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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–L (Lew-Ly)

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–L (Lew-Ly)", Australharmony (an online resource toward the history of music and musicians in colonial and early Federation Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

- L - (Lew-Ly)

LEWIS, Miss (Miss LEWIS)

Musician, teacher of the pianoforte

Active Beechworth, VIC, 1857


[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (19 January 1857), 4 


LEWIS, The Misses (The Misses LEWIS)

Musicians, teachers of the pianoforte

Active Sydney, NSW, 1856


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1856), 6

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1856), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1856), 1

LEWIS, Mrs. (Mrs. LEWIS)


Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1848


[Advertisement], Sydney Chronicle (6 January 1848), 3

A MUSICAL FESTIVAL will take place on MONDAY EVENING, January 1Oth, in St. Patrick's Hall.
The splendid New Band of St. Patrick's Society will make their second appearance.
Comic Song - "Polly Flowers" - Mr. Branagan
Comic Duet, Mr. Branagan and Mrs. Lewis
Song - "Tell me my heart," Mrs. Lewis
Original Comic Song - "The Sydney Cries" - Mr. Branagan
Comic Song - "He'd such a tremendous big nose," Mr. Branagan
Comic Duet, Mr. Branagan and Mrs. Lewis
Song - "The wild rose of Erin." Mrs. Lewis
Comic Song - "Black Turf," Mr. Branagan
Two Irish pipers are expected to attend. - Several Amateurs have kindly offered their services . . .

LEWIS, Annie (Annie LEWIS) = Mrs. Edward SALAMAN

Vocalist ("The Australian Nightingale")

Active VIC and TAS, 1852-57

LEWIS, Barbara Dommenget (Barbara Dommenget LEWIS; Barbara D. LEWIS; Miss B. D. LEWIS)

Musician, teacher of dancing and pianoforte, composer, governess

Born London, England, 23 February 1803; baptised St. Andrew's, Holborn, 9 August 1823; daughter of Joseph LEWIS and Mary DOMMENGET
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 30 January 1852 (per Joshua, from Plymouth, 5 November 1851, aged "46")
Departed Melbourne, VIC, c. 1870
Died Teddington, London, England, 5 December 1899, aged 96


A teacher of dancing and piano, she also composed The mayor's polka (no copy identified) and The corporation polka.


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew Holborn, London, and in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1823; register 1821-24, page 357; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 2852 / [1823 August] 9 / Barbara Dommenget / Born 23 Feb'y 1803 / [daughter] of Joseph (deceased) [and] Mary / Lewis / St. James' Walk, Clerkenwell / Merchant . . .

Nominal and disposal list of immigrants per Joshua, from Plymouth, 5 November 1851, to Melbourne, 30 January 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

266 / Lewis Barbara / C. of E. / 46 [sic] / . . . on own account, to Melbourne (DIGITISED)

Immigrants employed on board and amount of gratuities . . .
Matron / Barbara Lewis / [Amount] Withheld . . .

"COURT OF RELIEF FOR INSOLVENT DEBTORS", Morning Advertiser [London] (4 February 1828), 3 (PAYWALL)

Dommeneget [sic], Mary, (sued Mary Lewis), late of St. James's Walk, Clerkenwell, widow.

Old Bailey Proceedings, 14th May 1838; Old Bailey online 

1202. ELIZABETH KING was indicted for stealing; on the 8th of February, 2 tumblers, value 2s. 6d., the goods of Barbara Dommenget Lewis, her mistress . . . NOT GUILTY. 

1203. ELIZABETH KING was again indicted for stealing, on the 7th of March, 2 packs of playing cards, value 3s.; 2 towels, value 1s.; 1 handkerchief, value 1s.; 6 patty pans, value 1s. 6d.; 2 printed books, value 2s.; the goods of Barbara Dommenget Lewis, her mistress . . . GUILTY . Aged 45. - Transported for Seven Years.

England census, 30 March 1851, Cricklewood, Willesden, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1700/367/71 (PAYWALL)

Cricklwood House / Enoch Hodgkinson / Head / 48 / Schoolmaster . . . // Jane / Wife / 45 . . .
Barbara D. Lewis / Visitor / Unm. / 47 / Engaged in private tuition / [born] [Middlesex London] . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 November 1854), 8

DANCING - Dancing taught in a correct style.
Miss Lewis begs to announce that she will commence a Juvenile Class for Dancing and Deportment on Tuesday, 14th inst., assisted by a professor from London, at the Victoria Grammar School, Collins-street east.
Class days, Tuesdays and Fridays, 4 p.m. Terms - One Guinea and a Half per quarter.

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 January 1855), 1

WANTED Miss Lewis' pupils to know her Dancing Academy will re-open on Monday, 15th inst.

[Advertisement], The Argus (12 October 1855), 8

MISS LEWIS, Teacher of the Pianoforte and Dancing, Leicester Cottage, Leicester-street, Collingwood. Private Lessons.

"MUSIC", The Argus (31 October 1855), 5

Miss Lewis, the well-known teacher of dancing, whose "Mayor's Polka" was performed at the last public ball given by his Worship, has, we are informed, been prompted by the anticipated splendor of the ball tonight to compose another new polka for performance this evening, which she has entitled "The Corporation Polka."

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 July 1861), 3 

LADIES' COLLEGE, Fitzroy-gardens, Melbourne, Clarendon-street, corner of Albert-street. CLASSES next half year: - . . . pianoforte, Mr. E. Boulanger and Miss Lewis . . . Mr. and Mrs. VIEUSSEUX, Principals.

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 January 1868), 8 

DANCING and DEPORTMENT - Miss LEWIS'S CLASSES, Orderly room, Grattan street, Carlton, Saturdays, 3 to 5.

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 July 1868), 8 

MISS LEWIS'S weekly QUADRILLE PARTY. References kindly permitted to Messrs. Wilkie and Webster, Collins-street east.

[Advertisement], The Argus (20 October 1868), 2 

MONDAY, OCTOBER 20. In the Important Borough of Fitzroy. Three Nice Little Freehold Houses, Situated in Leicester-street, Fitzroy . . . STUBBS, OXTORY, and Co. will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises, on Monday next the 26th October, at one o'clock p.m. precisely, by order of the proprietress, Miss Barbara Lewis, in consequence of that lady's departure for England . . .

"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (19 November 1868), 2 

"The Querist's Album" is the title of a book for the drawing table, which has been just issued from the Press. It is compiled by Miss Barbara D. Lewis, and is designed for "recording opinions, feelings, impressions and peculiarities." There are twenty-five questions repeated on between seventy and eighty pages, and the idea is to obtain as many different answers to the questions as may occur to the friends or visitors, who each fill up a page. The useful and the amusing will thus be happily blended. The idea is a good one; and, as the profits on the sale of the book are to devoted to charitable purposes, the book should sell well.

"ATTENTION!", Melbourne Punch (3 December 1868), 7 

[News], The Argus (28 February 1870), 5 

Miss B.. D. Lewis acknowledges the cordial assistance of her friends in the purchase and disposal of her Querist Album, through which Miss B. D. Lewis has been enabled to give £30 to the different charities of Melbourne. She has now another edition in the press, and solicits the public patronage.

England census, 1871, St. Marylebone, London; UK National Archives, RG10/179/66/35 (PAYWALL)

13 Grove Street / Jane Smith / Head / Widow / 68 / . . .
Barbara D. Lewis / Lodger / Unm. / 68 / Governess & Annuitant / [born] Middlesex City of London . . .

"DEATHS", London Evening Standard (26 December 1899), 1 (PAYWALL)

LEWIS. - On the 5th inst, at Keswick Villa, Princes-road, Teddington, Barbara Dommenget Lewis, in her 97th year.

Musical works:

The corporation polka by Miss B. D. Lewis, composer of the Mayor of Melbourne, dedicated to Mrs. Smith, lady of the right worshipful J. T. Smith, esq'r., Mayor of the City of Melbourne, on the occasion of his worship's Grand Fancy Dress Ball in the Exhibition Building, on the 31st October 1855 ([Melbourne]: Campbell & Fergusson, lithograph's, [1855]) (DIGITISED)

Other publications:

Mary Fitz-George, Ball room refinement: containing the principal figure dances . . . (London: Dommeneget Lewis, [1851]) (DIGITISED)

Miss Barbara D. Lewis's querist's album: for recording opinions, feelings, impressions and peculiarities; third edition (Fitzroy: Barbara D. Lewis, 1869); Melbourne: W. H. Williams. (DIGITISED)

LEWIS, George Benjamin William (George Benjamin William LEWIS; G. B. W. LEWIS; frequently G. W. B. LEWIS)

Theatrical and circus manager, actor

Born London, England, 19 November 1818
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1851
Married Rose EDOUIN BRYER, Shanghai, China, 19 November 1864
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)


[Advertisement], The Age (11 November 1854), 1 

OPEN EVERY EVENING. ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE, Spring Street. Sole Lessee - Mr. George Lewis.
Saturday Evening, November 11, 1854. GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT,
Comprising all the available Vocal and Instrumental Talent to be had in Melbourne.
Miss Hamilton. Mrs. Hancock. Miss Warde. Mr. Daniel Golding . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton; Mary Ellen Hancock; Kate Warde; Daniel Golding (vocalists)

1864, marriage solemnized at Shanghai, China; register 1852-88, page 29; UK National Archives, RG33/12 (PAYWALL)

No. 55 / November 19th / George Benjamin William Lewis / full / Widower / Gentleman / Shanghai / [son of] William Lewis / Gentleman
Rose Bryer / full / Spinster / - / Shanghai / [daughter of] John Edouin Bryer / Gentleman . . ./
Married in the church of the Holy Trinity . . . Church of England . . .

"Mr. G. W. B. Lewis", Observer [Adelaide, SA] (21 July 1906), 36 

Mr. G. W. B. Lewis, the veteran actor, died in the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, on Wednesday, aged 87 years. He underwent an operation on Friday for an internal complaint, and appeared to be doing well for a day or two. Then complications set in, and he passed away. Mr. Lewis was born at Clement's Lane, London, on November 19, 1818. He was one of the oldest managers in Australia. Mr. F. H. Pollock (lessee of the Theatre Royal) says that Mr. Lewis was contemporaneous with the late Mr. George Coppin. He was an exceedingly clever circus performer, and was the originator of the Risley act in Australia. He took circuses to India, and after marrying Miss Rose Edouin, who survives him, dramatic companies. Mr. Appleton, who is still alive, was the leading man in those days. Mr. Pollack says Mr. Lewis was practically the last of the "old school."

LEWIS, Henry (Henry LEWIS)

Dancing master

Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1833-35 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Lewis, "late of the Theatres Royal, London and for many years assistant to Mr. Hunt" advertised as a dancing master from Deane's Rooms in Hobart in December 1833. In April, Deane advertised to Lewis's creditors to present their bills, and in May his Hobart landlord threatened to put Lewis's "wearing apparel" up for auction. Nevertheless, Lewis weathered his financial difficulties and was appointed a petty constable in September, much to amusement of the Colonial Times in October, which made much of the former dancing-master's transformation into a policeman.


[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (29 November 1833), 1 

Juvenile Ball. MR. LEWIS (lately arrived from the Theatre Royal, Drury lane), begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that he intends giving a Ball, with the assistance of his pupils, in the long room at the Freemasons' Tavern, Harrington-street, on Monday evening, December 9th, 1833, to commence precisely at eight o'clock. Single tickets, 15s.; double tickets, to admit a lady and gentleman, or two ladies, one guinea, to be had at the bar of the Freemasons' Tavern. N. B. - Refreshments as usual. Nov. 29, 1833.

[2 advertisements], Trumpeter General (24 December 1833), 4 

THEATRE. MRS. CAMERON begs to announce to the gentry and inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that Tuesday next, the 24th instant, has been fixed upon for opening the THEATRE, on which occasion will be presented Kotzebue's celebrated play of THE STRANGER . . . After which, a Hornpipe by Mr. Lewis . . . To conclude with the laughable farce of the MARRIED BACHELOR . . . Stage Manager, Mr. Taylor; Ballet Master, Mr. Lewis; Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Peck, Tickets, 6s. each; children under 12 years of age, half price, (not transferable,) issued from the bar of the Freemason's Tavern. Doors open at 6 o'clock, performance to commence at 7 o'clock.

DANCING. MR. LEWIS (late of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane and Covent Garden,) begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that he has opened an Academy for Dancing, at Mr. Deane's Rooms, Elizabeth-street, where every kind of fashionable Dancing is taught. N.B.- Schools attended, in town or country. For further particulars, apply at the rooms. Dec. 3.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (14 January 1834), 3

Dancing. MR. HENRY LEWIS (late of the Theatres Royal, London, and for many years assistant to Mr. Hunt,) begs to inform the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that he teaches the Gallopade, Mazurka, Waltzing, Quadrilles, and every other fashionable style of dancing, at Mr. Deane's Concert Rooms. Private lessons at all hours to persons of any age. A select Academy for Young Ladies and Gentlemen under 14 years of age, every Monday and Thursday evenings, at the Rooms, from 6 till 10 o'clock. Families and Schools punctually attended. Mr. LEWIS will be happy to receive Visitors every Monday evening. A card of terms may be had at the Rooms.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (22 April 1834), 1

Notice to Creditors. ALL Persons having any claims upon Mr. Henry Lewis, Dancing Master, of Hobart Town, are requested to present the same to the Undersigned, on or before Monday, the 28th Inst. J. P. DEANE. Argyle-street, April 18th, 1834.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (6 May 1834), 1

"GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 193", The Hobart Town Courier (19 September 1834), 2

[Court reports], Colonial Times (14 October 1834), 7

A ticket-of-leave man, whose name we could not catch, was charged by the soi-disant district constable, Mr. Henry Lewis, late dancing master, comedian, leader of the corps de ballet, &c. &c. &c, with offering "tip" to the said district, to escape muster on Sunday last. Notwithstanding the positive assertion of the unfortunate ticket-holder, that the whole was a fabrication, the oath of the district carried it, (of course very properly) and the presumptuous and disrespectful ticket man was ordered to "tip" up his ticket, and to rusticate for six months at a road party.

"Double Refined Susceptibility", Trumpeter General (31 October 1834), 2 

A Gallopading young fellow of this town, who has lately entered into the Constabulary, but who retains a feeling for the Stage, and occasionally steps for Mr. Deane, the other day desired that his name might be omitted in the bills of the day, and "Amateur’" substituted, as he was now a Government Officer.

"QUARTER SESSIONS", Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (9 January 1835), 2 

Henry Lewis, late a constable, and clerk to the Chief Constable, charged with stealing two bottles of gin from the office, and selling them to Mr. Holab [?], a druggist in Liverpool Street. The prisoner cross examined the witnesses at great length, and stated that he bought some of the gin off a man named Raper, in Liverpool Street, and some off Messrs. Wood and Menzies, but did not call either of the parties to prove his having done so. The Jury retired for a short time, and returned a verdict of guilty.

LEWIS, Louis Lucas (Louis Lucas LEWIS; Louis L. LEWIS; L. L. LEWIS)

Amateur musician, organist, pianist, composer, broker

Born Kensington, London, England, 1834
Married Rosa DUNN (c. 1845-1920), Melbourne, VIC, 16 October 1863
Died Melbourne, VIC, 21 December 1910 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Lewis, a broker by profession, was an elector in Melbourne in September 1859. He was organist for the Melbourne Philharmonic Society concert in March 1860, with the Bianchis and Octavia Hamilton, and at which Beethoven's Calm sea and prosperous voyage was given its first colonial performance. In a letter to the Argus in July, Lewis weighed in, on the society's side, to a dispute with the composer Charles Elsasser on its alleged stinting of the band for their recent performance of his cantata.

In January 1861, Lewis's "beautiful new ballad" What sounds are those? was advertised for sale by Joseph Wilkie. He continued as honorary organist for the Philharmonic during 1861, and at a concert in October 1862 performed Weber's Concertstück on the piano. He was secretary of the amateur St. Kilda Popular Entertainments in 1869.


[Advertisement], The Argus (26 September 1859), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus  (6 March 1860), 8


[Advertisement], The Argus (10 January 1861), 8

[Advertisement], The Herald (2 June 1862), 8 

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 October 1862), 8


LEWIS, Richard (Richard LEWIS)

Theatre owner, proprietor Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart)

Active Hobart, TAS, c, 1853


"SALE OF THE VICTORIA THEATRE", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [TAS] (19 February 1853), 3 

LEWIS, Robert (Robert LEWIS)

Musician, convict

Active Wollongong and Sydney, NSW, 1841

ASSOCIATIONS: William Radwell (musician, convict)

LEWIS, Thomas (Thomas LEWIS; Mr. T. LEWIS; Sergeant LEWIS)

Musician, sergeant master of the band of the 17th Regiment, clarinettist, composer

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 February 1831 (per York)
Departed Sydney, NSW, March 1836 (for India) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 17th Regiment (military band)


Lewis and his band disembarked at Sydney on 9 February and within a week the people of Parramatta were reportedly "highly delighted at having the band of the 17th regiment stationed among them'. In October 1831, the band played for the departure of Governor Darling. Notably, for Barnett Levey's "at home" in September 1832, the "Musical Department [was] conducted by Mr. T. LEWIS, Master of the 17th Regiment's Band, assisted with the string Band of that Regiment."

Lewis was also active as a player independently of his band, as for instance in August 1834, when:

A Quintette for two violins, tenor, flute, and violincello, by Messrs. Wilson, Sippe, Josephson, Lewis, and another performer whose name we have not heard, was received with much applause..

At Thomas Stubbs's concert in April 1835, "Mr. Lewis's solo on the clarionette was a high treat". Appearing with his band regularly in Sydney theatre, Lewis composed at least one theatre song, Why don't the girls propose, for Maria Taylor in September 1835 (the lyrics an original poem that had appeared recently in the press). Lewis and his band appeared in Vincent Wallace's first Sydney concert in February 1836, and Lewis was rumoured to be planning a farewell concert of his own previous to he and his band departing with their regiment for India in early March. In farewell, the Gazette noted, not entirely approvingly, that Lewis had taken:

great pains to prepare a large stock of all new interesting and scientific music he could get hold of, and the choice of marches, overtures, and other tunes, reflects great credit on the 17th.


[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 February 1831), 2

[News] & "PARRAMATTA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 February 1831), 3

"CHANGE OF GOVERNORS", The Asiatic journal and monthly miscellany (April 1832), 196

"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 September 1832), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (10 September 1832), 3

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Monitor (2 October 1833), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (2 October 1833), 3

[Letter] "To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 August 1834), 2

"CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 August 1834), 2

"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Monitor (3 September 1834), 3

"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (27 November 1834), 2

"CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (17 December 1834), 3

"Mr. Lewis's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (20 December 1834), 2

"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (26 March 1835), 3

"MR. STUBBS'S CONCERT", The Australian (24 April 1835), 2


"Original Poetry", The Australian (15 September 1835), 4

[Advertisement]: "Theatre Royal, Sydney", The Australian (18 September 1835), 3

[News]: "Mrs. Taylor's benefit", The Australian (25 September 1835), 2

"THE BAND OF THE 28TH", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 February 1836), 2

"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 February 1836), 3

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (18 February 1836), 2

"Domestic and Miscellaneous Intelligence", The Australian (4 March 1836), 2


Musical amateur, reviewer, recorder and transcriber of Indigenous songs

Born Lvov, Ukraine, 1795
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1832 (from Europe via South America)
Departed Hobart, VDL (TAS), April 1838 (per Emeu, for London)
Died (probably) London, 23 November 1866 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)


"MUSIC AT SYDNEY", Chambers Edinburgh Journal 275 (6 May 1837), 117

A FILE of colonial newspapers is apt to be a source of considerable entertainment. It is particularly so if the colony be new and small, and things be only, as it were, in the bud. It is then most amusing to observe how minds, which, at home, would be making a stir about great matters, go to work when they have to agitate about things comparatively little, and how the terms and modes of speech customary here, look, when applied with the same seriousness to the miniature concerns of one of these infant states. The squabbles, too, and bickerings which are incessantly going on amongst colonial editors, are extremely amusing at this cool distance, where nothing is intelligible but that two or three honest gentlemen have been grievously offending each other's love of approbation.

Number three of "The Reformer," a fortnightly paper commenced in June 1836, at Sydney, contains an article under the title of "Music in Australia," in which the editor gives an account of certain concerts which had recently taken place in the Australian capital. Both for the information it conveys, and the designed or undesigned humour which lurks in the composition, this article is worthy of the notice of our readers. The writer commences by stating that, when he arrived in the colony four years ago, music was little in fashion, partly in consequence of the troubles at the end of Governor Darling's administration. For six months, sad to relate, there had not been a single concert in Sydney.

"It was the arrival of Mrs. Taylor, and then subsequently of Mrs. Chester, that roused, as it were, the musical lethargy of New South Wales; but it cannot be said that music was fairly established amongst us, until the tide of emigration brought to our shores Messrs. Wallace and Deane. When the first of the named gentlemen arrived in Sydney, there were persons who said, it was an act of folly that a man of his acquirements should have ventured to come to Botany Bay, and it was asserted, that he would have to expiate such a want of judgment as this. We were never of the same opinion; and we were not mistaken. The first and the second concerts, although succeeding each other rapidly, were crowded to excess; and as it is required to speak sometimes in figures, we believe that L.80 at least were cleared each time. But what must have been the astonishment of the idiots and circumscribed amongst us, when, about six months after the arrival of Mr. Wallace and his family, Mr. Deane also (member of the Philharmonic Society of London) removed him self and family from Van Diemen's Land to New South Wales. As we are never despairing, we did not despair either, in seeing such a vast accumulation of musical talent pour into our colony. We said to ourselves, there are capitalists and settlers of from fifty thousand to five and six thousand pounds of income a-year, there is a high-salaried governor, there are well-paid public officers amongst us. It is impossible that they should not imitate, I would not just say the king, but the respectability and wealth of Great Britain. * * * Several concerts were given both by Mr. Wallace and Mr. Deane; and it must be said, as being very creditable to our public, that every one of them (with the exception of one) was very well attended - and the indifferent attendance of that one was caused by excessive bad weather. We have heard, beginning with Beethoven and Paganini, almost every virtuoso in Europe; we have practised music ourselves in the happier days of our youth; we have therefore some right to review freely the prominent talents which the colony possesses at the present moment."

He then describes Mr. Wallace as one who would be considered "a good solo-player, even in one of the first-rate theatres at home." There are "tones of his" that the colony "does not yet thoroughly comprehend," but he believes it will "grow up to them." Mr. S. W. Wallace is "a very feeling, nay, original flute-player;" and Miss E. W. is "a juvenile performer," whose voice is "even now sweet and melodious," though she is as yet deficient in the pronunciation of Italian. Mr. Deane is "a very diligent and attentive leader, a good performer, and well versed in the theoretical part of music. How beautifully did he lead the quintette of Haydn; such a thorough-wrought piece of music must affect every mind. * * * * It creates a very homely feeling to see Mr. Deane busying himself about his numerous family, for the sake of procuring us recreation, elation, and refinement of mind. Miss Deane labours under the same advantageous predicament as Miss Wallace - she is also very young. It is very creditable to Mr. Deane, to have formed such a skilful pupil as his daughter is. Many hours and days must have passed by, to bring forth such precocious accomplishments. There is no hesitation, there is no mistake in Miss Deane's playing. Look at her Greek March! There she begins, and there it runs on clear and perfect to the very end. Some passages are even sublime, and who can say how far Miss Deane will improve, when she also will have become a big girl. Master E. Deane is rather a phenomenon, and we have never before seen a boy of his age managing the violoncello as he does."

Mrs. Chester, "although the last in our article, is not the least among our colonial performers. She has the strongest, most sonorous, and expressive voice, we have heard in the colony. Amongst other songs, her Auld Robin Gray is an admirable piece, which we would not be tired to hear day after day. But having spoken of Mrs. Chester and our other virtuosoes, we must now observe, that all and every one of them are labouring under a most perplexing disadvantage, and this is the want of a proper orchestra. Look how things are going on at home. There is a band of, say a hundred, or sixty, or forty musicians; the leader with the roll of paper in his hand gives the majestic sign; a whirlwind, a thunder of tones is coming forth; the minds of the audience, as well as that of the virtuoso, are wound up to a proportionate degree of elation; and lo! out of that chaos of tones emerges, like upon celestial wings, the glaring utterance of the virtuoso. He dwells some longer or shorter time in the regions of his fancy and imagination, and when he arrives at a certain stop, a mass of tones is echoing him, mingling, as it were, their joy with the applause and cheering of an electrified audience. How different to this are our present concerts! The tones of a Wallace, of a Chester, of a Miss Deane, are accompanied by the confounded scraping of some botching fiddler; and if there is not a superabundant stock of feeling in the minds of the principal performer, it is certainly not by this accompaniment that such can be ever elicited.

We want therefore a regular orchestra. We want a regular orchestra for the new theatre now erecting - we want one for each of our two cathedrals, &c. The colony is advanced enough, and the treasury is rich enough, that such and similar refinements might be now expected. It would be very expensive to have the performers written for from England, especially as fate, as it were, has cast on our shores a superabundance of musical talent. It was to such immigration of foreign talent, that in the middle ages the Italian states were indebted for that splendour in arts and sciences to which they finally arrived. It was not by sorcery and magic that they reached that splendour. It was because their Sir R. Bourke's, their H. McArthur's, their Sir J. Jamieson's, S. Terry's, &c. were men possessing national pride, and willing to give bread to such immigrants as well out of their own pocket as out of the public revenue. It is said, that the present governor is fond of music, and so it may be. But we beg leave to remind his excellency, that it is not by taking a few tickets that such national improvements as the above will ever be accomplished. If fate had cast during his reign painters on our shores - well, then it would have been in his power to give, in the first instance, this direction to the colony. As things stand now, it is in his hands to make it an eminently musical country."

The article ends with some specialties more for the consideration of the governor than of our readers.

NOTE: Lhotsky was editor of The reformer and author of the article in question.

"LITERARY", The Cornish Telegraph [England] (21 November 1866), 4

A shocking instance has come under notice of the distress that sometimes falls upon literary men. A cab drove up to the door, and the driver explained that his fare had hailed him at Charing Cross Hospital, where he was sitting almost fainting on the steps. He told the cabby to drive him round here, and all he wanted was "an order admitting him to some hospital where might die." It was poor Dr. Lhotsky, the "Penslave," and author of a "Journey from Sydney to the Australian Alps in 1834." His name may be new to you, but once upon a time it appeared in almost every number of the "Notes and Queries."

Musical work:

A song of the women of the Menero tribe ("Arranged with the assistance of several Musical Gentlemen") (Sydney: John Innes, [1834])

See main entry Kongi kawelgo: 

Bibliography and resources:

G. P. Whitley, "Lhotsky, John (1795-1866)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)


Piano tuner

Active Sydney, NSW, 1848


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1848), 1 

MR. LIDDINGTON, from London, Pianoforte Tuner and Repairer,
returns thanks to his friends for the flattering support he has received, and wished to intimate to parties who have not availed themselves of his services, that they may have their instruments tuned or repaired with dispatch; and by strict attention, to punctuality, he solicits a portion of public patronage.
Liverpool-street. Two doors from Racecourse.

LIDDLE, Maggie (Margaret LIDDLE; Miss M. A. LIDDLE; Maggie LIDDLE; Mrs. Fred HILTON)

Musician, contralto vocalist

Born c. 1849; daughter of John LIDDLE and Margaret ?
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1860
Died Port Fairy, VIC, 2 July 1908, aged "59" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (25 February 1865), 2 

will be given on THURSDAY", March 2.
Principal performers - Miss S. Mortley, Mrs. Fox, Miss M. A. Liddle, Mr. E. Exon, and Mr. S. Angus.
Leader, Mr. E. King. Conductor, Mr. J. Russell.
An efficient orchestra and full chorus.
Admission 5s., 2s. 6d., and 1s. To commence at eight o'clock.

