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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–H (Har-Haz)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–H (Har-Haz)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):;
accessed 26 March 2025
- H - ( Har - Haz ) -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in 2024-25, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist, choral singer, member Hobart Town Choral Society, painter and decorator
Born England, c. 1804
Married Mary LAIDMAN (d. 1857), St. John, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, 17 March 1827
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 31 May 1832 (per Medway, from London, 8 February)
Died Hobart, TAS, 21/22 December 1856, aged "52" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musical amateur, painter and decorator
Born Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, 11 June 1831; baptised 9 September 1831; son of Thomas HARBOTTLE and Mary LAIDMAN
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 31 May 1832 (per Medway, from London, 8 February)
Married Eliza Ann BUSCOMBE, St. Luke's, Richmond, TAS, 1 November 1855
Died Hobart, TAS, 17 June 1918, aged "87/88" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Thomas Harbottle, oil on canvas, by Henry Mundy; Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts, State Library of Tasmania (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Mundy (painter); see also, "THE EXHIBITION", Colonial Times (26 June 1846), 4
. . . We shall begin with the portraits, and the first we come to is No. 13, a portrait of Mr. Harbottle, by Munday. The likeness is not quite so good as the colouring, although both are excellent. Our fellow-townsman is rather too full in the face, but the man is there. We like Mr. Munday's style, which is warm and vigorous . . .
Marriages, St. John's, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, 1827; England, select marriages (PAYWALL)
17 March 1827 / Thomas Harbottle and Mary Laidman
Baptisms, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, 1831; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
9 September 1831 / Charles son of / Thomas and Mary / Harbottle
"SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (5 June 1832), 2
MAY 31. - Arrived the ship Medway, B. Wight, commander, from London direct, 8th February. Passengers . . . Mrs. Harbottle and child . . . Mr. Russell . . . for Hobart Town; . . . Mr. Harbottle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (musician)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (24 September 1833), 1
THOMAS HARBOTTLE, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, Grainer, Gilder, Glazier, and Paper hanger,
(late Superintendent of Painters in the Engineer's Department)
begs most respectfully to intimate to the Public generally, that he has now made the necessary arrangements
for commencing business on the first of October, in Brisbane-street, next door to Mrs. Abbott's Boarding School,
and trusts, from the thorough knowledge he possesses of the various branches of his Profession,
and by strict attention to business, to merit a share of the public patronage.
T. H. begs further to intimate, that he has paid very particular attention to the graining and ornamental branches,
specimens of which may be seen on application.
Brisbane-street, Sept. 24,1833.
Baptisms, Wesleyan Church, Hobart, 1836; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1084719; RGD32/1/2/ no 7052 (DIGITISED)
No. 291 / born 4th November 1836 / baptised 23rd November 1836 / John [son of] / Thomas [and] Mary / Harbottle / Hobart Town / Painter . . .
Rules and regulations of the Hobart Town Choral Society, established at Hobart Town, January 1843 (Hobart Town: Advertiser Office, 1844) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Marshall (member); John Caplin Hall (member); Richard Gill Curtis (director); William Wilkins Russell (as above); Henry Elliot (librarian); Benjamin Crewsell (member); John McGregor (member); Henry Degraves (member); Joseph Reichenberg (member); James Vautin (member); Hobart Town Choral Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (9 April 1844), 3
Hobart Town Choral Society.
THE Members of this Society held their First Yearly Meeting on Tuesday, the 26th day of March, 1844,
in Mr. Russell's new Assembly Room, Collins-street, to audit their accounts, and elect Officers for the ensuing year . . .
. . . Moved by Mr. McGregor, seconded by Mr. Harbottle,
That all the Subscribers be furnished with Tickets to admit them to the rehearsals on the first Tuesday in every month . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (18 March 1845), 3
COMMITTEE. Mr. Cresswell, Mr. Dyne, Mr. Degraves, Mr. Harbottle, Mr. Milward, Mr. McGregor, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Vautin . . .
"CHORAL SOCIETY", The Observer (10 February 1846), 3
A Concert, in aid of the funds of this society, took place on Thursday evening, in the Lecture-hall of the Mechanics' Institute. About sixty persons were present, and it is not surprising that there were so few, as only two days' notice was given of the Concert. The performance was good . . . The Boat Glee by Messrs. Harbottle, McGregor, and Mrs. Elliott, was well sung. The Overture to the "Caliph of Bagdad" was well played, but wanted body; a few bass instruments are wanting to give effect to overtures. The musicians are principally amateurs, and of high caste; excellent in concertos, quartettos, and pieces requiring fine feeling and tone; but they are not sufficient to fill up an overture . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Elliot (musician)
MUSIC: either The boat glee ["See our oars with feathered spray"] (words by H. B. Code; music by John Stevenson; in The patriot; or, Hermit of Saxellen); or The boat glee ["The song that lightens the languid way"] (words by Thomas Moore)
"FUNERAL", The Courier (7 October 1846), 2
The remains of the late Mr. Macgregor were removed from his residence in Elizabeth-street, on Monday, and interred in the burial ground of St. David's Cathedral. A large concourse assembled to pay their last tribute of respect to his integrity and worth as a citizen . . . On each side ofthe pall bearers were the workmen employed in the establishment of the deceased. Then followed the chief mourners; Mr. Harbottle and Mr. Dossiter, Mr. Cooke (foreman of deceased,) and Mr. Charles Harbottle . . . On arriving at St. David's Cathedral, the usual service was read; after which the vocalists of the Choral Society, (of which the deceased was a very efficient member,) sung Pope's beautiful hymn of "The dying Christian to his soul," "Vital spark of heavenly flame" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John McGregor (as above, deceased); William Dossetor (mourner)
MUSIC: Vital spark of heavenly flame (Harwood)
"MARRIED", The Courier (7 November 1855), 2
On the 1st instant, at St. Luke's Church, Richmond, by the Rev. D. Galer, ELIZA ANN, only daughter of the late J. K. Buscombe, to CHARLES, eldest son of Mr. Thomas Harbottle, Hobart Town.
1856, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1221019; RGD35/1/5 no 1160 (DIGITISD)
No. 1160 / [1856] December 21st / Thomas Harbottle / Male / Fifty two years / Painter / Dropsy . . .
"DIED", Colonial Times (23 December 1856), 2
AT his residence, Elizabeth-street, on Monday, 22nd instant, MR. THOMAS HARBOTTLE, aged 52 years.
"MR. HARBOTTLE", The Courier (24 December 1856), 3
We are painfully reminded of the approach of that period when "old things shall pass away, and all things become new" when we ear of the demise of such old and respected colonists as Mr. Thomas Harbottle, of Elizabeth-street, in this city, whose death has plunged a wife and large family into grief and bereavement. Mr. Harbottle was a native of Cumberland, in the "old country," and has been a resident of Tasmania for upwards of a quarter of a century. As a tradesman, he was highly esteemed for his probity; as a friend, he was distinguished by the most invariable sincerity; he was a kind and affectionate husband and father, and was deservedly respected throughout this community.
"POLICE COURT. TUESDAY . . . False pretences", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (24 August 1859), 3
David Jones brought up on remand was charged with having on the 28th July last obtained on false pretences two packing cases value 7s.,
the property of Mr. Charles Harbottle of Elizabeth-street.
The cases in question, are of a peculiar description of wood, so hard, that book-binders use them for cutting leaves upon them.
Prisoner was a bookbinder, and led prosecutor to believe that he had been sent by Mr. Rodd to select the cases.
Prisoner said he had no money to pay for the cases at the time,
when prosecutor asked what Mr. Rodd would charge for binding a book of music, prisoner said 7s. 6d.,
when prosecutor enquired if Mr. Rodd would bind the book for the cases.
Prisoner replied in the affirmative and took the hook away, promising that it should be done and returned on the Saturday following.
In consequence of the book not being returned inquiry was instituted and Mr. Rodd knowing nothing about the transaction the prisoner was apprehended.
It appeared that the prisoner had sold the cases to Mr. Rees, another person also engaged in the trade.
Mr. Tarleton said he regretted that this case could not be tried summarily, but was happy to believe that this would be the last case which he should have to send forward.
The prisoner was committed for trial the Bench, however, intimating that they would take bail,
if the defendant could find two sureties of £30 each. Defendant was removed in custody.
"OBITUARY. MR. MR. CHARLES HARBOTTLE", Daily Post [Hobart, TAS] (19 June 1918), 7
Early yesterday forenoon it was noticed that the flags were flying half-mast high on many of the public buildings in Hobart . . . Mr. Charles Harbottle, one of the oldest and most esteemed of our citizens, had passed away at his residence, Keatall, Swan street, Hobart, on the preceding evening. Mr. Harbottle had enjoyed a remarkably long life of splendid health and unremitting activity both as a merchant in our midst and as a townsman who took, in his time, a prominent interest in public affairs . . . The late Mr. Harbottle was born at Jedburgh, on the borders of Scotland with England, on June 11, 1830 [sic, ? 1831], and was therefore at the time of his death in his 88th year. His father came to Hobart in the same year, and landed here with his family when deceased was only six months old. His father founded the old established painter, plumber, and contracting business in a shop opposite where the Albion Hotel now stands in Elizabeth street, and this was the leading business of its kind in the town for close on 80 years. It is interesting to recall that among the fellow passengers with his father on that far-back voyage were the late Sir Alfred Stephen (then a young solicitor), afterwards Chief Justice  of New South Wales, and Lieutenant-Governor of that (then) colony, the late Mr. Russell, well-known as a musician in Hobart, who trained the famous singer Amy Sherwin, as well as several others who were destined to make their mark in local history. The late Mr. Harbottle succeeded his father in the business above mentioned, and himself retired from it about the middle seventies . . .
"Music & Drama", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (16 March 1927), 10
Mr. Clinch, superintendent of mails, gives the interesting information that one of the pianofortes made by the J. Williams, of Hobart Town, who advertised in the "Royal Kalendar" for 1848, mentioned in these notes last week, is still in use at the house of his sister, Mrs. Corney, of Lunawanna, Bruny Island. It is also learned that Mr. Frank Harbottle, [grandson of] one of the members of the committee of the Hobart Town Choral Society in 1848, died only a few years ago. He was well-known in musical and military circles. Another member, Mr. Reichenberg, was the father of Miss Reichenberg, organist at St. Joseph's Church, and a third, Mr. Vautin, was the father of Mr. D. Vautin, flutist, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, and of his brother, a cellist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Harbottle (grandson)
Musical amateur, member Sydney Philharmonic Society, volunteer forces officer
Active Sydney, NSW, by c. 1855
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1866 (for England)
Died Worthing, Sussex, England, 12 November 1888, aged "58/59" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S ANNUAL MEETING", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (19 June 1860), 5
The annul meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society was held at Mr. Aldis's, tobacconist, George-street, yesterday evening. There were about 30 persons present. Mr. PLUNKETT, Persident of the society, occupied the chair. The honorable gentleman expressed regret at his absence from recent meetings of the society. He trusted it would speedily recover from any difficulties into which it had fallen, and would receive that support from the public which it deserved . . . The meeting then proceeded to ballot for the committee for the ensuing year . . . The ballot resulted in the election of Mr. Ebsworth, Mr. Black, Mr. McDonald, Dr. Whittle, Mr. Waller, Mr. Dyer. Mr. Spyer, Mr. Macdonell, Mr. Mountcastle, and Mr. Harbottle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Aldis (member); John Hubert Plunkett (president); Octavius Bayliffe Ebsworth (member); John Gough Waller (member); Joseph Dyer (member); Benjamin Such Mountcastle (member); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
THE seventh annual meeting of this society was held at Mr. Aldis's, 376, George-street, last evening. Mr. Ebsworth occupied the chair . . . The following resolutions were carried unanimously . . . That the following gentlemen form the committee for the ensuing year, viz. - Messrs. Aldis, Black, Dyer, Ebsworth, Harbottle, Foucart, Mountcastle, Waller, Whittle, and MacDonnell . . .
The complimentary concert and presentation of a silver baton, tendered as a mark of esteem by the members of the Volunteer Rifle Band to their director, Mr. D. Callen, took place on Monday evening last at the Masonic Hall in York-Street, under the immediate patronage of the officers and members of the Volunteer force . . . Between the parts the presentation of the silver baton to Mr. D. Callen by the members of the Volunteer Band took place. All the members of the band having been assembled on the dais, Captain Harbottle, addressing Mr. Callen, presented the silver baton to him . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Douglas Callen (musician); Sydney Volunteer Rifles Band (volunteer military)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 March 1866), 6
THURSDAY, 8th March, 1866. Important Auction Sale of Useful Household Furniture and Effects, Valuable Library of Books, &c., &c.,
At Cheverells, the residence of William Harbottle, Esq., Elizabeth Bay Road, off Macleay-street,
SUBSTANTIAL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . . . Pianoforte, by Broadwood . . .
JOHN G. COHEN has been favoured with instructions from William Harbottle, Esq. (who is leaving the colony for England),
to sell by auction, on the premises, Cheverells, Elizabeth Bay Road, off Macleay Street, Potts' Point,
on THURSDAY, 8th March, 1866, at 11 o'clock prompt, The whole of the household furniture and effects.
For particulars see catalogues. Luncheon at 1 o'clock . . .
[News], The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (29 December 1888), 1339
Mr. William Harbottle, for many years engaged in commercial pursuits in this city, died at Worthing (England) on November 12, in the 59th year of his age.
Theatrical manager, actor, vocalist, tailor
Born London, England, 5 June 1809; son of John HARDEMAN and Elizabeth TAYLOR
Married Sarah Elizabeth HARDEMAN (1823-1907), St. Leonard, Shoreditch, London, England, 14 March 1841
Arrived Wellington, NZ, 31 January 1843 (per Thomas Sparks, from London, 27 July 1842)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1844
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 22 January 1845 (per Emma, from Sydney, 2 January)
Died Adelaide, SA, 10 July 1871 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Births, Protestant dissenters birth registry, (Baptist) 1809; UK National Archives, RG5/159 (PAYWALL)
Supplement No. 745 / 20 December 1837 / . . .
that Henry Hardeman the son of John Hardeman of Whitechapel Rd. in the county of Middlesex Sailor
and Elizabeth his wife (who was the daughter of Rev'd Dan Taylor of Mile End in the county of Middlesex)
was born at the house of the said John Hardeman No. 85 Whitechapel Rd. on the 5 June 1809
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hardeman and Elizabeth Taylor married at Christ church, Spitalfields, on 13 May 1793; John Hardeman (1804-1882) of Bendigo, VIC, was his elder brother
1841, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the county of Middlesex; register 1840-41, page 157; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/LEN/A/01/MS 7498/50 (PAYWALL)
No. 314 / 14 March 1841 / Henry Hardeman / Of full age / Bachelor / Draper / Bishopgate Street / [son of] John Hardeman (deceased) / Draper
Sarah Elizabeth Marriott / Minor / Spinster / - / Baker's Row / [daughter of] Ja's Marriott / Mathematical Instrument Maker . . . in the presence of James Marriott . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: On Hardeman's father-in-law, James Henry Marriott, see obituary 1886 below
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Botolph without Bishopgate, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/725/15/9/11/15 (PAYWALL)
Bishopgate St. Without / Henry Hardeman / 30 / Tailor // Sarah [Hardeman] / 19 / [both born in county] . . .
Wellington, NZ (1843):
[Advertisement], New Zealand Colonist and Port Nicholson Advertiser [Wellington, NZ] (7 April 1843), 1
HAS an excellent assortment of Superfine Cloths, Doeskins, &c.; intends leaving the Business . . .
[Advertisement], New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator (17 May 1843), 1
BY PERMISSION of the MAGISTRATES. Wellington Saloon, Ship Hotel.
AT the earnest request of several ladies and gentlemen, who could not get admission on Thursday evening last, the same entertainment will be repeated.
To commence with the drama of a Ghost in Spite of Himself,
Nicodemus, Mr. Mariott; Paul, Mr. Marshall; Diggory, Mr. Hardeman; Georgiana, Mrs. Baker.
In the course of the evening several, Songs and Duets,
to conclude with the farce of the Village Lawyer,
Scout, Mr. Marriott; Snarl, Mr. Hardeman; Sheepface, Mr. Marshall; Mrs. Scout, Mrs. Baker.
Doors open at 7, to commence at half past 7. Front-Seats 2s., Back Seats 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Marshall (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator [NZ] (3 June 1843), 1
Glorious Fun for Monday next, Whit Monday.
GEORGE BRIGGS, of the New Hotel, Kai Warra, not wishing Whitsuntide, a season for so much frolic in the Mother Country,
to pass unheeded in this distant part of the world, begs to inform his friends and the public in general, that he intends having a
A FOOT RACE for £5 . . . Duck Shooting, Skittle Match, and various other popular matches will enliven the day . . .
Other entertainments have been kindly promised by Messrs. Marriott, Hardeman, Marshall, &c., &c.,
and a BALL will take place in the evening. An excellent Band will be on the ground.
The whole to conclude with a splendid' display of FIRE WORKS. June 2, 1813.
[Advertisement], New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator (9 September 1843), 1
the above elegant and commodious Theatre will be opened for the first time
on Tuesday evening next, September 12, 1843 . . .
The Performance will commence with "God save the Queen," by the whole of the Company;
after which Will be presented, for the first time, a drama, to be called the
ROVER OF THE SEAS, with entire new scenery, dresses, & decorations . . .
Lawrence Glennon, Squire of Motly Manor House, Mr. Marriott . . . Diedrick, a Smuggler, Mr. Marshall;
Marmaduke Magog, with Songs, Mr. Hardeman . . .
A grand March by the Band. After which . . . CROSSING THE LINE, OR THE TWIN BROTHERS.
Walter Von Broom, with the Song of "Drink deep of Wine," Mr. Marriott;
Wonter Yon Broom, Mr. Hardeman . . .
The whole of the entertainment produced under the immediate direction of Mr. Marriott . . .
Sydney, NSW (1844):
[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (1 October 1844), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, By desire, and under the immediate Patronage of the
G. M., D. G. M., G. S., Officers and brothers of the Independent Order of ODD FELLOW'S MANCHESTER UNITY,
Who will appear in the full Regalia of their Order.
DEERING'S BENEFIT, On Thursday, October 2nd, 1844 . . .
Mr. HARDEMAN, of the Royal Pavilion Theatre, will make his first appearance . . .
Mr. Hardeman, from the Royal Pavilion Theatre, London, will sing in character, "BILLY THE SNOB," (His first appearance in this colony) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Shinton Deering (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue); Pavilion Theatre (Whitechapel, London)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1844), 1
WILL be opened on Saturday Evening next, at half-past Seven. NO CHARGE FOR ADMISSION.
Mr. MARSHALL and Mr. HARDIMAN, late of the London Theatres.
"'Tis not in mortals to command success,
But we'll do more, we'll well deserve it." - Skakspeare.
Conductor, Mr. Marshall.
In the course of the evening, Mr. MARSHALL will sing the Tartar Drum, Firm as Oak, and the Merry Month of May, in character.
The celebrated SCOTCH VOCALIST will sing a variety of favorite Scotch Ballads.
Mr. HARDIMAN will sing Justarvus, the Razor Grinder; and will deliver the History of Mr. Muggins, Lady Fintweazel, and the Little Lap Dog Shock.
A variety of Solos by Mr. ROBINSON.
Several talented Amateurs have kindly promised their attendance.
This Saloon will be opened on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, to commence at half-past Seven.
Two gentlemen of celebrity will preside at the Pianoforte.
Entrance to the Saloon in King-street.
Professional Singers wanted.
MUSIC: ? The razor-grinder (song)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 October 1844), 3
BLACK BOY TAVERN, Corner of King and George streets, directly opposite Mr. Woolley's.
MR. P. McKEW returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the very liberal support he has met with since he opened the above establishment,
and trusts that continuing the sale of the same good liquors for which the establishment has become notorious,
combined with civility, and attention to business, will ensure him a continuance of the same.
[manicule] Entrance to the Saloon, in King-street.
Messrs. MARSHALL and HARDIMAN, in catering for the public amusement, deem it not necessary to make use of any contemptible puff,
but respectfully invite their friends to pay them a visit at the Saloon,
and they will then be capable of forming an opinion as regards the entertainments of the evening.
SONGS: The Outlaw - Buccaneer - Pirate's Bride and The merry month of May: Mr. MARSHALL.
Come my jolly lads - Black-eyed Susan - Angels' whisper - Kate Kearney: Mr. FISHER.
Seven Ages - Razor-grinder - Miseries of a washing-day - and The Dramatic Barber: Mr. HARDIMAN.
The celebrated Nigger Singer, JAMES BROWN, will sing (in character) Black Pink - Roley Boley - Lucy Long - Gumbow Chaffe - Opossum on a rail, &c.
In the course of each evening, A GENTLEMAN AMATEUR will sing The Life, Adventures, and Origin of Jim Brown - assisted by several Gentlemen Amateurs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Marshall (comic vocalist); Mr. Fisher (comic vocalist); Jim Brown (alias of George King)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1844), 3
IF HENRY HARDEMAN, Singer at the Black Boy, George street
does not call and pay the amount of his bill for board and lodging for himself and Samuel Marshall singer at the same place
for whose expenses he became responsible, the conjuring machines woodcuts and bills of Billy the Snob,
(the song which elicited such applause on the occasion of the benefit at the Theatre of one of the Brothers of the Odd Fellows Society)
will be sold within ten days from this date, to defray the same.
GEORGE BRIGGS. Miller's Point, Sydney, 26th December.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1845), 2
January 2 - Emma, brig, Captain Fox, for Port Adelaide. Passengers - Mr. G. F. Angus . . . Mr. H. Hardeman . . .
Adelaide, SA (1845-71):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (23 January 1845), 2
Tuesday, January 22. - The brig Emma, 121 tons, Fox, master, from Sydney. Passengers - G. F. Angas, Esq., and Dr. Bull in the cabin; . . . Mr. Hardman . . . in the steerage.
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register [Adelaide, SA] (6 September 1845), 1
PAVILION THEATRE, CURRIE-STREET, (Entrance in Rosina-street). -
MR. HARDEMAN begs most respectfully to announce to the Inhabitants of Adelaide,
that he has completed, by the advice of his friends, fitting up the "Southern Cross" as a Theatre,
and trusts that the entertainments produced will be deserving of support.
The Theatre will be opened on Monday Evening next,
on which occasion the performance will commence with the Married Bachelor.
After which, a variety of Singing.
The whole to conclude with the farce of A Tinker a Tailor, a Soldier, and a Sailor.
Stage Manager, Mr. Hardeman; Leader of the Band, Mr. Lee.
Doors open at seven o'clock, and the performance to commence at half-past seven.
Admittance: Boxes, 2s. 6d.; Pit, 1s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Lee (violin, leader); Pavilion Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (13 September 1845), 1
PAVILION THEATRE - (Miss Groves from the Hobart Town Theatre). -
This evening and Monday, the performance to commence with the Village Lawyer.
A variety of Singing and Dancing.
To conclude on with A Tinker, a Tailor, a Soldier, and a Sailor; and to conclude on Monday with the Married Bachelor.
Entrance in Rosina-street. New scenery by Mr. Herring. Lessee and stage Manager, Mr. Hardeman.
Doors open at 7 o'clock, to commence at half-past.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Herring (painter, d. 1879)
[News], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (17 September 1845), 3
A little theatre named the "Pavilion," has just been opened in Currie-street, under the management of Mr. Hardeman. The pit will hold about a hundred and twenty persons, and the boxes from forty to fifty. On Saturday the Village Lawyer, a very amusing farce, was fairly performed, followed by several songs and other entertainments. Miss Grove, from Hobart Town, the prima donna of the evening, sang pleasantly, and with good taste. She was very warmly applauded. The effect of both singing and acting was on this occasion destroyed by what we would fain hope is a rare occurrence, the intrusion of several noisy persons of both sexes, who ought to have been removed by the police.
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (20 September 1845), 1
MISS GROVES, (From the Victoria Theatre, Hobart Town.) -
On Monday, Sept. 22nd, 1845. - (By the request of several ladies and gentlemen of Adelaide,
the doors will be open in future at half-past seven, and the performance will commence at eight precisely.) -
The performance to commence with A Ghost in Spite of Himself.
To be followed with a variety of singing.
"Pretty Mrs. Abrahams," Mr. Hardeman; Song, Mr. O'Brian;
Song, Mrs. Pettitt; Irish song, Mr. Young;
"Buy a Broom and Swiss Toy Girl," Miss Groves.
To conclude with the Two Thomsons.
Stage Manager, Mr. Hardeman; leader of the Band, Mr. Lee.
Doors open at half-past seven o'clock, performance to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Admittance to the boxes,2s. 6d.; pit, 1s. 6d.
"LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK. . . PAVILION THEATRE", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (11 October 1845), 2
We understand that Mr. Hardeman has engaged Mr. Spencer (the Tragedian) late of the Indian Theatres. A man of such long established talent and ability as Mr. S. will doubtless draw large houses.
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (22 October 1845), 1
PHANTASMAGORIA!!! Grand and Novel Entertainment,
with upwards of Two Hundred Movable Figures!!! admirably adapted, at this season of the year,
for the instruction of the juvenile portion of the community.
MESSRS. SPENCER & HARDEMAN beg respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity
that they purpose giving an entertainment of a highly varied and amusing description
in the spacious saloon belonging to Mr. Allen, Arcade, adjoining the old Theatre, on Thursday, October 23d.
Grand Overture - Band.
Duet - "What fairy-like Music" - Messrs. Spencer and Hardeman.
Recitative - Richard III. - Mr. Spencer.
Song, Comic - Mr. Hardeman.
Song - "Some Love to Roam" - Mr. Spencer.
Song - "Gooseberry Wine" - Mr. Hardeman.
Recitative - "O'er the Glad Waters of the Dark Blue Sea" - Mr. Spencer.
Song, Comic - Mr. Hardeman.
Overture - Band.
Recitative - "The Isles of Greece" - Mr. Spencer.
Song, Comic - Mr. Hardeman.
Song, Comic (in character) - "Widow Mahoney" - Mr. Spencer.
Song, Comic - Mr. Hardeman.
Recitative - "Waterloo" (Byron) - Mr. Spencer.
Song, Comic - Mr. Hardeman.
VENTRILOQUISM!!! - By Mr. Hardeman.
To conclude with the celebrated ANTIQUE MODELS by Mr. Spencer, surrounded by fire!!!
Single tickets, 3s; double ditto, admitting one gentleman and lady, 5s.;
ditto, one gentleman and two ladies, 7s.; children, 1s. each.
May be obtained of Mr. Macnab and Mr. Hunter, Hindley-street; at the "Royal Admiral" and "Victoria" Hotels;
also, of Mr. Allen, "Shakspeare" Hotel, and of Mr. Spencer, at the Theatre, daily from ten till five.
Open at half past seven, to commence at eight.
MUSIC: Gooseberry wine (music by John Clinton)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (22 October 1845), 2
It will be seen by a reference to our advertising columns that Messrs. Spencer and Hardeman propose giving an evening's treat to the inhabitants of Adelaide on Thursday next, the programme of which shows a selection of instrumental and vocal music, with recitatives - ventriloquism - phantasmagoria with two hundred moveable figures - and an imitation of antique models. There are several things in these proposed entertainments which are new, at least in this colony, and we trust that the spirited undertaking will be responded to by a numerous attendance. Mr. Hardeman's talents are already known to the Adelaide public as manager of the present Theatre; and we are assured that Mr. Spencer, who formerly formed one of the Sydney company, and is lately arrived from India, will be able to present to his audience feats and performances which have never been exceeded in this place.
"POLICE COMMISSIONER'S COURT. Thursday, 8th July", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (10 July 1847), 3
Henry Hardeman was brought up as a person of deranged intellects, and unfit to be at large. It was stated that he was a man of good character and sober habits. He had come to this colony from New Zealand. The Magistrate sent him to gaol for a week, for safe custody.
"POLICE COMMISSIONER'S COURT. Wednesday, July 14", South Australian Register (17 July 1847), 2
Henry Hardiman, tailor, was brought up on the charge of being a dangerous lunatic, and not able to take care of himself.
Wm. Baker Ashton, Governor of the Gaol, said that the prisoner was given into his custody on the 8th instant, for wandering about the streets.
He considered him of unsound mind, and labouring under a delusion, which would lead him to commit some violence to himself or others if he were left at large.
He had been obliged to put a strait waistcoat on him at night for the safety of the persons with whom he was confined.
James George Nash, Colonial Surgeon, stated that he knew the prisoner, and had attended him some time ago as a private patient.
He believed him to be of unsound mind, and not fit to be at large. The prisoner had the opinion that he (witness) wished to poison him.
He was afraid, that if left at liberty, he would do some violence to himself or other persons.
The prisoner, on being called upon to speak, made a statement of his wrongs and his wishes,
which fully confirmed the testimony of the witnesses, and his Worship ordered him into strict custody and confinement.
"POLICE COURT. Saturday, 9th December", South Australian Register (13 December 1848), 3
Henry Hardiman, tailor, charged with loitering about government house, and not giving a proper account of himself when questioned by the Police, stated, in reply to his Worship, that he heard or imagined he heard voices addressing him from time to time; that the day before he had been indisposed and lay down near Government house, when he heard voices inviting him to inter within the enclosure, which he did, and after some time two of his (the Magistrate's) young men kindly took him into their care. He had been all night in the station house, where, without boasting of the accommodation, he certainly enjoyed a very good night's rest. His Worship told him he would be taken care of; for which the tailor, in good in good set phrase, returned thanks.
"DEATHS" Evening Post [Wellington, NZ] (26 August 1871), 2
On the 10th ult., at Adelaide, South Australia, Mr. Henry Hardeman, the son-in-law of Mr. J. H. Marriott, of this city.
"Death of Mr. J. H. Marriott", Evening Post (26 August 1886), 2
One by one our pioneer settlers are departing this life. Last night, between 7 and 8 o'clock, Mr. James Henry Marriott, who might be truly said to be one of the fathers of Wellington, fell into his last sleep, at the ripe old age of 87 . . . Mr. Marriott first arrived in Wellington by the ship Sir Thomas Parkes, in 1842. By occupation he was an optitian and mathematical instrument maker . . . Before he came to the colony Mr. Marriott had dabbled a good deal in theatrical matters, and in the earliest era of the drama in Wellington he was a prominent figure. He was generally entrusted with the management of amateur performances by the military and others, and often took the leading parts himself with credit. In connection with his dramatic proclivities it may be mentioned that, in 1844, he helped to build the Olympic Theatre . . . He executed all the scenery and decorations himself . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Henry Hardeman, Find a grave
Musician, bandsman H.M.S. Galatea
Active Australia, 1867-68 (shareable link to this entry)
"The Attempted Assassination of the Prince. Examination of O'Farrell. FIRST DAY, FRIDAY, MARCH 13", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (17 March 1868), 2
On Frîday last, H. J. O'Farrell was brought up in the room over the debtors' prison, at Darlinghurst Gaol,
before H. H. Voss, Esq., W.P.M, charged with shooting at with intent to murder Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh,
on Thursday, the 12th of March, at Clontarf, Middle Harbour . . .
John Harding deposed: I am bandsman on board H.M.S. Galatea.
I was at the Sailors' Home Picnic at Clontarf; yesterday. Saw the Duke of Edinburgh there.
I saw the Prince go into the luncheon tent and shortly after come out again, and was coming towards where I and the rest of the bandsman were standing.
I happened to turn round from the Prince, and heard the sound of a pistol shot.
I turned round again, and then saw the Prince lying down with his hand by his side.
I did not notice prisoner. I heard another shot, and saw three men struggling together with the man who fired the pistol.
Mr. Vial was one, I don't know who the other two were.
I then ran over. I saw a pistol and a pair of opera glasses on the ground, and picked them up.
Mr. Vial was the person who had hold of the man. I gave the pistol to the bandmaster, Mr. Pritchard . . .
Charles Pritchard deposed: I am bandmaster on board H.HMS. Galatea.
I and the rest of the band were at the Sailors' Home Picnic at Clontarf.
The last witness is one of our bandsmen. He handed me a revolver.
I saw a person advance towards the Prince and fire a pistol at him.
We always keep our eyes on the Prince when he is out in public . . .
I took the pistol from Harding and gave it to the nearest officer of the ship, Lieutenant Bradley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred (royal visitor, commander of the Galatea);
Charles Pritchard (bandmaster);
H.M.S Galatea (British naval ship);
see also, "TRIAL OF THE PRISONER H. J. O'FARRELL. CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. Monday, 30th March", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 April 1868), 7
HARDING, Thomas (Thomas HARDING)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, cello and double bass player, flute player, builder, solicitor
Born Plymouth, Devon, England, 3 April 1810
Married Cordelia McAUSLAND (1813-1894), Stoke Damerel, Devon, England, 11 July 1831
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 19 September 1839 (per Recovery, from London, 19 May)
Died St. Peters, SA, 21 April 1903, aged "93" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Stoke-Damerel, in the county of Devon, in the year of our Lord, 1831; register 1831, page 240; Plymouth and West Devon Record Office (PAYWALL)
No. 237 / Thomas Harding of this parish a bachelor and Cordelia McAusland of this parish a spinster
were married in this church by banns this [11 July 1831] . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Kapunda Herald and Northern Intelligencer [SA] (15 December 1876), 2
The members of this Society gave a sacred concert, on Wednesday last . . . The orchestral accompaniment was small but efficient, as will be admitted when we mention that . . . it included our old friend Mr. Harding (bass viol,) who with his instrument is a host in himself . . .
"DEATHS", Kapunda Herald [SA] (24 April 1903), 2
HARDING. - On the 21st April, at the residence of his daughter, Payneham-road, St. Peters, of senile decay, Thomas Harding, aged 93. Arrived by the ship Recovery, 16th September, 1839.
"THE LATE MR. T. HARDING", The Advertiser (27 April 1903), 7
This afternoon the body of Mr. Thomas Harding was brought to Kapunda from Adelaide for burial. Mr. Harding until a few years ago was a resident of Kapunda, and was identified with the town's earliest days. For many years, when in the prime of life, Mr. Harding was a musician of local fame, the double bass viol being the instrument which he played. When the local Wesleyan Church singing was led by a string orchestra Mr. Harding was a leading instrumentalist, and at that time Kapunda possessed some of the best violinists in the State. Mrs. Joel Carter and Mrs. Alfred Menhennett, of Kapunda, are daughters.
"A FINE OLD COLONIST DEAD", The Advertiser (30 April 1903), 7
Mr. Thomas Harding, who died at St. Peters recently, was born on April 3, 1810. His father was a builder of Plymouth and Devon, but the son was educated for the law. He preferred his father's calling, and until 1839 he assisted him in his trade. In that year, with his wife and family, he sailed for South Australia in the ship Recovery, arriving here on October 17 of the same year. Mr. Harding assisted in the building of Government House, Government Offices, police barracks, Frome-bridge, and other prominent public erections. He then went to the River Murray, then Cockatoo and Lyndoch Valleys, and thence to Angaston. In 1850 he came to Kapunda, where he assisted in the erection of the smelting works on the Kapunda mine. He built many houses and other premises in Kapunda, and was one of the builders of the Methodist Church here. He was a great lover of music, and played a violoncello in the parish church, Plymouth, having previously been a flautist in the same choir. When in Adelaide his services were in great request, and he sometimes played in two or three places in the same evening. He was a member of the first band formed in Adelaide, when a drum had to be improvised from bullock hides. In the Kapunda Wesleyan Church he was the leading instrumentalist in the choir, which had a fame throughout the State. Mrs. Harding died about eight years ago since when Mr. Harding had resided with his daughters in Kapunda (Mrs. A. Menhennett and Mrs. Joel Carter), Mrs. Chinner (Angaston), and Mrs. Magor (St. Peters). He has left eight children, 57 grandchildren, about 120 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.
"THE LATE MR.THOMAS HARDING", Kapunda Herald (1 May 1902), 3
. . . He helped to build the smelting works and the bull-engine smoke stack on the Kapunda Mines and afterwards built many houses in and around Kapunda, including the present Wesleyan Church. He was a great lover of music, and played well on several instruments, but his favorite was the violoncello. This old instrument, which is still in the town, he played at the Parish Church at Plymouth when he was 17 years old, and before that he played a flute in the same choir. When in Adelaide he was in great request, and sometimes played in two and three places in one nighty getting £2 2s. payment at each place, he was in the first band formed. They had their instruments, but were unable to get a drum, and made a substitute, using a bullock hide for the ends. On settling in Kapunda he joined the Wesleyan Church, and was leader of the choir, which was then known all over the colony. Two violins (Messrs. Thos. Rose and G. Fry), two flutes (Messrs. J. Rowe and Williamson), and two cellos (Messrs. Harding and J. Rose), and the four parts were well represented with singers. Often he was heard, in Mrs. Rose's absence, leading the singing and playing the bass at the same time. Afterwards for many years he played in the Philharmonic Society (late Mrs. Howe, pianiste), until, in 1882, his hand getting cramped he was unable to finger the strings, he resigned, and was presented with a handsome silver snuff box which he always greatly prized . . .
HARDMAN, Daniel (Daniel HARDMAN)
Musician, double bass (contrabass), violoncello, and violin player, violinist, ophicleide player, hairdresser, hatter, licensed victualer
Born York, Yorkshire, England, 18 September 1806; son of Edmund HARDMAN and Ann DUKE
Married [1] Elizabeth POULTNEY (c. 1807-1866), Nottingham, 13 April 1831
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 23 December 1852 (per Peru, from London and Cork, 5 September)
Married [2] Frances STONEBRIDGE (Mrs. SHELDON) (c. 1806-1896), the Manse, Richmond, 12 March 1867
Died South Melbourne, VIC, 17 August 1891, aged "86", "colonist of 38 years" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Daniel Hardman was the son of Edmund Hardman (1768-1840), hairdresser, and his wife Anne Duke (1763-1834), and grandson of John Hardman, musician. He and his eldest brother William (1792-1855 suicide) both started out in their father's trade, but turned to music professionally, as string players, William being appointed musicseller in York to the queen and duchess of Kent in 1839 (Daniel was a partner), which was probably the pretext for Daniel's later claim to have performed before the queen and her mother, and to the infant prince Alfred, at Windsor. William and Daniel were both also founder members of the York Choral Society. He was appointed a York City Wait (York Waits) in 1829. By 1833-34, he and James Walker were also leading the so-called "Orange" (Whigs) election brass band, in which he played, among other instruments, the ophicleide. He was reportedly insolvent in 1847. He emigrated to Victoria in 1852.
Births, Baptist, York, 1806; register 1779-1835, fol. 23v; UK National Archives, RG4/3518 (PAYWALL)
Daniel Hardman Born Sept'r 18th 1806 Son of Edmund Hardman Hairdresser of the parish of St. John's in the city of York
son of William Hardman translater of the said city and Ann Maymond his wife
Likewise son of Anne Duke wife of the said Edmund Hardman, daughter of Michael Duke translater of the said city and Mary his wife
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Hardman (c. 1768-1840), of the parish of St. John, Micklegate, and Ann Duke (1763-1834), of the Bedern, married at Holy Trinity, Goodramgate, York, on 7 June 1791
"Signor Fabri's Concert", York Herald [Yorkshire, England] (23 August 1828), 2 (PAYWALL)
Last Thursday evening, Signor Fabri, from Venice, gave a concert at the Masonic Hall, in this city . . . A select and highly respectable auditory honoured the performance with their presence, which was greatly enhanced by the assistance of the superior band of the Dragoon Guards. A Solo on the Bass Horn, by Mr. Davis, of this band, showed him a perfect master of his difficult instrument, and produced astonishment in the auditory, amongst whom we observed some of our first professional gentlemen and amateurs. Master Edelmann's flute solo was also greatly and justly admired, and an Obbligato on the Violoncello, by Mr. D. Hardman, of this city, called forth the loudest applause. Mr. Brown, of this city, presided at the Piano Forte, and acquitted himself with much ability. Signor Fabri, though past the age when vocal talent can be exerted with full effect, did the utmost to please his auditory, and as a whole, the concert proved a gratifying treat to those who heard it.
York corporation minutes, 15 January 1829; transcribed in J. Merryweather, York music, the story of a city's music from 1304-1896 (York: Sessions Book Trust, 1988)
Daniel Hardman of York, musician, app'ted one of the City Waits with the usual salary.
Marriages, Nottingham, 1831; Nottinghamshire Archives, Bishop's Transcripts, 1813-36, page 232 (PAYWALL)
13 April 1831 / Daniel Hardman of St. John, Micklegate, York and Elizabeth Poultney of Radford, Nottinghamshire
"MARRIAGES", York Herald [England] (14 May 1831), 3 (PAYWALL)
Lately, at Nottingham, Mr. Daniel Hardman, of this city, musician, to Miss Elizabeth Pultney, of the former place.
[Advertisement], Yorkshire Gazette (17 March 1832), 2 (PAYWALL)
RESPECTFULLY informs the Inhabitants of this City and Neighbourhood, that he has undertaken the Business lately carried on by his Father;
and has added thereto the Sale of PERFUMERY and HATS, which he is determined to offer on the most reasonable Terms.
D. H. begs to assure his Friends, that the utmost Care will be taken in selecting Articles of the very best Quality.
York City, waits, 1833-35;
1833 / Mr. Rich'd Brown, Chris'r Brown & Dan'l Hardman, City Waits - 12-0-0
1834 ditto / 1835 ditto
Municipal Corporations act, discussed in York Corporation minutes, 1836 and 1837
The number of City Waits was formerly five, but is now reduced to two, the vacancies occasioned by death not having been supplied. Mr. Christopher Brown and Mr. Daniel Hardman are the survivors. Their salaries are £4 per annum each, with Livery Coats and Hats found once in six years, the expense whereof has averaged £1:1:0 per annum each. Your Committee are of the opinion that the Waits and the Tipstaves may be dispensed with, and they recommend those offices to be abolished. 8th February 1836.
Resolved . . . that bonds be given under the Common Seal to Mr. Daniel Hardman and Mr. Christopher Brown, late City Waits, for securing the payment of an Annuity of £2:13:4 to each of them, for his life, being compensations directed by the Lords of the Treasury to be paid to them respectively for the loss of their said office. 13th February 1837.
"AQUATIC EXCURSION", Yorkshire Gazette (16 June 1838), 2 (PAYWALL)
On Tuesday last, a trip was taken by "The New Ehor" steamer, to Naburn, with the members and friends of the York Mechanics' Institute . . . [At Naburn] Mr. D. Hardman's band was attendance, and during the afternoon informed several popular airs . . .
"YORK CHORAL SOCIETY", Yorkshire Gazette (4 May 1839), 6 (PAYWALl)
The annual meeting this flourishing and numerous society (consisting of 260 members) took place in the Festival Concert Room, on Monday last . . . The following officers were then unanimously re-elected: - Mr. D. Hardman, vice-president . . . Mr. James Dixon, secretary of music, and Mr. B. Shaw, choral conductor. A scrawl then took place for twelve committee-men, when the following were elected : - Instrumental Performers - Mr. William Hardman . . . Mr. Dixon then proposed, and Dr. Belcombe seconded, that a committee should be formed to conclude upon the best means presenting some testimonial of respect to Mr. Daniel Hardman, for his valuable and persevering services to the York Choral Society, during the five years he has been vice-president. This was carried by acclamation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hardman (musician, musicseller, eldest brother); born York, 30 March 1792; died York, 23 November 1855, aged "63"
"TOKEN OF RESPECT", York Herald [England] (11 May 1839), 3 (PAYWALL)
At the annual meeting the York Choral Society, last week, it was determined to present Mr. Daniel Hardman, of Bridge-street, with some testimony regard for his faithful services as Vice President of the society. Accordingly a very richly chased and handsome silver snuff-box, the value five guineas, has been provided, and is now ready for inspection at the shop of Mr. Houlson, in Spurriergate, with the following inscription engraved on the lid, viz.: - "Presented to Mr. Daniel Hardman, by the York Choral Society, in testimony of their regard and approbation of his valuable services as Vice President during a period of five years. May 1st, 1839.
"RE-OPENING OF STILLINGTON CHURCH", Yorkshire Gazette (24 April 1841), 6 (PAYWALL)
On Thursday last, the church at the village of Stillington, which has undergone a thorough repair and has been enlarged, was re-opened for divine service. It being known that firstrate vocal talent had been engaged for this occasion no little stir was caused among the inhabitants, and at early hour in the morning the village was filled with visitors. Mr. Barker, Mr. Lee, and Masters Hopkinson, Frankish, and Wilkinson, all from the choir of the Cathedral, and Mr. Wilkinson and Signor de Braunhelder, rendered their assistance. The following members of the Choral society also attended, viz., Mr. Stewardson, principal violincello, Mr. D. Hardman, double bass, Mr. Walker, clarionet, Mr. B. Wilkinson, trombone, Messrs. Swann and Watson, flutes, Messrs. Pape and Judson, second violins, Mr. Dodd, bassoon, and Mr. Webb, trumpet. Mr. Dennis was the leader, and Mr. Hunt the conductor . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, York, Yorkshire; UK National Archives, HO107/1354/7/5/4/1 (PAYWALL)
Bridge Street / Daniel Hardman / 30 / Hatter // Elizabeth / 30 //
Mary / 9 // Edmund / 7 // Eliza / 6 // Fanny / 1 // Alice / 3 months
"YORK CHORAL SOCIETY", York Herald (16 October 1841), 3 (PAYWALL)
Last night the eighth anniversary concert of this society was given in the Concert Room, when a large and respectable company attended. This was one of the best concerts we ever heard . . . Mr. D. Hardman's was a spirited performance on his double bass, in the song, "Thy mighty power." Mr. W. Hardman was the leader and Mr. Shaw the conductor . . .
"MALTON CONCERT", Yorkshire Gazette [England] (1 April 1843), 5 (PAYWALL)
. . . took place in the large Assembly Room on the evening of Tuesday last . . . The vocal performers were Mr. Kaye, with Miss Andrews and Mr. Ruckley, from York. The instrumental performers were Mr. D. Hardman, the double bass, Mr. G. Hick, who presided at the piano forte, both of this city; and the rest the band was composed of native talent, being members of the Malton Harmonic Society . . . Instead of the Fantasia Extempore on the piano by Mr. Hick, an overture from the "Caliph of Bagdad" was played that young gentleman, accompanied by Mr. D. Hardman on the double bass, and Mr. Kaye on the violin - it gave great satisfaction . . .
"STILLINGTON CHORAL SOCIETY", York Herald [England] (13 January 1844), 7 (PAYWALL)
The members of this society gave their first Concert of Sacred Music, on Thursday, the 4th inst., in the National School-room . . . . . . Our space will not allow us further to mention the beautiful pieces which were admirably performed, but we must not omit "O Liberty," which was sung by Mr. Wilkinson, to a very pleasing style, accompanied by W. D. Hardman on the violoncello. Handel's anthem "The waves of the Sea rage horribly," was given by Mr. Reader, with contra basso obligato, by Mr. D. Hardman . . .
"HULL SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Hull Packet [Yorkshire, England] (12 April 1844), (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Daniel Hardman, (the celebrated performer on the contra basso) has, in the name of the York Choral Society, offered the gratuitous use of their splendid musical library, to the committee of the Hull Sacred Harmonic society.
[Advertisement], Yorkshire Gazette (8 February 1845), 4 (PAYWALL)
HARDMAN'S QUADRILLE BAND will be in attendance . . .
[Advertisement], York Herald (27 March 1847), 4 (PAYWALL)
DANIEL HARDMAN, of the City of York, Innkeeper, hath by Indenture of Assignment, bearing date the Nineteenth day of March instant,
assigned all his Estate and Effects unto GEORGE DENNIS, of the said City of York, Miller,
and MICHAEL VARVILL, the Younger, of the same City, Plumber and Glazier, in Trust,
for the equal benefit of such of the Creditors of the said Daniel Hardman . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Pancras, Marylebone; UK National Archives, HO107/1495/40/73 (PAYWALL)
25 Hastings Street / Daniel Hardman / Head / Mar. / 44 / Musician / [born] York York
Elizabeth / Wife / 43 / Embroideress / [born] Leicester Ashby-de-la-Zouch
Elizabeth / Daur. / 15 / Embroideress // Alice / 10 / [both born] York York
Sarah / 2 / - / [born] Warwick Birmingham
"YORK CHORAL SOCIETY", York Herald [England] (1 October 1853), 9 (PAYWALL)
Many of our readers will be aware that the above society, which has greatly promoted the taste for music in this city, has existed for many years, and that on most occasions it has tended much to promote the gratification of our fellow-citizens . . . Mr. North next proposed the healths of the instrumental performers, and Mr. B. Wilkinson, in returning thanks, stated that Mr. D. Hardman, late of this city, had, by constant practice, been able to surmount the difficulty of playing the double bass violin . . .
Melbourne, VIC (from 23 December 1852):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Peru, from London, 2 September 1852, for Port Phillip, 23 December 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Hardman Daniel / 44 / Musician // Elizabeth / 43 // Alice / 11 // Sarah / 4
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 March 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. Thursday Weekly Concert. Mr. MEGSON, Leader.
Principal Vocal Performers: - Soprano, Mrs. Testar; Tenori, Mons. Barre and Mr. Huxly; Basso, Mr. Bancroft.
Principal Instrumental Performers - Messrs. Megson, Reed, Cooze, Johnson, Chapman,
Hardman, Portbury, &c., with several of the Band of the 40th Regiment. Mr. Buddee, Pianist.
Prices of admission - To the public, 2s. reserved seats, 3s; members of the Institution, 1s. 6d
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Anthony Barre (vocalist); Mr. Huxley (vocalist); Richard Bancroft (vocalist); Joseph Megson (instrumentalist); Thomas Reed (instrumentalist); William Joseph Cooze (instrumentalist); Henry Johnson (master, 40th band); George Chapman (instrumentalist); Benjamin Portbury (instrumentalist); Julius Buddee (pianist); Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Thursday concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 April 1853), 1
TO be Sold cheap, the "Banking Magazine," from October, 1844, to October last, complete, except for the first volume, which is out of print . . .
May be seen at Mr. Hardman's, hairdresser, Eastern Market, a few yards from Little Collins-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 April 1853), 12
GRAND CONCERT, This Evening,
THE first of a series of Two Concerts will take place at the above Hall,
on Monday Evening, 25th inst., under the direction of Mr. George Chapman.
Principal Vocal Performers: Miss Graham (her first appearance.) Mr. Moran.
Leader - Mr. Fischer.
The Band will consist of the following talented Performers:
Violins - Messrs. Fischer, Strebinger, and Thomson.
Viola - Mr. Thomas.
Basso - Messrs. Elze and Hardman.
Clarionet and Oboe - Sig. Blum.
Flute - Herr Rosentengel.
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. G. Chapman.
Pianoforte - Herr Hertz and Mr. Thomson.
Overture - Anna Bolena - Donizetti.
Song - Annie Laurie - Miss Graham.
Waltz - Die allpler - Lanner.
Solo - Oboe, from Il Barbiere di Seville - Rossini.
Song - Kathleen Mavourneen - Mr. Moran.
Solo - Cornopean, from Lucia di Lammermoor - Donizetti.
Quadrille - Jabel - Strang.
PART II. Overture - Victoria - Muller.
Song - John Anderson my Joe - Miss Graham.
Solo - Violin - Fantasia - M. Strebinger.
Waltz - Faust - D'Albert.
Song - Madoline - Mr. Moran.
Quadrille - Cherbourg - D'Albert.
Finale - God save the Queen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Chapman (conductor, as above); Amelia Graham (vocalist); Mr. Moran (vocalist); Mr. Fischer (violin, leader); Frederick Strebinger (violin); Mr. Thomson (violin); Herbert Thomas (viola); Herr Elze (bass); Herr Blume (oboe, clarinet); Ferdinand Nicholas Rosenstengel (flute); Herr Hertz (piano); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (this shortlived association slightly predated the continuing society of the same name formed a few months later as the Melbourne Choral Society); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (28 April 1853), 5
The following is the programme for to night [Thursday], and a very good bill of fare it presents: -
PART I. Overture - Gazza Ladra - Full Band . . . Quadrilles - Henry Russell . . .
PART II. Overture - Zampa, Full Band . . .
Song - Thy Mighty Power with Double Bass obligato, by Mr. Hardman, as played by Signor Dragonetti, Mrs. Testar.
Gallop - Post Horn, Full Band . . .
MUSIC: Thy mighty power (Novello); Domenico Dragonetti (English double bass palyer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 May 1853), 12
GRAND CONCERT . . . MR. MEGSON . . . will give his
NINTH ANNUAL, and Farewell Concert, at the Mechanics' Institute.
On MONDAY EVENING, 23rd May, on which occasion he will be assisted by . . .
Mr. Reed, Mr. Cooze, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Hardman, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Chapman, and
Several other professional gentleman; also part of the Band of the 40th Regiment.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Tancredi (full band) - Rossini . . .
Song - The Mighty Power, Mrs. Testar, (double basso obligato), Mr. D. Hardman - Novello . . .
The Great Exhibition Quadrille, (with all effects full band) - Jullien . . .
PART II. Overture - Guy Mannering (full band) - Bishop . . .
Waltz - Faust (full band) - D'Albert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Jenkins (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 June 1853), 8
MR. DENNING'S Select Full Dress Subscription Ball will be held on
Tuesday next, 21st inst, at the Protestant Hall . . .
Herr Strebinger, the celebrated violinist, Mr. Johnson. Band-master 40th regiment,
Messrs. Reed, Hardman, Chapman, Cooze, and other distinguished musicians, are engaged for the occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cornelius Peter Denning (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 July 1853), 8
OPEN every Evening, the Salle de Valentino.
Proprietor, Mr. James Ellis, of Cremorne Gardens.
Grand Promenade Concert, a la Musard. Conductor - Mons. Fleury . . .
Instrumental Solo Performers: Violins, M. Fleury and Paltzer;
clarionet, Mr. Johnson; ophecleide, Mr. Hartigan;
coronet-a-piston, Signor Maffei; sax-horn, Mr. Baker;
flute, Mr. Murcell; contra basso, Mr. Hardman.
Programme for Monday, July 25, and during the Week: -
PART I. Overture - L'Italiana in Algerii - Rossini
Valse - A deux temps - Jullien . . .
Quadrille - Les Echos Suisses, with the original echo effect - Musard . . .
Valse - Summer Flowers - Tinney . . .
PART II . . . Quadrille - Les diamans de la Couronne - Musard . . .
Galop - The Sturm March . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Achille Fleury (conductor, violin, leader); Jacques Paltzer (violin); Henry Johnson (master, 40th band); Joseph Hartigan (40th band); Joseph Maffei (cornet); Mr. Murrell [sic] (40th band); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 January 1854), 3
CONTINUATION of Tattersall Concert. -
Signor Maffel begs to inform the public that the above concert will be transferred to the saloon of the
Mechanics' Institution on Thursday next, the 5th January, and will be continued on Saturday, Monday and Thursday evenings following.
The most powerful and favorite band comprises,
Monsieur Fleury, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Reed, Mr. Hardman, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Steward, Mr. Hartigan, Signor Maffei,
and the other members of his incomparable band at Tattersall's . . .
The programme will appear on Wednesday, and will be changed every concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Stewart (40th band); Tattersall's Bazaar (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1854), 10
SATURDAY, January 14th. Mechanics Institution. Fifth Grand Concert.
Vocalist: Madame Carandini, Mrs. Testar, and Mr. Lavenu, the Great Comic Singer.
Soloists: M. Fleury, Hardman and Johnson.
Programme: PART I. Overture - Masaniello - Auber . . .
Grand Duette - Power of Sound - Mr. Hardman and Johnson . . .
PART II. Overture - Preciosa - Weber . . .
Waltz - Cellarius, with cornet obligato - Reed . . .
Galop - Victory - Linley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (vocalist, pianist)
MUSIC: Probably an arranged excerpt from The power of sound (symphony by Spohr)
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 January 1854), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO, top of Bourke-street east, open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
with Grand Vocal and Instrumental Promenade Concerts, a la Musard.
The orchestra will comprise the following artistes: - Mons. Fleury, Signor Maffei,
Messrs. Johnson, Reed, Hardman, and the principal portion of the band of the 40th Regiment . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 October 1854), 8
This Evening, Thursday, October 26th. The Philharmonic Society will perform
a Selection from Handel's Grand Oratorio of JUDAS MACCABAEUS . . .
Bassos: Messrs. Hardman, Gover, and Harndorf . . .
Leader: Mr. Jos. Griffiths.
Conductor: Mr. J. Russell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor); Joseph Griffiths (leader); Henry Barman Gover (bass); Hermann Harndorff (bass); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Victorian Exhibition 1854 (event); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue); Hardman was billed to appear in the orchestra for all the Exhibition Philharmonic concerts through November and into early December
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 March 1855), 8
PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY - Mechanics' Institution -
On Tuesday next, April 3rd, will be repeated a Selection from Handel's Oratorio SAMSON . . .
Instrumentalists: - Messrs. Griffith (leader), King, Paling, Hardman, Reed, Radford, King, jun., Biggs, &c.
The Band and Chorus will number upwards of 100 performers Conductor, Mr. Russell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); William Henry Paling (violin); one of the Radford brothers (violin); probably Thomas King (? clarinet); Jesse Biggs (bassoon)
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Age (14 February 1856), 3
. . . The organ, under the judicious management of Mr. Gould, and the numerous and effective band under the control of Mr. Griffith, left little to be desired, especially when such artistes as Creed Royal, Fleury, Johnson, King, and Hardman, are included in its numbers. We do not remember to have heard the instrumentation of the "Creation" better performed on any occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Green Goold (organist); Creed Royal (flute)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 May 1857), 1
VIOLINIST WANTED, one who understands Quadrille Business. Apply Mr. Hardman, Little Collins-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 October 1857), 8
HANOVER ROOMS, QUADRILLE, 189 Swanston-street, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Hardman's String Band. Ladies by introduction.
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 November 1857), 8
HANOVER ROOMS. - Quadrille eight o'clock Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Hardman's String Band; Solo-Violinist, Mr. Munyard.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Munyard (violin)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 December 1857), 8
HANOVER ROOMS. Select QUADRILLE, eight o'clock, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
String Band. Contra Basso, D. Hardman.
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 January 1858), 7
TUITION in DANCING. - Messrs. WIVELL and HARDMAN will give
INSTRUCTION in DANCING, comprising all the new and popular dances,
including La Varsovianna, Labitzka, Rowda Valse Deux Temps, Quadrilles, &c.,
at the Hanover Rooms, Swanston-street, every Wednesday evening, from 8 to 10 o'clock . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward James Wivell (dancing master)
"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (26 January 1858), 4
At the annual meeting of this society, held a few days back, the committee presented a report of their proceedings for the past year, from which it appears there has been no considerable decrease in the debt owing by the Society . . . The success which attended the production, for the first time in this hemisphere, of the greatest work of the age - Mendelssohn's "Elijah" - suggested to many friends of the society the expediency of repeating this grand oratorio as an extra concert, in order to reduce or possibly extinguish the debt; but your committee have been disappointed to find that though the services of Mr. Wray, Mr. Johnson and Band, and Messrs. Rider, Thomas, and Hardman were gratuitously rendered on this occasion, and the extraordinary efforts of the society in the preparation of the performance were crowned with unprecedented success, yet the inevitable expenditure exceeds by £48 the whole receipts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Beresford Wray (musician); George Hopwood Ryder (musician); Herbert Thomas (musician, as above)
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 February 1858), 8
HANOVER ROOMS QUADRILLE, 189 Swanston-street, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Hardman's String Band. Ladies, free tickets.
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (24 January 1859), 3
THEATRE ROYAL. First Night of English Opera.
First appearance at this Theatre of those popular vocalists: -
Conductor - LINLY NORMAN.
THE Orchestra has been powerfully increased, and will include the names of the following eminent performers: -
First violin, Mr. J. Paltzer; second violin, Herr Schmidt; tenor, Herr Weiderman;
double bass, Mr. Hardman; flute, Herr Seide; clarionet, T. King . . .
An Efficient Chorus has been Engaged.
THIS EVENING, MONDAY, Will be produced Balfe's world famed Opera, THE BOHEMIAN GIRL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Harland (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Linly Norman (conductor); ? Henry Schmidt (violin); Traugott Wiedemann (viola); Julius Siede (flute); Thomas King (as above); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue); English Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 August 1859), 8
Contra Basso. - Mr. Chapman, Hardman, Gover, Thorne . . .
Conductor - Mr. Russell. Leader - Mr. King . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Chapman (bass); James Thorne (bass); Handel centenary (event)
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1860), 8
MR. WIVELL'S ACADEMY and ASSEMBLY-HALL, 80 Fitzroy-street, Collingwood. -
for pupils and friends, on which occasion the new dances (from Mademoiselle and Mons. Gilmour's academie, Paris) taught by Mr. Wivell, will be danced . . .
The orchestra will comprise English talent, conducted by Mr. H. Cousens, principal violinist, Mr. Munyard, Herr Imberg, and Messrs. Hardman and Young.
The programme will consist of 20 dances. Dancing to commence at 8 and conclude at 1.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Charles Cousins (conductor); Julius Imberg (musician); Jacob Young (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1861), 8
in aid of the Fund for Relief of the Widows and orphans of the Soldiers of the 40th Regiment who have fallen in New Zealand, will be given in the
Principal Violin - Mr. A. J. LESLIE. Conductor - Mr. G. R. G. PRINGLE . . .
Double Basses, Messrs. Hardman, Gover, Peters, Thorne . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander J. Leslie (violin); George Robert Grant Pringle (conductor); ? William Peters (bass); Musical Union (Melbourne association)
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 September 1861), 8
On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, In the Town-hall, Chapel street,
Handel's Oratorio, The MESSIAH Will be performed,
In aid of the Funds of the Prahran and South Yarra Benevolent Society . . .
First Violin - Mr. Leslie . . . Double Bass - Mr. Hardman . . .
Conductor - Mr. G. R. G. Pringle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prahran Philharmonic Society (association); Prahran Town Hall (venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 June 1864), 8
THIS EVENING, Monday, 20th inst. . . .
Pianist, Mr. Harcourt Lee; violoncello, Mr. D. Hardman. Conductor, Mr. S. Greenwood.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harcourt Lee (pianist); Samuel Greenwood (conductor); Hockin's Rooms (Melbourne venue)
"DEATHS", The Argus (11 August 1866), 4
HARDMAN - On the morning of the 10th inst., at 62 Bank-street east, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Daniel Hardman, aged sixty years.
"BALLARAT HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Ballarat Star [VIC] (26 October 1866), 2
The production of Haydn's "Seasons" by the Ballarat Harmonic Society is one more addition to the triumphs of that body . . . Mr. Robson, as usual acted as conductor, Mr. T. King, as leader . . . The band was composed as follows: . . . double base - Mr. Hardman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Robson (conductor); Ballarat Harmonic Society (association)
"THE INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION . . . THE CONCERT IN THE EVENING", Leader [Melbourne, VIC] (27 October 1866), 8
The large hall of the Exhibition Building presented a gay and animated appearance in the evening . . . Mr. Horsley, it need hardly be said, was the conductor . . . The principal violin was Mr. Edward King . . . Violoncelli and Bassi: Messrs. Montague, Hailes, A. Kent, Gover, Hardman, Thorne, Rutter, Plock . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (conductor); Alfred Montague (cello); George Oswald Rutter (musician); Adam Plock (musician); Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition 1866-67 (event)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Ballarat Star (30 November 1866), 3
The second concert of the Ballarat Choral Society was given on the evening of Thursday, 29th November . . . The concert was conducted by Herr Carl Schmitt . . . Mr. E. King, of Melbourne, led as first violinist. The other instrumentalists were . . . contra basso, Mr. Hardman of Melbourne . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (conductor); Ballarat Choral Society (association)
[News], The Argus (12 March 1867), 5
For several years past it has been the annual custom of the Yarra boatmen to sacrifice one day's earnings in order to provide conveyance for the children of the Melbourne Orphan Asylum to a pic-nic in the Survey-paddock. On Friday last this treat was given, and nearly 300 of the little ones were made happy with a day's excursion. The proceedings were enlivened by the performances of a band, who gave their services gratuitously. - Messrs. Hardman, violin; Faulkner, harp; Matthias, cornet; Matthias, jun., piccolo . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Faulkner (harp); James Henry Matthias (cornet)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (13 March 1867), 4
HARDMAN - SHELDON. - On the 12th, inst., at the Manse, Richmond, by the Rev. John Bayley, Mr. D. Hardman, musician, Emerald-hill, to Mrs. Sheldon, of Richmond.
"THE RECEPTION CONCERT. TO THE EDITOR", The Age (29 October 1867), 7
SIR, - As an old recipient of professional engagements from the Melbourne Philharmonic Society (I may say for fourteen years),
I was surprised at remarks in Mr. Summers's letter in your issue of this morning.
I can confidently assert that the Philharmonic Society has ever given encouragement to professionals, and many musicians of good standing now owe, in a great measure, their success to its assistance.
I disparage no one, but cannot remain silent when an attack is made on a parent society, without which the grand works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart and Mendelssohn could not have been rendered.
The complaint of insult to the profession is not in my experience, borne out.
Royal Commissioners will, no doubt, deal fairly with any matter brought under their notice.
I have performed before our beloved Queen and her mother at the York festivals;
also at Windsor Palace, when Alfred was a little boy,
and shall be most happy to render my aid in giving him a hearty welcome.
These remarks are not intended to provoke a paper war - that is out of my line,
but I trust I never was ungrateful to persons or societies from whom I have received assistance.
- DANIEL HARDMAN. Emerald-hill, 28th October.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Summers (musician)
[News], The Argus (29 May 1869), 5
Mr. C. E. Horsley is responsible for the following statement, which appears in a letter addressed by him to the Musical World: . . . There are excellent schools in Melbourne and Sydney, and the finest education for both sexes and all classes can be obtained in these cities without sending the pupils to Europe, which is expensive and superfluous. At present I do not see any signs of an Australian composer, but I hope some day we may have a grand music school, and then latent talent may develope itself. We have some admirable instrumentalists in Melbourne, such as Messrs. King, E. King, A. King, Chapman, Gover, Schott, Siede, Lundberg, Hardman, Howard, Tollhurst (Mr.Tollhurst's father - the Chipp of Australia), &c. Our principal pianist - Mr. Buddee - is unrivalled on this continent. Messrs. Pringle and Lee are excellent musicians; in short, there is nothing in any branch of music that cannot be taught in Victoria and New South Wales as well as in England or Germany . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); Ernest King (musician); Alfred King (musician); Samuel Chapman (musician); Henry Barman Gover (musician); James Arthur Schott (musician); Julius Siede (musician); John William Lundborg (musician); George and William Tolhurst (musicians, son and father); Julius Buddee (pianist); George Robert Grant Pringle (musician); David Lee (musician)
[News], The Argus (30 March 1871), 4
The Melbourne German Liedertafel held their usual bi-monthly "Herren-Abend" at Weber's Assembly-rooms last evening, and there was a very large attendance . . . Messrs. John Smith, Hardman, and T. H. Guenett played a trio in B flat, by Beethoven . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Smith junior (violin); Thomas Harbottle Guenett (pianist); Melbourne Liedertafel (association)
[News], The Record and Emerald Hill and Sandridge Advertiser (23 January 1873), 2
We are pleased to notice that a grand-daughter of Mr. D. Hardman, the well-known musician, Emerald Hill, named Miss Florence Green, obtained the first prize medal as pianoforte player at the recent examination of students of the Royal Academy of Music, London.
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 December 1873), 1
VIOLIN, Violoncello, and Double Bass. -
INSTRUCTIONS given on the above instruments by Hardman,
36 Park-place, Emerald-hill. Terms and arrangements on application, or at Lee and Kaye's, Collins-street
ASSOCIATIONS: Lee and Kaye (musicsellers)
"CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. YORK", Yorkshire Gazette [England] (29 December 1883), 8 (PAYWALL)
The return of Christmas has been marked by the customary festivities in York . . . before the passing of the present Act which controls municipal corporate bodies, York possessed a body of "waits" who wore clothing of corporate purchase, and other special badges, and received a fixed salary. On the abolition the office in 1835 it became a matter of consideration as to whether they were really Corporation servants, and, as such, entitled to any consideration for their loss of office. The result of an appeal to a high court was that they were official Corporation servants, and entitled to a pension, and some £8 odd annually was awarded each. The body of "waits" numbered eight, and though the pension of these officials commenced so far back as 1835, it is a singular fact that one of them still lives to enjoy the privilege of his pension, which has periodically to be sent to him, in the person Mr. Daniel Hardman, in America [sic]. The seven who had been his fellow waits died long ago, and Mr. Hardman must now be over 80 years of age.
"DEATHS", The Argus (19 August 1891), 1
HARDMAN. - On the 17th inst., at his residence, 19 Park-place, South Melbourne, Daniel Hardman, musician, a colonist of 38 years, aged 86 years.
. . . My two first friends in the orchestra of the Philharmonic were Mr. Daniel ("Daddy") Hardman and Mr. "Sam" Chapman, 'cello and double bass players respectively. Hardman, a very old man, came from Yorkshire, the most musical county in England, and was a very experienced player on both instruments. He claimed to have played the overture to "Der Freischutz" under Weber's own direction, which is sufficient honour for any one individual, and he declared that Weber did not take it as fast as we were doing then.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Montague (musician); Samuel Chapman (musician); it is possible, but very unlikely, that Hardman himself played under Carl Maria von Weber in London during his final months; Weber made his first public appearance in England on 8 March 1826, conducting Der Freischütz at the Theatre Royal, for George Smart; he died in his sleep at Smart's residence on 5 June
Bibliography and resources:
J. W. Knowles, A list of York musicians from early times to present day (1924)
Ian Jones, Brass bands in York 1833-1924 (York: Borthwick Publications, 1995), 4-6 (PREVIEW)
Ray Farr, The Distin legacy: the rise of the brass band in 19th-century Britain (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014), 3, 7 (PREVIEW)
Richard Rastall, "THE YORK HARDMAN FAMILY", York music update
HARDY (father and son)
Musicians, violinists, blind fiddler
Active Hobart, TAS, 1850 (shareable link to this entry)
"Court of Requests. Thursday, November 7 . . . Hardy v. Dann", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate [Hobart, TAS] (14 November 1850), 4
Mr. McMinn for the plaintiff. This was an action by the plaintiff, a blind fiddler, for £8 8s. being waged for playing the violin in the defendant's public-house for a certain period. Plaintiff's son, a little boy 12 years old, who leads about his blind father, proved that the defendant had signed a written agreement, whereby he agreed to pay his father 8l 8s. for the son's fiddling for a certain period. The witness played for three months, and received all except 3l. After that period the defendant told the plaintiff that fiddling had been stopped, and he had no farther occasion for his son's services; but if it was allowed again he would still have him. The boy played from 6 to 10 p.m. in the defendant's house every night; the witness chiefly supports his blind father by playing the violin; the agreement between the parties was for six months. The defendant proposed adducing Mr. Vine as a witness, but as he had not given four days' notice of the nature of the defence, as ordered by the Act of Council, the evidence was rejected. Judgment for the plaintiff, 8l 8s.
HARDY, George (George HARDY)
Musician, clarinet (clarionet) player, bandsman, Band of the 12th Regiment, bandmaster, soldier, shoemaker, inn-keeper
Born Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, 1833; baptised St. John, Stanton, Suffolk, 28 July 1833; son of George HARDY and Lucy GAME
Married Eliza CATCHPOLE (1831-1912), Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, 1854 (1st quarter)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 19 October 1854 (per Camperdown, with 12th Regiment)
Discharged (12th Regiment), Sydney, NSW, 11 August 1863
Died Maryville, NSW, 21 August 1896, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
Baptism, Stanton St. John Baptist, Suffolk, 1833; England, select births and christenings, (PAYWALL)
28 July 1833 / George son of / George and Ann / Hardy
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hardy and Ann Game married at Somerton, Suffolk, on 8 May 1832
Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1855; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2972 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2963 / Hardy George / . . . Band
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 March to 30 June 1863; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2986 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2963 / Hardy George / . . . Band
Paylist, 12th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1863; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2986 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2963 / Hardy George / . . . Discharged 11th August
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (6 November 1863), 1
BAND No. 1 BATTERY V. A. - A full attendance of Members at the Practice-room, on FRIDAY EVENING, at 6 o'clock sharp, is particularly requested.
GEORGE HARDY, Band-Sergeant.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Volunteer Artillery Band (volunteer military)
"ALBERT ATHLETIC SPORTS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (10 November 1866), 5
. . . The large band, under the direction of Mr. Hardy, were present, and played, a choice selection of music during the day . . .
[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1867), 5
On the last night of 1866, the amateur band formed by the employes of Messrs. Alderson and Sons assembled at Darlinghurst Court-house, whence they marched to Midhurst Villa, the residence of Mr. W. M. Alderson, for the purpose of according musical honours to the old and the new year. They were heartily welcomed by Mr. Alderson, and played in a style that reflected much credit upon their bandmaster, Mr. Hardy.
[Advertisement], Empire (12 July 1867), 1
The splendid new Band, from Messrs. Alderson and Sons' factory, will play the following selections: -
Quick March, Good-bye at the door
Selection, Il Trovatore
Waltz, Passion Flower
Polka, Elipse
Selections, Crispino e la Comare
Quadrille, Alfred (first time)
Quick March, Seeing Nelly Home
Polka Mazurka, Enchantress
Galop, Times and Telegraph
God Save the Queen.
Leader, Mr. G. HARDY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Pompeo Cavallini (composer, band master)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (9 November 1867), 12
in Celebration of the BIRTHDAY of H. R. H. the PRINCE OF WALES . . .
The SPLENDID BAND of Messrs. ALDERSON and SON'S Factory will attend (in uniform),
having kindly volunteered their services, and will play the following selections: -
1. Quick March - Fireman's - C. Shoultz
2. Overture - Le Cheval de Bronze - Auber
3. Quadrille - Echoes of London - Coote
4. Grand Selection - La Sonnambula - Bellini
5. Comet Polka - Butterflies - Richerson
6. Quick March - Her bright smiles haunt me still - Richerson
7. Selection - Scotch medley - Cavalini
8. Waltz - Farewell - Rille
9. Galop - Valentine - Rille
God save the Queen.
Conductor - G. Hardy . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (7 December 1868), 8
TO-NIGHT, 7th December, in the Exchange.
PROGRAMME . . . 4. Grand aria - "Gratias agimus Tibi" - Guglielmi - Madame ANNA BISHOP, with clarionet obligate by Mr. HARDY . . .
JOHN DEANE, Conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); John Deane (conductor); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); Exchange Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1868), 4
MASONIC HALL. TUESDAY, 15th December, 1868.
The Gentlemen forming the Orchestra. - . . .
Clarionette. - Mr. Hodge, Mr. Hardy . . .
Conductor - Herr Carl Schmitt.
¡ Pianist .....Mr. C. E. Horsley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sebastian Hodge (clarinet); Carl Schmitt (conductor); Charles Edward Horsley (pianist); Masonic Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 February 1869), 9
begs to inform the citizens of Sydney and the public, that he has organised a
FULL BAND of first-class MUSICIANS; and having made arrangement for a regular supply of the latest novelties in music,
he is now prepared to receive engagements for any number of performers - from six to forty -
to attend ball, picnic, quadrille, procession, or excursion parties, upon the most reasonable terms.
Applications made to Mr. B. Waters, painter, 101, Pitt-street North.
Mr. J. Pearson, 218 and 250, Pitt-street.
Mr. J. Maxwell, 217, Castlereagh-street.
Mr. H. Inglis, 248, Crown-street, near South Head Road.
Or to the Director, Mr. G. HARDY, at Mr. French's Boot Factory, South Head Road, will receive prompt attention.
"BURWOOD BAND", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate [NSW] (22 April 1876), 2
The Burwood band under the conductorship of Mr. George Hardy, will perform at the Asylum Grounds to-day,
weather permitting, the following selections:
March, "Peterstoff;" Quadrille, "Grand Duchess;" Waltz, "La Perichole;"
Schottische; fashionable march, "Prince of Wales;"
Polka, "Topaze;" galop, "Brigade;" "God Save the Queen."
"Asylum Ground", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (4 March 1878), 2
Om Saturday afternoon, the grounds at the Asylum looked their best. The afternoon was a beautiful one; and many people availed themselves of the opportunity of visiting the grounds to listen to the programme of music performed by the Artillery Band, which, under the leadership of Mr. George Hardy, discoursed some excellent music . . .
"THE LATE MR. GEORGE HARDY. Funeral of a Well-known Musician", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate [NSW] (24 August 1896), 5
THE attendance yesterday at the funeral of Mr. George Hardy was greater than had been anticipated. The route from Smedmore to Honeysuckle Point Station was lined with spectators. The band, mustering over 40 performers, played the "Dead March in Saul," the weird strains being most impressive. Mr. Barkel was with the Model Band, and the 4th Regiment was present. The suburban bands were well represented by Adamstown, with Mr. Scott, and Lambton, the Maitland Band also being represented. The basses were remarkably strong, and added greatly to the effect. The musical profession were represented by Mr. Len. Williams, J. Fry, Professor Bellini, B. Oliver, and others.
Mr. George Hardy was a native of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, and arrived in Melbourne as a bandsman in her Majesty's 12th Regiment in 1854. After two years he proceeded to Tasmania, and remained there till 1858, when he came to Sydney, receiving his discharge in 1863. He resumed his trade as a bootmaker, and, organising a band amongst his fellow tradesmen, he filled the position of bandmaster with credit to the band and himself. He also held the position of solo clarionet player in Lyster's Opera Company for a considerable period. In 1873 he received the appointment of bandmaster of the Newcastle Naval Brigade Band and also of the Volunteer Artillery Band, both bands gaining a local reputation for their bands and bandmaster. He was also bandmaster of the Great Northern Band - a popular band with the public for a long time. He was also bandmaster of several suburban bands. A large number of Newcastle musicians directly or indirectly owe their introduction to Orpheus to George Hardy. Beginners he was always willing to assist in their musical career. His name forms a connecting link between the old country musicians, such as Gladney, Bertinshaw, Phasey, and last but not least Sergeant Hardy of the Scots Guards, a cornet player never surpassed and seldom equalled for tone and execution, as Crystal Palace and Alhambra audiences can testify.
He leaves a family of four sons and three daughters all proficient musicians, who feel their loss. Mr. Hardy was a worthy citizen of Newcastle for over 23 years. He was a member of the M U.O.O.F., also a member of the Black Preceptory, and has been for 35 years a member of the R.O.F., of which he was Chief Ranger for three years. Their respect and esteem for the deceased was shown by their attendance in large numbers. Newcastle has had good cause to be proud of her bandmasters, as owing to their tuition Newcastle musicians stand second to none. What is required is appreciation similar to that meted out to bands such as those of Newtown and Bathurst. Bandmasters and bandsmen are worthy of it, as they never refuse to attend a charitable affair.
"Deaths", Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (29 August 1896), 4
HARDY. - Died, 21st August, at his residence, Hannell-street, Maryville, George Hardy, bandmaster. late bandsman H.M. 12th Regt., aged 63.
[Advertisement], Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (19 September 1896), 6
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. - Probate Juirisdiction.
In the Will of GEORGE HARDY, late of Wickham, in the Colony of New South Wales, Bandmaster,
formerly of Newcastle, in the said colony, Innkeeper, deceased.
APPLICATION will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof
that Probate of the last Will of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to
George Charles Hardy and Henry Hardy, the Executors named in the said Will . . .
Bibliography and resources:
B. and M. Chapman, "Private George Hardy (c. 1833-1895)", Australia's red coat regiments (archived NLA Pandora)
HARDY, George (George HARDY)
Musician, violinist, fiddler
Active Beechworth district, VIC, 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"Indigo Police Court. Saturday, January 29th, 1859", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (31 January 1859), 3
GEORGE HARDY was next charged with having sold two glasses of brandy, on the 18th instant, he being an un-licensed vendor.
Peter Carroll was again called. He proved that he entered the defendant's tent behind which is a dance-room, on the night of the 18th instant.
Asked for two nobblers of brandy, and obtained them from the mistress of the house.
Paid a half-a-crown for them, and received 6d change. Hop-beer is on the sign.
Bassett was present. Never saw the defendant before.
Identifies the woman outside the Court, as the woman who served him with the liquor.
To Defendant: The hour was half-past nine o'clock, and there was a fiddle playing in the ballroom.
Bassett corroborated the testimony of Carroll.
The defendant was playing the fiddle on the night in question, and the house is situated a good way down the lead, below the Sun brewery.
Saw the defendant there. The defendant denied that the sign of Hop-beer was in front.
He was only a servant of the establishment, employed to play the fiddle at the rate of £2 per week.
Constable Scanlan stated . . . Believes the defendant to be the owner.
The case was postponed until Monday to afford time for witnesses for the defence to be produced.
Bail was allowed in £50 and one surety in £50.
"INDIGO POLICE COURT. Monday, January 31st, 1859", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (1 February 1859), 3
George Hardy, on remand from Saturday was also brought up charged with the same [licensing] offence . . . Bassett's former depositions were read, and having been sworn, he was cross-examined by Mr. Norton, saw defendant playing a fiddle inside the place, we drunk dark brandy, it is a calico house. Mr. Norton stated that he should clearly prove that the place was not a calico place, and that the defendant was only hired to play the violin, at night, at the place spoken of by the witnesses he called. Robert Coventry, deposed: Know a man named Sherlock and the prisoner, was present on the 14th inst. And heard Sherlock agree to buy the house from defendant for the sum of £20. Saw the money paid, heard an agreement made by Hardy to play the violin for two pounds per week, the agreement is in my hand writing; it was an absolute sale to Sherlock for £20; defendant had no share whatever in the house, will swear that the house is a slab one . . . Case dismissed.
Musician, double bass (contrabass) player
Active Melbourne, VIC, by April 1854 and until 1871 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Mr. E. C. and Mrs. Sophie HAMDORF; see, List of passengers arrived at the port of Melbourne, 25 August 1854, from Hamburg, on board the Java; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
(Cabin) Mr. & Mrs. Hamdorff . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 April 1854), 8
CRITERION HALL, Criterion Hotel, Great Collins-street, Melbourne.
Grand Concert Promenade (a la Gungl), THIS EVENING (Saturday), 8th April, 1854,
and every evening during the week, with change of programme,
Madame Maria Carandini, accompanied by Mons. Lavenu,
Herr Strebinger, Herr Harendorf, Mr. Winterbottom,
Mr. George Chapman, Mons. Frank Koehler, Mr. Johnson,
and a full Orchestra, carefully selected from the best talent of the colony . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - Herr Strebinger.
Conductor - Mr. George Chapman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (pianist); Frederick Strebinger (violin); John Winterbottom (bassoon); George Chapman (conductor); Frank Kohler (horn) Henry Johnson (clarinet); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 June 1854), 8
GRAND CONCERT. To-night Monday, 19th June,
At the CRITERION HALL, For the Benefit of the Criterion Band.
On which occasion only the following talented artistes will appear:-
Vocalists: Miss Hamilton, Mrs. George Cox, Mr. Barsham, Mr. Gover
Instrumentalists: Herr Strebinger, Mr. Weston, Mr. Wild, Mr. James Thorne,
Signor Maffei, Mr. George Chapman, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hartigan,
Herr Koehler, Herr Harendorff
Together with the entire Criterion Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Mrs. George Cox (vocalist); Albert George Barsham (vocalist); Henry Barman Gover (musician); John Weston (musician); James Thorne (musician); Joseph Maffei (musician); Joseph Hartigan (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 July 1854), 8
WEEKLY MUSICAL PROMENADES, a la Jullien, at Rowe's Circus.
M. Winterbottom, in announcing his third Promenade Concert, a la Jullien,
To take place on Saturday, the 5th of August, 1854 . . .
Herr Strebinger . . . who has likewise been engaged as
Leader of M. Winterbottom's Monstre Band, among which may be mentioned,
Herr Strebinger, M. Radford, S. Radford, W. Radford, from the Manchester and Liverpool Philharmonic,
Herr Handoff, Herr Kohler, Signor Reichart, &c., &c., &c.,
And in addition, all the available talent in the colony will be secured . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Radford brothers (musicians); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 October 1854), 8
This Evening, Thursday, October 26th.
The Philharmonic Society will perform a Selection from Handel's Grand Oratorio of JUDAS MACCABAEUS . . .
Principal Instrumentalists: . . . Bassos: Messrs. Hardman, Gover, and Harndorf . . .
Leader: Mr. Jos. Griffiths. Conductor: Mr. J. Russell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor); Joseph Griffiths (leader); Daniel Hardman (bass); Henry Barman Gover (bass, as above); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Victorian Exhibition 1854 (event); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue); Harndorff was billed to appear in the orchestra for all the Exhibition Philharmonic concerts through November and into early December
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 June 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. - Mons. Fleury will perform on Monday, 25th inst.
- Newly decorated by the celebrated artists, Messrs. T. Pitt and Brogden. -
Fleury's Band, comprising the leading talent of the colonies, will consist of the following artistes:
Mons. Fleury, Conductor and Leader . . . Messrs. . . . Handoff, Double Bass . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violin, conductor, leader); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. Promenade Concert and Ball.
Open Every Evening. Admission One Shilling,
Double-bass - Herr Hendorff . . . M. FLEURY, Leader and Conductor . . .
"CROWN LANDS SALE . . . MELBOURNE ROAD", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (11 March 1858), 3
27 - 4p, allot 7 sec P, upset 150l per acre, improvements 12l. Herman Harndorff, at upset price.
"COUNTY COURT. Thursday, 9th September", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (10 September 1858), 2
Harendorff v. Simms - An action for £4 10s, for services rendered by the defendant, and two other musicians at the Nugget Hotel, Buninyong. As it appeared the defendant was by no means liable, judgment was given for the defendant, with 15s costs.
[Advertisement], The Star (25 September 1858), 3
THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, 25th September . . .
1st double bass - H. Herndorff
2nd " - H . Elrot . . .
Leader and conductor - M. FLEURY.
ASSOCIATIONS: Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (23 December 1858), 3
Proprietor - Mr. John Gibbs . . .
THE OPERA SEASON, Under the direction of MONS. LAVENUE,
Will commence on MONDAY EVENING, 27th DECEMBER . . .
THE PREMIERE BAND Of the Australian colonies, under the able leadership of Mons. Fleury, will comprise the following instrumentalists: -
Double Bass . . . Mons. Havendoff . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (proprietor); Lewis Henry Lavenu (as above); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (6 June 1859), 3
The following members of the dramatic, musical, and calisthenic professions . . . have much pleasure in tendering him their gratuitous services
ON MONDAY EVENING, 6th June, 1859: - . . . Herr Harendorff . . .
"VOLUNTEER ROLL OF VICTORIA, CHRISTMAS 1860", The Victorian Review: A Journal of the Volunteer Forces (21 December 1860), 14-15 (DIGITISED)
BALLARAT RIFLES . . . [15] Archibald Fleury [sic, Achille] // Herman Harndorff // William Mather . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Mather (musician)
"COUNTY COURT. Friday, 20th June", The Star (21 June 1862), 2
Harndorff v Ellis. - Mr. McDermott for the plaintiff, Mr. Walsh for the defendant.
An action to recover £111 principal and interest on an I.O.U. for £89.
The parties were musicians and had had money dealings, a loan being made by the plaintiff five years ago and certain documents passing between them,
the plaintiff alleging that the interest was omitted from the I.O.U., and that the defendant refused to sign another document with the interest added.
Cross-examined - I have received £10 and £20 in part payment of the £89, also other small sums.
A document was produced signed by the plaintiff, stating the debt to be £62 10s.
Mr. McDermott said he could not go behind that document. There had been £62 10s, and £2 10s costs, paid into Court.
Verdict was given for the amount, less costs paid in, his Honor refusing to give costs for the defendant on the ground that the defendant had had the use of the money without interest.
ASSOCIATIONS: ? Thomas Ellis (musician)
[Advertisement], The Star (24 October 1862), 3
BRASS and other instruments for sale,
including Ophicleide, Trombone, Baritone Saxe Horns, Cornets,
Double Bass, Tenor Fiddle, Guitars, and Clarinets, with every description of music.
Apply Mr. Harndorff, Theatre Royal.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 January 1865), 5
The musical portion of our metropolitan public will be pleased to bear that an effort is to be made to give them the opportunity of witnessing the performance of the more popular musical works of the day. A number of first-class performers, including Messrs. C. E. Horsley, King, E. King, Thomas, Montague, Schott, and Arndorf (as instrumentalists) . . . have formed themselves into a company, and a series of concerts will be given in the Polytechnic-hall, Bourke-street, commencing on Monday next. The music chosen will consist of operatic morceaux, and overtures, the better class of dance music, and such other instrumental and vocal pieces as are of sufficient excellence, and yet suited to a general audience.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (musician); Edward King (violin); Ernest King (violin); Herbert Thomas (viola); Alfred Montague (cello); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Polytechnic Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (24 January 1865), 4
The first of a series of concerts of vocal and instrumental music, in which most of the professional musicians of note in Melbourne are engaged, was given last night, in the Polytechnic Hall. There was a good number of people present, but the attendance was not so large as the merit of the performances deserved. The selections were rendered, for the most part, unexceptionably. The best pieces of instrumentalism were, perhaps, the overture to "Massaniello," and Haydn's beautiful quartette, "The Hymn to the Emperor," arranged for two violins, viola, and violoncello. The instrumentalists were Messrs. King, E. King, Thomas, Montague, Arndorff, Schott, and Horsley, the two latter only being soloists . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (16 December 1869), 2
"Hamlet" was repeated at the Theatre Royal last night, and Herr Bandmann's second impersonation confirms our impressions of his power, originality, and general naturalness as an actor . . . We are glad to note the presence of another Herr in the theatre again, to wit, Herr Herndorf, of the double bass, on his return from Europe. And we should compliment the orchestra for its good music generally this week, and notably for the overture from Semiramide, so stupidly interrupted on the first night of "Hamlet," by some idiots in the gallery . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 October 1871), 8
Will be given in the TOWN-HALL, On SATURDAY, the 28th INST., Between the hours of 3 and 6 O'Clock in the Afternoon.
Mr. Flock has organised an orchestra of the following gentlemen, professional and amateurs,
who in the kindest manner have given their gratuitous services to aid the BAZAAR FUND . . .
BASSI. Arndoft, Hardmann, Hailes, and Peters, Jun. . . .
