of the Regiment," in which the character of Josephine was sustained with infinite grace and spirit by Lady Don, the part of Guillot (her Tyrolean lover) being most successfully played by the baronet. In the course of the piece - which went off with great effect - Lady Don sang several songs, and in the afterpiece, the "Rough Diamond," she introduced her famous rendering of the Macgregor's Gathering. Her acting obviously gave great satisfaction to the large and discriminating audience, and her singing was received with bursts of cordial applause. In "Ask me not why," "Ever of thee," and the merry, martial strain of "Rataplan," she was loudly and enthusiastically encored . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1861), 12
JUST PUBLISHED, "My Johnny was a Shoemaker," ancient Scotch song; sung by Lady Don nightly at the Victoria Theatre, with enthusiastic applause and encored three times. Price, 2s. JOHNSON and CO.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller, publisher)
"MUSIC", Empire (6 April 1861), 4
In our notice of the performances at the Victoria Theatre on Thursday evening, we adverted to the very enthusiastic reception accorded by the audience to a song introduced by Lady Don in the comedietta which concluded the programme. The song in question, entitled, "My Johnny was a Shoemaker," has unquestionably achieved a most rapid and decided popularity in our good city; and perhaps one of the best evidences we can adduce of this fact will be found in the more or less accurate imitations of the refrain of the song, which may be heard chanted by our gamins and Bedouins in all our leading thoroughfares. The song has just been published by Messrs. Johnson and Co., of Pitt-street, and the melody bas been exquisitely harmonised by Mr. Packer. It would savour somewhat of effrontery to impugn the worth of the most able musician to whom this colony can claim, or we might take exception to the abruptness of the transition (however justifiable by musical rules) from B major to E minor, in the three bars of the symphony. This, after all, is perhaps only in keeping with a composition which, like very many of its Scottish contemporaries, ends on the 5th, a feature which constitutes a distinctive characteristic of the national airs of Caledonia. The words, we understand, were written by Mr. Wilton, Sir William Don's talented agent, who is also the author of a song which has attained a very extended renommee, and which will be familiar to many of our readers under the title of "Limerick Races." "My Johnny was a Shoemaker," even if not regarded as a souvenir of Lady Don, will be welcomed by the lovers of old melody most exquisitely harmonised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (pianist, composer, arranger); John Hall Wilton (lyrics, the Dons' agent)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1861), 1
Unabated Success. SIR WILLIAM AND LADY DON. In New Characters TO-NIGHT.
SIR WILLIAM in another of his great Scotch characters, JOCK HOWIESON.
LADY DON as FANNY GRIBBLES, with the new famous song, "That Young Man from the Country" . . .
CRAMOND BRIG . . . Fanny Gribbles - Lady DON, With "That Young Man from the Country" . . .
"THE THEATRE", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (13 April 1861), 3
On Wednesday Sir William Don took the part of Jock Howieson, the canny farmer of "Cramond Brig" . . . In the next piece the acting of Lady Don, the romantic maid of all work, who wishes to make herself a "hobjeck of hinterest" after going through a course of Susan Ropley, and other works of that description, was in the highest degree amusing; and her singing of "That young man from the country" - whose ideas of meum and tuum became so confounded while courting the impressionable Fanny, that he found himself one morning at the bar of the Old Bailey with that young lady as a witness against him - was so much relished that it was twice re-demanded, the second time "My Johnny was a Shoemaker" being substituted . . . Buckstone's comedy of "Single Life" was produced last night capitally cast . . . and Lady Don as Kitty Skylark was as charming and full of vivacity as it was possible to be. She sang "Cherry Ripe" and snatches of other songs as sweetly as she always does . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1861), 2
SONG, by Lady Don, "My own Sweetheart William," 2s. CLARKE'S Music Repository, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (musicseller, publisher)
"THE THEATRE", Freeman's Journal (25 May 1861), 3
The performances next Tuesday will be under the especial patronage of J. H. Plunkett, Esq., the President, and the officers, and members of the Celtic Association. We trust that, Lady Don herself being a daughter of the Green Isle [sic], not only the members of the Celtic Association but every Irishman who can do so, will be present on the occasion. The bill announced is of the most attractive description, commencing with the very successful romantic drama of the Colleen Bawn, in which Lady Don will sing "Cushla Machree" and "The Last Rose of Summer," after which she will sing a selection from Moore's Melodies, consisting of the "Minstrel boy," "Oh Blame not the Bard," and "Rory O'More," all of which will be illustrated by tableaux vivants. The whole will conclude with "The Lady of Munster," in which Lady Don takes the part of Kate O'Brien, with the songs of "Kate Kearney" and "The Harp that once through Tara's Halls" . . . The night patronised by the Scotch inhabitants of Sydney was one of the most successful since the engagement of Sir William and Lady Don, and we trust that Irishmen will show their gallantry by giving her Ladyship a bumper on Tuesday. Mr. Plunkett, on being applied to by Mr. Wilton, Sir William and Lady Don's agent, for his patronage and that of the Celtic Association, forwarded the following reply . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (patron, musical amateur)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 June 1861), 10
MY OWN SWEETHEART, WILLIAM, 2s.; Good by Sweetheart, good-by, 2s. 6d.;
Katy's Letter, 3s.; Last Rose of Summer, 2s. - (popular songs sung by Lady Don).
J. R. CLARKE, 356, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 June 1861), 7
FAVOURITE SONGS, sung by Lady Don.
My own sweetheart William, 2s.; My Johnny was a shoemaker, 2s.; Last rose of summer, 2s.;
Katey's letter, 3s.; Meeting of the waters, 2s. 6d.; Cushla machree, 3s.; The harp that once through Tara's halls, 2s. 6d.;
The mocking-bird, 2s. 6d.; Ever of thee I'm fondly dreaming, 2s. 6d.; I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie, 2s. 6d.; Good-bye, sweetheart, 2s. 6d.
Any song post free, 2d. additional.
J. R. CLARKE, Music Repository, 356, George-street.
PUBLISHED THIS DAY. The LADY DON VALSE, by John Winterbottom, conductor of the Italian Opera, Melbourne, price 4s., post free 4s. 2d. . . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (composer)
"NEW MUSIC", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (22 June 1861), 2
We have just been presented with a complimentary copy of The Lady Don Valse, a musical morceaux of great beauty, composed by Mr. J. Winterbottom, and published by Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street. We notice this publication less on account of the author (whoso compositions are too well-known to require any comment from us) than to call attention to the beautiful style in which the work has been executed and placed before the public. The piece is intended to represent Sydney on the Great Exhibition in 1862, and it cannot but give our old country musical friends an exalted idea of our progress in the fine arts.
ASSOCIATIONS: 1862 International Exhibition (London event)
"OLYMPIC THEATRE. SIR WILLIAM AND LADY DON", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [Maitland, NSW] (27 June 1861), 2
Monday night the Olympic Theatre, West Maitland, was opened for the week, under the management of Mr. C. H. Burford;
and Sir William and Lady Don, together with a superior company, made their bow to a moderately-filled house.
The evening's entertainment commenced with the two-act operatic drama of "The Child of the Regiment" . . .
Lady Don sustained the character of Josephine, and played and sung, though suffering from a severe cold, with exquisite taste and feeling,
her compass of voice being great and effective. We can only regret that she was so inefficiently accompanied on the pianoforte especially in that well-known song "Search thro' the Wide World."
The songs introduced and sung by her Ladyship were: - "From Life's Early Morning," "Ask me not Why," "Search thro' the Wide World," "Ever of Thee," and the Rataplan -
all of which were rendered in a masterly style . . .
On Tuesday evening the performance commenced with "The Serious Family" . . .
Her ladyship sang "Goodbye Sweetheart" with great taste and feeling,
and we thought was better accompanied on the piano than on the previous evening . . . The entertainment closed with the farce "Good for Nothing,"
in which Lady Don played Nan, and sang "My Johnny was a Shoemaker, in which she was encored twice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Burford (actor, manager); Olympic Theatre (Maitland venue)
MUSIC: Goodbye sweetheart, goodbye (Hatton)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (27 February 1862), 2
The three performances given in the Theatre Royal, by Sir William and Lady Don, and the powerful company they have brought with them, have already won for them a Tasmanian reputation equal to that which they have achieved in the other colonies. We believe that every night's performance will add to the favor in which they are held by the play-going public . . . Of Lady Don's singing we cannot speak in terms of too high encomium. Every song is a gem tastefully set, without flimsy and tricky ornament. Her voice is exquisitely sweet, of unusual compass, and animated by a marvellous power of expression. Her rendering of "Macgregor's Gathering" always brings down the House in thunders of applause. We could hardly conceive that it was the same voice that gave us with touching pathos the beautiful air "Ever of Thee," that convulsed us with the extraordinary absurdity, "My Johnny was a Shoemaker." In the part of Billy Lackaday in "Sweethearts and Wives," Sir William fully sustained a reputation won in England by his clever impersonation of that character before he opened his colonial campaign. Lady Don won new laurels by her charming acting as "Laura," and her racy rendering of Madame Vestris old popular song "Why are you wandering?" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
MUSIC: Why are you wandering here (Isaac Nathan)
1862, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1224285; RGD35/1/6 no 3258 (DIGITISED)
No. 3258 / [1862] March 19th / William Henry Don, Baronet / Male / 37 years / Baronet / Aneurism of Aorta . . .
"DEATH OF SIR WILLIAM DON", The Mercury (20 March 1862), 2
It is our painful task to announce the untimely death of Sir Wm. Don, Bart., who expired at Webb's Hotel shortly after two o'clock yesterday morning. Sir William left Melbourne in very bad health on a professional visit to Tasmania in the hope of benefitting by change of climate. During his stay in Hobart Town he has been prevented by debility from taking any leading part in theatrical business, although he sustained several characters with great effect. In the burlesque of Kenilworth the part of Queen Elizabeth was assigned him, and his reluctance to disappoint the public induced him to appear at the first representation of this piece on Saturday night last, although as he stated to the audience, he had to drag himself from his bed to do so. This was his last appearance. On his leaving the theatre on Saturday he was seized with a violent attack of the malady from which he subsequently died, and from that time continued in a very precarious condition . . . Lady Don administered the last offices of affection to him, and in her arms he peaceably expired, dropping out of life like an infant sinking into slumber. The final event came with unexpected suddenness. Dr. Agnew, who had arranged to remain with his patient during the night, Mr. Wilton and Mr. Harry Jackson were present at the time . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Dolan Wilton (secretary); Harry Jackson (actor)
"TASMANIA . . . THE LATE SIR WILLIAM DON, BART.", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (2 April 1862), 3
The remains of this lamented and talented gentleman were conveyed to their last resting place on Saturday morning last . . . As it was specially requested that the funeral should be strictly private, the mourners were limited to his bereaved widow, supported by Dr. Agnew, his other medical attendants, Mr. Wilton, the late baronet's secretary, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Coppin, and other members of the company to which Sir William Don had in his lifetime been attached. On the procession arriving at Sr. David's Cathedral it was met by the Venerable Archdeacon Davies, and the beautiful service of our Church was most solemnly read by him, Mr. Packer presiding at the organ . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Alexander Packer (organist); St. David's cathedral (Hobart)
[News], The Argus (12 May 1862), 5
The Harrowby, which sailed from Hobart Town for England, on the 1st inst., conveyed the remains of Sir William Don to their final resting place. Anxious that his body should repose with that of his ancestors in the family vault, and that his mother and sisters should be enabled to pay a final tribute of respect to the last baronet of his race, Lady Don caused the body to be privately exhumed, and conveyed on board the Harrowby. Previous to its burial, the corpse had been enclosed in three coffins, the intermediate one of lead, and the outer one of stout Huon pine. Lady Don has taken her passage for England in the Lincolnshire, which is appointed to sail on the 24th inst.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED OUT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 May 1862), 4
MAY 27 . . . Lincolnshire, ship, 1,025 tons, E. Charleton, for London. Passengers - cabin: Lady Don and child . . .
Second tour (May 1864 to January 1866):
"SHIPPING. HOBSON'S BAY . . . ARRIVED, MAY 25", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (26 May 1864), 3
Suffolk, ship, 1205 tons, W. M, Merryman, from London, via Plymouth 29th February. Passengers - Cabin: . . . Lady Don . . .
"TO CORRESPONDENTS", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (1 October 1864), 2
Uralla. - The maiden name of Lady Don was Emily Sanders, not Saunders.

Inkstand and jewel case, by Joachim Matthias Wendt, presented to Emily Don, Adelaide, 22 August 1865; photograph by Townsend Duryea (image kindly supplied by Shane Le Plastrier, 2020)
"TESTIMONIAL TO LADY DON", South Australian Weekly Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (26 August 1865), 3
It is always a gratifying duty to chronicle the reward of merit, or recognition of talent, and it is therefore with pleasure that we have to refer to a very handsome present which was made to Lady Don by a number of friends on Tuesday morning. Her Ladyship has exercised a very healthy influence on the stage during the successful season which has just been brought to a close, and it was thought fitting, prior to leaving the shores of south Australia, to acknowledge in some tangible way the respect in which she is held as a lady, while, at the same time, recognising her undoubted talent and character as an actress. A hint that a testimonial should be given to lady Don was accordingly at once taken up, and a considerable amount of money was at once subscribed, with which a very handsome and superb ink stand and jewel case complete was purchased for Her Ladyship . . . The inkstand is a very beautiful and elaborate piece of work obtained from the establishment of Mr. J. M. Wendt, and entirely of colonial manufacture. The base of the inkstand rests upon four shields formed of malachite and set in silver, around which droop the flowers of the Sturt pea, which are worked in gold. On the ground are represented figures of emus, kangaroos, and dogs in gold, and two figures of natives - one of them a man in the act of throwing a spear, and the other a lubra in a sitting position with a "picaninny" on her back. These are worked in oxydised silver, and the rude garments usually worn by the blacks are of gold thrown in a neglige style around the figures. At either end of the stand rises a grass tree, the stems of which form the lids to the inkstand, which are sunk into the base. The jewel case is in the centre. It is a beautifully colored emu egg, appropriately mounted in silver and capped by an oxydised silver figure of a black swan. The interior of the egg is lined with, crimson velvet. The whole will rest upon a colonial blackwood stand, and will be covered by a large glass case. On the whole, it is a most elaborate and creditable piece of workmanship. It weighs 85 ounces, stands 11 inches high, and is 16 inches in length. Its cost was 100 guineas. The following terse inscription is placed upon it: - "Presented to Lady Don by the citizens of Adelaide as a token of respect and esteem." Lady Don left Adelaide on Tuesday to embark on board the Aldinga, for Melbourne.
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (15 January 1866), 5
On Saturday evening Lady Don appeared for the last time in Sydney before a large and fashÃonable audience, who testified in the heartiest manner their approbation of her performances. A new comic drama, entitled "Our Nelly," was played on the occasion for the first time, and gave evident satisfaction. Lady Don played Our Nell with all that humour and abandon which characterise her efforts, and her singing was more than ordinarily good. She was well supported by the other members of the company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"SHIPPING . . . CLEARANCES - JANUARY 15", Empire (16 January 1866), 4
OTAGO, Steamer, 437 tons, Randall, for Nelson. Passengers - Lady Don and servant . . . Messrs. . . . Wilton . . .
Obituary (1875):
"Lady Don", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (27 September 1875), 3
The morning papers announce the death of this favorite actress, in England. Lady Don was the daughter of an actor named Saunders [sic], well known in London. Miss Saunders went upon the stage, as might have been expected,, and quickly rose to celebrity through her beautiful voice in singing. The late Sir William Don, as a man about town, became acquainted with the young actress; and married her. His finances ran to a low ebb, whereupon he startled his relatives by taking to the stage. Sir William and Lady Don became great stars in the profession. In the height of their fame they came to Australia, fifteen years ago, appearing at the Theatre Royal. Sir William Don mainly attracted notice from his extraordinary height, being over six feet and a half. His acting was described as "Buckstone magnified, with an infusion of Compton." It cannot be said that his powers were great, but he was very amusing as Long Tom Coffin, Dandie Dinmont, and other characters. Lady Don was recognised as one of the finest singers ever heard in Australia. Sir William Don died in Tasmania, about eighteen months after arriving here. Lady Don returned to England, and took up her abode with Sir William's relatives. Afterwards she reappeared on the stage, and visited Australia again. She played very successfully at the Haymarket Theatre, Melbourne. Then her ladyship went to England once more, and performed in all parts of the United Kingdom. She took her passage for Melbourne in the Northumberland, somewhere about two years, ago, but forfeited the passage money. Lady Don did not maintain her high level in the profession to the last, but was reduced to appear at minor places of amusement. Her age would be about forty-five years.
"DEATH OF LADY DON", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 September 1875), 6
It is just 11 years since Lady Don made her second appearance in these colonies. The Haymarket Theatre had been altered, redecorated, and otherwise rendered habitable and Mr. Hoskins had become its manager. Four years previously she and her husband Sir William Don, had opened at the old Theatre Royal and had at once established themselves as favourites with the Melbourne public. In March, 1862, he died in Tasmania, a comparatively young man, and she shortly afterwards left Australia with her daughter. She did not, we believe, appear in public at all during her visit to England, but as it was well known that Sir William had been entirely dependent upon his professional earnings, having, in fact, taken to the stage by reason of monetary difficulties, she had no option but to make her stage connexion useful to her. She therefore came back to Victoria, where she was welcomed as all old favourites are welcomed, and commenced her re-entry upon theatrical life with a long engagement in Melbourne. From Melbourne as her starting point, she travelled all through the Australian colonies and was everywhere received with the warmest expressions of delight. And in truth she was a very charming actress. In elegant comedy, in broad farce, and in the better kind of burlesque, she stood out in conspicuous excellence. As an example of what she could do in burlesque, her Leicester in "Kenilworth" will never be forgotten. She was a thoroughly conscientious actress, and neglected no means of making her characters representative. As a ballad-singer, in a certain line, she had no rival. She entered with all her soul into the spirit of what she had to do. She was an elegant, dashing, handsome woman, who could not be other than popular, and when she again left Australia, everybody hoped she would soon return again. For some time in England, her career was a tolerably prosperous one. She had never any position in London, but in the provinces she held her own very well, and for some time, as a manager, fortune smiled kindly upon her. But like many other managers, she experienced cloudy weather. She lost all her savings, she became hopelessly bankrupt, and failing health added to the misery of her professional ill-success. She could look back upon a long career of prosperous days, but her future was gloomy. The attractions of her young time were on the wane, and newer and younger aspirants for public favour were in the field. So much may be gathered from the later accounts which have been received of her so that her death was by no means unexpected. We remember her as the bright piquante comedienne to whom we are indebted for many a pleasant hour of enjoyment, and she will always be associated with some of the most agreeable memories of the Melbourne stage. Lady Don's maiden name was Saunders [sic]. Her father was well known in the theatrical world, and she was in association with the stage from her childhood. When Sir William Don married her it was regarded by his friends as a fatal misalliance, but it turned out for him an excellent investment, looked at only from a financial point of view, for although he was himself a very good actor, his profitable engagements were rendered much more certain in association with his wife.
"MISCELLANEOUS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (20 November 1875), 6
The death is announced, at Edinburgh, from rapid consumption, of the actress, Lady Don. The deceased lady was the eldest daughter of Mr. John Sanders, of the Adelphi Theatre, and was known to the playgoing public as Miss Emily Eliza Sanders. She married, being his second wife, at St, Marylebone Church, 19th October, 1857, Sir William Henry Don, seventh baronet of Newtondon, county Berwick, formerly an officer in the army, and who afterwards became an actor. Sir William Don died at Hobart Town, Tasmania, 19th March, 1862, being succeeded in the title by the present Sir John Don-Wanchope. Lady Don has issue one daughter, Harriette Grace Mary.
Related musical editions:
My Johnny was a shoemaker (April 1861)
My Johnny was a shoemaker (ancient Scottish song) sung with enthusiastic applause by Lady Don, with symphonies and accompaniments by Charles S. Packer (Sydney: W. J. Johnson, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (composer, arranger); William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller, publisher)
My own sweetheart William (May 1861)
My own sweetheart William, the last new quaint ballad by Wilton, written expressly for Lady Don, and sung with unequivocal success by her ladyship to treble encores nightly, arranged for the piano forte and also with band part accompaniments by C. S. Packer (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861])
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (musicseller, publisher); John Hall Wilton (lyrics) (DIGITISED)
The Lady Don waltz (June 1861)
The Lady Don valse, composed & dedicated to Lady Don, by J. Winterbottom (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861]); cover: "ENGRAVED AND PRINTED AT J. DEGOTARDI'S SYDNEY PRINTING HOUSE . . ." (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (composer)
Katey's letter (both editions, June 1861)
Katey's letter, as sung by Lady Don in Fussell's Australian musical bouquet (June 1861)
Katey's letter, written & composed by Lady Dufferin, sung by Lady Don (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Helen Sheridan Blackwood (Lady Dufferin) (Irish composer, lyricist); James Fussell (musicseller, publisher); Australian musical bouquet (series)
Circumstance (May 1861)
Circumstance, by Alfred Tennyson . . . poet laureate, music by I. Nathan, . . . composed expressly for the amiable and talented Lady Don, and sung with classical effect at the Australian concerts, by Miss Amelia [sic] and Miss Clelia Howson . . . (Sydney: For the composer by J. R. Clarke, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (composer); Emma and Clelia Howson (vocalists)
Other sources:
Collection of theatre broadsides relating to Lady Don and her tours of Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, New Zealand and the United States of America; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
George Clement Boase, "Don, William", Dictionary of national biography, 1885-1900, volume 15 (1888),_1885-1900/Don,_William_Henry
. . . In 1861 [sic, 1860] he went to Australia. At this period he had taken to playing female characters in burlesques,
and he appeared at the Royal Theatre, Melbourne, in "Valentine and Orson" and in a travestie of the "Colleen Bawn" called "Eily O'Connor."
In February 1862 he visited Hobart Town, Tasmania, with a company of his own, where he fell ill.
On 15 March 1862, he played Queen Elizabeth in the burlesque of "Kenilworth," and four days later he died from aneurism of the aorta at Webb's Hotel, Hobart Town.
He possessed a fine sense of humour, a quick perception of the ludicrous side of life and character, a remarkable talent for mimicry, a strong nerve,
a ready wit, and great self-possession.
He married . . . secondly, 17 Oct. 1857, at Marylebone, Emily Eliza, eldest daughter of John Saunders [sic] of the Adelphi Theatre, London.
Miss Saunders [sic] had been well known as a lively actress in comedy and farce at the Adelphi, Haymarket, Surrey, and other theatres,
for some years before her marriage to Don. Returning to England after her husband's death, she resumed her professional career,
but with no very profitable result, though she had been very popular in the Australian colonies and in New Zealand.
In 1867 she went to the United States, where she made her appearance on 18 Feb. at the New York Theatre in Peggy Green and the burlesque of "Kenilworth,"
and on the close of the season returned to her native country. She was for a short period lessee of the Theatre Royal, Nottingham,
and assisted at the opening of the Gaiety Theatre, Edinburgh (Era, 26 Sept. 1875, p. 11).
Latterly she was in reduced circumstances and was obliged to appear as a vocalist in music halls. She died at Edinburgh 20 Sept. 1875.
Nicole Anae, "Adventures in nineteenth-century gender-bending: Lady Emilia Don in Tasmania, 1862 and 1865", Australasian drama studies 48 (April 2006), 30-48 (DIGITISED)
DONALDSON, Charles Alexander (? Alexander DONALDSON; Charles Alexander DONALDSON; C. A. DONALDSON)
Amateur musician, tenor vocalist, choir leader, merchant, upholsterer
Born Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, c. 1834; son of Alexander Henry DONALDSON and Matilda HUNTER (d. 1879)
? Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 March 1855 (per Caldera, from London, 9 December, aged "21")
Married Margaret MORTIMER (d. 1925), VIC, 13 January 1875
Died Kew, VIC, 14 November 1906, aged "72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851, Islington, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1501 (PAYWALL)
15 Pierepont Row / Alexander H. Donaldson / Head / Mar. / 50 / Upholsterer & Decorator 1 Sub master empl. 4 men / [born] Scotland
Matilda [Donaldson] / Wife / Mar. / 51 / - / [born] Ireland
William / Son / 22 / Decorator / [born] Middx. London
Matilda / Dau'r / 19 / Milliner / [born] Middx. London
Alexander / Son / 17 / Upholsterer / [born] Warwicksh. Birmingham //
Jane / 11 / [born Warwickshire Birmingham /
/ Fanny / 9 // George / 5 // [both born Warwickshire Warwick]
ASSOCIATIONS: His elder brother Frederick (d. 1873) and younger brother George (d. 1925) both mentioned below
? Names and descriptions of passengers per Caldera, from London, 2 December 1854, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Donaldson Alexander / 21 / Joiner / Scotch [sic] . . .
"SHIPPING . . . IMPORTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (14 December 1857), 4
December 12. - Free Trade, from London: . . . 1 case furniture, C. A. Donaldson and Co. . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOIREE", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (30 December 1859), 5
The soiree in connection with the Melbourne Philharmonic Society was held in the Exhibition Building last evening . . . We content ourselves with subjoining the programme without further remark . . . "Lay of the Bell," Miss Bailey and Mr. Donaldson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation); John Russell (conductor); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 January 1860), 5
The annual meeting of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society took place last evening at the Mechanics' Institute. Mr. Justice Barry occupied the chair . . . The Secretary read the sixth annual report and balance-sheet, the important portions of which were as follows: . . . "The principal vocalists who appeared at the Society's concerts during the year were: - . . . Mr. Radcliffe, Mr. Ewart, Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. Donaldson, Mr. Farquharson, Monsieur Coulon, Mr. Angus, Mr. Blanchard . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Redmond Barry (president); Charles Radcliffe (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (tenor vocalist); William Henry Williams (tenor vocalist); Robert Farquharson (bass vocalist); Emile Coulon (bass vocalist); Silvanus Angus (bass vocalist); Charles Blanchard (bass vocalist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (15 April 1861), 5
The promenade concert in the Botanical Gardens on Saturday afternoon was a very pleasing entertainment, but, considering, its object, it was hardly, so well patronised as it deserved to be. There was, however, a fair average attendance of visitors; and amongst them His Excellency the Governor and Lady Barkly. In addition to the performances of the Volunteer General Band, the vocalists whose names appear below gave their services gratuitously on this occasion; Herr Elsasser officiating as conductor and pianist. Of course Mr. Johnson wielded the baton for the "blues." Subjoined is the programme, the performance of which gave much satisfaction: . . . duet, "How brightly beams the light of love," Miss A. Bailey and Mr. Donaldson, Hatton . . . We hope that the funds realised by this concert will prove but one instalment of many that shall follow for the benefit of the little inmates of the Protestant Orphan Asylum . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Elsasser (pianist); Henry Johnson (master, 40th band); Henry and Anna Maria Barkly (governor and wife); Victorian Volunteer Band (volunteer military); Botanic Gardens (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Argus (24 April 1863), 5
Mr. W. A. Richardson, late singing-master under the Board of Education, who is about to leave for Italy, gave a concert at Hockin's Hotel last evening. The room was quite full, and the entertainment passed off successfully. The principal singer of the evening was Miss Amelia Bailey . . . Perhaps the best performance of the evening was a fantasia upon a few airs from Il Trovatore, played upon the pianoforte by Mr. C. E. Horsley . . . The remaining portion of the programme consisted of the vocal efforts of Mr. W. A. Richardson and Messrs. Woolf, Isaacs, Donaldson, Kursteiner, and Power, who, as amateurs, sang with much taste.
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Richardson (vocalist); Charles Edward Horsley (pianist); William Pierce Power (amateur vocalist); Alfred Frederick Kursteiner (amateur vocalist, architect); Hockin's Rooms (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (6 October 1863), 4
A grand concert and art union, given by a number of well-known musical professors and amateurs, on behalf of Mr. S. Greenwood, organist at St. Johns, who has recently sustained a heavy loss, came off at St. George's Hall, last night. The hall was crammed, and the efforts of the artistes, who gave their services, received warm recognition. The programme included a pleasing selection of choruses, part songs, ballads, duets, &c., and the music was all excellently performed. The principal vocalists were Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Liddle, Miss Budden, Miss Young, Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. E. Exon, Mr. C. A. Donaldson, Mr. Silvanus Angus, Mr. C. Amery [sic], and Mr. Kursteiner. The instrumentalists who distinguished themselves wove Herr Schott and Mr. Hornidge . . . Herr Elsasser presided at the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Greenwood (organist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); Edwin Exon (tenor vocalist); Edwin Amery (bass vocalist); James Arthur Schott (musician); John Pryce Hornidge (musician); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (18 August 1864), 5
A concert of sacred music was given at the Exhibition Building last night, by the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, assisted by a few friends, in aid of the funds of the Melbourne Orphan Asylum . . . There was a large attendance, considering the tempestuous weather which prevailed, and, as the number of tickets sold was very large, the Orphan Asylum will no doubt reap substantial advantage from the benevolent exertions of those connected with the performances. The programme comprised selections from two works with which the musical amateurs of this city are tolerably familiar, namely, Haydn's "Creation," and Mr. C. E. Horsley's "David." The principal vocalists were Miss Hamilton, Miss Mortley, Miss B. Watson, Miss Liddle, Master J. Cook, and Messrs. Farquharson, C. A. Donaldson, E. Exon, Silvanus Angus, S. Moxon, and J. Blanchard [sic]. Mr. Horsley was the conductor, and Mr. Fisher the leader of the band. Mr. Gould presided at the organ during the first portion of the entertainment, and Mr. G. R. G. Pringle played the accompaniments for the second . . . Mr. Farquharson very fairly declaimed the recitative and aria from David, "Why are ye come out?"; and the double quartette, "Thou speakest in visions," an exceedingly graceful composition, was sung very pleasingly by Miss Hamilton, Miss Mortley, Miss Liddle, Master Cook, Mr. Donaldson, Mr. Exon, Mr. Farquharson and Mr. Angus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Mortley (vocalist); Bertha Watson (vocalist); John James Cook (vocalist); Wilhelm Carl Fischer (violin, leader); Thomas Green Goold (organist); George Robert Grant Pringle (pianist)
"SUPREME COURT . . . MORTIMER v. BRAITHWAITE", The Age (16 September 1864), 6
This was an application for substitution of William Henry Donaldson and Charles Alexander Donaldson as trustees under the will of the late William Mortimer, on behalf of Sarah Hannah Mortimer, in place of the former trustees, Messrs. Braithwaite and Greaves. Judgment was reserved.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Donaldson (elder brother, d. 1873); William Mortimer (d. 1 January 1859); Sarah was his widow; in 1875, aged about 40, Donaldson married their daughter Margaret
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (1 April 1865), 2
MISS HARRIET GORDON, (Pupil of Thalberg),
Mr. E. AMERY . . .
Doors open at Half-past Seven. The Entertainment will commence precisely at Eight. PIT - ONE SHILLING.
JOHN BRYAN, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Gordon (vocalist, pianist); Lancashire Bellringers (troupe); John Bryan (manager)
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Argus (8 November 1865), 5
The fourth subscription concert of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society for the present year was given, at the Exhibition building, last evening. The programme included Beethoven's Mass in C; Mozart's Sinfonia No. 6, in C; and Mendelssohn's "Walpurgis Night" . . . Mr. Exon was absent, in consequence of the death of a relative; and Mr. Donaldson kindly, and at short notice, undertook his duties. We think he has greatly improved in style since we previously heard him, and were glad to hear his voice with those of Miss Watson and Miss Reeves in the solo passages of the Kyrie . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Reeves (vocalist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (8 November 1865), 5
. . . Mr. Exon, who had been announced to take part in the proceedings, was prevented from attending in consequence of a death in his family; and Mr. Donaldson was, therefore, called upon to sustain the parts against which his name appeared. Mr. Donaldson possesses a fine tenor voice, and although many, no doubt, regretted the absence of Mr. Exon, his substitute was warmly applauded. The quartettes, in which Miss Watson, Miss Fanny Reeves, Mr. Angus and Mr. Donaldson took part, were exceedingly well executed. Mr. G. R. G. Pringle wielded the conductor's baton with his accustomed care . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (25 August 1866), 5
An amateur instrumental, musical and vocal concert, was given to the inmates of the Benevolent Asylum, on Thursday evening last, by Mr. C. A. Donaldson, Mr. Summers, Miss Warden, Mr. Angus, Mr. Williams, and several other members of the Philharmonic Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Geraldine Warden (vocalist); Joseph Summers (musician)
[News], The Herald (12 September 1866), 2
The Melbourne Philharmonic Society held their second subscription concert for the present year last night in St. George's-hall, when Spohr's oratorio, "The Last Judgment", the march from "Athalie," by Mendelssohn, and "As the Hart pants" (42nd psalm), also by Mendelssohn, formed the musical programme . . . The oratorio was well and perfectly represented. The principal parts were performed by Mrs. J. C. Ellis and Mr. C. A. Donaldson, both of whom acquitted themselves most creditably . . . This was the first concert of the society conducted by Mr. David Lee since his appointment to the office, and he may be congratulated on the successful result of the musical portion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Kramer Ellis (vocalist); David Lee (conductor)
[News], The Argus (6 November 1866), 5
A concert was given last evening, in the temporary Presbyterian Church, West Melbourne, in aid of the building-fund of the new church. It was largely attended. The performers were in most instances amateurs, including in their ranks the members of the church choir, and they acquitted themselves fairly. Mr. J. Summers was the conductor, and a piano solo, with which he indulged the audience, was deservedly well received. The "Orpheus Quartett Party," consisting of Messrs. C. A. Donaldson, E. Amery, W. H. Williams, and S. Angus, rendered several concerted pieces admirably.
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Presbyterian churches (general)
The choral performance of "The Messiah," in the Exhibition, yesterday evening, must be regarded as an experiment; and as the oratorio was given under the most favorable auspices and by the best obtainable talent, we will perhaps be justified in pronouncing upon the success or failure of the purely choral rendition by this particular trial of it. Every essential, with the exception of the band, was there, and each one of the best order. Mr. C. E. Horsley presided at the organ; Mr. G. O. Rutter officiated as conductor; Mr. C. Radcliffe, as chorus master; and the principal vocalists were Miss Bertha Watson, Miss Liddle, Mr. Donaldson, Mr. Moxon, and Mr. Angus. The chorus consisted of about 250 performers. The novelty of the experiment had the effect of attracting a large gathering of the musical world . . . The recitative, "Comfort ye, my people," which follows the overture, is some what originally conceived and executed by Mr. Donaldson. Varying the usual manner of executing the piece, he delivers it with subdued expression, and then intones boldly the following lines - "The voice of one that crieth in the wilderness." We are inclined to think this an improvement . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Oswald Rutter (conductor)
"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (25 December 1867), 5
According to a custom now becoming a tradition with the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, its members performed Handel's "Messiah" on Christmas Eve, choosing for the place of performance the Theatre Royal . . . Mrs. Fox, a lady whose fame as a vocalist has long been steadily rising, sang the soprano solos, but not being quite perfect in music of this character, and not familiar with the peculiar nature of the building in which she sang, she was by no means successful, nor can we mention any of her efforts which did her justice. Miss Fanny Reeves, the contralto of the evening, was also unsteady at first, but soon rallied, and her "He was despised" was a delicious rendering of that delightful air. Mr. Donaldson, the tenor, was too experienced to fall much into the same error; while Mr. Angus, the bass, never failed at all . . . Mr. D. Lee, the conductor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Fox (vocalist); Fanny Reeves (vocalist); David Lee (conductor); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THE CONCERT AT ST. GEORGE'S-HALL", The Argus (26 May 1868), 5
Herr Schott's grand vocal and instrumental popular concert at St. George's-hall, last night, was largely attended by an excellent audience. The programme was very choice . . . The male soloists were Mr. C. A. Donaldson and Mr. E. Amery, two gentlemen who have long since fairly raised themselves from the rank of amateurs. On this occasion they exerted themselves to please, and succeeded to admiration . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (musician)
[News], The Herald (1 July 1868), 2-3
At St. George's-hall last evening Mr. James Schott gave his first presentation of opera di camera, which may be more properly described as an operatic concert. The work selected for the occasion was Wallace's "Maritana," which was given after the manner and style of an oratorio without anything in the shape of dramatic action. The whole of the melodies in the opera were performed by the principals; and the chorus, consisted of about forty voices, had apparently been well drilled, although the voices were not equally balanced all through. Anyhow, the concert may be considered to have been successful, and the experiment of giving operatic works after this manner by amateurs as likely to lead Mr. Schott to pursue further what he has already commenced. The music of Don Caesar de Bazan was sung by Messrs. C. A. Donaldson and Madden; that of the king, by Mr. Angus, who also took the roles of the captain and Alcalde; Don Jose, Mr. E. Amery . . . [3] . . . Don Caesar's brilliant solo, "Let me like a Soldier fall" was delivered by Mr. Donaldson in a manner which certainly took the audience by surprise, at least that portion of them who are accustomed to hear that gentleman in ordinary ballads, for he threw so much force and spirit into it that he had to respond to a vociferous encore . . . The opera is to be repeated on Saturday evening.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (23 December 1868), 2
A FRUIT SOIREE and musical entertainment was given last night in the West Melbourne Presbyterian Church, William-street . . . There was a large attendance . . . The musical entertainment was presided over by Mr. C. A. Donaldson, and Mr. F. W. Towers officiated at the harmonium. The singers were Miss Easdown, Miss P. Easdown, Miss M. Swinton, Mr. Donaldson and Mr. Avery [sic, Amery], assisted by the choir. The proceeds were in aid of the building fund.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William Towers (harmonium); Louisa and Percy Easdown (vocalists)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Kyneton Guardian and Woodend and Malmsbury Chronicle [VIC] (2 January 1869), 2
On Wednesday and Thursday evenings two concerts were given in the Mechanics' Institute, by artistes who have acquired a high reputation in Melbourne. The company comprised Mesdames Fox and Shaw; Mr. C. A. Donaldson, Mr. Furlong, with Mr. Harcourt Lee as pianist. It might have been anticipated that the adventure made by these ladies and gentlemen would have been a successful one, but we regret to say that it was a complete failure. On Wednesday evening there was a miserable attendance; but it was numerous as compared with that of Thursday evening. On both evenings the audience, we believe, did not number, a hundred persons. Of the entertainment provided it is scarcely possible to speak in too high terms of praise. Never before, we confidently assert, have the inhabitants of Kyneton had an opportunity of listening to high class music, so efficiently interpreted, and it is greatly to be regretted that so few availed themselves of the opportunity. It is not necessary to enter into a lengthy criticism of the concerts, which would, indeed, be little else than a recapitulation of the items in the programme coupled in each instance with unqualified commendation. On Wednesday the concert consisted entirely of sacred music. On Thursday the first part-consisted of selections from the oratorios and other sacred compositions, and those who were fortunate enough to have heard Mrs. Fox sing, "I know that my Redeemer liveth," Mrs. Shaw "O, rest in the Lord," Mr. Donaldson "In native worth," or Mr. Furlong "Pro peccatis," will not readily forget the treat afforded them. We repeat our expression of regret that such excellent performances should have been so poorly patronised. We fear it will be a long time before a similar opportunity of enjoyment will be offered.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Fox (vocalist); William Romauld Furlong (vocalist); Harcourt Lee (pianist)
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (1 December 1869), 5
At the Duke of Edinburgh Theatre last night, one of the most brilliant and numerous audiences of the season assembled to witness the chamber performance of Balfe's opera, "The Bohemian Girl," by the Melbourne Philharmonic Society . . . The tenor singers were Messrs. C. A. Donaldson and W. H. Williams, who took the parts of Thaddeus and Florestein and the bass part of the Count (the inevitable count) and Devilshoof were undertaken by Messrs. Silvanus Angus and S. W. Lamble, the latter being a member of the Ballarat Harmonic Society. Mr. E. King was the leader of the band, and the whole was, as usual, under the direction of Mr. David Lee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Lamble (bass vocalist); Edward King (violin, leader); Ballarat Harmonic Society (association)
[News], The Argus (27 April 1870), 5
A soiree in connexion with the West Melbourne Presbyterian Church was held last night in the schoolroom adjoining the building. There was a numerous attendance. Subsequently a meeting was held in the church . . . the proceedings being enlivened by the performance of a choice selection of sacred music, under the direction of Mr. C. A. Donaldson.
"THE TOWN HALL CONCERTS", Weekly Times (6 August 1870), 6
The programme to be observed at the new Town-hall opening concert has now been decided upon. The proceedings will commence with the National Anthem, after which the opening ceremonial will take place. Next follows the cantata of "Euterpe," written for the occasion by Mr. H. Kendall, and set to music by Mr. C. E. Horsley. The solo parts will be undertaken, by Madame Simonsen, Miss Lucy Chambers, Mr. A. Beaumont, Mr. W. S. Lamble, of Ballarat, and Mr. Donaldson, who will sing in one of the quartettes. The chorus will consist of about 450 voices, and there will be a strong gathering of amateur instrumentalists, supplemented by Messrs. Lyster and Smith's orchestra. Mr. Horsley will conduct the cantata, and Mr. David Lee will preside at the organ . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Simonsen (vocalist); Lucy Chambers (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (tenor vocalist); Henry Kendall (lyrics); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY . . . ANNUAL SOIREE", The Age (27 April 1871), 2
The schoolroom connected with the West Melbourne Presbyterian Church was crowded last evening by persons desirous of taking part in the annual celebration. After tea the company adjourned to the church . . . Selections of sacred music were rendered by the choir, led by Mr. C. A. Donaldson; Mr. David Lee presiding at the organ. This gentleman played some beautiful pieces of music at intervals.
"INQUESTS", The Argus (5 July 1873), 6
Dr. Youl held an inquest on Wednesday on the body of an upholsterer, aged 43, named William Henry Donaldson. The deceased was unmarried, and lived alone in a house in Franklyn-street. He had been in attendance as a juror in the late case of Degraves v. McMullen, and complained to his brother Charles A. Donaldson of having caught a cold, and otherwise having suffered from the protracted sittings in court . . .
"Marriage", The Argus (21 January 1875), 1
DONALDSON - MORTIMER. - On the 13th inst., at 37 Latrobe-Street west, by the Rev A. Robertson, Charles Alexander Donaldson, of Melbourne, to Margaret, only daughter of the late William Mortimer, Esq., of this city.
"Deaths", The Argus (31 January 1880), 1
DONALDSON. - On the 30th November, at Euston-road, London, Mrs. Matilda Donaldson, aged 80, the beloved mother of C. A. Donaldson, Hawthorn.
"MUSICAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA", The Age (29 April 1895), 6
The ordinary meeting of the above society was held on Saturday evening, at Austral buildings . . . Mr. E. A. Jager read an interesting paper entitled A Princely Gift, being a short account of the magnificent collection of musical instruments and antiquities, known as the "Donaldson collection," which was presented to the Royal College of Music, London, by Mr. George Donaldson. A number of photographs of the instruments and the room which was specially designed and decorated for the exhibition of this valuable collection, were kindly lent by Mr. C. A. Donaldson, of this city, a brother of the donor.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Donaldson (musical amateur, art collector, d. 1925;
but he was not, as usually claimed, born in Edinburgh; and see obituary below); Ernest Augustus Jager (musician);
Royal College of Music (London institution);
on the circumstances of the donation and the contents of the "Donaldson collection", see also "MUSIC", The Australasian (25 August 1894), 23
"DEATHS", The Argus (15 November 1906), 1
DONALDSON. - On the 14th November, at his residence, "Charleville," Cotham-road, Kew, Charles Alexander, dearly loved husband of Margaret Donaldson, aged 73 years.
"DEATH OF SIR GEORGE DONALDSON", Brighton Herald [Sussex, England] (21 March 1925), 9 (PAYWALL)
Hove has lost one of its most distinguished residents through the death on Thursday morning of Sir George Donaldson, an authority on art and old English furniture, and one who had performed notable public services in the encouragement of musical education and in many other directions. Sir George, who was in his eightieth year, had spent a large part of his life in the sister towns of Brighton and Hove, for which he had a deep affection. For some years up to the time of his death he had lived at 1, Grand-avenue, Hove. At one time he had a residence in Brighton. In his view, Brighton and Hove were without equal in Europe as residential towns. As a token of his appreciation of the happiness he had found in living at Hove, he presented the town, through Sir Alfred Sargeant, who was then Mayor, with the beautiful replica of Canova's "Dancing Girl," which adorns the entrance to the Hove Town Hall. Sir George had great sympathy with the sick and suffering, and was a liberal supporter of local and London hospitals. During the war he threw open to the public view the magnificent collection of furniture at his home, and, by charging a small admission fee, raised considerable sums for the British Red Cross Society. Of the many services of a long and eventful life, Sir George will perhaps be longest remembered for the fact that he generously took the initiative in the scheme, which led to the erection of the fine new buildings of the Royal Academy of Music in Marylebone-road. He presented the Donaldson museum of musical instruments to the Royal College of Music in 1894, a collection of furniture to the Victoria and Albert Museum in 1900, and on one occasion gave a valuable portrait to the National Gallery. He created and equipped the series of Historic Music Rooms at the Inventions Exhibition in 1885, and was vice-president of the International Jury at the Paris Exhibitions of 1889 and 1900 . Sir George was a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, a Director of the Royal Academy of Music, and a member of the Royal Institution. He was knighted in 1904. Lady Donaldson, who, like her husband, was of Scottish parentage, died in 1907. A few years ago, while staying in the South of France, Sir George had a seizure, and since then he had been in failing health. He retained, however, all his keen intellectual interests to the last. The remains will be cremated at Golders Green, and the ashes will afterwards be interred at Wateringbury Churchyard, Kent, where Lady Donaldson lies buried.
Bibliography and resources:
W. A. Carne, A century of harmony: the official centenary history of the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society (Melbourne: Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Society, 1954), transcript resissue page 23 and passim (DOWNLOAD PDF TRANSCRIPT FROM PANDORA)
Dancing master, teacher of dancing, professor of dancing, exercises, and deportment
Born Manchester, Lancashire, England, c. 1816; son of William DONBAVAND (1780-1841) and Ellen WARD (1787-1864)
Married Ellen HIRST (1819-1877), St. Mary's, Elland, Yorkshire, 30 July 1846 (separated by 1851)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 October 1855 (per Vimeira, from London)
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 16 September 1874 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 6 June 1841, Huddersfield, Yorkshire; UK National Archives, HO107/1275/6/7/6/6 (PAYWALL)
West side Northgate / Ellen Donbevand / 50 / - / [not born in county]
William / 30 / Woollen Cutter / [not born in county]
Robert / 25 / Teacher of Dancing / [not born in county] . . .
1846, marriage solemnized at Elland, in the Parish of Halifax in the County of York; register 1846, page 156; West Yorkshire Archive Service (PAYWALL)
No. 312 / July 30 / Robert Donbavond / 29 / Bachelor / Dresser / Fixby / [son of] William Donbavond / Cutter
Ellen Hirst / 27 / Spinster / - / Fixby / [daughter of] Matthew Hirst / Cloth miller . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Huddersfield, Yorkshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2295/37/25 (PAYWALL)
Commercial Street / Robert Donbavand / Head / Mar. / 35 / Professor of Dancing / [born] Lancashire Manchester
Henry [Donbavand / Brother / Mar. / 30 / Cloth Dresser / [born Lancashire Manchester] / [and Henry's wife and daughter]
A list of the crew and passengers arrived in the Ship Vimeira . . . from London to Sydney, NSW, 17 October 1855; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Robert Donbavand . . .
"SYDNEY SHIPPING . . . ARRIVALS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (20 October 1855), 2
15. - Vimeira, ship. 1009 tons, Captain Green, from the Downs 9th, and Plymouth 11th July. Passengers . . . Mr. and Miss Donbavond . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 March 1857), 3
R. DONBAVAND, Professor of Dancing, Exercises, and Deportment.
Schools and families attended. Private Lessons at Mr. D.'s residence, 169 Collins-street east.
Address, 71 Swanston-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 October 1857), 8
GEELONG GRAMMAR SCHOOL. - Head Master - Rev. G. O. VANCE, M.A. . . .
Singing Master: Mr. Terson [sic].
Extra Classes conducted by Messrs. Sasse, Plumstead, Herbst, Professor Donbavond, and Dr. J. Macadam . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Oakley Vance (head master); Thomas William I'Erson (musician); Edmund Sasse (drawing master); Henry Plumstead (musician)
"Deaths", The Argus (21 September 1874), 1
DONBAVAND. - On the 16th inst., at his residence, Gertrude-street, Fitzroy, Mr. Robert Donbavand, late of Huddersfield.
Probate and administration, Robert Donbavand, 1874; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
DONDI, Enrico (Enrico DONDI; Signor DONDI)
Musician, bass vocalist
Married Lucy CHAMBERS, Italy, ? c. mid 1860s
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 15 January 1870 (per Yorkshire, from London and Plymouth, 1 November)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 4 November 1875 (per Pera, for Europe) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 November 1869), 5
Our readers will hear, we are sure, with the utmost satisfaction, that letters have been received by the mail from Mr. W. B. Lyster, announcing that he has at length succeeded in engaging an operatic company of first-class artistes for the Australian colonies. The names of the artistes, as given by Mr. Lyster, are as follow: - Prima donna (soprano), Signora Lucia Barratti; prima donna (contralto), Miss Lucy Chambers; primo tenore, Signor Mariano Neri; primo baritono, Signor Enrico Mari-Cornia; primo basso, Signor Enrico Dondi . . . Of Miss Chambers, whose successful career in England, Italy, and Spain has procured for her a wide reputation, it is almost unnecessary to speak. Mr. Lyster, however, acknowledges, in very grateful terms, his obligations to her, as also to Signor Bertolini, the baritone, and Mde. De Antoni, the wife of the basso of the Devoti troupe, for the valuable assistance they gave him during his negotiations with the leading artists of his company. Signora Barratti, her father, Miss Chambers, and Signor Dondi, were expected to sail in the Yorkshire on the 25th October . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Saurin Lyster (manager); Lucy Chambers (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"THE OPERA TROUPE FOR AUSTRALIA", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (25 December 1869), 4
The Lyster Opera Troupe will soon be a familiar name in Australia once more. Mr. Lyster had a long search before he succeeded in meeting with artists of such excellence and repute as would justify him in engaging them. He appears to have found his fortune at Milan and succeeded in concluding engagements with Signora Lucia Baratti (Primo Donna), Signora Lucia Chambers - in whom Australians will be delighted to recognise an Australia native, Miss Lucy Chambers - who has won such laurels in Europe as will make her fellow-countrywomen and men very proud of her (Contralto); Signor Mariano Neri (Primo Tenore); Signor Enrico Mari Cornia (Primo Baritono); and Signor Enrico Dondi (Primo Basso). These, together with the members of the Escott-Squires company, who remain in the colony, will form a company of no mean excellence. Besides the forty-two operas with which Mr. Lyster has made the Australians so well acquainted, he has made arrangements for producing "Marie de Rohan," "The Sicilian Vespers," "Ione," "Don Carlos," "Macbeth," and the "Jewess." Signora Barrati, Signora Chambers, Signor Dondi, and Signor Mari Cornia sailed for Melbourne, in the Yorkshire, from Plymouth, on November 1 . . . - Home News, November 5.
Names and descriptions of passengers per Yorkshire, from Gravesend, 26 October 1870, for Melbourne, 15 January 1870; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin . . . Chambers / Lucia / 30 [sic] / Artiste // Dondi / Enrico / 28 / Actor . . .
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 January 1870), 4
The first instalment of Messrs. Lyster and Smith's English, Italian, and French opera company (who are to open at the Theatre Royal on February 5), arrived in Melbourne per ship Yorkshire, from London, on Saturday last. It includes the "leading ladies" of the troupe - Mdlle. Lucia Barratti, prima donna soprano; Miss Lucy Chambers, prima donna contralto - and the primo basso, Signor Enrico Dondi . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 September 1875), 12
Begs to announce that he will give his FAREWELL BENEFIT CONCERT
When he will make his last appearance in Australia, prior to his departure for Europe.
"SIGNOR DONDI'S FAREWELL. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Argus (3 November 1875), 6
Sir, - Will you permit me, in your columns, to say good bye to the "troops of friends" I have made in Victoria during my six years' sojourn in this part of the world?
I had hoped to have taken my leave at a musical gathering in the Town-hall, but as other arrangements somewhat conflicted with my own, I have had to abandon this purpose.
For all that, I am sure yon will believe me when I say that I am very grateful for the unvarying kindness which has been shown to me on the many occasions I have enjoyed of appearing before the public,
with whom I have had nothing but pleasant relations.
I leave by the outgoing mail for my own beautiful Italy, but I am not likely to forget Victoria and the generous welcome with which I was received when first I came hither.
I shall always feel that I have a right to be considered an Australian colonist and all that concerns this new and wonderful country will ever have for me the strongest interest,
even if I should never return. I am not, however, without hope that circumstances will soon bring me back again.
I am sure that beneath these bright blue skies a love of music is universal, and I trust I may have an opportunity of practically encouraging it.
Indeed, considering the youth of the colony and its limited population, its progress in all the arts is wonderful, and this, believe me,
it will give me great pleasure in making known in Europe whenever I shall have the opportunity.
For your own goodness to me, and for that of the whole Australian press, let me tender my most heartfelt thanks;
and with one more addio to all my friends, personal and public, I am, &c.,
[News], The Argus (5 November 1875), 5
The R.M.S.S. Pera takes away the Australian mails this month, and yesterday afternoon she steamed from the Alfred Graving Dock jetty shortly after 2 o'clock . . . Amongst those leaving by the Pera were . . . Signor Enrico Dondi, and several members of Madame Adelaide Ristori's Italian dramatic company . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Harold Love, The golden age of Australian opera: W. S. Lyster and his companies 1861-1880 (Sydney: Currency Press, 1981), 192-232 passim
Alison Gyger, Opera for the antipodes (Sydney: Currency Press, Pellinor, 1990), 148-204 passim, 252, 253
Born Redruth, Cornwall, England, 1823; baptised Redruth St. Uny, 30 November 1823; son of William DONNITHORN and Susannah EDDY
Married Catherine MUNDAY, Redruth, Cornwall, England, 1847 (4th quarter)
Active Bendigo district, VIC, by 1857 or earlier
Died VIC, 1862, aged "39" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Amateur and professional vocalist, manager, mining engineer and surveyor
Born Redruth, Cornwall, England, c. 1848; son of Michael DONNITHORNE and Catherine MUNDAY
Arrived Clunes, VIC, ? by c. 1863/64
Married Alice OLIVER, VIC, 1878
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 30 May 1884, aged "35" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Redruth, Cornwall, 1823; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
30 November 1823 / Michael / son of William and Susan / Donnithorn
England census, 30 March 1851, Redruth, Cornwall; UK National Archives, HO107/1915/274/4 (PAYWALL)
Hill / Michael Donnithorne / Head / Mar. / 28 / Currier / [born Cornwall Redruth]
Catherine Donnithorne / Wife / Mar. / 32 / - / [born Cornwall Redruth]
Catherine Donnithorne / Daur / - / 1 / At home / [born Cornwall Redruth]
England census, 30 March 1851, Redruth, Cornwall; UK National Archives, HO107/1915/180/1 (PAYWALL)
Oxford Inn / Fore Street / Ann Munday / Head / Widow / 60 / Victualler / [born] Cornwall Redruth
John M. Donnithorne / Grandson / 3 / - / [born Cornwall Redruth] . . .
? "DRUNKENNESS AND OBSCENITY", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (29 March 1852), 3
Michael Donnithorne and James Moloney were each fined fifteen shillings on Saturday morning, at the Police Court, for the double offence of being drunk and using obscene language.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (16 February 1856), 3
is fixed for Tuesday, 19th February, On which occasion they will be assisted by
Mrs. Bourne, Mrs. Ricards (by the kind permission of Mr. H. Coleman),
Mr. Hancock, Mr. Donnithorne, Radford's celebrated band, and Mr. James Warden . . .
Mr. Linden will preside at the Piano-forte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Joe Small (vocalist); Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Jessie Ricards (actor, vocalist); Henry Coleman (manager); Edward Hancock (vocalist); Sidney Radford (musician); James Warden (musician, vocalist); Otto Linden (pianist)
[2 advertisements], Bendigo Advertiser (3 November 1857), 3
The following talented artistes have kindly volunteered their services on this occasion:
MISS LOUISA FITZGERALD, The celebrated Soprano;
MR. PADDY DOYLE, The inimitable Irish Comic Singer;
MR. DONITHORNE, The favorite Basso, and delineator of Russell's songs;
MR. J. BURNS, The Comic characteristic Singer;
MR. J. DWYER, The celebrated Dancer will appear.
Conductor and Pianist, MR. J. W. WORDSWORTH,
Assisted by Mr. Monaghan, Violinist, and Mr. Middleton, Violoncello.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock, and to conclude With a QUADRILLE PARTY.
Admission. 2s. 6d.
being a Complimentary Benefit to Mr. Teague on his return from Ararat,
when the following eminent artistes will appear:-
Messrs. Chas Doyle (comic singer),
James Burns, do.,
Michael Dunuthorn,
W. Wells,
J. Wadsworth, Pianist.
Also, Barnum's celebrated American Giantess.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock. Admission 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Fitzgerald (vocalist); Paddy Doyle (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (23 April 1859), 1
First Appearance of MR. F. W. CONNA, (Late of the SAN FRANCISCO MINSTRELS,)
MR. GILBERT, The Celebrated Comic Vocalist, the only rival to THATCHER,
MR. DONNITHORNE, The favorite Basso,
And SIDNEY CHAMBERS, The Unrivalled Juvenile Dancer.
Pianist - Mr. Livingstone. Piccolo - Mr. Evans.
Musical Director - Mr. F. W. Conna.
Manager - Mr. John Bryan.
ASSOCIATIONS: F. W. Conna (vocalist, musical director); Sydney Chambers (dancer); Alexander Livingstone (pianist); John Bryan (actor, manager)
"NEW MUSIC HALL, LONG GULLY", Bendigo Advertiser (26 April 1859), 3
Last evening there was an excellent attendance at the Admiral Hotel, where a free concert and ballet entertainment were provided by the proprietor Mr. Thos. Harris. The performances of Mrs. Stone, Mr. Conna, and Mr. Donnithorne, were particularly applauded, and received several encores. The dancing of young Sydney Chambers was capital, and received well merited applause. The orchestral performances, presided over by Mr. F. W. Conna, were really excellent,
England census, 1861, Redruth, Cornwall; UK National Archives, RG9/1579/63/9 (PAYWALL)
4 Fore Street / Ann Munday / Head / Widow / 70 / Retired Innkeeper / [born] Cornwall Redruth . . .
Catherine Donnithorne / [Daur.] / Mar. / 41 / Assistant Housekeeper, wife of Currier / [born] Cornwall Redruth
John M. [Donnithorne] / Grand son / 13 / Scholar / [born Cornwall Redruth]
Kate Owen [Donnithorne] / Grand daur. / 11 / [Scholar] / [born Cornwall Redruth]
"CONCERT AT THE BENEVOLENT ASYLUM", Bendigo Advertiser (31 August 1871), 2
An entertainment was given last night to the inmates of the Benevolent Asylum by the Orpheus Union and a number of ladies and gentlemen. The members of the Union present were Messrs. Tipper, Pallett, Casey, Dyason, Heading, Dunathorn, Steane, and Cabalazer. They sang several of their best glees and quartettes . . . Miss Wilkinson and Mr. Dunathen sang a duet, "What are the wild waves saying," exceedingly well . . .
[Advertisement], The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (11 July 1881), 6
Take particular notice of the wonderful array of Talent - . . . JOHN BRYAN . . . JOHN DRAYTON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"Mr. John Drayton", The Lorgnette (1 March 1884), 2
This gentlemen, well-known in the minstrel and operatic world, has been for some months in very ill health and unable to continue his professional avocations. A large number of his friends have tendered him a complimentary benefit which will come off at the Hall of Science (Hudson's Theatre), on Thursday next, the 6th inst., a big bill is offered. The entire of the Federal Minstrels (who leave the following day for Tasmania), have generously given their services . . . Mr. Drayton has many claims on the Melbourne public, and these, with the programme promised, should secure a large attendance.
"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (31 May 1884), 1
DONNITHORNE. - At 54 Napier-street, Fitzroy, John Munday Donnithorne, aged 35 years.
"DEATH OF MR. DRAYTON", Bendigo Advertiser (2 June 1884), 3
The death is announced of Mr. John Donnithorne, better known by his stage name of Drayton. The World says that on Friday Mr. Drayton passed over to the great majority. His death was not unexpected, as he had been a sufferer for months from that fell disease, consumption. Deceased appeared very often in Victoria and the other colonies in musical entertainments, and possessed at one time a good baritone voice. He was well-known in Sandhurst.
"A CHEQUERED LIFE", Bendigo Advertiser (3 June 1884), 3
The late Mr. William Donnithorne [sic], whose death, as reported by the Melbourne World, we announced yesterday, was one who suffered many sudden changes of fortune. He was originally a resident of Clunes, was reared in that town, and, indeed, was almost a native of it. His relatives there are in affluent circumstances, and he grew up under the control of his uncle, Mr. Munday, the well-known mining manager. Early in his boyhood he showed signs of his musical abilities, but his relatives designed the lad for another sphere of usefulness. In order that he might be fitted at some future time to superintend the workings of a large mining company, he was sent below in the mine of which Mr. Munday was manager to learn the practical part of the business. Starting literally at the bottom, he worked first as a trucker and afterwards as a face-man. In his spare time he learned surveying, metallurgy, as far as it relates to the treatment of quartz pyrites and the metals usually associated with them, smelting, assaying, the blocking out of ground, and the hundred and one other matters with which a skilled mining manager should be acquainted. By this time he was twenty years of ago, possessed of a splendid physique, and it must be said too reliant on his own powers. The upshot was that he separated from his relatives, and made his way to Sandhurst. The "mining excitement" of 1870 was then beginning . . . Abandoning the hammer and drill, he joined the excited throng at the Beehive, and his hundreds in a few weeks more became thousands, with the natural result that his company was courted everywhere, his musical talents being also an additional attraction. He began to appear in public as an amateur, and his rich baritone voice will be remembered with pleasure by those who remember the musical assemblies of 1870-71. Life went on joyously and happily for the fortunate young speculator, but not for long. Almost as rapidly as he made his wealth it vanished, and with the bursting up of the "excitement" he burst too. Ever active, however, he set out again on his travels, and next appeared at the Dargo diggings in Gipps Land - "stone broke," to use his own expression - and as hard-up as when he arrived in Sandhurst eight months before. Tackling hard work again he met with some success, but as the prospect before him was not bright, he at last bethought him that his voice might have gold in it. Hitherto ha had only sung as an amateur; he therefore decided to try the professional stage. After being connected with several provincial companies he joined a combination called the United States Minstrels, and under the stage name of Drayton, afterwards appeared frequently in Melbourne, Sandhurst, Ballarat, and the principal cities and towns of Australia. On the break-up of that combination, he found that he had gained more apnlause than pounds, and being at the time in Maryborough, and a surveyor being wanted to superintend the construction of some railway bridges work for the Queensland Government, he engaged as a surveyor, and for a time appeared to have returned to a profession for which he was originally designed. But one of his temperament soon found it too monotonous to be squabbling with contractors and gangers, and he throw up his post in disgust. Returning to the stage he performed for a few years more, his fate ultimately taking him to New Zealand in the winter of 1881, and there he caught such a severe cold that he had to give up the stage at once. It settled on his lungs, and for months he lingered between life and death. Recovering a little strength he, with the aid of a few professional friends, was enabled to visit Hobart, and the milder air of Tasmania improved him considerably. There was a "boom" on in Hobart at the time, and Mr. Donnithorne joined in it as a sharebroker and mining engineer, but with little success, as this Tasmanian mining fever was not of long duration. Next he appeared in Melbourne, quite broken down in health and every hope abandoned of his ever being able to sing again. As he was compelled to do something for a livelihood he engaged as advance agent for Rainer's American War Panorama, but after travelling through a few of the up-country districts was unable to continue longer in that employment. He seems to have returned to Melbourne and ultimately died in poverty at the early age of 34, the only epitaph accorded to this talented and strong-willed young man being a few lines in the evening papers . . .
Musician, Pandean piper, convict
Born Bloomsbury, London, England, c. 1799
Tried Old Bailey, London, 13 January 1819 (7 years, aged "19")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 September 1819 (convict per John Barry, from Portsmouth, 30 April)
Active Sydney, NSW, to September 1825 or later (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: ? Henry Feathers (Pandean musician, convict)
Trial of Michael Donovan, 9 September 1818, Old Bailey online
1300. MICHAEL DONOVAN was indicted for stealing, on the 16th of July, one coat, value 5s. the goods of James Parsons . . .
GUILTY. Aged 18. Whipped, and Discharged.
Trial of Michael Donovan, 13 January 1819, Old Bailey online
266. MICHAEL DONOVAN was indicted for stealing, on the 15th of December, one coat, value 30s., the property of John Cox, Esq. . . .
Prisoner's Defence. I did not take it. GUILTY. Aged 19. Transported for Seven Years.
Register of prisoners, Newgate Prison, January 1819; Kk National Archives, PCOM/2 (PAYWALL)
Michael Donovan / 19 / 5ft 3in . . . born in Bloomsbury Musician . . . / 15 Dec'r / . . . / 6th Feb'y 1819 to Laurel hulk Gosport / Several times in custody

? Letter, Eliza Darling (Sydney, NSW), to her brother Edward Dumaresq, 9 March 1826; Allport Library, Hobart (ed. in Fletcher, Ralph Darling: a governor maligned, 210)
We are very gay, Dinner Parties on Tuesday and Fridays - on the evening of Friday Music - and on Tuesdays a Ball - two Quadrilles of twelve - Henry has found a Blind Fiddler and two men who play the Pandean Pipes. These he calls his Vagabonds.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Darling (wife of governor); Henry Dumaresq (her brother); probably Joe Love ("the celebrated blind fiddler"); perhaps the two Pandean pipers were Donovan and Henry Feathers
Certificate of freedom, 13 January 1826; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
48/4725 / Michael Donovan / John Barry (2) / 1819 / Midd'x G.D. / 13 January 1819 / Seven Years / [born] London / Pandean Piper / Twenty Six / 5 feet 3 1/2 ins / fair duddy / brown / Grey / 13 January 1826
Bibliography and resources:
Michael Donovan, Convict records
DOOLAN, Thomas Joseph (Thomas DOOLAN; Thomas Joseph DOOLAN)
Amateur musician, clarinet / clarionet player, bandsman, band leader, cabinet-maker and undertaker
Born Chatham, Kent, England, 1837; son of Patrick DOOLAN (1807-1875) and Elizabeth CONNELL (c. 1814-1884)
Arrived [1] Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), early 1839 (with the 51st Regiment)
Arrived [2] Hobart Town, TAS, 3 April 1850 (per Eliza, from London, 24 December 1849)
Married Jane MONAGHAN (1836-1920), Launceston, TAS, 28 April 1864
Died Launceston, TAS, 2 December 1885, aged "48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 51st Regiment (military); St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)
DOOLAN, John Laurence (John Laurence DOOLAN; J. L. DOOLAN)
Amateur musician, amateur actor, plasterer, publican
Born Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland, August 1848; son of Patrick DOOLAN (1807-1875) and Elizabeth CONNELL (c. 1814-1884)
Arrived [2] Hobart Town, TAS, 3 April 1850 (per Eliza, from London, 24 December 1849)
Married Elizabeth CHESTER, Church of the Apostles, Launceston, TAS, 5 June 1875 (aged "27")
Died Launceston, TAS, 23 February 1907, aged "58/59" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)

Thomas Joseph Doolan (DIGITISED)
According to his discharge record, Patrick Doolan, was born at Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland, and enlisted in the 51st Regiment of Light Infantry, on 26 December 1825, aged 18, and was therefore born in 1807. As a color serjeant, he embarked with the regiment on 25 October 1837 for Van Diemen's Land, where his wife and eldest children (travelling with the rest of the regiment) probably joined him around 1839; they were living in the town of Richmond, near Hobart, where their daughter Catherine was born, on 1 September 1846. After the regiment left Australia for India in 1846, his application for discharge was considered in Bangalore on 13 December 1847, and he was finally released on 3 August 1848, probably in Ireland, where, at Fermoy, Cork, that same month, John Laurence was born. Late the following year, the family left Ireland, Patrick taking his passage as a military pensioner guard on the convict transport Eliza, which sailed from London in December 1849, and arrived in Hobart in April 1850.
Patrick's two eldest sons, documented above, were active amateur instrumentalists. It is possible, even likely, that Thomas received his earliest instruction in music as a boy from members of the Band of the 51st Regiment in Australia in the 1840s; later, in Launceston, in the 1850s, he was a pupil of William Sharp. Both Thomas and John were probably further instructed as members of St. Joseph's Band, Launceston, in the 1850s.
The two younger sons, James Doolan (c. 1853-1919) and Michael Doolan (c. 1855-1921) were also members of St. Joseph's Band, and the youngest daughter, Agnes Doolan (1851-1925, from 1872 Mrs. Arthur Monaghan) was active as a vocalist.
1864, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:866393; RGD37/1/23 no 443 (DIGITISED)
No. 629 / April 28th 1864 / Thomas Doolan / 26 / Cabinet Maker /
Jane Monaghan / 28 / Spinster / Married in the Church of St. Joseph . . . [witnesses] Patrick Doolan, Rachel Monaghan . . .
"MARRIAGES", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (30 April 1864), 4
On the 28th instant, by special license, at St. Joseph's Church, Launceston, by the Rev. Dr. Butler, Thomas Joseph, eldest son of Mr. P. Doolan (late Color-Sergeant H.M. 51st K.O.L.I.), to Jane, eldest daughter of the late Mr. P. Monaghan, late of the Britannia Wine Vaults. [Colonial papers please copy.]
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (1 August 1866), 4
The St. Joseph's Young Men's Society, aided by several young lady amateurs,
gave a musical entertainment in St. Joseph's school room in aid of the funds of the library of the society.
The room was crowded before the performance commenced. Mr. T. Sharp presided at the pianoforte.
The concert opened with the beautiful glee - "See our oars."
It was pretty well rendered and in good time, by the Misses Doyle, Doolan, Green and Higgs, and Messrs. Doolan, Frost, J. Galvin, Orpwood and Roper.
The song, "O Lady Come Over the Sea," was the next piece and Mr. Green did fair justice to it.
The duet - "Tell me where is fancy bred" was capitally rendered by Messrs. Roper and Doolan, Mr. Sharp playing a splendid accompaniment.
The song, "Let Erin Remember," was rendered so ably by Mr. J. Galvin that it was heartily encored.
Mr. Robins performed a variety of pathetic, and spirit stirring airs entitled "The Irish Bouquet" on the cornet,
in such a manner as to invoke a rapturous encore, and he then gave a variety of ventriloquial bugle calls on the cornet;
the first of each call sounding as loud as a bugle call close at hand, and the echo appearing to come from a distance of half a mile away.
Mr. Frost sang "Then You'll Remember Me" very sweetly, and the glee "Lightly Tread" was finely rendered.
The catch - "'Twas you Sir, you" by Messrs. Doolan, Orpwood and Green was visited with so enthusiastic an encore that the trio had to return,
when they gave "Three blind mice" in so amusing a manner as to finally cause the general laughter and applause to drown the music, and so ended the first part of the entertainment.
The second part opened with the glee - "The Red Cross Knight," by all the musical talent.
This was rendered in far superior style to the first glee.
The trio - "Hark! 'tis the Indian drum," was finely given by Messrs. Galvin, Orpwood, and Green.
Mr. Roper's song, - "Dear mother, I've come home to die," was given with touching emphasis, aided by a powerful chorus, which joined in with fine effect.
The duet - "The minute gun at sea," by Messrs. Orpwood, and Frost, was honored with great applause - Mr. Sharp's fine accompaniment setting off the vocal parts very effectively.
The pathetic song - "Mother kissed me in my dream," was also finely rendered by Mr. Doolan;
but the point and pathos of the next song - "The last rose of summer," was lost by being sung by a number of voices.
It should invariably be a ladies' solo, for songs have sex, and this is peculiarly a ladies' song.
Moore never intended it for the lips of the sterner sex.
This song called up to memory, more than any other during the evening,
the irreparable loss the limited musical world of Launceston sustained by the calamity which snatched so suddenly away from earth the talented and deeply lamented Miss McIvor,
who was present at the last concert of the Society in that room.
The concert terminated with the comic song - "Pretty Polly Perkins," by Mr. Robins, in character,
and he certainly looked the forlorn love-sick milkman to the very life.
This song is brimful of comicalities in the hands of a genuine comedian, and Mr. Robins did full justice to it, for the first time in Launceston.
It was rapturously encored, and in part repeated.
The strains of the "national anthem" then gave the hint that it was time to move homewards.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (musician); Joseph Galvin (amateur); John Frost (amateur); George Orpwood (amateur); Alban Joseph Roper (amateur); William Robins (amateur); Mary McIver (amateur)
"THE PRINCE OF WALES'S BIRTHDAY", Launceston Examiner (10 November 1866), 2
Yesterday, the twenty-fifth birthday of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, was very generally observed as a holiday by the people of Launceston . . .
The amusements of the day were brought to a close by a ball given in the Mechanics' Institute by the members of the Cornwall and Star of Tasmania Lodges of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity . . .
and when we visited the room at 10 o'clock last night there was a respectable little party of about 60 couples - all, more or lees, earnest devotees of Terpsichore . . .
Dancing commenced at half past nine, Mr. Thos. Doolan officiating as master of ceremonies, and Mr. Thomas Sharp's band supplying the music . . .
The programme of dances was as follows: Quadrille, Polka, Varsovienne, Lancers, Schottische, Melange, Waltz, Caledonians,
Polka, Spanish Waltz, Schottische, Quadrille, Galop, Lancers, Polka Mazurka, Circassian Circle, Varsovienne, Waltz Country Dance,
Polka, Caledonians, Schottische, Triumph, Waltz, Quadrille, Polka, Sir Roger de Coverly.
"THE COMING HOLIDAYS . . . PLEASURE EXCURSION TO GEORGE TOWN", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (29 December 1866), 9
The steamer Derwent is to leave the wharf at 8 o'clock on New Year's Morning, on a pleasure excursion to George Town. This announcement is sufficient to secure a larue number of passengers. Mr. T. J. Doolan's band will perform on board during the trip.
"NEW YEAR'S DAY", The Cornwall Chronicle (2 January 1867), 5
Another delightful day in this bright clime was yesterday, and shortly after 7 o'clock hundreds of happy looking people were to be seen wending their way down towards the wharf, evidently meditating a pleasure excursion in the fine steamer Derwent to George Town. The vessel started off with Mr. Doolan's brass band on board, and some six hundred passengers, about 9 o'clock, and reached George Town by noon. The trip was as successful in pleasing the excursionists as usual, and the steamer returned to the wharf about 8 o'clock, landing all her passengers in good order, and in time for the fete in the Public Gardens.
Last evening a party of about one hundred persons, composed of the members and friends of the above Society,
met in the large class-room of the Mechanics' Institute . . .
Mr. T. Sharp Conductor, rose, and said . . . When it was seen that the affairs of the Union must be wound up,
the members had thought it would be best to expend the small amount of funds in hand, in a closing entertainment of this kind . . .
The following selection of songs, &c., was then performed to the great satisfaction of the company, who loudly applauded the various pieces: -
"Had I a heart for falsehood framed" - Mr. T. Brain.
"No one to love" - Mr. Roper.
"You'll remember me" - Mr. Chick.
"'Tis sweet to think of those we love" - Miss Doolan.
"The village blacksmith" - Mr. T. Sharp.
"On the bank of Killarnay" - Mrs. Richards.
Trio - "To the mountains away" - Mrs. Sharp, Mr. Doolan, Mr. Orpwood . . .
In dissolving the Musical Union, the members had determined to present to Mr. Sharp a memento expressive of their appreciation of his services . . .
[signed] Thos. Brain, hon. sec.; Frederick Lakin, Frederick Richards,
Thomas J. Doolan, John Frost, John Chick, A. M. Wadham, A. McArthur,
Wm. Sharp, J. J. Hanchett, Anthony Hart, Emily Smith, Caroline Richards, Agnes Doolan,
Alban Roper, Miss Wadham, Esther Green, Geo. Orpwood . . .
The following pieces were then performed: -
"The sunshine of the heart" - Mrs. Sharp.
"Stay with me" - Mr. T. Doolan.
Trio - "A little farm well tilled" - Messrs. Roper, Doolan, Orpwood.
"Oh steer my bark to Erin's Isle" - Miss Wadham.
Trio - "Three blind mice" - Messrs. Doolan, Roper, Orpwood.
Trio - "'Twas you, Sir, you" - Messrs. Doolan, Roper, Orpwood . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brain (member); Louisa Sharp (vocalist); John Chick (member); Anthony Hart (member); John Justinian Hanchett (member)
"WESTBURY (From a Correspondent)", Weekly Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (23 November 1872), 16
On Wednesday, the 13th Nov., this township put on its holiday appearance in honor of the anniversary of the Working Men's Benefit Club. At an early hour the splendid band of the St. Joseph's Society arrived from Launceston under the conductorship of Mr. T. J. Doolan, and shortly after the procession was formed, and with the band at its head marched through the principal streets of the township, halting at the Roman Catholic Church to allow the members of that persuasion to attend divine service, then proceeding to the Church of England, where divine service was also held . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)
"Amusements. CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS' HALL.", Weekly Examiner (3 May 1873), 12
On Tuesday evening the members of the choir of the Church of the Apostles, assisted by a few friends, gave a concert at the Mechanics' Institute. Considering there were several counterattractions, there was a very good house. The programme was divided into two parts, the first sacred, the other secular. The sacred division was opened by the St. Joseph's Band performing the overture to "Gloria in Excelsis." In this piece the band fully upheld the prestige they have attained, by playing it in a most masterly manner, and really merited the applause which followed. There were three choruses, viz., a selection from "Gloria in Excelsis," by Baldi; "As pants the hart," by Spohr; and Zingarelli's "Laudate Pueri," which were sung by Mrs. A. Monaghan (who took the solo parts), Mrs. W. Thrower, Miss Harvey, Messrs. Roper (conductor), Chick, T. J., J. L. and M. Doolan, C. Galvin, Orpwood, with Mr. T. Sharp presiding at a splendid Mason and Hamlin organ kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. G. Hubbard. These were all well rendered, but the palm must be awarded to "Laudate Pueri," which is a very grand piece. A duet "Graceful Consort," by Haydn, sung by Mrs. Monaghan and Mr. Roper, met with favor, as did also a solo, "Quoniam," from Mozart's 13th Mass. This latter is a fine piece of music, and might have been sung in a little more lively style. The second part was opened by another overture by St. Joseph's Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Galvin (amateur)
"SACRED AND SECULAR CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (3 July 1873), 2
The members of St. John's Church Choir, assisted by a few friends, on Tuesday day evening last gave a concert in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute, in aid of a fund for providing an organ for St. John's Church Sunday School. The effort was attended with great success, both as regards the concert itself, and the furtherance of the object in view - as an excellent programme was rendered to a large audience in a manner that must have been as gratifying to the conductor, Mr. T. Sharp, as it was satisfactory to those present. The first piece was a sacred overture "Samson," by the orchestra, composed as follows:- Messrs. W. Abbott (piano), Thomas Sharp, John Chick, Jas. Tevelein (violins), W. Sharp (bass viol), A. Hart (violincello), J. Galvin and T. J. Doolan (clarionets), A. Day and Douglas-Harris (cornopeans), J. M. Davies (flute). This is, perhaps, the best orchestra that can be formed in Launceston, and this grand overture was performed in fine style, as was also the sublime, soft, and silvery pastoral symphony subsequently . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: W. Abbott (amateur); James Tevelein (amateur); Andrew John Day (amateur); Robert Douglas Harris (amateur); John Morris Davies (amateur)
[News], Launceston Examiner (30 January 1875), 2
THE FUNERAL of the late Mr. William Sharp took place yesterday afternoon from St. John's Church . . . Four well known musical amateurs, Messrs. C. Galvin, A. Hart, J. M. Davies and J. S. Harvey (who with Mr. T. J. Doolan, the conductor of the funeral obsequies, and who was formerly a pupil of the deceased Mr. Sharp) officiated as pall-bearers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Sharp (Doolan's former music teacher); Charles Galvin (amateur); John Smithen Harvey (amateur)
"DEATHS", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 September 1875), 2
DOOLAN. - On the 7th September, at his residence, Strathean Cottage, Margaret street, Mr. Patrick Doolan, Staff Sergeant of Pensioners, Launceston, (formerly Color Sergeant of H. M. 51st K.O.L.I.), aged 70 years. [R.I.P.]
"PRESENTATION TO MR. ROPER", The Cornwall Chronicle (17 November 1875), 2
On Sunday last, after morning service at the Church of the Apostles, an address, with a silver watch and a purse of sovereigns, was presented to Mr. A. Roper, conductor of the choir. The address was read and presented by Mr. T. J. Doolan. The watch was presented by Mrs. A Monaghan, the senior lady member of the choir, and Mr. J. S. Harvey presented the purse, containing thirty-five sovereigns . . .
"ENTERTAINMENT AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Cornwall Chronicle (20 December 1876), 2
A popular entertainment was held in the Mechanics' Institute last evening in aid of the fund for painting the hall . . . The entertainment opened by Pollards' string band, assisted by Messrs. C. Galvin and T. J. Doolan (clarionets), A. J. Day and T. Sullivan (cornets), performing in their usual spirited manner a grand march from Le Prophet. The band also performed subsequently "The Spring Valse" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Joseph Pollard (musician)
The members of the St. Joseph's Band and other residents of Launceston invited the members of the St. Patrick's Society [Hobart] and the Hibernian Australian Catholic Benefit Society to tea, at the Cornwall Hotel Assembly Room, at 6 p.m. . . . Mr. T. J. Doolan said that in 1870 the two Launceston bands had been broken up, and in a conversation he had with certain persons in a street it was asserted that it would be impossible to organise another band in Launceston. Perhaps it was because that assertion had been made so confidently that he took the matter up, forwarded circulars to certain members; they head a meeting, formed a band, and stood together ever since . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Launceston Volunteer Rifle Band (volunteer military)
"LOYAL CORNWALL LODGE I.O.O.F.", The Cornwall Chronicle (16 April 1879), 3
The formal opening of the above Lodge took place in their new and handsome hall yesterday evening . . .
the following programme was gone through to the entire satisfaction of the audience: -
Overture - Band: Caliph of Bagdad . . . overture, band, Tancredi . . .
Leader of band, Mr. Abbott; director, P.P.G.M., T. J. Doolan . . .
"OBITUARY. MR. THOMAS JOSEPH DOOLAN", Daily Telegraph (4 December 1885), 2
We briefly announced in yesterday's issue the decease of Mr. T. J. Doolan, Undertaker, at his residence, Britannia House, Wellington-street, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude. Mr. T. J. Doolan was the eldest son of Mr. Patrick Doolan, Color Sergeant in the 51st Regiment, and was born in Chatham in 1837. His father retired from the regiment on a pension, when it was stationed in this colony, and he became a permanent colonist about 35 years ago. Mr. T. J. Doolan married Miss Monaghan, eldest daughter of the late Mr. P. Monaghan, of Wellington-street, formerly of the 50th Regiment. He was one of the first members of the Launceston Artillery Corps, and served in it for 12 years. He took deep interest in all matters relating to Friendly Societies, and was the leading promoter of the United Friendly Societies Demonstration, which is annually held here on New Year's Day, and which has proved so successful in every aspect. He was a prominent member of the Cornwall Lodge of Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, and took zealous interest in its welfare . . . Mr. Doolan was an ardent lover of music, and has been connected with most of the musical societies in the town. He was an enthusiast on the subject of bands, and in 1870 he re-organised St. Joseph's Band, and for a long time acted as hon. secretary, and worked most arduously on its behalf. To him was owing the greater part of the success achieved by the band, and the members were not unmindful of this, as four or five years ago they presented him with an address and a testimonial, in the shape of a watch and chain . . .
"Deaths" and "Funeral Notices", Launceston Examiner (5 December 1885), 1
DOOLAN. - On 2nd December, at his residence, Britannia House, Wellington-street, Thomas Joseph Doolan, aged 48 years. R.I.P. . . .
The funeral of the late THOMAS JOSEPH DOOLAN will leave the Church of the Apostles this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock . . .
LAUNCESTON VOLUNTEER RIFLE BAND. The members of the above hand are requested to meet at the bandroom, Cameron-street, at half-past three o'clock on Saturday, this day,
for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late T. J. DOOLAN . . . Uniform, full dress and white gloves.
- By order, T. BRYAN, Band-sergeant . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Bryan (band sergeant)
"EARLY HISTORY OF CORNWALL LODGE AND DISTRICT", Launceston Examiner (28 August 1886), 1 supplement
. . . On January 18th, 1859, was initiated the late PP.P.G.M. Bro. T. J. Doolan, who whilst amongst us devoted nearly 27 years of membership to the furtherance of the principles of our noble order . . . The active part that he took together with P.P.G.M. Whitelaw in the formation of the Odd Fellow's Band, is well known by the older brethren . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Whitelaw (member)
"ST. JOSEPH'S BAND. FIFTY YEARS' HISTORY", Launceston Examiner (6 July 1895), 3
On Monday, 22nd inst., the members of St. Joseph's Band will celebrate the jubilee of the organisation with a fancy dress ball in the Albert Hall . . . St. Joseph's Band was formed in July, 1845, in connection with St. Joseph's Total Abstinence Society . . . The first bandmaster was the late Mr. John Agnew, of the 96th Regiment . . . Included in the list of active members was the late Mr. T. J. Doolan, one of its most energetic and faithful adherents. He had been connected with the band for a long time and [in 1870] wished to see it surmount the troubles and difficulties that appeared before it, and the original members were Messrs. Charles Galvin . . . . Mr. Joseph Galvin, one of the early members, is still an officer in the band. When Mr. Agnew left with his regiment for India he was succeeded by Mr. Michael Dillan, solo clarionet player of the 11th Regiment band, and after him Mr. Drum-Major Allen, who had retired from the 96th Regiment and remained at Launceston . . . He was succeeded by the late Mr. Charles Galvin, one of the founders of the institution . . . Included in the list of active members was the late Mr. T. J. Doolan, one of its most energetic and faithful adherents. He had been connected with the band for a long time and wished to see it surmount the troubles and difficulties that appeared before it . . . Until recently the position of secretary was filled by Mr. J. L. Doolan, brother of the late Mr. T. J. Doolan, who worked so hard at the time of anxiety to keep the band together . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Agnew (musician, 96th Band);
Band of the 96th Regiment (military);
Michael Dillon (musician, 11th Band);
Band of the 11th Regiment (military);
James Allen (musician);
see also, with photographs of the Doolans and the band in 1873, "A MUSICAL JUBILEE", The Tasmanian [Launceston, TAS] (3 August 1895), 25
"ST. JOSEPH'S BAND", Daily Telegraph (26 July 1905), 3
. . . In the sixties the band suffered very much by the general exodus which then took place from Tasmania. Some of its leading members went to Victoria, and for a time it was threatened with extinction. In addition to the old members others had joined, and among them were the late Mr. Thos. J. Doolan, Messrs. Joseph Calvin, and Andrew Day. In 1870 through the exertions of Messrs. T. J. Doolan, Jno. McKenzie, Charles Galvin, and others, the band was reorganised, Mr. Chas. Galvin becoming band-master . . .
"LOCAL AND GENERAL . . . Death of Mr. John L. Doolan", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (25 February 1907), 4
General regret was expressed on Saturday, when it became known that Mr. John Laurence Doolan had died at his residence, the Star Hotel, Charles-street. The news came as a great surprise to many, as although he was generally known that deceased had not enjoyed the best of health for some time past, he was about the city on Friday, and was in unusually good spirits. At night, however, he was taken seriously ill and gradually sank, passing away about noon on Saturday. Mr. Doolan was born in Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland, in August. 1848, and was therefore, in his 59th year. He came to Launceston when quite an infant and with the exception of a few months spent in Victoria, he has resided here ever since. As a boy he was apprenticed to Messrs. Galvin Bros., as a plasterer, an occupation which he afterwards pursued for many years, chiefly in the employ of Messrs. J. and T. Gunn. Afterwards he became the licensee of the Star Hotel, in which connection he was well and favorably known. He was for many years associated with the St. Joseph's Band, holding the position of secretary for some time. He was also a prominent member of the Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows, and secretary the St. Patrick's Day Anniversary Association. The deceased leaves a widow and four sons to mourn their loss. The remains are to be interred in the Carra Villa Cemetery this afternoon, the funeral leaving the Star Hotel at 2:30.
"LAUNCESTON", The Mercury (25 February 1907), 6
John Lawrence Doolan, secretary of St. Patrick's Society, died yesterday, aged 58. He was born at Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland, and as an infant came to Tasmania with his parents. His father was colour-sergeant in the 51st regiment. The deceased was a musician and amateur actor of considerable talent. He was one of the first to join the St. Joseph's Band whan it was re-formed in January, 1890, and for some time he was honorary secretary. At 18 years of age he joined the Cornwall Lodge of the Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, and he was an energetic member up to the time of his death. He was a plasterer by trade, and for some years was in the employ of J. and C. Galvin, and J. and T. Gunn. For about a year past Mr. Doolan was lessee of the Star Hotel and Oddfellows'-hall, in Charles-street. In his younger days deceased was a leading member of the Young Men's Catholic Association. He had filled all the chairs in the Order of Oddfellows, was P.G.M. of the district, and for a long time past lecture master of his lodge. He was one of the representatives of the order on the United Friendly Society's Dispensary. Mr. Doolan was also a member of the Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. For some years he was a gunner in the Launceston Artillery. The funeral takes place on Tuesday.
"DEATHS", Examiner (18 October 1920), 1
DOOLAN - On the 16th October, at her residence, Britannia House, Wellington, Balfour streets, Jane, relict of the late Thomas Joseph Doolan, eldest daughter of the late Patrick and Mary Monaghan, and dearly loved mother of William T., Arthur, Harold. Gervase, Gertrude, and the late Florence, Edgar, and Cyrus. R.I.P.
"ST. JOSEPH'S BAND", Examiner (19 February 1929), 8
. . . Subsequently Mr. Joseph Galvin, John Galvin, T. J. Doolan, J. L. Doolan, James Doolan, and Michael Doolan became members of the band . . .
"OBITUARY. Miss Gertrude Doolan", Examiner (8 June 1938), 6
The funeral of Miss Gertrude Doolan, a well known Launceston resident, took place privately at Carr Villa Cemetery yesterday when the chief mourners were Messrs. Arthur and Gervase Doolan (brothers), and Jeff Greig (nephew). Miss Doolan, who was a daughter of the late Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Jane Doolan, had lived at "Britannia House," Wellington-street - the home of her family for 100 years - all her life. Three brothers, Messrs. Will, Harold, and Cyrus, predeceased her.
DORE, Daniel (Daniel DORE; Danny DORE)
Amateur musician, bandsman, drummer, vocalist, dancer, coach builder, blacksmith, grocer
Born Cork, Ireland, c. 1829; son of John DORE (d. NSW, 1852) and Johannah SHYNE (SHINE) (d. NSW, 1876)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 3 May 1833 (per Adventure, from Liverpool, 21 September 1832, via Hobart Town)
Married (1) Ellen BUCKLEY, Sydney, NSW, 23 April 1849
Married (2) Julia RYAN (d. 1901), Sydney, NSW, 31 August 1858; re-registered 1867
Died Leichhardt, NSW, 26 May 1886, aged "57/58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald [NSW] (6 May 1833), 2
. . . on Thursday last [2 May] . . . From Liverpool via Hobart Town, same day, having sailed from the former place on the 21st of September,
and the latter on the 28th of April, the barque Adventurer, Captain Williams, with a general cargo.
Passengers . . . From Ireland . . . John Dore, shoemaker, Johanna Dore, Eliza Dore, Daniel Dore, and Alice Dore . . .
Description book, Parramatta Gaol, 1847; State Records Authority of NSW, 4/6557; Roll 181 (PAYWALL)
12 / Daniel Dore / [arrived by] Adventure / 1823 [sic, 1833] / [year of birth] 1829 / 5 ft 3 in / . . . [born] Cork / Came Free
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. WEDNESDAY [15 December]", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1858), 6
Daniel Dore, described as of Sussex-street, Sydney, blacksmith, was charged by Julia Ryder with having, at Sydney,
on the 31st August last, feloniously and unlawfully take her to be his wife, being then a married man.
Jeremiah Buckley, of Botany Road, deposed that he had known defendant about ten years, and that he was married by the Rev. Dr. Fullerton to Ellen, his eldest daughter,
and they lived together as man and wife in his (witness's) house, until on account of his indolence he was compelled to send him away;
witness' daughter has been for about five years residing in Victoria, and produced a letter from her, dated Beechworth, 28th November, 1858.
James Fullerton, LL.D., minister of the Presbyterian church, Pitt-street, Sydney, believed defendant to be a person who was married by him, on the 31st August last;
married him to the female now in Court; defendant signed his name Daniel O'Dore;
some weeks afterward, the female came to him, and said something about her husband having been married by witness nine years previously, on which he made search,
and found that Daniel Dore was on the 23rd April, 1849, married to Ellen Buckley, in the presence of Isabella Buckley and William Robb;
knew Robb well, but had not seen him for some years; both marriages were celebrated according to the form usual in the Presbyterian Church,
and the registers containing the entries are in the office of the Registrar-General.
Jeremiah Buckley, recalled, deposed that Isabella Buckley was his wife, now deceased, and Mr. Robb he believed was at California.
Julia Ryder deposed that she was married to defendant by Dr. Fullerton, and produced the certificate she on that occasion received from Dr. Fullerton,
and three or four weeks afterwards learned that he was already a married man, which he subsequently, when drunk, admitted to be the case;
she next saw Dr. Fullerton on the subject, and the next day complained to a magistrate, and a warrant was granted for defendant's apprehension.
Upon this evidence Mr. Roberts, who conducted the prosecution, asked the Bench to commit defendant to take his trial for bigamy.
Committed for trial at the Central Criminal Court, and admitted to bail.
"CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. TUESDAY [8 February] . . . SECOND COURT. BIGAMY", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1859), 8
Daniel Dore was indicted for having, on the 31st August, 1858, married one Julia Ryan, of Sydney, being previously married to one Ellen Buckley, of Sydney, then living . . .
Julia Ryan deposed that she knew the prisoner; had known him about six months;
went with him to Dr. Fullerton on the 31st August last, and was married;
had known him then about a fortnight or three weeks; was informed a few weeks after marriage that prisoner had been married before, and that his first wife was then living;
accused prisoner of it, but he denied the imputation; shortly after, while under the influence of liquor, be admitted he had been married before by Dr. Fullerton,
and that his wife was now living in Victoria with another man . . .
At its re-assembling, Dr. Fullerton was recalled, and produced the certificate of a marriage he had solemnised on the 31st August, 1858, between Daniel O'Dore and Julia Ryan.
It will be observed that in the former certificate the man's name is written Daniel Dore, and in this last certificate Daniel O'Dore . . .
Mr. Milford then addressed the jury on behalf of the prisoner, on the conclusion of which his Honor summed up and the jury retired to consider their verdict.
In about fifteen minutes they returned with a verdict of not guilty, and the prisoner was discharged.
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. SATURDAY [25 August]", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1866), 5
Daniel Dore, brought before the Court at the instance of Julia his wife, whose life he had threatened, was required to give sureties for his good behaviour, or otherwise to be imprisoned one month.
Sands' Sydney directory for 1868 (Sydney: John Sands, 1868), 264 (DIGITISED - page 264)
. . . Dore, Daniel, coachbuilder, 212 Sussex st. // Dore, Mrs. J., laundress, 222 Sussex-st. . . .
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1879), 5
WHAT is likely to be an important crusade against intemperance was instituted at the School-room of the Sacred Heart Church last night by the formation of an abstinence society. The proceedings were presided over by the Rev. T. S. Leonard, and a large number of persons of both sexes took part in them. They were made the more interesting by the presence the Paddington Band, the members of which played some lively selections . . . The deliberative part of the proceedings was brought to a close by an address from Mr. Daniel Dore, who claimed to be a reformed drunkard, and spoke eloquently in favour of the temperance movement. He affirmed that he could speak from practical experience of all the miseries of drunkenness and of most of the blessings of total abstinence. He was so favourably impressed with the advantages of teetotalism that he intended never to drink any more intoxicants, and he hoped many there would adopt a similar resolution. His remarks seemed to fall on very attentive ears, for he was loudly applauded. Shortly after this speaker had finished speaking about eighty men, women, and children took the pledge, and the meeting was brought to a termination.
"DEVONSHIRE-STREET CEMETERY", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (12 May 1901), 3
. . . The next was well known among the Good Templars, with whom he did some splendid work.
Died May 28, 1886,
Aged 58 years.
"Danny," as he was familiarly called, was a character in his way, his appearances on the platform in connection with the Order being frequent,
Irish songs and recitations being his specialty. The third was a benefactor to his Church . . .
Under date June 23, 1910, Mr. M. J. Conlon, for whose ready and valued assistance in compiling these chapters I am deeply grateful, writes: -
"Dear Old Chum, - One of your correspondents asks in your 'Old Sydney' column in last Sunday's issue if I know the name of the clarinet player who was a farrier in George-street, Sydney,
and who played in Sergeant-Major Baynes's band many years ago.
His name was Michael McMahon, and his shop was next door to Mr. Michael Farrell's Farriers' Arms Inn, George-street, nearly opposite the Royal Hotel.
The spot is now occupied by Lassetter and Co., Limited.
Michael McMahon learned his music this way.
In 1850 [sic] the late Very Reverend Archdeacon McEncroe, who was parish priest of St. Patrick's, Church-hill, started a crusade against intemperance.
He had a meeting one night a week in the school-room that is under the church;
he always took the chair and invited the public, of whatever denomination, to assist at the meetings.
He usually had several gentlemen, fluent speakers, with him, who gave short lecture on temperance.
The meetings were so successful that the Archdeacon thought that he would establish a musical band.
He invited the young men of the parish to come and join - they did so.
The Archdeacon provided all the instruments, and the band, when ready, played at all the temperance gatherings.
Michael McMahon took a clarinet, and his brother, Thomas, a cornet.
The latter turned out one of the best colonial players up to that time.
The band, I think, did not play for money as a band, but individual players in years after did.
Thomas McMahon had a son who was a splendid cornet player, and the press of Sydney was loud in his praise about 25 years ago.
I do not know what became of him, but Michael and Thomas have long since joined the great majority.
There were others, members of that band, well known as citizens.
Mr. Peter Horan played, I think, the trombone.
He became an employee of Messrs. Richardson and Wrench, the real property auctioneers, of Pitt-street, and was with them for over forty years.
At his death the firm paid a very great tribute of respect to his family.
There was a great character who was the drummer in that band. His name was Daniel Dore.
Where is the old Sydneyite who did not know or who has not heard of Danny Dore?
He was a gifted man, but rather eccentric in some things.
He was an excellent step-dancer and a good singer of Irish songs; he gave his service at all times free for any charity or for helping any good cause.
Danny was by trade a blacksmith, and was a good workman.
He had a small steel stamp, about half an inch thick and two inches long, with his initials, in raised letters, on the end,
and all his principal work in iron for vehicles was stamped with his initials, "D.D.,"
and if any of that work came back to the shop with any portion broken, there was at once a cry for Danny;
he generally convinced his mates that the work was not his, as his initial, "D.D.," were not on it.
I dare say many of your readers know a good deal about him.
He died about 28 years ago.
I think he was a native of Kent-street, and was a most remarkable man.
I often engaged him for my concerts, but he would never charge for his services.
The last time he danced for me he was 58 years of age; he did the golden shoe dance, a clog dance, and finished up with a sailor's hornpipe, each in costume.
He was great as an Irish step-dancer.
His songs were a treat - the songs that were sung by our grandfathers and great grandfathers.
His "Norah McShane" was always a sure draw; "Irish Blunders" was also a great treat,
likewise his "Irish Schoolmaster," "The Wedding of Ballyporeen," "Billy O'Rourke," and many others.
It was a revelation to hear him. This is the first verse of "Irish Blunders": -
"As Paddy was walking on horseback to Dublin,
A whimsical notion came into his head;
He thought he discovered a hen laying duck-eggs
And a dead parrot, whistling, flying over his head.
'Oh, father, dear father,' he cried to his mother,
'I dreamt brother Judy was in a sad way;
I thought she was frozen in boiling hot water,
In the middle of winter, a hot summer's day.'"
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chum"); Michael Joseph Conlon (memoirist); Thomas Baynes (volunteer brigade commander); Michael and Thomas McMahon (musicians); John McEncroe (Catholic cleric); Peter Horan (musician); St. Patrick's Band (Sydney)
MUSIC: Norah McShane (song); see also another version of Irish blunders (song); Dennis McCaster the Irish schoolmaster (song); The Wedding of Ballyporeen (song); Billy O'Rourke (song)
Bibliography and resources:
Daniel Dore, Find a grave
Musical amateur, member Hobart Town Choral Society, butcher
Born Essex England, c. 1796 (? 1791)
Married (1) Caroline CARRELL (1801-1832), St. Matthew, Brixton, Surrey, England, 12 December 1829
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 15 January 1834 (per Atwick, from London, 5 September)
Married (2) Charlotte RUMNEY (1815-1891), St. David's church, Hobart, VDL (TAS), 27 July 1841 (aged "45"
Died Hobart, TAS, 17 November 1873, aged "77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The post office London directory for 1829 (London: For the proprietors, 1829), 124
Dosseter Wm. Hosier, 56 Threadneedle street
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Matthew Brixton in the county of Surrey in the year 1829; register 1825-46, page 72; London Metropolitan Archives, P85/MTW1/015 (DIGITISED)
No. 214 / William Dossetor of the parish of St. Benet Fink London a bachelor and Caroline Carrell of this parish a spinster
were married in this church by Licence this [12 December 1829] . . .
"TRADE AND SHIPPING", The Hobart Town Courier [VDL (TAS)] (17 January 1834), 3
Arrived on Wednesday the 15th inst. the bark Atwick, 341 tons, Capt. Hugh Mackay, from London 5th Sept., with a general cargo. Passengers - . . . Mr. Dosetter . . .
1841, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:827778; RGD37/1/2 no 936 (DIGITISED)
No. 936 / St. David's Hobart Town 27th July 1841 / William Dosseter / 45 years / Butcher . . . Widower . . .
Charlotte Rumney / 25 years / Spinster . . .
Rules and regulations of the Hobart Town Choral Society, established at Hobart Town, January 1843 ([Hobart: s.n.], 1844), unpaginated list (DIGITISED)
LIST OF MEMBERS FOR 1844 . . . [Mr.] DOSSITER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Town Choral Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (21 July 1849), 3
Hobart Town Choral Society. Hobart Town, July 17, 1849.
