LAST MODIFIED Wednesday 19 March 2025 9:01
Broadwood pianos in early colonial Australia
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
With the kind assistance of
ROBERT SIMONSON (Surrey History Centre, UK)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Broadwood pianos in early colonial Australia",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
In November 2015, I received an unexpected email from Robert Simonson, archivist at the Surrey History Centre in England, and a specialist in one of the centre's prize holdings, the archives of John Broadwood and Sons.
In answering a recent inquiry about an instrument currently in private hands in Victoria, Robert had come across the Australharmony entry on Alfred Mortimer Nesbitt (1854-1926). Nesbitt arrived in Australia from England in 1884, and lived first in Queensland and later in Victoria. It seems that, in addition to his other activities as a music teacher and examiner, reviewer, and cricketer, Nesbitt also, on at least one occasion, imported a piano, the details of which, from Broadwoods records, Robert kindly summarised:
Tuesday 23 February 1892 (ref. 2185/JB/42/154b)
A. M. Nesbitt esq., Little Clive, South Yarra, Melbourne
A no. 11 Upt. Grand PF Rosewood a to a no. 82600, £75, tuning hammer, zinc and deal cases marked NNN Melbourne,
delivered at SWI [South West India] Docks to ship per 'Gulf of Mexico'.
Shipping expenses and freight £2-0-6. Insurance 18/6. We to receive no. 7 RW from ditto to credit, one instrument in
lieu of the other. We to pay freight and insurance of the no. 11, no charge.
B/L [bill of lading] to order of Mr Nesbitt to be sent to him.
Wales [name of the porter, who would have delivered piano to docks in London]
This entry is quite unusual as more often Broadwoods dealt with dealers in Australia, such as Whitehouse in Brisbane, who imported lots of pianos from Broadwoods. The practice of taking back old pianos in exchange for new ones does happen from time to time but I have not seen an instance over such a distance before. Customers are marked in the records as W [wholesale], R [retail] and sometimes P [professional]. Those identified as professional musicians, as Nesbitt is, were often treated quite generously by the company, hiring pianos at no charge for example.
There are a lot of references in the records to the export of pianos to Australia from the 1820s onwards, starting with people like John Edwards in Sydney, but as I say, generally to dealers rather than individual customers. The archive is very extensive so it would take some time to quarry out all the details.
John Edwards, a violinist and a professor of music, being one of Sydney's leading musical figures in the second half of the 1820s, I asked Robert what more he could tell me about Edwards and other Australian Broadwoods transactions in the 1820s and 1830s. Robert's answers, including both detailed transcripts and his explanations, arrived over several more emails, and they now appear in date sequence below. I will gradually add data from local colonial sources.
Special thanks also to Cliff Powys, for generously sharing digital images and results of his researches in the Broadwood archive.
While I continue building this page, relevant colonial materials I have so far tagged in TROVE can be viewed here
There were also quite a number of pianoforte makers, tuners, and repairers active in the colonies who advertised their former connection as employees of the firm of Broadwood; see below Former Broadwood associates in Australia
And an notable incident concerning the company, of later interest to Australia, was the prosection of Charles Sandys Packer for forgery in London in 1838-39
"John Broadwood and Sons piano manufacturers: research guide", Surrey History Centre
Robert Simonson, "The archives of John Broadwood and Sons: two centuries of musical history"
Early Music Performer (Journal of the National Early Music Association) 18 (2006), 25-33
[Abstract] The business records of John Broadwood and Sons, held at Surrey History Centre, Woking, form one of the best preserved archives of any major piano manufacturing company. The rich resources of the archive can be used to study the history of the firm and individual pianos, as well as changes in musical and cultural life over more than two centuries. The Broadwood archive was originally deposited with the then Surrey Record Office in 1977, and has been subject to a major project over the years, both to catalogue the material in detail and to conserve many of the most important documents in the collection.
Thomas Laycock's piano (1799-1809)
Quartermaster, New South Wales Corps, 1791-1808, Deputy Commissary, NSW, 1794-1800, see Thomas Laycock (c.1756-1809)
Broadwood archive, porters book, 10 April 1799 ((ref. 2185/JB/42/1)
A SPF add ff 4362 and cover, addressed Mr. Thomas Laycock, Deputy Commissary, NS Wales, delivered to Farlow to be shipped on board the Ann, Captain Dennet. [Note in margin of entry shows the piano was £27.6, cover £1.2, strings £1.3 [presumably spare set - this is not uncommon for pianos going overseas], tin case £1.11.6, deal case 13s, shipping and wharfage, 8s 6d, total £32.4]
"DIED", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 December 1809), 2
On Wednesday, at his house in Pitt's Row, after a long and painful illness, THOMAS LAYCOCK, Esq. in his 54th year.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 December 1809), 1
SALE by AUCTION, BY MR. BEVAN, On Thursday next the 4th of January, 1810, on the Premises of Mr. Laycock, deceased, in Pitt's Row, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, ALL the Neat Household Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Beds, Bolsters, Blankets, and Mattrasses, Tables and Chairs, Table Linen, Sheeting, a small Quantity of Plate, Knives, Forks, and all kinds of Kitchen Furniture, a quantity of Wearing Apparel, some fine Hyson Tea, Sugar, Wine and Spirits, an elegant Piano-Forte with Music Books. Afterwards will be Sold, Two very fine Horses either to ride or drive, an elegant Curricle and fashionable Chaise, with Plated Harness to both. Also, a new Cart and Harness, and sundry other Articles. Prompt payment will be required on delivery of the Goods in such Bills as the Trustees approves of, or Copper Coin.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 March 1810), 2
SALES by AUCTION, BY MR. BEVAN, At his Rooms in High Street, Sydney, on Monday next the 2d of April, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon . . . an elegant piano forte . . .
Commentary (GS 2016):
In his long awaited and only recently released study, The First Fleet piano: a musician's view (Lancaster 2015), Geoffrey Lancaster presents and discusses a great deal of useful documentation concerning Thomas Laycock, former quartermaster of the NSW Corps, and his piano (or pianos). Of particular interest is evidence that, after his death, Elizabeth Macarthur bought Laycock's piano, or one of them, at (or after) it was auctioned, in January 1810. Lancaster (volume 1, 650, 657) cites Broadbent (summarising from the Macarthur Papers):
Elizabeth Macarthur appears to have replaced Worgan's piano with a larger and finer instrument (perhaps a piano in upright form) that was purchased at auction in Sydney from the estate of Thomas Laycock [1756?-1809] for the then substantial sum of £85 . . . Either Mrs. Macarthur had been practising assiduously since Worgan's departure, or she was determined to give her daughters the early opportunities she herself had lacked.
Though Lancaster discusses at some length the Laycock auction and Elizabeth Macarthur's purchase, unfortunately he did not source and present the original documentation for the Macarthur purchase, and also appears to have been unaware of the Broadwood archive evidence presented here.
On documentation for the Macarthur purchase, see:
Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie's pianos and other instruments (Perth, Scotland, 1808; Sydney, 1809, 1813)
On Elizabeth Henrietta Macquarie (1778-1835), see Biographical register
A grand pianoforte . . . (1808, 1809)