Musical Director: Mr. J. SMITH, Jun.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Plock (violin, organiser); Daniel Hardman (bass); George Button Hailes (bass); ? Alfred Peters (bass); John Smith junior (conductor); Melbourne Town Hall (venue)
HARLAND, Julia (Julia Susannah WALLACK; Miss Julia WALLACK; Mrs. William HOSKINS, alias Miss Julia HARLAND)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, teacher of singing and pianoforte, actor, manager
Born Washington, DC, USA, c. 1819; daughter of Henry John WALLACK (1792-1870) and Frances JONES (d. 1836)
Married William HOSKINS (1816-1886), St. Margaret next Rochester, Kent, England, 3 September 1842
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 27 June 1856 (per James Baines, from Liverpool, England, 6 April)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 30 June 1856 (per London, from Melbourne, 28 June)
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 19 August 1872, aged "47" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (husband, actor, performing and business partner); Henry John Wallack (actor, father)

Julia Harland, c. 1851; from "Miss Julia Harland and Miss Conquest as Oberon and Puck,
engraved by J. Moore from a daguerreotype by Paine of Islington", in Drawing room table book (London: John Tallis & Company, 1851) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London, England] (31 March 1851), 4 (PAYWALL)
ROYAL GRECIAN SALOON, CITY-ROAD. Proprietor, Mr. B. Conquest . . .
THIS EVENING will be presented Shakspere's comedy of THE MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM.
Theseus, Mr. Graham; Egeus, Mr. Corri; Demetrius, Mr. C. Horn; Lysander, Mr. Phillips; Oberon, Miss J. Harland . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Conquest (proprietor)
Julia was a daughter of the English actors Henry John Wallack (1792-1870) and Frances (Fanny) Jones (d. 1836), who had married at St. Mary, Lambeth, on 20 November 1814.
Julia later claimed to have been born in Washington, D.C., in c. 1819/20, which seems likely, given that her father was reported to have performed in Baltimore in 1818/19, and that, on the family's next documented arrival in New York, from Hull, on 2 May 1821, they gave Julia's age as 2. Julia and her sister Fanny (1822-1856) were only very belatedly baptised together as adults, in London, in September 1852.
Julia's earliest certainly documented stage performance was in New York in December 1839, when she appeared with her father and sister Fanny in The hunchback at the New Chatham Theatre. She made her first stage appearance as a vocalist in New York in October and November 1840, in the opera Ahmed al Kamel; or, The pilgrim of love, under the direction of the English composer and impresario, Charles Edward Horn, who was also reported to be her singing teacher. The following month she was given the role of Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, which she sustained into the next year.
In Rochester, England, in September 1842 she married the fellow actor William Hoskins, and the new couple returned to New York immediately, where William briefly played opposite Emma Brougham, and Julia sang at the Park Theatre in The Israelites in Egypt, a staged pasticcio by Rophino Lacy of extracts from Handel's Israel in Egypt and Rossini's Mosè in Egitto.
They had returned again to England by mid November. Julia continued to appear regularly in London and the provinces under her maiden name as Miss Julia Wallack until June 1847. In Dublin, later that year, she made her debut as Julia Harland, with her vocal teacher, Henry Allen. She continued to appear opposite Allen during 1848, but by September 1849 was reported to be a pupil of the younger Manuel Garcia.
In March 1853, Hoskins and Harland first appeared with the young pianist Linly Norman. Later, in January 1855, the three began a provincial tour as the English Opera Company. Hoskins and the opera company last appeared at Gloucester in March and early April 1856, cutting short their advertised season in order to sail for Australia, with Walter Sherwin (tenor), and Robert Farquharson (bass, known in England as Farquharson Smith).
According to a report in the London press, they had been engaged by John Melton Black, proprietor of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, who accompanied them on the trip out. On arrival, however, the Theatre Royal, occupied by George Coppin and Gustavus Vaughan Brooke's company, was unavailable, and so the troupe sailed immediately for Sydney, where they opened under Andrew Torning's management at the Prince of Wales Theatre, duly restyled the English Opera House, with Bellini's La sonnambula, on 8 July 1856.
The old Queen's Theatre, Melbourne, having been remodelled by Black as Our Lyceum, they finally opened there on 1 September 1856.
New York, NY, USA (from 1821):
LIST OR MANIFEST of all the passengers taken on board the ship William from Hull, for New York, 2 May 1821; US National Archives (PAYWALL)
Wm. H. Wallack / 28 / Comedian / Great Britain
Fr's Wallack / 24 // Jas. W. Wallack / 3 // Julia Wallack / 2 . . .
New York, NY, USA (1838-41):
Passengers per ship Philadelphia from London, arrived New York, 1 October 1838; US National Archives (PAYWALL)
Julie Wallack / 18
[Advertisement], The evening post [New York, NY, USA] (23 December 1839), 3 (DIGITISED)
will be presented the Play of THE HUNCHBACK. Master Walter - Mr. Wallack;
Julia - Miss Julia Wallack; Helen - Miss Fanny Wallack . . .
[Advertisement], Morning herald [New York, NY, USA] (31 December 1839), 3 (DIGITISED)
NEW CHATHAM THEATRE. THIS EVENING, Dec. 31, 1839, will be performed the Comedy of
THE HONEY MOON - Duke Aranza, Mr. Wallack;
Juliana, Miss Julia Wallack; Volante, Miss Fanny Wallack . . .
"National. Horn's New Opera", The ladies' companion (November 1840), 49 (DIGITISED)
. . . A word now of the opera, Ahmed Al Kamel, - we wish we could speak of it in terms of praise, but as candid critics, we cannot . . . One of the most passable compositions in the opera, is the ballad sung by Miss Julia Wallack. This young lady, from a first appearance, and considering the arduous task allotted to her, acquitted herself most meritoriously; she has a most flexible and melodious voice; assiduity and study, we trust, will not by her be neglected, and a prosperous career will be sure to follow . . .
"The Winter Concerts", New-York mirror (13 February 1841), 55 (DIGITISED)
We were surprised and disappointed in not having heard the name of Miss Julia Wallack mentioned among those of the vocalists recently at Niblo's Concerts d'Hiver à-la-Musard. We had hoped that upon the discontinuance of the performances at the Park and National theatres, that as many of the principle artistes as possible who had been engaged at both houses, would have found employment for their talents elsewhere. Especially had we looked to see as great a number of vocalists from the National engaged at Niblo's as would have proved attractive. Miss Wallack, although quite young, and a debutante in music, possesses much talent, great worth, and is a most interesting girl, and many would be glad to hear her sweet voice among those who have contributed to render the winter concerts so popular. Practice must rid Miss Wallack of that undue degree of diffidence which characterized her efforts at the National theatre; but under the tuition of such an accomplished master as Mr. Horn, she will become one of the best among the many excellent vocalists now in this country . . .
[Advertisement], The evening post [New York] (31 May 1841), 3 (DIGITISED)
NIBLO'S GARDEN . . . will be opened for the season,
on MONDAY EVENING, May 31st 1841 . . . the present company consists of . . .
Mrs. Rivers, Miss Julia Wallack, Miss Fanny Wallack . . .
a new Burletta . . . called the SERGEANT'S WEDDING . . .
Katrina, in which she will introduce a new Chansanette [sic], called the "Wizard" - Miss J. Wallack . . .
[Advertisement], New-York tribune (4 August 1841), 3 (DIGITISED)
NIBLO'S GARDEN, Wednesday Evening, August 4, 1841 . . .
The whole to conclude with, first time, a Burletta Ballet . . . called
Song - The Queen of Flowers behold - Miss J. Wallack
Song - Zephyr, spread thy pinions high - Miss J. Wallack . . .
England (1842-56):
"THEATRE", Norfolk Chronicle [Norwich, England] (5 February 1842), 2 (PAYWALL)
From the commencement of the present season, a gentleman named Charles Dibdin Pitt, announced as from the Glasgow and Edinburgh Theatres has, under a temporary engagement, been playing on these boards . . . On Wednesday, Mr. Pitt performed Sir Edward Mortimer, in "the Iron Chest" . . . And Miss Julia Wallack as Barbara gave very great satisfaction. This young lady sang a song incidental to the piece with great simplicity and sweetness. Her voice is of agreeable tone, and of no ordinary compass, in the upper notes. An interlude followed under the quizzical name of "But, However," in which Mr. Hoskins performed Caleb Chizzler, the hero of "the cross-barred ineffables." - Miss Fanny Wallack, sister to Julia, appeared as the Julia of the burlesque, and was deservedly applauded. "The Crown Prince" crowned the night's entertainment, and as before provoked shouts of laughter. Mr. Hoskins is capital in the mock prince.
Marriages, St. Margaret next Rochester, Kent, 1842; England, select marriages (PAYWALL)
3 September 1842 / William Hoskins / son of Abraham Hoskins / and Julia Susannah Wallack / daughter of Henry John Wallack
"MARRIAGES", Kentish Gazette [Canterbury, England] (13 September 1842), 3 (PAYWALL)
Sept. 3, at Rochester, Mr. W. Hoskins, to Julia, daughter of Mr. H. Wallack, manager of the Kent theatres.
"MARRIAGES", Cambridge Independent Press (17 September 1842), 3 (PAYWALL)
On the 3rd inst., at Rochester, William, third son of the late Abraham Hoskins, Esq., of Wood Villa, to Julia Susannah, eldest daughter of Henry John Wallack, Esq., of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket.
[News], The Era [London, England] (6 August 1843), 6 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Hoskins, of the Norwich Theatre will be attached to the Theatre Royal Covent-garden on its opening. He is the son-in-law of Mr. H. Wallack, and has been one of the principal instigators of that gentleman becoming the lessee.
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London, England] (30 October 1846), 2 (PAYWALL)
THEATRE ROYAL, SADLER'S WELLS. Under the Management of Mr. Phelps.
THIS EVENING, Oct. 30, the performances will commence with ISABELLA; or, The Fatal Marriage . . . Villeroy, Mr. Hoskins . . .
After which, LOAN OF A LOVER . . . Gertrude, Miss Julia Wallack . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent [Ireland] (6 November 1847), 2 (PAYWALL)
Last night the new opera by Loder, called the Night Dancers, and founded the celebrated ballet of Giselle; or, the Willis, was produced with the most complete and unequivocal success . . . Miss Julia Harland, the fair pupil of Mr. Allen, who on this occasion made only her sixth appearance in the lyric drama, performed the difficult part of Giselle in a style that amply justifies us in predicting for her the very highest triumphs that combined musical and dramatic genius can win. There was a delicacy, a grace, a pure maidenly feeling in every expression and movement that the audience felt to be irresistibly charming. Passion never was exaggerated, as is too much the fashion in your coypists of Italian fervor, and yet never was aught more removed from coldness or primness than her easy, animated, and purely natural acting. In the air, "I dreamt we stood before the altar," wherein she relates to her lover the sad forebodings of her vision of Willis' life, the sweet qualities of her voice, and its careful cultivation, were peculiarly observable. Nothing could be more touching than the tender tones in which she dwelt upon the sorrowful passages; and indeed the loud encore that followed was eminently deserved. In the beautiful air, "What delightful being's this?" sung on rising from the grave to her new life as a moonlight dancer, she was equally effective. But perhaps it was in the duet with Mr. Allen - "He loves me not!" - that her beautiful singing and delightful acting united won the greatest triumph. Nothing could be more naturally effective than the manner in which, while singing, she pulled the flower to pieces; and perhaps our stage has not often witnessed a more perfect exemplification of that most difficult achievement - the ars celare artem. In the rapturous finale, "Happy Giselle," with its brilliant cadenza and quick bursts of melody, Miss Harland had an opportunity for full display of her powers; and the applause which followed, applause as enthusiastic as that usually bestowed on the "Do not mingle one human feeling" of Sonnambula - was a tribute justly deserved . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Allen (vocalist, teacher)
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Dublin, Ireland] (6 November 1847), 1 (PAYWALL)
THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Mr. ALLEN, Primo Tenore, from the Theatre Royal, Drury lane,
is engaged for a few nights, and will make his Seventh appearance on THIS EVENING (Saturday),
with his Pupil, MISS JULIA HARLAND, her Seventh performance in the Lyric Drama,
and who continues to be received with most enthusiastic applause.
THIS PRESENT SATURDAY, November 6, 1847, will be produced a new Grand Romantic Opera In Three parts, called
The Music by Mr. Loder . . . Albert, Mr. Allen; Giselle, Miss Julia Harland; Fridolin, Mr. Henry Corri . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", Dublin Evening Post (11 November 1847), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . On Tuesday evening Wallace's opera of Maritana was produced in a style highly creditable. The part Don Cesar de Bazan afforded Mr. Allen an opportunity of displaying those talents as a vocalist which have raised him to the first rank in his profession . . . Miss Harland, as Maritana, won still more with a Dublin audience from her finished execution and sweet voice . . .
"A NEW SOPRANO", Sun [London, England] (12 November 1847), 7 (PAYWALL)
We perceive by the Dublin papers that Mr. Allen, the accomplished tenor, has introduced a pupil of his own to the stage, in the person of Miss Julia Harland; and that the success of the young lady has been complete. Her voice is described as a soprano of considerable strength and exquisite sweetness. The opera selected for her debut at the Theatre Royal was the Sonnambula, in which she sustained the character of Amina to the Elvino of her preceptor, and according to the Dublin critics she has achieved a great triumph. Since the opening night Lucia di Lammermoor and Loder's Night Dancers have been produced to crowded audiences, and Mr. Calcraft, the manager, has offered terms to induce Mr. Allen and his fair pupil to prolong their stay.
"MUSICAL MEMS . . . PROVINCIAL OPERA", The era [London, England] (6 February 1848), 10 (PAYWALL)
Our favourite tenor singer, Mr. Allen, and his fair pupil, Miss Julia Harland, assisted by a basso cantante of good promise, who has been studying some time under Mr. Allen's tuition, are, we learn, about to start for the provinces to fulfil some lucrative engagements. They open at the Theatre Royal, Dublin, early in March, and from thence prosecute their tour through the country. Our readers will recollect the accounts of the sensation made by Miss Julia Harland, in Dublin, a few weeks since; there was but one opinion amongst the musical Irish as to her vocal and histrionic talent. She performed in "La Sonnambula," "Lucia," "Maritana," and "The Night Dancers," with the greatest eclat. The intention of Mr. Allen to perfect Miss Harland in the provinces, previous to her making her appearance on the London boards, accounts for his unexplained relinquishment of the repeated offers of Jullien, Bunn, and others, to perform in London during the present season. We understand Mr. Allen intends to treat his provincial friends with some musical novelties, amongst others the new operetta by our talented countryman, Mr. E. J. Loder. Miss Harland will also appear in Dublin for the first time in the operas of "Anna Bolena," "I Puritani," and the "Bohemian Girl."
[Advertisement], Cork Examiner (14 April 1848), 2 (PAYWALL)
MR. ALLEN Begs respectfully to announce . . .
he purposes giving TWO CONCERTS on MONDAY Next, 17th Inst.,
at the IMPERIAL HOTEL . . . Morning . . . and . . . EVENING . . .
Mr. ALLEN Will be assisted by his Pupil, Miss JULIA HARLAND . . .
Monsr. BOULLEMIER, and Mr. W. F. GILLESPIE, who will preside at the Piano Forte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anthony Boullemier (violin, later active in VIC)
"PRINCESS'S THEATRE", London evening standard [England] (5 October 1848), 3 (PAYWALL)
The opera of Lucia di Lammermoor was played at this theatre last night, for the purpose of introducing a Misa Julia Harland, a pupil of Mr. Allen, as the heroine. The performance was far from being satisfactory to those who judge of operatic singing by a high standard, belonging entirely to that rank of mediocrity in which there is little or no promise. The debutante has a pleasing face and a fine figure, and so far is well favoured by nature for stage exemplifications; but in other respects there seems to be but small endowments to challenge success. Her voice is thin and unmusical, and when forced beyond its natural tones singularly acute and pungent, while there is a general falseness of intonation which still further dissatisfies the ear. It is a pity that these untried and immature vocalists should make these large and hazardous attempts; a lower species of ambition would be wiser, and the prospects of ultimate success more likely to fructify. Miss Harland had, of course, ample support from her friends; she was called for, before the curtain, after the first act, and again at the close of the opera. Mr. Allen was the Edgardo, and sang with his customary taste and sensibility; and the other parts were filled by Mr. Weiss and Mr. Gregg.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist, later active in Australia)
"GRECIAN SALOON", Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (16 September 1849), 10 (PAYWALL)
The opera of "The Syren" is too familiar to the English public to render a detailed analysis of its merits necessary . . . The new version produced here on Monday was completely successful. It had the great merit of being placed on the stage in a style of superiority not always found at theatres having much greater pretensions than the one now under notice, and of being played in a manner reflecting much credit on all engaged in its representation. Miss Julia Harland, in her performance of Zerlina, did not lose a jot of the triumph she achieved in Amina, but has increased her reputation, and puts forth a new and strong claim for a high position in her profession by the artistic excellence she displayed in the delineation of the young mountain warbler echoing "her wood notes wild" among the heights of the Abruzzi. She is not seen in the first act; but her beautiful cadences and snatches of song which are heard from the wings and the back of the stage during its progress, formed a charming and promising prelude to her subsequent performances. She runs a scale of semitones through, the entire compass of her voice with the greatest facility. The graces and embellishments she employs are in the best taste, and always in character with the music she is singing. She always excels in the delivery of cantabile passages - witness the air in the commencement of the second act, "Beware, my pretty maidens;" and the duetto, "'Tis some mountaineer," both of which were delivered with depth of sentiment and impassioned expression. The sparkling roulades which so profusely adorn many of the airs in this opera are perfect specimens of truthfulness and facility. Her acting, too, is most natural - void of all effort at stage trickery. No wonder that the audience encored all that could be encored, and were enthusiastic in their applause as she crossed the stage at the conclusion. Miss Harland was formerly a pupil of Mr. Allen, but is now under the instruction of M. Emanuel Garcia. Mr. Frazer used his best efforts to support Miss Harland throughout the opera, rendering that lady essential service . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Manuel Garcia (the younger)
England census, 30 March 1851, Clerkenwell, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1519/202/4 (PAYWALL)
63 St. John St. Road / William Hoskins / Head / Mar. / 35 / Comedian / [born] Derbyshire Newton Solney
Julia Susanna [Hoskins] / Wife / Mar. / 30 / Singer and Actress / [born] America Washington . . .
Baptisms solemnized [at Christ Church, Broadway] in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1852; City of Westminster Archives Centre, CCB/PR/1/1 (PAYWALL)
No. 663 / [1852] Sept'r 2 / Julia Susannah / [daughter of] Henry John & Frances / Wallack / Lynn in Norfolk / Gentleman . . .
No. 664 / [1852] Sept'r 2 / Frances / [daughter of] Henry John & Frances / Wallack / Lynn in Norfolk / Gentleman . . .
"MR. HOSKINS'S SHAKSPEARIAN ENTERTAINMENT", Morning Advertiser [London] (23 March 1853), 6 (PAYWALL)
What may termed chamber entertainments seem to be daily gaining increasing favour in public estimation, and there are many reasons why they should, were there the time to descant upon them. Last night Mr. Hoskins added novel one to the many before the town, and produced at Sadler's Wells Theatre what he terms "Leaves from the Life, and Lays from the Lyre of William Shakspeare." It consists of two parts, the first on "the Ballad Literature of Shakspeare," which, besides being illustrated by the lecturer in a few brief and clever sentences, is vocalised by a small band of singers, consisting of Miss Julia Harland, Miss Brunton, Miss Fanny Beaumont, Messrs. Sharpe, Price, and Beale, the whole being conducted by Mr. Linly Norman. They performed a dozen of the most noted of the ballads which are interspersed in the plays. Miss Harland is by much the foremost singer of this little company, and sang "When daisies pied," "Come unto this Yellow Sand," and "Where the Bee Sucks," with great effect and feeling, and elicited on every occasion an encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (pianist, conductor)
[News], The globe [London, England] (7 November 1853), 2 (PAYWALL)
An English opera company, comprising Messrs. Reeves, Weiss, Farquharson Smith, Horncastle, Manvers, and Mrs. Sims Reeves and Miss Julia Harland, commence the season at Birmingham this evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Farquharson (Smith) (vocalist, later active in Australia); Sims and Charlotte Reeves (Vocalist)
"LYCEUM THEATRE", The musical world (19 August 1854), 555 (DIGITISED)
Taking advantage of the recess, Mr. Allcroft engaged Mr. and Mrs. Sims Beeves for a series of three farewell performances in English opera previous to their departure for the provinces. These commenced on Wednesday with Balfe's Bohemian Girl, which not having been heard in London for a long time was almost as good as a novelty . . . Besides Mr. and Mrs. Sims Reeves, Mr. Weiss, and Mr. Manvers, the cast included Miss Julia Harland as the Gipsy Queen, and Mr. Farquharson as Devilshoof . . .
[Advertisement], Cheltenham Looker-On and Gloucestershire Fashionable Weekly Gazette (20 January 1855), 1 (PAYWALL)
Royal Old Well. ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY. From the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
FOR A LIMITED NUMBER of NIGHTS, commencing MONDAY, Jan. 22, 1855, comprising the following eminent Artistes: -
Conductor, MR. LINLY NORMAN. On MONDAY, Bellini's Opera of LA SONNAMBULA, And the Musical Farce of NO SONG NO SUPPER . . .
"THE THEATRE", Gloucester Journal (19 January 1856), 3 (PAYWALL)
Want of space compelled us to defer anything like a detailed notice of the Operatic Company during the last week of their engagement here. The novelties produced were the Mountain Sylph and Don Pasquale, the first time that either has been played at Gloucester. The music of the former, but too little known opera, was very nicely executed, Miss Harland playing the heroine . . . And while are on the subject of accompaniments we must not omit our warmest praise to Mr. Linly Norman, who is one of the best accompanyists we have heard, his touch being at the same time delicate and firm, and his playing always correct and tasteful. The performances on Wednesday being under the patronage of the City Sheriff (J. M. Butt, Esq.), and for the benefit of Miss Harland, a house literally crammed to the ceiling assembled to witness the Elixir of Love and Guy Mannering . . . Friday being an extra night, and the last of the season, Don Pasquale, one of Donizetti's most elegant operas, was produced . . . we must say that were excessively pleased the thoroughly finished and artistic manner which it was represented. Miss Harland, as Norina, was delightfully arch and coquettish . . . We hear that their next visit will be about April.
"GLOUCESTER - Theatre Royal", The era (23 March 1856), 11 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Hoskins, the well-known comedian, gave a very clever entertainment last Monday . . . He was assisted in the musical portion by Miss Harland, Miss Maria Stanley, and Mr. Linly Norman. Miss Harland, who is a favourite here, was most cordially received, and encored in several of the Shaksperian songs; and Mr. Norman displayed his talent as a pianist by playing Thalberg's arrangement from Mose en Egitto . . .
"GLOUCESTER (From our own Correspondent)", The musical world (29 March 1856), 197 (DIGITISED)
An entertainment called Leaves from the Life and Lays from the Lyre of William Shakespere was given here last Monday by Mr. Hoskins, a comedian, well known in London. He was assisted by Miss Harland, Miss Maria Stanley, and Mr. Linly Norman. The first lady was encored in several songs; and the entertainment was very successful.
"THEATRICAL ARTISTES FOR AUSTRALIA", The morning herald [London, England] (8 April 1856), 5 (PAYWALL)
Mr. J. H. Wilton has engaged a corps of theatrical artistes, who were to take their departure for Australia in the ship James Baines, announced to sail yesterday morning from Liverpool for Melbourne. They have been engaged for the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, and will be accompanied by Mr. Black, the lessee and builder of that establishment, and by Mr. W. N. Lyons, Mr. Wilton's locum tenens. The artistes already engaged by Mr. Wilton are Miss Fitzpatrick, Miss Julia Harland, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Farquharson, Mr. Sherwin, and Mr. Linley Norman, Mddle. d'Antoine, and Mons. Martin. Mr. Wilton is also in treaty for an Australian trip, with Mr. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wallack, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dillon, and Miss Cushman, Mr. Charles Matthews having for the present declined Mr. Wilton's offer, on the score of the ill-health of his wife (Madame Vestris.)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hall Wilton (manager);
John Melton Black (proprietor);
Walter Sherwin (vocalist);
Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue);
see also "MORE ACTORS FOR AUSTRALIA", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (26 June 1856), 3
"GLOUCESTER - Theatre Royal", The era (13 April 1856), 11 (PAYWALL)
Much disappointment was occasioned last week by the non-appearance of Miss Julia Harland, who was announced to play in the opera of Maritana, with Mr. Linly Norman as conductor. In consequence of their absence the house was closed on the Monday night . . . (We may as well state here that Miss Harland and Mr. Norman sailed for Australia last Sunday in the James Baines, from Liverpool.)
Melbourne, VIC (from 27 June 1856):
Names and descriptions of passengers per James Baines, from Liverpool, 5 April 1856, for Melbourne, 27 June 1856; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Chief Cabin Passengers . . . Mr. Black // . . . Mr. Norman // Mr. Sherwin // Mr. Hopkins [sic] // Mrs. Hopkins // Mr. Farquharson . . .
"THEATRICAL", The Argus (27 June 1856), 5
By the James Baines the following members of the musical and theatrical professions have arrived: - Miss Julia Harland, soprano; Mr. Walter Sherwin, tenor; and Mr. Robert Farquharson, bass. Mr. Linley Inman [sic] has accompanied these artistes as musical director and conductor, and they bring with them a repertory of thirty operas, with dresses and personal appointments complete. Mr. Hoskins, a light comedian of ability, formerly attached to the Sadler's Wells Theatre, also forms part of the troupe, and will proceed forthwith to Sydney, where they are under engagement for the present.
June 27 - James Baines, R.M, ship, 2315 tons, C. McDonald, from Liverpool 6th April . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins [sic] . . . Mr. and Mrs. Farquharson . . . Sherwin, Norman, Black . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per London, from Melbourne, 28 June 1856, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mrs. Harland / 30 [sic] // . . . Mrs. Farquharson / 23 //
Mr. L. Norman / 40 // Mr. Sherrton [sic] / 48 //
Mr. Hoskins / 33 / & 2 children 4 / 3 [sic] . . .
Sydney and Maitland, NSW (30 June to 22 August 1856):
June 30. - London, steamer, 700 tons, Captain Watts, from Melbourne 28th Instant - Passengers - . . . Miss J. Harland, Mr. and Mrs. Farquharson, and 2 children . . . L. Norman, Hoskins, Sherwin . . . and 55 in the steerage.
"ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (12 July 1856), 5
The opera season commenced on the evening of Tuesday last, with Bellini's never-tiring "La Sonnambula." The occasion introduced to the Sydney public the new company who arrived in this colony, per the James Baines. The opera was supported in a manner worthy the patronage of "the lovers of the divine art." The performance being indebted for its success to a combination of talent, rather than to individual display. The musical firmament resembled a galaxy of lesser luminaries, unattended with any "bright particular star." The result of this union caused an evenness and compactness that perhaps has not been so complete and finished on any former representation. The prima donna, Miss Julia Harland, is a lady possessing considerable musical qualifications, and the impression she made as Amina was attended with success, both decided and enthusiastic . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue); Andrew Torning (manager)
"ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE. LA SONNAMBULA", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (14 July 1856), 5
The last representation of Bellini's great comic work, La Sonnambula, was given at the English Opera House, on Saturday night [12 July], and calls for a word or two of criticism. At the outset of our remarks we may say that the performance of the opera, in every essential respect, and, indeed, in many respects hitherto regarded as inessential, was all that could be desired. The cast was the best we have yet seen in the colony; the orchestra, under the baton of Mr. Linley Norman, went well from beginning to end; the chorusses were compact and well-drilled; the mise en scene was now in parts and artistic throughout; and the dresses and appointments were entirely fresh and original . . . Any abstract notice of La Sonnambula as a musical work would, at this date of our musical history, and after the sojourn among us of Madame Bishop and Miss Hayes, be somewhat impertinent - certainly uncalled for . . . Of Miss Julia Harland's heroine we have, in general terms, before spoken; but after the extraordinary success achieved in the part on Saturday night, a somewhat closer criticism is demanded. Miss Harland's Amina then, it may at once be promised, is undeniably "her own." It is a sweet, blithe, natural performance. There is none of the affected stage etiquette (which is always at fault) about the character. From the flounce of her dress to the top of her voice everything is original. The impersonation, too, is as true as it is now. Amina walks, talks, and dresses like a village maid, and not as she would were Elvino's suspicions correct, and the girl was really aiming - by means direct and indirect - to become the Countess Rodolphe. Miss Harland's voice is a mezzo-soprano of good calibre - some of the higher tones being particularly well set and powerful. In compass it would range over two octaves and three-quarters. A few of the middle tones are a little brusque, but this is atoned for by the strength and precision of the contralto. In the recitative, generally known we believe in the English version of the Opera as "Dearest Companions," the vocalist was particularly happy, while the aria, "Love me for thy Power," given cantabile sostenuto, was tendered in a manner which fully justified the enthusiastic applause with which it was received. In the touching andante, "Take now this ring," her voice was especially plaintive and pleasing, while her acting was as chastened and refined as the character allows. The only other point, space permits us to particularise, was the grand finale, "Do not mingle." This was given first as a moderato in common time; but, a repetition being demanded, the cantatrice showed her originality of conception by warbling it as an allegretto movement, identifying the time by throwing a strong accent on the third beat of each bar. The effect of this variation was particularly spirited, and the curtain fell for the second time amidst the heartiest applause. Miss Harland received a warm ovation during the progress of the opera . . . The company will appear this evening in Lucia di Lammermoor . . . As the entire work of Donnizetti has never been played before in Sydney, and as the prices of admission to the theatre are considerably reduced, a large audience may naturally be expected. After the small houses of the past inclement week, we look with some degree of interest to the performance of to-night.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Catherine Hayes (vocalist)
"ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1856), 5
The company of vocalists have announced their last performances in Sydney. If they have not met success, they have deserved it. It is certain that a variety of circumstances have been inauspicious to them, causing many patrons of music to absent themselves from their performances. The opening night of the operatic season was peculiarly unfortunate, falling as it did on the evening when the majority of our music-loving families were attending the Philharmonic concert. On the following evening torrents of rain and dark muddy streets kept people within their homes, and this week, the opening of the theatre in York-street, together with attractions at the Victoria, have considerably influenced the state of the operatic exchequer. We have, on several occasions expressed ourselves in terms of high admiration on the combined talent of the company; and the loud applause that greets the prima donna, Miss Julia Harland, the fine tenor, Mr. Walter Sherwin, and the popular basso, Mr. Farquharson, evince the satisfaction of those parties who have attended the representations of La Somnambula and Lucia Di Lammermoor. Some evidence of the musical proficiency, and love of art of this new company may be gained from the fact of Donizetti's opera being produced in all its original entirety. Its success was considerable, and the occasional blemish that ever attend a first performance were not observable on succeeding representations. This evening the performances, comprises the whole of Lucia di Lammermoor, and one act of Somnambula.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lyceum Theatre (York-street venue); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue), also under Torning's management, where Harland's husband, William Hoskins, was one of the attractions
"PRINCE OF WALES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (26 July 1856), 2
The novelty of the week has been the production of Balfe's beautiful Opera of "The Bohemian Girl." Miss Julia Harland as Arline increased considerably the very favorable opinion which every one who had previously heard her had formed of her vocal and histrionic powers. Her success in fact was complete. Mr. Farquharson as Devilshoof. and Mr. Walter Sherwin as Thaddeus, both exerted themselves most successfully to make the Opera go off well, which, under all the circumstances, it must be admitted it did. If the band, chorusses, &c., were not quite so perfect as we heard them at Drury Lane and the Princess', we must remember the difficulties attendant upon putting such a piece as "The Bohemian Girl" upon the stage at all in this Colony, with the very limited amount of available talent at the command of a manager. Mr. Torning is no more able than any other mortal, to "command success," but in this instance at all events he has done better, he "has deserved it." The houses have not been so good as we could have wished, and the loss has certainly been as great to those who have stayed away, as to anybody else.
"THE DRAMA", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (16 August 1856), 2
. . . MARITANA has been produced at the Prince of Wales. We will commence by adverting to Miss Julia's Harland's exquisite rendering of the vocal music assigned to the "Pretty Gitana;" and will particularly mention the following morceaux, "It was a knight of princely mien," "'Tis the harp in the air," and "Scenes that are brightest:" - warm encore testifying her success . . . Under the presiding baton of Mr. Linley Norman, the orchestra gave evident signs of being marshalled by a master-hand: and the whole of the arrangements were such that we can only again express our regret at the departure of the English Opera House Company.
"THE OPERA COMPANY - SECOND CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (19 August 1856), 2
The second concert of the English Opera Company is announced for to-morrow (Wednesday) evening, at the Queen's Theatre, West Maitland. Selections from Lucia di Lammermoor, and Sonnambula, are to be given; Miss Julia Harland taking the parts of Lucy Ashton and Amina . . . Opportunities of hearing operas worthily given are so rare in Maitland that no lover of fine music should miss them when they do occur.
ASSOCIATIONS: Queen's Theatre (Maitland venue)
"CLEARANCES", Empire (25 August 1856), 4
August 22. - Wonga Wonga, steamer, 800 tons, Captain Gilmore, for Melbourne. Passengers - Messrs. J. Block, W. Sherwin, W. Hoskins, L. Norman . . . Mr. and Mrs. Farquharson and 2 children . . .
Melbourne, VIC (from August 1856):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 August 1856), 8
ARRIVALS. - Miss Julia Harland and the English Operatic Company. East India House, Eastern-hill.
"OUR LYCEUM. ENGLISH OPERA", The Argus (1 September 1856), 5
The Queen's Theatre, re-baptized under the title of "Our Lyceum," opens this evening with an English operatic troupe, under the management of Mr. John Black. The opera selected for the occasion is the "Bride of Lammermoor," and it will be the first time Donizetti's celebrated work has been presented in an English dress to a Victorian audience. Having had the advantage of witnessing a rehearsal we are enabled to give as an opinion that success will be found to be merited by the new arrivals, and we therefore look to see it achieved. Miss Julia Harland, the prima donna, is a daughter of Mr. Henry Wallack, well known to the British and American boards. From the slight opportunity we have had of judging of her professional qualities we are inclined to augur for her a flattering success . . . The orchestra and chorus have been judiciously selected. The former is under the direction of Mr. Linley Norman, with Strebinger for leader . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violin, leader); Lyceum Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"OUR LYCEUM", The Argus (2 September 1856), 5
The new opera company made their first appearance in Melbourne last evening, at the Queen's we beg pardon - "Our Lyceum." The house, although not crowded, a circumstance doubtless attributable to the state of the weather, was well and respectably attended. The opera was the "Bride of Lammermoor," an excellent vehicle for the introduction of the three debutantes. Miss Julia Harland, the Lucia of the evening, is the possessor of a soprano voice of good quality, and which, with perhaps the exception of two or three notes in the upper register which are somewhat nasal, is superior certainly as regards freshness to that of any of her predecessors on the Melbourne boards. Her forte lies in the highest notes in her voice, and she is also entitled to credit for a thoroughly artistic mode of rendering sotto voce passages - a qualification in a singer which is rarer than may be imagined. She was exceedingly well received, and the popular bits in the opera, in which she was a principal, were enthusiastically applauded. Miss Harland is an actress of no ordinary calibre, and in the great scene of the part commencing "Il dolce suono" - the mad scene, in fact made a great hit. Her appearance is good and ladylike, and we look forward, in respect to this lady, for a brilliant success in this colony. An attempt was made at the conclusion of the two first acts to induce her to appear in front of the act-drop, but the effort was unsuccessful so far only as the lady's own will was concerned. The third attempt met with a more fortunate result, and Miss Harland on her reappearance after the conclusion of her great scene was greeted with unanimous applause . . . The opera was well put upon the stage, and in every department was creditably performed. It will be repeated on Wednesday evening when we look for a crowded house. Mr. Hoskins appeared in the afterpiece of "A Fast Train," and was thoroughly successful.
"OUR LYCEUM", The Argus (6 September 1856), 5
Wallace's grand opera "Maritana" will be produced, for the first time in this colony, this evening, at "Our Lyceum." The principal characters will be assumed by Miss Julia Harland, Mrs. Fiddes, and Messrs. Walter Sherwin, Farquharson, and Gregg. The chorus have been well tutored by Mr. Linley Norman, and having witnessed a rehearsal we have no hesitation in predicting for the performance a complete success - let us hope with a crowded house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Fiddes (vocalist);
John Gregg (vocalist);
see also, "THE OPERA COMPANY. From the Melbourne Herald. OUR LYCEUM", The Hobarton Mercury [TAS] (15 September 1856), 3
. . . Miss Harland looked, acted, and sang the part of the Gitana like an artiste. The audience expressed their most unequivocal delight and her unassuming, lady-like, and almost retiring manner evidently increased their liking. The part of Maritana affords good opportunity for testing a voice; and she displayed to advantage its excellent compass and quality, leaving nothing to desire but the correction of the nasal tone she seems unconsciously to give to two or three notes. She deservedly established herself in the reputation of all whe heard her on Saturday, and was heartily encouraged throughout . . .
"COPPIN'S OLYMPIC", The Argus (11 September 1856), 5
The English operatic company brought out by Mr. John Black appeared at this theatre for the first time last night, in the opera of "Maritana." Notwithstanding the depressing influence of a thinly attended house, all the vocalists concerned acquitted themselves to the satisfaction of the audience . . . and Miss Harland's pleasing vocalization and piquant acting in the character of Maritana conciliated the good opinion of all present.
ASSOCIATIONS: Coppin's Olympic (Melbourne venue)
Adelaide, SA (September-October 1856):
"COPPIN'S ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (30 September 1856), 2
This talented company of operatic singers gave the first of a series of concerts at White's Assembly-room yesterday evening. The attendance was not so large as we had expected . . . The programme included a choice selection from the compositions of Bellini, Handel, and other great masters, interspersed with ballads and other productions of a lighter character. The whole were received with frequent and prolonged demonstrations; and no fewer than seven of the pieces were redemanded. Miss Julia Harland, the prima donna of the company, possesses a fine soprano voice, of extensive range, remarkable flexibility, and considerable power. Her higher notes are extremely sweet. Her style of singing is wholly free from any apparent attempt at mere effect. The text of the composer is never interpolated, even where the introduction of extraneous ornament might appear to a less judicious taste to be not only allowable but required. Her performance of the celebrated cavatina from Sonnambula, "Oh, do not mingle," was of itself sufficient to convince the audience of her ability to perform in a finished style of singing the most elaborate passages of operatic music; whilst her rendering of Lee's song, "Sound the Pibroch," drew forth a rapturous encore, not so much on account of its intrinsic excellence, as from the charming simplicity of style in which it was performed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Times (14 October 1856), 2
The opera of "Maritana" was produced last night in a very effective manner. With some of the beautiful airs it contains many of the audience were familiar, owing to their recent introduction at White's Assembly rooms. Their effect was necessarily enhanced when merely appearing as the points d'appui of the opera, which was certainly very cleverly got up, the thread of the tale not only being very evident throughout, but was sustained in very interesting and attractive style. This was partly owing to the fact that the plot mainly devolves upon the three characters, Don Caesar de Basan (Sherwin), Don Jose (Farquharson), and Maritana (Miss Harland). With the exception of Lazarillo (Miss St. Clair), but little was required of the subordinate parts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma St. Clair (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
Melbourne, VIC (from 18 October 1856):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (20 October 1856), 4
October 18 - Havilah, s.s.s., 300 tons, J. McLean, from Adelaide, 11th inst. Passengers - cabin: Miss Julia Harland . . . Farquharson, Norman, Shirley [sic] . . .
"THE APPROACHING OPERA SEASON", The Age (21 October 1856), 6
The English Opera Company, consisting of Miss Julia Harland, and Messrs. Sherwin, Farquharson, and Linley Norman, have returned from Adelaide, after a highly successful professional campaign. At the commencement of the ensuing month they will initiate the operatic season at the Royal with Auber's grand musical spectacle of "Masaniello." The work is under active rehearsal, and we understand that besides being produced with every necessary musical effect, it is to be put upon the stage with all the advantages which magnificent scenery is capable of affording. "Masaniello" is peculiarly well adapted for scenic treatment, and Mr. Pitt is devoting every spare moment to the task.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Pitt (scenic artist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (29 December 1856), 5
. . . Following our own tastes, we must consider the production of the "Messiah" to have been the great feature of the week. For many a year, here and in the old country, we have been present at these annual celebrations of Handel's great work, and though we can scarcely claim for the Philharmonic Society on Wednesday last [on Christmas eve], the credit of having produced the Messiah with the completeness which characterises its rendering at Exeter Hall, we must do them the credit of saying that the manner in which it was put "on the stage" the other evening was highly creditable to them, and if one might judge the rapt attention of the audience, productive of the most entire satisfaction. The spacious building was densely crowded in every part, and the audience being chiefly composed of ladies presented a most brilliant spectacle. The glorious choruses were most effectually given, and the solos almost without exception rendered in first-rate style. Miss Harland was particularly successful in the sublime air "I know that my Redeemer liveth," in the sweet phrases of "How beautiful are the feet," and in the recitatives introducing the chorus "Glory to God." In her vocalization she judiciously confines herself to a strict rendering of the work before her, rarely introducing any ornament, and then with the best of taste . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Exhibition Building (venue)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Age (14 February 1857), 5
The English Opera Company, consisting of Miss Julia Harland, Mr. Walter Sherwin, and Mr. Farquharson, as vocalists, and Mr. Linley Norman as musical director, have concluded their engagement with Mr. Coppin, and now proceed on their own responsibility to Castlemaine, to fulfil a professional contract there. Mr. Farquharson, however, proceeds to the Western Districts alone. Mr. Hoskins, one of the cleverest comedians that have ever appeared in the Australias, intends, we believe, to accompany the Opera Company in their movements.
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (1 April 1857), 3
The English Opera Company consisting of Mr. Walter Sherwin, and Miss Julia Harland, with Mr. Linley Norman as Musical conductor, and Mr. Hoskins in his capacity of Light Comedian, made their first appearance at this theatre last evening. The opera selected was "Maritana," but alas for the musical resources of Ballarat it was very far from a resemblance to the original. The originality was in curious blending of opera and drama, part of "Maritana," something of "Don Caesar de Bazan," and a great deal of pantomime, and Linley Norman musical conductor on the pianoforte! We must not be too critical, however, since the audience, a tolerably numerous one, seemed highly gratified with the entertainment afforded them. With such accessories no very brilliant efforts were to be expected from Mr. Sherwin, or Miss Harland; what they did sing was very creditably executed, and afforded an excellent variation to the usual entertainments . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Victoria Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"THE CRITERION THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (24 April 1857), 3
The public of Sandhurst were rather taken by surprise last night, at least that portion of them who had the good fortune to be at the Theatre. Miss Mathews having played as usual her part of the "Middy Ashore," which piece we may mention went off very well, the celebrated violinist, Miska Hauser, made his appearance . . . Miss Julia Harland was another acquisition to Mrs. Brougham's company, and this lady proved herself to be a mistress of her art. She has a fine soprano voice, the upper notes of which are sweet and distinct; her execution of difficult passages proves her to be a good musician, and she sings in a most enchanting and lady-like manner. Mr. Linley Norman presided at the piano. He is evidently a musician who has both studied and practised much. The engagement of the talented artistes we have named is, unfortunately, a limited one. The house was very well attended, and we predict that it will be crowded to-night.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist); Miska Hauser (violin); Emma Brougham (actor, manager); Criterion Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"SHAMROCK CONCERT HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (10 July 1857), 2
The concerts at this place of amusement continue to offer unabated attraction, if we are to judge from the large audiences which patronise the Concert Hall. One feature is well worthy of notice, which is the greater number of respectable females who have recently been in the habit of coming to these concerts. The company is now very numerous, and is capable of producing some excellent concerted pieces. We have alluded to the excellent manner in which the music to Macbeth has been produced. During the last few days a fine glee by Bishop, "Now by day's returning light," has been brought out with great success. The production of such pieces is most creditable to the company. Other novelties have been forthcoming. Miss Harland has introduced two new songs, "Nina" and "I'm single yet," which she sings in her finished and animated style. We regret to hear that the engagement of this lady and the excellent pianist, Mr. Norman, will soon be concluded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Shamrock Concert Hall (Bendigo venue)
Launceston and Hobart, TAS (August to October 1857):
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (29 July 1857), 5
An advertisement in another column announces the early arrival in Launceston of a very talented Opera Company, consisting of Miss Julia Harland (of whom most eulogistic mention has been made, we believe, by the press in the neighbouring colonies), accompanied by Mr. Walter Sherwin, the well known Tenor; Mrs. and Mr. Hancock, Soprano and Basso. Director and Conductor - Mr. Lindly Norman.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary and Edward Hancock (vocalists, immediately previously also appearing in Bendigo)
"THEATRE ROYAL, HOBART TOWN", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (12 August 1857), 2
We have much satisfaction in stating that Mr. Charles Poole, the lessee of the Launceston Theatre, has made arrangements with the proprietor of the Theatre Royal in Campbell-street, and will open it for the season about the 1st September next, with the English Operatic Company now performing under his management. The Launceston Examiner of yesterday, in reference to this company, has the following remarks: - "On Monday evening the lovers of music had an opportunity of enjoying a treat such as never before has been afforded them in Tasmania: The English Opera Company, which has been engaged by Mr. Poole for a limited number of nights, appeared for the first time in Bellini's masterpiece "La Sonnambula." Their reception was enthusiastic and their success most complete. The opera, taken altogether, was produced with an attention to even the minutiae of the scene that could not have been anticipated in so short a time. With the principal characters well and uniformly sustained, the scenery and appointments of the very best, a well-sustained chorus, and the orchestra magnificently conducted by Mr. Linley Norman, the Opera of "La Sonnambula," as rendered on Monday evening, was an almost perfect embodiment of a grand work of art. Miss Julia Harland, as Amina, succeeded admirably. Her voice is a mezzo soprano of considerable compass, which combined with a graceful and naive style of noting, entirely captivated the sympathies of the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Launceston venue); Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Tasmanian Daily News [Hobart Town, TAS] (8 September 1857), 2
The Theatre Royal was re-opened last night, after a tedious interregnum, - with the double novelty of operatic performances and respectable management. Unfortunately the weather proved inauspicious, and one of Mr. Tapfield's amateur concerts had for some time past been fixed for the same evening. Under these circumstances there was not so large an audience as the occasion fairly demanded or the lessee could have wished. But we trust, notwithstanding these drawbacks, the results of last night's entertainment will be general satisfaction at the efforts made for the amusement of the public, and increased attendance to witness performances so every way gratifying and praiseworthy as Miss Harland's spirited renderings of the chef d'oeuvres of the grand opera. If any one visited the Theatre Royal last night, in the expectation of seeing Norma put upon the stage with the dramatic and orchestral accompaniments, the mise en scene, the stage effects, the chorus and the pageant which are the glory of Covent Garden and the Haymarket, - such expectations were deservedly disappointed. The modest and unostentatious attempt to produce before a colonial audience a popular vocal drama, - with such aids of scenery and orchestra as the naturally limited resources of a colonial capital could supply - made no pretensions to rivalry, or scarcely imitation of the world-famous operas of London or of Paris. But we are bound to say that so much as was attempted was faithfully performed, and, we are pleased to add, successfully accomplished and deservedly applauded. Miss Julia Harland, who made her debut at the Princess's, in Lucia di Lammermoor, and has enjoyed the advantage of singing on several occasions with Mr. Sims Reeves, is an actress of no inconsiderable merit, and an accurate and effective singer. Her voice is a high soprano, at once flexible and full; she has it well under control and exerts its utmost powers of compass with ease and grace. Her rendering of the celebrated Casta Diva, was spirited, but correct. The recitative was delivered with appropriate vigour, and the allegro movement was characterised by dramatic vivacity and vocal execution, which did ample justice to the spirit of the scene and the florid beauty of the original. The close of the aria was rewarded with loud applause . . . We are promised La Sonnambula for this evening.
"THEATRE ROYAL", Launceston Examiner (3 October 1857), 3
The admirers of dramatic representation will be glad to see the theatre open for a few nights under the direction of the accomplished Miss Julia Harland. Her name alone was a sufficient guarantee that the entertainments would be selected from the highest class of the lyric drama, and the addition of an old London favorite, Mr. Hoskins, promises some racy comic impersonations. Miss Julia Harland, in addition to this, has brought a company far superior to anything yet seen in Launceston, - Mr. Sherwin, Mr. Linly Norman, Mr. McGowan, Mr. Hancock, Miss Fanny Sinclair, and Mrs. Hancock, with the fair directress, form a combination strong enough for a metropolitan theatre. The operas and farces have been given in the best style, and the audiences have testified nightly their appreciation of these highly talented performers. The opera of Lucia di Lammermoor on Monday evening was a decided hit, and there will probably be a bumper on its next representation. On Monday the entire opera of Guy Mannering, with Sir Henry Bishop's beautiful music, will be given, with a new farce for Hoskins.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lachlan and Fanny McGowan (actors, "Miss Fanny Sinclair")
Melbourne and regional, VIC (from October 1857):
"DAYLESFORD [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] December 3rd . . . Public Amusements", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (4 December 1857), 4
The Operatic Company, with Miss Julia Harland at its head, appeared on Monday evening last, at the Mount Franklyn Hotel, before a respectable and delighted audience. The party had been travelling all day, and were much fatigued; there was, however, no lack of energy. The musical and dramatic parts were well sustained, and drew down thunders of approbation. At the conclusion of the performances, Messrs. Schrerder and Gingey, two well known musicians, who are under an engagement at the hotel, kept the audience in mirthful excitement till the break of morn.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Schroeder (musician); John Wheeler Gigney (violin)
"THE STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (8 February 1858), 2
Under the superintendence of Mr. James Ellis, a gentleman whose name is ever associated with our most successful places of amusement, both at home and in the Colonies, this little theatre has undergone a change within the last few weeks by which its past identity has almost disappeared. The whole area of the former building will now be arranged for seats, and an extension of some twenty feet affords room for a complete and commodious stage. Over the entrance a gallery has also been erected, from which a very good view of the whole may be obtained. The decorations are, as yet, scarcely completed; but the stage in all its details has been rendered as perfect at possible, so that pieces of the most complicated character may now be performed in Beechworth. This evening the season commences with Bellini's fine Opera of La Somnambula, in which Miss Julia Harland and Messrs. Sherwin and Farquharson sustain the principal parts. Much praise is due to Mr. Wallace, and also to Mr. Ellis, for the spirited manner in which they have thus attempted to introduce operatic performances to the Beechworth public . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (manager); John Alston Wallace (proprietor); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
Ballarat, VIC (from late 1858 to c. mid 1864):
"THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (2 November 1858), 3
We understand the paragraph which appeared in our column a few days since, relative to Mr. Hoskins having taken this fine theatre, was in a measure incorrect, Mr. Hoskins having simply been engaged by the committee as manager, in which capacity we have not the slightest doubt he will cater for the public to the best of his well known ability. We also learn that among the talented artistes engaged for the opening season, Miss Julia Harland will appear in a new line - high comedy: We confess we feel some curiosity to witness this lady in her new walk.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Star (25 January 1859), 2
The opera season has commenced under highly favorable auspices. Last night the "Bohemian Girl" was performed, and the first appearance of the opera company therein was a decided success. Pit, stalls, and gallery were crammed, but the boxes were rather poorly attended. The faults inseparable from a first appearance were present in a mitigated degree, but the opera went very smoothly indeed. Miss Julia Harland as Arline was frequently greeted with loud applause, and her "I dreamt that I dwelt in Marble Halls" was enthusiastically encored. Miss Octavia Hamilton sang the somewhat unsatisfactory part of the Gypsy Queen with judgment and skill. M. Emile Coulon played Devilshoof in his best style . . . Mr. Sherwin as Thaddeus sang nicely . . . Gregg was very perfect and painstaking as Count Arnheim . . . nor was Mr. W. F. Sayer's Florestein altogether forgotten. The chorus, which is a very numerous and efficient one, sang very well, and the "Gypsy's chorus" could not have gone very much better. The scenes were quite new, and Mr. Fry has shown much talent and taste in their production. The grouping was highly effective. The opera is to be repeated this evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); John Rawstorne Fry (scenic artist)
"HANDEL'S CENTENARY", The Star (17 September 1859), 2
The Ballarat Philharmonic Society gave their promised concert on Friday night, at the Theatre Royal, in honor of the centenary of the death of the immortal Handel. "Judas Maccabaeus" was the oratorio chosen for the occasion . . . Mr. Turner, the conductor, showed last night that he has a well trained band . . . Miss Harland was in very good voice, and her rendering of the recitative and air "Oh grant it heaven," and "So shall the harp and lute awake," brought down a demand for a repetition, which, however, was not conceded. Her rendering of the air "Wise men flattering," was singularly pure and expressive, and was greeted with a shower of bouquets and an encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Austin Theodore Turner (conductor); Ballarat Philharmonic Society (association); Handel centenary (event)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (24 December 1859), 2
There was a crowded house on Monday night, on the occasion of the benefit of Mr. Farquharson, who had selected the "Bohemian Girl," with Miss Harland in the character of the heroine. Whether to see that lady, or to pay a deserved tribute of respect to the talents of Mr. Farquharson, certain it is that the house was better filled than at any time since the commencement of the opera season. The "Bohemian Girl" has always been a great favourite with the British public, both in Europe and Australia, and it seems destined to retain a firm hold on the stage. Without wishing to speak unkindly or harshly of the operatic company, whose season is just over, we cannot help pointing out that Madame Carandini, in Norma, or Lucrezia Borgia, or Amina, or Lucia, provokes comparisons frequently unfavourable to our colonial prima donna. Many of us have seen Jenny Lind, Grisi, or Sontag in those roles, and oven the few among our play-going public, whose experience is confined to Victoria, cannot help having a vivid recollection of Hayes and Bishop. With the "Bohemian Girl" nothing of the kind is the case. Between Mr. Sherwin and Mr. Harrison there is no very impassable gulf, and most people would think Miss Harland a very satisfactory substitute for Miss Rainforth. On Monday night the opera was well played throughout . . . Miss Harland was, however, the life and soul of the piece. We never saw her to greater advantage, and her execution of "I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls," and the finale, "Oh what glad delight," were rich treats . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); William Harrison (English vocalist); Elizabeth Rainforth (English vocalist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (25 January 1860), 5
. . . Mr. Hoskins opened the Theatre Royal, Ballaarat, on Monday, in the capacity of manager and sole lessee. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Younge are of the company, with, of course, Miss Julia Harland. Mr. Hoskins appears to be deservedly popular on Ballaarat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick and Emma Younge (actors)
"SUMMARY FOR EUROPE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (16 March 1860), 2
. . . Independent of the ordinary companies at our two theatres, which, by the way, we may say as stock companies are infinitely superior to the run of home provincial ones, we are now favored with the presence of Signor and Signora Bianchi, who, with Mr. Farquharson, M. Grossi and other assistants, have been appearing in Ernani, Il Traviata, and other choice Italian operas. The first engagement of the Bianchis was under Mr. Gibbs, at the Charlie Napier Theatre. Owing to some misunderstanding between the contracting powers in the case, the engagement came to an abrupt termination, and resulted in its being renewed under Mr. Hoskins at the Theatre Royal, where the whole Italian Opera Company, joined by Miss Julia Harland, is now appearing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); John Gibbs (proprietor, Charlie Napier)
"News and Notes", The Star (22 March 1860), 2
The production of "The Bohemian Girl" last night at the Royal, for the benefit of Miss Julia Harland, drew a bumper house, attesting at once the popularity of the old English opera and the young English beneficiare. The principal parts were borne by Mr. Sherwin as Thaddeus, Mr. Farquharson as Count Arnheim, and Miss Harland as Arline, whose appearance in this interlocutory fashion in the middle of the engagement with the Italian Opera company was a bold experiment, yet not on the whole an unsuccessful one . . . Miss Harland's first appearance was the signal for a general peal of applause, and once during the second act, as also at the conclusion of the opera, she was overwhelmed with bouquets des fleurs, and unstinted acclamations of a pleased and friendly audience. We never heard her in better voice than in the final air "That fairy light," the better known "I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls" being scarcely so well given, though both were deservedly encored, and were repeated by the beneficiare con amore . . . The scenic arrangements were excellent, and the general "get up" of the opera was unexceptionable. At the close Mr. Hoskins came before the curtain at the vociferous call of the house, and returned thanks for "the liberal patronage" bestowed. He knew they would not believe him if he said he said he did not like money, but thought they would believe him if he said he was equally gratified at the recognition of his wife's merits. It was clear old Britons didn't know when they were beaten, and English opera was thus successful even amid the attractions of the Italian. The arrangements had necessarily been hasty, and thus the production was not so complete as it otherwise would be. Mr. Hoskins's neat address was excellently well received. The afterpiece was "The Fast Train," with Mr. Hoskins as Jack Delaware. To-night Signor Bianchi and Mr. Sherwin appear in "Lucia de Lammermoor," with Miss Harland as Lucy Ashton.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (8 January 1861), 2
Mr. H. J. Wallack, the well-known English actor, and former manager of the Princess' Theatre, London, arrived in this colony on Thursday last by the Black Swan. He will appear on Ballarat, at the Theatre Royal, on Friday next, when the performance will be for the benefit of Mr. Hoskins, who is about to give up his connection with that theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry John Wallack (actor, Harland's father)
"SUMMARY FOR EUROPE . . . SOCIAL", The Star (24 March 1862), 2 supplement
. . . In matters theatrical and musical, we have to report the reign of Mr. William Hoskins as actual lessee and stage manager, who with the aid of Miss Julia Harland, Miss Mortimer, Miss Taburney, Mr. Henry Edwards, and a corps de ballet, are doing their best to draw good houses and succeeding at the Theatre Royal. The dramatic season re-opened on Monday, the 3rd inst., and novelties of the first class have been produced, Gerald Griffin's "Gisippus," "The Game of Speculation," "The Black Sheep," and now Talfourd's fairy burlesque extravaganza "King Thrushbeard" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Margaret Mortimer (Mrs. Newman, actor); Ellen Taburney (actor); Henry Edwards (actor)
"THE ROYAL MARRIAGE REJOICINGS", The Star (23 May 1863), 4
The news of the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the Princess Alexandra of Denmark reached us in Ballarat by telegraph at a late hour on the night of Sunday the 10th instant, the Northam, with the March mails having cast anchor in Hobson's Bay at five o'clock that evening. The pleasing intelligence was of course made known through these colonies at an early hour Monday morning. In consequence, some quiet but effective demonstrations of joy were indulged in by several of our townsmen . . . But the thick, gloomy weather, not only marred the success of the proceedings in the day, but destroyed the beauty of the night . . . The unusual brightness of the town from numerous illuminations . . . proved how general had been the day's rejoicings and were the evening's illuminations; and all, we are sorry to say, served to show how the best attempts may be marred by untoward and uncontrollable events. But Ballarat may well be proud of what has been done. The enthusiasm was without a drawback, and no accident of any kind subtracted from the general success. If proof were required of the feelings of the people of Ballarat towards the old country, it has been given. All classes, all sects, and all orders united to carry out the proceedings of the day, and all worked harmoniously together . . . In Errard street - Mr. William Hoskins, lessee of the Theatre Royal, had his residence brilliantly lighted up . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marriage of Edward, prince of Wales, and Alexandra of Denmark (married 10 March 1863)
[Advertisement], The Star (30 March 1864), 4
Musical Notice, MRS. WILLIAM HOSKINS (pupil of Manuel Garcia and Signor Schira) gives instruction in the Art of Singing and the Piano.
Apply Errard street, Sturt street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Manuel Garcia (the younger, vocalist and teacher); Francesco Schira (1809-1883, vocalist and teacher); this advertisement continued to appear until the end of June 1864
Melbourne, VIC (1864-68):
"THEATRICAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (16 September 1865), 2
. . . "One o'clock; or, the Knight and the Wood Demon," was originally produced as an opera, for which the music was composed by Michael Kelly, in conjunction with Mr. P. King. As revived at the Haymarket on Saturday last, it was shorn of nearly all the original music, in lieu of which Miss Harland, Mr. Stewart, and Miss Docy Stewart substituted "Away, away, to the mountain's brow," "'Twas post meridian," "Sigh no more," "I know a bank," and "Bid me discourse." In some cases the retention of the old airs would have been preferable. The words of some of Lewis's songs are above the average, and Kelly's music is always worth listening to . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Docy Stewart (actors, vocalists; stepfather and stepdaughter); Haymarket Theatre (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: One o'clock; or, The knight and the wood daemon (play by Monk Lewis; music by Michael Kelly and Matthew Peter King
Sydney, NSW (1868-71):
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (27 April 1868), 4
On Saturday evening the performance opened with the "Chevalier St. George" . . . The new burlesque, "Acis and Galatea," followed; and in it Miss Julia Harland made her reappearance on the Sydney boards, and had a hearty reception. Her voice seemed to have lost none of its power; and her acting was marked by all the finish which obtained for the artist so high a reputation in connection with the lyric drama in England. The burlesque is cleverly written, abounds in puns and mirth-provoking points, humorous local allusions, and songs. The scenery was excellent, and the dresses and completeness of mounting, so much superior to the mode in which burlesques are too often produced. For a fortnight's performance it went very smoothly, and reflected great credit on the manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 May 1868), 4
. . . In Macbeth, which was produced for his benefit last evening, Mr. Stark proved one of the best representatives of the guilty Thane that has appeared here . . . Miss Julia Harland as Hecate was another marked feature of the play; her vocal abilities doing justice to the musical requirements . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Stark (actor)
MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (correctly, mostly by Richard Leveridge)
"PRINCE OF WALES OPERA HOUSE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (22 December 1868), 2
This popular place of amusement was very well attended last night, on the occasion of the benefit to that distinguished comedian Mr. Hoskins, when the opera of "Il Trovatore" was presented, under the conductorship of Mr. C. E. Horsley, and, notwithstanding the reduced strength of the corps, it ran off as smoothly as possible, the principal singers being Signora Ida Vitali, Miss Julia Harland, Signors Ugo Devoti, Guiseppe Bertolini, and Mr. John De Haga. The performances concluded with "Woodcock's Little Game," the part of Mrs. Christopher Larkins being fairly sustained by a new candidate for dramatic honours - Miss Florence Colville. To-morrow evening "Ernani" is to be produced.
ASSOCIATIONS: Florence Colville (Mary Florence Rice, actor, Hoskins's pupil, would become his second wife); Ugo Devoti (vocalist); John De Haga (vocalist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1869), 4
MISS JULIA HARLAND, pupil of the celebrated Manuel Garcia, gives instruction in the Art of Singing, 11, Stanley-street, Hyde Park.
"MUSIC", Sydney Mail (7 August 1869), 12
The grand subscription concert given on Monday evening, at the Masonic Hall, in favour of M. Guillaume Jonson, drew together a large and fashionable audience. It was conducted by Mr. W. Cordner . . . the instrumentalists being - Mr. Horsley and Mr. Packer, pianoforte . . . The programme contained many fine selections for the voice. Among the choicest were . . . Miss Julia Harland the Scotch song, "Sound the pibroch" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Cordner (conductor); Charles Edward Horsley (piano); Charles Sandys Packer (piano); Masonic Hall (Sydney venue); on the beneficiare, Guillaume Jonson (teacher of languages and art), see
Melbourne, VIC (1872):
"DEATHS", The Argus (20 August 1872), 4
HOSKINS. - On the 19th inst., at 8 Hanover-street, Fitzroy, Julia Susannah (better known as Julia Harland) wife of William Hoskins, comedian, and daughter of the late Henry John Wallack.
"DEATH OF MISS JULIA HARLAND", The Australasian (24 August 1872), 19
It is with extreme regret that I find recorded the death of Mrs. William Hoskins, professionally known as Miss Julia Harland, which took place on the afternoon of the 19th at her residence, Hanover-street, Fitzroy. The deceased lady was some time back married, in England, to Mr. William Hoskins, the popular comedian and manager, who is at present on a tour with Miss Florence Colville in New Zealand.
The late Mrs. Hoskins was descended from a family highly respected in the dramatic annals of the world - the Wallacks. Her elder brother was the best representative extant of Don Caesar de Bazan, and the younger, Mr. J. W. Wallack, at present in America, is about to visit this colony in company with Mr. Theodore Hamilton. Her father, the late John Henry Wallack, when on a visit to this colony, in 1862, appeared on the occasion of Lady Dons benefit, at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, as Sir Anthony Absolute, but increasing infirmities prevented his appearing afterwards.
Miss Julia Harland made her mark in English opera years ago, when she succeeded Madame Anna Hilton at the Princess's Theatre, London, as prima donna of the English Opera Company, then under the regime of the eccentric manager, J. M. Maddox, or as Punch used to term him, "King Maddox," where, in connection with Messrs. Leffler, Donald King, H. Horncastle, and Allen, she became the English operatic star of London. Some time after she accepted a lucrative engagement with the late Mr. Thomas Rouse (Bravo Rouse!), succeeding Miss Annette Mears at the Grecian Saloon, City-road, London. During her stay at this house, under the conductorship of Mr. B. Isaacson, her brilliant talents as a lyric actress and her splendid vocalisation soon brought that little theatre into notoriety, and nightly filled the coffers of the manager. One of the best operatic companies then obtainable was engaged to support her, including Mr. Fraser, a very able tenor, who afterwards died in America; Mr. Charles Horn, son of the eminent composer; Mr. Baldwin, a baritone from the English Opera-house; Mr. Eaton O'Donnell, Mr. H. Horncastle, Mr. Pat Corri (brother in law to the late Frederick Younge), the Misses M. A. and Emma Crisp, and Miss Johnstone; and Messrs. Campbell (father-in-law to Mr. John Dunn) and R. Phillips (both dead) as managers, and the late "little Robson" as comedian - a glorious company.
After severing her connexion with the Islingtonians and the Grecian, she appeared in London during the opera seasons at several of the principal theatres. In 1856, in company with her husband (Mr. William Hoskins) and Messrs. Walter Sherwin, Farquharson, and Linley Norman, she left England for this colony, arriving here in the August of the same year, announcing themselves as the "English Opera Company." Miss Julia Harland made her first appearance in Melbourne on the 1st of the following September at "our Lyceum" Theatre in the character of Lucia, in Donizetti's opera, "The Bride of Lammermoor," Mr. Hoskins appearing the same evening as Jack Delaware in the farce "A Fast Train High Pressure-Express." The company was very successful throughout the colonies, the talents of the deceased lady being everywhere especially recognised.
In 1859 she joined the opera company at the Princess's Theatre, and in conjunction with Madame Carandini, Messrs. Laglaise, Emile Coulon, Schultz [sic], John Gregg, and others, appeared in the first cast of Verdi's opera of "Il Trovatore" presented in the Australian colonies. Miss Harland's assumption of the gipsy, Azucena, was generally, acknowledged to be a splendid and thoroughly artistic performance, and materially added to her professional reputation.
On the retirement of her husband from management in Melbourne, and during his absence from this city, the deceased lady has been living in complete retirement, and for the last few weeks has suffered most acutely from dropsy, to which she ultimately succumbed. In her private life she carried with her the sincere respect and esteem of a large circle of friends. Mr. H. H. Hoskins, solicitor, of Talbot, her brother-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Phillips, and one or two other friends were with her in her last moments. - CALL BOY.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Phillips (actor); Horatio Huntly Hoskins (1820-1876, solicitor, theatrical amateur)
"Miscellaneous Items", Australian Town and Country Journal (31 August 1872), 6
Julia Susannah, wife of Mr. William Hoskins, the well-known comedian, died on the 10th instant, at her residence, 8, Hanover-street, Fitzroy. The deceased lady was the daughter of the late Henry John Wallack, comedian, for very many years theatrical manager. Under the nom de theatre of Miss Julia Harland, the deceased came to Australia with her husband, in 1858 [sic], with the English Opera Troupe, among whom were some others well-known to fame.
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 September 1872), 2
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, Eleven O'Clock, 8 Hanover street, Fitzroy.
GEMMELL TUCKETT and Co. have received instructions from the proprietor to
SELL by AUCTION, at his residence, 8 Hanover street, Fitzroy . . .
All his household furniture and effects, Including . . .
Rosewood Cottage Piano, by Aucher Freres . . .
Musical resources:
John of Paris, a comic opera in two acts composed & partly selected from the original French opera by Boieldieu; the poetry by J. Pocock; and adapted for the English stage by Henry R. Bishop; cover inscribed: "Julia Harland 1856"
There is no record of Harland producing the opera in Australia;
however, if she indeed acquired this copy in 1856, she may have intended to do so;
see also, [Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London, England] (26 January 1850), 2 (PAYWALL)
The Operatic Department directed by Mr. Frazer . . .
THIS EVENING the Opera JOHN OF PARIS, by Miss Julia Harland, Mr. Frazer, Mr. Robson, &c. . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph Norton Ireland, Records of the New York stage: from 1750 to 1860 . . . vol. 2 (New York: T. H. Morrell, 1867), 323 (DIGITISED)
[THE NEW CHATHAM THEATRE] . . . Mr. James Wallack made his first appearance on this stage as Rolla and Dick Dashall. He afterward appeared as . . . Shylock, with Henry Wallack as Pizarro . . . The latter announced his benefit on the 23d [December 1839], and the first appearance of his daughters, Julia and Fanny - an announcement that excited much interest, and but for a violent storm, would have attracted an overflowing house. The play selected for their debut was the "Hunchback," cast in the following manner: Master Walter, Mr. Wallack; Clifford, Mr. Bannister; Modus, Mr. Tuthill; Julia, Miss Julia Wallack; Helen, Miss Fanny Wallack.
Miss Julia Wallack afterward turned her attention principally to music, and in the fall of 1840, appeared at the National, in subordinate characters, both in English and Italian opera. She made her first appearance at the Park, as Elvira, in "Don Giovanni," April 13th, 1841. After visiting Europe, she returned as Mrs. W. Hoskin, and re-appeared at the Park on the 21st of October, 1842. She remained there during the run of the "Israelites in Egypt," after which she returned to England and continued on the stage as Miss Julia Harland.
Miss Fanny Wallack became more of a favorite . . . She died in Edinburgh, Scotland, October 12th, 1856, aged about 34 years.
Dec. 31st [1839]. The Misses Wallack's benefit, with the "Honey moon," thus cast: Duke Aranza, Mr. Wallack; Rolando, Mr. H. Wallack; Jacques, Mr. W. H. Williams; Juliana, Miss Julia Wallack; Volante, Miss Fanny Wallack.
Kurt Ganzl, "What a lot of Wallack!: the story of Julia Wallack aka Julia Harland (Mrs. William Hoskins),
HARLOW, Clarisse (Madame Clarisse HARLOW; Clarissa HARLOWE, ? pseudonym)
Musician, pianist, pianoforte player
Active Adelaide, SA, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Clarissa Harlowe [Clarisse Harlow] (fictional heroine); Cecilia Harlow (SA colonist, d. 1872)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer [SA] (16 May 1857), 1 supplement
The celebrated Artiste, MADEMOISELLE MARIE DURET, from the principal Theatres of Europe, America, and California,
and recently so eminently successful in New South Wales and Victoria; together with
MR. HENRY COLEMAN, the great Dramatic Polyphonist . . .
will appear on Monday evening at the above Theatre;
assisted by Mr. J. H. Le Roy and Mr. R. W. Laurence.
MADAME CLARISSE HARLOW will preside at the Piano forte.
Full particulars will be given in Monday's papers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Duret (actor, Mrs. J. H. Le Roy); Henry Coleman (polyphonist); Robert Winsor Lawrence (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"PORT THEATRE", Adelaide Times (27 May 1857), 2
This place of amusement was last night filled by a highly respectable audience, assembled to witness the entertainment of Mr. Coleman and Mdlle. Duret, and throughout the evening the applause elicited by the performers, was unbounded . . . Madame Harlow presided at the pianoforte, which was a very indifferent one, and in no way calculated to do justice to the lady's execution. We understand that on Saturday night another performance will be given at the Port, and from the manner in which last evening's entertainment passed off, there will, no doubt, be a good house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Port Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"PORT THEATRE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (1 June 1857), 3
The entertainment at the Port Theatre, on Saturday night [30 May], commenced with the drama of "Black-Eyed Susan," which, considering the absence of proper scenic auxiliaries, an insufficient number of performers, an imperfect recollection of their parts by some of the actors, and the extraordinary mutilation the play underwent, including nearly the whole of that fine old song "All In the Downs," two lines only of which were sung, was very well received by the audience. Mdlle. Duret's Impersonation of the heroine of the play was admirable, and drew forth from all parts of the house demonstrations of applause . . . In "Aunty Smith's Lecture on Woman's Rights," Mr. Coleman appeared to great advantage . . . Madame Clarissa Harlow presided at the pianoforte, and, together with Messrs. Chapman and West, materially enhanced the pleasures of the evening by the performance of some excellent music.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Chapman (musician);
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Times (8 June 1857), 2
Mdlle. Duret and Mr. Coleman again appeared at this Theatre on Saturday evening [6 June], and with the assistance of Messrs Lawrence, Miran, and LeRoy, produced some very attractive pieces. It was rather painful to see that Madame Harlow, who presided at the piano, was unassisted in the musical department. She played a few pieces very prettily, but it was evident that they did not accord with the taste of the gallery.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Miran (actor)
"MR. COLEMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT AT KOORINGA", South Australian Register (17 June 1857), 2
Our correspondent writes: - "Mr. H. Coleman gave his first entertainment in this place on Thursday evening, 11th inst. As a mimic this gentleman can scarcely be surpassed . . . The interval between each impersonation was efficiently filled up and enlivened by the brilliant and most exquisite manner in which Madame Clarissa Harlow presided at the pianoforte. The house was very well filled indeed; considering the threatening state of the weather there were far more present than could reasonably be expected. The second and third entertainments were given on Friday and Saturday evenings and met with equal success."
"EAST TORRENS INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (9 July 1857), 3
A soiree, under the presidency of His Excellency Sir Richard MacDonnell, was held on Wednesday evening [8 July], in the hall of the East Torrens Institute, Kensington. The attendance was numerous, and included most of the influential and many of the oldest residents in the district and neighbourhood. About 300 ladies and gentlemen were present. His Excellency arrived shortly before the time appointed for the commencement of the proceedings, when, and on taking the chair, he was greeted with warm and universal expressions of applause . . . His EXCELLENCY then called on Mr. BARROW, who said that they had heard much from His Excellency relative to disappointments; but His Excellency was not aware of the disappointment the Committee had had to submit to . . . They applied to the Quartett Society; but that Society was not quite so square as its name implied, and, as one gentleman of the number declined to attend, the three others eventually objected, and thus again their expectations led to disappointment. They expected the Quadrille Band, and were prepared at any cost to subsidise it; here also they were disappointed, although the musical talent then present compensated for that failure. They expected to have had two or three chemical experiments, but here again they were doomed to be disappointed. Mr. Coleman and Madame Clarisse Harlowe, the former for a reason explained and the latter for a reason unexplained, had also disappointed them . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Macdonnell (governor); East Torrens Institute (association)
"MUSICAL FAILINGS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", South Australian Register (11 July 1857), 2
Sir - Permit me, both as a lover of music and as a friend to our various Literary and Scientific Institutes,
to give expression to my regret that ladies and gentlemen of the musical profession should appear to think it quite within the scope of their prerogative to violate an engagement upon 10 minutes' notice, and even without any notice at all.
We all love music, Sir; and, what is more, we like to have what we pay for.
I think that if we go to a concert where music is advertised as part of the programme, we are as much entitled to the music as to anything else on the card.
On two recent occasions the musical part of the community have been greatly disappointed.
At the Magill soiree it was announced that arrangements had been made for music, but that the musicians had not come.
At the Kensington soiree the names of the musical performers were publicly advertised, and the piano was duly stationed on the platform.
But Mr. Coleman, who had been engaged to attend, sent an excuse the same evening;
and Madame Clarisse Harlowe, who had also promised to attend, absented herself without one word of explanation.
Surely, Sir, this is not the way for professional performers and vocalists to hope to find patronage.
I should recommend that in future the Committees appointed to manage these matters should give a retaining fee to the musicians when engaging them,
and we should then see whether the law would not take cognizance of such vexatious and inpardonable breaches of engagement.
I am, Sir, &c.,
HARPER, Mary Selina (Mary Selina HARPER; Miss M. S. HARPER; Miss HARPER; later HARPUR)
Musician, professor of music, teacher of piano and singing, pianist, vocalist, organist, teacher of German language
Born Gloucestershire, England, c. 1827; daughter of Samuel Charles HARPER (1789-1859) and Mary Ann HARRIS (1795-1875)
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1857 (or ? by c. 1852)
Died Prospect, SA, 15 August 1911, aged "84/85" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 6 June 1841, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire; UK National Archives, HO107/353/15/41/31/4 (PAYWALL)
318 High Street / Samuel Harper / 52 / Newspaper proprietor / [not born in county] . . .
Maryann Harper / 45 / - / [born in county] . . .
Selina Harper / 14 / - / [born in county] . . .
"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (9 May 1857), 2
A grand concert of sacred vocal music was given on Friday evening in White's Room. The ostensible occasion of the concert was a complimentary benefit to Mr. Dawes, the organist . . . In reference to the specific character of the performance on Friday evening, it is scarcely necessary to say more than that members of both our Choral Societies and several amateurs united their abilities to contribute towards the object of the concert, and that Herr Linger presided at the piano . . . Miss Pettman, in conjunction with a young lady whose name we understood to be Miss Harper, received the honour of a recall in a duet from Fawcett's Paradise, as also did Mr. Daniel, in the solo "Arm, arm, ye brave!" The choruses were given with great precision, and quite as much effect as could be expected in the absence of instrumental aid . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Daws (organist); Carl Linger (pianist); Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Adelaide Choral Society (association); North Adelaide Choral Society (association); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
MUSIC: Redemption (oratorio by John Fawcett, premiered in Britain in 1853)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (18 May 1859), 1
GERMAN. - An EVENING CLASS for instruction in the
GERMAN LANGUAGE will be commenced by Miss HARPER on Tuesday, the 24th instant,
at her residence, Flinders-street. Hours from 7 to 9. Terms, £1 1s. per quarter. Payment in advance.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (2 December 1859), 1
MUSIC. - MISS HARPER wishes to announce to the Ladies of Adelaide and its environs
that at the commencement of the ensuing year she will have a few hours disengaged,
owing to the approaching departure of Signor Cutolo, by whose valuable instruction she has been profiting during the whole term of his residence here.
Flinders-street, November 30.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist, teacher) had arrived in Adelaide in November 1858, and would depart for Sydney in January 1860
"DIED", South Australian Register (13 December 1859), 2
On the 11th October, at his residence Grosvenor-street, Cheltenham, aged 72, Samuel Charles Harper, Esq., eldest son of the late Rev. Thomas Harper, of London, and father of Miss Harper, professor of music in this city.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (15 August 1860) 2
HARPER - Drowned in the Belize River, on the 14th May, about ten miles from the town, by the upsetting of a canoe, in her 26th year, Miss Ellen Harper, head teacher in the Central School of Belize, Honduras, British North America, and youngest daughter of the late S. C. Harper, Esq., of Cheltenham.
"THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL", South Australian Register (2 April 1861), 3
A grand High Mass was celebrated in this edifice on Easter Sunday, in the musical portion of which it was understood that the Signor and Signora Bianchi would assist. This, however, seems to have been an error, as they were not present in the choir, which was, nevertheless, most efficient, and rendered the beautiful music of Massinghi with great effect and precision. The mass was that in B flat, which may well be considered as that great composer's masterpiece, combining, as it does, the rich harmony of Mozart with the sweetness of the Italian school. The Hosanna, after the Credo, was truly a gem, Mrs. Delany's soprano solos especially being characterized by great correctness and spirit. The other parts were most ably sustained it Father Maurice Lencioni, Mr. Ball, Mr. McMullen, and Mr. Bastard; while Miss Harper, who has been only recently appointed, acquitted herself admirably at the harmonium. Altogether it cannot but be admitted that, putting aside the religious aspect of the ceremony, which must have made it most impressive to the regular worshippers, it presented to the lovers of sacred music present - of whom there were many not connected with the Roman Catholic Church - a treat such as it is not often their lot to enjoy.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maurice Lencioni (cleric, vocalist); Mr. Ball (vocalist); Thomas Bastard (vocalist); St. Francis's cathedral (Adelaide)
MUSIC: Mass in B flat (by Joseph Mazzinghi)
[Advertisement], The Adelaide Express (15 January 1864), 1
REMOVAL. - MISS HARPER, Teacher of the Piano and Singing, from Flinders-street to Glen Osmond.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Adelaide Express (15 June 1865), 2
The piece of needlework by Miss Harper on the subject of "Christ's charge to Peter" is now exhibited in Platts's window.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Platts (musicseller, bookseller);
see also "GENERAL NEWS", The Adelaide Express (8 June 1865),
"MARRIAGES", South Australian Register (26 October 1865), 7
HARPER - BEDNALL. - On the 2nd October, at St. Mary's, South-road, by the Rev. J. D. Williams, Mr. S. C. Harper, youngest son of the late S. C. Harper, Esq., proprietor of the Cheltenham Free Press, England, to Etheldreda Alice Bednall, daughter of Mrs. Weedon, Adelaide, and granddaughter of the late Thomas Blore, Esq., Middle Temple, F.S.A.. B.A., Hopton Hall, Derbyshire, and Pope's Villa, Twickenham, near London.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (25 January 1867), 1
EDUCATION. MISS HARPER (Pupil of Signor Cutolo) has a few VACANCIES for Pupils for the PIANO. Freeman-street.
"MISS HARPER'S SEMINARY", Northern Argus (23 December 1879), 2
Several of the parents and friends of Miss Harper's music pupils, of Sevenhills, assembled yesterday forenoon by invitation in the Town Hall, Clare, for the purpose of hearing the young people play over their pieces. The pupils have evidently been well grounded in the art, and played with accuracy and precision. Master and Miss Fels' execution of selections from "Sonnambula" and "The Daughter of the Regiment," was very creditable, and praise must be given to all those who received prizes. The pupils having been examined by Dr. Bain, prizes were awarded to Master and Miss Fels, and the Misses Messenger, Richardson, and Wallis, the doctor expressing his satisfaction at Miss Harper's method of tuition and the progress made by her pupils.
"DEATHS", The Register [Adelaide, SA] (16 August 1911), 6
HARPUR. - On the 15th August, at the Wallaroo House, Prospect, Mary Selina Harpur, late post-master, Port Victoria, aged 85 years, R.I.P.
"MOTHER MARY OF THE CROSS. Some Reminiscences . . .", Southern Cross [Adelaide, SA] (2 March 1923), 14
. . . Mother Mary had nowhere to go. Catholics were forbidden to associate with her; so, after two days in the kind shelter of Mr. J. D. Woods' house, when her black secular clothes were made, she went forth . . . and found refuge with a Mrs. Darwin - a Protestant lady living at Walkerville and later with a Miss Harper, in Norwood. This kind lady was a convert, who knowing the plight of the head of the Order, took her into her cottage and felt honored to have the chance to do so. She had already heard from the Jesuit Fathers that they considered the sentence of excommunication most unjust, and so from Miss Harper's home Mother Mary used to go forth early each morning, and, making her way to St. Ignatius' Church, would be present at the Mass . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary MacKillop (religious)
"SIDELIGHTS ON SEVENHILL", Southern Cross (4 March 1849), 5
The following memories and reflections have been sent in by a lady who lived in the Sevenhill parish 70 years ago . . .
Miss Mary Selena Harper, a personal friend of Mother Mary McKillop, used to play the organ in St. Francis Xavier's Cathedral.
She studied the Faith and was received into the Church by Fr. Hinteroeker, S.J.
A little house was lent by Mr. Wm. Harrold, and here Miss Harper taught at the Head of Wakefield,
until so many farmers went north that the school was closed for want of pupils.
She was for many years a post mistress at Port Victoria.
She died at Prospect in 1911, and by her own request her remains were interred in Sevenhill Cemetery. R.I.P. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Nepomucenus Hinteroecker (1820-1872, cleric)
Dancing master, professor of dancing, theatrical dancer, actor, grazier, racehorse owner and breeder (by early 1850s), publican, storekeeper, wheelwright
Born Newcastle, NSW, 9 June 1819 (9 July 1819 on gravestone); baptised Sydney, 7 January 1821; son of John HARPER and Charlotte BRADLEY
Married Esther DONOVAN (c. 1821-1871), Sydney, NSW, c. 1840
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), by February 1842
Active Woodend, VIC, by c. 1852
Died Woodend, VIC, 29 August 1884, aged "64" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Philip's, Sydney, 1821; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
7 January 1821 / born Newcastle 9 June 1819 / Joseph son of / John and Charlotte / Harper
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (26 May 1840), 1
beg to remind their friends and the public generally that they continue to manufacture
Carts, Ploughs, Town and Wool Drays, &c. &c., in a style superior to any in the colony, and at charges that put competition at defiance . . .
N. B. - Wanted, two Wheelwrights and two Apprentices. Goulburn-street East.
Baptisms, St. James's, Sydney, 1841; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
6 June 1841 / born Surry Hills 7 March 1841 / Alfred son of / Joseph and Esther / Harper / Surry Hills / Storekeeper
ASSOCIATIONS: There is no record of the marriage of Joseph Harper and Esther Donovan; however, her death certificate which records that she was born in Dublin, c. 1821, states she was 19 years old at the time (c. 1840)
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (25 March 1841), 3
NOTICE. - I, the undersigned, having taken from the 13th day of March, 1841,
the whole of the business lately carried on by Messrs. J. and J. Harper, Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths, Goulburn-street, Sydney,
trusts by strict attention to gain a liberal share of patronage. - FELIX McKONE.
Burials, St. Lawrence, Sydney, 1842; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
30 January 1842 / died 29 January 1842 / Alfred Harper / 1 year / son of Harper, Wheelwright, Castlereagh-street
"AMATEUR THEATRICALS", Port Phillip Gazette [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (26 February 1842), 3
On Thursday evening [24 February] the second and last of the theatrical entertainments announced on behalf of the Melbourne Hospital came off to an immensely crowded house . . . The diversions of the evening consisted of Rob Roy and the Widow's Victim, with interludes of singing, dancing, and playing music . . . Master Eyles sung with his usual sweetness and acceptance. Mr. Harper, in the Highland fling, was also deservedly saluted; while Mr. Buckingham, in the song of "Nothing," was not only encored, but was called on for the "Steam Arm," which he was obliged, however, to decline, from the fatigue he had encountered during the evening in superintending the minutest arrangements of the theatre. At half past one the curtain fell, amidst bursts of applause and cheers that shook the little house to its foundation. The stewards of the theatricals expect to be enabled to hand over about £100 for the benefit of the hospital from the performances of these two nights.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor, stage manager, vocalist); Master Eyles (vocalist); Pavilion Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Melbourne Times (23 April 1842), 3
THE Undersigned hereby cautions James Hearne, Wheelwright, Great Bourke-street,
that if he does not cease his annoyance and attempts to injure my character,
I shall be under the necessity of adopting such measures in my behalf as will not be agreeable to him.
JOSEPH HARPER. April 23rd.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (12 May 1842), 3
the Grand Eastern spectacle . . . Married and Buried; OR, THE SHIPWRECKED COCKNEY . . .
AFTER WHICH MR. MOSSMAN Has kindly consented, for this night only, to perform some of the most popular Airs on the Accordion.
AN ENTIRE NEWCOMIC DANCE (entitled "Me and my Lady,") MR. HARPER.
THE "OLD MAID," (in character) MRS. AVINS.
SONG ("I've journeyed o'er many Lands,") MASTER EYLES . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Felix Mossman (accordion); Julia Avins (vocalist)
PIECE: Married and buried = The illustrious stranger (by James Kenney with music and songs by Isaac Nathan)
[Advertisement], Melbourne Times (21 May 1842), 3
THEATRE . . . on Monday Evening, May 23rd, 1842 . . .
Sailor's Hornpipe - Mr. Harper . . .
Darby Kelly, in character . . . Mr. Miller . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Miller (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (28 May 1842), 2
THEATRE . . . Monday Evening, May 30th . . .
Comic Irish Jig - Mr. Harper . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (8 June 1842), 2
will be performed, for the first time in the Province, with new Scenery, Music, Machinery, dresses, Decorations, &c.,
the popular melo-drama, THERESE; OR, THE ORPHAN OF GENEVA . . .
Crawin (the denouncer) - Mr. Buckingham. Lavigne (the Lodge-keeper) - Mr. Davies . . .
Bridget (Wife of Lavigne) - Mrs. Avins . . . Blaiscold - Mr. Harper . . .
A DANCE, BY MR. HARPER. "Dramatic Maniac," by Mr. Miller . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Davies (actor)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (18 June 1842), 3
TO MR. McLAUREN. We, the members of the Amateur Theatre,
feel it our duty to call upon you, in consequence of your gross conduct during the progress of the performance on Monday evening last,
to apologise to us . . . [signed]
George Buckingham, John Davies . . . William John Miller . . .
Joseph Harper . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (30 June 1842), 3
by special request of the St. Andrew's Society of Australia Felix,
the favorite Scottish Drama of Rob Roy; OR, AULD LANG SYNE . . .
The Highland Fling (in character), Mr. Harper . . .
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (30 November 1842), 2
A Song - By MASTER EYLES. A Dance - By Mr. HARPER. A Song - By Mr. BURGIN.
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Burgin (actor, vocalist); "Royal Victoria" = Pavilion Theatre (as above)
[Advertisement], Melbourne Times (10 December 1842), 1
DANCING. MR. J. HARPER begs to apprise the Public generally,
that he has commenced teaching the usual routine of fashionable Dancing;
consisting of Quadrilles, Waltzes, Country Dances, &c.
in those spacious rooms of Mr. D. Lyons, the "Edinburgh Castle", Lonsdale-street,
to commence on Wednesday Evening November 30th.
Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. J. H., at his residence,
next door to Mr. Cantlon's, the "Elephant and Castle Inn", Little Bourke-street.
Melbourne. Nov. 26, 1842.
[Advertisement], Melbourne Times (17 December 1842), 1
ROOMS at Mr. Lyon's, Edinburgh Castle Inn, Lonsdale-street.
Evenings of attendance, Wednesdays and Friday, at 7 o'Clock.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (14 January 1843), 3
MR. CAPPER'S NIGHT, Machinist ON MONDAY EVENING, January 16th . . .
A Song By Master Eyles. A Dance By Mr. Harper. A Song By Mr. Burgin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Capper (machinist, actor)
"NEW DANCING ACADEMY", Melbourne Times (28 January 1843), 2
Our merry-making friends of Melbourne will shortly have an additional opportunity of learning the art of "tripping the light fantastic toe," under the tuition of Mr. Green, who, we understand, is about opening an Academy. We trust our Melbourne friends will be induced to extend to him their patronage. We cannot conclude without expressing our gratification at the visible improvement of Mr. Harper's scholars. They do him great credit; and from the order and decorum observed in his Academy he can always calculate upon being well patronized .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Charles Greene (dancing master)
"DANCING", Melbourne Times [NSW (VIC)] (11 March 1843), 3
On Wednesday evening next the votaries of Terpsichore will have a rare gratification in attending the first quarterly Ball given by Mr. Harper, professor of dancing, at the Edinburgh Castle, Lonsdale-street. Mr. H. has a double claim for support and patronage by those who admire the elegant recreation of "tripping it on the light fantastic toe," being accomplished in his profession and also being a native of Australia. A numerous and respectable assemblage both of Mr. Harper's pupils and their friends may be anticipated.