"DEATHS", The Age (4 July 1908), 5 

HILTON. - On the 2nd July, at Port Fairy, Maggie Liddle (Mrs. Hilton), vocalist. To her old comrades left of the many opera and concert companies with whom she has been associated since 1860.

"SOCIAL NOTES", Leader (25 July 1908), 46 

On the 2nd of this month there passed away one of Melbourne's old time vocalists, Miss Maggie Liddle (Mrs. Fred Hilton). Miss Liddle was a contralto of considerable note in her day, being one of the first members of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society in 1859. She was a member of the Carandini company in 1860, and was afterwards with Simonsen's Opera Troupe. She sang with Heine, the great blind musician, and also with Batchelder's pictures of Paradise Lost and the Julia Matthews Concert Company. Miss Liddle toured India with Alice May's Opera Company and the Soldine Comic Opera Company, and was engaged by Mr. George Musgrove to play the Duchess De la Volta in the Tambour Major company. For many years she was connected with St. Francis's and SS. Peter and Paul's churches. The deceased lady was an excellent musician and sight reader.


Professor of Music, composer

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1865
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 8 February 1907, in his 60th year



"MARRIAGES", The Argus (26 September 1865), 4

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1866), 8

"BIRTHS", The Argus (20 July 1866), 4

"DEATHS", The Argus (9 February 1907), 13

"IN MEMORIAM", The Argus (8 February 1908), 13

Musical works:

Au revoir valse (third edition, dedicated by special permission to her ladyship the countess of Hopetoun) (Melbourne: Troedel & Co., [188-]) 

The cycle waltz (dedicated . . .to Lord & Lady Brassey) (Melbourne: Allan & Co., [189-?]) 


Vocalist, bones player

Active Sydney, NSW, 1857


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 February 1857), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1857), 1

Mr. HENRY LIESLY, the great American bone player, and delineator of Ethiopian Character is continuing his engagement at the Rainbow Tavern Concert Hall.

LIGHT, George Thomas (George Thomas LIGHT; G. T. LIGHT)

Musician, organist, piano and harmonium tuner, repairer, musical instrument maker, architect

Born Gloucestershire, England, 7 July 1820
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by February 1849
Died Adelaide, SA, ? 1896; ? 1911 (TROVE tagged)


Collins reported that according to C. E. Owen Smyth, "G. T. Light . . . was by trade a musical instrument maker - in Bristol" and afterwards was a draftsman in a foundry (Page 1986: 38) before his arrival in the colony. At the end of lecture on fine arts and music by Mr. Gilfillan in February 1849, "Mr. Pitman introduced Mr. G. T. Light, an ingenious colonial mechanist, who performed a piece of music on a seraphine, built by himself". As a result of this the birth-year of 1838 given by Collins must be incorrect.

At the opening of the New Church (Swedenborgian) in July 1852: "The musical part of the service was performed by a choir, accompanied by Mr. G. T. Light, late organist of St. John's, on the euphonicon". He played the harmonium for a concert by the North Adelaide Choral Society in May 1855. Collins quotes: "He was a man 'of small stature, one of the quietest men I've ever known, very methodical, fond of music', wrote W. G. Randall of him in 1924 (Parker n.d., 2)."


[News], South Australian Register (24 February 1849), 3

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (6 July 1852), 2

"NEW CHURCH IN CARRINGTON STREET", South Australian Register (12 July 1852), 3

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (31 July 1854), 1

"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register (3 May 1855), 3

Bibliography and resources:

Julie Collins, George Thomas Light, Architects of South Australia

"Walter G. Light", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)

Light family papers; State Library of South Australia 

George Thomas Light was born in 1820 and came to South Australia in 1848 or early 1849, having been an instrument maker in Bristol, England. He was married to Marian Wilson in September 1850 at St Matthew's Church of England, Kensington. He was employed as a musical instrument maker and piano-forte tuner in Adelaide before obtaining a position as draftsman in a foundry. On 10 July 1856 he became a temporary draftsman in the Colonial Architect's Office, later receiving promotion to the position of Architect on 1 January 1874. On the appointment of E.J. Woods as Architect-in-Chief in 1878 G. T. Light became Assistant Architect. In October 1880 he obtained six months leave of absence and in July 1881 another twelve months leave; he was finally retrenched in 1883 and died in 1896.

He was responsible for the designs of many buildings in Adelaide and country centres; some of his most well known are the west wing of Government House and the original Public library, now the Jervois Wing of the State Library, housing the Mortlock collection of South Australiana. As a relaxation G. T. Light used to play the organ at Christ Church, North Adelaide. He and his wife had six children of whom two died in infancy.

LIGHT, William (William LIGHT; Colonel LIGHT)

Amateur musician, surveyor

Born Kuala Kedah, Kedah, Malaysia, 27 April 1786
Arrived SA, 11 September 1836
Died SA, 6 October 1839 (NLA persistent identifier)


"COLONEL LIGHT", South Australian Register (3 February 1859), 2

. . .Captain William Light, distinguished by the variety of his attainments, an artist, musician, mechanist, seaman, and soldier . . .

Bibliography and resources:

David F. Elder, Light, "William (1786-1839)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)


Theatrical scene painter, scenic artist, painter, japanner

Born Birmingham, England, 13 April 1817; baptised Birmingham, 29 December 1817; son of Ezra LIGHTWOOD and Elizabeth STOKES
Married Charlotte MILLINGTON, St. George, Birmingham, England, 16 March 1835
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1 March 1841 (per Argyle, from Plymouth, aged "24")
Active Melbourne and Geelong, VIC, until c. 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Baptisms, Birmingham, 1817; England, Select births and christenings (PAYWALL)

29 December 1817 / born 13 April 1817 / John son of / Ezra and Elizabeth / Lightwood / Great Hampton Street . . .

Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. George Birmingham in the county of Warwick in the year 1835; register 1830-37, page 110; Library of Birmingham (PAYWALL)

No. 327 / John Lightwood of this parish bachelor and Charlotte Millington of this parish spinster
were married in this Church by Banns . . . this [16 March 1835] . . .

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Philip Birmingham in the county of Warwick in the year 1837; register 1835-40, page 156; Library of Birmingham (PAYWALL)

No. 1241 / 1837 25th September / Born 22nd August 1837 / Emma Matilda Millington Daug'r of / John [and] Charlotte / Lightwood / Tower Street / Japanner . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Emma was buried at St. Philip's on 12 December 1837; Charlotte died in 1838 (1st quarter)

Passengers per Argyle, from Plymouth, for Port Phillip, 1 March 1841; Public Record Offcie Victoria (DIGITISED)

Lightwood John / 24 / House Painter / Protestant / [reads and writes] / [born] Birmingham / [bounty] 19 [pounds]

LILEY, Thomas (Thomas LILEY; T. LILEY)

Music lithographer, printer, convict, emancipist

Born England, c. 1802
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 November 1831 (convict per Lord Lyndoch, from London, 20 July)
Married Bridget MADDEN, Sydney, 1844
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842-47/48 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)

See also checklist of sheet music prints:


In 1842, from premises in Brougham-place, Sydney, Liley lithographed and printed for Isaac Nathan, three sheet music editions: Koorinda Braia (first edition), Mable Macmahon, and Star of the South. In 1842, with Thomas Bluett, he produced at least one printed map signed "Liley & Bluet Lithographers", and the presence of the same handwriting in both Liley's and Bluett's prints for Nathan suggests that they were all perhaps at least partly joint productions.

Neidorf also suggests (249) that Liley was "T. L." in Woolcott and Clarke's Australian presentation album for 1855 (see left foot of the last music page of Why do I weep for thee and all music pages of Volunteer march . . .), however, there is no other evidence that he was still in Sydney after 1847, and he was plausibly the Liley who left the colony for New Zealand in July 1848.


Thomas Liley, 16 September 1830; The proceedings of the Old Bailey online 

1710. THOMAS LILEY was indicted for stealing, on the 12th of July, 1 looking-glass, value 5s.; 1 set of fire-irons, value 3s., and 1 piece of bed-furniture, value 1s., the goods of Thomas Fawcett . . .

. . . GUILTY. Aged 27. - Transported for Seven Years.

Thomas Liley, convict records; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1411933; CON31/1/28; CON18-1-12 Page 319$init=CON31-1-28p72$init=CON18-1-12P164 

No. 650 / Liley Tho's / Lithographic Printer / [native place] Marylebone / Height 5ft 1 1/2 / Age 28 / . . .

"Hobart Town Police Report", Colonial Times (11 March 1834), 7 

. . . Thomas Liley, charged with misappropriation of Government paper, and his labour in Government time, was ordered the tread-wheel for seven days, and to be confined in a cell at night . . .

[Government notices], The Hobart Town Courier (16 June 1837), 1 

Tickets of Leave . . . Thomas Liley, Lord Lyndoch . . .

State Records Authority of NSW, Sydney Quarter Sessions, Registers of cases, 1839-45, NRS 847 (PAYWALL)

No. 80 / Thomas Liley / Came Free [to NSW] / [no ship indicated] / Committed: Police office by C. Windeyer Esq're /
Date 10 June 1842 / Offence Libel / Witnesses for the Crown: Jno Skinner Prout, Tho's Bluett, Tho's Hughes /
Witnesses for the prisoner: On Bail. Sureties. Joseph Pettingel, Gent., Surry Hills; Hugh Carruthers, Engraver, Brougham Place /
Day of trial 11th Aug't / . . . / Guilty / 3 Cal. months . . . Syd. Gaol

? "Shipping Intelligence. DEPARTURES", The Sentinel (20 July 1848), 2 

July 16 - Spec, schooner, 175 tons, Captain Burns for the Bay of Islands and Auckland. Passengers - Captain J. Salmon, Mr. J. P. Lloyd, Mr. James Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. Liley . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Neidorf 1999, 191 (see also 154, 249, 326) (DIGITISED)

LILLINGSTON, Daniel William (Daniel William LILLINGSTON)

Musician, clarinettist, clarinet / clarionet player (Band of the 99th Regiment), soldier

Born ? Oxford; ? Middlesex, England, 12 May 1826
Arrived 4 April 1843 (with regiment per North Britain)
Regiment active Australia, 1843-56
Died Ballarat, VIC, 22 August 1916

See also Band of the 99th Regiment


A family history places him at the gates of Buckingham Palace when the birth of the future king Edward the Seventh was announced (9 November 1841). When he enlisted in the 99th Regiment of Foot on 16 June 1842 he was under-age to be a soldier so was put into the regimental band. He was discharged in March 1850 in Hobart Town. Pay records show his regiment number as 1791. After discharge, he worked in Tasmania for a while with the Tasmanian Postal service and then went to Victoria. Daniel was the first letter carrier for Ballarat. With wife Jane Watson he produced 14 children. He died 22 August 1916 and is buried in the old Ballarat Cemetery.


"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3

[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1

"OBITUARY", The Ballarat Courier (23 August 1916), 4 

The remains of the late Mr. Daniel Lillingston were interred yesterday afternoon, the place of interment being the Old Cemetery. The deceased was a colonist of 63 years, and was widely known and respected in Ballarat and district. He was a native of Oxford, England, and before coming to Victoria resided in Tasmania where he married. Afterwards for nine years he resided in New South Wales. He leaves a grown-up family of four daughters and three sons. His wife died in South Australia on a visit to a son. The deceased lived to the advanced age of 90 years.

"Obituary", The Horsham Times (29 August 1916), 3 

Mr. Daniel Lillingston, who was Ballart's first postman, died last week. He was born in London 90 years ago. He reached Tasmania with the 99th Imperial Regiment 73 years ago, and joined the Tasmanian Postal Department 13 years later. Twelve months afterwards he joined the Victorian Postal Department, and settled in Ballarat two years later. He leaves 104 descendants.

Bibliography and resources:

B. and M. Chapman, "Private William Daniel Lillingston", Australia's red coat regiments (archived NLA Pandora)

LILLY, Walter (Walter LILLY)

Musician, violinist, fiddler

Acctive Symthesdale, VIC, 1859


"SMYTHESDALE (From our own Correspondent) 23rd April . . . AMUSEMENTS", The Star (26 April 1859), 2 

The principal event recently was the really praiseworthy performance of solos on the violin, at the Swan, by a favorite artiste, Mr. Walter Lilly. That gentleman's execution is so highly praised that evidently it would be an unwarrantable omission to abstain from reporting the same. Miss Spiden's departure is a theme of almost general regret. I am authorised, however, to anticipate that lady's early return at a not far distant period . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Alice Spiden (vocalist)


Musician, organist, choral conductor (Hullah system), composer, piano tuner, bandmaster

Born c. 1813
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1854
Died Enfield, SA, 14 June 1870, aged 57 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


He was conductor of North Adelaide Choral Society (by 1855). In 1856 he introduced his anthem When the weary are at rest ("trio for two sopranos and bass, followed by a soprano duet, with a concluding chorus"). In February 1868 he was appointed "Band master, with the rank of Drum Major" of the South Australian Volunteer Artillery.


"THE DISSOLVING VIEWS", South Australian Register (10 August 1853), 2

[Advertisement], The South Australian Register (21 November 1853), 4

"MUSICAL", South Australian Register (6 May 1854), 2

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (1 May 1855), 1

"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register (18 January 1856), 3

"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register (20 May 1856), 2

"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN VOLUNTEER MILITARY FORCE APPOINTMENT", South Australian Register (21 February 1868), 3

"DIED", South Australian Register (16 June 1870), 2

LINCK, George (George LINCK)

Musician, professor of Music and German

Arrived Sydney, NSW, by December 1858
Departed Sydney, NSW, 13 January 1862 (per La Hogue, for London) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Probably recently arrived in December 1858, by January 1859 he was organist and choirmaster of St. Mary's Balmain, and offering to teach pupils "on the Piano, Violin, and in Singing". At Cesare Cutolo's concert in February 1860, he accompanied the vocal performers, including Sara Flower and the Howsons (with whom he had an ongoing association), and later gave several concerts at Balmain. He departed for England in January 1862 on La Hogue, and after the end of the voyage a testimonial to him from his fellow passengers (including Sydney amateur choralist, Rev'd W. Cuthbertson) was published in the Sydney press. A former soldier, he had raised a volunteers corps among passengers on board the ship.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 December 1858), 1

MR. G. LINCK, Professor of Music and German. Address 383, George-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 January 1859), 3

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 February 1860), 1

"BALMAIN NATIONAL SCHOOL", Empire (25 June 1860), 4

"CONCERT AT BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1861), 5

[Advertisement], Empire (25 June 1861), 1

"CONCERT AT BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1861), 4

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1861), 5

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1862), 4

"BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 January 1862), 5

The members of St. Mary's Literary Institute gave their first entertainment on Tuesday evening, the 11th instant, before a numerous and highly respectable audience. It consisted of select pieces of music and readings from sterling authors . . . During the evening the Rev. William Stack took advantage of the opportunity of presenting, on behalf of the choir of St. Mary's, to Mr. George Linck, their late organist, who is about returning to Europe in La Hogue, five volumes of beautifully finished works by poetical and religious authors. He complimented Mr. Linck in high terms on his zeal and attention as choir master and organist, and also on his efforts in promoting the taste for music in Balmain. Mr. Linck replied in suitable terms.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 July 1862), 4


Theatrical dancer

Born c. 1848
Active Sydney, NSW, 1856-57


"THE DRAMA. ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (20 September 1856), 2 

. . . On Wednesday evening, a little debutante only eight years of age, a perfect "prodigy " in this age of "prodigies," made her appearance on the stage in a favorite Pas Seul. This young lady, Miss Eliza Lincoln, is a pupil of Mrs. Torning, and the graceful style in which she acquitted herself showed the very great capabilities of Mrs. Torning as a teacher.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Torning (actor, dancer); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)

[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (4 October 1856), 3 

SCOTCH PAS DE DEUX! Misses Agnees and Lincoln (Pupils of Mrs. A. Torning) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Agnes Smeathman (Booth) (dancer)

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (17 January 1857), 3 

THIS Evening, January 17, the performances will commence with the Comedy of
THE COUNTRY SQUIRE! Squire Broadlands - Mr. G. H. Rogers
SONG (Let Me Like a Soldier Fall) - Mr. Walcot
DANCE - Miss Lincoln. SONG - Mr. Stewart . . .


Musician, bandsman, Band of the 3rd Regiment (Buffs)

Born London, England, 1788
Enlisted (3rd Regiment), London, England, 10 October 1803 (aged 15 yrs 152 days)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29/30 August 1823 (on the Commodore Hayes, from England, via Hobart)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 23/25 January 1827 (per Speke and Woodford, for Calcutta)
Discharged 93rd Regiment) Chelsea, London, England, 10 August 1828

See also Band of the 3rd Regiment


London, National Archives, PRO, WO12/2118: 3rd Regiment of Foot (Buffs) payrolls 1824-26; microfilm copy at SL-NSW: PRO Reel 3695

Description book, 3rd Regiment of Foot; UK National Archives, WO25/323 (PAYWALL)

Lincoln Henry / [at enlistment] 5 ft / [at age 24] 5 ft 6 in / [age at enlistment] 15 yrs 152 days / [complexion] fair / [eyes] grey / [hair] brown / [born] Middlesex / Marylebone / Baker / [enlisted] London / 10th October 1803 / . . . [discharged] 10 August 1828 / Chelsea / Worn out / Out pension very good character

LINDEN, Ferdinand (Ferdinand LINDEN; Mons. F. LINDEN)

Musician, professor of music, pianist, piano tuner

Born October 1835 (date on headstone)
Married Charlotte THUR, Geelong, VIC, 1862
Died Dulwich Hill, NSW, 26 February 1901, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (8 April 1859), 3 

MR. F. LINDEN, Tuner, Repairer and Regulator of Pianofortes, Recommended by Mr. Chas Bial. ANY orders for the above are respectfully requested to be left at Mac's Hotel. A Mr. Linden's stay in Portland is only limited, orders from up the country are requested to be sent in without delay, to enable him to make the necessary arrangements.

"HEATHCOTE", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (16 July 1859), 2 

The concert hall of the Heathcote hotel was re-opened on Saturday. The operatic selections were rendered by Miss Juliana King and Messrs. Pierce, Kitts, and Small; M. F. Linden presiding at the piano.

[Advertisement], The Star (13 August 1860), 3 

MONSIEUR FERDINAND LINDEN, Pianist, last heard of as being at the Charlie Napier Theatre, is requested to communicated at once with Messrs. Dufour & Longchamp, Flinders lane, Melbourne. A letter of the utmost importance from home.

"Deaths", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (9 March 1901), 630 

LINDEN. - February 26, at Miraflores, The Boulevard, Dulwich Hill, Ferdinand Linden, aged 67 years.

[Notice], Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (5 March 1910), 1946 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. PROBATE JURISDICTION.
In the will of Ferdinand Linden, late of Dulwich Hill, in the State of New South Wales, professor of music, deceased. APPLICATION will be made, after fourteen days from the publication hereof, that probate of the last will of the above named deceased may be grunted to Clarence Linden, the executor named in the said will . . .


Musician, professor of music, pianist

Born Greifswald, Pomerania (Germany), c. 1832
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 July 1853 (per Wallace, from San Francisco)
Died South Yarra, VIC, 3 October 1911, aged "79" (TROVE tagged)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1853), 2

[Advertisement], The Star (20 March 1857), 3

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (3 July 1858), 1

"QUEENSLAND", The Argus (2 October 1861), 7

"LYSTER'S OPERA COMPANY. DEBUT OF MISS GERALDINE WARDEN", Bendigo Advertiser (23 November 1867), 2

"FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OF MUSIC", The Argus (18 September 1907), 6

"MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES", The West Australian (14 October 1911), 9

A well-known figure in the musical world of Melbourne and Australia, in the person of Mr. Otto Linden, has been removed by death, at the age of 79 (says the Melbourne "Argus"). Mr. Linden was a native of Germany. As a young man he went to the California goldfields from which he found his way in 1855 to Melbourne. He stayed in Melbourne then not a city of much musical attraction, only a little time, and went to South America, where he remained a number of years. Returning to Melbourne in the seventies, he quickly assumed a leading position in the musical World, and, with the late Mr. T. H. Guenett, organised the popular concerts of chamber music, which were carried on successfully for some years. When the Hobart International Exhibition opened Mr. Linden accepted the position of its musical director, and acted in a similar capacity subsequently at the Coolgardie Exhibition. Thereafter he settled in Perth, but returned to Melbourne after a few years, and took the control of St. Patrick's Cathedral Choir. His death took place the other day at-his residence in South Yarra. Mr. Linden was regarded as a sound musician of the German school. He was a Wagnerite of the "sweetly reasonable" type, declaring his acceptance of the new composer as an epoch maker in music, even before he left his native land for California, when Wagner's adherents were few and far between. Mr. Linden leaves a widow and three grown-up children. A daughter of the late Mr. Linden is now appearing with "The Arcadians" Company in His Majesty's Theatre, Perth.


Wagner and his works (illustrative reading by Mr. Otto Linden, with recital of Tannhäuser (first Act) . . . Independent Hall, Melbourne, Saturday, 19th September, 1885) ([Melbourne?: s.n., 1885]) 

LINDSAY, George (George LINDSAY)

Song writer, journalist

Active Melbourne, VIC, c. 1863-65


[News], Leader (27 May 1865), 14 

Musical publications:

The rose o'Denmark, Australian-Scottish song, written for the Caledonian Society's fete, in celebration of the marriage of H.R.H Prince of Wales to H.R.H Princess Alexandra, by George Lindsay, composed by W. M. Akhurst (Melbourne: W. H. Williams, 1863) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst (composer); William Henry Williams (printer, publisher)

[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (22 July 1863), 2 

We notice in the present issue of the Melbourne Post a very pretty little Scotch ballad, entitled, "The Rose o' Denmark." The words are written by Mr Lindsay, and the pianoforte accompaniment by Mr. Akhurst, both gentlemen being members of The Herald staff. The words are really very spirited and appropriate, and in one or two passages display no mean poetic ability. Mr. Akhurst has produced an admirable musical adaptation, and we feel no hesitation in recommending it to our fair friends as a graceful tribute of loyalty from the Australian muses to their elder sisters of the old land.

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (24 July 1863), 2 

The last issue of the Illustrated Melbourne Post contains an original song entitled "The Rose o' Denmark," written by Mr. George Lindsay and set to music by Mr. W. M. Akhurst, both of Melbourne. It was written for the Caledonian Society's fete in celebration of the Royal marriage. The first verse runs thus: -
In the sunny sunny South, the winds may saftly blaw
An' wi' mony rich perfumes be laden,
But there was na' there a flow'r to Albert Edward's e'e,
Sae bonny as a young Danish maiden.

LINDSAY, Henry James (Henry James LINDSAY; H. J. LINDSAY)

Musician, tenor, baritone vocalist, pianist

Active Melbourne, VIC, by December 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 December 1855), 8 

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (11 November 1858), 1 

CAMP HOTEL, EAGLEHAWK. GRAND SOIREE MUSICALE to-night, for the benefit of Mr. Henry James Lindsay.
POWERFUL ORCHESTRA at Lindsay's benefit to-night, conducted by the celebrated Violinist Mr. Sidney Radford.
LINDSAY'S BENEFIT - Mrs. Stone, Messrs. Clements, Fairchild, Small, Hammond, Pierce, and other celebrated artistes will appear.

ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Radford (violinist, band leader); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Joe Small (vocalist); W. H. Hammond (vocalist); J. O. Pierce (vocalist)

"OFFENDING PUBLICANS", The Argus (13 December 1870), 6 

"LAW COURTS", The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (16 July 1875), 2 

LINDSAY, Thomas (Thomas LINDSAY)

Vocalist, pupil (of Henry Witton)

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1862


[Advertisement], The Courier[Brisbane] (24 October 1862), 1

THOMAS LINDSAY (Vocal), Queen-st. [pupil of Henry James Witton]

LING, West Morley (West Morley LING; W. M. LING)

Piano retailer, music hall proprietor

Born Lincolnshire, England, c. 1806
Arrived Brisbane, NSW (QLD), 1849
Died Morpeth, NSW, 27 December 1879 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (14 June 1856), 1 

Music Rooms, Morpeth.
W. M. LING has now on hand sound and brilliant-toned PIANOFORTES, by the best makers. Parties wanting good instruments, at a moderate price, will do well to avail themselves of the present favorable opportunity.
Pianofortes always on hand for hire, and parties in town or country can have their Pianofortes correctly tuned by applying, by letter,
W. M. LING, Morpeth.



Arrived Adelaide, SA, 2 February 1858 (immigrant per Ohio, from Bremen, 2 October 1857) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (4 February 1858), 2 

"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (1 April 1858), 2 

. . . The principal vocalists were, a lady recently arrived from Hamburg, whose name has not been made public, Miss Petman, and Madame Cranz. The lady first alluded to sang a recitative and aria from Figaro, with great effect. Her voice is sweet and melodious, of considerable power and of great compass. Her reception was most enthusiastic. We hope her first appearance before a South Australian public will not be her last . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 June 1858), 1

"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (26 June 1858), 2

"CONCERT AT GAWLER TOWN", Adelaide Observer (5 June 1858), 4 

LINGER, Carl (1810-1862) = see mainpage Carl LINGER

Professor of music, pianist, conductor, composer

LINLEY, James (James LINLEY)

Musician, teacher of pianoforte and singing

Born c. 1829; son of George LINLEY (1797-1865) and Violet GILCHRIST
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 January 1854 (per Sammarang, from London, 14 October 1853)
Died Sydney, NSW, 6 September 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"Miscellaneous Shipping", Colonial Times (24 January 1854), 1 supplement 

THE Dalhousie, a ship bound for Australia, commanded by Captain Butterworth, was lost in the channel off Beachy Head, on the 18th Oct. . . . A considerable number of passengers were to have joined the Dalhousie at Plymouth. The following singular story is told in connection with this sad event. A son of George Linley, the composer, has had a narrow escape. He had fixed on the Dalhousie to take his passage for Sydney, but his mother having taken a prejudice to that ship, she urged him so fervently to give up his desire of going in her that, at the last moment only, he consented. She visited the Dalhousie three times with her son, hoping to overcome her superstitious feelings. On the occasion of her last visit a gentleman, signing papers in the cabin, seeing her hesitation, said, "Madam, this is n first-rate ship, I have £40,000 on board, and rest assured I must think well of the Dalhousie before I would trust so much in her." Much more he argued to persuade her; but Mrs. Linley left, and immediately went to the Samarang, and there secured a berth for her son.

"Shipping Intelligence", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (28 January 1854), 2 

January 27. - Samarang, ship, 582 tons, McDonald, from London 14th October. Passengers . . . Messrs. Adolphe Louedin, and James Linley, and 39 in the steerage.

ASSOCIATIONS: Adolphus Louedin

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1854), 3 

MUSIC - Mr. J. LINLEY (son of George Linley, the Composer), having arrived from London, per ship Samarang, wishes to instruct a few pupils on the pianoforte and singing, at their own residences, on moderate terms. Apply to WOOLCOTT and CLARKE, 555, George-street.

"DIED", Empire (7 September 1854), 4 

At his Rooms, Bridge-street, on the 6th instant, Mr. James Linley, late of H. M. Customs (son of - Linley, Esq., the celebrated composer,) aged 25 years.