Broadwood archive, customer ledger (2185/JB/29/5/3); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Col. Macquarie, Perth
1808, January 20 / To a Grand Piano forte & Cover delivered to Miss Meredith, 58 Charlotte St. Portland Pl. . . . 80 / 15 / -
[1808, January] 21 / A Case for Grand Piano, £2.2. Mat. Paper & Packing at 58 Charlotte St . . . 2 / 5 / -
[1808, January] 24 / Cartage of Grand Piano & Case from do. to Downs Wharf & Po Wharf . . . - / 7 / -
Paid insurance & duty . . . 1 / 8 / 11
[Total] 84 / 15 / 11
1809, February 25 / Cartage of Grand Piano forte & Case from the Wharf and paid Freight of [?] . . . 1 / 17 / 8
[1809], April 17 / Repairing Grand piano forte & Tin Case Packing do. Cartage 5 / - to the [?] . . . 6 / 6 / 6
To transfer from Miss Meredith Fol. 205v 10 / - overpaid 4d . . . - / 10 / 4
[Total] 8 / 14 / 6
Broadwood archive, porters' book, 20 January 1808 (ref. 2185/JB/42/4)
A Grand PF add 3 pedals no. 3933 & cover [for] Col Macquarie, Perth, delivered to Miss Meredith's, 58 Charlotte Street, Portland Place [Broadwood porters] Jefferd & Lovell.

Broadwood archive (2185/JB/ ? ); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Macquarie, 25 [January 1808] / A Case for GPF [Grand Piano Forte] Matt. Paper &c and packing [?] Col. Macquarie Perth at Miss Meredith No. 58 Charlotte Street, Portland Place / Mr. Dellar, Chandler & Larkin . . .

Broadwood archive, porters' book, 26 January 1808 (2185/JB/42/4); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Bringing Grand PF in a case from Miss Meredith's, 58 Charlotte Street, Portland Place, addressed Col Macquaire, Perth, & taking it to Downes Wharf goes per ship Bridport Packet, Captain Thomas Wishart, for Dundee and Perth, and paid wharfage and sufferance 2/-. Insurance & duty £1.8.11 [Broadwood porter] Roff.
Broadwood archive, porters' book, 25 February 1809 (2185/JB/42/5a)
Bringing Grand PF in a case from Millers Wharf. Paid freight & carriage from Millers Wharf and repair [presumably brought from Scotland].
Broadwood archive, porters' book, 17 April 1809 (2185/JB/42/5b)
Taking Grand PF repaired and tuned and screwed in your own case lined with Tin, your cover & several parcels your own enclosed. Mrs Macquarie, No.14 [? number indistinct] Albemarle Street, addressed Lieut-Col Macquarie, 73rd Regiment, Portsmouth, delivered at the White Horse, Friday Street [coaching inn in London], goes by Peters & Co, Waggon. [Broadwood porter] Dowden.
Broadwood archive, customer ledger, 20 January 1808 to 17 April 1809 (Sales ledger H, 1808-1811, 2185/JB/29/5/3, fol. 3)
Col Macquarie, Perth
By ledger G fol.605 £31.10.0
By deduction on GP £10.10.00
By Cash £42.15.11
[20 January 1808] To a grand PF ad and cover delivered at Miss Meredith's, 58 Charlotte Street, £80.15.0
[21 January 1808] A case for GPF £2.2.0 Matt Paper & packing at 58 Charlotte Street, £2.5.0
[26 January 1808] Carriage of GPF & case from do to Downs Wharf & paid Wharf, 2/-, 7/-; Paid Insurance & Duty, £1.8.11
[25 February 1809] Carriage of GPF & case from the wharf, 5/-, & paid freight of d[itt]o, £1.17.8
[17 April 1809] Repairing GPF, £2.2.0, a tin case, £3.13.6, packing d[itto], 6/-, carriage to the Inn, 5/-, £6.6.6; To transfer from Miss Meredith fol.205, 10/-
A square pianoforte . . . and a tambourine and clarinet (Sydney, 1813)

Broadwood archive, customer ledger (2185/JB/42/86); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
1813 Dec. 21 / To a Best piano forte Cober Strings & in Deal Cases . . . 45 / 7 / 6
Sundry violin strings . . . - / 24 / - ; A Tamborine . . . 2 / 2 / - ; A Clarinett . . . 2 / 2 / - ; 4 dozen reeds for do. . . . - / 7 / - ; & Box . . . - / 3 / - : . . . 5 / 18 / -
[?] 6 Per Cent Duty entry & Shipping expences . . . 5 / 1 / -
[Total ] 56 / 6 / 6 ; 1814, Apr. 20 / [paid] By Cash . . .
Broadwood archive, porters book (SHC 2185/JB/42/8b) and customer ledger 1811-1815 (2185/JB/29/8/1 page 166); transcribed and collated by Robert Simonsen (2017)
A SPF [square pianoforte] Best, solid [term used for piano for warm climates], no. 17860 and cover, full set of strings, tin and deal cases (£45 7s 6d), sundry violin strings (24 shillings), a tambourine (£2 2s), a clarinet (£2 2s), packing case for tambourine (3s), 4 dozen reeds for the clarinet (7s), addressed His Excellency Major General Macquarie, Sydney, New South Wales, delivered at Galley Quay [a London wharf].
Ellis Bent's piano (Sydney, 1811)
Deputy Judge Advocate, NSW, see Ellis Bent (1783-1815)
Letter, Ellis Bent to his mother, 27 April 1810; Ellis Bent correspondence, MS 195, 147-49; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
. . . It gave us both much pleasure to hear of the safe arrival [? in London] of Mr. and Mrs. G. Knox from Madeira. They behaved with great attention to Eliza . . . [Mrs. Knox] is a very great favorite of mine and I find they have been speaking in praise of Eliza's singing. She has indeed a sweet voice, of great compass and with a little more practice would modulate it very well. But we have not any Instrument, which is a loss we both feel extremely it would be a source of much amusement to Eliza when I am engaged in business. Mrs. Paterson has a small Pianoforte but she asked for it £40, and the sounding board was broken, and the Instrument was in other respects not a good one. I offered her £26 for it, but it was not accepted, tho' it did not cost her more than £25 and she had used it for ten Years. Pray, my Dear Mother, tell Jeffrey that I should wish my first spare money should be appropriated to the purchase of a small Pianoforte by Broadwood, with Pedals and additional Keys, as good of its Kind as can be - To come safe it ought first to be packed in Tin, soldered down, & then put in a strong Iron bound, wooden Case. Do not be deterred by the Expense of Packing & shipping for the tin will sell here for treble that expence. Broadwood will take up on himself the whole trouble of packing and shipping, for he did so with Mrs. Macquarie who brought out a charming grand Piano, packed in this manner, without sustaining the slightest Injury while one of Mrs. Carter's packed in a different manner was quite spoiled. If the Piano should be sent I should like a few Books as well selected Music to be sent with it including Songs, Operas, Sonata's, Lessons, &c. of Mazzinghi, Von Esch, Haydn, Pleyel, & others . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Paterson (amateur musician, pianist) Joseph Mazzinghi (composer); Louis von Esch (composer);
Broadwood archive, sales ledger, 7 September 1811 (Ledger I, names A-I (1811-15); 2185/JB/29/7/1, page 48)
Mr. J. H. Bent, Lincolns Inn Fields, [also says Old Square, Lincolns Inn] 7 September 1811. To a Best [square] PF drawers £43 1s, cover £1 8s, [spare set of] strings £1 11s 6d, tin £1 18s and deal £1 12s cases, shipping £1 10s, total £51 6d
Broadwood archive, porters book (2185/JB/42/7A)
SPF [square pianoforte] solid [this is the 'suitable for a hot climate' description] with drawers no.15592 addressed Ellis Bent esq, [2 words illegible, part of address?], Sydney, New South Wales, delivered at Mr Farlow's, Hungerford [Market, London], to ship on board the transport [illegible, ship name?]