"MR. HARPER'S BALL", Melbourne Times (18 March 1843), 3
On Wednesday evening [15 May] Mr. Harper, Professor of Dancing, gave his first quarterly ball at Mr. D. Lyons long room, Lonsdale-street. The company, which was very select, and amounted to thirty couples, arrived about eight o'clock and dancing commenced at nine, when the various branches of this polite accomplishment were successively gone through, the pupils evincing that the direction of their instructor had not been neglected and that they had profited thereby. At eleven o'clock supper was on the table, which consisted not only of substantial, but combining the delicacies of the season. The wines and other liquids were first rate, reflecting considerable credit upon mine-host of the "Castle." After the good cheer had been done justice too by all parties, dancing was resumed and kept up with much spirit, until the glories of the rising sun warned the company that the time of separation had arrived, which however did not take place until both the friends and pupils of Mr. Harper had expressed their thanks to him for the gratification they had enjoyed at his first quarterly ball.
[Advertisement], Melbourne Times (18 March 1843), 3
[ADVERTISEMENT.] THE scholars of Mr. W. Harper [sic], Professor of Dancing,
return thanks at the close of the first quarter, for the very satisfactory and able manner in which he has discharged his arduous duties,
in perfecting them in the polite accomplishment of dancing, at the same time they would be ungrateful,
did they not acknowledge the successful exertions of Mr. H. in keeping his classes select.
"MR. BUCKINGHAM'S BENEFIT", Melbourne Times (13 May 1843), 2
On Monday evening last, the benefit of Mr. Buckingham, the Stage Manager, came off . . . The performances consisted of the Pantomime entitled Robinson Crusoe, or, the Frozen Regions. Songs of a variegated nature then followed, and the evening's entertainments concluded with Lovers' Quarrels . . . As the first attempt at Pantomime here, it was particularly successful; Mr. Harper, who is well known as a talented professor of dancing, discharged his most arduous duties as Harlequin in a style which, the auditory duly awarded by their applause. We regretted to observe Mr. H. owing to the scandalous state of the stage, which, from hills and hollows, is in a worse condition than any of our streets, fall, and strike his forehead severely in the early part of the evening, but it had not the slightest effect in his successful essay to carry out the part allotted to him. Miss Warman's Columbine was a character of the most fatiguing description, but that young lady acquitted herself in a style, and with an assiduity, that merited the applause which followed. Clown by Mr. Miller, and Pantaloon by Mr. Avins, were respectably got through although so foreign to their line of business. Mr. Buckingham did a Demon, or something of the kind, while Mrs. Murray did the reverse, Angelici-ing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Stacey Avins (actor); Dinah Murray (actor, vocalist)
"THE THEATRE", Port Phillip Gazette (21 June 1843), 3
Mr. Harper's benefit comes off at the Theatre to-morrow evening. The pieces selected are Buckstone's celebrated drama of Isabelle; or, Woman's Life, and a new pantomime. In the first piece Buckingham performs one of the characters he was most successful in on the Sydney boards - this should be of itself sufficient to fill the house; but Mr. Harper has the double attraction of producing novelty, with additional talent to the Melbourne boards. A Mr. Wilson, from the Launceston Theatre makes his debut on the occasion. Mrs. Murray, also appears; with such a galaxy of talent, nothing short of a crowded house may be expected.
"THE AUSTRAL FELICAN TERPSICHORE SOCIETY", Melbourne Times (28 July 1843), 2
Under this appellation a club has been established in the town to encourage the healthy exercise of dancing. The meetings are held twice a-week (Tuesdays and Fridays) in the large room of the Adelphi Hotel, Little Flinders-street. Through the kindness of a friend we had the pleasure of being present on Tuesday evening last [25 July], and were exceedingly gratified. The company was respectable and select. There were present thirty ladies and nearly as many gentlemen; and the master of the ceremonies, Mr. Harper, appears perfect in the art of "tripping the light fantastic toe." Sources of amusement are exceedingly scarce, but still are necessary as well for the body as the mind. This club presents a source of rational and innocent amusement to the lovers of the science at comparatively no expense. We understand Mr. Harper devotes an hour on each evening previous to the meeting of the club in giving instructions to those who wish for improvement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Terpsichore Society (Melbourne association)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (14 July 1845), 3
FIRST NIGTH OF THE . . . Grand Comic Pantomime, entitled, the
Three Wishes; OR, THE Queen of the Fairy Lake, and the Palace of the Blazing Sun . . .
GRAND TRANSFORMATION. Columbine - Mrs. Young.
Harlequin - Mr. Harper (who is engaged for this occasion)
Clown - Mr. Young. Pantaloon - Mr. Avins.
Here we go - now for fun - catche, catche, catche.
SCENE 6 - A well known shop in Elizabeth street - DOUBLE IRISH FLING, BY HARLEQUIN AND COLUMBINE . . .
SCENE 8 - Front street - MEDLEY DANCE, BY HARLEQUIN . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Jane Young (actors, dancers); George Coppin (actor, manager); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Courier (22 December 1845), 3
Terpsichore Society's Annual Ball.
THE usual annual Ball of the above Society will be held on Wednesday evening,
the 31st December in the Long Room of the "Pastoral Hotel."
Tickets may he had from Mr. J. Harper, at the Society's Rooms, Lonsdale-street;
from any of the Committee; and at the Pastoral Hotel, Queen-street.
Tickets, Half Guinea each. Early application is necessary as the number is limited;
By order of the Committee.
(Signed) J. HARPER.
Dec. 20th, 1845.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (8 August 1846), 3
BALL. MR. J. HARPER begs to announce to his Friends and the public generally,
that his half-yearly Ball will take place on Tuesday, the 11th of August,
at the Long Room of the Pastoral Hotel; tickets 10s 6d each, admitting a lady and gentleman.
Tickets to be obtained of Mr. Harper, and of Mr. Gordon at the Pastoral Hotel.
"Domestic Intelligence . . . TRIP IT LIGHTLY!", The Melbourne Argus (3 August 1847), 2
Mr. Harper's annual Assembly Ball will take place at the Royal Exchange Hotel, Collins-street, this evening when a numerous and respectable attendance may be anticipated, upwards of a hundred tickets having been disposed of, and every precaution having been taken to render the affair select.
[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (18 April 1848), 3
Protestant Hall. EASTER MONDAY next,
being the Anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of the above named building,
the managing committee have determined to open the same with a ball and supper . . .
- Mr. Harper, Master of Ceremonies . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
"FULL PARTICULARS OF THE LATE MURDER ON THE SALT WATER RIVER", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (19 July 1848), 2
On Monday last an adjourned inquest was held at the Flemington Hotel,
upon the body of Francis Shaughnessy, who had, as recorded in a previous number, been found dead upon the north-east bank of the Salt Water River . . .
Joseph Harper, the occupant of the premises referred to by the former witnesses as "The blacksmith's," deposed.
- I reside about four miles from here . . .
"Domestic Intelligence . . . BALL", The Melbourne Argus (8 September 1848), 2
The Dress Ball advertised to come off at the Protestant Hall, was attended on Monday night [4 September] by a numerous assembly. The orchestra was under the management of Mr. Megson: Mr. Harper officiating as Master of Ceremonies. There was a better attendance than upon the former Ball, and dancing was kept up with spirit till six o'clock next morning . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violinist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 September 1848), 3
. . . For the delivery of the above mares and cattle, separately or conjointly to the undersigned,
or Mr. Joseph Harper, Wheelwright, at the Springs, the following rewards will be paid, viz.: -
£2 (or the mare without foal, and each of the three bullocks; and £3, for the mare with foal.
WILLIAM O'NEIL, Springs, Mount Macedon Road.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (18 November 1848), 3
A BALL. THE long room of the Protestant Hall having been fully completed,
MR. JOSEPH HARPER, has obtained the sanction of the Trustees to hold
A BALL On MONDAY EVENING . . . the 20th instant . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Megson . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 December 1848), 3
Master of Ceremonies - Mr. Harper. Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Megson.
- H. MANUELL, Secretary.
"VICTORIA", The North Australian [Brisbane, QLD] (5 November 1863), 3
The Geelong Chronicle notices that a complimentary dinner is about to be given to Joseph Harper, Esq., J.P., as the producer of the best racehorse in the colonies. The event will take place at the Woodend Hotel. Our readers are, of course, aware that Mr. Harper is the owner of Barwon, the winner of the Ballaarat Champion Race. (Mr. Harper is we understand a native of New South Wales.)
[News], The Argus (21 November 1863), 5
Yesterday was the first day of the Turf Club Spring Races . . . The Maiden Plate was won by the English imported filly, Nathalie . . . the Melbourne Cup by Mr. Joseph Harper's Banker, own brother to Barwon . . .
"PIC-NIC AT SNUGBOROUGH PARK", Kyneton Guardian and Woodend and Malmsbury Chronicle (12 December 1863), 2
Upwards of two hundred ladies and gentlemen assembled yesterday at Snugborougb Park, the seat of Joseph Harper, Esq., J.P., Mayor of Woodend, in response to that gentleman's invitation to join in a pic-nic. A large proportion of those present were inhabitants of Woodend and its vicinity, but the leading citizens of Kyneton and Malmsbury were also well represented. All manner of innocent sports were indulged in, such as cricket, football, racing, archery, Aunt Sally, &c., and a string band from Melbourne kept the dancers busy. Everyone seemed to enjoy himself to the utmost, and although there was not the smallest stint in the supply of eatables and drinkables, we saw no one there who abused the liberty. Rank was forgotten, and age seemed no obstacle to indulging in those sports which youth usually considers its own . . .
{News], The Kyneton Observer (12 December 1863), 2
A pic nic was given yesterday at Snugborough Park, near Woodend, by Joseph Harper, Esq., Mayor of Woodend, and owner of the racehorses, Barwon and Banker, to which about 250 persons were invited, and nearly an equal proportion of which were of the fair sex. The inhabitants of Woodend had made the day a general holiday, nearly all the shops and places of business being closed . . .
[News], The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (24 August 1871), 2
The complimentary benefit to Mr. Joseph Harris, took place last night at the Mechanics' Institute, Woodend. The characters in the first part was very well represented, this was followed by songs and a dance, the songs were very fairly rendered. Mr. Harris gave "The Slave" in first-class style. The dancing of J. Harper, Esq., was particularly good, and obtained considerable applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Harris (theatrical amateur)
"LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS", Kyneton Guardian [VIC] (26 August 1871), 2
A COMPLIMENTARY benefit to Mr. Harris was given at the Woodend Mechanics' Institute, on Wednesday evening last, and proved a great success, the room being well filled. The entertainment consisted of the farce of "Box and Cox" . . . Mr. Sutton, of Kyneton, then sang two comic songs in character, and was loudly applauded. Mr. Harris sang "The Slave" with great taste and expression. This was followed, by the Highland Fling, danced by Joseph Harper, Esq., in character, and in a first-rate manner. The audience were so much pleased with his performance that they wished to encore it but this Mr. Harper declined. The whole concluded with a pantomine performed by the local amateurs, and considering the very limited space afforded by the stage the wonder is that they could have succeeded so well. But the company certainly showed great ability for pantominic performance, the dancing was above the average, and the jokes and local hits of the clown (Mr. Laurence) were highly relished by the audience. In short, the whole performance gave great satisfaction, and reflects much credit upon all who took part in it . . .
[News], The Kyneton Observer (19 November 1872), 2
For more than two months past a dancing class has been held once a week under the direction of Joseph Harper, who very kindly, gave his gratuitous services in instructing them. For though the greater part of the pupils contributed sixpence per week the money was all put aside to provide a treat for the children, Mr. Harper declining to receive any remuneration for for his services, and on Wednesday evening the children and many of their parents, to the number of about 140 assembled at Coop's about 8 o'clock, when the children commenced dancing, and the manner in which they went through the sets of quadrilles, waltzes, Spanish dances, etc., was such as to astonish their parents, and reflected great credit upon both instructor and pupils. The children entered into the spirit of the dance most heartily, and the sight afforded by so many elegantly dressed young people was one of the prettiest that can be imagined. Not only the children but the grown up persons present enjoyed themselves most thoroughly. An abundance of refreshments of various kinds and an elegant sapper were provided during the evening in Mr. and Mrs. Coop's usual style of liberality and excellence, and the whole entertainment will long be remembered, particularly by the rising generation, as one of the most pleasing and successful that ever took place in Woodend.
"LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS", Kyneton Guardian (20 November 1872), 2
ONE of the most interesting children's parties which has taken place in this district was held at Woodend on Friday evening. We should mention that something over three months ago Mr. Joseph Harper, of Snugborough Park, very kindly undertook to give lessons in dancing to all children whose parents were willing that they should be taught, and accordingly each Saturday a dancing class has been held under Mr. Harper's direction. On Friday it was determined to give the young ones on opportunity of displaying their proficiency, and a juvenile ball was held in Mr. Coop's large hall. About sixty children attended, and went through a regular ball programme in a manner not only faultless as to style, but with a spirit and earnestness that showed how thoroughly they enjoyed the affair. There were quite as many adults present as children, and the youngsters having kept up the ball till 11 o'clock, the children of a larger growth took a turn and enjoyed themselves till 2. Altogether, noted as Woodend is for social re-unions, it was the unanimous opinion of those present that a more thoroughly pleasant party had never been held in the township, and the company did not separate without passing a very hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Harper, in whose disinterested kindness the festival originated.
[News], The Kyneton Observer (30 August 1884), 2
About mid-day yesterday, the news reached Kyneton that Mr. Joseph Harper, of Woodend, had suddenly expired. Our Woodend correspondent write as follows, under yesterday's date: - It is with the greatest regret that I have to report the death of one of our oldest residents and colonists, Mr. Joseph Harper, who expired at his residence, Snugborough Park, near Woodend, this morning very suddenly. The deceased gentleman rose in his usual good health and was working in his garden, but being taken with a shivering, and feeling ill, he lay down on his bed. In two hours he was dead. On the symptoms appearing serious, Dr. Pestell was sent for, but before his arrival life was extinct. Dr. Pestell expressed the opinion that death had been caused by heart disease, but that will be cleared up at the magisterial enquiry to be held tomorrow (Saturday). Mr. Harper was one of the pioneers, and practically the founder of Woodend, where he built and opened a hotel in 1852. He subsequently purchased a large extent of land in the neighborhood of Woodend, on which he continued to reside till his death. Mr. Harper was closely identified with racing matters, and his name attained great prominence through the victories of Barwon and Banker in the same year, which will not readily be forgotten. When Woodend became a borough, Mr. Harper as elected a councillor, and was the first mayor. The deceased gentleman throughout evinced the greatest interest in the district and its inhabitants, many of whom have cause to be thankful for his timely advice and assistance. Mr. Harper leaves a large family, and his death is universally regretted.
"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 September 1884), 1
HARPER. - On the 29th ult., at his residence, Snugboro-park, near Woodend, Joseph Harper, aged 64 years. Sydney and Brisbane papers please copy.
"PROBATES AND LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (27 September 1884), 28
In the Equity Court, on September 25, probates were granted to the wills of the following: - . . .
Joseph Harper, £11,259, on the motion of Mr. Topp . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Joseph Harper, Find a grave
HARPUR, Charles (Charles HARPUR)
Poet, songwriter, ? song recorder
Born Windsor, NSW, 23 January 1813
Died NSW, 10 June 1868 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE KANGAROO HUNT; OR, A MORNING IN THE MOUNTAINS", The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (28 July 1860), 345-46
The gooburra [Kookaburra] . . . This bird is usually called the "laughing jackass" - how tasteful and poetic! and sometimes the "snake-killer," because of its preying upon reptiles. In the early times of the colony it was pretty generally known also by the name of the "settler's clock," being thus called on account of the poorer sort of farmers (designated in the parlance of the period "dungaree settlers," from a cheap Indian cotton stuff usually worn by them) using to regulate the hour of arousing their assigned servants to labour by the laughter-like peals which it invariably utters just before and after daybreak. The following "elegant extract" from a song that was popular amongst certain of the inhabitants of Windsor during the Author's boyhood, is humorously illustrative of this particular. The song itself was a rather lugubrious description of the unpleasant surprises experienced by some newly arrived convict during the first week or so of his assignment.
Next morning as I lay a-bed
A thinking on my woe,
I hears a something near the crib
Begin to ha and hoo:
By jabers! what is that! says, I,
It gave such a shock!
Why, laughing answered an old chum,
That 'ere's the Settler's Clock.
With that I peeps all through the slabs,
And to my surprise did see,
A most remarkable looking Bird
A laughing on a tree!
And at the same time twigged the cove
His bed-room door unlock,
Crying Up to work, you lazy hounds,
For don't you hear the Clock?
Musician (1 or more), vocalist, minstrel serenader, banjo, flute, and piccolo player, theatrical manager
Active New Norfolk, TAS, 1851
Active NSW, 1852-56
Active Brisbane, NSW (QLD), 1855
Active Maryborough, VIC, 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
New Norfolk, TAS (February 1851) - Mr. Harrington:
"SERENADERS AT NEW NORFOLK", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania [TAS] (26 February 1851), 3
The performances of the Ethiopian Serenaders at New Norfolk at the Court House, during the two race nights, afforded great satisfaction. Mr. Meadows as "Bones" was really, inimitable, and the solo on the Flutina, and that on the Banjo, by Mr. Harrington, were much applauded. We regret to be informed, that the attendance was but scanty, and hope, that when they appear at Bothwell at the forthcoming Races, the attendance will be more numerous.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Meadows (serenader)
Sydney, NSW (February to May 1852) - W. Harrington:
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [NSW] (14 February 1852), 3
ROYAL HOTEL. New Orleans Serenaders.
THE above Company beg most respectfully to inform the Public that they will make their
FIRST APPEARANCE in the SALOON of the Royal Hotel, on MONDAY Evening, Feb. 16,
when they trust the Programme selected will meet with the approbation of those who may honor them with their patronage.
The following gentlemen constitute the company:
Flutina - G. Price.
Guitar - J. W. Sandford.
First Banjo - W. Harrington.
Second Banjo - J. F. Price.
Tambourine - W. Newton.
Bones - J. P. Hall.
Doors open at Half-past 7; to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
Reserved Seats, 2s.; Back Seats, 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: New Orleans Serenaders (troupe); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 May 1852), 1
For the Benefit of Messrs. NEWTON and PRICE, Tambourine and Flute Players . . .
in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel . . . THIS EVENING, May 10th . . .
Overture - Selections from Fra Diavolo - Company
Chorus - Carry me back - Company
History of de World - Mr. Hall
Life by the Galley Fire - Mr. Sandford
[REDACTED] a Peeping, (Music from Fra Diavolo) - Mr. Newton
Come back Stephen - Mr. Harrington
Juliana Phoebiana Constantina Brown - Mr. Hall
Nelly was a Lady - Mr. Sandford
Get up in de morning - Mr. Harrington
Stop dat Knocking - Company.
An Intermission of Ten Minutes.
Part II.
Solo - Guitar, Waltzes, Mr. Sandford
Duet - First and Second Banjo, Messrs. Harrington and Price.
Trio - Flute, Guitar and Bones, Messrs. Price, Sandford, and Hall.
Part III.
Whar am the Spot - Company
Virginia Rosebud, (Music - Bronze Horse) - Mr. Sandford
Suckey Dear - Mr. Hall
My Canoe am on de Ohio - Mr. Newton
Ober de Mountain - Mr. Harrington
Would I were a Boy again - Mr. Sandford
Picayune Butler - Mr. Hall
Oft in do Winter's Night - Mr. Sandford
Mr. Coon - Mr. Hall
[REDACTED]s from de South - Company
To conclude with the celebrated Railway Gallop, by M. Julien . . .
Sydney and Maitland, NSW (March and April 1853) - Frederick Harrington:
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (4 March 1853), 1
Fresh Talent for This Evening, in the shape of Mr. Frederick Harrington, Flautist, and Luke West, Bones . . .
THIS EVENING, Friday, March 4, 1853, in the Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL.
The entertainments will commence with the following choice Programme: -
Overture - Caliph of Bagdad - Company
Happy are we - G. B. Howard
Hab a little dance - C. V. Howard
Dandy Jim - L. West
Oh! de bulgine - J. Brenni
Jim along Josey - F. Harrington
Come to de gum tree - G. B. Howard
Gal wid de blue dress on - J. W. Brenni
Picayune Butler - C. V. Howard
To conclude with the celebrated RAILWAY GALLOP.
Duet - Flute and Banjo - Harrington and Brenni.
Solo - Flutina - G. B. Howard . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Howard's Serenaders (troupe)
"HOWARD'S SERENADERS", Empire (16 March 1853), 2
On Monday evening [14 March], these highly popular caterers to the enjoyment of the laughter-loving portion of the community gave a concert of great attraction in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel. The Right Worshipful the Mayor, with several of his relatives and friends, honoured the concert with their presence . . . A very numerous and fashionable assemblage testified by their loud plaudits to the finished skill of the "[REDACTED] gentlemen," and the burlesque lecture on Electro-Biology came in for its accustomed tribute of applause . . . Mr. G. B Howard sang the negro melodies called "Ole folks at home," and "Ma beautiful Bessy Bone," in a sweet and delightful strain, and was loudly encored. The melody of "Give me a gal," by Mr. J. W. Brenni, was also loudly applauded, and so was the comic song, "{REDACTED] ob de understanding," by Mr. Harrington. His Excellency the Governor General has intimated his intention of honouring Howard's Serenaders with his company on Wednesday next, the 23rd instant.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1853), 2
ROYAL HOTEL. HOWARD'S ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS. Continued and increasing success.
Change in the programme, embracing some of the gems of negro melody . . .
TO-MORROW, Wednesday evening, March 23, 1853, in the large Saloon . . .
PROGRAMME. Part 1 . . . Round de corner Sally - F. Harrington . . .
Part II . . . Trio - Flute, Banjo, & Bones - Harrington, Brenni, and West . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (13 April 1853), 3
SINGLETON. Howard's Serenaders and Wizard!!! . . . intend giving a
GRAND ETHIOPIAN CONCERT, at the Saloon of the "Rose Inn," Singleton, on
Thursday, the 14th instant, and on Friday, the 15th instant . . .
HOWARD'S SERENADERS and WIZARD! Positively the last Appearance in Maitland!
By particular desire, on Saturday Evening, April 16th, in the Saloon of the "Northumberland."
OBSERVE THE PROGRAMME: . . . Ole Aunt Sally - Fred Harrington . . .
Sydney, Newcastle, and Maitland, NSW (November 1854 to January 1855) - F. Harrington:
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1854), 1
SERENADERS. - PELHAM'S SERENADERS, Royal Hotel - Nightly in the Bazaar.
Grand Medley Overture, - By the Company
Opening Chorus - Come darkies, sing, - Mr. F. Harrington and Company (tambourine)
Song - Carry me back, - Mr. Hall (flutina)
Song - Brudder Gum, - Mr. Johnson (bones)
Song - Old Log Hut, - Mr. Faulkner (banjo)
Song - Old grey Goose, - Mr. F. Harrington
Song - Way down in Old Virginny, - Mr. Johnson
Song - My yeller Busher Belle, - Mr. Faulkner
Song - Stop dat knocking, - Mr. Hall.
An intermission of 10 minutes.
Opening Chorus - Commence, you darkles all, - Mr. Johnson and Company
Song - De [REDACTED] of understanding, - Mr. F. Harrington
Song - Old Folks at Home, - Mr. Faulkner
Song - Cynthia Sue, - Mr. Hall
Banjo - Old Virgia Bells, - Mr. Johnson
Song - Come back, Stephen, - Mr. F. Harrington
Song - Ben Bolt, - Mr. Faulkner
Song - Camptown Races - Mr. Hall
Admission, 1s.; reserved seats, 2s. 6d. Doors open at half past 7, commence at 8 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Pelham's Serenaders (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (9 December 1854), 3
NEWCASTLE. Pelham's Original Ethiopian Serenaders from America.
MESSRS. Faulkner, Johnson, Stanwood, and Harrington beg to announce to the inhabitants of Newcastle and its vicinity that they intend giving
two of their INIMITABLE ENTERTAINMENTS in the Court House, on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday next, the 11th and 12th December . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (13 December 1854), 3
WEST MAITLAND. Pelham's Serenaders, from America.
MESSRS. Harrington, Faulkner, Johnson, and Stanwood beg to announce to the inhabitants of West Maitland and its vicinity, that they intend giving
one of their INIMITABLE ENTERTAINMENTS at the ROSE INN, On Wednesday Evening, 13th December 1854 . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 January 1855), 1
Messrs. HARRINGTON, FAULKNER, STANWOOD, and GERMON beg to inform the inhabitants of Balmain and its vicinity that they intend giving
one of their inimitable Entertainments in the large room at Mr. Alton's UNITY HALL INN, on FRIDAY EVENING, January 12th, 1855 . . .
Brisbane and Ipswich, NSW (QLD) (May-June 1855): F. Harrington:
"IPSWICH (From our Correspondent)", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (16 June 1855), 2
MR. COOLING'S Concerts of the Ethiopian Serenaders were undertaken chiefly on the strength of promises of support made by the Brisbane people. There, however, they proved a failure, bringing the enterprising speculator nothing but loss . . . In Ipswich, Mr. Cooling has in a measure, redeemed the losses incurred in Brisbane, and we have his word pledged, that, should he undertake to bring up another company to Moreton Bay, he will give the first concert here. Of the Company I have formed the opinion that they are much above the average in talent, though unequal to the most celebrated companies in the great merit of faithful imitation. They are first rate melodists, and very clever actors, but do not seem to have studied from nature . . . Mr. Harrington is possessed of genuine humour. Mr. Reading has great natural capacity for broad farce, Mr. Howard is a very clever performer upon the flutina, and a very clever singer also, and Mr. Faulkner has a voice which is both very rich and possessed of great compass . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cooling (concert promoter); George Birkbeck Mason alias Howard (serenader); James W. Reading (serenader); "Faulkner" = Joseph Fairchild (serenader); Howard's Serenaders (troupe)
Regional NSW (July to October 1855):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1855), 1
Mr. J. FAIRCHILD has the honour to announce to the inhabitants of Wollongong and Dapto that he intends giving
Grand Evening Concerts, on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY, 23rd, 24th, and 25th instant, at Mr. OSBORNE'S Commercial Hotel, Wollongong;
and THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 26th and 27th instants, at Mr. G. W. Brown's, Dapto.
Mr. J. Fairchild will be assisted by Miss Bassmann, a pianist and vocalist of high standing;
Mademoiselle Lorette from the Royal Academy of Music, London, and late of the Victoria Theatre, Sydney;
and Mr. Frederick Sams, a celebrated comic singer, delineator, and comedian, from the Melbourne and Geelong theatres, who will appear in character, in several of his favourite songs and extravaganzas.
Mr. J. Fairchild will also introduce songs and ballads, which have been so favourably received by the elite of Sydney and Melbourne.
Cards of admission:- Front seats, 4s.; back seats, 2s. To be had at the Hotel.
Doors open at 7, to commence at half-past. For programmes see small bills.
- F. HARRINGTON, manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelmina Basmann (pianist); Miss Lorette (vocalist); Frederic Sams (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (15 September 1855), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, DURHAM STREET.
Hear and believe the best Musical Talent that ever visited Bathurst, and the only Travelling Company who produce Musical Farces with all the Original Songs . . .
SATURDAY EVENING, SEPT. 15 . . . Nights of performance next week - Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (6 October 1855), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, Durham-street. This Evening, SATURDAY, October 6th.
Fairchild's Company of SERENADERS. Great Novelty for this night only . . .
- F. HARRINGTON, Manager.
Sydney and Bathurst, NSW (February and March 1856):
[Advertisement], Empire (5 February 1856), 1
Immense Attraction. - Engagement of the renowned SABLE BRETHREN,
Messrs. D. Brenni, F. Harrington, and Felix Germone.
MONDAY EVENING. February 4, 1856.
Programme I. Winchester Quick Step, Band; Glee - "The Wild Racoon track," Company;
Burlesque - "Away she went," D. Brenni; Refrain - "Oh, Boys, carry me along," F. Germone;
Ballad - "Nancy Till," F. Harrington; Song - "The Blue-dress'd Gal," D. Brenni;
Song, "I seed her at de Winder," F. Germone;
Medley and chorus - "I wish I was in ole Virginny," F. Harrington. Medley dance, by Miss Melville.
Programme II. Banjo solo - "Bells with new variations," D. Brenni;
horus "Jump into my Canoe," Company; Song - "Camptown Races," D. Brenni; Ballad - "Mary May," F. Germone;
Extravaganza "Get up in de Morning," F. Harrington.
To wind up with the original burlesque of THE HAUNTED HOUSE; or, Half an Hour with the Invisible Spirits.
Dress circle, 3s; side boxes, 2s.; pit, 1s. To commence at 8 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: J. W. Brenni [sic, as above] (serenader); Felix Garmone (serenader); Sable Brethren (troupe); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (14 February 1856), 1
THIS (Thursday) EVENING . . . The whole to conclude with the Laughable extravaganza of
JACK ROBINSON AND HIS MONKEY. Characters by F. Harrington, F. Germone, and D. Brenni.
- J. MALCOM, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Malcom (proprietor)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (15 March 1856), 3
Saturday Evening, March 15th . . . Stage Manager - Mr. G. W. Daniels.
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. G. Chittenden . . .
PROFESSOR HALL, THE WIZARD OF THE EAST. Will give his second Entertainment at the above Theatre,
when he will again be assisted by the SABLE BRETHREN . . .
By desire the funny Burlesque, entitled the
D. Brenni . . . Felix Germone . . . F. Harrington . . .
George Washington Daniels (actor, manager);
George Chittenden (leader);
Hall the wizard (magician);
Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue);
the troupe were also advertised to perform in Brisbane, as follows, but in the event did not appear,
see [Advertisement], The Moreton Bay Courier (26 April 1856), 3
PROFESSOR HALL, THE CELEBRATED WIZARD OF THE EAST, WILL arrive in Brisbane by the next steamer and give a series of entertainments in the science of NECROMANCY
on which occasion the renowned SABLE BRETHREN Messrs. D. Brenni, F. Harrington, and Felix Germone, will appear.
Maryborough, VIC (July 1858):
[Advertisement], Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (23 July 1858), 2
With the greatest and most talented company on the diggings.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS. First Violin - Mr. S. Radford
Violo [sic] - Jas. McEwen
Cornet a'piston - R. McEwen
Piccolo - F. Harrington
Saxe Tuba - John McEwen
Pianoforte - Herr Schluter
VOCALISTS. Dixon and Fairchild.
Bassos - Messrs. R. McEwen And Herr Schluter.
Also supported by COMIC SINGING by Mr. John McEwen and Mr. Frederic Sams.
And the only and last appearance of Troy Knight, the celebrated Nigger Johnson, and delineator of Russell's songs, scenes, &c.
The evening's entertainment will be added to by the performance of the Maryborough German Glee Club, for this night only.
Doors open at half-past 7, to commence at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission, Half-a-crown.
Leader, Mr. S. Radford; Conductor, Herr Schluter.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Radford (violin); McEwen brothers (musicians); Adolph Schluter (pianist, vocalist); Frederick Dixon (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist, as above); Golden Age Concert Hall (Maryborough venue)
HARRIS, Flora (Flora Macdonald HARRIS; Flora McDonald HARRIS; Miss Flora HARRIS; Madame Flora HARRIS; Mrs. Joseph Sheridan MOORE)
Musician, soprano (mezzo soprano) vocalist, pianist, teacher of singing
Born St. Mary Newington, Surrey, England, 30 April 1830; baptised St. George, Camberwell, 12 April 1846 [sic]; daughter of Robert HARRIS and Mary Anne THEW
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 November 1852 (per Benjamin Elkin, from London, 31 July, and the Downs 8 August)
Married Joseph Sheridan MOORE, Sydney, NSW, 3 October 1857
Died Sydney, NSW, 29 January 1910, aged "79/80" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
HARRIS, Gertrude (Gertrude Louise HARRIS; Miss Gertrude HARRIS; Mrs. Thomas LAMB)
Musician, vocalist
Born Newington, Surrey, 18 February 1834; baptised St. George, Camberwell, 12 April 1846 [sic]; daughter of Robert HARRIS and Mary Anne THEW
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 November 1852 (per Benjamin Elkin, from London, 31 July, and the Downs 8 August)
Married Thomas LAMB (d. 1888), St. James's, Sydney, NSW, 14 May 1857
Died Armidale, NSW, 20 September 1903 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
HARRIS, Haidee (Haidee Beatrice HARRIS; Miss Haidee HARRIS; Miss H. HARRIS; Mrs. William Henry HARPER)
Amateur vocalist
Born Camberwell, Surrey, England, 1847 (2nd quarter); daughter of Robert HARRIS and Mary Anne THEW
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 November 1852 (per Benjamin Elkin, from London, 31 July, and the Downs 8 August)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1864-65
Married Henry William HARPER, St. Paul's, Redfern, NSW, 27 December 1866
Died Manly, NSW, 5 July 1934 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Daughter of Robert Harris (c. 1796-1882) and Mary Ann Thew (c. 1807-1890), Flora Macdonald Harris was born at St. Mary Newington, Surrey, London, on 30 April 1830 (the date on her gravestone) and named after her paternal grandmother, Flora Macdonald (Mrs. Joseph Harris), and her historical namesake, Flora MacDonald, the celebrated Jacobite heroine.
Robert's father having died early, he was largely brought up by his elder brother, the musician Joseph Macdonald Harris (1789-1860), who was professionally active in London in the 1820s and 1830s, and a personal friend of John Braham, Tom Moore, and Isaac Nathan. Robert was later a legal officer for the City of London and was also particularly involved in health policy and sanitation reform. In 1852, he resigned and with large family sailed for Australia, "the salubrity of whose climate was enlarged on by other friends".
Flora Miss Flora Harris, "from the Exeter Concerts", first appeared as a soloist with Marianne Adcock for the Sydney Choral Society in April 1853, and at John Winterbottom's promenades in May. At Coleman Jacobs's farewell in October, the generally rather ill-disposed reviewer for the Illustrated Sydney News noted: "Miss Flora Harris has improved, and with study and care may become a tolerable singer". Again for the Sydney Choral Society in December, the Herald noted:
Miss Flora Harris sung the "Adelaide" [Beethoven] with great taste. The particular charm of her singing is in the ease with which she varies her intonation, according to the character of each passage; and this, added to the sweet quality of her voice, renders her a thoroughly satisfactory singer.
As a singing teacher, Harris advertised that her system of instruction was based on that of her own former teacher, Domenico Crivelli.
A bound album of sheet music (late 18th-century Scottish and English) that belonged to Haidee Harris, is in the Stewart Symonds Collection, Museums of History NSW. The contents of the collection date mainly from the 1790s, and, according to an inscription, was given to her by her mother, Mary Ann, in 1864.
Flora Harris programmed several songs by her great uncle, Joseph Macdonald Harris, in Sydney concerts, The Grecian daughter's war song in June 1853, We part, forever part tonight (words from Lalla Roohk) in November 1853, and The mariner's child to his mother in January 1854.
Note that the documentation below charts highlights only of Flora Harris's first three years in New South Wales (1853-55), her extraordinarily long and busy career as a Sydney vocalist and teacher making it impractical thereafter to continue doing so here.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. George, Camberwell, in the county of Surrey, in the year 1846; register 1841-73, page 159; London Metropolitan Archives, P73/Geo/005 (PAYWALL)
No. 1268 / [1846] April 12 / [born] 20 July 1828 / Robina Elizabeth [daughter of] / Robert & Mary Anne / Harris / Albany Road / Magistrate's Clerk . . .
No. 1269 / [1846] April 12 / [born] 30 April 1830 / Flora Macdonald [daughter of] / . . .
No. 1270 / [1846] April 12 / [born] 27 Feb'y 1832 / Robert Douglas [son of] / . . .
No. 1271 / [1846] April 12 / [born] 18 Feb'y 1824 / Gertrude Louise [daughter of] / . . .
No. 1272 / [1846] April 12 / [born] 10 March 1835 / Eda Jane [daughter of] / . . . [and 4 younger siblings]
ASSOCIATIONS: No record of the marriage of Robert Harris and Mary Ann ? THEW has been found
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Mary Newington, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1064/4/7/9/11 (PAYWALL)
Walworth Villa / Rob't Harris / 45 / Clerk // Mary / 35 / [both not born in county]
Robina / 13 // Flora / 11 // Robert / 9 // Gertrude / 7 // Eda / 5 // Donald / 2 / Walter / 9 months [all born in county]
England census, 30 March 1851, St. George, Camberwell, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1582/ (PAYWALL)
268 Albany Road / Robert Harris / Head / 54 / Accountant f'm City of London / [born] Middlesex West[minster]
Mary A [Harris] / Wife / 44 / - / [born] Devon Plymouth
Flora [Harris] / Daug. / 20 / Vocalist & Teacher of Music / [born] Surrey Newington
Gertrude [Harris] / Daug. / 17 / Scholar / [born Surrey Newington]
Donald [Harris] / Son / 12 / Scholar / [born Surrey Newington]
Walter [Harris] / Son / 10 / Scholar / [born Surrey Newington]
Kathleen [Harris] / Daug. / 8 / Scholar / [born Surrey Newington]
Reginald [Harris] / Son / 6 / [born Surrey Camberwell] [on next page]
Beatrice Harris / Daug. / 3 / [born] Surrey Camberwell
Malcolm Harris / Son / 2 / [born Surrey Camberwell]
Sydney, NSW (from 15 November 1852):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (16 November 1852), 2
November 15. - Benjamin Elkin, ship, 367 tons, Captain Overbury, from London, 1st August. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harris and nine children . . .
"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 February 1853), 2
Yesterday evening, the members of this Society had a night, when they were favoured by a large and respectable audience. The pieces were a selection from the Messiah, and the first part of the Creation. The great novelty of the evening was the introduction of female voices for some of the solos. Miss Harriss and Mrs. Adcock appearing with the singers for the first time. The soft and pleasing style of the latter is well known. Miss Harriss has only recently arrived in the colony: she has a fine powerful voice, and great skill in managing it. Her style of singing appeared to be much approved of by the numerous amateurs present. Many of the choruses went off remarkably well, particularly "Lift up your heads," and the Hallelujah. The Society certainly gave their friends a great treat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne Adcock (vocalist); Sydney Choral Society (association, also known as St. James's Choral Society); St. James's church (Sydney)
"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 April 1853), 4
Thursday was an open practice night. The performance consisted of the second part of The Creation, and a selection of other music, chiefly sacred. A very pleasing reform has been effected by the introduction of female voices. On Thursday, Miss Harris and Mrs. St. John Adcock gave their valuable assistance in the solos; and added very greatly to the general effect of the choruses . . .
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (2 May 1853), 1
The proprietors have much pleasure to announce that they have succeeded in making an engagement with
Miss FLORA HARRIS, of the Exeter Hall Concerts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (musician, conductor); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"PROMENADE CONCERT", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (2 May 1853), 3
This very pleasant addition to the few public means of entertainment which Sydney possesses continues to attract considerable audiences. The wonderful performance of Mr. Winterbottom, on the bassoon, always receives the honour of a vociferous encore; and the general effect of the band cannot fail to impart pleasure while it improves the taste of the hearers. We are informed that the performance will be changed this evening . . . We understand that a new candidate for public favour makes for appearance to-night, in the person of Miss Harris, whose beautiful soprano voice and cultivated style of singing created so much sensation at the recent meetings of the Sydney Choral Society. If she excels as much in secular music as she does in sacred she will prove a very great acquisition.
"PROMENADE CONCERTS, A LA JULLIEN", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (7 May 1853), 9
That music has indeed "charms to soothe the savage breast," a visit to these fashionable performances will abundantly testify. The programme of Thursday evening, was most attractive in real gems of melody. The songs allotted to Miss Flora Harris were given most charmingly, particularly Knight's sweet song "Thro' the Woods" . . .
MUSIC: ? Through the wood (correctly by Charles Edward Horn)
"PROMENADE CONCERTS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (7 May 1853), 3
We have heard with unfeigned concern that these entertainments have latterly not met with the encouragement which their merits well entitle them to . . . We have heard it alleged that in former times the inhabitants of this colony were as regards musical and dramatic talent compelled to be content, or at least to put up with the "used up" second-rate celebrities of the mother country, whether this ever were or were not the fact, we are much inclined to think that Mrs. Fiddes' vocal displays at these concerts go far to shew that such is no longer the case at present . . . The other, and much younger, candidate for musical fame at the concerts, Miss Flora Harris, by her fine voice, her distinct enunciation (a rare merit,) and her deep feeling, combined with musical science, faculties, and intonation, fully sustained her claim to the golden opinions she had previously won with the elite of the musical public in Sydney, as a member of St. James' Choral Society; although these high qualifications were on one or two occasions put in jeopardy, if not marred, by the incompetency of the persons presiding at the piano-forte; shewing that although an individual may be an accomplished pianist, he may at the same time, from causes easy to conjecture, but unnecessary at this moment to specify, be quite inadequate to the delicate and responsible duty of skilfully accompanying a singer. We commend this remark to the especial notice of Mr. Marsh and his colleague . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Fiddes (vocalist); Henry Marsh (pianist, accompanist); no other pianist-accompanist being identified in any of the documentation, Winterbottom himself is probably the colleague referred to
"THE MONUMENTAL CITY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (11 June 1853), 3
On Saturday last a grand concert was given at the Royal Hotel, for the benefit of the unfortunate passengers of the Monumental City, and although the concert referred to was undoubtedly the best of the whole series that had been given, under the designation of the Promenade Concerts, we lament to state that, from the thinness of attendance, it was unproductive of any advantage to the laudable object in view . . . The chief attractions of the evening were the performance on the piano-forte, by Mr. C. Jacobs, of an air with variations, which richly merited the enthusiastic applause it called forth, and Beethoven's fine scena of Adelaida, which was sung by Miss Flora Harris, with a pathos and refined taste that raised her still higher in the estimation of all who had previously heard her; and reflected no loss credit on the discrimination of the audience in requiring its repetition. Mr. H. Marsh sustained his high reputation as an accomplished musician, by the skilful mode in which he accompanied the vocal performances. The liberality of these able artistes in tendering their gratuitous services on this occasion, will, we have no doubt, be duly appreciated by the public, although their exertions in the noble cause of charity have met with no recognition from those on whom, in courtesy, it was incumbent to offer it . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Coleman Jacobs (pianist); Monumental City (shipwreck)
[Advertisement], Empire (25 June 1853), 1
MONDAY, June 27th, 1853. PROGRAMME . . .
PART 2ND. CLASSICAL CHAMBER MUSIC. Piano Accompanist and Conductor, Mr. J. Howson . . .
Glee, Norse melody, Norwegian national - Miss Flora Harris, Mr. F. Howson, Mr. J. Howson, and Evans Sloper . . .
Duet, grand scena from opera Matilda (W. V. Wallace) - Miss Flora Harris, and Mr. Frank Howson . . .
Song - The Grecian Daughter's War Song, J. M. Harris, Miss Flora Harris . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Evans Sloper (from Winterbottom's band); Frank Howson (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist)
MUSIC: Song by Joseph Macdonald Harris (Flora's uncle)
"MR. JACOB[S]'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1853), 2
Want of space has hitherto prevented our noticing the very excellent musical entertainment afforded to the lovers of good music by Mr. Coleman Jacobs on Thursday night. The concert reminded us of the days of Vincent Wallace. It was decidedly the best we have attended for some years past. All the old favourites were there; and the new artistes may be congratulated generally on their successful debut . . . Miss Flora Harris well sustained the reputation for careful and delicate execution which she had gained at the Sydney Choral Society and M. Winterbottom's recent promenade concerts. Her voice, without being strong, is firm and clear; and in the ballad, Bonnie Wee Wife, she acquitted herself most excellently. We may safely predict a successful career to this young lady . . . M. Winterbottom's bassoon was on ne peut mieux. And we must not forget a tribute to Madame Sara Flower and Madame Carandini, the latter of whom has sensibly improved in style, in intonation, and in flexibility of voice. Altogether the concert was one of a very high order.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (musician, resident in Sydney 1836-38); Sara Flower (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1853), 1
MISS HARRIS will be happy to receive a limited number of young Ladies, at her residence, Stanley-street, near the College,
for instruction in the usual branches of education, including the piano-forte, singing, and the French language.
Pupils will be received for tuition in music only, if required.
"MR. COLEMAN JACOB[S]'S CONCERT", Illustrated Sydney News (29 October 1853), 6
This talented Pianist gave his farewell Concert, previous to his departure for India, on Tuesday evening, in the large room of the Royal Hotel . . . Miss Flora Harris has improved, and with study and care may become a tolerable singer . . . We have now to notice Mr. Stanley, whom, though last we have not forgotten . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stanley (pianist, accompanist)
"DISSOLVING VIEWS", Freeman's Journal (19 November 1853), 9
The exhibition of Dissolving Views in the Hall of St. Mary's Seminary on last Tuesday evening was one of the most amusing at which we have been present. Owing to the brightness of the moon the views did not show quite as clearly as usual, still the colours appeared to us to have a more pleasing effect than usual from being somewhat more subdued. Miss Flora Harris' song of the Slave Mother was very effective - and no native of the Green Isle could have listened unmoved to her Dermot Astore. The exhibition will be repeated next Tuesday at half-past seven. o'clock. Admission one shilling.
MUSIC: ? Eliza the slave mother (Henry Russell); Dermot Astore (Crouch)
"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 December 1853), 4
The public practice of secular music was repeated yesterday evening. As usual, the performance was numerously and respectably attended. The concerted pieces were very well sung, but we noticed a weakness in the higher parts, which was owing to the absence of one or two of the accustomed singers. Miss Flora Harris sang the "Adelaide" with great taste. The particular charm of her singing is in the ease with which she varies her intonation, according to the character of each passage, and this, added to the sweet quality of her voice, renders her a thoroughly satisfactory singer.
MUSIC: Adelaide (Beethoven)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1853), 5
Mr. C. S. Packer's concert at the Royal Hotel last evening deserved a better attendance than was gathered together. This gentleman has recently arrived among us from Van Diemen's Land, is an accomplished pianist and a tasteful composer . . . Miss Harris, Herr Strebinger, and Mr. John Howson assisted Mr. Packer, and acquitted themselves with their usual success. The gem of the evening was decidedly the trio "O'er the far Mountain," between Miss Harris, Mr. Packer, and Mr. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (pianist, composer); Frederick Strebinger (violin)
MUSIC: O'er the far mountain (Packer, from Sadak and Kalasrade)
"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (17 December 1853), 3
Both musical and dramatic performances seem to have reached a very low ebb lately in this City, especially the former, since the grievously mismanaged affair of Jacobs' Concert. We are gratified, however, to perceive symptoms of a revival of a taste for the innocent and harmonizing recreation derived from music. First in order, we feel bound to advert to some very spirited performances at the several Choral Societies of St. Mary's and St. James's; at the latter of these an excellent selection was given on the 1st instant, and repeated on the following Thursday. On both occasions "Adelaida," by Beethoven, and "From Rosy Bower," by Purcell, were sung by Miss Flora Harris, so as to call forth the enthusiastic applause of a numerous and most respectable audience . . . On Wednesday evening Madame Gautrot made her appearance at a Concert given by her at the Royal Hotel . . . Miss Flora Harris and Herr Strebinger were the two pillars of this concert: the admired Ballad of "Charming Mary" [sic, Charming May] well merited the encore which it obtained. The last in order to notice, but the first in merit however, is the concert given on Thursday evening last by a new candidate for the patronage of the musical world, named Packer, from Hobart Town . . . He was most ably supported by the exertions of Herr Strebinger and by Miss Flora Harris, whose merits were acknowledged by repeated peremptory encores. Indeed, since the departure of Madame Flower, and Madame Carandini, this young lady is the only female vocalist in Sydney, whose singing is otherwise then "most tolerable and not to be endured," and even should these old favourite[s] return, Miss Harris's fresh, polished, and animated style need fear no comparison, with the vigorous but uncultivated displays of the latter, nor with the faded powers and departing glories of the former.
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Gautrot (vocalist); St. Mary's Choral Society (association)
MUSIC: From rosy bowers [sic] (Purcell, from Don Quixote, act 5)
[Advertisement], Empire (4 February 1854), 1
Pupil of Signor Crivelli, First Master of Singing at the Royal Academy of Music in London,
begs to announce that she continues to give lessons in the Theory and Art of Singing on the system of the above named eminent Professor.
Miss Flora Harris is disengaged during a portion of Wednesday and Saturday,
and can refer to several of the leading families of Sydney, in confirmation of the gratifying success which has attended her plan of instruction,
in which principles of acknowledged excellence are practically illustrated by appropriate examples.
For cards of address, and terms, apply to Messrs. WOOLCOTT AND CLARKE, 555, George-street, and to Mr. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Domenico Crivelli (vocalist, teacher); Woolcott and Clarke (musicsellers); William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller); Royal Academy of Music (London institution)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1854), 5
GRAND CONCERT. - Under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor-General.
HERR STREBINGER has the honour to announce that his
GRAND EVENING CONCERT will take place at the Royal Hotel on THURSDAY, January 5th, 1854 . . .
PROGRAMME: - PART I . . . Song, the Mariner's Child to his Mother, Miss Flora Harris (Joseph M. Harris) . . .
MUSIC: The mariner's child to his mother (music by her uncle Joseph Macdonald Harris)
"M. AND MADAME HERWYN'S SOIREE MUSICALE", Illustrated Sydney News (4 March 1854), 2
. . . We had great pleasure in attending their Soiree Musicale on Tuesday evening . . . M. Flora Harris sang two of her favourite pieces, the constant repetition of which to a Sydney audience has perhaps diminished their effect, for they did not excite much sensation. We strongly advise this talented young lady to vary her repertoire.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violin and piano); Harris had been programmed to sing Cherry ripe (C. E. Horn) and Beethoven's Adelaide
"SAINT JAMES'S CHORAL SOCIETY", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (6 May 1854), 3
On Thursday evening last, what is termed a public practice of the Society, took place at the School Room in Castlereagh-street; when a selection of sacred music was performed . . . Miss Flora Harris, who led the chorusses with much tact and accuracy, sang the exquisite solo, "Hear ye Israel," from E. Mendelshons' Elijah, with a refined taste and fervor which left nothing to be deserved [sic, desired], and has never been surpassed in this colony; and from the applause that followed the performance, it appeared to afford the highest gratification to the select and numerous audience who listened to it . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: School Room (Castlereagh-street venue)
"ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1854), 5
The first of a series of lectures on Music was delivered in this establishment by Mr. J. C. Fisher. Persons commencing the study of music will receive much valuable instruction by attending these dissertations. The lecture was illustrated by ballads, glees, and madrigals, executed by Miss F. Harris, and Messrs. Wilkinson, Fisher, and Fishers [sic], in an artistic manner. The applause received was well merited. The lecture was succeeded by a series of dissolving views of a very superior character, including many British scenes of interest and historical notoriety, accompanied with appropriate songs and music on the pianoforte and apollonicon. After a brilliant display of chromotropes, the entertainment concluded with the national anthem.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Churchill Fisher (musician); George Wilkinson (vocalist); James Phypers (vocalist); Royal Polytechnic (Sydney venue)
"GRAND ORATORIO. - ST. BENEDICT'S CHURCH", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (2 September 1854), 3
On Wednesday night, the 30th ultimo, we had the pleasure of being present at the Grand Oratorio given in St. Benedict's Church . . . Madame Sarah Flower was all that we wished - more than ever we expected. We ourselves have never heard - very few we think could have heard - the "Rest in the Lord" (from the Elijah) more correctly and powerfully managed . . . We must not, however, expend all our words of praise on Madame Flower's happy style and good execution. There was another bright star shining beside her - there was another fair enchantress of the night - namely, Miss FLORA HARRIS. This young lady deserves our highest praise. She succeeded well in all her parts. In the Soprano Solo - "Hear, ye, Israel," she was perfect. In fact, even, while writing these remarks we are somewhat under the influence of the wild witchery of her exquisite voice, and are consequently scarcely calm enough to examine her particular merits and delightful peculiarities. Her manner at the beginning reminded us of the Swedish Nightingale (Jenny Lind) - whom we once had the high pleasure to hear. Miss HARRIS had the same expression, we know not which to call it, of gentle timidity or intensely deep feeling . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Benedict's church (Sydney)
Maitland, NSW (September and October 1854):
"MR. LEES'S CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (9 September 1854), 2
On Wednesday evening [6 September] a grand concert came off in the Court-house, East Maitland, which was well filled. Miss Flora Harris was repeatedly encored in her songs, we believe, indeed, in every song she sung, "Shells of Ocean" being generally spoken of as the favorite; her splendid voice, and chaste style of singing, appear to have been greatly admired. Mr. Lees's execution on the pianoforte is also highly spoken of.
ASSOCIATIONS: F. E. Lees (pianist)
MUSIC: Shells of ocean (Cherry)
[Advertisement], Empire (2 October 1854), 1
MISS FLORA HARRIS. THE Pupils of Miss Flora Harris are informed that she ia unexpectedly and unavoidably detained at Maitland,
and that prompt notice of her return to Sydney will be given to her friends.
"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (4 October 1854), 2
Mr. Lees's second concert came off on Friday evening last [29 September], at the Rose Inn, with decided success. Mr. Lees's powers, as a pianist of rapid and facile execution, were very marked. Miss Flora Harris was again the great attraction of the concert, her song "Shells of Ocean," and the song, "The Wishing Gate," being beautifully given, and with great expression . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harris was back in Sydney performing in concerts at the Royal Polytechnic from mid to late October, and at the Royal Hotel in early November; however, she returned to Maitland for another concert there on 7 November, before returning again to Sydney, only to sail more or less immediately for Brisbane, to appear during the forthcoming Assizes in what were remembered as the first professional concerts given there; as can be seen below, they shared the voyage with the judge and his associates
"MORETON BAY. BRISBANE, NOVEMBER 8", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1854), 4
Mr. Cooling of this place has made arrangements for getting up a series of three concerts, on a very superior scale, which will take place during the assizes. He has engaged the services of Miss Flora Harris, and Messrs. F. H. Dicker, E. Hancock, and Mr. E. Emanuel, of Sydney. The last named gentleman is to act as pianist and conductor. The programme is not yet published, but I understand the selections will be of a very attractive kind. Mr. Cooling deserves the thanks of this community for his endeavours to procure for them a description of amusement which promises to be of a kind of excellence to which they have been little accustomed. Refined amusements of this character, which are at once harmless and attractive, have ever been reckoned among the most civilising of instruments, and here, where as yet they have never been introduced, their effect must be proportionally powerful, and will, we have little doubt, meet with the most extensive patronage. This is requisite indeed to indemnify Mr. Cooling, for the bare expenses and trouble he has been at, in concocting and perfecting all the arrangements, which, as may be well believed, have required the outlay of a considerable sum of money. There can be little doubt however, that the undertaking will meet with the success which it merits, and for more than reimburse his outlay.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cooling (concert promoter); Frederick Hamilton Dicker (vocalist); Edward Hancock (vocalist); Abraham Emanuel (pianist)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARANCES", Empire (17 November 1854), 4
November 16 - Boomerang (s.), 400 tons, Captain O'Reilly, for Moreton Bay. Passengers - His Honor Justice Therry, and his Associate Mr. Perry, W. A. Purefoy, the Crown Solicitor . . . Messrs. . . . Hancock, F. H. Dicker, A. Emanuel . . . Diggles . . . Miss Flora Harris . . . and 7 in the steerage.
ASSOCIATIONS: Roger Therry (judge); Silvester Diggles (artist and musician)
Brisbane and Ipswich, NSW (QLD) (19 November to 5 December 1854):
"MR. COOLING'S CONCERTS", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (25 November 1854), 2
The musical entertainments provided by Mr. Cooling, of this town, have been very successful. Owing to the unfavourable state of the weather the attendance on Monday [20 November] was not so large as it would otherwise have been, but on Wednesday evening and last night the audience was greater, and on each occasion the performers were greeted with much applause . . . There can be no doubt whatever that these entertainments far surpass anything of the kind before attempted in Brisbane, and much credit is due to Mr. Cooling for the public spirit which he has manifested in projecting and carrying them out. Miss Flora Harris has won golden opinions (we hope that it may prove so in more senses than one) by the effective manner in which she delivered some of the songs committed to her charge. "By sad sea waves," and "I should like to marry," were most pleasing specimens of this lady's versatile talent, one being rendered with touching pathos, and the other with exquisite and graceful humour . . . Mr. Dicker's performances on the Cornet and Post horn were much applauded, as were also the duett "We come to thee Savoy," by this gentleman and Mr. Hancock, and the Laughing trio "Vadasi via di qua," by Miss Harris, Mr. Dicker and Mr. Hancock.
MUSIC: By the sad sea waves (Benedict)
"IPSWICH (From our Correspondent)", The Moreton Bay Courier (2 December 1854), 2
. . . Even here life has its contrasts and sudden changes. Wool beginning to come down slowly, but business dull, and the aspect of the town even duller, there being nobody here at all, except ourselves. Suddenly we are summoned to enjoy a pleasure, scarcely anticipated. We will not forget that we owe this gratification in the first instance, to your townsman, without whose enterprise it is believed that the people of Moreton Bay, might for some time to come, have whistled for a concert. Miss Flora Harris and company have come at a wrong time, but I believe they will not have need to complain of their reception by the inhabitants of Ipswich. What is chiefly wanted here is a large public room. On this occasion the Billiard Room was kindly lent by Mr. Thorn, and it is a very nice room for the purpose, only not large enough. On Tuesday evening [28 November], at the first Concert with short notice, very tolerable arrangements were made, and a very respectable and pretty numerous audience assembled. The entertainment commenced with a glee, which was succeeded by . . . . a performance on the Horn, by Mr. Dicker, with a little obligation [sic] on the Piano by Miss Harris . . . Miss Harris was most enthusiastically oncored in "The Wishing Gate," which she sang extremely well. "Mr. and Mrs. Bell," and Martini's celebrated laughing glee, "Vadasi via di qua" were enjoyed, applauded, and encored. Mr. Diggles had a good instrument, and played well upon it. I am not aware that these singers would gain anything by my passing encomiums upon their performance. It is perhaps sufficient to say, that their audience was by no means an uncritical one, and the satisfaction given was complete. Miss Harris's voice should scarcely be called a soprano. I believe Rose Braham is considered to have a pure soprano. Taking her voice as a standard, I must say that in my opinion Miss Harris's voice is so different in quality as well as register, that it would be as correct to call it a contralto tenor. - Ipswich, Nov. 30th, 1854.
Sydney and Goulburn, NSW (December 1854 to March 1855):
"ALI BEN SOU ALLE'S CONCERT", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (22 December 1854), 5
This gentleman gave a concert, yesterday evening, at the School of Arts, in Pitt-street. It was very well attended, the theatre of the institution being as full as it could be with comfort . . . He was assisted last evening by Miss Flora Harris, who has recently returned from the Moreton Bay district, where she has, we see, by the journals, been earning golden opinions and delighting enthusiastic audiences, so much so, that they broke out in a testimonial. She sang with great taste and expression the songs allotted to her . . . Mr. Charles Packer accompanied . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERTS AT GOULBURN", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 January 1855), 5
. . . Notwithstanding the very unfavourable state of the weather, our Goulburn friends were not unmindful that their guest had travelled 125 miles in acceptance of their special invitation and his two first concerts, on the 16th and 18th instant, were crowded to inconvenience by the leading families of the town and neighbourhood . . . His last concert at Goulburn was to take place on Monday [22 January]. Miss Flora Harris has also met with the most favourable reception, which her talent justly deserves.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violin)
"MATTERS MUSICAL - THE HUNGARIAN AND THE TURK", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (27 January 1855), 4
. . . MISKA HAUSER, the celebrated Hungarian violinist, gave his first concert on Tuesday evening [23 January] and his second on Thursday. He was assisted by Miss Flora Harris and Mr. Frederick Hamilton, Mr. Sigmont conducting at the pianoforte . . . . Miss Harris is a singer of some taste and tolerable expression, and carolled "Hearts and Homes" prettily on Tuesday evening. But with the exception of this, and her vocalisation in "Summer" and "The Merry Sunshine," on Thursday, which was really very pleasing, - the encores of our gallant fellow-townsmen notwithstanding, we must bow ourselves out of further criticism on the lady's efforts . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: "The Turk" = Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (above); Daniel Deniehy (author of the above review) later (July-August 1855) charged Harris with perjury over an affidavit she had filed accusing him of slighting her professionally by this notice, and of having shown disrespect to the national anthem at the January Goulburn concerts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1855), 1
MISS FLORA HARRIS has the pleasure to announce to her pupils and friends,
that having returned to Sydney from a professional tour with Miska Hauser,
she will be prepared to resume, next week, her instructions in singing, on the system of Signor Crivelli, first singing-master at the Royal Academy of Music in London,
and which have hitherto been attended with such gratifying success.
23, Brougham-street, Woolloomooloo.
"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", Empire (16 February 1855), 4
A Sacred Concert of the above Society took place at their usual place of meeting yesterday evening, on which occasion selections from Handel's Oratorios of "Judas Maccabeus" and "Samson," and Mendelsohn's "Elijah" were performed . . . Miss Flora Harris laboured under a disadvantage in being the only soprano voice in the orchestra, and this lady's voice is not exactly adapted to sacred music. Her cadences are interrupted by breaks and sudden jerks in the voice, and her pronunciation of the word "Hail," in the "Hail Judea, happy land," requires correction . . .
"THE SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (17 February 1855), 2
. . . We cannot agree with the Empire's critique on Miss Flora Harris' share of the programme. To his expressed opinion of that young lady's voice being unfitting for sacred music, we give a decided negation, being supported therein by the unanimous consent of all the true cognoscenti. No soprano in Sydney can compare with her in the delivery of the beautiful ideas of a Handel or Mendelsohn; and no other proofs are necessary than the warm applause that has always greeted her at the St. Mary's Choral Concerts; or more especially, her success at the late St. Benedict's Oratorio. However, to sing with individual comfort, and with general effect to such an organ and such an organist as that at St James' School, were impossible for a Malibran. For our own part, we only wonder how she managed to get so well through the impassioned aria of "Hear ye Israel!" and the complicated vocalisation of "Let the bright Seraphim", with an organ so dreadfully out of tune and so wretchedly played. (By the-bye where was the trumpet obligato). Great praise is due to Mr. Fisher, who officiates as conductor, for the pains he takes in drilling the chorus, and the success to which he has brought the Society. We trust that, at the next Concert, a complete Oratorio will be presented.
Brisbane and Ipswich, NSW (QLD) (13 to 30 March 1855):
"THE CONCERTS", The Moreton Bay Courier [Brisbane, NSW (QLD)] (24 March 1855), 3
The Hall of the School of Arts was well filled by a highly respectable and delighted audience on Friday night week [16 March], and we were glad to observe such a satisfactory token of the high appreciation by the Brisbane public of M. Miska Hauser's entertainments . . . Miss Flora Harris was in excellent voice. On Friday, amongst other songs, we were treated to our old favourite "By the sad sea waves" in which this lady is particularly happy. "Phoebe Morel" was most deservedly applauded on Monday, the national allusions in the last verse coming home to the feelings of the audience. Miss Harris was also greatly applauded in "As if you didn't know," and several encores during the evening were responded to with her usual alacrity and good humour. We have no doubt but that the visits of Miss Flora Harris will always be welcomed here . . . "O'er the far Mountain" reflected much credit on the principal singers, Miss Harris and Mr. Packer, and no less so upon the latter as the composer of this harmonious trio . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (pianist, vocalist, composer)
MUSIC: Phoebe Morel (Stephen Glover)
"THE CONCERTS", The Moreton Bay Courier (31 March 1855), 2
M. Miska Hauser and his small but talented company of vocalists, having completed their series of concerts in Brisbane and Ipswich, proceeded to Sydney yesterday, in the Waratah. On Monday and Wednesday evenings they gave concerts at the School of Arts . . . "As it fell upon a day," by Miss Harris and Mr. Packer, and "Home, Sweet Home," by Miss Flora Harris, were amongst the new pieces, and were deservedly applauded. The house was well filled, and general satisfaction was manifested. It is to be hoped that the company will return to Sydney well remunerated for the pleasure which they have afforded to the public of Moreton Bay. We are glad to learn that Mr. Cooling, to whose enterprise we were indebted for a previous series of concerts, intends to make arrangements for another series during the month of May next.
Sydney, NSW:
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1855), 4
The Sydney Choral Society's open concert, on Tuesday evening, was very fully attended. Assisted by the band of the Philharmonic Society, Handel's Dettingen Te Deum, and portions of the Messiah, were very effectively rendered. Miss Flora Harris sang "I know that my Redeemer liveth," with exquisite pathos, and nicely in tune. Miss Gertrude Harris had the honour of an encore in the beautiful air, "He was cut off" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
"ST. JAMES'S CHORAL SOCIETY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (28 July 1855), 2
. . . The gems of the evening were "I know that my Redeemer liveth," and "He was cut off," both being very sweetly and excellently sung. The former, by Miss Flora Harris, was deservedly applauded, and fully proved her peculiar power of delivering sacred music with the requisite care and fervency. Miss Gertrude Harris, a debutante, and sister of the above young lady, created quite a sensation in the latter solo and was warmly encored. Her voice is a rich and powerful mezzo-soprano. The hall was crowded with a highly respectable audience.
Mr. Broadhurst . . . applied to the court for a postponement. By the courtesy of counsel on the other side, he had ascertained that the defendants were prepared with affidavits contradictory of the plaintiff's affidavits to the effect that he had not sat down with his hat on at certain concerts, whilst the National Anthem was being played, and that he did not designate the said anthem as "damnable or blasphemous trash." The affidavits referred to were in contradiction as to specific occasions, on which they alleged the plaintiff did so, and made use of those words. The object of the postponement was to allow the plaintiff an opportunity of contradicting the specific matter in those affidavits . . . The second affidavit was by Flora Harris, who deposed, that Deniehy was present with a clerk or partner of his named Doak, when the latter applied to her to omit the National Anthem, and she heard Deniehy call it, in speaking to Doak, infernal damnable trash; and she saw him on one occasion sit with his hat on, and on another occasion take up his hat and leave the room. She believed the critique was detrimental to her professionally, and was written in consequence of her refusal to comply with the request to omit the National Anthem . . .
"THE 'LITTLE' PERJURY CASE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (4 August 1855), 2
On Thursday last, the Police Court was thronged to hear the proceedings instituted by Mr. Daniel Henry Deniehy, gentleman, one, &c.,
residing at Goulburn, against Miss Flora Harris, a lady of considerable vocal attainments, and Mr. Frederick Hamilton Dicker,
on an information filed by the said Deniehy, charging the said persons with wilful and corrupt perjury.
Miss Harris, accompanied by her father, and Mr. Darcy, of the Freeman's Journal office, appeared on the floor of the Court.
The other defendant failing to appear on his name being called, an application was made for a warrant for his apprehension, which was granted . . .
Mr. Martin then opened the case at considerable length.
He stated that some months since, Miska Hauser and Miss Flora Harris gave a series of Concerts at Goulburn;
after which, a critique, written by the prosecutor in the present case, appeared in the Goulburn Herald,
and subsequently a criticism on that critique appeared in the Freeman's Journal,
which was of so libellous a character on the prosecutor, as to necessitate him to commence an action against the proprietors of that paper,
which resulted in a verdict in his favor, with damages to the amount of 40s . . .
Certain affidavits were filed in response, amongst them were those of the present defendant (Miss Flora Harris) and of Mr. Dicker, who had failed to appear.
These affidavits were in part answered by Mr. Deniehy, but the Court discharged the rule without costs.
One of the affidavits sworn to by Miss Flora Harris, set forth that at nearly the termination of one of the concerts,
and previous to the National Anthem being sung, Deniehy took up his hat, and said to Doak, "Come along; don't let us stay to listen to such damnable infernal trash."
Mr. Martin then called Mr. D. B. Hutchinson, who deposed that he is first clerk in the Supreme Court;
he produced the affidavit sworn to by Miss Flora Harris before him, as a Commissioner of the Supreme Court, on the 18th July last . . .
"MR. FISHER'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (11 August 1855), 2
This gentleman, well-known in the private musical circles, as Conductor of the Sydney Choral Society, gave a Concert at the Royal Hotel Concert Hall, on Wednesday evening [8 August]. We regret that the numerous attractions now presented by the Theatres prevented his having a numerous audience, for both the talent and industry he has displayed in advancing a superior class of music amongst us, deserve a better reward than that meted to him. He was assisted by the Misses Flora and G. Harris, Mrs. Adcock, and some gentlemen amateurs. The programme was well chosen, and its execution gave complete satisfaction. Miss Flora Harris was very well received, and her "Gipsy Song" especially received a determined encore. We were glad to observe that the audience evinced a unanimous feeling of support towards her in the unpleasant position she she has been lately placed in. Miss G. Harris sang sweetly and effectively, and Mrs. Adcock gave her piano solos in her usual brilliant style.
"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (11 August 1855), 3
Miss Catherine Hayes made her reappearance at the Prince of Wales Theatre, on Tuesday night [7 August]. The house was thronged to suffocation, and the boxes were filled with the elite of Sydney. The reception of Miss Hayes was enthusiastic, and Madame Sara Flower, was equally well received; whilst Miss Flora Harris was warmly greeted . . . The ballads, Phoebe Morel,", and "Far down a Valley," were tastefully rendered by Miss Flora Harris . . . The concert Was well conducted by Mr. Lavenu, and the Orchestra was most efficient. The Second concert will take place this evening with a varied programme, equally attractive.
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor, accompanist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"MISS CATHARINE HAYES' CONCERTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1855), 5
The Prince of Wales Theatre, on both evenings of Miss Hayes' concerts, attracted crowded audiences . . . We must now attend to the suggestion of our worthy friend, Pips, and say something of those singers, none of whom to his mind were so good as "Mistress Kate" . . . Miss Flora Harris sang sweetly, though timidly. With more confidence in her powers, she would be a very effective aid either to the concert or the opera . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (5 December 1855), 5
The fifth concert of this Society, for the present season, took place at the Royal Hotel, on Monday evening [3 December]. The attendance of visitors was thin, but considering the almost uninterrupted rain which fell throughout the day, and the threatening sky at evening, the number (particularly of ladies,) present, may be taken to indicate the general favour in which these periodical performances are held. The programme was a very judicious one, comprising compositions of a scientific as well as of a popular class, and likely to please most of the admirers of good music . . . Mrs. St. John Adcock and Miss Flora Harris rendered valuable assistance in the Glees, and also sang solos . . .
"THE SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1856), 4
Despite the very inclement state of the weather, the announcement of the production of portions of Handel's Messiah by the Sydney Choral Society operated as an attraction to the admirers of the great master, and a numerous and highly respectable audience assembled within the walls of St. James's school room in Castlereagh-street . . . Independently of the members of the society, the valuable acquisition to their corps musicale of Miss Flora Harris and her equally talented sister, with other ladies of musical ability, on this occasion added considerably to the effect of the whole . . . The soprano solo, "Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell," beautifully executed by Miss G. Harris, with a chasteness and pathos which called forth an unanimous burst of applause, was perhaps the gem of the evening, and elicited a well-merited encore. This young lady possesses a fine voice of a sweet and flexible character, and is a valuable addition to the musical talent of the colony. Miss Flora Harris earned fresh laurels in "I know that my Redeemer liveth," which was well and carefully rendered with her accustomed brilliancy and power. The grand finale, "The Hallelujah Chorus," evinced great proficiency on the part of the members of the society in concerted music. On the whole, the oratorio was successful, and well conducted by Mr. W. Johnson, while the instrumentation of Mr. Packer, who presided at the organ is deserving of great praise. The Messiah will be repeated on Thursday next.
"MADAME BISHOP'S CONCERT", Empire (8 March 1856), 5
A Concert in aid of the funds of the Sisters of Charity's Free Hospital, and the Asylum for Destitute Children - both benevolent institutions deserving of all assistance - was given last evening by Madame Bishop, in the new hall of the Royal Hotel. Owing to the unfavourable nature of the weather the attendance was not so large as might have been expected; the principal families of the city, however, were in attendance. The programme of the evening consisted entirely of sacred music, including the splendid bravura "Gratias Agimus" and the whole, of Stabat Mater . . . The performance of Rossini's great work was in every way excellent. The production was given entire, together, with Mercadante's overture, composed, we believe, at the desire of Madame Bishop in 1845. From the opening quartette "Stabat" to the final "Amen" chorus, all the vocalists aimed to render the work in a manner which should cause it to be as highly appreciated in Sydney as in every other civilized city in the world. Madame Bishop was grand, and on several occasions perfectly electrified the audience. Miss Flora Harris and Mrs. Guerin were both careful in the parts allotted them . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist)
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 May 1857), 1
On the 14th instant, at St. James' Church, Sydney, Thomas Lamb, of Armidale, to Gertrude Louisa Harris, of Brougham-street, Woolloomooloo.
"A STATEMENT OF MR. D. H. DENIEHY'S", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1859), 5
MADAME Flora Harris presents her compliments to the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald,
and begs to inform him that her attention has been called to a report (in this day's issue of his journal) of proceedings in the Legislative Assembly,
on Tuesday evening last, in which Mr. D. H. Deniehy is reported to have said, in answer to Mr. Martin, "I declined to prosecute a lady" for perjury.
As Madame Flora Harris was the party referred to - as such a charge was really made - as she believed then, and believes still,
it was made to give her pain and annoyance, and as Mr. Deniehy is reported to have publicly denied it,
she conceives it to be her duty to state that the case was actually tried at the Central Police Court, on the 16th of August, 1855, and dismissed.
A report of the proceedings appeared in the papers subsequently.
For the information of those who may take any interest in the matter, Madame Flora Harris begs to observe that she made an affidavit in the case of Deniehy v. D'Arcy (for libel),
in which, among other things, she swore she had heard Mr. Deniehy, in a concert room af Goulburn, call the National Anthem "damnable trash."
On this affidavit Mr. Deniehy founded his charge of perjury, commenced proceedings against her, continued them as long as he could,
and throughout vexatiously "prosecuted" her. She begs to enclose the "notice of recognizance given to the accused" in that case.
105, Crown-street, Woolloomooloo, 19th January.
ASSOCIATIONS: See also Deniehy's reply, "To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 January 1859), 6
ASSOCIATIONS: See also the letter of James Martin, "To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1859), 3
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Empire (21 June 1864), 2
The Sydney Philharmonic Society gave their fifth concert on the 10th instant, with more than usual success.
The programme commenced with Rossini's beautiful "Stabat Mater;" and the manner in which this work was rendered by the band, choral,
and principal vocalists far excelled any previous colonial performance of this work.
The conductor, Mr. W. J. Cordner, had devoted unusual care in preparation of the different orchestral parts,
so as to adapt them to the means at his disposal, and the result was alike creditable to his ability as a musician, and his skill in its production . . .
The solos were entrusted (with the exception of Mrs. Cordner) to amateur members of the society.
The young lady amateur (Miss H. Harris) sister to Madame Flora Harris, sung the whole of her music with a sweetness,
fulness of tone, and correct enunciation that would redound to the credit of any professional . . .
The second part of the concert was, as usual, of a miscellaneous character, in which Madame Flora Harris sung Beethoven's "Adelaide" with her accustomed ability and effect, and was greatly applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William and Ellen Cordner (conductor and vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1864), 8
at the MASONIC HALL, on MONDAY, December 19th . . .
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . 7. Song - Sweet Spirit, hear my prayer (Lurline) - Wallace - LADY AMATEUR, Miss HAIDEE HARRIS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Masonic Hall (Sydney venue)
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 January 1865), 3
On the 22nd ultimo the Sydney Philharmonic society performed "The Messiah," in the Masonic Hall, to a large audience. The concert was a finished performance. The grand Apocalyptic Anthem, "Worthy is the lamb," and the "Amen" chorus brought the concert to a close about 11 o'clock. Mr. Haimberger acted as leader, Mr. M. Younger (amateur) as organist, and Mr. W. J. Cordner as conductor, and each performed his part with great ability. The artists who took part in the programme were Mrs. Cordner, Madame Flora Harris, Miss H. Harris, Mr. Waller (amateur), and an excellent chorus of fifty or sixty voices . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Haimberger (violin, leader); Montague Younger (organ); James Waller (vocalist)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Empire (21 March 1865), 2-3
The performance of Rossini's "Stabat Mater" by the Sydney Philharmonic Society, on the 9th instant, took place at the Masonic Hall, in presence of a very full and fashionable audience, by whom the music was evidently enjoyed, and its execution warmly applauded . . . [3] . . . Miss H. Harris, who created so great and good an impression in this music at its first performance, confirmed that opinion, and sang with increased power and sweetness in the magnificent "Inflammatus" . . .
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Empire (21 April 1865), 2
On the 13th instant, the Philharmonic Society gave their fourth concert at the Masonic Hall . . . The duet, "To the fair," sung by Mrs. Cordner, and Miss Haidee Harris, (amateur), was so sweetly sung as to be encored, a compliment highly deserved by these ladies, the former of whom possesses a fine contralto voice, and sings with improved taste and style; and the latter is the young lady whose beautiful vocalisation is always so greatly admired - who owes much, however, to her sister, Madame Flora Harris, under whose excellent tuition she has become so good a musician. Madame Harris was suffering from indisposition, but was nevertheless much applauded for what she did . . .
"MARRIAGES", Sydney Mail (5 January 1867), 9
HARPER - HARRIS - December 27th, by special license, at St. Paul's, Redfern, by the Rev. Alfred Stephen, Henry William, eldest son of the late Henry Harper, Esq., to Haidee Beatrice, youngest daughter of Robert Harris, Esq., of Sydney.
"SUPREME COURT. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 . . . MOORE AND WIFE V. GLYNN AND WIFE.", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1874), 8
his was an action of slander. The plaintiffs were Joseph Sheridan Moore and Flora his wife, and the defendants were Robert Glynn and Elizabeth, his wife. The words declared upon were, "You are a thief, you are a rogue: you were transported to the colony; you are an expired convict." The defendants pleaded that they were not guilty . . . The plaintiffs reside in the vicinity of Moore Park. Mr. J. S. Moore is engaged in tuition, taking private pupils; Mrs. Moore, who was formerly well-known in musical circles as Miss Flora Harris, teaches music and singing. The defendants are or were when the cause of action arose neighbours of the plaintiffs. About the middle of the month of May last an unpleasantness occurred between the two ladies, and subsequently Mrs. Glynn was in the habit of assailing Mrs. Moore with a torrent of abuse whenever she saw her, using, amongst other things, the epithets declared upon. Her tones were so loud that the attention of the neighbours were directed to the altercation, and on several occasions Mr. Moore's pupils were present. Mrs. Moore was so much affected by these insults and annoyances that her health was impaired. There was no truth in the allegation that she had been, transported; she came out to the colony twenty-two years ago with her parents. Mrs. Moore in cross-examination denied that she had abused Mrs. Glynn, but admitted that she had asked her why, if she (Mrs. Glynn) had an unfortunate propensity for liquor, did not go to sleep, and not annoy respectable people . . .
"Supreme Court", Australian Town and Country Journal (28 November 1874), 10
In the slander action brought by Mr. Joseph Sheridan Moore and Flora (nee Madame Flora Harris,) his wife, against Mr. Robert Glynn and Elizabeth, his wife, the plaintiff recovered a verdict for one farthing, and the Chief Justice certified for costs against the defendants. The slanderous words charged the female with being an expirée convict, &c., and were uttered by the female defendant during a neighbourly quarrel. There was no truth in the slander, as Mrs. Moore came to the colony with her parents, and has been highly respected, especially in musical circles, where she gained great celebrity as a singer.
"MISS FLORA HARRIS, 1855 - MRS. SHERIDAN MOORE, 1905", The Brisbane Courier (8 April 1905), 13 (2 photo portraits)
Our illustrations show the Miss Flora Harris who delighted Brisbane audiences in 1854 and 1855, the portrait being taken shortly after the singer's arrival in Australia. Miss Harris married and became Mrs. Sheridan Moore, who is now a conspicuous figure as one of the vice-presidents of the Sydney Philharmonic Society, and whose portrait recently taken is also given . . .
"MUSICAL MEMORIES. Mrs. Sheridan Moore - Flora Harris - Sixty Years a Singer (By JAS. T. DONOVAN, FOR THE 'SUNDAY TIMES')", Sunday Times [Sydney, NSW] (31 January 1909), 7 magazine
At the annual meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society on Monday night, Mrs. Sheridan Moore was re-elected one of the vice-presidents.
This lady, who, as Miss Flora Harris, came to Sydney in 1853, has sung in the Philharmonic chorus since the three performances of "Elijah" under Signor Hazon's direction in 1889, with Sir Charles Santley as the Prophet.
In the course of a chat at her residence, Elizabeth-street, near Cleveland-street,
on Tuesday, Mrs. Moore opened the flood-gates of memory while reviewing the sixty years that have passed since she commenced her career as a singer in England.
Born at the Surrey side of London in 1832 [sic], "the mother of the Philharmonic,"
as she is styled, sang at St. Stephen's (Church of England) near the Mansion House, London, while studying with her uncle and teacher, Professor McDonald Harris.
In January 1850 the young soprano contributed "Let the Bright Seraphim" and "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" at a Handel Concert given by the Cecilian Society.
On April 4, 1850, she sang in "Israel In Egypt" for the same society.
A programme dated October 2, 1851, shows that Miss Flora Harris sang "The Lover of Mont St. Gothard" (composed by her uncle)
and "I Love the Merry Sunshine" at a concert held in connection with the Walworth Literary and Scientific Institution.
On another occasion she sang in the chorus at an oratorio performance in Exeter Hall, which was conducted by the late Sir Michael Costa.
The girl with the long curls tumbling about her neck and shoulders had a place in the chorus when
THE GREAT EXHIBITION WAS OPENED at the Crystal Palace in 1851.
Luigi Lablache, the famous basso, was standing near her.
King Edward was then a little boy, and his Queen mother held him by the hand.
At the close of the Exhibition Miss Flora Harris was again selected as one of the chorus.
To those who are curious or sceptical in such matters the old lady, who is still a singing member of the Sydney Philharmonic Society,
will be pleased to show the "choir card" which was issued to her for the opening of the Exhibition and the personal card which passed her through the barriers at the closing ceremony.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Macdonald Harris (uncle, teacher, and see also his entry in DNB); Luigi Lablache (vocalist); St. Stephen Walbrook (London church); Exeter Hall (London venue); Great Exhibition 1851 (event
In November 1852 the young lady, who had been well trained as a choir and concert singer, left England for Australia. She came to Sydney in the ship Benjamin Elkin with her father and her brothers and sisters. Two years earlier Captain Overbury had brought out Miss Sarah Flower from the old country. The new arrival in 1853 joined the choir of St. James' (Church of England). Canon Allwood was the minister, and James Johnson the organist. Towards the end of 1854 the English soprano was engaged as "professional leader" of St. Mary's Cathedral choir - a position which was held by her for five years. At the time there was a blind organist at St. Mary's - Mr. Walton. Mr. Banks, father of the late T. P. Banks, succeeded Mr. Walton, and then Mr. William John Cordner took charge of the choir. A large quantity of very valuable music owned by Mr. Cordner was destroyed in the cathedral fire of 1865. Mr. John Hill, R.A.M., who succeeded the late Mr. Cordner, is now living in the United States.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Robert Allwood (cleric); James Johnson (organist); Humphrey William Walton (organist); Thomas Banks (organist); William John Cordner (organist); John Hill (organist); St. James's church (Sydney); St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney)
For something like thirty years "the fine chanter," as some of her admirers described her, was one of the
LEADING SINGERS IN SYDNEY. Her services were sought after for oratorio and concert work, and she now looks back with pride and pleasure on her association with Catherine Hayes,
Madame Anna Bishop, Madame Lucy Escott, Madame Sarah Flower, Madame Carandini,
Henry Squires, Farquharson, Frank Howson, John Howson, Walter Sherwin, Armes Beaumont, and other artists of whom Beaumont is the only survivor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Henry Squires (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); John Howson (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist)
In 1857 the soprano married Mr. J. Sheridan Moore, a well known literary man and tutor, who afterwards prepared many students for the University examinations. Tributes to Catherine Hayes, Anna Bishop, and Flora Harris are included in a published collection of Mr. Moore's poems. The versatile journalist and successful University "coach" died in Sydney in 1891.
It is a rare thing for a "star soprano" to engage another soprano in giving concerts.
This compliment was paid to Mrs. Moore by Catherine Hayes in 1854-56, and by Madame Anna Bishop in 1856.
The local singer had "an appearance," and a successful one, while Catherine Hayes was the idol of the Sydney public in 1854.
At one of the concerts in the Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street, Mrs. Moore sang "I Think of Thee" (Barker).
During that memorable season the prices were - Boxes and stalls £1; Upper Circle 15/; Pit 10/; Gallery 5/.
The chronicle of the concort here referred to contains this comment:
"Miss Harris seemed to be timid. Nor is it to be wondered at, appearing as she did for the first time on the same stage as Catherine Hayes.
The local singer was enthusiastically applauded. To a very sweet voice she adds a smooth and graceful style and sympathetic feeling."
On the return of Catherine Hayes to Sydney in 1855, the Flora Harris of those days was again engaged.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: I think of thee (Barker)
Here is an interesting programme:
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE, Castlereagh-street.
Re-appearance of MISS CATHERINE HAYES,
Assisted by Madame Sara Flower, Miss Flora Harris, Mr. John Howson, and Mr. F. Howson.
Overture - "Cheval de Bronze" - (Auber.)
Song - "The Standard Bearer" - (Lindpaintner,) MR. F. HOWSON.
Aria - "Robert toi que j'aime" - (Meyerbeer.) MISS CATHERINE HAYES.
Ballad - "It was a Form" ("Matilda of Hungary") MR. J. HOWSON.
Cavatina - "Ah, quel giorno" ("Semiramide") MADAME SARA FLOWER.
Song - "The Slave" - (Keiser.) MR. F. HOWSON.
Ballad - "Phoebe Morel" - (Unknown.) MISS FLORA HARRIS.
Cavatina - "Come per me Sereno" - (Bellini.) MISS CATHERINE HAYES.
Overture - "Maritana" - (Wallace.)
Scena - "Ah! Faint Heart" ("Der Freishutz"), MR. J. HOWSON.
Ballad - "My Molly Asthore" (composed expressly for her by L. Lavenu,) MISS CATHERINE HAYES.
Buffo Duet - "Senza tanti Complimenti," MADAME SARA FLOWER and Mr. F. HOWSON.
Irish Ballad - "Savourneen Deelish" - (Crouch,) MISS CATHERINE HAYES.
Scena - "Ah! Her Accents Sweetly Flowing" ("Sappho,") MR. F. HOWSON.
Ballad - "The Meeting of the Waters" (Moore's Melodies,") MADAME SARA FLOWER.
Ballad - "Far Down a Valley Lonely" - (Allen,) MISS FLORA HARRIS.
Grand Aria - "O Luce di Quest Anima" ("Linda di Chamouni,") MISS CATHERINE HAYES.
Finale - "God Save the Queen."
Conductor, Mr. Lavenu.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor, accompanist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
Mrs. Moore recalls a sacred and secular concert at the Royal Hotel, George-street, on March 10, 1856. It was in aid of St. Vincent's Hospital and the Asylum for Destitute Children at Randwick. At that concert Madame Anna Bishop, Mrs. Guerin (Nellie Stewart's mother), Mrs. Gibbs, Mr. Fisher, Mr. F. Howson, M. Laglaise, Mr. W. H. Paling (founder of the firm of Paling and Co.), Signor Spagnoletti, and Mr. Charles Packer assisted. In one of the newspaper reports it is stated that "Miss Flora Harris was very successful in selections from 'Elijah.'" This is what Mrs. Moore says of Madame Anna Bishop: "She was a beautiful singer, and one of the sweetest and best-hearted women I have ever known. Madame Bishop was gloriously free from the sins of selfishness and jealousy."
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Eliza Gibbs (vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); William Henry Paling (violinist, pianist); Ernesto Spagnoletti (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (pianist)
Mrs. Moore says she was offered an engagement as one of the soloists at the Sydney University Musical Festival in 1859. "As I did not consider the fee large enough for the work I would be called upon to do, I declined the invitation with thanks." The Miss Brady who sang was a Sydney girl - one of the late W. J. Cordner's pupils. "In connection with the Festival of 1859," Mrs. Moore went on to say, "it may interest the readers of the 'Sunday Times' to know something about the lady amateur who played the pianoforte solo at one of the concerts. It was a sort of unwritten law at that time not to give the names of lady amateurs on programmes. The lady who played the 'Bellsario' transcription was Miss H. H. Aldis, the daughter of the late W. H. Aldis, a member of the Festival Committee. The brilliant pianist of 1859 is now Mrs. W. H. Palmer, of 'Hill View,' Turramurra. Miss Gertrude Palmer, the well known pianoforte teacher, is her daughter. Two of the children of Herr Sussmilch, who conducted the part songs of the German Choral Society in 1859, are helping on the cause of music in 1909 - Miss Emma Sussmilch and Mr. Emil Sussmilch."
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Brady (vocalist); William John Cordner (musician); Hannah Aldis (pianist); William Henry Aldis (musical amateur); Christian Bernhard Sussmilch (conductor); Sydney University Musical Festival (event); Sydney Liedertafel (association)
In the course of the chat on Tuesday Mrs. Moore said:
"I was delighted when I read what has been written about Madame Sarah Flower in the 'Sunday Times.'
Of all the contralto singers I have heard, here or in the old country, she was the greatest.
When Sarah Flower sang 'The Old Arm Chair' tears came to my eyes. I couldn't keep them back.
There is no one at the present time who can sing 'By the Sad Sea Waves' and 'The Irish Emigrant' as Sarah used to sing those songs.
She was great in ballads, great in oratorio, glorious in opera.
I can never forget her Norma, or her Azucena in 'Trovatore.'
I have heard her sing the lower D and the high C.
Yet it wasn't so much the nobleness of her voice that moved you and thrilled you. She had
THE BIG SOUL OF A BIG SINGER, and no one could measure the height or the depth of her emotional power.
In my opinion it would be impossible to speak too highly of Sarah Flower as a singer.
The musical part of her life was all sunshine, and although her private life was clouded by misfortunes, we should remember her with pride.
The 'Sunday Times' has done a good deal to keep her memory green."
