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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–W (Wei-Wilk)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–W (Wei-Wilk)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- W - ( Wei - Wilk ) -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in June 2022, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
WEICHMANN FAMILY (musicians) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WEICHMANN, Heinrich (Heinrich WEICHMANN; Henry; Heinrick; WEICHMAN)
Musician, itinerant musician, violinist, composer, band leader, publican
Born Hanover (Germany), c. 1831; ? son of Gebhard WEICHMANN senior (b. c. 1810)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 8/9 May 1855 (per August, from Hamburg, 15 January)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 June 1855 (per August, from Adelaide, 2 June)
Naturalised Maldon, VIC, 12 October 1859 (aged "28", publican) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Passenger history SA) (shareable link to this entry)
WEICHMANN, Frederike (Frederike FEUERHAHN; Mrs. Heinrich WEICHMANN; Rike WEICHMAN)
? Musician, itinerant musician
Born Germany, c. 1831
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 8/9 May 1855 (per August, from Hamburg, 15 January)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 June 1855 (per August, from Adelaide, 2 June)
Died Chiltern, VIC, 1886, aged "55" (Passenger history SA)
WEICHMANN, Gebhard [1] ("junior") (Gebhard WEICHMANN; WEICHMAN)
Musician, itinerant musician, violinist, harpist, tobacconist
Born Hannover (Germany), c. 1835; ? son of Gebhard WEICHMANN senior (b. c. 1810)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 8/9 May 1855 (per August, from Hamburg, 15 January)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 June 1855 (per August, from Adelaide, 2 June, aged "19")
Naturalised Maldon, VIC, 12 October 1859 (aged "24", tobacconist) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Passenger history SA) (shareable link to this entry)
WEICHMANN, Conradine (Conradine WEICHMANN; Conradina; Christina; ? Mrs. Gebhard WEICHMANN)
? Musician, itinerant musician
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 8/9 May 1855 (per August, from Hamburg, 15 January)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 June 1855 (per August, from Adelaide, 2 June, aged "27") (Passenger history SA)
WEICHMANN, Gebhard [2] (Johann Heinrich Gebhard WEICHMANN; Gebhard WEICHMANN; Master WEICHMANN)
Musician, violinist
Born Melbourne, VIC, 1856; son of Heinrich WEICHMANN and Friederike FEUERHAHN
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1865-66
Died Chiltern, VIC, 1 January 1892, aged "36" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The "Celebrated BAND" newly arrived by the Ship August, from Hamburg, gave a Grand Concert at Adelaide's Hotel Europe on 18 May 1855, the program including three compositions by Heinrich Weichmann, notably a march Sehnsucht nach Australien, a grand polonaise Remembrance, and The waves waltz. The Weichmann Family also gave a musical entertainment at the Hamburg Coffee-House a few days later, before sailing on with the August on 2 June for Melbourne.
Gebhard Weichmann ("junior") "the well-known violinist" was active in New Zealand from as early as 1865, as apparently also by then was the elder Gebhard Weichmann, perhaps his father (and father also of Heinrich?), who in 1869 gave his age as 60/62.
In Melbourne, in April 1865, Master Gebhard Weichmann, aged 7, son of Heinrich and Fredericke, performed a violin solo at a meeting of the German Gymnastic Association, and the following year appeared in concert with Julius Herz.
Passenger list, August, from Hamburg, for Adelaide; Staatsarchiv Hamburg (PAYWALL)
Weichmann, Heinrich / Musiker / [born] Salzgitter, Hannover / [per] August / [for] Port Adelaide
[Weichmann] Gebhard / Musicker / [ditto]
[Weichmann] Conradine / - / [ditto]
[Weichmann] / Rike / - / [ditto]
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (10 May 1855), 2
Wednesday, May 9 - The barque August, 365 tons, T. Meyer, master, from Hamburg January 16. Mocatta, Port, Amsberg, Town agents. Passengers . . . Conradine, Heinrich, Gebhard, and Rike Weichman . . . Conrade and Wilhelm Brill . . . Heinrich, Johanna, Christine, and August Dietrich . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (15 May 1855), 4
(just arrived per ship August), will have the honour of giving a
at the HAMBURG HOTEL, to commence at 7 o'clock.
"SOIREE MUSICALE", Adelaide Times (15 May 1855), 3
The German artistes (the Weichmann family), who arrived in the colony by the August, gave a soiree musicale last evening, at the Blenheim Hotel, which was exceedingly well and respectably attended. Every thing passed off admirably, and gave general satisfaction. The lovers of music will have another opportunity of enjoying the dulcet society of these delightful minstrels on Thursday evening.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (17 May 1855), 1
(just arrived, per ship August), will have the honour of giving
at the BLENHEIM, Commencing each evening at Seven p.m.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (18 May 1855), 1
The celebrated BAND, newly arrived by the Ship August, from Hamburg, respectfully announce to the public generally that they will give a
GRAND CONCERT on Friday, the 18th of May, at the above Hotel.
"Sehnsucht nach Australien," March - H. Weichmann.
"Chir de Rosenberg," [sic] Donizetti - Herren Martin and W. Brill.
Grand Polonnaise, "Remembrance" - H. Weichmann.
"Potpourri," from the Opera "Der Freischutz."
"The Wave," Walce [sic, Waltz] - H. Weichmann.
Cavatina, from the Opera "Lucrecia Borgia," Donizetti.
"Willkommen un Grunen," Walce - Labitzky.
Doors open at 7 o'clock p.m. Admission tickets, 2s. 6d. each.
Only a few Concerts will take place during their stay here.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (21 May 1855), 1
T. R. JONES, Adelaide, May 21, 1855.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 May 1855), 1
The German Brass Band in attendance. The whole under the direction of Mr. J. Watts . . .
TIVOLI HOTEL. - On Thursday, 24th May, Her Majesty's Birthday,
GRAND CONCERT the newly-arrived German Brass Band, under the direction of Mr. Dietrich.
To commence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
THE WEICHMANN FAMILY will give a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT- at the Hamburg Coffee-House this (Wednesday) evening.
Names and descriptions of passengers per August from Hamburg, and Adelaide, 29 May 1855, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
C. Brill / 26 // W. [Brill] / 23 // Marie [Brill] / 20 //
H. Diederich / 29 // J. [Diederich] / 31 // C. Diederich / 22 // A. [Diederich] / 18 . . . (DIGITISED)
C. Weichmann / 27 // H. [Weichmann] / 34 [? 24] // G. [Weichmann] / 19 // R. [Weichmann] / 21 [? listed under men]
ASSOCIATIONS: Heinrich Dietrich (musician); Wilhelm Brill (musician)
"SINGULAR AFFAIR", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 January 1856), 6
Gebhards Weishmann, jun., was brought up on Tuesday by Detective Rowley on warrant, charged with having robbed his father of a box containing, amongst other things, £183 in money and a bank receipt. Mr. Turner and Mr. Fausset appeared for the father, and Mr. Muttlebury and Mr. Weller for the son and rest of the family. It appeared at once that it was not a case of felony, but one of disputed property. The family formed a German band, who sing and play from place to place, finding refuge mostly in the Union and Imperial Hotels, in this city. Their itinerant performances have resulted in their accumulating some two or three hundred pounds, and it appeared that the elder Weishmann contemplated returning himself to his "Faderland." The family, although perfectly willing to console themselves for the absence of the old man, entertained strong objections to his taking with him the whole of the accumulations of their musical efforts, and accordingly the mother and eldest son removed the treasure-chest to another house. Upon this the paterfamilias got out a warrant, and had his son apprehended. After hearing a general statement on both sides, Mr. Sturt thought it best to refer the matter to the Hanoverian Consul, and said he would write a letter to that functionary requesting him to advise a settlement.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (17 March 1857), 3
GRAND CONCERT & BALL, Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
THE Proprietors have great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of the Woolshed that they have succeeded in making an arrangement with
Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton, the original comic duet singers, and delineators of domestic life . . .
1st Violin, - Mons. Myer Fransie
2nd ditto - Herr Vandeberg.
Concert Flute - Herr Varherr.
Clarionet - Herr Schlu
Cornet-a-piston - Mr. Fitzhenry
Harp - Mr. Wicks
Basso - Herr Martin.
Leader of the Band, Herr Weishmann [sic], from the Olympic Theatre, Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma and John Pendleton (vocalists); Myer Fransie (violin); Jacob Van den Berg (violin); Herman Vorherr (flute); Henry Schlue (clarinet); Coppin's Olympic (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (16 March 1857), 3
IN aid of the Funds for Building a Presbytery and Catholic Church in Beechworth, to be held in
Conductor - Mr. Hurley
Leader - Mr. Osborne
Violin Primo - Mr. Osborne
Violin Secundo - Herr Weichmann
Violin Secundo - Herr Carll
Harp - M. Zeplin
Pianoforte - M. Carrie
Contra Basso - Herr Esther
Picolo Solo - Mr. Hurley
Clarionet - Mr. Fowriere
Cornet a piston - Mr. Barlow
Trombone - Sig. Rangoni . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: J. P. Hurley (conductor); Ferdinand Osborne (violin); George Frederick Zeplin (harp); Carl Esther (bass); Mr. Barlow (cornet); Antonio Rangoni (trombone)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (11 July 1857), 2
HEINRICK WEICHMANN, (Solo Violinist of Theatre Royal, Melbourne)
BEGS to inform the public that he is always ready for Engagements of Musicians for Balls, &c.
Address, Freemasons Arms, High-street, Beechworth.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (21 July 1857), 1
THE FREEMASON'S ARMS HOTEL, High Street, Beechworth . . .
A First-rate Band in attendance, Conducted by the famous Violinist Herr Weichmann . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 November 1857), 4
THE FREEMASON'S ARMS HOTEL, High Street, Beechworth . . .
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday Nights SELECT DANCING.
FREE AND EASY At the above Hotel, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Evenings.
Comic and Sentimental Singing, Favorite Glees, Duets, Trios, and Recitations Illustrative of Irish Character.
A First-rate Band in attendance, Conducted by the famous Violinist Herr Weichmann.
NIEMANN & REED, Proprietor.
[Advertisement], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon District Advertiser [VIC] (26 July 1859), 3
BEGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Tarrangower and vicinity that he has made arrangements with MR. McINTOSH, the present proprietor,
to take the above hotel . . .
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (12 August 1859), 1
HENRY WEICHMANN HAVING taken the above well-known hostelry . . .
Quadrille parties every alternate Friday . . .
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (21 October 1859), 7
G. WEICHMAN, Tobacconist, wholesale and retail, opposite Telegraph hotel, Forest Creek, a good assortment of violin strings always on hand.
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 March 1862), 4
The causes heard yesterday in the County Court were of no public interest, with the exception of Weinmann [sic] v. Lauher and Wife, which disclosed a state of things which it is to be hoped is not usually met with. The plaintiff, a German purveyor of street music, in the year 1857 imported with him from his native land five young females, who were articled to him as apprentices, to learn from him, as best he could teach them, the art (frequently heard to perfection in Melbourne streets) of abusing the powers of instruments intended to be used for the production of musical sounds. The plaintiff and his youthful apprentices duly reached Melbourne, where their labours proved highly profitable to the plaintiff, until, as it appeared from the evidence, through his having established relations with the female defendant which were quite inconsistent with the sixth article of their agreement, "that he should be towards her a faithful protector," she was compelled for a time to seek shelter in the Lying-in Hospital. On leaving this asylum, she determined to leave the plaintiff's service, but he refused to allow her to take away her clothes or her banjo until she had signed an IOU (produced in court), purposing to be an acknowledgement for so much of her passage-money as was then, according to plaintiff's calculation, not repaid to him by her services to that date . . .
[News], The Argus (27 March 1862), 5
The final result of the two discreditable actions brought in the County Court by one Gebhard Weichmann, against young females brought by him from Germany, who were compelled to leave his service from his ill usage, has been that the ex-plaintiff, in order to evade the payment of the costs awarded against him (£8 4s. 6d. in each case), has filed his schedule in the Insolvent Court, in which he swears that the only assets in his estate are his wearing apparel and his violin, valued together at £2.
This insolvent was the German importer of singers and performers of street music, whose actions brought against two of the latter in the County Court excited some attention a few weeks since. Two debts were proved, being the amount of the costs £8 6s. 2d. awarded against insolvent in each of the cases referred to. The insolvent was not in attendance, and as the official assignee wished to examine him, an adjournment was asked for. The Commissioner adjourned the meeting to the 2nd May.
[Advertisement], The Herald (8 July 1862), 1
. . . In the Estate of GEBHARD WEICHMANN, of Woodend, in the Colony of Victoria, Musician . . . that a CERTIFICATE of DISCHARGE may be granted to me . . .
"POLICE OFFICE TUESDAY, 3RD FEBRUARY, 1863 . . . ASSAULT - Weichmann v. Balmforth", The Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (4 February 1863), 2
This was an information by G. Weichmann, the father of the German Minstrel Band,
charging J. Balmforth with assaulting and beating him, on the 2nd instant.
Defendant pleaded not guilty.
From the evidence it appeared that the daughter of the complainant had been occupying a room,
rented from the defendant, and a dispute arose about some crockery;
on Monday morning, the defendant abused the complainant, and seizing hold of a piece of crockery, which was in complainant's hand,
run it through defendant's hand, cutting three of the fingers of his left hand, and he being a violinist,
the principal hand had been injured, and for some time he could not play;
he gave no provocation for this assault.
From the evidence of G. Weichmann, jun , it appeared that defendant alleged that the daughter had insulted his wife.
Defendant denied that he had been the aggressor; and also denied that he knew how the complainant's hand had been cut.
He called Selina Cheeseman who said that she heard an altercation between the parties;
and the defendant requested the complainant to keep quiet as he did not wish to have any words with him;
complainant had the broken piece of crockery in one hand and a new one in the other,
and was holding them in defendant's face and making use of bad language towards him.
In answer to the Bench, the witness said she was positive that defendant could not have cut the German's hand;
she did not see how complainant could have cut his hand.
Anna Gregson was called to support this testimony.
The Bench considered the information proved, and fined the defendant £1 and court costs,
and also 5s, which had been paid by complainant to have his finger dressed.
"THE GERMAN GYMNASTIC ASSOCIATION", The Argus (18 April 1865), 5
The entertainment given by the German Gymnastic Association last night, in aid of the funds of the Leichhardt expedition, was fairly attended, although the audience was by no means so numerous as was anticipated . . . The performance by Master C. Weichmann, a musician of the tender age of seven years, of a violin solo must not be overlooked. The piece selected for the display of the juvenile talent was a polonnaise by Mayseder, which was executed in a manner that showed, on the part of one so young, a surprising amount of musical knowledge . . .
. . . A number of ladies and gentlemen had volunteered their services for the musical department of the entertainment, including . . . Richty, E. Weber, J. Sprinckhorn, and Master Weichmann . . . One of the most interesting performances of the evening was a solo on the violin by Master Weichmann, a boy seven years of age, who is almost entitled to he called a prodigy for the excellence of his performance. Mr. E. Weber presided at the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Richty (violinist); Emil Weber (pianist); Johann Sprinckhorn (musician)
[Advertisement], Evening Star [Dunedin, NZ] (2 November 1865), 3
MR. G. WEICHMANN begs to inform his friends from Victoria, and Otago and the Public in general,
that he has arrived back in Dunedin from his voyage to the Continent,
and has brought with him a new Company of English and German singers,
who will have the honor of appearing before the public of Dunedin,
every evening at 8 o'clock at the of Marquis Waterford Hotel, Princes Street.
[News], Evening Star (25 November 1865), 2
In the Resident Magistrate's Court this morning, Louisa Wustland was charged, on the information of one Guipach Weichman, with having, on the 24th instant, abducted a young girl named Johanna Eggeling from the possession of the said Guipach Weichmann. Mr. Ward appeared for the complainant, and Mr. Harvey for the defendant. Mr. Ward, after opening the case, called the complainant, who proceeded with his evidence until the document relating to the apprenticeship of the girl to him, which was written in German, was produced, and the case waas adjourned until Tuesday, as the interpreter was unable to give a proper translation.
See also "THE CHARGE OF ABDUCTION", Otago Daily Times (30 November 1865), 5
"ACCIDENTS", Colonist [Nelson, NZ] (27 March 1866), 2
. . . Weichmann, the Hanoverian harpist, had his foot severely contused by a horse, and was taken to the hospital . . .
[News], The Argus (3 July 1866), 5
The first of Mr. E. A Samson's "Soirées Rhétoriques et Musicales," in aid of the funds of the Ladies' Benevolent Society and Melbourne Hospital, was given last night at St. George's-hall . . . The list of instrumental performers included Signor Castelli, Herr Herz, and Master Weichmann . . . Master Weichmann's clever violin playing was greatly admired, and he was much applauded for his execution of the "Blue Bells of Scotland," which he gave with variations . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Castelli (vocalist); Julius Herz (pianist)
[Advertisement], Nelson Evening Mail (27 March 1867), 3
MUSIC! MUSIC! BALLS, Parties, Wedding Parties, &c., &c., attended by the well-known Violinist G. WEICHMANN, Jun.
MUSIC TAUGHT. - The undersigned has a few hours of the day open to
TEACH Gentleman the VIOLIN, as well as other Musical Instruments,
either at their own or his private residence.
G. WEICHMANN, Jun., Hardy-st.
Passengers per Tararua from Dunedin, NZ, 29 January 1869, for Melbourne, February 1869; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mr. Weichman / 62 // Ms. Weichman / 39 // Child / 3
Names and descriptions of passengers per British Viceroy from Liverpool, 23 October 1869, for Melbourne, 1870; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Weichmann Gebhard / 60 / Musician // Maria / 29 / Wife // Rieka / 1 / Child
[Advertisement], Hawke's Bay Times [NZ] (18 April 1870), 1
"Marriages", The Argus (25 August 1888), 1
BARTLEY - WEICHMANN. - On the 23rd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Moorhouse, of St. Paul's, Chiltern, Alfred Ernest Theodore, third son of B. J. Bartley, brewer, Chiltern, to Hedwig Marica, second daughter of H. Weichmann, of St. Petersburg, Russia.
"DEATH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (9 January 1892), 5
WEICHMANN. - At the Ovens District Hospital, on the 1st January, 1892, Genhard [sic] Weichmann, late of Chiltern, aged 36 years. Three days in the hospital.
Musician, bandsman, (string) contrabass player
Born Achim, Hannover, Prussia (Germany), 5 March 1818; son of Johann Heinrich WEIDENHÖFER and Anne Margarethe WICHMANS
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1864 or earlier
Died Kent Town, SA, 19 June 1889 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . THE REVIEW", South Australian Register (25 May 1864), 2
The charge which has not unfrequently been made of late that the military ardour of the volunteers is declining
could not have been more completely refuted than by the Review on Tuesday - the birthday of our gracious Queen. . . .
Subjoined we give a list of the men who attended, as far as we were able to obtain them: . . .
Regimental Band. - Bandmaster Heydecke, Sergeant F. Heydecke, Corporal Morris, Vincent,
Whyte, J. Schrader, H. Schrader, Stratton, Freeman, Fletcher, Waite, Schmidt, Sumsion, Weidenaber [sic], H. Cleff, Herbert Allison, and Stratton, jun. Total 18.
"THE PARLIAMENT", South Australian Register (28 May 1864), 2
. . . Band - F. Heydecke [sic], W. H. Heydecke [sic], H. Schrader, J. Schrader, R. White, G. Vincent, D. H. Weidenhofer, W. Sumsion, Jno. Waite, W. Stratton, Morris, Frank Fletcher, J. W. Allison, and W. H. Stratton.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodor Heydecke (band master); Frederick Heydecke (band sergeant); Heinrich Schrader (bandsman); Richard Baxter White (bandsman); George Vincent (bandsman); William Sumsion (bandsman); William Stratton senior and junior (bandsmen)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (8 September 1865), 1
Conductor and Composer - Mr. GEORGE LODER . . .
GRAND ORCHESTRA: First Violins: . . . Mr. WHITE; Second Violins, Mr. PUTMAN. Mr. F. HYDECKER;
Contra Bassos, Mr. BROWN, Mr. WINEBAR [sic] . . . Clarionettes . . . Mr. J. HYDECKER [sic] . . . Cornet, Mr. SCHRAEDER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Loder (conductor); Charles Puttman (violin); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Adelaide Express (11 September 1865), 1
[2 advertisements], South Australian Register (18 September 1865), 1
Assisted by Messrs. H. Schrader, F. Heydecke, R. White, W. Chapman,
D. Weidenhofer, R. McCulloch, N. Proctor, and T. Jarvis,
who have kindly volunteered their services for this occasion . . .
PROGRAMME. Overture - "La Fete de Medusa" [sic] - Scard . . .
Selections from "Ernani" - Verdi . . .
Overture - Zanetta - Auber . . .
Selection from "Sonambula" - Bellini . . .
Concert Polka - Levi . . .
MUSIC: La Tête de Méduse [sic] (opéra comique, in one act, by Antoine Scard, libretto by Philippe-August Deforges and Louis-Émile Vanderburch, first performed Paris, Théâtre de Montmartre, 25 May 1846, revived Paris, Cirque Olympique, 30 January 1848); see Opéra-National
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (23 April 1870), 2
On Friday evening, April 22, a concert for the benefit of a German family in distress was given at the Hotel Europe. The programme was sustained by Messrs. Hall, Schrader, Heydecke, Klauer, Chapman, Howson, Jarvis, Weber, Proctor, Weidenhofer, Pappin, Vincent, Waite, and Stratton, as instrumentalists, and efficient service was rendered in the vocal portions by the Liedertafel, under the leadership of Mr. Chas. Puttmann. It consisted of selections of operatic and other high-class music, and in every respect the concert was an admirable one. The laudable object for which it was given met with a hearty response, the lately enlarged and suitable hall being nearly filled.
ASSOCIATIONS: August Klauer (musician); William Chapman (musician); Charles Edwin Howson (musician); Peter Weber (musician); Nicholas Proctor (musician); Thomas Green Pappin (musician); Adelaide Liedertafel (organisation)
"THE LATE MR. D. H. WEIDENHOFER", Evening Journal (19 June 1889), 3
Mr. D. H. Weidenhofer, a highly-respected resident, who died at his residence, Kent Town, on Monday, June 17, at the age of 71 years, was born at Baden, Hanover, and arrived in the colony by the Reiherstitch from Bremen in October 35 years ago. He settled down shortly after his arrival at Kent Town, and lived there during the remainder of his life. He was engaged as a builder in numerous contracts, but was well known to the public on account of his close association with musical matters. At the time when concerts were held in Neales's Exchange he prominently assisted in these engagements. He belonged to the Military Band, and was intimately acquainted with all the principal musicians of the place for many years past. He was noted as the possessor of some of the most valuable stringed and other musical instruments in the colony, and the violins and 'cellos which he still had at the time of his death were not only intrinsically excellent, but had a special value on account of their great age. One of them is at least a century old. Mr. Weidenhofer was one of the foundation members of the German Club, and was connected with the Freemasons. He was a most skilful gardener and well versed in mechanical art. Through his death the colooy has lost an independant, upright, and thoroughly representative German colonist.
Bibliography and resources:
Diedrich Heinrich Weidenhofer, Find a grave
WEIERTER, Frederick William (Frederick William WEIERTER; WEIRTER; WHIRTER)
Musician, teacher of pianoforte and singing, pianist, organist, songwriter, composer
Born Edinburgh, Scotland, 4 March 1858
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 29 August 1883 (per Sir Herbert Maxwell, from Port Natal, 23 July)
Died Sydney, NSW, 25 August 1942 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: With Leon Caron (co-composer) and Bernard Espinasse (librettist) on J. C. Williamson's Sydney Christmas pantomimes, Little Red Riding Hood (1899), and Australis; or, The city of Zero (1900)
He was son of German musician Frederick A. L. Weierter (b. Nassau, 1826) who arrived Scotland, c. 1850, and Sarah Kay (b. Dundee, 1838). Weierter wrote songs for Williamson's Sydney Christmas pantomimes Little Red Riding Hood in 1899 (the patriotic song and chorus Children of the empire survives) and in 1900 for Australis; or, The city of Zero.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . PORT ADELAIDE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (30 August 1883), 4
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29. SIR HERBERT MAXWELL, barquette, 231 tons, J. Murray, master, from Port Natal July 23 . . . Passengers . . . F. W. Wierter [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (3 September 1883), 1
[Advertisement], Border Watch (31 October 1883), 4
"MARRIAGE", Gippsland Times (28 October 1887), 3
"Tasmanian International Exhibition", The Mercury (13 May 1895), 3
"NEW DANCE MUSIC" The Mercury (29 July 1899), 2
"PATRIOTIC MATINEE", Evening News (6 December 1899), 4
"AMUSEMENTS", Evening News (23 December 1899), 3
"STAGELAND", Evening News (15 December 1900), 8s
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1942), 14
"DEATH OF MR. F. W. WEIRTER", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1942), 9
The death took place yesterday of Frederick William Weirter, until recently editor of "The Scottish Australian," who had had a varied and adventurous career as soldier, musician, and journalist. He was born in Edinburgh more than 80 years ago, where his father, a teacher of music, instructed him in the organ, the piano, and theory. He was studying medicine when, in consequence of a disagreement with his father, he enlisted in the British Army, and saw service with the Hussars in India and South Africa. He fought against the Zulus in 1878. Later he fought with the Boers in a native rebellion. He served with the Natal Carabineers against the Boers in the first Boer War, acting as galloper to Sir Evelyn Wood. In 1883 he came to Australia, arriving in Adelaide in a 220-ton barquentine. His first job was as a church organist at Mount Gambier, but a year later he moved to a similar job in Williamstown, Victoria. His next venture was with a dramatic company to Gippsland. Afterwards he accepted a post as church organist in Sale, where he married. In 1890 he joined the theatrical firm of Williamson and Musgrove as composer, and songs, choruses, ballets, and pantomimes from his pen became favourites of the day. With J. F. Sheridan he toured Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. In the Great War he became a drill instructor. But his later years led him to journalism. He was on the staff of "The Sydney Morning Herald" for some years.
Bibliography and resources:
Enid N. Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 176
Sale . . . ST. PAUL'S CHURCH . . . Organists: Mr. Weierter . . .
Musician, vocalist, pianist, teacher of music and singing (pupil of Thalberg and Garcia)
Active Adelaide, SA, and Melbourne, VIC, 1866-67 (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Emma Loder (musicians)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (22 November 1866), 1
"TOWN HALL, PORT ADELAIDE", South Australian Register (30 November 1866), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (5 December 1866), 1
"THE MUSICAL FESTIVAL", The Argus (20 April 1867), 6
Madame Wienbarg, whose voice when untaxed by extraordinary exertion is musical and tolerably sonorous, sang the last bars of the recitative "And suddenly there was" nearly half a tone above the proper note, causing a thrill of agony to pervade the audience, and unmistakable indications of deprecation to proceed from them. In the soprano sequence to "He shall feed His flock" the vocalist recovered her lost ground, and the plaudits which followed testified to the favourable impression produced by her. She was less fortunate in her delivery of "I know that my Redeemer", which was again painfully sharp.
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 April 1867), 8
WEINBERG, Henry (Heinrich Wilhelm WEINBERG; Henry WEINBERG)
Musician, violinist, band leader, publican
Born Braunschweig (Germany), 24 January 1837; son of Leopold WEINBERG and Hetta ?
Active Beechworth, VIC, by 1858
Married Dorette WECKEN (1834-1914), Beechworth, VIC, 1861
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 13 October 1912, aged 75 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WEINBERG, Harry (Henry Frederick William WEINBERG; Harry WEINBERG)
Musician, orchestral conductor, leader
Born Beechworth, VIC, 1862
Died Carlton, VIC, 6 December 1911, aged "49" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (29 April 1858), 3
INDIAN BELIEF FUND. THE Committee beg to acknowledge the receipt of the following Amounts . . .
Mr. H. Weinberg - 2s 6d . . . Mr. Henry Schlue - 5s . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (13 March 1860), 3
BEG most respectfully to inform their friends and the public generally that they intend giving a
Dancing to commence at Eight o'Clock. - Supper on the Table at Twelve.
Tickets, 10s. 6d. each, ladies Free.
The best Band in the district is engaged for the occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Hennigs (musician)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (19 November 1861), 3
In consequence of the severe loss incurred by the total destruction of his house and effects from last night's conflagration, will be given at the
STAR THEATRE TO-NIGHT, TUESDAY, NOV. 19th, to Mr. PETER BURKE, on which occasion the following artistes have kindly tendered their valuable services:-
Admission - Reserved seats, 4s.; unreserved do. 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Constantine Burke (musician, cornet player); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); J. E. Johnson (entertainer); Herr Martin (musician); James Watts (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 May 1862), 8
NOTICE is hereby given, that by an INDENTURE of ASSIGNMENT bearing date the
fifteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, made between
HEINRICH HENNIGS and HEINRICH WEINBERG, of Beechworth, in the colony of Victoria, hotelkeepers of the first part;
Peter Donald Ramsay, of the same place, wine and spirit merchant, and John Wilson of the same place, storekeeper, of the second part;
and the several other persons being the creditors of the said Heinrich Hennigs and Heinrich Weinberg,
named in the third schedule to the said indenture annexed of the third part;
the said Heinrich Hennigs and Heinrich Weinberg did for the considerations therein mentioned,
BARGAIN, SELL and ASSIGN, unto the said Peter Donald Ramsay and John Wilson, all their PERSONAL ESTATE, properties, moneys, and effects,
whatsoever and wheresoever (except as therein specifically mentioned), the same being described in the second schedule thereunto annexed,
for the benefit of all their creditors . . .
Dated this fifteenth day of May, 1862. HEINRICH HENNIGS. HEINRICH WEINBERG.
"CONCERT AT THE STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (20 May 1862), 2
A very influential committee, composed of several of the leading residents of the town, have determined to give a complimentary benefit to Messrs. Hennigs and Weinberg, previous to their leaving the district. The concert is announced to take place to-morrow evening, at the Star Theatre. Messrs. Hennigs and Weinberg have ever distinguished themselves for liberality on all occasions when their services have been solicited for charitable purposes, and the committee hope the public will respond to the present appeal . . .
"THE CHURCH BALL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (25 August 1864), 3
The ball in aid of the Church of England building fund took place on Thursday night, and was a complete success. The people of Rutherglen are indebted to the trustees for the most agreeable evening ever spent in the town . . . About forty couples were present . . . We must not forget to mention that the music contributed in no slight measure to the success of the evening, and Messrs. Burke, Weinberg, Zeplin, and Vorherr, well known musicians as they are, certainly on this occasion excelled themselves - Murray Gazette.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Zeplin (musician), or one of his brothers; Hermann Vorherr (musician)
"DISASTROUS FIRE. CHILD BURNT TO DEATH. RUTHERGLEN [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] July 3rd, 1865", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 July 1865), 2
It had become my lot to have to record the total loss by fire of the Commercial Hotel, belonging to Mr. George Cooper, of this place . . . and what is worse, Mr. Cooper's eldest son, George, a fine little fellow four years of age was burned to death in his little cot asleep . . . it is most fortunate for Rutherglen that there was no wind at the time, for the greater part of the township would have been destroyed. Mr. Henry Weinberg also had a very narrow escape, he being asleep in bed when all the inmates were out, he escaped however with part of his clothes in his hands . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (29 July 1865), 3
AT THE VICTORIA HOTEL, RUTHERGLEN, FOR THIS BENEFIT OF BR. GEO. COOPER, Whose property has been totally destroyed by fire.
The following Artistes and Amateurs have consented to give their services on the occasion:
Mrs. Huht, Miss Elliott, and Messrs. P. Berrigen, Bromley, Crawford,
Schmidt, Russom, Schluter, Fred. Kidd, H. Weinberg, Otto, Vorherr, Palmer, Ladd, McKay,
R. B. Bridge, Dr. Wilson, Mr. Groves, and several other Lady and Gentlemen Amateurs.
"The Rutherglen Deutsche Liedertafel," and the world-renowned [REDACTED] Minstrels will also make their appearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alwine Schluter Huht (vocalist); Adolph Schluter (vocalist, pianist)
"CHILTERN (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) September 22", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (23 September 1865), 3
The amateur concert in aid of the funds of the Ovens District Hospital and Benevolent Asylum, came off in Peel's Theatre, on Wednesday night last. The audience was the largest that has assembled in Chiltern since the palmy days of the lower Indigo. The vocalists acquitted themselves very well, and were loudly encored. The first appearance of the serenaders was hailed with loud and prolonged cheers. Their portion of the entertainment gave general satisfaction, especially the badinage carried on by "Bones" and "Tambo." The musical department consisted of Messrs. Bennett, Barlow, and Weinberg, whose musical capabilities need no comment, as the names of these gentlemen are a sufficient guarantee to the public that the music was first-class. The gross proceeds of the house must have been nearly £40. At the close of the performance, the seats were removed, and those lovers of the light fantastic enjoyed themselves until about five o'clock in the morning.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bennett (musician); Mr. Barlow (musician)
"BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT . . . Monday, 2nd July", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (3 July 1866), 2
Wm. Dalgleish v. Henry Weinberg. Permitting liquors to be sold without a license . . .
Wm Dalgleish deposed: On the 17th May he called at Weinberg's house at the Eldorado. Asked for a glass of gin,
and was served by Mr. Weinberg, and threw down a shilling. Was disguised as a Carter. Was not in the house one minute . . .
In this case the defendant took up the running himself, and lost his case, when his advocate Mr. Bowman had a good defence.
"MUSIC", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (25 September 1866), 2
A private rehearsal of the latest and most admired pieces of music published, was gone through yesterday by all the professional gentlemen of Beechworth under the directorship of Mr. Weinberg, at the Beechworth Hotel. To those who had the entree it was real pleasure, and on the next occasion of the Beechworth band performing, the audience will enjoy a treat such as has hardly ever yet been placed before dwellers in the Ovens district.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (4 May 1867), 3
A GRAND Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT
Will take place at BISSE'S ALBION HOTEL, Conness-street, Chiltern,
On Tuesday, May 7th, 1867, In aid of the funds of the OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL . . .
DIRECTOR: Fred. Bisse.
Mr. H. Schmidt - Mr. D. Palmer
" H. Weinberg - " H. Vorherr
" E. Russom - " Fred. Bisse
" C. Esther - " W. Otto
" - August - " A. Schluter
Assisted by the Cornish Glee Club.
Band - 1. Overture, "Zampa," by Herold, arranged by H. Bonn . . .
Band - 4. "Des Teufels Antheil," by D. F. E. Auber, arranged by P. Roth . . .
Band - 6. "Martha," by Flotow, arranged by P. Roth . . .
Band - 1. Overture, "Otello," by G. Rossini, arranged by F. Strauss . . .
3. Quartette, by Gentlemen of the Band . . .
Band - 5. "Alessandro Stradello," [sic, Stradella] by F. Flotow, arranged by P. Roth . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Busse (conductor); Herr Schmidt (violin); Edward Stephenson Russom (amateur musician); Carl Esther (musician)
"HERR SCHMIDT'S MONUMENT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 February 1868), 2
A concert in aid of the funds for the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Herr Schmidt was given by some of his brother artists on Thursday evening, at the Star Theatre, Beechworth. The attendance was large, but not crowded; and we were astonished to miss the well-known faces of several persons of taste from the theatre on such an occasion. We should have thought that the pleasure which Mr. Schmidt has so frequently afforded the fastidious in such matters often, very often, gratuitously, would have in itself induced their attendance; and even, if they were not influenced by this general, feeling, it was to be hoped that their love of really good music would have attracted them. Such music, indeed, as was rendered by the band in the Overture to "Zampa," in the March in "Figaro," and in the Crystal Palace Waltzes, we have never heard in the district . . . Mr. Weinberg's violin playing is familiar to most of us, and we think him the nearest successor to the late Mr. Schmidt . . .
"EL DORADO (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) April 13th", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (15 April 1869), 4
Owing to a late bereavement in the family of Mr. Weinberg, the musician, the Amateur Concert in aid of the Club funds, did not come off, as was intended, on Saturday last, but is postponed until that day week . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Weinberg (son, aged 3)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 August 1869), 3
BEGS to announce that on the evening of MONDAY NEXT, THE 30TH INST.,
He will, assisted by Mr. H. WEINBERG, Mr. H. STANLEY, the El Dorado Amateurs, and other Ladies and Gentlemen, give a
In Aid of the Funds of the OVENS DISTRICT HOSPITAL, At Wilkinson's UNION HOTEL, EL DORADO.,
This will be Mr. H. Weinberg's last appearance in public before leaving the colony . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adolphus Frederick Spiller (figure skater, musician)
[News], The Argus (14 November 1873), 5
The Victorian Military Head-quarters Band having been re-organised, it will afford our readers great satisfaction to know that their first appearance in public, in accordance with the conditions of their service, will take place in the Botanical-gardens on Saturday afternoon, at half-past 3 o'clock. We subjoin the names of the players, who will meet under the control of Mr. J. Siede, conductor, namely: - Mr. Lundborg, solo clarinet . . . Mr. Plock, third clarinet; E Flat clarinet . . . Messrs. J. Hore and Weinberg, trumpets . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (conductor); John William Lundborg (musician); Adam Plock (musician); Joseph jun. or James Hore (musician); Head-Quarters Band (Melbourne military band)
[Advertisement], The Age (28 October 1884), 6
. . . that PROBATE of the last WILL and TESTAMENT of
GEORGE FREDERICK ZEPLIN, formerly of Cobden-street, Hotham, near Melbourne, in the said colony,
but latterly of No. 1 Hornsey-terrace, Peel-street, Hotham aforesaid, musician, deceased, be
GRANTED to Frederick Zeplin, of West Melbourne, in the said colony, musician,
and Henry Weinberg, of Fitzroy, near Melbourne aforesaid - the executors appointed by the said will . . .
"The Austral Salon", Table Talk (20 December 1895), 13
. . . Madame Leon Caron created great admiration with her singing of the Ave Maria M. Leon Caron composed a few years ago. The violin obligato was well played by Mr. Henry Weinberg . . .
"DEATHS", The Age (15 October 1912), 1
WEINBERG. - On the 13th October (suddenly), at his residence, 17 Fleet-street, Fitzroy, Henry, the dearly beloved husband of Dorette Weinberg, and dearly beloved father of Mrs. G. Briese, Dora, Alvina and Fred, and dearly beloved father of the late Harry Weinberg, jun., aged 75. No flowers. Private funeral. At rest.
BURIED: Melbourne General Cemetery; headstone inscription:
Henry WEINBERG native of Brunswick, Germany born 24 Jan 1837, died 13 Oct 1912 . . .
also Dorette beloved wife of above native of Hanover, Germany born 18 Aug 1834, died 10 Jun 1914
"ABOUT PEOPLE", The Age (16 October 1912), 9
Mr. Henry Weinberg, who for years past has been known as a musician in Melbourne, died suddenly, at his residence, 17 Fleet-street, Fitzroy, on Sunday night. In the fifties Mr. Weinberg was on many of the gold diggings, especially Beechworth and Eldorado. For about 40 years he was been connected with the Melbourne Philharmonic Society orchestra, and, for many years was leader of Herr Plock's band. He leaves a wife three daughters and a son.
"PERSONAL", The Argus (17 October 1912), 13
. . . He was the father of the late Mr. Harry Weinberg, who for many years was musical director of the Theatre Royal and Princess's Theatre . . .
Administration and probate, Henry Weinberg, musician, died 1912; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Musician, singing master, dancing master, composer
Born Schifferstadt (Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis, Germany), 6 September 1827; baptised 7 September 1827; son of Matheus WEINRITTER (1775-1840) and Katharina HEROLD (1796-1860)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 November 1852 (per Northumberland, from London, 14 August, aged "35" [sic, 25])
Married Maria Louisa Albinia HORNE, VIC, 1861
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 22 February 1873, aged "53" / "55" [recte "45"] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Much of the information in Weinritter's 1873 death record (as supplied by John and Alfred Sleight the undertakers) is incomplete or incorrect (his age wildly wrong); but by identifying his birthplace as Schifferstadt, it positively confirms that he was Georg Michael Weintritter, the youngest son of Matheus Weinritter (1775-1840) and his wife Katharina Herold (1796-1860), who had married at Schifferstadt, Bavaria, on 5 September 1816. Siblings Georg (1818-1884), Joseph (1819-1890) and Michael (baptised 16 December 1821) and Franziska (1824-1915) having preceded him, he was born at Schifferstadt on 6 September 1827, and was quickly baptised (as was apparently a common local custom) the following day.
His elder brother Michael was reported in 1841, aged 20, to have trained as a Catholic school teacher, his "teaching ability, knowledge, religious teaching and singing excellent; drawing very satisfactory; organ playing good".
Our "G. M. Weinritter" was next certainly documented lodging at Merton, Surrey, England, on the night of the 1851 census, when he gave his occupation as "Classics Tutor", aged "28".
Having sailed from London on 14 August 1852, he arrived in Melbourne as an immigrant on the Northumberland on 16 November 1852. As "George Michelle Weinritter" (evidently his preferred style), he was enrolled as a singing master with the Victorian National Schools Board on 6 November 1854, aged "25". In April 1856, a teacher at the Model Schools in Spring-street, he also advertised privately as a teacher of "English, French, Italian and German singing", and "presided at the pianoforte" at the inaugural meeting of a shortlived Collingwood Glee Club. On 16 May 1856, as "George Michell Weinritter, [aged] 30, Professor of Music", he was admitted to the Lodge of Australia Felix, Melbourne.
His engagement with the board terminated on 28 February 1862, whereafter he and his wife travelled briefly to New Zealand. They later lived in Tasmania (1863-66). With a young family to support, Weinritter returned to Victoria early in 1867, working briefly that year at Sale in Gippsland, Melbourne, and for several months at Beechworth.
Weinritter and his family having permanently returned to Melbourne by 1868, he was still teaching in St. Kilda in January 1873, the year of his death.
His widow, who had remarried the chemist and goldminer Mica Smith in 1875, died in 1884.

The Model Schools, Spring-street, Melbourne (A. E. Johnson, architect, 1854-56); photo c. 1880 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Ebden Johnson (architect)
Births and baptisms, Schifferstadt, Bayern, 1827 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)
Georg Michael Weinritter / [born] 6. Sep 1827 / [baptised] 7 Sep 1827 / Schifferstadt / Mateo Weinritter / Catarinae Herold
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Mary, Merton, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1602/276/8 (PAYWALL)
35 Double Gate / George M. Weinritter / Lodger / Unmarried / 28 [sic] / Classical Tutor / [born] Germany
Names and descriptions of passengers per Northumberland from London, 14 August 1852, for Port Phillip, 16 November 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Weinritter Mic'le / 35 / German . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: In electronic catalogue "Nuch Wemuller"
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 July 1853), 2
G. M. WEINRITTER. - If this should attract the attention of the foregoing, he is requested to write immediately to Mr. Frederick Lehnig, Williamstown.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Lehnig sailed for London in 1854, aged 29, as see here
Diary of John Buckley Castieau, Melbourne, VIC, 24 February 1855; original MS, National Library of Australia; transcribed and edited by Mark Finnane, online at Centre for 21st Century Humanities, University of Newcastle (TRANSCRIPT)
[Saturday 24 February 1855] . . . Went to hear the Band play on the Cricket Ground . . . The Cricket Ground is got to be a most fashionable promenade on a Saturday afternoon. The Band of the 40th Regiment play exceedingly well and the Ground has a pretty park like appearance. I met there a German musician who came out in the same ship with me, he is the music Master to the Model School and is I think doing very well.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Buckley Castieau (diarist); Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 April 1856), 3
PIANOFORTE and Singing. - English, French, Italian and German Singing taught by Mr. Weinritter, musicmaster of the Model Schools. 5 Victoria-parade.
"COLLINGWOOD GLEE CLUB", The Argus (26 April 1856), 5
The first meeting of this club took place last Thursday evening at the Collingwood Assembly-hall. Some rules and regulations were drawn up and submitted to the meeting, and a committee formed. Mr. Weinritter presided at the pianoforte. The second meeting is advertised for Monday next, the 28th inst., at eight o'clock.
Admissions to the Lodge of Australia Felix, No. 697 (16 May 1856); Museum of Freemasonry (PAYWALL)
1856 / May 16 / . . . / Weinritter / George Michell / 30 / [Melbourne] / Professor of Music . . .
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (23 December 1856), 4
Amongst the most meritorious of the late musical productions of the colony, we must rank Mr. Wainritter's [sic] "Kangaroo Hunt Polka." This composition is really a departure from the stereotyped style of dance music - and a commendable one. The melody is sparkling and characteristic, and we have no doubt that the polka will become exceedingly popular. A very well designed and executed vignette title page adds to its external attractions, and imparts to it an appearance little, if at all, inferior to London work.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (7 February 1857), 1
NEW MUSIC, choicely Illustrated, all just published . . .
The Kangaroo Hunt Polka, by G. M. Weinritter, 3s . . .
J. R. CLARKE, 205, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (musicseller)
[Advertisement], Gippsland Guardian (13 February 1857), 3
To be obtained at the Gipps Land; Guardian Office.
A spirited and what is rather rare, a really original polka has just been published by Mr. Joseph Wilke.
It is from the pen of Mr. G. M. Weinritter,
and its publication is an evidence that we need not rely exclusively upon European composers
for the music which enlivens our homes or imparts animation to the movements of those who visit our ball rooms. - Argus.
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 February 1857), 8
KANGAROO POLKA, by G. M. Weinritter, can be had at Joseph Wilkie's 15 Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 April 1857), 3
JUST Published, the PIC-NIC POINT SCHOTTISHE [sic]; the Yarra-Yarra Waltzes to follow. By M. Weinritter. At Wilkie's.
[Review], The Journal of Australasia 3/11 (May 1857), 236 (DIGITISED)
We have received a new Schottische, called the Picnic Point Schottische, composed by Mr. G. M. Weinritter, whose Kangaroo Hunt Polka has already become deservedly popular. It is a spirited composition, well marked as to time, and by no means difficult, all which points are, of course, much in its favor. Mr. Weinritter intends to continue the series, and has now in preparation a set of waltzes.
"NEW MUSIC", The Argus (1 May 1857), 5
Mr. Weinritter, the composer of the "Kangaroo Hunt Polka," has just published a new schottische, called the "Picnic Point Schottische." The air is spirited, and the time well marked, and as these are two important essentials of dance music, we have no doubt that it will soon become as popular as its predecessor. It is neatly lithographed by Mr. Cyrus Mason, and is embellished with a view of the favourite spot whence it taken its name. Mr. Weinritter contemplates following it up with a set of waltzes.
"COLONIAL DANCE MUSIC", The Age (1 May 1857), 5
A series of new dances is in course of publication by Mr. G. M. Weinritter, composer of the "Kangaroo Hunt Polka," which has already become popular. The number now before us is called the "Pic-nic Point Schottische,' and is deserving of commendation as a musical composition, as well as for the spirit so essential in dance music. It is embellished with a view of Pic-nic Point, lithographed by Cyrus Mason.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cyrus Mason (illustrator, lithographer)
"NEW MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (16 May 1857), 3
Mr. G. M. Weinritter, composer of the "Kangaroo Hunt Polka," has just published a new Schottische, called "The Pic-nic Point Schottische," a very spirited and expressive composition, and by no means difficult. These pieces are intended as part of a series of colonial dance music, and are to be followed by a set of waltzes.
Five original melodies composed by Mr. Weinritter for the use of the pupils in the various national schools are published in the first number of the above named musical serial, a work which will be of considerable service to singing masters. The words are well chosen, and their selection is creditable to the taste of Messrs. Bonwick and Weinritter, by whom most of the melodies of the first part have been composed.
We have seen five original melodies composed by Mr. Weinritter for the use of the pupils in the various National Schools. They are to be published in the second number of Mr. Walter Bonwick's Easy and Progressive Songs. To all singing-masters this work will be a real boon, and the industry and pains bestowed upon it deserves commendable notice. The words are well chosen by Messrs. Bonwick and Weinritter, by whom most of the melodies in the first part have been composed. The practise of these pieces will afford excellent elementary lessons to beginners, and we rejoice to witness such endeavors to make the acquisition of the art divine easy and practicable.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Bonwick (singing master, composer)
On Monday, at half-past ten, the Exhibition Building was crowded in every part by the children of the various schools, under the management of the National School Board,
for the purpose of distributing the prizes to such of the children as had been declared recipients at the examination which had been held during the preceding week . . .
The stage was occupied by His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, [etc.] . . .
The children numbered in all about 800, viz.: 300 boys, 250 girls, and 100 infants, belonging to the Model Schools,
and 150 children of both sexes belonging to outlying schools, under the National system.
Under the able management of Mr. Weinritter the children sang several pieces of unaccompanied music in an effective style . . .
[PRIZES] . . . BOYS SCHOOL . . . Singing: - James Leslie.
GIRLS SCHOOL . . . Singing: - Mary Juniper . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Barkly (governor); Mary Juniper (vocalist, pupil); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (19 May 1868), 4
We have just received from the publisher, Mr. W. H. Williams, of Bourke street, a copy of a useful little collection of songs, in two or more parts, compiled for the use of Australian youth, by G. M. Weinritter and W. Bonwick, teachers of vocal music under the Board of National Education. The songs and music are principally original, are beautifully printed in music-type, and deserve to be extensively patronised.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (printer, music typesetter, musical amateur)
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 June 1858), 8
NEW SONG, "Rose of England Fare Thee Well," is composed on the occasion of the Princess Royal's marriage, by G. M. Weinritter. Joseph Wilkie, Collins-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 June 1858), 8
Song, dedicated to his Excellency the Governor, the words by Mrs. A. Dewitt [sic], music by C. M. Weinritter [sic], "Rose of England, Fare thee well" - Miss O. Hamilton . . .
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", The Age (1 July 1858), 5
Yesterday evening this distinguished pianist, assisted by several vocal and instrumental artistes,
gave a grand concert at the Mechanics' Institution.
We regret to say the attendance was scanty, but it included the most of our musical connoisseurs, and Major General Macarthur and suite.
The following programme was provided for the evening's entertainment: - . . .
Song, "Rose of England, Fare thee well," Miss Hamilton - Weinritter . . .
The accompaniments were taste fully given by Mr. George R. G. Pringle . . .
We must not forget to mention that Miss Hamilton sang a pleasing air written by M. Weinritter,
to words penned by Mrs. A. Davitt, of the Model Schools, and having reference to the marriage of the Princess Royal . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); George R. G. Pringle (accompanist); Ellen Davitt (lyricist, school teacher), wife of Arthur Davitt (school teacher); Victoria (princess royal)
[News], The Argus (15 September 1859), 5
Last evening, yesterday being the 90th anniversary of the birthday of Humboldt, a large number of German residents in this city met in Hockin's Assembly Rooms, Elizabeth-street, to do honour to the memory of their illustrious countryman. At one end of the hall was a portrait of Humboldt, cleverly painted in transparency by Mr. Hennings, the scenic artist of the Theatre Royal . . . Professor Damm worthily led the way in the proceedings of the evening by delivering a feeling and eloquent oration . . . The gentlemen of the Liedertafel then performed an original hymn in honour of Humboldt, the words being by Dr. Migeod, and the music by Mr. Weinritter, the conductor of the Liedertafel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander von Humboldt (scientist); Theodore George Migeod (lyricist, medical practitioner); John Hennings (scenic artist); Hockin's Assembly Rooms (Melbourne venue); Melbourne Liedertafel (organisation, 1850s)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (11 November 1859), 5
About 300 of the German residents in Melbourne met yesterday evening at Hockin's Assembly room, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of their great and deservedly celebrated national poet, historian and dramatist, Schiller . . . After the oration, "The Spring" of Schiller, which had been set to music by Herrn Weinritter, of this city was performed by the Liedertafel, in a manner which merits our highest commendation. The music was most appropriate, and was well rendered by the several performers. The remainder of the evening was spent in an extremely pleasant manner, various selections from Schiller's poems were sung, and extracts from his works were read . . .
The National Model Schools Annual Festival and distribution of prizes came off yesterday afternoon at the Model School, Spring street . . . The singing class sung a number of pretty airs, among which maybe enumerated, "Home, Sweet Home," duet; "May Bells," duet; "May Day," solo and chorus; "Beautiful Star," solo and chorus; and "Lift thine eyes," trio. Mr. G. M. Weinritter, musical teacher, presided at the piano. The young ladies who sung the principal parts were - Miss Isabella Milton, Miss Mary Juniper, Miss Anne Starkey, Miss Anne Washington, Miss Marion Beasley, and Miss Rebecca McCaul. The solo, "Beautiful Star," was the gem of the day . . .
"DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES AT THE MODEL SCHOOLS", The Victorian Farmers Journal and Gardeners Chronicle (29 December 1860), 8
The annual distribution of prices to the children attending the Model Schools took place on Saturday, at two o'clock . . . The proceedings were enlivened by vocal music, and the manner in which the several pieces were sung, spoke well for the attention which the children must have manifested, as well as for the assiduity of their instructor, Mr. Weinretter. Amongst the pieces sung which deserve especial notice may be mentioned the song and chorus "Beautiful Star," and a very pretty duett, "Oh Spring," composed by Mr. Weinretter himself . . . The National Anthem was then sung . . . This was followed by a Trio from Mozart's Magic Flute . . .
"MARRIED", The Argus (11 June 1861), 4
WEINRITTER - HORNE. - On the 8th inst., at the manse, St. Kilda, by the Rev. Charles Moir, M.A., George Michelle Weinritter, Esq., of Melbourne, to Maria Louisa, daughter of Robert Wintle Horne, Esq.
[News], The Argus (28 June 1861), 5
The committee of the Melbourne Ladies' Benevolent Society and Industrial Home desire to convey their sincere thanks to those persons who kindly granted the use of their paintings and works of art for the late exhibition held in aid of the funds; and also desire to acknowledge the material assistance rendered them in their undertaking by Miss Bailey, and Messrs. Fisher, Summers, Boulanger, Elsasser, Alexander, Weinritter, Vanden Houton, Krom, Paling, Ramsay Brothers, and Allen.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Edward Boulanger (pianist); Charles Elsasser (pianist); Albert Alexander (pianist); John Herman Krom (pianist); Henry Van Den Houten (artist); Richard John Paling (musicsellers)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Voltigern from Melbourne, 14 March 1862, for Otago; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
(Cabin) Mr. and Mrs. Weinritter / 34 / 38
"SHIPPING", Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (27 March 1862), 4
Passengers per Vortigern, from Melbourne - Mr. and Mrs. Weinritter . . .
[Advertisement], The Mercury (19 August 1863), 1
MUSIC AND LANGUAGES. - Mr. WEINRITTER will receive pupils for the Piano, Singing, French, and German, at his residence, first house on the right of De Witt-street, Battery Point. The success his musical publications obtained in Victoria will warrant a sufficient share of ability.
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (28 November 1863), 2
The match between eleven of the M.C.C. and eleven up-country cricketers was commenced on the Melbourne ground yesterday, and will be resumed to-day, at noon . . .
To add to the attractions of the game, Zeplin's hand has been engaged, and will play the following selection of music during the afternoon: . . .
Pic Nic Point Schottische, Weinritter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Zeplin (musician, band leader)
"ITEMS OF NEWS . . . ", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (22 June 1864), 2
The Volunteer Band, under the direction of Mr. A. Huenerbein, B. M., will play the following selection of music, in the Market Hall, this (Wednesday) evening . . . Schottische, Picnic Point, Weinritter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: August Christian Huenerbein (musician, band master)
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (30 June 1864), 1
MR. WEINRITTER will receive pupils in music, singing and the German and French languages.
Highest references given. Lyttleton-street, June 18.
"BIRTHS", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (23 January 1866), 2
WEINRITTER. - On 23rd December, at her residence, Lyttelton-street, Launceston, Mrs. Weinritter, of a son.
Passenger list, per Black Swan from Launceston, arrived at Melbourne, 22 January 1867; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Weinritter / 34 . . .
[News], Gippsland Times [Sale, VIC] (28 February 1867), 2
An elementary singing class and glee club are about being formed in Sale, under the management of Mr. Weinritter. Intending members are requested to meet at the school-room at half-past seven to-morrow evening. Judging from the reference Mr. Weinritter furnishes, he is likely to prove an acquisition to Sale.
[2 adjacent advertisements], Gippsland Times (5 March 1867), 4
MUSICAL. - MR. WEINRITTER will employ his leisure time in TUNING PIANOS.
Apply Royal Exchange Hotel. March 4, 1867.
Lessons given on the Pianoforte, Harmonium, Violin, Violoncello, and Vocal Music,
W. LEGGE, Raymond-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Legge (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 April 1867), 1
MUSIC, Singing, the German and French Languages TAUGHT, by Mr. Weinritter. Address Post-office, Northcote.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (11 June 1867), 3
Music and Singing.
MR. G. M. WEINRITTER, Professor of Music from Melbourne, respectfully informs the inhabitants of Beechworth and the locality that he is prepared to give Private Lessons in Music and Singing, according to the most approved systems.
Immediate arrangements will be made to form Singing Classes for Adults. Further particulars at Mr. Ingram's, Bookseller, Beechworth.
"BEECHWORTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (6 July 1867), 2
. . . A new singing master, in the person of Mr. Weinritter, has likewise just been appointed . . .
"MUSIC AND SINGING AND FRENCH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (13 July 1867), 2
We notice that Mr. Weinritter, a gentleman of high qualifications, announces that he intends giving private lessons in music, singing, and the French language, at St. George's Hall, Beechworth. This will afford good opportunity for the cultivation and study of these attractive and useful branches of education.
"BEECHWORTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (29 August 1867), 2
We observe from our advertising columns that Mr. Weinritter, for seven years professor of music and singing at the Model Schools, Melbourne, has been appointed by the Board of Education music and singing master at the Beechworth Grammar School.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 January 1868), 1
MR. WEINRITTER, late singing master of the Model Schools, ATTENDS SCHOOLS. Westbury-street, East St. Kilda.
[Advertisement], The Age (14 January 1869), 1
SCOTCH COLLEGE, Eastern-hill, Melbourne.
Principal: ALEXANDER MORRISON, M.A. . . .
Singing - G. M. Weinritter.
Instrumental Music - Louis Buddee [sic], Mrs. Trickett.
Dancing and Violin - Louis Delplanque . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Morrison (schoolmaster); Julius Buddee (musician); Henrietta Trickett (musician); Louis Delplanque (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1869), 2 supplement
EAST MELBOURNE LADIES' COLLEGE, 5 and 6 Elmbank-terrace, Victoria-parade.
Principals - Monsieur and Madame HERTOGS . . .
MUSIC - Mr. Buddee, Mdme. Hertogs, and Governess.
SINGING - Mdme. Hertogs. Class Singing - Mr. Weinritter.
DANCING and DEPORTMENT - Mr. Delplanque . . .
"THE SPEECH DAYS OF THE WEEK . . . PUBLIC SCHOOLS UNITED", The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (24 December 1870), 8
The vast capabilities and central position of the Melbourne Town-hall were taken advantage of by the Church of England Grammar School, the Wesley College, and Scotch College to hold a united exhibition, which passed off very successfully . . . there were fully 2,500 persons present . . . A long programme of readings, recitations, speeches, solos and part-songs was then given of which the musical portion was under the direction of Mr. Weinritter, of the Scotch College, and Mr. H. Ford, of Wesley College. The best of the selections given was the part-song, "The Village Choristers," by the Wesley College boys . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 January 1873), 7
Herbert-street, Blessington-street, St. Kilda, or Mr. Glen's music warehouse.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henderson Glen (musicseller)
Teacher record (to December 1872), George Michelle Weinritter, born 1829; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
6 / 11 / 54 / [added above: "age 25"] Singing Master / National Sch. Board / to 28 Feb. 1862
14 /10 / 67 / Singing master B. of Ed. 14 Oct 67 to 21 Dec 67
[ditto] 30 March 68 to 19 Dec 68
[ditto] 3 April 71 to Dec 72
[ditto] Dep't of Educ'n.

Death record, George Michelle Weinritter, 22 February 1873; Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria
No. 1851 / 22nd February 1873 Herbert Street, St. Kilda / [name] George Michelle Weinritter / Male 53 years / Acute Pneumonia supervening upon Phthisis / [parents] George Michelle Weinritter, profession and particulars of mother unknown / [informant] J. H. Sleight, Authorised Agent St. Kilda / [buried] 24th February 1873 St Kilda Cemetery A. A. Sleight / [born] Schiffershart [sic] Germany / length of time of residence in Victoria unknown / [married] St. Kilda, [aged] 45 years [sic] [to] Maria Louisa Albinia Laura Horne /
"DEATHS", The Argus (8 March 1873), 4
WEINRETTER. - On the 22nd ult., at his residence, Herbert-street, St. Kilda, George Mitchell Weinretter, aged 55.
"DEATHS", The Argus (8 May 1884), 1
SMITH. - On the 6th inst., at her private residence, 13 Lyons, street, North Ballarat, Mrs. Mica Smith (late Mrs. Weinritter), née Maria Louisa Albinia Laura Horne, daughter of the late Captain R. W. Horne, Indian army.
"MARRIED", The Argus (14 March 1896), 1
WESTON - WEINRITTER - On the 7th inst., at the Cathedral Church, Ballarat, by Canon Hayman, Eustace Moriarty, second son of the late Edward Weston of Hythe, Longford, Tasmania, to Katherine (Katey) Horne Weinritter, only daughter of the late George Weinritter, Melbourne, and step- daughter of Professor A. Mica Smith, B.A., B.Sc. London, of Ballarat.
Musical works:
The kangaroo hunt polka (by December 1856, for 1857)
The kangaroo hunt polka composed by G. M. Weinritter (Melbourne: Published for the author by Joseph Wilkie, [1857]) (DIGITISED)
The Pic-Nic Point schottische (1857)
The Pic-Nic Point schottische composed by G. M. Weinritter (Melbourne: Published for the author by J. Wilkie, [1857]) (DIGITISED)
The Yarra-Yarra waltzes (1857)
The Yarra-Yarra waltzes composed by G. M. Weinritter ([Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, 1857])
The Melbourne varsovienne (1857/58)
The Melbourne varsovienne by G. M. Weinritter (Melbourne: Published for the author by J. Wilkie, [? 1857/58]) (DIGITISED)
Rose of England, fare thee well (1858)
Rose of England, fare thee well (song dedicated to His Excellency the Governor; sung by Octavia Hamilton; "composed on the occasion of the Princess Royal's marriage") ([Melbourne, Joseph Wilkie, 1858])
Part songs, in Easy and progressive songs (1857, reissued below)
NO COPIES IDENTIFIED of the original separate numbers, but see complete reprint below
12 unaccompanied part songs, in Thirty-three easy songs (1858)
Thirty-three easy songs, in two or more parts (principally original), compiled for the use of the Australian youth by G. M. Weinritter and W. Bonwick, teachers of vocal music under the Board of National Education [Progressive songs for the use of schools and public classes] (Melbourne: W. H. Williams, 1858)
Originally issued in separate numbers as Easy and progressive songs (from July 1857) (DIGITISED)
CONTENTS (music by Weinritter):
[page 1] On the approach of spring [Rejoice my little merry mate] (words: Bernard Barton);
[2] Morning thoughts [What secret hand, at morning light] (James Montgomery);
[4] The sun is careering (Mary Russell Mitford);
[4-5] The woodcutter's night song [Welcome red and roundly sun] (John Clare);
[7] Moral reflections on spring [When brighter suns and milder skies];
[7-8] The Irish maiden's song [Though Scotia's lofty mmountains];
[11] A fairy song [Come, follow me, ye fairy elves] (Shakspeare);
[12] The harvest moon [All hail! thou lovely queen of night] (Milton);
[13] The rainbow [Soft falls the mild reviving show'r];
[18] The child's May-day song [The flow'rs are blooming ev'rywhere];
[19-20] Morning song [Oh come! for the lily is white on the lea];
[24] Spring, from the lament of Mary, Queen of Scots [Now nature brings her mantle green] (Burns)
Hymn (1859)
An original hymn in honour of the 99th anniversary of the birth of Humboldt; words: Theodore George Migeod; for the German Liedertafel, Melbourne, September 1859
Spring (1859)
Spring, part song, words: Schiller; for the German Liedertafel, Melbourne, November 1859
Bibliography and resources:
? Vollständige Sammlung der Grossherzoglich-Badischen Regierungsblätter . . . bis ende 1833 . . . Zweiter Band (Carlsruhe & Baden: Bernsheimer, 1834), 771 (DIGITISED)
Weinritter, Präzeptor in Schweringen, 1813 . . .
[News], Königlich bayerisches Amts- und Intelligenzblatt für die Pfalz (6 October 1841), 511 (DIGITISED)
A. Katholische Confeffion. 1. Klasse der vorzüglich Befähigten . . .
6. Michael Weinritter, geboren zu Schifferstatdt den 16. Dezember 1821 . . . Gessang vorzüglich . . . Orgelspiel gut.
"LIST of Persons qualified to impart Instruction in Music", Education: report of the Minister of Public Instruction for the year 1877-78 (Melbourne: Victorian Department of public Instruction, 1878), 176 (DIGITISED)
Allan, G. L. / Allen, Agnes Marian / Allen, A. H. / Allen, John Harward / Attwood, Wm. Barrett /
Barnes, John / Beard, F. H. / Beaumont, Daniel A. / Bee, Walter John / Bill, Edward M. / Binns, Caroline Sarah / Blanchard, Charles / Blanchard, John / Bons, Evan /
Bonwick, Walter, sen. / Bonwick, Walter, jun. / Brightwell, James, jun. / Brown, Alexander / Buchan, Thos. Johnston / Burston, Benj. Joseph /
Clerke, Adam / Cook, David / Coupland, Samuel / Crook, Arthur Thomas / Cross, William / Cross, William, jun. /
Davies, George / Downing, B. J. / Dudley, John / Dunne, William Henry /
Eastwood, James / Fabian, Adolph / Fatherley, Charlotte Crofton / Ford, Thomas / Furlong, W. R. /
Gamble, Walter / Hadfield, Benjamin / Harvey, James / Hayward, Hammond / Hayward, Henry Woodland / Hill, John /
Hillard, Emma / Hobbs, Frederick / Hodgson, Ellen / Holdsworth, Sarah J. / Holloway, Charles Wm. / Horsfall, Jonas / Huenerbein, A. /
Ingamells, J. / J'Erson, T. W. / Johnson, Arthur T. M. / Jones, Adeline Annie / Kaye, Samuel / . Kempster, Jemima C. /
Lamble, Samuel / Lamble, Thomas / Lang, Archibald Grahame / Lennox, John Gilbert / Lewis, William Evans / Lindsay, Francis / Litolff, Francis / Llewelyn, Isaac /
Marshall, Theophilus / Matthews, W. S. / Middleton, Stephen / Miller, Peter / Milne, Samuel H. / Moore, William / Mortimer, J., Mrs. / Moss, Frederick /
McBurney, Samuel / McDonald, John /
Newell, A. / Nicholson, Margaret G. / Noone, Annie /
Peake, George / Perraton, William / Pettifer, George / Pollard, J. H. / Pulver, Louis /
Rashleigh, W. J. / Radcliffe, Charles / Reilly, Jane / Rennie, Jas. Campbell / Roberts, John Hartley / Roxburgh, Adam / Russell, John / Ruxton, Henri William / Ryan, James John /
Sadler, H. / Scarse, George Henry / Smith, Esther Alma / South, G. F. / Sowden, T. J. / Spry, Ella /
Templeton, John M. / Thomson, Archibald / Tolhurst, George / Tracey, C. A. / Turner, Austin Theodore /
Ulbrick, Nicolai Chas. F. / Ure, James Anderson / Wallace, R. / Walther, John / Ware, Samuel / Watson, John / Watson, John, jun. / Waymouth, M. C. /
Weinritter, George / Whitehead, F. J. / Wrigley, George / Young, Hugh
J. Alex. Allan, The old model school: its history and romance (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1934)
George Michael Weinritter, Find a grave
WEIPPERT FAMILY OF MUSICIANS (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Pollard family of musicians
WEIPPERT, Mary Eleanor (Mary Eleanor WEIPPERT) = Mrs. James Joseph POLLARD [1]
Born London, England, c. 1831/32; daughter of William WEIPPERT (1810-1857) and Corunna Gooch BRADFORD (1809-1899)
Married James Joseph POLLARD (1833-1884), St. Andrew's by the Wardrobe, Blackfriars, City of London, 24 September 1853
Arrived Hobart Town, TAS, 27 October 1854 (per Columbus, from Plymouth, 4 July, with husband)
Died Launceston, TAS, 7 July 1874 (shareable link to this entry)
WEIPPERT, Henry Nelson (Henry Nelson WEIPPERT)
Musician, pianist, piano tuner
Born London, England, 1839 (4th quarter); baptised Christ Church, Camden, 12 February 1840; son of William WEIPPERT (1810-1857) and Corunna Gooch BRADFORD (1809-1899)
Married Julia HARRIS, Dartford, Kent, England, 1862
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1878
Died Sydney, NSW, 1914 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WEIPPERT, Albert Francis (Albert Francis Bradford WEIPPERT; Albert WEIPPERT)
Musician, pianist, piano tuner
Born London, 1842; baptised Christ Church, Camden, 16 March 1842; son of William WEIPPERT (1809-1857) and Corunna Gooch BRADFORD (1810-1899)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, ? by August 1858
Married Anne Jane WARREN, Melbourne, VIC, 1862
Active Launceston, TAS, by 1865
Died Geelong, VIC, 15 January 1897, aged "55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WEIPPERT, Corunna Elizabeth (Corunna Elizabeth WEIPPERT) = Mrs. James Joseph POLLARD [2]
Born London, England, 1846 (4th quarter); daughter of William WEIPPERT (1809-1857) and Corunna Gooch BRADFORD (1809-1899)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 March 1864 (per Coldstream, from Southampton, 16 December 1863, aged "16", with mother and sister Emma)
Married James Joseph POLLARD (1833-1884), Launceston, TAS, 27 January 1876
Died Melbourne, VIC, 17 August 1906 (shareable link to this entry)
WEIPPERT, Emma (Emma Elizabeth WEIPPERT; Madame WEIPPERT; Mrs. Boyle Robertson PATEY; Madame WEIPPERT PATEY)
Vocalist, actor, entertainer
Born London, England, 1849 (4th quarter); daughter of William WEIPPERT (1809-1857) and Corunna Gooch BRADFORD (1809-1899)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 March 1864 (per Coldstream, from Southampton, 16 December 1863, aged "14")
Married Boyle Robertson PATEY (c. 1829-1919), Collins-street Baptist church, Melbourne, VIC, 11 June 1866
Died Melbourne, VIC, 25 July 1939, aged "89 years and 10 months" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
The paternal grandfather of all the above siblings was John Michael Weippert (1775/6-1831), a harpist, a younger brother of the more famous composer and bandmaster John Erhradt Weippert (1766-1823), who was in turn succeeded as bandmaster and queen's harpist by his son John Thomas Lewis Weippert (c. 1798-1843).
John Michael's son, William Weippert (1809-1857), musician, married Corunna Gooch Bradford (1810-1889) at St. Ann Blackfriars, in the City of London, on 18 May 1828. William having died in 1857, Corunna emigrated to Victoria in 1863-64, and died at South Melbourne on 29 March 1899.
The singer Emma Weippert had a small but respectable career as a character singer in Melbourne theatres. Albert Francis Weippert, her brother, advertised in Tasmania as a former member of Weippert's band. Successively in 1853 and 1876, Emma's sisters Mary Eleanor and Corunna Elizabeth married James Joseph Pollard.
John Thomas Lewis Weippert's grandson, Alfred John Lewis Weippert (born Calcutta, India, 3 February 1855, son of Alfred Spring Weippert and Catherine Lynch) had also come to Australia by 1882 and was a musical performer.
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Christ Church St Pancras in the County of Middlesex in the year 1842; register 1837-73, page 110; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 878 / March 16th / Albert Francis Bradford Son of / William & Corunna / Weippert / 22 Clarence Gardens / Musician . . .
? [Advertisement], The Argus (3 August 1858), 8
Weippert and Co. beg to inform the ladies and inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity that they
have taken the large rooms adjoining the Stork Hotel, Elizabeth-street, and intend giving A SERIES OF BALLS.
Weippert and Co., in respectfully soliciting the patronage of the public, wish to add that everything will be carried on with the strictest decorum.
Admittance - Single ticket - 5s. 6d. Lady and Gentleman - 7s. 6d.
Refreshments Included. Dancing commencing at 9 o'clock. A Full Band.
Tickets may be had at the Stork Hotel, and of Mr. King, hairdresser, Junction, St. Kilda. Limited Number of Tickets.
Names and descriptions of passengers, per Coldstream, from Southampton, 16 December 1863, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Weippert Corunna / 54 / Nurse
Weippert Corunna / 16 / Servant
Weippert Emma / 14 / [Servant]
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (20 June 1864), 4
Pianist - Mr. A. Weippert.
Orchestra - Messrs. Andrews. Stainsby, Best, and Gates . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Stainsby (musician); William Stitt Jenkins (secretary)
"DELORAINE (From our own Correspondent) AMUSEMENTS", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (5 August 1865), 5
On Wednesday last, the gentlemen formerly connected with Professor Ion, the Wizard, in the capacity of Mephistophiles and Pianist (Messrs. Patey and Weippert), gave an entertainment at the Railway Hotel. The inclemency of the weather prevented a large attendance. The entertainment was however very successful - if I may judge by the general feeling of approbation and enjoyment exhibited by the audience. The humorous singing of the songs in the programme, descriptive of London life, by Mr. Patey, and his anecdote of Irish life and character, were entirely new here, and therefore the more appreciated, - while the pianoforte parts and accompaniments of Mr. Weippert were excellent. At the close, the company expressed their regret at the paucity of attendance, and intimated their willingness to exercise their influence to obtain a good house on Saturday, the 6th inst., on which occasion it is expected several gentlemen will assist.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (26 September 1865), 5
ALBERT FRANCIS WEIPPERT, Pianoforte Maker, Tuner, and Regulator, from John Broadwood and Sons, London..
Church or chamber organs, harmoniums, flutinas, &c., thoroughly tuned and repaired in town or country..
Orders received at Mr. C. Day's Furniture Warehouse, St. John-street, Launceston. Sept. 25.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons (London pianomaking firm); see also Broadwood pianos in Australia (page)
[Advertisement], The Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (29 September 1865), 1
PIANOFORTE TUNING. ALBERT FRANCIS WEIPPERT, (of Weippert's Quadrille Band,) Pianoforte Maker, Tuner, and Regulator . . . Launceston.
"EVANDALE (From our own Correspondent) Monday, 5th February, 1866", The Cornwall Chronicle (7 February 1866), 5
This usually quiet township was very much enlivened last week by a visit paid to it, by Mrs. Simpson with her beautiful Diorama of the Overland Route. You are aware that Mrs. Simpson, with her grand Diorama of the overland route to England from Australia, accompanied by Mr. A. F. Wieppert [sic], the talented pianist, is now making a tour through the chief townships in the country districts with great success. At the first entertainment given here last week, the large Assembly Room was crowded to excess, and about as many more could not obtain admission until next night, when the room was again as crowded and could not contain the number eager for admission. The third and last entertainment here was given on Friday night and the crush was as great as ever. The spirited character songs of Mrs. Simpson, and the excellent singing and piano accompaniments [of] Mr. Weippert were all highly appreciated, and I sincerely wish Mrs. Simpson the full success which her varied talents and accomplishments, her energetic industry and indomitable perseverance deserve.
"INSOLVENT COURT", Launceston Examiner (16 December 1865), 3
In re JAMES JOSEPH POLLARD, of Launceston, pianoforte maker.
Second meeting and on application for discharge . . .
Insolvent, examined by Mr. Campion - I know Mr. Patrick Kearney of Campbell Town.
I received from him about 14th or 15th Nov., 1864, a harp to repair . . .
Mr. Kearney would not take it back, and I was at liberty to take it back;
I think I told you the harp was worth £15; on the following Saturday it was taken to Mr. Tucker's auction rooms and sold;
it was not advertised; a man named Weippert, a brother-in-law of mine, took away the harp for sale;
I attended the sale; my brother-in-law bought the harp for Mr. Wadham for 30s . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Joseph Pollard (musical instrument maker and repairer, brother-in-law)
"THE EMU CONCERT HALL", The McIvor Times [VIC] (18 January 1867), 2
On Thursday, the 10th inst., an entertainment in aid of the funds of the Heathcote Hospital, was given by Mr. Charlett, and the company lately engaged at this place of amusement. The programme was a highly attractive one, and the manner in which the various parts were sustained were alike creditable to the company, and pleasing to the audience. The entertainment commenced with a musical trio by Miss Emma Weippert, and Messrs. Wilton and Lindsay, which fully prepared the audience for a pleasant evening . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 October 1867), 8
Sole Proprietor and Director - Mr. T. Coker.
Acting Manager - Mr. De la Chapelle.
GRAND RE-OPENING NIGHT, Great improvements, brilliant decorations,
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5. Engagement of the distinguished cantatrice, Miss ANNIE BRAMLEY, From the Royal Academy of Music, London,
whose first appearance at Lystor's Opera di Camera created such a sensation.
Madame Daston, from the New York Opera-house (first appearance in Australia).
Miss Emma Weippert, characteristic vocalist . . .
Musical Conductor - Mr. Fr. Zeplin.
Pianist - Mr. Montague.
Leader of the Grand Orchestra - Mr. T. Zeplin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas and Frederick Zeplin (musicians); Alfred Montague (pianist)
"THE HOSPITAL BENEFIT", The McIvor Times (24 April 1868), 2
On Wednesday evening last the benefit in aid of the Hospital funds took place at the Heathcote Hotel . . . The "Slave Ship" was well sung by Mr. W. Jackson, the accompaniment to which by Mr. A. Weippert, was unexceptionable, and the "Little Farm" was nicely "conducted" by Mr. Wilton and Miss E. Weippert, who seemed to be in excellent voice . . .
[News], The Argus (23 December 1868), 5
The Polytechnic-hall is to be opened on Christmas evo for a series of special performances, by Miss Emma Weippert, assisted by Mr. H. E. Ernest. The entertainment "Matrimony, or Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Smith at Home and Abroad" - is stated to have been written expressly for Miss Weippert, on the model of those of Mr. and Mrs. German Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paul.
"The Spring Creek Rush", Warwick Examiner (20 February 1869), 4
The following letter descriptive of life at Spring Creek has been received in Melbourne, and has been placed at our ("Leader") disposal.
Writing from the Lyceum Theatre, Varieties Hotel, Spring Creek, 13th of January, Mr. H. B. Wilton, agent for Miss Emma Weippert, says: -
"This is a most horrible place. We are walking up to the calves of our legs in dust.
I am writing at the end of an old box, with a public-house pen, a gale of wind blowing acres of dust, almost stopping respiration.
People are flocking into this town daily by hundreds from all quarters. New rushes are occurring daily . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: H. B. Wilton was the stage name of her husband, Boyle Robertson Patey
After a siege of some weeks, this house was re-opened on Saturday night . . . The first piece was the well known force of "Nan the Good for Nothing," announced in the advertisements by the more euphemistic title of "A Child of Nature." It gave an opportunity to Miss Weippert to exhibit her powers in soubrette acting. This lady is not entirely unknown to the Melbourne stage, but her performances hitherto have been limited to what is understood by "entertainment and ballad singing" . . .
Special performances were given at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night in aid of the permanent fund of the Australian Dramatic, Operatic, Musical, and Equestrian Association. There was a tolerably good house. The programme was lengthy, and of a miscellaneous character, including "Paul Pry," a "A Model of a Wife," the "Irish Tutor," some songs by Miss Weippert, and a concluding farce. Mr. Geo. Coppin was, of course, the Paul Pry . . . In the "Model of a Wife," the leading parts were sustained by Mr. R. Stewart and Miss Maggie Stewart, who had volunteered their services for the occasion, and the "Irish Tutor" served for the introduction of Mr. Joseph Simmonds, the oldest theatrical manager in the Australian colonies, and Mr. Richard Capper, one of the oldest actors in Victoria, who enacted the parts of Terry O'Rourke and Dr. Flail respectively . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor); Richard Stewart (actor) and step-daughter; Joseph Simmons (actor); Richard Capper (actor)
"OPENING OF THE NEW BILLIARD ROOMS AT THE COUNCIL CLUB HOTEL", The North Eastern Ensign [Benalla, VIC] (13 September 1872), 3
The new billiard-room in connection with this establishment have been opened for some little time. On Monday last the event was celebrated first by a billiard match for £10 a side between Mr. T. Smith, the lessee of the rooms and Mr. Weippert, the professor of music . . . The game was for 500, and although Mr. Smith was 496 when Mr. Weippert was 501, from the play of the two competitors we are inclined to think that Mr. Weippert could have come off a conqueror in less time than he did had he thought fit . . .
"THE INFANT MOZART CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (20 August 1878), 2
The "Infant Mozart" made his debut before a Launceston audience, which numbered about 300, at the Mechanics' Institute last evening, and the applause which greeted his appearance testified to the great interest excited by the fame which had preceded his arrival here. He played a movement from Beethoven's No. 2 of Op. 40; an arrangement of airs from "Don Giovanni," of Mozart; exhibited his truly wonderful faculty of identifying sounds, both chords and discords, by means of the ear only, and with out visual reference to the instrument producing them . . . only asking Mr. Weippert who was at the piano, twice out of a dozen times to repeat the notes . . . The remaining items by Madame Weippert Patey, Mons. Bellande, and Mr. W. A. Weippert [sic], in the programme, which were duly appreciated by the audience, scarcely cull for any special comment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ernest Hutcheson (juvenile musician)
"WEIPPERT'S MUSIC AND THE BANDS. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Daily Telegraph (11 March 1882), 7
Sir, - Permit me, through the medium of your much-esteemed columns to suggest to the local bandmasters the occasional introduction into their programmes of some of John Weippert's favourite selections.
This once popular and renowned musician (who as author, composer, and eminent teacher, held so distinguished a place in the roll of musical celebrities of the old school) was,
it will be remembered, sole proprietor of the celebrated Royal Quadrille Band, London, under the supreme patronage of Her Majesty the Queen and Prince and Princess of Wales,
and several others distinguished members of the Royal Family; and feel assured that my suggestion, if carried out, would meet with approbation,
and, I have no doubt, be much appreciated by the patrons of the Sydney band stand.
As I fear that some little difficulty may be experienced in procuring Weippert's music in this city,
I should mention that I should be glad to be of any service to the bandmasters or others who may be desirous of obtaining any pieces by that composer. -
Yours, &c.,
12 Upton-street, off Macquarie-street South.
"DEATHS", The Argus (30 March 1889), 1
WEIPPERT. - On the 29th inst., at South Melbourne, Corunna Gootch Weippert, relict of the late William Weippert, of London, professor of music, and quadrille bandmaster to the Royal Family, mother of Mrs. B. R. Patey, of North Melbourne, and Mrs. J. J. Pollard, of Northcote, aged 81 years. At rest.
"DEATHS", Leader (23 January 1897), 36
WEIPPERT. - On the 15th January, at Geelong, Albert Weippert, pianist, aged 56.
"DEATHS", The Age (20 August 1906), 1
ROBERTS. - On the 17th August, at her residence, "Lillieville," Darebin-road, Northcote, Corunna Elizabeth (originator of Pollard's Lilliputian Opera Company), beloved wife of Charles Frederick Roberts, mother of E. J. Pollard and Mrs. Lillian Finlay. sister of Mrs. B. R. Patey, of Northcote, and Mr. H. N. Weippert, of Sydney, aged 59. Interred privately.
"Mother at Daughter's Golden Wedding", The Argus (3 June 1938), 1
Mrs. Emma Patey (right), of Thornbury, attended the celebrations yesterday to mark the 50th anniversary of the wedding of her daughter, Mrs. George Tutton, of Ivanhoe. Mrs. Patey is aged 89 years, and as Emma Weippert sang the dedicatory ode when the present Melbourne Town Hall was opened.
"DEATHS", The Argus (26 July 1939), 10
PATEY (Madame Weippert-Patey). - On the 25th July at her residence, 6 Speight-street, Thornbury, Emma Elizabeth, beloved mother of Louie, Fred, Hettie, and Bert, and much loved grandmother of Maisie, aged 89 years and 10 months (Private interment).
"STAGE ASIDES (By M. J.)", Townsville Daily Bulletin (27 September 1939), 3
Emma Weippert (Mrs. Patey), died the other day in Melbourne within a few weeks of her 90th birthday. Much has been written about this veteran of the Australian stage in the Southern Press, but so far nobody has mentioned her work with the famous Eloise Juno in "The Heart of Midlothian." In variety her glorious voice thrilled audiences at the old Victorian Hall, Burke-street. In those days she popularised the song, "Please give me a Penny." During the 70's she was a great favorite in Ballarat, where the miners named her "The Star of the East."
WEISS, Miss A. (Miss A. WEISS; Miss WEISS; ? Annie WEISS; ? Mrs. Benjamin DAVIS; ? WHITE)
Musician, pianist
Active Geelong and Bendigo, VIC, by August 1859
? Married Benjamin DAVIS, VIC, 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (30 July 1859), 4
MISS MARIE JAMES, Of the Metropolitan Concerts.
MISS A. WEISS, Of the Royal Academy of Music, London. &c., &c., &c.
W. STITT JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie James (vocalist); William Stitt Jenkins (secretary); Geelong Recreative Society (organisation)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (3 August 1859), 2
The Monday Evening Concerts have, as an institution, outgrown that which gave them birth. The "Recreative Society" has served happily as a peg upon which to hang some thing far more tasteful and refined than is consistent with Mr. Jenkins' scheme for providing matter-of-fact and innocuous amusements for artisans, laborers, &c., with their wives and families. Nevertheless the public is equally indebted to Mr. Jenkins, as being the accidental means of establishing the most agreeable and popular movement which has as yet been set on foot in Geelong. The Mechanics' Hall was almost too small for the audience on Monday night last, a portion of the aisles and doorway being occupied by persons for whom there was no sitting accommodation . . . Miss Weiss, also, as a pianist, achieved a decided triumph; but her touch is characterised more by taste than strength, and consequently many of the finer beauties in her playing were lost to the ear in so large a room . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (8 August 1859), 4
PROGRAMME, PART I. Overture - "Semiramide" - Band - Rossini
Song "Agatha" - Mrs. Goodliffe - Abt
Song "The Maniac" - Mr. Meakin - Russell
Waltz - "Martha" - Band - D'Albert
Song - "The Cookery Book" - Mr. Cox
Solo Piano - Grand fantasia from the opera of "Fille di Regimento" - Miss Weiss . . .
PART II . . . Solo - "Promenade sur Mer" (Pianoforte) - Miss Weiss . . .
W. S. JENKINS, Hon. Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Henry Meakin (vocalist)
MUSIC: La promenade sur mer interrompue par la tempête (Klengel)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (20 August 1859), 3
MISS WEISS, Professor of Music. Terms moderate. Address Post Office, Sandhurst.
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (13 December 1859), 1
SHOULD this meet the eye of Mrs. BENJAMIN DAVIS (maiden name Miss Annie White), of London. She will hear of her friend Mrs. Harriet White, by writing to her address, Mrs. Harriet White, Ovens Hotel, Hokitika, N.Z.
WEISS, Alfred (Alfred WEISS)
Baritone vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, 1860 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1860), 1
CITY CONCERT HALL, London Tavern. - TO-NIGHT, the whole of Locke's music in Macbeth;
1st witch, Clara Lamoureux; 2nd witch, John Howson; 3rd witch, Alfred Weiss; Hecate, John Leveson - full chorus.
CITY CONCERT HALL - John Howson will sing All is Lost, Hurrah for the Road, &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: Clara Lamoureux (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); John Leveson (vocalist)
MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (correctly by Richard Leveridge)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1860), 1
The Great Tragedy, in five acts, of the HIBERNIAN FATHER, supported by all the Sydney favourites.
First and only appearance of Mr. Alfred Weiss, the celebrated basso singer.
To conclude with the third act of NORMA, in which those talented artistes, Misses Emma and Celia Howson will appear.
The orchestral department under the directorship of Mr. Eigenshault [sic].
"MR. RAYNER'S BENEFIT TO-NIGHT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1860), 4
This evening that talented and popular actor, Mr. J. Rayner, who has for some years past been an established favourite with the play-going public of Sydney, is to take his benefit at the Royal Victoria Theatre. The principal piece selected for the occasion will be the noble tragedy of the Hibernian Father, in which Mr. Rayner is to enact the part of the Irish Brutus. The vocal powers of Mr. Alfred Weiss and the Messrs. Howson (in Norma) will also be called into requisition, and will contribute to the attraction of the entertainment which has been judiciously provided. Mr. Rayner is well seconded by several old dramatic favourites, and will doubtless be rewarded with a bumper house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Rayner (actor, manager); Frank Howson (vocalist); Emma Howson (vocalist); Clelia Howson (vocalist); Charles Eigenschenck (leader, violin); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
SHAKESPERE CONCERT HALL, opposite Victoria Theatre, beautifully decorated with stage proscenium, &c., will OPEN THIS EVENING, for gentlemen only.
The artistes already engaged are Mrs. Eastwick, soprano; M. Clara Lamoureux, mezzo soprano; Mr. John Howson, tenor; Mr. J Leveson, baritone; Alfred Weiss, basso;
and Harry Eastwick, the great comic singer.
Every thing that can conduce to the comfort of visitors has been done to render this worthy of patronage as the most unique affair in Sydney, without exception.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harry and Wilhelmina Eastwick (vocalist, pianist)
WELCH, Robert Porter (Robert Porter WELCH; R. P. WELCH; "R. P. W.")
Songwriter, poet, suregon, medical practitioner
Born Taunton, Somerset, England, 26 September 1808; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton, 25 June 1818 [sic]; son of Charles WELCH (1781-1832) and Mary HOUSE (1782-1865)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 September 1839 (per Letitia, from London, 3 June, and Plymouth, 13 June)
Married Ellen (Helen) UTHER (1822-1885), Sydney, NSW, 13 September 1841
Died Greytown, New Zealand, 25 February 1876, aged "68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Taunton St. Mary Magdalene in the County of Somerset in the Year 1818; register 1813-26, page 22; Somerset Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 730 / 1818 June 25th / Born Sept'b'r 26th 1808 / Robert Porter Son of / Charles [and] Mary / Welch / East Street / Surgeon . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: his parents Charles Welch and Mary House (widow Porter) had married at St. James, Bath, on 30 January 1808; his 5 younger siblings were also baptised together in the 25 June 1818 ceremony: Frances (born 22 November 1809), Joseph (b. 1 January 1812); Barbara (b. 3 December 1813), Harriet (b. 8 August 1815), and James (b. 6 April 1818)
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", The Colonist [Sydney, NSW] (28 September 1839), 2
27. Letitia, ship, 375 tons, Black, from London, June 3, and Plymouth June 13, with merchandise. Passengers . . . R. Welch, Esq., surgeon . . .
[Advertisement], Free Press and Commercial Journal [Sydney, NSW] (26 June 1841), 3
PRICE SIX SHILLINGS, and on Sale at the principal Booksellers in Sydney: - Songs, Ballads, and Rhymes.
"MARRIAGE", The Sydney Herald (14 September 1841), 3
Married at St. Lawrence Church, Sept. 13, by the Rev. W. H. Walsh, Robert Potter Walsh [sic], Esq., to Miss Helen Uther, of Surry Hills.
ASSOCIATIONS: Born Sydney, NSW, 15 March 1822, and baptised Ellen, at St. Philip's, 7 April 1822, she was a daughter of Rueben UTHER (1791-1880) and Maria HACKING (c. 1793-1829)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 September 1841), 3
MR. ROBERT P. WELCH, for five years Operative Surgeon at the Somerset County Hospital,
author of the "Married Woman's Adviser and Young Mathers' Guide," "A Familiar Treatise on Diseases of the Eye,"
and "The invalid's Guide to the Baths of the Pyrenees," may bi e professionally consulted at his private residence,
Castlereagh-street, between the hours of six in the evening and ten in the morning.
The above Works may be obtained at Mr. Trood's, Albion Printing Office, Sydney; at Maitland; and at Port Phillip.
[News], Wairarapa Standard [Greytown, NZ] (26 February 1876), 2
One of thp Wairarapa's oldest and best known settlers has passed away. Yesterday at Mataravra died Dr. Welch, who some twenty-two years ago settled in Wellington as a medical practitioner. When the Greytown Small Farm Settlement was founded the deceased took up his residence in the new township and for some years represented the Wairarapa in the Provincial Council, and in the session of 1856 acted as clerk of the same. In 1857 he contested the Superintendency with Dr. Featherston and in several parts of the Province obtained a majority of votes. Of late years he had been a confirmed invalid, devoting his leisure hours to literary pursuits, unable to take the active part he once disdisplayed in public affairs, but still feeling a strong interest in the district in which he resided and aiding with open hand and heart any movemen which tended to advance it. As will be seen by an announcement elsewhere the funeral takes place this afternoon. We shall in another issue speak more at length than we can in our present one of a settler who in the past has been intimately connected with the history and progress of the Province and district, and has by his many private virtues won the regard of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Songs, ballads, and rhymes by R. P. W. (Sydney: T. Trood, 1841) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Trood (printer, publisher, also formerly of Taunton, Somerset)
[50] SONG. TUNE - The Washing Day.
The morning's blush is beaming, love,
The birds begin their lay;
With joy my heart is teeming, love,
To hail our wedding day.
[51] The village ringers stir their bells,
To tell the merry tale;
To bring the swains from distant dells,
For mirth must now prevail.
The come and join the merry train,
And bless the bridegroom's lay;
Let's sing and dance, and sing again,
It is my wedding day . . . [5 more verses and altered final chorus]
Musical concordances:

The washing day, as sung at the theatre and gardens with enormous applause, arranged for the piano forte by Pietro Norami (Philadelphia: Willig, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITSED)
And see also: (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Robert Porter Welch, Australian medical pioneers index
Printer, stationer, musicseller, music publisher, mariner
Born Kingston upon Hull, England, 15 September 1806; baptised Independent chapel, Kingston upon Hull, 16 November 1806; son of Thomas WELBANK (c. 1779-1851) and Dinah MARSHALL (d. 1859)
Married Elizabeth BENNETT (d. 1910), St. Dunstan's in the East, London, England, 1835 (licence 28 April 1835)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 5 May 1845 (per Kate, from Auckland via Bay of Islands, 17 and 19 April)
Died Glebe, Sydney, NSW, 10 December 1867, aged "61" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLNZ record) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Reading (business partner, 1853-67); Reading and Wellbank (firm, 1853-69)
Isaac Welbank [sic] was a son of Thomas Welbank (c. 1779-1851) and Dinah Marshall (d. 1859), who had married at Whitby, Yorkshire, on 22 June 1800. When captain Thomas Wellbank [sic], master mariner, died at the Trinity Mariners' Alms Houses, Mile End, in March 1851, he left all his books to his elder son Thomas (1802-1866), all his wearing apparel to his son Isaac, and entire the residue of his estate to his wife Dinah.
Aged about 15, on 19 April 1820, Isaac was indentured as an apprentice in the merchant navy to the Whitby merchant, parliamentarian, and maritime affairs specialist Aaron Chapman, who was instrumental in the movement to colonise New Zealand.
According to the inscription on his grave, Wellbank (as he consistently styled himself) was, like his father, also a captain in the merchant navy service. One or other Thomas Wellbank, however, was master of the Platina, from London, which arrived in Adelaide in February 1839, and perhaps the other Thomas was master of the Whitby, which arrived in Sydney on 23 June 1839 with female convicts was perhaps his father.
Isaac himself, however, was by then already in New Zealand, where he witnessed a sale of land by Maori to pakehas on 10 August 1839.
He and his wife Elizabeth arrived in Sydney from Auckland in May 1845, and settled first at Parramatta where they opened a tea and coffee shop. By 1847 they were in central Sydney where Isaac was probably mainly involved in commercial shipping ventures.
In October 1853 Wellbank formed a business partnership with James Reading as Reading and Wellbank to take over the general printing business formerly managed by Reading for John Fairfax at The Sydney Morning Herald.
In July 1864 they purchased from his trustees the complete stock in trade of the book and musicseller and publisher Jacob Clarke, and took over his premises and publishing activities. Thereafter, as music publishers, they continued to print sheet music from Clarke's plates, which they reissued under their own covers. From late 1864, they also began publishing new musical titles, which, though his name appears on none of their editions, may have been engraved by John Degotardi.
After Wellbank's death in December 1867, Reading continued to issue new music under the Reading and Wellbank imprint as late as mid 1869, despite officially trading as James Reading and Co. from August 1868.
Apprentices indentured in the merchant navy; UK National Archives, registry of shipping and seamen, index of apprentices, BT150/1 (PAYWALL)
[Enrolled] 1824 March 23 / Isaac Wellbank / [age] 15 / [enrolled] 19 April 1820 / [for] 5 years / [to] Aaron Chapman
ASSOCIATIONS: Aaron Chapman (politician, member for Whitby, specialist in maritime affairs)
Maori deeds of old private land purchases in New Zealand, from the year 1815 to 1840, with pre-emptive and other claims; New Zealand Electronic Text Collection
(Enclosure No. 24.) 1839. 10 August. WAIKAHIKATEA. Block - Waikahikatea, Waimate.
Sellers - Penehamani, Matahina, and Wiremu Warerau . . .
Contents - 30 acres.
Payment - One horse, one saddle and bridle.
Signatures - Penehamani, Matahina, Wiremu Warerau, and George Clarke.
Witnesses - Benjamin Nisbet, Aperahama Karaka, and Isaac Wellbank.
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", Commercial Journal and General Advertiser [Sydney, NSW] (7 May 1845), 2
5 The Kate, 62 tons, Salmon, from Auckland via Bay of Islands, 17th and 19th April, with copper ore. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wellbank . . .
? [Advertisement], Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (31 May 1845), 3
Breakfast Rooms, TEA, COFFEE, &c.
J. WELLBANK, RESPECTFULLY announces that he has opened an Establishment opposite the Court House, Parramatta,
where Refreshments, at moderate charges, can be had at any hour, and that he hopes by strict attention and obliging conduct to obtain general support.
No fermented or spirituous liquors are included. [manicule] No business done on Sunday.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1847), 1
THE Advertiser would be happy to give evening lessons in the above Art, to a small number of pupils, (not exceeding six.)
To a competent knowledge of the theory, he unites the advantage of having had, at sea,
near twenty years experience in the practice of navigation in all its branches.
For particulars, apply between the hours of seven and nine, in the evening of any day except Sunday and Monday, to
J. WELLBANK, 16, Jamison-street.
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1851), 4
On the 3rd March, at his residence, in the Trinity Grounds, Mile End Road, London, Captain Thomas Wellbank, in the 72nd year of his age.
[Advertisement], Empire (20 June 1853), 1
STEAM TO MELBOURNE. The Sydney and Melbourne Steam Packet Company's Iron Screw Steam-Ship HELLESPONT, William Watts, commander . . .
For freight or passage, apply at the Company's Offices, 474, George-street, opposite bank of New South Wales.
I. WELLBANK, Secretary.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 October 1853), 3
BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. THE General Printing Business hitherto conducted at the office of the Sydney Morning Herald is removed to eligible and convenient premises in Bridge-street. The materials have been sold to Messrs. Reading and Wellbank. Mr. Reading has had the sole charge of that department for the last seven years. Mr. Fairfax has great confidence in transferring that part of the business to Messrs. Reading and Wellbank.
READING AND WELLBANK beg to inform their friends and the public that, having purchased the stock of printing types, presses,
and material lately used in the job department of the Sydney Morning Herald Office, they are now prepared to receive orders for any description of Letter Press Printing.
October 22, 1853.
NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day entered into partnership, in the business of General Printers, &c.
October 22, 1853.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1859), 1
On the 18th April, at her residence, Mile End Road, London, Mrs. Thomas Wellbank, mother of Mr. J. Welbank, of this city, in her 90th year.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1864), 2
MUSIC, BOOK, and PRINT DEPOSITORY . . . 356, George-street (late Clarke's), Sydney.
READING and WELLBANK beg respectfully to announce to their friends and the public of New South Wales,
that they have purchased from the trustees of the estate of Mr. J. R. Clarke, the whole of the Stock,
comprising Music, Oil Paintings, Engravings, Framed and Unframed Lithographic and other Prints, Photographs,
Stereoscopes and Slides, Photographic Albums . . .
The large and choice selection of printed music, vocal and instrumental,
for which the establishment is already celebrated, will be supplemented by monthly importations -
per Overland Mail - of every new and popular publication from London.
Catalogues of the principal Songs, Pieces, &c., are in course of preparation, and, when ready, may be had on application gratis . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (insolvent musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1865), 1
MUSIC - JUST PUBLISHED, My Sister dear, admired ballad in Masaniello, 2s, post free 2s 2d; new editions of the favourite songs, I CANNOT SING TONIGHT, Such is Life, and The Bonny Hills of Scotland. 2s 6d each; MOLLY ASTHORE WALTZES, 3s; Nearer to Thee (hymn for four voices), 1s 6d. READING and WELLBANK, Musicsellers, 356, George-street (next Flavelle's).
