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John Philip Deane and family
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"John Philip Deane and family",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

John Philip Deane (1796-1849); image from Orchard 1952, plate after page 30
DEANE, John Philip (John Philip DEANE; Mr. J. P. DEANE; Mr. DEANE)
Professor of music, violinist, composer, music retailer
Born Richmond, Surrey, England, 1 January 1796; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, 30 January 1796; son of John DEANE (1749-1810) and Isabella Jane NORRIS (1775-1812)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 19 June 1822 (per Deveron from England, 13 February, via Madeira)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Died Sydney, NSW, 18 December 1849, "in the 54th year of his age" (NLA persistent identifier) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
This is the barest outline of the career of one of the most important early colonial musicians in VDL (TAS) and NSW. Deane and his wife and two eldest children emigrated in 1822 to Hobart where he at first pursued commercial and general trade interests in partnership with members of his extended family. From his appointment as first organist of St. David's Church in 1825 onward, he also practiced music professionally. From the start of 1834 he ran a theatre in his Argyle Rooms, leading by the end of the year to financial difficulties and, during 1835, to insolvency. With now a large family, he left Hobart for Sydney in April 1836. In January 1844, the Deanes returned to Hobart, perhaps intending to remain there permanently, but, apparently disappointed, were back in New South Wales by the end of May. Deane's last concert took place in Sydney on 7 December 1849, on which occasion The Sydney Herald encouraged attendance, since "Mr. Deane, the oldest musician in the southern hemisphere, and a colonist of twenty-eight years standing, from his perseverance, deserves encouragement". He died 10 days later on 18 December 1849. John Lhotsky wrote in The reformer in 1836 (reprinted UK 1837) that: [Mr. Deane is] "a very diligent and attentive leader, a good performer, and well versed in the theoretical part of music. How beautifully did he lead the quintette of Haydn; such a thorough-wrought piece of music must affect every mind. It creates a very homely feeling to see Mr. Deane busying himself about his numerous family, for the sake of procuring us recreation, elation, and refinement of mind."
DEANE, Rosalie (Rosalie SMITH; Mrs. John Philip DEANE; Mrs. J. P. DEANE; Mrs. DEANE)
Music seller, school mistress, wife and mother of a family of musicians
Born Richmond, Surrey, England, 24 January 1799; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, 20 February 1799; daughter of Edward SMITH (1755-1836) and Sarah PAINE (1760-1810)
Married John Philip DEANE, Westminster, London, England, 19 December 1818
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 19 June 1822 (per Deveron from England, 13 February, via Madeira)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Died Sydney, NSW, 2 June 1873, aged "73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Rosalie Smith was daughter of Edward Smith (1755-1836) and Sarah Paine (1760-1810). She married John Philip Deane in England and arrived in Hobart with him and their two eldest children, John and Rosalie, on 19 June 1822. After she took over from her husband around 1828 as proprietor of Deane's Circulating Library (also the Hobart Town Circulating Library) she was Hobart's leading general bookseller in the late 1820s and early 1830s, and also a music seller, offering for sale in 1828, for instance, "music paper, violin strings and bridges" and "last published, the first set-of Tasmanian Quadrilles, by J. P. Deane"; and in 1832 "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . . . Comprising Concert Thirds, Sixths, Sevenths, and Octave Flutes; C and B Six-key Clarionets; French and English Flageolets; Key Bugles and Hunting Horns; Pandean-Pipes; Violins, 30s. each; Violin Bows, Bridges, and Strings; Violincello and Guitar Strings; 2 square Piano Fortes; 1 Cabinet, and 1 Cottage do.; Piano Forte Music; new Songs and Pieces; Music Paper." There is no certain record that she was herself a musical performer. After the couple moved to Sydney (with 8 children), she ran a girls school for a couple of years.

John Deane (1820-1893); image from Orchard 1952, plate after page 30
DEANE, John (John DEANE, junior; Mr. J. DEANE)
Musician, violinist, professor of music
Born Richmond, Surrey, England, 14 January 1820; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, 1821; son of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 19 June 1822 (per Deveron from England, 13 February, via Madeira)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 17 December 1849 (per Sea Gull, for San Francisco)
Married Annie M. PERRIER (1838-1870), San Francisco, 14 February 1855
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 July 1856 (per Horizont, from San Francisco, 27 April)
Died North Sydney, NSW, 13 March 1893 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
The Hobart press recorded Master John Deane's public debut at his father's concert in 1830: "The concert commenced with a grand symphony by Stamity [Stamitz]. Mr. Deane presided very ably at the violin, Messrs. Brown and Williams (master of the Band of the 63rd), Mr. Bock and Master Deane (a young gentleman only ten years old) tenors, Mr. Hoffer, a violoncello, and two horns by excellent performers of the 63rd Band." He was probably also the Master Deane (though if not him, his brother Edward) who played Saltpetre in Red Riding Hood at the Argyle Rooms in 1834. In Sydney, he is regularly listed as a performer in concerts in the early 1840s. Francis Ellard published his "maiden composition", the ballad What is love? in 1842 (no copy identified), and an 1845 concert program lists his orchestrations ("orchestral accompaniments") for Neukomm's King Death and Callcott's The last man.
John Deane sailed for San Francisco the day before his father's death. There, in 1855, he married Annie M. Perrier (born Nottingham, England, 17 Feb 1838, daughter of Henry Perrier and Mary Ann Robinson), and returned to Sydney with his wife and infant child in July 1856, on the same ship as George Loder. He resumed teaching and was honorary secretary and in due course also conductor of the Sydney Philharmonic Society. Another lost composition, The free trade polka ("dedicated to the Hon. Charles Cowper, M.L.A.") and published by J. H. Anderson in December 1864 may also have been his.
DEANE, Rosalie (Rosalie DEANE; Miss DEANE)
Musician, pianist, vocalist
Born Richmond, Surrey, England, 4 June 1821; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, 27 June 1821; daughter of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 19 June 1822 (per Deveron from England, 13 February, via Madeira)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Died Manly, NSW, 4 April 1888 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
During the 1830s and 1840s, Rosalie Deane had a promising career as a concert pianist, with Joshua Frey Josephson in Sydney one of the first such raised in the Australian colonies. At one of her father's Hobart concerts in 1830: "Miss Deane, a young lady not nine years old, performed a Concerto on the Piano Forte, in a manner which proved how admirably well bestowed, had been her father's musical abilities." In concerts over the next few years she was noted for introducing "difficult" works by Moschelles, Kalkbrenner, and Herz, and took her own first benefit in August 1834. When her father was declared insolvent early in 1836, Rosalie presented a concert in her own right at the Court House, New Norfolk, "for the support of her Brothers, Sisters, and Family". After moving to Sydney, in May she and her father jointly set up as music teachers. She continued to perform regularly in Sydney, both as a pianist and vocalist, into the late 1840s, but appears to have stopped performing professionally after her father's death in 1849. Beedell (258) reports, presumably on family information, that "her public career was ended by early blindness". At the age of 6, she was victim of rape, for which crime the perpetrator was executed.

Edward Smith Deane; image from Orchard 1952, plate after page 30

Edward Smith Deane; from a family album (courtesy of Ruth Vernon, 2022)
DEANE, Edward Smith (Edward Smith DEANE; Master E. DEANE; Mr. E. DEANE; Mr. E. S. DEANE)
Musician, vocalist, cellist, professor of music, composer
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 4 March 1824; baptised St. David, Hobart, 28 March 1824; son of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Married Sophia FLEGG (1840-1910), Sydney, NSW, 2 July 1857
Died Balmain, NSW, 3 September 1879 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Edward, second son of John Philip Deane, made his public debut in one of his father's concerts in 1830: "Master E. Deane, only 6 years old sung Parry's celebrated Adieu to the Village in a style of accuracy which could hardly be supposed possible in such a child". He moved to Sydney with his family in 1836, and participated in their first concert there in May. John Lhotsky wrote of him in The reformer in 1836 (reprinted UK 1837): "Master E. Deane is rather a phenomenon, and we have never before seen a boy of his age managing the violoncello as he does." For decades he was probably Sydney's most reliable resident cellist. At just 12 years of age, new to Sydney, he played in the first Australian public performance of a Beethoven string quartet (with his father, brother John Deane, and William Vincent Wallace) in 1836. In maturity he led the orchestral cellos in Lewis Lavenu's 1859 University of Sydney Musical Festival, and played Beethoven's C minor Piano Trio with Edward Boulanger and Agostino Robbio in 1863. In 1858, he advertised as "MR. EDWARD DEANE", Professor of the Pianoforte, Violin, Guitar, and Concertina, 13 O'Connell-street". A late public appearance was in concert with Charles Horsley and the popular songster Charles Thatcher in January 1869. He was one of two young Sydney musicians (the other W. C. Harwood) to write and publish pieces of music humorously in honour of the touring "Electro-biological" showman and mesmerist, Mr. James Daly, who arrived on the ship the Great Britain in 1853 (see below). He is also credited with a Grand March ("composed expressly for the NSW Volunteer Artillery Band") in 1861.
DEANE, William (William DEANE; Mr. W. DEANE)
Musician, violinist, viola and double bass player
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 26 May 1826; baptised St. David, Hobart, 27 October 1828; son of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Married Mary Elizabeth Constance SMITH (c. 1840-1880), Sydney, NSW, 1861
Died Burwood, NSW, 22 November 1910 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Third son of John Philip Deane and Rosalie Deane, born in Hobart, William Deane performed regularly as a string player in his family's concerts in the 1830s and 1840s, for instance in 1844 playing tenor (viola) with the family quartet in a string quartet by Onslowe. He also appeared more widely in Sydney concerts. He was listed as one of the "principal instrumental performers" in a Grand Concert directed by S. W. Wallace and Thomas Leggatt in 1843. He was listed as a member of the "theatrical band", under John Gibbs, for Maria Hinckesman's concert at the Royal City Theatre in 1845, and in July 1846 he played double bass in S. W. Wallace's orchestra for Maria Carandini's concert.
Cyclopedia of New South Wales (1907), 325 (DIGITISED)
Mr. WILLIAM DEANE, Solicitor and Notary Public, was the founder in the early fifties of the well-known firm of Deane & Deane. (The firm originally consisted of Mr. William Deane and his brother Henry.) He is the oldest solicitor in New South Wales, having been admitted on the 1st May, 1852. Mr. Deane's parents originally came from England, and at first settled in Hobart, Tasmania (where the subject of this sketch was born), and where his father, Mr. John P. Deane, intended, with a cousin, to commence business as wholesale merchants, and for this purpose had put all their resources into the purchase of two ships and cargoes. Mr. John P. Deane first left for Tasmania, his cousin following with the ships. These in due course reached Hobart; but his cousin, in returning to the ship after landing, was drowned, and difficulties arose as to determining the partnership, which caused Mr. Deane, sen., to abandon all idea of entering into the business of a merchant. He had then to rely for a living on his musical talents, which he had fostered. There was no scope in this respect at the time in Hobart, so he came with his family to Sydney. Here he met all the leading musical people of the day, including, of course, the late Vincent Wallace, the composer of the opera, "Maritana"; and although romance is not generally associated with lawyers, it is a tradition in the Deane family that this particular opera was composed in Sydney, and on the very spot in Howe Street where the offices of the firm of Deane & Deane now stand. Mr. William Deane (like his brother Henry) was, with the rest of his family, well known in musical circles, and a strong supporter of the old Philharmonic Society (of which his brother John was for some time conductor), and of other societies. He also, in the early part of his legal career, with his brother Henry, took great interest and a prominent part in the old Law Institute, of which Mr. H. Deane was for many years secretary. Mr. Deane also took very great interest in volunteering, and was for many years Captain of No. 2 Battery, Volunteer Artillery. Among the many incidents in connection with the early history of the colony with which Mr. Deane was associated, was that of the attempted assassination of the late Duke of Edinburgh at Clontarf on that memorable day in March, 1868. On this occasion a number of volunteers who were also at Clontarf were formed into a guard and placed under his command, and he was thus able to render much assistance, particularly in allaying panic and restoring order, and in preventing the would-be assassin from being lynched. In charge of this guard Mr. Deane came up to Sydney in the "Morpeth," the steamship in which the Prince was taken back to Sydney. Mr. Deane was afterwards thanked by Mr. Fosbery, then acting as Deputy Chief Superintendent of Police, for the assistance he had rendered. Many of Mr. Deane's relatives are in the law, and his cousins, Messrs. Burton, Yeates & Hart, to-day represent one of the oldest legal establishments in London. Mr. Deane retired from active practice about four years ago, when both he and his brother Henry retired from the firm, which was then carried on by Messrs. W. S. and H. W. Y. Deane, so that it is one of the few old-established firms which has not changed its name.
DEANE, Thomas (Thomas DEANE)
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 28 September 1828
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 10 December 1828
DEANE, Isabella (Isabelle DEANE; Mrs. Patrick SHEPHERD)
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 May 1830; baptised St. David, Hobart, 14 June 1830; daughter of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Married Patrick Lindesay Crawford SHEPHERD, St. Paul's, Redfern, NSW, 19 May 1857
Died Newtown, NSW, 26 May 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
DEANE, Charles Muzio (Charles Muzio DEANE; Mr. C. M. DEANE)
Musician, violinist
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 23 April 1832; baptised St. David's, Hobart, 15 May 1832; son of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Married Jane Poole STEVENS (c. 1835-1910), St. Thomas, St. Leonards (North Sydney), NSW, 27 June 1857
Died Burwood, NSW, 13 July 1915, "in his 84th year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
DEANE, Alfred (Alfred DEANE; Mr. A. DEANE)
Musician, cellist, vocalist
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 3 August 1834; baptised St. David, Hobart, 20 August 1834; son of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Died Camperdown, NSW, 9 December 1849 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
DEANE, Henry (Henry DEANE; Mr. H. DEANE)
Musician, violinist
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 8 March 1836; son of John Philip DEANE and Rosalie SMITH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 17 April 1836 (per Black Warrior, from Hobart Town, 7 April)
Died Killara, NSW, 7 March 1922 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Charles Muzio Deane, "only five years old", first appeared in public at his father's 1838 Sydney benefit leading the orchestra of the Royal Victoria Theatre in a "set of quadrilles". When the Deane family returned from Sydney to Hobart in 1844, their concert programs advertised the participation of three Hobart-born family members. Several time these three younger Deane brothers performed string trios composed by their father, Charles and Henry on violin, Albert on cello, that in a concert on 30 April billed: "Trio, Two Violins and Violoncello, in which will be introduced the favourite Airs Home, sweet home, and Hey, the bonnie breast knots, and which will be performed by the three juvenile Tasmanians, Master C. Deane, Master H. Deane, and Master A. Deane." All three are also listed (each as "Mister") as orchestra members on that occasion, and Alfred also sang.
THIRD GENERATION (selection only)
DEANE, Mary Grace (Mary Grace DEANE; Miss Edward DEANE; Miss Grace EDWARD-DEANE)
Musician, music teacher
Born Sydney, NSW, 10 June 1858; daughter of Edward Smith DEANE and Sophia FLEGG
Died Chatswood, NSW, 1942
DEANE, Sydney Leslie (Sydney Leslie DEANE; Sydney DEANE)
Tenor/baritone vocalist, cricketer, entertainer, film actor
Born Sydney, NSW, 1 March 1863; son of Edward Smith DEANE and Sophia FLEGG
Died Brooklyn, NY, USA, 20 March 1934
DEANE, Arthur Smith (Arthur Smith DEANE)
Baritone vocalist
Born 1870; son of Edward Smith DEANE and Sophia FLEGG
Died Chicago, USA, 8 August 1947
DEANE, Charles Marmaduke (Charles Marmaduke DEANE; Mr. C. M. DEANE, junior)
Musician, cellist
Born Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1862; son of Charles Muzio DEANE and Jane Poole STEVENS
Died Mosman, NSW, 18 December 1933

Charles Marmaduke Deane, c. 1890s (from a family album, courtesy of Ruth Vernon, 2022)
Summary (England to 1822)
A note on Deane and the Philharmonic Society of London
Immediately before leaving for Van Diemen's Land, John and Rosalie Deane his wife Rosalie were living at Richmond, Surrey, where Deane gave his occupation as as a metal-worker ("tin-man", "brazier"), perhaps in a family business (his father had died in Richmond in 1810). It is probably significant that ironmongery features large - though by no means exclusively - in the extensive lists of imported items for sale in Deane's early Hobart Town advertisements. From his first premises in Bridge Street, and from mid 1823 onward from his Waterloo Stores, he operated first as a merchant importer, and from October 1824 as a licensed public auctioneer.
However, from his appointment as first organist of St. David's church in mid 1825, he began to refashion his professional activities around music teaching and performing.
In this Deane was probably simply reviving earlier professional musical ambitions, put temporarily on hold by marriage and emigration.
At the time of his marriage in December 1818, Deane was registered as resident in the parish of St. Martin-in-the-fields, in central London.
Later, in Australia, Deane made it known that he had been a member of the Philharmonic Society of London, more specifically a performing member, presumably as a rank-and-file violinist or viola player. As he himself put it, advertising his services as a teacher on his arrival in Sydney in April 1836:
Mr. DEANE begs to observe, that having been a Member of the PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, LONDON, at which he was a Performer, will be a sufficient recommendation as to his capabilities.
In Hobart in 1834, Deane named the premises of his new theatrical venture in Argyle Street, the "Argyle Rooms", a reference to the fashionable Argyll Rooms, in Regent Street, London, the venue in which the Philharmonic Society had presented its early seasons.
Two years earlier, Deane gave his newborn son Charles the second name Muzio, presumably after Muzio Clementi, a director of the Philharmonic Society from its foundation in 1813, and active in its concerts in the Argyll Rooms as a conductor and pianist until late in the 1816 season, when his role was taken over by George Smart. This reasonably suggests that Deane retained some particular admiration for Clementi and his music, perhaps as the result of personal contact.
Deane was certainly never a full member of the Philharmonic Society, of which only seven new candidates were elected each year. However he may well have been an associate member, for which there were an unlimited number of spaces, including - as the minutes of meetings during the first decade show - a surprising number filled by professional women (although evidently not usually performers in the society's public concerts). Whereas full members were almost without exception well-known and high-profile musicians, the associates named in the minutes appear mostly to have been ordinary working "professors", as, we may assume, Deane at the time aspired to be.
A "Mr. Deane of Castle Street Oxford Street" was elected an associate member of the Society at its Annual General Meeting on 22 November 1815, at the same meeting Domenico Dragonetti was elected a full member. Probably the same "Mr. Deane" later appeared, again along with the same Dragonetti, on a list of full and associate members presented to a meeting of the Society's directors on 12 April 1817 - "gentlemen who had omitted to pay their subscriptions for the present season" - also including, among others, Ignaz Pleyel, Charles Horn, John David Loder, and Felix Janiewicz - all of whom were duly declared "no longer belonging the Society."
If this Deane was our Deane, his membership, from November 1815 (when he was 19, almost 20) to April 1817, coincided with one full season - that of 1816 - of eight fortnightly concerts, beginning on Monday 26 February 1816. The documentation below includes much relevant to the activities of the society during this, its fourth season, in which Clementi and the violinists Charles Weichsel, Paolo Spagnoletti, and Nicholas Mori took leading roles.
Documentation (Philharmonic Society, London, 1815-17)
Annual general meeting (22 November 1815); general minute books, 1813-1854; MS Royal Philharmonic Society Archive RPS MS 275; British Library; digitised at Nineteenth Century Collections Online (GALE CENGAGE)
[86] Annual General Meeting Nov, 22d 1815
Sir George Smart in the Chair, Messrs. Sherrinton, C. Meyer, Ayrton, Webbe, C. Potter, Kier, P. Meyer, Horsley, Clementi, Potter, Attwood, Calkin, Griffin,
Hill, Novello, Spagnoletti, Corri, Dance, S. Wesley, Watts . . .
[87] . . . Upon a ballot for Messrs. Dragonetti & Klingel, they were declared unanimously elected Members of this Society -
Upon a ballot for Mr. Deane of Castle Street, [88] Oxford Street there appearing 15 Ayes and 2 Nays he was duly elected an Associate of this Society . . .
[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (18 December 1815), 1
The SUBSCRIBERS are requested to observe that the CONCERTS of this Society will commence on
MONDAY, Feb. 26, 1816, and be continued on the alternate Mondays, as usual . . .
By order of the Directors, W. WATTS, Sec.
For the programs of the 8 concerts of the 1816 season, see Foster 1912, 23-28 (DIGITISED)
[News], Morning Chronicle (20 February 1816), 4
The Philharmonic Society have had several meetings for the purpose of trying new music; amongst the pieces which are candidates for performance, report speaks in the most extraordinary terms of a new Overture by Ries, for six harps, and accompanied by the whole band, which it is said is as magnificent in effect, as it is novel in design.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Morning Chronicle (2 March 1816), 3
We have view this Society in its rapid progress from infancy to maturity - from its first formation as a private assembly of artists, to its elevation into a School of Art, with feelings warmly interested in its success, not merely on account of the pleasure which music affords us individually, but because we consider it as an art of more importance to the happiness of mankind than a few phlegmatic, morose philosophers have allowed. We have therefore devoted some share of our time each season to the notice of this Institution . . .
At the close of the last season we stated that a schism had taken place in this society, which was followed by the succession of a few of its members. Our inquiries at that time led us to form the opinion we then offered upon the subject, and the subsequent information which we received has fully confirmed our belief. - A very large and commanding majority of the Society continue faithful to their original design and pursue their plan, without suffering themselves to be influenced by sordid, jealous, or vindictive feelings. Liberal in their views, and active in the execution of them, they have suffered no intrigue to divert their attention; and that they have obtained a complete triumph over unprovoked opposition, the first performance, on Monday last, evinced.
This concert, the first of the fourth series, was led by Weichsel, recently become a member of the Society, whose ability is thoroughly known to every lover of music . . . The glowing ardour which he communicated to the band in the opening piece, Cherubini's overture to Anacreon, produced an effect almost electric . . . Two performers, new to this country, made their appearance on Monday, Messrs. Baillot, the leader of the Conservatoire de Musique at Paris, and Kleugel . . . Kleugel is an eleve of Clementi . . . and the neatness of his execution cannot be excelled. In the second act, a new Bardic overture by Ries was performed for the first time, in which six harps were introduced amongst the band, and it was encored . . . Haydn's 10th Symphony (his own favourite) was admirably performed at the end of the first act, and . . . Beethoven's splendid Overture to Prometheus terminated the Concert. Mr. Clementi sat at the piano-forte: his presence, with which he exclusively honours this Concert, sheds a lustre over any orchestra, and confers a character upon it, which it could not derive from any other conductor. The elegant suite of rooms were all opened for the first time since the addition was made to them; but the crowd was excessive . . .
"Music &c. - Philharmonic Society", Military Register (13 March 1816), 13
The fourth series of this Academy of Music has commenced after some defections, with the accession of Weichsel, the well known leader at the Opera . . . and its first Concert on Monday the 26th ult. commenced with the most enthusiastic ardour. Cherubini's Overture to Anacreon, led the way to way to a general delight, inspired by the whole.
Begri, Rovidino, Le Vasseur and Naldi; sand a quartetto of Cimarose in fine style; and Crudel del perche finora from Figaro, by Mrs. Salmon and Braham, evinced all the sublimity of Mozart.
While such was the vocal excellence, the instrumental was great, and variegated beyond conception. Clementi (a continued compliment to this meeting,) presided at the Pianoforte.
Two delightful novelties occurred; the first a fine Concertante of M. Baillot, leader of the Parisian Conservatory, and pupil of Viotti, on the violin; in which he had interwoven much on the tenderness of our Auld Robin Gray; the second, a Bardic overture of Ries, in which six harps were introduced.
Hayden and Beethoven (whose overture to Prometheus terminated) both contributed to the general effect, which did high honour to the Institution; and we only trust that it will free itself from those painful schisms, that we regret to observe, often affect the best establishments in favor of the science and arts.
[News item] and "PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Morning Chronicle (22 March 1816), 3
Among the influx of musicians into this metropolis, we are glad to mention the return of our own countryman, NEATE, the celebrated performer on the pianoforte, after an eighteen month's tour on the Continent. He has passed much of his time at Vienna with BEETHOVEN, the greatest composer of the age, who has taken this opportunity of conveying to London the three new Overtures, which he has lately sold to the Philharmonic Society. By the same channel he had transmitted the M.S. scores of a complete Opera, an entirely new Symphony, a Cantata in honour of the late great Victories, &c. all of them unpublished, and which this distinguished genius, as a mark of his esteem, has empowered Mr. NEATE to present to the above Society. We trust they will feel bound to give some publicity to them.
PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. - The great Parliamentary matter which has flowed in during the last week has prevented our noticing the second of these concerts, which took place on Monday se'nnight . . . The instrumental pieces were, as usual, of the most excellent description; consisting of a very fine overture by Bernard Romberg, which was repeated; a most ingenious and elaborate symphony of Beethoven; the beautiful symphony in G minor of Mozart, the minuet and trio of which were encored, and gave us the pleasure of heating the melodious, steady, and justly-extolled flute of Ashe; and a new overture by Mr. C. Potter, a work which does as much honour to this most promising author as it reflects credit upon the Society which so liberally and wisely encourages young artists . . . We have yet to add to this list the most effective instrumental pieces in the Concert - an exquisite quartett of Haydn, and an equally beautiful septett of Beethoven, the principal violin to both of which was played by Weichsel . . . The accuracy of this grand performance is attributable to Spagnoletti, who led the band with his known judgment and characteristic ardour. Mr. Clementi sat at the piano-forte.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Morning Chronicle (29 March 1816), 4
The third Concert, on Monday last, was a very interesting performance, and abounded in novelties. The first that claimed our attention was a new leader, Mr. Mori, with whose talents every admirer of music is acquainted . . . Mr. Drouet, the celebrated flute player, performed a concerto . . . Miss Stephens sang the beautiful aria d'abilità in Mozart's Figaro, Dove sono, in a most enchanting manner . . . She afterwards sang a recitative and duet with Braham, from the opera of Don Giovanni, Ma qual mai . . . A new symphony, composed by Ries for this society, was performed for the first time . . . Ries is already fully intitled to be classed with the great symphonists of the age, with Haydn, Mozart, Clementi, and Beethoven . . . The whole concluded with a new MS. Overture, by Beethoven, written also for this society, in a style much more familiar than the generality of his compositions, and rather a la chasse.
General meeting (12 April 1817); general minute books, 1813-1854; MS Royal Philharmonic Society Archive RPS MS 275; British Library; digitised at Nineteenth Century Collections Online (GALE CENGAGE)
[123] General Meeting, April 12th [1817]
Mr. Neate in the Chair, Messrs. Ayrton, Spagnoletti, Griffin, Potter, Calkin, Horsley, Femy, Viotti, C. Meyer, Watts . . . .
Mr. Potter produced a list of those gentlemen who had omitted to pay their subscriptions for the present season as follows -
Messrs. Baillot, A. Bohner, M. Bohner, J. Cramer, Dragonetti, Klingel, Lafont, Loder, Nolde, Pleyel,
C. Smith, Janiewicz, Deane, Ferrari, Hawes, C. Horn, Klose, Magrath, Peile, Vaccari -
who were declared no longer belonging the Society . . .
Royal Philharmonic Society Archive, British Library
"Clementi, Muzio", A dictionary of musicians . . . (London: Sainsbury, 1824), 160-65, especially 164-65
Myles B. Foster, History of the Philharmonic society of London 1813-1912; a record of a hundred years' work in the cause of music (London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1912)
"The Argyll Rooms, Little Argyll Street", The survey of London: volumes 31 and 32 (London: London County Council, 1963)
. . . The popularity of the Argyll Rooms had dwindled . . . but the Philharmonic Society restored them to fashionable favour. On 24 January 1813 a group of professional musicians met at No. 17 Manchester Street with the purpose of forming a musical society "to restore to the world, those compositions which have excited so much delight, and re-kindle in the public mind, that taste for excellence in Instrumental Music, which has so long remained in a latent state." The society was to consist of thirty members who were to manage its affairs, and an unlimited number of associates; both members and associates were to pay an annual subscription of three guineas and to give their services at the concerts free of charge. Seven members were to be elected annually to direct the concerts. Those for the first year, among whom were the originators of the scheme, were J. B. and F. Cramer, P. A. Corri, Henry Dance, Henry Bishop, Muzio Clementi and William Ayrton; the first concert took place on 8 March 1813. The society continued to hold its concerts at the Argyll Rooms until 1830.
Leanne Langley, "A place for music: John Nash, Regent Street and the Philharmonic Society of London", eBLJ (electronic British Library journal) (2013)
1 and 30 January 1796, birth and baptism of John Philip Deane

Baptisms at St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, Surrey, in 1796; register 1760-1812; Surrey History Centre, P7/1/5 (PAYWALL)
1796 . . . John Philip, son of John and Isabella Jane Deane / [born] (1 Jan.) / [baptised] January 30
ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane (1749-1810) and Isabella Jane Norris (1775-1812) had married at St. James, Piccadilly, on 29 December 1794
24 January and 20 February, birth and baptism of Rosalie Smith
Baptisms at St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, Surrey, in 1799; register 1760-1812; Surrey History Centre, P7/1/5 (PAYWALL)
Rosalie, dau'r of Edw'd & Sarah Smith [born] (Jan'y 24) - [baptised] February 20
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Smith (1755-1836) and Sarah Paine (1760-1810) had married at Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, on 22 August 1779
19 December 1818, marriage of John Philip Deane and Rosalie Smith
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields in the county of Middlesex in the year 1818; register 1817-19, page 229; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
John Philip Deane, bachelor of this parish, and Rosalie Smith, of Richmond, in the county of Sussex and a minor [sic], were married in this church by license this [19th] day of December [1818] / in the presence of Edwd. Smith, Mary Smith
14 January and 16 February 1820, birth and baptism of John Deane
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Richmond [St. Mary Magdalene] in the county of Surrey in the year 1821; register 1813-28, page 114; Surrey History Centre, P7/1/7 (PAYWALL)
No. 908 / Feb'y 16 / born Jan. 14 / John [son of] /John Philip & Rosalie / Deane / George Street / Tin man [sic] . . .
4 and 27 June 1821, birth and baptism of Rosalie Deane
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Richmond [St. Mary Magdalene] in the county of Surrey in the year 1821; register 1813-28, page 140; Surrey History Centre, P7/1/7 (PAYWALL)
No. 1119 / June 27 / born June 4 / Rosalie Deane, dr. of / John Philip & Rosalie / Deane / George Street / Brazier . . .
Hobart Town, VDL (19 June 1822 to 7 April 1836)
19 June 1822, arrival of John Philip Deane, Rosalie Smith Deane, John Deane, and Rosalie Deane, Hobart Town
"SHIP NEWS", Hobart Town Gazette (22 June 1822), 2
Arrived from England on Wednesday last, the brig Deveron, Capt. Wilson, with merchandize. - Cabin passengers, Mr. Edward Payne, who left this Colony a few months ago, and who is now accompanied by Mrs. Payne; Mr. and Mrs. Butcher and 5 children; Mr. and Mrs. Dean and family; Mr. Shand; Mr. Macgillerray; Mr. Dodsworth; Mr. Allerdyce; Mr. Barnes, surgeon of the vessel; Mr. John Wilson; Mr. Packet; Mr. and Mrs. Turner; Mr. White, the latter two Gentlemen being Missionaries proceeding to New Zealand. - Steerage passengers, Mrs. Josthouse, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Hillier, Mr. and Mrs. Hoar, Mr. Munroe, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. Festus, - being 32 in number. - The Deveron left England the 13th February, and touched only at Madeira.
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (20 July 1822), 1
To Merchants, Stockholders and others. MR. JOHN DEANE begs leave to inform the Public in general, that he has for SALE, at the late residence of Mr. N. Thornton, Bridge-street, the following useful Articles, which he intends to dispose of on the most reasonable terms . . . bed sacking, nankeens; silver and gold eye needles, door locks, linseed oil, violin strings, tin plates, cart axle-trees . . .
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (28 September 1822), 2
MR. JOHN DEANE has for SALE, at his Store, Bridge-street, the following Assortment of valuable GOODS, viz. - A Grand Piano Forte, by Broadwood; a fashionable assortment of Millinery . . .
27 June 1823, ball and supper
[News], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (5 July 1823), 2
On Wednesday night last, an elegant supper was given to a select party of the old and respectable inhabitants of Hobart Town, by Mr. B. Walford, at his new premises in Murray-street; and, on the Friday evening previously, a similar entertainment was given to a number of ladies and gentlemen, at Mr. Deane's new building in Elizabeth-street.
[Editorial], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (19 July 1823), 2
In our Paper of the 5th instant we were unconsciously led into an improper comparison of the ball given on the 27th ult. at Mr. Deane's house, in Elizabeth-street, with another meeting which took place in, a different quarter a few days afterwards. - We take this opportunity of stating, that nothing was further from our intention than to offend any of the highly respectable assemblage of Ladies and Gentlemen that met at Mr. Deane's.