"But why is it that so little has been published about another contralto? I speak of Mrs. Cordner-Miles. For many years this lady, who is still one of our musical enthusiasts, occupied a high position both as a singer of sacred music and as a concert artist. In the Mass music at St Mary's Mrs. Cordner-Miles always and with dignity and elevation of sentiment and style. These high qualities she carried into her work as a concert artist. She was one of Sarah Flower's favorites, and completed her studies under the direction of William John Cordner - her ï¬rst husband. It was a pleasure to hear this lady in Moore's "Rich and Rare," and I never grew tired of hearing her sing some of the old English ballads. Although she came here from England when she was a girl in short frocks, we claim Mrs. Miles as an Australian. Her mother is still living in the Grafton district. I was associated with Mrs. Cordner-Miles in many oratorios. I sang in 'The Messiah,' 'The Creation,' 'The Seasons,' 'Elijah,' 'Israel in Egypt,' 'Samson,' 'St. Paul,' 'Acis and Galatea,' the 'Stabat Mater,' and a number of other works. I remember a very fine performance of Rossini's 'Stabat Mater' in St. Mary's pro-cathedral. Signora Zenoni was the soprano, Signor Rosnati the tenor, Signor Dondi the basso, and Mrs. Cordner-Miles the contralto. Mrs. Cordner-Miles has modestly kept herself in the background since she retired from the musical profession. The Sydney public owes her a debt of gratitude. We should, not forget the splendid work this lady did during the many years of her artistic activity as a singer."
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Cordner Miles (vocalist)
A question about the performance of "Elijah" by the Philharmonic Society next week brought forth this bit of information: "What you say is true. I was the first to introduce 'Elijah' in Sydney. I lent the programme to a friend about a year ago and it has not been returned. So I cannot give you the date. I fancy it was towards the end of 1853. Sarah Flower, John Howson (tenor), and Frank Howson (baritone-bass) were my associates. The Howsons did great work in those days - in opera, in oratorio, and on the concert platform. The Howsons were, with Mrs. Guerin, (afterwards Mrs. Richard Stewart), Madame Wallace Bushelle, Madame Carandini, and Madame Sarah Flower the pioneers of opera in this part of the world. The singing brothers came to Sydney in 1845, and they were before the public till the end of 1859. I heard Catherine Hayes sing in 'Elijah.' No, not here. The gifted and gentle Irishwoman did not sing in oratorio while she was in Sydney. It was in England that I heard her sing the Mendelssohn music. The Howsons sang in a great performance of Rossini's 'Stabat Mater' at St. Mary's Cathedral on August 15, 1857. It was a concert in aid of the Building Fund, organised by Madame Anna Bishop. Portions of Mozart's 'Twelfth Mass' were sung on the occasion. I was one of the soloists, and the assisting artists included Sarah Flower, Mrs. Guerin, Mrs. Bridson, M. Laglaise, and Mr. Farquharson. W. J. Cordner was the conductor. The Governor, Sir William Denison, Lady Denison, Archbishop Polding, and the Hon. John Hubert Plunkett were present. With the tickets at 10/, 7/6, and 5/, the cathedral was crowded."
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace Bushelle (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Sarah Anne Bridson (vocalist); William and Caroline Denison (governor and wife); John Bede Polding (cleric); John Hubert Plunkett (musical amateur)
Answering the question "How long have you been associated with the Philharmonic Society?" Mrs. Moore said: "Well, on and off I have been connected with the Society since 1855. I sang at the Philharmonic concert which was given in the concert hall of the Royal Hotel on Monday evening, December 3, 1855. The late C. W. F. Steir was the conductor. The Hon. John Hubert Plunkett was the first president when the society was established in 1854. After a good many ups and downs the old society died and the present society was started in 1885. I was not a member of the society while Max Vogrich held the position of conductor, nor did I serve under the reign of Henri Kowalski. I became a member and joined the chorus when Signor Hazon was appointed in 1889. I entered upon a new lease of life, in the musical sense, when I heard Sir Charles Santley sing the part of the Prophet in October, 1889. I haven't missed a concert since 1889, and if God keeps me in health and strength I'll sing in the 'Elijah' chorus next week. If I were asked to name my favorite conductor I'd say Signor Hazon. I have sung under Sir Michael Costa, William J. Cordner, L. H. Lavenu, Charles Packer, and the very able man who is now conducting the Philharmonic Society - Mr. Joseph Bradley."
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles William Ferdinand Stier (conductor); Roberto Hazon (conductor); Charles Santley (English vocalist); Michael Costa (English conductor); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
"Having mentioned the late Mr. Packer's name," Mrs. Moore added, "I may as well tell you that I sang in the first performance of his oratorio 'The Crown of Thorns' at the old Masonic Hall, York-street, on April 9, 1863. Mr. Packer wrote the words as well as the music. The late W. J. Cordner was the conductor, and the composer was at the organ. Sarah Flower, Mrs. Bridson, Mr. J. Waller, and Herr Sussmilch assisted. For the second performance of the oratorio, on October 15, 1863, at which Sarah Flower, Armes Beaumont, and Mr. Farquharson assisted, Mr. Packer wrote the air 'Yet None Who Gazed' for me. When I made my last appearance as a concert singer, Charles Packer accompanied me in my last song, 'The Blind Girl to Her Harp.'"
ASSOCIATIONS: James Waller (vocalist); Masonic Hall (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Yet none who gazed (Packer, from The crown of thorns)
The portrait of Frank Howson was lent by Mr. E. A. Head, of Otis Chambers, King-street. Mr. Howson was one of the soloists at the 1S59 Musical Festival in the Great Hall of the Sydney University.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1910), 6
MOORE - January 29, 1910 at her residence, Post office, 502 Elizabeth street, South Sydney, Flora Sheridan, relict of the late Joseph Sheridan Moore in her 80th year.
"PERSONAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1910), 6
By the death, at the age of 80 years, of Mrs. Flora Sheridan-Moore, a regretted event which took place on Saturday at the residence of her daughter, at the post-office Elizabeth-street South, a valued link is severed in the musical chain connecting present day concert goers with those of the last generation. As a girl "Miss Flora Harris" sang in the great choir at the opening of the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, in 1851. Two years later she was soloist and chorister at St. James's Church, Sydney, and in 1854 was soloist at St. Mary's Cathedral where she remained five years. In those days, the soprano was associated on the concert platform with Catherine Hayes, Anna Bishop, Sara Flower, Lucy Escott, Mme. Carandini, and other famous artists. In 1857 the artist married Mr. J. Sheridan-Moore, a University coach and writer of that period and retired for 30 years from professional life. However, Mrs. Moore decided to join the Sydney Philharmonic Society's choir, under Signor Hazon in 1889, and sang at nearly every concert, making, as she only too justly feared, her last appearance with it in the "Messiah" on Christmas afternoon last. The deceased had expressed a wish that she might live to see Signor Hazon on his return to Australia, a few days hence, her position as vice-president of the Philharmonic having given her especial opportunities of appreciating the Italian conductor's personal worth. The deceased, who was highly esteemed by all who knew her, leaves two sons and two daughters.
"MISS FLORA HARRIS", The Brisbane Courier (23 September 1929), 17
MISS FLORA HARRIS. Sir, - I would like to express my thanks to you for reminding me of one of our early sweet-voiced singers, "Miss Flora Harris."
I heard her in Ipswich in 1854, when the only hall was what was known as "Thorn's billiard room," in East-street.
Being only a lad, I with others, enjoyed her singing from the outside of the building, "I love the merry-merry sunshine that makes the I heart so gay."
I was glad to learn that Mr. Harris, formerly town clerk of Ithaca, was a younger brother of hers.
- I am, sir, &c.
September 19.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1934), 10
HARPER. - July 5, 1934, Haidee Beatrice, widow of the late Henry William Harper, of 30 Augusta-road, Manly.
Musical sources:
Bound album of sheet music, c. 1790-1800, inscribed on inside front cover: "Haidee B. Harris, from her affectionate Mama, April 8th 1864"; Stewart Symonds sheet music collection, Museums of History NSW (DIGITISED)
NOTE: There is no internal or external evidence that the volume or its separate contents were historically associated with the family, though it is possible that it was; but it is also possible that it was merely acquired bound and complete in England before 1852, or newly purchased as late as 1864 in Sydney as a secondhand import
Related musical editions:
Agathe; or, When the swallows homeward fly, sung by Miss Flora Harris, words by G. F. Graham, music by Franz. Abt (Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke, [1854]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Woolcott and Clarke (musicsellers, publishers)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1854), 1
. . . Just published, Hearts and Homes, price 2s. 6d.;
Agathe, or When the Swallows, 2s. 6d., as sung by Miss Flora Harris;
new edition of I'm leaving thee, Annie . . .
WOOLCOTT and CLARKE, George-street, next Bank of Australasia.
I'm leaving thee, Annie!, as sung by Miss Flora Harris [I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie, music by George Barker] (Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke, [1854]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED - seventh edition)
Hearts and homes, as sung by Miss Flora Harris, composed by John Blockley (Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke, [1854]) (DIGITISED)
I love the merry sunshine, as sung by Miss Flora Harris, by the composer of the celebrated duet 'What are the wild waves saying' [Stephen Glover] (Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke, [? 1854/55]) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1854), 3
NEW PUBLICATIONS. - I Love the Merry Sunshine, as sung by Miss Flora Harris. H. MARSH and CO.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musicseller, publisher); no copy of Marsh's edition identified; however, the engraved plates were probably among those acquired from Marsh by Woolcott and Clarke, from which their edition was printed
Settings of lyrics by Joseph Sheridan Moore:
The wail from England (1862)
NO COPY IDENTIFIED; in manuscript only, probably never published
"THE WAIL FROM ENGLAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 September 1862), 4
THE following is a copy of the words (by Mr. Sheridan Moore) of the song on the Distress in England by Mr. W. J. Macdougall,
which were sung by Madame Flora Harris, at the Orpheonist Concert, School of Arts, last night.]
From the old white coasts of England,
There cometh o'er the sea
The echo of a nation's wail,
As sad as sad can be;
For it telleth of disaster,
Of want and misery,
How red-winged war hath dried the springs
Of patient Industry! . . . [2 more verses]
ASSOCIATIONS: William James Macdougall (composer); Orpheonist Society (association)
The beauty that blooms in Australia, as sung by Madame Flora Harris, words by J. Sheridan Moore, music by W. J. Macdougall, most respectfully dedicated by the poet and composer to the ladies of Australia (Sydney: Wilkie, Elvy & Co., 1863) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilkie, Elvy, and Co. (musicsellers, publishers)
Bibliography and resources:
J. Sheridan Moore, Memorials of the late Robert Harris (Parramatta: John Ferguson, 1882)
Frances Devlin Glass, "Moore, Joseph Sheridan (1828-1891)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)
Barbara Short, Family secrets: stories from my mother's side of the family (Epping, NSW: Barbara Short, 2012)
HARRIS, George Prideaux (George Prideaux HARRIS; G. P. HARRIS)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, flute player, flautist, deputy surveyor general, natural historian, magistrate
Born Exeter, Devon, England, 4 July 1774; son of Henry Barham HARRIS (d. 1800) and Dorothy PRIDEAUX (d. 1827)
Arrived Australia, 1803-04
Married Ann Jane HOBBS, Hobart, VDL (TAS), 17 February 1805
Died Hobart, VDL (TAS), 16 October 1810, aged "35" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia (shareable link to this entry)
One of several early colonial naval officers who were amateur flautists (including Matthew Flinders and Daniel Woodriff), Harris was deputy Surveyor with David Collins's party to Port Phillip, on board the Calcutta in 1803-04. In a letter to his brother, dated 14 February 1804, he asked to be sent "any new songs for the flute" (Gray 1996).
Births, Monthly meeting of east division of Devon (Exeter, Barnstaple, Collumpton) (1694-1782); UK National Archives, RG6/1399 (PAYWALL)
George Prideaux Harris, Son of Henry Barham Harris & Dorothy his Wife was born the [4 July 1774]
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Barham Harris and Dorothy Prideaux married at Kingsbridge, Devon, on 4 July 1773
Marriages, St. David's Hobart, 1805; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:816049; RGD36/1/1 no 8 (DIGITISED)
[No. 8] This is to certify that George Prideaux Harris, single man of Hobart Town,
and Ann Jane Hobbs, single woman of New Town, both of this Settlement,
were Married by Banns at New Town, River Derwent, Van Diemen's Land, this [17 February 1805] . . .
Burials in the parish of St. David's Hobart in the year 1810; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1175699; RGD34/1/1 no 98 (DIGITISED)
[No. 98] George Prideaux Harris / [buried] 20th October 1810 / [Aged] 35 . . .
Bibliography and resources:
E. R. Pretyman, "Harris, George Prideaux Robert (1775-1810)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
Barbara Hamilton-Arnold (ed.), Letters and papers of G. P. Harris, 1803-1812, Deputy Surveyor-General of New South Wales at Sullivan Bay, Port Phillip, and Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land North (Hobart: Hear A Book, 1995)
Freda Gray, "Music of the early settlements of the 1800s", Papers and Proceedings Tasmanian Historical Research Association 43/2 (June 1996), (59-62), 59 (PAYWALL)
[59] . . . The letters of G. P. Harris, Deputy Surveyor with Collins' party, suggest that he too must have had a flute with him, for in a letter home dated 14 February 1804, he asked his brother for 'supplies', among which he included 'any new songs for the flute'. There seems little doubt that the flute was one of the easiest instruments to carry around the world . . .
HARRIS, George (George HARRIS)
Pianoforte maker, piano tuner, repairer, and regulator, articled apprentice (W. J. Johnson and Co.)
Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald {NSW] (17 January 1857), 1
late with Messrs. W. J. Johnson and Co., pianoforte-makers, &c., Pitt-street,
begs to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity that his engagement under articles has ceased,
and that he intends to follow the tuning and repairing department.
Orders, from town or country, addressed to HUDSON, music-seller, 18, Pitt-street North, will meet with prompt attention.
16th January, 1857.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller); Eliza Hudson (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 January 1857), 8
PIANOFORTES - G. HARRIS, Tuner, Repairer, and Regulator. Address HUDSON, 18, Pitt-st. North.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 October 1857), 10
PIANOFORTES. - G. HARRIS, late with Messrs. JOHNSON and CO.,
repairs made equal to new if twenty years old. Tuning, cash charge in town, 7s. 6d.
Address HUDSON, music seller, 18, Pitt-street North.
Theatrical and musical amateur, actor, vocalist, songwriter, French polisher, painter and gilder
Born London, England, 7 November 1828; son of Samuel HARRIS and Anne HUGHES
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1852
Married Sabina LARKIN (c. 1839-1910), Melbourne, VIC, December 1858
Died Woodend, VIC, 5 October 1914, aged "85/86" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851, Christchurch Spitalfields, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1544/65/14 (PAYWALL)
16 Montague St. / William Burton / Head / Mar. / 30 / Lodging House Keeper . . . [with family and 43 lodgers, the last listed of which, was]
Joseph Harris / 23 / French Polisher / [born] London
SIR, . . . I will now state a few facts relative to the establishment of the Mechanics Institute in Woodend,
and how the matters connected therewith were transacted in the early times.
After several years' experience in the musical and theatrical professions, both in England and Australia, I found myself in Woodend.
This was in the year 1858, and, from its beauty and salubrity of its climate, I decided to remain.
A few years passed and the railway from Melbourne to Woodend was opened in 1862.
At a meeting of the inhabitants on a local topic I put forth a proposition that we should have a Mechanics' Institute in Woodend.
The idea was at once taken up and a committee formed to carry out the project.
The shell of a large hay and corn store was purchased from Greig Bros, for the sum of £70.
I had the contract to line the building and render it fit for the purpose required.
After the cost of the building was settled I was given carte blanche to erect and decorate a stage so as to enable entertainments to be given . . .
For all the scenery required for the production of the many various plays produced through a long series of years,
I have not been the recipient of any payment whatever.
- JOSEPH HARRIS. Woodend, May 31st, 1904.
[News], The Kyneton Observer (18 July 1867), 2
The third of the series of popular readings, etc., was given at the Mechanics' Institute Woodend, on Monday evening last, and was as decided a success as those previously held there. The weather was unfavorable, but the room was nearly filled, and the readings by Messrs. Higinbottom, Prestwick, Laffin, and Dixon, were very favorably received, as also were the songs ably rendered by Messrs. Harris, Delamore, Greeves, Francis, and Dyke. No other class of amusement has ever received the same amount of support and appreciation in Woodend as these "penny reading" entertainments, and we believe the interest taken in them is steadily increasing. An this last occasion a local song, capitally sung by the composer (Mr. Joseph Harris) "went immensely," and neatly hit off some of the amateurs who have appeared on the boards at these entertainments.
"Local Intelligence", Kyneton Guardian and Woodend and Malmsbury Chronicle (14 September 1867), 2
ON Wednesday last, the Woodend Philharmonic Society, assisted by local amateurs, gave an entertainment in the Woodend Mechanics' Institute . . . Mr. Joseph Harris has been set down on the bill as the "musical director," but as he seceded at the last moment, Mr. Greeves filled Mr. Harris's position very creditably, and sung all the songs set down for Mr. Harris . . .
[News], The Kyneton Observer (19 September 1868), 2
An entertainment was given at the Mechanics' Institute, Woodend, on Wednesday evening last, by a company of Amateurs, who form the Woodend Dramatic and Musical Union. The hall was quite full, and the programme, comprising musical selections; a fairy scene from "Oberon"; the burlesque of "Bombastes Furioso"; and a concert by the colored people, formed a very excellent evening's amusement . . . The general management of the entertainment was undertaken by Mr. Joseph Harris, who designed and constructed the properties, to whom the success of the evening is mainly due . . .
"WOODEND (BY OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT)", The Kyneton Observer (26 November 1885), 2
. . . Mr. S. Harris, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Harris of this town, has carried off the second prize for tenor song at the Victorian Mutual Improvement Society's annual competition.
"CANTATA", The Kyneton Observer (25 February 1888), 2
Written in competition for the prize offered by the Commissioners of the Melbourne Centennial Exhibition: -
Arise, arise, ye sons of fair Australia!
Stand side by side a brave and noble band!
Put on your strength and fill the earth with wonder,
This day is ours to glorify our land . . .
"MR. LEIGH HARRIS. A PROMISING WOODEND VOCALIST", The Woodend Star (29 February 1896), 2
. . . Mr. Leigh Harris is a native of Woodend, and a son of that old and much respected resident of the town, Mr. J. Harris. He is a young man gifted with an exceptional voice. In saying this, it may be observed that he does not come from an unmusical family . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Leigh Harris (d. 1943, aged "75")
"BIRTHDAY PARTY", The Woodend Star (12 November 1898), 2
A very pleasant little gathering took place at the residence of our old townsman, Mr. Joseph Harris, in Brooke-street, last Monday evening, its object being to commemorate an important epoch in that gentleman's life, namely, the seventieth anniversary of his birth . . . The celebration of Mr. Harris' natal day on Monday last [7 November] took the form of a juvenile entertainment early in the evening . . .
"Obituary. DEATH OF MRS. JOSEPH HARRIS", The Woodend Star (16 July 1910), 2
We are called upon this week to chronicle the fact that another of the very early residents of Woodend, in the person of Mrs. Joseph Harris, has passed over to "the great majority." Mrs. Harris died at her late residence, in Brooke street, just before noon on Wednesday last, of chronic bronchitis . . . The deceased lady, as well as being one of our earliest residents, was a very old colonist. She came out to Victoria as a girl of 13 [sic] from Portumna, County Galway, Ireland, arriving in Melbourne 58 years ago. Six years afterwards, viz., in 1858, she came to Woodend as a young woman and here she remained for the rest of her life, covering a period of 71 years. Here she met her husband, Mr. Joseph Harris, to whom she was married in St. John's Church of England, Melbourne, in December, 1858 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Correctly, Sabina Larkin, aged 24, from Galway ("Larken" in the marriage index), arrived in Melbourne on the Amazon on 1 February 1855;
see Nominal list of passengers per Amazon, from Plymouth, 7 November 1854, arrived at Melbourne, 1 February 1855; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
"Obituary. DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH HARRIS", The Woodend Star (10 October 1914), 3
Still another of the worthy pioneers of Victoria, and of this district, and probably Woodend’s oldest resident, has passed over to the "great majority," in the person of our well-known and respected townsman, Mr. Joseph Harris, who died at his late residence, Brook-street, last Monday evening, after beings laid aside from life's activities for some little time. Born at Limehouse, London, in 1828, Mr. Harris had reached the advanced age of 86 years. He worked as a boy on his father's and uncle's barges on the Thames, and was apprenticed, at the age of 14 years, for seven years, to the trade of carver and gilder, in which he was very proficient, as evidenced, by work of the kind done by him here. At 24 years of age, he worked his passage to Australia as ship's carpenter. That was in 1852, so that he was a colonist of 62 years' standing. Possessed of a fine tenor voice, he, shortly after landing, was chosen as one of the Sacqui Concert Company, the soprano being Madame Lucy Escott, while William Farquharson, a noted bass singer, was also one of the party. Mr. Harris then contracted the gold fever, and worked on many of the "diggings" in New South Wales, and, while tramping from Melbourne to the Bendigo "diggings," he cast anchor at Woodend; and, meeting people of his own heart, settled down, to become a resident for the long-period of 66 years. In his time, he wrote many poems, setting forth the beauties of the town and district, and, an enthusiast in church music, he assisted with the Rev. Barlow in the first Church of England service held in Woodend, which took place in a shelter shed on the site now occupied by the electric power house. Nothing pleased him better than to he getting up a dramatic performance or pantomime for which he would prepare scenes, etc., weeks before the entertainments were presented. In his earlier days, he took a full share of the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, but the enfeeblement of advanced years had confined him to his home for some time past. He leaves two sons, our well-known residents, Mr. Samuel Harris and Mr. Leigh Harris, and two daughters - Mrs. Prince, South Melbourne, and Miss Mary Harris, of Woodend. The funeral, which was well attended, took place on Wednesday afternoon, a service, conducted by the Rev. W. A. Poulton, being held in St. Mary's Church previous to the interment.
ASSOCIATIONS: If the Sacqui referred to is Austin Saqui, and the time the mid 1850s, Harris most certainly did not sing with Lucy Escott (who did not arrive in Australian until 1861), and probably not Robert Farquharson (not William) either; there is no record of a Harris performing with Saqui at the time, but a tenor, W. Harrison (see below), was one of his company at Beechworth in 1857
HARRIS, Richard (Richard HARRIS)
Pianoforte maker
Active Melbourne, VIC, ? 1861; 1863 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (25 March 1861), 1
IF this should meet the eye of RICHARD HARRIS, pianoforte maker, late of Paddington, England,
he is earnestly entreated to send his address to C. Callard, wood turner, Littie Collins street east, Melbourne, who has important news from home.
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (13 February 1863), 1
SOLICITORS who advertised for Richard Harris, pianoforte maker, from London, 18 months since, can hear of him at Mr. Witton's, 17 Hanover-street, Fitzroy.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry James Witton (musician)
Music and general printer, newspaper proprietor, printer, and publisher
Born England, 29 November 1829
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), c. 1830s
Married Elizabeth UPTON, Launceston, TAS, 1 July 1853
Died Burnie, TAS, 2 January 1904, aged "75/76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
1853, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:849451; RGD37/1/12 no 1047 (DIGITISED)
No. 563 / 1047 / 1st July 1853 / St. John Church Launceston / Robert Harris / 23 / Free / . . . single man
Elizabeth Upton / 19 / Free / . . . single woman . . .
BURNIE. DEATH OF MR. ROBERT HARRIS. BURNIE, Sunday [3 January]", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (4 January 1904), 5
Last night Mr. Robert Harris, a very old colonist, died at his residence, at Burnie, aged 75 years. Deceased landed in Launceston about 70 years ago, and for 50 years was associated with the printing business, chiefly at Launceston where he owned "The Cornwall Chronicle" newspaper, and also at Devonport and Burnie. Deceased was very generally esteemed. His death was not unexpected. He was in active work till failing health caused his retirement, a few months ago.
"OBITUARY. MR. ROBERT HARRIS. BURNIE, Sunday", Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (4 January 1904), 6
Mr. Robert Harris, an old and respected resident, died here on Saturday evening. Deceased, who was 76 years of age, had been ailing for some time. He arrived in Tasmania from England when a lad, and served his apprenticeship to the printing trade in Launceston, and for half a century has been engaged in the business. While in the northern city he conducted a small paper for a time, and afterwards occupied the position of overseer on the "Colac Reformer" and Melbourne "Argus." Some time after returning to this state he founded, in company with his two sons, Messrs. C. J. and R. D. Harris, the "Emu Bay Times" and "N.W. Advocate." The late Mr. Harris married at Launceston in 1853, and leaves three daughters and one son, viz., Mr. C. J. Harris . . .
"Death of Mr. Robert Harris", The North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times (4 January 1904), 2
. . . Deceased was born in England on November 29, 1829, and was therefore in his 75th year at the time of his death. He arrived in Tasmania in the thirties as a child, and landed at Launceston, where later he served his time at the printing business. Mr. Harris had been at this work for practically half a century - for about ten years on the staff of the Melbourne "Argus" (during which time he was president of the Typographical Society), for two or three years at Colac (where he started the "Colac Reformer"), and for three years in New Zealand, but for the rest of the time in Tasmania. He had for years printing offices at Launceston (where he published the "Cornwall Chronicle") and at Latrobe, and later with his sons, Messrs. C. J. and R. D. Harris, established the "Emu Bay Times" at Burnie. Then the firm founded the "North-Western Advocate" - the first daily paper on the North West Coast - at Devonport, where Mr. Harris resided as its manager until, a few months ago, failing health necessitated a rest from the labor which he had sought and loved so long. The deceased was not a man who sought prominence in public life, but he was universally liked and respected, and general regret will be felt at his demise . . .
Musical publications (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Curaçoa valse (Packer, 1866)
Curaçoa valse par F. A. Packer (Hobart Town and Launceston: J. Walch & Sons, [1866]); "R. HARRIS, MUSIC PRINTER, LAUNCESTON" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Augustus Packer (composer); Walch and Sons (publishers)
"TOWN TALK", Tasmanian Morning Herald [Hobart, TAS] (22 August 1866), 2
We have seen a specimen of music printing by Mr. Harris, of Launceston, in a new Waltz for the Pianoforte, published by Messrs. Walch and Sons. It is entitled "The Curacoa Valse," and was composed by Mr. F. A. Packer, at the request of the Officers of HMS Curacoa, on her recent visit here. It is a most creditable production in every respect and as a specimen of Tasmanian music printing, well worthy of notice. To our fair friends with whom the gallant Officers of HMS were such favorites, we commend Mr. Packer's production as an interesting memento of the Curacoa's visit. It is intended to send some copies to the Melbourne Exhibition.
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (25 August 1866), 9
We have received a copy of the Curacoa Valse par F. A. Packer. This production is alike creditable to the composer; the publishers, Messrs. Walch and Sons; and the printer Mr. R. Harris.
Bachelors' waltz (Packer, 1866)
Bachelors' waltz [by F. A. Packer] (Hobart Town and Launceston: J. Walch & Sons, [1866])
"TOWN TALK", Tasmanian Morning Herald [Hobart, TAS] (6 November 1866), 2
Messrs. Walch and Son have published another piece of music of F. M. Packer's composition, under the title of the "Bachelors' Waltz." It was composed especially for the late Bachelors' Ball, and has been played several times at the Mechanics' Institute concerts, and encored. The music is sweet, and especially apropos for private dancing. It was printed by Mr. Robert Harris of Launceston.
"THE BACHELOR'S WALTZ", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (6 November 1866), 2
. . . It is printed in a style uniform with the "Curacoa Waltz" by the same composer, and is issued from the Launceston Times office. It is published by Messrs. Walch & Sons.
HARRIS, Robert Douglas (Robert Douglas HARRIS; R. Douglas HARRIS; R. D. HARRIS)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, cornet and cornopean player, publican, commission agent
Born England, c. 1831
Arrived Launceston, VDL (TAS), April 1849 (per Halcyon, ? from Adelaide)
Married [1] Mary Ann LAMBERT (widow BRAND) (d. 1886), Launceston, TAS, 24 March 1857
Married [2] Clara Mowbray STEPHENSON (widow BREWER) (1843-1934), Launceston, TAS, 21 June 1900
Died Launceston, TAS, 25 March 1911 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
1857, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:856425; RGD37/1/16 no 604 (DIGITISED)
No. 178 / 604 / [24 March 1857] Robert Harris / Full age / Bachelor // Mary Ann Brand / Full age / Widow . . .
"ADDRESS TO MR. TAPFIELD", The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (12 January 1861), 2
On Monday, the 7th inst, a deputation from the members and friends of the Glee Club . . . waited upon S. Tapfield, Esq., the President, for the purpose of presenting an Address . . . signed by about a hundred and thirty ladies and gentlemen, amongst whom are . . . R. D. Harris . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Tapfield (musician); Hobart Town Glee Club (association)
"QUARTERLY LICENSING DAY", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (5 February 1862), 5
. . . The "Marine Hotel," Esplanade, from Mr. Robert Douglas Harris to Mr. Edward Humphrey. Granted . . .
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE MUSICAL UNION", Launceston Examiner (23 January 1868), 5
The annual meeting of the above Society took place on Tuesday evening is the large class-room of the Institute.
Mr. T. Sharp, President and Conductor, occupied the chair, and opened the proceedings by reading the advertisement convening the meeting.
He then called upon the Secretary, Mr. T. Brain, to read the report for the past year.
REPORT. The Mechanics' Institute Musical Union was originated at a meeting held on the 10th March, 1867 . . .
The number of members at the commencement was 44, which number has been maintained to the present time.
There have been three concerts given during the past nine months . . .
In addition to which it may be observed that the members of the Society furnished the principal part of the music (both vocal and instrumental) at the penny and other readings given during the winter season . . .
The following gentlemen were elected by ballot as committee for the ensuing year: - Messrs. Roper, J. S. Harvey, Orpwood, G. Castley, and R. D. Harris . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (conductor); Thomas Brain (secretary); Alban Joseph Roper (member); John Smithen Harvey (member); George Orpwood (member); Launceston Mechanics' Institute (association)
"LAUNCESTON MECHANICS' INSTITUTE ANNUAL MEETING", Launceston Examiner (21 January 1869), 2-3
The annual meeting of the above Institution took place on Tuesday evening . . . There was a very small attendance of members . . . [3] . . . The Piano. Mr. R. D. Harris asked the secretary whether the piano in the large hall was now the property of the members, and whether any provision had been made to keep it in order. Mr. Wathen said the instrument would not be the property of the members till the shareholders were paid. Mr. Sharp had agreed to keep it in order for three months from the time of purchase. Mr. Harris said it was not in order now, being considerably below concert pitch . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Fowler Wathen (member)
"POPULAR ENTERTAINMIENT", Launceston Examiner (14 September 1869), 2
A popular entertainment was given last night, in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute, under the auspices of the "Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association,"
when some of our most popular amateurs took part, as well as Messrs. Linly Norman and J. H. Melvyn, whose services had been engaged for the occasion as instrumentalists . . .
The programme was one of more than ordinary interest, embracing an equal proportion of vocal and instrumental music,
with reading, recitations, &c., and each part opening with an overture,
in which the performers were Messrs. Norman, Melvyn, Abbott, Roberts, Harris, C. Galvin, Chick, Davies, Joscelyne, and A. Hart . . .
The following was the programme: Part 1. - Overture, "L'Italiana In Algieri," orchestra . . .
Part 2. - Overture - "Bohemian Girl," orchestra . . . Haydn's Symphony, No. 3, orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (professional); James Hadock Melvyn (professional); W. Abbott (amateur); Henry Roberts (amateur); Charles Galvin (amateur); John Chick (amateur); John Morris Davies (amateur); Samuel Josecelyne (amateur); Anthony Hart (amateur)
MUSIC: Surprise symphony ("no. 3" (Haydn); see Haydn in colonial Australia on early numberings of his symphonies
"POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Cornwall Chronicle (15 September 1869), 3
. . . The orchestra consisted of Mr. Abbott (first violin), Mr. J. M. Davies (violin,), Mr. Charles Galvin (clarionet), and Mr. Harris (cornet) . . .
"GRAND CONCERT AT THE LAUNCESTON MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Tasmanian [Launceston, TAS] (6 January 1872), 9
A brilliant array of musical talent took part in the concert given in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute on Friday evening, 29th ult., in aid of the fund for the completion of the bridge over the North Esk, at St. Leonards . . . The concert commenced punctually at 8 o'clock with the overture to "Guy Mannering" by a band consisting of the following: - Mr. McIver, leader (first violin), Mr. Chick (second violin; Mr. J. M. Davies (flute), Mr. Harris (cornet), Mr. A. Day (cornet), Mr. Charles Galvin (clarionet), and Mr. Hanchett (pianoforte) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur McIver (violin); Andrew John Day (cornet); John Justinian Hanchett (piano)
"Amusements", Weekly Examiner (7 November 1874), 9
On Tuesday evening this splendid oratorio by Hadyn was performed in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute by the members of the newly-formed Launceston Musical Union . . . Mr. G. T. Collins (first violin) lead a fairly efficient orchestra, composed as follows: . . . cornopean (Mr. Douglas Harris) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Thomas Collins (violin, leader)
"DEATHS", Daily Telegraph [Launceston, TAS] (25 March 1911), 6
HARRIS. - On the 25th March, at Lyttleton-street, R. Douglas Harris in his 80th year.
"ABOUT PEOPLE", Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (27 March 1911), 4
The death occurred at his residence, Lyttleton-street, early on Saturday morning of Mr. R. Douglas Harris, a resident of Launceston for close upon 60 years, and a well-known produce dealer. Deceased, who was in his 80th year, was a native of England. He arrived in Launceston in April, 1849, in the brig Halcyon, and shortly after was employed by the late Mr. Geo. Fisher as book-keeper. At the time of the gold rush in Victoria he visited Port Phillip diggings, but, returning to Tasmania shortly after, be turned his attention to farming at Longford. It was not long before he again found his way back to Launceston, where be started as a commission agent, having his offices at Cape's Store, Lower Charles-street. This line of business he followed until his retirement, about seven years ago. Deceased was a keen business man, and, although of a retiring disposition, was highly respected by all with whom he came in contact. He was twice married, his second wife, who survives him, being a daughter [sic, widow] of the late Mr. A. W. Brewer, of Bowood, North-East Coast. The funeral leaves at 9.30 this morning for the Church of England Cemetery.
Musicseller, bookseller, stationer, importer, journalist
Born Glasgow, Scotland, 30 June 1818; son of William HARRISTON and Margaret McGREGOR
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 5 July 1848 (per Mahomet Shah, from London and Plymouth)
Married Emma Martha REED, St. James's church, Melbourne, VIC, 27 April 1850
Died Kensington, VIC, 31 December 1902, aged "84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reed (1795-1871; father-in-law, musician, musicseller, of Melbourne)
Documentation (general):
Births, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, 1818; Scotland, select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
30 June 1818 / Daniel son of William Harriston and Margaret McGregor
ASSOCIATIONS: William Harriston (d. ? 1832) and Margaret McGregor (d. ? 1832) had married c. 1804
"MARRIED", Geelong Advertiser (29 April 1850), 2
On the 27th inst., at St. James' Church, Melbourne, by the Rev. S. Lloyd Chase, Mr. DANIEL HARRISON to EMMA MARTHA, youngest daughter of Thomas Reed, Esq.
"DEATH OF MR. DANIEL HARRISON", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (1 January 1903), 4
In the death of Mr. Daniel Harrison yesterday, at Kensington, at the age of 84 years, Victoria loses one of her pioneer journalists. The veteran pressman was born in Glasgow in 1818, and came of a literary stock, his father's verse and miscellaneous writings having attracted some attention in the early part of last century. The dread cholera plague, which raged with terrible violence in Scotland about the year 1830, deprived the family - three young lads - of both parents, and they were left entirely to their own resources. In those dark days of pestilence and famine the city authorities had a summary manner of preventing the spread of infection. All furniture and belongings of the unhappy people were simply carted out to the street and there burnt. Notwithstanding those rigorous methods, whole villages sometimes were almost depopulated. Leaving his native land, Mr. Daniel Harrison, after some years' residence in the West Indies, arrived in Melbourne in 1849, and soon after established himself as a bookseller and publisher in Collins-street, near the intersection of Elizabeth-street. The gold fever of 1851, which immediately seized all classes, impelled him to follow the crowd then rushing to Ballarat and other fields. Although following the occupation of a professed gold hunter, Mr. Harrison continuously acted as correspondent of the "Geelong Advertiser" and of some English periodicals, visiting in turn Forest Creek and most of the then discovered "rushes." Tiring of the vicissitudes and uncertain prospects of a digger, he joined fortunes with his brother, the late James Harrison, who had previously (in 1840) founded the "Geelong Advertiser." The brothers were very successful for years, but disaster attended the efforts of James Harrison to perfect his inventions in connection with the exportation frozen meat and the ice making industries, and the "Advertiser" passed out of their hands. Since that time the deceased gentleman had been connected, either as editor or contributor, with various metropolitan and provincial newspapers. Many years ago he was sub-editor of "The Age." Indeed, it may be said he was never, entirely separated from press work almost up to thee time of his death. The veteran labored ceaselessly in the Liberal cause in the exposure of political and other abuses. He wrote vigorously and trenchantly on all constitutional and political questions connected with the early history of the colony, and his death will be sincerely regretted by the older journalists of Victoria, amongst whom he was highly esteemed for his ability and strict integrity. In private life the deceased gentleman was one of the best of husbands, fathers and friends. Mr. Harrison married, soon after his arrival in Melbourne, a sister of the late German Reed, who survives him with a family of three sons.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Harrison (brother, 1816-1893); Thomas German Reed (English musician and composer, never visited Australia)
"PERSONAL", Camperdown Chronicle [VIC] (1 January 1903), 3
Mr. H. Harrison, of Camperdown, the well known trainer, yesterday received the sad intelligence of the death of his father, Mr. Daniel Harrison, at his residence, Epsom road, Kensington. The deceased gentleman, who was 84 years of age, had been ailing for some months, and the end was therefore not unexpected. Mr. Daniel Harrison had the distinction of being the oldest journalist in Victoria. He was a native of Glasgow, and came to Geelong in the ship, Mahomet Shah, in the year 1849 [sic, ? 1848]. With his brother, the late Mr. James Harrison, he conducted the Geelong "Advertiser," the oldest daily newspaper in the State. Mr. Daniel Harrison was subsequently associated with the Melbourne Press for a great number of years. The father of the two brothers was William Harrison, "The Scottish People's Poet." Mrs. Harrison, wife of deceased, is still living, and there are three sons - Mr. H. Harrison, Camperdown, Mr. Walter Harrison, of the Government Printing Office, Melbourne; and Mr. Claude Harrison, musician, also of Melbourne.
Documentation (musical):
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (5 April 1850), 1
MR. REED BEGS to inform the residents of Geelong that he has instructed
Mr. Wilkie (late of Broadwood and Sons, London ) to visit Geelong, for the purpose of REPAIRING AND TUNING PIANOFORTES.
Orders received by Mr. D. Harrison, Malop-street, will be attended to.
As Mr. Wilkie's stay will be short, immediate application is necessary.
Music Warehouse, Great Bourke-street, Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reed (musicseller, shortly to be his father-in-law)
[2 of several advertisements], Geelong Advertiser (13 September 1850), 4
comprising ACOORDEONS of different sizes, some very large and superior.
Flutes, Flageolets and Piccoloes. Clarinets and Violins.
Violin Strings, Violin Bows, Bridges, Pegs, &c., &c.
Music for Accordeon, Flute and Violin.
DANIEL HARRISON. Malop-street, West.
New Music. A LARGE and varied assortment just received by the Undersigned, comprising all the
New Polkes, Waltzes, Quadrilles, Songs, Duets, Rondos, Selections from Operas, &c., &c. &c.
To ensure a speedy sale, they are offered at the ENGLISH PRICES without any advance, thus obviating the common complaint as to the dearness of Music in these Colonies.
The following are a few of the pieces: -
POLKAS. La Brunette Polka - Linter; Amazon Polka - Linter; Mazeppa Polka - Linter; Queen's Polka - Bardoni; Earl of Dublin Polka - Linter; Grasshopper Polka - Linter; Oberon Polkas - Kronin; The Chimes Polkas - Hemy; Her Majesty's Court Polkas - Linter; Jetty de Treffz Polka - Norman; Jenny Lind's Polk - Wallestein; Albone Polka - Kronin
QUADRILLES. The Owl Quadrilles - Linter; La Poste Quadrilles - Schubert; Full Cry Quadrilles - Linter; Prince of Wales Quadrilles - Jullien; Royal Horse Guards Quadrilles - Linter; Les Jolies Oiseaux Quadrilles - Linter; Garland Qtadrilles - Linter; Bella Donna Quadrilles - Linter; Rose Quadrilles - Czerny; Fairy Land Quadrilles - Linter; Cameo Quadrilles - Ditto; Venetian Quadrilles - Ditto; Les Oiseaux Orientales Quadrilles - Linter; Robin Goodfellow Quadrilles - Linter; Birthday Quadrilles - Hemy
SONGS, DUETS, &c. Yes! I will write to thee; Jeanie and Donald - Hodson; They have welcomed me again; I'm thinking now of thee Jamie; The United Service Song - Linter; Standard of the free - Simpson; Oh! Clear and Winding River - Halton; Heaven is my home - Flood; The Hindoo Widow - Guernsey; I love thee tho' we've said farewell; Of what are you thinking Jenny; The Secret to be happy - Donizetti; Buy my flowers - Holmes; The Shower of Pearls - Duet, Glover; The Mill Stream - Rossini; The Bridal Blessing - Glover; A home with thee - Palmer; With my dog and my gun - Bishop; I'll roam the gay world - Loder; When in happier days we wandered - Loder; Cheer thee, dark and helpless one - Esain; My Home! my happy home - Hodson; I'll hang up my harp on a Willow tree - Guernsey.
Gems of Italian Operas - Six parts; Reminiscences of Burns - Linter; Harp of Erin - Czerny; Saze Coburg March; Pestal Waltz - Linter; Promenade Waltzes - Linter; La Piuie des Perles Valse - Osborne; Linter's Album of Dance Music. Musical Bijou for 1850. These works are splendidly illuminated.
A variety of Rondos, Marches, &c., &c.
DANIEL HARRISON, Malop-street West. Any of the above can be sent by post at 2d for every 4 ounces weight.
ASSOCIATIONS: The bulk of the contents of the shipment advertised above appear to have been published by the London firm of D'Almaine & Co. in the middle and late 1840. The prolific Richard "Ricardo" Linter (c. 1818-1886) was one of their house composers; another was Henry Frederick Hemy, who, by coincidence, himself arrived in Victoria in December 1850; in Melbourne in January 1851 Hemy himself gave what he billed as the first Australian public performances of one of the items included in the shipment, his The chimes polka.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (26 October 1850), 4
comprising ACCORDEONS of different sizes, some very large and superior.
Flutes, Flageolets and Piccoloes, Clarinets and Violins,
Violin Strings, Violin Bows, Bridges, Pegs, &c., &c.
Music for Accordeon, Flute and Violin.
DANIEL HARRISON. Malop-street, West.
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (20 November 1850), 3
TO MR. D. HARRISON, BOOK-SELLER AND STATIONER, 34, Collins-street, (Two Doors below the Royal Hotel.)
T. REED respectfully begs to intimate, that in consequence of his increasing connection in TEACHING, &c.,
he has been induced to arrange with Mr. Harrison for the management of his business,
and that the whole of his stock is transferred as above, where the business will be conducted as heretofore.
Considerable additions, both of Music and Musical Instruments have been made,
and a large importation of the choicest articles in the line is shortly expected from London.
PIANO-FORTES TUNED AND REPAIRED by a thoroughly experienced maker, who was for several years in the houses of Stoddart and Sons,
and Collard and Collard, and subsequently an extensive manufacturer on his own account,
which enables T. R. to execute all repairs of Piano-fortes in a superior manner at moderate charge.
JUST PUBLISHED, The Song of Victoria. Written and Composed with Original Music, by THOMAS REED, PRICE, 3s 6d.
To be had at REED'S Musical Repository, 34, Collins-street, two doors below the Royal Hotel.
Bibliography and resources (William Harriston, Scottish poet and author):
The city mirror; or, Glasgow in miniature: a series of descriptive poems containing, a review of some of the characteristic features of the city of Glasgow; with other pieces, by William Harriston, author of The fortunate ploughman, &. &. (Glasgow: William Lang, 1824) (DIGITISED)
The steam-boat traveller's remembrancer, containing poems descriptive of the principal watering places visited by the steam-boats from Glasgow, by William Harrison . . . (Glasgow; W. Lang, 1824) (DIGITISED)
The wreck, a poem; occasioned by the sinking of the Comet steam-boat, near Gourock, on the Firth of Clyde, October 21st, 1825, when between 60 and 70 persons (of all ages and sexes, and of various classes of society) were drowned: in three cantos, with illustrative notes, by William Harriston (Largs: Printed by Robert Harriston, 1826) (DIGITISED)
Amateur songwriter, squatter, separationist
Born Cumberland, England, 1802; baptised Camerton, 12 December 1802; son of George HARRISON and Anne KIRCUP
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by c. 1830
Married Jane HOWE, St. Philip's, Sydney, NSW, 12 February 1831
Died Williamstown, VIC, 21 July 1869, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Separation (c. 1846)
"Select Poetry", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 October 1850), 4
SEPARATION. Tune - "Betsy Baker."
In Australasia there did dwell,
A mother and a daughter.
The lass all others did excel,
And many lovers sought her
She was fair and lovely to the eye,
The wonder of each nation!
For golden wings she'd surely,
Had she but separation.
Tol de rol, &c. &c.
The mother old and feeble was,
And peevish too besides, Sir,
Her advocates - each braying ass,
Like frogs puffed up with pride, Sir,
Cried we'll not suffer them to part,
'Tis our determination;
What use the HEAD without the HEART,
They shan't have Separation.
Her lovers then began to prate,
And said Phil' shouldn't bear it;
Why should she any longer await,
She should be FREE they'd swear it
Then George her guardian forward came,
Cried no procrastination,
Shall be unshackled from the dame.
She's ripe for Separation.
The braying donkies stood aghast,
To see he did not heed 'em,
That Justice would be done at last,
Her flocks and herds, may they increase,
Now Happy past probation,
And blest with LIBERTY and peace
Hurrah! for Separation.
J. H.
This allegorical ballad was published in the M. M. Herald, and other papers, five years ago, and intended to be sung at the Lang Separation Dinner but the band only played the air, which impressed the idea upon my mind that the tune might become national; it is certainly equal in musical merit to that of Yankee Doodle.
For the tickets of said dinner I wanted a suitable device for the seal, but could meet with nothing I liked so well as the head of Victoria, which I selected, not through any particular affection for the diadem, but the name. It is a singular coincidence that the latter should have been subsequently adopted to designate the province. The tickets so stated read "Victoria Separation Dinner."
J. H.
John Dunmore Lang (reformer); for a full report of the dinner, in Melbourne, on 11 February 1846,
and the toast airs and songs performed,
see "THE LANG SEPARATION DINNER", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (13 February 1846), 2
MUSIC: Betsy Baker (tune); see also Betsy Baker (Tune archive)
See also, "SEPARATION", Bendigo Advertiser (7 July 1883), 1 supplement
Musician, teacher of singing and pianoforte, ? author
Active Adelaide, SA, 1859 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (23 June 1859), 1
MR. ROBERT HARRISON (Pupil of the celebrated Professor of Singing, Signor Crivelli, of London),
begs to inform his friends and the public that he intends to Resume the MUSICAL PROFESSION and TUITION in the MODERN LANGUAGES.
Singing, Pianoforte, French, German, and Italian. Residence - Sydenham Road, Norwood.
ASSOCIATIONS: Domenico Crivelli (English musician)
? Other sources:
ASSOCIATIONS: The identify of Robert Harrison above is uncertain, but it is possible that he was the author below:
Colonial sketches: or, Five years in South Australia, with hints to capitalists and emigrants by Robert Harrison (London: Hall, Virtue, & Co.; Newcastle-on-Tyne: William Kaye, 1862), especially 40-42, 105-06, 112 (DIGITISED)
[AMUSEMENTS] . . . [40] There is a theatre in Adelaide which is sometimes opened during the winter months, but it is not well attended, as many who really like theatrical amusements, and have been accustomed to well-regulated theatres, are apt to be thoroughly disgusted by a visit to a place where the acting is of a very poor description, and the audience sometimes behave in a manner that would disgrace the mob of the lowest resort in Europe. Many have visited the theatre a few times after arriving in the colony, but owing to the brutality of the gods, and the coarse vulgarity of many of the habitues of the pit, have left in disgust.
Now and then a good musician wends his way to Adelaide, but usually he is only too happy to depart in peace, minus a small amount of cash; for unless merit is accompanied with perfect effrontery and unblushing charlatanism, the Adelaide public are not at all satisfied to disburse any of their beloved cash for such amusements, remembering that cash is scarce and interest high. A Pianist who, on attempting Thalberg, was heard with partial indifference, electrified his refined audience with Willikins and his Dinah, with variations. A German gentleman, of versatile musical talents, who was principally distinguished as a cornet player, might have [41] long sighed in vain for a paying audience, if, in a lucky moment, he had not made the ingenious discovery of a new instrument, which, in honour of the colony, he called a bush piano. This interesting piece of mechanism resembled to the uninitiated a piece of deal board, which, by the application of thin sticks, ornamented with bone, adroitly applied, emitted excruciating sounds that amazed and delighted his classical hearers.
In addition to the extreme improbability of obtaining cash, there is another reason that no artiste of any eminence, who should be so unfortunate as to visit any of the Australian colonies in hopes of gain, ought to avoid South Australia. The criticisms of the press on their performances (generally supposed to be written by precocious colonial young gentlemen, elected to the office by their total ignorance of the subjects they comment on) are either absurdly eulogistic or extremely nonsensical or flippant.
A gentleman with a deep bass voice (Mr. Farquarson) is characterized; his trumpet tones were heard to great advantage. A Tenor is requested not to make such painful efforts to enunciate the higher notes, and afterwards is reminded that he apparently has mistaken his vocation. A Pianist's excessive manipulation made the strings thrill with harmony, and on another occasion he awoke the strings to rapture. Another Piano Player who had studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, and really possessed talent, and who for a time at least was compelled to sacrifice himself through family circumstances in this Musical "Slough of Despond," was informed that in the course of a few years, by systematic study, he might attain a mastery over the instrument. A prima donna is [42] requested to be more particular in the execution of her chromatic passages, and endeavour to carry out the ideas of the composer. Another gentleman with a profusion of hair, and the smallest amount of musical knowledge, supposed to be a pupil of Mendelssohn, but, in reality, the produce of an isolated town on the borders of Continental civilization, where the magic name of that composer had hardly penetrated, who could not play, owing to all his faculties being devoted to the object of teaching others what he could not do himself; tried to perpetrate some simple accompaniments with a lamentable want of taste and style, and was criticized by Jeames as a player evidently of a high order, although Jeames had no opportunity of judging on that occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Heinrich Schrader (? German cornet player); Bush piano (general); Robert Farquharson (vocalist) (DIGITISED)
[LITERATURE IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA] . . . [105]. . . In connection with literature, I may mention one curious circumstance which occurred when I was in Adelaide, when the Volunteer movement reached [106] Australia it became the fashion for one or two enterprising people to publish a little music adapted to the cause, such as the Adelaide Drum Polka, dedicated to Capt. Turncoat; and the Bugle Rifle Galop, dedicated to Capt. Crawler (by special request); and a waltz appeared in the colony, as original, which had a fair sale, and was criticized by the press as a fair development of colonial talent, when a short time afterwards, the alarming discovery was made by a musical detective, that the waltz in question was copied note for note from one of Strauss' the colonial composer, not taking the trouble even to alter the key or change a note of the music.
ASSOCIATIONS: See, for instance, The Kent Rifles polka (by Mary Frances Price) (DIGITISED)
[LAWS AND LAWYERS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA] . . . [112] . . . Cheatem had a decided taste for peddling trade, and used to vary his legal pursuits by small purchases for resale at a profit; or if a broken colonist, who was anxious to go through the insolvent court, and had not cash enough for preliminary expenses, Cheatem, rather than lose any business, would take any cash he could lay hands on, and perhaps the remainder in the shape of a broken down nag, or other live stock. On some occasions he was impelled, by a kind of impulsive nature, to think of something refined or intellectual; and once being allured by the charms of music, he determined to buy a piano, and obtaining one of an unfortunate consignment from England very cheap, he got it home and began to play; but on the following day, hearing of a purchaser at a profit, he sold it immediately with a harmonious smile at the transaction. Feeling one day that it was perhaps necessary for a man to know something else than law and topics connected with it, he bought a choice collection of books belonging to a gentleman proceeding to England with the understanding that if he returned in a reasonable time, Cheatem would sell them back again to him, but shortly afterwards our legal friend without reading them, made a calculation that he might make a profit of sixpence a volume clear of expenses, and sent off the whole lot to the Auction rooms, and realized his hopes to his intense satisfaction, for it is not every man who can make so much out of literature . . .
But see also, "REVIEW", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (7 May 1862), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: Contrary to UK, US, and Australian bibliographic records, Robert Harrison (1820-1897), of the London Library, was not author of this work
Active Beechworth and district, VIC, c. 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
IDENITIFICATION: ? alias of Joseph Harris, who was later reported to have performed as a tenor vocalist in Austin Saqui's company
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (25 July 1857), 3
MADAME HAIMBERGER and Madomoiselle Kramor, the Celebrated Alpine and Tyrolose Minstrels and Monsieur Haimberger, the Violin and Solo Player, will perform.
During the Evening MADEMOISELLE KRAMER Will introduce some of her favorite Scotch and Irish BALLADS,
Assisted by our old friends Messrs. Harrison, Percy, and Oakey. Pianist - Mr. SAQUI.
On every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. ADMISSION - 1s.
A Free Concert On every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY,
when Messrs. Harrison, Percy & Oakey Will enlighten and amuse all who may favor them with their attendance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Margaretha and Julius Haimberger and Marie Kramer (vocalists and violinist, "Tyropese minstrels"); Charles Oakey (comic vocalist); Frederick Percy (basso); Austin Saqui (pianist); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"STAR CONCERT ROOM", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (11 August 1857), 2
This favorite place of amusement continues to draw nightly a crowded house. On Saturday night [8 August] the building was literally crammed, and the manner in which the entertainment was received speaks sufficiently for the catering of mine host Robertson. Mr. Oakey appeared in several comic characters, and was repeatedly encored. Messrs. Harrison and Percey were in good voice, and executed several pieces most effectively. The Tyrolese Minstrels were very well received, and Mons. Haimberger executed two solos on the violin in a masterly style. Mr. Austin Saqui presided at the piano, and accompanied the several singers in a manner that shewed him to be master of the instrument.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (26 September 1857), 4
ENGAGEMENT OF MRS. VINCENT, WHO will delight the inhabitants of Beechworth with the most popular new songs and ballads, every evening,
supported by the following talented company:
Concert to Commence at 8 o'clock.
MR. A. SAQUI, Musical Director & Pianist.
Proprietor, H. ROBERTSON.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Vincent (vocalist)
"AN EXPOSURE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (29 September 1857), 3
The following is an extract from the Border Post:
The following Letter has been received by Mr. Nichols, of the Rose Inn:
"Star Hotel, Beechworth.
"18th Sept., 1857.
"Mr, Nichols.
"Sir, - The Company lately engaged here purpose visiting your town in a few weeks for the purpose of giving a few Concerts,
and I have been advised to give your hotel the preference.
The Company, which is well known in the district, consists of five, viz.: -
Mr. Austin Saqui - Pianist
W. Radford - Violinist
R. Percy - Basso
W. Harrison - Tenor
Charles Oakey - Comic.
Of course, while stopping with you we board and lodge FREE;
and we would feel obliged if you would let us know what share of traveling expenses you will defray.
"I suppose you have a piano, or can obtain one for a few nights.
If not, we can bring our own; but it will be very expensive and troublesome.
"Please address by return of post to me, care of Mr. Simpson, Coach-office, Star Hotel, Beechworth,
who will forward the letter to me at Wangaratta, where I shall be at the next fortnight.
"I am. Sir, your's truly.
"P. S. - Should we make a suitable arrangement with you, we will forward bills as early as possible."
ASSOCIATIONS: William Radford (violinist)
HARROLD, Thomas (Thomas HARROLD; Mr. HARROLD; often Mr. HAROLD)
Actor, vocalist
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by May 1837
Married Hannah SHEPSTED, Trinity church, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 July 1838
Active until c. 1844 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
HARROLD, Hannah (Hannah SHEPSTED; Mrs. HARROLD; often Mrs. HAROLD)
Actor, vocalist, dancer
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1838
Married Thomas HARROLD, Trinity church, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 July 1838
Active until 1848 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
HARROLD, Miss (Miss HARROLD; also Miss HAROLD)
Juvenile actor, dancer, vocalist
Active by 1842, until 1848 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"To the Editor of . . .", Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (6 May 1837), 3
MY DEAR SIR, . . . The entertainments exhibited on Monday evening [1 May] last were -
"The Heart of Mid-Lothian" - (a piracy from Abbotsford); and "High Life below Stairs" . . .
Mr. Grove, (as Geordie Robertson) claimed a precedence by action in the Piece . . .
In reference to Rasper, a character which I understand was personated by a Mr. Harold, I shall content myself by observing,
that there is such a thing as Sheridan's Pronouncing Dictionary extant!
not that I wish to rasp Mr. Rasper unkindly or unduly; but merely that he should in future,
avoid the trivial errors by which (although perhaps I may be mistaken) his present performances are deteriorated . . .
I am, my dear Sir, yours faithfully, PHILO-THESPIS.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Parsons Grove (actor); Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (8 July 1837), 1
Theatre Royal, Hobart Town.
ON WEDNESDAY, July 12, 1837, will be performed, for the first time at this Theatre, being for the
Benefit of Mrs. MACKAY, Tobin's admired Comedy of The Honey Moon, IN FIVE ACTS;
Duke of Aranza - Mr. Grove. Count Mountalbin - Mr. Cameron . . .
Rolando - Mr. Arabin . . . Jacques - Mr. Meredith.
Campillo - Mr. Harrold . . .
William the Sailor - Mr. Harrold . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor); Gustavus Arabin (actor); John Meredith (actor)
"THE DRAMA (From a Correspondent)", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (19 June 1838), 6
I attended the Theatre on Monday evening, June 11th, to witness the double attraction of THE JEWESS, and the first appearance of Mr. Munyard, from the Victoria Theatre, Sydney, in the character of Prince Leopold, and I am happy to say he succeeded beyond expectation . . . Karl was respectably performed by Harrold and Mr. Jordan's Albert, was done as well as could be expected from him. Mrs. Thomson was very interesting as Rachel, (the Jewess); it was a superior piece of acting . . . The farce of ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE, concluded the evening's amusements . . . Mr. Munyard's Captain Stukeley was very gentlemanly. Who in the name of goodness, cast Harrold for Captain Stanley, - a walking gentleman? he looked like a gentleman's servant, in search of a situation and appeared quite uneasy at the seeming change in his situation; his attempts to imitate the manners of a gentleman spoiled the whole effect of his character . . . Mrs. Thomson's Miss Pumpkin, was, to the lovers of mirth, a treat . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mark Munyard (actor); Richard Jordan (actor); Martha Thomson (actor)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Trinity in the county of Buckingham in the year 1838; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:824297; RGD36/1/3 no 4138 (DIGITISED)
No. 437 / Thomas Harrold of this parish bachelor and Hannah Shepsted of this parish spinster
were married in this church by banns this [16 July 1838] . . . in the presence of . . . George Hewlins
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hewlins (dyer, musician)
[Advertisement], Bent's News and Tasmanian Register (24 August 1838), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre.
MR. HAROLD'S BENEFIT. Monday, August 27, 1838.
MR. HARROLD begs respectfully to inform bis friends and the public generally,
that his benefit is fixed for the above Evening, when their kind patronage and support is humbly and respectfully solicited.
The Entertainments to commence with the much admired and interesting melo-drama of the
Charcoal Burner, OR THE Dropping Well of Knaresborough.
Song - "Buy a Broom" in character, By MRS. HARROLD.
Song - "The Lad with the Carrotty Poll." - MR. HARROLD.
Song - "Horn of Chase" in character - MR. HARROLD.
The whole to conclude with the nautical Melo-drama of the
Floating Beacon, OR THE Norwegian Wreckers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue, late Theatre Royal as above)
MUSIC: Buy a broom ("as sung by Madame Vestris"); The lad with the carrotty poll (ballad); The horn of chase (? )
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (13 November 1838), 3
To the Public. THE Company of Comedians late of the Theatre Royal,
beg to inform their friends and the patrons of the Drama in particular, that it is their intention on
Wednesday Evening next, the 14th inst., to open those spacious premised in Campbell-street, next the Infant school, as a
THEATRE, when they trust by attention to the comforts of the audience and an appropriate selection of performances to merit a liberal share of public patronage.
The Evening's entertainments to commence with the admired petite comedy of CROSSING THE LINE.
In act 1 a hornpipe by Mr. Smith
Comic song - Mr. Harrold
Pas Seul - Miss Young
"Jim Crow," in character - Mr. Smith.
To conclude with the laughable farce of LOVER'S QUARRELS.
Doors open at 7, commence at half past 7. Admission 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Young (actor, dancer)
"THE THEATRE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (1 May 1840), 3
We have much pleasure in being able to speak in terms of the highest commendation of the great improvement visible, in Mrs. Clarke's Dramatic corps. The performance of Wednesday evening, were far beyond any thing we had expected from the very limited company which the Colony affords. Far worse performances have been witnessed in the provincial Theatres at home, and we have no hesitation in saying, that if Mrs. Clarke continues to conduct her Company as she has began, the career of the first Lady Lessee in Van Diemen's Land, will stand on record, as an honorable epoch in the history of the Colonial Drama. The Victoria now really deserves, and no doubt will obtain the continued patronage of respectable families, as every pains has been taken, not without effect to secure the preservation of good order and decorum. Or the performers . . . Harold and his wife if they seldom shine, never offend. Mrs. Harold requires more confidence, and in simple characters will soon be a favourite . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], The Advertiser [Hobart, VCL (TAS)] (19 May 1840), 3
TO-MORROW EVENING, Wednesday, May 20 . . .
To conclude with the Comic Interlude called INTRIGUE, OR, THE BATH ROAD.
In the course of which the celebrated Duet will be sung "When a little Farm we Keep" - MRS. CLARKE and MR. HAROLD.
MUSIC: When a little farm we keep (Mazzinghi)
[Advertisement], The Advertiser (19 June 1840), 2
Comic Song, "Moses and Rachael," Mr. Harold.
Scotch Pas Seul, Miss Clare . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isabella Clare (dancer, actor)
MUSIC: Moses and Rachael (comic song); tune: Over the water to Charley (Tune archive)
"COURT OF REQUESTS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5. Clarke v. Harold", The Courier (8 December 1840), 4
The plaintiff is the proprietor of the Victoria Theatre, and the defendant one of the actors.
On a particular night the defendant was under an engagement to perform a certain character,
which he failed in doing, having become intoxicated, and totally unfit to appear upon the stage;
the piece was advertised in the newspapers, in the usual manner, and placarded;
for the non-performance of the agreement plaintiff sought to recover damages.
Mr. Harold. - I acknowledge that I got tipsy, for which I was fined by Mr. Clarke, according to the rules, 10s.,
and I therefore contend Mr. Clarke has no legal authority to bring this action into Court, although unable to perform my part.
On the other hand, Mr. Clarke argued, that a disturbance had been occasioned, by his non-appearance according to agreement, on the stage;
besides, he was engaged also to be at a rehearsal, the next day got tipsy again, and deserted the Theatre altogether, and had never even offered to give any satisfaction.
Mr. Hone said, his opinion the case was in favor of the defendant, from the circumstance of his having been mulct in the sum of 10s. by Mr. Clarke.
There was nothing to show that he was under an engagement to serve, and in default to pay a fixed penalty.
The judgment is, that the plaintiff be nonsuited.
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Clarke (proprietor); Joseph Hone (commissioner)
"THE THEATRE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (23 April 1841), 2
We are not aware of ever having been better entertained by a theatrical representation, than we were at the Victoria on Wednesday evening [21 April]; and cannot but regret that so much good acting had so thin an audience . . . En passant - when Mr. Harrold again sings, "I was the boy for bewitching 'em," he should do so plus vite . . . It would be unjust not to add that the orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Leffler, added greatly to the zest of the evening. Not a note was out of tune - not a chord out of place . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Leffler (leader)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (16 July 1841), 3
[ADVERTISEMENT]. To the Editor of the Advertiser.
SIR, - Allow me, through the medium of your widely circulating journal, to announce the fact that I have, with my daughter,
withdrawn from the public service, at the Royal Victoria Theatre, and my reasons for so doing . . .
conduct so dishonourable - so unprofessional - so gratuitous - so cruel, resolved me at once to leave the theatre;
and to withdraw my daughter, of which I expressed my determination,
but feeling that the other performers who had not taken their benefits had some claim upon my services,
I declared to them my willingness to play for them, but that I would not on any consideration do so for Mr. Watson.
In reply to this intimation, Mr. Watson declared that he would not permit me to perform;
and the parts allotted to me on the benefit of Mr. Harold were taken from me by Mr. Watson, on Tuesday evening.
Here I considered the matter at an end, but on Wednesday, I received the following note from Mr. Harold:
MRS. THOMSON, I should feel obliged by your playing Agnes,
in the Phantom Bride, for me to-night, and Miss Thomson, Violetta, drove as I am by Mr. Watson.
More when I see you. An answer will oblige,
I replied that I would play the part. In accordance with this promise, I attended at the theatre with my daughter, and was in the boxes when the performance commenced;
but judge of my surprise to hear Mrs. Harold, in reply to a call from the audience, state, that having taken my own benefit, I had refused to play.
On hearing this falsehood uttered, I quitted the theatre in disgust,
and take this opportunity of assuring the public and such performers as have not yet yet taken a benefit, of my willingness to play for them; -
at the same time I should be acting inconsistently with the respect due to myself, were I to play for Mr. or Mrs. Watson,
who have so grossly insulted, and endeavoured to injure me.
I beg leave to remain,
Yours, very respectfully
Warwick-street, Hobart Town, July 14, 1841.
ASSOCIATIONS: Martha and Jane Thomson (actors, dancers, mother and daughter); Feltham and Mary Watson (actors, managers)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (20 July 1841), 1
being the first Benefit she has taken during a period of Four Years . . .
The Evening's Entertainment to Commence with the Historical Drama from the French, entitled
Duet - "Buy a Broom," - MRS. & MR. HAROLD,
"Jim Crow," By a Gentleman Amateur,
"Horn of Chase" with accompaniment, Mr. HAROLD,
Double Hornpipe in Character, William and Susan - MRS. HAROLD & MR. SMITH,
The whole to conclude with the highly laughable and interesting Farce of the JEW AND THE DOCTOR . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (6 August 1841), 3
MRS. HAROLD begs most respectfully to inform her Friends and the Public that having been refused a Benefit at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
by Mr. Watson, the present Lessee, she has been kindly presented by Mr. Hefford,
with the gratuitous use of his large room, for the purpose of enabling her to take a
BENEFIT, WHICH IS NOW FIXED FOR Tuesday Evening, August 10,
when she will be assisted by several Gentlemen who have retired from the Victoria Theatre, as well as by several Amateurs, who have kindly proffered their assistance.
The Evening entertainments will commence with the Ballad Opera, in two acts, entitled the
Tom Tug, with Songs - Mr. C. Jones.
Wilhelmina, with Songs - Mrs. Harold.
AFTER WHICH: A Variety of Singing and Dancing.
The whole to conclude with the much admired farce in two acts, entitled the £100 NOTE!
Montmorency - Mr. A. Jones.
Harriet Arlington, with Songs - Mrs. Harold.
God Save the Queen, By the whole of the Company.
The whole with NEW SCENERY, DRESSES, &c., &c.
No admittance, but by tickets, which may be obtained at Mr. Hefford's; Mr. Jones, Jeweller, Liverpool-street; and at the Advertiser office.
*** The premises will be on this occasion splendidly illuminated.
Price of Admission, 5s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jeremiah Hefford (publican)
"MRS. HAROLD'S BENEFIT", The Hobart Town Advertiser (10 August 1841), 2
It seems our little favourite, Mrs. Harold, has been compelled to take her benefit at Mr. Hefford's Rooms, having been refused the use of the large house, by the lessee. It is to be regretted that these differences exist, but we are convinced that Mrs. Harold will not feel the want of patronage, as she really deserves it. The performances come off this evening, and no doubt there will be a bumper.
[Advertisement], The Courier (25 February 1842), 3
On MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 28. 1842, Under the Patronage of the Licensed Victuallers of Hobart Town.
MR. & MRS. HARROLD'S BENEFIT. Mr. and Mrs. HARROLD beg to inform their friends and the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that their Benefit takes place on the foregoing Evening under the above patronage, on which occasion they solicit a share of that support hitherto so liberally bestowed.
On MONDAY, 28th February, will be produced (for the first time in this colony) the Splendid Romantic Melodrama, entitled
Comic Song, Mr. Rogers. Buy a Broom (in character,) Mrs. Harrold
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with (for the first time in this colony) the interesting Domestic Drama,
Tickets to be obtained at the Ship Inn, Collins-street; at Mr. Tegg's, Bookseller, Elizabeth street; and at Mr. Munyard's, Confectioner, Murray-street.
Mr. F. B. WATSON, Lessee.
Machinist, Mr. BOYD. S. CAMERON, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Herbert Rogers (actor, vocalist); Thomas Spencer Boyd (actor, machinist); Samson Cameron (actor, manager)
"OLYMPIC THEATRE", Launceston Courier (9 May 1842), p. 2
The amusements on Friday night were excellent. The pieces were most amusing, and better played than any that have ever yet been produced in Launceston. In saying this, we only express the general feeling of the company present. The Jew and the Doctor excited roars of laughter, and repeated rounds of applause. It is full of pure wit, and contains much sentiment, and both wit and sentiment are always duly appreciated by a Launceston audience. There is not a jest that ever escapes their observation, and a good pun always elicits applause. The comic songs by Mr. Rogers and Mr. Harold were deservedly encored, as also Mrs. Harold's "Buy a broom," which she sung with pleasing simplicity. On Monday the favorite song of "Nix my dolly pals," will be repeated, and we recommend those whose curiosity has been excited by the fame of Jack Sheppard, to witness his personification by Mr. Harold; Mr. Boyd, as Blue Shin, is excellent in the extreme.
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
MUSIC: Nix my dolly pals fake away (song, music by Rodwell, in Jack Sheppard)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (14 May 1842), 3
Will be performed, for the first time this Season and by particular desire, the much-admired
and highly-interesting Melo-Drama, in to acts, entitled
Peter Partlet, (Host of the Ram Inn, with song, "The One Oss Chay") Mr. Harold . . .
The Elf of the Eddysstone, Mr. Watson . . .
Lucy Clifton, (Daughter to Mark Traverson) Mrs. Harold . . .
AFTER WHICH, Song, "Dashing White Sergeant," in character, Mrs. Harold.
The much-admired Song and Chorus from OF "Nix my Dolly - Pals Fake Away."
Jack Sheppard, Mr. Harold. Blueskin, Mr. Boyd
Baptiste Kittlehy, Mr. Rogers. Poll Maggott, Mrs. Watson
Edgeworth Bess, Mrs. Harold . . .
F. B. Watson, Manager.
MUSIC: The dashing white sergeant (Bishop)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (21 May 1842), 3
Will be produced, for the first time at this Theatre, Dibdin's celebrated Melo-Drama in two acts, entitled
In which will be introduced the highly-popular song of JOLLY NOSE.
Comic Duet - "One day while working at my Plough," Mr. & Mrs. Harold.
Comic Song - "Ballinamonora," Mr. Harold . . .
MUSIC: The jolly nose (song, music by Rodwell, in Jack Sheppard); One day while workin at my plough (song); Ballynamona-oro (song)
[Advertisement], Launceston Courier (13 June 1842), 3
Comic Song - Mr. Rogers, "I'm a very unfortunate Man."
Song, "The Rose shall cease to blow" . . .
MUSIC: The rose shall cease to blow (song)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (24 September 1842), 3
Being for the Benefit of MRS. HAROLD . . .
The Performances to commence with the splendid and romantic Drams, entitled
Agnes (the Phantom Bride) Mrs. HAROLD.
Song - "Horn of Chase," Mr. Harold . . .
Highland Fling (in character) Miss Harold.
The whole to conclude with, for the first time at this Theatre, the highly laughable Farce of THE £100 NOTE.
Harriet Harlington (with the Songs of "The Dashing White Sergeant," and "Buy a Broom," Mrs. Harold.
Tickets to be obtained . . . of Mrs. Harold, next door to the Police Office.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (8 October 1842), 3
on MONDAY evening next, October 10, 1842 . . .
Comic Song, Mr. Rogers. Highland Fling, Miss Harold . . .
The Evening's Entertainments will conclude with a Pantomime, got up expressly for this night only, entitled the
MAGIC WAND; OR, The Genii of the Ring . . . Pantaloon, Mr. Opie . . .
Columbine, Mrs. Harold . . . Fairies . . . by Misses Harold, Watson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Andrew Opie (scenic artist, actor, director of the pantomime); this is the first billing of "Miss Harold/Harrold", who, unless she was Hannah's daughter by a previous partner, was perhaps as young as 5 years old
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (13 October 1842), 2
when will be produced; with entire new scenery by Mr. Opie, the Comic Drama of RORY O'MORE . . .
AFTER WHICH, Highland Fling, (for the last time) MISS HAROLD
Comic Song - MR. ROGERS
Ballinamona Ora - MR. HAROLD
My Father Land - MR. HAROLD . . .
F. B. WATSON, Manager.
[Advertisement], Launceston Courier (23 January 1843), 3
Overture - (Figaro) - Mozart.
Song, (Pretty Star of Night) MRS. CAMERON.
Song, (Woodman spare that Tree) AMATEUR. - Russell.
Song, (When the Dew is on the grass) MRS. HAROLD. - A. Lee.
Glee, (The Last Rose of Summer) LADY AMATEUR, and two Gentlemen.
Song, MR. ROGERS . . .
Solo, Violin, MR. MEGSON. - Binger . . .
Overture, GUY MANNERING. - Bishop.
PART II. Overture - Il Barbiere de Seviglia - Rossini.
Song, (Happy Land,) MRS. HAROLD . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cordelia Cameron (vocalist); Joseph Megson (violin, leader)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (22 July 1843), 3
First Night of Bombastes Furioso! . . .
General Bombastes - MR. KNOWLES.
King Artaxaminous - Mr. Falchon.
Fusbos - Mr. Harold . . .
In the course of the Piece the following Songs, &c.,
Duet, "What will your Majesty please to wear."
"Ladies how d'ye do," Mr. Knowles.
"Oh my love is so pretty," Mr. Falchon.
"My Lodging is in Leather Lane," Mr. Harold.
"At her Palace Gate," Mrs. Knowles.
FINALE, by all the characters . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad and Harriet Knowles (actors, vocalists); Arthur Falchon (actor, vocalist)
MUSIC: My lodging is in Leather Lane (song, in Bombastes furioso); tune: My lodging is on the cold ground (Tune archive)
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (13 April 1843), 2
THEATRE ROYAL OLYMPIC. Easter Monday, April 17, 1843,
FOR THE BENEFIT OF MRS. HAROLD . . . The evening's entertainments to commence with,
for the first time at this Theatre, and got up at great expense, with new scenery, (by Mr. Opie,) dresses and decorations, in two acts, ENTITLED,
Song, "England my heart is with thee," Gentleman Amateur.
Highland Fling, (for this night only) MISS HAROLD.
Comic Duet, - MR. AND MRS. HAROLD . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Dorothea Richards (vocalist); Adelle Veilburn (dancer)
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (12 October 1843), 3
THIS EVENING, OCTOBER 12th, 1843 . . .
for the first time here, the celebrated drama, founded on the popular novel of that name, entitled,
After which, A favorite Song, - MRS. RICHARDS.
Song, "Paddy's Wedding," MR. FALCHON.
To be followed by the laughable Farce, in one act for the first time here, entitled
STATE SECRETS; OR THE Tailor of Tarmworth. Gregory Thimblewell - MR. HAROLD.
After which, Song, "Old Maid," (in character, first time) MISS HAROLD . . .
"THE THEATRE", Launceston Advertiser (2 November 1843), 2
On Monday evening was presented to an expectant audience a little one act farce from the pen of J. Green, a private in H.M. 96th Regiment, entitled the "Balloon Agent." The plot of the farce, if it deserves that name, hinged upon the balloon mania, and the speculations of Mr. William Trot, (Mr. Harold,) in taking customers for this aerial conveyance; but it is destined we think, to depart from the stage and be seen no more. It is a trashy, hackeyed, worn out subject, quite unsuited even from an abler pen, to amuse a colonial audience, the subject being of a local character. The house was well attended, and the evening's entertainments passed off very pleasantly.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Green (private, 96th regiment, soldier number 1421)
Departures, per Shamrock, from Launceston, 28 November 1843, for Sydney; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:559728; POL459/1/2 p36
[1848 November] 28 / Hannah Harrold / Sydney / [Shamrock] / £0 5 0
Thomas Harrold / Sydney / [Shamrock] / £0 5 0
"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 December 1843), 2
For Auckland and the Bay of Islands, the brig City of Sydney, Captain Munro, with a general cargo.
Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham, and three children; Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, and three children . . .
Mrs. Harold . . . Messrs. . . . Harold . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham and family (actors)
Auckland, NZ (21 December 1843 to October 1844 or later):
"SHIPPING LIST. ARRIVALS", Daily Southern Cross [Auckland, NZ] (23 December 1843), 2
Dec. 21. "City of Sydney," brig, Monro. Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and three children . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harrold and child.
[Advertisement], Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (31 January 1844), 2
Fitzroy Theatre . . . OPENING NIGHT, FOR MONDAY THE 5TH FEBRUARY, 1844 . . .
THE PROSCENIUM has been painted and decorated by Mr. Duke (assisted by Mr. Harold), from magnificent designs.
THE SCENERY also by Mr. Duke, is entirely new, and the new drop Curtain must be seed to be appreciated . . .
The Company will consist of -
HARROLD, Hobart Town; Mrs. THOMPSON, Sydney; Mrs. HARROLD, Hobart Town;
ASSOCIATIONS: William Charles Duke (scenic artist)
[3 advertisements], Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (18 April 1844), 1
MESSRS. THOMPSON and HAROLD having published in the Times of Tuesday last,
a long statement of transactions relative to their coming to New Zealand,
I beg to state to the public generally, that their statements are utterly false.
If they have sustained injury there is a proper mode of redress open to them,
but this mode they fear to adopt, because they know well they could not shew any injustice had been committed towards them, -
I will remark as regards Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's statement that their salary did not commence under their much talked of agreement, until the 29th December last,
and they voluntarily gave up such engagement on the 4th January following, by leaving the Theatre on the night of Performance,
by which the Theatre, then at the Royal Hotel, had to be closed, although a numerous audience had assembled.
A fresh agreement was subsequently made (through the interest of friends sought by them) for two pounds ten shillings a week,
and under such fresh agreement their salaries were paid, for which their receipts are held.
This fresh agreement, although Mr. Thompson's own doing, did not afterwards please him,
and he proposed that the Company should become a sharing one;
this was agreed to, and he concerted the scheme of dividing the shares himself, which is held under his own hand writing.
Although Mr. Thompson himself shared the proceeds of the House on that night and grossly violated the written scheme be had propounded,
yet after one night this was not pleasing, and he brought forward a fresh one;
by which, Mr. Duke, who was to paint scenes, and perform numerous other duties was only to receive a half share,
and Mr. Buckingham upon whom was to devolve the onerous duties of Stage Manager, &c.,
which would have occupied at least two thirds of his time to receive one share,
while Mr. and Mrs. Thompson whose sole duties would consist in attending a Rehearsal and attending on nights of Performance were to receive five shares.
These terms were too ridiculous and unreasonable to be acceded to, and the consequence was that the Company became divided.
With regard to Mr. Harold no engagement was ever made with him.
His name had been too prominent in the Launceston Papers to render such a circumstance likely.
It was arranged that Mrs. Harold and her child should leave Launceston with us.
When she subsequently came to Sydney, she (to the great surprise of all parties) was accompanied by Mr. Harold,
(the whole of whose statement with regard to what took place in Sydney is a fabrication).
It was only through considerable persuasion, they were allowed to come with us, because Mr. Harold was not required.
It unfortunately happened also that they were advanced certain monies, and their Passage paid to this place, which leaves him considerably in Mr. Buckingham's debt:
Mr. Harold's own receipts will testify the truth of this present statement and he cannot deny that up to the time of the Theatre opening in Shortland Crescent,
himself, wife, and child, were entirely supported by Mr. Buckingham, a fact for which his own hand writing is also held.
I will only further remark that the majority of clothes he now wears are mine, lent to him on his first arrival, and which, I cannot get returned;
and that it comes under my knowledge even the bedding Mr. Harold sleeps on is the property of Mr. Buckingham.
- JOHN H. McCABE. Auckland, April 16th, 1844.
TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING seen an advertisement (?) in the Auckland Times of Tuesday last,
signed "Thompson and Harold," wherein a gross attack is made on my character,
which they have throughout attempted to sustain by a tissue of falsehoods,
I beg to state that it was at first my intention not to notice anything that proceeded from that quarter,
but to treat it with that contempt which it merits;
but as all the good folks of Auckland may not be acquainted with the character of that "par nobile Fratrum," and it is possible if I remained silent,
some credit might be given to their unfounded misrepresentations;
I shall feel thankful to any who may take an interest in the matter,
if they will call at my house in Shortland Crescent, where I will produce such testimonials as will entirely refute their malignant aspersions,
and satisfy them as to my character for twelve years past, since my first arrival in Sydney by the brig Mountaineer, Captain William Thomson, from Liverpool, in 1832.
But with respect to my "Sydney notoriety," the short paragraph below will speak for itself. -
"We perceive that Mr. Buckingham of the Theatre takes his farewell Benefit on Monday Evening, after eight years,
being an established favourite on these boards.
We doubt not that a crowded house will testify the public sense of his long and popular career.†- Sydney Herald, August 24th, 1840.
"On their own merits modest men are Dumb!
"Juste judicato" - "Pangloss." Hum!
Auckland, April 13, 1844.
THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby testify that THOMAS HAROLD told me personally at the Royal Hotel,
that he was not under any engagement to Mr. BUCKINGHAM.
I have also seen his Receipts for his Salary up to the time he left Mr. Buckingham’s Theatre.
[Advertisement], Auckland Chronicle and New Zealand Colonist (17 October 1844), 2
MRS. Thompson has the honour of announcing to her Friends and the Public in general, that her
Benefit is fixed for Monday next, the 21st of October, 1844.
For which occasion she has secured the services of MR. and MRS. HARROLD,
Who will make their first appearance this Season, and for this night only . . .
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with the celebrated Petite Comedy, entitled,
the Two Mrs. White's; OR, A Trip to Richmond!
Peter White - Mr. Harrold . . . Mrs. White, Mrs. Thompson. Widow Whitem Mrs. Harrold.
Comic Song, (Larry O'Brien,) by an Amateur . . .
Song, "Unhappy Jeremiah," (in character,) Mr. Buckingham.
Irish Song, "Paddy's Wedding," Mr. Harrold.
Medley Dance, by Mrs. Thompson.
Comic Duett, "Polly Hopkins," Mr. & Mr. Harold . . .
MUSIC: Paddy's wedding (song); Polly Hopkins (duet)
Adelaide, SA, and Launceston, VDL (TAS) (1848):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian [Adelaide, SA] (21 January 1848), 2
January 18 . . . The schooner "Captain Cook," 83 tons, J. W. P. Tregurtha, from New Zealand. Passengers - Mrs. Harold, Miss Harold . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (18 February 1848), 2
NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE . . . will be . . . re-opened on . . .
Monday, Feb. 21st, 1848, under the management of MR. LAZAR . . .
The present Company consist of . . . and Mrs. Harrold (from the Hobarton and Launceston Theatres - her first appearance in this colony) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[News], South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851), 29 February, p. 2
"The Somnambulist" at the Queen's Theatre recalled our recollections of the lost Malibran, and it would be a vain compliment to Mrs. Harrold, as it would to any other actress, to say she did not suffer by so formidable a comparison - a comparison unavoidable, though scarcely fair, and the less so as the music was omitted. Mrs. Harrold played the part well; in speaking, she is simple and natural; in gesture, she has the wisdom to remember that she is asleep, and never sacrifices the sluggishness proper to her state for the sake of aa attitude. Her figure is graceful, and her features expressive. She is an effective actress - exactly one that was wanted . . .
"Equestrianism", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (9 September 1848), 12
. . . We understand Mr. Radford will open his establishment on Monday next, and that in a few weeks time, his talented company will have an accession of three or four well known Stagers, Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs, and Mrs. Harrold and her daughter, &c., being on their way from Adelaide for the purpose.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Avis Radford (circus proprietor); Gibson and Hannah Stubbs (actors)
"SHIP NEWS", The Cornwall Chronicle (4 October 1848), 68
October 2 - CAPTAIN COOK (schooner), 74 tons, Henry Athorn master, from Adelaide . . .
Passengers per Captain Cook from Adelaide - Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Howard [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (7 October 1848), 3
First appearance of MR. & MRS. STUBBS, (formerly of the Victoria Theatre,)
and MR. & MRS. HARROLD, (from the New Queen's Theatre, Adelaide.)
MONDAY EVENING, 9TH OCTOBER, The Entertainments will commence with the celebrated Comedy, in Two Acts, by Charles Dance, Esq., entitled
NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. In which Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs and Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Will appear . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: It is possible that the two above correctly refer not to "Mr. Harrold" but "Miss Harrold", Thomas having either died or separated from his wife and daughter in New Zealand
HARRY (Corrangie; Are; Harry)
Indigenous (Dharug Burramattagal, burra or eel totem) man, singer, songman
Born Dharug land (Parramatta, NSW), c. 1787
Last reported, Sydney, NSW, July 1837 (NLA persistent identifier) (Dictionary of Sydney) (shareable link to this entry)
See main entry on Harry's song (c. 1820-22)
HARRY, John (John HARRY)
Musician, bandsman, flute and piccolo player, Band of the 11th Regiment
Born Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales, January 1828
Enlisted (11th Regiment), 28 September 1841
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 25 October 1845 (per Castle Eden, from Deptford, 19 July)
Last reported Sydney, NSW, February 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 11th Regiment (military)
Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 July to 31 August 1845 [embarkation]; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2874 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 1725 / Harry John / . . . [Embarked] 18 July
Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1851; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2883 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 1725 / Harry John / Band
Paylist, 11th regiment, 1 January to 30 March 1852; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2883 (DIGITISE)
PRIVATES . . . 1725 / Harry John / Absent without leave from 16th February
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (27 February 1852), 364
REPORT of a Deserter from the 11th Regiment of Foot. -
Dated at Sydney, New South Wales, 22nd February, 1852.
Man's name, John Harry; age, 24 years 1 month; size, 5 feet 7 inches; complexion, fresh;
hair, dark brown, and inclined to curl; eyes, brown; time of desertion, 16th February, 1852;
place of desertion, Sydney, New South Wales; date of enlistment, 28th September, 1841;
at what place enlisted, Chepstow; parish and county, Chepstow, Monmouth;
trade, musician, and has taken a piclo [sic, piccolo] and part of a flute with him;
Regimental Band dress - white jacket and red cap; remarks, 1st desertion, and has taken only what things he had on him.
Lieut.-Col. 11th Regt.
HART, Anthony (Anthony HART; A. HART; Mr. HART)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, violoncello player, cellist, carpenter
Born Hackney, London, 20 February 1831; baptised St. Mary, Haggerston, 13 November 1831; son of William Doubleday HART (1800-1847) and Ann GREEN (d. 1891)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 14 January 1833 (per Helen Marr, from London, 9 August)
Married Martha ROGERS (d. 1877), Launceston, TAS, 6 March 1855
Died Launceston, TAS, 9 June 1911, aged "80/81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Anthony Hart
Baptisms solemnized in the district of St. Mary Haggerston in the county of Middlesex in the year 1831; register 1830-94, page 27; London Metropolitan Archives, P91/Mry1/001 (PAYWALL)
No. 211 / [1831 November] 13 / Anthony Son of / William Doubleday & Ann / Hart / 11 Packer Street / Tin Man / Born 20 February 1831
ASSOCIATIONS: William Doubleday Hart (1800-1847) and Ann Green (c. 1803-1891; see also Obituary) married at St. Sepulchre, Holborn, London, on 6 June 1824; their first son was William Hart (1825-1904, TAS member of parliament); the second son John Hart (1827-1896)
Passengers per Helen Marr, Hobart, 14 January 1833; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:435154; CUS30/1/1 P185
Will'm Harp [sic] wife & 8 children [sic] . . .
"TRADE AND SHIPPING", The Hobart Town Courier [VDL (TAS)] (18 January 1833), 3
Arrived on Monday the 14th inst., the brig Helen Marr, 257 tons, Capt. Benson, from London 9th August, with an assorted cargo of goods. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harp [sic] and two children [sic] . . .
Marriages in the district of Launceston, 1855; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:852653; RGD37/1/14 no 931$init=RGD37-1-14P388 (DIGITISED)
No. 931 / 196 / March 6th 1855 Independent Chapel Tamar St / Anthony Hart / Adult / Grocer / [and] Martha Rogers / Adult . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (20 October 1860), 5
Launceston Harmonic Society.
A Public CONCERT will be given by the above Society on Friday evening the 26th October,
in the large room of the Mechanics' Institute, in aid of funds for a Piano Forte ordered from England.
Conductor - Mr. T. Sharp.
Doors open at seven to commence at half-seven precisely.
Tickets - Chairs 3s. each. Unreserved Seats 2s each, to be obtained at Mr. W. Sharp's Music Warehouse, Cameron-st.,
Mr. Hubbard (Mr. C. J. Irvine's), Brisbane-street, Mr. Hurst's, Charles-street,
Mr. Harvey's, Elizabeth-street, Mr. A. Hart's, Wellington-street, and from the members of the Society.
Wm. Stokes, Hon. Sec. Oct 20.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (conductor); William Sharp (member); John Smithen Harvey (member); William Stokes (member); Launceston Harmonic Society (association); Mechanics' Institute (Launceston association and venue)
. . . . In dissolving the Musical Union, the members had determined to present to Mr. Sharp a memento expressive of their appreciation of his services.
They had decided upon presenting to him a time-piece, and an address . . . [signed]:
Thos. Brain, hon. sec.; Frederick Lakin, Frederick Richards, Thomas J. Doolan, John Frost,
John Chick, A. M. Wadham, A. McArthur, Wm. Sharp, J. J. Hanchett, Anthony Hart, S. Smith,
Caroline Richards, Agnes Doolan, Alban Roper, Miss Wadham, Esther Green, Geo. Orpwood . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brain (member); Thomas Joseph Doolan (member); John Frost (member); John Chick (member); John Justinian Hanchett (member); Alban Roper (member); George Orpwood (member)
"POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT", Launceston Examiner (14 September 1869), 2
A popular entertainment was given last night, in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute,
under the auspices of the "Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association," when some of our most popular amateurs took part,
as well as Messrs. Linly Norman and J. H. Melvyn, whose services had been engaged for the occasion as instrumentalists . . .
the room being comfortably full. The programme was one of more than ordinary interest, embracing an equal proportion of vocal and instrumental music,
with reading, recitations, &c., and each part opening with an overture, in which the performers were Messrs. Norman, Melvyn,
Abbott, Roberts, Harris, C. Galvin, Chick, Davies, Joscelyne, and A. Hart . . .