LINN, Peter (Peter LINN; P. LINN; Mr. LINN)

Musician, cornet player, band leader, bandmaster

Born Essweiler, Bosenbach, Bavaria (Germany), 3 December 1834; baptised Bosenbach, 14 December 1834; son of Peter LINN (1806-1883) and Margaretha GILCHER (1804-1869)
Active Launceston, TAS, by 1855
Married Elizabeth TRINDER (c. 1837-1899), VIC, 1858
Departed Launceston, TAS, December 1863 (per Sea Breeze, for Dunedin, NZ)
Died Greytown, Wairarapa, NZ, 8 November 1895, aged "60/61" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Baptisms, Bosenbach (Evangelische), Bavaria, 1834; German, select births and baptisms; Zentralarchiv Der Evangelischen Kirche Der Pfalz, Speyer (PAYWALL)

14 December 1834 / Peter son of / Peter Linn and Margaretha Gilcher (PAYWALL)

14 December 1834 / born 3 December 1834 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Linn and Margaretha Gilcher had married at Essweiler on 4 July 1827

Certificate of arrival, port of Dover, 3 April 1850; UK National Archives, HO2/188/560-66 (PAYWALL)

1850 3 April / [ship] Ville d'Ostend / Peter Jacob Gilcher,
accompanied by Michael Gilcher, Peter Linn, Sen'r, Peter Linn, Jun'r, Johannes Juny, Peter Diemling / Musicians / [natives of] Germany /
have four passports from the Bavarian government

ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Gilcher (musician, cousin)

Passengers arrived at Melbourne, 30 May 1855, from Launceston, per Lady Bird; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Peter Gilcher / 20 // F. Lenstia [?] / 21 // J. Gunther [?] / 23 // P. Linn / 27 [sic] . . .

"MUSICAL", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (19 January 1856), 5

We are given to understand that the Tasmanian Band, under the superintendence of Mr. P. Linn, (late of the Bavarian band) is making most satisfactory progress. On Tuesday evening last, the band played some choice airs on the Church Green, in a style it is stated which gave them a great deal of credit. We hope ere long to see all local talent, whether amateur or professional, fully encouraged.

"PORTLAND BOTANICAL GARDENS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 December 1859), 6 

"ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT", Launceston Examiner (24 October 1861), 5

"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (16 May 1863), 4

"Shipping News", The Cornwall Chronicle (26 December 1863), 4 

Passengers per barque Sea Breeze for Dunedin. - . . . Mr. Peter Linn . . .

New Zealand (by late 1863):

[Advertisement], Southland Times [Invercargill, NZ] (27 January 1864), 3 

THE world renowned clipper s.s. Aphrasia will convey passengers to the First Southland Regatta,
which will take place at the Lower Pool, TO-DAY, WEDNESDAY. Starting punctually at 11 a.m. . . .
A Brass Band will accompany the steamer, under the able direction of Mr. P. Linn . . .

"THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND BAZAAR", Southland Times (29 September 1864), 3 

The event of the week . . . is decidedly the Fancy Bazaar in aid of the Building Fund of the Church of England, held in the recently-finished Railway Station Buildings . . . and the Provincial Brass Band likewise contributed most materially to the attractions of the Bazaar. We are glad to observe the progress made by our Band, under the able leadership of Mr. P. Linn, and their services on this occasion have been deservedly well appreciated. The following is a list of the music played by the band at intervals yesterday and evening: -
1. Invercargill Rifles March (P. Linn.)
2. Little Dorrit Schottisehe.
3. George Town Quadrilles.
4. Longford Polka.
5. Perth Waltzes.
6. Golden Stream Varsoviane.
7. Launceston Artillery March.
8. Evandale Schottische.
8. Huon Quadrille.
10. Hobart Town Rifle March.

[News], Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (14 August 1871), 2 

We understand that Mr. P. Linn, late Bandmaster of the Latmceston Artillery Band and the City Band, Wellington, had been appointed Bandmaster of the St. Patrick's Brass Band in place of Mons. Fleury. Mr. Linn's great experience and excellent playing on the cornet will doubtless be of great advantage to the Band, and the citizens may expect some really good music during the ensuing summer season.

ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (musician)

"POLICE COURT. GREYTOWN, THURSDAY JULY 29, 1869 . . . BURGLARY", Wairarapa Standard [NZ] (5 August 1869), 3 

Richardson v. Flindall and Linn. The following is a copy of the information sworn before A. Eenall, Esq., J.P., on the 28th ult., on which the defendants were arrested: -
John Richardson, sworn, said: - I am landlord of the public house known as the Waingawa Ferry House. I was at home on Friday, the 16th July. I retired to bed about 10 p.m. I locked the house doors both in front and back of the house; also the middle door leading out of the bar into the kitchen. There is no lock on the parlor door leading out of the parlor into the bar. I was awoke about 12.30 a.m. by a knocking, as I believe, at the front door, and I heard some one or two persons walking round the house, and trying to open the window of the house, and I beard one person saying there was no one at home, and that they could get into the house and do as they liked. There was a cow bail in front of the house which I found broken in the morning, and under the parlor window I found the middle part of the bail lying on the verandah. I heard them force up the parlor window, against which I found the broken part of the bail, and afterwards I heard footsteps in the parlor. As soon as I heard persons in the parlor I came down stairs and went into the kitchen, and looked through the sash door leading out of the kitchen in the bar. I saw Peter Linn of Greytown, bandsman, and Ralph Flyndell, hawker, in the bar. They were making a noise like moving bottles, and striking and lighting lucifer matches, by the light of which I identified them. I heard them say, when in the bar, "It is no use stopping here, there is no drink"; and one of them said "We must have something." I then heard Peter Linn say, laughing, "We had better get out of this." They thou passed out of the parlor door, and got out of the parlor window into the verandah, the same way as I heard them enter the house . . . I had left the Friday evening before I went to bed, upon a shelf in the bar, a cigar box with some cigars inside, and ten one pound notes. The notes were rolled up with some note paper, which I had also placed in the cigar box. It was about 7 a.m. when I examined the box. The paper and cigars were inside the box, but the notes were gone . . . I had to leave for town on Sunday, and I informed the police officer of Masterton that my house had been entered by Flindall and Linn, and that I would see about it as soon as I returned from Wellington.

"BURGLARY IN THE WAIRARAPA", Wellington Independent [NZ] (10 August 1869), 2 

A strange charge of burglariously entering and stealing £10, made by James Richardson, of the Waingawa Ferry House, against Peter Linn, band-master, and Ralph Flindall, hawker, was heard at Featherston, before H. S. Wardell, Esq, E.M., and A. Rennall, Esq, J.P., on Wednesday last. After hearing the evidence for the prosecution, which was very contradictory, the prisoners were committed to take their trial at the next criminal sittings of the Supreme Court, they reserving their defence. Bail was accepted, two sureties in £100 each, for each of the prisoners . . . The prisoners are very respectable men, who have been residing in the district for some time, and the general impression does not favor the prosecutor.

[News], Wairarapa Daily Times (6 May 1882), 2 

Peter Linn ex-musician of Masterton and Greytown has gone down South and is unlikely to return to this district.

[News], Wairarapa Daily Times (7 September 1892), 2 

The Maoris of the Wairarapa district are about to form a Brass Band, twenty seven having signified their intention of joining. Mr. Peter Linn, who will be remembered by many residents of Greytown and Masterton, where he officiated as bandmaster years ago, has been appointed to take charge of the proposed band. We (Observer) know of several very decent musicians amongst the Maoris, and there is no reason why they should not soon have a good brass band.

"DEATH OF MR. PETER LINN", Wairarapa Daily Times (8 November 1895), 2 

By Telegraph - Own Correspondent. Greytown North, Friday. Mr. Peter Linn, an old and very well-known and clever musician, died here this morning. He was about 70 years of age and leaves a wife and children.

"PERSONAL ITEMS", New Zealand Herald (15 November 1895), 6 

Mr. Peter Linn, an old Greytown identity, died on Friday from the after effects of an attack of influenza. The deceased, who was a clever musician, founded the first brass band in Greytown. He was also bugler to the famous Greytown Cavalry Corps in the early days. Latterly he was bandmaster to the Royal Papawai Native Band. Personally, he was a kind, courteous, unassuming man.

LIPMAN, Lewis (Lewis LIPMAN)

Amateur musician, choirmaster, vocalist

Born London, 1823
Arrived Sydney, NSW, October 1841 (per William Turner)
Died Sydney, NSW, 8 July 1894, aged 71


"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 September 1843), 2

"DEPARTURE", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 January 1845), 2

"JEWISH SYNAGOGUE", The Cornwall Chronicle (14 May 1845), 2

We understand that the choir of the Synagogue is in rehearsal, previous to the consecration, under the able tuition of Mr. F. Howson sen., to be led and conducted by Mr. Lipman, lately from Sydney, whose talent in the Hebrew tongue is universally acknowledged by the members of that persuasion, and we doubt not that the effect will be very imposing.

"DEPARTURES", Launceston Examiner (18 June 1845), 4

? "MUSWELL BROOK", The Maitland Mercury (25 March 1846), 2

Some songs were also sung in a masterly style by Mr. Lipman, Mr. Kirkwood, and Mr. Haynes.

"UTTERING A FORGERY", The Maitland Mercury (26 September 1846), 4

"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1847), 4

"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1894), 8

Bibliography and resources:

Colin Choat, "Lipman, Lewis (1823-1894)", Obituaries Australia


Musician, violinist

Born Germany ? 1833/1843

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, February 1857 (per Broughton Hall, from Liverpool)
Active Victoria, 1866
Died Chewton, VIC, 6 November 1905


[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (7 July 1864), 3 

The Victoria Post Office directory (1866), 259

"CHEWTON BOROUGH COUNCIL", Bendigo Advertiser (2 March 1883), 3

"MINING ACCIDENT AT CHEWTON", The Argus (31 October 1891), 11

"IN MEMORIAM", Leader (10 November 1906), 44 

Bibliography and resources:

Ray Meyer, "Die Wandermusikanten von Salzgitter (the wandering musicians of Salzgitter)", Ancestor: quarterly journal of the Genealogical Society of Victoria (Autumn 1991), 4-5

LIPSCOMB, William (William LIPSCOMB)

Musicseller, musical and general retailer

Born c. 1811
Active Maitland, NSW, by 1843
Died Maitland, NSW, 7 July 1873, aged "62/63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


In May 1847, the Maitland "bookseller and druggist" William Lipscomb was selling: "Nicholson's Flute Preceptor, Davidson's Accordion Preceptor, West's Singing Preceptor, Jousse's Violin Preceptor."


[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (7 January 1843), 3

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (19 July 1845), 3

To the Professors of the Violin of the Hunter river District. GENTLEMEN. Having heard that many of you have been venting execrations on my organs of vision, for selling you inferior Violin Strings, and that others have hung up their instruments in despair, I do not wonder at it, although I deeply regret the occurrence; for now they are all sold I will candidly admit that they were as rascally a lot as ever came into the colony. But most of you are aware that no better could be procured in Sydney. I am happy now to inform you that I have just received from England a fresh supply of a superior description. Those I have already sold have been highly approved of. Among others they have met with the approbation of three Scotch gentlemen, who are generally known to be very reserved and cautious in giving praise, but as ready to kick up a row as eat a meal should anything offend them. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, W. LIPSCOMB. P.S. I have just heard that several bagpipes have been engaged for the booths on the race- course. It is my opinion that if half-a-dozen of the players were allowed to enter the regions below with their instruments, the devil himself would evacuate his dominions. Of course the same number would rout a whole army of fiddlers. I would therefore advise the latter to be prepared for the occasion, and have good strings to their instruments. W. L.

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (10 October 1846), 3

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (8 May 1847), 3

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (26 May 1847), 3

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (17 May 1848), 3

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (17 August 1850), 3

ENGLISH AND ROMAN VIOLIN STRINGS. W. L. begs to draw the attention of those jolly fiddlers, or, more correctly speaking, the professional gentlemen engaged, to perform each week in the iron bark bowers on the Race-course, to the above assortment of Strings. He need not remind them how plenty of tone suits out-of-door amateurs, or those who have made up their minds to enjoy themselves by welting the floor for an hour or two, and these strings will stand rasping away upon in glorious style. A friend of mine, who had tried them, told me they were strong enough to tether a donkey.

"DEATHS", The Maitland Mercury (12 July 1873), 1 


Musician, violinist, harpist, pianist, composer, fencer, diplomat, translator, natural historian

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1859-70 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

IMAGE: FAREWELL BANQUET TO THE FRENCH CONSUL (Illustrated Melbourne News, 25 July 1862): Lissignol, seated at table, fourth from left


A "pupil of Thalberg and Lefebure-Wely, recently arrived from Europe", Lissignol advertised his first Melbourne concert in January 1859. After appearing in several other concerts in his first months, he then took to giving fencing displays on stage, and his professional musical activities seem thereafter to have ceased, though he continued to participate as an amateur (for instance, playing harp in the orchestra for a Musical Union concert in May 1861).

By November 1863, he was employed in the chancellery of the French Consulate, though in May 1864 "Eugene Lissignol, of Melbourne, tobacco manufacturer and commission agent" was newly insolvent. As secretary of the consulate, in 1866, in association with the Intercolonial Exhibition, he published French translations on books by Ferdinand von Mueller (Notes sur la végétation indigène et introduite de l'Australie) and William Henry Archer (Progrès de Victoria, depuis 1835, jusqu'a 1866). In April 1868, the University of Melbourne awarded him degree ad eundum of Bachelor of Arts, along with such other notable figures as J. H. Plunkett, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, and the Chief Justice of Victoria.

Lissignol was unanimously elected secretary the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria in October 1868, and served on the committees of other horticultural and agricultural societies. In 1869 he was also Superintendent of Royal Park, where however his officious behaviour brought him into dispute with Mr. Oldfield, a City Councillor, in August when:

. . . one of the young gentlemen who was playing in a football match in the park, to put on this coat and leave the ground, otherwise he should have handcuffs put on him" which was very insulting. Mr. Lissignol was not particular as to whom he insulted, for not long since he had him (Councillor Oldfield) under his finger (laughter) because he happened to be exercising a horse on private land which was not part of the park. If he insulted persons who were on private land, it was not surprising that he should have insulted the football club.

Finally, in May 1870, according to the Argus:

A report which was circulated on Saturday to the effect that M. Lissignol, late secretary of the Acclimatisation Society, who was about to sail by the mail to Bombay, where he had been appointed as French vice-consul, was on the eve of being arrested for embezzlement, caused no little excitement and consternation in Melbourne especially amongst the French residents. The report was found to be true, a warrant having been issued for his arrest on a charge of converting to his own use a cheque for £100 entrusted to him for payment into the bank . . .

However, according to a later report:

The B. M. S. Avoca sailed punctually . . . The matter was settled, and Lissignol was discharged barely in time to catch the mail.

The court's resolution of the matter was not without its critics in the press, and "LISSIGNOL'S DEFALCATIONS" were discussed on the floor of parliament in June, it being concluded however that there "were no materials on which the Government could proceed against the person who had got away from the country."


[Advertisement], The Argus (15 January 1859), 8

"MR. LISSIGNOL'S CONCERT", The Argus (24 January 1859), 5


[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1859), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (13 April 1859), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 April 1859), 8

"THE THEATRES", The Argus (20 April 1859), 5

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 May 1859), 8

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (16 June 1859), 1

[Advertisement], The Star (25 June 1859), 3

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1861), 8

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (4 November 1862), 4 

[News], The Argus (18 November 1863), 4

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Star (30 May 1864), 3


"UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE", The Argus (20 April 1868), 6

"NOTES AND NEWS", South Bourke Standard (9 October 1868), 2

"THE GAZETTE", The Argus (22 March 1869), 5

"CITY COUNCIL", The Argus (31 August 1869), 1

[News], The Argus (23 May 1870), 4

"MELBOURNE", The Maitland Mercury (26 May 1870), 2

"VICTORIA", South Australian Register (30 May 1870), 5

"PARLIAMENT", The Argus (9 June 1870), 6

"THE MONTH", Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers (18 June 1870), 105

Musical works:

Giralda (Spanish dance for the piano forte) (Melbourne: De Gruchy & Leigh, Lithogrs., 1859) 

See also MS copy (dated 1859): 

Waltz "Toorak ("First time of performance") [April 1859]

Grand trio, "The huguenots" (Meyerbeer) (Arranged for the Pianoforte, Harmonium, and Violin by Mons. Lissignol) (June 1859)

Other references:

"PROCÈS-VERBAUX", Bulletin de la Sociétéimpériale zoologique d'acclimatation 7 (1870), 615

"KNIGHTS TEMPLAR", The Freemasons' quarterly (28 January 1871), 79

LITOLFF, Francis (senior) (Francis LITOLFF; F. LITOLFF, senior)

Musician, professor of music, violin and viola player, pianist, teacher of music

Born London, England, c. 1804; son of Martin LITOLFF (b. c. 1772; died London, 1840; LITOLPH) and Henriette GIRARD
Married Hannah WALKER (c. 1802-1862), St. Pancras Old Church, London, England, 25 October 1828
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 4 April 1863 (per Kent, from London, 20 December, aged "57")
Died Richmond, VIC, 25 April 1886, aged "82/83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Litolff (pianist, composer, half brother)

LITOLFF, Francis (junior) (Francis LITOLFF; F. LITOLFF, junior; Mr. LITOLFF)

Musician, professor of music, pianist, organist, vocalist, conductor, musicseller (Litolff and Glen), piano tuner, composer

Born London, England, 2 September 1829; baptised St. Anne, Soho, 3 October 1829; son of Francis LITOLFF and Hannah WALKER
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 13 February 1853 (per Barrackpore, from London, 9 November 1852, aged "24")
Married Anne GRAY (1843-1902), Melbourne, VIC, 25 May 1865
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 1875 (for Dunedin, NZ)
Died Mornington, Dunedin, NZ, 5 December 1905, aged "76/77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Musician, pianist, teacher of the pianoforte

Born London, England, 15 June 1837; baptised St. Pancras, 17 July 1837; son of Francis LITOLFF and Hannah WALKER
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 October 1860 (per Essex, from Gravesend, 21 June)
Died Richmond, VIC, 30 April 1899, aged "61/62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Arrival of Martin Litolff in England (London, 1802):

[Advertisement], Morning Post [London, England] (24 December 1802), 1 (PAYWALL)

MR. M. LITOLFF, Musician, lately arrived from France,
respectfully informs the Public that he Instructs young Gentlemen on the Violin, and accompanies Ladies performing on the Piano and Harp.
Mr. Litolff has studied his profession under the most eminent masters, and has been several years employed as a leading performer in respectable concerts.
Such Ladies and Gentlemen as shall honour Mr. Litolff with their patronage, will be pleased to address a line to him at No. 29, Riding-house-lane, Great Titchfield-street.

[News], Morning Herald [London, England] (7 February 1803), 2 (PAYWALL)

At the rehearfal of the Concert for the benefit of the Choral Fund, which is to be this evening at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, Mr. LITOLFF, from the Continent, displayed such wonderful execution on the violin as to astonish all present.

Marriages solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1828; register 1828-30, page 76; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/PAN1/064 (PAYWALL)

No. 709 / Francis Litoff [sic] of this parish bachelor and Hannah Walker of this parish spinster
were married in this church by Licence . . . this [25 October 1828] . . .

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Anne, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1829; register 1827-37, page 144; City of Westminster Archives Centre, STA/PR/1/6 (PAYWALL)

No. 1149 / [1829] October 3 / born 2nd Sept'r / Francis [son of] / Francis & Hannah / Litolff / Frith St. / Musician . . .

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Pancras in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1837; register 1834-38, page 163; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/Pan1/020 (PAYWALL)

No. 1622 / 1837 July 17th / Edward [son of] / Francis & Hannah / Litolff / Frederic Place / Professor of Music / [born] 15 June . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Westminster St John Evangelist; UK National Archives, HO107/1479/81/48 (PAYWALL)

7 Holywell St. / Francis Litolff / Head / Mar. / 47 / Musician / [born] Midd'x St. Mary le Bone
Hanna [sic] [Litolff / Wife / [Mar.] / 48 / Milliner / [born] Midd'x St. Andrew
Francis [Lifolff] / Son / Unm. / 21 / Pianoforte Tuner, Regularor &c. / [born] Midd'x St. Anne West'r
Henry [Lifolff] / [Son] / Unm. / 20 / Chemist's Assistant / [born] [Midd'x] St. Pancras
Edward [Lifolff] / Son / Unm. / 13 / Scholar / [born] [Midd'x] St. Pancras . . . [plus 1 vistitor and 2 servants]

Names and descriptions of passengers per Barrackpore, from London, 9 November 1852, for Port Phillip, 13 February 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Litolff F. / 24 / Gentleman // Litolff G. / 19 / [Gentleman] . . .

"Letters List", The Argus (23 September 1856), 6

[Advertisement], The Argus (12 September 1857), 3

[Advertisement], The Argus (19 September 1857), 7

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 June 1858), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 January 1859), 6

Names and descriptions of passengers per Essex, from Gravesend, 21 June 1860, for Melbourne, 1 October 1860; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Steerage . . . Litolff Edward / 23 / Goldseeker . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 April 1862), 4 

LITOLFF. - On the 4th inst., at Aden Cottage, Richmond, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Hannah Litolff, wife of Mr. F. Litolff, Brompton, Middlesex, England, aged sixty years.

Names and descriptions of passengers per Kent, from London, 20 December 1862, for Melbourne, 4 April 1863; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Steerage . . . Litolff Francis / 57 / Gentleman / English . . .

"ODDFELLOWS' SOIREE", South Bourke Standard [VIC] (5 June 1863), 3 

. . . The concert commenced with the overture to "Zampa," on the piano-forte and violin, by the Messrs. Litolff, which was very tastefully performed . . . The part songs, by Miss Mortley, and Messrs. Saltmarsh, Wilson, and Litolf, were much appreciated by the audience . . . The overture to "Fra Diavolo" was performed by the Messrs. Litolff in the best style . . .

"MARRIAGES", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (27 May 1865), 4 

LITOLFF - GRAY. - On the 25th inst., by the Rev. J. Eggleston, at the residence of the bride's father, Francis Litolff, jun., to Anne, second daughter of Mr. Joseph Gray, Melbourne.

Sands' directory for Melbourne (1868), 431

. . . Litolff, Edwd., music seller, 22 Bridge-rd., [Richmond]
Litolff, Francis, piano tuner, Thomas-st., [Richmond] . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Otago, from Melbourne, 14 May 1874, for New Zealand; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Mr. Litolff / 38 / English / [for] Otago . . .

[Advertisement], Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (27 April 1875), 4 

Of all kinds - English, French, German, &c. thoroughly Tuned, Regulated, and Repaired by
Mr. F. LITOLFF, Of London, For nearly eight years with Messrs. Broadwood, and upwards of 21 years at Melbourne.
F. L. having left Victoria solely on account of his health,
begs leave to inform Ladies and Gentlemen having Pianos out of order that he had the honour there of tuning for many of the most distinguished residents,
including the Hon. T. G. Francis, Lady Stawell, Judge Molesworth, Dr. Carins, Mrs. Mowbray, Mrs. Seddon, Madame Guerard, - Ellery, Esq., Herr Berghoff, Dr. Gibbie, &c., &c.
Piano and Singing taught, with upwards of 20 years' experience.
Church and other Organs erected, tuned or repaired.
Country tunings attended to.
Charge for tuning and regulating at Dunedin, 10s, or four tunings at intervals of 3 months for £1.
A choice assortment of Pianos and Harmoniums to arrive.

"Odds and Ends", Otago Witness (9 December 1876), 3 

The formal opening of the new organ gallery at St. Joseph's Church, Dunedin, will take place on Monday, the 11th inst. The organ has been re-erected by Mr. Litolff, and has undergone extensive improvements.

"Deaths", The Argus (26 April 1886), 1

LITOLFF. - On the 25th inst., at Onslow-house, Erin-street, Richmond, Francis Litolff, sen., in his 83rd year.

"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (29 April 1899), 17 

LITOLFF - On the 30th April, at his residence, No. 17 Erin-street, Richmond, Edward Litolff, in the 62nd year of his age. No flowers.

Will and probate, Edward Litolff, 1899; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED - WILL) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], Evening Star [Dunedin, NZ] (22 March 1902), 4 

A. AND F. LITOLFF, Organ Builders and Repairers. Wood Pipemakers and voicers. All kinds Musical Instruments Reiaired. Mornington.

ASSOCIATIONS: ? Alfred Alexander George Litolff (born Richmond, VIC, 1873; died WWI, France, December 1816); see also "DEDICATION OF ORGAN", Otago Daily Times (3 September 1902), 6 

"Death", Evening Star [Dunedin, NZ] (6 December 1905), 4 

LITOLFF. - At Clyde street, Mornington, on December 5, 1905, Francis Litolff; in his 77th year. Private interment.

"PERSONAL", Evening Star (6 December 1905), 4 

A well-known figure in musical circles in the early seventies of Melbourne, Francis Litolff, passed away at his residence in Mornington last night. For many years he held the position of conductor of the Philharmonic Society of that City, and also organist of the Bridge-road Church at Richmond. In business he was associated at the start with the well-known musical firm of W. H. Glen and Co., which in those days went under the name of Litolff and Glen. In Dunedin, where he came under engagement to the late Mr. Charles Begg, he took an active part in the musical line. He was also a member of many debating clubs, and lectcred quite recently at the Dunedin Progressive Society. He took a great interest in chess, and was a member of the Otago Chess Club. Mr. Litolff was a nephew of the late Henri Litolff, the one-time famous pianist and composer, who a few years ago had a monument erected in memory of him in Paris.

Musical Works:

The Curaçoa polka (F. Litolff; Musical souvenir of the first visit to Melbourne of H.M.S.S. Curaçoa, Commodore Sir William Wiseman, September, 1864) (Melbourne: R. J. Paling, 1864) 

The comet galop (composed expressly), in The Illustrated Melbourne Post (24 February 1865) 

LITTLE, William (William LITTLE)

Musical amateur, amateur musician, violinist

Born Cumberland, England, 1839; baptised Torpenhow, 3 March 1839; son of John LITTLE (d. VIC, 1890) and Mary GRAVE (d. VIC, 1882)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1854
Married Catherine CAZALY, Ballarat, VIC, 1862
Died Ballarat, VIC, 2 October 1916

LITTLE, Catherine (Mrs. William LITTLE) = Catherine CAZALY

LITTLE, Sarah Cross (Sarah Cross BINGLE; Mrs. William LITTLE)

Amateur musician, pianist, vocalist

Born Upper Hunter, NSW, 1832
Married William LITTLE, Christ Church, Newcastle, NSW, 3 February 1858
Died Sydney, NSW, 29 May 1909 (NLA persistent identifier)


Bingle family - further papers, 1839-ca. 1920; State Library of New South Wales, MLMSS 7115

MLMSS 7115/2-3 = 1852-1900; Music books, being five bound volumes and one unbound volume of music, copied by hand, including piano music and songs with piano music by various Australian and European composers 


Pianist, piano tuner

Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1858


Register of members, Corinthian Lodge, Sandhurst, VIC, no. 1072, 1858; United Grand Lodge of Great Britain; Museum of Freemasonry (PAYWALL)

Petitioners' warrant dated 20th Dec. 1858 / frm 924 / Salamon Edward / [Sandhurst] / Pianist . . .
[1858] Oct. 20 / Schede Herman / 31 / [Sandhurst] / Agent . . .
[1858] Dec. 16 / Livingstone Alexander / 26 / [Sandhurst / Pianist . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Salamon (pianist); Herman Schede (agent, pianist)

[News], Gippsland Times (23 October 1861), 2

[Advertisement], Gippsland Times (6 November 1861), 3

"THATCHER", Gippsland Times (22 November 1861), 3

"OLD NOTES PICKED UP IN CENTRAL OTAGO [BY A BANKER]", Oamaru Mail [NZ] (14 July 1894), 4 

ASSOCIATIONS: Pianist to Charles Thatcher

LLEWELLYN, Thomas = Llewellyn THOMAS

Welsh harper, harpist


Amateur organist

Active Sydney, NSW, 1872



"ORGAN CONTEST AT THE EXHIBITION BUILDING", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 May 1872), 3

. . .Mr. Lloyd, who followed, entered under peculiar circumstances. He confessed to not being able to read music at all, and declined playing any of the six pieces. His manipulation of the keyboard was, however, remarkable, considering he kept the coupler out, and he gave evidence of great musical powers entirely undeveloped. His selected piece was a marvel in its way. Commencing with the "March in Athalie," it went off at a tangent into "Pilgrims of the Night," and ultimately lost itself in a pleasing compound of the "Olia Podrida" character.