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (16 August 1823), 1 supplement
WATERLOO STORE, ELIZABETH-STREET. JOHN PHILIP DEANE respectfully begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of Van Diemen's Land, that he has removed from Bridge-street, to his New Residence in Elizabeth-street; and takes this opportunity of returning thanks for past favours, and hopes, by disposing of his Goods at his usual reasonable rates, to merit a continuance of their patronage . . .
28 March 1824, baptism of Edward Smith Deane
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town ... in the year 1824; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1079219; RGD32/1/1/ no 1584
No. 1584 / [Baptised] 28th March [1824] / [Born] 4 March 1824 ? 23 / [Names] Edward Smith / [Parents] John Philip and Rosalie / Deane / [married] England / Wm. Bedford
23 and 29 June 1824, trial of seven individuals for attempts to defraud Deane:
On 23 June Charles Brown, and Elijah Major, for forging, uttering and publishing as true two promissory notes for the payment of £50 and £25 with intent to defraud John Philip Deane)
On 29 June, Thomas Bird, John Thomas, James Cock, William Frazer, and Joseph Clarke for forging a certain agreement and also forging, uttering and publishing as true a certain promissory note for the payment of £50 with intent to defraud John Philip Deane$init=SC32-1-1p014jpg$init=SC32-1-1p014jpg
"THE SUPREME COURT, OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (2 July 1824), 2
. . . There was a second count, for uttering the agreement knowing it to be forged, with an intention to defraud; and a third, for forging a certain promissory note for £50, purporting to be drawn by York, in favour of Clarke, with intent to defraud John Philip Deane.
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (8 October 1824), 1
Government & General Orders. Government House, Hobart Town, October 7th, 1824.
MR. John Philip Deane, having entered into the usual Bonds for the Performance of the Duties of an Auctioneer and Vendue Master,
for the County of Buckinghamshire, has received a License accordingly.
By Command of His Honor The Lieutenant Governor, JOHN MONTAGU Secretary.
[Editorial], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (11 February 1825), 2
The architectural improvements of Hobart-Town are becoming worth our notice, not only as they indicate the wealth of the Inhabitants, but also as by their extent in design, solidity in structure, and richness of embellishment, they evince most decidedly that many who come to this flourishing land, are determined never to desert it . . . and though it cannot yet vaunt of a cathedral like St. Paul's, or an abbey like that of Westminster, yet many a city cannot boast of such houses as have been erected by Messrs. E. and D. Lord, Bethune, Birch, Loane, and Mitchell, in Macquarie street; by Messrs. Connolly, Swan, Langford, J. P. Deane, Bunster, and some few others in Elizabeth-street . . . besides numerous others which we at present have not time to particularize. In ten years a mere village has become a full sized English town . . .
[3 advertisements, 2 trade, 1 musical], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (29 April 1825), 1
PIANO FORTES. - JOHN P. DEANE begs to inform his Friends, that it is his intention to receive a limited Number of Pupils for Instruction on the Piano Forte and Violin; and he flatters himself from his professional Experience, he shall be able to give full Satisfaction. * * * Piano Fortes tuned.
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (13 May 1825), 1
PIANO FORTE.- To be Sold, a New elegant Upright Cabinet Piano Forte, with all the latest Additions and Improvements, made by WILKINSON, Oxford-street, London. - For Particulars apply to Mr. DEANE, Waterloo Store, Elizabeth-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Wilkinson (pianoforte maker, London)
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (24 June 1825), 4
Waterloo Store. J. P. DEANE has for SALE, the following GOODS, which he intends to Dispose of
for ready Money, Wheat, or Potatoes, on the most reasonable Terms . . . blue satin; salmon, lavender, and yellow silks;
children's caps, bodies, rollers, shirts, gowns and blankets;
Italian violin strings, a grand pianoforte, a square ditto, and violins; music, consisting of Rondo Songs and Haydon's Quintetts,
arranged for the piano forte . . .
MUSIC: Haydn's quintets "arranged for the piano forte" were probably Salomon's arrangements of the London symphonies; see
Nos. 1 to 12 of Haydn's grand symphonies composed for Mr. Salomon's concerts and arranged for five instruments, viz, two violins, a German flute, a tenor and a violoncello with an accompaniment for the piano forte ad libitum by J. P. Salomon (London: For Salomon, [c. 1800]) (Nos 10-12 DIGITISED)

Organ, by John Gray of London, 1824, installed in St. David's, Hobart, 1825, as later pictured at St. Matthew's, Rokeby; Archives Office of Tasmania (DIGITISED)
[News], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (1 July 1825), 2
We understand that Mr. J. P. DEANE, of Elizabeth-street, has been appointed Organist for St. David's Church, with a salary of £100 per annum, one-fourth of which is to be paid out of the public money, and the remainder by subscription from the Inhabitants! This, as before said, "we understand;" but by whom Mr. Deane has been appointed is a problem which at present we cannot solve. Government of course may furnish him with any stipend they think proper: he is we dare assert a meritorious character, and as a musician his rank is not despicable. Still however, as the Organ was purchased by public subscription, and as harmony of course was the subscribers' object, we cannot understand why discord should be wantonly provoked by an usurped power on the part of any individual to exclusively nominate the Harmonist. Too much presumption is ever dangerous - too much submission is un-Briton-like and slavish. We have every wish to preserve a calm, but if the bellows are blown at undue command, the possible following storm will not be our fault.
NOTE: The new organ for St. David's Church, built by John Gray of London, had arrived on the Lady East in April 1825, and was erected by William Hance, and played for the first time on Sunday 15 May 1825; see also:
"An Ode Addressed to the Organ of St. David's Church", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (13 May 1825), 3
The organ survives, at St. Matthew's, Rokeby; see:
John Maidment, "St Matthew's . . . Rokeby", OHTA historical and technical documentation
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (16 July 1825), 4
Sales by Auction . . . BY MR. J. P. DEANE, Under and by Virtue of a Bill of Sale, on Wednesday, the 20th instant, at 12 o'Clock precisely, without Reserve, A BRICK-BUILT HOUSE, with Ground attached thereto, situate in Liverpool-street, adjoining the Town Rivulet, and opposite the Stone-house of Mr. McDougall. - Prompt Payment in Dollars or Bank Bills.
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (6 August 1825), 1
J. P. DEANE, Teacher of the Piano Forte, Violin, and Singing Master, begs to inform his Friends that he has on Sale, at Waterloo Store, an excellent fine-toned Upright Piano Forte, manufactured by Wilkinson, London; also, Violins, and Strings for ditto; Haydn's Symphonies, arranged for the Piano-Forte; Rondos, Songs, and a Quantity of Music Paper, the first engraved and printed in Van Diemen's Land. N. B. - Piano Fortes tuned, and put into complete repair.
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (22 October 1825), 1
VIOLINCELLO. - Any Person having a Violincello to dispose of, will meet with a Purchaser by applying to Mr. J. P. DEANE, Waterloo Store.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (16 December 1825), 1
Waterloo Stores. J. P. Deane has for SALE, on the most reasonable Terms, Jamaica Rum, Rice, White Wines, Plums for Puddings, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Scythes, Sickles, Brandy, Shirting Calico, Ladies' white Cotton, Stockings; also, Tea, Sugar, Tobacco, and Slops, with a variety of other Articles too numerous to mention.
[News], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (6 January 1826), 3
We lament to hear, that Mr. J. P. DEANE will no longer gratify the admirers of Church Music by his admirable performances upon the Organ of St. David's Church. We have heard certain causes assigned for this, which we are quite disposed to give credit to, from what we have seen of unassuming meekness and mild moderation. That the services of so accomplished a musician should be lost to the Public, from any circumstance, is an evil not easily remedied, in this remote corner of the globe. There are people here "licentious" enough to prefer the Organist to the Pastor: of course they exhibit lamentable morals, and worse taste; and are in a fair way to be _____.
"GOVERNMENT NOTICE", Hobart Town Gazette (21 January 1826), 3
Secretary's Office, Jan. 2, 1826.
having entered into the usual Bonds of Qualification, have received Licenses to act as Auctioneers and Vendue Masters,
for the County of Buckinghamshire, for the Year 1826.
By His Excellency's Command,
JOHN MONTAGU, Secretary.
8 February 1826, dinner to Edward Abbott
"Dinner to Major Abbott", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (10 February 1826), 3
On Wednesday, a splendid Entertainment was given at Stodart's Hotel, by the Gentlemen of Hobart Town, to this Veteran Officer and truly-respected Colonist, on the occasion of his appointment by His Majesty to be Civil Commandant at Launceston. A. F. Kemp Esq. in the Chair; Dr. Hood, Vice. It is impossible to do justice to the merits of Mr. Stodart in getting up this Entertainment. The dinner consisted of every delicacy which pains or expense could procure, and the wines were excellent. The desert gratified the most Epicurean palate. The large room was completely but comfortably filled, with an assemblage, consisting of the most respectable Gentlemen on this side the Island. As soon as the cloth was withdrawn, His Majesty's the King's health was given, with the usual demonstrations of loyalty and affection . . .
Several excellent songs were given by different Gentlemen, particularly by Mr. Roberts and Mr. Deane, who with some other amateurs, sung favourite catches and glees, in a manner which afforded ample compensation for the want of the newly arrived Band of the 40th Regt., which, we lament to say, was refused. The party broke up at an early hour of the morning on Thursday, after a day spent with the greatest comfort and hilarity, and the arrangements for which do the Stewards the greatest credit.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Stodart (publican); Edward Abbott (soldier); Band of the 40th Regiment
[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (25 February 1826), 3
MR. JOHN P. DEANE respectfully begs to inform his Friends, it being his intention to proceed to Sydney,
the following GOODS will be disposed of at the following Prices, being at least 30 per Cent. under the general Retail Prices,
viz; - Calico for linings, 6d. per yard; calico for sheeting, 1 1/4 yards, 1s. 3d. ditto; calico shirting, 1s. 6d. ditto . . .
. . . preserved ginger, cherry brandy, walnuts, almonds,
and raisins; meat safes, wheat screens, do. sieves, tin dishes, and a variety of other useful Articles.
N.B. - An upright Piano Forte for Sale; also, three fine toned Violins. - Music for the Piano Forte, Music Paper;
Violin Strings, Bridges, and Pegs. Piano Fortes tuned.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (31 March 1826), 4
Waterloo Store.
MR. JOHN P. DEANE begs to inform his Friends, that he is now Selling off,
in addition to his former Advertisement, the under-mentioned GOODS . . .
. . . An upright Piano Forte for Sale.
The first set of Australian Quadrills, arranged for the Piano Forte, by J. Richenberg, Music Master of the 40th Band, and a variety of other Music.
*** Private Lessons on the Piano Forte, Violins and Piano Fortes tuned.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Reichenberg (musician); Band of the 40th Regiment (military band)
"THE ORGANIST", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (21 July 1826), 3
We are happy to learn, that Mr. J. P. DEANE's restoration to health has enabled him to resume his duties as Organist of St. David's Church, which he was lately unable, owing to indisposition, to perform. The fine tone of this-beautiful instrument, which the public spirit of the Inhabitants of this town enables us to boast of possessing exclusives in these Colonies, are heard to great advantage when produced by that able Musician, Mr. J. P. Deane. And we trust that the time may shortly arrive, when by the adoption of the English system of Churchwardens, the temporal government of the Church may be placed in the hands of the Parishioners, who of course are (as in the Mother Country) the legitimate source of all parochial authority, and by whom its affairs and concerns can be best and most satisfactorily administered.
[Death notice], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (21 July 1826), 4
Died at Launceston, Mrs. Leach, sister-in-law of Sir John Leach, Vice Chancellor of England, and aunt to Mrs. J. P. Deane and Mrs. Solicitor Butler.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Leach, aged 63, was presumably the widow of a brother of John Leach (1760-1834); Gamaliel Butler (1783-1852) was admitted as an attorney, solicitor and proctor in Hobart on 3 September 1824, he and his wife Sarah (c.1787-1870), together with Mrs. Leach, having arrived as passengers on the Prince Regent, on 2 July 1824. On 1 August 1825, Butler put in an application for a grant of land, listing among his assets at that date, a "two story house and premises in Elizabeth Street called Waterloo Stores now in my occupation", and valued at £2,000, and which Butler sold on to the government in 1826, for £1,600, for use as a police office.
[News], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (28 July 1826), 3
We feel much pleasure in stating, that the Police office is at last to be removed to a central part of the town . . . the spot fixed upon being those admirably well-adapted and commodious premises belonging to Mr. J. P. Deane, in Elizabeth-street, corner of Bathurst-street. The Government has purchased them for £1,600 sterling.
[News], Hobart Town Gazette (29 July 1826), 2
The Government, besides the late purchase of the brig Cyprus, which is a most serviceable vessel, has bought, we understand, the excellent premises in Elizabeth-street, called the Waterloo Store, originally built by Mr. J. P. Deane. It is intended, we believe, for a Police Office, which has long been so much wanted, and certainly a more eligible situation could scarcely have been chosen.
Hobart Town Concerts 1826-27
September 1826 to February 1827, Hobart Town concerts
See full account of the concerts and documentation separately in:
"Chamber of Commerce", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (6 April 1827), 3
It is with pleasure we learn, that a Commercial Room or Chamber of Commerce, is about to be established in Hobart Town, which several of the leading Merchants have already expressed their willingness to patronize. Mr. Deane's spacious room on the Wharf has been proposed, as being peculiarly eligible from its situation for the purpose, and well calculated to afford every convenience for the transacting of business, and all mercantile arrangements. - Gazette.
We have been promised the particulars of this establishment, so soon as they shall have been prepared. We would suggest, however, that two of the rooms should be prepared - the one for the accommodation of Settlers, and the other for that of Mechanics and Artificers, of a similar description, the premises of Mr. Deane being sufficiently spacious for the purpose.
"ORGANIST", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (11 May 1827), 3
Notwithstanding all that has been said about the salary for the Organist being paid out of the Revenue, we learn that Mr. Deane is not to be paid for his services by the Government; but he has been by the Public, by subscription, in which His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, and most of the Public Officers, as well as the principal Inhabitants, have joined. For our parts, we can see no good reason why the Organist should not he paid out of the Revenue, as well as the Parish Clerk.
"ORGANIST", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (25 May 1827), 3
We last week mentioned that the Organist was gathering a public subscription, as a payment for his services. Now, we do not mean to insinuate that Mr. Deane should not be paid, neither do we begrudge the trifle it draws from our purse; but we think it a bad, very bad precedent - for the people to be taxing themselves in this manner, as if done one year, it will be looked for always. What with private watchmen, Organist, and a large string of et cetera's, this said subscription mania will become rather a serious disease in the body politic.
"Letters to the Editor", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (6 July 1827), 4
SIR, - In your Paper of last week, I observe a paragraph in the letter from "Amicus," relative to the Row Guard, which is incorrect; as all persons, whether free or bond, are compelled te quit the "Shades" precisely at eight o'clock, which "Amicus," or any other person may inform himself of by visiting the wharf at that hour. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, JOHN P. DEANE.
NOTE: Refers to "To the Editor of the . . .", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (29 June 1827), 4
Trial of Russell Thomas, 3 August 1827; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1522161; SC32-1-1 Image 258$init=SC32-1-1p260jpg (DIGITISED)
Offence: Stealing in the dwelling house of John Philip Deane a musical snuff box value: £3 property of David Pitcairn
18 September 1827, musical meeting
[news], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (21 September 1827), 3
On Tuesday evening, a party of Gentlemen, about 50 in number, met at the Commercial Tavern, for the purpose of giving a Musical Entertainment. Several glees and songs were sung, and the evening passed off with the greatest hilarity. Some beautiful pieces of music were performed with brilliant execution on the violin and piano-forte by Mr. Deane and others, which gave the feature of a concert to the party. It is to be wished, that such entertainments were given frequently as we are convinced they would be attended by more of the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town. This was given to Mr. J. C. Richards and other Gentlemen, on the occasion of their leaving the Colony.
November-December 1827, rape of Rosalie Deane, and the execution of James Conhope
Trial of James Conhope, 19 November 1827; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1521790; SC32-1-1 Image 280$init=SC32-1-1p282jpg (DIGITISED)
Monday 19th Novr. / James Conhope - Carnally knowing and abusing a female child under the age of ten years (to wit) of the age of six years & upwards / Free [of] S[ervitude] 18 Oct - T. A. Lascelles / Witnesses - 1. Rosalie Deane aged 6 1/2; 2. John Philip Deane; 3. Mrs. Rosalie Deane; 4. James Hemmings; 5. Dr. Siccombe / Jury [members listed] / Verdict / James Conhope - Guilty / Sentence - To be Hanged.
"CRIMINAL COURT. MONDAY", The Hobart Town Courier (1 December 1827), 1
James Conhope was convicted of a brutal assault on a child six years of age. The trial lasted the whole day, and the Chief Justice, immediately after the verdict was delivered, sentenced him to be hanged, desiring him to prepare himself for the awful and ignominious death which the perpetration of so horrible a crime deserved.
Diary of Robert Knopwood, 17 December 1827 (Nicholls 1977)
The 9 men for murder were executed and the man for a rape on Mr. J. P. Deen's child.
"EXECUTION", The Hobart Town Courier (22 December 1827), 4
. . . The rope was then adjusted round the neck of John Conhope, for a rape, and horrible and most justly deserving of death as the murderers were who surrounded him, a still greater abhorrence seemed to be excited by his appearance, owing to the unspeakable and inhuman nature of his crime. He was dressed in white, had a small nosegay stuck in his breast, but had become so emaciated since his imprisonment, together with being blind of an eye, that his countenance was truly haggard. He was by trade a carpenter, and had been for some time free by servitude. His habits, however, had long been dissipated and irregular, and he had a singular practice of decking himself out in women's clothes in visiting his favourite haunts in Hobart-town.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Knopwood (diarist, clergyman)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (1 December 1827), 1
THE following Children's and other BOOKS are for Sale, at the HOBART-TOWN CIRCULATING LIBRARY
next door to the Gazette Office, Liverpool-street: . . .
. . . A great variety of Music in pieces and songs.
The life of Napoleon Bonaparte, by the celebrated author of Waverley, having been added to "The Hobart-town Library,"
is now ready for the reading of any lady or gentleman who may think proper to send for it.
J. DEANE, teacher of the Piano Forte, Violin, Violincello and Flute.
Piano Fortes and other Musical instruments tuned and repaired.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (11 January 1828), 1
Circulating Library
MRS. DEANE begs to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town, that in addition to her first Advertisement,
she has the following Catalogue of BOOKS for Sale:- . . .
. . . ALSO - Violin Strings, Musicbooks, Music-paper, and a few Copies of Clementi's 11th edit. of Piano Forte Instructer . . .
J. P. DEANE, Teacher of the Piano Forte, Violin, Violincello and Flute.
Piano Fortes, and other Musical Instruments tuned, and put into complete repair.
[+] Any Person wishing to dispose of a Piano Forte will meet with a Purchaser
by enquiry at the HOBART TOWN LIBRARY.
MUSIC: Clementi's own London edition of his Introduction to the art of playing on the piano forte (DIGITISED)
"VAN DIEMAN'S LAND. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER FROM HOBART TOWN", Oxford University and City Herald [England] (12 January 1828), 2; and
Hampshire Chronicle [England] (14 January 1828), 3
. . . We are not so dull as you imagine. We have races, and though they are not quite equal to those you and I have been at, we contrive to find amusement at them. We are badly off for entertainments; we have had one or two concerts, under the direction of J. P. Deane, the organist of St. David's Church. (This is the only organ in the colony.) Deane plays and sings. We paid 10s. each for the first, and 15s. for the second concert; double tickets one guinea; and they were wall attended. We have had only one ball, and the higher grade would not attend it. There were thirty ladies at it - only one unmarried; so you see the faint hopes for your friend in the matrimonial way . . .
26 January 1828, first notice of publication of Deane's The first set of Tasmanian quadrilles (lost)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (26 January 1828), 2
THE undersigned lent to some friend the flute parts of Pleyel's Quintetts, as arranged by Solomon for five instruments, and will feel greatly obliged by the party returning them. J. P. DEANE.
Mrs. DEANE respectfully begs to return her thanks to her friends, for the support given
to the Hobart town Library, and offers for sale the following articles:
- Writing paper, foolscap, Bath, gilt edge, note ditto, copybooks, pens, ink, paper,
ink in bottle!, wafers, scaling wax, slates, slate pencils, folio for invoices, music "paper, violin strings
sod bridges, patterns for working muslins, drawing paper, penknives, scissors, pocket and other combs,
scents, and a variety of other articles. Also a large collection of Children's school and other books.
Per Annum ... £2 2s.
Per Quarter. 15[s]
Per Month. 7 [s]
Per Book. 6d.
Just published, the first set of Tasmanian Quadrilles, by J. P. Deane.
MUSIC: Ignace Pleyel arranged by John Peter Salomon
23 April 1828, the king's birthday
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Colonial Advocate, and Tasmanian Monthly Review and Register (1 June 1828), 47
Mr. J. P. DEANE, the Church Organist, conducted the music, at the Government House, on St. George's Day. This we should have mentioned in our last.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (3 May 1828), 2
AT the Circulating Library, next door to the Courier Office, Liverpool-street, the following List of BOOKS,
in addition to last week's Advertisement, are offered for Sale, viz:- . . .
A Square Piano Forte, Clementi, £55 0 0
A Ditto ditto, Second-hand, £30 0 0
An Excellent Harp Lute £10 0 0
Violins, from 3 to £10 10 0 each.
Flutes, Music paper, Violin strings, and a collection of Music, &c.
"VAN DIEMEN", The Hobart Town Courier (14 June 1828), 4
If Mynherr Van Diemen were now alive, and were walking about the streets of Hobart town, I think he would be much delighted with the Dutch and humid character which every thing has worn during the week just past . . .
. . . Do not talk to me about great political organs, and first and second fiddles. Does not Mr. John Philip Deane play the great new subscription organ in St. David's Church, with all its diapason stops for 25 pounds a year, besides teaching twice that number of National School children to sing bass into the bargain, and did not the Archdeacon employ a regular organ builder to keep the said subscription organ in all its parts in mathematical tune and harmony? . . .
"TO CORRESPONDENTS", The Hobart Town Courier (16 August 1828), 3
. . . Several advertisements and communications, among which are the report of the Tract Society, and Mr. Deane's collection of New Music, are unavoidably postponed, not for want of room, for they are now snug in our official room, but for want of time and space . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (23 August 1828), 1
At Deane's Circulating Library,
THE following MUSIC is offered for Sale, on the most reasonable terms, viz:
God save the King, 8 variations, Kalkbrenner.
Will you come to the bower, do. do.
Grand Sonata, Op. 22, do.
Second Fantasia, introducing the air of Pria ch'io L'empegno - Kalkbrenner.
12 do. Air of Auld lang syne - do.
Rondo, Op. 32 - do.
Sonata for the left Hand (Obliga) do.
Fille du Harnean, with variations. - do.
French Romance, with variations. - do.
Air with variations - Cramer.
Rousseau's Dream - do.
The Overture to Lodoiska, arranged by Cramer.
Divertimenti - Cramer.
Dusseck, Op. 37, arranged for the piano forte by Cramer.
Ride's celebrated air, arranged for the piano forte, as sung by Madame Catalani -Cianchettini.
Caller Herring, with variations - do.
Variations on a favourite waltz - Gelinek.
La ci darem la mano - do. do.
Ah vous dirai je maman - do. do.
Bells of St. Petersburg - do. do.
Overture to Don Giovanni, arranged for pianoforte by - Clementi.
Haydon's 1, 2, 8, and 11, Symphony - do. do.
Stay, prithee stay, with variations by Ries.
Sonata, Op. 6, 9 - do.
The Drearn, Op 49. - do.
Said a smile to a tear, with variations - do.
Amanti Constanti, with variations - do.
Rosina - do.
Sonata for the piano forte - Donaldson.
Sul margine d'un rio, with variations - Latour.
Grand Sonata - Hummell.
Sonata 3 - Mozaat [Mozart]
Grand Overture to Anacreon, for the piano forte - Cherubini.
Overture - Beethoven.
Bewildered Maid, variations - Mazzinghi.
Huntsman's Rest, duet for two performers - do.
La Premiere Tentative, Rondo - Frazer.
Lord Wellington's March, for two performers - Bontemps.
Miss Forbes Farewell to Banff, with variations - Cooper.
The Yellow haired Laddie - Cooper.
New Quadrilles - Webster.
Hobart town, do - Reichenberg.
Tasmanian do. - Deane.
Instruction books for the piano forte, flute, violin, and violoncello.
Oh! Lady fair - King.
Dame Durdon - Calliotti [Callcott]
Sweet soothing sound - King.
The Wreath - Mazzinghi.
Boat song - Mebes.
Peace to the souls of the Heroes - Callcott.
Sweet little Barbara - Storace.
How sweet in the Woodlands - Harrington.
When Author first - Callcott.
Time has not thinned - Jackson.
The Manly Heart - Mozart.
All's Well - Braham.
Winds gentle evergreen - Cramer.
Hark the bonny Christ Church bells - &c. &c.
Look, neighbours look, &c. &c.
When darkness reigns, (sung by Miss Stephens) - Bishop.
Tyrant I come - Bishop.
Plutus, Love and Folly - Smith.
Hope disappearing - Bishop.
Gay summer is flown - Emdin.
Vedrai Carino - Mozart.
And has she then failed in her truth - Bishop.
Love is like a playful boy - Smith.
Thou has sent me a flowery band - Moore.
If doughty deeds my lady please, by - Walter Scott.
Dearest Maid I adore thee - Slade.
How happy could I pass my days - Bishop.
Tuche Accendi. - Rossini.
Music paper, Violins, Violin Strings, Flutes, &c. &c.
J. P. Deane, Teacher of the Piano Forte, Violin, Flute, and Violoncello.
Piano Fortes tuned and put into complete repair.
Mr. DEANE begs to take this opportunity of saying, his time not being as yet fully occupied,
he would be happy to take a few more young ladies as pupils on the Piano Forte,
and from the knowledge he has from long and arduous practice,
he flatters himself he has obtained a quick and perfect method of teaching;
and, for the convenience of those who wish to become perfect,
he has rooms and Piano Fortes for their accommodation,
where they will be enabled to practice daily and without interruption.
27 October 1828, baptisms of William Deane (b. 26 May 1826) and Thomas Deane (born 28 September 1828; died 10 December 1828)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town . . . in the year 1828; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1080313; RGD32/1/1/ no 2671
No 383 /2671/ [Baptised] 27 October / [Born] 26 May 1826 / [Name] William / [Parents] John and Rosalie / Deane / Hobart Town / Organist / Rev. R. Knopwood, A.M.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town ... in the year 1828; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1080314; RGD32/1/1/ no 2672
No. 384 / 2672 / [Baptised] 27 October / [Born] 28 September 1828 / [Name] Thomas / [Parents] John and Rosalie / Deane / Hobart Town / Organist / R. Knopwood A.M.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (5 December 1828), 3
MR. and MRS. DEANE, respectfully beg leave to acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that they have moved the Circulating Library from Liverpool street to the centre of Elizabeth street, next door to Mr. Langford's,
and take this opportunity of returning their thanks for the support given to that Establishment,
which they beg a continuance of, and which it will be their study to deserve; and have for Sale the following books, viz: - . . . .
Mavor's Spelling; Primers; Easy Steps, Murray's English Spelling, with Reading Lessons . . .
. . . Music Paper, bound Music Books
Violin Strings, Songs, and a great variety of Music Pieces
Piano Fortes, Violins, Flutes, and a variety of other Articles,
Piano Fortes, Violins, and other instruments Tuned and Repaired,
Music and other Books carefully Bound.
Books Bought, Sold, and Exchanged.
30 November 1828, St. Andrew's day dinner
"ST. ANDREW'S CLUB", The Hobart Town Courier (6 December 1828), 3
. . . Mr. McLachlan, J. P. was in the chair, and Mr. George Thomson, J. P. of Charley's hope, Croupier, both of whom filled their patriotic posts with great satisfaction to the company. The usual toasts were drank, among which were not forgotten the poets of old Scotia, several choice morceaux of whose poetry were sung with characteristic effect . . .
The evening passed off with the greatest unanimity, and the ties of friendship were kept alive, and its bonds lightened by the cordiality with which the whole company joined hands in the national song of "Auld lang syne." Mr. Deane attended professionally, and accompanied himself and two or three members in some beautiful songs and glees, to which "Donald Card," "Willy's wife," and some others served as excellent afterpieces. Much liberality was observed by the company generally in paying the due offerings and oblations to the tutelar Saint, who however seemed best pleased with his national haggis and limped Ferintosh that loaded the festive board. A young gentleman who was present, and favoured the company with several new songs, gave great token of rising excellence in the science of music.
MUSIC: Donald Card (song); Wandering Willie (Willie's wife; song)
"WHERE WE ARE", The Hobart Town Courier (31 January 1829), 2
. . . Our concerts, which not long ago were got up with such taste and spirit have now fallen into oblivion. Mr. Reichenberg, the late leader of the Band of the 40th, now promulgates his favourite science among his pupils at Ellinthorpe Hall, and Mr. Deane also, much occupied in teaching the elements, is unable of himself alone to cultivate harmonics for public ears. Hobart town may now be said to be out of tune, and even the mice, it is said, by eating the bellows of the organ, have militated against the melody of St. David's.
6 March 1829, dinner to Walter Bethune
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (14 March 1829), 3
At the dinner given to Mr. Bethune on Friday last, Mr. Deane and 4 or 5 of our musical amateurs added much to the innocent enjoyment of the evening. Several excellent glees were sung in a style as correct and spirited as any off the London stage. Most of the healths that were drank were introduced by appropriate, and in some cases humourous speeches. On the whole it was one of the best things of the kind, as it was the first prompted on such an occasion that has taken, place in the colony. The manner too in which the dinner was got up devolved great credit on Mr. Cox, and augured well of his future exertions at the Macquarie hotel. A large proportion of the company was from the country, shewing the great respect which that portion of the colonists have for Mr. Bethune. Altogether it was as happy a union of the agricultural and commercial interests as we would wish to see.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Angus Bethune
23 April 1829, the king's birthday
"ST. GEORGE'S DAY", The Hobart Town Courier (25 April 1829), 2
Nothing can convey a greater idea of the immense power and glory of the British empire, than the enthusiastic joy which pervades the whole dominion from pole to pole, on the day set apart to commemorate the birth of our most beloved Sovereign. Worcester has for ages been called the loyal city, but Hobart town in our estimation bids fair to rival it in this distinguished character. On Thursday almost every member vied to commemorate this joyful day . . .
Soon after eight the company began to collect at the Government house . . . There could not have been less than from two to three hundred in the rooms, for while the dance was kept up with spirit in the ball room, the other apartments were filled with small conversazione parties, and the softer notes of music and song, from a voice of great sweetness, added to the enjoyment of the drawing room . . . When a bumper was filled to the health of the King, the whole company stood up and sung in full chorus the national anthem of God save the King, calling forth, as it never fails to do, strong feelings of affection to our gracious monarch . . .
. . . Mr. Deane presided as usual over the music, and with Mr. Bock and other able assistants (considering that the military band was wanting) acquitted himself most creditably to the satisfaction of the company. The dancing was kept up till an early hour yesterday morning in honour of His Majesty. Long may he live to reign over us - we wish no better King.
11 September 1829, funeral of Judith Norman
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (19 September 1829), 2
Last week Mrs. Norman, matron of the King's female orphan school, who has so long been a martyr to a painful disease was relieved from her earthly sufferings. The funeral took place on Friday, and being attended by nearly 120 orphan children had a most imposing effect. The boys being first in the procession followed by Mr. Giblin the master, and then the girls followed by Mrs. Worthy. Fifteen of the girls who had been taught with great pains by Mr. Deane a day or two previous, sung a funeral hymn on the occasion. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor accompanied the afflicted husband and were followed by a long train of mourners in attending the corps to the grave. Mrs. Norman had long been devoted to the missionary cause, which she promoted not more by her exertions as a teacher than her exemplary christian life. A very pathetic funeral sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Bedford in St. David's church on Sunday morning.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (10 October 1829), 3
GENTLEMEN desirous of becoming Members of this Club, are requested to forward their names to Mr. J. P. Deane's Library,
Elizabeth street, or to the Treasurer, where a copy of the rules and regulations may be seen.
T. GIBLIN, Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Giblin (d. 1880)
"Extract of a letter from Hobart-town, Jan. 4, 1830", The times [London] (1 July 1830), 4
Such an improvement has taken place in the musical world in Van Dieman's Land, that my present musical teacher can do much better than remain with me, although he has 200l. per annum, with a cottage to live in, free of expense, besides having every thing found him and his family that my country house affords. He has only to teach from ten till one, and from three till six o'clock every day. Many, I should think, would gladly accept such liberal offers. In fact, there is amply employment in the island for three music-masters, two dancing, two French, and one drawing master.