The following was the programme: Part 1. - Overture, "L'Italiana In Algieri," orchestra . . .
Part 2. - Overture - "Bohemian Girl," orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Linly Norman (pianist); James Hadock Melvyn (musician); W. Abbott (violin); Henry Roberts and/or son (violin); Charles Galvin (clarinet); John Morris Davies (violin and/or flute); Samuel Joscelyne (cello)
"PROMENADE CONCERT", The Cornwall Chronicle (13 October 1869), 2
The promenade concert at the Mechanics' Institute was not so well attended yesterday evening as might have been expected, considering the ability of the musical amateurs under the conductorship of Mr. T. Sharp . . . The concert was opened with the overture to the opera "Bohemian Girl," and it was finely rendered by Mr. T. Sharp, Rev. W. A. Brooke, Messrs. W. Abbott, S. Joscelyne, A. Hart, C. Galvin, Roberts, Chick, and Harris . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Warren Auber Brooke (musician)
"MECHANICS INSTITUTE", Launceston Examiner (21 October 1869), 2
A popular entertainment by amateurs was given at the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday evening, but was sparsely attended . . .
We append the programme. - [overture] Guy Mannering, Messrs. Abbott, Roberts, Galvin, J. M. Davies, A. Hart, Joscelyne, Biggs, C. Kemp, and Chick . . .
overture, - "Tancredi," Messrs. Abbott, Henry, Hart, Biggs, Davies, Galvin, Joscelyne, and Chick . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (bassoon)
"GRAND CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Cornwall Chronicle (4 September 1872), 2
On Monday evening a grand vocal and instrumental concert was given in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute in aid of the widow of the late Mr. Jesse Biggs . . .
The concert commenced with Auber's overture to "Masaniello," by ten performers - Mr. Thos. Sharp, Mr. Abbott, and Mr. Chick (violins),
Mr. Wm. Sharp (double bass), Mr. Joscelyne and Mr. A. Hart (violoncellos), Mr. C. Galvin (clarionet), Mr. J. M. Davies (flute),
Mr. A. Day and Mr. R. D. Harris (cornets), and Mrs. H. B. Nicholls presided at the pianoforte.
The overture was excellently performed, in perfect time, and with fine effect. It gave entire satisfaction, and elicited universal applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew John Day (cornet); Caroline Nicholls (piano)
"SACRED & SECULAR CONCERT", Weekly Examiner (5 July 1873), 14
The members of St. John's Church Choir, assisted by a few friends, on Tuesday evening last gave a concert in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute,
in aid of a fund for providing an organ for St. John's Church Sunday School . . . rendered to a large audience in a manner that must have been as gratifying to the conductor,
Mr. T. Sharp, as it was satisfactory to those present.
The first piece was a sacred overture "Samson," by the orchestra, composed as follows: - Messrs. W. Abbott (piano),
Thomas Sharp, John Chick, Jas. Tevelein (violins), W. Sharp (bass viol), A. Hart (violincello), J. Galvin and T. J. Doolan (clarionets),
A. Day and Douglas-Harris (cornopeans), J. M. Davies (flute).
This is, perhaps, the best orchestra that can be formed in Launceston, and this grand overture was performed in fine style,
as was also the sublime, soft, and silvery pastoral symphony subsequently . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Tevelein (violin); Joseph Galvin (clarinet); Thomas Joseph Doolan (clarinet)
"CONCERT AT CARRICK (By our Special Reporter)", The Cornwall Chronicle (30 March 1874), 3
On Friday last another of those pleasant little concerts for which Carrick is acquiring a reputation was given in the new school-room . . . and the arrangements were conducted by Mr. T. Sharp . . . the orchestra for the opening piece[,] Messrs. T. Sharp, W. Sharp, A. Hart, W. Abbott, Douglass Harris, Day, Chick, and Tevelein then stepped forward and delivered the favorite overture, "Il Tancredi," in a style that called forth great applause . . . After an interval of ten minutes the orchestra performed the overture "The Caliph of Bagdad," and gave the country residents another treat, as it is rarely such a band of performers can be found at a country entertainment . . .
This being the day fixed for the solemn opening of the new Roman Catholic Church at Westbury,
by the Most Rev. Bishop Murphy, arrangements were made for giving eclat to the ceremonies,
and special efforts were made to render the music as perfect and attractive as possible.
The programme included the celebration of solemn High Mass Coram Pontifice, the choir, with full orchestral accompaniments,
to perform Mozart's No. XII. Mass . . . The Orchestra comprised the following:
Violins - Messrs. T. Sharp, W. Abbott, J. Chick, J. Tevelein;
Violoncellos - Messrs. A. Hart, S. Joscelyn; Contrabasso - Mr. W. Sharp; Flute - Mr. J. M. Davies;
Cornopean - Messrs. R. D. Harris and A. Day; Organ - Miss Dowling . . .
The vocal department was under the direction of Mr. J. H. Melvyn; the instrumental arrangements were under the superintendance of Mr. T. Sharp . . .
"ABOUT PEOPLE", Examiner (10 June 1911), 7
The death of Mr. Anthony Hart, at his residence, "Annieville," Trevallyn, yesterday afternoon removes another link binding the present with old Launceston days. Although not a native, deceased was only two years of age when he first arrived in the city with his parents. This was as far back as 1832. The ship on which he embarked in London occupied six months on the voyage to Tasmania. Educated by Mr. Duncan McCaig, Mr. Hart served his apprenticeship to the carpentering trade. Like many others, though, he was attracted to the Victorian gold diggings in the boom days. Returning to Launceston he put his trade on one side and entered into the grocery business in Elizabeth-street, and afterwards opened a branch in Wellington-street. His career was successful, and about 21 years ago he gave up business, and has since been living in retirement. Many efforts were made to induce him to enter into public life, but without success. When the Trevallyn Town Board was formed he was elected one of its members, and took an active interest in the welfare of that suburb until within a year or so of its being taken over by the city. He was one of the oldest members of the Mechanics' Institute and Tamar-street Independent Church, and for many years was on the committee of the former. Mr. Hart was particularly fond of music. His favourite instrument was the violoncello. He was connected with the Launceston Musical Union, under the conductorship of Mr. Alex. Wallace, during the whole of its existence, and was a member of the orchestra. Even to within the last week or two he expressed a desire of having a musical evening as soon as he was well enough. On Thursday week he had a slight paralytic seizure, which forced him to take to his bed, and, sinking gradually, he breathed his last at 5.15 yesterday afternoon. Deceased was of a very retiring disposition, but was greatly esteemed by all who know him. His three brothers William, Frank, and Frederick predeceased him. Mrs. Hart survives him, also one son, Mr. Charles Hart, who is employed at Messrs. Wm. Hart and Sons. The funeral is appointed to leave at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow for Carr Villa Cemetery.
ASSOCIATIONS: Duncan Livingstone McCaig (convict, see press report April 1833; schoolmaster, Launceston, see advertisement March 1839; died Launceston, 15 February 1849; see also convict record)
HART, Augusta (Prudence Augusta HUGHES; Mrs. James Peter HART; Mrs. HART; Augusta HART)
Actor, vocalist, chorus singer
Born Ireland, c. 1810; daughter of Hugh HUGHES and ? ST. CLAIR
Married James Peter HART (d. by c. 1846-47), by 1828
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by September 1848
Died Carlton, VIC, 13 March 1889, aged "76/78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
HART, Margaretta (Margaretta Louisa Hughes HART; Margaret; Miss HART; Mrs. Samuel Ashmore PRITCHETT; Mrs. S. A. PRITCHETT; Mrs. PRITCHETT)
Actor, dancer, vocalist, chorus singer
Born England, 13 February 1829; baptised St. Nicholas's church, Liverpool, 12 March 1831; daughter of James HART and Prudence Augusta HUGHES
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by September 1848
Married Samuel Ashmore PRITCHETT (1830-1862), St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 30 September 1852
Died Woolloomooloo, NSW, 14 April 1858, aged "26" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
HART, Ada (Adelaide HART; Ada Augusta HART; Miss Ada HART; Miss A. HART; Miss HART; Mrs. James Richard DAVIES)
Dancer, actor, comedian, vocalist, chorus singer
Born London, England, c. 1832
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by September 1848
Married James Richard DAVIES, St. Paul's church, Dunedin, NZ, 29 December 1864
Died Woollahra, NSW, 13 April 1897, aged "56/57" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
HART, Fanny (Frances Lillian Wardlow HART; Miss Fanny HART; Mrs. Robert Cornwell JEFFERY)
Actor, dancer, comedian
Born England, c. 1845
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by October 1848
Married Robert Cornwell JEFFERY (1832-1898), Sandhurst (Bendigo), VIC, 28 October 1872
Died East Melbourne, VIC, 7 May 1915, aged "70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
HART, Mr. (Mr. HART)
Actor (1 or more, brother or brothers of the above)
IDENTIFICATION: ? James Hart (born London, England, c. 1835; died Melbourne, VIC, 24 February 1911)
[Advertisement], Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (10 June 1828), 3 (PAYWALL)
THEATRE-ROYAL. THIS present Evening, June 10th, 1828, will be performed the Comedy of THE HEIR AT LAW . . .
Henry Morland, Mr. Hart, (from the Theatre-Royal, Liverpool, his first appearance here) . . .
[Advertisement], Manchester Courier [Lancashire, England] (3 January 1829), 2 (PAYWALL)
WILL SHORTLY OPEN, under the management of Mr. ADAMS, with the whole of his unrivalled Company of Artists, Equestrian and Dramatic . . .
Acting Manager, Author and Secretary, Mr. Hart, from the Theatre-Royal, Dublin -
Persons wishing have correspondence or contract with the above house,
are requested to direct their communications to Mr. HART, Royal Cavea.
Baptisms at St. Nicholas's church (RC), Liverpool, Lancashire, 1831; register, 1826-39, page 10; Liverpool Record Office, Catholic parish registers, 282 NIC/1/2 (PAYWALL)
[Born] 1829 Feb. 13 / [baptised] 1831 Mar. 12 / Margarita Francesca Louisa Hughes Hart / filia / Jacobi et Prudentia Augusta Hart olim Hughes / [sponsors] Bernardus Hughes et Francesca Hughes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: A Bernard Hughes, aged 50, was buried at St. Patrick's (RC), Liverpool, on 27 December 1840 (therefore born c. 1790)
[Advertisement], The Odd Fellow [London, England] (27 July 1839), 4 (PAYWALL)
The FREEMASON; or, the Secret of the Lodge-room. A domestic drama, in two acts.
By J. P. Hart, Author of 'Mary Le More,' the 'Bell Ringer of St. Paul's, &c. &c. . . .
WORK: Mary le More; or, The Irish maniac (by James P. Hart, comedian, in Pattie's modern stage, vol. 3)
England census, 6 June 1841, Ossulstone, Islington, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/664/8/45/40 (PAYWALL)
[New Norfolk Place] / James Hart / 40 / Comedian / [born] Ireland
Prudence [Hart] / 31 / - / [born] Ireland
Margaret [Hart] / 12 / - / [born in county, sic]
Adelaide [Hart] / 9 / - / [born in county]
James [Hart] / 7 / - / [born in county]
Alfred [Hart] / 4 / - / [born in county]
Frederick [Hart] / 2 / - / [born in county]
Charles [Hart] / 6 month / - / [born in county]
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London, England] (4 January 1843), 2 (PAYWALL)
ROYAL ALBERT SALOON. For the Benefit of Mr. J. P. Hart.
ROYAL ALBERT SALOON, STANDARD TAVERN, Shepherdess-walk, City-road. Proprietor, H. Brading.
THIS EVENING (Wednesday), January the 4th, a GRAND CONCERT.
After which THE OMNIBUS: Pat Rooney, P. Hart. In the course of the Evening Dancing, &c.
The whole to conclude with the new Grand Christmas Pantomime, entitled
THE CHINESE WAR; or, Harlequin and the Great Magician of Pekin . . .
[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser (2 June 1845), 2 (PAYWALL)
THIS EVENING, June 2, will be performed a domestic Drama, by J. P. Hart, called
JANE; or, the Licensed Victualler's Daughter.
Principal characters by Messrs. Philips, Bradshaw, Bland, Garnder, Howard, Mrs. Bland, Miss Ellen Daly, and Miss Young . . .
"MARYLEBONE THEATRE", Morning Post [London, England] (31 August 1847), 6 (PAYWALL)
There are few of our readers, we apprehend, but who will be surprised to learn that a theatre, admirably constructed for all dramatic purposes, and capable of comfortably holding upwards of 2,000 persons, is situate in what may be called the "back settlements" of Paddington. Yet here, in the far west of the metropolis, this theatre was opened last night, under the management of Mrs. Warner, the well- known tragic actress, with the express purpose of producing the plays of Shakspere . . . The play selected was the Winter's Tale, the character of Hermione being of course acted by Mrs. Warner . . . The pastoral scene and rustic dance were especially picturesque . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Warner (actor, manager); Marylebone Theatre (London venue)
Sydney, NSW (by September 1848):
"THEATRICALS", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (28 September 1848), 3
Miss Hart, a young lady who with her mother and sister has lately arrived from London, (where they recently concluded an engagement under Mr[s]. Warner at the Marylebone Theatre,) will make her first appearance in Sydney, this evening, at the Victoria. The drama selected by the fair debutante is "Gwinneth Vaughan;" and as a strong cast will give all possible effect to the occasion, we entertain every hope that success will crown the efforts the new-comer. The farces of "the Poet Laureate," and "Dearest Elizabeth," are included in the evening's entertainments; and to those who know how luxuriantly Frank Howson, Hydes, Rogers, and their fair assistant artistes, revel in fun, we need not observe that a more than ordinary treat is promised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (actor); John Proctor Hydes (actor); George Herbert Rogers (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"Theatricals", The Australian Sportsman [Sydney, NSW] (30 September 1848), 2
Messrs. Wyatt and Knight seem resolved to omit no opportunity of adding to the strength of their already most effective company. We last week notified that engagements were under negotiation with Mrs. and the Misses Hart, who have just arrived from London, where (at the Mary-le-bone and Sadler's Wells Theatres) they had performed with much success. The lead which both these theatres have lately taken in the revival of the finest specimens of the noblest school of the Drama, is well known to our theatrical readers; and it has been with regret that we have recently heard of the failure, in a pecuniary point of view, of Mrs. Warner's spirited attempt at the Mary-le-bone. Critical and select as were that accomplished actress's audiences, they were not numerous; and she found, when 'all too late;' that populous as was that neigbourhood, it was by no means a playgoing one. She has therefore been compelled to relinquish her fondly cherished design; and retires, we believe, to the Surrey. Her company has thus been dispersed, and to this circumstance may be partly ascribed, we presume, the arrival of Mrs. Hart and her daughters in Sydney.
If the young lady who made her graceful curtsey on Thursday evening represent the talent of her family, we may assuredly congratulate both the management and future audiences upon such valuable acquisitions to the Victoria. Miss Hart is an artiste of no ordinary ability, and we predict for her a career of brilliant success in Sydney. Of engaging appearance and attractive figure, she immediately prepossessed the audience in her favor; and, as her powers became developed with the progress of the piece, it became evident that she was no novice in her art . . . She was ably supported by Arabin, Frank Howson, Rogers, and Mesdames Ximenes and Gibbs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor); William Knight (proprietor); Gustavus Arabin (actor); Ann Ximenes (actor); Eliza Gibbs (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1848), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . In preparation, the fate of Boots at the SWAN
in which Mrs. Hart, from the Theatre Royal, Haymarket,
and Miss Adelaide Hart, from the Mary-le-bone Theatre, will make their first appearance.
"THE DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 October 1848), 2
It is not only our desire, but invariable practice, to give the due meed of praise to every follower of Thespis, nay, even to be blind to many faults, and to err on the side of charity, rather than incur censure for too much severity. But there are at times performers and performances so excessively wretched, that it would not only be unjust to the public, but to the actors themselves, the critic's real opinion were withheld over. In such an unpleasant dilemma are we placed by the appearance of Mrs. Hart and her daughter, on Thursday night, in that very excellent farce of "BOOTS AT THE SWAN." Without out analyzing the performance of these ladies, it is sufficient to say, that anything more unmistakeably bad was never exhibited on any stage. How they came to be starred in the bills, (for the best of actors a silly practice) is a matter of mystery to us; unless, indeed, the high sounding titles of "From the Haymarket and Sadler's Wells Theatres," have been the igni fatui to delude the Management. If these ladies have really been tolerated there, in any characters of a higher standing than those which form the back ground of the picture, and sing small or dumbly in the chorusses, we can only say, that English taste is much vitiated since we Haymarket-ized. At all events, it is very different from our own. The ladies have evidently mistaken their vocation; but; if they persist in following the profession, they had better begin at the bottom of the ladder, for, truly, they have much to learn . . .
"Theatricals", The Australian Sportsman (21 October 1848), 2
. . . By the way, we are sorry not to see Miss Hart's name in so prominent a place in the bills as we are disposed to think her talent deserves. In juvenile tragedy, or in sentimental comedy, this young lady would be found an acquisition, and she only requires (in our humble opinion) that opportunity which frequent appeals to the public would give her, to rank among the chief favorites of the Victoria.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 November 1848), 2
The evening's entertainments will commence with Auber's Opera, in three acts, entitled, FRA DIAVOLO . . .
Redowa Polka, by Signor Carandini and Miss Hart, first time . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gerome Carandini (dancer)
"TERPSICHOREAN ENTHUSIASM", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (9 December 1848), 2
It is our good fortune to hear occasionally of the "Bouquet-arian" triumphs which have been achieved by Taglioni, Carlotta, Grisi, Cerito, Duvernay, and numbers of those fairies of the twinkling feet upon whose grateful undulations and cork-screw-ical gyrations the elderly devotees of the pit, and the fashionable prigs of nobility of the alley hang with such inexpressible delight; but we never till last Montay witnessed a similar burst of enthusiasm here. On that night, at the Victoria Theatre, after Miss Hart had finished her dance of the Castilliana, some of the young ladies or young gents, who frequent the upper circle, and whose fondness for dancing is only equalled by their tender feeling for the opposite sex, snatched the artificial flowers from their Victorias or their button-holes, and threw them at the feet of the delicate danseuse, who, after dropping a grateful curtsey to her fair admirers, pressed the floral testimonials to her lovely bosom; and swam off the boards humming that delightful and apropos air - "I had a flower, &c."
"Theatricals and Music", The Australian Sportsman (16 December 1848), 2
The last night of an unusually prosperous season is announced at the Victoria, for Monday next [18 December] . . . when Mr. J. Howson's new Opera, THE CORSAIR, will be produced for the first time . . . The melange between the opera and farce is excellently well arranged, in so far as dancing and comic singing are concerned. Miss Hart, (to whom the newly imported fashion of wreath-throwing is nightly continued) will dance with Carandini the celebrated Bohemian Pas de Deux, The Radavaczka [? Redowa] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (actor, vocalist, composer)
"THE DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (20 January 1849), 2
. . . We regret to see the absurd farce of the bouquet presentation still carried on. If Miss Hart were Terpsichore herself, the act would be objectionable, how much more so is it with one who is merely serving her noviciate in the temple of the Goddess? . . .
"THE DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (10 February 1849), 3
. . . In the after-piece on Tuesday evening [6 February] Mr. Hambleton atoned considerably for prior delinquencies as Uncle Totterton, in "Love laughs at locksmiths" . . . Signor Carandini and the graceful Griffiths continue to delight by their agile movements. Nature has rendered Miss Hart a valuable addition to the fair group that beautify the hall and banquet scenes. As a danseuse (certainly the style best suited to her capabilities, and in which her debut would have been more gratifying) she improves . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hambleton (actor); Fanny and Emily Griffiths (dancers)
"THE DRAMA. Thursday night, March 16, 1849, 11 o'clock", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (24 March 1849), 1
. . . During the week, the Victoria has been well attended . . . [in the] "The Heart of Midlothian" . . . Miss Hart's "Effie Deans" was an improvement on her former essays, though I am reluctantly compelled to repeat, peat, ACTING is not her "forte," she does much better as a "Danseuse," and can always ensure an encore from the pit-ocracy - her voice is naturally rather inharmonious, but wonders might be achieved by her taking lessons in suaviloquy from some modern Demosthenes, and she should adopt the motto of one of our civic Solons - "never desperandum." There seems to be a constant struggle for the mastery between a smile and a sneer on her otherwise handsome countenance, and when the latter prevails, it gives an expression of contempt not at all desirable, but "for a' that and a' that," (as a counterpoise) her figure is symmetry itself, a model for the sculptor she "makes up well," (I believe that's the phrase) and appears exquisitely fair. In the gaol scene she forgot to change her dress, and that an eye (not the 'evil eye') was upon her - she should have been attired in pure white, her luxuriant hair flowing o'er her fine shoulders - she is certainly the Queen of Harts, the others (as Monsieur would say) having "made von grande mishtake ven' they attempt to hact" . . .
"THE DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (30 June 1849), 2
Benefits! Benefits! Benefits! have again been the order of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers enjoyed a share of public favour on Monday, but not quite so much as these talented artistes deserved . . . Miss Hart claimed the kindly offices of the public on Thursday [28 June], but, we regret to say, her maiden petition was not so numerously signed as her abilities had a right to expect . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George and Emma Rogers (actors)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 August 1849), 2
Previous to the rising of the curtain for the Opera, the "National Anthem" will be sung by the company.
THIS EVENING, AUGUST 6, Will be revived the Opera of THE NIGHT DANCERS.
Albert, Mr. J. Howson; Godfrey, Mr. Rogers; Fridolin, Mr. F. Howson;
Bertha, Madame Carandini; Mary, Mrs. Rogers; Giselle, Mrs. Guerin;
Myrtlia, Madame Torning; Astra, Miss Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (actor, vocalist); Maria Carandini (actor, vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (actor, vocalist); Eliza Torning (dancer, actor)
"DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (25 August 1849), 3
The only thing worthy of notice at the Victoria this week, is the mistake which Miss Griffiths made on Monday night, in contemptuously kicking away a bouquet which was thrown upon the stage to Miss Hart, in compliment to that elegant danseuse. The audience marked their disapprobation in a volley of hisses, a lesson which perhaps will prevent any similar exhibition of commingled envy and malice.
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Griffiths (dancer)
"POLICE OFFICE SKETCHES . . . 'OH 'TIS LOVE - 'TIS LOVE - 'TIS LOVE'!!!", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (13 October 1849), 3
Hail! mighty Cupid, who with thy tiny shafts dost more mischief than the cloud darkening arrows of the ancient Parthians!
Hail beauteous, boy, tiny in dimensions, great in strength; before whose shrine, as if one religion, bow the myriads of earth's creatures -
Hail! Hail!! Hail!!! and reign over us for ever!!!! Who amongst us has not felt the overwhelming power of the glorious god?
Can there be one so dull, so cloddish, so icy, so rocky, so insensate? If so, as the immortal Braham says -
"Go, bear him to some distant shore,
Where beasts alone may dwell" -
for assuredly he is not fit for the society of the dear ones, the fond ones of earth's angelic race.
The very antipodes of such a wretch is Patrick Neale, who, although a shoemaker's apprentice, is not a snob.
No, he is devotedly attached to the fair sex in general, and Miss Hart, the elegant danseuse in particular -
yes, he has foresworn the degrading occupation of constructing crabs, Bluchers, high-lows, and stock boots for the more genteel profession of creating tiny slippers, for tiddy widdy Cinderellas.
Daily do his footsteps imprint themselves on the pavements of Pitt-street, in front of the Victoria,
and nightly does he take his stand in the pit of the theatre, devouring with eager eyes, the form of the fair one, as she floats by him in all the mazy witchery of the dance.
Would Patrick cede the pas to any other embodiment of female loveliness?
Certainly not. So nuts is he upon her that he forbears to crack a single Barcelona, fearful of disturbing her timidity.
If ever juvenile shoe-maker was pining, consuming, wasting before the fatal flame, it is Patrick Neale.
"But the course of true love never did run smooth," and bitterly has he felt the words of the great bard.
From the flow'ry Paphos he was hurried on Tuesday by Mrs. Augusta Hart to the stony walls of the Police-office, to answer a charge of assault, insult, and annoyance, to herself and her daughters.
Thus ran Mrs. Hart's tale. "May it please your worship, this man who has lost his wits, is continually annoying me and my family; both at our house in Woolloomoolloo, and in the streets of Sydney.
Not a day passes, that he does not interrupt us.
However I will refer more particularly to Wednesday last, when he came to our house about six o'clock in the evening,
and on my requesting him to retire, he refused, and threw a stone at me, and commenced throwing his filthy abuse at me also.
We really are in danger of our lives from his attacks."
The Mayor - Well, Mr. Neale, what have you to say to this?
Defendant - "Nothing! only that her daughter has kept me in a string for twelve months, and promised to marry me. I don't want to be kept in a string by nobody.
Mrs. Hart. - He is subject to these hallucinations the offspring of a deranged intellect. He is desperately enamoured of my daughter, and fancies she returns his love.
Defendant - Well if she don't, why keep me in a string. She spoke to me from the stage, and told me so as plain as eyes could speak.
Now I heerd the house was queer, so I goes a watchin' it just to make sure - I'm of a decent family.
The Mayor here shortened the matter, by ordering the defendant to be bound over to keep the peace for twelve months, himself in £20 and two sureties in £10, or 21 days in gaol.
From the appearance of things it seems more than probable that the infatuated adorer will have to perform the penance of prison discipline for the time mentioned with no other Heart but his own,
to warm his stony cell.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1849), 2
The performances will commence with the very favourite Opera of THE NIGHT DANCERS . . .
Wilis, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. F. Willis, Miss A. Hart . . .
After which . . . Pas de Bouquet, or Flower Dance,
Madame Torning, the Misses Griffiths, Miss Hart, and Signor Carandini . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Augusta Margaret Huttmann Willis (dancer, actor); Eliza Torning (dancer); Fanny and Emily Griffiths (dancers)
"POLICE OFFICE SKETCHES. THE 'HART' BOWED DOWN", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (8 December 1849), 3
Miss Hart, the elegant and accomplished danseuse of the Victoria Theatre, was compelled by the pressure of circumstances to lodge another complaint against Mr. Patrick O'Neale, the shoemaker of Wooloomooloo, for particular annoyance to her on the night of Saturday, the 1st December, A.D., 1849. She was returning about midnight from her dramatic to her domestic duties, when the defendant came up to her in Pitt-street, put his arm round her waist, called her several very improper names (amongst them female dog) and threatened to throw stones at her, and her mother's windows. Several bystander's interfered, otherwise the consequences might have been serious. The complainant having deposed to these facts before their Worships, Mr. O'Neale was called upon for his defence . . . at the conclusion of which . . . their worships very quietly ordered him to enter into sureties to keep the peace for twelvemonths, himself in £20, and two sureties in £10 each, or failing that, seven days in gaol. At the same time they requested Miss Hart not to look more fascinating than she could possibly help, for the sakes of the young gents who congregate nightly on the O.P. and P.S sides of the Victoria Theatre pit, and in whose eyes she is a whole galaxy of stars.
ASSOCIATIONS: The heart bow'd down (Balfe)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1850), 2
Miss Hart begs most respectfully to inform her friends and the public generally, that her
Benefit takes place on the above evening, when she solicits their kind patronage and support.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with the celebrated Drama, in 3 Acts, entitled NICHOLAS NICKLEBY . . .
SMIKE, MISS HART . . . Mrs. Nickleby, Mrs. Hart . . .
New Sylphide Pas de Deux, (first time, Miss Hart and Miss A. Hart.
To be followed by the third Act of Loder's Opera, entitled THE NIGHT DANCERS . . .
Grand Pas Styrien, Miss Hart and Signor Carandini.
The whole to conclude with the favourite Farce of HOW TO SETTLE ACCOUNTS WITH YOUR LAUNDRESS.
"GROSS ASSAULT", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (6 July 1850), 2
Patrick O'Neil, whose name has been paraded in the public prints of Sydney on more than one occasion, for his violence and threats to Miss Hart, of the Victoria Theatre, was fined £5, or the alternative of two months' imprisonment, for assaulting that young woman on the previous evening, by actually throwing her down in the mud, and pitching into Messrs. Griffiths and Wyatt, who came to her assistance.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gordon Griffiths (actor, manager); Joseph Wyatt (proprietor)
"POLICE REGISTER . . . THURSDAY [4 July]. LOVE AND MADNESS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (6 July 1850), 3
Once more poor Patrick O'Neal the amatory and insane shoemaker, was compelled to pay the penalty of his intense adoration of Miss Hart, the danseuse of the Victoria Theatre. Patrick's chance of luck in this world seems utterly fled since he first cast his eyes on the bewitching Australian Terpsichore; every thing goes a-miss with him, and there appears no abiding place for him but Darlinghurst Gaol or Tarban Creek. Miss Hart, on mounting the rostrum, ungloved and kissed the book in her usual elegant and impressive manner. She then proceeded to narrate that as she was going to the Theatre on Wednesday evening to perform her professional duties, clad in garments of white, despite the uncongeniality of the weather, Patrick came up to her at the corner of William-street, Wooloomooloo, and most cruelly, brutally, and unceremoniously extended her form upon the cold, damp, muddy ground. She extricated herself as well as she was able from her difficulties, and reached the Victoria in a state more easily to be imagined than described. Information of the assault was communicated to that vigilant officer, Inspector Pearce, who kept a look out for Patrick. About half past eleven he espied him, nor was Patrick unaware of Pearce's presence and intention, for he shot off like an arrow from a bow, but Pearce immediately gave chase, and bagged his fox in King-street, after a severe run. Patrick's plea to the accusation was, that it was no use talking, the gal had intirely broken his heart; work was out of the question; and he did not care what became of him. Patrick also mumbled something about soldier officers, &c., &c., but so low as be scarcely intelligible. The Bench thought the best way to cool down the Cupido-mania would be to fine him five pounds, and in default of payment give him two months in gaol; and this sentence they accordingly awarded to the love-lorn snob.
"THE DRAMA - THE BENEFIT SEASON", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (29 March 1851), 2
. . . We were gratified, to perceive that, amidst the crowd of candidates, Miss Hart's manifold attractions were not over-looked on Thursday evening [27 March]. This young lady, who has progressed so rapidly in public favour since her debut, will, we confidently anticipate, attain an enviable standing in her profession! Difficulties she may have, and those of no trifling moment, to cope with, but the vox populi must and will demand that justice be done her, and that she be no longer kept in the back-ground by any undue influence generously exercised against her advancement. Favoritism - political, professional, or otherwise - we shall ever discountenance, and uphold the deserving and persevering at the hazard of incurring even a manager's frown . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Probably a reference to the manager's (above) daughters, Fanny and Emily Griffiths (as above)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 March 1851), 4
THIS EVENING, MARCH 29, WILL be presented the operatic extravaganza entitled GIOVANNI IN LONDON.
Deputy English, Mr. Rogers; Don Giovanni, Miss Hart;
Leporello, Mr. F. HOWSON; Finnikin, Mr. J. Howson; Popinjay, Mr. Hydes;
Mrs. Leporello, Mrs. Gibbs; Squalling Fan, Madame Torning . . .
To be followed by the celebrated Scene du Ballet from LA PERI.
The Prince, Miss Hart; the Peri, Madame Torning; Peris, Misses Griffiths, and A. Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Herbert Rogers (actor); John Proctor Hydes (actor)
PIECES: Giovanni in London (Moncrieff); La péri (ballet by Jules Perrot and Eugène Coralli, to music by Friedrich Burgmüller, for Carlotta Grisi, Paris and London, 1843)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1851), 2
Miss A. HART begs most respectfully to submit to the public,
her first claim for a share of patronage and support on this the occasion of her Benefit.
THIS EVENING, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, Will be presented the Nautical Drama, entitled
Edwin Gage, Vincent Atherstone, Frederick Bonnington, and Felix Moreton, Miss Hart, Mrs. Willis, Miss F. Griffiths, and Miss A. Hart . . .
New Grand Dance, the Ophir Schottische, by the Misses Griffiths, Miss Hart, and Signor Carandini; composed by S. H. Marsh.
New Comic Song, Mr. Rogers. Naval Hornpipe, Miss A. Hart. The Old Arm Chair, Miss Sara Flower.
The whole to conclude with the Drama of NICHOLAS NICKLEBY . . . Smike, Miss Hart; Mrs. Nickleby, Mrs. Hart . . .
Miss Price, Miss A. Hart . . .
Boxes may be secured of Miss A. Hart, at her residence, Yurong-street, William-street, Woolloomooloo,
and of Mr. Wyatt, at the Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (composer); Sara Flower (vocalist)
MUSIC: The Ophir schottische (S. H. Marsh)
"SUMMARY OF NEWS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (24 January 1852), 2
. . . Rumours are rife that the celebrated actress and danseuse, Miss Hart, will shortly be led to the altar.
"SYDNEY POLICE COURT, MONDAY [8 March] . . . THE RIVAL SUITORS", Empire (10 March 1852), 3
A wild-looking young man, named Patrick O'Neil, appeared to answer the complaint preferred against him, by Mr. Samuel Pritchard,
for using threatening language towards him, in Hyde Park, on the 5th instant.
Mr. Greer appeared for the plaintiff, Mr. Martin for the defence.
The complainant, having sworn to the truth of his information, deposed that he had been subjected to constant annoyance by the defendant.
On the day named in the information, he was going past the Emigration Depot, from the Theatre, shortly before noon,
when the defendant put himself in a hostile attitude before him, and went through that scientific circumvolution of the fists, denominated among pugilists "sparring."
Complainant went into the Botanical Gardens, and was followed by the defendant, who used insulting epithets towards him.
The defendant also threatened his life, and he believed his life to be endangered.
Complainant also believed that the defendant was at times a dangerous lunatic, and sought to have him bound to keep the peace towards him.
Cross-examined by Mr. Martin - "I was walking with a lady at the time. Her name is Miss Hart, if you particularly wish to know it.
I saw the defendant, in fact, I see him always. He dogs my footsteps wherever I go.
He dogs me from place to place. He follows me when I am not with Miss Hart.
He obstructed me and Miss Hart from going along the pathway leading to the Botanical Gardens.
Miss Hart must have seen it unless she closed her eyes.
He did strike me on the arm, and I struck him again in self defence.
I was sitting down under a tree in the Gardens at the time defendant struck me.
I do believe him to be a dangerous lunatic. I have seen him going on with comical antics.
I have seen him rush along the streets flourishing a stick in the air.
Mr. Martin spoke at some length in behalf of his client, but the bench ordered him to enter into recognizances to keep the peace for three mouths,
himself in 20l. and two sureties in 10l. each, in default, to be imprisoned during three months.
"THEATRICALS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (4 September 1852), 3
With a petulant sort of uneasiness we lately heard rumours relative to the intended retirement from the stage of one of its greatest ornaments; and our selfishness became well nigh positive chagrin, when we found by the play bills for Monday night, that so clever an actress and elegant a danseuse as Miss Hart, was actually appealing en beneficiare to our theatrical public for the very last time, it was, in short, to be her farewell benefit, and a brilliant affair it was. The splendid band of the gallant 11th were in attendance, and performed several favourite airs, at intervals, during the varied entertainments of the evening; the principal of the latter being the romantic opera of the Fairy Lake, or the Magic Veil, (in which Miss H. appeared as the Elfin monarch Argentine), the rattling interlude of Betsy Baker, and, as a finale to the whole, the Queen of Beauty . . .
"MARRIED", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (2 October 1852), 14
By special license, on the 30th ultimo, at St. James' Church, by the Rev. C. F. D. Priddle, Samuel Ashmore Pritchard, Esq., to Margaretta Louisa, eldest daughter of the late J. P. Hart, Esq., of Liverpool, England.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 February 1853), 4
Elegant Household Furniture, Plated Ware, China, Glass, and other Effects,
Superb Engravings, Oil. Paintings, Sporting Prints,
fine-toned Pianoforte, 6 octaves, by Brinsmead.
PURKIS AND LAMBERT have been favoured with instructions from S. A. Pritchett,
in consequence of his departure for England to sell by auction, at his residence,
Sterling Cottage, Paddington, just beyond the new Military Barracks, on
TUESDAY, the 8th February, at 11 o'clock precisely,
The whole of that gentleman's Elegant Household Furniture, &c. . . .
"DEPARTURES", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (5 March 1853), 70
March 2. - Anglesey, ship, 1100 tons, Captain J. N. Thorne, for London. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Pritchett . . .
"BIRTH", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 November 1853), 7
On the 8th of July, at her residence, No. 3, Canterbury-place, Lambeth [England], Mrs. S. A. Pritchett, of a son.
[Advertisement], Empire (28 February 1854), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, Tuesday, February, 18, 1854 . . .
Australian Polka, Miss A. Hart . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 July 1855), 1
beg most respectfully to inform their friends and the public that their
second CONCERT will take place at the above institution, on WEDNESDAY evening next, 18th July.
They will be assisted by the celebrated tenor, Mr. J. Fairchild; Mr. Stewart; and the renowned comic singer, Mr. Frederick Sams;
and Miss A. Hart, her second appearance as vocalist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelmina Basmann (pianist); Mrs. Fairburn (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Richard Stewart (vocalist); Frederic Sams (comic vocalist); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (22 July 1856), 4
OUR LYCEUM THEATRE. THIS EVENING, the performance will commence with THE HUNCHBACK.
Characters by Messrs. Robert Heir, G. V. BROOKE . . .
Mrs. Robert Heir, Mrs. Pritchett.
Pas de Fleurs - Miss Ada Hart, her first appearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Fanny Heir (actors); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (1 August 1857), 2
This place of public amusement has been well attended during the week, and one of the principal sources of attraction has been the performance of Don Caesar de Bazan which elicited rounds of applause. On Thursday night Mr. Jones as Paddy Miles' Boy, in the Limerick Boy, kept the house in roars of laughter, by his broad delineations of Irish character, whilst the genuine English chaw-bacon was very respectably executed by Mr. Bruton. We have not space for detached criticism, but must remark that the present company appear to attract better congregations than their predecessors. We must not, however, omit to mention that Mrs. Pritchett's dancing is a favorite commodity in the theatrical market, and that her performances are executed in such a style that she is generally called upon to do them over again.
Benjamin Napthali Jones (actor);
John William Bruton (actor);
Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue);
see also [Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (29 July 1857), 3
"THE DRAMA. ROYAL VICTORIA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (1 August 1857), 2
Since our last notice the very beautiful production of "Martha", or "Richmond Pair in the days of Queen Anne," has after long expectation been brought out on a scale of great splendour, fully equal to the most favoraable anticipations which had been entertained by the habitues of the Opera. This composition of the great composer, Flotow, is resplendent with beauties . . . the Opera was completely successful, and it is therefore that we are happy to announce its repetition tonight on the occasion of Madame Bishop's benefit. Before this charming cantatrice leaves our shores for South America, we trust we shall be treated with a few of the English Operas that so delighted our boyish days . . . We believe that such an opportunity will not occur again for sometime, boasting as we can at present of such names as principals as Bishop, Flower, Guerin, Farquharson, Laglaise, Gregg, F. Howson, and a chorus the most effective ever collected in the colonies, viz.. Kitts, Fisher, Pierce, J. Howson, the Buckingham Family, Mrs. Hart, Miss Hart, Miss Allen, Miss Buckingham, and a host of other names of which we are not in possession. We have been induced to make these observations from seeing the simple and yet effective Opera of "Martha" on Saturday evening last, and from numerous enquiries of old friends.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Sara Flower (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (chorus); James Churchill Fisher (chorus); John Ottis Pierce (chorus); Buckingham family (vocalists)
"DEATH", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (21 April 1858), 2
On the 14th instant, at the residence of her mother, 22, Judge-street, Wooloomooloo, Mrs. S. A. Pritchett.
"MISS HART'S BENEFIT", Empire (25 May 1858), 2
At the Lyceum Theatre last evening, a large proportion of the playing-going public assembled in spite of the rain to testify their appreciation of Miss Hart's talent as a danseuse. Miss Ada Hart has been for a long time a favourite with the Sydney public, and has justly deserved the many tokens of success she has received. Her graceful evolutions in her different dances in which she excels were last evening the theme of general admiration. Several new figures were introduced by her with complete success, the fair artiste concluding her performance by a Spanish Bolero, which elicited loud demonstrations of applause. The dramatic performance which formed the rest of the evening's entertainment consisted in a piece, called the Koh-i-noor, of which we cannot speak very favourably, but much allowance is to be made for the difficulty experienced in getting up on a short notice an efficient company for the occasion. Miss Hart will, it is to be hoped, be as successful in her future career, as she has been since she first made her debut before a Sydney audience.
[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (22 July 1858), 3
Hetherington's Commercial Hotel.
MR. CLIFTON begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Wollongong and its vicinity,
that his benefit will take place THIS EVENING; on which occasion he most respectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
The Spell is Broken - Miss Hart.
The Marseillaise - Mr. Clifton.
Song - Mrs. Hart.
Mary of Argyle - Miss Hart.
Rory O'More (in character) - Mr. Clifton.
Hearts and Homes - Miss Hart.
Swiss Waltz, with variations - Mrs. Hart.
Blue-tailed Fly - Mr. Wynyard.
Cachucha - Miss Ada Hart.
When I was at Home - Mr. Clifton.
Gramachree Molly (Logier) - Mrs. Hart.
The celebrated Skipping-rope Dance (as danced upwards of 200 nights, with unbounded applause, at the Royal Victoria Theatre) - Miss Ada Hart.
The whole to conclude with A LAUGHABLE FARCE.
Front seats, 3s.; back seats, 2s. Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence at half-past.
"THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Illawarra Mercury (22 July 1858), 2
We have much pleasure in chronicling the progress of Mrs. and Miss Hart's entertainments, which are now being given at the Commercial Hotel. Although no "bumper" houses have been accorded to them yet, still they receive such an amount of patronage as to induce them to continue their performances; and we have no doubts their expectation of additional patronage will be realized. Although but a small company, they have the knack of serving up an entertainment tasteful, amusing, well-sustained, and varied. Vocal music, dancing, and farce follow and intermix with each other, forming a pleasant amusement for a few hours of the long winter nights. The dancing of Miss Ada Hart, even upon the boards of the metropolitan theatres, has on almost every occasion drawn down thunders of applause. This evening's entertainment is for the benefit of Mr. Clifton. We trust he will have the pleasure of performing to a full array of well-filled seats.
[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury (2 August 1858), 3
MRS. AND MISS HART will give their
on which occasion Miss Ada and Miss Fanny Hart will dance [manicule] The Figure Polka Mazurka.
Front seats, 3s.; back seats, 2s. Doors open at 7, to commence at half-past.
*** MISS HART begs leave to announce that she intends giving a BALL before leaving Wollongong.
[Advertisement], Empire (27 August 1859), 1
DEAR SIR - Allow us to congratulate you on the unprecedented fact of your having kept open the Prince of Wales Theatre during a period of fourteen month's,
notwithstanding the difficulties which beset you . . .
We are anxious of substantially acknowledging those efforts on your part,
and feel pleasure in offering you two distinct clear Benefits . . .
We beg to subscribe ourselves, Your obedient servants,
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (manager); Maria Carandini (vocalist, actor); Julia Mathews (actor, vocalist); Julia Hudson (actor); Emelia Crosby (actor); Clara Lamoureux (actor); Maggie Griffiths and sisters (performers); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (26 September 1859), 1
OPERA COMPANY. Madame Carandini, Mrs. Hart, Miss Harris, Madame Sara Flower, Miss Fisher, Julia Mathews, Mrs. Lamoreux . . .
Conductor of Opera - Mr. C. PACKER . . . Leader - Mr. C. Eigenschenck.
And an increased number of Instrumentalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); Sara Flower (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (conductor); Charles Eigenschenck (leader, violin)
"BENEFIT OF MISS ADA HART", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 January 1860), 4
On Saturday evening, Miss Ada Hart took a benefit at the School of Arts, in Pitt-street, when the Mississippi Minstrels and several amateurs who had also volunteered their services, very successfully exerted themselves for the entertainment of the audience, which was, however, far from being as numerous as the friends of this popular danseuse might reasonably have expected. After an overture from the orchestra, under the conduct of Mr. Peck, the sable minstrels began their programme, and played with much spirit many negro airs, either full of pathos or else instinct with restless, laughter-loving merriment. Their performances seemed to be much appreciated by the audience, who were highly amused with the eccentricities and witticisms of the facetious Mr. Bones and his brethren. Miss Ada Hart appeared to advantage in a pas de deux with her sister, Miss Fanny Hart, who dances gracefully, and who, under the able tuition of her sister, bids fair, in time, to rival her teacher in the terpsichorean art. A sailor's hornpipe, by Mr. McLean, was likewise loudly applauded; and so also were the songs "Would I were a boy again," and "I am leaving thee in sorrow, Annie," rendered with considerable taste and feeling by a gentleman amateur. The entertainment concluded with a representation of the American farce of "Our Gal," together with some further exhibition of the talents of the Mississippi minstrels.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician); Edward McLean (dancer); Mississippi Minstrels (troupe)
"INSOLVENCY COURT. TUESDAY . . . SURRENDERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1860), 5
Prudence Augusta Hart, of Palmer-street, Sydney, widow.
Liabilities, £126 1s. 5d. Assets - value of personal property, £5. Deficit, £121 1s. 5d. Mr. Wilson, official assignee.
"COPY OF PROTEST", Empire (12 June 1860), 8
Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, Tuesday Morning, May 22nd, 1860.
WE, the undersigned, professors of music, vocal and instrumental, and also the chorus engaged in the forthcoming Opera season,
deem it a bounden duty, taking into consideration an article appearing in this morning's Empire,
to protest against the ability of Sig. CUTOLO, as a conductor of grand opera, at the same time believing him to be, without doubt, an excellent pianist;
but from inexperience, unable to wield the baton as conductor.
Mesdames RAYMOND, A. HART, A. YEAMANS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Clelia Howson (vocalist); Mrs. Raymond (vocalist); Annie Yeamans (dancer, vocalist)
"OLYMPIC THEATRE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (25 October 1860), 2
On Monday evening the Golden Spectacle entitled the "King of the Mist," was produced for the first time at the above theatre; the attendance was more numerous than we have seen for some time. The piece was well received, and met with deserved applause. The scenery introduced into the play is certainly the best we have seen at this theatre. Mr. Byers has done much for the amusement of the inhabitants of the town, and deserves their support. Among the new company we must not omit to mention Miss A Hart. Her dancing is superior to that of any artist who has yet appeared on the boards in this town, and the lovers of the terpsichorian art will be well repaid by a visit to the theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor, manager); Olympic Theatre (Maitland venue)
[Advertisement], The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News [NSW] (10 April 1861), 1
COURT HOUSE, NEWCASTLE. MR. COLEMAN has pleasure in announcing to the public that
THURSDAY and FRIDAY Evenings, the 11th and 12th April, 1861, will be devoted to a
Mr. Coleman, in addition to his own services, has engaged the celebrated musical composer and pianist MARMADUKE HENRY WILSON.
The favorite danseuse and actress from the Sydney theatres, MISS ADA HART,
ON THURSDAY . . . Cachuca, Spanish Dance - Miss Ada Hart . . .
ON FRIDAY . . . Highland Fling, in Costume - Miss Ada Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barned Jullien Coleman (actor, manager); Marmaduke Henry Wilson (pianist, composer)
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1865), 1
On the 29th December, at St. Paul's Church, Dunedin, by the Rev. E. G. Edwards, James Richard Davies, Esq., Government railway contractor, Invercargill, to Ada Augusta Hart, second daughter of Mrs. Augusta Hart, Sydney.
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (10 February 1868), 3
The Polytechnic-hall was opened on Saturday evening for dramatic performances, under the direction of Miss Ada Hart. This lady, with her sister, Miss Fanny Hart, we believe have recently arrived from New Zealand, where they made several appearances. The hall on Saturday night presented a beggarly array of empty benches, there not being at any time more than thirty persons present. Miss Ada Hart appeared in no less than three different pieces - "The Rough Diamond," "A Comical Countess," and the burlesque of "Villikins and his Dinah." The lady apparently has not had a large experience in her profession, and can scarcely lay claim to be considered a finished actress. Her manners are pleasing, and there is a certain amount of cleverness about her acting. In the burlesque she appeared to her best advantage; but it would scarcely be fair to judge of Miss Hart's histrionic attainments under such disadvantageous circumstances as having to play before a miserably thin audience upon her first appearance in the colony. Miss Fanny Hart is apparently a mere tyro in the profession, and she exhibited some nervousness in the character of Lady Plato; but she showed more confidence in the afterpiece. Messrs. W. Hill, Musgrave, and Morrison made up the cast of characters in the several pieces.
ASSOCIATIONS: Polytechnic Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (30 October 1869), 2
There was an excellent attendance at the theatre last night on the occasion of the benefit to Misses Ada and Fanny Hart, and the generous recognition of the efforts of these young artistes to please the playgoing public was no more than they deserved. The performances began with the drama of "The Flowers of the Forest," in which Miss Kate Warde as Cynthia, Miss Ada Hart as Starlight Bess . . . succeeded in keeping up the interest of the play, and eliciting well deserved marks of favor from the audience. Miss Fanny Hart as Lemuel . . . also contributed to the success of the drama. The amusing sketch of "Catching a Governor" brought the entertainment to a close. Miss Ada Hart was the life of the piece, and danced the "Spider Dance" pretty and gracefully . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Warde (actor); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (6 August 1870), 11
The production of "Ixion, or the man at the wheel," attracted a tolerably full house on Monday night [1 August]. The performance commenced with the sensation drama "Aurora Floyd" . . . Some excellent good-humoured local hits were made in the songs and dialogue; the dances were graceful and vigorous, and the breakdowns new and very humorous. Miss Sally Lloyd, Monsieur Massartic, and the corps de ballet astonished even "Minerva" with her pas de garlands; but Miss Ada Hart, as "Ixion," beat the whole corps de ballet into fits with her British sailor's hornpipe, which she danced with a bounding grace and aplomb that won enthusiastic applause from the gods in Olympus as well as those in the gallery . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustave Massartic (dancer); Theatre Royal (Launceston venue)
"THE THEATRE ROYAL", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (20 August 1872), 2
Two capital pieces were placed on the stage of this theatre last evening, in a manner that reflects very great credit upon the management. Thy scenery, dresses, &c., are good, and a long way worse companies have appeared on the boards of the Lyceum. The first piece was the drama of "Susan Hopley" . . . Miss Ada Hart as Gimp excited hearty laughter. The burlesque of "Lalla Rookh" was capitally represented, and the panorama is a feather in the cap of Mr. Robins. Miss Fanny Hart made a most engaging Lalla Rookh . . . The troubador Feramoz was undertaken by Miss Ada Hart, a young lady who does every thing well . . . The incidental music is good . . . A dance by Mr. Fisher and Miss Ada Hart was very neatly done, and well deserved the encore which it received. The band is a very efficient one.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas F. Robins (actor, scenic artist)
"MARRIED", Bendigo Advertiser (29 October 1872), 2
On the 28th October, at Sandhurst, by the Rev. Mark Butler, Mr. Robert Cornwall Jeffery, to Fanny Lillian Wardlow Hart. Melbourne papers please copy.
"THE CHRISTMAS PANTOMIMES . . . THEATRE ROYAL", Bendigo Advertiser (26 December 1873), 2
To-night this place of amusement is to be re-opened, when a pantomime, entitled "Beauty and the Beast," will be produced. For the last two months or more Mr. T. F. Robins has been engaged painting the scenery and transparencies, and they are very creditable productions. Miss Ada Hart, long and favorably known to Sandhurst playgoers, has been engaged as the leading lady performer. The management have spared no, expense to bring the pantomime out in proper style; and they deserve to be liberally patronised for their enterprise.
"FOOTLIGHT FLASHES", Evening Star [Dunedin, NZ] (6 October 1883), 2
. . . Mrs. J. R. Davies (who was known to Dunedin playgoers of the last decade as Ada Hart) assisted the Napier amateurs on September 28. A "Wonderful Woman" and the "Colleen Bawn settled at Last" were performed . . .
"Deaths", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (15 March 1889), 1
HART. - On the 13th March, at her residence, 20 Shakspeare-street, Carlton, Augusta Hart, relict of the late J. P. Hart, Esq., Liverpool, England, aged 78.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (15 April 1897), 1
DAVIES. - April 13, 1897, at her late residence, 124 Grafton-street, Woollahra, Ada Augusta, the beloved wife of James Richard Davies, jun. New Zealand, Tasmanian, and Victorian papers please copy.
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . NO. 31 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (12 August 1908), 8
. . . A friend supplies me with the following: - "Miss Ada Hart was daughter of an old actress, who used to play minor parts in opera with Frank Howson, and lived in the late fifties in Judge-street, Woolloomooloo (Sam Howard lived there in 1855). Ada was a pupil of Mrs. Eliza Torning, and in her day was a favorite danseuse. She combined a little cluster of graces in her own person. As a dancer she added precision to ease, and lightness of movement to the harmony of form. She married Mr. Joseph Pritchard, who ran a boot emporium in George-street" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed"); Frank Howson (actor, vocalist); Sam Howard (actor); Eliza Torning (dancer, actor)
"MUMMER MEMOIRS. RE MISS ADA HART AND HER SISTERS . . . No. 35 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (16 September 1908), 7
An interesting letter from North Fitzroy, Melbourne, which sets at rest a disputed question: -
"Dear Hayseed,- I take the liberty to correct an error of yours regarding the gentleman my sister, Miss Ada Hart, married.
The gentleman was Mr. J. Davis junior, C.E., of Invercargill, New Zealand . . .
A short time ago you mentioned the sisters Hart, one as playing "Don Giovanni."
That was Margaretta, the eldest. I had the old bill of the burlesque for many years.
I looked for it among my papers, but failed to find it, otherwise I would have enclosed it.
Margaretta married Mr. Samuel Ashmore Pritchett, a wealthy land and station owner of Sydney, New South Wales.
Both my sisters are dead many years, I am the youngest sister left.
Enclosed is a small bill and two cuttings from a paper; they may be interesting to you.
Hoping to have the pleasure of reading many more of your Mummer Memoirs,
I am faithfully yours,
Frances Jeffery (Fanny Hart)"
The play-bill kindly enclosed by Mrs. Jeffery is an interesting one.
It was issued from the Theatre Royal, Launceston, the sole lessee and manager being Mr. F. B. Watson.
"The first production in Tasmania of the grand classical burlesque, Ixion,
original and gorgeous scenery by Mr. T. F. Robins, machinery and appointments entirely new, elegant and charming costumes,
music arranged by Mr. F. Sharp, the dances and incidental ballet composed and directed by Mons. Gustav Massartic, local allusions, songs, etc.
"Monday and Tuesday evening, August 1 and 2 (no year given [1870]), will be presented the sensation successful drama, 'AURORA FLOYD.'"
Miss Ada Hart was the Aurora, and Miss Fanny Hart the Mrs. Powell of the occasion . . .
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 40 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (21 October 1908), 6
. . . An "aside" from Mr. W. H. Ford: - "I was surprised, and very much pleased to hear that you had a letter from Mrs. Jeffreys,
nee Miss Fanny Hart, which proves that I was correct in stating that Ada Hart did not marry a Mr. Pritchard.
The last time I saw Miss Ada was in Dunedin, New Zealand, July, 1862. She was at the Princess's Theatre there, under Tom Fawcett,
brother of George Fawcett Rowe (he added his real name Rowe when he went to England); Teddy Haygarth was there also.
I went to Dunedin with Mr. and Mrs. Clarance Holt to open the new Theatre Royal.
I met Ada and Teddy going to rehearsal one cold, freezing morning. Ada was not then married.
To think that Fanny Hart is alive and living at North Fitzroy astonishes me, for I, with my family, lived there for many years.
My first wife died there, and my grandson lives in Rae-street, and I have several friends living in the locality.
I can recall some very interesting items wherein Mrs. Jeffreys took a part.
One, no doubt, she will remember.
"On the evening of January 14, 1860, there was a benefit for Miss Ada Hart, at the School of Arts, Pitt-street, Sydney.
On that evening Miss Fanny Hart made her first appearance.
The entertainment was: 1st Part, 'The Mississippi Minstrels'; 2nd Part, the comic play, 'Our Gal,' or 'The Yankee Heiress.'
In which both Ada and Fanny Hart would appear.
Some time ago I promised you a funny anecdote which should make you smile.
It made a good many folks laugh, but whether it was at the benefit of Ada, in the School of Arts hall, or the performance which was repeated at another hall I cannot remember.
I dare say Mrs. Jeffreys would recollect.
I know that two of her brothers gave a scene from 'Hamlet' - the ghost scene, in the first act.
It was this part of the entertainment that I went to see.
In the early part of the evening the brothers were at the doors in front, and refused taking payment for my seat, but I insisted on paying.
They knew, therefore, that I was in the front seats.
All went off fairly well, except the play of 'Our Gal.'
One of the brothers beckoned me out. I was wondering the cause; he told me that Ada wished to see me.
I went behind, and found them in great trouble. The gentleman who was to play the old man in 'Our Gal' had not turned up. Ada begged me to fill the vacancy . . .
"The entire Hart family thanked me very heartily. I daresay, Mrs. Jeffreys will remember.
This occasion was the very shortest notice I ever got in my life to play an important part.
We often laughed about it when I chanced to meet any of the Hart family.
I often saw Mrs. Hart, when in after years Mr. W. S. Lyster visited Sydney with Italian and English opera.
I was his 'costumier' off and on for 20 years. My last engagement with him was for over 7 years without a break.
I daresay you will remember that a short time ago I mentioned Ada Hart's sister, Mrs. Pritchett, dancing at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, 1858, during Mr. Byers' management.
She was Mrs. Pritchett then. I do not think she danced for gain at the time.
She was fond of dancing and she was clever.
Without being announced in the bills she would come to the theatre in the evening, now and again, arrange with the orchestra, and dance between pieces.
She used to dress very prettily for the different dances. She loved the business, and it cheered her up to appear on the stage occasionally.
Mr. Byers never said 'nay' . . ."
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Ford (actor, memoirist); George and Tom Fawcett (actors, manager); Edward Darius Haygarth (actor); Clarance and Marie Holt (actors); James Lucas Byers (actor, manager); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 96 (BY 'HAYSEED')", Sydney Sportsman (29 December 1909), 3
. . . "Jimmy" Byers and his little versatile wife, Julia Hudson, are not forgotten by at least one old comrade. Mr. Waldon (Little Charlie) writes: - "Dear 'Hayseed' . . . I again met Byers at Maitland. He was manager and director of the Olympic Theatre on High-street, West Maitland. I played many juvenile parts for him at that time. He had a first-class stock company, all good actors, J. L. Byers, W. H. Newton, G. R. Morton (of 'Sydney Punch' and 'Bell's Life in Sydney'), Jack Clifford, Walter Milner, Flexmore, Murray, Jimmy Hasker, and Mr. Hart, and for a change Bob McGowan and wife, not counting supernumeraries. The ladies were Miss Julia Hudson, Miss Ada Hart, Mrs. Morton, Julia Merton, Mrs. Clifford, Harry Vincent was the scenic artist, and Mr. Boam musical director. Of the above artists, as far as I know, all are gone over except myself. At Christmas 1862, Byers produced a pantomime, 'Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son,' written and arranged by the late Christley Hipper (?), of the 'Maitland Mercury.' The pantomime was a great success. It put Byers on his feet, and the ghost walked every Monday morning at 10 o'clock, a feat not always performed in travelling companies. Byers was a good pay when he had the cash. I could let you know a lot of incidents, but, as the [REDACTED] says, nuf sed. "The cast for the harlequinade may prove interesting: - Clown, W. H. Newton; pantaloon, James Hasker; harlequin, Miss Ada Hart; Columbine, Miss Julia Merton; first sprite, Charlie Waldon (late Lilliputian Charlie, of Cussin and Klaus' Circus, equestrian and tumbler); second sprite, Mr. Broadbent; policemen, Mr. Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James and Julia Byers (actors, manager); Charles Waldon (actor); George Ross Morton (actor); Philip Barnett Boam (musical director); Olympic Theatre (Maitland venue)
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 May 1915), 1
JEFFERY (nee Hart). - On the 7th May, at 183 Simpson street, East Melbourne, Frances Wardlow, relict of the late Robert Cornwall Jeffery, Esq., musician. (Interred privately.)
"TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (9 December 1933), 6
Sir, - A couple of weeks ago a correspondent inquired the date of Madam Cora's appearance in Bendigo.
I have just come across several old programmes of theatrical companies with which my father and mother were connected.
My father, Robert C. Jeffery, was Madam Cora's pianist. The company appeared at Bendigo in 1874.
The other musicians were S. F. Schrader and J. Evans.
Madam Cora was a clever illusionist, and was supported by several artists, including Mr. Martin Ford, whose name will be remembered by old theatregoers.
Among the programmes are such names as J. J. Harwood, Harry Daniels, Miss Fanny Hart (my mother), Miss Wieland and Miss Ada Hart (my aunt),
but unfortunately the programmes do not contain the year, except one, which bears the date September, 1869.
The others must have been printed about the same time. -
Yours, &c., FLORENCE FROST, Pascoe Vale.
ASSOCIATIONS: Florence Augusta Jeffery (Fanny's daughter; born Carlton, VIC, 1879; m. Gustave Robert Frost, VIC, 1900); Samuel Frederick Schrader (musician); Harry Daniels (actor)
HART, Sidney Herbert (Sidney Herbert HART; also Sydney; Sidney HART; S. H. HART; Mr. HART)
Musician, cello / violoncello player, violoncellist, cellist, orchestral player, chamber music player
Born Birtsmorton, Worcestershire, England, 1841 (4th quarter); son of William HART (d. 1853) and Harriet PALMER
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 3 April 1863 (per Great Britain, from Liverpool, 22 January, aged "21")
Married Linda Anabella ANDERSON (1859-1943), NSW, 1879
Died West Melbourne, VIC, 8 August 1892, aged "49" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (father-in-law, musician); Alfred Anderson (brother-in-law, musician)
England census, 30 March 1851, Birtsmorton, Worcestershire; UK National Archives, HO107/2043/316/17 (PAYWALL)
26 Birts Street / William Hart / Head / Mar. 41 / Farmer 144 acres 4 lab[ourers] . . .
Harriet [Hart] / Wife / Mar. / 42 / . . .
Henry / Son / Unm. / 22 // Alfred W. / Son. / Unm. / 19 // Silas / Son / Unm. / 13
Sidney [Hart] / Son / 9 / - / [born] Birtsmorton Wor. . . .
England census, 1861, Sandhurst, Gloucestershire; UK National Archives, RG9/1764/20/1 (PAYWALL)
4 Sandhurst Lane / William Jones / Head / Mar. / 61 / Builder . . .
Harriet Jones / Wife / Mar. / 52 / Tradesman's wife . . .
Silas Hart / Son in Law / Unm. / 23 / Farmer's Son Unemployed / [born] Herefordshire Eastnor
Sydney Hart / Son in Law / Unm. / 19 / Musician / [born] Worcestershire Birtsmorton
Emily Hart / Daur. in Law / Unm. / 16 // Eidth Hart / Daur. in Law / Unm. / 12 // [both born Worcestershire Birtsmorton
Names and descriptions of passengers per Great Britain, from Liverpool, 22 January 1863, for Melbourne, 3 April 1863; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . S. H. Hart / 21 / Lab[ourer] . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . IMPORTS - JUNE 9", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 June 1863), 4
Eastern Empire, from Liverpool . . . 1 case, S. H. Hart . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 December 1863), 1
SECOND CONCERT of the SEASON, at the Freemason's Hall, MONDAY EVENING, 7th December.
Trio - Piano, violin and violoncello, Op. 75, Reissiger -
Mr. W. J. CORDNER and (by the kind permission of W. J. Lyster, Esq.) Messrs. J. HALL and S. H. HART . . .
Conductor - Mr. W. J. CORDNER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William John Cordner (pianist, conductor); John Thomson Hall (violin); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); Freemason's Hall (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Piano trio in D, op. 75 (Reissiger)
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (14 December 1863), 5
SIR, - Having been delighted by the excellent concert given by this society on Monday night,
I was greatly astonished on reading your reporter's critique thereon on Tuesday's paper,
and beg leave to offer a few remarks, in order to render that justice apparently so begrudged by your musical representative . . .
The trio by Reissiger was the gem of the evening, Mr. Hall played the violin in almost masterly style,
combining great brilliancy of execution, with sweetness of tone;
Mr. Hart, on the violoncello, by his classical rendering of the andante movement incidental to the piece, was very effective,
and Mr. Cordner delighted his friends by his finished performance on the pianoforte . . .
I am Sir, oblige[d], FAUST (not GOUNOD'S.) December 10.
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 May 1864), 8
THE BAND. First Violins, Mr. F. Coppin . . .
Cello, Mr. Hart . . .
Musical Director and Conductor, Mr. G. LODER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Coppin (violin); George Loder (conductor); Haymarket Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THE OPERA", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (25 April 1865), 4
The return of the company under the direction of Mr. W. S. Lyster, will afford no small gratification to the public of Sydney . . . The band was, perhaps, never before, so complete, and, under the able directorship of Mr. George Loder, must render its music in a style never yet surpassed. Mons. Fleury is leader, assisted by Mr. C. Eigenschenck, J. Hall, Hoare, Landbory and Hodge (clarionets), Creed Royal (flute), Rice and Hart (viola and violincello), McCoy (bassoon). In short, judging from the published list, there is but little talent not obtained by Mr. Lyster for the present short season . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violin, leader); Charles Eigenschenck (violin); probably Samuel Hore (trombone) or one of his brothers; John William Lundborg (clarinet); Sebastian Hodge (clariner); Creed Royal (flute); Walter John Rice (viola); Thomas McCoy (bassoon)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (4 December 1866), 8
Conductor - Mr. Martin Simonsen . . . Leader, Mr. J. Hall . . .
GRAND ORCHESTRA . . . Violoncello, Mr. Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martin Simonsen (conductor); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE OPERA. WILLIAM TELL", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (28 July 1868), 3
The unsurpassable excellence of the performance of Rossini's great work on Saturday night [25 July], compels the expression of great regret that the opera season is nearly at an end, and that in a few days the company will be dispersed; and as at present organised, will not, in all probability, return again to Sydney . . . The choral pieces are inextricably elaborate, but, without exception, were given in a manner which called forth constant and genuine applause. Quite as much, should be said of Mr. Hall's conducting, and of the unexceptional playing of every member of the orchestra, especially of Mr. Hart's violoncello solos, and the flute and clarionet parts by Mr. Creed Royal and Mr. Howard . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Howard (clarinet)
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 June 1869), 5
The monthly meeting of the Victorian Musical Association was held at Herr Siede's, on Thursday, when a vote of thanks was adopted to Mr. Charles Edward Horsley for his able and generous defence of the musical "savages" of this colony, in the Musical World. Mr. Caws intimated that at the next meeting he would read a paper upon the progress of musical art in this colony, together with the criticisms upon "Ruth" in the London musical journals. Mr. Hart was elected a member of the association; and upon the nomination of Herr Siede, the president, Mr. Joseph Reed, was declared an associate.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (member);
Charles Edward Horsley (musician);
St. John Caws (member),
discussing the critical response in England to the publication of the oratorio Ruth, by
George Tolhurst (composer);
Joseph Reed (associate);
Victorian Musical Association (association);
Horsley's comments were reproduced in [News], The Argus (29 May 1869), 5
For the original, see "FROM THE ANTIPODES. To the editor of . . .", The musical world [London, England] (13 March 1869), 171-72 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 June 1869), 8
THE VICTORIAN QUARTETTE SOCIETY will favour with a performance of classical and popular music (instrumental and vocal)
THIS EVENING, at 8 p.m. Instrumentalists -
Mr. Edward King, Mr. Litholf, Mr. Hart. Conductor - Herr Schott . . .
Programme. 1. Overture, "Masaniello" - Auber.
2. Song, Mr. Amery. "The Wanderer" - Schubert; with violoncello obligato, Mr. Hart.
8. Grand Quartuor for piano, violin, alto, and violoncello - Beethoven . . .
12. Rondo, Grand Quartuor, op. 16 - Beethoven . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); Francis Litolff (viola); James Arthur Schott (piano); Edwin Amery (vocalist)
MUSIC: Piano quartet, op. 16 (Beethoven)
The Exhibition of Fine Arts at the hall of the Public Library closed last night, after being open ever since Easter Monday, and having been attended by visitors computed to amount to between 60,000 and 70,000 in number. The event was made the occasion of a grand concert, given under the conduct of Herr Schott, in aid of a fund to endow a scholarship for the best pupil of the year in the School of Design; and the attendance, which was so large as nearly to crowd the vast space, included, besides a long series of distinguished colonists, His Excellency the Governor and suite . . . Two quintetts by Reissiger, principal of the Conservatoire at Dresden, were made the medium of some superb instrumentation by Messrs. Schott (piano), King (violin), Wardsed (violin), Litolff (viola), and Hart (violoncello), the tones of the latter being specially noticeable . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 January 1887), 16
SIDNEY H. HART, Professor Music, begs to inform pupils that he RESUMES TUITION Monday, January 24.
[News], The Argus (26 November 1889), 7
This evening a complimentary benefit concert will be given in the town hall, Hawthorn, to Mr. Sidney Hart, who was for many years the leading violoncello player in Melbourne, but who is now prostrated by prolonged illness. As proof of the kindly interest taken by the musical profession, the following ladies and gentlemen have volunteered their services - Mrs. Palmer, Signorina Rebottaro, Miss Alice King, Mr. Armes Beaumont, Mr. Gordon Gooch, Madame Carlotta Tasca, Mrs. S. Hart, Mr. Henry Curtis, Mr. A. Montague, and Mr. L. Montague. Signor Zelman will act as conductor, and choral numbers will also be given under the baton of Mr. Charles Britten.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosina Palmer (vocalist); Armes Beamont (vocalist); Henry Curtis (violin); Alfred and Leonard Montague (musicians); Alberto Zelman (conductor)
"Deaths . . . Funeral Notices", The Argus (10 August 1892), 1
HART. - On the 8th inst., at his residence, West Melbourne, Sidney Herbert Hart, musician, aged 49 years.
Sincerely regretted by all who knew him . . .
HART. - The Friends of the late Mr. SYDNEY HERBERT HART are informed that his remains will be interred in the Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral will move from the corner of Queen and Franklin-streets, West Melbourne, THIS DAY (Wednesday, the 10th inst.), at 3.30 o'clock.
[News], The Argus (10 August 1892), 5
The death is announced of Mr. Sydney Hart, the well known and accomplished violoncellist, who for many years was associated with leading musicians of Melbourne. The late Mr. Hart was a thorough musician, and so thorough a master of the violoncello that his aid was invaluable when the highest class of composition had to be presented. His retirement from the celebrated Zerbini Quartette was a great loss to the patrons of chamber music. Mr. Hart was in declining health for some time, but up to a few weeks ago hopes were entertained of his recovery, and he was announced to perform a cello solo on the night on which he died, a remarkable coincidence being that the date of the concert at which he was to perform was fixed by himself, and proved to be the date of his demise. Mr. Hart, who was comparatively a young man leaves a widow. His funeral is advertised to leave the deceased's late residence, Queen street, to day at half past 3.
"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT", Essendon and Flemington Chronicle [VIC] (12 August 1892), 2
On Monday evening, a complimentary concert was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hart, in the North Melbourne Town Hall, but a deep gloom was cast over the proceedings, at least in the minds of those few who were aware of the painful occurrence, by the fact that Mr. Hart, who has been ailing for some time, expired at the residence of his medical adviser, Dr. Rose, with whom he has been staying, at 5 p.m. that afternoon . . .
"DEATH OF MR. SIDNEY HART", North Melbourne Advertiser (12 August 1892), 2
On Monday last Mr. Sidney H. Hart, the accomplished musician, breathed his last at the residence of Dr. Rose, Queen Street, under whose care he had been for some time, and from whom he received the utmost attention which skill and a strong personal regard could bestow. The late Mr. Hart, who was a native of Gloucestershire, arrived in Melbourne in 1863, and was at once engaged by the late W. S. Lyster as first violoncellist in his celebrated operatic orchestra - with which combination he was associated with most of the best players who ever before or since have composed an orchestra, it being a known fact in those days that the members were all, or nearly all, soloists upon their several instruments. This remark applied with much truth to the subject of this notice, for, as his exceptional talents became known, the greater was the appreciation of those well able to judge, and resulted in Mr. Hart becoming quite indispensable when important works were to be presented. His connection with all performers of distinction who visited the colonies in itself is sufficient to prove his claim to be a thorough artist, and for many seasons of the Melbourne popular concerts, at which the works of the great masters were performed, he was the 'cello player of the celebrated Zerbini Quartette - a combination of players of concerted music which would find few to excel it even in the old world. The deceased gentleman had arranged the site of a concert in the North Melbourne Town Hall on Monday last, and, singular coincidence, it proved to be the date of his death. Mr. Hart married a sister of the late Alfred Anderson, a celebrated artist of his day, who was pianist to the Duke of Edinburgh. For six or seven years Mr. Hart had been in declining health, but under the care and attention of Dr. Rose, had much improved, to within three weeks since - when, to the grief of his many friends, he suffered a relapse, and, in spite of all the care and attention bestowed upon him, peacefully passed away. In private life he was a generous friend, of a most modest, amicable, and affectionate nature. As an artist he had few equals, if any . . . His funeral was largely attended by leading members of the musical profession, by whom he was held in high esteem, as well as by a number of prominent public men, who held him in great personal regard for his many sterling qualities as a gentleman. The remains were interred in the Melbourne General Cemetery.
ASSOCIATIONS: Zerbini Quartette (member); James Henri Anderson (father-in-law); Alfred Anderson (brother-in-law)
"A DISTINGUISHED MUSICIAN", Gloucester Citizen [England] (29 September 1892), 4 (PAYWALL)
The Melbourne Argus of August 10th records the death of Mr. Sidney Herbert Hart, youngest son the late Mr. William Hart, of Millers Court, Birtsmorton, and step-son of the late Mr. William Jones, builder, Gloucester. Mr. Hart was well known as an accomplished violoncellist, and was for many years associated with the leading musicians of Melbourne. He was a thorough musician, and so thorough a master of the violoncello that his aid was invaluable when the highest class of composition had to be presented. His retirement from the celebrated Zerbini Quartette was a great loss to the patrons of chamber music. Mr. Hart was in declining health for some time, but up to a few weeks ago hopes were entertained of his recovery, and he was announced to perform a 'cello solo on the night on which he died, a remarkable coincidence being that the date of the concert which he was to perform was fixed by himself, and proved to be the date of his demise. Mr. Hart, who was comparatively young man, leaves a widow, the sister the brilliant musician, Mr. Alfred Anderson, pianist to the Duke Edinburgh.
HART, Thomas Henry (Thomas Henry HART; Mr. HART)
Musical amateur, ? amateur vocalist, patron, publican
Born England, c. 1787
Convicted Old Bailey, London, 14 September 1814 (death, respited, transportation for 21 years, aged "27")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 30 January 1816 (convict per Ocean, from England, August 1815)
Married Frances SHANNON (d. 1839), St. Philip's church, Sydney, NSW, 1 January 1817
Died Sydney, NSW, 1 October 1853, aged "62" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Trial of Thomas Hart, and others, theft, burglary, 14 September 1814; Old Bailey online
were indicted for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of William Stock Gower,
about the hour of twelve in the night of the 8th of August, at St. Pancras,
with intent to steal and stealing therein, fifty-eight bottles, of red wine, value 10l. twenty-seven bottles of Lisbon wine, value 3l.
twenty-four bottles of sherry, value 4l. twelve gallons of rum, value 11l. ten gallons of Hollands, value 12l.
twelve gallons of gin, value 4l. five gallons of shrub, value 3l. 10s. two gallons of noyean, value 2l. 18s.
four gallons of peppermint, value 3l. five gallons of brandy and gin mixed, value 3l. and one quarter-cask of red port, value 26l. the property of Stephen Stock Gower.
SECOND COUNT, the same as the first, only stating the house to be the dwelling-house of William Stock, and the goods to be the property of the said William Stock . . .
Wood's Defence. I am intirely innocent. Powell's Defence. The same. Hart's Defence. The same.
WOOD, GUILTY - DEATH, aged 32.
HART, GUILTY - DEATH, aged 27.
Marriages, St. Philip's, Sydney; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
1 January 1817 / Thomas Hart / 26 / Bachelor / Sydney / Dealer and Frances Shannon / 24 / Spinster / Sydney
See also, "SUPREME COURT (TUESDAY [9 December]) . . . HART v. BOWMAN", The Sydney Monitor (13 December 1828), 5
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
[Hart] Thos H'y / 36 / Absolute pardon / Ocean 1 / 1816 / life / Protestant / Merchant trader, Pitt Street / 1856 acres, 210 cleared and cultivated, 4 horses and 200 horned cattle
Francis [sic, Frances] / 28 / absolute pardon / Mary Ann / 1816 / 14 years / Protestant
William / 12 // Thos H'y /9 // Charles / 7 // Fra's Jr. / 5 // Mary Ann / 3 // [all born in the colony]
"SOCIAL AMUSEMENT . . . Hart's Free and Easy", The Sydney Monitor [NSW] (30 April 1831), 3
"Care to our coffin adds a nail no doubt,
"While every grin so Merry drags one out!" . . .
A party of gentlemen assembled, at Mr. Hart's Hotel, on Thursday last, to contribute to each other's amusement, by a display of their vocal powers.
The songs were inimitable:
"Bow-street at six o'clock in the morning" by a gentleman of very considerable talent, both in comic and sentimental expression, occasioned peals of laughter.
"Corporal Casey," was positively present, and in the event of a militia being raised, recruits would not be wanting so long as the corporal commands.
"Mary the Maid of the Inn" was recited by the same gentleman in a most superior manner.
He displayed great feeling, and his enunciation was excellent.
The old duet "All's Well," was sung remarkably well.
Indeed every amateur present deserved the thanks of the company.
The meetings are to be held on each Thursday, and if they are conducted with the like propriety,
"Hart's free and easy'" will be a standing dish for the lovers of harmony, and of rational amusement, and indeed of all who are not confined at home by domestic ties.
The liberality of the host was evinced, by sandwiches being supplied the company gratis, and by every other attention paid to the comfort of the company.
MUSIC: Corporal Casey (song); probably My lovely Mary (from Mary the maid of the inn); All's well (duet, by Braham, from The English fleet in 1342)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 May 1831), 3
Mr. Hart, the proprietor of the George and Dragon inn, has established a sort of harmonic club at his house, the members of which meet once a week, and entertain each other with vocal music, "soberly".
"HART'S CONVIVIAL HARMONIC MEETING . . . TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Monitor (11 May 1831), 4
Sydney, 6th May, 1831.
SIR, As an Englishman I revere the laws of my country, but cant, whether religious or political I despise.
Is it possible Mr. Editor, that the proprietor of that respectable Inn, the George and Dragon, in Pitt-street, has been served with a notice,
to permit a body of respectable and loyal merchants and shopkeepers met for the innocent recreation of a little harmony,
to assemble no more? It cannot I think as an Englishman be possible.
A clergyman of my acquaintance once said, "that an idle mind was the devils own shop-board,"
surely even those pure and immaculate saints who would prevent all amusement,
cannot think they have the power to prevent a private individual from entertaining the same social enjoyments in their own habitations.
Are the musical and vocal parties at the Governor's or at our Chief Justice's drawing rooms attempted to be innovated upon?
And have we not all equal rights? How is it too Mr. Cummings can give dinners?
Let the Corsican answer that. Your's, no canter, no hypocrite.
- X. Y. Z.
X. Y. Z. is naturally astonished. This impartial act of our Corsican Police Magistrate, shews the blessings we derive from being governed by the laws of a council nominated by the home Government, that is, nominated nominally by the Home Government, but really, by a faction of New South Wales. We remember well ten or twelve years ago, how deeply Sir John Jamison and others used to sigh for such a council in Macquarie's time. "Ah!" (said these sage politicians) "if we had a council of gentlemen, such goings on as these would never take place!" They have got their precious council; and what kind of goings-on are these of General Darling? The fact is, that we should recommend all Governors hereafter who wish to destroy the liberties of New South Wales, to begin as the General did, namely, by starving the convicts. The brave and noble-minded among them will then all turn bush-rangers. This will frighten the timid part of the Colony (three fourths of every community) to call for severe laws and an overwhelming police. They will also petition against the press if urged by the Berry's, Icely's, Maclaren's and Jones's, of the day. These things will reduce Englishmen to such slavery, that they cannot even meet at an inn and sing a song after nine o'clock at night. Ireland in a state of insurrection was not in a more deplorable a state than N. S. Wales is at this moment, as to civil liberty and domestic comfort. Bush rangers require horse patroles and an expensive police, and severe laws multiply criminals, and lots of Judges and lawyers and Registrars are wanted. These extravagances in their turn require more taxes; and these again invest the Governor with more influence in disbursing the cash. Thus the thing goes on in a circle ad infinitum! - ED.
"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1853), 3
The friends of the late Thomas Henry Hart are respectfully requested to attend his funeral, which will take place this morning, at 11 o'clock precisely. The procession will move from his late residence, Cleveland-street, Redfern, at the above hour mentioned. JOHN HILL, JUN., AND SON, Undertakers, King and William streets.
Bibliography and resources:
Thomas Hart, Convict records
Thomas Henry Hart, Australian royalty
HARTIGAN, Joseph (Joseph William HARTIGAN; Joseph William Coromandel HARTIGAN; Joseph HARTIGAN; J. W. C. HARTIGAN; Sergeant HARTIGAN; Mr. HARTIGAN)
Musician, ophicleide player, band sergeant, Band of the 40th Regiment, composer
Born Iniskillen (Enniskillen), Fermanagh, Ireland, c. 1832; son of William HARTIGAN and Margaret DEMPSON
Arrived (with 40th Regiment) Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork)
Married Eliza PERKINS (c. 1836-1904), St. Peter's church, Melbourne, VIC, 16 February 1857 (aged "25")
Discharged (40th Regiment) Melbourne, VIC, 19 January 1860
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 20 July 1864, aged "32/33" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military, second tour)

Joseph Hartigan, band sergeant, 40th Regiment, State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)

Joseph Hartigan, on ophicleide, and (probably) Edward Stewart, cornet; detail from Church parade H.M. 40th Foot, coming back from church, 1853; by George Gordon McCrae; State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Stewart (bandsman, cornet); George Gordon McCrae (artist)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 February 1853), 8
ADMISSION ONE SHILLING. Great Combination of Musical Talent,
at the CIRCUS, Top of Bourke-street, east. Open every Evening.
Immense Success of the Grand Promenade Concerts, a la JULLIEN, every evening.
Vocalists: Mrs. Fiddes, universally popular as Miss Harriet Cawse;
Mr. John Gregg, the eminent Basso, from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, &c.;
Mr. W. F. Sayer, from the London Concerts; Mr. Dawson, comic.
Principal Instrumental Solo Performers:
Cornet a Piston, Mr. Chapman; Violin, Mr. Weston; Ophicleide, Mr. Hartigan.
Conductor, Mr. J. Winterbottom, Who will perform a Solo on the Bassoon every evening.
IN consequence of the enthusiastic reception of the Derby Galop and the Drum Polka, they will be repeated every evening.
The Great Exhibition Quadrille, composed by M. Jullien, on THURSDAY next.
Mr. Creed Royal will perform one of his celebrated Solos on the Flute, on Wednesday next.
Doors open at half-past seven; Concert commences at eight o'clock.
Admission, one shilling. Dress circle, half-a-crown.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Mr. Dawson (comic vocalist); George Chapman (cornet); John Weston (violin); John Winterbottom (conductor, bassoon); Noble's Circus (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: Drum polka (Jullien); Great Exhibition quadrille (Jullien)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 March 1853), 12
CIRCUS, Top of Bourke-street, east.
WINTERBOTTOM'S BENEFIT, Monday Evening Next; March 14th . . .
For which he has engaged the whole of the Musical celebrities in the Colony,
and, through the kind permission of Col. Valiant, he has succeeded in making an arrangement for the entire
Band of the 40th Regiment, Conducted by Mr. Johnson.
PROGRAMME, Which will be strictly adhered to.
PART I. Overture - Zampa - Herold . . .
Solo, Orpheclide - The Standard Bearer, Mr. Hartigan - Lindpainter [sic] . . .
First time, GREAT EXHIBITION QUADRILLE, By Jullien . . .
No. 4. - "Partant pour La Syrie," French air, taken from an old eastern melody, with variations for opheclide, Mr. Hartigan; cornet, Mr. Maffei . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Maffei (cornet); Band of the 40th Regiment (military)s
MUSIC: The standard bearer (Lindpaintner); Partant pour La Syrie (from Great Exhibition quadrille, as above)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 March 1853), 12
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. Circus, top of Bourke-street, east.
MR. JAMES ELLIS, late lessee of Cremorne Gardens, Adelaide Gallery, &c., of London,
and promoter of these popular Concerts in Melbourne, in conjunction with Mr. Winterbottom,
has the honor to announce to his numerous friends and and patrons, that his
BENEFIT is fixed as above, on which occasion will be given a
GRAND MONSTER CONCERT, Supported by nearly One Hundred Performers.
The whole will be so arranged that the tout ensemble shall present the best Concert ever given in the colony . . .
the splendid Band of the 40th Regiment, conducted by Mr. Johnson, will lend their valuable assistance.
GRAND SELECTIONS from POPULAR OPERAS, by the best composers, will form part of the Programme.
Principal Instrumentalists
Mr. Hartigan, ophecleide, Mr. Johnson, clarionet,
Mr. Thatcher, flute, Mr. Tucker, violin,
Herr Elze, contra-basso, Signor Maffei, cornet-a-piston,
Mr. Winterbottom, bassoon . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Henry Johnson (master, 40th band); Charles Thatcher (flute); Edward Tucker (violin); Herr Elze (double bass)
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1853; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5364 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2635 / Hartigan Joseph W. / . . . Band
"THE WEEKLY CONCERT", The Argus (12 May 1853), 7
A most capital programme is presented for this evening, the vocal strength comprising Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock, and Miss Walker, the young lady who made her debut last week;
and the instrumental portion of the bill of fare containing Overtures, Waltzes, Polkas, and solos on the Clarionet and Ophicleide.
PART I. Ovevture - Sargino - (Full Band) . . .
Solo, Clarionette - All is Lost, (Opera Sonnambula) - Mr. Johnson . . .
Waltz - Summer Flowers, (first time ,) Full Band . . .
Solo, Ophicleide - Mr. Hartigan.
PART II. Overture - Nino, or Nebucodonozor - (Full Band.) . . .
Polka - Trumpet - (Full Band.) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Kate Walker (vocalist); Thursday concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 July 1853), 8
OPEN every Evening, the Salle de Valentino.
Proprietor, Mr. James Ellis, of Cremorne Gardens.
Grand Promenade Concert, a la Musard. Conductor - Mons. Fleury . . .
Instrumental Solo Performers: Violins, M. Fleury and Paltzer;
clarionet, Mr. Johnson; ophecleide, Mr. Hartigan;
coronet-a-piston [sic], Signor Maffei; sax-horn, Mr. Baker;
flute, Mr. Murcell; contra basso, Mr. Hardman.
Programme for Monday, July 25, and during the Week:
PART I. Overture - L'Italiana in Algerii - Rossini
Valse - A deux temps - Jullien . . .
Solo, cornet - On Monday and Tuesday, Sig. Maffei
Solo, clarionet - On Tuesday and Friday - Mr. Johnson
Solo sax horn - On Wednesday and Saturday - Mr. Baker . . .
Valse - Summer Flowers - Tinney.
Between the first and second parts, Mr. Barlow will Introduce his popular entertainment Unlock the Lands, the Rock Harmonicon, etc.
PART II. National and Patriotic Song of France Slgnor Maffei, with chorus by the Corps d Orchestre, Mourir Pour la Patrie" - Varney.
Quadrille - Les diamans de la Couronne - Musard . . .
Solo, ophicleide - On Monday and Thursday - Mr. Hartigan
Solo, violin - On Tuesday and [Friday] - Mons. Paltzer
Solo, horn - On Wednesday and Saturday . . .
Galop - The Sturm March . . .
Admission to promenade, 1s.; dress circle, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Achille Fleury (violin, conductor); Jacques Paltzer (violin); William Baker (sax horn, 40th Band); Charles Murrell (flute, 40th band); Daniel Hardman (double bass); Robert Barlow (vocalist, rock harmonicon); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue, formerly Noble's Circus, as above)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 August 1853), 8
WINTERBOTTOM'S Grand Monster Concert, nearly One Hundred Performers . . .
The Orchestra will be the largest ever formed in this colony, and will comprise the whole array of instrumental talent, aided by the addition of numerous artistes lately arrived . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber . . .
First time this season, Great Exhibition Quadrille . . .
PART II. Overture - Tancredi - Rossini . . .
Solo, opheclide - The Standard Bearer, Mr. Hartigan - Lindpainter . . .
Polka - Row, as performed at Jullien's Concerts for two hundred nights - Jullien.
ASSOCIATIONS: Nugent Varley (manager); Rowe's Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 November 1853), 8
THE Annual Botanical Fetes, Concerts, and Musical Promenades in Aid of the Fund for Building a Left Wing to the Melbourne Hospital, will be presented
on Thursday and Friday next [1 and 2 November], under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor, who will honor the occasion with his presence . . .
Col. Valiant, who on this second occasion has handsomely granted the splendid Band of the 40th Regiment.
The entertainment will comprise a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert, of which the following is the programme: -
Conductor - The eminent Signor Maffei.
Overture - 40th Band - Zampa - Herold . . .
Solo on the Ophicleide, from La Straniera, Mr. Artigan [sic] - Bellini . . .
Quadrille - Royal Hibernian, 40th Band - Jullien.
Opening - 40th Band, Overture, Fra Diavolo - Auber . . .
Solo on the Ophicleide, from Robert, Mr. Artigan - Meyerbeer . . .
40th Band - The Great Exhibition Quadrille . . .
Gates open at one o'clock; Concert at three. Gardens close at dusk with the National Anthem, God Save the Queen.
Tickets of admission, Five Shillings . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Botanic Gardens (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 December 1853), 8
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, Corner of Stephen and Lonsdale streets.
The Fifth of a series of GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS will be given at the above place of amusement on
SATURDAY EVENING, December 10th, 1853. Mr. Alfred Oakey's celebrated Monster Orchestra
embracing all the talent in Melbourne, aided by several members of the 40th Band, by kind permission of Colonel Valiant . . .