LLOYD, Charles

Professor of dancing, dance-hall proprietor

Active Geelong, VIC, by 1847


[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (5 November 1847), 2 

[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (14 August 1852), 2 

[2 advertisements], The Argus (28 November 1856), 8 

GUILDHALL, Swanston-street. - Mr. Lloyd's Assembly. This Evening. Dancing commences Half-past Eight o'clock precisely.

DANCING.- Original Varsoviana, Mazourka Polka, Redowa, &c., Taught by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Guildhall

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 December 1856), 8 

LLOYD, David (David LLOYD; Mr. D. T. LLOYD)

Amateur musician, choral conductor

Active Sebastopol, VIC, 1860s

LLOYD, George Thomas (George Thomas LLOYD)

Musical amateur

Active Geelong, VIC, by 1851
Died Geelong, VIC, March 1871 (NLA persistent identifier)


"CONCERTS. To the editor of the . . .", Geelong Advertiser (25 July 1851), 2 

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Estall (musical amateur); Geelong Amateur Harmonic Society (organisation)

"GEELONG EAST ELECTION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Geelong Advertiser (2 March 1871), 3 

. . . In 1851, 8th February (Black Thursday), when the Barrabool farmers were burnt out, Mr. J. P. Smith and I gave a concert, assisted by Mrs. Testar, Stainsby, Mr. Elmes generously lighting up and giving his theatre gratis in aid of the sufferers, and netted £47 for their benefit . . .
Yours, G. T. LLOYD.

ASSOCIATIONS: Black Thursday (bushfires); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Robert Stainsby (musician)

LLOYD, Henry (Henry LLOYD)

Violinist, photographer

Born c. 1832/3
Active Castlemaine, VIC, by 1868
Died Melbourne, VIC, April 1910 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Active as a violinist in Castlemaine since the late 1860s, Henry Lloyd moved to Melbourne in mid 1895. From his residence at 45A High Street, West Prahran, he worked as a photographer for several years. While living there he made and inscribed with his name and address the later of the two surviving copies of Maria Logan's 1836 arrangement A song of the Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land (


"THE HOWSON CONCERT", Mount Alexander Mail (28 October 1868), 2 

"CONCERT AND READINGS", Mount Alexander Mail (22 July 1870), 2 

"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", Mount Alexander Mail (23 June 1871), 2 

"JUVENILE BALL", Mount Alexander Mail (28 August 1880), 3 

"THEATRE ROYAL", Mount Alexander Mail (19 April 1881), 2 

"VOLUNTEER BALL", Mount Alexander Mail (28 December 1883), 2 

"THE MILITARY BALL", Mount Alexander Mail (9 October 1885), 2 

"THE REV. A. McCULLY'S RECITALS", Mount Alexander Mail (1 July 1886), 2 

"THEATRE ROYAL", Mount Alexander Mail (4 April 1888), 3 

"THE CASTLEMAINE ORCHESTRA", Mount Alexander Mail (26 January 1893), 2 

"CONCERT AT WESLEY HILL", Mount Alexander Mail (20 June 1895), 2 

"CONCERTS, &c.", The Australasian (31 August 1895), 40 

"CASTLEMAINE", The Argus (14 April 1910), 9 

An old resident of Wesley Hill, Mr. H. Lloyd, died in the Benevolent Asylum on Wednesday, at the age of 78 years. In the early days deceased was the leading violinist of the district.

LLOYD, William (William LLOYD)

Agent, manager Lyster's Opera Company

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 March 1861 (per Achilles, from San Francisco)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 29 August 1868 (per Alexander Duthie, for San Francisco)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED. MARCH 1", The Argus (2 March 1861), 4 

Achilles, ship, 553 tons, Henry T. Hart, from San Francisco 8th January. Passengers - cabin: Madame Lucy Escott, Miss Rosalie Durand, Miss Georgia Hodson, Mrs. Ada King, Messrs. A. Reiff, H. Squires, F. Trevor, W. S. Lyster, F. Lyster, W. Lloyd, D. Fries Hagelsea. Holmes, White, and Co., agents.

ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist); Rosalie Durand (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Ada King (vocalist); Anthony Reiff (conductor); Frank Trevor (vocalist); William Saurin Lyster (vocalist); Frederick Lyster (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)

[News], The Argus (2 March 1861), 5

The ship Achilles, which arrived from San Francisco yesterday, has brought to these shores a "complete operatic troupe," comprising the names of Madame Lucy Escott, and Miss Rosalie Durand, sopranos; Miss Georgia Hodson, contralto; and Madame Ada King, as seconda donna. The tenor, Mr. Henry Squiers [sic], is supported by Mr. Frank Trevor, as second tenor. The baritone is Mr. F. Lester [sic]. Mr. A. Reiff is the conductor; and the whole are under the supervision of Mr. W. L. Lester [sic]. The agent of the troupe is Mr. W. Lloyd. Arrangements are being made for the appearance of the new company at the Theatre Royal, and we understand they will produce both tragic and comic opera.

"CLEARANCES. - AUGUST 28", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1868), 4 

Alexander Duthie, ship, 1159 tens, Captain Douglass, for San Francisco. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lyster and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and 2 children, Mr. and Mrs. De Antoni, Madame Escott, Miss Warden, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. King, Messrs. Squires, Beaumont, Symons, Sutcliffe, Baker, Habbe, Kitts, Buchrach, Nathanson, Swift, Timms, and 17 in the 2nd cabin.

ASSOCIATIONS: Geraldine Warden (vocalist); Theresa Shirley Andrew (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (vocalist); Martin Bachrach (vocalist); Gottfried Nathanson (vocalist)

LOCH, John Dickson (John Dickson LOCH; John D. LOCH; J. D. LOCH)

Amateur musician, editor of collections of sacred music

Born Northumberland, England, 18 July 1805
Arrived VDL (TAS), by 1838
Died South Yarra, VIC, 5 August 1876, aged 71 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"Deaths", The Argus (8 August 1876), 1 


A collection of psalms and tunes for the morning and evening service of each Sunday in the year and each day in the month, arranged for the use of St. George's Church, Hobart Town (Hobart: Elliston, 1843) 

[Preface] The Congregation is indebted to John D. Loch, Esq., for the selection and arrangement of the Music . . .The following Collection of Psalms and Music is presented to the Congregation of St. George's, Hobart Town, as a testimony of affectionate interest in their spiritual welfare, and in the hope that it may aid those to whom the Lord hath given "the voice of melody," (Isaiah 51, 3) in employing it to His glory, by singing His praise in the congregation. It is also hoped that it may be useful to parents for the instruction of their children in Sacred Music, and enable families to make the singing of Psalms a part of domestic worship (Matt. 26, 30) and a preparation for the public service.

See also: 


John Dickson Loch, Information in regard to Adelaide and South Australia, 1838 by John Dickson Loch; MS A 2755; State Library of New South Wales 

In his daughter's marriage notice of 1845, Loch was described as "aide-de-camp to the late King of Oude"; he had arrived in South Australia in 1838, from India, where he had served as a British army officer.

LOCHEE, Alfred (Alfred LOCHEE; also LOCHÉE)

Amateur musician

Born 8 March 1811
Alfred died WA, 23 April 1887
Charles died Perth, 22 November 1893, aged 82

LOCHEE, Francis (Francis LOCHEE; also LOCHÉE)

Amateur musician (NLA persistent identifier)

LOCHÉE, Alfred, junior (LOCHEE)

Amateur musician


Alfred Lochee and his identical twin brother Francis were both musical. Francis married James Purkis's youngest daughter Emma in 1846. One or other of the Lochees is probably the author of most of the musical commentary in the Inquirer, as notably the review of the sacred concert in May 1845.


"Performance of Sacred Music", Inquirer (14 May 1845), 1

"MARRIED", Inquirer (2 September 1846), 2

"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Inquirer (20 January 1869), 3

"DEATH OF MR. ALFRED LOCHEE", The Daily News (23 April 1887), 3

"OUR JUBILEE", The Inquirer (6 August 1890), 3

"Death", The West Australian (24 November 1893), 4

"DEATH OF MR. LOCHEE", The Inquirer (24 November 1893), 14

"DEATH OF MR. FRANCIS LOCHEE J.P.", The West Australian (24 November 1893), 5

"AFTER MANY YEARS", The West Australian (25 July 1919), 8

"RECOLLECTIONS", The West Australian (19 October 1935), 7 

LOCK, William (William LOCK)

Theatre proprietor, manager, lessee

Active Geelong, VIC, c. 1851

ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)

LOCKET, Henry (Henry LOCKET)

Musician, bandsman (H.M.S. Carysfort)

Visiting Sydney, NSW, August 1845


"FLEECING NEPTUNE'S MUSICIANS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1846), 2

LOCKEY, William (William LOCKEY)

Itinerant musician, singer, busker

Active Sydney, NSW, 1845


"AN AMATEUR SINGER", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 February 1845), 4

A miserable looking object, who appeared as if he had neither washed   nor shaved for the last twelve months, and who gave his name William Lockey, was charged with lying down drunk in the streets. The prisoner had become a perfect nuisance in the town, singing songs for halfpence, and collecting crowds of idle boys and loungers round him, and as it appeared that he slept every night in the bush, and had no legitimate way of getting a livelihood, he was sent to gaol for one month.

LODER, George (1816-1868)

LODER, Emma (Miss Emma NEVILLE)

Go to mainpage:

LODER, Alfred (Alfred LODER)

Musician, vocalist, pianist

Born Bath, England; baptised 7 July 1824 (son of George Loder senior, brother of George LODER above)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, November 1852 (per Magnolia, from New York)
Died Prahran, VIC, 13 February 1853

LODER, Charlotte (Charlotte LAWRY; Mrs. Alfred LODER)

Musician, vocalist, pianist

Active Melbourne, VIC, August 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


George Loder's younger brother Alfred arrived in Victoria, either from or perhaps only via New York, late in 1852, and died in Prahran in February 1853. Later that year, the widowed Charlotte Loder briefly appeared as vocalist for the Melbourne entertainments of the recently arrived comedian Alfred Phillips, pending his wife's joining him in the colonies (which she did the following year).


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Bathwick in the county of Somerset in the year 1824, page 102

No. 809 / 1824 July 7th / Alfred Son of / George & Frances Loder, Bathwick Street, Professor of Music

1850 Marriages solemnized at Pierrepont-place [Catholic] Chapel in the District of Bath in the county of Somerset

No. 33 / [21] November 1850 / Alfred Loder / 26 years [sic] / bachelor / merchant / 13 Milson Street / [son of] George Loder, Musician
[to] Charlotte Lawly / 23 years / spinster / milliner / [daughter of] Joseph Lawly, Clockmaker . . .

[News], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (26 November 1852), 1 supplement 

On the Magnolia and the popularity of with British emigrants, out of London and Liverpool, of the newly opened New York route to Melbourne.

"DIED", The Argus (14 February 1853), 4 

On the 13th instant, at Prahran, Mr. Alfred Loder, aged 27 [? 21, sic], formerly of Bath, England, passenger by the Magnolia, from New York. Friends will please meet at the Princes Bridge, this evening, at four o'clock.

[Advertisement], The Argus (23 April 1853), 1 

MRS. ALFRED LODER, late of New York; your cousin, Mrs. Varley (late Louisa Distin) would wish to hear from you; write, 490 1/2, George-street, Sydney.

See Louisa VARLEY; the return address was Henry Marsh's music warehouse, where Louisa's husband, Nugent Varley, manager of Winterbottom's band, had his office

[Advertisements], The Argus (5 August 1853), 3 

[5 advertisements], The Argus (8 August 1853), 8 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Tonight, Monday, August 8. - Alfred Phillips' Entertainment, entitled "Our Native Land." New songs, new vocalist, and splendid diorama.

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Tonight, Monday, August 8. - First appearance of Mrs. Loder, who will sing, in the course of Alfred Phillips' Entertainment, popular Irish and Scottish Melodies.

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Tonight, Monday, August 8. - first appearance since his return to Melbourne, of the eminent Pianiste, Mr. Salamons.

. . .Tickets for Alfred Phillips' Entertainment may be had of Mr. Jacobs, Victoria-Bazaar, Collins-street, and of Mr. Peck, Music Warehouse, Swanston-street.

"SANDRIDGE", The Banner (26 August 1853), 7 

The inhabitants of this rapidly improving port were again, on Wednesday, favoured by a visit of the admired delineator of Irish character, Mr. Phillips, accompanied by Mrs. Loder. Both were received with loud applause, and encored in many of the well-selected songs which accompanied each description. Mrs. Loder's benefit took place last night, and, although we were unable to attend we trust that the audience was more numerous than on the last occasion, and we also trust that a good company awaits Mr. Phillips' benefit, which he has announced for this evening.

"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", The Banner (30 September 1853), 7 

A Musical Entertainment, entitled "Erin go Bragh," was given on Tuesday evening, at the splendid building which Mr. McLelland has erected in Prahran as an hotel, by Mr. Alfred Philips, assisted by the charming vocalist, Mrs. Loder. The music was well selected, and very much applauded, Mr. Philip's Irish anecdotes, and excellent brogue, kept the audience in continued laughter. The pianoforte accompaniments by Mrs. Loder, were very well executed; and altogether the entertainment gave general satisfaction . . .

LOFTUS, Blind ("Blind LOFTUS")

Musician, itinerant musician, violinist, fiddler, vocalist, dancer

Active Windsor area, NSW, c. 1833

LOGAN, Maria (Maria ELLARD; Mary ELLARD; Mrs. C. D. LOGAN; Maria LOGAN)

LOGAN, Charles David (Mr. C. D. LOGAN)

Go to mainpage:

LOHRMANN, Simon Charles (Simon Charles LOHRMANN; S. C. LOHRMANN)

Musical instrument maker, organ builder, organ and piano maker, carpenter, cabinet maker

Born Germany, c. 1814/15
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 1849
Died Adelaide, SA, 19 April 1898


"CHRISTCHURCH ORGAN", Evening Journal (1 March 1869), 3 

A great improvement has just been made to this instrument by the addition of a swell organ, with a separate manual, and all the necessary appliances connected therewith. There are four stops, consisting of the dulciana, flute (eight-tone), principal, and fifteenth. The whole has been manufactured by Mr. Lohrmann, cabinetmaker, of North Adelaide. Through the courtesy of Mr. H. Dutton, the organist, we had an opportunity of inspecting the improvements on Saturday. The mechanism appears to be very excellent, and the tone remarkably good; superior, indeed, to that of the great organ, though of course not equal to it in power. Mr. Lohrmann is no novice at this sort of work, but has applied his constructive skill in the same direction frequently before, and has now in his possession two or three chamber organs of his own manufacture.

Bibliography and resources:

David Shield, [Notes on Lohrmann organ], in "Trinity (formerly St. Martin's) Lutheran Church, Main Road, Rosedale"; OHTA 

LOLLE, Emile de (Emile de LOLLE; Mons. DELOLLE) = Emile DE LOLLE

LOMAS, William (William LOMAS; also William LOMAX; W. LOMAX)

Musician, bandsman, Band of the 4th Regiment

LOMAX, Benjamin (Benjamin LOMAX)

Singing class instructor (tonic sol-fa), author, lecturer

Born London, England, 1833; baptised St. Dunstan, Stepney, 28 June 1833
Arrived Australia, 1852
Active Wangaratta, VIC, 1864
Departed Australia, 1870
Died London, England, 7 April 1917 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"WANGARATTA", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (30 August 1864), 3

WANGARATTA. From our own Correspondent. August 29th. Wangaratta is again striving to be musical. A class in connection with the Tonic Sol Fa Association has commenced operations in the old Court House under the direction of Mr. Lomax. In obedience to the laws of the parent Society, no charge is made for instruction, but all expenses are defrayed by a trifling subscription. The leader, who appears very hopeful of the result, has collected a large and respectable class, and has certainly managed to inspire them with the utmost confidence in his system, which, according to its supporters, offers the easiest, the cheapest, and the most correct musical code extant.

[News] Australian Town and Country Journal (30 March 1872), 6 

Some recent squabbles at Sandridge have ended in a Supreme Court case. It appears that in November 1868 two of the parents of female children attending the school told Mr. Platts, the incumbent of Trinity Church, that those children had complained that Mr. Benjamin Lomax, then head master, had taken indecent liberties with them.

"PERSONAL", The Journal (15 June 1917), 2 

Mr. Benjamin Lomax, who was well known in literary and scientific circles in the South of England, and was for some years curator of the Brighton Museum, died at his residence, Park Crescent, London, on April 7. Born in London in 1833, and educated at Hoddesden College, he entered the engineering profession, and in 1852 came to Australia prospecting. Afterwards he travelled extensively, and in 1870 returned to England, and settled at Brighton. He was a popular lecturer on a variety of subjects, especially natural history.

Literary works:

Bells and bellringers by Benjamin Lomax (London: H. J. Infield, 1879) 


Musician, professor of the Flute (German and patent Boehm, pupil of Eugene Walckiers), teacher of French, importer, draper, music seller

Born France, c. 1820
Active Adelaide, SA, by April 1850; Sydney, NSW, 1850, until after April 1854
Disappeared c. 1855
? Died Crusoe Gully, VIC, 13 February 1884, aged 65 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Jean Francois Lonchamp married Clara Mary Vassal on 27 April 1850, at the residence of the Rev'd D. J. Draper, Gawler Place, Adelaide (Australian marriage index)., and on 30 April the couple sailed for Port Phillip on the Rajah. They then sailed from there for Sydney on the Diana, arriving on 23 May.

A pupil of Eugène Walckiers (1793-1866), Lonchamp is first on record as playing in public in Sydney in late 1850, on a Boehm flute playing music by Jean Louis Tulou (1786-1865). He was an associate of the Marsh brothers, and advertised for sale a formidable range of printed music. As a child, James Walker was one of his flute pupils.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 August 1850), 1 

MUSIC. M. LONCHAMP, Professor of the Flute, pupil of Eugene Walckiers. (the first master and composer in France) begs to inform the Gentlemen of Sydney that he will give lessons on the German and patent Boehm Flute. The latter instrument is of a superior construction, and the first introduced to the colony. N.B. - M. Lonchamp can supply his pupils with good instruments of the above description, if requisite. For terms apply at Mr. MARSH'S Office, Jamison-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1850), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 September 1850), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1850), 3

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1850), 3

"LAW INTELLIGENCE", Empire (16 May 1851), 2

"LAW INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 June 1851), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 May 1852), 1 

TO AMATEURS OF MUSIC. THE undersigned begs to announce to his friends and the public in general, that he has been appointed agent by Mr. STEPHEN MARSH, to sell the most select assortment of Music (vocal and instrumental)
viz: - ballads, songs, polkas, quadrilles, waltzes, &c., &c., &c., of the most recent date.
He also has for sale the most extensive selection of Music for the Flute and other instruments ever imported in this colony.
At the same time the undersigned begs to intimate to his friends that he continues to give private lessons on the Flute.
For terms apply to F. LONCHAMP, 278, Pitt-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 July 1852), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 March 1853), 1s

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 June 1853), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1854), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 June 1854), 5

NOTICE to the PUBLIC - All outstanding Debts due to Mr. JEAN FRANCOIS LONCHAMP, late of Pitt street, Linen Draper, are to be paid to Mr. J. H. NIXON, of O'Connell-street, Sydney, whose receipt only will be sufficient. Dated this 9th day of June, A.D. 1854. J. F. LONCHAMP.

"MYSTERIOUS CASE - SUSPECTED MURDER AND ROBBERY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (13 October 1855), 3 

We copy the following statement relating to Mr. Longchamp, a gentleman well known in Sydney, from a New York paper of 4th July. The case was still under investigation in the Mayor's Court, before Judge Osborne; and was creating considerable interest. Underneath are the facts, so far as they have transpired: -

On Sunday afternoon, 1st July, a gentleman called, at the chief's office and had an interview with one of the chief's officers; at the same time showing the officer an advertisement offering a harp and choice lot of music for sale at No 75 Nassau-street. It appears by his statement that he was the attorney of a lady named Madame Clara Mary Longchamp, and that a friend of the lady called at No. 75 Nassau-street, for the purpose of purchasing the articles of Otto Anderson, the proprietor of the place, and who claimed to be the owner of the same. The property consisted of the harp, a large quantity of books, music, flutes, clothing, linen, and other articles. While examining the articles, the gentleman who intended purchasing the articles for seventy-five dollars discovered the name of Mr. Longchamp, the husband of the above-named lady, written on a portfolio; and he knowing from the wife that she was apprehensive that something wrong had happened to her husband, told Anderson that he knew the wife of the owner of them, and enquired where he procured the articles. He stated that had purchased them from a Captain Lawson, and had advanced money on them. He then informed Madame Longchamp, and together they visited the place, when she immediately recognised the harp as being her property . . .

Captain Lawson was sent for to Boston, and voluntarily came to this city with the officers. On the arrival of Captain Lawson he . . .informed Judge Osborne that Mr. Longchamp was a passenger with him on his vessel from the Sandwich Islands, and had requested him to ship the goods to Boston, to remain in store till he arrived in this country, but that he (the Captain) being short of funds had concluded to sell the property, to pay some 125 dollars charges due on them, which he had advanced . . .. . .

The wife of Mr. Longchamp, who was present at the examination, stated that her husband was a merchant in Sydney, where he resided for five years, but concluded to sell out and come to New York, and that she went to Adelaide, Australia, to endeavor to persuade her daughter to accompany them, who would not consent to do so. She then took passage from thence to Now York - her husband promising to meet her here in December last. She had no tidings of him since that time, and is fearful that some wrong has happened to him, and now finding this property under suspicious circumstances tends the more to increase her alarm. The case is still under investigation . . .

? "OUR RESERVOIRS (To the Editor . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (11 February 1878), 3 

. . .I remain, yours, etc. JEAN LONCHAMP, Miner, Crusoe Gully, 8th February.

? "SUDDEN DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT", Bendigo Advertiser (14 February 1884), 3 

Last evening, a man named Jean Longchamp, sixty-five years old, died suddenly at his hut in Crusoe Gully. The deceased, who was a French man by birth, was spoken of as a man of superior attainments, but he was unfortunately somewhat intemperate in his habits. Some few years back when the agitation in regard to the pollution of the Crusoe reservoir, by buried offal, was going on, Longchamp wrote several letters to this journal . . .The deceased was a very old resident of Crusoe, having arrived there in the year 1858. He was for a time in business in Sandhurst, but eventually returned to Crusoe, whore he lived up to the time of his death. He also contributed to the press letters of some interest upon political subjects. Cricketers will doubtless be familiar with Longchamp, who often took the scoring book in hand on behalf of one of the teams, most frequently in connection with matches played on Allen's Crusoe Cricket ground. Deceased was 65 years of age at the time of his death, and so far as is known left no relations in the colony . . .

"A GRAND OLD MUSICIAN", The Brisbane Courier (16 March 1926), 11


Musician, leader of the band

Active Beechworth, VIC, 1859


[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (18 April 1859), 2 

TELEGRAPH ASSEMBLY ROOMS . . .Leader of the Band Herr Londervick . . .

LONG, Mr. (Mr. LONG)


Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), March 1834


At John Philip Deane's oratorio in Hobart in March 1834, Sophia Letitia Davis's "best performance was Let the bright Seraphim, with trumpet obligato performance of Mr. Long". This was apparently the first unequivocal reference to a performance on a trumpet in Australia. Long was perhaps most likely a member of the Band of the 21st Regiment.


 [Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (7 March 1834), 3

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (18 March 1834), 5 

. . .Mrs. Davis's best performance was "Let the bright Seraphim," and the trumpet obligato by Mr. Long, was correctly and tastefully performed . . .

"Extracts FROM THE COLONIAL JOURNALS", Trumpeter General (21 March 1834), 2

"Domestic Intelligence", The Hobart Town Magazine 3 (1834), 53


Musician, violinist, violin player

Active Ballarat, VIC, c. 1854


"BALLARAT CHRONICLES AND PICTURES. BY W. B. WITHERS . . . THE FINE ARTS", The Ballarat Star [VIC] (26 October 1889), 1 

. . . Early in 1854, and on or near the same site, the first dramatic exhibition opened. It was a canvas theatre known as Coleman's or Coleman and Landells'. His brother afterwards made his mark in the monopolylogue "Masks and Faces." The canvas theatre was promoted by George Codlin, a blacksmith, who in the seventies jumped the life to come with a razor and a plunge into lake Wendouree. His wife, now dead, had a confectioner's shop in the present City Hall site. She and her sister (Mrs. Landells) had a refreshment stall in Coleman's theatre, and Messrs. Pole and Cos., clothiers, made £60 or £70 a week as costumiers to the company. Coleman's orchestra consisted of Jacques Paltzer, leader and violin; Longbottom, second violin; Ed. West, double bass; August Miell, cornet. West, familiarly known as Daddy West, resided here till 1888, and played all the time off and on in theatres, concert rooms, and in both sacred and secular music . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Bramwell Withers (memoirist, journalist); Barned Jullian Coleman (actor, manager); Henry Coleman (brother, polyphonist); Jacques Paltzer (violin); Edward West (double bass); Augustus Miell (cornet)

LONGDEN, Agostina (Agostina Anna Albertini ARNATI; Augustina; Augusta; Mrs. James Messer SIMMONS; Mrs. Duncan LONGDEN)

Pianist, piano and music teacher (pupil of Robert Barnett)

Born Winchester, England, 16 October 1833; baptised St. Swithun over Kingsgate, Winchester, 21 November 1833; daughter of Nicomede ARNATI (d. 1845) and Ann CANT (d. 1849)
Married (1) John Messer SIMMONS (d. 1855), St. Marylebone, London, 28 April 1853
Arrived VIC, ? c. mid 1850s
Married (2) Duncan LONGDEN (1826-1904), ? England or VIC, c. 1854
Died Geelong, VIC, 24 May 1920 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


She was a daugher of Nicomede Arnati, a professor of languages and teacher at Winchester College at the time of her birth, and his wife Ann Cant.

Her eldest sister Rosalia (1823-1909), was a talented concert pianist, who, as Miss Arnati and Mademoiselle Arnati, was also active in the mid 1840s as a teacher of music and languages. She married James Collins in London in 1846, and thereafter advertised as Madame Arnati Collins.

Another older sister, Emilia (1832-1915) married a musician, Thomas White (1832-1889) in 1852, and shortly afterward emigrated to Victoria, where, from 1853 to 1858, as Madame Arnati White, she pursued as professional career as a vocalist, before settling in NZ in the early 1860s.

Agostina, aged 17, was a teaching assistant at her school in Cornwall at the time of the 1851 census. In London in 1853, she married a Cornish law student, John Messer Simmons, but the marriage must have been dissolved soon after, and he died two years later, on 12 May 1855.

Possibly as early as 1854, she emigrated to Victoria, and either soon before or soon after married Duncan Longden (1826-1904), who in mid 1855 was mining on the Victorian goldfields. The birth of their first child was registered in Richmond, Melbourne, in 1856 (probably not, as his baptism record states, born 21 January 1855, but correctly that date in 1856). By 1859 the family had settled at Wallington, near Geelong.

By mid 1864 she was teaching music at a girls' school in Geelong, and during the 1870s and 1880s is regularly documented as a piano teacher and performer.