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1867), 1
On the 10th instant, at his residence, St. John's-terrace, Glebe, ISAAC WELLBANK, after a long and painful illness.
Mr. Isaac Wellbank / Of Sydney / Formerly Captain in Merchants Service.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1868), 1
NOTICE. - Mr. JAMES READING, the surviving partner in the firm of "Reading and Wellbank," of No. 366, George-street, and No. 13, Bridge-street, Book and Music Sellers, Stationers and Printers, having purchased from the Executrix of the late Mr. Isaac Wellbank all her interest in the business, begs to announce that in future it will be carried on under the name, style, and firm of JAMES READING and CO. Sydney, 28th August, 1868.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1910), 8
WELLBANK. - October 22, 1910, at St. Bernard's Private Hospital, Burwood, Elizabeth Wellbank, widow of the late Isaac Wellbank (formerly of Reading and Wellbank Printers, Bridge-street, Sydney), in her 99th year.
Musical and related editions (from 1864):
Spring-life, lyrics (Moore) [words only] (July 1864)
Spring-life, lyrics by J. Sheridan Moore (Sydney: Reading & Wellbank, 1864) (DIGITISED) (SETIS modern edition)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1864), 8
READY. - THIS DAY, at noon, will be published, "Spring-Life Lyrics," by J. Sheridan Moore.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Sheridan Moore (lyricist, musical amateur)
Be kind to the loved ones at home (Woodbury) (October 1864)
Be kind to the loved ones at home, Christy's minstrel song and chorus, sung by Charles Stewart ["Woodbury"] (Sydney: Reading and Wellbank, [1864]) (DIGITISED)
Probably from same plates as J. R. Clarke's edition of June 1863
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1864), 1
BE KIND to the Loved Ones at Home. Christy's song, 1s. 6d. READING and WELLBANK.
Chromatic rondo (Rea) (December 1864)
Chromatic rondo, a study for the pianoforte, composed by Alexander Rea (Sydney: Reading & Wellbank, [1864]) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 December 1864), 8
CHROMATIC RONDO, a brilliant and attractive piece de Salon, as well as a useful study for learners.
There is also in course of publication, and will shortly appear a Grand Octave Waltz by the same composer.
READING and WELLBANK, publishers, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Rea (composer)
Grand octave waltz (Rea) (January 1865)
Grand octave waltz for the pianoforte, by Alexander Rea (Sydney: Readind & Wellbank, [1865]) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1865), 9
NEW MUSIC - Grand Octave Waltz for the Pianoforte composed by Alexander Rea, price 3s. 6d. READING and WELLBANK, music sellers.
My sister dear (Auber) (June 1865)
My sister dear! the favorite ballad sung by Mr. Henry Squires in Auber's grand opera Masaniello (Sydney: Reading and Wellbank, [1865]) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1865), 3
Just published - My Sister Dear. Ballad from Masaniello, sung by Mr. Henry Squires, 2s, per post 2s. 2d. READING and WELLBANK, Music-sellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Squires (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
The Molly Asthore waltzes (Callen) (June 1865)
The Molly Asthore waltzes composed by Douglas Callen [Molly Asthore valse] (Sydney: Reading & Wellbank, [1865]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
From same plates as first edition (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1858])
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1865), 1
MUSIC - JUST PUBLISHED . . . new editions of . . . MOLLY ASTHORE WALTZES, 3s . . . READING and WELLBANK, Musicsellers, 356, George-street (next Flavelle's).
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (composer)
Under the holly (Whitworth and Fisher) [words only] (December 1865)
Under the holly, a cantata, words written by Robert P. Whitworth, music composed by James C. Fisher, for the Sydney Tonic Sol-Fa Association [wordbook only] (Sydney: Reading & Wellbank, 1865)
[Advertisement], Empire (21 December 1865), 1
"UNDER THE HOLLY." THE new cantata written for the Tonic Sol-Fa Assosiation, words by R. P. WHITWORTH, Esq., music by J. C. FISHER, Esq.
The Libretto of this Cantata is now published, and may be had from READING and WELLBANK, 356, George-street, and from ELVY and CO., 321, George-street, Sydney. Price, Sixpence.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Churchill Fisher (composer); Robert Hammond Elvy (musicseller)
Reading and Wellbank editions issued after Isaac's death:
The royal sailor waltzes (Lord) (February 1868)
The royal sailor waltzes, respectfully dedicated to the ladies of Sydney by the composer Edward Lord, jun'r (Sydney: Reading and Wellbank, [1868]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1868), 7
NEW MUSIC - In course of publication, the ROYAL SAILOR WALTZES, composed by E. Lord, jun. READING and WELLBANK, Music Sellers, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 February 1868), 6
NOW READY, THE ROYAL SAILOR WALTZES, dedicated to The Ladies of Sydney by the Composer, EDWARD LORD, Jun. Price 3s. READING and WELLBANK, Music-sellers, 356, George-street, Sydney.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Lord junior (composer)
Hymn, tribute to prince Alfred (Younger) (April 1868)
Hymn, tribute to prince Alfred, to whom by special permission it is respectfully dedicated, by Montague Younger [words by L. M. Harrison] (Sydney: Reading and Wellbank, [1868]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 April 1868), 1
JUST PUBLISHED, a Hymn of Thanksgiving, a tribute to PRINCE ALFRED, to whom by special permission it is respectfully dedicated by
MONTAGUE YOUNGER (organist of St. Andrew's Chapel), price 2s, per post 2s 2d.
READING and WELLBANK, 356, George-street; and to be had of all music sellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Montague Younger (composer)
Le mystère de Kiama, polka mazurka (Theobald) (May 1869)
Le mystère de Kiama, polka mazurka pour le piano, respectfully dedicated to the wives and daughters of Australian politicians, by Robert B. Theobald (Sydney: Reading & Wellbank, [1869]) (DIGITISED)
"NEW MUSIC", The Maitland Mercury (11 May 1869), 1
Mr. R. B. Theobald, of Newcastle, has composed a new polka mazourka, entitled "La Mystère de Kiama," which is spoken of as an excellent production, containing good and sparkling music, set to capital dance time.
The "Kiama Mystery" referred to claims, made by Henry Parkes in a speech at Kiama, that the assassination attempt on prince Alfred in March 1868 had been the result of a conspiracy; See: "THE KIAMA MYSTERY EXPLAINED", Empire (29 September 1868), 2
See also Charles Lyne, Life of Sir Henry Parkes, C.M.G., Australian statesman (Sydney: George Robertson & Company, 1896), 224-25 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Bishop Theobald (composer)
Other sources:
Letters, Isaac Wellbank, to the City of Sydney, 28 June 1865 and 1 November 1865; City of Sydney Archives (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 225-26 (DIGITISED)
Amateur musician, pianist, vocalist, collector of sheet music
Active Sydney, NSW, ? c. 1853 (shareable link to this entry)
In the collection of the State Library of New South Wales there is a bound album of sheet music originally owned by and bound for Miss Ann Weller, whose signature appears several pieces, and which was bound for her by Kern and Mader in Hunter St., Sydney (the firm at that address until no later than 1853). There are approximately 30 pieces, including ten by Frederick Crouch (dating from the 1840s). Also included is a copy of the original 1823 London edition of Le printemps: second sett of quadrilles for the piano forte by Ernesto Spagnoletti senior. Spagnoletti emigrated to Sydney in 1853, and died there in 1862, and it is possible that Weller was given this copy by the composer, who may also have been her teacher.
Owner bound album of 19th-century printed music; owned by Miss Ann Weller (whose signature appears on various pieces), and bound by Kern & Mader, Hunter St., Sydney [1845-53]; State Library of New South Wales
Also includes: Hart's first set of quadrilles (London: Mayhew & Co. ... and to be had at [Andrew] Ellard's Music Warehouse ... Dublin); The Bavarian girl's song: Buy a broom! Sung (in character) by Madame Vestris
ASSOCIATIONS: Kern and Mader (bookbinders, musicsellers); Andrew Ellard (Dublin and later Sydney musicseller)
WELLS, William John (William John WELLS; William WELLS; Wm. WELLS)
Amateur musician, bandsman
Born Stoke Newington, London, 18 November 1834; baptised St. Paul, Islington (Canonbury), 4 January 1835; son of William WELLS (1811-1879) and Mary Ann WARD (1810-1881)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 19 October 1837 (per Hartley, from London and Gravesend, 10 May, with family)
Arrived Stanley, VDL (TAS), 1842
Married Isabella NEWELL (1838-1894), Forest, TAS, 15 January 1862
Died Bothwell, TAS, 13 September 1912 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WELLS, Henry Ward (William John WELLS; William WELLS; Wm. WELLS)
Amateur musician, bandsman, cornet player
Born Bloomsbury, London, 20 November 1836; baptised St. George, Bloomsbury, 26 February 1837; son of William WELLS (1811-1879) and Mary Ann WARD (1810-1881)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 19 October 1837 (per Hartley, from London and Gravesend, 10 May, with family)
Arrived Stanley, VDL (TAS), 1842
Married (1) Lucy Amelia KING (d. 1868), Forest, TAS, 10 November 1855
Married (2) Mary Ann THORP, Horton, TAS, 24 January 1871
Died Stanley, TAS, 13 January 1922, aged "85/86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the District of St. Paul's Islington in the County of Middlesex in the year 1835; register 1831-61, page 28; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 217 / 1835 Jan'y 4 / William John son of / William & Mary / Wells / Newington Green / Servant . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Saint George, Bloomsbury, in the County of Middlesex in the year 1837; register 1819-39, page 273; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 2095 / 1837 Feb'y 26 / Born Nov'r 20 1836 / Henry Ward / [son of] William and Mary / Wells / Wilmot Street / Servant . . .
1855, marriages in the district of Horton; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:850783; RGD37/1/14 no 144$init=RGD37-1-14P76 (DIGITISED)
No. 61 / November 10th 1855 at the residence of Mary King Forest / Henry Ward Wells / 19 / Bachelor . . .
Lucy Amelia King / 27 / Spinster . . .
1862, marriages in the district of Horton; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:861589; RGD37/1/21 no 126$init=RGD37-1-21P82 (DIGITISED)
No. 98 / 15 Jan'y 1862 / Kings Forest Church Circular Head / William John Wells / Full [age] / Farmer /
Isabella Newell / 19 / Spinster . . .
"Death of an Old Resident. MR. WM. WELLS", Circular Head Chronicle [Stanley, TAS] (18 September 1912), 5
Yet another demise have we to record in our midst, and again it helps to thin the ranks of the old pioneers, in the person of Mr. William J. Wells, of "Bothwell," Forest. Deceased was in his usual health up till a few days ago, and his last trip to Stanley was to act as pallbearer at the late Mr. T. J. B. King's funeral. A few days ago, he contracted pneumonia, and notwithstanding medica attention and careful nursing, he passed away on Friday morning last, at the age of 78 years.
Deceased was one of the oldest settlers in Circular Head, and there were none more highly respected or universally esteemed. He was born in England, but came out to Australia with his parents in 1837, landing at Adelaide in that year. After a couple of years there and two years in Melbourne, the family came to Launceston, and moved to Stanley and settled here in 1842. They then went to Myrtle Creek, from there to Muddy Creek, and afterwards lived at "The Glebe." The father then took up "Ferntree Hill," Ford's Road, which was then a bush farm. Mr. William Wells opened his own career at "Bothwell" farm, Forest, and lived there for an unbroken period of 55 years. He married Miss Hills, daughter of the late Henry Hills, of "Hillside," but his wife predeceased him by over 20 years. A large family are left to mourn their loss, as follow Henry, Herbert, Vernon, all of Forest; George and Albert, of Marrawah; and Thomas, of Boat Harbour; and the daughters are Mrs. J. Smith, of Montagu; Mrs. J. Harvey, Irishtown ; and Mrs. A. Blake, Forest. The brothers of deceased are Messrs. Henry W., of Stanley ; Ulo, of Montagu; Theodore, of Scotchtown; and Arthur, of Branxholm.
The late Wm. Wells, was a thorough sport, and was a member of the committee and a prominent official of the Stanley Turf Club since its inception in 1883. At one time he and his sons owned some of the best bred race-horses on the N.W. Coast. He was a prominent cricketer in his days, and in latter years used to act as umpire. He was also a member of the Forest Brass Band (Wackeldein's), which was in existence about 1867. He was a member of the Horton Road Trust for many years, and always took a keen interest in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the district. His photo was taken in the Pioneers' group at Stanley on the occasion of the Coronation celebrations last year, and he was one of the most reliable authorities on the early incidents of Circular Head.
He was a great worker for the old Anglican Church at Ford's road, in the days of the Rev. Drew, and was one of those who took an interest in the fencing and improving of the cemetery there.
The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and was one of the largest ever seen at Forest, although the weather was wet and squally. The mortal remains were interred alongside those of his late wife at Ford's Road cemetery. The Rev. H. H. Anderson, B.A., officiated, and the pall-bearers were - Messrs. James, Angus, and Albert Ferguson, W. B. Collins, W. Poke (Smithton) and T. J. King. Mr. Eustace had charge of the mortuary arrangements.
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Wackeldine (band master)
"An Old Pioneer", Circular Head Chronicle (22 November 1916), 2
. . . He was for years a warden of the Marine Board, and is still actively connected with the Agricultural Society, the Brass Band (of which he was drummer in the fifties), St. Paul's Church, and other societies . . .
"Death of a Pioneer. MR. HENRY WARD WELLS", Circular Head Chronicle (18 January 1922), 2
The sudden death occurred on Friday last of one of Stanley's oldest and most respected citizens in the person of Mr. Henry Ward Wells, of "Thorpville." When he rose in the morning, he appeared to be in his usual state of health. He partook of breakfast, and left home for his garden - about half-a-mile away. On the way he called at Mr. Begent's on a message, and while speaking to Mr. A. Begent he staggered and collapsed. Dr. McCausland was summoned, and he found life to be extinct. The old gentleman celebrated his 85th birthday on 20th November last. He came to Circular Head as a boy with his parents in the year 1842 (80 years ago). He was born in Bloomsbury Square, London, and his parents soon afterwards left for Australia, landing at Adelaide, and afterwards removing to Melbourne and then Launceston. His father came to Circular Head and worked for the Van Diemen's Land Company sawing timber. There were seven brothers and three sisters in the family. Of these, Theodore Phillip, of Scotchtown; Ulo, of Montagu; and James, of Burnie, are still alive. Mr. H. W. Wells worked as a young man for the late Mr. F. W. Ford, of "Highfield." He then took a farm on the Green Hills from Mr. Michael Lyons (now occupied by his son, Mr. Arthur M. Wells). For an unbroken period of 53 years, he was a tenant of the V.D.L. Company, and some 13 years ago he retired and has since lived privately at Stanley. He built up a good herd of Durham cattle which are now well known all over the Island.
The old gentleman retained to the last a vivid recollection of early day happenings, and he has seen Circular Head develop from its primitive state to one of the most prosperous municipalities in Tasmania. For many years he conducted a butchery business on his farm, and supplied Stanley and Forest with meat. All his life he was noted for his genial and kind-hearted disposition.
In his younger days, Mr. Wells took a leading part in the various institutions on Stanley. He had been a member of the Horton Road Trust, and a member of the Circular Head Marine Board from 1893 to 1918, and a churchwarden of St. Paul's for about 30 years. He played a cornet in the Band when the professional, Adam Clark [Clerke], was conductor. He always supported the Band, which used to visit his home at intervals and give him some music. He was also a good cricketer, and secured prizes for this sport. He was one of the best footrunners on the Coast, and as a horseman was hard to beat, especially in the hunting field. As a young man he was a member of the Harmonic Society and the Church choir.
He had many adventures, being nearly killed four times and nearly drowned on three occasions. In one accident he was unconscious for nine days, being kicked by a horse, sustaining a broken jaw. And still he lived to see a ripe old age. Sympathy has been freely expressed for Mrs. Wells and family in their bereavement. The deceased gentleman was twice married, and there were five children in the first family and 15 in the second, making a score in number. Of those living there are: - Mrs. G. Hales; Trowutta; Mrs. A. Duncan, Launceston; Mrs. C. F. Harman, Stanley; Mrs. G. Parsons, Stanley; Mrs. G. H. Boatwright, Smithton; Mrs. E. J. Anthony, Greenhills; Mrs. F. Stewart, Scotchtown; and Mrs. J. Barry, Woolnorth; Frederick W., of Burnie; Alfred, of Marrawah; Ernest, of Stanley; Louis, of Leesville; William, of Stanley; Arthur, of Greenhills; and Colin, of Stanley.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Clerke (band master)
"STANLEY", Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (18 January 1922), 2
The funeral of Mr. Henry Ward Wells at Stanley on Sunday was perhaps the largest ever seen there. Rev. S. Armson conducted a service in St. Paul's Church. The Oddfellows and the Stanley Band took part in the cortege, the latter playing the Dead March in "Saul." The late Mr. Wells was a player in the Stanley Band in its earliest days.
WELSH, John Joseph (J. J. WELSH; Johnny WELSH [sic]) = John Joseph WALSH
Actor, comedian
Born c. 1817
Died (murdered) outside Melbourne, VIC, 11 October 1840, aged "23"
WENBORN, Walter Arthur Jones (Walter Arthur Jones WENBORN; W. A. J. WENBORN)
Amateur musician, organist, vocalist
Born London, England, 12 March 1842; baptised St. James, Clerkenwell, 22 May 1842; son of George WENBORN (1805-1869) and Mary Jane JONES (d. 1873)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 January 1862 (per Norfolk, from Gravesend, 22 October 1861, and Plymouth)
Married Susan Welsford GULLOCK, St. Paul's, Bendigo, VIC, 10 April 1869
Died Prahran, VIC, 12 October 1891 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. James, Clerkenwell, in the County of Middlesex in the year 1842; register 1839-66, page 279; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
[1842 May] 22 / [born] 12 March 1842] / Arthur Walter Jones / [son of] George [and] Mary Jane / Wenborn / 10 Seckford St. / Gent. . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Norfolk, from Gravesend, 22 October 1861, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Steerage . . . Wenborn Alfred / 21 / [Labourer // [Wenborn] Walter / 19 / [Labourer]
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Alfred Wenborn (elder brother), born 1840, died Fitzroy, VIC, 12 July 1863
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 March 1863), 5
With a determination that the celebration, this year, of the anniversary of the opening of Albert-street Baptist Church should eclipse all previous occasions, the congregation worshipping there have for some time past been making silent but strenuous efforts to accomplish this object, and, judging from the brilliant and animated display which met the eye on every side of the handsome interior of the church yesterday evening, most admirably have they succeeded. Despite the deterring influence of a drenching rain, the attendance at the entertainment was in nowise unfavourably affected, every available seat in the large building being occupied by the adherents of the church and their friends . . . A very fine selection of anthems and choruses were sung during the evening by the choir of the church, assisted by the Misses Watson and the Misses Goodrich, and Messrs. T. J. Jackman and Bligh. The alto solo in the anthem of "Awake, awake!" was most melodiously rendered by Miss H. Watson. A duett in the same anthem was also very pleasingly sung by Miss Bertha Watson and Miss S. Goodrich. Miss Bertha Watson and Mr. Jackman also acquitted themselves admirably in a duett from Mendelssohn's Hymn of Praise. The smoothness and precision of the chorus singing was worthy of commendation. Mr. W. Wenborn presided at the harmonium. The musical element introduced into the evening's proceedings contributed materially to their enjoyment and success . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bertha and Helena Watson (vocalists); Thomas John Jackman (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 May 1863), 8
A GRAND MORNING CONCERT Will be given in ST. GEORGE'S HALL, At 2 o'clock. Admission, 1s.; Front Seats, 2s.
Musical Director and Conductor, Mr. C. S. Horsley.
Vocalists - Miss O. Hamilton, Miss B. Watson, Miss Young, Miss H. Watson, Miss Reeves, Mr. E. Exon, Mr. R. Black, Mr. Amery, Mr. Spensely, Mr. T. J. Jackman.
Instrumentalists - Pianoforte, Mr. C. E. Horsley, Mr. W. A. J. Wenborn. Violin, Mons. Strebinger.
Assisted by Mr. Horsley's PART SONG and GLEE CHOIR.
Tickets at all Booksellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Official Melbourne day of celebration of the marriage of Albert Edward, prince of Wales, and Alexandra of Denmark, in London on 10 March 1863; Charles Edward Horsley (pianist, conductor); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Edwin Exon (vocalist); Edwin Amery (vocalist); Frederick Strebinger (violinist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (13 April 1864), 5
Mr. W. A. J. Wenborn, who has for some time past performed with great efficiency the duty of organist to the Albert street Baptist Church, was last night presented by the members of the choir of that church with a gold watch, bearing a suitable inscription, as a mark of the esteem in which they hold him. The presentation was made by Mr. New, and Mr. Wenborn briefly thanked his friends for this fresh token of their regard.
[News], The Argus (26 November 1866), 5
Yesterday, Dr. Goold, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Melbourne, opened the new church at Dandenong, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin . . . The opening service included the performance of Mozart's Twelfth Mass, in which the local choir was assisted by Mrs. W. H. Mumford, and several amateurs from Melbourne, Mr. Wenborne presiding at the harmonium . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Alipius Goold (bishop)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (12 April 1869), 4
WENBORN - GULLOCK. - On the 10th inst., at St. Paul's Church, Sandhurst, by the Rev. G. P. Despard, Walter Arthur Jones, son of Mr. George Wenborn, London, to Susan Welsford, only child of Mr. Thomas Cullock, of Devon-cottage, View-street, Sandhurst.
"DEATH OF MR. W. A. J. WENBORN", Bendigo Advertiser (14 October 1891), 2
Yesterday morning it was reported in the city that Mr. Walter A. J. Wenborn, who some years ago carried on business as a bookseller and stationer in Pall Mall, had died at his residence in Melbourne. For years past the deceased gentleman had been suffering from a severe attack of asthma and rheumatism, so that his demise was not altogether unexpected. Since leaving here Mr. Wenborn has been in business in Melbourne as a glass shade importer. He was 50 years of age, and was married to a daughter of Mr. Gullock, of View-street, and leaves a widow and young family to mourn their irreparable loss. The deceased gentleman was an enthusiast in music, and for years filled the position of organist at St. Paul's Church, and for the Golden Corinthian lodge, of which organisation he was a highly esteemed member. He was also connected with the Royal Golden Chapter of Bendigo. His brother, Mr. C. F. Wenborn, is well-known in connection with the firm of W. Detmold, of Melbourne. The funeral is arranged for this afternoon, the place of interment being the Melbourne General Cemetery.
WENTWORTH, D'Arcy (junior) (Dorset COWLEY; alias D'Arcy WENTWORTH, junior)
Soldier, politician, songwriter, song writer, amateur vocalist'Arcy+Wentworth+1793-1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)'Arcy-junior (shareable link to this entry)
"THE ELECTION", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 July 1843), 3
"THE ELECTION", The Australian (5 July 1843), 4
"DEATH OF MAJOR WENTWORTH", Empire (27 July 1861), 4
See also above this satirical song on Wentworth's candidacy; "Original Poetry", Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (2 February 1843), 2
Oh! have you heard the news of late,
About a mighty King so great,
If you have not 'tis in my pate,
The King of the Cannibal Islands.
A lawyer he, and then he thought
New Zealand flats were easy caught;
So off he went and there he bought
An "Island" for about a groat:
Then rubb'd his hands, and look'd with glee
On his dominion o'er the sea -
And here I'll reign right merrily,
Said the King of the Cannibal Islands.
How do you think land jobbing is done?
Of savages buy it - it's capital fun,
Says the King of the Cannibal Islands.
. . . [5 more stanzas] . . .
Professor of dancing, teacher of dancing and calisthenics
Born Oxford, England, c. 1828; son of Stephen WENTWORTH (d. 1831) and Harriet TURNER (d. 1875)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by January 1850
Married Letitia BINGHAM, St. James's church, Melbourne, VIC, 20 November 1852
Died Walgett, NSW, 17 August 1882, aged "53", occupation "shepherd" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Seymour Wentworth (brother, "surgeon"; born 1817, died Collingwood, VIC, 13 February 1851) was already in the colony; according to Philip's NSW death certificate, his father [Stephen] was a doctor at an Oxford hospital
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (26 January 1850), 3
A CARD. MR. Philip A. Wentworth, Professor of Dancing, (late pupil of Madame Michon, and recently arrived from England.) Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Melbourne and adjoining country that, he will commence giving Lessons in the Quadrilles, Mazurka Quadrilles, Waltz, Valse a deux Temps, Polka, Polka Quadiilies, Cellarius Valse, Hoss Waltz Schottishe, Lancers, Gallope, and the last most fashionable dances. Mr. Philip A. Wentworth trusts by perseverance and ability, to merit patronage. Private families and Schools attended. The highest references given if required. For cards of terms apply at Mr. Melen's Confectioner, Swanston-street, a few doors from Messrs. Campbell and Ford.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (4 July 1850), 3
[A CARD.] MR. PHILIP A. WENTWORTH, Professor of Dancing.
MR. PHILIP WENTWORTH will open his Academy for instruction in Dancing, 23rd July, 1850.
Ladies and gentlemen desirous of joining the class will send in their names as soon as possible.
MR. WILKIE'S Music and Pianoforte Saloon, Collins-street.
Terms: £1 1s, per quarter, half payable in advance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 August 1850), 3
Mr. P. A. Wentworth's Class for Dancing.
EVERY Wednesday Evening, from 7 till 8 o'clock, commencing 7th August, 1850, at Mr. Wilkie's Music Saloon, Collins-street.
Terms - One guinea per quarter, payable in advance.
Dancing is conducive to the formation of the manners, by imparting a graceful mien and becoming address to the learner,
and by teaching him to walk with propriety and ease.
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (22 April 1851), 3
DANCING. MR. WENTWORTH'S Academy opens TO-DAY, 22nd April, at eight o'clock.
Ladies and Gentlemen intending to learn this Quarter had better send their names to Mr. Wentworth.
Terms. - One Guinea per Quarter. Music and Pianoforte Saloon, 15 Collins-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 September 1852), 5
TWO hundred and fifty pounds worth of musical instruments and music to be divided amongst one hundred subscribers at £2 2s. each.
1st Prize - A very elegant walnut wood piccolo pianoforte, brilliant toned, worth seventy guineas.
2nd Prize - A piccolo pianoforte, mahogany, worth forty guineas.
3rd Prize - A grand exhibition musical box, playing airs, forte and piano, worth £25.
4th Prize - A very superior guitar, worth five guineas.
Fifth to 10th Prize each - Musical boxes, worth £2 10s each.
11th to 100th Prizes, each Twenty shillings worth of new music.
Mr. Wentworth begs to announce that he will hold a Grand Musical Art Union immediately the list is filled up at the Music and Pianoforte Saloon,
15 Collins-street, where tickets may be had and the above prizes seen.
Intending subscribers are requested to send in the names as soon as possible.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 October 1852), 3
DANCING. MR. WENTWORTH begs to announce to the inhabitants of Melbourne, that he has completed his arrangements for resuming his profession, as teacher of Dancing and Calisthenics. Schools attended on moderate terms. Music end Pianoforte Saloon, 15, Collins-street. October 14.
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 November 1852), 5
THE Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.
Witnesses - John Gregg. Charles Wilkie.
Melbourne, November 4th, 1852.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); Charles Wilkie (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 November 1852), 3
DANCING, MR. WENTWORTH begs to announce to the inhabitants of Melbourne,
that he has completed his arrangements for resuming his profession, as teacher of Dancing and Calisthenics.
Schools attended on moderate terms. Music and Pianoforte Saloon, 15, Collins-street. October 14th.
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 November 1852), 2
GRAND MUSICAL ART UNION. TWO hundred and fifty pounds worth of Musical Instruments and Music, to be divided amongst One Hundred Subscribers, at Two Guineas each. On TUESDAY, 16th NOVEMBER, 1852 . . .
WENTZEL, Albert (Edward Wentzel ALBERT; Albert WENTZEL)
Musician, violinist, music teacher, composer
Born Bohemia (Czech Republic), 1857
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 4 January 1888 (per Orizaba, aged "30")
Died North Sydney, NSW, 18 April 1933, aged 76 (TROVE user list Wentzel family) (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Orizaba from London 24 November 1887, for Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Albert Wentzell / Seaman / 30 // Mrs. A. Wetzell / 32 . . .
"MR. A. WENTZEL", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1933), 9
Mr. Albert Wentzel, formerly well known in Sydney musical circles, died yesterday morning at the age of 76. He was born in Bohemia, and originally his name was Wentzel Albert. He came to Australia as first violinist at the Melbourne Exhibition, then moved to Sydney, and played second violin with the Orpheus String Quartet. In the days of Signor Hazon he was for some time leader of the second violins in the Amateur Orchestral Society and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestras. Latterly he had done a good deal of teaching. He is survived by Mrs. Wentzel and two sons, Messrs. Charles and Norbert Wentzel. The funeral will leave the North Shore Hospital at 11.15 o'clock this morning for Gore Hill Cemetery.
Active Bendigo, VIC, by April 1854
WERT, Charles (Charles WERT)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1850 (shareable link to this entry)
"DECLARATION OF CONFIDENCE IN MR. JOHN STEPHENS", South Australian Register (7 March 1850), 1-2 supplement
We, the undersigned, having seen a Declaration, in the form of an advertisement, signed by a considerable number of individuals,
and containing an implied pledge, which, if carried out, would appear calculated to effect the ruin of Mr. John Stephens,
as a Journalist and a tradesman, desire publicly to avow our sympathy with that gentleman under such circumstances,
and to express our sincere regret at the adoption, on the single alleged ground of offence, of a determination so exceedingly severe and injurious . . .
[2] . . . Charles Wert, musician, Adelaide . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Stephens (newspaper editor and proprietor, died Adelaide, SA, 28 November 1850)
WEST, Champion (Champion WEST)
Minstrel serenader, dancer, delineator
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1857 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 November 1857), 8
TILKE'S CITY CONCERT HALL.- Mr. Champion West, the renow[n]ed Negro Delineator, to-night.
ASSOCIATIONS: Tilke's City Concert Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE EMPIRE MINSTRELS", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (29 September 1859), 2
The good folks of Benalla were agreeable surprised on Saturday, by an announcement that those well known caterers of fun and frolic. The Empire Minstrels had arrived and would appear at Host Banfield's large room opposite the Liverpool Arms. The house was comfortably filled by an admiring audience, who seemed to swallow jokes, songs, puns, and dances, with the greatest gusto. Where all is good it would be invidious to particularize, still we cannot withold the meed of praise, from Messrs. Lindsay, West, and Lee, the singing of the first gentleman, and the dancing of Champion West deserved and obtained repeatedly encores. Lee's banjo-solos were received with tumults of applause. We understand this talented company intend giving our neighbours at Euroa and Longwood an opportunity of seeing them in the course of the week.
ASSOCIATIONS: Empire Minstrels (troupe)
WEST, Edward F. (Edward WEST; E. F. WEST; "Daddy" WEST)
Musician, double bass player
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1854-88 (shareable link to this entry)
"CLAIMS FOR LOSSES AT BENTLEY'S HOTEL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (9 June 1858), 3
List of Claims for Compensation for Losses Sustained through the Ballarat Riot, on 7th October, 1854 . . .
Augustus Miell, gold, bank notes, musical instruments and music books, gold rings, and two boxes of clothing, £87 . . .
E. F. West, clothing, musical instruments, and music books, £53.
ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Miell (musician)
Report from the select committee upon Ballaarat riots - Bentley's Hotel: together with the proceedings of committee and minutes of evidence (Melbourne: John Ferres, Govt. Printer, 1858), 4 (as above), 10 (DIGITISED)
"BALLARAT CHRONICLES AND PICTURES. BY W. B. WITHERS . . . THE FINE ARTS", The Ballarat Star [VIC] (26 October 1889), 1
. . . Early in 1854, and on or near the same site, the first dramatic exhibition opened. It was a canvas theatre known as Coleman's or Coleman and Landells'. His brother afterwards made his mark in the monopolylogue "Masks and Faces." The canvas theatre was promoted by George Codlin, a blacksmith, who in the seventies jumped the life to come with a razor and a plunge into lake Wendouree. His wife, now dead, had a confectioner's shop in the present City Hall site. She and her sister (Mrs. Landells) had a refreshment stall in Coleman's theatre, and Messrs. Pole and Cos., clothiers, made £60 or £70 a week as costumiers to the company. Coleman's orchestra consisted of Jacques Paltzer, leader and violin; Longbottom, second violin; Ed. West, double bass; August Miell, cornet. West, familiarly known as Daddy West, resided here till 1888, and played all the time off and on in theatres, concert rooms, and in both sacred and secular music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Bramwell Withers (memoirist, journalist); Barned Jullian Coleman (actor, manager); Henry Coleman (brother, polyphonist); Jacques Paltzer (violin); Mr. Longbottom (violin); Augustus Miell (cornet)
WEST, Lavater or Luke (Luke WEST; Lavater WEST; L. WEST; ? pseud.)
Minstrel serenader, vocalist
Active NSW and TAS, by mid 1850; NSW, until 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Blythe Waterland Serenaders (troupe); Howard's Serenaders (troupe)
[Advertisement], Buffalo Morning Express and Illustrated Buffalo Express [Buffalo, NY, USA] (15 June 1849), 4 (DIGITISED)
. . . CONCERT HALL, Monday Evening, June 18, 1849, KIMBERLY'S OPERATIC TROUPE!
THE UNRIVALLED Campbell Minstrels. The originators of their own Music, Dances . . . consisting of the following well known musicians . . .
Mr. A. H. BARRY . . . Mr. J. H. HERMAN . . . Mr. L. M. BURDETT . . . Mr. T. WALLACE . . . Mr. A. H. PEEL . . .
Mr. C. D. ABBOTT, First Violin, and author of "The Colored Orphan Boy," "Abbott's Quick Step," "Nancy Teare," "Abbott's Polka," &c.
Mr. J. H. BURDETT . . . Mr. L. V. H. CROSBY . . . AND . . . THE INIMITABLE LUKE WEST . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles D. Abbott (visited Australia 1855-56)
"DEPARTURES", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (6 July 1850), 182
July 6.- Shamrock, Steamer, 200 tons, Captain Gilmore, for Melbourne via Twofold Bay. Passengers . . . Mr. George Howard, Mr. Charles Howard, Mr. Charles Upson, Mr. Holmes . . . Mr. Waterland, Mr. Reading, Mr. West, Mr. Walgrove . . .
"SERENADE CONCERT AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (6 September 1850), 3
On Monday evening last a Serenade Concert was given at Government House,
the principal performers at which were the well known Ethiopian Serenaders, and where most of the elite of Hobart Town were present.
The entertainment took place in the new Ball-room, where the Serenaders were at first placed on the platform fronting the entrance.
The first part consisted of the following pieces: -
PART I . . . Lament, Carry me back to Ole Virginny - L. West . . .
In the second part of the Serenaders' Concert they were placed at the end of the Ball-room and here the effect was excellent.
It consisted of the following pieces: -
PART II . . . Operatic Burlesque, - Stop dat Knocking - L. West . . .
Serenade, My Canoe is on the Ohio - L. West . . .
De Railway Gallop.
"Dandy Jim from Caroline," "Sitting on a Rail," were added; and, by the particular request of the ladies, "Carry me back to ole Virginny," was repeated.
The whole was highly applauded by the company, and His Excellency expressed to Mr. Waterland in very high terms his approval of the performance . . .
"LAVATER WEST", Colonial Times (22 October 1850), 2
We are sorry to state that news have arrived by a private letter of the death of this popular caterer for the amusements of the public. We understand that he was drowned by the upsetting of a boat while on a pleasure excursion in the Bay of Port Jackson. The public of Van Diemen's Land will remember him as the accordian player and singer of "Old Wirginny," "Mary Blane," &c. He was a great favourite with us, no less from his professional abilities than from his mild and unassuming deportment.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, QLD] (18 November 1850), 1 supplement
[Nov.] 17. Eagle, steamer, 170 tons, Allen, from Sydney 12th, and Newcastle 13th inst. Passengers - . . . Mr. Hydes, Mr. Reading, Mr. West, Mr. Walgrove, and fifteen in the steerage.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (minstrel serenader)
"GOVERNMENT HOUSE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (4 January 1851), 2
On Tuesday evening the Hon. Mrs. Keith Stewart entertained a distinguished party at Government House, on which occasion the Company of Serenaders, consisting of Messrs. Hydes, Reading, West, and Walgrove, had the honor of appearing in some of their choicest pieces by command of His Excellency.
"HOWARDS' ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (15 February 1851), 2
This company of the Whito-Blackies is doing excellent business at the Royal Hotel, and well deserve the patronage that is accorded to it. The merits of the Brothers Howard are too well known to the Australian public to require any lengthened notice, suffice it to say, that the present performances are calculated to increase their fame in that peculiar line. Mr. Sandford, who accompanies with the Spanish guitar, is an excellent performer, of which the nightly encore of "the Retreat," affords full evidence. Mr. Luke West, the last of the quartette, plays the bones skilfully, and possesses considerable humour. A visit on Monday evening to the Royal Ethiopian Saloon will, we guarantee, afford amusement and satisfaction.
"MR. LAVATER WEST, THE SERENADER", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (5 February 1851), 3
The reader will call to recollection the reported death of Mr. West, at Sydney, by drowning, shortly after his arrival there by the steamer Shamrock from this town; the report turns out to be incorrect - the same individual having, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, been performing with his companions before crowded and admiring houses at Sydney, and also, on one occasion, before a distinguished party at government house, at the request of his Excellency Sir Charles Fitzroy. - Cornwall Chronicle.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (16 April 1853), 3
Positively the Last Appearance in Maitland!
By particular desire, on Saturday (This) Evening, April 16th, in the Saloon of the "Northumberland Hotel."
Overture. Company.
Let's be Gay. G. B. Howard.
Fanny Frail - J. W. Brenni.
Ole Aunt Sally - Fred. Harrington.
Hab a Little Dance [by request) - C. V. Howard.
Ole Folks at Home - G. B. Howard.
Dandy Jim - Luke West.
Ole Tar Ribber. T. W. Brenni.
[REDACTED] from the Souf - C. V. Howard.
To conclude with the Railway Gallop . . .
HOWARD'S Serenades and Wizard . . .at Mr. Murphy's, "Crown and Anchor Inn," MORPETH . . .
On Monday Evening, April 18 . . .
Musician, instrumentalist, orchestral player
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842 (shareable link to this entry)
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2
It is with much pleasure we avail ourselves of calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement in our columns of to-day,
announcing the re-opening of the Victoria Theatre, on the evening of Thursday next [22 August], under the distinguished patronage of the Stewards of the Homebush Races, and the Members of the Jockey Club . . .
We have no doubt but that the same laudable public spirit which characterised the exertions of the acting proprietor, (Mr. Knight) during last season, will
be strenuously continued in the forthcoming one. The following are the members of . . .
The Orchestra: Mr. W. Wallace; Mr. Wallace, sen.; Mr. Leggatt; Mr. Deane; Messrs. Deane, Pontbery [sic, Portbury],
Walton, O'Flaherty, Pappin, Downes, and Weston; also Mr. Gibbs, from England, who is expected daily by the Trial.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Knight (proprietor); Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician); Spencer Wallace senior (musician); Thomas Leggatt (musician); John Philip Deane (musician); Benjamin Portbury (musician); Humphrey Walton (musician); Henry Charles O'Flaherty (musician); Stephen Pappin (musician); William Downs (musician); John Gibbs (incoming leader, violinist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
WESTON, Frances (Mrs. WESTON) = Frances ARABIN
Actor, vocalist
WESTON, Frank (Francis / Frank Auguste Hungerford WESTON; Frank WESTON; Frank A. H. WESTON)
Musician, banjo player, vocalist, minstrel serenader, entertainer, theatrical manager, journalist
Born Lafourche, Louisiana, USA, 6 July 1838; son of Francis Auguste WESTON
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 February 1866 (per Alice, from Auckland, 10 February)
Married (1) Mary Ann SIMMONS, VIC, 1871
Married (2 or 3) Agnes Maud LETCHFORD (1870-1950), Perth, WA, 1895
Died Rose Park, SA, 31 July 1931 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Frank Weston (photo: Alexander McDonald); State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander McDonald (photographer, brother of Archibald McDonald)
"AUCKLAND . . . DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1866), 4
February 10. - Alice, American schooner, 142 tons, Winding, for Sydney, with 10 horses, 2 mules, timber and canvas, for circus. Passengers - Mademoiselle Ella Zoyara, Mademoiselle Gemma, Mademoiselle Sully Annaroue, Signor Olma, Mr. James Cooke, Mr. George W. Ross, jun., Messrs. William Carlo, John Burry, James Le Roy, Dan Leon, S. O. Abell, William Witter, William Thomson, Jed Wilson, Charles Halcombe, Christopher Hennessy, James Winters, Thomas Hutchings, Frank Weston.
[Advertisement], Empire (22 March 1866), 1
BENEFIT OF MR. W. O'NEIL, Ireland's Great Comedian . . .
After which, by the kind permission of Cooke, Zoyara, and Wilson,
Mr. FRANK WESTON, The Celebrated Banjo Player, and the
LEON BROTHERS, Their first appearance in Sydney, in their Great Feats on the Horizontal Bar . . .
"WHO IS THE 'WIZARD OIL MAN'?", Kyneton Guardian and Woodend and Malmsbury Chronicle [VIC] (30 June 1866), 2
NEARLY a month ago, an announcement was circulated throughout Kyneton that on a certain evening the "Wizard Oil Man" would make, his appearance, and while exhibiting his skill on the banjo, also sell a kind of patent medicine for the cure of rheumatism and kindred complaints, which he termed "Wizard Oil." The notice drew together a considerable number of people, who were attracted no doubt by the novelty of the exhibition, many of whom were persuaded into the purchase of a bottle of "oil" through the humour and eccentricities exhibited by the vendor of the article. Standing upon a small extemporised platform in the street, with a box containing a large number of bottles of the medicines before him, the "Wizard Oil Man" performed a variety of negro minstrel, and other airs, to which he sang some appropriate words in a pleasing and musical voice. This portion of the performance he termed, in the slang of his occupation, "digging down for another little hymn." Between the intervals of these musical efforts, he would earnestly recommend his medicine to the consideration of the public, and dispose of "another bottle or two."
The "Oil Man" has prolonged his stay in the district, making occasional excursions to Taradale, Malmbury, &c., and more recently, becoming more ambitious, he has appeared at the Concert Hall of the Royal Hotel, in which, after being long shut up, a very considerable number of people gathered last Saturday evening to laugh at the witticisms, yankeeisms, and negro minstrelsy of the "Wizard." The singularity of these performances has provokes a considerable amount of curiosity, and many persons [? were curious to] question, as to who the "Wizard Old Man" [might be.] In acknowledgment of this curiosity, the "Wizard" has placed in our hands a role of manuscript, giving an autobiography of his career. On looking it over we find it of considerable interest, but much too extended for our columns. It remains an enigma to us why he assumed the name of "Wizard," and why he christened his medicine an "oil." Wizards have been usually represented as aged, uncouth, individuals with "haggard mien and flowing beard," and given more to expressing themselves in the sepulchral tones which Paul Bedford and the melo-dramatists employ, than in thruming a a banjo and indulging in all the exuberances of [REDACTED] extravagance. This Wizard is, however, a young man, of some amount of education, and respectably dressed. His performances on the banjo are highly respectable, and he is evidently qualified to take a leading position in the best Christy Minstrel troupe we have seen, a position which, according to his biography, he has filled. The "Oil" is of a pungent acrid nature, and there are a number who have used it who highly recommend it as a cure for rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, &c. However this may be, there is no attempt to claim for it a place as an universal remedy, and it is quite possible that it, like some other medicines, may be useful for the class of complaints we have mentioned. Our business is not, however, with the "Oil," but the "Oil Man" and from the sketch of his career he has furnished, we gather the following particulars: -
The name of the "Wizard Oil Man" is Francis Auguste Weston. He is a Creole, and was born at Lafourche Plantation, in Louisiana, on 6th July, 1838. His father was a doctor of medicine and professor of chemistry, in St. Mary's College, Carrollton, a suburb of New Orleans. Like many others, however, he coupled the business of a planter with that of his profession, owning a large tract of land and a considerable number of slaves on Bayou Lafourche, about thirty-five miles from New Orleans. Here, amongst his father's slaves, Mr. Weston says he received his first lessons on the banjo, on which he became a proficient. Being placed at school at Poughkeepsie, in the state of New York, he ran away with another boy named Justin Henry Rathbone [sic], son of Judge Rathbone, of the Supreme Court, New York State, and joined a travelling theatrical company. He was reclaimed and placed in the office of Mr. Ambrose Kingsland, afterwards Mayor of New York. Here he only stayed eleven months, when be joined the "Harmoneon" troupe of minstrels. After travelling with them sometime he returned home at the solicitation of his father. About this time the elder Weston patented the medicine now known as the Wizard Oil, and Weston the younger undertook to spread its fame in his own peculiar manner. This he did in all the Southern States, afterwards travelling north as far as British America.-
Mr. Weston in 1856 and 1857 was with another troupe of serenaders, and performed low comedy at Louisville, Nashville, and Memphis. During the war he fought with Ben McCullough's Texan Rangers, and after the battle of Pea Ridge, wherein McCullough was shot, Weston again sold his "Oil" in the various States in Central America and in California. From there he came by "way of the Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, and New South Wales to Victoria. At Melbourne and Sandhurst the "Oil Man" has drawn crowds to his al fresco performances.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ambrose Kingsland (mayor of New York, 1851-53); Justus Henry Rathbone (school friend); Benjamin McCulloch (civil-war general)
[News], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon and Newstead Advertiser (10 August 1866), 2
The "Wizard Oil Man" has, already, secured a host of believers in Maldon, and we must say that we know of some well authenticated cases, showing the efficiency of the "Wizard oil," so whimsically introduced. At anecdote and song Mr. Weston is very good, and purchasers and non-purchasers, again, on Tuesday night enjoyed themselves hugely. We hear that, should he again visit Maldon, he will be received with acclamations, and, as he puts it, "make a little money."
He told me that he was on the borderland of four-score years, yet I (S.A. Register special reporter) should never have thus gauged his age; but, when Mr. Frank A. H. Weston, of St. Peters, began to chat, I realised that my first impression still held good, for he of youthful heart had cheated old Father Time by at least 10 years. With this advantage, too, he retained the memories of that extra period. And what memories they were! A traveller of the seven seas, Mr. Weston had found life full of eventful happenings, and of pleasant friendships, also. Our first conversation was typical of this, "What is the latest news from town?" he asked, "Mr. Roosevelt is dead," I replied. "I am sorry to hear it, for he was a fine man. I remember him well - impetuous, full of energy, straightforward, and tenacious. I am an American, and am proud of his memory. By a strange coincidence I spent the whole of Monday evening in chatting with a friend about Roosevelt.
"And now to try and disentangle a little of the web of my life. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, but migrated to California. In those days the Civil War still had left its feeling, but now, gradually, the old sores have been healed, I am glad to say. In the early 'sixties an adventurous party of us left San Francisco in the schooner-yacht Alice, of 142 tons burthen. Captain Winding was a splendid, seaman, but even then our friends urged us not to think of crossing the Pacific in this cockleshell. But we laughed at possible dangers, and went off, and took all the subsequent perils and anxieties in the same philosophical spirit. We were pioneers, and that 12 months' cruising in unknown waters was the1 best period of my life. I have been backwards and forwards since, but the spell has gone - modern conditions have killed romance.
When we entered Sydney Harbor, for instance - Port Jackson, as it was then - the harbor presented the same wild appearance that it did when Captain Cook entered it [sic]. The left-hand side, from the South Head, was a wilderness, and the first sign of civilisation was a stone wharf in front of Government House, by Circular Quay. It was all a fine trip, through the Hawaiian Islands and to Tahiti. At Raratonga, as it was then called, there was only one white man resident, but the natives were a charming race. And their voices were beautiful - we listened entranced to hear them sing - for harmony was a natural gift. From there we went to Auckland and saw New Zealand as a primitive and semibarbarous land. Then we proceeded to Melbourne, where I spent some time. In the seventies I had a theatre, The Nugget, and among the artists who played in it were three famous men of the time - Philip Day, R. Grenville, and John L. Hall. Remenyi, the great Hungarian violinist, made a successful trip to Australia.
"Times change, and we with them and thus we, of the older regime, love to turn to that wonderful strongroom of the mind and take down those old shelves of memory and live again in the eventful past. Until a quarter of a century ago there was not a musical or dramatic artist with whom I was not on intimate terms. My home, in East Melbourne had open doors for them all, and we spent many happy hours there. Among the friends who joined me on such occasions were Garnet Walch, Marcus Clarke, and Adam Lindsay Gordon. When no outside visitors were present, we four used to meet and discuss the pros and cons of bringing out a Sunday newspaper. But we always failed to accomplish anything definite, although I was keen on it, for in Sydney there was no newspaper postage. So we went on, each Sunday, for about four years, until I grew desperate, and obtained permission (the laws for the Sabbath were very strict at this period) to produce The Sunday Newsman, which, on November 15, 1874, blossomed out as the first Australian Sunday paper. Sir Henry Parkes, James Smith of The Argus, Garnet Walch, John Stuart Mill, and a crowd of other literary men, contributed to it. Then a chance came to sell it to John E. Kelly, a New South Wales squatter, and a literary man to boot, who rechristened it The Stockwhip, and went in for pastoral and political matters.
"My father was a medical practitioner, and we come of one of the oldest Louisiana families, who had their estates there when that country belonged to France. I possessed some of Dr. Weston's valuable prescriptions, and, with my chemical knowledge, added to them, I used The Sunday Newsman to advertise these certain medicines that I had on sale, and The Argus nearly had a fit when the first issue appeared with a thoughtful leading article reposing alongside a flaring advertisement about Wizard Oil.
"With the present quarantine phase, it may be interesting to recount what proved to be an historical episode. Of course, in those primitive times of 1872, there were not facilities to combat sudden outbreaks of disease, and the authorities did not try to meet trouble half way. I was on board the s.s. Hero, and smallpox broke out on the voyage to Australia. When we reached Sydney (July, 1872), we were quarantined at Spring Cove, Port Jackson. There was a fine party, including a Judge, musicians, and other celebrities. We made the best of it, and organised entertainments, which brought many visitors to the neighborhood to hear the music. We also established a newspaper. Only three deaths occurred, in spite of the rough surroundings, so the outbreak of smallpox was not severe. We were treated like convicts, though, and the shelters resembled rough log cabins, so we elected to return to the vessel. So indignant were we all at the arrangements that our protests were the means of an entire remodelling of the quarantine laws of New South Wales, much on the lines existing at the present time."
"in Town and Out . . . An Old Showman", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (15 July 1927), 4
I WONDER if there are any old-timers who remember that dynamic showman of 50 or 60 years ago and thereaway, Frank A. H. Weston, known ns the "Wizard Oil Prince"? Doubtless there are many who can recall his extraordinary entertainments in the old Nugget Theatre in Bourke Street and other halls. They will be interested to know that the "live wire" of long ago is still on deck, strong and hearty, and nearing the hundredth milestone. A few days ago that other slick showman and theatrical manager, George Buller, had a characteristic letter from "Professor" Weston, who is now living in Adelaide. I have before me one of the Weston play bills of May, 1869. It announces the show at "Weston's Opera House," where, according to the bill, the "Trouble Commences at Eight O'clock." There is a footnote, "Notice to Larrikins. - This is not in your line, but if you must come, do so as fewly as possible. Arrange yourselves gracefully in groups of one, be attentive, and in time you will cultivate a taste for better things." Those were the days!
"LITERARY NOTES", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (16 May 1931), 6
Mr. W. E. Hughes, of Esperance (W.A.) . . . forwards a letter received by him in 1928 from Mr. Frank A. H. Weston, of Adelaide. This letter, which is in part a comment upon a letter sent by Mr. Hughes to "The Australasian," tells of Mr. Weston's association with Horne. Partly for the value of the recollections, and partly for the sake of its picturesque language, we print the substance of the letter: -
In your letter to "The Australasian," dated 10/11/28 I very quickly recognised my esteemed friend of the early 'sixties of the last century, viz. Mr. "Billy" Hughes, of Kyneton, Victoria, coach proprietor. When dear "Orion" sailed for England in the clipper ship Lady Jocelyn, he presented me will [with] all the odds and ends he had accumulated during his romantic life. Among the multitudinous olla podrida were his dramatic wardrobe and his swimming suit. At Kenny's baths, St. Kilda, his high diving and powerful strokes on the surface and under water always brought a carnival crowd, but he never was beaten in any swimming contest at Kenny's nor in Hobson's Bay. He was a musician and singer, too, and on one occasion (when I was in Kyneton) he came over from Trentham or Blackwood and stayed overnight at Choker's Hotel with your scribe, bringing his guitar. With this and my banjo we made the "welkin ring," and the old beautiful songs were appreciated by the townsfolk in the roadway. "Prometheus, the Fire Bringer," and "Orion" have hallowed the name and memory of R. H. Horne. He has seen the limits of this planet, and almost all the actualities life that our dim perceptions can assimilate. Horne was a deep thinker, and his vivid imagination simply lifted from the shelves of his memory any matter demanding attention to clothe his subject then under consideration. The quality of originality is not a garment to be assumed by whomsoever will, be it bizarre, grotesque, or the unrelated; but, whatever its form, it is a product of the personality, carrying over an artistic expression of the person pervading and illuminating it, as light illumines. We should, indeed, with no misgiving, pronounce "Orion" Horne a pure and chivalrous soul, a man of high courage, and of unswerving devotion to loftiest ideals; and as a man, approved by action in his life and in his death, he ranks with a class of men who were common only in better ages than ours."
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Horne (writer, poet, musician)
"DEATHS", News [Adelaide, SA] (4 August 1931), 10
WESTON. - On July 31, 1931, at his residence, Swaine avenue, Rose Park, S.A., Frank A. Hungerford, husband of Agnes M. Weston, and only son of the late Dr. Weston, of New Orleans, Louisiana. Cremated at West Terrace Cemetery. Rev E. M Ingamells officiating. Pengelley & Knabe, undertakers.
Musical sources:
The Weston and Hussey minstrels' book of songs, containing the music of the melodies as sung by this favourite troupe, and other popular pieces, edited by Frank Weston and N. La Feuillade [numbers 1 and 2] (Melbourne: Clarson, Massina, & Co., [1869]) (DIGITISED - NUMBER ONE) (DIGITISED - NUMBER TWO)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 July 1869), 5
We have received from Messrs, Clarson, Massina, and Co., the publishers, Part I. of the Weston and Hussey Minstrels' Book of Songs, containing the words and music of some forty of the beautiful melodies sung by the sable opera troupe and other popular artistes. The book has been edited by Messrs. Frank Weston and N. La Feuillade, is very neatly printed and got up, and is altogether a creditable and attractive little work.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Hussey (minstrel serenader); Nicholas La Fuillade (musician); Clarson, Massina, and Co. (printers and publishers)
Ring the bell watchman, sung by Weston & Hussey's Minstrels, composed by H. C. Work (Melbourne: R. J. Paling; Sydney, W. H. Paling, [c. 1870]) (DIGITISED)
Ring the bell watchman, sung by T. Rainford of Weston & Hussey's Minstrels, composed by H. C. Work (Melbourne: W. H. Glen, [c. 1870]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Tom Rainford (vocalist); Paling brothers (publishers, musicsellers); William Henderson Glen (publisher, musicseller)
Bibliography and resources:
Clay Djubal, "Frank Weston", Australian Variety Theatre Archive. Entrepreneurs: S-Z
Musician, violinist
Born Salford, Lancashire, England, 20 February 1827; baptised King Street chapel, Salford, 20 April 1827; son of George WESTON and Elizabeth ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by November 1852
Married Selina HARPER (1834-1922), Geelong, VIC, 20 August 1853
Died Carlton, VIC, 9/10 October 1898, aged "71" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WESTON, George (George WESTON)
Musician, violinist ("The Australian Paganini"; "The Victorian Paganini")
Born Collingwood/Fitzroy, VIC, 6 March 1855; son of John WESTON (1827-1898) and Selina HARPER (1834-1922)
Married Mary Jane GALLOWAY (1859-1923), VIC, 1882
Died Melbourne, VIC, 3 November 1923, aged "68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

George Weston, 1860; State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: The SLVIC image also includes an autograph money order for £2 5s., payable to John Weston, from Gustavus Vaughan Brooke, dated Melbourne, 5 March 1861
Register of baptisms, King Street (Bible Christian) chapel, Salford, Lancashire; register 1795-1837, fol. 27; UK National Archives, RG4/1063 (PAYWALL)
[Born] [1827] Feb. 20 / [baptised] [1827] April 20 / John / [son of] George & Elizabeth / Weston / No. 15 Blossom St. Salford
England census, 6 June 1841, Salford, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/586/3/11/15 (PAYWALL)
George Weston / 35 / Wood Turner / [not born in county] // Elizabeth / 33 / [born in county]
John / 14 / Wd. Turner / [born in county]
Mary / 12 // Eliza / 10 // Susannah / 7 // Hannah / 2mths [all born in county]
England census, 30 March 1851, Salford, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/2223/9 (PAYWALL)
12 Waterloo Place / Samuel Parry / Head / Mar. / 33/ Lithographic Printer . . .
John Weston / [Lodger] / Unm. / 24 / Musician / [born] Lancs. Salford
Melbourne, VIC (by November 1852):
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 November 1852), 5
We are very glad to perceive that Herr Mater is to be assisted this evening by some of the principal performers of the military band.
There have always hitherto been difficulties in the way of securing a proper proportion of wind instruments,
to complete this orchestra, and the facilities afforded by the arrival of the Vulcan will be gladly hailed by all well-wishers of these entertainments.
The following is the programme for this evening, introducing also, we perceive, a new lady singer:-
PART I. Overture - Zauberflott.
Song - Messenger, Mr. Gregg.
Solo Violin. - Mr. Weston.
Song - The slave, Mrs. Testar.
Die Peerlen Waltzer.
Song - I would I were a Fairy, Mrs. Sturges Bourn.
Duett. - Dearest, let my footsteps follow, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg.
Sinfonia. - Heroica.
PART II. Overture. - Anacreon . . .
Sturm Marsch Galop . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Mater (musician, conductor); John Gregg (vocalist); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Georgina Sturges Bourne (vocalist); Band of the 40th Regiment (military band); Henry Johnson (master of the 40th band); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 February 1853), 3
ADMISSION ONE SHILLING. Great Combination of Musical Talent, at the
CIRCUS, Top of Bourke-street, east. Open every Evening.
Immense Success of the Grand Promenade Concerts, a la JULLIEN, every evening.
Vocalists: Mrs. Fiddes, universally popular as Miss Harriet Cawse;
Mr. John Gregg, the eminent Basso, from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, &c.;
Mr. W. F. Sayer, from the London Concerts; Mr. Dawson, comic.
Principal Instrumental Solo Performers:
Cornet-a-Piston, Mr. Chapman; Violin, Mr. Weston, Ophicleide, Mr. Hartigan.
Conductor : Mr. J. Winterbottom, Who will perform a Solo on the Bassoon every evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Fiddes (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Frederick Dixon (vocalist); George Chapman (cornet); Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide, 40th band); John Winterbottom (bassoon, conductor); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (30 May 1853), 2
To be followed by a SOLO OBLIGATO on the Violin by that celebrated performer, Mr. Weston . . .
"THE CHRISTMAS CONCERTS AT THE CIRCUS", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (30 December 1853), 8
The promenade concerts at the Olympic appear to suit the taste of our fellow-townsmen better than any of the musical entertainments that have hitherto been prepared for their recreation. On Monday last, the number of the audience must have been sufficiently large to encourage the talented artistes to give us more than one repetition of their performances, although we heard some express their disappointment at finding they were not to witness the surprising equestrian feats of Mr. Noble, and his justly celebrated troupe; and this may account for a somewhat thinner attendance on Wednesday last. The various performers acquitted themselves much to our satisfaction. Of Mrs. Hancock's singing it would be superfluous for us to give any opinion, as she has long ago taken her place as one of the brightest ornaments of the concert-rooms of Victoria . . . Mr. Laberne has not appeared so frequently amongst us; but we have still been able to remark that he is possessed of talents of no mean order . . . Mr. Rogers has a good voice, and sings with spirit, but he does not appear quite able to modulate it sufficiently for a concert room. The canvass roof, however, had a softening effect upon his notes, that made them very agreeable, and the song of the "True-born Englishman" found an echo in every heart. Mr. Weston's solos on the violin were executed with precision and taste. We thought the fineness of his tone was not sufficiently appreciated, and considering the excellence of the orchestra, although small in numbers, it seemed a pity that he should have preferred a piano accompaniment. The solo on the cornet was far from good; but, on the whole, the concerts have gone off very well, and we can only add a wish that the denizens of Corio may for the future meet their entertainers half way, and out of the abundance they are enjoying, through the prosperity of the times, devote a portion to the support of that sublime art, of which we may say with the poet, "emollit mores, nec sinet esse feros."
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); George Laberne (vocalist); John Rogers (vocalist); John Sullivan Noble (circus proprietor, active 1851-54)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 May 1854), 10
MR. GEORGE CHAPMAN, Conductor at the splendid series of concerts at the
CRITERION HALL, Respectfully announces to the public that this evening,
5th May, has been set apart for his BENEFIT,
and on which occasion rhe combined talents of the country will appear, and hold forth a
Monster Concert, such as never before has been given in the colony.
Mrs. Testar; Madame Carandini; Mons. Lavenu; Herr Strebinger; Ali-Ben-Sou-Alle;
Mr. Johnson; Mr. Hartigan; Mr. Weston; Mr. Griffiths.
Together with the best selected Orchestra in the colony;
and on which occasion, among other novelties, the Exhibition Quadrilles will be brought out for the first time . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician); Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); Joseph Griffiths (violinist); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 June 1854), 8
CRITERION HALL. Grand Gala Night, and Last Concert.
This Evening, Saturday, June 17th, When Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. Gover will appear,
together with Messrs. Johnson, Weston, Hartigan, Franz Koehler, George Chapman.
The whole of the Criterion Band,
And the Inimitable and renowned Barlow, in the Blue-tailed Fly,
and multifarious performances on the banjo, violin, flute, concertina, flutina, gridiron, quaverer, and rock harmonicon.
Prices of Admission, - Reserved seats, 5s; back seats and promenade, 2s. 6d.
Doors open at half-past seven. Concert to commence at eight.
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Weston.
Conductor. - Mr. George Chapman.
CRITERION HALL. Extra Night. For the Benefit of
MISS OCTAVIA HAMILTON. Tuesday, June 20th, 1854.
Being her Last Appearance. Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Henry Barman Gover (vocalist); Robert Barlow (vocalist, multi-instrumentalist); Franz Kohler (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 June 1854), 8
GRAND CONCERT To-night, Monday, 19th June,
At the CRITERION HALL, For the Benefit of the Criterion Band.
On which occasion only the following talented artistes will appear:-
Vocalists: Miss Hamilton, Mrs. George Cox, Mr. Barsham, Mr. Gover.
Instrumentalists: Herr Strebinger, Mr. Weston, Mr. Wild, Mr. James Thorne,
Signor Maffei, Mr. George Chapman, Mr. Johnson, Mr, Hartigan, Herr Koehler, Herr Harendorff.
Together with the entire Criterion Orchestra.
PROGRAMME. Part 1. Overture - Massaniello - Orchestra - Auber . . .
Quadrille - Exposition - Orchestra - D'Albert. Intermission.
Part II. Grand Selections from Norma - Orchestra - Bellini . . .
CRITERION HALL - Extra Night - To-morrow (Tuesday) June 20th,
being for the Benefit of Miss Octavia Hamilton, and positively her last appearance . . .
Conductor - Mr. George Chapman
Leader - Mr. Weston
Accompanyist - Herr Elsasser . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. George Cox (vocalist); Albert George Barsham (vocalist); James Thorne (musician); Joseph Maffei (musician); Hermann Harndorff (musician); Charles Elsasser (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 February 1855), 8
CRITERION HALL. - Immense Attraction To-night, and every evening during the week,
Grand Promenade Concerts a la Jullien, in the spacious and magnificent hall of the Criterion Hotel.
An entire change of performance. One shilling. Admission, one shilling.
Miss Graham, in her admired Scotch ballads; Miss Bourne, the well-known and favorite songstress;
Mr. Geo. Clifford, the unrivalled tenor of the colony;
Herr Funk, the unsurpassed performer on the clarionet, will execute one of his elaborate solos every evening during the week.
Together with Chapman's unrivalled band; comprising all the acknowledged available talent in the colony:
Miss Graham, Miss Bourne, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Chapman, Herr Funk, Mr. Weston, Mr. Reed,
Mr. Mather, Mr. Weis, Mr. Thorn, Mr. Sims, Mr. Ellis, Herr Keillor, Mons. J. H. Krom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Graham (vocalist); George Clifford (vocalist); William Funk (musician); William Mather (musician); Thomas Reed (musician); John Herman Krom (musician)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (13 August 1859), 4
GREATEST Treat ever offered to the Geelong Public.
Instrumentalists, Mr. EDWARD KING, Leader of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society.
Mr. H. COUSIN'S, from the Queen's Private Band, and late Leader of the Hay Market Theatre, London.
Mr. WESTON, from the Theatre Royal, Melbourne.
Mr. GABB, Leader of the Geelong Harmonic Society.
Mr. H. PLUMSTEAD, Pianist.
Mr. JOHNSON, Master of Her Majesty's 40th Regiment.
MONS. PIETRO CANNA, late Drum Major of the French National Guards.
Leader - Mr. Edward King.
Conductor - Mr. Johnson, Band Master of the 40th.
The Orchestra will be further augmented by the assistance of a portion of the BAND OF THE 40TH REGIMENT.
PROGRAMME: PART FIRST. 1. Overture - "Prometheus" - Grand Orchestra - Beethoven . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stoneham (musician); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Edward King (violinist); Henry Cousins (musician); John Gough Gabb (musician); Henry Plumstead (pianist); Pietro Canna (drummer); Geelong Harmonic Society (organisation)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (31 October 1860), 3
GEELONG Harmonic Society . . .
In aid of the Fund for the Widows and Orphans of our Troops engaged in the New Zealand War . . .
The first part will consist of HAYDN'S IMPERIAL MASS, (First time in Geelong).
Second Part: Selections from HANDEL'S "SAMSON."
Principals: - Miss Octavia Hamilton; Miss Mortley; Mr. Ewart; Mr. Hinchcliff.
The Band will be supported by Mr. Johnson of the 40th, Mr. Reed, Franz Kohler, Mr. Weston, &c., &c.
Conductor, Mr. I'Erson. Leader, Mr. Gabb . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Mortley (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); John Hinchcliff (vocalist); Thomas William I'Erson (conductor); Henry Byron Moore (secretary)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 July 1862), 8
First Appearance of LITTLE GEORGE WESTON, The Australian Paganini, Who will perform two brilliant solos on the violin . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (9 July 1863), 5
Mr. Marsh has the credit of introducing to the Australian public a youthful prodigy of no mean order. At the Lyceum Theatre, yesterday evening, Master George Weston, a mere child only six years and four months old, performed on the violin, not only to the admiration of the public, but also to the satisfaction of musical critics, the somewhat difficult solos, "II Silenzo," and the "Cuckoo." His performance is not a mere effort of memory. He plays with the notes before him, and appears to read them quite as easily as most children of the same age would read the letters of the alphabet. He handles the bow with a delicacy of touch and a finish of execution not often attained even by adult players. He is stated to be a native of Collingwood, where he was born in the year 1856. His father was a musician, and it is not more than thirteen months since the violin was put into his hands for the first time. His present attainments are said to be almost entirely the result of his own exertions; as he has received but little instruction.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Guerineau Marsh (actor, manager)
MUSIC: Cuckoo solo (traditional)
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 February 1863), 8
ROYAL HAYMARKET THEATRE. Sole Lessee and Manager, Mr. James Simmonds . . .
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, And EVERY EVENING till further notice.
First appearance in the Australian Colonies of The CAMPANOLOGIANS; Or, HAND-BELL RINGERS . . .
After which, Master GEORGE WESTON, The Victorian Paganini, aged six years, will play The CARNIVAL of VENICE . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lancashire Bellringers (troupe); James Simmonds (theatrical manager)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (16 October 1863), 2
The Lancashire Bell Ringers who delighted large audiences at the Mechanics' Institute some months ago, will renew acquaintance with us and commence a series of their popular entertainments at the same place this evening. The amusements will be diversified by some vocal music by Miss Chalker, and violin playing by that wonderful young gentleman Master George Weston, the Australian Paganini . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist)
[News], The Argus (21 December 1863), 5
We are requested to call attention to the opening of the bazaar, &c., at the Volunteer hall, Eastern-hill, by the Governor, this day at noon. There will be very little formality observed in the reception of His Excellency. The National Anthem and a Christmas hymn will be sung by the children of the North Collingwood Schools, led by Mr. Bonwick; and Master George Weston and Miss Louise Lyndhurst, two musical "phenomonons," aged respectively eight and eleven years, will take part in the morning and evening concerts to be held in connexion with the fair.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Bonwick (singing master)
England (1864-76):
"MANCHESTER . . . LONDON MUSIC HALL", Illustrated Sporting News and Theatrical and Musical Review [London, England] (3 September 1864), 7 (PAYWALL)
The attendance here during the week has been first-rate. Little Nathalie, the gymnastic prodigy has created quite a sensation. Miss Caroline Parkes increases in favour, and Mr. and Master George Weston, surnamed the Australian Paganini is a little wonder, Mr. J. D. Kelly, negro delineator; Newland Adams, American comedian; and Maddle. Marzoni and the Corps de Ballet are as popular as ever.
"ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE", Liverpool Daily Post (28 September 1864), 4 (PAYWALL)
This evening is set apart for the benefit of Mr. Weston, the box book-keeper of this establishment. The beneficiare has many claims upon the Liverpool public for his courteous and affable behaviour to the patrons of this popular place of amusement. Amongst the attractions offered is the introduction of Master George Weston, under the soubriquet of the Australian Paganini, who will perform a solo on the violin. This young gentleman, who is only eight years of age, is pronounced by those who have had an opportunity hearing him a highly finished performer, and we do not doubt that the bill fare will ensure a crowded house.
"MISS MONKHOUSE'S CONCERT", Liverpool Daily Post (17 December 1868), 5 (PAYWALL)
This lady's annual concert took place last evening in the lecture-hall of the Liverpool Institute, Mount-street. The attendance was but limited, which is the more to be regretted because the entertainment was of a very pleasant character. The beneficiare was assisted by Miss Fanny Armstrong, Mr. Edwin Reeves, Mr. T. J. Hughes, and Mr. C. McConnell, vocalists; Master George Weston (pupil of Herr Bosannecke), solo violin; solo organ and accompanyist, Mr. W. H. Jude . . . The violin solos of Master Weston - the first by Vieuxtemps, and the second by Sainton - were by no means the minor features of the concert. The lad is but thirteen, but plays with accuracy, he reads well, and his tone is good. He promises to be a clever performer . . . O. K.
ASSOCIATIONS: Paul Bosanneck (violinist, conductor); William Herbert Jude (organist; toured Australia 1890s)
England census, 1871, West Derby, Lancashire; UK National Archives, RG10/3841/22/38 (PAYWALL)
13 [Hyde Street] / John Weston / Head / Mar. / 44 / Professor of Music / [born] Lancaster Salford
Selina [Weston] / Wife / Mar. / 36 / - / York Bradford
George [Weston] / Son / Unm. / 16 / Scholar / Australia Melbourne
Mary E. [Weston] / Daur. / Unm. / 14 / [Scholar] / [Australia Melbourne]
Melbourne, VIC (from 1876):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Northumberland from London, 22 March 1876 for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Weston Selina / 41 / Wife
[Weston] Elizabeth / 19 // [Weston] George / 21
"THE OPERA-HOUSE. MR. KITTS'S BENEFIT", The Argus (22 May 1878), 6
Mr. Kitts had every reason to be well pleased last night on the occasion of his first benefit in Victoria. The house was crowded in all parts. The entertainment commenced with the performance of "Genevieve de Brabant" by the Soldene Opera bouffe Company . . . Signor Zelman took charge of the orchestra, and the brilliant overture to "Le Nozze di Figaro" was played in very nearly the traditional time. To have given the right effect, however, the number of the violins ought to have been quadrupled. The chief instrumental selection after this was the "Fantasie Caprice," op. 11, of Vieuxtemps, played by Mr. George Weston. There can be no doubt that it was injudicious to introduce an elaborate work of a classical stamp at such an hour of the night before a mixed audience, but it was with a feeling of positive pain that we witnessed the treatment the player received at the hands of the rude and unthinking, who interrupted him frequently, and ultimately drowned the effect of his play in a variety of confused noises. From what we heard of Mr. Weston we discover a player of very high merit indeed, and one having an easy mastery over the most difficult of instruments - the violin. With this recognition of his talents we trust Mr. Weston will rest content until he can be again heard, and under more favourable circumstances . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Kitts (vocalist, actor); Alberto Zelman (conductor)
MUSIC: Fantasie-caprice (op. 11, Vieuxtemps)
"BALLARAT PICTURE AND CHRONICLES. BY W. B. WITHERS . . . THE FINE ARTS", The Ballarat Star (26 October 1889), 1
. . . The first thing in the shape of theatrical business in Ballarat seems to have been Jones and Noble's circus, which opened some time in 1853 on the hill by Prince Regent's gully. Probably, too, the first ball ever held here was under the auspices of that hippodromic firm, for they issued invitations to the Government officials and others to an entertainment of the sort in the circus tent. The circus also occupied a site after that near what is now the intersection of Peel and Eastwood streets, and in the orchestra figured Edward Towl (with cornet), Geo. Weston (with violin) [sic, John], and one Tanner (with ophicleide). The drummer was a Vaudemonian, known as Jack the Drummer, who was not a teetotaller. In fact, one night he broke his drum, and the band started without him. Thence a passion of bibulous rage, the drummer chasing one of the band round the circus and subsequently figuring at the police court . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Towl (cornet); William Tanner (musician); William Bramwell Withers (1823-1913, memoirist, eye-witness)
"FUNERALS", The Age (11 October 1898), 8
WESTON. - The Friends of the late Mr. JOHN WESTON, Musician, are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, in the Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to leave his late residence, No. 22 Paterson-street, North Carlton, THIS DAY (Tuesday), 11th October, at 4 o'clock.
"DEATHS", The Argus (16 June 1922), 1
WESTON. - On the 15th June, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. T. Saunders, 189 McPherson street, North Carlton, Selina, widow of the late John Weston, beloved mother of Geo. Westin, (musician), Mrs. T. Saunders, loved grandma of Mary, Harry, John, Gwen, Clive, Ralph, Marjorie, Frank, and the late Rupert; great grandma of Jack, Aubrey, George, Ralph, Beryl, and Rupert. At rest.
"DEATHS", The Argus (5 November 1923), 1
WESTON. - On the 3rd November, at St. Roch's private hospital, George, beloved husband of the late Mary Jane, and loved father of Mary, Harry, Jack, Gwen, Clive, Ralph, Marjorie (Mrs. Adam Lee), Frank, and the late Rupert Weston, of Amati, 128 Park-street, Parkville, (violinist), also beloved brother of Mary (Mrs. Saunders), aged 68 years. (Private funeral.) Passed peacefully away.
"PERSONAL", The Argus (5 November 1923), 10
The death occurred at a private hospital on Saturday of Mr. George Weston, of Parkville, who will be remembered as one of the finest violinists heard in Australia. He was born in Victoria, appeared before the public at the early age of 6 years, and a year later went to England and the Continent to study. He returned to Australia at the age of 21 years. Mr. Weston was leader of the Melbourne Exhibition Orchestra in 1880, Sir Frederick Cowen's orchestra at the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition, 1888, and later of the New Zealand Exhibition orchestra. He was also associated with August Wilhelmj, Sir Charles Halle and Max Vogrich. He leaves a family of the sons and three daughters, his wife having died eight months ago.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Cowen (conductor); August Wilhelmj (violinist); Charles Halle (pianist, conductor); Max Vogrich (pianist); Centennial Orchestra (ensemble, 1888-89)
Bibliography and resources:
John Weston, WikiTree
George Weston, WikiTree
WESTON, Robert P. (Robert P. WESTON; R. P. WESTON)
Theatrical manager, poet, playwright, songwriter, vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, by July 1856
Active Maitland, NSW, by 1856; Sydney, NSW, until 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WESTON, Mrs. R. P. (Mrs. R. P. WESTON; Mrs. WESTON)
Actor, vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, by July 1856
Active Maitland, NSW, by 1856; Sydney, NSW, until 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (9 July 1856), 1
Under the management of: Messrs. CRAVEN AND STEPHENS,
will open on MONDAY NEXT, July 14TH, 1853, on which occasion the eminent Tragedian,
Mr. G. V. BROOKE, assisted by Mr. ROBERT HEIR, Mrs. ROBERT HEIR, (Late Miss Fanny Cathcart),
And the following Ladies and Gentlemen:
Messrs. . . . Weston . . . Mesdames . . . Weston . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Thornton Craven (actor, manager); William Henry Stephens (actor, manager); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Robert and Fanny Heir (actors); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 September 1856), 3
Queen's Theatre, West Maitland. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE,
THIS EVENING, Thursday, the 11th September.-
Benefit of the talented and renowned Actress, MRS. C. N. SINCLAIR,
Supported by the favorite American Actor, MR. H. SEDLEY . . .
Also . . . Favorite Ballad - Miss JULIA CLIFFORD.
Duett - "What are the Wild Waves Saying," Miss JULIA CLIFFORD & MRS. WESTON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Sedley (actor); Catherine Norton Sinclair (actor); Julia Clifford (vocalist)
MUSIC: What are the wild waves saying (GLover)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 October 1856), 3
Queen's Theatre, West Maitland. Thursday, October 2, 1856.
BENEFIT OF MR. J. H. VINSON, And Last Appearance of MISS A. M. QUINN,
Who will appear as EVA in the splendid Drama of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, and LADY GAY SPANKER in LONDON ASSURANCE . . .
Irish Jig - Miss Jackson.
Duet - Mr. and Mrs. Weston . . . Vivat Regina.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hetters Vinson (actor, manager); Anna Maria Quinn (actor, vocalist)
"REPORTED SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. FANING", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (25 October 1856), 2
On Thursday a theatrical entertainment was given at the Lamb Inn, Dunmore, by a portion of the company of the Queen's Theatre, when Box und Cox was performed with great success, Messrs. Weston and Faning taking the principal characters; nearly a hundred persons were present. In the evening there was a ball at the same place. It was currently reported in town yesterday, that Mr. Faning, who stayed the night at Dunmore, had died suddenly in the morning, but no authentic account had reached Maitland up to last evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Faning (actor, musician); contrary to report, Faning was alive
"THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (29 November 1856), 2
The re-opening of this theatre, under the management of Mr. Weston, with a new and effective company, will take place, we understand, about the middle of the ensuing week. The interior is undergoing a process of alteration and improvement, and additions are being made to the scenery, &c. These arrangements will scarcely be completed in time to admit of a first performance on Monday, as announced.
"THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 December 1856), 2
This place of amusement was re-opened on Monday night, under a new management, Mr. R. P. Weston being sole lessee. The appearance of the interior is much improved by the addition of curtains to the boxes. The performance commenced with Morton's comic drama, "All that Glitters is not Gold" . . . The performance was satisfactory, circumstances being considered. The want of the pianoforte was supplied by Master Hall's playing on the violin, and dancing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomson Hall (violin)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 December 1856), 3
Queen's Theatre, West Maitland. THIS EVENING, December 11th,
the performances will commence with the admired Drama of CHARLES II,
Captain Copp - Mr. J. MILNE. Mary Copp - Miss JACKSON. Edward (with song) - Mrs. MOORE.
Overture - Tancredi.
Violin Solo - Master J. HALL.
Song - Mrs. WESTON . . .
"THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (16 December 1856), 2
On Saturday night there was a better attendance at the Theatre than on the preceding evenings. The performances commenced with the melo-drama of Nora Creina . . . Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Weston were encored in the duet Annie Laurie . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (21 November 1859), 1
GENERAL MEETING of the THEATRICAL PROFESSION, held November 19th, 1859.
It was Resolved, That none of the following Members of the Profession shall receive any engagement from
Mr. CHARLES POOLE, or any deputed manager of his, until the present pecuniary claims of the whole professional body shall have been indemnified in full.
In guarantee whereof the following signatures were affixed: . . . R. P. Weston . . .
R. STEWART, Chairman. FRANK VARLEY, Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (theatrical manager); Richard Stewart (actor, vocalist, chairman); Frank Varley (secretary)
"THE VOLUNTEERS NIGHT. To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1861), 2
Sir, I beg the favour of your insertion of a few lines, in answer to a letter appearing in your issue of to-day,
and purporting to have come from a Peter Walsh, sergeant in the Waterloo Company of Volunteer Rifles.
As I am the individual referred to, permit me to state that a person wearing the uniform of sergeant in that corps was turned out of the Theatre on Friday night last,
first for having trespassed into an engaged box . . . I am, Sir, yours, &c.
ROBERT P. WESTON, Box office-keeper Victoria Theatre. April 30th . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE DRAMA", Empire (29 May 1861), 4
. . . The performances this evening will conclude with, for the first time, the extravaganza of "Little Jack Horner," localised from the original by Mr. R. Weston, of the Victoria, of which report speaks highly.
"VISIT OF SIR JOHN AND LADY YOUNG TO THE VICTORIA", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 June 1861), 7
. . . The afterpiece was the extraordinary extravaganza entitled Little Jack Horner, or the Downfall of Ignorance, localised by Mr. R. P. Weston, with new scenery, machinery, and properties by Messrs. Habbe, Wallace, and Winning. About this alphabetical, beautiful, comical, and Alltherestical production, it is very difficult to write intelligibly, or even to speak with anything like gravity . . . The dance of the fairies by moonlight at the commencement is a very pretty scene, and the succeeding ones (in which Mr. John Horner and Co. take an active part) are highly amusing. The caricature of a well-known grand scena in an opera was rapturously applauded . . .
"THE DRAMA", Empire (8 July 1861), 4
The afternoon performance of the Marsh troupe of juvenile comedians at the Victoria, on Saturday, was eminently successful. The house was crowded in every part . . . "The Naiad Queen" was given with all its brilliant accompaniments . . . That enfant merveilleux, Master G. W. Marsh, as Schnaps, carried off a large share of the honours of the performance. It is impossible to do justice in a single paragram to the wonderful histrionic talents of this little fellow; the tact and perfect acquaintance with the stage business which he exhibits might put to shame many an actor of far more advanced years and more extensive experience . . . We must not forget to mention that Master Marsh, in the course of the evening, sang a capital humorous song, entitled "The Garibaldi Hat," written by Mr. R. P. Weaton, which was encored, and several additional verses were then given . . . We understand that Mr. Marsh has accepted an Original drama, entitled "Marguerite, or the Regent's Vengeance," written by Mr. R. P. Weston, of the Victoria, which will speedily be produced, and of whose merits, as a dramatic composition, report speaks highly.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marsh troupe (juvenile performers)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1861), 12
NEW AND POPULAR MUSIC . . . Garibaldi Hat (the words by R. P. Weston, music arranged by C. S. Packer), 2s. 6d. . . .
J. R. CLARKE'S Music Repository, 356, George-st.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (composer, arranger); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher, musicseller); see also The Garibaldi hat (illustration); Samuel Thomas Gill (illustrator)
Musical and other editions:
"Poetry. LIFE, LOVE, AND HOPE . . . R. P. WESTON, West Maitland, Sept. 27th, 1856", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (9 October 1856), 4
"LADY MACBETH. A SKETCH . . . R. P. WESTON", The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (25 August 1860), 391
"A LITTLE MERRIE CONCEITE; SO GRACELESS AS TO COMPLAIN OF THE STATE OF THE STREETS . . . R. P. WESTON", The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (8 September 1860), 415
The Garibaldi hat, words by Weston, music arranged on a popular air by C. Packer (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861])
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 4th Regiment, violinist, flute player (theatrical band)
Born High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England, 1796; baptised High Wycombe, 12 August 1796; son of Zachariah WESTRUP and Ann SPINDLER
Enlisted 4th Regiment (? drummer), 22 June 1806
Married (1) Elizabeth DARGON, Grenada, Spain, 1825
Arrived (with regiment) Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1832 (per Clyde, from Deptford, 14 April, Portsmouth, 9 May)
Married (2) Fanny SALMON, St. John's, Parramatta, NSW, 1 January 1833
Discharged Sydney, NSW, by 1 April 1836
Died Sydney, NSW, 15 November 1852, aged 56 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 4th Regiment, amateur actor (garrison theatricals)
Born England, 1805; baptised Horsham, Sussex, 29 May 1805; son of Zechariah WESTRUP and Ann SPINDLER
Arrived (with regiment) Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1832 (per Clyde, from Deptford, 14 April, Portsmouth, 9 May)
Discharged / transferred to 50th Regiment, Sydney, NSW, 9 August 1837
Died Sydney, NSW, buried 5 September 1837, aged "31" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Zacharias Westrupp senior was baptised at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, on 10 September 1764, a son of Roger and Jane Westrupp. He married Ann Spindler at nearby Great Marlow on 10 February 1783.
Zachariah, son of Zachariah Westrup, was baptised at High Wycombe on 12 August 1796. Zachariah senior enlisted as a private in the 4th Regiment on 19 July 1799. His son William Westrup was baptised at Horsham, Sussex, on 29 May 1805.
Zachariah junior enlisted (presumably as a drummer) in the 4th regiment on 22 June 1806.
Both Zachariah and William were privates serving in the Band of the 4th Regiment, under its master George Coleman, immediately prior to the regiment's departure for the colonies.
William, reportedly aged "22" and born at High Wycombe, was listed on 21 September 1831 as a returned deserter, but his 14-day sentence was remitted, and both of the brothers duly arrived in the colony with the band on the Clyde in August 1832,
Zachariah married Fanny Salmon at St/ John's, Parramatta, on 1 January 1833, described in the register as "Band Corporal" (he was only ever a lance-corporal, however, paid as a private).
William played stage roles for entertainments mounted by the regiment in Sydney in July and October 1836. During 1837 he was confined to the hospital for two pay periods, and having remained behind in the colony when the regiment departed for India in August, died in Sydney on 5 September 1837, having (according to his burial record) been transferred to the 50th Regiment.
Zachariah last appeared in the first regimental paylist for 1836, but had evidently taken his discharge by 1 April 1836. He was listed as a member of the band of the Theatre Royal in 1837, but thereafter, holding excellent references from colonel James England of the 4th regiment, accepted an engagement as butler to the landowner and magistrate Terence Aubrey Murray. In 1839 he was detained at Queanbeyan for absconding from this employment, and having been brought back to Sydney for trial was briefly held in Sydney and Parramatta gaols. A subsequent government inquiry into alleged overzealous policing by the Queanbeyan police magistrate, Alured Tasker Faunce largely exonerated both Westrop and Faunce.
Zachariah was back in Sydney in the band at the Royal Victoria Theatre by February 1841 or earlier, and regularly thereafter, often designated as flautist, though he presumably also played oboe and clarinet. He also played at George Coppin's Sydney "saloon" in June 1844, when it was advertised he would "perform several SOLOS during the evening".
Evidently already an habitual drunkard, he was briefly jailed in winter 1847 for "indecent exposure" (probably urinating in a public place). He was employed as a domestic servant at the time of his death, in Sydney in November 1852, aged 56.
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 July to 30 September 1831 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
2 / Westrop Zach'h / . . . Band (DIGITISED)
338 / Westrop W'm. / 1 July to 23 August / 21 to 30 September / Sentence 14 days remitted 14 days / Band

Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Saint John Parramatta in the County of Cumberland in the year 1833; register 1826-34, page 99; St. John's Parramatta (PAYWALL)
No. 394 / Zachariah Westrup F. [age] Corp. Band 4th Reg't / of the Parish of Parramatta and Fanny Salmon F [age] Aged 26 years married in this Church by Banns this [1 January 1833] . . . [witnesses] W. Westrup, Parramatta . . .
"PARRAMATTA INTELLIGENCE . . . TUESDAY, APRIL 9", The Currency Lad [Sydney, NSW] (13 April 1833), 2
This evening, a grand Military Ball was given at Mr. Nash's, by the Officers of the 4th or King's Own.
At 9 o'clock the company began to arrive, and continued till half-past ten, when eighty couples assembled.
Among those present, we noticed Mr. Blaxland, M. C.; R. Bourke, Esq. P. S.; Captain Hunter, M. S.; Colonel McKenzie, lady and family;
Snodgrass, C. B.; - Majors Breton, and lady ; Overndon; Lockyer, and lady; - Captains Clarke, Wright, Graham; - Paymaster Kersopp, Mrs. Kersopp, and Miss Kersopp;
- Commissary Bowerman, and lady; - also, Misses. E. Blaxland and Tingcombe.
After numerous quadrilles, waltzes, &c. the company broke up about two o'clock in the morning.
The Quadrille Band of the King's Own was in attendance, and performed with their accustomed splendour.
Band Master Coleman on the flageolet and Corporal Westward [sic] on the violin, merit the highest praise both for the execution and judicious selection of the music.
Upon the whole it went off with the highest eclat, and it is to be hoped each meeting will be attended with an increase of visitors,
and cordiality particularly, as the object is the support of a charitable institution.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coleman (sergeant master of the band, 4th Regiment); Band of the 4th Regiment (military band)
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 March to 30 June 1833 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
338 / Westrop Will'm / Band
2 / Westrop Zach'h / Band
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot from 1 April to 30 June 1834 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
338 / Westrop Will'm / Band
2 / Westrop Zach'h / Band / L'ce Corporal
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 July 1836), 3
Theatre Royal.
ON FRIDAY EVENING, the 15th July, 1836, His Majesty's Servants of the Fourth, The King's Own Regiment, will perform,
for the amusement of the Public, the Romantic Melo-Drama of
Bamfylde Moore Carew; OR, THE GIPSY OF THE GLEN.
Earl Moreland - John Owen
De Leon - John Webster
Albert - James Conway
Judge - Andrew Greig
Bamfylde Moore Carew - John Cownley
Planxty - John Lounon
Coleman - James Conway
Escot - William Moulding
Old Martin - Michael Barber
Walter - William Westrop
Nicholas - Francis Henwood
Willie McDougall - David Paton
First Gipsy - Thomas Perry
Second Gipsy - William Henderson
Third Gipsy - Frederick Green
First Officer - William Moulding
Second Officer - John Webster
Bridget - John Elvis.
Overture - GUY MANNERING, in character by the full Band.
GLEE - "Give me the Soldier," by Messrs. Paton Cownley, and Lomax.
SONG - "Darby Kelly," by A. Greig.
GLEE - "Dame Durdon," by Messrs. Paton, Cownley, and Lomax.
GLEE - "When Arthur First," by Messrs. Paton Cownley, and Lomax.
The whole to conclude with the very laughable Farce of
Sir Jasper - Andrew Greig
Gregory - John Lounon
Leander - David Paton
Doctor Helebore - John Webster
James - Thomas Perry
Davey - John Cownley
Harry - Frances Henwood
Squire Robert - William Moulding
Charlotte - James Conway
Dorcus - William Westrop
Maid - John Elvis
The Band of the King's Own will compose the Orchestra on this occasion under the management of Mr. Coleman, the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed.
It is particularly requested that application will be made by persons for their places, which are entered in the plan of the House, to be seen at the Entrance door. Tickets 5s.
The doors will be open at Half-past Six, and the performance to commence at seven o'clock, precisely.
Boxes may be engaged at the Orderly Room of the King's Own Regiment, or the Sergeant Major's Quarters, directly opposite.
[manicule] Pit Tickets 5s each. N.B. - There will be no Half Price.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cownley (bandsman, 4th Regiment); Francis Henwood (bandsman, 4th Regiment); William Lomas (bandsman, 4th Regiment); William Moulding (bandsman, 4th Regiment); Thomas Perry (bandsman, 4th Regiment); John Webster (bandsman, 4th Regiment); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (13 October 1836), 1
Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor,
WILL PERFORM For the Benefit of the Sydney Dispensary,
ON FRIDAY Evening, the 21st of October, 1836, Dibdin's celebrated Comedy of
Three Weeks after Marriage,
When by particular desire the performance will open with
Balff's Grand Chorus of "Vive le Roi," In Character.
Sir Charles Racket - John Lonnon
Drugget - John Owen
Lovelace - Francis Henwood
Woodley - William P. Scott
Lady Racket - James Conway
Mrs. Drugget - William Westrop
Nancy - Frederick Green
Dimity - John Elvis
Glee - "How merrily we live that Soldiers be."
Song - "Darby Kelly," in Character, by A. Greig.
Duet - "Thou hast left me ever, Jamie."
After which, the laughable Farce of
The Lying Valet
Gayles - William Scott
Sharp - John Lonnon
Justice Guttle - Andrew Greig
Mr. Trippet - David Paton
Cook - John Owen
Mellissa - William Westrop
Kitty - James Conway
Mrs. Gadabout - John Elvis
Mrs. Trippet - Frederick Green
A Comic Dance, by Mr. Barber.
A Comic Song, (Giles Scroggins) by J. Cownley.
Overture, in character, by the full Band.
Market Chorus, from Masaniello, in character.
The whole to conclude with the very laughable Farce of
Captain O'Blunder - Francis Henwood
Treatwell - lohn Cowney
Cheatwell - James Conway
Sconce - William Scott
Serjeant - John Lonnon
Doctor Glysler - Thomas Perry
Doctor Gailypot - Andrew Greig
Monsieur Ragou - John Webster
Lucy - William Westrop
Betty - John Elvis
Finale - "Hail, all hail, our Patriot King," BY THE WHOLE COMPANY.
The Band of the King's Own Regiment will compose the Orchestra on this Occasion, under the management of Mr. Coleman, the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed.
The doors will be open at half past six, and the performance to commence at seven o'clock precisely.
Boxes and places may be engaged at the Orderly Room of the King's Own Regiment,
or at the Serjeant-Major's Quarters directly opposite.
It is particularly requested that applications will be made by persons for their boxes,
as contained in the plan of the house, to be seen at the Orderly Room.
"To the Editor", The Sydney Monitor (31 March 1837), 3
SIR - I respectfully beg that you will in your journal contradict - "That I have leased the Theatre to any one."
But that, from the great sums I have expended for its re-opening, not only the scenery, dresses, and others; and, though last, not least,
a considerable number of musicians; amongst the names of the gentlemen, are -
Mr. Dean (leader), his Three Sons, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Turner, Papping and Son (French horns),
Johnson, White, Westrop, White, Bowles, and others whose names I have not taken note of.
And I trust, when I take charge of the Theatre, to conduct it with respectability, and make it convenient to a liberal public.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
BARNETT LEVEY. Thursday, 20th March, 1836.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician, violin); John Deane (musician, violin); Edward Smith Deane (musician, cello); William Deane (musician); George Sippe (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician); Stephen Turner (musician); Stephen and George Pappin (musicians); Mr. Johnson (musician); Messrs. White (musicians); Mr. Bowles (musician); Barnett Levey (proprietor)
Burials in the parish of St. James, Sydney, 1837; Sydney Anglican Diocese (PAYWALL)
Buried: 5 September 1837 / William Westrop / [age] 31 / Private 50th Regiment
Entrance book, Sydney gaol, October 1839; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 2795 / Zach'h Westrop / [per] Clyde / 1832 / free / free / [born] Wicomb / Protestant / Labourer / [entrance] Oct. 14 / [tried] Bench Quean Beyan / Interior to Parramatta 21 Octob'r 39
Entrance book, and description book, Parramatta gaol, October 1839; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 2127 / Zachar'h Westropp / [per] Clyde / 1832 / Free / Free / [born] Bucks. / Prot. / Musician / . . . (PAYWALL)
No. 2127 / Zachar'h Westrop / Clyde / 1832 / [born] 1796 / 5ft 10 3/4 in / Stout / . . . [history] 4th Reg't
Convict records, Carters Barracks House of Correction, 1840-41; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
1840, Jany 28 / Westrop, Zachariah / For Absconding from his hired Service / Treadmill 3 cal. months / Queanbeyan / 28 Mar [1840] / [discharge] Liberty / [by whom sent] James Height . . .
"QUEANBEYAN - THE LATE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY", The Australian (22 August 1840), 2
To the Honorable the Colonial Secretary.
SIR - We have the honor to report, for the Information or His Excellency the Governor, that in obedience to the directions contained in the commission to us directed,
dated 15th April, 1840, and your letter of 21st April, 1840, we repaired to Queanbeyan, and on the 15th May, 1840,
we opened the same Commission in the Police Office there, in the presence of Captain Faunce (the Police Magistrate),
Terence Aubrey Murray, James Wright, and James Y. Murray, Esquires, Magistrates of the Territory;
and on the following morning at ten o'clock we proceeded at the same place to hear the witnesses on the allegations against the Police Magistrate,
according to the order prescribed in our commission . . .
Third Charge. - "That on the 28th December last, Zachariah Westropp, who had been forwarded to Queanbeyan from Sydney, under warrant on a criminal charge, was, instead of being kept in custody, employed in the highly responsible situation of Lock-up Keeper; that he was taken before the Bench from that post for examination, whose decision confined him on removal from the Court in that Prison, which, for some time previously, while the charge was pending, he had under his exclusive control."
Zachariah Westropp, it appears, was a discharged soldier of the 4th Regiment, who having an excellent character from the Colonel, was engaged by Mr. Terence Aubrey Murray, in Sydney, to serve him for twelve months, in the capacity of Butler, and having received £10, as an advance in part of his wages, he was directed to repair to the house of Mr. Murray's sister, preparatory to being sent to the country. Mr. Murray then left Sydney, and being informed that Westropp had never been to the place where he was directed to go, and hearing nothing further about him, Mr. Murray went before a magistrate (Mr. Wright) at Queanbeyan, and obtained a warrant for the apprehension of Westropp on a charge of fraud and breach of agreement, under the Act of Council known as the Hired Servant's Act.
The warrant was transmitted to Sydney, and Westropp was apprehended and forwarded to Queanbeyan. Mr. T. A. Murray having previously seen him in Sydney, and at his intercession, contended to waive the charge against him, on being repaid within a given time, the money which had been advanced, which condition not being performed, Westropp was forwarded in custody to Queanbeyan as before mentioned. Soon after his arrival there, he was taken before the Queanbeyan Bench, consisting of the Police Magistrate and Mr. Wright, when Mr. T. A. Murray not appearing to prosecute (as he was then absent from the District) Westropp was discharged from custody on his own recognizence, conditioned to appear when called upon at the Police Office, Queanbeyan, to answer the charge of a breach of the "Hired Servant's Act." Soon after this discharge of Westropp, on bail, the Lock-up Keeper (Wedge) was sent to take his trial for suffering a prisoner to escape from his charge, and there being no other eligible person to be got, Westropp was duly sworn in as Lock up Keeper, and so remained until the return of Mr. Murray to the district, when he was tried before two magistrates (Mr. Wright and Mr. Powell) sitting in Summary Jurisdiction, and was convicted of the Breach of Agreement, and sentenced to Three Months Imprisonment with hard labor in the House of Correction, at Sydney.
It thus appears that the magistrates who admitted Westropp to bail and those who subsequently tried him considered the criminal part of the charge (that of obtaining money under false pretences) as not sustainable, and as Captain Faunce had known Westropp for 13 or 14 years, as a soldier of good character, there was not in our opinion any impropriety in his being made Lock-up Keeper; that he was a fit person, appears from the fact that no prisoners escaped from the Lock-up, nor was Westropp ever accused or suspected of the slightest irregularity whilst he had the charge. There is no evidence to show that Captain Faunce had any choice of persons in the appointment; but even had that been the case, the probability is that he would have had to select not from individuals simply charged with a misdemeanour, but from such as had been actually "convicted" of much more serious offences . . .
We have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient and very humble servants,
(Signed) CHAS. WINDEYER, J.P., S. NORTH, J.P. Sydney, 11 June, 1840.