Broadwood price list, 1815; image reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Pianos shipped to Messrs. Jones, Riley and Walker (later Riley and Walker, Sydney, 1821-23)
Proprietors Richard Jones (d.1852), Edward Riley (d. 1825), and William Walker (d.1854)
Broadwood archive, customer ledger, 5 September 1821 (summary by Robert Simonson)
Broadwoods consigned 6 square pianos to Mr. Farlows [shipping agents] for delivery to Messrs. Riley and Walker, Port Jackson, Sydney, New South Wales (2185/JB/29/16/1 p383-4). They were shipped on the Active, Captain Richard Charlton. Total cost was £264 15s 6d, including the usual packing and shipping extras. Annotations in the ledger show that 3 of the pianos were re-shipped by Riley and Walker from Port Jackson to Messrs. Kemp and Co. of Hobart Town (2185/JB//29/16/1 p405-6).

Broadwood archive, customer ledger (2185/JB/29/16/1), fol. 383; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
[folio] 383 / Messrs. Jones, Riley & Walker, Port Jackson, Goods consigned
1821, Sept. 5
1 / A Sq. Pianoforte . . . 33 / 12 / - . . . [extras, case, packing, freight, to total] 40 / 12 / -
2 / A Sq. Pianoforte . . . 38 / 17 / - . . . [extras, case, packing, freight, to total] 46 / 10 / 6
3 / A Sq. Pianoforte . . . 42 / - / - . . .. [extras, case, packing, freight, to total] 49 / 18 / 6 \
4 / A Sq. Pianoforte &c same as No. 1 . . . 40 / 12 / -
5 / A Sq. Pianoforte &c same as No. 2 . . . 46 / 10 / 6
6 / A Sq. Pianoforte &c same as No. 1 . . . 40 / 12 / -
[total] . . . 264 / 15 / 6

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 May 1822), 2
FOR SALE, a Consignment of very fine MADEIRA WINE, in pipes and half-pipes. - Also, SIX PIANO FORTES, made by Broadworth and Son. [sic] - Apply to Jones, Riley, and Walker.

Broadwood archive, customer ledger (2185/JB/29/16/1), fol. 384; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
[fol.] 384 / Messrs. Riley & Walker, Sydney, Port Jackson, [New] South Wales
1823 Jany 21 / To transfer from fol. 383 sold as per their letter 27 July 1822, a Sq. Pianoforte, No. 6 . . ..
[Total] . . . 127 / 14 / 6
Pianos shipped to Kemp and Co. (Hobart Town, 1822-23)
Proprietor Anthony Fenn Kemp (1773-1868)

Broadwood archive, customer ledger (2185/JB//29/16/1), fol. 405; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
[folio] 405 / Messrs. Kemp & Co., Van Diemens Land
1823 Jany 21 / To transfer from fol. 383 from Messrs. Riley & Walker [illegible] as per their letter 27 July 1822 from Port Jackson to Messrs. Kemp & Co. van diemens land.
a Sq. Piano forte . . . No. 1 . . . 40 / 12 / -
a Sq. Piano forte . . . No. 2 . . . 46 / 10 / 6
a Sq. Piano forte . . . No. 3 . . . 49 / 18 / 6
[total] 137 / 1 / -

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (1 March 1823), 1
PIANO FORTES. ON SALE, Three new fine-toned Piano Fortes, of the newest and best construction (imported directly from the celebrated makers Messrs. Broadwood & Sons, London), with additional keys, extra set of strings, tuning hammer and fork for each instrument, complete. - They are of the very best manufacture, and are now open for inspection at the Stores of Messrs. Kemp & Co. Macquarie-street, who will dispose of them on very moderate terms.

Broadwood price list, 1824; image reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Pianos shipped to John Edwards (Sydney, 1824-33)
On John Edwards, see Biographical register
The customer ledger entries for John Edwards begin in 1824 (ref. 2185/JB/29/16/1, p233). Broadwoods normally enter cross-references to pages in next and previous ledgers for customers where entries exist. There is no cross-ref for Edwards to a previous ledger, but perhaps his link with George Smart explains Broadwoods generous treatment of him as Smart was well known to them.

Broadwood archive, customer ledger, 18 September 1824 to 11 October 1824, (2185/JB/29/16/1, page 233); transcription by Robert Simonson; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Mr John Edwards, Port Jackson
Saturday 18 September 1824
a 6 O[ctave] SPF RC [rounded corners] £28.7, tin and deal cases £1.6 and £1.5
3 SPF DA £23.2 each, tin and deal cases £1.6 and £1.5
a 6 O Cottage PF (in the cabin) £37.16
Two leather covers for SP at 26s, £2.12
A set of grasshoppers for ditto -.10.6 [i.e. 10s 6d]
Two doe skins £1.18, 2 pounds of glue -.2.6
6 pounds steel wire £1.16, 3 pounds brass 15s, 1 pound copper -.5.6
3 sets of spun strings at 9s each
1 gross of screws assorted 3s
3 tuning hammers -.4.6 and 3 tuning forks -.4.6
2 pounds of hitch pins at -.5.3
A set of drilled pins for pianoforte -.10.6
Paid duty and shipping charges £2.14.6
Insurance and policy £6.10
Freight and primage £12.18.2
To cash advanced to him for passage £84
11 October 1824:
to cash £30 By gift £30
By ledger M folio 300 £262.15.2
Broadwood archive, porters book, 18 September 1824 (ref. 2185/JB/42/16)
Saturday 18 September 1824
3 SP DA nos. 29814, 29744, 29179, 2 covers, tin and deal cases
A 6 O SP pl RC no. 30041 tin and deal cases
[then lists items as in ledger entry]
delivered at Mr Farlow's to be shipped on the Harvey, Captain Daniel Peache for Port Jackson
A 6 Octave Cott PF no. 207 delivered at the London Docks to be placed in the cabin
Millett [Broadwood porter]
[18 September is the date Broadwoods sent off the piano and other goods. The ship presumably sailed somewhat later]
Broadwood archive, customer ledger, 1826-1833 (2185/JB/29/20/1, pages 300 and 309)
22 April 1826 6 SPF for £214.2 [entry hard to read]
8 May 1826 to insurance of 1 cask of fur skins £4.2
4 July 1826 to insurance of 6 tons of Elephant oil valued £150, £3.10
17 August 1826, 1 6½ octave GPF (cost £74.11) and 2 6 octave SPF, per the
Denmark Hill, Captain Foreman, for £195.16
22 February 1827 to cash to Bramah and Co, £9.7.6
22 February 1827 to cash to Marshall £2.16.7
22 February 1827 to cash to Nock £2.2.2
18 April 1827, 6 SPF, 2 Cottage PF and 1 GPF, per the Alacrity, Captain John Findlay, for £459.1
20 November 1827 to cash paid Whitaker £74.10 [price of a grand piano]
23 November 1827, 2 SPF, per the Nunia [? ship name hard to read], Captain G. Wade, for £73.13
13 December 1827 to cash paid Cramer and Co. £8.19
16 January 1828, 3 SPF, per the Australia, Captain John Slight, for £137.17
25 January 1828 to cash to Mr. Greening £15.6