Instrumentalists: . . . Ophicleide, Mr. T. Hartigan, the celebrated performer, and Mr. Wigney . . .
Leader, Mr. M. Radford. Conductor and composer, Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Oakey (conductor); Mark Radford (violin, leader); William Wigney (ophicleide)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 January 1854), 8
CONTINUATION of Tattersall's Concert -
Signor Maffei begs to inform the public that the above concerts will be transferred to the saloon of the
Mechanics' Institution, on Saturday, Monday, and Thursday evenings following.
The most powerful and favorite band comprises - Monsieur Fleury, Mr. Johnson,
Mr. Reed, Mr. Hardman, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Steward, Mr. Hartigan, Signor Maffei, and the other members of his incomparable band at Tattersalls . . .
Programme for Saturday, 7th instant.
First appearance of MADAME CARANDINI, (as Bella Prima Donna)
PART I. Overture - Il Barbiere de Seviglia - Rossini.
Selection - O'Donohue of the Lakes - Reed
Waltz - Genevieve - D'Albert . . .
PART II. Overture - Preciosa - Weber . . .
Polka - Downshire - Callen . . .
Galop - Leipsic - Labitzky
Doors open at half-past Seven. Concert to commence at Eight o'clock.
Admission - Five Shillings.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reed (musician); Herbert Thomas (musicians); Edward Stewart [sic] (cornet, 40th band); Maria Carandini (vocalist); George Douglas Callen (composer); Tattersall's Bazaar (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1854), 10
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Augmentation of the Orchestra.
The tenth of a series of Grand Promenade Concerts will take place on Saturday evening, January 14th, 1854.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's Celebrated Monster Orchestra.
In addition to the services of the most talented artistes in Melbourne,
the Orchestra will be further augmented by a considerable number of the band of the 40th Regiment,
including the celebrated performer Mr. Hartigan (by permission of Lieutenant Colonel Valiant),
thus forming the most complete combination of musical talent ever presented to the inhabitants of Melbourne.
First night of Jullien's Bloomer Quadrille . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 January 1854), 8
ROWE'S CIRCUS. Enlargement of the Orchestra.
The Twelfth of a series of PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place on Saturday evening, January 28th, 1854 . . .
First appearance of an entirely new Galop,
entitled the Melbourne and Brighton Railway, composed by Alfred Oakey -
Introduction. - Solo, ophecleide, The Jolly Waggoner, Mr. Hartigan . . .
MUSIC: The jolly waggoner ["When first I went a waggoning . . ."] (song)
"MADAME CARANDINI'S BENEFIT", The Argus (18 April 1854), 5
The concert at the Criterion Hall this evening is for the benefit of Madame Carandini. In addition to the ordinary strength of the Company, additional attractions have been obtained Madame Carandini and Mrs. Testar will sing the duet from Norma, "Deh Conte." Herr Strebinger, M. Souille, and Messrs. Johnson and Hartigan will assist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violin); Ali-Ben Sou-Alle (musician); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 August 1854), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO.- The Original Shilling Promenade Concerts will be resumed To-night,
and continue every Evening during the week for a short series, previous to the removal of the Circus, the ground being required for another purpose.
Best Band in Victoria. Conductor, Mr. Johnson. Leader, Mons. Fleury.
Solo performers, Messrs. Johnson, Fleury, Reed, Cooze, Hartigan, Stewart, &c.,
assisted by the elite of the Band of the 40th Regiment, and a galaxy or Vocal Talent.
Admission, One Shilling.
JAMES ELLIS, Proprietor.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Cooze (flute, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 October 1854), 8
This Evening, Thursday, October 26th. The Philharmonic Society will perform a
Selection from Handel's Grand Oratorio of JUDAS MACCABAEUS . . .
Principal Instrumentalists: . . . Clarionets : Messrs. Johnson . . .
Opheicleide: Mr. Hartigan . . .
Leader: Mr. Jos. Griffiths. Conductor: Mr. J. Russell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor);
Joseph Griffiths (leader, violin);
Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
Victorian Exhibition 1854 (event);
Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue);
Hartigan was billed as an orchestra member for all the exhibition concerts which continued through November and into December, as see, for example, below
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 November 1854), 8
On Friday, November 3rd, The Philharmonic Society will perform Handel's Oratorio of The Messiah . . .
Ophicleide - Mr. Hartigan . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 January 1855), 8
SATURDAY Night. -Immense Attraction. - Concert Hall, Theatre Royal. Admission one shilling.
SPLENDID Solo on the Ophicleide and Clarionet. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hartigan at the Concert Hall.
VIVE l'Amour, le Vin, et le Cognac, and Partant pour la Syrie - Theatre Royal.
ASSOCIATIONS: Foyer hall of the Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue, will main auditorium still under construction)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (2 April 1855), 5
The promenade concerts at this establishment have been discontinued for the present, in consequence of the engagement of Mr. H. Coleman, the polyphonist, who makes his first appearance this evening in a monologue entitled "Masks and Faces" . . . To fill up the interval between the parts those clever instrumental performers, Messrs. Strebinger, Callen, Johnson, and Hartigan, have been retained.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Coleman (polyphonist); George Douglas Callen (conductor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. Promenade Concert and Ball.
Open Every Evening. Admission One Shilling.
M. Fleury, in returning thanks to the citizens of Melbourne for their very kind patronage . . .
Instrumentalists: . . . Ophecleide - M. Hartigan (the first soloist in the colony) . . .
Programme: Gazza Ladra, - overture. Rossini.
Duette, "Lucrezia di Borgia," Baker and Hartigan.
La Sultana des fleurs (arranged for full band by M. Fleury).
Faust Valse (Diabolique) - Char. D'Albert.
Malta Quadrille - J. Kalozdy.
La Vie de Boheme - Chretien.
Napoleon Quadrille - Musard.
Gadogan Polka, composed by Kalozdy, Conductor of the Hungarian Band.
Solos by Mr. Hartigan and Polin [sic, Palin] every night next week.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Frederick Palin (flute); Johann Kalzody / Kalzodi (Hungarian musician active in London, England, c. 1851-52, and later as a military bandmaster in Ireland)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 December 1855), 8
Grand Day Performance at Two o'Clock,
for the juvenile portion of the community
SALLE FLEURY, (Late Astley's Amphitheatre). . .
Grand Promenade Concert, Solos, Duets, &c., by Messrs. Hartigan and Baker.
Operatic Selections and Popular New Music, by Mons Fleury and his Celebrated Band . . .
To-Night at Eight o'Clock the above Performances will be resumed
and followed by a Grand Ball in the magnificent Salle de Dance.
Admission - Promenade One Shilling, Boxes, Two Shillings and Sixpence.
ASSOCIATIONS: Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 April 1856), 8
THEATRE ROYAL. Last week of the Grand Promenade Concerts a la Jullien.
This Evening, Tuesday, 8th April.
The celebrated Prima Donna MADAME C. CAILLY will appear every evening during the week except Friday.
MONS. PIETRO CANNA, The extraordinary and highly talented French Drummer, will givo an imitation of the Bombardment and Taking of Sebastopol On Several Drums at One Time.
MR. HARTIGAN will introduce a Solo an the Ophicleide.
Jullien's celebrated Allied Armies Quadrille will be again performed, and a very pleasing programme from the first masters.
Promenade 1s., Upper Boxes 2s., Lower Circle 3s. Commence at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist); Pietro Canna (drummer)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (1 September 1856), 2 supplement
The English opera company open their campaign this evening, with "Lucia di Lammermoor," at Our Lyceum, in Queen street. Great preparations have been made to render the entertainment worthy of public support, and from what we have seen we have no doubt of their being crowned with success. Mr. John Black, to whom Melbourne is indebted for its Theatre Royal, is the manager on this occasion, and in undertaking the arduous task has displayed his olden energy and enterprize . . . The orchestra is exceedingly effective both in number and ability, having been formed entirely of artistes who, besides being skilled in orchestra performance, have achieved repute as solo performers. Of these we may mention Herr Strebinger and Mr. King on the violin, Mr. Johnson of the Fortieth band on the clarionet, Mr. Hartigan on the ophicleide, Mr. Siede on the flute, and Mr. Simes on the cornet. The orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. Linly Norman. The chorus consisting of fifteen performers has been selected from that which during two seasons achieved so much credit at the Royal . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Melton Black (manager); Edward King (violin); Julius Siede (flute); Mr. Simes (cornet); Linly Norman (conductor); Lyceum Theatre (Melbourne venue); English Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 November 1856), 8
LYCEUM. - To-Night, Solo on the Ophecleide, by Mr. Hartigan. Brilliant Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Megson.
ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE. - To Night . . . Complimentary Benefit to Mr. Rayner, and last appearance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin, conductor); Joseph Rayner (actor)
1857, marriages solemnized in the district of St. Peter's Melbourne; register 1856-57; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)
No. 795 / 1795 / [16 February 1857] at St. Peter's Church / Joseph William Coromandel Hartigan / Bachelor / [born] Iniskillen Fermanagh / Musician / 25 / Melbourne / [son of] William Hartigan, Musician [and] Margaret Dempson
Eliza Perkins / Spinster / [born] Richmond, Surrey / - / 21 / Melbourne / [daughter of] James Perkins, farmer [and] Mary Carter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph's death record gives his parents' forenames as Joseph and Martha
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1857; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5370 (DIGITISED)
SERGEANTS . . . 1922 / Burnett James / . . . Band / Died 23 April . . . (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2635 / Hartigan Joseph W. / . . . Band
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 July to 30 September 1857; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5370 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2635 / Hartigan Joseph W. / . . . To Serg't 1 [July]
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 February 1858), 8
Supported by Miss O. Hamilton. Madame A. Vitelli.
M. E. Coulon. Mr. Hartigan. &c., &c.
Accompanyist - Mr. A. Oakey.
Manager - M. Vitelli.
Doors open at Half-past 7, commence at 8.
Admission, 1s.; Reserved Seats, 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Annie and John Vitelli (vocalists); Emile Coulon (vocalist)
"SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (31 January 1859), 5
The success which attended the concert, given at the Mechanics' Institution on Saturday evening, ought to justify the projectors, Messrs. E. King, Megson, and S. Chapman in continuing similar entertainments once a week, for the benefit of a large body of the citizens of Melbourne, who are anxious to listen to the performances of first-class music at a moderate expense . . . The band, numbering fourteen persons, and including Messrs. King, Thomas, Chapman, Johnson, and Hartigan, was most effective. Nothing could be finer than their execution of Rossini's splendid overture to "Semiramide," or that to the "Masaniello" of Auber, and we can unhesitatingly affirm that better instrumentation has not been heard in the colony. The dance music was also admirably performed, as were the accompaniments to several of the songs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Chapman (violoncello)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (14 April 1859), 5
The Misses McCarthy's concert in the Exhibition Building last night was well attended, considering the attractions of "La Traviata" at the Theatre Royal, and the scarcely intermitted inclemency of the weather . . . In duets, these young ladies particularly excel . . . and the band of the 40th added to the attractions of the concert, especially so far as Messrs, Stewart (cornet-a-piston) and Hartigan (ophecleide) were concerned.
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina and Maria McCarthy (vocalists)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (19 April 1859), 2
Mr. Stoneham's concert last night, in the Mechanics' Institute was completely successful in every point of view. The spacious hall was filled in every corner . . . The concert opened with Rossini's "Overture to Semiramide," riven with a fulness of effect never previously attainable here, and very many of the audience must have felt that for the first time in their lives they had heard an overture played as it ought to be . . . Messrs. Johnson, Hartigan, and Stewart, on the clarionet, ophicleide and cornet played with artistic finish and power . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stoneham (musician); Mechanics' Institute (Geelong venue)
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 January to 31 March 1860; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5373 (DIGITISED)
SERGEANTS . . . 2635 / Hartigan Joseph W. / 1 Jan'y / 19 Jan'y / . . . Discharged 19 [January]
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (3 October 1861), 5
A concert, intended as a complimentary benefit to Mr. Hartigan, the master of the excellent band of the Collingwood Volunteer Rifle Corps, was held at the National Hall on Tuesday evening. The room was crowded on the occasion, upwards of 300 persons having been present, including the captain of the corps and a large number of the members, who attended in uniform. The entertainment was very successful, and was particularly distinguished by the presence of an unusual number of the fair sex. Miss A. Bailey, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Angus, were the professionals engaged for the occasion, and the lady's singing, in particular, elicited universal applause. The performances of the band were much, admired, and Mr. Hartigan, who has long established his reputation as an unequalled performer on the ophecleide, played a solo from "Lucrezia Borgia" in exquisite style, which brought down the repeated plaudits of the audience. The concert was pronounced, on all hands, to be a great success, and a well-deserved compliment to Mr. Hartigan, to whose indefatigable exertions the proficient state of the Collingwood Rifle band is chiefly attributable.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist); William Henry Williams (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Band of the Collingwood Rifles (volunteer military)
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 August 1862), 8
GRAND CONCERT, In aid of the Band Fund, Will be given in
The NATIONAL HALL, King William-street, On WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1862,
Under the patronage of Colonel Anderson and the Officers of the Volunteer Staff.
The following distinguished vocalists will appear:
Under the direction of Mr. J. W. C. HARTIGAN, Bandmaster, late of H.M. 40th Regiment.
Pianist - Mr. HENRY KING.
Overture - Norma, Band - Bellini.
Song-" Why Do I Weep for Thee," Miss Octavia Hamilton - Wallace.
Cavatina - La mia Letizia (op. "Lombardi") - Verdi.
Song - "Let Me Like a Soldier Fall," Mr. Beaumont - Wallace.
Waltz - "The Bird of Paradise" - Koenig.
Song - "Hark, hark!" Nr. Wilkinson - --
Duet - "Oh, Maritana," Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. Beaumont - Wallace.
Song - "Madoline," Mr. Ford - Nelson.
Duet - "I am the King of Spain," Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Beaumont -
Galop - "Death or Glory" - Schallehn.
Interval of 10 minutes.
Waltz - "The Foresters" - Bergmann.
Song, "Good Bye, Sweetheart," Miss Octavia Hamilton - Hatton.
Duetto - "Il pallor Funesto," cornet and ophecleide, Messrs. Stock and Hartigan - [Donizetti]
Song - "The Last Good Night," Mr. Beaumont
Polka - Souvenirs du Camp de Bologne - Duhamel [? Duhamer].
Song - "Man the Life Boat," Mr. Wilkinson - Russell.
Solo - Ophecleide, fantasia with variations, Mr. Hartigan - Halevy.
Duet - "The Syren and Friar," Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. Wilkinson. -
Song - "Riflemen Form," Mr. A. Ford - Linley.
Galop - X. L. - Boosey.
Doors open at half past 7, to commence at 8 o'clock.
Admission - Reserved seats, 3s.; body of the hall, 2s.
Tickets to be obtained from Messrs. W. Glen, musicseller, Swanston street;
J. Munyard, musicseller, Bourke street; J. Maconochie, bookseller, Smith street, Collingwood;
C. Muskett, bookseller, Brunswick street, Fitzroy; and sergeants and members of the band.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); Henry Wilkinson (vocalist); Alfred Ford (vocalist); William Henderson Glen (musicseller); John Munyard (musicseller)
[News], The Argus (7 August 1862), 4
An entertainment of vocal and instrumental music, having for its special object the benefit of the band fund of the Collingwood Company of Rifles, was given, last evening, at the National Hall, King William-street, and was in every respect a decided success. Miss Octavia Hamilton, and Messrs. Beaumont, Wilkinson, and Ford, creditably sustained the vocal portion of a judiciously-arranged programme; and the band, which has attained a high state of proficiency under the able leadership of Mr. J. Hartigan, late of the 40th Regiment, performed a variety of waltzes, polkas, and galops with considerable effect. The hall was profusely decorated with flags and appropriate devices, and was filled in every part; and it is to be hoped the band fund will derive a corresponding advantage.
"THE MELBOURNE REGATTA", The Age (11 November 1862), 5
Of all the numerous sources of amusement provided for the lovers of pleasure in honor of the natal day of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the Melbourne Regatta was, perhaps, the most popular. This event came off on the Saltwater River, at Footscray . . . The proceedings were greatly enlivened by the presence of the band of the Collingwood Rifles, under the leadership of their band-master, Mr. Hartigan, and the circle formed by them was one of particular attraction, drawing large crowds of ardent listeners. This band have really become extremely proficient, and their performances throughout the day were the theme of general commendation. The pieces performed by them were the overture from "Norma," a selection from the "Daughter of the Regiment," a cavatina (Lombardi), the "Molly Asthore Waltzes," the "Camp du Boulogne Polka," the "XL Galop," "Off to Charleston Polka," the "Rifle Galop" and a variety of other pieces. Besides the band, there was little amusement on the south side of the river, but, on the north side, there was about as much business done as there would be on a metropolitan race course. There, thimble-rig, dice, cards, skittles, and numerous other games of chance, were carried on . . .
MUSIC: Molly Asthore Waltzes (by George Douglas Callen)
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 December 1862), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1863), 8
"THE ENCAMPMENT", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (13 February 1863), 3
Yesterday, the first day of operations in camp, broke with anything but brilliant promise, but towards noon the sky cleared and it became Queen's weather. A considerable number of the Melbourne men arrived by the first train and marched through the town and into camp with bands playing . . . THE COLLINGWOOD RIFLES were enrolled in September, 1859, the Collingwood, East Collingwood, and Fitzroy, then forming one corps of 195 men. The district was too large, however, to conveniently permit the men to he drilled together, hence the separation. The corps now musters 109 at compulsory parade, but only 63 inclusive of the band are in camp. They have a splendid-brass band of 23 performers under the direction of Mr. Hartigan . . .
COLLINGWOOD RIFLES. BAND PRACTICE THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock. No. 6 Webb-street. J. W. C. Hartigan, Bandmaster.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 May 1863), 8
COLLINGWOOD RIFLES BAND ASSEMBLE, Drill room, at 8 o'clock THIS EVENING. J. W. C. Hartigan, B. M.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (16 May 1863), 7
Joseph Hartigan, musician, Fitzroy. Causes of insolvency: Sickness in family, want of employment, and pressure of a judgment creditor.
Debts, £51 14s 6d; assets, £11; deficiency, £40 14s 6d. Mr. Courtney, official assignee.
[News], The Argus (30 December 1863), 4
A practice of the Volunteer Band takes place this afternoon, in the Exhibition building.
It will be seen from the following return, made by Colonel Anderson, that the volunteers hereafter will be well provided with music: -
"Strength of the Head-quarters Band, and Drum and Fife Corps of the local force: -
General band master (Mr. Siede), 1; leader (Mr. Johnson), 1; professional performers, 19;
volunteer performers (under Sergeant Hartigan), 23; [sub total] - 44;
Drum and Fife Corps (under Drum-Major Canna), 65. Total, 109.
The above performers are now equipped and provided with the best instruments, stands, &c.,
for which the property of the former Volunteer Band under Mr. Johnson and of the Collingwood Band, have been made available.
They are organised as follows: First, for parade purposes, the whole of the above strength when required form one band.
Second, the band, not including drums and fifes, divides into two complete military bands, under Messrs. Siede and Hartigan respectively.
Third, the drum and fifes-divide into several complete detachments A detachment of drums and fifes always obtainable by officers commanding corps, on application to the Volunteer-office.
The payment of the professional portion of the band, and all other expenses, will partly be defrayed by Government; the rest of the money required will be raised by subscription.
The band will perform twice every week, for the benefit of the public, and arrangements are in course to establish a drive and promenade at the Prince's-bridge reserve,
and to provide seats both there and at Fitzroy Gardens, within an enclosure, to be reserved for subscribers only . . .
A comparatively small sum is required from the public to maintain the excellent band now organised,
and to establish a promenade and place of meeting for the inhabitants. Subscriptions may be forwarded to the Volunteer-office by crossed cheque . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Siede (master); Henry Johnson (leader); Pietro Canna (leader); Head-Quarters Band (volunteer military)
[News], The Argus (29 January 1864), 4
We understand that the promoters of the St. Kilda musical promenade have secured the services of the volunteer brass band, under the leadership of Mr. Hartigan. The band will play for the first time this evening, weather permitting, at the usual place.
[Advertisement], The Herald (8 February 1864), 2
It is respectfully intimated that the Headquarters Band, under Mr. Hartigan, will play in future on
TUESDAY and FRIDAY evenings (the Band being otherwise engaged on Mondays.)
Subscriptions to the band are solicited, and may be paid to Mr. B. Cowderoy, treasurer, or to Mr. G. W. Lilly, hon. sec.
Visitors are requested not to bring dogs.
[News], The Argus (9 February 1864), 5
The Volunteer Band, under Mr. Hartigan, will (with Captain Sprent's permission) perform on the St. Kilda Esplanade this evening
(weather permitting). The following is the programme: -
1. March; 2. Overture, "Anna Bolena" - Donizetti;
3. Waltz, "Forresters" - Bergmann; 4. Cavatina, "Lombardi" - Verdi;
5. Quadrille, "La Madona" Marie; 6. Cornet Solo, "Norma" - Bellini;
7. Selection, "Ecosse" - Johnson; 8. Polka, "Blondette" - Mimart; God Save the Queen.
[News], The Argus (12 February 1864), 5
The Collingwood Rifles' Band will perform the following music at the St. Kilda Esplanade this evening: -
March; Overture, "Norma" (Bellini); Quadrille, "La Pecheur" (Tollot);
Selection, Irish Melodies (Johnson); "Waltz, "Molly Asthore" (Callen);
Duetto, "Gratias Agimus Tibi" (Guglielmi); Polka, "Matilda" (Hartigan);
Galop, "Rifle" (D'Albert); "God Save the Queen."
[News], The Argus (8 March 1864), 5
The following is the programme of music to be performed by the band on the St. Kilda Esplanade this evening: -
March; selection, "Ecosse," Johnson; quadrille, "Voleur Californien," Bernhard;
duetto, "Gratias Agimus Tibi," Guglielmi; waltz, "Psyche," Bergmaum [? Bergmann];
cavatina, opera "Lombardi," Verdi; Polka, "Matilda," Hartigan;
galop, "Death or Glory," Schallehm; "God Save the Queen."
[News], The Argus (11 March 1864), 5
The Collingwood Volunteer Band, under the direction of Mr. Hartigan, will perform the following pieces of music at the Esplanade St. Kilda, this evening (weather permitting):
March; Overture, "Norma," Bellini; Waltz, "Ely Mavourneen," Coote;
selection, Irish Melodies, Johnson; Quadrille, "Edinburgh," D'Albert;
Selection, "Figlia del Reggimento," Donizetti; Polka, Scotch, D'Albert;
Galop, "XL.," Boosey.
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 April 1864), 8
COLLINGWOOD RIFLES' BAND PRACTISE THIS EVENING at Fitzroy Council Chambers, at 8 o'clock sharp. J. W. C. Hartigan, bandmaster. April 28, 1854.
"DEATHS", The Argus (21 July 1864), 4
HARTIGAN. - On the 20th inst., at his residence, Fitzroy, Joseph William C. Hartigan, formerly of Her Majesty's 40th Regiment, and late bandmaster of the Fitzroy Volunteer Corps, aged thirty-three years. Deeply regretted by all who know him.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (21 July 1864), 5
We regret to have to record the death of Joseph William Hartigan, who has been for several years a resident in this city, and well known in the musical world as a composer, but more generally as the band sergeant of the 40th Regiment, which office he held till about four years ago, when his term of service in the regiment expired. Since then he has held the office of bandmaster of the Fitzroy volunteers, and of the St. Kilda promenade band. His splendid solo performances on the ophecleide, when a member of the 40th Regiment, formed one of the principal attractions of the promenade concerts that used to take place during the summer months in the Botanic Gardens. He was only thirty-three years of age. He had been ailing for about a month, but his death occurred suddenly yesterday morning. His funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon, from his residence in Marion-street, Fitzroy, at the back of Granite Terrace, and will, we understand, be accompanied by the band of the Fitzroy volunteers, who are indebted to the care and ability of the deceased for the high efficiency they have attained. A number of the company will, we understand, also attend with the view of conducting the interment with the usual military honors. The deceased has left a widow and four young children wholly unprovided for, and it has already been proposed in some quarters to raise a subscription in their behalf - a movement which it is hoped will be liberally supported by those who so often enjoyed the pleasure of listening to his musical performances.
[News], The Argus (23 July 1864), 5
The funeral of the late Mr. J. W. Hartigan, bandmaster to the Collingwood Volunteers, took place yesterday with military honours. The remains of the deceased were accompanied to the Melbourne General Cemetery by the Head-quarters Band, under the direction of Herr Siede, and by about a hundred members of the volunteer force - the Collingwood Rifles and the East Melbourne Artillery contributing the greater number, though other corps were represented. The ceremonies observed at the grave were those which are usually performed at the funeral of a sergeant in the army. We understand that the deceased has left a widow and four children wholly destitute.
[News], The Herald (23 July 1864), 2
The funeral of Joseph William Hartigan, who has been for some years known in this city as an instrumentalist of acknowledged ability, took place yesterday. The procession moved from his late residence in Marion-street, Fitzroy, at three o'clock, and was attended by a large number of members belonging to the Volunteer Force, as well as civilians. The band of the Collingwood Rifles and the Head-Quarters Band preceded the hearse, playing the "Dead March" in "Saul." When the body was committed to the grave, three volleys were fired over the remains. The deceased was for some years Band-sergeant of the 40th Regiment, which office he held until his term of service expired. He subsequently became Bandmaster of the Collingwood Rifles, and had been at various times a member of one or other of our theatrical orchestras.
"NEWS OF THE WEEK", The Farmer's Journal and Gardener's Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (29 July 1864), 3
The funeral of Joseph Wm. Hartigan, late band-master of the Fitzroy volunteers, and of the St. Kilda promenade band, took place Friday afternoon. The funeral cortege was composed of a large body of the Fitzroy volunteers, with their band; also the headquarters band, and a large number of friends. The bands played the dead march on the way to the Melbourne Cemetery, and the usual military honors were observed at the interment, the Fitzroy volunteers constituting the firing party.
"MARRIAGES", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (29 June 1867), 29
PAGELSAN - HARTIGAN - On the 17th inst, by the Rev. I. Hetherington, at his residence, 6 Hanover-street, John Jones Pagelsan to Eliza Hartigan, both of this city. Maine, U.S., papers please copy.
See also, "MRS. E. PAGELSAN", Western Mail [Perth, WA] (30 April 1904), 34
. . . During the last fortnight in March [1853] Mr. Winterbottom gave his final performance, when some unusually good solos were heard from Signor Maffei (cornet) and Messrs. Thatcher (flute), Johnson (clarinet), Hartigan (ophicleide) and Winterbottom (bassoon) . . . The ophicleide is not found in drawing rooms, being noisy and not blending well with the piano or strings, but in the orchestra, in conjunction with the trombone, it is invaluable as forming the bass of the brass. In the hands of Hartigan it became an instrument of considerable beauty, rendering the airs of the best operas with variations and cadenzas. Hartigan's death at the early age of 36 years [sic] was much deplored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Montague (musician, memoirist)
HARTLAND, Miss (Miss HARTLAND) = Eliza MILES (Mrs. Alfred OAKEY)
Active (as Miss Hartland) Melbourne, VIC, 1853 to 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, violoncello player, tenor horn and trombone player, gold miner
Born Braunschweig, Lower Saxony (Germany), c. 1833
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1856
Married Emily REID (d. 1914), York-street chapel (Baptist), Launceston, TAS, 17 February 1857
Active Beechworth, VIC, by c. 1857
Died near Beechworth, VIC, 11 January 1886, aged "52" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Black Swan from Melbourne, 22 July 1856, for Launceston; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Steerage . . .
Chas. Frederick / 30
A. Hartman / 22
W. Wilton / 18
Chas. Hanig [? Henig] / 27
Wm. Ferric / 26
Sam'l Gale / 31 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Christian Fredericks (musician)
"GERMAN BAND", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (26 July 1856), 3
A band of German musicians arrived in Launceston from Melbourne in the Black Swan on Thursday.
1857, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:856765; RGD37/1/16 no 689 (DIGITISED)
No. 427 / 689 / Feb'y 17th 1857 / York Street Chapel Launceston / August Hartmann / 21 / Musician
Emily Reid / 21 / Spinster . . . [witnesses] Minna Wetter, Andreas Wetter
ASSOCIATIONS: Andreas Wetter (musician)
"LETTERS DETAINED FOR POSTAGE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (16 May 1857). 3
. . . Hartmann, August, Launceston - 2d. . . .
Index of naturalisation certificates, 1861; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
August Friedrich Hartmann / Musician / Chiltern /
Age (on date of naturalization) 27 / Native place Brunswick / Date of Certificate [2 September 1861]
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (28 January 1868), 3
GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT Will be given, on the above date, in aid of the funds for the erection of a
Monument to the Memory of the late Herr Schmidt.
The BAND will comprise the following gentlemen, who have kindly volunteered their services:
1st Violins - Herr WEINBERG and VAN DEN BERG
2nd Do - Herr BAUSCHMAN and Mr. WATTS
Tenor - Mr. E. S. RUSSOM
Violincellos - Mr. MORRIS and Herr OTTO
Contre Basses - Herr ESTHER and GERKE
Cornets - Herr SCHMIDT and BURKE
Clarinet - Herr VORHEN
Flute - Herr BUSSE
Flageolet - Mr. Henri RUXTON
Cornos - Messrs. PALMER and GEORGE
Trombone - Herr HARTMAN
Drums - Herr RUDOLPH
Conductor, Herr SCHLUTER.
Assisted by Ladies and Gentlemen Amateurs and the German Vocal Union . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Herr Schmidt (musician); Henry Weinberg (violin); Jacob Van den Berg (violin); August Borschmann (violin); James Watts (violin); Edward Stephenson Russom (viola); Heinrich Gerke (double bass); Peter Constantine Burke (cornet); Herman Vorherr (clarinet); Frederick Busse (flute); Henri Ruxton (flageolet); Daniel Richard Palmer (cornet); Adolph Schluter (conductor); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"THE BEECHWORTH BRASS BAND", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (13 May 1873), 2
The band committee held their second meeting last evening, there being present Mr. Bentley (chairman), Messrs. D. Fletcher, Cooper, Finch, J. Fletcher, Warren, and J. Scarlett. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The report of the sub-committee was submitted by Mr. Cooper, which stated that sixteen young men had given in their names as willing to join the band, and that the committee had seen Mr. A. Hartman, of Three Mile, as to the office of band-master. The report was adopted. The committee resolved to take steps at once to canvass the town and shire for subscriptions . . .
"ENTERTAINMENT AT BEECHWORTH", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (12 October 1872), 2
In reminding our readers that a musical entertainment, for the benefit of August Hartmann, will be given at the Oddfellows' Hall, Beechworth, on Monday, we need only point to the programme to show that the entertainment will be of a superior description. The Misses Drew, Mr. Hollister, and a whole host of talent, are announced to appear, so that a bumper house may be expected. Musicians who intend to take part are requested to meet at the Alliance hotel, on Monday, at two o'clock; the brethren of Court Robin Hood are also notified to assemble at their usual place of meeting, in order to proceed to the concert in full regalia.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (30 December 1876), 5
THE FIRST of a SERIES of MUSIC and DANCING will take place in the above hall on
NEW YEAR'S NIGHT, January 1st, 1877, and will be CONTINUED EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT From Eight till Eleven o'clock.
Admission: Gentlemen, 1s. 6d.; Ladies, 6d.
The Orchestra will be composed of the following talented Musicians: -
Herr SCHLUTER - Piano.
D. R. PALMER - Cornet-a-Piston.
Vivat Regina!
"ENTERTAINMENT AT MYRTLEFORD", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 October 1882), 4
A correspondent writes - A grand Ethiopian entertainment was held at Myrtleford on Friday, the 29th ult., in aid of the local brass band, and, as usual in Myrtleford, was a great suecees, both financially and artistically . . . The entertainment opened with an instrumental overture, March from "Norma," played by the orchestra, which consisted of five performers, as follows: - Messrs. H. Lawson and J. Cadzow, violins; Mr. A. Finnie, piccolo; Herr August Hartmann, tenor-horn; and Mr. Jas. Cunningham, junr., pianoforte . . .
"DEATH OF MR. AUGUST HARTMANN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (16 January 1886) 2
It is with sincere regret that we have to chronicle the demise of Mr. August Hartmann, which took place at his late residence, at the Three Mile, near Beechworth, last Monday morning. Deceased was a very old resident of the district, to which he first came over thirty years ago, and was engaged in mining; but it was in his connection with music that he was more familiarly known to the public, he have [sic] been an accomplished musician and the bandmaster of a number of bands established in different towns in the district. His public services in the latter respect were fully recognised by the general public; while in private his quiet, unassuming manner gained for him hosts of friends, by whom his rather sudden removal from amongst them is sincerely deplored. He was known to his more intimate friends to have been suffering from an affection [sic] of the heart for many years past, and this, combined with an attack during the past week of what is known as English cholera, brought about his death. Dr. Skinner, who attended the patient, during his recent illness, was unremitting in his attention; but naught that medical skill and careful nursing could do could avert the dread summons, and at four o'clock on Monday morning poor August Hartmann breathed his last, leaving behind him a sorrowing widow and family, besides innumerable friends in all parts of the district, to deplore the loss of a kind husband, father and companion.
"THE LATE HERR HARTMANN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (16 January 1886), 8
The funeral of the late Mr. August Hartmann took place on Wednesday afternoon, and the large attendance of all classes from different parts of the district proved the respect and esteem in which he was held. The hearse left deceased's late residence, at the Three Mile, early in the afternoon, followed by a number of friends from that locality. The mournful procession was in Upper Ford-street joined by 75 members of the Beechworth Court of Foresters, to which Mr. Hartmann belonged, in mourning regalia, and by a very large number of persons, in vehicles, on horseback and on foot; and being headed by members of the Wangaratta, Myrtleford, and former Beechworth brass bands, of which deceased was the band-master, playing appropriate music, it wended its way to the Beechworth Cemetery, where the interment took place, the Rev. H. Swan reading in a most impressive manner the service of the Presbyterian Church at the grave, in the presence of one of the largest concourses of people that have assembled on similar occasions in the burial-ground. Mr. T. Gilchrist also read the Foresters' burial-service. The Yackandandah and Whorouly brass bands, with which Mr. Hartmann was connected, were represented at the funeral in addition to those above named. The funeral, arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Greig and Wilson.
See also, "ORIGINAL POETRY. IN MEMORIAM: AUGUST HARTMANN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (6 March 1886), 4
Bibliography and resources:
August Friedrich Hartmann, Find a grave
HARTNELL, Rosetta (Rosetta MYERS; Miss MYERS; Mrs. HARTWELL [sic], Madame HARTNELL; HARTNELLE) = Rosetta COOK (Madame COOK)
Dancing instructor, teacher of dancing, drawing, and languages
Active (as Hartwell, Hartnell, Miss Myers) Sydney, NSW, c. 1844-47 (shareable link to this entry)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist, member of the Hobart Town Choral Society, accountant, publican
Born London, England, 1813; baptised St. Giles without Cripplegate, 12 September 1813; son of William HARTRIDGE and Mary Amelia ROBINSON
Married [1] Penelope Ann TAPSCOTT (1811-1881), St. Mary's, Lambeth, Surrey, England, 8 July 1834
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 2 August 1838 (per Fanny, from London, 1 April)
Married (? common law) Mary DIXON, Geelong, VIC, by 1857
Married [2] Sarah Ann YORK, VIC, 1861
Died Geelong, VIC, 1862, aged "48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms in the parish of St. Giles, Cripplegate in the City of London in the year 1813; register 1813-17, page 48; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Gis/A/01/Ms 6423/1 (PAYWALL)
No. 382 / [1813] Sept'r 12 / John Son of / Will'm & Mary Amelia / Hartridge / 7 Cripplegate Buildings / Floor Cloth Painter . . .
[No. 382a, added 1837] / [1813] Sept'r 12 / Born Jan'y 15 1809 / William [Son of] / Will'm & Mary Amelia / Hartridge / Cripplegate Buildings / Floor Cloth Painter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hartridge and Amelia Robinson had married at St. Mary's, Lambeth, on 23 December 1804
Marriages in the parish of St. Mary Lambeth in the county of Surrey in the year 1834; register 1831-35, page 232; London Metropolitan Archives, P85/MRY1/409 (PAYWALL)
No. 694 / John Hartridge of this parish bachelor and Penelope Ann Tapscott were married in this church by banns this [8 July 1834] . . .
"St. John's Day", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (1 July 1842), 3
On Friday, the anniversary of the Patron Saint of the ancient and honorable fraternity of Freemasons, was celebrated with unusual festivity. The Lodges, 313 and 326, were entertained by Brother Lewis, at his Hotel the White Horse, and the Lodge 345, by Brother Mezger, at his Hotel, the Bird-in-Hand, in the most sumptuous manner. The former had the advantage of the presence of the first vocal talent, professional and amateur, on the Island. The Brothers Howson, Carandini, of the Theatre; Brothers Wynne, Elliston, Macgregor, Gilbert, Thomson, Hartridge, Fulton, and others, and (an excellent pianoforte having been kindly lent by a Brother for the occasion) the songs were accompanied in a first-rate manner by the Messrs. Howsons, alternately. Several beautiful glees were performed to the delight of all - Non nobis domine - God save the Queen - Mynheer Von Dunck, &c. with appropriate songs to every toast. The wines and dessert were of the first quality, and the entertainment was on the whole perhaps the best ever, partaken of in Van Diemen's Land. The Brethren having thus passed a delightful evening with the accustomed conviviality and harmony separated at the proper hour . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist, pianist); John Howson (vocalist, pianist); Gerome Carandini (vocalist); William Gore Elliston (amateur vocalist); John McGregor (amateur vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (22 September 1843), 1
IN the Matter of the Insolvency of JOHN HARTRIDGE, of Hobart Town in Van Diemen's Land, late Accountant, but now out of business . . .
"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Courier (31 October 1846), 2
The first of a series of concerts, the proceeds to be devoted in liquidation of outstanding claims upon the society, was given in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday evening. The weather was most unpropitious, and the concert, consequently, but thinly attended. Mr. Curtis was conductor, and Mrs. Curtis and Mr. Russell alternately presided at the pianoforte. The orchestral department was strengthened by the excellent band of the 96th, and the overtures were effectively performed. The principal vocalists were, Messrs. Young, Allen, Cresswell, Curtis, and Hartridge. Lovers beautiful song, the "Four-leaved Shamrock," was sung by Young with much taste, and elicited general applause. We have not space for a detailed notice of the performances.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Emma Curtis (conductor and pianist); William Wilkins Russell (pianist, violinist); Charles Young (actor, vocalist); Edward Allen (vocalist); Benjamin Humphries Cresswell (vocalist); Band of the 96th Regiment (military); Hobart Town Choral Society (association); Mechanics' Institute (Hobart venue)
"BRITISH SPORTS. THE BOWLING GREEG", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (7 October 1847), 2
The day and hour appointed for commencing the play of the season having been duly advertised, a few admirers and patrons of British manly sports, met at the "Bowling Green Hotel," on Monday last, determined, despite of the heavy rains, to open the ball . . . after which, the party retired to enjoy some of the many substantial comforts prepared by Mr. Turner, the master of the household, the more extensive spread being reserved, by desire, for yesterday, when it was hoped the weather would be more favourable, and the greensward drier and in better order. After lunch, (call it dinner) . . . Mr. Hartridge, at the Chairman's request, kindly favoured the company with "A Fine Old English Gentleman, one of the Olden Times," a song which gladdened all hearts by its glorious influences . . .
MUSIC: The fine old English gentleman (arr. Henry Russell)
"NEW INSOLVENT (Schedule filed in Geelong)", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (20 March 1860), 2
John Hartridge, of Geelong, accountant. Causes of insolvency, pressure of creditors and fear of arrest - Liabilities, LG7 9s 10d; assets, L10 10s; deficiency, L5G 19s 10d.
HARVEY, Mr. (Mr. HARVEY; Mr. F. HARVEY; ? Frederick HARVEY)
Musician, violinist, violin player, string band leader, vocalist, "local comic singer"
Active Castlemaine district, central VIC, c. 1856-60 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (4 July 1856), 8
MR. SMITH begs to acquaint the Inhabitants of Forest Creek and vicinity,
that he intends holding his Quadrille Parties at the above Hotel every Monday Evening.
[manicule] Gentlemen's Tickets 3s. Ladies free.
Violinist - Mr. HARVEY. Pianist - Mr. HUGGINS.
Assembly for the purpose of Teaching Dancing to be held every Wednesday evening.
Subscription Tickets, 10s., per mouth, payable in advance.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (17 September 1856), 3
respectfully intimate to the Inhabitants of Castlemaine and vicinity,
they are open to engage for balls, suppers, and quadrille parties, either in town or country.
N.B. - A String Band. Apply as above to Mr. Jones, Albert Hotel, Castlemaine.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Quelch (harpist)
"TARRANGOWER [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] October 30th, 1856 . . . Amusements", Mount Alexander Mail (3 November 1856), 2
The races wound up with a ball at Edwards's Tarrangower Hotel; some sixty or seventy persons attended, the sexes being pretty equally divided. The whole affair was perhaps one of the most respectable things of the kind that has been attempted on any of the diggings. The supper and ball room decorations were got up in a style that bespoke, an evident acquaintance with; the usages of cultivated society at home. A good band (Harvey's) from Castlemaine was in attendance, and the dancing was kept up till daylight, the visitors being all evidently well pleased with the entertainment. This evening Rainer's company opens the new concert room of the Royal; a place of entertainment much required here, and which, I have so doubt, will be very liberally supported by the public.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rainer's Serenaders (troupe)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (12 December 1856), 1
Red Hill Hotel, Forest Creek, Monday, December 22nd, 1856.
W. LOW begs to inform the inhabitants of Forest Creek, and the public generally,
that for the better accommodation of public entertainments, &c.,
he has erected the abovenamed spacious hall,
which will be opened on the above date with a PUBLIC BALL . . .
Mr. Wackeldien's Band is engaged for the occasion.
Harvey - Violinist.
Quelch - Harpist.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Low (proprietor); Conrad Wackeldine (musician); Red Hill Music Hall (Forest Creek/Chewton venue)
"FOREST CREEK [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] . . . Amusements", Mount Alexander Mail (12 June 1857), 4
A musical entertainment was given at the Red Hill Hotel on Saturday last, the large hall being crowded to the door. Mrs. Bourne sung several of her most popular songs and was loudly applauded and frequently encored. This lady is a great favourite with the mining population. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson did their parts to perfection. Mr. Bentley gave several solos on the violin, and though not equal as a solo player to the local celebrite, Mr. Harvey, he was well received and loudly encored. Mr. Wigan shewed himself an accomplished pianist . . . From the success Mr. Low has met with in his musical entertainments, he has made arrangements for several more of the same description . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina Bourn (vocalist); George and Caroline Williamson (performers); Edwin Bentley (violin); Harry Wigan (pianist)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (16 September 1857), 3
MESSRS. HARVEY & QUELCH respectfully intimate to the patrons of the above rooms,
that the Quadrille Party is permanently fixed for Thursday evenings, commencing on the 17th inst.
Violinist - Mr. HARVEY.
Harpist - Mr. QUELCH.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (14 October 1857), 1
MR. COWPER most respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Forest Creek and its vicinity that a
SELECT QUADRILLE PARTY Will be held in the above spacious room every Tuesday evening.
To commence at half-past eight precisely.
Violinist, Mr. Harvey. Harpist, Mr. Quelch.
"Mr. G. Moon's Benefit", Mount Alexander Mail (6 November 1857), 4
The entertainments announced for this gentleman's benefit took place at the Fryer's Town Hotel, on Monday evening, and as we anticipated drew a crowded audience. The great hit of the evening was evidently Mr. Moon's new version of the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, the acting and singing in which of Mr. M, as the love sick youth, and a well-known gentleman of Fryer's Town, as the gentle Juliet, kept the audience in a roar from beginning to end. Mr. Wood's Scotch ballads were rapturously encored, as was the hornpipe danced by little Miss Barnett. A ball brought the evening's amusements to a very pleasant close, and dancing to the excellent playing of Messrs. Harvey and Quelch was kept up till daylight did appear. We understand it is the intention of Mr. Moon to give another performance at Christmas.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jonathan George Moon (performer)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (27 November 1857), 5
MR. J. G. MOON BEGS to announce to his friends and the public that he intends giving a Dramatic Performance,
Concert, and Ball, at the above Hotel, on Wednesday evening, December 2nd, on which occasion the following professionals and amateurs will appear: -
Mr. Wood, Scotch ballad singer; Mr. Quelch, harpist;
Mr. Felix, comic delineator;
Mr. Harvey, violinist and local comic singer;
and Mr. J. G. Moon, grand buffo . . .
[2 advertisements], Mount Alexander Mail (12 April 1858), 3
MESSRS. HARVEY and QUELCH'S select Quadrille Party will commence on Tuesday Evening next, 10th instant.
Gentlemen's Tickets, 2s Gd. Ladies free. Dancing to commence at half-past eight.
Criterion Assembly Room, Castlemaine.
A SELECT Quadrille Party held in the Lower Room of the above splendid Hall every Thursday Evening.
Gentlemen's Tickets, 2s 6d. Ladies free. Dancing to commence at half-past eight.
Violinist, Mr. Harvey.
Harpist, Mr. Quelch.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (6 December 1858), 3
Messrs. Harvey and Quelch most respectfully announce to the patrons of their
Quadrille Party, that the programme must commence by half-past eight every Tuesday evening.
Messrs. H. and Q. are open for any engagement within twelve hours notice.
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (20 December 1858), 3
Messrs. Harvey and Quelch intend giving a Grand Plain and Fancy Dress Ball, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 28.
Tickets to admit two ladies and gentleman, inclusive of refreshments, 10s 6d.
Dancing to commence at 9. The musical arrangements will be as usual.
Leader - Mr. F. Harvey.
"FOREST CREEK (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) FIRE", Mount Alexander Mail (22 August 1859), 3
On Monday night, the tent of Mr. Harvey, the violinist, who resides on Aberdeen's Hill, was burned to the ground. When the fire broke out, Mr. Harvey was away at Taradale, but his wife and children were at home. By the exertions of the neighbors, the inmates escaped without injury, and most of their furniture and clothing was saved. The accident has excited the sympathy of Mr. Harvey's friends, and I understand they intend to give him a benefit at the Red Hill Hotel, on Monday night.
"THE ODD FELLOWS' BENEFIT", Mount Alexander Mail (16 December 1859), 4
The entertainment at the Mount Alexander Hotel under the patronage of the Castlemaine and Chewton lodges of Odd Fellows, is described the most successful thing of the kind that ever took place on Forest Creek. The numbers present were variously estimated at from 400 to 300. Among the artistes were Mrs. Vincent, Mdlle. Louise, Mrs. King, Miss Barnet, Mr. Black, Mr. Kitts, and Messrs. Harvey and Quelch, all of whom generously volunteered their services. During the evening the "Maniac Lover" was performed by the amateurs. The beneficiares will receive between 50l and 60l.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Vincent (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (4 June 1860), 3
A QUADRILLE PARTY will be held in the Hall of the above, every Wednesday and Saturday evening, commencing at eight o'clock.
Violinist, Mr. Harvey.
Harpist, Mr. Quelch.
HARVEY, Harvey Richard (Harvey Richard HARVEY; H. R. HARVEY)
Musician, dancing master, violinist, violin player
Active Sydney, NSW, 1830 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (20 August 1829), 3
NOTICE. - If Mr. F. Dawes and Mr. J. Wood, and other Persons concerned, do not fetch away the Property left in my possession,
they will be Sold, a within 7 Days, by Public Auction, and the produce will be retained to defray part of the Debts due to me.
RICHARD HARVEY, No. 25, Pitt-street, Sydney, August 19, 1829.
Marriages, St. James's church, Sydney, 1830; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
2 March 1830 / Henry Ball / 22/ Bachelor / Came Free per Elizabeth 1828 / Sydney / Painter & Glazier and
Rosanna Foster / 18 / Spinster / Arrived per Tottenham 1826 / Sydney / [witnesses] . . . Harvey Richard Harvey, 25 Pitt-street . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor [NSW] (14 August 1830), 1
POLITE DANCING. MR. H. R. HARVEY, Late of the Surrey and Olympic Theatres,
RESPECTFULLY begs leave to make known to the Inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that he intends to instruct young Ladies and Gentlemen in the polite art of his profession,
in which he has been instructed by Messrs. Montgomery, Henry Elliston, and others of equal celebrity.
Mr. H. practised in London for upwards of fourteen years, during which time, his patrons were of the first circles of society.
Any reference that may be required, will be obtained, by applying at the Royal Hotel, at which place he has engaged the large Saloon joining the Theatre.
For the accommodation of Families and Schools, Mr. H. will attend privately, as he plays the violin, &c.
In thus offering himself as a public and private teacher of Dancing, he indulges the hope,
that he will share a portion of that liberality which the polite circles of society of Sydney have so very liberally bestowed upon teachers of of the above Art.
An Academy will be opened in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on Tuesday, the 17th Instant.
Nights of Tuition, Tuesdays and Fridays.
To commence at Seven o'clock, and to continue till Nine each evening.
Terms - £2 sterling per Quarter. Entrance, Half-a-Guinea.
All letters are requested to be addressed to
H. R. HARVEY, at the Royal Hotel.
Sydney, 4th August, 1830.
The advertisement last appeared, [Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (8 September 1830), 4
HARVEY, John Smithen (John Smithen HARVEY; J. S. HARVEY; also HARVIE)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist, tailor
Born ? England, c. 1816
Married Catherine ?, Nottingham, England, by 1845
Active Launceston, TAS, by late 1850s
Died Launceston, TAS, 7 October 1887, aged "70"/"71" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner [TAS] (20 January 1859), 3
J. S. HARVEY, Tailor and Clothier, begs respectfully to announce that he has commenced business in Elizabeth-street . . .
"LAUNCESTON SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (12 January 1860), 3
The annual meeting of the above Society was held on Thursday evening, the 6th of January, 1860, in the Trinity School-room.
From the report road by the Secretary, we learn that the Society is steadily advancing.
During the past year four concerts and one soiree have been given; but more progress has been made in the last six months;
three of the concerts and the soiree have been given during this period.
The amount devoted to benevolent purposes during the-year is upwards of £90.
The number of members has also been largely augmented during the past six months; in July there were 87 members: there are now 112.
The best feeling exists in the Society between the members and the officers, which augurs well for its future prosperity.
From the Treasurer's report we learn, that the receipts for the year amounted to the goodly sum of £84 12s. 4d., and the expenditure £67 5s 10d.,
leaving a balance in hand to £17 6s. 6d. The following officers were elected for the ensuing six months:-
President, Mr. J. S. Harvey; conductor, Mr. T. Sharp; secretary, Mr. W. Stokes;
treasurer, Mr. W. Gurr; librarian, Mr. W. F. Wathen.
Messrs. R. Sharpe, R. Kenworthy, A. Legg, W. F. Wathen, and H. Stephens, form the committee.
The thanks of the society were given to the past officers for their valuable services and to Mr. and Mrs. Stephens for the use of their room for committee meetings.
The members have decided upon taking Haydn's 3rd or Imperial Mass for practice,
and we can only say that we hope they will meet with the success they merit.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (conductor); William Stokes (member); William Gurr (member); William Fowler Wathen (member); Robert Sharpe (member); Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (association)
"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY. [TO THE] EDITOR OF THE . . .", Launceston Examiner (12 May 1860), 3
SIR, - This Society, lately so flourishing, was dissolved on Wednesday evening at a special meeting called by circular and held in St. John's School-room.
Some weeks ago Mr. Thomas Sharp, the conductor, informed the members that he should at some future time call a meeting to dissolve the Society.
His reasons he gave as follows: "As a Sacred Harmonic Society we are not allowed to perform secular music,
and it is quite necessary that secular music be made use of, as there is not sufficient scope for me to select from sacred music only . . ."
After considerable discussion, the motion was put to the meeting by the Chairman (Mr. Harvey), and the show of hands declared in its favor.
Mr. Sharp then proposed that the word "sacred" be struck out of the first rule ("That this society be called the Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society")
which would put aside any objection that might be raised against secular music being introduced.
This also was put to the meeting and carried, which left the society as before with the exception of the word "sacred," viz.- Launceston Harmonic Society . . .
Proposed and seconded that this meeting form itself into a society to be called the Launceston Harmonic Society,
and that the officers of the late Sacred H. S. be requested to act in the present society. Carried . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Launceston Harmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (20 October 1860), 5
Launceston Harmonic Society.
A Public CONCERT will be given by the above Society on Friday evening the 26th October,
in the large room of the Mechanics' Institute, in aid of funds for a Piano Forte ordered from England.
Conductor - Mr. T. Sharp.
Doors open at seven to commence at half-seven precisely.
Tickets - Chairs 3s. each. Unreserved Seats 2s each, to be obtained at
Mr. W. Sharp's Music Warehouse, Cameron-st., Mr. Hubbard (Mr. C. J. Irvine's), Brisbane-street, Mr. Hurst's, Charles-street,
Mr. Harvey's, Elizabeth-street, Mr. A. Hart's, Wellington-street, and from the members of the Society.
Wm. Stokes, Hon. Sec. Oct 20.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Sharp (member); Anthony Hart (member); Mechanics' Institute (Launceston venue)
. . . Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather, for the rain poured down in torrents, several hundred persons were present on Monday at the evening Concert which was a decided success. The programme comprised a selection of choice musical gems and the entertainment was agreeably diversified with vocal music . . . Handel's stirring song, "Honour and Arms," from the Oratorio of Samson, was . . . sung in a very spirited manner, by Mr. Biggs, who was loudly applauded . . . a song from the Oratorio of Joshua "Oh! had I Jubal's lyre" sang with telling effect by another lady member of the "Musical Union." Then came selections from Verdi's "Il Trovatore." After that Mr. Harvey gave "Arm, arm, ye brave" from Handel's "Judas Maccabeus." The truthful rendering of this bold song was loudly applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (vocalist);
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (19 April 1865), 4
Mons. and Madame Heine having returned with Mr. Stewart, from their tour through the townships to the westward, gave another grand concert in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute on Monday evening. They were kindly assisted by Mrs. Sharp, Miss Sadler, and Mr. Harvey, and the result was most satisfactory in every point of view. The Hall was crowded, and the applause was most enthusiastic. Mons. Heine commenced the performance by playing a variety of airs on the grand organ, in it most masterly style. This was followed by the vocal quartette - "May Day" - by Mrs. Sharp, Miss Sadler, Mr. C. Stewart, and Mr. Harvey - Mr. T. Sharp playing the accompaniment . . . The second part commented with the beautiful quartette - "From Oberon in Fairy Land," by Mrs. Sharp, Miss Sadler, Mr. Charles Stewart, and Mr. Harvey; Mr. Robert [sic, Thomas] Sharp playing the accompaniment . . . In compliance with numerous requests, Mons. and Madame Heine have consented to give two final Concerts in the Mechanics' Hall this evening and to-morrow evening, when they will be assisted by the talented Amateurs of the Launceston Harmonic Society.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Ada Heine (violinist, pianist)
This being the day fixed for the solemn opening of the new Roman Catholic Church at Westbury,
by the Most Rev. Bishop Murphy, arrangements were made for giving eclat to the ceremonies,
and special efforts were made to render the music as perfect and attractive as possible.
The programme included the celebration of solemn High Mass Coram Pontifice, the choir, with full orchestral accompaniments,
to perform Mozart's No. XII. Mass . . .
There were ten ladies and seven gentlemen vocalists present,
but several of the soprano vocalists who had attended the practice meetings were prevented from attending through indisposition . . .
bass, Messrs. G. Collins, J. S. Harvey, G. Hubbard, Roper, F. Ferguson, and G. H. Harvey.
The vocal department was under the direction of Mr. J. H. Melvyn; the instrumental arrangements were under the superintendance of Mr. T. Sharp . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Thomas Collins (vocalist); Alban Roper (vocalist); Frederick Ferguson (vocalist); George Hunter Harvey (vocalist, his son, d. 1888, as see below); James Hadock Melvyn (choir leader)
Deaths in the district of Launceston, 1887; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1211903; RGD35/1/56 no 388$init=RGD35-1-56P36 (DIGITISED)
No. 3128 / 7 October 1887 / John Smithen Harvey (Margaret Street) / 71 years / Tailor / Senility / Jane Doolan Undertaker . . .
"Deaths", Launceston Examiner (8 October 1887), 1
HARVEY. - On 7th October, at his residence Margaret-street, Mr. John S. Harvey, aged 70 years. R.I.P.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Launceston Examiner (14 May 1888), 2
Our obituary to-day contains the announcement of the death of Mr. George Hunter Harvey, who resided for some years in Launceston, and was deservedly respected by all who knew him. Deceased was the eldest son of the late Mr. J. S. Harvey, and brother of Mr. H. J. Harvey, Charles-street, and of Mr. Walter Harvey, of the late firm of Spong and Harvey. He first adopted the typographical profession, and was for some time connected with this office; subsequently he proceeded to Hobart, and thence to Victoria, where he joined the Commercial Bank of that a colony, and at the time of his death was manager of the Ballan branch. Mr. Harvey died rather suddenly, and consequently the telegram which arrived here on Saturday morning conveying the sad news was a shock to his relatives and friends.
HARVEY, William Salisbury (William Salisbury HARVEY; W. S. HARVEY; Mr. HARVEY)
Musician, multi-instrumentalist, composer, athlete
Born Salisbury, SA, 20 September 1848; son of John HARVEY (d. 1899) and Ann PITMAN (d. 1917)
Married Grace TUNSTALL (d. 1937), WA, 1901
Died Fremantle, WA, 24 September 1911, aged "63" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"SALISBURY", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (23 December 1858), 2
The annual examination at the school conducted by Mr. C. B. Taplin took place on Friday, the 17th instant, when the children were questioned in various branches of their studies by the Rev. J. A. Boake, in the presence of a few friends of the school . . . The best answerers among the boys were W. Swales, C. Theakstone, W. S. Harvey, R. Harris, D. Hagan, H. Wright, and R. Pretty . . .
"ATHLETIC SPORTS AT GAWLER", The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (25 May 1869), 2
The programme issued by the Gawler Athletic Club caused considerable excitement in athletic circles -
not alone in Gawler but also in the metropolis and elsewhere - as was shown by the fact of 190 entries being received for the 17 events placed upon the card.
The sports were arranged to come off on the Queen's Birthday . . .
250 YARDS HANDICAP HURDLE RACE. First prize, £2; second prize, 10s. Hurdles, 3 ft. 3 in. high.
There was around score of entries, but only nine competitors came to the start, viz.: -
G. N. Fitzgerald (14 yards), C. W. Fesenmeyer (16 yards), J. C. Harris (24 yards),
F. F. Cornelius (16 yards), C. S. Leader (16 yards), J. Crump (24 yards), W. S. Samson (20 yards),
W. S. Harvey (13 yards), S. G. Kingston (scratch).
This was a hardly contested race between Harvey, Fesenmeyer, Kingston, and Cornelius.
Cornelius was leading till about 20 yards from home, when he fagged, and Harvey and Fesenmeyer raced for first place.
Harvey was a pretty winner, Fesenmeyer second, and Kingston third.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (8 November 1869), 1
PROGRAMME: . . . Set of Quadrilles on Four Instruments - Mr. W. S. Harvey . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (6 November 1880), 1
Grand Performance of Dion Boucicault's ever popular Drama, entitled the COLLEEN BAWN . . .
During the interval Mr. W. S. Harvey will play selections on six different instruments . . .
"THE GAWLER FRIENDLY SOCIETY FESTIVAL", South Australian Register (30 December 1880), 4
The Gawler United Friendly Societies' concert was given at the Gawler Institute Hall on Tuesday evening, December 23. The programme was a long and varied one, and was not concluded till late; both of the overtures were given by Mr. W. S. Harvey on six instruments, the manipulation of which fairly brought down the house . . .
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier [QLD] (9 June 1884), 1
First appearance in Queensland of MR. W. S. HARVEY, THE MUSICAL WONDER,
Playing Six Instruments simultaneously with Orchestral Effects . . .
[News], Queensland Figaro (14 May 1887), 6s
The Ipswich Social and Dramatic Club gave a smoke concert in the Albert Hall, Ipswich, on the 6th inst. . . . W. S. Harvey performed the fiend-liked diabolism of playing the cornet and the piano at one and the same time . . .
"NOMENCLATURE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA", The Register [Adelaide, SA] (16 July 1908), 5
. . . Salisbury was laid out by the late Mr. John Harvey, and named after his wife's birthplace in Wiltshire . . . Mr. E. Allen wrote to The Register: - "The late Mr. Harvey was the first settler to take up land 60 years ago in the locality of Salisbury. He and his wife built the first house right on the banks of the Para. Salisbury was the first stopping place, both for teamsters and carters going north. The natives had many a pitched battle here, the country being all open. The first public house built was called the Old Spot, and next March will be the 60th year of its licence . . . Both the first male and female born at Salisbury are still living - Mr. William Salisbury Harvey and Mrs. Bagster, son and daughter of the late John Harvey. Mrs. John Harvey, sen., is still among us, hale and hearty . . .
"CONCERNING PEOPLE", The Register [Adelaide, SA] (30 September 1911), 15
Mr. William Salisbury Harvey, whose death at Fremantle was announced in our obituary notices on Friday, was well known in Adelaide. His father, the late Mr. John Harvey, at one time member of the Assembly, was an old resident of Salisbury, where his son was born, and where for many years he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, besides having been a lover and supporter of horseracing, in which connection two of his horses, Minna and Beda, will be well remembered by old-time sports men. The deceased was a capable rider, and on several occasions piloted his father's horses to victory. The late Mr. W. Salisbury Harvey, who was named after the place of his birth, was a member of the old Adelaide Athletic Association, and scored many successes over hurdles and in pole jumping. He went to the Northern Territory at the time of the gold boom in the early seventies. He was a capable musician, and played on six instruments simultaneously. His genial manners and musical accomplishments were much appreciated, and tended considerably to relieve the monotony of camp life in the wayback.
"OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY", The Daily News [Perth, WA] (29 December 1911), 7
The following list of probates and administrations was this morning made available at the Probate Office: -
Probates . . . William Salisbury Harvey, late of Fremantle, piano tuner, to Grace Harvey, - £74. 5s. 3d. . . .
Musical publications (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
Zillah waltz (1875)
Zalina schottische (1875)
"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (25 August 1875), 5
The "Zillah Waltz," composed by Mr. W. S. Harvey, of Salisbury, has just been published, and is advertised for sale at the music shops. It is simple in its construction, the leading theme being of a light and pleasing character, and it may be played by the tyro upon the pianoforte with ease. The lithography has been nicely executed by Messrs. Penman and Galbraith, who have also given quite an ornamental title page . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Penman and Galbraith (lithographers, printers)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (13 November 1875), 1
Composed by W. S. HARVEY, May be had at WOODMAN'S & MARSHALL'S. Price 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Woodman (musicseller); Samuel Marshall (musicseller)
The South Australian lancers (1877)
The South Australian lancers, composed by W. S. Harvey, dedicated by permission to Caleb Peacock esq'r, Mayor of Adelaide (Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith, [1877]) (DIGITISED)
. . . Also, by the same composer:
The Zillah waltz; The Zalina schottische;
Will be published shortly: The Thirza waltz; The Birdie waltz;
The Royal Adelaide Quadrille; The Tottie mazurka; The Arline polka;
The Pauline polka; The Agostina polka; The Salisbury Band quadrille
"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register (22 September 1877), 4
. . . We have also to acknowledge the receipt of "The South Australian Lancers," composed by Mr. W. S. Harvey, and dedicated by permission to His Worship the Mayor of Adelaide. It has been lithographed by Penman & Galbraith in a style of art much superior to anything we have previously seen executed by them. Mr. Harvey had probably heard "Il Trovatore" some short time before he scored the first figure, though there is no evidence of plagiarism in his composition. It contains here and there consecutive fifths and octaves, and a few corrections are required in the lithography. Yet as the production of a non-professional gentleman it is very creditable to him indeed.
The evening shadows schottische (1884)
The Evening shadows schottische, composed by W. S. Harvey, for the pianoforte, dedicated to H. J. Johnstone, Esq., painter of the celebrated picture "Evening shadows" (Brisbane: Gordon & Gotch, lithos., [1884]) (DIGITISED)
. . . Also, by the same composer:
The Zillah waltz; The Zalina schottische; The South Australian lancers;
Will be published shortly: The Thirza waltz; The Royal Adelaide Quadrille;
The Tottie mazurka; The Agostina polka; The Pauline polka
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry James Johnstone (artist)
WORKS: Evening shadows (Johnstone; Art Gallery of South Australia)
"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (17 September 1884), 4
"The Evening Shadows" is the title given to a schottische composed for the pianoforte by Mr. W. S. Harvey, lithographed by Gordon & Gotch, of Brisbane, and dedicated to Mr. H. J. Johnstone, the painter of the celebrated picture the title of which the composer has adopted. There is a good deal of the ballroom ring about it, but it is a pity the composer did not submit it to some competent critic before publication. As it is, the simplest laws of counterpoint are frequently violated, and there are numerous other errors for which we suppose the lithographers are responsible.
Old memories waltz (1888_
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (28 September 1888), 7
JUST published, the "Old Memories Waltz," by the popular Australian composer, W. S. Harvey. All music sellers. Price, 2s.
HARVIE, Montague (Montague HARVIE; M. HARVIE; Mr. HARVIE; also HARVEY)
Musician, flute player, flautist, organist and choirmaster, music reviewer, music critic, journalist, merchant
Born Bideford, Devon, England, 6 February 1836; baptised Bideford, 12 October 1836; son of Harry Arthur HARVIE and Maria Marsh SMITH
Active Melbourne, VIC, c. 1854
Married Mary WEBB, St. Stephen's church, Richmond, VIC, 16 May 1860
Died Melbourne, VIC, 25 October 1875, aged "45" [sic, "39/40"] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Montague Harvie, c. 1870; photograph by William Davies; State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Davies (photographer)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Bideford in the county of Devon in the year 1836; register, page 17; South West Heritage Trust (PAYWALL)
No. 130 / [1836] October 12th / Montague (born 6th February 1836) son of / Harry Arthur & Maria Marsh / Harvie / Bideford / Solicitor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Arthur Harvie (d. 1861) and Maria Marsh Smith married at Bideford on 4 February 1831
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (5 May 1856), 6
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 July 1860), 3
GENTLEMEN willing to JOIN the above choir are requested to APPLY to the undersigned, as vacancies have occurred for tenor and bass voices.
MONTAGUE HARVIE, 83 Collins-street west.
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Anglican churches (general)
"Marriages", North Devon Journal [England] (26 July 1860), 5 (PAYWALL)
May 16th, at St. Stephen's, Richmond, Melbourne, the Rev. C. T. Perks, incumbent, Montague, eldest son of H. A. Harvie, Esq., solicitor, of Bideford, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late R. S. Webb, Esq., formerly Government Inspector of H M. Customs, Sidney, Australia.
"SANDHURST CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (6 May 1863), 2
The fourteenth concert and re-union of the Sandhurst Choral Society, was held at the Temperance Hall last evening, to an audience which filled the place to overflowing . . . The concert was opened with the overture to Rossini's "Tancredi," by a well-trained band, under the excellent management of Mr. Pollard . . . Mr. Hallas being unable to vacate his position as cornet-player in the theatrical orchestra, he had prevailed upon his friend Mr. Montague Harvie, (who was on a visit to Sandhurst), to prolong his stay, in order that a Sandhurst audience might be afforded an opportunity of hearing that gentleman's Prize Exhibition Flute, to which request Mr. Harvie acceded. The piece selected, was a Fantasia, by the late Charles Nicholson, introducing the favorite airs, "Life let us Cherish" and "Auld Robin Gray," also a French quadrille, "La Matilda." Mr. Harvie's thorough command of the instrument, and the richness and mellowness of the tones made this performance one of the most successful of the evening, and an encore was insisted on.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (conductor); Nathan Hallas (musician); Sandhurst Choral Society (association)
MUSIC: Pot pourri (Nicholson)
"THE CONCERT AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (7 May 1863), 2
Several of our friends who attended the Choral Society's concert on Tuesday evening have expressed a wish to know something of the instrument which Mr. Montague Harvie has introduced into this colony from the International Exhibition of 1862,
we acquainted him with the public desire, and are indebted to him for the following particulars, which he kindly placed at our disposal: -
"The splendid instrument known as Carte's patent cylinder flute, which gained the prize medal at the International Exhibition of 1862,
is constructed in the newest and most approved principles.
The tube is a plain cylinder of solid silver, which in its termination at the headpiece forms a perfect parabolic curve.
It is owing to this parabola, the accuracy of the cylinder, and the pure metal of which it is made, that this instrument possesses so much volume of tone.
The ordinary wooden flute familiar to most people is faulty in its design and construction, and performers have always found great difficulty in playing in time, especially in the more remote keys.
Here, however, all keys are equally perfect, and the performer can execute in any key the most difficult passages with brilliancy and precision.
The action of the wind in this tube may be thus described: -
The wind striking against the parabolic curve is intensified in its effect, and is reflected through the instrument in a direction parallel to the axis of the tube.
It would be tedious to describe minutely the action of the keys; suffice it to say, that it is the result of many years' study by the eminent patentee,
Richard Carte, (of the firm of Rudall, Rose, and Carte,) and it has been not inaptly described by the Times as the 'perfection of mechanical ingenuity'."
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Carte (English flute maker)
"THE ROYAL MARRIAGE . . . RICHMOND", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (20 May 1863), 3-4
In no portion of Her Majesty's dominions was the news of the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to a Princess of the House of Denmark received with more joy than in this colony . . . [4] . . . The wet weather taken for granted, the celebration at Richmond manifested a feeling that no atmospheric influences could much abate . . . The Richmond Artillery, under Captain Stokes, gave a morning salute of twenty-one guns, at half-past six a.m., with two six pounders. At about eleven, the children began to collect . . . and the word was soon given that St. Stephen's school-rooms were to be the rendezvous. Hither then came the young ones, about 1,200 in number, and not a few adult lookers on. Swings, round-abouts, and all sorts of sports had been provided . . . pleasantly till noon. Then . . . Captain Stokes brought out his artillery, and Captain Septimus Martin his riflemen; the six-pounders were put in position, and the children mustered. Another salute of twenty-one guns was fired; and then, taking time from Mr. M. Harvie, who kindly acted as director, the National Anthem was started, with an accompaniment of guns at close intervals, in what we are informed is Russian fashion. The voices of the children were loudly supplemented by the lookers-on, and altogether the display of loyalty was quite up to the mark . . .
"MR. POLLARD'S CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (2 September 1863), 2
The concert at the Temperance Hall last night, though attended by a large number of persons, did not compare favorably with the previous efforts of Mr. Pollard and his pupils . . . Mr. Harvie played a solo on the flute, "Du Du." As an amateur instrumentalist he ranks very high: his execution is very ornate, and at the same time very distinct . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (18 November 1865), 5
An amateur concert, in aid of the funds of the Melbourne Orphan Asylum, was given at St. Stephen's school room, Richmond, last evening, by a number of ladies and gentlemen. The programme embraced several well selected songs, glees, choruses, &c., the whole being under the able conductorship of Mr. C. Blanchard . . . Mr. M. Harvie's performances on the cylinder flute appeared to be much appreciated . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Blanchard (vocalist, conductor)
[News], The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (18 April 1866), 2
The Philharmonic Society gave an extra concert last evening at the Exhibition-building, but though the programme contained a magnificent selection of music, the attendance was considerably less than was expected . . . A duet for flute and piano was very well played by Mr. Harvie, an amateur, and Mr. Pringle. Altogether the concert was a complete success in a musical point of view . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Robert Grant Pringle (pianist); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Herald (31 July 1866), 2
The annual concert in connection with the choir of St. John's Church was given last evening, at the new Australian-hall, Bourke-street east . . . After the tea had been disposed of, the choir of the church, under the able conductorship of Mr. S. Greenwood, organist, gave a very good concert. The programme was judiciously selected, and the several songs were performed in a very agreeable manner. One of the features of the evening was a fantasia on airs from "Il Trovatore," performed on the silver cylinder flute by Mr. Harvie . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Greenwood (conductor)
"GRAND AMATEUR CONCERT", The Ballarat Star [VIC] (4 October 1866), 3
One of the most successful and enjoyable of amateur concerts ever given in Ballarat took place in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, on Wednesday evening.
The concert was in aid of that excellent charity, the "Ladies' Benevolent Clothing Society,"
and we are glad to be able to state that it was a highly gratifying success in a pecuniary sense,
as the hall was filled, and the proceeds exceeded £100 . . .
Herr Carl Schmitt acted as conductor . . . Mr. Montague Harvie, from Melbourne, was also present, and performed on the flute. The programme was as follows:
Part I . . . 6. Solo (Flute) - On airs from Il Trovatore (Clifton), Mr. Montague Harvie . . .
Part II . . . 14. Solo (Flute) - English Airs (Nicholson), Mr. Montague Harvie . . .
Of the instrumental treats of the evening the performances on the flute by Mr. Montague Harvie, of Melbourne, were of the very best.
It was far and away the best amateur flute playing we have ever heard in Ballarat, and indeed need not be ashamed of ranking with some exhibitions of the more eminent colonial professional players.
Mr. Harvie performed upon the silver cylinder flute (Carte's patent) which gained the gold medal at the International Exhibition of 1862.
One of the features of the instrument is the parabolic form of the head-piece, whereby the sound is reflected through the cylinder in a line parallel with the axis of the tube.
The tone of the instrument was beautifully sweet, clear, and - both literally and metaphorically - silvery in its ring.
The execution was extremely facile, the most rapid variations being given with admirable clearness and distinctness,
while the pure melodies were played with a finish that left nothing for the ear to desire, save a prolongation of the pleasure of listening.
We need hardly state that Mr. Harvie's performances were all of them encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (conductor)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (22 February 1867), 5
The generous undertaking of Mr. Schott to assist the widow of his friend, Signor Cutolo, and by taking advantage of the wide-spread sympathy felt for her both by the brother artistes of her husband and by the public, to draw forth from them such a recognition of his worth as would substantially benefit her, has been attended with the success which might have been expected from the heartiness with which it was entered into by a large portion of our musical world . . . Messrs. C. E. Horsley, G. R. G. Pringle, David Lee and Schott wielded the baton at different periods in the evening, and the instrumental performers included Mr. Siede and Mr. Harvie, a rising amateur flautist . . . Mr. Schott's oboe solo, accompanied, "Air Galoise," and Mr. Harvie's performance of a German melody upon the cylinder flute, were both gems in their way . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (musician, recently deceased); James Arthur Schott (oboe, conductor); Charles Edward Horsley (pianist, conductor); David Lee (conductor); Julius Siede (flute)
"AMATEUR CONCERT", The Belfast Gazette and Portland and Warnambool Advertiser [Belfast (Port Fairy), VIC] (16 May 1867), 2
We hope our readers will not forget that the Amateur Concert, which has been spoken of for some weeks past, comes off to-night at the Odd; Fellows Hall . . . we predict a musical treat such as our townsmen rarely have an opportunity of hearing, and would particularly draw attention to Mr. Harvie's performance upon the silver cylinder flute which gained the gold medal at the London International Exhibition of 1862.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (7 May 1868), 3
AMATEUR CONCERT, For the purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a new set of instruments for the
WANGARATTA FIFE AND DRUM BAND, Will take place at the
Under the Special Patronage of Judge Cope and an influential Committee of Gentlemen.
PROGRAMME, PART I. 1. Selection of Popular Airs Fife and Drum Band.
2. Piano Solo - Fantasia from Massaniello - Mr. H. Ruxton . . .
10. Solo, Silver Flute - Fantasia on Scotch Airs, "Auld Robin Gray," &c., &c - Mr. Harvie . . .
PART II. 1. Signal and Havelock Marches - Fife and Drum Band . . .
5. Solo - Silver Flute - Mr. Harvie . . .
M. HARVIE, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Spencer Cope (judge, musical amateur); Henri W. Ruxton (pianist)
"MEMORANDA", The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (18 July 1868), 2
Whatever may be said of popular readings in general there can be no doubt as to the success of those at St. Kilda in particular. On Tuesday evening the town hall was, as heretofore, crowded (not by the boy element, so very properly objected to), but by an audience fully capable of enjoying the intellectual treat provided for them; where all was excellent, it might be considered invidious to single out a special name, but the mellifluous tones evoked by Mr. M. Harvie, who as a flautist held all listeners in rapt attention, deserves record as amongst the most pleasurable instrumental utterances ever poured forth.
[News], The Argus (4 December 1868), 5
A grand concert was given last evening at the Town-hall, Prahran, in aid of the funds of the South Yarra and Prahran Ladies' Benevolent Society. There was a numerous and fashionable audience . . . The programme, which consisted entirely of first class music, was well performed by several professionals, who lent their services gratuitously, and by amateur ladies and gentlemen, who gave valuable aid. Mr. G. R. Pringle was the conductor . . . Mr. Harvie's grand fantasia, "The Witches' Dance," by Bucher [sic], on the cylinder flute, merited and obtained considerable applause. The composer is almost unknown to an Australian audience, and the instrument, with some extraordinary capacity for effects, is almost new to Victoria; in the hands of a flautist like Mr. Harvie it is scarcely likely to be long a stranger to our musical audiences . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Probably Ferdinand Buchner [sic] (composer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 May 1869), 8
In aid of the funds of the society for the RELIEF Of EDUCATED PERSONS IN DISTRESSED CIRCUMSTANCES
Will. beheld in the above hall On FRIDAY EVENING, the 21st inst. . . .
MONTAGUE HARVIE, Hon. Sec, Corporation buildings, Collins-street west.
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 June 1870), 4
MR. MONTAGUE HARVIE GIVES INSTRUCTION on the FLUTE. Terms to Messrs. Lee and Kaye.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lee and Kaye (musicsellers)
"Death of Mr. Montague Harvie", The Herald (25 October 1875), 3
We extremely regret to have to announce the death of Mr. Montague Harvie, a gentleman who has been known for many years in commercial, literary and musical circles in this colony. Mr. Harvie had been confined to his bed at his lodgings in Hosie's hotel, Bourke street, for a few days past. About a quarter past one o'clock to-day his room was entered and he was then found apparently in a fit. He was supported in the bed, but died almost immediately. The deceased gentleman was a native of Bideford in Devonshire, England, where he was born in 1830 [sic]. His father was a solicitor. In 1854 Mr. Harvie, then a mere youth, came out to this colony as apprentice to the late Mr. D. S. Campbell, wine merchant of this city, with whom he remained for several years. He was subsequently Town Clerk of Richmond, and in the flour trade, as a partner in the firm of Harvie and Robinson. Later on he became connected with the newspaper press, first as the writer of articles on "church music in Victoria," and then as a member of the general reporting staff of The Herald. The last-named position be vacated two or three years since, but up to the time of his death his connection as an occasional contributor to this journal, principally on musical subjects, continued. For many years Mr. Harvie was organist at St. Stephen's Church of England at Richmond, but his connection with the church severed about 16 years ago. Many years since he married Miss Webb, daughter of the former Collector of Customs, who with her sister are now on a visit to England and to whom the intelligence of the death of their husband and brother-in-law, to whom they were most devotedly attached, will be a terrible blow. Mr. Harvie was universally liked for his genial temper and great good nature.
[News], The Argus (26 October 1875), 4
Mr. Montague Harvie, a gentleman well-known in literary and musical circles in Melbourne, died very suddenly yesterday. Mr. Harvie had been stopping for some time Hosie's Baths Hotel, Bourke-street, and for the last few days was unwell, though he did not admit that he was seriously ill. Yesterday, between 12 and 1 o'clock, a friend knocked at Mr. Harvie's door, and he replied faintly, "Come in." Entering the room, the friend found him on the bed with his mouth open and his eyes protruding. The friend rang the bell, and ran for assistance, but while he was away Mr. Harvie died. The deceased was a native of Bideford, Devonshire, England, and was 45 years of age [sic]. He came to this colony more than 20 years ago, and at different times was town clerk of Richmond, in business as a merchant, and organist at St. Stephen's Church of England, Richmond, and was connected with a portion of the Melbourne daily press as reporter and writer of musical criticisms. His wife and her sister, daughters of Mr. Webb, formerly collector of Customs, are now in Europe, whither they went on a two years' trip some months ago. An inquest will be held.
"MELBOURNE [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] 25th October", The Ballarat Star [VIC] (26 October 1875), 3
A literary man, whose attainments as an essayist in church music were of a valuable kind, and who was well known as a general contributor to miscellaneous literature, has passed away. Mr. Montague Harvie was a popular man in his profession, and will be regretted by his associates.
Inquest, Montague Harvie, 26 October 1875; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Montague Harvie came by his death . . . in Melbourne, on [25 October 1875] . . . of serious apoplexy . . .
Grant of administration, Montague Harvie, reporter; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"Society", The bulletin (12 January 1889), 12 (DIGITISED)
Poor Dr. William Godfrey Howitt, of Melbourne, who has just died, was one of the best-known and most genial citizens of the Southern capital . . . Fourteen years ago there were not two men in Melbourne so alike as Dr. "Teddy" Howitt and that genial pressman and clever musician, the late Montague Harvie. People used to pass Howitt in Collins-street and say, "How are ye, Harvie?" and grasp Montague by the hand at public assemblies and exclaim, "Glad to see you, Doctor!" Harvie and Howitt were great chums, and when they walked about together the multitude used to be bothered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Godfrey Howitt (medical practitioner)
Bibliography and resources:
Enid Noel Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 136-37, 147-48
[136-37] Hawthorn . . . CHRIST CHURCH: . . . Church, stone set 19 November 1853 . . . Organ presented 1855, erected in organ-loft at west-end, by D. P. Starling, name of builder, and details of organ unknown . . . Organists: 1855, Walter Bonwick; 1864, Montague Harvie . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: David Payne Starling (organbuilder); Walter Bonwick (organist)
[147-48] Richmond . . . ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH: Stone of first section set 21 June 1850; opened 16 November 1851 . . . Organ built by Henry Bevington, London, installed in gallery 1853 . . . 1858, Jesse Biggs, organbuilder, reported that it was 'deficient in wind, some person having added pipes since the organ was built', besides other defects 'the pipes are in very bad order, bent and bruised at the tops and in many I saw pieces of cardboard inserted to flatten the pitch which will prevent them remaining in tune' . . . Organists: 1853, D. P. Starling; 1854, Mr. Griffiths; 1858, Mr. Harvie; 1861, P. C. Plaisted . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (organbuilder); Joseph Griffiths (organist); Philip Charles Plaisted (organist)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist, tin-man, publican
Born Cornwall, England, 1814; baptised Kilkhampton, Cornwall, 25 December 1814; son of Laurence HARWARD (1782-1847) and Grace BADCOCK (d. 1817)
Married Amelia Rickman PERRERS (1815-1886), Holsworthy, Devon, England, 21 April 1840 (aged 24)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 11 December 1840 (per Brightman, from London, 29 August)
Died Adelaide, SA, 22 January 1856, aged "41" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Harward (much younger half brother, below)
Baptisms in the parish of Kilkhampton, Cornwall, 1814; England, Select Births and Christenings database (PAYWALL)
25 December 1814 / Thomas / [son of] Lawrence & Grace / Harward
1840, marriages solemnized at the parish church in the parish of Holsworthy in the county of Devon; Devon Archives
No. 32 / April 21st 1840 / Thomas Harward / 24 / Bachelor / Glazier / [of] Launceston, Cornwall / [son of] Lawrence Harward / Draper
Amelia Rickman Perrers / 25 / Spinster / - / Town of Holsworthy / [daughter of] Henry Wilson Perrers / Inn keeper . . .
"PUBLIC DINNER TO MR. JACOB MONTEFIORE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (3 June 1843), 3
On Thursday a public dinner was given by the Colonists of South Australia in the Queen's Theatre, Gilles-arcade, to Jacob Montefiore, Esq.,
one of the late Board of Commissioners for South Australia. The chair was taken by JAMES HURTLE FISHER . . .
On the removal of the cloth, "Non nobis Domine" was sung by Messrs. Ewen, Bennett, and Hayward, Mr. Bennett at the same time accompanying the vocal music with the piano forte.
The Chairman then gave "The Queen and Prince Albert," which was drunk with all the honours, and with great enthusiasm.
AIR - "God save the Queen," by Messrs. Bennett, Ewen, and Hayward.
The next toast was - "The Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family." Drunk with all the honours.
GLEE - "Fill the bowl with rosy wine" . . .
A Glee by Messrs. Ewens, Bennett, and Harwood . . .
GLEE - "Glorious Apollo" - Messrs. Ewen, Bennett, and Hayward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Levi Montefiore (guest of honour); James Hurtle Fisher (chair); George Bennett (vocalist, pianist); William Ewens (vocalist); Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
MUSIC: Glorious Apollo (Samuel Webbe); Fill the bowl with rosy wine (John Dyne)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (1 July 1843), 1
T. HARWARD, Tinplate Worker and Brazier, Hindley-street, returns his thanks to the inhabitants of Adelaide and the surrounding country, for the liberal encouragement he has received since he commenced business on his own account, and hopes by unremitting attention to merit a continuance of the same . . .
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (11 November 1843), 3
On Tuesday a vocal and instrumental concert, of which we had a short notice in our last,
was given by several amateurs in Messrs. Lambert's new auction-rooms.
The doors were opened at half- past seven, and nearly the whole of the seats were occupied by eight o'clock,
at which time his Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Grey arrived . . .
Dr. Calcott's beautiful glee, "The Red Cross Knight," followed, by Drs. Kent and Wyatt, and Messrs. Ewens and Howard, accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. Bennett.
In our very humble opinion, the effect was rather injured by its being sung too fast:
it had the appearance of being hurried over, and many of the best points were lost.
Still, this is a matter of taste, and probably ours may be peculiar . . .
The beautiful glee, "The Chough and Crow," was given in excellent style . . .
An entertainment of this kind is rather a novelty here, and we were much gratified to see that it could be so well done, and that it was so well supported.
The most distinguished persons in the Colony were present, and the room presented a very pretty appearance from the taste and elegance of the ladies' dresses,
not to mention their own beauty, which is proverbial. An air of cheerfulness seemed to pervade every one . . .
We should suppose about two hundred persons were present.
The room was well lighted, and all the arrangements were good.
The concert was finished before eleven, but we understand that a large party remained to supper, which was furnished in another room under the superintendence of Mr. Henry.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Archer Kent (vocalist); William Wyatt (vocalist); George Grey (governor)
MUSIC: The red cross knight (Callcott); The chough and crow (Bishop, from Guy Mannering)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (30 December 1843), 4
CONCERT. Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor.
MR. BENNETT respectfully begs to announce to the public, that he intends giving a concert of vocal and instrumental music at the South Australian Company's rooms,
Rundle-street, on the 3rd January, 1844.
Tickets, 5s each, may be had of Mr. Ewens; Mr. Stanley, Rundle-street; and at Mr. Harward's, Hindley-street.
"MR. BENNETT'S CONCERT", Southern Australian (5 January 1844), 3
On Wednesday evening we had the pleasure of attending a concert given by the above gentleman.
To our agreeable surprise, we found that Drs. Kent and Wyatt had given their valuable aid, and they, of course, contributed in no small degree to the harmony of the evening.
Several excellent overtures and glees were performed in a manner which gave great satisfaction, and it was remarked that there was a decided improvement as the performances proceeded.
"The Breath of the Briar," by Mrs. Murray, Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Poole, was beautifully executed . . .
The Glee, "The Merriest Time of all the Year," also elicited universal applause.
The little catch, "Ah! how, Sophia," was successfully performed by Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Bennett.
It is celebrated for its puns, having been expressly composed for cockney singers.
"Ah! how, Sophia" ("a house o' fire"), cries one; "Go fetch the indian's" (engines), rejoins another; and the third quaintly remarks, "I'm but a lodger."
The company were much amused, and heartily encored the piece. The following are the words:
Ah! how, Sophia, can you leave
Your lover, and of hope bereave?
Go fetch the Indian's borrowed plume
Yet, richer far than that you bloom.
I'm but a lodger in your heart.
And more than me, I fear, have part.
Altogether, this, we should say was one of the best concerts we have had in Adelaide.
His Excellency the Governor and Mrs. Grey were present. The attendance was pretty good, consisting of about 100 ladies and gentlemen,
and will, we trust, encourage Mr. Bennett again to favor the public with a similar gratification at no distant period.
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgiana Murray (pianist, vocalist); Mr. Poole (vocalist)
MUSIC: Ah! how, Sophia (Callcott)
[News], Adelaide Observer (6 January 1844), 5
Mr. Bennett's concert took place on Wednesday evening, under the auspices of the Governor, who was present with his suite; the audience consisted of upwards of 80 persons . . . Bishop's glee, "the Boatie rows," was sang with precision, but it was destitute of that fulness and sustaining of tone so necessary in glee singing. Mr. Harward's voice is a good deep bass and with a little more cultivation will form a powerful addition to our vocal corps . . . The succeeding glees as well as some of the instrumental pieces, received valuable assistance from some gentlemen amateurs. The catch "Ah! how Sophia" was encored: it was sung correctly, but of the part "I'm but a lodger" we could not hear a syllable. The concert was wound up with the National Anthem, and as it seems to be a customary conclusion of all concerts here, there is no excuse for the want of pre-arrangement which characterised its execution.
"THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS", South Australian Register (6 January 1844), 3
On Monday last [1 January] the Brothers of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows met to celebrate their third anniversary . . .
Fully one hundred and fifty members of the Adelaide Lodge and strangers sat down to dinner at about four o'clock in the Odd Fellows' Hall, late the Music Saloon,
which has recently been considerably enlarged for the occasion, and which is altogether a most noble room . . .
Brother Harwood sung "On the Banks of the Blue Moselle" . . .
The banks of the blue Moselle (G. H. Rodwell);
Harward sang the same song again at the following, "ODD FELLOWSHIP", South Australian (17 October 1845), 3
"MR. BENNETT'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (6 January 1844), 2
On Wednesday evening last, Mr. Bennett gave his concert of vocal and instrumental music at the Company's Rooms, Rundle-street, and of which the following is the programme: -
PART I - Overture (Fra Diavolo) - Auber.
Round, by Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Bennett, "Yes, Brothers, yes" - Rodwell . . .
Glee, by Mrs. Murray and Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Bennett, "Boatie rows" - Bishop . . .
Glee, by Mrs. Murray, and Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Poole, "Breath of the Briar" - Whitaker . . .
Glee, by Mrs. Murray and Messrs. Ewens and Harward, "Hark! Apollo strikes the Lyre" - Bishop . . .
Glee, by Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Bennett, "Mynheer Van Dunck."
Glee, by Mrs. Murray and Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Poole, "The merriest time of all the Year" - Aldridge.