SIR, - We Respectfully request you will be pleased to convene a Special General Meeting of the Members of the Choral Society,
for the purpose of considering the state of its funds, and for other business connected therewith. -
We are, Sir, your obedient servants,
Joseph Hone, Jos. Reichenberg, James Thomson,
B. H. Creswell, J. Marshall, J. Martin, W. Dossetor,
W. Belbin, Henry Elliott, C. F. Creswell.
The Secretary Hobart Town Choral Society.
In compliance with the above requisition, I hereby convene a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the members of the Hobart Town Choral Society,
to take place in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Melville street, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, 24th instant, at 7 o'clock precisely.
F. H. PIESSE, Hon. Sec. Hobart Town, July 20, 1849.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Hone (member); Joseph Reichenberg (member); James Alexander Thomson (member); Benjamin Humphries Creswell (member); John Marshall (member); William Belbin (member); Henry Elliot (member); Charles Frederick Creswell (member); Frederick Henry Piesse (secretary)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (22 March 1850), 3
HOBART TOWN CHORAL SOCIETY. Committee Room, March 19, 1850.
SIR,- We, the Undersigned, Members of the Hobart Town Choral Society, finding all efforts to carry it on unsuccessful,
beg you will convene a Special General Meeting of the Members,
for the purpose of making arrangements for disposing of the property, and finally winding up its affairs. -
We are, Sir, your obedient Servants,
Mr. Piesse, Secretary H. T. C. Society.
In compliance with the above Requisition, I hereby convene a Special General Meeting of the Members of the Hobart Town Choral Society,
to be held in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Melville-street, on Tuesday Evening next, the 20th instant, at 7 o'clock precisely.
F. H. PIESSE, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Vautin (member)
1873, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1151020; RGD35/1/8 no 1769 (DIGITISED)
No. 1769 / 17th November 1873 / William Dossetor (Died Macquarie Street) (Born England) / Male / 77 years / Gentleman / Old Age & Debility . . .
Will, William Dossetor; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1693604; AD960-1-8 Will Number 1661 (DIGITISED)
"DEATH OF AN OLD COLONIST", The Mercury (18 November 1873), 2
Mr. William Dossetor, a native of Essex who arrived in this colony in the beginning of the year 1834, and who, for the space of 29 years, held the office of Inspector of Stock, for this city, died early yesterday morning, at the age of 77. His widow survives, with three sons, two of whom, with their families, are resident in Hobart Town, and the third at Swansea, on the East coast.
Bibliography and resources:
William Dossetor, WikiTree
DOTT, M. B. (M. B. DOTT)
Musician (? amateur), composer
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1864 (shareable link to this entry)
Musical works:
Volunteer polka (1864)
"Volunteer polka [by] M. B. Dott" in The illustrated Melbourne post (25 April 1864) (DIGITISED)
[2 advertisements], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (19 April 1864), 4
THE VOLUNTEER POLKA, composed expressly for the ILLUSTRATED POST, will appear in the next number.
THE ILLUSTRATED POST for the April Mail, Will be published Thursday morning, and will contain . . .
Special Report of the Encampment at Sunbury, an Original Piece of Music "The Volunteer Polka" -
and the following Splendid Engravings . . . VOLUNTEER ENCAMPMENT AT SUNBURY (Full Page Engraving) . . .
On the event, see also "THE VOLUNTEER ENCAMPMENT", The Herald (30 March 1864), 2
DOUAY, René (Louis René Paul DOUAY; René DOUAY; Rene DOUAY; Mons. DOUAY; M. DOUAY)
Musician, cellist, harmonium player, composer
Born Landrecies, Nord, France, 1 April 1836
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 11 August 1861 (per Wellesley, from London, 11 May, via Plymouth, aged "24")
Departed Melbourne, VIC, July 1864
Died Paris, France, ? 1877 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

René Douay, The illustrated Melbourne post (May 1862) (Samuel Calvert, engraver) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Calvert (engraver)
Having been playing together in Paris since as early as 1856, Douay and Horace Poussard appeared in London in 1860.From there, in May 1861 they sailed for Australia, and gave their first concerts in Melbourne, then touring to Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia before going to New Zealand.
Their portmanteau musical entertainment, entitled "Dead Heroes", celebrating and commemorating the Burke and Wills expedition, was a major part of their Australian concerts, and later also in New Zealand, and was probably at least partly the inspiration and creation of their agent, Robert Sparrow Smythe (see also the "Dead heroes" performed by another of Symthe's clients, Marquis Chisholm).
In 1864, Douay, suffered a mental breakdown in Melbourne and was sent home to France, there to remain in an asylum for much of the rest of his life. He was reported to have died in the Asile St. Anne, Paris, in 1877.
"Aus Paris", Süddeutsche Musik-Zeitung 7/11 (15 March 1858), 43 (DIGITISED)
Lassen Sie mich vor allen Dingen von dem Concerte reden, das der hiesige Gesangverein Germania am 28. Februar im Salle Bonne-Nouvelle gab . . . Violoncellist Réné Douay wirkten in diesem Concerte mit und erfreuten sich eines sehr lebhaften Beifalls. Das Publikum war grossentheils aus Deutschen zusammengesetzt; doch waren auch viele Franzosen anwesend, die ihre Befriedigung in den wärmsten Ausdrücken äusserten.
"MUSIQUE ET THÉATRE", Le Ménestrel : journal de musique (17 October 1858), 4 (DIGITISED)
MM. Horace Poussard, violoniste, René Douay, violoncelliste, et son frère Amédée Douay, chanteur, ont entrepris une tournée artistique depuis le mois de juin, et les journaux de France et de l'étranger retentissent des succès que ces trois artistes ont obtenu de compagnie. M. René Douay a interrompu un instant cette périgrinalion pour aller remplir un engagement à Bade, où il a eu, le 9 de ce mois, les honneurs d'un intéressant concert.
"MM. RENÉ DOUAY AND HORACE POUSSARD'S MATINÉE MUSICALE (July 10) . . .", The musical world [London, England] (28 July 1860), 480 (DIGITISED)
. . . took place at Collards' new concert room. With the exception of a quartet by Beethoven, for two violins, tenor, and violoncello, executed by Messrs. Horace Poussard (first violin), Otto Bernard (second violin), Schreurs (tenor), and Rene Douay (violoncello), the programme was of a nonclassical kind, the instrumental pieces being for the most part the composition of the players, and the vocal music in almost every instance being taken from the repertory of the French school. M. Poussard played Reber's La Barceuse, and a Morceau, by himself, called Rondo du Nuit, both most admirably, and with great effect. M. Rene Douay introduced a serenade by Schubert, and displayed great powers of execution and a fine round tone; and both artists joined in a duet for violin and violoncello, on airs from Semiramide . . .
"PLYMOUTH MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", Western Morning News [Plymouth, England] (10 May 1861), 3 (PAYWALL)
Last night M. M. Poussard and Rene Douay, whose performances at the Royal Hotel we have recently criticised, gave a farewell concert the Mechanics' Institute. The attendance was not so large as could have been desired, owing, probably, to the want of sufficient publicity to the announcement of the entertainment. The programme upon this occasion was not of course so select those of the Chamber Concerts, but it was well adapted for the audience. The evening opened by a duet between M. M. Poussard and Douay, which proved that these gentlemen were resolved to maintain to the lust the reputation which they have won. M. Prins, organist the Roman Catholic Cathedral, followed with a fantasia by Chopin, which was admirably played on the pianoforte. Mrs. Dinnis then gave a pretty song, by Lenz, which was beautifully accompanied M. Douay on the violoncello. By way of showing the variety of their powers, M. M. Poussard and Douay gave the audience a comic song, and this and another comic song in the second part elicited peals of laughter and loud applause. Perhaps the greatest treat of all was the solo on the violoncello by M. Douay, who astonished his audience the marvellous sweetness of the strains which he drew forth from his unwieldy instrument. The concert concluded by a quartette from Mendelssohn's St. Paul, the celebrated solo "Jerusalem," in which Mrs. Dinnis was the vocalist, and was accompanied M. De Prins on the piano, and by M. M. Poussard and Douay, respectively, on the violin and violoncello. Each did the allotted part well, and a good concert was brought to a successful termination.
Names and descriptions of passengers per Wellesley, from London, 10 May 1861, for Melbourne, August 1861; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Poussard Horace / 25 / Musician / French // Douay Rene / 24 / Musician / French . . .
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 August 1861), 4
We have had the pleasure of being present at a private concert, or rehearsal, given by M.M. Horace Poussard and René Douay, two musical celebrities recently arrived in this colony, who will shortly make their appearance in public. M. Horace Poussard is a violinist, and at the early age of sixteen carried off the first prize at the Conservatoire, Paris. He made his first appearance in London at the Saturday Concerts in the Crystal Palace, and is spoken of very highly by the English and French press. M. René Douay likewise obtained the first prize at the Conservatoire, as a violoncello performer, and is a perfect master of that difficult instrument. Indeed, the effects he produces - the richness, delicacy, and variety of the tones he elicits - the velocity with which he executes the chromatic scales - the unerring precision which characterizes every movement of the bow, as well as his rapid fingering, are very remarkable; and in the Carnival de Paris - a composition from his own pen - the violoncello exhibits resources which, we are confident, will be as unexpected as they are delightful to the majority of M. Douay's auditors . . . Both these artistes are clever buffo vocalists, and are versatile performers as instrumentalists, although their specialty is the violin and violoncello respectively.
"TOPICS OF THE WEEK", South Australian Weekly Chronicle [Adelaide, SA] (17 May 1862), 4
In the window of Mr. Aldridge's Shades, King William-street, may be seen the certificates of Messrs. Poussard and Douay, the violin and violincello players. These documents are in the French language, and are official, being countersigned by the Minister Secretary of State for the department of the Interior, and by the Commissaire of the Imperial Government. The first of these certificates is from the "Conservatoire National de Musique et de Declamation," and bears date December 2, 1849, when it was issued to Horace Remi Poussard, at that time 20 years of age, and the first prizeman for the violin. The second certificate is headed "Conservatoire Imperial de Musique et de Declamation," and is dated November 30, 1856. This was issued to Louis Rene Paul Douay, as the first prizeman for the violoncello, and who was born at Landricies, April 1, 1836. The third certificate is from the "Acadamie Universelle des Artes, Manufactures, Sciences, Musique, Belles Lettres, et Beaux Artes." There are also various prize medals and ribbons obtained by these talented musicians. All of the above are displayed in a large frame by the side of the photographs, which we have before mentioned of Messrs. Poussard and Douay.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Aldridge (proprietor)
[News], The South Australian Advertiser (31 May 1862), 2
Messrs. Poussard and Donay, assisted by Miss Amelia Bailey, gave their third grand concert on Friday evening, to a full and fashionable house at the Adelaide Assembly Rooms . . . M. Bouay*s performance of "The Ocean," a descriptive musical drama, was exceedingly fine; it was indeed highly descriptive - the calm sea and gentle breeze, gradually increasing until the storm was raging and the thunder rolling, and then the subsidence of the storm, and the coming of the vessel into port, were made almost as apparent as by a written narrative. To connoisseurs the grand piece of the evening was the andante movement of the third concerto of De Beriot, played by M. Poussard. This rich treat was highly appreciated. "The Night March," which followed (M. Poussard's own composition), was also most cleverly played, without accompaniment. Several other pieces were played with their accustomed success, and were greeted with encores. Miss Bailey also sang some beautiful songs, and received two or three encores. A double encore was received by M.M. Poussard and Douay, when they played "Villikins and his Dinah," after "Paxtant pour la Syrie." The last piece deserves especial notice, being variations recently composed by M. Douay, on Wallace's "Sweet Spirit, Hear my Prayer", and played for the first time on Friday evening. M. Douay recently advertised the song (in Adelaide), and having obtained a copy, composed the variations, and brought them out with brilliant success a few days after. It was a beautiful composition, and exquisitely performed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist)
"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (22 November 1862), 2
Messrs. Poussard and Douay had a really crowded room yesterday evening, the excellence of the promised entertainment,
and perhaps also the knowledge that Mr. McKinlay and some of his party would be present, having attracted an unusually large number of ladies and gentlemen.
The performance was all that could have been desired . . .
"The Dead Heroes" was exquisitely played; and an unexpected novelty was introduced into the third part,
Mr. G. Wood appearing on the platform, and reading with great effect the following lines: -
"Homage composed (impromptu) and dedicated to McKinlay and Party, by Mon. Rene Douay, and translated (from the French) by R. G. Wooldridge, Esq.
All hail! to you McKinlay! We celebrate your worth;
Accept this tribute of our praise. The nations of the earth
Shall class you 'mongst those heroes, whose name shall aye prevail.
Your name shall be historical - Hail! valiant hero, hail!
The destiny of Australia at length will lie fulfilled -
A hidden and barbaric world, whose plains are yet untilled,
Retaining in its secret heart its gold and treasures rare . . ."
This poetical effusion was received with much applause, and M. Douay was loudly called for.
He bowed his acknowledgments, and closed the entertainment by performing on the harmonium a solo of his own composition called "Welcome in honour of McKinlay and party."
This also elicited several rounds of applause, and the company separated after giving three cheers for the explorers.
ASSOCIATIONS: John McKinlay (explorer); Richard Gurney Wooldridge (1832-1876)
"MESSRS. POUSSARD AND DOUAY'S CONCERT. THE DEAD HEROES", Colonist [Nelson, NZ] (11 September 1863), 5
The first performance of this popular and striking composition took place in the Provincial Hall on Tuesday . . . "The Dead Heroes" - has not been inaptly termed a "musical poem"; and it is so, just as the doings and painful fate of the Australian explorers, Burke, Wills, and King, and their compatriots, form a sad tragic poem of colonization. Throughout the piece the attention of the audience was silently rivetted, and the moods of mind and feeling were changed as the progress and changes of the poem became developed. We can give here but a brief analysis of the piece which is the production of the united efforts of Messrs. Poussard and Douay's abilities as composers. The synopsis given in the programme helps the audience to follow the rationale of the composition, and the music insensibly carries them through the progress of the unfortunate expedition until a lingering and painful death terminates the career of the last but one of that brave band of explorers.
The following points are what the music describes: -
Preparations for departure of the expedition - Adieu - Start - Songs of the birds - Evening - Recollections of home -The route - Storm - The hot winds - Work accomplished - The departure from Carpentaria - Sufferings of the explorers - Hope - Cooper's Creek - Deserted depot - Despair - Approach of death - Heavenly music - Prayer - Closed eyes.
The hurry of departure is represented by a quick movement indicative of bustle. This glides into a sad air descriptive of sorrow and parting, then follows the popular marching air of "Cheer boys, cheer," so applicable to those who leave the comforts of an advanced civilization to explore an unknown region, the departure of the expedition being well shown by the gradual dying of the air from the tumultuous tones of its immediate presence to the happy mildest pianissimo, which dies out in the far off distance, reminding the hearer of Berger's effective composition, "The Band Passes". The song of birds is excellently imitated, and the coming of the "twilight hour", reduced to a few minutes on this side the world, is indicated and succeeded by "Recollections of Home", which the repose of the evening would afford time for conjuring up, and which find expression in the never tiring strains of "Home, sweet home." The continuance of the march next morning is followed by a storm, by the hot wind causing suffering and exhaustion to the men, and terror and danger to the horses and camels. This scene is a portrayal of suffering; and you seem, to hear its wail. Then there comes the joy of discovery of the great Indian Ocean, the accomplishment of the great object of the journey, and the attempted return home; which latter was a long course of fatal trial and death; the wretchedness of disappointment on arriving at the deserted depot being followed by the calmness of despair and resignation to the fate that overtook so many. The "last scene of all" is painfully touching to all who know the sad story. The sweet affectionate air "My own dear native isle", the air to whose notes the African explorer Lander listened as he died in the far interior of Africa, with only one white friend by him, being here effectively introduced and replaced by the strains of "Heavenly music" as earthly feelings seem to pass away. It is almost a relief when this piece is over, the melancholy ending and the ideas that throng the mind as the music goes on to its close being too intense for long continuance.
The composition is a credit to the talent of the composers, and its performance is a great success. There is one point in the music worth notice, and that is that the organ swell introduced in the latter part, indicative of heavenly music, was rather too strong on Tuesday night, and would require modifying. This is the only suspicion of a fault we have to hint throughout the entire piece, and it is one easily remedied. . . . A musical performance more sustained and effective than the "Dead Heroes" was never before listened to in Nelson.
"MESSRS. POUSSARD & DOUAY", South Australian Register (13 July 1864), 2
. . . M. Douay's health appears still to give much uneasiness to his friends; but he is not wholly unable to exercise his talents in public . . .
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (30 July 1864), 2
The following notice appears in the Police Gazette under the head of "missing friends." -
"Information is requested respecting Harris Poussard and Rene Douay, Frenchmen, well known as musicians,
recently advertised to per1 form at the Polytechnic, Melbourne; they did not, however, appear.
Poussard, aged about 35, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, slight build, dark complexion, hair, and eyes, and smooth face;
Douay, aged about 32, about 5 feet 10 inches high, fair complexion, hair, and whiskers, light moustache, shaven chin, and stooping gait. -
27th July, 1864." The statement that Messrs. Poussard and Douay did not appear at the Polytechnic Institute is not correct.
We believe that M. Poussard left the colony by the last mail steamer.
"POUSSARD & DOUAY", South Australian Register (13 August 1864), 2
Letters have been received by a gentleman in Adelaide from Mons. Horace Poussard, by which it appears that owing to the mental aberration of Mons. Douay becoming more aggravated, his Victorian friends, including the French Consul, deemed it advisable to send him home to France . . .
"ARTISTES AND THEIR WANDERINGS", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (13 September 1869), 3
. . . Hearing that M. Douay had recovered his reason, MM. [Robert] Smythe and Poussard proceeded to Europe for the purpose of re-engaging that powerful performer, but only to see him as in inmate of a private lunatic asylum near Paris, and in a number of the Court Journal to hand by this mail, we find in the Paris correspondent's letter a painfully interesting account of a visit made to the unfortunate artiste by Her Majesty the Empress of the French, who is stated to have been moved to tears by the pathetic performance of M. Douay, and by the distressing circumstances in which he was situated.
[News], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (5 October 1869), 3
An English journal contains the following, which may prove interesting to those who have heard M. Douay's performances on the violoncello in the colonies, whilst travelling in company with M. Poussard.
Last week (writes the Paris correspondent of the Court Journal) the Empress paid a visit to the Asyle St. Anne, and while making the tour of the asylum her Majesty became transfixed by the flood of harmony which seemed to emanate from one of the private apartments. It was from the violoncello of our poor D----, whom you remember scarcely half a dozen years ago as the musical lion of London and Paris, proclaimed as the greatest phenomenon of the age, the favourite of queens, the protege of emperors. Here, then, does he hide his poor distracted head, and here he is wearing out the sad remainder of his days. Her Majesty, who had heard much of his wondrous talent, demanded permission to hear him play. The director of the establishment willingly consented, as for some little time past the musician had been tranquil enough. He was accordingly ushered into the august presence, and to outward seeming betrayed no symptoms of insanity. The high rank of the visitor was of course kept concealed, and nothing appeared more natural than that a lady, a great lover of music, having heard his violoncello while walking in the garden, should wish to hear the performer execute some of those pieces which had once created such a sensation. He consented at once, and began to play, one of his most renowned compositions. The passionate sounds - more powerful even than in his days of popularity - seemed to stir the listeners to the utmost depths of the soul. In a few moments the Empress was moved to tears, and the whole assembly was over-come with emotion. "Whoever would think this man a lunatic?" whispered her Majesty in the ear of the director, who placed, his fingers on his lips to enjoin silence, for at that very moment the musician, laying aside his instrument, proceeded to take off his boot, and having flung it out of the open window, proceeded with his performance with even more taste and feeling than before - The director all the time motioned to the assembly to keep quiet and not move. Presently another pause, and the other boot followed the same direction. This time the renewal of the music was so touching that it had become painful. A third pause ensued, and as the performer proceeded to unbutton his waistcoat, the director, who knew from experience what the succeeding pauses were sure to end in, quietly opened the door, bidding the Illustrious visitor and her suite to follow him out without noise or excitement. Well was it for the Imperial party that this was accomplished, for the violoncello was heard for some time longer with intervening pauses, and then loud shrieks and blasphemous curses succeeded to the music, and these were followed by the most heartrending expressions of despair. In this consists the insanity of the patient.
This peculiar form of the disease attacked him while in Australia, whither he had gone with two other musicians for the purpose of giving concerts. He was seized suddenly, without previous warning, with a fit of madness while playing with his companions one of Mozart's trios, and to the utter consternation of the audience, began to divest himself of his boots which he flung into the pit, nor ceased until he had divested himself of every article of clothing. Never since that day was he able to play with any attention, or before any group of listeners, without being seized by the same insane desire. Every medical man in Europe has been consulted upon this singular manifestation of a disordered brain, but no cure has been found, and poor D----, in the very prime of life and zenith of his talents, lingers on a wretched lunatic in a charitable asylum.
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 July 1883), 7
Several interesting items of musical intelligence come to hand by the mail. M. Horace Poussard, a distinguished eleve of the Paris Conservatoire, who visited the colonies several years ago, has resolved to make a flying trip to Australia, and will probably arrive by the Orient steamer Iberia. In Melbourne musical circles the name of Horace Poussard will be well remembered in connexion with that of Rene Douay, the violoncellist. When Miss Catherine Hayes returned to Europe from Australia, the two young Frenchmen had just been awarded the grand prix of the Conservatoire, and in the hope of reaping a golden harvest they came to the antipodes on the recommendation of that gifted cantatrice. Although the musical culture of the colonies was not then in its present advanced state, the Poussard-Douay concerts everywhere attracted large audiences, and it was during the New Zealand portion of their tour that M. Douay first exhibited those indications of the mental aberration from which he continued to suffer until his death in the Asile de St. Anne, near Paris . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist)
Extant musical works:
Le songe du Réprouvé, fantaisie-polka mazurka, composée et dédiée à Monsieur César Pagnien par René Douay, pour piano; Ms. autogr.
La maïade, polka mazurka (pour piano) par René Douay (Paris: O. Legouix, [1854])
Sur les flots! nocturne légende pour violoncelle avec accompagnement de piano par René Douay, op. 4 (Paris: E. Ledentu, [1861])
Bibliography and resources:
Peggy Lais, "Horace Poussard and Dead heroes: a musical tribute to Burke and Wills", Context 23 (Autumn 2002), 23-32 (PDF FREE DOWNLOAD FROM THIS PAGE);dn=199092705107032;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)
"The Expiring Explorer & The Dead Heroes by Poussard and Douay", Burke & Wills Web: digital research archive
DOUGHERTY, Thomas Heywood (Thomas Heywood DOUGHERTY)
Musician, violinist, viola player, music reviewer (Brisbane Courier)
Born Huddersfield, England; ? baptised, St. Peter's, Huddersfield, 21 January 1841; son of Matthew DOUGHERTY and Grace ?
Arrived Moreton Bay, QLD, 3 June 1866 (per Southern Ocean)
Died Brisbane, QLD, 1 June 1930, "aged 84" (shareable link to this entry)
"Mr. T. H. DOUGHERTY", The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (1 July 1930), 20
With the passing away of Mr. Thomas Heywood Dougherty on the first day of last month Brisbane lost a citizen who had long been connected with the intellectual, musical, and professional life of the community. The late Mr. Dougherty, just out of his 'teens, arrived in Moreton Bay from London in the sailing ship Southern Ocean on June 3, 1866. He was a native of Huddersfield, in Yorkshire, but he had spent three months with his parents in Liverpool, and it was seeing the ships there that prompted him to cross the seas, to leave, as he wrote 50 years later, "dear old England and seek the wonder of the much boomed colony of Queensland at the outposts of civilisation." The young adventurer was not long in finding a billet; he became assistant secretary to the School of Arts, which was then in Creek-street. Soon after that he entered the Education Department, and was for some years a teacher at the Valley School. In 1880 he entered the Real Property Office, and in 1883 passed his examination as a conveyancer; and this profession he practiced actively till 1922, and still practiced in his retirement until almost his last days.
The late Mr. Dougherty was actively engaged in the early work of the Musical Union, in association with, the late Mr. R. T. Jefferies. For many years he was on the committee of the organisation, and for almost as long a term he led the orchestra, being regarded for many years as the leading amateur violinist in Brisbane. All this call upon his time, however, did not limit his activities; he expanded them also to the literary side, and, for four or five years in the '80's he wrote the musical notices in the "Courier". He was the chess editor of the "Queenslander" from 1893 to 1897, and for a great number of years was a voluminous contributor to both these journals, the "Queensland Punch", "The Boomerang", and "The Figaro". . . . He took up languages as of special interest, including Chinese, and was intensely interested in the work and writings of Sir Oliver Lodge. The late Mr. Dougherty, who was 84 years of age when he passed away, did not go away from Queensland once he set foot in the country, except for a trip of nine months' duration to South Africa three or four years ago . . .
DOUGLAS, William Henry (William Henry DOUGLAS; W. H. DOUGLAS; Mr. DOUGLAS; also W. H. DOUGLASS)
Actor, comedian, dancer, gymnast, acrobat, puppeteer (fantoccinist), theatrical manager
? (1863-67) Entertainer, serenader, novelty instrumentalist (bones, musical glasses, Japanese fiddle), theatrical manager
Born ? England, ? ; son of Samuel Henry Hood DOUGLAS
? Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1840
Married Margaret CHESTER, St. Andrew's (Scots) church, Sydney, NSW, 25 May 1842
Active Goulburn, NSW, by 1843
Active Melbourne and Geelong, NSW (VIC), by 1845, until 1850 or later
Active Sydney and Bathurst, NSW, until 1853 or later
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1856 until 1859 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? "LINES (By W. H. Douglas)", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (30 January 1840), 2
What, what, is life? a pilgrimage of pain and woe
Where weary mortals travel for a day,
And then return to nothingness again;
Sent for an hour, and hourly taken away;
Wealth, rank, and honors, what can these bestow?
Mockeries of joy, and instruments of woe . . . [2 more verses]
[We publish the above at the request of the author, of whom we know nothing, save from his own representations.
He is in distress, and asks assistance from those who may be willing to render him any. - ED. SYD. GAZ.]
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser [NSW] (24 December 1841), 3
The Dog MUNITO (the wonder of his species)! THE BRAZILIAN GIRLS!! A NEW CLOWN!!!
A Christmas treat for the Juveniles of Australia who will be admitted at Half Prices.
SIGNOR DALLE CASE has the honor to announce to the Public of Australia that at the request of several Families,
he intends giving an Entertainment at the Lower Saloon of the Royal Hotel on MONDAY next, December 27 . . .
Mr. DOUGLASS will appear, for the first time, as CLOWN . . .
The Two CLOWNS, Signor AUGUSTE and DOUGLAS will endeavour to amuse the Audience during the performance with a great variety of Frolicsome Manoeuvres . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case and the Signorinas Anna and Emilia (gymnasts, dancers); Signor Auguste (clown); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"MARRIAGE", The New South Wales Examiner [Sydney, NSW] (28 May 1842), 2
On Wednesday evening, May 25, at St. Andrew's Church, by the Rev. John McGarvie, Mr. William Henry Douglas, eldest son of the late Captain Samuel Henry Hood Douglas, R.N., to Miss Margaret Chester, of Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 January 1843), 3
THE inhabitants of Goulburn and its vicinity are most respectfully informed that this Theatre is now open for the reception of the public.
Mr. Douglas has the honour to announce, that besides the dramatic entertainments, he has secured the valuable services of
MR. HOLLAND, the celebrated Fantocinist, (formerly of the Olympic Theatre, and Pavilion of Arts, Sydney),
likewise, MR. JIM BROWN, the Rael American [REDACTED], Mr. Pickering, Mr. Butler, and Mr. Kebble.
Mr. D. will have the honour of displaying his extraordinary feats of flexibility of body, also the various feats of Gymnasium, on the horizontal bars.
W. H. DOUGLAS, Manager.
Price of admission: front seats, 3s.; back seats, 2s. To commence at eight o'clock.
Scene Painter - Mr. Holland.
Mechanist - Mr. Evans.
Nights of performances, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jim Brown (alias of George King, performer); Mr. Holland (performer, scene painter)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1844), 2
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with a Nautical Drama, in Three Acts, called THE WOODEN WALLS OF OLD ENGLAND!!! . . .
La Mort and Le Franck (French prisoners) Messrs. W. H. Douglas and Douglass . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Louise (Mrs. James, dancer); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARANCES", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (12 April 1845), 2
APRIL 9. - The schooner MARY ANN, Amner, master, for Launceston, with coals, &c. Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Douglass and Mr. Alexander Wood.
"SHIP NEWS", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (7 June 1845), 2
Passengers per Swan for Melbourne - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Coppin, and the following members of the Launceston corps dramatique . . . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Maria Coppin (actors, manager); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue); Coppin had not signed Douglas up as a member of his company for Melbourne, and it was only later, in July under Nesbitt's management, that Douglas evenutally obtained an engagement at the Melbourne theatre, as see immediately below
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (1 July 1845), 3
first appearance of Mrs. DOUGLASS . . . THIS EVENING, JULY 1, 1845 . . .
An Irish Jig (in character) - By Mrs. Douglas, (her first appearance on any stage) . . .
MR. NESBITT, Stage Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (vocalist); Francis Nesbitt (actor, manager); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue); this is the only documented public appearance of Margaret Douglas previous to her pedestrian feats in 1859
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (19 July 1845), 3
FIRST APPEARANCE OF MR. W. H. DOUGLAS, (From the Victoria Theatre, Sydney) and
MR. J. DYER, (From the Theatres Hobart Town and Launceston.)
ON SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 19, The entertainments will commence with, for the first time in this Colony, a magnificent, tragical, legendary, melo-drama, entitled the
RUBY RING; or the MURDER AT SADLER'S WELLS . . . Toby Redface - Mr. Douglas . . .
AFTER WHICH . . . A SAILOR'S HORNPIPE, in character, by MR. J. DYER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Dyer (dancer); Francis Nesbitt (actor, manager); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (15 August 1845), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, BOURKE STREET. By Permission of His Worship the Mayor and Justices, &c.
MRS. BOYD Having obtained the above permission, purposes holding a Theatrical Performance in the above theatre
MRS. B., in soliciting public support from the humane inhabitants of Melbourne, rests her hopes of success entirely upon the melancholy event of Mr. Boyd's present affliction,
in his mental capacity, in consequence of which he has been confined within the walls of a prison, as an asylum for his safety:
from this unforseen cause, she has been left friendless, without the mean of subsistence, besides having to provide the necessaries for Mr. Boyd,
she has endeavoured to do so until the present, when finding all her resources exhausted, she has been recommended to adopt this course,
as the only one by which a sympathising community can have an opportunity of contributing towards her relief;
and as this is the first occasion she has been necessitated to solicit support, and her present situation being of such a distressing nature,
she humbly hopes that her appeal on the occasion will be kindly responded to . . .
The Evening's Performance will commence with, for the first time in this colony, the
NEGRO OF WAPPING; OR, THE Boat Builder's Hovel. Black Sam, (the Negro of Wapping) - Mr. Lee; Jack Altrades, (an itinerant chair-mender) - Mr. Douglas . . .
To be followed by, for the first time in the colony,
Song - Mr. Mereton. Song - Mr. Falchon.
MR. DOUGLAS Will go through a Variety of GYMNASTIC FEATS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Boyd (Francis Arabin, actor); Thomas Spencer Boyd (actor); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor); Thomas Mereton (actor, vocalist); Arthur Falchon (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Pavilion; Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Courier (9 February 1846), 2
Queen's Theatre Royal. ON MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9,
the entertainments will commence with an entirely new and interesting drama, in three acts,
To be followed with Mr. Douglass' celebrated FANTOCCINI.
To conclude with a musical farce in one act, entitled THE HIGHLAND REEL.
"SUPPOSED ROBBERY", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (22 July 1846), 3
Yesterday John Ross, who has been in custody since Thursday last, on suspicion of having stolen properly in his possession, was brought up for re-examination. The only additional evidence was that of Mr. William Henry Douglas, who deposed that he supposed he was an actor by profession: that the prisoner had called upon him with the bundle in question asking him whether he did not remember "Scotchie;" he replied he did, because he was one of his corps dramatique when sole proprietor of the Goulburn Theatre; he then recognised the prisoner whom he invited to breakfast, and who left the bundle produced, whilst he went for some money to the Pastoral Hotel; not returning he opened the bundle, when to his horror and dismay he discovered that the clothes in it belonged to a gentleman, and were marked Atkins; he then sent for the chief constable to whom be gave the bundle, it pained him exceedingly, and his soul revolted at having to appear against the prisoner, whom he had known "in the light of other days." The Bench remanded the prisoner until to-morrow.
"A CAUTIOUS MAN", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (22 July 1846), 2
John Ross, the man charged with purloining Mr. Atkins wardrobe, underwent an examination yesterday, and was ultimately remanded till next Friday. William Henry Douglas, whose loquacity excited some amusement, stated himself to be an actor by profession, residing in Little Bourke-street. About half-past six o'clock on the 16th instant, having occasion to go round the corner of his house to fetch a log of wood to light the fire, saw the prisoner standing at the corner with a bundle on the ground, whom he recognized as an individual who formerly belonged to a theatrical company which he (Douglas) "managed" on the Sydney side, and who was then known as "Scotchy." The prisoner said that he was going in the bush, that the bundle he had contained his bush clothing, and that he was waiting until one of the houses should be opened, for the purpose of getting a "ball." On this he was invited to walk in, and subsequently requested to be allowed to leave the bundle whilst he went to the Pastoral Hotel, promising to return from there in a few minutes; not doing so Douglas went in search of him, and finding that he had not been to the Pastoral, began to suspect that all was not right, and accordingly handed the bundle to Mr. Sugden, in whom the contents naturally excited still further suspicion, and from the description given by Douglas, the prisoner was subsequently arrested.
"ANOTHER AND ANOTHER STILL SUCCEEDS", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (7 December 1847), 2
One of the most "generally useful" attaches of the "Queen's" corps, Mr. Douglass, has resolved to test his popularity in the shape of a "benefit," on Friday night next. Whatever performers may imagine, out of London, it is the bill of fare, and not the actor himself, which attracts. In the "great metropolis" every professional of any respectability has sufficient individual admirers to procure a decent benefit; there the play-going community are so numerous that, if a man were to play the owl in Der Freyshutz, he would find once a season, quite its many admirers of his "screech" as would furnish a respectable benefit. Here, however, the matter is obviously different, and the attraction must be more general. The performer must not only possess some good grounds for his appeal, but the performance must more than second his claims. Mr. Douglas is an "old stager;" his forte is "old men;" and as a low comedian he has very respectable abilities. He bears the reputation of being an industrious and attentive performer, and anxious to exert himself to the utmost to please his audience. We hear that several respectable and leading persons in our community have taken an interest in the matter, and have already disposed of a fair amount of tickets. The piece selected are particularised in our advertising columns; they speak for themselves.
"A THEATRICAL FRACAS", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (2 December 1848), 2
Police Office proceedings are generally of a very dry and uninteresting nature here.
Occasionally cases will come before their Worships which may create interest or excite mirth: but these occur at very wide intervals.
On Thursday, however, the spectators assembled in the Court appeared to relish a case that came before the magistrates,
in which John Robinson was placed in the defendant's box, he having been given in charge by one William Douglas,
who is a performer, engaged at Mr. Elmes' theatre, for being a prisoner of the crown at large.
Mr. Carman said he would just explain to the magistrates how it was the defendant appeared before them.
On Wednesday morning, Douglas sent for a constable to take Robinson in charge for an assault, but as no assault was seen to have been committed,
of course the constable could not, nor had he any right to interfere.
It appeared, however, that Douglas was bent on revenge, for in the evening us called in constable Lloyd and gave the man in charge as a "bolter."
Mr. Carman, in continuation, said, he knew nothing thing of the defendant, nor did he believe him to be a prisoner of the Crown - he was sure he was not in fact.
The Bench said the constable who had taken the man had greatly exceeded his duty; he should have had some proof before he locked him up.
Lloyd stepped forward and said he would not have acted as he had, but Douglas stated he was willing to swear he was a runaway prisoner, and would appear the following day to do so.
Mr. Douglas, who looked remarkably foolish and "spooney-ways" at the ridiculous position he found himself placed in,
nevertheless succeeded very well in going off into a strong bit of the "heroics."
"Your worships," said the histrionic, "I claim your patient hearing for a few moments.
What I have done was to save blood - yes, BLOOD, I say; human life would have been sacrificed had I not pursued the course adopted - this man before you is a villain or a mad-man.
I do assure your worships he is undoubtedly either one or the other, perhaps both, for aught I can tell you.
He threatened, yesterday morning, the life of Mrs. Griffiths, and assaulted me.
A constable was called in, who refused to take him in charge.
What was to be done? I knew well blood would be spilled, if decisive steps were not taken to prevent him.
I had reason to believe he was a runaway - I bethought myself, and handed him over to the custody of the constable on that charge.
If I have done wrong I am sorry for it. It is, however, a gratification for me to think I have saved life.
I throw myself on your mercy. I trust in your leniency. I have no fears for myself; your decision will be mild and equitable. I have done."
All this was said with such rapid volubility of speech and overstrained rhetorical gesture, that those assembled in Court were some time in making up their mind whether they should laugh or look serious.
The former feeling was decided on nem. con., when the defendant Robinson broke in - "He's a willin, and nothin' else, your worship."
Mrs. Griffiths here stepped forward, and with a most insinuating Polka courtesy desired their worships would bind the defendant over to keep the peace.
He had, she said, been engaged by her in Melbourne as her servant.
When she came to Geelong she discharged him, as she did not require his services lounger.
He was a poor half-witted creature, at times quite out of his mind; he had come here after her overland from Melbourne. Yesterday he threatened her life.
The Bench, on this complaint, immediately ordered the defendant to find sureties to keep the peace for six months;
at the same time reprimanding Mr. Douglas for acting so badly, to which Douglas,
respectfully bowing, said it was a thing he was never accused of before.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Elmes (theatre proprietor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (2 August 1849), 3
Will be performed Shakspeare's Play, in four acts, entitled
Tubal (a Jew) - Mr. Douglas . . . Old Gobbo - Mr. W. H. Douglas . . .
Leader of the Band - Mr. Stainsby. Stage Manager, MR. DEERING.
ASSOCIATIONS: Morton King (actor); Robert Stainsby (musician); Henry Deering (actor, manager)
"THEATRE ROYAL", Geelong Advertiser (24 January 1850), 2
That most favorite of theatrical melo-dramas, "The Miller and his Men," was produced at this place of entertainment on Monday night. The performance throughout was extremely good, and the characters, with one or two exceptions, well cast . . . Kelmar was acted by Mr. Douglas, and as it is a style of character which he always delineates very felicitously, it assumed an importance in the play which is not always given to it . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL. MR. DOUGLAS'S BENEFIT", Geelong Advertiser (21 March 1850), 2
To give encouragement to merit is always a pleasing duty, and it matters little to what calling, occupation in life, or profession an individual possessing that merit belongs, providing that it be known and understood to be real and deserved. We make this preliminary remark in bespeaking the patronage of the play-going portion of the public in favour of Mr. Douglas, a very favorite actor of long standing in Geelong, who takes his benefit at the Theatre Royal, to-morrow evening. For his benefit Mr. Douglas has selected two very excellent pieces, in both of which he takes a principal part. The Odd Fellows have given him their patronage, and will be present in the boxes in the full regalia of their order, which will enhance the appearance of the house.
"To the Editor of the . . .", Geelong Advertiser (1 July 1850), 3
SIR, - My attention having been directed to the leading article of the "Melbourne Morning Herald" of the 27th June,
relative to a comedian named Douglas' having been brought before the [Police Court in] Adelaide, for embezzling [funds of the] Lodge of the I.O.O.O.F.,
[I beg to inform] you that I have the honor [to belong to the] same order, and like him [to have been a member] of the corps dramatique of the Melbourne] Theatre,
and to prevent [any wrong impressions] getting abroad, [I can assure] you, that I am in no way related to] the individual in question [by affinity,]
or consanguinity, that [I have not been] out of the district of Port Phillip these] last five years,
and have been a resident in Geelong for some time past, that I at least am not the person there alluded to.
I have the honor to be, (as the correspondents to Magazine's say)
your constant reader,
And most obedient,
Geelong, June 29th.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Augustus Douglass (actor)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (29 December 1851), 2
The Manager begs to call the attention of the public to the following list of the performers,
which must be acknowledged as the most powerful company ever engaged in New South Wales: . . .
Mr. Douglass . . . Leader of Orchestra, Mr. Gibbs . . . J. Gordon Griffiths, Manager . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (musician); John Gordon Griffiths (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 January 1853), 2
Will be produced the popular Opera of the ENCHANTRESS.
Don Silvio, Mr. J. Howson; Doctor Methanasius, Mr. Douglass; Ramir, Mr. F. Howson; Stella, Madame Sara Flower . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist, actor); John Howson (vocalist, actor); Sara Flower (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: The enchantress (Balfe)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew in the county of Cumberland in the year 1853; register 1842-64, page 65; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 488 / 27 July [1853] / [born] 1 July 1853 / Frank [son of] / William Henry & Margaret / Douglas / Bathurst St. / Actor . . .
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (6 September 1853), 1
ANY Lady or Gentleman belonging to the above profession may hear of a good engagement for the Bathurst Theatre,
with a liberal salary, on application to the undersigned.
W. H. DOUGLAS, Manager.
N.B. - Wanted, three good musicians.
Sydney, September 6th, 1853. Bathurst-street, near Whittel's Coal Depot.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (1 October 1853), 3
THE public are most respectfully informed that all arrangements being now completed the
The Lessee begs to assure the patrons of the Drama that every care and attention will be bestowed upon the production of every piece regardless of expense.
Previous to the rising of the curtain an original OPENING ADDRESS will be delivered by Mr. DOUGLAS, to be followed by the National Anthem of GOD SAVE THE QUEEN by the whole of the Company.
ON MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 3rd 1853, The evening's entertainment will commence with the highly popular Comedy of CHARLES 2ND, or the MERRY MONARCH . . .
Captain Copp - Mr. Douglas . . . Mary Copp - Miss Millan . . .
To be followed by the very laughable Farce of DID YOU EVER SEND YOUR WIFE TO CAMBERWELL?
Mr. Honeybun - Mr. Cull . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rose Millan (actor); William Cull (actor); George Chittenden junior (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (8 October 1853), 2
Mr. Douglas the lessee of the above-named theatre arrived in Bathurst with his core dramatique in the early part of last week, and commenced the season on the evening of Monday the 3rd inst, with the Comedy of Charles the 2nd, and a couple of farces entitled "Did you ever send your wife to Camberwell" and "Box and Cox." The new scenery brought up for the occasion has added most materially to the decorations of the place, and the general appointments of the company far exceed our expectations. As several of the core are new in the profession it would be premature to enter into a minute critique of their performances, but the appreciation in which they were held by a rather crowded audience was testified by repeated rounds of applause. Suffice it to say that the whole affair is creditable to the spirit and professional tact of the Manager Mr. Douglas, who has spared neither pains nor expense in commencing his enterprise with becoming eclat; and we doubt not if conducted with propriety and decorum, the efforts of himself and his co-workers to cater for public amusement will be liberally responded to.
See also the text of Douglas's opening address, "ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (15 October 1853), 2
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (22 October 1853), 2
Crowded audiences have thronged to witness the amusements of this little temple of Thespis during the past week, and we can justly record a marked improvement in the style of the performances. Of the lessee Mr. Douglas it is unnecessary we should say much, as he is evidently "an old stager" and well up to his business . . . In the female department of the corps Miss Millan takes the lead, and is decidedly a clever girl . . . Mr. Chittenden Jun, plays the violin with good taste. In short the whole affair is much superior to anything we anticipated and betrays a disposition on the part of the lessee to spare neither pains nor expense in his management.
[2 articles], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (19 November 1853), 2
THEATRICALS. - Tuesday night last terminated the proceedings at the Royal Victoria until arrangements can be made to supply the vacancy created by Mr. Douglass' dismissal . . .
THE MANAGER AT FAULT. - In arranging the cast of the characters a few days ago, Mr. Douglass, the late lessee of the Royal Victoria, allotted one to himself which brought him under the Vagrancy Act. It appears that he made a rather unceremonious morning call upon Mr. Tucker the artist in Durham Street, whilst in a state of alcoholic excitement, and uttered sundry insinuations and made sundry accusations in language not usually put into poetry, the consequence of which was a three and six-penny ticket for the police office rendering his attendance compulsory. We are not sufficiently versed in theatricals to say whether the performance came under the designation comedy, farce or extravaganza, but know that the plot concluded with a short and pithy address from the Police Magistrate, delivered in an authoritative tone, in which some very common-place and to the penitent ex-manager, rather unpleasant allusion was made to a forty shilling fine and costs of court.
ASSOCIATIONS: The artist Tucker had been involved in the re-decoration of the theatre prior to Douglas's arrival,
see "BATHURST THEATRE ROYAL", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (2 July 1853), 2
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (31 December 1853), 3
Unparalleled Attraction. M LA ROSIERE'S AMPHITHEATRE.
This Evening, Saturday, December 31st, 1853; EXTRAORDINARY EQUESTRIAN AND GYMNASTIC FEATS . . .
Clown to the arena, Mr. Douglas . . . The next performance on Monday Evening.
M. LA ROSIERE, Proprietor.
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (16 December 1854), 2
. . . Mr. Douglas takes a benefit on Monday evening next in a tragical sounding piece designated "the Tower of Nesle or the Chamber of Death."
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (27 January 1855), 3
REDUCED PRICES. THE public of Bathurst and its environs are informed that the whole of the machinery for the
DISSOLVING VIEWS and CHROMATROPES being now perfect, the theatre will be open this evening (Saturday, Jan. 27) for an exhibition of the same.
PRICES - Dress boxes, 3s.; Pit, 2s. Children under ten years of age, half-price.
For particulars see small bills.
H. DOUGLAS, Agent.
"THE ROYAL PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (30 June 1855), 2
It is rather late in the season to enter upon a criticism of the performances which we hope proved a lucrative benefit for Mr. Pitt, but if permitted to pen a general remark, we would observe that they were begun, conducted and finished off, in much the usual style, Mr. Pitt taking his part with great spirit and vigour. At the close of the first piece and either before or after, (we forget which) Mr. King had shuffled his toes through the everlasting Sailor's hornpipe, Mr. Douglas, the acting manager, announced with becoming gravity that the Select Committee of gentlemen were "just a going to begin" to read and pronounce upon the original conundrums which had been received from aspirants to the proprietorship of a picture by Turner!!! After a considerable amount of whistling, yelling and bellowing from the gods, which strongly reminded the hearer of Babel come again, Mr. Douglas announced in choice phraseology the result, amid thunders of laughter, which give the palm of merit to the last . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 December 1856), 5
The Theatre Royal last night furnished good evidence that "Boxing Day, with all its time honoured associations, is not yet a dead letter at the Antipodes. A house crammed to the ceiling, and bent on gorging itself with everything available, good, bad, or indifferent, in the shape of fun, (and there was no lack) endured for three or four mortal hours, the intense heat of our Australian Christmas with the utmost good humour, and with a perfect indifference to everything but - of course - "the entirely new and original grand local comic Christmas pantomime, entitled, Multiplication is vexation, Division is as Bad; or a harlequin Rule of Three and the Genius of the Crystal Lake of Learning" . . . the magic metamorphoses . . . introducing Mr. J. Chambers, jun., as Harlequin, Madame Strebinger as Columbine, Miss Chambers as Harlequina, Mr. Douglas as Pantaloon, and last, but not least, Mr. C. Young as Clown . . . Mr. Douglas's Pantaloon made a good foil to the Crown of Mr. C. Young . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers junior (dancer); Therese Strebinger (dancer); Mina Chambers (dancer); Charles Young (actor, dancer); William Mower Akhurst (author); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (11 April 1859), 5
. . . Is it generally known that the Mrs. Douglas, now performing, (for a woman) the unparalleled feat of walking 1000 miles in 1000 consecutive hours, is the wife of an old colonist and an old play actor under Mr. Coppin's regime, that in the course of his duty as pantaloon, he received a blow on the back of his head that partially paralysed his frame; and that for the support of her helpless husband, and three young children, she is now performing this wondrous task.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (12 April 1859), 4
Last evening Mrs. Douglas accomplished her pedestrian feat of walking 1000 miles in 1000 hours. She commenced this extraordinary task, especially for a woman, on March the 1st, at twenty minutes to eight o'clock a.m., and finished it last evening at about fifteen minutes past ten o'clock p.m., walking the 999th mile in sixteen minutes thirty seconds, and the 1000th in thirteen minutes forty two seconds. Mrs. Douglas is a married woman, and the mother of seven children, three of whom are living. She is of diminutive stature, middle age, and a native of Doncaster, Yorkshire, her husband is a partial cripple, and incapable of working, from an attack of paralysis, so that the whole family depends for support on her sole exertions. She seemed but little fatigued at the conclusion of her task, walking quite as briskly as at the commencement. There is no reason to doubt that it has been a bona fide affair, the time book being apparently well authenticated.
"PEDESTRIANISM", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (13 April 1859), 2
Shortly after 10 o'clock on Monday night, Mrs. Douglas, in the presence of about 100 spectators, concluded her feat of walking 1000 miles in 1000 consecutive hours. The last mile was performed in exactly 13 minutes and 42 seconds, and at its commencement Mrs. Douglas appeared to be perfectly fresh and in good spirits, exhibiting no appearance of exhaustion. At the conclusion of the feat Mrs. Douglas was warmly cheered. The feat is said by the correspondent of a Melbourne contemporary to have been undertaken in order to obtain a means of support for a young family, Mrs. Douglas's husband, who was formerly a clown during Mr. Coppin's management, having been injured by a piece of wood striking him on the back of his head, and incapacitating him for further labour.
[Playbill], Mrs. Douglas, Alhambra Palace [London, England], [1864] (DIGITISED)
"MRS. DOUGLAS, THE PEDESTRIAN", Leighton Buzzard Observer and Linslade Gazette [Bedfordshire, England] (13 September 1864), 2 (PAYWALL)
At the Marlborough-street police-court, last week, Mrs. Margaret Douglas, who for some weeks has been engaged at the Alhambra Palace, Leicester-square, in walking 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours, applied to Mr. Tyrwhitt for advice under the following circumstances. Mrs. Douglas, who is a remarkably short person, said to be only forty-three years of age, the mother of children, and to have successfully walked similar matches in Australia, said she was engaged to walk 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours, at the Alhambra Palace. She had been walking night and day, Sundays not excepted, for the first five weeks, and had accomplished 824 miles, by about five o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. When about to commence walking another mile, Mr. Wyld, jun., nephew of the proprietor, came up to her and said that she should not walk any more, and broke down the platform. She wished to know what she was to do under the circumstances, as Mr. Wyld's conduct had been a source of great injury to her, besides not allowing her to accomplish the match it would have an injurious effect upon her in preventing her undertaking other engagements. Mr. Tyrwhitt advised Mrs. Douglas to consult a solicitor, who, if there had been any breech of agreement, would know what to do. Mrs. Douglas thanked the magistrate and retired.
1897, marriages solemnized in the district of Surrey Hills, Sydney, in the colony of NSW; register 1892-1905; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 288 . January 2nd 1897 / St. Michael's Church Surrey Hills / Kennth James Douglas / Widower / Painter / 52 / . . . [son of] William Henry Douglas, deceased, Actor [and] Margaret Chester deceased
[and] Ethel Susan Blackstone . . . 22 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Kenneth James Douglas was born in Sydney, NSW, on 18 June 1844, and baptised at St. Matthew's, Windsor, NSW, on 9 July 1844
"DEATH OF A THEATRICAL", Stamford Mercury [Lincolnshire, England] (22 December 1905), 4 (PAYWALL)
The death occurred rather suddenly a week ago, at Spalding, of Mrs. Margaret Snape, who was well known in Stamford and other towns in Lincolnshire and the neighbouring counties through having been associated with Snape's Theatre. The deceased was taken ill on Sunday, the 10th inst., with inflammation, which developed into rapid pneumonia, and she succumbed on the evening of the 13th inst., just as her family were about to begin their performance at the temporary theatre in the Black Swan-yard. The theatre was immediately closed, and the audience had their money returned. Deceased's mother, whose maiden name was Birkinshaw, and who was a native of Louth, Lincolnshire, met and married a Mr. Douglas, an actor of considerable repute in the Antipodes, in Melbourne, Australia, and their daughter (Mrs. Snape) was born at Geelong, Australia. Miss Douglas commenced her theatrical career at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, and afterwards appeared all over Australia with some of the principal actors of the day, during which time she saw a good deal of bush life. She met Mr. J. W. Snape soon after coming to England, which, however, she did not do until she had travelled good deal in other parts of the globe. She was much respected by all who met her during her stay at towns visited in the Midland counties. It is an interesting fact that her mother, Mrs. Douglas, was the first lady to walk a thousand miles in a thousand hours, which feat she accomplished when in Australia, and repeated on the stage at the Alhambra Theatre, London.
ASSOCIATIONS: Margaret Douglas was born at Geelong in 1850, daughter of William Henry and Margaret Douglas (BDM VIC 22322/1850)
? W. H. Douglas (c. 1863-67):
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (29 June 1863), 1
TO NIGHT, TO-NIGHT, - Clark's Assembly Rooms. -
The NEW YORK MINSTRELS will appear for the Benefit of Mr. T. CARR. Come early.
WALTER CASSEL, the celebrated Rattle-snake Jig Dancer, TO NIGHT.
WALTER DOUGLAS [sic], the Champion Spade-Dancer and Professor of Balancing.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1863), 1
UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION . . . Mr. W. H. DOUGLASS, the Champion Dancer, will appear for this night only . . .
Mr. W. H. DOUGLASS will give his celebrated SOLO on the BONES, balancing himself at the same time on two spades.
To be followed by his unrivalled Champion Spade Dance, never before attempted in the colony . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 January 1864), 1
VICTORIA THEATRE . . . THIS EVENING, January 20th . . .
After which Mr. W. H. Douglass will introduce his celebrated Solo on the Champagne Glasses,
balancing himself at the same time upon two spades . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1865), 4
I, W. H. DOUGLAS, having heard that WALTER CASSEL is desirous of making a match with me, challenge to play the bones or the champagne glasses with him, or any other man in the colony, for whatever amount he likes.
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (26 August 1865), 1
A SELECT CONCERT will be held. W. H. DOUGLAS, the Star of Bone Players,
will appear in his Ethiopian Delineations, and perform his Champion Feat upon the Spades.
Admission, Free. All Drinks at Bar Prices. C. GREEN, Proprietor.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 October 1867), 4
PEOPLE'S CONCERTS. - The Sons of Temperence will give a
GRAND CONCERT THIS EVENING, October 19th, in the Temperance Hall, Pitt-street.
Rev. Dr. LANG, M.L.A., in the chair.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Comic Act - W. H. Douglass . . . .
PART II . . . Solo - Japanese Fiddle - W. H. Douglass . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Dunmore Lang (chair); Temperance Hall (Sydney venue)
"PEOPLE'S CONCERT AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 November 1867), 4
On Saturday evening last, there was a well attended concert at the Temperance Hall, in Pitt street, got up under the auspices of the "Sons of Temperance." Financially it must have been a great success . . . The most striking features in the whole affair (bating two or three laughable contretemps) were the extremely clever performances of Mr. W. H. Douglas, the celebrated serenader, whose marvellous dexterity in balancing himself on the dangerous support of a couple of spades - whilst he rattled away at the "Bones," and elicited strange music from tinkling glass - evoked a most tempestuous appreciation from the delighted audience. At the close of his humorous "Stump Oration," Mr. Douglas announced his intention of shortly taking a "benefit," when his "[REDACTED] feats" will again be before the public.
DOUGLASS, Ellen (alias of Ellen HATCH; Miss DOUGLASS; Miss DOUGLAS [sic])
Actor, vocalist
Born c. 1812
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1834
Died Sydney, NSW, 12 January 1838, aged "26" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor [NSW] (14 February 1834), 1
MISSES HATCH & SALMON, (FROM LONDON), Milliners, Dress-makers,
Misses H. and S. have brought from England a large and fashionable assortment of CAPS, COLLARS, PILLORINES, DRESSES, &c. . . .
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 November 1834), 2
A Miss Hatch (we believe her name is) - lately appeared at the theatre, in the character of Catherine, in Shakespeare's Catherine and Petruchio. Her success, so we are assured, was complete; she is said to read her author in a superior style, and altogether to have given promise of excellence hitherto unapproached on the Sydney stage. We cannot speak in of this from personal observation, because we did not happen to see the young lady; but our informant is a respectable and an intelligent gentleman, whose judgment is entitled to weight. It may be asked, why we allude to this now, when the theatre is closed? We answer, because we have heard that it is doubtful whether this promising actress is, or will be, engaged for the ensuing season; and because we think that the proprietor or proprietors of the theatre - one or more - will be to blame if the opportunity of engaging a woman of talent is suffered to pass by, either through carelessness or parsimony. For many reasons, little may be expected from the Van Diemen's Land expedition. Whatever of talent, therefore, which the proprietors of the theatre can find in this colony, they ought to keep, if possible, from "flitting."
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
"Domestic Intelligence", The Australian (26 December 1834), 3
The theatrical campaign opens this evening with a new drama called Jonathan Bradford, and the pantomime of Harlequin and Cinderella; most of the favourite performers of last season are engaged, and two or three new ones are announced; the play-going part of the community will also be extremely glad to recognise on the boards to-night their old and deservedly popular favourite Mrs. McKay. On the whole, we are inclined to think, that Messrs. Levey and Simmons have materially strengthened their corps dramatique, and are entitled to success for their exertions, how far we are right in our conjecture time will show. On the rising of the curtain the whole of the strength of the company will sing the National Anthem, and at the conclusion of the after piece "Rule Britannia." The following performers are engaged: - Mr. and Mrs. Oxberry, Mrs. Gibbons, Mrs. Mackay, Miss Douglas, Miss Winstanley, Mr. Winters.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (proprietor); Joseph Simmons (actor, manager); Frances Mackay (actor); William Penphrase (alias Oxberry) and wife (actors); Eliza Winstanley (actor); Richard Winter (actor)
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (18 March 1835), 3
On Monday evening, the extravaganza of Giovanni in London was performed for the first time this season, for the purpose of letting Miss Douglass try the character of the libertine. More persons went from curiosity, than with the expectation that the performance would be tolerable, but Miss D. must certainly have exceeded the expectations even of her friends, for in some parts of the character she was passable. Miss D. sang "had I a heart" and "the Woodpecker" very fairly, and received deserved applause; in her other songs she was never above mediocrity. We cannot help noticing the conduct of several [3] who wished doubtless to befriend Miss D, who by continually applauding her, even when she was most egregiously out of tune, rendered themselves ridiculous . . .
PIECES: Giovanni in London (Moncrieff)
MUSIC: Had I a heart (Linley, from The duenna); The wood-pecker (Moore-Stevenson)
"THEATRE", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (20 March 1835), 2
Giovanni and St. Patrick's Day went off on Wednesday night with great eclat, by a full and respectable audience. Miss Douglass succeeded admirably in Giovanni, and reminded us of that established favorite at home, Madame Vestris. Her singing too, if not of the very first order, is very promising and agreeable, and with more practice, she will probably take the lead of our female warblers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucia Vestris (British actor); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 July 1835), 2
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
THE Public are respectfully informed, that in consequence of the continued indisposition of
MISS DOUGLASS, and the numerous applications for the Performance of the original and powerful Drama of
THE TOWER OF NELSE, and the Manager not being desirous of withdrawing the same
MRS. TAYLOR has undertaken the difficult and arduous character of MARGEURITE, at a short notice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (actor)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 November 1835), 2
On Saturday evening, agreeably to announcement, the theatrical season commenced under the sole management of Mr. Simmons, with the domestic drama in three acts, entitled The Lear of Private Life, or, Father and Daughter. The materials composing this moral and interesting drama, which is the production of Mr. Moncrief, are taken from Mrs. Opie's work of the same name . . . Miss Douglass played Emily Goodall, the daughter of Fitzarden's friend, with much correctness: and she introduced a song, for which she was applauded, as all the ladies at the Sydney Theatre, without distinction, are wont to be. But singing is not Miss D.'s forte - her voice, indeed, is naturally good, though not powerful, and her taste may be in equal proportion; so that in a room she might be considered for what is generally understood as a pretty singer, but neither the quality of her voice, nor the extent of her execution, are adapted for the stage . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 September 1836), 2
On Saturday evening [10 September] . . . Miss Douglass sang prettily enough, and gained the applause she merited, although her voice was not in such good order as we have heard on former occasions . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 September 1836), 2
On Saturday evening [24 September], the Drama of "Isabelle, or Woman's Life," was performed . . . The song by Miss Douglass was tolerable; this lady has a soft pleasing voice, but by no means a powerful one . . .
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Times (14 January 1837), 3
The Play-going folks expect a treat on Monday evening, when Miss Douglass has selected for her benefit the highly popular and attractive pieces of Wradock Kennilson, The Lottery Ticket, and The Sultan, with which performances we regret to find that this Lady is about to take leave of the Stage, in consequence of continued ill-health. Her loss will be severely felt, and her place we fear not readily supplied. We hope that she will have a bumper house at parting.
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (24 March 1837), 2
Spencer's Benefit took place on Monday, and though nearly last on the list of benefits, and in spite of the inclemency of the weather, the House was crowded to witness his representation of the Duke of Gloster in the tragedy of King Richard the Third . . . Miss Douglass sung, "Come dwell with me," very well . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor)
MUSIC: Come dwell with me (Alexander Lee)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Times (25 March 1837), 3
. . . Miss Douglass sang "Come dwell with Me," with great taste, but in so pensive a manner as to command more feeling for the singer, than admiration of the song . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (30 September 1837), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
MISS DOUGLASS' BENEFIT . . . Monday, October 2, 1837 . . .
for the first time here, the Caledonian Petite Opera, in One Act, called
Jessie, the flower of Dumblaine - Miss Douglass
In which she will sing the following Songs: - "Auld Robin Grey," "John Anderson my Jo," and "Why did I love?" . . .
PIECES: Jessie the flower of Dunblane (Henry Addison)
MUSIC: Why did I love? (John Barnett)
"The Drama", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 October 1837), 2
. . . Mrs. Taylor could once sing a pleasing song, but her voice and her modesty fled together. Mrs. Clarke as a vocalist (for her acting is very tame), and Miss Lazar as a dancer, are at present the principal attractions at the Theatre and we have little doubt will continue almost the only ones, while Simes continues to hold the office of manager and Mrs. Taylor rules the roost . . . Report says too, that Miss Douglass is discharged and at Mrs. Taylor's instance. We can scarcely place trust in a report so little to the credit of Mrs. Levy's prudence.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist, actor); Rachel Lazar (actor, dancer); Thomas Simes (actor, manager); Sarah Emma Levey (proprietor)
"THEATRE", The Sydney Times (11 November 1837), 3
We cannot too highly commend the kind and judicious mode afforded by Mrs. Levey, on Thursday evening last, of enabling the public to equalize their favours by giving a ticket night for the benefit of whom it might please, of the corps dramatique, the playgoers to support. Miss Lazar, Miss Douglass, and Mrs. Taylor, we hear had the preponderance of tickets . . .
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 January 1838), 2
The patrons of the Drama will be sorry to hear of the death of Miss Douglass, who, after a protracted illness, breathed her last yesterday morning. The stage will experience a loss by the demise of this actress, who in the higher walks of tragedy was unequalled in Sydney. Her Lady Macbeth, Alicia in Jane Shore, and many other characters of a similar cast, have not been surpassed or even equalled in this Colony. Douglass was an assumed name, only Hatch was the proper name of the deceased.
"The Late Miss Douglass. To the Editor", The Sydney Monitor (19 January 1838), 3
Sir, I am a friend of the Drama; I cannot say I am its friend as it is executed in Sydney . . .
Of the female actresses, all are self-taught, and none have received much education.
I shall confine my remarks to Miss Douglass.
She was when on the stage, a fine looking woman, though not a good figure.
Her eye and manner in tragic characters, was commanding and dignified; yet she was not deficient in feminine grace.
I have seen Cook in Iago, and Miss --- in Desdemona.
Simmons' Iago was not much inferior, nor was Douglass' Desdemona.
I have been so severe on the Sydney corps, on their origin and discipline, that to say thus much, may appear ridiculous.
But I avow what is my sincere opinion. Knowles's Othello was never equal to Simmons' Iago. Spencer's was much inferior.
I regret the death of Miss Douglass. I know nothing of her private history, nor her private life.
But she was a necessary adjunct of our Sydney infantile stage, and her loss will be deeply felt by the proprietor.
It is due to female talent to say, that had Miss Douglass been able to take lessons of an English dramatic teacher,
and been corrected in her pronunciation and manner of using the emphasis, which in Shakspeare she too often laid on the wrong word,
she would have been a first-rate actress in New South Wales, and a second rate one in England.
Like Knowles, she had genius, but it was uncultivated. Like all self-taught people, she was generally deficient;
but nature shone out ever and anon, and proved what she would have been, had she been dramatically educated.
I repeat, playgoers regret her loss; her absence from the Sydney Theatre will be deeply felt by the proprietor, and her sudden death,
in the prime of life, is regretted by all kind-hearted persons, and the discerning and intelligent public;
at least that small portion of it which feels an interest in the success of Australian theatricals.
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor)
Bibliography and resources:
"Douglass, Miss", Obituaries Australia
DOUGLASS, Isabella (Isabella DOUGLASS; Miss DOUGLASS) see main entry Isabella TWIGHT (Mrs. Henry TWIGHT)
Active NSW, by c. 1855
ASSOCIATIONS: Emelia Douglass (Mrs. Crosby, actor, elder sister)
DOUGLASS FAMILY OF ENTERTAINERS (shareable link to this entry)
DOUGLASS, James Augustus (James Augustus DOUGLASS; James John DOUGLASS; Mr. DOUGLASS; stage name of James John JENNINGS, alias DE STADTHURST, DE STADHURST; later James John Durham JENNINGS)
Actor, comedian, dancer, theatrical manager, violinist, scene painter, mechanist
Born ? Devizes, Somerset, England (or Hanover, Germany), c. 1811 (? 4 August 1804); son of William JENNINGS and Mary HALL (1787-1869)
Convicted Somerset Quarter Sessions, England, 23 March 1835 (7 years transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 December 1835 (convict per Royal Sovereign, from Portsmouth, 29 July)
Married (1) Ellen O'KELLY, Port Macquarie, NSW, 1842 (BDM NSW 166/1842)
Married (2) Mercy Narcissa GOULD (1834-1920), Orange, NSW, 23 December 1887
Died Molong, NSW, 5 May 1890, aged "86/87" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DOUGLASS, Ellen Selina (Ellen KELLY; O'KELLY; Mrs. James DE STADHURST; Mrs. James John JENNINGS; Eleanor Selina JENNINGS; alias Mrs. James Augustus DOUGLASS; Mrs. DOUGLASS)
Actor, vocalist, pupil of Eliza Gibbs
Born Dublin, Ireland, 1820; baptised St. Mary's chapel (RC), Dublin, 1 February 1820; daughter of James KELLY and Margaret BENTLEY
Arrived Sydney, NSW, c. 1840
Married (1) James DE STADHURST, Port Macquarie, NSW, 1842 (aged "22") (BDM NSW 166/1842)
Died St. Arnaud, VIC, 10 April 1878, aged "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DOUGLASS, Frederick (Frederick Francis DE STADTHURST; DOUGLASS; Master DOUGLASS; Master F. DOUGLASS; Frederick Francis JENNINGS)
Musician, banjo player, dancer, theatrical performer
Born Sydney, NSW, 18 February 1843; baptised St. James, Sydney, 30 April 1843; son of "James DE STADTHURST" and Ellen KELLY
Married Esther BELL, Young, NSW, 1865
Died South Yarra, VIC, 21 October 1906, aged "63"
Musician, bones player, vocalist, theatrical performer
Born Sydney, NSW, 28 April 1845; baptised St. James, Sydney, 18 May 1845; son of "James John DE STADTHURST" and Ellen KELLY
Married Elizabeth CODLING, VIC, 1873
Died Kogarah, NSW, 25 April 1915, aged "69"
DOUGLASS, Samuel (Samuel Shakespeare DOUGLASS; Samuel William JENNINGS)
Musician, tambourine player, theatrical performer
Born Adelaide, SA, 1 April 1848; son of "James John DOUGLASS" and Ellen Selina KELLY
Married (1) Sarah JACKLING, Strathalbyn, SA, 24 June 1874
Married (2) Clara Marion Ellen AMOS, VIC, 1880
Died Prahran, VIC, 12 April 1919, aged "71"
Musician, banjo player, theatrical performer
Born Adelaide, SA, 20 September 1850; daughter of "James Augustus DOUGLASS" and Ellen KELLY
Active until 1860 or later
DOUGLASS, Eleanor (Eleanor Mary DOUGLASS; Eleanor Mary JENNINGS; Mrs. George JOYCE)
Musician, triangle player, theatrical performer
Born ? c. 1851; daughter of "James Augustus DOUGLASS" and Ellen KELLY
Married George JOYCE, VIC, 1876
Died Williamstown, VIC, 1 March 1910
Musician, flutina player, theatrical performer
Born c. 1852/53; son of "James Augustus DOUGLASS" and Ellen KELLY
Died Hay, NSW, 1867 (BDM NSW 3745/1867, "Douglas")
Register of children baptised at the chapel of St. Mary's parish, Dublin; register 1817-20, page 172; National Library of Ireland, microfilm 09139/03 (DIGITISED)
February 1 / Ellen Kelly [daughter of] James & Marg't / 40 Church Street L.H / [sponsors] Sil'r Cullen, Marg. Cullen
[News], Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette [Somerset, England] (12 February 1835), 3 (PAYWALL)
James Jennings, aged about 22 years, has been committed to Shepton Mallett Gaol, charged with stealing a watch and other articles at Bath.
The adventures and delinquencies of this hopeful young man, commencing at a very early age, and continuing up the present time, would fill a volume.
He is the only son of a very honest and respectable widow of Devizes, and when quite a boy, was placed in the office of the late Mr. Slade, Solicitor, of that town, where he gave many striking proofs of his peculiar talents.
A document which had been sent to Mr. John Slade (the late Mr. Slade's son) to subscribe to certain forms,
on his being appointed Master Extraordinary in Chancery, by some means got into the hands of young Jennings,
who thinking that he was well calculated for a Master Extraordinary in Chancery himself,
immediately erased the name of John Slade, and substituted that of James Jennings; and it was a long time before the fraud was discovered.
This and some other tricks convinced Mr. Slade that he was too great an adept for his office, and he was discharged.
He had also a chance in the office of Mr. Tilby, from whence, after exercising his "peculiar talents," he also obtained his discharge.
He was then offered to Mr. Bishop, a worthy character of Devizes, but whose chief pride is his his eccentricity.
Mr. Bishop told the poor mother, that if it had been her good fortune to have had half a-dozen boys, he would readily have taken either,
but from his youth up, he had entertained an unconquerable prejudice to an "only son."
Through the influence of Mr. Randle, a surgeon, in London, and brother of Mr. James Randle, Devizes, he was bound an apprentice to the Captain of a South Sea Whaler.
The Captain was a very pious man, which Master Jennings soon discovered, and he very quickly outdid the Captain in religious zeal.
He represented himself the son of deceased clergyman, who had left him considerable property amongst which was Hurst Castle, in Hants.;
he also said that Mr. Randle was his uncle, and had sent him to sea, with the view getting possession of his (Jennings') property.
On the ship's putting into one of the South Sea Islands, he got amongst the Missionaries,
to whom he gave a description of the hardships to which the Captain had subjected him,
the detail of which almost rent their hearts, and it was with great difficulty that the Captain could prevail upon them to believe that Master Jennings had been practising upon their credulity.
He then betook himself to the mountains, and could not be found for 3 of 4 days.
The Captain, as a decoy, hoisted sail, and stood off to sea.
Jennings, thinking all was then safe, ventured into the town, and was taken into custody.
His tricks and pecadilloes on board were innumerable.
At length, meeting with another ship about to return England, the Captain sent him home as incorrigible.
The first thing on coming to London, was to call on his benefactor, Mr. Randle, to whom he gave an account of the shipwrecks and perils he had undergone,
how that he had been cast among sharks and how through the peculiar intervention of Divine Providence, he had been miraculously preserved.
The immediate reason of his returning to England, was, he said, having fractured his skull;
but Mr. Randle, knowing his character, was not to be imposed upon.
He examined his head, and discovering that Jennings had been telling him a lie, ordered him out of the house.
He then opened a shop as a painter in Devizes and in a gay moment took a trip to Bath.
On going through one of the streets in that city, he accidentally saw the name of "Cozens" on a ahop door.
He ventured in, asked Mr. Cozens if he was related to the gentleman of that name Devizes, and being answered in the affirmative, "Then," said he, "your fortune is made!" -
"Mr. Cozens of Devizes is my very particular friend; and for his sake I will take up my abode with you and patronize you."
Mr. Cozens, unfortunate man, was very soon cozened.
Finding, in the course conversation, that his host was a baptist, he represented himself as a baptist preacher of large property,
was very soon introduced to a number of respectable people of that persuasion, and actually preached several times in Bath,
and entered into an engagement to preach regularly in an adjacent village.
He returned to Devizes, where he got well rigged out, under false pretences, and taking with him a girl about 14 or 15 years of age,
went again to Bath, and introduced the girl as his wife, who he had the assurance to baptize in the presence of a large congregation;
previously cautioning the girl (who was young and ignorant) to enter into conversation with no one,
but simply say yes and to any questions that might be asked; whilst Jennings himself represented to those around him, that his wife was particularly diffident;
that he had examined her closely touching her faith, and that she was well prepared go through the ceremony.
He visited the sick, and promised relieve the distressed.
To show his particular friendship for Mr. Cozens, he borrowed money of him, and also took a watch, for which he promised to provide a new case, and then return it.
After patronizing the relation of his Devizes friend to this extent, he expressed a wish to remove,
as he had mortified the flesh long enough in living so humbly, to more commodious lodgings.
He was readily assisted by Mr. Cozens, who up to this time had not the slightest suspicion of the cheat.
After residing at his new lodgings for a short time, on being pressed hard for cash, he and his wife, previously taking a fancy to a handsome Family Bible, left Bath for Marlborough.
Here also his pretensions to piety served him.
He preached in that town, we have been informed, on Sunday week, and being particularly desirous not to overpreach to his congregation,
he asked a respectable person, who accompanied him, to lend him his watch, that he might know when to stop.
This person, however, was not so easily imposed upon.
He excused himself from lending his watch, but promised to give Mr. Jennings a hint when he had said enough.
It was at Marlborough he was apprehended.
See also reprinted complete, in NSW, as "BRITISH LAW", The Sydney Herald [NSW] (23 July 1835), 3
[News], Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette (26 February 1835), 3 (PAYWALL)
William Thring, the father of the unfortunate girl who was seduced by James Jennings, (the youth whose name has been so much before the public) was this morning found dead in his bed. He was an honest and industrious man.
[News], Devizes and Wiltshire Gazette (2 April 1835), 3 (PAYWALL)
James Jennings, whose name and propensities have lately occupied much attention, was last week tried at the Somerset Quarter Sessions, and sentenced to seven years transportation.
Sydney and Port Macquarie, NSW (1835-42):
Colonial Secretary, index of letters; James John Jennings, alias Stadthurst; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
Letter, 6 May 1836; ordered to Port Macquarie
Return of general muster of convicts in New South Wales, 31 December 1837; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
James Jennings / Aged 21 / per Royal Sovereign 1836 / Employment Govt / Residence Port Macquarie
Certificate of freedom, James John Jennings, 30 November 1842; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12210; Roll: 1012 (PAYWALL)
No. 42/2053 / Date - 30 Nov'r 1842 / Prisoner's No - 35/3096 /
James John Jennings alias Stadthurst / Ship - Royal Sovereign . . . 1835 /
Native Place - Hanover [sic] / Trade or Calling - Scene & Herald Painter /
Offence - Robbing lodgings / Place of Trial - Somerset QS / Date of Trial - 23 March 1835 / Sentence - 7 years /
Year of Birth - 1811 / Height - 5 ft 3 1/4 inches / Complexion - Sallow / Hair and Eyes - Brown . . .
Sydney, NSW (1842-46):
Baptisms, St. James, Sydney, 1843; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
30 April 1843 / born 18 February 1843 / Frederick Francis son of / James and Ellen / De Stadthurst / Master mariner
[Notices], New South Wales Government Gazette [Sydney, NSW] (6 June 1843), 758
CERTIFICATES of Freedom have been granted to the undermentioned Persons . . . Jennings James John, alias Stadhurst, Royal Sovereign 2 . . .
[Advertising], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (24 February 1844), 2
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1844 . . . (for the first time in this colony), a Nautical Drama . . . entitled
Mrs. Harpoon - MRS. DOUGLASS . . . MRS. BELINDA BLUBBER (dealer in marine stores) - MRS. GIBBS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Eliza Gibbs (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE FIRE AT THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian (30 September 1844), 3
On Saturday last, a man named Thomas Bunce, who had been employed as carpenter at the Victoria Theatre, was charged before Charles Windeyer, Esq., and Dr. Mitchell, with maliciously setting fire to the premises. The only evidence upon which the charge rested was the confession of Bunce himself to Mr. Douglass, the prompter . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (10 October 1844), 2
MRS. DOUGLASS Will make her first appearance as a Vocalist, and sing the admired Irish Melody, KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN . . .
To conclude with, for the first time at this Theatre, the very laughable Farce, called, THE £100 NOTE . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Simes (actor, manager)
MUSIC: Kathleen mavourneen (Crouch) (a late 1850s Sydney reprint from plates of edition engraved by Francis Ellard, mid 1840s; Douglass could well have performed from this edition)
David Burn, journal, 10 October 1844; State Library of New South Wales, MS B 190/2, page 157 (PAGE IMAGE)
Thursday: 10 [October] . . . Went to the 99th delicious band and to the theatre in the evening, being monstrously down in the mouth. A female howled Kathleen Mavourneen. Her audacity surpassed all I conceived possible in woman, for albeit her howls were echoed by the yells of the house she and merit, persevered unflinchingly to the close, but came promptly back to a mock encore, again to undergo and seemingly with perfect self satisfaction, a repetition of her Triumphant reception. The farce was the £100 note, and in lieu of floral testimonies of approbation to the singer's entreaty to "buy a broom" she was liberally rewarded with showers of silver and copper which she picked up with much characteristic naivete.
ASSOCIATIONS: David Burn (playwright, author, diarist, songwriter); Band of the 99th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 February 1845), 3
First Night these five years of the Historical Play entitled THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK!!! . . .
Nerli (the Astrologer) - Mr. Douglass . . . Evrard (an attendant in the Bastile) - Mr. W. H. Douglass . . . Lord Chancellor - Mr. W. H Douglass . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Douglas (actor); during 1844 and until William left Sydney in mid April 1845, it is not always possible conclusively to identify which of the two, often interchangeably "Douglas" and "Douglass", appeared on any given night at the theatre; however, in most instances it was probably James
[Advertisement], The Australian (1 April 1845), 2
On which occasion, MR. RILEY will appear as CLOWN, positively for the last time. Pantaloon - Mr. J. Douglass . . .
The Entertainments will commence with a new Nautical Drama, in 3 Acts, entitled CAPTAIN KYD; OR, THE ROVER OF THE SEAS . . .
Sam Stay, Tom Taffrail, and Bob Bunting (sailors) - Messrs. W. H. Douglass, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Riley (clown, alias Pat Riley)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 April 1845), 2 supplement
SIR, - We, the undersigned Members of the Company of the Royal Victoria Theatre,
feel ourselves bound, at this, the last day of the season, to express our high feeling of the pleasure we have derived,
from the urbanity, kindness, and gentlemanly demeanour, which has characterised your management,
throughout a season, during which, notwithstanding the many obstacles which have presented themselves,
you have, with a steady and persevering hand, guided the helm, and brought your charge to a safe anchorage, in the sure haven of public opinion . . .
We remain, Sir, Yours, truly, (Signed) . . . J. A. Douglass . . .
Baptisms, St. James, Sydney, 1845; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
18 May 1845 / born 28 April 1845 / James John son of / James John and Ellen / De Stadthurst / Comedian
"THE THEATRICAL EXAMINER", The Examiner (30 August 1845), 29
When we heard that the management of the Victoria intended to produce Weber's Der Freischutz, with the present inadequate company, we had a gloomy presentiment of the painful disappointment which awaited the lovers of German music . . . But we must now turn from the consideration of the composer's claims, to an examination of the Victoria version of his grand work - a duty beset with disagreeables . . . The chief vocal parts were entrusted to Mrs. Sterling, Madame Carandini, and Messrs. F. and J. Howson . . . The Huntsmen's Chorus was sung by the Bridemaids!!! assisted by Adolph and Caspar. Indeed, we might say it was sung by Mrs. Douglass, assisted by the choeur, for as that lady preferred singing in a different key from the rest of the white-wreathed huntresses, she managed to obtain a doubtlessly comfortable prominence, and gave to this famous piece a touch of novelty, not perhaps contemplated by the composer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Stirling (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist, Caspar); John Howson (vocalist, Adolph); Richard Thompson (reviewer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (4 November 1845), 2
UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF DR. BLAND. M.C, And Members of the Legislative Council.
MR. J. DOUGLASS, (prompter,) Begs leave most respectfully to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that his
BENEFIT Will take place under the above mentioned patronage, on THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 6 . . .
the Evening's Entertainments will commence with, for the first time in this colony,
a Drama, in 3 Acts, adapted by Edward Stirling, Esq., from the last celebrated novel of the Inimitable Boz, entitled MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT!! . . .
Mrs. Sairey Gamp, (a wet and dry nurse, in the wale of years, well be known at Guy's and Bartlemy's Hospitals) - Mr. Douglass . . .
After which, Mrs. Douglass, (pupil of Mrs. Gibbs) will have the honor to sing an entirely new Song,
"In Christian Lands," the Music arranged for the occasion by Mr. Gibbs . . .
TICKETS and BOXES . . . of Mr. DOUGLASS, at his residence, No. 14, Pitt-street, near the Hay Market.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Bland (M.L.C.); Eliza and John Gibbs (vocalist, actor; and musician, leader of the theatrical band)
[Advertisement], The Australian (22 November 1845), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24 . . . Song, "In Christian Lands," Mrs. Douglass . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1846), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, JANUARY 1, 1846 . . . To conclude with the Comic Pantomime of JACK AND THE BEANSTALK; OR, HARLEQUIN OGRE. Tittle'emtwisto, Master Chambers; Jack, Mrs. Ximines, afterwards Harlequin, Mr. Fitzgerald; Dollomopsey, afterwards Clown; Mr. Torning; Squallosquatto, afterwards Pantaloon, Mr. Douglas; Tulip, afterwards Columbine, Madame Torning; Bean Blossom, Queen of the Fairies, Madame Carandini.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Chambers junior (dancer); Ann Ximenes (actor); Dennis Fitzgerald (actor); Andrew and Eliza Torning (actors, dancers)
Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (by April and until October 1846):
"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (29 April 1846), 3
Novelty upon novelty is bring successively and successfully produced at the Queen's Theatre. We have now seen the whole of the new dancers, who, in our estimation stand thus. The first Madame Veilburn is by far the most graceful and elegant danseuse on the colonial boards. Master Chambers is quite a prodigy; and his father, Mr. J. Chambers, who made a most successful debut on Monday evening, is the most finished male dancer out of London . . . To-morrow evening a Mr. Douglass, from the Sydney Theatre, makes his bow to a Melbourne audience, in the arduous character of Young Norval; report speaks well of this gentleman's talent as an actor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Veilburn (dancer); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (13 May 1846), 2
Wenlock of "Wenlock," a melo -dramatic monstrosity, was produced with tolerable success on Monday evening [11 May], with all its concomitants of "demons," "combats," "red fire," and "grand tableau." The piece is of that description which is sure to please the general playgoer, and as there was abundant applause from a well filled house, we may surmise that "satisfaction was given" . . . Mr. Thomson, who is a very respectable performer when he likes to take the trouble to "act," impersonified the hero in a very creditable manner, and merited the applause with which his exertions were greeted. Mr. Douglass west country brogue, is a great draw back to his acting. Capper's "fool" was true to nature. Does Mr. A. Evans suppose, that ill timed buffoonery, and a painted face ala clown, constitutes a comedian [?] . . . Jacobs wants energy; he has the materials of an actor in him, without the inspiration. Mrs. Avins is certainly an improving actress, and at present the only one worth noticing on the boards; she sustained her character in Wenlock very effectively. The dancing, was as usual of "the first water," and in this alone the audience received their quid pro quo.
Mr. Thompson (actor);
Richard Capper (actor);
Richard A'Beckett Evans (actor);
Julia Avins (actor);
see also James Smith's survey, "THE MELBOURNE STAGE IN THE FORTIES", The Argus (31 May 1890), 4
"THEATRICALS", The Melbourne Argus (28 July 1846), 2
The company at the Queen's Theatre Royal has received an accession of strength during the past week in the person of Mrs. Washington Wallace, a native of the colony, of very passable acquirements at an actress, and a very pleasing singer. A Mrs. Douglass, wife of the present manager of the Queen's Theatre, has also reached Melbourne by one of the late arrivals from Sydney, and it is said will prove a very useful addition to the company. Mrs. Wallace made her first appearance last night.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Wallace (actor, vocalist)
"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (5 August 1846), 2
. . . The debut of Mrs. Wallace, from the Sydney Theatre, is a new era in the drama, so far as Melbourne is concerned, for most unquestionably, here is the most successful debut ever witnessed on our local stage as a singer . . . Mrs. Wallace is decidedly pleasing, and she may not only be considered as Melbourne's prima donna, but a most valuable acquisition. The next debutant is a Mrs. Douglass, of whom "fame" is silent. This lady is also a candidate for public favour, as a singer, and we regret that we cannot be so lavish in her praise, as we have been in that of the fair cantatrice referred to above; she is evidently a novice, and there is a deficiency of flexibility in her vocal organ, but as this lady's nervousness was excessive, it would be almost unfair to give a decided opinion of her abilities under such circumstances; she may improve upon gaining confidence . . .
"MULTUM IN PARVO, Port Philip Gazette and Settler's Journal (8 August 1846), 3
. . . In our last we refrained from giving a decided opinion upon the merits of Mrs. Douglass as a singer, and we sincerely regret in having to announce, after hearing her again, that she has not the slightest capacity as a vocalist, and her friends should advise her to retire from a profession totally unsuited to her . . .
"FIRST BENEFIT OF THE SEASON", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (26 September 1846), 3
The first Benefit of the Season comes off on Monday, for Mr. Douglass, the Stage Manager, whose steady attention to his duties entitle him to a good house. We trust he will not be disappointed in his expectations, and we recommend him to public attention as a very excellent young man, and in his own line a very fair actor. The pieces are selected most judiciously being Eugene Aram, with new scenery, and other excellent entertainments.
"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (30 September 1846), 2
Mr. Douglass's benefit came off on Monday evening, but not proving so good as was anticipated, Mr. Smith has generously resolved to give him another at the close of the season . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomas Smith (proprietor)
"PORTLAND THEATRICALS", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (24 October 1846), 2
The excitement created by the recent horse-racing had not subsided ere public attention was attracted by the novelty and fascinations of the first theatrical exhibition in Portland.
On Thursday and Friday, evenings last, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, and Mr. Jacobs, who were on their way from Melbourne to Adelaide to join Mr. Coppin's party,
entertained our fellow townsfolk with their chaste performances in a variety of celebrated characters,
in each of which they did full justice to their parts, and called forth the frequent rapturous applause of a crowded audience. - Portland Gazette.
[If our contemporary's critical estimate of the talent of these performers be correct,
he pays a remarkably high compliment to the remaining portion of the Melbourne corps dramatique,
as the parties alluded to in the above paragraph, were the most intolerable "muffs" that ever appeared on any boards.]
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Adelaide Observer (24 October 1846), 8
Thursday, Oct. 22nd - The schooner Teazer, 57 tons, Ball, master, from Port Phillip and Portland Bay. Passengers - Mr. McDonald, Mr. Jacobs . . . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and two children, Madame Veilburn and child.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander McDonald (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian (5 February 1847), 3
New Queen's Theatre.
Seconal appearance of Mr. Horncastle, who is engaged for twelve nights only - First night of Othello Travestie.
ON Saturday evening, the entertainments will commence with the romantic drama in two acts, entitled THE DUMB GIRL OF GENOA, OR THE MOUNTAIN DEVIL.
Song - "Scots wha hae wi' Wallace Bled," Mr. Horncastle.
Song - Mrs. Douglas.
Song - "The Sea, the Sea," Mr. Horncastle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William Horncastle (vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (17 April 1847), 1
Second Appearance of MADAME VEILBURNE.
MR. DOUGLASS'S BENEFIT. On MONDAY Evening, April 19th, 1847.
Under the Immediate Patronage of P.C.R.'s, S.C.R., Sec., Officers, and Brethren of the Parent Court of the ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS,
Upon which occasion the Theatre will be decorated with the Regalia and Emblems of Forestry, and the Brethren Will appear in the Insignia of the Order,
being their first appearance in Public since the foundation of the Order in South Australia.
Mr. DOUGLASS feels highly honored in being able to announce to the Inhabitants of Adelaide his first Benefit in this colony under the above Distinguished Patronage,
and trusts the Entertainments selected for the occasion will ensure him a portion of that support it will ever be his unceasing study to deserve.
The Entertainments will commence with, for the first time here, Moncreif's celebrated Drama, in Three Acts, entitled
EUGENE ARAM; Or, the Mysteries of St. Robert's Cave.
Grand Scena - Do Not Mingle (from the Opera of La Somnambula), Mrs. Douglass. - Arranged expressly for the occasion by Brother Lee.
Medley Dance, Madame Veilburne. (Her second appearance in the Colony.)
Song, Mrs. Oliffe.
AN APPROPRIATE ADDRESS to the Brethren will be delivered by Brother Douglass, M.W.C.R. of the Order, who will appear in true Foresters' Costume, invested with the Collar and Emblems of his Office.
Song - Just at Twilight - Mrs. Douglass.
Foresters' Dance (in character), Brother Jacobs. Arranged expressly for the occasion.
Highland Fling (in character), Madame Veilburne.
Foresters' Glee - Bold Robin Hood - By the Company.
The Entertainments to conclude with the laughable Farce of MISCHIEF MAKING . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Lee (musician);
Harriet Oliffe (vocalist, actor);
New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue);
for a review, see "Local News", South Australian (20 April 1847), 3
[Advertisement], South Australian (21 May 1847), 2
ROYAL ADELAIDE THEATRE. MR. DOUGLASS, late of the "Queen's Theatre,"
begs most respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Adelaide and the Rort, that he has become sole lessee of the above theatre -
which has, during the recess, been completely re-fitted.
The whole of the boxes have been rebuilt on a most improved style, so as to render them comfortable for any families who may honour the Theatre with their patronage - the pit entirely new-seated and enlarged.
The stage front has been considerably raised, and a new and neat proscenium erected.
The whole of the house has been enlarged, and the Royal Adelaide Theatre will now present itself to the public as one of the neatest theatres in the South Australian Colonies.
It will be re-opened in a few days for the winter season.
Mr. Douglass assures, the public that, under his management, the Theatre shall be kept strictly select,
and every endeavour shall be used on his part to render himself worthy of their patronage. Further particulars will shortly be announced.
N.B. - Professionals or amateurs wishing for engagements can apply to Mr. Douglass, at the Theatre, daily.
None need apply who are under any written or financial agreement to Mr. Coppin, as their application will not be received.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Adelaide Theatre (venue)
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (29 May 1847), 2
. . . The "Foresters" assembled in front of Government House, and Mr. Douglass, the Chief Ranger, delivered a loyal address to his Excellency, to which a suitable reply was returned by the Governor, expressive of his approval of all associations for benevolent and praiseworthy purposes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Holt Robe (lieutenant-governor)
"RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Wednesday, June 16 . . . COPPIN V. DOUGLASS", South Australian (18 June 1847), 3
For £10, balance of an I.O.U., and money lent. Set-off pleaded, £8 15s. for painting scenery, and extra salary for pantomime.
For plaintiff, Mr. Smith; for defendant, Mr. Hanson.
Balance denied, and the cash alleged to have been in payment for services.
The I.O.U., dated 23rd Oct, 1846, for £16 14s. 6d., was then put in; also, an account showing the balance claimed.
On the back of the I.O.U. was a letter, which Mr. Hanson read, in which defendant, agreed with plaintiff to perform for him at Adelaide.
The I.O.U. was for the passage money of defendant and his wife, and the amount was to be deducted from their salary of £2, by instalments of 10s. per week.
Mr. Hanson said he should be able to show that, in addition to his own and his wife's acting, defendant had been employed to do extra work, for which he was entitled to separate payment.
The charge which he made for this (10s. per week) was moderate - £2 extra was due for the pantomime.
He called Henry Deering - Had been connected with theatres for some time; knew that defendant and his wife had been employed by plaintiff during fourteen or fifteen weeks;
they performed as members of the company; besides this, defendant did the work of at least four men (a laugh);
he was scene-painter, carpenter, mechanist, prompter and property man, at least (continued laughter);
a person unconnected with the company should have had £2 per week for the performance of these duties; Douglass should have had £1 extra;
he should have been glad to have paid him at that rate; remembered the pantomime; the custom is in favour of every one going on in it,
and in this instance they were bound to do so without extra charge;
about a week after the pantomime, Mr. Coppin asked witness what he expected for writing the comic scenes; replied that he should leave it to him;
he gave him £2, adding, that Jacobs was a foolish fellow for leaving, as, had he remained, he would have had the same, and that he intended giving Douglass £2;
defendant was in Adelaide a week or two before the season commenced;
during that time, he was painting the theatre and scenery; he commenced either on the day he landed, or the next morning.
By Mr. Smith - The signature in the book produced is in defendant's handwriting - "Received the full amount of salary to the 8th of May."
Mr. Hanson - We do not deny that the salary was paid regularly after making the deduction. We do not claim for salary, but for extra work.
Andrew Robertson, publican, Gilles Arcade remembered defendant's arrival; he stayed at witness's house that night;
he belonged to Mr. Coppin's company till the season closed, on the 8th May; he was employed, besides acting, in painting, carrying bricks, working in wood, and various other things;
he was always at something for the theatre, from five o'clock in the morning till eleven or twelve at night;
he would not even come home to his meals, though the distance was so small, but constantly had them sent to him;
saw Mrs. Douglass make some green curtains; did not know if they were for the centre of the stage.
Mr. Smith asked his Worship if he thought there was any case to support the set-off. His Worship thought not.
It had been ruled by his Honor the Judge that a person who was under engagement at a fixed salary could not make any charge for extra work, unless a special agreement could be shown . . .
Verdict for the plaintiff, £7 14s. 6d., the difference between that amount, and £10 not having been proved.
Defendant was allowed to pay it at the rate first agreed on - 10s. per. week . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Deering (actor); Andrew Roberston (publican)
see also "RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (19 June 1847), 3
"Local News", South Australian (2 July 1847), 3
An inquest was held on Tuesday, at the Bush Club House (Deering's), on the body of a female child of Mr. and Mrs. Douglass, the well-known performers. It had died in the course of the night, in the bed with its parents, who had no knowledge of the afflicting event till the morning. Verdict, "Died by the visitation of God." The infant - only seven months old - is supposed to have been taken off by convulsions, the effect of teething.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Margaret (daughter of "James Douglas" [sic] and Ellen Kelly, born Adelaide, SA, 19 December 1846; died 28 June 1847)
"INSOLVENCY", Adelaide Observer (3 July 1847), 6
James Augustus Douglass, now of the Royal Adelaide Theatre, Franklin-street, in the town of Adelaide, formerly of Melbourne, in the colony of New South Wales, comedian, has declared himself insolvent. R. Davies Hanson, Solicitor.
1848, births in the district of Adelaide; South Australia Births, 2/54 (PAYWALL)
1 April 1848 / Samuel Shakespeare son of / James John Douglass and Ellen Selina Kelly
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (15 February 1849), 2
THIS EVENING (Thursday), February 15th, upon which occasion
Mr. Opie and Mrs. Richards have kindly consented to appear positively for this night only,
and a Gentleman from "Sadler's Wells Theatre" will sing the favorite song of the "Horn of Chase."
The entertainments will commence with Rossini's opera, in three acts, with new and extensive scenery, machinery, dresses, decorations, &c., entitled
CINDERELLA; or, The Fairy and the Glass Slipper.
For which purpose the orchestra will be considerably augmented, and LED BY MR. LEE, who has kindly given his valuable services positively for this night only.
Scenery, machinery, and transformations by Mr. Douglass. Dresses, by Mr. Strong. Music, arranged for this orchestra, by Mr. Richards.
Prince Florydor - Mr. Jacobs
Dandini (his valet) - Mr. Douglass
Baron Pomposo il Magnifico - Mr. Lazar
Pietro (his servant) - Mr. Opie
Alidor (the Prince's tutor) - Mr. Webster
First Huntsman - Mr. Elmer
Thisbe, Clorinde - her sisters, the Baron's daughters - Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Webster
Fairy Queen - Mrs. Richards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rachel and John Lazar (daughter and father, actors, vocalists); Henry and Dorothea Richards (vocalist, musician); George Strong senior (theatrical tailor); Edward Andrew Opie (actor, scenic artist); Mr. and Mrs. Webster (actors)
MUSIC: Cinderella; or, the fairy-queen and the glass slipper (Rossini, adapted by Rophino Lacy)
"MISS LAZAR'S BENEFIT", South Australian (16 February 1849), 2
This very clever actress took her benefit last night at the Queen's Theatre. The piece selected was "Cinderella" - an opera which most of our theatrical and musical friends will remember in England. It has always been a favorite, from the recollections of childhood which it conjures up - from the exquisite music of Rossini - the gorgeous scenery, and the talent usually engaged in its performance. The "getting up" of the piece does the manager the utmost credit, and every praise is due to the performers. Miss Lazar looked and acted the character well. In the songs and duetts she was particularly happy she is really a very talented actress and a good singer. Mr. Lazar had his usual irresistible humour, and frequently kept the house in a roar of laughter. Mrs. Richards, Mr. Opie, Mr. Douglass, and the other performers, for the most part, sustained their characters with great credit. The house was crowded.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (28 May 1849), 3
NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE . . . THIS EVENING, MAY 28th, will be presented, for the first time,
a new Grand Comic Pantomime (which has been some time in preparation), selected from the "Arabian Nights Entertainments," entitled
HARLEQUIN AND THE TALKING BIRD; Or the Singing Tree and Golden Waters.
The music arranged for the occasion by Mr. Richards.
The scenery, tricks, properties, transformations, and comic scenes, by Mr. Douglas.
The Pantomime originally written and produced in Sydney with great success by Mr. Lazar . . .
"THE NEXT CONCERT", South Australian (10 July 1849), 3
We have profound regret in announcing that the "Sweedish Nightingale," the renowned JENNY LiND, will not sing at the next Concert given by Messrs. Wallace and Ellard in Adelaide. Mr. Douglas, of the Theatre, has kindly offered to be her substitute, but no reply has as yet been received.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jenny Lind (Swedish vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician); Frederick Ellard (musician); this appears to have been little more than a journalistic joke, though plausibly inspired by Douglass's theatrical female impersonations such as Mrs. Gamp
"MUSICAL CONCERTS", South Australian (17 July 1849), 2
Messrs. Wallace and Ellard have completed the engagement with Mr. Douglas, of the Theatre, and he will therefore sing, instead of Jenny Lind, at the succeeding concerts. We attended a public rehearsal yesterday, and regret to say the charming vocalist cracked his voice, as well as the drum of our right ear, in a prodigious dive in double bass. It will be repaired by the skill of Mr. Lazar, who is, we are told, an M.D. -- query Managing Director.
The following beautiful critique on this concert was written by a juvenile friend in anticipation of the event,
and is too good to be withheld from the public eye, although the obstinacy of the weather prevented its taking place.
"This delightful re-union came off with great eclat, and owing to the brilliancy of the weather the Exchange was crowded.
At eight o'clock precisely, Mr. Douglas, the promised representative of the immortal Jenny Lind,
was led upon the platform by Mr. Wallace, the supposed lady being becomingly attired in a blue satin chemisette with green stomacher,
spangled, her head embellished with a turban of yellow and scarlet ribbons, and adorned with numerous artificial sunflowers.
Mr. D. had, with much good taste, shaved off his imperial, and neither snuffed nor smoked for three days previously . . ."
"SPARKS FROM THE ANVIL. BY THE HAMMERER . . . JENNY LIND" South Australian (14 August 1849), 2
The tremendous success attending the debut of Mr. Douglass, in the character of the Swedish Nightingale, has encouraged him to further efforts. He will sing on Monday evening thirty-three songs as Jenny, in the identical petticoat he wore at the Exchange, and afterwards play Fallstaff to Jacobs' Hotspur.
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (8 September 1849), 2
The Theatre presented a very attractive appearance on Thursday night last, even before the rising of the curtain.
The performances for the benefit of Mr. Douglass were under the auspices of the Ancient Order of Oddfellows, and the Brothers attended in great numbers, decorated with their silken sashes and silver medals.
The banners of the various lodges depended from the ceiling as from the roof of some baronial hall;
and the velvet cushion, in which we suppose the "great secret" is enshrined, was illuminated with waxen tapers, and guarded by crossed swords, in the state box, in front of the Presiding Officers of the Order.
Pole-axes and other insignia of the craft were tastefully arranged throughout the Theatre, in positions best calculated to display them to advantage.
The company, was as numerous as there was space to accommodate, and Douglass, with admirable discretion, issued a limited number of tickets, with a view to the comfort of his friends.
The brass band of the Order filled the orchestra, and most efficiently contributed to the evening's entertainment.
Colman's musical play of "The Mountaineers" was re-produced and remarkably well cast - Douglas appeared as Octavian;
and of his performance, we might say, in the language of a Kilmallock, he played that most unnatural character most naturally . . .
At the fall of the curtain, Douglass was called for, and flatteringly received.
He was evidently affected, and could only return thanks in a few appropriate sentences . . .
"POLICE COURT . . . Tuesday, May 21st", Adelaide Times (22 May 1850), 4
James Augustus Douglas, comedian, was charged on the information of Samuel Newton,
Port Adelaide, builder, with feloniously embezzling 12l. 9s 5 1/2d., the property of Edward Barnes, James Banister, and George Brock, Trustees of the Duke of York Lodge of Odd Fellows.
Mr. Hanson appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Parker on the part of the defence.
Samuel Newton, stated he was a builder, residing at Port Adelaide, and was Treasurer to the Duke of York Lodge of Odd Fellows.