NOTE: The author was probably George Carr Clarke, at whose school Joseph Reichenberg was music master
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (15 January 1830), 1
PIANOS. JUST Landed from the Guildford, and on Sale, - Five CLEMENTI'S PIANOS, of the very best description.
To be seen at Mr. J. P. DEANE'S. KEMP & Co.
MRS. DEANE has just received, per Deveron, a few elegant PARASOLS.
[News], Colonial Times (19 February 1830), 2
We have one before noticed with recommendation, the exertions made by Mr. DEANE to furnish the shelves of his Circulating Library, with such works as, might encourage a taste for reading amongst our Inhabitants, and we have reason to believe that, keeping his purpose steadily in view, scarcely a vessel arrives from England, that does not bring him some new publication. An entirely new work, the "Freebooter's Bride, 1829," has lately come into our hands from this Library, which we can recommend to the lovers of light reading, as replete with incident, which, if now and then savouring a little of the marvellous, it not irreconcilable with the age or place, whence the author has derived his material . . .
NOTE: [William Bayle Bernard], The freebooter's bride; or, The black pirate of the Mediterranean . . . in five volumes (London: A. K. Newman & Co., 1829) (DIGITISED)
"ATTEMPTED BURGLARY", Colonial Times (30 April 1830), 2
On Wednesday night a villainous attempt was made to enter the dwelling house of Mr. J. P. DEANE, in Elizabeth-street, by some man no doubt fully aware that Mr. D. was confined to his bed by very serious indisposition. He got into the yard at the back of the premises, by crossing the Town Rivulet; but making more noise than he intended, Mrs. DEANE was alarmed, and went to the window; finding he was discovered, the ruffian made off by the way be came.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 April 1830), 1
. . . JOHN KEAN begs respectfully to inform the Gentry and other Inhabitants of Hobart Town and Van Diemen's Land generally, that he has commenced a New Saddlery Manufactory, at the House in Elizabeth-street, lately occupied by Mr. J. P. DEANE; as a Circulating Library . . .
14 and 18 May, birth and baptism of Isabella Deane
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town ... in the year 1830; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1081022; RGD32/1/1/ no 3377
No. 684 / 3377 / [Baptised] 14th June / [Born] 18th May 1830 / [Name] Isabella / [Parents] John Phillip and Rosalie / Deane / Hobart Town / Music master / Wm. Bedford
"BIRTHS", The Tasmanian (21 May 1830), 7
[2 advertisements], The Tasmanian (4 June 1830), 1
Hobart Town Book Society, May 29, 1830. AT a General Meeting of the Society held this day, arrangements were entered into for the establishment of a Reading Room from the 1st July next, at the House of Mr. J. P. Deane, in Elizabeth-street . . . W. H. HAMILTON, ALFRED STEPHEN, Joint Secretaries.
Piano for Sale. AN excellent Cabinet PIANO FORTE for Sale. Apply on board the Wanstead, or to the Undersigned, Elizabeth-street. JOHN P. DEANE.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Hamilton (d. 1870); Alfred Stephen (1802-1894)
[News], Colonial Times (9 July 1830), 3
We understand that it is Mr. J. P. DEANE'S intention forthwith to set on foot preparations for establishing a series of concerts for the ensuing spring, the plan at present in contemplation is, we believe, to have a series of six vocal and instrumental entertainments. Mr. Deane's new rooms are well calculated for such a purpose, and immediately on his publishing his prospectus, we doubt not, but that numerous applications will be made for tickets, by parties wishing to become subscribers. The lovers of music may thus look forward with pleasure, to what they have been so long desirous of seeing established, and as in a small town like this, professional musicians cannot be procured, we question much whether any of the many highly accomplished amateurs we have among us, would refuse their assistance towards bringing about so desirable an object.
"To Correspondents", Colonial Times (6 August 1830), 2
The Ode on the "Creation" is rather too sombre a production for a newspaper; perhaps the writer might do well to propose it to Mr. J. P. DEAME, who no doubt would directly adopt it as a standing psalm for St. David's.
21 August 1830, Deane's first concert, public debuts of his daughter Rosalie Deane, and sons John and Edward Smith Deane
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (27 August 1830), 6
On Saturday last, Mr. DEANE gave his concert as advertised in the newspapers. At eight o'clock the large room in front of the building, which had been fitted up with great neatness for the occasion, was completely filled with the respectable inhabitants, Ladies and gentlemen, of the town and neighbourhood. Mr. Deane adopted the plan, seldom adhered to, of issuing no more tickets than the room could conveniently accommodate with seats, and he not only suffered a considerable loss thereby, but many persons experienced the disappointment of losing the rich musical treat, owing to not having applied for tickets in due time. The respectable Lodge of Freemasons of this town will no doubt soon find it necessary to build for themselves a Hall, which of course they will, with the usual liberality of that ancient and honorable fraternity, give the use of upon such occasions as the present.
The concert commenced with a grand symphony by Stamity [Stamitz]. Mr. Deane presided very ably at the violin, Messrs. Brown and Williams (master of the Band of the 63) seconds, Mr. Bock and Master Deane (a young gentleman only ten years old) tenors, Mr. Hoffer, violoncello, and two horns by excellent performers of the 63rd Band. This beautiful symphony was performed with the greatest effect and received with the warmest applause. This was followed by the introduction to the Tasmanian public for the first time of a Mr. Penfrist who sung the beautiful ballad "Draw the Sword Scotland" in a manner which shewed him to possess extraordinary powers. His voice has all the neatness and fulness of Incledon, with that peculiar facility of ascent by which the celebrated Veluti and others of that class are distinguished. We recommend Mr. Pemfrist to lose no time in returning to England and articling himself to Dr. Crotch (whom we do not hesitate to designate as one of the most accomplished of modern masters of music) or Mr. Welsh; either of whom would give him a liberal engagement which would no doubt be mutually productive. Bishop's beautiful glee "The Foresters" was then sung most admirably by Messrs. Pemfriest, Bock, Marshall, and Langford. Mr. Marshal then performed a Flute solo, in which he evinced the greatest powers upon that beautiful instrument. A young Lady, Miss Ludgater, sung the beautiful ballad by Bayley "Shades of Evening," with great taste and delicacy. Miss Deane, a young Lady not nine years old performed a Concerto on the Piano Forte, in a manner which proved how admirably well bestowed had been her fathers musical abilities. Bishop's glee "Beam of Light," then followed by Miss Ludgater, Messrs. Deane, Bock, and Langford, and Master E. Deane, only 6 years old sung Parry's celebrated "Adieu, in the Village," in a style of accuracy which could hardly be supposed possible in such a child.
The first act closed with a piece from Haydn, by the whole of the performers, and the second act opened with another piece of that celebrated master. Mr. Bock then sung with great taste Wade's "Ding dong bell," which was followed by the celebrated glee "The last rose of Summer," by Miss Ludgater, Messrs. Deane, Marshall, and Bock. Mr. Deane then performed in a most superior manner one of Dussek's fine Concertos on the Piano Forte, in the course of which he exhibited all that command of the instrument and accuracy of performance for which he is so celebrated. Miss Ludgater sung a song by Devereaux with great sweetness. And Messrs. Deane, Bock, and Langford, sung the well known glee "Life's a bumper," which is by no means of easy performance, in a manner highly creditable to them. Mr. Pemfriest then sung in a manner which surprised the whole assembly and called for an universal encore, the beautiful Scots song "Hey the bonnie." We can only repeat that Mr. P. possesses all the requisites for forming a most accomplished singer. He sings up to G in perfect tune, and his chromatic and shake are perfect and completely harmonious. A beautiful Quartetto from Haydn then followed by Mr. Deane the Violin, Mr. Marshall the Flute, Mr. Bock the Tenor, and Mr. Hoffer the Violoncello. It was admirably executed and the performance closed with Weber's celebrated "Huntsmen's Chorus from Der Frieschutz," with the chorus, which called forth the loudest and most merited applause.
We congratulate Mr. Deane upon this first of his series of concerts, which we hope and trust will be as productive to him as they certainly are creditable to the musical capabilities of the colony. Mr. Deane himself is too well known as a musician to require any praise from us. In his profession he is unrivaled in these colonies, and it is extraordinary that such is his versatility of talent that he performs upon many Instruments in a very superior manner. At the violin, the accuracy of his stopping and the rapidity of his execution is such, that although not quite a Spagnioletti or a Weichsell, he is rivalled by few performers. He is an admirably piano forte player, and a most respectable organist. Thus much for him as a professional man; and when to this is added that he performs all the duties of a citizen, a father and a husband, so as to gain him general esteem, and that he has perhaps had to encounter here a little of the gale of adversity, we trust that he will experience that public support to which he has such just claims.
[News], Colonial Times (27 August 1830), 3
The Concert of last Saturday gave ample satisfaction to all parties concerned, so much so that Mr. DEANE intends to hold a series of half-yearly concerts, at which subscribers alone will be permitted to attend, and these even to be limited in number. But to the entertainment of Saturday: Every thing went off well, much better, indeed, than could possibly be expected, considering the disadvantages under which the Conductor laboured. The only female singer was Miss LUDGATER, a young lady who was much and deservedly admired; she possesses a most soft and delicate voice, and her songs were sung with that degree of expression, that, we venture to prognosticate, with practice and time she will not only bear the palm of the vocalists of Van Diemen's Land, but will be a credit to any concert room in the world. The song of "Hey the bonnie" was much admired, and as well as the "Huntsman's chorus" was encored. The company was just what we were pleased to see assembled, none of the exclusives were there, but the next class - that is the respectable genteel inhabitants of the town, upon whom alone can be depended for any support for entertainments of this kind. Several of our young friends have hinted that a ball would answer well after the concert.
"VAN DIEMAN'S LAND NEWS. MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (2 October 1830), 4
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Ludgater (vocalist); Thomas Bock (vocalist); Mr. Langford (? vocalist); Mr. Brown (violin); William Williams (violin), master of the Band of the 63rd Regiment (military); John Marshall (flute player, vocalist); William Penphrase (vocalist); Mr. Hoffer = John Offor (violoncellist)
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (7 January 1831), 2
HOBART TOWN CIRCULATING LIBRARY, MR. DEANE, has received per ship Resource . . . music paper . . . music and song books . . . instruction books for singing; instruction books for the Guitar, Piano Forte, and Flute, Violin bows and strings.
28 January 1831, Deane's second concert
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 January 1831), 1
A Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at Mr. Deane's, Elizabeth-street, on Friday, the 28th January.
Tickets of admission, 7s. each. - Children 5s.
[News], Colonial Times (28 January 1831), 2
Mr. DEANE'S Second Concert will be held this evening, at eight o'clock, at his spacious room in Elizabeth-street. From the great demand for tickets, it is expected that a very numerous and most respectable assemblage will patronise these splendid exertions to alleviate the monotony of Hobart Town life.
[News], Colonial Times (1 February 1831), 2
Mr. Deane's second Concert took place on Friday Evening. Our limits will not allow us to go minutely over the various performances, but with one or two exceptions they were most admirably got up. Several pieces were encored, and the tout ensemble afforded a highly gratifying treat to the lovers of music. We will just suggest, by way of advice for future occasions, that the piano accompaniments are generally speaking too loud for the vocalists; this in a very large room would not be noticed, but it was particularly perceptible on Friday night. The Concert, we are happy in stating, was most numerously and respectably attended - all the beaux, belles, and fashion that are not at the tip-top of the aristocratical ladder, were present; and, with the exception of seven (out of about 150) ladies, who were not only in dishabile, but wore bonnets, the dresses betokened taste and elegance not to be exceeded in any British Colony.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (5 February 1831), 3
The Concert at Mr. Deane's gave very general satisfaction, and was most respectably and numerously attended. The only fault indeed was that there was too much company for the size of the apartment. The want of a large public room is becoming daily more and more felt in Hobart town.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (18 February 1831), 5
Press of British matter prevented our before noticing Mr. Deane's last Concert. We cannot, however, suffer it to pass over without doing justice to the anxious endeavours of that able musician to afford the inhabitants of Hobart Town some amusement, and limited as are the materials which he has before him, the only matter of surprise is, that such an entertainment could be got up at all. It was a very respectable assembly, and much inconvenience was felt from the crowded state of the room, which is infinitely too small for such occasions. Every thing passed off well - some of the songs were encored - and Mr. Deane's interesting children were deservedly highly applauded. We understand the next Concert is fixed for the first week in April, and the demand for tickets will of course be as great as usual.
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . ", Colonial Times (22 March 1831), 3
Mr. EDITOR, - Ever since Mr. Deane's late excellent concert, nothing but music seems the fashion. No matter whether or not dame Nature has bestowed the requisites of ear or voice, every Miss who is out of her leading strings must needs learn to play, and do ri mi almost takes the place of ABC. I happened the other morning to make a call, where a very ingenious and highly accomplished professor was working at the stated hour in teaching the rudiments of the gamut, to a great overgrown child of twelve or thirteen, whose parents have all at once discovered that a polite education is nothing without music. From my heart, I pitied the individual whose ears were so tantalized, as was the case, for I am sure that there was no more soul for music in the pupil, than in one of the packs of wool I saw piled up in the warehouse through which I passed to the family residency. Upon returning home, I committed my thoughts to paper . . .
20 April 1831, Deane's third concert (including "some beautiful variations to a celebrated subject of [Beethoven], composed by Mr. Deane himself")
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 April 1831), 1
A CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at Mr. J. P. Deane's,
on Wednesday evening, the 20th inst. - Tickets 7s., children 5s.
April 12, 1831.
"Mr. Deane's Concert", The Tasmanian (22 April 1831), 5
On Wednesday evening, Mr. DEANE'S third Concert took place. It was very numerously and respectably attended; indeed, the room was so completely inadequate to contain the audience, that the heat was oppressively felt; and, although tickets were issued only for the number which the room was calculated to accommodate, yet some inconvenience was felt from extreme crowding. The Concert was decidedly the best in every respect of the three, both in reference to the arrangements of the music and its performance; and although the former was by the best masters, particularly Haydn, Weber, and Beethoven, and some beautiful variations to a celebrated subject of the latter, composed by Mr. Deane himself, yet the taste of the majority of Mr. Deane's audience would be more gratified by a more familiar, and consequently, popular selection. Every piece, however, vocal and instrumental, was performed in a manner equally gratifying to the audience, and creditable to the ladies and gentlemen, of whose abilities Mr. Deane was enabled to avail himself. It would be invidious to mention any particular performance, but we cannot pass over Mr. Marshall's admirable flute concerto, which was received rapturously. Mr. Marshall shewed himself perfectly master of his instrument on which he performs, with equal ease, accuracy, and rapidity. It unnecessary to speak of Mr. Deane; it is enough to say that that accomplished Musician exerted himself to the utmost to gratify the large and respectable assemblage of his friends who were present; not can we pass his interesting children, Miss Deane, at the piano, and Master Deane, the tenor - the high attainments of both proving equally their own natural ability, and the excellent talents of Mr. Deane, as a Master. We regret, that the very improved state of the metropolis considered, that we are without a Music and Assembly Room; it only needs "a beginning" to have a building of this description speedily erected, either by tontine or other method of subscription. - The subject having been cursorily spoken of at the Concert - five gentlemen present offered to subscribe Fifty Pounds each for the necessary purpose. We trust it will not be passed by.
"TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Tasmanian (29 April 1831), 8
"MR. REICHENBERG", The Tasmanian (29 April 1831), 3
IN our little notice of Mr. Deane's concert, we omitted (by accident) to mention Mr. Reichenberg, whose performance, upon all occasions, is so creditable to himself, and satisfactory to his hearers. On the late occasion he performed on the flute and on the violin, in each of the concertos, in his usual scientific manner.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (30 April 1831), 2
We omitted last week in speaking of the Concert at Mr. Deane's, to mention, that one of the most attractive features of the evening's entertainment was the performance on the flute, especially the concerto by Mr. Reichenberg and the solo by Mr. Marshall.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (18 June 1831), 3
Pictures, &c.
MRS. DEANE has just received from ACKERMAN'S, an elegant assortment of PICTURES, with oak
and gilt frames, burnished and glazed.
ALSO, - New Music for the Piano-forte, and Songs, which will be offered for sale at the English prices.
Coco flutes tipt with silver, and 8 elastic plug keys
Ebony and box flutes of all sorts
Violin bows, bridges, pegs and strings
Violincello strings
Instruction books for the Piano-forte
Flutes and violins
Wax dolls, toys, and books of all descriptions.
N.B. - A few of the Annuals for 1831.
Elizabeth-st., June 11, 1831.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rudolph Ackerman (London)
1 July 1831, Deane's fourth concert, Macquarie Hotel
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (25 June 1831), 3
[News], Colonial Times (6 July 1831), 3
Mr. J. P. Deane's Concert went off remarkably well on Friday last. The spacious rooms of the Macquarie Hotel might have held many more than were present, but the company made up in respectability what they lacked in numbers.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (9 July 1831), 7-8
Mr. Deane had his fourth Concert on Friday evening the 1st inst., in the Freemasons' great Lodge Room of the Macquarie Hotel. It was the best of the whole series in every respect. The whole of the first-rate fashionables were present. - Mr. Burnett, Col. and Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Douglass and Miss Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Frankland, Dr. and Mrs. Scott, Capt. and Mrs. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Adey, &c. &c. &c. The performances were excellent. Miss Deane, at the pianoforte, performed Steibelt's storm in a manner which obtained the highest applause - so also all the performers, vocal and instrumental. It would be perhaps invidious to mention any particular performance, when all were so generally admired; but of the vocal, the Zuyder Zee, and the Midnight Glees, and of the instrumental, the two concertos on the flute were admirably performed. Several pieces were encored, and at the close of the concert the national anthem, "God save the King" was sung by the whole orchestra with great effect. The concert went off with great spirit and effect, to the great delight of the audience. [8] Mr. Deane is entitled to the warmest support of the Colonists for thus providing a delightful amusement, forming the only break to the miserably "ennuieuse" monotony, which circumstances cause to prevail here. He exerted himself to the utmost to render his concert deserving the public patronage, which we have no doubt he will receive in the most liberal manner.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (9 July 1831), 2
Mr. Deane's Concert took place on Friday evening in the great room at the Macquarie hotel. It was attended by most of the gentry in town, and gave general satisfaction.
[News], Colonial Times (27 July 1831), 3
We hear it is the intention of Mr. J. P. Deane to give the musical amateurs another treat, in about a fortnight from this time. A Lady whose vocal talents have been meritoriously appreciated by the inhabitants of this town, some few years since, has kindly offered her assistance on the occasion. We heartily hope that a more numerous and equally as respectable an assemblage will be gathered as we lately witnessed, at Mr. J. P. Deane's 4th Concert.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (27 August 1831), 2
Piano-forte for Sale. TO be Sold a fine-toned CABINET PIANO, quite new. - Apply to Mr. J. P. DEANE. Aug. 27, 1831
21 September 1831, Deane's fifth concert
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (24 September 1831), 7
This entertainment took place, as advertised, at the Macquarie Hotel, on Wednesday last; it was very numerously and respectably attended. The performances were of the usual description, with the addition of two comic songs by Mr. Cox. The whole was highly applauded, and being the only public entertainment the people possess, deserves to be supported, as we rejoice to see it is, and we trust it will continue to be.
[2 advertisements], Colonial Times (28 September 1831), 1
REPORTS having reached me that the Concert given on the 21st inst.,
at the Macquarie Hotel, was for the benefit of myself and family, I beg most distinctly to state, that neither myself,
family, or creditors, (with the exception of Mr. JOHN PHILIP DEANE,) have received one farthing benefit;
J. P. DEANE having retained the whole of the proceeds of the Concert, in liquidation of the debt due to himself, after having kept me in gaol four months.
With reference to the Advertisement in the Courier of the 24th instant, I beg to observe, it was hastily inserted,
under the impression that the subscriptions for the Tickets had not yet been paid,
and Messrs. ROBERT STODART and JOHN C. STRACEY being my principal creditors, I was anxious it should be handed over to those gentlemen,
to be equally divided among the creditors generally.
To those ladies and gentlemen, who so kindly and liberally came forward and gave their attendance at the Concert,
under the impression it was for the benefit of my family, I beg to return my sincere and grateful thanks, at the same time,
in order to undeceive them, I feel it my duty to make the above statement.
I also beg to make my grateful acknowledgments to Mr. and Mrs. Cox, who with a view to my family's benefit, so liberally gave the gratuitous use of the room.
Liverpool-street, Sept. 26, 1831.
MR. EDITOR - In reply to the above Advertisement of Mr. Peter Graham's, the following is a plain statement of facts:-
Three years ago, Mr. Peter Graham rented a house of mine situated in Liverpool-street;
on the rent becoming due, he failed to pay it; no distrain was made upon his furniture, (as is generally the case) on account of his family,
or the amount would have been immediately paid; in lieu of so doing, I took acceptances at Three Months for the amount,
which bill has been renewed from time to time; but in February last, upon my refusing to renew the bill any more with out security,
Mr. Graham brought forward a Mr. J. Lyndsay to accept a bill for him, and they both failing to pay,
my own circumstances compelled me to proceed to an action for the recovery of part of this amount.
In a conversation afterwards I had with Mr. Stodart, I proposed that Mr. Graham should be discharged from Gaol by the proceeds of a Concert,
and Mr. Stodart upon this proposition, undertook to get me subscribers, and upon this understanding,
I immediately gave instructions for Mr. Graham's discharge.
The following are the details of the proceeds of the Concert on the 21st of Sept., 1831, viz:-
Amount received for tickets sold £38 17 0
Paid Mr. J. E. Cox for refreshment for performers and band £6 5 6
Paid Mrs. Hodges 2 2 0
Do. Mr. Williams, Master of the band 2 2 0
Do. 3 men from do. 1 10 0
Do. door-keeper 0 10 0
Advertisements 1 7 0
Concert bills 2 10 0
Music paper and copying 1 12 6
Mr. Deane and family ---
Mr. J. E. Cox. ---
Mr. Langford. ---
Mr. Marshall ---
Mr. Hickson, 63d band ---
Mr. Hance. ---
Mr. Bock. ---
[Subtotal outlays] £17 19 0 . . .
[Net proceeds] £20 18 0 . . .
. . . Balance due Mr. Deane - £43 13 4
I know the above to be a correct statement.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (1 October 1831), 3
To the Editor of the Courier.
SIR, IN addition to my advertisement of this day, I beg to notice a reply of Mr. John Phillip Deane's,
to the same advertisement which appeared in the Colonial Times of Wednesday last,
although Mr. Deane has in his statement fully contradicted the injurious reports circulated by himself,
that the Concert was intended for the benefit of my family,
by proving that his own benefit, only, was contemplated in recovering the amount of a debt;
exclusive of my other creditors. tori. I have further to reply that this statement
in the reply is incorrect . . .
I remain your Obedient Servant,
P. GRAHAM. Liverpool-street, September 28th, 1831.
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Graham (d. 1832; creditor); Robert Stodart (trustee); William Hance (? piano tuner); J. E. Cox (publican, vocalist); Mr. Langford (? vocalist); Mr. Hickson (bandsman, 63rd regiment); Band of the 63rd Regiment
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (7 December 1831), 1
Drama of Van Diemen's Land.
JUST arrived, and on sale, at the Tasmanian Office, Elizabeth-street, Price 2s. 6d.
VAN DIEMEN'S LAND; An operatic Drama in threes Acts, by W. T. Moncrief, Esq.;
printed from the acted copy, with remarks.
ALSO, At Mr. Elliston's Derwent, Auction Mart; Mr. Deane's Circulating Library,
Elizabeth-street, and Mr. Wood's Liverpool-street. Nov. 26, 1831.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Gore Elliston; and see "DRAMA OF VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", Colonial Times (30 November 1831), 3
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (10 December 1831), 2
MRS. DEANE has received per Princess Augusta,
the following list of School Books, &c. . . .
A quantity of new Piano Forte Music, violoncello and violin bridges, pegs, strings, &c.
Complete sets of Guitar strings.
N.B. - Two second hand Piano Fortes for sale.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (31 December 1831), 5
We understand that the Concert advertised to take place at the Court House on Monday week, will be the most entertaining of any which Mr. Deane has yet given, the rehearsal having taken place for some weeks past. We trust that Mr. Deane's endeavours to furnish the respectable inhabitants of this town with a little break of the monotony which so continually prevails, will be rewarded by a numerous attendance. Mr. Deane's industrious exertions for his large family, and the very trifling remuneration he receives for his valuable services at the organ of St. David's Church, give him every claim upon the public support, which we have no doubt will, on this occasion, be liberally afforded.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (31 December 1831), 3
1831 - Visitors to Hobart write:
[Letter written on board the Lord Lyndork, at sea, January 9, 1832, J. Hanson] ([Madras: For J. Hanson, 1832]) (DIGITISED)
[50] . . . The Governor I am told discourages every species of public entertainment, although he gave an excellent Ball himself whilst I was there - to which all the beauty and fashion of the place were invited. - He is the best judge of these matters no doubt, but I confess to you, after our habits of general gaiety in India, and our uninterrupted good fellowship at the Swan River, both my guests, and myself, were confoundedly tired of looking at our own white walls . . . (DIGITISED)
[55] . . . If you ask a man why there are no sort of public Institutions, he tells you that authority is unfavorable to "that sort of thing." If you remark that there is never a Ball or a public entertainment in the Colony, you are told that the Governor dislikes any sort of dissipation; and if you were to hint at a play, or any sort of Theatrical amusement, I verily believe the man's hair would stand on end . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Arthur (governor); John Hanson (colonel), a senior soldier, based in Madras; visited Western Australia and Hobart
See also "COLONEL HANSON'S PAMPHLET", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (19 January 1833), 11
Charles Medyett Goodridge, Narrative of a voyage to the South Seas . . . to which is Added, a Further Narrative of Near Eight Years' Residence in Van Diemen's Land . . . comprising a Statistical view of Van Diemen's Land, giving its . . . amusements . . . and other useful information, up to the year 1831, forming a complete emigrant's guide (London: Hamilton and Adams, 1832), 192 (DIGITISED)
Also separately as, Statistical view of Van Diemen's Land, comprising its . . . amusements . . . and other useful information, up to the year 1831, forming a complete emigrant's guide ([London]: [Hamilton and Adams], 1832), 192 (DIGITISED)
. . . Little or nothing has been done yet in the light of public amusements, if we except some attempts at musical concerts, chiefly under the management, and by the exertions of Mr. Deane; and at which it is but just to say, the several performers though wholly amateurs, acquitted themselves far beyond what could have been expected. Music, as a science, is, it must be acknowledged is as yet but at a very low ebb amongst us . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Medyett Goodridge (author); on the reception of the book in Hobart, see [News], The Hobart Town Chronicle [VDL (TAS)] (5 March 1833), 2
Our readers will recollect Mr. Goodridge, who for several years kept with such credit to himself and benefit to the settlers by the attention he gave to his duty, the ferry across the Derwent at Stony point . . .
9 January 1832, Deane's sixth (Christmas) concert
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (7 January 1832), 1
Diary of George Boyes, 9 January 1832; transc. Peter Chapman (ed.), The diaries and letters of G. T. W. B. Boyes, volume 1 1820-1832 (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1985), 514
January 9th . . . In the evening at the concert - it was given in the Court House.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Boyes (musical amateur)
[News], Colonial Times (11 January 1832), 2
On Monday the lovers of music enjoyed the greatest treat that ever was given in this Colony - it was Mr. J. P. Deane's sixth concert. The capacious Court-house was crowded to excess - no less than 250 persons were present; among others we noticed His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Mrs. Arthur, and family; the Officers of His Majesty's ship Sulphur, and a very large portion of the Officers of the 63d Regiment. As far as regards the fair sex we never witnessed in Van Diemen's Land such an assemblage of ton beauty and fashion. The music on this occasion was extremely well selected, and gave the utmost satisfaction to all persons present.
The concert opened with the Military overture in La Gazza Ladra, and the band displayed its efficiency in a truly surprising manner. Blewitt's difficult and delightful glee of "Welcome Merry May" followed, and was sung in grand style. Miss Wrathall's "I'll gaze on thee no more," was loudly applauded; it was, we believe, the first song she ever sang in public, and from the specimen she gave us of the capabilities and melodious power of her voice we anticipate many future treats; as might naturally be expected there was a degree of timidity on her first presenting herself in front of the orchestra, and a little tremour in her voice, but as she advanced in the song she became more empassioned, and at its termination sat down amidst loud applause. Miss Deane's "Brilliant Polonoise" was most deservedly applauded; the performance of this young lady would equal many of the "stars" of the juvenile musicians of Europe. Mr. Elliston gave "The Soldier's Tear" of Bayley's in a most exquisite manner. We have seldom heard a song where more expression was given by the performer - it was rapturously encored, as was also the "Fisherman's Chorus."
In the second act the first piece that particularly attracted our attention was Mr. Marshall's flute solo of Nicholson's. Mr. Marshall's performances are so well known and appreciated that any commendation we might bestow upon his "silver tones" will be considered needless. Mr. Elliston was encored in his second song of "Sons of Freedom" - but of the two performances we are decidedly of opinion that his first was the most exquisite. The evening's treat finished with "Here's Health and Long Life to our King," which was also encored, when the company separated, anxiously recommending Mr. Deane to procure them as soon as possible such another evening's entertainment.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (14 January 1832), 6
This charming amusement - the only break to the dismal monotony which exists here, was attended not only by the "Haut Ton," as is the phrase, but all the respectable inhabitants of the Town and neighbourhood. Our limits prevent our giving a detailed account of the performance. Miss Deane played to the admiration of the assembly. Mr. Riechenberg [sic], who as an accomplished musician is of known first-rate excellence, played, with Mr. Deane, a violin duetto, in beautiful style; and Mr. Elliston exhibited those vocal abilities, which as a veteran upon the London boards, were known to be of high order. We trust this entertainment will be speedily repeated, and continued at regularly fixed intervals.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (14 January 1832), 2
Mr. Deane's concert on Monday evening gave general satisfaction and was well attended, being strengthened by the accession of several new amateur performers besides Mr. Reichenberg to whom the musical talent of the colony is so much indebted.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Wrathall (vocalist); William Gore Elliston (vocalist)
]Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (24 March 1832), 3
MRS. DEANE has received per late arrivals - The Forget me Not; - Juvenile ditto; - Landscape ditto; - Amulet ditto; - Humourist ditto;
And a great variety of interesting and amusing works.
Also, a Cabinet Piano Forte, 6 1/2 Octave.
A Cottage ditto.
A Square ditto.
A Rosewood Square do. with ditto sounding board.
Two second hand Piano Fortes.
N.B.- A Piano Forte to be let on hire.
23 April and 13 May 1832, birth and baptism of Charles Muzio Deane
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town ... in the year 1832; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1081903; RGD32/1/1/ no 4251
No. 1015 / 4251 / [Baptised] 13 May / [Born] 23 April 1832 / [Name] Charles Muzio / [Parents] John Philip and Rosalie / Dean [sic] / Hobart Town / Music Master / Wm. Bedford
Letter, from Susannah Castell, London, 19 January to 16 May 1832, to William Joseph Cavendish, Mauritius; Papers of the intestate estate of William Joseph Cavendish; State Archives of New South Wales, 6/26823, item 203
19 January - May 16 / 32
Your letter dated Dec'r 4th I rec'd last month (April) the contents of which leave me but little to reply to,
being entirely fill'd with the people at your part of the world.
. . . You mention a professor of the name of "Dean" having settled with his family at Van Dieman's Land [verso]
I never hear of the name except it be the same, or a branch of the family of a man that kept a shop-stall and sold second hand music
near Waterloo Church, our Piano was removed by his to the "Horns Tavern" for Wm's performance there . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Cavendish [Castell] had evidently asked his estranged wife if she had heard anything of a musician named Dean who was now in Van Diemen's land; but the event referred to by Susannah Castell was in 1826.