"WINCHESTER. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2, 1845", Hampshire Chronicle [Winchester, England] (2 August 1845), 1 (PAYWALL)

A concert, combining considerable vocal and instrumental talent, it is understood, will be given at St. John's Rooms, by Miss Arnati, the latter end of this month, or the beginning of September, when a younger sister and pupil, Miss Augutsina Arnati, will make her debut as a pianiste.

England census, 30 March 1851, Madron, Cornwall; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1918 

1 South Parade / Isabella Hayden / 22 / School Assistant . . .
Agostina Arnati / 17 / [School Assistant] / [born] Hamp. Winchester
Mary Ann Simmons / 16 / Pupil at School [born] Cornwall, Gwennap . . .

1853, marriage solemnized in the parish church in the parish of St. Marylebone . . .; London Metropolitan Archives

491 / 28th April 1853 / John Messer Simmons / of full age / Bachelor / Law student / St. Mary le bone / [father] Thomas Simmons / gent
Agostina Anna Albertini Arnati / Minor / Spinster / - / [St. Mary le bone] / Nicomede Albertini / Professor of Languages . . .

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (16 July 1867), 2 

The concert and reading of Wednesday next cannot but be crowned with success . . . We are glad to see in the programme one of Beethoven's immortal Sonatas, to be played by a lady, who, under the able tuition of Robert Barnett, learned how this music was intended to be played. Mrs. Longden, so well known in certain musical circles as having a thorough command of the instrument, will afford a Geelong audience an opportunity of hearing and judging for themselves.

"DEATHS", The Argus (25 May 1920), 1 

LONGDEN - On the 23rd May 1920, at her residence 51 Myers street, Geelong, Agostina A., widow of the late Captain Duncan Longden, aged 86 years. (Privately interred Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, on 24th inst.)

"LATE MRS. A. A. LONGDON", Geelong Advertiser (29 May 1920), 4 

The funeral of the late Mrs. Augustina A. Longden, a well known and highly respected resident of Myers-st., Geelong, took place privately on Monday, May 24th, 1920, her remains being interred in the Church of England portion of the Eastern Cemetery, Geelong. The deceased lady was the wife of the late Captain Duncan Longden, and daughter of the late Count Arnati, Professor of Languages, coming to Australia with her parents in 1852 [sic], the deceased soon after settled in Geelong, where she remained a resident up to the time of her death. The funeral was of a private nature, only relatives and nearest friends attending. The deceased leaves four sons and one daughter to mourn their loss. The mortuary arrangements were carried out by Ernest H. King, of 187 Moorabool-street.

LONGFIELD, Elizabeth Mary (Miss DRANE; Elizabeth LONGFIELD; Mrs. John LONGFIELD)

Musician, piano and music teacher, composer

Born Norfolk, England, 24 January 1830; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Pulham, 7 March 1830
Active Maitland, NSW, by 1862
Died Cheltenham, NSW, 28 April 1917, aged 87 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"PATRIOTIC FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1855), 8

"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 September 1858), 1

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (19 July 1862), 1

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (19 August 1862), 1

"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1868), 4

"ATTACH ON THE YASS MAIL", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (29 May 1869), 4 

On the night of Wednesday last about half past nine o'clock, when the mail from Yass to Goulburn had reached to about two miles of the latter town, two armed and mounted bushrangers came up and ordered the driver to pull up. There were at the time five passengers - Mr. John Longfield, dentist of Goulburn and Mr. Webb of Yass were on the box, and Miss Blake of Yass, Mr. W. Saber of Sydney, and Constable Chalker of the Goulburn mounted police force were inside. Chalker at once fired on the bush rangers, who instantly returned the fire. Altogether five shots were fired, two by Chalker and three by the bushrangers. The last shot fired by the latter took effect on the face of Mr. Longfield, who fell senseless into the arms of Mr. Webb . . . Fears for Mr. Longfield's life were at first entertained; but our last report was satisfactory though. It is feared he will lose the sight of one eye. He has many wounds, about twenty, all in the face and inflicted with large shot. The bushranger was so close when he fired that it is a wonder Mr. Longfield was not killed on the spot.

"CONCERT", Queanbeyan Age (28 October 1869), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 May 1873), 8


[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1878), 5

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1874), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1878), 17

"Death", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (13 March 1886), 4 

"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1897), 9

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 April 1917), 6

Musical works:

Air Anglais varie (for piano) ([Sydney: Elvy & Co., 1868])

Four-in-hand galop (for piano, dedicated to Sir Hercules Robinson ([Sydney: Elvy & Co., 1873])

Pearl quadrilles ([Sydney: Elvy & Co., 1874])

Waratah waltzes ([Sydney: Elvy & Co., by 1875])

The A.S.N. galop (composed and dedicated to Captn. Trouton and the officers of the A.S.N. [Australian Steamship Navigation] company by Elizabeth Longfield) (Sydney: Elvy & Co., [1878]) [concluded with the air "Home, sweet home"] 

Once, and again (song arranged for one or two voices, composed and dedicated to her sisters) (Sydney: Elvy & Co., [1878])

Record reign march (for piano) (Sydney: Elvy & Co., [1897]) [opens with festival chimes and later introduces the air of "Home, sweet home"]

LORD, Ebenezer (Ebenezer LORD; Mr. LORD)

Musician, double bass, contrabass player, violinist, vocalist

Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), February 1850 (per Clifton)


Beedell reasonably suggests that Lord was Ebenezer Lord, who arrived Melbourne on the Clifton with Sara Flower in February 1850. "A contra-bass from the Theatres Royal London", also a violinist, Lord appeared in concerts for Thomas Reed between February and May 1850, and again in January 1851 as a vocalist in several glees.


[Advertisement], The Argus (28 February 1850), 3

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 March 1850), 2

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1850), 3

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 May 1850), 3

"To the Editor . . .THE CONCERT AND THE CRITICS", The Argus (24 December 1850), 4

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 January 1851), 3

Bibliography and resources:

Ann V. Beedell, Terminal silence: Sara Flower and the diva enigma (Ph.D thesis, Griffith University, 1999), 157

LORD, Edward (Edward LORD, junior)


Active Sydney, NSW, 1868


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1868), 7 

NEW MUSIC - In course of publication, the ROYAL SAILOR WALTZES, composed by E. Lord, jun. READING and WELLBANK, Music Sellers, George street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 February 1868), 6

Musical work:

The royal sailor waltzes, respectfully dedicated to the ladies of Sydney, by the composer Edward Lord, jun'r. (Sydney: Reading and Wellbank, [1868]) (DIGITISED)

LORETTE, Miss (Miss LORETTE, stage name of Mrs. KING)

Vocalist, ballad singer (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


:THEATRICAL FRACAS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (28 June 1856), 2 

LORTSCH, Alfred (Alfred Carl Rudolph LORTSCH)

Musician, vocalist, concertina player, composer, pianist (from the Académie Imperiale de Musique, St. Petersburg), traveller, natural historian, author

Born Libau, Kurland (Latvia), 6 November 1830
Active Grafton, NSW, by April 1862
Departed Sydney, NSW, 22 June 1864 (per Northam, for Point de Galle)
Married Franziska RUNZLER (1844-1913; pseud. Friedrich LEONI), Libau, 1873
Died Libau, Latvia, 19 March 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], Clarence and Richmond Examiner (8 April 1862), 3

"CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", Clarence and Richmond Examiner (8 April 1862), 2

Mr. Lortsch's concert came off on Saturday last, at the School of Arts, and the audience, although not so numerous as we had expected, appeared thoroughly to appreciate the efforts of the several performers. Mr. Lortsch's solos on the pianoforte fully exhibited his extraordinary command over that instrument; and his rendering of Beethoven's and Mendelsohn's music, on the concertina, cannot but be considered as perfect.

"DEUTSCHER GESANG VEREIN", Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (15 April 1862), 2 

The members of this Society met on Saturday evening at the School of Arts, partly for practice and partly to deliberate on the expediency of establishing the club upon a firmer basis. It appeared that an erroneous impression, as to the permanency of Mr. Lortsch's stay in Grafton, had been created in the minds of some of the members, who, therefore, were reluctant to continue their attendance, but, after listening to an explanation from that gentleman, which removed all doubts upon the subject and also exposed some misrepresentation, which had been designedly spread among the Germans generally, those who had been wavering at once signified their intention to uphold the club by every means in their power. We are of [the] opinion that societies of this kind tending, as they do, to elevate and ennoble the mind and heart deserve every encouragement, and, while congratulating our German townsmen upon their having surmounted their first difficulty, we wish them every success for the future.

[News], Süd Australische Zeitung (3 September 1862), 2

[Advertisement], Clarence and Richmond Examiner (21 October 1862), 3

"CONCERT", Clarence and Richmond Examiner (4 November 1862), 2

[Advertisement], Clarence and Richmond Examiner (14 April 1863), 1

"THE TYROLESE MINSTRELS", The Maitland Mercury (2 July 1863), 3

"GRAFTON POLICE COURT", Clarence and Richmond Examiner (14 July 1863), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 August 1863), 1

PRINCE OF WALES OPERA HOUSE. - THIS EVENING. - M. ALFRED LORTSCH, pianiste, from the Académie Impériale de Musique, St Petersburg, will make his first appearance in Australia, THIS EVENING (in the intermezzo between the two operas), and will play a Grand Fantasia of his own composition.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1863), 12

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1863), 1

"CLEARANCES", Empire (23 June 1864), 4

"Music", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (1 July 1903), 48 

Herr Alfred Lortsch writes from Libau, Russia : - "Since 1891 I am a regular subscriber to the Sydney Mail. I do not remember ever having seen an illustration of the celebrated organ of the Sydney Town Hall, nor found a description of its construction and other inner particulars. The organ, the largest in the world, ought to have a prominent part in your paper, and I hope you will still make up for this omission." The organ has been illustrated several times. A photo and particulars of it appear among the illustrations of this week.

Other works:

Alfred Lortsch, "Die Ureinwohner Australiens", Das Ausland 30 (1866), 697-705 

Fern von der Heimat (Australischer Roman; Alfred Lortsch), Deutsche Roman-Zeitung (1886/3 and 4)

Bibliography and resources:

Franz Brümmer, Lexikon der deutschen Dichter und Prosaisten vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart, Bd. 4. 6. Aufl. (Leipzig, 1913), 303 

*Lortsch, Alfred, geb. am 6. Nov. a. St. (18 n. St.) 1830 zu Libau in Kurland, widmete sich dem Kaufmannsstande, hielt sich seit 1854 in Frankreich und Petersburg auf und reiste 1861 nach Australien, von wo aus er später Neu-Kaledonien, die Loyalty Inseln, die Neuen Hebriden besuchte, über welche Landschaften er nachmals im Ausland, im Globus und in Aus allen Weltteilen interessante Berichte lieferte. Im Jahre 1864 kehrte er über Ceylon u. Ägypten nach seiner Heimat Libau zurück, wo er noch jetzt als Kaufmann lebt. S: Fern von der Heimat (R.); III, 1886.


Julius Haimberger and family

Grafton German Glee Club

LOUEDIN, Adolphus (Mons. Adolphe LOUEDIN)

Musician, professor of the cornet-a-piston

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 January 1854 (per Sammarang, from London, 14 October 1853) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"Shipping Intelligence", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (28 January 1854), 2 

January 27. - Samarang, ship, 582 tons, McDonald, from London 14th October. Passengers . . . Messrs. Adolphe Louedin, and James Linley, and 39 in the steerage.


[Advertisement], Empire (20 March 1854), 1

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. ON MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 20th 1854, Under Distinguished Patronage. MR. FRANK HOWSON'S GRAND EVENING CONCERT. By the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and Officers of H. M. XIth Regiment, the splendid Band will perform several favourite Overtures, &c. First appearance of Monsieur Adolphus Louedin, the celebrated Cornet-a-Piston player . . .Pianiste, Mr. Charles Packer . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 March 1854), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1854), 1

MONSIEUR ADOLPHE LOUEDIN, Professor of the Cornet-a-Piston, will give lessons on that fashionable instrument. Address, Masonic Hotel, York-street (late Entwistle's)

LOUGHNAN, George Cumberlege (George Cumberlege LOUGHNAN)

Amateur musician, tenor vocalist

Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1842
Died Bourke, NSW, 18 January 1896 (victim of heat wave) (NLA persistent identifier)


[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1893), 5 

At St. Joseph's Church, Woollahra, the usual early services were held, and solemn High Mass at 11 o'clock, the celebrant being the Very Rev. P. A. Slattery, Superior of the Franciscans. The Revs. A. S. Mullan and G. P. Birch assisted. The choir (Mr. Granville Brown presiding at the organ) rendered splendid music, Mrs. Magney (contralto), Mrs. Madden (soprano), Mr. J. Magney (basso), and Mr. George Loughnan (tenor) taking part.

"Obituary", Australasian Pastoralists' Review (15 February 1896), 659 

Mr. G. C. Loughnan, ex-M.P., who died from the effects of the hot weather at Warraweena, near Bourke, on the 18th January, was born in 1842. The deceased was a member of a family well known in Tasmania, Victoria, Riverina, and New Zealand in connection with pastoral affairs. He was a son of the late Captain J. M. Loughnan, and received his education at Stonyhurst College, England. He commenced his bush life at Burrabogie, of which his father was at that time part owner, was for a time in business at Hay, and subsequently a part owner of Hunthawang on the Lachlan, and Winbar on the Darling. While resident partner at the former, his genial disposition and knowledge of land matters procured his election as one of the members for the Murrumbidgee in 1880 and 1882 . . . The deceased and his brothers were widely known as cricketers, musicians, and good fellows . . .

Bibliography and resources:

"Loughnan, George Cumberlege (1842-1896)", Obituaries Australia


Amateur musician, vocalist


[Advertisement], The Banner (15 November 1853), 1 

Opening of the New Organ in St. Francis's Cathedral, LONSDALE STREET.
THIS Magnificent Instrument, just erected by Mr. Henry Smith, will be opened on TUESDAY Evening, 22nd inst., with a Grand Selection of Sacred Music from the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Rossini, &c.
Mrs. Testar, Miss Mirabella Smith, Miss Martin,
Mr. T. Ewart, Mr. Henry Smith, Mr. Loughnan, Mr. Hacket,
Assisted by a Chorus of Fifty Voices, several Members of the Philharmonic Society having kindly offered their services on this occasion . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Meabella Smith (vocalist); Charlotte Martin (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Henry Smith (vocalist); Edward Hackett (vocalist); St. Francis's cathedral (Melbourne)

"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (25 December 1878), 6 

LOUISE, Madame (Madame LOUISE; Mrs. J. B. JAMES; ? Louise JAMES)

Dancer, vocalist, actor (Royal Victoria Theatre)

Arrived Sydney, 21 October 1842 (passenger per Trial, from Plymouth, 18 May, via Rio De Janeiro)
Departed Sydney, NSW, after December 1845 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

JAMES, J. B. (Mr. J. B. JAMES)

Actor, vocalist

Died India, 1846, or by early 1847 at the latest (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Mrs. and Mrs. J. B. James were part of a group of London theatre professionals who arrived in Sydney on the Trial in October 1842, also including Andrew and Eliza Torning, John Gordon Griffiths, the comedian J. B. James, and violinist John Gibbs and his wife, the actor and singer Eliza Gibbs.


"THEATRE ROYAL, DERBY", Derby Mercury (17 April 1839), 3

. . .We cannot close this notice without bearing testimony to the great merit of Madame Louise as a dancer; and we recommend all admirers of the "poetry of motion" to take an early opportunity of visiting the theatre where they may witness better dancing than, in Derby at least, has been seen on the boards for many years . . .

"CHESTERFIELD THEATRE", Derbyshire Courier (21 September 1839), 2

The manager, Mr. Boddie, deserves every support for having far, satisfactorily filled his duties in catering for the amusement of the public. His corps dramatique are highly talented . . .Madame Louise is not only a pleasing dancer, but a very good actress . . .

[News], Norfolk Chronicle (21 March 1840), 2

At our Theatre, on Tuesday evening, the performances were by desire the Conservatives of Lynn and West Norfolk, when, the house overflowed every part . . .At the conclusion of the play . . .There was dancing Madame Louise, and by Mr. R. Power. Mr. Munyard, in his comic singing, was encored as usual . . .

[Advertisement], Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle (27 June 1841), 1

ROYAL ALBERT SALOON, STANDARD TAVERN and PLEASURE GROUND, Shepherdess-walk, City-road. Licensed by Act of Parliament. H. Brading proprietor. Open evening, with the best entertainment in London. A grand Concert of vocal and instrumental music, and Herr Theodore Kollman's wonderful performance on the violoncello. Feats the by the Incredibles. Dancing by Madame Louise and Mrs. Andrews . . . The whole under the direction of Mr. T. Jones.

"ARRIVALS", Australasian Chronicle (22 October 1842), 3

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1842), 2

"THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 November 1842), 2

Two more of the performers, a lady and a gentleman, who arrived in the Trial, made their appearance at the Theatre on Monday evening. Of the gentleman, Mr. Torning, all we have to say is, that it is a pity the Londoners were deprived of his services, for he is not calculated to be very useful here. The lady, Madame Louise! is, so far as could be judged from a first appearance, an excellent performer; her appearance is prepossessing, her voice good, and her acting natural, and she bids fair to be exceedingly popular.

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (24 March 1843), 2 

. . . Madame Louise has been astonishing the natives lately by an Australian version of "La Cracovienne," which, accarding to the play-bills, she dances after the manner of Fanny Elsler. La belle Fanny, by descending to these "Pas de gour," or, as they are called in Sydney, "characteristic dances," encouraged a false and meretricious taste, for however brilliant in execution, it is but an inferior line of the art, and one which requires, less talent to accomplish than the artistic and grandiose poses. Fanny Elsler, herself, despised this trickery, and left to her own choice would have preferred the severe and classic style which she cultivated in Germany, and by the perfect display, of which, she won for herself the throne she still enjoys at the Académie Royale de Musique. To this school we owe her poses, her graceful tours, her undulating, grave movements, and the delicious ensemble which dilettanti dreams shadow forth as the ideal of the nymph Dansatrice, chiselled in Pentelic marble, or cut in agate and chalcedony by Grecian hands. But Sydney audiences are supposed by some caterers to their taste, to be hardly able to appreciate the excellence of the methode of a danseuse in this lofty walk of art, and hence the cachucas and cracoviennes of Madame Louise, who, notwithstanding the presumed engouement for Fanny Elsler's name, will find it difficult to persuade us that her, clever and agile "tours de force" constitute the "poetry of motion" which
Comes to the mind as a type of mazy dancing
When ELSLER moves with light elastic tread -
Like her, the fabled nymph, whose step, scarce glancing
Past on, and left unbruised the flower's bright head.
Comparisons, however, are at all times ungracious, nor should we have been tempted into the strain but for the Victoria affiche à l'Elsler, for our remarks in reference to Madame Louise extend solely to her pretensions as a dauseuse. We are disposed to claim for her a much higher station as an actress than has yet been assigned her at the Victoria, and we feel confident that if she could be persuaded to renounce her Terpsichorean faith, she would soon rank highly as a votaress of Thalia. Her recent performances in The Love Chase, The Married Rake, and The Dead Shot, were distinguished by a buoyancy of style, and dramatic skill which surprised those who regarded her exclusively as une dévouée de danse, and if the management be wise it will afford this clever actress better opportunities than she has yet enjoyed of improving her dramatic capabilities.

ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Elssler (European ballet and character dancer)

[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (25 March 1843), 3

"NEW COLONIAL PLAY", The Australian (30 May 1844), 3 

On Monday night a new Colonial play by the author of the Hibernian Father, called the Currency Lass, was produced with considerable success at the Victoria Theatre, and was repeated the following night. The incidents are commonplace enough, but when it is understood that the author originally intended the principal character for a real, bona fide Currency Lass, the versatility of whose dramatic talents would have done ample justice to the part - we need scarcely say we allude to Miss M. Jones - the general interest of the piece loses none of its contemplated attractions. The dialogue is truly Colonial - rather too much so for our taste - although the "Cabbage-tree hats," that crowded the pit and galleries on its first night of representation testified their approbation of its merits, in their estimation, by clamorous applause. The plot of the piece is simply this: - An old stage-struck gentlemen (Fenton,) bitten with a mania for dramatic composition, in which, however, according to his own account, he has not been eminently successful in the great Metropolis, emigrates to Sydney with his son (James) who falls in love with a Currency Lass, (Madame Louise), who personates a variety of characters to obtain the consent of the old gentlemen to the marriage of herself and his son . . .

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (28 June 1845), 3

. . .An agreeable variety of Singing and Dancing followed the comedy, preparatory to the amusing farce, No Song No Supper, which was capitally got through, with the exception of Madame Louise being put into a singing part. It is unjust, as well as absurd, to compel an actor, or actress, to sing, who is destitute of all vocal qualifications! - where was Madame Carandini? Simes, and Mrs. Gibbs as the Lawyer, and Nelly, were the very personification of their respective originals, - the latter rather coarse, perhaps.

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (15 October 1846), 3 

The following paragraph heads the Sans-Souci Theatre advertisement in the BENGAL HUAKARU, of the 21st March last:- "First appearance of Mr. J. B. James and Madame Louise from the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, who will shortly depart for their London engagements." These old Sydney favourites were to appear before the drama loving public of Calcutta, for the first time, on Tuesday evening, the 24th March, James as Count of Arragon, and Madame Louise as Maritana, in the drama of DON CAESAR DE BAZAN.

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (5 June 1847), 3 

By the last accounts from India, we learn that Mr. James, formerly of the Sydney Theatre, is no more, and that Madame Louise, alias Mrs. James, had gone to England.

"THE THEATRE", The Australian (10 July 1847), 3 

. . .as for the company of "old familiar faces," by the unwisely permitted secession, of Mrs. O'Flaharty, Madame Louise, and the late Mr. James, its beams had been shorn of three of the most brilliant of "the lights of other days" . . .

? "DRURY-LANE THEATRE", Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle (12 December 1847), 3

M. Jullien opened his opera campaign on Monday night with triumphant success. A version of "Lucia di Lammermoor" was chosen for representation . . .An allegorical ballet, called "Le Genie du Globe" followed, and is a very pretty morceau . . .Madame Louise danced a Spanish Cachuca to perfection, with an aplomb and hauteur worthy of a donna of Seville, and some little danseuses grouped around her most picturesquely, and the applause was loud and unanimous.

? [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1851), 1

? [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 February 1859), 1

DISAMBIGUATION: Not to be confused with Mary Myers (Mrs. Frederick Pollock, Mrs. Henry Hele) who at the start of her career in the 1860s was also known as "Madame Louise"; see "THEATRE ROYAL", The Advertiser (24 September 1913), 18 

"Madame Louise (1810 ? - ?)", Victorian English Opera 

LOUISE, Mademoiselle (Mademoiselle LOUISE; Madlle. LOUISE; stage name of Mary MYERS; Mrs. Frederick Hart POLLOCK; Mrs. Henry HELE)

Theatrical dancer, performer

Born Perth, WA, 4 September 1843; daughter of Abraham MYERS (1820-1868) and Mary Ann PETTIT (1822-1860)
Married Frederick Hart POLLOCK, Singapore, 1875
Died Adelaide, SA, 5 September 1925


"THEATRE ROYAL. LADY LESSEE'S RETIREMENT", The Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (24 September 1913), 18 



Active Melbourne, VIC, October 1852


"MUSICAL", The Argus (21 October 1852), 5 

Once more we have great pleasure in bearing our testimony to the spirit and industry of the conductor of the weekly concerts. His annexed programme will be acknowledged on all hands to be first rate and we only trust that a fine moonlight night will enable the public to do such an entertainment the justice it deserves.
Part I. Overture - Der Freischutz
Song - Fill the bowl - Mr. Gregg
Duett -Lightly, Lightly Mesdames Testar and Pellatt.
Solo - Cornet a'Piston, Air and Variations, Salute to the British, Mr. De Grey.
Song - Dearest, then, I'll love thee more, Mr. G. Levett.
Polka - The Elephant
Air - The Exile, Mr. J. Lounds
Song - Bid me discourse (by desire), Mrs. Testar
Part II. Overture - Fra Diavolo
Trio - The faded wreath, Mesdames Testar and Pellat, &c.
Song - The Wanderer - Mr. Gregg.
Duett -From the Barber of Seville, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg.
Quadrille - The Crusader.
Song - The Slave, Mr. J. Levett.
Air - The old house at home, Mrs. Pellatt
Finale - God save the Queen.

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (28 October 1852), 4 

Herr Mater again favors us with a capital programme, in which he allots with characteristic taste, the parts most suited to each performer . . . PART I
Overture - Massaniello - Auber
Aria - Bel raggio lusinghiero, Mrs. Testar - Rossini
Duet - Piano and Violin fantasia, from Guillaume Tell, by desire - Mr. Buddee and Herr Mater - De Beriot and Osborne
Song - The Life Boat - Mr. D. V. Hamilton - Russell.
Quintetto - String Instrument - Gungl
Duet - Sir, a Secret - Messrs. Lounds and Gregg
Song - The Englishman, by desire - Mr. Wilkinson - Blockley
Duett - Dunque io son, by desire - Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg - Rossini
Overture - Caliph de Baghdad - Boildieu
Song - The Wolf - Mr. Lounds - Child
Trio - The Shepherd's Cot - Mrs. Testar, &c.
Polka - The Elephant, (by desire) - Jullien
Air - Then away - Mr. Gregg - Mozart
Duett - Drink to me only - Dr. Johnson
Ballad - Auld Robin Gray - Mrs. Testar.
Finale - God save the Queen.

LOVE, Harriet (Mrs. LOVE) = Harriet JONES

Actor, vocalist

LOVE, Joe (Joseph Lester LOVE; Joe LOVE)

Violinist, "the celebrated Blind fiddler . . .the first Australian Musician who ever learned to play on the violin"

Born Paramatta, NSW, 1793
Buried Sydney, NSW, 22 October 1836 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


A freeborn native colonist, the son of John Love, a soldier in the NSW Corps, and his wife Martha, Joseph Lester Love was born in 1793 at Parramatta, NSW.

Blind from birth, he is later listed among those persons victualled from H.M. Magazines (reel 6016.4/5781.p.68).

Having applied on 26 April and 5 May 1818 for permission to wed (reel 6006, 4/3498, 206), he married Mary Ann Goodwin (1803-1878) on 23 November 1818 at St. Philip's, Sydney.

His burial was registered at St. James's, Sydney.


D'Arcy Wentworth's papers, Superintendent of Police Col. Sect. Office, 8 April 1823; State Records Authority of NSW (JCP reel 6010, 4/3508, 910) (PAYWALL)

Sir, With every disposition to forward the innocent recreation of the inhabitants of this town. The Governor has commanded me to submit to the consideration of the Sydney Bench whether the enclosed application for Joseph Love a blind man to play the violin until 9 o'clock every night for the support of himself & his family, can be admitted consistently with good [? value}.
J. Goulburn.

Letter, Eliza Darling (Sydney, NSW), to her brother Edward Dumaresq, 9 March 1826; Allport Library, Hobart; ed. in Fletcher, Ralph Darling: a governor maligned, 210

We are very gay, Dinner Parties on Tuesday and Fridays - on the evening of Friday Music - and on Tuesdays a Ball - two Quadrilles of twelve - Henry has found a Blind Fiddler and two men who play the Pandean Pipes. These he calls his Vagabonds.

ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Darling (wife of governor); Henry Dumaresq (her brother)

"MUSIC", The Australian (19 July 1833), 3

MUSIC. Joe Love, the celebrated blind fiddler, is the first Australian Musician who ever learned to play on the violin. Although quite blind, he is considered one of the best musicians in the Colony.

"POLICE INCIDENTS", The Sydney Herald (8 August 1833), 3

Mary McShea, a troublesome little customer, who set every law and authority at defiance that did not chime in with her ideas of ease and comfort, was charged with playing off her old pranks in bolting, and resorting to a house of very questionable repute, where she was discovered tripping it on the light fantastic toe, to the Paganini-like performance on the violin, of Joe Love . . .