30 January 1828 to cash to Chappell and Co. £20
5 February 1828 to cash to P. & H. [Paine and Hopkins, see below] £60
9 February 1828 3 SPF per the Arab, Captain James Ferrier, for £133.16.6
11 March 1828 to cash paid Bramah and Co, £40.12.6
15 March 1828 to cash paid Mr Marshall £12.3.5
17 March 1828 2 SPF with veneered backs £37.16 each; 2 music stools £5 and case -.7.6; a picture
and selection of music enclosed; leather cover for SPF £1.6, total £107.7, per the
Captain Blair
20 March 1828 to cash paid Mr. Nock £8.17.10
26 January 1829 to transfer from Messrs. Paine and Hopkins a/c folio 710, £30
3 August 1829 to cash to Marshall £3.17.6
31 August 1829 to transfer to Mr. Eavestaff's a/c [of Great Russell Street, London] folio 292, £11.10.3
30 July 1831 to cash paid Mr Nock £20
22 July 1826 by cash £67.2.1
17 August 1826 by Com[mission] Underwood £30.18
8 October 1827 by bill due 11 Nov £160
8 October 1827 by bill due 11 Nov £170
31 December 1827 by bill due 2 February £280
12 May 1828 by bill due 16 November £59.12.2
29 June 1829 by bill due 2 Aug £150
14 June 1830 by bill due 17 July £200
18 July 1830 by bill due 1 Aug £27.5
18 July 1830 by bill due 21 Aug £174
9 March 1833 by bill due 11 Apr £85
Carry to ledger N folio 316, £497.4.11
Broadwood archive, porters book, 22 April 1826 (ref. 2185/JB/42/17)
Gives the serial numbers of the pianos 31686, 32332, 32495, 32517, 32786 and 32839 and notes that 3 parcels of music from Messrs. Cramer and Co. were enclosed. The pianos were delivered at Mr. Farlows to be shipped on the Medora, Captain James R. Glendon. Freight was £20.7, shipping expenses £3.16 and insurance £8.12.
Broadwood archive, porters book, 18 April 1827 (ref. 2185/JB/42/17)
Gives the serial numbers of the square pianos, 33268, 33269, 33481, 33586, 33796 and 33906, cottage pianos 517 and 540 and grand piano 11092.
Broadwood archive, porters book, 16 January 1828 (ref. 2185/JB/42/19)
Gives serial numbers of 33598, 33863 and 33983.
The porters book entry for 17 August 1826 is illegible (past damp damage) and the entries for 23 November 1827, 9 February and 17 March 1828 are in one of the few porters books that doesn't survive (odd and even numbered dates are in different books) but wouldn't add much more than the serial numbers in reality.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 July 1825), 3
MR. JOHN EDWARDS, Professor of Music, from London, begs Permission to announce his Arrival in this Colony,
with a Selection of the best Pianofortes, from the Manufactory of Messrs. BROADWOOD, from whom he
will receive regular Supplies. He has also Violins, and other Musical Instruments, with a large
Assortment of Fashionable Music.
J. E. trusts, that his experience as a Teacher of the Pianoforte, Violin, and Singing, in the
metropolis of England, combined with unremitting attention to the progress of his Pupils, and the
very flattering testimonials with which Sir G. SMART, and other eminent Professors honoured him on his
leaving England, will ensure him the confidence of those who may wish to receive Musical Instruction.
Address Mr J. Edwards, 61, Pitt-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 January 1826), 3
MR. EDWARDS, Professor of Music and Singing, at Mr. Hankinson's, nearly opposite the Wharf, George-street, begs to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney, &c. that being about immediately to order a Selection of PIANOFORTES from the House of Messrs. Broadwood's, in London, he will be happy to include in that Order Instruments of any particular sort or fashion, to suit the taste or convenience of those who wish to possess them, of the best quality and manufacture; and to guarantee the delivery of such Instruments, upon their arrival here, in the same good order and condition as if taken immediately from the Manufactory in London. Application to be made on or before the 19th Instant. Mr. Edwards continues to give Instruction in Singing, and on the Pianoforte and Violin, as usual.
[Advertisement], The Monitor (13 October 1826), 7
PIANO FORTES. MR. EDWARDS, having received per Medora, an In[vest]ment of Piano-Fortes, from the celebrated house of Broadwood and Sons, begs to acquaint the ladies and gentlemen of the colony, that the same are ready for inspection at his apartments, 10, George-street. A selection of fashionable Music for the Piano-Forte, &c. by the same conveyance.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Monitor (20 January 1827), 2
MR. EDWARDS the musical professor, has opened a Warehouse in Underwood's Buildings, George Street, with a very choice display of Instruments, and a selection of the latest and most popular airs and other superior compositions now in vogue in London and Paris. His Piano-fortes by Broadwood surpass in excellence any ever imported to this Colony by many degrees, and were exceedingly cheap. His music is equally reasonable. Mr. Edwards imported and has still on hand a considerable quantity of the best elementary books of instruction for youth we ever looked over in this Colony. We are glad Mr. E. has taken a Warehouse for the better exhibition of these valuable books. They need only be examined by parents, guardians, and instructors of youth, to find a ready sale. We were surprised in selecting a quantity the other day, to observe, the great judgment displayed in the selection by him who imported them into the Colony.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 October 1827), 4
MR. EDWARDS begs to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney, &c. that he has just received, per the Alacrity, an INVESTMENT OF GRAND, COTTAGE, and SQUARE PIANO-FORTES, by Messrs. BROADWOOD, of the same Quality with those he has hitherto Sold, and that they remain for Inspection and Sale at his Music Warehouse, A 9, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Monitor (22 November 1827), 3
MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WAREHOUSE, NO. 9. GEORGE STREET. MR. EDWARDS begs to announce to the public, that in addition to his late Investment per Alacrity, he has just received by the Mary, an Assortment of Musical Instruments of various descriptions; and has the honour of offering for inspection; Barrel Organs, Guitars (spanish) Pedal Harps, the Anglicia or Musical Glasses, Broadwood's Piano Fortes, Grand, Harmonic, and horizontal; plain, or ornamented; fastened for tropical climates or otherwise. AEolian harps, Flageolets, and Flutes of various sorts. Military fifes and Piccolas [piccolos]; Clarionets, Violins, Tenors, Kent and other Bugles; Harp, Guitar, and Violin Strings; Music paper, and Books ruled &c &c &c.
"Prosperity of Sydney", The south-Asian register (April 1828), 290
In January of the present year, we had 18 ships, 16 brigs, 4 schooners, 3 cutters, 2 hulks: in all 43 vessels in Port Jackson at the same time.
Mr. Edwards informs us, that during the last three years, he has sold no less than 23 new Piano fortes in Sydney, imported from London.
A provincial Post-office, was regularly established in March.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 September 1829), 4
Elegant Pianofortes for Sale. MR. EDWARDS begs to call the Attention of the Public to an Assortment of Grand and Harmonic, or Cottage and Square, BROADWOOD PIANOFORTES, which he has on Sale at Messrs. BARWISE & WELLER'S, Merchants, George-street, near the King's Wharf.
London 1 April 1833; shipped on the Mary from London, arrived Sydney, NSW, 20 October 1833

Customer ledger, 1 April 1833 (ref. 2185/JB/29/24/1, page 316); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Mr. Jno. Edwards / Sydney New South Wales
1833 April 1 / A 6 O SPF, 29.8.- . . .; strings, 1.11.6; Cover, 1.10.-, tin, 1.6.-; & deal 1.5.- cases;
Freight Shipping expences Insurance 4.12.-; [total] 39 / 12/ 6
The piano was £29.8, but spare strings, cover, tin and deal cases, freight, shipping expenses and insurance adds a further £10 to the total. Most if not all of the entries above included all these extras in the total cost. The total owed was thus £536.17.5 and there is an undated noted in the hand of Thomas Broadwood transferring this amount to the Doubtful ledger (which does not survive). This appears to be the end of Broadwoods relationship with Edwards.