ASSOCIATIONS: Terence Aubrey Murray (employer, magistrate); Alured Tasker Faunce (police magistrate); Charles Windeyer (commissioner)
[Editorial], The Australian (25 August 1840), 2
In our paper of last Saturday we inserted the report of the commissioners sent to Queanbeyan to investigate the truth of the allegations which have been brought against Captain Faunce, the Police Magistrate of that district. . . . Upon a cundid and careful perusal of the whole of the report of Messrs. Windeyer and North, no doubt can, in our opinion, exist, but that the charges brought against the gallant Captain are . . . "frivolous, vexatious, and unfounded" . . . . . . With reference to the affair of Zechariah Westropp, it is abundantly clear to every unprejudiced mind, that Captain Faunce did no more than the necessity of the case warranted. He had known the man for a long period of years, and had entertained a favourable opinion of his honesty. And even if the criminal charge against Westropp had been sustainable (which it was not), every thing tends to show that, in consequence of of the man Wedger being sent away for trial, the magistrate had no choice between the appointment of Westropp or a convicted criminal . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (6 February 1841), 3
GRAND CONCERT AT THE Royal Victoria Theatre,
On Wednesday, 10th of February, 1841.
MR. and Mrs. BUSHELLE . . . will be assisted by the Professionals of Sydney,
several distinguished Vocal Amateurs, by A young Lady a Pupil or Mrs. Bushelle's,
Messrs. Wallace, Leggatt, Deane and Son, Sippe, Flaherty,
Portbury, Downes, Pappin, Westrop, and the rest of the Theatrical Band . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. W. Wallace;
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt,
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture to "La Vestale" - Spontini - Full Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza and John Bushelle (vocalists); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violin, leader); Thomas Leggatt (conductor); Henry Charles O'Flaherty (musician); Benjamin Portbury (musician); William Downs (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Philip Sydney . . . in the year 1841; Anglican Diocese of Sydney (PAYWALL)
Born 19 December 1840 / Baptised 21 February 1841 / Zachariah and Fanny / Westrop / Musician . . .
[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (18 September 1841), 3
. . . FAREWELL CONCERT, Royal Victoria Theatre, Wednesday, 22nd September, 1841,
which day is also appointed for the Horticultural and Floral Exhibition.
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE . . .
Vocal Performers. - Mrs. Clancey, Mrs. Bushelle, Signorina Emilia, Mr. Bushelle, and Amateurs.
Instrumental Performers. - Mrs. Prout, Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Wallace, Sen.,
Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Downes, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Westrop, the rest of the Theatrical Orchestra,
and by kind permission of Colonel Baker, a select number from the far-famed Band of the 80th Regiment, under the Superintendence of Mr. Egerton.
Leader, Mr. S.W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
PART I. Overture - Full Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist); Signorina Emilia (vocalist); Maria Prout (pianist, harpist); Abraham Emanuel (musician); Spencer Wallace senior (musician); Humphrey Walton (musician); Samuel Edgerton (master of the 80th band); Band of the 80th Regiment (military band)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1844), 1
THE THREE RIVAL [REDACTED], Messrs. YANKEE PHILLIPS, JIM BROWN, and CATO CUFFEE JUNO, will screech forth the following Negro Melodies: -
SONGS. - Clar de Kitchen - Zip Coon - Jim Brown - [REDACTED] Pompey - Long-tailed Blue - Jim along Josey - Roley Boley - Yankee Doodle.
DUETS. - Jumbo Chaff - [REDACTED] Juber - Chingaringcomechaw.
GLEE - Coal Black Rose.
With a great variety of other dingey extravagances, accompanied by their extraordinary Louisiana jumps,
and old Kentucky grape-vine twists, making a display of heel and toe genius surprising to de white folk and sartin death to all Long Island [REDACTED].
Pianist, Mr. Fillmore , Flute, Mr. Westrop, who will perform several solos during the evening.
The Saloon is open every Monday, Wednesday Thursday, and Saturday evening, from eight till eleven o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor, performer); Henry William Fillmore (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1844), 4
ON SATURDAY EVENING, June 15th, and the following week,
THE QUADRILLE BAND will play several Airs, Overtures. &c.
Pianist, Mr. Fillmore; Flute, Mr. Westrop, First Violin, Mr. Wilson; Second Violin, Mr. Dodd; violoncello, Mr. Portbury.
A GENTLEMAN AMATEUR Will sing the following popular Songs -
The Sea, The Wolf; As I view those scenes so charming, from the Opera of "La Somnambula," When time hath bereft thee.
JIM BROWN Will screech his celebrated Negro Melodies, accompanied, for the first time by
MUNGO SOBO'S Unrivalled heavy toe and heel "grape vine" break-down-twist . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 April 1845), 2
THE public is most respectfully informed, that this Theatre will Re-open for the Winter Season on
MONDAY EVENING, April 14, 1845. The nights of performance are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday . . .
The Dramatic Company - Mr. Simes, Manager . . .
Orchestra - Mr. J. Gibbs, Leader; Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. Friedlander, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. W. Deane,
Mr. Westroppe, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Wright . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Simes (actor, manager); John Gibbs (leader, violin); William Friedlander (musician); John Turner (musician); Michael Vaughan (musician); Mr. Adams (musician); Mr. Wright (musician)
[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle (28 May 1845), 3
MISS HINCKESMANN RESPECTFULLY informs her Friends and the Public, that she intends giving a
GRAND EVENING CONCERT Of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the above Theatre,
ON FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1845 . . .
Leader, MR. GIBBS - Conductor, MR. JOHNSON, (Organist of St. James's) . . .
The Theatrical Band will comprehend Messrs. O'Flaherty, Deane, E. Deane. W. Deane,
Turner, Friedlander, Westrip, Adams, Wright, Vaughan; and will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band,
who have kindly consented to give their valuable services upon this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman (pianist); James Johnson (conductor, accompanist); St. Patrick's Band (temperance band); Royal City Theatre (Sydney venue)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Philip Sydney . . . in the year 1845; Anglican Diocese of Sydney (PAYWALL)
Born 17 November 1842 / Baptised 10 August 1845 / Zechariah and Fanny / Westrop / Musician . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1845), 1
HANDEL'S ORATORIO OF THE "MESSIAH," With Mozart's additional accompaniments . . .
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. W. Deane, Mr. F. Deane,
Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Gearing [sic], Mr. Friedlander, Mr. Walter, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Strong, Mr. Westropp, assisted by numerous amateurs;
and, by permission of Colonel Jackson, THE SPLENDID BAND OF THE 99TH REGIMENT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Guerin [sic] (musician); Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)
"COMMITTALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1847), 3
Yesterday, a musician named Zechariah Westrop pleaded guilty to a charge of indecent exposure in Elizabeth-street, on Sunday afternoon, and for not paying the fine of £5 and 2s. 6d. costs, was sent to gaol for seven days.
Entrance book, Darlinghurst gaol, 1847; State Records authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
[No.] 588 / Zachariah Westrop / [per] Clyde / 1832 / [born] 1796 / 5ft 10in . . .
"INQUEST", Empire (16 November 1852), 2
An inquest was hold yesterday at the Crispin Arms, on view of the body of Zachariah Westdrop. George Wright, residing in Clarence street, deposed, that the deceased had been in his employment as a domestic servant; he was a musician, and drank very hard. Witness saw him yesterday morning in the kitchen, where he had been cleaning candlesticks; he suddenly took a fit of shivering like one in the ague, and appeared otherwise suddenly ill. Witness immediately got him a glass of hot brandy, but he fell down the steps, and witness at once sent for medical aid. The deceased, however, expired in about ten minutes. Peter Montgomery, surgeon, who is merely on a visit in Sydney, stated, that between 10 and 11 o'clock yesterday morning, he was called in to see the deceased, there being no other medical man resident in the neigbourhood. At the time witness arrived, deceased was quite dead. From the appearance of the body and the preceding evidence as to deceased's habits, witness believed that death was caused by apoplexy, induced by intemperance. He appeared to have been a man of full habit, and therefore subject to this complaint. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly.
WETTER, Andreas (Andreas WETTER)
Active Launceston, TAS, c. 1855-57 (shareable link to this entry)
Verzeichniss de Personen welche mit dem Hamburger Schiffe Sophie nach Melbourne, [1854]; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Andreas Wetter / Salzgitter / Hannover / Musiker / 30 //
Wilhelmine [Wetter] / Salzgitter / Hannover / - / 21 //
August Wagener / Salzgitter / Hannover / Musiker / 14 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: August Wagener (musician); see also, on previous page, several other German musicians on voyage
1855, births in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:997921; RGD33/1/33 no 788 (DIGITISED)
No. 4973 / 788 / 7 August [1855] / Annie [daughter of] / Andreas Wetter [and] Minor [sic, Minna] Wetter formerly Vaudnor / Musician . . .
1857, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:856765; RGD37/1/16 no 689 (DIGITISED)
No. 427 / 689 / Feb'y 17th 1857 / York Street Chapel Launceston / August Hartmann / 21 / Musician
Emily Reid / 21 / Spinster . . . [witnesses] Minna Wetter, Andreas Wetter
ASSOCIATIONS: August Hartmann (musician)
WHARTON, Henry (William Henry WHARTON; Henry WHARTON; Henri WHARTON)
Baritone vocalist (Lyster Opera Company), teacher of singing
Born Manchester, England, c. 1834
Arrived Melbourne, 10 June 1862 (per Bombay, from Galle, 22 May)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 June 1862 (per Wonga Wonga, from Melbourne)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 7 March 1867 (per Orwell, for England)
Died Manchester, England, 26 September 1870, aged "35" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Henry Wharton, Australia, c. 1860s (Ward family collection, State Library of New South Wales)
[Advertisement], Leeds Intelligencer (5 March 1859), 1 (PAYWALL)
Grand Operatic Performance of "LA SONNAMBULA." Vocalists: Miss SARA DOBSON, Miss ALICE RICHARDSON, Miss PILLING,
CONDUCTOR, Mr. R. S BURTON. PIANOFORTE, Mrs. WOOD (who has kindly consented to Preside on this occasion), assisted by Mr. JOHN BURTON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Ramsden (vocalist)
England census, 7 April 1861, St. Peter and St. Paul, Bath, Somerset; UK National Archives, RG9/1686/36/20 (PAYWALL)
Annie Thirlwall / Head / Un[married] / 26 / Public Singer / [born] Yorkshire Hull
Henry A. Corri / Boarder / Mar. / 35 / [Public Singer] / [born] Ireland Dublin
Henri Wharton / Boarder / Un. / 27 / [Public Singer] / [born] Lancash. Manchester
George Honey / Boarder / Mar. / 39 / [Public Singer] / [born] Middlesex London
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Thirlwall (1830-1888), daughter of John Wade Thirlwall (composer, songwriter); m. Eugene Dussek Corri, 1862
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED, JUNE 10", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 June 1862), 4
Bombay, Peninsular and Oriental Company's R.M. s.s.s., 1,600 tons, Robert Methven, Esq., commander; Captain Reid, R.N., Admiralty agent, from Galle 22nd ult., and King Georges Sound 5th inst. Passengers - saloon: For Melbourne . . . Mr. Wharton . . .
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (14 June 1862), 2
. . . on the 26th instant Mr. Lyster and his troupe will leave for Sydney, their forces having been augmented by the arrival of Mr. Henry Wharton, a baritone of considerable reputation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Saurin Lyster (manager); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
A list of the crew and passengers, of the steam ship Wonga Wonga, from Melbourne to Sydney, 19 June 1862; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Saloon . . . Mr. Wharton / Mr. F. Lyster / Mr. Trevor / Madame Durand . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Durand (vocalist); Frederick Lyster (vocalist); Frank Trevor (vocalist)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (28 June 1862), 2
The Opera Company left Melbourne on Thursday, by the Wonga Wooga for Sydney, in which city Mr. Lyster opens a three-months' campaign on the 4th proximo . . . Mr. Henri Wharton, who arrived in Australia about a month since, is to make his first appearance during the season . . .
"OPERA. THE ROSE OF CASTILE", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1862), 8
This very charming production of Balfe was performed yesterday evening at the Victoria Theatre, for the first time in Sydney, when Madame Durand reappeared, and Mr. Henry Wharton made his debut here, a circumstance which gives promise that Mr. Lyster's present campaign will be a brilliant one, so far as novelty and hitherto unexampled attractions are concerned . . . The Don Pedro of Mr. Henry Wharton was a careful performance, his voice is very rich and mellow, of good quality and compass, ranging from about F below the bass staff, to A flat above the staff. What, however most strikes the listener is the extreme purity of intonation, proving that this gentleman has been well grounded in the Italian school. This was particularly noticeable in the bacchanalian trio in the first actions of the best pieces in the opera, with Mr. F. Lyster and Mr. Trevor, but Mr. Wharton achieved his triumph in the song, "Though fortune darkly o'er me frown," in the first act, which he sang with very great taste, the last verse of which he was compelled to repeat in obedience to an encore from all parts of the house. In the allegro "Hark, the clarion sound," Mr. Wharton, was also very successful . . .
MUSIC: The rose of Castile (Balfe)
"VICTORIA", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1862), 5
The opera season was opened on the 13th instant with Donizetti's Favorita. There was an overflowing house, and the old favourites were all well received. In noticing; the debut of Mr. Wharton, the Argus says :- "Mr. Wharton was loudly cheered. This was his first appearance in Melbourne, and from the perfect style in which he acquitted himself, we predict that he will be a great favourite with the habitues of the opera. Mr. Wharton is gifted with a splendid baritone voice, full, round, and flexible, and from his performance last night it is apparent that his training has been of a very high order. In the song: "Thou flower beloved" he was encored, but, with excellent taste, the stranger merely came forward and bowed his acknowledgments, without repeating the song. The Age and Herald are equally loud in his praise.
[News], The Argus (19 February 1867), 5
The Lyster Opera Company gave a concert on Saturday, in the Masonic-hall, for the benefit of their late fellow artiste, Mr. Henry Wharton, who, being at present physically incapacitated from pursuing his profession, is anxious to return to Europe. It was a great success.
"DEPARTURES FOR ENGLAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 April 1867), 3
March 7. - Orwell, ship, 110, Quinn, for London. Passengers . . . Messrs. H. Wharton . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1868), 6
FANCY DRESS BALL COSTUMES, Wigs, Tights, on SALE or HIRE "Don Jose," Duke D'Alfonso," &, &c, as worn by Mr. Henry Wharton. Apply to C LOCKINGTON, 67, Now Pitt-street.
"DEATHS", Empire (27 December 1870), 1
On the 26th of September, at his father's residence, Manchester, England, William Henry Wharton, Esq., aged 35 years, late member of Lyster's Italian and English Opera Company, and formerly of the English Opera, London, leaving an affectionate wife and a large circle of friends to lament their loss.
Bibliography and resources:
Harold Love, The golden age of Australian opera: W. S. Lyster and his companies 1861-1880 (Sydney: Currency Press, 1981), 29, 58, 60, 61, 62, 67, 78-79, and 126, 128, passim
Alison Gyger, Civilising the colonies: pioneering opera in Australia (Sydney: Opera-Opera/Pellinor, 1999), 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 235, 251
Kurt Ganzl, Manchester to Melbourne: the tale of an ill-fated baritone. Theatre Heritage Australia (posted 7 March 2020)
WHEATLEY, James (James WHEATLEY; ? = the below)
Musicseller, musical instrument seller, builder
Active Adelaide, SA, 1862-64 (shareable link to this entry)
WHEATLEY, James Edward (James Edward WHEATLEY; James WHEATLEY; J. E. WHEATLEY)
Musician, violinist, sax-horn player, cornopean player, music teacher
Born Paddington, London, England, 7 February 1836 (date on gravestone); baptised St. Mary Abbots, Kensington, 25 February 1836; son of Edward WHEATLEY (1807-1857) and Jane WAKELEY (1810-1870)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 21 February 1850 (per Stratheden, from London, 14 November 1849, aged "14")
Married Wilhelmina BASEDOW (1844-1926), Adelaide, SA, 6 August 1870
Died Kapunda, SA, 24 November 1878 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
James Wheatley, a builder of North Adelaide, was a musicseller in partnership with Thomas Green Pappin for about a year, from September 1862 until October 1863. It is not clear whether he was James Edward Wheatley, musician and music teacher, son of Edward Wheatley, coachman and coachbuilder of London, who arrived in the colony with his parents in 1850, aged 14, and died at Kapunda in 1878.
Another possibility is that the builder and musicseller was either the carpenter James George Wheatley, born in Bedfordshire, c. 1795, who arrived in the colony aged 49 in 1854, and also died at Kapunda in 1881, or his son, James John Wheatley (1825-1902), also a carpenter and machinist, who arrived in the colony in 1855 aged 29.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Kensington in the county of Middlesex in the year 1836; register 1833-45, page 142; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 1132 / [1836 February] 28th / James Edward / [son of] Edward & Jane / Wheatley / Parish of Paddington / Coachman . . .
"SHIPPING. ARRIVED", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (23 February 1850), 3
February 22 . . . The barque Stratheden, 350 tons, Turner, from London.
Passengers . . . Edward Wheatley wife and six children . . .
"THE HANDEL FESTIVAL", South Australian Register (14 April 1859), 3
All who were at White's Room last evening, at least all who are sensible of the potent influence of that divinest science which "takes the prisoned soul / And laps it in Elysium," must have enjoyed no inconsiderable treat . . . The following is a list of the instrumental performers with the instruments which they severally played upon:- saxe horns - Vincent, Wheatley; cornopean - Wheatley . . . Mr. Linger was the conductor and Mr. Chapman leader, while Mr. Daniel filled the important office of choral-master on the occasion. The oratorio selected was the "Messiah," the greatest of all Handel's compositions . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (conductor), William Chapman (violinist, leader); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist and chorus master); Handel Centenary (event); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (19 September 1862), 1
WHEATLEY & PAPPIN beg to inform their friends and the Public generally that they have
OPENED the above ESTABLISHMENT with a CHOICE SELECTION of every description of
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS direct from the Manufacturers, and trust that by strict attention to business to merit a share of their support and patronage.
Volunteer Companies will have an opportunity of choosing from a large Assortment of Brass Instruments, Drums, &c.
A well-selected Stock of new Music always on hand.
Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and other Instruments Tuned and Repaired.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Green Pappin (musician, musicseller)
[Advertisement], Süd Australische Zeitung [Tanunda and Adelaide, SA] (30 January 1863), 7
Wheatley & Pappin's Musik-Repositorium, 97 Rundle-Street.
Piano's, von Collard u. Collard, in Rosenholz; von Stodart, in Wallnuess, so wie in spanischem Mahagoni.
Harmoniums, von Alexander, für Kirche und Wohnzimmer.
Militär-Instrumente in grosser Auswahl.
Iustrument-Stimmen und Reparaturen im Geschäft oder im Hause des Besitzers in allen Theilen der Kolonie.
Orders vom Lande prompt ausgeführt.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (31 January 1863), 8
PIANOS, by Collard & Collard, in Rosewood; by Stodart, in Walnut; also in Spanish Mahogany.
HARMONIUMS, by Alexandre, for Church or Drawing-room.
Military Bands Supplied.
Tuning and Repairing done on the premises or in any part of the colony.
Country orders punctually attended to.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 October 1863), 1
We the undersigned. JAMES WHEATLEY, of North Adelaide, and THOMAS WALLIS, of South Adelaide, Builders,
have this day, October 28, 1863, DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP by mutual consent.
Witness to signatures - T. W. Croft.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (31 October 1863), 1
We the undersigned, JAMES WHEATLEY, of North Adelaide, and THOMAS GREEN PAPPIN, of Kensington,
lately carrying on business together as Music sellers, have this day, the 30th October, 1863,
DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP by mutual consent.
Witness to signatures - James Pappin.
All Outstanding Debts due to the above must be sent to Mr. James Wheatley, builder, North Adelaide.
"INSOLVENCY COURT. MONDAY, AUGUST 22 . . . IN RE JAMES WHEATLEY", The Adelaide Express (22 August 1864), 3
Adjourned final hearing. The following is the accountant's report: -
Liabilities unsecured - £1,744 1 1
Ditto secured - 112 3 0
[total] 1,856 4 1
Assets valued by insolvent at - 707 6 7
Deficiency - 1,148 7 6
The insolvent is a builder.
Since August, 1863, he has undertaken six contracts . . .
In his favor . . . Profits made on musical instruments imported - 170 17 6 . . .
"NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH", South Australian Register (8 July 1865), 3
On Friday evening the 21st anniversary meeting of the Adelaide Society of the New Church was held in the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide . . . The orchestra consisted of about 15 or 18 vocal and instrumental performers. Mr. E. Spiller acted as conductor, Mrs. Price presided at the harmonium, and Mr. Wheatley acted as first violinist. The principal vocalists were Mr. Edwards, Mr. Price, and two young ladies, members of the Society. The musical part of the proceedings commenced by the performance of the introduction, recitative, and solo, "Bright blissful state," from Faucett's Oratorio "Paradise." Mr. Edwards rendered the air in excellent style, and was well sustained by an accompaniment of wind and string instruments . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Spiller (conductor); Mary and Henry Price (musician, vocalist); Solomon Nicholas Edwards (vocalist)
"ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIBLE CHRISTIAN CHAPEL", Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer (19 October 1866), 3
The anniversary of the above chapel was celebrated on Sunday and Monday, October 14 and 15 . . . Through the Sabbath and on the Monday the choir highly distinguished themselves, by the sweet harmony of their music. Several choice peices were sung by them, adding to the deep interest of the whole occasion, Mr. Wheatley presiding at the harmonium . . .
"MARRIAGES", Evening Journal (8 August 1870), 2
WHEATLEY - BASEDOW. - On the 6th August, by licence, Mr. James Edward Wheatley, to Miss Wilhelmine Magdalene Basedow. Marriage solemnized by Mr. E. G. Day, officiating minister of the New Jerusalem Church, Adelaide.
[Advertisement], Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer (19 August 1870), 2
begs to inform liis Friends, and the Public in general, that he is now in a position to give
and also intends OPENING a SINGING CLASS. -
Musical Instruments of all kinds Tuned, Repaired, and Kept in Order.
Terms Reasonable.
"SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY", Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer (26 February 1875), 3
The 21st anniversary of the Bible Christian Sunday School, Kapunda, was celebrated on Sunday and Monday last . . . We must not forget to mention that during the evening several pretty hymns were nicely sung by the children, being ably led by Miss Pascoe at the harmonium, and Mr. Wheatley as conductor . . .
[Advertisement], Australische Zeitung (27 November 1877), 5
Deutsche Buch-, Papier- und Spielwaaren-Handlung,
James Edward Wheatley . . .
Pianos, Harmoniums und andere musikalische Instrumente gekaust, verkauft und reparirt . . .
"LOCAL COURT - KAPUNDA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1878", Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer (11 January 1878), 3
Claim for £1, for singing lessons.
James Edward Wheatley, music teacher, Kapunda, deposed that he arranged oin March 5, 1877, to give defendant lessons in singing on terms agreed on.
It was to be for three months at one lesson per week in a class of which he was the only one who attended.
The arrangement was then altered mutually after the first five weeks to two lessons of one hour per week,
and gave him a list of nights on which he could attend him, so that he might fix on the nights, but he had never sent in to fix the dates.
By defendant - Defendant made the arrangements for the first quarter, which was carried out, commencing on September 19.
Defendant was the only one who received lessons in the second quarter, the rate being arranged at 15s.
per quarter. Cox had one lesson, for which he paid.
Andrew M. Jamieson, saddler, Kapunda, deposed that Mr. Cox and himself agreed to go on a second quarter, the other two withdrawing.
Mr. Cox paid his quarter in advance the second night.
At the second meeting Mr. Wheatley said he could not carry on the class for two pupils except they suited themselves to two hours, viz., 10 to 11 on Wednesday, and on Saturday 8 to 9.
The hours were unsuitable, and they regretted to have to give up the instruction.
By plaintiff - Plaintiff wrote on a paper the nights and hours in which he could give the instruction. More than three nights were named.
The Court thought plaintiff not entitled to recover in this case, as the pupils had a right to expect that the second quarter would be carried on on exactly the same terms as during the first quarter.
Plaintiff nonsuited.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (26 November 1878), 4
WHEATLEY. - On the 24th November, at Kapunda, James Edward, the beloved husband of Whilemina Wheatley, and son of the late Mr. Edward Wheatley, of Norwood, leaving a widow and four children to mourn their loss, aged 42.
"DEATH", Kapunda Herald (29 November 1878), 2
WHEATLEY. - On the 24th instant, of chest disease, Mr. James Edward Wheatley, aged 42, at his residence, Basedow Cottage, leaving a widow and four children to mourn their loss.
Musician, pianist, conductor, composer
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 16 April 1858 (per Vaquero, from San Francisco, aged "30" [sic])
Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 September 1859 (per Ocean Rover, for Calcutta) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony),+j+b (WorldCat identities) (shareable link to this entry)
Arriving and departing with her, Wheaton was pianist and conductor for the actor vocalist Emma Stanley on her 1858-59 Australian tour.
[Advertisement], Dwight's Journal of Music [Boston, USA] (3 December 1853), 71 (DIGITISED)
Apply at the Music Stores of Nathan Richardson, or Theo. T. Barker.
Grand concert! Mr. J. B. Wheaton respectfully announces the following programme, for his concert, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 9th [1855], on which occasion he will have the valuable assistance of Miss Jenny Twichell [later Mrs. Jenny Kempton], the favorite contralto, of Boston, and Henri Jungnickel, the distinguished German violencello player . . . ([Fitchburg, Mass.]: Fitchburg Sentinel Office, [1855])
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (3 October 1857), 2
Great Actress, Vocalist and Delineator,
MISS EMMA STANLEY, Will appear for the 1st time in this city
Musical Conductor and Pianist, Mr. J. B. WHEATON . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Stanley (actor, vocalist)
Australia (16 April 1858 to 29 September 1859):
List of passengers who have arrived at the port of Melbourne on 16 April 1858 from San Francisco on board the Vaquero; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mrs. Stanley / 55 / [British] // Miss E. Stanley / 35 / [British] // Miss Mortimer / 25 / [British] //
C. K. Mason / [60] / British] // Mrs. Russell / 35 / [British] // Wheaton / 30 / American . . . //
Geo. H. Ince / 28 / American // . . . Miss Annette Ince / 22 / [American]
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 April 1858), 4
April 15. - Vaquero, American schooner, 370 tons, F. A. Newell, from San Francisco 30th January, via Honolulu 28th February.
Passengers - cabin: Mrs. and Miss Stanley . . . Miss Annette Ince, Miss Caroline Ince . . . Messrs. . . . Wheaton . . . C. K. Mason, G. H. Ince . . .
List of passengers who have arrived at the port of Melbourne on 16 April 1858 from San Francisco on board the Vaquero; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mrs. Stanley / 55 / [British] // Miss E. Stanley / 35 / [British] // Miss Mortimer / 25 / [British] // C. K. Mason / [60] / British] // Mrs. Russell / 35 / [British] // Wheaton / 30 / American
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Stanley (Emma's mother); Charles Kemble Mason (actor)
"SHIPPING NEWS. . . LAUNCESTON, ENTERED INWARDS, AUGUST 28", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (30 August 1858), 2
Royal Shepherd, steamer, 300, Saunders, Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mrs. and Miss Stanley, Messrs. Wheaton . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (2 November 1858), 2
Monday, November 1 - The steamer Havilah, 337 tons, McFie master, from Melbourne October 30 . . .
Passengers - Mrs. and Miss Stanley, Miss Smith, Mr. T. Wheaton [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (17 November 1858), 1
FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. The Great London Artiste,
MISS EMMA STANLEY, will appear in her celebrated character of
POLLY CRISP, Or, the Life of an Unprotected Female.
And in her unrivalled Impersonations of Character in her Popular Monopolylogue of
WIDOW WIGGINS; Or, Wives by Advertisement.
THIS EVENING, (Wednesday), November 17 . . .
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. J. B. Wheaton.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (2 December 1858), 2
Wednesday, December 1 - The steamer Admella, 478 tons, McEwan, master, for Melbourne. Passengers - Mrs. and Miss Stanley . . . Mesrrs. Bucirde, Wheaton . . .
"SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERTS", The Age (31 January 1859), 5
The success which attended the concert, given at the Mechanics' Institution on Saturday evening, ought to justify the projectors, Messrs. E. King, Megson, and S. Chapman in continuing similar entertainments once a week, for the benefit of a large body of the citizens of Melbourne . . . We had almost forgot to mention in terms of praise Mr. Wheaton's solo on the pianoforte, founded on American airs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); Joseph Megson (violin); Samuel Chapman (cello or double bass)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 February 1859), 3
NIMINY PYM POLKA. Emma Polka . . . Just published. Joseph Wilkie's, 15 Collins-street east.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (23 February 1859), 5
The band of the 40th Regiment will play at the Botanical Garden on Wednesday, 23rd inst.,
from four to six o'clock p.m. The programme of music for performance is as follows: -
Polka, "My Mary Ann," Jullien; song, "The blind Flower Girl," Blockley;
selection, "L'ltaliana in Algieri," Rossini; waltz, "The Summer Flowers," Tinnoy;
overture "Sommernachts traum," Mendelssohn; selection, "Le Caid," Thomas;
polka, "Niminy Pym," Wheaton; galop, "Overland Mail," D'Albert.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military band)
Names and descriptions of passenger per Wonga Wonga from Melbourne, 28 June 1859, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Saloon / Miss Emma Stanley / 30 // Mrs. Stanley / 63 // Mr. Wheaton / 45 . . .
"CLEARANCES", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (30 September 1859), 4
Ocean Rover, ship, 770 tons, Captain Briard, for Calcutta. Passengers - Mrs. Stanley, Miss Emma Stanley . . .
After Australia:
"THE PIANO CASE", [unidentified New York newspaper] (21 June 1862)
The case of Mr. J. B. Wheaton, a music teacher, who was arrested last week on a complaint of Charles Bunce, who charged him with having stolen a piano worth $150, was called up before Justice Boerum yesterday afternoon, when the complainant failed to appear, and the accused was discharged.
Musical works:
Pearl Hill polka, by J. B. Wheaton, to T. Harry Hinton (Boston: G. P. Reed & Co., [1855]) (DIGITISED)
Niminy pym polka, composed and respectfully dedicated to Miss Emma Stanley, by J. B. Wheaton (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1859]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller, publisher); Clarson, Shallard, and Co. (music printers)
WHEELER, Stephen Thomas (Stephen Thomas WHEELER; S. T. WHEELER; Tom WHEELER; Mr. WHEELER)
Musician, bass vocalist, cornet player, bandmaster, journalist
Born Oxford, England, 1826; baptised St. Clement, Oxford, 24 August 1826; son of James Luff WHEELER (1797-1862) and Ann Ophelia TALBOYS (c. 1804-1873)
Married Mary Elizabeth DIXON, Lincoln's Inn Fields chapel and St. Marylebone church, London, 23 July 1850
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 16 December 1850 (per Andromache, from London, 3 September)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 31 January 1851 (per Harpley, from Adelaide, 27 January)
Died Ballarat, VIC, 9 February 1878, aged "52/53" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WHEELER, Mary Elizabeth (Mary Elizabeth DIXON; Mrs. Stephen Thomas WHEELER)
Musician, pianist, vocalist, actor
Born England, by c. 1829; daughter of John DIXON
Married Stephen Thomas WHEELER, Lincoln's Inn Fields chapel and St. Marylebone church, London, 23 July 1850
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 16 December 1850 (per Andromache, from London, 3 September)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 31 January 1851 (per Harpley, from Adelaide, 27 January)
Died ? NSW, c. late 1857 or early 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Stephen was a son of James Luff Wheeler (1797-1862), a bookseller, of Oxford, and Anne Ophelia Talboys (c. 1804-1873), daughter of David Alphonso Talboys, also a bookseller and publisher. His elder brother was James Talboys Wheeler (1824-1897), was later a newspaper editor and historian of India. Their younger brother, David Dickinson Wheeler (1832-1912) also emigrated to Australia, a year later than Stephen, in 1852, was at Ballarat by 1856 if not earlier, and was a prominent colonial newspaper editor and journalist.
According to his colonial publicity, Stephen had been a member in London of Louis Jullien's band, and a pupil of the principal cornet player, Hermann Koenig. He would almost certainly have played the cornet solo in Koenig's well-known Post-horn galop in Australia.
Having married in London in July 1850, Stephen and Mary Wheeler sailed for South Australia in September. They were "recently arrived" when their first concert appearance in Victoria was advertised in Melbourne in mid-February, and during their early months in the colony they appear to have been closely associated with another recent arrival, Henry Hemy.
Stephen's busiest Melbourne year was 1852. They had moved to Tasmania for the first half of 1854, where Stephen was principal performer in the theatrical band. They sailed back to Sydney in August with Lewis Henry Lavenu in August, who had apparently recruited Stephen for the band for Catherine Hayes's concerts and opera performances there in September.
The Wheelers duly settled in NSW, where, during 1855 and 1856, Stephen also appeared with John Winterbottom's band and for Anna Bishop.
They were in Bathurst for six months during the winter and spring of 1856, intending to settle there. Mary opened a school, and they together gave at least two concerts, but in November, Mary and her assistant, the vocalist Eliza Stewart, advertised that the school would close at the end of the quarter due to Mary's ill-health. They sold up their household furniture, including a Tomkison piano, in mid December, and returned to Sydney where Stephen joined the Lyceum Theatre orchestra for the Christmas season, while Mary and Eliza Stewart spent the early months of 1857 working in Tasmania.
Back in Sydney their only son was born in September 1857 and died shortly afterward. I have found no sure record of Mary's death, but it may have followed soon after.
Stephen was briefly in Tasmania, alone, in 1859, and he had settled in Ballarat by 1861, having evidently decided to join his brother there. He worked there mainly as a journalist, but continued to give occasional musical performances. Among his other non-musical activities, he was honorary secretary to the committee of subscribers to the erection of a Eureka Stockade monument in 1867.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Clement in the county of Oxford in the year 1826; Register 1813-32, page 55; Oxfordshire Family History Society (PAYWALL)
No. 437 / Steven Thomas Son of / James Luff & Ann Ophelia / Wheeler / St. Clements / Bookseller . . .
1850, marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of St. Marylebone in the County of Middlesex; register 1848-50, page 115; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 229 / 23rd July 1850 / Stephen Thomas Wheeler / Of full age / Bachelor / Banker's Clerk / St. Marylebone / [father] Ja's Luff Wheeler / Bookseller
Mary Elizabeth Dixon / Of full age / Spinster / [St. Marylebone] / [father] John Dixon / Railway Clerk
"MARRIED", Oxford Chronicle and Reading Gazette (24 August 1850), 2 (PAYWALL)
On Tuesday, the 23rd ult., at the Catholic Chapel, Lincoln's Inn-fields, and afterwards at the Church, Mr. S. T. Wheeler, of this city, to Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of the late John Dixon, Esq., of Brighton.
Australia (from 16 December 1850):
Passengers per Andromache from London, 3 September 1850, for Port Adelaide, 16 December; SA Passengers in history
Mr. S. Wheeler and wife
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (31 December 1850), 2
[Advertisement.] To Michael Passmore, Esq., Captain of the "Andromache." Port Adelaide, Dec. 23, 1850.
DEAR SIR - We, the undersigned passengers per Andromache, beg to return our sincere thanks for your kind and gentlemanly conduct to us during the voyage from London to Port Adelaide,
and we trust that health and success may attend you for the future.
. . . S. N. Wheeler [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (7 January 1851), 2
Royal Victoria Theatre.
Proprietors - Messrs. LAZAR and COPPIN.
First appearance of MR. WHEELER, from the Hanover-square Rooms, who will sing a popular song, and of MISS WHEELER, who will perform several airs from La Sonanmbula [sic] on the Pianoforte . . .
Thursday, January 9, 1851, will be presented for the first time at this theatre,
a Musical Burletta, called the KING AND THE COMEDIAN;
to be followed by a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music,
in which Mr. Moore, Mr. Wallace, Herr Mater, Herr Hunerbein,
Mr. Coppin, Mrs. Moore, and a FEMALE PIANIST (her first appearance in this colony), will have the honour of appearing.
To conclude with the laughable farce of the WIZARD OF THE NORTH, in which Dr. Meymott,
in addition to several other extraordinary feats of legerdemain, will exhibit the celebrated Gun Trick . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Maria Coppin (actor, manager); John Lazar (actor, manager); Charles Meymott (amateur magician, vocalist, surgeon); Andrew and Rachel Moore (violinist, actor and vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician); Charles Mater (musician); August Huenberbein (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"THE NEW THEATRE", Adelaide Observer (11 January 1851), 4
On Thursday night, last the performances being understood to be for the benefit, or more especially under the direction, of Dr. Meymott, better known as the "gentleman amateur," and the programme promising an excellent entertainment, there was, as might have been expected, a full house - the boxes being crowded with most respectable occupants. The first piece was the "King and the Comedian," which was, creditably got through by all the performers engaged in it, and was received with great approbation by the audience. Next came the concert, which was, in reality, the novelty and attraction of the evening. It commenced with a song, "Philip the Falconer," sung by Mr. Wheeler, who accompanied himself on the piano. If this gentleman had taken the tune a little slower, and omitted the unmeaning cadence at the end of the first verse, the effect would have been much improved: as it was, the song was neatly sung, and was tolerably well received. Messrs. Huenerbein and Mater next gave a duet on two clarionets . . . Mrs. Moore was to have sung next an air by Kaliwoda, with violin obligato by Mr. Moore, but in consequence of the indisposition of the latter substituted "Lovely Night" . . . We must own we were a good deal disappointed in Miss Wheeler's pianoforte playing. We admit her performance was correct, but the piece selected (a few airs from the Puritani and variations) was such as would present no difficulty to a school-girl, and therefore not one on which a reputation could possibly be founded; it is, however, quite probable that the lady may be capable of better things, and we shall hope to hear her again . . .
MUSIC: Philip the falconer (E. J. Loder)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. CLEARED OUT", Adelaide Times (27 January 1851), 2
Jan. 25 - The ship Harpley, 579 tons, Thomas Buckland, master, for Port Phillip . . .
Passengers . . . Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler . . . Mr. and Miss Gardiner [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Ann Gardiner (actors)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 February 1851), 2
January 31 - Harpley, ship, 547 tons, Thomas Buckland, commander, from Plymouth via Adelaide, 27th inst. - Passengers . . . Wheeler . . . Mesdames. Wright, Wheeler, Gardaner, Gardener . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 February 1851), 3
THE Committee of the above Class beg to announce their
Fifth Public Concert will take place in the
Hall of the above Institution, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 20th inst.
Principal Vocal and Instrumental Performers: Mrs. TESTAR, Mr. HENRY F. HEMY,
and Mr. and Mrs. WHEELER (newly arrived from England.)
Overture - L'Italiana in Algiers.
Glee "Hark, the Lark."
Softly sighs the voice of evening - Mrs. Testar.
While the Lads of the Village - Mr. Wheeler.
Duett - By the lone Tomb - Mr. H. F. Hemy and Mrs. Testar - Donizetti.
Solo Pianoforte - Mrs. Wheeler.
Oh! Summer night - Mr. Hemy.
Echo Polkas - Hemy.
Bridal Quadrilles
Glee - Swiftly from the mountain brow.
Solo Pianoforte - Mr. H. F. Hemy.
L'amor suo mi fe beata - Mrs. Testar - Donizetti.
Song - The Merry Maids of England - Mr. Hemy
Duett - Could a man be secure - Mr. Hemy and Mr. Wheeler
Echo Song - Mrs. Testar, with Flute obligato, by Mr. Cooze - Bishop
Ballad - Philip the Falconer - Mr. Wheeler.
Comic Glee - The little Farm we till.
Finale - Waltz Labitzki.
Tickets 1s 6d each . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reed (musical director); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Henry Frederick Hemy (vocalist, pianist); William Joseph Cooze (flautist, vocalist); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution Music Class (Melbourne group)
MUSIC: While the lads of the village (Dibdin, from The quaker); Could a man be secure (duet, by Starling Goodwin)
"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", The Melbourne Daily News (21 February 1851), 2
The progress of this class reflects the greatest credit on Mr. Reed. Last night's performances deserved a fuller attendance, but as we have often before observed, Jenny Lind herself wouldn't draw after a second appearance in Melbourne. The overtures were very spiritedly played. Mrs. Tester was in capital voice . . . Mr. Wheeler, who possesses a deep rich baritone voice, sang "While the lads of the village" (from the Quaker, we think,) with great taste and expression, and quite as well as Leffler (who made it quite his own,) could have performed it. Mrs. Wheeler's pianoforte solo we did not hear, but heard it highly spoken of . . . Mr. Wheeler's ballad, Philip the Falconer (evidently a taking song) would have been much more effective if he had not drowned both words and voice with a most injudiciously loud accompaniment. The voice, not the instrument, should lead, and every word of a ballad should be distinctly heard. The attendance of the public was most discouraging.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Leffler (English vocalist), brother of Edmund Leffler (musician)
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (22 February 1851), 2
. . . A very brilliant pianoforte solo was performed by Mr. Hemy, introducing favorite Italian airs; and a second was presented by a debutante, Mrs. Wheeler, whose style and execution deserved and received the compliment of an encore. The husband of the last mentioned lady also made his first appearance, as a vocalist, and was very favourably received. A fine bass voice gave great effect to some good glees, and he also sung a solo or two, in which, perhaps, a little of the harshness of this style of voice was discernable . . .
"MUSICAL", Port Phillip Gazette (25 February 1851), 2
Two new stars in the musical hemisphere made their appearance at the Concert in the Mechanic' Institution on Friday [sic] evening, in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, (the former a vocalist of no ordinary merit, and the latter a pianiste of exquisite sweetness and brilliancy of touch.) We understand Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler will make their second appearance in the Protestant Hall on Thursday evening next. Among the hosts of stars of the first magnitude, which have latterly been visiting the colonies, Mr. and Mr. Wheeler occupy no inconsiderable position.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 June 1851), 2
Principal Vocal and Instrumental Performers -
Mrs. Testar, Soprano . . .; Mr. H. F. Hemy, Tenore, and Pianist
Mr. Wheeler, Basso and Cornetto; Mr. Cooze, Buffo and Flautist . . .
Conductor Mr. Henry F. Hemy
PROGRAMME. For Thursday, June 12th, 1851
Overture to Guy Mannering - Bishop
Glee: Mynheer Van Dunck, an Amateur, Messrs. Hemy and Wheeler - Bishop . . .
Duet - Voices of the Night, Messrs. Hemy and Wheeler - Glover . . .
Ballad - Beautitul Spring, Mr. Wheeler - Farmer.
The Border Polkas (First Time) .. Hemy.
Part 2.
The Victoria Quadrilles (composed and dedicated to His Excellency Sir Charles Joseph La Trobe, Lieutenant Governor of Victoria) by Henry F. Hemy . . .
Song: The Standard Bearer, Mr. Wheeler - Lindpainter . . .
Cornetto - Air, the Last Rose of Summer, Mr. Wheeler - Trist . . .
Solo and Chorus - Roderick Vich Alpine, Messrs. Hemy, Wheeler, Cooze, &c. &c. - Neves . . .
MUSIC: Mynheer Van Dunck (Bishop); Voices of the night (duet, Stephen Glover); The standard bearer [Die Fahnenwacht] (Lindpaintner); Hail to the chief [Roderick Vich Alpine] (in The lady of the lake, Sanderson)
"CONCERT", The Argus (17 July 1852), 5
If we might venture to brave the full brunt of the anger of our correspondent Homo, in our support of anything so frivolous as music, we would remind our readers of Mr. Wheeler's concert this evening. This gentleman has always proved himself one of the most regular and painstaking of our musical corps, always at his post, always ready to sing, to play, to apologise for an absent performer, or do anything that will contribute to the success of a concert, or the gratification of an audience. With such claims to public support, it would be a shame if Mr. Wheeler's experiment this evening were not crowned by a crowded room, and we trust that it may be so. The pleasure of seeing Mrs. Testar again, once more before one dies, is well worth the price of a ticket.
"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", The Argus (11 November 1853), 5
The Concert at the Mechanic's Institution last night was very well attended, and with one or two exceptions the programme was well produced. A very pretty Cavatina, by Linley, was successfully sung by Mrs. Testar, and was warmly received, as was the air from Der Freizschutz . . . The glees were thin and devoid of force, and this said, little is left to remark beyond the manifest improvement in Mr. Wheeler's voice since he last appeared on the platform not long since.
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (17 November 1853), 5
A vocal concert, under the direction of Mr. Travers is announced at the Mechanics' Institution for this evening. Madames Testar, White, and Martin, and Messrs. Smith, Travers, Wheeler and White appear in the programme. Several good things are promised, of which the glee "Hark the Lark at Heaven's gate sings"; the duet "the Water Nymphs," and the song "There's music in the fountain," may be especially noticed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Travers (vocalist); Emilia and Thomas White (vocalist, pianist)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Yarra, from Melbourne, 16 December 1853, for Hobart Town; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Stephen Wheeler / 31 [sic] / Attorney [sic] / English / [for] Hobart Town
Mary Wheeler / 25 / - / English / [for] Hobart Town
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (27 December 1853), 3
. . . already, we believe, Mr. Hooper (a newly-engaged light comedian,) and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler have arrived. We have seen an earnest of Mr. Watson's intention to rescue the Drama, in this colony at least, from decline; and it is to be hoped that he will be enabled to arrest it by the most skilful combination and disposition of the best materials; and, while on this chord, the tunes of a fresh cornet-a-piston, which was heard last evening, show that he is not inattentive to that desiderata, the improvement of the orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (actor, manager); Mr. Hooper (comedian); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
A NEW LODGE of the Ancient and Independent Order of Odd Fellows, under the style and title of "The Loyal Tasmanian Youths' Lodge," was opened in due form by the Grand Master and Board of Directors of the Grand Lodge of this colony at Host Fisher's, The Retreat, Kingston (Brown's River), yesterday . . . At half-past nine a.m., the members of the Grand Lodge . . . assembled at the Grand Lodge Room, Host Harvey's, the Rock Hotel, Elizabeth-street, from whence they moved in procession, with full Regalia, and preceded by a Band engaged for the occasion, and under the direction of Mr. Wheeler, of the Royal Victoria Theatre, to the Derwent Hotel, where the Brethren, to the number of upwards of fifty, were taken up in three coaches and four, and proceeded to the township of Kingston, the Band playing appropriate music upon their departure and during the whole of the trip . . . Upon arrival at and after passing, the Creek, the Officers and Brethren alighted, and, preceded by the Band, walked in full procession to the Retreat . . . In the evening the Brethren and their Visitors, to the number of seventy-four, sat down to a plentiful and bounteous repast . . . It would derogate from the completeness of this report to omit mentioning that the Band, which was stationed down stairs, played appropriate pieces of music after each toast . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (25 May 1854), 2
MR. WHEELER begs to announce that he is prepared to give instruction on the melodious and fashionable instrument.
For Terms, &c, apply at his residence, No. 30, Patrick-street, near Captain Millet's.
N. B.- At home from 10 till 5 o'clock daily. May 25th, 1854.
"THE LOVERS OF MUSIC . . .", The Courier (27 May 1854), 2
. . . who have the desire to attain perfection on the Cornet-a-piston, have an opportunity of receiving first-class instruction from Mr. Wheeler, of the Royal Victoria Theatre, who announces his intention of giving lessens on that instrument.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (12 June 1854), 2
First appearance of MR. SEFTON PARRY, the AMERICAN COMEDIAN -
Continued success of the ENGLISH TRAGEDIAN, MR. C. KEMBLE MASON -
MONDAY Evening, June 12, 1854 . . .
Solo, (Cornet-a-piston), Mr. Wheeler . . .
concluding with, by desire, the new Ballet of MARIE, in which Madame Strebinger and Signor Carandini will appear, -
F. B. Watson, Sole Lessee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Therese Ferdinand Strebinger (dancer); Gerome Carandini (dancer)
"MADAME CARANDINI'S CONCERT", The Courier (16 August 1854), 3
MADAME CARANDINI's grand evening concert attracted a crowded auditory last evening, the fine hall of the Mechanics' Institute being comfortably, although not inconveniently, filled . . . The opening overture "La Gazza Ladra" was well given . . . The duet for pianoforte and violin, arranged by Osborne and De Beriot, was beautifully rendered by Messrs. Lavenu and Megson . . . Mr. Wheeler's cornet a piston solo "The Exile's Lament" was much admired. This gentleman has thoroughly mastered the difficulties of the instrument, which, in his hands, discourses most eloquent music, and whilst regretting that the music-loving portion of our community will be deprived for a time of his talent, we must also express a hope that his visit to Sydney may prove a profitable speculation to him . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (pianist, musical director); Joseph Megson (violinist)
"Shipping Intelligence . . . DEPARTURES", The Tasmanian Colonist (28 August 1854), 3
August 24 - Brig Emma, Brown, for Sydney, with sundries. Cabin: Messrs. Gulley, Lavenu, Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler . . . and 23 steerage.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 September 1854), 4
Mrs. R. McGowan will appear in a celebrated Medley Dance.
To be followed by Our Polly, cornet obligato, Mr. Wheeler, assisted by the full band . . .
A. TORNING, Sole Lessee and Acting Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny McGowan (dancer); Andrew Torning (manager); John Gibbs (violin, leader of the band); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"MISS CATHERINE HAYES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (30 September 1854), 2
The "Swan of Erin" has, at last, greeted our ears with her divine strains of melody . . . A few words on two on the instrumental performers are but justice to their deserts. Mr. Wheeler's cornet solo proved him a master of his instrument, and we regret that a longer notice had not enabled him to prepare some more striking morceau, with an orchestral accompaniment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist)
"THEATRICALS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (10 March 1855), 2
The entertainments at the Victoria have not been very well attended during the week, the public hanging back for the grand dramatic strife of the coming week. We were much pleased with Mr. Wheeler's Cornet Solo, on Thursday night; it plainly showed his tutorship under Koenig . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hermann Koenig (composer, cornet player, active in England)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 April 1855), 4
Programme - First Part: - Selections (in character) from Rossini's Comic Opera of THE BARBER OF SEVILLE.
Rosina, Mrs. H. T. Craven; Figaro, Barber of Seville, M. Emile Coulon. Dance, Miss Julia Matthews.
Second Part - Selections (in character) from Donizetti's Buffo Opera of DON PASQUALE.
Norina, Mrs. H. T. Craven; Don Pasquale, M. Emile Coulon.
Solo on the cornopean, Mr. Wheeler. Dance, Miss Julia Mathews . . .
Musical conductor, Mr. Winterbottom. Leader, Mr. Tranter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist); Eliza Craven (vocalist); Julia Mathews (dancer); John Winterbottom (conductor); William Joseph Tranter (leader)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire (14 December 1855), 5
THIS EVENING, Friday, December 14th . . . Violin Solo, Mr. George Strong.
Song, "The Peace of the Valley," Mr. F. Howson, Cornet Obligato, Mr. Wheeler . . .
F. HOWSON, Manager
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (actor, vocalist, manager); George Strong (violin); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire (3 January 1856), 4
Madam Anna Bishop's fourth Concert took place at this theatre on Saturday evening . . . The ever-beautiful English ballad, Home, sweet Home, and the Scotch ballad Jack o' Hazeldean, were next given; Mr. 'Wheeler in the interim performing a solo upon the cornet-a-piston, in which he was warmly applauded. In both those national ballads, Madam Bishop was vociferously applauded, a shower of bouquets and general cheering at the close affording satisfactory evidence of her success . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist)
"CITY THEATRE, MARKET-STREET", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1856), 4
This theatre is announced to open on Monday evening next. The company consists of the celebrated comedian Mr. W. H. Stephens, Mrs. Craven, Messrs. Winterbottom, Wheeler, &c. Extensive alterations have been made in the interior of the house, and, what with the well known talent of the company, together with the good situation of the theatre, we should suppose that the enterprising management would meet with success.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Stephens (actor); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
"CITY THEATRE", Empire (25 March 1856), 4
. . . A musical entertainment was given last evening to a highly respectable audience, numbering about 200 persons. The performers included Mr. Winterbottom, Mrs. H. T. Craven, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Wheeler, and others. . . . Mr. Wheeler, with the cornet a-piston, gave "Home, sweet home," with thrilling emphasis and decision of touch and was warmly applauded throughout . . .
[News], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (4 June 1856), 2
We understand that Mr. Wheeler, the celebrated cornet-a-piston player has arrived in Bathurst, and will shortly make his appearance.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (14 June 1856), 1
MR. & MRS. WHEELER BEG to announce to the Inhabitants of Bathurst,
and its vicinity that their first Grand Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will be given at the
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE on Monday June 22nd, when they will be assisted by all the available talent in Bathurst.
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"MR. WHEELER'S CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press (25 June 1856), 2
The monotony of a Bathurst existence was broken on Monday evening last by a public concert, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, when Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler made their first appearance before a Bathurst audience. The boxes were respectably filled, and "the Gods" mustered, in some force in the pit. The performances commenced by an overture from Fra Diavalo by the whole band, in which Mr. Wheeler's Cornet a Piston took a conspicuous part, and bore ample testimony, not only to his powers of execution on that beautiful instrument, but to his talents as a musician. His solos, "Home, Sweet, Home," and "Groves of Blarney," were exquisite gems, and took the audience by surprise, who testified their admiration by encoring both, and by repeated plaudits. In fact, Mr. Wheeler is not only perfect master of his instrument, but he displays a refinement and delicacy of taste, which bespeak the music of the heart as well as of the head. Mrs. Wheeler also possesses considerable powers of execution as a pianist, but the miserable condition of the instrument upon which she performed, was a great drawback upon her performance. Not the least amusing part of the affair was the comments passed upon it and its unfortunate owner, in every part of the house. By some it was designated "a tin kettle," by others "a cracked pot," and a third swore it was never manufactured, but grew in a turnip bed. A wag in the boxes proposed to put it up to raffle, one condition being that the winner should burn it: and, to crown the whole, some malicious and evil-minded person circulated the report that it belonged to the editor of the Free Press, who offers a reward of £5 for the name of the delinquent. But to return to the concert; Miss Stewart sang several songs in capital style, and was encored in all. "The Horn of Chase" was decidedly her best performance. The concert, as a whole, was a highly successful effort to please, and as Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler are likely to become permanent residents in Bathurst, we doubt not that they will be induced to give periodical concerts. We understand that their next concert takes place on Monday.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Stewart (vocalist)
[2 advertisements], Bathurst Free Press (13 September 1856), 1
BEGS to announce to the Inhabitants of Bathurst and it Vicinity, that his third
GRAND CONCERT, will be given in the above Theatre, on THURSDAY the 18th September.
BEG to announce to the inhabitants of Bathurst and its vicinity,
that the duties of their establishment for the ensuing Quarter, will commence on the 29th of September,
when in addition to the usual branches of an English Education, the following accomplishments will be taught: -
Piano-forte, Singing, Drawing, Flower-painting, French Dancing.
Harp taught at the residence of pupils. Terms paid quarterly and in advance.
Reference can be made to his Grace the Archbishop of Sydney, and to the very Rev. Dean Grant, D.D.
Piper-street, Bathurst.
"MR. WHEELER'S CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press (20 September 1856), 2
On Thursday evening last Mr. Wheeler's concert came off at the Prince of Wales Theatre, before a numerous and respectable audience, amongst whom we observed several of the gentlemen connected with the Supreme Court. The instrumental music, as usual, was of a very high order Mr. Wheeler's performances on the cornet-a-pistons, as well as Mrs. Wheeler's execution on the pianoforte, commanding well-merited applause. Miss Stewart sung in her best strain, and was loudly applauded in that beautiful Irish ballad, "Molly Asthore." But where everything was good, it would be useless to specify particular songs or airs. It is exceedingly gratifying, moreover, to be enabled to record that the patronage awarded to these accomplished musicians was more worthy of their deserts than hitherto.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (11 October 1856), 3
VOCAL and Instrumental performers may hear of engagement by applying to
Mr. WHEELER, Professor of Music, Piper-street.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (22 November 1856), 3
[ADVERTISEMENT.] MRS. WHEELER and Miss STEWART beg to return their sincere thanks to the parents of the young ladies entrusted to their care for the last six months, and are very sorry to inform them that on account of Mrs. Wheeler's ill health, the school will be discontinued at the end of the current quarter. Piper Street.
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (18 December 1856), 1
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE. - The opening of the above-mentioned Theatre having furnished employment to a number of Actors, Actresses, Artists, Musicians, Carpenters, and others, and Mr. W. H. STEPHENS having been principally instrumental in effecting this great good, it is proposed to give him a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, on THURSDAY Evening, December 18, 1856 . . . The following Signatures are appended: . . . The Band - Messrs. Wheeler, Davis, Pearson, Friedlander, Wilkinson, Boans, H. Cramer, F. Cramer, Hall, Cramer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Stephens (actor, manager); Isaac Henry Davis (musician); Joseph Pearson (musician); William Friedlander (musician); Philip Barnett Boam (musician); Cramer brothers (musicians); John Thomson Hall (musician); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (20 December 1856), 3
HAVE received instructions from Mr. Wheeler, who is about to leave the district, to sell by
Public Auction, at his residence, Piper-street, on SATURDAY, December 20th., At 12 o'clock,
A variety of Furniture . . . Also, a square Piano-forte by "Tomkinson," [sic, Tomkison]
an exquisite instrument, which, for sweetness of tone, is unsurpassed in the district. Terms - cash.
"THE DRAMA . . . OUR LYCEUM THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (20 December 1856), 2
. . . The doors of Our Lyceum will re-open on the 26th with that truly great tragedian Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Heir, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sefton, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Holloway, Mrs. Charles Poole, Mrs. Lambert, &c., &c., &c. We observe that Mr. Wheeler, whose performances on the Cornet a Piston we have had occasion to notice, has assumed the director's baton in the orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); William Henry Stephens (actor, manager); Edmund Holloway (actor, vocalist); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 February 1857), 5
We are requested to remind the members of the above society that the fifth concert of the season takes place this evening at the Royal Hotel. Amongst the attractions of the concert are Madame Cailly, another "lady amateur" on the pianoforte, of whom report speaks very favourably, and Mr. Wheeler, the celebrated cornet player from Jullien's band.
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist); Madame Jaffa ("lady amateur", pianist); Sydney Philharmonic Society (organisation); Louis Jullien (band leader active in Britain)
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (25 February 1857), 4
The fifth concert of the season came off on Monday evening, in the Concert Hall of the Royal Hotel, and although the weather was very unpropitious attracted a larger than usual attendance . . . A solo on the cornet, by Mr. Wheeler - Home, Sweet Home," was very finely given, the performance of both the air and the variation displaying great power of modulation as well as extreme proficiency with the instrument . . . The instrumental concerted music went off well under the conductorship of Mr. Stier . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles William Ferdinand Stier (conductor); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1857), 5
Madame Cailly's last concert was given last night, at the Concert Hall of the Royal Hotel . . . With the wretched attendance of last night we have but little heart to write a critique. Madame Cailly sang as charmingly and with as much care as though the room had been crowded, and gained in the plaudits of the audience the full meed of praise that was her due. Mons. Boulanger executed two solos on the pianoforte, both of which were duly appreciated, and suffered an encore. Mr. E. Deane performed a difficult solo on the violoncello, the theme being "The Groves of Blarney," the variations executed, in a style that brought down the applause of the audience. Mr. Wheeler's solo on the cornet-a-piston was a perfect gem, and we may say that we have seldom listened to a piece of instrumentation with greater pleasure. The dolce variations were exquisite in every way, and fully deserved the great applause they received . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist); Edward Smith Deane (cellist)
"AN EVENING WITH SHAKSPERE", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 March 1857), 5
Mr. A. J. Mason, the original lecturer on the art of wood engraving, gave his musical and poetical entertainment yesterday evening, at the concert hall of the Royal Hotel. The selections were chiefly from the principal plays of Shakspere, including Cymbeline, As You Like It, King Lear, The Tempest, Macbeth, and Midsummer Night's Dream. They were appropriately introduced by the lecturer, and skilfully performed, during the first part, and by Mrs. Andrews, Madame Lamont, Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Walcott. Mr. J. Howson also took part in their execution. Mons. Roeckel presided at the pianoforte. At the interval between the parts Mr. Howson disappeared for the rest of the evening, and a marked improvement in the performance was noticeable . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham John Mason (engraver); Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist); Maria Lamont (vocalist); Thomas Beilby Walcot (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Armand Roekel (pianist)
"BIRTH", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 September 1857), 1
On the 22nd instant, Mrs. S. T. Wheeler, of a son.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Wheeler (son, died 1857)
"CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1857), 5
On Saturday evening Mr. Dyer, the secretary of the institution, provided a very pleasing musical entertainment, which, could it have been duly appreciated, would no doubt have lured a larger number from other amusements not so really interesting, and, possibly less free from objectionable associations. The thin attendance, however, did not interfere with the carrying out of a programme which contained many favourite glees, songs, and ballads, and some excellent music for the organ. Among the former were Sir H. R. Bishop's glee, "Sleep, gentle Lady" (in which Madame Lamont and Messrs. Wheeler, Fisher, Dyer, &c. took part) . . . Locke's music in "Macbeth" brought the entertainment to a conclusion, in this the solo parts were sung by Madame Lamont, and Messrs. Fisher and Wheeler. Mr. Packer presided at the organ and pianoforte, accompanying the vocal pieces, as well as performing two extempore fantasias upon national and operatic airs, both of which were well received, a call having been made for repetition of the first. Mr. Wheeler gave a solo on the cornet in very good style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Dyer (secretary, vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (accompanist); Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (13 March 1858), 3
Grand Hibernian fete, Athletic Sports, Foot and Hurdle Races, Grand Ball and Brilliant Illumination.
By the kind permission of Captain C. N. Lovell, R.A., the splendid; Band of her Majesty's Royal Artillery will attend.
Dancing on the Rotunda in the afternoon to a select Quadrille Band under the direction of Mr. Wheeler.
Steamer from Circular Quay every half hour from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the Royal Artillery (military band); Cremorne Gardens (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1858), 1
CREMORNE - ST. PATRICK'S DAY . . . CONCERT and BALL throughout the Afternoon. Irish melodies on the cornopean, by Mr. Wheeler.
"BANQUET AT CLARKE'S ROOMS", Empire (17 March 1858), 4
The annual banquet in honour of the Patron Saint of Ireland, was held last evening at Mr. Clark's Rooms, Elizabeth-street . . . An excellent band under the direction of Mr. Tranter, assisted by Mr. Wheeler, attended, and throughout the dinner played several Irish airs excellently, and they acquitted themselves no less successfully in performing the airs following each toast.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Tranter (musician)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (5 January 1859), 3
on the vacant plot of ground adjoining Government House.
Leader of the Band, Mr. Wheeler . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Andrew Rowe (circus proprietor)
"THE HIPPODROME", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (14 January 1859), 3
The performances of the American company were equally well patronised last evening . . . The band - under the direction of Mr. Wheeler, formerly the leading soloist at our theatre upon the cornet-a-piston, enlivens the Hippodrome during the evening with a continued succession of amphitheatrical music . . .
"SHORT HOURS SOIREE", The Star (21 November 1861), 2
The soiree of the General Short Hours Associations was held on Wednesday evening at the Mechanics' Hall . . .
Solo, cornet-a-piston "Home, Sweet Home," with variations, Mr. S. T. Wheeler.
Song - "Kit the Cobbler," Mr. P. Cazaly.
Song - "The Anchor's Weighed" (Dibdin), Mr. A. Macro.
"Priere De Moise" (Bossini), the Ballarat Brass Band.
Song - Mr. P. Jervis.
Song - "The Englishman" (Eliza Cook), Mr. James West . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Cazaly (vocalist); Pryce Challis Jervis (vocalist)
"DEATHS", The Argus (15 January 1863), 4
On November 21st, 1862, at his residence, 106 High-street, Oxford, England, of heart-disease, James Luff Wheeler, bookseller of that city, aged 76 years, and the father of S. T. Wheeler, and D. D. Wheeler of this colony.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (9 March 1867), 2
The results of the late concert, in aid of the Orphan Asylum, exceed even the expectations of the promoters of the benefit. After paying all expenses there has been a net sum of £64 15s 6d paid over to the treasurer of the charity. This is, if we mistake not, a larger sum than has ever been realised from any benefit concert in Ballarat, and it is to be attributed to the large patronage given and to the liberality of the general body of musicians, while the sagacious economy exercised in keeping down expenses helped also in the general result. In recognition of the valuable services rendered by Miss Julia Mathews, by the Choral Society, and by Mr. S. T. Wheeler, the committee of the Orphan Asylum has made Mr. Mumford, Herr Carl Schmitt, and Mr. Wheeler life governors of the Orphan Asylum.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Mathews (vocalist, Mrs. W. H. Mumford); Carl Schmitt (musician)
"BALLARAT", The Argus (10 April 1867), 7
A meeting of persons desirous of raising a fund to repair the tombs, graves, and fences enclosing same, of those who fell at the Eureka Stockade on the memorable 3rd of December, 1854, was held at the St. Mungo Hotel last night. The attendance was small. Mr. S. T. Wheeler was appointed secretary, and it was decided to prepare subscription lists, and adopt every legitimate means of collecting money for the object in view.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (11 February 1878), 2
We have to record the death on Saturday of Mr. S. T. Wheeler, a native of Oxford, and one of our oldest residents. The deceased was brother to Mr. D. D. Wheeler, of the Hansard staff, who some twenty-two or twenty-three years ago started the Ballarat Trumpeter, and was for some time afterwards attached to the staff of this journal. Mr. T. Wheeler had also for some years filled engagements on the local press as a reporter, but he was more widely known and welcomed as a professional musician. He had an exquisite taste in music, and his love for the art was a passion. A gentle, genial, generous soul, with the manners, as well as the instincts of a gentleman, "poor old Tom," as his intimate friends would call him, had friends everywhere and no enemies, so far as we know, except his own foibles, which "leant to virtue's side," but a broken Bohemian sort of life for some years helped to impair his health and develop the disease of the lungs from which he died. The deceased was a widower, but, we believe, had no family. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 1 o'clock.
[News], The Ballarat Courier (11 February 1878), 2
Many will read with great regret this morning the announcement of the death of Mr. Stephen Thomas Wheeler, a very old Ballarat identity. For years Mr. Wheeler had been in failing health, but it was only a few weeks ago that he was induced, on the representations of his friends, to seek medical aid in the hospital. There, however, though he received every care and attention, he gradually got worse, and died about half-past five o'clock on Saturday. Mr. Wheeler was for many years connected with the Evening Post, and also filled in his somewhat chequered career other positions of considerable variety. He was a fond lover of music and the drama, was possessed of considerable taste in art, and amongst his other accomplishments he also knew something of medicine, having studied that science in his native town of Oxford. Always polite and always gentlemanly, even under trying circumstances, his society was sought after, as well for the geniality of his nature as for his own personal worth. Mr. Wheeler has two brothers in the colony, one being Mr. D. D. Wheeler of the Victorian Hansard staff. The funeral will take place on Tuesday.
"Deaths", The Argus (12 February 1878), 1
On the 9th inst., at Ballarat, Stephen Thomas Wheeler, second son of the late James Luff Wheeler, of Oxford, England, aged 52.
"NEWS SCRAPS", Kyneton Guardian (13 February 1878), 2
Mr. Stephen Tom Wheeler, an old Ballarat reporter and musician of note, died a day or two since. Mr. Wheeler's history was a varied one, he having held from time to time leading positions in the orchestras of many of the principal theatres - when Catherine Hayes, Sara Flower, and Madame Anna Bishop were witching the world with song.
"VICTORIA", The Mercury (16 February 1878), 3
The death of Mr. S. T. Wheeler, a native of Oxford, and one of the oldest residents of Ballarat, is recorded by the Star. The deceased was brother to Mr. D. D. Wheeler, of the Hansard staff, who some twenty-two or twenty-three years ago started the Ballarat Trumpeter, and was for some time afterwards attached to the staff of the Ballarat Times, the Star, and other newspapers. Mr. Wheeler had also for some years filled engagements on the local Press as a reporter, but he was more widely known and welcomed as a professional musician. He had an exquisite taste in music, and his love for the art was a passion.
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph Gardiner, Twenty-five years on the stage: the career of an Australian actor, his experiences and vicissitudes (Adelaide: Printed at the Christian Colonist Office, [1891]), 14-17 (DIGITISED)
[14] . . . I continued to play on when one morning came out in Mr. Stevens' paper . . . a leading article headed, "A Licentious Stage;" the article can be seen in the 1848 [sic, recte January 1850] volume of "May," for I have seen it myself, together with my appearance and a critique on the song, "Things I don't like to see." Amongst the actors I was the only one, I believe, who stood on Mr. Stevens' side. Of course there was no longer any engagement for me so I cleared out for Melbourne with Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, the former a musician, and his wife a very good general actress, both entitled to the title of lady and gentleman in every sense of the word . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Gardiner (actor)
WHITBREAD, William (William WHITBREAD; William Glover WHITBREAD)
Music and instrument retailer, warehouseman and general dealer, "nic-nac-arian", carpenter
Born Wapping, London, England, c. 1813; son of William WHITBREAD (c. 1781-1843) and Mary Ann JOYCE (1786-1868) (m. 1809)
Married Caroline BRINE, St. Mark's, Kennington, Surrey, 5 July 1838
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 5 November 1841 (per Fairlie, from Cork, 17 July, aged "28")
Died Bendigo, VIC, 1 August 1898, aged "85" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WHITBREAD, Caroline (Caroline BRINE; Mrs. William WHITBREAD)
Musician, teacher of music, harp and piano, school teacher, governess
Born Brixton, Surrey, 22 July 1816; baptised St. Mary Newington, 20 December 1816; daughter of Robert BRINE and Frances GERRANS
Married William WHITBREAD, St. Mark's, Kennington, Surrey, 5 July 1838
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 5 November 1841 (per Fairlie, from Cork, 17 July, aged "24")
Departed Sydney, NSW, 13 April 1852 (per Tamar, for London)
Died Brighton, Sussex, England, 7 October 1891, aged "75" ("widow") (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Music and instrument retailer, general dealer, carpenter
Born Wapping, London, England, 18 September 1823; baptised Trinity church, Holborn, 13 April 1841 [sic]; son of William WHITBREAD (c. 1781-1843) and Mary Ann JOYCE (1786-1868)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1842 (per Sir Edward Paget, aged "18")
Died Sydney, NSW, 14 March 1891, "almost 68 years . . . never married" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Mary Newington in the county of Surrey in the year 1816; register 1816-28, page 32; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 249 / 1816 Dec'r 20 / Born Sept'r 6th 1814 / Frances Emma dr. of / Robert & Frances / Brine / Dover Place Kent Road / Navy Agent . . .
No. 250 / 1816 Dec'r 20 / Born July 22 1816 / Caroline dr. of / Robert & Frances / Brine / Dover Place Kent Road / Navy Agent . . .
Passengers per Fairlie, for Sydney, 5 November 1841; Biographical Database of Australia (State Records Authority of NSW)
Whitbread William / 28 / Carpenter / Protestant / R & W / London . . .
[Whitbread] Caroline / 24 / House Keeper / Protestant / R & W / Surrey . . .
Baptisms solemnized in Trinity Church in the parish of Saint Andrew Holborn in the year 1841; London Metropolitan Archives
No. 182 / April 13th [1841] / Major Walter / [son of] William and Mary Ann Whitbread / Wapping High Street / Cheese Monger / Born Sept'r 18 1823
No. 183 / . . . James Septimus . . . born April 21st 1825
No. 184 / . . . Valentine Octavius . . . born Feb'y 14 1830 . . .
William / Caroline Whitbred / Whithead [sic], a married male / female emigrant; State Records Authority of New South Wales Entitlement certificates of persons on bounty ships; series 5314 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)
William Whitbread / per Fairlie / captain Edward Garrett / arrived 5 November 1841 / Free / embarked from Cork 17 July 1841 / married / aged 28 / born at London / reads and writes / Protestant / carpenter / father William Whitbread, cheese monger / mother Mary Anne Whitbread / State Records 4/4868 (PAYWALL)
Caroline Whitbread / per Fairlie / captain Edward Garrett / arrived 5 November 1841 / Free / embarked from Cork 17 July 1841 / married / aged 24 / born Brixton / reads and writes / Protestant / housekeeper or Governess / father Robert Brine, navy agent / mother Frances Brine / State Records 4/4868
Passengers per Sir Edward Paget, from London, to Sydney, 14 February 1842; State Records Authority of NSW
. . . Whitbread Walter / 18 / Carpenter / Protestant / Read and write / [born] Middlesex . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (25 October 1845), 2
RESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends and the public that he has removed
THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, From opposite the Cathedral to
No. 448, GEORGE-STREET. Five doors South of the Post Office,
Where he has constantly on sale an assemblage of South Sea Curiosities, Spears, Bows, Arrows, Targets, Waddies,
Guns, Pistols, Medals, Jewellery, Brushes,
Violins, Violoncellos, Flutes, Guitars,
Books, Paintings, and a variety of other articles.
Jewellery Repaired.
[Advertisement], The Australian (20 December 1845), 2
AT THE Old Curiosity Shop, GEORGE STREET,
Five Doors South of the Post Office.
WILLIAM WHITBREAD has on Sale - FINE LARGE PEARLS, for Rings, Necklaces, &c., at THREE-PENCE EACH.
South Sea Curiosities, of every description, Musical Instruments of every kind, Plate, China, Glass,
Eau de Cologne, Cigars, Sabres, Dirks, Guns and Pistols by the best makers,
Printed Music, &c.
Bridal, Gout, and other Rings,
Paintings, Cards, and, Fiddle Strings,
With many other pretty things,
He wishes you to buy.
Musical Instruments, and Jewellery repaired.
N. B. - A Cornopean for sale.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 December 1846), 3
LADIES' SCHOOL, WOOLLOOMOOLOO ROAD. WANTED, at Christmas, a competent writing master in Mrs. Whitbread's establishment, at Woolloomooloo.
"HOUSE ROBBERY", Sydney Chronicle (10 July 1847), 3
Between the hours of nine and eleven on Thursday evening, the premises of Mr. Walter Whitbread, general dealer, of George-street, were entered by means of a skeleton key, and 35l. in cash and notes was stolen, besides six pair of gold earrings, a dozen of tortoiseshell combs, and five gold rings.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 January 1848), 1
LADIES' SCHOOLS - The duties of Mrs. Whitbread's establishment will recommence on, Monday, the 17th January, 1848.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1848), 1
MRS. W. G. WHITBREAD acquaints her friends, that she has recommenced giving lessons on the Harp and Piano at her residence.
Mrs. Whitbread is disengaged two evenings in the week, which she would be happy to devote to the instruction of Young Ladies requiring private tuition, with or without the accomplishments.
Elizabeth-street North, Opposite Hill's Timber Yard.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (6 July 1848), 1
ESTABLISHMENT for Young Ladies. -
MRS. WHITBREAD acquaints her friends that the duties of her establishment will be resumed on Monday next, the 10th instant:
Mrs. Whitbread continues to give lessons on the Harp and Piano, at her residence, Elizabeth-street North, next to Josephson's Terrace.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (19 July 1848), 4
W. WHITBREAD, Musical Repository,
George-street, opposite the Royal Hotel.
Every description of Musical Instruments repaired, bought, or exchanged.
Best Roman and English violin strings.
Accommodation on every description of portable property.
N.B. - A Pianoforte, by Rolfe; also, a Harp, by Stumpff, for sale.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Rolfe and Co. (London pianoforte makers), family of Thomas Rolfe (musician, musicseller); Johann Andreas Stumpff (harp maker)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 January 1851), 3
TO LET . . . 50 acre-farm on the Liverpool Road, opposite Ashfield Parsonage, containing large verandah premises,
outhouses, &c., &c., with large orchard, and never failing supply of water,
at present tenanted by Mrs. Whitbread, as a Ladies' Boarding School.
For particulars apply to W. WYATT AND SON, Leather and Grindery Warehouse, 305, Pitt-street, next School of Arts.
"DEPARTURES", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (14 April 1852), 2
April 13. - Tamar, ship, 567 tons, Captain T. C. Stayner, for London. Passengers - Mr. and Miss Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Leathes, Mrs. Whitbread, Mrs. Davis, Messrs. J. Brown and W. Cork.
"BENDIGO (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT), Sandhurst, October 5th, 1854 . . . POLICE OFFICE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 October 1854), 6
William Whitbread was, on Friday last, fined £10 for assaulting Ann Smith, in Eagle Hawk Gully. The assault arose out of some altercation between the parties in reference to the purchase of some land for the complainant by Whitbread.
[Advertisement], Brighton Gazette (24 September 1857), 5 (PAYWALL)
HARP. - Mrs. Whitbread continues to give lessons on the Harp, at her residence, 12, Montpelier Street. Terms, five shillings the lesson, with the privilege of practising, families and schools attended.
[Advertisement], Brighton Guardian [Sussex, England] (16 September 1863), 4 (PAYWALL)
EVENING CONCERT, commencing at Eight o'clock . . .
MR. ALFRED JACKSON, (Organist of St. Margaret's Chapel, Cannon place),
Respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Brighton that his
ANNUAL CONCERT will take place on the above date.
The following Artists have kindly consented to appear . . .
Instrumentalists - Harp: MRS. WHITBREAD . . .
[Advertisement], Horsham, Petworth, Midhurst and Steyning Express [Sussex, England] (27 April 1869), 1 (PAYWALL)
In the Dome, Royal Pavilion, Brighton, ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 5TH, 1869
THREE HUNDRED VOICES Will perform Mendelssohn's "HEAR MY PRAYER,"
A BAND OF HARPS Including MR. J. BALSIR CHATTERTON, (Harpist to Her Majesty),
MR. JOHN CHESHIRE, (Professor of the Royal Academy of Music),
and MRS. WHITBREAD . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Balsir Chatterton (harpist); John Cheshire (harpist)
"HENFIELD. CONCERT", West Sussex County Times (10 February 1883), 3 (PAYWALL)
On Friday evening a concert was given by Miss Robertson, the proceeds of which were devoted to the funds of the "L" Company of the 2nd Sussex Rifle Volunteers. Although the weather was most inclement, there was a large attendance . . . Mr. C. H. West contributed the songs "Our Jack's Come Home to-day" and "Peter Piper," and Mrs. Whitbread added greatly to the success of the evening by rendering several charming selections upon the harp. The Choral Society, under the direction of Miss Robertson, contributed several glees, &c., in excellent style.
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (20 March 1891), 2166
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. PROBATE JURISDICTION.
. . . Walter Whitbread, late of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, dealer, deceased, intestate.
APPLICATION will be made, after fourteen days from the publication hereof,
that administration of the estate of the abovenamed deceased who died on or about the 14th day of March instant,
may be granted to George Whitbread and Henry Edward Whitbread, both of Sydney, in the Colony aforesaid, brothers of the said deceased . . .
"DEATHS", Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (17 October 1891), 1 (PAYWALL)
WHITBREAD. - On the 7th inst., at Brighton, Caroline Whitbread, aged 75.
England probate calendar, Caroline Whitbread, died 7 October 1891; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
WHITBREAD Caroline / Personal Estate £759 18s 1d. / [Probate] 26 November . . . Caroline Whitbread late of 12 Montpellier-street Brighton in the County of Sussex Widow who died 7 October 1891 . . . proved at Lewes by Frances Emma Brooks . . . the sister . . .
"BENDIGO BENEVOLENT ASYLUM AND LYING-IN HOSPITAL", Bendigo Advertiser (3 September 1898), 3
[Deaths] . . . William Whitbread, aged 85, native of England, on 1st August, from pneumonia. Admitted 20th July, 1898. Arrived in [sic] Melbourne in 1841, per Fairlie.
Probate, William Glover Whitbread, Eaglehawk, 1898, dealer; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"Sir Henry Parkes's Early Jobs", Nepean Times [Penrith, NSW] (3 February 1934), 1
THE first man to give the late Sir Henry Parkes employment in Sydney was one by the name of Whitbread, hardware merchant and dealer, who lived for a generation in Parramatta Street (now George Street, West, Sydney), and who died under mysterious circumstances in 1891. Whitbread used to say that Parkes was a clever workman, but would delay any job to talk politics. "I had to let him go for that reason," he added. One of Parkes's early jobs was in the service of Sir John Jamison, at Regentville, as an agricultural labourer.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Parkes (politician)
Musician, professor of music, pianoforte tuner and repairer
Born London, England, 23 March 1809; baptised St. Marylebone, 28 July 1809; son of William WHITCHURCH (d. 1852) and Maria HUNT (m. 1801)
Married Anne SINDERBY, St. Pancras Old Church, 28 June 1830
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 30 October 1853 (per Sophia, from Gibraltar)
Arrived Launceston, TAS, December 1853 (per Yarra Yarra, from Melbourne, 13 December)
Died New Norfolk, TAS, 17 May 1862, aged "52" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Baptisms in July 1809, St. Marylebone, Middlesex; register 1798-1812; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
28th / Edwin Whitchurch of William & Maria / B. 23 March
Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Saint Pancras in the County of Middlesex, in the year [1830]; register 1828-31, page 61; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 397 / Edwin Whitchurch of this Parish Bachelor and Anne Sinderby of this parish Spinster
were married in this Church by Banns . . . this [28 June 1830]
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Botolph Aldgate in the City of London in the year 1831; register 1829-35, page 96; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 763 / 1831 June 29 / Born 6 June 1831 / Frederick Edwin Son of / Edwin & Ann / Whitchurch / 118 Minories / Piano-forte tuner . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Edmonton in the County of Middlesex in the year 1833; register 1813-42, page 114; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 907 / June 9 / Albert / [son of] Edwin & Ann / Whitchurch / Fore Street / Tobacconist . . .
List of passengers who have arrived at the port of Melbourne on the 30 October 1853, from Gibraltar, on board the Sophia; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Edwin Whitchurch / 44 / British
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (30 November 1853), 3
MR. EDWIN WHITCHURCH, Pianoforte Agent to Messrs. Kirkman & Sons, London,
and many years in connexion with Messrs. Broadwood and Sons and other eminent manufacturers,
begs respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Launceston and its vicinity his willingness to make periodical visits
as a Tuner and Repairer of Pianofortes provided a sufficient number of regular subscribers offer to meet his views.
Those desirous of his services will please signify the same by a line, addressed to the care of Mr. George Allen, Brisbane-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Kirkmann and Sons (London pianoforte makers); John Broadwood and Sons (London pianomaking firm); see also Broadwood pianos in Australia (page)
Passenger list, per Yarra Yarra, from Melbourne, 14 December 1853, for Launceston; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . E. Whitchurch / 37 [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (19 July 1854), 1
MR. EDWIN WHITCHURCH, Pianoforte Agent, to Messrs. Kirkman & Sons, London:
and many years employed in the principal Manufactories, begs to announce to the inhabitants of Launceston,
that having established himself, he is open to engagements in the above capacity.
Orders received at Mr. Duthie's, Stationer, Brisbane-street.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (29 December 1855), 5
In the matter of the insolvency of Edwin Whitchurch, of Launceston, soda water manufacturer . . .
NOTICE is hereby given that the said Edwin Whitchurch did this day present a petition . . .
praying that he the said Edwin Whitchurch might be declared insolvent . . .
and Arthur John Marriott, of Launceston, Esq., was thereupon appointed provisional assignee of his estate and effects . . .
Dated this twentieth day of December 1855. Insolvent in person. December 29.
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur John Marriott (musical amateur)
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (16 January 1856), 1
THE ADVERTISER, who has had many years experience as a Tuner and Repairer of Pianos in the Principal Manufactories,
intending if adequately supported to reside in Campbell Town,
respectfully solicits encouragement from the inhabitants of the above places Pianos tuned by the year if required at moderate charges,
and full reliance may be placed on his punctuality and attention.
References from various professors.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (15 October 1857), 4
THE partnership existing between Edwin Whitchurch and Son, Brewers, Campbell Town,
is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Sept. 28th, 1857. Witness - F. M. TURNBULL.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (14 October 1858), 1
MR. EDWIN WHITCHURCH having been solicited to pay periodical visits in the vicinity of Oatlands and Hobarton,
intends doing so at the latter end of November or beginning of December, should a sufficient number of applicants offer.
Letters in the interim addressed Campbell Town will meet with due attention.
"COURT OF REQUESTS. CAMPBELL TOWN", The Hobart Town Advertiser (16 February 1859), 2
"MUSIC", Launceston Examiner (15 February 1859), 2
We notice the arrival in town of Mr. H. W. Loveday, an accredited pianoforte maker and tuner from Broadwood and Sons, London, and from testimonials he possesses for skill as a maker of pianofortes and organs and ability as a professional tuner, we should think he will supply a want much felt here for a really clever mechanic, and as his charges are reasonable he will doubtless receive wide patronage. It will be also seen by advertisement that Mr. Edwin Whitchurch offers his services in the same line.
This was an action brought by Mr. Whitchurch, pianoforte tuner, against Dr. Boyd to recover the balance of three guineas for account rendered for tuning a piano, retuning it, raising and lowering it all in the space of a week.
The plaintiff stated on oath that he had been employed during defendant's temporary absence in Hobart Town, and had raised his piano to concert pitch; that he had retuned it the next day; and that he on the defendant's return a day or two after had, at defendant's request, lowered the pitch to that of an harmonium possessed by defendant. He also swore that he put on five new strings for which he charged three shillings each, and that tuners invariably charge for the steel strings which they put on an instrument they are engaged to tune. He further swore that Dr. Boyd, on the morning of his return from Hobart Town, asked him to tune the piano annually; his regular charge, from which he never deviated, was two guineas for tuning a piano.
On cross-examination by Dr. Boyd, it appeared that he (the plaintiff) had broken four out of the five strings himself in tuning;
that tuners invariably charge for even the strings they themselves may break; that the instrument in question was a first-rate one, but that he had never seen one of the same construction before.
He admitted that he had put the pegs in very unevenly, and that this was a disadvantage;
could not understand the question - "Does the unevenness of the pegs in this peculiar piano alter the bearings of the strings?"
[The Commissioner repeated this many times, and told him that it bore immediately and strongly upon his competency as a tuner, and Plaintiff finally refused to answer.]
Never said to Dr. Valentine that he had only pretended to raise the pitch of the piano satisfy defendant;
never said to Mr. Loveday either anything of the sort; Yes; he may on reflection have said it;
never said to Mr. Loveday that he had only pretended to lower the instrument to the pitch of the harmonium;
saw Mr. Loveday in defendant's drawing-room immediately on defendant's return from Hobart Town;
could not recollect the name of a single person in Campbell Town whom he charged two guineas for merely tuning;
charged generally by the time he occupied in tuning an Instrument.
[He here volunteered a statement to the effect that he generally took up much time on an instrument through policy,
as people did not believe their pianos were tuned unless he was long employed about them;
could tune a piano in 25 minutes, but generally spent three or four hours "through policy."]
Defendant, previous to his calling his witness, briefly addressed the bench, and characterised the present action as one of unparalleled effrontery. A week before his (defendant's) return from Hobart Town he had positively engaged Mr. Loveday (an accredited professional tuner from Broadwood's) by the year, and had actually induced him to go up to Campbell Town from Hobart Town on the very day that he himself returned. To his (defendant's) extreme annoyance he found that, on the day previous to his return, Mr. Whitchurch had been engaged for that solitary occasion. Mr. Loveday, Mr. Tapield (through whom he had engaged Mr. Loveday in Hobart Town), and Dr. Valentine were present the whole time of Mr. Whitchurch's stay. He had allowed his valuable piano to be untuned for years rather than allow the unskilled hands of Mr. Whitchurch to meddle with it. It would be distinctly sworn by a thoroughly competent judge that Mr. Whitchurch did not lower the piano, that the instrument is at the same pitch it was at a year ago, and, moreover, that he stated he had never raised its pitch at all. Although not admissable as direct evidence, he would read and hand in two letters, one from Mr. Tapfield, a professional gentleman of character and experience, the other from Mr. Williams, the well known professional tuner.
[Mr. Tapfleld's letter characterised Mr. Whitchurch's charge as "most exhorbitant," and two of his items as "unheard of." It concluded by stating that he is most likely to suffer from the action, "as no judge, jury, or magistrate would grant his claim." Mr. Williams's letter states that no tuner charges for the steel strings "unless many be broken, say six;" and that tuners certainly do not charge for the strings which they themselves may chance to break.]
Defendant hoped the Commissioner would contrast these statements with the sworn testimony of Mr. Whitchurch that they invariably do charge. In conclusion he begged to state that he had given Mr. Whitchurch one pound when he had finished what he called his "tuning," and that he (defendant) considered that sum too much, for he had been compelled to call in the services of Mr. Loveday before the instrument could be used. Whitchurch finished the tuning of the instrument on Thursday, the 13th; on the next Wednesday Mr. Loveday had to retune the entire upper half of the instrument, while a first rate piano ought to keep in tune for a very long time after being properly tuned.
Mr. H. W. Loveday, being sworn, stated that he was present at the first interview between plaintiff and defendant on the latter's return;
tried the piano on Mr. Whitchurch's departure; found it at concert pitch, but not in good tune;
examined it immediately after Whitchurch had pretended to lower it, which was a few days after;
it was precisely as before; in point of fact, Whitchurch never lowered it; had a conversation with Whitchurch soon after,
in which he (Whitchurch) stated that he had only pretended to alter the pitch to please Dr. Boyd;
and to retune the upper half of the instrument previous to its being used;
examined the strings put in by Whitchurch; they were very badly put in;
had to alter one; the unevenness of the pegs would alter the bearings of the strings,
and would render it impossible to keep in tune for any time.
[Witness here explained to the Commissioner the peculiarity of the construction of the instrument in question.]
Whitchurch showed, from his conversation with him that he not only knew nothing of the method of stringing this piano,
but that he did not know how to cut off the proper length of any string;
Tuners never charge for the upper strings; and to charge for strings which they themselves break is simply ridiculous.
Mr. Whitchurch's charge of 1s. per string 1s absurd. 1500 strings cost 4s. 6d.
In answer to the Commissioner, witness said that what plaintiff had been paid was greatly too much, as the work had been so improperly performed.
Dr. Boyd had engaged him (witness) by the year a week before his return, and consequently a week before he had seen Whitchurch.
Plaintiff - I would ask Mr. Loveday whether Mr. Tapfield was not pleased with my tuning?
Witness - It was Mr. Tapfield who called upon me at Englebert's Hotel, and requested me to retune the instrument, as he could not play on it after being tuned by you.
Commissioner - You have got Mr. Tapfield's opinion with a vengeance.
Plaintiff - I did not think so much would be made of a trumpery case.
Commissioner - It is not a trumpery case, but an important one, for it involves a principle. Even before the defence was begun, I learned from your own lips, through the cross-examination by Dr. Boyd, that you charged for what you broke, that you imposed on people by making them believe you spent more time than their instruments required, and that you did not understand the mechanism of a piano so far as to enable you to string it properly. It appears you charge by the time, too; so that, through breaking strings, and charging 3s. each for what is sold at 4s. 6d. the 1500, and through spreading out the time in tuning in, your so-called "policy," you must manage to make a good profit. It appears directly from evidence that you have injured, temporarily at least, Dr. Boyd's valuable, piano through ignorance of its mechanism, and that he has thus more than repaid you for your services. I therefore give judgment for defendant, with costs. - Communicated.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Carr Boyd (schoolmaster); Henry William Loveday (pianoforte tuner); John Williams (pianoforte tuner); Samuel Tapfield (musician); William Valentine (amateur musician)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (19 February 1859), 7
MR. EDWIN WHITCHURCH being in town for a few days will be happy to received orders,
and will in future visit Launceston monthly.
[manicule] Address Messrs. Walch and Son, Brisbane-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walch and Son (musicsellers)
SIR, - A spirit of vindictiveness is evidently manifested by the misrepresentation of the case by your correspondent. Doubtless much trouble has been taken to bring this before the public, to carry out Mr. Boyd's assertion "that hi intended to ruin me;" such wanton effort at mischief is unparalleled emanating from an L.L.D. Injustice to my position as a competent tuner for 25 years, employed in the houses of Stoddart, Mott, and Peachcy, and holding testimonials from the most eminent pianists and vocalists int the colony, demands this notice from me.
As the attention of the public has been drawn to this "trumpery case,"
I will take the liberty of reminding them my confidence in their future patronage will not be diminished.
Should the subject be again referred to at a future occasion, I shall be able to introduce Mr. Loveday's name under circumstances very far from reputable,
as I hold at letter from his late employer involving his character rather seriously.
I remain, Sir,
Yours obediently,
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stoddart (London pianoforte maker); Isaac Henry Robert Mott (London pianoforte maker); George Peachey (London pianoforte maker)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (9 March 1859), 6
[ADVERTISEMENT.] A REPORT having been circulated as emanating from myself,
prejudicial to the character of Mr. Loveday, I beg to contradict such aspersions;
Mr. L. and myself being on good terms, and in no way opposed to each other.
Medical record, Edwin Whitchurch, New Norfolk Hospital, 1 April 1860 to 10 June 1861; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1625303; HSD285/2/602 (DIGITISED)
Admission . . . Edwin Whitchurch is a person of unsound mind . . . 50 years of age / Widower / Pianoforte Maker and Tuner / . . .
1. Facts indicating Insanity . . . His belief that he is in possession of millions of Pounds and will be able to buy off the "National Debt". He stated that he intends to build cottages for the poor and a palace for himself . . . also a paper manufactory . . .
"LUNACY", The Mercury (9 January 1861), 2
The Inspector of Police made application to the Bench, under the Insane Hospitals Act, for an order for the payment by Edwin Whitchurch of the sum of £58 3s. for his maintenance, attendance, and conveyance to the New Norfolk Asylum, where he had been confined as a lunatic since May, until he was discharged cured a few days ago. The Bench granted the application, and made the necessary order.
1862, deaths in the district of New Norfolk; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1203692; RGD35/1/31 no 342$init=RGD35-1-31P95 (DIGITISED)
No. 342 / 598 / 17th May 1862 / Edwin Whitchurch / Male / 52 / Professor of Music / Softening of the Brain / [reported by] J. A. Moore, Acting Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum New Norfolk . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (9 July 1862), 6
By order of J. A. Watkins, Esqr., Curator of Intestate Estates.
The property of the late Mr. Edwin Whitchurch.
MR. HOWE will sell at Mr. Englebert's Assembly Room, on Thursday next, (To-morrow) 10th inst., at 12 o'clock,
One gig, two saddles, set gig harness, sewing machine, photographic apparatus, gun, table,
two violins, pianoforte wires, &c. Terms cash.
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1851 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 February 1851), 3
BEG leave most respectfully to announce to their Friends and the Public in general that their
GRAND CONCERT AND BALL, will take place on THURSDAY EVENING, February 27, at the Protestant Hall . . .
MESSRS. GORDON AND HOOPER . . . have secured the valuable services of the following distinguished Artistes:
MR. H. F. HEMY, Under whose able direction the concerted pieces will be produced.
MRS. WHEELER, The eminent pianist . . .
MR. WHEELER Will make his second appearance, and will sing two of Russell's most celebrated compositions.
HORE'S ADMIRABLE SAXE HORN BAND Will also be in attendance . . .
PROGRAMME OF CONCERT. PART I . . . Boat Glee - "Ply the Oar" - Messrs. White, Hemy, and Shearcroft - Stevenson . . .
Glee - "The Witches" - Messrs. White, Hemy, and Shearcroft - King . . .
PART II. Solo and Chorus - "The Gypsies' Tent" Messrs. White, Hemy, and Shearcroft, (first time in Australia) - Cooke . . .
Comic Glee - "Crows in a Cornfield," Messrs. White, Hemy, and Shearcroft. - (First time in Australia.)
Grand Finale - God save the Queen, Full Band and Chorus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: E. G. Gordon, alias of Edward Geoghegan (actor, playwright); Mr. Hooper (actor, vocalist); Henry Frederick Hemy (pianist, vocalist); Stephen and Mary Wheeler (vocalist and musician, pianist); Edwin Shearcroft (vocalist)
MUSIC: Ply the oar brother (words by M. G. Lewis; ? music by Michael Kelly); The witches (music by M. P. King); The gypsies' tent (music by Benjamin Cooke); Crows in a cornfield (music by Thomas Philipps)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (14 March 1851), 4
MR. WILKIE Begs to announce that the GRAND CONCERT
In aid of the funds for the Relief of the Sufferers by the late Bush Fires, will take place in the
Leader of the Band - Mr. REED.
Overture. - "L' Italiana in Algeri," - Band - Rossini.
Solo and Chorus. - "The Gypsies Tent," - Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy, Wheeler, White, &c. - Cooke.
Song - "Tubal Cain," - Mr. Hemy - Russell
Violin Solo. - Mons. Hue, - with Pianoforte accompaniment - Mr. Hemy - De Beriot
Solos and Choruses. - Lock's celebrated Music in Macbeth, - (got up expressly for this occasion under the direction of Mr. Hemy) . . .
Band, "Birthday Quadrilles" - H. F. Hemy
Quartette. - "A te O Cara" (Il Puritana) - Mrs. Tester, Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy and Wheeler
Scena - "Man the Life Boat," - Mr. Hemy - Russell
Scena - "Ah, Non Giunge," (La Somnambula) - Mrs. Testar - Bellini
Pianoforte Solo, - "Norma," Mr. Hemy - Bellini
Song - "The Flying Dutchnan," - Mr. Wheeler - Parry
Ballad, - "I dreamt that I dwelt," (by desire) - Mrs. Testar - Balfe
Solo and Chorus - "Roderick Vich Alpine," - Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy, Wheeler, Gouge, Shearcroft, White, Nicholas, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Black Thursday bushfires (VIC, 6 February 1851); Joseph Wilkie (concert organiser); Thomas Reed (conductor); Theodore Kawerau (vocalist); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); George Gouge (vocalist)
MUSIC: "Roderick Vich Alpine" = The boat song (from the Lady of the Lake, Walter Scott; music by John Stevenson)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 March 1851), 3
Under Distinguished Patronage.
IT is most respectfully announced that there will be a grand
From the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Bellini, &c. in
On which occasion the following members of the Musical Profession will have the honor of appearing: -
Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Wheeler, (who have kindly offered their services);
Mr. White, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Shearcroft; Mr. Henry F. Hemy, who will preside at the Grand Piano Forte and Seraphine . . .
WHITE, Messrs. (Messrs. WHITE; Mr. WHITE [2]) one ? = Frederick WHITE
Musicians, theatre musicians
Active Sydney, NSW, 1837 (shareable link to this entry)
"To the Editor", The Sydney Monitor (31 March 1837), 3
SIR - I respectfully beg that you will in your journal contradict - "That I have leased the Theatre to any one."
But that, from the great sums I have expended for its re-opening, not only the scenery, dresses, and others; and, though last, not least,
a considerable number of musicians; amongst the names of the gentlemen, are -
Mr. Dean (leader), his Three Sons, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Turner, Papping and Son (French horns),
Johnson, White, Westrop, White, Bowles, and others whose names I have not taken note of.
And I trust, when I take charge of the Theatre, to conduct it with respectability, and make it convenient to a liberal public.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
BARNETT LEVEY. Thursday, 20th March, 1836.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician, violin); John Deane (musician, violin); Edward Smith Deane (musician, cello); William Deane (musician); George Sippe (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician); Stephen Turner (musician); Stephen and George Pappin (musicians); Mr. Johnson (musician); Zachariah Westrop (musician); Mr. Bowles (musician); Barnett Levey (proprietor); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
WHITE, Clement (Clement WHITE; Clem WHITE)
Musician, vocalist, songwriter, composer
Born Dublin, Ireland, c. 1805
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 December 1853 (per Anglesea, from London, 27 August, Plymouth, 3 September, via Melbourne)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 1 December 1854 (per City of Norfolk, for Honolulu, aged "28" [sic])
Died London, England, 18 July 1873, aged "68" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Having retired from a reasonably distinguished career as a principal singer on some of London's best musical stages, the Dublin-born tenor and widely published composer and songwriter Clement White sailed for the Australian colonies in 1853. His tour was a subject of interest in the London journal, The musical world, where White's friends James W. Davison (1813-1885) and Desmond Ryan (1816-1868) were editor and sub-editor. The musical world reported several times in advance of White's departure, and again after his arrival in Sydney. Davison's memoirs, compiled posthumously from his papers by his son Henry (whose mother, Davison's then wife, was pianist Arabella Goddard), are also the main source for what little is known of "Clem White" biographically.
Henry Davison later also mentioned White's departure for Australia, and quoted a long letter White sent his father from Sydney early in 1854, reporting on the voyage out and conditions in Australia on his arrival.
White's first "Vocal Entertainment", at Sydney's Mechanics' School of Arts, on 21 March, was notable for its second half, devoted entirely to songs either newly composed or adapted by White himself to Australian themes. His "Songs of Australia" included three original and presumably newly written items: "The Australian lover", "Down by the Yarra Yarra", and what he described as a "national song", simply called "Australia". There were also two songs described as "adapted by" White, from Henry Russell's popular American far-west entertainment, The emigrant's progress. The songs in question were Long parted have we been ("Since the weary day . . .") and Far, far upon the sea, White's adaptation probably a topical reworking of Charles Mackay's original words with new local Australian subject matter and allusions.
White repeated "The Australian lover" at his last Sydney concert on 19 April, whereafter - unfortunately - none of these lost songs is heard of again. Stephen Marsh was pianist for at least one of White's Sydney appearances.