Australian almanac and general directory for the year of our lord 1835 (Sydney: W. W. O'Shaughnessey, 1835), [unpaginated] (DIGITISED)

Love, Joseph, musician, 19, Prince-street.

"SUPREME COURT", The Australian (12 May 1835), 3

Patrick Kilmartin was charged will the wilful murder of James Hamilton on the Botany-road, on Friday the 24th of April last . . .William Christie, wardsman in the police, knew the late James Hamilton: . . .the case knife produced was given up to me by a boy who follows Joe Love, a blind man about the town, there was blood upon it, and fresh when delivered up to me. George Love: I was with my brother J. Goodwin when he saw a dead body; Goodwin found a knife, this is the knife, I gave to constable Armstrong . . .

"Joe Love and the Australian Paganini", The Australian (14 June 1836), 2

A son of the blind fiddler (Joe Love) some few days since went into he shop of a music seller to purchase a few strings of cat-gut for his parents fiddle. The vender of music knowing the boy was in his line, asked him whether he had heard the performance of Mr. Wallace, and what he thought of it, to which the urchin replied "that for a Waltz or Quadrille or anything in that 'ore way, Wallace was very well, but let him try father at a hornpipe or a jig, lad," said he with a knowing look and shrug of his shoulders, "and then you'll see which can play best."

Bibliography and resources:

Jordan 2012, 202, 209 notes 48 and 49

James O'Brien, "John Love and Martha"

LOVEDAY, Edward (Edward LOVEDAY)

Musician, bandsman Band of the New South Wales Corps, convict

Born Essex, England, c. 1766
Tried Quarter Sessions, Chelmsford, Essex, 13 April 1790 (7 years transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 August 1791 (convict per William & Ann)
Enlisted (NSW Corps), Sydney, NSW, 21 December 1792
Departed Sydney, NSW, 12 May 1810 (per Dromedary and Hindostan, for England)
Died (England), 19 August 1819


Only a little more than a year after arriving as a convict, and having already received a conditional pardon, Loveday was granted an absolute pardon on enlisting in the NSW Corps on 21 December 1792.

He and his partner Hannah (or Ann) Chadwick (Chaddick/Jarddick) (convict per Speedy, 1800) had at least two children together, Edward (born 2 April 1804; baptised St. Philip's, 30 December 1804) and Sarah (born 20 May 1806; baptised St. Philip's, 11 January 1807)


"CHELMSFORD, April 16", Ipswich Journal [England] (17 April 1790), 2 (PAYWALL)

The Quarter Sessions began here on Wednesday . . .
Edward Loveday and John Dixon, for stealing eels, the property of Mr. Wm. Laken, of this town, were sentenced to be transported for 7 years . . .

Alphabetical statement of service to 24 June 1806, New South Wales Corps (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

[Private] Loveday Edw'd / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 21 Dec. 1792 / Died 19 Aug. [18]19 . . .

Register of personnel, 1 January 1808, New South Wales Corps; (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

[Private] Loveday Edw'd / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 21 Dec. 1792 / Sydney / [age] 46 / [born] Chelmsford / Essex

Bibliography and resources:

Pamela Statham (ed.), A colonial regiment: new sources relating to the New South Wales Corps 1789-1810 ([Canberra]: P. Statham, 1992)

LOVEDAY, EDWARD, born Essex 1783 [sic], 5.46ft., ex-convict.; 28-8-1791 Arrive William & Ann; 21-12-1793 [sic] Enlisted Sydney; 21-12-1793 Rank Private; 0-0-1795 Grant 25ac Hawkesbury River, Mulgrave Place . . . 0-0-1808 Rank Band . . . 0-5-1810 to UK . . .

Robert Jordan, "Music and the military in New South Wales, 1788-1809", Journal of Australian colonial history 17 (2015), (1-22), 9-10;dn=428841963923204;res=IELHSS (PAYWALL)

LOVEDAY, Henry William (Mr. H. W. LOVEDAY)

Musician, tuner and repairer of pianofortes, quadrille pianist, arranger

Born London, England, 29 November 1836; baptised St. Mary-le-bone, 25 December 1836
Active Hobart, TAS, by August 1856
Died Redfern, Sydney, NSW, 1 October 1899, aged 63 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


According to a later (August 1859) report, Loveday served his apprenticeship with Broadwood of London, and was engaged by J. A. Huxtable on a visit to London to come to Hobart as a "practical pianoforte maker and tuner for this colony.". Huxtable had first advertised Loveday's services in August 1856. A Hobart advertisement in January 1859 prints approving references from Samuel Tapfield and bandmaster Douglas Callen. However, in February he announced his relocation to Launceston, where in May and June he was declared insolvent with "no assets". Having moved to Melbourne, from April to June 1860 he was in partnership with John Blackburn as "Blackburn, Loveday and Co.", offering "FIVE SHILLINGS PIANOFORTE TUNING". He was in Sydney advertising as a quadrille pianist in 1866; and in 1869, probably to publicise his services as a tuner, he released the musical prints below, one based on the popular song, the other named after the visiting British naval "flying squadron".


[Advertisement], The Courier (2 August 1856), 3

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Mercury (19 October 1857), 1

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (5 January 1859), 4

"MUSIC", Launceston Examiner (15 February 1859), 2

"Piano Forte Tuning", The Cornwall Chronicle (16 February 1859), 5

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (7 May 1859), 5

In the matter of the Insolvency of Henry William Loveday late of Hobart Town in Tasmania also of Launcetton in the said Island piano-forte maker but now a prisoner confined for debt in Her Majesty's gaol at Launceston aforesaid.

NOTICE is hereby given that the said Henry William Loveday did this day present a petition having schedules there until annexed to William Gardner Sams Esquire Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for Launceston, praying amongst other things that the said Henry William Loveday might be declared insolvent under the provisions of the Act of this island, intituled "An Act to make provision for the more effectual distribution of Insolvent Estates," And the said petitioner having been duly heard, the said Commissioner declared the said Henry William Loveday insolvent accordingly and appointed John Francis Hobkirk of Launceston in the said Island Esquire Provisional Assignee to such estate, and Wednesday the 18th day of May instant at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, at the Court House, Launceston aforesaid to be the day and place for the first general meeting of the creditors of the said insolvent, for the proof of debts, the election of a Permanent Assignee, the examination of the said Insolvent and for otherwise proceeding in the matter of such Insolvency, - Dated this third day of May, 1859. C. A. W. ROCHER, Solicitor for the said Insolvency. May 7.

"NEW INSOLVENTS DURING THE MONTH", Launceston Examiner (11 June 1859), 2

"MUSICAL", Launceston Examiner (9 August 1859), 3

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 April 1860), 7

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 June 1860), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (30 June 1860), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 August 1866), 1

"TOMMY DODD GALOP", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1869), 6

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1869), 4

[Advertisement], Empire (8 December 1869), 1

"PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURE IN BRISBANE", Warwick Examiner and Times (29 April 1876), 1s

"FURNITURE", The Queenslander (2 September 1876), 11

"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 October 1899), 1

"PROBATES", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 November 1899), 4

Published works:

Tommy Dodd galop (? first edition, 1869; second edition, Sydney: s.n., n.d.) 

Tommy Dodd galop (Twelfth edition; founded upon the popular songs Tommy Dodd and Up in a balloon, arranged by H. W. Loveday, Pianoforte Tuner, &c.) 

Flying Squadron galop (by H. W. Loveday, Pianoforte Tuner, &c) (Sydney: s.n., n.d.) 

LOW, Francis (Francis LOW)

Promoter, publisher, publican, modeller

Born Dundee, Scotland, 3 January 1800; baptised Dundee, 5 January 1800; son of David LOW and Janet BOWMAN
Married (1) Anne CHRISTIE (d. 1839), Dundee, Scotland, 4 May 1823
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 May 1829 (per Pyramus)
Departed NSW, by c. 1849
Married (2) Catherine BURNETT, Monifieth, Angus, Scotland, 25 August 1850
Died Broughty Ferry, Scotland, 28 September 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)


"To the Editor of the . . .", Colonial Times [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (14 May 1839), 6 

ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician, modeller)

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (17 May 1839), 7 

LOW, William (William LOW)

Musical hall proprietor, Red Hill Music Hall (Chewton), publican, licensed victualer

Born London, England, 1823; son of William LOW and Martha Elizabeth WHEELER (m. London, 1820)
Active Chewton, VIC, by 1857
Married Agnes KENNEDY, St. Peter's church, Melbourne, 6 February 1858
Died South Melbourne, VIC, 6 April 1888 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LOWE, Mrs. Charles (Mrs. Charles LOWE)

Vocalist, harpist

Died SA, 31 August 1893, aged 66

LOWE, Charles (Charles LOWE)



"PORT ELLIOT", South Australian Register (29 April 1864), 3


. . .During the evening Mrs. C. Lowe discoursed some sweet and stirring music upon the harp - an instrument which that lady seems perfectly to understand. A beautiful piece was sung by Mrs. Lowe, with harp accompaniment entitled "The harp restrung at Shakspeare's grave" which met with deserved applause.

"GOOLWA", South Australian Register (4 May 1864), 3

"GOOLWA CAVALRY", The South Australian Advertiser (24 February 1866), 7

"THE CAVALRY FETE AT HIGGINSBROOK", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (7 April 1866), 2

The Welsh air "Ar hyd nos," followed by the French air "Ah vous dirai je maman," were then played on the harp by Mrs. Lowe, who afterwards sang "Willie, we have missed you," and played Boscha's [Bochsa's] French march and "Non piu andrai" (Figaro). A string giving way, she resorted to the piano, singing to that accompaniment "Trab, Trab," "Figlia de Regimento," and lastly, No. 1 of "The Songs of the Goolwa Troop," the words by Mr. Lowe. The song, set to music, adapted and arranged from Norma, ran as follows:
"To the charge!   the trumpets sound,
Forth our troopers swiftly bound . . .

"DEATHS", South Australian Register (1 September 1893), 4

LOWE, Matilda Jane (Matilda Jane LOWE; Miss LOWE)

Amateur pianist, vocalist

Born c. 1842
Died Morpeth, NSW, 10 August 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Musical source:

Owner bound album of sheet music, belonging to Miss Matilda Lowe, of Wilbertree; University of Sydney, library, rare books 

Lillian polka / by Charles D'Albert. (London: Chappell & Co.)
The fire fly polka / composed by W. H. Goodban. (Sydney: Woolcott & Clarke)
The cornstalk polka / by G. Thornton Esq. The Right Worshipful, the Mayor of Sydney. (Sydney: J. R. Clarke)
The Pippin polka / by Charles D'Albert. (Park's Edition. Sydney: J. Moore.)
The David Copperfield polka /​ composed for the piano forte by W. Wilson. (London: B. Williams)
Sultan's polka / [Charles D'Albert]. (Sydney: Woolcott & Clarke. Favorite dance music.)
The Australian polka / H. Marsh
The drum polka / dedicated to Madame Bizet by Jullien. (21st edition. London: Jullien & Co. Royal Music Conservatory & Circulating Library)
Uncle Tom's cabin polka / W. H. Montgomery.
The Lola Montez polka / composed for the piano forte by Paul Henrion. (Sydney: H. Marsh and Co.)
The celebrated Undine polka / composed by Mrs. Mackinlay. (Sydney: Woolcott & Clarke)
The bridal polka: no. 11 of a selection of favourite polkas arranged for the piano forte / by Jullien &. (Sydney: G. Hudson)

LOWE, Robert (Robert LOWE)

Songwriter, journalist, newspaper editor (The Atlas)

Born Bingham, Notts., England, 4 December 1811
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 October 1842 (per Aden, from London, 8 June)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 27 January 1850 (per Kate, for England)
Died Warlingham, Surrey, England, 27 July 1892 (NLA persistent identifier) (TROVE public tag)

Image: "The Orator", by Charles Rodius; engraved by William Baker


"ARRIVALS", Australasian Chronicle (11 October 1842), 3

"THE ORGAN OF THE OPPOSITION", The Australian (5 December 1844), 2

"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 January 1850), 2

"EVENINGS WITH THE MUSICIANS", Bell's Life in Sydney (20 March 1852), 4s

Mr. Robert Lowe, in the course of his examination before the Steam Communication Committee of the House of Commons, observes, "that a very great preventive to the emigration of the educated classes to Sydney was the fact, that there were few or no amusements there." We suspect that this is a fact to which the great majority of the citizens have paid little attention hitherto: but we do hope, that whatever promising improvements may be made in the way of our intellectual and elegant amusements will receive from the Sydney public such a sustained support as may soon place Mr. Lowe's severe, but true, description, amongst the shadows of other days . . .

"THE LATE LORD SHERBROOKE", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1892), 3

"The Old Bush Songs", Northern Star (28 April 1906), 6

"Some Early Colonial Journalism", The Brisbane Courier (26 November 1921), 4


The commissioner bet me a pony - I won (song of the squatters)

"SONGS OF THE SQUATTERS (No. 2)", The Atlas (22 February 1845), 149 

"SONG OF THE SQUATTERS (From the Atlas)", Geelong Advertiser (5 March 1845), 3

Samuel Sydney, The three colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia (London: Ingram, Cooke & Company, 1853), 161-62 

Lord Sherbrooke, Poems of a life (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1885), "Songs of the squatters no. 2", 99-101 

"SONG OF THE SQUATTER", The Queenslander (27 October 1894), 788

The gum has no shade (song of the squatters)

"SONGS OF THE SQUATTERS (No. 3)", The Atlas (1 March 1845), 161 

"SONG OF THE SQUATTERS. The gum has no shade", South Australian (28 March 1845), 4 

"The Bushman to his bride", in Gallops and gossips in the bush of Australia; or, Passages in the life of Alfred Barnard (1854), 33

Lord Sherbrooke, Poems of a life (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1885), "Songs of the squatters no. 3", 102-104 

Unsigned and unidentified songs in The Atlas (November 1844-August 1845; not all by Lowe):

[Unsigned], "THE REPORT ON CROWN LAND GRIEVANCES, AND ITS REVIEWERS", The Atlas (30 November 1844), 4 

. . .to the tune "Mrs. Arne, Mrs. Arne, it gives us consarn . . .

[Unsigned], "THE VICE-REGAL PROGRESS. A RIGHT LOYAL BALLAD", The Atlas (30 November 1844), 8 

Sir George has passed from Sydney Heads to dare the raging main . . .

[Unsigned] "THE HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA . . . BY JONAS FLUKE, MISSIONER", The Atlas (7 December 1844), 20 

[Parody of Aboriginal song on the arrival of Cook; [King of the cannibal islands]]

[Unsigned], "BARNEY'S ANTICS. MOTTO AND AIR - The Groves of Blarney", The Atlas (1 February 1845), 110 

[Unsigned], "SONGS OF THE SQUATTERS (No. 1)", The Atlas [???]

[Unsigned], "SONGS OF THE SQUATTERS (No. 2)", The Atlas (22 February 1845), 149 

The Commissioner bet me a pony - I won . . .

[Unsigned], "SONGS OF THE SQUATTERS (No. 3)", The Atlas (1 March 1845), 161 

The Gum has no shade . . .

[Unsigned], "SONG OF THE ELECTION. AIR- Love not", The Atlas (8 March 1845), 170 

Vote not, vote not for me, Macarthur, pray . . .

[Unsigned], "JUGGLING JEMMY", The Atlas (8 March 1845), 176 

Some sing Jim Crow . . .

[Unsigned], "THE GATHERINE OF GUANO. To the Air of Macgregor's Gathering", The Atlas (5 April 1845), 220 

[Unsigned], "THE TURN-COAT PARSON", The Atlas (5 April 1845), 224 

Ye Freemen and Bondmen and Ticket-of-Leavers . . .

[Unsigned], "PUNCH . . . CHORUS OF MAORIES", The Atlas (12 April 1845), 234 

Oi, poi, cricky, flum . . .

[Unsigned], "SIR GEORGE'S TEAR. Tune - The Soldier's Tear", The Atlas (19 April 1845), 242 

UPON the deck he turn'd . . .

[Unsigned], GIPPSIAN LYRICS. HEY GEORDIE GIPPS. TUNE - Hey Johhny Cope", The Atlas (17 May 1845), 290 

Sir Geordie Gipps cam from Kent sae far . . .

[Unsigned], HUMBLE PETITION. AIR - Bonny Prince Charlie", The Atlas (7 June 1845), 329 

READ ye The ATLAS lad, wi' the wig and gown . . .

SYLVANYUS, June 16, 1845, "SONG - GOVERNOR GIPPS. AIR - Derry Down", The Atlas (12 July 1845), 388 

OH, Governor Gipps is a terrible man . . .

[Unsigned], "SONG BY SIR GEORGE GIPPS. AIR - Je ne sais quoi", The Atlas (2 August 1845), 423 

OH! for the glorious times of yore . . .

[Unsigned], "SONG BY THE BISHOP. AIR - Nix my dolly", The Atlas (2 August 1845), 423 

TAX the Squatters! Oh, tax away! . . .

Bibliography and resources:

A. Patchett Martin, Life and letters of the Right Honourable Robert Lowe, viscount Sherbrooke . . . (London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1893), 2 volumes (DIGITISED vol. 1) (DIGITISED vol. 2)  (DIGITISED)

Especially on The Atlas and its contributors, volume 1, 253-80: (DIGITISED vol. 1)

R. L. Knight, "Lowe, Robert (1811-1892)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)

"Robert Lowe", Wikipedia

LOWER, Frederick William (Frederick William LOWER)

Songwriter, composer, bootmaker

Born c. 1823
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 10 October 1849 (per Cheapside, from London)
Died Hyde Park, SA, 26 December 1883, aged "60" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"ARRIVED", South Australian Register (13 October 1849), 3

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (26 May 1855), 3

"DEATHS", The South Australian Advertiser (27 December 1883), 4

"THE LATE MR. F. W. LOWER", South Australian Register (27 December 1883), 4

Musical work:

The old gum tree (by F. W. Lower); in The Adelaide Musical Herald (27 March 1863), 52-53 

LOYAU, George Ettienne (George Ettienne LOYAU; George LOYAU; alias George CHANSON)

Songwriter, bush balladist, journalist, historian

Born London, England, 15 April 1835
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 August 1853 (per Investigator, from London)
Died Bundaberg, QLD, 23 April 1898 (NLA persistent identifier)


"THE COUNTRY JOURNALIST", Illustrated Sydney News (26 October 1872), 11

"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT", Bunyip (28 November 1879), 3

"THE LATE MR. GEORGE E. LOYAU. TO THE EDITOR", The Advertiser (23 June 1898), 7


The Sydney songster, a collection of new original, local, and comic songs by George Chanson (Sydney: D. Roberts, [1860]) (DIGITISED)

"NEW SONG. THE CABLE MESSAGE", Bathurst Free Press (11 December 1872), 4


The personal adventures of George E. Loyau (Adelaide: L. Henn and Co., 1883)

Notable South Australians (Adelaide: G. E. Loyau, 1885)

[includes short biographies of several musicians]

Bibliography and resources:

J. H. Love, "Loyau, George Ettienne (1835-1898)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)

Hugh Anderson, George Loyau: the man who wrote bush ballads (Melbourne: Red Rooster, 1991)


Musician, professor of music, schoolmaster

Active Parramatta, NSW, 1842


"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Sydney Herald (10 March 1842), 2

The following persons surrendered yesterday: Philip Wright, of Aberdeen, Hunter River, publican; Richard Wright Goodall, of King-street, Surveyor; John Brunker Nixon, late of Orielton, Cowpasture, settler; Sarah Boon, late of Campbelltown; Aloes Lubeske, of Parramatta, professor of music.

"RUNAWAYS APPREHENDED, WITH DATE OF APPREHENSION", New South Wales Government Gazette (13 December 1844), 1524 

LUCIANO, Signor (Signor LUCIANO)

Dancing master, professor of dancing

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853


[Advertisement], The Argus (26 March 1853), 12 

SIGNOR LUCIANO, professor of dancing, just arrived from London, is prepared to give lessons in dancing in private families, and superintend private balls; apply 84, Latrobe-street, west.


Bugler, Hobart City Guards

Active Hobart, TAS, c. 1863


"THE QUEEN'S ASYLUM. DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES", The Mercury (19 December 1864), 2

. . . Shortly after the general body of the children had taken their allotted places the recently organised band of the establishment entered upon the scene, and formed thence forward a prominent and most agreeable feature of the display. The members of the band, 25 in number, and for the most part rather below than above the average size of the inmates, were dressed in a neat uniform of blue with red facings. Their instruments consisted of fifes and drums, and a bugle. The last named instrument was very creditably played by Samuel Grimshaw, the boy who, as will be seen below, took one of the Fox's prizes for the year. Grimshaw acquired his knowledge of bugle playing from the carpenter of the Institution, bugler Luckhurst, of the City Guards. The leader of the band is Bandmaster Campion, also of the City Guards, and the manner in which they executed several pieces of music, including the National Anthem and British Grenadier, was surprisingly good, especially when regarded in connection with the fact that it is only some three months since the band was originated . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Grimshaw

LUDGATER, Sarah Pinhorn (Sarah Pinhorn LUDGATER; Miss LUDGATER; Miss LUDGATE)


Born c. 1820
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 May 1830 (per Arab, from London, 23 January)
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 24 March 1838, aged "18" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Born in England, c. 1820 (or possibly somewhat earlier), Sarah was the daughter of Mercer James Ludgater and Medea Pinhorn (d. VIC, 1867), who had married at St. Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, Kent, on 26 December 1815. Mercer was convicted of felony at the Maidstone assizes on 23 March 1818 and sentenced to 7 years transportation. He arrived in NSW on the Shipley, and having served his sentence was in Van Diemen's Land by 1829. He sailed from Hobart Town for London in May 1829, and returned with his wife and Sarah the following May. From 1830, Mercer was a publican. If Sarah was indeed Mercer's daughter, given the date of his conviction, she was perhaps a little older than her reported 18 years at the time of her death.


[Arrivals], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 June 1830), 4

"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (27 August 1830), 6 

. . . A young Lady, Miss Ludgater, sung the beautiful ballad by Bayley "Shades of Evening," with great taste and delicacy . . . Mr. Bock then sung with great taste Wade's "Ding dong bell," which was followed by the celebrated glee "The last rose of Summer," by Miss Ludgater, Messrs. Deane, Marshall, and Bock . . . Miss Ludgater sung a song by Devereaux with great sweetness . . .

[News], Colonial Times (27 August 1830), 2

. . . The only female singer was Miss LUDGATE, a young lady who was much and deservedly admired; she possesses a most soft and delicate voice, and her songs were sung with that degree of expression, that, we venture to prognosticate, with practice and time she will not only bear the palm of the vocalists of Van Diemen's Land, but will be a credit to any concert room in the world. The song of "Hey the bonnie" was much admired, and as well as the "Huntsman's chorus" was encored . . .

"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (27 August 1830), 6 

A young Lady, Miss Ludgater, sung the beautiful ballad by Bayley "Shades of Evening," with great taste and delicacy . . .. Bishop's glee "Beam of Light," then followed by Miss Ludgater . . . Miss Ludgater sung a song by Devereaux with great sweetness.

MUSIC: "Shades of evening" = Isle of beauty, fare thee well (words: T. H. Bayley; music: T. A. Rawlings (US edition DIGITISED)

MUSIC: Where art thou, beam of light (H. R. Bishop)

Burials in the parish of St. David's, Hobart Town, 1838; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1180907; RGD34/1/1 no 5309 

Sarah Pinhorn Ludgater, aged 18.

"DEATH", Colonial Times (27 March 1838), 7

On Saturday morning, suddenly, aged 18, Miss Ludgater, the beloved and lamented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ludgater, of the Bee Hive, in Goulburn-street. The cause of this sudden and early dissolution was an attack of serious apoplexy, the fatality of which no medical aid could avert. An affectionate and most dutiful daughter, and beloved by every one to whom she was known, Miss Ludgater has departed very generally lamented. Of her it may be truly said, "In the midst of life we are in death," and her memory will be long cherished by the numerous friends who are left to mourn her untimely departure.


Amateur vocalist, singer, songwriter, song writer, carpenter, building contractor

Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1846
? Died East Melbourne, VIC, 20 June 1871, aged "67/68"


"THE BURNS' FESTIVAL", The Melbourne Courier [NSW (VIC)] (28 January 1846), 2 

. . . Mr. Lumsden sung the following original song: -
Waes me how time slips by our han',
And years glide swiftly on,
And mony a ane we used to ken.
Is now amaist unknown;
But there is ane we'll ken, lads,
While yet life's stream may flow,
Although, since he was dead and gane,
It's fifty years ago.

. . . [2 more verses] . . .

"BURNS' ANNIVERSARY DINNER", Geelong Advertiser [NSW (VIC)] (14 December 1847), 1 

"BURNS' FESTIVAL", Geelong Advertiser (26 January 1848), 2 

LUNDBORG, John William (? Johan Wilhelm; John William LUNDBORG; also LUNDBERG)

Musician, clarinet / clarionet player, clarinettist, music teacher, importer, mining speculator

Born ? Sweden, c. 1827
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1854
Died Moonee Ponds, VIC, 20 February 1906, "in his 80th year, a member of the musical profession of Victoria for 54 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LUNDBORG, Blanche (Lillian Blanch Ingeborg; Mrs. John Langtree REILLY)

Musician, pianist, piano teacher

Born Melbourne, VIC, ?
Died Malvern, VIC, 27 January 1934



According to an advertisement in the Argus seeking information on his whereabouts, one Casper Lundberg, the cook of the Swedish Brig Wanga disappeared while on shore leave in Melbourne on 10 October 1854.

On 21 October, a Herr Lundberg, and a Herr Berg, a trombonist (Charles Berg), both "from the King's Theatre Stockholm" appeared with the Nelson Family at the Queen's Theatre. Both then appeared again there a few days later, along with John Winterbottom, to play for Catherine Hayes and Lewis Lavenu, when it was reported:

An instrumental duet, for clarionet and valve trombone, given by Herrn Berg and Lundberg, two Swedish musicians, was much applauded, although it appeared somewhat slow amongst the more exciting performances of the evening.

Lundborg played a clarinet obligato to Anna Bishop in July 1856, and both Berg and Lundberg were billed again with Winterbottom's Band in Melbourne in September 1859. "One William Lundberg, a musician, residing in Flinders-lane" was victim of a fraud in 1860.

Lundborg remained a part of the Melbourne musical establishment well into the late 1880s, playing under Frederick Cowen in the 1888 Centenary Exhibition Orchestra.

Until the 1870s the spelling Lundberg is common, Lundborg thereafter.


[Advertisement], The Argus (13 October 1854), 1

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 October 1854), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (26 October 1854), 8

"QUEEN'S THEATRE - MISS CATHERINE HAYES", The Argus (30 October 1854), 5

"MISS HAYES'S SECOND CONCERT", The Argus (1 November 1854), 5

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 November 1854), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 July 1855), 8

"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (30 July 1855), 5

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 July 1856), 8

"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT [from Melbourne Herald]", The Cornwall Chronicle (2 August 1856), 5

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 September 1859), 8


[Advertisement], The Argus (22 April 1862), 8

"THE MELBOURNE GERMAN LIEDERTAFEL", The Argus (17 February 1871), 6

. . . Little Miss Blanche Lundborg made quite a favourable impression by her performance of Ascher's "Cascade des Roses," a composition of which the title explains the character. Her playing was marked by perfect accuracy, and gives evidence of sound tuition. Young students of music, however, cannot be too strongly impressed with the necessity for systematic study, and the avoidance of the display of juvenile skill, which often passes current for a great deal more than it is worth. Little Miss Lundborg is decidedly clever, and her success on Wednesday evening must have been very gratifying to her father, whose pupil she is.