Catch, by Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Bennett, "Ah! how, Sophia" - Callcott.
Finale (solos by Mrs. Murray and Mr. Ewens), "God save the Queen."
This performance reflected great credit upon our Adelaide Musicians.
The selection was new, and of that dramatic kind which is best calculated to please a mixed audience . . .
A few more such old favourite glees as "Mynheer Van Dunck" would have been acceptable to us, but the whole affair was so well managed and gave so much satisfaction to every one,
that we are indisposed to whisper a word of aught but gratulation and pleasure.
Above one hundred persons were present, including most of the higher and many of the middle classes.
The Governor and his party arrived shortly before nine o'clock . . .
The room was not all that could have been wished for the purpose, but there is perhaps no better in an eligible situation.
MUSIC: The boatie rows (arr. Bishop, in The antiquary); Hark! Apollo strikes the lyre (Bishop); Mynheer Van Dunck (Bishop)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (9 March 1844), 1
THE Committee begs respectfully to return their grateful acknowledgments to the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on the Society,
at their Concert on Tuesday last, and further to announce that at the request of a number of respectable individuals they intend repeating the performance on Thursday evening next,
March 14th, at the South Australian Company's Room, and for the accommodation of a large portion of the community the price of tickets will be for front seats 3s. back seats 1s. 6d.
The doors will open at half-past 7, and the performance commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Stuckey, Rundle-street, Mr. Richard's, Tailor, King William-street,
Mr. John Edwards, and Mr. Harward, Hindley-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Richards (member); Adelaide Choral Society (association)
[News], Adelaide Observer (23 March 1844), 5
Last week the Adelaide Choral Society's Second Concert took place to a respectable, but limited audience. The chorus "And the glory of the Lord" was sung with much spirit. Mrs. Jones's rich voice told to great advantage in "He shall feed his flock;" the same may be said of Mr. Harward in "Why do the nations so furiously rage together?" Mr. Ewens delighted the audience with "Comfort ye my people" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Jones (vocalist)
"LOCAL AND PROVINCIAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (11 May 1844), 5
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is so much on the increase that the opening a third lodge in Adelaide, besides the one at the Port, has been found indispensible. Host Athorn, of the Albion Hotel, in Morphett-street, having recently added suitable apartments to his previous accommodations. The new lodge (to be called the Albion Lodge), has been established under Mr. Athorn's roof, which will surely be called a hospitable one by all who had the privilege of invitation to the opening supper. The number of guests who sat at table, at which N. O. Williams presided, and P. G. Jones took the vice-presidency, was upwards of seventy. Host Athorn, who is a "back bone Colonist," seemed to have felt a commendable pride in setting forth upon this interesting occasion a multiplicity of the good things produced in the Colony. There were turkeys, geese, ducks, fowls, and roasted pigs, in profusion; the puddings and fruit tarts were various, and all excellent of their kind; and the produce of our Colonial vineyards and gardens in their unsophisticated forms, were such as to please the eye as well as gratify the palate . . . Several glees and songs were sung by Mesrs Ewens, Bennett, Harward, and other gentlemen, and the company parted at a late (query, early?) hour, highly pleased with their entertainment.
. . . The Memorial of the undersigned inhabitants of her Majesty's Province of South Australia Humbly Sheweth -
That your memorialists emigrated to the province of South Australia, and have endured hardships, privations, and difficulties,
incident to the first settlement of a new country, upon the faith of an Act of the Imperial Parliament, which guarantees that convicts should not,
under any circumstances, be transported to such province . . .
[signatories] . . . Thomas Harward, Hindley street . . .
"THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S PLOUGHING MATCH", South Australian (8 August 1845), 2
YESTERDAY, the above ploughing-match took place at Mr. Cook's farm, near Hindmarsh . . . In the evening, a number of the members and friends of the Society dined at Mr. Payne's Hotel, when the prizes were distributed. Many good toasts were given, and songs sung; among which, we should not omit to mention some beautiful glees by Messrs. Ewens, Harward, and Bennett. The evening was spent with much hilarity, and the parties separated pleased with each other, with the entertainment, and with the stirring and interesting proceedings of the day.
"THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (9 August 1845), 3
. . . Glee by Messrs. Ewens, Bennett, and Harward - "Push the red wine about" . . .
Glee, Messrs. Ewens, Bennett, and Harward - the whole of the company joining - "Here's a health to all Good Lasses" . . .
The entire evening was spent in the most cheerful manner.
Several gentlemen, besides Messrs. Ewens, Bennett, and Harward, contributed their vocal talents to the harmony of the meeting;
we may particularize Messrs. Wotherspoonn, Russell, Bowman, Thompson, Cooler, Johnson, Mitchell, and Craig -
nor must we for get Mr. Kenneth Campbell, who after the Chairman had left, was prevailed upon to give a song in the Gaelic language.
MUSIC: Push the red wine about (Bishop, from The heir of Veroni)
"HOPE LODGE (ODDFELLOWS') ANNIVERSARY", Adelaide Observer (8 November 1845), 3-4
On Wednesday last [5 November] the Hope Lodge held its anniversary dinner . . .
The musical department was under the management of Mr. Bennett, a member of the lodge, whose services were gratuitous,
as were those of his friends, Messrs. Ewens, Harward, Hornabrook, and Yems. Dr. Kent and Captain Tolmer also kindly assisted,
and we may truly say, that the anniversary festivities included a concert of no mean pretension, as well as a dinner.
After the cloth was removed, and Non nobis Domine sung by Dr. Kent, Messrs. Bennett, Ewens, &c. . . .
Glee - "The Boatie rows" . . . Glee - "Mighty Conqueror" . . . Glee, "Ye Mariners of England" . . .
Glee - "The Red-Cross Knight" . . . Glee - "Here in cool Grot" . . . [4] . . . Glee - "Foresters, sound the cheerful horn" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hornabrook (vocalist); James Yems (vocalist); Alexander Tolmer (violinist)
"MR. BENNETT'S CONCERT", South Australian (2 January 1846), 3
On Tuesday evening, Mr. Bennett, assisted by the best musical talent in the colony, gave a concert in the large room behind the Free Masons' Tavern. The concert was attended by considerably more than two hundred persons, including a large number of country gentlemen, with their families, and of the haut ton and respectability of the city. His Excellency the Governor, who was kind enough to patronise the concert, arrived shortly after eight, and the performances immediately afterwards commenced. The principal performers, besides Mr. Bennett, were Mrs. A. J. Murray, Messrs. Ewens, Harward, Mitchell, Yems, and Hornabrook . . . The catch "Would you know my Celia's Charms," was uncommonly well performed, and was loudly encored. The performances closed with "God Save the Queen," sung with a loyalty and fervour, characteristic, we are glad to say, of this "happy land." We congratulate Mr. Bennett on the great success of his concert, and wish such pleasant meetings were more frequent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Holt Robe (governor); Mr. Mitchell (vocalist)
MUSIC: Would you know my Celia's charms (Samuel Webbe)
"MRS. MURRAY'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (27 February 1847), 2
The extreme heat of the weather prevented our being present at this lady's Concert on Tuesday evening.
We have therefore availed ourselves of the subjoined communication, which has been handed to us by a gentleman who attended: -
The lovers of harmony had a rich treat in Mrs. Murray's concert.
More pains had evidently been bestowed in "getting up this concert" than any have previously had in South Australia,
and in any commendations we might bestow, it would be a difficult matter to individualise any of the performers, save Mrs. Murray . . .
The selection, in the first place, was excellent.
We are not of those who would spoil a musical treat by the introduction of novelty to the exclusion of taste;
and by the true Child of Song, the glees of "The Breath of the Briar," "Awake AEolian Lyre,"
and "Oberon in Fairy Land" will always be appreciated as standard specimens of English taste and feeling in musical composition . . .
Messrs. Mitchell, Harward, Yems, and Hornabrook, sung, in their several parts, in good tune and with great taste . . .
"MRS. MURRAY'S CONCERT", South Australian (9 April 1847), 3
On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Murray gave another Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music. She was assisted by Messrs. Bennett, Horncastle, Ewens, Mitchell, Harward, Yems, Hornabrook, Richards, father and son, and Smith; but we regretted much to perceive the miserable attendance, not more than fifty persons being present. This was the more marked, as on the preceding evening 300 persons had assembled in the same room to witness the exhibition by Messrs. Hall and Plush, of a series of dissolving views. We are afraid that musical taste is at a low ebb in the colony. The small attendance, however, had little effect tn damping the spirits and efforts of the performers, who exerted themselves to the utmost. Without intending to be invidious, we may mention, in particular . . . The glee, "Breath of the Briar" . . . as having been admirably performed. The Cockney catch, "Ah! how Sophia," by Messrs. Ewens. Mitchell, and Harward, was sung with much spirit, and deservedly encored.
"ODDFELLOWSHIP", Adelaide Observer (15 May 1847), 2
On Tuesday evening last, the third anniversary, of the "Loyal Albion Lodge" of Oddfellows was celebrated in the great room of the City Bridge Hotel . . . That nothing might be wanting to add to the harmony and hilarity of the evening, Brother Bennett presided at the pianoforte, and several appropriate, songs and glees were chaunted by Messrs. Ewens, Mitchell, and Howard [sic] . . .
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (28 August 1847), 5
. . . We (Adelaide Observer) were present at the Society's second concert, last night. Mrs. Murray's absence from indisposition, and the consequent silence of the organ were much to be regretted. The pieces performed were selected from, the works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, &c. The quartette, "Judge me, O Lord," was sung with great Judgment by Messrs. Ewens, Burford, Harwood, and Mrs. Jones, and the supplicatory, plaintive tone, in which the solemn appeal was expressed, was truly touching. In the choral part of the same piece, the joyously triumphant notes of gladness, in which the Psalmist is made to exhibit his confidence and happiness, were well expressed. The recitative and solos gave painful proofs of the sufferings of their performances [? performers] from the prevalent epidemic . . . The grand chorus "Hallelujah," was rendered with admirable expression, precision, and power, and evidently left an effect on the audience that well suited a closing performance. Some of the instruments were, on a few occasions, rather out of tune; but the cornopean and bass violin did wonders, and it is hardly a stretch of praise to say that they themselves would form no insignificant orchestra. It is calculated that the two evenings' performances will leave a net profit of £60 or £70 on behalf of the South Australian British Destitution Relief Fund.
"Local News", South Australian (24 September 1847), 3
The remains of the late Mr. Payne were attended to the grave on Wednesday by his brother Odd Fellows . . . the whole proceeded to the residence of the deceased, and followed the corpse through Pulteney, Rundle, Hindley, and Morphett-streets, to Trinity Church, where the funeral service was performed, and an anthem sung by Messrs. Bennett, Mitchell, and Harward . . .
[News], South Australian Register (13 October 1847), 3
The amateur performance for the benefit of the Odd fellows school came off last night in the New Queen's Theatre, which was crowded to excess, there being no less than 500 persons present. The performances, upon the whole were far better than had been anticipated from the multiform description of the intended actors; the thronged audience appeared unanimously to be highly pleased with the evening's amusements; and Mr. Deering deserves great credit for his judicious arrangement of such anomalous materials. Two glees - "Here in Cool Grot," and "Mynheer Vandunk," were sung with admirable taste by Messrs. Ewens, Mitchell, Yems, Harwood, and Hornabrook, accompanied in first-rate style by Mr. Bennett, who very kindly volunteered his able assistance on the occasion. Mr. Tolmer performed a solo on the violin with exquisite sweetness; and Mr. Thomson another on the violencello which gave full satisfaction. The proceeds of the evening were reckoned to be about £70.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Deering (actor, manager); John Charles Thompson (cellist); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
MUSIC: Here in cool grot (Mornington)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (15 December 1847), 4
St. John's Church was reopened last Sunday morning, by the Rev. Mr. Bagshaw, who preached from John iv., 124, and chiefly rested on the origin and utility of the book of common prayer. The congregation was but small, owing to the extreme heat, of the day, and Trinity Church not being closed, as had been at first arranged. The music was magnificently conduced by Mr. Bennett, with his rich-toned harmonia, and the singing finely performed by Messrs. Ewens, Mitchell, Yams, Harward, and Hornabrook, who kindly volunteered their services for the occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Anglican churches (general)
"ANTI-ROYALTY DEMONSTRATION", South Australian (4 August 1848), 3
YESTERDAY, about a hundred and sixty gentlemen dined together, at the late stores of Messrs. Elder, in Hindley-street,
to celebrate the legal extinction of the Royalty exaction . . . The cloth being withdrawn, the Chairman gave the health of the Queen . . .
Glee - "God save the Queen." Mr. Bennett presided at the piano-forte; the vocalists were Messrs. Mitchell, Yems, Harward, and Hornabrook . . .
Glee, four voices - "How should we mortals spend our days?" . . . Glee - "Hail, smiling morn" . . .
Glee - "The Zephyr" . . . Glee - "The huge globe has enough to do" . . . Glee - "Here in cool grot" . . .
Glee - "Oh Willie brew'd a peck o' maut" . . . Glee - "Push the red wine about" . . . Glee - "Here's a health to all good lasses" . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (31 January 1850), 1
"Royal Hotel. MR. HARWARD begs to acquaint his friends that his
Opening Dinner will take place on Tuesday next [5 February]. Dinner on table at half-past six precisely.
Tickets, 2s. 6d. each, to be had at the "Freemasons' Tavern," "Plough and Harrow," "Norfolk Arms," "Temple Tavern," "York Hotel," "Royal Admiral," and at the bar.
On the following evening a Tradesmen's Ball will be held at the above place.
Tickets, to admit a gentleman and lady, 8s 6d each, including supper.
"LICENSED VICTUALLERS' SOCIETY . . . THE DINNER", Adelaide Observer (16 March 1850), 2 supplement
The first annual festival of the Licensed Victuallers' Society was held last evening, at the Freemasons Tavern,
and a very splendid fete it was. One hundred and thirty gentlemen sat down to dinner at seven o'clock . . .
Quartette - "Red Wine," by Messrs. Harwood, Hornabrook, Yems, and Mitchell . . . Glee - "Dame Durdon" . . .
Glee, "Willie brewed a peck o'maut," and on this glee we may safely pronounce that more admirable vocal harmony was never produced in the colony . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (13 June 1850), 2
A FREE AND EASY held every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday evening, at the "Clarendon Hotel," Hindley-street, commencing at seven o'clock. Singing, accompanied by the Pianoforte and Violin.
"Harward's Royal Hotel," HINDLEY-STREET.
A FREE AND EASY is held every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday evening, at the above house, commencing at Seven o'clock.
Singing, with pianoforte and violin accompaniments.
"INSOLVENCY NOTICES", South Australian Register (12 July 1850), 3
Thomas Harward, formerly of Hindley-street, Adelaide, tinman; afterwards of Hindley-street aforesaid, licensed victualler; and now of Grote-street, Adelaide aforesaid, out of business. Solicitor, Henry Johnson.
"COURT OF INSOLVENCY", Adelaide Observer (3 August 1850), 4
Thomas Harward, formerly of Hindley-street, tinman;
late of the same street, innkeeper; and now of Grote-street, out of business, an imprisoned debtor, was admitted to bail.
His schedule contained the following statement of his affairs:
On contracting first debt in the first week of November, 1849, had in cash - £23 0 0
Received since that date in business - 1200 0 0
Received for household furniture and fixtures, in bills and cash - 432 0 0
Lease of premises - 400 0 0
[TOTAL] £2055 0 0
Debts as per list - 657 19 0
Balance overplus - 22 1 9
From the 5th November, 1849, to July, 1850, house and trade expenses and Wages - 495 0 0
Rent - 75 0 0
Stock-in-trade at various times, and interest on money, borrowed - 1485 0 0
[TOTAL] £2055 0 0
Goods claimed to be re-assigned - 17 8 0
Debts due to the estate 362 2 9
Personal estate 300 10 0
[SUBTOTAL] 680 0 9
[TOTAL] £2735 0 9
"BENCH OF MAGISTRATES. Monday, 23rd September. Quarterly issue and transfer of licences", South Australian Register (24 September 1850), 3
Thomas Harward, the Royal Hotel, Hindley-street, to Thomas Jelfs.
Mr. M. Smith opposed on the part of the Official Assignee, and on the ground that the insolvent Harward had no power to transfer,
and the Official Assignee could, under the Act, carry on the business for the estate.
Mr. Hanson supported the transfer on the ground that long before the insolvency the applicant Jelfs paid £800 for the property,
and was in possession of it, and the Official Assignee could not get a licence for another house on such a ground.
Mr. Smith said the insolvency followed immediately after the sale, and the whole transaction had a fraudulent aspect.
Mr. Hanson said there could be no fraud in paying the full value of the property.
Granted . . .
And see also, SUPREME COURT, CIVIL SIDE. Monday, 9 June . . . HANCE v. CARRUTHERS", South Australian Register (10 June 1851), 3
"ANNUAL DINNER OF THE HOPE LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS", Adelaide Times (31 October 1850), 3
The annual dinner of the Hope Lodge of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows took place last evening at the Freemason's Tavern. The room was not by any means so full as on the same occasion last year, a fact which may he attributed to the excessive heat of the day . . . The toast having been drunk, the National Anthem was beautifully sung by Messrs. Mitchell, Harwood, and Charles Walsh, accompanied, on the piano by Mr. Bennett, with a cornet-a-piston obligato by Messrs. Harwood, Jun. and McCullagh . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Walsh (vocalist, actor); William Harward (younger half-brother, cornet); Robert McCullagh (cornet)
The friends and admirers of this gentleman, in token of their esteem tor the services rendered by him to the colony since its formation,
gave a grand dinner to him, last evening, at the Freemasons' Tavern . . .
The cloth being drawn, the Chairman gave the "Queen."
The toast was responded to with the greatest enthusiasm, and was followed by the National Anthem, sung by Messrs. J. W. Daniels, Mitchell, Harward, and Bancroft,
Mr. Bennett presiding at the pianoforte.
This was succeeded by the Chairman's toast - "Prince Albert and the Royal Family," which was also well responded to by the Company.
The glee singers then performed Lord Mornington's beautiful four part glee "Here in cool grot," which was loudly applauded.
The Chairman then gave "His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, the representative of Her Majesty in South Australia."
The toast was well received, and was succeeded by the vocalists singing in good style "The Red Cross Knight" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Richard Bancroft (vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (16 October 1851), 2
THOMAS HARWARD, TIN and IRON PLATE-WORKER, begs leave to announce to his old friends and the public, that he has
RECOMMENCED BUSINESS in Rundle-street, nearly opposite the Sir John Barleycorn Hotel, and respectfully solicits their patronage and support . . .
"ANNUAL DINNER OF THE HOPE LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS, M.U", Adelaide Times (21 November 1851), 3
The Annual Dinner of this Lodge took place last evening at the Freemasons' Tavern.
The attendance, we are sorry to say, was by no means numerous . . .
The Chair was taken by F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.L.C.. supported on the right by the Colonial Secretary and Dr. Backhaus . . .
The usual routine of toasts followed, and were responded to with due enthusiasm,
the intervals being enlivened with some first-rate glee singing by Messrs. Mitchell, Bancroft, Harward, and Bennett.
The Chairman then called for bumpers, and proposed the health of the explorer of South Australia, Captain Sturt.
The toast was drunk amid load applause. Song, Mr. Harward, "The Englishman." Capt. Sturt returned thanks.
He assured them that it was with the warmest gratitude he witnessed the good feeling which was invariably expressed towards him.
If in the prosecution of arduous discoveries he had been destined by providence to open upon [sic] this colony,
he was sensible of the honor which had fallen upon him . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Stacker Dutton (chair); Henry Backhaus (cleric); Charles Sturt (surveyor)
"ANNIVERSARY DINNER OF THE 'OLD COLONISTS'", Adelaide Observer (3 April 1852), 6
Amidst the many changes which are daily taking place in our community,
and the utter absorption by the gold digging of every subject connected with our colonial history,
it is grateful to find that there are some left who are not unmindful of the pristine days of her foundation and glory,
and who, in reviewing the past, can augur from present prospects her future advancement.
Our esteemed and thorough-going old colonist yclept William Williams, of the City Bridge Hotel, not willing that the Festival of 1851 [sic] should pass unremembered and unhonoured,
invited some of the old 'uns to his festive board on Saturday evening last . . . Between 60 and 70 good men and true partook of the kind hospitality of the respected host . . .
Mr. Bennett gave the Old Colonists' Song on the piano, in his own style, and where can you find a better? . . .
Mr. Harwood - "The Island Home of an Englishman" . . .
After several other toasts, interspersed with some excellent songs by Mr. Harwood, Mr. Gouge, and others, accompanied on the pianoforte by the inimitable Geo. Bennett,
the Chairman left the chair about 11 o'clock . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Apollos Harrison Gouge (vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (7 December 1854), 3
WANTED, a TINSMITH, for the Country, where constant employment and liberal wages will be given. For particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Harward, Hindley-street.
"DIED", South Australian Register (23 January 1856), 2
On the 22nd instant, at his residence, Grenfell-street, Mr. Thomas Harward, aged 41 years.
"MARRIAGES", South Australian Register (26 April 1862), 7
HILLIER - HARWARD. - On the 27th March, at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dean Farrel, Mr. W. H. Hillier, only son of Mr. John Hillier, North Adelaide, to Lucy Griffy, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Harward, Hindley-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Griffy Harward (daughter, born Adelaide, SA, 23 December 1840; died Adelaide, SA, 22 October 1879)
"DEATHS", The Express and Telegraph (30 January 1886), 2
HARWARD. - On the 29th January, at her son-in-law's residence, Adam-street, Hindmarsh, Amelia Rickman Harward, aged 71 years. An old colonist.
"MARRIAGES", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (20 March 1914), 1
MOUNTJOY - HARWARD (Diamond Wedding) - On the 20th March, 1854, at St. John's Church, Adelaide, by the late Rev. J. C. Bagshaw, M.D.,
Caleb, son of the late James Mountjoy, Kilkhampton, Nth. Cornwall (England), to Louisa Jane,
daughter of the late Laurence Harward, of Kilkhampton, Nth. Cornwall, England.
"At Home" at "Airlie Bank," Retreat Road, Geelong, on Saturday, 21st March, afternoon and evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Jane Harward (half-sister, born Kilkhampton, 1836; died Geelong, VIC, 5 July 1914)
HARWARD, William (William HARWARD; William Laurence HARWARD; Mr. HARWARD, jun.; Mr. HARWARD; also HARWOOD)
Musician, cornet and cornopean player, tinman, coachman
Born Cornwall, England, 1829; baptised Kilkhampton, Cornwall, 18 October 1829; son of Laurence HARWARD (1782-1847) and Elizabeth SHEPHERD (d. SA, 1852)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 31 August 1849 (per Caroline, from Plymouth, 4 May)
Married Christina WALKER ("Mrs. MERETON"), Scots church, Geelong, VIC, 17 July 1852
Died Collingwood, VIC, 4 June 1883, aged "54" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Harward (much older half brother, above)
HARWARD, Christiana (Christiana WILKES; Christina; ? WALKER; [2] "Mrs. Thomas MERETON"; [3] Mrs. William HARWARD)
Actor, theatrical manager
Born Bermondsey, Surrey, England, 22 September 1814; baptised St. Mary, Rotherhithe, 25 November 1814; daughter of Andrew WILKES (c. 1785-1850) and Christiana CANA (1782-1858
Married (1, common law) Thomas MERETON, England, by 1843
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1843 (per Posthumous, from London, August, via Melbourne, 10-25 December)
Married (2) William HARWARD, Scots church, Geelong, VIC, 17 July 1852
Died Collingwood, VIC, 29 October 1894, aged "79/80" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
HARWARD, Miss (Miss HARWARD) = Miss MERETON (Christiana MERETON, the younger)
Born ? England, c. 1835-40; daughter of Thomas MERETON and Christiana WILKES
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 3 January 1843 (per Posthumous, from London, August, via Melbourne, 10-25 December)
HARWARD, Julia (Julia MERETON; Juliet; performed as Miss Julia HARWARD; Mrs. Henry Stuart JERDAN)
Born ? by 1852; daughter of Thomas MERETON and Christiana WILKES
Active professionally by c. 1862 until 1874
Married Henry Stuart JERDAN, St. George's Presbyterian church, Sydney, NSW, 14 July 1874
Died Melbourne, VIC, 8 August 1904, aged "52" (shareable link to this entry)
HARWARD, Louisa Jane (Louisa Jane HARWARD; Miss L. HARWARD)
Born ? ; daughter of William HAWARD and Christiana WILKES
Active on stage 1869-70
Married John ROBINSON, St. Patrick's cathedral, Melbourne, VIC, 29 July 1875 (shareable link to this entry)
William Harward was a much younger half brother of Thomas Harward above. Their father Laurence having died in Cornwall in 1847, his second wife, William's mother, Elizabeth (d. Adelaide, 15 March 1852), and her three youngest daughters, emigrated along with William to South Australia, on the Caroline, in 1849, joining Thomas in the colony.
William was certainly the Mr. Harward and billed as playing cornet and cornopean solos and duets with Robert McCullagh from 1850. Probably semi-professional members of the Adelaide theatre band, they both resigned from their day jobs, as guards on the Kooringa mail, early in 1852, around the time of Elizabeth Harward's death. By July, Harward was with a large contingent of George Coppin's Adelaide theatre band and acting troupe in Geelong, VIC, playing there at the Theatre Royal with his new wife, the actor Christina Wilkes (? Walker), previously "Mrs. Mereton".
Baptisms in the parish of Kilkhampton, Cornwall, 1829; Cornwall Family History Society (PAYWALL)
18 October 1829 / William / [son of] Lawrence and Elizabeth / Harward . . .
England census, 1841, Holsworthy, Devon; UK National Archives, HO107/257/11/1/16/27 (PAYWALL)
Mary Thorne / 60 / Ironmonger
Francis Honey / 30 / Tinman . . .
William Harward / 12 / Tinman ap[prentice] / [born in county, sic]
William: Adelaide, SA (1 September 1849 to mid 1852):
"ARRIVED", Adelaide Times [SA] (3 September 1849), 3
September 1 . . . Same day - The ship Caroline, 407 tons, Perry, from Plymouth, 4th May.
Passengers . . . Mrs. Harward and three daughters . . . Harward . . . in the steerage.
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (21 February 1850), 2
MR. COPPIN in three new pieces. This Evening, Thursday, February 21 . . .
Solo, Cornet a Piston - Di' Piacere - Mr. Harward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); John Lazar (actor, manager); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
MUSIC: (? variations on) Di piacer (Rossini, from La gazza ladra)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (18 March 1850), 2
SIX GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS, A LA JULIEN, At the Exchange, King William-street.
Under the Direction of MR. W. WALLACE.
THE First Concert will take place on Tuesday Evening, 19th March.
The Chorus and Orchestra will consist of upwards of thirty-five performers, and the programme will be selected from the works of
Julien, Mozart, Labitzky, Rossini, Lanner, Weber, Strauss.
The evening's amusements will embrace Waltzes, Quadrilles, Gallopades, Polkas, and Overtures; also Solos both Vocal and Instrumental.
List of some of the principal Performers: - . . . [band] Mr. Lee, Mr. Cobbin, Mr. Cobbin, jun., Master Cobbin,
Mr. Richards, Her Matter, Mr. Harwood, Her Huenerbiers, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Hewett.
Also a chorus of German Gentlemen Amateurs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (violin, leader); Philip Lee (violin); William Cobbin and sons (musicians); Henry Augustus Richards (musicians); Charles Albert Frederic Mater (musician); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); George Bennett (musician); William Chapman (musician); Mr. Hewett (musician); Exchange Rooms (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (20 April 1850), 2
NEW QUEENS THEATRE. - TO the Public. -
MR. RICHARDS (Leader of the Orchestra,) having been for the last eight weeks confined to a bed of sickness, and now lying in a very dangerous state,
in consequence of which a Wife and Four Children are placed in a very helpless situation,
Mr. LAZAR has consented to open the Theatre for the
BENEFIT OF MRS. RICHARDS, On Monday, April 22,
Without any charge whatever, the gross proceeds to be given up to her, and upon which occasion
MR. GEORGE COPPIN, And the following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly consented to give their gratuitous services: . . .
[band] Mr. Chapman, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Swift, Mr. Harward, Mr. Gatland . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Swift (musician); Thomas Gatland (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian (5 July 1850), 1
85 PERFORMERS!!! . . . [including] THE ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY. Leader - Mr. Osborn.
INSTRUMENTAL- Conductor - Mr. Wallace . . . Cornets a Piston, Messrs. Harwood and McCullagh . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Osborne (leader); August Friedrich Cranz (director); Robert McCullagh (cornet); Adelaide Choral Society (association); Deutsche Liedertafel (Adelaide association)
"MR. A. MOORE'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (19 September 1850), 3
This gentleman gave his first Concert in the Colony last night. His reputation as a first-rate violinist malgre, a little affectation, was established on the first occasion of his appearance before a South Australian audience; and we were not therefore surprised to find on our entering the Exchange, that the room was very full. As we stated in an anticipatory notice a few days back, the programme had an unusually popular caste, containing as it did, various novelties not hitherto brought before the notice of our Colonial concert-goers; and this peculiarity doubtless attracted many who would not otherwise (considering the frequency of entertainments of the kind), have been present. The beneficiare conducted the instrumental pieces quite a la Julien, and wielded the baton with the true gusto of the disciples of that personage. Whether that circumstance, or the excellent leading of Messrs. Osborne and Lee were the cause we cannot say, but we assuredly never heard the Fra Diavoli Overture so well done since our first attending a Colonial concert . . . The lateness of the hour at which we write prevents us from entering into a detailed critique, but before we conclude we must not omit to notice Mr. Moore's violin solos, which were (the last in particular) exquisitely played . . . and the duet from Norma, "Deh Conte," performed in splendid style on two cornets-a-piston by Messrs. MacCullagh and Harwood and encored. The Concert as a whole was very successful.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Moore (violin, conductor)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 September 1850), 4
Adelaide Garrick Club . . . on Wednesday next, the 25th instant,
the members of the above Club will perform Moreton's Comedy, in five acts, of THE SCHOOL OF REFORM.
After the Comedy, GRAND DUO FROM "NORMA," Upon two Cornets-a-piston, Messrs. McCullagh and Harward
(as played by them with the greatest applause at Mr. Moore's concert) . . .
THE AMATEUR REED AND BRASS BAND Have kindly volunteered their assistance, and in the course of the evening will perform a variety of their favourite Polkas, Marches, &c.
- W. M. AKHURST, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Amateur Band (association); William Mower Akhurst (secretary)
[News], South Australian Register (26 September 1850), 3
Notwithstanding the somewhat injudiciously selected comedy, the amateur performance at the Queen's Theatre last evening was most numerously and respectably attended . . . After the play there was a duo from "Norma" performed on two cornets by Messrs. McCullagh and Harward, which was most deservedly applauded and encored . . .
"ANNUAL DINNER OF THE HOPE LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS", Adelaide Times (31 October 1850), 3
The annual dinner of the Hope Lodge of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows took place last evening at the Freemason's Tavern. The room was not by any means so full as on the same occasion last year, a fact which may be attributed to the excessive heat of the day . . . The toast having been drunk, the National Anthem was beautifully sung by Messrs. Mitchell, Harwood, and Charles Walsh, accompanied, on the piano by Mr. Bennett, with a cornet-a-piston obligato by Messrs. Harwood, Jun. and McCullagh . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Walsh (vocalist, actor); Thomas Harward (older half-brother, vocalist)
"HOPE LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS", South Australian (31 October 1850), 2
. . . "March from Norma," by the brass band exceedingly well played . . .
"The Adelaide March," by the brass band . . .
"Victoria Waltz," by the brass band . . .
Mr. Harward executed a fine solo on the cornopean . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (23 December 1850), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Open during the present week, Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
MESSRS. LAZAR & COPPIN BEG most respectfully to acquaint their Friends and the Public generally, that the above Splendid Theatre,
Being now completed, will open for the Season, THIS EVENING, Monday, December 23rd . . .
THE ORCHESTRA will embrace the leading Talent of the Colony, viz: -
Leader - Mr. Andrew Moore, assisted by Mr. S. W. Wallace, Herr Mater, Herr Zieglar,
Mr. Harwood, Mr. Lawrence, Herr Heunerbein, Herr Kierdel, and Mr. Chapman . . .
The Performances . . . To be preceded by Mozart's Overture to Don Giovanni . . .
In the course of the evening, the Band will play Several New Polkas, Waltzes, &c.
To conclude with the Musical Farce in Two Acts, of Love Laughs at Locksmiths.
To be preceded by Auber's Overture to Massaniello . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Ziegler (musician); Herr Keidel (musician); Mr. Lawrence (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 March 1851), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . On THURSDAY next, the 13th instant . . .
a GRAND CONCERT will be given, upon which occasion Messrs. Lazar and Coppin have great pleasure in announcing that, in conjunction with their own unrivalled Band,
the AMATEUR BRASS AND REED BAND have kindly consented to attend, under the direction of their Leader, Herr Huenerbein,
and will play during the evening some favourite pieces as performed at Mr. Moore's late Promenade Concerts . . .
7. Quartette for four brass instruments on the the favourite German air Lorilu [sic, Lorelei] - Messrs. Chapman, Harward, Huenerbein, and Mater . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (11 March 1851), 1
Grand Evening Concert. MADAME FRANCESCA ALLEN,
HAS the honor to inform the Residents of Adelaide and its vicinity that her First Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on
Wednesday evening, 12th March, in the Commercial Exchange, King William-street, on which occasion she will be assisted by
Madame Cranz, Mr. G. Bennett, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Ellard, Mr. Daniels, Mr. C. Walsh, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Lee, Herr Heunerbein, Herr Mater,
Mr. McCullagh, Mr. Harward, Mr. Barnett, &c. &. . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Duet - "I know a bank" - Cornopeans - Messrs. McCullagh and Harward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francesca Allen (vocalist); Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); George Bennett (musician); Frederick Ellard (vocalist, pianist); | Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Charles Walsh (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: I know a bank (C. E. Horn)
"MADAME F. ALLEN'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (14 March 1851), 2
Madame Allen's concert took place on Wednesday evening, at the Exchange. We were sorry to find that our anticipations, so far as regarded the attendance, were not realised; empty seats being far more prevalent than we could have either wished or imagined. The orchestral department was very meagre, but the little the instrumentalists had to do was performed satisfactorily, although the programme was not adhered to, a fact to be so far lamented, that instead of the Gazza Ladra Overture, which was set down to open the second part, the audience was treated to a hackneyed galop of Gung'l's, which has been already done to death at the Theatre . . . We are no admirers of the cornet a piston, but that instrument was done full justice to by Messrs. Chapman [sic] and Harward, who played the duet "I know a bank" . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (9 May 1851), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Open every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Proprietors - Messrs. LAZAR and COPPIN . . .
It is most respectfully announced that MRS. MERETON, From the Sydney and Port Phillip Theatres,
will have the honor of making her First Appearance in the course of next week, in a Domestic Drama (never acted here) called ELLEN WAREHAM . . .
"OFFICIAL RESIGNATIONS", South Australian Register (17 February 1852), 3
. . . R. McCullagh, T. Simpson, W. Harward, Kooringa Mail Guards.
"THE THEATRE", South Australian Register (14 May 1852), 3
Mr. Coppin's farewell benefit last night was attended by (probably) the largest number of persons ever seen within the walls of the Adelaide Theatre . . . It was a gratification to see him so well supported; Mrs. Mereton's acting was admirable for its spirit and truthfulness . . .
Melbourne and Geelong, VIC, (from mid 1852 to early 1854):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 June 1852), 5
Saturday, June 5, 1852, at the Mechanics' Institute, Collins-street.
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. TESTAR, Mr. St. George Hamilton, Mr. Charles Walsh,
Messrs. Buddee, Megson, Reed, Cooze, Harwood, and Thompson, Herr Huenerbein, Messrs. Osborne and Wheeler,
Herr Zeigler, Mons. Lavrance, Messrs. Jenkins, Cossac, Cobbin, Beattie, and Barnard;
Assisted by the most powerful band ever concentrated in Victoria.
PROGRAMME: PART I. Overture - Il Don Giovanni - Mozart . . .
Quadrille - English, Band - Jullien.
PART II. Overture - La Dame Blanche, Band - Boildieu . . .
Quartette - Four Brass instruments.
Polka - Elephant (as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane) - Jullien - Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mr. St. George Hamilton (vocalist); Julius Buddee (pianist); Joseph Megson (violinist); Thomas Reed (musician); William Joseph Cooze (musician); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician); Mr. Cossa (musician); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue); the artists in this concert included several others formerly of Adelaide, some also recently arrived, including Mater himself, Walsh, Thompson, Huenerbein, Osborne, Ziegler, Lavrance, and William Cobbin junior
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (4 June 1852), 1
CAUTION. THE undersigned will not ne answerable for any debts contracted by any of his family.
THOMAS MERETON. Great Malop-street, Geelong.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Mereton (actor, Christiana's former partner)

1852, marriages in the district of Geelong; Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Victoria
No. 395 / . . . Church of Scotland . . .
William Harward of Geelong Bachelor and Christina Walker of Geelong Spinster
were joined together in wedlock on the 17th day of July 1852 at Geelong . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (31 July 1852), 2
Musical Director, Herr Hunerbein; Leader of the Band, Mr. Wallace; Pianist, Signor Montegani
SATURDAY Evening, 31st Inst.,
Grand March from NORMA - The Band . . .
Solo, Cornet-a-piston - Mr. Harward . . .
Galop, EVERGREEN - Labitzky - Band
Romance, LORD LOVELL - Mr. Coppin . . .
Quadrille, OCEAN WAVE - The Band
Overture, MONTECCHI e Capuletti - Band . . .
English & German Duet - Hunerbein & Coppin
Polka, CECILLE - The Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin's Geelong company also included several other musicians formerly of Adelaide, including Huenerbein, Spencer Wellington Wallace, and Alfred Mantegani (pianist); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (5 August 1852), 2
The Entertainments will commence with a Petite Comedy, never acted here, entitled TIME TRIES ALL; OR, The Friendly Merchants.
Mr. Leeson (the Friendly Merchant) - Mr. Coppin . . . Laura Leeson - Mrs. Mereton [sic] . . .
To be followed by the admired interlude of A DAY AFTER THE WEDDING . . .
Lady Elizabeth Freelove - Mrs. Harward . . .
See also [Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (13 August 1852), 2
ON which occasion he will be assisted by the choicest talent in Victoria.
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS . . . Herr Huenerbein, Messrs. Harwood, Howson and Monthegarni.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Il nozze de Figaro - Mozart . . .
PART II. Overture - Norma, Band - Bellini . . .
Waltz - Die Orientalen = Labitzky . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howson (musician)
Will of Thomas Mereton, made 14 January 1853; proved 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Geelong January 14th 1853 / I Thomas Mereton . . . do hereby give and bequeath all my Estate . . .
to be equally divided between my children (by the present wife of Mr. Harward)
by name Christiane, Elizabeth, Juliet, James, William, Ondine and Mary (now Mrs. Holloway) and Sarah Needham . . .
and I appoint Henry Deering and William Marwell both of Geelong my executors. / Thomas Mereton.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor, Christiana's son-in-law); Henry Deering (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (30 April 1853), 2
LEADER OF THE ORCHESTRA - Mr. THOM, assisted by one Member of the Geelong Harmonic Society.
Second Violins - Mr. SAYERS, with two Members of the G. H. S.
VIOLONCELLOS - Two Members of the G.H.S.
TENORS - Mr. F. COPPIN, with one Member of the G.H.S.
FLUTES - Mr. ROYAL, with two Members of the G.H.S.
PROGRAMME: PART I. Overture, "Caliph of Bagdad" - The Band . . .
PART II. Overture, "Guy Mannering" - The Band . . .
Duet (Cornet a Piston,) from the Opera of Norma - Mr. F. Coppin and Mr. Harward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bream Thom (violin, leader); William Francis Sayer (violin, vocalist); Frederick Coppin (violin, cornet); Creed Royal (flute, piano); Geelong Harmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (24 June 1853), 5
Leader and Conductor, Mr. Thom . . .
PART I. OVERTURE. Figaro - The Band . . .
TRIO. - Two Cornets and Tuba Basso (first time) - Mr. F. Coppin, Mr. Harward, and Herr Hunsebine [sic] . . .
WALTZ. - First time, illustrative of the "Heart of an Englishman," commencing with "See the Conquering Hero Comes," and finishing with "The Roast Beef of Old England - The Band. (Labitzky.)
PART II. OVERTURE. - Fra Diavolo - The Band. (Auber.) . . .
D'Albert's new Set of IRISH QUADRILLES, entitled Ireland,
introducing "Garry Owen," "The Brown Irish Girl," "Paddy's Resourse," "A Lovely Lass to a Fairy Came," "Gold Morning to your Nightcap,"
"Evelyn's Bower," with Solos for the Flageolet and Cornet - The Band . . .
"THE THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (2 September 1853), 2
"All that Glitters is not Gold" was repeated on Tuesday night. Mr. Holloway enacted his part excellently. This gentleman's acting has improved very much. It is getting more chastened and finished, and we are happy to observe an absence of that rant in which he formerly indulged. He seems also to have a good perception of humour. Mrs. Thom performed her part in a manner which could leave nothing to be wished, even by the most fastidious audience. And Mrs. Harward, and Coppin, were, as usual, "all there" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Thom (actor)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (24 October 1853), 4
MESSRS. HERRING AND OTTO beg leave to announce to their Friends, and the Public, that they intend giving a
GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, in the above-mentioned Garden, on
MONDAY, October 24th, for which occasion they have engaged the first musical talent in the colony.
The String Band, under the direction of Mr. B. Thom.
The Brass Band, under the direction of Herr Hunerbein.
The Orchestra will consist of the following Artists:
1st Violin - Mr. B. Thom.
2nd Violin and Trombone - Mr. Gabb.
Tenor and Cornopean - Mr. F. Coppin.
Bass and Clarionette - Mr. Hunerbein.
Flute - Mr. Stoneham.
Cornopean - Mr. Harward.
Ophicliede - Mr. Tanner.
Drum - Mr. Stanley.
The Concert to commence at 3 o'clock, p.m. Admission - 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gough Gabb (musician); William Stoneham (musician); William Tanner (musician)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (29 October 1853), 1 supplement
THE GEELONG HARMONIC SOCIETY Have great pleasure in announcing that the first
PERIODICAL CONCERT will take place on SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 29th, 1853.
The following selection of Music having been for a considerable time in rehearsal, will be produced by the
LARGEST NUMBER OF PERFORMERS ever brought together in Geelong, under the Leadership of the Society's Director, MR. THOM . . .
PART I. Overture - Zara - Winter . . .
Instrumental Quartett, 2 Cornets, Trombone Basso and Opheclide - Messrs. Haward, Coppin, Hunerbein and Tanner . . .
Selections from the Opera of Stradella - by the Band - Flotow.
PART II. Overture, "Italiana in Algeri" - Rossini . . .
Surprise Galop - Band - Gungl . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (10 January 1854), 4
Solo on the Cornopean - Mr. HARWARD. DANCE - By Miss MERETON . . .
Sole Lessee and Manager - MR. DEERING.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Deering (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (14 January 1854), 4
THEATRE ROYAL . . . On MONDAY Evening, January 16th . . . DANCE, by Miss Harward [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (21 January 1854), 4
Saturday Evening, January 21st, 1854 . . .
INSTRUMENTALISTS: Primo Violin - Mr. F. Coppin - Cornopean - Mr. Harward.
Secondo - Mr. Sinclair - Saxe Tuba - Mr. Huenerbein. AND A FULL BAND . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (10 February 1854), 4
GRAND CONCERT. MR. AND MRS. MOORE Have returned. (Old Favorites and Great Novelty) . . .
MR. F. COPPIN'S CELEBRATED BAND Will, during the evening, perform some admired Overtures, Waltzes, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew and Rachel Moore (violinist and vocalist)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (29 April 1854), 4
Principal Vocalists - MADAME SARA FLOWER, The Australian Nightingale.
Mrs. MOORE, the Favourite soprano.
Re-appearance of MR. F. W. SAYERS, The Primo Tenore of the Colonies.
MR. LABERNE, the John Parry of Australia.
Instrumentalists: Messrs. F. Coppin, Harward, Cossa, Heunerbein, Gabb, and A. Moore.
Leader - Mr. Coppin. Conductor - Mr. A. Moore.
PROGRAMME: PART I. Overture - "The Bohemian Girl," - Full Band - Balfe . . .
5. Waltz - 'D'Amour,' with Cornopean obligato by Mr. Harward - Koenig . . .
7. Solo - Cornopean, by desire - Mr. Harward . . .
9. Quadrille - "The Irish," - Full Band - Jullien . . .
PART II. Overrure - "Norma," - Full Band - Bellini . . .
5. Galop - "The Ne Plus Ultra," - Full Band - Gungl . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); George Laberne (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (5 August 1854), 5
THEATRE ROYAL . . . On MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 7th, 1854 . . . Dance - Miss Harward . . .
Launceston and Hobart, TAS (from late 1854):
"CLARENCE THEATRE", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (14 October 1854), 5
. . . An old favorite with a new name, though not less welcome, Mrs. Harwood (late Mrs. Mereton) appears as Portia, in the Merchant of Venice, on Monday next. Miss Mereton is an accomplished danseuse, and also appears; while to the orchestra is consigned the unquestionable talent of Mr. Harwood on the cornet-a-piston.
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarence Theatre (Launceston venue)
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (28 October 1854), 3
Will be produced for the first time, an interesting drama entitled THE DEATH TOKEN. Mariette - Mrs. Harward . . .
R. BLAKE, Proprietor. G. ARABIN, Manager.
Bulwer's celebrated play in five acts, entitled THE LADY OF LYONS.
SOLO, Cornet a Piston - "The Blue Bells of Scotland," with variations - Mr. Harward.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Blake (proprietor); Gustavus Arabin (actor, manager); Clarence Theatre (Launceston venue)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (20 January 1855), 5
Royal Clarence Theatre. MONDAY evening, January 22nd . . . For the Benefit of MRS. MOORE . . .
The interlude to consist of - Song "The Irish Emigrant" - Mrs. Webster, (her first appearance these 5 years.) Song - Amateur.
Double Irish Jig, Miss Harward and Mrs. Moore. Song - "Annie Laurie," Mrs. Webster.
Solo - Cornet a Piston, Mr. Harward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Moore (actor, dancer); Mrs. Webster (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (3 February 1855), 5
CLARENCE THEATRE . . . Monday Evening, February 5th . . .
Solo - "Cornet-a piston" - Mr. Harward . . . New Dance - Miss Harward . . .
"Public Amusements. ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (17 March 1855), 2
We have the pleasure of reminding our readers that this popular place of amusement re-opened on Monday evening next with an accession of talent alike creditable to the energy and perseverance, as in the real sense of the word, the patriotism of Mr. Watson, who has spared no expense in bringing forward first-rate professionals upon this occasion. It has previously been our satisfaction to record that Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holt had arrived . . . They come out to one of their new pieces, "Civilisation; or the King, the Court, and the Indian," in which they will be supported by Mrs. Harward, late Mrs. Mereton, an old established favourite . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (actor, proprietor); Clarance and Marie Holt (actors); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Courier (15 September 1855), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Great Attraction. Mrs. Harward's Benefit. MONDAY EVENING, 17th September.
MRS. HARWARD begs to announce to the ladies and gentlemen of the City of Hobart Town and its environs that her Benefit is fixed for the above evening;
she therefore most respectfully solicits the kind favour of their patronage on the occasion, and trusts that the selection of pieces is such as will give general satisfaction.
The performances will commence with the beautiful Drama entitled VALSHA; or, The Slave Queen. Valsha, Mrs. Harward.
To be followed by Solo, Cornet a Piston, Mr. Harward; Dance, Mr. Cohen
To conclude with the celebrated Nautical Drama entitled BLACK EYED SUSAN. Susan, Mrs. Harward; William, Mr. Byers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Cohen (dancer); James Lucas Byers (actor)
[Advertisement], The Courier (29 December 1855), 2
MONDAY EVENING, December 31. Mrs. Harward, in conforming to a long-established usage, has much pleasure in announcing that her Farewell Benefit is fixed for the above evening,
when she most earnestly trusts to have the satisfaction of securing such a patronage as her humble efforts in supporting the Drama may fairly be entitled to.
On the above evening will be produced, for the first time here, the beautiful Drama entitled CARLINE, THE FEMALE BRIGAND.
Carline (assuming the characters of Kreutz, a ferryman; an old Mendicant; a French Marquis; a Wandering Savoyard; and a Neapolitan Peasant Girl) Mrs. Harward.
To be followed by Solo, Cornet Piston, Mr. Harward.
Mrs. Harward will deliver a Farewell Address to the Married and Single.
Highland Fling, Miss Harward.
The entertainments will conclude with the admired Comedy of THE POST of HONOUR. Trudchon, Mrs. Harward . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Tasmanian Telegraph [Hobart, TAS] (23 March 1859), 4
Monday night was a great event for the Garrick Club. The Rob Roy was certainly a great improvement on the last performance . . . Helen McGregor as impersonated by Mrs. Harward was vigorous, pointed, and perfect. We have already stated that she is our Prima-Donna and are happy to repeat the expression, she is the only Lady in this Island who could sustain the character - her voice was good, firm, resolute, and at the same time, the usual characteristic of modesty and unexcelled delineation of character, was effectively and truthfully pourtrayed in Diana Vernon, is to us a mystery - and why? - she appears to possess all the tact of an old actress: her excellent pronunciation the clearness of her delivery, the sweetness of her voice in the numerous songs incidental to the piece, require an especial notice; and that is, that she is the most advanced amateur we have had the honor to witness . . .
"MRS. HARWARD'S BENEFIT", The Tasmanian Times (15 October 1870), 2
The Garrick Club announce a performance at the Theatre Royal as a farewell benefit to Mrs. Harward. This lady so long and favourably known to the play-going public of Tasmania, is now, we hear, about to leave the colony. She is well entitled to a complimentary benefit which we should be pleased to hear resulted in a substantial advantage. Mrs. Harward has for upwards of 20 years lent her assistance to the production of dramatic performances in Hobart Town, and if we were to excise from the list of such entertainments in this city during that period all those in which Mrs. Harward has played a part, whether with professional or amateur actors, we should retain but a very brief catalogue of such performances. Mrs. Harward has been long a popular favourite with the lovers of the drama; her acting, despite the disadvantage of so long a residence in Hobart Town, is far removed from mediocrity, and has always commanded deserved applause. We trust her friends and admirers will rally round her on this occasion, and that a bumper house on Monday night will testify to the public appreciation of her excellence and usefulness as an actress, and to her readiness at all times, to promote the cause of charity and benevolence, and to aid the efforts in the same direction of our local amateurs.
"AMUSEMENTS", The Tasmanian Times (5 November 1870), 3
. . . Mrs. and Miss Harward - two very old residents and actresses of long standing - have taken their departure for Victoria. Farewell benefits were given to these ladies - one on the 18th ult. at the Theatre Royal by the G.V.B. Club - and one on the 31st ult. at Del Sarte's Rooms by amateurs . . .
"MARRIAGES", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (17 July 1874), 2
On the 14th July, at St. George's Church, Sydney, by the Rev. G. Sutherland, Henry Stuart Jerdan, second son of the late William Jerdan, Esq., M.A., M.R.S.L., and corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Madrid, to Julia Mereton, daughter of the late Mr. Mereton, of Melbourne.
"MARRIAGE", The Tasmanian Tribune (1 September 1875), 1
ROBINSON - HARWARD. - On the 29th July, 1875, at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, by the Rev. J. O. Sullivan, John, only child of the late John Robinson, to Louisa Jane, youngest daughter of William Harward of Hobart Town, Tasmania.
"THE ORATORIO, THE MESSIAH", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (28 December 1875), 2
. . . Equal praise must also be accorded to Mr. E. Whitesides' singing of the great song, "Why do the nations," and to Mr. Reynolds' remarkably fine rendering of "The trumpet shall sound," in which the trumpet obligato part (performed by Mr. Harward) told with grand effect. The orchestra, though not very large, was exceedingly effective, mid rarely overpowered the soloists. A good understanding seemed to exist between the players, who played well "together," and with less of the "drawing a bow at a venture," noticeable on other occasions. The able corporation of Messrs. Russell and Dentith would, to a large extent, account for this, and the fact that each player was up to his work, and did it carefully, well, and unobtrusively . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (musician); Alfred Jackson Dentith (musician)
"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (6 June 1883), 1
HARWARD. - On the 4th June, at his residence, 199 Wellington-street, Collingwood, William Harward, late of Hobart, aged 54 years.
"SUDDEN DEATH", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (9 June 1883), 2
A familiar face has passed away. William Harward, who came to this colony 28 years ago, was employed for about half that time as conductor of the Hobart and Launceston coach. He subsequently became driver of the Hobart and New Norfolk coach, which position he filled for 12 or 14 years, continuing in it until about 10 weeks ago. He was a first-rate cornet player, and was for many years a member of the orchestra at the Theatre Royal. Recently he had suffered from ill health. He left the colony at the end of last week and proceeded to Collingwood, Melbourne, where he died on Sunday last, aged 54.
"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner (28 May 1887), 1
ROBINSON. - On 23rd May, at Collingwood, Victoria, Louisa Jane Robinson, wife of John Robinson, and youngest daughter of the late William Harward, formerly of Hobart.
"In Memoriam", The Age (29 December 1888), 5
In Memoriam. Daniels. - In sorrowful remembrance of Elizabeth Mereton Daniels, who died 23th December, 1887, the dearly loved sister of Mrs. Chirk-Gray, and daughter of Mrs. W. Harward, late of Wellington-street, Collingwood.
"MISSING FRIENDS", The Brisbane Courier (11 May 1892), 2
HARWARD, Christina, was last heard of ten years ago in Melbourne. Sister Mary.

1894, deaths in the district of Collingwood in the colony of Victoria; Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, Victoria
No. 7681 / 29th October 1894 / Nicholson Street, City of Collingwood /
Christiana Harwood / Female 80 years / "Mortua Cordis" (valvular) . . . /
[daughter of] Thomas Wilkes, Mariner [and] Christiana Wilks formerly unknown
[reported by] Ondine Ede, daughter, 17 Nicholson Street, Abbotsford /
[Married] Geelong Victoria [aged] 25 [sic] [to] William Harward /
[offspring] Mary Ann dead
Christiana 50 years
William dead
Elizabeth dead
James 40 yrs
Ondine 38 yrs [sic]
Julia 37 yrs [sic]
Louisa dead
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (30 October 1894), 8
HARWARD. - The Friends of the late Mrs. CHRISTINA HARWARD are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of interment, the Melbourne General Cemetery. The funeral is appointed to move from her daughter's residence, Mrs. C. Ede, 17 Nicholson-street, Abbotsford, THIS DAY (Tuesday), 30th inst., at 2 o'clock, punctually.
"DEATHS", The Age (12 August 1904), 1
JERDAN (nee Merton) - On the 8th August, at Dr. Moore's private hospital, Melbourne, Julia, wife of Henry Stuart Jerdan, beloved sister of Mrs. G. Ede and Mrs. C. Grey, both of Abbotsford. A patient sufferer at rest.
"MARRIAGES", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (20 March 1914), 1
MOUNTJOY - HARWARD (Diamond Wedding) - On the 20th March, 1854, at St. John's Church, Adelaide, by the late Rev. J. C. Bagshaw, M.D.,
Caleb, son of the late James Mountjoy, Kilkhampton, Nth. Cornwall (England), to Louisa Jane,
daughter of the late Laurence Harward, of Kilkhampton, Nth. Cornwall, England.
"At Home" at "Airlie Bank," Retreat Road, Geelong, on Saturday, 21st March, afternoon and evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Jane Harward (William's sister, born Kilkhampton, 1836; died Geelong, VIC, 5 July 1914);
see also "IN MEMORIAM. MRS. CALEB MOUNYJOY", Spectator and Methodist Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (28 August 1914), 1393
Bibliography and resources:
Christina Harward [sic], Find a grave
HARWOOD, Charles William (Charles William HARWOOD; C. W. HARWOOD, R.A.M.)
Musician, professor of the pianoforte and singing, pianist, organist, composer
Born London, England, c. 1821 son of John HARWOOD
Married Mary Ann MITCHELL (widow ALLAN), St. George, Hanover-square, London, England, 12 March 1850
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 June 1852 (per Hashemy, from Plymouth, 2 December, via Adelaide, 17 March, and Melbourne, 5 May to 13 June)
Died Hunters Hill, NSW, 13 October 1904, aged "83/84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
1850, marriage solemnized in the parish church in the parish of St. George Hanover Square in the county of Middlesex; register 1849-50, page 209; City of Westminster Archives, STG/PR/7/37 (PAYWALL)
No. 418 / [1850] March 12 / Charles William Harwood / full age / Bachelor / Professor of Music / Maddox Street / [son of] John Harwood / News Agent
Mary Ann Eliza ALLAN / full age / Widow / - / Maddox Street / [daughter of] William Mitchell / Surveyor . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. George Hanover Square, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1475/418/36 (PAYWALL)
7 Maddox St. Bond St. / Charles William Harwood / Head / Mar. / 29 / Professor of Music / [born] London Middl'x
Mary Ann E. Harwood / Wife / Mar. / 36 / - / [born] Cambridge
Henry Alexander Allan / Step Son / 5 // Emily Susanna Allan / [Step] Daur. / 3 / [born born London] [plus 2 lodgers]
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (19 June 1852), 2
June 18. - Hashemy, ship, 523 tons, Captain John Ross, from Port Phillip 13th instant. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harwood and three children . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (15 July 1852), 1
MUSICAL CARD. - Mr. Harwood, late Professor of the Royal Academy, of London,
begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Sydney and Suburbs, that he instructs in the
Piano and Singing, and that he has brought with him some of the latest publications.
Address to his residence, Adolphus-street. Balmain;
or to the care of Mr. JOHNSON, 314, Pitt-street, Sydney.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller, publisher); Royal Academy of Music (London institution)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 April 1854), 1
MUSICAL CARD. - Mr. C. W. HARWOOD, Professor of the Pianoforte and Singing. Nicholson-street, Balmain.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 October 1854), 1
PIANOFORTE and Singing. Mr. HARWOOD, Nicholson-st, Balmain; or Mr. Dolman's, Park-st., Sydney.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Dolman (bookseller)
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1855), 5
On the 15th instant, at Balmain, the wife of Mr. Charles William Harwood, of a son.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 April 1855), 1
CHURCH CHOIR. - Voices wanted for the choir of St. Mark's Church, Darling Point.
None but persons of respectability admitted.
Apply to Mr. C. W. HARWOOD, organist, Mr. Johnson's Musical Repository, 57, Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Anglican churches (general)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 June 1855), 1
MR. HARWOOD, organist of St. Mark's, begs to acquaint his pupils that he has arranged to give
Instruction (pianoforte and singing) in Sydney, to those who cannot receive their lessons at their own residence.
Communications, by letter, to Mr. HURFORD'S, 76, Castlereagh-street, or personally between the hours of four and five.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Robert Hurford (musicseller)
[Advertisement], Empire (20 July 1855), 1
AN Open or VISITORS' CONCERT will be given at St. James's School Room, Castlereagh-street, on
TUESDAY next, the 21th July. Doors to be open at Seven, and the Concert commence at quarter to Eight.
Part I. Handel's celebrated Dettingen "Te Deum."
Part II. A Selection from Handel's Oratorio, "The Messiah."
The Instrumental Accompaniments by the Gentlemen of the orchestra of the Philharmonic Society.
Organist, Mr. Harwood; Conductor, Mr. Fisher . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Churchill Fisher (conductor); Sydney Choral Society (association); St. James's School Room (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1855), 2
MR. HARWOOD, Organist of St. Mark's Church, begs to state that he will
resume Tuition (pianoforte and singing) on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd of January. Marlborough-street Surry Hills.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1856), 1
MR. HARWOOD, Organist of St. Mark's, Teacher of the Organ and Harmonium; at home on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MORNING.
Marlborough-street, Surry Hills (near the junction with Cleveland-street).
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1856), 8
REMOVAL. - Mr. HARWOOD, professor of music, from Marlborough-street to 9, Gloucester-terrace, Lyons-terrace.
Communications may be addressed to the care of Messrs. HURFORD, 76, Castlereagh-street, in any case where that locality is more convenient.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1856), 8
MR. HARWOOD, Professor of Music, visits North Shore. Letters to be addressed to the Post Office.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1857), 5
PRINCIPAL: The Rev. GEORGE F. McARTHUR, Incumbent at St. Mark's.
MASTERS: . . . 5. Music. - Mr. Harwood, Royal Academy of Music London.
6. Drawing. - Mr. S. T. Gill. 7. Dancing. - Mr. Clarke . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fairfowl Macarthur (cleric, principal); Samuel Thomas Gill (drawing master); probably John Clark (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 November 1858), 8
MR. HARWOOD, Professor of Music, will be happy to select pianofortes or harmoniums, either for purchase or hire,
and will, in addition, see to their being forwarded to their destination, in town or country, if provided with a proper guarantee against risk.
102, Forbes-street, Woolloomooloo.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1858), 5
MR. HARWOOD, Professor of Music, will have the pleasure of Resuming Tuition on the 10th of January, 1859, at the expiration of a fortnight's vacation.
102, Forbes-street, Woolloomooloo. December 25th.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1859), 1
VOCAL MUSIC. - A Class, limited in number, is in course of formation.
Ladies are especially invited to join; also, children from nine years of age of either sex.
Terms, 10s. 6d. per quarter. Further particulars from Mr. HARWOOD, 93, Forbes-street;
or of Mr. HORNER, corner of William-street and Palmer-street, Woolloomooloo.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 February 1860), 8
CHOIR BOYS WANTED for a church near Sydney. Remuneration will be given to those fully competent.
Apply, personally, to Mr. HARWOOD, 93, Forbes-street, Woolloomooloo.
"FLOOD RELIEF FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 March 1860), 7
The grand vocal and instrumental concert, in aid of this fund, was given last night by the members of the musical profession, in the Exchange Hall, which was crowded in every part. Almost, if not all the local talent now in Sydney, was placed at the disposal of the committee, in addition to the instrumental talent of Signor Cutolo, the Band of the 12th regiment, and a numerous array of amateur and professional performers . . . Of the accompanyists, those unfortunates upon whom so much of the success of a singer depends, but upon whom none of the plaudits are bestowed, were Messrs. Packer, F. Ellard, Cordner, Harwood, Stanley, and Marsh, each of whom exerted his known ability to the utmost . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Disastrous floods (event, February 1860); Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Charles Sandys Packer (pianist); Frederick Ellard (pianist); William John Cordner (pianisr); William Stanley (pianist); Henry Marsh (pianist); Band of the 12th Regiment (military); Exchange Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (30 April 1861), 3
Pianoforte and Singing, MR. HARWOOD, late of the Royal Academy of Music, London,
will - weather permitting - visit Wollongong on MONDAY, the 20th instant;
and if sufficient tuition offers, will pay weekly visits.
Enquire of MISS RANDALL, Denison House, Market-square,
or to MR. HARWOOD, 93, Forbes-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1861), 9
PIANOFORTE and SINGING - Mr. HARWOOD, formerly on the staff of instructors at the Royal Academy of Music, London,
visits professionally the vicinity of Burwood, Ashfield, and Canterbury.
Apply for particulars to Mr. HARWOOD, Forbes-street, Sydney; or to Mr. WATTS, District Registrar, Burwood.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (5 April 1862), 6
. . . C. W. HARWOOD, formerly Organist of St. Mary's and St. Patrick's Churches; also teacher of singing at St. Mary's Seminary . . .
"MR. MARSH'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 December 1862), 4
A concert, under the direction of Mr. Henry Marsh, came off yesterday evening at the Masonic Hall . . . The solo vocalists were Madame Sara Flower, Madame Flora Harris, and Mr. F. Ellard . . . Mr. H. Marsh, Mr. Harwood, and Mr. McDougall presided at the pianoforte.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Flora Harris (vocalist); William James Macdougall (pianist); Masonic Hall (Sydney venue)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1863), 7
THE past month has witnessed unusual activity in the theatrical and musical world. Several concerts have taken place, and, judging from the number of patrons and the nature of the applause bestowed, professionals have had no reason to complain. First in point of time came the matinee musicale given by Madame Jaffa . . . The next event that engrossed attention was a concert given in aid of the funds of the Destitute Children's Asylum at Randwick. This entertainment took place on the evening of the 2nd January, at the School of Arts, when Madame Sara Flower, Madame Flora Harris, Mr. Sussmilch, Messrs. Hodge, Peck, Bridson, and Harwood, and the members of the German Glee Club lent their valuable assistance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Jaffa (pianist); Christian Bernhard Sussmilch (vocalist); Sebatian Hodge (clarinet); George Peck (violin); Thomas Vicary Bridson (pianist); German Glee Club (association); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1863), 1
MR. HARWOOD, Musical Professor, R.A , London, Organist of St. Andrew's.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Andrew's temporary cathedral (Sydney)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1864), 6
MR. HARWOOD, R.A., Musical Professor, will resume tuition on January 4th. 93, Forbes-street.
"ORPHEONIST SOCIETY - THIRD CONCERT", Sydney Mail (25 June 1864), 4
The third concert of the season was given by the members of this society before a large and brilliant assemblage, in the Masonic Hall, on Thursday evening . . . Among the more noticeable gems of the first part was the aria "Le Coeur d'Helene," sung with much effect by Madame Wallace Bushelle, and loudly applauded; also the scena "Vieni, la mia Vendetta," forcibly rendered by a gentleman amateur - Mr. J. Bushelle . . . Mr. Callen, as musical director and conductor, acted with his usual efficiency, while Mr. Harwood, as accompanyist, gave every satisfaction . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace Bushelle (vocalist); John Butler Bushelle (vocalist); George Douglas Callen (conductor); Orpheonist Society (association)
"DEATHS", Empire (4 July 1864), 1
ALLAN - At 83, Forbes-street, at the residence of her mother, Mrs. C. W. Harwood, Caroline Eliza, aged 28, after eleven years illness, the eldest daughter of the late Mr. A. Allan, of Maddox street, Hanover-square, London.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1865), 1
MR. HARWOOD, Professor of Piano and Singing. 93, Forbes-street, or Mr. Sloper's.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (29 June 1867), 5
Sir, - Knowing the love of music in the colony, and the particular desire now to hear the fine organ, of the Cathedral,
I am induced to offer a suggestion to the committee in charge of affairs at that building.
I have heard, so great has been the rush of organists, professional and amateur, with their blowers,
that Messrs. Jackson and Young have suffered much impediment in bringing the instrument to completion;
and every organist has been asked when he is going to try the organ.
I have been willing to wait my turn, without officious intrusion, and, though I had no opportunity as yet of becoming acquainted with the instrument,
would with pleasure assist in carrying out the proposed object.
I think the building being unconsecrated, and there being yet some months 'ere services will be practicable, a fine opportunity presents itself of
exhibiting the instrument, - and, either by charging a small amount, or by accepting voluntary offerings from visitors -
thus to raise a sum of money to be handed over to the committee in aid of the sufferers by the floods.
There would not, I am sure, be a musical man in Sydney who would not give his few hours for so worthy a object -
the profession being always desirable to contribute their services in aid of charity.
This plan is equally removed from the absurdities of the festivals given in the English Cathedrals,
where are introduced operatic scenes, piano-forte solos, ballads, &c.;
and from the bazaars and balls, so often given in aid of church purposes.
Such a performance composed of organ music alone would be innocent; and since the building is not yet devoted to sacred purposes,
the programme could include music which the public will afterwards, for years probably, be debarred from hearing.
Few people are sensible that the organ, the king of instruments, is capable of rendering every kind of music -
the overture, the symphony, the chorus both sacred and secular, besides the ordinary music for the church.
An arrangement, no doubt, could be made for the evening, when the workmen of the building would not be interrupted.
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
- C. W. HARWOOD, Organist of St Andrew's Temporary Cathedral. Sydney, 28th June.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles James Jackson (organbuilder); George Edward Young (organbuilder); Harwood's letter, concerning the organ in the unfinished permanent cathedral, provoked an ongoing correspondence, excerpts from which are selected below
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (3 July 1867), 3
Sir, - In your issues of Saturday last, I notice a letter signed by a Mr. Harwood, organist of St. Andrew's Temporary Cathedral.
The purport of the letter seems to be to set forth the desirability of having an organ performance at the cathedral for the benefit of the Floods Relief Fund.
Of the laudable object the writer has in view I suppose there can be but one opinion. I should like it above all things, if such could be carried out, but the great difficulty is, who to get to play.
Mr. Harwood says that the cathedral has been invaded by a rush of organists, with their "blowers," anxious to try the organ.
My private opinion is, the organist and "blower" are but too often one and the same individual.
I have never known an indifferent performer yet but who made up in conceit what he lacked in ability.
In the city churches I have seldom even heard a chant or a psalm tune played as it ought to be,
while the concluding voluntary is a "smudge through" of a Mozart's "Gloria," "Cujus Animan," march from "Athalie,"
a Handel's chorus, or some piece played with plenty of noise, but evidently far above the capabilities of the performer,
as regards correctness of manipulation, or (to coin a word) "pedipulation," either.
I believe that there are not more than three organists in this town, who could do anything like proper justice to, or bring out the qualities of, the instrument that is now erected at St. Andrew's Cathedral;
and in my humble opinion, the committee of management would have acted widely in securing the services of a thoroughly competent man in England.
Give him a salary worth emigrating for, and see at the same time that he is well able to train a choir.
I have been a resident in Sydney for very many years, but still not long enough to forget the intense pleasure with which in the old country I have listened to Goss, Turle,
Hopkins (of the Temple), Dr. Monk, Dr. Elvey, Best, J. J. Cooper, and many others.
Of course, it is not to be supposed for a moment that such men as these could be inclined to come out to Australia;
but there is no denying the fact that there are hundreds of organists in England who have not attained such rank and eminence in their profession,
but who nevertheless are first-class performers.
Mr. Harwood says something about the "absurdities" practised in English cathedrals, to wit-opera scenes, pianoforte solos, ballads, &c., &c.
I have never heard, and have never read of them, and Mr. Harwood, I imagine, must have dreamed of them.
Does he allude to the festivals of the three choirs, Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester?
If so, I can tell him that at these gatherings there is nothing but strictly sacred music -
oratorios principally - the solo singers being generally the same as at the Sacred Harmonic Society,
Sims Reeves, Weiss, Madame Sainton Dolby, Madame Lemmens-Sherrington, &c., &c.
The festival of last year was nearly falling through on account of the reluctance of the Dean and Chapter of Gloucester Cathedral to allow even such music to be performed.
Recently, at the performance of Costa's "Naaman," at Norwich, it was given in St. Andrew's Hall, and not in the Cathedral.
However, I must bring this letter to a finish. After all it may be uncalled for, and Mr. Harwood may be the man for the emergency.
If so, I shall be but too delighted to hear from him a fugue or two of Bach's, or some of the immortal compositions of Mendelssohn and Spohr.
If you can find a corner for this in your valuable paper, I shall feel obliged. I enclose my card, and beg to remain,
Yours, &c.,
- Z. Sydney, 2nd July 1867.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . . ", Empire (3 July 1867), 3
Sir, - In your issue of the 29th ultimo appears a letter from Mr. C. W. Harwood,
which embraces such a variety of subjects that it is rather puzzling to settle which of them to answer . . .
First, he says that there has been such a rush of organists and their "blowers" to try the new organ at the Cathedral,
that Messrs. Jackson and Young have been very much impeded in their work of erecting the organ.
Now, so far as I know, this has not been the case, as Messrs. Jackson and Young have always been happy to oblige by allowing one of their own men to "blow" for any person who was anxious to play on the organ.
I have heard of a man blowing his own trumpet. Possibly, Mr. Harwood may know something of one blowing his own organ (performances) . . .
I remain, yours, &c.,
- INQUIRER. Sydney, July 2.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (9 July 1867), 8
Sir, - Thanking you for allowing me to make the suggestion regarding organ performances, in aid of the sufferers by the late floods,
I am induced to ask the favour of a short reply to "Inquirer" and "Z," who, through the columns of your journal, have been blowing away at me most unmercifully.
Whatever error I might have fallen into, they would hardly be justified in using a public matter as a vehicle for personality.
I cannot compliment them upon their elegance of style, the charity of the imputations, or the animus which is displayed in their respective communications . . .
As to the imputed attempt "to blow my own trumpet," I assure your correspondents, that those acquainted [with] me,
would readily testify that I am far from being an adept in, and that I display no disposition to practice that disagreeable but very useful accomplishment.
The organist whom I hear spoken of as most likely to be appointed is, in my estimation, the most fitted for the post,
and I hope he will succeed in getting the appointment, though he be "Inquirer" or "Z."
The fact is, I have blown several notes upon others' trumpets, and not one upon my own.
I fully agree with your correspondents, that it is difficult in the colonies to procure a pure organist -
a man of such stamp as the excellent gentlemen specified by them -
and especially difficult is it to find a skilful pedalist.
Here, musicians, like other professional men, instead of confining their practice almost entirely to some one branch, to which they must incline,
find it necessary to apply their talents in a more varied way.
I am, sir, yours &c.,
- C. W. HARWOOD. July 5, 1867.
ASSOCIATIONS: Montague Younger was appointed first organist of the completed cathedral in 1869
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (11 July 1867), 5
Sir, - In self-vindication, but from no respect for your correspondents, "Inquirer" and "Z,"
I proceed to establish the correctness of my statements concerning the introduction of the pianoforte and ballad at the festivals of the united choirs of Worcester, Hereford and Gloucester . . .
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
- C. W. HARWOOD. July 10.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (12 July 1867), 5
Sir, - Poor Mr. Harwood, what a scot he seems to be in about nothing at all . . .
I am also sorry that he considered my letter unmannerly;
it contained nothing but facts, and I am not aware of having quoted any authorities.
By-the-bye, it may perhaps be a permissible question, how is it that a professional man just arrived from Melbourne,
and bringing with him an English reputation as an accomplished player, how is it that he finds the Cathedral organ locked against him yesterday afternoon,
when a considerable number of lovers of the highest class of music had assembled on purpose to hear him.
It does seem suggestive, when the organ, according to Mr. Harwood's account, has been open to anybody and everybody during the time it was in course of erection and since.
Can it be there is a sneaking, miserable jealously at work on the part of some of the "profession,"
as soon as they hear of the arrival of a man, whom they believe, and I daresay know, to be far superior to themselves?
It looks like it, but surely the Cathedral authorities will take the matter in hand and put an end to any such squabbling as this,
and appoint at once the best man they can get.
I shall trouble you with no more letters on this subject.
Yours truly,
- Z. Sydney, 11th July, 1867.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley ("professional man just arrived from Melbourne")
"SECULAR MUSIC IN CHURCHES. TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (13 July 1867), 3
Sir, - Your somewhat irascible correspondent, "C. W. Harwood," no doubt considers that he has fully proved the point for which he contends,
viz. that secular music is occasionally performed in English cathedrals and churches at musical festivals . . .
Lest Mr. Harwood should imagine that I approve of the abuses to which he alludes, I will relate a recent incident in our own vicinity.
It occurred in an Angelican [sic] Church within one hundred miles of Paddington, and on a Sacrament Sunday.
The congregation at that place of worship have frequently been favoured with remarkably artistic performances by the choir;
but on the occasion alluded to they were more than usually edified by hearing the organist, or rather harmoniumist, play, as an offertory voluntary,
the very pretty, but scarcely devotional aria, "La mia Letizia," from Verdi's "I Lombardi!"
I enclose my card, and remain, Sir, yours, &c.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (15 July 1867), 3
Sir, - After I had sent my letter of the 10th July, I took my pen in hand for the purpose of modifying one small matter contained in it.
But in contemplation of the attacks of two correspondents who most decidedly seemed more anxious to abuse me than to do anything else,
I changed my mind, and determined to see what was their next mode of attack.
I think I was justified, as I was dealing with anonymous correspondents, which is unwise I now see . . .
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
- C. W. HARWOOD. July 13th.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . .", Empire (19 July 1867), 3
Sir,-I am glad for their own sakes that my anonymous opponents have this morning kept silence.
The inuendo and personality which characterise their correspondence, though harmless to others, scarcely reflect credit upon themselves.
My object here, however, is more important than to treat of such a small matter.
I am simply desirous to state, frankly, and fearlessly, that I was mistaken in asserting that secular music was performed in Worcester Cathedral at the festival of 1845.
Such I find, from further inquiry was not the case; nor is it usual for such music to be performed in Cathedrals.
I am, Sir, yours, &c.,
- C. W. HARWOOD, Organist of St. Andrew's Temporary Cathedral. July 16th, 1867.
"PEOPLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1869), 5
A musical and literary entertainment took place last night, in the Baptist Church, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo . . . Nearly all the seats were occupied. The programme included a couple of pianoforte solos - "The Harmonious Blacksmith," and "Home, sweet Home," by Mr. Harwood, R.A.M., as well as upwards of a score of popular songs by well known amateurs . . .
"MUSIC . . . PEOPLE'S CONCERTS, WOOLLOOMOOLOO", Sydney Mail (13 February 1869), 3
A well patronised musical entertainment was given on Monday evening in the Baptist chapel, Bourke-street . . . Mr. Harwood played several pieces on the pianoforte, and the programme contained a large number of duets, songs, recitations, &c. . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 November 1869), 4
MR. HARWOOD, R.A.M., Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing, and Harmonium. 213, Macquarie-street, N.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1877), 1
NASH - ALLAN. ROWLANDSON - HARWOOD. - November 3, at St. Mark's Church, Darling Point, by the Rev. Thos. Kemmis, incumbent,
assisted by the Revs. Messrs. Horton and Brodribb, Emily Susan, youngest daughter of the late Alexander Allen, Esq., of Hanover-square, London,
to Herbert Mandeville, son of the Rev. John Nash, of Dungog, N. S. W.
Also, Kate Elizabeth, only daughter of Charles W. Harwood, Esq., of Darlinghurst, to John George, son of the late Rev. John Rowlandson, India.
ASSOCIATIONS: The birth of Catherine Elizabeth Harwood was registered in London in 1851 (3rd quarter); she died at Newcastle, NSW, in 1951, aged 100
[Advertisement], The Australian, Windsor, Richmond, and Hawkesbury Advertiser (18 September 1880), 4
MR. HARWOOD, R.A.M., WILL VISIT Windsor and Richmond
TWICE A-WEEK, from the date of the next quarter, October 1st, if sufficient inducement offer.
For circular apply to the Editor.
Town address, 78, Darlinghurst Road.
TERMS: From 2 to 4 guineas per quarter.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 October 1883), 3
MR. HARWOOD, R.A., Music, receives town pupils, at 80 Oxford-street. Piano, Organ, and Singing.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 October 1904), 4
HARWOOD. - October 13, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Rowlandson, Church street, Hunter's Hill, Charles William Harwood, R.A.M., London, aged 84.
"Hunter's Hill. DEATH", The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (22 October 1904), 10
. . . Charles William Harwood, R.A.M., who was upwards of 70 years of age [sic], passed over to the great majority on Thursday, death being due to this effects of a paralytic stroke. The deceased, who was a retired music teacher, had been living with his daughter, Mrs. Rowlandson, of Church-street. The funeral took place on Saturday, the remains being interred in the Field of Mars cemetery.
Published musical works:
The biological polka (1853)
The biological polka, dedicated to Mr. Daly, composed by C. W. Harwood (Sydney: W. J. Johnson and Company, [1853]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Daly ("electro-biologist"); William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller, publisher)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 January 1853), 1
NEW POLKA . . . IN the press, and will be published in a few days,
at W. J. Johnson and Co.'s Musical Repository, 314, Pitt-street,
The Biological Polka, composed by Mr. C. W. Harwood, and dedicated to Mr. Daly . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 February 1853), 5
In the Press, and will be published on Tuesday, the 8th instant,
at W. J. Johnson and Co.'s Music Repository, 314, Pitt-street.
The Biological Polka, composed by C. W. Harwood, and dedicated to Mr. Daly;
also, the Electro-Biological Schottische, by Mr. Edward Deane . . .
W. J. JOHNSON AND Co., Music Publishers, 314, Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith Deane (composer)
The Catherine Hayes polka (1855)
The Catherine Hayes polka, in which an air sung by that celebrated songstress is introduced as an agreeable reminiscence, composed and dedicated with permission to Miss Therry, by W. C. Harwood [on top of page 1: "Composed by C. W. Harwood"] (Sydney: W. J. Johnson and Co., [1855]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Jane Frances Therry (b. NSW, c. 1834)
[Advertisement], Empire (17 March 1855), 8
CATHERINE HAYES'S Polka, just published by W. J. JOHNSON AND CO., 57, Pitt-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1855), 1
. . . Just published, price 2s 6d. each . . .
The Catherine Hayes Polka; dedicated to Miss Therry, composed by Mr. W. C. Harwood (introducing one of Miss Hayes' most popular airs) . . .
W. J. JOHNSON and CO., 57, Pitt-street; and at the Stores, 5, Wynyard-street.
Thinkest thou of me? (1861)
Thinkest thou of me?, song, dedicated to Miss Nina Spagnoletti, and composed by C. W. Harwood (Sydney: Printed by Alonzo Grocott, [1861]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Nina Spagnoletti (vocalist, dedicatee); Alonzo Grocott (printer, musicseller, publisher)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 August 1861), 1
THINKEST THOU OF ME? - New song, by C. W. Harwood. Sold by the principal music sellers.
"MEMS FROM THE METROPOLIS", Freeman's Journal (5 April 1862), 3
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (12 April 1862), 6
THINKEST THOU OF ME? Second Edition. Composed by C. W. HARWOOD,
formerly Organist of St. Mary's and St. Patrick's Churches; also teacher of singing at St. Mary's Seminary.
Orders for the above, or professional letter, to be addressed to the care of Mr. Dolman, 234, Pitt-street.
Only of thee, love! (1864)
Only of thee, love!, companion song to Thinkest thou of me, poetry by F. S. Wilson, composed by C. W. Harwood R.A., to the pupils of Miss Lester's Seminary, Denham Court (Sydney: For the composer by Elvy & Co., [1864]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Sydney Wilson (lyrics); Robert Hammond Elvy (musicseller, publisher)
"ONLY OF THEE", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1864), 4
-A new song under this title, in the key of G, has been published for the composer, Mr. C. W. Harwood, by Messrs. Elvy and Company, and is now on sale at their repository in George-street. It is intended as a companion to the song, "Thinkest thou of me?" and appears to be a very pleasing composition, with an easy and flowing accompaniment that accords well with the air. The words are from the pen of Mr. F. S. Wilson.
"ONLY OF THEE LOVE", Bell's Life in Sydney (30 July 1864), 2
We have to acknowledge receipt of a presentation copy of this exquisite little song, composed by C. W. Harwood, Esq., R.A., the poetry by F. S. Wilson, Esq., and dedicated to the Pupils of Miss Lester's Seminary, Denham Court. It has already attained a second edition, and will, doubtless, speedily take rank, as it deserves, amongst the gems of Australian composition. The music is in the key of G., and the range easily attainable by voices of average compass. The poetry is sweetly pretty, and it is intended as a companion song to "Thinkest Thou of me."
"NEW PUBLICATIONS", Illustrated Sydney News (17 August 1864), 14
We have received a new musical composition, by Mr. F. S. Wilson, entitled "Only of Thee." The libretto is good, and the melody pleasing. Messrs. Elvy & Co. are the publishers.
HARWOOD, Henry Richard (Henry Richard BIGGS; alias Henry Richard HARWOOD; H. R. HARWOOD; Mr. HARWOOD)
Actor, comedian, vocalist, theatrical manager
Born London, England, 19 (? 17) October 1830; baptised St. James, Piccadilly, 10 November 1830; son of Henry Roster BIGGS (b. 1804) and Elizabeth ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 29 June 1852 (immigrant per Mariner, from London, 6 March)
Married [1] (common law) Marion STRONG ("Miss MORTIMER"), by c. 1856
Married [2] (common law) Margaret Pollock BOWLER (widow SHERWIN; "Miss Maggie CHESTER") (1841-1887), by c. 1868
Married [3] Docy GUERIN, Melbourne, VIC, 22 November 1887
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18 April 1898, aged "67" (BDM VIC "Biggs" and "Harwood") (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. James Westminster in the county of Middlesex in the year 1830; register 1828-33, page 116; City of Westminster Archives, STJ/PR/1/12 (PAYWALL)
No. 830 / [1830 November] 10 / Henry Richard [son of] / Henry Roster & Elizabeth / Biggs / Brewer Street / Builder . . . / [born] Oct'r 17
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Roster Biggs (father) was baptised at St. Giles, Reading, Berkshire, on 14 March 1804;
England census, 30 March 1851, Golden Square, St. James, Westminster; UK National Archives, HO107/1485/357/10 (PAYWALL)
No. 18 [Brewer St.] / Henry Roster Biggs / Head / Mar. / 46 / Carpenter employing 2 men / [born] Berkshire Reading
Eliz'th [Biggs] / Wife / Mar. / 50 / - / [born] Middlesex City of London
Henry Rich'd [Biggs] / Son / Unm. / 20 / Builder's Clerk / [born] [Middlesex] St. James Westm'r . . .
List of passengers per Mariner, from London, 6 March 1852, for Port Phillip, 29 June 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Biggs Henry Rich'd / 21 / Builder . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (11 June 1855), 4
The performances will commence with Howard Payne's Tragedy of BRUTUS; or, The Fall of Tarquin.
Lucius Junius Brutus, Mr. G. V. Brooke . . . Flavius Corrunna, Mr. Harwood . . .
A. TORNING, Solo Lessee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Andrew Torning (manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (28 January 1856), 4
the entertainments will commence with BOUND PRENTICE TO A WATERMAN.
Characters by Messrs. Milne, Turner, Holloway, Maynard, Bruton,
T. S. Bellair, Harwood, C. Evans, Gill, F. Stuart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Milne (actor); Edmund Holloway (actor); John William Bruton (actor); Thomas Smith Bellair (actor); Frank Stuart O'Brien (actor)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (12 November 1856), 4
LYCEUM THEATRE, Lessee - Mr. F. B. Watson.
LAST NICHT BUT TWO Of the engagement of the American Tragedians,
MR. AND MRS. STARK Who will appear first time in Launceston, in the great Shaksperian characters of SHYLOCK AND PORTIA.
First appearance of Mr. Harwood, from the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney.
First appearance of Miss Mortimer from the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney.
ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12 . . . The Merchant of Venice . . .
Antonio (his first appearance) Mr. Harwood
JESSICA (her first appearance) Miss Mortimer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Feltham Bold Watson (actor, manager); James and Sarah Stark (actors); Lyceum Theatre (Launceston venue)
"THE APPROACHING THEATRICAL CAMPAIGN", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (22 December 1856), 3
Advices by the Overland Mail have been received by the lessee of the Royal Victoria Theatre relative to the engagement of the stock company for the ensuing theatrical campaign. The following ladies have been engaged: - Miss Emily Glyndon (leading actress), Miss Stewart (singing lady and chamber-maids), Miss Mortimer (walking lady). The leading stock male actor is an old favourite, Mr. H. N. Warner, and the stage-managership has been entrusted to Mr. T. S. Bellair, a gentleman well known upon the English stage . . . Mr. H. Harwood has been engaged, as the managerial phrase goes, for general utility . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Glyndon (actor); Eliza Stewart (actor, vocalist); Henry Neil Warner (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (2 December 1859), 1
THEATRE ROYAL. Sole Proprietor - Mr. G. V. Brooke.
BENEFIT and Last Appearance of Mr. and Mrs. HARWOOD (Miss Mortimer.)
This Evening (Friday), December 2nd. Last time, the celebrated Comedy, AN UNEQUAL MATCH.
Hester Grazebrook, Mrs. ROBT. HEIR, (who has kindly given her valuable services on this occasion) . . .
Manager, Mr. ROBT. HEIR.
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny and Robert Heir (actors, manager); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (23 March 1861), 2
. . . Mr. Harwood's benefit, on Thursday night [21 March], drew a good house, a fact which we were glad to recognise. This gentleman, by ability and industry in his professional characters, has gained a prominent position before the public, and which his more recent performances have, we are confident, secured to him permanently. He is an admirable grotesque, but with this great specialty he also possesses many of the qualifications of a first-class eccentric comedian. The success of the Christmas pantomime at this theatre was in no slight degree attributable to the care and energy which he displayed in his new character of stage manager, and the inclusion of his name in the cast is invariably looked upon with satisfaction by the habitues of the Royal . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (11 July 1861), 5
This evening will be produced Weber's grand opera "Der Freischutz," first presented to a Victorian audience, it will be remembered, by Madame Bishop several years ago. From the very efficient state of the band, and the general competence of the stage management, we may hope that this exceedingly difficult work will be put on the stage in a creditable manner. Madame Lucy Escott is to sustain the rule of Agatha; Miss Hodson, Anna; Mr. Squires, Max; Mr. Lyster, Gaspar. Our readers will not be sorry to learn that Mr. Harwood will appear as Zamiel.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Henry Squires (vocalist); Frederick Lyster (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"THEATRE ROYAL. CINDERELLA", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 July 1861), 5
. . . last night, an adaptation of one of the gayest and freshest of [Rossini's] works was produced in a style second only to that in which we have been accustomed to see operas represented in Europe. It was made a reproach against our countrymen at home, when "La Cenerentola" was first performed in London, that they did not sufficiently appreciate its joyous spirit, nor suffer the sunny character of the music to thaw their habitual reserve and nonchalance. Australians, however, living in an atmosphere akin to that of Italy, expand more readily beneath the genial influences of this charming opera, and are capable of enjoying it to the utmost. It is difficult, indeed, to imagine how the most morose auditor can escape the "sweet contagion" of its pleasantry, which has all the sparkle of champagne, with, perhaps, some of its intoxicating qualities. Although we are free to confess that we should have greatly preferred the original opera, to the mutilated version prepared for the English stage, there can be no doubt that a mixed audience is bettor pleased with the farcical dialogue of "Cinderella" than with the tripping recitative of "La Cenerontola;" and the best proof of this is to be found in the circumstance that the representative of Pedro (Mr. Harwood) shared the applause last night equally with the three leading vocalists. Pedro, however (who is not to be found in the original), does not compensate us for the comparative loss of Bondini, who becomes quite a subordinate character in the English version . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL. THE GENTLEMAN IN BLACK", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 July 1861), 5
There was only one thing wanting to make the success of Mr. Marsh more complete, and that was that he should have called himself Signor Maraschino, have attached his music to an Italian libretto, and disclaimed all connexion with the colony . . . Fortunately for Mr. Marsh, who has produced an original work of great merit, his composition was presented last night to a discriminating and kindly audience, and its success was as gratifying as even he could desire. The performance was somewhat faulty and imperfect at times, as might have been expected, considering the brevity of the time allowed for the production of the opera; but, thanks to the liberality of Mr. Lyster, the efforts of Madame Escott, Miss Hodson, Messrs. Farquharson and Squires, the intrinsic quality of the music, and the zealous co-operation of the gentlemen of the orchestra, the "Gentleman in Black" has made a hit, and will no doubt improve on repetition . . . A political cobbler (capitally played by Mr. Harwood), provoked great merriment by a dialogue capable of application to the current events of the day . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (composer); Robert Farquharson (vocalist)
OPERA: The gentleman in black (printed libretto only survives); Harwood played the character "MORIN (a political cobbler)", a speaking part
"THE OPERA", The Argus (12 December 1862), 5
The performances at the Theatre Royal last night were for the benefit of Miss Rosalie Durand, and comprised the whole of the "Figlia di Reggimento", and the last two acts of the Bohemian Girl . . . The cast of the "Figlia" was as follows - Maria, Miss Durand; Tonio, Mr. Squires; Sulpice, Mr. F. Lyster; Hortensius, Mr. Harwood; and the Marchioness Madame Ada King . . . Mr. Harwood, as the Secretary was intelligent and amusing, although he was, perhaps, a little too tipsy in the last act. The part is by no means an easy one, and on the whole Mr. Harwood's interpretation of it showed care and study . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Durand (vocalist); Ada King (vocalist)
"THE THEATRES . . . THE ROYAL", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (9 November 1863), 5
"Macbeth" was brought out at this house on Saturday, with great splendour and success. It had been rumoured for some time that the resources of the theatre would be taxed to give effect to the revival of this tragedy, and from Mr. Sullivan's energy and taste much was anticipated; nor was expectation disappointed . . . Monsieur Strebinger and his instrumentalists deserve a special compliment for the spirited manner in which the flat and occasionally difficult music by Locke was performed, and for the effective character of the marches played at the wings. To give greater effect to the musical portion of the performance, Mr. Wharton was retained, and filled the part of Hecate, receiving the compliment of a call. Mr. Walter Sherwin also lent the aid of his voice. The congruities were a little shocked, however, by the murdered Duncan (Mr. Harwood) reviving as one of the singing witches, a few minutes after Macbeth had discovered the monarch's "silverskin laced with his golden bloom" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barry Sullivan (actor); Henry Wharton (actor, vocalist); Walter Sherwin (actor, vocalist)
MUSIC: Locke's music in Macbeth (correctly, mostly by Richard Leveridge)
"CORRESPONDENCE. MISS MORTIMER IN LUCRETIA BORGIA", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (5 September 1865), 2
Sir, - Permit me, without wishing to interfere with the liberties of the press,
to address you in reference to the remarks of your theatrical critic about the performance of Saturday night.