Messrs. Edward Barnes, James Banister, and George Brock were Trustees. Witness, in his official capacity, received money.
Knew Douglass. On the 3rd of April last gave him 12l. 9s 5 1/2d in notes, sovereigns, and silver.
Rather thought he gave him sixpence to make up an even amount.
Gave it to him to pay into the Bank. He signed a receipt for it. (Receipt put in.)
Laid the money on the table in the presence of the trustees.
Heard afterwards from Mr. Douglass, that the Bank could not take a less deposit than 20l.,
and that he had made up the amount, 13l., and deposited it with the funds of the Apollo and Hercules Lodge.
It was the same order, but a different lodge. Had been told since that he had never done so . . .
His Worship said it was clearly merely a breach of trust, he should dismiss the case . . .
His Worship, however, persisted in his determination, and dismissed the case.
"SUPREME COURT. Thursday, August 22", Adelaide Times (23 August 1850), 4
James Augustus Douglass was indicted for feloniously embezzling two sums of money, the property of Samuel Newton and George Brock.
Other counts charged the defendant with stealing the same sums. Defendant pleaded not guilty.
Mr. Hanson appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Smith for defendant. The defendant was permitted to sit by the side of his counsel.
Mr. Hanson said the defendant was charged with embezzling two sums of money, one of twelve pounds and upwards, and the other of a pound and upwards.
The circumstances of the case were as follows: - The defendant was secretary, and in one sense, treasurer of the Duke of York Lodge of Odd Fellows.
On the 3rd of April last, he received 12l 9s 5 1/2 d. from the treasurer, being the sum total due to the lodge by the members.
On the 23rd of the same month, Mr. Douglass informed the members of the Society, that he had paid the amount into the bank on account of the Apollo and Hercules Lodge,
and produced a bank book, showing at the same time an entry which he said was of the moneys he had received.
Another sum was entrusted to him to pay into the bank. It was afterwards admitted by him that he had not done so . . .
His Honor . . . would reserve his opinion till the next day. The Court adjourned to 12 o'clock this day.
"SUPREME COURT. CRIMINAL SESSIONS . . . Friday, August 24, 1850", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (24 August 1850), 3
James Augustus Douglass, yesterday convicted of embezzlement, was brought up, and Mr. Parker moved an arrest of judgment . . . His Honor . . . would therefore arrest judgment, but another bill could be preferred against the prisoner at the next sessions.
1850, births in the district of Adelaide; South Australian births (PAYWALL)
20 September 1850 / Mary Ann daughter of / James Augustus Douglass and Ellen Kelly
"SUPREME COURT. CRIMINAL SIDE. Tuesday, 20th May", South Australian Register (21 May 1851), 2-3
James Augustus Douglass appeared in answer to his bail,
to plead to the indictment against him, charging him with embezzling £12 9s. 5d., the moneys of George Brock and others, on the 3rd April, 1850, at Port Adelaide . . .
[3] . . . His Honor . . . directed the Jury to find a verdict of not guilty. The accused wished to say something in justification of himself,
but His Honor could not listen to it now . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (13 June 1851), 2
will be produced, for the fourth time, a new Comic Pantomime, entitled
The new Music composed and arranged by Mr. Moore; the Scenery painted by Mr. Hillier (from the London Theatres);
the Dresses, Properties, by Mr. Douglass; Fireworks by Dr. Matthew.
Harlequin Fat, Mr. Coppin; Drone, Mr. Lazar; Harlequin Bat, Mr. Chambers; Harlequin, junior, Master Chambers;
Clown, Mr. Douglass; Clown junior, Master F. J. Douglass;
Pantaloon, Mr. Hasker; Pantaloon junior, Master J. Douglass;
Columbine, Miss Chambers; Fortucio, Mrs. Moore; Queen Bee, Mrs. Lambert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew and Rachel Moore (musician and vocalist); Joseph Chambers and son and daughter (dancers); James John Hasker (actor, comedian); Harriet Lambert (vocalist, formerly Mrs. Oliffe); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (14 August 1851), 2
FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. J. CHAMBERS, upon which occasion,
MR. RADFORD has kindly given the services of himself and his valuable STUD of HORSES, including the celebrated mare BEDA, and horse DANDY.
THE Entertainments will commence with (for the first time in this Colony), the Grand Comic Pantomine [sic], entitled,
HARLEQUIN PRINCE OF PERSIA; or, the Demon of the Hartz Mountains, and the Fairy of the Silver Stream.
Harlequin, MR. J. CHAMBERS. Harlequina, MASTER CHAMBERS.
Columbine, MISS CHAMBERS. Pantaloon, MR. HASKER.
Clown, MR. DOUGLAS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Avis Radford (equestrian, circus performer)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (18 September 1851), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Proprietors - Messrs. LAZAR and COPPIN . . .
will be produced, first time in this colony, a Grand Comic Fairy Extravaganza, in two acts, by J. R. Planche, Esq., entitled,
the ISLAND of JEWELS; or the Emerald King and Diamond Queen, with the whole of the original music.
To he preceded by Mozart's Overture to the Marriage of Figaro.
The Scenery painted by Mr. Hellier; dresses and properties by Mr. Douglass; Fire works by Dr. Matthew.
(For the whole of the new and splendid scenery, songs, &c., see the bills of the performance.) . . .
VIC and NSW (by 1854 until c. 1860):
"BALLARAT GENERAL SESSION", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (29 April 1854), 4
William Fletcher was charged with having stolen sundry articles from the tent of J. A. Douglass.
J. A. Douglass - Had a pocket-book containing a Gold License, a Mariner's Registry Ticket, and two Bills of Exchange, (second and third) . . .
Guilty of simple larceny, six months hard labour.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (22 September 1855), 3
the well-known DOUGLASS FAMILY, From the Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Geelong Theatres.
Continued Success OF MISS ANNIE LEWIS, The Australian Nightingale.
Unparalleled Success OF MR. SMALL, Author of those Inimitable Comic Songs . . .
MASTER JAMES DOUGLASS, Only Eight Years of Age, The Renowned Australian Tom Thumb,
AND Unrivalled Bone Player, will THROW HIMSELF AWAY, AND Give his Inimitable Version of Bendigo Gals.
MASTER S. DOUGLASS, Only Five Years of Age!! Will accompany the Performance on his WONDERFUL GRIDIRON.
MR. DOUGLASS will appear in his celebrated Australian Hornpipe . . .
MR. SALAMAN, The Eminent Pianist, will preside at the Piano . . .
- R. HEMINGWAY, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Lewis (Mrs. Salamon, vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); Edward Salamon (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Yass Courier [NSW] (21 August 1858), 4
ASHTON'S British & American Circus!!
And Leviathan Troupe of Talented EQUEATRIANS, EQUESTRIENNES,
This great Company, comprising the most celebrated Artistes in the Colonies, and complete in every department of the Arena,
will perform next to CROUCH'S REEF INN, Adelong Reef . . .
The Celebrated BRASS BAND, twelve in number, conducted by Herr Fitz Beims, 1st clarionet . . .
THE AUSTRALIAN MINSTRELS, Masters F. J. S. and A. DOUGLAS, will pour forth some of their ancient, modern, local, and Ethiopian Melodies during the evening . . .
Conductor of the Circle and Sole Proprietor, Mr. James Ashton . . .
Treasurer, Mr. J. A Douglas . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Fritz Beims (musician); Ashton's Circus (troupe)
[Advertisement], Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser [NSW] (5 February 1859), 3
LICENSED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. Under the immediate management of Mr. J.A. Douglass.
THE Public are respectfully informed that this New and Talented Company are now organizing at Wagga Wagga and will perform in a day or two,
at Mr. Fox's Hotel, previous to their departure for the
The first talent in the colonies has been secured for this establishment, and further comment would be useless.
The Manager having been connected with the Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Geelong, and Victorian Theatres, for a period of twenty years.
Due notice will be given at each town, of the performances of THIS UNRIVALLED TROUPE.
Conductor of the Circle - Mr. John Christoff
Musical Director - Mr. Frederick Brims [sic, Beims]
Scenic Rider - Mr. James Moffatt
Scenic Artist - Master F. Douglass
Treasurer - Mr. Martin Frendenstein.
ADMISSION. Reserved Seats, 5s.; Promenade, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Martin Freudenstein (treasurer)
"AUSTRALIAN AMPHITHEATRE", Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (12 February 1859), 2-3
This company gave their first performance on Thursday evening last [10 February], to a crowded house.
The novel ceremony of Christening the establishment was performed by Mrs. S. E. Brown,
widow of the late W. Brown, Esq., who christened it the "Australian Amphitheatre," after which Mr. Douglass came forward,
and in a neat speech introduced his two partners, Messrs. Breims and Frendenstein.
The performance then commenced with the vaulting act of Messrs. Christoff and Moffatt, which we consider was very clever,
considering that the horse has not been in training for the past four years.
Mr. Moffatt, as the sailor, was repeatedly applauded.
The tight rope performance of Mr. Christoff exceeded everything we have witnessed, and in fact, we think he has no equal with the exception of Pablo Fanque,
during his performance of dancing, throwing somersaults, &c., on the tight-rope, he was repeatedly greeted with shouts of applause.
The rest of the performance was equally good, and Mr. Douglass deserves great credit.
We must not forget to make mention of the Clown, Mr. John West, whose original comicalities drew down great applause.
We think that some of the sayings of the clown were too original and likely to give offence to many of his patrons.
The evening's entertainments concluded with the farce of Bombastus [sic, Bombastes], Mr. J. A. Douglass, Master F. and James Douglass, performing the principal characters.
On Friday evening the house was again crowded, and the performance was equally if not more successful than on the opening night.
On Monday, we understand, Mr. J. A. Douglass will take a benefit, [3] when it is hoped that the house will be crowded.
The company will also perform on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, after which they leave for Gundagai, where we wish them every success.
See also "WAGGA WAGGA [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] . . . THE CIRCUS", The Yass Courier [NSW] (19 February 1859), 2
[Advertisement], Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (12 February 1859), 3
Musical Director - Mr. Fritz Beims . . .
[Advertisement], The Yass Courier [NSW] (12 March 1859), 1
Under the immediate management of Mr. J. A. Douglass.
THIS NEW and TALENTED COMPANY will arrive in YASS on or about The 14th of MARCH.
Conductor of the Circle - Mr. John Christoff.
Musical Director - Mr. Fritz Beims.
Scenic Artiste - Master F. Douglass.
Treasurer - Mr. M. Frendenstein.
"THE BALL", The Yass Courier (19 March 1859), 2
On Friday evening - "Shelah's night," - a public hall took place at the Globe Hotel. There was a large gathering of the town and country gentry. Dancing commenced shortly after nine o'clock. Quadrilles, polkas, waltzes, and country dances followed each other in rapid succession . . . The fine band connected with Mr. Douglass's Amphitheatre performed the most modern and fashionable music during the night.
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (6 April 1859), 3
UNDER HE MANAGEMENT OF MR. J. A. DOUGLASS. Licensed pursuant to Act of Parliament.
THE inhabitants of Goulburn are respectfully informed that this new and TALENTED COMPANY will have the honour of performing on
TO-MORROW, THURSDAY, APRIL 7; and two following evenings, at Mr. Woodward's, Commercial Hotel.
The Manager begs to notify that the entertainment will be found a great novelty, and well worthy patronage -
combining the best talent procurable in the colony.
Amongst the performers will be found, in the
CIRCUS DEPARTMENT, Mr. J. CHRISTOFF, the world-renowned Rope Dancer.
The Performing Horses include amongst others, the far-famed steeds - imported from THE LONDON AMPHITHEATRE -
CASTOR AND POLLUX, Castor having for a considerable time performed his evolutions shod with pure gold. The Dancing Mare Beda will also appear.
In the STAGE DEPARTMENT will appear
Master James Douglass, the wonderful Local Poet and renowned Bone Player.
This young gentleman has been pronounced by the Press to stand unrivalled in GENERAL BOMBASTES, TOM THUMB, &c.
Masters S. and A. Douglass will also appear.
MR. WEST, the celebrated low comedy performer, supported by A POWERFUL COMPANY.
THE BRASS BAND, the finest in the colonies, consists of TEN PERFORMERS.
Admission: Reserved Seats, 5s. Promenade, 3s.; Children, half-price.
Conductor of the Circle - Mr. J. Christoff
Musical Director - Mr. Fritz Brines
Scenic Artist - Master Douglass
For further particulars see small bills.
[Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, QLD] (10 March 1860), 3
The Australian Minstrel and Didactic Family.
Licensed by Act of Parliament. THE unrivalled family have arrived in Brisbane,
and will give their entertainments in the School of Arts, for three nights, SATURDAY (this night), MONDAY, and TUESDAY.
The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Douglass (connected with the colonial theatres for the last 25 years),
Miss Douglass, Miss H. Douglass, and Miss E. Douglass; also, Masters F. J., S., and A. Douglass.
A variety of operatic farces; local comic songs by the Australian "Billy Barlow" Master J. Douglass,
and the second part of the entertainment consists of a grand Ethiopian conceit as follows:
Violin - Mr. Douglass
First Banjo - Master F. Douglass
Second Banjo - Miss H. Douglass
Bones - Master J. Douglass
Tambourine - Master S. Douglass
Flutina - Master A. Douglass
Triangle - Miss E. Douglass
Conductor - Signor Gubrio
Commencing with the new Melodies:
"Sing to the White Folks"; "Suzy Brown"; "Sally's the Gal for Me";
"Brisbane Gals"; "Rose of Alabama"; "Katty Dean"; "Phoebe Morel"; And others too numerous to mention.
A variety of Ethiopian dances, concluding with the renowned TUBA, OR PLANTATION DANCE [sic, Juba].
Performances will commence at eight o'clock. Admission: - Reserved Seats, 4s.; Gallery. 2s; Children half price.
As Jennings, by 1872 or earlier:
[News], The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (7 October 1872), 2
Lieutenant-Commander James J. D. Jennings, R.N., who is taking great interest in the cause of temperance, and especially in that of the Good Templars, arrived in Adelaide from Strathalbyn on Thursday afternoon, October 3, and the same evening visited the Adelaide Pioneer Lodge, in the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide, and received from its members a cordial welcome . . .
1878, deaths in the district of St. Arnaud, in the colony of Victoria; Victorian Registry BDM
No. 42 / 10th April 1870 / Silvermines Road . . . St. Arnaud / Eleanor Selina Jennings / Female 58 years / Mitral valvular disease . . . 4 years /
[daughter of] James O'Kelly Barrister [and] Margaret O'Kelly, m.n. Bentley / [born] Mountjoy Square Dublin / [in] NSW 26 years [in] VIC 12 years /
Married Sydney New South Wales Aged 22 years James John Durham Jennings / . . .
"MARRIAGE", Molong Express and Western District Advertiser [NSW] (31 December 1887), 3
JENNINGS - GOULD. - At the Presbyterian Manse, Orange, on Friday, December 23rd, 1887, by the Rev. James J. Jennings, Presbyterian Minister of Blayney, the Rev. James J. D. Jennings, Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Molong, to Miss Mucy Narcissa Gould of Belleville, Ontario, Canada.
"THE ACCUSATION AGAINST THE REV. J. J. D. JENNINGS", Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (24 March 1888), 2
On Monday evening last a congregational meeting was held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for the purpose of considering and dealing with the accusation, in which the Rev. J. J. D. Jennings was alleged to have no legal qualification to perform the ordinances of a clergyman in connection with the church . . . he Rev. J. J. D. Jennings offered a lengthy explanation, during which he narrated the chief circumstances of his past and present connection with the church, produced the legal credentials authorising him to perform the ordinances of the church, pointed out how a slight misapprehension as to his legalised position in connection with the church had been discreditably construed to give an improper and scandalous meaning, and that he had, by his own request, been placed in his present some what independent position as a clergyman, in order that the aged and infirm ministers of the church might not have reason to take umbrage - but nevertheless he had not only the full authority of, but even been specially requested by the head official of the church in New South Wales, to undertake his present duties. He had been a minister legally licensed for nearly half a century, as his documents would show, and as the law provided that such licences should be possessed, under a penalty which might be £500 and five years' imprisonment, a man must be mad to think that he would have been for so many months in Molong where there was a registrar, without having been interfered with by the head of the church or the law. The reverend gentleman's remarks were received with applause and evident sympathy. A vote of confidence in him having been unanimously expressed, and it having been resolved that a record of the meeting's deliberations should be sent to the Clerk of the Lachlan Presbytery, the meeting closed in the customary clerical manner.
[News], Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (28 July 1888), 3
The Rev. J. J. D. Jennings will attain his 84th birthday on August 4, when it is intended by his congregation and friends, we understand, to present him with a souvenir.
"Death of the Rev. J. J. D. Jennings", Molong Express and Western District Advertiser [NSW] (10 May 1890), 3
It is with feelings of profound regret that we this week record the death of the above named gentlemen,
who has for some time been pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Molong, at the ripe old age of 86.
The rev. gentleman, who was of a genial disposition, was respected by all who knew him, and not withstanding his advanced age he was an unwearying worker.
Only the day before his death he travelled thirty miles, and preached three times.
His last public act was to occupy the Molong pulpit on Sunday night; in the night he was taken ill with vomiting and purging, and died on Monday morning just before noon.
His sermons were characterised by earnestness and faithfulness, and his death will be a severe loss to the Presbyterian Church.
From the Centennial History of New South Wales we extract the following particulars: -
"Rev. J. J. Durham Jennings is a nephew of Sir Philip Durham, and was born in 1804 in the city of Bath [sic].
He was educated in London, and entered the naval service as a cadet in 1815.
In the same year he with his mother visited the field of Waterloo, where his father had received a fatal wound.
In the course of his naval career, which extended over thirty years, our subject saw some hard fighting, and was wounded in the battle of Navarino.
He was also engaged in the naval action of St. Jean d' Acre in 1840.
In 1845 he returned to England, and in 1846 came out to Australia.
On arriving in Sydney he at once threw himself into ministerial work in connection with the Church of England,
and during his subsequent career he has traversed the whole of New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria as a pioneer missionary, founding churches, and strengthening the cause everywhere.
He was one of the very earliest ministers to do really pioneer work in the back blocks, and on the rivers. He joined the Presbyterian Church in the year 1883.
In 1839 he married the eldest daughter of Sir James O'Kelly of Dublin.
The reverend gentleman has belonged to the Commission of the Peace of Victoria for the last twenty years, and was also a J.P. of New South Wales in the early days.
He has three sons and one daughter. The eldest son is an artist in Melbourne, the second is pastor of the Presbyterian Church,
Blayney, and the third is a stock and station agent.
See also "Death of the Rev. J. J. D. Jennings. MOLONG, Monday", The Australian Star [Sydney, NSW] (6 May 1890), 3
"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (22 October 1906),1
JENNINGS. - On the 21st October, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. G. Joyce, 22 James-place, South Yarra, Frederick Francis, dearly beloved husband of Esther Jennings, and beloved father of M. J., H. J. and M. K., and brother of Rev. J. J. Jennings and S. W. Jennings, aged 63 years. For ever with the Lord.
"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (2 March 1910), 1
JOYCE. - On the 1st March, 1910, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. James Hull, 134A Osborne-street, Williamstown, Eleanor Mary, relict of the late George Joyce, and beloved mother of Mrs. James Hull, James, Horace and Harold Joyce, and loved stepmother of Mrs. Logan, of Western Australia. Western Australian papers please copy.
"DEATHS", The Daily Telegraph [Sydney, NSW] (26 April 1915), 6
JENNINGS. - 25th April, 1915, at St. George's Cottage Hospital, Kogarah, Rev. James John Jennings, aged 69 years.
"DEATHS", The Age (12 April 1919), 7
JENNINGS. - On the 11th April, at the Alfred Hospital, Samuel William, the beloved husband of Clara Jennings, of 11 Mason-street, Collingwood, and father of Ernest, William and Ethel Treloar, of Box Bill, aged 71 years. Funeral private.
DOW, William Henry (William Henry DOW; William DOW; W. H. DOW)
Musical instrument maker, violin maker, luthier
Born Tayport, Fife, Scotland, c. 1834 (? 1836); son of George DOW (d. VIC, 1859) and Elizabeth BRAID
? Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 28 July 1855 (per Alma, from Dundee, 18 January, with his uncle, captain William DOW)
Married (1) Elizabeth JONES (1835-1862), Melbourne, VIC, 1858
Married (2) Isabella CORCKETT (1849-1920), Melbourne, VIC, 1867
Died South Melbourne, VIC, 7 July 1928, aged "93" (resident of South Melbourne for 74 years) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? Names and descriptions of passenger per Alma, William Dow master, from Dundee, 18 January 1855, for Geelong and Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
"THE VICTORIAN EXHIBITION OF 1875 . . . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. DEPARTMENT XXIII. GROUP 73", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 September 1875), 6 supplement
. . . Mr. Wm. H Dow, of 11 Church-street Emerald hill, sends two violins of his own making - one varnished and the other unvarnished. They are admirably put together and have all the appearance externally of first class instruments. Their musical qualities can only be decided by experts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Victorian Intercolonial Exhibition (Melbourne, 1875)
"EXHIBITION AWARDS. . . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", The Age (24 September 1875), 4
EXPERTS. Messrs. Eugene Ascherberg, William Blazey, Julius Buddee, John Hill (chairman).
Dow, W. H., 4 Church street, Emerald-hill, Stradivarius varnished violin, 1st prize; own model, unvarnished do., 1st prize . . .
. . . Of the above exhibits, those of Mr. W. H. Dow and Richard Gilmour are recommended for Philadelphia.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eugene Ascherberg (musician); William Blazey (musical instrument maker); Julius Buddee (musician); John Hill (musician); Richard Gilmore (exhibitor); Centennial Exhibition (Philadelphia, USA, 1876)
"VICTORIA. XI. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", The Argus (23 December 1880), 58s
W. H. Dow, violin maker, 11 Church street Emerald hill, shows one viola "own model," unvarnished, one "Straduarius model," and one "Joseph Guarnerius model," both varnished and well finished.
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne International Exhibition (1880)
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Jury. - Leon Caron (chairman), Gustav Gelach, Antonio Giammona, William Andersen, Thomas Morant, Charles Plunket, and L. Moonen.
VIOLINS. FIRST ORDER OF MERIT - Messrs. Woolff Brothers, Kreuznoch, German), set of quartette violins.
VIOLINS AND TENORS. FIRST ORDER OF MERIT.- W. H. Dow, Melbourne; G. Grandini, Paris.
SECOND ORDER OF MERIT - R. Gilmore, Melbourne; T. Peacock, Melbourne; S. W. James, Melbourne; P. Bailley, Paris; G. Tisfenbrunner, Munich.
THIRD ORDER OF MERIT - John Brown, Melbourne; W. Flacht and Co , Vienna; J. Diener, Graslitz, Austria . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Leon Caron (jury); Antonio Giammona (jury); Charles Plunket (jury)
"Yes, we'll take a piece out of her neck, scrape her, back down a lot and then she'll speak more freely." Great Irish! what nest of torturers or vivisectionists is this we are approaching, "and look here her head had better come off." At this further addition of blood thirsty language my hair rose on end, my friend's tried to, but being very spare was too weak for the effort. Visions of star chamber days floated before me, but they were soon dispelled on finding that it was only about a violin that Mr. Dow, the fiddle doctor, was speaking as we knocked at his surgery door in South Melbourne . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (9 July 1928), 1
DOW. - On the 7th July, at his residence, 9 Church-street, South Melbourne, William Henry Dow, in his 93rd year. A resident of South Melbourne for 74 years. (No flowers, by request.) (Interstate papers please copy.)
"OBITUARY. Mr. William Henry Dow", Record (14 July 1898), 5
On Saturday there passed away William Henry Dow, in his 93rd year, and in his 74th year of residence in our district.
Born in Tayport, Scotland, in 1836, Mr. Dow was apprenticed to pattern making, and early combined with this occupation the hobby of violin-making. He came to Victoria in the 'fifties, and was associated with the various engineering firms of the colony, principally those about the Yarra, Fultons, Langlands, Foremans and finally Robinsons. All spoke highly of the young engineer. Mr. Dow settled in Emerald Hill in 1854 [sic], and soon established his workshop, where he carried on his beloved hobby of violin-making, and continued in it right to the end.
On retiring from his engineering work a little over 20 years ago, Mr. Dow became a renowned expert in violin construction, as his reputation was almost world-wide. He would buy up old violins for the wood that was in them, and was a staunch believer in the principles of construction followed by the old masters. Even the minutest detail had his careful attention. He would buy up old mahogany furniture and cut it up into pegs. Wrecks of violins came along, and if they merited the trouble, Mr. Dow could always restore them. Some of the great master-players were not above putting their cherished instruments into Mr. Dow's hands, and he never belied their confidence.
Mr. A. H. Williams, the photographer, has a cello made by Mr. Dow forty years ago, and claims that it is as sweet in tone as any instrument ever built. Among the many who have borne testimony to the mastery of Mr. Dow's work, were Johann Kruse, who took one of the instruments with him when he returned to Germany. George Weston and Henry Curtis, two well-known artists of a generation ago, still cherish Mr. Dow's violins. Mr. Schieblich, who was well known, in Albert Park for many years, still has one of the instruments. When Mr. Herman, of the Birmingham String Quartet, was in Australia many years ago he procured several instruments from Mr. Dow and expressed his pleasure with them. Mr. Herman also conducted a trial of instruments, when it was declared that Mr. Dow could hold his own with the best makers of history. The old master was always seeking timber for his instruments, and the cello of Mr. Williams is constructed from the old frigate Nelson.
Mr. Dow's first violin was made when he was only 15 years old. In addition to reconstructions and a number of cellos, it is believed there are in existence about 200 violins, and the excellence is so marked that they are now eagerly sought by connoisseurs. Mr. Dow had a great deal of trouble in finding a satisfactory varnish, but at last succeeded.
At the Victorian Exhibitions of 1875, 1880 and 1888, these violins were awarded first and special prizes. Mr. P. Dalton, of the Town Hall staff, has one of the instruments, and is never happier than when playing his beloved Irish melodies, which he reads from his own exquisitely penned manuscript.
Those who have known Mr. Dow for many years and were admitted to his little sanctum, where he stored his treasures, will miss the departed master-craftsman, who has so recently passed on; but the beloved instruments fashioned by his hand will become the priceless possessions of posterity.
Mr. Dow's wife pre-deceased him by eight years, and two daughters and Mr. W. H. Dow (South Melbourne City Treasurer) survive their father. The late Mr. Dow was a foundation member and trustee of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers. The remains of the late Mr. Dow, were laid to rest in the Congregational portion of the Melbourne General Cemetery on Monday afternoon. The Rev. H. M. Moorehouse conducted the service. The pall-bearers were: Hon. R. Williams (Mayor of South Melbourne), Cr. C. F.Wolff, Mr. E. C. Crockford (Town Clerk), Cr. Kinnear and Messrs. T. Russell, R. Bodycombe, W. S. Day, P. Dalton, D. Torrence and H. Skinner. Funeral arrangements were in the hands of W. J. Garnar (T. Rentle).
ASSOCIATIONS: Johannes Kruse (violinist); Adolphus Hewitt Williams (photographer, amateur musician); see also "DEATH OF A VIOLIN MAKER", The Horsham Times (13 July 1928), 2
"FAMOUS VIOLINS. AN AUSTRALIAN MAKER", Examiner (29 December 1928), 6
In 1836 there was born in the grand old town of Tayport a child who was named William Henry Dow (writes W. C. Kellie in the "Weekly Scotsman"). As a boy it was seen that he had a great gift - that of violin-making. At the age of 15 he, a violin enthusiast, made his first instrument. Dow became apprenticed to pattern-making, and as a young journeyman he came out to the great land of Australia later in the year 1854. He built his home and remained there till his death. It was to No. 9 Church street, South Melbourne, that many violin geniuses went to see Dow and obtain his advice on all violin matters . . . He made over 150 instruments . . .
Instruments in public collections:
Violin, with case, timber, William Henry Dow, Melbourne, Australia, 1903; Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, NSW
Bibliography and resources:
Keith C. Dow, In another time, a Dow family history ([Blackburn]: For the author, 1992)
Alan Coggins, Violin and bow makers of Australia (Blackheath: For the author, 2009), 75-77 (DIGITISED short entry summaries archived at Pandora)
DOWLING, Henry (junior) (Henry DOWLING; H. DOWLING)
Musicseller, general stationer, bookseller, newspaper editor and proprietor
Born Gloucester, England, 5 January 1810; baptised Gloucester (Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion), 10 February 1810, son of Henry DOWLING (1780-1869) and Elizabeth DARKE
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 22 September 1830 (per Lang, from London, 16 May)
Married Eliza TAYSPILL, St. John's church, Launceston, VDL (TAS), 6 November 1833
Died Launceston, TAS, 17 September 1885 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Eldest son of the Baptist minister Henry Dowling, Dowling was proprietor and editor of the Launceston Advertiser from 1831, and from 1834 a Launceston stationer, later also a publisher, mayor of Launceston, and member of the Tasmanian House of Assembly.
During the 1830s he was Launceston's principal retailer of printed music; as see, for instance, his catalogue of contents of a shipment per Brazil in June 1833. In 1838 he specially recommended musical works by the painter and composer Henry Mundy, whose artworks he also sold.
Register of baptisms, St. Mary's chapel, Gloucester (Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion); UK National Archives, RG4/617 (PAYWALL)
Henry, son of Henry & Elizabeth Dowling was born in the parish of St. Mary de Crypt, the 5th of July 1810 & baptised Feb'y 10 1810 . . .
"SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times (24 September 1830), 2
SEPT. 22 - Arrived the ship Lang, 360 tons, Captain G. Sutherland, from London 16th May, with a general cargo.- Passengers . . . Henry Dowling, Miss Dowling . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (30 May 1833), 1
NEW MUSIC - Just received per "Brazil Packet," and on SALE at the Advertiser Office,
a variety of Piano Forte MUSIC, amongst which are some of the most modern and popular SONGS, QUADRILLES &c., as follows :-
Song, "The Coronach," sung by Mr. Braham, in the grand Scenic Apotheosis of The Bard of Scotland, at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane - the poetry by Sir Walter Scott.
-- "Tuscan Wine."
-- "They mourn me dead in my father's halls."
-- "I stand amidst the glitt'ring throng."
-- "The Gem that decks her Queenly Brow."
-- "Beautiful Blue Violets."
-- "Love's a Little Pet."
-- "The Warrior's Bride."
-- "The Tartar Drum."
-- "Why comes he not!"
-- "The Bird of Love."
-- "Sweet Eyes."
-- "Banks of the blue Moselle."
-- "Come dwell with me."
-- "The King, God bless him!"
-- "At close of day."
-- "Kate Kearney."
-- "The groves of Blarney."
&c. &c. &c.
Overture, II Barbiere di Siviglia, with accompaniment for Flute and Violoncello.
-- The Doom Kiss.
-- William Tell, arranged as a duett.
-- Der Freyschutz.
-- La Cenerentola.
-- Semiramese [Semiramide]
-- Caliph of Bagdat [Bagdad]
-- Il Don Giovanni.
-- Miller and his Men.
-- La Clemenza di Tito.
-- Cinderella.
-- Masaniello, with accompaniments for the Flute.
-- My Uncle Gabriel.
Herz' celebrated Tyrolien Dance.
-- La Parisienne, with variations
-- Quadrilles - Contradanses variees
-- Rondo Capricio
-- Trois Rondeaux caracteristiques
-- Les Trois Graces
-- Non piu Mesta - air, with variations
-- Six airs de ballet, de Guillaume Tell, de Rossini, arranges en Rondeaux
-- Variationes Brilliant
Wieppert's Alpine Quadrilles
-- Abbotsford House ditto
-- Talbot ditto
-- La Bruce waltzes
-- Paganini ditto
-- Parisian ditto
Divertimento for two performers, by Chevalier Neukomm
Trois Rondeaux Brillians, by Frederick Kuhlan [Kuhlau]
Rondeaux caracteristiques
Rossignol Waltz
Taglioni Waltz
Alpine March, arranged by C. Kiallmark
Henriette Quadrilles
Rondeaux caracteristiques a la Napolitaine, by F. Kuhlan [Kuhlau]
Rondeaux caracteristiques a la Francaise, Ditto
&c. &c. &c.
As there are only a few copies of the above,
early application is necessary.
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (6 June 1833), 2
PIANO-FORTE MUSIC - H. DOWLING has received, since the appearance of his last advertisement, a case of Music, ex Brazil Packet, containing amongst others the following popular pieces of Instrumental and Vocal Music, which is offered at the London Prices (for cash) . . .
"MARRIED", Launceston Advertiser (7 November 1833), 2
Yesterday, at St. John's Church, in this town, by the Rev. W. H. Browne, L.L.D., Mr. Henry Dowling, of Launceston, to Miss Tayspill, late of Colchester, Essex, (England.)
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (11 September 1834), 1
New Music.
H. DOWLING has JUST RECEIVED a small parcel of D'Almaine and Co.'s NEW PIANO FORTE, GUITAR, and HARP MUSIC, amongst which will be found -
Recreations Musicales, In Four Books of progressive degrees of difficulty, composed and dedicated (by permission) to their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Kent
and Princess Victoria, by HENRI HERZ, containing 24 Popular Pieces.
OVERTURE to Auber's celebrated Grand Opera of GUSTAVUS III, or the Masked Ball; performed last year at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden.
QUADRILLES - the subjects from the same opera, arranged by TOLBECQUE.
THREE AIRS DE BALLET, from the same, arranged by HENRI HERZ.
GALOP FAVORIG [FAVORITE], from the same, arranged by HENRI HERZ.
DITTO, for the Harp, arranged by BOCHSA.
SONGS - from the same opera - vis.:-
Peace within the Grave.
I love her! how I love her!
Masquerade song.
When Time hath bereft Thee.
To read the stars pretending, &c. &c.
Stationery Warehouse,
September 2, 1834.
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (19 April 1838), 1
NEW MUSIC, JUST received, a few copies of EIGHT SETS OF QUADRILLES, composed by Mr. H. Mundy, of Ellinthorpe Hall,
in this Island, dedicated to his Pupils, very recently published, each set in a neatly printed wrapper, by Cocks & Co., London.
The novelty of this being the first publication of music having any pretension to merit, emanating from a resident in the Colony,
it is supposed would ensure to the work an extensive und rapid sale here:
but the undersigned feels confident that his friends will find the work entitled to their attention upon higher ground than mere novelty.
It is valuable from its intrinsic merit; and desirable to be possessed by every piano-forte player in the Colony.
These Quadrilles have had an extensive sale in England.
May be had of the undersigned, and of Mr. Tegg, Hobart Town.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Mundy (composer); Samuel Augustus Tegg (bookseller)
"OBITUARY. MR. HENRY DOWLING", Launceston Examiner (18 September 1885), 3
Another of the fast diminishing band of old colonists passed away yesterday in the person of Mr. Henry Dowling, who died at his residence, Adelaide-street, about 3 p.m., in his 76th year . . . Mr. Dowling was born in the city of Gloucester, England, in January, 1810, his father being the Rev. Henry Dowling, Baptist minister of that city. He was educated at the Free Grammar School, in Colchester, in Essex, where his father afterwards removed, and was apprenticed by the managers to the printing business. Amongst his schoolfellows was the late Mr. Jas. Bennell, of Launceston. In 1830 Mr. Dowling emigrated to Tasmania, arriving at Hobart in September of that year in the same ship as the Rev. Frederick Miller. After being for some time on the staff of the Courier, owned by Dr. Ross, he came to Launceston in 1831 to Mr. J. P. Fawkner, who was then publishing the Launceston Independent, and Mr. Dowling assisted him in the editorial department as well as in the composing room. Very shortly afterwards - in 1831 - he purchased the Independent from Mr. Fawkner, and changing its name to the Launceston Advertiser, conducted it successfully for several years, the paper first appearing weekly, and afterwards semi-weekly, the tone of the paper being Conservative. When he was going to England in 1838 he disposed of the paper to Mr. John Knight, of Carr Villa, for whom Mr. Jolly conducted it, but on his return Mr. Dowling again secured the paper and ultimately, in 1843, disposed of it to the Launceston Examiner, with which it is now incorporated . . . Mr. Dowling had come to Tasmania to see whether an opening could not be made for the whole family, and in 1834 his father and mother and the rest of their family followed him. A Baptist congregation was established, and the present church in York-street erected of which the Rev. Mr. Dowling was pastor till his death. The only surviving brothers of Mr. Henry Dowling are Thomas and Robert, the former being proprietor of the Jelellabad station, in Victoria, and the latter the famous artist, now resident in Melbourne, specimens of whose ability adorn the Launceston Mechanics' Institute. The sole surviving sister is Mrs. R. Palliser, of Launceston, another sister, Mrs. Waller, having been lost with her husband and family at Sydney Heads, in the Dunbar, in 1857 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Bennell (musical amateur); John Pascoe Fawkner (proprietor); Robert Hawker Dowling (brother, artist)
Bibliography and resources:
Isabella J. Mead, "Dowling, Henry (sen. and jun.)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
DOWLING, Lillias (Lillias DICKSON; DIXSON; Lilias, Lillius, "Lilly"; Mrs. W. J. DOWLING; Mrs. M. D. WOODHOUSE)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist, pianist, music collector
Born NSW, 27 January 1818; baptised St. Luke's church, Liverpool, 15 May 1820, daughter of John DICKSON and Susannah MARTIN
Married (1) Willoughby James DOWLING, Sydney, 27 January 1834 (aged 16)
Married (2) Marshall D. WOODHOUSE, Balmain, NSW, 18 March 1856
Died Berrima, NSW, 3 December 1869, aged "51" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DOWLING, Willoughby James (Willoughby James DOWLING)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist
Born London, England, c. 1810 (? 11 January 1812); baptised St. Martin in the Fields, 1 July 1814; son of Vincent George DOWLING (1785-1852) and Frances FLINT (c. 1791-1870)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 24 February 1828 (per Hooghley, from England, 5 November)
Died (suicide) Bathurst, NSW, 15 May 1849 (shareable link to this entry)
Summary (after McKenzie, and Stephens, both below):
Lillias ("Lilly") Dickson was a daughter of John Dickson (1774-1843), who on his arrival in the colony in 1813 was welcomed by Lachlan Macquarie as "an excellent Engineer and Millwright". In 1833, his business and reputation both collapsed, and, while on bail for a forgery charge, he absconded to England.
Earlier that year, in April, Lilly briefly eloped with the fraudster and ex-convict, John Dow, alias "Viscount Lascelles", who, with an eye to cashing in on the residual wealth of the Dowling family, later brought an action of habeas corpus to recover his alleged wife. Justice James Dowling, having observed that she was a girl of a "light reputation", was later displeased when his nephew, Willoughby Dowling, married the 16-year-old less than three months later.
At their home at "Flinton", in Paddington, Lilly gave birth to two sons and a daughter between 1835 and 1838, while Willoughby was a solicitor for James Norton's law firm. Following some financial irregularities, they moved to Bathurst in 1841. Increasingly prone to alcoholism, in 1849, aged 37, Willoughby committed suicide at home with a pistol.
Lilly sold her possessions and sailed to England with her children to stay with her parents-in-law. Suffering a respiratory condition, however, Lilly returned to Australia in 1851. In 1856 she remarried and moved to the Southern Highlands, where she died in 1869, age 51.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields in the county of Middlesex in the year 1814; register, 1813-14, page 137; London Metropolitan Archives, Dl/T/093/009 (PAYWALL)
No. 1091 / [1814] July 1st / James Willoughby [sic] [son of] / George Vincent & Frances / Dowling / 9 George Street Adelphi / Gent . . .
No. 1092 / [1814 July] 1st / Frances Pomeroy [daughter of] / George Vincent & Frances / Dowling / 9 George Street Adelphi / Gent . . .
Register, St. Luke's church, Liverpool, 1818; register 1811-23; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
[No.] 114 / Lillias / Daughter of John Dixson and Sussanah Martin of the Dist. of Sydney / Born January 27 1818 / Baptized May 15th 1820 . . .
[News], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (27 February 1828), 3
The Colony has this week received an accession to its judicial strength in the person of James Dowling, Esq. who arrived on Sunday, from London, by the ship Hooghley, with the appointment from the Home Government of Assistant Judge. In the afternoon of Monday Mr. Dowling disembarked under a salute of five guns from Dawes' Battery . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Dowling (judge, paternal uncle); Willougby arrived in his uncle's family party
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
Dicksonm John / [age not indicated] / Came Free / Earl Spencer / 1813 / Miller & Brewer / Darling Harbour, Sydney
Lily / 12 [sic] / Born in the colony . . . (DIGITISED)
. . . Dowling, James / [age not indicated] / Came Free / Hooghley / 1828 / Judge Supreme Court Sydney . . .
Willoughby James / 18 / Came Free / Hooghley / 1828 . . .
"MARRIED", The Sydney Herald (30 January 1834), 4
By Special License, on Monday last, by the Reverend John McGarvie, Willoughby James Dowling, Esq., to Miss Dickson, of Sydney.
"SUICIDE OF MR. DOWLING", Bathurst Advocate (19 May 1849), 3
On Wednesday last a Coroner's Inquest was hold on view of the body of Mr. Dowling, solicitor, who shot himself in a temporary fit of insanity on the previous evening . . .
[Advertisement], Bathurst Advocate (7 July 1849), 3
To be sold by Auction, by MR. TRESS, At Hereford, in the ensuing week, of which further notice will be given, ALL the Now and Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Mrs. Dowling, comprising a great number of Horse hair and other Mattresses; four post and iron bedsteads, chests of drawers, sofas, dining and other tables; wash stands; chairs, carpets, drawing-room, furniture, kitchen utensils, &c., &c. Terms at sale.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1869), 1
On the 3rd instant, at her residence, Round Hills, Moss Vale, LILLIUS, the beloved wife of MARSHALL D. WOODHOUSE.
Musical source:
The Dowling songbook, owner bound album of vocal music, consisting of imported sheet music, and some colonial manuscript copies, bound for Lillias and Willoughby Dowling by Francis Ellard, Sydney, c.1840; Rouse Hill House & Farm, Rouse family music collection, R84/869:1-2; Sydney Living Museums (digitised at Internet Archive) (DIGITISED - COMPLETE ALBUM) (DIGITISED - ALBUM & CONTENTS SEPARATELY)
[Inside front cover; binder's plate] F. Ellard / MUSIC SELLER / & Musical Instrument Manufacturer / PIANO-FORTE / Tuner & Repairer / GEORGE STREET / SYDNEY.
[1] The welcome, Aileen Aroon, no. 6, Irish songs, Echoes of the lakes, written, composed, and dedicated to his valued friend John Ellworthy esq'r (of Plymouth) by F. N. Crouch, professor of singing & piano forte, Plymouth
(London: D'Almaine & Co., [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly"
[2] I cannot call thee fair my child, composed & dedicated to Mrs. Richard Thomas Bowtell, by Thomas Sewell
(London: L. Williams & Son, [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly"
[3] The letter, no. 12, of the Songs of the superstitions of Ireland, written and composed by Samuel Lover esq'r
(London: J. Duff & Co., [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly from [?]"
[4] A home in the heart, a ballad, written by Miss Eliza Cook, to whom the music is expressly inscribed by the composer M. W. Balfe
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly"
[5] What can beauty give me more? song, sung by Mad'e Vestris, in the burletta of A handsome husband, the words by Charles Mathews, esq're, the music by J. H. Tully
(London: Chappell's, [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"
[6] The minstrel woo'd a beauteous maid, romance, sung by Miss Poole, in the grand opera Fair Rosamond, performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Land, written by C. Z. Barnett and F. Shannon, composed by John Barnett
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly from [?]"
[7] A dream of the past, ballad, sung by Mr. H. Phillips, and Mrs. Alfred Shaw, at the festivals and concerts, the poetry by Charles Jefferys, the music by Alexander Lee
(London; D'Almaine & Co., [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly"
[8] Deep in a dungeon, romance, sung by Mr. Sinclair, in the opera of Native land, at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden, composed by Henry R. Bishop, composer & director of the music to the Theatre Royal Covent Garden
(London: Goulding, D'Almaine & Co., [n.d.]); inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly from [?]"
[9] Now the night her mantle closes, sung by Mr. Parry jun'r at the concerts & festivals, from a set of six songs and two duets . . . the poetry by T. H. Bayly esq. composed by Henri Herz
(London: D'Almaine & Co., [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly from [?]"; back cover: "A catalogue of music composed by Henri Herz . . . A new method for studying the pianoforte, the dactylion
[10] What is the spell, air, sung by Mr. Phillips, in the grand opera Amilie; or, The love test, performed at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden, the words by J. T. Haines, the music by W. M. Rooke
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.]); cover inscription, pencil, top right: "Lilly from [?]"
[11] Let me wander not unseen, from L'allegro [e] il penseroso, composed by G. F. Handel
(London: J. Lawson, [n.d.]); inscription, pencil: "Lilly"
[12] The light of other days, ballad, sung by Mr. H. Phillips, in the grand opera The maid of Artois, performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Land, the words by Alfred Bunn esq're, the music by M. W. Balfe
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.])
[13] The angel's whisper, no. 4, of the Songs of the superstitions of Ireland, sung by Miss Ashe, Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Wilson, Mr. J. Russell &c., written and composed by Samuel Lover esq'r
(London: Duff & Co., [n.d.])
[14] Sweetly on the wings of morning, sung by Madame Vestris, in the historical opera of Hofer, the Tell of the Tryol at the Theatre Royal Drury Land, the poetry by I. R. Planche, composed by Rossini, arranged & adapted for the English stage by Henry R. Bishop
(London: Goulding & D'Almaine, [n.d.]); cover inscription, ink, "Mrs. W. J. Dowling from Fanny"
[15] Light my heart with joy is bounding (Die ruinen, romance, von Reinbeck) composed by C. M. von Weber, translated and adapted by Jn'o Rhing
(London: Wessel & Co., [n.d.]; vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"; vocal part has extensive pencilled markings and ornamentation
[16] The plain gold ring, the words by Will'm Tho's Moncrieff, esq'r, sung by Madame Vestris, the music partly adapted from a subject by Karl M. v. Weber, third edition
(London: T. Williams, [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp: "FROM W. H. TYRER'S / 81 / George Street / SYDNEY"
[17] 'Tis true we've loved together, ballad, the words by R. C. B., the music by J. F. Poulter
(London: M. A. Fentum, [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp: "FROM W. H. TYRER'S / 81 / George Street / SYDNEY"
[18] The warrior's home, sung by Miss Taylor, in the musical drama of The young king, at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, the poetry by Percival Farren, esq're, the music by T. German Reed (composed to the Theatre Royal, Haymarket
(London: T. E. Purday, [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"
[19] Ida adieu! a ballad, published with permission from Pictures of private life, sung with the most distinguished success at the nobilities parties, by Mad'e F. Warlich, composed & respectfully dedicated to Miss E. Davies, by B. Lütgen, nephew to Mad'e Stockhausen
(London: M. A. Fentum, [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp, very faint: "FROM W. H. TYRER'S / 81 / George Street / SYDNEY"
[20] I love thee still, ballad, sung by Mr. Hobbs & Mr. Broadhurst, written by J. S. Dalrymple esq'e, composed & respectfully dedicated to the right hon'ble lord Burghersh, by J. Blewitt
(London: C. Gerock & Co., [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"; with some pencil markings and ornamentation on vocal part
[21] Bound where thou wilt, my barb, poet, Lord Byron, composer, I. Nathan
(London: George and Manby, [by c. 1833])
[22] When the merry dance prevails, sung by Miss F. Healy, in the grand opera The siege of Rochelle, performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, the words by Mr. Fitzball, the music composed by M. W. Balfe
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.]); cover inscription, ink, "Mrs. W. J. Dowling from Fanny"
[23] Mother give your boy a kiss, sung by Mr. Collins, at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, in the opera of Paul Clifford, the poetry by Edward Fitz Ball, the music by G. H. Roswell, composer & director of the music to the Theatre Royal Covent Garden
(London: D'Almaine & Co., [n.d.]); cover inscription, ink, top right: "Lilly"
[24] Erin lov'd Erin, a ballad, written, composed and sung by Mrs. Waylett, and dedicated to the Irish nation as a small token of her fervent and unfading gratitude
(London: Collard & Collard, [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"
[25] Toujours gai, sung by Madame Vestris, at the Olympic Theatre, in the favorite farce My eleventh day, written by T. H. Bayly esq'r, composed by Charles E. Horn
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.])
[26] Fill high! The drinking song, sung by Mr. H. Phillips, in the grand opera of Hermann; or, The broken spear, at the Theatre Royal, English Opera House, composed by J. Thomson, of Edinburgh
(London: W. Hawes, [n.d.])
[27] The stormy petrel, sung by Mr. Phillips, the poetry by Barry Cornwall, the music composed and dedicated to J. B. Cramer, by the chevalier Sigismond Neukomm
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.]); cover, ink, "W. J. D."; pencil: "To Practice / W J D"
[28] The sailor's tear, written & composed expressly for, and sung by Madame Vestris, the poetry from the pen of by F. W. N. Bayley, esq., the music by Sidney Waller, tenth edition
(London: W. Wybrow, [n.d.]); back cover has "Wybrow's Catalogue of Spanish Guitar Music"
[29] The sea, sung by Mr. Phillips, the poetry by Barry Cornwall, the music composed and dedicated to his friend captain Gosling, R.N., by the chevalier Sigismond Neukomm
(London: Cramer, Addison & Beale, [n.d.])
[30] Precious goblet, a favourite Anacreontic song, sung at St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich, at the dinner given by T. W. Coke esq'r, M.P.,
on being installed provincial grand master of the freemasons of Norwich, the words & music by Mr. John Taylor of Norwich, arranged with a piano forte accompaniment by Wm. Card, new edition
(Norwich: W. Card, [n.d.]); cover, top left, ink, "To Mrs. Dowling with Mr. Colwell's compliments"
[31] The brave old oak, song, the poetry by H. F. Chorley, esq're, the music by Edward J. Loder
(London: J. Duff, [n.d.]; cover, top right, "W J D"
[31] Love's ritornella / Miss Dickson; manuscript, ink on preprinted music paper
[32] All round my hat, a new comic song as sung by Mr. W. H. Williams, composer by John Valentine; commercially copied manuscript, ink on preprinted music paper;
cover has vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"
[33] Fly to the desert [words from Lalla Rookh by Thomas Moore; music by G. Kiallmark]; manuscript, ink on preprinted music paper
[34] Take heed whisper low, barcarole in Masaniello [music by Daniel Auber]; manuscript, ink on preprinted music paper
[35] Molly Carew, a characteristic national ballad, by Samuel Lover esq'r.
(London: J. Duff & Co., [n.d.]); cover top, pencil: "Willoughby from [?]"
[36] Paddy's dream, a much admired comic song, sung by Mr. T. Power, of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, in Born to good luck, by George Peachey
(London: For the proprietor by Metzler & Co., [n.d.]; cover has vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"
[37] It's all to astonish the Browns, a comic song sung by Mr. Fitzwilliam, written by J. Beuler (fourth edition)
(London: Keith, Prowse & Co., [n.d.]; cover has vendor's stamp: "F. ELLARD MUSIC SELLER SYDNEY"
[38] Jim Crow! the celebrated [REDACTED] song, sung by Mr. Rice with unbounded shouts of applause at the Royal Surrey Theatre, arranged with an accompaniment for the piano forte [by S. Godbe]
(London: [publisher's name cropped], [n.d.])
[39] The flag that brav'd a thousand years, the battle and the breeze [words by W. H. Bellamy; music by Sidney Nelson] / Miss Dickson; manuscript, ink, on preprinted music paper
[40] Away away to the mountain brow [Away, away to the mountain's brow] [music by Alexander Lee]; manuscript, ink, on preprinted music paper
[41] The sea, sung by Mr. Phillips, the poetry by Barry Cornwall, the music composed & dedicated to his friend capt' Gosling, R.N. [by the chevalier Sigismond Neukomm];
commercially copied manuscript, ink on preprinted music paper; "Sold by F. Ellard / Music Seller / Sydney"
[42] Grosse's instruction in singing, containing the necessary directions towards obtaining a perfect intonation & flexibility of the voice, exercises on graces and cadences,
also a method of teaching how to sing a second and to an accompaniment of any instrument for which purpose a duett and two songs are added [by W. Grosse, monograph]
(London: George & Manby, [n.d.]); cover, vendor's stamp: "FROM W. H. TYRER'S / 81 / George Street / SYDNEY"
[42a] Ah! fear me not sweet bird! but stay, written by a lady, in consequence of frightening a robin from her window, set to music with an accompaniment for the piano forte or harp and dedicated to Miss Musgrave, by Wm. Grossé
(London: Mayhew & Co., [n.d])
[42b] [Why should misfortune our days overclouding] Music by Mr. Grosse, the words by P. H. Valle, esq'r [no publication details]
[42c] ['Tis pleasant at eve thro' woodlands to stray] [no separate attribution or publication details]
Bibliography and resources:
Kirsten McKenzie, Scandal in the colonies: Sydney and Cape Town, 1820-1850 (Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2004), 2-3 (PREVIEW)
Kirsten McKenzie, A swindler's progress: nobles and convicts in the age of liberty (Sydney: UNSW Press, 2009), 212-13 (PREVIEW)
Matthew Stephens, "Songs and scandal uncovered: the Dowling music project"; Museums of History NSW
Matthew Stephens, "The Dowling songbook project", Sound Heritage Sydney symposium, 28 March 2017, Museums of History NSW (STREAMED)
The Dowling Songbook Project at Elizabeth Bay House; Sound Heritage network
Education and Interpretation - Dowling Songbook; National Trust of Australia
Neal Peres Da Costa, Helen F. Mitchell, and Matthew Stephens, "The Dowling songbook project: a uniquely Australian opportunity in HIP learning", in Anna Reid, Jeanell Carrigan, and Neal Peres Da Costa (eds), Creative research in music (New York: Routledge, 2021)
Matthew Stephens, Neal Peres Da Costa, and Helen Mitchell, "Case study - the Dowling songbook project", in Janice Brooks, Matthew Stephens, and Wiebke Thormählen (eds), Sound heritage: making music matter in historic houses (London and New York: Routledge, 2022), 171-80 (PAYWALL)
DOWNING, Bartholomew Joseph (Bartholomew Joseph DOWNING; B. J. DOWNING; Mr. DOWNING)
Musician, professor of music, vocalist, pianist, organist, choirmaster, teacher of singing, singing class instructor
Born Cork, Ireland, c. 1821
Married Ellen Mary BINNS (c. 1830-1912), Dungarvan, Waterford, Ireland, 22 October 1850
Arrived Geelong, VIC, 31 January 1858 (per Bermondsey, from Plymouth, 16 October 1857, aged "36")
Died Glebe, NSW, 18 March 1877, aged "56" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], Cork Examiner [Ireland] (6 December 1841), 1 (PAYWALL)
held on FRIDAY Evening, DECEMBER 3d, 1841, Alderman ROCHE, in the Chair, The following Resolutions were agreed to: - . . .
A. F. ROCHE, Chairman. B. J. DOWNING, Sec. December 6th, 1841.
? [Advertisement], Cork Examiner (24 April 1843), 1 (PAYWALL)
REPEAL. THE following correspondence, regarding the late Council Discussion,
passed between the Secretary of the St. Finn Barr's Ward and Mr. A. F. McNAMARA, Councillor of that Ward: -
SIR - As Secretary of the Burgesses of St. Finn Barr's Ward, I, in common with them,
regret having seen your name, as one of those who voted against the Repeal of the Union at the late Council Discussion;
and as you in that particular differ from the Burgesses, I feel authorized,
previous to their intended meeting, to demand an explanation of your vote on that occasion.
I remain your obedient servant,
BARTHOLEMEW J. DOWNING, Secretary of St. Finn Barr's Ward . . . [sic]
"CATHOLIC CHURCH. Dungarven, December 18, 1848", Cork Examiner (27 December 1848), 3 (PAYWALL)
DEAR MR. MAGUIRE - This locality is, I am sure, somewhat familiar to you . . .
I have witnessed on yesterday in the this town, an interesting and delightful scene . . .
It was the day on which the beautiful and magnificent organ purchased by the venerable Pastor, Dr. Hally,
from the Monks of Mount Melleray, was to announce for the first time, since its removal . . .
At about a quarter to 12 o'clock, a solemn High Mass was commenced . . .
The beautiful selections of music were from the compositions of Sparrow, Webbe, and a part of Mozart's twelfth grand Mass,
and sung in the most judicious style by the Rev. Mr. Mooney, Mr. Downing, organist, and the Misses Byrne.
I have heard in Dublin and Cork may specimens of sacred music;
and I do declare that seldom have I been more satisfied with the execution of choristers -
there was a sweetness and simplicity so becoming the solemn character of sacred song,
and a richness and softness in the harmony, that made me believe before many months the choir of this parish chapel,
under the superior and scientific instruction of Mr. Downing, would rival the celebrated performances in some of the chapels of your beautiful city of Cork.
I shall remember for some time the effect produced on me by the grand solos of the Creed,
particularly where Mr. Downing commenced like one, not alone a professional master of music,
but more as an humble believer in the sublime mystery of the Incarnation,
and certainly no one can execute by voice or instrument, with a just and devotional splendour,
any musical passage containing an article of Christian belief, but the lowly and faithful member of the Catholic church.
He alone can elevate the science of music to a language that might presume to speak of things that are far and away above earth.
Mr. Downing seems to feel, what I have rarely seen in professional men, and it is, that he undertakes his duty not like one who begins labour,
but as happy and delighted as one who enjoys some pleasing amusement.
His method of singing accompanied by the sweet and beautifully arranged symphonies,
the soul-stirring and thrilling sounds by which he announced the last coming of the Supreme judge,
possessed a heavenly grandeur, and told to my soul a terrifying truthfulness, that hope may not be forgotten by your faithful servant,
"MARRIAGES", Waterford Chronicle [Ireland] (26 October 1850), 2 (PAYWALL)
In Dungarven, on Tuesday 22nd. instant, by the Very Rev. Dr. Halley, P.P., V.G., B. J. Downing, Esq., to Ellen, eldest daughter of the late George Binns, Esq., of Dublin, Clerk of Works in the Ordnance Department.
"COLLEGIATE EXERCISED AT MOUNT MELLERAY ABBEY", The Evening Freeman [Dublin, Ireland] (19 August 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)
The mountain region which occupies the north-west of the county of Waterford,
on Monday last, the 16th instant, witnessed a scene in which the proudest city of these western islands might well rejoice . . .
The examination day, which had been looked forward to with such anxiety by many for miles around rose lowering and wet.
The Lord Bishop of Waterford, Lord Stuart de Decies, Sir Richard Musgrave, and several others of the gentry who have patronised the school,
the officers of the Fermoy garrison, the county members, and many others of the gentry were prevented from attending by the inclemency of the weather.
Yet, notwithstanding the unpropitious elements, a large number of the respectable Catholics of Cappoquin, Tallow,
Lismore, Fermoy, Kilworth, Clonmel, and even more distant localities - the parents, sisters, and friends of the students -
arrived at the appointed hour, and the examination hall was soon filled with the honest hearts of the south,
and with beauty such the fairest daughters of the sister kingdom would vainly seek to rival . . .
Soon after twelve o'clock . . . The Lord Abbot having taken the chair, the proceedings of the day opened with a hymn,
composed for the school by Charles Coote, Esq. professor of music to his Grace the Duke of Devonshire,
reflecting the highest honour on the ability, as a composer, of that gentleman, who has always taken the kindest interest in the school,
especially the progress of its pupils in musical science. The piece was sung in full chorus;
Master John Connell, son of Mr. Charles Connell, of Cappoquin, acting as principal tenor;
and Master John Dwyer, of Lismore, presiding at the piano . . .
The celebrated anthem, "Glory to God," was then sung in chorus of voices, with piano accompaniment . . .
Amid the laughter and delight of all present, the famous [REDACTED] melody, "Boatman Dance," was next sung in chorus by a number of the boys,
with a humour and sweetness which the Ethiopian Serenaders might envy . . .
After the song of "Beautiful Venice," in which Mr. Downing, organist and professor of music, of Dungarvan, presided at the piano . . . - Telegraph.
[Advertisement], Clonmel Chronicle [Tipperary, Ireland] (22 April 1854), (PAYWALL)
Italian and English Singing - the Pianoforte.
MR. B. J. DOWNING, of Cork, (late Professor of Music at the Irish College, Paris,)
in soliciting the patronage of the gentry of Clonmel and its vicinity,
begs to state that he has passed the last two years on the Continent, studying under the most eminent Professor[s] of the
"Conservatoire Imperial de Musique" in Paris, and the Academy of St. Cecilia in Rome.
From his long intercourse with the most celebrated men of his profession,
Mr. DOWNING has acquired the method of instruction pursued in those institutions where so many celebrated musicians have been formed.
MR. DOWNING can produce the most satisfactory Testimonials as to his efficiency.
29, Dublin-st., Clonmel.
THE URSULINE CONVENT, THURLES. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Limerick Reporter [Ireland] (12 January 1855), 3 (PAYWALL)
Sir - The character of this Convent as an establishment for the education of young ladies has been already familiar to the public . . .
Amongst the various branches of education in which the young ladies of this establishment are so well instructed,
I will give an instance of their proficiency in music, of which I have been a delighted witness.
The master of music, Mr. Downing, who is organist of the Cathedral, had given unquestionable evidence of great powers as an instructor.
And though he had not been connected with the convent many months, he must have deemed himself repaid for his assiduity and labours by the performance of his interesting pupils.
A few evenings ago the private examinations in music took place, and, I must confess,
I was unprepared for the exact and finished execution displayed in the performance of the following programme,
particularly in the trying fantasia of Herz, "La Violette," and the correctness of Italian pronunciation,
and distinct perception of the author's purpose manifested in the singing of some of the most admired melodies of Gordigiani and Bellini.
FIRST PART. The Camp Ball Quadrilles (Glover) - Miss M. Chadwick, the Misses Jones.
Song - "Make me no gaudy Chaplet" (Donizetti) - Miss Mary Chadwick.
Fantasia - "La Violette," (Herz) - Miss Mary Ryan.
song - "I love the merry sunshine" (Glover) - Miss Anne Chadwick.
Pianoforte Duet - "Bluettes de l'Opera" (Oesten) - Misses Jones.
Aurelia Polka (Talexy) - Miss Mary Jones.
Trio - "The Fairies" (Callcott) - Miss Mary Ryan, the Misses Chadwick.
National Airs - Junior Piano Forte Class.
Vocal Duett - "A Voice from the Waves" (Glover) - Miss Mary Ryan, Miss M. Chadwick.
Fantasia - "The Sunbeam" (Osborne) - Miss Ellen Jones.
Song - "Ah non Giunge" (Bellini) - Miss Mary Ryan.
Norma (Meyer) - Miss Maggie Jones.
Song - "La vidora Romana (Gordigiani) - Miss Mary Chadwick.
Fantasia (Placky) - Miss Supple.
Glee - The Red Cross Knight (Glover) - Miss Mary Ryan, the Misses Chadwick.
The Dark Set Quadrilles (Dyer) - Miss Kate Ryan.
Gathering Flowers (Glover) - Singing Class . . .
Baptisms, Thurles, Tipperary, March 1855; National Library of Ireland, Catholic registers, 02490/01 (DIGITISED)
[Day date bound into margin] Emilia Josephine of Ba't Downing & Ellen Binns [Sponsors] Prosper Lacocq . . .
Geelong, VIC (1858-67):
List of passengers, per Bermondsey, sailed from Pylmouth 16th October 1857, arrived Geelong, 31st January 1858; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Downing Bartholomus [sic] / Music Master / [born] [Ireland] Cork / 36
Ellen / 27 // Emily / 4 // Mary / 2 //George / Inf.
"ORATORIO AT ST. MARY'S", Cork Examiner [Ireland] (25 October 1858), 4 (PAYWALL)
(From the Geelong Advertiser, July 22.)
It is not often that the people of this colony have an opportunity, like that afforded us last evening,
of hearing the choicest music of the greatest composers the world has produced, rendered under such peculiarly favorable circumstances.
The opening of the new organ just erected in St. Mary's Church, viewed apart from the high purposes to which is to be devoted, is an epoch in the history of music in this city.
If not the largest, it is, we have no doubt, the best instrument of its kind here.
And while at this point we may give few particulars concerning it.
The organ was built by Walker, of London, whose name is almost a sufficient guarantee of its superiority;
it contains twelve stops, in a general swell, which is exceedingly effective.
The stops are the open diapason, stop diapason (very fine), principle twelfth, fifteenth, keraulophon, (a fine mellow reedy tone),
flute, twelfth, fifteenth, mixture, trumpet, and octave;
the organ is also furnished with Bourdon pedals, which give the player great facilities in the performance of intricate passages.
Its extreme crispness and prompt response to the touch we have never seen or heard surpassed;
its tones are so distinct and perfect as to call forth the highest encomiums from all who are acquainted with the mechanism of the organ, and to satisfy the most critical ear.
Its exterior appearance possesses nothing remarkable, if it be not its unusual simplicity.
It stands on a light gallery erected against the north side of the building, and forms a very conspicuous object in the Church.
A more appropriate mode of inaugurating such a valuable acquisition could not have been chosen;
and it must have been highly gratifying to the Rev. Dean Hayes, to whose exertions the Catholics are greatly indebted for possessing such an instrument,
to find that he had so many warm friends ready to show their appreciation of his efforts by lending their presence at the Oratorio.
There were about five hundred persons assembled, amongst whom we noticed several our most prominent citizens.
The performance consisted Haydn's Imperial Mass, No. 3, which was given complete;
and selections from Hummell, Rossini, Zingarelli, Handel, Balfe, Mendelssohn, and Stradella; the two grand organ voluntaries by Mr. B. J. Downing.
The principal vocalists in the choir were our old friend Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Downing, the Misses Wilkinson, Miss Edwards, and Miss Turner;
the gentlemen were - Messrs. Ewart, Downing, Power, Hendreu [? Kawerau], Biggs, C. and J. Plunkett, O'Brien and Marsfield.
Mr. Wilkinson officiated most ably as conductor.
The sacred character of the music was greatly enhanced by the solemn character of the building and a deep feeling of reverential awe seemed to pervade the auditors throughout the evening.
While we can scarcely regard an entertainment of this description as open to criticism,
we may say that if we were, we would give no other expression of opinion than we do now - one of unqualified satisfaction;
one which, we are sure, was shared in every individual present.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); William and Ann Wilkinson and daughters (conductor and vocalists); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); William Pierce Power (vocalist); Theodore Kawerau (vocalist); Jesse Biggs (bassoon); Charles Plunket (vocalist); Music in Catholic churches (general)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (22 August 1859), 4
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Tancredi - Band - Rossini.
Song - "Come into the Garden, Maud" - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Balfe.
Song - "The Arethusa" - Mr. Ewart - Dibdin.
Song - "Kathleen Mavourneen" - Mr. Badnall.
Quadrille - "Il Trovatore" - Band - D'Albert.
Song - "The Canteener" - Miss Octavia Hamilton.
Song - "The Maids of Merry England" - Mr. Ewart.
Waltz - "The Flower of the Field" - Band - D'Albert.
PART II. Polka - "The Soldiers" - Band - D'Albert.
Song - "The Fisherman's Return" - Mr. B. J. Downing - Osborne . . .
W. S. JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Charles Henry Badnall (vocalist); William Stitt Jenkins (secretary); Geelong Recreative Society (association)
MUSIC: The fisherman's return (dramatic song, by George Osborne, composed for Catherine Hayes)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (29 August 1859), 4
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . Song - "The Harp that once through Tara's Halls" - Mr. B. J. Downing - Moore . . .
"MELBOURNE (From our own Correspondent) Thursday, 9th September, 1859", Geelong Advertiser (10 September 1859), 2
The interesting and, so far as Victoria is concerned, the unique ceremony of conferring the episcopal dignity on a priest of the Roman Catholic Church, was performed at St. Francis Cathedral, Elizabeth-street, this morning, between the hours of half-past 11 and half-past 3 p.m. . . . the consecration of Dr. Geoghegan . . . The choir, who sang Haydn's Imperial Mass with excellent effect, was supplemented by several of the leading member of the Philharmonic Society. Mr. Farquharson volunteered his valuable services. The other vocalists were: - Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Testar, Mr. Ewart, Mr. B. Downing, of Geelong, Mr. Power, and Mr. Wilkinson presided at the organ, and Mr. E. King conducted. The litanies were sung by the students of the college, under the leadership of Dr. Backhaus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Patrick Geoghegan (newly consecrated bishop); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Edward King (violinist); Henry Backhaus (cleric, singing leader); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); St. Francis's cathedral (Melbourne)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (12 September 1859), 4
PROGRAMME . . . PART I . . . Song - "I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie" - Mr. B. J. Downing - Barker . . .
MUSIC: I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie (Barker)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (26 September 1859), 4
PROGRAMME . . . PART I . . . Song - "I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie" - Mr. B. J. Downing - Barker . . .
PART II . . . Song - "Oh, Whisper what Thou Feelest" - Mr. B. J. Downing . . .
MUSIC: Oh! whisper what thou feelest (Brinley Richards)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (27 September 1859), 2
Last night's concert was an excellent entertainment excellently attended. In fact the hall failed in accommodating many who were present, and with whom it was a less hardship to listen standing than not to be in a position to listen at all. Mrs. Hancock, who was warmly welcomed, was in very good voice . . . The glees by Messrs. Buchan, Denholm, and Meakin, the solos by Mr. Downing, the duet "We have wandered in Dreams," by Mrs. Hancock and Mr. Badnall, and the performances by the band were all successful. Mr. Martyr also appeared to retain the favor he won for himself when these concerts were first established . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Henry Meakin (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (14 October 1859), 3
When Haydn's Masterpiece THE "CREATION" Will be rendered by a Band and Chorus of HUNDRED PERFORMERS.
Strengthened by a portion of the Band of the 40th Regiment.
As no expense will be spared in rendering the Oratorio complete the Committee hope to be liberally imported.
PRINCIPALS: Mrs. Hancock - Mrs. Goodliffe - Mr. Ewart -
Mr. Downing - Mr. J. Hinchcliff -
Mr. Johnson, Clarionette - Mr. Stuart, Trumpet - Mr. Biggs, Bassoon - Mr. Stoneham, Flute.
CONDUCTOR - Mr. I'Erson. LEADER - Mr. Gabb.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Air - Now Vanish - Mr. B. J. Dowling . . .
Recitative - In splendour bright - Mr. B. J. Dowling
Chorus, Trio and Chorus - The Heavens are Telling - Mrs. Goodliffe, Mr. B. J. Dowling, and Mr. J. Hinchcliffe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Vincent Wanostrocht Giblin (president); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); John Hinchcliff (vocalist); Henry Johnson (clarinet); Edward Stewart (trumpet); Jesse Biggs (bassoon); William Stoneham (flute); Thomas William I'Erson (conductor); John Gough Gabb (violin, leader); Henry Byron Moore (secretary); Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Geelong Harmonic Society (association)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (15 October 1859), 2
The Geelong Harmonic Society's Concert last night was in every way a great success. Mrs. Hancock sung, as she always does, with power and in perfect taste. Mrs. Goodliffe never appeared to better advantage. Mr. Ewart and Mr. Downing rendered invaluable aid . . .
1860 'GEELONG.', The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 22 June, p. 5. , viewed 25 Feb 2024,
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (5 April 1861), 4
Grand opening of the New Organ recently erected in the McKillop-street Congregational Church.
Several Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly promised to sing some Anthems during the Evening;
and the following Organists have consented to take part in the proceedings: -
Mr. John Russell, Melbourne
Mr. B. J. Downing, St. Mary's
Mr. H. B. Moore, Trinity Church
Mr. H. Plumstead, Christ Church
Mr. J. Hobday, Wesleyan Church
Mr. W. Meeson, St. Paul's
PROGRAMME . . . Selections from No. 2 Service - Haydn - Mr. B. J. Downing . . .
March - Mendelssohn. Mr. B. J. Downing
Agnus Dei, from No. 1 Service - Mozart - Mr. J. B. Downing . . .
The proceeds to be appropriated towards the expense of erecting the Organ . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (organist); Henry Plumstead (organist); Joseph Hobday (organist); John Meeson [sic] (organist); Music in Congregational churches (general)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (16 May 1861), 1
GEELONG National Grammar School.
Principal: GEORGE MORRISON, Esq., M.A.
Third Master: GEORGE METCALFE, Esq.
Assistant Master - Mr. Alexander Stewart.
Singing - Mr. Downing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Morrison (principal)
"THE NATIONAL SCHOOL REPORT. TO JOHN GUTHRIE, ESQ., J.P. AND THE LOCAL PATRONS OF FLINDER'S NATIONAL SCHOOL (Per favour of the Geelong Advertiser)", Geelong Advertiser (28 December 1861), 3
Gentlemen, - As the only one of your late staff of teachers just now in Geelong,
it becomes my painful duty to call your attention to a report on the state of your School, read at the Examinations, which took place on the 21st inst.
This I should have done sooner, had not business filled up my time.
I take it that the head master is the author of that report.
On its many inaccuracies, grammatical and otherwise, its rhodomontade and foolish egotism, space will not permit me now to dwell, farther than to say -
that however laudable it may he for a teacher to raise himself and the school which he directs, in the eyes of the public -
it is equally condemnable to do so at the expense of truth and charity;
also, that before aspersing his predecessors, Mr. Fisher would have done well to remember that but for the resignation of Mr. Morrison,
he, Mr. Fisher, and his boasted new regime would never have been thought of.
There is no truth in the statement that six masters acted inharmoniously and independently of each other.
We took our general directions from Mr. Morrison, carried them out in concert, and for my own part I received more than one warm commendation from that gentleman, also from Mr. Inspector Orlebar.
But gentlemen, if we are to believe in the salutary effects or this new regime, so modestly put before us,
how does it happen that an institution which a few months past in some measure supplied the want of a grammar school, has now dwindled down to a very second rate elementary school?
Its roll then numbering 154, now reduced to nearly half that;
its standard of instruction lowered; and its discipline (most important of all) so lax, that on more than one occasion instruction had to be suspended.
If these results constitute the dawn of the new educational era for the hitherto benighted people of Geelong, then may we sorrowfully cry out, "Oh, save us from our new friends."
I have already given, in the proper quarter, intimation of my resignation of the appointment I held from you,
and have the honour to remain. Gentlemen, your obedient servant,
B. J. DOWNING, Teacher of Vocal Music.
"THE NATIONAL GRAMMAR SCHOOL. To the Editor of the . . .", Geelong Advertiser (31 December 1861), 3
SIR - The omission of Mr. Downing's name from the commended of my report, affords an easy solution of his splenetic letter.
As the only master whose style of teaching, whose regularity of attendance, and amiability of temper, I was unable to praise;
as the only master whose inability to speak to his pupils as a gentleman should, demanded my being present as much as possible while he was teaching;
and as the only master to whom I was compelled to administer a rebuke for his rough treatment of the boys, -
commendation from me, however much I should have wished to do honor to all my masters, would have been as utterly out of place as it was undeserved.
That I should not have been head-master but for Mr. Morrison's resignation, has nothing to do with the subject of my report.
I spoke of the school as I found it . . .
Without the use of cane, strap, key, or other instrument of torture, I have won over my pupils to a ready compliance with the orders of all my masters but one,
whose irritability of temper and incapacity of rendering his instruction interesting to his pupils,
were the cause of some and the only little annoyances which have of late occurred, and for which I am satisfied the boys were not to blame.
The resignation of your correspondent of Saturday's issue has not quite upset me,
and for his information I would state that some months ago I was recommended by the gentleman to whom through your columns he had addressed his letter,
to obtain the services of another singing master, and the motives which induced me to continue to employ Mr. Downing,
however far from being derogatory to my good feeling, were such as I candidly allow should hot have weighed so forcibly with me as they did,
when the serious nature of the responsibility committed to me came to be considered . . .
Your ob't serv't, JOHN FISHER. Saturday, 28th Dec., 1861.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (12 July 1862), 3
The concert and grand drawing last night in aid of St. Stephen's Orphanage were a great success. The sum of L30 was received at the doors. Miss Liddell met with a warm reception on the occasion of her first appearance before a Geelong audience. Mr. Stoneham, with the amateur band, took a prominent part . . . Mr. and Mrs. Downing and a few amateurs contributed much to the evening's enjoyments; the arrangements seem to have been well devised, and well carried out.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maggie Liddle (vocalist)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (26 November 1863), 2
The Bazaar which was opened yesterday at the Mechanics' Institute, and which will continue during the week, is in aid of the funds of St. Augustine's Orphanage, an institution which, wholly irrespective of the question of creed, is entitled to the sympathy and support of all classes of Christians . . . During the evening Mr. Downing, the Organist of St. Mary's Church, played several choice musical gems on the pianoforte, and several songs and ballads were sung by members of the St Mary's Choir.
"THE VICTORIAN. To the Editor of the . . .", Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929), 4 April 1864), 2
SIR, - Will you allow me a place in your paper to say, in reference to a statement in Friday's Victorian in which my name is mentioned,
that, as for as I am concerned, the statement is a stupid and impudent falsehood.
I am, B. J. DOWNING.
[We append the paragraph complained of. It is, we believe, inaccurate, in every particular. - ED.]
"The Roman Catholic children in attendance upon the altar at Geelong have been presented by the Very Rev. Dean Hayes to a pleasure trip, per steamer, to Melbourne.
The happy juvenile group left Geelong under the care of Miss Martin, and were musically entertained during the voyage by Mr. Downing, the Roman Catholic Teacher of St. Mary's, Geelong."
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (12 September 1864), 2
The interesting ceremony of opening a Roman Catholic Female Orphan Asylum at Newtown Hill took place yesterday, in presence of above five hundred persons. The new institution, which is in connexion with St. Augustine's Orphanage forms a portion of the Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, under whose care there are, at present, thirty-eight little girls whose ages range from that of the infant in arms to children of fourteen years. The edifice devoted to their reception is a large bluestone building of eight or nine rooms, capable of accommodating fifty children, and containing everything for the comfort and convenience of the inmates. The children are evidently well cared for, they are taught a plain but sound education, and are brought up as useful domestic servants. The ceremony of formally opening the building commenced by the children marching round it in procession, accompanied by the priests, and by the choir of St. Mary's singing a selection of appropriate music. The Very Rev Dean Hayes then delivered a most impressive sermon on "Christian Charity;" after which, the choir performed several pieces from the great composers with beautiful effect. The whole of the musical portion of the ceremony was conducted by Mr. Downing, organist of St Mary's Church.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (1 November 1864), 1
VISITING MASTERS: Drawing - Mr. E. Sasse. Piano - Mr. Downing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Sasse (drawing master)
"THE BATESFORD CONCERT, To the Editor of the . . .", Geelong Advertiser (14 November 1865), 2
SIR, - You have been slightly misinformed as to the object of the concert which took place at Batesford on Friday evening.
The proceeds are to be devoted to the enlarging of the school-house, and to painting and repairing the portion already built.
I have much pleasure in tendering the thanks of the School Committee to Mr. Downing and the young ladies of St. Mary's choir,
to Mr. Buckland and Mr. Donnelly, who all rendered good and efficient service on the occasion, and whose efforts were deservedly crowned with success.
I am, &c., CHARLES P. A. O'MALLEY, 13th Nov., 1865.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jeff Buckland (amateur vocalist)
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. Monday, January 22 . . . ASSAULT. Clark v. Downing", Geelong Advertiser (23 January 1866), 3
Claim for compensation for an assault committed in St. Mary's Church, on the 14th instant, by Mr. Downing, the leader of the choir, whilst the complainant, a young girl, was kneeling down, Mr. Dowling tried to drag her out, and in so doing tore her dress. The alleged assault was committed during the celebration of divine service. Mr. Mansfield saw Mr. Downing pass his hands round plaintiff's waist and lift her up from a kneeling position, but did not see that Miss Clark's mantilla was torn. Farther corroborative evidence of the assault was adduced by two witnesses. The defence set forth that the defendant was under the impression that a message had been delivered to Miss Clark requesting that she would not intrude any more on the choir, and seeing her in the choir afterwards he remonstrated with and then tried to remove her, and ultimately placed her in the hands of Mr. Mansfield. It was claimed for Mr. Downing that he was, as a servant of the church, invested with power sufficiently plenary to justify him in the expulsion of an individual from the choir, such individual's presence being objectionable. Case adjourned for one week, for the production of the evidence of Dean Dowling [sic, Downing].
ASSOCIATIONS: Matthew Downing (d. 1870, cleric)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (17 August 1866), 4
MUSIC. MR. B. J. DOWNING, Professor of Music, and Organist of St. Mary's,
of the organ, harmonium, pianoforte, counterpoint or thorough bass singing, (English, Italian, and Latin ringing, (if required)),
has removed from Myers-street to 111 Gheringhap-street, opposite the High Church.
Singing classes assemble at Mr. Downing's house, Ladies - Wednesdays and Saturdays, 4 to 5 p.m.; gentlemen - 5 to 6 p.m., Tuesdays and Fridays.
Terms - One guinea per quarter.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (19 January 1867), 3
ON Sunday next, at 11 o'clock a.m., the 20th instant, the new Roman Catholic Church at Queenscliff will be opened and solemnly blessed by the Right Rev. Dr. Goold . . . A full and efficient choir under the able direction of Mr. B. J. Downing, organist of St. Mary's, Geelong, will attend.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Alipius Goold (bishop)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (26 January 1867), 4
MR. B. J. DOWNING has the honor to state that his Music Classes for this year are now being formed.
Four of Mr. Downing's pupils are now employed as organists.
Vocal Classes (Singing and Accompaniments) meet at Mr. Downing's house -
gentlemen, Tuesdays and Fridays; ladies, Wednesdays and Saturdays - at the usual hours.
"THE LATE REV. ROBERT SIMON DOWNING, O.S.A. [COMMUNICATED]", Geelong Advertiser (17 May 1867), 3
On yesterday, in St. Mary's Church, at 10 o'clock, a.m., a large number of the Catholic clergymen of Victoria attended the office and Requiem Mass offered up for the repose of the soul of the late Rev. Robert Simon Downing, who died in Cork, on the 22nd of Feb., 1867, in the 49th year of his age. The deceased clergyman was a brother to our venerable fellow citizen the Very Rev. Matthew Downing, of St. Mary's. The deceased, some years ago, was attached to the Mission of Geelong, and was endeared to a large circle of friends, who witnessed his professional zeal and, his genial qualities of head and heart . . . At the conclusion of the office a solemn High Mass was celebrated by the Rev. B. H. Power, assisted by the Revs. J. Hoyne as deacon, and the Rev. E. O'Dwyer as sub-deacon. The High Mass being concluded the solemn absolution ad tumultum [sic, ad tumulum] was pronounced by the Celebrant. The touching solemn music of the Church was well rendered by the choir, under the guidance of Mr. B. J. Downing, organist of St. Mary's, with their well known ability. The deceased clergyman was attached to the Geelong mission in the year 1849. R.I.P.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (27 August 1867), 3
At the sittings of the County Court yesterday B. J. Downing, late organist of St. Mary's Church, brought an action to recover the sum of L8 6s., the amount of a month's salary. It transpired that through a dispute between himself and the dean of the mission arising out of the Carandini Company being announced to sing in the church, the organist wrote a most insolent letter to the dean in consequence of which he was summarily dismissed. His Honor suggested that the matter should be settled out of court, but Dean Downing said that it was impossible as the plaintiff had refused to apologise for his conduct. The case was then adjourned until this morning.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini and family (vocalists); "Dean Downing" = Mathew Downing (above)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (6 September 1867), 3
Mr. B. J. Downing will preside at the Piano-forte . . .
PROGRAMME. Overture on Pianoforte - Mr. B. J. Downing . . .
Pianoforte Duet - "Lucia di Lammermoor" - Misses Downing.
Song - "Arab's Farewell" - Mr. B. J. Downing . . .
Song - "I Cannot Mind my Wheel" - Miss C. Downing . . .
PART II . . . Song - "To-morrow" - Miss Downing
Song - "The Rainy Day" - Mr. B. J. Downing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: His two or three eldest daughters: Mary Ellen Frances Downing (c. 1852-1925, Miss Dowling, Mrs. Michael Vardy); perhaps Emily Josephine (see below); and Cecilia Agnes Dowling (b. 1859)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (10 September 1867), 3
On the Premises of Mr. B. J. Downing, Myers-street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.
W. S. HOWELL has received instructions from Mr. B. J. Downing, who is leaving the colony,
to sell by auction, as above, the whole of his Household Furniture,
consisting of every requisite necessary in a well-furnished house,
including two first- class pianos, almost new - one by Cadley [sic], and one very superior instrument by Erard.
"COMPLIMENTARY DINNER TO MR. B. J. DOWNING", Geelong Advertiser (18 September 1867), 3
The friends of Mr. B. J. Downing, late organist of St. Mary's Church, and a teacher of music of long standing in the town,
determined upon showing their appreciation of his talents as a musician, and his worth as a citizen,
by giving him a complimentary dinner previous to his departure from Geelong to Sydney,
in which place he intends for the future prosecuting the duties of his profession.
The dinner took place last evening at the Terminus Hotel, and was provided in excellent style by hostess Bedford, about fifteen gentlemen attending to partake of it.
The cloth having been removed, the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were disposed of, after which Dr. Grace, who occupied the chair,
said it was his duty to propose the toast of the "guest of the evening," who was about to leave them in a few days.
He regretted his departure from Geelong, and was sure those present felt the same.
Certain circumstances determined him to leave the place, and he (the chairman) knew that he would leave them held in the highest estimation by all who knew him.
Speaking of his professional abilities he could only say that Mr. Downing was a clever teacher,
which could be testified to by the parents of those children who had been taught by him.
He hoped that Mr. Downing would make up his mind at some future time to return amongst them.
Then turning to the guest, the chairman said,
"Mr. Downing, some of your friends and parents of your pupils have thought it right to present you with a testimonial as a mark of the esteem in which they hold you as a citizen, and as a professional man.
Although it is not valuable as far as money is concerned, it expresses their esteem.
I have now much pleasure in presenting it to you."
The address, which was engrossed on vellum by Mr. Birdsey, was as follows: -
"To B. J. Downing, Esq, Professor of Music.
Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned parents, friends, and pupils, beg to express to you our sincere thanks for your valuable services during the last ten years,
and truly regret your leaving us.
We sincerely hope that success may attend you in your new home.
Whilst regretting your departure, you may rest assured you carry with you our best wishes for the prosperity and happiness of yourself and family."
It was agreed that the chairman, and vice-chairman (Dr. Shaw), should sign the address on behalf of the parents, friends and pupils of the guest.
Mr. Downing's health having been drunk with full honors, he rose to respond, observing that it was the happiest evening of his life.
Eith regard to his position as a teacher of music, he thought they were inclined to give him more praise than he was entitled to;
but, he could say that, with two exceptions, he had never failed in getting a good result from his pupils.
He had spent many happy moments among his pupils, and when faraway he should hold them in kind recollection.
He returned his sincere thanks to all his friends for their good wishes, and trusted that the children who had been under his tuition might be happy.
They had made him so on many occasions, and he would never forget it.
Other toasts, were proposed, and, after spending a pleasant evening, the company separated.
Sydney, NSW (from 1867):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (28 September 1867), 12
MUSIC - English and Italian Singing. - The Piano-forte. -
Mr. B. J. DOWNING, formerly a Pupil at the "Conservatoire Imperiale," Paris,
and subsequently of the celebrated Alair, at Rome, has the honour to state that he is prepared to give LESSONS in the above branches of his profession,
either at his own residence, 136, Forbes terrace, Forbes-street, or at those of his pupils.
His method of instruction, founded on long intercourse with the most eminent men of his profession,
and fortified by a long and successful experience, enables him to guarantee a rapid and steady advance in his pupils.
Out of several hundred pupils Mr. DOWNING has only yet failed with two.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 January 1870), 6
CARLTON HOUSE ACADEMY, Wynyard-square West. -
English classes under the special supervision of the Lady Principal, Mrs. SACLIER . . .
Professors: - Music: Herr Kriegsmann, Herr Kellerman, Mr. Downing.
Singing: Mr. Downing . . . Dancing: Mr. Needs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caspar Kriegsmann (musician); William Kellerman (musician); Frank Hillier Needs (dancing master)
"A DANGEROUS ANIMAL", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (23 September 1871), 2
On Monday evening a bullock escaped from a herd that were being driven along the Camperdown Road, and rushed furiously towards Pyrmont Bridge, severely goring and bruising Mr. W. C. Kelk, of George-street, Mr. Downing, a professor of music, and also a female, whom it met with in its progress. After remaining at Pyrmont all night it swam over in the direction of Glebe Point, when a well-aimed rifle bullet prevented it from doing further mischief.
"ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, LYNDHURST", Freeman's Journal (21 December 1872), 10
The annual distribution of prizes to the students of St. Mary's College, Lyndhurst, took place in the study hall of the College on Thursday last [19 December] . . . Several pianoforte selections by Masters Mullins and Dalton, exquisitely played, followed. The musical performances were under the direction of Mr. M. G. Downing [sic], the Professor, and their skilful execution elicited warm praise from his Grace the Archbishop, who was delighted with it - and all present . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (archbishop)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 March 1876), 1
formerly a pupil at the "Conservatoire de Musique" in Paris,
now Professor of Music at Lyndhurst College, having been obliged (in consequence of a sad loss in his family) to suspend his lessons,
has the honour to inform his many kind patrons and friends that he will resume his duties on MONDAY, April 3, Cypress Cottage, Glebe Point Road.
ASSOCIATIONS: His second daughter, Emily Josephine Downing (b. 1855), died on 15 March 1876
"LYNDHURST COLLEGE", Freeman's Journal (4 November 1876), 14
A Solemn Dirge and Requiem Mass was celebrated for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. Ann Dwyer, mother of the Very Reverend Prior of Lyndhurst, in the College chapel, on Tuesday, the 31st ultimo. The celebrant was the Rev. Dr. Quirk, O.S.B.; Fathers Paul Fitzpatrick and Collins being the deacon and sub-deacon . . . The choir was led by Mr. Downing, professor of music, and ably assisted by F. Placid, M. Fitzgerald, and the students of the College. - R.I.P.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 March 1877), 1
DOWNING. - March 18, at his residence, Cypress Cottage, Glebe Point Road, Bartholomew Joseph Downing, aged 56 years.
"DEATHS", The Daily Telegraph (14 February 1912), 8
DOWNING. - February 13, at her daughter's residence, Allman-street, Campbelltown, Ellen Mary, relict of the late B. J. Downing, professor of music, in her 82nd year.
Bibliography and resources:
Enid Noel Matthews, Colonial organs and organ builders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 172
DOWNES, Mr. (Mr. DOWNES) = William DOWNS
Musician, orchestral player (active Sydney, NSW, c. 1841-42)
DOWNES, Mrs. (Mrs. DOWNES; often Mrs. DOWNS)
Actor, vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, by December 1833
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1 June 1838 (per Minerva, for Liverpool, England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (1 November 1833), 2
Last night, the Comedy of the Heir at Law was performed to an overflowing house, which had assembled to testify the satisfaction felt by the visit of His Excellency to the Theatre . . . The Comedy of the Heir at Law . . . was performed with great spirit and success . . . The female parts were also well acted, except that the voice of Mrs. Downes was nearly inaudible . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Bourke (governor); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
"THE GOVERNOR AT THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 November 1833), 2
His Excellency's appearance at the Theatre, on Thursday evening [31 October], was greeted with the warmest demonstrations of loyalty and affection . . . . The performances were highly creditable; and we repeat that there are the elements of good actors among the company, if they will apply themselves to the cultivation of any talent they may possess . . . Still there are great defects, but they are capable of being removed by diligence in study. The females in particular are not in the possession of what the fair sex generally use liberally, good loud voices. The sentiments delivered on Thursday evening were almost inaudible, especially in the case of Mrs. Downes . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 June 1835), 3
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (10 June 1835), 2
. . . That promising young actress, Miss Winstanley, has, we understand, left the Theatre, and Mrs. Downs, who was on the stage about two years since, has been engaged in her place. Mrs. Downs when engaged before, evinced much industry, but we question whether the public are any gainers by the change . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Winstanley (actor)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 November 1835), 2
On Saturday evening, agreeably to announcement, the theatrical season commenced under the sole management of Mr. Simmons . . . The evening's amusement concluded with the slack rope, a clog hornpipe, and the farce of NO. In the after piece Mrs. Downes took the part of Deborah Doublelock, and if she could only look the character as well as she played it, the representation would be perfect. Most ladies are desirous of concealing in their visible exterior, the ravages of time; and from twenty to sixty all are studiously anxious to seem somewhat younger than they really are. This may be excused on the score of harmless vanity; but upon, the stage it is surely inexcusable, to see a should be matronly dame of some forty years, possessing the undisguised appearance of little more than twenty . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist, manager)
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (12 August 1836), 2
On Monday night [8 August] . . . Clari (owing to Mr. Mackay's absence also) was substituted for Gilderoy. Upon this much admired little drama we have often given a critique. It is however but justice to the performers, and particularly to Miss Winstanley who played Clari, to record the fact, that in one or two of the pathetic scenes, - where she witnesses the play which the Duke had ordered for her amusement, and upon hearing the song of her childhood on returning to her humble home, - many of the audience shed tears! This is a criticism the most honest, and at the same time the most gratifying to the profession, that can be offered; and which sets at defiance all other. Mrs. Downes displays a genius for music far above mediocrity, judging from her verse of Home, sweet home . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Angus B. Mackay (actor)
MUSIC: Home, sweet home (Bishop, from Clari; or, The maid of Milan)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 November 1836), 2
On Monday night was again produced "One o'clock, or the Knight of the Wood Demon." This piece, as we before observed, is splendid as a spectacle, but has nothing, else to recommend it . . . Mrs. Downes played Paulina with more animation than is her wont; she attempted to sing a song in the first act but it was a failure, her voice is not suited for the stage . . .
"Hofer, the Tell of the Tyrol," was performed on Tuesday night . . . The "Knight and the Wood Demon," concluded the evening's entertainments, which gave satisfaction. Mrs. Downs omitted the song in the first act, and very properly, as she possesses neither voice nor compass to execute it . . .
One o'clock; or, The knight and the wood demon
(by Monk Lewis,
with music by Matthew Peter King and Michael Kelly);
Paulina's ballad in the first was
A wolf while Jutta slept (Kelly); see also
A wolf while Jutta slept (melody only)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 December 1836), 2
"Blue Beard," after a long rest was again produced on Saturday night . . . Miss Winstanley looked every thing pretty and interesting in Fatima, the daughter of Ibrahim, and she sung "When pensive I thought of my love," with more confidence and exertion than we over before heard her. Mrs. Downes as Irene played well, her dress was becoming and oriental, and she looked as though just imported from a Seraglio in the Mediterranean. We have before told Mrs. D. that she has neither volume of voice nor execution to become even a mediocre singer on the stage, she may probably warble decently enough in a room, but vanity appears to predominate, and somebody having whispered into her ear that she could sing not a trifle apparently can make her disbelieve it. Mrs. Jones was lively and attractive as Beda, and sang well, "Tink a Tink" and "The Lively Serenade." The piece on the whole went off well . . . - Rep.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Jones (actor, vocalist)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 December 1836), 2
On Saturday evening [17 December] . . . Poor "Blue Beard" was again lugged forward as an afterpiece, contrary to sound judgment. It is positively worn out for the present, and should be laid by as we have before recommended . . . We have only one remark to make relative to the piece, which was played as usual, and that relates to Mrs. Downes' song, "Love is a Mischievous Boy," to which she adheres with a pertinacity worthy a better cause. Several quondam admirers of "poor Mrs. Downes," as they feelingly call her, having rushed forth, armed with goose quills, in defence of her warbling, which they allege to be superexcellent and charging us with pique, and all that kind of thing, it became necessary for our own satisfaction, as well as to bear out the remark we had previously made as to her incapability of singing upon the stage, whatever she is capable of in a room, to be particularly scrutinizing as to the effect of her singing upon the audience, and if our remarks were not borne out, yea, even strengthened by what occurred, may we never handle pen again, for although the other songs, four in number, were received with unbounded applause, her's was received with the silence of the grave. Even her champions, who had mustered tolerably strong upon the occasion, gave up the affair as hopeless, and looked mighty chap fallen. Those remarks are not made with ill feeling as surmised, for if Mrs. D. had given up the song, as she wisely did that in the character of Paulina, in the "Wood Demon," at our first hint, the matter would have rested. Many persons imagine that in pointing out the faults of an actor or an actress, there must be a bias; the contrary is the fact, it is mercy to them, critiques upon performances being the only medium through which they can arrive at their defects, be it as it may, we shall never flinch from doing our duty to the public upon any subject, despite the remarks of other parties. - Reporter.
MUSIC: Little love is a mischievous boy (Bishop, from Clari; or, The maid of Milan)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (14 December 1836), 2
SYDNEY GAZETTE has another slap at poor Mrs. Downs in the last paper. He accuses her of vanity in attempting to sing; other people, who may perhaps be as good judges as the said Reporter, consider Mrs. Downes' voice pleasing, and that if she sang oftener she would sing very well. It is surprising, that when the conductors of the GAZETTE know, that their Theatrical Reporter has a personal pique against Mrs. Downes, they should allow him to indulge in splenetic criticisms on that actress.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (11 March 1837), 4
MRS. DOWNES begs most respectfully to inform her Friends and the Public in general,
that her Benefit is fixed for Monday Evening, and trusts that the selection of Pieces she intends to submit,
will receive the same patronage as was kindly evinced towards her on a former occasion.
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1837, Will be performed, for the first time in this colony,
the deeply interesting and popular Drama, in three Acts, from the pen of G. Almar, Esq., author of the Tower of Nesle, &c., &c., called
Basil Angelo (a Venetian Gambler) - Mr. Spencer . . .
VERONA (a Venetian Lady in Love with Angelo) - Mrs. DOWNES . . .
After these, by most particular desire, and for the first time these two years, Colman's admired Opera,
in three Acts, (originally played here in two Acts,) and with an entire new cast, called INKLE AND YARICO.
Inkle (first time) - Mrs. Taylor . . .
Trudge (first time) - Mr. Buckingham . . .
Yarico (first time) - Mrs. Downes . . .
Wowksi - Mrs. Jones.
In the course of the Opera,
Adieu then Sweet Mary for Ever, by Mrs. Taylor
Do you think I can Forget, by Mrs. Downes
And a Duet, by Mrs. Jones and Mr. Buckingham.
Tickets to be had, and Boxes taken, at the residence of Mrs. Downes, adjoining Mrs. Fulloon's, O'Connell Street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (vocalist, actor); George Buckingham (vocalist, actor); Harriet Jones (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: Do you think I can forget (Sporle); see also Another edition
"Royal Victoria Theatre", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (28 March 1838), 2
On Monday evening [26 March] this splendid house was opened for the first time for the admission of the public . . . We can confidently assert that we have seen better performances during the past week at the old Theatre than we witnessed on Monday at the Royal Victoria. But while Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Downes, and Messrs. Lazar, Winters and Munyard, not forgetting Miss Lazar, are unengaged, we shall not yet despair of a respectable and efficient company being raised . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (actor, vocalist); John and Rachel Lazar (actors, father and daughter); Richard Winter (actor); Mark Munyard (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (27 April 1838), 2
Mrs. Downes and daughter, take their passage in the Superb for England. The drama will sustain a loss by this lady's departure to her native country.
"SHIP NEWS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (30 May 1838), 2
It is expected that the Minerva, Captain Furlong, will sail this moriiing for Liverpool, having on board Mrs. Downes and child. Our readers will not fail of remembering that Mrs. D. lately belonged to the Dramatis Personae of the Sydney Stage, to which she was an ornament. We wish her a pleasant and speedy passage to her native country.
"Ship News", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 June 1838), 2
The Minerva, Furlong, for Liverpool, sailed yesterday morning, with the following passengers. In the cabin, Mrs. Downes, child, and servant . . .
DOWNES, Joseph Cartledge (Joseph Cartlidge FOWLES [sic]; alias Jospeh Cartledge DOWNES; J. C. DOWNES; J. C. DOWNS)
Amateur vocalist, broker, commercial journalist
Born Nantwich, Cheshire, England, 1842 (4th quarter)
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1863
Married Annie EARLE, Fitzroy, VIC, 24 June 1867
Died South Yarra, VIC, 27 June 1911, aged "69" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged) (shareable link to this entry)
DOWNES, Annie (Annie EARLE; Mrs. J. C. DOWNES)
Amateur vocalist
Born England, c. 1848
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 November 1852 (per Lady Eveline, aged "3")
Married Joseph Cartlidge DOWNES, Fitzroy, VIC, 24 June 1867
Died Melbourne, VIC, 19 July 1936 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 September 1863), 8
MR. ALLAN'S CONCERT, St. George's Hall, Thursday, 1st October.
Principal Vocalists: Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Perraton, Master Cook, Messrs. Williams, Gamble, Downes, and Angus.
Oboe, Mr. Schott; Flute, Mr. F. Johnson; piano, Mr. H. King.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Leavis Allan (musician); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Mary Ann Perraton (vocalist); John Cook (vocalist); William Henry Williams (vocalist); Walter Mitchell Gamble (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Frederick Johnson (flute); Henry John King senior (piano); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Argus (1 October 1863), 4
Mr. George L. Allan gives a concert this evening, in St. George's Hall, at the usual hour. The artistes are Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Perraton, Master J. Cook, Mr. W. H. Williams, Mr. W. M. Gamble, Mr. Silvanus Angus, and Mr. Downes. Mr. Allan will also be assisted by a choir of about seventy voices, the members of which form Mr. Allan's upper singing class.
"Marriages", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (20 July 1867), 30
DOWNES - EARLE - On the 24th ult., at Fitzroy, Joseph Cartlidge Downes to Annie, third daughter of the late Alexander Earle, Esq., both of Richmond.
"DEATHS", The Argus (29 June 1911), 1
DOWNES. - On the 27th June (suddenly) at 65 Tivoli-road, South Yarra, Joseph Cartledge, beloved husband of Annie Downes. (Interred on 28th June privately.)
DOWNEY, Joseph Tracy (Joseph Tracy DOWNEY; Joseph T. DOWNEY; Joe DOWNEY; Mr. J. DOWNEY)
Actor, comedian, vocalist, theatrical manager, prompter
Born USA, c. 1815; son of Joseph Tracy DOWNEY and Phoebe ?
Arrived Brisbane, NSW (QLD), 10 February 1854 (per Pau, from Honolulu, via Rotumah)
Married Annie JOHNSON, Sydney, NSW, 1854
Died Melbourne, VIC, 14 September 1873, aged "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE PACIFIC NEWS", Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (21 November 1850), 2
We have received the following card to the public from the committee on behalf of the Company of the Jenny Lind Theatre, relative to the article which appeared in the Pacific News of Tuesday morning, regarding Mr. Wingerd,
formerly of the Jenny Lind Theatre. It appeared in the Picayune of last evening:-
To the Public. - The undersigned, members of the theatrical corps, under the management of the late J. B. Wingerd, and personal friends of the deceased,
feel ourselves bound to notice an article which appeared in the Pacific News of yesterday, under the head of "Stockton street Accident,"
which for mean abuse of the memory of a Gentleman, could not well have been exceeded . . .