White sailed for Melbourne in June, and was billed to appear at the Salle de Valentino in July, and in August at the Mechanics' Institution with the touring actor Emma Brougham, though in the event she was indisposed. His last documented Australian engagement was at the Theatre Royal, Geelong, where he was based from September to November.
White finally left Melbourne for Honolulu on the City of Norfolk on 1 December 1854, in company with the actors Edwin Booth and Laura Keene. White next appeared in San Francisco in August 1855, when he sang in an oratorio with Anna Bishop and Jean-Baptiste Laglaise, and Nicholas Charles Bochsa and George Loder.
"MISCELLANEA", The monthly collection (1838), 288 (DIGITISED)
It is very singular that so many complaints should be made about the dearth of tenor singers, and that yet no manager should have thought of engaging Mr. Clement White, a gentleman of vastly superior endowments to any tenor singer at present on the London stage. Mr. White was a pupil of Mr. Rooke, and also we believe at one time of Mr. T. Cooke. We have heard him lately at Liverpool, and must confess that, in our opinion, he is a much better singer than either Templeton or Wilson. Mr. Bunn might think of this with advantage, for it is very certain that Mr. Clement White would come for less than forty pounds a week, though, as we are given to understand, a certain gentleman, (to our knowledge, not be compared to him in ability), has refused to accept a lower salary for his services.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Michael Rooke (composer, teacher)
"MR. CLEMENT WHITE", The Musical World (30 April 1853), 277-78 (DIGITISED)
This well-known professor of singing, who, since his retirement from the stage, has devoted himself to giving instructions in the art of vocalisation, is about to proceed to Australia, where it is his intention to give lectures on musical subjects. Mr. White's first lecture will be devoted to the works of Sir Henry R. Bishop, W. S. Bennett, John Barnett, E. J. Loder, M. W. Balfe, V. Wallace, G. A. Macfarren, Doctor Henry Wylde, Henry Smart, J. W. Davidson, and other English, Irish, and Scottish song-composers. Specimens of each author will be selected and sung by Mr. White. The other lectures will comprise a "Night with Burns," a "Night with Dibdin," and a "Night with Moore." We have not the slightest doubt of Mr. Clement White's success. His [278] delivery is earnest and clear, his ballad-singing of the purest English style, and his own songs (some of which may rank among the best ballads of the modern school), all enable him to do justice to his subject, with which, moreover, in all its details, critical and historical, he is thoroughly acquainted. Mr. White's first lectures will be given in Sidney [sic].
"MR. CLEMENT WHITE", The Musical World (23 July 1853), 460 (DIGITISED)
The approaching departure of this well known tenor and dramatic excellent singer for Sydney, in Australia, has already been announced. Mr. Clement White has taken his place in the Anglesea, one of the finest ships in the service, belonging to the great and well-known firm of Messrs. Green of Blackwall. It is his intention to give lectures, interspersed with vocal illustrations. The subjects, as we have already stated, will be Moore, Burns, Dibdin, and the living vocal composers of England. No one is better suited than Mr. Clement White to do justice to the ballad poetry of this country, connected with its national melodies. An entertainment of the nature which he projects is likely to create a sensation in Australia, where a vocalist of any kind is a rara avis. Mr. White will start on the 25th of August.
"CLEMENT WHITE", The Musical World (27 August 1853), 541 (DIGITISED)
CLEMENT WHITE sails for Australia this day, at 5 P.M., by the Anglesey. A number of his friends will accompany him on board, to bid him farewell, and wish him success on his voyage to the New World. He takes with him four entertainments, written expressly for him, on ballad music - one on Irish music, one on Scottish music, one on the songs of Dibdin, and one on modern composers and their compositions. May he prosper in his new undertaking, and may he come back to us in a few years, lifted up with gladness, weighed down with ingots, and as full of heart, mirth, and whimsicality as ever.
Australia (19 December 1853 to 1 December 1854):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1854), 1
Mr. CLEMENT WHITE, late of the Theatre Royal, London,
and of the Nobility's Concerts, now gives private lessons in Singing,
and is open, to receive engagements from Schools and private families.
Mr. White is the author of the well known song of Mary O'Roon and other popular melodies.
Mr. White also receives pupils in Poetic and Dramatic Reading and Elocution.
Communications addressed to Mr. WHITE, at Mr. Buist's, Music Seller, Bridge-street, will receive prompt attention.
ASSOCIATIONS: David Buist (musicseller)
[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (4 March 1854), 8
MR. CLEMENT WHITE, (late of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden),
respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Sydney, his intention of giving a series of
Particulars expressed in future, advertisements.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 March 1854), 2
THIS EVENING, March 21st, at 8 o'clock, in the above hall,
Mr. CLEMENT WHITE, late of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden,
will give a Vocal Entertainment, entitled Recollections of England, Scotland, and Ireland; or "Home, sweet Home."
Song - "Lord Donald" - Clement White.
Song - "The Bloom is on the Rye" - Sir H. R. Bishop.
Song - "Annie Laurie" - Scotch.
Song - "Draw the Sword, Scotland" - Scotch.
Song - "Kathleen O'More" - Irish.
Song - "Kitty Creagh" - S. Lover.
Song - "The Australian Lover" - Clement White.
Song - "Down by the Yarra Yarra" - Clement White.
National Song - "Australia" - Clement White.
Song - "Since the weary Day," adapted by Clement White.
Song - "Far, far upon the Sea," adapted by Clement White.
Tickets, price, 2s.; reserved seats, 3s.; together with programmes, may be had of Messrs. H. Marsh and Co.,
W. J. Johnson, Buist, Woolcott and Clarke, of Mr. White, 5, Crown-street, Woolloomooloo, and of Mr. Mansfield, Secretary to the Institution.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
"VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT", Empire (22 March 1854), 2
We had much pleasure last evening in welcoming an old London favourite, Mr. Clement White, late of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden, who made his first public appearance before a Sydney audience, at the School of Arts, Pitt-street. Old play-goers will remember Mr. White as a dramatic singer of great taste and power, and he has also long enjoyed a high reputation in musical circles, as a composer of several popular melodies and operettas. His performance last evening shows that neither his vocal powers, nor his taste and purity as a composer, have at all suffered by time or transplanting. His execution of the favourite old Scotch air, "Annie Laurie," was exquisite, and the old Irish melody, "Kathleen O'More," was given with deep and touching pathos. Lover's well known serio-comic song of "Kitty Creagh," was rapturously encored. Mr. White also gave some compositions of his own, one of which, a bravura song, "Lord Donald," bids fair to be very popular. We are very glad to see this gentleman among us, and look upon his performance last evening, as the prelude to much enjoyment to lovers of music, as it has revived in us many old associations of the English opera, of which Mr. White has long been a distinguished ornament, and we trust that an equally successful career awaits him in the country of his adoption.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 March 1854), 5
. . . The vocal entertainment given by Mr. Clement White at the School of Arts was quite a treat in its way. Mr. White's thorough mastery of ballad singing was apparent, and some of the touches were exquisite. We cordially recommend the lovers of national songs to attend Mr. White's next entertainment. His reputation as a composer and a member of the corps musical of Old Drury and Covent Garden ought to ensure him the support of discriminating amateurs.
"MR. CLEMENT WHITE'S ENTERTAINMENT", Illustrated Sydney News (25 March 1854), 2
On Wednesday evening, Mr. Clement White gave a vocal entertainment at the School of Arts, which he entitled, "Recollections of England, Ireland, and Scotland; or, Home Sweet Home." Mr. White has a well established reputation at home, and it will not be long before he reaps his laurels in this colony, if he favours the Sydney public with a few more such evenings as Wednesday last. As a ballad singer, he takes a high rank. Those of our readers who prefer the simple heart-touching melody of the ballad, to the more complicated beauties of foreign bravuras and scenas will thank us for our earnest recommendation to attend Mr. Clement White's next entertainment.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 April 1854), 1
This Evening, Wednesday, April 5th at 8 o'clock, in the above Hall,
Mr. Clement White (late of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden,)
will give a Vocal Entertainment, entitled
"An Hour with Tom Moore and Irish Melodies," and "An Hour with Modern Melodies."
Song - The Harp that once thro' Tara's Hall - Moore
Song - Go where Glory waits Thee - Ditto
Song - The Meeting of the Waters - Ditto
Song - The Last Rose of Summer - Ditto
Song - Kathleen O'More, (by desire) - Irish
Song - Sweet Kitty Creagh, (ditto) - S. Lover
Bravura - When in Absence, (Adapted by Clement White) - Rossini
Song - Auld Robin Gray - Scotch
Song - Lord Donald - Clement White
Song - Lov'd Isabel, (Air from Il Pirata) - Bellini
Song - Widow Machree - S. Lover
Song - Far far upon the Sea - Auber [sic]
Tickets, Price Two Shillings; Reserved Seats, Three Shillings.
H. Marsh and Co., W. J. Johnson, Buist, Woolcott and Clarke, Mader, and of Mr. Mansfield, Secretary to the Institution.
"VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT", Empire (7 April 1854), 3
A great treat was afforded to lovers of harmony, on Wednesday evening, by Mr. Clement White's vocal entertainment at the School of Arts. The selection of airs was of a very high and recherche character, in fact, almost cloying from its richness, but the brilliant execution of this accomplished vocalist lent a fresh charm even to Moore's gorgeous melodies, and relieved what might in inferior hand have proved an oppressive satiety. The charming air "Kathleen O'More" was rendered with thrilling pathos, and as a contrast to the lugubrious, Mr. White gave us "Kitty Creagh" in a style of rich and racy humour that called down rapturous applause. Two bravuras, the one an adaptation of a well-known air "Tu Vedrai," from one of Rossini's older operas, and the other from Bellini's Pirata, were given with a brilliancy of execution, a purity of intonation, and a chasteness of fioritura, that we have never heard out of London. Mr. White's song "Lord Donald," was a very palpable hit, and was very emphatically encored. The success of the entertainment was much enhanced by the exquisite accompaniment of Mr. Stephen Marsh, which was given with that gentleman's accustomed taste and feeling. The audience was numerous and respectable. We regret to learn that Mr. White's stay among us is limited, he having, we believe, accepted an engagement at Melbourne, which, by the way, seems just now to be absorbing all the dramatic musical talent that we can command.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (accompanist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1854), 8
THIS EVENING, Wednesday, April 19th, at eight o'clock in the above Hall,
Mr. CLEMENT WHITE, late of the Theatres Royal Drury-lane and Covent Garden,
will give his last VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT, in Sydney.
Song - "The Bloom is on the Rye" - Sir H. R. Bishop.
Song - "The jolly young Waterman" - C. Dibdin.
Song - "Annie Laurie" - Scotch Melody.
Song - "My sister dear" - Auber.
Song - "The Australian Lover" - Clement White.
Song - "Sweet Kitty Creagh" (by desire) - S. Lover.
Song - "Scots, wha hae" - Robert Burns.
Song - "When in absence" - Rossini.
Song - "Lord Donald" (by desire) - Clement White.
Song - "Loved Isabel" (Air from Il Pirata) - Bellini.
Song - "Widow Machree" (by desire) - S. Lover.
Song - "Cheer, boys, cheer!" - H. Russell.
Tickets - price 2s.; reserved scats, 3s. - together with programmes, may be had of
Messrs. H. Marsh and Co.; W. J. Johnson, Buist, Woolcott and Clarke, and of Mr. Mansfield, Secretary to the Institution.
"MR. CLEMENT WHITE", The Musical World (17 June 1854), 407 (DIGITISED)
The friends of this highly respected artist will be pleased to learn that he is not idle in his new home, at Sydney, in South Australia [sic], but that probably by this time he is giving a series of vocal entertainments in that city. In a Sydney journal, The Empire, bearing the date Monday, March 20, 1854, the following announcement is inserted, the perusal of which will be gratifying to those who desire to receive authentic information on the subject . . . [advertisement for 21 March concert] . . . Wishing success to Mr. Clement White in his undertaking, we trust to be enabled shortly to offer our readers more particular details about his entertainments, and his general progress on the other side of the globe.
See [Advertisement], Empire (20 March 1854),
"Shipping Intelligence . . . CLEARANCES", Empire (26 June 1854), 4
June 24. - London, steam-ship, 700 tons, Captain Watts, for Melbourne. Passengers - . . . Clement White (the Composer and Vocalist) . . .
"SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 July 1854), 5
There is to be a concert here tonight, when a Mr. White makes his first appearance before a Melbourne audience.
ASSOCIATIONS: Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue); James Ellis (proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1854), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Mrs. Brougham and the celebrated tenor and composer, Clement White, will give a musical entertainment on Monday next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Brougham (actor); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 August 1854), 8
Mr. CLEMENT WHITE, Late of the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden,
Begs respectfully to announce that he has just arrived from London, and will give a
Vocal Entertainment in the above Hall, on Monday Evening, August 21, entitled,
Recollections of England, Ireland, and Scotland; or, Home, Sweet Home.
Mr. White has the honor to intimate that, in order to render his Entertainment in every way attractive, he has secured the valuable services of
Mrs. Brougham, Who will deliver a Lecture, embracing appropriate remarks, introductory to each songs.
Part I.
Song - The Bloom is on the Rye - Sir H. R. Bishop
Song - And you'll Remember Me - M. Balfe
Song - Annie Laurie - Scottish Melody
Song - Draw the Sword, Scotland - Ditto
Song - Kathleen O'More - Irish Melody
Song - Sweet Kitty Creagh - Ditto, S. Lover.
Part II.
Song - The Flower of the Forest - Scottish Melody
Song - Lord Donald - Clement White
Song - Since the weary Day we left them - Scottish Melody
Song - The Last Rose of Summer - Moore
Song - Cheer, Boys, Cheer - H. Russell
Song - Far, far upon the Sea - Newly adapted by Clement White.
Cards of admission, 5s. each, to be had at Mr. Wilkie's Music Repository, and at Mr. Baker s Stationery Warehouse, Swanston-street.
Doors open at halt-past seven, and the Entertainment to commence at eight o'clock.
Member of the Institution admitted, on producing their cards, at half-price.
"MR. CLEMENT WHITE'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Argus (22 August 1854), 5
Unfortunately Mrs. Brougham was unable to attend last night, so Mr. White had the whole responsibility thrown upon him of amusing the audience for an hour or two. This is a hard task for any man to undertake, and if Mr. White was not entirely successful, he at any rate showed a capacity which will make him a favorite with the appreciators of correct music. He is best when he accompanies himself, and could imitate Russell well. "Home, Sweet Home," that was the name of the entertainment, so we had songs from England, Ireland and Scotland, all well sung, but it was not such an entertainment as can be highly spoken of, even if we make allowance for the absence of Mrs. Brougham.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (6 September 1854), 5
CLEMENT WHITE, Vocalist and Composer, from the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden,
begs respectfully to announce his arrival in Geelong, and his intention of giving Lessons in Music and Singing.
Address to the care of Mr. Wm. BRYAN, No. 8 Market-square.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (21 October 1854), 4
THEATRE ROYAL. Continued triumph of those Celebrated English Artists
MR. & MRS. CLARANCE HOLT. Positively the last five nights of their engagement.
FIRST NIGHT OF MACBETH. On which occasion
MR. CLEMENT WHITE Has kindly consented to appear in the character of Hecate, when the whole of Locke's celebrated music will be introduced.
On Monday Evening, Oct 23 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarance and Marie Holt (actors); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (correctly by Richard Leveridge)
"THE THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser (9 November 1854), 4
Yesterday evening the musical drama of Rob Roy was acted at the Theatre. The part of Rob Roy was taken by Mr. C. Kemble Mason, who delineated the character of this bold, but at the same time honorable freebooter, with much force and effect. Mrs. W. Evadne Evans personated Helen Macgregor, and portrayed with much ability the masculine daring combined with feminine softness, which formed the two principal features in the character of Macgregor's wife. The Baillie Nicol Jarvie of Mr. Chapman was a most excellent piece of acting, and was well sustained throughout. Mr. Elrington as Rasleigh Osbaldistone, most correctly conveyed to the mind of his audience the deep cunning and villany of which the character of Rasleigh is composed. Mr. Clement White as Francis Osbaldistone, acquitted himself satisfactorily in several songs which he sang. The rest of the characters were creditably sustained. The evening's amusements concluded with the farce of "Whirligig Hall."
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Kemble Mason (d. 1875; actor); Mrs. W. Evadne Evans (actor); Richard Goodall Elrington (actor)
PIECE: Rob Roy Macgregor (Pocock; with songs composed and arranged by Davy)
Names and descriptions of passengers per City of Norfolk, from Melbourne, 1 December 1854, for San Francisco via Honolulu; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Miss Laura Keen / 27 // . . . Edwin Booth / 32 // . . . Clement White / 28 [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Booth and Laura Keen (actors)
After Australia:
Passenger list, per Yankee, from Honolulu, 2 July 1855, for San Francisco; Hawaii State Archives (PAYWALL)
. . . Clement White / 50 / England . . .
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, USA] (18 August 1855), 3
Sunday Evening, August 19th, GRAND SACRED ORATORIO, AT ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL . . .
MR. CLEMENT WHITE, From the London Oratories, (his first appearance),
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); Nicholas Charles Bochsa (conductor); George Loder (organist)
"VANCOUVER'S ISLAND", The musical world (19 September 1857), 599
A concert has been given here by Mr. Clement White, under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor (James Douglas, Esq.). The Governor, who handsomely gave the assembly rooms in the fort to Mr. Clement White, for the purpose of giving his concert there, attended with the whole of his handsome and numerous family, together with the officers of the fort and their ladies. Mr. Clement White was assisted by Doctor Johnson, an excellent amateur vocalist, and a Mr. Leigh, a capital flautist (a pupil of Mr. Carte, of London). The audience, besides those above ennumerated, consisted of English, Irish, and Scotch families, who were perfectly delighted with the concert. His Excellency the Governor added another to the many favours bestowed upon Mr. Clement White, by forwarding him to Oregon, free of expense, in one of the Hudson Bay steamers.
[Obituary], The Musical World (26 July 1873), 508
MR. CLEMENT WHITE, during along period a public singer (tenor) and professor of singing, died on the 18th inst., at the Charterhouse, and was buried at the cemetery of Bow on Tuesday last. Mr. White had very many friends who will long remember him with affection.
"Notes", The Musical Standard (2 August 1873), 76 (DIGITISED)
Mr. Clement White, during along period a public singer (tenor) and professor of singing, died on the l8th ult., at the Charterhouse.
Bibliography and resources:
[Henry Davison], Music during the Victorian era: from Mendelssohn to Wagner: being the memoirs of J. W. Davison, forty years music critic of "The Times" (London: W. Reeves, 1912), 35-37, 54, 57, 82, 131, 133, 186-190 (letter), 280 (DIGITISED)
[36] In 1840 . . . "Harmonist" [appeared], "a collection of classical and popular music . . . the whole adapted either for the voice, the pianoforte, the harp or the organ, with pieces occasionally for the flute and guitar, under the superintendence of an eminent Professor." The "eminent Professor" was Davison. The contents of the budget, which exists in two quarto volumes, for 1840 and 1841, include . . . [inter alia] . . . contributions by Bennett, Loder, Macfarren and Alfred Day, and three or four more or less obscure English, French and Irish chums of the editor. Amongst the last was Clement White, a queer Irish singer and song sketcher (for he got his friend to harmonise the tunes), an emitter of unpremeditated humour, a simple, reckless, thriftless boon companion . . . (DIGITISED)
[131] . . . This year [1853] Clement White and Jullien left England to seek their fortunes elsewhere. White, ruinous through dissipation and improvidence, set out for Australia to give lectures there, nichts wi' Burns, Dibdin, Moore and the modern song-composers, including Bennett, Macfarren and Davison. Jullien, with pockets unfilled by the production at the Royal Italian Opera of his Pietro il Grande, set out for America, there to be accompanied as secretary, agent or interpreter, by another victim of the nature of things, Bowlby, occasionally of the Times, deeply and unluckily involved in the railway speculations that had excited the public mind . . . (DIGITISED)
[186] . . . Sydney may seem a far cry, a somewhat abrupt swerve and digression. It is made at this point not merely as a reminder that the world of British music was wide, even fifty years ago, or for the sake of a glimpse at the shifts to which a British musician, of sorts, might be put in his search for a livelihood, but for other reasons. Davison made friends with most sorts and conditions of men. If a character seemed to offer some quaintness or originality, he soon detected, appreciated and cultivated it. "I can stand Davison," observed some man of position, "but not his followers" - this in reference to some "familiar" of the time being - probably Clement White. "Clem" had left England to seek better luck at the Antipodes. From him, early in 1854, Davison received a letter, extracts from which are here made to illustrate the oddities of one of Davison's early intimates, as well as to give body and shape to a figure more than once noticed in these pages, and to let a fresh ray fall on the names of several of Davison's entourage.
From Sydney, January 7, 1854 . . . (PAYWALL)
[188] . . we arrived in Hobson's Bay on December 3, down by the "Yarra Yarra". Lavenue [sic] is there - here he could do nothing, he is with Ellice [Ellis] at the Cremorne gardens. I did not go ashore, the expense was too great and the flies too strong, we threw out anchor here [Sydney] on Monday morning at half past six, Dec. 19, and after wandering about I found a bed at a public house, where the land-lord fleeced me and the mosquito stung me, at length the change threw me on a sick bed, I was then removed to a dark back room where the black fly attacked me, closing up my eyes and swelling my lips, at last the ship got room at Walker's Wharf and I was allowed to take away my things, which had been well rifled. On my way home with the man and cart, we were struck by a southerly blister followed by a hot wind, he threw himself down to avoid its blighting influence and I held hard by a gate, after some time he got up and began to drink, I entreated him to proceed, he told me to go to hell and lead the horse myself, I seized the reins and did so through the city without shame or confusion, this one job cost me £2.
In three weeks my money was out, entertainments were out of the question, four persons have just now tried them but couldn't manage to get ten persons into the room (an unsightly one) so I pawned my opera glass and watch for support, I left mine host of the "Public" - (a felon) and am now living at Wooloomooloo [sic] in a quiet cottage. Stone masons have 35/- per day while gentlemen and artists are really starving, 'tis shocking to witness, my pictures will keep me above water for some time, the Penningtons have been kind - but warmhearted souls! they are poor, he has got me one pupil, a fine young man, I have given him three lessons.
ASSOCIATIONS: James William Davison (musician, musical journalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician); James Ellis (entrepreneur); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue); William George Pennington (d. 1891; treasurer, School of Arts); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
WHITE, Edward (Edward WHITE)
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 3rd Regiment
Born Mountmellick, Ireland, c. 1785
Enlisted (18th Dragoons), Loughlin Town, Dublin, Ireland, 18 August 1798
Married Jane FULLERTON, c. 1804
Transferred (3rd Regiment), Brighton, Sussex, England, 30 September 1814 (aged 29)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29 August 1823 (per Commodore Hayes, from England)
Discharged Sydney, NSW, 24 February 1826 (aged "about 40")
Died Windsor, NSW, buried 27 November 1837, aged "55" [sic] (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 3rd Regiment (military band)
Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 March to [Sydney] 24 September 1823 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
White Edward / Band
Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1824 to 24 March 1825 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
White Edward / Band
Pay-list of the 3rd Regiment of Foot, from 25 December 1825 to 24 March 1826 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
White Edward / Band
Baptisms, St. Mary's Catholic chapel, Sydney, 3 February 1826; Biographical Database of Australia (PAYWALL)
Mary Ann / daughter of Edward White, 3rd Regiment and Jane Fullerton / baptised 5 February 1826 / sponsor Mary Gardiner [Biog Item No. 320210626]

Register of penisoners, Royal Hospital, Chelsea; UK Mational Archives, WO 97/248/54 (PAYWALL)
[Admission] 8th Aug't 1827 / Zach'h Berry / [age] 39 / [private] 22 3/12 years / underage 5 years / 27 6/12 / Total service 22 6/12 years / [complaint] Worn out / [born] Horsham Sussex / [trade] Laborer / 5 ft 5 1/4 in [brown hair] hazle [eyes] fresh [complexion]
Discharge, 3rd Regiment, Edward White, 24 February 1826; UK NAtional Archives, WO97/258/50/1 (PAYWALL)
HIS MAJESTY'S Thrid REG'T OF Foot of Buffs . . .
These are to Certify THAT Private Edward White born in the Parish of Mountmillick in or near the Town of Mountmillick in the County of King's
was enlisted for the aforesaid Regiment at Brighton in the County of Sussex on the 30th Day of Sept'r 1814 at the Age of Twenty Nine for Unlimited Service.
THAT he hath served in the ARMY for the space of [22 years and 181 days] after the Age of Eighteen, according to the subjoined
STATEMENT OF SERVICE. 18th Dragoons / From 18th Aug't 1798 / To 19th September 1814 / Private 16 yrs 33 days / 5 years under age of 18 / Total service 11 years 33 days
3rd Foot or Buffs / From 20th Sept 1814 / To 24 Feb'y 1826 / Total service 11 years 148 days
Total of Service - 27 years 181 days / 5 years under age of 18 / Total service 22 years 181 days
THAT by Authority of His Excellency Major General Sir Thomas Brisbane K.C.B. dated Sydney 11th Oct'r 1825
HE IS HEREBY DISCHARGED in consequence of his being worn our from length of Service . . .
THAT his general Conduct as a Soldier has been always very good, he has uniformly maintained an excellent character in the Regiment . . .
HE is about 40 Years of Age, is five Feet 7 1/2 Inches in Height, black Hair, hazel Eyes, sallow Complexion, and by Trade or Occupation a Laborer . . .
. . . at Sydney, New South Wales, this [24 February 1826]
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
[White] Edward / 45 / Came Free / Commodore Hayes / 1822 [sic] / Pro. [sic] / Laborer / Cumberland St., Sydney //
Jane / 40 // Ellen / 13 // James / 10 // Mary Ann / 5
Bibliography and resources:
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Private Edward White (c. 1785-1837)", Australia's redcoat settlers (archived NLA Pandora)
WHITE, Frederick (Frederick WHITE)
Dancing master, professor of dancing, ? musician, ? violinist, actor, comedian
Born Liverpool, Lancashire, England, ? c. 1799 / ? c. 1803/4
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 September 1826 (convict per England, from London 28 April)
Active professionally Sydney, NSW, by mid September 1833 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Proceedings of the Old Bailey, JOSEPH WHITE, violent theft, highway robbery, 6th December 1820; Old Bailey online
37. JOSEPH WHITE was indicted for feloniously assaulting Joseph Wildey, on the 30th of November, on the King's highway, at St. Ann, Westminster, putting him in fear, and taking from his person, and against his will, two seals, value 30s.; one watch-key, value 5s., and one watch-chain, value 2s., his property . . . GUILTY. - DEATH. Aged 21. Recommended to Mercy by the Prosecutor.
Reports and petitions, 1 March 1821, on behalf of Frederick White/Joseph White, convicted, Old Bailey, 8 December 1820; National Archives, UK HO 47/61/1
Relating to the case of Frederick White / Joseph White, musician, dancer and dancing master of the Norwich Theatre, convicted at the Old Bailey on 8 December 1820 for highway robbery of goods vale 30/-, property of Joseph Wildey on 30 November 1820 . . .
"REMARKABLE AND INTERESTING CASE", London Packet and New Lloyd's Evening Post (7 March 1821), 4 (PAYWALL)
His Majesty's free pardon was received on Monday evening for Joseph White, under sentence of death in Newgate.
The case this youth, only about seventeen years of age, is peculiarly interesting. He was convicted on the 8th December, of street robbery, during the time of a fire, near Wardour-street, and ordered for execution, with five others, on the of 31st January. Mr. Sheriff Wahliman, who inquired into the particulars of the case of each of these unhappy persons, was struck with the circumstances of the case of this poor lad, who seemed less concerned for his own life than for the distress his fate would occasion to his relatives; and from the artless and ingenuous manner he answered his enquiries, the Worthy Sheriff was led to believe that he was innocent of the crime.
On the Monday previous to the day appointed for the execution, Sheriff Waithman made a representation to Lord Sidmouth, who gave the circumstance a most attentive and humane consideration, and a respite was sent about five O'clock that afternoon.
From that time Sheriff Waithman has been unremitting in his enquiries into every circumstance of the case, as well as into the previous conduct of the prisoner, who, it appears, had but recently come to town, and resided with his parents in the neighbourhood of Wardour-street, and unfortunately went to see the fire. - While mixing in the crowd, a rush was made by a gang of 10 or 12 pickpockets; and the prosecutor, who had his seals and chain snatched away, laid hold of White, charged him with the robbery, and called to two of his companions, who were at same distance, and did not see the robbery, and they came up and assisted in conveying White to the watch-house. No property was found upon him, nor was he in a situation to convey it to others had he really been the thief; for the prosecutor swore upon the trial that the prisoner kept pulling and screwing at his chain, in order to get his watch from his fob, while he had hold of him, but it was almost impossible that a slight lad in custody, and offering no resistance, would so act.
When the charge was given at the watch-house, a young man, stranger to the prisoner, stated that he stood near the spot at the time; that the prosecutor appeared greatly confused and much intoxicated, and remained two minutes after the robbery before he laid hold of any body, and that he did not think it possible for him to identify the person who robbed him. The young man was, however, treated as an accomplice, and told that they should have him to-morrow; he then gave his card of address, and the prisoner requested him to appear for him in the morning, and he accordingly attended, at the Police-office, where his testimony was again discredited, and White was fully committed.
Although he was well connected, fearful of exposing himself and his friends, he concealed his dreadful situation from them till it was too late; the consequence was that he had no Counsel at his trial; the friendly stranger again attended on his behalf, and repeated the evidence he had previously given, but being contradicted, as to the prosecutor's intoxication, by the prosecutor himself, and his two companions, he was, of course, disbelieved, and, from the fact of his thus coming forward, suspected to have been an accomplice.
After the conviction, the prisoner's mother got some friend to draw up a Petition for mercy, and which, under the delusion, which is very common, that a denial of guilt would render the Petition nugatory, and would be considered flying in the face of the Court and Jury, contained his acknowledgment of the justice of his sentence. White, who had uniformly declared his innocence, positively refused to sign this Petition, avowing that he would sooner die than admit this falsehood. The sincerity of his declaration cannot be more clearly evinced than by the following letter, addressed by him to his mother, after the warrant fur execution came down:-
"DEAR MOTHER, Jan. 29, 1821.
"The awful Report is at length arrived, and I am one of those unfortunates who are doomed to die; but I have one great consolation on my side, that is, my being innocent of the foul crime alleged against me. Do not despair, dear mother, for I hope we shall hereafter meet in a better world. God gave me fortitude to meet the Report, and I hope God will not desert me in my last moments. I should wish to see you as early as possible; you will be admitted all this day - Dear Mother, from your unfortunate son.
His mother, however, thinking the Petition essential to the preservation of his life, induced his brother to sign the prisoner's name to it. This innocent forgery produced at first a strong impression against the prisoner; but the circumstances, when known, placed him in a more favourable point of view.
Mr. Sheriff Waithman, in the course of his inquiries has been able to procure the most satisfactory evidence of the good character and veracity of the friendly stranger, who appeared as witness. He has also been able to produce the concurrent testimony of eight or ten respectable persons, who fully confirm the above witness as to the intoxication of the prosecutor: seven of whom, including the landlord of the public-house and several persons who were in company of the prosecutor, have made affidavits, stating, that he had been several hours drinking various sorts of liquors, and that he was quite intoxicated. Fortunately Mr. Waithman was also enabled to produce the affidavit of a very respectable Gentleman, who not only speaks highly of White's character, but also states, that, as he was returning home that evening near to the spot, he saw White a short time previous to the robbery, and spoke him; and that he was entirely alone, which testimony completely disconnects him from any gang. It appears that one of the companions of the prosecutor, who swore to his sobriety, does not, nor ever did, live at the place which he swore to be his residence, and was not to be found. The Worthy Sheriff addressed a letter to the Foreman of the Jury, stating, that some circumstances favourable to White had come to his knowledge, which induced him to investigate the evidence, requesting to know upon what ground their verdict was founded; and received a declaration the next day, signed by all the Jury, stating, that they acted on a belief that the prosecutor was sober, and that they discredited the witness for the prisoner, looking upon him in the light of an accomplice; at the same time stating, that it would afford them great pleasure if any error they had been led into could be corrected.
These and other documents, as to the prisoner's character, the Worthy Sheriff laid before Lord Sidmouth, who submitted the whole to Mr. Baron Garrow, before whom White was tried; and the Learned Judge has given it as his decided opinion, that had these circumstances been brought forward at the trial, the Jury would have found a verdict of Not Guilty. In consequence of which, his Majesty was graciously pleased to grant his free pardon. - Thus has this youth been most providentially saved from an ignominious end.
See also Andrew Knapp and William Baldwin, The Newgate calendar . . . volume 4 (London: J. Robins and Co., 1828), 292-95 (DIGITISED)
Proceedings of the Old Bailey, FREDERICK WHITE, Theft, grand larceny, 27th October 1825; Old Bailey online
1792. FREDERICK WHITE was indicted for stealing, on the 29th of October, a saucepan, value 2s., the goods of Richard Heals.
RICHARD HEALS. I live in Tottenham-court-road, and am an ironmonger. I saw the prisoner at my door last Saturday about five o'clock -
he took this saucepan, and crossed the road. I followed him and took it.
Prisoner. Q. Was the saucepan in your door, or outside? A. It was partly in, and partly out.
Prisoner's Defence. I have had a situation at Liverpool - I came to London six weeks ago, to get a situation - on Saturday last, I did get one, to go to the East Indies.
I met with some young men and got tipsy - I then met a young woman, and took this saucepan for fun, as well as I could recollect, and said to the young woman,
"Will you buy a saucepan?" I was then returning to put it back on the shelf, and then the gentleman took me. I was very tipsy.
GUILTY. Aged 21. Transported for Seven Years.
The prisoner has been under sentence of death before.
Sydney, NSW (from September 1826):
"POLICE SUMMARY OF THE WEEK", The Monitor (4 August 1828), 5
Frederick White, dancing master, and an assigned servant, was charged with being drunk and disorderly and after an admonition from the Bench, was sentenced ten days to the treadmill.
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
[White] Frederick / 22 / [per] England / 1826 / 7 [years] / Prot. / [Servant] / Mr. Gilchrist / Sydney
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gilchrist (d. 1829, schoolmaster)
Certificate of freedom, Frederick White, 7 February 1833; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 33/74 / 7 February 1833 / Name: Frederick White / Ship: England / Year: 1826 / Native Place: Liverpool / Trade or Calling: Theatrical Performer / Offence: Privately stealing / Trial: Middlesex, 27 October 1825 / Sentence: 7 years / Year of Birth: 1805 / Height: 5 feet 4 1/2 inches / Complexion: Sallow / Hair: Brown / Eyes: Blue . . .
[Government notice], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 February 1833), 1
THE undermentioned persons have obtained Certificates of Freedom during the last week, viz.: - England, George Chick / Ditto, Frederick White . . .
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1833), 3
IF Mr. FREDERICK WHITE does not release the articles left in my charge, and pay me the legal claim,
they will be sold within 14 days from this date, to defray the same.
WILLIAM YATES. Tap, late Cummings' Hotel, May 1, 1833.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 September 1833), 1
MR. FREDERICK WHITE, Late Principal Dancer of the King's Theatre, Opera House, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden, London,
BEGS most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney and its vicinity,
that he intends to give Private Lessons in every description of elegant Dancing.
Schools punctually attended, if not situated at a distance of more than sixteen miles from Sydney.
Terms to be made known on application to Mr. WHITE, at the Theatre Royal, Sydney, daily, from 10 till 2 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 October 1833), 2
On Saturday evening was performed for the second time, the Nautical Drama of the Mutiny of the Nore, to a very thin though respectable house . . . Mr. Grove was happier in Jack Adams, but he must study attitude a little more . . . Mr. White (certainly possessing talent), as Jack Morris had no opportunity given him of displaying it. He danced the hornpipe in a very masterly style. The Extravaganza of Chrononhotonthologus concluded the evening's entertainment, and was badly performed . . . The music was very good, and the scenery surpassed our expectations . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Parsons Grove (actor)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (18 October 1833), 2
. . . On Saturday evening last, the Melo-drama of Mutiny at the Nore was repeated . . . At half price the house became quite crowded, to see the new farce of High Life below Stairs, and it proved well worthy the interest it had excited . . . Mr. Knowles played the Duke's servant well, but was scarcely vulgar enough . . . Mr. White, as Sir Harry's Servant, played with a good deal of spirit, and threw in some excellent bye play. We think however, that the flavor of this character might be preserved with action a little less extravagant than that of Mr. White's, particularly that which appears to arise from a looseness in his hip joints. He should remember that Sir Charles' Servant is supposed to imitate a gentleman, that the humor of the part consists in the vulgarity, not the utter extravagance of the imitation, and that Sir Charles could never have seen gentlemen throwing their legs over their shoulders. The Mock Gavotte he executed well. Mrs. Love did it too well - with her it entirely lost the burlesque, and that is what constitutes its excellence. One or two steps, excepted, she danced it as well as she knew how. In other respects, she played very well. By the way, the best step in the dance made by Mr. White, being a awkward failure (as he intended) in an attempt at a graceful finale, was so misunderstood by the audience, as to occasion hisses instead of applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor); Harriet Love (Mrs. Jones; Mrs. Love) (actor, vocalist, dancer)
[Advertisement], The Australian (18 October 1833), 3
THEATRE ROYAL, SYDNEY. ON SATURDAY the 19th instant, will be, performed, Tobin's Comedy, In five Acts
THE HONEY MOON . . . Jaques, the mock Duke - Mr. White . . .
AFTER WHICH The Extravaganza of Bombastes Furioso.
Bombastes, Mr. Knowles - Fusbos, Mr. Vale - Artaxominey, Mr. Buckingham - Distaffina, Mrs. Love.
In the course of the piece a Comic Dance by Mr. White.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (21 October 1833), 2
The announcement of the popular Comedy of "John Bull," for Thursday evening last, drew a tolerable house, which multiplied its numbers at half-price . . . The Afterpiece was High Life Below Stairs, which, from its lively character, made some amends for the irksomeness of the acting in the former piece. The characters were well sustained throughout, but we perceived that Mr. Dyball could not divest himself of the mimickry of the Irishman . . . Mr. White, as Sir Harry's servant, would play well if he had a little more command of his joints, which seem to move involuntarily in all directions. The Gavotte, by Sir Harry's servant and Kitty, (Mrs. Love), was well executed, and brought down thunders of applause. Mrs. Love sang "The Dashing White Sergeant," and was loudly encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Dyball (actor)
"THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 October 1833), 2
We regret to state, that our own opinion, respecting the inefficiency of the Sydney corps dramatique, is almost as unfavourable as the opinions of those writers who have occasionally favoured us with critiques upon the performances since the opening of the theatre. On Monday evening the entertainments consisted of the Honey Moon, and the farce of High Life below Stairs - the latter substituted for the Irishman in London, on account of the indisposition of Mr. Hill . . . We missed Meredith in the Mock Duke. Mr. White, who "essayed" this character, seems to delight too much in that particular style of noting to designate which we cannot find a more fitting term than buffoonery . . . Let us, however, be just: there was one thing well done - we mean the dance in the second act, by Mr. White and Mrs. Love. That was well done. Mrs. Love danced like a lady; Mr. White like a professor; and the Gavotte of Vestris deserved an encore, though we did hear some persons say that it was too well done, and therefore, not in character . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucia Vestris (English dancer, vocalist)
MUSIC & DANCE: Vestris's gavotte (music); Vestris's gavotte (dance); Vestris's gavotte (instructions)
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (31 October 1833), 2
His Excellency the Governor has intimated to Mr. Levey, his intention of honoring the theatre with his presence, this evening . . . The pieces for the evening, will be "The Heir at Law" . . . with the entertainment of "High Life below Stairs;" the pieces will be played at His Excellency's desire. Mrs. Love and Mr. White will dance, in the course of the evening, the Minuet De la Cour and Gavotte.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Bourke (governor); Barnett Levey (proprietor)
MUSIC & DANCE: Menuet de la cour (dance, music Grétry, from Céphale et Procris, as revived in Maximilien Gardel's Ninette à la cour, 1777)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (9 December 1833), 1 supplement
The house on Thursday night last, presented a most animated appearance, being full in every part to overflowing. The "Castle Spectre" went off much to the satisfaction of the audience, the actors being well acquainted with the piece. Mr. Mackie, who should have appeared in the character of "Earl Percy," was so far indisposed as to be rendered incapable of appearing; the character was sustained by Mr. Dight. Between the pieces, a clog hornpipe on the tight rope was danced by a Mr. Croft, and was certainly a clever performance, bringing down thunders of applause. The Sailor's hornpipe, by Mr. White, was performed in his usual style. Mr. Groves sang "The Shades of Evening", agreeably to announcement; it was anything but tolerable for the stage. To countenance such a departure from musical propriety as is displayed in this gentleman's view and style of singing, is to encourage a vicious taste, extremely offensive to a judicious ear, and tending to depress the value of real talent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Angus Mackay (actor)
"Court of Quarter Sessions. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19TH", The Sydney Monitor (23 January 1836), 2
Frederick White, stood indicted for having stolen in November last, one pewter pot and an earthen jug, the property of William Martin, Shakespeare Tavern, near the Theatre, George-street. - Not Guilty.
[Advertisement], The Australian (2 October 1835), 1
AND DANCE WITH MRS. JONES, The Minuet de la cour and Gavotte de Vestris . . .
? "To the Editor", The Sydney Monitor (31 March 1837), 3
SIR - I respectfully beg that you will in your journal contradict - "That I have leased the Theatre to any one."
But that, from the great sums I have expended for its re-opening, not only the scenery, dresses, and others; and, though last, not least,
a considerable number of musicians; amongst the names of the gentlemen, are -
Mr. Dean (leader), his Three Sons, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Turner, Papping and Son (French horns),
Johnson, White, Westrop, White, Bowles, and others whose names I have not taken note of.
And I trust, when I take charge of the Theatre, to conduct it with respectability, and make it convenient to a liberal public.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
BARNETT LEVEY. Thursday, 20th March, 1836.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician, violin); John Deane (musician, violin); Edward Smith Deane (musician, cello); William Deane (musician); George Sippe (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician); Stephen Turner (musician); Stephen and George Pappin (musicians); Mr. Johnson (musician); Zachariah Westrop (musician); Mr. Bowles (musician); Barnett Levey (proprietor); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
"AN EX-COMEDIAN IN TROUBLE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 July 1837), 2
On Tuesday, a young man named Frederick White, who used to figure upon the boards of the Sydney Theatre, but who of late has retired from the stage, was brought before the Police, charged with stealing a saddle. It appeared on Monday, that Mr. Miller, of the Saving Bank, alighted at that establishment, putting his horse with its accoutrements into the Bank Court yards as he intended again going out. Upon returning he found the horse had been put into Mr. Bryant's stable, but the saddle was missing. Upon enquiry being made, a young man of Mr. Bryant's stated, that he had seen White take the saddle and hide it under the bed in a cellar where he slept, he being a servant to Mr. Cavendish. He was given into custody at which time he was much intoxicated.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Cavendish (dancing master, merchant)
"EX-COMEDIAN COMMITTED", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 July 1837), 2
Yesterday Frederick White, formerly of the Sydney Theatre, was fully committed to take his trial for stealing a saddle from the back of Mr. Miller's horse, and hiding it under his bed. He was refused bail.
"QUARTER SESSIONS", The Sydney Monitor (6 October 1837), 2
Frederick White was indicted for stealing a saddle, value two pounds ten shillings the property of Mr. Miller of the Savings Bank. It appeared that in July last Mr. Miller went into the Bank, leaving his horse and Saddle in Bank Court. When he returned after an absence of about twenty minutes, both horse and saddle were gone. He made enquiries at Dr. Bryant's, and ascertained that the horse was in the stable, but without a saddle. From suspicion that fell on the prisoner, who was employed at Mr. Cavendish's, his place was searched, and the saddle found under his bed; he had previously been seen by Mr. Sullivan the shopman of Mr. Cavendish, stooping down at the place where the saddle was found. White was intoxicated at the time. In defence, he urged that the place where the saddle was found was accessible to many other persons, and prayed a mitigation of punishment on account of the long period he had been in custody. His employer said he had known him a long time, and believed he would not commit an act of dishonesty while sober. Guilty, sentenced to be imprisoned in Sydney Gaol three months, every alternate week to be in solitary confinement.
WHITE, George (George Benjamin WHITE, George WHITE; Mr. G. WHITE)
Musical amateur, member Adelaide Choral Society, tailor, concert room proprietor, venue owner
Born England, 1813; baptised Tetbury, Gloucestershire, 21 November 1813; son of John WHITE and Jane ?
Married Eliza BAXTER (1814-1888), Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, 24 November 1834
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 17 January 1838 (per Royal Admiral, from London, 24 September 1837)
Died Fullarton, SA, 12 November 1876, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WHITE, Richard Baxter (Richard Baxter WHITE; R. B. WHITE, R.A.M.)
Musician, violinist, pianist, organist, choral leader, professor of music
Born Adelaide, SA, 26 August 1839; baptised Adelaide, 11 October 1840; son of George WHITE and Eliza BAXTER
Departed Adelaide, SA, 17 December 1852 (per Sydney, for London, with his mother)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by February 1858 (from England)
Married Rosalie Elizabeth Caroline REICH, Norwood, SA, 14 October 1865
Died St. Vincent's Gulf, SA, 23 June 1872, aged "32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
George White, a tailor of Adelaide, was the founder and proprietor of White's Rooms (or White's Assembly Rooms), a concert and meeting venue, which he first opened in winter 1856.
His son Richard, born in the colony in 1839, was by 1850 a pupil of Georgiana Murray and Spencer Wellington Wallace. In 1852, aged 13, he embarked for London where he was the first native Australian colonist to study at the Royal Academy of Music.
Richard had returned to Adelaide by early 1858, when he advertised as a professor of music. He was later leader of the Adelaide Philharmonic Society, directed the choir of St. Francis's Catholic cathedral and was leader of the band for Adelaide and Melbourne performances by Lyster's Opera Company. He disappeared on a boating trip in St. Vincent's Gulf in June 1872, presumed drowned.
He is reported to have owned and played a Ruggerius violin, which in 1885 was acquired by George Hubert Hall.

White's Assembly Rooms; photograph c. 1870s; State Library of South Australia (DIGITSED)
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Tetbury in the County of Gloucester in the Year 1813; register 1813-32, page 9; Gloucestershire Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 66 / [1813 Nov'r] 21 / George son of / John & Jane / White / Tetbury / A Militia Man . . .
Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Stonehouse in the County of Gloucester in the Year 1834; register 1834, page 116; Gloucestershire Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 348 / George White of this Parish Bachelor and Eliza Baxter of this Parish Spinster were married in this Church by Banns this [24 November 1834] . . .
Adelaide, SA (from January 1838):
[Advertisement], South Australian (16 May 1848), 3
Adelaide Choral Society.
Under the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor.
. . . the next periodical Concert will take place at the Freemasons' Tavern, on Thursday evening, the 25th instant,
and will consist of a selection of miscellaneous pieces from the most eminent composers.
Leader - Mr. Bennett. Pianoforte - Mrs. Murray . . .
N.B. - Persons desirous of becoming Subscribers may obtain Tickets from the Treasurer, Mr. Geo. White . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Bennett (leader); Georgiana Murray (pianist); Adelaide Choral Society (organisation)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (13 January 1849), 1
ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY. AT the Annual Meeting of the Subscribers, held at the "Freemasons' Tavern," on Tuesday evening,
the 9th January, 1849 (Dr. Wyatt in the chair), the following reports and accounts were submitted, and ordered to be published: . . .
Balance Sheet for the year ending 31st December, 1848 . . .
(Signed) Geo. White, Treasurer.
Subscriptions for the current year are now due. The Treasurer, Mr. Geo. White, Rundle-street, is prepared to receive the same, and also the names of persons desirous of encouraging, the society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wyatt (chair)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (28 September 1850), 2
GRAND CONCERT. - MR. WALLACE has the honour to inform his friends and the public that his
Concert will take place on Tuesday evening, the 22nd October . . .
MASTER RICHARD B. WHITE will make his debut as a Violinist and Pianist on that occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician, teacher)
[Advertisement], South Australian (21 October 1850), 3
GRAND CONCERT. MR. WALLACE has the honor to inform his Friends and the Public that his Concert will take place on
Tuesday evening, the 22nd October, under the Patronage of the Most Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master,
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Friendship, Lodge of Harmony, St. John's Lodge, and the United Tradesmens' Lodge of Freemasons.
MASTER RICHARD B. WHITE, will, make his debut as a Violinist and Pianist on that occasion . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Violin Solo - S. W. Wallace [sic, V. W.] - Mr. White . . .
PART II . . . Duett - Pianoforte - Mrs. Murray & Master White . . .
Tickets to be had of Brothers Dyke, Coppin, Lazar . . . and of Mr. George White, King William-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin and John Lazar (theatrical managers, actors)
"LOCAL NEWS", South Australian (21 October 1850), 2
The selection of pieces for Mr. Wallace's concert to-morrow evening has been very judiciously made. It presents the double attraction of variety and novelty, while the very strong list of performers is a sufficient guarantee. Report speaks very highly of the precocious talent of Master White. Should he deserve the praises we have heard bestowed on him, Adelaide will have the credit of producing an artist whose fame will not long be confined to the colony. We find the brethren of the Masonic Order, under whose patronage the concert is announced, are likely to muster very numerously.
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (23 October 1850), 3
This gentleman's concert took place last evening at the Exchange. The attendance was not so numerous as we expected, although the room was comfortably filled. The programme contained many favourite morceaux, and the concert, among other aspirants to musical fame, introduced to the musical world of South Australia, a debutant in Master R. White, a pupil, we believe, of Mr. Wallace, who made his first bow to an audience as a solo violinist. He played a theme from Il Pirata, with variations arranged by Vincent Wallace [sic] in a style that would have done credit to a much more experienced hand, performing some really difficult passages correctly, and with precision. His tone is full and clear, and he already possesses that grand desideratum "playing in tune." From his performance we confidently predict much prospective success for the youth, as there is evidently the germ of musical talent in him, and the applause that followed his solo must have been most gratifying to his accomplished tutor. Our space will not permit us to enter into detail as we should wish . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (composer, Spencer Wallace's brother)
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (24 October 1850), 3
On Tuesday evening Mr. Wallace gave a concert at the Exchange, at which most of our Adelaide musical favourites assisted. The programme included the names of Madame Cranz, Mrs. Murray, Mad. Von Hile, Miss Lazar, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Moore, Mr. Ellard, Herr Hunerbein, Herr Mater, Herr Cranz, Herr Fischer, Herr Rodemann, Mr. McCullagh, Mr. Osborne, and a new player on the violin and pianoforte - Master R. B. White, a little fellow about eleven years old, who gained thunders of well deserved applause for his very clever performances on both instruments. His first piece was a violin solo composed by Mr. S. W. Wallace [sic], and his sccond a pianoforte duett with Mrs. Murray. Master White is a South Australian; his practical acquaintance with the violin not being over fourteen months, and with the piano about twenty months. His promise is great . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mathilde and August Cranz (vocalist, musician); Madame von Hile (vocalist); Rachel Lazar (vocalist); Andrew Moore (violin); Frederick Ellard (musician, Wallace's cousin); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); Charles Mater (musician); George Fischer (vocalist); Maximillian Louis Rodemann (vocalist); Robert McCullagh (musician); Ferdinand Osborne (musician)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (20 November 1850), 2
The Quarterly Conversazione of the members of the Library and Mechanics' Institute took place last evening in the Hall of Commerce. The company was most numerous and respectable. Sir Henry and Lady Young with their usual kindness honoured the occasion with their presence . . . The musical entertainment was superior to any we have heard under such circumstances for some time. That established favourite of the public and old friend of the Institute, Mrs. Murray, was in good voice, and played as delightfully as ever. Wallace, on the violin, well sustained his high reputation as a performer; and his ability as a preceptor was pleasingly exhibited in union with the surprising ability of his juvenile pupil, Master White, who quite fascinated the audience with his performances on the violin and the pianoforte, on which latter instrument he does great honour to Mrs. Murray's instructions. The parents and teachers of this talented child had the gratification of observing his Excellency compliment him on the ability he exhibited. On the whole, the Conversazione went off most satisfactorily, and we trust their success in getting up this entertainment will incite the Committee to renewed exertions in the very useful duties they have undertaken. We trust also that they will find means to inform such of the members as are not more frequently in the habit of attending places where ladies assemble, that they should not bring their dogs to the quarterly reunions of the Institute.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife)
"CONVERSAZIONE AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (20 February 1851), 2
The Quarterly Conversazione of the Library and Mechanics' Institute took place at the Exchange Rooms, on Tuesday evening; the attendance was very numerous, and the Lecture, and the Musical Entertainment which followed it, gave great satisfaction . . . We must not omit to mention the performance both on the piano and violin of young Master White, which are no less creditable to the pains bestowed upon him by his teachers, and his own application, and whose youthful talents cannot fail to be most gratifying to his worthy parents . . .
"THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (21 May 1851), 3
The Quarterly Conversatione took place last evening in the Exchange, when that capacious apartment was thronged with the respectability, beauty, and fashion of the city. Mr. Pitman (solicitor) delivered a clever lecture on Music, which was illustrated by Mrs. Murray on the pianoforte and the lecturer's voice . . . but there was an additional attraction in the performance of Master White, who actually astonished the audience at the ease and precision, the taste and judgment, he manifested in the execution of a most difficult piece on the violin. Several gentlemen were loud in their encomiums on this promising pupil of Mr. Wallace's, who certainly has proved himself worthy of his able preceptor, and a striking proof of what may be effected, with good natural talents, by a judicious system of teaching . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Joseph Pitman (lecturer, amateur vocalist)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (22 May 1851), 3
. . . The performances that followed in which Madame Cranz, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Daniels, and Master White assisted also gave unmingled satisfaction. The Impromptu, particularly, by Wolff and De Beriot for the violin and pianoforte, played by Mrs. Murray and Master White was deservedly admired and applauded. Indeed, this young gentleman promises to be a first-rate violinist very soon to take his place beside his talented instructor, Mr. Wallace. At the close of the meeting, F. S. Dutton, Esq., in a neat and brief speech proposed a vote of thanks . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Francis Stacker Dutton (musical amateur, pianist)
"CONVERSAZIONE", Adelaide Times (24 May 1851), 5
. . . Master White played a violin-solo, composed by De Berriot in a style worthy of a full-blown professor of the instrument. This clever lad's solo exhibited a striking improvement both in style and execution upon the evening of his debut. His tutor, we believe, is Mr. Wallace, who certainly deserves great credit for the proficiency displayed by his youthful pupil . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (27 October 1851), 2
MR. FREDERIC ELLARD has the honour to inform his Friends and the Public generally that, previous to his leaving the Colony,
On FRIDAY, the 31st inst., commencing at 8 o'clock precisely.
5. Solo, Violin (written expressly by Mr. S. W. Wallace for his Pupil, Master R. White) - Master White . . .
"MR. ELLARD'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (1 November 1851), 2
The attendance, certainly not 200, was anything but what we had hoped and expected . . . Master White attracted great attention by his remarkable self-possession and the composure which preceded the more remarkable proofs of his extraordinary talent. He is a youthful performer of great promise, and we hope his future progress will be commensurate with what he has already accomplished. His tone, and the higher notes particularly, were very distinct and clean, the introduction, together with the variations and finale, were well executed, and would have done much credit even to a performer of long standing . . .
"MR. ELLARD'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (3 November 1851), 3
It is, we think, matter for regret, that the Arts up to the present moment, have found but a sorry reception in South Australia. It was not certainly to be expected that a young country, and at such a distance from Europe, the recognised seat of the Muses, could afford to hold forth a hand as generous, even in proportion, as that offered by the long established nations of the earth. But when, as it is acknowledged, we have the germs of musical and literary talent among us, to reject them with scorn, or to pass them by with indifference, leaving them to perish "in cold obstruction's apathy," is absolutely unnatural. The revival of the Arts marked the period of resuscitated civilization in Europe; and it is a well known fact, that in those countries where the lighter intellectual amusements are neglected or contemned, the condition of society is degraded in an equal degree. Music and literature, like tender exotics, require the fostering hand; and perfection in them is only to be obtained by cherishing them. With the theatre they fill up a void, which otherwise would be severely felt, and which in their absence would be occupied by objects, whose gratification is obtained by grosser and more sensual means. With our stage perishing from inanition, and our musical talent leaving our shores for others more hospitable, we exhibit a melancholy picture, the moral of which is, that our pursuit of things more glittering but less sterling, will inevitably lead to disappointment and dismay. Having thus vent ed some portion of our spleen at the thin attendance at the Exchange, on Friday evening, on the occasion of Mr. Ellard's farewell concert, notwithstanding the attractive programme, and Mr. Ellard's acknowledged merits as the best pianist we have, and certainly a much better one than we could expect to have, the room was at the commencement of the concert comparatively deserted. Towards the middle of the entertainment the attendance grew better, and comprised the principal families of the city, although the Vice-regal patronage was not extended . . . Master White's solo was encored, and deservedly so; he is a clever youth, and with practice bids fair to excel in the instrument he has chosen . . .
"CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (8 November 1851), 3
Mr. Ellard's farewell concert afforded much gratification to a respectable audience, although not so numerous as we could have wished . . . Our clever young friend, Master White, did the greatest justice to himself and to his master; the perfect tune in which he played evinced more of the musician than the most elaborate execution could have done, although that was not wanting, and was combined with taste and decision.
"LIBRARY AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (4 February 1852), 3
The quarterly conversazione of this admirably conducted institution took place last; evening at the Exchange, and as usual consisted of an instructive lecture and a choice musical entertainment . . . In the musical entertainment that followed, Mr. F. S. Dutton, who has invariably exerted himself to serve the Institute, of which he is a Vice-President, joined Mrs. Murray, Master White, and the professionals, in eking out a very satisfactory evening's instruction and amusement.
"MASTER R. B. WHITE", South Australian Register (16 December 1852), 3
Among the passengers to England, per A. R. M. S. N. Co.'s Steamer Sydney, is Master Richard Baxter White, (son of Mr. George White, of King William-street), who is so favourably known to the South Australian public, through his remarkable musical gifts and acquirements. Master White has only just completed his 13th year, but his performances as a pianist and violinist are admirable, and give bright promise of future excellence in a profession, to the cultivation of which be seems thoroughly devoted. His voyage to England is undertaken with the intention of his becoming a pupil at the Royal Academy of Music, and as he embarks under the auspices of John Hart, Esq., M.L.C., and is accompanied by a kind mother, his prospects may be regarded as fair and promising in no ordinary degree. Master White is a native of South Australia, and seems to possess a teachable disposition as well as natural capabilities. We confidently hope he will prove a credit to his native land, and trust he will return to it with all the improvements and graces which are attainable in a school of undoubted excellence. Those who have had opportunities of witnessing the performances of Master White, will have felt anxious, as we have done, as to his opportunities for practice, on both instruments during the voyage, and will, therefore, be pleased to hear that a good piano, on board the Sydney, will be as available to him as [is] his own fine-toned violin, which is the more immediate companion of his voyage. We cannot conclude this notice without referring to those who so successfully undertook the musical instruction of this promising youth. His acquirements as a pianist may be solely attributed to the assiduous culture of Mrs. Murray, of Adelaide, and for his skill as a violinist the youthful aspirant for musical fame will certainly have to remember with gratitude, although he cannot requite, the care of his able instructor, the late Mr. Wallace, formerly musical professor of this city, and a brother of the still more distinguished English professor.
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Margaret Hart (patrons); only recently deceased, Spencer Wellington Wallace had left Adelaide in November 1851 for Victoria and died at Geelong on 15 August 1852
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED OUT", Adelaide Morning Chronicle (20 December 1852), 2
December 17 - The A.R.M.S.N. Company's steam-ship Sydney, Franklyn . . . passengers . . . first cabin . . . John Hart, Esq., M.L.C., Mrs. Hart, six children, and servant . . . second cabin . . . Mrs. White and Master White . . .
Richard in England (1853-57):
[Advertisement], Coventry Standard (11 September 1857), 1 (PAYWALL)
MR. A. B. BAYLIS, Member of the Royal Academy of Music, London,
Instrumentalists - Violin, MR. R. B. WHITE, R.A.M. -
Piano-Forte, MR. ALFRED B. BAYLIS, R.A.M. . . .
"MASTER R. B. WHITE", Adelaide Observer (23 July 1853), 5
We have much pleasure in stating that this promising youth underwent with great credit an examination in music on the 24th March, in presence of Professor C. Potter and the Rev. W. W. Cazalet, M.A., from whom he received a very gratifying encomium, and was admitted a student of the Royal Academy of Music. A letter from the young South Australian to his father, Mr. George White of this city, is couched in the most grateful and gratifying terms.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cipriani Potter (professor); William Wahab Cazalet (professor)
"ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC", The Musical World [London, England] (3 March 1855), 133 (DIGITISED)
It would appear from present arrangements, that the concerts "for the exhibition of the students" are to be limited to two this year, and that the Hanover-square Rooms are abandoned for the music-room of the institution in Tenterden-street, where winter concerts used to be held in the ancient time. Be that as it may, the first of two performances took place on Tuesday afternoon, in presence of a large number of the immediate friends and patrons of the institution. The programme was as follows: PART I. Oratorio, "The Last Judgement" - Spohr. PART II. Concerto in F minor (First Movement) Pianoforte, Mr. C. Hirst - Sterndale Bennett . . . First Concerto, Violin, Mr. White - De Beriot . . . Mr. White made a favourable impression in the hacknied Concerto of de Beriot, of which we confess we are getting heartily sick. He is a pupil of Mr. Sainton, under whose guidance he has acquired much. He is still, however, comparatively a beginner, with style and mechanism equally unformed; but he appears to have a fair bow-arm, and there was a certain mordant (as the French say) in one or two of the display-passages suggestive of something to come . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prosper Sainton (violinist, composer, teacher)
"ANTIPODEAN ARTIST", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (28 May 1855), 6
We are glad to observe in some of the leading London journals, that the performance of Master White, at a recent Concert of the Royal Academy of Music, has elicited the warmest applause. The young artist, who performed a Concerto of De Beriot's on the violin, appears to have taken the critical and aristocratic audiences of London quite by surprise; and much astonishment is expressed that talent of so very high an order should have developed itself in the "Bush of Australia." Some idea of the great improvement which the Australian musician has made under the regime of the Royal Academy, may be formed from the fact of his performing weekly on the piano-forte at Miss Messent's Concerts. - Adelaide Times.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophie Messent (vocalist)
"MASTER R. B. WHITE", Adelaide Times (5 June 1856), 2
We perceive by a late English paper that Master R. B. White, son of Mr. White of this city, has been fully realizing the expectation of his friends as a clever musician.
It will be remembered that, some two or three years ago, this young gentleman was sent home to study at the Royal Academy of Music,
after having appeared several times in public in Adelaide, and showing an amount of musical talent rarely exhibited in youths of his age.
At the Royal Shakspearean Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, we find Mr. White assisting at both a morning and evening concert, given by Mr. A. B. Baylis (a fellow student of Mr. White's),
and acquitting himself so creditable, as a violin performer, as to lead us to expect a bright future for him in his profession;
and, in the words of the English journal before us, "establish his claims as an accomplished violinist."
From another journal we extract -
"Mr. Richard White, as a violinist, performed the part allotted to him very creditably."
And again - "Mr. White, or, should we say, Master White? in four of Sainton's fantasias showed abundance of execution, and great promise.
He was deservedly encored in his last piece, for, notwithstanding he was young in years, he is 'very well up' in his profession."
With such flattering opinions of his talent, we may well look for a future successful career for Mr. White;
and we congratulate ourselves that South Australia, as well as being prosperous in her commerce,
is able to produce native talent that can even be appreciated by an English audience.
Opening of White's Rooms, Adelaide (June 1856):
"THE CORPORATION", Adelaide Times (10 June 1856), 3
. . . Mr. G. S. Kingston applied by letter, on account of Mr. George White, for permission to erect two lamp posts opposite his premises in King William-street,
and to construct a covered way over the gutter for the convenience of his new Assembly Rooms.
Resolved, that the request he complied with, and that the work be done under the superintendence of the City Surveyor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: White's Assembly Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"MASONIC BALL", South Australian Register (14 June 1856), 3
Mr. White's splendid Assembly-room is now drawing towards completion, and presents a very noble appearance. The masonic body hold their annual ball there on the 20th instant . . .
"MASONIC BALL", Adelaide Times (14 June 1856), 2
. . . We have seen the splendid assembly room erected by Mr. George White, and pronounce it to be a most splendid undertaking, and decidedly well adapted for balls, concerts, meetings, &c. . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (16 June 1856), 1
GEORGE WHITE returns his grateful thanks to his numerous customers throughout the colony for the kind manner in which they have supported him since his establishment in the colony,
now nearly nineteen years, and wishes to inform them that he has taken his eldest son, Mr. CHARLES WHITE, into partnership . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles White (1835-1891; eldest son)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (30 June 1856), 1
MADAME C. CAILLY has the honour to announce to her friends and the public at large, that she will give a
under the Patronage of the DEPUTY PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER, and the various LODGES of FREEMASONS,
upon which occasion Madame Cailly most respectfully solicits the support of the public generally.
His Excellency Bro. SIR R. G. MACDONNELL and MISS MACDONNELL will honour the Entertainment with their presence . . .
The CHORAL society have kindly offered their efficient assistance, including the Vocal and Instrumental Departments.
Mr. J. W. DANIEL, HERR LINGER, MISS ROWE, MISS CHALKER, and HERR KUNZE have kindly volunteered their services . . .
N.B. - A splendid Grand Piano has been engaged for the occasion.
Prices of Admission, 5s.; Reserved Seats, 7s. 6d.; Children under 12, half price . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Graves Macdonnell (governor); Clarisse Cailly (vocalist); Marie Chalker (vocalist); Carl Julius Kunze (vocalist)
Adelaide, SA (from 1858):
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (16 February 1858), 1
MR. R. B. WHITE (from the Royal Academy of Music)
begs leave to announce his return from England, and to state that he is prepared to give
Letters to be addressed to Mr. R. B. White, Professor of Music, care of Mr. George White Assembly Rooms, King William-street.
February 15, 1858.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (23 February 1858), 1
MR. R. B. WHITE (from the Royal Academy of Music) begs to announce his
FIRST GRAND CONCERT, On Thursday, February 25, 1858.
Overture - "La Dame Blanche," Miss Rowe and Herr Linger - Boildieu.
Song - "Martin the Man at Arms," Mr. Daniel - Loder.
Fantasia - Violin, "La Fille du Regiment," Mr. White - Sainton.
Song- "A Lowly Youth," Miss Tozer - Wallace.
Fantasia - Piano, "The Last Rose of Summer," Miss Rowe - Rosellen.
An Interval of 10 minutes.
Overture - "Zampa," Miss Rowe and Herr Linger - Herold.
Fantasia - Violin, "Lucrezia Borgia," Mr. White - Sainton.
Duet - "The Sailor Sighs," Miss Tozer and Mr. Daniel - Balfe.
Song - "Philip the Falconer," Mr. Daniel - Loder.
Fantasia - Piano, "Standard Bearer," Mr. White - Beyer.
National Anthem.
Doors open at half-past 7; Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
Tickets of admission, 5s. each, to be had of Mr. White, at the Assembly-rooms; Mr. Platts, Mr. Wigg, and Mr. Hillier.
Adelaide, February 22, 1858.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Jane Rowe (pianist, vocalist); Caroline Tozer (vocalist)
"MR. R. B. WHITE'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (26 February 1858), 2
There was a large and respectable audience on Thursday evening to witness Mr. White's debut as a professional musician in his native city. Those who witnessed his early promise before his visits to the great metropolis were not disappointed in their expectation of a matured proficiency on his reappearance. His performance on the violin of pieces selected for their beauty, and, we may say, their difficulty, elicited continuous bursts of applause and repeated redemands. On the grand piano Mr. White was equally successful, and his substituted pieces on both instruments were applauded to the echo, and repetitions all but insisted on. The success which attended this talented young gentleman's appearance at once places him in the rank of a first-rate instrumentalist. Those old favourites of the musical public, Messrs. Linger and Daniel, Miss Tozer, and also Miss Rowe, a native musician, who, under the able tuition of Mr. Linger, has attained great proficiency, added to the attractions of the evening's entertainments. We understand that it is Mr. White's intention to give a second concert at an early date.
"WEDNESDAY EVENING'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (4 March 1858), 2
The second grand concert of Mr. R. B. White came off yesterday evening in the presence of a large body of spectators. As on the previous occasion the selection of pieces was well arranged for effective contrast, the most onerous part necessarily devolving on Mr. White. Having now heard this accomplished musician for a second time, we are better able to offer an opinion as to his merits. Nothing less than a masterly performance from Mr. White would have satisfied the Adelaide public after the very favourable critiques which occasionally appeared in the London press relative to his promising talents, and we feel confident in saying that of late years the Royal Academy of Music have sent forth but few pupils who have merited or attained to equal celebrity. The chief defect under which this artiste labours, is that he is yet so young that the matter-of-fact portion of the public can scarcely accredit him with any rare degree of excellence. As an effectual reply to such misgivings we simply suggest a hearing. As a violinist Mr. White has richly availed himself of the numerous excellencies of his master, Mr. Sainton, his execution being extraordinary, and his style of play being elegant in the extreme. He has also acquired considerable facility in the imitative expression of the emotional tones of the human voice. In the first piece, "La Fille du Regiment," a very difficult fantasia, he created almost a furor of applause, although evidently labouring under a slight degree of nervousness. Later in the evening, he gave "The Standard Bearer" with rich effect, many variations in the original air being rendered most brilliantly. For an encore he substantiated [sic, substituted] "Yankee Doodle," which drew forth considerable laughter from its many cleverly performed quaint contrasts. As a pianist, Mr. R. B. White possessed equal elegance and firmness of touch. Since the appearance of Linley Norman, not a more classical or attractive player has been heard in this province. Even as a singer, Mr. White deserves special attention, his voice, although of but moderate power, has fine and sweetly modulated tones. His rendering of "I'm leaving Thee" was warmly applauded. The programme of the evening was varied by some songs by Mr. Daniel, and Miss Tozer, a lady who is rapidly becoming a favorite with the Adelaide public.
ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (pianist)
'WHITE'S ASSEMBLY ROOM", Adelaide Observer (8 May 1858), 1 supplement
On Friday evening Madam Carandini and her able associates gave the last of their miscellaneous concerts to a large and highly respectable audience, including His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell, Mr. White assisted the company by playing several pieces on the violin and the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist)
"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (14 May 1858), 3
. . . On Thursday evening the Society gave its second quarterly concert at White's Assembly Room . . . Mr. R. B. White followed with a solo on the violin, by De Beriot, in which he was accompanied by Mr. Lavenu on the grand piano. The audience testified their gratification by repeated demonstrations during its performance, and at its close a sudden and long-continued round of applause testified how highly they appreciated the talent of the young performer and the accomplished pianist who accompanied him. Nothing but the repetition of the piece could satisfy the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (pianist, the Carandini company's musical director)
"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Adelaide Observer (1 January 1859), 5
This Society's concert on Thursday evening last [30 December] was favoured for once with an audience worthy of its true merit. Notwithstanding the day had been one of tire warmest of the present summer, and there was no moon to favour the return home of persons from the country, White's large room was quite filled on the occasion, giving assurance that the music-loving people of Adelaide do not intend the Society should die of cold neglect . . . Mr. White, in a concerto from Mendelsohn, played with his usual brilliancy, but the accompaniment on the piano was marked by a degree or incertitude, which greatly detracted from the success of the performance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Sacred Harmonic Society (organisation)
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (21 January 1859), 1
MR. R. B. WHITE (from the Royal Academy of Music),
Letters to be addressed to Mr. R. B. White, Assembly Rooms, King William-street.
R. B. W. has just received a splendid assortment of New Music, which can be had at the Rooms.
January 19, 1859.
"A PUBLIC MUSIC HALL. TO THE EDITOR OF THE OBSERVER", Adelaide Observer (12 March 1859), 1 supplement
Sir - I notice a most lamentable piece of rigmarole in the Advertiser of Thursday, touching for the length of half a column upon all sorts of subjects, and winding up with the information that Signor Cutolo is going to give a concert. The next day a certain tradesman, who has read the jeremiad, comes to the conclusion that the accomplished pianist of the Mediterranean has been dreadfully unsuccessful here - though I very much doubt whether this be the fact - and he tenders his advice to him on the subject.
It may be presumed that "A Tradesman" is accustomed to look at both sides of an account, and to weigh cost against return. Therefore I will ask him to do this with reference to his suggested concert, which he says would bring 500 people together at 1s. a head. He will find that Mr. White charges £10 10s. for the room, and Mr. White, jun., £5 5s. for his assistance with the violin. Three gleesingers at least would be required, at a minimum fee of £2 2s each, and the cost of printing, advertising, tuning the piano, attendance at the door, &c., would amount to fully £10 10s. more, making a total of £32 11s., against which is to be set the produce of 500 tickets at 1s. each, or £25. Thus the gentleman giving the concert, instead of receiving anything for his risk and trouble, would come out a loser of £7 11s.
It may be said that White's Room will hold more than 500 persons. Take it then at 800, and include in that number 200 young people, whom "A Tradesman" would admit at half-price. The proceeds then, supposing the room to be absolutely full, would amount to £35, leaving the Professor for his risk and trouble a profit of £2 11s. I need hardly say that if the audience should chance to fall short, he would be a loser.
It is clear that the great difficulty lies in the high rent of the room; and I do not see much chance of this being reduced, for I understand that the cost of the building was so great that its returns, including Mr. Aldridge's rent for the lower portion of it, do little more than yield its proprietor a fair interest upon his outlay. I should be sorry to ignore Mr. White's claim upon the public for his spirited undertaking, which has certainly provided them with a good concert-room; but at the same time I must say that if they desire cheap entertainments, their only course will be to secure a place of their own. This they might do by clubbing together, and building a Town-Hall; not by a tax, but by voluntary contributions, as was done some years ago by the people of Hindmarsh. They would then have a place for public meetings and for entertainments of all kinds; and the cost of keeping it in repair would be met by a trilling fee for its use, the condition being always insisted on that the price or tickets should be proportionably moderate.
The same hall could be used for the exhibitions of the Society of Arts, the shows of fruit and flowers, and for charitable bazaars.
I do not approve of the Government's being asked to supply a building for such purposes,
but I think the citizens would consult their own convenience by its erection in the manner I have indicated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist); George Aldridge (tenant, restaurant proprietor)
"GRAND CONCERT AT WHITE'S ROOM", South Australian Register (18 May 1859), 2
This concert, given by Mr. R. B. White, assisted by Misses Rowe and Tozer and Mr. Daniel in the vocal, and Messrs. Chapman and Betteridge in the instrumental part of it, took place in White's Room on Tuesday evening last. The weather, unfortunately, was most unpropitious, and the concert being fixed for the evening preceding the dispatch of the European mail - an additional unfavourable circumstance - were quite sufficient in their combined influence to ensure a thin attendance. His Excellency the Governor, we are informed, was unavoidably absent owing to the latter cause. Nevertheless there was a most respectable audience, among whom were the Lord Bishop of Adelaide, the Commissioner of Crown Lands, the Treasurer, the Speaker, Mr. O. K. Richardson, and other influential persons, and it can scarcely be doubted that they enjoyed a rich musical treat on the occasion. The programme announced a number of musical morceaux comparatively new in the colony, and promised the not inconsiderable attraction of a duet upon two grand pianofortes; while the concert, as it went off, evidenced that every piece had been got up with extreme care. The singers also were in good voice, and managed, notwithstanding the paucity of their audience, to enter with spirit into the various pieces apportioned, to them. Altogether, musically considered, the concert was therefore a great success. The most taking performances of the earlier part of the concert were the "Soldier's Return," sung in operatic style by Mr. Daniel and Miss Tozer; and the "Huguenots," a duet on two grand pianos, played by Miss Rowe and Mr. R. B. White . . . The "Huguenots," a favourite piece in England, was announced to be played the first time in Adelaide, and it was well played, Miss Rowe doing great credit to her teacher and herself in her accuracy, taste, and execution. The effect of the two instruments, the one thundering to the dulcet sweetness, or rattling brilliance of the other, or both taking by turns the refrain of the piece, evidently surprised those present who had not enjoyed a similar treat on any previous occasion. In the second part of the concert was a musical gem, in which Messrs. Chapman, Betteridge, and White took part on the violin, violoncello, and piano respectively, consisting of a trio of chamber music by Bennett. The beauty of the piece was done full justice to in its execution, and although too faint to be adopted to a concert, and scarcely popular enough, it must have afforded great enjoyment to those who have listened to good chamber music in the mother-land, and doubtless in some minds awakened associations of a most delightful character . . . Mr. R. B. White's fantasia on the violin ("Nabucudonso") was played in his best style, and showed that as a violinist he is improving himself from month to month. The piece was followed by warm and long-continued plaudits, which in the end induced him to repeat the last strain of the piece. There was a fault committed, too often fallen into, of keeping the cover of the piano open in accompanying the songs, which results in the voices being drowned and the enunciation smothered. This loudness of the piano was felt in the trio by Bennett, the power of a grand pianoforte apparently being underrated. Towards the close of the performance Mr. Daniel announced that the concert would, in all probability, be repeated some time next week . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (violin); Henry Betteridge (cello)
MUSIC: Les Huguenots (Osborne); Piano trio (Sterndale Bennett)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", South Australian Register (17 September 1869), 2
The opening concert of the Adelaide Philharmonic Society took place on Thursday evening, in the Town Hall, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency Sir James Fergusson. The weather was by no means propitious, yet there was a very large attendance; every available square foot of the Hall was occupied, and it was found necessary to admit a good many late-comers to the gallery. Mr. E. Spiller acted as conductor, and Mr. R. B. White, R.A.M., as leader . . . The Society very properly determined to confine itself to the cultivation and practice of classical music, beginning with "The Messiah" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Spiller (conductor); Adelaide Philharmonic Society (organisation)
"THE MISSING PLEASURE PARTY", Evening Journal (4 July 1872), 2
On Wednesday afternoon Messrs. G. White and T. F. Monteith dispatched from Glenelg Mr. Shepherd's cutter to search for the missing's boat's company, who left that place on Sunday, June 23, at about 4.30 p.m., and have not since been heard from. The boat they went was half-decked, and belonged to Mr. Haynes, who, with a man named Sugars, both of Glenelg, where their families reside, accompanied the pleasure-seekers. The intended destination was Oyster Bay, on Yorke's Peninsula, where the young men purposed spending a few days in kangarooing and other sport, proposing to return on Friday, June 28. It is now feared that while out in the Gulf the boat was caught by the same gale that blew the roof off Mr. Puplett's warehouse in the city, but till a couple of days ago the relatives and friends of the members of the party felt at ease regarding them. Since then the craft Sailor Prince has arrived from Salt Creek, and reports having seen nothing of them while two fishing smacks that came into Glenelg on Wednesday morning, and another that night - all from Oyster Bay - have brought no tidings. The cutter that has been sent will, however, make a careful search along the coast, and there is a possibility of the Eleanor or some other steamer being sent down the Gulf with a similar object. The complete list of those who were on board the boat that sailed from Holdfast Bay is as follows: - Messrs. R. B. and H. White, sons of Mr. George White, of the Adelaide Assembly Rooms; R. Monteith, son of Mr. T. F. Monteith; F. Heydecke, a well-known musician; C. W. Primrose, son of Mr. John Primrose, brewer, with Messrs. Haynes and Sugars, who had charge of the craft. The greatest sympathy is felt on account of the state of anxious suspense in which the whole of the relations of the members of the party are in.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Heydecke (musician)
"MR. R. B. WHITE", South Australian Register (13 July 1872), 3
It may be interesting to our readers to be favoured with a few particulars of the career of this gifted gentleman,
whom the most hopeful must now conclude to be undoubtedly lost: -
Mr. Richard Baxter White was born at Adelaide on August 26, 1839.
At a very early age - between eight and nine years - having shown a great ability for music, he was placed under Mrs. Murray for tuition on the pianoforte,
and directly after, hearing the late Mr. Wallace play a violin solo, he seemed struck with that instrument, and said he should like to learn it.
He then became a pupil of Mr. Wallace, and after the second lesson was able to tune his instrument and play "God Save the Queen" perfectly.
He was under the instructions of Mrs. Murray and Mr. Wallace for about four years, and played the piano and violin several times in public.
He afterwards became himself a teacher of both instruments, but finding there was no one here able to give him further instruction, his father sent him to the Royal Academy of Music in London, and being introduced to that institution by Miss Hart, the sister of the Hon. John Hart, C.M.G., of Adelaide, he was examined by the Doctors of Music on both instruments, who pronounced that he had all the natural talent necessary to form a first-class musician. He was therefore at once placed under M. Sainton for the violin, Mr. Brinley Richards, Professor of Music, for the piano. After a time he showed great abilities at the Academy's and Students' Concerts, at which he received great applause, and notices appeared, in the London papers speaking very highly of his performances. As showing the generous spirit of Mr. White, it may be mentioned that at the end of his last year the contest for a King's Scholarship lay between him and a fellow-student, an orphan named Isaacs, and he gave up all claim in favour of the other competitor.
He remained in London about five years, and then returned to Adelaide, where he followed his profession for the last 14 years, besides giving instruction on the two instrument of which he was master. He has been leader of the Philharmonic Society since its establishment, and also of the Ladies and Gentlemen's Glee Club, as well as conductor at the Catholic Cathedral Choir. For some time he was leader in Lyster's Opera Company, and had attained to the height of his profession when the sad catastrophe, which it is now almost certain must have occurred, deprived him of his life. He was of a kind, gentle disposition, very much beloved by his pupils, and generally esteemed by all who knew him. The conductor, the band, and the other members of the Philharmonic Society speak in very high terms of his ability as their leader, and exceedingly deplore his loss.
ASSOCIATIONS: Prosper Sainton (violin professor); Henry Brinley Richards
See also the above reproduced in "OLD-TIME MEMORIES", South Australian Register (10 August 1891), 6
"THE MISSING BOAT PARTY", The Express and Telegraph (15 July 1872), 3
The party respecting whose safety so much anxiety has of late been felt, and who, there can be no doubt, have fallen victims to a fatal accident in St. Vincent's Gulf, numbered seven persons - five gentlemen who were proceeding to Yorke's Peninsula on a sporting expedition, and two boatmen. They were Messrs. R. B. White, R.A.M., and H. White, sons of Mr. George White, of Rosefield Vineyard; Mr. F. Heydecke, musician; Mr. C. W. Primrose, son of Mr. J. Primrose, brewer; Mr. R. Monteith, son of Mr. T. F. Monteith; Thomas Haynes, owner of the boat Stella; and Henry Sugars, boat man. They left Glenelg on 23rd June, in tending to cross the Gulf to Yorke's Peninsula, and to return in five or six days; but they have never since been heard of, although every effort has been made to find them, or some traces which would show conclusively what had become of them. The almost entire absence of any waifs of the ocean which would tend to throw light upon their fate, is now accepted as evidence that they must have been struck by the fearful squall which passed over the Gulf early on the morning of the 24th June, and that the boat must have foundered with all hands. The few fragments which have been picked up on the Aldinga beach add confirmation to this conjecture - so that the party have now been given up as lost, and the suspense which has hung over the public mind for a week or more, and which of course has been specially painful to the relatives of the missing ones, has now deepened into the more distressing conviction that the absent ones will never return alive. The warmest sympathy was evinced for the relatives and friends of the party during their anxious suspense whilst there seemed to be ground for hope, and a still deeper sympathy is felt for them now that hopefulness of safety must have given place to conviction of loss.
Mr. Richard Baxter White was a highly gifted native-born musician. He was born in Adelaide on 26th August, 1839 . . . [as 13 July above] . . . He remained at the Academy for about five years, when he returned to his native city, where, in February, 1858, when 19 years of age, he made a most successful and gratifying debut, as the following critiques, written upon his first and second concerts, will show:-
"Those who witnessed his (Mr. White's) early promise before his visits to the great metropolis were not disappointed . . . [as 26 February 1858 above] . . ."
"Mr. White on this, as on his first appearance, took his audience by surprise by his extremely clever performances on the violin. That so young a man should have attained such great proficiency on so difficult an instrument as is manifested by this youthful performer is a source of both astonishment and congratulation. We confidently predict that when the ardor of youth shall have ripened into the maturity of manhood Mr. White will stand at the very head of his profession. We believe that he is destined to play second fiddle to no living executist. Mr. White's performance on the piano was well received, but if upon this instrument he has not acquired that brilliancy of touch and finished style which is necessary to constitute a first-rate performer, his skilful manipulation is, at any rate, a fair promise of future excellence. Nothing is wanting but that matured experience which nothing but years of close application can give. The pre sent is a favorable prediction of the future."
The confident predictions here offered were entirely fulfilled, as the music-loving public of Adelaide have not been slow to testify whenever Mr. White has appeared before them. For the last 14 years he has followed his profession in Adelaide, and at the time of his death he was not only leader of the Philharmonic Society and also of the Ladies and Gentlemen Glee Club, but also conductor of the Catholic Cathedral Choir. He was also for some time leader of Lyster's Opera Company in Adelaide, and his abilities were so highly appreciated by Mr. Lyster that he was engaged to act as leader to the Company in Melbourne also for a season. He had attained the height of his profession when the sad calamity, which all deplore, put an end to a life which gave promise of still greater things. His last appearance in public, except as leader of the Philharmonic Society, was at the reopening of his father's grand hall in February last, when his performances on the violin and pianoforte elicited enthusiastic demonstrations from the audience. His violin concerto by Mendelssohn, with band accompaniment, it will be remembered, was one of the finest pieces of instrumentation which had been heard in the colony. His execution on the piano of Beethoven's music will also be recollected as a great treat. It will thus be seen that not only Adelaide, but the colony also, has sustained a deep loss in the death of Mr. White. His kindly disposition also made him a general favorite with those who shared his acquaintance. He leaves a widow with one child, only a few days old.
Mr. Henry White, brother of the above, was 22 years of age, and was also a native of the colony. He was educated at Mr. Young's School, and afterwards served his articles in the office of Messrs. Andrews & Bonnin, solicitors; but not having a taste for the law, he did not apply for admission to the Supreme Court.
Mr. F. Heydecke was born on 15th November, 1832, at Hasselfelde, near Brunswick, where his father was principal musician. He received his musical education from his father, and at the age of 19 years he became bandsman in the Black Brunswick Rifle Corps, in which he served till the beginning of 1857. He then, with his elder brother, Mr. Schrader of Leigh-street, and other musicians, left for Adelaide as members of a band which was known for several years as the Brunswick Band. He was a proficient instrumentalist, both on string and brass instruments, and his loss will be severely felt by his brother musicians.
Messrs. Monteith and Primrose were youths of about 19 or 20 years of age. This sad affair has cast quite a gloom over the city, and the sympathy of the public with those who have been left dependent will doubtless be shown in a practical way. We observe that a meeting will be held at Glenelg to-night to consider the best means of affording assistance to the sufferers by the boat-wreck.
"DEATHS", The South Australian Advertiser (13 November 1876), 4
WHITE. - On the 12th November, at his residence, Rosefield, Fullarton, George White, of dropsy, aged 63 years. An old colonist, having arrived in the Royal Admiral in the year 1838. Stroud papers please copy.
[News], The South Australian Advertiser (13 November 1876), 5
On Sunday morning, Mr. George White, one of our old colonists, and the proprietor of the rooms in King William-street that bear his name, died at his residence, at Fullarton, after a long and painful illness. Mr. White of late has not been seen so much in Adelaide as formerly, but he was well known to South Australians generally, and especially to those of the early days. He was quite a character in his way, and while possessing considerable business talent, maintained during a residence of nearly forty years in this colony, a reputation for strict integrity. He did not take much part in politics, but was a useful citizen, and his celebrated vineyard is one proof of a desire to develop the natural capabilities of this fine country. The deceased leaves a wife and children, and grand-children, to mourn their bereavement.
[News], The South Australian Advertiser (29 May 1885), 4-5
Many of our readers will remember the sad boating accident which occurred about thirteen years ago by which Mr. Richard White, R.A.M., one of the most brilliant pianists and violinists the colony has ever possessed, lost his life. Mr. White was the owner of a splendid Ruzerius [sic] violin, some 200 years old, and Mr. George Hall, the conductor of the Theatre Royal orchestra, has after this span of time become the possessor of it. We are [5] not aware of the sum paid for the instrument, the tone of which is wonderfully soft and melodious, but believe it was something considerable.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hubert Hall (violinist); Francesco Rugeri or Vincenzo Rugeri (violin makers)
"DEATH OF TWO OLD COLONISTS", South Australian Register (3 September 1888), 2s
We have to record the death of Mrs. Eliza White, relict of the late George White, formerly proprietor of White's Rooms, in King William-street. The deceased lady arrived in the Royal Admiral on January 20, 1838, the same vessel bringing the late Mr. George James, Mr. Charles Catlow, and others, few of whom are now left. Mrs. White died on August 16 at her residence, Queen-street, Norwood, deeply regretted, having made many friends through her genial and kind disposition. The deceased will be greatly missed by many to whom she lent a helping hand in time of need. She has left two sons, Mr. Charles White, late of the firm of White & Bishop, and Mr. F. White, and four daughters, the deceased lady's other two sons, Richard Baxter White, the violinist, and H. White, having been lost in St. Vincent's Gulf some years ago, which sad event, no doubt, will still be remembered by many.
"WHITE'S ROOMS. A GLANCE BACKWARDS", Chronicle (5 February 1916), 31
All that remains of the block of buildings in King William-street, in which was embraced the Tivoli Theatre, originally known as White's Rooms, is a small portion of the Clarence Hotel having a frontage to King William-street, and in a few days nothing will be visible of the historic building in which tens of thousands of citizens have assembled for amusement during the last 60 years. The building was erected about 60 years ago for the late Mr. George White, a tailor, of Hindley-street, who removed to King William-street when his new shop was ready. Mr. White occupied the apartment now used as the public bar of the Clarence as his shop, the hotel business being confined to that room which for years has served as the saloon bar on the northern side of the corridor leading to the theatre. Originally White's Assembly Room had a level floor, and was used for various purposes in addition to amusements in the evening. There was a White's Arbitration Room, where during the day time auction sales, meetings, and other gatherings used to be held. For a long time White's Assembly Room was the only place of entertainment in Adelaide, so that the name, "White's Rooms," became a household term throughout the State. Even now, although the place has been remodelled several times, and has been known as Garner's Theatre, the Bijou, the Tivoli, and the Star Theatre, the old associations and name cling to the premises . . .
There is an impression that the City Council used to assemble in the arbitration room, but Sir Edwin Smith says that is a mistake. Members of the council might have assembled there for big meetings or luncheons in the restaurant, which was kept by the late Mr. George Aldridge, but the regular meetings of the council were held in the little building in the middle of the corporation acre on which the Town Hall stands. The restaurant was under the main hall . . . It was in this restaurant that the citizens honored John McDouall Stuart by entertaining him prior to his departure on his memorable trip across Australia to the Northern Territory . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John McDouall Stuart (explorer)
Bibliography and resources:
Richard Baxter White, Find a grave
WHITE, John (John WHITE)
Surgeon-general, first fleet diarist, observer of Indigenous singing and dancing
Born UK, 1856
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 January 1788
Departed Sydney, NSW, 17 December 1794 (per Daedalus)
Died Worthing, England, 20 February 1832 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
John White, Journal of a voyage to New South Wales with sixty-five plates of non descript animals, birds, lizards, serpents, curious cones of trees and other natural productions (London: Printed for J. Debrett, 1790), 131-32, 165-66, 192-93 (DIGITISED)
[At Broken Bay, 9 March 1788] . . . The governor, with two long boats manned and armed, returned from Broken Bay, situated a little to the northward, which he had been exploring for several days. It affords good shelter for shipping, and the entrance is bold; it cannot, however, be compared to Port Jackson. While he was there, he saw a great many of the natives, some of whom he thinks he had observed before, either at Botany Bay or in the neighbourhood of Port Jackson. One of the females happened to fall in love with his great coat; and to obtain it she used a variety of means. First, she danced, and played a number of antic tricks; but, finding this mode ineffectual, she had recourse to tears, which she shed plentifully. This expedient not answering, she ceased from weeping, and appeared as cheerful as any of the party around her. From this little incident it may be seen that they are not a people devoid of art. (DIGITISED)
[At Botany Bay, May 1788] . . . The women and children kept at some distance, one or two more forward than the rest excepted, who came to the governor for some presents. While he was distributing his gifts, the women danced (an exercise every description of people in this country seem fond of), and threw themselves into some not very decent attitudes. The men in general had their skins smeared all over with grease, or some stinking, oily substance; some wore a small stick or fish-bone, fixed crossways, in the division of the nose, which had a very strange appearance; others were painted in a variety of ways, and had their hair ornamented with the teeth of fish, fastened on by gum, and the skin of the kangaroo. (DIGITISED)
[29 July 1788] . . . About ten or twenty yards from the shore, among the long grass, in the shallow water, he struck and took with his fish-gig several good fish; an acquisition to which, at this season of the year, it being cold and wet, we were unequal . . . While they were thus employed, one of the gentlemen with me sung some songs; and when he had done, the females in the canoes either sung one of their own songs, or imitated him, in which they succeeded beyond conception. Any thing spoken by us they most accurately recited, and this in a manner of which we fell greatly short in our attempts to repeat their language after them. While we were thus amicably engaged, all on a sudden they paddled away from us. On looking about to discover the cause, we perceived the gunner of the Supply at some little distance, with a gun in his hand, an instrument of death, against which they entertain an insuperable aversion. As soon as I discovered him, I called to him to stay where he was, and not make a nearer approach; or, if he did, to lay down his gun. The latter request he immediately complied with; and when the natives saw him unarmed they shewed no further fear, but, returning to their employment, continued alternately to sing songs and to mimic the gentlemen who accompanied me.
WHITE, John Charles (John Charles WHITE; J. C. WHITE)
Vocalist, precentor (Presbyterian), singing class instructor, schoolmaster, newspaper proprietor, Methodist pioneer, convict
Born Thorpe, Colchester, England, 5 August 1813
Married Myrah OAKEY (1809-1867), St. Stephen Walbrook, London, 4 May 1834
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 16 January 1837 (per Coromandel, from London, 8 September 1836)
Arrived Bathurst, NSW, by late 1842
Died Bathurst, NSW, June 1904, aged 91 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"BATHURST. SINGING SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 October 1848), 3
One has been recently formed here with the most laudable purpose of instructing the young and old. The members at present amount to sixteen. The weekly subscriptions and fines are to be appropriated to the purchase of instruments and music-books. On Friday, the 13th, a tea party was held for the purpose of promoting the objects of this society. Upwards of eighty tickets were taken. The meeting was held in the Scotch school-room - rather, if anything, too confined. Mr. J. C. White addressed the meeting, and explained in a very clear and concise manner the motives and objects of the society. After the good things provided had been partaken of, there was an exhibition of the magic-lantern for the amusement of the youngsters. After this, was singing and music until ten P.M., when the party broke up, all appearing satisfied with their entertainment.
"THE SYNOD OF AUSTRALIA'S CHURCH EXTENSION SCHEME (From the Bathurst Free Press, October 6)", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 October 1855), 2
The singing throughout the evening was conducted in a very effective manner by some of the members of the Bathurst singing class, under the direction of Mr. J. C. White, Precentor of St. Stephen's Church.
"The Late Mr. J. C. White", National Advocate (29 June 1904), 2
The late Mr. John Charles White - whose death was briefly announced in our issue of yesterday - was born at Thorpe, near Colchester, Essex, England, on August 5, 1813. Early in life he was bereft of both of his parents, and he was left to the care of his maternal grandmother. He was first apprenticed to the baking trade. He had only received a rudimentary education, but his desire for knowledge was so great that in spite of great difficulties and adverse circumstances, he improved himself wonderfully in his studies. He studied for the Methodist ministry under competent masters, and ultimately succeeded in qualifying, passing his theological examinations with honors while yet in his teens. He offered himself for the South African Mission and was accepted, but before he could take up the work his health failed. This was a severe blow to the young man who then, as a preacher, was powerful and eloquent, and gave promise of a brilliant future. Though debarred from missionary work, he rendered great service as a lay preacher. He afterwards accepted a position as manager of the Hanwell Lunatic Asylum, under Sir Wm. Ellis, and about this time he married Miss Myrah Oakey, only daughter of Mr. J. H. Schneider Oakey, Crown Solicitor of Demarara, West Indies. Mr. White, accompanied by his wife and two children, sailed from England in 1836 for South Australia, landing there in January 1837. The first Sunday after landing Mr. White had the honor of inaugurating Methodist services in South Australia. Shortly after arrival he received an appointment as clerk in the bank of Glenelg, which position he gave up in order to help quarrying stone for a church building. In 1840 he came over and settled in Sydney, where he prominently identified himself with the temperance movement. In 1842 he crossed the mountains and ultimately settled in Bathurst. He first held a position as teacher of the Church of England Denominational school at Kelso, and later on as master of the Presbyterian Church school. As a teacher he was very successful in his work.
In 1857 Mr. White purchased the plant of the "Free Press" from the late Mr. William Farrand, and he continued to conduct the paper till about 20 years ago, when he was succeeded by two of his sons. He was a strenuous worker and a hard fighter in the political arena, and he took a prominent part in the first contest under constitutional government in this State. For some time he occupied a seat in the City Council, and although often pressed to submit his name for Parliamentary candidature, he steadfastly refused. Mr. White was greatly attached to the Methodist Church, to which he rendered invaluable service, both financially and as a lay preacher. In this connection it may be stated that he was a lay preacher for 60 years, being about the oldest lay preacher in the world. Some years ago his wife died and he felt her loss very much. Of late years he had been an invalid, and the declining period of his life had been made happy by the tender and devoted care of his two unmarried daughters. His career throughout was marked by strict integrity, and his manliness of character, coupled with his goodness of heart, made for him hosts of friends throughout the Western district. A family of seven survive him - four daughters - Mrs. W. Tye (Croydon), Mrs. R. Knott (Katoomba), and Misses Matilda and Charlotte White - and three sons - Messrs. Edward, Charles, and Gloster. The funeral will take place at three o'clock this afternoon. The remains will be taken into the William-street Methodist Church, where a short service will be held.
WHITE, M. W. (M. W. WHITE; Mr. M. W. WHITE; M. William WHITE; William M. WHITE; "Bill WHITE"; "Billy WHITE")
Musician, tenor vocalist, banjo player, banjoist, Rainer's Serenaders
Born Philadelphia, PA, USA, ? c. 1825
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 September 1852 (per Speed, from San Francisco, 28 July)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, ? after June 1861
Died Otago, NZ, October 1863 (William M. WHITE, aged "33", reg. 1863/6189 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATIONS: W. H. White (violinist, New York Serenaders, in Australia, 1851); "Billy White" (dancer, Boley Minstrels, active 1861, ? died 1862)
![[Playbill], Nightingale Ethiopian Serenaders of Philadelphia, Odd-Fellows' Hall, Richmond, Virginia, 4 September 1848](imageslocal/white-m-w-richmond-virginia-1848.jpg)
[Playbill], Nightingale Ethiopian Serenaders of Philadelphia, Odd-Fellows' Hall, Richmond, Virginia, 4 September 1848
. . . comprising: J. K. SEARCH, Violin; M. W. WHITE, Banjo; W. H. MORGAN, Tambo; Harry LEHR, Bone Castanetts; R. PAUL, Harem Bell . . .
[Concerts], 27-29 August 1849, Adelphi Theatre, Washington, DC; see Mudd 1903, 260 (DIGITISED)
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 27, 28 and 29 [1849], the Nightingale Ethiopian Serenaders, Messrs. H. K. Johnson, M. W. White, W. H. Morgan, George Kunkel and Harry Lehr, under the management of Geo. W. Harvey, gave concerts at the Adelphi [Washington, DC].
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California [San Francisco, CA, USA] (1 March 1852), 11
Whose Concerts in England and America, for the last eight years, have been attended by the most fashionable audiences,
respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of San Franciseo that they will have the honor of giving a series of their
INIMITABLE ENTERTAINMENTS at this Theatre, commencing
The Concerts will be interspersed with selections from the best Operas,
also the most admired and fashionable pieces now so popular in the States,
accompanied by the Violin, Banjoes, Bones, Castanetts, Tamborine, &c. &c. &c.