Broadwood archive, porters book, Monday 1 April 1833 (ref. 2185/JB/42/23); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Edwards / A 6 O SPF . . . No. 40072, full strings, Lined Cover tin & Deal case Mr. Jno. Edwards Sydney marked "E" 30 and deliv'd to farlows to be tates that the piano was to be shipped on the Mary, J. Turcan junior . . .
"SYDNEY GENERAL TRADE LIST", The Sydney Monitor (26 October 1833), 2
IMPORTS, Oct. 21. - Mary (brig), 244 tons, Turcan master, from London via Hobart Town. George Bunn & Co. agents. 63 cases pickles; 8 cases vinegar . . .. 1 case pianoforte, T. Edwards [sic] . . .
Alexander Macduff Baxter's piano and other instruments (Sydney, 1827, 1830)
Attorney General, New South Wales, 1827-30; see Alexander Macduff Baxter (1798-1836), arrived Sydney, July 1827 (per Marquis of Hastings)

Customer ledger, 1826-31, A-E (2185/JB/29/17/1); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Baxter, Esq., Attorney General, Sydney, New South Wales
1827 April 14 / A 6 O. Cottage Piano forte 52.10.-, & Case 2.5.-, . . .. 54 / 15 / -
[April] 23 / Carriage of 6 O. Cottage P.F, & Case from 7 Fleet St. . . . - / 15 / - . . .
[Total] 55 / 10 / -
"IMPORTS", Sydney General Trade List, and Mercantile Advertiser (15 January 1830), 1
Ships' reports from 8th to 14th Instant, inclusive . . . - 2 cases millinery, 1 case musical instruments, A. M. Baxter Esq. - . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 June 1830), 3
Modern, Unique, and Household Furniture, Service of Plate, rare and valuable
Books, French Porcelaine, grand and horizontal Piano Forte, by Broadwood, Tenor Violin, Guitar &c &cc.
Modern Music by all the first Composers.
BY MR. BODENHAM. Upon the Premises lately occupied by His Majesty's Attorney General, who is retiring to his Cottage Ornee,
for the benefit of his health, On Friday next, the 4th, and Saturday the 5th Instant, at 11 for 12 o'Clock, precisely.
MR. BODENHAM, begs particularly to call the attention of his numerous Patrons to the sale of the above valuable and elegant
assemblage of modern Furniture, made by Saunders, of Catharine-street, in the Strand, and
Oakley, of Bond-street. Amongst the Library will be found, the valuable Edinburgh Encyclopaedia,
the Edinburgh Review, the State Trials, and Statutes at large ; the Drams illustrated with fine
plates: the plate and porcelaine are both good and ornamental.
The Catalogues will be ready for delivery on Wednesday morning, at the Estate, Land Agency,
and Surveying Offices of Mr. Bodenham. Terms of Sale. - For Purchasers above £20, an approved endorsed bill at 3 months will be taken;
under that sum cash on delivery.
Thomas and Charlotte Icely's piano (London 1830; Sydney 1831)
On a return visit to England, Sydney merchant-farmer Thomas Icely (1797-1874) married Charlotte Rothery (1807-1843) at St. Mary-Le-Bone, Westminster, England, on 20 July 1830. Having purchased their cabinet piano in London in September, the couple arrived back in Sydney, in company with Icely's brother and sister and his wife's two brothers, and the piano, per Sovereign, on 21 February 1831. The couple lived first in the country at Boongarrabee (Bungarribee, near Mount Druitt), and in town at Point Piper; see also Icely's obituary and NLA persistent identifier

Customer ledger, 1826-31, F-O (2185/JB/29/18/1-2); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
893 / Thos. Icely Esq. / 1830 Sept. 15 / A [illegible] Cab. Piano Fte, 94.10.-; pat. full strings, 1.16.-; tin, 3.3.-; and deal cases, 2.17.6 . . .

Corresponding porter's book entry; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Wednesday September 15 1830 / Icely / A 672 Pat. Cab [PF] At 5502 full stgs tin & Deal Cases per Mr. Wigley addressed Thos. Icely Esq (31 Somerset St., Portman Sq.) Sydney New South Wales deliv'd at Mr. Farlows to be shipped on the Sovereign Cape. Paid 26/-
"Sydney General Trade List", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 March 1831), 2
. . . 2 cases stationery, 2 cases, 2 piano-fortes, 1 case harp, 2 casks earthenware, 3 cases saddlery, 1 horse, 2 cases haberdashery, Thomas Icely . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 June 1832), 3
VALUABLE RACING STUD. Elegant Household Furniture, Books, Silver Plate, Plated Articles, rich cut Glass, Eaithcnware, China, Cutlery, splendid Pianoforte by Broadwood, Harp by Erard, elegant Chariot and Phaton by Peters, Stanhope by Burnand, with Harness, &c. complete. The Property of Thomas Icely, Esq. about to return to England. BY MR. SAMUEL LYONS, On Friday, 29th June Instant, at 10 for 11 o'Clock, at the Royal Hotel, George-street, Sydney . . .
Alfred and Anne Glennie's piano (London 1835; Sydney)
On the Rev'd Alfred Glennie (1811-1870), see Biographical register
if the documentation is correct, the piano arrived in Sydney on the Minerva in January 1826; Glennie married Anne Ferris, at St. Philip's, Sydney, on 13 October 1836

Customer ledger, 1834-39, A-E (2185/JB/29/26/1-2); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
1835 Augt. 11 / A 6 O Sq. Pianofte., 39.18.-; pl. plate, Strings, 1.11.6; cover lin'd, 1.10.-; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.-; per Mr. Jolly per Ship . . .
Corresponding porter's book entry; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre

Glennie / A 6 O FP . . . No. 45520 . . . address Alfred Glennie Esq. care of Messrs. Ferris & Co. Sydney New South Wales . . . to be shipped on the Minerva . . .
Andrew Nash's piano (London 1835; Parramatta, 1836)
The ex-convict, publican, and entrepreneur Andrew Nash (1776-1855) sailed for London in March 1835, on the Chili, and arrived back in Sydney, on the James Laing, in July 1836

Customer ledger, 1834-39, A-E (2185/JB/29/26/1-2); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Mr. Nash, Sydney / 1835 Sept. 23 / A 6 O Sq. PianoFte, 73.10.- [?] Cypress [?], Strings, 7/6 , tin, 1.6.- & deal 1.5.- Cases per Mr. H. Russell
Emma Stieglitz's piano (London 1835; St. Paul's Plains, VDL)
On Emma Cowie (from May 1836 Mrs. John Stieglitz) see Emma Stieglitz (1809-1880)

Customer ledger (wholesale), 1834-39 (2185/JB/29/27/3); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Miss Cowie, Brookstead, Van Diemans Land / 1836 Sept 7 / A Sq. Pianofte 31.10.- [ ? ], Strings, 7/6, tin, 1.6.- & deal 1.5.- Cases / [Total] 34 / 8 / 6 [paid] 1836 Sept. 16 By Cash . . .