[signed] Jos. T. Downey, J. L. Byers, Michael Dillon, M. C. Faulkner, J. Hambleton,
W. H. Carey, Francis B. Harrington, A. Campbell, Theodore Hutchingson, J. McCabe, George Mitchell.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor); John Hambleton (actor)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVAL", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (11 February 1854), 2
Feb. 10. Pau, schooner, 69 tons, Ottiwell, from Honolulu, via Rotumah. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foley, Mr. C. Robinson and five children, Mrs. J. F. Downey [sic], and three in the steerage.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Foley (circus performer, manager)
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (16 February 1854), 4
FEBRUARY 15. - Souvenir, schooner, 69 tons, Captain Whitham, from Moreton Bay 8th instant. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foley, Mrs. C. Robinson and 5 children, and Mr. Downey. Morris and Co., agents.
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (18 May 1854), 1
This public place of amusement is open nightly under the management of Mr. Foley,
assisted by his talented lady . . . Mr. J. T. Downey the yankee comedian . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (29 June 1854), 8
REMEMBER Monday Next. - Cirque Nationale, (Late Salle de Valentino,) Top of Bourke-street east.
On Monday Evening, July 3rd, This popular place of entertainment will be opened to the public of Melbourne,
with new and varied attractions, under the management of Mr. W. H. Foley . . .
Clowns - Messrs. T. Nunn and Joe Downey . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Tom Nunn (clown); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
"GEELONG (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Friday, 18 August, 1854", The Argus (19 August 1854), 7
. . . The performance at the theatre here last night being under the patronage of His Excellency and Lady Hotham, great numbers of ladies and gentlemen assembled at an early hour, in the saloon of the Royal Hotel, eagerly waiting for the first opening of the doors. The decorations, both outside and inside the Theatre, were neat, appropriate, and highly creditable to the taste and liberality of Mr. Deering, the lessee . . . The interlude consisted of a duet, and a solo on the violin of Mr. Moore. The afterpiece was the musical farce "Loan of a Lover," in which Mrs. Waller played Gertrude, Mr. Downey, Peter Spyk, and Mr. Tuthill, Sweetly. Of the performance generally I can only say that it was highly creditable to the town, and worthy of any of the provincial theatres in England, and the conduct of the audience was quiet and respectful . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Jane Hotham (governor and wife); Henry Shinton Deering (actor, manager); Andrew Moore (violinist, leader of the theatrical band); Emma Waller (actor, vocalist); Henry Tuthill (actor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 June 1855), 8
QUEEN'S THEATRE. D. W. Waller, Sole Lessee.
N. L. Griffin, Manager. Mr. C. Walsh, Stage Manager. Mr. Thom, Leader of the Orchestra . . .
Friday Evening, June 8. For the Benefit of Mrs. Waller . . .
To conclude with the elegant farce of the LOAN OF A LOVER. Gertrude - Mrs. Waller.
Music incidental to the piece: "To-morrow will be Market Day," Mrs. Waller and Mr. Downey.
"I've no Money," Mrs. Waller.
"I don't think I'm Ugly," Mrs. Waller.
Finale - "She's Mine," Mrs. Waller and Company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Wilmarth Waller (manager); Nathaniel Lewis Griffin (actor, manager); Charles Walsh (actor, manager); Bream Thom (violinist, leader of the theatrical band); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: To-morrow will be market day (to a "Dutch Air")
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (6 October 1855), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. N. L. Griffin, Solo Lessee and Manager.
Stage Director, Mr. J. H. Vinson. Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Chapman . . .
ON MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8th . . . the intensely interesting Domestic Drama, in Five Acts . . . THE WILLOW COPSE!
Luke Fielding (an English Farmer) - Mr. J. H. Vinson . . .
Augustus (the Light of other Days slightly Faded), Mr. J. T. Downey . . .
ROSE FIELDING (the Bud of the Willow Farm), MISS A. M. QUINN.
Lucy Vanguard (her Friend and Foster Sister) Mrs. J. T. Downey . . .
To conclude (by particular request) with the favourite Farce of THE SPOILED CHILD!!
Old Pickle, Mr. J. H. Vinson. Tag, Mr. J. T. Downey . . . Susan, Mrs. Downey . . . LITTLE PICKLE, MISS A. M. QUINN . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hetters Vinson (actor, manager); William Chapman (violinist, leader); Anna Maria Quinn (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (26 October 1855), 3
Stage Director - Mr. J. T. DOWNEY. Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. CHAPMAN . . .
Second night of the popular and screaming Farce of THE WIDOWS VICTIM. Jerry Clip (with imitations), Mr. J. T. Downey.
THIS EVENING (Friday), October 26 . . .
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Observer [SA] (17 November 1855), 4
There was a very good attendance on Monday evening at the Theatre, and the performances went off with great spirit. Mrs. Lambert appeared as Black-eyed Susan, and was warmly greeted by a host of old supporters. Being the first character in which Mrs. Lambert appeared on the stage, it has always been with her a favourite study, and she seldom played it more affectingly or effectively than last night. Vinson was as natural as it was possible to be in that most artificial production of the "tight little island," a genuine British Jack-tar . . . Buckingham was a capital Doggrass, and Downey was intently amusing as Gnatbrain . . . The laughable farce of "To Parents and Guardians" followed, in which Miss Quinn played the mischievous schoolboy to the life . . . Downey then delivered a short address, thanking the public, on behalf of the company, for its support during the last three months.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Lambert (actor, vocalist); Edward Buckingham (actor)
"PORT THEATRE", Adelaide Times (29 January 1856), 2
This theatre has opened to the public under the management of Mr. J. T. Downey, at a very reduced scale of admittance, which will give many an opportunity of spending a few hours of harmless recreation for a moderate sum. The first performance under the new arrangement took place last night, and commenced with an amusing little farce, the Rough Diamond, in which Mr. and Mrs. Downey, sustained with great spirit, the burthen of the plot. A musical interlude followed, in which Mr. George Rice gave ample proof of his vocal abilities, and we hope soon to become acquainted with this gentleman in public. Miss Anna Gould also made her first appearance in public, and judging from first appearances, a little confidence will make this young lady a favourite. The evening's entertainment was concluded with a ballet representation of scenes from Valentine and Orson. We believe it is the intention of Mr. Downey and his company to perform every Monday and Thursday evening, until further notice; and considering the style of the entertainments offered, we consider that a shilling (the fee for the pit) will be well spent at the Port Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Gould (actor, vocalist); George Rice (vocalist); Port Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (14 November 1857), 6
PRINCESS'S THEATRE. RE-OPENED. Directress - Miss Mary Provost.
Lessee and Manager - Mr. Samuel Colville. Stage Manager - Mr. J. T. Downey . . .
Musical Director - H. Megson [sic] . . .
The Manager begs to announce that having leased the above fashionable and popular place of amusement for a limited period,
he has secured the services of an efficient Corps Dramatique, and hopes by unremitting attention in every department of the establishment to receive a liberal share of public patronage.
Saturday Evening, November 14. First appearance of Mr. H. N. WARNER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Provost (actor, manager); Samuel Colville (manager); Joseph Megson (violinist, leader); Henry Neil Warner (actor); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"POLICE. DISTRICT COURT. FRIDAY, 5TH FEBRUARY, 1858", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 February 1858), 4
This was a plaint brought by Mr. Henry Neil Warner, the actor, against Miss Josephine Gougenheim, manageress of the Princess's Theatre,
for the sum of £10, being one week's salary as actor in that theatre . . .
A letter had been written by Miss Gougenheim to Mr. Downey, authorising him to effect certain arrangements . . .
Joseph Downey, examined: I am prompter in the Princess's Theatre. My business is the general supervision on of the piece under the stage manager.
I did not enter upon any engagement for Miss Gougenheim. I informed her by telegraph that the company would be all right . . .
I made the memorandum at the request of Mr. Black, to satisfy Mr. Warner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joey Gougenheim (actor, manager);
John Melton Black (proprietor);
see also "THEATRICAL SOUABBLES", The Age (6 February 1858), 4
"THEATRICALS. PRINCE OF WALES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (30 April 1859), 3
Mr. Charles Poole has again signalised his management of this theatre by a well appointed stage production, carefully compiled, or in other words a Fairy Extravaganza entitled the King of the Peacocks. The subject is full of abundant spirit, spectacle, and scenery . . . Miss Sara Nelson sang delightfully; Miss Carry both acted and sang well; Miss Marie performed with much grace; Mr. Alfred Nelson's impersonation of a Frenchman reminded us of Craven, who was so clever in that line of character; Sara Flower favored us with her sweet and melodious warbling, and Frank Howson, Burford, and Wigan were all that could be wished. Mrs. Crosby, as usual, was very attractive, and the dancing of Miss Hart elicited much applause . . . Winterbottom's orchestra was most efficient. Need we add that the Extravaganza (produced under the superintendence of Mr. T. J. Downey) was a triumphant success, each night of its representation commanding full audiences.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (manager); Nelson family (actors, vocalists); Henry Thornton Craven (actor, the Nelsons' brother-in-law); Sara Flower (actor, vocalist); Frank Howson (actor, vocalist); Charles Henry Burford (actor, vocalist); George Wigan (actor, vocalist); Emilia Crosby (actor); Ada Hart (dancer); John Winterbottom (musician, conductor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (26 September 1859), 1
OPERA COMPANY . . . DRAMATIC COMPANY . . . J. T. Downey . . .
ORCHESTRA. Conductor of Opera - Mr. C. PACKER.
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. R. KOHLER. Leader - Mr. C. Eigenschenck. And an increase number of Instrumentalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (conductor); Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet); Charles Eigenschenck (violin, leader)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. . . PRINCESS'S THEATRE", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (28 December 1861), 2
. . . For the first time, on Boxing night a genuine pantomime was produced within the walls of this theatre, and it met with that genuine success which seems ever to mark the efforts of the enterprising manager, Mr. Fawcett. The lessee, depending on his own accurate knowledge of the Melbourne taste, had altered and adapted Dance's old story of "Puss in Boots" so us to make the dish of the most savoury description, and yet at the same time to be most elegant and recherche. Miss Julia Matthews was the Ralph, proprietor of the Cat, Mr. Fawcett; the King fell to the lot of Mr. John Dunn, while Mr. Stewart gave an excellent impersonation of a well known political character under the nomen of the Irish Ogre - O'Gilli Kilmore . . . The transformation then takes place, and high as public expectation was excited on Thursday night, when Mr. Fawcett and Miss Julia Matthews, in the most glittering costumes bounded on the stage as Harlequin and Columbine, it was instantly evident that their new undertaking sat easily enough upon them. Mr. Downey as Pantaloon, and Mr. Stewart as Clown, completed the quartette, and away they went in the orthodox style to roars of laughter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fawcett (actor, manager); Julia Mathews (actor); John Benjamin Dunn (actor); Richard Stewart (actor); Christmas pantomime (general)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Seaman's Bride, from Melbourne, 11 February 1862, for Port Chalmers, NZ; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Joseph Downey / John Kohler / Edward Haygarth / Henry Cousins / . . . Miss Sinclair / Sandford Faucett / John Dunn . . . Miss Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Wildblood Kohler (musician); Edward Haygarth (actor); Henry Cousins (musician); Emma St. Clair (actor); Sanford Fawcett (actor)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . OTAGO", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (8 February 1862), 2
We mentioned last week that Mr. Fawcett had taken a building for the purpose of opening it as a theatre. He has since engaged a company, which sailed on Friday in the Seaman's Bride. The principal members are: - Miss Kate Ward, Miss Ada Hart, (from London), Miss St. Clair and Mrs. Downey , Mr. John Dunn, Mr. Vinson, Mr. J. Kohler, Mr. G. Cousins [sic], Mr. Hagarth, and Mr. Sandford Fawcett. In addition to Mr. Tom Fawcett, who is at present at Dunedin, Mr. Charles Young will in all probability leave for the new El Dorado in a few days.
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Warde (actor, did not travel); Thomas Fawcett (actor, manager); Charles Young (actor)
[News], Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (7 April 1862), 4
The nautical drama of "Black-eyed Susan" which was produced for the first time at the Theatre, on Thursday night, was repeated on Saturday with great success. Mr. Tom Fawcett, who played William, threw himself into the part with considerable earnestness; and Miss Ada Hart, as Susan, played with care and feeling. Mr. John Dunn was humorous as Gnatbrain, and Miss Corcoran and Miss St. Clair, as Blue Peter and Dolly, managed some amusing bye-play. Mr. Downey made a very tolerable Hatchet . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Corcoran (actor, dancer)
"THEATRE ROYAL", South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail [Adelaide, SA] (26 April 1873), 9
. . . On Wednesday [23 April] the drama of "Romeo and Juliet" was played at the Royal to a good louse, on the whole successfully . . . Mr. Downey, and his two clever little daughters, Fanny and Milly, played Balthazar and the Page respectively . . .
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (15 September 1873), 2
Another poor player has made his last exit from amongst us. We allude to the late Mr. Jos. Tracy Downey. Mr. Downey was by birth on American, and was playing clown in Mr. W. H. Foley's Circus in San Francisco in the year 1852, but, being attracted by the richness of the then newly-discovered gold-fields of Victoria, he in company with the latter gentleman reached Melbourne in 1853 [sic, 1854]. Foley shortly afterwards opened the old building known as the Salle de Valentino as a circus, and Downey thinking that he saw an opening as a comedian went to Geelong, at which place he played an engagement under the management of the late Mr. Deering, making a great hit in the low comedy part of a play written by Mr. W. M. Brown, entitled Woman and her Master. After a pretty successful provincial tour, Mr. Downey co-opted an engagement as second low comedian for the opening season of the "Old Royal." The deceased was always proud of being able to say that he spoke the first "lines" in this theatre, the part assigned him being Snake in the School for Scandal, who has to open the play. For many years, how ever, the deceased gentleman has filled the responsible position of prompter, his latest engagement being at Adelaide, under the direction of Miss Rose Evans. Since his return from this place his health had been declining, and he yesterday breathed his last at the Melbourne Hospital, the immediate cause of death being liver complaint. At the time of his death Mr. Downey was fifty-eight years of age. We regret to say that he leaves a young family totally unprovided for.
"MELBOURNE", Geelong Advertiser (16 September 1873), 3
Joseph T. Downey, one of the old stage identities of Melbourne, died yesterday, in the Hospital, after a lingering illness. The deceased arrived here, from California, at the time of the gold fever, and was up to the period of his illness, always connected in some capacity or other, with the theatrical world. Latterly he occupied the position of prompter at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne. He leaves a wife and children without means of support.
"MARRAIGES", Weekly Times [Melbourne, VIC] (21 September 1878), 17
BUDGE - DOWNEY - On the 4th July, at the bride's residence, Gore street, Fitzroy, Alexander John Budge, eldest son of David Budge, Richmond, to Fanny Victoria Tracy, eldest daughter of the late Joseph Tracy Downey, of this city.
DOWNS, William (William DOWNS; Mr. DOWNS; often Mr. DOWNES)
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 4th Regiment, soldier, member of the theatre orchestra, Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney), "itinerant musician", violinist, fiddler, fiddle player
Born London, England, 1798
Enlisted (4th Regiment), London, England, 9 September 1812 (aged "14")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1832 (per Clyde, from Deptford, 14 April, Portsmouth, 9 May)
Transferred to colonial staff, Sydney, NSW, August 1837 (when 4th Regiment departed for India)
Finally discharged, Sydney, NSW, 14 October 1840
? Died Sydney, NSW, 25 July 1850, aged "45" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 4th Regiment (military)
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 April to 30 September 1832; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2214 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 35 [sic, 33] / Downs Will'm / . . . Band / [per] Convict ship "Clyde" . . .
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 April to 30 June 1833; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2215 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 35 [sic, 33] / Downs Will'm / . . . Band / Sydney . . .
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 April to 30 June 1834; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2216 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 33 / Downs Will'm / Band / [second muster to] Lance Corporal . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. John Parramatta in the county of Cumberland in the year 1835; register 1834-38, page 4; St. John's Parramatta
No. 55 / [1835] April 12th / [born] 23'd March / Elizabeth [daughter of] / William & Guilemene / Downs / Parramatta / Corporal 4th Regiment . . .
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 June to 30 August 1837; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2219 (DIGITISED)
CORPORALS . . . 33 / Downs William / [to] 31 July / Barrack Serjeant Bathurst New South Wales . . .
NOTE: When the main body of the regiment left for India in August 1837, Downs remained on service in NSW on colonial pay until his final discharge in 1840
Discharge, 4th Regiment, no. 33, William Downs, 30 September 1837 (and on general pay to 14 October 1840); UK National Archives, WO97/0261/045 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)
Her Majesty's 4th the King's own Reg't of Infantry . . .
No. 33 William Downs / Born in the Parish of Saint James in or near the Town of Westminster London in the County of Middlesex by trade a labourer
ATTESTED for the 4th Regiment of Foot at London in the county of Middlesex on the 9th Sept'r 1812, at the age of fourteen
Ist SERVICE AFTER the AGE of 18 Years which he is entitled to reckon up to the 30th September 1837, is [24 years 195 days] . . . as follows: -
Private / 9th Sept'r 1812 to 8th Sept'r 1816 / Under Age
Private / 9th Sept'r 1816 to 9th March 1822 / 5 years 182 days
Promoted Corporal / 10th March 1822 to 23'd Nov'r 1822 / 259 days
Reduced Private / 24th Nov'r 1822 to 31st Dec. 1838 / 6 years 38 days
Private / 1st Jan'y 1829 to 20th Nov'r 1835 / 6 years 324 days
Promoted Corporal / 21st Nov'r 1835 to 30th Sept'r 1837 / 1 year 314 days . . .
[In the] INDIES West / 5th April 1819 to 14th March 1826 / 6 years 346 days . . .
Further service from the 1st October 1837 to 14 Oct 1840 when finally discharged / 3 years 14 days
[TOTAL] 27 years 209 days . . .
SERVED 3 years in France, 6 years 34 days in the West Indies, 7 months in Portugal & 5 years & One Month in New South Wales
Discharge at his own request . . . his conduct has been that of a good & efficient soldier . . .
. . . confirmed . . . at Sydney Barracks New South Wales 1st August 1837 . . .
[Letter attached to file] Sydney, 21st January 1840
[Margin] 4th. K. O. Reg't Corp'l Wm. Downes
[To] Cap't W. Hunter, Major of Bridage, Sydney
Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday in relation to the discharge of the soldier named in the margin,
and in reply beg to inform you that previous to the soldier alluded to being attached to the regiment under my command,
he was placed on general pay, in which situation he has since continued . . .
[Signed] N. Wodehouse, Col. 50th Regiment of Foot
. . . At the time of his Discharge [1837]. He is 39 years of age, 5 feet 8 3/4 inches in height, brown hair, grey eyes, fair complexion . . .
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette [Sydney, NSW] (12 August 1840), 755
THE TOWN ALLOTMENTS advertised in the Gazette by the Notices dated 18th March, and 9th May, 1840 . . . have been sold by Auction to the undermentioned parties, on 11th June, 1840, and the price affixed to each respectively has been received . . . [one of lots 55-58] William Downs, £25, Corporal in the 4th Regiment . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (16 March 1841), 3
MRS. J. S. PROUT, PIANIST, begs to announce that her
Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the
Royal Victoria Theatre, on WEDNESDAY, March 24.
She will be assisted by . . . Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. T. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane,
Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin,
Mr. Downes, and the other members of the theatrical orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Prout (pianist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician); Thomas Leggatt (musician); Spencer Wallace senior (musician); John Philip Deane (musician); Edward Smith Deane (musician); George Sippe (musician); Humphrey Walton (musician); Henry Charles O'Flaherty (musician); Richard Gill Curtis (musician); Benjamin Portbury (musician); Stephen Pappin (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
Baptisms in the parish of St. Lawrence, Sydney, 8 July 1841; BDM NSW 1624 vol. 47
8 July 1841 / born 11 May 1841 / Mary Ann daughter of / William Downs and Guilelmina Simmons / Exeter Place / Soldier & Musician / by James Fullerton, Presbyterian . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (18 September 1841), 3
. . . FAREWELL CONCERT, Royal Victoria Theatre,
Wednesday, the 22nd September, 1841; which day is also appointed for the Horticultural and Floral Exhibition.
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE will on this occasion make their last public appearance in Sydney . . .
Instrumental Performers. Mrs. Prout, Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Emanuel,
Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury,
Mr. Downes, Mr. Papin, Mr. Westrop. The rest of the theatrical orchestra;
and by the kind permission of Colonel Baker, a select number from the far-famed band of the 80th regiment, under the superintendence of Mr. Egerton.
Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace, conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Eliza Bushelle (vocalists); Abraham Emanuel (musician); Zachariah Westrop (musician, also formerly of the 4th band); Samuel Edgerton (master, 80th band); Band of the 80th Regiment (military)
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2
It is with much pleasure we avail ourselves of calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement in our columns of to-day, announcing the re-opening of the Victoria Theatre, on the evening of Thursday next . . . The Orchestra: Mr. W. Wallace; Mr. Wallace, sen.; Mr. Leggatt; Mr. Deane; Messrs. Deane, Portbery, Walton, O'Flaherty, Pappin, Downes, and Weston; also Mr. Gibbs, from England, who is expected daily by the Trial.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Weston (musician); John Gibbs (new leader, violinist); also note that the shop of a William Downes, grocer, Windmill-street, was a ticket outlet for the Royal Victoria Theatre in January 1842; however, at that time Downs lived on the south side of town, in the parish of St. Lawrence
Baptisms in the parish of St. Lawrence, Sydney, 2 September 1843; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
2 September 1843 / born 17 June 1843 / Susan daughter of / William and Wilhelmina / Downes / Musician . . .
"POLICE COURT . . . MATRIMONIAL BLISS", The Sydney Weekly Transcript [NSW] (7 February 1846), 2
A ragged, greasy-looking fellow, named William Downs, a kind of itinerant musician, who derives a precarious subsistence from rasping ail old fiddle at public-houses, appeared before the Bench at the instance of his wife, who charged him with continued ill-treatment of her. She slated that he was in the habit of returning home drunk, and beating and abusing her in the most brutal manner about the face and body; and on that very morning came home in a state of beastly intoxication, and commenced assaulting her as of old. The fellow denied that he had ever done so, but his appearance was sufficient guarantee that he was a man of profligate and ruffianly habits. By the advice of the Bench, and on the promise of Downs that he would not again ill-use his wife, Mrs. Downs withdrew her complaint, in the hope that he would fulfil his promise.
Burials in the parish of Christ Church, Sydney, 18 June 1846; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
James Downs / Market Lane / Died 16 June 1846 / Buried 18 June 1846 / Age 8 months / [father's calling] Musician . . .
? Burials in the parish of Camperdown in the county of Cumberland in the year 1850; register 1849-54, page 36; Anglican Diocese of Sydney Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 711 / W'm Downes / Infirmary / Died [July] 25 / Buried [July] 26 / Age 45 [sic] . . .
DOYLE, Miss (Miss DOYLE: ? Margaret DOYLE)
Musician, organist
Active Port Macquarie, NSW, 1861 (shareable link to this entry)
"PORT MACQUARIE (From the Herald's Correspondent)", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (25 July 1861), 3
13TH JULY. - The remains of the late Mr. John Verge, of Austral Eden, Macleay River,
arrived this day for interment, in a family vault in the burial ground of St. Thomas' church . . .
The body was taken first to St. Thomas' Church, and the usual service read . . .
and at its conclusion Pope's ode of "The Dying Christian to his Soul" was sung by the full choir, Miss Doyle presiding at the organ.
The solemnity of the occasion, together with the great number attending,
made the service both here and at the burial ground most impressive and affecting . . .
Mr. Verge was a very old and respected colonist, and was well known in Sydney as an architect of eminence.
The first Congregational church in these colonies was built under his superintendence, as were also most of the public and private buildings of that period . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Verge (settler); Verge was the architect, c. 1835, for "Engehurst", the new family residence of Frederick Augustus Hely (superintendent of convicts); Music in Anglican churches (general)
MUSIC: Vital spark of heavenly flame [Pope's ode] (Harwood)
LIKELY IDENTIFICATION: The family of the late Christopher Doyle (d. 1847) were regular worshippers at St. Thomas's church,
Port Macquarie, NSW; the only unmarried daughter, Margaret (born Port Macquarie, NSW, c. 1844), was then Miss Doyle;
she married Christian Carl Krauss in 1863 and died in Melbourne on 29 June 1900, aged "56";
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 June 1900), 9
And see also, mentions of her in the diary of Robert Heath Hall; and "Old Port Macquarie", The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (14 May 1921), 4
. . . Sunday, March 7, 1852. - 11 a.m. to church.
The seraphine moved out of the gallery into the vestry in consequence of scaffolding being erected in the gallery to repair the ceiling,
consequently there was no instrumental music at either morning or afternoon service . . .
Present - . . . Christopher and Margaret Doyle, and Maggie Francis in the pew with them . . .
Sunday, September 26, 1852 - (last sermon of the Rev. John Cross) . . . Present - . . . John, Christopher, and Margaret Doyle . . .
DOYLE, John (John DOYLE)
Musician, cooper, convict, emancipist
Born Killarney, Kerry, Ireland, c. 1812
Convicted Tralee Assizes, Kerry, Ireland, 18 March 1830 (7 years, transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 December 1830 (convict per Andromeda, from Cork, 28 August, aged "19")
Active NSW, until 1837 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Convict idents, 1830; State Records Authority of NSW; NRS 12188, Item: [4/4016] (PAYWALL)
Doyle John / 37/690 / 19 / RW / Catholic / Single / Killarney / Musician / Stealing Clothes / [tried] Tralee / 18th Mar. 1830 / 7 . . .
[Convict notices], New South Wales Government Gazette (13 March 1833), 94
THE undermentioned Prisoners having absconded from the Individuals and Employments set against their Names respectively,
and some of them being at large with stolen Certificates, and Tickets-of-Leave,
all Constables and others are hereby required and commanded to use their utmost exertions in apprehending and lodging them in safe custody.
Any Person harbouring or employing any of the said Absentees, will be prosecuted as the Law directs: . . .
Doyle John, No. 50-2496, Andromeda, 21, musician; Killarney, 5 feet 5, brown hair, blue eyes,
ruddy freckled and pock-pitted complexion, horizontal scar over right eye, from Australian Agricultural Company, Port Stephens . . .
Certificate of freedom, John Doyle, per Andromeda, 19 August 1837; State Record Authority of NSW, NRS 12210; Roll: 999 (PAYWALL)
No. 37/690 / 19th August 1837 / 30/2496 / John Doyle / Andromeda / . . . 1830 /
Native Place - Killarney / Trade of Calling - Musician & Cooper / Offence - St'g Cloathes /
Trial - Kerry / 18th March 1830 / Seven Years / Year of Birth - 1812 . . .
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (11 October 1837), 754
Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 3rd October, 1837.
THE undermentioned Persons have obtained Certificates of Freedom since last publication. viz. -
. . . Doyle John, Andromeda (1) . . .
DOYLE, Miles (Miles DOYLE; also Myles DOYLE)
Amateur vocalist, ballad singer, songwriter, itinerant tailor, convict, emancipist
Born Carlow, Ireland, c. 1781
Convicted Lent assizes, Carlow county, Ireland, 1819 (7 years, transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1819 (convict per Minerva, aged "38", "tailor")
Active Penrith and Nepean River district, NSW, c. 1840 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Convict indents, 1819; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12188, 4/4006 (PAYWALL)
Miles Doyle / convicted Carloe County / Lent 1819 / native place Carlow / Tailor / [age] 38 / 5ft 4 3/4 in . . .
DISAMBIGUATION: Myles or Miles Doyle (convict per Countess of Harcourt, 1822; d. Port Macquarie, 1836)
"POLICE REPORT . . . SATURDAY, SEPT. 24", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (29 September 1825), 3
Miles Doyle, prisoner of the crown, charged with having property in his possession which he knew to have been stolen, and which he had offered for sale under circumstances which excited strong suspicion; and being convicted of the offence, was this day sentenced to have his original term of transportation extended to three years from the period of its expiration.
[News], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (29 September 1825), 4
Miles Doyle, holding a ticket of leave, was charged at the Police Office on Saturday last, with having property in his possession, knowing the same to have been stolen. The Bench sentenced the prisoner to transportation for a term of three years, over and above his original sentence of seven years.
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
No. 1510 / Doyle Miles / - / Minerva / No. 19 Road Party . . .
Register of certificates of freedom, 1829; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12208 (PAYWALL)
29/548 / 1829 April 10th / Miles Doyle / Minerva (3) / 1819 / Lent 1819 / 7 years
[Notice], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 April 1829), 1
THE undermentioned Persons have obtained Certificates of Freedom during the last Week; viz. - . . . Minerva (3) - Miles Doyle . . .
James Tobias Ryan, Reminiscences of Australia (Sydney: George Robertson, 1895), (84) -85 (DIGITISED)
[84] In the year 1838 the author began to think seriously about settling down to some sort of business . . . He had no trade, but possessed a little money, and with this he purchased the goodwill of a farm of sixty acres from George Slack . . . situated on the banks of the Nepean River, under the Blue Mountains . . . Things went on very well, "Toby" having his younger brother with him (four years his junior), and an extraordinary little Irishman, whom he called "Friday" . . . [85] . . . "Friday" died in his service. Poor old "Friday." There was another inimitable creature in the locality, Myles Doyle, an itinerant tailor, who used to travel to and fro, and mend and make up for a family, perhaps for a week or two at a time, receiving a few shillings to get grog - very harmless, and a good rhymster. It was very amusing to get "Friday" and Myles conversing over a little drop of the "cratur," and "Toby" encouraged Myles often for that purpose to stop a few nights in the winter time, when he would compose a song and sing it well too, bringing in a lot of well-known names that will not be forgotten for some time to come. "Toby" often listened with delight to Myles when he sang his capital lines on "Yarrow Monday's Lagoon" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Tobias Ryan (memoirist);
also "Yellow Monday's Lagoon", and "Yarra Monday's Lagoon", see "Early Hawkesbury Recollections", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (11 July 1896), 6
Bibliography and resources:
Miles Doyle, Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
DOYLE, Paddy (Paddy DOYLE; P. DOYLE; ? Charles DOYLE)
Vocalist, Irish and comic vocalist, dancer, delineator
Active Melbourne, VIC, and Sydney, NSW, by 1857
Died Yarra Bend, VIC, 25 October 1866, aged "about 36" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (14 May 1857), 1
EVANS' SALOON. - The proprietors beg to announce the arrival from Melbourne of the eccentric Irish characteristic Singer and Dancer, PADDY DOYLE, who will make his first appearance THIS EVENING.
EVANS' SALOON. - PADDY DOYLE will appear TO-NIGHT, and delight the audience with his comicalities.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (16 May 1857), 3
THE Proprietors beg to announce the arrival from Melbourne of the eminent Irish Comic arid Characteristic Singer PADDY DOYLE.
This gentleman has won golden opinions in the neighbouring colonies, allowing him to be the only genuine Irish Comic Singer that ever appeared before the public.
Among his extensive collections of comicalities will be found the following Songs -
"Paddy the Piper," (dancing Song); "The O'Flanagins"; "Barney O'Finnigan";
"The Irish Barber"; "Black Turf," with dialogue, &c., &c., in character. ADMISSION FREE.
ASSOCIATIONS: Toogood's Saloon (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: The Irish barber = Lather and shave (song); Black turf ("a celebrated Irish song")
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1857), 1
EVANS' SALOON. - Crowded houses nightly to witness the inimitable Irish Comic and Characteristic Singer PADDY DOYLE.
PADDY DOYLE will sing, among his collection of songs, "Black Turf," "the Irish Barber," &c.
EVANS' SALOON. - PADDY DOYLE will appear this evening in character as "The Bold Soldier Boy."
EVAN'S SALOON. - PADDY DOYLE will appear in a variety of comic duets. Come early.
"EVANS' SALOON", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (6 June 1857), 2
We have often promised ourselves a visit to this place of amusement; and it being announced that an old friend, Mr. Pierce, (formerly of Totten's celebrated company of serenaders), had concluded an engagement with the proprietary, we, on Tuesday evening fulfilled our intention, and without any exaggeration never enjoyed a more delightful hour. Mr. Pierce's performances on that difficult, but harmonious instrument, the concertina, has already gained for him an enviable reputation throughout the colonies; and in addition to this attraction, his comic vocalization is singularly felicitous. Another prominent feature in the evening's programme, was the celebrated delineator of Irish eccentricity, Paddy Doyle, whose characteristic songs elicited both shrieks and tears of laughter from the audience. Two other gentlemen. Mr. Campbell (tenor), and Mr. Templeton (base), contributed most successfully to the entertainment; and Miss Basmann, who presided at the piano, was rapturously encored in numerous selections of the newest and most popular compositions, in which she manifested a taste and execution far superior to anything we had anticipated. Although the admission to the Saloon is gratuitous, the company was highly respectable; and from our brief visit we may confidently augur success to the enterprising management.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Ottis Pierce (musician); Totten's Harmoneons (troupe); Mr. Campbell (vocalist); Charles Templeton (vocalist); Wilhelmina Basmann (pianist)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (6 June 1857), 3
EVANS' SALOON. The Inimitable PADDY DOYLE, the modern Power of Australia, will appear in his BUDGET OF COMICALITIES.
EVANS' SALOON. PADDY DOYLE this evening will sing "Black Turf," "Judy McGee," "Norah Daley," "Old Bog Hole," &c.,
introducing his humorous dialogue, &c. Admission Free.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1857), 1
PADDY DOYLE, the Irish Singer, will sing for STEPHENS' Benefit TO-NIGHT, at the Victoria Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Stephens (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[2 advertisements], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (3 November 1857), 3
The following talented artistes have kindly volunteered their services on this occasion:
MISS LOUISA FITZGERALD, The celebrated Soprano;
MR. PADDY DOYLE, The inimitable Irish Comic Singer;
MR. DONITHORNE, The favorite Basso, and delineator of Russell's songs;
MR. J. BURNS, The Comic characteristic Singer;
MR. J. DWYER, The celebrated Dancer will appear.
Conductor and Pianist, MR. J. W. WORDSWORTH,
Assisted by Mr. Monaghan, Violinist, and Mr. Middleton, Violoncello.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock, and to conclude With a QUADRILLE PARTY.
Admission. 2s. 6d.
being a Complimentary Benefit to Mr. Teague on his return from Ararat,
when the following eminent artistes will appear:-
Messrs. Chas Doyle (comic singer),
James Burns, do.,
Michael Dunuthorn,
W. Wells,
J. Wadsworth, Pianist.
Also, Barnum's celebrated American Giantess.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock. Admission 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Donnithorne (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 December 1857), 1
EVANS' SALOON.-The public are respectfully informed that the inimitable Irish Comic Sinner and Dancer, PADDY DOYLE has returned to Sydney, and will make his re-appearance, THIS EVENING . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1858), 1
CREMORNE GARDENS - THIRD GRAND GALA of the season. - New Year's Day . . .
Engagement of Paddy Doyle and Mr. A Campbell. Herr Appel's band will be in attendance during the day . . .
Musical Melange: Operatic Selection - Lucia, Band; Song, Mr. A. Campbell; Irish Song, Paddy Doyle;
Descriptive Scena, Mr. A Campbell; New Irish Song, Paddy Doyle; Concert Polka, Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Appel (musician); Cremorne Gardens (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (17 March 1858), 1
PARRAMATTA - St. Patrick's Day in the Evening (WEDNESDAY).
PADDY DOYLE, Mr. A. CAMPBELL, and Miss BASSMANN will give their Vocal Entertainment at the Red Cow Hotel.
Admission, 2s.; Reserved Seats, 3s. "Erin go Bragh."
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (27 March 1858), 2
. . . Paddy Doyle, the renowned Irish comic singer, made his debut before a Windsor audience on Tuesday evening, assisted by two other professionals. He advertised his entertainment as "an hour in ould Ireland." Although his delineations of the Irish character were very good, it fell far short of bringing to the minds of his audience "an hour in ould Ireland."
"MAITLAND . . . FOLEY'S CIRCUS", Northern Times [Newcastle, NSW] (16 June 1858), 2
This establishment continues to receive a fair share of public patronage . . . Paddy Doyle has introduced a new colonial song, which is the best of the class we have yet heard . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Foley (circus proprietor)
"MAITLAND . . . PADDY DOYLE'S BENEFIT", Northern Times (19 June 1858), 2
This evening Paddy Doyle takes his benefit at Foley's Amphitheatre, on which occasion he will appear in two Irish characters, besides singing his most attractive comic songs. He is so well known as a successful delineator of Hibernian humour that we need not say a word but to recommend the public to go and enjoy a hearty laugh at their own expense.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1858), 8
TOOGOOD'S SALOON. Engagement for a few nights only of the renowned Irish Comic Singer, PADDY DOYLE.
Positively his last appearance in Sydney previous to his departure for California.
"SMYTHE'S CREEK. 4th January 1859", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (8 January 1859), 2
. . . Saturday night at the theatre, "Box and Cox," with other pieces were acted, it being the benefit of Mr. Dale; the attendance was more than usual. At Abbott's Mr. Paddy Doyle took a benefit, the bill had it, "An Hour with Auld Ireland," but it was not altogether so. Miss Spiden brought out some of her Scotch favorites in good style; Mr. Burke and Mrs. Woods came out also in their best comicalities. Mr. Doyle as a matter of course exerted himself well. A lady amateur introduced some new songs with considerable ability; and Sampson's horizontal bar performance made up the night's amusements. Last night, at this theatre, a new piece entitled, "Love in a Pickle;" the production from the pen of a resident on the creek, who also took his part in the acting, was performed with considerable success. The dancing of Miss Sutherland takes well at the same place. The quadrille party has made some alterations in its arrangements for the next two months. It is to be a fortnightly meeting instead of a weekly.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Baldwin Dale (actor); Alice Spiden (vocalist)
"CLUNES (From our own Correspondent)", The Star (1 July 1859), 2
The only amusements we have at present are the nightly concerts at the Bull and Mouth, where Madame Barre, Paddy Doyle, and Mr. B. D. Burke continue to attract good houses.
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Barre (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Star (10 September 1859), 3
PADDY DOYLE, The inimitable Irish comic vocalist, will positively make his first appearance on Ballarat
This Evening, and unfold his budget of IRISH COMICALITIES
Also - Miss Sutherland, Mr. Youle, Mr. White, Mr. Mather, and Mr. Piper.
Will produce several new and Startling Novelties.
Violin - Mr. MATHER. Pianoforte - Mr. PIPER. Admission free.
ASSOCIATIONS: W. Mather (violinist); Edward John Piper (pianist); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (31 October 1859), 3
GREAT SUCCESS of the Old Favorite Comic Vocalist, MR. J. CASSIDY.
MISS SPIDEN, the favorite Scotch Vocalist.
MR. P. DOYLE, the inimitable Irish Comic Singer and Dancer.
MR. J. W. MORGAN, the greatest Basso of the Colony.
Continued Success of the CRESCENT CITY MINSTRELS.
MR. MATHER, Violinist. MR. PIPER, Pianist and Conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: James W. Cassidy (vocalist); James William Morgan (vocalist); Crescent City Minstrels (troupe)
[Advertisement], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (18 November 1859), 3
Proprietor of the above Hotel has much pleasure in announcing that he has engaged those talented Artistes
Who will appear every evening in a Grand, VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, To consist of Glees, Duets, Sentimental and Comic Songs.
Musical Conductor - Mr. Creed Royal. Admission, by refreshment ticket, 1s. To commence at 8 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Creed Royal and daughters (vocalists, pianist); David De Courcy (vocalist)
"SMYTHESDALE (From our own Correspondent) 12th May", The Star (14 May 1860), 4
. . . I understand that that old favorite "Paddy Doyle," intends to appear for a few nights only at the North Britain Hotel. Messrs. Walters, Tilley, Tranter, and other artistes continue to draw a large attendance at the Black Swan . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 October 1860), 8
TILKE'S GREAT CONCERT HALL. The largest and most talented company in the colonies.
TILKE'S GREAT CONCERT HALL. - WILLIAMS the real PLANTATION NEGRO; Mr. Taylor, executant of Dibdin's oddities.
BETSY BARLOW, sung by Miss Mortimer written by Mr. Owen, pianist, every evening, Mr. Taylor, manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Margaret Newman (vocalists, "Miss Mortimer"); Charles Legrew (violinist); John Williams (singer, dancer); Richard Owen (pianist, musical director); John Taylor (vocalist, manager); Tilke's City Concert Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 April 1861), 8
Are nightly applauded to the echo. Johnson's last Comical and Musical Sketch A PAPA'S PERPLEXITIES.
The great Irish Delineator, PADDY DOYLE.
Commences on Saturday. Admission free.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Ottis Pierce (vocalist, musician); Charles F. Percival (vocalist); probably Jovial Johnson (entertainer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 April 1861), 8
In his great Irish Song The WAKE of TEDDY ROE,
And other Hibernian Illustrations, EVERY EVENING. Admission Free.
MUSIC: The wake of Teddy Roe (song)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (25 September 1862), 1
PADDY DOYLE, The Celebrated Irish Comic Singer, and Jig Dancer, will appear nightly.
MISS ELSIE, In Sentimental Songs and Ballads.
THE ACOUPLEA MINSTRELS, In Negro Delineations.
Pianist - MR. MORITZ. Admission by Refreshment Ticket - Sixpence.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Moritz (pianist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (8 August 1865), 5
. . . Two little children, named Eliza and John Doyle, children of the well-known street singer, Paddy Doyle, were sent, by the magistrates sitting at the Fitzroy court, yesterday, for seven years, to the industrial school. The children had been left by the father in charge of a man named Delechy, who stated that he was not able to support them. They presented a very pitiable appearance, being miserably clad, and altogether looking as if, for some time at least, they had been very culpably neglected . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (15 August 1865), 5
. . . Paddy Doyle, the man who has for years been in the habit of singing before the public-houses of the city, was brought up on a charge of having deserted his two children, who last week were sent to the industrial school for seven years each. A certificate from Dr. McCrea was now put in, stating that Doyle was insane, and he was accordingly ordered to be sent to the Yarra Bend . . .
Inquest, Paddy Doyle, 27 October 1866 (died 25 October 1866); Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
"INQUEST. DEATH AT THE YARRA BEND", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (29 October 1866), 3
Mr. Candler held an inquest on Saturday, at the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum, upon the body of Paddy Doyle, a deceased patient, aged thirty-six years. Deceased was received on the 26th of April, and died, according to the evidence of Dr. Ford, who made the post-mortem examination, of disease of the brain and exhaustion. Verdict accordingly.
"INQUESTS", Leader [Melbourne, VIC] (3 November 1866), 3
Mr. Candler held an inquest at the Yarra Bend, last Saturday, upon the body of Paddy Doyle, aged about thirty-six years. The deceased, who was admitted to the asylum on the 4th of April last, died on the 25th inst. The jury, in accordance with the medical evidence, returned a verdict of death from disease of the brain and exhaustion.
DRAEGER, Carl Wilhelm (August Friedrich Carl Wilhelm DRÄGER; Carl Wilhelm DRAEGER; C. W. DRAEGER)
Musician, professor of music, bandmaster, choral conductor, flute player, piano tuner, composer
Born Mansfeld, Prussia, Germany, 27 July 1830; son of Johann Christian DRAEGER and Friederike STELLE (d. SA, 1879)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1854
Married (1) Johanne Emilie Emma SCHULZ (1842-1914), Langmeil (Tanunda), SA, 30 October 1861
Departed Adelaide, SA, 10 December 1879 (per Cuzco, for London)
Married (2) Leopoldine Wilhelmine Friederike BINGE, Berlin, Germany, 13 December 1882
Died Friedrich Wilhelms Hospital, Berlin, Germany, 22 December 1916, aged "86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Draeger (older brother)
According to the account of his career which he himself probably gave to the editors of Das geistige Berlin (1897), Carl Draeger was born on 27 July 1830 in Mansfeld, where his father was a public servant. The family moved to Rathenow, where Draeger attended high school until his father's death, whereafter, having received piano and violin lessons from an early age, he devoted himself exclusively to music. From 1847 until autumn 1850 he studied musical composition in Berlin under Adolf Bernhard Marx. Probably over the summer of 1852 he played in the band of prince Pückler von Putbus.
In 1854 he followed his brother Ferdinand Draeger, who had emigrated in 1848, to South Australia. After what were described as "many wanderings" (which may have taken him to the Victorian goldfields, and perhaps if so see Mr. Drager below), he finally settled in Adelaide in 1856 as a music and singing teacher, and band leader. He probably also played in the bands of one or even both the Royal Victoria Theatre and the Port Theatre, though the 1897 entry's claim that he was "leader" of a theatre band for 3 years, 1857-60, is probably an exaggeration, and it is perhaps significant that his name does not appear in any advertised lists of leading Adelaide instrumentalists in those years. In 1860 he moved to Gawler where he taught piano and singing in schools, ran a local choir, as well as founding and directing bands for Gawler Volunteers and the First Gawler Rifles.
In December 1863, he won a music prize for his vocal quartet, "Ewige Liebe", which he had sent as an entry to the German gymnastic and song festival in Melbourne, VIC. In 1870-71 he composed a Singspiel called "Singvogel", which was performed in Adelaide for the benefit of the German wounded in the Franco-Prussian war, and several months gave other concerts with his band and choir for the same purpose. In 1871 he moved to Mount Gambier, where he again ran musical societies, was organist of the Catholic Church, and founded a German progress association, which, on his birthday in July 1872, honoured him with a torchlight "Serenade". After suffering a long illness, he left Mount Gambier for Adelaide in 1876, and finally returned to Germany via London in 1879.
Again according to the 1897 entry, poems, musical works for orchestra, string and wind instruments, piano, violin, choir, and solo voice and pianoforte, were composed over those years, but were (in 1897) all still in manuscript.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (8 July 1856), 1
ON TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 8th, 1856, on which occasion Madame Cailly will have the valuable assistance of
Also, Mr. C. W. DRAEGER and Amateurs (first appearance at Madame Cailly's Concerts) . . .
Brilliant Variations for Flute, with Pianoforte Accompaniment, Mr. C. W. DRAEGER (First appearance at Md. Cailly's Concert) - Caroli . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist); Marie Chalker (soprano vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (tenor vocalist); Carl Julius Kunze (pianist); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
MUSIC: ? A composition by "A. Caroli", alias of Eduard Bayer (1822-1908)
"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (9 July 1856), 3
There was a large and fashionable attendance at Madame Clarisse Cailly's concert, on Tuesday evening, at White's Concert and Assembly Rooms. The performances were under the immediate patronage of Lady MacDonnell, who, with His Excellency and Miss MacDonnell, honoured the concert with their presence. We also observed amongst the audience the Speaker and several of the members of the Legislative Council, His Worship the Mayor, and a large number of the merchants and professional gentleman of Adelaide . . . Amongst the other performers deserving special notice was Mr. C. Draeger, whose execution as a flutist, in one of Caroli's difficult compositions, was deservedly and repeatedly applauded. Herr Kunze, as a pianist, is rapidly rising in public estimation. His ability to execute elaborate passages in correct time, and with great evenness and delicacy of touch, was conspicuous during the whole of the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Blanche Macdonnell (governor and wife)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (14 July 1856), 1
THIS EVENING (Monday), July 14th, 1853. MADAME C. CAILLY . . . her FAREWELL CONCERT . . .
assisted by Miss M. CHALKER, Miss L. J. ROWE, Herr LINGER, Mr. C. W. DRAEGER, Herr KUNZE, and Amateurs . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Brilliant Variations for Flute with Pianoforte accompaniment, Mr. C. W. Draeger - Caroli . . .
PART II . . . Ballad - "Philomelo," with Flute Obligato, and Pianoforte accompaniment, Madame Clarisse Cailly and Mr. C. W. Draeger . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Jane Rowe (vocalist); Carl Linger (pianist)
"MADAME CAILLY'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (15 July 1856), 3
We are sorry to have to state that a rather small audience assembled on the occasion of Madame Cailly giving her farewell concert last evening, in White's Concert and Assembly Rooms. The programme was of a more than usually well-selected character, and an additional feature was given by the introduction of two overtures, which were very effectively performed by some orchestral members of the Choral Society, under the leadership Of Mr. Chapman . . . Mr. C. W. Draeger performed his variations and accompaniment with the flute exceedingly well . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (leader); Adelaide Choral Society (association)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (27 November 1856), 1
on which occasion she will present, for the first time, THE MAD SCENE From Lucia di Lammermoor; THE MEXICAN BOY AT MADRID;
And a most extraordinary novelty, A QUARTETT FOR FOUR FLUTES, In which Madame Anna Bishop will sustain the part of FIRST FLUTE . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . The First Part will conclude with a very singular and beautiful composition (by Bochsa, for Madame Anna Bishop), entitled
First Flute - Madame Anna Bishop.
Second Flute - Mr. Julius Siede.
Third Flute - Mr. Droege.
Fourth Flute - Mr. George Loder . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (flute); Anna Bishop (vocalist, flute); George Loder (flute, conductor)
MUSIC: Morning chaunt of the Albinos (by Bochsa, NO COPY IDENTIFIED)
"MADAME ANNA BISHOP'S CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (29 November 1856), 5
The concert on Thursday evening, the last but one this very favourite vocalist is to give in Adelaide, went off as triumphantly as any of its predecessors, each piece exciting the warm applauses of a large and most distinguished audience . . . The most extraordinary performance of the evening was Madame's vocal imitation of the flute, which must be heard to be appreciated. She actually takes the part of first flute, leading the second, third, and fourth, which are in the hands of Messrs. Siede, Droege, and Loder . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (3 December 1856), 3
COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO HERR JULIUS SIEDE, The Celebrated Flautist, from the Royal Academy of Music at Dresden, &c.
The First Part will conclude with a very singular and beautiful composition (by Bochsa for Madame Anna Bishop), entitled
THE MORNING CHAUNT OF THE ALBINOS, A Quartet for four Flutes! . . .
Third Flute - Mr. C. W. Droege [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (8 December 1856), 3
MADAME ANNA BISHOP begs to announce . . . her FAREWEEL CONCERT . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 7. New Arietta, composed for Madame Anna Bishop by George Loder -
"The Sea Nymph," with obligato Accompaniment for two Flutes, Messrs. Siede and Droege . . .
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, October 8", South Australian Register (10 October 1859), 3
The usual quietness of this township was agreeably interrupted on Thursday, the 6th inst., by a musical entertainment at the Tanunda Hotel.
On that day the Tanunda Band, conducted by Mr. F. Draeger, celebrated their second anniversary, inviting to it a number of friends,
whom they entertained during the evening with the performance of a variety of musical pieces selected for the occasion.
The festival was opened at about 8 o'clock with Rossini's overture to "L'Italiani-Algieri," . . .
After half an hour's pause, the second part of the concert was commenced with an overture composed by Herr C. W. Draeger, of Adelaide, brother of Herr F. Draeger, of Tanunda . . .
The performance throughout was precise and correct, and highly pleasing,
so much so that strangers could hardly be prevailed upon to believe that they were listening to a chorus of dilettante
who in the course of but two years have so admirably progressed towards perfection in the art of music under the care and management of their able leader.
Many of the pieces were warmly applauded . . . The concert ended at about 11 o'clock. When the last tunes had scarcely died away the room was quickly cleared for a dance,
which lasted till early this morning. At about 12 o'clock the party sat down to a supper, at which Mr. Draeger's health was proposed and heartily responded to.
Several other toast followed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Draeger (older brother); Tanunda Band (association)
"GAWLER [From our own Correspondent] Gawler, September 23", South Australian Register (26 September 1861), 2
Yesterday being the day appointed for the monthly parade and drill of the First Gawler Rifles, about 40 mustered outside the Gawler Arms, and, preceded by the band, marched to the drill-ground near the target, where Staff Sergeant Young was in attendance to put the company through the platoon drill and field exercises. A large concourse of people, including a very strong muster of the fair sex, were present, and during the parade the band played a number of lively airs and marches . . . Many people could hardly believe that it is but three months since the band was first formed, their proficiency has been so great under Mr. Draeger, the bandmaster. In the evening the usual monthly meeting was held at the Gawler Arms, where arrangements were made for adding some drums to the band. It was also proposed and carried with acclamation that, on the arrival of Mr. Stuart's party at Willaston, the whole of the First Gawlers should turn out and escort them through Gawler, headed by the band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John McDouall Stuart (explorer) on his sixth expedition (set out 23 October 1861); Band of the First Gawler Rifles (volunteer military)
"TANUNDA", The South Australian Advertiser (22 October 1861), 3
Business has been rather dull of late even at Tanunda.
On Tuesday, the 15th instant, spring-carts and other vehicles were seen running to and fro through the township,
carrying flowers and green bushes to the Tanunda Hotel, where a number of ladies were busily engaged winding garlands and wreaths
for decorating the large saloon for the first half-yearly festival - concert and ball - of the Tanunda Liedertafel.
The first rays of light on the following morning were greeted by numerous flags floating in the morning breeze from many of the houses,
and the aspect of the town was most gay and lively.
Towards evening guests flocked in from all sides, and among them the Gawler Volunteer Band, which entered the township playing a lively march.
At about 8 o'clock p.m. the saloon became filled with nearly 200 ladies and gentlemen,
presenting, together with the tasteful decoration and brilliant illumination, a very pleasing appearance.
The music-desks were all ornamented with wreaths and green shrubs, and that of Mr. Draeger (the leader) bore a very neat and tasteful symbolic lyre, surrounded with flowers.
The concert was opened by the Tanunda Music Verein with the "Terzetto Finale" of the opera "Lucrezia Borgia,"
which, especially the vivace in the latter parts was executed with great precision, and was duly applauded . . .
An interval of half-an-hour having been allowed for refreshment,
the second part of the concert was commenced by a grand valse, composed by Mr. F. Draeger . . .
The next piece was given by the Gawler Volunteer Musical Band, in a manner reflecting much credit upon the performers and their leader (Mr. C. W. Draeger, of Gawler),
under whose care, during but a few months, they have attained a really surprising knowledge of the use of their various instruments . . .
The rest of the evening and a considerable part of the following morning were devoted to dancing,
interrupted only by an excellent supper, at which a series of the usual toasts were given and acknowledged.
The whole affair went off in the best possible manner, and without the least disturbance or unpleasant incident.
ASSOCIATIONS: Tanunda Liedertafel (association); Gawler Volunteer Band (volunteer military)
Marriages in the district of Angaston, 1861; Australia, Marriage index (PAYWALL)
At Langmeil / 30 October 1861 / Carl Wilhelm Draeger son of Johann Christian Draeger / and Johanne Emilie Emma Schulz daughter of Samuel Schulz
"COLONIAL MUSIC", Adelaide Observer (14 December 1861), 8
A collection of the musical pieces composed and published in the colony would form quite a volume. We remember to have seen the productions of Mrs. A. J. Murray, Signor Cutolo, Herr Linger, Miska Hauser, Mrs. H. F. Price, Messrs. Draeger, O. F. V. Reyher, E. K. Daniel, W. C. Oldham, H. Pounsett, and J. Elliott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (composer); Cesare Cutolo (composer); Miska Hauser (composer); Mary Price (composer); Oscar Reyher (composer); Emma Daniel (composer); William Oldham (composer); Henry Pounsett (junior) (composer); Joseph Elliott (composer)
"Tanunda Liedertafel", Süd Australische Zeitung [Tanunda, SA] (12 April 1862), 1
Das Stiftungsfest der Tanunda Liedertafel wurde am 9. d. im grossen Saale des "Victoria Hotels"
durch ein Concert mit darauf folgendem Souper und Ball gefeiert . . .
Das Concert begann mit der Ouverture aus "la Dame blanche," welche von den Herren F. Schrader [sic],
Th. und Fr. Heydecke, White, F. und C. Draeger mit wahrhaft künst lerischem Vortrag gegeben wurde . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Heinrich Schrader (musician); Theodor Heydecke (musician); Fritz Heydecke (musician); Richard Baxter White (musician)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] April 11", The South Australian Advertiser (14 April 1862), 3
The long-talked-of concert and ball of the Tanunda Liedertafel came off on Wednesday, the 9th instant,
at the Victoria Hotel, the large ballroom of which had been tastefully decorated with vine leaves.
The Liedertafel was assisted by Messrs. Schrader, White, and Brothers Heydecke from Adelaide,
Mr. C. W. Draeger from Gawler, and the Tanunda Musical Society.
At about 8 o'clock the invited guests began to assemble, and at half-past 8 the audience consisted of about 100 ladies and gentlemen.
The first piece was an overture from "La Dame Blanche" executed splendidly by Mr. Schrader's company,
assisted by Mr. C. W. Draeger and Mr. P. Draeger [sic], the leader of the Liedertafel . . .
The second was opened by an overture from "the Italians in Algier," by Rossini, played by the same gentlemen as the first, and in the same finished manner . . .
The whole concert went off well, but this certainly was the gem of the evening, and Mr. Heydecke was naturally greeted with rapturous applause, which seemed as if it would never end . . .
A ball followed, intercepted by supper at 12 o'clock, and dancing was kept up till very nearly 6 in the morning . . .
Herr Carl Schmitt, assisted by Mr. Linley Norman, has promised us a visit next Tuesday, and we are all expectation. I think he can depend on a full house . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (musician); Linly Norman (musician)
"Schüssenfest", Süd Australische Zeitung (19 July 1862), 3
Die Tanunda Schüsszen-Gesellschaft feiert am vorigen Mittwoch ihr Stifwngsfest durch einen grossen Ball der in dem mit ausgezeichnetem Geschmact decorirten Saale der Herren Wiener u. Fischer stattsand . . . Die übrige Ausstattung ebenso wie die Musik, welche von dem Tanundaer Musikcorps unter der Leitung des Hrn. Draeger ausgeführt wurde, liess nichts zu wünschen übrig; und wir haben selten einem Ball beigewohnt, wo die Zeit per wirklich musterhafter Ordnung in so ungetrübter Heiterkeit und Geselligkeit verflog wie an diesem.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Wiener (venue proprietor, amateur vocalist); George Fischer (venue proprietor, amateur vocalist and pianist)
[2 advertisements], Süd Australische Zeitung (20 December 1862), 3
Victoria Hotel. Freitag, den 26. December,
am zweiten Weihnachtstage, findet bei mir GROSSER BALL . . . J. F. A. Peters.
Concert-Anzeige, Am obigen Tage, Freitag, den 26. December, Nachmittags 4 Uhr . . .
ein Grosses Concert, ausgeführt von dem berühmten Braunschweiger Musikcorps und dem Tanunda Musik-Verein, stattfinden . . .
Programm. I. Theil. 1) OUVERTURE "Regine" - Adam aufgeführt vom Gesammt - Orchester.
2) SOLO (Clarinette) aus "Freischütz" - C. M. v. Weber - vorgetragen von Th. Heydecke.
3) LIED: "Ob ich dich liebe?" gesungen von Fräulein Marie Peters.
4) LA MADRILENA (Spanischer Tanz).
5) SOLO (Cornet) - T. Schneider - vorgetragen von J. Oehlrich.
6) CHORUS & MARSCH aus "Norma" - Bellini.
7) LIED: "Zimperlieschen", gesungen mit Clavierbegleitung von Emilie Peters.
II. Theil. 8) OUVERTURE aus "Don Juan" - MOZART - vorgetragen von C. W. Draeger.
9) LIED: "Bright things can never die", gesungen von Fräulein Amanda Peters.
10) DUETT für zwei Cornets - vorgetr. von H. Schrader u. F. Heydecke.
11) "Schwarzwälder Spieluhren-Polka.
12) HORN-QUARTETTE: "Mein doppelt Vaterland", vorgetragen v. H. Schrader, R. Heydecke, R. White u. Th. Heydecke.
13) GALLOP "Postillon" - C. Zabel
14) EMILIEN-POLKA vorgetragen von Emilie Peters.
Grosses Concert von H. Poussard & R. Douay, am 31. December 1862 . . . Tanunda Hotel . . . Wiener & Fischer.
ASSOCIATIONS: Peters family (musicians); John Oehlrich (musician); Brunswick Band ("Braunschweiger Musikcorps"); Horace Poussard (musician); Rene Douay (musician)
Tanunda, SA (by late 1863 or earlier):
"TANUNDA [From a Correspondent] Tanunda, February 29", South Australian Register (2 March 1864), 3
Our little township has been unusually quiet for some time past, no wheat having made its appearance in consequence of the late harvest.
The inhabitants are in a very depressed humour, thinking with horror of the approaching winter,
which in all probability will stop every communication and traffic through our beautiful little township.
The commencement of the heavy rains is sure to take the whole road away at the Tanunda Creek . . .
On Tuesday, 23rd inst., the large room of the Tanunda Hotel was crowded with a highly respectable audience to listen to the sweet sounds of music.
A complimentary concert, for the benefit of Mr. C. W. Draeger, was arranged by the Tanunda "Music and Quartett Verein,"
as a token of esteem for his merits in gaining the first prize of ten competitive compositions at the great Music and Turn Festival in Melbourne.
The prize consists of a silver cup, beautifully worked by Mr. Steiner, of Adelaide, and was presented by the Adelaide Liedertafel to the Melbourne festival for competition.
The "Music Verein" opened the concert with the overture of the "Calif von Bagdad," who at once gave testimony of the great progress it had made under the able leadership of Mr. Draeger.
The next tenor solo, "In dunkler nacht," with chorus accompaniment, by the late F. Muecke, brother of our respected townsman, the Rev. Dr. Muecke,
made a deep impression on the silently listening audience. This was followed by a lively and spirited polka, composed by Mr. Draeger.
The fourth piece (the prize composition), "Ewige Liebe," by all means the gem of the evening, was beautifully rendered by five gentlemen of the Quartett Verein.
The composition cannot be praised too highly. It is sweet harmonious, and touching.
After this the celebrated "Altfrauenwalzer," by the Quartett Verein, created much merriment and was loudly encored.
Mr. Fischer having given very effectively the celebrated Trumper by Speyer, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Taeuber,
the first part concluded by a grand chorus, vocal and instrumental, "The German Colours," composed by Mr. Draeger.
A solo on the flute followed, with an accompaniment on the piano by Mr. Fischer;
after which Mr. Wiener gave, with his powerful voice, the solo "Der alle Fritz," with chorus accompaniment.
The greatest enthusiasm, however, was created by the concluding choruses - 1st, '"Schleswig-Holstein," and 2nd, "Das Deutsche Vaterland" -
in which, being the finale, the whole audience joined.
The concert being over, the room was quickly cleared for dancing, which was kept up with great spirit till an early hour.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Taeuber (pianist); Carl Muecke (cleric); J. H. Steiner (jeweller, silversmith; d. Hamburg, Germany, 24 July 1914); Adelaide Liedertafel (association); this is probably the record of the cup's arrival, "SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . IMPORTS", South Australian Register (23 January 1864), 2
ALEXANDRA, from Melbourne - . . . 1 box, C. W. Draeger . . .
"TANUNDA [Correspondent] February 29", The South Australian Advertiser (2 March 1864), 3
. . . We have had several concerts lately, one by the Campbell Minstrels, who played before a very full house;
and on Tuesday, the 23rd inst., one by the Quartett Virain [sic, Verein], assisted by the Music Virein [sic], being a complimentary benefit to Mr. C. W. Draeger,
who had carried off the first prize for his composition of the quartette "Ewige Liebe," at the Melbourne Turn and Gesangfest, on the 20th December last.
The concert was a complete success, the audience numerous and highly respectable, and the programme was gone through in a very satisfactory manner.
The performance commenced with the overture from "The Caliph of Bagdad," by the Music Virein,
followed by the tenor solo and chorus "In Dunkler Nacht;" then again a concert polka by the band,
after which came the gem of the evening, the prize song, "Ewige Liebe," admirably sung by five members of the Quartett Virein, which was rapturously encored.
The quartette "Altfrauen Walzer," an adagio solo, for cornopeon, was executed in a masterly way by Mr. C. W. Draeger;
the chorus "Schwarz, Roth, Gold," and the solo "Der Trompeter," followed in quick succession, and closed the first part of the programme.
The second part opened with the overture of the opera "Cosi fan tutte," by the band;
next came the bass solo and chorus "Der alte Fritz;" an encore being demanded, "Die Kaeferknaben" was substituted.
Next came a flute solo by Mr. C. W. Draeger, a potpourie for brass instruments, a duet from "The Puritans;"
an andante for brass instruments; and last, though not least, the two national songs "Schleswig-Holstein" and "Was ist des Deutchen Vaterland,"
arranged for chorus and band, which was executed with great emphasis, and created the greatest enthusiasm.
A ball concluded a most pleasant evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Campbell Minstrels (troupe)
"THIS WEEK"S NEWS . . . MUSICAL", Adelaide Observer (5 March 1864), 2 supplement
A letter from a correspondent at Tanunda contains a full account of a complimentary concert which was given on Tuesday, February 23, by the "Tanunda Musicer and Quartett Vernein," [sic] to Mr. C. W. Draeger, their leader, in honour of his having obtained the first prize of 10 musical compositions at the recent Music and Turn Festival at Melbourne. The prize is a beautiful silver cup supplied by Mr. Steiner, of Rundle-street, and was presented by the Adelaide Liedertafel to the Melbourne Society.
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, April 1", Adelaide Observer (9 April 1864), 1 supplement
Our township was quite alive on Easter Monday, when the annual shooting for the kingship of the Tanunda Rifle Club took place. At halt-past 11 the members in their neat uniform, headed by the excellent amateur band of Mr. C. W. Draeger, marched up the township . . .
"Concert in Tanunda [Eingesandte]", Süd Australische Zeitung (6 January 1865), 6
Am dritten Weihnachtstage, den 27. d. Mts., bereitete Hr. Peters im "Victoria Hotel", den Bewohnern Tanunda's einen seltenen Ohrenschmaus. Etwa um 3 Uhr Nachmittags, begannen die Räume des schönen, grossen Saales sich zu füllen, um den Tonen des Schrader'schen Orchesters zu lauschen, welches der unternehmende Wirth hierher berufen hatte. Das Programm war ein sorgfältig erlesenes, und der musterhafte Vortrag der beliebten Künstler, welche von unserm. Hrn. Wilh. Draeger unterstützt wurden, erweckte nach jedem Finale reichlichen Applaus und mehrmaliges "Da capo". Auf eine ganz besonders angenehme und zugleich erfreuliche Meise wurden bei diesem Concerts die Pausen zwischen den durch das Orchester vorgetragenen Piecen ausgefüllt. Wir hatten nämlich Gelegenheit, den gewandten und geschmackvollen Vortrag einer angehenden australischen Künstlerin, des neunjährigen Töchterlein unseres Wirthes, Emilie Peters, zu bewundern, welche mehrere schwierige Stücke, worun ter eine "Sonatine" von Enckhausen, mit einer für ihr zartes Alter er staunlichen Fertigkeit vortrug. Es ist zu hoffen, dass die kleine Künstlerin auf der betretenen Bahn fortschreitet, und ihrem eigenen Talente und Fleisse, wie auch den Bemühungen ihres Lehrers, des Hrn. W. Draeger, noch recht viele Ehre mache.
Heinrich Schrader (musician);
for the program, see [Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung (23 December 1864), 7
"TANUNDA [Correspondent] Thursday, September 7", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (9 September 1865), 1 supplement
All the Australian colonies have united to collect funds for another expedition in search of that great and unfortunate explorer, Ludwig Leichhardt.
Committees were formed, money collected all over the colonies, entertainments were given in aid of the Leichhardt Search Fund in Melbourne and Sydney, in Adelaide and Gawler, in fact in all large places in the Australias.
Tanunda, with its German inhabitants, could not stay behind their fellow colonists, and look on quietly whilst others exerted themselves on behalf of their ill-fated countryman.
A committee was formed at once, and their indefatigable exertions were crowned with the most brilliant success.
A good sum of money had already been subscribed privately here, when the committee decided to give a grand concert on Tuesday, the 5th September,
prefaced, as it might be, by a lecture of the Rev. Dr. Mucke, on Friday, the 1st instant, at the Tanunda Hotel . . .
The time for the concert approached; all preparations had been made; the best talent in the colonies had been invited for the occasion, when Sunday with its storm and rain came on.
The prospects of the success became very small, particularly as Monday also proved a rainy day;
but contrary to all expectations the Tuesday set in gloriously, and as Wednesday was again very stormy better luck could not have attended our entertainment.
Already in the afternoon a full house could with certainty be predicted, as vehicles of all descriptions,
from the costly buggy down to the plain German waggon arrived from all parts of the distance, bringing visitors from Adelaide,
Gawler, Kapunda, Sheaoak Log, Angaston, Stockwell, Truro, Nuriootpa, Greenock, Daveyston, Lyndoch Valley, &c., &c.
Towards evening the large yards of the Tanunda Hotel were literally crammed, so that many were obliged to leave their conveyances at the other hotel.
As soon as the doors were opened crowds of a fashionable audience came pouring in.
Very soon the large room was crammed almost to suffocation, and when the concert began all adjoining rooms were filled in a like manner,
there being between 300 and 400 people present, of which not one went away but highly delighted by the performances,
which were really the greatest musical treat that could have been provided in the colony.
Where everything was excellent it would be invidious to particularise.
The warmest thanks are however, due to Mr. Schrader and his colleagues, who came up from Adelaide to assist the Quartette-Verein gratuitously.
The first piece on the programme was an overture, "La tete Meduse," brilliantly executed by Mr. Schrader's band, assisted by Messrs. Linly Norman and C. W. Drager.
Next followed a piano solo, "Variations by Herz," played only as Linley Norman can play;
but great as he always is he that night excelled himself, evidently because he knew that he had an audience that could appreciate his talents
- in fact, after the concert, both him and Mr. Schrader expressed themselves to that effect.
A rapturous encore was awarded to him.
The third piece was a solo, "Das Grab auf der Haide," by Heiser, sung by Mr. G. Fischer, with great effect.
A duet, for cornet and clarionet, by Messrs. Schrader and Heydecke, followed;
this, again, like every other piece in the programme, was executed beautifully, as might well be expected from artists of the standing of those gentlemen.
A violin solo, "Elegie," by Ernst, was then admirably played by Herr Iversen, from Greenock;
it is a very difficult piece, but Herr Iversen mastered it with the greatest effect -
thus, in his first appearance before a South Australian audience, proving himself au artist who can rank with the best in the colonies.
A quartette, "Alles was die Erd'enthalt," sung by the Quartette Verein in their usual effective style, concluded the first part of the programme.
It would be too much were I to criticise each piece of the second part, where every everything was excellent - I would want words of praise. e
Suffice it to say that thunders of applause and encores rewarded the performers after each piece.
The first was the overture, "Don Juan," by the Band; next, the quartette, "Schafers Sonntagslied;"
the third a piano solo, "Lucia di Lammermoor," by Linly Norman, followed by an air from "Rigoletto," capitally sung by a gentleman amateur from Adelaide,
who happened to be present, which was deservedly encored.
Then came the symphonie in "No. 3 G dur," by Hayden, executed by the band.
The sixth was the "A.B.C.," by Quartett-Verein, and the last piece, a duet for two cornets, admirably played by Messrs. Schrader and F. Heydecke.
The Rev. Dr. Muecke then stepped forward, and on behalf of the committee and the Quartett-Verein,
in eloquent terms thanked Messrs. Schrader and his colleagues, as well as Messrs. Linly Norman, Iversen, Drager, and the other performers,
for their great liberality in coming from great distances gratuitously to assist at the concert, and for the great treat they had provided.
This was seconded and carried with, immense applause.
The German National Hymn, sung by the Quartett-Verein, and "God Save the Queen," in which instrumentalists and vocalists joined,
concluded the best concert that was ever played in Tanunda;
in fact one that both for the excellence of the music as well for the audience could not easily be excelled anywhere in South Australia.
I have been especially requested by the committee to return their warmest thanks to those gentlemen who so kindly assisted them,
as also to the public at large who so liberally came forward, and by their presence enabled them to send a pretty considerable sum,
as the nett proceeds (between £20 and £30), to the Central Committee of the Leichhardt Search Fund in Adelaide.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Leichhardt (lost explorer); Linly Norman (pianist); Louis Iverson (violinist)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, September 6", Adelaide Observer (9 September 1865), 2 supplement
. . . Schrader's Kapelle in the most disinterested manner came up from town to give their valuable services gratuitously on this occasion, and deserve our heartiest and warmest thanks. The concert then commenced with the overture "La Sese Medusa" [sic] (Gerard), effectively rendered by Schrader's Kapelle, assisted by Messrs. L. Norman and C. W. Draeger . . . The Symphony No. 3 in G major, was splendidly executed by Schrader's Kapelle and Messrs. Norman and Draeger. The performers exerted them selves with zeal and energy in order to do justice to the illustrious composer's work as well as to an audience so deeply appreciating their exertions . . .
"TANUNDA [Correspondent] Wednesday, December 27", The South Australian Advertiser (29 December 1865), 3
The Christmas holidays are over, and were spent here as merry as possible . . .
On Boxing-Day, the celebrated Brunswick band gave a grand concert in the large room of the Tanunda Hotel.
The room was well filled, although there were so many counter-attractions, such as picnics, &c., and as was to be expected,
the audience were highly delighted by the masterly playing of the gentlemen comprising the band, who were assisted on this occasion by Mr. C. W. Draeger, of this place.
They are so well known as artists, that it would seem invidious for me to say much to their praise;
suffice it to say that the programme was a splendid one, and well adapted for such an audience as will be found in Tanunda, who can appreciate good music.
The first part consisted of overture, "Die Felsenmuhle," Reisiger; aria, "Stabat Mater," Rossini; "Il Baccio Waltz," Arditi; solo, cornet, Mr. H. Schrader;
"Die Libelle Polka," Faust; introduction, aria from "Stradella," Flotow.
The second part began with the overture "Sophonisbe," Paer; Potpouri, "Robert le Diable," Meyerbeer;
quartette for brass instruments, "Tagerchor," Linger; "Heatherbell Chalop," Faust; solo, clarinette, Th. Heydicke; "Erlkonig," Schubert; "Volkslied Quadrille," Doppler.
Of course the artistes were rewarded by rounds of applause, and numerous calls for encores; but I suppose owing to the extreme heat, they were not responded to . . .
"LYNDOCH [From our own Correspondent]", Bunyip [Gawler, SA] (6 January 1866), 2
The principal amusement for pleasure seekers and lovers of rural felicity at this pretty village was a concert and ball, got up by and under the special protection of the German Singing Class . . . There was a brass band, a string band, a solo on the flute, a duett flute and violin, and the really excellent glee of the above-named Society, assisted by some talented friends from Tanunda. When we inform our readers that the Lyndoch Liedertafel has only been established some three or four months they will understand the surprise which, was evidently felt at so successful a debut. We believe much of the credit, for this happy result is due to Herr Draeger, of Tanunda, to whose untiring attention and valuable instruction the class is much indebted. This gentleman acted as director and the whole of the arrangement was most complete. At the conclusion of the concert the large room was speedily cleared for the promised ball . . .
"TANUNDA [Correspondent] Thursday, October 25", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (27 October 1866), 4 supplement
On Saturday, the 20th inst., the Rev. Dr. Muecke held a lecture at the Tanunda Hotel, on the "History of Germany," for the benefit of the German Relief Fund . . . Monday was the day appointed for the grand concert, to held at the Tanunda Hotel, for the benefit of the German Relief Fund. The rain was pouring down all day, and great doubts were expressed as to the success of the same, but although the storm and rain had not abated in their fury, at a little past 8 o'clock the large room was crowded. The first piece performed was the overture to "Die Felsenmuhle," by Reissiger, executed in splendid style by the Brunswick Band, assisted by Mr. C. W. Draeger, from Tanunda . . .
"GERMAN WAR RELIEF FUND. FANCY FAIR AT TANUNDA", Evening Journal (11 November 1870), 2
On Thursday, November 10, a Fancy Fair, accompanied by other demonstrations, took place at Tanunda, in aid of the German sufferers by the present war raging in Europe, and it was certainly carried out in the manner that characterizes all such efforts made by our German fellow-colonists . . . The festival was held in Mr. Paul Fischer's garden, situated at the entrance of Tanunda . . . Mr. George Fischer, of the Tanunda Hotel, kindly allowing his licence to cover the disposal of all liquors which could not otherwise have been sold. Located in a convenient part, the Tanunda Brass Band, under the skilful leadership of Mr. C. W. Draeger, gave its gratuitous services, and discoursed sweet music at intervals, and at times a number of vocalists efficiently sang national songs. Sports of various kinds were indulged in in the surrounding enclosures . . . as well as various other amusements . . .
"COUNTRY NEWS . . . TANUNDA, December 28", The South Australian Advertiser (30 December 1870), 3
The Christmas holidays are over with us, and I must say I do not remember having seen them pass off so quietly as this year. The only amusement which has been provided was a concert in Mr. Paul Fischer's gardens on Monday, the 26th instant, in the afternoon. This concert was given by the Tanunda Liedertafel and amateur brass band for the benefit of their leader, Mr. C. W. Draeger, and proved very successful. Although the entrance fee was only 1s. for adults and 6d. for children, yet I understand the net proceeds amounted to about £7. The music, as well as the singing, was very creditable, and everybody present seemed to be well pleased. The celebrated song "The Watch on the Rhine" was given with great effect, and by special desire it had to be sung twice during the afternoon. On Monday evening there was a ball at the Victoria Hotel, which was well patronised.
Mount Gambier, SA (1871-76):
[Advertisement], Border Watch [Mount Gambier, SA] (21 June 1871), 3
Member of the Musical Academies, Berlin and Dresden.
INSTRUCTION on the Pianoforte, Harmonium, Violin, and other Instruments.
Address, care of J. M. Wendt's Musical Repository, Mount Gambier.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joachim Matthias Wendt (jeweller, musicseller)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE . . . MUSICAL", Border Watch (21 June 1871), 2
Herr Draeger, an accomplished instrumental musician, and a member of the Musical Academies of Berlin and Dresden, has, as will be seen by our advertising columns, arrived in Mount Gambier. He is highly spoken of as a professor of the musical art, and no doubt his settlement here will be profitable to himself as well as beneficial to the district.
"PRESENTATION", Border Watch [Mount Gambier, SA] (31 July 1872), 2
Between one and two o'clock on Saturday morning, the members of the Mount Gambier Fortschrittsverein testified in a very marked and gratifying manner their appreciation of the services of their musical director, Herr Draeger, - arousing him without warning from his slumbers for the purpose of making him a presentation. This was, we understand, the morning of the anniversary of his birthday, and the demonstration and presentation were carried out in strict accordance with an ancient German custom. Immediately after one o'clock, the Society, numbering between 20 and 30 members, marched in procession from their hall at Mr. Krull's Globe Inn, Ferres-street, six of them in the van carrying torches, and the remainder arranged in two divisions - singers and instrumentalists. Thus placed they proceeded direct to Herr Draeger's residence in Sturt-street, which they brilliantly illuminated with magnesium lights, formed themselves into a semicircle before his house, and sang a hymn composed for the occasion by Herr Loessel, - to a tune composed for it by another member of the Society; after which the Society's Band struck up Mendelssohn's "Des Jägers Abscheid." In the meantime Herr Draeger was preparing to meet his friends, but being too unwell to venture out he had to invite them inside. Herr Loessel, the Secretary, then read and presented to him a beautifully written address, of which the following is a copy: -
"Heut werde uns der Zuruf Schillers. Dem Verdienste seine Kronon! Der Weckruf seines, allbelebenden Giestes und weihe uns zu einer so erhabenen wie freudevollen. Feier! Was aus dem Unsterblichen fliesset werde unsterblich das Wahre, und was aus dem Geiste orblühet, das bleibe dem Geiste ganz, unbefleckt und seiner würdig. Tief dringet ein wort wie das hehre aus dem Munde eines Hochbegabten in das dem höheren Wollen erschlossene Herz und löset veredelt die Früchte, die esals Samen gestruet. Ja, heut sei uns im Brüderverbande schöner die Wahrheit erblüht, bleibe es nicht mehr Gedanke, werde es That, dass man dem Herrlichen huldigt, dass man das Edle belohnt! Was einst in dem Einen erwachte, heut geh es aus Vielen hervor! Wir nahen jetzt, Hochwürdigster, den Dank den Ihre liebe sich erzogen, in dieser weihevollen Stunde kund zu thun. Im Graun des Morgens jenes schönen Jages, der einst Sie Ihre Lebensbahn zu wallen hiess, der unvergesslich, nun in Jedem der sie kennet, lebet, der uns mit Dank erfüllt und freudig uns erhebt. Wir stehn vereint in Einem hohn Streben, verient durch Einen edlen Drang! Wohl möchten wir dem, der uns viel des Guten, der mehr noch stützend uns, gethan, ihm nach Verdienst, nach seinen Thaten lohnen, doch ist der Wille stärker dehn die Kraft. Drum bitten wir dass Sie, Hochwürdigster, daf Dargebrachte so empfangen wollen, als sei im Werth es gleich der Absicht der die That entspross. Im engern, Anschluss an der Liebe Zeichen, sei auch der Gluckwunsch, der im Lied erklang von ganzem Herzen wiederholet und gleichfalls nun als Widmung uberbracht. Doch höher noch sei im Vereins Diplome der Ehren Ehrenmitgliedschaft, der Dank, die Hochachtung bekundet, die Ihnen wir in Einem Geiste zollen. Im namen des Mount Gambier Fortschritts-Vereins, den 27ten Juli, 1872. G. A. LOESSEL, Secretair." [sic]
Herr Lienau, at the conclusion of the reading of the address, presented to him on behalf of the members of the Society an elegant and valuable silver snuff-box, inlaid with gold, and suitably inscribed by Mr. Olfe, a member of the Society. Herr Draeger was also presented with a document making him an honorary member of the Fortschrittverein. The several gifts were acknowledged by the recipient in suitable terms. The company remained for some time, amusing themselves with vocal and instrumental music, recitations, &c. At about three o'clock they prepared to depart, the procession was reformed, and having marched through several of the streets of the town - the band meanwhile playing several pieces - they halted at Herr Lienau's residence in Commercial-street, and the members then dispersed.
"FORTSCHRITTSVEREIN", Border Watch (24 May 1873), 2
The first anniversary celebration of this society took place on Wednesday day evening at the Globe Hotel. Herr Draeger occupied the chair, and there were between 25 and 30 present. The gathering was of a most convivial character, songs, speeches, and toasts occupying the company until nearly three o'clock on Thursday morning. The Society at present includes about 25 members.
"MOUNT GAMBIER LOCAL COURT . . . Monday, November 17 . . . NEW CASES . . . O. Kluge v. C. W. Draeger", Border Watch (19 November 1873), 2
Claim £6, for twelve months' use of an harmonium, at 10s.
per month. Mr. Davison for plaintiff, and Mr. Burton for defendant.
The plaintiff said the defendant in March, 1872, asked for the loan of the instrument,
and he (plaintiff) said he would let him have it for a short time for nothing and after that would charge the usual sum for its use.
He let him have the use of it for four months for nothing. Defendant had the harmonium until July last. Charged him at the usual rate.
By Mr. Burton - After the expiration of the four months he did not make a fresh arrangement with defendant about payment.
Shortly after getting the instrument back (in August) he sent a bill for it.
Made no demand for money until he sent the bill.
The defendant, C. W, Draeger, music teacher, said Mr. Bors wanted him to teach his son the harmonium.
When speaking about this to Bors at his (defendant's) residence one day,
Kluge being present, plaintiff said he would let him have an instrument, he not having one of his own,
and that it would be for nothing, reserving to himself the right to remove it at any time he might have a chance of selling it.
Kluge himself came for it. Got a bill for its use about a week before the summons.
This was the first intimation that he would charge for it. Plaintiff recommended Bors's son to him.
By Mr. Davison - Plaintiff did not say he would charge the usual sum, and he (defendant) said to him that he had no money to pay for the hire of an harmonium.
Besides Bors's son he taught a Miss Bourke on this instrument.
By Mr. Burton, through the Court - Had no disagreement until the bill was sent.
Johann K. Bors, farmer, Mount Gambier, said he had a conversation with plaintiff about this,
and he understood him to say the harmonium would be lent to defendant without charge.
Plaintiff, recalled, said he had a conversation with Mr. Bors about his son being sent to Draeger, but never said he would lend an harmonium for nothing.
Counsel having addressed the Court, judgment was reserved for a short time.
Before the Court rose, judgment was given for defendant without costs.
The S. M. remarked that sometimes it happened that after lending a chattel a man changed his intentions, an in this case he (the S.M.) was
inclined to think there was a probability that had been done.
"TANUNDA, MAY 5", South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (9 May 1874), 13
Tanunda is never backward when its sympathies are appealed to on behalf of the distressed. Some time ago it was ascertained that Mr. C. W. Draeger, formerly music teacher of this place, had been for a long time laid up at Mount Gambier, and had been incapable to work, and that consequently his large family was in necessitous circumstances. The Tanunda Liedertafel as soon as they had been made aware of the fact voted a liberal sum for him, and on Thursday last a dramatic entertainment was given on his behalf, which turned out to be a great success. The large room at the Tanunda Hotel was quite full, and I believe the net proceeds will not fall far short of £10. As the entrance fee was very low - only 2s. and 1s. 6d. - this is very satisfactory . . .
[News], Border Watch [Mount Gambier, SA] (4 July 1874), 2
A BENEFIT CONCERT for Herr Draeger is being arranged. Herr Draeger has been ill and unable to do anything for some months, and his circumstances are such as to make the proposed assistance very welcome. The Institute Trustees have voted the hall free of charge for the concert.
"CONCERT", Border Watch (26 August 1874), 2
There was a large attendance at the concert given in the Institute Hall last night as a benefit to Herr Draeger. Owing to the hour at which we went to press, we can only state that the concert was very successful every way.
"CHRIST CHURCH TEA AND ENTERTAINMENT", Border Watch (23 October 1875), 3
The public tea meeting and entertainment given on Wednesday last by the Anglican congregation of Mount Gambier as a welcome to the Lord Bishop of Adelaide were both successful . . .
The entertainment was held in the Institute Hall in the evening, under the presidency of the Lord Bishop.
There was a good attendance, the front seats being especially well filled.
The proceedings opened with an instrumental piece by the Mount Gambier Orchestra, of ten players.
The selection was from the "Caliph of Bagdad," and it was played so well that it had to be repeated . . .
After a short interval the Orchestra played in splendid style selections from the opera of "Lucrezia Borgia."
The magnificent playing of the Orchestra, which was led by Herr C. W. Draeger, (who was rewarded for his efforts with a profusion of bouquets),
was the brightest feature of the concert, which, on the whole, was perhaps equal to any amateur entertainment ever given at The Mount . . .
The Lord Bishop rose and said that before closing the entertainment . . . he was permitted by those who had organized this gathering,
in the first place to express the thanks of the meeting to the Mount Gambier Band (applause) -and especially to Herr Draeger (cheers) -
who had so admirably performed the part of leader and instructor of this very excellent band of music. (Applause.)
He knew it was a favourite expression in this colony, that this country and its institutions would bear favorable comparison with other and older lands;
but here no comparison was wanted, for he never heard music more admirably rendered - with better time, better taste, and better feeling than, this. (Applause).
And he said that in spite of his Adelaide prepossessions, and of his predilection for the metropolis of this fair and beautiful country, South Australia,
where all their hearts and hopes were fixed, he never knew Adelaide music to be more beautifully rendered. (Cheers.)
He again tendered to the gentlemen composing the band sincere thanks on his own part and on behalf of the assembly for the excellent music they had discoursed. (Applause.) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Short (bishop)
Adelaide, SA (c. 1876-79):
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (18 July 1876), 6
SIR - In the Register of July 8, Mr. C. W. Draeger, of Mount Gambier (formerly of Tanunda), advertises his intention of removing to Adelaide,
as Music Master, Conductor of Orchestras, &c.
May I suggest to our Gentleman Amateur Musicians that an Orchestra would be a decided acquisition to the Musical Societies of Adelaide?
The pleasures to be derived from such a Society may readily be understood; and I write hoping some will be found who can and will take an interest in the matter.
A competent conductor can be obtained in Mr. Draeger, whose profession is Music, particularly this branch, and Music Composition.
He would take great interest in it, and the members would find the present cost, &c., more than compensated for by the pleasure;
in time it would prove remunerative, if such were necessary.
The instruments required would be piano forte, harmonium, flutes, violins, violoncellos, cornets, &c.
Hoping the suggestion will find a warm reception, I am, Sir,
A LOVER OF MUSIC. July 14, 1876.
"MOUNT GAMBIER LOCAL COURT", Border Watch (28 July 1877), 2
The business at the Mount Gambier Local Court of Full Jurisdiction on Tuesday next will open with an application on behalf of Mrs. C. W. Draeger for a protection order . . .
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (7 January 1878), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (16 December 1879), 2
C. W. DRAEGER returns his grateful THANKS to all those Friends whose Kind Contributions have enabled him to Revisit Germany for his health.
CARL W. DRAEGER. Adelaide, December 10, 1879.
"SHIPPING", South Australian Register (27 December 1879) , 5 supplement
DEPARTURES . . . CUZCO, [Dec.] 10 . . . Per CUZCO, steamer, for London . . . In the third cabin . . . C. W. Draeger.
Berlin, Germany (from 1880):
Marriage registration, August Friedrich Carl Wilhelm Dräger, 13 December 1882; Landesarchiv Berlin; Personenstandsregister Heiratsregister; Laufendenummer: 197 (PAYWALL)
Nr. 612 / Berlin, [13 December 1882] / August Friedrich Carl Wilhelm Dräger . . . geboren den [27 July 1830] . . . zu Manseld . . .
Sohn de Johann Christian Draeger [and] Marie Friederike . . . Stelle . . .
Leopoldine Wilhelmine Friederike Binge . . .
"A MUSICAL FAMILY", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (3 May 1887), 5
Most old colonists will remember the Draeger Family, whose musical performances in years gone by afforded not only pleasure to the audiences, but also ample proof that the family inherited from their father a thorough musical taste. About seven years ago Herr C. W. Draeger, with the assistance of Messrs. Hugo Fischer, T. Overbury, and other friends, was enabled to return to the Fatherland with a view of bringing his talent as a composer under the notice of the musical cognoscenti of Germany. Since his departure nothing was heard of him until a few days ago, when Mr. Fischer received a letter (from which we make extracts) detailing the ups and downs of the old man's career at home. The first part of the letter is dated Berlin, August 15, 1886. After an opening sentence it runs as translated by Mr. Fischer: -
Directly after my arrival here I wrote to some relations, but did not receive a reply, I do not wonder at it, as my letters were full of complaints and bewailing my sad fate. How could I write otherwise? For you I had intended a special report of my progress, but my experience was so miserable that I had neither courage to write nor money to procure the necessary material. It is now seven years since I left your colony. In that time I have become a real old veteran, and my hair has become snow white. About my eventful career I could write volumes, but fear to bother you with my laments. But so much I may tell you. I had to encounter very very hard times. The winter was a sore trial to me. An old straw bag was my bed, and an old coat my only blanket. My breakfast and supper consisted for a long time of a piece of bread and a glass of water. However, at present I have succeeded so far as to be acknowledged as a composer worthy of notice, and my works are criticised and accepted aa being of extra merit by the Society of Musicians (Tonkünstler Verein) in Berlin. After I had in vain drained nearly all resources, and without the slightest hope of success, I went to the conductor of the Victoria Theatre, a nobleman, and hoped to find a little more sympathy from him than I had from others to whom I applied, and who treated me with scant courtesy. In this instance I found greater success than I had anticipated. My situation roused his sympathy. I explained to him my position and wishes. After looking through my papers and letters he kindly observed some of my compositions which I handed to him and said to me, "I am glad to make your acquaintance. Please to call again in a week's time and I will see what I can do for you."
At the appointed time I waited once more upon him,
and was not a little astonished when he caught me by the shoulders and began to shake me so that I nearly screamed out with pain, as I was suffering from rheumatics.
"Herr Draeger," he said with emotion, "your compositions have been submitted to a severe examination,
which resulted in the unanimous verdict that you are a second Schumann."
I stood thunderstruck, quite speechless, and went out of the house as if intoxicated.
A few days afterwards I came across a composition, which I had quite forgotten, which I had written in Tanunda.
This I forwarded to him and shortly afterwards received the following communication: -
The piece which you have dedicated to me is charming. I congratulate you upon your success."
My great ambition is to make sufficient money to be able to form an orchestra which will interpret my musical ideas according to my own notions.
I shall shortly send you the first of my published compositions.
Seven months later Herr Draeger adds a supplement to this letter, in which he mentions that his writings are securing still greater attention: -
"Her Majesty the Empress has accepted one of my compositions, which has been performed at the Imperial Courts
and she has been pleased to send one of her officers to enquire into my position, &c."
The letter concludes with an ardent desire for news from Australia.
In addition to paying Mr. Fischer the usual Christmas compliment Herr Draeger enclosed in his letter a few bars of music set to the words,
"Happy New Year, Happy New Year to all who Live in Fair Australia."
Those who knew our departed colonist will be glad to learn that at last he has secured a fair recognition of his genius,
and will wait with anxiety to hear of his progress in his native land.
"Gruss aus der Ferne", Australische Zeitung [Adelaide, SA] (11 May 1887), 2
Der frühere Musikus und Musiklehrer in Tanunda und Mount Gambier, Herr C. W. Draeger, der vor etwa 7 Jahren die Kolonie verliess und nach Berlin ging, hat endlich ein Lebenszeichen von sich gegeben. Er meldet, dass er daselbst lange Jahre mit grosser Roth und Krankheit zu kämpfen hatte, doch berichtet nun, dass endlich seine musikalischen Talente im hohen Grade anerkannt werden und er auf bessere Zeiten hofft. Er lässt aufs wärmste seine alten Bekannten, namentlich aber das alte Tanunda 8 Mal hoch leben [sic].
"Funeral Notices", The Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (2 July 1914), 2
THE FRIENDS of the late Mrs. EMMA DRAEGER are respectfully informed that her Remains will be removed from her late residence, Charlotte-place, off Beulah-road, Norwood on THURSDAY, at 2 o'clock, for internment in the West-terrace Cemetery.
Death registration, Wilhelm Karl Draeger, 22 December 1816, Landesarchiv Berlin; Personenstandsregister Sterberegister; Laufendenummer: 820 (PAYWALL)
Nr. 4785 / Berlin, am 22 Dezember 1916 / Friedrick Wilhelms-Hospital zeigte an,
das ein Musikdirektor Wilhelm Karl Draeger, 86 Jahren alt . . . geboren zu Mansfeld . . . [spouse] Friedricke Binge
sohn der Christian & Friedricke . . . Stell verstorben, zukekt wohnhaft in Adelaide, Australien [sic] . . .
Musical works (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Overture (1859)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, October 8", South Australian Register (10 October 1859), 3
The usual quietness of this township was agreeably interrupted on Thursday, the 6th inst., by a musical entertainment at the Tanunda Hotel.
On that day the Tanunda Band, conducted by Mr. F. Draeger, celebrated their second anniversary, inviting to it a number of friends,
whom they entertained during the evening with the performance of a variety of musical pieces selected for the occasion . . .
After half an hour's pause, the second part of the concert was commenced with an overture composed by Herr C. W. Draeger, of Adelaide, brother of Herr F. Draeger, of Tanunda . . .

A song for Australia [From the green slopes of Mount Gambier . . .] (1861)
A song for Australia, by G. Nott; music by C. W. Draeger, (with an accompaniment for pianoforte,) (violin ad libitum) (Adelaide: H. Berger, litho., [1861]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: George Nott (lyricist); Henry Berger (lithographer)

At 7 o'clock, above 70 gentlemen assembled at the Oddfellows' Hall. The dinner was provided in excellent style by Mr. Buckerfield, of the Mill Inn . . .
Mr. RUDIGER sang a colonial song, the chorus of which wound up with a hearty commendation of "Our new home, our loved home, our children's native land." . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustav Roediger (vocalist)
"THE DINNER", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (2 March 1861), 2
The dinner took place in the capacious and handsome room belonging to the Gawler Odd Fellows . . .
Chapman's Quadrille Band was in attendance, and greatly contributed to enliven the proceedings of the evening . . .
Mr. ROEDEGER sung s new "Song of Australia;" words by Dr. Nott, music by Schrader [sic]. It was much applauded . . .
"THE GAWLER DINNER. To the Editor of the Chronicle", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (9 March 1861), 3
Sir - In your report of the dinner on the occasion of the Grawler Agricultural Society's Show on Wednesday last,
it is said that a new "Song of Australia" was sung by me, the words being by Dr. Nott, the music by Schrader.
This, however, is a mistake in the name of the composer, who is Herr C. W. Draeger, of Gawler.
C. G. ROEDEGER. Gawler, March 2, 1861.
[We were informed by a gentleman, resident in Gawler, that Dr. Nott was the author of the words. EDITOR.]
ASSOCIATIONS: Heinrich Schrader (musician)
"THE GAWLER NEW SONG OF AUSTRALIA", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (16 March 1861), 2 supplement
In reference to the authorship of this song, sung by Mr. Roediger, at the late agricultural meeting, we are requested by that gentleman to state that the words are by Dr. Nott, and the music by Mr. C. W. Draeger, of Gawler Town.
"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register (16 March 1861), 2
There has been forwarded to us "A Song for Australia," words by G. Nott and music by C. W. Draeger. Both require notice at an early opportunity.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 March 1861), 1
Just Published, Price, 2s.
A SONG FOR AUSTRALIA, by G. NOTT; Music by C. W. Draeger; Pianoforte and Violin accompaniment.
Adelaide, C. Platts; Gawler, W. Barnet; and all Booksellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Platts (musicseller)
"ODDFELLOWSHIP", South Australian Register (18 May 1861), 3
On Thursday, May 16th, the members of the Gawler Lodge, I.O.O.F.. M.U., and the members of the Court Bushman's Pride, A.O.F., met to celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of the Gawler Lodge and Court. Soon after 3 o'clock a procession was formed in front of the Oddfellows' Hall, and the members of both Societies, preceded by Schrader's band, marched to St. George's Church, where service was conducted by the Rev. Canon Coombs . . . At half-past 6 o'clock a goodly company, comprising the members of both Orders and a great number of visitors, amounting to over 200 persons, sat down to a sumptuous dinner laid out in the Hall . . . After the cloth had been removed . . . Mr. G. ROEDIGER here sang a song, which was composed expressly for that occasion by Dr. Nott, the music by Mr. C. W. Draeger. At its conclusion, three cheers were given for Dr. Nott . . .
The march of the First Gawler Rifles (1861)
MS (unpublished); NO COPY IDENTIFIED
"GAWLER [From our own Correspondent] Gawler, June 26", South Australian Register (27 June 1861), 3
At a general meeting of the committee of the Gawler Agricultural and Horticultural Society, held at the Globe Inn yesterday . . . Dr. Nott . . . rose to make a statement of the results of the labours of the Band Committee. He said nearly 30l. had already been collected or promised, a great part of which had been spent in the purchase of instruments. Mr. Draeger, the bandmaster, had been instructing the musicians twice weekly, and good progress had been made, as would be shown by the band performing before them that night. He hoped that people would come forward liberally, as funds would be wanted to maintain the band. The band then commenced playing for the first time in public, and no one who heard them would believe that it was scarcely a month since it was first proposed to get up a band. Led by Mr. Draeger their playing was excellent. The first piece played was a march composed by Mr. Draeger, and entitled "The March of the First Gawler Rifles." The air was very pretty, and was loudly encored; in fact, the whole performance proved the players to be skilled musicians . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the First Gawler Rifles (volunteer military)
"GAWLER [From our own Correspondent] June 26", The South Australian Advertiser (27 June 1861), 3
. . . The Band then made their appearance, and played several airs very creditably; the first was a march, composed by Mr. Draeger, music master, who is also band master, and is named after the First Gawler Rifles, and from what we can judge of the music and harmony produced we think it will soon become a favorite air. The company seemed exceedingly pleased at the progress made by the Band, and testified their approval . . .
Ewige Liebe (vocal quartet; vocal quartette) (1863)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 December 1863), 4
The German Festival, commenced on Monday at Cremorne, was continued last evening at the Exhibition building,
the entertainment consisting of a concert, a public distribution of prizes, a ball, and a supper.
The concert began at eight o'clock, and occupied about two hours. As many as nine pieces on the programme were original quartettes and choruses for male voices which had been sent in for competition.
Some of those exhibited considerable merit, and all of them found very tasteful interpreters . . .
The musical prizes were awarded as under: - 1st, quartette, motto "Ewige Liebe;"
2nd, "serenade;" 1st, chorus, "Mein Lieben;" 2nd, "Loreley;" 3rd, "Wanderlied."
The judges of the compositions were Mr. S. H. Marsh, Herr Siede, and Herr Schott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (judge); Julius Siede (judge); James Arthur Schott (judge); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (30 December 1863), 2
The second German gymnastic and musical festival was brought to a close last evening with a concert and ball at the Exhibition . . . The music performed consisted almost entirely of concerted vocal pieces composed by members of the association. Some of these were remarkably good, while all were far above the average of fugitive compositions of the kind. Among the quartettes, those which pleased us most were "Ewige Liebe," written by a gentleman residing at Tanunda, in South Australia; another entitled "Abschied vom Walde," and a serenade in the second part of the concert . . .

Flora Australis galop (1867; 1871)
"FLORA AUSTRALIS GALOP, FOR THE PIANOFORTE. Composed expressly for the Illustrated Post. C. W. DRAEGER", Illustrated Adelaide Post (23 July 1867), 109 (13)
"MUSIC", Illustrated Adelaide Post (23 July 1867), 16
We beg to call the attention of our musical friends to the Galop by Mr. C. W. Draeger, of Tanunda, printed on page 109.
NOTE: The galop also appeared in the Illustrated Melbourne Post (July 1867)
"FLORA AUSTRALIS GALOP; FOR THE PIANOFORTE. C. W. DRAEGER", Illustrated Sydney News (21 January 1871), 13
Welcome chorus (for prince Alfred) (1867)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, October 17", South Australian Register (22 October 1867), 3
The heavy rains which have lately visited us have not only damaged the roads all over our district,
but have stopped business almost altogether. They now seem to have made room for more favourable weather,
which gives hopes to all business men that a favourable change will take place soon.
Although the Adelaide Committee have not promised any assistance to us for the reception of His Royal Highness,
Tanunda has done its duty in case it should be honoured with a visit of the Prince.