23 July 1832 (originally advertised for 16 July), Deane's seventh concert
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (6 July 1832), 3
Mr. Russel who will join Mr. Dean's Concert on the 16th, is a violin performer of the first class, and would have formed one of Her Majesty's superior band, (consisting of only 13 of the first performers of the day), had not circumstances led him to emigrate to this colony.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (20 July 1832), 1
[News], Colonial Times (24 July 1832), 3
Owing to the unfavorable weather all day yesterday, many persons were deterred from attending Mr. Deane's Seventh Concert in the evening. However malgré le temps, two hundred and forty of the most respectable of the inhabitants assembled to enjoy this rare musical treat. The evening's entertainment commenced with Mozart's celebrated military overture, which was performed in most excellent style by the band of the 63d regiment, Colonel Logan having, with his usual desire of furthering these entertainments, lent their services on the present occasion. These excellent musicians have considerably improved since we last had the pleasure of hearing them. Mr. Penfrith's song of "Time is ever changing," was loudly and deservedly applauded; and Miss Deane's piano forte performance (which, by the by, was one of the most difficult pieces of Moschelle's composing,) was excellent in the extreme. The duetto, "The last links are broken," was encored; but the performance which gave the greatest satisfaction, was Mr. Russell's solo on the violin. Many persons attended the Concert, purposely to hear this performance, and it was remarked, that it alone, was worth walking twenty miles to hear. Mr. Marshall's flute solo, in the second act was performed in his usual correct and plaintive tone, and Miss Wrathall's "Oh, say not," wanted only a little more art to render it a most brilliant performance; her song was deservedly encored. The finale, like most finales of short concerts, was as a matter of course encored. Hitherto, we have witnessed with pleasure the attendance of His Excellency and the Court, at Mr. Deane's concerts, but yesterday evening, there was scarcely one of the Government party present, the reason it is said was not in consequence of the unfavourable state of the weather, but owing to a certain newly arrived, requiring support - and really concerts are so expensive, that the salaries of the chief authorities cannot allow them to patronize all parties. There is one thing we should strongly recommend His Excellency, which is, that if he does not himself choose to attend, at all events let him keep the whole of his establishment at home. This hint will no doubt suffice.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (27 July 1832), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert took place on Monday evening in the Court-house, agreeably to the announcement. It was exceedingly well attended by a large concourse of the most respectable part of the inhabitants, who were highly delighted with the performances, especially the instrumental part. Miss Deane in particular performed a very difficult sonata on the piano in excellent style, and the sweetness of Miss Wrathall's voice delighted every one. We are happy to learn that these very rational recreations are likely to become more frequent amongst us. We have to apologize to an esteemed and talented correspondent, who obliged us with a well-written report of the concert, but which, in the press of business, has been unfortunately mislaid.
"Domestic Intelligence:, The Tasmanian (27 July 1832), 6
Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather on Monday last, we are happy to state that Mr Deane's Concert, was attended by near three hundred persons; and the whole performance of the evening appeared to give very great and general satisfaction. The grand attraction of the evening, was unquestionably Mr. Russell: whose reputation as a violin player of the first class, has already been made known to our readers; and it is only giving this gentleman his due, for us to add, that high as expectations in this respect had been raised, they were nowise disappointed in the result. His Solo, "Rhodes Air," with variations, was indeed a masterly performance. Of our old friend and favourite Mr. Marshall, we have only to say, that both in his Solo, "the Blue Bells of Scotland," and in his duett with Mr. Reichenberg, we never heard him to greater advantage. Those who are acquainted with the tone and spirit of his playing, will at once understand how much commendation is meant to be conveyed by these words - those who have yet to be gratified in this manner, will do well not to neglect the next opportunity that offers. Mr. Reichenberg was himself in every thing he undertook - correct; and just enough, but not too much of his own instrument, in all the accompaniments in which he was engaged. Mr. Penfrith's song of "Time is ever changing," was loudly and deservedly applauded; and Miss Deane's piano forte performance (which, by the by, was one of the most difficult pieces of Moschelle's composing,) was excellent in the extreme. It affords us very great pleasure to notice Miss Wrathall's marked improvement lately. Her Song, "Oh, say not" was deservedly encored; as was also her duett with Mr. Bock, "The last links are broken." The sweetness and compass of this young lady's voice, lead us to expect, that as she becomes more accustomed to its management, and to a knowledge of music, she will rival some of our first rate English Vocalists. We must not neglect before we conclude, to mention the Band of the 63rd Regiment, and by whose very able performance of Mozart's celebrated Military Overture, the Evening's entertainment commenced. The finale, like most finales of short concerts, was as a matter of course encored.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (violinist); William Penphrase (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (7 September 1832), 1
Plate, Music, Books, &c.
MRS. DEANE has received by late arrivals . . .
Comprising Concert Thirds, Sixths, Sevenths, and Octave Flutes;
C and B Six-key Clarionets; French and English Flageolets;
Key Bugles and Hunting Horns; Pandean Pipes;
Violins, 30s. each; Violin Bows, Bridges, and Strings;
Violincello and Guitar Strings; 2 square Piano Fortes;
1 Cabinet, and 1 Cottage do.; Piano Forte Music; new Songs and Pieces; Music Paper . . .
[News], Colonial Times (9 October 1832), 2
It is with no trifling degree of pleasure that we look forward to the proposed Concert of Mrs. Davis and Mr. Deane. Mr. Deane's known tact and ability in the management of a musical treat of this description, coupled with the vocal attraction of Mrs. Davis, hold out no inconsiderable prospect for a real entertainment. Several amateurs are spoken of as likely to assist on the occasion, and a violin solo, by Mr. Russell will be an extra inducement for very many to attend the Concert. We have usually thought, that the Concerts of this place have rather been wanting in variety; those of Mr. Deane, have generally had a preponderance of instrumental music, and Mrs. Davis's, (however delighted we might be with that lady's vocal abilities) impressed upon our mind at the time, that there was too much of Mrs. Davis. The one now however in prospecta, will combine all the talents, and a variety will follow as a matter of course.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Letitia Davis (vocalist)
1 November (previously advertised for 30 October), Davis's and Deane's concert
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 October 1832), 1
Concerts. MR. DEANE and Mrs. DAVIS beg to inform the Public of Hobart Town, that they will give a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, in the Court House, on Thursday Evening, the 1st Nov., the particulars of which will be duly announced. October 25, 1832.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (2 November 1832), 6
The Concert yesterday evening, at the Court-house, was not so numerously attended as we have seen the case on former occasions; but various circumstances combined to prevent several persons from attending, who had supplied themselves with tickets, so that we are happy to find the loss rather belonged to the parties who were thus unavoidably absent, than to the spirited projectors of this delightful species of amusement. Among the grand attractions of the evening, were our newly arrived stars Mrs. Davis and Mr. Russell. In the song "Sweet Idol of my Soul," and also in an Italian song, Mrs. Davis acquitted herself admirably, fully sustaining the high reputation she had already acquired. Mr. Russell played well, for we apprehend it is more easy for this gentleman to play well, than badly - else we should say, we think we have heard him to more advantage than upon this occasion. Mr. Russell must also give us leave to tell him, that a little more attention to the business of the evening, than he is in the habit of displaying, would be thought becoming; and at all events, spare many observations at his expense, which it has given us pain to hear. In the list of our old friends and favourites, Mr. Marshall holds his usual place for his Solo - "The manly heart, with variations." The excellence of Mr. Marshall's playing, is so well known, as to require no further comment from us. But the performance which in this instance, unquestionably gave the greatest satisfaction, was that of Miss Deane, upon the Piano-forte, and of Master Edward Deane, a little boy of seven years old, upon the violin. Miss Deane played admirably, and the breathless attention with which she was listened to, sufficiently bespoke the delight and astonishment she excited throughout the room. As for the young gentleman, we consider him almost as remarkable an instance of precocity of talent, as is recorded of Mozart; he played his part in a quintette, with a taste and accuracy, which would have reflected credit upon a finished performer.
[News], Colonial Times (6 November 1832), 2
On Thursday last, Mrs. Davis, and Mr. Deane's concert was held at the Courthouse. From various circumstances connected with political affairs, many parties absented themselves, who are generally patrons of these entertainments. The chief vocal attraction was, of course, Mrs. Davis; and each performer would require some panegyric in his favor, had we but room to extend our present observations. Success has always crowned Mr. Deane's exertions on these musical festivals, so much so, that other parties are preparing to give similar concerts; but, although hitherto the concerts have been well attended, we much question whether they would be, were there any diversion among the few professionals, capable of entertaining the public. Time will shew whether our views are not correct.
19 November 1832, Davis's and Deane's second concert
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (16 November 1832), 3
CONCERT.- Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis beg to announce to the Inhabitants of Hobart town and its vicinity, that they intend giving a Concert of vocal and instrumental music, with the assistance of Mr. Ray, (previous to his departure for England by the Arethusa) on Monday evening next, at the Court House. The performance will be anonOced in Bills. Tickets to be had of Mr. Deane; Elizabeth street; and of Mr. Wood, Stationer, Liverpool street. Nov. 12, 1832.
[News], Colonial Times (20 November 1832), 2
Yesterday evening the entertainment of Mrs. Davis and Messrs. Deane and Ray went off in grand style. The first part, consisting of a Concert, and the latter, with Mr. Ray "at Home". The band of the 63d regiment assisted, and the variety was sufficient to attract a full house, even in these hard times. In the first part of the Concert, the song of "Sleep on thy pillow" was sung by Mrs. Davis in excellent style, and received its merited applause. Mr. Ray does not shine as a musician, his voice is rather powerful in the lower notes, and the falsetto decent, especially the upper tones, but he has little idea of cleverly passing from his natural voice to the falsetto - there is a degree of difficulty when he arrives at passages requiring the blending of the two - beside one very serious drawback to Mr. Ray, being considered a good musician, is that, his ear is by no means perfect, and he frequently gives whole passages far from being in tune. Rossini's "Overture" was performed in a masterly style, indeed the manner in which the parts were got up, would have done credit to a band at a Theatre Royal. Immediately after the overture, the company called upon Mrs. Davis to favor them with "Di piacer." We have been present at many musical entertainments, but we never witnessed such an outrageous proceeding, as an audience, sans ceremonie, suddenly to insist upon the performance of a difficult Italian air; however, Mr. Davis finding that she had a good-humoured audience, good-naturedly enough determined to gratify them, and "Di piacer" was given with a piano forte accompaniment only, Mrs. Davis not having had time to send for the orchestral parts. The song was sung well, and deservedly encored. This lady has considerably improved since we last heard her. Whilst speaking of an audience being permitted to call for just such songs as they may think proper, we might strongly recommend that this plan should not be allowed, otherwise much inconvenience may be sustained. If the system is allowed, a concert bill will not be necessary, the singers and the musicians need but attend on the evening named and the audience can settle what songs shall he sung, and what musical pieces shall be performed. The National Anthem, is the only piece that an audience ought to be permitted to call for; this is a stock piece, and the musicians are always ready to perform it, when called upon. After the Concert, Mr. Ray was "at Home" and highly entertained the audience for some time, but there was too much of the farce, which, unless it is performed in the first style, cannot interest very long. A motion was made by one party of ladies, when Mr. Ray, very judiciously taking the hint, rapidly finished the song he was singing and making an appropriate termination of his "at Home" - concluded the entertainment; Mr. Ray, we hear, is about leaving the Colony by the Arethusa, it is said, he intends bringing to these Colonies, a regular corps dramatique, should he do so, we fear his expectations will not meet with the success anticipated.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (23 November 1832), 6
The Concert which was held at the Court-house on Monday last, went off with great spirit, and gave general satisfaction to a full audience. All the parts were well sustained, the high reputation of our performers being, we consider, rather increased than otherwise, by every additional appearance before the public. But we cannot let the opportunity pass, without saying a few words on behalf of the spirited individual himself, by whose exertions, when unaided by the galaxy of musical talent, we now possess, this delightful species of amusement was first placed at the command of the public of this Colony; for the near approach of that particular season when, more than at any other time, Mr. Deane has been in the habit of receiving at his Concert, the liberal encouragement he so well deserves, seems to us peculiarly fitted for drawing attention to the strong claims he is able to urge for a continuance, to say the least, of the patronage he has hitherto received. On the present occasion, we understand that a very great treat is in store for the lovers of music; for, in anticipation of his usual Christmas Concert, Mr. Deane has imported by the Rifleman, a very well selected collection of overtures, arranged by some of the leading masters, for a small band, as well as several new and much admired glees, chorusses, &c. We have felt it due to Mr. Deane to say thus much; and have every reliance, that the Concert which is said to be already in preparation for the first week in January, will present substantial assurance of the estimation, in which, as a caterer for public amusement, he is universal regarded.
"The Concert", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (23 November 1832), 3
On Monday evening last, the Public were entertained at the Court House, with a Melange of Vocal and Instrumental Music, combined with a Theatrical exhibition of Mr. RAY's "At Home" -: the Vocal Performance by Mrs. DAVIS and Mr. RAY, &c. The instrumental by our young musical prodigy, Miss DEANE, Messrs. RUSSELL, MARSHALL, DEANE, &c. Having no regular reporter present, we are indebted to a friend for our account of this festival, which, although not quite so well attended as some others has been, surpassed in the interest and pleasure it afforded. Mrs. Davis was in excellent voice, and astonished those who had never before listened to her powers and brilliancies of tone. Mr. Ray was no less successful in delighting the audience, par-[3]-ticularly in the song of the "Spider and Fly," which he gave with considerable comic effect; both were highly applauded and encored! Of the instrumental part of the entertainment, we are empowered to speak in terms of equal praise. No one who listened to the extraordinary juvenile performance of Miss Deane, had they not also seen her, could have given credit to such execution in so very young a person. Mr. RUSSELL's violin drew forth long continued applauses, and Mr. Marshall's flute was what it always has been, balmy music to the ear. The glee was in keeping with the rest of the entertainment; and as for the Band of the 63d Regiment, the only complaint was, that they were too much confined, both as to space of room and limit of tunes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Ray = stage alias of Joseph Simmons (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: Deane's newly acquired "collection of overtures" was perhaps the 7 volume partbook set, A collection of overtures arranged as quintetts (7 parts for flauto, violino primo, violino secondo, viola primo, viola secondo, violoncello, and basso); the contents were: Three quintets (Beethoven); Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven); Sestette (Boccherini); Three quintets (Krommer); Overture, La chasse (Mehul); Two quintets (Onslow); Overture (Romberg); Symphony (Romberg); 2 symphonies (B. Romberg); Overture (Rossini); Overtures to Der Freischutz, Preciosa, and Euryanthe (Weber); see: Catalogue of the Library of the Sacred Harmonic Society (London: For the society, 1872), 176 (no. 1559) (DIGITISED)
21 January 1833, Davis's and Deane's Christmas concert
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (18 January 1833), 3
and the Public of Hobart town and its Vicinity, that they will give their Christmas concert of Vocal and Instrumental Mussic, in the
Court House, on Monday next, Jan. 21, 1833.
Overture - "Der Freischutz" - Weber.
Song - "Sing on sweet Bird," (flute obligato) Mrs. Davis - Hodson.
Solo - Violin - "Isle of Beauty" (with variations) Mr. Deane - Hayley.
Glee - "The Gipsies" - Bishop.
Duett - Two Violins, Mr. and Mas[ter] Deane - Pleyel.
Duett - "The Echo," - Braham.
Solo - Piano Forte - "National recollections of England; in which are introduced, 'God save King William', 'Britons! strike Home,'
'Poor Jack,' 'What should sailors do on Shore,' 'Hearts of Oak,' 'Halilujah Chorus,'" Miss Deane - Moscheles.
Song - "Our King is a true British Sailor,' Mrs. Davis - S. May.
Glee - "The Market Chorus," - Auber.
Overture - "Masaniello," - Auber.
Song - "Una Voce poco fa," Mrs. Davis - Rossini.
Quintetto - Haydn.
Glee - "On, on to the Chase," - Savage.
Solo - "The Rose will cease to blow" - Guylott.
Solo - Flute - Nicholson.
Song - "Savourneen Delish," (the celebrated Irish Air, Mrs. Davis) as arranged by - Hodson.
Finale - Rule Britannia.
Doors to open at half past Seven, and the Concert to begin at a quarter-past eight o'clock.
N.B. Tickets, 7s. each; (ditto, for Children, 5s.) to be had at Mr. Wood's, Stationer, Liverpool street;
of Mr. Deane, at his Circulating Library and Music Shop, Elizabeth street; and of Mrs. Davis,
at her residence, Liverpool street. Hobart town, Jan. 15, 1833.
[News], Colonial Times (22 January 1833), 2
The Concert announced for last evening by Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis, was not so well attended as we could have wished, but the performance generally was much applauded, and may be considered as reflecting great credit upon all parties connected with its management. Mrs. Davis sang with her usual sweetness and effect, two or three songs, and Mr. Deane acquitted himself also admirably in a solo upon the violin, as well as in a Duett with one of his sons. Upon the whole, the Concert may be said to have gone off well.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (25 January 1833), 6
The lovers of music had a great treat, on Monday evening last, at the Court House, upon the occasion of the Concert, given by Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis. It is unnecessary to speak very particularly of the performance, for the public are already so well acquainted with the peculiar merits of each individual, that took the leading vocal and instrumental parts, that when we say, we never remember to have heard either of them to greater advantage, all that we wish to convey, will be at once understood. Nevertheless, we cannot forbear ourselves the gratification of bearing testimony to the very excellent manner in which Mrs. Davis acquitted herself in all her Songs, but more especially in "Una Voce poco fa," and also, to Mr. Deane's Solo upon the violin. His performance completely reconciled the audience to any fancied loss, they might have sustained from the very ill-judged, extraordinary secession, of Mr. Russell from our Concerts. This young gentleman will be taught by one or two similar exhibitions on the part of Mr. Deane, to form a more just estimate of his own pretensions, than he seems at present to possess. Mr. Marshall played the flute with his usual sweetness and effect, and was deservedly applauded. The whole Concert indeed, went off extremely well.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (1 March 1833), 4
We are happy to find that the attractive powers of Mr. Deane's exhibition of Pictures seems rather to increase than otherwise. The room is generally well attended throughout the day, and in the evening the inducement to visitors is greatly increased by some of the excellent music, for which Mr. Deans's interesting family is so distinguished. Mr. Marshall also frequently accompanies on the flute. Mr. Russell, we are sorry to learn, seriously comtem- [7] -plates giving up the violin, otherwise we understand, he also would occasionally join. He will undoubtedly be a very great loss, but less felt than he would have been had he not for some time past, made himself so scarce. Next to not possessing a thing, is the scarcely knowing that such a thing exists.
[News], The Hobart Town Chronicle (5 March 1833), 2
A fire broke out in Mr. J. P. Deane's extensive premises in Elizabeth street on Sunday. It was discovered between 1 and 2 o'clock in the forenoon, and was occasioned by the igniting of a chimney that was choked with soot. Fortunately it was extinguished before its ravages had extended to any great length, except burning a large hole in the roof. Colonel Logan with his usual promptness on all such occasions, had a detachment of the military from the barracks on the spot.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (8 March 1833), 6
There was an alarm of fire on Sunday last at Mr. Deane's Library, Elizabeth-street, and for a while, serious apprehensions were entertained as to the whole of the valuable stock of books, musical instruments, and pictures, amounting in the whole we understand, to very near £5000. Fortunately, however, the flames were subdued without any serious injury having been committed. Prompt and effectual assistance was rendered by Colonel Logan and the troops in garrison, as well as by Mr. Deane's numerous friends and neighbours.
We have been requested by Mr. Deane to say, that his exhibition of pictures will not be open after this week; but an entire new collection is in preparation to succeed those that will be thus removed.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (24 May 1833), 6
Mr. Deane's Soirees continues to be extremely well attended; and our readers will perceive by an advertisement elsewhere inserted, that the evenings upon which his Rooms are opened, are now changed to Mondays and Thursdays, instead of, as heretofore, Tuesdays and Fridays. We repel to say, that several persons were disappointed of their anticipated entertainment last night, by reason of Mr. Deane's eldest son having been seriously injured by gunpowder, and, in consequence of which, there was not the usual music. On Monday, however, it is intended that the entertainment shall be resumed.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (24 May 1833), 1
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (14 June 1833), 5
We are much pleaded with Mr. Deane's Soirees, which, we are happy to find, are well and most respectably attended. We would impress upon the notice of our readers the favor many of them would confer, by volunteering a song. On Monday evening a gentleman very good naturedly treated the company with "The Soldier's Tear," which he sang with great taste and feeling, eliciting loud applause; Mr. Bock, too, our talented artist, is very assiduous in this respect, and takes a part in a glee with good effect. His comic song of "Molly Brown" is a great favorite. Mr. Marshall's flute playing is excellent; and Mr. Deane's fiddle "discourses most excellent music." His little boy's performance on the violoncello is really surprising, considering the little fellow's age, and the magnitude of the instrument.
[News], Colonial Times (2 July 1833), 2
We have every good feeling towards Mr. Deane and his soirees; but success must not make his performers careless. Last night, the young lady, whom he has engaged as a vocalist, sang nearly every song, as if she had been in a doze. "I'd be a Butterfly," was but indifferently sung, but she appeared to more advantage in the "Chough and Crow," which was given with great spirit and feeling. We observed with regret that a party of vociferous young gentlemen, had planted themselves in the rear of the room, either for the purpose of annoying or flattering the female vocalist alluded to. We know not what their object was towards her; but we beg leave to inform them, that their boisterous loquacity was anything but agreeable to the majority of the audience.
[Notice], The Hobart Town Courier (5 July 1833), 2
Mr. John Phillip Deane having duly executed bonds of qualification, has been licensed as an Auctioneer and Vendue Master for the County of Buckinghamshire, for the year 1833.
29 July 1833, Deane's and Davis's fourth concert
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (26 July 1833), 3
WILL take place on Monday evening next, July the 29th, at the Court House, Hobart town.
Part First.
Overture, "Tancredi," - Rossini.
Glee, "Chorus of Huntsmen in Der Frieschutz," [Der Freischütz] - Weber.
Cavatina, "Una Voce poco fa," Mrs. Davis - Rossini.
Solo - piano forte, "Fall of Paris, with variations," - Miss Deane - Moschelles.
Song, "He was famed fof deeds of arms," Mr. Fulham - D. Corri.
Solo, - Violin, in which will be introduced some of the peculiarities of that celebrated performer Paganini - Mr. Peck - C. De Beriot.
Duett "My pretty page," - Mrs. Henson and Master Deane - R. H. Bishop [H. R. Bishop]
Song, "Alice Gray," - Miss Barron, a pupil of Mrs. Davis's, only 10 years of age - Hodson.
Glee, "Hark! Apollo strikes the Lyre," - H. R. Bishop.
Part Second.
Overture, "La Villanella Rapita" - Mozart.
Song, "No joy without my Love," - Mrs. Davis - T. Cooke.
Solo, flute - C. Nicholson.
Song, "Auld Robin Gray," - Mrs. Henson - A. R. O. Smith.
Concerto, clarionet, orchestra accompaniement, Mr. Reichenberg - Bochsa.
Song, "Death of Nelson," - An Amateur - Braham.
Sone, "Waters of Elle," - Miss Barron - arranged by T. T. Magrath.
Song, "Dashing White Serjeant," - Mrs. Davis - H. R. Bishop.
Finale, verse and chorus, "God save the King," arranged by Stevenson.
Leader, Mr. Russell; Violin Obligato, Mr. Peck; Conductor, Mr. J. P. Deane.
Tickets 5s. each, to be had of Mr. J. P. Deane, Elizabeth street, and of Mrs. Davis and Mr.
Wood, Liverpool street. The doors to be opened at half past 7 o'clock - the performance to commence
at a quarter past 8 o'clock.
[News], Colonial Times (30 July 1833), 2-3
The Fourth Concert of Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis, took place yesterday evening, and never in the Court House of Hobart Town has there been witnessed either such a numerous assemblage, or a more respectable audience. Judging from a cursory glance, we should imagine there must have been present, some three hundred and fifty persons: in fact, the room was as full as it could hold, and even then, a number of persons were obliged to remain in the Counsels' room. Many were so desirous of securing good places, that the room was half filled by the time named for the opening of the doors. Never was there in Hobart Town such a show of beauty; indeed, we were completely astonished at seeing so very many charming faces - and the dress of the ladies too, was of a style very far superior to what might have been expected in a Colony of only some five and twenty years standing. The time elapsing previously to the commencement of entertainments in all places of public amusement, is generally very tedious; at the theatres, the wit of "the gods," passing rough jokes, is amusing, and will sometimes entertain the whole house till the curtain rises. Some few of our would-be leaders of the ton - the Botany Bay fashionables, were however determined that the public, yesterday evening, should not be at a loss for amusement, and so most kindly entertained (we might rather say disgusted) the greater portion of the company, by their indecorous and rude behaviour - these gentry, perhaps, thought themselves highly tonish, and had they been in the one shilling gallery, at "old Drury," might have appeared so, although, at the same time, we must admit that "the gods" of the two shilling gallery would most unquestionably have turned them out.
The audience became impatient before the time announced for the commencement of the Concert, and the room being quite filled, it was thought advisable to begin, and Rossini's Overture to "Tancredi" was given in a style which would not have disgraced the Philharmonic. The band of the 63d regiment, in addition to the very numerous corps of professionals and amateurs, did ample justice to the piece, and had we fallen asleep, and been awoke suddenly during its performance, our first impression would have been, that we were either in a theatre or a concert-room at home. The whole of the instrumental music performed, was highly creditable, but the first overture was certainly the best.
The next piece, the "Huntsmen's Chorus in Der Freischutz," has become perfectly stale. It is too much of toujours perdrix, and we were convinced the auditors, one and all, have heard it over and over again in Hobart Town, not taking into consideration the having heard it "ground" upon every instrument elsewhere. Mrs. Davis's song, "Una voce poco fà," was all very well, but the song is difficult, and Mrs. Davis sang it just as if she were practising a lesson. There was no energy - a mamby pamby affair - although all the notes were in proper tune, and the music sung correctly. Miss Deane's "Piano-forte Solo," was exceedingly well played. The piece was difficult, and Miss Deane evinced a masterly show of fingering, as well as rapid execution; but, if we mistake not, we have heard Moschelles perform the same piece some half dozen times, when he has filled up the parts, and really astounded us. The audience was disappointed that Mr. Fulham did not appear. Every body was enquiring after Mr. Fulham - who and what was he? so that when Mr. Deane stepped forward and said, that Mr. Fulham was indisposed, it put us in mind of the old story, so often told, of Mrs. Dickon's coach breaking down. Mrs. Davis kindly volunteered to sing Mr. Fulham's song, "He was famed for deeds of arms," and we think it was her best performance.
The next piece was, "Solo, Violin," - Mr. Peck. Now we have to offer a few remarks respecting this performance. The bills stated, that "the peculiarities of that celebrated performer, Paganini, would be introduced" in this piece; but the piece not allowing such eccentricities to be introduced, many ill-natured surmises had gone forth that nothing of the kind would be attempted. This came to the ears of that gentleman, when he determined to shew that as far as he was concerned, he was resolved to seek and merit public approbation. "Beriot's Solo" was gone through, and then Mr. Peck stepped forward and performed: (as we supposed, for we never heard Paganini) one of the celebrated pieces of that eighth wonder of the world. In the "Solo," Mr. Peck shewed himself a complete master of his instrument. There were "passages" which he performed neatly, and with ease, which no man in the Colony could attempt - and we most particularly admired his [3] "bowing". He received the merited applause - but when he commenced his imitation of Paganini, the whole audience was in motion - admiration filled every breast, and he was scarcely permitted to continue his performance - he was most deservedly encored. To describe the style would be impossible. There was one imitation that was extremely drole, and the audience were in considerable danger of laughing themselves into fits, so immoderately did they demonstrate their satisfaction. Taking Mr. Peck as a violin performer only, we unhesitatingly say, he is by far the best in the Colony. There are several pieces Mr. Russell would perform better than Mr. Peck - but again the latter would play with ease many which Mr. Russell would not attempt.
The Duett "My Pretty Page," Mrs. Henson and Master Deane, was very fairly sung - we have heard it much better performed by the same singers, at Mr. Deane's private concerts - but the audience were satisfied - it was encored, and certainly the repetition was an improvement - perhaps this may be owing to a little want of confidence on the part of Mrs. Henson. That lady's voice is certainly very sweet, it is not powerful, neither is there the least energy in her singing; this is, however, a failing which two or three public appearances will entirely dissipate. There is no trifling contrast between the manner of appearance of the two ladies, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Henson; the first has all the little stage tricks, of such advantage to a public singer - nay, she has too much so; whereas Mrs. Henson, were she to copy a little from that lady, she would wonderfully improve, when presenting herself before an audience.
The next piece was the old ballad, "Alice Grey" - sung by Miss Barron, a very interesting little girl, with a very pretty little voice - and, considering her age only ten years, (as the bill states) she sung the song, we believe, very prettily we say we believe, for the young lady's voice was scarcely heard by above one half the audience. She was, of course, encored - not we suppose because there was any thing prodigiously fine or musical in her singing, but because she was a pretty little infant, appearing before the public in order to do her best to give satisfaction. In the course of time, Miss Barron will no doubt become a good singer:- she has, apparently, all the requisites for a first-rate performer - nor, is a pretty face one of the least of these desirables. As to the propriety of allowing a young child to sing two songs in one evening, it is quite another affair, when adult musicians were not attainable in the Colony, it was all very well to bring forward children to supply the necessary force and interest of musical exhibitions - but when we have such a host of real good musicians, it is a pity to thrust upon the public, children, for the purpose of taking a share in the musical performance. Children should never be brought forward, unless they have some very extraordinary talent. Last evening, the auditors assembled to hear the music, and not for the purpose of being obliged to countenance the wonderful singing of a child. If children must become musicians, and must perform before the public, why not have an infantine concert, where children shall alone perform - and to which concert every child in the town would be sent to witness the performance.
The second part commenced with Mozart's Overture, "La Villanella Rapita;" and next followed, "No Joys without my Love," sung by Mrs. Davis. It was well sung, but did not seem to please very much. The flute Solo was excellent, and gave very general satisfaction. "Auld Robin Gray," by Mrs. Henson, was much applauded; but the singer, as we have before remarked, wants confidence. Mr. Reichenberg's "clarionet concerto," with orchestra accompaniments, was really a treat. The "Death of Nelson," by an amateur (Mr. Penphrase), was excellent, and would have been encored (to the great satisfaction of ninety-nine out of a hundred who were present), but some few dissatisfied spirits must need commence hissing, and then a regular Tom and Jerry squabble took place - a regular shilling gallery affair. Mr. Penphrase came forward, but finding the company not likely to be of accord, he withdrew. Miss Barron's "Waters of Ella," could have been dispensed with; besides the song was too difficult for a child, and once or twice she lost herself in the cadences. She was, of course, encored. The "Dashing white Serjeant," Mrs. Davis sings remarkably well, and she was in good voice for that song. The entertainment finished with " God save the King". The whole Concert went off remarkably well, and the audience seemed more than usually satisfied. We understand the fifth Concert will soon be announced.
"To the Editor", Colonial Times (6 August 1833), 3
Sir.- In your report of the Concert, inserted in your last number, there are some remarks, very much uncalled for, respecting Miss Barron's singing. It is very evident the writer of that learned critique must have been influenced by unfair motives. In thus attempting to nip the bud of expectation, ere it scarcely became visible, your reporter on the occasion, perhaps, may have considered there were too many children for an assemblage of grown up persons -but if such was his opinion, why did he not express himself in such a manner that his observations might do good, and not hurt the feelings both of Mrs. Davis and her interesting and charming pupil, Miss Barron. That Mrs. Davis is the most splendid songstress ever heard in this hemisphere, there cannot be a question; and I maintain, that had that lady preferred an engagement in London to emigrating among such dissatisfied people as newspaper reporters and newspaper writers, she would, to a certainty, have totally eclipsed all the leading stars of the Mother Country. I am a pretty fair musician, and I heard "Una voce poco fa" sung at the Concert - I have also heard Madam Catalani and Miss Paton perform the same piece, and I maintain that Mrs. Davis's manner of singing and general style, is far preferable to either. Then why the ill-natured observations of your reporter? Fye for shame! Mr. Times - I thought you were strictly impartial - where is now your impartiality? And then, too, the charming little pupil, whom you dare say sung very prettily, but your reporter could not hear her - where was he at the time - perhaps at the Waterloo, for I hear "a gentleman connected with the 'liberal journal'" was afterwards knocked down when in a state of intoxication.* Was this your reporter, Mr. Editor? If so, it explains why he could not hear that delightful little charmer - the lovely little Miss Barron. Having no time to waste on such an illiberal, I am, your's, in haste, F.D.
* We beg leave to assure Mr. F. D. that our reporter was not the gentleman who was thus maltreated.
NOTES: Angelica Catalani (Italian soprano); Mary Ann Paton (British vocalist)
"FROM A CORRESPONDENT", The Austral-Asiatic Review (20 August 1833), 3
There is no country under the Sun, where the people are entirely without a taste for Music; and in proportion as any country rises into a state of civilization, so does the genius of the people increase in Musical talent.
The Concert on Monday the 5th Inst [sic, recte 29 July], for the benefit of J. P. Deane, and Mrs. Davis was commenced with an Overture by Rossini, the parts of which were well filled up, but rather hurriedly performed.
Mrs. Davis attempted to sing Rossini's beautiful "Una Voce." As this lady takes very high grounds as to her vocal talents, she invites criticism upon her performance. We did not see the score from which she sung, but we think that it was the key of B natural. When she stretches her voice, her tones are powerful, but the G sharp is false, and when she falls down to A and B natural, the intonation is flat; the cadenzas likewise want decision of tone. There is so great a sameness in her style, voice, and manner, that we heard one person ask another, if she sung all her songs to one tune.
A Mr. Peck recently arrived from England, performed a Concerto on the Violin, in which he laboured through the double stop; produced a few aerial sounds, (technically called Harmonics,) run over a long range of difficult harpsicord movements with great ease, and introduced the air of "Robin Adair," the sweet tones he drew from the Instrument in the air, appeared to suspend every breath; and the effect of the appogiatura in the second part was delightful. After the Concerto, Mr. Peck performed the air of "My Lodging is on the cold ground," in which he introduced a most extraordinary stoccato [sic] passage running through nearly four octaves, likewise an accompaniement at the same time to the air in what the Italians call pinching tones - this acquirement is from Paganini. In the "Carnival of Venice," he attempted another curiosity in imitation of the human voice; the effect is produced by one finger only. Mr. Peck certainly displayed a great mastery over the technicalities of the Instrument.