The Company is composed of the following gentlemen:
F. SOLOMON - Violin.
M. W. WHITE - First Tenor.
T. BROWER - Second Tenor.
W. B. DONALDSON - Tenor.
J. C. RAINER - Basso . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas P. Brower (serenader); John Cragin Rainer (serenader)
"THE SERENADERS", Daily Alta California (2 March 1852), 2
The Ethiopian Serenaders, under the management of Messrs. Rainer and Donaldson, opened last evening, at the Jenny Lind Theatre, and quite a large and respectable audience were in attendance. Messrs. F. Solomon, M. W. White, T. Brower, W. B. Donaldson and E. B. Donaldson compose the company. Their performances last evening were excellent and elicited much applause from the audience. The singing is decidedly good, and well worth listening to. Tonight they present a new bill, with a variety of songs, dances, choruses, and glees.
"THE AMERICAN", Daily Alta California (22 July 1852), 2
At the American the benefit of Mr. M. W. White, of Rainer's Operatic Serenaders, came off according to notice. The house was well filled, and the performances went of with much spirit.
Australia (from 19 September 1852 to 1861):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1852), 2
September 19 - Speed, barque, 365 tons, Capt. Cannell from San Francisco the 28th July, in ballast. - Passengers . . . Messrs. J. C. Rainer, J. P. Brower [sic], M. W. White, N. Bryant, G. M. Jones [sic, Foans], F. Moran . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Neil Bryant (serenader); James Milton Foans (serenader); Frank Moran (serenader); Rainer's Serenaders (troupe)
"THE ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1852), 3
Amongst the passengers arrived yesterday by the Speed, from California, are a number of gentlemen who under the above title, had the honour of appearing before the courts of Europe. Report speaks very highly of this talented company, and it is to be hoped their exertions will meet with an adequate reward.
"RAINER'S SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (6 November 1852), 2
The influenza, which is no respecter of persons, incapacitated this company from performing on Wednesday evening, and the time appointed for their departure from this city is now rapidly approaching . . .
MR. M. W. WHITE. - This gentleman, whose delightful ballad singing and solo performances on the banjo have earned for him an enviable celebrity in this metropolis, will take a benefit on Wednesday evening in in the Royal Hotel Saloon, and has issued a most tempting card of invitation, for particulars of which vide advertisement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 November 1852), 1
IN THE PRESS and will be published, in a few days.
THE VETERAN'S RETURN, as sung by M. W. White, of Rainer's Minstrels, and
THE ETHIOPIAN POLKAS, arranged for the Pianoforte . . .
HENRY MARSH AND CO., Wholesale Music Sellers and Publishers, 420 1/2, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musicseller, publisher)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 November 1852), 3
Benefit of Mr. M. W. WHITE, last night but four of Rainer's Serenaders!
MR. WHITE begs leave to call attention to the Programme of the Evening, and trusts the selection of songs and
NEW FEATURES will meet with the approbation of his Friends and the Public generally.
First appearance of the Company in white faces.
First night of the GRAND PANORAMA OVERTURE introducing Tin Horns!
[manicule] See Small Bills.
Cards of admission Reserved seats, 4s.; middle seats, 3s. back seats, 2s.;
to be had of H. Marsh and Co., Music Seller, 490, George-street; Entwisle, York-street;
and at the Royal Hotel, from ten A.M. to three P.M.
Doors open at half-past seven; concert commences at eight o'clock.
No Ladies admitted to the Reserved Seats unaccompanied by Gentleman.
E. TOTTEN, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elbert Totten (agent, manager)
Passengers per Shamrock from Sydney, 24 November 1852, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . J. C. Rainer / W. White / F. Moran / T. Brower / C. Bryant / J. M. Foans . . .
[News], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (7 April 1853), 2
THE WIND-UP of the "warieties" of the week will take place tomorrow evening, for the benefit of M. W. White, the well-favoured representative of the sentimental "Ben Bolt;" on which occasion the Serenaders' Company will perform one of Rice's celebrated comic negro operas, "Oh! hush! or "negro assurance," in which the humours of Cuff will be delineated by Moran, and the coquettish young lady, Miss Dinah Rose, will be personated by Foans whose recognition at the races yesterday excited many a half-suppressed titter among the fair sex there and those assembled, as the representative of Miss Lucy Long. In the first part of the programme, in faces of natural hue, they will sing several good songs and glees and the second part also comprises several new and original pieces, one of which is styled "Uncle Tom's Lament." There is no occasion to urge the attendance of the citizens upon the occasion, but it may be stated as an additional attraction to the theatre, that Mr. White will present the Serenaders' Purse to the fortunate winner from the stage.
[Advertisement], The Courier (14 April 1853), 3
UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF His Excellency Sir W. Denison.
Rich Comic Stories, Fun, Frolic, Wit, Wisdom, Joy, Jokes, Repartee, Riggs, Whims, Waggeries, Bonnets,
Play upon Words in fact, the Company will play on anything, except the feelings of the audience.
MR. J. C. RAINER would respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town that his
BENEFIT will take place as above, and flatters himself that this Entertainment will surpass anything of the kind yet given to the public.
For this occasion he has arranged a new Programme (introducing a few of the old favourites);
also a Burlesque Scene of THE ITALIAN OPERA!
and confidently expects that a refined community will approve the effort to join elevated and classical music with truly chaste and healthy humour.
Glee- "A bold, brave crow" - RAINER, WHITE, BROWER, FOANS & MORAN
"A bold, brave crew, and an ocean blue,
And a ship that loves the blast!
With a good wind piping merrily
Through the tall and gallant mast."
Ballad Ben Bolt - WHITE
Glee - She sleeps in the Valley - COMPANY
An intermission of 10 minutes for change of costume.
Overture - "La Dame Blanche" - FULL BAND
Opening Chorus Operatic (first time) COMPANY
"Fenced round with grateful hearts,
Oh! what danger shall we dread
All treason backwards starts;
Then we hide our bashful heads."
Rosa, dearest Rosa - MORAN
The Ethiopian Dirge (by desire) as sung before Her Majesty Queen Victoria - RAINER
My Canoe is on the Ohio (first time) - WHITE
I've a Boat! I've a Boat 1 (first time) - RAINER
"I've a boat, I've a boat, and can give a ride;
New Orleans is my home, and Miss Dinah's my bride."
Quintette - The Grave of Pompey (first time) - COMPANY
The Sweep's Refrain (with Tyrolean imitations by Foans) - BROWER
Solo - Flutina - BRYANT
Solo Banjo - Who likes gravy on their taters? - MORAN
Madame Jenny Lindo, Tambo - J M. FOANS.
Signor Lablache Rainorinio - J. C. RAINER.
Signor Mario Banjo - M. W. WHITE.
Signor Bono Cavetinio - F. MORAN.
Signor De-Big-nees - T. B. BROWER.
Leader of the Orchestra, of something less than 100 strong - C. BRYANT
Coloured Mutes, &c., by the whole Company.
SCENE, FIRST AND LAST - Enter Signor Banjo Mario.
He summons his lady love, the Prima Donna, but she being (like most Prima Donna's when wanted very sick, sends her faithful Page, Mad Jenny Tambo,
who delivers, as most Pages generally do, a Billy-do.
At this critical moment, the infuriated Papa, Signor Lablache Rainorinio (who, like all infuriated Papas,
opposes the union of his daughter with any person who was ever known to sing) enters,
seizes the letter, and upbraid them for well clandestine proceedings. Banjo entreats, Papa scorns,
Tambo intercedes. Papa swears (N.B., in Italian), and vows eternal separation and revenge. Tiny
quarrel, and of course words are exchanged - a blow is given, a challenge accepted - they fight; and alas!
oh! dreadful to relate, Banjo falls.
Tambo weeps and prays - Rainorinio is struck with remorse, and snivels.
Banjo, of terror, sings first, died next, and afterwards kicks the bucket.
DEAD MARCH enter Coloured Mutes, Moranio Bono et De-big-nees Browero, with appropriate banners and instruments.
They remove the illustrious remains of Banjo to solemn and pathetic music,
after which the audience is supposed to imagine that the curtain falls amidst showers of bouquets and bursts of applause.
The call for the talented artistes, by a delighted and enthusiastic audience, forming a grand, brilliant, and imposing finale.
Opening Recitative - Fatal Friday, Mario Banjo.
Aria - Prendare un Drinko. Prima Donna's Tooth ache cannot perform. Lindo Tambo, Lucrezia Borgia.
Recitative - Malledetteo influenza, non playo stop salarino, per Opera Paddy Whack in Italian Labach Rainorinio.
Duet - Tetzam saw my leg off, Banjo Mario et Lablache Rainorinio.
Aria Lindo Tambo, Sonnambula.
Tezetto --Banjo, Tambo, Rainorinio.
Aria - Banjo. Aria - Tambo Lindo.
Grand Aria - Et DUE CHALLENGO, Puritana, Lablache, Rainorinio et Banjo Mario.
Grand Dying scene - Fra Poker, I'm a Croker.
N.B. Books of the words in English, Low Dutch, Half Spanish, can be procured at the Office, price £1 1s.
Musical Director - J. C. RAINER.
CARDS OF ADMISSION - Private Family Boxes, fives Shillings.
Dress Circle, Upper Boxes, 4s. Pit, 2s. Children under 12 years of age, half-price to the Boxes.
Boxes and Tickets can be secured at the Theatre from 11 to 2, and at the Union Club and Waterloo Hotels after 2 o'clock.
Tickets also to be had at the Doors of the Theatre, and of Mr. C. Jones, jeweller, Liverpool-street.
Doors open at a quarter-past 7, concert to commence at 3 precisely.
E. TOTTEN, Agent
"Look out for de last note" has been the order of the night with the Serenaders for some time past; the last chord has at length been struck, and they depart from among us. They give their last concert this evening, and depart by easy musical stages to Sydney via Melbourne. In announcing their return to the first scene of their Australasian triumphs, we may state that we believe their trip to Tasmania has not been an unremunerative one - that although the gross results of a week scarcely amounted to more than a night's takings in the golden metropolis of the Victorian Province, yet the inhabitants of Hobart Town have afforded them substantial proofs of their appreciation of musical talent, while the social treatment which they have experienced in the stranger land has been of a highly gratifying and flattering character. As a body of young men they are highly deserving, and their performances have been characterised by a degree of purity and elegance of taste which could not fail to please the most hypercritical of hearers. They came here to find, in the first instance, and to some extent, a feeling of prejudice against them - a latent feeling existed that they were neither as clever as might be, nor equal to others who had gone before. In some quarters this feeling yet prevails, but we are bound to say it is confined to an almost numerical nonentity of the general population. There has been a more than average general attendance at their Concerts, and passing the ordeal of criticism in a very creditable manner, they have successfully contested for the palm of collective musical excellence. In watching their career we have not been slow to direct their attention to anything which we deemed outre or defective. In most cases those hints "upon which we spake" have been adopted, and they have proved themselves "first-rate men of business," as well as accomplished musicians; and we are sure the majority of our readers will unite with us in expressing a hope that they may succeed in their itinerating search after celebrity, and ultimately reap the reward of a good fortune . . .
ELECTRO BIOLOGY. The wonder-working elements of electro-biology have been illustrated recently, in private, in a series of experiments upon Messrs. Kennett , Truro, Ball, Dandridge and others, by Mr. M. W. White, of Rainer's Company of Serenaders, who has discovered within the last three or four months that he possesses the power. In most instances the experiments have been highly successful - one of the gentlemen performed upon, and who has a very great impediment in the organ of speech, being, while under the influence, rendered capable of reading off, without the slightest hesitation of utterance, a portion of a column of newspaper matter. Another gentleman was induced to imagine that that he was covered with insects and other "creeping things" which ramble in other localities than Dickens's "ivy green." When released from the influence of the operator, he found that he had divested himself of the most of his garments with a view of ridding himself of the fancied nuisance. We believe Mr. White has the intention, at some future opportunity, of lecturing on and illustrating the subject.
"BEN BOLT, AS SUNG BY MR. M. W. WHITE, OF RAINER'S ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (18 June 1853), 2s
Oh don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt?
Sweet Alice whose hair was so brown -
Who wept with delight when you gave her a smile,
And trembled with fear at your frown:
In the old churchyard in the valley, Ben Bolt,
In a corner obscure and alone.
They have fitted a slab of granite so grey,
And Alice lies under the stone. . . . [3 more verses] . . .
"The Dead Alive!", The Hobarton Mercury (2 March 1855), 2
We have received a Communication from Mr. J. P. Hydes of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, contradicting the announcement of the decease of Mr. White, of Rainer's company of Serenaders, which was made in our issue of the 27th ult., on the authority of a slight acquaintance, in this city. We experienced the highest gratification in restoring the defunct to life, and thus obviating the mournful necessity of going into Black for White. At the same time, our resuscitated friend will doubtless appreciate the pathetic elegy we penned on the faith of our informant's melancholy statement.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (actor, vocalist, manager)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 March 1855), 8
ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE. Saturday Evening, March 24th,
For the Benefit of Mr. W. M WHITE [sic], Of Rainer's Serenaders.
A Card - In consequence of Mr. White's severe affliction, Rainer's Serenaders have taken the liberty of appealing to the Melbourne Public on his behalf . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 June 1855), 1
RAINER'S SERENADERS. - Mr. WHITE (the original singer of "Ben Bolt") having arrived in Sydney after a severe and protracted illness, his numerous friends express a desire to have an oppiUmlty of hearing some of his favourite ballads. In consequence of which arrangements have been made for a few concerts more, commencing NEXT MONDAY, June 11th, at the New Concert Hall, Royal Hotel . . .
"SERIOUS ASSAULT", The Argus (29 February 1856), 6
A man of low stature named Michael Coleman appeared at the City Court yesterday with his head much bandaged, to prefer a charge of assault against Mr. M. W. White, one of the troupe known as Rainer's Serenaders. The assault took place in the Salle de Valentino, and the complainant who was drunk at the time appeared to have been much disposed for a pugilistic encounter, as he was challenging everybody he could come near to fight with him. One individual appears to have accepted the challenge and given him a severe beating, and on his interfering with Mr. White that person pushed him away, and ultimately struck him on the head with a stick. A constable was called in, and White was taken into custody. The Bench inflicted a penalty of 20s., with 20s. costs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (14 February 1857), 1
Near the Parliament Houses. The following Performers are engaged; -
Madame LEON NAEJ, From the Grand Opera Paris.
Mrs. J. W. STONE, Of the London Concerts,
Mr. G. ELLIS, The popular Comic Vocalist.
Mr. WHITE, Late of Rainer's Serenaders.
Pianist and Conductor - Mr. E. J. PIPER.
Proprietor - W. HUTCHINSON.
Admission Free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Leon Naej (vocalist); Mrs. Stone (vocalist); George Ellis (vocalist); Edward John Piper (pianist)
[2 advertisements], Bendigo Advertiser (19 June 1857), 1
ENTHUSIASTIC Reception of Mr. W. White, Sentimental Ballad Singer, Banjo Player, and Delineator of Negro character, who will appear every Tuesday and Friday evenings.
Mrs. Byrne, the admired Soprano, and Mr. Benner, the Irish Vocalist every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings.
Pianist and Conductor, Mr. Benner.
FRANKLYN HOTEL. SAILOR'S GULLY. FIRST Appearance of WHITE, the BANJO PLAYER and Tenor Singer, on Saturday night next. Come Early. A splendid Treat and lots of Fun.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Benner (pianist, conductor)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 March 1858), 3
BENEFIT and last appearance but one of MR. W. WHITE, (Formerly of Rainer's Serenaders.)
The following Gentlemen have kindly volunteered their valuable services: -
INSTRUMENTALISTS: Mr. S. Radford, - Violin (primo.)
Mr. James McEwan, - Violin (secundo.)
Mr. R. McEwen, - Cornet.
Mr. Andrew Kerr, - Flauto.
Mr. John McEwan, - Basso.
Mr. Hunter, - Piano.
Mr. M. W. White, - Banjo.
VOCALISTS: Mr. J. Small, the celebrated characteristic and local Singer, who on this occasion will sing, for the first time, his new song on the "Mining Board Election."
Mr. R. McEwan, the admired Basso. Mr. Hammond, the favorite Comic Singer. - Mr. Kerr, the favorite Scotch Vocalist. - Mr. White, Tenor and Banjoist.
Prices of Admission: back seats, 2s. 6d.; front do. 4s. To commence at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Radford (musician); James McEwen and brothers (musicians); Andrew Kerr (flute); H. Hunter (pianist); Joe Small (vocalist); W. H. Hammond (vocalist)
"MR. WHITE'S BENEFIT", Bendigo Advertiser (11 June 1858), 3
We would call attention of all who are fond of Ethiopian minstrelsy to the fact that Mr. White, the well known delineator of darkie character in song, at the Shamrock Concert Hall, this evening strikes the banjo for his own benefit . . . Several old favorites will appear, among whom we notice the names of Miss L. Swannell, Mr. Leeman, and Mr. Small. Herr Seyler, a gentleman who has gained for himself some reputation as a violinist in the neighboring colonies, will make his debut before a Sandhurst audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Swannell (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist); Hermann Seyler (violinist); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (20 December 1858), 3
The Christmas season at this pleasant place of amusement is inaugurated by the advent of Mr. White's serenaders. These gentlemen are all well known to us. They consist of Messrs. M. W. White, (tenor), Morgan (bass), Mather (violin), Evans (bones), and Smith (tamborine). Their performances will, however, only form a portion of the entertainment, as the "Irish vocalist," Mr. Wilson, will also be found in his place, and no doubt his Hibernian whimsicalities and character songs will find as much favor as before. Mr. Piper, the pianist, is a performer of merit, and we are pleased to find bim remaining with the company.
ASSOCIATIONS: J. W. Morgan (vocalist); William Mather (violin); Thomas Wilson (vocalist); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (11 February 1859), 3
STAR CONCERT HALL. Complimentary Benefit to MR. IRWIN, Proprietor,
ON SATURDAY EVENING, 12th FEB. Tendered by the following performers, being the last night of the season:
MR. J. W. MORGAN, MR. EVANS, MR. MATHER, And a Host of Talent.
Several Attractive Novelties will be produced on this occasion.
Pianist - MR. PIPER.
"RATHER STRANGE (To the Editor of the Star)", The Star (20 March 1860), 3
SIR, - Till to-night I have always believed the assertions of thos who delight to hold up the "diggers" of Ballarat as a sample not only physically,
but intellectually of which Victoria ought to be proud.
But I must say half-an-hour spent in the Stat Concert Room to night has made me sadly doubt their title to the last qualification.
For among an assemblage of men, who from their appearance were of the class of whom I had been led to expect so much,
I heard a song, sung in the [REDACTED] dialect, with the accompaniment of the banjo and the usual grimaces and flourishes attending that peculiar kind of harmony,
the subject matter of which was incidents from the Bible, such as the "Flood," "Balaam's Prophecies," "Susannah and the Elders," &c, &c., all turned into ridiculous verse.
I have seen a good deal of colonial life, and amongst the rest, have visited the various places of amusement on the gold fields,
but never even on the most rowdy new rush did I hear such a blasphemy as was not only listened to but enthusiastically applauded by some hundred and fifty Ballarat diggers.
Surely our churches, chapels, mechanics' institutes, lectures, &c., &c., cannot be doing much good if such entertainments can still find support amongst us.
I fear that the promoters of these are not like the proprietors of such places as the "Star," enough in earnest to try to bring people to their door.
I am, Sir, &c.,
[The attention of the police should be at once directed to what is stated by our correspondent.]
"THE SINGING AT THE STAR HOTEL (To the Editor of the Star)", The Star (21 March 1860), 3
SIR, Your correspondent Veritas has in his communication of to-day accused me of blasphemy, in singing my song of "A Hard Road to Travel over Jordan."
Now, Sir, will your correspondent be kind enough in some future contribution to define the word blasphemy.
Was Milton guilty of blasphemy when he wrote "Paradise Lost?" Was Byron guilty of blasphemy when he wrote "Cain a Mystery?"
Am I guilty of blasphemy, when, in the pursuit of my profession, which is to delineate the peculiarities of the negroes of the Southern States,
I give verbatim et literatim a song I heard sung by a slave, in a slave gaol in Richmond, Virginia?
An oft-quoted motto, "Honi soit qui mal y pense,"
is one that it would be well for your correspondent to recollect when he next feels disposed to censure a performer who is quite as guiltless of any disposition to commit blasphemy as himself.
And, Mr. Editor, I would respectfully submit that a song which has led to the animadversions of your correspondent
could certainly not have been sung by me for a period of eight years in the colonies without (if it be so bad) eliciting some expression of disapprobation before now.
Surely my own sense would have taught me that it was improper without, as you suggest, the police interfering.
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
Star Hotel, 19th March.
P.S.- Your correspondent alludes, in the early part of his letter, to what he terms the "physical" and "intellectual" superiority of the diggers of Ballarat. I must certainly admit that they have shown the latter during the last two years, for not one has ever found the same fault with my unlucky song as your straightlaced correspondent.
See also "SINGING AT THE STAR HOTEL (To the Editor of the Star)", The Star (22 March 1860), 3
And "(To the Editor of the Star)", The Star (22 March 1860), 3
MUSIC: The song was probably a version of Jordan is a hard road to travel, perhaps with scriptural variants introduced by White himself; see here for other original and variant lyrics
[Advertisement], The Star (10 April 1861), 3
Musical Director - Mr. R. A. R. OWEN.
Appearance of the celebrated Tenor MR. M. W. WHITE.
Re-engagement of the immense favorite MR. R. BARLOW.
THE MISSES ROYAL in new Operatic Selections.
New Dances by MADAME LOUISE.
A new Budget of Local Hits by E. F. Morris.
Mr. De Courcy in entire New Ballads, just received from England.
The most effective Orchestra in Ballarat. Come early.
Admission, One Shilling. Doors open at half-past 7, commence at 8.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Owen (musical director, pianist); Kate and Lizzie Royal (vocalists); Robert Barlow (vocalist, musician); Edgar Morris (vocalist); Madame Louise (dancer, Leopold family troupe); David De Courcy (vocalist); Charlie Napier Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (22 July 1862), 5
Most of the habitues of the concert halls of Melbourne will remember "Boley's Minstrels," who about twelve months since left Australia on a professional visit to Mauritius. After playing a far from successful engagement at Port Louis, they embarked on board a schooner for the Cape of Good Hope, and, we regret to add, were wrecked off Cape St. Mary. The passengers, including the troupe, with Mrs. Boley and children, were fourteen in number, and have all perished, with the exception of Mr. Robson, who with three sailors succeeded in returning to Port Louis . . . From another source we learn that "Robson and White (not W. W. White of Rainer's Serenaders) succeeded in getting on shore by swimming half a mile, and that the latter died a few week afterwards" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorrel Fair Boley (minstrel, serenader); W. Robson (minstrel, serenader)
[News], Otago Daily Times (30 October 1863), 4
We were informed yesterday of the death of a vocal and instrumental performer, whose name as Bill White of Rainer's Serenaders was a household word throughout Australia, when that troupe was in the height of its successful career in the colonies. Mr. White was styled the original Ben Bolt, as being the person who first introduced that popular melody to audiences south of the line. He was possessed then of an excellent tenor voice, and was perhaps the most popular member of the once celebrated band of Rainer. He was a man of good address and gentlemanly exterior in the times we speak of, and was a welcome guest at the houses of the wealthiest when the fame of the serenaders, as the initiators of negro minstrelsy, was in its zenith. About three or four years ago, Mr. White met with an accident, by which his leg was broken, and therefrom it would seem, his downfall was dated. The fracture was not properly set, and handsome White, like Byron, was ashamed of his leg, and wounded vanity sought consolation in the punch bowl. Step by step he descended the professional ladder, until he was glad to earn a bare subsistence and a few nobblers at the rowdiest free and easies. Many persons who read this will be carried back by old recollections, to that period when Rainer's Serenaders were all the rage, and Bill White was the Beau Brummel of the colonial stage.
. . . In the midst of the excitement, and just in the nick of time,
there came from San Francisco the first genuine band of negro minstrels the colonists had ever had the privilege of witnessing.
True, they had their usual quantum of "tin pot, one horse, what makes more noise dan one pig under gate?" sort of minstrels,
but they were the first properly organized company that ever appeared in that part of the globe,
and they have just as much right to this claim as Captain Cook has to the discovery of the land itself.
I allude to Rainer's Serenaders, consiting of John C. Rainer, Bill White, Neil Bryant, Frank Moran, Tom Brower, Foans and Mr. Totten, their agent.
I am speaking of twenty years ago, and, although I have seen better bands since,
I have never seen six better men together.
They occupied a very handsome hall in Bourke street (the Broadway of Melbourne), in the Criterion Hotel, at that time kept by a Mr. Moss . . .
Their success was equal to that of the original Christys in New York,
and I no not hesitate in declaring that at one time their receipts were greater.
. . . Bill White, the tenor, was a tip-top singer, as well a handsome young fellow, and caused a great sensation among the belles of Melbourne . . .
Bill White met with an accident by which his knee was injured, and he continued a cripple to the day of his death,
which occured on the Dunstan, province of Otago, New Zealand, about seven years ago.
Poor Bill never saw his native Philadelphia again . . .
"OLD SYDNEY . . . Tenor White . . . BY OLD CHUM", Truth [Perth, WA] (9 July 1910), 7
A correspondent who does not want to be identified, but merely recognised as "N.S.," writes:
". . . I learned 'Ben Bolt' in the early fifties, and I think my version (from memory) is almost letter perfect.
The 'refrain' after each verse was sung in piano-like tones by the full strength of the company, and had a very pleasing effect.
White sand the solo; he had a most beautiful tenor voice. The company was a great novelty in Sydney at the time,
and created quite a furore in musical circles . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chum")
Related publications:
Ben Bolt, as sung by M. W. White of Rainer's Minstrels, arranged by J. C. Rainer (Sydney: H. Marsh and Co., [first edition, 1853]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
The veteran's return, as sung by M. W. White of Rainer's Minstrels [words: T. H. Bayly; music: J. P. Knight] (Sydney: H. Marsh & Co., n.d. [? 1853]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musicseller, music publisher)
Bibliography and resources:
Aloysius I. Mudd, "The theatres of Washington from 1835 to 1850", Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C. 6 (1903), (222-266), 260 (DIGITISED)
Matthew W. Wittmann, Empire of culture: U.S. entertainers and the making of the Pacific circuit (Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan, 2010), 56-62 (Rainer's Serenaders), 67 (DIGITISED)
WHITE, Thomas [1] (Thomas WHITE; Mr. WHITE)
Musician, professor of music, pianist
Born Manchester, England, 1830; baptised Manchester parish church, 24 March 1830, son of Thomas WHITE and Sarah CARTWRIGHT
Married Emilia ARNATI, Manchester parish church, 3 March 1852
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by February 1853
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 8 September 1862 (per City of Hobart, for Port Chalmers, NZ)
Died Dunedin, Otago, NZ, 5 July 1889 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WHITE, Emilia (Emilia Arrietta Albertine ARNATI; Mrs. Thomas WHITE; Madame ARNATI WHITE)
Musician, vocalist, pianist
Born Winchester, Hampshire, England, 1832; baptised St. Swithun, Kingsgate, Winchester, 28 March 1832, daughter of Nicomdede ARNATI (d. 1845) and Ann CANT (d. 1849)
Married (1) Thomas WHITE, Manchester parish church, 3 March 1852
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by February 1853
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 8 September 1862 (per City of Hobart, for Port Chalmers, NZ)
Married (2) Thomas ANCELL, Wellington, NZ, 1893
Died Wellington, NZ, 6 July 1915 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Emilia was a daughter of Nicomede Arnati (c. 1794-1845), a professor of languages and teacher at Winchester College at the time of her birth, and his wife Ann Cant.
Her eldest sister Rosalia (1823-1909), was a talented concert pianist, who, as Miss Arnati and Mademoiselle Arnati, was also active in the mid 1840s as a teacher of music and languages. She married James Collins in London in April 1846, and thereafter advertised as Madame Arnati Collins.
Their younger sister, Agostina Arnati (1833-1920; Mrs. Duncan Longden), also came to Australia, and settled in the late 1850s near Geelong, where she became a well-known piano teacher.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish church of Manchester . . . in the year 1830; Manchester Cathedral Records (PAYWALL)
No. 976 [March Twenty Fourth] / Thomas son of / Thomas and Sarah / Manch'r / Brewers . . .
The friends of education in Salford, being desirous of promoting the interests of the Salford Mechanics' Institution, held a soiree in aid of that object last evening, in the large room of the Town Hall. The attendance was only limited. E. R. Langworthy, Esq. mayor, presided . . . the more animated amusements of the evening . . . were commenced by a "Fantasia et variations, sur la Sonnambula," well played on the piano by Mrs. Arnati Collins (one of the lady amateurs) and her sister, Miss Arnati; followed with the "Harp in the air," and the other songs, which elicited much applause. A trio, "Charity," was next executed by Mr. Collins, and Mrs. and Miss Arnati Collins . . .
1852, marriage solemnized at St. Mary's Church, in the parish of Manchester; Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives (PAYWALL)
220 / 3rd March 1852 / Thomas White / 22 / Bachelor / Professor of Music / [father] Thomas White / Brewer
Emilia Arnati / 21 / Spinster / - / Nicholas Arnati / Professor of Languages . . .
Melbourne and country VIC (by early 1853 to 8 September 1862):
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 February 1853), 5
It appears that the efforts of the anti-musical members of the Committee of the Mechanics' Institution have not hitherto,
at all events been successful; as tomorrow night the usual concert is to be given, the programme containing many features of novelty.
PART I. Overture - "Guy Mannering." (Band) - Bishop
Cavatina - Madame Arnati White, "'Tis the Harp in the Air" - Wallace
Song - Mr. J. Gregg, "Fill the bowl with rosy wine" - Beuthin
Fantasia - Flute. Mr. C. Royal - Nicholson
Ballad - Mrs. Houghton, "Scenes that are brightest" - Balfe [recte Wallace] - Pupil of the Royal Academy, London . . .
Concertante duet - Violin and pianoforte - Mr. Thom and Mr. Buddee - Hertz and de Beriot . . .
PART II . . . Ballad - Madame Arnati White - "L'Ecosse est ma Patrie" - Newland . . .
Ballad - Madame Arnati White, "Down where the blue bells grow" - Alex. Lee.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); Mrs. Houghton (vocalist); Creed Royal (flute); Bream Thom (violin); Julius Buddee (pianist, accompanist); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: 'Tis the harp in the air (Wallace, from Maritana);
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 February 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. Thursday Weekly Concerts.
FEBRUARY, 17TH, 1853, Admission 3s , Ladies and Members 2s.
ON which occasion the whole of Lock's celebrated music of Macbeth will be performed.
Principal Performers - Mrs. Hancock; Mrs. Fiddes; Mr. Hancock; Monsieur Barre, And Mr. W. F Sayer.
Solo flute, Mr. Creed Royal, pianist, Mr. White.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Harriet Fiddes (vocalist); Anthony Barre (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist)
MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (correctly by Richard Leveridge)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 October 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. Monday, 10th October, 1853.
Under the Patronage of the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Melbourne.
MADAME ARNATI WHITE'S Grand Vocal and Instrumental CONCERT, on Monday, 10th inst.
Principal Vocal Performers: Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, Madame Arnati White.
Principal Instrumentalist: Miss E. Smith, pupil of Madame Clara Loveday.
Mr. White will preside at the Pianoforte.
By the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the splendid band of the 99th Regiment (under the direction of Mr. Martin) will attend,
and during the evening perform Jullien's celebrated Railway Galop.
Band Overture - Semiramede - Rossini.
Duet- What are the wild waves saying, Mrs. Testar and Madame A. White - Glover.
Band Aria - O mio castel paterno (opera I Masnadiere) - Verdi.
Song - The blind man's bride, Miss Martin - Cowell.
Solo. Pianoforte - Carnival de Venise, Miss E. Smith - Schuloff.
Song - Gut nacht fahr wohl, Madame A. White - Kucken.
Aria - O mon Fernand (La Favorite), Mrs. Testar - Donizetti.
Band - Nightingale Waltzes - Jullien.
Part II.
Band Overture - Betly - Donizetti.
Duet - Mrs. Testar and Miss Martin
Romance - Jeanne le Glanense, Madame A. White - Henrion.
Solo, Pianoforte - Les Hirondelles, Miss E. Smith - Streich.
Song - The Heather Bell, Miss Martin
Band - Railway Galop - Jullien.
Scotch Song - Auld Robin Gray, Mrs. Testar
Cavatina - The Queen of the Flowers, Madame A. White - B. Taylor
Band - Polka (Wanderer's Return) - Capt. Stomes [Stoney] (99th Regt.)
To commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Reserved Seats, 7s. Unreserved, 5s.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Joseph Wilkie's Music Saloon, 15 Collins-street; and of Mr. Paterson, at the Mechanics' Institution.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Charlotte Martin (vocalist); Emilie Smith (pianist); Robert Martin (band master); Band of the 99th Regiment (military band); Henry Butler Stoney (captain, 99th Regiment, composer)
"LAST EVENING'S CONCERT", The Argus (11 October 1853), 5
Madame Aranati White's grand vocal and Instrumental concert was given in the newly decorated room of the Mechanics' Institute, last evening, and was better attended than the unpropitious state of the weather could have led us to anticipate; for at the time the room ought to have been filling, the rain poured down in torrents. The programme contained several pieces of the highest class of musical composition, and from first to last the execution was very good indeed. The vocal performers, Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, and Madame White, were deservedly well received, and but for the rain the concert room would have been crowded. The band of the 99th played two overtures - the Nightengale Waltzes (with a piccolo part, worthy of Jullien himself) and the Railway Galop - with the most striking effect; and Miss Smith, if possible, excelled even herself upon the piano. We fear that the entertainment of last evening will be attended with a loss to Madame White; but we venture to say that it would be far more than retrieved if the very same programme were shortly offered again under more favorable auspices, as far as the weather is concerned. We wonder that even the clouds themselves did not dissipate and disappear before the pleasant aspect of as good and sunny a little lady as ever smiled upon an audience.
"MADAME ANNATI WHITE'S GRAND CONCERT", The Banner (11 October 1853), 15
At the Mechanics' Institution last night, this Concert passed off with rapturous applause. The best talent was available, and encore followed encore to the very echo. The band of the 99th played some of the most difficult overtures of Rossini, and the best dance music, now so fashionable in England. Mrs. Testar, Miss Martin, and Madame A. White exerted their mellifluous powers to the full extent. Miss E. Smith was as effective as ever in her difficult passages upon the pianoforte. Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather the concert was fashionably attended . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 October 1853), 8
MECHANICS' Institution - Under the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.
Mr. Buddee's Concert, on Monday, 17th October 1853.
Solo Performers: Mrs. Testar, Madame Arnati White and Mr. Buddee. Band of the 99th Regiment
PROGRAMME. PART FIRST . . . Romance - "Ecosse est ma Patrie, Madame Arnati White - Newland . . .
Duett - Su l'aria (Opera le Nozze di Figaro) Mrs. Testar and Madame Arnati White - Mozart
PART SECOND . . . Cavatina - Give me a Path - Madame Arnati White - Wade . . .
Song - Down where the Blue Bells Grow - Lee - Madame A. White . . .
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. MR. BUDDEE'S CONCERT", The Banner (18 October 1853), 9
We had last evening another opportunity of judging of the vocal powers of that promising "little lady," (as our contemporary playfully calls her), Madam A. White, in a concert given by Mr. Buddee, at the above rooms. The programme was tolerably attractive; but we think on the whole that the last Monday's was a more judicious selection. We noticed that our old favourite Mrs. Testar, was not in such good voice as usual. Madam White only wants a little more confidence to make a really good voice very effective . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 November 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION.- Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.
Madame Arnati White's Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert
Vocal Performers: Mrs. Testar, Madame Arnati White.
Instrumentalists: Solo Piano, Herr Collin (pupil of Mendelssohn). Solo Ophicleide, Mr. T. Martin.
Mr. White will preside at the Pianoforte.
By the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the splendid Band of the 99th Regiment, under the direction of Mr. Martin,
will attend, and during the evening perform (by desire) Jullien's celebrated Railway Galop.
Band - Overture, Fra Diavolo - Auber
Duet - Su l'aria - Mrs. Testar and Madame Arnati White - Mozart
Solo - Ophicleide; Mr. Martin - Prospero
Aria - Alla Gioja ed al Piacer. (Opera Bianca o Fernando) - Madame Arnati White - Bellini
Song - Peace inviting; Mrs. Testar - Bishop
Band - Nlghtingale Waltzes (by desire) - Jullien
Band (Aria) - Alfin non tua, (Opera Lucia di Lammermoor) - Donizetti
Duet - Mira O Norma, (Opera, Norma) Mrs. Testar and Madame Arnati White - Bellini
Solo - Piano, Grande Fantasie Dramatique sur le Don Juan - Herr Collin - F. Litz [Liszt]
Song - Swiss Girl - Madama Arnati White - Linley
Band - Railway Galop (by desire) - Jullien
Cavatina - Robert toi que j'aime; Mrs. Testar - Meyerbeer
Song - Harvest Queen - Madame Arnati White.
Band - Abbotsford Polka - Jones.
Doors open at 7, Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
Reserved Seats, 7s: Unreserved, 5s. Tickets to be had at Mr. Joseph Wilkie's Music Saloon, 15 Colllns-street; and of Mr. Patterson, at the Mechanics' Institution.
ASSOCIATIONS: Leopold Frederick Collin (pianist); Thomas Martin (ophicleide)
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 May 1854), 8
MADAME ARNATI-WHITE, Professor of Music, Singing, Guitar, the French and German Languages, Little Robe-street, St. Kilda.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 January 1856), 1
MR. R. W. KOHLER, the celebrated cornet-a-piston player, from the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, and late of JULLIEN'S BAND . . .;
MRS. CREED ROYAL, from the Melbourne Concerts;
MR. BAKER, Local and Comic Singer;
MR. T. WHITE, Pianist, &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet); John Leveson (vocalist)
"UNION CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (24 January 1856), 3
We lately paid a visit to this beautiful Concert Hall and were much pleased to see the nice manner in which it is arranged as well as gratified with our evening's entertainment. Mr. Kohler on the-cornet a piston, flagelet, and bells must be heard, not described . . . Mr. White, the pianist met with rapturous applause . . .
"BALLARAT (From our own Correspondent) May 17th", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (20 May 1856), 2
. . . Almost opposite the Charlie Napier Hotel is the Star Concert Room, where a cheap and good entertainment is provided, the singing of Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Madame Arnati White, and Miss Juliana King, being really charming . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Juliana King (juvenile vocalist)
"BALLARAT. From our own Correspondent. June 2nd", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (4 June 1856), 2
On Friday last a grand morning concert was given at the Charlie Napier Hotel, on behalf of the funds of the Mechanics Institute. It was attended by some 150 of the most respectable persons on Ballarat, Mr. Turner, the newly appointed Stipendiary Magistrate, being present. The entertainment was one of an excellent and refined kind, and was under the direction of Mr. Paltzer. The singers were Mr. Jo. Gregg, Mrs. Hancock, Madame White, Mr. Golding, and the inimitable Thatcher, whose local songs are as piquant and amusing as they ever were . . . Madame White and Mrs. Hancock are old favourites of those who patronise concerts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Golding (vocalist); Charles Thatcher (vocalist); Charlie Napier Hotel (Ballarat venue)
"POLICE COURT. Thursday, 24th July . . . SUMMONS CASES", The Star (26 July 1856), 2
Margeritta Haimberger v. White.
This was a summons for using insulting language, calculated to lead to a breach of the peace in a public place.
Mr. Rainy appeared for the complainant and Mr. Dunne for the defendant.
The complainant in this case was one of the Tyrolese minstrels engaged at the Star Concert Room.
Margeritta Haimberger sworn and examined by Mr. Rainy - I am a singer and the wife of Julius Haimberger. I know the defendant. He is engaged as well as myself at the Star Concert Room. He is pianist. On the evening of the 21st of July, a gentleman asked my little girl to sing "Annie Laurie." She said she was afraid to do so without speaking to Mrs. White, as it was one of her songs. In consequence of this affair Mr. White called me a - blackguard. Mrs. White was much offended at my little girl speaking about singing the song. The words spoken by Mr. White were spoken in a public place. I gave him no provocation neither did I use any insulting language towards him.
Cross-examined by Mr. Dunn - This affair occurred in a room next to the concert room. I consider that to be a public place. The room where this took place is a room off the concert room, where professionals go to when they have finished their songs. People are in the habit of passing through the room.
Mr. Dunne submitted that the room in which the language was used being a kind of retiring room for the professionals could not be considered a public place within the meaning of the clause in the Vagrant Act, upon which the summons had issued, and, therefore the case must be dismissed. Mr. Rainy argued strenuously in opposition to this view of the case, but his Worship said that it appeared to him that the room was something like the green room of a theatre. That certainly could not be called a public place within the meaning of the Act. He must, therefore, dismiss the case.
Julius Haimberger v. White.
This was a summons taken out by the husband of the complainant in the last case, against the same defendant for using threatening language. Mr. Julius Haimberger gave evidence to the effect that the defendant had threatened him with violence on more than one occasion, stated that the defendant had called him a coward in the concert-room in the daytime, on the 23rd inst., and challenged him to fight, and threatened to punch him.
His Worship said that all the parties appeared to be engaged at the Star Hotel, and this was a professional disagreement, which they had better settle among themselves.
Mr. Haimberger said what aggrieved him was the language used to his wife by the defendant.
Mr. White here denied that he ever used the language imputed to him.
Mr. Dunne said the fact was that Mrs. Haimberger had called his client, Mr. White, a blackguard, and he had replied that there were other people to whom the term might be applied as well as himself.
Mr. Haimberger had threatened that he would serve Mr. White as Lola Montes served Mr. Seekamp, and Mr. White had dared him to put his threat into execution.
His Worship asked Mr. Haimberger if he apprehended any violence from Mr. White.
Mr. Haimberger: It is impossible to tell what a man of his character will do; he is capable of doing anything. (This remark caused much laughter.)
His Worship said he thought there was no case before him, and he should therefore dismiss the charge, and advise the parties to forget their differences.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius and Margeritta Haimberger (musician, vocalist); Lola Montez (actor, dancer); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
"CRESWICK (From our own Correspondent) Sept. 11th", The Star (13 September 1856), 2
Our theatre is again opened under the management of Mr. White, pianist, who with Madame White, Madame Vitelli, Monsieur Vitelli and Mr. Golding, constitute the company. The concerts are not so well attended as they ought to be. We can scarcely expect talented companies to visit us frequently, if they lose always by the speculation. Those persons who do attend however are well pleased. Madame White is rapidly improving in her voice, becoming, in colonial phrase, first-rate. Madame Vitelli's singing is always deservedly applauded, and enthusiastically encored. Her "Comin' thro' the rye," and "Norah Machree," being favorite songs with the audiences. Of Mr. Golding, our old established favorite, it is scarcely necessary to say, that he will keep up his reputation as one of the best Comic singers in the colony.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie and John Vitelli (vocalists)
"MARYBOROUGH", The Argus (28 November 1856), 6
Maryborough Hospital . . . At Dunolly a concert was given at the Golden Age for the same laudable purpose, Madame Arnati White, Madame Vitelli, and Messrs. White, Leeman, and Gibson, giving their services gratuitously. The receipts amounted to £62.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Leeman (vocalist); J. W. Gibson (vocalist)
"AMATEUR PERFORMANCE AT DUNOLLY", The Argus (14 April 1857), 3
We were quite unprepared for the brilliant success which met the amateur performance for the benefit of the Maryborough Hospital, at the Pick and Shovel, last Friday night . . . The first piece was Sheridan Knowles' well-known play of the "Hunchback;" after which Madame Arnata White sang two, and Mr. Coxon three songs . . . - Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Coxon (vocalist, local songwriter)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (14 October 1857), 3
THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, 15th October, 1857.
MADAME ARNATI WHITE BEGS to announce that at the request of several friends she will give
A SELECT MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT on the above date, on which occasion she will be assisted by
MR. OLIVER, (who has kindly proffered his services)
and Messrs. Hackett and O'Connor.
THE PROGRAMME Will contain selections from the Operas of
"Maritana," "The Bohemian Girl," and "The Mountain Sylph,"
Interspersed with the most favorite Songs and Ballads OF ENGLAND, IRELAND, AND SCOTLAND.
Conductor and Pianist, Mr. White.
The doors will open at half-past seven: the concert commencing at eight precisely.
TICKETS, 5S each, can be obtained at Bath's Hotel; the Unicorn ; and Mr. Huxtable's Music Warehouse, Township.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Oliver (vocalist); Edward Hackett (vocalist)
"MADAME ARNATI WHITE'S CONCERT", The Star (16 October 1857), 3
The large room at Bath's Hotel was crowded by the west end fashionables on the occasion of Madame White's concert last evening. The programme offered a choice selection of vocal music, comprising some of the most popular compositions of the English school. The lady was in excellent voice, and her rich natural contralto tones gave a pleasing effect to all her efforts. She was assisted during the evening by Messrs. Oliver, O'Connor, and Hackett - amateurs who have already achieved a more than tolerable professional reputation as vocalists. The songs and concerted pieces were all very fairly and pleasingly rendered, eliciting repeated encores. The audience seemed to be highly gratified by the entertainment, the only drawback being the almost insufferable closeness of the atmosphere in the room. It is quite evident that ample patronage exists amongst us to support first-class musical entertainments, and we hope ere long to be able to record their frequent occurrence, when the new theatre in Sturt-street shall have been completed.
"TARRANGOWER [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] . . . Amusements", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (11 December 1857), 4
The only amusement we have had here for some time were the concerts given at the Kangaroo and Eagle Hawk Theatres, by Madame Arnati White, assisted by Messrs. Bial, Hackett, and White. Madame herself is a talented musician, and cannot fail to please her audience. The style in which several of her songs were sung cannot be too highly praised. Mr. Bial may be said to be the second violinist in the Australian colonies. Many of his variations very nearly equal the celebrated Miska Hauser's. Mr. Hackett has a magnificent bass voice, and it is only necessary to hear him to desire to do so again. Mr. White's performance on the piano deserves great praise.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rodolphe Bial (violinist)
"MADAME ARNATI WHITE'S CONCERT", The Star (16 December 1857), 3
This talented vocalist, assisted by Messrs. O'Connor and Hackett and Mons. Rodolphe Bial, will give one of her excellent concerts on the occasion of opening the Miner's Exchange this evening . . .
"MADAME ARNATI WHITE'S CONCERT", The Star (29 March 1858), 3
This concert came off on Saturday evening at the George Hotel, with a very fair amount of success. The audience was of a remarkably recherche character, and by their applause manifested their satisfaction. Madame White was in capital voice, and sang the song allotted to her with her usual skill, and in one or two pieces manifested more than usual ability. Mr. Sayer was well received, but hardly so successful. M. Paltzer's solo on the violin excited considerable applause, and was indeed of a very superior character, though the orchestral pieces altogether must be looked upon as rather incomplete. Mr. White's accompaniments were particularly and deservedly admired.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Jacques Paltzer (violinist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 May 1858), 8
The Company beg to announce that they will give their first of a series of
GRAND CONCERTS, TONIGHT, at the Assembly-Rooms, Swan Hotel, Collingwood;
and on Saturday evening, at the Temperance Hall, Russell-street.
The following artistes will appear:
Conductor and Pianist, Mr. WHITE.
Manager, Mr. CROOK.
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 July 1858), 8
HOCKIN'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Lonsdale and Elizabeth streets.
BARLOW, The world-renowned and original
BLUE TAILED FLY, Who created such a great sensation in Melbourne five years ago,
will make his re-appearance, at the above rooms, for three nights only, on
TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY next the 20th, 21st, and 24th of JULY,
Assisted by MADAME ARNATI WHITE, From the Royal Academy of Music,
Also, Mr. WHITE, The celebrated Pianist;
with Mr. BEN BAKER, The great American Juba Dances and Banjo Player . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (vocalist, musician); Ben Baker (dancer, musician); Hockin's Assembly Rooms (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 November 1859), 8
MRS. THOMAS WHITE, TEACHER of SINGING, Pianoforte, Guitar, the French and German Languages, Robe-street, St. Kilda.
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1860), 8
ST. KILDA. - BOARD and RESIDENCE for a gentleman in a private musical family.
No children or other boarders taken. Mr. Thomas White, Robe-street.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (2 February 1860), 5
Thomas White, St. Kilda, teacher of music. Liabilities, L254 8s 7d; assets, L5; deficiency, L249 8s 7d.
Causes of insolvency: Pressure of creditors and decline in business. Official assignee, Mr. Jacomb.
[Advertisement], Gippsland Times (14 February 1862), 3
MR. T. WHITE, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, PIANOFORTE TUNER, ETC., ETC., WILL visit, Gippsland about the 19th inst.
All Families desirous of having their Pianos properly tuned are requested to communicate with Mr. J. D. LEESON, Fancy Museum, Sale.
New Zealand (from September 1862):
Names and descriptions of passengers per City of Hobart from Melbourne, 8 September 1862, for Port Chalmers, NZ; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Mr. White / 30 // Mrs. White / 26 // W. Sherwin / 28 // . . . Madame Carandini / 32 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times (25 September 1862), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times (22 October 1862), 3
ON FRIDAY, 24th OCTOBER, 1862, On which occasion the following talented artistes will appear:
Madame Carandini, Miss Emma Neville, Madame Whyte, Mr. W. Sherwin, Mr. J. Small,
Mr. R. W. Kohler, Mr. Whyte, Mr. J. Kohler, Mons. Fleury . . .
Mr. George Loder, Conductor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Loder (musical director); Emma Neville (vocalist, actor); John Wildblood Kohler (musician)
[Advertisement], Southland Times [Invercargill, NZ] (12 December 1862), 3
MR. J. WHITE [sic], Professor of Music,
Pianoforte Tuner and Repairer, late with JOSEPH WILKIE, MELBOURNE.
MR. WHITE begs to inform the inhabitants of Invercargill, that his stay here being limited,
those wishing their Pianos properly tuned, would please leave their address at the offices of MESSRS. COLIN N. CAMPBELL.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller)
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times (16 June 1863), 3
MR. T. WHITE, Professor of Music, has resumed instruction on the Pianoforte. Residence - Plummer, Chemist, Octagon.
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (20 November 1863), 5
Re-appearance of the Celebrated Elocutionist MISS AITKEN,
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1863 . . . when the following artistes will have the honor of appearing: -
[News], Otago Daily Times (30 November 1863), 4
Miss Aitken's farewell performance previous to her departure for Christchurch will be given at the Odd Fellows' Hall this evening, when she will be supported by Mrs. White, the favorite "soprano," late of the English opera troupe, Mr. W. D. Shiels, and Mr. White, pianist. Miss Aitken has just returned from a week's tour, in which she has been highly successful at Caversham, West Taieri, and Tokomairiro.
[News], Otago Daily Times (1 December 1863), 4
. . . A select audience occupied the seats and were demonstrative of their appreciation of the entertainment, in which Miss Aitken rendered several of her best reading selections in such a manner as to excite the most reserved as well as the risible faculties of her listeners, while the vocalism of Mrs. White was regarded as an agreeable interlude between the several difficult essays of the elocutionist. Mrs. White is possessed of a soprano of great compass, but in the selection of ballads chosen in honor of St. Andrew's Day she was debarred the opportunity of selecting her best songs, yet her Jacobite song of "Charlie" was well received, and her substituted national ballad, "The Queen's Letter," created one of the most enthusiastic encores of the evening.
[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times (25 February 1864), 8
MRS. T. WHITE, Teacher of Singing and Pianoforte, Stuart-street west; or, Mr. West's Music Warehouse.
MR. T. WHITE, Pianist, continues to give Lessons. Stuart street west, or Mr. West's Music Warehouse.
"ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES, Otago Witness (6 July 1889), 3
Mr. Thomas White, a well known teacher of music, died rather suddenly on Thursday night. It appears that Mrs. White summoned Dr. de Zouche, who found it necessary to inject morphia as had been done on former occasions, but Mr. White never rallied.
"MARRIED", Evening Post (19 September 1893), 2
ANCELL - WHITE - On the 13th July, at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. E. Coffey, Thomas Ancell, to Emelia, third daughter of the late N. Arnati, Esq. (Professor Winchester College, England), and widow of the late T. White Dunedin.
"DEATHS", Dominion (10 July 1915), 1
ANCELL. - On July 6, 1915, at her residence, 7 Palm Grove, Wellington, Emilia, widow of the late Thomas Ancell, and formerly Mrs. White, of Dunedin, in her 84th year.
Bibliography and resources:
"WHITE, THOMAS", The Northern Cemetery, Dunedin's buried history
WHITE, Thomas [2] (Thomas WHITE)
Amateur musician, committee member Ballarat Philharmonic Society
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1858-67 (shareable link to this entry)
A meeting of gentlemen, desirous for the formation of a Philharmonic Society upon Bullaarat, was held on Friday evening, at the Miners' Exchange. Mr. D. Oliver was nominated in the chair, and opened the proceedings by stating the objects of the meeting. He said that a preliminary meeting had been held at his house, when several gentlemen were present, and if was then resolved to call a public meeting, and endeavor to form a really good Philharmonic Society on Ballaarat. He believed if they liked they could establish a society which would equal either Melbourne or Geelong, and he trusted all lovers of music would come forward and tender their assistance. He congratulated the meeting upon having secured the services of a first rate conductor and leader, the former in the person of Mr. A. S. Turner, and the latter in M. Fleury, who was so justly celebrated by his powerful performance on the violin . . . The following gentlemen were then unanimously appointed to act on the committee, viz., Dr. Kupplerhery [Kupferberg], of the Leiderkrantz, Messrs. Towle, Gates, Brunn, Frantz, Lake, Doane, Stoddart, Sayers, and Stower; Mr. D. Oliver was appointed secretary, Mr. Thomas White, treasurer, and Mr. Alfred [sic] Oliver, librarian . . . A rehearsal was fixed for Thursday evening next at half past seven, when several pieces will be gone through. Performing members were enrolled, and after singing the "National Anthem," by way of trying the room, which has been so kindly placed at their disposal by Mr. Underwood, the meeting broke up. - Ballaarat Times.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel and Albert Oliver (members); Austin Theodore Turner (conductor); Achille Fleury (leader, violinist); Edward Towl (member); John Lake (member); Florian Kupferberg (member); Joseph Atwood Doane (member); Ballarat Philharmonic Society (organisation); German Liederkranz (Ballarat organisation)
"BALLARAT PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Star (17 January 1862), 2
The annual meeting of the members of the Ballarat Philharmonic Society was held at eight o'clock on Thursday evening, in Christ Church Schoolroom, Lydiard street. The attendance was small. Mr. P. Cazaly was unanimously voted to the chair . . . Mr. D. Oliver having declined re-election as treasurer, Mr. Thomas White was unanimously elected to that honorary office, on the motion of Mr. A. Oliver, seconded by Mr. Lawrence . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Cazaly (member)
"BALLARAT HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Ballarat Star (8 February 1867), 3
The annual meeting of the Ballarat Harmonic Society was held on the evening of Thursday, 7th February, in the Caledonian Hall . . . The changes that have taken place during the past year among the officers of the society have been the appointment of Mr. A. T. Turner as conductor, in place of Mr. J. Robson, resigned, and the election of Messrs. J. Robson and T. Pope as members of committee, in place of Messrs. T. White and M. C. Donnelly, who have left the district. It was with much regret that your committee received the resignation of Mr. T. White, as that gentleman was one of the oldest and most indefatigable members of the society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Austin Theodore Turner (conductor); John Robson (past conductor, member); Ballarat Harmonic Society (organisation)
WHITE, W. H. (W. H. WHITE; Mr. W. H. WHITE; Mr. WHITE; William WHITE)
Musician, violinist, vocalist, New York Serenaders
Arrived George Town, near Launceston, TAS, 26 February 1851 (per Spartan, from California, via Tahiti)
Departed Fremantle, WA, December 1851 (per Royal Saxon, for Calcutta) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: M. W. White (banjoist, vocalist, Rainer's Serenaders)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (1 March 1851), 133
THE NEW YORK SERENADERS take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Launceston and its vicinity their arrival at this place,
and will have the honour of appearing in Ethiopian character at the "Cornwall Hotel," on TUESDAY evening next.
This company is among the first which were organised in New York, and have given very successful Concerts throughout the United States,
South America, California, and the islands of the Pacific, and are now visiting the Australian Colonies en route to the East Indies and the Continent of Europe.
From long experience in the business they are enabled to give a legitimate American Negro performance.
All the music of the day having been sent them from New York, a new and varied programme will be offered.
The company is composed of the following gentlemen:
W. H. White, Violin - C. Cushing, 1st Banjo -
J. P. Nash, Guitar - J. Kitts, 2nd ditto -
J. O. Pierce, Tamborine - J. C. Lee, Bone castanets.
PROGRAMME OF PERFORMANCE, On Tuesday evening, March 4, 1851.
Overture - Introducing selections from the Operas of I Puritani, and La Dame Blanche - Full band
Let's be gay, from Robert le Diable - Mr. Nash
Julius' Bride - Mr. Cushing
Mary Blane - Mr. Kitts
Trio - Colored Fancy Ball - Messrs. Nash, Kitts, and Pierce.
Juliana, Phebiana, Constantina Brown - Mr. Pierce
Virginia Rosebud, from the Bronze Horse - Mr. Nash
Phantom Chorus, from La Sonambula - Company
Stop dat knocking an Operatic Burlesque - Mr. Pierce
Banjo Solo - Mr. Cushing
Trio - Violin, Guitar, and Bones - Messrs. White, Nash, and Lee
Burlesque on Mesmerism - Company
Bulgine, Slambang, Humbug - Overture - Full band
Give is chaw tobacco - Mr. Cushing
History of the world - Mr. Pierce
Old Napper - Mr. Lee
Picayune Butler - Mr. Pierce
Bowling Green - Mr. Cushing
[REDACTED] from de Souf - Mr. Pierce
Old tar River - Mr. Lee
Tickets to be obtained at the "Cornwall Hotel," "Launceston Hotel," and at the door, on the evening of performance.
Price of admission, 2s. Doors open at Seven o'clock, commence at half-past Seven.
March 1, 1851.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Kitts (member); John Ottis Pierce (member); Charles Cushing (member); J. P. Nash (member); J. C. Lee (member); New York Serenaders (troupe)
"THE SERENADERS", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (1 April 1851), 2
On this occasion the selection from the overture of "La Figlia" and "The Bohemian Girl", afforded the leading instrumentalists, Messrs. White and Pierce, an opportunity for displaying their talents. Mr. White's execution on the violin was faultless; his part was played with infinite skill, taste, and feeling.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE, ARRIVAL", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (20 June 1851), 2
June 19. - Maid of Erin, brig, 150 tons, Captain A. Ellis, - from Hobart Town the 6th instant. Passengers - Mr. Charles Cushing, Mr. I. O. Pierce, Mr. J. P. Nash, Mr. I. C. Lee, Mr. J. Kitts, Mr. William White . . .
"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1851), 2
October 26. Royal Saxon, barque, 510 tons, Captain Charlesworth, for Calcutta via Hobart Town. Passengers - Lieutenant Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Samuda, Mrs. Addison and two children, Mrs. Cousley and child, Messrs. J. C. Kitts, J. P. Nash, J. C. Lee, W. H. White, W. J. Reading, J. C. Pierce . . .
"THE NEW YORK SERENADERS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (15 November 1851), 3
The obvious consequence, as all experience points out, of every acquisition made to our intellectual luxuries is a craving for more and for still loftier and purer enjoyments. It is with this feeling that we now write of the departure of the New York Serenaders. This republican company, "fresh from the Northern States," arrived, during the golden age, at California, and made a trip to the Sandwich Islands, where they performed before Royalty, His Majesty King Kamehameha paying them a State visit. Intending to make a musical tour round the world, they arrived at Launceston in this colony in February last; and having given several concerts to crowded houses, both in that town and at other townships in the interior, and made their debuts before a Hobart Town audience at a Private Musical Soiree at the Mechanics' Institute. Their claims to originality and support were soon, as they had been elsewhere, universally admitted; and after a most successful scries of performances at the Victoria Theatre, attended by the elite of our city and suburbs, and under the patronage of His Excellency Sir W. Denison and Lady Denison. They subsequently proceeded to Sydney, where they gave forty-six concerts, and were several times not only honoured by the direct patronage of His Excellency the Governor-General, Mrs. Keith Stewart, and the gentry of New South Wales, but favoured by many visits from His Excellency, who frequently dropped into the Royal Hotel unattended by the ceremonials of colonial state. The Sydney journals bear ample testimony to their abilities. Upon their departure hence one of their number left them, but fortunately an able substitute was found in Mr. J. W. Reading, formerly of the Ethiopian Serenaders of Sydney. Their route to Europe being by way of Calcutta, passages were taken in the Royal Saxon, which touched here to ship horses. Advantage was taken of this opportunity, and the company gave two soirees at the Theatre on Monday and Wednesday evenings last . . . Their instrumental efforts were alike successful. Mr. White, who, we believe, possesses the absorbing but quiet enthusiasm for music, is a violinist of high order. His play is not less remarkable for extraordinary volume and power, than for sweetness, and oiliness of touch.
ASSOCIATIONS: James W. Reading (serenader)
Bibliography and resources:
Matthew W. Wittmann, Empire of culture: U.S. entertainers and the making of the Pacific circuit (Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan, 2010), 23, 48-56 (New York Serenaders), especially 51 (DIGITISED)
WHITE (? William; Billy WHITE)
Musician, minstrel, serenader
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1861
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 26 July 1861 (per Grecian Queen, for Mauritius) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 January 1861), 8
CITY CONCERT HALL. - The inimitable SABLE BROTHERS, Messrs. Boley, White, Lee, and Burgess. TO-NIGHT.
THE eccentric BILLY WHITE, in his comical Budget of [REDACTED] Comicalities, TO-NIGHT.
THE eminent Australian basso, Mr. BOLEY, TO-NIGHT, at the City Concert Hall . . .
MR. CULLIMORE, the eminent pianist and accompanyist, PRESIDES at the City Concert Hall . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorrel Fair Boley (minstrel, serenader); Frederick William Cullimore (pianist)
"THE NEW YORK SABLE TROUPE", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (11 March 1861), 3
These really talented performers gave an entertainment in the Golden Age Theatre, on Friday evening. There was some considerable delay in the commencement of the performance, and there was but a thin house. Those who were present, however, had little cause to complain of the quality of the amusement provided, though, doubtless, to a fuller house the performers would have responded with greater effect. Mr. Boley sang one or two sentimental songs in his well known style; "Billy White" was excessively droll, in his way; especially did he make the audience laugh in his "Lecture on Woman's Rights." Mr. Lee and Mr. Pollard Robinson did their parts with great effect - indeed, there was a completeness and finish about the whole of them which left nothing to wish for in that respect. The dancing of Mr. Robinson was vehemently applauded and encored, and at the conclusion "Billy White" was called before the curtain, when he was requested to give a dance, which he complied with. It appeared to us, that, owing to the lateness of the hour of commencement and the paucity of attendance, the performances had been curtailed a little.
[Advertisement], The Herald (26 June 1861), 8
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Thursday Evening, 27th June,
BENEFIT of Mr. T. P. BROWER, Of the San Francisco Minstrels,
On which occasion the following Artistes will appear : -
In conjunction with the GREAT EQUESTRIAN TROUPE.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas P. Brower (serenader); John Ottis Pierce (serenader); Dave Carson (serenader); George Washington Demerest (serenader); W. Robson (serenader)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Grecian Queen from Melbourne, 26 July 1861, for Mauritius; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
E. Totten / 38 // D. Bolley / 39 // Mrs. Bolley / 29 //
W. Robson / 28 // J. H. Lee / 33 // J. White / 31 // D. Meirs / 38 // C. Le Grew / 29 // [?] Falton / 32
"MELANCHOLY FATE OF THE BOLEY MINSTRELS", Examiner (12 August 1862), 4
Most of the habitues of the concert halls of Melbourne will remember Boley's Minstrels," who about twelve months since left Australia on a professional visit to Mauritius. After playing a far from successful engagement at Port Louis, they embarked on board a Schooner for the Cape of Good Hope, and we regret to add, were wrecked off Cape St. Mary. The passengers, including the troupe, and Mrs. Boley and children, were fourteen in number, and have all perished, with the exception of Mr. Robson, who with three sailors succeeded in returning to Port Louis . . . - Bell's Life in Victoria.
"TOWN TALK", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (22 July 1862), 5
Most of the habitues of the concert halls of Melbourne will remember "Boley's Minstrels," who about twelve months since left Australia on a professional visit to Mauritius. After playing a far from successful engagement at Port Louis, they embarked on board a schooner for the Cape of Good Hope, and, we regret to add, were wrecked off Cape St. Mary. The passengers, including the troupe, with Mrs. Boley and children, were fourteen in number, and have all perished, with the exception of Mr. Robson, who with three sailors succeeded in returning to Port Louis . . . From another source we learn that "Robson and White (not W. W. White [sic] of Rainer's Serenaders) succeeded in getting on shore by swimming half a mile, and that the latter died a few week afterwards" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: M. W. White of Rainer's Serenaders
"American Dramatic Items . . . San Francisco Minstrels", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (24 July 1880), 2
A correspondent has written us asking information regarding the S. F. Minstrels who left Melbourne in 1861. We learn that the troupe, which consisted of Messrs D. F. Boley, G. W. Demerest, C. Legrew, E. Totten, Billy White, J. H. Lee, and Billy Robson, left Melbourne for the Mauritius July 25th, 1861, arrived there safely, played an excellent season, leaving Dec 15th of the same year bound for the Cape of Good Hope. They had a stormy passage all through until the ship was wrecked on the coast of Madagascar December 24th, 1861. Messrs White and Robson were the only ones saved. Poor Totten, Boley, Demerest, Legrew, and Lee were never afterwards seen, having perished in the wreck. White died some two months after from exposure and cold. Robson, after being some ten months a companion of the natives, was rescued by a ship that had accidentally called in for water. Mr. Robson is now in Melbourne though not following his previous vocation of a minstrel and dancer.
Bibliography and resources:
Boley's Minstrels were organized by D. F. Boley, and left Australia in January, 1862, on a visit to the Mauritius Islands. After a not very successful engagement they embarked for the Cape of Good Hope, but were wrecked off Cape St. Mary late in 1862. Mr. and Mrs. Boley and the children were lost, as was the entire troupe, a Mr. Robson being the only one saved from drowning. George W. Demerest, Chas. L. Grew, W. White Lee, W. Robson and Totten Agent were in the company. Dan F. Boley was one of the original Backus Minstrels. He was a fine banjoist and his deep sonorous, bass voice will be recollected with mingled feelings of regret and pleasure. In 1855 he, in company with Backus, Burbank and others, re-organised the Backus Minstrels and made a trip to Australia. After a time all except Boley returned, but he married a wealthy widow and remained there.
Amateur musician, bandsman, St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)
Born Kells, Kilkenny, Ireland, c. 1820
Married Elizabeth THOMPSON, Launceston, TAS, 9 July 1851
Died Launceston, TAS, 27 October 1912, aged "92"
Tenor vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1842), 3
THE SPACIOUS HALL, SYDNEY COLLEGE, Having been kindly granted for this occasion to MR. NATHAN,
THE Overtures and the whole of the Music, expressly arranged for full Orchestra
(which, by the politeness of COLONEL FRENCH, will include the BAND of the 28th Regiment) by Mr. Nathan . . .
TENORS - Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Allen, Mr. Richards, Mr. Kelly, and Mr. Nathan.
BASSOS - Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Bridge, Mr. Callaghan, and Mr. Waller . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (conductor, vocalist); Joseph Gautrot (vocalist); George William Worgan (vocalist); Edward Allen (vocalist); Mr. Richards (vocalist); William Griffiths (vocalist); James Waller (vocalist)
Amateur musician, harp player, harpist, boot and shoe maker
Born Leicester, England, 13 March 1811; baptised All Saints, Leicester, 21 March 1811; son of Charles WHITNEY and Mary SWINGLER
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL, 1828 (convict per Woodford, from England, 2 May, aged "18")
Married (1) Hannah HATFIELD, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 29 September 1834
Married (2 ? common law) Eliza ?, by 1850
Arrived Geelong, VIC, 14 May 1848 (per Agnes and Elizabeth, from Hobart Town)
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 15 September 1885, aged "74/75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, All Saints, Leicester, 1811; England, Select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
21 March 1811 / born 13 March 1811 / Alfred son of / Charles and Mary / Whitney . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Whitney married Mary Swingler at Langton, Leicestershire, on 26 January 1795; they were listed in All Saints parish in the 1841 census, Charles as a "wool comber"
"CONVICTS", Hull Packet [Yorkshire, England] (20 November 1827), 3 (PAYWALL)
The following convicts left York Castle on Friday week, in order to be delivered on board the York Hulk, at Gosport . . . Alfred Whitney . . . each for seven years . . .
Convict records, Alfred Whitney; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1445777; CON23/1/3 no 868; CON31-1-45 p 290$init=CON23-1-3-P146 (DIGITISED)
No. 868 / Whitney Alfred / 5ft 4 1/2 / [age] 18 / [trade] Wool Comber / [tried] Yorkshire, West Riding / 18 October 1827 / 7 [years] / [born] Leicester / . . .$init=CON31-1-45p290 (DIGITISED)
1834, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index
1835, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index
"SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. ARRIVED", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal [Melbourne, VIC] (17 May 1848), 2
May 14 - (At Geelong) Agnes and Elizabeth, schooner, 75 tons, Williams, master, from Hobart Town. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Whitney . . .
"LARCENY", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal [Melbourne, VIC] (28 February 1850), 2
Thomas Brown was placed before the sitting magistrates on Tuesday last, charred by Mr. Whitney the Shoemaker, with steeling a shirt off his clothes line in the back yard. Mrs. Whitney who resides in Bourke-strevrt, stated . . .
"SUPREME COURT. Friday, 15th March . . . LARCENY", The Melbourne Daily News [VIC] (16 March 1850), 2
Thomas Brown, pleaded not guilty to an indictment charging him with stealing on the 26th Fehruary last, a shirt of the value of one shilling the property of Alfred Whitney. Eliza Whitney deposed . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (11 April 1850), 3
WHEN several eminent Vocalists have kindly offered their services upon this occasion.
Harp - Mr. Whitney.
First Violin - Mr. Kent, (From the Concert Rooms, Sydney.)
Second Violin- Mr. J. McLeish.
Flute - Mr. Whittenbury.
The Accordeon Melodist - Mr. J. Tomlin, who has kindly offered his services on this occasion,
and who will sing and perform some of his celebrated solos, also imitating the Merry Bells of England,
the Post Horn the Fife, the Church Organ, and the Hurdy-gurdy.
Messrs. Wilson, Tomlin, Brown, Slater, [Jervis], Peacock, Burrows, and several gentlemen and lady amateurs will condescend to sing on this occasion.
The National Anthem will be sung by the whole Company.
The amusements of the evening will consist of Duets, Glees, Solos, Brave Songs, Comic Songs, and Recitations.
Mr. Whittenbury will play a solo on the flute, The Maniac's Dream.
The evening's entertainments will be leavened by the Band performing between the song[s].
Tickets to be had of Mr. S. Alexander, tobacconist, Collins-street; Mr. Buttolph, confectioner, Swanston-street;
Mr. Adams, [?], corner of Elizabeth-street; the Royal Exchange Hotel, the Rainbow Hotel, the Australia Felix Hotel, the Britannia Hotel;
Mr. Whitney, boot and shoe maker, Great Bourke-street; Mr. Heather, carpenter and joiner, Great Bourke-street.
Probate, Alfred Whitner, bootmaker, 1885; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Musician, serpent player, private soldier (not listed as bandsman), performing with Band of the 99th Regiment
Born Manchester, Lancashire, England, c. 1807/08
Enlisted (99th Regiment), Manchester, 13 December 1825
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1842, via Hobart Town)
Discharged Sydney, NSW, 31 March 1847 (and returned to Manchester, England, by 12 October 1847) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)
420 / Waterstone David / . . . Band
520 / Whittaker Tim'y / . . . [band not indicated]
ASSOCIATIONS: David Waterstone (listed bandsman)
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)
420 / Waterstone David / . . . Band
520 / Whittaker Tim'y / . . . [band not indicated]
"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3
. . . there is scarcely a performer in their masterly Band who is not competent to play a solo in a respectable style on his peculiar instrument. Their bass instruments are of the first description, for in addition to the Bassoons, the Serpent, and last though not least the Ophecleide . . . they have also the Bombardone . . .
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 October to 31 December 1845; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)
420 / Waterstone David / . . . Band . . .
530 / Whittaker Timothy / . . . [band not indicated]
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
. . . Bassoons - Messrs. Hill, Davidson, McGuiness;
Serpents - Messrs. Fowler, Whittaker;
Trombones - Messrs. McLaughlin, Leo, Ennis;
Opbecleides - Messrs. T. Martin, Waterstone . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: With the exception of Whittaker, the wind and brass players named here appear in the regimental paylists as bandsmen of the Band of the 99th Regiment
Discharge, 99th Regiment, no. 530, private Timothy Whittaker, Sydney, 19 March 1847; UK National Archives WO97/1068/54/1-2 (PAYWALL)
HER MAJESTY'S Ninety Ninth REGT OF Foot . . . Sydney N.S.Wales 19th March March 1847
. . . Discharge of No. 530 Private Timothy Whittaker . . . by Trade a Spinner
was BORN in the Parish of Manchester in or near the Town of Manchester in the County of Lancaster
and was ATTESTED for the 99th Reg't of Foot at Manchester . . . on the 13 Dec'r 1825 at the Age of 18 Years . . .
the SERVICE up to the 31 March 1847 . . . amounts to 21 years 110 days . . .
during which period he served Abroad four years, viz: at New South Wales Four Years . . .
DISCHARGE in consequence of being found unfit for further service . . .
his Conduct has been that of a good & efficient soldier . . .
[verso] Private / 12 Dec'r 1825 // Drummer 1 April 1835 // Private 14 Oct'r 1837 // Private 26 June 1842 [to] 31 March 1847 . . .
He was enlisted as a pensioner at Manchester, England, on 12 October 1847
England census, 30 March 1851, St. George, Manchester; UK National Archives, HO107/2225/247/29 (PAYWALL)
72 Henry Street Cellar / William Whittaker / Head / Mar. / 56 / Watchman / [born] Lanc. Manchester
[. . . his wife and 5 children . . .]
Timothy [Whittaker] / Uncle [i.e. of the children] / Unmar. / 43 / Pensioner / [born] [Lanc. Manchester]
Amateur musician, flute player, flautist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1850 (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Edwin Collier Whittenbury (1834-1868, surgeon, amateur vocalist, arrived 1857); see [News], The Herald (27 November 1866), 2
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal [Melbourne, VIC] (11 April 1850), 3
WHEN several eminent Vocalists have kindly offered their services upon this occasion.
Harp - Mr. Whitney.
First Violin - Mr. Kent, (From the Concert Rooms, Sydney.)
Second Violin- Mr. J. McLeish.
Flute - Mr. Whittenbury.
The Accordeon Melodist - Mr. J. Tomlin, who has kindly offered his services on this occasion,
and who will sing and perform some of his celebrated solos, also imitating the Merry Bells of England,
the Post Horn the Fife, the Church Organ, and the Hurdy-gurdy.
Messrs. Wilson, Tomlin, Brown, Slater, [Jervis], Peacock, Burrows, and several gentlemen and lady amateurs will condescend to sing on this occasion.
The National Anthem will be sung by the whole Company.
The amusements of the evening will consist of Duets, Glees, Solos, Brave Songs, Comic Songs, and Recitations.
Mr. Whittenbury will play a solo on the flute, The Maniac's Dream.
The evening's entertainments will be leavened by the Band performing between the song[s].
Tickets to be had of Mr. S. Alexander, tobacconist, Collins-street; Mr. Buttolph, confectioner, Swanston-street;
Mr. Adams, [?], corner of Elizabeth-street; the Royal Exchange Hotel, the Rainbow Hotel, the Australia Felix Hotel, the Britannia Hotel;
Mr. Whitney, boot and shoe maker, Great Bourke-street; Mr. Heather, carpenter and joiner, Great Bourke-street.
WHITTEY, Sarah (Sarah WHITTEY; Mrs. John WHITTEY; alias Rosina / Sarah / Ann / Eliza WHITTEY)
Singer of indecent songs
Born Kent, England, c. 1807
Tried Old Bailey, London, 18 October 1832
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 5 October 1833 (convict per Buffalo, aged "26")
Application to marry (1) George SMITH, Maitland, NSW, 1837
Application to marry (2) James COLLINS, East Maitland, 1847
Active Maitland, NSW, until 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Trial of Sarah Whittey, violent theft, robbery, 18 October 1832; Old Bailey online
2216. JOHN WHITTEY, SARAH WHITTEY, alias ROSINA SARAH ANN ELIZA, and JOSEPH BULLIMORE were indicted for feloniously assaulting Michael Joyce, on the 3rd of October, at St. Sepulchre, putting him in fear, and taking from his person, and against his will, 1 sovereign, 5 half-crowns, 5 shillings, and 1 sixpence, his property . . .
Three witnesses gave John and Sarah Whittey a good character.
"CONDITIONAL PARDONS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 October 1848), 2
. . . Sarah Whittey, alias Rosina Sarah Ann Eliza, Buffalo . . .
"DRUNKENNESS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12 May 1849), 2
. . . Yesterday Sarah Whittey and James Jones pleaded guilty to the charge, and were each fined 10s. or 24 hours in the cells.
"CHARGE OF BEING A COMMON SCOLD", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 May 1852), 2
Yesterday Sarah Whittey appeared before the bench, charged by James Chorley with being a common scold. Mr. Ward appeared for the defence. The three shops known as Brown's buildings, Melbourne-street, East Maitland, are occupied by Chorley, Whittey, and David Penfold; Chorley now deposed to obscene and abusive language used to him and his wife by Mrs. Whittey on Saturday evening last, to their being frequently annoyed by her singing indecent songs and using blasphemous language late in the evening, and to her being in these ways a nuisance; he could, however, only specify two distinct occasions. He called as witnesses Penfold, Charles Peel, Eliza Bowman, Mrs. Chorley, and Dr. William Brown, the agent of the landlord. It appeared from their evidence that Mrs. Whittey was quiet when sober, but had a drinking bout about once a fortnight, during which she used very bad language, particularly to Chorley and his wife; in consequence both Chorley and Penfold had complained to Dr. Brown, telling him they must leave if she did not, and Dr. Brown had told her husband to quit different times, but they had never yet gone; now however they positively promised to leave in a fortnight; Peel, a late arrival, had been compelled to send his children into the house twice that they might not hear Mrs. Whittey's language. The bench called Mr. Wood, chief constable, who deposed that he had never heard any such language there himself, or been called on to interfere, nor had any charge of drunkenness or using indecent language been brought against Mrs. Whittey; he had known her for many years. Mr. Ward contended that his client was entitled to an acquittal, as she could not have been a common scold by Mr. Wood's evidence, nor did any of the other evidence go so far as to prove that. The bench said there was plenty of proof of the use of indecent language, but scarcely enough perhaps to prove defendant's being a common nuisance; but they decided to postpone the case for three weeks to see if the promise to quit was kept.
Bibliography and resources:
Sarah Whittey, Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
WHITTLE, Thomas (Thomas WHITTLE)
Soldier, "drum-major" (sergeant-major), New South Wales Corps
Born Dublin, Ireland, c. 1764
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 October 1792 (per Royal Admiral, from England)
Departed Sydney, NSW, Sydney, NSW, 12 May 1810 (per Dromedary and Hindostan, for England)
Discharged England, 25 August 1811 (shareable link to this entry)
WHITTLE, George (George WHITTLE)
Musician, soldier, drummer, ? bandsman (unlisted) Band of the New South Wales Corps
Born Chatham, Kent, England, 1792; son of Thomas WHITTLE
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 October 1792 (per Royal Admiral, from England)
Discharged Sydney, NSW, 7 March 1810 (? or UK 25 August 1811) (shareable link to this entry)
"Muster-roll of his majesty's New South Wales Corps of Foot, from 25th Dec., 1795, to 24 June, 1796, inclusive"; ed. in HRNSW, 3, 55 (DIGITISED)
. . . Drummers: - John Armstrong, T. Brown, Daniel Johns, Nathaniel Griffen, William and Obediah Ikin, Thomas Brown to private, 15th Sep'r; John Hammond do., 5th Dec'r; George Whittle, enlisted 16th Sep'r; Wm. Jamieson, do. 6th Dec'r . . .
Register of personnel, 1810, New South Wales Corps (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
Serjeant Major Whittle Tho's / [Enlisted in NSW Corps] 17th March 1791 / London / [arrived] Royal Admiral / Oct'r 1792 / [age] 60 / [born] Dublin / Ireland . . .
Corporal Whittle Tho's / [Enlisted in NSW Corps] 14th Jan'y 1793 / Sydney / - / [age] 23 yrs 11 months / [born] Kinsale / Cork / Ireland . . .
Drummer Whittle Geo / [Enlisted in NSW Corps] 16 Sept'r 1796 / Sydney / - / [age] 16 yrs 7 months / [born] Chatham / Kent / England . . .
Memorial of Thomas Whittle, 16 January 1810; State Records Authority of NSW, Colonial Secretary's Papers, 1810/332 (PAYWALL)
The Memorial of Thomas Whittle Serjeant Major of the 102nd Regiment most humbly sheweth
That your Memorialist has served his Majesty forty five years, thirty of which, he has been a serjeant, and eighteen years he has been in this colony, and trusts that his conduct has gained him the esteem of his Officers . . .
Memorialist has one Son a Serjeant in the Corps, and another in the Band and four small children besides . . .
. . . Sydney 16th Jan'y 1810
Bibliography and resources:
Alan Atkinson, The Europeans in Australia, a history, volumes 1 (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1997), especially 277-78, 279-80, 285, 287, 305,
Robert Jordan, "Music and the military in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of Australian colonial history 17 (2015), (1-22), 7, 8, 21;dn=428841963923204;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Sergeant Major Thomas Whittle snr", Australia's redcoat settlers (archived NLA Pandora)
WICKES, Harlow Hine (Harlow Hine WICKS; Mr. H. H. WICKES)
Amateur musician, drummer, bandsman
Born Cairo, NY, USA, c. 1838; son of George WICKES and Arzelia HINE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1858 (from USA)
Married Catherine BALKIN (c. 1837-1879), Bendigo, VIC, 1859
Naturalised Cowwarr, VIC, 3 July 1893, aged "53"
Died South Yarra, VIC, 21 June 1920, aged "82/83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
State census, Cairo, New York, 1855; NY State Archives (PAYWALL)
George Wickes / 61 / Head // Arzealy / 57 / Wife // . . . Harlow H / 17 / Son / [born] Cairo / Clerk . . .
"Annals of Bendigo (By G. MACKAY). 1878", Bendigo Advertiser (18 April 1913), 3
The following paragraph appeared in the Melbourne "Argus" in November, 1878:
"A Shanghai paper just received records the death of Mr. C. R. Thatcher, formerly of Sandhurst and New Zealand . . ."
In the early days, through the enterprise of Mr. William Heffernan, the public of Sandhurst were supplied nightly with free concerts at the Shamrock Hotel, the performers at which consisted of the very highest talent, male and female, vocal and instrumental, obtainable in the colony. The appearance of Mr. Thatcher upon the stage was always looked for with interest, and often with impatience. He was always ready with a song of his own composing on some local subject, and so happy were his hits, and so racy and piquant was his style, although he had only an indifferent voice, that amongst the vocalists of the highest order he ranked as first popular favorite. Mr. Thatcher, whilst one of the most clever and amusing public performers we ever met with, was withal thoroughly steady, and saving man, and good citizen."
Mr. Harlow H. Wickes, of Traralgon, who knew Mr. Thatcher intimately, sends us the following: -
"The inimitable 'Thatcher' was my bosom friend, and when I was a boy and a new chum, took me, as it were, under his wing, and was my first and best friend in Australia. When I first met him he was singing (together with Madame Vitelli, Fred. Leman, and others, at the Shamrock Hotel, early in 1858. When the Bendigo Rifles were organised, an advertisement appeared in the 'Advertiser' inviting those in favor of forming a band in connection with the Rifle Corps to meet in a building, which had formerly been a hay and corn store, in Hargreaves-street, near Mundy-street. I had told my friends Thatcher and Leman that I could play the side-drum, and they advised me to attend the meeting. I being rather diffident, and knowing no one. did not like the idea of going by myself, when Fred. Leman said, | 'Come on, Harlow, I will go with you.' We attended the meeting, and there was only one instrument there (a side-drum). After two or three had tried their hands at it, I was induced to do so, and it seems I surprised the meeting, for the next morning there appeared in the 'Advertiser' a report of the meeting, in which it was stated that 'there was one young man, whose name we were unable to ascertain, who seemed a perfect miracle on sheepskin.' If I ever visit Bendigo again, I intend to call at the office of the 'Advertiser' and see if I can find that paragraph.
"I can remember a good incidents of that period - one, in particular, of Bendigo Mac. When the Town Hall in Market-square was finished, there was a grand ball held to commemorate the occasion. Bendigo Mac. was there in all his glory. One of the dances on the programme was a schottische, and the band played one that was more suitable for a band than for dancing, and poor Mac., who was dancing with his wife (I think), could not negotiate it at all. In the course of the dance he worked his way around to where the band was stationed, and I, being the nearest to him, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, 'Strike up Bullock Creek' (one of Thatcher's songs, which I still have, and which, at the time was very popular as a schottische). We did so, and on the instant it seemed to put new life into Mac., and he whirled his partner round with a vim, which plainly showed that the music was just to his liking. Another very funny incident that I remember was at the opening of the Big Hill tunnel, when the guests and band all had to sit at the table together, the table being laid right through the tunnel. The dinner was partaken of in a hurry, as we all had to jump in the cabs and get back to Bendigo to take part in some other function in connection with the opening. The toasts, with the appropriate music for each, were laid on the table, and on the toast of one of the Ministers being given, in the hurry the bandmaster took the number following and struck up "The Perfect Cure." In an instant a roar of laughter echoed from one end of the tables to the other" . . .
We have received the following further letter from Mr. H. H. Wickes -
"Traralgon, 12/4/13. Dear Sir. - I am in receipt of your letter of the 8th inst.;
also the "Annals of Bendigo - 1851 to 1857." It is indeed most interesting, and contains the names of many people I knew . . .
When I first arrived in Bendigo in the latter part of 1857, Thatcher's greatest draw was the 'Bullock Creek picnic,'
which had occurred shortly before I arrived, and it drew immense houses nightly at the Shamrock.
I was much surprised, as well as pleased, to see my name in your report of the performance by the Volunteer Rifle Club
of the Siege of Sebastopol (on page 73). I represented the character of a French drummer boy on that occasion.
On the same page you make mention of Sir William and Lady Don at the Lyceum in 'The Daughter of the Regiment' and 'Rough Diamond.'
They also brought out the burlesque of 'Aladdin or the Wonderful Scamp' for the first time (I think).
I was playing in the orchestra at the time with Mr. Solomon [Salaman], of Bridge-street, as leader,
Thatcher (flautist), Nat Hallis [Hallas] (cornet), old Jimmy Warden (who was a great character at that time, double bass viol).
I forget who was the violinist.
Thatcher had been on a trip up about Deniliquin just before that time, and brought me a piece of myall wood,
from which I had made (to special order) a pair of beautiful drum sticks,
and Lady Don took such a fancy to them that I was perforced bound to make her a present of them, which I did . . .
I may mention that I have a book that Thatcher gave me, containing most of his songs up to 1861.
After he left Bendigo he went home [sic] to Brighton, England, and had a panorama painted of early life on the diggings,
depicting the arrival of the new chums at Sandridge, his short life at Canvas Town, and journey up to Bendigo.
For every picture he sang one of his old songs, appropriate to the occasion.
For instance, the picture of the bullock dray bogged in the Black Forest,
he illustrated with the song "The Lady and the Bullock Driver," which I still have.
- Harlow H. Wicks."
ASSOCIATIONS: George Mackay (memoirist); Charles Thatcher (vocalist, songwriter); William Heffernan (proprietor); Annie Vitelli Thatcher (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist); Edward Salamon (pianist); Nathan Hallas (musician); James Warden (musician, vocalist); Emily and William Don (vocalist and actor, and actor); Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"BACK TO BENDIGO (The Editor . . .)", The Bendigo Independent (30 March 1917), 4
Sir, - Enclosed is a letter, which at the present juncture may serve of some local interest . . .
S. F. MILLS, Hon. Secretary Bendigonian Society.
Traralgon, 27/3/17.
Dear Mr. Mills, - Yours of the 22nd inst. came duly to hand . . .
I have only been there [Bendigo] once since the sixties.
I may say that I was side drummer for the Bendigo volunteers, and also in the orchestra in the Lyceum Theatre
at the time Sir William Don and Lady Don were playing there, also the Inimitable Thatcher,
who was my bosom friend, and with whom I went up to Inglewood when the rush was on and opened the Olympic Theatre with Madam Vitilli [sic], Fred. Lemen and Bennett.
I also accompanied the band to the Castlemaine and Werribee encampment, played also at the opening of the Big Hill tunnell.
I have a very pleasant recollection of old "Bendigo Mac."
Thatcher was the lion of the day, his name being a by-word all over Victoria.
I also know all or most of his songs that he sang while in Bendigo, as well as when he came here for the second time from Brighton, England, [sic]
and brought a panorama of early life on the diggings, opening at the School of Arts, Sydney . . .
faithfully yours (signed) H. H. Wickes.
"A Traralgon Townsman TALKS OF BY-GONE DAYS, BANDS & BANDSMEN", The Gippsland Farmers' Journal (8 February 1916), 3
Most people in Traralgon and district know Mr. Harlow Wickes, senr., of Traralgon. But few people know that he has been connected with brass bands for over half a century. A Journal representative called upon him the other day, and he chatted for nearly an hour and a half of by gone times, of the early mining days in Bendigo, and of course bands and bandsmen.
"It is now over 50 years," he said, "since I first played in the Bendigo brass band. I was there when it was organised, and I played in it for a good while." This statement is borne out by a reference to the "Bendigo Advertiser" of that period, which states that Mr. Wickes "was a perfect wonder on sheep skin" - an opinion, that is shared by all who have heard him on the side drum. He also played in the Lyceum Theatre orchestra when that theatre was first opened. Among some of his cherished possessions is a book of songs composed by the one-time famous comic singer, Charles R. Thatcher, who appeared for a long while at the Lyceum Theatre. "My word," he said, "he was the man who could sing a good song, and didn't he hit the popular fancy." After playing in the orchestra for him so long, Mr. Wickes, of course, knows the songs off by heart, and he could not resist giving the interviewer a sample of them. They were good, and smacked of old times. The late Sir Thomas Bent was fond of singing Thatcher's songs but he always called the author by his wrong christian name. Mr. Wickes took the trouble of putting him on the right track.
Mr. Wicks went with the Bendigo band to the first Werribee encampment.
Later on he was attracted to the famous Walhalla goldfields, and he arrived there before the first crushing took place.
He remembers the stirring times there and deplores the fact that the town is now on its "last legs."
He was in business there for many years, and was one of the first members of the brass band.
"That was the best band Gippsland has ever had," said Mr. Wickes, as he related many incidents of the gold fields,
"and we visited the most of the Gippsland towns. We were engaged to play at the turning of the first sod of the Sale to Melbourne railway,
and at the opening of the line, and we had a great time.
While the band was down at the celebrations it gave a series of concerts at Sale, Stratford, Maffra and Rosedale.
Needless to say they took on. Referring to the Sale concert, the "Mercury" says: -
"Of the performance by the band, perhaps the most remarkable was a side drum solo, 'The Relief of Lucknow,' by Mr. H. Wickes."
Mr. John Gorman, after whom Gormandale was named, was the bandmaster of the Walhalla band at the time,
and he produced some fine musicians, one of whom became the champion cornet soloist of California.
The band went to Bendigo at the time of the Juvenile Exhibition there,
and carried off second prize in the band contest - a performance which shows what a fine combination it was.
Shortly after this Gorman left Walhalla, and one of the Code's took on the leadership of the band.
Mr. Wickes is a rolling stone and has travelled over the most of New Zealand.
In Hokitika he played in an orchestra at an hotel for about six months,
where the proprietor also kept a dancing saloon.
He left there for Gympie gold rush, but only got as far as Sydney, where he was told it was no good, and returned to Walhalla.
It is now many years since Mr. Wilkes first came to Traralgon, but he has always taken a great interest in the band, and was member of it for many years. "Hannah was the bandmaster when I arrived here." he said, "and I don't think the town has had such a good band since, although it was not bad when Jim Scott had it. Mr. Dan. McCarthy was the bass drummer in those days, and we used to practice in a room at the Traralgon Hotel. The band has had many ups and downs since then." Mr. Wickes is what some people call a "Yank." He was born in New York, and came to Australia 58 years ago. He was asked how long he had been playing the side drum? He smiled "I think I must have been playing it ever since I was born," he replied, "and I am as fond of it as when I first started." Few people will doubt that. He was a drummer in the New York State Militia when only a boy and just missed the American Civil War. He would like to be taking part in the present struggle, but like many others, there is one thing that stops him - he was born too soon.
"OBITUARY. DEATH OF MR. H. H. WICKES", Traralgon Record (22 June 1920), 3
Residents of Traralgon will regret to learn of the death of Mr. H. H. Wickes, snr., who quite recently went to live with his daughter at South Yarra. From the particulars to hand it appears that Mr. Wickes did suddenly yesterday (Monday). Deceased was highly respected by all who knew him, and general regret will be felt at his death, especially by the Band members, of which deceased was side drummer for many years.
"DEATHS", The Argus (24 June 1920), 1
WICKES. - On the 21st June, 1920, at his daughter's residence, 24 Fitzgerald street, South Yarra, Harlow Hine Wickes (late of Traralgon), passed away suddenly. (Inserted by his loving family.)
? Amateur vocalist
? Arrived, ? VIC, c. 1853 (shareable link to this entry)
"MARGATE", South Eastern Gazette [Sussex, England] (21 December 1852), 5 (PAYWALL)
We are glad to see that the members of the Sacred Harmonic Society of this town will, on the 30th inst., perform some pieces of sacred music, selected from Handel and other celebrated masters; the funds to be derived to go to an esteemed townsman, Mr. Wickham, who is about leaving here for Australia; we trust that such philanthropic feeling will be well responded to by the inhabitants.
Amateur vocalist, agricultural agent, amateur jockey, author, farmer
Born Great Harrowden, Northamptonshire, England, 1774; baptised Great Harrowden, 6 March 1774; son of Henry WIDOWSON and Rose
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 4 May 1826 (per Albion, from Falmouth, 8 December 1825)
Departed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 September 1827 (per Admiral Cockburn, for Liverpool)
Died Great Harrowden, Northamptonshire, England, 15 July 1858, aged "84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms in the parish of Great Harrowden, 1774; Northamptonshire County Council (PAYWALL)
Henry Son of Henry & Rose Widowson was baptized March the 6th
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Hobart Town Gazette (6 May 1826), 2
May 4. - The ship Albion, Capt. Matthew Proctor, 312 tons, from Falmouth, 8th Dec., and Cape Town 4th March, with 28 horses, 20 cows and bulls, 97 sheep, besides 30 lambs and 2 calves, at embarkation; with a large assortment of agricultural implements, seeds, and domestic utensils, consigned, to B. B. Thomas, Esq.; 7 mares at the Cape, 5 of which died on the passage, and we are sorry to add, 17 horses, 10 cattle, and 60 sheep and lambs of the English stock. Passengers - Captain B. B. Thomas, Mr. Widowson, Mr. Toosey, Mr. Martin, Miss Martin, and Mr. McCarthy. Captain Thomas has brought out in this vessel 14 farmers and mechanics, one of whom only has his family, namely, Mrs. Willett and 5 children.
ASSOCIATIONS: Bartholomew Boyle Thomas (horse breeder)
"MELANCHOLY AND DISASTROUS SHIPWRECK", Hobart Town Gazette (22 July 1826), 2
On the arrival of the Post from Launceston on Thursday,
a sudden gloom was thrown over the Town by the distressing news of the total loss of the schooner Sally,
which our Readers will recollect sailed lately from this port with goods and passengers belonging to the settlers who were about to fix themselves on the banks of the Ringaroomy River.
From the obliging communication of one of the party who escaped from the wreck,
we are enabled to state the following particulars . . .
"That unfortunate schooner, says our Correspondent, was wrecked in the large bay opposite Waterhouse Island on the night of the 30th of June,
and I am distressed to inform you with the loss of 13 souls . . .
Saved. - Mr. Widowson, Mr. Cleeve, Mr. Crabtree the master, George Willet,
John Newland, Luke Flanders, Joseph Pitcher, William Wells, and two New Zealand boys . . .
"Hobart Town Concert", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (29 September 1826), 3
Yesterday evening, the first Public Concert which this Island has as yet known, took place at the Court-house. The plan of the Concert has been organised by a Committee of Gentlemen, and supported by the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Arthur. Notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather, and the wretched condition of the streets, which were almost impassable, there was a numerous assemblage of Ladies and Gentlemen present - several of whom were from various parts of the country. The number of persons could not have been less than 250 or 300, and the effect of the coup-d'oeil of the whole was most brilliant. The Band of the 40th Regt. were in their elegant and chaste new uniforms. They were placed in three rows, each row a little elevated in height above the other. The trumpets and horns in the hindmost row, each side of what was the Judge's bench, the trombone in the centre. An excellent grand piano forte was in front, a little on one side - at which Mr. J. P. Deane, the Conductor, presided . . . Mr. Swan sung "The Sun that Lights the Roses," and "The dearest Maid," the latter in a most masterly style. The Songs, "Death of Nelson" [Braham] and "In this Cottage," [Braham] were sung by Mr. Widowson; "The Wolf" by Mr. Deane; the Glee "Here in cool Grot" by Messrs. Smith, Deane, and Swan . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Eliza Arthur (lieutenant governor and wife); John Philip Deane (pianist, conductor, vocalist); John Swan (vocalist); Band of the 40th Regiment (military band, Joseph Reichenberg, master); Hobart Town Concerts (series of 2 concerts)
MUSIC: The death of Nelson (Braham); Farewell ["In this cottage"] (Braham, in Narensky)
"HOBART TOWN CONCERTS", Hobart Town Gazette (7 October 1826), 4
. . . The Songs, "In this Cottage," "The Death of Nelson," and "Dearest Maid," were also most deservedly encored. The gentleman who sang the two former has a remarkable fine, natural, and most powerful voice. The gentleman who favoured us with "Dearest Maid," has powers of a different cast. Its peculiar character is flexibility and sweetness, and is improved by much taste . . .
"Tasmanian Turf Meeting", Colonial Times (13 April 1827), 4
. . . At the conclusion of the day's sport, some Gentlemen had a handicap for a mile with their hacks, which was won by Mr. Gregson's b. g. Sorell, rode by Mr. Widowson, beating three others easy . . .
"The Natives", Colonial Times (6 July 1827), 4
These savages are again at work, carrying slaughter and devastation wherever they go. On Sunday last, a tribe appeared at Quamby's Bluff, robbed the hut of Mr. WIDOWSON there, and destroyed every thing which they could not take away . . .
"Dinner to Captain Cooling", Colonial Times (17 August 1827), 3
On Friday last, a number of Gentlemen connected with agricultural and mercantile interests of the County of Cornwall, gave a splendid dinner, at the Launceston Hotel, to Captain Cooling, of the ship Admiral Cockburn, in remembrance of this vessel taking in the first cargo of Colonial produce, for a foreign market, at Launceston . . . The evening was spent with the greatest harmony and conviviality; and the party were delighted with some very excellent songs given by Messrs. Widowson and Cathcart.
[News], Colonial Times (14 September 1827), 2
In addition to the persons we last week noticed as going home by the Admiral Cockburn, we have to mention . . . Mr. Widowson, late one of the agents of the Horse Breeding Company, also goes home by the above vessel. Should Mr. W. return to the Colony, which we understand is his intention, we trust he will be more fortunate, than he has been; having during his stay among us, suffered severely by two shipwrecks, and on one occasion nearly lost his life.
"THE PRESENT STATE OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. By Mr. Henry Widowsnn, agent to the Van Diemen's land establishment", The Hobart Town Courier (20 June 1829), 3
I sometime ago informed my readers, that Mr. Henry Widdowson, (whose shipwreck I mentioned a considerable time before at Ringaroomy river near Waterhouse island), had written a book on this colony. Mr. Widowson, it will be recollected, during his short sojourn in Van Diemen's land, was very famous among horses, and shone on one or two occasions in his exploits at Ross races, where he cut a conspicuous figure. In his occasional visits to Hobart town, be used to shew his leg some times in front of the Macquarie hotel, and sometimes under the verandah of the Ship Inn, when he would very gracefully smack the shining tops of his boots with his elegant ivory handled whip. He is known to have appeared once or twice on the plains of Cressy, but his exploits upon that noble field have unfortunately not been commemorated. These particular, with two or three journeys from Hobart town to Ross bridge, and from Ross bridge to Hobart town, (not forgetting Ringaroomy, the Macquarie hotel, and the Ship Inn) comprise the bulk of Mr. Widowson's experience of Van Diemen's land, and the materials on which he has grounded his description of the present state of it . . .