"MR. GUENETT'S MATINEE MUSICALE", The Argus (10 February 1875), 6

. . . in addition to these there was the first public appearance of Miss Lundborg, a recent pupil of Mr. Guenett and a young lady pianiste who will surely achieve a good position in the ranks of skilled executants. There was more than ordinary interest attached to the appearance of this young lady . . . We remember the promise of Miss Lundborg's child performances some few year since in the presence of the friendly and semi-public audience of the Melbourne German Liedertafel, and are glad to find (as all are who find their predictions verified) that her talent is maturing under good guidance to a "fine issue". Miss Lundborg, who is yet but a girl, essayed on her first appearance Schubert's "Impromptu in B flat", and in the second part of the concert she and her teacher, Mr. Guenett, played Chopin's "Rondo for Two Pianos Op. 73." Her style may be best judged by her solo performance, which was really admirable, Miss Lundborg showing the excellence of her training, and also the possession of that faculty for music in the absence of which training shall be applied in vain.

"DEATHS", The Argus (10 December 1878), 1

[News], The Argus (20 April 1880), 5

At the half yearly examinations of the Musical Association of Victoria held on the 17th inst., the following results were obtained: - Diploma, Arthur Bonwick, Hawthorn; certificate: - Eliza Sinclair, Emerald Hill; Blanche Lundborg, Carlton; Chrissie M. Reid, Geelong; Helena P. Reid, Geelong. The next examinations will take place in October. 

ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Bonwick (pianist)

"MARRIAGES", The Australasian (7 July 1883), 11 Supplement

"MELBOURNE POPULAR CONCERTS", The Argus (12 June 1884), 7

"EXHIBITION NOTES", The Argus (16 June 1888), 13

 "EXHIBITION NOTES", The Argus (21 June 1888), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (5 February 1891), 8

"DEATHS", The Argus (21 February 1906), 1 

LUNDBORG. - On the 20th February, at the residence of his son-in-law, J. L. Reilly, "Sunny-side," Taylor-street, Moonee Ponds, John William Lundborg, in his 80th year. A member of the musical profession of Victoria for 54 years.

"DEATHS", The Australasian (3 March 1906), 60

"DEATHS", The Argus (29 January 1934), 1

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 February 1934), 16

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 November 1935), 2 

LUNN, Richard (Richard LUNN)

Musician, bandsman, side-drummer (99th Regiment)

Regiment active Australia, 1843-56

See also Band of the 99th Regiment


"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3

[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1

LUNT, George (George LUNT)


Active Melbourne, VIC, by December 1852


"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS AT Liverpool. AMPHITHEATRE", The Era [London] (13 June 1852), 12

On Friday evening Mr. George Lunt, who has been connected with the Liverpool Theatre for many years, took his farewell benefit. The pieces were, Macbeth (in which Mr. E. L. Davenport and Miss F. Vining appeared), and The Floating Beacon. Mr. Lunt, we are informed, is about to try his fortune at the Australian gold "diggins."

[Advertisement], The Argus (10 December 1852), 5

The greatest combination of artists ever known in Melbourne.
Mr. CHARLES MIRAN Of the Theatre Royal Drury Line, has the honour to announce that he will give a
GRAND CONCERT, On Friday Evening Next, December 10,
On which occasion the following distinguished artists will appear:

VOCAL: MISS LEWIS, of the Royal Italian Opera; Signor Georgi, of the Opera Francais and the leading Concerts of Paris; Mr. Gregg, the favorite Bass singer; Mr. Moseley, of the principal London Concerts; Mr. George Lunt, of the Liverpool Concerts, his first appearance; and Mr. Hamilton, of the leading Concerts.

INSTRUMENTAL: Cornet a Piston, Signor Maffei of Her Majesty's Royal Italian Opera; Violins, Mr. Bulmer of the Royal Italian Opera, Paris and Jullien's Concerts, his first appearance. Concertina, Mr. H. Richardson, his last appearance previous to his departure for Sydney; and Mr. Salomon, pianist of the nobility's concerts, London . . .

PROGRAMME PART I . . . Song - The merry little grey fat man, Mr. Lunt - Blewett . . .

PART II. Ballad - The Old house at Home, Mr. Lunt - Loder.

LUNTLEY, Philip James (Philip James LUNTLEY; P. J. LUNTLEY; LUNTLY [sic])

Musician, vocalist, comedian, minstrel serenader, concertina and banjo player

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1858 (? 1853)


[Advertisement], The Argus (6 August 1853), 1 

[Advertisement], The Age (6 May 1858), 1 

McCOWEN'S, Late Tilke's, CONCERT HALL, Bourke-street east . . .
The usual CONCERTS Will be held every Evening. The ladies and gentlemen at present engaged are - Madame Leon Naej, Mrs. Alfred Oakey, Miss Louisa Sutherland, Mr. C. F. Percival, Mr. G. Ellis, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Luntly, Mr. Reeves, and Mr. Miller. Pianist - Mr. Alfred Oakey. Manager - Mr. J. Miller.

ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Oakey (pianist); Joe Miller (comic vocalist, manager); George Ellis (comic vocalist)

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 May 1858), 8 

TO CONCERTROOM PROPRIETORS. - THE OHIO SERENADERS, Messrs. Reeves, Luntly, and Burgess, will complete an engagement of three months at McCowan's (late Tilke's) City Concert Hall, on Saturday, May 8th, and will then be open for Re-ENGAGEMENT in town or country.
Address C. Reeves, McCowan's Concert Hall, Bourke-street, Melbourne.

"RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT", New Zealander (14 June 1862), 3 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 September 1862), 1 

"COSMOPOLITAN OPERA TROUPE", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1862), 5 

The Cosmopolitan Opera Troupe, consisting of Mr. George Ellis, Mr. Charles Reeves, Mr. P. J. Luntley, Mr. C. Battle, and James Johnson, gave their first entertainment at the Temperance Hall, on Saturday evening, and were well received. Their performances gave much pleasure to the audience who appeared fully to appreciate the talent displayed by this little Company. They are to give another entertainment this evening.

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (2 October 1863), 3 

"EASTERN POLICE COURT", The Star (8 October 1863), 4 

LUTZ, William Meyer

Conductor, composer, arranger (never visited Australia)

Born Münnerstadt, Bavaria (Germany), 19 May 1829
Died Kensington, London, England, 31 January 1903 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


As the musical director of London's Gaiety Theatre, it was Lutz who arranged the music of the song Botany Bay for the London production the burlesque Little Jack Sheppard premiered there at Christmas (26 December) 1885, when it was sung by David James.

At the time, The Era report strongly suggests that "the quaint old ditty" with the "time-honoured whistling variations in the chorus" was already well-known in London, and the wordbook of the first Australian production describes the tune as an "old air", though no certain corroborating evidence of this has been identified. Nevertheless, coincidentally, a day before the first performance of the burlesque, a song "Botany Bay" was sung by a character billed as "Isaac" in a minstrel entertainment put on by a Cambridge University troupe in Bury St. Edmunds. There is also a July 1887 Australian reference to the song being by Sam Cowell (1820-1864), and Hugh Anderson and Ron Edwards, in Botany Bay broadsides (1956, 14) argued that the words at least derived from one of the later iterations of the originally c.1830 English broadside Farewell to judges and juries.

The song, newly popular in England from its theatrical release, also quickly became an Australian favourite after the first local outing of Little Jack Sheppard in Melbourne at Christmas 1886, sung by E. W. (Teddy) Royce (d. 1926). Paling's first advertised sheet music of the song for sale in the complete vocal score in 1887, the words from the book of the production by H. P. Stephens and W. Yardley. A sheet edition of the single song was also advertised in Goulburn in 1888, but no copy of it has yet been identified.

The song was repopularised in Australia in the early 1850s in editions and recordings by Percy Jones and Burl Ives.


"JACK SHEPPARD", Pall Mall Gazette [London] (29 December 1885), 4

. . . Picture Mr. James, in a lovely blue costume and a blue face and red nose, seated on a barrel turned on end and placed on a table, with his "pals" around him in magnificent raiment, bidding -

Farewell to Old England for ever,
Farewell to my rum culls as well,
Farewell to the well-known Old Bailey,
Where I used for to cut such a swell,

And -

Singing too-ral, li-ooral, li-addity,
Singing too-ral, li-ooral, li-ay,
Singing too-ral, li-ooral, li-addity,
Singing too-ral, li-ooral, li-ay.

With a whistle melancholy and seductive which Blueskin introduces with infinite unction. Then follows the "Voyage" to "Botany," the "Prayer, and the "Moral": -

Now all my young Doolcies and Duchesses,
Take warning from what I've to say;
Mind all is your own as you toucheses,
Or you'll jine us in Botany Bay.

"ST. EDMUND'S WORKING-MEN'S SOCIETY", Bury and Norwich Post [England] (28 December 1886), 7

At the Town Hall on Saturday last a very enjoyable evening was spent by a large audience, in witnessing a performance by the Cambridge Wandering Minstrels . . . The programme was as follows: . . . Song - "Botany Bay," Isaac . . .

"THE LONDON THEATRES. THE GAIETY", The Era [London] (2 January 1886), 7.

The second act shows Jack carousing with his boon companions in a hall gorgeous enough to be Aladdin's Palace, but which is understood to be merely the "cave of harmony" at the "Crown and Sovereign" in the Mint. Here Blueskin presides over a free-and-easy with all the genial aplomb of a music hall chairman, and obliges the company with a spirited rendering of the quaint old ditty "Botany Bay", which is, of course, given with the time-honoured whistling variations in the chorus. It is, by the way, to be noted among the curiosities of criticism that an evening contemporary naively quotes this familiar song in extenso under the apparent impression that it is now heard for the first time . . . Mr. James was capitally made up as Blueskin, and he gave the Botany Bay song with great gusto . . .

BOXING DAY. HER MAJESTY'S OPERA-HOUSE", The Argus (28 December 1886), 6 

The elements of mirth and music, clever acting and sprightly dancing, scenic beauty and spectacular brightness are so agreeably blended in " Little Jack Sheppard," that it seems to fulfil all the requirements of a Christmas entertainment . . . Blueskin's song, as chairman of the Free and Easy, "Farewell to Old England for ever," with its jovial chorus, brought the house down . . .

"WHISPERS IN THE WINGS. BY 'Q'", Sportsman (20 July 1887), 7 

"Oarder!" Now all ye dukes and duchesses who like a light, lively and lyrical night's fun, roll up to the Opera House. There the lamp of Burlesque burns as brightly as ever, and "Little Jack Sheppard" is as peculantly pleasing as before . . . By George? what a host of theatrical ghosts Mr. "Teddy" Royce conjures up before me. What a change there is once his "An Ambassador from Below" days; but still he has all the old spirit and go, if not quite the former nimbleness. Of course his "Botany Bay" - what a satire Sam Cowell's ditty is on Australians! - is the "oarder" of the evening . . .

"LITTLE JACK SHEPPARD", The Daily Telegraph (27 December 1887), 5 

The burlesque and operatic extravaganza entitled "Little Jack Sheppard " was revived last night at the Criterion Theatre in the presence of an audience which crammed the building in every part . . .Mr. Royce's performance, so very ludicrous in every respect, added a spice even to the many unpardonable puns with which he and his compeers remorselessly assail one's ears . . .His great song "Botany Bay," with its catching refrain of "ri-tooral, &c.," was given with an irresistibly comic effect. The gallery was deafening in its applause, and it was not till the second or third verse of the 14 which Mr. Royce keeps on hand had been given that they subsided into a temporary state of quietness . . .

"SAILORS WHO SING", Evening News [Sydney] (25 August 1887), 4 

An excellent concert was given on Wednesday, in the Sailors' Concert room, under the Mariners' Church, Circular Quay . . .the following programme was gone through . . .song, "Convict's Farewell to Old England," Mr. Johnson . . .

"CONCERT AT DANDENONG", South Bourke and Mornington Journal (31 August 1887), 3

A very successful concert was given in the Mechanics' Institute, Dandenong, on Friday evening last, in aid of the funds of the local football club . . .The last item on the programme was a chorus song, "Convict's farewell," which was sung by about fifteen members of the club attired in their football costumes . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 December 1887), 2 

THE Song BOTANY BAY is contained in the Vocal Score of JACK SHEPPARD. Price 2s 8d posted. W. H. PALING and CO., Limited.

[News], Morning Bulletin [Rockhampton, QLD] (20 January 1888), 5 

From the interest excited by the success of the Mikado Opera Company during their Northern tour, the audience which assembled in the School of Arts last night to witness the first production here of Byron's comic pantomime, "Aladdin, or the Wonderful Scamp," was inclined to be rather a critical one, and it is only due to the management to say that their most sanguine expectations were realised . . .Mr. South was received with uproarious applause for his comic originality "Farewell to old England for ever," assisted by the whole company in the chorus of "Ri-too-roo Ri-too-roo i-lay" and a double encore was the result . . .

[Advertisement], Goulburn Herald (10 April 1888), 3 

MUSIC LIST FOR APRIL. THE following will be found amongst the MONTHLY LIST of MUSIC just received at the HERALD BOOK MART, Auburn-street, Goulburn: - SONGS (At 2/.) . . .Botany Bay . . .W. Meyer Lutz . . .MISCELLANEOUS (at 2/.) . . .Little Jack Sheppard (Quadrilles) . . .W. Meyer Lutz . . .

"FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT", Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser [England] (13 August 1894), 5

The very cordial reception accorded to "Little Jack Sheppard" at the Gaiety on Saturday is to be attributed rather to pleasure at seeing the revival of old favourite than to superlative merit of the performance. Ten Tears ago, when the piece was first produced, Messrs. Stephen and Yardley's work was not of the first order, but owed its popularity principally to the efforts of an exceptionally fine and judiciously selected company . . .The Botany Bay song, in which the late David James will be ever remembered, was capitally rendered Mr. Charles Danby.

"POINTS FROM LETTERS", The Advertiser (17 February 1932), 18 

. . .The old song, "The Convict's Farewell," starting, "Farewell to old England for ever," has, as a second line, "And farewell my rum-culs, as well" . . .


"No 11. Botany Bay", in Selection of words and music from Little Jack Sheppard, burlesque drama in three acts written by H. P. Stephens and W. Yardley; music by Meyer Lutz . . . first produced at the Gaiety Theatre, on Boxing Night, 1885 ([London: ?, 1886]), 42-45; National Library of Australia copy stamped "W. H. Paling and Co." 

Little Jack Sheppard, a new 3-act operatic and dramatic extravaganza written by H. P. Stephens and W. Yardley, Her Majesty's Opera House, Melbourne [1886 wordbook] 

See also later edition (1950s): 

Bibliography and resources:

Anderson and Edwards 1956a, 12-16 (DIGITISED)

Botany Bay (song), Wikipedia 

LYALL, Charles (Charles Matthew LYALL; Charles LYALL; MR. C. LYALL; Mr. Chas. LYALL; Mr. LYALL; LYELL)

Musician, tenor vocalist, manager, sketch artist, pencil sketcher, caricaturist, cartoonist

Born London, England, 14 May 1832; baptised Bavarian Chapel, Soho, 24 June 1832; son of Charles LYALL and Mary Ann Jane DOYLE
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 June 1854 (per Queen of the South, from London, 4 April 1854)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 14 March 1857 (per Walmer Castle for London)
Died St. John's Wood, London, England, 3 May 1911 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)


England census, 30 March 1851, St. Paul Covent Garden, Westminster; UK National Archives, HO107/1511/17-18 (PAYWALL)

25 King Street / [Mrs.] Lyall / Head / Widow / 40 / Needlewoman & Folder / [born Middlesex St. Paul's Westminster]
Isabelle [Lyall] / daur. / Unm. / 18 [sic, ? 20] / [Needlewoman & Folder] / [born Middlesex St. Paul's Westminster]
C. Lyall / Son / Unm. / 18 [sic] / Banker's Clerk / [born] Middlesex St Paul's Westminster
Ellen [Lyall] / daur. / Unm. / 18 [sic, ? 16] / Needlewoman & Folder / [born Middlesex Westminster] . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: The late Charles Lyall senior (d. of consumption, 22 September 1837) and Mary Ann Jane Doyle married at St. Marylebone on 17 February 1828

"EXHIBITION CONCERTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (21 November 1854), 5 

The Philharmonic Society gave their fourth grand Concert on Friday evening last, to the most crowded and delighted audience ever assembled within the walls of the Exhibition building. The music chosen for the occasion was Handel's "Acis and Galatea," and a miscellaneous selection . . . Mr. Lyell made his debut in the song, "Where shall I seek the charming fair." This gentleman has a most mellow and agreeable voice, to which he adds tolerably correct execution, and a considerable amount of taste; this class of songs suit his capabilities admirably; but volume of tone is wanting, and a much more distinct enunciation. We think, in a smaller room, his efforts would tell to much greater advantage. We hope to hear him again, and shall in the meantime consider him a great acquisition to the society in the Tenor Solo department particularly . . .

"CHIT CHAT ON ENGLISH THEATRICALS", The Australasian (10 October 1868), 19 

. . . With the month of July the opera season closed at Drury-lane. The principal members of Mr. Mapleson's company, including Signor Arditti (conductor), Madame Titiens, Mddle. Sinico, Signor Foli, and Messrs. Santley and Chas. Lyall, are under engagement to appear for a short season in New York. It is pleasurable to notice the rapid strides Mr. Chas. Lyall is making in his profession. This gentleman, who some years back was one of the musical mainstays of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society has met with unqualified praise from the London press for his attentive rendering of the part of Monostatos in "Il Flauto Magico" . . .

"DEATH OF MR. CHARLES LYALL", The Era [London, England] (13 May 1911), 7 (PAYWALL)

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Charles Lyall, which took place at the age of seventy-eight, after a brief illness, at his residence, 42, Clifton-hill, N.W., on Wednesday, the 3rd inst. The funeral took place on Monday last at St. Mary's, Kensal Green Cemetery, preceded by Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Quex-road, Kilburn. Amongst those present in the church or at the graveside were Mrs. Charles Lyall (widow), Miss Lyall (sister), Mr. Pezze, Mr. B. Pezze, Miss Pezze, Dr. and Mrs. Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Monkhouse, the Misses Monkhouse (relatives), Sir Charles Santley, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davies, Mr. Barton McGuckin, Mr. Betgemann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pope, and Mr. Arthur Oswald. The floral tributes were numerous and very beautiful.
The deceased began his professional career in Australia in 1865 [sic, 1855] in Italian opera, singing with Miss Catherine Hayes and Mme. Anna Bishop; later, after studying at Florence, he became a member of the Pyne and Harrison Opera Company at Covent Garden Theatre, and remained with them until he joined the italian Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre. After a season at the Gaiety Theatre he went with the Christine Nilsson tour of Italian opera to America, and subgequently with the Pauline Lucca tour. On returning from America he rejoined the Galely management for several seasons in London and in the provinces. He next was prominent in the old Carl Rosa Opera Compay for several years until he retired in the 'eighties. Special tribute is paid to his powers as caricaturist in Mr. Joseph Bennett's book, "Forty Years of Music." For many years he contributcd to the "Musical World" and other journals his caricatures of famous composers, singers, instrumentalists, and men of affairs.

Other sourcess:

Charles Lyall, National Portrait Gallery, London 

Bibliography and resources:

Kurt Ganzl, "Charles Lyall: The outstanding character tenor in the heyday of English Opera", Theatre Heritage Australia (PREVIEW)

LYNCH, Miss (Miss LYNCH)


Active Sydney, NSW, 1842


[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 May 1842), 3

LYNCH, Bernard (Bernard LYNCH; Barney LYNCH)

Amateur musician, bandsman, founding member of St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)n blacksmith

Born Rosslea, Fermanagh, Ireland, 1814
Married Catharine MURPHY (1813-1895), Ireland, by c. 1836
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1 April 1839 (immigrant per Argyle, aged "25 years in January 1839")
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), by 1844
Died Gawler River (near Ulverstone), TAS, 4 November 1872, aged "57" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Assisted immigrants, per Argyle, 1839; State Records Authority of NSW, 5314 / Reel 1298 (PAYWALL)

Married male immigrant / Barney Lynch / Arrived by the Argyle / . . .
A native of Rosslea, Fermanagh, Ireland / Son of Barney - Blacksmith of same place and Margaret Mahon his wife there /
Calling - Blacksmith & Horseshoer / Age on Embarkation - 25 years in January 1839 . . . R. Catholic
Married female immigrant / Cath Lynch / . . . A native of Rosslea - daughter of ? Murphy and ? Phillip his wife living there
Calling - Dressmaker / Age - 26 years . . . very delicate / R. Catholic Children - Sarah Ann Lynch / 1 year 7 months // Mary 2 1/2 years Died at Sea 2nd March 1839

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (6 November 1844), 3 

1872, deaths in the district of Port Sorell; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1158358; RGD35/1/41 no 439 (DIGITISED)

"DEATH", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 November 1872), 2 

LYNCH. - At the River Gawler, on the 4th of November, Bernard Lynch, late of Launceston, blacksmith, aged 57 years.

LYNCH, Robert (Robert LYNCH; Mr. LYNCH)

Theatre and concert room proprietor, hotel proprietor, publican

Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1855


[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (4 October 1855), 1 

THEATRE ROYAL, MONTEZUMA, - Lessees, Messrs. Lynch and Leky.
Manager, Mr. J. R. Greville. To-night (Wednesday) 3rd October, 1855.
Third Appearance of Mr. E. W. Shearcroft.
CHARLES 2ND. Charles - Mr. E. W. Shearcroft. . . .
Leader of the Band - Mr. A. Oakey. 1st Violin - Herr Richty.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Rodger Greville (actor, manager); Edwin Shearcroft (actor); Alfred Oakey (pianist, leader); Carl Richty (violin); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)

"POLICE COURT. Wednesday, 17th February . . . KEEPING A DISORDERLY HOUSE", The Star (18 February 1858), 3 

Robert Lynch (of the Montezuma Hotel) was brought up charged with keeping a disorderly house; Mr. Randall appeared for the defence. Mr. Superintendant Foster deposed that at about half past ten the previous evening he had been called down to the Montezuma Theatre where he found a crowd of people (about 400) making a great disturbance . . .

LYNCH, William (William LYNCH)

Musician, bandsman (Band of the 21st Regiment)

Born Kerry, Ireland, c. 1803
Active Hobart Town, VDL, 1833-39
Died Battery Point, Hobart, TAS, 1 July 1886, "in the 84th year of his age" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

See also Band of the 21st Regiment


"DEATH OF A USEFUL OLD COLONIST", The Mercury (5 July 1886), 2 

Mr. William Lynch expired on Thursday, 1st inst., at Battery Point, in the 84th year of his age, after a residence in Hobart of over 50 years. He arrived in this city with the well-known 21st North British Fusiliers, which, though nominally a Scottish regiment, had its ranks well filled up with stalwart Irishmen, and no finer regiment ever paraded in Tasmania. Their bearskins added grandeur to their physique, which for symmetry and smartness could scarcely be surpassed. With but few exceptions the members of the corps have passed to that bourne whence no traveller returns. Mr. Lynch was a native of Kerry, he was twice married, but, out of a family of 13 children, only eight, by the second wife, survive their aged father. In aquatic circles a few years back the Lynchs were a power. In every relation of life they were useful, and their capacity and filiality will amply provide for the aged widow of a good old man in the few remaining years of life. Mr. Lynch was interred in the Queenborough Cemetery yesterday afternoon, where the last offices of the dead were performed by the curate of St. George's, the Rev. Mr. Dillon. Mr. John Lynch was the chief mourner, four of his sons being in the other colonies.

"BANDS OF HOBART", Daily Post (30 August 1917), 2 

. . .The late Mr. William Lynch - father of the Lynch Brothers well known in aquatic circles, was one of the performers . . .


. . .The 63rd left Tasmania in December, 1833. The band that followed belonged to the 21st North British Fusiliers (now Royal Scotch Fusiliers). It was a similar one in several respects to the 63rd, but the regiment had the advantage of having a bugle and drum band, which often combined with the former. There were also a few pipers, who played with the troops on the march. The late Mr. Lynch, father of the Lynch brothers, well-known in aquatic circles, was one of the performers. Mr. Angus McLeod was the bandmaster . . .The 21st Regiment wore large beaver hats . . .

LYNCH, Henry (Henry LYNCH)

Musician, bellringer

Born London, England, 6 April 1822
Arrived Victoria, early 1850s
Died Melbourne, VIC, 21 May 1906

LYNCH, George

Died South Yarra, VIC, 6 July 1909

LYNCH, Harry

LYNCH, Robert

Died Hawksburn, VIC, 27 March 1926

LYNCH, William

Died Melbourne, VIC, 6 June 1945

Trove searches:"Australian+Bellringers""Lynch+family+of+Bellringers"

Lynch Family of Bellringers



[News], The Argus (23 July 1868), 5

A new troupe of bell-ringers will shortly make their appearance before the public. A musician named Lynch, residing at Geelong, has recently imported a complete set of hand bells from the celebrated firm of Messrs. Mears and Stainbank, and he and his four sons, one of whom is only eight years of ago, have become remarkably proficient in the campagnolian art. In addition to the hand bells they will also perform upon a stand of bells, with which they can give selections from the most popular operas with remarkable accuracy.

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (23 July 1868), 2

Those who have heard the celebrated Lancashire Bell-ringers will agree with us when we say they are not likely to forget the sweet music discoursed. On the occasion of their first visit to Geelong they created quite a furore, it being the general opinion that they had not their equals in the world. We did not expect that Geelong would ever be able to lay claim to a troupe equally talented, but now we find that such an event has come about. Hearing that Mr. Lynch, of Chilwell, had recently imported a complete set of hand bells from the celebrated firm of Mears and Stainbank, we yesterday paid him a visit, and were surprised to find ourselves in the midst of quite a musical family, Mr. Lynch and his four sons being enthusiastic campagnolians. The hand-bells, forty in number, were only received about a fortnight ago, and are made of the very best metal, with the latest improvements. The Lancashire Ringers used soprano bells made of inferior metal to those imported by Mr. Lynch; while the latter are tenor bells, and have a splendid tone. The leather is fixed into the clapper by means of a screw, thus allowing a better and more distinct blow being struck than under the old system when the leather was merely bound round. Mr. Lynch and his sons have already perfected themselves in sixty of the most popular pieces oi music, and in a short time will make their appearance before the public, when, if colonial talent is at all appreciated, they certainly deserve to be as successful as the Lancashire troupe. Yesterday we heard them play a number of tunes most accurately, and amongst them were - "When the kie cames hame," "The Highland fling," " There is nae luck about the house," etc. One of the ringers is quite a little wonder; he is only eight years of age, but he performs with as great accuracy as his father. In addition to the hand-bells the company also perform on the stand bells; and on these we heard them play several selections from Norma and other operas. The most interesting portion of the entertainment, however, will be the youngest son playing on the clock-bells, accompanied by his elder brother and father on the concertina, and by another brother on the flute. Mr. Lynch expects to be able to make his first appearance in public in about a month, and in conclusion we need only state that those who once hear the entertainment will be glad to hear it repeated.