Broadwood price list, 1836; image reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Thomas Axford's new piano (London, ? 1836/7; River Clyde, VDL)
Thomas Axford (1788-1855) sold his Clementi piano before he and his family sailed for England in May 1836; if the documentation is to be believed, they returned with a new Broadwood piano
[Advertising], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch, and Agricultural and Commercial. . . (8 January 1836), 2
Sale of Sheep. Farming Implements, Household Furniture, &c., the Property of Mr. Axford, proceeding to England. BY W. T. MACMICHAEL, At Thorp Farm, Clyde, the Residence of Mr. Axford, Positively, on Monday, the 25th inst. at 12 o'clock precisely; without the least reserve. ABOUT Four hundred fine Woolled Sheep . . . One capital piano-forte, by Clementi . . .
Customer ledger, 1834-39, A-E (2185/JB/29/25/1-2)

Corresponding porter's book entry; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Axford / A 6 O FP Pat. Solid. No. 45104 full Stgs tin & Deal cases per Mr. Barrett Marks Lane addr'd Thos. Axford Esq. Van Diemans Land deliv'd to St. Katherine Dock as per order of Mr. B . . .
John and Jane Franklin's piano (London 1836; Hobart Town, VDL, 1836)
On governor John Franklin (1786-1847) and Jane Franklin (1791-1875); the Franklins arrived in Hobart Town from England in January 1837

Customer ledger, 1834-39, A-E (2185/JB/29/26/1-2); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Capt. Sir. Jn. Franklin R.N. Lieut. Governor Hobarts Town Van Diemans Land / 1836 Augt 2 / A Sq. Pianofte, 68.5.-; pat supt., string, 7/6; cover lin'd, 1.10.- tin 1.6.- & deal 1.5.- Cases & Carriage to Deptford Docks Yd. per Mr. Wylde . . . [total] 73 / 4 / -

Corresponding porter's book entry; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Franklin / A 6 O PF Pat Supt. No. 47121, 7/6 Stgs lined Cover tin & Deal Case per Mr. Wylde, 3 St. James St., addressed Sir Jno Franklin RN Lieut. Govr. Van Diemans Land Hobart Town deliv'd to Deptford Dock Yard . . ..
Pianos shipped to Henty and Co. (London 1836-37; Launceston, VDL)
On Thomas Henty senior (1775-1839), see NLA persistent identifier

Wholesale ledger, 1834-39 (2185/JB/29/27/3), 303-4; image above (303 detail) couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
[folio] 363 / Messrs. Henty & Co, Launceston, Van Diemans Land
1836 June 10 / no. 3 / A 6 O S.P. pl. plate, 39.18.-; strings, 7/6, tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 42 / 16 / 6
[June 10] / 8 / A ditto. RC, 42.-.-; strings, 7/6; & Cases, 2.11.- / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[June 10] / 9 / A ditto. RC, Strings & Cases . . . / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[June 10] / 10 / A ditto pat., 57.15.-; Strings, 7/6; & Cases, 2.11.- / [total] 60 / 13 / 6
[June 10] / 11 / A ditto pl. plate, 39.18.-; Strings, 7/6; & Cases, 2.11.- / [total] 42 / 16 / 6
[June 10] / 12 / A ditto. RC, 42.-.-; Strings, 7/6; & Cases, 2.11.- / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[June 10] / 13 / A 6 O C.P. fr. fd., 73.10.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 3.-.-; & deal Cases, 2.12.6 / a carved Stool, 2.15.-; & Canterbury, 2.15.- / [total] 85 / - / -
[June 10] / 14 / A 6 O CC GP sec'd, 31.10.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 3.-.-; & deal Cases, 2.12.6 / [total] 37 / 10 / 6
[June 10] / 15 / A ditto. RW sec'd, 52.10.-; Strings, 7/6; Cover, 3.-.-; tin, 3.-.-.; & deal Cases, 2.13.- / [total] 61 / 10 / 6
[June 10] / 16 / Four carved Stools, 11.-.-; 4 Canterburies, 11.-.-; 1 Zebra Stool, 4.4.-; 1 [Zebra] Canterbury, 4.4.-; & Case, 1.5 / [total] 13 / 13 / -
- / Paid freight & Shipping Expences / [total] 30 / 18 / 6
[GRAND TOTAL JUNE 1836] 527 / 14 / 6
[1836] Octob. 5 / 17 / A Cott. Pianoforte, fr. ft, 57.15.-; Strings, 7/6, tin, 2.12.-; & deal Cases, 2.5.- / [total] 62 / 14 / 6
[October 5] / 18 / A Sq. Pianoforte pl. R.C., 42.-.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[October 5] / 19 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[October 5] / 20 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[October 5] / 21 / A ditto pat. fr. Cs, 50.8.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 53 / 6 / 6
[October 5] / 22 / A Small Cott. Pianoforte, 50.8.-; Strings, 7/6/; tine, 2.12.-; & deal Cases, 2.5.- / [total] 55 / 12 / 6
[October 5] / 23 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] 55 / 12 / 6
[October 5] / 24 / A Cott. Pianoforte, plymth. pol., 57.15.-; Strings, 7/6, tin, 2.12.-; & deal Cases, 2.5.- / [total] 62 / 14 / 6
[October 5] / 25 / A 6 O Cab. Pianoforte, pils. pol., 73.10.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 3.-.-.; & deal Cases, 2.13.6 / [total] 79 / 10 / -
[GRAND TOTAL OCTOBER 1836] 504 / 16 / -
1837 May 6 / 26 / A Grd. Pianoforte sec'd, 31.10; Strings, 7/6; 3.-.-.; & deal Cases, 2.13.- / [total] 37 / 10 / 6
[May 6] / 27 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . [total] 37 / 10 / 6
[May 6] / 28 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . [total] 37 / 10 / 6
[May 6] / 29 / A Grd. Pianoforte sec'd R.W., 42.-.-; Strings, 7/6; 3.-.-.; & deal Cases, 2.13.- / [total] 48 / - / 6
[May 6] / 30 / A Sq. Pianoforte pl. R.C., 42.-.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[May 6] / 31 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[May 6] / 32 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[May 6] / 33 / A ditto Cs., 50.8.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 53 / 6 / 6
[May 6] / 34 / A Cott. Pianoforte. pold. 54.12.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 2.12.-; & deal Cases, 2.5.- / [total] 59 / 16 / 6
[May 6] / 35 / A 6 O Cabt. pianoforte pils. pold., 73.10.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 3.-.-; & deal Cases, 2.12.6 / [total] 79 / 10 / -
[GRAND TOTAL MAY 1837] 488 / - / 6
[1837] August 7 / 36 / A 6 O C.P. p & p, 73.10.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 3.-.-; & deal Cases, 2.12.6 / [total] 79 / 10 / -
[1837 August 7] / 37 / A Cott. plymth pol., 57.15.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 2.12.-; & deal Cases, 2.5.- / [total] 62 / 19 / 6
[1837 August 7] / 38 / A / [total] A S.P. R.C., 42.-.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[1837 August 7] / 39 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[1837 August 7] / 40 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[1837 August 7] / 41 / A S.P. pat. fr. Cs., 50.8.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 53 / 6 / 6
[GRAND TOTAL AUGUST 1837] 330 / 11 / 6
[1837] Octob. 24 / 42 / A S.P. R.C.. 42.-.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[1837 October 24] / 43 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[1837 October 24] / 44 / A ditto . . . ditto . . . / [total] 44 / 18 / 6
[1837 October 24] / 45 / A ditto pat. fr. Cs., 50.8.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 1.6.-; & deal Cases, 1.5.- / [total] 53 / 6 / 6
[folio. 364] [1837 October 24] / 46 / A Cott. plynth pol., 57.15.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 2.12.-; & deal Cases, 2.5.- / [total] 62 / 19 / 6
[1837 October 24] / 47 / A 6 O C. P. pt. pd., 73.10.-; Strings, 7/6; tin, 3.-.-; & deal Cases, 2.12.6 / [total] 79 / 10 / -
[GRAND TOTAL AUGUST 1837] 232 / 12 / 5
[OVERALL TOTAL 1836-37] 2414 / 6 / 5
To Batavia remains due on Shippd. per Lowestoff, interest and [?] 10 Dec. 1837 to 2 Jany 1841 . . .
Shippd. per William Wise due 5 April 1838 . . .
Shippd. per Children, due 6 May 1838 . . .
Shippd. per Arabian due 7 Feby 1839 . . .
Shippd. per Rhoda due 24 April 1839 . . .