A beautiful Welcome Chorus, composed expressly for the occasion by Mr. C. W. Draeger,
of our township, who gained the first prize (the silver cup) for composition in Melbourne two years ago,
the words by the Rev. Dr. Muecke, has undergone frequent rehearsals, and will be executed by from 20 to 30 able singers;
as well as a Sailor chorus, arranged by the same composer. In fact, all hands seem to be ready at a minute's notice to receive His Royal Highness as loyal subjects.
No trouble will be spared to make him comfortable for the few minutes he may stay among us.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor); Carl Muecke (cleric)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, November 29", South Australian Register (22 November 1867), 3
. . . it was determined we should not have a glance at His Royal Highness . . . The song by Mr. C. W. Draeger, words by the Rev. Dr. Muecke, engrossed [sic] most beautifully by Mr. Julius Sobels, has been forwarded through Mr. J. G. Daly, and gracefully accepted by His Royal Highness . . .
Singvögel (Singvoegel) (Singspiel; operetta) (1870)
"COUNTRY NEWS [From our Country Correspondents] TANUNDA. October 14", The Express and Telegraph (15 October 1870), 3
The collections on behalf of the sufferers by the present German war are progressing very favorably. By the last mail the Tanunda Committee remitted, through Mr. von Treur, £300. The draft was very liberally issued by the Bank of South Australia free of charge, thus saving £7 10s. On Wednesday, 12th October, an entertainment was given at the Tanunda Hotel in aid of the fund, and proved a complete success. Although the entrance fee was low, yet I hear there was about £9 or £10 clear after paying all expenses. The entertainment commenced with an overture, capitally executed by Mr. Plumstead. After which Mr. F. Basedow, in place of prologue, read a patriotic poem . . . Next followed the piece de resistance of the evening, the operetta "Singvoege lein" [sic]. The music was expressly composed by Mr. C. W. Draeger, of this place, and was very much enjoyed, being so extremely appropriate to the words, and Mr. Draeger had to appear before the curtain in answer to a unanimous call. The acting and singing were really first-class, and if we had not known that the performers were all amateurs, we certainly, by their acting, would not have discovered it. The young ladies performing (Miss Fischer and Miss M. Fischer) were frequently, interrupted by the applause, and showers of bouquets were thrown to them. In one duet they were obliged to respond to a vociferous call for an encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Friedrich Basedow (community leader)
"TANUNDA, October 13", South Australian Register (15 October 1870), 7
Although entertainments here always attract, yet that on Wednesday, at the Tanunda Hotel, was looked for with more interest than usual, not only because of the object - the relief of widows and orphans in Germany - but also on account of the superior qualifications of the performers. The large room was filled, and there were present English and German friends from Angas Park, Greenock, Daveyston, &c. Mr. Plumstead played an overture; after which two excellent political pieces - one written by Dr. Muecke, of Melbourne - were read. The applause was well deserved. The "Singing Bird," a theatrical representation which followed, produced a highly favourable impression. Messrs. G. Fischer and Cranston and the Misses J. and M. Fischer performed so well that they were nearly overwhelmed with flowers, wreaths, and applause. The young ladies, although they have not often an opportunity of seeing such pieces, would have borne comparison with professional actresses in clearness and sweetness of expression and general deportment. Mr. Draeger, professor of music, had expressly composed the songs . . . The National Anthem concluded an interesting entertainment, which produced about £14. - Communicated.
See also [News], Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer (21 October 1870), 2
Various short compositions (1872)
"ENTERTAINMENT", Border Watch (9 November 1872), 2
The entertainment given on Wednesday evening, 6th instant, by the members of the Mount Gambier Fortschritts Verein, was most successful.
The programme, which was well chosen, was carried out with an ease that evidenced careful preparation,
and fully upheld the expectations of the audience. The attendance was large, nearly 200 being present . . .
Mr. C. F. A. May then read the following address and prologue, written by Herr Loessel (formerly secretary to the Society),
who left for Germany a few weeks ago: - [in German] . . .
This was followed by a chorus entitled "Willkommen," the words "of which were by Herr Loessel and the music by Herr Draeger, Musical Director of the Society.
This was sang very correctly, and was heartily applauded.
A piece by the Orchestra (consisting of nine players) entitled "Fest Marsch" followed. This also was composed by Herr Draeger . . .
After an interval of fifteen minutes had elapsed, the second part of the entertainment was commenced by a chorus,
composed by Herr Draeger, entitled "Sanger Marsch," followed by a waltz also composed by Herr Draeger . . .
A polka played by the Orchestra followed, and was much appreciated.
The composer of this we may mention was also Herr Draeger . . .
Bibliography and resources:
"Draeger, C. W.", in Richard Wrede and Hans von Reinfels (eds), Das geistige Berlin: eine Encyklopädie des geistigen Lebens Berlins, Bd. 1 = Architketen, Bildhauer . . . Musiker . . . (Berlin: Hugo Storm, 1897), S. 82-84,95 (DIGITISED)
Draeger, C. W., wurde am 27. Juli 1830 zu Mansfeld genoren, wo sein Vater im Staatdienste angetellt war. Die vielen Blessuren, welche derselbe in Befreiunskriege empfangen, veranlassten ihn schliesslich seinen Abschied zu nehmen und nahm denn seinen Wohnsitz in Rathenow a. d. Havel, wo de Knabe später das Gymnasium besucte. Diese Studien wudren durch den Tod de Vaters unterbrochen. Da er schon zeitig eine grosse Liebe zur Musik offenbarte, so empfing er schon früh Piano- und Geigenunterricht un war auch wom Vater für diesen Beruf bestimmt. Nach dem Tode des Vaters widmete er sich ausschliesslich der Musik und setzte seine Studien bei verschiedenen Lehrern for und ging 1847 nach Berlin, um unter Prof. A. B. Marx musikalische Komposition zu studiren, welche er bis zum Herbst 1850 fortsetzte. Hier wurde en Gesanglehrer (Schwarz) auf seine Tenorstimme aukmerksam [83] und bildete sie aus. 1852 trat er in die Kapelle des Fürsten Pückler von Puttbus. 1854 folgte er einer Aufforderund seines, ihm 1848 vorangegangenen Bruders (Schülers v. F. Schneider in Dessau) nach Australian. Da aber die Ideen seines Bruders damal noch unausführbar waren, so nahm er wieder den Wanderstab und liess sich endlich nach vielen Irrfahrten in Adelaide als Musik- und Gesanglehrer nieder, gründete ein Orchester, was ihm Engagement als Kapellmeister am dortigen Theater eintrug, welche Stellung er über 3 Jahre bekleidete, überwarf sich, der schlecten Theaterzustände wegen, mit dem Direktor und trat infolge dessen mit seiner Kapelle zurück (1857-60) und nahm dann einen Ruf nach einer Nachbarstadt an, wurde hier Piano- und Gesanglehrer an höheren Schulen und gründete auch hier ein Orchester und einen deutschen Gesangverein. Hier wudre ihm, nach Gründung der Lamdarmee, der Auftrag zu theil, zwei Militärkapellen zu gründen, welche ihm grosse Triumphe einbrachten, da man eine so berauschende Musik im deutsch-militärischen Styl noch nie gehört hatte. Von hieraus gewann er beim zweiten Turn- und Gesangfeste zu Melbourne im Jahre 1862-63 [sic, December 1863] den ersten Preis mit dem Quartet: "Ewige Liebe". 1870 komponirte er ein Singspiel: "Singvogel", welches zum Besten der verwindeten deutschen Krieger unde deren Angehörigen aufgeführt wurde, und konzertirte mit seinem Orchester und dem Gesangverein zu gleichem Zwecke drei Monate lang. 1871 folgte er einem Rufe nach einer entfernten Stadt im Südosten und übernahm heir die Unionskapelle, die Philharmonische Gesellscahft und schliesslich noch die Organistenstelle an der katholischen Kirche und die Leitung des Kirchenchores, gründete dann noch einen deutschen Verein für Litteratur, Dramatik, Blas- un Streichorchester, Chor- und Sologesang. 1872 wurde ihm von demselbem ein Fackelzug (Zum Geburtsfeste) gebracht und eine reichverzierte, vergoldete Dose ihm verehrt und zugleich ihm das Diplom als Ehrenmitglied des Vereins überreicht. Das dortige Institut verlieh ihm das Prädikat: Musikdirektor. Hierauf ereilte ihn eine lange Kankheit, er nahm seiner Genesung wieder den Wanderstab (1874) und kehrte endlich (1879) über London nach Deutschland zurück. Gedichte, Kompositionen für Orchester, Streich- und Blas-[84]-instrumente, für Piano, für Geige, für Chor- und Sologesang mit Pianforte u. s. w., sing im Laufe der Zeit enstanden, und sämmtlich noch Manuskript. Wohnung: Berlin W., Pallasstrasse 7.
Meike Tiemeyer-Schütte, Das Deutsche Sängerwesen in Südaustralien vor Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges zwischen Bewahrung von Deutschtum und Anglikanisierung (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2000), 45-46, 130, 200-201 (PREVIEW)
THANKS: To Draeger descendent Leanne Lamb for kindly sharing results of her family history research (November 2020)
DRAEGER FAMILY OF MUSICIANS (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DRAEGER, Ferdinand (Wilhelm Ferdinand DRAEGER; William Ferdinand DRAGER; Ferdinand DRAEGER; F. DRAEGER)
Musician, professor of music, bandmaster and choral conductor, composer
Born Altenklitsche, Prussia (Germany), c. 1824; son of Johann Christian DRAEGER and Friederike STELLE
Arrived Adelaide, SA, c. 1850 (according to his naturalization certificate)
Married Friederike PROPOSCH, Langmeil (Tanunda), SA, 15 October 1850
Active Rockhampton, QLD, 1863-68
Active Melbourne and VIC, by 1869
? Departed Australia, after 1879
Died ? Germany (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Children of Ferdinand Draeger and Friederike Proposch
DRAEGER, Ferdinand (junior) (Theodore Ferdinand DRAEGER; Master DRAEGER; Ferdinand DRAEGER, junior; alias Theodore FERNANDEZ)
Musician, cornopean player, clarinet / clarionet player, clarinettist
Born Adelaide, SA, 28 June 1851
Married Theresa MURRAY, St. Michael's church, Surry Hills, NSW, 17 March 1879
Died Sydney, NSW, 16 August 1900 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DRAEGER, Bertha (Bertha Friederike DRAEGER; Bertha DRAEGER; also performed as Miss KOHLER; Bertha KOHLER; Mrs. REUBEN; Caroline Friederike Bertha REUBEN)
Musician, flute player, flautist, Lyster and Simonsen opera companies
Born Adelaide, SA, 8 January 1854
Departed Australia, 1895 (per Cuzco, for London, "musician", aged "28" [sic])
Died Bournemouth, England, 1918 (1st quarter) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DRAEGER, Carl (junior) (Carl Wilhelm DRAEGER; Carl William DRAGER; Karl DRAEGER; Charles DRAEGER)
Musician, violinist, piccolo player, vocalist
Born Adelaide, SA, 18 September 1855
Married (1) Mary SILK (d. 1897), NSW, 1881
Married (2) Ada Reed GOSENY, NSW, 1899
Died Petersham, NSW, 6 January 1932 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DRAEGER, Agnes (Caroline Agnes DRAEGER; Agnes DRAEGER; Mrs. Charles James SHURY)
Musician, violinist, vocalist
Born Tanunda, SA, 20 November 1857
Married Charles James SHURY, Calcutta, India, 1 March 1880
Died Colombo (Sri Lanka), 1884
DRAEGER, Clara (Adelaide Clara DRAEGER; Clara DRAEGER; Mrs. Patrick James DUDGEON)
Musician, violinist, vocalist
Born Tanunda, SA, 17 February 1860
Married Patrick James DUDGEON, Agra, Bengal, India, 5 July 1882
Died Cape Town, South Africa, 28 July 1953
DRAEGER, Albert (Albert Bernhard DRAEGER; Albert Bernard DRAEGER; Albert DRAEGER)
Born Rockhampton, QLD, 26 August 1866
Died Brisbane, QLD, 15 April 1941
According to his younger brother Carl Draeger's 1897 account, Ferdinand Draeger had been a pupil of Friedrich Schneider in Dessau, before emigrating to South Australia. Having married Friederike Proposch at at Langmeil, as Tanunda was then called, on 15 October 1850, the couple appear to have divided their time between there and Adelaide, where their first three children were born, before settling in Tanunda by 1857.
Carl took over from his brother as director of the Tanunda band in 1863, when Ferdinand and his family moved to Rockhampton, Queensland.
Theodore Ferdinand Draeger's intestate papers (NSW 1900) report that his widowed mother was still then living in Germany, perhaps suggesting that his father, Wilhelm Ferdinand, also returned to Germany, and died there.
DISAMBIGUATION: Note that several of Carl's and Ferdinand's children share forenames; however, there is no clear evidence that any of Carl's children performed musically in public
ASSOCIATIONS: Two other Draeger children died in infancy, Emilie Emma (born Tanunda, SA, 15 June 1862; died QLD, 20 November 1863), and Mary (born Rockhampton, QLD, 7 June 1865; died 10 June 1865)
THANKS: To Draeger descendent Leanne Lamb for kindly sharing results of her family history research (November 2020)
"TO CORRESPONDENTS", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (23 March 1850), 2
We have received the following additional signatures to the Declaration of Confidence, in Mr. John Stephens . . .
F. Draeger, musician, Tanunda . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Stephens (proprietor, South Australian Register)
Marriages in the district of Adelaide, 1850; Australia, marriage index (PAYWALL)
15 October 1850 / Wilhelm Ferdinand Draeger / Christliebe Friederica Proposch
"TANUNDA SCHOOL EXAMINATION", South Australian Register (29 March 1853), 2
The yearly examination of this school took place on Wednesday, the 23rd March, at 9 o'clock in the morning, before a large assemblage of the parents, friends, and neighbouring settlers. It commenced with an introductory address spoken by Hugo Muecke, one of the senior scholars. The Rev. Dr. C. Muecke then proceeded to inform the visitors as to the different branches in which instruction had been given during the past year, viz. : - Scripture history, natural history, history of the world, geography, the English language, arithmetic, music, singing, drawing, &c. Half an hour was allowed for examination in each branch, the intervals being employed by the pupils in singing several good melodies. Some good pieces of music also were performed by a band of youthful musicians, under the direction of Mr. Traeger [sic]. Amongst the performances, we noticed as very creditable those of Franz Beyer and Hugo Muecke, on the violin; of Hermann Nettelbeck on the German flute; and of Richard Sobels on the bassoon. The oldest of these performers does not exceed their teen years of age. In the exercises of arithmetic, geography, and the use of the globes, the examination was conducted in English, and the senior pupils were distinguished by a proficiency highly creditable to the master, Mr. Basedow, for his unremitting exertions and the trouble he has taken with his pupils, especially when the irregular attendance of the children is considered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl and Hugo Muecke (father and son); Franz Beyer (pupil); Hermann Nettelbeck (pupil); Richard Carl Sobels (pupil); Friedrich Basedow (teacher)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 October 1854), 3
The undersigned, residents within the jurisdiction of the Local Courts of Angaston, Kapunda, and Gawler Town,
beg to express our decided conviction that Horace Dean, Esq., has on all occasions acted faithfully and impartially in the discharge of his duties as Stipendiary Magistrate . . .
TANUNDA . . . F. Draeger . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fife Angas (parliamentarian); Horace Dean (magistrate)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (17 May 1856), 1
MR. FERDINAND DRAEGER, Long known to the South Australian Public as a Musical Professor,
BEGS to announce that, after great difficulty, he has obtained a complete
BAND of first-rate MUSICIANS, and, in introducing them to the public for their support, will guarantee that they are not to be equalled by any band in the colony.
For Dinner Parties, Balls, &c., &c., this Band is always prepared, and at a moderate rate of charge.
As an introduction, the Band will play at the Blenheim Hotel on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, commencing at 7; close at 10.
No charge for admission, and the room will be kept perfectly select. Mav 14, 1856.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (31 May 1856), 1
CONCERT. HERR DRAEGER begs to announce that he will give a CONCERT at the Blenhiem Hotel,
THIS EVENING, commencing at half-past 7, closing at 11. May 31, 1856.
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, October 5", South Australian Register (6 October 1858), 3
. . . Thus much about our progress in science, to which I am happy to add that the cultivation of "Fine Arts" is also not neglected in our little township. Mr. F. Draeger, the composer of the music to Mr. Barton's national song, "Advance Australia," has succeeded in establishing here a musical association, solely consisting of dilettanti, and admirably progressing towards perfection in the art of Euterpe. On last Friday evening the society celebrated their first anniversary at the large saloon of the Tanunda Hotel by treating their friends with a musical entertainment. The little band, although but one year under the tuition of their able conductor, performed several operatic pieces in a style that would not disgrace professional musicians. At about 10 o'clock an excellent supper was furnished by the hosts, Messrs. Fischer and Wiener. The Rev. Dr. C. Muecke proposed the first toast, "The Health of Mr. Draeger," which was cordially responded to. Mr. V. Bertouch proposed "The Health of the Tanunda Brass Band," which was also drunk with due acknowledgment. Mr. Fischer returned thanks on behalf of Mr. Draeger and his pupils, upon which the band played the German national song, "Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland." Mr. Barton, in a very eloquent and appropriate manner, proposed "The Health of the Rev. Dr. C. Muecke." The toast was received and drunk with great applause. The enjoyment of the evening was concluded by a dance, which lasted till about 3 o'clock, when the party separated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Hastings Barton (lyricist); George Fischer (publican, vocalist); Robert Wiener (publican, vocalist); Tanunda Musikverein (association)
MUSIC: Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland (Reichardt)
"TANUNDA [From a Correspondent]", The South Australian Advertiser (30 August 1859), 2
A dinner was given on Thursday evening, in the Tanunda Hotel, to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Rudolf Reimer,
the Editor of the Sud Australische Zeitung, to show him the esteem and to procure him the acknowledgment for having done his best to establish a good German newspaper.
At 7 o'clock three gentlemen walked over to his house to invite him and brought him over to the hotel.
The streets he passed were illuminated, and he was received before the hotel by about 80 or 90 gentlemen and by the music of the excellent Tanunda band,
under the conduct of Mr. F. Draeger . . .
The usual loyal toasts having been proposed by the Chairman and acknowledged with the usual demonstrations,
the CHAIRMAN proposed "The health of Mr. Rudolf Reimer," and referred to all the services he had done to the Germans in South Australia,
and particularly to the inhabitants of Tanunda and neighborhood . . .
Drunk with immense applause, the band playing "He is a Jolly Good Fellow" . . .
The CHAIRMAN proposed his health once again, which was loudly applauded.
Music "Was is des deutschen Vaterland" . . .
After several songs by Mr. Weiner and Mr. Fischer, many pieces played by the band, and several speeches delivered,
the company separated about 2 o'clock in the morning. We have to say that this was the greatest dinner which has been given at Tanunda.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rudolf Reimer (newspaper editor)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, October 8", South Australian Register (10 October 1859), 3
The usual quietness of this township was agreeably interrupted on Thursday, the 6th inst., by a musical entertainment at the Tanunda Hotel.
On that day the Tanunda Band, conducted by Mr. F. Draeger, celebrated their second anniversary, inviting to it a number of friends,
whom they entertained during the evening with the performance of a variety of musical pieces selected for the occasion.
The festival was opened at about 8 o'clock with Rossini's overture to "L'Italiani-Algieri," then followed in succession -
Schaefer's Sonntagslied quartetto composed by C. Kreutzer;
solo for cornet piccolo by Spohr, executed by Herr F. Draeger;
"Ave Maria" by Kuecken, sung by Herr Otto;
Gungle's "Heimathsklange," for violin and piano, performed by Herr F. Draeger and his little son, a boy of eight years;
and finale to Donizetti's "Lucrezia Borgia."
After half an hour's pause, the second part of the concert was commenced with an overture composed by Herr C. W. Draeger, of Adelaide, brother of Herr F. Draeger, of Tanunda;
Kreutzer's "Kapelle," sung by Messrs. Fischer, Otto, Barton, and Wiener came next;
then followed a solo for cornet piccolo, composed by Schneider and executed by Herr F. Draeger;
Beethoven's "Adelaide," sung by Herr Otto;
rondo for the piano by Beethoven, performed by Master F. Draeger;
grand valse (orchestra), composed by Herr F. Draeger.
The performance throughout was precise and correct, and highly pleasing,
so much so that strangers could hardly be prevailed upon to believe that they were listening to a chorus of dilettante
who in the course of but two years have so admirably progressed towards perfection in the art of music under the care and management of their able leader.
Many of the pieces were warmly applauded, especially the two solos performed by Herr F. Draeger.
Great merriment and admiration were created by the comparatively excellent performance on the piano of young Master Draeger,
who certainly promises to become a distinguished artist.
The concert ended at about 11 o'clock. When the last tunes had scarcely died away the room was quickly cleared for a dance,
which lasted till early this morning. At about 12 o'clock the party sat down to a supper, at which Mr. Draeger's health was proposed and heartily responded to.
Several other toast followed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Otto (vocalist); Carl Wilhelm Draeger (musician, Ferdinand's younger brother); Friedrich Schneider (German composer, Ferdinand's teacher)
MUSIC: Schäfer's Sonntagslied (Kreutzer); Klänge aus der Heimath (Gungl)
[Advertisement], Adelaider Deutsche Zeitung (28 June 1861), 6
Anzeigen. Die königliche Bestätigung der Naturalisation folgender Personen ist mit der letzten europätschen Post hies eingetroffen.
Draeger, Wilhelm Ferdinand - [datum de Gesuchs] 21. Dec. 1859 . . .
Certificate of naturalization, Wilhelm Ferdinand Draeger, 20 September 1861; State Records SA
WHEREAS . . . Wilhelm Ferdinand Draeger of Tanunda . . .
being a native of Altenklitsche . . . in Prussia of the age of thirty six years and by profession a musician,
that he has resided in South Australia for the space of eleven years and that he is desirous of becoming a permanent settler in the said Province . . .
Given . . . [20 September 1861]
See also "SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ALIENS NATURALIZED TO JUNE, 1872" (Adelaide: House of Assembly, 1872), 3 (DIGITISED)
. . . Draeger, Wilhelm Ferdinand, Tanunda, musician . . .
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] October 18", The South Australian Advertiser (22 October 1861), 3
On Wednesday our little township presented quite a gay and lively appearance, as, on account of the Tanunda Liedertafel's first concert,
flags had been hoisted on all prominent places, and during the afternoon a great many strangers arrived, among others fourteen members of the Gawler Volunteers' Band, playing a march whilst passing through Tanunda.
At about linlf-past 7 o'clock the visitors began to assemble at the Tanunda Hotel, which had been very tastefully decorated.
The large Ball-room was brilliantly lighted up, and showed to great advantage the many garlands of flowers which, thanks to the ladies of Tanunda, the saloon was ornamented with.
A platform had been erected, and the desks of the musicians were hung with wreaths of flowers and evergreens;
most prominent was the desk of the leader, Mr. F. Draeger, on which a lyra exquisitely got up was placed.
At 8 o'clock the rooms were crowded with a most brilliant audience, visitors being there from all parts of the neighborhood, as also were some from Adelaide.
About 170 ladies and gentlemen were present.
Precisely at the time appointed the orchestra commenced with the Terzett finale from "Lucrezia Borgia."
At the commencement the musicians, to the number of eleven, appeared rather nervous, it being their first appearance in public,
but they soon began to gather courage, and the latter part of the piece was admirably executed.
The next piece was a German quartetto, sung by eighteen members of the Liedertafel, which was much applauded.
After this a fantasia on the piano should have been played, but owing to the illness of the young lady who had kindly promised to assist,
this and two pieces in the second part fell out, and Mr. Fischer, one of the members of Liedertafel, substituted the "Gambler's Wife" in his usual splendid style.
A German quartetto came next, which was again followed by a comic duetto sung by Messrs. Wiener and Fischer, which created great mirth, and was much applauded by the audience.
The first part was concluded with a piece, the words of which were written for the occasion by our fellow-townsman, Mr. F. Basedow, and the music by Mr. F. Draeger,
and was sung by all the members of the Liedertafel, accompanied by the full orchestra.
I cannot sufficiently praise the composition as well as the execution of this piece; the audience listened in deep silence,
and thunders of applause greeted the performers at the conclusion.
After the pause a grand waltz, composed by Mr. F. Draeger, was played with great spirit, which was followed by a rondo on the piano by Mozart,
admirably executed by Mr. Draeger's son, a boy of eight or nine years of age.
The Liedertafel then sung a war song in first-rate style, and the Gawler Volunteer Band, under the leadership of Mr. C. W. Draeger, followed with the "Gawler Rifle March,"
composed by the leader, and was executed with great spirit and animation.
The concert concluded with Mozart's beautiful Schaefer's "Sonntagslied," sung by the Liedertafel.
Shortly after dancing commenced, which was kept up till 12 o'clock, when a hot supper was served, to which about 150 ladies and gentlemen sat down.
The first cravings of the appetite having been satisfied, the President, Mr. Tuncken, proposed the usual loyal toasts.
After this the Rev. Dr. Mücke, gave "The Tanunda Liedertafel," which was responded to by the members in a song.
Mr. C. von Bertouch next proposed the health of the able leaders, to whose exertions nearly the whole success of this evening was attributed,
and certainly if it had not been for him nobody could have expected such a treat as the company enjoyed that night, from a Society only six months in existence.
Mr. Draeger responded with a few feeling remarks.
After this the Tanunda Musical Society was toasted, and then Mr. F. Basedow, in a humorous speech proposed "The health of the ladies," creating great merriment.
Mr. Schmelzkopf responded in a similar manner.
The Rev. Dr. Mücke then gave "The old and new home," at the close of which the Liedertafel sung their National Anthem, - "Des Deutschen Vaterland,"
the stirring melody of which, sung in such a capital style, seemed quite to inspire the assembly.
The Visitors, Gawler Volunteer Band, Host and Hostess, &c, having been toasted, dancing was again resumed,
and was kept up till a late or rather early hour, all seeming to have enjoyed themselves very much.
Great praise is due to Messrs. Wiener and Fischer, the hosts, for their exertions during the night, giving satisfaction to everybody.
The weather is very fine, the crop3 are looking exceedingly promising, but trade continues very dull; wheat being so very low, and farmers very short of money.
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] . . . October 23", Adelaide Observer (26 October 1861), 4 supplement
Business has been rather dull of late even at Tanunda.
On Tuesday, the 15th instant, spring-carts and other vehicles were seen running to and fro through the township,
carrying flowers and green bushes to the Tanunda Hotel, where a number of ladies were busily engaged winding garlands and wreaths
for decorating the large saloon for the first half-yearly festival - concert and ball - of the Tanunda Liedertafel.
The first rays of light on the following morning were greeted by numerous flags floating in the morning breeze from many of the houses,
and the aspect of the town was most gay and lively.
Towards evening guests flocked in from all sides, and among them the Gawler Volunteer Band, which entered the township playing a lively march.
At about 8 o'clock p.m. the saloon became filled with nearly 200 ladies and gentlemen,
presenting, together with the tasteful decoration and brilliant illumination, a very pleasing appearance.
The music-desks were all ornamented with wreaths and green shrubs, and that of Mr. Draeger (the leader) bore a very neat and tasteful symbolic lyre, surrounded with flowers.
The concert was opened by the Tanunda Music Verein with the "Terzetto Finale" of the opera "Lucrezia Borgia,"
which, especially the vivace in the latter parts was executed with great precision, and was duly applauded.
The second piece was a quartette, "Auf die Hohen," sung by the Liedertafel in a very spirited and excellent style.
Tiie delivery met with a hearty reception from the audience.
Then followed the well-known English song "The Gambler's Wife," sung by Mr. Fischer in his usual skilful and pleasing manner.
This piece and also No. 4 of the second part were substituted in place of others,
as a young lady who had kindly promised her assistance was prevented from attending through sudden illness.
No. 4, a quartetto, the "Bergmannslied," written by Dr. C. Mücke, and composed by F. Mücke,
was one of the most pleasant pieces given during the evening, and gave universal satisfaction.
A comic duet, by Messrs. Fischer and Wiener, created much merriment, and received hearty shouts of approbation.
Then followed the "Fest Cantate," written by Mr. Basedow, and composed by Mr. F. Draeger.
This piece had been produced expressly for the occasion; and, being arranged for both vocal and instrumental music,
the Liedertafel and Music-Verein united their strength in its performance.
The very effective manner in which this was done was duly rewarded by most enthusiastic and long continued rounds of applause.
An interval of half-an-hour having been allowed for refreshment,
the second part of the concert was commenced by a grand valse, composed by Mr. F. Draeger.
It was reckoned one of the best orchestral performances of the evening.
The "Schlachtgesang," a celebrated quartetto, was next executed by the Liedertafel in a manner suitable to the gravity and sublimity of the subject.
Then came a rondo by Mozart, performed on the piano by Master Draeger, a child about nine years of age.
The audience evinced their agreeable surprise at the skill of the youth, and honoured the little performer, as well as his father and tutor, by hearty applause.
The next piece was given by the Gawler Volunteer Musical Band, in a manner reflecting much credit upon the performers and their leader
(Mr. C. W. Draeger, of Gawler), under whose care, during but a few months, they have attained a really surprising knowledge of the use of their various instruments.
The celebrated quartetto, "Schafer's Sonntagslied," by Kreutzer, concluded the concert.
The rest of the evening and a considerable part of the following morning were devoted to dancing,
interrupted only by an excellent supper, at which a series of the usual toasts were given and acknowledged.
The whole affair went off in the best possible manner, and without the least disturbance or unpleasant incident.
ASSOCIATIONS: Franz Mücke (1819-1863), brother of the Tanunda pastor Carl Muecke, did not visit Australia
"Tanunda Liedertafel", Süd Australische Zeitung [Tanunda, SA] (12 April 1862), 1
Das Stiftungsfest der Tanunda Liedertafel wurde am 9. d. im grossen Saale des "Victoria Hotels"
durch ein Concert mit darauf folgendem Souper und Ball gefeiert . . .
Das Concert begann mit der Ouverture aus "la Dame blanche," welche von den Herren F. Schrader,
Th. und Fr. Heydecke, White, F. und C. Draeger mit wahrhaft künst lerischem Vortrag gegeben wurde . . .
Der zweite Theil wurde von denselben Herren, die das Concert begonnen,
mit einer zweiten Ouverture (Italiani in Algeri) eröffnet.
Der stürmische, kriegerische Geist der selben wurde mit meisterhaftem Effect gegeben und bildete einen schönen Gegensatz zu den weichen,
gedankenvollen Tönen der ersten Ouverture.
Hierauf kam das Hauptstück des Abends, die "Fest-Cantate" von F. Draeger, dem uner müdlichen Dirigenten der beiden musikalischen Vereine,
welche unser Tanunda auszuweisen vermag.
Dieses Stück wurde von den vereinten Kräften der Liedertafel und des Musikcorps vorgetragen,
und haben wir der Schönheiten desselben schon früher lobend erwähnt;
um so mehr ist der bereits erzählte Unfall mit der Tribüne zu bedauern,
da die Musiker dadurch auf ebene Erde herabzusteigen und in un mittelbarer Nähe der Zuhörer sich aufzustellen genöthigt waren,
wodurch die Feinheiten des Vortrags einigermassen verloren gingen, und mau nur einen verstärken Eindruck pon der Tonfülle der Cantate davontrug . . .
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] April 11", The South Australian Advertiser (14 April 1862), 3
The long-talked-of concert and ball of the Tanunda Liedertafel came off on Wednesday, the 9th instant,
at the Victoria Hotel, the large ballroom of which had been tastefully decorated with vine leaves.
The Liedertafel was assisted by Messrs. Schrader, White, and Brothers Heydecke from Adelaide,
Mr. C. W. Draeger from Gawler, and the Tanunda Musical Society.
At about 8 o'clock the invited guests began to assemble, and at half-past 8 the audience consisted of about 100 ladies and gentlemen.
The first piece was an overture from "La Dame Blanche" executed splendidly by Mr. Schrader's company,
assisted by Mr. C. W. Draeger and Mr. P. Draeger [sic], the leader of the Liedertafel;
next came the quartetto "Vaterland-Sanger" by the Liedertafel, but (probably through nervousness) this piece was not so well sung as might have been expected.
A solo on the cornopeon by Mr. Schrader followed, the execution of which was really splendid, and rewarded by rapturous applause.
When the members of the Liedertafel were ascending die stage for the fourth piece, a rather ludicrous accident happened;
the boards not being able to hold the weight of the 24 men, broke down, and the whole of them were very nearly upset;
but nothing daunted, those gentlemen drew closer together, and sung the beautiful quartette by Mendelssohn Bartholdy, "Tagers Abschied,"
with much feeling; and, without leavng the stage, they then sung the world-known quartette by Kreutzer, "Die Kapelle," in very fine style.
This concluded the first part of the concert.
The second was opened by an overture from "the Italians in Algier," by Rossini, played by the same gentlemen as the first,
and in the same finished manner. Next came the "Fest Cantate," a piece composed expressly for the Liedertafel by their leader Mr. F. Draeger,
being a quartette combined with instrumental music, and was executed by the Liedertafel and the musical society, assisted by Messrs. Schrader and company.
It is a splendid concert piece, and all the performers doing their best, it proved a great success,
but we think there were too many instruments, as sometimes the voices were scarcely audible.
The quartette "Marsch, Frisch gauze Compagnie" was then sung with fire and energy and with great effect.
The fourth piece was a solo on the clarionet by Mr. T. Heydecke, and certainly anything finer I have never heard in this colony and scarcely at home.
The whole concert went off well, but this certainly was the gem of the evening, and Mr. Heydecke was naturally greeted with rapturous applause,
which seemed as if it would never end.
A comical quartette, "Eine alte Geschichte," which created roars of laughter, concluded the concert.
A ball followed, intercepted by supper at 12 o'clock, and dancing was kept up till very nearly 6 in the morning . . .
Herr Carl Schmitt, assisted by Mr. Linley Norman, has promised us a visit next Tuesday,
and we are all expectation. I think he can depend on a full house . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodor Heydecke (musician); Fritz Heydecke (musician); Heinrich Schrader (musician); Carl Schmitt (musician); Linly Norman (musician)
[Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung (31 May 1862), 3
GROSSER BALL. Montag, den 9. Juni, als am 2. Pfingsttage, im Tanunda Hotel,
wozu ihre Freunde und Freundinnen erqebenst einladen [186] Wiener & Fischer.
Anfang 8 Uhr . . . Musik von dem Tanundaer Musik-Verein, unter Leitung des Herrn Ferd. Draeger.
"Schüssenfest", Süd Australische Zeitung (19 July 1862), 3
Die Tanunda Schüsszen-Gesellschaft feiert am vorigen Mittwoch ihr Stifwngsfest durch einen grossen Ball der in dem mit ausgezeichnetem Geschmact decorirten Saale der Herren Wiener u. Fischer stattsand . . .
Die übrige Ausstattung ebenso wie die Musik, welche von dem Tanundaer Musikcorps unter der Leitung des Hrn. Draeger ausgeführt wurde, liess nichts zu wünschen übrig;
und wir haben selten einem Ball beigewohnt, wo die Zeit per wirklich musterhafter Ordnung in so ungetrübter Heiterkeit und Geselligkeit verflog wie an diesem.
[Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung (8 October 1862), 3
Verschiedene Arten Instrumente find zu verkaufen bei. F. Draeger, Tanunda.
[Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung (13 March 1863), 7
Zu verkaufen bei Tanunda.
Ein unmittelbar am Gawler reizend belegeues Besissthum, 13 Acker enthaltend,
auf welchem sich 2 Häuser befinden, von denen das eine ganz neu gebaut, Keller im Fellen,
Ställe, Heuschober u. s. w. Der Obstgarten enthält ausser einem tragbaren Weinberg eine grosse Menge schöner Fruchtbänme von ausgezeichneter Qualität.
Der Gemüsegarten ist im besten Stande und käun für einen Gärtner kaum ein besse rer Platz in der Kolonie aufgefunden werden.
Zur Fahrt auf dem Flusse ist ein Kahn vorhanden.
Ferner ist zu verkaufen in Tanunda: Ein Haus mit einem halben Acker grossen Garten wovon ein Viertel mit Wein bepflanzt, ausseroem Obstbäume.
Ausserdem Stall. Nebengebäude &c.
Zu erfragen bei F. Draeger, Tanunda.
Names and descriptions of passengers per per Coorong, from Adelaide, 6 August 1863, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Steerage / Ferdinand Draeger / 40 // Fredirke [Draeger] & Inf. / 39, 1 //
2 sons / 8, 11 // 3 daughetrs / 3, 6, 9
Names and descriptions of passengers per Sapphire, from Melbourne, September 1863, for Brisbane and Rockhampton; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Steerage / Ferdinand Daeger / 40 // Mrs. Draeger / 36 / Pastoral / German / Rockhampton
Ferdinand / 11 // Bertha / 9 // Carl / 8 // Agnes / 6 // Clara / 4
Rockhampton, QLD (October 1863 to 1868):
"MANIFESTS", Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser [QLD] (17 October 1863), 2
October 16. - Sapphire, from Melbourne . . . pianoforte, Draeger.
"THE VOLUNTEERS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (23 June 1864), 3
SIR, - In addressing you on this subject, I feel certain that every right-minded man will agree with me,
when I say that nothing can prove of greater service to the colony than a well-trained and well-disciplined body of volunteers . . .
There is the nucleus of a first-rate band, and everyone will admit that Mr. Draeger is deserving of every praise for their present efficient state.
Their performance on last Monday evening was very creditable, and the men themselves are also deserving of credit for their adhesion to the cause.
Let this be taken as an example, and I am certain that no one will ever regret he joined the rifles . . .
I beg to subscribe myself. AN OLD VOLUNTEER. Rockhampton, June 22nd, 1861.
[News], Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (2 August 1864), 2
THE Dramatic Society have sprung from the couch of laurels on which, after their preliminary performances they so deservedly reposed, and re-solicit patronage for an entertainment at Grant's Music Hall on Friday, the 5th instant . . . "Mr. and Mrs. Toodles," and "Hunting a Turtle" will be the features of the evening, and Mr. Draeger and band the dispensers of sweet sound . . .
"SMALL DEBTS COURT (Tuesday, December 8). . . Mansfield v. Draeger", Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (10 December 1864), 2
Claim, £1 11s. This was rather a peculiar case, Mr. Mansfield having employed the defendant to tune his piano, the latter broke two cords, and the former was obliged to employ Mr. Compton to re-string and tune it; and the action was brought by plaintiff to recover the amount paid to Mr. Compton. Mr. Dick made an ingenious defence, but notwithstanding, the Bench found a verdict for the plaintiff, with 6s. costs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Compton (piano tuner)
[News], Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (11 February 1865), 2
A NOVEL and pleasing treat was offered to the citizens of thia town, on Thursday evening last, by the band of the Volunteer Rifles. It had been previously announced that the band would play opposite the A.S.N. Company's Stores, on the evening already named, and accordingly at about eight o clock, a considerable number of persons could be seen strolling towards that point. Several selected pieces were then executed with, admirable precision and effect, and it was generally remarked that the band, under the talented leadership of Mr. Draeger, had made a wonderfully rapid progress within the last few weeks. To add to the pleasing effect of the music, a cool and invigorating breeze swept up the river, bringing a sense of relief and refreshment to all after the brazen heat of the previous day. Having remained for about an hour, the band struck up the National Anthem, after which the crowd separated highly gratified with what they had heard. It is to be hoped that the Volunteer Band will in future give us frequent opportunities of judging of its progress and proficiency.
"VOLUNTEER MEETING", Northern Argus [Rockhampton, QLD] (8 November 1865), 2
A general meeting of the Volunteers was held at the Alliance Hotel last night. There were about twenty-five members present. Mr. Draeger's services to act as temporary Bandmaster were accepted. Two Committee men, Messrs. Phillips and Snow, were appointed. Preliminary arrangements were made for a picnic on Boxing Day, and also for shooting for the cup presented by Mr. Wilson, on Separation Day.
[News], Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (30 November 1865), 2
The Band of the Rockhampton Volunteer Rifles played out last evening, in front of the Municipal Chambers, Bolsover-street. Their performance of several new selections evidenced the advance that they have made under the careful instruction of Mr. Draeger.
[Advertisement], Northern Argus (26 June 1867), 3
WHEN the following Talented Artistes will have the honour of making their First Appearance together:
And the Wonderful DRAEGER FAMILY.
Programme see future Bills and Advertisements.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Hudson (Mrs. Byers, actor, manager); James Lucas Byers (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], Northern Argus (16 September 1867), 3
Leader of Orchestra ... Mr. Draeger . . . THE DRAEGER FAMILY - Six Performers . . .
[News], Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (15 October 1867), 2
A GRAND CONCERT for the Benefit of Mr. Draeger and family, was given last night at the School of Arts. The performers were Mr. Draeger, his two sons and three daughters, the youngest appearing not more than five years of age. The eldest girl played on the flute, and the other two on violins. The first part of the programme consisted of the overture in "Italia in Algeria," a flute solo by Miss Bertha Draeger, a cornopean solo by F. Draeger, junior, the song "Rock me to sleep, Mother," by Miss A. Draeger, and a piccolo solo by Karl Draeger. The audience, which was under the circumstances, pretty large, was indulgent, and not very critical, judging from the indiscriminate applause bestowed. There is undoubted talent in the "family," and evidence was given of careful training and hard study, but it appeared to be confined to more instrumentation, regardless altogether of expression or colouring. The music was literally ear-splitting, a tempest of sound and nothing more. Mr. Andrew Glenny danced the highland fling, and Mr. Lacy sang a song, in the usual style. There was a farce to conclude the entertainment - "The good-for-nothing man," which, interpreting literally, we did not wait for. If Mr. Draeger would direct the attention of his really talented family to something higher than more musical somersaults, expressionless mechanical instrumentation, he could produce an entertainment that could be listened to with pleasure.
Tour through NSW and VIC en route to Melbourne (1868-69):
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle [NSW] (14 November 1868), 5
HAVING had the distinguished honor of appearing before H.R.H. PRINCE ALFRED,
will perform at Thomas's Family Hotel, Auburn-street, Goulburn, ON SATURDAY AND MONDAY.
PROGRAMME: PART I. Overture - William Tell - Orchestra - Rossini
Solo, Flute - Miss Bertha Draeger, aged thirteen years - C. M. v. Weber
Solo, Violin - Santa Lucia - Miss Clara Adelaide Draeger, aged five years
Song, Duet - What are the Wild Waves Saying? - Miss Bertha and Master Charles Draeger
Solo, Violin - The 7th Air de Beriot - Master Charles Draeger, aged ten years
Terzett, 1st, 2nd, and tenor Violin - Misses Clara, Agnes, and Master Charles Draeger.
Millie Valses - Orchestra - A. Loepke.
PART II. Overture - L'Italiana in Algeria - Rossini
Solo, Violin - Cease your Funning, with variations - Miss Agnes Draeger, aged eight years
Solo, Piccolo, with variations - Master Charles Draeger.
Romance, for two voices - I'll hang my Harp on a Willow-tree - Misses Agnes and Clara Draeger - by T. H. Bayly, Esq.
Solo, Flute - Home, sweet Home, with variations - Miss Bertha Draeger
Duo pour Violin et Alto - Master Charles and Miss Agnes Draeger
La Favorite - Orchestra - Donizetti
God Save the Queen.
ADMISSION: - Front seats, 2s, 6d. Back seats, 1s, 6s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor)
"THE DRAEGER FAMILY", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (18 November 1868), 2
The family of infant musicians performed at Thomas's hotel on Saturday and Monday evenings, having been unable to secure the hall of the mechanics' institute, which was already engaged. In addition to the attraction of the music, all of a classical character, the performance was rendered extremely pleasing by the fact of the youth of the different members of the family, the youngest, Miss Clara Draeger, being only five years old and yet playing on the violin not only with correctness but positively with a brilliant execution. The whole of the pieces on the programme were of a difficult character; and were admirably performed. The company go to-day to Gunning, where they will perform this evening, and from thence to Yass. Those who may be inclined to spend an evening in listening to this accomplished family may be assured that they will have no occasion to regret doing so.
"NEWS OF THE WEEK", The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser [NSW] (12 December 1868), 2
On Thursday and Friday evenings the Draeger family of musicians gave concerts in the Gundagai Court-house, to large audiences. The performances of these youthful musicians were highly creditable, surpassing those of many more adult professionals. The performers are boys and girls between the ages of five and thirteen years, yet notwithstanding their youth they are each well practised in music, and their selections are classical and admirably performed. We have much pleasure in recommending this family to the notice of our friends at Adelong and Tumut.
"ADELONG [FROM A CORRESPONDENT]", Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter [NSW] (23 December 1868), 3
THIS little village which not many weeks ago was looking resplendent with grass is now a barren waste. Talk of the ten plagues of Egypt! What were they to the plague of caterpillars with which we have been visited, which has desolated the district and turned our best pastures into the dustiest of highways! Go where you will, you are sure to meet sheep. They cannot even keep out of the claims. We have been favoured the last two nights with the performance of the Draeger family. The clever band of juveniles drew crowded houses, this little township being ever foremost in patronising real talent . . .
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE . . . THE DRAEGER FAMILY.", Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (23 December 1868), 2
These clever juvenile musicians have arrived and give their first concert at the Mechanics' on Saturday evening. There can be no question of the marvellous skill of Mr. Draegers' infant Orchestra. The orchestra comprises a first Violin, a Second ditto, Viola (tenor), Clarionet, Flute, and Bass Viol. We attended a rehearsal yesterday morning, when the little troop accompanied their brother, Master C. Draeger, in De Beriot's Seventh Air with variations, which he played admirably. The most difficult and delicate passages were rendered with a facility and precision which could only be surpassed by a master hand. The time was excellently kept by all, and the harmony was delicious. The Overture to William Tell was also performed with great spirit and correctness, considering the youth of the performers and the difficulty of the composition. A short flute solo was as excellently played by Miss Draeger, accompanied by her brothers and sisters. We would strongly advise every one not to miss the great treat of hearing these clever little people, and especially all parents not to neglect the opportunity of shewing their little ones what great things can be done by children no bigger than themselves with the help of industry and talent.
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE . . . THE DRAEGER FAMILY", Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (26 December 1868), 2
We remind our readers that to-night will probably be the only opportunity of hearing those really talented little people. The family proceed on Monday to Albury, to give a concert there on New Year's Day.
"THE DRAEGER FAMILY", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (12 January 1869), 2
We confess we are hot fond of infant phenomena, and refrained from saying anything about the Draeger family till we had an opportunity of judging for ourselves. We entered St. George's Hall much doubting, but we came away charmed. The overture was a formidable one, considering the extreme youth of the performers, and when it promised such pieces as the Seventh Air de Beriot oh the violin by a boy of ten years of age, Mr. Charles Draeger, a solo, ou the flute by Miss Bertha Draeger, thirteen years of age, and a violin solo by Clara Adelaide, a child of five years, we really trembled for the consequences. There was not, however, the slightest necessity for fearing an adverse criticism, and we are quite sure that every one who last night heard the really extraordinary performance of these children will bring ten more to witness it to-night. They all, down to the little fairy in whose hands the violin was held, put one in mind of something in a fairy tale, play with the greatest precision and nicety, having good-execution, real musical feeling, and above all, sound education so far. Their concerted pieces are as regular as the playing of a musical box, touched with sentiment. The performance of Charles on the violin is something quite exceptional in a boy of his age, being good both in execution and expression. We can only say that we were surprised and pleased at all we heard, and would strongly advise every one who cares for music, and that too of a very curious kind, to see these children to-night. There are six altogether in the family, and on this occasion they will be assisted by the Beechworth Band, who have kindly volunteered their services. The prices too are exceedingly moderate.
See also the program for the family's performance with local Beechworth musicians,
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (20 February 1869), 3
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 April 1869), 5
Madame Anna Bishop's sixth concert was crowded on Saturday evening, it being the last of the series, but in consequence of the immense patronage bestowed upon these farewell popular concerts we understand Madame Bishop has made arrangements for continuing them for another week. Two overtures by the Draeger family evoked considerable applause, and Madame Bishop's "The harp that once," was encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist);
see also this SA report of the family's appearances at Bishop's concerts,
"Unsere Nachbar-Colonien", Süd Australische Zeitung (14 April 1869), 2
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1869), 8
COLOSSEUM - Admission, 6d. - Engaged and appear nightly,
the WONDERS of the AGE (the Draeger Family), who lately performed in conjunction with Madame Anna Bishop at St. George's-hall.
The little wonder, Miss Clara Draeger, violin soloist, aged six years;
Miss Agnes, tenor violin soloist, eight years;
Miss Bertha, flute soloist, 14 years;
Master Charles, violin and piccolo soloist, 11 years;
Master Ferdinand, clarionet and pianist. Mr. F. Draeger, conductor.
Miss Bertha and Master Charles in admired songs and duets. Misses Agnes and Clara in songs and duets. Commence half-past 7.
"THE EXHIBITION OF WAXWORKS - THE DRAEGER FAMILY", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (29 October 1869), 2
The Waxworks Exhibition at the Mechanics' Institute has been very well patronised since its arrival here. The figures with one exception . . . are all new, and the choicest from Madame Sohier's celebrated collection . . . But the sweet sounds discoursed by the talented Draeger family are sufficient alone to account for the popularity of the whole. Overtures and solos follow each other, so as to show not only the united ability of these artistes, but the special qualifications of each member, from Herr Draeger, the father, to the gentle Miss Agnes, the latter a violin performer of 6 years old. Very few flute performers of the masculine sex have succeeded in mastering the difficulties of that instrument so well as Miss Draeger, and the power Miss Clara and Miss Agnes Draeger have attained in the violin is most astonishing to those amateurs who have been most successful here. Carl Draeger is a masterly performer on the violin, and he introduces some of the most difficult passages for the display of his talent as a solo performer. Mr. Frederick Draeger [sic, Ferdinand junior] is said to be equally great as a clarionet player, but we have not yet heard him in a solo. We understand that the Draeger family are very superior vocalists, and we trust they will favor their visitors with a vocal concert prior to their return to Victoria. As instrumentalists they select music of the most celebrated composers, but they are never more appreciated, by mixed audiences, than when performing the more generally known modern galops . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Sohier (former proprietor), her Melbourne waxworks business taken over in 1869 by her former business partner Max Kreitmayer
"THE DRAEGER FAMILY", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (19 July 1871), 2
Amongst the really clever musicians performing in Melbourne for the especial delectation of the public, the Draeger family are worthy something more than a passing notice, for they are - old and young - accomplished instrumentalists. Mr. Draeger immigrated to Adelaide from Germany, many years ago; and having amassed considerable funds, he with his family went to Queensland, purposing to cultivate a plantation for the growth of cotton, coffee, &c.; but failure unfortunately followed that speculation, and the musical abilities of the family are now called into requisition to retrieve their fallen fortunes. The family consists of the father, two sons and three daughters, the oldest son being eighteen years of age, and the youngest thirteen years. The daughters respectively aged fifteen, eleven and eight, the family nightly perform at the Waxworks Exhibition, to the extreme gratification of the visitors to that popular place of resort. The instruments played on are as fellows: - The father, double bass; the eldest son, clarionet; and the youngest, violin. The eldest daughter handles the flute, and the two others violins. There is a younger brother, about three yours of age, who, we learn, for so mere a child, shows great proficiency at the piano. We had the pleasure of listening to the selection of music performed by them last night, and were much struck with the beautiful style in which the overture to the opera of the "Bohemian Girl," and other favorite musical gems, were rendered. To hear these performers is something more than a treat; nor should we omit to mention that the male members of the family are equally skilful in their use of wind instruments.
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 January 1872), 1
MR. F. DRAEGER (teacher of the Draeger family) begs to announce that he will give LESSONS on PIANO, Violin, Singing, &c., 188 Little Lonsdale-street east, Melbourne. N. B. - Charges moderate.
Return to South Australia (by May 1872):
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (21 May 1872), 2
Mankiewicz's Pantoscope was opened at White's Rooms on Monday evening, when there was a fair house. Before the entertainment commenced Mr. Smythe, the Manager, said 10 years ago he had the honor of introducing to the Adelaide public two of the most wonderful instrumentalists who had ever visited these colonies - Messrs. Poussard and Douay - who brought credentials and diplomas from the Conservatoire of Paris, and other grand academies of music. Now he had the pleasure of introducing another company of instrumentalists - the Draeger Family - who brought no diplomas from Europe, but whose musical education had been conducted in their own home by their talented father, and, as a South Australian family, he trusted they would meet with a warm reception . . . The Draeger Family were very warmly received. The family consists of Mr. Draeger and his children - Ferdinand (aged 18 years), Bertha (16 years), Carl (15 years), Agnes (14 years), and Clara (9 years) - all of whom are South Australian born, but have been living in Victoria for several years. The juvenile member of the family, Master Bernhard, aged four years, who is, it is said, also a musical precocity, did not appear on Monday. The arrangement of the instruments is as follows: - Violoncello, Mr. Draeger; Violins, Mr. Carl, Miss Agnes, and Miss Clara; Flute, Miss Bertha; and Flageolet, Mr. Ferdinand. They are very clever instrumentalists, and their performances will, we are sure, prove attractive to Adelaideans, not only among the nationality to which the Draegers belong, but also to the musical public generally. The musical pro gramme on Monday, included the overture to "Massaniello," De Beriot's No. 8 violin solo by Carl Draeger, which was encored; Weber's flute solo, "Thro' the Forest," by Miss Bertha, which was also encored; and a selection from "Il Trovatore," by the whole family. We predict a successful season for Mr. Smythe and his Company.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Sparrow Smythe (agent, manager)
"SUMMARY OF NEWS", Border Watch [Mount Gambier, SA] (4 September 1872), 3
The Draeger family have decided to settle at Moonta.
"THE DRAEGER FAMILY", Border Watch (23 September 1874), 2
This talented family of musical artistes gave their first entertainment at Mount Gambier, in the Institute Hall, on Saturday evening the 19th inst. There was a rather limited attendance. Five of the family, including Herr Draeger himself, appeared in the entertainment, and the programme presented was long and varied. The concert consisted partly of vocal and partly of instrumental music - in the first portion the latter predominated. The second part consisted of Sullivan's operetta, "Box and Cox," in which Miss Draeger took the part of Box, Miss Agnes Draeger that of Cox, and Miss Clara Draeger that of Mrs. Bouncer. In the instrumental pieces Herr Draeger played the concert bass, Miss Clara Draeger the violo, Miss Agnes Draeger and Mr. C. Draeger the second and first violins, respectively, and Miss Draeger the flute, and each player gave evidence of being complete master of the instrument played on. Their efforts on these instruments, whether in solos or otherwise, were very fine. Instrumental music is evidently their forte, for they were by no means so successful in their vocal efforts. A trio, "Ye Shepherds tell me," by the Misses Draeger, and a solo, "I'll be no submissive wife," by Miss Clara Draeger, were, however, successfully given, and thoroughly appreciated. Mr. Charles Draeger has a wide fame as a violinist, and he did not belie his reputation on Saturday. He was particularly successful in the opening overture, "Zampa." The family cannot be said to have been very successful in "Box and Cox" - the requisite vigour, vivacity, and clearness were wanting, and it dragged heavily. On Monday evening a different programme was presented, and was more successfully carried out than that of Saturday. Mr. C. Draeger was highly successful in his violin solos, and Miss Draeger, in a flute solo, "Kathleen Mavourneen," was very happy. The entertainment concluded with a musical charade entitled "£ s. d., or Moses, the Moneychanger." There was a fair house. Last evening the programme was varied and the family, finding their instrumental efforts were more appreciated by the public than their vocal pieces, gave special prominence to the former. To-night a specially attractive programme is prepared for the delectation of the public. Herr Jonas assisted at the piano during the entertainments. Should the Draeger family receive sufficient encouragement there is a probability of their settling at Mount Gambier as teachers of music - vocal and instrumental. They would be a decided acquisition to the district, and it is hoped they may be induced to stay.
[Advertisement], Border Watch (30 September 1874), 3
HAS much pleasure in informing the inhabitants of Mount Gambier that he has decided to stay in this district,
and will be happy to receive Pupils for instruction on the Piano, Organ, Harmonium, Violin, Flute, &c., &c.
Also, Teaching in the art of Singing. Pianos, Harmoniums, and other Instruments carefully TUNED and Repaired.
Orders and communications left at Mr. J. M. Wendt's Musical Repository will receive careful attention.
References kindly permitted to R. J. Turner, Esq., S.M.
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelm Ferdinand's brother Carl Wilhelm Draeger was still living in Mount Gambier, but had been suffering from prolonged illness; Carl may well have agreed that Ferdinand take over some of his musical activities
"A NEW BAND", Border Watch (3 October 1874), 2
A new brass band is in course of formation at Mount Gambier, and has excellent prospects of success. At a meeting in the Globe Hotel a few evenings since it was resolved to form a band of 15 players, and an abundance of names were forthcoming. It will be under the able management of Herr F. Draeger. Mr. A. Mumme is Secretary.
"CONCERT", Border Watch (17 July 1875), 2
Despite the cold and boisterous weather of Wednesday evening the concert given in the Institute Hall by the Draeger Family was very well attended. Punctually at eight o'clock the whole family, including Mr. F. Draeger, jun., who is at Mount Gambier on a short visit, appeared on the stage, and commenced the entertainment with a selection from "Martha." The number of musicians was six; the instruments used being the clarionet by Mr. F. Draeger, jun., the bass viol by Mr. F. Draeger, sen., the flute by Miss B. Draeger, and violins by Mr. C. Draeger and the Misses C. and A. Draeger. This piece was a great treat, and the audience did not fail to abundantly testify their appreciation of it . . .
[Advertisement], Border Watch (29 September 1875), 1
RESPICCTFULLY begs to inform the inhabitants of Mount Gambier and surrounding country that, owing to the request of several influential families,
and he, appreciating the musical taste displayed here, besides being so fascinated with the beauty of the place itself,
intends to establish himself here, and will from this date receive Pupils at the residence of the Draeger Family.
Instructions given on most of the modern instruments; also in Singing.
Pianos tuned on easy yearly terms. All kinds of instruments tuned and repaired.
[News], Border Watch (19 April 1876), 2
We are asked to draw attention to the case of Mr. C. F. Draeger [sic], the well-known music teacher. For many months Mr. Draeger has been all but incapacitated from doing anything for himself and family owing to ill-health. Lately, however. he had so far improved as to take the leadership of a private orchestra, for which he received 10s. per week. Now, owing to an outbreak of sickness in his family, this slender resource has failed, his services being dispensed with. Mr. Draeger and family are in very destitute circumstances, and the case is one well worthy the attention of the charitable. It has been suggested that the orchestra should get up a concert for Mr. Draeger's benefit, and we hope they will see their way to do something for him.
"THE CASE OF MR. C. F. DRAEGER (To the Editor)", Border Watch (22 April 1876), 2
SIR, - In your issue of the 19th your "local" relative to Mr. Draeger is calculated to lead the public to suppose that Mr. Draeger has been very hardly dealt with at the hands of the Orchestra, inasmuch as the inference to be drawn from it is that -
first, Mr. Draeger's services have been dispensed with altogether; and, secondly, that having done so, they should give him a concert to make up for it.
The Orchestra have never dispensed with his services, but owing to the outbreak of the scarlet fever in his family,
wrote him telling him that it was deemed advisable to go into recess for a few weeks.
As to a concert, but for a disagreement between Mr. Draeger and one of our most prominent members,
resulting in the member leaving our ranks, one would have been given him in January last.
As we have had no proposition from Mr. Draeger to resume his leadership of our Orchestra,
and considering the way in which you have been requested to draw attention to the matter,
we are afraid your local will not have the desired effect.
Yours, &c.,
[We were asked to draw attention to Mr. Draeger's case as one calling for immediate attention. -
Our allusion to the Orchestra, of which he was the leader, was not meant to reflect upon that body in any way,
nor to imply that an obligation rested upon them more than upon other members of the community to do something for him.
If Mr. Draeger and his family are in the destitute circumstances represented to us something should be done for their relief;
it would be out of place to quarrel over who ought to do it. - ED.]
"OUR PROSPECTS", Border Watch (16 September 1876), 2
THE Misses Bertha, Agnes, and Clara Draeger have, we learn, made an engagement with Lyster's Opera Company, Melbourne. They intend taking first steamer for that city. In their departure Mount Gambier will sustain a great loss in a musical point of view.
"THE SIMONSEN OPERA COMPANY", Border Watch (10 January 1877), 2
Visitors from nearly every part of the district met in the Institute Hall on Monday evening, when Wallace's favorite opera of "Maritana" was presented by the Simonsen Opera Company . . . Miss B. Draeger, who goes by the nom de theatre of Miss Kohler, was flautist. The Misses Clara and Agnes Draeger took part in the chorus . . .
[Advertisement], Border Watch (10 February 1877), 2
W. H. HARRALD will sell by auction on Saturday, 10th February, 1877,
on the premises, Sturt-street, lately in the occupation of Herr F. Draeger, Household Furniture and Effects . . .
Large Powerful Church Organ, in course of construction, on which Herr Draeger has been occupied for years.
"CATHOLIC INTELLIGENCE . . . FEAST OF THE HOLY NAME", Advocate [Melbourne, VIC] (26 January 1878), 6
Sunday last, being the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, was observed with special devotion in the church of the Jesuit Fathers at Richmond. Solemn High Mass was celebrated at eleven o'clock, the officiating priests being the Rev. Fathers McEnroe, Kennedy, and O'Mallfey. The choir performed Gounod's "Messe Solennelle" . . . Among the instrumentalists were the Draeger family, Miss E. Plock, and Mr. Plock. The chorus consisted of fifty voices. Herr Gerlach presided at the organ . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adam and Emily Plock (father and daughter, musicians); Gustav Gerlach (organist)
"MELBOURNE GOSSIP", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (14 March 1878), 2
. . . There used to be a family named Draeger going about the country giving musical performances, and they were known to many on Sandhurst. Miss Draeger has, during the present opera season, acquitted herself with credit as flute player in the orchestra, and she is promoted now to the stage, appearing as Buda in the "Bohemian Girl," to the Arline of Mdlle. Rosaly Merz. Herr Plock, of South Yarra, has a complete orchestra of lady amateurs, including three fiddlers and two violincellists . . .
[Advertisement], Evening Star [Dunedin, NZ] (8 April 1878), 3
WANTED Known - Herr F. Draeger (late of Melbourne), teacher of the piano, violin, &c.
Pianos tuned and repaired; also violins repaired. Terms moderate Address - F. Draeger, Krull's Hotel, George-street.
"MARRIED", Australian Town and Country Journal [Sydney, NSW] (5 April 1879), 43
DRAEGER - MURRAY. - March 17, at St. Michael's Church, Surry Hills, by the Rev. H. S. King, Ferdinand, eldest son of F. Draeger, Esq., of Melbourne, to Theresa, only daughter of the late Richard Murray, of Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Daily Telegraph [Sydney, NSW] (30 August 1900), 1
IN the Intestate Estate of FERDINAND DRAEGER, otherwise known as Theodore Fernandez, late of Sydney Coffee Palace Hotel, Lower Domain, Musician, Deceased.
All persons having Claim against the above Estate are requested to forward the same, verified by affidavit, to the undesigned, on or before the 12th day of September, 1900.
T. W. GARRETT, Curator of the above Estate, Chancery-square, Sydney, 29th August, 1900.
Within the next four years Mr. Charles Cawthorne will celebrate the jubilee of his entry into the musical world. He is now in his 62nd year, and can look back upon an interesting and a varied musical career, which began at the early age of 14. He is a native of Adelaide and has spent his whole life in this city. From his mother he inherited a musical temperament, and it was she who directed his footsteps into the profession in which he has been so long and honorably known. His mother, who studied under Madame Cranz - a teacher of note 50 years ago - was an uncommonly good pianiste and a friend of Mr. Linger, the composer of the "Song of Australia" . . . Reared in a musical family and moving in musical society, it was but natural that the boy Cawthorne should study music at an early age. When he began to learn violin playing, however, he had no idea of taking up music as a profession. He made his debut as a violin soloist at a concert in the exchange room of the Adelaide Town Hall. To this day the memory of that important event remains clear in his mind. Once started on his musical career he never looked back. He studied the pianoforte under Mr. Esselbach, and violin playing under Mr. Draeger, the head of the once well-known Draeger family and a very clever musician. His early teacher was a very excitable man. Even in his calm moments Mr. Draeger had some difficulty in speaking English, and the difficulty became an impossibility when he was teaching, for he became so angry and excited at times that he could not express himself at all, and he had to retire until he became calm enough to make his students understand the fault he found in their performances. When angry the more he tried to explain his meaning the more involved he became . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Cawthorne (pupil); Mathilde Cranz (musician); Carl Linger (musician); Gustav Louis Esselbach (pianoforte teacher)
Musical works (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Advance Australia (1858)
NO COPY IDENTIFIED; however, in 1936, the Wilson family still owned a copy of the song, probably originally in the collection of Thomas Wilson, which they lent as an exhibit to the Centennial Exhibition of Historical Records, 1836-1936; see S. C. Wilson and K. T. Borrow, The bridge over the ocean: Thomas Wilson (1787-1863), art collector and mayor of Adelaide (Adelaide: [Authors], 1973), 317
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (6 August 1858), 1
Just Published, ADVANCE AUSTRALIA. National Song.
Composed by F. DRAEGER. Words by CHAS. BARTON.
To be had of C. Gries, 39, Rundle-street; and all Book and Music Sellers, Adelaide.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Hastings Barton (lyricist)
"NEW MUSIC. ADVANCE AUSTRALIA", South Australian Register (31 August 1858), 2
We have to apologize to Messrs. Barton and Draeger for inadvertently omitting to notice their joint contribution to our colonial literature at an earlier date. And we have also to apologize for an apparent injustice done to those gentlemen in a reference to a later publication which we spoke of as the commencement of a branch of art hitherto unattempted here. The words and the music of "Advance Australia" are colonial productions - the words by Mr. Charles Barton, of Tanunda, and the music by Mr. Draeger. In combination they are calculated to supply the want which will sooner or later be felt here - that of a national song. The sentiments of Mr. Barton's song are unexceptionable and hb versification is free and vigorous. The air to which the words are set is a pleasing and by no means commonplace melody, and the accompaniment is simple and effective. Viewed as a national song, however, the music is too artistic to be popular, especially that minor strain which closes the first half of the stanza. It will be popular in the drawing-room, and in the workshop where music is cultivated; but measured by such standards as "God Save the Queen" it has not enough of vigorous simplicity to make it a permanent favourite with the masses. We are sincerely glad to find that a native musical literature is springing up in South Australia, and we trust the ventures which have been made will meet with sufficient pecuniary support to encourage repetitions of the speculations. The public must remember that they are, after all, the great patrons of art and of literature; and that if they have not the taste to buy, genius will not have the power to produce. We commend to our musical composers the spirited lyrics which have appeared in the Farm and Garden - the "Song of the Vine" and "Our English Homes" - as suitable subjects for association with their productions. These songs, with appropriate music, could not fail to be popular, and would certainly command a large sale in the colonies, and probably in Britain also.
Grand valse (1859)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] Tanunda, October 8", South Australian Register (10 October 1859), 3
The usual quietness of this township was agreeably interrupted on Thursday, the 6th inst., by a musical entertainment at the Tanunda Hotel.
On that day the Tanunda Band, conducted by Mr. F. Draeger, celebrated their second anniversary, inviting to it a number of friends,
whom they entertained during the evening with the performance of a variety of musical pieces selected for the occasion . . .
After half an hour's pause, the second part of the concert was commenced with an overture composed by Herr C. W. Draeger, of Adelaide, brother of Herr F. Draeger, of Tanunda;
Kreutzer's "Kapelle," sung by Messrs. Fischer, Otto, Barton, and Wiener came next;
then followed . . . grand valse (orchestra), composed by Herr F. Draeger . . .
Fest-Cantate [Fest-Kantate] (1861)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] October 18", The South Australian Advertiser (22 October 1861), 3
On Wednesday our little township presented quite a gay and lively appearance, as, on account of the Tanunda Liedertafel's first concert . . . At 8 o'clock the rooms were crowded with a most brilliant audience, visitors being there from all parts of the neighborhood, as also were some from Adelaide. About 170 ladies and gentlemen were present . . . The first part was concluded with a piece, the words of which were written for the occasion by our fellow-townsman, Mr. F. Basedow, and the music by Mr. F. Draeger, and was sung by all the members of the Liedertafel, accompanied by the full orchestra. I cannot sufficiently praise the composition as well as the execution of this piece; the audience listened in deep silence, and thunders of applause greeted the performers at the conclusion . . .
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] . . . October 23", Adelaide Observer (26 October 1861), 4 supplement
. . . Business has been rather dull of late even at Tanunda.
On Tuesday, the 15th instant, spring-carts and other vehicles were seen running to and fro through the township,
carrying flowers and green bushes to the Tanunda Hotel, where a number of ladies were busily engaged winding garlands and wreaths
for decorating the large saloon for the first half-yearly festival - concert and ball - of the Tanunda Liedertafel.
The first rays of light on the following morning were greeted by numerous flags floating in the morning breeze from many of the houses,
and the aspect of the town was most gay and lively.
Towards evening guests flocked in from all sides, and among them the Gawler Volunteer Band, which entered the township playing a lively march.
At about 8 o'clock p.m. the saloon became filled with nearly 200 ladies and gentlemen,
presenting, together with the tasteful decoration and brilliant illumination, a very pleasing appearance . . .
A comic duet, by Messrs. Fischer and Wiener, created much merriment, and received hearty shouts of approbation.
Then followed the "Fest Cantate," written by Mr. Basedow, and composed by Mr. F. Draeger.
This piece had been produced expressly for the occasion; and, being arranged for both vocal and instrumental music,
the Liedertafel and Music-Verein united their strength in its performance.
The very effective manner in which this was done was duly rewarded by most enthusiastic and long continued rounds of applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Friedrich Basedow (libretto)
"Tanunda Liedertafel", Süd Australische Zeitung [Tanunda, SA] (12 April 1862), 1
Das Stiftungsfest der Tanunda Liedertafel wurde am 9. d. im grossen Saale des "Victoria Hotels"
durch ein Concert mit darauf folgendem Souper und Ball gefeiert . . .
Hierauf kam das Hauptstück des Abends, die "Fest-Cantate" von F. Draeger, dem uner müdlichen Dirigenten der beiden musikalischen Vereine,
welche unser Tanunda auszuweisen vermag.
Dieses Stück wurde von den vereinten Kräften der Liedertafel und des Musikcorps vorgetragen,
und haben wir der Schönheiten desselben schon früher lobend erwähnt;
um so mehr ist der bereits erzählte Unfall mit der Tribüne zu bedauern,
da die Musiker dadurch auf ebene Erde herabzusteigen und in un mittelbarer Nähe der Zuhörer sich aufzustellen genöthigt waren,
wodurch die Feinheiten des Vortrags einigermassen verloren gingen, und mau nur einen verstärken Eindruck pon der Tonfülle der Cantate davontrug . . .
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] April 11", The South Australian Advertiser (14 April 1862), 3
The long-talked-of concert and ball of the Tanunda Liedertafel came off on Wednesday, the 9th instant . . . The second was opened by an overture from "the Italians in Algier," by Rossini, played by the same gentlemen as the first, and in the same finished manner. Next came the "Fest Cantate," a piece composed expressly for the Liedertafel by their leader Mr. F. Draeger, being a quartette combined with instrumental music, and was executed by the Liedertafel and the musical society, assisted by Messrs. Schrader and company. It is a splendid concert piece, and all the performers doing their best, it proved a great success, but we think there were too many instruments, as sometimes the voices were scarcely audible . . .
Bibliography and resources:
"Draeger, C. W.", in Richard Wrede and Hans von Reinfels (eds), Das geistige Berlin: eine Encyklopädie des geistigen Lebens Berlins, Bd. 1 = Architketen, Bildhauer . . . Musiker . . . (Berlin: Hugo Storm, 1897), S. 82-84,95 (DIGITISED)
. . . [Carl] 1854 folgte er einer Aufforderund seines, ihm 1848 [sic, c. 1850] vorangegangenen Bruders [Ferdinand] (Schülers v. F. Schneider in Dessau) nach Australian . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Friedrich Schneider (teacher)
Meike Tiemeyer-Schütte, Das Deutsche Sängerwesen in Südaustralien vor Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges zwischen Bewahrung von Deutschtum und Anglikanisierung (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2000), 45-46, 130, 200-201 (PREVIEW)
DRAEGER, J. (J. DRAEGER; ? Mr. DRAGER below; ? or Wilhelm Ferdinand DRAEGER)
? Active Melbourne, VIC, Adelaide, SA, 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"UNCLAIMED LETTERS", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (16 December 1852), 3
. . . Draeger, Mr. J., musician, 12, Swanston-street, Melbourne . . .
? "SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Adelaide Observer (22 January 1853), 4
Sunday, January 16 - The schooner Amicus, 150 tons, C. E. Bertheau, master, from Melbourne, 13th instant. Passengers . . . Messrs. . . . Draeger . . .
DRAGER, Mr. (Mr. DRAGER; ? J. DRAEGER above; ? or Carl Wilhelm DRAEGER)
Active Yackandandah, VIC, 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"MORE DARING ROBBERIES", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (21 April 1855), 4
. . . On the night of Saturday last, the 15th instant [recte 14th], one of the rooms of the Waterloo Inn, Yackandandah, was entered at about eleven o'clock, and a box, the property of a musician named Drager (who was at the time employed in performing at a dance in another part of the house), was abstracted; of which the following is a list of the contents: One-pound note, pinned, Bank of New South Wales; one gold hunting-watch, No.292, London-made; one gold pin, made from a nugget; 6 1/2 ounces of gold, in a leather bag, one match-box full of nuggets; £180 in notes; two pocket-books, one black, the other yellow. The money was contained in a net purse, in a calico bag, with several silver coins. The thieves removed the box to a short distance from the house, and not being able to force the lock, they knocked out the bottom, and there left it, having secured the contents. As yet, no clue has been obtained . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (21 April 1855), 5
Under the Patronage of Mr. Commissioner Morphy.
IN consequence of the heavy loss sustained by
MR. DRAGER, it is intended, at the suggestion of his friends, and under the above patronage, to give a
GRAND CONCERT AND BALL, at the Freemasons' Arms Hotel, Reid's Creek,
On Saturday Evening, April 28, 1855.
Dancing at 8. Ticket, to admit to Ball and Supper, 15s. each.
Musician, vocalist, guitarist
Active Adelaide, SA, 1838 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette [Adelaide, SA] (15 December 1838), 4
P. LEE begs respectfully to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Adelaide and its vicinity that he intends giving a
SELECT BALL at the Adelaide Hotel on Monday, December 17, 1838, for which occasion the best music in the colony is engaged.
During the evening HERR DRAVING, from Germany, will sing several favorite German songs,
accompanying himself by the Guitar, and Violin by Mr. Lee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Lee (musician)
DRAYTON, Joseph (Joseph DRAYTON)
Transcriber of Indigenous songs and chants, Indigenous culture reporter, artist, engraver
Born England, c. 1795
Active Sydney, NSW, December 1839
Died Philadelphia, USA, 1856 (NLA persistent identifier) (VIAF) (Wikidata) (shareable link to this entry)
When the United States Exploring Squadron was anchored in Sydney Harbour in December 1839, one of the expedition's artists, Joseph Drayton transcribed and later published four "Australian native chants", claiming to have been taken from live performances, all by the same "native", including a "new song" that he was taking back to his tribe, and another (the first) that Drayton suspected "not to be entirely native music".
Despite the claim also to have sourced it directly from the "native", the fourth chant is essentially identical with Barron Field's earlier printed transcription Australian national melody ("Journal of an Excursion Across the Blue Mountains", The London Magazine (November 1823), 465), and too close to Field's version to have been independently transcribed.
In the Unites States, Drayton also transcribed several native American songs.
See also entry in checklist of Indigenous song transcriptions:
"HENRY DRAPER [sic, HENRY DRAYTON]", New York Clipper (22 August 1868), 6
HENRY DRAPER [sic, ? HENRY DRAYTON], a well known manager of English Opera, died in Providence, R. L., on August 2d. He was born in Philadelphia, and was the eldest son of the late Joseph Drayton, who was connected with the United States Exploring Expedition to the South Seas . . .
NOTE: Henry Drayton's death is usually given as 1872, and his birth as 1816; ASSOCIATIONS: C. W. Rayner (pupil of Henry Drayton)
Other documentation:
Charles Wilkes, Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, Volume 2 (Philadelphia, 1844?); later printing, (Philadelphia: [?], 1849), 189-90 (DIGITISED)
"Club dance. Feejee / [drawn by] J. Drayton eng[raved] by Rawdon, Wright & Hatch. [Philadelphia, 1849]
Joseph Drayton letters, 1850-1856. Wilkes Expedition Publications, folder 1; Harvard Library$1i
Bibliography and resources:
Victoria Lindsay Levine (ed.), Writing American Indian music: historic transcriptions, notations, and arrangements (Music of the United States of America 11) (Middleton: A-R Editions, 2002), 21 (PREVIEW)
Elaine Keillor, Tim Archambault, John M. H. Kelly (eds), Encyclopedia of Native American music of North America (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013), xxvii (PREVIEW)
"Joseph Drayton", Smithsonian Institution
"Joseph Drayton", Design & Art Australia online (DAAO)
"Joseph Drayton", Find a grave
DREDGE, William Gilpin (William Gilpin DREDGE; Mr. W. G. DREDGE)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, pianist, organist, conductor, vocalist, founding member and secretary of Melbourne Philharmonic Society)
Born Salisbury, England, 15 March 1825; son of
James DREDGE (1796-1846) and Sarah TRUCKLE (1790-1860)
Arrived (1), Sydney, NSW, 24 September 1838 (per Elizabeth, from England, 28 April)
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), January 1839 (per Hope, from Sydney)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, NSW (VIC) 20 November 1846 (per Vixen, from London)
Married (1) Eleanor EDWARDS (d. 1855), Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 7 December 1847
Married (2) Sara Jane (Jenny) EDWARDS (d. 1896), St. James's cathedral, Melbourne, VIC, 30 May 1857
Died St. Kilda, Melbourne, VIC, 20 February 1865, aged "39 years 11 months" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DREDGE, Sara Jane (Sarah Jane EDWARDS, Sara Jane; Sara Jenny; Mrs. W. G. DREDGE) = Mrs. W. Carl FISCHER
DREDGE, Theophilus (Theophilus DREDGE; Mr. DREDGE)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, ? vocalist, founding member and secretary of Melbourne Philharmonic Society in succession to his younger brother above
Born Salisbury, England, 10 May 1823; son of
James DREDGE (1796-1846) and Sarah TRUCKLE (1790-1860)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 24 September 1838 (per Elizabeth, from England, 28 April)
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), January 1839 (per Hope, from Sydney)
Married Louisa WILKINSON (c. 1823-1902), Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 28 January 1843
Died Melbourne, VIC, 14 October 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Theophilus and William were sons of James Dredge (1796-1846), a Wesleyan missionary who came to Australia to take up the post of Assistant Protector of Aborigines at Port Phillip.
In 1847 William married Eleanor Edwards, who had lived at the Lodden Aboriginal Protectorate Station at Franklinford.
Professionally William was a customs and import agent and merchant, for a time in the 1850s in partnership with his elder brother Theophilus. But he was also active as a musician, especially as a founding member and long serving honorary secretary of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society.
Eleanor died on 3 May 1855, and on 30 May 1957 Dredge married Sarah Jane Edwards (not known to be related to his first wife). She, after Dredge's death, married his former Philharmonic colleague, William Carl Fischer.
On William's death, Theophilus succeeded him as secretary of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society.
Births, 1823; Wesleyan Metropolitan Registry, Paternoster Row, 1773-1828; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 3673 / Theophilus the Son of James Dredge of Salisbury in the Parish of St. Edmunds . . . and of Sarah his wife, who was the daughter of George and Betty Truckle was born at Salisbury on the Tenth day of May in the year [1823] . . .
Births, 1825; Wesleyan Methodist Metropolitan Registry 1818-1838; 0187: certificate nos: 3601-3700 (1825 Aug. 25 to Dec. 27); UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
William Gilpin the Son of James Dredge of Salisbury in the Parish of St. Edmunds . . . and of Sarah his wife, who was the daughter of George and Betty Truckle was born at Salisbury on the fifteenth day of March in the year [1825] . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald [NSW] (26 September 1838), 2
From London, on Monday last, having sailed the 28th April, the ship Elizabeth, Captain Hall, with merchandise. Passengers - Mr. Edward Parker and Mr. James Dredge, Protectors of Aborigines, Mrs. Parker and six children, Mrs. Dredge and 4 children . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Stone Parker (assistent protector)
"PORT PHILLIP. ARRIVED", The Australian (3 December 1846), 2
[November] 21 - The barque Vixen, 296 tons, Douglass, from London, having left the Downs the 3rd August. Passengers - Messrs. Rae, W. G. Dredge, and T. E. Dixon . . .
"MARRIED", The Melbourne Argus [NSW (VIC)] (10 December 1847), 2
On Tuesday, the 7th Dec., at the residence of Mr. Abel Thorpe, Richmond, by the Rev. Edw. Sweetman, Mr. William G. Dredge, Junior Clerk in the Customs, to Miss Ellen, second daughter of Mr. Edwards, formerly of Richmond, but now of the Protectorate Station, Loddon River.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eleanor Edwards [sic] was a daughter of Leonard Edwards (d. 1848), and a sister of Hannah Edwards, who married James Dredge's colleague, Edward Stone Parker (above), the assistant protector; no evidence has been seen to suggest that Dredge's second wife, Jenny Edwards, was related
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (29 November 1854), 3
THIS DAY. Extensive sale of most magnificent Pianos, Household Furniture, &c., unsurpassed for durability.
To Music sellers, Musicians, Heads of Families, Schoolmasters, and the Public at large.
P. DAVIS and CO. have received instructions from the consignees to sell by auction . . . The following . . .
1 elegant walnut piccolo piano, French, fall carved legs
1 handsome rosewood semi-cottage, ornamental top, carved legs
1 do do do . . .
The above pianos were selected with great judgment by Mr. Wm. Dredge, a gentleman of known talent and experience.
They are in excellent condition . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 October 1853), 7
MELBOURNE CHORAL SOCIETY. - At a meeting convened by advertisement and attended by upward of fifty persons,
held in the Mechanics' Hall on Saturday, 8th October, 1853, Charles Vaughan, Esq., J. P., in the chair;
the following Resolutions were passed unanimously:-
1. That the meeting constitute itself an Association for the cultivation of Choral Music, Sacred and Secular, to be called the "Melbourne Choral Society."
2. That new members be admitted on the following conditions: - A written recommendation signed by two members;
Ability (if a vocalist) to sing correctly a part in a plain Psalm tune; if an instrumentalist) to perform "part music" readily.
Engagement to observe the Rules of this Society.
3. That the following gentlemen be appointed a Committee to frame Rules for the government of the Society: -
Messrs. Goold, Russell, W. G. Dredge, Ewart, Walker, Henry Smith, and John Matthew Smith,
with a request that they submit the same to a meeting of members now present, to be held in the Mechanics' Institution, on Saturday, 15th inst., at eight o'clock p.m.
(Signed) CHARLES VAUGHAN, Chairman.
Mr. Vaughan having been moved from the chair, and Mr. Russell voted thereto,
the cordial thanks of the meeting were presented to the former gentleman for his kindness in presiding on the occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Almost immediately the Melbourne Choral Society became the Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Charles Vaughan (member); Thomas Green Goold (member); John Russell (member); Thomas Ewart (member); Henry Smith (member); John Matthew Smith (member); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . IMPORTS", The Argus (5 January 1855), 4
January 2. - Belle of the West, from London . . . 164 casks paint, 24 casks oil and putty, 32 cases turps, 1 carriage, 3 pianos, 1 case books, 39 packages, paper, W. G. Dredge . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (12 January 1855), 5
The Annual Meeting of this Society took place at the Mechanics' Institute, on Tuesday evening, and was well attended.
The Rev. W. Jarrett on being called to the chair . . . called upon Mr. Patterson, the secretary, who read the following -
"Report of the Committee of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, for the year 1854 . . .
"It became the first duty of the Committee to add to the Society's Library such works of standard authors as were likely to be most popular,
and accordingly advantage was taken of the departure to England of one of their number, Mr. W. G. Dredge,
to order such oratorios as the Conductor and Committee considered it most advisable to obtain.
"The first instalment of this music, consisting of the full scores, band parts, &c., of Handel's Judas Maccabaeus,
Israel in Egypt, Samson, Acis and Galatea, Haydn's Creation, and Novello's Glee and Part-Song Books
arrived in time to be of good service to the Society in the late series of concerts.
"The cost of the consignment was £130, and further supplies to the Secretary's order are now overdue . . ."
ASSOCIATIONS: William Jarrett (member); James Paterson (member)
"DIED", The Argus (5 May 1855), 4
On the 3rd inst., in her 32nd year, Eleanor, the wife of W. G. Dredge.
"SACRED PERFORMANCE AT BRUNSWICK", The Age (31 August 1855), 5
On Wednesday evening a performance of sacred music took place in the Wesleyan Chapel, Brunswick in aid of the funds of the Brunswick and Pentridge Athenaeum. The programme consisted of a selection from Haydn s "Creation," together with "He watching over Israel," from Mendelssohn's "Elijah," "I waited for the Lord," from the "Hymn of Praise," and the lovely Aria, "O, had I Jubal's lyre," from Handel's Joshua. The principal vocalists were Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Goodliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Dredge, Messrs. Moxon, Ewart and Williams; Mr. Russell conducted. There being a full attendance in the chapel, the funds of the Athenaeum will be considerably augmented by the sale of the tickets. The choruses were filled by several members of the Philharmonic Society from Melbourne. It has been noticed with regret, that the performances of this society occur so seldom; there is little doubt that a repetition of the concert given at the Mechanics' Hall on Tuesday, would be well attended.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Septimus Moxon (vocalist); William Henry Williams (vocalist); it is unclear which of the Dredges sang here, possibly Theophilus and his wife Louisa, or the recently widowed William and his mother or sister-in-law Louisa
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (4 January 1856), 5
The second annual meeting of this society was held yesterday evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institution . . .
Mr. Russell was voted to the chair, and called upon the Hon. Secretary, Mr. G. B. Richardson, to read the report, which he did as follows -
MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Report for 1855 . . . Your committee has withing the twelve months undergone considerable change.
Mr. Hood leaving for America, and Messrs. Halles, Langlands, and Walker resigning, left vacancies which have been filled up by the election of Messrs. G. L. Allan,
T. H. Davis, R. Bradford, and W. G. Dredge, this last an old and valued member of last year's committee, who has lately returned from England . . ."
. . . The following gentlemen were elected members of committee for the ensuing year:-
W. G. Dredge, Thomas Ewart, Richard Bradford, Thomas Holme Davis, Benjamin Horton, W. H. Williams, E. Keep . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Bouchier Richardson (member); George Leavis Allan (member); Thomas Holme Davis (member); Richard Bradford (member); Edward Keep (member)
"MARRIED", The Argus (9 June 1857), 4
On Saturday, May 30th, at St. James's Cathedral, by the Very Rev. H. B. Macartney, D.D., Dean of Melbourne, William G. Dredge, of this city, to Sara Jane, second daughter of William Edwards, Esq., of London.
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 May 1858), 8
MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Instrumental amateurs are informed that the BAND of the above society MEET for REHEARSAL every Tuesday evening,
at half past 6 o'clock, at the Mechanics' Institution, under the leadership of Mr. Edward King.
W. G. DREDGE, Hon. Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violinist, leader)
[News], The Argus (24 January 1861), 4
On Friday evening last a treat was given to the inhabitants of Brunswick in the shape of an amateur concert, which took place at the court-house, under the patronage of the Chief Secretary, the Municipal Council, and bench of magistrates. A number of ladies and gentlemen residing in the locality took part in the proceedings, the object of the concert being the Relief of the Orphans and Widows of the Soldiers of the 40th Regiment who have fallen in the New Zealand war. The programme comprised a selection of glees, madrigals, songs, &c., which were performed in a manner that afforded a pleasant evening's amusement to a crowded audience. Great credit is due to the leader, Mr. W. G. Dredge, who presided at the pianoforte, and under whose direction the concert was conducted. The evening's amusement resulted in a substantial benefit to the charitable object referred to.
Sir, - My attention has been drawn to a letter in your issue of Friday last, signed "A Victorian,"
referring to the approaching festival, in the following words: - "It is rumoured the number of performers will be the same as usual,"
and suggesting an appeal to the choirs of churches, &c.
Permit me to refer "A Victorian" to your columns of Tuesday last, where, in the society's advertisement,
"the co-operation of amateurs capable of singing in chorus is earnestly solicited."
I may add that much has already been done privately to gain additional help, and not in vain;
and, further, that there is scarcely one choir in Melbourne or its suburbs which does not contribute a portion of its members to the Philharmonic chorus.
The number of principal artistes engaged will show, that in one portion of the performers the committee have had no thought of submitting three ordinary concerts as a festival.
Every available capable instrumentalist has been secured, and there is every prospect of the numbers in the chorus bearing a proportionate increase.
I am, Sir, your obedient servant.
W. G. DREDGE, Hon. Secretary Philharmonic Society,
Custom-house, Sept. 22.
"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (20 January 1864), 5
The annual meeting of this society was held last evening, at the Mechanics' Institution . . .
The annual report was read and adopted, as follows :
At the third subscription concert, the honorary leader of the society placed at the disposal of the committee the complete parts of Meyerbeer's overture "L'Etoile du Nord,"
and of Weber's overture "Euryanthe" . . . A vote of thanks was accorded by the society to Mr. W. C. Fisher for his kindness;
and also to Mr. W. G. Dredge, for the use of Mozart's "Jupiter" symphony, performed for the first time in Victoria at the same concert . . .
The following were elected office-bearers for the year 1864: . . . honorary secretary - Mr. W. G. Dredge . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Carl Fischer (member)
[News], The Argus (8 December 1864), 4
At the close of the ordinary rehearsal of the Philharmonic Society on Tuesday evening, a communication from the president, Sir Redmond Barry, to the conductor was read to the meeting. The letter contained a suggestion that a fitting opportunity now presented itself of recognising by means of a substantial testimonial the valuable services of Mr. W. G. Dredge, who for many years has filled the office of honorary secretary to the society, and whose unwearied efforts for its welfare have contributed largely to the distinguished position it holds among the musical institutions of Australia. After great labour and anxiety, Mr. Dredge has expressed a wish to be relieved from his onerous duties, but it is much to be wished that he would consent to reconsider his determination. However, be this as it may, it is certainly only due that all he has done should be acknowledged, and the proposal of the president will, doubtless, be largely responded to. Mr. Horsley recommended that the matter should be practically taken into consideration at the conclusion of the rehearsal on Tuesday evening next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Redmond Barry (president); Charles Edward Horsley (conductor)
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (28 December 1864), 2
We understand that a concert is to be given during the ensuing month by the Philharmonic Society at the Exhibition-building. The object is for a benefit to Mr. Dredge, who has held the position of secretary for several years. Selections will be given from the "Creation," the "Lobgesang," "Israel in Egypt," and "Christ at the Mount of Olives." Messrs. Elsasser, Goold, Russell, and Horsley, who have been conductors of the society at different periods, will take part in the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Elsasser (musician); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Age (8 February 1865), 7
A grand historical concert of sacred music was given by the Philharmonic Society, in the Exhibition building, last night, in aid of a fund for the purchase of a testimonial to Mr. Dredge, the society's indefatigable secretary. Mr. Dredge has, for more than ten years past, contributed much by his exertions to the success of our premier musical union, and probably no one in this city deserves better at the hands of the musical public of Melbourne, who have experienced such pleasure and profit from the services rendered by Mr. Dredge in the cause of harmony. The concert was of the most elaborate description, and, if it be possible to have too much of a good thing, the performances were open to some slight objection on that score. The design in the selection of the programme was to illustrate the progress of oratorios from 1735 to 1840. Thus the first part was devoted to an exposition of the works of the two great symphonious masters, Handel and Haydn. The full harmony, and slow and solemn method of expression peculiar to the former was illustrated by selections from his "Israel in Egypt;" and the musical gems of "The Creation" were selected as representative of the genius of the inventor of pianissimo. For the later school of composition, selections from the "Engedi" and "Hymn of Praise," of Mendelssohn were chosen; and the most pleasingly rendered portions of the concert were the pieces in which this composer has given play to his elegant fancy and power of graceful melody. The principal performers were Mrs. Fox, Miss B. Watson, Miss Warden, Miss Liddle, Signor Castelli, Mr. Exon, Mr. Angus, and Mr. Blanchard. Owing to the unfavorable state of the weather, the attendance was only moderate. His Excellency the Governor, however, was present, and the performances were well appreciated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Fox (vocalist); Bertha Watson (vocalist); Geraldine Warden (vocalist); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); Charles Castelli (vocalist); Edwin Exon (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Charles Blanchard (vocalist)
"DEATHS", The Argus (21 February 1865), 4
DREDGE. - On the 20th inst., at Neptune-street, St. Kilda, William Gilpin Dredge, aged thirty-nine years and eleven months.
"Funeral Notices", The Argus (21 February 1865), 8
The funeral of the late Honorary Secretary of the society, Mr. W. G. Dredge, will take place on Wednesday, the 22nd inst.
There will be a special rehearsal this evening (Tuesday), at the Mechanics' Institute. CHARLES EDWARD HORSLEY, Conductor.
THE FUNERAL of the late WILLIAM GILPIN DREDGE is appointed to take place on Wednesday, the 22nd inst.
Friends are invited to meet at Wesley Church, Lonsdale-street east, at half-past 3 o'clock, to follow his remains to the Melbourne General Cemetery.
JOHN SLEIGHT, undertaker, 71 Collins-street east.
[News], The Argus (10 April 1865), 5
The Melbourne Philharmonic Society will give its first subscription concert for the year to-morrow evening, at the Exhibition Building. The programme will consist of Mozart's "Requiem," and Mendelssohn's "Athalie." The former has been selected as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Mr. W. G. Dredge, the society's honorary secretary; the latter has not been performed before in Australia. The principal vocalists will be Miss Watson, Miss S. Mortley, Miss M. A. Liddle, Mr. E. Exon, and Mr. S. Angus; the band and chorus will number 200 performers; and the entire performance will be under the direction of Mr. C. E. Horsley.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Mortley (vocalist)
[News], The Argus (12 April 1865), 4
The Melbourne Philharmonic Society gave their first concert of the season at the Exhibition Building last evening, to a large audience. The first part was occupied by the performance of pieces especially selected as a tribute of respect to the memory of Mr. W. G. Dredge, late hon. secretary of the society, and a distinguished and unwearied promoter of its interests. For this purpose, the "Dead March" in Handel's "Saul," and Mozart's Requiem were chosen. The march was performed with striking effect, and full justice was done to that extraordinary piece of funereal music. The requiem was scarcely so successful as could be wished, for it must be owned that in the more difficult passages the chorus wavered somewhat. This it was not difficult to forgive, seeing that the work is one which, from its nature, can rarely be produced, and is therefore the more unfamiliar; and, moreover, the extreme richness of the accompaniments rendered by a full and excellent orchestra, were no mean compensation . . .
[News], The Argus (3 May 1865), 5
A difference of opinion between the committee and conductor of the Philharmonic Society, relative to the purchase of some instrumental music of value, formed the staple of a long and somewhat inharmonious discussion last evening, at the Mechanics' Institute. The meeting, which was presided over by Sir Redmond Barry, was convened for the purpose of taking into consideration the conduct of the committee in not purchasing from Mrs. W. G. Dredge, widow of the late secretary of the society, some instrumental music, chiefly symphonies from Beethoven and Mozart, procured by Mr. Dredge from Novello's in London, and which had been offered to the society for £40; its alleged worth being about £80 or £90. A resolution censuring the committee was submitted by Mr. C. E. Horsley, who contended that they had virtually promised to secure the music for the society, but had not done so, and by their course of action had evinced a want of respect for the memory of their late secretary and of sympathy for his widow. Mr. W. C. Fisher, who followed in the same strain, seconded the resolution. The treasurer of the society, Mr. J. J. Blundell, and Mr. J. S. Judd, ably vindicated the proceedings of the committee, and an amendment, approving of their action in the matter, was proposed by Mr. Exon and seconded by Mr. Tate. Previous to putting the resolutions to the meeting, the chairman essayed to pour oil on the troubled waters, and by a few timely and apt suggestions, succeeded in inducing movers and seconders to withdraw resolution and amendment, and agree to a proposition to the effect that a portion of the amount requisite to purchase the music should be raised by private subscription, and the balance paid from the funds of the society, which the treasurer in the course of the evening stated were not very plethoric. This was agreed to with acclamation. A vote of thanks was accorded to the chairman, who intimated his intention of subscribing £3 3s. towards the sum needed for completing the purchase.
ASSOCIATIONS: James John Blundell (member); Frederick Tate (member)
[News], The Herald (3 May 1865), 2
A special meeting of the members of the Philharmonic Society was held last evening, at the Mechanics' Institute, at the instance of Mr. C. E. Horsley, who wished to have the opinion of the society upon the action taken by the committee in reference to the purchase of a quantity of music from Mrs. Dredge. His Honour Sir Redmond Barry, the president of the society, occupied the chair. To lay the case before our readers, it is necessary to state that in February, 1861, the late Mr. Dredge sent to England for a quantity of music, which included the Symphonies of Beethoven and Mendelssohn, and though he was not officially instructed by the society to do so, according to Mr. Horsley's statement, the pieces were intended for use of the members. In due course the music arrived from the Messrs. Novello, and the society have had the use of it for the last two or three years. After Mr. Dredge's decease, Mrs. Dredge, who was liable to the publishers for the cost of the music, offered it to the members of the committee for L40. They declined to accept it on the grounds that the financial position of the society would not warrant their making such an expenditure, and the result was that Mr. Horsley, who had recommended the outlay, was very much aggrieved by the course adopted by the committee, and called the meeting last evening for the purpose of passing a vote of want of confidence in them. Several speakers addressed the meeting, including Messrs. Horsley, Fisher, Blundell, Judd, and Exon. Mr. Horsley moved that the members propose a vote of want of confidence in the committee for the course that they had taken in refusing to buy the music, and Mr. Exon moved the negative as an amendment. The chairman then addressed the meeting, with the view of allaying the ferment that had been created, and suggested that some course should be adopted to prevent either the motion or amendment being put. The committee had offered to pay L25 towards the purchase of the music, and if the members would subscribe towards the remaining portion he would be happy to contribute L3 3s., and he had no doubt that the balance would be raised by some other means, such as giving a concert or even a rehearsal, so that a small fee could he charged for admission. After some further conversation it was decided to withdraw the motion and amendment, and raise the money by subscription.
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 July 1866), 8
Handel's Oratorio JUDAS MACCABAEUS will be given as the first Subscription Concert for 1868 at the Exhibition-building, on Tuesday, 17th July inst.
Theo. Dredge, Honorary Secretary.
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1867), 3
MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY . . . Theo. Dredge, Honorary Treasurer.
"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. No. III", The Argus (15 January 1879), 6
. . . In the latter part of the year [1864]
the health of the Hon. secretary compelled him to intimate his forced retirement at the end of the year.
At the adjourned annual meeting public reference was made to this and a well deserved tribute of praise embodied in the report of the committee
for the untiring energy and ability displayed, and the valuable services rendered to the society by their Hon. secretary, W. G. Dredge, Esq.,
during the 11 years of its existence and they sincerely hope that the testimonial about to be raised to him on his retiring from the active duties of his office may be worthy of his acceptance . . .
As the society's contribution to the Dredge Testimonial a grand historical concert was given on 7 February [1865],
illustrating the progress of oratorio from 1735 to 1840.
It consisted of selections from Israel in Egypt Creation and Engedi with Lobgesang complete.
Each portion had its separate conductor, leader, and organist
so that all of the gentlemen who had filled these respective offices joined in testimony to the one who,
despite differences of opinion was the friend of all all.
Within a fortnight the object of so much kindly feeling was no longer with us.
A voyage to South Australia undertaken with the hope of recruiting health, had the opposite effect and hastened the sad end.
A history of the Philharmonic Society would be incomplete indeed without special reference to one whose disinterested work,
great love for music, and very intimate acquaintance with nearly all the amateur or professional musicians, made him invaluable.
As organist of Wesley Church where in the old times one of the best choirs was found - he came in contact with many good singers.
These almost as a matter of course became members of the Philharmonic, the Beaumont family (five), Miss Pitts and Mr. Perraton being among the number.
His private friends were pressed into its service.
No sacrifice of time or labour was too great to advance its interests.
The crowds who attended and took part in the musical funeral service attested the universal regard for him and so long is the society lasts,
and however great its achievements may be no one will do or will have done more to promote its success
than he who affectionately lives in the memory of numberless friends as "Willie Dredge."
The committee of resolved their respect to his memory by selecting the Requiem for performance at the first concert,
the second part being Mendelssohn's "Athalie" for the first time in Victoria . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Armes Beaumont and siblings (vocalists); Bessie Pitts (vocalist); William Perraton (vocalist); Music in Wesleyan churches (general)
In 1841 was established the first musical combination, viz: - The Melbourne Harmonic Society, with the following office-holders - Leader, Mr. Charles Beswicke; Conductor, Mr. William Clarke; Treasurer, Mr. John Jones Peers; Secretaries, Messrs. Benjamin Heape, and William Dredge. They met every Thursday evening, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Collins street, and their role was select sacred music performances, or rather private rehearsals, but the effort did not come to much . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: "Garryowen" = Edmund Finn (memoirist);
Charles Beswicke (amateur);
William Clarke (musician);
John Jones Peers (amateur);
Benjamin Heape (amateur);
Melbourne Harmonic Society (association)
and see also The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 488 (DIGITISED)
"DEATH OF MRS. CARL FISCHER", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1896), 5
. . . Mrs. Fischer was a native of Gloucester, England, and was born in 1834. She arrived in Australia in 1856, and was married to the late Mr. William Dredge, well known in Melbourne for his abilities as a musician. In 1864 [1865], after the death of her husband, the deceased lady visited England, and returned the following year. A year later she was married at St. Kilda to Mr. Wilhelm Carl Fischer, a merchant. Mrs. Fischer was from 1870 to 1877 the conductor of a ladies' school in Geelong, which was established on a large scale. During that period her taste for journalism induced her to contribute musical critiques to several of the Melbourne papers. In 1879 she came to Sydney, and became associated with the Sydney press. She was an indefatigable, as she was a talented writer, her specialties being musical and dramatic contributions and social notes. She was not merely a writer on social matters, but entered into social and benevolent projects with the utmost devotion . . .
"DEATHS", The Age (16 October 1909), 7
DREDGE. - On the 14th October, at his daughter's residence, "Ardgowan," Essendon, Theophilus Dredge, in his 87th year. A Victorian colonist since January, 1839. Interred privately.