A little girl sung the mournful ditty of "Alice Grey," but we do not like to see children brought before the public to perform in any way.
The Flute solo player is an acquisition to the musical world. Mr. Richenberg's abilities are too strongly appreciated to render comment necessary.
Mr. Pendfrist sung the "Death of Nelson." There appeared to be some dissatisfaction arising out of his having been announced as an Amateur, he being one of the "Soiree" performers. It was unfair to resent this upon him.
Mr. Deane will do well to dissolve partnership with Mrs. Davis. If that lady possess the attractions she considers she has, a concert of her own, must prove eminently advantageous. The support Mr. Deane and his very interesting family have obtained from the public has established his claim, and no doubt he would find it much to his advantage to form an union with Mr. Peck.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (violinist); Margaret Barron (vocalist); Mrs. Henson (vocalist); Mr. Fulham (vocalist)
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (9 August 1833), 7
Mr. Deane's Soiree was extremely well attended last evening, and the music was excellent. Rossini's Overture to "Il Barbiere di Seviglia" was performed with great spirit and correctness; and we hope, in the next Concert at the Court House, we shall be again treated with this charming composition. Mrs. Henson improves, as she gains confidence; and Mr. Penphrase exhibited himself to good effect, as a comic singer. We had no glees last night, and we were very sorry for it, for we consider this species of composition so truly English, that we would, above others, have it diligently cultivated. We are pleased to find Mr. Deane's exertions so completely crowned with success, which he certainly in every respect merits.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (16 August 1833), 6
Last evening, at Mr. Deane's Soiree, Mrs. Henson, sang for the third time, we believe, in this Colony, a very charming song, entitled "The Sea." The words are, if we recollect, by Barry Cornwall, and the music by the Chevalier Neucomm, a gentleman who has distinguished himself in England, as a very talented Composer. Mr. Henson sang very well; she improves weekly, and, by gaining confidence, she will gain improvement. A very beautiful flute duett, by Messrs. Marshall and Hulks, comprising Mozart's air of "O Dolce Concento" was well performed, and received great applause. Mr. Bock, sang a comic song, from the comedy of John Bull, and altogether, the Soiree was as agreeable as any we have witnessed.
[News], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (27 August 1833), 2
We regret to observe by one of our Contemporaries, that some would-be-all-important busy-body is seeking to sow the seeds of disunion between Mr. DEANE and Mrs. DAVIS. Our corps musique is not yet sufficiently strong to bear up against schismatic competition, and we think that any attempt to disever the interests of Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis, as regards public Concerts, would be injurious to both parties, if it would not materially check the progress of the divine art. We deprecate such LITTLE mindedness; and we hope that the gentleman and lady in question see as we do - an enemy under the garb of friendship.
[News], The Tasmanian (6 September 1833), 6
In the really disinterested notices we have, from time to time, taken of Mr. Deane's Soirees, we are a good deal surprised, that not one of our Contemporaries has joined us, in, what we conceive to be, the well merited praise, which Mr. Deane deserves, for his exertions to establish a most rational recreation. Why this omission has occurred on the part of so large a proportion of the Press of Van Diemen's Land, we do not know; but we are sorry for it. And on this account, we believe that every attempt to afford the public, the means of creditable amusement, is extremely commendable - especially as the "Public" of this Colony is, and we regret, to say so - more given to coarse and physical indulgences, than to those of a more refined character. Knowing this, and our brethren of the Press, must know it also - we repeat our expression of surprise at the unkind apathy, which they have evinced as regards Mr. Deane's Soirees. But the loss is their own. Had they condescended to visit Mr. Deane's room last night, they would - that is, had they any melody in their souls - have been delighted with the performance of some very excellent music - Paer's celebrated Overture to "I Fuorusciti, commenced the performance, and was extremely well played. A fastidious auditor would perhaps, observe, that Mr. Marshall's low notes were rather indistinct, - but, on the whole, this gentleman plays with great taste and feeling. There were several other excellent pieces, and some very sweet airs and songs performed. - "Variations for the Piano-forte, on Rossini's Cavatina Aurora che Sorgerai," was played by Miss DEANE, with great taste and spirit.
[News], Colonial Times (10 September 1833), 4
Mr. J. P. Deane, having determined in his great desire of affording innocent recreation to the inhabitants of this Town, by getting up delightful Concerts, and having fixed his "Soirees" for the evening - we understand that Mrs. Davis, that second Catalani, intends for the future to entertain her company, by holding her "Soirees" in the morning, in order that their interests may harmonize. Mrs. Davis, comes from a part of the world, called Sligo.
[News], Colonial Times (24 September 1833), 3
We are requested to intimate to the public, that Mr. Deane's soirées will, for the present, be discontinued. The last of these entertainments which was held yesterday, was most numerously attended; but owing to certain liberties being taken by a small portion of the audience, the musical performance went off with less brilliancy than usual. We are also requested to add that Messrs. Arnold, Spooner, and Arrowsmith will confer a favor on the audience, as well as to the proprietor, by not again visiting the rooms, when the soirées will again commence, which is expected to be in about a month or rather better.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (27 September 1833), 6
"To the Editor of . . .", The Tasmanian (27 September 1833), 5
[News], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (8 October 1833), 3
"THE CONCERT", The Austral-Asiatic Review (5 November 1833), 3
Mr. Peck's Concert took place as advertised on Wednesday evening. We apprehend, however, that Mr. Deane's inauspicious partnership with Mrs. Davis having been dissolved, a new and infinitely more congenial alliance has been formed with Mr. Peck, and if so from the appearance of Wednesday it gives promise of the most perfect success. The Court Room was so crowded that to use the hacknied term, there was not even standing room. The performances were extremely well selected, and in every instance admirably performed.
The great lion of the evening was Mr. Peck, of course, and well indeed did he justify the highest anticipations which have been formed of him. We have no hesitation in saying, that he is incomporably the best English performer on the violin we ever heard out of London. A Gentleman, (Mr. Adam Smith,) who from Mr. Peck's arrival has made every possible exertion to serve him, was kind enough to appear publicly on this occasion as an "Amateur" performer. It is well known what the term generally means. Mr. Romeo Coates was the very beau ideal of Amateurism. Not so, however Mr. Peck's friend, who not only performed the little which he attempted well and correctly, but shewed that he did so, merely to carry Mr. Peck, (who with Messrs. Deane and Russell accompanied him,) into the middle of a beautiful "Harmonic" (as is the phrase) and there to leave him, and delightfully did Mr. Peck continue the strain, and warmly was he deservedly applauded by the whole audience. A Mrs. Taylor, (announced as the daughter of the late Mr. Hill, well remembered, as well as the lady who was apprehend to have been Mrs. Taylor's mother, by all old play goers) made her debut before a Tasmanian audience. She has a strong and powerful voice, sings in tune when she does not dwell too long upon a note, and her little cadences are pleasing, if she falls not into the fault of two frequent an introduction of them. She is a fine woman with a very pleasing countenance, and we have no doubt she will become a favourite, being a considerable acquisition to the musical strength of the Colony. Mrs. Henson sings correctly and un-artificially; she has a clear mellow voice, and manages it cleverly, so as never to attempt beyond her powers.
The instrumental performers are all well known. Mr. Reichenberg performed some beautiful variations of his own composing, on the Clarionet, with his well known taste and accuracy. His musical ability is so well known and established, that it is unnecessary to say more.
And now we have to perform the most pleasing part of this notice - reference to that delightful little artiste Miss Deane, who has been rendered by her father's ability as a master, and her own talent and industry, as accomplished a performer as if often met with. The brilliance of her execution of the very difficult melange Sonata, by Herz, drew forth the must rapturous applause. This young lady - her two very clever little brothers, and their father, form themselves a very superior Orchestra. Upon the whole the entertainment of Wednesday was by much the best ever given here.
We understand it is the intention of Messrs. Deane and Peck to have twelve monthly Subscription Concerts, at Three Guineas; and to continue the public entertainments upon the plan of Wednesday, every alternate week, at three shillings. Mr. Deane's new and splendid "Music Hall," will accommodate with convenience 400 persons; and as these Concerts are the only public amusements which the people of this Colony possess, we have no doubt they will receive that support to which they have such strong claim.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adam Smith (violinist); Maria Taylor (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 November 1833), 1
MR. J. P. DEANE begs to inform the Public, that the Soirees will continue upon every Wednesday Evening,
until further notice. Admittance 1s. Music to commence at 8 o'clock.
Nov. 19. 1833.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (29 November 1833), 6
A real good Concert, will take place at the Court-house, on Monday next, at the usual hour. It is Mrs. Taylor's benefit, and from the selection promises to afford a high treat to the musical gentry. A vast number of tickets are already disposed of, and early application at Mr. J. P. Deane's, is necessary, in order to secure places.
We understand that Mr. Adam Smith, the much admired violin player, has intimated to Mr. J. P. Deane, that he will on the approaching Soiree, on Wednesday next, perform the first part of a most difficult and splendid duet by Viotti. Mr. J. P. Deane will, on the occasion, play second fiddle, and the parts will be well maintained by the orchestra.
30 November 1833, St. Andrew's day
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (6 December 1833), 3
The festival of St. Andrew was celebrated on Saturday at the Commercial Tavern, by about 100 gentlemen . . . The room was brilliantly lighted, a large chandelier with eight argand branches being suspended from the centre - the band of the 63rd. struck up appropriate tunes at every toast and a trio Mr. Deane, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Bock sung some of the most favourite glees.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (6 December 1833), 5
Mr. J. P. Deane's Soirees are remarkably well attended. Mrs. Taylor, as might be expected, attracts full rooms. Her performance, as well as that of Mrs. Henderson's [Henson], on Wednesday night last, was a real treat. Mrs. Taylor, for the present, will continue to sing at these delightful entertainments.
[News], The Tasmanian (13 December 1833), 8
Mr. Deane's Soiree on Wednesday last was most fashionably attended by upwards of one hundred persons. The music was excellent.
[News], Colonial Times (17 December 1833), 2-3
In addition to the usual vocal perfor- [3] -mers at St. David's Church, during Divine Service on Sunday last, we were happy to observe Mrs. Taylor. That lady at the request of Mr. J. P. Deane, has most kindly consented to assist the vocal choir, whenever it may be in her power to attend. It would give us extreme pleasure to hear of an Oratorio, being in contemplation - an Evening Oratorio is of all other musical festivals the most pleasing, and we doubt not, would be well patronized; besides the profession, several amateurs would assist on such an occasion, although they might refuse to sing before the public, in a Concert-room.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (27 December 1833), 6
The Theatre has for the last week, so engrossed the attention of the public, that scarcely anything is spoken of but the astonishing progress of the performances, and a universal desire on the part of the public to support them. A public subscription theatre is spoken of by many - and it is said, that our enterprising Colonist, Captain Briggs, has some serious thought of erecting a splendid edifice on his valuable property, next to the Guardhouse.
It is, however, but justice to Mr. J. P. Deane to remind the public, that his splendid new room will very shortly be ready for their reception, and that it is considered to be sufficiently large for the population of the town: it is said it will hold between four and five hundred persons as a theatre. Mr. J. P. Deane spares no expense to meet the views of the public, and we conceive it is but right that he should in return receive the support he so deservedly merits.
[News], Colonial Times (31 December 1833), 3
We beg leave to remind our readers, that Mr. Deane's Soiree takes place as usual, to-morrow night. Mrs. Taylor will sing four favorite songs.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (7 January 1834), 5
Mr. J. P. Deane's soiree continue to be well supported. The rooms last soiree were well attended, and the music well performed, Mrs. Taylor gave two or three songs in excellent style, more particularly the "Dashing White Serjeant," which was deservedly encored. We believe Mrs. Henson's absence from the two last soiree's has arisen from ill health - we hear, however, she will assist to-morrow evening.
"THE THEATRE", The Tasmanian (10 January 1834), 6-7
We understand the Theatre is about to be removed to the large and commodious premises in Argyle-street, now called "The Theatre Royal, Argyle Rooms." We have seen a plan of the arrangements, and they certainly do Mr. Deane infinite credit. There are boxes, pit, and gallery, and the accommodations are equal to 500 persons, arranged in the English manner; without which, it is needless to say, that so long as the present usages of society exist, to say nothing of the difference of pecuniary means, no Theatre can maintain itself. It is believed that so soon as the New Theatre is in full ope- [7] -ration, so that there can be accommodation afforded appropriate to his high station, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor will honor the Theatre with his presence, "By Command," as is the usual expression. At Sydney, the enterprising Manager, Mr. Levey, (owing to the English arrangement of his Theatre, such as will be constructed at the Theatre Royal here), was enabled to receive Governor Bourke, and his Suite, with considerable magnificence. We have no doubt Mr. Cameron will do his utmost to shew the high sense he will entertain of the value of such a visit.
"THE THEATRE", The Tasmanian (17 January 1834), 8
. . . Mr. Archer produced a very handsome plan of a Theatre, the cost of which would not exceed £2,000, but it would take at least a year to complete; and as it is highly necessary that more commodious premises should be obtained for a new house, Mr. Deane's new Theatre in Argyle-street, and Messrs. Jackson and Addison's large building in Liverpool-street, were both spoken of, to one of which it seems settled that the Theatre will be forthwith removed, when, no doubt, all existing differences will disappear.
"The New Theatre", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (21 January 1834), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, theatrical manager)
"MR. DEANE'S SOIREES", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (14 January 1834), 2
These entertainments are daily growing more and more in favor. Mr. Deane has added a French Horn, and some other instruments to his Band, which makes the music far more effective. We should, however, recommend pieces less difficult, as they do not fatigue the performers, and are more pleasing to a general audience.
[News], Colonial Times (14 January 1834), 4-5
A highly respectable and numerous meeting of gentlemen took place yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of considering the best method of creating a Theatre, and establishing theatrical amusements. Before the meeting took place, upwards of fifteen hundred pounds had been subscribed for the purpose. Several resolutions were brought forward and carried, nearly the whole of which were totally irrelevant to the real business of [5] the day - to use a homely phrase, the meeting began to count the chickens before they were hatched, and began to propose regulations by which the profits of the embryo Theatre were to be divided . . .
. . . Before, however, we close these observations, we might ask, what is the reason a Theatre is required? we believe it is owing to the many objections against the present performers continuing where they now are, but why then not recommend Mr. Cameron to suit himself elsewhere with a building more adapted. A room of magnitude sufficient to hold upwards of 500 persons, besides a large and convenient stage, has been built for Mr. J. P. Deane, and why not remove the Theatre to this capacious place, it would be a much wiser plan to try for six or eight months what support a Theatre would have if built, and not take advantage of the theatrical fever which now so generally prevails; but wait, we say patiently awhile, and when the fever has abated, let us see who are the men of the people who will come forward and lay down their fifty or hundred pounds for the erection of a Theatre, over which they have no controul, and from which they may perhaps obtain 5 per cent, if they are lucky.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (17 January 1834), 3
On Sunday morning the congregation of St. David's Church was partially disturbed by a false alarm of fire. Mr. Deane's cook it appeared who was dressing his master's dinner, while he was performing in church, had unwittingly set fire to the soot which had collected in the chimney, and alarmed at the noise ran with all the speed in his power to communicate the belief to Mr. Deane that the house was on fire. Accompanied by his immediate assistance, he ran with all haste to the scene, closely followed by a large detachment of the 21st, whom Colonel Leahy kindly dispatched from the church, in order to subdue the flames. On their arrival however, the soot was burned out, and no further cause of alarm appearing they returned to church.
"ALARM OF FIRE", The Tasmanian (17 January 1834), 8
On Sunday, during Divine Service, Mr. Bedford being in the midst of the Litany, some person came to the gallery, and stated that Mr. Deane's house was on fire. Mr. Deane (by whom and his family the organ and psalm service are so admirably performed), of course withdrew for a moment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Bedford (clergyman)
[News], Trumpeter General (17 January 1834), 3
We were much gratified to perceive on Wednesday week, that Mr. Deane's Musical entertainment was fully attended - there must have been upwards of one hundred persons present, we observed with pleasure, that the greater proportion were ladies of the highest respectability.
The music was of a character which would do credit any where; - Mr. Deane, led in his usual spirited style, and Mr. Peck played the tenor in a delightful manner. Miss Deane's performance upon the piano-forte quite surprised us, the sonata was however a little too long. We have heard the celebrated Miss Yaniewitze [Yaniewicz], when a child of Miss Deane's age, and if memory does not fail us, they play much in the same style, particularly in the rapid and Staccata passages where Miss Y. used to shine in the brilliancy, lightness of fingering and intonation. A little more practice will make this young lady bebecome a first rate performer.
We were very sorry to learn, Mrs. Henson was so ill as to be unable to attend, which we believe was the cause of the favourite glees and duetta's being omitted.
Mrs. Taylor sung, "Love was but a little Boy," in a most enchanting manner, and was deservedly encored amidst great applause; -- Mrs. Taylor should be careful in attempting the bravura -- few can attain it even to be tolerable. Mrs. Billington in her best days stood unrivalled in her obligate violino principale, and Catalani was magnificent in her intonations and wonderful power of flexibility, a gift only to one in millions. We heard Mrs. Billington in 1813 attempt the accompaniment to Haydn's grand overture, and the distress of the audience was as great as the performers, who gasped for breath nearly to suffocation; Mrs. Taylor has a little of this this when beyond her powers; but a fine voice, and unrivalled here in those simple little airs where the modulation can be easily controlled, and breath commanded without distressing effort.
We hope so rational an amusement will meet with the support of the public and cordially wish Mr. Deane every success his exertions merit.
The new rooms we hear are to be shortly opened.
NOTES: The author of this review was perhaps the Trumpeter's editor-proprietor, John Charles Stracey (d. 1871); Elizabeth Billington (English soprano); Felicia Yaniewicz (English pianist), eldest daughter of Felix Yaniewicz
27 January 1834, Deane and Russell's juvenile fete
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (24 January 1834), 3
MESSRS. Russell and Deane, beg to announce that the juvenile fete will be given at the Court House, on Monday evening next,
the 27th of Jan., when a concert of vocal and instrumental music will take place.
PART 1st,
Overture, Caliph of Bagdad, - Boildeu
Song, Mrs. Taylor, Sale of Loves - Stevenson
Song, Typpety witchet, in character by Mr. Taylor - Grimaldi
Solo, Piano forte, Miss Dean, Piu Mesta, with variations - Herz
Song, Mrs. Henson, Love called on me one morning
Trio, Great A little a - Dr. Arnold
Song, Mrs. Taylor, Oh they march through the town - A. Lee.
Finale, Dill, Dill, Dill - Dr. Arnold.
PART 2nd.
Overture, Semiramede - Rossini
Duet, Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Deane, When a little farm we keep
Song, Mrs.Henson, Coming through the rye
Trio, instrumental, Miss Deane, Messrs. Deane and Russell
Song, Mrs. Taylor, Oh 'tis a joyous day.
Trio, Giant and two children - Dr. Arnold
Solo, Flute - Nicholson
Song, Mrs. Taylor, Strike for Tyrol and liberty - Rosini
Finale, Chorus.
Doors to be opened at half past 6 o'clock, performance to commence at quarter past 7.
Tickets 5s, not transferable - Under 12 years of age 3s., to be had of Mr. J. P. Deane, and of Mr. Wood.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (31 January 1834), 3
Messrs. Russel and Deane's juvenile fete at the Court House on Monday was received with the most immoderate shouts of applause by the holyday young folks. The giant scene especially delighted them, and the performers were compelled by vociferous encores to repeat it. A real clown and pantaloon came upon the stage, and after going through the customary exploits and mishaps, some children with a large Christmas pie are introduced, but just as they are about to partake of it, the crust is broken, & while the orchestra plays the roast beef of old England, a great cat jumps out, while the growling of a tremendous giant is heard at a distance, to interrupt them. He comes on and after frightening their wits away, the whole join in chorus of Fi, fa, fum.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (31 January 1834), 2
Ackerman's Forget Me Not, &c.
MR. J. P. DEANE respectfully announces to his Friends and the Public generally,
that he has just received from Ackerman's, the "Forget Me Not," for 1834, and the Juvenile ditto,
and a great variety of other useful and interesting works.
N.B. - Piano fortes tuned, and music neatly copied.
NOTE: Forget me not; a Christmas, New Year's and birthday present (London: Ackermann and Co., [1834]) (DIGITISED)
6, 10, 13, and 14 February 1834, juvenile entertainments, soirees
[Advertisement], Trumpeter General (4 February 1834), 3
IN consequence of the short notice given for the Juvenile Fete, several families were disappointed. Messrs. Deane and Russell therefore beg to announce, that the "Pantomine Scene," with "Giant Grumbo's Trio," (as performed at the Court-House), will be repeated on Thursday evening next, at Mr. Deane's Rooms, with a variety of vocal and instrumental music. Admittance 2s. each, under 12 years of age, 1s. To commence at 1/4 before 8 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (11 February 1834), 1
[News], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (11 February 1834), 2
Mr. Deane's New Rooms were last night gratuitously thrown open, merely to see how they answered for singing and music. Mr. Peck played his celebrated "peculiarities" with great effect; and Mrs. Taylor sung "Kate Kearney" with her usual sweetness and expression. There were upwards of 300 persons present; and the room will contain at least six hundred. The house was lighted with a most splendid chandelier of eight Argand burners, which cost upwards of fifty guineas.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (14 February 1834), 3
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (11 February 1834), 6
. . . We are glad to hear that Mr. Cameron has closed with Mr. Deane and that the Theatre is to be moved with as little delay as possible. There are many drawbacks attendant upon a play-house at a tavern, as Mr. Cameron has no doubt fully discovered.
"MR. DEANE's ROOMS", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (18 February 1834), 3
On Friday evening, 430 persons were in these rooms, which, when the fittings up are complete, will be really elegant. The music was better than usual, especially Weber's "Overture to Preciosa." Mrs. MACKAY sang the Swiss Toy Girl, but we think not so well as Mrs. CAMERON - it was certainly a great deal too slow. Mrs. TAYLOR and Mrs. HENSON sang, we will not add well, as the public opinion of these ladies is already formed in their favour. The finale of Giant Grumbo, and Co. caused roars of laughter, from those who understood it; but it was above our comprehension. Upon the whole, there was a good two shillings worth for persons of all tastes - from the devotee of good music, to the child of six years old - from the man of refined taste, to those who "like something funny."
"ARGYLE ROOMS", Trumpeter General (18 February 1834), 3
On Friday evening, Mr. Deane's splendid new Concert Room in Argyle-street was opened to the public with the Soirees, and an additional entertainment called "Giant Grumbo's Trio." This magnificent building shortly after the opening of the doors, was crowded to excess; and there were throngs of persons outside attracted by the brilliant appearance of the rooms when lighted up. On entering the coup d'oeil was very imposing, reminding us of the celebrated rooms of the same name in Regent-street, London, which were burnt down two or three years ago, though now rebuilt on a grander scale. Hanging from centre of the sealing is an elegant chandelier of eight argand burners, which is said to have cost more than fifty guineas. The performers were elevated on a temporary stage, we understand Mr. Cameron is about to have the room fitted up as a Theatre, having made an arrangement with Mr. Deane for holding the theatrical exhibitions in this place. The Concert commenced with the overture of Tancredi. Mrs. Taylor sung the "Swiss Boy, and "Come where aspens quiver," very prettily and with Mr. Taylor gave the comic duet of "Polly Hopkins" in good style. Mrs. Henson sang "Away to the mountain's brow" and "the deep, deep sea," much to our liking. The "Pantomime Scene" in which Messrs. Taylor and Lewis performed, drew forth shouts of laughter, and the numerous young folks present were in high glee. In the course of the evening, several popular pieces were performed by the whole of the Orchestra, as well as "God save the King," given very effectively. At the conclusion of the entertainment, the applause was general and long continued, by an audience of nearly six hundred persons.
"THE ARGYLE THEATRE", Trumpeter General (25 February 1834), 2
Mr. Deane has commenced operations at his New Theatre, in Argyle street. It was opened last week with a Concert, and part of two acts of a Pantomime, and was so crowded on both occasions that its solidity underwent a tolerably good ordeal . . . It is a noble room of accurate dimensions, admirably calculated for theatrical performances, as it admits of abundant stage room, and a division of the audience part, so as to obtain that desirable object in all theatres, the convenient accommodation of all classes of the community. Mr. Deane has a grand Oratorio in preparation. We have seen the programme, and nothing can be better selected. He has made arrangements for the performance of one of Handel's grand Chorusses, by the engagement of a more numerous orchestra, then was ever yet heard in this island. It will consist of upwards of thirty performers of the various sorts. We apprehend Mr. Deane will on this occasion, as in England, raise the price of tickets to half-a-guinea, the invariable charge of the Hanover Square and all other similar Concerts. No doubt, there will not be one to be sold, even at that price, long before the evening of performance.
ASSOCIATIONS: France Mackay (vocalist, actor); Cordelia Cameron (vocalist, actor); John Taylor (clown, comedian, dancer); Henry Lewis (dancing master)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (4 March 1834), 3
Soiree. ON Thursday Evening next, Mr. J. P. Deane will commence his weekly entertainments of Musical Performances. The Soirees will, in future, be held every Thursday, and will commence at 8 o'clock. Admittance, 1s. each. March 4, 1834.
15 March 1834, oratorio
"THE ORATORIO", The Tasmanian (14 March 1834), 7
To-morrow, Mr. Deane's noble New Concert Room will be open, with one of the most interesting entertainments of modern times - a performance of Sacred Music by the most eminent composers. Mr. Deane having determined that this entertainment shall be upon the most extensive scale the musical resources of the Colony will permit, has spared no expense, either in the arrangement of his Saloon, or in the engagement of performers. Indeed to such a liberal extent has he gone in these respects, that when the leader's bow gives the usual orchestra "preparation," one hundred pounds will have been expended. The whole musical strength of the Colony is engaged upon this occasion. Mrs. Inkersole, (late Miss Daniels) a lady of first rate musical ability - Mrs. Davis, who is decidedly an accomplished musician, are at the head of the vocalists. We must not omit Mrs. Henson, of whom we venture to say that her performance of Handel's beautiful piece, "He was despised" being peculiarly calculated for her style of singing, will be eminently successful. The instrumental performers are the whole which Mr. Deane could obtain. Messieurs Peck, Reichenberg, Russell, and Marshall are well known and admired that it is sufficient to name them. We had apprehended that considerable difficulty would have been experienced by Mr. Deane, in obtaining a sufficient vocal strength for the grand chorusses which form the chief beauty of these entertainments. But we have the authority of Mr. Reichenberg, (perhaps better cannot be) that he has succeeded beyond expectation. There can be no doubt but that the public will be eager to support this deserving artist. His large and interesting family give him strong claims; but when it is known, that he receives no salary for his services as organist of St. David's Church, and that the usual annual subscriptions have wholly ceased, we are convinced the public will not fail to render him that support to which he is so fairly entitled.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (14 March 1834), 1
MR. DEANE respectfully informs the inhabitants of. Hobart town and its vicinity,
that a selection of Sacred Music will be performed at the Argyle Rooms,
on Saturday, March 15th 1834.
Principal Performers.
Mrs. Inkersole, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Henson, Mr. Richenberg, Mr. Russell, Mr. Peck, and Mr. McCloud.
assisted (by permission) by the band of his Majesty's 21st Regiment.
Grand Symphony - Mozart.
Anthem - Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Henson and Mr. Marshall - Our Lord is risen from the dead" - Dr. Arnold.
Quartett - Haydn.
Song - Mrs. Inkersole, Lord remember David - Handel.
Solo - Piano Forte, Miss Deane - J. B. Cramer.
Song - Mrs. Henson, He was rejected - Handel.
Recit. Mrs. Davis - And God said let there be light -
Chorus -The Heavens are telling - Haydn.
Military Overture - De Zelmire - Rossini.
Song - Mrs. Davis - Let the bright Seraphim, Trumpet obligato acct. - Handel.
Solo, Violin - Mr. Peck - Mayseder.
Song - Mrs. Inkersole, Lord to thee each, night and day - Handel.
Solo, flute, - Nicholson.
Anthem - Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Henson - Hear my prayer - Kent.
Chorus -Hallelujah - Handel.
Leader, Mr. Russell- Violin principal, Mr. Peck.
Conductor, Mr. J. P. Deane.
Tickets (not transferable) 7s. each
Children 5s.
To be had at Mr. J. P. Deane's, Circulating library, Argyle street, and at Mr. Wood's, Liverpool street.
Door to be open at 7 o'clock, the performance will commence at 8 o'clock.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (18 March 1834), 5
The Oratorio on Saturday last was most numerously and respectably attended, and as we anticipated, a greater treat of the kind was never afforded in Van Diemen's Land. The room was well adapted for the purpose, and the raised stage gave the whole a London appearance. We were happy to observe His Excellency was present, and under his immediate patronage a second oratorio would be equally as well supported. The evening's entertainment commenced with Mozart's grand symphony, which was correctly and remarkably well performed. The succeeding anthem was not well selected, and although correctly sung, did not seem to please the auditory. Mrs. Inkersole's "Lord remember David," was pleasing and excellent. This was this lady's first appearance before a Van Diemen's Land public; and as we pretend to be judges, we may be believed when we say, that a more perfect female singer there is not in the Colony. She accompanied herself on the piano forte with remarkable good taste. We like to be candid, and we cannot therefore allow Mrs. Inkersole to pass us without one observation, which may not please her, and that is, that she is made a deal too much off. Miss Deane's solo on the piano forte was given in her usual brilliant manner; really the more we hear this juvenile performer, the more we are astonished at the brilliancy of her style and the correctness of her time. Mrs. Henson's "He was despised" was just suited for her voice. There is a melancholy sweetness about her singing which beautifully corresponds with the plaintiff music of the song. The chorus of "The Heavens are telling" was remarkably well performed, and deservedly applauded. Mrs. Davis's best performance was "Let the bright Seraphim," and the trumpet obligato by Mr. Long, was correctly and tastefully performed. Mr. Peck's violin concerto, and Mr. Marshall's flute solo, gave great satisfaction. The former was encored. Mrs. Inkersole's second song, "Lord to thee each night and day," was even more excellently sung than was her first piece. Kent's anthem of "Hear my prayer," is a difficult performance for ladies, and so it proved on Saturday - it was pretty correctly sung, and nothing more. The finale was excellent. The celebrated chorus, "Hallelujah," was thoroughly well supported. On the whole we say, never did a musical performance in Van Diemen's Land go off better.
"THE ORATORIO", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (18 March 1834), 3
Mr. DEANE's very splendid new Room was opened on Saturday evening last, with an Oratorio - the first of the kind yet performed in Van Diemen's Land. The arrangements and fitting-up the room were elegant and appropriate, and reflected great credit upon the enterprising proprietor. The room was brilliantly lit up; and the three stages, for the convenience of the Leader, Conductor, and the Vocal and Instrumental Performers judiciously erected. The Band of the 21st Fusileers was very effective. Soon after 8 o'clock, His Excellency Lieutenant Governor ARTHUR, family, and suite, entered the room, accompanied by Captain WILSON, of the 63d Regiment, and Lieutenant EMAN, and were received by the whole Choir with the sublime Anthem of "God save the King." Mozart's Grand Symphony was a perfect master-piece of good music. The Anthem, by Mrs. DAVIS, Mrs. HENSON, and Mr. MARSHALL, was really beautiful - the several merits of these respectable Vocalists are too well known to need comment. It being the first public appearance of Mrs. lNKERSOLE (late Miss DANIELS), a partial, but natural degree of timidity was observed; but she acquitted herself highly to our satisfaction; and the beauty and clearness of her tones, and the correct knowledge of music stamps her decidedly the first female singer in the Colony, and who will assuredly and deservedly become a very great favorite with the Public. Miss DEANE's "Solo" on the Piano-forte was her happiest effort. She evinces each night we hear her some fresh perfection. In short, the whole of the Performance reflects the highest credit upon all connected with it; and we may deem ourselves most fortunate in having such rational, and really beautiful specimen of talent and ability, to while away the dull uniformity of a Van Diemen's Land every-day scene, and we are assured that a repetition of the Oratorio in the Passion week will amply reimburse Mr. Deane for his exertions.