Porter's book, 5 October 1836; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Wednesday 5th October 1836
Henty & Co / Three SP [?] R.C. No. 46444 (18), 46765 (19), 46996 (20) . . .
Two Picolos Nos 23, 23, 0000 [i.e. no serial numbers]
A Cottage PF . . . No. 2485 (24)
A 6 O C.P . . . No. 6308 (25) . . .
Messrs. Henty & Co., Launceston, Van Dieman's Land . . . del. to London Docks to be shipped on the William Wise . . .
Porter's book, 7 August 1837
Henty & Co / A C.P. . . . No. 7100 (36) . . .
A Cottage P.F. . . . No. 2557 (37) . . .
Three S.P. . . . Nos. 48,481 (38), [48,]391 (39), [48,]692 . . .
Messrs. Henty & Co., Launceston, Van Dieman's Land . . . del. to St. Katherines Dock to be shipped on the Arabian, Cap. Cain, for Launceston . . .
Pianos shipped to William Vincent Wallace (Sydney, 1837)
[News], The Australian (9 September 1836), 2
We understand that Mr. W. Wallace has received a letter per Waterloo, informing him of a large shipment of Pianos, which are consigned to him, and which have been selected by that celebrated pianist Henri Herz, from the house of Broadwood and Erard.
Broadwood archive, customer ledger, 9 May 1837 (ref. 2185/JB/29/27/3)
[page 856] Mr. Wm. Wallace, Sidney [sic], NS Wales
9 May 1837 per Lord William Bentinck
Semi Gd. PF £61.19
6 Oct[ave] Cabinet PF polished £53.11
Sq. PF patent £42
Sq. PF pl RC [round corners ?] polished £31
2 Sq. PF pl pla polished £28.18 each
all with spare sets of strings 7s6d each and tin and deal cases (£1.6 and £1.5 each respectively for the squares,
and £3 and £2.13 for the Semi GP and £3 and £2.12.6 for the Cabinet)
Total cost was £270 6d which was paid by cash on 4 August 1837.
There are no cross-references to entries in next and previous ledgers, so this looks like a one-off transaction.
Henri Herz also has entries in the same ledger (p353 and 420), which include commissions paid to him for various
piano sales but in his entries which cover 1835-1838 there is no commission for Wallace.
The porters book (ref. 2185/JB/42/27) gives the serial numbers:
6 Octave Semi Gd. 828
6 Octave Cabinet 7584
6 Octave Sq. Patent 48099
6 Octave Sq. RC 48375
6 Oct. Sq. pl pla 48262 and 48343
The entry goes on to say:
delivered at the St Katherine's Dock as per order of John Masson esq., 5 Lime Street Square. Invoice to ditto. All arrangements with regard to the payment, insurance, shipping etc will be attended to by Mr. Masson. Edwards [porter].
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 October 1837), 3
Ex Lord William Bentinck.
BEGS to apprise his Friends and the Public in general, that he has received by the above vessel
from his London Agents, a few elegant modern Pianofortes, from the well-known makers,
and selected expressly for him, by HENRI HERTZ [recte HERZ], the celebrated Pianist, and
they will be on view in a few days at his residence, Regent Terrace, Hunter-street.
A large assortment of the latest compositions for the Pianoforte, by Herz, Czerny, Hummel, &c.
N. B. - The present investment is the second portion of these Pianos he received, ex
Royal George, which have been so highly approved of.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 October 1837), 1
New Musical Instruments,
BEGS to inform the Public, that in addition to his former stock of Broadwood and Collard's Pianofortes, he
has received some splendid toned Cabinet and Cottage Instruments, selected by Henri Herz, which he is
determined to sell considerably less than any yet disposed of in the Colony, having been purchased in London
for Cash.
All Pianofortes purchased from Ellard kept in tune for twelve months, free of charge.
Musical Instruments manufactured and correctly repaired.
Music Saloon, George-street, opposite the Barrack Gate.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (27 October 1837), 1
[Repeats Ellard advertisement of 23 October 1837 above, also:]
SALES BY AUCTION . . . BY ISAAC SIMMONS & CO., on WEDNESDAY, the 1st proximo, at Eleven o'clock precisely, who have been honored with instructions to sell by Public Auction, all the genuine Household Furniture, &c., throughout Col. Wilson's capital residence at Spencer Lodge, over looking the superb Mercantile and Shipping Store of Messrs. Wright and Long, Miller's Point. It comprises every thing requisite for an infinity of Bed Chambers, Drawing-rooms, Parlours, Dining rooms, &c., and the whole in excellent condition; a brilliant toned horizontal Grand Piano-forte by Broadwood . . .
Pianos shipped to Willis, Keogh and Co.; and Willis, Garrett and Co. (London, 1837; Launceston and Hobart, VDL)

Wholesale ledger, 1834-39 (2185/JB/29/27/3); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Miss (? Rosalie) Deane's piano (London, Sydney, 1838)
On the talented concert pianist Rosalie Deane (1821-1888) see her entry in the Deane family Main page
Or (and given that this is a relatively cheap piano, perhaps more likely), the Miss Deane in question may be Mary Deane (Mrs. William Pitt Faithfull, d.1889) or her elder sister; see their 1838 advertisement for a "ladies' school"

Wholesale ledger, 1834-39 (2185/JB/29/27/3); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Miss Deane, New South Wales / 1838 April 26 / A S.P. PF., 31.10.-, Strings, 7/6, tin 1.6.- & deal 1.5.- Cases / [total] 34 / 8 / 6 . . . By Cash . . .
Edwin Hickey's pianos (London, Sydney, 1840)
Son of a convict, himself a farmer, entrepreneur, and eccentric Edwin Augustus Hickey (d.1884) arrived free as a child in 1818; his shipment of 7 pianos sailed from London on the Kelso on 8 May 1840 and arrived in Sydney on 18 September.