"Prominent Topics", Advocate (23 October 1909), 24
The late Mr. Theophilus Dredge was born at Salisbury, England, on May 10, 1823, and was the son of Mr. James Dredge, Master of Fisherton Academy. He came to Australia with his father in the barque Elizabeth (300 tons), arriving at Sydney on September 24, 1838. Subsequently he left Sydney, and landed at Port Phillip in the barque Hope on January 3, 1839. He was first employed in the Melbourne post office, then only a primitive wooden structure, and afterwards well known as gold buyer for Messrs. Benjamin and Co., Customs agents. He was one of the first performing members of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and was an old resident of Essendon.
"PERSONAL", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (25 October 1909), 5
Mr. Theophilus Dredge, who died at Essendon last week in his 87th year, was not only a colonist since 1839, but he took in former years a prominent place in the musical world of Melbourne. He was a member of the choir in the first Wesleyan Church, erected in Flinders-lane, at the rear of the site of Champion's Hotel. The church, until the hotel was rebuilt a few years since, became the kitchen of the hotel. Subsequently he was one of the choir at Collins-street Methodist Church, which stood where the Bank of Australasia now stands. He was the conductor of the Wesley Church choir for many years, and was one of the founders of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, being its first secretary [sic].
"PERSONAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 August 1928), 16
Mr. Theophilus James Dredge, whose death is announced, was a son of Mr. Theophilus Dredge, who arrived at Melbourne on January 3, 1839, by the ship Elisabeth (Captain Hall) with his father, Mr. James Dredge. The appointment of assistant protector of aborigines was held by Mr. James Dredge; and his son Theophilus, one of the founders of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, was associated with the early days of Wesley Church.
Other sources:
Rules of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society (Melbourne: Printed by W. H. Williams, 1854) (DIGITSED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (member)
Bibliography and resources:
Rhonda Dredge, "'An awful silence reigns': James Dredge at the Goulburn River", The La Trobe Journal 61 (Autumn 1998)
William Gilpin Dredge, Find a grave
DREML, Johann (Johann DREML; Herr DREML)
Musician, vocalist, Tyrolese minstrel
Born Tyrol, Austria, c. 1824
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 28 April 1853 (per James L. Bogert, from London, 27 January, via the Cape, aged "29")
Active Melbourne and Geelong, VIC, May and June 1853
Active Castlemaine, Geelong, and Melbourne, VIC, May to July 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Certificate of arrival, Port of London, 20 December 1852; UK National Archives, HO2/236/4372-78 (PAYWALL)
Date of Arrival: 20th Dec'r 1852 /
Johann Einhauser / Alois Hollaus / Johann Dremel /
Balthasar Larch / Felix Rahm / Andreas Gredler / Anton Margreiter /
Profession: Saddlers / Natives of: Tyrol / From Rotterdam per Concordia . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Johann Einhauser (minstrel);
Alois Holaus (minstrel);
Johann Dremel (minstrel);
Andreas Gredler (minstrel);
it is unclear whether Felix Rahm, Balthasar Larch, and Anton Margreiter also performed, as none were specifically billed doing so in Australia
Names and descriptions of passengers, per James L. Bogert, from London, 14 January 1853, for Hobson's Bay, 26 April 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Dremble [Dreml] Johan / 29 / Tyrolese . . .
Einhauser Johan / 29 / Tyrolese . . .
Gredler Andre / 30 / Tyrolese . . .
Holons [Holaus] Alois / 31 / Tyrolese . . .
Larch Walhauser [Balthasar] / 29 / Tyrolese . . .
Margnuten [Margreiter] Anton / 32 / Tyrolese . . .
Rahm Veit / 28 / Tyrolese
Rahm Felix / 23 / [Tyrolese]
ASSOCIATIONS: Veit Rahm (musician, ? elder brother of Felix)
"MUSICAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 May 1853), 9
We hear great things of a party of new musical performers which has arrived in the James L. Bogart [sic]. It consists of a number of Tyrolean chorus singers who have had the honor of appearing, with distinguished success, before Her Majesty at Windsor, and at many of the seats of the English nobility. The leader is named Herr Veit Rahm, and in addition to their vocal accomplishments, they perform on a peculiar national instrument, equal in antiquity (we perceive by their programme), with the bagpipe, but we trust resembling that most abominable of instruments in no other particular. We believe that arrangements are in progress for introducing their performances to a Melbourne public, but at present we can give no information as to the "when" or the "where".
"THE TYROLESE", The Argus (10 May 1853), 9
Many of our readers lost a novel and interesting treat last evening, in the first entertainment of the Tyrolese singers, of whom we recently made mention. The performances had not indeed been announced in the usual way; the inhabitants of the Tyrol not yet being impressed, we presume, with the advantages of that highest privilege of intellectual man, the power of appealing to his fellows through the agency of an advertisement. The attendance was consequently not so numerous as it would have been, or as the performers deserved. The party consists of five male singers, and they perform quintettes, duets, with chorus and other pieces, in a very pleasing and original style, approaching the German quartettes more than any other musical performances which have been offered to a Melbourne audience. The alto and basses are particularly good, and long practice together gives the whole party great precision and correctness in their chorusses. They appear in their national dress, which is handsome but peculiar, with wide-brimmed peaked hats, decked with feathers, ribbons, and artificial flowers; scarlet waistcoats, gaily decorated black knee breeches, white stockings, and highlows, with belts of astonishing width, decorated in a style reminding one precisely of the Government stamp on a pill box. The whole group imparted so thoroughly a Tyrolean air to the large room at the Mechanics', that one could almost fancy a bust of Shakspeare hardening into an iceberg, wild strawberries clustering round the dusty waratah, and a living chamois perched upon the piano usually sacred to the genius of Buddee. The performance was varied by a a couple of fantasias on the national instrument called the "zitter," which is a species of guitar, but lying flat upon the table in stead of being held guitar fashion. It is a pretty little tinkling instrument, and the effects produced were pleasing enough to elicit an encore in both instances. It is the zitter which was lately spoken of as equalling in antiquity that pride of a Scotsman's heart, the bagpipe. In all other respects we confess we prefer it to that most execrable of noise producers. His Excellency was present, and although the room was not filled, we trust that the encouragement received would be sufficient to induce a repetition of the performance on an early day, of which we will endeavor duly to advise our readers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (governor)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (12 May 1853), 2
THEATRE ROYAL. MR. COPPIN begs to inform his friends and the public generally,
that he has engaged, at an enormous expense, for THREE NIGHTS ONLY,
Viz: - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 12th, 13th and 14th instant, those celebrated
Who had the honor of giving their celebrated entertainment, BY COMMAND, and in the presence of her most gracious Majesty,
Her Majesty's pleasure was expressed, through the Master of the Royal Household, at both their
VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, Which Letter, bearing the Seal of State, they now have in their possession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 May 1853), 12\
(Under the Patronage of His Excellency, the Lieutenant-Governor),
HERR RAHM and Company, Tyrolese National Mountain Singers, who have been performing with immense success at St. James' Theatres, London,
before Her Majesty the Queen, at Windsor Castle, and on several occasions before Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent,
will have the honor to give a grand vocal and National Concert, at the Protestant Hall, Melbourne.
The company, who are five in number, will sing in their National Costumes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
"TYROLESE SINGERS", The Argus (18 May 1853), 9
These astonishing vocalists gave their second entertainment in Melbourne last evening. The weather was most unfavorable, and the attendance consequently not numerous. The national instrument, the zitter, on which two arias were skilfully executed by Herr Rahm, has a tone not unlike the concertina, though somewhat more sonorous, its lower notes reminding the hearer of the bassoon or oboe. The melody and accompaniment were sustained with accuracy by the performer, and he was loudly applauded at the close. The whole of the five voices were heard with good effect in the Tyrolese national song, a quintette, displaying in an admirable manner that peculiar style of melody for which the inhabitants of the Tyrol are so justly celebrated. The comic chorus, interspersed with orchestral imitations, after the fashion of the old English melody, King Cole, excited much laughter. There is a degree of perfection in the singing of the melodies, which has rarely been attained by any except companies long in the habit of performing with one another. The author of a popular treatise on the art has termed this quality "togetherness," which imparts a charm to their pieces, rarely heard except in the performances of families of musicians, such as the Hutchisons and the Distins. God save the Queen closed the performance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hutchinson family (singers); Distin family (brass players)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 June 1853), 10
GRAND CONCERT. Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.
HERR RAHM, and Company, Tyrolese National Mountain Singers . . . will give a Grand Vocal and National Concert,
at the Mechanics' Institution, Wednesday Evening June 8th,
Friday Evening, June 10th, at the Protestant Hall,
Saturday Evening, June 11th, at the Protestant Hall . . .
NOTE: After this concert, Veit Rahm appears to have left the part and gone alone to Sydney; but they are recorded performing with him again in mid 1854, as see immediately below:
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (27 May 1854), 3
GRAND CONCERT given by Herr Rahm's celebrated Tyrolese Singers,
Herr Rahm, Holaus, Gredler, Dreml, and Einhauser,
at "The Hall of Castlemaine," On Saturday the 27th of May, and Monday the 29th of May,
the above Minstrels will perform in full national costume,
as played before Her Majesty Queen Victoria, August 7th, 1852,
and will sing Quintetts, Quartetts, Trios, Duetts, Solos, and Comic and Sentimental songs.
- Herr Rahm will perform on the celebrated national Instrument the Zitter.
Doors open at Half-past Seven, to commence at Eight. Reserved seats 7s. 6d.; Back seats 5s.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (13 July 1854), 4
GRAND CONCERT. HERR RAHM'S celebrated Tyrolese Singers, HERR RAHM, HOLAUS, GREDLER, DREML, and EIYHAUSER [sic] . . .
at the Music Hall, Geelong Hotel, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, the 13th, 14th, and 15th of July . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 July 1854), 10
CRITERION HALL. Great Collins-street. This (Friday) Evening, July 28th, 1854.
Last Night but One of Herr Rahm's Company of Singers.
Only Six Nights more of Fakir of Ava . . . E. TOTTEN, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elbert Totten (manager); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE TYROLESE MINSTRELS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (7 August 1854), 3
Herr Rahm and his talented companions are so far successful that they obtain most abundant and unmistakeable applause from large audiences that understand not a word of the songs sung.
The harmony of voices is so charming that a subject is unnecessary.
Rainer's Serenades have been praised, and deservedly, for the skill with which they sing together.
The Tyrolese Minstrels have the advantage of their national cultivation of a style of vocal music that admits of beautiful harmonic effects.
Their performance too is novel, and is of a very refined kind, calculated to attract and please those who love music for itself.
That it does so here is evidenced by the character of the audiences.
It is to be wished that people who go merely pour passer le temps would less interrupt by their talking and noisy demeanour the enjoyment of those who can enter fully into the loftier enjoyment of music.
Geese, it is true, have earned historic renown by saving the Capitol, but their performance is fatal to both melody, and harmony.
Herr Rahm's solos on the Zither are delightful. The tuneful chime of the "Evening Bells" would never tire the weary sense.
Both he and his associates deserve well of the public for their introduction of a new entertainment of a really superior character.
There can be little doubt that they will become highly popular,
and that their present short engagement will have to be prolonged to an indefinite period before the public will cry "Hold, enough!"
- Melbourne Herald, July 27.
Bibliography and references:
Martin Reiter, Die Zillertaler Nationalsänger im 19. Jahrhundert (St. Gertraudi: Artina-Verlag, 1989)
Kurt Gänzl, "THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW . . . and Tyrolean singers", Kurt of Gerolstein, posted 15 October 2018
Musician, ophicleide player
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: He was perhaps Augustus Dreutler, a German merchant active in Sydney and Melbourne since the mid 1840s, who from 1851 served as resident consul for the Hanseatic ports of Bremen and Lubeck, and who died in Sydney on 10 April 1860, aged "45/46"
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 August 1853), 8
ROWE'S CIRCUS. - TO MORROW, August 20th. WINTERBOTTOM'S Grand Monster Concert, nearly One Hundred Performers . . .
First time this season, Great Exhibition Quadrille . . . Jullien . . .
No. 4. - Partant pour La Syrie, French Air, taken from an old Eastern Melody, with variations for ophecleide, Herr Dreutler, cornet, M. Henri Durant . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Henri Durant (cornet); Nugent Varley (manager); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
DREW, Rosina Eliza (Rosina Eliza DREW; Miss DREW; Mrs. Robert BIRCH; Mrs. BIRCH)
Musician, pianist, vocalist, organist, teacher of singing and the pianoforte, pupil of Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Born Winchester, England, 1830; baptised St. Maurice, Winchester, 24 August 1830; daughter of William DREW and Jane BROWN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 February 1855 (per Abdalla, from Plymouth, 3 November 1854)
Married Robert BIRCH, NSW, 1856
Died North Sydney, NSW, 26 April 1914, aged "86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Maurice, Winchester, 1830; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
24 August 1830 / Rosina Eliza / [daughter of] William & Jane Drew
England census, 30 March 1851, All Saints, Southampton, Hampshire; UK National Archives, HO107/1669 (PAYWALL)
12 Above Bar / Amelia Leach / Head / Mar. / 28 / Fancy Business . . .
Rosina E. Drew / [unmarried] / 22 / Music [sic] / [born] Winchester . . .
Immigrants per Abdalla, from Plymouth, 3 November 1854, for Sydney; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Drew Rosina E. / 26 / Dress maker . . .
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (22 February 1855), 4
February 21. - Abdalla, ship, 961 tons, Captain Clark, from Plymouth November 3. Passengers: . . . Miss McEwen, Miss Drew, and 216 immigrants. Dr. Haunet, surgeon. Lyall, Scott, and Co., agents.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1855), 1
MISS DREW, pupil of Dr. Wesley, gives lessons in Singing and the Pianoforte, with thorough bass.
For particulars enquire at WOOLCOTT and CLARKE'S; or at No. 1, Cumberland-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Sebastian Wesley (English organist, teacher); Woolcott and Clarke (musicsellers)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (3 December 1859), 1
at the KING'S SCHOOL-ROOM, FRIDAY, 9TH December, 1859.
PART THE FIRST. Selections from HANDEL'S Oratorio of the Messiah.
Recit. and Air - Behold a Virgin - O, Thou that Tellest - Mrs. Birch
Recit. and Air - For Behold Darkness - The People that Walked - Mr. Waller
Chorus - For unto us a Child in Born.
Recit. and Air - Then shall the eyes of the Blind- He shall Feed his Flock - Mrs. Birch and Miss Brady.
Chorus - All we like Sheep.
Air - Rejoice Greatly - Miss Brady.
Chorus - The Lord gave the Word.
Air - Why do the Nations - Mr. Waller.
Chorus - Hallelujah.
Madrigal - Down in a Flow'ry Vale (Festa)
Flute solo - Selections from Norma, (Saynon [sic]) - Mr. Baly.
Song - Miss Brady.
Pianoforte solo - Cracovienne, (Wallace) - Mrs. Birch.
Quartett - Springs Delights (Mendelssohn)
Duett - Of Fairy's Wand Had I The Power, (from the opera of "Maritana") (Wallace) Miss Brady and Mr. Waller
Song, with flute accompaniment - The Bird and the Maiden (Spohr) Mrs. Birch and Mr. Baly
Song - Mr. Robinson.
Trio - The Chough and Crow, (Bishop)
God Save the Queen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Waller (vocalist); Mary Ann Brady (vocalist); Edward Baly (flute)
MUSIC: La cracovienne (Wallace); The bird and the maiden (Spohr)
"PARRAMATTA (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1860), 8
The annual meeting of the parishioners of St. John took place on Tuesday last, to receive the churchwardens' accounts for the past year. In consequence of the smallness of the vestry, it was moved and carried to adjourn to the schoolroom. Meeting opened with prayer. The treasurer submitted his balance-sheet, showing a total receipt of £179 1s. 9d., and an expenditure of £177 2s. 11d., leaving a balance in favour, £1 13s. 10d. The sum of £11 5s., due to Mrs. Birch, as organist, did not appear in the accounts, as that lady had generously requested the churchwardens to dispose of the sum as they pleased . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Anglican churches (general)
"PARRAMATTA [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT]", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1861), 8
On Tuesday evening the amateur concert took place in the hall of the King's School. This concert was the fourth of the kind with which the inhabitants of Parramatta have been favoured, but differed from all former ones in one important respect, namely, that all the performers upon this occasion, with the exception of two, were Parramatta amateurs; and its complete success shows that Parramatta largely shares in the generally revived taste for music, which is so noticeable in the metropolis and other parts of the colony. To the Rev. W. F. Gore are the thanks of the community undoubtedly due for his untiring efforts in collecting together all the available musical ability of the town and rendering it available for an occasion like that of Tuesday evening. There is evidently no lack of musical talent among us and the result of the assiduous endeavours of all, before and since the performances of Christmas-day, was evident in the superior manner in which the choruses were gone through which called forth the highest encomiums from the audience and the approval of Mr. Cordner himself, who acted as conductor of the choir. The large hall was well filled, and there could not have been less than 300 persons present. The first part of the concert consisted of choruses from Handel's "Judas Maccabeus" and "Messiah," and some songs, trios, and a recitative from the same oratorios, which were severally given by Mrs. Birch, of Parramatta, and her pupils, Mr. Waller, and Mrs. Cordner. The secular portion commenced with the chorus "Hail, Smiling Morn." Mrs. Birch, elicited loud applause by her brilliant execution of Schulhoff's grande caprice. Mr. Baly's exquisite performance upon the flute of "Rule Britannia," with variations, was encored. Songs, trios, and quartettes followed, all of which were encored, and elicited general approval. Altogether a more pleasing evening was never spent in Parramatta, and it will be gratifying to many to hear that it is intended to repeat the concert on Tuesday evening next, at a lower charge.
ASSOCIATIONS: William and Ellen Cordner (conductor and pianist, vocalist); W. F. Gore (musical amateur)
MUSIC: Probably Caprice sur des airs bohémiens (Schulhoff, op. 10)
The first concert of this society took place yesterday evening, in the hall of the King's School, which was crowded in every part. After several very successful performances of sacred and secular music, this society was founded in the latter end of August last; Mr. C. Chizlett's valuable services were permanently retained, and the members have since been diligently practising under his direction. The concert yesterday evening, comprehending as it did a more extensive programme of sacred music than any former one, was a complete success, the solo passages, as well as the choruses, being very ably sustained. The first part of the concert consisted of selections from Handel's Messiah, the recitatives and airs being performed by Mrs. Birch, two Misses Green, Miss Griffiths, and Mr. Crooks. The choruses, particularly "For unto us," and "Glory to God, were ably sustained and very effective. The secular portion commenced with the chorus "All among the Barley" by Stirling, and was followed by the duet "Syren and Friar," sung by Miss J. Green and Mr. Crook, which was enthusiastically encored. The piano solo, "Massaniello" by Mrs. Birch, and the performance upon the flute by Mr. Baly of "The Swiss Boy," were brilliantly executed, showing the most perfect mastery of their respective instruments, and were loudly applauded. Mr. Baly was twice encored. The song "Where the bee sucks," by Miss J. Green, again called forth warm applause and was encored. The song, "No jewelled beauty," was given by Mr. Robinson, and was vociferously encored by the younger portion of the audience, who were evidently anxious for at comic song from Mr. Robinson, and Mr. R. gave them one accordingly. Their applause, however, was, on one or two occasions, carried to an extreme, and, at the termination of the first portion of the concert, when the choir had retired, a noisy manifestation of impatience was made, which was very properly checked. The concert terminated at about eleven o'clock, with the glee "Ye spotted snakes," and the audience separated, highly gratified with the success of the first concert of this excellent society.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chizlett (leader); Parramatta Harmonic Society (association)
"CONCERT AT THE Y.M.C.A. HALL", The Daily Telegraph (25 April 1890), 7
Though the attendance at the farewell concert tendered to Miss Mildred Birch at the Y.M.C.A.-hall last night was not large, yet his Excellency the Governor and Lady Carrington were present, and there were a number or well-known faces amongst the audience. Mrs. Birch and her daughter are well-known and respected on the North Shore, so that it was not surprising that many of the leading artists of Sydney should give their services at the benefit, which, it was understood, was intended to assist Miss Birch in prosecuting her studies as a vocalist in England . . .
"THE BIRCH CONCERT. TO THE EDITOR OF THE DAILY TELEGRAPH", The Daily Telegraph (26 April 1890), 10
Sir, - In the notice of the complimentary concert tendered to Miss Mildred Birch on Thursday there are some remarks which cannot be passed over.
I think it only just to so excellent an artist and teacher as Mr. F. J. Hallewell to state that the recit. and aria from the "Creation" were selected and approved of by him,
and the presence and generous assistance of so many of the leading artists of Sydney is a sufficient refutation of your very severe remarks,
which are likely to prove so injurious to a young artiste at the outset of her career.
Myself, articled to the profession and pupil of several of the most eminent artists of Europe,
may, perhaps be allowed to have some idea whether a voice be worth cultivation or not,
and it may be added that Mr. Best, (who was present) has expressed a very favorable opinion of my daughter's voice.
- Yours, &c.
Mrs. Birch would naturally prefer that we should "prophecy smooth things" of her daughter,
and it cannot be expected that at this time she will admit the truth und kindness of a criticism which she may, nevertheless, have cause to view differently hereafter. -
Musical Critic, D.T.]
ASSOCIATIONS: Mildred Birch (daughter, born NSW 1865); Frederick J. Hallewell (musician); William Thomas Best (visiting English organist)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 April 1914), 8
BIRCH. - April 26, 1914, at her residence, 147 West-street, North Sydney, Rosina E. Birch.
"A MUSICIAN OF THE EARLY DAYS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1914), 7
There has recently passed away from our midst a personality to whom the musical community of New South Wales certainly owes a debt of gratitude, as she was one of the pioneers of classical music in the earlier and less favoured years. Mrs. Rosina Birch (nee Drew) was in her youth a pupil of Samuel Sebastian Wesley, whom she assisted as organist in some of the old city churches, playing from the figured bass of the old masters Bach, Handel, etc. At 25 years of ago, about 1853 she left England for Australia, and went to reside in Parramatta, where she soon after married, but resumed her profession, both teaching and singing as soloist in the old Philharmonic Society, under the then conductor, Cordner, being the contemporary of Sarah Flower, the Caradinis, Pacha [Packer], etc., and, as before in Winchester Cathedral, she resumed her organist's avocations, and for some years was at St. John's, Parramatta. Eventually she went to North Sydney, where for many years she taught many of the past and present members of the best-known families, some of whom have since risen to distinction. But latterly, through sickness, she lost her hearing, so that her pleasure in her old love of music waned, but, as compensation, her artistic powers and excellent eyesight enabled her to spend her declining days in beautiful lacemaking for her numerous friends, and so she went gently down the path of a late, busy, and useful life. It is proposed to raise a small memorial by her pupils and friends at her last resting place, Gore Hill Cemetery.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Maria Carandini and daughters (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (at one time organist at All Saints, Parramatta)
"MEN AND WOMEN", The Sun [Sydney, NSW] (15 May 1914), 7
Mrs. Rosina Birch, one of the pioneers of good music in this State, who in her day was considered a very fine teacher of the piano, died recently at North Sydney at the age of 80 years. She arrived in Australia in 1853. Settling at Parramatta, she was appointed organist of the historic church of St. John. She sang as soloist with the old Choral Society, and she was the contemporary of Sara Flowers, Flora Harris, Charles Packer, and other well-remembered musicians of that period.
DREW, John (John DREW; alias of Jonathan Henry DREWLAND)
Actor, comedian, vocalist, dancer, Irish delineator
Born Dublin, Ireland, 3 September 1827; son of Thomas DREWLAND and Louisa KANTEN
Married Louisa LANE, USA, c. 1850
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 June 1859 (per Tuisco, from San Francisco, 15 March, aged "32")
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 25 June 1860 (per Dover Castle, for London)
Died Philadelphia, USA, 21 May 1862, aged "34" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)

John Drew, in character, by S. T. Gill; from the cover of Marmaduke Wilson's The Irish emigrant quadrilles (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1859]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Thomas Gill (artist, illustrator); John Degotardi (lithographer, printer); Marmaduke Henry Wilson (composer); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher)
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (27 February 1859), 1
LYCEUM, Corner of Washington and Montgomery streets. JOHN WILSON - PROPRIETOR.
Fourth Week at this establishment of MR. JOHN DREW, THE CHIEF OF IRISH HUMOURISTS.
SUNDAY EVENING - FEB. 27, Will be presented the Comedy of THE HEIR AT LAW.
Dr. Pangloss - John Drew.
Comic Song - J. E. Johnson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Elliott Johnson (vocalist); see also among arrivals per Tuisco below
[California news], Nevada Journal [USA] (11 March 1859), 1
Mr. JNO. DREW designs sailing for Australia within a short time. He will be accompanied by Miss Kinlock. Mr. J. E Johnson, the wittiest and best comic singer of the day, with his family leave on the same vessel.
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE FROM CALIFORNIA", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (30 April 1859), 2
By the Caroline from San Francisco, we are in possession of the following items of theatrical news: - . . .
Mr. John Drew (who created such a furore in the Atlantic States) is now playing a very successful engagement at the American;
he is without doubt the best Irish comedian we have ever had.
Mr. Drew is engaged to Mr. Rees (formerly agent of Madame Bishop) to play an engagement through Australia.
Mr. Rees leaves to-morrow by the ship Caroline. I predict an immense success, in Australia from Mr. Drew.
Mr. Rees has also engaged Signor and Signora Bianchi for Australia, a tenor and prima donna of the first order . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bartholomew Rees (agent); Anna Bishop (vocalist); Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists)
List of passengers arrived at the port of Melbourne, 1 June 1859, from San Francisco on board the Tuisco; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Johnson, wife & child / 25 / 22 / 6 . . .
Mr. Drew / 32 // Miss Kinloch / 18 // Louisa Drew / 7 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Eliza Drew (Drew's daughter; born 7 December 1851; d. 17 May 1889); her more famous younger sister was Georgiana Drew Barrymore (1854-1893); Georgiana Kinlock (Drew's sister-in-law, actor)
"SHIPPING. ARRIVED (HOBSON'S BAY)", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (2 June 1859), 4
June 1 - Tuisco, Hamburg barque, 400 tons, J. M. Jessen, from San Francisco, 15th March. Passengers - cabin: . . . Miss Drew, Messrs. . . . J. Drew . . .
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (10 June 1859), 5
. . . On Wednesday night [8 June] the curtain rose in a very different phase of performance to that which, since Miss Provost's first appearance, has made this theatre the resort of those capable of appreciating the highest efforts of an almost perfect actress. Mr. Colville has introduced an actor favourably known elsewhere, Mr. John Drew, whose particular excellence as manifested in his delineation of the Irish character in all its grades. The engagement of this artist appears to have created a sensation in the theatrical world. Both houses announced him on one morning last week, and . . . the telegraphic wire was busy in telling the preliminaries which led to Mr. Drew's appearance last night. Rumour says that, in order to bring him before a Sydney audience, Mr. Colville has been very liberal. On Wednesday night the house was literally crowded, sitting room was altogether out of the question. Mr. Drew's "Irish Ambassador" is a finished performance of its kind, notwithstanding that he thought it necessary to ask indulgence for imperfections consequent on a first appearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Provost (actor, Mrs. Samuel Colville); Samuel Colville (manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue); Drew had not appeared in Melbourne on arrival, so this was his first Australian performance
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1859), 1
Second night of the Farewell Engagement of that celebrated Irish comedian.
Mr. JOHN DREW, previous to his positive and final departure from Sydney, to fulfil an engagement at the Princess' Theatre, Melbourne . . .
Gerald Pepper (surnamed the "White Horseman,") Mr. JOHN DREW,
Introducing the song, "I'm a ranting, roving blade."
THE HAPPY MAN. Paddy Murphy - Mr. John Drew.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: I'm a ranting, roving blade (Samuel Lover)
"THE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (2 December 1859), 5
Our indefatigable manager, Mr. Rainer, has lost no time in providing a balm for the disappointment which was caused in the theatrical world by the recent escapade of Mr. Brooke. We perceive that he has entered into an engagement with Mr. John Drew, who has created quite a sensation in Melbourne by his delineation of Irish character. He will make his first appearance before a Castlemaine audience to-morrow night in the piece taken from Lover's "Handy Andy" in which he plays the principal character, and will sing the sweet song "Nora Creina." As he will be ably supported by our talented company, the public may expect a treat. The performance is to conclude with the "Bonnie Fish Wife" in which Miss Kate Ward will sustain the characters of Miss Thistledown and Magy Macfarlane, in the latter of which she will sing the pathetic ballad of "Caller Herring," and as she is to be assisted by Vinson, Ryan, and Fawcett, even the most fastidious playgoer may expect to be satisfied.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Craggin Rainer (proprietor); Kate Warde (actor, vocalist); James Hetters Vinson (actor); William Ryan (actor); Tom Fawcett (actor); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue)
MUSIC: Nora Creina (Moore and Stevenson)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (9 January 1860), 8
Grand Complimentary FAREWELL BENEFIT Of Mr. JAMES HUDSON, Prior to his departure for England . . .
Upon which occasion Mr. JOHN DREW Has kindly volunteered his valuable services . . .
MONDAY, "JANUARY 9, Will be presented for the first time at this theatre,
THE IRISH EMIGRANT. Tat O'Brien - Mr. John Drew, (With song - Ould Irish Gentleman) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hudson (actor, vocalist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: The fine ould Irish gentleman (song)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (15 March 1860), 1
Most positively the Last Appearances of MR. JOHN DREW . . .
Monday, March 19th. ST. PATRICK'S DAY . . .
HAPPY MAN - Paddy Murphy, with song of "Birth of St. Patrick" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: The birth of St. Patrick (words only: "On the eighth day of March it was, some people say . . .")
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 June 1860), 5
A full house greeted Mr. John Drew, on the occasion of his benefit at the Theatre Royal, last night, and his reception was, as might have been expected, most flattering . . . After the drama, Mr. Drew, when called before the curtain, took occasion to thank the audience for their patronage, and to state that he would shortly quit the shores of Australia. He subsequently recited "Shamus O'Brien, a tale of the rebellion of '98," written by Lover, with great taste and expression . . . We take leave of Mr. Drew with regret, for he is undoubtedly one of the most talented comedians who have visited these shores, his delineations of Handy Andy, the Irish Emigrant, Pat Rooney, the Happy Man and other characters, are unequalled for that genial flow of humour which makes every one laugh at once, and which we take to be its main characteristic of his style of acting. His impersonations are easy, natural, and overflowing with good humour, and their spontaneity is sure to please the audience. There are walks of the drama which Mr. Drew should either not attempt, or in which he would have to cede priority to others, but in the peculiar line of characters, a few of which we have enumerated, we believe he stands without a rival.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Argus (22 June 1860), 5
Mr. Brooke and Mr. John Drew will appear to-night at the Theatre Royal in "The Rivals." Mr. Brooke plays Sir Lucius O'Trigger, and Mr. Drew, who to night takes his farewell of a Melbourne audience before leaving for England, takes the part of Acres.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Dover Castle, from Melbourne, 23 June 1860, for London; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . John Drew / 40 [sic] // Miss Drew / 8 . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED OUT - JUNE 23", The Argus (25 June 1860), 4
Dover Castle, ship, 1003 tons, M. B. Mayhew, for London. Passengers - cabin . . . Mr. John Drew, Miss Drew . . .
"DEATH OF JOHN DREW, THE IRISH COMEDIAN", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (20 August 1862), 5
The Philadelphia correspondent of the Glasgow Citizen states that, on the 21st of May, Mr. John Drew, the celebrated Irish Comedian, died suddenly at Philadelphia, of disease of the heart. He had just completed a successful engagement of one hundred nights, and was about starting for a second turn to Europe. The writer adds that Mr. Drew was much respected in Philadelphia.
"MUMMER MEMOIRS. IRISH COMEDIES OF THE PAST . . . (No. 194. - By Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (31 January 1912), 3
. . . Closely following Hudson came John Drew from America, a totally different stamp of Irish comedian from Mr. Hudson. John Drew appeared first at the old Princesses' Theatre as Pat O'Brien in "The Irish Emigrant," and "Handy Andy," their first productions in Australia. He was a success from the start, though his range of characters was limited. He could sing and dance, but he failed in some parts; he tried Felix O'Callaghan, but it did not catch on. Brooke made that character all his own . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed", memoirist); James Hudson (comedian, vocalist); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
Related musical editions:
The Irish emigrant quadrilles, introducing George Barker's celebrated air of the same name, composed & dedicated to his friend John Drew esq're by Marmaduke H. Wilson (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1859]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Marmaduke Henry Wilson (composer); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher)
"THE IRISH EMIGRANT QUADRILLES", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (20 August 1859), 8
Two composers have contended for the honour of adapting the flowing tones of melody to the following rhymes of the hon. Mrs. Price Blackwood, lady Dufferin, whose exquisite song of "The Irish Emigrant's Lament," (I'm sittin' on the stile, Mary,") has formed a theme for the lyric pens of W. A. Dempster, the originator of ballad entertainments, and, more, recently, George Barker, the popular composer. The well-known melody of the latter as been taken up by our talented townsman, Mr. Marmaduke Henry Wilson, as the coda of a set of quadrilles (of which it forms No. 3 - La Poule - ) dedicated to the true personator of "The Irish Emigrant," John Drew. In addition to George Barker's ditty, various favourite airs, easily to be recognised, are interspersed through the set. The arrangement is pleasing, and by no means difficult of execution: the quadrilles are therefore likely to become favourites in the drawing-room and at the soiree. An admirably executed portrait of John Drew adorns the title, - the printing and engraving of the music remarkably exact and distinct. Mr. J. R. Clarke, the spirited publisher, deserves great commendation for his constant issue of new and valuable music.
DREWE, Arthur James (Arthur James DREWE; A. J. DREWE)
Musician, organist, composer, editor, pupil of William Stanley
Born Sydney, NSW, (? 14 September) 1851; son of John Leighton DREWE and Elizabeth KNOCK
Married Ada Beatrice DUNN, St. Clement's, Marrickville, NSW, 5 March 1903
Died Glebe, NSW, 25 May 1921, aged "in his 69th year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (15 April 1880), 8
An interesting organ recital took place yesterday afternoon at the Garden Palace. Each of the pieces was meritoriously rendered, and applauded. A promising young Australian organist, Mr. Arthur James Drewe, pupil of Mr. William Stanley (organist of Christ Church), and Mr. Sharpe (organist of St. Philip's) performed several excellent selections of oratorio and secular music on the large organ. The most noteworthy piece he performed were, "Marche Celeste," by Vilbre; "Incline thine ear to me," by Himmel; a selection, by Ebelon; "Kyrie eleison," from Mozart's Sixteenth Mass; and the "Gloria," from Mozart's Twelfth Mass.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stanley (organist); Thomas Sharp (organist)
"MASONIC", Australian Town and Country Journal (12 April 1890), 31
THE MUSICAL RITUAL. Worshipful Brother A. J. Drewe is actively engaged in the preparation of a revised edition of his "Masonic Musical Ritual."
"Masonic Musical Ritual", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (9 May 1891), 1028
A publication, designed especially for the members of that important fraternity, the Freemasons, has been forwarded to us, which, apart from the purpose for which it is particularly designed, will be found of great interest by many who - though not belonging to the mystic brotherhood - regard all that is made known concerning the rights of this ancient order with the fascination which generally surrounds any subject upon which fall particulars are reserved for the initiated; and, further, will afford profitable study to all musical people, and especially to those who delight in music for the harmonium. This work has been arranged by the Worshipful Brother A. J. Drewe, Grand Director of Music for the Masonic Order in New South Wales, and in a brief preface the object of the publication and the causes which have made the work more extensive than was at first contemplated are well set forth. The compilation has evidently been a labour of love, but must nave involved considerable study and skill, independent of the musical ability which has been enlisted in its production, and is most creditable to the editor and his co-workers. The Ritual includes compositions by 20 musicians in the following proportions: Augustus Ghede, grand organist, contributes 32 numbers; Joseph Massey, grand mark organist, 28; G. Lardelli, F.C.O., 21; Arthur J. Drewe, Grand Director of Music, 11; Alfred A. Smith, five; Henry Smith, four; N. J. Gehde and Edward J. Gehede, two each; Handel, Holly, E. J. Hopkins, Turle, Rev. R. R. Chope, F. Buck, Theodore Tourriar, Camidge, Gauntlett, Troyte, G. R. Allpress, P.G.D.M., and Charles Huenerbein one number each, which, with "Auld Lang Syne," and 11 anonymous numbers, make a true of 149 compositions exclusive of responent and short phrases which have no number attached. It will be seen that by far the greater portion is the work of local composers, all of whom are, it appears, brethren of the order, and there is much merit and talent comprised in the collection; the gems of local works will be found in those of Brothers Lardelli, Augustus Gehde, Joseph Massey, and Arthur J. Drewe, many of which are exceedingly interesting. Those adapted to words by T. E. Spencer, P.G.W., deserve special notice. The verses apparently lend themselves well to the musical setting, and these comprise the most felicitous of the vocal numbers. The different requirements of the various lodges exact several adaptations of the same portion of the Ritual, and three or four settings are given occasionally by one musician, or four musicians adapt the same words according as they are to be used by different orders of the brotherhood. It is beyond our province to detail the several advantages which the publication must afford to the fraternity, but we repeat that, apart from its Masonic merits, it will be found a welcome to any musical library. Handel's Dead March in "Saul," "A Hymn to the Season" (Reginald Heber), "Where the Brightest Sun" (Spencer), music to the words of W. H. Ore, Grand Bard, and a good march, need no Freemasonry to make them interesting. Messrs. Geo. Murray and Co. are the publishers of the production, which is highly creditable to them; and the editor intimates, in a circular, that single copies will be sold at half-a-crown, and a liberal allowance be made to purchasers of larger numbers. The Ritual comprises music for the whole of the three degrees in full, installation ceremony, laying foundation-stone, consecration of new lodge, dedication of Masonic Temple, various Masonic odes and anthems, Funeral Anthem, solos, marches, etc.; and as nearly all is composed in four-part harmony for male voices, it will therefore meet a much desired and greatly felt want.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Huenerbein (composer); Joseph Massey junior (composer); Augustus Gehde junior (composer)
Public Service List, 1897; Colonial Treasurer's department (Sydney: New South Wales Government, 1897), 31 (PAYWALL)
Drewe / Arthur James / [born] 14 Sept., 1854 [sic, 1851] / Reviser /
[first appointment to the service] 1 Sept., 1868 / [to present position] 1 Oct., 1895 / [salary] 300 . . .
"MARRAIGES", The Daily Telegraph [Sydney, NSW] (14 March 1903), 5
DREWE - DUNN - On the 5th March, at St. Clement's Church, Marrickville, by the Rev. Afthur Bollingham, M.A., Arthur James, youngest son of the late John Leighton Drewe, Esq., of Devonshire, England, to Ada Beatrice, eldest daughter of Henry Thomas Dunn, Esq., of Woollahra, Sydney.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1921), 8
DREWE. - May 26, 1921 (suddenly), Arthur James Drewe, late of Government Printing Office, dearly loved husband of Ada B. Drewe, in his 69th year.
See also "Obituary", Watchman (9 June 1921), 2
Musical works:
Music for the ceremonies of the Masonic Order arranged by A. J. Drewe (Sydney: G. Murray, 1891)
Musician, flute player, ? bandsman, Band of the 11th Regiment, soldier
Born Ballygawley, Ireland, 1834
Enlisted (11th Regiment), Dublin, Ireland, 26 October 1848
Arrived (with other later arrivals) Sydney, NSW, c. 1850
Active Sydney, NSW, until August 1854 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment (military)
Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 January to 30 March 1854; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2886 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2632 / Drewry Thomas / [2nd muster] Hospital / Prison in Civil Custody 30th January / Tried requited & released 17th February
NOTE: Here as elsewhere in paylists Drewry / Drewrey / Drewery is not listed as being officially one of the band, however he may well have played with the band as a supernumerary
Darlinghurst Gaol, description and entrance books, January 1854, ; State Records Authority of NSW, 2523, 4/6304; roll: 858 (PAYWALL)
265 / Edward Parker / 11th Regt. / [born] 1831 . . .
266 / Thomas Dreury / 11th regiment / 1834 / 5' 8" / . . . (PAYWALL)
266 / Thomas Dreury / 11th Regt. / [born] Dublin / Cath[olic] / Lab[oure]r . . . Acquitted / [disposed of] 17 Feb 1854
"GROSS OUTRAGE", Empire (30 January 1854), 5
Murphy, while crossing Hyde Park on Friday night about 11 o'clock, in company with a friend, was assailed by two soldiers, one of whom snatched a watch from the person of Murphy, and immediately made off accompanied by his comrade. The watch is a patent lever, valued at £7, but unfortunately neither the number nor the maker's name is known, nor would Murphy be able to Identify the fellows again. One of the ruffians was in a red coat, the other attired as a bandsman.
"ROBBERY", Empire (1 February 1854), 2
Edwin Parker and Thomas Drewry, the former a private, and the latter a bandsman belonging to Her Majesty's 11th Regiment, were placed in the dock charged with stealing a silver watch and gold chain from Mr. James Murphy, in Hyde Park, on Friday night last . . .
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. WEDNESDAY [1 February]", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 February 1854), 2
Edwin Parker and Thomas Drury were committed to take their trial for having, on Hyde Park, about half an hour after midnight of Friday last, assaulted Mr. James Murphy, of Strawberry Hill, and robbed him of a watch valued at £7, snapping a chain worth £4. The particulars of the robbery have already been fully reported. The prisoners are privates of the 11th regiment, Drury being also a band man.
"SYDNEY QUARTER SESSION", Empire (18 February 1854), 4
Edward Parker and Thomas Drewry, two privates of the 11th Regiment, were indicted for robbing one James Murphy, of a watch and chain, on Hyde Park. Acquitted and discharged.
"SYDNEY QUARTER SESSION", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 February 1854), 3
. . . The jury acquitted both prisoners, and they were discharged.
Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1854; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2887 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2632 / Drewry Thomas / . . . Pay by local Government from 20 July
"DESERTED", Reports of Crime . . . for police information, New South Wales (12 August 1854), 1 (PAYWALL)
. . . From the 11th Regiment, Sydney, on the 5th instant: -
Private Thomas Drewrey - age 19 years 10 months; size, 5 feet 7 inches; complexion, fresh; hair, fair; eyes, grey; date of enlistment, 26th October, 1848; at what place enlisted, Dublin; where born, Ballygawley; trade, musician; coat or jacket, white jacket; trowsers, black, with broad red stripes.
Private George Tyler - age, 25 1/2 years; size, 5 feet 5 1/2 inches; complexion, fair; hair, light; eyes, blue; date of enlistment, 23rd July, 1845; at what place enlisted, Chatham; where born, Burntwood, Essex; marks, branded with D; trade, musician; coat or jacket, white shell; trowsers, black, with broad red stripes.
Remarks: - Both deficient of the whole of their necessaries. Drewery has taken a flute with him, and Tyler a clarionet.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Tyler (musician, soldier)
DRIVER, Richard (Richard DRIVER)
Amateur musician, flute player, pupil of Robert McIntosh
Born Sydney, NSW, 28 March 1803; baptised 18 April 1803, son John DRIVER (1773-1810, convict) and Elizabeth GORE (1762-1825)
Married Eliza POWELL (1806-1893), St. Philip's church, Sydney, NSW, 1 July 1823
Died Sydney, NSW, 13 May 1868, aged "65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Driver junior (his son)
Baptisms, St. Philip's, Sydney, 1803; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
18 April 1803 / born 28 March 1803 / Richard son of / John and Elizabeth / Driver
"MARRIED", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (17 July 1823), 3
By Special License, at St. Philip's Church, Sydney, on Tuesday the 1st instant, Mr. RICHARD DRIVER, of Castlereagh-street, Sydney, to Miss ELIZA POWELL, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Powell, formerly of the Half-way House, Parramatta-road.
"SUPREME COURT. Halloran v. Hall", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (24 May 1826), 4
. . . Mr. RICHARD DRIVER was a pupil of Dr. Halloran's, for three years, and during that time never knew the plaintiff knowingly, to let any immoralities be practised . . .
"LAW INTELLIGENCE . . . THE QUEEN V. MCINTOSH", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1851), 2
. . . Richard Driver proved that he knew old McIntosh and his family from their arrival in the colony, in 1814; has heard old McIntosh call the defendant "my Bobby;" old McIntosh was witness's instructor on the flute; in answer to a question as to whether the family likeness of old McIntosh and the defendant was strong, the witness said, that like a knife, "the maker's name was stamped on the blade." On cross-examination, witness said that he was thirteen years old at that time, and that defendant was either ten or eleven; he was smaller than witness; this was in 1815; defendant appeared about two years younger than witness.
"DEATHS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (13 May 1868), 1
On the 12th instant, Mr. Richard Driver, senior, aged 65 years.
"THE LATE MR. DRIVER, SENIOR", Empire (14 May 1868), 2
In our obituary notices yesterday was included the name of Mr. Richard Driver, senior, a well known colonist, and one of the first generation of natives. Mr. Driver, some years ago took a very active part in political movements in Sydney. In the first introduction of the elective element into our institutions, in 1843, and in the agitation against transportation a few years afterwards, as well as at the initiation of responsible government in 1856, Mr. Driver was one of our most active citizens. Always zealous in the cause of progress, he was invariably found on the liberal side. In support of Mr. Cowper, the late Mr. Robert Campbell, and other gentlemen associated with them on the popular side, Mr. Driver exercised considerable influence, and did the State good service on many occasions by his energy, tact, and extensive acquaintance with the feelings and tendencies of the older class of colonists. For several years previous to his death, declining health had prevented Mr. Driver from taking any active part in political movements, so that he had, to a considerable degree, passed out of notice, in the activity and bustle of the present generation. The intelligence of his death will recall the kindly recollections of those with whom he was formerly associated to a good colonist - a man who endeavoured to do his duty in that sphere of life to which he was called, and who, in public matters, acted without fear or favour.
DRUITT, Thomas (Thomas DRUITT; Rev. T. DRUITT; the venerable Thomas DRUITT)
Musical amateur, Anglican cleric
Born Wimborne Minster, Dorset, England, 21 October 1817; son of Robert DRUITT (1784-1822) and Jane MAYO
Married Helena PURVIS, Lisbon, Portugal, 14 August 1845
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by April 1848 (from London, November 1847)
Died Petersham, NSW, 30 December 1891 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Thomas Druitt
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser [NSW] (1 June 1848), 4
Head Master, the Rev. T. Bodenham.
Second Master, Mr. Thomas Druitt . . .
THE attention of the public is invited to the Educational advantages attainable through the medium of this Institution.
It is under the patronage and direction of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Sydney,
and affords such an Education to the Pupils as will fit them for Commercial pursuits,
or prepare them to enter with advantage upon the course of study pursued at St. James's College, Lyndhurst.
To such of the Pupils as may desire it, tuition in the French, Spanish, Portuguese, or other modern Languages,
with instruction in Drawing and Vocal and Instrumental Music, is afforded by highly qualified Masters . . .
particulars may be learned on application at the School Room in Phillip-street, near to St. James's Church . . . 29th April, 1848
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Wall Bodenham (headmaster); William Grant Broughton (bishop)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1851), 1
THE Members are informed that the Visitors' night is fixed for Wednesday next, the 8th October.
The practice will commence at half-past seven precisely.
THOMAS DRUITT, Honorary Secretary.
Tickets can be procured at the residence of the Secretary, 161, Elizabeth-street, Hyde Park.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Choral Society (Anglican organisation)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 October 1851), 1
IN consequence of the inclemency of the weather the Visitors' Night advertised for This Evening, will be postponed to WEDNESDAY next, the 16th instant.
By order of the Committee, THOMAS DRUITT, Hon. Sec.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1851), 1
THE Singing Members are reminded that this day being the Festival of St. Simon and St. Jude, the practice will take place to-morrow evening, at the usual hour.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 March 1854), 6
SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY - To members of English Choral Societies and those who have a taste for Choral Music.
This Society was instituted In the year 1845 under patronage of the Bishop of Sydney, and under the auspices of the Clergy,
for the purpose of cultivating amongst the members or the Church of England a taste for sound ecclesiastical music,
with a view to the improvement of the musical portions of our public worship in the Parochial Churches of the city.
Its practices are held weekly in the St. James' School-room, Elizabeth-street, and are directed by a professed leader and conductor, the Society possessing its own organ.
Public practices are held once every two months, each annual subscriber of a guinea being entitled to two cards of admission for friends, with extra cards at half a crown each.
The Committee put forth this information, under the impression that there must be many Churchmen in the city who,
from having belonged to similar societies in the mother country, would be glad to join the Choral Society here if they knew of its existence and constitution.
The right hand of fellowship is offered to all such friends.
Every information will be gladly afforded by the President, the Rev. W. H. Walsh, Christ Church;
the Secretary. the Rev. Thomas Druitt, St. James' Grammar School; Mr. S. J. Upher [Usher], General Post Office; and Mr. W. Stanley, Pitt-street South.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Horatio Walsh (president, cleric); Samuel James Ussher (member); William Stanley (musician)
[Advertisement], Empire (2 September 1854), 8
THE Rev. THOMAS DRUITT begs to intimate that at the request of the Venerable the Archdeacon of Cumberland,
he has undertaken the charge of the Institution, until the return of the Rev. Robert Forrest from Europe . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (28 September 1854), 1
The Rev. Thomas Druitt, Head Master . . .
Mr. C. Packer, Singing, &c.
Mr. C. H. Fairland, Drawing.
Mr. J. Clarke, Dancing.
Mr. Bamford, Military Gymnastic Drill.
Mr. Packer, Music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (musician); Charles Henry Fairland (drawing teacher); John Clark (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1856), 1
SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY. - An Organist required. -
Application to be made by letter to the Rev. T. DRUITT, honorary secretary, Elizabeth-street, Hyde-park;
or to Mr. JAMES MARTIN, assistant secretary, 45, Bourke-street.
The singing members are informed that, the room being required next week for other purposes, the next Practice will be on
TUESDAY, the 18th instant, at half-past seven, sharp, when a full attendance is desired.
J. MARTIN, assistant honorary secretary.
[Advertisement], Empire (3 April 1856), 1
SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY. - Patron, his Excellency the Governor-General.
Open or Visitors' Concert, at St. James's School-room, Castlereagh-street,
THIS EVENING, Thursday, April 3. Doors to be open at 7, and the Concert begin at half-past 7.
Selection from the Sacred Oratorio, "Judas Maccabaeus" - Handel
Nunc Dimittis and Cantate - Dr. Smith
The Names of Christ - Packer
Selection from "Elijah" - Mendelssohn
Air, "Let the bright Seraphim" (Samson) - Handel
Chorus, "Let their celestial concerts" - Handel
Conductor, Mr. Packer. Organist, M. Paling.
An annual subscription of one guinea entitles the Member to two tickets on each Visitors' Night; two guineas, to four tickets.
A few extra Tickets for the above Concert (at 4s. each - books of the words, 6d.) are placed at the disposal of Messrs. Woolcott and Clarke,
102, Lower George-street; Mr. Moffitt, 301, Pitt-street; and Mr. W. J. Johnson, 57, Pitt-street.
T. DRUITT, Honorary Secretary, 208, Elizabeth-street, Hyde Park.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (musician); Woolcott and Clarke (musicsellers); William Moffitt (musicseller); William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller, member)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1856), 8
PUBLIC NOTICE - SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY. - Mr. Charles S. Packer is no longer in any way connected with the above society.
By order of the Committee. THOMAS DRUITT, Hon. Sec.
"BREVITIES", Evening News (31 December 1891), 5
The Ven. Thomas Druitt, Archdeacon of Monaro, died at his residence, Chellas, John-street, Petersham, yesterday, in his 75th year. The deceased gentleman, who was formerly master of the King's School, Sydney, was appointed incumbent of St. Paul's, Cooma, in 1856, canon of St. Saviour's Cathedral, Goulburn, in 1876, and archdeacon of Monaro in 1886.
"The Late Archdeacon Druitt, VENERABLE AND VENERATED", Australian Town and Country Journal (6 February 1892), 30
The death of Archdeacon Druitt removes a notable figure from the church life of the colony. He belonged to a well-known and talented Dorsetshire family, and was born on October 21, 1817, at Wimborne, in that county, where his father, Dr. Robert Druitt, was the leading physician of the neighborhood. Educated at the Wimborne Grammar School, which then, as now, enjoyed a high reputation for scholarship, he went to Lisbon at the age of 25, was married there in 1845, and two years later came to this colony, and was, therefore, a colonist of 44 years' standing at the time of his death. Upon his arrival at Sydney he was appointed to the headmastership of the St. James's Grammar School, which position he held for eight years, and during that time was admitted to holy orders by the late Bishop Broughton. He relinquished the grammar school to take the important position of headmaster of the King's School, Parramatta. This post he did not occupy long, returning to his former charge at St. James's Grammar School, at the same time conducting the services at Pyrmont, and acting as chaplain to the troops at Paddington Barracks. He was an able master, and many of his former pupils now occupy high positions in this colony. In 1856 Mr. Druitt removed to Cooma, of which place he was appointed incumbent, and where he resided for upwards of 35 years . . .
Bibliography and resources:
K. J. Cable, "Druitt, Thomas (1817-1891)", Australian dictionary of biography 4 (1972)
DUCROS, John Henry (John Henry DUCROS; J. H. DUCROS; DUCROW)
Musician, musical instrument seller, musical instrument maker, flutina player
Born Dublin, Ireland, 1817; baptised St. Werburgh's church, 29 December 1817, son of William DUCROS and Harriet ?
Married Elizabeth ? (PRIDE) (d. 1888), by c. 1840
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by November 1840
Active Sydney, NSW, 1840-1851
Died Ballarat, VIC, 7 June 1877, "age 57" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DUCROS, John James (John James DUCROS; also James John DUCROS; J. J. DUCROS)
Amateur musician, bandsman
Born Sydney, NSW, 3 November 1846; baptised, St. Philip's church, Sydney, 21 February 1847, son of John Henry DUCROS and Elizabeth (? PRIDE)
Married Mary Anne HOWARD, Melbourne, VIC, 7 September 1888 (shareable link to this entry)
Ducros was working as a gas-fitter in Sydney by late 1840, when he first advertised as being "recently from the City of Dublin", and giving his business address as Francis Ellard's music saloon.
In April 1841 he and his business partner William Jones advertised that they had previously "fitted in Dublin, Manchester, and Stockport, with great satisfaction", and in August they were licensed as agents for the Australian Gaslight Company. Nevertheless, they dissolved their partnership in September, at which time a Ducros and his wife were granted leave to sail for Auckland, New Zealand (Elizabeth Ducros arrived back in Sydney in May 1843).
Ducros is listed as a "musical instrument maker" in the Sydney baptism records of three of his children (1844, 1847, 1850)
Having himself returned to Sydney, perhaps sometime later, Ducros spent some time working for Francis Ellard. When Ellard went out of business due to insolvency in February 1847, Ducros appears to have taken over musical instrument business (James Grocott having taken over the print music sales), and in March advertised his own new business as a "Musical Instrument Maker", at 23 Hunter Street.
A satirical article in Bell's Life in February 1849 mentions an event that featured music from the Band of the 11th Regiment:
superior to any arrived in this quarter of the Globe - not forgetting the beautiful Band of the St. Patrick Teetotallers, and Ducro's private and influential chamber ditto [sic, band].
Given that the other two bands were real institutions, perhaps this indicates that Ducros also directed his own band; or it might refer to some mechanical musical instrument, several types of which Ducros advertised for sale.
Ducros appeared in the orchestra for John Philip Deane's concert in at the Royal Victoria Theatre in March 1849, and again at the theatre, after Deane's death later that year, for his son Edward Smith Deane in April 1850, billings that probably also indicate that Ducros was a regular member of the theatre band around this time.
At fellow music retailer James Turner Grocott's concert in September 1850, Ducros played a solo on the patent flutina. For another of Grocott's entertainments in April 1851, it was advertised that, the theatre being closed that night, he was able to include in his band a number of regular theatre players. Since Ducros appears in the list, he may well have been a member of the theatre band at this time. He probably needed the extra income anyway, for in October he was listed as a new insolvent.
He was a listed soloist for concerts by the Gautrots in January 1852. In February 1854, he briefly advertised the reopening of his music instrument making and repairing business, but after 1855 disappears from professional record.
He and his family probably relocated to Melbourne sometime after 1857.
Baptisms in the year 1817, St. Werburgh's church (CoI), Dublin; Irish church records (DIGITISED)
[No.] 40 / John Henry, Son of William and Harriet Ducros was born [blank] and christened December 29th 1817 . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (19 November 1840), 3
AUSTRALIAN GAS-LIGHT COMPANY . . . Licenses have been granted to the undermentioned persons as GAS-FITTERS to the Company, for the period of six months from this date: . . . John Ducros, of George-street south; Kenrick Hampton, of George-street south; William John Jones, of George-street south . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Australian Gaslight Company (company)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (3 December 1840), 3
GAS FITTING. J. H. DUCROS (formerly of the city of Dublin),
having been appointed Fitter to the Australian Gas-light Company, begs leave to inform the public that he has acquired a thorough and perfect knowledge of Gas Fitting,
so as to engage it without smoke or smell, also, an engagement of twelve months will be given, so as to secure safety and satisfaction to all who may favour him with their commands.
Orders or requisitions for service pipes received at Mr. Ellard's Music Saloon, George-street, until further notice.
N. B. J. H. D. perfectly understands the fitting and arrangement of large establishment, such as churches, theatres, &c., &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (15 April 1841), 3
The most extensive Gas Fitting Establishment is 50, Pitt-street,
between the Gas Company's Office and the School of Arts. -
The proprietors are Messrs. JONES and DUCROS, who have fitted, in Dublin, Manchester, and Stockport, with great satisfaction.
Churches and other places of public worship, public buildings, shops, stores, public offices, and private houses,
fitted with safety and despatch.
Oil ornaments altered, bronzed, or lacquered, and altogether adapted to gas purposes.
50, Pitt-street, April 13, 1841.
[Advertisement], The Temperance Advocate and Australasian Commercial and Agricultural Intelligencer (26 May 1841), 10
W. J. JONES, Tin-Plate Worker, COPPERSMITH, and Licensed GAS-FITTER . . .
W. J. J, also hastens to announce, that he has taken into Partnership, and so secured the services of, Mr. J. Ducros,
also a Licensed Gasfitter (recently from the City of Dublin), from whose- extensive practical knowledge,
conjoined with W. J. J.'s own experience in Manchester and Stockport, the Largest Orders for Gas-Fitting can by them be executed, and guaranteed . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (27 September 1841), 3
Licenses of Departure were this day granted to the following persons, viz.,
Mr. and Mrs. Morton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ducros, to proceed in the barque Jupiter, bound to New Zealand,
agreeably to the 10th section of the Act of Council, 4th Victoria, No. 17.
H. H. BROWNE, J.P., Superintendent of Water Police.
Water Police Office, Sydney, September 25.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (28 September 1841), 3
Dissolution or partnership. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between
William John Jones and John H. Ducros, as gas fitters, under the style or firm of Jones and Ducros, is this dissolved by mutual consent.
All debts due to Jones and Ducros are to be paid to W. J. Jones, who will pay all accounts due from the said firm.
Witness to both signatures, JOHN VERCOE, Pitt-street, Sydney, September 24.
On his busines activity in NZ, see [Advertisement], New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette (29 January 1842), 1
See also [Advertisement], New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette (26 February 1842), 1
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 May 1843), 2
From the Bay of Islands, yesterday, having left the 15th ultimo, the schooner Shamrock, 93 tons, Captain Daldy. with sundries. Passengers - . . . Mrs. Ducrow . . .
Baptisms, St. Philip, Sydney, 1847; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
21 February 1847 / born 3 November 1845 [sic, 1846] / John James son of / John Henry and Elizabeth / Ducros / medical [sic, musical] instrument maker
"ST. PATRICK'S DAY", Sydney Chronicle (20 March 1847), 2
. . . In the evening a grand musical entertainment was given in St. Patrick's Hall by the band of the society . . . Mrs. Guerin sung in a beautiful manner "The Land of the West" and one or two other favourite songs, and the audience were much delighted with the comic songs of Mr. Flanigan, and the [REDACTED] song of Mr. Ducrow . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Mr. Branagan [sic] (comic vocalist); St. Patrick's Band (teetotal band)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 March 1847), 1
MUSIC. JOHN DUCROS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, (Late of F. Ellard's, George-street,)
BEGS to acquaint his friends and the public generally, that he has commenced business in the above line at No. 23, Hunter-street,
where he hopes, by unremitting attention and moderate charges, to merit a share of public support.
N.B. Musical instruments of every description carefully repaired. Old instruments bought or taken in exchange.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1847), 1
MUSIC. PARTIES desirous to obtain the fifteenth and most approved edition of J. Jousse's Pianoforte Tutor, can purchase them of G. Hudson, Music Seller, Pitt-street North: or J. Ducros, Hunter-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hudson (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (10 June 1848), 4
plays four sets of Quadrilles, from Pre Au Clerc, Bronze Horse, Puritanie, La Venitiene,
eight waltzes, two galloppes, and overture to Massaniello or the Fisherman of Naples, Market Chorus, in all thirty-two pieces.
Price £15 15s.. or will be raffled by twenty members at 15s. each.
On view at J. Ducro's, Musical Instrument Maker, 28, Hunter-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (19 July 1848), 4
JUST landed - One case of very superior accordions assorted, with instruction books for ditto, to be sold cheap.
Apply to J. Ducros', Musical Instrument-maker, 28, Hunter-street.
"ACCIDENTS, ROBBERIES, AND OFFENCES", Sydney Chronicle (26 August 1848), 2
About ten o'clock, on Thursday evening, two accordians, one a fifteen key, and the other a twelve key instrument, were stolen from the shop of Mr. Ducros, Musical Instrument Maker, in Hunter-street. They are valued at 8l.
"ROBBERIES", The Australian (31 August 1848), 2
On Thursday Afternoon about six o'clock, two valuable accordions were stolen from Mr. Ducros' shop in Hunter-street; there were some persons in a room behind the shop, but as they were playing on some musical instruments at the time, the noise doubtlessly prevented their hearing the entrance or exit of the thief.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (5 October 1848), 1
J. DUCROS, 28. Hunter-street, continues to repair pianofortes,
organs, seraphins, accordions, and every other description of musical Instrument.
N.B. - Pianofortes sold on commission, at five per cent.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1849), 3
The Orchestra will comprise the following professional gentlemen: -
Monsieur Gautrot, Messrs. Gibbs, Deane, sen., J. Deane, and Deane, jun., Guerin, Friedlander, Strong,
Ducro, Hudson, &c., and will be complete in every department, reinforced and assisted by
the principal members of the splendid Band of Her Majesty's 11th Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman (musician); Joseph Gautrot (musician); John Gibbs (musician); John Philip Deane and sons (musicians); James Guerin (musician); William Friedlander (musician); George Strong (musician); Band of the 11th Regiment (military); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
"BETSY PUMPKIN'S LETTER", Bell's Life in Sydney (3 March 1849), 1
. . . Applications were made to the different Proprietors of Steam Boats, the Band of the XIth, superior to any arrived in this quarter of the Globe - not forgetting the beautiful Band of the St. Patrick Teetotallers, and Ducro's private and influential chamber ditto, which was selected intirely to play during the presence of the Governor . . .
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (24 March 1849), 3
On Friday Evening, 30th March. Mr. Deane will be assisted by . . .
Messrs. Deane, Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Hudson, Ducros, Wright,
and by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield the splendid BAND OF THE 11th REGIMENT.
Leader - Mr. GIBBES. Conductor, Mr. DEANE.
The Programme comprises the choicest selections, vocal and instrumental, from Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Myseder, Balfe, Wallace, and Hertz . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Turner (musician); Michael Vaughan (musician); Mr. Wright (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 April 1849), 3
For Sale by Private Contract
on each Barrel, comprising Waltzes, Marches, and National Airs,
ALSO, Jullien's Polka's, Jenny Lind's Waltzes, SACRED MUSIC.
In fact It is said to be the best that was ever Imported into the Colony, and is in first rate order.
Attached to it also is a Triangle and a Drum, so that it forms a Band of itself.
The instrument is now deposited at Mr. William Toogood's, Golden Fleece Hotel, corner of King and George Streets,
for public inspection and approval, and will be there until Friday evening next, from Ten o'clock a.m., till Ten o'clock p.m., in a private apartment.
ADMISSION - ONE SHILLING. The Proprietor will be constantly in attendance.
For references apply to MR. J. DUCROS, 28, Hunter-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Toogood (publican)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 May 1849), 1
FOR SALE OR RAFFLE, A FULL and brilliant toned six octave grand square pianoforte,
in a handsome rosewood case, with extra tension bars, made by Wolfe and Co.;
the instrument cost one hundred guineas - will be sold a bargain for cash.
Application to be made to J. DUCROS, 28, Hunter-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1849), 3
TO BE SOLD A BARGAIN, a very superior toned Church Organ, with three barrels, playing nearly thirty sacred tunes.
Apply to J. DUCROS, 28, Hunter-street, agent for the sale of pianofortes.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1850), 1
. . . MR. DEANE . . . a Grand Concert . . .
at the Royal Victoria Theatre, This Evening, Wednesday, the 3rd of April instant . . .
Mr. Deane will be assisted by . . .
Mr. Gibbs, Messrs. Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan, Vaughan, jun., Hudson, Ducros, Wright,
several Amateurs of talent, and . . . the splendid Band of the 11th Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith Deane (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1850), 1
THE following instruments are on sale at J. Ducro's, 28, Hunter-street,
One very superior square Pianoforte, in rosewood case, with metallic plate, by Tomkinson.
One second hand square, by Broadwood
One ditto ditto, ditto, grand
One new seraphine, fit for an extensive place of worship
Also, one self-acting pianoforte, playing the Bohemian quadrilles, polkas, and waltzes
N.B. Pianofortes bought and sold, on commission, at five per cent.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 September 1850), 1
PROGRAMME . . . 13. Solo on the Patent Flutina - Mr. Ducros.
The whole of the music is perfectly new . . . and has been carefully selected from the immense stock just imported by J. T. Grocott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Turner Grocott (musicseller)
[Advertisement], Empire (4 January 1851), 4
DUCROS and Co. beg to call the attention of the Public to their assortment of
PIANOFORTES and other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS to be seen at their Ware Rooms, 28, Hunter-street.
One superior grand square Pianoforte with check action, metallic plate, &c., by Wolfe and Co.
One ditto in handsome rosewood case, with extra tension bars and metallic pinto, by Bunce and Co.v
One ditto, semi-cabinet, in rosewood case, very superior tone, by Hinks.
One cabinet, six octave, in mahogany case, by Stodart and Son.
ALSO, Flutes, violins, cornopeans, accordeons, opheclides, clanychards, clarionets, violin strings, &c.
DUCROS AND Co., Musical Instrument Makers, 28, Hunter-street.
Pianofortes and all kinds of Instruments purchased for cash.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 April 1851), 1
THIS Evening (on account of the Theatre being closed), the band will be augmented by the voluntary assistance of
Messrs. Hudson, Strong, Ducros, Pearson, Wallace, Worgan, and others; the saloon will be opened at eight o'clock,
the Views exhibited at a quarter past eight, and will terminate precisely at ten o'clock.
After which, the band will play (by desire) several of their favourite Polkas, Quadrilles, &c., &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Pearson (musician); George William Worgan (musician)
"NEW INSOLVENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1851), 2
John Ducros, of Hunter-street Sydney, music seller. Liabilities, £61 11s. 2d.
Assets personal property, £11; outstanding debts, £6 15s. Total assets £17 15s.
Balance deficiency, £43 l6s. 2d. Mr. George King, official assignee.
"MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 January 1852), 2
These talented artistes give a grand concert this evening under the patronage of the leading families of the city, at the theatre of the School of Arts . . . The solo performers are Mr. John Gibbs, violin; Mr. Stanley, pianoforte; Mr. Baly, flute; and Mr. Ducros, flautina.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stanley (piano); Edward Baly (flute)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1854), 8
Mr. J. H. DUCROS begs leave to announce to his numerous friends and patrons that he has recommenced business in the above line,
and earnestly hopes, by strict attention to business, and moderate charges,
to merit a continuance of the support heretofore so liberally bestowed.
N.B. - Present address, Mr. CONSTABLE, Gas-fitter, Castlereagh-street.
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (1 October 1878), 4
CARLTON DISTRICT BAND. - Next ASSEMBLY, Thursday, 3rd inst. Fine programme, new music. J. Ducros, Hon. Sec.
"DEATHS", Leader [Melbourne, Vic] (8 September 1888), 40
DUCROS - On the 23rd August, of acute pericardites, Elizabeth Ducros, aged 64, widow of the late J. Ducros, musical instrument maker, the beloved mother of J. J. Ducros, and grandmother of William, Bessie and Alice Sealie. - Deeply lamented.
"Marriages", The Age (15 September 1888), 7
DUCROS - HOWARD. - On the 7th September, by the Rev. N. Kinsman, special licence, John James Ducros, third son of the late J. H. Ducros, musical instrument maker, to Mary A. Howard, third daughter of John Howard, Esq., of Swords, Dublin, Ireland.
Bibliography and resources:
John Ducros, Find a grave
Comic vocalist, actor, scene painter, heraldic painter, painter, artist
Born c. 1794
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1833
Died Windsor, NSW, 29/30 August 1839, aged "45" ("Doddridge", 960/1839) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Currency Lad [Sydney, NSW] (9 March 1833), 1
THEATRE ROYAL. THIS Evening, the 9th March,
will be performed, Coleman's Comedy in 5 Acts, called JOHN BULL; or, An Englishman's Fire-side.
Job Thornberry by MR. MEREDITH
Sir Simon Rochdale - MR. BUCKINGHAM . . .
Frank Rochdale - MR. COOPER
Dennis Brulgruddery - MR. DYBALL
Dan - MR. DUDDRIDGE . . .
Perigrine - MR. MACKIE.
Mary Thornberry, by MRS. WESTON . . .
Mrs. Brulgruddery, by MRS. LOVE . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor); George Buckingham (actor); Cooper = Conrad Knowles (actor); Mr. Dyball (actor); Angus Mackay (actor); Frances Weston (actor, "Mrs. Weston"; Mrs. Laverty); Harriet Love (actor); Theatre Royal (Sydney), temporary theatre in saloon of the Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (24 April 1833), 3
Colonel Coreless - Mr. Cooper. Captain Manly - Mr. Vale.
Justice Day - Mr. Buckingham. Mr. Story - Mr. Mawbey.
Able - Mr. Mackie. Teague - Mr. Dyball.
1st Bailiff - Mr. Hoffnell. 2nd Bailiff - Mr. Dudderidge . . .

[Advertisement], The Australian (31 May 1833), 1
MUSIC: Such an actor I did grow ["When I wur a little boy . . ."] (comic song); Such a beauty I did grow (tune)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (3 June 1833), 4
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
MRS. WESTON, begs most respectfully to announce to her friends and the public in general,
that her BENEFIT will take place on Wednesday June 5, 1833 . . .
The Comic Song of "Poor Little Mo," by Mr. Dudderidge . . .
NOTE: Frances Weston's benefit was postponed to 15 July due to the death of her husband, Edward Laverty, as see below
MUSIC: Poor little mo ["My name in Mo. Samuel, a poor little zhew . . ."] (comic song)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (15 June 1833), 3
To the Editors of the AUSTRALIAN.
GENTLEMEN, - WE, the Undersigned, having the opportunity of perusing your most valuable Paper, dated the 14th of June, 1833,
observed a Public Notice of Mr. Allen's, stating himself to he the Principal Scene Painter at the Sydney Theatre, about to receive his Benefit.
We, the Undersigned, wish to give this Public Notice, that Mr. A. is not the Principal Scene Painter;
and, we wish to inform the Public at large, that the Undersigned are always to be seen at the Theatre,
and humbly solicit the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Colony, to come and view the Scenes they are now preparing for the INTENDED NEW THEATRE;
And beg leave to remain, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient humble servants,
Sydney, June 15, 1833.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fitchett (scenic artist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 July 1833), 1
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Widow of the late Mr. Laverty . . .
A new Comic Song by Mr. Dyball.
That celebrated Song of "Poor Little Mo," Mr. Duddridge.
The favourite Cavatina of "Lilies Fair," Mrs. Laverty.
A Dance by Master Martin . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (5 October 1833), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. THE Public are respectfully informed, that the
SYDNEY THEATRE will commence its Season on THIS EVENING, the 5th Instant, 1833,
when His Majesty's Servants, at the rise of the Curtain, will sing the National Anthem "GOD SAVE THE KING" . . .
Stage Manager, Mr. CAVENDISH; Acting ditto, Mr. KNOWLES;
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. EDWARDS; Principal Violincello, Mr. SIPPE;
The Scenery by Messrs. DUDDERIDGE and FITCHETT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Cavendish (stage manager, musician); John Edwards (leader, violin); George Sippe (cello)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (18 October 1833), 2
. . . The Mutiny at the Nore was repeated on Monday evening, to a tolerably full house, but was rather lukewarmly received . . . At half price the house became quiet crowded, to see the new farce of High Life below Stairs, and it proved well worthy the interest it had excited . . . Mr. Duddridge, as the Drunken Coachman, was original, both in look and in action. There it a certain quiet humour about this man that we admire . . .
Baptisms, Sydney, 1835 and 1836; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
St. Philip, Sydney / baptised 27 February 1835 / Eliza / born 8 February 1835 / daughter of William and Eliza [sic] / Duddridge / Painter . . .
St. James, Sydney / baptised 3 April 1836 / James / born 15 March 1836 / son of William and Esther / Dudderidge / Painter . . .
Baptisms, St. Lawrence, Sydney, 1839; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
18 July 1839 / born 16 June 1839 / William Henry son of / William and Esther / Dudderidge / Heraldry Painter . . .
Coroner's inquests, August 1839; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 31 / Richmond / 30th Aug't / William Dudderidge / 3rd [Sept.] / V'ion of God
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (14 September 1839), 3
SALES BY AUCTION; To Artists, Painters, &c.,
JOHN HALL HAS been instructed by the widow of the late William Dudderidge,
to Sell by public competition, on the premises, next door to the Emu Inn, in Bathurst-street,
on TUESDAY next, the 17th instant, at Eleven o'clock precisely, all his Stock in Trade,
COMPRISING Tools, Colors, Diamonds, Books of Art and Heraldry, &c.
ALSO A Set of Engraver's Tools.
ALSO A QUANTITY OF Household Furniture,
And a Carpenter's Bench and set of Tools for ditto.
Burials, St, Lawrence, Sydney, 1840; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
William Henry Dudderidge / Pitt Street South / Died 17 November 1840 / Buried: 18 November 1840 / Aged 1 year 6 months / Father's occupation: Painter
Bibliography and resources:
"Mr. Daddridge [sic] / Duddridge", Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
DUDEMAINE, Florentine (Florentine NICOLAS; Madame DUDEMAINE; Mrs. Andrew FARELLY; Madame FARRELLY)
Musician, professor of music, singing and dancing, composer
Born France, c. 1813
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by end of June 1843
Married Andrew FARRELLY, Sydney, NSW, October 1849
Departed Sydney, NSW, 11 July 1861 (per Nile, for England)
Died Liverpool, Lancashire, England, March 1891 (buried Anfield Cemetery, Merseyside, 11 March), aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Madame Dudemaine had perhaps been in Sydney for some weeks or months before she first advertised, on 1 July 1843, as a "Professor of Music, Singing, French, and Dancing", since she indicated that it was "at the request of several of her friends" that she was commencing a twice weekly "Dancing Class for Young Ladies" at her residence at the corner of Goulburn and Elizabeth Streets.
Concerning both the time of her arrival and the "request" of friends", note that Mons. Charriere recommended his dancing students to John Clark when he left Sydney in January 1843. And, at New Year 1860, she herself returned thanks to her Sydney supporters for 17 years' patronage.
Another dancing teacher, Gerome Carandini, had first offered to teach the newly fashionable polka, when news of its vogue reached Sydney late in 1844, and in February 1845 he introduced the dance itself to Sydney theatre for the "first time in the colony".
In July 1845, Dudemaine offered to teach:
THE TRUE POLKA . . . Madame D. having been a pupil of the celebrated master MONSIEUR COULON, the first who introduced THE POLKA DANCE in the fashionable circles in Paris.
Dudemaine may, at a pinch, have been taught by Jean-François Coulon (1764-1836) in Paris, but more likely by his son Antoine Louis Coulon (1796-1849), or the English-based dancing master Eugene Germain Coulon (c. 1808-1891), later active in England.
Nevertheless, her only known composition was not a polka, but Le pittoresque quadrille, a full set of five figures published by Francis Ellard in June 1846 and respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Bland, formerly Mrs. Eliza Smeathman, who married William Bland in February that same year.
At 35 or so, Dudemaine herself married Andrew Farrelly, a building contractor and brother of a local Catholic (Benedictine) priest, Patrick (Serenus) Farrelly, at St. Mary's cathedral, in October 1849.
She gave birth to a son in August 1850, and a second son, Serenus Michael Ernest, died, aged 9 months, in 1853.
Having, as Madame Farrelly run a weekly quadrille night and regular dancing classes during the 1850s, as well as a boarding and day school for girls, she and her surviving eldest son, Charles Andrew Farrelly (1850-1885), but without husband, left for England in 1861.
She was listed in the 1881 British census as French-born widowed music-teacher, aged 67, living in lodgings in Liverpool, and died there in March 1891, aged 78.
Andrew Farrelly, twice insolvent in Sydney, may not yet have been dead however. An Andrew Farrelly was in Queensland by 1862 when, on 29 July, he married the twice widowed Faithful Ezbery Hastings (c. 1824-1915). In 1864, he took up a government appointment as poundkeeper at Gayndah. One of the oldest surviving pioneers of the Maryborough district, that Andrew Farrelly died on 18 April 1898, aged "77".
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 June 1843), 3
MADAME DUDEMAINE, Professor of Music, Singing, French, and Dancing,
has, at the request of several of her friends, formed a Dancing Class for young Ladies, which will commence on
Friday next, July 7th, at her residence, Elizabeth-street, corner of Goulburn-street. Terms, moderate.
N.B. Class days, Tuesdays and Fridays, from three to five o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1843), 3
MADAMS D. begs to announce, that she has opened an Establishment for Dancing,
where this elegant exercise is taught in the same style as practised in the principal Saloons of Paris.
It consists altogether in slow and measured movements, and is principally distinguished by small steps performed with grace and lightfulness,
and entirely differs from the theatrical style.
However, the preliminary exercises in order for the limbs to obtain their proper developement,
and cause them to acquire a suppleness which alone can impart grace and dignity are the same for both.
Although this branch of education is by some deemed frivolous and unimportant, yet among the well educated it his ever been considered as most necessary,
for independent of other advantages, the proper tuition of Dancing,
and its accompanying exercises are exceedingly beneficial to the general health of females, to the expansion of the chest,
and consequently to facilitate respiration and the circulation of the blood.
The celebrated Dr. Trouchain used to prescribe dancing to all young females,
and in consequence calisthenic exercises have been introduced into all Ladies' Seminaries of any eminence.
Madame D. opened her school for dancing on Friday the 7th instant,
and the number of pupils that attended leads her to hope that her zeal and attention will be appreciated.
Class Days, Tuesdays and Fridays, from three to five o'clock.
The remainder of the week she devotes to giving lessons in Music, both vocal and instrumental, and in teaching the French language.
Elizabeth-street South, Corner of Goulburn-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1844), 3
MADAME DUDEMAINE, Professor of Dancing, Music, and Singing,
begs to inform the parents of her pupils that her classes in the above accomplishments will be resumed, as heretofore, on
Tuesday next, 9th January, at her residence, Elizabeth street South, corner of Goulburn street.
N.B. - Dancing classes, as usual, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 5 to 7, p.m.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1845), 1
MADAME DUDEMAINE begs to return her sincere thanks to those parents and friends who have favoured her with their patronage,
and to inform them that she continues to give lessons in Music, Singing, and particularly Dancing.
Madame D. having been a pupil of the celebrated master MONSIEUR COULON, the first who introduced THE POLKA DANCE in the fashionable circles in Paris.
Private families attended. 24, Park street, June 20.
ASSOCIATIONS: Perhaps by Jean-François Coulon (1764-1836) in Paris, but more likely by his son Antoine Louis Coulon (1796-1849), or Eugene Germain Coulon (c. 1808-1891) also active in England
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1848), 3
MADAME DUDEMAINE has much pleasure in informing the parents of her pupils
that the duties of her establishment, will be resumed on Wednesday, January 10th,
and that she will be happy to make arrangements for private lessons in music and French,
at her residence as usual, where circulars may be obtained on application.
The class for dancing will assemble twice a week as usual. Park-street. December 29.
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 October 1849), 3
By special license, by the Rev. J. C. Sumner, in St. Mary's Cathedral, Mr. A. Farrelly, brother to the Rev. P. Farrelly, to Florentine Dudemaine, of Park-street, Sydney.
NSW 293/1849 V1849293 96 gives her family name as Nicolas
"BIRTH", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1850), 8
On the 15th instant, at her residence, Park-street, Madame Farrelly, of a son.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Andrew Farrelly; d. Lancashire, England, 31 December 1885, aged "35")
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 May 1851), 1
DANCING. - The "Country Dance Polka. -
MADAME FARRELLY, in returning thanks for the very flattering patronage already bestowed on her,
begs to intimate that her Dancing Classes still continue their duties.
Madame Farrelly having acquired the above-named fashionable Polka from a lady recently arrived from England,
(where it is a much-admired addition to the usual ball-room amusements,) has introduced it in her classes,
which meet on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Private families and schools attended the remaining afternoons.
Park-street, May 6.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1853), 1
MADAME FARRELLY (late Dudemaine) begs to inform the parents and guardians of her pupils that the duties of her establishment will be resumed on Monday, 17th instant.
M. F. is also prepared to resume her classes for Dancing, Music, and Singing, and likewise to enter into fresh arrangements for the present year.
"DIED", Empire (24 May 1853), 2
On Saturday, the 21st instant, at the residence of his father, Park-street, Serenus Michael Ernest, second son of Mr. A. Farrelly, aged nine months.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1854), 5
EDUCATION. - Madame Farrelly begs to inform her pupils and friends that she will resume the duties of her school on Tuesday, the 17th instant.
N.B. - Madame Farrelly's Private Dancing Class for adults, on Friday evening from 7 to 10 o'clock; and the Juvenile Class on Tuesday and Friday from 3 to 6 in the afternoon.
For terms apply at her residence at Pitt and Park streets.
"INSOLVENT COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 October 1855), 4
Andrew Farrelly, of Park-street, Sydney, builder.
Liabilities, £619 5s. fid. Assets-value of personal property, £100; outstanding debts, £407; total assets, £507.
Deficit, £142 6s. 5d. Mr. Perry, official assignee.
"SOIREE DANSANTE", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (13 September 1856), 2
On Tuesday evening Madame Farrelly gave a Soiree Dansante to her pupils and their friends at the Royal Polytechnic. We believe few re-unions of the season have been more brilliant than that of Madame Farrelly's on the occasion to which we allude. The evening's amusement afforded the highest satisfaction to all parties present.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Polytechnic (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1857), 1
SELECT QUADRILLE PARTY. - MADAME FARRELLY having acceded to the request of her friends and pupils, to establish a
Select Quadrille Party every THURSDAY EVENING, at her residence, 44, Elizabeth-street North, will COMMENCE on THURSDAY, July 16th.
For tickets of admission, apply to Madame FARRELLY.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1858), 1
EDUCATION. - The duties of Madame FARRELLY'S School will recommence on MONDAY, July 5th, Elizabeth-street North.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1858), 1
MADAME FARRELLY'S Quadrille Party THIS EVENING, Tuesday, 103, Elizabeth-street North.
Madame Farrelly's Quarterly Ball will take place on WEDNESDAY, September 1st.
For tickets, apply at her residence, 103, Elizabeth-street North.
"INSOLVENCY COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1858), 5
Andrew Farrelly, of Elizabeth-street, Sydney, contractor. Liabilities, £492 0s. 5d.
Assets - value of personal property, £100. Deficit, £392 03. 5d. Mr. Perry, official assignee.
"WENTWORTH AND MARTIN FOR SYDNEY", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 May 1859), 4
A MEETING, convened by advertisement, was held last night, at the Assembly Rooms of Madame Farrelly,
Elizabeth-street, for the purpose of nominating William Charles Wentworth and James Martin as candidates for the representation of East Sydney.
The meeting was very crowded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Charles Wentworth (politician)
[Advertisement], Empire (23 May 1859), 10
(At Madame Farrelly's Fancy Dress Ball; Easter Monday) . . .
. . . The Naiads, the Sirens, the aerial sprites,
That woo you throughout the Arabian Nights,
You should yield to the beauty, should "Sing rather Small"
To the Fairies who graced Madame Farrelly's Ball . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: David Wiley ("the Park-street poet", d. 1876)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 July 1859), 1
MUSIC. - THOMAS CROWE, Violinist, Late Leader of the Royal Mail steamer's band the SALSETTE,
ditto violinist to Madame Farrelly's, F. Clark's Quadrille Assembly, the United, the Rose, Australian, Criterion, Star Clubs, &c., &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Crowe (violinist); one or other of the Clark brothers (dancing masters)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 August 1859), 1
MADAME FARRELLY returns her sincere thanks to her numerous patrons and kind friends,
and begs to inform them that she is reluctantly compelled, on account of ill health,
to DISCONTINUE her Quadrille Parties and periodical Balls.
Her LAST BALL will be given THIS EVENING, Tuesday, which she hopes will be fully attended.
103, Elizabeth-street North.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1859), 1
REMOVAL. - Madame FARRELLY'S Boarding and Day School, from 103, Elizabeth-street North, to 90, Bathurst-street East.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 September 1859), 1
SMITH'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS (late Madame Farrelly's), Elizabeth-street, near King-street, are OPEN EVERY EVENING. Admission, gentlemen, 2s. 6d.; ladies, 1s. Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Smith (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1860), 4
LADIES' BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL. 90, Bathurst-street East. -
Madame FARRELLY, in returning thanks to her numerous patrons and friends for their kind support during the last seventeen years,
begs to announce that after the present vacation she will have room for a few additional pupils,
who will with the greatest care be instructed in all the branches of a superior and libera] education.
School duties will be resumed on the 17th of January.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 January 1861), 2
Madame FARRELLY begs to intimate that the DUTIES of her ESTABLISHMENT will be RESUMED on TUESDAY, January 22nd.
[Advertisement], Empire (25 June 1861), 7
. . . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. C. ADRAIN has received instructions from Madame Farrelly,
in consequence of her leaving the colony, to sell by auction, on the premises, Bathurst-street, between Pitt and Castlereagh streets, on FRIDAY, 28th June,
The whole of the household furniture, comprising - A first class pianoforte, double action, by Allison and Allison, cost eighty guineas . . .
"DEPARTURES FOR ENGLAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1861), 9
July 11. - Nile, ship, 716 tons, Captain Varley, for London. Passengers - . . . Madame Farrelly and son . . .
? "EPITOME", The North Australian [Brisbane, QLD] (16 February 1864), 1 supplement
The Gazette notifies the appointment of Mr. Andrew Farrelly as poundkeeper at Gayndah, in the room of Mr. John Gill, resigned.
England census, 1881, Kirkdale, Liverpool, Lancashire; UK National Archives, RG 11/3680 (PAYWALL)
116 [Stanley Road] / Florentine Farrelly / lodger / W[idow] / 67 / music teacher / [born] France
Register of burials, March 1891, Anfield Cemetery, Merseyside; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
38390 / [March] 11 / Florentine Farrelly / 78 years / [address] The Little Sisters of [?] Belmont St. / Walton / Public Grave . . .
"Mr. Andrew Farrelly . . .", Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (19 April 1898), 2
Mr. Andrew Farrelly, one of the few remaining pioneers of the district, passed away quietly yesterday at the ripe age of 77 years. He Arrived in Queensland before separation to carry out a contract under the N.S. Wales Government, the erection of a road bridge at Gatton . . .
"OLD SYDNEY . . . (No. 234. - By 'Old Chum')", Truth [Perth, WA] (27 April 1912), 10
. . . Well, in the mid-fifties, Madame Farrelly used to hire the old "Poly" for ball purposes, and many a good dance I had there. Madame had her class in Mrs. Hill's old house, corner of Park and Pitt streets, but her big dances were in the old "Poly." John Clark, too, used to engage the old place for quadrille parties (they call them socials now). I was at one of Madame's parties, in 1857, the night the Catherine Adamson was wrecked, and a wet night it was. I think the old place was built [? not] long after Macquarie's time . . .
ASSOCIATION: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chum"); Forde was about 17 at the time; "Poly" = Royal Polytechnic Institution (Sydney venue)
"OLD SYDNEY . . . (No. 253. - By 'Old Chum')", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (25 August 1912), 12
. . . Teddy McLean married Miss Shapter. She was a very capable Columbine in the old days. Time was when I used to dance with her at Madame Farrelly's, Wm. Clark's, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Teddy and Lizzy McLean (dancers); William Clark (dancing master)
"Old Sydney (TOLD BY 'OLD CHUM' - No. 938 . . .)", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (8 November 1925), 20
. . . Round the corner in Park-street were Andrew Farrelly, a builder, with Madame Farrelly, professor of Music, French, singing and dancing . . .
Musical work:
Le pittoresque quadrille (1846)
Le pittoresque quadrille, pour le piano forte, par Madame Dudemaine, respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Bland (Sydney: F. Ellard, [1846]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (publisher, engraver); Mrs. William Bland (Eliza Smeathman, dedicatee)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1846), 1
Composed and arranged for the Pianoforte by Madame Dudemaine.
To be had at her residence, 24, Park-street; or at Mr. Ellard's, George-street.
[Review], The Spectator [Sydney, NSW] (20 June 1846), 262
LE PITTORESQUE. Quadrille pour le Pianoforte, par MADAME DUDEMAINE, dedicated to Mrs. Bland. Ellard, George-street.
We have to acknowledge the receipt of the little piece of music announced above.
We have scarcely had time to look over it, but from a glance through it a libre ouvert, as well as from a knowledge of Madame Dudemaine's talents,
we have little doubt that it will form an acceptable addition to the portfolios of our fair readers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Thompson (reviewer, editor)
Bibliography and resources:
Isadore Brodsky, The streets of Sydney ([Sydney]: Old Sydney Free Press, 1962), 105
Catherine Bishop, Minding her own business: colonial businesswomen in Sydney (Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2015) (PREVIEW)
DUFFY, John (John DUFFY)
Musician, late bandmaster (Band of the 49th Regiment)
Born (? into 49th Regiment) Canada, c. 1812
Arrived TAS, c. 1855
Died Mount Nelson, TAS, 12 December 1886, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: 49th Regiment (British military)
1886, deaths in the district of Hobart; NAME_INDEXES:1233070; RGD35/1/11 no 297 (DIGITISED)
No. 297 / 12th December 1886 / John Duffy / (Died Mt. Nelson near Hobart Born in America) / Male / 74 years / Signalman . . .
"THE MOUNT NELSON SIGNAL MAN", The Mercury (13 December 1886), 2
All those who have ever paid a visit to the Mount Nelson signalling station will regret to hear of the sudden decease of Mr. John Duffy, the officer in charge there, who, by his general courtesy, kindness, and willingness to convey some of the varied knowledge and experience he had acquired, lent an additional attraction to the visit. Mr. Duffy having reached the good old age of 74, may be said to have run his course, and to have peacefully terminated a long, active, and useful life in the fulness of years. He was formerly in Her Majesty's service, and was bandmaster of the 49th Regiment in India, when he obtained his discharge about the year 1885 [recte 1855]. He then came to Tasmania, where he received a Civil appointment at Port Arthur. He only remained there a few months, when he was transferred to the Ordnance Department at Hobart and occupied a position in that department till 1858, when he proceeded to Mount Nelson as signalman, where he has remained ever since . . .
"Deaths", The Mercury (13 December 1886), 1
DUFFY. - On December 12, at Mount Nelson, John Duffy, late of H.M. 49th regiment of foot, aged 74.
"TASMANIAN INTELLIGENCE", Launceston Examiner (13 December 1886), 3
William Duffy [sic], signalman at Mount Nelson, died this morning at the advanced age of 74 years . . . Deceased had been 28 years at the Mount Nelson station, and was previously in the army some 20 odd years, and had attained the position, of bandmaster at the time of his discharge.
DUFFY, Thomas (Thomas DUFFY; alias FERGUSON; "Old Tom the fiddler")
Musician, violinist, fiddler, convict, emancipist
Born Glasgow, Scotland, c. 1825
Convicted High Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh, Scotland, 6 November 1847 (7 years, transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 20 August 1849 (convict per Randolph, from England, 24 April 1849, via Port Phillip)
Active Maitland, NSW, by September 1849
Died Nemingha, NSW, 5 August 1879, aged "56" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY [Edinburgh] . . . SATURDAY, NOV. 6", Glasgow Courier [Scotland] (9 November 1847), 2 (PAYWALL)
. . . Thomas Duffy, an old offender, pleaded guilty to stealing several articles of clothing from premises near the South Back of Canongate, Edinburgh, and was sentenced to seven years' transportation . . .
"DRUNKENNESS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (5 September 1849), 2
. . . Thomas Duffy, a ticket-of-leave holder per Randolph, who had been apprehended on the race-course for being drunk and noisy, and having no authority about him for being in this district, was ordered to be forwarded to Sydney, and his ticket recommended to be cancelled; Duffy's statement was that he had been hired by a gentleman in Sydney, and was on his way up the country, when he was offered £2 by a publican to go and play the fiddle in one of the booths.
Darlinghurst Gaol, entrance and description books, 1849; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
1069 / Thomas Duffy / Randolph / 1849 / [born] 1825 . . . (PAYWALL)
1069 / Thomas Duffy / Randolph / 1849 / [born] Glasgow / Catholic / Paper maker . . .
"BOGGABRI. July 14", Australian Town and Country Journal [Sydney, NSW] (19 July 1879), 38
Our town is in the height of dullness; one could almost indulge in rifle practice down the principal street without any danger to life . . .
The band is getting on wonderfully well; and if it be only able to retain the services of the present band-master, it will be quite a musical ornament to the town . . .
A musician, known by the name of Tom the Fiddler, is in town, accompanied by another who plays the bones,
penny-whistle, and triangle at one time. How he does it is as follows: he hangs the triangle on his tongue, blows the whistle with his nostril.
The rest can be understood. Any one would give him a half-crown not to do it. What won't people do for money!
"TAMWORTH (From the Tamworth News, Aug. 8)", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (12 August 1879), 7
On the 5th instant, at Mrs. M. A. Greer's Golden Sheaf Hotel, Nemingha, an inquest was held before Mr. D. W. Irving, District Coroner, and a jury consisting of Messrs. W. McIlveen, James Ballantine, Alex. McClelland, Richard Dempsey, and Lawrence Hinds, on view of the body of one Thomas Duffy, otherwise Ferguson. The deceased was known to many residents of this district as "Old Tom the Fiddler." He died in bed on the night of the 4th or morning of the 5th instant. From the evidence of John Lorimer, W. T. Smith, and Mrs. M. A. Greer, it appeared that deceased, who had been drinking somewhat heavily for several days, complained of palpitation of the heart. Dr. Wood, Government Medical Officer, deposed to having discovered, by means of a post-mortem examination, that the deceased suffered from fatty degeneration of the heart, considerable ossification of the aortic valves of the heart, traces of pleurisy, schirrhosus of the liver, and enlargement of the kidneys. All this disease was sufficient to account for death suddenly. The jury found "That Thomas Duffy, otherwise Ferguson, came to his death on the night of the 4th or morning of the 5th of August, 1879, in the Golden Sheaf Hotel, Nemingha, from disease of the heart."
Bibliography and resources:
Thomas Duffy, Randolph, 1849; Convict records
DUKE, William Charles (William Charles DUKE; W. C. DUKE; Mr. DUKE)
Artist, theatrical scene painter, actor, mechanist, painter, carpenter
Born Shandon, Cork, Ireland, 1815; baptised St. Anne, Shandon, 16 July 1815; son of Charles DUKE and Catherine ?
Married Lucy [?] (d. 1869), Cork, Ireland, 16 February 1840
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 December 1840 (immigrant per Lady McNaughton, from Plymouth, 30 August)
Active Auckland, NZ, c. 1844
Died Melbourne, VIC, 17 October 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Bounty immigrants per Lady McNaughton, arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 December 1840; State Records Authority of NSW; Persons on bounty ships (Agent's Immigrant Lists); 5316; Reel: 2134; [4/4787] (PAYWALL)
. . . Duke William / 25 / House Carpenter / Protestant / Reads & Writes / Cork / [bounty] £19
[Duke] Lucy / 25 / Dressmaker / do. / do. / do. / £19 // [Duke] Charles / 3 weeks / [born at] Sea . . .
"THEATRICALS. ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (17 May 1843), 2
This house commenced its Winter Season on Monday evening. During the recess a hasty attempt has been made to improved the audience part of the theatre by an essay at decoration, which the bills gravely assure us, is in the Parisian style . . . Of the new Act-drop we are rather indisposed to speak, for us it has been obviously designed at random, and executed en presse, it were idle to subject it to the ordeal of criticism. The exact chimera of the artist is not easy to elucidate. A huge naked figure with swollen limbs is painted on some glaring red drapery, which overhangs what is meant to represent a marine landscape; some trees, which it would puzzle Sylvanus himself to specify, are ranged on the water's edge in batches like French rolls, whilst a flight of steps, which, is drawn like an unfolded Venetian blind, leads to a picture gallery. The drawing of this portion of the scene is remarkable on account of its delightful independence of any of those tedious rules of geometry and perspective, which commonplace painters adhere to; and as Mr. Duke must have some unexplained theories of art which are above our comprehension, we bow in humble admiration of his mysterious genius . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"FITZROY THEATRE", Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (3 January 1844), 2
On Friday Evening last, the entertainments consisted of "Crossing the Line," and "Lovers' Quarrels." Since the opening night considerable alterations have been made in the interior of the Theatre, and we regretted to find so thin an attendance. The expenses incurred by Mr. Buckingham have been very heavy, and we hope that the present want of patronage will not discourage him in his attempt to found so rational a species of amusement . . . Mr. Buckingham has brought with him a first-rate Artist, in the person of Mr. William Duke, who was generally acknowledged to be the best scene painter Sydney could boast of from the earliest period, this same gentleman we understand, is now painting a first-rate drop scene, which will be exhibited on Tomorrow evening (Thursday) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (31 January 1844), 2
Fitzroy Theatre . . . OPENING NIGHT, FOR MONDAY THE 5TH FEBRUARY, 1844 . . .
THE PROSCENIUM has been painted and decorated by Mr. Duke (assisted by Mr. Harold), from magnificent designs.
THE SCENERY also by Mr. Duke, is entirely new, and the new drop Curtain must be seed to be appreciated . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Harrold (actor)
[Advertisement], Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (22 February 1844), 1
PROSPECTUS OF THE FINE ARTS. MR. DUKE begs to acquaint his Friends and the Public of Auckland, that he has commenced business on his own account . . .
LANDSCAPE AND Portrait Painting . . . Interior Decoration . . . Instructions in Architectural Drawing, Perspective, Geometry, &c. . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (21 July 1846), 1
W. C. DUKE begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Patrons of the Drama of Hobart Town and its Vicinity,
that his first Benefit at this Theatre is fixed for the above Evening,
on which occasion he solicits the honor of their patronage and support.
The Entertainments will commence with (for the first time in this Colony) the highly popular Romantic Spectacle, called The
SECRET MINE; OR, THE RAJAH OF THE HINDOOS. With New and Magnificent Scenery, Music, Dresses, and Decorations.
To descant on the merits of this Spectacle wore superfluous, its uninterrupted success of 100 nights on its first production at the Theatre Royal Covent Garden,
which is still in the memory of all old playgoers, is a sufficient guarantee.
Araxa (the Rajah of the Hindoos) - MR. STUBBS.
Ismael (Governor of a Persian district) - MR. ROGERS.
Assad (an old Persian) - MR. AUSTIN.
Dimdim (a Chinese slave) - MR. JORDAN . . .
Daphne (daughter of Ismael) - MRS. THOMSON.
Zobeide (dauber of Assad) - MRS. CLARKE.
Camilla (the principal Amazon) - MRS. ROGERS . . .
Stage Manager, MR. ROGERS. Acting Manager, MR. LEE. Scene Painter, MR. DUKE. Leader, MR. H. HOWSON . . .
Tickets to be had at Mr. Duke's residence, No. 85, Argyle-street, where Boxes may be secured . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gibson Stubbs (actor); George and Emma Rogers (actors); Mr. Austin (actor); Martha Thomson (actor); Anne Remens Clarke (actor, proprietor); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, manager); Henry Howson (musician, leader); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"THEATRICAL", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (10 March 1847), 196
On Monday Evening the "corps dramatique" commenced their campaign for the season in Launceston; time will only permit us to make a brief report. We cannot however pass by the very efficient manner in which the orchestral department is conducted by Mr. G. F. Duly, although the number is limited yet the music is really excellent owing to the arrangements and the well known talent of the parties . . . Mrs. Clarke has made a decided improvement. We understand Duke will remain during the season to give scenic effect to several new pieces, which Mrs. Clarke with her usual activity and desire to please intends to produce in succession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Duly (musician)
"THE DRAMA", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (28 August 1847), 2
Some important additions to the strength of the corps dramatique of the Queen Theatre, are daily expected from Hobart Town, the proprietor having concluded engagements with some well-known to histrionic fame. Among others we are given to understand that he has secured the services of Mrs. and Miss Clarke. Mr. Duke, a very superior scene painter, has also been engaged . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"CONCERT", The Courier [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (18 March 1848), 2
A second concert of vocal and instrumental music will be given in the Music Hall, Collins-street, on Monday evening next, commencing precisely at seven o'clock. The programme includes choice selections from Arigotti, Donizetti, Cherubini, Verdi, Wallace, Lindpainter, and other masters. The duetto, "Qual Mare," from Verdi's I Masnadieri, will be sang by Mr. Packer and a lady singer, whose organ is well spoken of. The beautiful song of "Festal;" the aria, "Bear Witness," from the very successful opera of Von Flotow; and Donizetti's duettino, "Follow Fay, follow Fairy," are amongst the pieces chosen. The interior decorations of the hall are now completed, and reflect great credit upon the genius of the artist, Mr. Duke. The sides and roof are tastefully divided by pillars and panels into compartments filled up with open landscape scenery. The hall will be brilliantly lighted with chandeliers and sconces, which will add to the effect of decorations and professional symbols tastefully disposed throughout the interior.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (vocalist, pianist); "lady singer" = Madame Callegari (vocalist)
"THEATRE ROYAL", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (24 December 1850), 2
. . . We hope Mr. Elmes will be rewarded with "bumper houses" during Christmas time. He has made arrangements which have entailed upon him a considerable expense to have produced a grand Christmas Pantomime, with new and appropriate scenery, painted expressly by Mr. Wm. Duke, of the Hobart Town and Sydney theatres, which ought to attract and no doubt will, large houses on the evenings of the theatre being opened.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Elmes (proprietor); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
"DEATH OF MR. DUKE, THE ARTIST", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 October 1853), 5
Mr. Duke, an artist who became popular here by the productions of his pencil and the urbanity of his deportment, died at an early hour on Monday morning at his residence in Collingwood. Last Saturday week he was engaged on some painting and decoration at the American Circus, for Mr. Rowe, by whom he he been partially employed for two or three weeks past. He at that time complaining of being poorly, and went home. During the early part of last week he became worse, but about Friday he appeared to be improving fast, and was expecting to be able to proceed with the portrait of Mr. C. Young, and others, which he had in hand, during the present week. On Sunday, however, he had a relapse, and at 6 a.m. on Monday he was a corpse. His disease was believed to be one of the heart. By his death a widow and six children - the eldest of whom it aged eleven years - are left totally unprovided for, and nearly destitute. At an early hour on Monday, Mr. Rowe, with his accustomed liberality, headed a subscription-paper with £10, and during the day a respectable sum was obtained at the Circus for the widow and her children. Something of the kind is about to be done at the theatre also. Mr. Duke was a native of Cork, but for several years before he came here he followed his profession with great success at Sydney; losses subsequently reduced him to poverty.