"THE ORATORIO", The Tasmanian (21 March 1834), 6-7
Saturday last was a new AEra in Van Diemen's Land. The performances at Mr. Dean's splendid Concert Room - the room itself - the company assembled, and the whole together, mark the Colony with a stamp of advance in civilization, which nothing but the successful barbarizing of the "worse than death man," can retard. We are wholly unable to do justice by description, to the delightful entertainment, which afforded all present so much gratification. It will be sufficient to state that upwards of three hundred persons, as many ladies as gentlemen, all handsomely, many elegantly habited, had assembled some time before the hour fixed for the commencement of the performance. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Miss Arthur, some of the younger branches of his family, accompanied by the Chief Justice and Mrs. Pedder, and attended by his, arrived soon after 8 o'clock. Mrs. Arthur's interesting situation, prevented her having the pleasure of being present. Having stated thus much, it is quite unnecessary to add that the whole of those holding public office, known here, "par excellence," as the Haut Ton, attended of course. All the respectable inhabitants, who were not prevented by particular circumstances, were present. It would be invidious to mention names. The noble Saloon was completely filled, but not inconveniently so, as Mr. Deane adhered strictly to his announced notice, that when tickets were issued for a prescribed number, being all which could be conveniently accommodated, no more would be issued. Thus it was, that when the performance commenced, the coup d'oeil was of the most brilliant description. A soft clear light thrown by a magnificent chandelier, while it shewed female beauty to every advantage, yet took off that glare, which too frequently on public occasions oppresses it.
Upon His Excellency's arrival, the company spontaneously rose, and we are convinced that from the general expression towards him which evidently prevailed, that had decorum permitted it [7] he would have been received with cheers. The National Anthem , God save the King, having been performed, while he took his seat, the Oratorio commenced. Here we find ourselves unwillingly compelled to be brief. Did our space permit we should be most desirous, to have a lengthened notice of every passage, but we are unable to spare sufficient room. We can only say, that all exerted themselves to the very utmost, to please, and that, those, exertions were eminently successful. The great star of the evening, was Mrs. Inkersole, of whom we may now say, that for the first time, we have a Singer in Van Diemen's Land. She sung twice, each time accompanying herself upon the Piano Forte. And here we take the liberty of offering our opinion of course a very humble one, to Mr. Deane. Mrs. lnkersole prefered a common square instrument, certainly of very soft sweet tone, to his upright cabinet. (Two unisons only we apprehend). We cannot but think, that he mistakes entirely the effect of that instrument. It is quite the thing for quadrille playing, but not as an accompaniment to the voice; its piano is inaudible - its forte, with the front frame removed, is harsh. It does that delightful little artiste, Miss Deane, infinite injustice, by placing her at it. We hope he will excuse us for this remark, which we make, he well knows in our anxiety for his success. Mrs. lnkersole proved herself to be a perfect mistress of the science, and her execution is delightful. She sings with the most perfect ease - in the most accurate tune and time, and with a sweetness and taste indescribable. Her shake is perfect, and upon the true note, not (as is too often the case with those who, attempting what they are unequal to, are very bad) upon the wrong note. We need not say that so accomplished a vocalist was received with appropriate long continued applause. Mrs. Davis evidently laboured under disposition; but her recitative is extremely good, and her bravura powerful. Mrs. Henson is entitled to the highest praise for her strictly correct second, without, in any single instance, failing in accuracy, Mr. Peck is certainly the best violinist in these Colonies. His Concerto was rapturously received, and where it had piano accompaniments, Mr. Deane shewed how perfectly he is master of the instrument. Mr. Peck was most deservedly encored. The accuracy of his stopping in such rapid and extensive changes as he executes, is remarkable, and his whole performance upon that first of instruments, the violin, is delightful. An Oratorio without an organ is difficult to conceive yet Mr. Deane so skilfully arranged the performance of the highly accomplished band of the 21st regiment, under their scientific leader, Mr. McLeod, that the chorusses were strikingly effective. How Mr. Deane contrived to assemble so well combined a body of singers, we cannot understand. This is a mere outline of the performance. It was certainly the best in every possible consideration, which has ever been produced here. We congratulate Mr. Deane heartily upon his perfect success, and we consider him entitled to the warmest support of the Colony - if only for producing so noble an entertainment.
"TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Hobart Town Courier (28 March 1834), 4
ASSOCIATIONS: Hannah Inkersole (vocalist); Angus McLeod, master of the Band of the 21st Regiment; Mr. Long (trumpet player)
[2 advertisements], The Hobart Town Courier (28 March 1834), 1
ARGYLE ROOMS. MESSRS. RUSSELL & DEANE beg to inform their juvenile friends and the public generally, that on Easter Monday next, will be given, a selection of vocal and instrumental music, to conclude with the laughable entertainment, called "Hop O' my Thumb," or the "Ogre and Seven League Boots." Performance to commence at 8 o'clock. Admittance to Boxes 2s. Gallery 1s. Boxes can be engaged at the library. March 25, 1834.
ARGYLE ROOMS. MR. DEANE respectfully begs to inform his friends and the public, that he has removed the Circulating Library to the corner of Liverpool and Argyle streets . . .
"MR. DEANE'S THEATRE", The Tasmanian (11 April 1834), 7
Yesterday, Mr. Deane's new stage was completed. It is of ample dimensions, and possesses the trap doors and other requisites for theatrical effect. We understand several of the Sydney performers are to join Mr. Deane's "company" at the close of the present Sydney season, so that the "Argyle Theatre" will open the campaign with strong forces. It is at present crowded every night to overflowing.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (15 April 1834), 6
Mr. Deane's entertainments continue to be most numerously attended. We must leave off terming them soiree's, as they now partake of theatrical representations; indeed, one or two pieces now rehearsing, it is said, will outvie anything of the kind ever produced in this Colony. The cheap rate at which these amusements are offered the public, are certain to ensure full houses. Two shillings is a mere trifle, in comparison to the musical treat and entertainment; and the gallery price of one shilling is low in extreme. We should-recommend Mr. Deane to erect a gallery, as there is not nearly room enough for the usual visitors in that part of the house. Last evening the house was so crowded, that at eight o'clock it was found necessary to shut the doors, and some hundreds of persons were obliged to return home disappointed - ourselves among the number.
"MR. DEANE'S THEATRE", The Tasmanian (18 April 1834), 7
This beautiful little Theatre, for such it is in every consideration, is now so crowded with the respectable inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood, that it is impossible to obtain "sitting room" after the commencement of the performance. The attraction is certainly very great, for independent of the best music which the Island can produce, the theatrical entertainments are of that light and amusing description which pleases all. We strongly recommend Mr. Deane to lose no time in giving his audience the true British division, of box, pit, and gallery - at four, three, and two shillings. He would find no diminution of numbers, and every portion of the audience being enabled to arrange appropriately, both as to price and otherwise, the best consequences would be obtained. We shall give a little detail of the next night of performance.
5, 8, 19 May 1834, Theatre Argyle Rooms, The waterman (Dibdin)
"ARGYLE ROOMS", The Tasmanian (2 May 1834), 7
Mr. Deane's entertainments encrease in public estimation. We perceive by the advertisement that the musical farce of The Waterman, will be produced on Monday - no doubt, to a numerous audience.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (6 May 1834), 6
At the Argyle Theatre, last evening, was performed "The Waterman," and the manner in which it was got up, was highly creditable to all parties. Mrs. Mackay made her first debut on this stage, and was cheered on her entrance. She performed her part remarkably well - Mrs. Henson, as Mrs. Bundle, truly astonished. We had no idea she possessed so much theatrical talent, as we witnessed last night. With confidence and practice, Mrs. Henson promises to bean excellent actress. A song by an amateur ought to have been hissed instead of encored - it was low, and vulgar and indecent; Mr. Deane pleads ignorance as to the selection, and we understand, nothing of the kind will be again allowed. In the boxes were a few characters whose proper place would have been in the gallery but as the new gallery will be erected by Thursday next, we shall not say a word about the indiscriminate mixture of all classes in the front seats. The house was crowded to excess, and will no doubt be so on Thursday, when "The Waterman" will be repeated.
MUSIC: The waterman, a comic opera of two acts, as performed with universal applause at the Theatre Royal Haymarket composed by C. Dibdin (London: John Johnston, [1774] (DIGITISED)
12 May 1834, Theatre Argyle Rooms, The purse
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (9 May 1834), 3
Argyle Rooms. MR. DEANE begs to acquaint the Public, that on Monday evening next, the Theatrical Stage will be completed, together with the new Proscenium, Scenery, &c., when will be given a selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music; after which, will be performed for the first time in this Colony, "The Purse" or the "Benevolent Tar." May 9, 1834.
MUSIC: The purse; or, Benevolent tar, a musical entertainment as performed at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, the poetry by J. C. Cross, the music by Wm. Reeve (London: Preston & Son, [1797]) (DIGITISED)
15 May 1834, Theatre, Argyle Rooms, concert, and Love laughs at locksmiths
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (13 May 1834), 1
Theatre, Argyle Rooms.
MR. DEANE begs to announce that a selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music will be given on Thursday Evening next;
after which will be performed the Farce of "Love laughs at Locksmiths."
Captain Beldare - Mr. Mackay
Risk - Mr. Pemphraze
Vigil - Mr. Russell
Totterton - Mr. Townshend
Solomon Lob - By an Amateur
Lydia - Mrs. Mackay.
May 13th, 1834.
ASSOCIATIONS: Angus B. Mackay (actor)
MUSIC: The comic opera of Love laughs at locksmiths, performed at the Theatre Royal Haymarket, with universal applause, composed & selected by Michael Kelly (London: M. Kelly, [1803]) (DIGITISED)
[3 mews items], The Hobart Town Courier (16 May 1834), 3
We announced in our last the marriage of our Colonial Treasurer (Mr. Gregory) with Miss Jean, eldest daughter of the Paymaster of the 21st regt. . . . Before 10 o'clock, a large concourse of people had assembled in St. David's church, occupying the gallery on both sides overlooking the altar. The bride was led into church by the Lieutenant Governor, followed by the bridegroom, her father and 3 brides-maids, her sisters, Mr. Deane, at the moment of their entrance, striking up one of Handel's finest voluntaries. The bride was given away by His Excellency, Mr. Bedford reading the marriage ceremony with his accustomed clearness and distinctness of voice and manner. When the knot was tied the organ again sent forth its notes to play the happy pair out of church . . .
The new scenery which has been for some time in preparation for Mr. Deane's theatre at the Argyle rooms, was completed on Monday, when the performance opened to an audience of no less than 370 persons, the orchestra and the whole of the dramatic corps singing "God Save the King." The fittings up of this splendid room, so well adapted for musical performances, have cost Mr. Deane, we learn, upwards of 300l.
The earl of Wilton plays the organ in Prestwich parish church. We hope his Lordship is better paid than Mr. J. P Deane who performs the same duty in St. David's church, in Hobart town, especially, if like the latter, he teaches the charity children to sing into the bargain. When a lord plays upon the organ, however, he is sure not to want a bellows blower, an official which Mr. Deane, not being yet a lord (except of the Argyle-rooms,) may sometimes stand in need of.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (27 May 1834), 5
At the Theatre last evening, a misunderstanding occurred between some of the actors, which had the effect of most suddenly terminating the evening's amusement. The first act of "The Waterman" was scarcely over, when some low fellows in the gallery put the whole house in an uproar by calling upon Mr. Pemphrase for a hornpipe. We never before heard of so unreasonable a demand ever having been made by any audience; and Mr. Deane, after consulting behind the scenes, very properly went on with the musical performance, and the green curtain drew up for the second act - again did the two or three low fellows in the gallery, (whom we have reason to believe went to the Theatre for the express purpose of annoying the Public) recommence their cries for the hornpipe. Mr. Russell then spoke to the audience, and asked what they wished? Most persons cried "to order," when Mr. Mackay, seeing the strange inroad to disorder, by allowing the gods of the gallery, or any half-dozen noisy troublesome fellows, to call for just what kind of performance they pleased, jumped on the stage, and behind the scenes protested against the hornpipe. Mr. Mackay was stage manager, and therefore on him devolved the whole responsibility of the stage management. Mr. Mackay, however, no sooner protested against the horn- pipe, than Mr. Pemphrase felt himself agrieved, and, as Mr. Mackay describes, not only grossly insulted himself, as stage manager, but also grossly insulted Mrs. Mackay. A great uproar was heard behind the scenes, so much so, that the piece could scarcely proceed. After squabbling for sometime, Mrs. Mackay came off the stage, and bonnetted and cloaked, left the room. When she was required to perform her part, there was no Mrs. Mackay, and so Pappa Bundle was obliged to apologize for the non appearance of his daughter, which he did by saying, "Mrs. Mackay having left the Theatre, the piece could not be gone on with." Here was a pretty kettle of fish! A regular row followed - Mr. Mackay was called upon to explain, which he did by stating that his wife and himself had been most grossly insulted; he was there as stage manager, and as such had interfered against any irregular proceedings; and was at his post to do his duty, but that Mr. Pemphrase threatened to kick him off the stage. After hearing Mr. Mackay for a short time, the same noisy fellows to whom we before alluded, tried to cry down Mr. Mackay; but the respectable and thinking part of the community were willing to hear and believe him. Suddenly, however, Mr. Pemphrase popped upon the stage, and then he was hooted with applause by the gallery folks - more particularly so, by the two or three. This appeared just what these fellows wanted. We verily believe they purposely went there to "kick up a row," and with the further intention, too, of causing open war between their friend Pemphrase and Mr. and Mrs. Mackay, "the mighty fine actors." Mr. Pemphrase, on his honour as a gentleman, said something about never having insulted a lady. But Pemphrase had the best of it - he had the gods in his favor. Pemphrase was hooted with applause; and Mackay hooted with hisses. Mr. Mackay took leave of the stage - he could do nothing else. Now for a word or two of our own advice by way of moral. The proprietor of a Theatre, or any public place of amusement, should have a will of his own - and the public ought not to be allowed to interfere with the amusements. What would be thought of a manager of a Theatre in London, who would permit "Pretty Polly Hopkins" to be sung between the fourth and fifth act of Richard the Third? and yet that would not be more outre than would a hornpipe from a waterman, in the little piece of The Waterman. We were half inclined to call upon Mr. Deane for a song, or upon Mr. Russell for a violin solo, in order to shew the absurdity of the public request; but we beg pardon - it was not the public request, it was the request only of two or three low-life fellows, who, by some unaccountable means, found their way into the gallery. Mrs. Mackay did wrong in leaving the Theatre; for however insulted she might have considered herself, still the public, with whom she is most deservedly a great favorite, did far from insult her - the public loudly applauded her. But in extenuation we might urge, perhaps, in her favor, that in the heat of the moment she felt indignant, and was determined not to perform again on those boards with those whom she thought had insulted herself and her husband. We yet hope matters may be reconciled between all parties - the Theatre has afforded much amusement, and everything has hitherto gone off satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Mackay are the principal attraction, and with a little bending on either side, the interests of all may be promoted.
29 May and 7 June 1834, Theatre, Argyle Rooms, The bushrangers (Henry Melville)
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (27 May 1834), 6
On Thursday next, the Colonial melodrama of the "Bushrangers," will be performed at the Argyle Rooms. This is the first attempt at getting up a Colonial piece; and as every person present will be a critic, the author risks not a little. Public opinion, however, as yet, speaks much in its favor. The plot is laid in the interior of the Colony, and during the time the natives were on friendly terms with the settlers. One native chief (Mr. Pemphrase) is introduced, as are also three most notorious bushrangers, who are the veriest ruffians we ever read of. There is plenty of stage effect in the piece.
"THE THEATRE", Trumpeter General (3 June 1834), 3
We attended Mr. Deane's elegant little Theatre on Thursday last, to witness the Colonial piece of the “Bushrangers.†From the misunderstanding which has arisen between Mr. Mackay and Mr. Deane, some of the characters were taken at a short notice by other members of the Company, who exerted themselves to give effect to their different parts. We were pleased with the character of Mr. Norwood, pleased by Mr. Townsend, and only regretted that he was not supported as we could wish . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (6 June 1834), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Melville (playwright)
NOTE: The Bushrangers; or, Norwood Vale (ed. Fotheringham) (PREVIEW)
"'THE THEATRE", Trumpeter General (10 June 1834), 3
On Thursday night we witnessed the performance of a Farce called "The Deaf Lover," at Mr. Deane's New Theatre, We recollect seeing the same piece at Drury-lane Theatre some years ago, under the title of "Deaf as a Post," when the inimitable Liston performed the part of Meadows . . . the piece was received by an indulgent audience with much good humour, and, provided Mr. Deane in place of his vocal and instrumental music (some parts of which by-the bye is getting very stale) favor the public with two Farces instead of one, we have no doubt of his having a successful Winter Season.
12 and 18 June 1834, Theatre, Argyle Rooms
"THE THEATRE", Trumpeter General (17 June 1834), 3
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (17 June 1834), 2
Theatre, Argyle Rooms.
MR. DEANE begs to acquaint the Public, that in future, Entertainments will be given every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
To-morrow Evening will be performed, a "Comic Ballet," in which will be introduced a variety of Dancing, &c.
To conclude with THE PURSE; Or, the Benevolent Tar.
Baron - Mr. Townshend; Theodore - Mr. Mackay; Edmund - Mr. Campbell; Will Steady - Mr. Pemphrase; Sally - Mrs. Mackay; Page - Miss Watson.
Boxes 2s. Gallery 1s. June 17, 1834.
"Hobart Town Police Reports", Colonial Times (1 July 1834), 8
Mr. John Philip Deane, appeared on summons to answer for culpably receiving at his Theatre, Crown prisoners. It appearing that Mr. Deane had made application to the Police for constables, and engaging to allow district constables to enter his Theatre for the future, to ascertain if any prisoners were there, the complaint was dismissed.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (1 July 1834), 6
[2 advertisements], Colonial Times (22 July 1834), 3
Theatre, Argyle Rooms.
TO-MORROW Evening (Wednesday) a Selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music;
after which will be performed, for the fourth time at this Theatre, a Comic Pantomime, called
RED RIDING HOOD; Or The Wizard and Wolf.
Harry Woodbine afterwards Harlequin - Mr. Lewis
Alidor, the Wolf, afterwards Clown - Mr. Pemphrase
Wizard - Mr. Mackay
Afterwards Pantaloon - Mr. Lee
Brimstone - Master Dotman
Saltpetre - Master Deane
Fair Star - Mrs. Mackay
Red Riding Hood, afterwards Columbine - Miss Watson
Butchers, Bakers, Tinkers and Tailors, Nursemaids, Buy-a-broom Girls, &c.,
Characters in the Carnival, By the rest of the Company.
Boxes 2s. Gallery 1s. July 22, 1834.
Theatre, Argyle Rooms Amateur Performance - 2nd Night . . .
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (29 July 1834), 7
ASSOCIATION: John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor)
3 and 20 August 1834, birth and baptism of Alfred Deane
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town ... in the year 1834; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1083016; RGD32/1/2/ no 5346
No. 5346/ [Baptised] 20 August / [Born] 3 August 1834 / [Name] Alfred / [Parents] John Philip and Rosalie / Deane / Hobart Town / Music Master / Wm. Bedford
"MR. DEAN'S THEATRE", Trumpeter General (13 August 1834), 3
[Advertisements], Colonial Times (19 August 1834), 3
. . . Theatre, Argyle Rooms. MR. DEANE begs to acquaint the Public, that, on Saturday Evening next, will be performed, two popular Plays, and a variety of Entertainments, when Miss REMENS and Miss RUDELHOFF (from the Theatres Royal, London), will have the honor of making their first appearance on this Stage . . .
"Deane's Theatre", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (26 August 1834), 2
"THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Tasmanian (29 August 1834), 7-8
We congratulate the Colony upon the arrival of a very valuable reinforcement to Mr. Deane's Theatrical Company. Two ladies, the Misses Remans and Rudelhoff, from the English Opera House, London, made their first appearance before a Tasmanian audience on Saturday night, and were received by a crowded house with merited marks of the warmest approbation . . . [8] . . . Upon the whole, the performances at the "Theatre Royal" are much better than are found in ordinary provincial theatres in England; and, as Mr. Deane is determined to spare neither pains nor expense to improve it, the public will be furnished with that truly rational amusement, theatrical entertainments, in much greater perfection than could be expected here.
[News], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (2 September 1834), 2
It was currently reported, that Mr. Deane had reserved to himself one night each week, during the Benefits, at the same time that he would avail himself of the services of the Misses Remans and Rudelhoff, exclusively to himself. Mr. Deane has expressed his intention not to interfere with the Benefits, as regards his appropriating a night in the week to himself; he, however, will not allow the Misses Remans and Rudelhoff to perform during the Benefits. The fairness of this determination is questionable, those young ladies having become the servants of the Public, and a part of the corps dramatique. Mr. Deane certainly has the power to prevent them from performing under his special agreement with them; the policy of his conduct will be for the Public to determine on, and the Public will judge for themselves.
Mrs. Mackay's Benefit, on Saturday night last, went off as well as could be expected . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens (vocalist, actor); Dinah Rudelhoff (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (12 September 1834), 3
MR. J. P. DEANE HAS received per Thomas Laurie an excellent assortment of Flutes and Music, viz.-
Box flutes, with 4 silver keys
Ditto with 6 ditto
Solo flutes, tipped with silver, 8 keys
Heegs', La Mode, and Les Elegances Quadrilles
Griffin's concerto, and a great variety of easy and difficult music
Also, flute solos and duetts
Duetts for the flute and piano forte
Duetts for the violin and piano forte
New songs, duetts, and trios
Rippon's selection of psalm and hymn tunes,
and a variety of Sacred music.
MUSIC: Les elegances quadrilles (Herz); Rippon's selection of psalm and hymn tunes; "Griffin's concerto" = George Eugene Griffin, Concerto, Op. 1
"Theatre", The People's Horn Boy (12 September 1834), 1
"THE THEATRE", Trumpeter General (16 September 1834), 3
"Theatre", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (16 September 1834), 3
. . . The issue is, that Mr. and Mrs. Mackay and Mr. Penphrase have left Mr. Deane, and taken a room at the Calcutta Hotel, where they intend to perform. Mr. Deane is thus left with half a company, composed of all the sticks in the old company, except one or two. Neither house, supposing that Mr. Mackay opens his, can possibly pay the Proprietor and the performers, and either must be a juggle on the Public. The best and most beneficial mode for either, will be for Mr. Deane and his actors to come to an understanding, and let old feuds pass away. The Public will then be pacified and as Mr. Russell is departing for England, there will not be so much fear of an insult being offered by Mr. Deane.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (23 September 1834), 3
Theatre, Argyle Rooms.
W. RUSSELL, begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that his
FAREWELL BENEFIT, previous to leaving this place for England, will take place on Friday next, 26th Sept.,
when will be performed the Opera of the
Rashly - Mr. Hodges
Sir John Contrast - Mr. Russell
Contrast - Mr. Capper
La Nippe - Mr. Campbell
Rental - Mr. Lee
Tremor - An Amateur.
Serjeants, &c. &c. &c.
Annette - Miss Remans
Peggy - Miss Rudelhoff
Sophia - Mrs. Henson
Moll Flagon - An Amateur.
After which Mr. Marshall will play a Solo on the Flute.
And, by particular desire, Miss Remans will sing the "Dashing white Serjeant," and "Soldier tired of Wars Alarms."
To conclude with the Farce of
Wilton - Mr. Hodges
Frisk - Mr. Campbell
Dick - Mr. Lee
Paddock - Mr. Capper
Ned - An Amateur
Props - Mr. Shribbs
Hodge - Mr. Henson
Dame Paddock - Mrs. Henson
Harriet - Miss Rudelhoff
Janet - Miss Watson.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Leffler.
Tickets (positively not transferable) 5s. each; to be had only of Mr. Deane or Mr. Russell -
which regulation will be strictly adhered to.
Doors to be opened at 7 o'clock; performance to commence at half-past 7 precisely.
Sept 23, 1834.
Theatre, Argyle Rooms.
ON Thursday, 25th September, 1834, will be produced (for the first time,)
the romantic Melo-drama, of
Bampfylde Moore Carew; Or, the Gypsey of the Glen,
With new Scenery, Dresses and Decorations.
After which, the Musical Farce of
The Turnpike Gate.
Boxes 3s. Gallery 2s.
Sept. 23, 1834.
MUSIC: The lord of the mannor (Burgoyne)
MUSIC: The turnpike gate (Mazzinghi and Reeve) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Trumpeter General (26 September 1834), 4
New Music, Flutes, &c.-
Mr. J. DEANE, has received per Thomas Laurie, an excellent assortment or Flutes and Music, viz. -
Box flutes, with 4 silver keys
Ditto with 6 ditto
Solo flutes, tipped with silver, 8 keys
Iteegst, La Mode, and Les Elegantes Quadrilles
Griffin's concerto, and a great variety of easy and difficult music
Also, flute solos and duetts
Duetts for the flute and piano forte
Duetts for the violin and piano forte
New songs, duetts, and trios
Rippon's selection of pslam and hymn tunes, and a variety of Sacred Music.
[News], Trumpeter General (3 October 1834), 2
Saturday night, at Mr. Mackey's pic nic Theatre, so we call it, to witness the laughable burletta of Charles the Second, and the farce of the Waterman, for the benefit of Mr. Penphraze, whose great overflow of spirit almost overcome him. Mr. Mackay's industry and exertions at this establishment, though upon a very small scale, display considerable taste and talent in his art, and deserves great praise. We shall not attempt to criticize upon either performers or performances, further than that King Charley was every thing but a monarch; and the candidate singing Lady, no descendant of Catalane. Our old friends Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Henson played for their old friend and were inimitable, and as full of spirit as any two lively beings could be. We shall abstain from any thing further, than observing that each performer did their best, for the benefit of the person most interested. As for Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, they are both young actors, and possessed of sufficient talent to please any audience, and with becoming modesty (but divested of conceit) they will no doubt soon regain the patronage of a liberal public. We hope We shall never again witness from young men of education, such a disgusting outrage upon common decency, as that of smoking segars at a theatre, particularly during the performance, if we did we shall earnestly say "that the want of decency, shews the want of sense."
Mrs. Henson's benefit at Mr. Deane's as well attended on Monday night last, and the performances went off with real eclat, assisted by the two late arrivals at that theatre; "Meet me by moonlight" was sung (and deservedly encored) with great care and precision by Miss Remain, who has a rich and powerful voice. And Miss Redlthoff's Wilhelmenia in the Waterman, was admirably supported. If these ladies continue their present line of conduct as actresses, they will do great credit to themselves, and become a very great acquisition to that theatre, and we hope that now all the theatrical broils are at an end, and that for the credit of Mr. Deane's establishment, as well as the other, that a speedy and friendly coalition will ultimately ensue, which will be as highly gratifying to the public, as it ought to be to themselves.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (7 October 1834), 6
"Raising the Wind," and "The Spoiled Child," were performed last evening at Mr. Deane's Theatre. Not having seen either of these performances before, our Reporter could not tell whether they were tragedies, comedies, or farces - they were exquisitely ill performed, so much so that he could not form an opinion.
"THEATRES", Trumpeter General (10 October 1834), 3
"THEATRE", Trumpeter General (17 October 1834), 3
"THEATRE", Trumpeter General (24 October 1834), 2
"THEATRICALS", Trumpeter General (31 October 1834), 2
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (4 November 1834), 3
Theatre, Argyle Rooms,
On Closing the first season of this Theatre the Proprietor begs leave to return his sincere and heartfelt thanks for the patronage he has received;
and, as during the recess, (which will be as short as circumstances will permit) he will be constantly occupied in the preparation of various Novelties,
in a style, every day more fitting the approbation of a generous public, he confidently trusts,
that his second season will be honored with the support of all the admirers of the true English Drama.
Nov. 4, 1834.
10 November 1834, last night of the season, Theatre, Argyle Rooms
[Advertisement], The People's Horn Boy (8 November 1834), 1
THEATRE, ARGYLE ROOMS. THE LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON. ON Monday evening, Nov. 10, will be performed, for the benefit of Mr. Capper, The Inchcape Bell. After which the following songs. "Heaving the Lead" (in character) by Mr. Williams; "The Banners of Blue," (first time) by Mrs. Clarke; "Let the toast be dear women," by Miss Rudelhoff, her Farewell Song; Song by Mrs. Henson; "The maid of fifteen," by Mr. Williams. The whole to conclude with the laughable farce of the "MASTER'S RIVAL," or a Day at Boulogne . . .
[News], The Independent (15 November 1834), 2
Mr. Cameron has concluded an arrangement with Mr. Deane, of Hobart Town, for renting the Argyle Rooms, until the new Theatre is finished. The Company proceed to Hobart Town immediately after the Launceston Races.
20 December 1834, opening of Cameron's season, Theatre, Argyle Rooms
[Advertisement], Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (19 December 1834), 3
. . . Leader of the Orchestra, MR. DEANE. Director of the Music, MR. REICHENBURGH . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Tasmanian (2 January 1835), 7
We announced in a recent number that Mr. Cameron had taken Mr. Deane's Theatre. The best company the Colony could produce have been engaged at very liberal salaries, and every exertion has been made to place the Colonial Theatre on that respectable footing which should call for concomitant public support, which we regret to add that hitherto it has not received . . .
"NOVELTY", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (14 January 1835), 2
We were much admired at the Theatre on Monday evening, by witnessing a little boy, apparently not more than two or three years of age, perched up in the orchestre with a fiddle! silent of course - but really the little fellows action was such as to warrant the expectation, that with proper tuition, he may one day become a colonial Pagannini. He is we believe a child of Mr. Deanes whose whole family is surprisingly gifted with musical talents.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Muzio Deane
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 May 1835), 3
To the Public.
MR. J. P. DEANE will feel particularly obliged to any person who may have
in their possession a copy of "DER FREICHUTZ," if they would favor him with the loan of it for a few days.
May 19, 1835.
18 April 1835, Samson Cameron and Deane, oratorio, Theatre, Argyle Rooms, Hobart Town
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (17 April 1835), 3
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (9 June 1835), 8
The performance of Der Freischutz, the other evening, for Mr. Deane's benefit, gave great satisfaction - the auditory appeared quite delighted with the music, and the incantation scene caused thunders of applause. We believe the opera will be repeated in a short time.
"THEATRE", Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (22 May 1835), 2
We understand that Mr. Deane is about opening the Theatre at the close of the present season, with a company on his own responsibility; and that Messrs. Fenton, Spencer, and Lee, and Mrs. Clarke are already engaged. Those with a few others and proper management will be able to afford the Town, during the winter recess, tolerable rational amusement. We hope Mr. Deane will commence on a proper and respectable footing, which no doubt, will ensure him encouragement from a liberal public. He is an old Colonist, and has a large family, and encouragement is a duty we owe to each other in this our adopted land. We hope he will be liberal to his performers as far as his means will afford. If he is careful and attentive to his business he will be able to afford the public amusement at a moderate expense.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fenton (actor); Albert Spencer (actor); Anne Remens Clarke (actor, vocalist)
5 June 1835, Deane's benefit (in Cameron's season), Der Freischütz (Weber), Theatre, Argyle Rooms, Hobart Town
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (5 June 1835), 1
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (9 June 1835), 8
The performance of Der Freischutz, the other evening, for Mr. Deane's benefit, gave great satisfaction - the auditory appeared quite delighted with the music, and the incantation scene caused thunders of applause. We believe the opera will be repeated in a short time.
[News], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (19 June 1835), 3
The Theatre has been open during the last fortnight for the benefit of the Performers, and a considerable variety presented to the Public. The opera of Der frechutz [sic], for Mr. Deane's benefit, was got up in good style, allowing for the disadvantages the actors have to combat, and the smallness of the stage for such exhibitions. Mrs. Clarke, as Agnes, astonished by the correctness of her recitative, and was justly applauded in the long and arduous scene when awaiting the arrival of her lover. Jacobs' Casper was excellent; and Peck, from his thorough knowledge of music, supported the' difficult character of Rhodolph with great effect. Peck's voice is weak, and some beautiful passages were lost to those in the back part of the house. Wednesday last was for the benefit of Shribbs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Shribbs (actor, scenic artist)
8 July 1835, opening of Deane's season, Theatre, Argyle Rooms, Hobart Town, Rosina (Shield) (also performed on 31 July)
"THEATRE", Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (3 July 1835), 2
We understand that Mr. Deane's season at the Argyle Rooms opens on Wednesday next, and from the strength of the company engaged, and the season being propitious, we have no doubt Mr. Deane's expectations of a profitable season will be realized. It is the intention of the proprietor to keep the Theatre as select as possible, so that the respectable inhabitants may enjoy with their wives and families a rational evening's amusement. The prices also will be reduced, which, considering the pressure of the times, is of no inconsiderable importance, and if Mr. Deane can complete his arrangements, it is his intention to have three prices as in England, carefully excluding all but the respectable inhabitants from the dress circle. The Theatre will open, we believe, with the "Point of Honor," and the favorite opera of "Rosina."
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (31 July 1835), 3
14 July 1835, Deane and John Charles Stracey execute trust deed
[2 advertisements], The Hobart Town Courier (21 August 1835), 3
NOTICE. JOHN PHILIP DEANE having on the 14th inst. executed a trust deed of his whole estate in favour of John Charles Stracey, for behoof of all his creditors who shall accede thereto within one calendar month. The said trustee hereby intimates, that the trust deed lies for signature at the office of G. B. Hesse, Solicitor, certifying that a dividend will be paid to those only who will sign the said trust deed within the period prescribed. Aug. 20.
NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to Mr. J. P. Deane, by acceptances, promissory notes, book debts, subscriptions, or otherwise, are requested to pay the same to John Charles Stracey, the Trustee, with the least possible delay, to prevent legal measures being resorted to. Aug. 20.
[Advertisement], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (21 August 1835), 8
Universal Collections. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 1st, 2d, 3d, and following days of September . . . [as below]
12 August 1835, No song, no supper (Storace) and The festival of Apollo, Theatre, Argyle Rooms
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 August 1835), 3
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (28 August 1835), 3
For the Benefit of the Family of Mr. J. P. Deane.
THE public are respectfully informed that a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the Argyle Rooms,
on Friday Aug. 28, previous to Mrs. Chester's departure from the colony, per Medway, to Sydney,
who has, with the rest of the profession, offered her services gratuitously for the benefit of the family of Mr. Deane.
Tickets to be had of Mrs. Deane, at the Argyle Rooms, 5s. each, not transferable.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist)
2 and 3 September 1835, and days after, sale by auction of Deane's stock-in-trade
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (1 September 1835), 2
Universal Collection. On Wednesday and Thursday, the 2nd, 3rd, and following days of September, commencing at 11 o'clock precisely MACDOUGALL & STRACEY Will Sell by Auction at their Mart, ALL The Stock in Trade, Musical Instruments Household Furniture, Theatrical Wardrobe and Paraphernalia, of J. P. Deane. The property belonging to this Estate, is of a description which encompasses every article found in all sales daily advertised, in addition to which is a collection which it is impossible to be described or comprehended in an advertisement. In the Library list are many thousand volumes on varied subjects. The Music containing many reams, may be seen; the Sacred, the Ancient, and Modern melodious [melodies] are pieces without end. The Schoolbooks are innumerable. The Account books are of the best description, as well as the Stationary. To do justice to such a stock in an advertisement, would require, at least, three newspapers equal to the old "London Times" - let it therefore suffice to say, that every article human ingenuity has invented for instruction and amusement, will be found in the sale of this property - Catalogues of which will shortly be published. Mode of payment-approved bills from purchasers of £25 and upwards at three months - purchases under the above, Cash. N. B.- No lots will be delivered during the Sale.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Campbell Macdougall (or his father)
"Benevolence!!", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch, and Agricultural and Commercial . . . (25 September 1835), 3
It is a long time since any man could be found in the Colony bold enough to deny that the measures of Colonel Arthur's Administration were rapidly hastening the Colony to ruin . . . We would now ask the eulogists of His Excellency to reconcile the following act with humanity or benevolence of disposition: -
All our Colonial readers know Mr. John Philip Deane, and that he has been for many years Organist of St. David's Church; and most of them know the extraordinary musical talents of his daughter, whose musical performances are allowed to be superior to those of her father. Mr. Deane, like many other victims of Colonel Arthur's prosperity, having failed in business, all his property having been sold for the benefit of his creditors, some of whom, no doubt, moved by ultra religious feelings, with a view to mortify his body for the good of his soul, and lest he should attempt to earn any thing for the support of his numerous family, or to satisfy any portion of his creditors, wisely and mercifully locked him up in prison. Observe reader, Mr. Deane has a family of seven children, and has given up all his property for the benefit of his creditors, including also a valuable piano, the property of his talented daughter, which was bought with the proceeds of concerts given for her benefit. Now comes the benevolence of Colonel Arthur. The salary of the Organist, £50 a-year, was a considerable object for the infant family of Mr. Deane, and Mr. Bedford had kindly consented to allow Miss Deane to perform on the organ during her father's confinement - her abilities, as we before stated, being acknowledged to be superior to those of her father. But His Excellency Colonel George Arthur - the humane - the benevolent Christian philanthropist, could not permit such a dreadful act of immorality as to allow a girl of fifteen to employ her talents in accompanying Divine Worship, for the benefit of her infant brothers and sisters. We offer no comment on this; it will speak for itself in the ears of every parent in the Colony; but we call upon the Courier and the Tasmanian, to eulogise the act if they can. Was this in obedience to be orders of some "worse than death" tyrant of a Secretary of State. Will the Tasmanian say that this was done under the influence of Mr. Stephen or Chief Justice Pedder? We long to hear what they can say on this subject.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (6 October 1835), 2
Music. MACDOUGALL & STRACEY, Will Sell by Public Auction, at their Mart, on Tuesday, 13th October, SEVERAL Reams of Music, consisting of songs, duetts, quadrilles. Miscellaneous pieces, ancient and modern, with a collection too general to describe. Also, - Several other articles, belonging to the Estate of Mr. J. P. Deane. TERMS. Cash.
"THE THEATRE", The Tasmanian (9 October 1835), 7
Of all the objectionable means of levying contributions upon the struggling occupants of a new country, none can be more than these commonly called "the Theatrical." We supported Mr. Deane, and we supported Mr. Cameron in their attempts, not but that we were convinced that in both cases the attempts would end as they have done, but, because the former was an industrious and deserving man, with a large and increasing family, and that the other had been forced, almost against his will, into an undertaking for which he was anything but suited, and that Mrs. Cameron had obtained universal good will, both by her public and private demeanour. When the bubble was about to burst, another speculator appeared, a Mrs. Chester, whose pretensions were of so high a cast, that we have been told, she expected ten guineas a night for her performance; and, that finding the people here not sufficiently sensible of her merits, she departed to Sydney, in the expectation of being more appropriately valued. She has been refused an engagement and has dwindled down to the proper standard, as a teacher of music. It is now said, that this lady is to unite with Mrs. Cameron, in another attempt at the original theatre - Mr. Whitaker's, the Freemason's Tavern. If theatricals can succeed at all, the limited scale of that very pretty room, affords the chance of commonly ordinary remuneration. But Mrs. Chester must diminish her "nobles to ninepence."
31 October 1835, Hobart Town, arrival of William Vincent Wallace (en route to Sydney)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (1 December 1835), 3
Notice. PIANO FORTES correctly tuned. Apply to J. P. DEANE. 1, Melville-street, Dec, 1, 1835.
? 2 January 1836, departure on short preliminary visit to Sydney
Departures from Launceston, per Dart, for Sydney, 2 January 1836; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:541862; POL458/1/2 p8
J. P. Deane, esq., Mrs. Deane . . .
"SHIP NEWS", Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register (9 January 1836), 4
. . . LAUNCESTON . . . DEPARTURES . . . On Monday, the brig Dart, Griffin, for Sydney . . . Passengers: Alexander Patterson, Esq., Mrs. Patterson, Miss McLeod; Mr. Deane, Mrs. Deane . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (22 January 1836), 3
In the matter of the Insolvency of John Philip Deane. WHEREAS, the above named John Philip Deane having presented his petition to the Supreme Court, praying for relief pursuant to the Act of Council, entituled, "An Act to provide for the distribution of Insolvent Estates, and for the amendment in other respects of the law of Debtor and Creditor," and the same having come on to be heard before His Honor Mr. Justice Montagu, the said John Philip Deane was declared insolvent, and Mr. John Makepeace, of Hobart town aforesaid, was thereupon appointed the provisional assignee of the estate and effects of the said insolvent. Notice is hereby given, that Thursday the eleventh day of February next, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court-house, Hobart town, is appointed to be the day and place for the meeting of the creditors of the said insolvent, and for otherwise proceeding in the matter of such insolvency. - Dated this 21st day of January 1836. E. M. DYNE, Solicitor to the said Insolvency.
2 February 1836, Rosalie Deane, concert, New Norfolk
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (26 January 1836), 2
Concert. MISS DEANE respectfully begs leave to announce to her Friends and the Inhabitants of New Norfolk and its Vicinity, that, with the assistance of her kind Friends and the Profession, she will, for the support of her Brothers, Sisters, and Family, give a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, At the Court House, New Norfolk, on Tuesday, February 2,1836. Tickets (not transferable) 7s 6d - Children under Twelve years of age 5s; to be had of Mrs. Bridger, New Norfolk; Mrs. Davis, Music Repository, and Mr. Hedger, Hobart Town. The Concert to commence at a quarter past Eight precisely. Jan. 26, 1836.
"NEW NORFOLK CONCERT", Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register (30 January 1836), 4
In consequences of the reverses of fortune, which have befallen that old and indefatigable caterer for public amusement, Mr. J. P. Deane, we have the greatest pleasure in copying from the Trumpeter, an advertisement, announcing that Miss Deane, his highly talented and interesting daughter, will give a concert at New Norfolk, on Tuesday evening next, "for the support of her brothers and sisters;" and sincerely do we trust that the effort will be met by the success which the present circumstances of this deserving family demand. Mr. Deane is an old Colonist; he was the first to establish any rational public entertainments in Hobart Town; he has been most persevering in his exertions to support a large family; but he has been unfortunate. Under these circumstances we hope that Miss Deane's Concert will be well attended by all who can do so.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (9 February 1836), 6
On Tuesday last, Miss Deane had a Benefit Concert at New Norfolk, which was held at the Court House, and was most fashionably and most numerously attended. The Concert gave great satisfaction, and it is anticipated the encouragement given by the district will be the means of procuring half a dozen Subscription Concerts during the autumn . . .
8 March and 5 April 1836, birth and baptism of Henry Deane
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town ... in the year 1836; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1084412; RGD32/1/2/ no 6745
No. 113 / 6745 / [Baptised] 5 April / [Born] 8 March 1836 / [Name] Henry / [Parents] John Philip and Rosalie / Deane / Hobart Town / Teacher of Musick / Wm. Bedford
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (8 March 1836), 2
Books, Book Debts, MR. J. C. STRACEY Will Sell by Auction,
on Wednesday the 16th instant, at 2 o'clock, at his New Mart,
THE Accounts (and books in which they have been kept) belonging to the estate of Mr. John P. Deane,
and as a dividend is to be paid at the same time, the attention of Creditors need not be otherwise invited.
To the public in general, however, it is only just to remark the claims on individuals of every rank are immense,
but they have an opportunity of avoiding exposure by paying their debts prior to the sale.
The purchaser of the above will have every necessary assistance as respects proof, &c.
22 March 1836, Deane's farewell concert
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (15 March 1836), 8
A Grand Concert
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the Argyle Rooms, on
Thursday, the 24th instant, further particulars of which will be given in a future advertisement.
J. P. DEANE has for 13 years past endeavoured to afford amusement to his Friends and the Public in general,
but untoward circumstances will cause him to leave Van Diemen's Land for the Sister Colony, where he anticipates more patronage.
The depressed state of this Settlement, and his large family compel him to seek a livelihood elsewhere,
and it is absolute necessity alone that induces him to leave Hobart Town, where he has so many well wishers and friends.
J. P. Deane, therefore, begs to announce that the Concert will be his last application to the Public for patronage,
and he trusts his "FAREWELL" will be attended by all his former friends,
whose circumstances will allow their expending a trifling sum for a musical entertainment.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (18 March 1836), 3
The Concert will be assisted by Messrs. Russell, Peck, Reichenberg, Leffler,
and the whole of the musical talent in the town, who have kindly offered their assistance on this occasion.
Leader, Mr. Russell; Violin Principal Mr. Peek; Conductor Mr. J. P. Deane.
Tickets 5s. each Children's do. 3s.
To be had of Mrs. Davis, Musical Repository, Elizabeth-street, Mrs. Hedger, Confectioner, Elizabeth-street, and Mr. Peck, 30, Liverpool-street.
"MR. J. P. DEANE", The Tasmanian (18 March 1836), 7
We very much regret to state that Mr. J. P. Deane, whose musical talents and those of his family have so long afforded so much entertainment and instruction to the Colony, is about to seek improvement in his fortune in a richer land. He sees that the luxury bubble is about to burst, and he very wisely withdraws before the explosion. That he has been extremely unfortunate in his theatrical speculation is well known, and in order to obtain some little pecuniary aid, he is to have a concert, at which the whole of the musical power of the Colony will assist, on Tuesday next. It was advertised for Thursday, but the Political Association occupying the Argyle Rooms on that day, he is compelled to have his entertainment on the Tuesday preceding. Mrs. Deane added to her large family an eighth child on Tuesday last; six of these are Tasmanians by birth. We have no doubt that the public will on this occasion afford more than its accustomed liberality.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (25 March 1836), 7
On Tuesday evening Mr. Deane had his "Farewell" Concert at the Argyle Rooms. It was numerously and respectably attended, and together with presents and tickets taken by persons who did not attend, we hope and trust this meritorious musician will have found his entertainment as productive as the pressure of the times will admit. The performances went off with much spirit, and were highly applauded. Miss Deane, whose accomplishments on the Piano Forte have so often gratified her hearers, performed a very difficult sonata with great brilliance, and Master Deane, both in the violincello and in the duett with Mrs. Clarke, "My Pretty Page," was warmly and deservedly encored. We heartily wish Mr. Deane and his interesting large family every success in that great country, where the means are abundantly possessed, of affording encouragement to deserving artists. Here, the great object is to provide food . . .
"GLEANINGS . . . MR. J. P. DEANE", Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register (26 March 1836), 4
As above 25 March; then added at end:
He was induced to give a farewell Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Argyle Rooms, which we are happy to be enabled to stale was well attended. On this occasion the Gentlemen of the musical profession attended gratuitously, and thus with the addition of Mr. Deane's own family, produced a first rate orchestra. Of the performances, those which appear to have given the greatest satisfaction, all being good, were Mr. Peck's Solo on the Violin "Maysedero Groud Rondeau in D. La Pettit Tambour," [sic] which was rapturously encored, and Miss Deane's Concerto, "Rule Brittania with Variations," on the Piano Forte. This young Lady's talents are unquestionably of the first order and will we have no doubt be duly appreciated in the elder Colony. - Ed. Bent's News.
"ERRATUM", Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register (2 April 1836), 4
A very palpable blunder occurred in our last number, in the notice of Mr. Deane's Concert. For "Maysedero Groud Rondeau in D," read " Mayseder's grand Rondeau in A."
[News], The Sydney Monitor (2 April 1836), 2
We perceive by the Hobart Town papers that Mr. Deane, the musical performer, intended to leave Van Diemen's Land for the purpose of settling in this Colony.
Sydney, NSW (17 April 1836 to 18 June 1844)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette (19 April 1836), 2
ARRIVALS. From America via Hobart Town, on Sunday last, having left the latter port the 7th instant, the ship Black Warrior, Captain Nunford, with merchandise. Passengers, Mr. Driver, Mr. J. P. Deane, Mrs. Deane, and family, Rev. Mr. Kenny, and Mr. Spyer.
18 April 1836, Marian Maria Chester's benefit, Theatre Royal, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (18 April 1836), 3
ATTRACTION!! Mrs. Chester's Benefit. THE Public is respectfully informed, that Mr. DEANE and Family having arrived from the Sister Colony, per Black Warrior, last evening, it is with great pleasure Mrs. Chester announces to her friends, that Mr. Deane bus kindly allowed MASTER EDWARD DEANE to sing with Mrs, Chester, in the course of the evening, The Comic Duet of " My pretty Page."
"MATTER FURNSHTD BY OUR Reporters and Correspondents", The Sydney Monitor (20 April 1836), 3
. . . One of Mr. Deane's sons made his debut in this Colony at Mrs. Chester's benefit on Monday evening, when he sang, with Mrs. C., the duet of My Pretty Page. His voice, though weak, is sweet, and making allowance for his appearing before a strange audience, he acquitted himself with credit . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist)
"Domestic and Miscellaneous Intelligence", The Australian (19 April 1836), 3
Mr. Deane and his talented family have arrived from Hobart Town, and will add greatly to the musical profession in Sydney. We understand that it is the intention of Mr. Deane shortly to get up a concert, and has already received the kind offers of many of our celebrated musicians of their assistance. Mr. Deane's kind conduct and liberality to every professional on their arrival at the Derwent, is so proverbial, that we trust one and all of our great musicians will come forward on the occasion, and also all the vocalists of Sydney. Report speaks in the highest terms of the talents of Miss Rosalia Deane as a pianist. - From a Correspondent.
[News], The Sydney Herald (21 April 1836), 2
. . . Mr. D., who has a large family, all of whom are musicians of the first rate according to their ages, intends giving a Concert at the close of the Sydney races, which, from his character and talent, may be expected a treat . . . Mr. Dean intends opening a Music Saloon for the instruction of young ladies and gentlemen, at Terry's Buildings, Pitt-street.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 April 1836), 2
Mr. Dean (recently arrived from Hobart Town) intends holding a Concert at the Royal Hotel on the 3d proximo. Although he and his family are in themselves a host, we are happy to hear that with the feeling of concord usually found to exist amongst the votaries of harmony, all the local and instrumental talent (with one exception) have voluntarily proffered their assistance. However valuable Mr. W. may consider his services - to demand from a brother musician, twenty five guineas for a brief display of his talent upon cat-gut, is, to use the words of a celebrated person, "too bad."
ASSOCIATIONS: "Mr. W." = William Vincent Wallace
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 April 1836), 3
To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette.
SIR, I CONCEIVE I should be wanting in justice to myself, were I to allow the remarks contained in your journal of Tuesday last,
respecting Mr. Deane's Concert, to pass by without notice, not that the unfair allsion made to me, is in itself of any importance,
but I think this a fitting opportunity to explain publicly the light in which I stand to those in this Colony who make music a profession,
and a profit-and to remove, if possible, the impression likely to be left on the public mind, by similar remarks made in this and another paper on a former occasion.
It was stated Sir, I think, in the Gazette, that I acted illiberally in receiving from Mrs. Chester, at the time of her concert £25 for my services, seeing that she profited little or nothing by it. Now whether Mrs. Chester gained or lost, is not my affair. I paid that lady ten guineas a few weeks before, for singing at a concert given by mvself; and of course I exacted the sum for which I had been engaged at the one given by her. The justice of this every one must see, for it would be unreasonable to imagine, that the non success of her concert would rest with me.
As regards Mr. Deane's concert, I know nothing, although it is stated in your paper of Tuesday that I have asked twenty five guineas for my services - this I have not done, nor do I intend to play at it under any circumstances. Indeed it would be absurd in me to mix myself with everything that is got up here and called a concert. Music has been the study of my whole life, and has now become my profession and support, and no one, I think, would be so uncharitable as to desire that I should give the labour of years to assist at that, which from not being duly organised and supported, must inevitably become failure. Some have been so unreasonable as to consider, that because they have rendered some little assistance at my concerts, that I am bound to play for them gratuitously, and these too, with whom music has ever been a profession.
The thing is preposterous. I have had the honor to lead [a] tour of Paganini's concerts in Ireland,
but I was never guilty of so great an act of rudeness at to ask him to play at one for me in return.
I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant,
Bridge Street, Sydney.
April 27, 1836.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 April 1836), 3
Musical Saloon.
MR. AND MISS DEANE, Late of Hobart Town,
HAVE the honor to announce to their Friends and the Public of Sydney,
that they will be happy to receive Pupils for the Instruction of
They propose to teach the Pianoforte, Violin, Violincello, Flute, Singing, and the Theory of Music.
Mr. DEANE begs to observe, that having been a Member of the PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, LONDON,
at which he was a Performer, will be a sufficient recommendation as to his capabilities.
The Terms will be £2 12s. 6d. per Quarter at the Saloon.
Mr. DEANE will attend the house of any Pupil for the Pianoforte or Violin at 5s per Lesson.
It is the intention of Mr. DEANE, for the Instruction of Pupils,
to give Quarterly Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Music, at which the Parents of Pupils
will be respectfully invited to attend.
Pianofortes carefully and correctly tuned at the shortest notice.
5, Terry's Buildings, April 29, 1836.
[News], The Sydney Gazette (3 May 1836), 2
It will be seen by advertisement elsewhere, that Mr. and Miss Deane, from Hobart Town, have opened a Musical Saloon for the instruction of young persons of both sexes, in that pleasing attainment - pleasing though it be but as is too general, in mediocrity. Deane is an industrious man. His daughter has considerable execution on the pianoforte. They deserve a fair share of public patronage.
Mr. and Miss Deane's proposed Concert is postponed, we hear, sine die, in consequence of the sudden indisposition of the latter. Mr. Wallace has it in contemplation, it is said, to give a Concert this month.
"Music", The Australian (3 May 1836), 2
It has been said to be a certain indication of the progress of civilization, and the increase of wealth in a community, when the arts, and sciences flourish: - amongst the foremost of these has been ranked that of music; and if the number of professors in Sydney who gain a livelihood approaching something very like a competency, by the practice of and instruction in music, be any criterion whereby to judge of its progress here, we may safely set New South Wales down as having made such strides towards civilization as may warrant the hope that, one day, and that not very distant, she will be able to hold a distinguished position among the most polished nations of the world. For, in addition to the recent arrivals of Mrs. Chester and Mr. Wallace and family amongst us as instructors in music and singing, we have to draw public attention to the advertisement of Mr. and Miss Deane (from Hobart Town), in another column, announcing their having opened a Music Saloon, where they propose (besides private tuition), giving instruction in the "divine art." Mr. Deane is a member, we understand, of the London Philharmonic Society, and was for many years a teacher of music in the first families in Hobart Town, where he was highly respected. We sincerely wish him and his family success in New South Wales, and have no doubt of his obtaining it.

Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney; drawn and engraved, c.1834, by William Wilson (detail); State Library of New South Wales
18 May 1836, John Philip Deane and family, first Sydney concert, Royal Hotel, George Street
[News], The Sydney Monitor (18 May 1836), 3
Mr. Deane from Hobart Town gives his first Concert at the Royal Hotel, this evening. Miss Deane will perform several solos on the Pianoforte, an instrument on which we understand, she plays brilliantly. Mr. D. has secured the assistance of Mrs. Chester, and Messrs. Sippe, Walton, Cavendish, Stubbs and several amateurs. Major England with his accustomed urbanity has given permission to the band of the 4th Regiment to attend on the occasion.
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (18 May 1836), 1
MR. JOHN PHILLIP DEANE, Member of the Philharmonic Society, and Professor of Music,
BEGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally of Sydney, and its vicinity,
that he will give a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the Royal Hotel,
THIS EVENING, May 18, 1836, on which occasion the following talent will render their valuable assistance:
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Allen, Mr. Stubbs, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Masters John & Edward Deane,
Miss Deane, several Gentlemen Amateurs, Mr. Aldis, and Mrs. Chester.
Overture - Tancredi - Rossini
Glee & Chorus - Bragela, Mrs. Chester, Master Deane, Mr. Aldis, &c - Stevens
Song - If o'er the cruel tyrant love, Mrs. Chester - Dr. Arne
Solo - Pianoforte, Rule Britannia, Miss Deane - Ries
Song - Death of Nelson, Mr. Allen - Bishop [Braham]
Septette - In which will be introduced Haydon's Surprise,
Miss Deane, Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Stubbs, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Deane, Masters J. and E. Deane - Haydon
Duet - As it fell upon a day, Miss Deane and Master E. Deane - Bishop
Glee - The Foresters, Amateurs - Bishop
Overture - La Villanella Rapita - Mozart
Glee - My sweet Dorabella, Mrs. Chester, Mr. Deane, & Amateurs - Mozart
Fantasia - Flute, Mr. Stubbs - Toulou
Song - Mocking bird, Mrs. Chester, (flute obligato) Mr. Stubbs - Bishop
Solo - Pianoforte, Greek March, with variations, Miss Deane - Hertz
Duetto - Dear Maid , Mrs. Chester and Mr. Aldis - Bishop
Solo - Violincello, Air with variations, Master E. Deane - Dusseck
Glee and Chorus - Away, away, the morning freshly breaking, by all the Vocalists - Auber
By the kind permission of Major England, the Band of the 4th or King's Own will attend.
Tickets 5s. each, to be obtained of Mr. Sparks, Royal Hotel; Mr. Chester, 8, King-street;
Mr. Russel, Hatter, George-street; and Mr. Deane, 5, Terry's Buildings, Pitt-street.
* Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
"MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 May 1836), 2
Mr. Dean's concert look place last night, of which we have not room at present to say more, than, that the concert room was well and respectably filled, and the entertainment fully equal to expectation, notwithstanding the absence of the "Australian Paganini."
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (19 May 1836), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert took place last night at the Royal Hotel. There were about four hundred persons present, and at eight o'clock the Concert commenced with the Overture to Tancredi, performed in fine style by Messrs. Deanes, Cavendish, Wilson, Sippe, Stubbs, and the Bass of the excellent Band of the 4th Regiment, under the superintendence of Mr.- - -, who gratuitously exerted himself, as did all the performers for Mr. Deane's benefit. The glee and chorus "Bragela," sung by Mrs. Chester, Master Deane, and Amateurs, was well executed, and elicited deserved applause. Mrs. Chester's "If o'er the cruel tyrant, received great and deserved applause, love " was a beautiful performance, Miss Deane's pianoforte solo "Rule Britania," was an extraordinary performance for so young a lady. Miss Deane is but fourteen years of age, and her execution drew forth tremendous cheers, which continued long after the young lady had left the instrument. Mr. Allen, an amateur, sung the "Death of Nelson;" his voice is musical but weak, and would have sounded much better in some of the simple Scotch Melodies, which would have been graced by his strong Scotch idiom; it was not, however, sufficiently strong to give effect to the song he sang. A Septette performed by Mr. Deane, Miss Deane, Masters I. and E. Deane, Messrs. Cavendish, Stubbs, and Wilson followed, and was a real musical treat, embracing almost the entire talent of Sydney. The duet of "As it fell upon a day," by Miss Deane and Master E. Deane, was pleasingly sung, much applauded and encored; Miss Deane has a sweet voice, but we think it a pity to introduce the young lady until her voice is matured - her execution was good, and Master Deane supported her well. Glee "The Foresters," well sung, closed the first part of the Concert.
The second part commenced by the overture "La Villanetta Rapita" by the full orchestra, which was remarkably well played. "My Sweet Dorabella," a comic glee, by Mr. Deane, Mrs. Chester, and an Amateur, elicited much laughter and applause. Mr. Stubbs's solo on the flute, "Come where the Aspens Quiver," with variations, was a masterly performance, and was most deservedly lauded. Mrs. Chester did ample justice to the " Mocking Bird," and was accompanied by Mr. Stubbs, with much feeling. Miss Deane's pianoforte solo "Greek March," with variations, was an improvement on her former playing. The passages in the variations, which are by Hertz, are the most difficult that can he imagined, and the rapidity of her execution surprised every person present. The duetto " Dear Maid" by Mrs. Chester and an Amateur, pleased by its simplicity. Master E. Deane, ten years of age, executed a solo, "The Ploughboy," with variations, on the violincello, in which he was rapturously applauded between each variation. The instrument was nearly as large as Master Deane, and taking into consideration the smallness of his hand, it was a very praiseworthy performance. The evening's entertainment closed with a chorus from "Massienello," which was very well sung. The proficiency of Mr. Deane's family does him great credit as a teacher of music, and it is to be hoped he will receive his share of the public patronage. It is highly creditable to the profession, that the performers stepped forward gratuitously to help a brother performer.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Australian (20 May 1836), 2
It must be allowed that most of the pleasurable diversions have a tendency when pursued with ardour to direct the mind, - consequently the study of music, while it sweetly soothes the sense of hearing, touches the soul, and elevates and refines its nature. It is able to infuse the noblest thoughts, to urge to the most animated actions - to calm the ruffled spirits, and to eradicate every malignant propensity; and it contributes to strengthen the mind by the noble and exalted feelings it inspires. There in scarcely any sentiment which may not be excited, increased, diminished, or modified by its power, which power is heightened in force when combined with poetry - as passionate words give a double vigour to harmony, and makes for it a surer way to the heart, than when the mind is unconcerned by bare and solitary notes; therefore vocal music is agreed by all to be the most noble.
We have been led to make these observations from witnessing the concert given by Mr. Deane on Wednesday evening at the Royal Hotel, the Saloon of which we are happy to say was crowded to excess. We were much gratified by the introduction of numerous stringed instruments, which gave a new feature to the overtures, and was most pleasingly observable in the piano parts of Tancredi, which was well executed by the band of H. M. 4th Regiment, assisted by the family of Mr. Deane. Then followed the glee of Bragela, which gave much satisfaction. If o'er the cruel tyrant love, from the opera of Artaxerxes, was sung by Mrs. Chester in her best style. Rule Britannia on the piano forte, with variations, was beautifully executed by Miss Deane, and gave rise to a strong sensation of delight throughout the company. This young lady is we believe about fifteen years of age, and has had no other instructor than her father, and the chaste style, peculiar brilliancy, and rapid execution, evinced by Miss D. on this occasion, at once establishes her as a first rate pianist, and shews her father, Mr. D. to be one of the ablest of teachers. The Septette, introducing Haydn's Surprise, by Messrs. Cavendish, Stubbs, Wilson, Deane, and James [sic] Deane, was a performance which exceeded in brilliancy the expectations of the most sanguine. The next song, the Death of Nelson, was one, we think, as little suitable as could be selected for Mr. Allen; a more simple ballad would be better suited to his voice. The duett As it fell upon a Day, by Miss and Master E. Deane, was a very rich treat, and was loudly applauded and encored. The glee of the Foresters, was very well sung by some gentlemen amateurs, and with it closed the first part of the Concert.
The second part commenced with Morgan's [sic, Mozart's] overture, La Villanella Rapita, by the band of the 4th Regt. which we need not say was well received. My sweet Doraballa followed - we cannot say it succeeded - it was mediocre, but we understand that it is to be accounted for by the circumstance that the gentleman who sang with Mrs. Chester and Mr. Deane, had not practised it with them - as it was intended to have been sung by another - what occasioned the alteration at so late an hour we have not heard. Mr. Stubbs in the flute solo was very happy in the execution of some very difficult passages - and of course met with great applause. In his obligato accompaniment in the song of the Mocking Bird, by Mrs. Chester, he appeared to still greater advantage; the beautiful and flowing passages of this song are well adapted to Mrs. Chester's voice, and her execution of it caused a thrilling sensation throughout the audience. Master Deane on the violoncello surpassed all expectation; the beautiful air of the Plough Boy was played with much sweetness and expression, and was rewarded between each variation by well merited approbation. The Greek March by Miss Deane, on the piano forte, was a splendid performance, and produced the strongest demonstration of the approval of the hearers. This, and the duett by the same young lady with her little brother, were really worth the whole of the money. There appeared to be some disposition to encore the March, but a little consideration for Miss Deane overcame the desire for its repetition. The duet Dear Maid, by Mrs. Chester and Mr. Aldis would have been much more effective had the gentleman's voice been strong in proportion to that possessed by Mrs. Chester. It however went off well. Then was given Auber's air from Massaniello, Away, away, the morning freshly breaking, and was the finale; which terminated about eleven o'clock, when the company separated.
There were upwards of two hundred persons in the saloon, and, so far as our inquiries have gone, the whole number were highly gratified with the evening's amusement. For our parts, we congratulate ourselves and the community on so valuable an acquisition to our musical resources as is that of Mr. Deane and his talented and very amiable family. The heads of families need no longer be at a loss for either a respectable or a competent tutor for their children. Mr. Deane has been the sole instructor both of his daughter and his two sons, whose splendid performances at the Concert will go farther to prove their father's ability as an instructor than any opinion we could give upon the subject - and herein will consist the main profit which (notwithstanding the numbers present) will accrue from Wednesday's Concert. We understand Mr. Deane intends very shortly giving another, (which it is reported will be under the patronage of His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke) to which we shall look forward with high anticipations of delight.
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 May 1836), 3
Mr. Dean's Concert at The "Royal," on Wednesday night last was the most pleasing entertainment of the kind throughout that has ever before been given in this Colony. The Saloon was crowded with some of the most respectable families in and about town. Of females, in particular, there was a perfect galaxy. The performances commenced and ended just at the proper seasonable hours. They began at eight o'clock, and were over by eleven. The display on the whole indeed of vocal and instrumental talent surpassed expectation. The wind instruments of the 4th Band lent considerable effect to the otherwise well executed overtures. Miss Deane is much improved in her execution on the piano, on which she played two difficult pieces with singularly fine touch, and brilliant execution. In Mr. Stubb's hands the flute became indeed "il flunto magico." [il flauto magico] Mrs. Chester seemed to be rather indisposed, yet she warbled in solos and duets with customary sweetness. The "Death of Nelson" awakened many old associations, which have long Leen sleeping. It was sung by Mr. Allen, though in a voice naturally weak, and rather tremulous, yet, with peculiarly good taste and appropriate feeling. In short, as we have said, for an harmonious combination of stringed with wind instruments, and vocal melody, we do not know that the admirers of Concerts ever enjoyed a pleasanter evening's recreation. The great fault, however, seemed to us, to be in the absence of bass voices - those engaged ranking chiefly among the treble and countertenor classes. Mr. Deane will perhaps note this, and remedy the deficiency at his next Concert, which we hope will be shortly. He has made a good beginning, and if his Concerts do not retrograde, if there are numbers of highly respoctable heads of families, with their sons and daughters, as also of single ladies and gentlemen adults, who would be happy to attend Concerts once a month. What is highly to be commended in the arrangements of Wednesday evening last, was the exclusion of all known improper female characters - an exclusion for which, of course Mr. D. will appretiate the good policy and propriety of strictly adhering hereafter.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Joseph Cavendish (pianist); Mr. Allen (vocalist); Thomas Stubbs (flute player); George Sippe (cellist); Mr. Wilson (violinist); William Henry Aldis (vocalist); Band of the 4th Regiment; John Sparke (d. 1852; proprietor, Royal Hotel)
22 May 1836, solemn mass, St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney
[News], The Australian (20 May 1836), 2
On Sunday next, (Whit Sunday,) the lovers of sacred music will do well to attend divine service at St. Mary's Church, Hyde Park; when, in addition to the usual excellent choir at that church, there will be collected nearly the whole of the professional musicians of Sydney, both instrumental and vocal, including Mrs. Rust, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. Cavendish, and some others whose names we are not acquainted with, of distinguished ability, forming a phalanx of talent that can never be brought together at a concert, for the benefit of any individual.