Wholesale ledger 1839-42, A-L (2185/JB/29/31/1); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
393 / Mr. Edwin Hickey, Sydney, under the guarantee of Messrs. Thos. Gore & Co Sydney
1840 April 14
[1] A Semi G PF imp. 89.5.-; Cover, 3.-; Strings, 1.5; tin, 3.- & deal, 2.10 Cases, Shipng, 7.-.-; [total] 106 / - / -
[2] A Cab. PF . . . 89.5.-; [strings], 1.16; [case], 5.10; [shipping], 7.-.-; [total] 103 / 11 / -
[3] A Cab. PF pat., 94.10.-; [strings] 1.16.-; [case], 5.10; [shipping], 7.7.-; [total] 109 / 3 / -
[4] A SPF pat., 68.5.-; cover, 2.2.-; [strings] 1.11.6; [cases], 1.15-., 1.10.-; [shipping], 5.7.6; [total] 80 / 11 / -
[5] [ditto as 4] . . . [total] 80 / 11 / -
[6] A SPF [?], 48.6.-; Cover, 1.10.-; [strings] 1.11.6; [cases], 1.6.-., 1.5.-; [shipping], 3.17.6; [total] 57 / 16 / -
[7] A SPF [?], 44.2.-; Cover 1.10.-; [strings] 1.11.6; [case], 2.11.-; [shipping], 3.15.6; [total] 53 /10 / -
[TOTAL] 591 / 2 / -
1842 Novr 24 / To Cash, for Power of Attorney . . .
1844 June 10 / To Charges per Mr. R. Dacre, see F.L. fol. 214 . . .
1846 Sept 10 / To ditto ditto see F.L. fol. 238 . . .
1850 july 4 / To charge . . .

Porter's book, April 1840; image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Hickey / 1 / A Semi G PF [imp. No. 166, leather Cover
2 / A 6 1/2 Cab PF pils pol. No 8257
3 / A 6 1/2 Cab PF Pat No. 7536
4 and 5 / Two Sqr PF pat Supr. Nos 51996, 51929. Leather Covers
6 / A Sqr PF RC Improved No. 52207. Leather Cover
7 / A Sqr PF RC pol. No. 52007 [sic, but see 6 above]. Leather Cover. Full Strings
Tin & Deal Cases to all. Mr. Edwin Hickey, Sydney, New South Wales. Marked HB. Nos. 1 to 7 deliv'd to Farlows to Ship per Kelso Captain Roxburgh / Shipping expences £5.2.6 / Freight £22.2.6 . . .
"Shipping Intelligence", The Colonist (19 September 1840), 2
ARRIVALS September . . . 18: Kelso, ship, 567 tons, Roxburgh, from London, May 8, and Rio de Janeiro, July 5, with merchandise . . .
Michael and Anne Remens Clarke's piano (London, 1841; Hobart Town, 1842)
On the Clarkes, see main page Anne Remens Clarke

Wholesale ledger 1839-42, A-L (2185/JB/29/31/1); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Mr. Michael Clarke, Hobart Town / 1841 Sept. 14 / A 6 1/2 O Sq. PF sec'd for, 50.-.-; zinc, 3.-.-; & deal Cases, 2.13.-; dock dues 9/6 [total] 56 / 2 / 6 ; 1841 Aug. 28 By Cash 55 / 13 / - . . ..
Andrew Ellard (Dublin, 1830s; Sydney, 1839)
On Andrew Ellard (d. 1859) see Ellard family Main page; these accounts pertain to Andrew Ellard's Dublin business, and predate his year long stay in Sydney from February 1839

Wholesale ledger 1834-39 (2185/JB/29/27/3); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre

1842 Broadwood pianoforte, serial number 54792, from Ranulph Dacre's 1843 shipment; courtesy Carey Beebe
Ranulph Dacre (Sydney, 1843)
In 1842, captain Ranulph Dacre (1797-1884), mariner and merchant of Sydney, placed an order for 10 pianos, that were duly shipped in January 1843, and arrived in Sydney, on the Fanny on 20 July.
Porter's book (2185/JB/42/234); transcribed Simonson, Surrey History Centre
Monday 9 January 1843
Two 6 1/2 Bicha [Bichorda] GPFs Patent nos. 15587, 15423
Two Semi GPFs Pat Improd [Patent Improved] nos. 680, 681
Two Semi Cott [Cottage] PFs Cylft [cylinder front ?] nos. 4973, 4905
Two Sq Pfs School Pold [polished] revolving scale and nulled nos. 54792, 54842, no extra charge
Two Sq PFs Pat Supr [Superior] nos. 54217, 54362,
all screwed, covers, full [sets of] strings, tin and deal cases to all, R Dacre, esq, Sydney, marked RBD no. 5 to 14,
delivered at Farlows to ship per "Fanny", shipping expenses £6.8.6, freight £22.15.6, insurance, £15.9.6
Wren [porter]
"IMPORTS", Australasian Chronicle (22 July 1843), 3
JULY 20. - Fanny, barque, from London: 217 bars, 49 bundles iron, 6 sheets lead, 40 hogsheads beer, 4 casks oatmeal,
120 casks British goods, 8 bales linens, 18 cases copper, 3 casks copper nails,
10 cases pianofortes . . .

Nameboard, 1842 Broadwood pianoforte, serial number 54792, from Ranulph Dacre's 1843 shipment; courtesy Carey Beebe
One piano from the Dacre shipment, serial number 54792, has been identified as surviving.
It was acquired by the Oxley family of "Kirkham", near Camden, originally the estate of John Oxley (1784-1828), probably by Oxley's son, John Norton Oxley (1824-1891).
The Sydney dealer and collector, the late Bill Bradshaw purchased it from the latter's grand-daughter, Eleanor Beatrice Martin Oxley.
It has recently been restored by Carey Beebe, who in July 2018 kindly brought this fine instrument, and its interesting history, to my attention.
For his detailed description of the instrument, see:
Other importers (1840s-1850s)
Broadwood archive, customer ledger, 1834-1845 (19/2)
This ledger has entries for:
William Orr, then Alexander Orr, Hobart, pages 63-64, 1840-1843
Messrs. Willis, Keogh and Co., Launceston, continuing as Messrs. William, Jackson and Co., pages 95-6, 1843-1844
All three carry forward to the next ledger, which covers 1845-1859.
Former Broadwood personnel active in Australia
David BUIST (arrived NSW, 1849)
Joseph HAMBLIN (arrived WA, 1842)
Charles E. HIME (arrived VIC, by 1852)
Isaac Debock KENNARD (arrived VIC, 1855)
William KING (arrived NSW, by 1850)
Francis LITOLFF (arrived VIC, 1853)
Henry William LOVEDAY (arrived TAS, 1856)
Henry MARSHALL (arrived NSW, 1851)
Robert SMITH (arrived VIC, 1853)
John Campbell WEBSTER (arrived VIC, by 1862)
Albert Francis WEIPPERT (arrived VIC, 1863)
Edwin WHITCHURCH (arrived VIC, 1853)
Harry WIGAN (arrived VIC, by 1856)
Charles WILKIE (arrived VIC, 1852; d. 1858)
Joseph WILKIE (arrived VIC, 1850)
John WILLIAMS (arrived VDL/TAS, 1840)
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