"THE LAST OF MR. WIDOWSON'S BOOK", The Hobart Town Courier (25 July 1829), 4
Since my former remarks on this book, I have learned from several quarters that Mr. Widowson was materially assisted in its completion by another gentleman, also a settler for a short time in this island, who returned to England about the same time. The work however is so unique, and so completely sui generis, I cannot believe that more than one hand has had to do with it. It is in truth so very bad, and in every respect so like the author that, I conceive, none but Mr. Widowson himself could have produced it . . .
England, probate calendar, 1858; UK Principal Probate Registry (PAYWALL)
WIDOWSON Henry / Effects under £6,000 / 7 August / The Will of Henry Widowson late of Great Harrowden in the county of Northampton Farmer and Grazier deceased who died 15 July 1858 at Great Harrowden was proved at Peterborough by the oaths of Marh Sharman of Wellingborough in the said County Gentleman and John Sanders of Great Harrowden aforesaid Grazier the Executors.
Other sources:
Henry Widdowson, journal kept on voyage on the Albion, from England to Van Diemens Land, November 1825 to May 1826 (Australian Joint Copying Project) (DIGITISED)
Henry Widowson, Present state of Van Diemen's Land; comprising an account of its agricultural capabilities, with observations on the present state of farming, &c. &c. pursued in that colony: and other important matters connected with emigration (London: S. Robinson, 1829) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[Dedication] . . . I have promulgated no opinions which did not occur to me as a practical farmer . . .
. . . - H. WIDOWSON, Harrowden Cottage, Wellingborough. (DIGITISED)
[23] . . . Opposite to the court is St. David's church, a plain-looking brick edifice, with a weather-boarded steeple and a clock. This church has a very fine-toned organ, and is said to be capable of containing a congregation of one thousand persons. The governor, with the military and civil officers, merchants and free residents, take their seats in the body of the church; in the gallery on the right are forms for the private soldiers of the regiment stationed in the place, and in the left gallery are the prisoners from the Penitentiary, who are in government employ at the lumber-yard or other works. The clergyman is the Rev. William Bedford, who performs service three times on a Sunday; the first commences at nine in the morning, and is for all prisoner servants either having tickets of leave, or assigned to various masters; this serves also as a muster to see that these people are in their proper districts, as previous to going into church their names are called over by the constables, when if a ticket man is absent, he is deprived of his ticket, unless he can get a note from his employer certifying that he had urgent use for him; if the absentee fail to do this, and is a prisoner, he receives a flogging, and is turned over to government again, who put him in the road gang for a month or more; the second and third services at the church are attended, as I have already stated, by the governor, &c. . . . (DIGITISED)
[25] . . . The establishment of Roxborough-house, in Elizabeth-street, for young ladies, under the direction of Mrs. Midwood and Miss Shartand, is fully equal to the first-rate seminaries of the same description in England, at least, if I may be permitted to judge from the accomplishments and elegant manners of those pupils I have the pleasure of knowing. Indeed, I conceive it to be of the utmost consequence to respectable emigrants having daughters requiring education, to know that the unexceptionable character of the seminaries in this part of the world, will obviate the painful necessity of leaving their children in England. I have not the pleasure of being personally acquainted with either Mrs. Midwood or Miss Shartand, but I have been confidently assured that they are fully competent to the instruction of young ladies in all the attainments of polite literature, music, drawing, & c. This is the only ladies' school in the town . . . (DIGITISED)
[31] . . . Balls, except at private houses, are not often given; two or three concerts, held at the court-house under the immediate patronage of his Excellency and Mrs. Arthur, have been very well attended . . . (DIGITISED)
[191] . . . After killing a white man, the natives have a sort of dance and rejoicing, jumping and singing, and sending forth the strangest noises ever heard. They do not molest the body when dead, nor have I ever heard of their stripping or robbing the deceased . . .
Musician, violinist, viola player, music teacher
Born Teichwolframsdorf, Thuringia (Germany), 4 September 1830
Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1857
Married Caroline HEHR (c. 1844-1908), Melbourne, VIC, 1863
Active Ballarat, VIC, c. 1868-71
Naturalised Carlton, VIC, 19 December 1893, "musician", born "Teichwolframsdorf", aged "63"
Died Carlton, VIC, 28 December 1903, aged "73/74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (17 August 1857), 3
Entire Change of Performance, and Immense Attraction!
THIS EVENING - MONDAY, And every evening during the week,
A MONSTER BAND, The solo performers consisting of
Herr Richty, Monsieur Fleury, and Herr Weideman, 1st Violins.
Monsieur Feon, and Herr Rodi, 2nd Violins.
Herr Keitel and - Navaiski, Tenor.
Herr Elliott, Contra Bass.
Herr Bohler, Flute.
Herr Bouleke, 1st Clarionet.
Herr Holzapfell, 2nd Clarionet.
Herr Vohr, Oboe.
Herr Ide, 1st Cornet.
Herr Busse, 2nd Cornet.
Herr Schulze, Trombone.
Mr. Parker, Pianist.
Monsieur PIETRO CANNA, on the Drums.
Leader of the Band, HERR RICHTY.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (proprietor); Carl Richty (leader, violin); Achille Fleury (violin); August Keitel (viola); Frederick Busse (cornet); Pietro Canna (drums); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (24 January 1859), 3
THEATRE ROYAL. First Night of English Opera.
First appearance at this Theatre of those popular vocalists: -
Conductor - LINLY NORMAN.
THE Orchestra has been powerfully increased, and will include the names of the following eminent performers: -
First violin, Mr. J. Paltzer; second violin, Herr Schmidt; tenor, Herr Weiderman [sic]; double bass, Mr. Hardman;
flute, Herr Seide; clarionet, T. King, who has kindly consented to play that instrument during the production of Opera . . .
An Efficient Chorus has been Engaged.
THIS EVENING, MONDAY, Will, be produced Balfe's world famed Opera, THE BOHEMIAN GIRL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: English Opera Company (troupe); Linly Norman (conductor, pianist); Jacques Paltzer (violin); ? Herr Schmidt (violin); Daniel Hardman (bass); Julius Siede (flute); Thomas King (clarinet)
"THE INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (25 October 1866), 7
. . . First, we will give the names of those ladies and gentlemen who assisted at the concert.
Mr. Horsley, it need hardly be said, was the conductor . . .
The principal violin was Mr. Edward King; the organist, Mr. David Lee . . .
In the other parts of the orchestra there was this distribution: - . . .
Second Violins: Messrs. Ryder, Schmidt, Megson, Wiedemann, Lewis, Peters . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (conductor); Edward King (violin, leader); David Lee (organist); George Hopwood Ryder (violin); Joseph Megson (violin); Alfred Peters (violin)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (16 July 1867), 3
Conductor - Martin Simonsen.
GRAND ORCHESTRA: Including the following Celebrated Soloists -
1st Violin - Mr. Hall; 2nd Violin - Mr. Devereaux; Viola - Mr. Weideman; Violoncello - Mr. Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martin Simonsen (conductor); John Thomson Hall (violin, leader); John Robert Devereux (violin); Sidney Herbert Hart (cello); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Ballarat Courier (8 October 1870), 3
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 December 1879), 8
Exhibition Band.
Principals - Messrs. Weston, Curtis, Wright, Levey, Sutch, Pethebridge, Montague,
Weinberg, Wallenstein, Levey, Weideman sen., Weideman jun. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Weston (leader, violin); Henry Curtis (violin); Henry Weinberg (violin); Barnett Levy (violin); Charles Wiedemann (eldest son, 1864-1893)
"Deaths", The Age (11 August 1893), 1
WIEDEMANN. - On the 10th August, at his father's residence, 163 Grattan-street, Carlton, Charles Wiedemann, aged 28 years.
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 January 1900), 16
VIOLIN and PIANOFORTE. - Mr. and Miss Wiedemann RESUME TUITION. 103 Grattan-st., Carlton. Pupils visited.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Wiedemann (1876-1954, daughter)
DISAMBIGUATION: Elise Wiedermann [sic] (vocalist)
"DEATHS", The Argus (29 December 1903), 1
WIEDEMANN. - On the 28th December, at his residence, 163 Grattan-street, Carlton, Traugott Wiedemann (musician), beloved husband of Caroline Wiedemann, father of Mrs. Delahunty, Mrs. Marshall, Bertha, Elizabeth, Alfred, Florence, Caroline, and Ardolf Wiedemann [sic], aged 74 years. No flowers.
Melbourne General Cemetery, headstone:
In loving remembrance Traugott WIEDEMANN (musician),
dearly loved husband of Caroline WIEDEMANN,
born 4 Sep 1830, died 29 Dec 1903, age 73 years
also Charles WIEDEMANN (musician) beloved eldest son of the above born 14 Aug 1864, died 10 Aug 1893, age 28 years
also Annie Marie born 1872, died 1876, age 4 years.
Probate, Traugott Wiedemann, musician, died 1903; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
WIELAND, Thomas (? Thomas STEEDEN; Thomas STEVENS [sic]; Thomas Steeden WIELAND; ? alias Tom WIELAND)
Comedian, dancer, circus performer, gymnast, clown, musician, ? violinist
Born ? Brighton, Sussex, England, c. 1835; son of ? STEEDEN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 March 1854 (per Doctrina et Amicitia, from London, 25 November 1853)
Married Annie Louisa NEWTON, Sydney, NSW, 1863
Died Adelaide, SA, 10 December 1879, aged "44" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Comedian, dancer, circus performer, gymnast, clown
? Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 March 1854 (per Doctrina et Amicitia, from London, 25 November 1853) (shareable link to this entry)
WIELAND, Tom (Thomas Ernest Steeden WIELAND; Tom WIELAND)
Musician, violinist ("The Australian Paganini")
Born Fitzroy, VIC, 22 December 1865; baptised St. Peter's, East Melbourne, 14 January 1866; son of Tom WIELAND and Annie Louisa NEWTON
Died Adelaide, SA, 16 September 1885, aged 19
WIELAND, Sydney (Sydney Robert WIELAND; Sydney WIELAND)
Juvenile vocalist, instrumentalist
Born at sea, 1870; son of Tom WIELAND and Annie Louisa NEWTON
Died QLD, 30 July 1951
List of the crew and passengers of the ship Doctrina et Amicitia from London, 21 November 1853, to Sydney, 18 March 1854; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Robert Osborne / Ann Osborne / Robert Osborne / William Osborne / Mary Ann Jones / John Crosby / Mary Crosby / Jno. Hernandez . . . Frederick Valette . . . Elise Claus . . . Mr. Weeland . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE (From the Empire and Herald) ARRIVED", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 March 1854), 2
18. - Docrina et Amicita, Dutch ship, 650 tons, Captain Phaagsona, from London November 25. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Osbourne and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. Blake and family, Messrs. Hussey, Moffatt, Wieland, Borkett, Jones, Hernandez, Mansell, Vailitte, Morton, Kendrich, Moffatt, Whelford, Taylor, Chauss [sic], Hutton, Fairhurst, Heath, Haigh, Dance, Arkless.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Anne Osborne (actors); Elise Clauss (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1854), 1
UNPRECEDENTED NOVELTY. - Preliminary Notice.-
Osborne's troupe of talented artists have arrived from London, per Doctrina et Amicitia. -
Grand Moving Panorama of the Missisippi and Missouri Rivers;
panoramic lecturer, Mr. J. Crosby, late stage director of the Strand Theatre;
Wieland and Hernandez, the only great la perche and trapey performers from the Cremorne Gardens, and Drury Lane Theatre,
whose astonishing and incredible feats have been the theme of universal admiration;
Master J. Bradley, the infant vocalist;
Madlle. Elise Clauss, the well known pianist from the Wednesday evening concerts, Exeter Hall;
the poses plastiques, by Herr Leopald and Company, late of Madame Warton's gigantic diorama of the Thames Tunnel and fire of London.
Professor Teigrist's wonderful dog, whose truly surprising performances have been nightly hailed with unbounded applause at all the London theatres.
Mr. Osborne's monopologue of wit, music, mirth, and merriment.
The whole forming one of the most pleasing and novel entertainments ever offered before the Australian public Particulars in future bills.
H. H. TWIGHT, agent.
"ROYAL OLYMPIC ARENA", Illustrated Sydney News (13 May 1854), 4
We were both surprised and pleased by a visit to this place of amusement, which was thrown open to the public on Tuesday evening. The entertainments were of a very varied and attractive character, and there was a total absence of that pretension which may be seen elsewhere, but which the performances elsewhere do not sustain. Mr. R. J. Osborne, the lessee of this little theatre, has much cleverness, and possesses a most decided talent for comedy. For any of our readers who may be suffering from an attack of the blues, we prescribe Mr. Osborne's song of "The Unfortunate Man" as an infallible remedy. Some very clever and difficult feats of skill and strength were executed by Professor Wieland, and by Professor Seigrist and his son. Mr. Osborne, in his part of caterer for the public amusement, has laid even the canine tribe under contribution; and, under his instruction, the "Dog Jonathan" has reached a pitch of docile intelligence which some who are not quadrupeds, if they had sense enough, might envy. We should be unjust if we omitted to notice the very striking pianoforte-playing, of Mdlle. Elise Clauss. This young lady possesses a real genius for music, and would be an acquisition to the most fashionable concert. She plays with taste and feeling, her execution is brilliant, and her touch is light, yet decided. Indeed, the pleasure of hearing Mdlle. Clauss's playing would alone be worth the price of admission. On the whole, we were highly pleased with the performances at the Olympic; and, as this new theatre becomes more generally known, we predict for it an increasing success.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (17 November 1854), 3
CAUTION. - Whereas my Indentured Apprentices,
have Illegally Absented themselves from my service.
Any person or persons, found Harboring the same, will be dealt with according to law.
R. OSBORNE, Argyle-street.
"MR. OSBORNE AND HIS 'TROUPE'", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (23 November 1854), 3
Yesterday, Thomas Stephen alias Professor Wieland, complained of Mr. R. J. Osborne with ill using him,
as an apprentice, by causing him to perform in the public streets of Hobart Town, as a tumbler, contrary to his indenture.
Mr. Brewer, for complainant; Mr. Knight, for defendant.
Complainant stated that he had no copy of the indenture he executed twelve months ago in England was not in his possession, but in Mr. Osborne's.
Mr. Knight consented to produce the indenture.
Witness - This is the document to which I have referred has my signature.
Indenture, dated November, 1853, read by the Clerk.
The complainant put himself apprentice to R. J. Osborne for three years, to learn the art of a comedian to proceed to Australia with his master.
Mr. Osborne agreed to find passage money, meat, drink, &c., and pay as wages £1 for the first six months, afterwards at the rate of £24 per annum.
The document contained no seal, but Mr. Osborne, by his counsel, admitted it was an indenture.
It was drawn up in the usual English form and provided that the apprentice, (though bound as a comedian), was not to haunt taverns, or frequent playhouses.
Witness continued - On the 22nd October he was at Brighton races.
Mr. Knight here pointed out that the information laid the offence at Hobart Town.
Mr. Brewer, upon this, proposed to withdraw the information.
Mr. Knight doubted if it was competent to him to do that.
Mr. Brewer referred to a case in the Supreme Court, in which the practice was recognised.
The Bench Clerk observed that it had often been done at the Police Court.
[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury (16 December 1854), 2
Monday Evening, Dec. 18, 1854, will be presented (first time) the celebrated romantic drama, replete with interest and effects, entitled
THE WEPT OF THE WISH-TON-WISH; or, The Last of the Narraghansettes! [sic, Narragansetts]
- Deacon Skunk, Mr. Sefton Parry; Marramattah (the Indian Girl) Mdme. Strebinger.
After which, the celebrated DRAWING ROOM ENTERTAINMENT, by Professor Wieland and his Infant Brother.
To be followed by the New Spanish Dance, JALEO DE ZEREG, Mdme. Strebinger.
To conclude with the laughable comedy of The ROUGH DIAMOND - Margery, Mrs. Brougham.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Megson . . . Sole Lessee, Mr. F. B. Watson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sefton Parry (actor); Therese Ferdinand Strebinger (dancer); Emma Brougham (actor); Joseph Megson (violin, leader); Feltham Bold Watson (actor, lessee); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
PIECES: William Bayle Bernard's play based on James Fenimore Cooper's novel, The wept of Wish-ton-Wish; or, The last of the Narragansetts; the role of Narramattah written for the French ballet dancer Celine Celeste (1814-1882, "Madame Celeste"), the play in the form of a "burletta," with musical and dancing interludes
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier (19 December 1854), 2
. . . The Wieland Brothers will prove an acquisition to the theatre during these holiday times. They are really clever, and only require a little more refinement to make their drawing-room entertainments compare favourably with Professor Lee's. Some vulgarisms, however, they must really get rid of before they can hope to become Favourites . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Professor Lees and sons (entertainers, fl. 1853-55)
"THEATRICAL APPRENTICES AGAIN", Colonial Times (29 December 1854), 2
YESTERDAY, at the Police Court, Mr. Robert J. Osborne complained by information of Thomas Stevens and John Buckley,
better known as professor Wieland and Hernandez, his indentured apprentices, with absenting themselves from their service without their master's leave.
Mr. Knight appeared for the complainant, and Mr. Brewer for the defendant.
The defendant's were jointly charged, but by consent the charge against Stevens was taken first,
the other name being struck out, and a fresh information directed to be prepared against Buckley.
Mr. Osborne, being sworn, deposed that he knew James Bilton the attesting witness to the indenture produced;
he was his father's solicitor, and had been for years; he signed his name as witness.
He saw him on the 12th November the day he left England; has no reason to believe that he had left England since that time.
Jane Elizabeth Bradley, the other witness, was dead, having been burnt to death at Sydney.
Some weeks ago defendant and witness were in this court.
Defendant had the indenture in his hand and looked at it; it says "Sealed and delivered."
Witness was certain there was a seal to it when he left England; it had been in defendant's possession since.
Witness saw defendant execute and seal it.
The defendant's mother knew what witness's occupation was.
Defendant accompanied witness to Sydney, and from thence to this colony; and has been his apprentice ever since.
On the 25th November last witness was at his own residence, and defendant on that day had employment for him to assist as a comedian; he had no leave to absent himself.
Witness had employed and instructed him as a comedian to the best of his ability.
He left on the 25th November, and had not since returned.
Cross-examined - I did not say just now, before I was sworn, in answer to a question by Mr. Knight,
that the indenture was sealed like the other indenture (Buckley's) I did not see the seals put on.
There have been seals on this document (looking at it) I undertake to swear it.
Mr. Brewer - I'll not trouble you with any more questions.
Mrs. Osborne was examined in corroboration, having seen defendant sign the indenture,
but she could not swear there were seals on it at the time as she was in another part of the room.
Mr. Brewer, for the defendant, said he would not trouble himself with anything further than submitting that as there was no seal,
the indenture was a nullity. There was not the slightest trace of a neal.
The police magistrate dismissed the complaint, observing that he did not believe there ever was a seal to the document.
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Hobarton Mercury (1 January 1855), 2
. . . The Pantomime was spoiled by its intolerable length. Carandini made a good Harlequin, Madm. Strebinger as Columbine, was all that would be desired, the Wieland brothers Sprites were creditable, and Jackson and Parry did their best . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gerome Carandini (dancer, actor)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (1 July 1856), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Lessee - MR. F. B. WATSON. Positively the last week of the season.
TUESDAY EVENING, July 1st, for the Benefit of MR. G. TURNER, on which occasion will be presented the celebrated musical play,
entitled the PILOT; a Tale of the Sea.
The Pilot. MR. J. M. WOLFE. Long Tom Coffin, Mr. G. TURNER. Kate Plowden - MRS. HARWARD.
Dancing - By the Brothers' Wieland . . . [sic]
The above-named company gave their first entertainment last evening before a fashionable audience . . . In the second and third parts of the performance, the exquisite ballad singing of Mr. Dixon, and the inimitable jig-dancing of Mr. Leslie, were fully appreciated . . . Mr. Legrew's and Mr. Wieland's accompaniment (instrumental) were much admired . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Burton (manager); Charles Legrew (musician); Burton's Circus (troupe)
"BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT. Monday, August 26, 1861", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (27 August 1861), 3
Henry Burton charged John Wieland and Thomas Wieland with absenting themselves from their hired service. The defendants, two respectable-looking young men, were a part of Burton's troupe, and had absented themselves since the troupe left Albury. Mr. Clarke appeared for the defendants. Mr. Burton said he took the course he was now taking to protect himself in future, in case of other performers leaving without giving him proper notice. The leaving of the defendants did not render the company incomplete. The Bench had no jurisdiction in the matter, and the case was dismissed.
"BIRTHS", The Argus (6 January 1866), 4
WIELAND. - On the 22nd ult., at her residence, No. 3 Palmer-street, Fitzroy, the wife of Mr. Thomas Wieland of a son.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 February 1877), 8
For the BENEFIT of TOM WIELAND, The CLOWN, and his infant son, LITTLE SYDNEY.
Lots of Novelties To-night.
Come and see little Sydney as "Old Mother Gum," "Sandridge Pier," also new song, with drum solo, "The Bulldog Band."
For This Night Only, Master TOM WIELAND, The Australian Paganini . . .
[Advertisement], The Age (22 December 1877), 8
OPERA HOUSE. Director - W. Saurin Lyster.
MONDAY, 24th DECEMBER, 1877, And until further notice, Grand Production,
After months of Careful Preparation of the Great
The Vocals, Incidentals, and Melodie Morceaux, especially Composed, Arranged and Conducted - by Mr. Frank Maeder.
The Overture, Transformation and Dance Music, composed and arranged - Mr. T. Zeplin.
The Ballet and Processional Pageantry directed - by Mr. H. Leopold.
The Harlequinade, Invented, Written and Arranged - by Mr. Tom Wieland . . .
New Song, Local, THE PET OF THE COLLINS-STREET BLOCK, By Master Sydney Wieland, Aged six years.
Written especially for him by James Aikman, Esq.
Novel Instrumental Duet: Masters TOM and SYDNEY WIELAND . . .
New Local Song (on Stilts), Tom Wieland - "The Shocking Example," by Jas. Aikman, Esq. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Saurin Lyster (manager); Thomas Zeplin (conductor, composer, arranger); Henry Leopold (dancer)
"DIED", The South Australian Advertiser (11 December 1879), 4
WIELAND. - On the 10th December, at his residence, Wieland's Hotel, Hindley-street, Adelaide, after a lingering and painful illness, Thomas Steeden Wieland, aged 44. Melbourne papers please copy.
"Deaths", The Argus (18 December 1879), 1
WIELAND. - On the 8th [sic] inst., at his late residence, Wieland's Hotel, Hindley-street, Adelaide, Thomas Steaden [sic] Wieland (better known as Tom Wieland the Clown), after a long and painful illness.
[News], The South Australian Advertiser (17 September 1885), 4
A terribly sudden death occurred at St. Luke's schoolroom on Wednesday evening while a concert was being given in connection with the mutual improvement society. One of the performers, Mr. Thomas Wieland, who had just responded to an encore for a violin solo, entered the dressing-room, and while receiving the congratulations of his friends on his success, fell at their feet a corpse. Dr. Mayo and Dr. Robertson were called in, and they pronounced the cause of death to be heart disease. The deceased, who was only nineteen years of age, was a promising violinist, and bade fair to become an accomplished musician. He was a clerk by profession, and was recently employed by Mr. W. V. Smith in this capacity. He was the son of the late Mr. Tom Wieland, at one time landlord of the Blenheim Hotel, but better known as a popular circus clown. The city coroner has been communicated with, and will probably hold an inquest this morning.
[News], South Australian Register (21 September 1885), 1s
At a concert on September 16 in St. Luke's Sunday Schoolroom, at Adelaide, Thomas Wieland, 19 years of age, suddenly fell dead from heart disease. He had given a violin solo, and was about to respond to an encore.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE AGE", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (21 October 1933), 6
Sir, - I would like to know whether any one remembers my father, Tom Wieland,
comedian and pantomime clown, who appeared at the old Theatre Royal about the years 1875 to 1880 [sic].
He was associated with Harry P. Lyons, and toured India before appearing in Australia.
My father was licensee of the Grosvenor Hotel, Brighton-road, St. Kilda, at that time.
I a boy of six or seven years of age, appeared on the boards of the old Theatre Royal singing character songs,
some of which were Old Mother Gum, The Pet of the Collins-street Block and the still popular song Syd, Mind the Baby.
I also played the old wooden xylophone, accompanied by my brother Tom, on the violin.
I think the proposed reunion of old theatre lovers a splendid idea, and hope to be present.
- Yours, &c.,
Diamond Creek, 10th October.
Bibliography and resources:
"Thomas Steeden Wieland", WikiTree
WIENER, Robert (Robert WIENER; WEINER [sic])
Amateur vocalist, publican, merchant
Born c. 1817
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 12 January 1849 (per Steinwaerder [Steinwarder] from Hamburg)
Active Tanunda, SA, c. 1860
Died Melbourne, VIC, 3 July 1878, aged "61" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fischer (business partner)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", Adelaide Observer (13 January 1849), 1
Friday, January 12th - The. barque Steinwaerder, 320 tons, C. S. Kramer, master, from Hamburg. Passengers . . . R. Wiener . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (18 June 1850), 1
Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor.
Grand concert OF G. FISCHER, To take place on Tuesday Evening, the 18th inst.
His Excellency and Lady Young have signified their intention of being present,
Part I.
1. Zollner's celebrated "Mullerleid" - Deutsche Liedertafel.
2. Duet (by desire) "Faust," (Spohr) - Mad. Cranz and Herr Fischer.
3. "Sudaustralischer Galop," Compose et dedie a M. Francois Dutton, by F. Ellard - Mr. Ellard.
4. Grand Air, "Figaro's Wedding" - Madame Cranz.
5. Duet, Violin and Piano - Mr. Wallace and Mr. Ellard.
6. "Two Nightingales," Duet - Herr Weiner and Herr Fischer.
7. Solo, Tuba Basso (by desire) - Herr Hunerbien.
8. "Die Kapelle," (The Chapel) C. Kreutzer - Deutsche Liedertafel.
Part II.
1. "Jaegerlied," Grand Chorus (Pohlenz) - Deutsche Liedertafel . . .
9. "Grand Chorus" - Deutsche Liedertafel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fischer (vocalist); Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (violinist); Frederick Ellard (pianist, composer); Francis Stacker Dutton (dedicatee, musical amateur, pianist); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); Deutsche Liedertafel (Adelaide group)
"CONCERT", Adelaide Times (21 June 1850), 3
Mr. Fischer's concert, according to advertisement, took place on Tuesday evening, in the New Exchange, in the presence of the Governor, Lady Young, and a highly respectable and numerous audience. The German choruses fully sustained the high opinion already formed of them in Adelaide. "Die Kapelle," was particularly felicitous, and elicited loud rounds of applause . . . Mr. Fischer was in good voice, which he invariably modulated with his usual good taste. Herr Weiner, seemed to suffer from nervousness, which was but natural, considering this to be his debut, but he is possessed of a rich, powerful bass voice, that requires only training and confidence, to render him a great acquisition to the Deutsche Liedertafel . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (12 November 1850), 2
Will take place On Tuesday next, Nov. 12th . . .
Leader - MR. WALLACE. Leader of Amateur Brass Band - HERR HEUNERBEIN.
Conductor - MR. A. MOORE. PROGRAMME . . .
PART II . . . 6. Duett - Hakl - Herr Fischer and Herr Wiener . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Moore (violinist)
"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (19 December 1850), 3
The members of the Choral Society gave a Concert at the Exchange on Tuesday evening. The first part consisted entirely of sacred music . . . The second part of the concert opened with the overture from William Tell . . . Messrs. Rodemann, Weber, Fischer, and Wiener of the Leidertafel [sic] sung the beautiful quartette beginning, "In einem Kuhlem Grunde," which was loudly encored, a second quartette, almost equally beautiful, being substituted the second time . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maximillian Louis Rodemann (vocalist); Emil Rudolph Weber (vocalist); Adelaide Choral Society (organisation)
MUSIC: In einem kühlem Grunde [Die zerbrochene Ringlein] (words by Eichendorff; music by Friedrich Glück)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 May 1851), 2
WE the undersigned Members, in accordance with Rule number "15" of the above Society,
providing for "Special General Meetings," request that a
MEETING of the MEMBERS of the "ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY" may be convened for the purpose of revising the following Resolution,
passed on the 14th of April by the Committee of the above Society : -
"Resolved - That Mr. Thurlow's letter, not containing any satisfactory reason for his absence,
this Committee consider him no longer a Member of this Society, and that the same be communicated to him by the Secretary."
And, for the further purpose of enquiring iuto the cause and justification of the above Resolution,
we further request that the Minutes of the Committee, and all correspondence that may have passed in reference thereto,
be produced and laid before the said Meeting, in order that the above Resolution may be decided by a majority of the Members present.
W. F. Osborne; Aug. Fried. Cranz; Redford Clisby; Wm. Harris;
John Snaith; Wm. Chapman; Wm. Cobbin; C. Linger;
Matthew Sharp; Robert Wiener; D. J. Hiskens; Amil [sic] R. Weber.
To the Secretary of the Adelaide Choral Society.
In accordance with the above Requisition, I do hereby convene a General Meeting of the Members of the Adelaide Choral Society,
for SATURDAY EVENING next, at 8 o'clock, at the Freemasons' Tavern.
E. PARIS, Hon. Sec. May 13th, 1851.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Alston Thurlow (member); Eugene Paris (secretary); Ferdinand Osborne (member); Redford Clisby (member); John Snaith (member); William Chapman (member); William Cobbin (member); Carl Linger (member)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (31 October 1851), 2
HAS the honor to inform his Friends and the Public that his
SOIREE MUSICALE will take place at the
EXCHANGE, KING WILLIAM-STREET, THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, October 31, commencing at Eight o'clock precisely.
PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Walzer Gesange - German Chorus . . .
4. Marcell's celebrated Song from the Huguenots, "Pif Paf," Meyerbeer - Herr Wiener . . .
PART II. 1. "Das Klosterfraulein" - German Chorus . . .
7. "Blaner Montag" - German Chorus.
Director of the German Chorus - Herr Cranz . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: August Cranz (chorus director)
"MR. ELLARD'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (1 November 1851), 2
The attendance, certainly not 200, was anything but what we had hoped and expected. Instead of "Walzer Gesange," the famous song "Der Tag des Herrn," by Kreutzer, was performed by the German Liedertafel, under the direction of Herr Cranz. Of this song, as of all others performed by the Liedertafel, nothing less can be said than that it was admirably executed. The singers appeared more accustomed to each other than heretofore, and thus combined to bring forth their songs in greater perfection. Mr. Wiener, a member of the German Liedertafel appeared as an amateur to great advantage in Marcell's celebrated song from, the "Huguenots" . . .
"MR. ELLARD'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (8 November 1851), 6
. . . The pif paff from Les Huguenots, was admirably given by Herr Wiener, whose noble bass voice threw out the eccentric music, allotted by Meyerbeer to the battle song of the uncompromising Huguenot soldier, with a volume and expression, that vividly recalled to our mind the triumphs of Massol and Zelger in that role . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henri Charles Joseph Zegler (bass vocalist active in France and England); ? Eugene Massol (tenor/baritone vocalist)
"BENCH OF MAGISTRATES. Monday, August 13. LICENSING DAY . . . TRANFERS", South Australian Register (12 September 1854), 3
. . . Robert Wiener applied, through Mr. Wigley, for a transfer of licence from F. Windscheid, of the Tanunda Hotel. Granted . . .
"POLITICAL DISABILITIES OF THE GERMANS. MEETING AT TANUNDA", South Australian Register (29 August 1855), 3
On the 22nd August some 60 Germans, residing in Tanunda and the neighbourhood, assembled in the large room of the Tanunda Hotel, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion, to discuss the present political position of the South Australians speaking the German language, and to form, as a centre round which the great number of Germans living in and near Tanunda, might rally, a German Club. A supper concluded the proceedings . . . the Tanunda Liedertafel performing in first-rate style, "God save the Queen" . . . The meeting, after having elected a Committee for the management of the Club, and given their thanks to their hosts, Messrs. Wiener and Fischer, for their excellent entertainment, separated highly pleased with their evening's proceedings.
ASSOCIATIONS: Tanunda Liedertafel (organisation)
"TANUNDA [From a Correspondent]", The South Australian Advertiser (30 August 1859), 2
A dinner was given on Thursday evening, in the Tanunda Hotel, to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Rudolf Reimer, the Editor of the Sud Australische Zeitung . . . After several songs by Mr. Weiner and Mr. Fischer, many pieces played by the band, and several speeches delivered, the company separated about 2 o'clock in the morning. We have to say that this was the greatest dinner which has been given at Tanunda.
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] . . . October 8.", South Australian Register (10 October 1859), 3
The usual quietness of this township was agreeably interrupted on Thursday, the 6th inst., by a musical entertainment at the Tanunda Hotel. On that day the Tanunda Band, conducted by Mr. F. Draeger, celebrated their second anniversary, inviting to it a number of friends, whom they entertained during the evening with the performance of a variety of musical pieces selected for the occasion. The festival was opened at about 8 o'clock with Rossini's overture to "L'Italiani-Algieri," then followed in succession . . . Kreutzer's "Kapelle," sung by Messrs. Fischer, Otto, Barton, and Wiener came next . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelm Ferdinand Draeger (musician); Tanunda Band (organisation)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] . . . October 23", Adelaide Observer (26 October 1861), 4 supplement
. . . On Tuesday, the 15th instant, spring-carts and other vehicles were seen running to and fro through the township, carrying flowers and green bushes to the Tanunda Hotel, where a number of ladies were busily engaged winding garlands and wreaths for decorating the large saloon for the first half-yearly festival - concert and ball - of the Tanunda Liedertafel . . . At about 8 o'clock p.m. the saloon became filled with nearly 200 ladies and gentlemen . . . A comic duet, by Messrs. Fischer and Wiener, created much merriment, and received hearty shouts of approbation. Then followed the "Fest Cantate," written by Mr. Basedow, and composed by Mr. F. Draeger. This piece had been produced expressly for the occasion; and, being arranged for both vocal and instrumental music, the Liedertafel and Music-Verein united their strength in its performance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Christian Friedrich Basedow (librettist)
"TANUNDA [From our own Correspondent] May 15", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (17 May 1862), 1 supplement
Yesterday we were again favoured by a visit from those talented artistes Messrs. Carl Schmitt and Linley Norman . . . A duet, "Die beiden Nachtigallen," sung very effectively by Messrs. Fischer and Wiener, followed . . . The first piece in the second part was a solo for piano . . . A duet, by Messrs. Wiener and Fischer, from "Die heimliche Ehe," by Cimarosa, followed. It was sung so well that those gentlemen were encored; they therefore repeated the song . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (violin); Linly Norman (piano)
"TANUNDA [From a Correspondent] . . . February 29", South Australian Register (2 March 1864), 3
. . . On Tuesday, 23rd inst., the large room of the Tanunda Hotel was crowded with a highly respectable audience to listen to the sweet sounds of music. A complimentary concert, for the benefit of Mr. C. W. Draeger, was arranged by the Tanunda "Music and Quartett Verein," as a token of esteem for his merits in gaining the first prize of ten competitive compositions at the great Music and Turn Festival in Melbourne . . . the first part concluded by a grand chorus, vocal and instrumental, "The German Colours," composed by Mr. Draeger. A solo on the flute followed, with an accompaniment on the piano by Mr. Fischer; after which Mr. Wiener gave, with his powerful voice, the solo "Der alle Fritz," with chorus accompaniment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Wilhelm Draeger (musician)
"Tanunda (Eingesandt)", Süd Australische Zeitung (6 April 1870), 5
Ein langjähriger Freund hat uns verlassen, - Robert Wiener, der immer zufriedene, immer heitere Robert Wiener. -
Manche Gesellschaft, die er so oft durch seine gute Laune er heitert, wird ihn noch lange und oft vermissen.
- Am Dienstag Abend versammelte sich eine Anzahl seiner näheren Freunde im "Tanunda Hotel", um den letzten Abend vor seiner Abreise mit ihm zu verleben.
Die herzlichsten Wünsche für sein Wohlergehen in Victoria wurde dem alten Freunde ausgesprochen und herrschte in dem Kreise, nachdem
den Trennungs - Gesüchten in manch schöner Rede Genüge geleistet, die grösste Heiterkeit. -
Ein intimer von den vielen Freunden. -
(Wie wir hören, geht Hr. R. Wiener nach Victoria als Agent, für Seppelt's Destillation in Seppeltssield,
und haben wir die feste Ueberzeugung, dass die Firma Seppelt sich keinen besseren Bevollmächtigten hätte auswählen können,
um ihre Fabrikate in der Nächbarcolonie zu poussiren. Hrn. Wiener -
un serm langjährigen Freunde, wünschen wir alles Güte in seiner neuen Lauf bahn und soll es uns freuen,
wenn wir Hören, dass derselbe - wie zu er warten - diese Colonie würdig vertreten wird. - Die Red.)
[News], The Argus (2 June 1874), 5
There was a very numerous meeting of gentlemen last night at Weber's Hotel, when the Melbourne German Liedertafel gave their 69th entertainment - a Herren-abend on this occasion. The solo singers were Mr. D. Madden, Mr. T. B. Brown, Mr. J. P. Turner, and Herren Puttmann, Fischer, and Wiener. These gentlemen represented the different gradations of voice, from high tenor to deep bass, and their efforts were in each case attended with great success. Mr. Brown was encored for both his songs, "The Flying Dutchman" and "Wreck'd and Saved." The same compliment was paid to Messrs. Fischer and Wiener for their duet from "Il Matrimonio Segreto," to which they replied by giving another well-known duet from "Stradella;" and Mr. Fischer, for his tasteful rendering of "The Arab's Farewell to his Steed," was so much applauded that it had to be repeated. Mr. Guenett played an air with variations by Beethoven, and "The Mermaid," by Helier. The choral singing, under Mr. J. Siede, was marked by solidity, precision, and good intonation. Mr. E. Ascherberg and Mr. G. B. Forster played the accompaniments throughout the evening with fine attention to what was due to the singers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hermann Wilhelm Puttmann (vocalist); Thomas Harbottle Guenett (pianist); Julius Siede (conductor); Eugene Ascherberg (accompanist); Melbourne Liedertafel (organisation)
"Deaths", The Argus (4 July 1878), 1
WIENER. - On the 3rd inst., at his residence, 40 Stephen-street, Mr. Robert Wiener, aged 61 years.
Probate, Robert Wiener, commission agent, died 3 July 1878; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"THE ADELAIDE LIEDERTAFEL", The Register (22 September 1908), 6
From "One of the Originators": - "The interesting account of the growth and progress of the Adelaide Liedertafel, as given in The Register of September 17, is worthy of a little further elucidation. The original founders were all members of the Deutscher Club, which used to meet at the Hotel Europe, at the corner of Gawler place and Grenfell street. A party of younger members who, under the leadership of Herr Carl Linger, carried out the musical programme of the club, having had a slight dissension with some of the older and less hilarious members, broke away from the Deutscher Club altogether, and assembled at the Hamburg Hotel . . . Thus in September, 1858, the Adelaide Liedertafel was founded . . . It is hardly correct, however, to say that this was the first 'Adelaide Liedertafel,' as a society under that name used to meet in 1854 and 1855 at Messrs. Wiener & Fischer's Coffee Rooms, in Rundle street. Mr. Fischer was a very sweet tenor, and among other members one recalls the names of Messrs. von der Heide, Schomburg, Henry Wurm, Lellman, and Butefisch; also Mr. Schulze, whose death was announced in The Register recently. Herr Carl Linger was also leader of this society, and the writer recalls many happy evenings spent in their midst. This select little company, which comprised many prominent singers and talented musicians, broke up when Messrs. Wiener and Fischer left Adelaide for Tanunda.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustav Von de Heyde (member)
Bibliography and resources:
"Adelaider Liedertafel 1858 . . .", Adelaide A-Z
. . . An Adelaider Liedertafel formed in 1850-51 under the conductor Carl Linger, composer of "Song of Australia", rehearsed in Wiener-Fischer's cafe in Rundle Street, Adelaide, until disbanded 1855 when Robert Wiener and George Fischer left to operate the Tanunda Hotel . . .
Musical amateur, vocalist, songwriter
Active central VIC, by 1858 (shareable link to this entry)
"TARRANGOWER. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT . . . GERMAN DINNER", Mount Alexander Mail (24 May 1858), 2
The members of the German Club celebrated the Anniversary of its establishment on Thursday evening by an excellent entertainment. About seventy gentlemen sat down to a capital spread, provided by Mr Wiesenhavern, in the club house, which received ample justice . . . During the evening the members of the club sang, under the able leadership of Herr Gollmick, several excellent songs and choruses. Several other gentlemen assisted in the evening's entertainment, among them Herr Iverson, unequalled except by Miska Hauser in the Australian colonies as a violinist. Mr. Tait, our amateur comic singer, Hernn Lange, Kreeslan, and others, deserve especial mention. During the evening a local comic song was sung by Herr Jacobi, that convulsed the room with laughter. In it all the leading members were served up, but in such a manner that even those who were lashed the hardest could do no other than applaud. Herr Heineman proposed the health of the singer, and of the unknown author. Herr Jacobi, in responding, without mentioning the name, contrived to describe the adventures of the gentlemen to whom those present were indebted for a rich treat, in a manner that enabled all in the room to recognise Herr Wiesenhavern by the description. What with songs, music, and other entertainments, the hours flew swiftly, and it was near four o'clock in the morning when Mr. McIntosh rose to thank the members of the club for their courtesy to the English guests . . .
WIGAN, George (George WIGAN; Mr. G. WIGAN)
Comic vocalist, comedian, actor, songwriter, composer
Born London, England, c. 1828
Active Mount Blackwood, VIC, by August 1855
Died Dunolly, VIC, 11 September 1865, aged "37" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WIGAN, Harry (Henry WIGAN; Harry WIGAN)
Musician, pianist, pianoforte tuner, comedian, actor, vocalist (brother of the above)
Active Castlemaine, VIC, by 1856
Active Bendigo, VIC, until January 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? "THEATRE ROYAL", Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (2 August 1853), 2 (PAYWALL)
. . . A new aspirant for histrionic honors, Mr. Wigan, a brother of the celebrated Alfred Wigan, made his bow as Billy Lackaday in Sweethearts and Wires, and succeeded in creating most favourable impression. He is quaint, humourous and artistic; not striving overdo the part he hit the happy medium. He was received with applause, and had the merit of obtaining an encore in his comic song.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Wigan (actor, ? brother); Horace Wigan (actor, ? brother)
? "AMUSEMENTS IN DUBLIN. THEATRE ROYAL, HAWKIN'S-STREET", The Era [London, England] (14 August 1853), 11 (PAYWALL)
. . . The Misses J. and F. Cruise seem to vie with each other in uniting their various talents towards the perfect representation of tragedy, opera, and farce; in the latter, we have a new candidate for public favour, since the departure of Mr. Robson, in the person of Mr. G. Wigan, who has been very successful so far . . .
Here we have P. Wigan [sic] and company amusing their visitors with an entertainment entitled, "Our Friends, their Songs and Sayings," and if talent be any attraction this company must be successful; the entertainments consist of short farces, songs, both comic and sentimental, together with well selected recitations. The character of Paul Pry was remarkably well sustained by Mr. H. Wigan last Saturday evening, after which he gave a scene from the Lady of Lyons, with great taste, which at once stamped him as an actor of great promise. The rest of the company were remarkably well received, and doubtless they will soon become established favorites on Mount Blackwood.
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 October 1855), 8
MOUNT BLACKWOOD, Brigg's Hotel. Mr. Wigan and company are re-engaged, and will appear on Monday and during the week. New Songs and Comic Sketches.
"MOUNT BLACKWOOD [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] November 3rd, 1855", The Age (8 November 1855), 5
On Saturday evening Mr. G. Wigan took a farewell benefit at Brigg's Hotel, where he has been performing for some time. The entertainment was given under the patronage of the Camp authorities, and the crowded state of the room testified the estimation in which that gentleman is held by the public of Blackwood. A new sketch, written by Mr. Wigan himself, called "Off at Last," was received with shouts of laughter, and a new song relative to Miss Fanny Cathcart, Mr. Coppin, and Mr. Heir, was received with great applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Heir and Fanny Cathcart (actors, husband and wife); George Coppin (actor)
"MOUNT BLACKWOOD [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] November 27th, 1855", The Age (3 December 1855), 6
With regard to amusements, we shall be deficient of the only genuine, entertainment that Mount Blackwood has ever possessed. Mr. Wigan, who has been for the last three months giving his entertainment here, is about following the rush to Magpie Gully. This gentleman and his company deserve well of the public of Mount Blackwood; in as much as they have performed several times for charitable objects, and we believe that they have the good wishes of all classes of the community. During the last week they have been fulfilling an engagement at the Criterion Hotel, Simmons' Reef, where they have had excellent houses. The reception Mr. Wigan met with on the last night of his performing showed that his efforts to please were appreciated by the reefers, and must have been very gratifying to him. He has engaged three additional professionals, and we hope he may meet with that success he deserves.
"MOUNT BLACKWOOD (FROM A CORRESPONDENT) 17th December, 1855 . . . MR. WIGAN", The Argus (26 December 1855), 6-7
This very popular [ ? artiste] on Mount Blackwood took his [farewell] benefit at the Criterion Hotel, Simmons's [Reef] last evening. The inclemency of the [weather] during the evening prevented numbers [ ? from] attending, yet, in spite of all, the [large con-]cert-room of mine host Parker [was well] filled. Any one not much acquainted with life on the diggings would certainly [be] agreeably surprised to behold the [ ? ] appearance this concert-room, or [small] theatre, presents to the eye on [entering the] precincts, and still more so at the [amusement] Mr. Wigan affords with his small but [talented] company, both in music and comedy [?] pleasing and delighting his [audience]. Several spirited local sketches [in] verse, accompanied with music written by Mr. Wigan himself, where [he] introduced some of the occurrences such as the Local Court election, the Ross amalgamator and other subjects well known to the audience, were received with unbounded and merriment, and, of course duly [encored]. Besides numerous songs, the two pieces [of the] evening were, "My Uncle Folly" and [" ? ] Your Friend." As a number of [ladies were] present, at the close of the performance dances were proposed, and the [suggestion met] with general approbation. The tables were soon cleared away, and it was somewhere between two or three [7] the morning before the company broke up. [ ? ] nothing occurred to mar the harmony pre[vailing] during the whole evening, and great [ ? thanks] is due to Mr. Parker, the landlord, for the manner in which he manages to provide [ ? ] a capital evening's entertainment, particularly so when all the necessary adjuncts of such amusements are attainable only with great difficulty and expense in the bush.
"CASTLEMAINE POLICE COURT. Thursday, July 3", Mount Alexander Mail (4 July 1856), 4
Charles Williams was charged with illegally detaining a pianoforte, the property of Messrs. Wigan and Mills. Mr. Wigan stated that he was staying at the Five Flags Hotel, Campbell's Creek. An arrangement had been made with the defendant to supply plaintiff's company with respectable accommodation in return for their services. The company played according to contract. They had some properties there, including the pianoforte in question. He had been twice asked for it; he refused it on the ground that a bill was owing. The value of the piano is about £50; the only amount due is 20s. 6d., which witness was willing to pay. In reply to Mr. Paynter, Mr. Wigan stated that he came there on Thursday, and that he made a demand for the piano two days ago. Mrs. Williams said that the bill was correct, and that the plaintiff's company was only to have their board on the actual days they performed; and further, that Mills had agreed to leave the piano as security. On cross-examination, she admitted that she was not present at both the conversations previous to the arrangement; but would swear that Mr. Wigan breakfasted there on Sunday morning. Case remanded till tomorrow.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (18 August 1856), 3
M. VICTOR COUTURIER, a Digger, having died in the Hospital, leaving a widow and one child in distressed circumstances,
some friends have concerted to get up a performance, at the Theatre Royal in aid of Madame Couturier.
The performances will consist of a Concert and Dramatic Entertainment, in which several amateurs will assist,
with the following professional ladies and gentlemen, all whose services will be rendered gratuitously: -
Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Newman, Messrs. Newman, Turner, Gollmick, Henry Wigan, and George Wigan . . .
Pianist and conductor, Herr Gollmick . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Gollmick (pianist)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (20 August 1856), 1
PIANOFORTE. MR. H. WIGAN, (from Broadwood's) Peel Cottage, Campbell Street, Professor of Music, Pianofortes Tuned and Repaired.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons (London pianomaking firm); see also Broadwood pianos in Australia (page)
"Mr. Wigan", Mount Alexander Mail (23 January 1857), 4
In another column this gentleman announces his intention of giving a series of performances at Jim Crow, assisted by his brother and by Mrs. Bourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina Bourn (actor, vocalist)
"The Theatre", Mount Alexander Mail (1 May 1857), 5
We perceive that to-morrow, evening the Theatre Royal will be opened for a short season under the lesseeship of Mr. J. L. Byers, and the stage management of Mr. Wigan. . . . The ladies are Miss Hudson, Mrs. A'Beckett Evans, and Miss Bourne; the gentlemen are Messrs. Byers, Mungall, Wigan, Ramsay, Bertram, H. Wigan, Bentley and Joyce; and we believe it would be impossible, out of Melbourne, to collect a company comprising greater dramatic talent . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor, manager); John Mungall (actor)
"Mr. J. L. Byers", Mount Alexander Mail (18 May 1857), 3
This gentleman takes a benefit at the Theatre Royal to-morrow evening . . . We regret that we are about to lose Mr. Byers and the more prominent members of his company, as we understand it is the intention of Mr. Byers, Mr. Mungall, Mr. Wigan, and Miss Hudson to leave Castlemaine on Thursday morning, en route for Launceston, there to fulfil a professional engagement . . .
[News], Mount Alexander Mail (5 June 1857), 4
A first rate entertainment was given on Saturday and Monday evenings at the Royal Hotel by Messrs. [Harry] Wigan, Bentley, and Williamson, and Mesdames Williamson and Bourne. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson are too well known to render praise necessary. Suffice it to say that they showed the people of Tarrangower that their popularity at the other gold fields was well merited. Some of their songs deserve especial notice. Sam Slick, Billy Nutts, The Vagabond Fast Man, &c., by Mr. Williamson, were highly relished by the audience. The applause that greeted Mrs. Williamson in the characters of Topsy, the Dashing Little Tiger, &c., was absolutely deafening. The same may be said of the manner in which the songs of Miss Bourne were received. Every one of which was encored. The execution of Mr. Wigan on the piano, deserves great praise. Mr. Bentley's solo on the violin was loudly applauded. It is to be hoped that these artistes will soon pay us another visit.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Williamson and wife (vocalists, entertainers); Edwin Bentley (violin)
"FOREST CREEK (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", Mount Alexander Mail (7 August 1857), 4
Mr. Wigan's benefit came off at the Red Mill Hotel on Saturday last. Mr. Wigan appeared as Nicolo in "The Brigand." Numerous plaudits testified the approbation of the audience. Mr. Bentley's acting gave great satisfaction. Mr. Joyce sustained his former reputation, but his musical efforts scarcely came up to expectation. Mr. Evans made himself at home never feeling in want of something to say, though he scarcely stuck to his text. Mr. Lomax (an amateur), as Theodore, displayed considerable dramatic talent. Mrs. Bourne, as Ottavia, did very well indeed, as an actress she is improving wonderfully. Mrs. Evans acted her part well as indeed she always does. The musical department was supported by Mrs. Bourne, Mr. Wigan, and Mr. Bentley; the former sung "Annie Laurie" and "Comin' through the Rye" in superior style . . .
[Advertisement], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (23 October 1857), 1
MISS EMMA ST. CLAIR, From Theatre Royal and Olympic, Melbourne;
Mr. H. WIGAN, The celebrated Pianist, and representative of old Men.
MRS. BOURNE, The favorite Vocalist, from the Melbourne Concerts,
B. J. COLEMAN, Late of Coleman's Criterion Theatre, Bendigo,
Will appear in Three Pieces . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barned Jullian Coleman (actor, manager)
"Public Amusements. MR. WIGAN'S BENEFIT", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (28 October 1857), 3
THERE are few members of the Profession, in his line, who, in such a short time, have achieved such a position upon the stage as the actor for whose benefit the performances of to-morrow night are set apart, and we confess that we should like some of the Bachelors, following a spirited Launceston precedent, before they visit the ball, honour MR. WIGAN with a call at the Theatre Royal, so that something like adequate encouragement should be awarded to a very talented professional. By taking this in good part, they would not only render a proper tribute of respect to him, but a service to the Treasury, which, notwithstanding the energy and outlay of MR. CHARLES POOLE, has not received much assistance from the pockets of our Hobart Town playgoers. The fault has not been with the Management, but with the Public. Shortly before Theatre re-opened, the cry was "the dearth of public amusements," and it was thought the prospect was encouraging, but financial affairs have turned out such a blank, that we fear MR. POOLE will have no desire to travel the circuit again. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (23 December 1857), 3
Lucy Ashton - MADAME CARANDINI. Edgar Ravenswood - MONS. LAGLAISE
Colonel Henry Ashton (brother to Lucy) - MONS. EMILE COULON.
Raymond - SIGNOR GROSSI. Arthur - Mr. Wigan.
Norman - Mr. Creswick. Alice - Miss Rosa Dunn . . .
Conductor - Mr. Lavenu. Cornet - Mr. Kohler . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Rosa Dunn (actor); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor, pianist); Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet)
"Public Amusements", The Courier (17 February 1858), 3
M. De Barr, the French Magician, gave a benefit performance last evening at the Theatre Royal in aid of the Indian Relief Fund . . . The "sprightly" agent of the Wizard (Mr. Wigan) takes his benefit to-morrow evening. As he is well known in Hobart Town, may it be his lot to receive adequate support, albeit he has not fulfilled the duties, which he is competent to perform in our opinion, of making' his exit a la Jacobs from the extinguisher. There can be no doubt that his occasional enlistment in the extensive corps of assistant demons which M. De Barr must inevitably have in his pay would tender the entertainment more attractive. Mr. Wigan will sing a song or two on the occasion of his benefit, which will positively be the last appearance of the Wizard in this city.
ASSOCIATIONS: Philippe de Barr (magician, toured 1858)
[Advertisement], The Courier (17 February 1858), 2
MR. WIGAN will sing the popular Ballad from Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop "LITTLE NELLY,"
and Eliza Cook's Song of "THE ENGLISHMAN," during the interval in the Entertainment of Natural Magic.
Commence at quarter to Eight.
[Advertisement], The Courier (30 June 1858), 3
Cherubim's GRAND OVERTURE - "Anacreon" - Full Orchestra. First time in the colony.
SONG from Balfe's Opera "The Maid of Honour," - "In this Old Chair," - MR. WIGAN.
DUETT - Two Violins - MR. PECK and MASTER HALL - ROMBEY . . .
PART II. Bishop's Magnificent OVERTURE" The Maniac" - Full Orchestra, First time in this colony.
BALLAD from Dickens' "Old Curiosity Shop" - "Little Nelly" - MR. WIGAN . . .
SONG - MR. WIGAN - Lover's beautiful ballad, "What will you do, love" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violin); John Thomson Hall (violin)
"SYDNEY", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (17 July 1858), 2
Brooke arrived last evening per Tasmania, bringing with him Mrs. C. Poole, Mr. H. Edwards, Mr. Wigan, in fact as I am told, "a complete company down to the call-boy." He will open the Prince of Wales on Monday week.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon District Advertiser [VIC] (17 September 1858), 1
Mr. J. McIntosh begs to acquaint his friends and the inhabitants of Malden generally, that he still retains the valuable services of
MR. E. BENTLEY, The Violinist, and MR. H. WIGAN, The Pianist
With whose assistance he will keep open the room as a FREE AND EASY every Saturday and Monday evenings . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 October 1858), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE - Lessee and Manager, Mr. C. Poole - THIS EVENING, SATURDAY . . . To conclude with the Grand Burlesque of THE INVISIBLE PRINCE. Principal characters by Mr. Wigan, Madam Sarah Flower, Mrs. Winterbottom, Miss Julia Matthews, and the whole strength of the Company; with new and splendid scenery, dresses and decorations.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (actor, vocalist); Maria Margaret Winterbottom (actor); Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist, dancer)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 January 1859), 1
With that eminent and versatile Actress MISS KATE WARDE, Supported by the celebrated Artistes
And a powerful Company, comprising Mrs. R. B. Dale, Mrs. Bourne, Mrs. Gill,
Mr. T. Noble, Mr. J. G. Belby, Mr. Harry Wigan, and others,
forming in all the largest and best Dramatic Company that has ever appeared in Sandhurst . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Warde (actor); James Hetters Vinson (actor); Elinor Dale (actor); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1859), 1
Farewell Complimentary BENEFIT to Mrs. W. HILL, when will be presented a new comedy,
called "A Bird in the Hand worth Two in the Bush."
Characters by Messrs. H. Edwards, Burford, Miran, Wigan, Welsh, Walker, Maynard, Hasker, and W. Hill, Medames Winterbottom, and W. Hill.
Ballad, Mr. F. Howson; Comic Song - "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" - Mr. Wigan; "The Regular Sydney Native," W. Hill.
Favorite Dance - Miss Ada Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist, actor); Ada Hart (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1859), 1
First night of a new burlesque of CONRAD and MEDORA,
in which the Misses MARIE, CARRY, and SARA NELSON will perform . . .
Founded upon the Ballet of "Le Corsaire." Music arranged by Mr. Winterbottom;
new scenery by Mr. Burbury and Guy; machinery by Mr. Cooper; properties by Mr. Twight;
costumes and appointments by Mr. Ford and assistants;
the burlesque produced under the direction of Mr. Downey.
Conrad, the Corsair, "a notable pirate, a salt water thief;" gloomy, misanthropical, ironical, and Byronical - Miss Carry Nelson
Birbanto, his lieutenant - an officer, but not a gentleman - Mr. Wigan
Seyd (or seedy) Pasha, a terrible Turk - Mr. F. Howson
Syng Smaul, a general officer, major-domo, Pead Cock and bottle-washer to the Pasha - Mr. C. Miran
Ynsauf, in his own country Joseph, or, familiarly, Ole Joe, a renegade slave merchant - Mr. S. Howard
Hassan, a boatswain - Mr. Ford . . .
Medora, a Grecian maiden, niece and ward to Yussuf, a sacred pledge entrusted to her uncle - Miss Marie Nelson
Gulnare, the reigning beauty of the Pasha's harem, his favourite, and most other people's - it is hoped including the audience - Mrs. Winterbottom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Nelson sisters (actors, vocalists); Charles Miran (actor); Sam Howard (actor); William Henry Ford (actor)
"THE THEATRES", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 June 1859), 5
THE Theatre Royal re-opened with a very full house last night, after being closed for several days. The very pleasant little comedy of "Time Tries All" was excellently played. Mr. Heir's Matthew Bates was dignified and gentlemanly . . . Mr. Wigan, a low comedian new to this colony, made his first appearance. The small part of Tom Tact does not offer much material whereby to judge of the general merits of an actor - but he satisfied the audience, never the less that they might safely award him the wordict of their approbation . . .
"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (20 December 1859), 2
The new popular Drama "Ben Bolt" was produced last, evening with much effect, after which Mr. James sang several songs in first rate style and Mr. Wigan delighted his audience with his comic lyrics . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (23 June 1860), 3
Yesterday evening the musical drama of "Rob Roy" was presented, for the benefit of Mr. W. D. Shiels. The house was well attended, and the piece as a whole gave considerable satisfaction. Mr. Heir dashed through the part of Rob Roy with more than ordinary energy. The part of Helen Macgregor was tolerably well played by Mrs. Heir . . . With regard to the musical arrangements, they were not perhaps quite comme il faut, but still there was much to commend. Miss Wiseman, as Diana Vernon, was respectable, but a more complete cultivation of her musical capabilities will add much to her reputation. Mr. Wigan, as Francis Olbuldistone [sic], sang a little air in the first act very prettily. In the glees, Mr. Leeman did good service, and contributed much to their success, though a little more correctness in giving the words would be an evident improvement, the want of this was very noticeable in the Tolbooth scene . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Wiseman (actor, vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist)
"MOONAMBEL (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) June 13, 1861 . . . THEATRICALS", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (14 June 1861), 2
For some time at a loss for entertainment, we have this week had a visit of Klaer Brothers' dogs and monkeys. This performance was very well-attended. The dramatic troupe of Mr. and Mrs. Wigan, and Mr. O'Brien from Back Creek, aided by Mr. McGee, the comic singer have, at the same time been performing with moderate success at the Haymarket theatre.
[News], The Argus (1 February 1862), 5
"Esmeralda" is far from being the worst of the many extravaganzas which have proceeded from Mr. Byron's prolific pen and it is evenly played by a good cast at Cremorne . . . Miss Harriet Gordon plays the part of Esmeralda with rather too much aplomb, but executes the music allotted to her with characteristic ability; and the Quasimodo of Mr. Wigan, as well as the Pierre Gregoire of Mrs. Naylor, are cleverly placed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Gordon (actor, vocalist); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (3 July 1863), 3
THEATRE ROYAL. Under the Management of Mr. HOSKINS.
Will be presented the ever-welcome Opera LA SONNAMBULA; OR, THE VILLAGE PHANTOM.
With the following novel and powerful cast;
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Howson (vocalist); Clelia Howson (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Julia Harland and William Hoskins (vocalist and manager, wife and husband)
"ST. ARNAUD AMATEUR DRAMATIC CLUB", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (12 May 1865), 3
This Club performed on Wednesday, at the St. Arnaud Hotel, for the benefit of the manager, Mr. G. Wigan. The house was crammed to suffocation . . . Mr. Wigan gave immitations of several actors, London and colonial. A large proportion of the audience was entirely ignorant of the originals; but those who were conversant with them, had no difficulty in recognising old friends. Some songs by Mr. Wigan were vociferously applauded . . .
Inquest, George Wiggan, Dunolly, 13 September 1865; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . The Deponent, Peter Frayne . . . I am a Publican and live at Dunolly. I knew the deceased George Wiggan who has been living at my house for the last few months. Deceased was a Comedian. He was a married man but without family. Deceased was a native of London in England . . .
[News], The Tarrangower Times and Maldon and Newstead Advertiser (19 September 1865), 2
Mr. G. WIGAN, well known on the colonial stage, died on Monday, at Frayne's Hotel, Dunolly. An inquest held on Tuesday, showed that pulmonary consumption was the cause of death. Mr. Wigan would have no medical attendance, and seemed so little aware of his approaching dissolution that only an hour before his death he was studying his part for his benefit on Thursday. The deceased gentleman was the founder of the St. Arnaud Dramatic Club. His untimely end is deeply regretted by the members of the club, who will not easily forget his exertions in its behalf. - Maryborough Advertiser.
"DEATHS", The Age (25 September 1865), 3
WIGAN. - On the 11th inst., at Dunolly, of pulmonary consumption, Mr. George Wigan (comedian), aged thirty-seven.
WIGGINS, Samuel (Samuel WIGGINS)
Musician, marine, "sergeant-bandmaster"
Born Bridport, Dorset, England, 12 November 1779; baptised, New Meeting Church, Bridport, 29 November 1779; son of Thomas WIGGINS and Catherine ?
Married Susannah WELCH, St. James, Taunton, Somerset, 1 June 1800
Arrived Sullivan's Cove (Hobart) VDL (TAS), 19 February 1804 (per Calcutta, from London, April 1803, via Port Phillip and Sydney, NSW)
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), buried 17 July 1811 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WIGGINS, Thomas (senior) (Thomas WIGGINS)
Amateur violin maker
Born at sea (per Calcutta, en route for VDL), 11 June 1803; baptised, at sea, 16 June 1803; son of Samuel WIGGINS and Susannah WELCH
Arrived Sullivan's Cove (Hobart) VDL (TAS), 19 February 1804 (per Calcutta, from London, April 1803, via Port Phillip and Sydney, NSW)
Married Susannah NEWPORT (1803-1875), St. David's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 12 January 1824
Died Sorrell, TAS, 27 September 1884, aged "81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WIGGINS, Thomas (junior)
Amateur violin maker
Born Sorrell, TAS, 13 October 1842; son of Thomas WIGGINS and Susannah NEWPORT
Married Isabella ALOMES (1842-1906), St. George, Sorrell, TAS, 28 May 1866
Died Wattle Hill, TAS, 15 May 1914
WIGGINS, Charles Arthur (Charles Arthur WIGGINS)
Amateur violin maker
Born Port Sorrell, TAS, 24 November 1871; son of Thomas WIGGINS (jun.) and Isabella ALOMES
Died Woodsdale, TAS, 29 July 1948
Wiggins family tradition had it that Samuel Wiggins was a "sergeant bandmaster", though clearly not, as reported in 1899, of the 73rd Regiment.
Family tradition also had it that a violin purchased in 1850 by William Maum was made by Thomas senior, believed to be one of several he produced. Thomas senior's grandson, Charles Arthur Wiggins, won first prize at the 1895 Tasmanian Industrial Exhibition for a violin he made and exhibited.
Baptisms, Barrack Street Meeting House (Independent), Bridport, Devon, 1779; UK National Archives, RG4/71 (PAYWALL)
1779 / Nov. / 29 / Samuel the son of Tho's & Catherine Wiggins ag[ed] 17 days . . .
Baptisms solemnized [registered] in the parish of Hobart Town in the year 1803; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1077628; RGD32/1/1/ no 1 (DIGITISED)
[no.] 1 / 6th June 1803 / Thomas / [son of] Samuel & Susannah / Wiggins née Welch / H.M.S. Calcutta / [officiant] R. Knopwood
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Knopwood (clergyman)
Burials in the district of Hobart, 1811; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1175712; RGD34/1/1 no 111
17 July 1811 / Sammuel [sic] Wiggins / [age] 36
"Deaths", The Mercury (29 September 1884), 1
WIGGINS. - On September 27, at Springfield, Sorell, Thomas Wiggins, sen., aged 81 years. The funeral will take place on TUESDAY, at 3 o'clock.
"DEATH OF THE OLDEST INHABITANT OF TASMANIA", The Mercury (30 September 1884), 2
Mr. Thomas Wiggins, whose arrival in Hobart dates back to the foundation of the colony by Govenor Collins in 1804, died at his residence, Springmouth, Sorell, on Saturday last, in the 81st year of his age, after an uninterrupted residence in Tasmania of 80 years. He was, at the time of his death, the oldest inhabitant, and the last of the arrivals by the first fleet visiting Tasmania, having been born on board H.M.S. Calcutta, at sea, on the voyage from England to Australia, on the 11th of June, 1803. His birth is thus recorded in the Rev. Robert Knopwood's published journal of the voyage: - "Saturday, June 11, 1803. Mary [sic] Wiggins, wife of a colonial marine, was delivered of a son." The deceased was christened on board H.M.S. Calcutta by the first chaplain of Tasmania, the Rev. Robert Knopwood, Captain Huston, R.M., standing godfather at the ceremony. With his father and mother he was landed at Port Phillip when six months old; but, on the hasty abandonment of "the settlement," as it was then called, on account of its fancied worthlessness, though it is now regarded as the land of Ophir, he came to Hobart with his parents in the early part of 1804. His early days were spent in this city, but the greater part of his life at Sorell, where, until his death, he was a successful farmer. He leaves behind him over 60 descendants, running through three generations, to perpetuate his memory. The deceased was frugal and industrious throughout his life, free from pecuniary anxiety in his declining years, and leaves behind him a good name, which is better than riches. His remains will be buried in the family vault at Sorell this afternoon.
"Tasmanian International Exhibition. JURORS' AWARDS . . . GROUP II. CLASS 14. MUSICAL APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTS", The Mercury (18 February 1895), 4
Certificates have been awarded to the following exhibitors: First Class Charles A. Wiggins, for a violin made in Tasmania; award chiefly for general excellence of workmanship and finish . . .
"Deaths", The Mercury (12 October 1899), 1
VIMPANY. - On Tuesday, October 10, 1899, at her late residence, "Elsie Villa," 13, Brisbane-street, Hobart, Tasmania, Sarah, relict of the late Edmund Vimpany, sen., and second daughter of the late Sergeant-Bandmaster Samuel Wiggins, of the 73rd Regiment, aged 90 years. Funeral 2.30 p.m. on FRIDAY. Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand papers please copy.
"OBITUARY", The Mercury (12 October 1899), 2
Another old Tasmanian in the person of Sarah Vimpany passed peacefully away at her residence, Brisbane-street, on October 10, at the ripe age of 90 years. Deceased was one of the oldest Tasmanian natives, having been born in camp where old St. David's Church stood. She lived to see the Church built and pulled down, and the Cathedral erected on the spot where she was born. Her sister, Mrs. John Walker, sen., of Wattle Hill, was the first female child born of European parents in Tasmania. Her brother, Thos. Wiggins, was the first child carried into Port Phillip, having been born on board the ship Calcutta in the year 1803. Their father was Sergeant-Bandmaster Samuel Wiggins, of the 73rd regiment [sic] . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Freda Gray, "Music of the early settlements of the 1800s", Papers and Proceedings Tasmanian Historical Research Association 43/2 (June 1996), (59-62), 60-61 (PAYWALL)
Kath Lonergan, The Wiggins of Wiggins Town, Van Diemen's Land: the family of colonial marine Samuel Wiggins, circa 1750 to 2003; Pennington family history; the violin makers; Wiggins family stories; more Wiggins but not ours (New Town: K. Lonergan, 2003)
Alan Coggins (with introduction by Michael Lea), Violin and bow makers of Australia ([Blackheath]: For the author, 2009), 7, 208-09 (DIGITISED short entry summaries archived at Pandora)
WIGGINS, Thomas (1803-1884) Amateur maker, Tasmania. Made a number of violins. One possible example, c. 1840, now in Narryna Heritage Museum, Hobart, Tas.
WIGGINS, Thomas (II) (1842-1914) Amateur maker, Wattle Hill, Tasmania. Learned from his father, Thomas Wiggins (1) and passed on the tradition to his descendents.
WIGGINS, Charles Arthur (1871-1948) Son of Thomas Wiggins (II). Amateur violin maker in Woodsdale, Tasmania. Awarded first prize in Tasmanian Exhibition, 1894/95 for a violin made of 365 inlaid pieces, including mother of pearl.
WIGGINS, Lyall Thomas (1914-1965) Grandson of Thomas Wiggins (II). Amateur maker in Tasmania, made a number of violins.
WIGGINS, Raymond Joseph (1882-1973) Son of Thomas Wiggins (II). Amateur maker, thought to have made at least 5 violins, Colebrook, Tasmania.
WIGGINS, Thomas Henry (1867-1949) Son of Thomas Wiggins (II). Amateur maker, Wattle Hill, Tasmania. Made a number of violins.
J. Burrell, Samuel WIGGINS m. 1800 Susannah WELCH (posted 2005; last updated 2011) (archived NLA Pandora)
J. Burrell, Thomas WIGGINS m. 1824 Susannah NEWPORT (posted 2005; last updated 2011) (archived NLA Pandora)
Samuel Wiggins, WikiTree
Thomas Wiggins (1803-1884), WikiTree
WIGLEY, William Hankinson (William Hankinson WIGLEY; W. H. WIGLEY; Mr. WIGLEY)
Printer, lithographer
Born Liverpool, England, by 1833; baptised St. Peter, Liverpool, 8 February 1833; son of William Ayscough WIGLEY and Margaret ?
Died Sydney, NSW, 30 December 1870, aged "39" (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish church of St. Peter, Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, in the year 1833; register 1832-33, page 211; Liverpool Record Office, 283-PET-2-20 (PAYWALL)
No. 1682 / [1833 February] 8 / William Hankinson [son of] William Ayscough & Margaret / Wigley / Blair St. Toxteth Park / Gentleman . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Birkenhead, Cheshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2175/405/18 (PAYWALL)
15 Price Street / Thomas Cooke / Head / Mar. / 41 / Accountant & Insurance Agent / [born] Lanc'r L'pool
Ellen [Cooke] / Wife / Mar. / 25 / - / [born Lanc'r L'pool] . . .
W. H. Wigley / Nephew / Unm. / 19 / App. to Lithographer / [born] Lanc'r L'pool
M. Wigley / Niece / Unm. / 15 . . .
WIGNEY, William (William WIGNEY)
Musician, cornet and ophicleide player, bandsman, bandmaster, coach builder
Born Brighthelmstone, Sussex, England, 1 May 1831; son of George Adolphus WIGNEY (c. 1789-1872) and Mary Ann WILMSHURST (c. 1780-1845
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 23 September 1852 (per Statesman, 2 June and Portsmouth, 28 June, aged "25")
Married (1) Harriet BURTON (d. 1861), VIC, 1854
Married (2) Elizabeth DITCHBURN, VIC, 1863
Died Ballarat, VIC, 8 April 1911, aged "79" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Registration (1837) of birth of William Wigney, 1 May 1831; UK National Archives, Non-Parochial Registers, RG5/139 (PAYWALL)
No. 7897 / This is to certify and declare that William Wigney the son of George Adolphus Wigney of Brighthelmstone in the County of Sussex Brewer and Mary Ann his wife (who was the daughter of Thomas Wilmshurst of Brighthelmstone in the County of Sussex Silversmith) was born at the house of the said George Adolphus Wigney No 30 in Great Russell Street in Brighthelmstone . . . on the [1 May 1831] . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Brighton, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1646/660/22 (PAYWALL)
New Road No. 23 / George Adolphus Wigney / Head / Mar. / 61 / Wine & Spirit Merchant / [born] Yorkshire Wakefield
Anne Maria [Wigney] / Wife / Mar. / 47 / - / [born] Hampshire Gosport
Catherine / Dau. / Unm. / 32 / Milliner / [born] Sussex Chichester
Emily / // 31 / Assistant to Stationer // George / 20 [sic] / Printer // William / 19 / Apprentice of Coachmaker / [all born Brighton]
Names and descriptions of passengers per Statesman, from London, 2 June 1852, for Port Phillip, September 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Geo. Wigney / 27 / Engineer // Wm. [Wigney] / 25 / Labourer // G. D. Mudge / 21 [sic, 31] / Farmer // [Mrs. Mudge] / 19 [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Adolphus Wigney (junior) (1829-1911, brother, printer); Martha Wigney (1826-1893, sister); George Daniel Mudge (c. 1821-1865, coach builder, brother-in-law)
"NEWS FROM AUSTRALIA", Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (30 December 1852), 6 (PAYWALL)
. . . The following letter and memorandum have been received by Mr. G. A. Wigney: -
Collingwood, Oct. 8, 1852.
My Dear Father, - Our vessel anchored in the beautiful bay opposite William's Town on 23d September.
William and I left by the first steamer, which brought us up to Melbourne. Oh, the delightful sensation of setting foot on land!
We found the Junipers quite well, and spent the evening with them, and they kindly slept us.
Next morning they directed us where might find a lodging. The town is so full that we could not get lodgings in it;
but through their recommendations we procured two empty rooms at Collingwood, a distance of about half a mile from the town,
and upon a beautiful hill. Our rent is £1 per week, which is far less than two rooms could be got for in Melbourne.
My husband and brother George came on shore with the luggage on Saturday, 25th,
and on the following Tuesday got situations at a coachmaker's my husband £4 and W. £3 per week.
This may seem astonishing, but I must tell you how trade stands here.
Every thing is enormously dear. Many of the successful gold diggers do not mind what they give for things.
Then there has been, and still is, such an influx of emigrants that provisions have risen very high.
The passengers from the Statesman, finding things so dear,
were obliged many of them to sell clothes and other matters before they could pay to get up to the diggings . . .
Your affectionate daughter, MARTHA MUDGE.
August 27, 1852.
My dear Father, - It was my intention to make a daily memorandum,
but sea sicknes and the excessive closeness below obliging me to remain on deck, prevented my doing as I could have wished.
We left Portsmouth Sunday afternoon, June 27 . . . The weather was bright, or I know not what we should have done.
Brother William was not sick long. George entirely escaped. My husband and self were very bad for a long time . . .
June 16th. There was a cry of "Sail a head" . . . The vessel was a Dutch one, named "Caroline Hayns" from Rotterdam to Batavia.
Then followed alternate cheering one another; but darkness coming on, a blue light, a few rockets,
a tune from our little band, and we were compelled to part . . .
But the most important matter was "crossing the line," which took place on Wednesday, August 4th.
First, a car, containing Neptune, wife and children, was drawn up by the side of the vessel
(they were sailors and boys secretly conveyed into it . . . They then proceeded round the deck, accompanied by the band,
which consists of William's opheclide and three more instruments . . .
We had lively evenings, the band frequently played, and while many danced we sat up in the bulwarks and watched the flying fish . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 September 1853), 8
MELBOURNE Thursday Concerts. - Thursday, Sept. 8th. MECHANICS' INSTITUTION.
Vocalists - Miss Lewis and Mr. John Gregg.
Instrumentalists - Cornet-a-Piston, Mr. G. Chapman.
M. Tucker, M. Edwards, M. Tranter, M. Boullermere, M. Touthust, M. Harrison, M. Thatcher, M. Wigney, &c.
Pianist, M. Salamons. Leader of Orchestra, M. Tucker.
Conductor, M. Winterbottom.
Programme - PART I.
Overture- Il Barbiere - Rossini
Valse - Ladies of England - Montgomery . . .
Quadrille - Le Bon Temps - Montgomery . . .
Polka - St. Valentine's Day - Montgomery
Quadrille - La Guerre des Femmes - Bosissio . . .
Valse - Fuschia - Barrett . . .
Galop - The Queen's - Tinney . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Annie Lewis and Edward Salamon (vocalist and pianist, husband and wife); John Gregg (vocalist); Edward Tucker (leader); William Joseph Tranter (musician); George Tolhurst (musician); Anthony Boullemier (musician); Charles Thatcher (musician); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 November 1853), 8
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Grand Promenade Concert.
Saturday Evening, 12th November, 1853. Under the direction of Mr. Alfred Oakey.
In announcing to the inhabitants of Melbourne the first of a series of Saturday Evening Promenade Concerts,
Mr. Rowe begs to state that he feels great confidence in submitting the Evening's Entertainments to his patrons . . .
The Monster Band will embrace all the available talent in Melbourne, assisted by several members of the Band of the 99th Regiment . . .
Cornet Primo and Saxe Clavicore - Mr. P. C. Burke.
Saxe Horn - Mr. Hore and Sons.
Clarionet Primo - Mr. R. Martin.
Clarionet Secondo - Mr. J. Bull.
Ophecleide - Mr. Wigney.
Trombone - Mr. Freeman . . .
Leader, Mr. Edward Tucker.
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Andrew Rowe (proprietor); Alfred Oakey (conductor); Peter Constantine Burke (cornet); Joseph Hore and sons (musicians); Robert Martin (master, 99th band); James Bull (99th band); Band of the 99th Regiment (military band); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 December 1853), 8
The Fourth GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT Will be Given This Evening, Saturday, December 3rd, 1853.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's Celebrated Monster Band, embracing all the talented Performers in Melbourne . . .
Ophicleide - Mr. Wigney . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1853), 5
The sixth of a Series of Grand PROMENADE CONCERTS
will take place at the above place of amusement on Saturday Evening, December 7th, 1853.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's Monster Orchestra, aided by several members of the band of the 40th Regiment,
including Mr. Hartigan, the celebrated performer on the Ophicleide (by permission of Lieut. Colonel Valiant) . . .
Ophicleides - Mr. T. W. C. Hartigan [sic] and Mr. Wigney . . .
Leader - Mr. M. Radford. Conductor and Composer - Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Hartigan (bandsman 40th); Mark Radford (leader, violin); Band of the 40th Regiment (military band)
"EASTER SPORTS AT SCARSDALE", The Ballarat Star (31 March 1869), 4
. . . On Monday, the Smythesdale Mechanics' Institute Committee held the Easter fete in aid of the institute fund, in Mr. Duke's paddock, Scarsdale. Owing to a misunderstanding between this committee and the committee of the Foresters' fete, both committees had appointed to hold their fetes on the same day; and no mutual arrangement having been come to, both fetes, as previously intimated, suffered in consequence; but the institute fete suffered most, and the gathering was very small, there being probably not more than about 300 persons in attendance. The Smythesdale brass band turned out in good style upon the occasion, and headed the procession from Smythesdale to Duke's paddock, where an excellent programme of sports, &c., was ready. The want of a good attendance, however, made matters somewhat dull, though the committee of management did its utmost to carry through the affair with spirit. The band, under the leadership of Mr. Wigney, at intervals performed in excellent style, and afforded the lovers of dancing an opportunity of indulging in that recreation . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (18 June 1869), 2
Our local correspondent writes: - "A vocal and instrumental entertainment, under the direction of the joint committees of the Smythesdale Mechanics' Institute and Smythesdale Volunteer Fire Brigade, was given at the local Mechanics' Institute on Wednesday evening, and had a very fair measure of success. There was as good a house as could be expected, in view of the frequency of entertainments of a similar kind in the district, and the audience manifested its appreciation of the entertainment by no stinted tokens of applause. The local brass band mustered in force, and, under the leadership of Mr. Wigney, performed in most creditable style . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (17 July 1869), 2
Our Smythesdale correspondent writes: "Literary and musical entertainments in this quarter are carried on with great spirit, and are generally very successful . . . In Scarsdale Town-hall on Tuesday evening there was a capital entertainment, including vocal and instrumental music, readings, and recitations . . . On Thursday evening a somewhat similar entertainment was given at the Smythesdale Mechanics' Institute, and the programme was eminently attractive . . . The brigade band, which under the leadership of Mr. Wigney, has already attained great proficiency, and which is following up practice twice a week with unflagging earnestness, performed in capital style, and altogether the evening was spent very pleasantly . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (23 September 1869), 2
. . . Our local correspondent writes: - "A somewhat novel musical treat was given to the residents of Smythesdale and surrounding neighborhood, on Tuesday evening [21 September]. About nine o'clock the local brass band, which had been practising as usual at the band-room, adjourned to the top of Frazer's Hill, a commanding elevation a short distance from Smythesdale township, and performed in capital style for upwards of an hour, the music floating through the township and over the surrounding localities with very fine effect. The air was somewhat chill, but an immense fire, which had been hastily improvised from the adjoining bush, helped to diffuse the requisite warmth of temperature where the band was stationed; light of course was not required, as the moonlight was remarkably bright. At first it was conjectured by some of the residents in Smythesdale that the celebration had a political significance, and betokened excessive jubilation at deliverance from much of what has for many years past held Victoria in thrall; but on enquiry it was found that there was no occult meaning in the affair, and that the band having for some time purposed giving a series of outdoor concerts so soon as the mellow evenings set in, the present trial was only made with the view of testing the effect of the music. The band now plays in a very creditable style, reflecting credit on the teacher, Mr. Wigney, as also on the members for their perseverance; and many a capital musical treat may fairly be reckoned on by-and-by in the summer evenings, as, in addition to performing well, the members seem to take a pleasure in affording the residents an opportunity of hearing them."
ASSOCIATIONS: "political significance" = the resignation of James McCulloch as premiere on 20 September
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (9 March 1870), 2
The monthly meeting of the Smythesdale Volunteer Fire Brigade was held at the brigade-room on 7th March; Captain D. Price in the chair . . . It was decided that all members of the band in arrears after 15th March be struck off the roll and their instruments taken from them. It was also decided that the band master, Mr. Wigney, be guaranteed 15s a week for his services, and that in future the subscription of members of the band be 2s 6d monthly. A richly-mounted clarionet, presented to the band by the local New Year's-day fete joint committees, was produced for inspection, and was regarded as a very handsome gift . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (3 August 1870), 2
The monthly meeting of the Smythesdale Volunteer Fire Brigade was held at the brigade room on 1st August, Lieut. Lee in the chair . . . The lieutenant was instructed to request the members of the band now in arrears to pay their contributions to date, or give up their instruments . . . A notice of motion was given - That Mr. Wigney, bandmaster, be asked to take £2 per month of four weeks for his services in future . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (7 September 1870), 2
The monthly meeting of the Smythesdale Volunteer Fire Brigade was held at the brigade room on 5th September, Lieut. Lee in the chair . . . It was decided that after the present month the remuneration of the bandmaster, Mr. Wigney, be £2 per month. Mr. Wigney intimated that he would not agree to any reduction being made . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (5 October 1870), 2
The monthly meeting of the Smythesdale Volunteer Fire Brigade was held at the brigade-room on Monday evening, Lieutenant Lee in the chair . . . An account amounting to £6 15s, from the bandmaster, Mr. W. Wigney, was referred to the finance committee . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (26 May 1871), 2
Our Smythesdale correspondent writes: "The Queen's Birthday, though only partially observed in this quarter, afforded a considerable amount of recreation . . . As evening came on numbers of bonfires were lighted all around, and these, accompanied with frequent discharges of firearms and crackers, made quite a lively scene. Eventually the Smythesdale Oddfellows' Brass Band turned out in tasteful uniform, and marched down the street playing, in capital style, the pleasing strains being appropriately wound up with the National Anthem. The main street was now unusually lively, as numbers were wending their way to the Mechanics' Institute, where a brilliantly lighted hall and a very attractive programme awaited them. A grand promenade concert and ball, in aid of the Smythesdale new vested school, had been arranged for, and there was a large and respectable assemblage . . . Mr. C. Bettridge, on the violin, Mr. W. Wigney, on the cornet, and Mrs. Southall, on the piano, supplied capital dancing music, "and all went merry as a marriage bell" . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (4 September 1872), 2
The usual monthly meeting of the Smythesdale Volunteer Fire Brigade was held at the brigade-room on 2nd September, Captain Lee in the chair. Mr. W. Wigney tendered his resignation as bandmaster, and it was accepted with regret . . .
"NEW INSOLVENT", The Ballarat Courier (23 March 1877), 3
William Wigney, Grenville street, Ballarat, coachbuilder, and wheelwright. Causes of insolvency - Dullness in trade, sickness in family, pressure of creditors, and seizure of tools and effects under bill of sale. Liabilities £367 9s 4d; assets £124 10s; deficiency £242 9s 4d. H. Levinson assignee.
"DEATHS", The Ballarat Star (10 April 1911), 2
WIGNEY. - On the 8th April, at his residence, 95 Peel street north, William, the dearly-beloved husband of Elizabeth Wigney; aged 79 years.
Musician, violinist
Active Australia, 1881-82 (Wikipedia)
WILKES, William (William Charles WILKES; William WILKES)
Journalist, newspaper editor, poet, satirist, songwriter, convict, emancipist
Born Surrey, England, c. 1816; son of Andrew Robertson WILKES and Mary BURT
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 November 1833 (convict per Neva)
Married Catherine CONNOLLY (d. 1885), Brisbane, NSW (QLD), 17 December 1846, aged "29"
Died Sydney, NSW, 13 May 1873, aged "54" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

William Wilkes
At the opening on 6 December 1848 of the Loyal Brisbane Lodge of the Australian Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a new song was sung, The merry boys of Brisbane, the words of which were written for the occasion by William Wilkes.
Wilkes also later published recollections of Isaac Nathan's first years in Sydney, probably at least partly based on his memories of journalistic squibs on Nathan in the satirical press at the time (1841-43).
Trial of William Wilks, theft, 14 February 1833; Old Bailey online
642. WILLIAM WILKS was indicted for stealing, on the 14th of February, at St. George in the East, 1 bag, value 2d.;
5 sovereigns, 13 half-crowns, 7 shillings, and 1 sixpence, the property of James Shepherd, the elder, in his dwelling-house . . .
GUILTY. Aged 16. - Transported for Life.
Convict indent, William Wilkes, per Neva, arrived 21 November 1833; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
33-3225 / William Wilkes / [age] 17 / R & W / Protestant / Single /
[born] Surrey / Assistant Clerk / Stealing in dwelling-house / Middlesex Gaol Delivery / 14 February, 1833 / Life / 5 ft 3 1/4 in / Fair complexion / Light hair / Hazel eyes . . .
"MORETON BAY. ODD FELLOWSHIP", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1848), 3
The members of the Loyal Brisbane Lodge, No. 11, of the Australian Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
held their anniversary dinner on Wednesday, the 6th instant, at the Victoria Hotel, North Brisbane,
when about twenty-six members and visitors sat down to a spread furnished by Brother Host Smith.
After the cloth was removed, the following toasts were given by the N. G. as chairman:-
Her Majesty the Queen," with nine times nine; song, the "Queen, God bless her."
The next in succession, was His Excellency Sir C. A. Fitz Roy, the Patron of the Order, with the usual honours; song, "the Fine Old English Gentleman."
Then came the Australian Supreme Grand Lodge, which was drunk with the Lodge honours; song, "the Odd Fellows' Banner."
Prosperity to the district of Moreton Bay was then given, and received with uproarious applause; song, "the Merry Boys of Brisbane" . . .
"OLD TIMES. THE SETTLEMENT . . . (BY OLD TOM)", The Queenslander (21 August 1869), 2
. . . there is one name connected with old times who lived and moved and had his being thereabouts,
who deserves passing mention - the psuedo philantropist Little . . .
I won't say Little made much money by selling bad grog, or retailing questionable merchandise;
but he and his partner made money, bought land, built a large (for the times) brick house, and finally, to crown his good works,
built a chapel (by-the-bye, the first erected in Brisbane), and then, it is said, went off with another man's wife, a sad Don Giavoni [sic].
The Brisbane poet of that day I fear had this "Little" humbug in his mind's eye when he concluded the following satire,
in that well known song "The Merry Boys of Brisbane:"
Some shake at us their pious heads,
Go home and solemn tears they shed,
Then gloriously get drunk in bed -
Merry boys of Brisbane . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Dowse ("Old Tom", d. 1885)
A MEETING was held at the School of Arts, on Monday last, for the purpose of presenting Mr. Wilkes with a testimonial. About eighty or a hundred persons assembled. On the motion of Mr. A. J. Hockings, R. R. Mackenzie, Esq., M.L.A., took the chair . . . The Chairman then presented to Mr. Wilkes with the testimonial prepared for him, which consisted of an elegant silver cup, on which there was the following inscription: -
"Presented to William Wilkes, Esquire, by his Queensland Friends and Admirers, for his valuable services in the cause of Separation, and otherwise. Brisbane, July, 1864. (In the cup was a cheque, which was part of the testimonial.)
. . . Mr. Wilkes was received with continued applause, and after it had subsided be addressed the audience to the following effect: . . . He saw nothing to prevent the colony of Queensland advancing to complete prosperity. Mr. Wilkes here repeated the second verse of a song he had written some considerable time ago, as follows:
Why should a sneer damp our hopes in the dawning?
Why should we fear that strength will bring decay?
Scattered in the air each interested warning,
Leaves but the clearer the light upon our way.
Have we not the blood of the great men that bore us?
Our hands have founded a home upon this shore;
Sons shall be lords in the wilderness before us,
And daughters in virtue shall nourish many more.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Ramsay Mackenzie (chair)
"DEATH OF MR. W. WILKES", The Brisbane Courier (16 May 1873), 3
WE are informed by telegraph that Mr. William Wilkes, late editor of the Empire,
and formerly a resident of Brisbane, died at Sydney on Tuesday last.
The announcement will be received with feelings of regret by the majority of old colonists, to whom the deceased was personally known,
and who was generally esteemed for the many good qualities he possessed both of head and heart.
His was a useful career, and though, as regards the life that has passed away, we must say, with the poet:
The day is done, and the darkness
Falls from the wings of night,
we are reminded at the same time that -
The night shall be filled with music
in other words, that a life well spent is not soon forgotten "We live," says Bailey, "in deeds, not years-in thoughts, not breaths -
in feelings, not in figures on a dial," and it is some thing of this sort of life that we have to trace in the present sketch.
In 1843 or 1844, Mr. Wilkes came to this colony - then known as the Moreton Bay District - with Mr. Burnett, who was commissioned by the Government of New South Wales to survey the heads of the Clarence River. He was a young man of prepossessing appearance, was well connected, and had received a good education. He accompanied Mr. Burnett in his journey overland, and acted as his confidential assistant. He remained in Brisbane after Mr. Burnett's departure, and was employed as a storekeeper by Mr. G. S. Le Breton, in whose service he continued for a number of years. He also became an occasional contributor to the Brisbane Courier, at that time a weekly newspaper, which had been started by Mr. A. S. Lyons, but which, in 1846, fell into the hands of Mr. J. Swan the present Mayor of Brisbane. In 1849, Mr. Wilkes became editor of the Courier, and in that capacity he continued for nearly ten years, when he removed to Sydney. Under the heading "News and Notes by a Sydney Man," he then contributed periodical letters to the Courier, and eventually he became editor of the Sydney Empire. During his residence in Queensland he identified himeolf with all the leading movements of the day. He took the liberal side in politics, opposed the introduction of convict labour, then favored by the squatters, did good service in the cause of education, and was one of the principal promoters of the Separation movement, to the success of which he contributed in no small degree by his able championship. For his services in this respect Queensland is deeply indebted . . .
Besides being an able writer, thinker, and politician, Mr. Wilkes courted the Muses, and wrote many good pieces, as, for example, "The Raid of the Aborigines," a comic sketch, which met with general favor. Among his prose contributions those purporting to be written by "The Windmill Reporter" may be mentioned. His genial disposition and love of society exposed him to many temptations. Being what is called "good company," he was much sought after, and was a general favorite; but the position had its pains as well as pleasures. A man of great ability, kind hearted, and liberal in sentiment, his temperament ill fitted him to withstand the strain put upon him in his social surroundings - and in this respect only he failed. On other points, he has left "footprints" in Queensland that may be followed.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Burnett (surveyor, d. Brisbane, 18 July 1854)
"SPECIALITIES", The Queenslander (23 December 1876), 17
HALLO! what is all this we see before us? Where are we? Whence is this newspaper called The Queenslander? And where are Jemmy Swan and William Wilkes? Excuse us a moment while we rub our eyes. We fancy we must have been asleep for a time, everything looks so changed and funny. Our name is Rip Van Winkle, and the last thing we remember, distinctly was going home very happy one night in March, 1854, from a harmonic meeting in the back parlor at George McAdams'. Wilkes was in the chair, and Ambrose Eldridge was "vice," and we sang -
Hence melancholy,
Let us drink and be jolly,
For dull care were a folly,
In m merry boys of Brisbane.
Cares we have many;
But we care naught for any;
While our pockets hold a penny.
We're the merry boys of Brisbane.
and so on, ad lib., to the lilting air of a fine and very old Scotch reel, and we turned out in the moonlight, at three a.m., to walk home. Baxter père had the ferry then. Carolus Augustus Fitzroyensis was consul; Burnett was district surveyor; and the only parish church in Brisbane was St. John's little school-house . . .
Selected occasional reports on music:
[William Wilkes], "NEWS AND NOTES. BY A SYDNEY MAN. CLXXVIII", The Courier (7 January 1862), 4
. . . Mr. Nathan, the author of "Koreenda Braaia," [sic, Koorinda braia] "Hey diddle diddle," and other romantic poems, and well known as the bore of Lord Byron with his Hebrew Melody music, gave a concert last night, which I hear was good for the megrims, and kept the audience in rare laughing exercise. The poor old gentleman is quite a character, and evidently has become utterly unconscious of what he must surely have known in his earlier days - namely that he is a hum - - - guess the rest.
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (musician, composer)
[William Wilkes], "NEWS AND NOTES. BY A SYDNEY MAN. CCLXX. SYDNEY, JANUARY 18", The Courier [Brisbane] (23 January 1864), 3
. . . We have been startled by another fatal accident. Poor old Professor Nathan, the composer of the "Hebrew Melodies," for which Byron wrote the words, has been killed by falling out of a tramway car. The circumstances of the case ware thus detailed at the inquest:
"Charles Edward Morris stated that he got on tram car No. 2 at twenty-five minutes to five o'clock on Friday afternoon; he was inside, towards the front of the car, with the deceased gentleman; when the car stopped at Goulburn-street, deceased left the front for the purpose of getting out; witness fancied he used both hands; he was sure the car was not in motion when deceased placed his left foot on the ground, but it might have moved before his other foot reached the ground; he was getting out backwards, when he immediately fell on to his side; the car caught him on the right side of the chest, and he was forced against the connecting rod; witness jumped out, and found him jambed under the car; the car had then only proceeded a couple of yards and stopped; they had to run the car back eighteen inches to get him from beneath, and witness was satisfied the wheel never touched him; he fell behind the dashboard, his head towards the wheels; he was crushed against a piece of iron upon which the springs worked, and which was about a foot from the rails; he was carried to the footpath; the men in charge did not appear to be in a hurry - Dr. Walker stated that about a quarter after five o'clock on Friday afternoon he was called to see the deceased, who had been removed to his house; he arrived at the same moment as Dr. O'Brien and Mr. Charles Nathan, but deceased was dead; Dr. O'Brien and witness, at the request of Mr. Charles Nathan, examined the body; they found the left side of the coat and trousers much tattered from having been dragged over an uneven surface; the body presented no marks of violence, but on examining the chest great mobility of the ribs with crackling or crepitation was observable; severe injury had been inflicted from the third rib downwards, the ribs on the right side were broken into numerous fragments, and those on the left half of the chest were broken near their attachment to the spine. He was of opinion that the injuries were the result of a severe crush, and that no wheel had passed over the chest; the injuries to the ribs and compression of the heart, lungs, and liver, were the cause of death, which must have been instantaneous; deceased's extremities were uninjured. By Coroner: The body must have been dragged or pushed forward; witness thought he was first on his back, and then turned on to his left side.
Verdict: We find that the deceased, Isaac Nathan, aged seventy-four years, came by his death by being crushed under the tram-car while in slow motion, and just upon alighting therefrom; and that it was the result of accident; but we think the communication between the front and back breaksmen to be very imperfect, and that more caution should be used in future."
Most people whom I have heard express an opinion on the subject think that there must be some mistake about the age of the deceased, and that he is much older than is here stated. I cannot at this moment refer to the date of publication of the Hebrew Melodies, but it must have been, I think, about forty-five years ago. Most people are familiar with the disgusted manner in which Byron used to speak of his share in those melodies; but, after all, it must be remembered that Lord Byron was about this time in high feathers with the dandies of the age, and that in those days a Jew was nearly as much a Pariah in the fashionable world as Shylock is represented to have been amongst the promenaders on the Venetian Rialto. If the late Mr. Nathan had preserved a faithful journal of his times, it would have been interesting, and its publication would have been a good speculation, for he must have been thrown occasionally into the society of some very remarkable men at a very remarkable time. The sayings and doings of such men as Byron, Moore, Shelley, Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey, &c., with most of whom he had probably in some degree associated, have still a charm for the literary gossip. But whether rightly or wrongly I cannot say, there has always been a strong impression of late years that Mr. Nathan's intellect was impaired. On his first arrival in the colony he did some very ridiculous things - published, with a most fearful flourish of puffing trumpets, a sort of musical lexicon, with a jaw-breaking Greek title; composed music for the Australian [REDACTED] melody, "Coreenda Braaia," as he called it, and, if I mistake not, got a whole chorus to chant it somewhere, like a lot of blackfellows. Then, when he became disgusted at what he considered want of appreciation, he wrote and composed what was meant to be a suitable song for Sydney, or Botany Bay, the burden being a complimentary remark and injunction as to the manner of succeeding in this part of the world:
Knavery is sure to thrive,
And flattery's an estate,
So live by your wits, and mind your hits,
To hum the rich and great!
The language and the sentiment would, no doubt, have been very appropriate in such a place as Newgate, for instance, but they were not taken in very good part here at the time . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Nehemiah Bartley, Opals and agates; or, Scenes under the Southern Cross and the Magelhans: being memories of fifty years of Australia and Polynesia (Brisbane: Gordon and Gotch, 1892), 108-09, 158-59 (DIGITISED)
[108-09] . . . Another, and still more distinguished, new arrival, at that time, was Sir Charles Fitzroy, the Governor of New South Wales, who sat in the little church (behind the present "Longreach Hotel) on the first Sunday after I got back from the Burnett, March 26th, 1854, and we banquetted His Excellency on the 7th April, in the big room in the stone barracks (afterwards the Queensland Treasury). I well remember the praiseworthy efforts of Henry Buckley, and the rest of the "wine committee," to realize and secure some genuine champagne in the remote village of Brisbane, but it was not to be. Wilkes, the "Courier" editor, was at the feast, and sang his famous original [109] song of the "Merry Boys of Brisbane," to the air of "Loudon's". Burnett, the surveyor, who found that river, was there also. I saw the affair out till 3 a.m. . . .