Your correspondent takes exception to the dress worn by my wife (Miss Mortimer), and I think in a very ungallant way accuses her of a want of decency.
She has worn the dress on several occasions in Melbourne, and her appearance complimented by the metropolitan journals.
Perhaps you may remember Lady Don in her well-known character of the Earl of Leicester,
in the burlesque of Kenilworth, and in which costume her ladyship's legs are displayed even (I blush to say it) to the uppermost portion of the thigh.
If I remember right her appearance was complimented by your journal, when I had the honor of introducing her and the late Sir William Don to a Castlemaine audience.
I might also mention the costume worn by Miss Georgia Hodgson, of Lyster's Opera Company,
in the role of Urban, the page in the opera of the Huguenots, where the entire leg and thigh (more blushes) is presented to the eye.
I have seen the same style of costume frequently worn in all parts of England and several places on the continent, without calling for any remarks on the score of decency.
Apologising for occupying your valuable time about such a trifle,
I remain, Sir, your obedient servant,
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily and William Don (actors); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"MR. H. R. HARWOOD", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 January 1869), 5
. . . Mr. Harwood arrived in Melbourne in June, 1852, and was for two or three years engaged in the building trade, to which he was in early life apprenticed. Becoming dissatisfied with his position, he took ship for Sydney, and no favourable opportunity offering for establishing himself in trade there, his dramatic instincts directed his attention to the stage, for which he always had a passion, and meeting with a shipmate in the person of Mr. Tranter, the leader of the band at the Victoria Theatre, he was introduced by the latter to Mr. Crosby, the acting-manager, and soon after had the honour of appearing before an Australian audience during Mr. G. V. Brooke's first Sydney engagement, in 1855, in the character of Flavius Corunna, in Howard Payne's play of "Brutus" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Tranter (musician); James Crosby (manager); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"DEATHS", The Herald (6 May 1887), 2
HARWOOD. - On the 5th inst., at her late residence, Tara, Albert street, East Melbourne, Margie, the dearly-beloved wife of Henry R. Harwood, aged 43 years.
"BRIEF MENTION", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (6 May 1887), 2
The news of the sudden death of Mrs. Harwood, the much respected wife of Mr. H. R. Harwood, has cast a gloom over a large circle of friends. The deceased lady made her last appearance on the Melbourne stage somewhere about 16 or 17 years ago, at the Theatre Royal in Akhurst's extravaganza The Siege of Troy, in which performance she will be remembered by many of our readers. Mrs. Harwood will, however, be better remembered in Sydney, where, during a short retirement from the stage, her husband was proprietor of the Oxford Hotel. About 9 years ago he resumed his stage career, conducting a company throughout the East. The deceased lady had been attended by Dr. Bowan. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at the Melbourne General Cemetery.
"LATEST NEWS [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH] . . . MELBOURNE, THIS DAY", Portland Guardian [VIC] (6 May 1887), 2
Mrs. H. R. Harwood, wife of the well known actor and theatrical manager, died yesterday at her residence, East Melbourne. The funeral which takes place to-morrow, will be largely attended by both professional and private citizens. When the deceased came to this colony she was known as Marjory Chester [sic.
But see also, Grant of administration, Margaret Pollock Bowler, spinster, died 5 May 1887, granted 24 April 1895; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"Marriages", The Argus (1 December 1887), 1
HARWOOD - COLLINS. - On the 22nd ult., at Roslin-house, Victoria-parade, the residence of Richard Stewart, Esq., by the Rev. H. F. Scott, of Footscray, Henry Richard Harwood, of Tara, Albert-street, E.M., to Theodosia (Docie Stewart), widow of the late James Collins, of Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Stewart (actor, stepfather-in-law)
"MR. HENRY R. HARWOOD", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (24 May 1890), 5
This well-known and justly esteemed comedian, whose portrait we give this week, was born in London, October 19th [sic], 1830, and was brought up to his father's business, that of a builder and contractor, having been, after serving his apprenticeship, clerk of works to the firm of Winsland and Holland, of Bloomsbury. He arrived in Melbourne in June, 1852, and after following his calling three years, and being imbued with a strong liking for the stage, visited Sydney, and made his first appearance at the Victoria Theatre, there as Flavius in "The Fall of Tarquin," afterwards becoming prompter at the Lyceum Theatre for Stephens and Craven, and gaining there practical knowledge of the business of stage manager. Nine months later, he proceeded to Auckland, New Zealand, for "juvenile" business, and returned via Tasmania to Victoria, when he played at Ballarat and Geelong in a series of eccentric dramatic and equestrian dramatic parts, the latter such as Mazeppa, Dick Turpin, and Timour the Tartar, with Mr. G. B. W. Lewis. At Geelong he joined Mr. G. V. Brooke's legitimate company, playing Leonato to the Benedick of that great tragedian, in "Much Ado About Nothing," and coming with him to Melbourne, where he first appeared as Pistol in "The Merry Wives of Windsor," at the Theatre Royal . . .
"DEATH OF A VETERAN ACTOR", Leader [Melbourne, VIC] (23 April 1898), 8 (with photograph portrait)
Widespread regret was expressed in theatrical circles on Saturday evening when news was received of the death of Mr. Henry Richard Harwood,
who had for many years figured prominently on the Australian stage.
Mr. Harwood's demise occurred at 4.45 on Saturday evening, at Parliament-place, Eastern Hill, where he resided with his wife and father-in-law, Mr. R. Stewart.
For the past 18 months Mr. Harwood had been suffering from heart disease, and was frequently confined to his bed.
For a month past he had not left his room, and was medically attended by Drs. Cook, Adams and Nihil, by whom,
as well as by the members of the household and his more immediate friends, his end was fully expected.
The funeral was held on Monday afternoon, the remains being interred in the Melbourne General Cemetery.
Before the financial crisis of a few years ago, Mr. Harwood had been living on his means,
but the bank collapses rendered it necessary for him to resume the practice of his profession,
and he took part in The Private Secretary and other plays, both in Australia and New Zealand, with Mr. Thornton's company.
The deceased gentleman was married to Miss Docy Stewart, sister to Miss Nellie Stewart, the popular Australian prima donna,
and herself at one time a much appreciated actress. There were no children born of the marriage.
Mr. Harwood was horn in London 19th [sic] October, 1830, and was therefore in his 67th year when he died.
He served an apprenticeship to his father's business, that of a builder and contractor, and in 1852 emigrated to Victoria.
For three years he followed his trade, but in 1855, while on a visit to Sydney, made his first appearance on the stage, as Flavius Corunna,
in Payne's Brutus, during Mr. G. V. Brooke's season at the Victoria Theatre.
Soon after he undertook the duties of prompter at the theatre, gaining practical knowledge of stage management.
Fairly embarked in the theatrical profession, he returned to Victoria, and at Ballarat made a reputation for playing "eccentric comedy" parts, such as Blueskin, in Jack Sheppard.
Subsequently he went into the equestrian line of show business, and played Mazeppa, Dick Turpin and Timor the Tartar at Geelong.
Mr. G. V. Brooke drew him back from the circus to the boards, and engaged him to play Leonato in Much Ado About Nothing at Geelong,
and, later, as Ancient Pistol in The Merry Wives of Windsor in Melbourne, where he became at once a favorite, and played leading characters in every line of theatrical business.
In 1867, with Messrs. Lambert, Vincent, Bellair and Stewart, he became manager of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, retiring from the management in 1877.
His powers as a comedian were displayed in every class of theatrical performance from the Shakspeare drama to comic opera,
and he was perhaps more widely known and generally appreciated throughout Australia than any actor of his day.
"OBITUARY [By Old Chum] . . . HENRY RICHARD HARWOOD", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (24 April 1898), 3
. . . whose proper name was Biggs, was a carpenter by trade, and came to Melbourne in the Golden year 1852.
For three years he followed his trade, but in 1855 he decided to "fret and strut his hour upon the stage" . . .
"MUMMER MEMORIES . . . RICHARD HENRY HARWOOD. A MIXED CAREER. NO. XLIX (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (1 January 1907), 3
. . . a Londoner by birth, born there in 1830, on the 19th of October.
His real name was Biggs, his father being a builder and contractor, though not, I should say, from after-evidence, in a very large way.
To his father the future comedian an served an early apprenticeship, and was then bound to the firm of Winsland and Holland, of Bloomsbury,
and rose to be clerk of works in that employment.
He left England in March, 1852, and arrived in Melbourne in the June following [sic] . . .
Mr. Harwood was married thrice, although, in the first instance, the union was not sanctified by the church.
His first wife was Miss Mortimer, a favorite actress in the days of the old Theatre Royal in Bourke-street.
To this lady Harwood owed a good deal of his success on the boards.
Poor woman, she became, in her years, addicted to looking upon the wine when red.
This, I presume, caused Harwood to neglect her, for she, for a time, struggled alone on the stage,
and finally left the boards for the bar - a fatal move . . .
HASKER, James John (James John HASKER; J. J. HASKER; Mr. HASKER; Jimmy HASKER)
Actor, comedian, vocalist, minstrel serenader, song writer
Born ? London, England, 27 March 1821; son of William HASKER and Sarah ?
Arrived VDL (TAS) by c. 1840 (in 1856, "18 years in the colony", "20 years in the colonies")
Active Geelong, VIC, by November 1848
Married [1] Jane BARCLAY, VIC, 1851
Married [2] Elizabeth ATTWOOD, St. David's cathedral, Hobart, TAS, 22 May 1854 (aged "31")
Married [3] Susannah JACKSON (d. 1903), NSW, 1858
Died Summer Hill, NSW, 31 January 1906, aged "88 or 90" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
? Baptisms in the parish of St. Giles in the Fields in the county of Middlesex in the year 1821; register 1814-84, page 71; London Metropolitan Archives, P82/Gis/A/02 (PAYWALL)
No. 646 / [1821] May 20 / James John [son of] William & Sarah / Hasker / [born] 27 March 1821 / 75 Pancras Street, St. Pancras / Sawyer . . .
Marriage permissions, 1844; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1253106; CON52/1/2 Page 368 (DIGITISED)
Hasker James / Free // Bridget Quinn / [convict per] Hope / . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (25 November 1848), 2
The following is a list of the Company as at present constituted -
. . . Mr. HASKER . . .
Leader of the Band - Mr. STAINSBY . . .
Stage Manager, MR. DEERING.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Shinton Deering (actor, manager); Robert Stainsby (musician, leader); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (21 December 1848), 2
The Wizard's performance will be divided into Two parts, between which
A MUSICAL MELANGE, Consisting of the following Songs, &c. -
Scotch Song - Mr. Wilson
Comic Song, "Tin" - Mr. Hasker
What a Woman is Like - Mr. Evans . . .
ETHIOPEAN SERSNADERS, Messrs. Evans, Warde, Wilson, Willis, Wilks, Hasker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Wilson (vocalist, actor); William Evans (vocalist, actor); Cornelius Warde (actor); Thomas Charles Willis (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (23 December 1848), 1 supplement
The performance will commence with the New Serio-Comic Legendary, Operatic, Burlesque, GRAND COMIC CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME,
Written and arranged expressly for this Theatre, entitled
The MUSIC arranged by Mr. STAINSBY. NEW SCENERY by Messrs. WALLIS & HENRY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Christmas pantomime (general)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (22 October 1850), 723
HASKER'S BENEFIT!! Mr. H., has the honour of announcing that his
Benefit will take place on Thursday Evening, October 24th, 1850
when he respectfully solicits the support of the Launceston Public.
The performance will commence with a drama founded on facts, written by the author of the "Rebel Chief," entitled
To be followed by the "Drunken Combat," by Messrs. Deering and Holloway.
Song, "The Teetotaller," by Mr. Hasker, written by him for this occasion.
Song, "The Maniac," by Mr. Troy Knight.
Dance by Mrs. Holloway.
After which, the four Ethiopian minstrel Serenades will appear and sing the following melodies,
"The Firefly," "Ole Dan Tucker," "Rosa May," "Launceston Girls," and "Boatman Dance" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway and wife (actors, vocalist, dancers); Troy Knight (vocalist); Francis Belfield (playwright, The drunkard's curse); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (10 October 1853), 2
To conclude with the favourite nautical Drama of BLACK EYED SUSAN
in which a Mr. Hasker, from Melbourne, will make his appearance as Gnatbrain . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
Marriage permissions, 1854; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1253104; CON52/1/7 Page 176 (DIGITISED)
[1854] April 19 / Hasker James / Free / Eliz'h Attwood / [convict per] Sir R[obert] Seppings / Recommended 26/4/54
1854, marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:846639; RGD37/1/13 no 210 (DIGITISED)
No. 281 / 210 / Cathedral Church of St. David Hobart Town / May 22nd 1854 / James Hasker / 33 / Quarryman [sic, ? Comedian] /
Elizabeth Attwood / 22 / Spinster . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (11 July 1854), 2
Last Night but Two of the Season. Greatest Combination of Talent ever witnessed in the Australian Colonies . . .
After which, the Favourite Opera, entitled THE LOAN OF A LOVER.
Peter Von Suysell, for this sight only, Mr. Hasker.
Peter Spy, Mr. Sefton Parry; Gertrude, Madame Carandini.
The ETRIOPEAN SERENADERS have kindly offered their services on this occasion,
and will have the honor of performing some of their most favourite melodies.
Sole Lessee, Mr. F. B. Watson. Stage Manager, Mr. A. B. Evans.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Feltham Bold Watson (actor, manager); Richard A'Beckett Evans (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury [TAS] (11 April 1855), 2
MISS ANNA M. QUINN the youngest actress, being but six years of age
AND MR. J. H. VINSON, the celebrated comedian.
THIS EVENING (WEDNESDAY) The performances will commence with the fourth act of Shakespeare tragedy of
the MERCHANT OF VENICE. Shylock, the Jew - Miss A. M. Quinn.
Antonio, Mr. J. H. Vinson. Duke of Venice, Mr. Hasker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Maria Quinn (actor); James Hetters Vinson (actor)
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate or True Friend of Tasmania [Launceston, TAS] (4 October 1855), 3
RILEYS' SERENADERS. HAVING ARRIVED, beg to inform the inhabitants of Launceston and its vicinity that they will give a
ON Friday Evening, Oct. 5, On which occasion they humbly solicit their kind patronage and support.
J. HASKER, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Riley's Serenaders (troupe); Cornwall Assembly Rooms (Launceston venue)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE . . . APPLICATION FOR SURETIES", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (19 March 1856), 2
Elizabeth Hasker prayed sureties of the peace against her husband, James Hasker,
alleging that he had threatened to give her a mark which she would carry to the grave with her.
Mr. Wynne appeared for complainant, who swore that her husband left her in August last, and returned again on the 6th of this month.
She thought he was in Launceston during that time.
The alleged threat took place in her room He was irritated, and looked as it he meant something.
She was afraid of her life ever since. He had been twice to the house since the summons was issued, and used the same threats.
She had to lock herself up to save herself.
He asked her for money, saying he would never live with her again, and on her refusing he said he would "bash" (meaning beat) her every time he met her,
and would give her a mark which she would carry to her grave.
No witnesses were called.
Hasker, the defendant, being then asked what answer he could make to the charge, entered into a long account of himself.
He said, on the 21st of August, he left Hobart Town with a party of serenaders,
in order to obtain a livelihood, having been previously playing at the Victoria theatre.
He went away, leaving his wife here, with a house full of furniture.
He wrote to his wife and received answers, and sent what money he could for her support.
He went to Launceston, where, after a while, the company broke up.
He then went to work at Westbury for six or seven weeks, and was then returning to Hobart Town;
he met a party on the road, who was acquainted with his wife, and asked if he had seen her.
He said yes, and she had sold up her home, and was living with a Mr. Yates, the sub-editor of the DAILY NEWS.
He came to town, and found out where she lived.
He asked her, in the presence of Mr. Yates, if she would come and live with him again, telling her he would work.
She said no, she would not. He then made another proposal -
Mr. Wynne here interposed, and wished to know if defendant was prepared with proof of all this?
Defendant I can fetch proof, if it's required. The chief police magistrate reminded him that he could not bring proof, except to substantiate malice.
But, as far as the explanation went, he considered he was entitled to make a statement.
Defendant, in continuation, said - I could call as many as twenty witnesses if necessary.
I said, if you will not come and live with me again, perhaps you will give me some recompense for the clothes she had sold.
Mr. Yates said be considered I should have something, and asked what I would require? I said I wished to leave the colony,
and thought I should have sufficient to enable me to do so.
He afterward sent a person (Mr. Church, there) who represented himself as a lawyer -
Mr. Burgess here stopped the defendant, as he thought what he was now stating was irrelevant.
Defendant - That is the case. I acknowledge I was irritated, and I did, and 1 think I was justified in tearing off those clothes she had on at another's expense.
As to being a violent man, I have been eighteen years in the colony, and I appeal to Mr. district constable Fitzsimmons, or any other constable, as to the manner of life this lady has been living.
Mr. Wynne here remarked that according to his instructions the complainant had to sell all the clothes to support herself,
as in 6 months the aggregate amount of money he had sent her was not more than five shillings a week.
She had no means, and had to sell everything.
Complainant - Yes, I had to sell the furniture to pay the rent, and to borrow money where I could.
Mr. Wynne - No doubt he was irritated; but she swears you made use of the threat to give her a mark she would carry to the grave, and said you would "bash" her, by which she knows you meant to beat her.
Defendant - I gave her the opportunity of coming to live with me. As for endeavouring to injure her, I like peace, and that is well known.
I did endeavour to make a compromise rather than cause her to come here and make an exposure; and I did promise to give a guarantee not to molest her;
and I'm only surprised that any female should come into the police-office and make use of a false oath, as she his done.
Complainant - It's not false.
Defendant - I could call witnesses to justify what I have said.
Mr. Burgess (after consulting with Captain Bateman) said - We are of opinion this case is not one of those in which you should be called on for sureties.
I trust you will forbear to commit any acts of violence, or to use threats.
Defendant - There is no fear; I have no intention to do so.
Mr. Burgess - Under these circumstances we dismiss the case.
Case dismissed accordingly.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (24 March 1856), 2
JENNY LIND THEATRE (Licensed pursuant to Act of Parliament)
corner of Campbell and Liverpool-streets, next to the Union Hotel. -
Easter Mondav, March 24, 1856. Open every Night.
MR. ARABIN most respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that having made arrangements with several professionals, the above-named Theatre will be opened to the public on Easter Monday next . . .
On the above Evening the entertainments will commence with the admired petite comedy, entitled
THE SOLDIER'S RETURN; or, Love in Humble Life! -
After which, Comic Song, "The Unlucky Fellow," Mr. Hasker.
Highland Fling, Mr. Cohen.
Song, "The Wild Boar Hunt," Mr. Hayward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Arabin (actor, manager); Abraham Cohen (dancer); Mr. Hayward (vocalist); Jenny Lind Theatre (Hobart venue)
MUSIC: The unlucky fellow (comic song)
"POLICE COURT - ADELAIDE. Thursday, December 18 . . . A THEATRICAL HERO IN TROUBLE", Adelaide Times [SA] (19 December 1856), 3
James Hasker was placed before his Worship, charged with stealing a a sword, value 15s., the property of Emanuel Solomon.
Evidence was given that the prisoner had pledged the sword at Schulitz's, the pawnbroker, Morphett-street, for 15s.
Prisoner said that, the sword had been lent to him from the Wardrobe.
Having to go to Stathalbyn, he pledged it to raise a little money, and if Mr. Solomon had been a little later he would have redeemed it, and returned it.
He had been twenty years in the colonies, and had never been before a magistrate.
His Worship committed the prisoner for trial at the Local Court; bail would be accepted, himself in £50, and two sureties £25 each.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Solomon (proprietor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[News], The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People [Sydney, NSW] (17 February 1906), 3
John James Hasker [sic], who died on February 1st, in a Sydney suburb, at the house of his daughter, was supposed to be about 88 or 90 years of age. He was never a leading actor, but he was always a reliable one, and in his day was absolutely the quickest study in Australia. One day was sufficient to make him word perfect in the heaviest part that ever came his way. It is said, on no very definite authority, that Hasker, who was an Englishman, was at one time a drover, and later a policeman. Be that as it may, he seems to have commenced his stage career at Hobart in the fifties as an associate of Miss Thompson (Mrs. Young), Charles Young, and G. H. Rogers. George Coppin brought him over to Sydney to join the stock company at the Old Vic, and he remained there until he joined the stock company at the Royal. If Hasker has been seldom seen in Sydney during the last twenty years, it was his own fault. He was an expert worker in leather and metal, and had always earned large sums of money during his Sydney career as a maker of stage armour, gorgets, brass sword-belts, and so forth. Of late, however, he had been too feeble for work of that kind. But he always had many kind friends.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Jane Young (actors); George Herbert Rogers (actor); George Coppin (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"IN MEMORIAM", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1904), 10
HASKER. - In sad but loving memory of my dear mother and sister Susannah and Blanche Hasker, who departed this life on the 24th and 29th October, 1903. Dead but not forgotten. Inserted by her loving daughter, Amelia Lloyd, No. 2 Copeland-street, Alexandria.
"IN MEMORIAM", The Daily Telegraph [Sydney, NSW] (31 January 1907), 6
HASKER. - In loving memory of my dear father, James John Hasker, who. departed this life, Summer-hill, January 31, 1906. Though lost to sight, to memory dear, inserted by his loving daughter, Amelia Davie.
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . No. 91 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (10 November 1909), 3
. . . James Hasker was of the very old school. He had appeared at the Hobart Town Theatre as far back as Mr. Clarke's time; was contemporary there, I have heard him say, with G. H. Rogers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed"); Anne and Michael Clarke (lessees, active Hobart and Launceston, until c. mid 1847); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue); Rogers was active in Clarke's company from 1841 or earlier, and while there is no record of an actor named Hasker, he may well have performed under a different stage name
Musical amateur, amateur musician, vocalist
Born Chelmsford, Essex, England, 13 June 1827; baptised Baddow Lane Chapel, 27 April 1828; son of John HASLER and Eliza DARBY
Arrived VIC, c. 1850
Married Eleanor Tilden BOURNE (d. 1902), VIC, 1857
Died Castlemaine, VIC, 27 August 1896, aged "69/70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Baddow Lane Chapel (Independent), Chelmsford, Essex, 1828; register 1819-37, page 45; UK National Archives, RG4/1766 (PAYWALL)
John Darby Hasler, son of Johan Hasler and Eliza (late Darby) his Wife of Chelmsford in the County of Essex
was born on the [13 June 1827] and baptized on the [27 April 1828] . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, Chelmsford, Essex; UK National Archives, HO107/325/8/2/35/17 (PAYWALL)
Conduit Street / John Hasler / 35 / Tailor // Eliza / 35
John Jr. 13 // Joseph / 11 // Anna / 10 // Frederick / 9 // Julia / 5 // Ellen / 1 / [all born in county]
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 January 1853), 8
MISSING FRIENDS. - The following gentlemen may receive intelligence from England, by applying at Howard's Emigrants' Boarding Lodging Tent, Canvas Town, Melbourne: -
Mr. J. Hasler, Chelmsford . . .
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (20 May 1857), 4
ASSSOCIATIONS: Thomas Nash Granger (business partner, d. 1871)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail (7 January 1859), 5
ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th, The Opera Company will give
A GRAND SACRED CONCERT Consisting of selections from the Sublime
To give greater effect to the Magnificent Choruses of Handel and Haydn,
MEMBERS OF THE Castlemaine Philharmonic Society,
With other Ladies and Gentlemen, have kindly offered their services . . .
Musical Director - Mr. Linly Norman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Vincent (vocalist); Matilda Fox (vocalist); Sara Gardner (vocalist); Henry Charles Thorburn (vocalist); Benjamin Butterworth (vocalist); Thomas Bannister (vocalist); Arthur Thomas Hodgson (vocalist); William Smithers Danks (vocalist); Linly Norman (musical director); English Opera Company (troupe); Castlemaine Philharmonic Society (association); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue)
"THE CASTLEMAINE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY . . .", Mount Alexander Mail (4 March 1859), 5
. . . held their first annual meeting on Wednesday evening. Captain Bull, president, in the chair.
The election of officers resulted as follows: -
President, Captain Bull; Vice President, W. Locke, Esq.; Treasurer, Mr. J. Christie;
Secretary, Mr. A. T. Hodgson; Librarian, Mr. Hasler.
Committee - Messrs. Butterworth, Jung, Bannister, Thorburn, and Brown.
Several new members were enrolled, including instrumentalists, so that it is anticipated that the society's concerts will have a full band accompaniment in future.
Votes of thanks were passed to the president, and Mr. F. Moss, the conductor; the committee also being complimented for their successful efforts.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Lawrence Brown (member); Frederick Moss (conductor)
"ST. JOHN'S MUSICAL FESTIVAL, CHEWTON", Mount Alexander Mail (23 November 1860), 4
Last evening a meeting was held at the Red Hill Music Hall, in aid of the funds of St. John's Church, Chewton. The room was filled to overflowing, the company sitting down to an excellent tea provided by a number of the Chewton ladies, and to which full justice was done. The Right Rev. the Bishop of Melbourne, the Ven Archdeacon Crawford, the Rev. Messrs. Platts, Low (of Taradale), and Vance, together with most of the principal inhabitants of the locality attended. The Castlemaine Philharmonic Society sent a contingent in the persons of Mesdames Fox and Gardner, and Miss Williams; Messrs. Hasler, Hodgson, Hely, Waddington, Young, and Hunter; and the excellent manner in which they sang selections from several sacred pieces added very materially to the enjoyment of the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Red Hill Music Hall (Chewton / Forest Creek venue)
The Guardian says: It is seldom the inhabitants of Kyneton are privileged to hear such excellently rendered concerted music as that with which the walls of the Mechanics' Institute reverberated on Tuesday evening. The attendance was not so numerous as could have been desired . . . The performance commenced shortly after eight o'clock, with the Kyrie in Mr. Moss's "Mass in C." The Mass reflects great credit on the composer . . . The treble solos were sung by Mrs. Gardner, the tenor by Mr. W. H. Williams, of Melbourne, the alto by Mrs. Fox, and the bass by Mr. Thorburn. Mrs. Fatherley presided at the pianoforte, Mr. Moss wielded the conductor's baton, and the assistant instruments were three violins, a violincello, double bass, and flute. The performance of the Mass was frequently interrupted by applause from the audience. Romberg's "Lay of the Bell," although a long and by no means easy composition, run so smoothly as scarcely to present a single jar or pause. In it even more than in the first part of the concert, did the result of careful training show itself. The piece abounds in bass solos, the first half of which were sung by Mr. Danks, and the latter by Mr. Thorburn, while the third basso, Mr. Hasler, exerted himself in the quartets . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Williams (vocalist); Charlotte Crofton Fatherley (pianist)
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S FAREWELL CONCERT . . .", Mount Alexander Mail (30 May 1863), 2
. . . to their able and respected Conductor, Mr. Moss, which took place last night in the Congregational Church was a tolerably successful affair, there being as large an audience as could be expected at this season. Mr. Moss acted as Conductor, Mr. H. Howson as Leader, and Mrs. Fatherly, A.R.A., as Organist. Mr. Donaldson, of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, and a well-known tenor, took the tenor-solos, reading them with remarkable fidelity; Mr. Hasler took the bass solos; Mrs. Gardiner also took a leading part. The band and chorus did their parts well; if the effect was not powerful it was harmonious. The selections performed were from the "Creation" and the "Messiah" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howson (violin, leader); Charles Alexander Donaldson (vocalist); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (26 April 1866), 2
We desire to draw general attention to the entertainment to be given this evening at the Theatre Royal, by the Castlemaine Amateur Minstrels, for the benefit of Messrs. Huenerbein and Howson, the well-known musicians, both of whom, we should mention, will take part in the performance. By the courtesy of the Minstrels we were privileged to witness their final dress rehearsal on Tuesday evening, and can, therefore, sneak, ex cathedra, as to the merits of the entertainment. We have no hesitation in saying that, excellent as the performance of the amateurs undoubtedly was last year, there is now a marked improvement both in the vocal and instrumental components of the troupe. The ballads and [REDACTED] songs are selected with considerable judgment, and some of the choruses are rendered in a manner that will not fail to charm all true judges of harmony. Brudder Bones, and his alter ego of the tamborine, Pompey, are in high fettle, and many of their jokes - all local hits - will, we are sure, tell exceedingly well with the audience. The voices of the minstrels range, by just gradations, from the rich base of Mr. Hasler to the clear treble of Master Huenerbein (son of the bandmaster), and who, by the way, is a very promising singer. We must not, however, anticipate too closely, but we may promise our friends a rich treat in the imitation of the Chinese actors; which, to speak truly, is as clever a piece of mimicry, both of voice and posture, as can well be imagined. The burlesque Opera also - arranged, we believe, by Bones himself - will take hugely. So far as we can learn, the sale of tickets thus far is sufficient to justify the expectation that the theatre will be crowded in all corners. The Minstrels have spared no pains in rendering themselves perfect in their parts, and we are sure they may count upon a hearty reception. It is mentioned in the advertisement that the Castlemaine Band will play selections of music during the intervals.
ASSOCIATIONS: August Christian Huenerbein (musician) and son; Castlemaine Volunteer Band (volunteer force)
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (10 January 1870), 2
The three services at the Wesleyan Church, Barker-street, yesterday, were attended by very large congregations . . . At the morning service, after the singing of the opening hymn and prayer, the choir sang the anthem "We praise thee, O Lord," from Jackson's service, in a manner which throughout evinced most careful practice. The choir was assisted by Mr. Heunerbein, Mr. Hasler, Mr. Stead, and other local musical celebrities . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Wesleyan churches (general)
MUSIC: Te Deum in F (Jackson)
"OPENING OF ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH AT CHEWTON", Mount Alexander Mail (9 September 1872), 3
Yesterday was a high holiday with the Chewton folks, and rarely has that quiet little borough had its peaceful and orderly routine so thoroughly broken as on the occasion of the consecration and opening of the new Roman Catholic Church of St. Augustine . . . The choir was one of the moat efficient which could possibly have been selected from this neighbourhood, and were under the direction of Mrs. Hodgson, who presided at the harmonium, Miss O'Hea (principal); Miss Ambler (contralto), Miss Guilfoyle (soprano), Mrs. Larkin; Mr. Hasler and Mr. O'Callaghan (bass), Mr. Williamson (tenor), Mr. Turner (contralto), and several others whose names we could not learn. The Kyrie eleison and Gloria were taken from Weber's Mass in G, and the Credo, from Haydn's Imperial . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Matilda Hodgson (musical director, formerly "Mrs. Fox", as above); Music in Catholic churches (general)
MUSIC: Mass in G (Weber)
"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (12 May 1874), 2
A meeting of gentlemen favourable to the re-formation of the Castlemaine Philharmonic Society was held last evening, in the hall of the (Mechanics' Institute. There was a very good attendance; Mr. H. C. Thorburn was appointed chairman . . . A committee of nine were, on the motion of Mr. Hodgson, seconded by Mr. Hasler, then appointed to arrange the preliminaries. Mr. King, organist of Christ Church, courteously signified his willingness to act as conductor of the vocalists; and Mr. Howson agreed to take charge of the instrumentalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry John King (junior)
"NEW ZEALAND IMPRESSIONS [BY A WANDERER]", Mount Alexander Mail (19 March 1887), 2
. . . it was in Castlemaine, in the Mount Alexander Mail office, I learnt not only a trade, but received an education sufficient to carry me through life, and in the Philharmonic Society, in the company of Professor Moss, Messrs. Bannister, Hasler, Hodgson, Mrs. Hodgson, Mrs. Gardiner (now Mrs. Cooper), and Mr. Howson (leader), my musical tastes were formed, which have been to me a source of profit ever since . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Britton (memoirist)
"Death of Mr. J. D. Hasler. AN OLD AND ESTEEMED PIONEER", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (28 August 1896), 2
In yesterday's M. A. Mail it was stated that Mr. J. D. Hasler, the well-known tailor of Mostyn-street, was critically ill,
and the announcement was read with much regret as well as surprise, for Mr. Hasler was in his usual strong, robust health, less than a week ago,
and his critical illness was not known outside the circle of his relatives and more immediate friends.
His condition became more serious yesterday morning,
and profound regret was expressed on all sides when the news spread in the afternoon that Mr. Hasler had died at his residence in Fletcher-street, north.
Perhaps, no more apt illustration is afforded of the truism, that "in the midst of life we are in death."
Here was a resident who, unlit last Friday, was in the enjoyment of good health, and never knew what it was to have a day's illness during the past 40 years -
a man whose robust appearance and great physical strength denoted a long tenure of life.
Last Wednesday week Mr. Hasler complained of a severe cold;
on the following day he was no better, and on Friday he felt so ill that he took to his bed.
Dr. Reid was called in, and the patient thereafter began to show signs of improvement.
But that dread complaint - bronchial pneumonia - which so invariably succeeds a cold, developed itself,
and, despite the skill and unremitting attention of Drs. Reid and Woolley, death took place at about 2.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
When the announcement was made in the town, many of the shop windows were partially shuttered as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased gentleman,
who was highly esteemed for the many excellent traits in his character.
He was of unswerving probity and sterling integrity - one whom to know was ever a pleasure -
he was conscientious to a degree, and during his very lengthy residence in Castlemaine enjoyed the confidence and respect of the townspeople - young as well as old.
By his demise, the borough loses one of the oldest pioneers, whose ranks are being very rapidly thinned.
The late Mr. Hasler came to Castlemaine in the early "fifties," and for many years was in partnership with Mr. Grainger, who died some years ago.
The firm of Hasler and Grainger carried on the business of tailors and woollen drapers in the Square, and upon the retirement of the latter,
the business was solely continued by Mr. Hasler, up to the time of his death.
He was a member of the Committee of the School of Mines, in whose welfare he evinced the keenest interest, and was one of the most regular attendants at the meetings.
As a very old member of the committee of the Mechanics' Institute deceased rendered useful service.
Deceased was also a very old member of the Mount Alexander Lodge of Freemasons, being a member of the choir.
Mr. Hasler was as zealous and attentive in the performance of his Masonic duties as he was in other matters, where his presence manifested itself.
He was a member of Christ Church choir, and his valuable services were as greatly appreciated as they were in other respects,
and none the less so than in the Castlemaine Liedertafel, and also during the existence many years ago of the Philharmonic Society.
He was a most painstaking as well as efficient vocalist, and the Liedertafel, the Masonic and Christ Church choirs will greatly suffer by his death.
Deceased, who was 69 years of age, leaves a wife and grown-up family - two of his sons (Mr. John Hasler, of Malvern),
and Mr. Charles T. Hasler being well and very favorably known in musical circles - the former as choir-master at Malvern, and conductor of the local Liedertafel;
and the latter as organist at Christ Church, and holding a similar position with the Masonic Lodge. -
The funeral, which will be strictly private, will take place to-morrow.
"DEATH OF MR. J. D. HASLER", Chelmsford Chronicle [Essex, England] (9 October 1896), 5 (PAYWALL)
The death is announced of Mr. John Darby Hasler, son of the late Mr. John Hasler, of Chelmsford, and eldest brother of Mr. F. Hasler, Messrs. Barclay and Co.'s Bank, and Mr. J. G. Hasler, High-street. Mr. J. D. Hasler left Chelmsford in 1850 for Australia, where he has lived ever since. His death took place in his 70th year, at Castle Maine, Victoria. He was a tailor by trade.
"IN MEMORIAM", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (25 November 1922), 17
HASLER. In loving memory of John Hasler, for 30 years, organist and choirmaster of St. George's Church, Malvern. (The Vicar and choir.)
HASLER. In loving memory of our late organist and choirmaster, Mr. John Hasler. (From the Choir boys of St. George's Church, Malvern.)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hasler (son, musician, organist; born VIC, 1859; died Malvern, VIC, 25 November 1921)
Theatre owner and proprietor, publican
Born Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland, c. 1820
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 13 December 1839 (per Westminster, aged "21")
Married (1) Jane McDONNELL (d. 1858), St. Francis's church, Melbourne, VIC, 1844
Married (2) Ellen KELLY (d. 1888), VIC, 1862
Died Warrnambool, VIC, 19 September 1893, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THESPIS IN GEELONG", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (17 November 1847), 2
Mr. Hambleton, late of the Melbourne corps dramatique, has gone down to Geelong, with the intention of opening a theatre there, for the purpose of amusing the good people of that township during the dog-days, wool season, Christmas and new year's holidays, and the races. A neat and substantial edifice is now in course of erection, which, with all the paraphernalia of scenery, &c., will be fit for the recaption of the public in less than five weeks. It is situated in Ryrie-street, next to Mr. Hassett's, of the "Australian Inn." The front of the building is of brick, the back and sides being of wood. It is to be fitted up with a pit and boxes only in the meantime, thought the building will be sufficiently lofty to allow of a gallery being fitted up at any time it may be required. Mr. Hambleton will be the manager, and will have a respectable company to open with . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hambleton (actor, manager); New Victoria Theatre (Geelong venue)
"TWO THEATRES", Geelong Advertiser [NSW (VIC)] (18 November 1848), 1 supplement
A petition was presented to the bench of magistrates yesterday morning by Mr. Henry Elmes, proprietor of the new theatre, praying that their Worships would not sanction the licensing of two public places of amusement in Geelong. The subject of Mr. Elmes' petition, in effect, was, that he had, at the outlay of a whole fortune, completed the erection of a very large and handsome theatre, the land on which it was built, having been purchased especially for that purpose prior to the time when Mr. Hassett's temporary building was commenced; and that, had he ever contemplated the probability of their Worships licensing two houses of the like nature, he would not under any circumstances have expended the enormous sum of £5000 in such an undertaking . . . Mr. Belcher, who appeared in support of the petition . . . hoped the Bench would view the thing in a proper light. The new theatre was built at a tremendous cost - a fortune in fact; and it was such a one that could be conducted respectably; Mr. Hassett's had been merely run up in a temporary fashion; it was neither a fit nor a safe building for the exhibition of public entertainments; if the license were renewed, it would, in all probability, become a place of low resort. Mr. Willis said, he did not think the existence of two theatres in a town like Geelong would be right. After some further discussion, the Bench agreed to withhold the forwarding of their approval of renewing Mr. Hassett's license, until the matter had been more deliberately considered. Without meddling with, or entering into the respective claims of Mr. Elmes and Mr. Hassett, we at once agree with Mr. Willis that to permit the existence of two theatres in a town like Geelong would not be right . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Elmes (proprietor);
Theatre Royal (new Geelong venue);
see also "THE TWO THEATRES", Geelong Advertiser (28 November 1848), 2
"DEATHS", Geelong Advertiser (21 September 1893), 1
HASSETT. - Died on September 19th, at Warrnambool, John Hassett, late of Geelong,
dearly beloved father of M. M. Hassett, Warrnambool; T. E. Hassett, Geelong; J. F. Hassett, Melbourne; aged 73 years.
Native of Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland. Fortified by the last sacraments of Holy Church.
A colonist of nearly 54 years, having arrived in Melbourne December, 1839. Requiescat in pace.
The funeral is appointed to leave St. Mary's Church, Geelong, this day, Thursday), at half past 2 p.m., for the Eastern Cemetery.
Friends and members of the Confraternity of the Holy Family please accept this intimation.
"BURIAL OF AN OLD COLONIST", Geelong Advertiser (22 September 1893), 2
. . . It may be mentioned that the deceased gentleman arrived in Melbourne in December, 1839, being then in his twentieth year. It was not long before he gained a good business position in the youthful settlement, and he acquired property, in Geelong as well as Melbourne, subsequently sacrificed through the reverse of fortune which fell to many other early colonists. While in Melbourne he was one of the founders of the original St. Patrick's Society, which was non-sectarian, its first treasurer being the Rev. Osborne, a Presbyterian minister. It was in the hall of the society named that the first sessions of the Victorian Legislature were held. After being in business for some time Mr. Hassett came to Geelong, and erected the first brick building in Ryrie-street. The structure, which at that time stood in what was part of the bush, was the first theatre in Geelong, and was the Australian Hotel of later days. Being one of a benevolent society known as the Friendly Brothers, the deceased was largely instrumental in establishing an infirmary and dispensary for the sick poor, which did duty until the hospital was brought into existence to meet the growing requirements of the district. In the early and moving days of local history, the deceased was a well known figure, but latterly he has lived unobtrusively with his family.
Bibliography and resources:
Victoria before 1848, website (expired)
John Hassett / 21 / Single man over 18 / Farm servant / Kilrush, Co. Clare
[in Historical records of Victoria, vol. 4, immigrants arrived 13 December 1839 on the Westminster]
Married Jane Mcdonnell in 1844 at St. Francis Melbourne / baptised Michael James 1845, Mary Agnes 1847
Owned Property River Plenty - Ryrie Street Geelong - Brother of Mary Hasset / 19 / Single woman over 18 / Farm servant / Clare
HATCH, Henry John (Henry John HATCH; H. J. HATCH; Mr. HATCH; from 1848 Rev. H. J. HATCH)
Musical amateur, founder of Sydney Choral Society, tutor, school master
Born Walton upon Thames, Surrey, England, 2 January 1818; baptised St. Mary's, Walton upon Thames, 24 February 1818; son of Thomas HATCH and Anna Maria Ellen BIRCH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 July 1841 (per Abberton, from London and Cowes, 6 April)
Married Essy Lucy DILLON (c. 1826-1894), St. Andrew's church, Sydney, NSW, 14 August 1845
Departed Sydney, NSW, 22 July 1846 (per St. George, for London)
Died Little Linford, Buckinghamshire, England, 6 October 1895, aged "77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Walton upon Thames in the year 1818; register 1813-39, page 35; Surrey History Centre, Anglican parish registers, 2381/4/1 (PAYWALL)
No. 269 / [1818] Frb'y 24th / Born Jan'y 2d / Henry John Son of / Thomas & Anna Maria Ellen / Hatch / Clerk / Tho's Hatch Vicar
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Hatch (c. 1789-1851) and Anna Maria Ellen Birch (c. 1798-1851) married at St. Peter's, Chertsy, Surrey, on 7 September 1815
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald [NSW] (22 July 1841), 2
FROM London, yesterday, having left Cowes the 6th April, the barque Abberton, Captain Catt, with merchandise. Passengers . . . Mr. H. J. Hatch . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (3 April 1843), 3
WE beg respectfully to announce to you that we have this day become the Proprietors and Editors of the above-named Periodical,
and that our best exertions shall be used to obtain a continuance and extension of your kind patronage and support.
THOMAS WALKER, B.A., Jesus College, Cambridge.
HENRY JOHN HATCH, Magdalen College, Cambridge.
1st April, 1843.
ASSOCIATIONS: The New South Wales magazine (July 1843);
see also "NEW SOUTH WALES MONTHLY MAGAZINE", Launceston Examiner [VDL (TAS)] (11 October 1843), 3
[Advertisement], The New South Wales magazine (November 1843), [unpaginated at end] (DIGITISED)
EDUCATION. MR. HENRY JOHN HATCH, of Magdalen College, Cambridge, assisted by a married graduate of the same University,
proposes to open an establishment in the neighbourhood of Sydney, for the Education of a select number of gentlemen's sons.
Mr. Hatch was educated at Eton, and since leaving Cambridge has been engaged as private tutor in the families of Mr. Lawrence Peel, Sir E. Knatchbull,
and the Hon. C. D. Riddell, and has had charge of the sons of several influential gentlemen since his residence in this colony.
The Classics will he taught upon the plan adopted in the public schools in England, and Mathematics as at Cambridge, by his coadjutor, who is an eminent mathematician.
Terms for Boarders, sixty guineas per annum, and under twelve years of age, fifty guineas per annum. For day pupils, twenty-five guineas per annum.
Early application is requested to Mr. H. J. Hatch, at his present residence, No. 2, Burdekin's Terrace, Hyde Park, as the number will be limited.
"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Australian (22 April 1845), 3
A preliminary meeting of this society took place at St. Lawrence school-house, on Friday evening last . . .
The meeting then formed itself into a general committee, when the following gentlemen were elected: -
president, Rev. Mr. Walsh; secretary, Mr. Hatch; treasurer, Mr. Hirst; conductor, Mr. Johnson; leader, Mr. W. Johnson.
An active committee of management was also formed, composed of -
Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hirst, Dr. Nathan, Mr. Sincombe, Mr. Logan, Mr. Deane, and Mr. W. McDonell.
A vote of thanks was awarded to Mr. Hatch, as the active originator of the society,
and to Mr. Purchase for his strenuous co-operation, and for his efforts in the cause of music . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 July 1845), 1
MR. HENRY JOHN HATCH, of Magdalene College, having taken
HEREFORD HOUSE, Glebe, is fully prepared to receive a limited number of Boarders.
Mr. Hatch has engaged the best Masters for Dancing, Drawing, Music, and French;
while the Classics, Mathematics, and all other requisites for a gentleman's education will be under the superintendence of himself and competent assistants . . .
Marriages, St. Andrew's church, Sydney, 1845; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
14 August 1845 / Henry John Hatch / The Glebe / Bachelor and Essy Lucy Dillin [sic] / with consent of her parents
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1845), 3
On Thursday, 14th August, at St. Andrew's Church, Sydney, by the Rev. Robert Knox Sconce, Henry John Hatch, Hereford House, Sydney, of Magdalene College, Cambridge, Esquire, eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Hatch, Vicar of Walton-on-Thames, Surry, to Essy Lucy, only daughter of John Dillon, of York-street, Sydney, formerly of Arran Quay and Middle Gardiner-street, Dublin, Esquire, Solicitor.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1846), 1
MR. HATCH at this, the close of the year, repeats underneath, the advertisement as published by him on his commencing his present establishment.
School will reopen on Thursday, the 8th of January. Tuesday, December 16.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 July 1846), 2
July 22. St. George, barque, Captain Hernaman, for London. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Hatch, Mrs. Dillon . . . Mr. J. Townsend . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Phipps Townsend (fellow passenger)
England census, 30 March 1851, Chorlton, Staffordshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2001/9/10 (PAYWALL)
Chapel Chorlton / Henry John Hatch / Head / Mar. / 33 / Curate of Chorlton B.A. / [born] Surrey Chertsey
Essy Lucy [Hatch] / Wide / 24 / - / [born] Ireland . . .
Comic vocalist, songwriter, minstrel serenader, actor, agent, manager, venue proprietor, inventor
Born England, c. 1827
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 September 1854 (per Queen of the East, from Liverpool, 16 June)
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
HATTON, William James (William James HATTON; W. J. HATTON)
Vocalist, minstrel serenader, agent, manager
Active VIC and NSW, 1863-66 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 April 1859), 8
DANCING, 1s., every night, Lonsdale Assembly Rooms, Lonsdale-street, opposite the Queen's Arcade. Gus. Hatton, proprietor.
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (4 June 1859), 3
The Wonder of the World, AT THE STAR HOTEL, BALLARAT.
What hundreds have tried, And but three succeeded in,
MRS. DOUGLAS has done in Melbourne, and will commence again,
her herculean task of Walking 1000 Miles in 1000 Hours,
on TUESDAY, the 7th June, at 20 minutes to 8 o'clock in the morning.
Admission, 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Chester Douglas (pedestrian); wife of William Henry Douglas (actor); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
A bal masque takes place here to-night, for the benefit of Mr. Hatton, the agent of Mrs. Douglas, of walking celebrity.
Petty sessions at Fitzroy, VIC, 6 October 1859; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
[Complainant] J'no Cossar / [Defendant] Augustus Hatton / Goods sold £11 18s 8 / Amount order & costs
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (9 May 1861), 3
THE Wizard and Wonder of England, America, and Australia (from the Theatre Royal, Ballarat);
also his inimitable Wit and Punster "SPRIGHTLY," The Champion Dancer and Irish Comic Vocalist of the World,
assisted by MR. GUS. HATTON, The well known local Comic Writer and Singer,
will give two GRAND ENTERTAINMENTS At the Mechanics' Institute, Kyneton,
on Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 11th.
Dancing after performance.
Musical conductor, Mr. Procter.
Front seats 3s; back 2s.
Commencing at eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Eagle (magician)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (10 July 1861), 5
Professor Fagle and Company made a very successful "debut" at the Cornwall Assembly Room on Monday evening, and the whole performance gave great satisfaction to a very numerous audience. Professor Eagle, though making less display than Professor Anderson, performed some feats on Monday evening, which we considered fat more surprising and unaccountable then anything we have ever previously seen in the legerdemain line. His aide-de-camp Sprightly scatters about choice witticisms with a liberal tongue, dances clog hornpipes in a style that will gain him the good opinion of all the frequenters of the pit, and sings Irish Comic Songs in almost equal to Dominick Murray himself. Then there is Gus. Hatton with his original local comic songs, smacking all over of the Australian bush and its squatocracy; or of Australian towns and amusing the eccentricities and oddities of their inhabitants. The whole forms an entertainment as novel as it is pleasing, and as varied as the greatest lover of variety could desire. This excellent Company appeared at the Theatre Royal for the first time yesterday evening, where they were even more successful in pleasing their audience than at the Cornwall Assembly Room. They perform again at the Theatre Royal this, and tomorrow evening, the latter being probably their last appearance there. The prices of admission, are boxes 3s; upper circle 2s.; and pit One shilling.
ASSOCIATIONS: Dominick Murray (actor, vocalist); John Henry Anderson (magician); Cornwall Assembly Rooms (Launceston venue); Theatre Royal (Launceston venue)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (10 July 1861), 5
Theatre Royal. To-Night! WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY,
Professor EAGLE, The Wizard and Wonder of the World, in his Magnificent
The Celebrated Irish Comic Vocalist, and Champion Dancer;
also, MR. GUS. HATTON,
In his New Local Comic Song,
"The Dyeing Attachment, or We are Off to Queensland."
PIT - ONE SHILLING. Dress Circle, 3s. Upper Circle, 2s.
[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (5 August 1861), 1
And who has twice had the honor of appearing, by command, before His Excellency Sir H. Barkly, at Toorak,
Assisted by his inimitable Wit and Punster "SPRIGHTLY." the Champion Dancer and Irish Comic Vocalist,
and also MR. GUS. HATTON, the well-known Local Comic Writer and Singer,
and will have the honor also of appearing in HOBART TOWN for TWO NIGHTS, previous to his departure for India: -
GREEN PONDS, Ellis's Hotel, Monday and Tuesday, August 5th and 6th.
BRIGHTON, Epsom Hotel, August 7th & 8th.
MR. GUS. HATTON will sing nightly his new Comic Song,
"The Hobart Town Shooting Match, or the Volunteer in a fix."
See opinions of the press - Argus, 11th May; Launceston Chronicle, July 10th and 25th.
Carriages can be ordered for 11 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Mercury (10 August 1861), 1
NOTICE TO THE VOLUNTEERS. Come to the Theatre Royal on Monday night and hear
GUS HATTON in his New Local Comic Song "The Hobart Town Shooting Match, or the Volunteer in a Fix."
Also, "The Death of the Gas Company; or much ado about nothing."
"PROFESSOR EAGLE'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Mercury (13 August 1861), 2
Notwithstanding the unfavourable slate of the weather numerous visitors attended the Theatre Royal, last evening, at the first of Professor Eagle's Drawing Room Entertainments of Legerdemain. The Professor was assisted by his goblin Sprightly, and the performances, together with the comic songs of Mr. Gus. Hatton elicited considerable applause and laughter.
[Advertisement], The Mercury (17 August 1861), 4
THEATRE ROYAL. TO-NIGHT. Positively the last night; PROFESSOR EAGLE . . .
SPRIGHTLY in his celebrated Irish Comic Songs -
MR. GUS. HATTON in his new comic song, the Hobart Town Volunteer, &c., &c. . . .
[Advertisement], The Mercury (26 August 1861), 4
Notice to the Agent of Professor Eagle.
IF MR. HATTON, Agent for Professor Eagle and Co., does not call and pay what they owe for board and lodging,
their things will be sold by me within fourteen days from this notice.
[News], The Mercury (28 August 1861), 3
WE beg to inform the inhabitants of the following places, that Professor Eagle, assisted by Sprightly, the celebrated Irish Vocalist and Dancer,
and also Mr. Gus Hatton, the well-known local comic writer and singer, will appear as follows: -
Hobart Town, under engagement with Mr. Chatley, of the Albert, Wednesday and Thursday, August 23th and 29th.
Franklin Town, Saturday and Monday. Victoria, Tuesday, and Brown's River on their return, instead of this day, as previously advertised. - (ADVT).
[Advertisement], The Mercury (30 August 1861), 1
SEEING an advertisement from Mrs. Moore, a boarding housekeeper, addressed to me,
and thinking the public might misconstrue its meaning, I feel called upon to place the facts of the case before them.
We as many other people do and have done, were unsuccessful in our late theatrical speculation in Hobart Town,
and must add resorted to no such mean subterfuge as declaring our selves insolvent,
but gave every farthing we possessed to pay our debts which we succeeded in doing except £4 for which I personally left Mrs. Moore £12 worth of my own private property to indemnify for the same,
promising to release them as soon as our circumstances would permit.
Hoping this short explanation will convince the ladies and gentlemen of the town we intend visiting that our conduct has been actuated by no mean or dishonorable intention,
I remain, most respectfully,
The public's obedient servant,
[Advertisement], Queanbeyan Age [NSW] (20 August 1863), 3
TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! AND To-morrow Evening, Friday.
THE following artistes will have the honour of appearing in their
NEW LOCAL SONG, Written expressly for Queanbeyan, by Gus. Hatton.
Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock; commence at 8 precisely.
Seats, which will be reserved until 9 o'clock, 4/., unreserved, 2/.; children, half-price.
Tickets can he had from W. J. HATTON, Secretary, Prince of Wales Hotel, To whom all communications may be addressed.
The above Company will appear at Yass shortly, and en route will perform at DUNTROON on SATURDAY and MONDAY evenings next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Leathwood (musician, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Yass Courier [NSW] (22 August 1863), 3
THE COURT-HOUSE, YASS, On THURSDAY and FRIDAY, August 27th and 28th
MR. FRANK LEATHWOOD, OF THE CELEBRATED COURT MINSTRELS, Who have been performing with unprecedented success at the Lyceum Theatre, Sydnev for the last three months,
and also for a lengthened period at the Haymarket Theatre, Melbourne, and by command before his Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, Governor of Victoria.
In the course of the evening Mr. F. Leathwood will perform on the Concertina, Bandonian, Flutina, and Banjo.
MR. GUS. HATTON, The well known local comic writer and singer, in new songs written by him expressly for Yass.
MR. J. T. FORTESCUE, The favourite Baritone, and performer on the celebrated instrument, the "Melophone."
MR. W. J. HATTON, The favourite characteristic comic vocalist, will sing an entirely new and colonial edition of "Billy Barlow," written expressly for him by Mr. Gus. Hatton.
MASTER WILLIAM BURBANK, Aged eight years, allowed by the Press to be the most youthful and artistic dancer in the colonies.
The entertainment will comprise Overtures, Solos, Glees, Dances, Comic and Sentimental Songs, Ethiopian Duetts, and Delineations.
The programme will be changed each evening . . .
W. J. HATTON, Secretary, Yass Hotel, to whom all communications may he addressed.
"COURT MINSTRELS", Kyneton Guardian and Woodend and Malmsbury Chronicle [VIC] (3 February 1864), 2
Yesterday evening, the celebrated Court Minstrels made their appearance at the Mechanics' Institute, Kyneton, in one of their popular entertainments, which have been so well received in Melbourne, Sydney, and the neighbouring colonies. Between seventy and eighty persons were present. The evenings entertainment commenced with an overture from "Dinorah," performed with considerable skill by Messrs. Leathwood and Fortescue, which was followed by a sailor'a hornpipe in character, by Master W. Burbank, executed in a highly creditable manner. One of the Christy Minstrels songs, "Come where my love lies dreaming," arranged for three voices, and sung by Messrs. Gus Hatton, F. Leathwood, and S. T. Fortescue was loudly encored. In reply to which they sung one of the best of Christy's selections, "Let me kiss him for his Mother" which was deservedly applauded. The first part of the entertainment concluded with an Irish Jig in character by Master Burbank, who was loudly encored. During the second part of the evening's entertainment, Mr. Gus Hatton sung several comic songs of his own composition in first-class style. Mr. W. J. Hatton in his characteristic song of "The Charming Young Widow whom I met in the train" was also very warmly and deservedly applauded. The evening's entertainment concluded with a "Grand Soiree D'Ethiope" containing negro songs and dances by Messrs. Gus Hatton, F. Leathwood, and Master Burbank, which were very warmly received by the audience. The Minstrels purpose performing again on Monday next, when we trust they will receive the patronage they so well deserve.
ASSOCIATIONS: Court Minstrels (troupe)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . SURREY MUSIC HALL (Royal Surrey Hotel, late Royal Charter)", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (5 March 1864), 2
This hall holds about 450 persons in all parts of the house; for, in addition to the seats in the pit, there is a balcony running round the interior, after the manner of the dress circle of a theatre. The concerts are under the direction of Mr. T. Wilson, the Irish comic vocalist, and the company includes Mr. and Mrs. Rice, characteristic duettists; Gus Hatton, formerly with the Court Minstrels, and a writer of comic local songs, a collection of which has been published; Mr. Cooke, a dancer, and character singer; Young Burbank, a clog dancer; Miss Hayes, soprano and characteristic vocalist; Miss Woods, and Miss Douglas. Wilson's comic Irish, and Gus Hatton's local songs, have been the chief attractions during the week; the business very good.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Wilson (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (12 March 1864), 2
The only legitimate "GHOST" In Australia,
will be shown Every Evening at Eight, half-past Nine, and Eleven o'clock.
TOM WILSON and the "GHOST" will appear
In Gus. Hatton's new farce, entitled, "THE BEWILDERED IRISHMAN."
In the course of the Evening, the following well known artistes will appear: -
Mesdames Hayes, Bercard, Douglass, and Woods;
Messrs. Tom Wilson, Gus. Hatton, J. Ramsay, and Master W. Burbank.
Proprietor: J. Allen, Manager: W. J. Hatton.
Pianist: J. Bush.
Change of Performance Every Evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Bush (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 May 1864), 8
ROYAL SURREY MUSIC HALL. Proprietor, J. Allen.
Manager, W. J. Hatton. Musical Director and Pianist, F. W. Cullimore.
The world-renowned LANCASHIRE BELLRINGERS Will appear at the above popular place of amusement on
Monday, May 9 for a few weeks only, previous to their departure for India . . .
Miss BELLA SUTHERLAND, The much admired contralto, serio comic, and characteristic vocalist . . .
Admission free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick William Cullimore (pianist); Bella Sutherland (vocalist); Lancashire Bellringers (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 June 1864), 1
PROFESSIONALS WANTED. Any description of novelty. Salary no object. Canterbury Music-hall. Mr. Gus Hatton, Manager.
? The Great Britain chronicle; being an account of a voyage in the "Great Britain" S.S. from Melbourne to Liverpool commencing August 27th to October 28th, 1864; edited by Gus Hatton, a passenger ([printed]); State Library of Victoria
? "THE GREAT BRITAIN AMONG THE ICEBERGS NEAR CAPE HORN", The illustrated London news (12 November 1864), 497 (DIGITISED)
THE screw-steamer Great Britain, which arrived at Liverpool on the 26th ult., having made the passage from Melbourne in the short period of sixty-one days, passed through an extraordinary drift of icebergs on the 12th of September and two or three following days, in the neighbourhood of Cape Horn. We have been favoured by Mr. G. T. Horne, one of the passengers, with a sketch of one of the groups of icebergs and with a set of drawings which represent the fantastic shapes of each iceberg separately; but while the latter may be worthy of inspection for the sake of their scientific interest, we have preferred the general view shown in our Engraving. Ninety-five icebergs were seen on the first day, but the total number counted was 212. Sometimes the vessel passed a group of ten or twelve thickly crowded together. A very heavy sea was running, and the wind blew almost a gale, with snow-squalls every few minutes, and clouds as black as night. A small printed paper, entitled "The Great Britain Chronicle," which was edited by Mr. Hatton, another passenger, during the voyage, reports the occurrence of this phenomenon a fortnight after sailing from Hobson's Bay. "It is a wonderful sight," observes the journalist, "just like Dover cliffs floating along. We are surrounded by a complete sea of ice. Passed eighty-three icebergs altogether to-day. Captain Gray is very anxious; he and three mates and four men on the look-out; I think him a firstrate seaman." . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 September 1864), 1
WANTED, a good VIOLINIST Apply to W. J. Hatton, Canterbury Music hall.
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 March 1865), 7
SALT-MILL for SALE, a bargain. W. J. Hatton, Union Hotel, Bourke-street east.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (20 June 1866), 7
William James Hatton, of Melbourne, publican's manager. Causes of insolvency: Inability to pay two county court judgments, and fear of imprisonment. Liabilities, £33 16s 8d; assets, £12 13s. 6d.; deficiency, £21 3s. 2d. Mr. Shaw, official assignee.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (14 January 1868), 4
THE following is a hat of the saloon passengers who had engaged passages per the Great Britain up to the date of the departure of the mail from England. The Great Britain was to sail on the 14th of December: . . . Mr. Augustus Hatton, Mr. John Brassey . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Great Britain, from Liverpool, 13 December 1867, for Melbourne, 12 February 1868; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Hatton Mr. G. / Gent // Brassey Mr. J . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (31 July 1868), 4
HATTON. - On the 28th inst., of congestion of the brain through teething, aged nineteen months, Clarence Augustus, son of Mr. Augustus Hatton, of Melbourne.
ASSOCIATIONS: The boy's birth was registered in Shoreditch, London, England, 1867 (1st quarter); BDM VIC records his mother's name as Fanny Rook (? Frances Rooke)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (16 November 1868), 3
THE VICTORIA ICE COMPANY, through their Agent, will be prepared,
on and after Monday, 23rd November, to supply hotel-keepers, confectioners, private families, &c.,
in Sandhurst and suburbs, with Pure Block Ice . . .
orders at once to Mr. Augustus Hatton, Shamrock Hotel, Sandhurst.
"PATENTS. NOTICES TO PROCEED", Leader [Melbourne, VIC] (28 November 1868), 5
JOHN BRASSEY AND AUGUSTUS HATTON, engineers, Melbourne. The Defiance brick and tile-making machine . . .
? Description book, Parramatta Gaol, NSW, January 1888; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 90 / Gus Hatton / Ship: Queen of East / '54 / Born: England / C. of E. / Laborer / [Year of birth] 1827 / 5 ft 4 in . . .
? "OBTAINING GOODS BY FALSE PRETENCES", The Daily Telegraph [Sydney, NSW] (19 January 1888), 3
Gus. Hatton was charged with obtaining goods and money from the firm of Summerfield and Co., tailors, Pitt-street, by means of false pretences. Italo Veroli, an employe of the firm, deposed that, on the 10th inst., the prisoner purchased a suit of clothes, for which he gave a cheque for £2 7s, 6d., purporting to be drawn by J. W. Mercer, on the Bank of New South Wales. The cheque was cashed, and when presented, was dishonored, there being no such account at the bank. Prisoner was sentenced to three months' hard labor.
? [News], Queanbeyan Age (21 January 1888), 2
Gus Hatton, 60, received three months for euchreing Summerfield and Co. out of £2 7s. 6d.
"Then - and Now [BY SOCIUS] THEN", Canowindra Star and Eugowra News (18 May 1906), 1
EXCITEMENT in Melbourne was intense [? c. 1862-64]. A large crowd had congregated in Swanston street near the Police Station entrance, and were discussing a large placard on which a reward of £1000 was offered for the apprehension of the men who had stuck up and robbed the gold escort on its way Sydneywards from the Lachlan rush . . . The excitement given birth by the Lambing Flat riots had hardly toned down when Frank Gardiner with his band of bushrangers appeared upon the scene. They had now made a dash for a large booty and had succeeded to some extent, and the reward mentioned had been offered by the Government of New South Wales . . . As I drew out from the crowd I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turning saw one I least expected to see, and one whom I thought much nearer to the scene of Gardiner's exploits than Melbourne. He was a well known and popular actor named Hatton, who with others had made a trip to the gold rushes. My surprise may be understood as I extended my hand to him and welcomed him back. Gus Hatton, Joe Small, and Tom Wilson - three well known vocalists - and myself had been intimate friends for some time prior to the trio crossing the border to try their luck on the new goldfields, and here was one of them back who would be able to tell me something reliable about these much described places. "Socey, old fellow, I'm glad to find you so easily. Let us stroll up to Garton's and have a wine," said Gus; and arm-in-arm we wended our way to the favorite hotel mentioned. At the hall door stood Garton's porter William, who told us that Joe Small had just gone into the cafe. We decided upon having a drink before going into the cafe, and turned into the bar where we satisfied our thirst and then joined Small and others in the eating room. We spent a couple of hours together, during which I learnt much about Gardiner and the districts he frequented. The stories heard fired up a desire in my mind to have a run through New South Wales . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Gardiner (bushranger); Thomas Wilson (vocalist, as above); Joe Small (vocalist)
"AN INTERESTING RELIC", The Corowa Chronicle [NSW] (18 April 1925), 4
A few days ago a most interesting link with the past days of early Wahgunyah and Corowa, came into our hands.
Found in the bottom of an old trunk by Mr. Frank Tyrell, discolored and considerably mouse eaten,
a copy of the "Wahgunyah Watchman" Rutherglen and Wahgunyah Goldfields, dated Wednesday, November 20, 1861 . . .
Some of the excerpts which we have culled will prove highly interesting to many residents of Corowa and Wahgunyah, and to others, as a link with the past . . .
Amongst the advertisers were . . . Professor James Eagle, who appeared with his company by command before His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly at Toorak,
also advertised that he would give a drawing-room entertainment of legerdemain, assisted by Mr. Gus. Hatton,
comic writer and singer, and Benjamin Phillips, tenor, at the Albion hotel, Rutherglen, on November 20-21.
Musician, tenor / viola player, New Queen's Theatre
Active Adelaide, SA, 1848 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], South Australian [Adelaide, SA] (6 October 1848), 3
New Queen's Theatre.
MISS LAZAR begs leave most respectfully to to acquaint the Public generally that her
Grand Evening CONCERT, under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR and LADT YOUNG,
(who have signified their intention of honoring the Theatre with their presence), will take place on
MONDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 9th, 1848 . . .
A Choice Selection of the most admired pieces from the Operas of Cinderella, Bohemian Girl, Fairy Lake, Crusaders, La Somnambula, etc., etc.
Vocal Performers: - Miss Lazar, Mrs. Oliffe, Mrs. Richards, Mr. Dight (from the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney), Mr. Lazar.
Instrumental Performers: - Leader - Mr. Lee, Mr. Richards (second violin), Mr. Thompson (violoncello), Mr. Kaebet (flute), Mr. Hewitt (trombone), Mr. Hertz (double bass),
Mr. Hauffman (tenor).
Overture - Bohemian Girl (Balfe), - Orchestra.
1. - Scena - "All is Lost" (Bellini) - Miss Lazar.
2. - Buffa Scena - "Ye Tormentors" - Cinderella (Rossini) - Mr. Lazar.
3. - Cavatina - "I dare not love thee" (A. Lee), - Mrs. Richards.
4. - Ballad - "Come Dwell with me" (A. Lee), - Mr. Dight.
5. - Overture - "Guy Mannering" (Bishop), Orchestra.
6. - Ballad - "I'll not Beguile Thee" by especial desire (Auber) - Miss Lazar.
7. - Ballad - "I'll be no Submissive Wife" (Lee), - Mrs. Oliffe.
8. - Comic Duet - "Sir, a Secret" (Rossini) Mr. & Miss Lazar.
Overture - "Massiniello" (Auber) - Orchestra.
1. - "Glory from the battle-plains": La Gazza Ladra (Rossini) - Miss Lazar.
2. - "Groves of Blarney" (by desire) - Mr. Lazar.
3. - Ballad: "She wore a wreath of roses" (Lee) - Mrs. Richards.
4. - Overture: Caliph Bagdad (Boildieu) - Orchestra.
4. - Solo Violoncello: "My sister dear" (Auber) - Mr. Thompson.
6. - "See'st thou at even": violin obligato (Kalivoda) - Miss Lazar.
7. - Ballad: "No home like my own" - Mrs. Oliffe.
8. - Ballad: "When I beheld the anchor weighed" - Siege of Rochelle (Balfe) - Mr. Dight.
9. - Grand Finale: "Oh, what full delight" Bohemian Girl (Balfe) - Miss Lazar and Chorus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rachel and John Lazar (vocalists, manager; daughter and father); Harriet Oliffe (vocalist); Dorothea and Henry Richards (vocalist, violinist); Edward Dight (vocalist); Philip Lee (violin); John Charles Thompson (violoncello), Mr. Kaebet (flute), Joseph Hewitt (trombone), Mr. Hertz (double bass); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
HAUSER, Miska see mainpage Miska HAUSER
Musician, violinist, composer
Active Australia, 1854-58
HAVELL, Alfred Hugh (Alfred Hugh HAVELL) alias Frederick WOODIN
HAWKINS, Thomas Fitzherbert (Thomas Fitzherbert HAWKINS) and family
Pioneer settler (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Hawkins family drawing room, Blackdown, near Bathurst, c. 1830; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
HAYES, Mr. (Mr. HAYES; ? Attwell Edwin HAYES; A. E. HAYES)
Musical amateur, member of the Sydney Amateur Concerts, ? journalist, newspaper proprietor
Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1826
"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", The Monitor [Sydney, NSW] (21 July 1826), 5
ON Wednesday Evening [19 July] about four hundred persons of both sexes assembled at the public School Room in Castlereagh-street,
to listen to the musical selections of our Amateur performers of our new monthly Concert.
Among the company we noticed the Lieutenant Governor, the Sheriff, the Clerk of the Council, the Clerk of the Peace,
Dr. Townson, a number of Magistrates, Advocates, Military Officers, Civil Officers, principal Merchants, &c. &c. &c.
All this denotes in unequivocal language the growing importance of this admirable public recreation . . .
The "Bill of the Play," exhibited the following . . .
Directors for the Evening.
Mr. Earle. Mr. J. Paul, jun.
Mr. Jos. Underwood. Mr. Hayes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Augustus Earle (member); John Paul junior (member); Joseph Underwood (member); Sydney Amateur Concerts (series); "School room" = Old Court House (Sydney venue)
HAYES, Catherine (Mrs. BUSHNELL) see mainpage Catherine HAYES
Musician, vocalist
Active Australia 1854-56
HAYES, William (William HAYES)
Active Hobart, TAS, 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (17 February 1854), 2
MR. WILLIAM HAYES will makes his 1st and only appearance, and sing Shield's favourite song of the WOLF! . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
MUSIC: The wolf (William Shield) (ONSITE PDF)
Actor, vocalist, theatrical manager
Born Liverpool, England, 1840; baptised St. Peter's, Liverpool, 24 May 1840; son of Alexander Kerr HAYGARTH (d. VIC, 1894) and Margaret GRACEY (d. VIC, 1888) (m. Liverpool, 29 July 1839)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 10 October 1855 (per David G. Fleming, from Liverpool, 5 July, aged "13 1/2")
Died Wanganui, NZ, 20 October 1918, aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish church of St. Peter in Liverpool in the county of Lancaster in the year 1840; register 1839-40, page 238; Liverpool Record Office, 283 PET/2/30 (PAYWALL)
No. 1903 / [1840 May] 24 / Edward Darius [son of] Alexander Kerr & Margaret / Haygarth / Handler Street / Provision Dealer . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per David G. Fleming from Liverpool, July 1855, for Melbourne, 10 October 1855; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Alex. Haygarth / 44 / Farmer // Mary / 39 / Wife
Edward / 13 1/2 / Son // Maria / 6 // Geo. / 4 / Joseph / Inf. . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (2 August 1861), 8
ROYAL PRINCESS'S THEATRE, Solo Lessee and Manager, George Fawcett . . .
Signor and Signora BIANCHI, Previously to their departure from the colony.
In aid of the MASONIC CHARITIES Of the Colony.
To commence by special request, with Bellini's Grand Opera of LA SONNAMBULA.
Amina - Signora Bianchi. Lisa - Miss Julia Mathews.
Teresa - Miss Bush. Elvino - Signor Bianchi.
Count Rodolfo - Signor Grossi. Alessio - Mr. R. Stewart.
Notaio - Mr. Haygarth.
Grand Chorus of villagers, Peasants, &c. . . .
Leader of the orchestra, Mr. King.
Conductor, Mr. Siede . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fawcett (actor, manager); Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Julia Mathews (vocalist); Enrico Grossi (vocalist); Richard Stewart (vocalist); Edward King (violin, leader); Julius Siede (conductor); Princess's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Seaman's Bride, from Melbourne, 11 February 1862, for Port Chalmers, NZ; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Joseph Downey / John Kohler / Edward Haygarth . . . Sandford Faucett / John Dunn . . . Miss Hart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Wildblood Kohler (musician); Sanford Fawcett (actor); Ada Hart (actor); John Benjamin Dunn (actor)
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . 'TED' HAYGARTH . . . THIRD SERIES - No. 11 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman [NSW] (18 March 1908), 3
. . . Mr. E. Haygarth . . . who, if my memory serves me correctly, was in his noviciate under George Fawcett, at the old Princess's in Spring-street, Melbourne, in the late fifties and early sixties. 'Ted' Haygarth went to Maoriland, I think, with Tom and Sandford Fawcett, and a company sent there by brother George in the early days of the gold discoveries, when people were flocking into Dunedin in shiploads . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed")
"DEATHS", Wanganui Herald [NZ] (21 October 1918), 4
HAYGARTH - On the 20th inst., at Wanganui Hospital, Edward Darius, beloved husband of Mary Haygarth; (actor); aged 78 years, Australian papers please copy.
"PERSONAL", Wanganui Herald (24 October 1918), 4
The late Mr. E. Haygarth, who died this week, was born in Armagh in 1840, and at the age of 15 he joined G. V. Brooke's Company. Mr. Haygarth arrived in New Zealand about 40 years ago, and was a member of various stock companies which toured Australia and New Zealand. Deceased settled in Wanganui 13 years ago, and was well respected by all, he being of a quiet, unassuming nature.
HAYNE, Mr. (Mr. HAYNE) = Lewis HENN
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 51st Regiment, drum-major, brass band leader, soldier
Active Hobart, VDL (TAS), 1838-46
Amateur vocalist
Active Adelaide, SA, c. early 1840s
Active Hobart Town, TAS, c. 1853-56 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (7 May 1853), 3
JOSIAH HAND, the Proprietor, begs to intimate to his numerous supporters that it is his intention to
RE-OPEN the above named popular place of Recreation on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, with the following attractive
Overture - Il Tancredi - FULL BAND
Song - Come Brothers, arouse - MR. HAYWARD . . .
Pianforte - MR. CROMPTON.
Musical Director - MR. TURNER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Hand (proprietor); Richard Pickering Crompton (piano); Thomas John Turner (musical director); Melophonic Concert Room (Hobart venue)
"LOCAL", The Hobart Town Advertiser (12 May 1853), 2
THE MELOPHONIC Concert Room was the centre of amusement on Monday evening. In accordance with advertisement, the room was reopened, and great was the astonishment of the visitors at the perfect metamorphosis produced . . . The National Anthem by the full band, was given with much effect and feeling; after which followed that universally popular overture "Il Tancredi," the chasteness of execution of which, taste and musical precision were apparent. Then came "Come Brothers arouse" by Mr. Hayward, which was loudly applauded . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (13 October 1853), 2
The Entertainments-will commence with a Descriptive Drama, in Three Acts,
from the story of the age, arranged and produced by Mr. A'Beckett Evans, entitled
During the progress of the Drama the Nubian Minstrels will sing the appropriate Songs, Choruses, &c., so highly illustrative of Negro Life . . .
Adolph, Mr. J. Hand; Andy, Mr. Frederick Howson; Mose, Mr. J. Cohen; Peto, Mr. Smith; Cudjoe, Mr. T. J. Turner;
Sambo Slick, Mr. Hayward - slaves on the estate . . .
THE NUBIAN MINSTRELS Will then have the honour of appearing in full costume,
and introduce their Budget of Wit and Whims, Odds and Oddities, and their unrivalled Harmony. -
See! Sir, See! - Company.
Commence, ye Darkies all - Hayward . . .
Virginia Rosebud - Hayward . . .
The Interlude will terminate with the celebrated Burlesque Scene from the Opera of La Somnambula,
in which the Minstrels will sing the celebrated PHANTOM CHORUS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Eliza A'Beckett Evans (actors); Frederick Howson (vocalist, actor); Jacob Cohen (vocalist, actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (24 March 1856), 2
JENNY LIND THEATRE (Licensed pursuant to Act of Parliament) corner of Campbell and Liverpool-streets, next to the Union Hotel.
- Easter Mondav, March 24, 1856. - Open every Night. -
MR. ARABIN most respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity that having made arrangements with several professionals,
the above-named Theatre will be opened to the public on Easter Monday next . . .
On the above Evening the entertainments will commence with the admired petite comedy, entitled
THE SOLDIER'S RETURN; or Love in Humble Life! -
After which, Comic Song, "The Unlucky Fellow," Mr. Hasker.
Highland Fling, Mr. Cohen.
Song, "The Wild Boar Hunt," Mr. Hayward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Arabin (actor, manager); James John Hasker (actor, vocalist); Abraham Cohen (dancer); Jenny Lind Theatre (Hobart venue)
HAYWARD, Henry Woodland (Henry Woodland HAYWARD)
Musician, organist, teacher of singing
Born Deal, Kent, England, 21 March 1820; baptised Deal, 28 May 1820; son of Thomas HAYWARD and Susanna WOODLAND
Married Jane HAMMOND (d. 1901), Deal (Independent), Kent, England, 2 May 1844
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, ? c. 1864-65
Died Heywood, VIC, 5 December 1880, aged "60" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Deal (Independent), Kent, 1820; register 1802-37; UK National Archives, RG4/874 (PAYWALL)
no. 169 / Henry Woodland son of Thomas and Susanna Hayward was born March 21st Baptized May 28th 1820 . . .
"MARRIAGES", Kentish Gazette [England] (7 May 1844), 3 (PAYWALL)
May 2, at Deal, Mr. Henry Woodland Hayward, stationer, to Jane, daughter of Mr. R. Hammond, cordwainer.
England census, 1861, Deal, Kent; UK National Archives, RG9/543/35/9 (PAYWALL)
2 Adelaide Place / Henry W. Hayward / Head / Mar. / 41 / Stationer employ 2 men 2 boys / [born Kent Deal]
Jane / Wife / 38 // Herbert / Son / 16 / Pupil Teacher // Edwin / 10 // Hammond / 8 // Woodland / 6 // Jane / 3 // Harriet / 1 // Julia / 1 // [all born Kent]
"DEAL . . . CONCERT", Kentish Gazette (16 September 1862), 6 (PAYWALL)
A concert, for the benefit of the Deal Promenade Band Fund, was held at the above place on Wednesday evening, under the patronage of Lord Clarence Paget, M.P., and E. H. K. Hugessen, Esq., M.P., members for the borough, and several gentlemen of the neighbourhood. The concert consisted of vocal and instrumental music. Mr. Harrison presided at the pianoforte. The vocalists consisted of the Deal Choral Society, under the direction of Mr. H. W. Hayward. The instrumentalists consisted of the Deal Promenade Band, under the direction of Herr Donecker, band master. About 200 persons were present.
"FIVE POUNDS REWARD!", Canterbury Journal [Kent, England] (20 February 1864), 3 (PAYWALL)
ln the hope of facilitating the restoration to his home of the missing individual for whose recovery £5 is offered, we give publicity to the following: -
"Missing! - Mr. H. W. Hayward, of Deal, who left his home on Saturday morning, the 6th instant, for Sandwich, and has not since been heard of.
Description: - About 42 years of age, 5ft. 8in. in height, light complexion, full whiskers,
dressed in brown cloth Inverness cape, coat and trousers of same color, and black felt hat.
He had in his possession case of pianoforte tuning instruments; also sum of money in gold and notes,
the numbers and dates of which are below, viz., one £10 Bank of England note, No. 44,953, dated 22nd August, 1863;
two £5 ditto, No. 63,807, dated 26th August, 1863, and No. 86,134, dated 27th November, 1863.
Any person who will give such information as will lead to his discovery shall receive the above reward by applying to Mr. E. Hayward, 7, Lower-street, Deal.
No effort to obtain some trace of him has been spared his family and friends.
On the mornings of the 8th and 9th inst., about dozen young men left Deal for Sandwich by first trian,
and dispersing themselves in various directions they sought for information of the missing one.
All that could be gleaned was, that he had changed a cheque for £26 at Sandwich shortly after eleven o'clock on the morning of his disappearance.
Nothing further transpired until Friday, the 12th instant,
when the morning post brought the intelligence that one the notes taken from Deal by Mr. H. had been returned the Bank of England the previous day.
On receipt of this information, Mr. Sutton (brother-in-law to Mr. H.) went to London,
and the result of his inquiries was the simple discovery that the note had been changed at the South Western Railway Terminus.
ASSOCIATIONS: According to a family tradition, as reported by descendent Winifred Allen, in "He 'found' himself in Melbourne" (source unidentified), Henry suffered amnesia, possibly caused by a violent assault, and was next heard of from Melbourne, where he had arrived alone by ship; his wife and children joined him in Melbourne in August 1866 as see below
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 May 1865), 1
OCCASIONAL ORGANIST, H. W. Hayward, Homerton-house, South Yarra. English and colonial references.
[News], The Argus (15 August 1866), 5
A very successful concert, in aid of the fund for painting St. Mary's Schools, was given last night at Hotham, by the church choir, who were assisted by Mrs. Perraton and several other amateurs . . . . Messrs. A. Ford, Beaumont, Lawrence, and Downes all rendered good service. Mr. T. Ford acted as pianist, and the duties of conductor were ably discharged by Mr. H. Hayward, the organist of St. Mary's.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Perraton (vocalist); Alfred and Thomas Ford (vocalist, pianist); Joseph Cartledge Downes (vocalist)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Glendower, from London, 18 March 1866, for Melbourne, 24 August 1866; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Hayward Jane / 45 // Edwin / 14 // Hammond / 12 // Woodland / 10 //
Jane / 8 // Harriet / 6 // Julia / 6 // Ellen / 4 // Susan / 4 // Alice / 2
"PAROCHIAL CHOIRS MUSICAL UNION", The Argus (16 May 1868), 6
A meeting was held on Thursday night at the Mechanics' Institute, to endeavour to inaugurate the above society. Mr. F. C. Cope was voted to the chair . . .
The objects of the society are -
"1. The improvement of parochial choir music by the united efforts of the church choirs of Melbourne and its suburbs,
centralised in one body, for conference, practice, and fellowship.
"2. The members shall be members of the Church of England . . ." . . .
The undermentioned gentlemen placed their names during the meeting on the list of the provisional committee, viz.: -
Messrs. F. C. Cope, H. M. Andrew, E. D. Goodliffe, H. W. Hayward, J. A. Edwards, W. P. Firebrace, T. Oates, C. N. Beere, Percy Walker, and E. Sandford.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Charles Cope (chair); John Ashcroft Edwards (member); William Piggott Firebrace (member); Edward Goodliffe (member); Music in Anglican churches (general)
Teacher records, Henry Woodland Hayward, 21 March 1870; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Henry Woodland Hayward / Teacher of Singing / 21 March 1870
Licensed teacher of Singing (2nd Div.)
Commenced duty 10 June 1878 // Superannuated from 1 July 1879 . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (8 March 1871), 3
The concert in aid of the building fund of St. Mary's, Hotham, took place last night, in the school-room. The attendance was very good. The concert was given by the choir of the church, the organist, Mr. H. W. Hayward, acting as conductor. The piano was presided over by Mrs. Sturt. In every sense it was a success; the choruses, selected from the works of Auber, Rossini, and Verdi, were given with full and true expression. Of the solos, The Blind Girl to her Harp, and The last Rose of Summer, were exquisitely sung by Miss R. Murray; and The Chine, and The Friar of Orders Grey, by Mr. Tuckwell. In the duets, Miss R. Murray and Miss Percy were very successful, and also Miss Jenny Haywood and Miss Westbrook. Mr. Harvey, a gentleman amateur, gave two solos on the flute. His rendering of Lassez Reine was good and well received. Mr. Harvey's flute is a silver one, and cost forty guineas. Altogether a most agreeable evening was spent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Montague Harvie (flute)
"A PUGNACIOUS FAMILY", The Age (28 March 1871), 3
A somewhat remarkable case of assault was inquired into in the District Court yesterday, in which almost an entire family were summoned for the offence. The circumstances as exhibited by the evidence were extremely amusing, except perhaps to the parties more immediately concerned. The names of the defendants were William Henry Hayward [sic], the father, who is the organist at St. Mary's Church, and his children, Henry, Edwin, Alexander, Woodward, and Jane Hayward. They were charged with assaulting James Dick Swanson and George Dainty. Mr. Edwards, jun., appeared on behalf of the complainants, and Mr. Frank Stephen for the defence. These cases were set down for hearing on Thursday last, but some of the summonses, not being served, were postponed until yesterday. A suggestion was made, and after some time accepted, that all the cases should be thrown into one and heard at the same time . . .
See also, "SIEGE AND ASSAULT", Weekly Times (1 April 1871), 11
"ST. MARY'S BAZAAR", The Herald (15 April 1872), 3
On Saturday there was such a crush at this bazaar as must have been most delightful to its promoters. Business transactions were carried on with great spirit, and all appeared satisfied with their bargains. The musical arrangements were carried out with spirit, securing for those present a particularly agreeable evening's amusement. The church choir, led by Mr. Hayward, organist, did most efficient service . . .
[Advertisement], The Ararat and Mount Pleasant Creek Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera [VIC] (8 November 1872), 3
(Late Organist and Choirmaster of St. Mary's, North Melbourne.)
Communications, care of Mr. H. Nicholls, Coach Factory, Ararat.
[Advertisement], The Ararat and Mount Pleasant Creek Advertiser and Chronicle for the District of the Wimmera (29 April 1873), 3
PIANOFORTES kept in tune, by the year or otherwise.
H. W. H. visits Ararat three days in each week.
Orders can be left at the Bull and Month Hotel.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (24 November 1876), 1
. . . at THE BOTANICAL GARDENS, White Hills,
On MONDAY EVENING, the 27th NOV. . . .
Conductor, Mr. H. W. Hayward, Organist of St. Luke's Church.
Pianist, Mr. Wenborn, Organist of St. Paul's Church.
Admission - ONE SHILLING.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Arthur Jones Wenborn (pianist)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (30 May 1877), 3
The nineteenth anniversary festival of the congregation of St. Mary's Church, Queensbury-street, was celebrated yesterday in the Town Hall, Hotham . . . A concert followed, the programme of which was well carried out by a number of lady and gentlemen amateurs, Miss Middleton officiating as pianist, and Mr. Hayward, organist of the church, as conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: This was his son, Hammond Hayward (born Kent, 1853, 1st quarter; died 1932)
"NEW INSOLVENTS", Bendigo Advertiser (29 April 1878), 2
Henry Woodland Hayward, of Heywood, but very recently of Sandhurst, teacher of music.
Liabilities, £163 0s. 9d.; assets, 5s.; deficiency, £162 15s. 9d.
Causes - Want of remunerative employment, sickness of self and family, and pressure of creditors.
Attorney, Mr. Rymer; assignee, Mr. John Hasker. Meeting under sec 53, Wednesday, 8th prox., at noon.
"PORTLAND (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) December 15", Hamilton Spectator (16 December 1879), 3
The Heywood licensing Court sat at 3p.m. . . . when the following licenses were renewed and granted: - . . .H. W. Hayward, Commercial Hotel . . .
"DIED", Portland Guardian [VIC] (7 December 1880), 2
HAYWARD. - At Heywood, on the 5th inst., HENRY WOODLAND HAYWARD, aged 60 years.
Bibliography and resources:
Enid Noel Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 141, 149 [?], 151 [?]
[140-41] North Melbourne . . . ST. MARY'S CHURCH: . . . opened 11 March 1860 . . .: Organists: 1855, G. F. Davenport; 1856, Mrs. James; 1866, [Henry Woodland] Hayward; 1870, Thomas Ford; 1877, [Hammond] Hayward . . .
HAZON, Roberto (Roberto HAZON; Signor HAZON)
Musician, orchestral conductor, music teacher
Born Borgotaro di Parma, Italy, 25 September 1854
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 27 November 1886 (per Lusitania)
Died Milan, Italy, 9 September 1920 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025