ASSOCIATIONs: Joseph Andrew Rowe (proprietor); Charles Young (actor); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
Bibliography and resources:
William Charles Duke, Geneanet
Active Tasmania, 1839-52
DULY, Abraham Philip (Mr. A. P. DULY) see main entry Abraham Philip DULY
DULY, George Frederick (Mr. G. F. DULY) see main entry George Frederick DULY
DULY, Agnes (Miss DULY) see main entry Anges DULY
Musician, professor of music, singing, and drawing, pianist, organist
Born Wadsley, Yorkshire, England, 1845; baptised Wadsley, 9 February 1845; son of Walter Scott DUMERGUE and Lucretia Mary Sarah RAGLAND
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 24 February 1869 (per Roslin Castle, from London, 1 December 1868)
Arrived Launceston, TAS, October 1869
Died Northcote, VIC, 16 October 1892, aged "47" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"A NEW ORGANIST", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (23 October 1869), 11
It is with pleasure we notice the arrival in Launceston from Victoria of Mr. Charles Dumergue, a professor of music, singing, and drawing, who but recently arrived from England. Mr. Dumergue has been engaged to preside at the organ in Trinity Church, and yesterday he presided and played the voluntaries at both services.
"LAUNCESTON PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (13 November 1869), 5
In accordance with advertisement a meeting was held at the Mechanic's Institute last evening, for the purpose of forming a musical society in Launceston. There were about thirty persons present, and Mr. J. J. Hudson was voted to the chair. The business of the meeting having been stated by the Chairman, Mr. David Ritchie proposed - "That a musical society be formed, to be called 'The Launceston Philharmonic Society'." Mr. A. W. Birchall seconded the motion, which was carried. The consent of his Excellency the Governor to become patron of the new society had been previously obtained, and he was now unanimously elected to that office. The following office-bearers were also elected President, Rev. W. A. Brooke; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Charles Thomson; Hon, Secretary, Mr. F. W. Hales; Committee - Messrs, J. J. Hudson, G. Collins, and D. Ritchie. Mr. A. W. Birchall proposed - "That the Committee be empowered to draw up rules for the Society, and submit them to a meeting of members, to be held for that purpose this day fortnight." - This was seconded and carried. It was next proposed by Mr. Birchall, seconded by Mr. Roberts, and carried - "That Mr. Dumergue be musical conductor of the Society." A vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the proceedings to a close, and about twenty five of those present then gave in their names as members of the Society.
ASSOCIATIONS: James John Hudson (member); Andrew William Birchall (member); Warren Auber Brooke (member); Charles Thomson (member); Henry Roberts (member); Launceston Philharmonic Society (association)
"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 October 1892), 1
DUMERGUE. - On the 16th inst., at his residence, Northcote, Charles Dumergue, B.A., eldest son of the late Rev. Walter A. Dumergue, vicar of Fareham, England, age 47.
See also "MR. C. DUMERGUE", The Tasmanian [Launceston, TAS] (29 October 1892), 26
DUMONT, Monsieur (Monsieur DUMONT; ? pseudonym)
Musician, flutina player
Active Sydney, NSW, 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (15 March 1854), 1
BUCKINGHAM AND FAMILY will give two Entertainments during their stay in Sydney.
The first will take place TO-MORROW EVENING, 10th March, at eight o'clock.
The following will be the order of the Programme: - . . .
Between first and second parts, Monsieur Louvedin [sic] will perform a Solo on the Cornopean . . .
Between the second and third parts Monsieur Dumont will perform a Solo on the Flutina . . .
Boxes, 4s.; upper circle, 3s.; pit, 2s.; gallery, 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adolphus Louedin (cornopean); Buckingham Family (musicians); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE BUCKINGHAM FAMIIY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (18 March 1854), 2
This talented family gave their first entertainment at the Royal Victoria Theatre, on Thursday evening, and received the approbation of a fashionable and well-filled house. The family consists of Mr. Buckingham, his two daughters, and three sons, and they have also secured the assistance of Mons. Loudevein, professor of the cornopean, and Mons. Dumont, whose performance upon the flutina is unrivalled. Mr. Buckingham is one of the oldest members of the Sydney stage, will we trust receive the support of all who entertain a remembrance of his histrionic career. As the Buckingham family are under engagement to proceed to Melbourne immediately, they announce a second and last entertainment for Wednesday evening next, to which we specially invite the attention of the musical world.
DUMOULIN, Gustave Frederick (Gustave Frederic DUMOULIN; Gustave Frederick DUMOULIN [sic]; G. F. DUMOULIN)
Musician, violinist, pupil of Henri Vieuxtemps, and tutor of Jenny Claus
Born Paris, France, c. 1836
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by August 1874
Died Northcote, VIC, 1908 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DUMOULIN, Ferdinand (Ferdinand Edward DUMOULIN)
Musician, pianist, teacher of music
Born Leyden, Netherlands, c. 1841 (brother of the above)
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 1926, aged "85" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, violinist, pupil of Jenny Claus
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1875 (? sister of the above)
DUNCAN, The Misses (The Misses DUNCAN, of Kelvin Grove)
Musicians, pianists, composers
Active Sale, Gippsland, VIC, c. 1862 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], Gippsland Times [Sale, VIC] (23 May 1862), 3
A notice of new music in our advertising column of to-day contains a pleasing surprise, and one which we feel quite, sure will be equally felt by others as well as ourselves. If the more title pages conveyed no other idea than the adaptation of local names to a schottische, a waltz, and a galop, we feel quite sure that not even the veriest old fogy could sit in his chair and not join in a "Lindenow" or an "Avon," whilst a "Gippsland Galop" would drive gout and rheumatism to the dogs, and cause an electric current of youthful energy to flow through the system, and like the piper of old "set old and young a dancing." It is, however, a matter of much greater pleasure to us to announce that the music is composed by the Misses Duncan, of Kelvin Grove, whose talents as both performers and composers have, for some time, been known to a private circle of friends, and at whose urgent solicitations they were induced to publish these pieces of dance music. Of the music we wish to say, nothing further, than that having once heard them we should wish to hear them again. The galop will most certainly become a favorite in other districts where local connexions can have no influence, and we pronounce it, without any feeling of local favoritism to be the most spirited galop we have heard since the "Spirit of the Ball" and the "Sturm Marsch" first made their appearance. Now that the Misses Duncan have taken the first initiatory step in bringing their names before the public, we hope they will continue to publish, not only dance music, but music of a much higher class, for which their talents, as performers and composers, render them eminently fit.
[Advertisement], Gippsland Times (23 May 1862), 2
MR. J. D. LEESON BEGS to announce the following
A few copies left of the "The Heyfield" and "All England Eleven" Polkas,
together with a choice Selection of Dance, Song, and Piece Music.
ASSOCIATIONS: J. D. Leeson (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (14 June 1862), 3
AVON WALTZ, Gipps Land Galop, and Lindenow schottische, by the Misses Duncan, Gipps Land. Wilkie's, 15 Collins street.
Note - Three very pretty Victorian compositions, and meeting with a ready sale.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller, publisher)
[News], The Argus (18 June 1862), 5
We have received three pieces of really pretty and lively dance music, composed by the Misses Duncan, Kelvin Grove, Gipps Land, and just published by Mr. Wilkie, Collins-street. They are entitled "The Avon Waltz," "The Lindenow Schottische," and "The Gipps Land Gallop." All certainly merit a place amongst the collections of our lady friends, with whom they will, we think, become favourites.
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 July 1862), 3
MUSIC. - GIPPS LAND GALOP, a waltz and schottische, by the Misses Duncan, of Sale. Wilkie's, Collins street. "These pretty Victorian compositions are becoming popular."
. . . PART I . . . Beatrice di Tenda" - Pianoforte - Miss Duncan . . .
PART II. "Isabella Polka," (Pianoforte) - Misses Duncan . . .
Fantasia - (Pianoforte and flute ) - Miss Duncan and Mr. Woolhouse . . .
Musical publications (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
The Avon waltz (1862)
The Gippsland galop [Gipps Land gallop) (1862)
The Lindenow schottische (1862)
The Lindenow schottische composed & arranged for the piano forte and dedicated to Mrs. John Davidson Smith, Lindenow, by the Misses Duncan, Kelvin Grove, Gipps Land (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1862]) (DIGITISED)
DUNCAN, William Augustine (William Augustine DUNCAN; W. A. DUNCAN) see main entry William Augustine DUNCAN
Musical amateur, amateur musician
DÜNE, Jacob (Jacob DÜNE; Jacob DUNE)
Musician, bandsman, Burton's Band
Active SA, 1856 (shareable link to this entry)
"MOUNT BARKER", South Australian Register (7 November 1856), 3
Jacob Young, Jacob Düne, Conrad Sander, Heinrich Rodenbout, Carl Leonhardt, Daniel Müller, and Christian Prothenback, known as "Burton's Band", appeared to answer the complaint of Mr. Henry Burton, for that they having contracted to serve the said Henry Burton as musicians, and having entered into his service, did neglect and refuse to fulfil the same.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Burton (proprietor); Jacob Young (musician); Conrad Sander (musician); Heinrich Rodenbout (musician); Daniel Müller (musician); Christian Prothenback (musician); Burton's Band (group)
DUNLOP, Eliza Hamilton (Mrs. E. H. DUNLOP) see main entry Eliza Hamilton DUNLOP
Poet, songwriter, recorder and translator of Indigenous songs
DUNN, James (James DUNN)
Amateur musician, flute player. convict
Active Sydney, NSW, 1833 (shareable link to this entry)
"POLICE INCIDENTS. WEDNESDAY [30 January]", The Sydney Herald (4 February 1833), 2
James Dunn was placed at the bar on the following charge. Prisoner, who is a moping, melancholy, lackidaisical looking fellow, contends that he was sent unjustly to this Colony and is therefore determined to slip his wind; in consequence of this determination he armed himself on Monday night with a razor, a prayer-book and a six-keyed flute, went into the kitchen, drew a table to the fire; seated himself in an arm chair, did a little psalmody, and then boldly took off his cravat, flourished the razor in the air and then incised his thorax in two places; fortunately, his master having an idea that all was not right, went into the kitchen just in time to prevent a third gash, the razor was taken away, wounds dressed, and he was conveyed to the watch house. The prisoner declared it to be intention to perfect what he had begun; the Bench therefore sent him to cool by ten days residence in a cell.
DUNN, John Benjamin (John Benjamin DONOGHUE; O'DONOGHUE; alias John Benjamin DUNN; Mr. John DUNN)
Comedian, dancer, comic vocalist, delineator, black-face performer
Born Surrey, England, 1812 (? c. 1813)
Married Maria Louisa VOULLAIRE (CAMPBELL) (1812-1891), St. Mary, Islington, England, 12 April 1834
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 July 1856 (per Horizont, from San Francisco)
Died Carlton, VIC, 19 August 1875, aged "61/62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
DUNN, Rosa (Rosetta DONOGHUE; Rosetta DUNN; Rosa DUNN; Mrs. Louis Lucas LEWIS)
Actor, dancer
Born London, England, c. 1845; daughter of John Benjamin DONOGHUE and Maria Louisa VOULLAIRE
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 July 1856 (per Horizont, from San Francisco)
Married Louis Lucas LEWIS (1834-1910), Melbourne, VIC, 16 October 1863
Died Bournemouth, England, 10 August 1920 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DUNN, Marion (Mary Ann DUNN; Marian DUNN / DONOGHUE; Marion DUNN; Mrs. Marcus CLARKE)
Actor, vocalist
Born London, England, 1846; baptised St. John the Baptist, Hoxton, 5 August 1846; daughter of John Benjamin DUNN (DONOGHUE) and Maria Louisa VOULLAIRE
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 July 1856 (per Horizont, from San Francisco)
Married Marcus CLARKE (1846-1881), St. Peter's church, Melbourne, VIC, 22 July 1869
Died Caulfield, VIC, 4 December 1914, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

John Benjamin Dunn (London, 1838);view=1up;seq=359 (DIGITISED)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Saint Mary Islington in the county of Middlesex in the year 1834; register 1824-34, page 299; London Metropolitan Archives, P83/MRY1/1204 (PAYWALL)
No. 895 / John Benjamin Donoghue of this Parish Bachelor and Maria Louisa Voullaire of the same Parish Spinster were married in this Church by Banns . . . this [12 April 1834] . . .
In the presence of Leonard Voullaire Campbell, Mary Ann Voullaire Campbell . . . Wm. Donoghue
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Leonard Voullaire Campbell (1789-1870, father-in-law, playwright, as see also 26 July 1856 below)
"JOHN BENJAMIN DUNN, THE ENGLISH JIM CROW", Actors by daylight (15 December 1838), 329 (portrait), 330-31 (article);view=1up;seq=359 (DIGITISED);view=1up;seq=360 (DIGITISED)
John Benjamin Dunn sent forth his first crow in this breathing world in the County of Surry, in the year 1812 . . . A gentleman named Rice had for years captivated the hearts of our Yankee friends by dancing and singing a song culled from the adventures of Mr. James Crow, of Kentucky . . . Rice in due time arrived in England, and from that moment the crowing mania spread like wildfire; the king and queen, and all the ministers, danced like mad to it; the butcher sung it as he stuck his mutton, and the baker had a batch of it as he drew the rolls; and, briefly be it spoken, the great globe itself was for a time lost in one clear delightful transport of Jim Crowing . . . The world wondered, and good people enquired. An English Jim Crow had appeared; shouts were heard that rent the skies . . . At last Dunn appeared; the world was hushed in speechless wonder - another Crow! . . .
Thomas Dartmouth Rice (American performer, active in England);
Jump Jim Crow (song);
see also the above article reprinted, with Dunn's birth year altered to 1813 (? by Dunn himself), as "JOHN BENJAMIN DUNN, THE ENGLISH JIM CROW", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (9 May 1957), 3
Baptisms solemnized in the district parish of St. John the Baptist Hoxton in the county of Middlesex in the year 1846; register 1845-54, page 89; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/Jnb/004 (PAYWALL)
No. 712 / [1846 August] 5 / Mary Ann [daughter] of / John Benjamin & Louisa / Dunn / Westmorland Place / Comedian . . .
Australia (from 9 July 1856):
Passengers arrived in the ship Horizont from the Port of San Francisco to Sydney, 9 July 1856; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
[Cabin] . . . Mrs. Sinclair . . . Madame Duret . . . Mr. Loder, Mr. & Mrs. Dean & one boy . . . Steerage . . . John Dunn & 4 children . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Norton Sinclair (actor); Marie Duret (actor); George Loder (musician); John Deane and wife (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (21 July 1856), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. - First appearance of Mr. JOHN DUNN,
the celebrated Comedian from Covent Garden, Adelphi, Sadler's Wells, Victoria, Pavilion, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Dublin, Cork, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Now York, and San Francisco Theatres -
Under the direction and management of Mr. A. Torning.
First appearance of the celebrated Comedian Mr. John Dunn, in his celebrated and far-famed characters of
RASCAL JACK! in the laughable Farce of Rascal Jack; and WILLIAM, in Black Eyed Susan.
First appearance of the beautiful Actress, Miss ROSA DUNN, as LUCY, in Rascal Jack.
THIS DAY, Monday, July 21st, the performances will, commence with the Nautical Drama, in two acts, of BLACK EYED SUSAN, or All in the Downs.
Gnatbrain, Mr. T. S. Bellair; William, Mr. John Dunn; Hatchet, Mr. A. Torning; Black-eyed Sussan, Miss Warde; Dolly Mayflower, Mrs. A. Torning.
During the piece, the Sailors' Hornpipe, by Mrs. A. Torning and Mr. Dunn.
To conclude with the laughable Farce, in one act, entitled RASCAL JACK.
Rascal Jack, Mr. John Dunn; George Gumby, Mr. T. S. Bellair; Lucy, Miss Rosa Dunn.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew and Eliza Torning (actors, dancer); Thomas Smith Bellair (actor); Kate Warde (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (26 July 1856), 2
Mr. John Dunn made his first appearance before an Australian audience, at this theatre, on Monday last. This actor, it appears, has been known in the "New World," besides having performed at the principal theatres in England, by the cognomen of "Rascal Jack." From the abilities displayed by him in the taking of this character, he evidently has made it his own in the representation. Mr. Dunn is well versed in low comedy, and is very droll in his acting. Besides the versatility in his performances, he displays considerable originality, and is likely, therefore, to become a favorite in this hemisphere - as he has been in America - where his popularity was very great. He is also a comic singer of much merit, and has distinguished himself as an author, as his father-in-law, the veteran Campbell, did. We are glad that the management has secured his services. His impersonation of Mr. Timothy Toadies, on Thursday night, was admirable, and his make-up exceedingly good . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 October 1856), 8
THEATRE ROYAL . . . THE OPERATIC SEASON Will shortly commence with the Grand Opera of MASSANIELLO;
To be followed by THE MOUNTAIN SYLPH, and CINDERELLA, Supported by the English Operatic Company.
MR. JOHN DUNN, the celebrated delineator of Negro character and the original ENGLISH JIM CROW, is engaged for a limited period, and will shortly appear.
ASSOCIATIONS: English Opera Company (troupe); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1856), 1
The management have the pleasure to announce that they have succeeded in engaging
Mr. JOHN DUNN, for the purpose of giving the Sydney public an opportunity of seeing him in this celebrated character as danced by him for upwards of 500 nights in the principal theatres in England, America, and California.
This will positively be Mr. DUNN'S first and last appearance in this character in the colony, as he sails for England via Melbourne on Wednesday next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cremorne Gardens (Sydney venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (23 October 1856), 5
"My Daughter's Debut" was repeated for the third time last evening, and excited as much mirth and applause as upon the first occasion of its performance, Mrs. Craven receiving a hearty encore in the scena, "But see, I draw my dagger." In the extravaganza of "The Virginian Mummy," Mr. John Dunn made his grotesque bow to a Melbourne audience as Ginger Blue, a gentleman of color, who sings a localised version of Jim Crow (to which a double encore was awarded), and enacts the character of an Egyptian mummy, restored to animation by the magic elixir of an enthusiastic physician. Mr. Dunn's clever delineation of negro character appeared to be well enjoyed by the audience, and the piece was announced for repetition this evening, amidst general manifestations of applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Nelson Craven (actor, vocalist)
"GENERAL INTELLIGENCE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (16 March 1857), 2
THE CHEAP CONCERT at the Theatre Royal was not so well attended as we could have desired - the novelty of the gas illumination of the city no doubt being the cause. The splendid Band of the 12th Regiment played their selections in their usual excellent style. Miss Stewart was well received. She exerted herself in the most creditable manner. Mr. John Dunn commanded an encore for his admirable Italian Bravura. We noticed that Sir Alfred Stephen was again present.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (conductor, master 12th band); Eliza Stewart (vocalist); Alfred Stephen (musical amateur); Band of the 12th Regiment (military); Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
"OPENING NIGHT AT THE LYCEUM, LAUNCESTON", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (14 May 1857), 2
Mr. H. N. Warner and the company from the Theatre Royal [Hobart] had a most enthusiastic reception at the Lyceum on Monday night. The house was well filled by a highly respectable audience, who had the good taste to appreciate the sterling abilities of Mr. Warner, Miss Emily Glyndon, Mr. Hasker, Mr. John Dunn, and Miss Rosa Dunn, in the favourite piece of the "Lady of Lyons" . . . Master J. Hall's solo on the violin was listened to with breathless attention, and was rapturously encored. "That Rascal Jack" wound up the evening's performance, by showing his audience how to serve (out) two masters. His humourous style of warbling snatches of favourite songs, from "The Low-backed Car" to "Down among the Dead Men," was irresistible . . . "Black-eyed Susan" and the comedietta of "Sketches in India," with a solo of "Nouvelle Variations" on the violin by Mr. John Hall, as an interlude, will be the bill of fare for this evening, when, on account of the excitement of the Autumn Races, it will be difficult to secure a seat in the Lyceum, - [Launceston] Chronicle of yesterday.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Neil Warner (actor, manager); Emily Glyndon (actor); James John Hasker (actor); Lyceum Theatre (Launceston venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL. LA SONNAMBULA", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (12 August 1857), 5
The first attempt to place an entire Opera upon a Launceston stage has been made, and the result has been a success far beyond the most sanguine expectations of those most anxious for the introduction of a higher school of music than has hitherto obtained here. On Monday evening "La Sonnambula" was brought out with the following caste. "Amina," Miss Julia Harland. "Elvino," Mr. Walter Sherwin. "Liza", Mrs. Hancock. "Count Rodolpho," Mr. Hancock. "Alessio," Mr. John Dunn . . . Mr. John Dunn has added another sprig to his laurels as Opera Buffo in the highly comic character of "Alessio," his voice was a most valuable accession to the strength of the chorusses . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Mary and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Theatre Royal (Launceston venue)
List of passengers who have arrived at the port of Melbourne on 11 July 1858 from Launceston on board the Royal Shepherd; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Miss Rosa Dunn / 17 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (24 September 1858), 8
Thunders of applause upon the falling of the curtain. The audience pronouncing the production of this Great Work as a SIGNAL SUCCESS . . .
Musical Directors - Messrs. Lavenu and Linly Norman.
THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, will be presented, for the second time, Auber's Great and Brilliant Opera, FRA DIAVOLO.
Zerlina - Miss Julia Harland. Lady Allcash - Mrs. Hancock.
Fra Diavolo - Madame Carandini. (In order to enable the Management to produce this chef d'oeuvre of Auber's, Madame Carandini has kindly undertaken this character.)
Lord Allcash - Mr. Farquharson. Lorenzo, Mr. W. Sherwin.
Beppo - M. E. Coulon. Matteo, Mr. Hancock.
Giacomo. Mr. John Dunn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician); Linly Norman (musician); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (29 April 1859), 3
The re-production of the pantomime last evening was attended with very considerable success, a consummation it deserves on account of the elaborate pains evidently taken in its "getting-up." The Burlesque introduction, apropos of the loves of Black-Eyed Susan (Mr. Rogers) and William (Mr. John Dunn), is prodigiously funny, and the idea of the pair consoling themselves on the road to the place of William's execution, with a bottle of liquor, whereby the latter comes to the yard-arm prematurely elevated, is exceedingly ludicrous. The scene of the ships riding at anchor is beautifully painted. After the appearance of Britannia (Miss Rosa Dunn), and the "transformation," Harlequin (Mr. Nugent), Clown (Mr. E. F. Morris), Columbine (Miss E. Melville), had Pantaloon (Mr. J. Milne) commence their frolics, which are well managed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Herbert Rogers (actor); Harry Nugent (actor); Edgar Morris (actor); Eliza Melville (actor); James Milne (actor); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"MARRIED", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (19 October 1863), 4
LEWIS - DUNN. - On the 16th inst., by special license, Louis Lucas Lewis, to Rosa, eldest daughter of J. B. Dunn, Esq., of this city.
"MARRIAGE", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (24 July 1869), 16
CLARKE - DUNN. - On the 22nd inst., at St. Peter's Church, Melbourne, by the Rev. H. H. P. Handfield, Marcus Clarke, only son of the late W. Hislop Clarke, Esq., of the Middle Temple, London, to Marion, second daughter of John Dunn, Esq., of Melbourne.
"SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. JOHN DUNN", The Argus (18 August 1875), 5
All playgoers will receive with profound regret the announcement of the sudden death of Mr. John Dunn, the well-known actor,
who for so many years occupied a prominent position on the Melbourne stage.
Mr. Dunn was to have played last night at the Opera-house, and he was on his way down to the theatre, about a quarter to 10 o'clock,
when he was seized with a fit, and dropped down in the street.
He was turning the corner of Lygon and Queensberry streets, when he was observed to stagger and fall.
Two young men who were passing ran to his assistance, but he was only able to ejaculate his name before he became insensible.
They tried to recover him by applying cold water to his head, but finding their efforts to be of no avail, they without loss of time conveyed him to the Melbourne Hospital in a cab.
He must have died very quickly, for when examined by Dr. Annand, he was found to be dead.
The cause of death was either apoplexy or disease of the heart. An inquest will be held.
John Dunn was the oldest actor on the Australian stage, and might well be termed a veteran in the profession.
Not of him, however, could it be said, "superfluous lags the veteran on the stage," for his appearance before the footlights was always welcome.
He gained his experience on both sides of the world.
Over 40 years ago he was regarded as an actor of repute on the English stage.
He was the second Jim Crow, and rivalled Rice, the original impersonator of that once extremely popular character.
He was also very clever in his delineation of negro characters, which at that time - before the advent of Ethiopian serenaders - were new in England.
By his successes in that direction he achieved a fortune, only to lose it in the quicksands of the management of a London theatre - we believe the City Theatre, in Bishopsgate-street.
It may be mentioned that he delighted continental audiences with his Jim Crow.
After his unfortunate venture in management he visited America, and played there with considerable success.
In the year 1857 [sic, 1856], he was induced to visit these colonies, then in the heyday of prosperity from the enormous yield of gold, and he came over from California.
He appeared at the old Theatre Royal in "Jim Crow" and "That Rascal, Jack."
He was not long in securing himself a good position on the stage here, and he established himself as a popular favourite.
It would be needless to recite the various parts in which he appeared successfully, for all playgoers will be well acquainted with them.
Suffice it to say that he excelled in burlesque and in eccentric comedy, and that in John Dunn we lose a low comedian whose place will not be easily filled.
He played all through the Australian colonies, and could count many friends wherever he went.
About five years ago he visited America, but the time was unpropitious, and the trip was not a remunerative one.
He returned to Australia without crossing over to England, and was re-engaged when the new Theatre Royal - the present building - was opened.
Since that time his connexion with the theatre was unbroken.
He may truly be said, to have died in harness.
Mr. Dunn was about 68 years of age [sic], and was remarkably hale for his years.
He leaves a wife and four children - two sons and two daughters.
One son is following his father's profession, and is now in Sydney; the other is in the Bank of New South Wales in this colony.
His daughters are both married - one to Mr. L. L. Lewis, the other to Mr. Marcus Clarke.
Mr. Dunn's proper name was, we believe, O'Donoghue, Dunn being merely the stage pseudonym; but the latter name was the one he was always known by.
He came from a very respectable Irish family, and, like all Irishmen, claimed to be descended from the ancient Irish kings.
His genial, hearty manner, rendered him a universal favourite, and his death will be generally regretted.
See also, "In Memory Of", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (19 August 1875), 3
"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (19 August 1875), 2
DUNN. - On the 17th August, of aneurism of the heart, John Benjamin Donoghue: Dunn. Comedian, of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, and 244 Cardigan-street, Carlton, in the sixty-second year of his age. R. I. P.
Will and probate, John B. Donoghue, comedian, 1875; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED - WILL) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"ANNALS OF THE TURF. AND OTHER SPORTS . . . (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (27 April 1904), 8
. . . There is another Mrs. Lewis, now in society in Melbourne, who in its palmy days appeared in the little theatre at Cremorne. This is Mrs. P. L. Lewis [sic], nee Rosa Dunn, a good actress, who on her marriage retired from the footlights. Her father, John Benjamin Dunn, was an actor of note in London, where he was known as the English "Jim Crow." His real name was Donohoe, but the shorter cognomen pleased him best. Father and daughter appeared at Cremorne. Another, daughter of J. B. Dunn became famous in two ways, first on the stage as a very capable actress, and secondly as the wife of Marcus Clarke, author of "His Natural Life" and other clever Australian works. Marcus Clarke died early, and the plucky little Marion Dunn, his wife, was left to battle for the large little family, and right well has the lady done so, and I am gratified to say she has succeeded. Rosa Dunn, with her father, and family, arrived in Melbourne, via California, in 1856; but she was never in love with the stage, and merely continued thereon as a matter at filial duty. Immediately on her marriage she retired from the stage, and lived in a sort of fairy land at St. Kilda. The appearance simultaneously in Melbourne of Rosa Dunn and Rose Edouin gave William Akhurst an opportunity of making a conundrum in one of his pantomimes about "Rosa Done" and "Rose A-doin" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst (playwright); Rose Edouin (actor); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)
"ANNALS OF THE TURF. AND OTHER PASTIMES . . . (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (20 July 1904), 3
. . . Then there were the sisters M. A. and Emma Crisp, a Miss Johnstone, Mr. R. Phillips, and Mr. Campbell, father-in-law of John Dunn, a comedian who flourished in Melbourne in the fifties, sixties end seventies. His correct name was John Benjamin Donohoe, and two of his daughters, Miss Rosa Dunn, now Mrs. L. L. Lewis, and Miss Marion Dunn, now Mrs. Marcus Clark, widow of the journalist and novelist, are well known to Australian readers. Of the Dunn family I shall have something to say at another time . . .
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (19 April 1911), 3
. . . Mrs. L. L. Lewis, whom we old-stagers knew, as Rosa. Dunn, has left for London, a widow. Her husband, L. L. Lewis, a Melbourne commercial man and an amateur musician and organist of some eminence, died a few months ago, leaving a fair estate. Mrs. Lewis is a daughter - one of two - of the late John Dunn, comedian, Mrs. Marcus Clarke being the other. On her marriage with Mr. Lewis Rosa retired from the stage, Mr. Lewis being then well-to-do commercially and able to give his wife a fine house at St. Kilda and a brougham. Before leaving for England, Mrs. Lewis presented the Women's Union at the University with her library, some 400 volumes of well-selected literature. It is said that the late John Dunn's memoirs were written and ready for publication, but that Mrs. Lewis consigned the manuscript to the flames . . .
"DEATH OF MRS. MARCUS CLARKE (MISS MARION DUNN) (by 'Old Chum')", Truth [Melbourne, VIC] (26 December 1914), 2
The older generation of Australian playgoers will hear with regret of the death of Mrs. Marcus Clarke, widow of the novelist, known to us of the old school, as Marion Dunn. She passed away at the residence of her son at Caulfield on December 4, her years being 67. The deceased lady was the second daughter of Mr. John Benjamin Donohoe, a Dublin native [sic], known in stage life as John Dunn, a comedian of eminence, who brought to Australia a good London and American record. The Dunn family, which consisted of the father, mother, two sons, and two daughters, Rosa and Marion, arrived in Sydney from San Francisco in 1856. The father and eldest daughter, Rosa, being the only performers then in the family. They appeared at the Victoria Theatre, Sydney, in the farce of "That Rascal, Jack," and the burlesque of "Richard ye Third of Bosworth Field." John Dunn as King Dick; Rosa as Lady Anne, and supported by the usual stock company. Mr. Dunn's wife, the mother of his girls and boys, was Miss Maria Lousia Campbell Voullaire, her father an actor who played under the name Leonard Voullaire. They were continental people, and from a very refined family, the family trait descending to the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn. At the conclusion of the Sydney engagement, the Dunn family migrated to Melbourne, and father and daughter appeared at the Theatre Royal, then a new house . . . On Miss Dunn's marriage to Mr. L. L. Lewis, an eminent amateur organist, and a man of good standing in commercial Melbourne, John Dunn played a lone hand, Mrs. Lewis retiring for good from the stage, for which 'tis said she never had any love . . . Very soon another star of the Dunn family appeared on the horizon, in the person of Marion Dunn, the second daughter, who quietly, unobtrusively, and by the press unnoticed, made several appearances as a butterfly or a fairy, with and without wings, until the dainty little body got into speaking parts, and found a footing in the profession which has been adorned by her sister. In 1862 she played the Fairy Queen in the Christmas pantomime at the Haymarket Theatre . . . Mrs. Clarke has left a family of six, two daughters and four sons . . . It is understood that Mrs. Clarke derived an income from the holders of the copyright of her husband's works, also she had a literary pension from the Commonwealth - £50 per year.
ASSOCIATIONS: Old Chum = Joseph Michael Forde (above)
"DEATHS", The Argus (25 September 1920), 13
LEWIS. - On the 10th August, at Bournemouth, England, Rosa, widow of the late L. L. Lewis.
"PERSONAL", The Argus (25 September 1920), 20
Deep regret will be evoked by the announcement of the death in England of Mrs. L. L. Lewis. Mrs. Lewis was Miss Rosa Dunn, daughter of one of the best known actors of his time - Mr. John Dunn. Her many appearances in light comedy parts made her very popular in the public mind, and her attractive social qualities endeared her to a very wide circle of personal friends. On retiring from the stage she married Mr. L. L. Lewis, one of Melbourne's leading business men. He died a few years ago.
Literary works (Rosa):
"THE STORYTELLER. STELLA. A STUDY. BY MRS. L. L. LEWIS", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (1 September 1894), 37
"TALES AND SKETCHES. A DAUGHTER OF BOHEMIA. BY MRS. L. L. LEWIS", Leader [Melbourne, VIC] (29 February 1896), 31
DUNN, Samuel (Samuel DUNN)
Musician, "Lascar"
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 25 July 1838 (per Lady Hayes, from China, 23 April) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"ARRIVALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (26 July 1838), 2
From China, yesterday afternoon, whence she sailed the 23rd of April, the ship Lady Hayes, with 3,500 chests tea.
"DUPLICITY", The Sydney Monitor (19 December 1838), 2
Samuel Dunn, one of the Lascars per Lady Hayes, who chose to stop here instead of proceeding home with his countrymen, accosted a gentleman in the street the other day, with the most piteous tale of distress, weeping as he told it, and declaring that to relieve himself from the burthen of life, he contemplated putting an end to his existence. He said he was destitute and friendless, in a strange country, and unable to procure a subsistence, being a musician, and unable to work or find employment of any kind. The party addressed took him to a gentleman of a charitable character, who volunteered to pay five shillings weekly for a lodging for him, and ordered a jacket, trousers, and shirt to be supplied, on condition that he was not an impostor. The person commissioned accordingly made enquiries the following morning, when the object of charity made his appearance at the Police Office, accused of assisting a mob in fighting two dogs in the streets the previous night, with being intoxicated, and with refusing to go away when ordered by the constable.
DURAND, Rosalie (Rosalie DURAND; Mrs. Frederick LYSTER)
Musician, soprano vocalist, Lyster's Opera Company
Born USA, c. 1833
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 March 1861 (per Achilles, from San Francisco, 8 January)
Married (? common law) Frederick LYSTER, by 1864
Died Sydney, NSW, 8 December 1866, aged "33" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Rosalie Durand, c. 1860 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], New-York dispatch [NY, USA] (16 December 1855), 8
LAURA KEENE'S VARIETIES. LAFARGE BUILDING, BROADWAY, Opposite Bond street. LAURA KEENE - Sole Lessee and Directress.
DRAMATIC ARTISTS . . . Miss ROSALIE A. DURAND, From Burtons . . .
Mrs. F. LYSTER, From Theatre, Baltimore . . .
Mr. FREDERICK LYSTER, Director of Vocal Music . . .
List of the passengers who have arrived at the port of Melbourne on 1 March 1861 from San Francisco on board the Achilles; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Madame Lucy Escott / 28 // Miss Rosalie Durand / 27 // Miss Georgia Hodson / 27 // Miss Ada King / 28 //
Mr. A. Reiff / 30 // Mr. Henry Squires / 31 // Mr. F. Trevor / 29 //
Mr. W. S. Lyster / 31 // Mr. F. Lyster / 33 // Mr. Lloyd / 29 // . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Ada King (vocalist); Anthony Reiff (conductor); Henry Squires (vocalist); William Saurin Lyster (manager); Frederick Lyster (vocalist); William Lloyd (manager); Lyster's Opera Company (troupe)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (2 March 1861), 4
ARRIVED - MARCH, 1 . . . Achilles, ship, 553 tons, Henry T. Hart, from San Francisco 8th January. Passengers - cabin : Madame Lucy Escott, Miss Rosalie Durand, Miss Georgia Hodson, Mrs. Ada King, Messrs. A. Reiff, H. Squires, F. Trevor, W. S. Lyster, F. Lyster, W. Lloyd, D. Fries, Hagelsea. Holmes, White, and Co., agents.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (8 April 1861), 5
. . . Miss Rosalie Durand made her first appearance in the colonies on Saturday evening last, at the Theatre Royal, as Zerlina, in Auber's opera of "Fra Diavolo." Her rendering of the character in a large measure justified the applause which welcomed her debut, and will suffice to place her in the position of a decided favorite. The upper notes of her voice are particularly clear and musical, and in the concerted pieces were heard to remarkable advantage. Her vocalisation of the well-known air, "On yonder rock reclining," was scarcely so good as we had anticipated. The expression she imparted to it was not characterised by entire consistency. Herein we think consists Miss Durand's least welcome idiosyncrasy. She is a finished actress and delightfully vivacious, but she some times introduces too great an amount of elaboration. In all but burlesque acting, nature is the safest guide and its monitions should always be the most acceptable. If Miss Durand will observe that precept she will embody all the requisite accomplishments to render her one of the most charming actresses we have witnessed on the colonial stage . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1866), 1
On the 9th instant, at 209, Macquarie-street, ROSALIE, wife of FREDERICK LYSTER, Esq., aged 33 years.
"SUDDEN DEATH OF MDLLE. ROSALIE DURAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1861), 4
On Saturday afternoon a painful sensation was caused throughout the city by the currency of a rumour that Mrs. F. Lyster, better known by her professional name of Mdlle. Rosalie Durand, had died suddenly; on making enquiries the report proved to be but too true. Mr. Lyster left her in apparently perfect health at his residence, Macquarie-street, in the morning and proceeded to rehearsal. On his return home, shortly after 12 o'clock, he found her lying on her bed apparently lifeless. Dr. Woodcock was at once in attendance, but found that the vital spark had fled. A coroner's inquest was held on Saturday evening, when a verdict of "Died of disease of the heart" was returned. The funeral, which took place at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, was very largely attended. The burial was conducted in accordance with the rites of the Roman Catholic Church. The Rev. J. Dwyer officiated. The deceased lady was a native of the United States, of French parentage, and made her first appearance on the operatic stage in Baltimore in 1851. Possessed of a very sweet voice and fine personal appearance, she speedily became the great favourite throughout the principal cities of the Eastern States, which she visited as prima donna of the Lyster Opera Company. She afterwards accompanied the troupe to California and from thence sailed for Australia. She arrived in Melbourne in 1861, and from that time until her decease was one of the most prominent members of the company.
THE OPERA - There was no performance on Saturday evening, in consequence of Mdlle. Durand's death . . .
"THE LATE MDLLE. ROSALIE DURAND", Illustrated Sydney News (15 December 1866), 1 (portrait), 3 (obituary)
. . . The late Mrs. Lyster was born in New York, in 1833, of American parents, but of French extraction. In 1855 she made her first appearance on the operatic stage, as prima donna, in Baltimore, and by her great talents, brilliant vocal powers, and handsome person, created a furore there, and in every city which she visited. Her voice was what is usually termed soprano sfogato and noted for its sweetness and sympathetic quality; her roulades and fioriture being extremely brilliant. Apart from her singing she was an actress of great merit . . .
See also "IN MEMORIAM ROSALIE DURAND", Bell's Life in Sydney (15 December 1866), 3
"NOTES OF THE WEEK", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1866), 2
Mrs. F. Lyster, professionally known as Mdle. Rosalie Durand, died suddenly on the 8th instant, of disease of the heart. Her remains were interred in the Roman Catholic Burial Ground.
Bibliography and resources:
Thomas Allston Brown, History of the American stage (New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1870), 109 (DIGITISED)
DURAND, ROSALIE. - Born in Philadelphia. Well known to the frequenters of Mitchell's Olympic, New York, as Miss Singleton. Appeared at the Holliday Street Theatre, Baltimore, in 1854. First appeared in Philadelphia, June 11, 1855, at the City Museum, as Arline, in the "Bohemian Girl." In April, 1859, she sailed for California. Died in Sydney, Australia, Dec. 8, 1866. Shortly before her death she was married to F. Lyster.
Harold Love, The golden age of Australian opera: W. S. Lyster and his companies 1861-1880 (Sydney: Currency Press, 1981), 8-202, passim
Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies: pioneering opera in Australia (Sydney: Opera-Opera/Pellinor, 1999), 119-143, passim, 231, 250, 251
DURANT, Henri (Henri DURANT; H. B. W. DURANT; H. DURANT; ? Henry; ? psued.)
Musician, professor of the cornet-à-piston and clarionet, cornet player, composer, arranger
? Born c. 1811 (aged "42" in 1853 VIC shipping record)
Active Sydney and Maitland, NSW, and Melbourne, VIC, April-September 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Conductor John Winterbottom (left) with his leading instrumentalists, Edward Tucker (first violin), Henri Durant (cornet), and possibly Frederick Evans Sloper (trumpet); detail from cover illustration of Winterbottom's presentation polka (May 1853), engraved by Walter George Mason, from a sketch by Frederick Charles Terry (DIGITISED)
Mr. H. B. W. Durant first advertised as a teacher of cornet and clarinet in Sydney in April 1853, and was also advertised to appear in concert with John Winterbottom's band that month. His solo in The duke of Cambridge galop (a work variously attributed to "Ernest" or "Ernesto", probably Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst) proved popular and was programmed nightly, and Henry Marsh published a sheet edition in April "as performed by Mr. Durant with Immense Success".
Durant took his benefit on 17 May, and later travelled with the band to Maitland, NSW, and Melbourne, VIC. He was variously billed as "Principal Cornet-a-Piston, Royal Italian Opera, and her Majesty's private band", and "Principal Cornet-a-Piston" of Louis Jullien's Band.
He returned to Sydney in mid September 1853, and, only five months after first arriving, disappeared completely from record.
There being no identifiable record of him earlier or later, either in Australia or in Britain, the possibility should perhaps be considered that Durant was a pseudonym, and that he and the cornet player Henry De Grey, active in Australia 1852-54, were one and the same.
Sydney, NSW (April-May 1853):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 April 1853), 1
MUSIC. - Mr. H. B. W. Durant, Professor of the Cornet-à-Piston and Clarionet,
wishes to inform amateurs and others that he has commenced giving lessons on the above instruments. Burnbank Hotel, Balmain.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1853), 1
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS a la JULLIEN, open for the first time on MONDAY next, April 25, for one month only,
SOLO INSTRUMENTALISTS. Pianoforte - Mr. Henry Marsh; Bassoon - M. Winterbottom
Violin - M. Tucker; Contra Basso - Herr Ellyer
Flute - Richardson; Saxhorn - M. Stople Evans
CORNET-A-PISTON - M. Henri Durant.
CONDUCTOR - M. Winterbottom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Henry Marsh (piano); Edward Tucker (violin); ? Herr Elze (double bass); John James Mallcott Richardson (flute); Frederick Evans Sloper (saxhorn); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (25 April 1853), 3
PART I . . . Valse - "Prima Donna," - Jullien - CORNET-A-PISTON OBLIGATO, Performed by M. Henri Durant . . .
Galop - "Duke of Cambridge" - Ernesto - SOLO, CORNET-A-PISTON, - M. Henri Durant . . .
PART II . . . New Irish Quadrille, "The Hibernians," Jullien - Composed expressly in honour of Her Majesty's visit to Ireland,
with variations for Flute, M. Richardson, Cornet-a-Piston, M. H. Durant, and Sax Horn, M. Sloper Evans . . .
Valse - "D'Amour," - Koenig - With Duet for Cornet-a-Piston, M. H. Durant, and Sax Horn, M. Evans Sloper . . .
Polka - Drum - Jullien - As performed at Winterbottom's Promenade Concerts, Melbourne, for 100 Nights -
Cornet Obligato, M. H. Durant - The Drummers of the 11th Regiment under the direction of the Drum Major . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Campbell (drum major, 11th regiment)
MUSIC: Prima donna waltz (Jullien); Drum polka (Jullien)
"PROMENADE CONCERTS A LA JULLIEN", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 April 1853), 3
A word of very cordial greeting to Mr. Winterbottom and his talented corps is all that our crowded space will allow this morning. The arrival of the Shamrock steamer having remedied the contretemps which compelled the postponement of the first concert from Monday until last evening, a crowded audience welcomed the company; and from first to last the warmest applause evinced the pleasure which their performances gave. The soli instrumentalists were Mr. Winterbottom, bassoon; Mr. H. Durant, cornet-a-piston; Mr. C. Dell Valle, violin; Mr. S. Evans, sax horn; and Mr. Richardson, flute. The only vocal performances were confided to Mrs. Fiddes (late Miss Harriet Cawse), who was received in a manner which her long established reputation in the best musical circles of England merited. We must content ourselves for the present with saying that the whole of the arrangements went off with the utmost eclat, and that to the lovers of good music the arrival of this company promises to be a source of high gratification.
ASSOCIATIONS: Felix Caranzani del Valle (violin); Harriet Fiddes (vocalist)
"PROMENADE CONCERTS", Empire (28 April 1853), 2
On Tuesday evening, the first of a series of Concerts was given in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel. The entertainments have received the name of Promenade Concerts, somewhat on the lucus a non lucendo principle, for they are generally so crowded, that it is next to impossible to promenade. On this occasion there was a very large audience, and never was the unfitness of the room for musical purposes more apparent. The orchestra is raised some feet from the floor, and in consequence is placed so near to the ceiling of this low apartment, that it interfered very materially with the effect of the music. The room itself has been redecorated, and looks very much improved, from the efforts that have been made. The band consists of 30 performers, some of them of a high order of excellence, and is led by Mr. Winterbottom, who is well known as a first rate performer on the bassoon, in London . . . The great support of the orchestra was the cornet-a-piston, played by M. Henri Durant. This gentleman's tone is very pure, and he executes rapid-passages with great precision and spirit. He was very much applauded in his solo performance . . . The animating strains of the Drum Polka formed a lively, and rather obstreperous conclusion to a very good Concert.
[Advertisement], Empire (29 April 1853), 1
THIS EVENING (Friday), April 29th, 1853 . . .
Solo Cornet-a-Piston - "Exile's Lament" - Koenig - M. Henri Durant, first time . . .
MUSIC: The exile's lament [Ah! Nora, mine own, 'tis a long weary day] (by Roch Albert [? pseud. Jullien], arranged as a cornet solo by Hermann Koenig)
"PROMENADE CONCERTS A LA JULLIEN", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (30 April 1853), 3
We experienced for the first time in this colony the pleasure of hearing a band of first-rate instrumentalists, conducted by an artiste, the friend and coajutor of the greatest musical genius of the age, Julien. Mr. Winterbottom and his band are as one instrument . . . Mr. H. Durant is an exquisite cornet-a-piston player . . . we strongly advise our friends to pay an early visit.
PROMENADE CONCERTS A LA JULLIEN", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (30 April 1853), 3
The admirable performances of this talented corps have been the means of deservedly attracting large and fashionable audiences during the past week, and we congratulate the music-loving public upon this accession to their intellectual enjoyment. The playing of Mr. H. Durant upon the cornet-a-piston is accounted first-rate by the most competent judges . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1853), 1
IMMENSE SUCCESS. CAMBRIDGE GALOP EVERY EVENING (Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, M. Henri Durant.) Nightly encored . . .
"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (7 May 1853), 3
. . . Among the leading attractions of these concerts are the solo performances of Messrs. Winterbottom, Durant, and others. The former has so completely, and with so much skill identified himself with his instrument that it sometimes seems a moot point to determine whether Winterbottom is a mere living expansion of his Fagotto (the Italian name for his instrument), or whether the Bassoon itself is anything but an offshoot or tendril of Winterbottom . . . Of Mr. Durant we must content ourself with remarking that he requires but little more practice to place him in the same rank of professional eminence with his distinguished brother musician in England Herr Koenig . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (16 May 1853), 1
Quadrille (first time), "Montmorency," Bossisio [Bosisio]. With Solos for Cornet-a-Piston, M. H. Durant - Flute, M. Williams, nightly encored at Winterbottom's Promenade Concerts, Melbourne . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1853), 2
M. HENRI DURANT'S (principal cornet-a-piston) BENEFIT, THIS EVENING, Tuesday, May 17.
Vocalist : Mr. John Gregg, the celebrated bass singer, from Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, will make his last appearance but four.
Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber
Valse - Prima Donna (solo obligato M. Henri Durant) - Jullien
Ballad - As I view those scenes so charming (Mr. John Gregg) - Bellini
Quadrille - Jetty Treffz (solo cornet-a-piston, M. H. Durant; flute, M. Williams) - Jullien
Solo, Cornet-a-Piston - Come e gentil (celebrated serenade from Don Pasquale, with the original vocal chorus) - Donizetti
Song - Simon the Cellarer (Mr. John Gregg) - Hatton
New Irish Quadrille - The Hibernian, composed expressly in honour of her Majesty's visit to Ireland;
with variations for flute, M. Williams; cornet-a-piston. M. H. Durant; and Sax horn, M. Evans Sloper) - Jullien
Overture - Tancredi - Rossini
Ballad - In this old chair (opera, Maid of Honour) (Mr. John Gregg) - Balfe
Valse - Dew Drop - D'Albert
Song - The Blacksmith (Mr. John Gregg, composed expressly for him) - Cherry.
Polka - Old English - Tucker
Solo, Bassoon - Fra poco a me, from the opera Lucia de Lammermoor - M. Winterbottom
Galop - Duke of Cambridge (by desire) Ernesto; (solo, Cornet a Piston, M. H. Durant.)
Conductor - Mr. Winterbottom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist)
"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1853), 3
A full and fashionable audience greeted Mr. Winterbottom last night, on the occasion of his benefit. The great feature of the evening was Haydn's Symphony "The Surprise," which was enthusiastically encored . . . Messrs. Durant, Sloper Evans, and Tucker, repeated the performances, which have elicited so much applause during the very short season which we are sorry to learn Mr. Winterbottom's arrangements will only allow his visit to Sydney to include . . .
"WINTERBOTTOM'S MONSTER CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (28 May 1853), 2
The "Benefit" soiree musicale of the talented conductor of this admirable band, took place on Thursday evening [26 May], and was fully commensurate with the occasion. The saloon of the Royal Hotel was thrown open at 7 p.m., and the arrival of carriages with their inmates, for the most part in full evening costume, continued uninterrupted until the first note of the opening Overture - Fra Diavolo. The performances, inclusive of the favorite band of the XITH regiment, were in excellent [t]one and training; and their harmonious strains elicited prolonged and enthusiastic plaudits. The solos of Messrs. Winterbottom, Tucker, Durant and Evans, were severally honored with a second call, as was also the beautiful Song of "Madeline "by Mr. John Gregg . . . Between the first and second parts a New Polka, composed by Mr. Winterbottom [sic], and illustrated by an engraving representing the Band, from the magic pencil of Mr. Terry, engraved by Mr. W. G. Mason, was presented to each lady occupying a reserved seat . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment (military); Frederick Charles Terry (artist); Walter George Mason (engraver)
MUSIC: Winterbottom's presentation polka (The peasant polka, by Kalozdy)
"LOSS OF THE MONUMENTAL CITY STEAMER", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1853), 2
Mr. Winterbottom and his talented company have signified their intention of devoting the proceeds of a concert, to be given by them on Saturday evening [4 June], to the assistance of the survivors and the relatives of those who perished on the fatal occasion of the wreck of the Monumental City . . . The programme includes a list of most attractive performances, the instrumental soli being by Mr. Winterbottom, Mr. Durant, Mr. Evans Sloper, Mr. Tucker, and Mr. Coleman Jacobs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Coleman Jacobs (pianist); Monumental City (shipwreck); among those who drowned in the wreck were Thomas Mereton (actor) and Gibson and Hannah Stubbs (actors), all of Geelong, VIC
Newcastle and Maitland, NSW (June 1853):
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (4 June 1853), 3
Grand Promenade Concert. COURT HOUSE, NEWCASTLE,
Solo Instrumentalists: M. WINTERBOTTOM, Principal Bassoon at her Majesty's Theatre.
MR. EDWARD TUCKER, Principal Violin, Royal Italian Opera.
M. HENRI DURANT, Principal Cornet-a-Piston, Jullien's Band.
M. JOHN GREGG, Principal Bass Singer, from Theatre Royal, Drury Lane . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (8 June 1853), 3
M. HENRI DURANT, Principal Cornet-a-Piston, Jullien's Band . . .
[Multiple advertisements], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 June 1853), 3
M. HENRI DURANT, Principal Cornet-a-Piston, Royal Italian Opera, and her Majesty's private band . . .
Solo (Cornet-a-Piston M. HENRI DURANT) - Bay of Biscay - Durant . . .
"WINTERBOTTOM'S PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 June 1853), 2
On Wednesday evening, the first of these concerts (in Maitland) was given at the Northumberland Hotel, the long room of which was crowded to excess, several persons indeed being refused admission; although the dimensions of the room prevented any possibility of leaving space for promenading. The performers, numbered eight, besides Mr. Gregg, the bass singer. Perhaps no performance ever took place in Maitland, that yielded more universal satisfaction than this concert, judging from what we heard. Each of the four principal performers, Mr. Winterbottom on the bassoon, Mr. Durant on the cornet-a-piston, Mr. Gregg, and Mr. Edward Tucker on the violin, were encored in more than one of their solos, and in each case, a new and brilliant piece of music or song was substituted. On Thursday evening Mr. Winterbottom and his fellow musicians gave a concert in the court-house, East Maitland. The large court-room was nearly filled . . . Last evening they performed again at the Northumberland; and this evening (Saturday) they perform at the Northumberland Circus, West Maitland. On Monday they perform at Newcastle; on Tuesday at Raymond Terrace; on Wednesday morning at the court-house, East Maitland; on Wednesday evening at the Northumberland Hotel Circus, West Maitland; on Thursday at Morpeth; and on Friday and Saturday, the 17th and 18th, at the Northumberland Circus, West Maitland.
"EPITOME OF HUNTER RIVER DISTRICT NEWS (From our Correspondent) CONCERT", Empire (13 June 1853), 3
Mr. Winterbottom's band gave a concert at the Northumberland Hotel, West Maitland, on Wednesday last . . . Henri Durant delighted the audience with the tromp, whose tones are half-silvery and half brazen; and did as much with that difficult instrument as could be expected. He was loudly applauded and rapturously encored . . .
Sydney, NSW (late June):
"MR. EVANS SLOPER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 June 1853), 2
We are afraid that the inclement weather was prejudicial to the full success of Mr. Sloper last evening, but a fashionable, albeit not a numerous, audience greeted him . . . Prominent among the morceaux given last evening was the duetto "Deh Conte," from Bellini's Norma, rendered on the saxhorn and cornet-a-piston by Mr. Sloper and Mr. Durant . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1853), 1
Part I . . . Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, "The Standard Bearer," Mr. Henri Durant . . .
Part II . . . Duet, Sax Horn and Cornet-a-Piston, "What are the Wild Waves Saying," Mr. E. Sloper and Mr. H. Durant . . .
MUSIC: What are the wild waves saying (Glover)
"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1853), 2
June [sic, July] 2. - New Orleans, steamer, 300 tons, Captain Wilson, for Melbourne.
Passengers . . . Messrs. . . . E. Tucker, Mr. Winterbottom, Messrs. Gregg, Durant . . . and 27 in the steerage.
Melbourne, VIC (July and August 1853):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 July 1853), 4
MR. WINTERBOTTOM has much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Melbourne,
that having just received from England a choice assortment of Dance Music, comprising the most recent compositions of Jullien, Tinney, Coote, D'Albert, Bossissia [sic, Bosisio], Lanner &c., he will now be enabled to attend
with his unrivalled Band at Quadrille parties, balls, Mr. W. has had much experience in England, at Her Majesty's State Balls, Almack's.
Principal Cornet a Piston, M. Henri Durant. All communications to be addressed, care of Mr. Wilkie, Clarendon Hotel, Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wilkie (manager)
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 July 1853), 4
Mr. Winterbottom has the honor to announce his return from the Metropolis of New South Wales . . .
Mr. HENRI DURANT, Principal Cornet-a-Piston, from Her Majesty's Band, will have the honor of making his first appearance in Melbourne.
Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber
Valse - Prima Donna - Jullien - Cornet-a-piston obligato, Mr. Henri Durant . . .
Galop - Duke of Cambridge (first time) - Ernesto -
Composed in honor of the grand review at Portsmouth, under the command of H.R.H. Duke of Cambridge -
Cornet-a-piston Solo, M. Henri Durant,
As performed by him for one hundred consecutive nights in Sydney, with undiminished success.
PART II. Quadrille - The Bloomer, with solos for Cornet-a-piston - Jullien - M. H. Durant - Finale Yankee Doodle and the Star Spangled Banner (first time) . . .
Solo, Cornet-a-piston - The Exile's Lament, M. Henri Durant - Koenig . . .
Quadrille - Jetty Treffz - Jullien - Solos for Cornet-a-piston, Mr. Henri Durant . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George, Duke of Cambridge (soldier); probably the review at Portsmouth, England, on 2-3 July 1851; Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 July 1853), 3
MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. A Night with Mendelssohn and Hayden.
Thursday, July 14th, 1853. Winterbottom and his unrivalled Band.
Mr. Winterbottom has much pleasure in announcing that his first Grand Concert will take place as above,
upon which occasion will be performed Mendelssohn's Wedding march, and the Andante to Hayden's Surprise.
Vocalist, Mr. John Gregg.
Principal Cornet-a-Piston, M. Henri Durant, Whose extraordinary performances have created such an immense furore Winterbottom's Concerts.
Programme: PART I. Overture -Zampa - Herold.
Valse - Ladies of England - Winterbottom.
Song - Madeline - Mr. J. Gregg - Nelson.
Symphony - Surprise - Hayden.
Solo, Cornet-a-Piston - The Exiles' Lament - M. Henri Durant - Koenig.
New Polka - Uncle Tom's Cabin - Winterbottom.
Scena - As I view those Scenes - Mr. J. Gregg - Bellini.
March - Midsummer Night's Dream, Wedding March - Mendelssohn.
PART II. Overture - Tancredi - Rossini.
Vales- Dew Drop - D'Albert . . .
Quadrille - Jetty Treffz, with solo Cornet-a-Piston- M. Henri Durant - Jullien . . .
Galop - The Duke of Cambridge, Cornet obligato - M. H. Durant - Ernesto.
Leader - Mr. Tucker. Conductor - Mr. Winterbottom . . .
Mr. Winterbottom has the honor to announce the engagement of the celebrated Saxe Horn performers, Mr. Distin and Sons . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Distin family (English musicians; in the event, never arrived in Australia); Nugent Varley (manager); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"MR. WINTERBOTTOM'S CONCERT", The Argus (15 July 1853), 5
The large room at the Mechanics was pretty well attended last evening, to witness the first concert given there by Mr. Winterbottom . . . The instrumental performances were very good indeed . . . A M. Durant made his debut upon the cornopean, and played in several pieces with a brilliancy and rapidity of execution that we never heard equalled upon that instrument.
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 July 1853), 8
ROWE'S CIRCUS, Saturday Evening, July 16 - WINTERBOTTOM'S Grand Promenade Concert . . . Cornet-a-Piston, M. Henri Durant . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 July 1853), 8
ROWE'S CIRCUS. Saturday next, July 23rd, 1853. Winterbottom's Grand Promenade Concert . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Tancredi - First time - Rossini
Valse - Dew Drop - D'Albert - Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, M. H. Durant . . .
New Polka - The Argo . . .
Quadrille - Bloomer - Jullien . . .
Galop - Duke of Cambridge - By desire - Ernesto - Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, M. H. Durant
PART II. Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber
Valse - Crystal Palace - Alfred O.O. Read [Oakey] . . .
New Polka - Valentine's Day - Montgomery.
New Solo, Cornet-a-Piston - Bay of Biscay - M. Henry Durant - Durant . . .
Quadrille - Hibernians - Jullien - Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, M. Henri Durant.
Leader, Mr. Edward Tucker. Conductor, M. Winterbottom . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 July 1853), 8
ROWES CIRCUS. To-night. Grand Scottish Festival. Winterbottom's Grand Promenade Concert . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Guy Mannering - Bishop . . .
PART II . . . Solo, Cornet-a-Piston - M. H. Durant - Durant . . .
Galop - Duke of Cambridge - Ernesto - Solo, Obligato, Cornet-a-Piston, M. H. Durant . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 August 1853), 8
MELBOURNE Thursday Concerts - Mechanics' Institute - To Night, Thursday, August 10.
Under the direction of M. Winterbottom . . . Instrumentalists: M. Henri Durant, M. Winterbottom.
Programme: Part I. Overture - Il Flauto Magico - Mozart . . .
Quadrille - Montmorency . . .
Solo, Cornet-a-Piston - In Happy Moments, M. Henri Durant - Balfe [sic, Wallace] . . .
New Polka, Juniper - Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, M. Henri Durant - Koenig . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 August 1853), 8
ROWE"S CIRCUS. - To-MORROW, August 20th.
WINTERBOTTOM'S Grand Monster Concert, nearly One Hundred Performers . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Valse, last time - La Prima Donna, solo, cornet-a-piston, M. Henri Durant -- Jullien . . .
Polka - Blue Bell, with quartette for four cornets-a piston, M. Henri Durant, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. De Witt - Koenig . . .
First time this season, Great Exhibition Quadrille . . .
No. 4. - Partant pour La Syrie, French Air, taken from an old Eastern Melody, with variations for ophecleide,
Herr Dreutler, cornet, M. Henri Durant . . .
PART II . . . Quadrille - Hibernian, with solo for cornet-a-piston, M. Henri Durant - Jullien . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Stewart (cornet); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (cornet); Mr. De Witt (cornet); Herr Dreutler (ophicleide)
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 August 1853), 8
TO-Night. - Melbourne Thursday Concerts. - Mechanics' Institute. - Thursday Evening, 26th inst . . .
Solo Instrumentalists. - M. Durant (cornet-a-piston), M. Cooze, M. Radford, M. Tucker, M. Winterbottom, &c., &c.
Part 1. Overture, Coriolan (second time this season) - Beethoven.
Quadrille, La Guerre des Femmes - Boccio [Bosisio] . . .
Solo (cornet a-piston) - M. Henri Durant.
Polka, Uncle Tom's Cabin - Montgomery.
Part II. Overture, Fidelio - Beethoven . . .
Galop, Duke of Cambridge, with cornet-a-piston obligato, M. Henri Durant - Ernesto . . .
Conductor, Mr. Winterbottom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Cooze (musician); Mark Radford (musician)
? Names and descriptions of passengers, per Vanquish, from Melbourne, 31 August 1853, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin . . . H. Durant / 42 / Digger . . .
? "ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List [Sydney, NSW] (19 September 1853), 278
September 13. - Vanquish, schooner, 126 tons, Captain Scott, from Melbourne 9th instant. Passengers - . . . Messrs. White, Durant . . .
Associated musical editions:
Duke of Cambridge galop, as performed by Mr. Durant, with immense success, at Winterbottom's Promenade Concerts (Sydney: H. Marsh & Co., [1853]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (publisher, musicseller)
DURET, Marie (Marie DURET; Madame DURET; Mrs. James H. LE ROY; LEROY)
Arrived [1] Sydney, NSW, 11 August 1856 (per Horizont, from San Francisco)
Departed [1] Melbourne, VIC, by July 1857
Died San Francisco, CA, USA, 6 April 1881 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
First Australian tour (1856-57):
Passengers arrived in the ship Horizont from the Port of San Francisco to Sydney, 9 July 1856; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
[Cabin] . . . Mrs. Sinclair . . . Madame Duret, Mr. Lekay [sic, Leroy] . . . Mr. Loder, Mr. & Mrs. Dean & one boy . . . Steerage . . . John Dunn & 4 children . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Norton Sinclair (actor); George Loder (musician); John Deane (musician) and wife; John Benjamin Dunn (actor) and children
Second Australian and NZ tour (1860-63):
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (1 December 1860), 4
MADAME MARIE DURET, after an absence of three years, during which time she has visited California, the States, and England, has returned to the colonies, and is now prepared to
NEGOTIATE with MANAGERS, for one, two, or more weeks, for the purpose of producing a number of
NEW MANUSCRIPT PIECES, never performed in Australia; among which may be enumerated
the great American play of The Octoroon, or Life In Louisiana; Marie de Rudenz, or The Undying One;
The Yew Tree Ruins; The Twins of York; Jack Long, of Texas; How we Live In the World of London; The British Bulldogs, etc.
Please address No. 2 Princes street, Collingwood, Melbourne.
Third Australian visit (1868-72):
"SHIPPING . . . ARRIVED", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (24 September 1868), 4
September 23, Catharine, bqe., 414 tons, J. M. Doble, from Boston 9th May, via Cape Town 18th ult. Passengers - cabin : Madame Marie Duret and Mr. J. H. Le Roy . . .
Fourth Australian visit (1876-77):
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS. - NOVEMBER 9", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (10 November 1876), 4
Zealandia (s.), 3000 tons, Captain Ferries, from San Francisco. Passengers - Madame Duret . . .
[News], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (16 September 1878), 1
James H. Le Roy, an actor and dramatist, died suddenly, at No. 317 Geary street, at halt-past twelve o'clock yesterday morning. Deceased was a native of Arkansas, aged 63 years.
"Death of Madame Marie Duret", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (25 June 1881), 2
This well-known and clever actress died in San Francisco, California, on the 6th of April last, after a long period of pecuniary distress and physical suffering. The deceased lady was a native of England, and in that country she commenced her dramatic career, and achieved considerable reputation. In 1850 she went as "a star" to America, making her debut in that country at the Walnut-street Theatre, Philadelphia. After appearing in New York and in several of the principal cities, she went on travelling tours, and for some years was more or less successful, and failing to attract large audiences by legitimate roles, she abandoned them for more sensational characters, such as Jack Sheppard and The French Spy. In the latter part of 1856 she left America for Australia. Arrived in Melbourne and opened at Coppin's Olympic Theatre on the 27th of January, 1857, in her own version of the juvenile housebreaker. In that adaptation of Harrison Ainsworth's novel she depicted the exploits of Jack Sheppard to a greater extent than all others that had been presented before the public. The mechanical sets, pourtraying some of the interiors of prisons from which Jack escaped, and the adjacent buildings were highly effective, and the daring feats Madame Duret accomplished while climbing about the stage with all the freedom of one of the male sex always aroused her audiences to a high pitch of enthusiasm. After a tour through the Australian colonies she returned to England, where she played in the provinces for a short time, then again to America, where she re-commenced starring, but without success. For years she was then missed from public life, and at the latter end of 1877 she was heard of living in retirement in San Francisco, where her husband, Mr. J. H. Leroy, an actor and dramatist, who died September 15th, 1878, was teaching elocution. Since that sad event, Madame Duret's existence is said to have been "one prolonged agony."
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 50th Regiment
Born Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, c. 1840
Arrived [1] Melbourne, VIC, 2 November 1863 (per Himalaya, from Colombo, 10 October, en route to New Zealand)
Arrived [12] Sydney, NSW, 9 October 1866 (per Auckland, from Auckland, New Zealand, 1 October)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 24 March 1869 (per Himalaya, for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 50th Regiment (military)
Paylist of the 50th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1864; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6157 (DIGITISED)
Privates . . . 321 / Durrant Bose F. / Auckland [NZ] / Band 8
"WATER POLICE COURT. SATURDAY [28 March].", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 March 1868), 2
Thomas Rushworth, 37, labourer, was brought up by senior constable Dalton (who is attached to the guard of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh). He stated that yesterday, on board H.M.S. Galatea, he apprehended prisoner on a charge of personating one of the privates of H.M. 50th Regiment . . . Corporal Mather of the 50th Regiment deposed that prisoner did not belong to the Regiment, but that he now wore the uniform which belonged to a bandsman. B. F. Durranto, the bandsman, identified the uniform as his, and stated that whilst he and prisoner were in a public-house together drinking, he allowed prisoner to put on his uniform. Prisoner left him down by the Parramatta steamer. Prisoner was discharged.
Paylist of the 50th Queen's Own Regiment from 1 April to 30 June 1868; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6162 (DIGITISED)
Privates . . . 321 / Durrant, Bose F. / . . . Band
Disability and Out-Pensions, admissions, 1877; UK National Archives, WO116/114 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)
No. 51662 / 50th Regiment / Bose Folery Durrant / no. 321 / [born] . . . Bury St Edmunds / Labourer / [age] 37 . . .
DURRANT, James Joseph (James Joseph DURRANT; Mr. J. J. DURRANT; Mr. J. DURRANT)
Amateur musician, violinist, handbell ringer, draper, warehouseman
Born Ilford, Essex, England, c. 1831; son of James DURRANT and Ann NEWSON
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by April 1865
Married Emily Ann ROYLE (1838-1913), St. Mark's, Fritzroy, VIC, 22 November 1866
Died Yarra Bend Asylum, VIC, 6 September 1884, aged "53" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DURRANT, Joseph William (Joseph William DURRANT; Mr. J. W. DURRANT)
Amateur musician, handbell ringer, whitesmith
Born Vauxhall, Surrey, England, 1832; baptised St. Mary's, Lambeth, 16 September 1832; son of James DURRANT and Ann NEWSON
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, ? by April 1865
Died Windsor, VIC, 12 June 1900, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mary's Lamberth in the county of Surrey in the year 1832; register 1827-73, page 182; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL
No. 1452 / Sept'r 16 / Joseph William Son of / James & Ann / Durrant / Vauxhall / Publican . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Margaret, Westminster; UK National Archives, HO107/1480 (PAYWALL)
71 York Street / James Durrant / Head / Marr. / 57 / Victualer / [born] Hayes Middlesex
Anne Durrant / Wife / [Marr.] / 48 / - / Suffolk
James Durrant / Son / U. / 19 / Draper / Essex
Joseph Durrant / [Son] / U. / 18 / Whitesmith / Surrey
Sarah Durrant / Daur. / U. / 17 / Lambeth Surrey
[Advertisement], St. Neots Chronicle and Advertiser [England] (8 December 1855), 1 (PAYWALL)
On Tuesday, 18th December, 1855, AT THE PUBLIC ROOMS, St. NEOTS,
WHEN SELECTIONS FROM "THE MESSIAH" Will be performed under the direction of Mr. POWTER.
INSTRUMENTALISTS: - VIOLINS - Mr. Ingram, of Cambridge, LEADER; Mr. Durrant, and Mr. Bennett . . .
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", St. Neots Chronicle and Advertiser (6 June 1857), 1 (PAYWALL)
The Concert, as announced, came off on the evening of Wednesday last, at the Public Rooms . . . The programme (consisting of selections from "The Messiah," and "Haydn's Creation,") was most judiciously arranged . . . Mr. Thomas Powter, the talented and assiduous conductor of the society, was, as usual, at his post . . . Amongst the instrumentalists, we were glad to observe Mr. Manning, of Cambridge, who was very properly associated as violinist with Mr. Durrant, a gentleman, who, by the bye, appears to us to be very useful member of the society . . .
England census, 7 April 1861, St. Neots, Huntingdonshire; UK National Archives, RG 9 / 981 (PAYWALL)
Market Place / John Hipwell Goodgame / Head / Mar. / 57 / Draper / . . .
James Durrant / Aprent. / Un. / 29 / Draper's App[rentice] / [born] Essex Ilford . . . [and 3 other apprentices]
Melbourne, VIC (by 1865):
[Advertisement], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (29 April 1865), 2
The Emerald Hill Philharmonic Society will give an extra concert
In addition to the principal vocalists of the society the programme will include the name of
Mr. EDWIN EXON, And also of HERR SCHOTT, Who has kindly consented to play an OBOE SOLO On the occasion.
Conductor, Mr. David Lee. Honorary Leader, Mr. Durrant . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Exon (vocalist); James Arthur Schott (oboist); David Lee (conductor)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (13 October 1865), 5
The first annual meeting of the members of the Emerald-hill Philharmonic Society was held at the Mechanics' Institute, on Wednesday evening, when the report of the retiring committee was adopted, and the following gentlemen elected office-bearers for the years 1865-66, namely: - President, Henry Creswick, Esq., J.P., M.L.A.; vice-presidents, Edwin Exon, Esq., and Joseph Edwards, Esq.; secretary, Mr. T. J. Trowell; treasurer, Mr. W. J. Ranting; librarian, Mr. J. Ross; honorary leader, Mr. J. J. Durrant; organist, Mr. Harcourt Lee; committee, Messrs. Webster, Johnson, Lawrence, Hart, McCutcheon, Black and Hughes; conductor, Mr. David Lee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harcourt Lee (organist)
[News], The Herald (8 March 1866), 2
An entertainment was given yesterday evening, under the auspices of the Emerald Hill Volunteer Artillery, at the Orderly-room, Howe crescent. The entertainment was of a varied description - musical, dramatic, and gymnastic, the former predominating . . . Mr. Exon sang, "Good night, beloved," being accompanied on the harp by Miss Rainsford; the piece was encored. One feature of the entertainment was the performance several airs on twenty-two hand-bells by Messrs. J. and J. W. Durrant . . .
[News], The Herald (13 April 1866), 2
The Emerald Hill Philharmonic Society gave their first extra concert for the year last night in the Mechanics' Institute, Cecil street, on which occasion the oratorio "The Messiah," was performed, in a very satisfactory manner . . . Mr. David Lee officiated as conductor, Mr. Durrant as leader . . .
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (28 November 1866), 4
DURRANT - ROYLE. - On the 22nd inst., at St. Mark's, Fitzroy, by the Rev. R. B. Barlow, James Joseph Durrant, eldest son of the late James Durrant, of York-street, Westminster, London, to Emily Ann, eldest daughter of the late William Royle, of Kennington-park, London. No cards.
[News], The Argus (13 July 1867), 5
The Penny Readings (silver entrance) at the Emerald-hill Town-hall last evening attracted a large audience . . . The Misses Easdown, Messrs. Alfred and John Ford, and Mr. Downes, were the vocalists of the evening; Mr. John A. Edwards the pianist . . . Messrs. Durrant gave a clever performance on the musical bells . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa and Percy Easdown (vocalists); Alfred Ford and probably correctly his brother Thomas (vocalists); John Ashcroft Edwards (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 September 1869), 8
In the DUKE of EDINBURGH THEATRE, Verdi's Grand Opera ERNANI . . . Conductor - Mr. David Lee.
BAND. Violins - Mr. E. King, Mr. Ernest King, Mr. George [sic] Thomas, Mr. J. Durrant.
Second Violins - Herr Carl Richty, Mr. Ryder, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Lewis . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); Ernest King (violin); Herbert Thomas (violin); Carl Richty (violin); George Hopwood Ryder (violin); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], Record [Emerald Hill, VIC] (6 June 1872), 4
A Grand CONCERT, Under Distinguished Patronage, will be given in the Hall of the above Institute, on TUESDAY, JUNE 11th,
by Mr. ADAM CLERKE (Bandmaster Emerald Hill Volunteer Artillery).
Principal Vocalists: Miss Amelia Bailey (Mrs. Smythe), Miss Bertha Watson, Miss Florence Bassett, Mr. E. Amery,
Mr. J. Stewart, and a Chorus of 20 selected Male Voices.
Principal Instrumentalists: Mr. Henry Johnson, (late Bandmaster H.M. 40th Regiment),
Solo Clarionet; Mr. J. Durrant, 1st Violin; Mr. W. H. Tolhurst, Viola; Mr. D. Herdman [sic], Violoncello; and Orchestral Band of 15 Performers.
Pianistes, Madame Victorine Pett and Lady Amateur. Band of the Emerald Hill Artillery.
Renowned Bellringers, Durrant Bros. Conductor, Mr. Adam Clerke . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Clerke (musician); Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Bertha Watson (vocalist); Florence Bassett (vocalist); Edwin Amery (vocalist); Henry Johnson (clarionet); William Henry Tolhurst (viola); Daniel Hardman (cello); Victorine Pett (pianist)
Case book of male patients, Yarra Bend Asylum, 1872-1912 [1884], vol. 6; Public Records Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
Name: James Joseph Durrant / By whom brought: Wife / Previous residence: 223 Clarendon St. S. Melb. . . . / Occupation: Warehouseman . . . /
Supposed cause: Softening of Brain / State of bodily health: Infirm / Form of insanity: Mania & Delusion . . .
Joseph Durrant (brother) Sarah Ann Serjeant (sister) /
Is occasionally violent to wife; say J. C. [Jesus Christ] to him to murder his wife; is sleepless and restless /
8. 5. 84 Talks excitedly all day long; says he is a Professor of Music; is not violent . . .
"Deaths", The Age (8 September 1884), 1
DURRANT. - On the 6th September, James Joseph Durrant, late of 223 Clarendon-street, South Melbourne, aged 53 years. Home papers please copy.
"ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL BELL-RINGERS", Fitzroy City Press (6 February 1886), 3
A concert and ball in aid of the St. Pattrick's Cathedral Bellringers, was held at St. Patrick's Hall, Victoria Parade, on Friday, the 29th ult. . . . The Bellringers then appeared once more in a selection of charming airs, but not until Mr. Hood had explained the unavoidable absence of Mr. J. Durrant, one of the Bellringers, who did not attend on account of family bereavement . . .
"A NIGHT WITH THE BELLRINGERS", The Prahran Telegraph (2 October 1889), 5
An event of a very pleasing character took place on Friday evening, 20th ult., at the Park View hotel, Punt-road, Windsor, when the Anglo-Australian Bellringers entertained the members of the Victorian Society of Bellringers . . . an illustration of bell tapping by Mr. Durrant was received with an enthusiastic encore . . .
The members of the above society rang on Saturday evening, 8th February, at St. Paul's Cathedral, on the big ten bells, a course of Grandsire caters. This is, we are informed, the first occasion of its being accomplished outside Great Britain, and it is thus worthy of record. The ringers stood as follow: - C. Crane, treble S. Wilkinson, 2; J. Heather, 3; T. B. Hall, 4; Jno. Beechey, 5; A. Raines, 6; Jas. Murray, 7; Jno. Guest, 8; H. Adams, 9; W. Pearson and J. Durrant, tenor.
DUST, James (James DUST)
Musician, late bandmaster, Band of the 46th Regiment
Born Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, England, 1805; baptised St. James the Less, Iron Acton, 17 November 1805; son of William DUST and Sarah LOCK
Enlisted (46th Regiment), London, England, 18 December 1827 (aged "21")
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 20 September 1847 (per Thomas Lord, from New Zealand, 4 September)
Died Hobart, VDL (TAS), c. 1848 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
James Dust, 46th regiment of foot, married Agnes Radford (Bradford) in Ireland in 1835; a daughter, Elizabeth was born before 1840 (Mrs. John Hennery/Hennessy, died Redfern, NSW, 23 November 1902, aged "65"). Dust left the 50th regiment in 1841, in Gibraltar, and he and his family moved first to Stoke Damerel, Devon, England, where another daughter Emma was born on 18 June 1841 (Mrs. William Ransome Gullick, died NSW, 1891). The family sailed from Plymouth per Blenheim arriving in New Plymouth, NZ, in 1842. A son, Edwin, was born there (he died in 1885). Agnes Dust or "Bradford", widow, married Edward Geary, in Sydney, on 5 July 1848; she died in 1882.
Well before Dust's time, the 46th Regiment had served in NSW 1814-17, when Robert McIntosh was the master of the Band of the 46th Regiment.
Baptized a.d. 1805, St. James the Less, Iron Acton; register 1783-1812; Bristol Archives, P/IA/R/1/3
[1805] [Nov'r] 17th / James / [aged] 1 month / Son [of] William Dust and Sarah Lock / Laborer
Description list, 46th Regiment, 1825-30; UK National Archives, WO25/397 (PAYWALL)
James Dust / 5ft 8 in / [age at enlistment] 21 / [born] Gloucester Iron Acton / Labourer / [Enlisted] Queen's Square London / 18 Dec. '27 . . .
Marriage licence bonds, Diocese of Down, Connor & Dromore; National Archives, Ireland (PAYWALL)
Radford Agnes and James Dust / 1835
[Notice], Wellington Independent [NZ] (11 February 1846), 2 supplement
LIST of all persons qualified to serve as Jurors for the District of Port Nicholson, for the year, 1846 . . .
Dust, James, Lambton quay, storekeeper . . .
Arrivals, per Thomas Lord, from New Zealand, Hobart, 20 September 1847; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:424396; MB2/39/1/9 P323 (DIGITISED)
. . . James Dust . . .
"Shipping Intelligence. PORT OF HOBART TOWN", Colonial Times [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (24 September 1847), 3
September 20. - Arrived the schooner Thomas Lord, Furley, master, from New Zealand 4th inst., with oil. Passengers - Mr. Lewis, Mr. Harris, Mr. Sackho (a native), and James Dust.
"MARRIAGES", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (12 September 1861), 1
HENNERY - DUST - On the 24th August, by special license, at St. Mary's Cathedral, by the Rev. Father McGirr, Mr. John Hennery, to Elizabeth Dust, daughter of James Dust, Esq., bandmaster of the 46th Regiment.
[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (4 April 1885), 1
JAMES DUST, Band Master 46th Regiment, died in Hobart in about 1848.
Persons knowing anything of above are requested to communicate with Mr. JOHN WILLIAMSON, Solicitor, Williamson's Chambers, 163, King Street, Sydney. Expenses paid.
DUTERRAU, Benjamin (Benjamin DUTTERRAU [sic]; Benjamin DUTERRAU; B. DUTERRAU)
Musical amateur, ? amateur vocalist, member, Hobart Town Choral Society, painter, artist
Born London, England, 2 March 1868; baptised St. Anne, Soho, 24 March 1768; son of Benjamin DUTTERRAU and Sarah CULVERWELL (m. St. Anne, Soho, 8 April 1766)
Married Elizabeth PERIGAL, St. Martin in the Fields, London, England, 7 May 1811
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 17 August 1832 (free per Lang, from London, 7 April)
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 11 July 1851, aged "83/84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
DUTERRAU, Jane Sarah (Jane Sarah DUTERRAU; Mrs. John BOGLE)
Musician, music teacher, governess
Born London, England, 1812; daughter of Benjamin DUTERRAU and Elizabeth PERIGAL (b. 1782; d. ? 1812)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 17 August 1832 (free per Lang, from London, 7 April)
Married John BOGLE, VDL (TAS), February 1838
Departed VDL (TAS), 1839 (for Glasgow)
Died Torquay, Devon, England, 11 October 1885 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Benjamin Duterrau and his wife Elizabeth Perigal were relatives of the business partnership, Duterreau and Perigal, London watchmakers.
By early 1831, Hannah Clark, of Ellinthorpe Hall, Van Diemen's Land, was considering engaging Benjamin and Jane Duterrau to emigrate from London to teach drawing and music respectively at her girls school. However, her brother-in-law in London, Charles Richard Clark, finding that Henry Mundy could also teach French as well as both other subjects, engaged him instead, and Mundy duly sailed from London in April 1831 for Hobart (1963, 83, 101 note 8). Despite having missed that opportunity, the Duterraus followed Mundy to Van Diemen's Land a year later, sailing from London in April 1832.
Jane probably never taught music publicly in Hobart, as, having arrived in August, already in October 1832 (DAAO), she was appointed governess to the children of George Arthur, the lieutenant governor, and his wife Eliza, (previously Sophia Letitia Davis had, at least briefly, been music teacher to the Arthur children).
In February 1838, Jane married a merchant, John Bogle, and returned to Britain the following year.
Meanwhile, in 1844, the 76-year-old Benjamin signed up as probably one of the oldest founding members of the Hobart Town Choral Society.
Baptisms, March 1768, St. Anne, Soho; register 1768-1812; City of Westminster Archives, STA/PR/1/3 (PAYWALL)
[Born] March 2 / Benjamin Dutterrau [son] of Benjamin & Sarah / [baptised] [March] 24
Marriages, May 1811, St. Martin in the Fields, London; register 1810-12, page 178; City of Westminster Archives, STM/PR/6/21 (PAYWALL)
[1811 May] 7th / Benjamin Duterrau a Bachelor and Elizabeth Perigal a spinster both of this parish
were married in this church by Licence, A.B., this [7 May 1811] . . . In the presence of J. Perigal, Sarah Moore, Mary Perigal
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Martin in the fields . . . in the year 1813; London Metropolitan Archives, Dl/T/093/006 (PAYWALL)
No. 24 / [1813 January] 9th / Jane Sarah [daughter of] / Benjamin & Elizabeth / Duterrau / 9 Buckingham Street / Insurance Broker . . .
Arrived at the Port of Hobart Town the ship Lang, 17 August 1832; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:424401; MB2/39/1/1 P279 (DIGITISED)
St'g passengers . . . Mr. B. Duterrau / Miss Duterrau . . .
"MARRIED", The Hobart Town Courier [VDL (TAS)] (9 February 1838), 2
On Thursday the 6th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Lillie, John Bogle, esq. to Jane Sarah, only daughter of Benjamin Duterrau, esq. Campbell street.
"BIRTHS", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (27 October 1840), 7
On the 10th June, at Elmbank Crescent, Glasgow, Mrs. John Bogle, of a daughter, wife of Mr. Bogle, of the firm of Kerr, Alexander, & Co., of this town.
Rules and regulations of the Hobart Town Choral Society, established at Hobart Town, January 1843 ([Hobart: s.n.], 1844), unpaginated list (DIGITISED)
LIST OF MEMBERS FOR 1844 . . . [Mr.] B. DUTERRAU . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Town Choral Society (association)
"BIRTHS", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (14 September 1850), 604
At Torquay, Devon, on the 17th May, 1850, Mrs. John Bogle, of a son.
1851, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1189504; RGD35/1/3 no 805 (DIGITISED)
No. 805 / [1851] July 11th / Benjamin Duterrau / Male / [84] years / Artist / Decay of Nature / . . .
"AN HISTORICAL PAINTING. Work of Benjamin Duterrau", The Mercury (18 July 1928), 10
. . . He was descended from a French Huguenot family who had taken refuge in England. His art education was acquired in London where he was born in 1767 [sic], he learned the art of steel engraving, and practised it as a business there, but attracted by accounts of the Swan River Colony (W.A.), he left London with the intention of settling in the colony, and arrived there in 1832. At that, time glowing accounts of Van Diemen's Land were in circulation, and Mr. Duterrau changed his purpose and came on to Hobart Town, accompanied by his daughter and sister-in-law. They resided in the old white house at the corner of Campbell and Patrick Streets, and there Mr. Duterrau practised portrait painting. He won reputation, and the Governor (Colonel Arthur) took a keen interest in his work. Miss Duterrau became a governess to the vice-regal family, and no doubt the Governor induced her father to undertake the portrayal of the aboriginals and encouraged and aided him in his work. He frequently visited the studio. As the aboriginals were brought in by Robinson, and were camped in the yard of his house at the corner of Elizabeth and Warwick Streets, Duterrau was given good material on which to work the results of which are to be seen in the numerous paintings, copper-plate engravings, and plaster casts now in possession of the Museum. A few years before his death he removed to a house in Bathurst Street, next to the old King Hall, and died there, in 1851, at the age of 84 years. His daughter married Mr. Bogle, of the firm of Kerr and Bogle merchants, of Hobart, and they afterwards returned to England, and settled there. Most of Duterrau's best works were sent, by request of Mrs. Bogle, to England after her father's death.
NOTE: The Duterreaus did not arrive in Hobart via the Swan River Colony; see DAAO for clarification
Bibliography and resources:
A. Rand, "Duterrau, Benjamin (1767-1851)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
"Benjamin Duterrau", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)
G. F. Stilwell, "Mr. and Mrs. George Carr Clark of Ellinthorp Hall", Tasmanian Historical Research Association 11/3 (April 1963), (72-109), 83, 101 note 8;dn=81114276306;res=IELAPA (PAYWALL)
"Benjamin Duterrau", Wikipedia
DUTHIE, Alexander (Alexander DUTHIE; Mr. A. DUTHIE)
Amateur vocalist, bookseller, stationer, musicseller
Born at sea, 8 October 1829; baptised St. Andrew, Holborn, London, England, 17 February 1830; son of
Alexander DUTHIE (1798-1846) and Sarah Wilkins GIBLIN (d. 1855)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 15 October 1845 (per Calcutta, from London, 2 July)
Married Mary Hill MACEACHARN (c. 1828-1897), Launceston, TAS, 16 June 1853
Died Ballarat, VIC, 8 August 1888, aged "58/59" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, London, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1830; register 1820-31, page 331; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/And2/A/01/Ms 6667/23 (PAYWALL)
No. 2647 / [1830 Feb'y] 17 / Alexander [son of] / Alexander [and] Sarah / Duthie / Commercial Road / Mariner / Born: 8 Oct. 1829 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: He was their first child; Alexander Duthie senior and Sarah Wilkins Giblin had married at St. David's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), on 2 September 1828 (see record)
"SHIPPING NEWS. PORT OF HOBART TOWN", The Courier [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (18 October 1845), 2
October 15 - Arrived the bark Calcutta, 484 tons, Ross, from London 2nd July, with a general cargo - passengers . . . Master Duthie . . .
See also the later arrival of the rest of his family, or perhaps his own second arrival, "HOBART TOWN. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (18 December 1848), 2
December 2 - Windermere, barque, 669 tons, Ross, from London the 24th August. Passengers . . . Mrs. Duthie, three sons, and one daughter . . .
1853, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:849537; RGD37/1/12 no 1090 (DIGITISED)
No. 5 / 1090 / 11th June 1853 . . . / Alexander Duthie / Full age / Bookseller
Mary Hill MacEacharn / Full age / Spinster . . . according to the rites . . . of Presbyterian church . . .
[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News [NSW] (22 April 1854), 8
MESSRS. H. MARSH & CO. trust that the extensive arrangements they have made with all the principal London Music Warehouses,
for the receipt of their latest publications and most approved instruments, will ensure a continuance of the favours which they have,
for the last four years, so liberally received from the Musical Public of the Australian Colonies . . .
Launceston - Mr. A. Duthie and Mr. J. S. Imberg . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musician, musicseller, publisher); Julius Imberg (musician, musicseller)
? "NTERESTING TO THE FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 January 1855), 5
A Temperance Soiree took place at the Baptist Chapel at Emerald Hill on Friday evening, after which a public meeting was held, over which Thomas Watson, Esq., presided. Several temperance melodies were sung by a young man of the name of Duthie, from Scotland . . .
NOTE: Duthie is on record visiting Melbourne earlier in 1854, and possibly also late in the year; although it remains uncertain, this could possibly be him, or a relative
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (1 August 1855), 7
MUSICAL. JOHN DETTMER JACKSON, practical Pianoforte and Musical Instrument Maker, Tuner, &c.
Every description of musical instruments tuned and repaired.
[manicule] Orders to be left at Mr. Duthie's, Stationer, Brisbane-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Dettmer Dodds Jackson (pianoforte maker and tuner)
"ST. ANDREW'S DINNER", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (1 December 1855), 2
The annual festival of the St. Andrew's Society was celebrated last evening at the Cornwall Hotel, and about sixty gentlemen sat down to dinner . . .
The music was supplied by Mr. Sharp's band, and we never heard better.
After ample justice had been done to the more substantial part of the feast, and the dessert placed on the table, the following toasts were given from the chair: . . .
The Vice-Chairman next rose to propose "The Health of the Guests" . . . Air - "John Anderson, my Joe John" . . .
Song - "Friendship," Mr. McEacharn and Mr. Duthie . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (musician)
"NEW MUSIC", The Cornwall Chronicle (26 April 1856), 5
The musical public will, no doubt, be glad to learn that there is on sale, at A. Duthie's, Brisbane-street, a choice and extensive assortment of the latest compositions, received via Melbourne, among which will be found pieces suited to every taste and degree of execution, vocal and instrumental. The songs and dance music have been most judiciously selected, and embrace several of the most popular writers of the day, whose effusions, indeed, have become "familiar as Household Words" in every musical circle. The more elaborate pieces, Fantasias, Operatic selections, &c., are strictly classical and sterling, and will abundantly repay the "trial" of both professional and amateur. As a sort of ornement to the whole, some richly bound and well filled presentation Albums for 1856 are on view, and which form admirable souvenirs. An inspection is respectfully solicited of this excellent lot of music, catalogues of which are to be seen at the same time.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (19 January 1858), 3
BEG respectfully to intimate that their establishment (late Mr. A. Duthie's), will be opened on Monday next, 25th inst.
The business in Launceston will be under the management of Mr. A. W. Birchall, who for some years has been connected with the establishment in Hobart Town,
and by whom Messrs. J. Walsh and Sons have every confidence that their business in the Northern capital will be conducted with that attention to the commands of their customers,
and upon those principles which have been the means of securing so large an amount of public patronage in the Southern division of the Island.
Orders to procure Books, Newspapers, and Periodicals from Great Britain, will receive the personal attention of Mr. Charles E. Walch, in London.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Walch and Sons (firm, musicsellers); Andrew William Birchall (musicseller)
"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 August 1888), 1
DUTHIE. - On the 8th inst., at his residence, 104 Raglan-street, Ballarat, Alexander, eldest son of the late Captain Alexander Duthie, in his 59th year.
[News], The Ballarat Star [VIC] (13 August 1888), 2
The funeral of the late Mr. Alexander Duthie took place on Saturday afternoon, when a very large number of friends of the deceased gentleman followed his remains to their last resting-place in the Old Cemetery . . . At St. Andrew's Kirk yesterday morning a funeral sermon was preached . . . The choir sang the funeral anthem - "Vital spark of Heavenly flame," and the "Dead march" was played by the organist, Mr. Boustead . . .
"CURRENT TOPICS", Launceston Examiner (15 August 1888), 2
FROM our files we learn of the sudden death at Ballarat, on 8th instant, of Mr. Alexander Duthie, professional accountant, who was for many years a resident in Launceston . . . The deceased, who was 58 years of age, suffered from an affection of the heart, brought on by rheumatic fever. He was born at sea, but was brought up and educated in Montrose, Scotland. He was an old colonist, having arrived in Tasmania in 1845. For many years he carried on business as a bookseller and stationer in Brisbane-street, Launceston, but affairs did not prosper, and in 1858 the business was sold to Messrs. Walch Bros., of Hobart, who sent up Mr. of A. W. Birchall to manage the branch, which is still carried on in the same premises. Mr. Duthie then removed to Victoria, and in ultimately settled at Ballarat where he was highly respected . . .
DUTRUC, Pierre Ambroise (Pierre Ambroise DUTRUC; P. A. DUTRUC)
Musical amateur, vocalist, teacher of French language, wine and spirits merchant
Born Paris, France, c. 1804
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by November 1853
Died Randwick, NSW, 27 July 1882, aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DUTRUC, Louise Eulalie (Louise Eulalie ?; Madame Pierre Ambroise DUTRUC; Madame DUTRUC)
Musical amateur, vocalist, teacher of French language
Born Paris, France, c. 1811
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by November 1853
Died Randwick, NSW, 24 December 1890, aged "79" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (30 November 1853), 6
. . . P. Dutruc's Wine and Brandy Stores, Parramatta-street, opposite the Kent Brewery.
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (20 December 1853), 1
MONSIEUR DUTRUC, a native of Paris, and Author of a French Grammar, which has reached the SIXTH EDITION,
and of several other works which have also a great popularity,
is desirous to devote a few hours weekly to his former employment as a Teacher of French . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 June 1854), 5
FRENCH LANGUAGE. - To Parents and Guardians. -
Madame DETRUC, a native of Paris, having been engaged, together with her husband, for 12 years past,
in teaching the French language to classes of young ladies in the city of Glasgow,
proposing to form one or more classes of young Ladies in this city,
either as beginners or for finishing the French education of more advanced pupils, on Monday, the 3rd of July next . . .
For further particulars address to Madame Dutruc, at M. P. Dutruc's, 131, Bathurst-street, Sydney . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 June 1854), 5
GRAND CONCERT by Monsieur and Madame HERWYN, THIS EVENING, 27th June,
under the immediate patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General.
PROGRAMME: PART I . . . 7. Duet Buffoon, of Ma Tanto Aurore - sung by M. and Madame D*** amateurs - BOIELDIEU . . .
PART II . . . 5. Duet, Sul, Canisso, Della Gloria [sic], Belisario sung by Mrs. Bridson and Madame D** *, amateur - DONIZETTI . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (musicians); Sarah Bridson (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: A duo from Ma tante Aurore (Boieldieu); Sul campo della gloria (Donizetti, from Belisario)
"THE HERWYNS' CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (1 July 1854), 2
These true ortistes [sic] gave their first public concert on Tuesday evening last, under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General. A crowded and fashionable house greeted the clever beneficiares, and the most unqualified approval followed every performance on the programme . . . The lady amateurs, and the French Buffo gentleman acquitted themselves very well; indeed, the comic duet between Mons. and Mad. D, was an artistic gem, and deserved the encore it received . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (19 July 1854), 1
GRAND CONCERT, BY Monsieur und Madama HERWYN, TOMORROW, Thursday, 20th July.
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . 7. Duet, Buffoon, of Ma Tante Aurore - by request. Sung by M. and Madame D**** - Amateurs - Boieldieu . . .
Part II . . . 4. Les Complimens de Normandie, Chansonnette - sung by Madame D**** - Amateur - L. Puget . . .
MUSIC: Les compliments de Normandie (by Loisa Puget)
[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 July 1854), 7
M. AND MADAME HERWYN'S Grand Concert, took place on Thursday evening, at St. Mary's Hall, and was attended by a large and crowded assemblage, including the Governor-General and his suite, and all the leading families of Sydney and the neighbourhood . . . The suffrages of the audience were, however, completely carried away by the performances of a lady and gentlemen amateurs, (in whom we trust we shall not be scolded for recognising M. and Madame Dutruc) in a buffo duet by Boildieu - which completely carried the audience by storm, so cleverly was it executed . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1854), 2
THIS EVENING, 6th September, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency the Governor General.
PROGRAMME. - PART I . . . 5. Les Honneurs partagés - sung by Madame D----- (amateur) - L. PUJET . . .
PART II . . . 7. "Ma Tanto Aurore" - by particular desire - sung by Mons. and Madame D----- (amateurs) - BOELDIEU . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"MONS. and MADAME HERWYN'S LAST CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1854), 5
The reception of these gifted artistes on the occasion of their "last concert" was, as might be expected, enthusiastic in the highest degree. The full appreciation of music of a lofty and inspiring character belongs to a state of society which we hardly expect to find in a new colony, the majority of whose inhabitants are deeply engrossed in commercial and agricultural pursuits. Impressed with this belief, we have been truly gratified to observe that we have amongst us very many who take real delight in the exquisite conceptions of the great masters of the Italian and German schools of music. The concert of Tuesday evening was highly gratifying to all the lovers of good music, and the demonstrations in favour of most of the performances were most unequivocal. Owing to the state of the weather, the attendance was not so good as we could have wished, and it is much to be regretted that this large and thriving city possessed no better room than the one selected for the display of such talent as that which we were favoured with on Tuesday last . . . "Les Honneurs partages" was sung with a good deal of expression and espieglerie by Madame D., an amateur . . .
MUSIC: Les honneurs partagés (Puget)
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1882), 1
DUTRUC. - July 27, at his residence, Avoca-street, Randwick, Monsieur P. A. Dutruc, aged 78 years.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 December 1890), 1
DUTRUC. - December 24, 1890, at her residence, Avoca-street, Randwick, Louise Eulalie Dutruc, aged 79 years.
Associated musical works:
The Randwick mazurka (Winifred Brickwood, 1863)
The Randwick mazurka, pour le piano, dedié à Madame Dutruc, par W. A. Brickwood (Sydney: For the composer by W. J. Johnson & Co., [1863]); "J. Degotardi" (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 August 1863), 6
THE RANDWICK MAZURKA, by Miss Brickwood, Newtown; 2s. 6d. JOHNSON and CO., and all music sellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Winifred Amelia Brickwood (composer); William Jonathan Johnson (publisher); John Degotardi (engraver, printer)
Far away from Brittany (Karl Wilhelm Goergs, 1878)
Far away from Brittany, from the drama "The nightingale of Plomeur", by P. A. Dutruc, music by Karl Wilhelm Goergs", Illustrated Sydney News and New South Wales Agriculturalist and Grazier (7 September 1878), 20
ASSOCIATIONS: Karl Wilhelm Goergs (composer); see Comedies and dramas by P. A. Dutruc (Sydney: William Maddock, 1878)
DUTTON, Francis Stacker (Francis Stacker DUTTON; F. S. DUTTON)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, pianist, vocalist, concert organiser, Melbourne Amateur Concert, composition prize judge, Gawler music prize, politician, premier of SA
Born Cuxhaven, Germany, 21 February 1818; son of Frederick Hugh Hampden DUTTON (1769-1847) and Maryann NORRIS (1779-1851)
Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), by 1840
Married Caroline MacDERMOTT (1831-1855), Adelaide, SA, 7 November 1849
Died London, England, 25 January 1877 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Dutton (nephew)
"LIST OF TRANSFERS of Male Convicts, made in the Month of January last", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 April 1834), 3s
Dutton, W. H. [of] Kirkham, violin player, [transferred from] G. M. Slade"
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hampden Dutton (c. 1805-1849; brother, business partner); and see also, his son, born 10 years later, Henry Dutton (below)
[Advertisement], Port Philip Gazette [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (14 November 1840), 2
Amateur Concert In aid of the Funds of the Episcopalian Church.
AT a Meeting held at the Adelphi Hotel, on Friday the 13th Instant, Francis Dutton, Esq., in the chair.
It was unanimously resolved - "That a Concert for the above purpose should take place as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made.
Resolved - "That the following gentlemen, namely Messrs. Dutton, Sandford, Darke, Pullar, and Smith, be a Committee appointed for carrying out the arrangements, will full power to add to their number.
Resolved - "That an advertisement, signed by the Chairman of the present meeting be inserted in the public Journals,
requesting parties desirous of contributing their assistance to announce their intention to the Chairman of the Meeting without delay,
stating what instrument or part in the performance they are capable of taking, or who can furnish a loan of Music to the Committee for the occasion.