[158]. . . Wm. Wilkes edited the "Courier" newspaper, in Brisbane, before and after the Crimean war. He was a racy humorist, and
a bit of a democrat as well. The following song, called "The Merry Boys of Brisbane,"
to the fine old "romping" air of "Loudon's Bonny Woods and Braes," was often sung by him on festive occasions,
and, it is needless to state, that he was, also, the writer of it: - [159]
Cares we have, many
But we care not for any
While our pockets bear a penny,
We're the merry boys of Brisbane.
Who, of all this happy party,
Looks, with coldness, on our joy,
Let him rise and hence depart, he
Will not do for Brisbane.
Chorus: Hence melancholy.
Let us drink and be jolly,
Dull care were a folly
In us, merry boys of Brisbane . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Nehemiah Bartley (memoirist); Charles Fitzroy (governor)
MUSIC: Loudon's bonnie woods and braes (Scotch song); and another source
Rosilyn Baxter, "Wilkes, William Charles (1816-1873)", Australian dictionary of biography 6 (1976)
WILKIE, Alfred (Alfred John Rigby WILKIE; Alfred WILKIE)
Tenor vocalist
Born Lancashire, England, 1841
Died Oakland, CA, USA, 4 May 1907, aged "65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian Times (12 October 1868), 3
(Consisting of the following Artistes), WILL SHORTLY APPEAR -
SIGNOR UGO DEVOTI, Late of the Royal Italian Opera, London, and Lyster's Opera Company.
ME. ALFRED WILKIE, TENOR, Late of Lyster's Opera Company.
"DEATHS OF THE DAY. Alfred Wilkie", Los Angeles Herald (5 May 1907), 5
By Associated Press. OAKLAND, May 4. - Alfred Wilkie, well known as a tenor singer and music teacher, died at his home in this city today. He was 66 years of age and was born in Lancashire, England. His first public appearance in this country was May 2, 1873, in a concert with Mme. Elana [sic, Anna] Bishop.
"Alfred Wilkie, Tenor, Answers Death's Summons", The San Francisco Call (5 May 1907), 40 (with photo)
OAKLAND, May 4. - Alfred John Rigby Wilkie, a famous operatic and concert tenor, died this morning at his residence, 1669 Broadway, after several days' illness.
He was stricken with apoplexy at Calistoga this week.
Wilkie's career bordered on the romantic. He was born in Lancashire, England, in 1841.
In his youth he went to sea, landed in Australia and prospected in the gold fields.
Wilkie abandoned his adventures to take up music, having discovered that he possessed an exceptional tenor voice.
Wilkie became one of the noted public singers In the colonies.
Returning to England, he accepted an offer to accompany Mme. Anna Bishop, the soprano, on a concert tour of the United States.
His first appearance in America was in New York in 1873.
During that year, and in 1874 Wilkie toured the Pacific coast.
In 1888 he went to Melbourne and returned to San Francisco, where he commenced nearly 2O years of musical work in churches, concerts and operas.
At lodges, and in various celebrations Wilkie was eminently successful.
He was an artist, and his wide range of work covered hundreds of compositions.
Wilkie was married in 1879, to. Miss Josephine E. Varrell. daughter of Captain John P. Varrell of Boston, Mass.
She died in 1904. Their son, Alfred R. Wilkie, survives.
In the Masonic fraternity Wilkie occupied a distinguished place.
He was affiliated with Mount Moriah lodge No. 44, F. & A. M., of San Francisco,
and was a member of Oakland chapter No. 36, Royal Arch Masons.
Wilkie was made a Master Mason in Australia and admitted to the San Francisco lodge.
He was an active life member of the Masonic veterans' association of the Pacific coast, having been elected for services.
He served six terms as organist of that organization.
The funeral services will be held from the Masonic temple. Arrangements have not been completed.
See also "Wilkie Recalled as Popular Tenor", San Francisco Call (7 May 1907), 8
WILKIE, Charles (Charles WILKIE; Chas. WILKIE; Mr. C. WILKIE)
Musician, concertina player, professor of music, teacher of concertina, pianoforte, and singing, musicseller, music retailer, publican
Born London, England, 5 July 1831; baptised St. Pancras old church, 11 September 1831; son of James Wilkie and Mary Ann RATLEY
Married Angelina MOOREY, St. Paul's church, Hammersmith, London, 27 May 1852
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 October 1852 (per Cossipore, from London, 14 June, and Dartmouth 23 June)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 17 December 1858, aged "27" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (brother)
Charles Wilkie was the youngest surviving child of James Wilkie, a piano tuner, and his wife Mary Ann Ratley. His parents had married at St. George's, Bloomsbury, on 11 February 1822, and their first two children, James and Harriet, both died in childhood. Their next surviving child was Charle's elder brother, Joseph Wilkie.
Joseph was the first to emigrate to Australia, settling in Melbourne in 1850, and establishing himself in business at a musicseller. Both brothers advertised in Australian that they had previously worked for the pianoforte makers John Broadwood and Sons in England.
Having married a month before departing from London, Charles and his wife Angelina arrived in Melbourne on 6 October 1852 in company with the vocalist John Gregg. Wilkie and Gregg made their local debut at the Mechanics' Institution on 15 October. By early 1853 he was advertising concerts in "Charles Wilkies' Cider Cellars" at the Royal Hotel, Collins-street, with co-artists including Gregg, pianist Edward Salamon, and violinist Andrew Moore. But in May 1853 he announced suddenly that he was "retiring from Professional Life, and is not connected with any concerts".
For a little over a year from early 1854 he was licensee of the Clarendon Hotel in Collins-street, from which address he also ran a Hansom cab service. By mid-1856, he had taken over William Clarke's Music Warehouse at 67 Collins-street, but this venture seems to have lasted till the end of the year.
In 1857 he opened a branch of his brother's music business in Bendigo. However, his premises having been destroyed in a fire in December 1857, he disposed of his remaining stock by March or April 1858, and returned to Melbourne. His death in December 1858 reportedly followed on a long and severe illness.
Angelina gave birth to three sons in Victoria, however, only the youngest, James (1858-1881), survived, and returned to England with his mother. James later received a legacy of £1000 in his uncle Joseph's will.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras, in the county of Middlesex, in the year [1831]; register 1828-32, page 310; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 1469 / 11th [September] / Charles / [son of] James & Mary Ann / Wilkie / Grafton Street / Piano Forte Tuner / [born] 5 July . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, Tottenham, St. Pancras, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 686 / 9 (PAYWALL)
Warren St. / James Wilkie / 45 / Piano fte tune / [born Middlesex]
Mary [Wiklie] / 40 / - / [born Middlesex]
Joseph [Wilkie] / 13 / - / [born Middlesex]
Rosa / 7 // Emily / 4 [both born Middlesex]
England census, 30 March 1851, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1603 (PAYWALL)
4 Market Place / James Wilkie / Head / 53 / Pianoforte dealer / [born] St. Giles
Marian [Wilkie] / Wife / 40 / His wife / St. Martin's
Charles [Wilkie]] / Son / 20 / Professor of Music / St. Pancras
Rosa [Wilkie] / 17 // Emily / 14 . . .
1852, marriage solemnized by Banns in the parish of [St. Paul] Hammersmith in the county of Middlesex; register 1850-53, page 143; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 285 / May 27th / Charles Wilkie / 21 / Bachelor / Professor of Music / Hammersmith / [father] James Wilkie / Piano Forte Maker
Angelina Moorey / 20 / Spinster / - / Hammersmith / [father] Elias Moorey / Builder . . .
Victoria (October 1852 to December 1858):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Cossipore from London, 14 June 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Wilkie / [male] // Wilkie / [female] // . . . John Gregg / 26 // Edwin Gregg / 19 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 October 1852), 5
WILL take place on Friday next, October 15th, at the Mechanics' Institution.
He will be assisted by Mrs. Testar, and the following eminent performers will make their first appearance in Victoria -
Mr. John Gregg, the celebrated basso, from the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, Drury Lane, &c.
Mr. Percy Williams, and Mr. St. Albans, from the London Concerts.
Mr. Challes Wilkie will perform for the first time in Melbourne, on that most fashionable instrument The English Concertina.
Full particulars and programme in to-morrow's paper.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Percy Williams (vocalist); Edmund St. Albin (vocalist); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 October 1852), 5
Will take place on Friday next, October 15th, 1852, at the Mechanics' Institution,
Mr. John Gregg, Mr. Percy Williams, Mr. St. Albans - First appearance in Victoria
Mr. Charles Wilkie, Solo Concertinest
Mr. Buddee, Pianist
Concert to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Song - Mr. St. Albans, Normandy Maid
Cavatina - Mrs. Testar, Mi ja Tilio [sic] - Pucci
Recit and Air - Mr. John Gregg, Rage the angry storm - Benedict
Solo Concertina - Mr. Charles Wilkie
Ballad - Mr. Percy Williams, Thou art gone from my gaze - Linly
Ballad - Mr. John Gregg, In this old Chair - Balfe
Trio - Mrs. Testar, Mr. St Albans, and Mr. Grieg, The Magic Wove Scarf - Barnet
Ballad - Mr. Percy Williams, Then you'll remember me - Balfe
Scotoh Ballad - Mrs. Testar - My ain Countrie
Solo Concertina - Mr. Charles Wilkie
Ballad - Mr. John Gregg, The heart bowed down - Balfe
Song - Mr. St Albans - The Slave
Song - Mr. Charles Wilkie, The Maid of Llanwellyn - Purday
Song - Mr. Percy William, When time hath bereft thee - Cooke
Tickets 5s each to be obtained at the Music and Pianoforte Saloon, 15, Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (piano)
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 November 1852), 5
MESSRS. DE GREY, CHARLES WILKIE, and GREGG beg to announce that the
FIRST GRAND CONCERT Of their Series will take place
ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1852, At the Protestant Hall.
Principal Performers: Mrs. Testar and Mr. John Gregg.
Concertinist, Mr. Charles Wilkie.
Cornet-a-Piston, Mr. Henry De Grey.
Pianist, Mr. Coleman Jacobs.
A Full Band, assisted by the Military, and Several New Arrivals.
Quadrille - La Reine de Navarre. Full Band - D'Albert.
Song - In this Old Chair. Mr. John Gregg - Balfe.
Solo Concertina - Mr. Chas. Wilkie.
Introduction et Valse (Cornet Solo) - The Fairest of the Fair. Full Band - D'Albert.
Scena - Yes, for thee Time's power. Do not mingle. Mrs. Testar - Bellini.
Solo Pianoforte - Mr. Coleman Jacobs.
Duet - The Singing Lesson. Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg - Barnett.
Our Polka - Band - Beresford.
Quadrille - La Favorite. Band - D'Albert.
Song - Man the Life Boat, Mr. John Gregg - Russell.
Solo, Cornet-a-Piston - Robert le Diable. H. De Grey.
Set of Waltzes - Faust. Band - D'Albert.
Song - The Bird and the Maiden. Mrs. Testar (Concertina Obligato, Mr. C. Wilkie) - Spohr.
Galop - Medley - Weippert.
God Save the Queen.
Tickets 5s each, to be had at Mr. Joseph Wilkie's Music Saloon, and Mr. Clarke's Collins-street.
To commence at Eight o'clock. Carriages ordered at Half-past Ten.
The room will be decorated for the occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry De Grey (cornet player); Coleman Jacobs (pianist); members of the Band of the 40th Regiment (military band)
"THE FINE ARTS", The Argus (4 December 1852), 5
Whatever direction the social current may eventually take in this city, we think that it would be safe to predict that Melbourne will become one of the most musical places in the world. Even now the number of concerts that are given, most of which receive very encouraging patronage, is surprising, considering the youth of the colony, and its small facilities for developing musical talent within itself. In addition to the regular weekly Entertainments of Herr Mater on the Thursday, and Mr. Megson on the Saturday, we notice new amongst our musical choir the clever Nelson family - the nucleus of a new set of Concerts at the Protestant Hall, under the auspices of Messrs. Gregg and Wilkie - a series of entertainments of the better class of Ethiopian performances by the Messrs. Rainer - and the introduction of the refined style of music of the old glee and madrigal class, by a whole galaxy of fresh stars, this evening at the Mechanics'. As staunch believers in the humanising and civilising effects of the general recognition of this beautiful art, we can scarcely express our gratification at its progress amongst us, and at the strong hold which it will soon gain upon the affections of the people.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Mater (musician); Joseph Megson (musician); Nelson family (musical troupe); Rainer's Serenaders (troupe); City of London Glee and Madrigal Union (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 December 1852), 8
MESSRS. DE GREY, C. WILKIE, AND GREGG, Beg to announce that their second
CONCERT WILL take place THIS EVENING, at the above room, when the cast of the evening will consist of the following performers:
VOCALISTS. Miss Lewis, (From Her Majesty's Theatre, she has had the honor of singing before Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, and Royal Family,)
Signor Georgi, (From the Opera House, Paris,)
Mr. Moseley, (From the London Concerts) and Mr. John Gregg.
INSTRUMENTALISTS: Mr. Salamon, Pianist, (from the London Concerts).
Mr. Thatcher, Flautist, do, do.
Mr. Charles Wilkie, Concertinist.
Mr. De Grey, Cornet-a-Piston.
The room will be splendidly decorated for the occasion.
Doon open at half-past Seven, to commence at Eight precisely.
Tickets, 4s only, to be had at Mr. Joseph Wilkie's Music Saloon, Mr. Clarke's, and Mr. Jacob's, Collins street.
Trio - "Hark! 'tis the Indian Drum," Miss Lewis, Signor Georgi, and Mr. Gregg - Bishop
Ballad - "Norah McShane," Mr. Mosely - Glover
Song - "By the sad sea waves" Miss Lewis - Benedict
Song - "The happy days of Yore," Mr. Gregg
Serenade - Signor Georgi - Schubert
Solo Concertina - Come innocente Giovane," (from Anna Bolena [sic]) Mr. Charles Wilkie - Donizetti [sic]
Song - "Constance," Miss Lewis - Linley
Laughing Trio - "Why sure they never met"
Duett - "La ci Darem," Miss Lewis and Mr. Gregg - Mozart
Ballad "Thou art gone from my gaze," Signor Georgi, Mr. Moseley
Solo, Flute - "Cavatina," Mr. Thatcher
Song- "Simon the Cellarer," Mr. Gregg - Hatton
Solo - Pianoforte - "Reverie" - Mr. Salamon - Rossellini
Ballad - "The Grecian Daughter," Miss Lewis - Knight
Finale - "God save the Queen."
Private Ball on Tuesday Evening next, For particulars apply to Mr. Charles Wilkie.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Lewis and Edward Salamon (vocalist and pianist, husband and wife); Signor Georgi (vocalist); Mr. Moseley (vocalist); Charles Thatcher (flute)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 December 1852), 8
PROFESSIONAL people requiring engagements, are desired to attend between the hours of 10 and 4.
Two good Comic Singers Wanted. Subscription - One Guinea per Quarter.
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 January 1853), 5
Elegance and Excellence of Entertainments !
Conviviality and Concord !!
Songs and Supper !!!
MR. CHARLES WILKIE'S Melbourne Cyder Cellar, in the splendid large room of the above Hotel, open from 7 till 11 o'clock on the evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Mr. John Gregg. Mr. De Courcy, (from the Lyceum). Mr. Mosely, &c., &c.
Comic - Mr. Lawson [sic] and Mr. St Albans.
Pianist - Mr. Salamon.
Admission Two Shillings, Chops, Steaks, Kidneys, &c., until Half-past Ten o'clock.
Grand Bill every Monday Evening, admission 10s 6d for a lady and gentleman. Dancing to commence at nine o'clock.
MR. CHARLES WILKIE'S Fifth Grand Ball, January 10th, 1853.
Tickets on admission 10s. 6d., with the priviledge of introducing a lady.
Dancing to commence at nine o'clock.
The Band is without exception the best in the Colony; it is under the direction of Mr. George Chapman, M.C., Mr. J. E. Jones.
ASSOCIATIONS: David De Courcy (vocalist); George Chapman (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 January 1853), 1
MR. CHARLES WILKIE'S Soiree Dansante, Royal Hotel, Monday, January 11, 1853.
Chapman's celebrated Band. Admission, 2s. 6d. Dancing to commoner at nine o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 February 1853), 6
CHARLES WILKIE'S Cider Cellar, open every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Mr. St. Albin will sing Joe Brown, a new comic song written expressly for him by a new chum.
Mr. Gregg, the Eminent Basso.
Mr. Moseley, the well-famed Ballad Singer, Will sing Ben Bolt.
Mr. De Courcy, the celebrated Tenor, and Mr. Dawson, the favorite Comic singer, will sing the New Chum.
M. Salomons, Pianist.
Admission 1s. - To commence at Eight.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Dawson (comic vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 May 1853), 12
CHARLES WILKIE'S CIDER CELLARS. Great Novelty for this Night!
MR. J. E. JONES, (late of her Majesty's Theatre,) begs to infirm his friends and the public, that his Benefit Concert will take place
This Day, Monday, May 2nd, on which occasion one of the best Entertainments ever announced in Melbourne will be given.
The following artistes will appear: - Mr. Cumming (tenor), Mr. Walsh, (tenor),
Mr. Moseley, (tenor), Mr. De Courcy, (tenor), Mr. Gregg, (basso), Mr. Laberne, (comic),
Mr. Dawson, (comic). Instrumental Mr. Moore, violin, (by the kind permission of Mr. Hydes),
Mr. Wilkie, concertina, Mr. Salomon, pianist and musical director.
Mr. Gregg, basso - Madoline.
" " - Man the Life Boat.
Mr. Cumming, tenor - In this Old Chair.
" " - The Low Back'd Car.
Mr. Walsh, tenor - Tubal Cain.
" " - Will Watch.
" " - The Admiral.
" comic - Sunny Days we live in
Mr. Moseley, tenor - Ben Bolt.
" " - Look always on the Sunny Side
" " - Katty Avourneen,
" " - Norah McShane.
Mr. De Courcy, tenor - The Slave.
" " - Woman's Love; or The Spell.
" " - Maids of Merry England.
" " Land ho!
Mr. Laberne, comic - New Colonial Song, Advice Gratis.
" " - The Gold Digger.
Mr. Dawson, comic - New Colonial Song, All There!
" " - New Colonial Song, That Beats me!
And other favorites.
SOLO, concertina - Mr. Wilkie.
SOLO, violin - Mr. Moore.
A selection will will be made from the following Glees and Rounds:
When the Wind Blows; Lo! Morn is breaking; The Laughing Trio;
The Red Cross Knight; Hark! 'tis the Indian Drum; Turn on, Old Time;
Mynheer Van Dunck; Cigars and Cognac.
In addition to the above, will be sung the celebrated [REDACTED] Melodies -
Rosa May; Stop dat Knocking, and Mary Blane; arranged by five voices, by E. Salomans.
Admission, two Shilling. Tickets to be had at the Bar of the Royal Hotel, or from Mr. Jones, at the Bar of the Cider Cellars.
Doors open at Half-past Seven; Concert to commence at a quarter to Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Laberne (vocalist); Andrew Moore (violin); John Proctor Hydes (venue manager, performer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 May 1853), 12
PUBLIC NOTICE. Monday, May 9th, 1853.
ON account of unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Charles Wilkie's Benefit will be Postponed till some future period.
Cider Cellars, Collins-street. Money will be returned for all tickets sold.
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 May 1853), 11
MR. CHARLES WILKIE begs to announce that he has retired from Professional Life,
and is not connected with any concerts, cider cellars, &c., that may take place in or about the city of Melbourne.
Mr. Ireland, the barrister, supported the application of Charles Wilkie, for a transfer of the license of the Clarendon Hotel, Collins-street, west, from William Moreton. It had previously been refused, because of the youth of the applicant. It was now alleged he had been married two years, and engaged in business five years; also that he had expended £6000 upon the premises. The application was refused, because, as the Bench stated, there were other and weightier reasons for refusal than that mentioned by Mr. Ireland, but intimated the application might be renewed on the next quarterly day.
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 April 1854), 1
WANTED a Laundress. Apply to Charles Wilkie, Clarendon Hotel. Collins-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 July 1854), 8
C. WILKIE'S Line of Hansom's Patent Safety Cabs, Scale of charges:
Spring-street, King-street, Lonsdale-street, Flinders-street, or any intervening street - 2s 6d
Wharf - 2 6; Supreme Court - 5 0; Sandridge - 10 0; Per hour - 10 0; Per mile - 6 0
Sundays and after seven p.m. double fare. Office, Clarendon Hotel, Collins-street.
"QUARTERLY TRANSFER DAY", The Age (7 March 1855), 5
The following applications for the transfer of licenses were heard at the City Police Court yesterday.
Name of Applicant and Present Holder. 1. Colls, Samuel B., Charles Wilkie, Collins street, Clarendon Hotel. Granted . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 April 1856), 3
MR. CHARLES WILKIE (five years with John Broadwood and Sons, Great Pultney, London),
Professor of Music, Fontainebleau, St. Kilda, teacher of concertina, pianoforte, and singing.
Pianofortes tuned, repaired, &c. Melbourne address, Mr. Joseph Wilkie, 16 Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons (London pianomaking firm); see also Broadwood pianos in Australia (mainpage)
"BIRTHS", The Argus (1 May 1856), 4
On the 29th ult., at her residence, Fontainebleau, St. Kilda, the wife of Mr. Charles Wilkie, of a son; since dead.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 June 1856), 7
CHARLES WILKIE'S Music Warehouse, 67 Collins-street, three doors from Swanston-street. Pianos tuned and repaired.
CHARLES WILKIE'S (late W. Clark's) Music Warehouse, 67 Collins-street. Established fourteen years. Near Swanston street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Clarke (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 December 1856), 7
NOTICE is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP existing between us,
the undersigned, as Music Dealers and Sellers, under the firm of Wilkie and Johnston,
was This Day DISSOLVED, by mutual consent.
All debts due to the firm are to be paid to Mr. Robertson, of Collins street, jeweller, whose receipt only will be a sufficient discharge.
As witness our hands, this 30th day of December, A.D. 1856.
"THE MARCH OF REFINEMENT", Bendigo Advertiser (8 April 1857), 3
A large music repository has at last been established in Sandhurst. Messrs. Wilkie, of Collins-street, have opened a branch store in Williamson-street, where pianos, flutes, guitars, and violins are to be seen in abundance, and we are sure that the ladies of Bendigo will now have no excuse for being unprovided with "something to play," as the shelves groan under the weight of music-books.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (27 July 1857), 1
MUSIC, Musical Instruments, Strings, &c., at Wilkie's Music Store, Williamson-street. Trade supplied.
PIANOFORTES, at Wilkie's Music Store, Williamson-street, from £30 upwards.
"DESTRUCTIVE FIRE", Bendigo Advertiser (26 December 1857), 2
Christmas day was heralded in Sandhurst by the most calamitous and extensive fire that it has ever been our unpleasant task to chronicle. About ten minutes to three an alarm was given that the premises occupied by Mr. Steane, coffee roaster, of Williamson-street, were in flames. The alarm was spread by the various bells in the town, and responded to by our energetic and praiseworthy Fire Brigade, and other citizens. The engines were brought to the spot, the hoses led along, &c., but were useless for some time for want of water. The devouring element had in the mean time, assisted by a strong wind from the southward, extended to the adjoining houses occupied by Messrs. Wilkie, Linnett, Macartney, Divers, Denovan, and Mercy, in Williamson-street, and to the out offices in the rear of the premises of Messrs. Marks, Cook and Sherbon, Parker and Macord, and others. At this time the destruction of the entire block seemed inevitable. The Shamrock Hotel, although at one time apparently doomed, escaped miraculously. A recently-erected building - a continuation of the retiring room from the Concert Hall - was actually in flames, though protected by wet blankets, &c. Water was at length procured from the cellars of the Shamrock, and the engines were enabled to do good service, and fortunately stayed the further progress of the flames . . . The subjoined is an approximate estimate of the amount of damage done and the supposed losses: . . . Mr. Wilkie's music warehouse, uninsured. Building and stock totally destroyed with the exception of two pianofortes, considerably damaged in removal; loss estimated at L.4000 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)
[News], Bendigo Advertiser (12 March 1858), 3
THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION of musical instruments will take place, at the Shamrock Hotel, on Monday next. The prizes to be distributed are all of them of great value. The first prize (a grand piano, by Metzler,) is certainly a beautiful instrument, and infinitely superior to anything of the kind yet offered in Sandhurst, and we have no doubt that the desire to possess this magnificent piano will alone induce many persons to take a chance in the lottery. Apart, however, from the attractions offered by the value of the prizes to be given away, it must be borne in mind that Mr. Wilkie was a great loser by the late fire in Williamson-street, and that those who take tickets not only stand a chance of gaining a first-class musical instrument, but they are at the same time lending a helping hand to a worthy and respected, although unfortunate, member of the community. We believe a few tickets still remain unsold they are to be obtained of Mr. Sparkes and Mr. Downer, Pall Mall.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (26 April 1858), 3
PIANOS Tuned and Repaired by Charles Wilkie - five years with Messrs. Broadwood - 3, Pall Mall Chambers.
"BIRTH", Bendigo Advertiser (10 May 1858), 2
On the 8th inst., at Victoria House, St. Kilda, the wife of Mr. Charles Wilkie, of a son.
"DEATHS", The Argus (20 December 1858), 4
On the 17th inst., after a long and severe illness, Mr. Charles Wilkie, aged 27, late of Sandhurst, and only brother to Joseph Wilkie, Esq., M.L.A.
Musician, musicseller, music publisher, pianist, composer, pianoforte maker and tuner, member of parliament
Born London, England, 30 August 1828; baptised St. Pancras old church, 11 April 1830; son of James Wilkie and Mary Ann RATLEY
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 16 January 1850 (per Minerva, from London and Plymouth, 14 August 1849, via Adelaide, 19 December 1849)
Married Frances Elizabeth Muirhead PAULL, Brockley, Somerset, England, 25 February 1866
Departed (last time) Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1871 (per Rangoon, for England)
Died Chelsea, London, England, 10 December 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wilkie (brother); John Campbell Webster (business partner); George Leavis Allan (business partner); Joseph Kilner (business partner); Robert Hammond Elvy (business partner); Wilkie, Webster, and Co. (firm); Wilkie, Webster, and Allan (firm); Wilkie, Elvy, and Co. (firm); Wilkie, Kilner, and Co. (firm)

Joseph Wilkie (c. 1860s)
Joseph Wilkie was the eldest surviving child of James Wilkie, a piano tuner, and his wife Mary Ann Ratley. His parents had married at St. George's, Bloomsbury, on 11 February 1822, and two earlier children, James and Harriet both died in childhood. Their next surviving child was Joseph's younger brother, Charles Wilkie.
Recently arrived in Melbourne, Joseph Wilkie, "late of Messrs. Broadwood and Sons, piano manufacturers", London, began advertising as a piano tuner and regulator in February 1850. A reference from Broadwood attested that Wilkie:
who was brought up in our Establishment, is an excellent Tuner, and thoroughly acquainted with the mechanism of pianofortes.
Having initially worked through the musicseller, Thomas Reed, by May he had opened his own "Music and Pianoforte Saloon", in Collins-street.
During the Victorian Separation celebrations, in November 1850, the Argus recorded Wilkie's contribution to the festivities:
J. Wilkie, music warehouse. - A transparency representing a lyre, and the words "Rejoice with music for Separation". A band played during the evening, and a large crowd collected in front of the shop.
First performed at the Separation Ball, Melbourne, November 1850, Wilkie's The Separation polka was published, by himself, in December (no copy known to survive). In December, Wilkie also gave a concert, featuring "two celebrated Lady Vocalists (who have just arrived from London)", Elizabeth Testar and a Mrs. Rivers, at which his polka was again played.
Other examples of his publishing output are listed below. Wilkie also formed a loose publishing partnerships in Sydney with Henry Marsh, and later with Robert Hammond Elvy, trading in Sydney only as Wilkie, Elvy, and Co. (1863-65).
In 1857, Wilkie opened a Bendigo branch of his music business, with his brother Charles as manager. However, after a major fire destroyed most of their stock in December, they closed the venture.
In August 1862 Wilkie admitted John Campbell Webster as managing partner, trading as Wilkie, Webster, and Co., and in 1863, as later usually reported, George Leavis Allan joined the firm, though it was not until August 1868 that the business advertised as Wilkie, Webster, and Allan. Wilkie was also for a time in partnership with pianoforte maker Joseph Kilner as Wilkie, Kilner, and Co., and he later also carried on other non-musical businesses in partnerships.
Wilkie served from 1856 as an elected member of the Victorian legislature. After failing at his last election attempt, in March 1871 reports revealed that Wilkie had "become insane, requiring to be confined to an asylum". His wife took him to England for care. He was twice wrongly reported dead, in 1858 (when it was his brother Charles who had died) and in 1872, but died, still reportedly "insane", in London in December 1875, predeceased earlier that year in Melbourne by his partner, Webster, thereafter leaving the music business entirely in Allan's hands.

Wilkie's musical saloon, 15 Collins-street east (c. 1870)
Baptisms in the Parish of Saint Pancras, in the County of Middlesex, in the year [1830]; register 1828-32, page 434; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 522 / [1830 April] 11 / Joseph / [son of] James & Mary Ann / Wilkie / Grafton Pl. / Piano Forte Maker / [born] 30 Aug. 1828 . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, Tottenham, St. Pancras, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 686 / 9 (PAYWALL)
Warren St. / James Wilkie / 45 / Piano fte tune / [born Middlesex]
Mary [Wiklie] / 40 / - / [born Middlesex]
Joseph [Wilkie] / 13 / - / [born Middlesex]
Rosa / 7 // Emily / 4 [both born Middlesex]
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Adelaide Times [SA] (20 December 1849), 2
Wednesday, Dec. 19 - The ship Minerva, 829 tons, Geo. Coleman, master, from London and Plymouth, 14th August.
Passengers per Minerva . . . Joseph Wilkie . . .
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", The Argus (17 January 1850), 2
January 16 - 'Minerva,' barque, 829 tons, George Coleman, commander, from Adelaide, 11th instant. Passengers, cabin . . . Messrs. . . . Wilkie . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 February 1850), 3
MESSRS. BROADWOOD & SONS, Pianoforte Manufacturers, LONDON. J. WILKIE, late of the above firm, having recently arrived in this Colony, begs to inform the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity, that he is ready to undertake Tuning and Repairing of Pianofortes, presuming that the annexed testimonial will be a sufficient guarantee for his competency, he respectfully solicits orders to he addressed to Mr. Walter's, Bourke Street East, or Reed's Music Warehouse, Bourke street, Melbourne.
33, Great Pulteney-street, London, 29th August, 1849.
This is to certify that the bearer, Joseph Wilkie, who was brought up in our Establishment is an excellent Tuner,
and thoroughly acquainted with the mechanism of pianofortes.
We have also much pleasure in being able to add that during the time he was with us he conducted himself with strict propriety and he carries with him our best wishes for his success,
Several Pianofortes BY BROADWOOD & SONS . . .
J. REED [sic] has great satisfaction in stating that he has secured the services of
MR. J. WILKIE, From BROADWOOD AND SONS, for the tuning and repairing departments,
all orders for which will be executed with every care and attention.
Pianoforte packing cases for sale or hire.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons (London pianomaking firm); see also Broadwood pianos in Australia (mainpage); Thomas Reed (Melbourne musicseller)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (16 April 1850), 4
JOSEPH WILKIE, WHO was five years in the above firm, has great satisfaction in stating that he has received the highest testimonials from them, as to his competency
J. W. begs to inform the inhabitants of Geelong and its vicinity, that he has removed to Mr. Oliver's, Draper, &c., Bourke-street East, Melbourne,
where all orders per post, or otherwise, will be punctually attended to, as he intends making periodical visits to Geelong.
J. Wilkie has several brilliant-toned new Piano-fortes for sale, by Broadwood and Sons.
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 May 1850), 3
JOSEPH WILKIE, from Broadwood and Sons, London, having taken the above large and commodious premises,
lately occupied by Mr. Cohen, respectfully calls the attention of the inhabitants of Port Phillip to his immense and well selected
STOCK OF MUSIC, including all the most popular and fashionable
Polkas, quadrilles, waltzes, mazurkas, galops
Duetts, Italian, German, French, English, and Scotch Songs
Fantasias and overtures for the pianoforte
Negro melodies, instruction books, musical dictionaries, &c. &c.
Several brilliant toned new Pianofortes, by Broadwood and Sons, and others.
Fine old Italian violins, flageolets, fifes and flutes of all descriptions, cornopeans, accordions, and everything connected with the Music Trade.
J. W. begs to thank his Friends, both in town and the bush, for all past favours, and trusts to receive a continuance of their support.
Pianofortes and all kinds of Musical Instruments tuned and Repaired.
As J. W. has now no connection with any one in the town, all orders are particularly requested to be directed to his Establishment, Collins-street.
"SEPARATION REJOICINGS", The Argus (19 November 1850), 1s
INTELLIGENCE of the final passing of the Australian Colonies Bill through the House of Commons was received on Monday the 11th inst. by the Lysander, by way of Adelaide.
The Aberfoyle has since brought the news of the Bill having received the Royal assent.
In accordance with a previous understanding the newspapers suspended their publication during four days of the holidays,
in order that no class of community might be prevented from participating in the rejoicings . . .
THE FIRST DAY - TUESDAY, 12TH. The glorious intelligence received on the previous day became universally known this morning by means of the newspapers . . .
SECOND DAY - WEDNESDAY 13TH. The same bustle of activity which prevailed on the previous day were apparent this morning.
Flags were displayed at many houses, and the citizens generally employed themselves in preparing for
THE ILLUMINATION NIGHT . . . The citizens began the illumination a little before eight o'clock, and by a short time afterwards the city became a blaze of lights . . .
It would be impossible to give a full detail of all the various devices displayed,
but the following comprises the objects which appeared most attractive during our perambulations.
COLLINS-STREET. Every house in the business part of Collins-street without an exception was illuminated . . .
J. Wilkie, music warehouse. - A transparency representing a lyre, and the words, "Rejoice with music for Separation."
A band played during the evening, and a large crowd collected in front of the shop . . .
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", The Melbourne Daily News (26 November 1850), 2
MUSICAL PROMENADE, Western Hill, Tuesday, November 26th, 1850.
Grand March - J. C. Purton.
Love Not.
Pas de deux - J. C. Purton.
Hallelujah chorus - Handel.
Separation Polka - J. Wilkie, Collins-street.
Waltz - J. C. Purton.
Polka d'Amour - Wallerstein.
Separation Quick March.
Finale - God Save the Queen.
ASSOCIATIONS: The performance was almost certainly led by Joseph Hore and his sons, originally from Devon, England; the composer John Corse Purton (c. 1810-1876), also from Devon, then a Plymouth steamship master and amateur bandsman, though later well-known and widely published as a professional brass band arranger
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 November 1850), 4
MR. WILKIE begs to announce to the lovers of Vocal Music, that he will introduce two celebrated Lady Vocalists (who have just arrived from London) at his Concert,
which will take place about the middle of next week . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (lieutenant governor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 December 1850), 3
THIS DAY 5th December, 1850, IN THE MECHANICS' HALL, Melbourne.
By the kind permission of the Music Class.
MRS. RIVERS, (From the London Concerts.)
Mr. Hore's full band will assist during the Concert.
Overture - Crown Jewels - Full Band
Glee- Chough and Crow
Song - What's a the Steer Kimmer - Mrs. Rivers.
Song - The last Adieu - Mr. Kawerau - Hind
Instrumental - Separation Polka - the Band - Joseph Wilkie
Sony - I'm a merry Zingara - Mrs. Testar - Baylie
Trio - Oh Stranger - Mrs. Testar, Mr. Kawerau, and an Amateur - Stephenson.
Song - O Luce di Quest Anima - Mrs. Rivers - Donizetti
Instrumental - Railway Gallop - The Band
Overture - Fra Diavolo - The Band
Cavatina - Il Soave Bel Contento - Mrs. Testar - Pacini
Glee - Snow Storm
Song - The Keepsake (sequel to the Cavalier) - Mrs. Rivers - Glover
Duet - I've wandered in Dreams - Mrs. Testar and Mr. Kawerau - Wade
Instrumental - Hallelujah Chorus - Band - Handel
Scotch Ballad - Auld Robin Grey - Mrs. Testar
Glee - It was a Friar of Orders Grey
God save the Queen - Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Rivers, Mr. Kawerau, an Amateur and full Band.
Doon open at half-past Seven o'clock.
Tickets - Four Shillings, may be had at
JOSEPH WILKIE, Music and Pianoforte Saloon, Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mrs. Rivers (vocalist); Theodore Kawerau (vocalist); Joseph Hore and sons (musicians)
"LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT", The Melbourne Daily News (6 December 1850), 2
The expectations formed of this event were more than realised. The concert was most successful, and the attendance inconveniently large - in fact the lobby was fully occupied throughout the evening. The only instrumental performance was that of Mr. Hore's brass band, and most creditably they acquitted themselves. Mr. Wilkie was correct in his estimate of the preference felt by this community for vocalization, nevertheless we are aware of many who would have been not a little delighted with a violin solo. The glee from Guy Mannering of the "Chough and Crow" one of the best Bishop ever wrote, was, we hear, for we were not present, admirably sung. Mrs. Rivers made her debut in "What a' the Steer Kimmer." Candour forbids us to commend, and gallantry to condemn, but we will just observe that we do not think this lady's forte is concert singing; she is evidently extremely nervous, her pipe weak, and in no way "up to concert pitch." Mr. Wilkie's Separation Polka exhibited nothing very new, but has been put together in a marked and spirited manner.
A song, from an opera by Balfe, "I'm a Merry Zingara," served for the debut of Mrs. Testar, who is evidently quite at home in such matters, and although we do not much admire the production, this lady sang it with great spirit, vigour and effect. Mrs. Testar possesses a strong flexible and full toned soprano, and is decidedly the best singer we have heard in this part of the world, - no mean praise when we include the beautiful voice of Miss Sara Flower. This however might be expected, Mrs. Testar as Miss Turner enjoying a most flattering reputation in the great Metropolis. It was not, however, until her second effort in the second part of the programme that she displayed her really splendid powers, and most appropriate was the score upon which she rested them. A scena from Puritani ("Il Souve Bel Contento") replete with all the rich and variegated harmony for which Bellini's works are so remarkable, and especially calculated to test the taste and capacity of the singer, was magnificently rendered by Mrs. Testar. It was sung with great dramatic force, abandon and truth, and enabled the artiste to develop every quality of a melodious, powerful, and well-trained organ. The ornaments were chastely and accurately performed, while the voice of the singer appeared to improve at every fresh bar. The chromatic runs were perfect, clear, true, and marked, and a beautiful liquid shake was frequently introduced with the happiest effect. This performance was a continued gush of gorgeous melody displaying every shade of passion, thought or feeling and the power sustained with astonishing brilliancy throughout a very elaborate and trying score. The singer was frequently interrupted by the approbation of the audience and as she concluded, was vociferously encored, a compliment to which she responded by performing a portion of the Scena. Not the least remarkable of the excellencies of Mrs. Testar's vocalization is the perfect ease with which her voice is produced. It must be borne in mind, too, that the only accompaniment available was a piano, (a very good one by the bye,) and we must not omit to mention the very admirable assistance given by the excellence of Mr. Wilkie's accompaniment. We have no hesitation in saying, (and we are not the most easily pleased in such matters) that Mrs. Testar is the Prima Donna of the Colonies, and it is to be regretted that such an artiste must be buried in private tuition. In Opera this lady would astonish the natives, but under existing circumstances we have little chance of hearing her abilities in that form.
The Railway Polka by the hand was a fac simile of the Iron Horse and was admirably performed, one almost fancied oneself "sittin' on a rail" and hearing the monster of fire and smoke with its mighty pulse and convulsive pant, snorting, hissing, roaring and tearing onward. The imitation was perfect and cheered the heart of many a recent arrival with reminiscences of cheap trains and the Euston Terminus. Wade's sweet duet, "I've Wandered in Dreams," was very pleasingly performed by Mrs. Testar and Mr. Kaverau, but was beneath her powers. One of the most charming, touching ballads ever written, "The last Adieu," better known as "Farewell, Dearest," in F minor (Perry, composer) was entrusted to Mr. Kaverau, who acquitted himself pleasingly, but from his imperfect pronunciation of our mother tongue, and want of breadth and power in his voice, could not do all the beautiful composition deserved. Mrs. Rivers again appeared in a capital ballad, entitled the "Keepsake," a sequel to "the Cavalier," so popular and effective in the hand of Miss Flower, who seemed to thoroughly appreciate the character of the song. The "Keepsake" is a composition very similar to the "Cavalier" - in fact little removed from a dead copy, but superior in words and altogether a more effective affair. Mrs. Rivers appeared totally unacquainted with these facts and rendered the song with a gravity and fragile placidness which in no way tended to improve our appreciation of her powers. The accompanyist appeared to observe this, as he endeavoured to fill up with a warm accompaniment. The song is capable of being made a feature in any programme, and would be irresistibly droll if entrusted to the capacity of such a singer as Miss Flower, whose glorious bell-toned voice, and perfect intonation gave an additional charm to her every performance.
Mrs. Testar again delighted her audience by the masterly and touching style in which she gave "Auld Robin Gray" - old indeed as the hills, (being composed in 1771) but ever new when entrusted to such a vocalist as Mrs. Testar. This ballad, one of the most perfect, tender and touching tales of humble life, and none oftener warbled forth, "When the sheep are in the fauld, and the kye at hame," commanded breathless silence throughout, and long and loud applause followed its conclusion. Altogether, the evening's entertainment was eminently successful, and we must congratulate Mr. Wilkie upon a success that promises no less remuneration to himself than of delight to the public. There can be no doubt that while he can produce such performances, he will be as liberally patronised as on Thursday evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (9 December 1850), 3
Just Published,
Price Three Shillings, To be had at the Music and Pianoforte Saloon, 15, Collins-street.
December 7, 1850.
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", The Melbourne Daily News (12 December 1850), 2
THE POLKA, composed by Mr. Wilkie, and intituled the Separation polka, is getting into very general favor.
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1850), 2
OVERTURE - "Norma."
TRIO - "The Wreath," - Mrs. TESTAR, Messrs. Kawerau and Lord.
SONG, "I am thine" - Miss PANORMO.
SOLO on the SAX HORN, (from Somnambula) - Master HORE.
* CAVATINA , I'll Soave Bel Contento" - Mrs. TESTAR.
Solo on the GUITAR - Miss PANORMO.
* DUETT, "I've wandered in Dreams" - Mrs. TESTAR and Mr. Kawerau.
* INSTRUMENTAL, "Railway Galop - Full Band.
INSTRUMENTAL - "Wilkie's Separation Polka," - Full Band.
TRIO, "Magic Wove Scarf" - Mrs. TESTAR, Messrs. Kawerau and Lord.
SONG (with flute accompaniment, "Lo, here the gentle Lark" - Mrs. TESTAR.
QUARTETTE - Sax Horns.
SONG, "Trab, Trab" (Guitar accompaniment) - Miss PANORMO.
DiUETT - Messrs. Kawerau and Lord.
SONG, "Where the Bee sucks" - Mrs. TESTAR.
SOLO and CHORUS, "God save the Queen."
* By particular desire.
Mr. WILKIE will preside at the Pianoforte.
*** The Band will play several favorite Airs and Pieces before the commencement of the Concert, and between the parts.
Tickets, 5s each, to be had at Mr. WILKIE's, Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Panormo (vocalist, guitar); Ebenezer Lord (vocalist)
"CONCERT", The Argus (18 December 1850), 1 supplement
Although not so crowded as the last concert, Mr. Wilkie had no reason to complain of the attendance last evening. The entertainment passed off with spirit, and Mrs. Testar, upon whom the great weight of the business lay, acquitted herself in a style to add to, rather than detract from the high character gathered on the evening of her debut.
"To the Editor . . . THE CONCERT AND THE CRITICS", The Argus (24 December 1850), 4
SIR, - I have waited with no small degree of impatience during the week,
in the expectation that at some one would be found to take up the cudgels on behalf of Mr. Wilkie, against the Herald of the 18th.
No champion being forthcoming, the duty I make mine, and it is but an easy one . . .
I am not so well acquainted with Mr. Lord as to be able to defend him as I could wish.
He never deemed himself a professional singer. He can perform on the bass viol.
I do know, however, that Mr. Wilkie did his best to prepare a good cartel for the public,
and that Mr. Lord aided him in the eleventh hour at a sacrifice to himself.
A performer at the theatre, he was bound down by that selfish arrangement of Megson and the lessees, not to play but where Megson was leader.
Mr. Wilkie applied to Mr. Megson, and Messrs. King and Young, who positively refused to let Lord take any part in the concert,
for the reason as Megson expressed that Mrs. Testar would not sing at the Theatre.
Mr. Lord settled that matter by giving Megson notice to quit.
I have but glanced at the particulars of Lord's affair.
I should like the public to know the difficulties Mr. Wilkie had to contend with in getting up his Concerts,
surrounded as he was by a set of snarling disaffected individuals, who envied him the honor of introducing the fair Syren of Australia to public notice.
They would reflect infinite credit on Mr. Wilkie and eternal confusion on such dogs in the manger as **** **** **** .
In conclusion, Sir, without noticing my opponent's attempt to conceal his ignorance of Italian, under the mask of Mrs. Testar's want of articulation,
I will finish my remarks, regretting that I should have had to perform this duty, a work of necessity however,
in the probability there may be readers of the Herald foolish enough to believe all to be gospel he preaches.
I remain, sir,
Your obedient servant,
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin, leader of the theatrical band); Charles Young (actor, lessee); Morton King (actor, lessee); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"PORT PHILLIP", Colonial Times (24 December 1850), 3
. . . The Separation Polka, by Mr. Wilkie, was spoken of as possessing considerable merit and the true sprightliness peculiar to a good polka . . .
"MUSICAL", The Melbourne Daily News (13 January 1851), 2
We understand that Mr. Wilkie, of Collins-street, is about to proceed to Sydney to procure, if possible, the services of the leading vocalists for a series of concerts in Melbourne.
"HAM'S ILLUSTRATED AUSTRALIAN MAGAZINE", The Courier (11 February 1851), 3
. . . Music too, is recorded here, separation having brought out the Song of Victoria and the Separation Polka . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: The song of Victoria (words and music lost) was composed and published by Wilkie's competitor Thomas Reed
See also Godfrey Charles Mundy, Our antipodes, or, Residence and rambles in the Australasian colonies, with a glimpse of the goldfields, volume 3 (2nd edn; London: Richard Bentley, 1852), 283
[282] . . . The good folks of Melbourne are all mad just now about separation, - separation from New South Wales. Their rejoicings, processions, banquets, and feux de joie have been somewhat premature; for they were all fired off together at the mere news that, some day or other, they were to have an independent revenue and legislature. It is like eating the wedding-cake before the wedding. I saw to-day the words, "Separation Inn," chalked up over the door of a low shebeen-house, whose former sign had been erased; and one of the five news [283] papers of this little town contains an advertisement for the sale, at a music-shop, of a new air, "the Separation Polka," - inapplicable title for a dance of which personal proximity in the dancers is a leading feature . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Godfrey Charles Mundy (visitor, author)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (14 March 1851), 4
MR. WILKIE Begs to announce that the
GRAND CONCERT In aid of the funds for the Relief of the Sufferers by the late Bush Fires, will take place in the
Leader of the Band - Mr. REED.
Overture. - "L'Italiana In Algeri," - Band - Rossini.
Solo and Chorus. - "The Gypsies Tent," - Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy, Wheeler, White, &c. - Cooke.
Song - "Tubal Cain," - Mr. Hemy - Russell
Violin Solo. - Mons. Hue, - with Pianoforte accompaniment - Mr. Hemy - De Beriot
Solos and Choruses. - Lock's celebrated Music in Macbeth, - (got up expressly for this occasion under the direction of Mr. Hemy) . . .
PART II. Band, "Birthday Quadrilles" - H. F. Hemy
Quartette. - "A te O Cara" (Il Puritana) - Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy and Wheeler
Scena - "Man the Life Boat," - Mr. Hemy - Russell
Scena - "Ah, Non Giunge," (La Somnambula) - Mrs. Testar - Bellini
Pianoforte Solo, - "Norma," Mr. Hemy - Bellini
Song - "The Flying Dutchnan," - Mr. Wheeler - Parry
Ballad, - "I dreamt that I dwelt," (by desire) - Mrs. Testar - Balfe
Solo and Chorus - "Roderick Vich Alpine," - Messrs. Kawerau, Hemy, Wheeler, Gouge, Shearcroft, White, Nicholas, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Black Thursday bushfires (event); Henry Frederick Hemy (pianist, vocalist, composer); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (vocalist); George Gouge (vocalist); Edwin Shearcroft (vocalist, actor)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", The Melbourne Daily News (15 March 1851), 2
LAST NIGHT'S CONCERT was eminently satisfactory, and we cannot bestow too much praise upon the services and performances of Mr. Hemy, who (assisted by Mr. Wilkie) was the prominent promoter of this charitable affair. The boxes were crowded. The programme was admirably rendered. The solo and chorus, "The Gypsies' Tent," was beautifully executed; the assistance of about fifty voices gave it a strength, most effective, and, in this part of the globe, novel . . .
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (17 April 1851), 4
MR. WILKIE, BEGS to announce that he has now completed his arrangements for having a continual supply of Pianofortes from the first houses in London,
and has now on sale the best and largest selection ever offered to the Public of Victoria,
comprising Broadwood's, Collard's, Allison and Allison, Rolfe, Shaw, &c. &c.
Orders taken for any London Makers, Pianofortes al the Home prices.
NEW MUSIC. Now on Sale -
2,000 Latest and best selected Songs
1,050 Do do Polkas
920 Do do Quadrilles
800 Do do Waltzes, Marches and Gallops.
A large assortment of Pianoforte teaching Music, Instruction Books, &c. adapted for the use of Schools,
Cornopeans, Guitars, Flutinas, Accordions, Flutes, Flageolets, Trombones, Bassoons, Violincellos, and every article connected with the Music Trade.
Second-hand Pianofortes Bought or Exchanged.
JUST PUBLISHED: 2nd edition of the SEPARATION POLKA, Price 2s 6d.
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 January 1852), 1
MUSIC AND PIANOFORTE SALOON, 15, Collins-street East.
NOW on Sale, ex late arrivals, a large selection of very superior Pianofortes, by Middleton, Copley and Co., and other eminent makers.
One extremely elegant Michrocordan Cottage Pianoforte, in Maple wood case, (perfectly new style).
The newest Music, and all kinds of Musical Instruments, always on Sale.
Mr. Wilkie (Pianoforte Tuner, &c., from John Broadwood and Sons, London,) having found,
both in town and in the bush, so many Pianofortes injured by incompetent tuners,
begs to caution the public against employing such,
and to remind them at the same time that because a man plays well on the Pianoforte it is no guarantee for his being a Tuner;
many not having seen the inside of a Pianoforte before they arrived in this colony.
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 November 1852), 5
THE Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent.
Witnesses - John Gregg, Charles Wilkie.
Melbourne, November 4th, 1852.
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Acton Wentworth (dancing master); John Gregg (vocalist); Charles Wilkie (brother, musician)
"AUSTRALIAN ANTHEM", The Argus (28 September 1854), 5
We understand that a new Australian Anthem, composed by Mr. S. Nelson, will shortly be published by Mr. Joseph Wilkie, of Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Nelson (composer)
. . . At the extremity of the gallery we come upon a very fine-toned cottage pianoforte, exhibited by Mr. Joseph Wilkie, of Collins-street, upon which are lying two new compositions by colonial artists. The first is a slightly constructed melody arranged to the well-known lines in Vanity Fair, commencing, "The rose upon the balcony," and is the composition of Mr. C. J. Dawson, a barrister of the Supreme Court of this province. The second is the Victoria Polka, by Mr. H. St. Murdel Williams. Both pieces have been engraved in the colony, and the copies we saw are highly creditable as a work of art to the exhibitor, Mr. Wilkie . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles James Dawson (composer); Henry St. Mordel Williams (composer)
[2 advertisements], The Age (24 November 1856), 6
JUST PUBLISHED. - SONG, "My Soul With Thee will Stay." Sung and composed by HARRIET FIDDES.
SONG, "No Cloister Cell for Me." Sung and composed by HARRIET FIDDES. Guitar accompaniment, J. WILKIE.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist, composer)
Mr. Joseph Wilkie, music seller, exhibits a beautiful rosewood piano-forte, by Collard and Collard, and a pair of kettle drums. Mr. John Devereux, of 10 Marion street, Collingwood (late of London), gains the large silver medal for a double-bass, a copy of that of Gaspar de Sarto, with improved tension bar. Mr. Devereux also exhibits a copy of Dragonetti's double-bass, and of several celebrated violins.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Devereux (violin maker)
"THE MARCH OF REFINEMENT", Bendigo Advertiser (8 April 1857), 3
A large music repository has at last been established in Sandhurst. Messrs. Wilkie, of Collins-street, have opened a branch store in Williamson-street, where pianos, flutes, guitars, and violins are to be seen in abundance, and we are sure that the ladies of Bendigo will now have no excuse for being unprovided with "something to play," as the shelves groan under the weight of music-books.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wilkie (brother, Bendigo manager)
"LATEST NEWS", The Kyneton Observer (21 December 1858), 3
The Herald corrects an error announcing the death of Mr. Joseph Wilkie, M.L.A. It was Mr. Charles Wilkie, brother of the member for West Bourke, who died after a long illness.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 February 1859), 7
EVER OF THEE. This beautiful ballad to be had at Joseph Wilkie's, 15 Collins-street east.
EMMA POLKA, dedicated to H. M. Tod, Esq. 40th Regiment. Joseph Wilkie, 15 Collins-street east.
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 February 1859), 3
NIMINY PYM POLKA, Emma Polka, Willie we have Missed You, Ah che la Morte, Ever of thee, just published. Joseph Wilkie's, 15 Collins-street east.
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 August 1862), 8
The undersigned begs to intimate to his numerous customers and the public that he has this day
ADMITTED Mr. J. C. WEBSTER as MANAGING PARTNER in the music business which has been carried on by himself for the last 12 years.
Mr. Webster has had great experience in the business in England, having been for upwards of 20 years in the celebrated house of Messrs. John Broadwood and Sons,
and will, by attention to business, endeavour to secure to himself that confidence which has so long been placed in the undersigned.
The business will in future be carried on in the name and under the style of WILKIE, WEBSTER, and Co.
All outstanding accounts are requested to be presented at once, that they may be paid by
JOSEPH WILKIE, 15 Collins-street east.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Campbell Webster (managing partner); Wilkie, Webster, and Co. (firm)
"PIANO FORTE-MAKING IN VICTORIA", The Argus (1 April 1864), 6
Few persons can be expected to realize in their minds the amount of property which is represented in Victoria by pianofortes. Some idea might be gained if those belonging to our middle and upper classes would reckon up till they were able to strike an average showing how many of their acquaintances went to one piano. The result would show how much money is absorbed in this way, and what a capital musician Young Victoria ought to be. The necessity of the more refined, the luxury of those accustomed to less splendour, and the evidence of social rank among "genteel" circles, the piano has become so common to our households that the dealers therein must certainly have had a famous time of it. In fact, the trade has long been an important one, and more than once attempts have been made to manufacture them here. These have been generally successful in every respect but the one thing needful to such speculations, and they have always cost more than they would fetch. It was not for want of skill that failures befell those who thus strove to establish a new colonial industry. Among our cabinetmakers and carpenters are many who were brought up in the best piano manufactories in England, but somehow the article could not be produced cheaply enough. The work has at last been undertaken in what appears to be a right spirit, and Messrs. Wilkie, Kilner, and Co.'s piano manufactory in Queen-street, promises to become an important fact. It has been commenced under peculiar advantages, for the firm being almost identical with that of Messrs. Wilkie, Webster, and Co., one of our largest music dealers, a market is at once opened. The latter firm have long been observant of the fact that, owing to the hot climate, pianos, especially in the northern parts of the colony, soon wear out, and when put in time, have to be brought to an unnatural pitch, to allow the strings to "come down," as it is called. This, and the cost of freight, have made good pianos scarce and it must be a very worthless article indeed that will not fetch £40 when new. The average price for a good piano, to be guaranteed by a respectable dealer, is £42, a large portion of which is absorbed in freight charges; and practical minds discovered that a good article might be made here, not only at less cost, but, through the use of colonial woods, of a better kind. It is not that our woods are absolutely better, but they will bear a shrinking process, produced by natural means, better than European woods, subjected to mechanical treatment. Thus, a sounding-board has been made, by Victorian atmospheric heat, which is of a dryness never attained in Europe, to shrink, in the process of seasoning, an inch and a half more than an English board, a fact obviously advantageous to the instrument, which thenceforth in less affected by barometrical changes. Again, Mr. Kilner, the practical man of the firm, by substituting New Zealand pine, Tasmanian and Victorian blackwood, she-oak, she-oak, and myrtle, for the beech, oak, sycamore, and maple need in England, is enabled to manufacture a piano which for strength, touch, purity, stability, and fulness of tone, is asserted to surpass the best English pianos of the same description. Certainly during our inspection the comparison between a handsome colonial piano, cased in polished black wood, with crimson silk facings shining through complicated carved fretwork, worth £38, and a fine specimen of Nutting and Addison's manufacture, priced at £42, was to the disadvantage of the latter in facility of touch, depth and resonance of tone, and in a certain mellow quality in the upper notes, said to be the effect of a superior sounding-board. At first the Swiss pine used in Europe for sounding-board was tried in this manufactory, but colonial pine was soon found to have better qualities; that is, to be equally if not more effective in giving breadth to the tone, and after proper weather-seasoning, to stand the climate far better. Curious pieces of workmanship are they, being a patchwork of grains artfully set on edge against each other, and sometimes including not less than thirty joints. Excepting the strings, hammers, and ivory keys, which, in the infancy of our ivory manufactures, can hardly be made here sufficiently economically, there is scarcely a portion of the instrument not of colonial production and whose value has been heightened by colonial industry. For about twelvemonth past preparations have been making for this new manufacture. Wood has been seasoned, machinery fixed, and such portion as require to be for months subjected to the atmosphere before being fitted to the instrument, have been constructed and arranged. Two hundred pianos are now in the course of construction. Messrs. Wilkie, Kilner, and Co., have about ten persons engaged in the work, including two boys, one of whom is apprenticed. The majority of the men come from the best London houses such as Collard and Collard's, Broadwood's, Erard's, Allison's, and the like. Their average wages are £3 per week, at eight hours, as against 35s. for ten hours in England. The establishment is very complete in its appliances, which have already cost about £1,000, and are shortly to be greatly enlarged.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Kilner (pianoforte maker, business partner); Wilkie, Kilner, and Co. (firm)
[News], The Argus (1 August 1870), 4
We have received a report of a meeting of persons connected with the book and music trade, held on Friday last in the Mechanics' Institute. Mr. Clarson was in the chair, and opened the proceedings by acquainting the meeting with the steps which had been taken at the instance of Mr. Wilkie, of the firm of Messrs. Wilkie, Webster, and Allan, against several publishers and booksellers, for selling books which were said to contain melodies of copyright works. It appeared from his statement that some 12 months ago, on the Weston and Hussey minstrels opening their opera house, they compiled, and made an arrangement with Messrs. Clarson, Massina, and Co., to print, in a collected form, the airs of the melodies they were singing. These books were sold largely at the place of performance, and came into demand at the booksellers' shops. Subsequently a demand was made by Mr. Wilkie on the publishers for an account of what books had been sold, but he declined to state what airs were considered to be an infringement of copyright. Messrs. Clarson and Co. offered if these were indicated to expunge them and substitute others. A formal demand was then make on the part of Messrs. Wilkie and Co. for an account of the profits and for the destruction of the books, which was followed by the initiation of equity proceedings against the publishers and some of the vendors. After some negotiations between the parties to the dispute, Messrs. Clarson and Co. offered £100 as settlement in full of all claims, which was refused, and a demand was made that they declined to accede to. The meeting of the trade was then called. Prior, however, to its being held an offer was made by Messrs. Wilkie and Co. to settle the matter for £150, an arrangement which was acceded to by the other side, and the money was paid. Some curious facts, states the report, were brought to light at the meeting, Mr. Feuillade stating that he had been served with a notice from Mr. Wilkie for having in his original "Tommy Dodd Galop" infringed the copyright of the English air. Further, he stated that Mr. Wilkie's firm were the publishers of the said galop, and were really the only people who had reaped a profit out of it; and that the printer of it actually had to compromise with Mr. Wilkie, by consenting to pay damages of £8 to him. On the motion of Mr. Mirams, seconded by Mr. Needham, it was unanimously resolved - "That the arrangement entered into by Messrs. Clarson, Massina, and Co., with Mr. Joseph Wilkie, to set aside (by the payment of £100) all proceedings adopted and threatened in respect of the publication of music books said to contain copyright music be accepted as a most satisfactory conclusion. Further, that a subscription be opened to aid in defraying the costs in the transaction."
ASSOCIATIONS: William Clarson (printer, publisher); Clarson, Massina, and Co. (printers, publishers); Nicholas La Feuillade (composer, arranger); Frank Weston (troupe and venue manager)
[News], The Argus (20 March 1871), 5
Mr. Joseph Wilkie, one of the rejected candidates for St. Kilda, was taken to the Cremorne Private lunatic Asylum on Saturday afternoon, suffering from insanity. He had been behaving in a very eccentric manner at the City Court early in the day.
[News], The Argus (9 June 1871), 5
Mr. Justice Molesworth yesterday granted permission to Mrs. Wilkie to take her husband, Mr. Joseph Wilkie, out of the colony, conditionally on her giving security to bring him back within 18 months if required.
Mr. Joseph Wilkie has gone home in the Rangoon.
[News], The Argus (23 November 1872), 5
We are glad to be informed that the announcement in The Argus of yesterday of the death of Mr. Joseph Wilkie appears to have been made upon incorrect information. Messrs. Wilkie, Webster, and Allan received a letter of several days' later date than that which came to our informant, in which their London agent tells them that Mr. Wilkie's bodily health was improving. Messrs. Wilkie, Webster, and Allan have, however, telegraphed to London, in order that the matter may be placed beyond all doubt.
"MELBOURNE (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) 29 April", The Ballarat Star (30 April 1875), 3
An application was made to-day to Mr. Justice Molesworth for leave to commence a suit for the dissolution of the existing partnership of the firm of Wilkie, Webster, and Allan, music sellers, on the grounds that one of the partners was drawing more money than bad been arranged for by the deed of partnership. The application to-day was ex parte, consequently the publication of statements made might affect the parties concerned, but the proceedings have been taken by Mr. Gregory, who acts as the committee under the Lunacy Statute of the estate of Mr. Joseph Wilkie. After hearing the affidavits, &c., his Honor granted the application.
"DEATHS" The Argus (16 December 1875), 1
WILKIE. - On the 10th inst., in London, Joseph Wilkie, late of Wilkie, Webster and Allan.
[News], The Argus (16 December 1875), 5
Intelligence was yesterday received by telegram of the death of Mr. Joseph Wilkie (of the firm of Wilkie, Webster, and Allan) in London, on December 10. Mr. Wilkie, who was previously a tuner, established a musical business, we believe the first in the colony, in Collins-street, on its present site, in 1850, being joined in 1862 and 1863 by the other members of the firm. Mr. Wilkie took great interest in the Volunteer force, and was at one time captain of the Volunteer Light Horse. He was elected in August, 1857, as member of the Legislative Assembly in the first Parliament, representing West Bourke, for which constituency he also sat in the second Parliament, 1859 to 1861, in the Legislative Assembly for a short period. He was always of an eccentric disposition, and in 1871 showed signs of insanity, inherited from his father, which increased to such a degree that in June he was sent home under medical care, in the hope that his intellect might be restored, but unfortunately this was not the case. Mr. Wilkie leaves a wife and two children, who are resident in England. It was somewhat singular that arrangements for the transfer of the business have only just been completed. Mr. Webster died last January, and after his death a dispute as to matters of accounts took place between his representatives, Mr. Gregory (Mr. Wilkie's committee in lunacy) and Mr. Allan, which resulted in an equity suit. This was settled a few weeks ago by a compromise, and a contract signed, by which the whole interest of the other two partners was sold to Mr. Allan, and the arrangement was only approved on December 9.
Will and grant of probate, Joseph Wilkie; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"THREE NEW MUSIC WAREHOUSES", The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil (25 November 1876), 135
The music business, now carried on by Messrs. Allan and Co., at 15 Collins-street east, Melbourne, has been established upwards of 26 years, having been commenced by the late Mr. Joseph Wilkie alone in 1850, in the premises which have been occupied up to the present time, and were then very limited in size. His business prospered greatly, so that his name became a household word throughout the Australian colonies, and the premises were added to and altered at various times according to his need. In 1862 Mr. Wilkie was joined by the late Mr. J. C. Webster, who had had 35 years' practical experience in the well-known firm of Broadwood and Sons, of London, and the firm then became known as Wilkie, Webster, and Co. In 1863 the present proprietor of the business, Mr. G. L. Allan, became the third member of the firm, which afterwards took the name of Wilkie, Webster, and Allan. The partnership continued, until the death of Mr. Webster in January, 1875, when a dissolution took place, and a settlement was ultimately arrived at by which Mr.Allan in April last became the sole proprietor of the business, which is now carried on under the name of Allan and Co. About a year ago Mr. Allan, finding his premises far too small for his business, commenced negotiations for leasing the premises 17 and 19 Collins-street east, in view of the near termination of his lease of the old premises, which those adjoined. These arrangements were finally concluded a few months ago, and Mr. Overend, the owner of the property, is now erecting the new warehouse expressly to Mr. Allan's designs. The building is expected to be completed in February next . . .
"Personal", Table Talk (12 February 1892), 3
Mr. W. H. Glen, who died on Saturday, February 6, was the founder of the firm of Messrs. W. H. Glen and Company, music publishers, Collins-street, Melbourne. Mr. Glen was born in Edinburgh in 1825, and arrived in Melbourne in 1853 under engagement to Messrs. J. Wilkie and Company, the first music publishers established in Melbourne. Mr. Glen left the firm five years later to start business for himself in Bourke-street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henderson Glen (former employee)
Selected extant editions (works by local composers and authors to 1862):
The Victoria polka, composed in honor of the Paris Exhibition, by H. St. Mordel Williams (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1854]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry St. Mordel Williams (composer)
The Morning Light polka, composed on the voyage to Melbourne, and dedicated to Captain Gillies and the officers and passengers of that splendid Black Ball clipper, by W. B. Wray (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1857]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Beresford Wray (composer)
The kangaroo hunt polka composed by G. M. Weinritter (Melbourne: Published for the author by Joseph Wilkie, [1857]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: George M. Weinritter (composer)
The Pic-Nic Point schottische composed by G. M. Weinritter (Melbourne: Published for the author by J. Wilkie, [1857]) (DIGITISED)
The Melbourne varsovienne by G. M. Weinritter (Melbourne: Published for the author by J. Wilkie, [? 1857/58]) (DIGITISED)
Beauty, sweet beauty bright (words; C. E. Gibbs; composed by G. O. Rutter) (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1858])
ASSOCIATIONS: George Oswald Rutter (composer)
Il balen; or, The tempest of the heart (from the opera of Il Trovatore, with English words, composed by Signor Verdi (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, 1859)
Niminy pym polka, composed and respectfully dedicated to Miss Emma Stanley, by J. B. Wheaton (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1859]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: J. B. Wheaton (composer); Emma Stanley (actor, vocalist); Clarson, Shallard, and Co. (music printers)
The life of Handel, a sketch, compiled by Charles Elsasser (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1859])
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Elsasser (author, editor)
The sea side, brilliant polka for the piano forte, composed and dedicated to her friends by Mrs. Walter Wright (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Walter Wright (composer)
Le bon voyage waltz, composed, and dedicated to Sir Redman Barry, by C. J. Dawson, arranged for the pianoforte by S. H. Marsh (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1862]) (DIGITISED)
The Lindenow schottische, composed & arranged for the piano forte and dedicated to Mrs. John Davidson Smith Lindenow by the Misses Duncan, Kelvin Grove, Gipps Land (Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie, [1862]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: The Misses Duncan (composers)
Polka brilliante, dedicated to his pupils the Misses M. F. & M. E. Symonds, Seagrove Villas, St. Kilda, by the composer, Geo. R. G. Pringle (Melbourne: J. Wilkie, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: George Robert Grant Pringle (composer)
The Amy polka composed and respectfully dedicated to Miss French of Monivae by J. Schott (Melbourne: J. Wilkie, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Arthur Schott (composer)
The musical gem . . . containing the choicest and most appropriate airs, easily and carefully arranged, for the violin, flute, sax horn . . . etc., etc. . . . volume 5 (Melbourne: J. Wilkie, [n.d.]; from The musical bouquet, London)
Bibliography and resources:
[Wilkie Webster, and Allan], "1850-1925", The Australian musical news (1 May 1925), 23 (DIGITISED)
Peter Game, The music sellers (Melbourne: Hawthorn Press, 1976), 7-9, 14, 29-30, 52, 59, 62, 63, 77, 310
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 243 (Wilkie, Elvy, and Co.), 315-18 (DIGITISED)
Joseph Wilkie, Parliament of Victoria
Joseph Wilkie, Wikipedia
WILKINS, William [1] (William WILKINS)
Cryer, court cryer, messenger
Born Warwickshire, England, c. 1792
Tried Warwick Assizes, 1 April 1815 (sentenced 14 years transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 January 1816 (convict per Fanny) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"GOVERNMENT GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 February 1821), 1s
Mr. William Wilkins, Cryer Criminal Court, Salary from 6th September to 31st December [1820] - 8/6/8.
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
[Wilkins] Willism / 41 / fanny / 1816 / Pro. / Cryer at the Court, Philip St. / Sydney
Louisa / 8 // Elizabeth / 6 // Sarah / 4 // [all born in the colony]
Bibliography and resources:
William Wilkins (b. c. 1792), Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
WILKINS, William [2] (William WILKINS; W. WILKINS)
Musician, choirmaster, amateur vocalist, school teacher (master of the Model School), music educator
Born London, England, 1826; son of William WILKINS
Married (1) Ann SHEPPARD (d. at sea, 1850), Holy Trinity, Chelsea, London, 30 March 1850
? Arrived Sydney, NSW, 6 January 1851 (per Trafalgar from Adelaide, 20 December 1850, having arrived there from London, per Anna Maria)
Married (2) Harriett BARTLETT, Wesleyan chapel, York Street, Sydney, NSW, 21 May 1852
Died Guildford, NSW, 10 November 1892, aged "66" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Wilkins took over the elementary singing class of the new St. Mary's Choral Society in September 1851, while Isaac Nathan was conductor of the main body. But by February 1852, Wilkins had taken over as conductor, with William Sigmont as organist, and continued in that role for most of the year. He was an active member of the (Anglican) Sydney Choral Society in the mid 1850s, was involved in the establishment of the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society in November 1858, and a committee member of the Sydney Philharmonic Society in 1862 and later.
Wilkins was an executive member of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts in the 1850s, and an active member of the Wesleyan York Street chapel and its choirmaster until 1869.
NOTE: The birth details given by ADB may be incorrect; Wilkin's obituary gives his birth year as 1826; his NSW death record gives his mother's name as Mary; according to his 1841 census record, while a pupil teacher at the Battersea training school, he was not born in Surrey, and if this is correct, he cannot have been born at Lambeth; the given name of the mother of the Lambeth William Wilkins was Eliza; according to his 1850 marriage record, both Wilkins and his father were schoolmasters; a William Wilkins, son of William and Sarah Wilkins was born on 6 October 1826, and baptised at St. Thomas, Charterhouse, on 11 May 1848 [sic].
England census, 6 June 1841, Battersea, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/2/4/51/15 (PAYWALL)
Terrace Road Normal School / Benjamin Horne / 25 / Schoolmaster . . .
John Mitchell / 40 // John Pringle / 20 // Francis Forss / 20 // James Bryan / 20 / [all schoolmasters] . . .
William Wilkins / 15 / [Pupil Teacher] / [not born in the county] // [30 other pupil teachers]
1850, marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish of Upper Chelsea in the County of Middlesex; register 1837-54, page 82; London Metropolitan Arcgives (PAYWALL)
No. 164 / March 30th / William Wilkins / Full [age] / Bachelor / Schoolmaster / Upper Chelsea / [father] William Wilkins / Schoolmaster
Ann Sheppard / full / Spinster / - / Upper Chelsea / [father] John Sheppard / Tailor . . .
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (4 September 1851), 9
We understand that in order to increase the usefulness of this society, an elementary class has been formed which will be under the superintendence of Mr. W. Wilkins, and will meet every Wednesday evening. Those persons who wish to obtain a knowledge of music so as to be able to take part in the Concerts, should make a point of attending this class. Mr. Nathan will continue his choral practice every Monday and Thursday. The concert we noticed in our last publication, will be repeated on Monday evening next. From the attractive programme presented, we anticipate that there will be a large attendance, particularly as the public will be admitted by tickets, which may be procured as mentioned in our advertising columns. Members who wish to procure admission for their friends, can only do so on this occasion by purchasing tickets for them.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Mary's Choral Society (organisation); Isaac Nathan (conductor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 September 1851), 1
THE Committee of this Society beg to announce that an Elementary Class has been formed,
which will be under the superintendence of W. WILKINS, Esq., and will meet every Wednesday Evening, at seven o'clock.
The Committee would impress upon members the necessity of attending this Class punctually and regularly if they wish to become acquainted with the principles of Music.
The Conductor, I. NATHAN, Esq , will continue his Choral practice every Monday and Thursday.
The subscription to the Society is 10s. per annum, which entitles a member to attend and receive instruction on each of the above evenings, and to admission at the Concerts.
Persons subscribing £1 per annum are entitled to three tickets for each concert. September 12.
"MODEL NATIONAL SCHOOL", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1851), 2
YESTERDAY afternoon his Excellency the Governor-General, accompanied by the Hon. Mrs. Keith Stewart, visited the National School in Fort-street. The building (formerly the military hospital) has been completely remodelled and enclosed with a handsome stone wall. The whole edifice has now a very commanding appearance . . . Although this Institution has at present been established but for a limited time, the number of pupils is already larger than the school can under the strict arrangements of the system properly accommodate; but at present under the very able superintendence of the master, anything like confusion is avoided. This gentleman, Mr. William Wilkins, was selected by the Educational Committee of the Privy Council, and it needs but one visit to this school to see not only the high attainments of Mr. Wilkins, but the extraordinary talent and tact he possesses in the art of disciplining children and imparting instruction . . . The studies of the male classes comprise reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, geography, history, scripture lessons and singing, and to these in the girls classes needlework is added . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 February 1852), 1
THE first Concert of this Society, for the present year, will take place on
Monday Evening, the 23rd instant, at half past 7 o'clock.
Conductor - W. Wilkins, Esq.
Organist - W. A. Sigmont, Esq.
1. Chorus -And the Glory of the Lord. - Handel
2. Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God - Handel
3. Air and Chorus - The Marv'lous Work - Haydn
4. Chorale -In Judah God is known - Mendelssohn
5. Chorus - O Thou that tellest glad tidings to Zion - Handel
6. Chorus - Achieved is the Glorious Work - Haydn
7. Chorus -Surely He hath borne our griefs - Handel
8. Chorus - Hallelujah! - Handel
1. Glee -Awake AEolian Lyre - Danby
2. Madrigal - Spring's delights are now returning - Müller
3. Ballad - Art thou in tears? - Crouch
4. Chorus -Sweet peace descending - Mozart
5. Part Song - From Oberon in Fairy land - Stevens
6. Glee and Chorus - The Chough and Crow - Bishop
7. Madrigal - Come let us all a Maying go - Atterbury
8. Anthem - God save the Queen (harmonized by) - I. Nathan
Visitors' tickets may be obtained this evening, at the Seminary.
Handbooks for the audience, containing the words of each piece, 6d. each.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Abercrombie Sigmont (organist)
'ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Empire (24 February 1852), 2
This Concert took place in the Hall of St. Mary's School House, Hyde Park, yesterday evening, and was numerously attended. Among the visitors, we noticed his Grace Archbishop Polding, the Right Rev. Dr. Davis, and Mr. Justice Therry. The programme of sacred music contained various selections from Handel and Haydn, together with Felix Mendelssohn's chorale "In Judah God is known." Mr. Sigmont, as the organist, acquitted himself, in each, and all of the pieces chosen, most creditably. "Achieved is the Glorious Work," from Haydn's Creation, was the most carefully harmonized of the performances. The "Hallelujah Chorus" was rendered with considerable spirit, and on the whole, with remarkable choral accuracy. The secular music was by far the most successful portion of the entertainment. The madrigal "Spring's Delights" was charmingly given and deservedly encored. The music is very delightful, full of freshness and the sweetest rural feeling. F. M. Crouch's ballad "Art thou in tears" was sung with great elegance and purity of taste by a young lady of very high promise - Miss Armfield. She will, we have no doubt take, before long, a very high place among our resident vocalists. Her powers are of no common order, and only require cultivation and judicious development. "Sweet peace descending," from Mozart's Idomeneo, and Bishop's well known glee "The Chough and Crow," were both sung in very vigorous style. Every association having for its object the cultivation of music deserves well of the Australian public, and one like the St. Mary's Choral Society which devotes itself to sacred music, more particularly so. This concert, taken generally, did credit to the Society, and with fair encouragement on the part of the public; we have hopes of its yet becoming a valuable aid in the promotion of a taste for classical music in New South Wales.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (archbishop); Charles Henry Davis (bishop); Roger Therry (judge); Lilie Armfeldt (vocalist)
"ST. MARYS CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1852), 2
. . . Mr. Wilkins, Director of the National School, in Fort-street, officiated as conductor, and Mr. Sigmont presided at the organ. The selection of music was very happy. We were particularly gratified at the excellent manner in which the choruses were given; Mendelssohn's Chorale, In Judah God is Known, and the Hallelujah Chorus, from the Messiah, especially. In the second part, the madrigal Spring's Delights was enthusiastically encored, as was the elegant ballad Art thou in tears? which was very feelingly given by a young lady, whose vocal powers give great promise. The performance concluded with the National Anthem, sung by the whole force of the choir, the audience standing. We are happy to be able to offer our congratulations to the members of the society on the very creditable ner in which the music was executed.
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Bell's Life in Sydney (28 February 1852), 2
As earnest advocates for the cultivation of a popular taste for music, we hail with much satisfaction the successful efforts of any individual, or of any organised body of individuals, towards the accomplishment of this end. In this spirit, therefore we congratulate the members of St. Mary's Choral Society "in particular," and the little musical word of Sydney "in general," upon the marked improvement shown by that Society in its last concert, on Monday evening. Mr. Wilkins, the new conductor, seems to have got his choir into admirable order, considering the materials of which it is composed, and the youthfulness of the Society itself. Some of the choral singing was really admirable. The Hallelujah Chorus, which we heard a good deal bungled at one of the former concerts, was beautifully executed. There were some trifling faults in some of the pieces, such for instance as the selecting of a "breaking" voice for one of the solos, but these will doubtless be remedied when the programme is repeated; and we understand it is to be on an early day. We have spoken pointedly of the materials of which the Choir of this Society is made up, but in so doing we meant not to convey any disparaging idea of these "materials." What we do mean is to question the propriety of getting up a Choir including so very large a proportion of youthful voices. They weaken the "effect," and their training must be a task of no small difficulty to the conductor. The instruction of children in musical science is perhaps one of the most useful operations of this Society, but we must repeat our opinion, that the strength, harmony, and effect of a comparatively small Choir are materially impaired by the preponderance of children's voices. These young choristers may surely be instructed and drilled in "practice" without necessarily taking so engrossing a part at the public Concerts of the Society. We must not omit to mention that at the Concert alluded to there was a large and peculiarly respectable audience. In connection with this branch of our notice, it may not be amiss for us just to hint that it is not quite correct for any one or two young gentlemen, merely because they may have an exalted idea of their own vocal and critical powers, to arrive at an conclusion that their neighbours would prefer listening to their (the young gentlemen's) criticisms and undertone accompaniments, rather than to the efforts of the singers themselves.
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (28 February 1852), 4
. . . We were much gratified with the whole affair, which we must say reflects the greatest credit both on the conductors and the singers . . . The chorusses were accomplished in style such as we would hardly have expected from even more scientific performers, and in which great precision, in time was displayed, particularly in those beautiful pieces of the celebrated Handel, "O thou that tellest glad tidings to Zion," "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed," and "Hallelujah." In the secular part of the programme, some very excellent singing was displayed. Muller's madrigal "Spring's Delight," exceeded anything we ever heard before, and was most loudly encored, as it justly deserved to be . . . The National Anthem, newly harmonized by Mr. Nathan, was sung with great spirit and good, taste, the audience standing. Altogether the performance was of the most creditable character, and we congratulate the Society on the progress which it has made since its establishment. We must not omit to mention the efficient manner in which Mr. Sigmont presided at the organ, nor the attention which has been bestowed by the conductor, Mr. Wilkins, the director of the National School, in Fort-street, to whose services we believe the Society is eminently indebted for the splendid manner in which this performance went off, and for a good deal of the improvements which have taken place.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 March 1852), 1
ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY. AT the request of several Persons the Concert lately given by the Members of this Society,
will be repeated on Monday evening the 8th instant, at half-past seven o'clock.
Conductor - W. Wilkins, Esq. Organist - W. A. Sigmont, Esq. PROGRAMME: . . . [as before]
"MUSICAL EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA (From a Correspondent)", Empire (9 March 1852), 2
THE element, immediately after the cardinal ones of reading, writing, and arithmetic, the most to be desiderated in our local systems of education, is music. The wise policy of the continental nations of Europe has always given instruction in music an eminent place in all educational schemes. And closely approaching, the temperament of these nations, from influences of climate, as that of our coming Australian races inevitably will, some provision should, on more accounts than one, have been ere now made for the introduction of the art into our national schools . . . Our own conviction is, that the germ of a people as essentially musical as the Italians, exists in the Anglo-Australian race. The butcher's boy and the carpenter's apprentice whistle down Pitt street at early morning, airs from La Sonnambula or the Enchantress, they have heard at the Victoria Theatre nights before. Evening after evening, a troop of ragged urchins follow in ecstacies down Brickfield Hill, a blind old peripatetic, who with a spirit in some degree atoning for the want of higher artistic qualifications, chaunts a metrical chronicle of certain adventures at the Diggings, with a burthen of "Heigho! says Rowley." At night, musical sounds are heard in every street of the metropolis; - often from obscure lanes and courts the notes of a clarionet or an accordion. Possessing then, as our growing population decidedly do, tastes and capabilities for an art so fraught with moral benefits, so directly bearing on the domestic character of a people, and where the necessary means and appliances are easily and at once available, we think the National Education authorities should as speedily as possible, in country districts at all events, add to their course a liberal system of tuition in instrumental music, as well as in a higher class of vocalisation than that which at present obtains. With the acknowledged abilities as a musician of Mr. Wilkins, the director of the Model School, we think this might be forthwith practicable. We can imagine a people of Anglo-Saxon descent, reared amid the shadows, the solitude, and the sylvan vastness of our inland territory, beneath the magnificence of southern constellations, and with a musical education, which should in time give birth to a national music of their own, characterised by the grandeur and the loneliness below, and the hopeful glory above. And this people, we can imagine, gradually and insensibly to receive from these musical tastes and acquirements of theirs, a now clement of character composed of cheerful earnestness and sturdy self-reliance.
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Empire (14 September 1852), 2
The performance of Haydon's celebrated Oratorio, "The Creation," by the St. Mary's Choral Society came off yesterday evening, in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary, Hyde Park. The production of so sublime and difficult a piece of music as this naturally excited a good deal of interest among the lovers of harmony, and, as might be expected, the attendance was unusually large, so much so, that a considerable number of applications for tickets were refused in the course of yesterday. Among the ladies and gentlemen present we noticed His Excellency the Governor-General, the honourable Mrs. Keith Stewart, Mr. Justice Therry, George Fitz Roy, Esq., Captain Fitz Roy, the Attorney and Solicitor General, together with several other ladies and gentlemen of distinction. The Oratorio on the whole was judiciously produced and most admirably executed, though, we think, that with a little more practice it would have gone off with greater eclat. Nearly all the available talent in the City was secured for the occasion, and under the able management of Mr. Wilkins, the performance was so arranged as to bring out the ability of each lady and gentleman to greatest advantage. The most difficult parts were executed by Mrs. Guerin, Madame Carandini, Messrs. F. and J. Howson, and Mr. Waller, all of whom distinguished themselves in a manner which elicited strong and general marks of approval from the audience. Before the termination of the concert Mr. Wilkins announced that in consequence of the large number of ladies and gentlemen who were unable to gain admission that evening, the Oratorio would be repeated on Thursday evening next. The lovers of genuine music will therefore have an opportunity of enjoying a rich treat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); James Waller (vocalist)
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1852), 2
On Monday evening this Society performed Haydn's celebrated Oratorio, The Creation. The beautiful but difficult music was executed with very great precision, the chorusses especially being given with considerable effect . . . The Chorus, "Awake the Harp, in the first part, was perhaps the most effective of the concerted pieces . . . Mr. Wilkins discharged with judgment and ability the duties of conductor, and Mr. Sigmont most worthily presided at the organ. The oratorio will be repeated to-morrow evening.
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal (16 September 1852), 9
This society performed Haydn's grand Oratorio of the "Creation" on last Monday evening, in the hall of St. Mary's Seminary, giving the public one of the greatest treats they have enjoyed in Sydney for many a day, our only regret being that a greater number could not have partaken of it. We have seldom, if ever, heard a performance of equal length with fewer faults . . . The choruses were very effective; we were most pleased with the "Marv'lous work" and the concluding chorus . . . Mr. Wilkins discharged his duty of Conductor in a very able manner. The thanks of the society are due to him for the great zeal and perseverance he has used in preparing the Oratory. Mr. Sigmont was quite at home at the organ.
"ST. MARY'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Bell's Life in Sydney (18 September 1852), 2
On Monday evening Haydn's (or as our learned contemporary the Empire hath it - Haydon's) magnificent Oratorio, "THE CREATION," was performed in the hall of St Mary's Seminary by the members of this Society, under the able conductorship of Mr. Wilkins, and the no less efficient presidency of that talented organist, Mr. Sigmont . . . It would be unfair to speak critically of this, which we trust may be the commencement of the periodical production of such sublime compositions; but it was received with an indulgence, which, although, perhaps, something short of that degree of approbation anticipated, cannot fail to encourage the Society in their praiseworthy cultivation of the divine science . . .
"NATIONAL EDUCATION", Empire (24 December 1852), 3
Pursuant to notice, a public examination of the children attending the National Schools in the district of Sydney, took place at the newly erected school-house, William-street, Woolloomooloo, on the 23rd instant . . . At 11 o'clock the business of examination regularly commenced, and lasted until near 3 o'clock, there being between six and seven hundred children in attendance. Mr. Wilkins, with his usual ability and success, acted as principal examinator. He was occasionally assisted by Sir Charles Nicholson and one or two of the visitors. The chief branches of learning were reading, grammar, geography, arithmetic and music, in nearly all of which the children displayed remarkable proficiency, and acquitted themselves in a most orderly and spirited style. If there was any observable deficiency, it was in the musical department, and was very likely owing to the two schools being unaccustomed to sing together . . .
The Fifth Annual Examination of the children attending the National Schools in Sydney, commenced on Tuesday last, and was continued on the three following days. The examination was conducted by Mr. Wilkins, Inspector of National Schools . . . A new feature in the educational course in the national schools of Sydney is the teaching of music in theory and practice. Although the pupils have been only a limited period under tuition in this branch, the practice in singing evidenced that they had made considerable progress . . .
"THE SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 November 1858), 6
A numerously attended and spirited meeting was held in the Castlereagh-street Schoolroom, on Thursday evening, the 18th instant, to establish a society under the above designation. The chair was taken by Mr. Charles Nathan, F.R.C.S., at a few minutes past eight o'clock . . . At the request of the chairman, Mr. Dyer read the advertisement convening the meeting, and also the prospectus explanatory of the objects of the society . . . Mr. Dyer also alluded to the efforts of Mr. Charles Chizlett as having given a great impulse to the cultivation of music here, and trusted that the vocal class which it was intended to form in connection with the society would still further extend the pleasing accomplishment of part singing . . . Mr. W. Wilkins, inspector and superintendent of the National schools moved the second resolution, which was "That the object of the society be the cultivation and practice of vocal music by uniting in one choral body the large number of singers more or less trained, now to be found in this city, and the establishing of a school for instruction in part singing." Mr. Wilkins referred to his long connection with the Sydney Choral Society, and the prominent part he had taken in former days in musical matters here, expressing great pleasure that an attempt was now making to revive this neglected branch of art, and promising such support as he could render . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nathan (chair); Joseph Dyer (secretary); Charles Chizlett (class leader); Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (organisation); Sydney Choral Society (organisation)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1859), 1
CAMDEN. - GRAND CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music,
in aid of the Funds of the Camden additional Schools.
Under the patronage of Mrs. Macarthur, Sir William Macarthur, the Hon. James Macarthur, M.L.A., and the Local Patrons of the Schools.
W. Wilkins, Esq., Inspector and Superintendent of National Schools, Mr. J. H. Anderson, Mr. Chizlett,
and the ladies and gentlemen of the higher Singing Class of the Model Schools, have kindly volunteered their services.
On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, January 5th and 6th.
Conductor W. Wilkins, Esq.
Pianists Mrs. James and Mr. Anderson.
1. Duet. Two pianos, Mrs. James and Mr. Anderson.
2. Motet - "I will give Thanks" - Palestrina.
3. Aria - "If with all your Hearts," Mr. Chizlett - Mendelssohn.
4. Duet - "O Salutaris," Mrs. James and Mr. Wilkins.
5. Motet - "Ponder my Words" - Zingarelli.
6. "O be Joyful" - Palestrina.
7. Solo - "Angels ever bright and fair", Mrs. James - Handel.
8. Motet- "Go not far from me."
1. Duet - Two pianos, Mrs. James and Mr. Anderson - Beyer.
2. Glee - "Come let us all."
3. Song - "Come to the West," Mrs. James - Lover.
4. Solo Pianoforte, "Blue Bells of Scotland," Mrs. James.
5. Glee - "Ye Spotted Snakes" - Stevens.
6. Duet (vocal) - Mrs. James and Mr. Anderson.
7. Glee - "Crabbed Age and Youth" - Stevens.
8. Duet - "When the Swallow homeward flies," Mrs. James and Mr. Wilkins.
9. Solo, piano - Mr. Anderson.
10. Part Song - "May Day" - Neithart.
11. "Perfida Clori" - Cherubini.
12. Song - "The Vale of Avoca," Mrs. James - Moore.
13. Trio - "Time" - Curschman.
14. Part song from "Oberon" - Stevens.
Finale, - "God save the Queen."
Each concert will commence at 8 o'clock.
Reserved seats, 5s.; others, 2s. 6d.
Tickets to be obtained at the Stores, and the Schools, Camden, and the Post Office at Campbelltown, the Post Office.
N.B. - The programme will be varied on the second day.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (pianist, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1859), 1
PATRON - His Excellency Sir William Denison, K.C.B. PATRONESS - Lady Denison
PRESIDENT - Charles Nathan, Esq.
HON. TREAS. - Mr. L. W. Hurford, Castlereagh-street.
HON. SEC. - Mr. Joseph Dyer, 25, Macleay-street.
COMMITTEE. Rev. W. Cuthbertson; Mr. J. Martin; Mr. D Dickson; Hon. F. L. S. Merewether; M. Fitzpatrick;
Mr. F. E. Sloper; Rev. H. J. Hose; Rev. G. H. Stanley; Mr. H. R. Hurford; Mr. F. M. Stokes;
J. Johson; J. Waller; R. Johnson; Rev. W. H. Walsh; W. J. Johnson;
Mr. W. Wilkins; J. V. Lavers; C. H. Woolcott; W. Macdonnell
The FIRST CONCERT of this society will take place
THIS EVENING, Thursday, March 10th, at the Castlereagh-street Schoolroom,
when the first portion of Handel's Oratorio of the "Messiah," concluding with the "Hallelujah Chorus," will be performed.
A small stringed Band will accompany the performance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Evans Sloper (member); Johnson brothers (members); Charles Henry Woolcott (member); William Macdonnell (member)
"CLEVELAND NATIONAL SCHOOL", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1859), 5
The annual examination of this school commenced on Monday morning, at ten o'clock, when Mr. W. Wilkins, the inspector attached to the National Board, attended to test the progress of the children during the year . . . The proceedings of the day terminated with singing, in which nearly all the children joined, and the general effect of these young, fresh voices, all harmoniously blended, was very pleasisg and soothing. This part of their education has been entrusted to Mr. Chizlett, who is too well known as an excellent teacher to require any meed of praise from us . . .
"WILLIAM-STREET NATIONAL SCHOOL", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 December 1859), 4
The annual examination of this school which contains seven hundred (700) scholars, began yesterday morning. The whole of the day was occupied with the babies and infant class, young children from three to seven years of age . . . The day's proceedings were closed by singing some of those simple songs set to music by John Hullah, an exercise which delighted the classes perhaps more than their examination in geography . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hullah (English music educator, composer)
"FORT-STREET NATIONAL SCHOOL", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 December 1859), 5
The annual examinations of the children attending the model school, at Fort-street, commenced yesterday with the infant classes. There were about two hundred children present . . . The morning's examination concluded with singing, in which the unison of about a hundred infant voices indicated a decided taste for time and tune . . .
"LECTURE ON CONGREGATIONAL SINGING", Sydney Mail (12 August 1865), 7
Mr. W. Wilkins delivered a lecture on "Congregational Singing," in the Wesleyan Church, York-street . . . The lecturer premised that he did not intend to advocate any new theory of his own, but simply to lay before the audience the results of his reading and thought upon the subject . . . The lecturer dwelt upon the irreverence and apathy often manifested by some congregations in respect to the psalmody . . . and also compositions so full of defects that a man of an ordinarily pious frame of mind would no more think of singing them than he would attempt a performance on the trapeze. Mere prettiness was, in his opinion, contemptible. "Cardiff" was sung by the choir as an illustration of the undesirable class of compositions referred to; and a chorale, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord," from Mendelssohn's oratorio of "Elijah," was then given by way of contrast . . . The next topic discussed was "what should congregations sing?" Hymns would form the staple of what was sung . . . The hymn-book used in Wesleyan churches fulfilled all requirements, and the only matter for regret was that words so noble, pure, solemn, and inspiriting should ever be unequally yoked with paltry, unmeaning, and frivolous music . . . Chanting, when performed in a proper manner, was preeminently a congregational exercise, but the true mode was seldom or never heard, the supposed exigencies of modern musical notation having reduced it to an irreverent gabble, in which persons of a serious turn of mind were ill-disposed to join . . . Congregations were sometimes guilty of shocking irreverence. The choir sang "Around the throne of God in heaven" to the tune of "Nativity," as an example of the flippancy which he disparaged. The choir afterwards sang a German chorale to the lines beginning with the words, "How bright appears the morning star," and the lecturer spoke very highly of both the words and the music . . .
"LECTURE", Sydney Mail (10 August 1867), 2
On Monday, Mr. W. Wilkins delivered a lecture on "Congregational Singing," in the Wesleyan Church, Bourke-street, Surry Hills. There was a very good attendance, and the meeting was presided over by the Rev. William Curnow. The lecturer was assisted by the united choirs of the York-street and Bourke-street Wesleyan churches. The voices were well balanced, and the music, sung in illustration of the lecturer's remarks, was very effectively rendered. An outline of the lecture, when first delivered, was published in the Mail [as above]; but a few notes may not be uninteresting . . .
"CONGREGATIONAL PSALMODY", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1869), 7
A highly instructive and interesting lecture on the psalmody in use in congregations was delivered yesterday evening, in the Wesleyan Church, Botany Road, by Mr. W. Wilkins, secretary to the Council of Education . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1892), 7
WILKINS. - November 10, at his residence, Guildford, William Wilkins, aged 66 years.
"DEATH OF MR. W. WILKINS", Evening News (11 November 1892), 5
Mr. William Wilkins, late Under-Secretary for Public Instruction, died at his residence at Guildford, yesterday, after a long and painful illness. The deceased gentleman was born in London in 1826, and having been educated at Battersea Training College, was for some years employed in reformatory, industrial, and day schools. He came to Australia in 1851, when he was appointed head master of Fort-street model school, and afterwards held the position of chief inspector and secretary of the National Board of Education. Upon the formation of the Public Instruction Department he was appointed Under-Secretary, which position he continued to hold until his retirement after 32 years in Government service. Mr. Wilkins's health had been failing for the past six months. On Sunday week his condition became critical, and from that time his recovery was regarded as hopeless. He leaves a widow and five children - two sons and three daughters. When Mr. Wilkins took charge of the model school, there were but two or three trained teachers in the colony, and the pay attached to the office of teacher was only £40 a year.
Bibliography and resources:
Cliff Turney, "Wilkins, William (1827-1892)", Australian dictionary of biography 6 (1976)
William Wilkins, Find a grave
Active Melbourne and Geelong, VIC, 1852-53 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Given their shared range and repertoire, it is possible, perhaps even likely, that the Mr. Wilkinson first active in Sydney and Melbourne in July-August 1852 is George Wilkinson (see below)
"CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS SCHOOL OF ARTS", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (22 July 1852), 10
This concert, one of a series now about to be produced monthly at the School of Arts, under the direction of Mr. Sigmont, took place last Friday evening. The performances, on the whole, were very creditable, but in all cases where harmony is intended to be produced in instrumental performance, it is requisite to have the first and second violin in tune. What we were most pleased with was the performance of a new tenor (Mr. Wilkinson we believe) who sung Braham's song, the "Anchor's Weighed," in excellent and tasteful style. His voice is decidedly the best we have yet heard in the colony . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Abercrombie Sigmont (musician); Mechanics' School of Arts music class (organisation, and music class); see the program, [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 July 1852), 1
MUSIC: The anchor's weighed (Braham)
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 August 1852), 5
We are very glad to see the renewed vigour infused into the management of the Weekly Concerts,
attended as it was last Thursday, with complete success, and greeted by a crowded audience.
The programme for tonight is first rate, copious, novel, full of variety, and tasteful in arrangement. It is as follows:
Overture - Masaniello.
Trio - The Bells of St. Michael's Tower, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers, and Bancroft
Song - Le Marseillaise, Mons. Lavrence [sic]
Quartet - Now is the month of Maying, by the Hungarian Brothers, with full chorus.
Song - The blind flower girl, Mrs. Testar
Solo Piano - Mr. Buddee, from the Opera of the Prophet
Song - The death of Nelson, Mr. Wilkinson
Madrigal - Down in a flow'ry vale, Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers and Bancroft.
Overture - Italiani in Algiers
Quartet - Poculum poculum elevatum, by the Hungarian Brothers
Song - The Maids of Merry England, Mr. Wilkinson.
Recitation and Air - Fly hence each idle tear, (Violin Obligato, Herr Mater,) Mrs. Testar
Glee - In the lonely vale of streams, Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers and Bancroft
Duet - All's Well, Messrs. Wilkinson and Travers
Catch - Look, neighbour, look, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers and Bancroft
Finale - National Anthem.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Charles Mater (violin, leader); Mr. Travers (vocalist); Richard Bancroft (vocalist); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: The bells of St. Michael's tower (Knyvett); The death of Nelson (Braham); Down in a flow'ry vale (words only) [= Quando ritrovo la mia pastorella] (Costanzo Festa); The maids of merry England (Perring); All's well (duet, Braham); Look, neighbours, look (catch, words only)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (28 August 1852), 2
ON which occasion he will be assisted by the choicest talent in Victoria.
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS. Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Pellatt, Messrs. Wilkinson, Walton, and Coppin,
Herr Huenerbein, Messrs. Harwood, Howson, and Menthegarni.
Overture - Il nozze de Figaro - Mozart
Song - The Maids of Merrie England, Mr. Wilkinson - Perring . . .
Glee - Blow Gentle Gales, Mrs. Testar, and Messrs. Wilkinson and Walton - Cooke . . .
Buffo Song - Mr. Coppin.
PART II. Overture - Norma, Band - Bellini
Song - Death of Nelson, Mr. Wilkinson - Braham . . .
Song - The Anchor's Weighed, Mr. Wilkinson - Braham . . .
Finale - God save the Queen, Solo, Duet, Trio, and Chorus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isabella Pellatt (vocalist); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); William Harward (musician); Henry Howson (musician); Alfred Mantegani (musician); George Coppin (vocalist, actor, theatre manager); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
"GEELONG", The Argus (31 August 1852), 2
Herr Mater's concert went off remarkably well. The attendance was numerous and respectable; the boxes were full, and were well sprinkled with the fair flowers of creation. Mrs. Testar, Herr Mater, and Mr. Wilkinson, were rapturously encored . . .
"WEEKLY CONCERT", The Argus (2 September 1852), 5
The following is the programme for this evening's concert:-
PART I. Overture - Romeo and Juliet.