"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (15 September 1868), 2

Some years ago when the Lancashire troupe of bellringers first visited Victoria, their exquisite playing on the bells created quite a furore in the colonial musical world, no praise was deemed too much for them, and thousands rushed to hear them. Little did we then think that in a short time we should have to chronicle the debut of a Victorian troupe of campagnolians, and all of them members of the same family. Such an event has occurred, and last evening the Lynch family consisting of the father and four sons, made their debut before a Geelong audience under the name of the Australian Bellringers. When it became known that this talented troupe would first appear in public in Geelong, there was much speculation as to whether they would be able to hold their own. They possessed many friends, who hearing heard them in private had every confidence in them, but many dreaded they would, on their first appearance in public be too nervous to excel in their delicate art. We feel hound to say they have realised the most sanguine expectations - father and song - the youngest of whom is only eight years, played with a skill and confidence that took everybody by surprise, and but for a certain "gaucherie" in coming on to and leaving the stage, a fault which all performers, on their first appearance in public are liable to, one would have imagined they were regular old stagers. Comparisons are odious, but we venture to predict, that in the Lynch family the Lancashire bell ringers will find dangerous rivals, more particularly so as the former play on three different kinds of bells, the Lancashire entertainment being confined solely to the hand-bells. The audience last evening was a good one, but not so numerous as it might have been. Had the hall been crowded, the hand-bells would, we imagine, have sounded much better; as it was they were sometimes too piercing. The audience, however, signified their approval by loud plaudits at the conclusion of each melody, and on several occasions the performers were enthusiastically encored. Master William Lynch, a child eight years of age, achieved a perfect triumph. He was singularly cool for a child so young, and played with an earnestness that showed he was wrapped up in the music. He did not during the whole of the programme make a single mistake. The troupe, when playing on the handbells, were singularly successful in the "White Cockade," and fairly brought down the house in their imitation of the bagpipes, the music in this imitation being more agreeable than that discoursed by the original instruments, save and except to the ears of a thorough Highlander. On the stand bells, Mr. H. Lynch, sen., and H. Lynch, were indeed worth hearing in "The Campbells are coming," and "Garry Owen;" H. Lynch and his brother, R. Lynch, also, meeting with applause when, on the same bells, they played selections from Norma, La Sonnambula; and the "Kraviock Quadrilles." One of the greatest novelties of the entertainment was the clock bells and concertina, Master William Lynch playing with great accuracy on the clock bells. Our space does not admit of a lengthened criticism, suffice it to say the entertainment of itself is well worth hearing, and further deserves the patronage of all admirers of local talent.

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (24 September 1868), 2

"THE AUSTRALIAN BELLRINGERS", Bendigo Advertiser (3 November 1868), 2

"THE LYNCH FAMILY", Geelong Advertiser (28 September 1875), 3

"CAMPANOLOGY", Geelong Advertiser (29 September 1875), 3

"AMUSEMENTS", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (9 May 1885), 8:;

"SOME AUTOBIOGRAPHIC CHIMES [No. 1]", Melbourne Punch (6 September 1888), 11

"SOME AUTOBIOGRAPHIC CHIMES . . . No. 2", Melbourne Punch (13 September 1888), 14

"SOME AUTOBIOGRAPHIC CHIMES . . . No. 3", Melbourne Punch (20 September 1888), 13

"SOME AUTOBIOGRAPHIC CHIMES . . . No. 4", Melbourne Punch (27 September 1888), 14

"SOME AUTOBIOGRAPHIC CHIMES . . . No. 5", Melbourne Punch (4 October 1888), 15

"SOME AUTOBIOGRAPHIC CHIMES . . . No. 6", Melbourne Punch (11 October 1888), 15

"SOME AUTOBIOGRAPHIC CHIMES . . . No. 7", Melbourne Punch (18 October 1888), 15

[See also]];

"DEATH OF MR. HENRY LYNCH", Geelong Advertiser (23 May 1906), 2

Mr. Henry Lynch, the founder of the well-known company of public entertainers, the Lynch Family Bellringers, died in Melbourne on Monday, at the ripe age of 84 years. Mr. Lynch was born in London, on the 6th April, 1822, and emigrated to Victoria with his wife and the eldest of his sons in the early fifties. He settled eventually in Geelong, and there other sons were born to him. These Mr. Lynch trained to music, and the use of the hand bells, and on the 25th August, 1867, the Lynch Family Bellringers made their first appearance in public at Geelong. The company then consisted of Mr. Henry Lynch (who died yesterday), and his sons, Mr. Harry Lynch, Mr. Robert Lynch, Mr. George Lynch, and Mr. Willie Lynch. Since then the Lynch Family Bellringers have travelled many times through all parts of Australia, and also through India, Japan, Ghiua, Burmah and other Asiatic countries, and in America. Everywhere they met with marked success. Mr. Harry Lynch retired in 1883 with a competency, but Messrs. Harry, Robert and Willie Lynch have continued to successfully conduct the combination, and were performing in the North-Eastern district when summoned to Melbourne to be present at the bedside of their father. The remains will be interred in Geelong, and the funeral cortege will leave the railway station to-day on arrival of the mid day train from Melbourne.

"DEATH OF MR. GEORGE LYNCH", Barrier Miner (7 July 1909), 4

"DEATH OF MR. ROBERT LYNCH", Chronicle (17 April 1926), 20

"LYNCH FAMILY OF BELLRINGERS. Death of Surviving Member", Border Watch (9 June 1945), 8

Others sources:

Diaries of the Lynch family, 1882-08-16 to 1884-12-22, NLA

Posters, sheet music and handbells of Lynch Family Bellringers, University of Adelaide library

Bibliography and resources:

Gwyn Gillard, 2002 

Doggett and Gillard 2011 

LYND, Robert (Robert LYND)

Amateur poet, lyricist

Active Sydney, NSW, by 1845
Died 1851

ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (composer); Leichhardt's grave (music by Nathan; words by Lynd)

LYON, William Charles (William Charles LYON; W. C. LYON)

Musician, professor of singing, pianoforte, and harmony

Born ? London, England, c. 1826; son of Elizabeth WELLER
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 15 October 1852 (quarantined until 25 November, per Lady Eveline, from London, 29 June, age "26")
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18 July 1853, aged "27" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Family background and early years in England:

William Charles Lyon was born around 1826, probably in London, an illegitimate son of Eliza Weller. Two years later, in April 1828, Eliza gave birth to another illegitimate son, Edgar Ray, who, according to his much belated 1845 baptism record, was a son of the elderly theatrical manager Edward Adam Ray. Ray's first wife, Catherine Clarkson, was then still alive, but died a week later on 1 May 1828, allowing William and Edgar's mother, Eliza Weller, still identified as a "spinster", legally to marry the now widowed Edward at St. Pancras parish chapel, London, on 14 June 1828, almost 2 months after Edgar's birth. Eliza also had a much older daughter, Charlotte, born c. 1816.

The only documentary clue as to the identity of William's father is in his death record, which gave his name as Charles Lyon. It is of course possible that Charles Lyon was indeed William's natural father; but also possible that he was stepfather (or perhaps only his mother's later partner), whose name he nevertheless prefered to take over that of his natural father, whoever that may have been. Perhaps the likeliest other candidate for paternity is Edward Adam Ray, in which case William and Edgar were full brothers (from more on the elder Ray, see under Edgar Ray). Notably, in the 1851 census, both Edgar and their mother Eliza were listed under the surname Lyon, Eliza claiming to be a widow (presumably of Lyon, although her legal husband, Ray, was still then alive and did not die until 1853). If William was a son of Ray, there is a musical family connection through his eldest half-sister, the actor Matilda Ray (c.1790-1842), who in 1810 married the musician and composer Charles Edward Horn.

On the night of the census of 6 June 1841, William Lyon, aged 14, and his brother Edgar Ray, were boarding with their musical instructor, William Hawes (1785-1801), master of the choristers of the Chapel Royal and St. Paul's Cathedral, London.

Melbourne, VIC (November 1852 to July 1853):

Lyon arrived in Melbourne, VIC, on the Lady Eveline from London on 15 October 1852, as musical director of a party of four vocalists, the so-called City of London Glee and Madrigal Union, also including Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock and his brother Edgar Ray. However, cases of smallpox having been found among the 250 intermediate and steerage passengers, the party was quarantined for over a month, until finally being released on 25 November.

Joined by another recent arrival from the London concerts, Harriet Fiddes, the group presented its first concert at the Mechanics' Institution on Saturday, 4 December, followed, though December and January, by half a dozen other appearances in Melbourne, and at least one at the Theatre Royal in Geelong.

Lyon was billed was a "Professor of the Royal Academy of Music, and late Vicar Choral of St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey". Having given his last public concert with his colleagues in early January, he advertised briefly in Melbourne as a teacher of singing, pianoforte, and harmony. After February, however, nothing more is known of him until the report of his tragically early death, aged 27, in July, after only 8 months in the colony.

With thanks September 2021 to Duncan Taggart (NZ) for kindly bringing to my attention the quarantine of the Lady Eveline's passengers


England census, 6 June 1841; Middlesex, St. Martin in the Fields, Charring Cross, District 19, pages 6-7; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 739 / 6 (PAYWALL)

Adelaide Terrace / William Hawes / 55 / Musician . . .
Maria [Hawes] / 20 / Musician
John [Hawes] / 20 / Music seller . . .
George [Mulliner] / 12 / Singing Boy
[page 7] Marcellus Higgs / 14 / Singing Boy
William Lyon / 14 / [Singing Boy]
Theodore Genge / 13 / [Singing Boy]
George Woodhatch / 11 / [Singing Boy]
Edgar Ray / 12 / [Singing Boy]
William Rivett / 10 / [Singing Boy]
William Miller / 11 / [Singing Boy]
Henry Furrian / 10 / [Singing Boy]

ASSOCIATIONS: William Hawes (master of the choristers); Henry Furrian (chorister)

"HANOVER-SQUARE ROOMS", Morning Herald [London, England] (25 March 1850), 3 (PAYWALL)

The first concert of the Royal Academy of Music took place on Saturday morning, at the Hanover-square Rooms, in the presence of an audience not so large as usual . . . The indifferent displays were more numerous. Mr. Edward Hancock, Mr. W. Lyon, Mr. Baylis, and one or two others, are as yet quite unfit to meet the public ear . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Hancock (vocalist, as see below)

England census, 30 March 1851, Hampstead, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO 107 / 1492 (PAYWALL)

227 / William C. Lyon / Lodger / 25 / Professor of Music / [born] Midd. London

Names and descriptions of passengers per Lady Eveline, from London, 29 June 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Rae [sic] Edgar / 23 / Gentleman // Lyon William / 26 / [Gentleman] (DIGITISED)

Hancock Edward / 25 / Ironmonger // Hancock Ellen / 24 / - // Hancock William / 34 / Artist

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 December 1852), 1

Under the direction of Mr. WILLIAM C. LYON, professor of the Royal Academy of Music, and late Vicar Choral of St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey,
Beg to announce to the gentry and inhabitants of Melbourne, that their first grand concert will take place on Saturday, December 4th, 1852, on which occasion several of the finest glees, trios, duets, and songs, by the first authors, will be performed.
Mrs. Edward Hancock, Professor of the Royal Academy of Music.
Mr. W. C. Lyon, R.A.M.
Mr. Edgar Ray, late of her Majesty's Chapel Royal, St. James, and
Mr. Edward Hancock,
assisted by Mrs. Fiddes, formerly Miss H. CAWSE.
Glee - O by the Rivers, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. W. C. Lyon, Mr. Edgar Ray, and Mr. Hancock - Sir H. R. Bishop.
Duet - I would that My love, Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Fiddes - Mendelssohn
Glee - The Gipsies' Laughing Trio, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes and Mr. Hancock - Glover
Song - My Boyhood's Home, Mr. E. Ray - Rooke
Glee - O who will o'er the Downs so free, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. W. C. Lyon, Mr. E. Ray, and Mr. Hancock - Pearsall
Song - Why do I weep for thee, Mrs. Fiddes - Wallace
The Pirates' Chorus, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. W. C. Lyon, Mr. E. Ray, and Mr. Hancock - Balfe
An Interval of Ten Minutes.
Glee - How merrily we live, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, and Mr. Hancock - Michael Este
Song - Should she upbraid, Mrs. Hancock - Sir H. R. Bishop
A Christmas Madrigal, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. W. C. Lyon, Mr. E. Ray, and Mr. Hancock - Dr Tom [Thomas Ions]
Song - Mr. W. C. Lyon
Duet - O, wert thou in the cauld blast, Mrs. Hancock, and Mrs. Fiddes - Mendelssohn
Glee - Sleep gentle lady, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. W. C. Lyon, Mr. Edgar Ray, and Mr. Hancock - Sir H. R. Bishop
National Anthem.
Tickets, 5s each, to be had at the Institution, and Residence of the Secettary, 46, Russell-street.
EDGAR RAY, Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist)

MUSIC: O by rivers [sic] (Bishop); O who will o'er the Downs so free (Pearsall); How merrily we live (East); A Christmas madrigal (Ions); Sleep gentle lady (Bishop)

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 December 1852), 5 

BEG to acquaint the profession and inhabitants of Melbourne, that they are open to engagements for concerts.
For terms apply at their residence, 46 Russell-street.
N.B. - Mr. W. D. Lyon and Mrs. E Hancock, professors of the Royal Academy of Music London, give lessons in singing, pianoforte, and harmony.

[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1852), 7 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. THE GLEE and MADRIGAL UNION beg to announce to their patrons, the gentry, and inhabitants of Melbourne, that their second Grand Concert (and the first of a series of three) will take place on Tuesday, December 21st, 1852.
Reserved seats, 5s.; Unreserved, 3s.' Family reserved, admitting five, £1. Concert to commence at eight precisely.

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 December 1852), 8 

THE GLEE AND MADRIGAL UNION. Under the Direction of Mr. William C. Lyon.
BEG to announce to their Patrons, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Melbourne, that their Second, and the first of a series of Three Concerts, will take place
Principa1 Performers - Mrs. Edward Hancock, Professor of the Royal Academy of Music;
Mrs. Harriet Fiddes, Mr. William C. Lyon, R A.M.; Mr. Edgar Ray, H.M.C.R.; and Mr. Edward Hancock, R.A.M.
Pianist: Mr. Buddee.
Programme -
Part I.
Glee - (five parts) Blow gentle Gales, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock - Bishop.
Duet - Giorno di orr ore, Mesdames Hancock and Fiddes - Rossini.
Song - Woman - Mr. Ray - Phillips
Glee - Ye spotted Snakes, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock - Stevens
Cavatina - O luce di quest anima, Mrs. Hancock - Donizetti
Duet - The sunny hours of Childhood, Mrs. Hancock and Mr. Ray - Roche
Glee - See the chariot at hard, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock.
Cavatina - Paga fui, Mrs. Fiddes
Madrigal - Down in a flow'ry vale, full chorus, Mesdames Hancock, and Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock - [Festa]
Glee - Hark the Lark, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, & Hancock - Cook
Duet - The Ties of Friendship, Mesdames Hancock and Fiddes - Benedict
Song - Robin Hood, Mr. Hancock - Hatton
Glee - Why with toil thy life consuming, Mesdames Hancock and Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock - Pearsall
Duet - O my Beloved, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock - Nicholas
Song - A lowly youth, Mrs. Hancock - Wallace
Glee - The breath of the brier, Mesdames Hancock and Fiddes, Messrs. Bay and Hancock - Whittaker
Song - The Slave Girl's love, Mrs. Fiddes - Laud
Laughing Trio - Vadasi via di qua - Martini
National Anthem - Solo, Duet, Trio, and full chorus.
Concert will commence at Eight precisely . . .
EDGAR RAY, Secretary.

ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (piano)

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (23 December 1852), 5 

The following is the programme for this evening: -
Part 1.
Overture. - Zauberflote - Full band.
Glee. - O, by rivers. - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock.
Solo (Cornopean). - Air and variations - Mr. Chapman
Duet. - O wert thou in the cauld blast - Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Fiddes.
Serenade.- Sleep lady mine. - Mr. E. Ray.
Grand Wedding March. - Full band.
Song. - Love now. - Mrs. Hancock.
Glee. - Sleep gentle lady. - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock.
Part II.
Overture. - II barbiere di Seviglia.
Trio - The magic wove scarf - Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Ray, and Mr. Hancock.
Waltz - Die Rheinfahrt. - [Labitzky]
Duet, - The May bells. Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Fiddes
Overture - Guy Mannering. (By desire.)
Song. - Beautiful Venice. - Mrs. Fiddes.
Trio, - The gipsies' laughing trio. - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, and Mr. Hancock.
National Anthem. - Solo, duet, and trio.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Chapman (cornopean); Thursday Concerts Melbourne (long-running series at the Mechanics Institution)

MUSIC: Sleep lady mine (James Howe)

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [Geelong, VIC] (24 December 1852), 2 

THE LONDON "GLEE & MADRIGAL UNION," on Friday Evening, December 24th, at the Theatre . . .
MRS. H. FIDDES, MRS. HANCOCK, MR. C. LYON [sic], MR. E. RAY, & MR. HANCOCK. This Evening, at the Theatre.

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 December 1852), 5 

THE GLEE AND MADRUGAL UNION, (under the direction of Mr. William C. Lyon.)
beg to announce to their patrons, gentry, and inhabitants of Melbourne, that their Second Grand Concert will take place
Principal Performers - Mrs. Edward Hancock, Mrs. Harriet Fiddes,
Mr. William C. Lyon, R. A. M., Mr. Edgar Ray, and Mr. Edward Hancock.
First appearance at these Concerts of the celebrated bassoon player, Mr. J. Winterbottom, from Monsieur Jullien's Concerts.
Pianist, Mr. Buddee.
Part I.
Glee - The Gipsies' Tent - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray and Hancock - Cook.
Duett - Come be gay - Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Fiddes - Weber
Cavatina - As I view those scenes so charming - Mr. Hancock - Sonnambula
Trio - Turn on old Time (from Maritana) - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, and Mr. Hancock - Wallace.
Song - Come good neighbours with chorus (from Der Freischutz) - Mr. Ray - Weber.
Solo Bassoon - Mr. J. Winterbottom, (of Monsieur Jullien's Concerts, London, his first appearance at these Concerts) Fra Poco a me recoveri - Donizetti.
Duett - Deh Conte, (from Norma) - Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Fiddes - Bellini.
Cavatina - Dearest Companions, (Sonnambula) - Mrs. Hancock - Bellini.
Trio - This Magic Wove Scarf, (Mountain Sylph), Mrs. Hancock, Messrs. Ray and Hancock - [Balfe]
Cavatina - Nobile Signor, (Prophete) - Mrs. Fiddes - Meyerbeer.
The Huntsman's Chorus (Der Freischutz) - Weber.
Part II. Glee - O, who will o'er the Downs so free - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock - Pearsall.
Song - My Mother bids me bind my hair - Mrs. Hancock - Haydn.
Duett - Think a Sailor is faithful - Mr. and Mrs. Hancock - Balfe.
Song - The Maids of Merry England - Mr. Ray - Perring.
Glee - See the Chariot at hand - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Ray and Hancock - [W. Horsley]
Song - Beautiful Venice - Mrs. Fiddes - [J. P. Knight]
National Anthem - Solo, Duett, Trio and chorus.
Concert to commence at Eight precisely.
Reserved seat 5s; unreserved 3s; family reserved, admitting five, 1l. To be had at the Institution; Mr. Joseph Wilkie's, Music Saloon Collins-street; and at the residence of the Secretary, 46 Russell-street.
The Third Concert will take place on Tuesday, January 3, 1853.
EDGAR RAY, Secretary.

"MUSICAL", The Argus (29 December 1852), 4 

With the valuable aid of Mrs. Fiddes, the "Union" has given several very high class concerts, which have well deserved the support of such portion of the public as has really a taste for good music. The most striking singer is the Mrs. Hancock who so completely took the audience of the last Thursday's weekly concert by surprise, in suddenly presenting to them one of the sweetest singers ever heard in Melbourne. Their programmes are full and varied, and everything presented is good of its kind. They lack, indeed, the agreeable variety furnished by a few overtures, &c., but if this difficulty were removed, these entertainments would probably become the most popular in the city. A novelty was presented last evening in the shape of a bassoon solo, most admirably played by a Mr. Winterbottom, who was very deservedly encored for his perfect mastery over an instrument usually considered a little gloomy and unmanageable.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (bassoon)

"CONCERT", The Argus (4 January 1853), 5 

We have to apologise for having yesterday omitted the programme of very superior entertainment, to be given this evening by the Glee and Madrigal Union of which we have already made very favourable mention. The concert is to consist entirely of sacred music of the highest class; and of the style in which these sublime compositions are likely to be given, we are justified in forming a very high conception when we find the names of Madames Testar, Fiddes, and Hancock figuring in the same programme. The lovers of really first-rate music may look forward to a treat.

[Advertisement], The Argus (15 January 1853), 5

Mr. W. C. LYON, Professor of the Royal Academy of Music, England, continues giving Lessons in Singing, Pianoforte, and Harmony.
For Terms, apply at his residence, 46, Russell-street/

"DIED", The Argus (22 July 1853), 4

On the 18th inst., at the residence of his brother, Mr. Edgar Ray, of 87, Little Collins-street, west, Mr. William Charles Lyon, aged 27.



Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by September 1854


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 September 1854), 8 

LYONS, Harry Percival (Henry William LYON [sic]; Henry Percival LYONS; Harry LYONS; H. P. LYONS)

Theatrical and musical agent

Born VDL (TAS), 1840 Active by 1861
Died Melbourne, VIC, 28 June 1913, aged 71 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LYONS, Annie (Mrs. H. P. LYONS)

Vocalist, dancer, actor

Born c. 1840
Died South Melbourne, VIC, 27 June 1909, aged "69"


[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (21 December 1861), 2

"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (25 May 1888), 2

"PERSONAL", The Argus (28 June 1909), 7

"DEATH OF A VETERAN ACTRESS", Barrier Miner (2 July 1909), 3

"DEATHS", The Argus (30 June 1913), 1

"MR. HARRY LYONS DEAD", Barrier Miner (3 July 1913), 8

"In Stageland", Evening News (19 July 1913), 6

LYONS, John Christian (John Christian LYONS)

Harp player, chemist, journalist

Active Sydney, NSW, 1852; Beechworth district, VIC, 1857
Died Waterloo, NSW, 13 September 1874, aged 51


"CHEMISTRY", Bathurst Free Press (17 March 1852), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1852), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 July 1853), 2

"WOOLSHED", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (21 October 1857), 2

The opening ball of the Hibernia Hotel came off last evening (Monday) in regular Hibernian style . . . The orchestral arrangements were conducted by Mr. Griffith, cornet by Mr. Barlow, and the harp by Mr. Lyons. Never did the fantastic toe so lightly fly through the graceful motions of the dance - nor ever was more justice done to the true character of "granuale."

"To the Editor", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (15 March 1858), 2

"DEATHS", Empire (15 September 1874), 1


Australian family journal (edited by John Christian Lyons) (Sydney: Nos. 1-4, 3-24 July 1852)

LYONS, William Paterson (W. Paterson LYONS; W. "Percy" LYONS; W. P. LYONS)

Musical and theatrical memoirist

Born Quebec, Canada, 1846; son of Thomas William LYONS and Janet Paterson WILLIAMS
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, December 1852 (per Eliza)
Married Helen STEWART, SA, 1875
Died St. Peter's, SA, 1 April 1927, aged 80


"OBITUARY", The Advertiser (5 April 1927), 15 

"OBITUARY NOTICES", Observer [Adelaide, SA] (9 April 1927), 10 

LYSTER, Frederick (Fred. LYSTER)

Baritone vocalist, composer, conductor

Born Dublin, Ireland, 30 August 1822
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 March 1861 (per Achilles, from San Francisco)
Married Minnie WATSON (c. 1849-1879), NSW, 1867
Departed Australia, after 1877 (for the United States)
Died ? New York, USA, 4 October 1902 (NLA persistent identifier)

See also his first wife Rosalie DURAND and second wife Minnie WALTON (c. 1849-1879), both singers.



According to his 1882 article, Lyster had spent three years in the navy before embarking on his musical career.

A Frederick Lyster, of 208 West 69th Street, New York, died there on 4 October 1902, of cerebral haemorrhage and senility, reportedly born in England, a son of Frederick Lyster and his wife Jane, aged "63" (therefore, born c. 1839), and a widower.


Wemyss' chronology of the American stage (New York: William Taylor, 1852), 90 (DIGITISED)

MR. FREDERICK LYSTER, Born in Dublin, Ireland, September, 1822; made his first appearance on the American Stage at the Broadway Theatre, in New York, in 1849, as "Mateo," in the Opera of "Fra Diavolo"; is now, May, 1852, at Niblo's Theatre, New-York.

"PHILADELPHIA. Drese's National Theatre", Dwight's Music Journal (11 July 1857), 119

[Advertisement], Daily Alta California (25 May 1859), 2

[News], The Argus (2 March 1861), 5

US Census, 1870, San Francisco; United States Federal Census database (PAYWALL)

Lyster Fred / 45 / Musician / [born] Ireland
[Lyster] Minna / 19 / Actress Theatrical / [born] Australia
Stockinger Adolph / 38 / Musician / [born] Brazil
[Stockinger] Jane / 20 / - / [born] Australia
[Stockinger] Charlotte / 5 // Minna / 2 [both born Australia]

ASSOCIATIONS: Adolphus Stockmeyer (vocalist)

[News], The Argus (31 December 1877), 4

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 January 1878), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (27 March 1877), 8

"ROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS", The Argus (29 March 1877), 5

[Advertisement]: "NEW MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS", The Argus (23 June 1877), 12

"Round about the World. Death of Mrs. Fred. Lyster", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (28 August 1879), 2 

Fred Lyster, "How an opera company worked its passage", The New York Mirror: a reflex of the dramatic events of the week (23 December 1882), 1

"The Original of Trilby. AN AUSTRALIAN STORY", Poverty Bay Herald (28 October 1896), 4

Musical works:

Where the native roses blow ("song & dance  written & composed by Fred Lyster") (Australian musical magazine no. 11 [Melbourne and Sydney: Nicholson & Ascherberg, [1877]) 

Where the native roses blow ("song & dance  written & composed by Fred Lyster And sung by Miss Nellie McHenry, Salsbury's Troubadours") (Melbourne: Nicholson & Ascherberg, [1877]) 

I wandered by the brookside ("ballad, words by Lord Houghton; Fred Lyster") (Australian musical magazine no. 11 [Melbourne and Sydney: Nicholson & Ascherberg, 1877]) 

Round the world in 80 days: potpourri ("arranged by Fred. Lyster & Tho's. Zeplin; on airs written for this . . .drama by Giorza, Zeplin, Fred. Lyster, Mrs. W. S. Lyster, etc.") (Melbourne: Pub. by permission of the Opera House Co. by Allan & Co. (Wilkies), [1877]) 

See also:

Evolution (Philadelphia, 1885)

LYSTER, William Saurin (William Saurin LYSTER; W. S. LYSTER)

Opera director, entrepreneur

Born Dublin, Ireland, 21 March 1828; son of Chaworth LYSTER and Anne KEIGHTLEY
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1 March 1861 (per Achilles, from San Francisco)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 27 November 1880 (NLA persistent identifier)


See also his wife Georgia HODSON


[News], The Argus (2 March 1861), 5

"DEATH OF MR. W. S. LYSTER", The Argus (29 November 1880), 6

Bibliography and resources:

Henry Lyttelton Lyster Denny, Memorials of an ancient house: a history of the family of Lister or Lyster (Edinburgh: Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., 1913), 69-70 (DIGITISED)

Sally O'Neill and Thérèse Radic, "Lyster, William Saurin (1828-1880)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)

LYTTLETON, William Thomas (William Thomas LYTTLETON)

Amateur musician

Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1830s (NLA persistent identifier)


[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (7 January 1836), 2 

On TUESDAY, February 2nd, 1836, AT 11 O'CLOCK PRECISELY,
At the residence of W. Lyttleton, Esq., Launceston, the following Household Furniture: -
FOR THE DRAWING ROOM . . . a pianoforte, a fine-toned violoncello, a violin - by FEUDT [FENDT],
a quantity of instrumental music - consisting of quartettos by Mozart, Beethoven, &c.; a music stand, and bagatelle board . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Bernard Simon Fendt and sons (London firm of violin makers)

Bibliography and resources:

"William Thomas Lyttleton", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO) 

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