Resolved - "That a deputation consisting of Messrs. Smith; Cavenagh, and Darke, be requested to wait upon the Rev. Mr. Forbes to ask the loan of the Presbyterian School-room, for holding the amateur Concert in aid of the funds of the Episcopalian Church.
Resolved - "That the same deputation be requested to wait upon his Honor the Superintendent and Mrs. La Trobe soliciting the favour of their patronage.
Resolved - "That this Meeting be adjourned to Tuesday next, at the same hour and place."
FRANCIS H. DUTTON. Chairman [sic].
Charles John Sandford (amateur);
John Pridham Smith (amateur);
Mr. Pullar (amateur);
Charles and Sophie La Trobe (distict superintendent and wife);
Melbourne Amateur Concerts (series);
Dutton was based in Melbourne in 1840-41 before relocating to Adelaide by mid 1842
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (25 June 1842), 2
The Amateur Concert, for the benefit of the Adelaide Infant School (not the Trinity Church Sunday School as erroneously stated in our last), took place on Tuesday evening. The room was crowded by a highly respectable assembly, and the whole concert "went off" most creditably for a first attempt. The overtures to Zampa and Fra Diavolo, in particular, were played with much spirit. Some disappointment, as well as considerable disadvantage to the vocal harmony, accrued from the desertion of the ladies who had promised their valuable assistance on the occasion. Notwithstanding their defection, however, the fine glees "Hark the Lark," "Bragela," and "Here in cool grot," were sung with great sweetness. Dr. Kent and Dr. Knott were both most successful in their solos, and applauded to the "very echo." Among the amateurs, to whom the orchestral effect was principally owing, we may mention Mr. F. S. Dutton, who presided at the piano forte, Mr. Newland, Mr. McGill (96th Regt.), Mr. Wyatt, Dr. Kent, and Mr. Barnard. Messrs. Bennett, Poole, and Ewens also contributed their valuable assistance on the occasion; Mr. Charles Campbell good-naturedly complied with a request made to him in the room, and sung an Irish song in a style which reminded us of poor Jack Johnstone. The whole concert, in short, spoke highly of the musical talent of Adelaide, and is calculated, we hope, to lead to many similar agreeable entertainments. The proceeds to the benefit of the Infants' Schools amounted, we believe, to about twenty-five pounds.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Archer Kent (amateur); John Knott (amateur); Richard Francis Newland (amateur); John Napier Magill (amateur); William Wyatt (amateur); George Bennett (musician); Mr. Poole (amateur); William Ewens (amateur)
"LOCAL NEWS", South Australian (20 December 1848), 2
The fifth Conversazione of the South Australian Library and Mechanics' Institute was held on Tuesday evening, in the store lately occupied by Messrs. Elder & Co., in Hindley-street . . . During the evening, a number of duetts were beautifully performed on the pianoforte, by Mrs. Murray and Mr. Francis Dutton. Mrs. Murray also sang several pieces, with her usual good taste. A few gentlemen of the Choral Society gave some glees, which further tended to enliven the proceedings. The room was tastefully decorated with pictures . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (pianist, vocalist); South Australian Institute (association); Adelaide Choral Society (association)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (11 August 1849), 3
The quarterly Conversazione of this popular institution was held on Thursday evening last at the Exchange . . . Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather the attendance could not be estimated at fewer than 500 persons, which comprised a large number of ladies; and on the whole the affair was more brilliant and successful than any former display of the kind within our remembrance . . . Sir Henry and Lady Young . . . and, with few exceptions, the elite of the City honored the Conversazione with their presence . . . When we say that Mrs. Murray played upon the piano forte, and was in excellent voice; that Mr. Wallace was not niggardly with his bow; that our old musical friend Mr. Bennett never charmed the ear more successfully; that Mr. Ellard, amongst other contributions to the harmony of the evening, sang "Ketty Creagh;" and that to the gratuitous services of these leading professionals were added the musical talents of Francis S. Dutton. Esq., and Dr. Kent, we have said enough . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violinist); Frederick Ellard (pianist, vocalist); Exchange Rooms (
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (22 September 1849), 3
he first concert of this society under the conductorship of Mr. Wallace, took place on Wednesday evening in the Exchange . . . Mrs. Murray and Mr. F. S. Dutton favored us with a pianoforte duett, which was played as we expected from their acknowledged skill; its only drawback being its extreme length . . .
"MECHANICS INSTITUTE", South Australian (2 November 1849), 2
The fourth quarterly Conversazione of the South Australian Library and Mechanics' Institute was held on Wednesday evening last, in the Exchange. His Excellency the Governor, accompanied by Lady Young, and the Hon. Captain Sturt, honoured the Institute with their presence, and the attendance, considering the rough state of the weather, was extremely good. The entertainments of the evening were commenced by an able and interesting lecture on Geology, by Thomas Burr, Esq., which was followed by the usual musical treat, in which Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Jupp, Mr. Francis Dutton, and Mr. Wallace, took part. The gem of the evening was "Kathleen Mavourneen," which was beautifully executed by Mrs. Jupp, and repeated amidst thunders of applause. Altogether the evening passed off very pleasantly, and the company separated shortly after 10 o'clock, apparently much pleased with the amusements provided for them.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sturt (colonial secretary); Catherine Jupp (vocalist)
[Editorial] "MR. STEPHENS AND THE ODIOUS DRAY TAX", Adelaide Times (8 May 1850), 3
. . . The colony is advancing, and leaving them behind in their great grandfathers small clothes; or rather, in allusion to Mr. Dutton, in the plush breeches, with which he does the agreeable in the quadrille way to the juveniles at Government House, and by which he has fiddled himself into office; effecting to the Governor on the one hand a saving of the usual fee, but depriving Messrs. Bennett and Lee on the other of fitting opportunities for the legitimate exercise of their profession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Allen (editor; Allen was noted for his trenchant anti-establishment opinions, as see his review of 21 June 1850 below); Edward Stephens (proposer); Philip Lee (violinist); the inference perhaps is that Dutton was not merely metaphorically "leading a dance" at Government House, but perhaps also actually playing the piano or violin there; who the "juveniles" were is not clear; the Youngs had only married two years earlier in 1848;
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (18 June 1850), 1
Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor.
Grand concert OF G. FISCHER, To take place on Tuesday Evening, the 18th inst.
His Excellency and Lady Young have signified their intention of being present.
Part I . . . 3. "Sudaustralischer Galop." Compose et dedie a M. Francois Dutton, by F. Ellard - Mr. Ellard . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fischer (vocalist)
"CONCERT", Adelaide Times (21 June 1850), 3
Mr. Fischer's concert, according to advertisement, took place on Tuesday evening, in the New Exchange, in the presence of the Governor, Lady Young, and a highly respectable and numerous audience . . . The servilely dedicated "Sudaustralischer Galop," was executed well by Mr. Ellard, but the composition itself is void of any attraction, being only a mass of ill-arranged and badly blended scraps from other pieces, without any original part of its own; and the "Dedie a M. F. D." were enough in itself to render it not only unpopular but insignificant . . .
"LIBRARY AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (4 February 1852), 3
The quarterly conversazione of this admirably conducted institution took place last evening at the Exchange, and as usual consisted of an instructive lecture and a choice musical entertainment . . . In the musical entertainment that followed, Mr. F. S. Dutton, who has invariably exerted himself to serve the Institute, of which he is a Vice-President, joined Mrs. Murray, Master White, and the professionals, in eking out a very satisfactory evening's instruction and amusement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Baxter White (violinist, pianist)
Programme for the concert of sacred music to be held at the Freeman Street Chapel, on Wednesday, 6th September, 1854, in aid of the War Relief Fund; pianists, Mrs. Young, and F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.L.C.; Conductor, Mr. J. W. Daniel ([Adelaide: For the Chapel, 1854]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Cash Young (pianist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist, conductor)
"SACRED CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 September 1854), 3
The Sacred Vocal Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund took place last evening in the Freeman-street Chapel, and was, as we predicted, decidedly the most brilliant and successful musical entertainment that has ever taken place in South Australia. The building was crowded, not less we should imagine, than 700 persons being present, amongst whom were Sir Henry and Lady Young, and most of the leading residents in Adelaide and the neighbourhood. Before noticing the performance in detail, we feel no hesitation in stating that in the management of the choruses, and the great science and judgment displayed in their execution, the performance of last evening - excepting, of course in point of numbers - would bear by no means a discreditable comparison with those we have been accustomed to hear in Exeter Hall. Mr. Daniels acted as Leader, in a manner which reflected great credit upon him. It, perhaps, was to be regretted that a fuller instrumental accompaniment was not available; although the two pianofortes, under the tasteful and brilliant management of Mrs. Young and Mr. Francis Dutton, were made the most of . . .
"CONCERT IN AID OF THE INDIAN RELIEF FUND", South Australian Register (11 June 1858), 3
This entertainment, given under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief and Lady MacDonnell, took place on Thursday evening at White's Rooms . . . An interval of 10 minutes . . . having expired, the Hon. F. S. Dutton and Mr. A. Ewing, played a duet from the "Huguenots" on the pianoforte. Their execution was perfect, the latter named gentleman proving himself to be a master of the instrument to an extent seldom looked for and rarely met with in an amateur. On being encored, the overture to "Zampa" was substituted and played brilliantly . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Blanche Macdonnell (governor and wife); Alexander Ewing (pianist); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", Adelaide Observer (31 July 1858), 5
The concert and lecture, which were held at White's Assembly Room on Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Governors of the South Australian Institute, formed perhaps the meet successful of the many charming reunions with which those gentlemen have enlivened the ordinary dulness of life in Adelaide . . . The musical portion of the entertainment was divided into two parts, the lecture intervening. The two gentlemen amateurs announced to perform the duo-piano - the Overture to "Massaniello" - were the Hon. F. S. Dutton, Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Mr. Ewing. They were quite competent to do justice to Auber's brilliant music, and their accomplished instrumentation elicited not only an enthusiastic round of applause, but an earnest encore, which was kindly responded to by those gentlemen giving with, if possible, still greater spirit the Overture to "Oberon" by C. M. von Weber. The same gentlemen gave, as a duet on the piano, Schulhoff's Victoria Waltz, and each took pianoforte part in duets, with Mr. R. B. White on the violin. While Mr. White drew repeated plaudits for his masterly execution on the violin in an arrangement of the airs from "La Sonnambula" and variations of "Auld Lang Syne," Messrs. Dutton and Ewing were equally and as deservedly applauded for their exquisite performance in the same pieces on the piano. The whole brunt of the vocal music fell on Mr. J. R. Black, and, notwithstanding a perceptible cold, he acquitted himself with his usual ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Reddie Black (vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (7 October 1859), 1
A PRIZE of TEN GUINEAS, for Original MUSIC to "The Song of Australia,"
will be offered by the Gawler Institute, immediately after the judges shall have awarded the prize for the Words, when other particulars will be advertised.
JUDGES FOR THE MUSIC: G. W. Chinner, Esq.; A. Ewing, Esq., C.S.;
F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.P.; W. Holden, Esq.
GEORGE ISAACS, Sec. Entertainment Committee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Carleton (lyricist, "The song of Australia"); George Williams Chinner (judge); William Holden (judge); George Isaacs (secretary); Gawler Prize (1859 competition)
"GAWLER MUSIC PRIZE", South Australian Register (5 November 1859), 2
The Judges who had undertaken to decide upon the music set to the "Song of Australia" met yesterday, and, after due examination, agreed to the following report: -
"The Judges appointed to award the prize for the best musical composition set to the words of the prize song, entitled 'The Song of Australia,'
met on Friday, the 4th November - present, Messrs. Dutton, Ewing, Chinner, and Holden.
Twenty-three compositions were examined, and the prize was unanimously awarded to the composition bearing the motto 'One of the Quantity.'
Those bearing the mottoes 'Long Live our Gracious Queen,' 'Garibaldi,'
and 'Con Amore' so nearly equalled the prize composition in merit that the Judges had great difficulty in coming to a decision.
"Francis S. Dutton.
"A. Ewing.
"Geo. W. Chinner.
"Wm. Holden."
Immediately upon receiving this report we telegraphed to the Secretary of the Gawler Institute to ascertain the name of the successful competitor,
and we find from his reply that the composer who has thus distinguished himself is Mr. Carl Linger.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (winner), for The song of Australia (winning entry); Cesare Cutolo (runner up), music of his entry lost
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (31 May 1860), 3
The usual quarterly conversazione of the South Australian Institute was held at White's Rooms on Wednesday evening last . . . The musical part of the entertainment was initiated by a duet on the pianoforte, in which the players were Mr. Dutton, M.P., and Mr. R. B. White - the former taking the bass and the latter the treble of the instrument. The piece was well executed, and received deserved applause. The public are much indebted to gentlemen in Mr. Dutton's position who are willing to brave a little publicity to gratify the musical taste of their fellow-citizens . . .
"ARCHERY", South Australian Register (10 June 1861), 2
The last archery meeting of the season of 1860-1 was, with the kind permission of His Excellency Sir R. G. MacDonnell, held in the Government Demesne on Saturday last . . . The Club dined with His Excellency, and, in addition to the ball in the evening, enjoyed, with other guests, a concert, in which Signora and Signor Bianchi, Signor Grossi, Mr. Norman, Mr. Dutton, and the members of the North Adelaide Glee Club took part.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Linly Norman (pianist); probably Adelaide Glee Club (association)
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", The South Australian Advertiser (12 October 1861), 3
The Quarterly Soiree of the South Australian Institute was held at White's Rooms on Friday evening, the 11th inst. Long before 8 o'clock the room was filled with a highly respectable audience, and before the proceedings commenced there was not a vacant seat. His Excellency the Governor presided . . . The GOVERNOR next called on Mr. F. S. Dutton to fulfil his promise, and entertain the company with some music. Mr. Dutton and Mr. L. Norman then played a grand duet on the piano, on the Canzonette, "Vien qua Dorina Bella," the first time of its being performed in the colony. We need hardly say anything in praise of this performance, as the musical talents of the two gentlemen are so well known; suffice it to say, that the mode in which the piece was played was worthy of the performers, and was loudly applauded . . .
MUSIC: There were variation sets for solo piano by Weber and Czerny on the melody "Vien qua Dorina bella" (by Francesco Bianchi)
"MR. FRANCIS S. DUTTON", The Argus (30 January 1877), 6
Mr. F. S. Dutton, the agent-general for South Australia whose death in London was telegraphed yesterday, was one of several brothers who have for many years been well known in connexion with the pastoral interest in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. Francis, the subject of this notice, was born in Cuxhaven on the Elbe in Germany, where his father was many years British Vice Consul. He was educated at the celebrated College of Hofwyl, near Berne in Switzerland, and afterwards at the High School of Bremen. At the early age of 17 he went to Brazil as junior clerk in a firm at Bahia and subsequently to Rio de Janeiro. He remained in both places about five years. In 1839 he joined his brothers in Sydney, proceeded overland to Melbourne in the very early days of its settlement, remained there 18 months engaged in mercantile pursuits, and then joined his present only surviving brother, Frederick, in Adelaide. Mr. Dutton was an accomplished linguist, French and German being quite as familiar to him as English, and he also acquired mastery of the Portuguese language in South America. In 1845 Mr. Dutton visited England . . . Early in 1847 Mr. Dutton returned to South Australia in independent circumstances, since which period he has uninterruptedly been identified with the public affairs of that colony, besides following his customary mercantile pursuits. On the advent of Parliamentary institutions, Mr. Dutton was the first who offered himself for election to the newly formed electoral districts of the colony. His candidature was favourably received by one of the electoral divisions of the capital, for which, after a severe contest he was elected to the Legislative Council on liberal principles in 1851 . . .
"OLD-TIME MEMORIES", South Australian Register (10 August 1891), 6
. . . Then on June 10 [1858] old musical friends came to the fore, and gave a concert in White's Rooms in aid of the same [Indian Mutiny Relief] fund, when Mr. F. S. Dutton, who formulated the ninth Government of the colony, and was afterwards the first Agent-General, took part in playing a duet on the pianoforte from "Les Huguenots" with Mr. A. Newing [Ewing], of the Commissariat Staff Department, the other performers being Madame Carandini and Signori Grossi and Laglaise . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist)
Bibliography and resources:
Francis Dutton, South Australia and its mines, with an historical sketch of the colony (London: T. and W. Boone, 1846), 144
. . . Amateur concerts are also of frequent occurrence, many being given for charitable purposes, at which the first ladies in the colony do not consider it beneath their dignity to assist . . .
Geoffrey Dutton, [Joint entry on 3 Dutton brothers], Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
Amateur musician, organist, banker, pastoralist
Born Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 4 May 1844; baptised St. James, Melbourne, 31 May 1844; son of William Hampden DUTTON (c. 1805-1849) and Charlotte De Sylva CAMERON (d. 1885)
Married Helen Elizabeth THOMAS (1844-1901), VIC, 1873
Died Anlaby, SA, 26 August 1914, aged "70/71" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Stacker Dutton (uncle)
THANKSGIVING FOR THE RECOVERY OF H.R.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH . . . EPISCOPALIAN", The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (4 May 1868), 2
At Christchurch, North Adelaide, the thanksgiving services were conducted by the Rev. W. W. Ewbank . . . He concluded a very impressive and eloquent discourse by stating that a feeling of love for our Most Gracious Sovereign the Queen, and the members of her family, was elevating and ennobling; that the impulses of the whole of the people in the Australias at one moment were awakened, as shown in the strain of gratitude which had that day risen to the heavenly throne for the preservation of the Prince Alfred who had so lately endeared himself to us all. The choir, under the able superintendence of Mr. H. Dutton, then sang the National Anthem, which was joined in by those present. The volunteer band, under the direction of Mr. Schrader, also played Luther's Hymn, the Cecilian March, and the National Anthem.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (Royal visitor, injured in an assassination attempt in NSW on 12 March 1868); Heinrich Schrader (musician)
"CHRISTCHURCH ORGAN", Evening Journal [Adelaide, SA] (1 March 1869), 3
A great improvement has just been made to this instrument by the addition of a swell organ, with a separate manual, and all the necessary appliances connected therewith. There are four stops, consisting of the dulciana, flute (eight-tone), principal, and fifteenth. The whole has been manufactured by Mr. Lohrmann, cabinetmaker, of North Adelaide. Through the courtesy of Mr. H. Dutton, the organist, we had an opportunity of inspecting the improvements on Saturday. The mechanism appears to be very excellent, and the tone remarkably good; superior, indeed, to that of the great organ, though of course not equal to it in power. Mr. Lohrmann is no novice at this sort of work, but has applied his constructive skill in the same direction frequently before, and has now in his possession two or three chamber organs of his own manufacture.
ASSOCIATIONS: Simon Charles Lohrmann (organ builder)
"DEATHS", The Register (27 August 1914), 6
DUTTON. - On the 26th August, at Anlaby, Henry Dutton, in his 71st year.
"DEATH OF MR. HENRY DUTTON", Bunyip [Gawler, SA] (28 August 1914), 5
No one will regret the death of Mr. Henry Dutton more than the people of Gawler, to whom he was a good friend at a critical period. Mr. Dutton was the owner of the well known Anlaby Estate near Kapunda, and was beloved by his employes. For some time the deceased gentleman had been ailing in health and early this week a medical examination disclosed a clot of blood on the brain. From that time no hope for his recovery was held out. He gradually became worse and he sank into a state of unconsciousness from which he never awakened and he died at his homestead on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Henry Dutton succeeded to the beautiful estate when his uncle died in 1890. Although a native of Victoria where he was born in 1848 [sic, 1844], he had been educated at St. Peter's College, and was on the staff of the old Bank of South Australia at the time that the news of his inheritance was made known to him . . . Mention of Mr. Dutton would not be complete without reference to the memorial church at Hamilton, which was erected to his orders some years ago in memory of his wife and daughter and uncle. This church he presented to the Anglican parish. Externally the design is simple, following the lines of early Norman architecture, but a wealth of cultured and studious care is manifest in the carvings and traceries which adorn the interior. Massive oak and sterling silver, carved and chased by expert hands, lend beauty and magnificence to the shrine at which Mr. Dutton unceasingly offered his tribute of devotion for loved ones beyond the grave. He invariably presided at the glorious toned pipe organ, and often as lay reader, conducted the entire service. He was laid to rest at the place which held his most sacred memories . . .
Bibliography and resources:
"St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Hamilton, South Australia" [after David Shield], Organ Historical Trust of Australia (OHTA)
DUVAL, Madame (Madame DUVAL)
Active Melbourne, VIC, August 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 August 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, Thursday next, 4th August.
Winterbottom's Second Grand Concert.
Vocalists: Madam Duval, from Theatre Royal, Dublin, Her first appearance.
Mr. John Gregg . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); John Gregg (vocalist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue); Thursday Concerts (series)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 August 1853), 8
Madame Duval, from the Theatre Royal, Dublin (her first appearance) . . .
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . Song - Madame Duval . . .
Part II . . . Song - Madame Duval . . .
"THURSDAY CONCERT", The Argus (4 August 1853), 5
These concerts seem to have changed management again, Mr. Winterbottom coming out to-night with his "unrivalled band," and introducing to us another substitute for Mrs. Testar in the person of Madam Duval, a late arrival from Dublin . . .
"CONCERTS", The Argus (5 August 1853), 5
Mr. Winterbottom was prevented by illness from being present at his concert last evening. An additional damp was thrown over the entertainment, we are sorry to say, by another rather meagre attendance; it is evident that vigorous exertions must be made, or these concerts will be apt to dwindle away altogether. The first appearance of Madame Duval may be considered successful, if an encore to each of her songs be a sign of approbation. As far as that lady, however, is concerned, Queen Testar has no reason to tremble for her throne . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 August 1853), 12
ROWE'S CIRCUS - Tonight, Aug. 6. Grand Irish Festival . . .
First appearance at these Concerts of Mr. Dawson, the celebrated Buffo singer.
First appearance of Madame Duval, from the Theatre Royal, Dublin.
Mr. John Gregg will have the honor of singing Mourn for the mighty dead.
M. Winterbottom will have the honour of performing two Solos.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Irish Ballad - Madame Duval - A. Lee
PART II . . . Ballad - Madame Duval - Lee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Dawson (vocalist); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
DUVANT, Monsieur (Monsieur DUVANT; ? pseudonym)
Dancer, acrobat, gymnast, posture master (1 or 2)
Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1847
Active Sydney, NSW, 1849 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
IDENTIFICATION: Both appearances of "Monsieur Duvant", in Melbourne in 1847, and Sydney in 1849, were associated with the actor John Hambleton, and perhaps Hambleton himself or one of his colleagues appeared in character as Duvant
"QUEEN'S THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal [NSW (VIC)] (17 July 1847), 2
The play-going public are promised a rich treat at the "Queen's" on Monday evening [19 July] . . . The whole to conclude with a very excellent farce entitled "La Polka; or, Dancing for the Million," in which Monsieur Duvant, from the English Opera House will make his first appearance and introduce, for the first time in this Province, the genuine Polka.
ASSOCIATIONS: Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
PIECE: La polka; or, Dancing for the million (farce, by Charles Zachary Barnett, London, 1844; Duncombe, vol. 50)
"QUEEN'S THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (21 July 1847), 3
Novelty being the order of the day at this fashionable place of resort, no less than three new pieces were presented to the public on Monday evening last . . . the real fun of the evening, the clever farce La Polka, to which the two first pieces were merely introductory episodes. This farce we will venture to predict will have a run - every body seemed to be doing their best in it, but Mr. Hambleton, as Jerry Lamps, was the soul of the piece. His imitations of several well-known actors, were decidedly clever, and his local allusions embodied some very good and successful hits. The farce passed off in the most successful manner, and elicited frequent testimonials of approbation from Pit, Boxes, and Galleries. The celestials, indeed, were in exstacies of delight, especially with Hambleton's "hits," at passing events, and the topics of the day. Monsieur Duvant danced the bona fide Polka in such a manner as to draw down rounds of applause. The house was very humorously filled, and the audience were kept upon the broad grin the most of the evening. Indeed, we scarcely ever remember seeing such on assemblage of well pleased countenances.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hambleton (actor)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (21 July 1847), 3
Song - Mr. Hambleton. Naval Hornpipe - Monsieur Duvant . . .
Stage Manager - Mr. J. Hambleton . . .
Leader of Orchestra - Mr. Megson.
J. T. SMITH, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (musician, leader); John Thomas Smith (proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (26 July 1849), 1
The entertainments will commence with a domestic Drama, in three Acts, entitled THE FARMER'S STORY.
Mr. QUIN will perform on the Rope,
and Monsieur Duvant, a Posture Master, just arrived from England, will also make his appearance.
Clown to the rope, Mr. Barnes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Hambleton (actor); Mr. Quin (tight-rope dancer); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
DYASON, Isaac Edward (Isaac Edward DYASON; I. E. DYASON; J. E. DYASON; Mr. DYASON)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist, choir singer, mining speculator
Born Ramsgate, Kent, 1832; baptised St. George, Ramsgate, 21 October 1832; son of Isaac DYASON and Elizabeth Illenden PEARCE (m. St. James, Piccadilly, 13 September 1832)
Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1859 or earlier
Married Harriet MASON (Mrs. EASTWOOD), VIC, 1881
Died Brighton, VIC, 13 July 1915, aged "82/83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE CAPE (From the Frontier Times)", The Melbourne Daily News and Port Phillip Patriot [NSW (VIC)] (3 November 1848), 2
The following particulars of the late attempt made by a party of Pretorius' men to take Major Warden prisoner, have reached us from the North East ern boundary: . . . A letter from Colesberg of the 19th instant, states - To-day we have received intelligence from Bloem Fontein dated the 16th, to the effect that Pretorius was at Wenberg with 500 Boers. Isaac Dyason, the magistrates clerk there, had a pass from Pretorius to return to the colony, and arrived at Wenberg unmolested . . .
"CHURCH OF ENGLAND WHITE HILLS", Bendigo Advertiser (18 June 1859), 3
A tea meeting was held in the Church of England, at the White Hills, on Wednesday evening last, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to the funds of that place of worship. There were over one hundred and fifty persons present, a very large majority of whom were ladies. After the tea, which was a most excellent one, and spoke volumes for the generosity of the, ladies at whose cost it was provided, the meeting resolved itself into a kind of semi-convivial (soberly so of course), semi-business one, the singing part evidently being looked upon as by far the most attractive . . . Mr. Pollard, together with the following ladies and gentlemen, members of his class - Mrs. Barker, Miss Collier, Miss Robson, the Messrs. Watson and Mr. Dyason - sang during the evening a selection of trios, duets, and concerted pieces, which were received with great applause. The duet of "List to the Convent Bells," sung by Mrs. Barker and Miss Robson, being the most successful piece of the evening. After passing a most cordial and hearty vote of thanks to the ladies, and to Mr. Pollard and his pupils, the meeting dispersed, all evidently highly delighted with their evening's entertainment, which, to speak without exaggeration, was of such a description as should put to the blush many a affairs of the sort we have seen in Sandhurst.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (musician)
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (7 March 1860), 3
The second subscription concert of the Bendigo Philharmonic Society was held last evening, at the Presbyterian Schoolhouse . . . The falling off in the musical portion of the entertainment is clearly attributable to one cause; the society have attempted too much. In bringing out Schiller's "Lay of the Bell," set to Romberg's music, they evidently overrated their own powers. From the first chorus to the last, it was evident that few of the singers were really up in their parts; and although one or two of the choruses went very well, still as a whole, the performance was not successful. The same fault may be found with the amateurs who sang the principal parts in the "Lay" . . . Mrs. Ellis sang the whole of the treble solos, and, though in the first part her voice did not seem to tell as usual, she was deservedly encored in what may fairly be termed the prettiest solo of the evening, "Wearied now with toil of day." A recitative and quartet by Miss Lee and Messrs. Von Ende, Deague, and Dyason, narrowly escaped the same honor. Of the choruses, "How great the might of subtle fire" was the most successful. The first part consisted of Mendelssohn's "As the Harts Pant," which though no doubt of a high order of merit, is still somewhat too much beyond the ken of the general public to be popular/ Despite the faults of the vocal part of the entertainment, the orchestra was all that could be wished; in fact, it appeared at times far too strong for the volume of voice opposed to it. Too much praise cannot be given to Mr. Pollard for the able manner in which he wielded the baton of conductor, and for the assiduous attention he has paid to the duties of his ofiice during the past three months . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Ellis (vocalist); Charles William Von Ende (vocalist); Henry Deague (vocalist); Bendigo Philharmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (7 January 1861), 1
A GRAND CONCERT In aid of the above Schools, Will be given
Conductor - Mr. Pollard. Organist - Mr. Barwick.
PROGRAMME. PART 1. Selections from Mendelssohn's "Elijah" . . .
PART 2 . . . Glee - When evening's twilight - Messrs. Deague, Farrant, Diason and Fly . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Barwick (organist); John Fly (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (20 February 1861), 1
FAREWELL CONCERT TO MR. N. CLAPHAM . . . when the following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly consented to appear: -
Messrs. Miell, Deague, Von Ende, Watson, Gilbert, Peel, Hall, Fowler, Nelson, Dyason, Farrant, Fraser, Barnard.
Conductor - Mr. J. H. Pollard. Pianist - Mr. Barwick . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Newton Clapham (amateur vocalist); John Alfred Fowler (amateur vocalist)
"PERSONAL", Bendigo Advertiser (4 December 1902), 2
Miss Emily Dyason, daughter of Mr. I. E. Dyason, of Webster-street, has achieved the coveted distinction of being awarded the gold medal offered by the Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, London . . .
"BENDIGO CHURCH CHOIRS (To the Editor of the . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (30 November 1908), 7
Sir, - The reminiscences of All Saints' choir by "Musicus" sets a string of joyous memories vibrating.
There are a few names I think should not go unmentioned when referring to the old choir of All Saints'.
"Tom" Barwick, the organist in my time, takes first place in my memory.
Then Miss Lee, Miss Haynes, Miss Robson, Miss Steane, Mrs. Beetham, and the dear, lovable Mrs. Barker, so long the head lady teacher of All Saints' day school;
Messrs. Peel, Myall, "Charlie" Bridges, and Mr. Deague (whose grandson, by the way, has just finished building the new bank in View Point),
and Mr. I. Dyason, who is still with us (and long may he be numbered with Bendigonians).
Today Mr. Dyason looks no older than he did to me in the early sixties,
when he felt called upon to correct my old choir and schoolmate Geo. Pallett and myself for misbehaviour behind the curtains which (to us boys) sanctified the choir.
This was before the gallery was built, and the choir had its home in a raised square on the floor of the church . . .
Yours, etc.,
28th November, 1908.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Weeks Barker (vocalist); Theophilus Miell (vocalist); Charles Isaac Bridges (vocalist); John William Faul (correspondent); Music in Anglican churches (general)
"ALL SAINTS' PRO-CATHEDRAL", Bendigo Advertiser (1 November 1912), 3
. . . Previous to this date [1871] there had been several changes in the position of the choir stalls. At first they had been placed in the rear of the church, close to the small organ then in use. Later they were removed to the gallery, an organ also being placed upstairs. Here they remained until the final move in 1871. Two well-known Bendigonians, Messrs. Dyason and Alcock (White Hills), were early members of the choir, and are still to be found in their old places whenever the services of an auxiliary choir are requested . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Alcock (amateur vocalist)
"Deaths", Bendigo Advertiser (15 July 1915), 6
DYASON. - On the 13th July, Isaac Edward, at "Warrain," Sandown-street, Middle Brighton, dearly beloved husband of Harriet Dyason, and loving father of Emily Scott, Amy Pearson, and E. C. Dyason. Aged 83 years.
"MR. I. E. DYASON", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (15 July 1915), 5
The late Mr. Dyason had attained the age of 83 years. Like the late Dr. Atkinson, he took great interest in his Bendigo mining interests almost to the end . . . The late Mr. Dyason was born in the old Kentish town of Ramsgate, of good stock. By nature and environment he acquired many of the best traits of an Englishman. Throughout his lengthy life, and particularly yesterday when the news of his death circulated amongst his friends, it was frequently said of him that he was "an English gentleman of the old type." He had the "reserve" of the Englishman to an unusual degree. He was honorable and exact in all his dealings. He was just cultured and a good churchman. His religion, like his business life, was expressed in quiet and unpretentious terms. He loved his church, and was a regular and devout worshipper. He will be missed at All Saints'. As an Englishman, he believed in defending his country, and attached himself to the volunteer movement in this city in its earliest days. He kept himself efficient until advancing years justifiably exempted him from further service. He was entered on the retired list as Captain Dyason. Away back in 1849 the deceased, then a youth of 17, arrived in Adelaide from South Africa, where he had been taken as a boy, and where he was educated at Cape Colony. He had been trained as a clerk and accountant, and his expert knowledge found for him lucrative employment in that fast growing city. But Adelaide was a few years later to be convulsed with the exciting news from the gold diggings. Thousands of young men deserted Adelaide, and tramped through the bush and over the plains to the diggings. Mr. Dyason joined the throng, and with comrades he walked to Bendigo alongside the drays. That was in January, 185? [? 1852]. He came to Bendigo . . .
Actor, comedian, comic vocalist, dancer, clown
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, by 3 January 1833
Departed Sydney, NSW, 8 March 1838 (per Portland, for Liverpool, England)
Arrived Sydney (2), NSW, by March 1841
Active Adelaide, SA, until 1847 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Dyball was actor at the Theatre Royal, Sydney, from 1833 to early 1838, and again, after returning to Sydney from an extended stay in Britain, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, in 1841-42. He was often also billed as a singer, especially of comic songs. He left Sydney for Adelaide in January 1844, and in 1846 was "acting manager" at Royal Adelaide Theatre. He then disappears from theatrical record after April 1847. It is uncertain whether he was also the Dyball billed in Melbourne theatres in 1863 and 1865.
DISAMBIGUATION: In two conflicting instances in Sydney in the 1830s the actor is identified as "H. Dyball", presumably Henry Dyball (12 June 1834) and as "Thomas Dyball" (21 January 1836). Elsewhere at least one 20th-century source identified him (on no certain grounds) as James Dyball. The death certificate (1874/4751) of the James Dyball who died in Melbourne on 26 July 1874, described in his funeral notice as "Late of the Prince of Wales Opera House", identified him not as an actor, but as a stonemason, aged 69, born Hertfordshire, England, son of Michael Dyball, block maker, and Sarah Lagon; he had been "40 years in Victoria", and in VIC in 1866 he had married Mary Ann Burgess; and rather than assuming he was also an actor, "Late of the Prince of Wales Opera House" perhaps indicated that he had been engaged as a craftsman on the extensive stonework on the facade of the new building in 1872; see illustration at:
"SYDNEY THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (3 January 1833), 3
On Monday evening at the usual hour the Theatre was again opened to the public with the Melo Drama of Black-eyed Susan, the only alteration in the cast of character was that of Jacob Twig, which was performed with admirable success by Mr. Dyball; considerable improvements had been made in the scene shifting, and the piece was well received. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Sydney venue); the other main characters were John Meredith (William); Harriet Jones (Susan), "Mr. Cooper" = Conrad Knowles (Crostree); George Buckingham (Doggrass) see "THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY", The Sydney Herald (31 December 1832), 3
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (1 April 1833), 3
On Thursday evening [28 March] . . . The piece on the whole went off well. Mr. Dyball sung a comic song between the pieces, full of rich humour, which was encored. The evening's amusements concluded with Lovers' Quarrels and Bombastes Furioso.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (30 March 1833), 3
will be performed, the Laughable Farce, called, WHAT NEXT? . . .
After which, a Comic Song by Mr. Dyball, and the "TINEY POY" by Mr. Levey . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (vocalist, proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (15 July 1833), 3
A new Comic Song, by Mr. DYBALL.
That celebrated Song of "Poor Little Mo," by Mr. DUDDRIDGE.
The favourite Cavatina of "Lilies Fair," by Mrs. LAVERTY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Laverty (actor, vocalist); William Dudderidge (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (9 December 1833), 2
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY . . . THIS EVENING, December 9, 1833 . . .
A FAVOURITE DANCE, BY MR. WHITE, (From the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, which was not hitherto known.)
A Favourite Song, Draw the Sword for Scotland, By MR. GROVE.
TIGHT ROPE DANCING, By MR. CROFT, (his second appearance.)
Clown to the Rope, MR. DYBALL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick White (dancer); Daniel Parsons Grove (actor, vocalist); George Croft (dancer, acrobat)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 May 1834), 2
On Saturday evening last [10 May] . . . The performances went off with eclat, and between the acts, Mrs. Taylor sang the bravura, Bid me discourse, and that delightful ballad "Kate Kearney," with admirable effect, in both of which she was rapturously encored. Mr. Dyball's comic song also amused "the gods," and at their request, it was repeated . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (vocalist, actor)
"Theatricals", The Australian (13 May 1834), 2
. . . Between the pieces Mr. Dyball sang a comic song quite to the taste of three-fourths of the audience . . .
"THEATRE. To the Editors of . . .", The Sydney Herald (12 June 1834), 2
GENTLEMEN, - We, the undersigned, observe with regret in the Gazette News-paper of this morning,
one of the numerous instances in which those who write Theatrical Critiques,
must evidently endeavour to prejudice the public mind against the Theatre,
and those who use their utmost endeavours to amuse and entertain the Public . . .
We are, gentlemen, Your obedient servants,
Performers at the Sydney Theatre. June 10, 1834.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Dight (actor); Mary Ann Larra (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (23 September 1834), 3
When will be performed, for the first and only time in this Colony, and got up expressly for the occasion,
the much admired, and highly popular musical play, with the original Glees, Duetts, and Choruses, &c., of
GUY MANNERING; OR, THE GYPSY'S PROPEHCY . . . Sebastian - Mr. Dyball . . .
At the request of numerous Friends, Mr. Dyball will sing "Nothing at all" . . .
SONG: Nothing at all [In Derry Down Dale, when I wanted a mate . . .]; also another edition Nothing at all (song)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (30 September 1834), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. PALMER. ON Wednesday, October 8th, 1834 . . .
FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THIS THEATRE, A Portion of the Grand Extravaganza, CALLED THE
Characters by Mr. Fitzgerald (who will introduce the favorite dance called the "Downfall of Paris,")
and Mr. Dyball, with the comic song of "Tippety Witchet" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Dennis Fitzgerald (dancer, actor)
SONG: Typitywitchet (song)
"THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (1 October 1834), 3
Monday night being Mrs. Taylor's benefit, notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather, a numerous and highly respectable audience were assembled, to testify their approval, of the unwearied exertion evinced by this lady to gratify the public . . . Mrs. T. attempted "Bid me discourse," but owing to the great exertion she underwent in the first part of the evening, she was unable to proceed; but the handsome apology she made fully satisfied her auditors, and she was loudly cheered. The gods were extremely uproarious, calling on Dyball for a song that was not inserted in the bills . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (7 October 1834), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. Mr. DYBALL BEGS leave very respectfully, to inform his Friends and the Public that his
"Why are you wandering here I pray," BY MRS. JONES.
[Advertisement], The Australian (24 October 1834), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. MR. PARTRIDGE BEGS leave to inform his Patrons, that his
BENEFIT will take place on Saturday the 25th instant, when will be presented Colman's celebrated Play, called,
THE MOUNTAINEERS, With the whole of the Music, Songs, Glees, &c.
Virolet - Mr. Peat; Kilmullock - Mr. Dyball . . .
In the course of the Evening,
"Faint and Wearily," by Mrs. Taylor & Mr. Simmons.
Glee - Ye high born Spanish Noblemen.
"At Sixteen Years Old" - Mr. Dyball
Mr. Croft will introduce some new and wonderful evolutions on the Tight Rope. Clown - Mr. Dyball . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Clement Peat (actor); Joseph Simmons (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: At sixteen years old (song)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (16 March 1835), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY, ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, 18th March, 1835, will be performed, for the second time this Season,
After which will be sung
"The Sprig of Shillelah," by Mr. Dyball.
"Darby Kelly, O," by Mr. Levey.
AN IRISH JIG, By Mrs. Gibbons, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mackay, and Mr. Dyball . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 May 1835), 2
On Monday evening the performances were the "Mountaineers," and "Warlock of the Glen" . . . The house was well attended, and the entertainments, with some two or three slight exceptions, went off with eclat. In the comedy . . . Mr. Dyball's "Kilmallock," was a most spirited performance - he had evidently been indulging his taste for the dram-a, and was intoxicated with the copious draughts he had swallowed of the muse . . .
"COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 January 1836), 3
William Daniel was indicted for falsely fabricating an order purporting to be from Mrs. Laidley of Darlinghurst, for a ticket of admission to the upper circle of the boxes of the Sydney Theatre in the month of October last, with intent to defraud William Knight, and Thomas Dyball, two persons connected with the Theatrical Establishment, who took a joint Benefit on that occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Knight (manager)
[Advertisement], The Australian (10 May 1836), 1
THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1836, will be performed, for the first time these three seasons,
the favourite operatic Extravaganza, with all the Songs, Glees, and Chorusses as before produced, called
TOM AND JERRY; OR, LIFE IN LONDON . . . Dusty Bob - Mr. Dyball, (Who has kindly offered his services for this night) . . .
Comic Song - "The Coronation," BY MR. DYBALL . . .
MUSIC: Probably The coronation [Hark! hark! the merry bells] (song)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 September 1836), 2
. . . The song by Mr. Dyball had better have been omitted, this gentleman has no vocal talent what ever, neither is his style calculated to please a respectable audience . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (11 October 1836), 3
. . . On Saturday [8 October] . . . Mr. Fitzgerald danced a hornpipe unusually well, and Mr. Dyball sung with considerable, humour the comic song of Paying Rent . . .
MUSIC: "Paying rent" = The quarter day (tune: The devil and little Mike)
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 November 1836), 2
. . . Between, the pieces Master Jones recited, very creditably, "My name is Norval." Mr. Fitzgerald danced a Pas Seul; but as to Mr. Dyball, he should decidedly be muzzled, on the score of comic songs - they are not to be borne . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 December 1836), 2
. . . Mr. Dyball bleated forth comic song; they are objectionable . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 January 1837), 2
On Tuesday night [24 January] was produced, translated from the German of Kotzebue, the domestic Drama of "Lovers Vows" . . . How Mr. Dyball can set up for an actor is surprising, at all events in such a line as the Cottager, he snuffles so vilely, that he always put, up at mind of an Eolian Harp out of tune, and like several others when at fault first one leg and then the other is raised until the words are remembered . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 February 1837), 2
On Tuesday night was produced for the second time . . . the drama called "The Ruffian of Bohemia" . . . Tietwig, the gardener, was properly entrusted to Mr. Dyball; his face is as though manufactured expressly for it; we thought of his Jacob Twig, perhaps the best low comedy character he ever handled on the boards . . . After the play Mr. Dyball sung a comic song called "The Rent Day;" it was humorous enough, but we eschew all such trash. The gods insisted upon an encore, and obtained their wish . . .
"The Theatre", The Australian (21 March 1837), 2
. . . Mr. Dyball sung that sublime masterpiece of composition called The Quarter Day; the gods were gratified, and the singer was honored with an encore . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 March 1837), 2
. . . The Amateur who was to have sung "Kitty O'Lynch" disappointed the audience; indisposition was assigned as the reason. Mr. Dyball, however, substituted "Quarter Day" in its place, which was well received . . .
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 April 1837), 2
On Tuesday night [4 April] was produced for the second time, the Nautical Drama, in three acts of "Poll and my Partner Joe" . . . Mr. Dyball had very properly chosen for himself, (the piece having been first played for his benefit,) the character of Watchful Waxend, a psalm-singing cobbler, called the Bishop of Battersea, which he hit off fairly; we could however, hardly reconcile his being so early transformed into a tar . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (19 February 1838), 2
Theatre Royal, Sydney. This Evening, Monday, February 17, 1838 . . .
A Comic Song by Mr. Dyball, called the Shovel and the Broom; or, the Waltzing Chimney Sweep . . .
J. LAZAR, Manager . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager)
MUSIC: The shovel and broom (tune: Buy a broom)
"THE THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (21 February 1838), 2
. . . On Monday evening . . . To the farce succeeded, "mention it not in Gath," for the first time, that highly entertaining song of The Shovel and Broom. Just, gentle reader, imagine Mr. Dyball, upon the rise of the curtain, rush in arrayed in the habiliments of a sweep, true to nature, no disguise, all unsophisticated - the song commences, but notwithstanding our utmost endeavours to follow the words of the singer, the last line of each verse only could we catch, viz., the Shovel and Broom; before the last word had died upon the ear, round went Mr. Dyball in the mazes of the waltz, beating time with a regular built shovel and broom. No doubt the song possesses considerable merit, but we in our innocence could discover nothing but vulgarity of the lowest grade; but there must have been merit, for the gods encored and enjoyed the repitition with much gout. By the bye, if this song is again to disgrace the boards, we will just throw out a hint by which it might be improved. From a solo transform it into a duett, a la Polly Hopkins; play the Lady and the Devil first piece, then Mrs. Downes, whose face being ready blackened for the character of Negombo, might chum chum with Mr. Dyball by taking the second, and making one in the die away waltz. But in seriousness, if the theatre is to be filled by such attractions, we shall feel no manner of surprise in seeing so heterogeneous an assemblage that no respectable person will put his foot into the place for fear of contamination. - Verb. sap.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Downes (actor, vocalist)
"THE THEATRE", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (28 February 1838), 2
On Monday evening, was produced for the first time in this Colony, the melo-drama of "Maurice the Woodcutter" . . . We don't know how it is, but every time we see Mr. Dyball, we conceive that he falls off instead of improving; his "Glandoft" was devoid of animation . . .
"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Monitor (9 March 1838), 2
Yesterday, the bark Portland, Conbro master, for Liverpool, with colonial produce - Passengers . . . Mr. Dyball . . .
Britain (mid 1838 to late 1840):
Sydney, NSW (by March 1841 until January 1844):
"THEATRICALS", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (6 March 1841), 2
. . . We are unable to take any lengthy review of the last fortnight's performances, but shall merely particularise The Boatswain and the Unfinished Gentleman. In the former . . . We were, moreover, glad to recognise the frontispiece of our old favourite, Dyball. He has just returned from England, and although on this his first re-appearance, he had but little to do, we think the advantages of his trip home were discoverable. We hope he has brought with him some modern favourite as a substitute for the old one - The Devil and Little Mike . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 March 1841), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre . . . THIS EVENING . . .
THE SPITFIRE. Lieut. Grating - Mr. Dyball . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (26 June 1841), 3
MESSRS. RILEY and DYBALL beg most respectfully to inform their Friends, patrons, and the public at large, that their
JOINT BENEFIT will take place on MONDAY, June 28, 1841, and have further the pleasure of stating,
that they are honoured with permission to announce it under the patronage of the gentlemen, members of the Australian Cricket Club.
Messrs. Riley and Dyball confidently trust that the Entertainments selected for the occasion,
will be of a nature to insure the favors of the patrons of the Victoria Theatre,
and meet the approbation of those whose intention it may be to honour them with their presence.
The Entertainments will commence with (for the first time at this Theatre) a popular Nautical Drama in three Acts, founded on fact, and called
Richard Parker (a Sailor on board the Sandwich) - Mr. Knowles
JACK ADAMS (Parker's Friend) - MR. RILEY
Mary Parker (Wife of Richard) - Mrs. Knowles
At the conclusion of the Drama, the following Entertainments -
Song - Sailor Boy capering Ashore, Miss Jones.
Irish Jig - Madame Veilburn
Song - If I had a Donkey what wouldn't go, MR. DYBALL, MOUNTED UPON A REAL DONKEY!!
Comic Dance - Mr. Fitzgerald.
Song - The Young Widow, Mrs. Winstanley.
Medley Dance - Miss M. Jones.
Song - Jim Crow, Mr. Lee.
Song, - Come buy my Oranges, Miss Strickland.
Matrimonial Duet - Miss Winstanley and Mr. Riley.
Song - The Devil and little Mike, Mr. Dyball.
Highland Fling - Mr. Fitzgerald.
Song - Cheer up my Lads, Mrs. Knowles.
Song - Buy a Broom, Miss Jones.
A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea, Miss Winstanley.
The whole to conclude with the laughable Farce, called
TEDDY MALLOWNEY, the Tiler, (for the first time) - MR. RILEY
Flora - Mrs. Knowles . . .
"THEATRICALS", Sydney Free Press (22 January 1842), 2
We perceive by an advertisement in another column, that Messrs. Dyball and Fitzgerald will take their benefit at the Victoria on Monday night, and judging from the bill of fare, which is shewn by the advertisement alluded to, we are inclined to anticipate a gratifying evening's entertainment. Mr. Dyball is a very fair performer, and during the present season, has made considerable improvement in the histrionic art, he is therefore well deserving of the encouragement of the public. Respecting Mr. Fitzgerald, we can only say, that he is an excellent dancer, and in that capacity, is a highly useful man to the establishment. Among other novelties we perceive that a new singer, said to be from the London boards, is to make his first appearance in this colony.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (30 June 1841), 3
Comic Song, The Coronation, by Mr. Dyball . . .
MUSIC: The coronation (tune: "Lunnen is the devil")
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (12 November 1841), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . MR. KNOWLES . . . his BENEFIT . . . Monday, Nov. 15, 1841 . . .
comic dance of three, by Messrs. Lee, Dyball, and Fitzgerald . . .
For, the first time, a new Comic Song, in character, "BIDDY THE BASKET WOMAN," MR. DYBALL . . .
MUSIC: Biddy the basket woman (tune: Nora Creina)
"RIVAL COMEDIANS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 December 1841), 3
TWO actors of the rival theatrical companies of Sydney were on Tuesday engaged in rather a novel competition for gentlemen of their profession. The gentlemen alluded to were Mr. Dyball of the Victoria Theatre and Mons. Martinier of Signer Dalle Case's Company, who made up a match for £5 a-side, for a foot race on the Parramatta road. The distance run was a quarter of a mile and Martinier came in first beating his adversary by a considerable distance. Are we to look upon this race as the type of the struggle for superiority between the two companies?
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case (gymnast, theatrical manager)
[Advertisement], The Australian (1 August 1842), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . MR. LEE . . . his Benefit . . . MONDAY . . . the 1st of August . . .
To conclude with the operatic burlesque burletta OTHELLO TRAVESTIE. Othello - Mr. Lee.
In the course of the burletta the following PARODIES, &c.,
Duet - The morn, the morn will soon be peeping - Messrs. Simmons and Dyball . . .
Duet - List, list, my plan is working - Messrs. Simmons and Dyball . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor)
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The New South Wales Examiner (16 September 1842), 3
. . . The following members have seceded from the Company - Mr. Joseph Simmons, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Spencer, (who has taken his departure to Launceston, by the William, Captain Thorn,) and Mr. Dyball, whose places will be supplied by the performers by the Trial, which is daily expected from England . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor); the new company members who arrived on the Trial in October included Andrew and Eliza Torning (actors), John and Eliza Gibbs (musician and actor); and Mrs. and Mrs. James (actors)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 March 1843), 1
To conclude with the successful Comic Pantomime, produced by Mr. A. Torning, entitled
Pantaloon - Mr. Dyball (Who has kindly volunteered his valuable services on this occasion) . . .
"ODD FELLOWS", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1843), 2
Yesterday being the second anniversary of the establishment of the "Fountain of Refuge Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows," the members of that Lodge, as well for the purpose of celebrating that event as of affording an indirect means of relief to the poorer classes, went in procession to St. James's Church, where a collection was made in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Asylum . . . At five o'clock in the evening the members of the first mentioned Lodges and their visitors, amounting in all to about a hundred persons, sat down to dinner, served up in very excellent style by Host Tait, of the Odd Fellows Hall. The dinner took place in the Lodge Room, which, besides being ornamented with the banners and other peculiar decorations appertaining to the order, was very handsomely festooned with artificial wreaths and other floral devices, arranged under the superintendence of Mr. Dyball . . . A portion of the band of the 80th Regiment was present at the dinner, for the purpose of playing appropriate airs after the several toasts of the party. The whole of the above band was permitted by the kindness of Colonel Baker to attend the procession during its transit to and from the Church in the first part of the day, and the splendour of its music formed no inconsiderable addition to the attractions of the fete . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 80th Regiment (military)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED AT THE CUSTOMS", The Australian (9 January 1844), 2
JAN. 8, - The brig Dorset, Walsh, master, for Adelaide, with cedar, &c. Passengers . . . Mr. Dyball.
"DEPARTURES", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (13 January 1844), 2
For Port Adelaide, the brig Dorset, Capt. Walsh, with cedar, &c. Passengers . . . John Dyball, Esq. . .
But note that the SA record gives the arrival's forename as James:
Adelaide, SA (from January 1844 to April 1847):
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", Southern Australian (26 January 1844), 2
JANUARY 23. - The brig Dorset, 31 tons, Captain Walsh, from Sydney. Passengers . . . Mr. Dyball.
"ODD FELLOWS - VICTORIA LODGE, PORT ADELAIDE", Southern Australian (27 September 1844), 3
. . . Brother Diball gave "The Officers and Brothers of the Hope Lodge," and expressed himself highly gratified by the manner in which he had been received by the Lodge since his coming to this country from Sydney . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (12 September 1846), 1
ROYAL ADELAIDE THEATRE, BY special desire, renewal of the "Misletoe Bough," re-appearance of the real donkey . . .
Saturday, September 12th . . . Comic duet by Mr. and Mrs. Deering.
On Monday, September 14th, "The Misletoe Bough; or, Young Lovell's Bride" . . . The Donkey's Trial, by Mr. Dyball.
Stage Manager, Mr. Deering.
ASSOCIATONS: Henry and Eliza Deering (actors, vocalists, manager); Royal Adelaide Theatre (venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (28 October 1846), 1
ROYAL ADELAIDE THEATRE. LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. Under the Patronage of the Tradesmen of Adelaide.
MR. DEERING'S BENEFIT . . . Thursday, October 29, 1846 . . .
Celebrated Dance from "Tom and Jerry." Dusty Bob - Mr. Dyball. African Sarah - Mr. Howard . . .
Acting Manager - Mr. Dyball. Stage Manager - Mr. Deering . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (24 April 1847), 1
DEERING'S ROYAL ADELAIDE THEATRE . . . On Monday evening, April 26th,
the performances will be under the immediate sanction and special patronage of the Loyal Albion Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows . . .
Song, on a real donkey, by P. G. Dyball . . .
Stage Manager - Mr. Deering.
Doubtful - Melbourne, VIC, by 1863-74:
? [Advertisement], The Argus (6 October 1863), 8
ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE . . . TO-NIGHT . . . the Great Historical Drama of THE TOWER OF LONDON . . .
Cranmer - Mr. Dyball . . .
? [Advertisement], The Argus (14 September 1865), 8
VICAR OF WAKEFIELD . . . Thornhill's Groom - Mr. Dyball . . .
? "Funeral Notices", The Argus (28 July 1874), 8
THE Friends of the late Mr. JAMES DYBALL, late of the Prince of Wales Opera-house, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral will move from his late residence, 3 Ridgway-street, off Little Collins-street east, THIS DAY, 28th Inst, at 3 o'clock p.m.
DYER, Benjamin Bissell (Benjamin DYER; Benjamin Bissel DYER; Benjamin Bissell DYER; Mr. B. B. DYER; Mr. DYER)
Musician, dancing master, music master, professor of dancing, flute, and violin
Born England, c. 1795; son of Robert DYER and Sarah BISSEL
Arrived Fremantle, WA, January 1830 (per Wanstead, from London)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 February 1833 (per Governor Bourke, from Swan River, 23 January
Married Ann REAY (d. 1878), by c. 1833
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by c. 1836
Died Brighton, TAS, 14 November 1875, aged "79/80" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Dyer sailed from England in 1829 on the Wanstead, as tutor to the four sons of John Burdett Wittenoom, and arrived with them in January 1830 in Fremantle, Western Australia.
Dyer later sought and received permission to leave the Swan River colony for Sydney, NSW, where he arrived in February 1833. Almost no documentation remains of his time in Sydney, apart from his being listed among the violinists in the band of the Theatre Royal for the winter season of 1835.
He was next documented as a "school master" in Hobart, VDL (TAS), in September 1836.
? Baptisms, St. Guthlake, Stathern, Leicestershire, 1795; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
27 October 1795 / Benjamin son of / Robert and Sarah / Dyer
Perth, WA (1830-33):
"GOVERNMENT NOTICE", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (5 January 1833), 1
NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Individuals have applied at this Office, for permission to leave the Colony - Viz.
. . . Mr. B. Dyer, per Governor Bourke, and Henry Woods, per ditto . . . Perth, December 20th, 1832.
Sydney, NSW (1833-39):
"ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald [NSW] (25 February 1833), 2
From Swan River, on Thursday last [21 February], having sailed from thence on the 23rd of January, the schooner Governor Bourke, Captain Akers, with a general cargo; Supercargo, Mr. Mars. Passengers, Mr. Benjamin Dyer, Mr. James Mapleton . . . and 3 prisoners of the Crown.
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Herald (4 May 1835), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
The Public are respectfully informed, that the Theatre will Open
THIS EVENING, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1835, and the Performance will commence with
MEHUL'S Celebrated Overture to "JOSEPH," BY THE FULL ORCHESTRA . . .
. . . The Lessees have succeeded in engaging all the first-rale Musical Talent in Sydney to form their Orchestra, which consists of the following gentlemen -
Leader of the Band, Mr. Clarke; Violins, Messrs. Spyers, Johnson, Dyer, and Scott;
principal Flute, Mr. Stubbs; Violencello and Grand Piano Forte, Mr. Cavendish;
Clarionets, Messrs. Turner and Sharp; Bassoons, Messrs. Hoare and Ball;
Bugle, Mr. Pappin; Drums, Mr. Vaughan.
The Musical Department will he considerably improved, and under the entire direction of Mr. CAVENDISH . . .
The Acting and Stage Management under the sole direction of JOSEPH SIMMONS.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Clarke (leader); Lawrence Spyer (violin); Mr. Johnson (violin); Mr. Scott (violin); Thomas Stubbs (flute); William Joseph Cavendish (cello, piano); Stephen Turner (clarinet); Mr. Sharp (clarinet); Mr. Hoare (bassoon); Stephen Pappin (bugle); Michael Vaughan (drums); Joseph Simmons (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Sydney)
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (by September 1836 to 1842):
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. David's Hobart Town in the county of Buckingham in the year 1836; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1084498; RGD32/1/2/ no 6831 (DIGITISED)
No. 199 / 6831 / 25th September [1846] / [born] 4th May 1834 / Catherine Sophia [daughter of] / Benjamin Bissel and Anne / Dyer / Hobart Town / School Master . . .
No. 200 / 6832 / 25th September [1846] / [born] 23rd July 1836 / Sarah Bissel [daughter of] / Benjamin Bissel and Anne / Dyer / Hobart Town / School Master . . .
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (26 February 1839), 1
CONCERT. MR. PECK begs leave respectfully to announce . . . his intention to give a
GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, to take place on the Evening of
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY THE 26th 1839, In the Theatre, Campbell-street, Hobart Town . . .
The Orchestra will consist of the following performers: -
1st Violins, Messrs. Peck and Russell. - 2nd Violins, Messrs. Singer and Dyer. - Viola and Clarionett, Mr. Reichenberg. -
Violoncello, Gentleman Amateur, from the Liverpool Concerts -
Flute, Mr. Duly, Bandmaster, 2 French Horns, 2 Bassoons, Serpent and Ophecleide, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarionets, Trumpet and Drum, 51st regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violin); William Russell (violin); John Singer (violin); Joseph Reichenberg (viola, clarinet); Abraham Duly (flute, master of 51st band); Band of the 51st Regiment (military); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (16 April 1839), 3
MR. DYER most respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken the large room in
Roxborough House, corner of Elizabeth and Brisbane streets; for the purpose of opening a Dancing Academy,
where he intends to commence on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock,
he having been particularly requested so to do by a many very respectable families.
Since Mr. D.'s short commencement in this Colony,
every satisfactory references can be given by the most respectable families and schools he has had the honor of attending,
in Hobart Town and its vicinity.
N. B. Young gentlemen, who have not had an opportunity of receiving instructions in Dancing,
are respectfully informed, that an Evening School will be held in the above room.
Terms may be known on application to Mr. Dyer, No. 32, Murray-street, or Mr. Tegg's, Elizabeth street.
April 16, 1839.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Augustus Tegg (bookseller)
[Advertisement], Tasmanian Weekly Dispatch (10 January 1840), 1
MR. B. B. DYER, Professor of Dancing, No. 64 LIVERPOOL STREET.
IN returning thanks for the liberal support he bas received, feels great pleasure in announcing to his patrons and the admirers of this polite art,
that the Classes at his Academy resume on Monday, the 20th Instant, and that Schools and private families will be attended upon the same days as heretofore.
In making this announcement, Mr. Dyer considers it but justice to himself to remark,
that, for upwards of TWENTY YEARS, he was engaged in his profession, in conjunction with his brothers,
in Lincolnshire and the adjoining counties, and the satisfaction given, and approbation expressed, during that time,
are known to many highly respectable persons in this Colony.
TERMS - Thirty Shillings per Quarter.
The Flute and Violin taught.
Hobart Town, Jan. 9, 1840.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (2 February 1841), 4
RESPECTFULLY begs leave to announce to his Friends and the Public, that the classes for Young Gentlemen at his Academy,
resume on Monday the 25th instant, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon; for Young Ladies, on Wednesday the 27th, at 5 o'clock.
*+* The Violin and Flute taught. Hobart Town, Jan. 21, 1841.
[Advertisement], The Courier (28 January 1842), 1
DANCING. - Mr. B. B. DYER, having just received from his Brothers (Professors of Dancing in England)
that much-admired Finishing or Breaking-up Dance, as now danced at Her Majesty's Balls, begs to inform his friends and the public,
that he will give instructions in the above dance, or the Victoria Quadrilles, to parties at his Room, or at their own residence.
Dancing for Juveniles at his Academy, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 3 to 5 p.m.
For Adult Gentlemen, on Mondays and Thursdays, from 7 to 9 o'clock evening.
For Adult Ladies, on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 6 to 8 o'clock evening.
Terms on application to Mr. Dyer. N.B. - Violin and Flute taught.
Belvoir Cottage, 49, Argyle-street, Jan. 27.
1842, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1067189; RGD33/1/1/ no 735 (DIGITISED)
No. 735 / 6th April [1842] / [no forename entered] / Male [son of] / Benjamin Bissell Dyer / Ann Dyer / Dancing Master / . . . Argyle Street . . . / [later registered as] Frederick Charles
Launceston, VDL (TAS) (1842-45):
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (24 December 1842), 5
A CARD. - MR. B. B. DYER, Professor of Dancing,
very respectfully informs his friends and the public of Launceston and its vicinity,
that he will open a school on Wednesday, the 4th of January, at two o'clock p.m., for juveniles,
at his residence, Brisbane-street, near to Mrs. Hinds' seminary.
On Thursday evening, Jan. 5, at eight o'clock, for adult gentlemen.
On Tuesday, evening, Jan. 10, at six o'clock, for adult ladies.
Terms on application to Mr. Dyer. * Quadrille parties furnished.
Launceston, Dec. 24.
1844. births in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1105863; RGD33/1/23/ no 75 (DIGITISED)
No. 75 / 12 February [1844] / [no forename entered] / Male [son of] / Benjamin Bissell Dyer / Ann Dyer formerly Ray / Music master / . . . Canning Street . . .
"INSOLVENT COURT. Monday, February 14th, 1841", Launceston Advertiser (15 February 1844), 3
In re B. B. Dyer - Nothing was done in this case, it being the wish of some of the creditors that an arrangement might be entered into, by which the insolvency could be superceded.
"THE THEATRE", Launceston Advertiser (15 February 1844), 3
The performances this evening are for the benefit of Mr. Dyer of the Orchestra. We are glad to perceive by the announcement in the bills for the evening, that Messrs. Searle and Opie will perform (we believe gratuitously) in addition to the usual company. Mr. Dyer is known to the public as a very excellent musician in which capacity he has kept his place in the Orchestre throughout the season, with little or no prospect of remuneration for his services, beyond what his benefit might afford, he is also known to them as the father of a large family which has very recently been increased. We sincerely hope the generosity of the public will on this occasion induce them to come forward liberally and secure him a bumper house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Searle (actor, manager); Edward Andrew Opie (actor, scenic artist); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (24 January 1845), 2
MR. B. B. DYER begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public,
that his Academy will re-open for the above accomplishment,
for Juveniles, on MONDAY, the 27th January.
Mr. D. will feel happy to give instructions in Waltzing, Quadrilles, Gallopades, &c., &c.
to adult ladies and gentlemen at their own residence, or at his room.
Terms - moderate, on application to Mr. Dyer, Upper York-street, Launceston.
N. B. - Quadrille Parties attended on application as above.
Jan. 22, 1845.
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (1846):
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (21 March 1845), 1
MR. B. B. DYER BEGS to inform his friends and the public,
that his BALL which was to have taken place on the 18th instant, at the Caledonian Hotel,
is unavoidably POSTPONED until TUESDAY, the 25th March instant.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (3 March 1846), 1
MR. B. B. DYER, Professor of Dancing, begs to inform his Friends,
that his BALL will take place at his Rooms, Murray-street, on Wednesday evening, the 18th instant.
Tickets only to be had of Mr. D., not transferable. March 3, 1846.
"MR. DYER'S BALL", Colonial Times (17 March 1846), 3
To-morrow evening Mr. Dyer gives a Ball to his pupils and their friends; these Balls are extremely pleasant, and bring young people, aye, and old ones too, into social, and most agreeable companionship; and we know of few opportunities of spending an evening so favourable as a Ball.
[Advertisement], The Courier (16 January 1847), 6
most respectfully informs his friends and the public of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that he has REMOVED from Murray-street to DENHAM HALL, corner of Argyle and Brisbane Streets,
where Mr. D. will continue to give instruction in the following fashionable ball room dances, viz.,
Polka Quadrilles, Waltzes, Valse a Deux Tems [temps], Quadrilles, Mazourkas, Gallopades, &c. &c.
The most satisfactory reference can be given from the schools and families Mr. D. has had the honour of attending.
N.B. The Pole Exercises taught. Jan. 8.
"CASE OF ASSAULT. NASH v. DYER", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (11 March 1847), 2
This case was heard by Mr. Mason on Saturday last. Both complainant and defendant live in Hobart Town,
the former being a clerk in the convict department, and the latter a professor of dancing.
The information stated that on a certain day mentioned, about 5 p.m., he was assaulted by defendant,
without his having given him, Mr. Dyer, the least provocation.
Mr. Wynne, appeared for the defendant, and pleaded not guilty, in order to obtain particular evidence as to the provocation.
Complainant having been sworn, stated: - On the day mentioned I was standing in front of my house, in Argyle-street, within my own fence; I was without my coat, and hat, looking into the street;
my hands were in my pockets. The defendant passed a few yards, and then turned back, and said, "Is your name Nash?"
I said, "I believe it is." He said, "What do you mean by going about the town and reporting that I am a convict?"
I said, "Do you allude to something that happened ten months ago? I thought (Dyer) you had forgotten all about that;"
Defendant then said, "I have a great mind to knock your head off;" to which I replied, "I think you had better not, two can play at that."
I then turned to see if any one was looking out of the parlour window, and whilst doing so, I received a heavy blow with a stick over the head,
which gave me a black eye; and before I could get into the street, I received another over the shoulder.
Mrs. Nash then came out, and put an end to it.
Cross-examined by Mr. Wynne. - On my oath I never stated Mr. Dyer was a convict.
Admitted having received a letter several months ago from Mr. Dyer, complaining of his having raised such a report, and asking explanation.
I did once state to a person, in a private and confidential conversation, that I had been told Mr. Dyer was a convict.
Did not answer defendant's letter, because a person to whom I had shown it had promised to see him, and explain.
He might have mentioned what he had been told to Mr. and Mrs. Barfoot, when speaking about Mr. Dyer's dancing school.
I said they ought not to let their children go without protection.
Before he struck me, I swear I did not say, "you may be a convict for what I know." What I said about Mr. Dyer was in private conversation . . .
A letter from Mr. Dyer to Mr. Champ, then the Comptroller-General, was handed to the magistrate,
complaining of his (Nash's') conduct, in having been representing him (Dyer) to be a convict, and the injury it was doing him,
and his wife, and family of five children. Mr. Champ, it appeared by his answer, treated the letter as nothing worth notice,
and referred Mr. Dyer to a Court of Justice . . .
In noticing this case we feel bound to say that never was a more unfounded calumny attempted to be raised to injure a man. We knew the defendant (Mr. Dyer) sixteen years, ago, when he arrived at Swan River, Western Australia, as tutor in the family of the Reverend J. B. Wittenhoon [sic], M.A. the first, and Senior Chaplain; and, that, from that hour, not a reproach has been cast upon his character, except by the mischievous, or heartless originator of the report, out of which arose the assault complained of. To a person of Mr. Dyer's profession, it was likely to do great injury, and was therefore a source of great irritation and annoyance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Morgan (editor, journalist); John Burdett Wittenoom; Nash had probably confused Dyer with Joseph Dyer below.
"BALL", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (27 May 1847), 3
The Ball given by Mr. Dyer, the professor of dancing, on Monday night, was attended, we understand, by a very respectable party of more than a hundred, for whose comfort every arrangement had been made. It was a kind and successful effort Mr. Dyer to make his friends happy, and to do honor to the Queen.
"PACKER'S CONCERT", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (15 February 1849), 3
The Music Hall was numerously, and respectably attended on Monday night . . . Mr. Packer was well supported in several pieces, by Messrs. Curtis, Dyer, and Russel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (musician); Richard Curtis (musician); Music Hall (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (18 May 1849), 3
Tradesman's Ball. MR. B. B. DYER respectfully makes known,
that his TRADESMAN'S BALL will take place on the Queen's Birth-night at the Music Hall.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Dyer. May 18, 1849.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (25 December 1849), 3
TRADESMAN'S BALL.-Mr. B. B. Dyer respectfully makes known that
his Tradesman's Ball will take place on December 31st, at the Music Hall, Collins-street.
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock p.m. Tickets to be had of Mr. D., not transferable. December 22, 1849.
"MESMERISM", The Courier (16 November 1850), 2
A LECTURE on this subject was given by Mr. W. T. Poyser, at the Mechanics' Institute, Melville street, on Tuesday evening last.
The attendance was, however, very limited . . .
After explaining the difference of the hypnotic sleep from the theories of former mesmeric practisers,
Mr. Poyser introduced to the notice of the assembly Mr. Charles Greig, son of Mr. Greig, of Murray-street,
with a view of reducing him to a state of somnambulism to illustrate the subject by manipulations and a series of experiments on the phrenological organs . . .
The following experiments were then made . . .
6th. The hypnote, still standing, remained immoveable, when for a few seconds Mr. Dyer began to play a sailor's hornpipe.
The hypnotist excited the organs of time and tune, when the hypnote danced the hornpipe to the music Upon ceasing to excite the organs,
the dancer ceased, although the violin kept playing. It was found that one heel was up when the excitation ceased . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Thomas Poyser (mesmerist); Mechanics' Institute (Hobart venue)
"THE GAZETTE", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (13 August 1861), 2
. . . The following appointments are notified: Benjamin B. Dyer to be postmaster at Brighton vice Mr. Alfred Thrupp, deceased . . .
[Advertisement], The Mercury (22 June 1869), 1
PUBLIC POUND, PONTVILLE . . . B. B. DYER, Poundkeeper.
1875, deaths in the district of Brighton; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1207227; RGD35/1/44 no 45 (DIGITISED)
No. 105 / 45 / 14th Nov'b'r 1875 / Benjamin B. Dyer / Male / 79 years / Postmaster / Rheumatism . . .
"DIED", The Mercury (16 November 1875), 1
DYER. - On Sunday, 14th November, at Brighton, Mr. B. B Dyer, after a long and painful illness, in the 80th year of his age. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
Bibliography and resources:
Benjamin Bissell Dyer and Family, Tasmanian archives
DYER, Joseph [1] (Joseph DYER; Mr. J. DYER; Mr. DYER)
Dancer, professor of dancing, theatrical dancer, convict, emancipist
Born England, c. 1811
Convicted Chester, England, 20 October 1831 (14 years transportation)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 July 1832 (convict per Katherine Stewart Forbes, from England, 21 February)
Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1845-47
Active Adelaide, SA, 1847-51
Arrived VIC, 1851; active until 1857 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"COMMITTED TO PRISON", Chester Courant (18 October 1831), 2 (PAYWALL)
The two men who robbed Mr. Walker's shop in this city about three weeks ago, of two gold watches, were captured at Liverpool, by Dawson, and committed for trial on Saturday week. Their names are Joseph Wray and Joseph Dyer.
"CHESTER CITY SESSIONS [20 October]. . . STEALING IN A DWELLING-HOUSE", Chester Courant (25 October 1831), 2 (PAYWALL)
Joseph Ray, Joseph Dyer, and Edward Williams, were indicted for stealing two watches from the shop of Mr. John Walker, silversmith. The particulars of this robbery having already appeared in the Courant, need not be detailed at length. Mr. Walker deposed to the loss of watches, and his son proved that Dyer and Ray were in the shop a few minutes before the watches were stolen. The prisoners were apprehended in Liverpool, and it was sworn by a woman named Scott, that they had boasted of their exploits, and had told minutely how they committed robbery, on their return home. Robert Evans, a prisoner in the city gaol, swore that, since their committal, Dyer had told him, that they had sold the watches to an old-clothesman in Liverpool for five pounds. The jury, after few minutes consultation, returned a verdict of guilty against Ray and Dyer, and acquitted Williams, the evidence against whom was a declaration by the other prisoners that he kept watch in the Row while the robbery was committed. - Death recorded.
"CONVICTS", Chester Courant (8 November 1831), 2 (PAYWALL)
Joseph Reay and Joseph Dyer, the young men convicted at our last Sessions of stealing two gold watches out of the shop of Mr. John Walker, goldsmith, of this city, against whom sentence of death was recorded, have been ordered to be transported for the term of fourteen years.
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (from 16 July 1832):
Convict record, Joseph Dyer, per Katherine Stewart Forbes, 1832; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1389497; CON31/1/10$init=CON31-1-10p90
Dyer, Joseph / Kath'e Stew't Forbes 16 July 1832 / Chester 20th October 1831 - 14
. . . Conditional Pardon 94 - 4 Jan'y 1842 / Extended to Aust. Colonies 1/7/45 . . .
"Tickets of Leave", The Hobart Town Courier (27 July 1838), 2
. . . Joseph Dyer, [Katherine Stewart Forbes] . . .
[Government gazette notice], Colonial Times (11 January 1842), 4
. . . [6 January 1842] . . . Memoranda of Conditional Pardon have been issued for the following persons until Her Majesty's pleasure be known:
. . . Joseph Dyer, Katherine Stewart Forbes . . .
"GOVERNMENT NOTICE . . . 31st August, 1843 . . . CONDITIONAL PARDONS", Colonial Times (12 September 1843), 4
. . . Joseph Dyer, Katherine Stewart Forbes . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 April 1844), 1
THE Undersigned beg most respectfully to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town,
that they have commenced teaching in the above profession, the particulars of which may be known on application at No. 41, Brisbane-street.
THOMAS DENHAM. JOSEPH DYER. Hobart Town, April 23, 1844.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Denham (dancing master)
"GOVERNMENT NOTICE. No. 83", The Courier (2 July 1845), 2
Colonial Secretary's Office, 30th June, 1845.
The Lieutenant-Governor having received instructions from Her Majesty's Secretary of State,
signifying Her Majesty's approval of the condition of the Pardons held by the undermentioned persons
being extended to a residence within the Australian Colonies and New Zealand . . .
Joseph Dyer, K. S. Forbes . . .
Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (from 11 July 1845):
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser [NSW (VIC] (12 July 1845), 2
July 11. - Lillias, schooner, from Hobart Town. Passengers . . . Joseph Dyer . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (17 July 1845), 3
Sailor's Hornpipe, in character, by Mr. J. Dyer, From the Theatres Hobart Town, Launceston, &c., &c., his first appearance here . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); Cordelia Cameron (actor); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Government notice], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (15 October 1845), 250
The periods for which the under-mentioned persons were transported expiring at the date placed after their respective names,
Certificates of their Freedom may be obtained then, or at any subsequent period,
upon application at the Office of the Comptroller General of Convicts, Hobart Town . . .
Katherine Stewart Forbes . . . Joseph Dyer, 20th [October] . . .
[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (25 February 1847), 3
Song - Mrs. Richards. Song - Mr. Hambleton. Sailor's Hornpipe - Mr. Dyer . . .
J. T. SMITH, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorothea Richards (vocalist); John Hambleton (actor, vocalist); John Thomas Smith (proprietor)
"Queen's Theatre Royal", The Melbourne Argus (9 March 1847), 2
Queen's Theatre Royal. THURSDAY EVENING, March 11th . . .
Dance - Mr. Dyer; Song - Mr. Hambleton . . .
Adelaide, SA (by December 1847):
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (4 December 1847), 1
FIRST appearance of Mr. J. Dyer, from the Hobart Town; Launceston, and Melbourne Theatres . . .
A variety of singling and dancing, when Mr. J. Dyer will dance his unrivalled hornpipe . . .
J. L. JACOBS, Stage Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (actor, manager); Royal Adelaide Theatre (venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 December 1847), 2
ROYAL ADELAIDE THEATRE. - Last Appearance of Mr. J. DYER, the unrivalled Hornpipe Dancer. -
On Saturday Evening, December 11th . . . Hornpipe - Mr. Dyer . . .
Irish Jig - Mr. Dyer . . . Tarantella - Madame Veilburne and Mr. Jacobs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Veilburn (dancer)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (28 January 1851), 2
Open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday next . . . A Highland Fling By Mr. Dyer, from Port Phillip, his first appearance here . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (3 March 1851), 3
MR. DYER (from the Melbourne and Geelong Theatres), will make his first appearance at this Theatre,
and dance a NAVAL HORNPIPE . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (8 March 1851), 5
SATURDAY, March 8th . . . Highland fling, Mr. Dyer (who was received with great applause on Monday Evening) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, proprietor)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (9 May 1851), 2
THIS is to give Notice, that JOSEPH DYER, the unrivalled dancer of a Naval Hornpipe, Highland Fling, Irish Jig,
and Comic Dance, is open to accept any challenge in the Australian Colonies, for £30 or upwards.
Apply at the Star Inn, Rosina-street.
J. DYER. May 8th, 1851.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED OUT", Adelaide Observer (6 December 1851), 5
Friday, December 5 . . . The brig Gazelle, 240 tons, Skey, master, for Geelong. Passengers . . . and the following in the steerage: . . . Joseph Dyer . . .
Bendigo, VIC (1857):
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (16 January 1857), 3
SYDENHAM GARDENS. GRAND Dancing Match will take place at the above popular place of amusement,
on Saturday the 17th, when the best Hornpipe and Highland Fling Dancer for the following prizes, will be awarded.
First Prize - £2. Second do £1.
N.B. - Mr. Jos. Dyer will appear.
DYER, Joseph [2] (Joseph DYER; Mr. J. DYER)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist, journalist, lecturer on music, music reviewer, critic
Born Reading, Berkshire, England, 10 April 1819; son of John DYER and Agnes BURNELL
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 November 1852 (per Windsor, from London, via Melbourne, 23 October, aged "33")
Married Margarat Isabella MANSFIELD (1839-1906), Sydney, NSW, 6 April 1855
Died Wellington, New Zealand, 4 March 1877, aged "56" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Dyer was a reporter on the Sydney Empire by July 1853, and in August and October 1854 gave a lecture on British ballads at the Mechanics' School of Arts, where from 1855 to 1857 he was secretary.
He was founding secretary of the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society in 1858, secretary of the Sydney University Musical Festival in 1859, and in 1860 of the Sydney Philharmonic Society.
He was also editor of The Sydney magazine in 1859, to which he probably contributed two articles on music, Music for the people (109), and The music festival (229)
Register of non-conformist births, Dr. Williams' Library register, 1820-24; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
850 / Joseph Dyer / Reading / Par. St. Lawrence / County of Berks. / reg'd April 27th 1821 /
[son of] John Dyer & Agnes, Daughter of William & Agnes Burnell / [born] 10th April 1819
851 / George Barton Dyer / Par. St. Mary Battersea . . . reg'd April 27th 1821 / [son of] John Dyer & Agnes, Daughter of William & Agnes Burnell / [born] 16th Nov'r 1820
Schedule . . . [passengers per] Windsor . . . 15 July 1852 . . . [for] Sydney . . . 23/10/1852 . . .; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
Dyer Joseph / 33 . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 November 1852), 6
November 4 - Windsor, ship, 900 tons, Captain Tickell, from Melbourne 27th ultimo. Passengers - . . . J. Dyer . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (8 November 1852), 3
G. B. DYER, late of Leatherhead, Surrey, may hear of his brother Joseph, who arrived at Sydney in the ship Windsor, on application to No. 73, Phillip-street, Sydney.
"LAW INTELLIGENCE. SUPREME COURT. MONDAY . . . FISHER v. KEMP AND ANOTHER", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1853), 2
. . . Joseph Dyer, one of the reporters for the Empire, was present, professionally, at the meeting in question, and took notes, which he still had by him . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (26 August 1854), 1
On TUESDAY Evening next, the 29th of August instant.
A LECTURE on BRITISH BALLADS, with illustrations, will be delivered in the Hall of the Institution, by Mr. JOSEPH DYER.
The doors will be open at 7 o'clock, and the Lecture will commence at half past 7 o'clock precisely.
Each Member of the Institution has the privilege of introducing two ladies.
S. W. MANSFIELD, Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Worthington Mansfield (d. 1881; secretary, Dyer's future father-in-law); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney association and venue)
"SCHOOL OF ARTS", Empire (30 August 1854), 5
Yesterday evening a lecture on the subject of old English Ballads was delivered at the institution by Mr. Joseph Dyer. The lecturer stated that he was induced to call public attention to these effusions because they appeared to have suffered unmerited neglect. While Scotch, Irish, and Ethiopian melodies had been popular, and had excited great attention, the true old English Ballad had been utterly neglected. He then proceeded to show the important influences that Ballad literature had in forming the character of the people; and in support of his opinion he quoted Macaulay and Dr. Burney, and other eminent writers. He traced the fall of the ancient minstrels to the establishment of the printing press, and gave several instances in favour of such an opinion. He then alluded to the power of music, and suggested that at this moment the national strains of England might be nerving the arm of her soldiers to combat against a foreign and barbarous foe. The lecturer, concluded with a series of old English Ballads, foremost among which was the old song of "Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford." A great variety succeeded, among which were "Down among the Dead Men," "My Lodging is on the Cold around," and "The Leather Bottel." They were received with cordial marks of approval by a very numerous audience. An amusing parody was also sung, referring to the Russian war, which excited great enthusiasm. This collection of British Ballads concluded with "God save the Queen," concerning the authorship of which the lecturer read a very elaborate critique. He met with universal applause, and concluded what was universally regarded as a very successful lecture.
"SYDNEY MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1854), 8
A lecture was delivered last evening [sic] at this institution on "English Ballads," by Mr. Dyer. In his introduction, he observed that most of the facts of history were handed down to as by means of ballad singers previous to the invention of printing. In the course of his lecture he introduced a few very amusing old English songs, with remarks as to their origin, some of which were, "My longing's on the cold ground," "Bold Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford," "The poacher's song," "The British Grenadiers," and a comic song to the tune of "Guy Fawkes," referring in a very amusing manner to the present war. In conclusion, he read a portion of a dissertation on the origin of our national anthem, "God save the Queen," giving the names of several to whom its composition is attributed. It was sung with great spirit and loyalty, the audience all standing joining in the chorus. Mr. Dyer's musical talents are very superior, and his vocal powers are not inferior to some of our best professional singers.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 October 1854), 1
LECTURES - On TUESDAY EVENING next, the 17th October Instant, a Lecture on British Ballad,
with some Ancient English and Modern Irish illustrations, will be delivered in the hall of the Institution, by Mr. JOSEPH DYER . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (21 October 1854), 8
LECTURES - On TUESDAY EVENING next, the 24th instant,
a Lecture on BRITISH BALLADS with some Ancient English, and Modern Irish illustrations,
will be delivered in the Hall of the Institution by Mr. JOSEPH DYER . . .
On this lecture, see also "MR. DYER'S LECTURE AND THE 'IRISH MELODIES'. To the Editor of the . . .", Empire (26 October 1854), 5
"THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1855), 4
Mr. Joseph Dyer, who has for some time past been connected with the literary department of our daily contemporary, has been elected to the office of Secretary of this institution, in place of Mr. Mansfield.
[Advertisement], Empire (10 March 1855), 1
MR. JOSEPH DYER, Secretary to the Mechanics' School of Arts, has the honour to announce that,
assisted by Mrs. ST. JOHN ADCOCK, who has kindly offered her valuable aid, he will deliver a
Lecture on TUESDAY EVENING next, the 13th instant, on ANCIENT BRITISH BALLADS, at the Theatre of the Institution, in Pitt-street.
Mr. Dyer ventures to hope that the deeply interesting object to which the whole proceeds of the lecture are intended to be devoted,
will obtain for his efforts an acceptation that he is conscious they could not intrinsically command.
The lecture will be illustrated with various old English ballads, among others Robin Hood and the Bishoppe of Hereford; The Leather Bottel;
The Lincolnshire Poacher; the original song of the British Grenadiers. - Mrs. ADCOCK will also accompany Mr. Dyer in various duets;
and will sing a favourite song of Linley's, The Warrior's Bride; also Moore's admired Irish melody, "The Minstrel Boy."
Mrs. Adcock will also preside at the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne Adcock (vocalist, pianist)
"LECTURE ON MUSIC", Empire (14 March 1855), 5
A lecture in aid of the Patriotic Fund was delivered yesterday evening, in the Theatre of the School of Arts, by Mr. Joseph Dyer, the Secretary to this Institution. The subject announced was "Ancient British Ballads," and after some general allusions to our earlier national minstrelsy, and to the light which it throw on many portions of history, Mr. Dyer sang very effectively several of the more popular and stirring old English ballads, among others Robin Hood and the Bishoppe of Hereford; The Leather Bottel; The Lincolnshire Poacher, and the original song of the British Grenadiers - all of which were well received by the audience. Mrs. St. John Adcock, who played the pianoforte accompaniments for the pieces just named, sang with great pathos and beauty, a favourite song of Linley's, "The Warrior's Bride," and Moore's admired Irish melody "The Minstrel Boy," and also took part with Mr. Dyer in the admired duets - "Love in thine eyes for ever plays," and "Go where Glory waits Thee!"
Towards the conclusion of the lecture, Mr. Dyer took the opportunity of urging the claims of the School of Arts on the support of the young men in Sydney, alluding, with some emphasis, to the important service it might render to public morals and general education, by such additions to its various appliances for instruction and recreation as that it should afford effectual counterattractions to those offered by the theatre and the tavern. He further adverted to the gratifying fact, that the number of members of the Institution was larger now than at any previous time, and that the reading rooms were plentifully supplied with all the principal periodicals and newspapers of Great Britain and the colonies, and concluded with expressing a hope that the support which the School of Arts received would enable the Committee to erect, on the adjoining ground now in possession of the institution, a building of a character and convenience suited to the intellectual requirements of the city. The audience was unfortunately a limited one. By means of this laudable effort on the part of Mr. Dyer to promote a cause of such general public interest the sum of £6 will, we believe, be handed over to the Secretaries of the Patriotic Fund.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne Adcock (vocalist, pianist)
MUSIC (BALLADS): Dyer's source for the words and music of the songs was almost certainly William Chappell's A collection of national English airs (1840)
MUSIC (DUETS): Love in thine eyes (Jackson); Go where glory waits thee (Moore)
"MARRIAGE", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1855), 8
On the 6th instant, at York-street Chapel, by the Rev. Stephen Rabone, Mr. Joseph Dyer, son of the late Rev. John Dyer, of London, and Secretary of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, to Margaret Isabella, eldest daughter of Mr. S. W. Mansfield, of Sydney.
"MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1855), 2-3
We noticed, in our issue of Friday, that a conversazione took place on Thursday evening last,
in the new Hall of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts and we now proceed to enter somewhat more into details.
The numerous attendance was evidence sufficient of the progress of an institution which aims at objects truly noble,
and which has, within the last twelve months, burst as it were into new life, and gathered around it many hundreds of additional subscribers.
His Excellency the Governor General - the patron of the institution - was present, and took a very active part in the proceedings of the evening . . .
[3] . . . During the evening several glees were sung - most of them German. All were well received, but there was a strong partiality shown to the "Model British" glee -
"by Celia's Arbour" - the singers being Messrs. Colley, Fisher, Walcott, and J. Bolton.
The vocal efforts of Mrs. St. John Adcock were greeted with plaudits they deservedly won. Mons. Paling was enchored in his performance on the violin.
A song of considerable merit, composed by him (Mons. Paling) for the occasion, and sung by Mr. Dyer, was heartily applauded.
The lines were by Captain Hampton. The secretary of the institution also sung "The Leather Bottel," with much effect.
The assembly separated at about half-past ten, feeling that an intellectual treat had been afforded them,
and no doubt hoping that the entertainment would be repealed at no distant day.
We must say that the general arrangements, both in the hall and the refreshment room, reflected great credit upon the secretary, Mr. Dyer.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Colley (vocalist); James Boulton (vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); Robson Beilby Walcot (vocalist); William Henry Paling (violinist, composer); Frederick Blagg Hampton (lyricist, d. 1859)
"CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1857), 5
On Saturday evening Mr. Dyer, the secretary of the institution, provided a very pleasing musical entertainment, which, could it have been duly appreciated, would no doubt have lured a larger number from other amusements not so really interesting, and, possibly less free from objectionable associations. The thin attendance, however, did not interfere with the carrying out of a programme which contained many favourite glees, songs, and ballads, and some excellent music for the organ. Among the former were Sir H. R. Bishop's glee, "Sleep, gentle Lady" (in which Madame Lamont and Messrs. Wheeler, Fisher, Dyer, &c. took part); Lindpainter's celebrated song, "The Standard Bearer," and Purcell's "Mad Tom," (both by Mr. Dyer). Madame Lamont also sang two solo pieces, the sweet ballad entitled "The old mill," and the banquet song from "Lucrezia Borgia" Il segreto per esser felice; Mr. Fisher sang Balfe's very favourite ballad - "In this old chair." Locke's music in "Macbeth" brought the entertainment to a conclusion, in this the solo parts were sung by Madame Lamont, and Messrs. Fisher and Wheeler. Mr. Packer presided at the organ and pianoforte, accompanying the vocal pieces, as well as performing two extempore fantasias upon national and operatic airs, both of which were well received, a call having been made for repetition of the first. Mr. Wheeler gave a solo on the cornet in very good style. The small audience shewed their gratification by frequent warm applause, leaving little doubt that were the programme repeated, and another night chosen for its performance, a fair share of patronage would be accorded.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Augusta Lamont (vocalist); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (vocalist, cornet player); Charles Sandys Packer (pianist, organist)
[News], Freeman's Journal (19 December 1857), 2
Mr. W. Davis, secretary to the Alliance for the Suppression of Intemperance, has been elected by the Committee of the School of Arts as secretary to that institution, vacant by the appointment of Mr. Joseph Dyer, as secretary to the Sydney Fire Insurance office.
"THE SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 November 1858), 6
A numerously attended and spirited meeting was held in the Castlereagh-street Schoolroom, on Thursday evening, the 18th instant, to establish a society under the above designation. The chair was taken by Mr. Charles Nathan, F.R.C.S., at a few minutes past eight o'clock. There were present in the room a large number of gentlemen who have taken part in the transactions of musical societies in Sydney, and considerable satisfaction was expressed at the prospect which the meeting afforded that Sydney was at last shaking off the apathy that has been so long evinced in musical matters here. The musical profession was also represented by several of its leading members. At the request of the chairman, Mr. Dyer read the advertisement convening the meeting, and also the prospectus explanatory of the objects of the society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nathan (chair); Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1858), 1
PRESIDENT. Charles Nathan, Esq., F.R.C.S.
TREASURER. Mr. L. W. Hurford, No. 191, Castlereagh-street.
SECRETARY. Mr. Joseph Dyer, No. 25, Macleay-street . . .
This Society has been formed for the cultivation and practice of Vocal Music, and for the establishment of a school for instruction in part singing in Sydney.
To this end the support of all persons competent to take part in Choral Music is earnestly invited,
in order that an organised body of singers may be formed in Sydney capable of producing in their entirety the great works of the great masters of music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis William Hurford (member)
"THE SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MUSIC FESTIVAL. To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1859), 2
SIR - Now that the elections for Sydney and its suburbs are over, and the attention of your readers can be released from the study of those instructive and delightful ere long,
yclept election addresses, I hope to find a little space in your journal to explain the arrangements that have been made for their entertainment at the approaching festival.
I need not relate the history of this idea from its commencement,
how the Senate of the University anticipating the completion of this noble hall considered in what way it could be inaugurated so as to invest it with the greatest interest to the community that have contributed so liberally to its foundation,
and how it was decided that, following the practice adopted on similar occasions in England,
a musical festival on as grand a scale as the resources of these colonies would admit of shall be given.
Suffice it to say, that supported by ancient and established precedents in the universities of Oxford and Cambridge,
the Senate originated the plan, and a committee was formed, including many members of that body,
and assisted by gentlemen connected with the musical societies of the city.
This committee has for some months been anxiously engaged in making the preliminary arrangements, and those are now in such a state of forwardness that we are able to give a sketch of them.
Only those who have been engaged in similar matters can dismiss the trouble and anxiety involved in such an arduous undertaking here.
It must be remembered that New South Wales is not like England, where musical talent of the highest order is always in the market,
and a musical festival could be got upon a week's notice - where it would be possible to write to a musical entrepreneur and engage 1000 chorus singers -
leading sopranos, tenors, altos, basses, and orchestra 100 strong - and have them all delivered by railway at any town in the United Kingdom with as much certainly as if you ordered so much merchandise.
Here the voices have to be trained the music to be practised by those perhaps who never tried it before,
and we must depend very much on the enthusiasm of those who cultivate music for its own sake.
Happily for the prospect of success in this undertaking, classes for the study of vocal music have been very popular for some two or three years past,
and a Choral Society was formed in the beginning of the year, which was attended with remarkable success.
It was, therefore, rendered certain that the materials for a grand Festival existed in the colony,
and all that was wanted was some powerful motive which should induce musical amateurs to combine their forces in order to produce a very fine effect.
This occasion is supplied by the opening of the new Hall, and accordingly the Festival was resolved on if the support of these bodies of volunteers could be obtained.
The committee are proud to say that a host of musical amateurs have responded most enthusiastically to the call made upon them.
The band of the Philharmonic Society, comprising about twenty-five instruments, have placed their services at the disposal of the committee,
and the chorus of the Vocal Harmonic Society, comprising about two hundred voices, the members of Mr. Chizlett's advanced music class,
and the gentlemen of the German Glee Club, together with several unattached musical amateurs also offered their aid.
Encouraged by this liberal response to the appeal, the committee at once entered into engagements with various professional musicians,
whose steady practised performance will give confidence and precision to the zealous impetuosity of volunteer enthusiasm.
These engagements may be said to comprise much of the available musical talent now to be had in these colonies.
For instance, the orchestra will consist of ten first violins, five of whom are professional performers; ten second violins, four professional;
six tenors, three professional; six violincello, three professional; four double basses, three professional; besides various engagements in the brass and wind instruments.
The chorus will consist of 250 voices, and they all know the music, and have sung it together,
to the delight of hundreds of auditors during the past six months in the concerts given by the Vocal Harmonic Society and those given by Mr. Chizlett,
so that the committee have no fear of a musical charivari such as has in former times been heard in of Sydney.
This year is peculiarly appropriate, too, for such a celebration It is the centenary of the death of Handel,
the greatest musician that ever lived, and all over the civilised world commemoration festivals are being given in his honour.
On the very day that many of your readers will be perusing these lines - on this Monday, June 20th 1859 -
the grandest musical festival that ever was given in England is taking place in the Crystal Palace.
Your readers will see the preliminary advertisements in the latest London papers, from which I gather that on
"Monday, June 20th, will be performed Handel's oratorio of 'The Messiah,' to commence at one o'clock.
The preparation for this unequalled performance has been going on for three years past.
The chorus and orchestra will be composed of four thousand choral and instrumental performers, who will be selected with the greatest care from the various metropolitan,
provincial, and continental orchestras, cathedral choirs, and choral associations."
The conductor of this vast body is to be Mr. Costa, and the tickets will be one guinea each.
On Wednesday, June 22nd, there is to be another performance composed of the Dettingen Te Deum,
a part of which will be performed at our Festival, and on Friday, June 24th, the grand oratorio of "Israel in Egypt" will be performed.
At all of these performances, the admission to reserved and numbered seats is to be ONE GUINEA.
This it must be remembered is in England and in a building that can seat with ease 25,000 auditors.
It is a matter of congratulation therefore that a committee of the University Festival have been able here,
where musicians are so much more difficult to be obtained and receive so much higher remuneration,
and in a hall that cannot accommodate more than 1500 auditors, exclusive of the chorus, to notice the comparatively low charge of ten shillings for each seat.
Of course we cannot hope here to approach the grandeur of such a celebration as is now taking place in England;
but as the Messiah is to be performed, we would fain hope that this, not the least civilised, though the most distant of England's colonies,
will at the approaching festival testify its appreciation of what is grand in art, and deposit its humble wreath of immortelles on the tomb of the mighty dead.
The performances at the festival will commence on Tuesday, July 19th, at one o'clock in the day,
an hour fixed to enable those engaged in business to make arrangements to attend, to allow the grand effect of the painted windows to be seen,
and to dismiss the audience in daylight to their own homes.
It is hoped that this day at least will be made a public half-holiday.
On the occasion of the Birmingham festival last year, it is stated in the Athenaeum,
that the day "The Messiah" was performed an audience of four thousand persons was collected in the Town Hall, all of whom paid one guinea each.
This day's music will be opened with the National Anthem - a fitting tribute to our Gracious Lady Queen, who his shown such interest in the success of the institution to be opened.
On Wednesday, July 20th, will be performed also at one o'clock Haydn's Grand Oratorio of the Creation.
This magnificent work never falls to delight, and it may safely be predicted that the performance of it will be satisfactory.
The excellent manner in which it has lately been done, both by the Vocal Harmonic Society and Mr. Chizlett's Class, prove that the Chorus is at home in it,
and the instrumental accompaniments are peculiarly rich and beautiful.
It is expected to conclude about half-past three o'clock.
At eight o'clock, on this evening, therefore, there will be a grand miscellaneous concert, in which all the talent engaged will be employed,
and some old English madrigals will be sung with the full strength of the chorus.
On Thursday evening, at eight o'clock, there will be another grand concert, divided into two parts,
the first part to consist of sacred music, being chiefly a selection from Mendelssohn's oratorio of Elijah, and the second part a selection of popular miscellaneous music.
This is likely to be a very attractive concert, as several of the choice morceaux from the Elijah will be presented,
and the two styles of music, sacred and secular, may be heard and compared by those whose engagements will not permit them to attend more that once.
On Friday, the last day of the Festival, the committee, relying on the genius of the mighty master, "Handel,"
and fully expecting that by many who will attend the first day a repetition of the pleasure derived will he desired
(while, on the other hand, there will be many who will not be able to obtain admission on the first day),
have resolved to repeat the Oratorio of the "Messiah," and this magnificent work will bring the festival, it is hoped, to a worthy conclusion.
The Committee entertain hopes that they may be able to give a cheap musical entertainment on the Saturday,
but this will of course depend very much on the circumstances that may arise, and is not to be depended upon.
I have thus, Sir, given your readers an outline of the arrangements.
The engagements will be advertised immediately, but are only delayed in order to enable the committee to secure the latest talent that may arrive in the colonies.
I am sure it will be acknowledged, when they are known, that every effort has been made to secure efficiency in every department.
Apologising for taking up so much of your valuable space, I will conclude by stating that tickets price 10s each, may be secured at once on application to Mr. W. J. Johnson, musicseller,
in Pitt-street, where a plan of the Hall may be seen.
Each ticket will be numbered, and will have a plan of the Hall printed on it,
by which each individual will be able to ascertain the exact part of the Hall it represents, and may proceed at once to his own seat without confusion.
The committee are now engaged in making arrangements for the comfort of visitors, and they confidently appeal to the public for support in their arduous undertaking.
I am, Sir, your most obedient servant.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chizlett (choral instructor);
Sydney University Musical Festival (event);
Great Hall (Sydney University venue);
see also further details in a later letter from Dyer, "THE SYDNEY UNIVERSITY MUSICAL FESTIVAL. To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 July 1859), 4
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 June 1860), 5
The annual meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society took place last night, at Mr. Aldis's Rooms, in George Street, Mr. J. H. Plunkett, Q.C., M.L A., having been called to the chair . . . Mr. Joseph Dyer then proceeded to read the annual report of the committee for the year ending in June, 1860. The report dwelt with satisfaction on the large measure of popularity which had attended upon the performances of the Society, as evidenced by the crowded audiences attending their concerts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (chair); William Henry Aldis (member); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
"DEATH", New Zealand Times [Wellington, NZ] (5 March 1877), 2
DYER. - On March 4. at his residence, Tinakon-road, Joseph Dyer, Resident Secretary to the Mutual Provident Society, in the 68th year of his age, leaving a wife and nine children to mourn his loss.
"NEW ZEALAND (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT), WELLINGTON, MARCH 17", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 April 1877), 7
Mr. Joseph Dyer, the resident secretary of the Australian Mutual Provident Society, died here last week. He had been for some time in bad health, and he has left a wife and family of nine very slenderly provided for, a policy of £500 on his life being, in fact, all. Mr. Dyer will be remembered by many people in Victoria as a man of considerable inventive ability. As representative of the Mutual Provident Society in this colony he exhibited rare energy, and rapidly raised its income from £16,000 a year to nearly £70,000 a year. He was personally very popular, and by his business tact he was enabled to keep pace with the Government in the life assurance business, until at length his society and the Government have pretty nearly monopolised and very evenly divided the whole life assurance business of the colony . . .
"MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (20 April 1877), 6
. . . Not long ago, the branch secretary in New Zealand, Mr. Dyer, died. The local Board had sent a very strong representation to the principal Board on behalf of his widow and children. He had left a widow and nine children entirely unprovided for. He was insured in the society to the extent of £500; but we are advised that the whole of that would be swallowed up in paying debts . . . They had pointed out that Mr. Dyer was a very zealous officer of the society, and that during the term of his secretaryship, nearly six years, the business increased very greatly, from, he believed, and as was verified, £17,000 to £70,000. The Board felt this was a case of great hardship, and they ought to do something . . . the feeling was that Mr. Dyer ought to have insured, and that to do anything to assist in this case was like a premium upon improvidence . . .
DYNES, William (William DYNES) = William James DINES
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