Song - In this old chair, Mr. Wilkinson.
Recitative and Air - Durst I ever hope, Mrs. Testar
Solo - Contra Basso, first time in the Colonies, Mr. Tranter
Duet - On the wave, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Wilkinson
Waltz - The Philadelphia
Glee - Awake, Eolian Lyre, Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers, and Bancroft
Buffo Song - Fair Rosamond, Mr. O'Wheeler.
PART II. Overture - Tancredi
Glee - Hermit hear in solemn cell, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers, and Bancroft
Aria - Mi fa lelio, Mrs. Testar
Song - My pretty Jane, Mr. Wilkinson
Duet - Albion, Messrs. Wilkinson and Bancroft
Song - Come, live with me, Mr. Travers
Ballad - Logie O'Buchan, Mrs. Testar
Buffo Song - Now, what do you think of that, Mr. O'Wheeler
Finale - National Anthem.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Tranter (double bass); Stephen Wheeler (bass vocalist)
MUSIC: In this old chair (Balfe); Awake, Aeolian lyre (Danby); My pretty Jane (Bishop); Albion, thy fertile plains (duet, Braham)
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (28 October 1852), 4
Herr Mater again favors us with a capital programme, in which he allots with characteristic taste, the parts most suited to each performer . . .
Overture - Massaniello - Auber
Aria - Bel raggio lusinghiero, Mrs. Testar - Rossini
Duet - Piano and Violin fantasia, from Guillaume Tell, by desire - Mr. Buddee and Herr Mater - De Beriot and Osborne
Song - The Life Boat - Mr. D. V. Hamilton - Russell.
Quintetto - String Instrument - Gungl
Duet - Sir, a Secret - Messrs. Lounds and Gregg
Song - The Englishman, by desire - Mr. Wilkinson - Blockley
Duett - Dunque io son, by desire - Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg - Rossini. . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); Julius Buddee (piano)
MUSIC: The Englishman (Blockley)
"BETTER AND BETTER", The Argus (3 November 1852), 11
The conductor of the weekly concerts quite outdoes himself this evening with the following programme.
The introduction of a third part, devoted to the magnificent choral music of Haydn, is a decided novelty,
and is calculated to lead peculiar interest to the entertainment of this evening . . .
PART II. Selection from the Creation, by Haydn . . .
Air - With Verdure clad, Mrs. Testar . . .
Duett. - Graceful Consort, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg.
Trio - On thee each living soul awaits, Mrs. Testar, Mr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Gregg.
Overture - Barber of Seville
Song - A life on the Ocean Wave - Mr. D. V. Hamilton.
Song - The Sailor's Journal - Mr. Wilkinson.
Quadrille - British Navy.
Song - The Last Man - Mr. A. T. Webb.
Song - The sea hath Pearly Treasures (with Cornet Obligato, Mr. de Grey) Mrs. Testar.
Finale - Rule Britannia.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry De Grey (cornet)
MUSIC: The sailor's journal (Dibdin)
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (25 November 1852), 5
Most of our readers will recollect Miss H. Cawse, long favourably known upon the boards of many of the principal English theatres.
Under a new name, she is to appear this evening at the Mechanics' Institution, and will doubtless have the effect of procuring a bumper audience,
which is also further tempted by some other novelties that appear in the following programme: -
Overture - Zampa.
Duet - Giorno d'orrori - Mrs. Testar and Mrs. Fiddes.
Cornet a'Piston Solo from Somnambula - Signor Maffei.
Song - Robert, toi que j'aime, Mrs. Testar.
Sinfonia (No. 8) - Last Movement.
Scena - Paga fin, Mrs. Fiddes.
Song - The Englishman, (by desire) Mr. Wilkinson.
Overture - Preciosa.
Trio - Blow gentle gales, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Fiddes, and Mr. Wilkinson.
Concertina Solo - Introduction and variations, The Rose Tree in full bearing - Mr. Richardson.
Duet - I know a bank, Mrs. Testar and Mrs. Fiddes.
Waltz - Philadelphia
Song - Sly Cupid, Mrs. Fiddes.
Finale - Solo, duet, and trio, God save the Queen.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist); Joseph Maffei (cornet); Henry Richardson (concertina)
"HERR MATER'S CONCERT", The Argus (27 November 1852), 5
The concert on Thursday excelled anything we have heard at the Mechanics' for a long time, owing principally to the introduction of a fine contralto singer in the person of Mrs. Fiddes, who, in conjunction with Mrs. Testar, afforded us an opportunity of hearing as pleasing and well executed a performance as we could wish, The trio "Blow Gentle Gales," though often attempted at these concerts, was never so well sung; Mrs. Fiddes's "Deep as our despair," displayed a fullness of tone and depth of voice, which we are sure will prove a great acquisition to our vocal corps. To Mrs. Testar, a fine contralto like Mrs. F. must also be a great assistance in part singing; the two voices being so necessary one to the other. In a fine duet of Bellini, and "I know a Bank," we had a beautiful specimen of the power and compass of both. Mr. Wilkinson sang the song of "the Englishman," with a spirit which appeared to strike a kindred chord in almost every heart in the room; and Mr. Richardson so far delighted the audience with his performance on the concertina that there seemed some fear of his being encored all night. The room was crowded to excess and one or two rather objectionable characters made a little disturbance, which, if they are allowed to be repeated, will very soon have the effect of hunting all lady attendants at these concerts away most effectually.
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (2 December 1852), 5
The following is the programme of the Concert for this evening: -
Overture - Coriolanus.
Duet - Non Piu Mesta, Miss Matilda and Miss Sarah Bannister, Lady Amateurs.
Concertina Solo - Grand Scena from Norma, Mr. Richardson.
Duet - Come be gay, Mrs. Testar and Mrs. Fiddes.
Waltz - Memory of Berlin.
Scena - Softly sighs, from Der Freyschutz, Mrs. Testar.
Song - Happy the maid whose heart is free, Miss Sarah Bannister.
Harmonised Air - The Last Rose of Summer, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Fiddes, and Messrs. Wilkinson and Bancroft.
Overture - Italiani in Algieri.
Glee - From Oberon in Fairy Land, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Fiddes, and Messrs. Wilkinson and Bancroft.
Ballad - Bonnie Dundee, Miss M. Bannister.
Polka - Helena.
Ballad - The Rosebud, Mrs. Fiddes.
Song - The Sailor's Journal, Mr. Wilkinson.
Duet - We Come to thee, Savoy, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Fiddes.
Finale - Solo, Duet, Chorus, National Anthem.
MUSIC: 'Tis the last rose of summer (Moore and Stevenson, four voice version)
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 December 1852), 8
THE NELSON FAMILY - This evening, Wednesday, December 29th, at the Protestant Hall.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Song - "The Anchor's Weighed," Mr. Wilkinson . . .
Duet - "Albion," Mr. S. Nelson and Mr. Wilkinson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Nelson (pianist, vocalist, composer) and family (vocalists, actors)
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 January 1853), 5
THE NELSON FAMILY BEG to announce that they will give their Musical
Programme: PART I.
Glee: The Faded Wreath, Miss Nelson, Miss C. Nelson, and Mr. Wilkinson - Stevenson.
Air: Madoline, Mr. S. Nelson - Nelson . . .
Song - Then you'll remember me, Mr. Wilkinson - Balfe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Nelson (vocalist); Carry Nelson (vocalist)
MUSIC: The faded wreath (Stevenson); Then you'll remember me (Balfe, from The Bohemian girl)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1854 to mid 1855
Active Auckland, NZ, late 1855 to late 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Given their shared range and repertoire, it is possible, perhaps even likely, that the Mr. Wilkinson (see above) first active in Sydney and Melbourne in July-August 1852 is George Wilkinson.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 June 1854), 1
GRAND CONCERT by Monsieur and Madame HERWYN, on
TUESDAY, 27th June, under the immediate patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General.
PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Overture, Zampa - Military Band - HEROLD
2. Grand duet for piano and violin - Mr. and Madame Herwyn
3. The Anchor's Weighed - sung by Mr. George Wilkinson - BRAHAM . . .
PART II . . . 3 Sacred Song, Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep, sung by Mr. George Wilkinson - J. P. KNIGHT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violinist and pianist)
MUSIC: The anchor's weighed (Braham); Rocked in the cradle of the deep (J. P. Knight, as sung by Braham)
"CLASSICAL READINGS", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1854), 5
On Monday evening, Mrs. Greig gave the third of her series of Classical Readings in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel . . . Mr. Wilkinson, who made so decided a hit at M. Herwyn's concert, sang several favorite songs between the parts, receiving the honour of an encore in each. This gentleman is a great acquisition to our musical circles.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Greig (actor, vocalist); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"CLASSICAL READINGS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1854), 5
This evening Mrs. Greig gives the fourth of her classical performances in the large saloon of the Royal Hotel; the parts being relieved by vocal and instrumental music . . . The vocal selections are from the works of Bishop, Horn, Balfe, Wallace, Barker, and Lover and will be rendered by Mrs. Greig, Mr. George Wilkinson, and Mr. Spagnoletti.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ernesto Spagnoletti (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1852), 1
ROYAL POLYTECHNIC, THIS EVENING - The Second Part of the Lecture on Astronomy.
After which Miss Flora Harris will accompany the Dissolving Views with some much admired songs and duetts with Mr. Wilkinson.
Concluding with the Chromatropes and brilliantly executed marchen on the Apollonicon. Admission as usual. Commence at 8 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); Royal Polytechnic (Sydney venue)
On Wednesday evening a Grand Entertainment was given at this Establishment, for the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of the brave men who may fall in the contest of the Russian War. His Excellency the Governor General and suite, and a large circle of the Military, Naval, and Civil Officers of the Government, together with many leading families of the city, were present, the evening's entertainment being under the especial patronage of His Excellency Sir Charles A. Fitz Roy. By the cordial permission of Colonel Bloomfield and the Officers of H. M. 11th regiment, their splendid band was in attendance. The performances commenced with a concert: the selections being those of a martial and patriotic character, and airs illustrative of Home and Country. Mr. F. Howson gave the spirited song of "The Englishman," and the "Marseillaise Hymn," in excellent style. Miss Flora Harris was most successful in "Hearts and Homes," and "The Swallows are Returning." Mr. Wilkinson and the other vocalists gave "What are the Wild Waves Saying?" with admirable effect. Mr. Fisher, a debutant of much promise, sung a new song, "The Baltic Fleet," with considerable spirit. The juvenile members of the Buckingham Family, who had tended their gratuitous services, were extremely happy in their appropriate selections . . . At the conclusion of the entertainments (which included a series of Dissolving Views and Chromatropes), the Governor-General expressed to Mr. J. S. Norrie his approval of the whole of the arrangements of the evening, and his extreme gratification at finding the initiation in so good a cause had been taken in so generous a spirit by the youngest, but certainly not the least promising, of the public institutions of Sydney.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); James Smith Norrie (proprietor)
"MONS. and MADAME HERWYN'S LAST CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1854), 5
. . . Mrs. Bridson sang a romance most pleasingly, but Mr. George Wilkinson's "All is lost," from the Sonnambula, was pitched at least four notes too low - in fact the song is not suited to his voice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Bridson (vocalist)
"THE HERWYNS' FAREWELL CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (9 September 1854), 2
. . . M. and Mdme. D. sang their Buffo Duett with their usual sprightly naivite. As for Mr. Wilkinson, we wish we could honestly praise, instead of blame, his performances. As he has not any scientific knowledge of music, he should content himself with simple ballad singing, wherein he might have some chance of succeeding: but, to aim at such classical compositions as the "Still so gently" in La Somnambula, is as bad as teaching a Cockatoo parrot to whistle a Greek Ode. The contemporary critic we before alluded too . . . tells us that Mr. Wilkinson's song was transposed four notes too low! Gently here, if you please! you are making yourself A flat and getting out of your depth! Four notes lower would have been rather deep for a baritone; and Mr. W. has a weak tenor, as was proved by his inability to reach the B, as he should have done, in singing "No! thou false no"; It was too high, not too low for him. The singing of Mr. Fred Ellard amply compensated, how ever, for these little drawbacks.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (vocalist, pianist)
"SCHOOL OF ARTS. SCOTCH AND IRISH BALLADS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1854), 5
Mr. McFarlane gave a very interesting and agreeable entertainment at the School of Arts last night, in which, aided by Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Wilkinson, a number of Scotch and Irish melodies were sung to the evident delight of a numerous and respectable audience. Mrs. Shaw presided at the pianoforte . . . Wilkinson's "Widow Machree" convulsed the audience with laughter, and Mr. McFarlane was deservedly encored for the grotesque manner in which he (dressed in Highland costume) gave "Slum McNab's opinion of the march of intellect."
ASSOCIATIONS: John McFarlane (vocalist); Mrs. Shaw (pianist); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
"SCHOOL OF ARTS", Empire (14 December 1854), 5
An excellent musical entertainment was given at this institution on Tuesday evening by Mr. James Boulton, the instructor of the singing classes there. It consisted principally of a selection of German Glees taken from the Orpheus collection, and composed by such masters of the science of harmony as Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Kreutzer, Werner and others. The glees were sung by some amateurs assisted by Mr. Boulton and Mr. George Wilkinson, and were unaccompanied with any instrument . . . Mr. George Wilkinson, also varied the entertainment with singing some favorite English songs in a manly, genial manner that met with great approval, every song that he sang being encored. Altogether it was an excellent evening entertainment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Boulton (singing class leader)
[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1855), 5
MR. BOULTON'S WEEKLY CONCERT takes place this evening at the School of Arts. It is well worthy of a visit from the lovers of good singing, and the glee singing, according to the sample given this day week is admirable and highly attractive. Mr. Wilkinson, whose fame as a good vocalist is established, is numbered amongst the singers. The charge is very moderate.
"CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 January 1855), 5
Mr. Boulton's weekly concert took place last evening at the School of Arts, before a fashionable audience, composed principally of ladies. The various glees, duets, and songs met with a reception which must have been gratifying to the vocalists. Mr. Wilkinson sang "Erin, my country," with considerable skill and feeling. The "Farewell to Lochaber" was received with applause. Mr. Colley was applauded in "Cheer boys, cheer." The song which elicited the greatest meed of approval was Eliza Cook's beautiful national ballad, "The Englishman."
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Colley (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 January 1855), 1
MR. GEORGE WILKINSON, in returning his thanks for the flattering manner in which his vocal services have been received at the Royal Polytechnic Institution during a period of six months,
begs to announce that his connection with that institution has ceased.
His engagement with Mr. James Boulton, for the Tuesday evening weekly concerts, will preclude him from entering into any other at present.
"AERIAL SKETCHES", Empire (26 February 1854), 4
Under the foregoing designation, Mr. J. G. Moon gives a musical and pictorial entertainment this evening at the Royal Hotel . . . Herr Veit Rham, the Tyrolese minstrel, will perform during the evening on his Zither, and to the accompaniment of this peculiar instrument and to the guitar sing several of his national melodies. Mr. Wilkinson is also engaged, and will introduce some new songs. The entertainment is well adapted to the taste of juveniles . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jonathan George Moon (entertainer); Veit Rahm (musician, vocalist)
[Advertisement], Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (27 November 1855), 2
CONCERT. MR. GEORGE WILKINSON, late Music Director of the Royal Polytechnic Institution, Sydney, (under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor General,) begs to announce that he will give a Miscellaneous Concert, on MONDAY evening, December 3rd, at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Further particulars in a future advertisement.
"CONCERT", New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (12 December 1855), 2
Mr. G. Wilkinson's concert at the Odd Fellows' Hall on Monday evening was numerously and respectably attended, and that the performance generally gave satisfaction was evinced by the hearty applause and encores awarded to some of the songs sung by Mr. Strauch and Mr. Wilkinson, and the concertina playing of Mr. Moncrieff. Mr. Wilkinson's full barytone-tenor showed to great advantage in the sacred song "Rocked in the cradle of the deep," which was sung with so much expression that it was warmly encored; and in the aria, "The heart bowed down," Mr. Strauch's clear and flexible bass voice, together with his quiet yet thoroughly musician-like style of vocalization, created a highly favourable impression upon the audience, who showed their appreciation of good music and good singing by an encore. Mr. J. Brown presided at the pianoforte, and accompanied the vocal music with great taste and ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Strauch (vocalist, later in Australia)
"VOCAL CONCERT", New Zealander (9 August 1856), 3
We observe that Mr. George Wilkinson, who has on several occasions assisted at the public rehearsals of the Auckland Choral Society, announces a concert in the Odd Fellows' Hall next Thursday evening, on which occasion be will have the able assistance of Mr. J. Brown (the conductor of that Society) and Mr. Fleetwood (the newly-arrived professor of music), and also of the band of the 58th.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 58th Regiment (previously in Australia)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", Daily Southern Cross (4 September 1857), 3
Mr. George Wilkinson's "Evening in Ireland," on Tuesday last, was the subject for the wetekly lecture. He introduced his subject by stating that his intention was more to give them a genuine specimen of Irish music, both comic and sentimental, than a long dissertation upon matters less interesting. A few of his introductory anecdotes of Irish comic character were very amusing, more particularly in reference to the Carlisle Brigade mendicant, whose strongest argument in favour of his religion was, that "St. Paul wrote to the Romans, but, be gorra he forgot the Protestants." In the musical illustrations he was assisted by Messrs. Brown, Smallfield, and Leech. Mr. Brown's "Norah, the Pride of Kildare," was beautifully sung, in fact, in point of taste, it was the best song of the evening . . . Mr. Wilkinson's Irish comic songs and "Kate Kearney" monopolised the greatest share of attention. The "Low back'd car," and "Widow Machree" were sung delightfully; those, with the lecturer's rich Irish humour, put a gloss upon the entertainment that would have been otherwise wanting. Mr. Brown accompanied upon the piano in his usual pleasing manner. Mr. Wilkinson apologised for not more prominently introducing Ireland's Poetical Monarch, Tom Moore, but announced his intention of giving an evening with him upon a future occasion . . .
Amateur musician, vocalist, ? guitarist, amateur artist, cricketer, surgeon
Born Gloucester, England, c. 1810; son of Henry WILKINSON and Matilda TEARSLEY
Married Mary IGGULDON (d. 1902), Gravesend, Kent, c. 1851
? Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, by June 1853
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 25 January 1854 (per Tudor)
Arrived (3) Sydney, NSW, 16 November 1855 (per Chowringhee, from Southampton 13 July)
Arrived (4) Sydney, NSW, 22 November 1856 (per Light of the Age, from London, 18 August)
Active Maitland and Bathurst, NSW, by 1857
Died Sale, VIC, 11 May 1866, aged "56" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Wilkinson was surgeon of the 6th Scotch Grenadiers, part of the British Auxiliary Legion in Spain in 1835-37, under the command of George de Lacy Evans. He must, therefore, have been born not much later than around 1810, as his age at death confirms.
Having left the army, he practised in Sheerness, Kent, where he married Mary Igguldon, and where their son John was born, reportedly in 1853.
Wilkinson apparently first came to Melbourne in 1853, where on 9 June 1853 he made a sketch of the Yarra ferry, probably only shortly before sailing back to England. He then arrived a second time in January 1854, as surgeon-superintendent on the government immigrant ship Tudor, also bringing a large speculation of fine art for sale.
He next arrived in Sydney in November 1855, as surgeon-superintendent on the Chowinghee, at which time he made his sketch of Sydney Heads from Botany Bay (Mitchell Library).
He finally returned to Sydney to settle, with his wife and 2 sons, Henry (c. 1852-1865) and John (c. 1854-1941), as a passenger on the Light of the age in November 1856.
He was in Maitland, by March 1857, and, in September, as an amateur singer performed in the first concert of the Maitland Philharmonic Institute. That same month he and his family moved on to Bathurst, where he appeared in an amateur concert in November 1857, and was a foundation member of the Bathurst Philharmonic Society in 1858.
Having left Bathurst by early 1862, he then worked a large area in the southern districts of NSW taking in Burrowa, Wagga, Burrangong, Young and Albury. He had only recently moved with his family to Sale, VIC, at the time of his death there, from fever, on 11 May 1866.
After his death, his family returned to Albury, where his second son John Wilkinson later served as MLA for the district.
"BRITISH AUXILIARY FORCES IN SPAIN", Limerick chronicle [Ireland] (10 October 1835), 4 (PAYWALL)
Testimonial presented by the Officers of the 6th Regiment to Captain Brash and Lieutenant Garcias:
Portugalette, 6th Sept., 1835.
GENTLEMEN, - We, the undersigned Officers of the 6th Regiment Scotch Grenadiers,
British Auxiliary Legion, beg to express our unfeigned sorrow that, from peculiar circumstances,
you should have found it necessary to give in your resignations,
as, from your highly gentlemanlike conduct and unimpeachable character in every respect
we are convinced that the loss of your society in the corps will not be easily replaced.
We beg you will allow us to make this expression of our feelings,
and to unite our most sincere wishes for your future welfare.
We remain. Gentlemen, Yours, most sincerely,
Graham D. Hunder, Capt.; James Jackson, Capt.; Henry Wilkinson, Surgeon . . .
"MELBOURNE. ARRIVED", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (27 January 1854), 4
January 25 . . . Tudor, ship, from Southampton with three hundred and eighty nine Governments [sic] - Henry Wilkinson, Esq. M.D., surgeon. Lyall. MacKenzie and Co., agents.
"THE FINE ARTS", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (24 March 1854), 2
A few paintings are to be distributed, by lottery, this day, at Dr. Bainbridge's. They are part of a lot brought out by Dr. Wilkinson, and it is pleasant to learn that he has sold the greater number at good prices: one gentleman, Mr. Willis, having given £150 for four paintings. The lottery for the remainder takes place this afternoon.
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 July 1854), 8
On View, and Subscribers' names received, at Mr. Wilkie's Music Saloon, 15 Great Collins-street -
31 oil paintings, comprising Cabinet Works of Ruysdael, Rembrandt, Carlo Dolce, Wilson, Blacklock, Jeffreys, &c. . . .
"ART UNION. To the Editor of the Argus", The Argus (11 July 1854), 5
Sir, - In your notice of my Art Union distribution or of lectures and drawing on view at Mr. Wilkie's, Collins-street,
there occurs a passage likely to do me some injury with the public.
I am quite sure, from the general tenor of the paragraph, that it must have been accidental, and I have no doubt you will kindly publish this explanatory note.
You say, "A collection of cabinet pictures after Ruysdael, Rembrandt, Lewis, Blacklock," &c.,
from which any reader would imply that the whole of the pictures, ancient and modern, were but copies.
Now, I warrant the Ruysdael and Rembrandt to be genuine specimens of the masters,
and, the whole of the modern pictures have been purchased by me fresh from the easels of the painters.
The collection was made at a very heavy outlay, and against the opinion of friends,
and I might possibly have invested my capital in a more profitable and less troublesome manner,
but I earnestly wished to bring to the colony really good works of art, and had no doubt of being able to sell them readily.
In this I have been disappointed, and am now compelled to dispose of the collection on terms very advantageous to the public.
I have the honor to be, Sir,
Your obedient servant.
Music and Pianoforte Saloon,
15 Collins-street, Melbourne,
8th July 1854.
In reference to "THE FINE ARTS", The Argus (7 July 1854), 5
"SYDNEY SHIPPING", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 November 1855), 3
16 - Chowringhee, ship, 893 tons, Captain Ferguson, from Southampton 13th July . . . 291 Government immigrants. Dr. H. Wilkinson, Surgeon Superintendent.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire (24 November 1856), 4
November 22 - Light of the Age, ship, 1066 tons, Captain Williams from London August 18th. Passengers - Dr. Wilkinson, Mrs. Wilkinson and 2 children . . .
"To the Editors of . . .", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (4 April 1857), 2
GENTLEMEN - In your report of the dinner at the Rose Inn,
in commemoration of the opening of the Great Northern Railway, you made a slight error,
which, to men cognizant of military matters, would appear ridiculous,
inasmuch as I am there represented to have mentioned the name of Sir Evan McKenzie.
Sir De Lacy Evans was the General I named, and I am in a position to judge of his ability and courage,
as I served under him, with the rank of surgeon of the 6th Scotch,
and subsequently as stuff surgeon of the Light Brigade, in the British Auxiliary Legion of Spain.
- I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your obedient servant,
"MAITLAND PHILHARMONIC INSTITUTE", Northern Times (30 September 1857), 2
On Monday last the members of the Maitland Philharmonic Institute gave a musical entertainment in the hall of the School of Arts. Long before the commencement of the proceedings the hall was tolerably filled, and ere the conclusion of the performance, was crammed to overflowing. One of the members of the Institute delivered a lecture on music, and very prudently occupied only about an hour in the delivery of his discourse . . . Mr. James Dean sang a sacred solo, "Lord, remember David," with great precision and effect, his voice being very suitable to the rendering of that beautiful air. He was greatly and deservedly applauded. In the course of the evening, Dr. Wilkinson sang in true Scherzando style, "O the merry days when we were young," and being rapturously encored, substituted for the preceding a pretty German air. "Where the bee sucks" was rendered very effectively by the company, and was encored. Mr. Kellerman presided at the pianoforte with his usual taste and ability. The whole affair was extremely well conducted, and passed off without anything occurring to mar the pleasures of the evening. The singing, though not first-class, was respectable, and such as cultivated ears might listen to with delight; and a better conducted audience never before assembled in Maitland, nor in any other place. There could not have been less than 400 persons present, and many had to go away, not being able to obtain admittance. We congratulate the Philharmonic Institute on this its first concert and first success, and hope that it will continue to extend its influence proudly and wide, until it reaches maturity and becomes an ornament to the town and neighbourhood.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Dean (vocalist); William Kellerman (pianist); Maitland Philharmonic Institute (organisation)
MUSIC: Oh the merry days when we were young (E. J. Loder); or, less likely, Oh the merry days when we were young ("A Favorite Ballad, Sung with Unbounded Applause by Mrs. Wood")
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (11 November 1857), 3
UNDER the auspices of the President, Officers, and Committee of the Bathurst School of Arts and Mechanics' Institute.
A GRAND AMATEUR CONCERT, In aid of the Fund now being raised to meet the Government Grant for a building,
for the purposes of the School of Arts, will be given at the above Theatre, on
Solo - Mr. Beach, and Chorus - "The Red, White, and Blue" - HARROWAY
Cavatina - "Oh! whisper what thou feelest" (Crown Jewels) Master Catton - AUBER
Song - The Wanderer, Dr. Wilkinson - SCHUBERT
Ballad - "The heart bow'd down (Bohemian Girl) Mr. Charles Turner - BALFE
Solo - Flute, Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - KUHLAU
Irish Ballad - Cushla Machree, Master Catton - LAVENU
Aria - "Tu che a Dio" (Lucia di Lammermoor) Mr. Tucker - DONIZETTI
Duett - "The Convent Bells," Master Catton and Mr. Shadforth - GLOVER
Solo - Mr. Beech and Chorus - Lily Dale - ETHIOPIAN MELODY
An interval of ten minutes.
Glee - "To all ye Ladies" - CALLCOTT
Air - "Childhood's truant days" (Joseph) Master Catton - MEHUL
Scotch Ballad - Annie Laurie - Mr. H. Lenean
Aria - "Vi ravviso" (Sonnambula) Mr. Tucker - BELLINI
Solo - Flute, Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - BERBISCIER
Aria - (by desire) "Ah! perche non posso!" (Sonnambula) Master Catton, Violin accompaniment - BELLINI
Ballad - "In happy moments" (Maritana) Mr. Charles Turner - WALLACE
Morceau de Concert - "Le Carnival de Venise" Violin Solo - Mr. Brown, Pianoforte accompaniment - SIVORI
Song - (Guitar accompaniment) - "Oh! breathe not a word of our love," Dr. Wilkinson - RIPPINGILL [sic]
Grand Finale - Solo, Duett, and Chorus - God save the Queen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Turner (vocalist); Charles Catton (vocalist); George Colquhoun (Flute); James Brown (violinist)
MUSIC: The wanderer (Schubert); Oh! breathe not a word of our love, the poetry written by E. V. Rippingille; the music composed & dedicated to his friend Mr. Sigmont by M. Andre Schultz
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 November 1857), 3
UNDER the auspices of the President, Officers, and Committee of the Bathurst School of Arts, and Mechanics' Institute.
In aid of the Fund now being raised to meet the Government Grant for a building, for the purposes of the School of Arts,
will be given at the above Theatre, on
Glee - Glorious Apollo - WEBBE
Cavntina - "Oh! whisper what thou feelest" (Crown Jewels) Master Catton - AUBER
Song - The Wanderer, Dr. Wilkinson - SCHUBERT
Ballad- "Gone is the calmness" (Matilda of Hungary) Mr. Charles Turner - WALLACE
Solo - Flute, Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - KUHLAU
Irish Ballad - Cushla Machree, Master Catton - LAVENU
Song - The Standard Bearer, Mr. Lequeux - LINDPAINTER
Aria - "Tu che a Dio" (Lucia di Lammermoor) Mr. Tucker - DONIZETTI
Duett - The Convent Bells, Master Catton and Mr. Shadforth - GLOVER
Solo - Master Catton, and Chorus - Lilly Dale - ETHIOPIAN MELODY
An interval of ten Minutes.
Glee - "To all ye Ladies" - CALLCOTT
Air - "Childhood's truant days" (Joseph) Master Catton - MEHUL
Song - "When other lips" (Bohemian Girl) Mr. Beech - BALFE
Ballad - Madoline, Mr. Shadforth - LINLEY
Solo - Flute; Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - BERBIGUIER
Aria - (by desire) "Ah! perche non posso" (Sonnambula) Master Catton, Violin accompaniment - BELLINI
Ballad - "I dreamt I was a child again" Mr. Tucker - BARKER
Air - "In happy moments" (Maritana) Mr. Charles Turner - WALLACE
Song (Guitar accompaniment) - "Oh! breathe not a word of our love," Dr. Wilkinson - RIPPINGILL
Grand Finale - Solo, Duett, and Chorus - God save the Queen . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (4 September 1858), 2
In pursuance of an advertisement which appeared in our columns on Wednesday last, a meeting took place at the Daniel O'Connell Inn, on Thursday evening, with a view to the organisation of a Philharmonic Society in this town. The attendance was not so numerous as had been expected by the promoters of the project, but this deficiency was attributable rather to the fact that an important meeting, connected with the building of the School of Arts, had been fixed for the same evening, than to any want of interest in the object of the evening. Among those assembled we observed S. B. Serjeant, Esq., who occupied the chair, Dr. Machattie, Dr. Wilkinson, Messrs. Farrand, Wilton, Robinson, Hansard, Atkins, Lowe, &c., &c.. Apologies for non-attendance were also received from many other influential residents of the town and neighbourhood. The proceedings of the evening were characterised by the greatest unanimity, and resolutions were carried, which will be found in our advertising columns, embodying the Society, and giving it "a local habitation and a name" among the institutions of our good town. The Honorary Secretary was empowered to place himself in communication with the Secretary of the Sydney Philharmonic Society, with a view to obtain a copy of its rules &c. for the guidance or the Committee, and the meeting was adjourned until the 16th instant, to receive the report of the Committee; in the mean time circulars will be addressed to parties likely to co-operate in the objects of the Society, requesting their assistance and support. We heartily trust the appeal will be responded to with alacrity. No valid reason can be assigned why this town should not take as high a rank in the study of the musical art as those of Maitland, Brisbane, and Goulburn; but it must be remembered that such a consummation can only be achieved by the mutual cooperation of those whom God has endowed with the talents requisite for such exertions, and of those who are provided by the same bounteous hand with worldly means, best employed when dedicated to the amelioration of their fellow men.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society (organisation)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 May 1859), 2
On Thursday evening last in pursuance of an advertisement which had been placed in both the papers, a public meeting was held in the Court House, for the purpose of initiating a Philharmonic Society for the study and practice of vocal and instrumental music in this town. The evening was respectably, and considering the tempestuous state of the weather, numerously attended; between one and two hundred persons being present, including a sprinkling of ladies, and the proceedings were characterised throughout by the best possible feeling. At 8 o'clock Mr. Farrand rose and proposed that S. B. Serjeant, Esq., should take the Chair, and this resolution having been seconded by Mr. McGuigan, was carried unanimously. Mr. Serjeant . . . did not desire to detain the Meeting with a long speech, as there were several gentlemen present, who would have something to say on the subject during the evening . . . Philharmonic Societies had been established with great success in Maitland, Goulburn, Ipswich and Brisbane, and he could not see why Bathurst should be without such an institution. He would not occupy their time any longer with any remarks of his, but would at once call upon Dr. Wilkinson to propose the first resolution.
Dr. Wilkinson expressed his regret that the resolution had not fallen into better hands;
it was only late on the preceding night that he had been requested to move it, and he felt that he was not able to do it the justice it deserved.
Dr. Wilkinson then read the resolution, which ran as follows:
"That this meeting, recognizing the great social benefits derivable from the pursuit of the musical art, both vocal and instrumental,
deems it expedient to organise a Society having for its object the study and practice of that art in the town of Bathurst,
to be designated, 'The Bathurst Philharmonic Society.'"
As he had stated, he was totally unprepared to make any lengthy or elaborate remarks,
but as far as he was able to collect his thoughts on the principal points in connection with the subject of music, he would try to give them as simply as possible.
First, he would remind them that in the establishment of such a Society, and in the study and practice of music, they would meet on a neutral ground.
Any difference in their religions and political creeds would be totally out of place;
the only contention which would arise would be the contention for excellence in the musical art. (Cheers.)
It was unnecessary for him to point out the advantages which might reasonably be anticipated from such an harmonious feeling amongst us.
The social advantages of an institution of this nature were also very important,
and it was much to be regretted that too little attention had been paid in this Colony to the cultivation of an art which added so much to the charms of our daily existence.
Their great object would be to attract the young men and women of the community to the study and practice of music as to a most healthful and invigorating employment,
and he hoped that as great a desire for the cultivation of the "tuneful art" would soon become as universal in Australia as it was in England.
It was true that the late concerts had been failures, but they had this redeeming feature, that they were failures in a good cause,
and those who took part in them might be well content to bear with a little ridicule under such circumstances. (Cheers.)
He hoped, however, that in future their concerts would be altogether successful.
He considered it to be the duty of all to endeavour to instil into the minds of the young people of this Colony the importance of this great and glorious art,
and he believed that by the establishment of a Philharmonic Society they would create an immense impetus in that direction.
The refining influences of music were indisputable, and he believed that more good had been done to the human family by music, than by any other science or art.
Music, too, was universal, and throughout all animated nature this was observable;
the very feathered songsters, though not so numerous, and perhaps not so melodious as at home,
gladden the ear at early dawn by their sweet voices and perfect modulations, but in this instance there was this difference,
that their efforts were spontaneous, while our efforts were the result of teaching and labourious training.
No doubt to be a musician it was necessary to study, but he knew from experience that it was a most pleasant study, and every lesson repaid in pleasure what it cost in time and toil.
He believed that all the great musical composers whose works still continued to delight the world were among the chief benefactors of the human race; -
he need only call to mind the magnificent compositions of Handel and Haydn, of Mozart and Beethoven, to prove his assertion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bathurst Philharmonic Society (organisation); Ipswich Choral Society (organisation); Brisbane Choral Society (organisation)
"TOWN TALK", Gippsland Times (12 May 1866), 3
We regret to announce the death by fever of Dr. Wilkinson of Sale, on Friday afternoon. It appears that he had been ailing for some time, and that anxiety to attend to his professional duties prevented his affording himself the requisite care and attention. Dr. Wilkinson has been only a short time amongst us, but during his brief sojourn succeeded in gaining numerous friends, who will regret his untimely decease. We are glad to be enabled to add that there are symptoms of this serious epidemic subsiding.
"DEATH OF DR. WILKINSON, LATE OF BATHURST", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 June 1866), 4
Our readers will be sorry to hear of the decease of this gentleman. It appears that the Doctor had for some time resided in Albury; but in consequence of ill health had retired to Sales [sic] in Victoria. A species of low fever, supervening, Dr. Wilkinson gradually sunk under it, and expired at Sales, leaving a widow and six children to lament their loss; and who we are credibly informed are left in needy circumstances. During the time Dr. Wilkinson resided in Bathurst, he, both as a citizen and a medical man, secured many friends; and we have no doubt they will feel ready to answer any appeal which may be made to them, in favour of the bereft family. - Bathurst Free Press, May 30.
"Mr. John Wilkinson", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (20 April 1889), 800
Mr.. John Wilkinson, the senior partner in the firm of Wilkinson and Wilkinson, solicitors, Albury, is the son of the late Dr. Henry Wilkinson, F.R.C.S., London. Mr. Wilkinson has lived in Albury from his boyhood . . . Mr. Wilkinson is the vice-president of the Albury Mechanics' Institute, president of the Albury branch of the Australian Natives' Association, and holds her Majesty's commission as captain of the Albury Volunteers. He is 34 years of age, and resides with his wife and family in Albury . . .
"MAJOR JOHN WILKINSON", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (16 February 1900), 26
Mr. John Wilkinson, honorary Major of the 1st Infantry Regiment, is one of the best known of Albury's citizens, having resided and labored in the federal city since his early boyhood. Although not a native-born Australian, he is to all intents and purposes one, since the best part of his life has been spent in Albury. He was born at Sheerness in Kent, where his father, the late Dr. Henry Wilkinson, F.R.C.S., London, practised before coming to the colonies. Soon after his arrival in Melbourne, Dr. Wilkinson decided upon Albury as the place in which to practise his profession, and there are still a number of old residents who remember with respect the genial doctor. He died in 1868 [recte 1866]. . .
Bibliography and resources:
[Advertisement] The connoisseur: an illustrated magazine for collectors (October 1965), xxii-iii (DIGITISED)
Black and white reproductions Wilkinson's sketches, Sydney Harbour, 1856; and Sydney Heads from Botany Bay [sic], 1855
Adrian Bury, "In the galleries . . . Antipodean", The connoisseur: an illustrated magazine for collectors (October 1965), 116 (DIGITISED)
. . . There are some sketches of Botany Bay by Henry Wilkinson . . .
"Henry Wilkinson", Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
Mr. John WILKINSON, NSW Parliament
Amateur bass vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1861 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Bass vocalist
Active Adelaide, SA, and VIC, 1862-64 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
It is possible, even likely, that the amateur bass vocalist Henry Wilkinson of Melbourne, was also the bass W. H. Wilkinson who toured professionally from late 1862 until mid 1864 with Horace Poussard and Rene Douay in company, at various times, with fellow support artists Armes Beaumont and Florence Beverly.
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 March 1858), 8
Handel's Grand Oratorio THE MESSIAH Will be performed by the Members of the
Prahran and St. Kilda Choral Society (assisted as undermentioned) at the Church of England School-Room, Chapel-street, Prahran,
The Band and Chorus will consist of 100 performers including many of the leading members of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society . . .
Conductor - Mr. Russell.
Organist - Mr. W. B. Wray (late organist at the Blind Asylum, Liverpool)
Leader - Mr. Leslie.
All of whom have given their gratuitous services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor); William Beresford Wray (organist); Alexander John Leslie (violin, leader); Prahran and St. Kilda Choral Society (amateur organisation)
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 September 1861), 8
On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, In the Town-hall, Chapel street,
Handel's Oratorio, The MESSIAH Will be performed,
In aid of the Funds of the Prahran and South Yarra Benevolent Society.
Principal Performers: Madame STUTTAFORD. Mrs. BATTEN. Mr. BEAUMONT. Mr. ANGUS. Mr. WILKINSON . . .
Conductor - Mr. G. B. G. Pringle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Robert Grant Pringle (conductor); Charlotte Stuttaford (vocalist); Mrs. Batten (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Prahran Philharmonic Society (organisation)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (19 December 1861), 5
On Tuesday night the Prahran Philharmonic Society performed Handel's beautiful oratorio, "Judas Maccabaeus", and we have to congratulate the society on the very efficient and able manner in which it was rendered. The principal vocalists were Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Mortley, Mr. Edward A. Beaumont, and Mr. Wilkinson . . . In the air, "Arm, Arm, ye Brave," Mr. Wilkinson showed himself thoroughly at home, and we were rather surprised at his clever execution of the several difficult passages he had to contend with; it is evident, however, that Mr. Wilkinson requires more study to enable him to give the finish so very necessary to Handel's style of music . . . The choruses were delivered with unusual precision; and we could not but admire the command which Mr. Pringle appeared to exercise over his orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Sarah Mortley (vocalist)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . COLONIAL. ADELAIDE", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (8 November 1862), 2
We gather the following from the Observer: - Messrs. Poussard and Douay were welcomed back to Adelaide on Friday evening, 17th, by a numerous and respectable audience . . . Messrs. Poussard and Douay were assisted by Madame Stuttaford and Messrs. W. H. Wilkinson and E. A. Beaumont, who have just arrived from Melbourne, and who acquitted themselves well in their various parts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Horace Poussard (musician); Rene Douay (musician)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (10 June 1864), 5
The performances of the previous evening were repeated at the Theatre Royal, last night. The musical entertainment of Messieurs Poussard and Douay, in which they afford the most exquisite illustrations of the instrumental art, was received with every manifestation of delight by the audience . . . Mr. W. H. Wilkinson and Miss Florence Beverley, the vocalists, also received a share of the applause, the lady obtaining an encore. The same programme will be repeated this evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Florence Beverly (vocalist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (20 September 1864), 6
The Philharmonic Society will give their third subscription concert for the present year, in the Exhibition-building, to-night . . . In the second part we find a symphony by Haydn, two madrigals, an oboe solo by that clever musician Mr. Schott; and the "Pro peccatis," from "Stabat Mater," [Rossini] by Mr. Henry Wilkinson, who has been very successful on various occasions . . . The conductor is Mr. C. E. Horsley, who at rehearsals has been most indefatigable . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (conductor); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation)
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (21 September 1864), 2
The Philharmonic Society's third concert which was given last night in the Exhibition Building, was a decided success . . . The bass solo, "Pro Peccatis," was sung by Mr. Henry Wilkinson in such excellent style as to bring down liberal applause . . . Mr. Horsley was the conductor and Mr. Goold presided at the organ. The attendance was good.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Green Goold (organist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (21 September 1864), 5
. . . Mr. H. Wilkinson deserves some credit for the manner in which he sung the "Pro Peccatis" . . .
"PRAHRAN AND SOUTH YARRA MUSICAL SOCIETY", The Herald (11 November 1864), 3
The members of this society gave their second subscription concert last night, at the Town-hall, Prahran . . . The principal vocalists were Mrs. Le Cren, Miss Cochrane, Messrs. H. Wilkinson, Angus, and Jackman. The band and chorus numbered, about 100 performers, the Messrs. King being principal violins, and Mr. Stevens presiding at the pianoforte. Mr. H. Wilkinson was in excellent voice, and acquitted himself very creditably; he was especially successful in his rendering of the recitative and air, "And God said, Let the waters," and "Rolling in foaming billows" . . . The pianoforte accompaniments were utterly spiritless and monotonous, while the band accompaniments were too noisy and hurried. The conductor (Mr. Horsley) appeared to us to hurry through the choruses with a rapidity utterly out of place in rendering such a work as Haydn's "Creation." The second portion of the programme afforded some relief after the noise and hurry of the first part. Some excellent glees and songs were included in the programme . . . "The last man" was well sung by Mr. Wilkinson . . . The duet from "I Puritani," "Sound now the trumpet," was sung in Messrs. Angus and Wilkinson's best style. A glee concluded the concert, which as a whole was a success.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); Ernest King (violin); Thomas John Jackman (vocalist)
WILKINSON, Theodore Scott (Thomas Scott William WELSBY; alias Theodore Scott WILKINSON; T. S. WILKINSON; also T. W. WILKINSON)
Musician, pianist ("from the Dublin Philharmonic concerts")
Born Dublin, Ireland, c. 1837; son of James WELSBY and Ann MURRAY
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1856; Goulburn, NSW, 1860
Married Martha DEVINE (aged "23"), Springsure, QLD, 7 October 1871, aged "34"
Died near Aramac, QLD, 1 February 1878 (date on death record) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Thomas Scott William Welsby, according to his 1871 marriage certificate, was born in Dublin, Ireland, around 1837, a son of James Welsby, "independent gentleman", and Ann Murray.
Theodore Scott Wilkinson, as he identified himself professionally, was a musician and pianist, active in orchestra of the Lyceum Theatre, Sydney, by 1856. By December 1858 and he was in John Winterbottom's band at the Prince of Wales Theatre.
By mid 1860 he was pianist, and possibly also an occasional actor, in Charles Miran's theatrical company at Bathurst, along with his then "wife" Marian Wilkinson, and apparently stayed on in the area until August 1861, when he was declared insolvent, or later.
In 1865, he arrived in Brisbane as pianist for a theatrical troupe, and stayed on in the state. By 1867 he was performing in the theatre at Rockhampton, still billed alongside "Mrs. Wilkinson".
In a Goulburn advertisement in 1860 he is identified as a "Pianist from the Dublin Philharmonic Concerts".
As of 2022, one family historian has wrongly identified him as son and nephew respectively of the Dublin brothers and pianists James Wilkinson (1809-1865) and William Augustus Wilkinson, the latter a Victorian settler (see below).
[Advertisement], Empire (12 July 1856), 1
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE. Under the management of Messrs. CRAVEN AND STEPHENS,
will open positively on MONDAY NEXT, JULY 14TH 1856, on which occasion the eminent Tragedian, Mr. G. V. BROOKE . . .
THE BAND, under the able direction of Mr. WINTERBOTTOM,
will be found the most efficient in the colonies, and will include the following gentlemen:
M. CHARLES EIGENSCHENCK (Leader.) Messrs. W. Tranter, Boans,
Wilkinson, Strong, Seymour, Volpi, Sharpe, Richardson, &c., &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Thornton Craven (actor, manager); William Henry Stephens (actor, manager); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); John Winterbottom (conductor); Charles Eigenschenck (leader, violin); W. Tranter (musician); Philip Barnet Boam (musician); George Strong (violin); Richard Seymour (musician); Francesco Volpi (musician); Frederick Sharp (musician); James William Richardson (musician); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (18 December 1856), 1
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE. - The opening of the above-mentioned Theatre having furnished employment to a number of Actors, Actresses, Artists, Musicians, Carpenters, and others, and Mr. W. H. STEPHENS having been principally instrumental in effecting this great good, it is proposed to give him a COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT, on THURSDAY Evening, December 18, 1856 . . . The following Signatures are appended: . . . The Band - Messrs. Wheeler, Davis, Pearson, Friedlander, Wilkinson, Boans, H. Cramer, F. Cramer, Hall, Cramer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician, leader); Isaac Henry Davis (musician); William Friedlander (musician); Cramer brothers (musicians); John Thomson Hall (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 March 1858), 1
THE UNDERSIGNED is desirous of seeing three gentlemen in the Bank, also Mr. Sealey, of Molong, and J. R. McPhee.
Edward Sharp, of Wellington Valley, tutor in the service of the C. C. Lands; Charles Cook, Shipping Reporter to the HERALD;
and T. S. Wilkinson, formerly in the orchestra; and Mr. Elgar, surveyor.
J. H. NIXON, No. 23. Elizabeth-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1858), 4
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, Sydney, December 7, 1858. -
To CHARLES POOLE, Esq. - Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, being fully sensible of the benefit you have rendered to the profession to which we belong,
by raising to a high standard the character of the theatre of which you are now the Manager,
beg to tender you our services on the occasion of the complimentary benefit to be given to you at the above Theatre on Tuesday next,
the 14th instant; and, with every good wish for your future success,
We are, dear Sir, your faithful servants, . . .
G. V. Brooke . . . George H. Rogers . . . Charles Miran . . . Sam. Howard . . . Sara Flower . . .
ORCHESTRA - John Winterbottom, conductor
R. Vaughan, Charles Frederichs, F. S. Wilkinson [sic], W. Dalton, S. Davis, L. Hall, W. J. S. Tranter, Charles Eigenschenk . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (actor, manager); George H. Rogers (actor, vocalist); Charles Miran (actor); Sam Howard (actor); Sara Flower (vocalist, actor); Robert Vaughan (musician); Christian Fredericks [sic] (musician); W. Dalton (musician); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (27 August 1859), 1
Green Room, Prince of Wales Theatre, August 23rd, 1859.
DEAR SIR - Allow us to congratulate you on the unprecedented fact of your having kept open the Prince of Wales Theatre during a period of fourteen months,
notwithstanding the difficulties which beset you . . .
We beg to subscribe ourselves, Your obedient servants . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); John Leveson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (2 June 1860), 3
SIR, - I beg you will receive my most sincere apology, in the instance of your name being mentioned in the theatrical bill for my benefit on Thursday last,
as it was inserted without my knowledge or your authority.
"To the Editor of the . . .", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (6 June 1860), 2
DEAR SIR, - We, the undersigned who were engaged by Mr. Charles Miran at the Bathurst Lyceum Theatre,
beg to express our gratification at the manner in which you have exposed the unprofessional and disgraceful conduct of the above named individual.
We have noticed his contradiction of the facts in the Empire, and in justice to you and to ourselves,
we do hereby declare that your charges against Mr. Miran were strictly true, but much too lenient for his deserts.
It is true that we were engaged on shares according to the salaries we were in the habit of receiving,
(the expenses for lighting and printing first to be paid), but it is also true that during the whole of the time the Theatre was open he pocketed the receipts,
and forgot to pay for lighting the Theatre; leaving a poor boy, (who took upon himself to let Mr. Miran have the candles night after night without being paid for) answerable to his master for the amount.
Mr. Miran says that he did not "bolt," and that most of his company gave him a benefit for the purpose of enabling him to leave Bathurst for Sydney:
This statement, like most others of Mr. Miran's, is utterly false.
Those who played for Mr. Miran's benefit, did it with the express understanding that he should do the same for each of them.
It was at his own request and suggestion, and those ladies and gentlemen who played for him on the night of his benefit had not the slightest notion that he was going to leave Bathurst,
as they knew he was under an engagement with Mr. Sam Howard,
from whom he had received money, and who was "diddled" by this precious individual like the rest of us.
We remain, dear Sir,
Your obedient servants,
Bathurst, May 5th, 1860.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barned Jullian Coleman (actor); Emma St. Clair (actor); Adolphe Grebet (musician); Frank Short (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (20 June 1860), 3
Victoria Theatre, DURHAM STREET.
ON which occasion there will be a most attractive Programme.
Comic Song - FRANK SHORT.
To conclude with the Musical Afterpiece, entitled THE LOAN OF A LOVER! . . .
Ernestine - Mrs. Wilkinson.
Gertrude (with songs) Miss Emma St. Clair . . .
[Advertisement], Goulburn Herald (1 September 1860), 3
The Great Vocaliste and Actress, MADAME SARA FLOWER,
WILL shortly arrive, accompanied by the following distinguished artistes:
Mr. SAM. HOWARD, The celebrated Comedian from Sydney;
Mr. B. J. COLEMAN, The favourite Victorian Comedian;
And, Mr. T. S. WILKINSON, Pianist from the Dublin Philharmonic Concerts.
Due notice will be given of their first appearance in their popular "Drawing-room Entertainments."
"SMALL DEBTS' COURT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (10 October 1860), 2
. . . George Rowlands, v. Madam Sara Flower, B. J. Coleman, T. S. Wilkinson, A. Grebet, F. Short. These cases were postponed for one month . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Rowlands (inn-keeper, Carcoar)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (19 December 1860), 3
Prince of Wales Theatre.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26th, 1860. LESSEES: Messrs. Sharp and Wilkinson.
THE public of Bathurst are respectfully informed, that the above favourite place of amusement will open on BOXING NIGHT, with the following talented company:
The Theatre has undergone a thorough and complete alteration, the building having been completely refitted, new boxes erected,
and the whole establishment arranged in such a manner as to insure the utmost convenience to all parties honoring the Theatre with their presence,
a new and spacious entrance having been opened into George-street.
Further particulars will appear on Saturday.
F. J. SHARP, Acting Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Sharp (manager, musician); Robert Edward Gatland (vocalist, musician); Walter John Rice (musician)
"BATHURST DISTRICT COURT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (17 August 1861), 2
. . . This Court was opened on Monday, the 5th August . . . James Vaughan v. T. S. Wilkinson - This was an action to recover the sum £21 16 6d for board and lodging; verdict for the amount claimed, to be paid forthwith . . .
"INSOLVENT MEETINGS", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (31 August 1861), 2
A second meeting in the estate of M. Mendall of Sofala, will be held . . . in the Court House, Bathurst . . . Meetings will also be held at the same place on Thursday the 12th September, in the estates of Charles Grander, Luke Williams, and T. S. Wilkinson.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1864), 1
The world-renowned Cricketers, the ALL-ENGLAND ELEVEN will honour with their presence
Mr. W. CLARK'S GRAND QUADRILLE ASSEMBLY, to be held in hie spacious academy, 103, Elizabeth-street,
on MONDAY next, April 4th.
For this occasion Mr. W. Clark has secured the services of the well known pianist,
Dancing to commence at 8 p m.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Clark (dancing master)
"SCHOOL OF ARTS - CRESSY AND AYERS' PANTECHNATHECA", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (14 November 1864), 3
This very elegant and highly instructive, as well as diverting panorama, has steadily increased in attractiveness during the past week . . . The short descriptions by Mr. Ayers are quite enough to elucidate the subject, and the very appropriate selection of music played by Mr. Wilkinson, fills up the time most agreably . . .
"LATEST SHIPPING NEWS . . . DEPARTURES", Sydney Mail (4 February 1865), 9
February 1. City of Brisbane (s.), 700 ton, Captain Knight, for Brisbane. Passenger . . . T. S. Wilkinson, J. H. Vinson, Mrs. Vinson and child, Master Vinson and servant, Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, Messrs. C. H. Ayres . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hetters Vinson and Kate Warde (actors, husband and wife)
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (4 February 1865), 1
IN WHICH 3000 PEOPLE CAN LOOK AT ONCE! And see the most Gorgeous and Beautiful Scenery in the World.
150 MAGNIFICENT DIORAMIC VIEWS, The whole covering a surface of 14,750 foot of canvas unrolled each evening,
showing the City of Washington, Falls of Niagara, White Mountains, Mammoth Cave, Mississippi and Hudson Rivers.
Voyage across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Liverpool.
City of London, River Rhine, Germany, Ruins of Pompeii City and Bay of Naples And Eruption of Mount Vesuvius,
As Exhibited in London for 280 Consecutive Nights . . .
T. S. WILKINSON, Musical Director.
CRESSY & AYERS, Proprietors.
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (7 February 1866), 1
Victoria Theatre, Brisbane, February 5, 1866.
W. COOTE, ESQ. DEAR SIR, - We, the Members and Employees of your Dramatic Company,
wishing to show our appreciation of you, both in private life and as proprietor of this Theatre,
beg to tender you a Complimentary Benefit on such evening as may suit your convenience.
Trusting the public will respond in the spirit in which this is offered,
We beg to remain, Dear Sir, Yours respectfully,
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Howson (musician)
[Advertisement], Northern Argus [Rockhampton, QLD] (12 June 1867), 3
By the kind permission of MR. C. RICE the following Artistes from the Temple of Music will appear.
The following talented Artistes have also given their valuable services, viz.: -
ASSOCIATIONS: John Wieland (performer)
[Advertisement], Northern Argus (11 January 1868), 2
ON which occasion will be produced Morton's brilliant comedy in two acts, entitled, ALL that Glitters is not Gold . . .
Frederic Plum - Mr. T. S. Wilkinson . . . MARTHA GIBBS - MISS JOEY YOUNG . . .
"SPRINGSURE POLICE COURT", Northern Argus (3 March 1869), 2
. . . Mr. Howard the vocalist, (who, in conjunction with Mr. Wilkinson the pianist, have been giving their varied entertainments at the Commercial,) made some capital hits in an impromptu song on this, trial scene, which met with deserved applause . . .
Marriage certificate, 7 October 1871; Queensland Government, BDM, 1871/C/585
. . . at the Presbyterian Manse Springsure . . . Marriage between
Thomas Scott William Welsby, Musician, Springsure, Bachelor, 34 years, [born] Dublin [county] Dublin, Ireland,
[son of] James Welsby, Independent Gentleman, [and] Ann Murray, AND
Martha Devine, Domestic Servant, Springsure, Spinster, 23 years, [born] Armagh [county] Armagh, Ireland
[daughter of] Robert Devine, Farmer [and] Rosana Turner
[before] William Ellis and Winifred Ellis . . .
This [7 October 1871] . . .
[News], Morning Bulletin [Rockhampton, QLD] (19 February 1878), 2
INFORMATION (says the Peak Downs Advertiser) has been received in town during the past week, that will at once set to rest all surmises as to the fate of the late T. W. Wilkinson, who it will be remembered was reported to have been lost in the bush, near Aramac, on or about the 25th of January last. From private letters to hand we learn that the body of the unfortunate man was discovered by a stockman in the employ of Mr. Forsythe, who states that he found the remains lying about twelve miles from Aramac Station. Mr. Forsythe was soon made acquainted with the discovery, and immediately gave the necessary orders for internment. A coffin was made at Aramac, and the remains were conveyed to the Aramac Cemetery. The place where the late T. W. Wilkinson was found is said to be entirely in a contrary direction to where he was supposed to have been lost, and this has caused a great amount of conjecture as to how it was possible the unfortunate man could have wandered to where his remains were found; however, we have the satisfaction of knowing that everything was done for the best, with the hope of finding him still alive, but which, unfortunately has proved otherwise. Two gentlemen went round the town of Clermont on Wednesday last, and solicited subscriptions on behalf of his wife and family, who are living in Clermont, and the sum of £43 13s. 6d. was subscribed within a few hours, which has since been handed to Mrs. Wilkinson. We join in the large number who mourn his loss, as the late Mr. Wilkinson was well known and respected in this district, having been a resident of Clermont for many years.
Also [News], The Capricornian [Rockhampton, QLD] (23 February 1878), 11
WILKINSON, William Augustus (William Augustus WILKINSON; W. A. WILKINSON; Mr. WILKINSON)
Musician, teacher of Pianoforte, Harmonium, Organ and Singing (of the Societies' Concerts, Dublin)
Born Dublin, Ireland; baptised SS. Michael and John, Dublin, 1 August 1820; son of Thomas WILKINSON and Frances RAWSON (c. 1781-1855)
Married Ann Jane Theresa BYRNE, Dublin, Ireland, 1847
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 26 September 1855 (per Champion of the seas, from Liverpool, 5 July, aged "34")
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 17 October 1864, aged "44" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WILKINSON, Ann Jane (Ann Jane Theresa BYRNE; Anne; Annie; Miss A. J. BRYNE; Mrs. W. A. WILKINSON)
Musician, contralto vocalist, pianist, teacher of Italian singing and pianoforte (late "principal contralto to the Antient and Madrigal Societies, Dublin")
Born Dublin, Ireland, 1822; baptised St. Mary's pro-cathedral, Dublin, 25 December 1822; daughter of Thomas BYRNE and Mary ?
Married William Augustus WILKINSON, Dublin, Ireland, 1847
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 26 September 1855 (per Champion of the seas, from Liverpool, 5 July, aged "32")
Died St. Kilda East, VIC, 2 July 1898, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
WILKINSON, Mary Frances (Mary Frances WILKINSON; Miss Mary WILKINSON; Miss M. F. WILKINSON)
Musician, pianist, piano teacher, concert presenter, chamber music player
Born Dublin, Ireland, 17 May 1851; daughter of William Augustus WILKINSON and Ann Jane Theresa BYRNE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 26 September 1855 (per Champion of the seas, from Liverpool, 5 July, aged "4")
Died Windsor, VIC, 20 October 1909, aged "58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
William Augustus Wilkinson was a son of a Dublin publican Thomas Wilkinson and his wife Francis Rawson. His elder brother and teaching partner was the more prominent Dublin musician James Wilkinson (1809-1865). The Wilkinsons were connected by marriage to several other musical families, including, via female relatives of Frances Rawson, Joseph de la Vega, bandmaster of the 55th Regiment.
William married Ann Jane (Annie) Byrne in 1847, probably only very shortly before they placed their first joint advertisement as teachers in September 1847. Annie and her elder sister had previously been active as "The Misses Byrne" in Dublin musical circles, as teachers and public singers in concerts and for Catholic church events.
According to their daughter Mary's obituary (1909), William came to Australia, "primarily, for the benefit of his health", although it has also been suggested (Byrne 1995) that he was recruited in Dublin in 1854 to fill the post of organist to St. Patrick's, Melbourne. In the event, he served the same role at St. Francis, the temporary cathedral, a post which he held until his early death in 1864.
When William and Annie, and their four-year-old daughter Mary, arrived in Melbourne to settle in September 1855, they also brought with them William's unmarried elder sister, Jane, and their widowed mother, Frances. Frances died the following month, but Jane Wilkinson (Miss Wilkinson) practised in Melbourne as an artist and photographer, and was also an amateur choral singer (notably in her father's choir for the opening of St. Patrick's, Ballarat, in 1863)
In Melbourne, William is documented appearing in concert as a pianist-accompanist, and as an organist of St. Francis, and as a teacher. Ann made her first and only major public concert appearances in her countrywoman Catherine Hayes's two Melbourne farewells in 1856; thereafter she continued as a teacher of music into the 1870s.
Their eldest daughter Mary Wilkinson (Miss M. F. Wilkinson) was to be the most important musician of the family; this entry, in respect to her busy career from the 1870s through to her death, is but a stub.
Thanks to Kurt Ganzl, for kindly sharing his new research incorporated here (November 2016); it is not clear that there was any family connection between Ann Byrne and the much earlier (c. 1820s) London and Dublin popular vocalist Miss Byrne; the latter made her Drury Lane debut in 1817; see Ferris's 2005 mis-identification below, after Fenner, Opera in London . . . 1785-1830, 668 (PREVIEW)
Register of baptisms, St. Mary's (pro-cathedral), Dublin city, November 1809; National Library of Ireland, Catholic parish registers (DIGITISED)
October 1809 / 30 . . . [entry opposite at foot of November page] Jas. / [of] Thos. & Frances Wilkinson . . .
Register of baptisms, St. Michael and St. John, Dublin city, August 1820; National Library of Ireland, Catholic parish registers (DIGITISED)
August 1820 . . . 1 / William / of Thos. Wilkinson & Frances Rawson / . . .
Register of baptisms, St. Mary's (pro-cathedral), Dublin city, December 1822; National Library of Ireland, Catholic parish registers (DIGITISED)
December 1822 . . . 25th Anne Jane of Thomas & Mary Byrne S.S. francis Nicholson & Marg't Murtagh
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (1 October 1841), 1 (PAYWALL)
in aid of THE FRANCISCAN MALE AND FEMALE ORPHAN INSTITUTION . . . at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon.
The Sermon will be preceded by a splendid selection of SACRED MUSIC, which will combine the Vocal and Instrumental powers of the undernamed UNRIVALLED ARTISTES,
now in Dublin, conducted by Mr. Levey, viz.:
Mons. Delabarre - Obeo [sic, oboe]. Mons. Dantonet - Trombone. Mons. Case - Concertina.
Mr. Levey - Violin. Mr. Pendleton - Tenor. Mr. Wilkinson - Violoncello. Mr. Perceval - Contra Basso. Mr. Lynch - Pianoforte, &c. &c.
With the following Vocal Performers: The Misses BYRNE, Messrs. MORRISSON, SHEAN, &c. &c. &c.,
who have generously volunteered their services . . .
PROGRAMME . . . Solo - Gratias Agimus - Miss Byrne - Guglielimi . . .
Solo - With Verdure Clad - Miss A. J. Byrne - Rossini [sic, Haydn] . . .
Quartett - Prayer from Moses in Egypt - Misses Byrne and Messrs. Morrisson and Shean - Haydn [sic, Rossini] . . .
The CHOIR will consist of the first Professional talent in the city, including the Choirs of the CHURCHES of the CONCEPTION and ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, Gardiner-street . . .
"CONCERT AT THE ROTONDO", Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail (15 April 1843), 5 (PAYWALL)
The Anacreontic Society gave a concert at the Rotundo on Monday evening, which was attended by very numerous and fashionable audience. The programme was very Judiciously selected, and comprised a variety of pieces from the choicest works of Mendleshon, Mozart, Rossini, Thalberg, and other eminent composers . . . The duet of "Mira Norma," from Belloni's [sic, Bellini's] great opera, and that in Mendleshon's [sic, Mendelssohn's] "Hymn of Praise," introduced to the notice of the audience the Misses Byrne, two young ladies, whose delightful voices - the one a soprano of much compass and great sweetness, the other contralto of great power and flexibility - contributed in no small degree to the enjoyments of the evening. The duet from Norma was particularly worthy of favourable notice, and was listened to with that breathless attention which testifies the delight of an audience more eloquently than a thousand acclamations. The many difficult and intricate passages in which it abounds were performed in a style of easy elegance, which betokened an intimate knowledge of the true character of the composition, and could only have been the result of that constant and laborious study without which it is impossible to attain celebrity in the arduous profession which those ladies have embraced. Mr. Wilkinson presided at the pianoforte.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (23 March 1844), 1 (PAYWALL)
THE MISSES BYRNE tender their grateful acknowlegments to those Parents and Guardians who have done them the honour to select them for the purpose of imparting Musical instruction to those under their charge.
To the proficiency which has been attained by their numerous Pupils in Singing, Guitar, and Pianoforte playing,
they recur with much satisfaction, as it emboldens them to anticipate a continuance of that patronage which has been hitherto so liberally extended to them from all who are desirous of acquiring a knowledge of those now almost indispensable Female accomplishments.
Having a few hours in each week which are at the disposal of their kind friends,
either at their own residences or at the Academy, No. 56, York-street, they solicit an inspection of their Terms,
the advantages of which to the heads of Seminaries, and quarterly Pupils, will be found to be very manifest.
"THE MISSES BYRNES' CONCERT", Freeman's Journal (12 May 1845), 3 (PAYWALL)
Although fully aware that the numerous musical frequenters of the various concerts, where the Misses Byrne have earned for themselves such charming notoriety by their elegant and scientific singing, need no prompting to induce them to repay, in some measure, for the intellectual gratification which the laborious and successful exertions of those young ladies have so frequently imparted, by attending at the concert which they give on to-morrow evening; still it would not be doing full justice to the great merits of the fair and gifted beneficiaires if notice was not taken of the great inducement held out for a full attendance by the rarity and excellence of the programme selected for the occasion.
In the combination of talent enlisted for the evening's amusement is comprised the highest order of skill and genius which Dublin affords. Together with themselves they have secured the eminent vocal services of Bishop, Signor Sapio, Geary, and McGhee; and to render complete the enjoyment of their patrons, Levey, Liddell, and Wilkinson, will adorn the performance by some of those cunning and brilliant effusions of the arm which inevitably tempt the grateful plaudits of their auditory.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (13 May 1845), 1 (PAYWALL)
THE MISSES BYRNE HAVE the honour to announce that their Concert will take place on
Tickets of Admission (5s. each) and Programmes may be had at the principal Music Warehouses, and at the Misses Byrne's residence, 56, York-street.
"ANTIENT CONCERTS", Freeman's Journal (19 December 1845), 3 (PAYWALL)
The first open concert, for the season, of the Ancient Concert Society, took place last evening at their hall in Brunswick-street . . . The concert, as a whole, was unquestionably one of the finest we ever heard in Dublin . . . We were pleased with the performance of the Hymn of Praise [Mendelssohn] particularly a duet for two soprani between Miss Byrne and Miss Serle, although it hung heavy compared with the pieces we have already mentioned, and the grand Mottet of Mozart which followed. Of the performance of the Messiah we can only say that Frank and William Robinson surpassed themselves, the choruses were unimpeachably given; Miss Byrne's splendid contralto was heard to great advantage in "He shall feed his flock," and, altogether, even at the musical festival, we never heard it better performed.
[Advertisement], Saunders's News-Letter (5 August 1846), 3 (PAYWALL)
The Messrs. WILKINSON'S Academy Opened for the Season on MONDAY, August the 17th.
The Pianoforte department under the superintendence of Mr. J. Wilkinson, Pianist to the Anacreontic Society.
The Vocal department under Mr. W. A. Wilkinson, Pupil of Signor Bornia, of Rome.
The Messrs. W. beg to offer their acknowledgments to those Ladies who entrusted their children to their care during the past season,
and also for their kind approval of the system of instruction pursued in the Academy,
several ladies having kindly permitted the Messrs. W. to use their names in reference if required.
Academy days - Monday and Thursday. Schools and Private Tuitions attended on the other days.
For cards of terms, &c., apply at the Academy, 50 LOWER BAGGOT-STREET.
"ANTIENT CONCERTS", Freeman's Journal (16 April 1847), 3 (PAYWALL)
If the concert of last night was not equal in selection and performance to the magnificent entertainment which the most classical of all our musical societies gave for Charitable purposes some weeks ago, it yet was sufficiently marked by excellence to sustain the high position which the Antient Concerts have attained . . . It is something to be proud of that we possess in our city such a bass as J. Robinson, such a countertenor as Yoakely, such a soprano as Miss Serbe, and a contralto like Miss Byrne. With all its wealth and opportunities, we venture to say that London could not surpass the four. The ladies abovementioned were heard to great advantage last night in Kucken's duet, which was demanded again, and added greatly to the effect of all the concerted pieces . . .
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (18 September 1847), 1 (PAYWALL)
MR. WILLIAM A. WILKINSON begs to announce to the Nobility and Gentry that his Academy for the above branches of education will open on FRIDAY NEXT, the 24th instant.
The Pianoforte Department under the superintendence of Mr. WILKINSON.
The Vocal will be conducted by Mrs. WILKINSON (late Miss A. J. BYRNE, principal Contralto of the Ancient Concert Society).
Academy days, TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Private Tuitions attended on the other days. Prospectuses and Cards of Terms may be had at the Academy.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (23 February 1850), 1 (PAYWALL)
ITALIAN AND ENGLISH SINGING. MRS. W. A. WILKINSON BEGS to announce that she continues to give Private Instructions in Italian and English Singing.
Terms may be known at Mrs. W. A. Wilkinson's Residence, 16, MOUNTJOY-SQUARE, West.
Register of baptisms, St. Mary's (pro-cathedral), Dublin city, May 1851; National Library of Ireland, Catholic parish registers (DIGITISED)
17th / Mary Frances of William Augustus and Anne Jane Theresa Wilkinson . . .
[Advertisement], General Advertiser for Dublin, and all Ireland (16 December 1854), 3 (PAYWALL)
Melbourne, VIC (from 26 September 1855):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Champion of the Seas, from Liverpool, 5 July 1855, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Wm. Wilkinson / 34 / [Farmer] / . . .
Mrs. [Wilkinson] & Infant / 32 / Wife
Mary / 4 / Daughter // Mrs. [Wilkinson] / 74 / Widow // Miss [Wilkinson] / 35 / Daughter . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (8 October 1855), 5
On the 6th inst., at Melbourne, Mrs. Frances Wilkinson, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Wilkinson, of Portobello, Dublin, Ireland, aged 74 years; sincerely and deservedly regretted.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 November 1855), 1
PIANO FORTE LESSONS. - Mr. Wilkinson, Honorary Member of the Philharmonic Society of Rome,
and Member of the Antient Concert and Philharmonic Societies of Dublin,
begs to announce his arrival in Melbourne, and that he gives lessons on the Piano Forte.
Particulars may be known by application to Mr. Davitt, Principal of Model Training Schools,
at Mr. Wilkie's Music Warerooms, Collins street, and at Mr. W.'s residence, 48 Great Napier street, Collingwood.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 November 1855), 7
ITALIAN AND ENGLISH SINGING. Mrs. Wilkinson (late Miss A. J. Byrne),
Principal Contralto of the Ancient Concerts and Madrigal Societies, &c., Dublin, begs to announce her arrival in Melbourne, and that she gives Lessons in Italian and English Singing.
Particulars may be known on application to Mr. Davitt, Principal of Model Training Schools;
at Mr. Wilkie's Music Warerooms, Collins-street; and of Mrs. Wilkinson, at her residence, 48 Napier-Street, Collingwood.
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Davitt (schoolmaster, also from Dublin); Joseph Wilkie (musicseller);
[Advertising], The Argus (16 November 1855), 8
begs to announce his intention of opening an Academy for Piano-forte Pupils on the same system as that adopted in Paris by Van Nuffel and other eminent professors.
Each pupil will receive a lesson from Mr. Wilkinson in theory, composition and solo playing, and likewise play in concert, the advantages of which cannot be overrated.
Mr. Wilkinson will be assisted by other eminent teachers, who will prepare the pupils under Mr. W's superintendence.
Terms, &c, may be known at the Academy No. 8 Kyte's-building, Regent-street.
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Age (22 November 1855), 4
The fifth subscription concert of the season was given by the Philharmonic Society on Tuesday evening. Notwithstanding the rival attractions of the Bazaar and the theatres, the Hall of the Mechanics' Institution was well filled; and we observed a great number of ladies amongst the company present. In the absence of Mr. Russell, the conductor, the baton was wielded by Mr. Gould. Mr. Griffiths led, and Mr. Wilkinson presided at the pianoforte. The programme comprised a selection of secular music, consisting mostly of glees, and part songs, with Romberg's cantata "The Transient and the Eternal" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor); Thomas Green Goold (acting conductor); Joseph Griffiths (leader, violin); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (organisation); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 February 1856), 7
PIANOFORTE, Harmonium, Organ, and Singing -
Mr. Wilkinson of the Societies' Concerts, Dublin, begs to announce that he gives Lessons on the Pianoforte, Harmonium, Organ and Singing.
Terms may be known at Mr. W's residence, 116 Collins-street east.
[Advertisement], The Age (5 May 1856), 1
EXHIBITION BUILDING. Monday and Thursday, Mav 5th and 8th, 1856.
MISS CATHERINE HAYES Has the honor to announce that in compliance with the general request other friends in Melbourne and its vicinity, she has made arrangements for giving
TWO GRAND SACRED AND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS, (Previous to her departure for England per Royal Charter.)
First Appearance in Melbourne of MRS. J. WILKINSON Principal Contralto from the Philharmonic and Ancient Concerts, Dublin.
ON MONDAY EVENING, May 5th, 1856, Will be produced, for the first time in Melbourne,
Rossini's celebrated production of the STABAT MATER, As originally sung by Miss Hayes, in the imperial city of Rome, in 1851.
PART I. Introduction to "Stabat Mater" - Orchestra.
Grand Quartette and Chorus, "Stabat Mater" - MISS CATHERINE HAYES, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. C. Lyall, Mr. John Gregg, and Chorus . . .
Grand Duet, - "Quis est Homo: - Mrs. Wilkinson and MISS CATHERINE HAYES . . .
Grand Quartette, "Sancta Mater" - Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. C. Lyall, Mr. Gregg, and MISS CATHERINE HAYES.
Grand Cavatina, "Fac ut portem" - Mrs. Wilkinson.
Quartette, "Quando Corpus" - Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. C. Lyall, Mr. Gregg, and MISS CATHERINE HAYES . . .
PART II . . . Song, "Land of my dearest" - Mrs. Wilkinson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Charles Lyall (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: Land of my dearest, happiest feelings (Charles Keller)
On Monday evening Miss Hayes gave the first of two farewell concerts to a brilliant and crowded audience in the Exhibition Building. Not less than twelve hundred persons were present, a very large proportion of whom were ladies and in drawing room costume. The chief feature of the concert was its being made the occasion of Miss Hayes's debut to a Melbourne audience in sacred music, and that Rossini's "Stabat Mater" . . . Miss Hayes was never in better voice, and delighted every one by the successful manner in which she rendered Rossini's beautiful music, and displayed her capacity to grapple successfully with any style of music. With Mrs. Wilkinson, she shone in the grand duett "Quis est Homo," and gained repeated plaudits. We can hardly imagine a piece of more successful vocalisation. Mrs. Wilkinson is a contralto of much sweetness, though not much power, and she may flatter herself with having made a very favorable impression on her audience . . . The cavatina "Fac ut portem," by Mrs. Wilkinson, and the air and chorus "Inflammatus" wound up the first part with the best possible effect . . . Mrs. Wilkinson availed herself of the second part of the concert to favor the audience with the song "Land of my dearest," which she gave with much sweetness and correct feeling . . .
. . . The affecting air "He was despised," was given by Mrs. Wilkinson in her usually sweet style, but many of her notes were quite inaudible, and it was manifest that she was affected with a most distressing nervousness, and just previous to the production of the last piece of the first part, Mr. Gregg confirmed the impression by announcing that she would be unable to appear during the remainder of the evening, in consequence of serious indisposition . . .
. . . The music performed on this occasion, was selections from Haydn's Masses, 2 and 3, and the Alma Virgo of Hammel [sic]. Mr. Wilkinson, was organist on the occasion. In the evening there was a second service, when the chapel was fully lighted. The effect from the nave was magnificent.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Francis's church (Melbourne)
MUSIC: Alma virgo (Hummel)
[Advertisement], The Age (9 February 1857), 1
Tuesday Evening, 10th February, 1857 At Eight o'clock
In the New Building, Esplanade, St. Kilda.
Vocalists: Mrs. Testar and Mrs. Goodliffe, Mr. Ewart and Mr. Farquharson
Pianist and Conductor, Mr. Wilkinson. Leader, Mr. Megson
Assisted by several gentlemen of the Philharmonic Concerts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Joseph Megson (leader, violinist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 March 1857), 6
SINGING. Mrs. WILKINSON opened a CLASS in Mrs. Damm's Institution, 1 Apsley-place, Eastern-hill.
ASSOCIATIONS: Wife of Charles Damm (1812-1886, schoolmaster)
"MRS. TESTAR'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Age (15 April 1857), 5
This able and favorite vocalist gave a farewell concert yesterday evening, on the occasion of her retirement from professional into private life. There was a large and brilliant attendance . . . The concert consisted of a selection of miscellaneous music, including several compositions by Mozart, Donizetti, Bishop, Verdi, Mendelssohn, Wallace, and others. Mrs. Testar was assisted by Miss Laura Baxter, from the Royal Academy; Mr. J. H. Pollard, from the same excellent school; Miss Emilie Smith, the able pianist; Mr. Julius Siede, and a number of the members of the Philharmonic Society . . . In conclusion we must not omit to pay a well merited compliment to Mr. Wilkinson, whose accompaniments on the pianoforte were of the most tasteful character.
ASSOCIATIONS: Laura Baxter (vocalist); Joseph Henry Pollard (musician); Emilie Smith (pianist); Julius Siede (flute); Royal Academy of Music (London)
"BIRTHS", The Argus (1 July 1857), 4
On the 29th ult., at her residence, Beach, St. Kilda, Mrs. William A. Wilkinson, of a son.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Wilkinson (1857-1927)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1857), 3
LADIES' COLLEGE, 23 Victoria-parade, Collingwood. -
Principals: Mr. and Mrs. VIEUSSEUX.
The following Classes will commence on and after Monday, the 6th July . . .
Pianoforte, harmony, and musical composition - Professor Bial.
Vocal music - Mrs. Wilkinson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis and Julie Vieusseux (schoolmasters); Charles Bial (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 December 1857), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. MR. KROM'S Benefit Concert on Wednesday December 2nd.
Miss E. Turner. Re-appearance of MISS OCTAVIA HAMILTON.
The following distinguished Artists have kindly volunteered their services:
Vocalists: Mrs. Batten, Mr. Geo. Tolhurst, Mr. Blanchard, Mr. W. H. Williams, Amateur.
Instrumentalists: Miss Emily Smith, Mr. Julius Siede, Mr. Charles Bial, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Krom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Krom (musician, concertina); Eleanor Turner (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Mrs. Batten (vocalist); George Tolhurst (vocalist); Charles Blanchard (vocalist); William Henry Williams (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 April 1858), 8
LADIES' COLLEGE, 23 and 25 Victoria-parade, Collingwood.
Principals - Mr. and Mrs. Vieusseux . . .
Pianoforte - Mr. Charles Bial.
Vocal Music - Mrs. Wilkinson . . .
Dancing - Mr. L. Delplanque . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Delplanque (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Age (13 July 1858), 1
A GRAND ORATORIO Will be given On Wednesday Evening, July 14th, By an ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS OF 130 PERFORMERS!
The selections will be taken from the works of the great masters - Mozart, Haydn, Handel, Bach, Mendelsohn, Rossini, Schubert, and Balfe.
Principal Vocalists: Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Ewart, and Mr. Power.
Leader - Mr. King. Conductor - Mr. Wilkinson. Organist - Mr. Charles Plunket.
Fugue - Organ, Mr. Wilkinson - Bach
"Kyrie" "Gloria" "Credo" - By the Full Chorus, Organ and Orchestra - Solos by Miss O. Hamilton, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Ewart and Mr. Power - Mozart, 12
"With Verdure clad" - Solo, Miss O. Hamilton - Haydn
"On Thee each Living Soul awaits," Trio, by Miss O. Hamilton, Mr. Ewart and Mr. Power - Haydn
"The Marvellous Works," Solo and Chorus, Miss O. Hamilton - Haydn
"In Splendor bright" - Solo (Tenor), Mr. Ewart - Haydn
"The Heavens are telling," Grand Chorus - Haydn
Interval of Ten Minutes.
Part II.
Sonata, No. 4 - Organ, Mr. Wilkinson - Mendelsohn
"Kyrie" "Gloria" "Credo" - Solos by Miss O. Hamilton, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Ewart and Mr. Power - Haydn, No. 3
"Ave Maria" Soprano Solo, Miss O. Hamilton - Schubert
"Dal tuo Stellato Soglio" (Mose in Egitto), Quartette, by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Ewart and Mr. Power - Rossini
"Qui Tollis" - Bass Solo, with Chorus, Mr. Power - Balfe
"Cujus Animam" - Tenor Solo, Mr. Ewart - Rossini
"Sancta Mater" (Stabat Mater), Quartetto, Miss O. Hamilton, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Ewart, and Mr. Power - Rossini
"Hallelujah Chorus" - Messiah - Handel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Pierce Power (vocalist); Edward King (leader, violin); Charles Plunket (organist)
"GRAND CONCERT AT ST. FRANCIS'S", The Age (15 July 1858), 6
Yesterday evening the Church of St. Francis's, in Elizabeth street, was filled in every part by a large and attentive audience, who had assembled to listen to a grand concert of sacred music, given to inaugurate the re-opening of the organ, after undergoing extensive repairs, alterations, and additions at the hands of Mr. Biggs, organ builder. The band and chorus, numbering over one hundred persons drawn from the various musical societies in the city and neighborhood, were placed in the gallery immediately in front and alongside of the organ. The audience of course faced the performers, the seats having been reversed for the occasion. The church was brilliantly lighted with gas, and the beautiful little chapel of Our Lady illumined with candles. We noticed at the further end of the church Major-General Macarthur, the hon. the Chief Secretary, and other distinguished personages . . .
The concert opened with a fine Fugue by Bach, ably performed by Mr. Wilkinson, the organist of the church. This was immediately followed by the "Kyrie," "Gloria" and "Credo," from Mozart's splendid Twelfth Mass, a composition which is now as well known in the drawing-room as in the church, and is ever acceptable to musical ears. The solo parts were sustained by Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Ewart and Mr. Power, who sang the phrases allotted to them with great care and feeling, but the chorus seemed to be devoid of enthusiasm, and the fine vigorous passages with which the mass abounds were not rendered commensurately well. Miss Hamilton's solo, "With verdure clad" from the "Creation," was deliciously vocalised, and accompanied by the band in a very tasteful manner. To this succeeded the trio, "On Thee each living soul awaits," by Miss Hamilton, Mr. Ewart and Mr. Power. The parts were evenly sung throughout, if we except an occasional weakness in the bass, which seemed to arise from want of confidence, not of ability, in the performer. Mr. Ewart's fine voice was heard to great advantage in the solo "In Splendor Bright," and it is due to the band to state that they ably seconded his efforts to render in an effective manner this peculiarly beautiful and striking air. The massive phrases of the "Heavens are telling" were well wielded by the orchestra and organ, and brought the first part to a successful conclusion.
In the second division of the concert the chorus seemed to have assumed more confidence, for the selections from Haydn's mass were admirably given and listened to with rapt attention by the audience. The solo parts as usual were borne by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mr. Ewart, and Mr. Power. Schubert's "Ave Maria," vocalised by Miss Hamilton, was decidedly one of the gems of the evening, and had it not been wholly out of the question to look for encores, we should have been one of the first to break down the restriction. The beautiful quartette, from "Mose in Egitto," was very agreeably sung, but the contralto part assigned to Mrs. Wilkinson was deficient in power, and occasionally quite inaudible. In the "Pro Peccatis," Mr. Power entirely redeemed himself, and Mr. Ewart gained additional credit by his spirited rendering of the "Cujus animam." In both of these, however, the band was ineffective, a circumstance we attribute to deficient rehearsal. The "Sancta Mater," from the same work, was succeeded by the "Hallelujah Chorus" from the Messiah, and the evening's entertainment brought to a conclusion.
Before closing this brief notice we must not omit to state that Mr. Charles Plunkett presided at the organ, Mr. King led the band (which generally afforded very efficient support to the solo singers), and Mr. Wilkinson conducted the whole. The chorusses, generally, were close and effective, but occasionally a little crudeness was discernible. Doubtless this is attributable to the circumstance that the members have had few opportunities for rehearsal, and still fewer of practising together for a lengthened period. Still, their efforts were so very satisfactory that it is almost a stretch of criticism to withhold unqualified praise. We are glad to learn that the Rev. McEvey intends to get up another sacred concert in a still more elaborate and complete manner, at the commencement of October. The funds derived from both are to be devoted to the expenses of the organ and the establishment of a permanent, numerous, and able choir.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (organ builder); Edward Macarthur (soldier, musical patron)
"BIRTHS", The Argus (16 August 1858), 5
On the 13th inst., at St. Kilda, Mrs. William A. Wilkinson, of a daughter.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Josephine Wilkinson (1858-1931, Mrs. John O'Halloran)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 January 1859), 7
PIANOFORTE and SINGING. Mr. and Mrs. WILKINSON beg to Inform their pupils that
VACATION TERMINATES on January 7, 94 Collin-street east.
"MELBOURNE (From our own Correspondent), Wednesday, 7th September, 1859", Geelong Advertiser (8 September 1859), 2
The installation of the Right Reverend Dr. Geoghegan, Roman Catholic Bishop of Adelaide, will take place to-morrow at St. Francis' Cathedral. His Grace the Archbishop Polding will take part in the ceremonial. On this occasion Handel's No. 3 Imperial Mass will be sung by an efficient choir engaged for the occasion, including Mr. Farquharson, Miss Hamilton, and several members of the Philharmonic Society. Mr. Wilkinson will preside at the organ, and Mr. King will officiate as conductor.
. . . The consecration of a bishop being hitherto unknown in Victoria there was no little excitement among the Catholic community; and though the occasion was made to serve the interests of a charitable institution, almost every seat was secured long before the eventful hour arrived. Even previous to ten o'clock in the morning the doors were besieged by crowds of well dressed persons anxious to obtain good seats, and by half-past eleven, the time when the ceremony commenced, the spacious building was entirely filled, and yet there was no overcrowding. The centre was left clear for the convenience of those engaged in the procession. The choir was augmented by a number of the leading members of the Philharmonic Society, and several solo singers of excellence, among whom we may mention Miss Octavia Hamilton, Mrs. Testar, Mr. Ewart, Mr. B. J. Downing of Geelong, Mr. Power, and Mr. Farquharson - the last-mentioned gentleman giving his services gratuitously. The choir, thus numbering about fifty or sixty persons, was conducted by Mr. G. King [sic, Edward King], Mr. Wilkinson presiding at the organ. The Mass sung was Haydn's Imperial or No. 3 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Patrick Bonaventure Geoghegan (bishop of Adelaide); John Bede Polding (archbishop); Bartholomew Joseph Downing (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (7 November 1863), 3
Will take place on Next SUNDAY. 8th November.
A SOLEMN PONTIFICAL HIGH MASS Will be sung by his Lordship the Bishop at 11 o'clock a.m., assisted by a numerous body of the Clergy . . .
THE GRAND IMPERIAL MASS OF HAYDN Will be performed on the occasion.
Soprani - Mrs. Testar, Miss Juliana King, Mrs. King, Mrs. Turner, Miss Julia Harland;
Tenors - Messrs. Donaldson, Friend, Oliver, Miller;
Alti - Miss Liddle, Miss Wilkinson, Miss Mary Wilkinson;
Bassi - Messrs. Power, Saunders, Lake, and Cazaly.
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTALISTS: 1st Violin - Messrs. King and J. Howson, Junior;
2nd Violin - Mr. Smith and Master Bellair; Viola - Mr. A. King;
Violoncelli - Messrs. F. A. Howson and Smith; Double Bass - Mr. Chapman; Flute - Messrs. Towl and Oliver.
Opening Chorus - "Lift up your heads, O ye gates," from the Messiah.
During Mass, the following Solos will be sung:
Kyrie Eleison - Miss Emma Howson and Chorus.
Gloria, solo - "Qui Tollis" - Mr. F. Howson.
Credo, solo - "Et Incarnatus" - Miss Clelia Howson.
Offertorium - "Alma Virgo" - Mrs. Testar.
Agnus Dei - Miss Liddle and Miss Emma Howson.
Finale - Hallelujah Chorus - Messiah.
*** Children on this occasion will not be admitted.
Overture - Sacred.
Grand Chorus - "The heavens are telling" (Creation) - Soli parts - Miss King, Mr. Donaldson, and Mr. Lake.
Aria - "Cujus Animam" (Stabat Mater), Mr. John Howson.
Duett - "Quis est Homo" (Stabat Mater}, Misses Emma and Clelia Howson.
Aria - "Pro peccatis" (Stabat Mater), Mr. Frank Howson.
Cavatina - "Fac ut Portem" (Stabat Mater), Miss Clelia Howson.
Grand Aria and Chorus - "Inflammatus" (Stabat Mater), Miss Juliana King.
Quartette (without accompaniment) "Quando Corpus" (Stabat Mater), Misses Emma and Clelia and Messrs. F. and J. Howson.
Aria - "Qui Tollis" (Balfe) - Mr. Power.
Grand Chorus - "And the Glory of the Lord" (Messiah) - By the whole strength.
Overture - "St. Paul" - Mendelsohnn.
Duett and Grand Chorus - "Go up Child" (Elijah), Miss Clelia and Mr. F. Howson.
Aria - "Lord have Mercy" (Pergolesi), Miss Liddle.
Recitative - "Straight op'ning, & Air - "Now in fullest Glory," - Mr. Peter Cazaly.
Solo and Chorus - "Laudate pueri dominum (Zingarelli), Mr. Donaldson.
Aria - "With Verdure Clad" (Creation), Miss Emma Howson.
Aria - "In Native Worth" (Creation), Mr. John Howson.
Solo - "Lord God of Abraham" (Elijah), Mr. Frank Howson.
Trio - "Lift thine Eyes" (Elijah), Misses E. and C. Howson and Miss Liddle.
Grand Chorus - "Hallelujah," by the entire strength.
Leader, MR. KING.
Conductor, MR. WILKINSON, of Melbourne . . .
The Roman Catholic Church of St. Patrick in Sturt street, or that portion of it which has been erected, was opened for divine worship on Sunday, when the Right Rev. Dr. Goold, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Melbourne, assisted by a numerous clergy, performed the usual ceremonies of consecration and sang a pontifical high mass . . . The novelty of the ceremonies, and the great musical treat provided for the occasion, had no doubt a great deal to do in drawing together so very heterogeneous as assemblage as we observed on the occasion. The choir was a [? hand] picked one, and, like the congregation, composed of members of several churches. The conductor was Mr. Wilkinson, of St Francis Church, Melbourne, and the leader, Mr. King, from Melbourne, Miss Pilkington presiding at the harmonium. Mrs. Testar, the Misses Howson, Miss Liddle, Miss Juliana King, Mrs. King, Mrs. Turner, Miss Harland, Miss Wilkinson and Miss Mary Wilkinson were in the list of female singers, and in the list of males were Messrs. F. and J. Howson, Donaldson, Friend, D. Oliver, Power, Saunders, Lake and P. Cazaly. The instrumentalists were Messrs. King and J. Howson, junior, Smith, Bellair, A. King, F. A. Howson, Chapman, A. Oliver and Towl . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Alipius Goold (bishop of Melbourne); Anna Alicia Pilkington (harmonium); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); Juliana King (vocalist); Eliza Anna South King (vocalist); Charlotte Ann King Turner (vocalist); Julia Harland (vocalist); Emma Howson (vocalist); Clelia Howson (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Charles Alexander Donaldson (vocalist); Daniel and Albert Oliver (vocalist and flute); John Lake (vocalist); Peter Cazaly (vocalist); John Howson junior (violin); Frank Alfred Howson (cello); Samuel Chapman (double bass); Edward Towl (flute)
"DEATHS", The Argus (20 October 1864), 4
WILKINSON. - On the 17th inst., at his residence, Wodonga Cottage, Acland-street, St. Kilda, William A. Wilkinson, Esq., aged forty-four years.
Probate, William Augustus Wilkinson, 1864; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[News], The Argus (29 October 1864), 5
Mr. C. H. Compton has bean appointed organist of St. Francis's Cathedral, in the place of the late Mr. Wilkinson.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Compton (organist)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (6 January 1868), 3
We are requested to call attention to an advertisement which appeals in another column, announcing that Miss Roche, organist of St. Mary's, and articled pupil of the late accomplished musician Mr. Wilkinson, intends giving lessons in pianoforte playing and in singing at her residence Great Myers street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Teresa Roche (pianist, organist, music teacher)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (25 August 1869), 2
A GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT will be given this evening in the Town Hall, Prahran, by Mrs. W. A. Wilkinson, assisted by several favorite artistes. The performance is under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor and several of the leading citizens.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 October 1872), 8
MRS. W. A WILKINSON. - SINGING and PIANO-FORTE. Wodonga-cottage, Acland-street, St. Kilda; 174 Collins-street east.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 February 1873), 8
MUSICAL ACADEMY, Acland-street, St. Kilda. Mrs. W. A. WILKINSON Begs to intimate her intention of opening on Monday, 10th of March, an ACADEMY for PIANOFORTE CLASS TEACHING, on the Home system . . .
"THE MUSICAL ASSOCIATION", The Age (15 September 1879), 3
The monthly meeting of the Musical Association of Victoria was held on Saturday evening in Messrs. W. H. Glen's concert hall, the chair being occupied by Mr. R. L. J. Ellery. Miss Mary Wilkinson and Mr. Otto Vogt were elected members, and Professors Ellington and Andrews and Mr. Percy Oakden associates . . .
"First Appearances In Melbourne of Actors and Actresses", The Lorgnette (7 May 1880), 2
. . . Wilkinson, Mrs. J.; Exhibition Building, May 5, 1866 [sic, 1856], Contralto, Concert (Stabat Mater) . . .
"Miss Wilkinson's Concert", Melbourne Punch (13 December 1894), 11
The eighth of Miss Wilkinson's subscription concerts took place in the Athenaeum on Tuesday evening, 4th December. The number that claims first attention in a programme that was throughout most interesting is the great quintette of Dvorak in A, Op. 81 for piano, 1st violin, 2nd violin, viola and 'cello. This, one of the finest works of the great Bohemian composer, was introduced for the first time in Melbourne at the previous concert, and received with such favour that it was repeated by special request. The work is distinguished, like all Dvorak's music, by striking originality, and exquisite melodiousness, and the consummate skill in writing which affords to each of the five instruments the fullest scope for individual display, yet without such undue prominence as to interfere with the beauty of ensemble . . . The quintette "went" to absolute perfection. Miss Wilkinson, whose great beauty of touch and exquisite finish and delicacy was so particularly noticeable in its rendering, was the recipient of numerous beautiful floral offerings at its conclusion . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (4 July 1898), 1
WILKINSON. - On the 2nd July, at Linton, Westbury-street, East St. Kilda, Ann, relict of the late William A. Wilkinson. R.I.P.
"DEATHS", The Argus (21 October 1909), 1
WILKINSON. - On the 20th October, at private hospital, Windsor (suddenly), Mary Frances, A.R.A.M., elder daughter of the late W. A. Wilkinson of St. Kilda, and dearly loved sister of William and George Wilkinson and Annie O' Halloran.
"THE LATE MISS M. F. WILKINSON, A.R.A.M.", Advocate (30 October 1909), 28
The sudden death of Miss Mary Francis Wilkinson, A.R.A.M., which was announced last week, gave a great shock to the deceased lady's many friends in the musical world of Victoria and in the general community. After a strenuous life in the profession of which she was an accomplished and enthusiastic member, she was seized with her last brief illness while engaged with a pupil. Miss Wilkinson was born in Dublin, and was the daughter of a talented musician and composer, who, for some years, was organist of St. Francis' Church, Melbourne. She came of an artistic family; her paternal aunt was a painter, whose studio, among the doctors in Collins-street, was well known for many years. Mr. Wilkinson came to Melbourne in the fifties of last century, when his daughter, who has just died, was an infant. His removal hither from Dublin was, primarily, for the benefit of his health, but he died in Melbourne at a comparatively early age, when he had little more than reached one-half the "allotted span" of man's life. Miss Wilkinson early developed musical talent, and a love for the profession which she subsequently adopted, with so much distinction to herself. She studied hard, and ultimately went to Rome where she became the pupil of Sgambati and other notable masters, and took her degree of Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, Rome. Before returning to Australia, she made a tour of some of the most interesting parts of Europe, and visited her native city, where she had, amongst her relatives, an aunt and a cousin, who were nuns in the Presentation Convent, George's Hill. The aunt has since died, the cousin is still a member of the George's Hill community.
For many years, Miss Wilkinson was organist of St. Mary's Church, East St. Kilda; and, when the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Corbett, was called to the episcopal office, she claimed the privilege of making the shoes in which he was consecrated Bishop of Sale, at St. Mary's Church. She retained her seat at the organ when the Rev. James L. Hegarty, now Dean of Kyneton, became Rector, and the Dean went to St. Mary's last week to officiate at the obsequies of his old friend. Fr. English, another friend, came from South Melbourne to assist. For some time, Miss Wilkinson was also organist of St. Patrick's Cathedral.
The deceased was a highly cultured lady, a charming conversationalist, and a delightful hostess. She spoke the French, Italian, and German languages accurately and fluently - indeed, one Italian gentleman in Melbourne declared that Miss Wilkinson spoke his native tongue as perfectly as he did himself. She was, most generous in charities, the value of which was enhanced by the quiet and unostentatious way in which they were exercised. Before everything she was a Catholic - as one who knew her well declares, "she loved the Church with her whole soul." The very last cheque she drew was an offering for Mass for the souls of her parents and of an old servant . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Giovanni Sgambati (Italian pianist, composer, teacher)
Bibliography and resources:
Enid N. Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 112 (St. Francis, William), 151 (St. Mary, St. Kilda, Mary Frances)
David Rankin, The history of the music at St. Francis' Church 1839-1979 ([Melbourne]: Society of Jesus in Australia; Blessed Sacrament Fathers, 1980), 26-33
[26] . . . The temporary retirement of Mr. Plunkett in 1854 from the morning choir occasioned the appointment of Mr. William Wilkinson as the first professional organist. He had come from Dublin and was widely travelled. He possessed an organ degree from Rome . . .
John H. Byrne, Echoes of home: music at St. Francis, 1845-1995 ([Melbourne]: St. Francis Choir, 1995), 63
. . . In 1854 the organist William Wilkinson was imported from Ireland to be Director of Music at the new St. Patrick's Cathedral, only to find when he arrived that the cathedral was being demolished to build an even larger one. He became organist of St. Francis' where he remained until his death in 1864 . . .
John Henry Byrne, Sacred or profane: the influence of Vatican legislation on music in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, 1843-1938 (Ph.D thesis, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, 2005), 239 (DIGITISED)
Catherine Ferris, The use of newspapers as a source for musicological research: a case study of Dublin musical life 1840-44 (Ph.D thesis, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 2011) 101, 147-48, 196, 375, 442, 458, 460, 461 (DIGITISED)
Miss Byrne . . . Granddaughter of Edward Byrne, Dublin's largest merchant, sugar baker and distiller and member of the [148] Catholic Committee (a drive for Catholic relief) at the end of the eighteenth century. Miss Byrne was apparently "in society until her father lost his inheritance". Debuted in Drury Lane in 1817 [sic, clearly incorrect]. Often performed in Dublin with her sister (as the Misses Byrne) in the Roman Catholic churches to support charity sermons, high masses and church dedications but also in a concert of the Anacreontic Society. Provided musical examples for the lectures of F. W. N. Bayley and Lt. A. S. De Braunhelder. The sisters taught singing (on the Wilhelm [sic, Wilhem] system), guitar and pianoforte at their Academy and residence 56, York Street, Stephen's Green, in Kingstown (Dun Laoghaire) and Salthill.
Jane Wilkinson, Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
Actor, prompter
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS) and Melbourne and Geelong, NSW (VIC), 1845-49 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (3 May 1849), 3
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