{News], The Australian (24 May 1836), 2
The admirers of sacred Music had a rich treat in the service at St. Mary's Church last Sunday, the whole of which, we believe, was under the superintendence of the Rev. Mr. Spencer, who displayed great taste in his selection of the music. Part of the mass was from Magginghi [Mazzinghi], which was peculiarly pretty, and part from that splendid composer Mozart. Mrs. Rust sung two beautiful solos, one "Ave verum," arranged by Myren, and the "Agnus Dei," from Mozart, which she executed with her usual brilliancy and feeling. The offertory was extremely beautiful, the treble by Mrs. Rust, the tenor by Mr. Clarke, and the bass by Mr. Bushell. We have never heard this gentleman before - his voice is a very fine bass, and he sung the last mentioned piece in admirable style. We also observed Mr. Deane and Mr. Wallace in the choir, who added their valuable assistance. Mr. Cavendish presided most scientifically at the Seraphine. We observed a great number of Protestant ladies and gentlemen in the body of the Church, which was crowded in every part.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Spencer (choirmaster); Margaret Rust (soprano vocalist); Mr. Clarke (tenor vocalist, ? Francis Clarke); John Bushell (bass vocalist)
"MR WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (9 June 1836), 2
The encouragement given in a young Country to the Professors of the Fine Arts, is the best and most certain indication that can be afforded of the nascent taste, refinement and liberal spirit of its community - it has been, therefore, with especial pleasure that we have witnessed first, the arrival on our shores of such men as Mr. Wallace, Mr. Dean, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Nicholas, and then the enlightened appreciation of their merits, and the liberal support that has encouraged them in their efforts to form the taste of the public mind and give it a directing impulse; and it must, we think, be a source of secret satisfaction to these gentlemen to know, that they may be now laying the foundation-stone of future schools of art that may flourish in this far land, when the Institutions of the older nations of Europe (the sun of whose fame has probably already passed its zenith) may be dying and dwindling away into the inertness and inanity of exhausted energy and age-enfeebled efforts. And when we recollect that it is a question that has often been canvassed and propounded by philosophers, whether the artistic genius of the Greek, Roman, and Italian nations, as manifested in their great works in painting, sculpture, and music, did not in a great measure result from the inspiring influence of their fine climates - it is surely no far-fetched or unfair inference to suppose that the blue cloudless skies, and brilliant atmosphere of our own beautiful climate, will ultimately exercise the same moulding influence on the mental constitution and temperament of our community.
We have been led into these introductory observations, from witnessing the very numerous and respectable audience that attended Mr. W. Wallace's Concert on Wednesday last . . . (From a Correspondent.)
Although our correspondent has superseded our detailed report of Mr. Wallace's Concert, we have a word or two to say upon the subject. The writer of the above is a musical gentleman of talent, and in conjunction with all scientific persons amongst Mr. Wallace's audience on Wednesday evening, no doubt, was highly gratified with Mr. W.'s performance alone, without any reference to the other part of the evening's entertainment. But we are of the opinion that Mr. Wallace might cater much more agreeably to the general visitor at concerts in this Colony, if some alteration were made in his "bill of fare." For instance, instead of so many solos, and quartette or quintette of stringed instruments (as provided by Mr. Deane), a couple of duets at the least, one or two trios or quartettes (by the vocalists), and if it could be got up, a chorus. We certainly should have preferred hearing half-a-dozen violins and violincellos also in the overtures; a full military band in a small room like the "Royal" is by far too noisy, and loses its effect. We wish Mr. Wallace all the success a man of talent deserves, and with this sentiment offer these remarks.
ASSOCIATIONS: In addition to Wallace and John Philip Deane, the author lists two other recently arrived "Professors of the Fine Arts", both visual artists: "Mr. Martin", the painter Conrad Martens; and the etcher and lithographer William Nicholas
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 June 1836), 2
We are much pleased in being enabled to state, that a Society under the above designation is rapidly progressing. A Meeting of its promoters took place on Wednesday evening last at the house of Mr. Deane, when Mr. Francis Clark having been called to the chair, several resolutions (of which we are promised a copy) were adopted. Mr. W. Wallace is to be the leader, and a deputation will wait upon His Excellency the Governor, to solicit him to become the Patron, which, from the readiness he has always shewn to encourage institutions of this nature, will no doubt be favourably responded to. The Philharmonic Society may therefore be now considered as effectually put in operation, and it will only require the lovers of real harmony, whether Professors or Amateurs, (both of whom are, we learn, invited) to come forward at once to ensure its complete success.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Clarke (chair); Richard Bourke (governor of NSW)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (23 June 1836), 2
We perceive by an advertisement that Mr. Deane announces his second Concert for Wednesday week, which, we hear, will befar more attractive than the first. Mrs. Chester is becoming convalescent, and promises her assistance upon the occasion; most of the professionals will also render their services gratuitously out of respect for Mr. Deane's large and interesting family.
"Concert", The Australian (24 June 1836), 2
Mr. Deane and Mr. Wallace, it will be seen by referring to our advertising columns, have announced two more Concerts, - the one by the former gentleman will take place on Wednesday the 6th July, and the other on the 13th of the same month. Both of them are under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor, who has signified his intention of being present on both occasions.
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (28 June 1836), 7
By private letters from Sydney, as also from the public journals, we are happy to learn that Mr. J. P. Deane, formerly of this place, is highly patronised in the Sister Colony. He has already given one concert, which was thronged to excess, and we observe a second is announced, under the patronage of the Governor. Mr. Deane was a resident in Hobart Town nearly fourteen yearn, and had Colonel Arthur condescended to treat him in the same liberal manner General Bourke has done, adverse circumstances would not have compelled him to quit these shores in despair. Mr. Deane and his numerous and highly meritorious family, are but trifling examples of the ruin entailed upon individual enterprise, by the system of cant and hypocrisy which has brought the Colonists to their present miserable condition.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Arthur (lieutenant-governor of VDL)
"ORATORIO", The Sydney Herald (30 June 1836), 2
A performance of sacred music, on a grand scale, is shortly to be given at St. Mary's Church Hyde Park, the objects of which, are said to be the advancement of the science of music and musical talent, and to assist in raising funds for an organ. The Oratorio is to be under the direction of Mr. Wallace. Mrs. Rust, Mrs. Chester, Miss Wallace, Mrs. Curtis, Messrs. Cavendish, Clarke, Deane, Stubbs, Spencer, Gordonovitch, Martin, the Choir of the Church, and many Amateurs, have already consented to perform. The two Military Bands are also engaged. The Oratorio is expected to take place on the 26th of next month.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Curtis (vocalist); George Gordonovitch (tenor vocalist); Mr. Martin (perhaps Conrad Martens, mentioned above)
6 July 1836, concert, the Deanes's second concert, Saloon, Royal Hotel, Sydney, NSW
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (6 July 1836), 2
UNDER THE PATRONAGE of His Excellency the Governor,
MR. J. P. DEANE, Member of the Philharmonic Society, London, and Professor of Music.
RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public, that his next CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place
THIS EVENING, July 6th, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on which occasion he will be supported by
Mrs. Chester, Miss Deane, Messrs. Cavendish, Stubbs, Sippe, Wilson, Masters J. & E. Deane, and Amateurs.
Overture - Italiano in Algeri - Rossini.
Glee - The Witches, (by permission) the Band - Calcott.
Solo - Pianoforte, Grand variations on the fall of Paris, Miss Deane - Moscheles.
Song - Lo here the gentle Lark, (by desire) Mrs. Chester, flute obligato, Mr. Stubbs - Bishop.
Quintette - Mr. Deane, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Stubbs, Masters J. and E. Deane - Hayden.
Duett - I know a bank, &c., Miss Deane and Master E. Deane - Horn.
Chorus - The Chough, and Crow - Bishop.
Overture - Caliph of Bagdad - Bishop.
Song - Far, far at sea, Master E. Deane - Arnold.
Solo - Flute, Rule Britannia, with Drouet's celebrated variations in C, Mr. Stubbs - Drouet.
Song - At close of day, Mrs. Chester - Rossini.
Solo - Pianoforte, Variations on the Greek March, (by desire) Miss Deane - Hertz.
Duett - Tell me where is fancy bred, Mrs. Chester and Mr. Aldis - Bishop.
Solo - Violincello, Hope told a flattering tale, Master E. Deane.
Chorus - Of Huntsmen, C. M Von Weber.
* By the kind permission of Major England, Mr. Deane will be allowed the assistance of the Band of the 4th or King's Own.
Tickets 7s 6d; Children,- 5s each, to be obtained at Mr. Tyrer's Fancy Repository;
Mr. Chester, King-street; Mr. Ellard, Hunter-street; Mr. Sparke's, Royal Hotel; and Mr. Deane, 5, Terry's Buildings, Pitt-street.
N. B. - Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (9 July 1836), 2
Owing to the inclemency of the weather, Mr. Deane's Concert on Wednesday evening was not well attended. His Excellency the Governor and suit were however present, and the performance elicited the most marked approbation.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (9 July 1836), 3
Owing to the wetness of the morning, and the muddy state of the streets in the evening, the Saloon of the Royal Hotel was only half filled on Wednesday, at Mr. Deane's Concert. His Excellency the Governor was however present.
Having given our opinion on the style of songs and music which appears to us should distinguish our Concerts, in order to please the public at large, and ensure crowded rooms, we shall not repeat it here. Suffice it to say, we did not like the choice of songs generally at this Concert. Nevertheless, as a whole it was a very pleasing entertainment. Master Deane's performance on the Violencello is certainly extraordinary. We were not present at the overture of Itatiani in Algieri, but the Caliph of Bagdad went off well. "Far far at sea," had Master Deane been ten years older, would have pleased the Company more than all the other songs. But his higher notes are as yet too infantile to render his singing adequate to expectations of the public at a Concert. As a boy, his singing is excellent. His low notes are already very good, and we dare say, he will make a most agreeable singer when arrived at manhood. The Quintette, on violins, flute and violincello, was very good. Mr. Stubb's Rule Britannia certainly exhibited his complete mastership of the flute, but such performances cannot please the publlc, although they astonish flute players. Miss Deane's performances on the Piano Forte were splendid. They were not merely specimens of exquisite manual skill, but the soul of the pieces breathed in every touch. The entertainment concluded with God Save the King, in compliment to His Excellency, and the company separated apparently well satisfied with a the evening's performances.
It would be a great improvement to these concerts, if with every ticket sold, a bill, containing the words of the songs in good large print, so as to be read by the dull lights of the lamps were given. Those who give 7s. 6d. for a ticket, would cheerfully give another 6d. or such a bill. Few of the public singers in this colony, articulate their words. Mrs. Jones is the only one we know who does so, and on that very account, we had rather hear her sing than either Mrs. Chester or Mrs. Taylor. We can only catch a word every alternate line; so that we are left to guess at what our performers are singing about.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (11 July 1836), 3
The very unfavourable state of the weather on Wednesday last, was the means of preventing many families from attending the Concert - not more than 100 persons composed the audience. Notwithstanding these discouraging circumstances, the performances generally went off with spirit and approbation. We never heard any overtures played better (in the Colony) than the Caliph of Bagdad, and Italiano in Algeri. We, however, ought to have mentioned first what took the precedence in the entertainments - Miss Deane's performances on the piano-forte, but particularly that of the Greek March, which, for execution and animation, would have done honour to the most mature and masculine hand. Even the leading musician of the day, who was present, was obliged to acknowledge that Miss Deane's performances on the piano-forte were "magnificent." Mrs. Chester sung several popular songs; amongst the rest, Bishop's beautiful and difficult composition - Lo here the Gentle Lark, which at the close was applauded. If this lady wishes to become a greater favorite with the public, and will take a piece of friendly advice, let her not sing every thing with the full power of her lungs, and her performances will be a hundred times more pleasing. It is not necessary, in a place like the Saloon, to sing pretty chaste solos as if a person were leading a chorus in "Old Drury;" other of our female vocalists appear to be misled by the same false impression. The quintette by Messrs. Wilson, Stubbs, Deane, and two Master Deanes, was very well performed, but too lengthy. The duet of I know a Bank, between Master Deane and his sister, scorned to please the audience, and was heartily applauded; this piece of music, however, was not so good as the duet sung by them at the first concert: the same remark also applies to the violoncello solo by Master Deane. The rest of the entertainment consisted of a glee - The Witches (from "Macbeth"), which appeared to want practice; a song, by Master Deane; a duet between Mrs. Chester and an amateur - Tell me where is Fancy bred, the words by Shakspeare, and Bishop's music; this composition being of a characteristic nature would tell better in the play for which it was written than in a concert room. Mr. Stubbs played a Fantasia upon the Flute, in his usual excellent style, and also accompanied the Overtures and Chorusses. The Chough and Crow, closed the first, and the Huntsman's Chorus the second part, which wound up the Concert. Messrs. Coleman, Wilson, Sippe, and the Band of the 4th Regiment, lent their assistance during the evening. We were gratified to witness so many of the profession rendering their services upon the occasion, it displays a good feeling, which it is hoped will extend to every member of the science.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Tyrer (ticket vendor); Francis Ellard (ticket vendor)
[News], The Sydney Herald (11 July 1836), 2
The public will not want rational amusement for some months to come: - the Theatre is open four nights a week; Mr. Wallace's concert comes off on Wednesday, after which Mrs. Chester gives one, and some other concerts are talked of. Then comes the oratorio, the Theatre is also to be let to a military company for one night; concerts are now "the rage" at Government House, Mrs. Williamson gives a Fancy Ball in a few days; and a Fancy Dress Ball and Concert is talked of at Juniper Hall.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Williamson (dancing mistress)
17 August 1836, Mr. Coleman's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (17 August 1836), 1
Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor,
who has signified his intention of being present.
MR. COLEMAN, Master of the Band 4th, or King's Own Regiment.
BEGS to announce that his CONCERT of Vocal and instrumental Music will take place on
WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 17, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane and family, Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Stubbs and Mr. Josephson.
Programme Concert,
1 - OVERTURE - Der Freischutz, Weber
2 - CHORUS - Vive le Roi, Balfe
3 - SONG - My Own Blue Bell, Mrs. Chester
4 - SOLO - Flute, in which will be introduced Auld Robin Gray, &c., Nicholson, Mr. Stubbs
5 - GLEE - See our Oars, Sir John Stephenson
6 - Market Chorus, from the celebrated Opera of Masaniello, Auber
7 - SOLO - Violin, Mr. Wallace.
1 - OVERTURE - Maniac or Swiss Banditi, Bishop
2 - GLEE - See our Bark, Sir John Stephenson
3 - SOLO - Pianoforte, Miss Deane
4 - FANTASIA - Flute, introducing the Coolun, Drouet, Mr. Josephson
5 - SONG - Bid me Discourse, Bishop, Mrs. Chester
6 - SOLO - Kent Bugle, Mr. Stubbs
7 - CHORUS - Hail, all hail our Patriot King.
* Tickets 7s 6d each, which may be had at Mr. Ellard's Musical Saloon, Hunter-street;
Mr. Tyrer's Repository; Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel.
"CONCERT", The Australian (19 August 1836), 2
. . . Miss Deane proved by her execution of the Solo on the Piano-forte, that she was master of the instrument, and fully sustained the character we have previously expressed of her as a pianist. A Quartette was introduced in the course of the second part (which was not announced in the intended programme) by two Violins, a tenor and a bass, at the desire it is said of His Excellency. It was feared that at so short notice, (one day only,) it would be found impossible to comply with the request, but Mr. Deane volunteered to perform it with his two sons, assisted by one of the bandsmen, and they got through this self-imposed task in a way that made an impression very much in their favour on the minds of the auditory . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coleman (master of the band of the 4th Regiment); Joshua Frey Josephson (flute player)
31 August 1836, Marian Maria Chester's concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (31 August 1836), 1
Under Distinguished Patronage.
RESPECTFULLY announces to her Friends, and the Public generally, that her
CONCERT OF Vocal & Instrumental Music,
Will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING,
August 31st, 1836, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
on which occasion she will be assisted by
Also - a Gentleman Amateur has kindly consented to sing a German Song and an Italian Duett.
Programme Concert.
Overture - "Gustavus" - AUBER.
Glee - "Step as soft as Zephyr's dying" - ROSSINI.
Solo - Pianoforte - Air, Variations, & Finale, a la Militaire - HERTZ - MISS DEANE.
Song - "Soldier Tired" - DR. ARNE - MRS. CHESTER.
Trio - Pianoforte - Violin, Violincello, - MR. JOSEPHSON, MR. DEANE & SON.
Market Chorus - From Masaniello - AUBER,
(Will be repeated in consequence of the rapturous applause bestowed upon it on its first performances in this Colony,)
Solo - Violin - MR. W. WALLACE.
Overture - Der Frietchutz [sic] - WEBER.
Song - "Under the Walnut Tree - LINLEY - MRS. CHESTER.
Quartette - HAYDON. [sic]
Duett - "La Ci darem la mano," - MOZART - MRS. CHESTER and AMATEUR.
Chorus - "Hail, all Hail!" - AUBER.
Duett - "I know a bank," - HORN - MISS & MASTER DEANE.
Finale - "Rule Britannia," The Solos by MRS. CHESTER.
By permission of Major England, Mrs. Chester will be allowed the valuable aid of the Band of the King's Own Regiment.
TICKETS, 6s. each, to be had of Mr. Ellard, Hunter-street; Mr. Tyrer, George-street, and Mrs. Chester, No. 8, King-street.
Concert to commence at Eight o' Clock.
[News], The Australian (2 September 1836), 2-3
Mrs. Chester's Concert took place on Wednesday evening last, and we were sorry to see the room rather thinly attended . . . We must not omit to notice Miss Deane's performance on the piano. This young lady has much improved since we last heard her; her solo was played with a great deal of animation; and we have no doubt that in the course of a few years she will be a first rate pianist . . .
"Mrs. Chester's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (3 September 1836), 3
. . . Miss Deane displayed her usual skill and taste at the Piano. Mrs. Chester's The Soldier Tired, &c., received great applause and was loudly encored. This song requiring great exertion, it was rather inconsiderate we think, to call for it a second time. The trio which followed was performed by Mr. Deane, Mr. Josephson, and Master Deane, and was well executed . . .
The second part opened with the Overture to Der Frieschutz [sic], which on the whole was performed well. The Horn was rather too sharp . . . Miss and Master Deane sang the Duet, I know a Bank - very prettily, but the boy appeared to have a cold, and Miss Deane was rather timid; nevertheless, the song pleased so well as to be encored and they sang it the second time with more spirit. Rule Britannia! concluded the Evening's entertainments by a full body of Choristers, the Solos by Mrs. Chester. This Concert seemed more generally applauded than any heretofore.
ASSOCIATIONS: The amateur referred to was the tenor singer Charles Rodius, better known as a visual artist
14 September 1836, concert, William Vincent Wallace, saloon of the Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (14 September 1836), 1
Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor,
who has signified his intention of being present.
Leader of the Anacreontic Society and Professor of Composition, Royal Academy.
BEGS to announce that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on
THIS EVENING, September 14, 1836, in the Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL,
on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Miss Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Mr. S. W. Wallace,
Mr. Cavendish, and the Amateur who was received so favourably at Mrs. Chester's Concert.
Programme Concert.
1. Overture
2. Glee, Vive le Roi - BALFE
3. Solo - Flute - NICHOLSON - MR. S. WALLACE
4. Come Dolce - MISS WALLACE
5. French Song - BOILDEAU [sic] - AMATEUR
6. Fantasia, Piano Forte, with orchestral accompaniaments - KALKBRENNER - MR. W. WALLACE
7. Song - Soldier Tired - DR. ARNE - MRS. CHESTER
8. Paganini's Grand Solo (to be performed on one string), Violin - MR. W. WALLACE
1. Overture
2. Trio and Chorus - Viva Enrico - PUCITTA - MRS. CHESTER, MISS WALLACE, AMATEUR and Chorus
3. Song - Rover's Bride - LEE - MRS. CHESTER
4. Duet. Pianoforte - HERTZ - MISS DEANE and MR. W. WALLACE
5. Song, Swiss Melody - MISS WALLACE
6, Duet - La ci darem la mano (by desire) - MOZART - MRS. CHESTER & AMATEUR
7. "Nel Cor pieu" [sic] Violin - by particular desire, MR. W. WALLACE
By the kind permission of Major England, Mr. Wallace will be allowed the assistance of the Band of the 4th, or the "King's Own," Regiment.
Single Tickets 7s 6d each; Family Tickets, to admit four £1 1s;
to be had of Mr. Ellard, Hunter-street; Mr. Chester, King-street, and Mr. Tyrer, George-street.
Concert to commence at 8 o'Clock.
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (16 September 1836), 2
On Wednesday evening Mr. Wallace indulged the lovers of harmony with another of his Concerts in the Saloon of the Theatre. We are gratified to observe such a friendly understanding existing among the professors of "la science joyeuse," as their united exertions on this occasion evidences. They certainly advance their own interests by combining their talents, as the Public will always more readily attend their Concerts when it feels assured that the best, if not the whole, musical talent of the Colony is called into action for their amusement. The Public are also really indebted to Major England, and the Officers of the 4th, for the readiness with which they so powerfully aid the most intellectual of all amusements, by affording the services of their excellent band.
. . . Mr. Deane and his highly talented family took a very conspicuous share in the performances of the evening. He had no solo part, but his pianoforte playing, and execution on his violin, proclaimed the proficiency of a master. Little Miss Deane is quite a prodigy; her execution of the brilliant passages in the long duet by Herz, with Mr. Wallace, was astonishing . . .
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (19 September 1836), 2
. . . but though Mr. W. played brilliantly, and with great confidence, we think him fully equalled, as a pianist, by Miss Deane, such is also the opinion of better judges than we profess to be, and we regret therefore that, instead of taking part in a duet on the piano-forte, Miss D. had not been allotted a concerto; satisfied as we are that she would not have suffered the slightest eclipse from the rays even of the musical meteor of Australia . . .
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Times (17 September 1836), 3
It is delightful to notice the progressive and rapid advancement of Australia, in the arts and sciences - in fact in civilization, as well as in pastoral and in commercial wealth. A twelvemonth ago, it would have been just as possible to walk from Sydney to old Drury, or to the English Opera House, as to get up such a Concert in Sydney, as that with which Mr. Wallace delighted the townsfolk on Wednesday evening last. Indeed Mr. W. Wallace, our fine violinist, and his charming nightingale sister - with Mrs. Chester, Mr. Dean and family, are a vast acquisition to the intellectual advancement of Sydney. So in the arts, it would have been next to an impossibility before the arrival of Mr. Fernyhough in the Colony a few months ago, to have obtained such excellent Lithograph and Zincographic prints, as may now be produced to embellish our Colonial Literature. We have been favored with a copy of a publication representing some well known aboriginal characters, which are entitled to praise, as being for the most part strking profile like nesses of our sable townsmen, and well executed. They will form a pretty present to friends in England; as characteristic of this country.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Fernyhough (printer, lithographer, engraver)
21 September 1836, oratorio, St. Mary's Cathedral, Hyde Park, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (21 September 1836), 1
This Evening, Sept. 21, 1836,
Part First.
Selections from Handel's Sacred Oratorio,
1. Comfort ye my People - MRS. RUST
2. He shall feed his Flock - AN AMATEUR
3. Where is this Stupendous Stranger - MRS. CHESTER
4. He was despised - AN AMATEUR
5. I know that my Redeemer liveth - MISS WALLACE
6. Holy Lord - MRS. RUST
Part Second. -
Selections from Hayden's Grand Oratorio,
"Ave Verum," Solo and Quartett, MRS. RUST AND AMATEURS.
1. In the beginning (Recit.) - Now Vanish (Air) - AN AMATEUR
2. Chorus, a New Created World
3. And God said (Recit.) - With Verdure clad (Air) - MRS. CHESTER
4. Of Stars the fairest pledge of day - AN AMATEUR
5. Sanctus - Trio - MRS. RUST and AMATEURS
6. Graceful Consort - MRS. CHESTER and AMATEUR
7. GRAND DOUBLE CHORUS - The praise of God - the Solos by MRS. CHESTER
Tickets and Books of the words, &c. to be had at
MR. TYRER's, 81, George-street; and at MR. ELLARD's, Hunter-street.
Single Admission Tickets - 0 10 6
Family ditto, to admit four 1 11 6
Single Tickets to admit two children.
Books of Words ........ 0 1 0
Leader of the Band, Mr. Wallace.
Principal Second Violin, Mr. Deane.
Assisted by the Gentlemen of the Philharmonic Society.
By the permission of Major England, the Band of the King's Own Regiment.
To commence at Seven o'Clock.
"THE ORATORIO", The Australian (23 September 1836), 2
. . . To Mr. Wallace, who presided, we can pay no higher compliment than that he was equal to himself. The Oratorio has raised the musical profession, of which he is the head, in this Colony; and this together with the consciousness of his having promoted a charitable object constitute his reward. Mr. Deane and family rendered good service, and the talents of the Philharmonic Society and other musical Amateurs were marshalled in emulative excellence on this occasion . . .
"THE ORATORIO", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 September 1836), 2
The first musical treat of this description in the Colony, took place at Saint Mary's Chapel on the evening of Wednesday last . . .
Of Mr. Wallace, it is superfluous to speak - suffice it to say, he led the orchestra and displayed his usual skill and execution; his violin was distinctly heard above the whole performers in the choruses. Mr. Dean and son, Mr. Cavendish, and the Members of the Philharmonic Society contributed also their valuable assistance, for which they certainly deserve every credit . . .
12 October 1836, the Deanes's third concert (postponed)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (13 October 1836), 1
POSTPONEMENT OF CONCERT. MR. DEANE begs to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that his Concert, which was to have taken place at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday, October 12, 1836, is unavoidably postponed, in consequence of his friends who were to have assisted him, and his family's sickness, occasioned by the prevailing influenza.
"MUSICAL SOIREES", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 October 1836), 2
We understand that it is in contemplation by Mr. Deane, assisted by his talented young family, to commence during the summer months, now fast approaching, a series of evening musical entertainments or soirees, the price of admission to which being low, will afford the enjoyment of a rational and delightful entertainment to a more extended portion of the community (regulated however, so as to preclude the obtrusion of improper individuals to annoy the audience) than concerts usually do. Such rational pleasures as these cannot fail considerably to improve the tone of society in this, our much and but too deservedly stigmatized community, in conjunction with theatrical impersonations, such as we had the pleasure to witness on Saturday evening in the person of Mrs. Cameron as Mrs. Haller, in the Stranger, which tend as powerfully to promote the desirable predominancy of taste for those amusements which operate rather upon the kinder sensibilities of nature than the grosser ones of animal indulgence. In those soirees will be afforded a cheap and intellectual mode of passing an evening, which otherwise might (as is but too generally the case among the young men of Sydney,) be spent in riot and dissipation.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cordelia Cameron (actor)
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (2 December 1836), 1
J. P. Deane's Estate.
WE, the Undersigned, request that the Creditors of the Estate of Mr. J. P. Deane will attend at the Office of Mr. J. C. Stracey, on Monday,
the 5th of December next, at 11 o'clock, in order that all debts may be proved, and a dividend declared.
It is also requested that particulars of claims may be transmitted to Mr. Stracey on or before that day.
Nov. 22, 1836.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (6 December 1836), 3
IN pursuance of an Advertisement, dated November 22, a meeting of the creditors of J. P. Dean,
was held at the office of Mr. J. C. Stracey, on the 5th December instant,
when it was resolved a final dividend should be made on the 26th December, after which date no further demands on the estate will be admitted.
JOHN C. STRACEY, Trustee for the Estate.
Dec. 6. 1836.
"Music", The Sydney Monitor (21 December 1836), 3
We request such of our readers as love good music to read the following -
"In music, the Greeks, if we may judge from their poetry and all their arts, or from the Celtic music of the present day, possessed only a simple melody. Nay, we are told, that they actually proscribed harmony, as leading to abuse; to a mistake of the means to the end; of the resources of the instrument, for the power of expression. German music, on the contrary, is a complicated harmony, in which all these mistakes are made; a sort of arithmetical music, or musical arithmetic; an exhibition chiefly of instrumental power, which has no further influence over the affections, than in producing (its most suitable attribute) that sort of grin, which those who affect to understand and be pleased with it, assume; and which is admirably contrasted with the natural expression of delight with which the very same faces beam, when a simple melody I happens to spring forth, from the nonsense and the horrors of complicated and arithmetical harmony." (Walker on Physiognomy.).
The author has, perhaps, rather caricatured his subject, but still, even a caricature gives the main likeness of the persons and things caricatured. In like manner, the above description gives the main likeness of the thing described.
The taste of New South Wales in music, has yet to be formed. From what we have seen of Mr. Wallace, he is just the man to give us a false German taste. He is an exquisite artist, but no musician. He handles the violin with the legerdemain of a conjuror; he touches it with exquisite manual delicacy; but that is all. He brings out tones, but seldom any music. He is an artist; but music he does not seem to understand; or, if he understand it, he is too much an artist to display it. He pleases lovers of the legerdemain, but he makes nobody feel. He excites surprise, but he never kindles sentiment. He commands our admiration, but he neither fires our passions nor melts us into tenderness. In short, he is like a good watch-maker.
Miss Wallace's style is too much like her brother's; all mechanism. In Miss Deane's, we sometimes perceive a soul. If Miss Deane will but permit that soul to break forth, in defiance of mechanical precision and obstruction, she will be a musician. Mr. and Miss Wallace are too much of barrel-organs. After you have heard them once, it is the same thing over and over again. In short, if you want to hear music in Sidney, you must go to St. Mary's Chapel of a Sunday; and even at St. James's you may be made to feel. But as to our concerts, they have never exhibited any music; the Oratorio excepted.
While we thus object to the taste of Mr. Wallace, we are not insensible to the great talents of that gentleman, both as a violinist and as a pianist. In both instruments, his efforts appeared to us, who never heard Paganini, astonishing. As a timist also, he excels. His command, energy, and precision at the Oratorio, raised him high in public estimation.
1837 (England and Scotland)
"AUSTRALIA", The atlas [London, England] (26 February 1837), 2
. . . The Australian Reformer gives a flourishing account of music in Sydney. Messrs. Wallace and Dane [sic], it says, will raise young musicians to make a creditable colonial orchestra . . .
"MUSIC AT SYDNEY", Chambers Edinburgh journal [Edinburgh, Scotland] 275 (6 May 1837), 117
A FILE of colonial newspapers is apt to be a source of considerable entertainment. It is particularly so if the colony be new and small, and things be only, as it were, in the bud. It is then most amusing to observe how minds, which, at home, would be making a stir about great matters, go to work when they have to agitate about things comparatively little, and how the terms and modes of speech customary here, look, when applied with the same seriousness to the miniature concerns of one of these infant states. The squabbles, too, and bickerings which are incessantly going on amongst colonial editors, are extremely amusing at this cool distance, where nothing is intelligible but that two or three honest gentlemen have been grievously offending each other's love of approbation.
Number three of "The Reformer," a fortnightly paper commenced in June 1836, at Sydney, contains an article under the title of "Music in Australia," in which the editor gives an account of certain concerts which had recently taken place in the Australian capital. Both for the information it conveys, and the designed or undesigned humour which lurks in the composition, this article is worthy of the notice of our readers. The writer commences by stating that, when he arrived in the colony four years ago, music was little in fashion, partly in consequence of the troubles at the end of Governor Darling's administration. For six months, sad to relate, there had not been a single concert in Sydney.
"It was the arrival of Mrs. Taylor, and then subsequently of Mrs. Chester, that roused, as it were, the musical lethargy of New South Wales; but it cannot be said that music was fairly established amongst us, until the tide of emigration brought to our shores Messrs. Wallace and Deane. When the first of the named gentlemen arrived in Sydney, there were persons who said, it was an act of folly that a man of his acquirements should have ventured to come to Botany Bay, and it was asserted, that he would have to expiate such a want of judgment as this. We were never of the same opinion; and we were not mistaken. The first and the second concerts, although succeeding each other rapidly, were crowded to excess; and as it is required to speak sometimes in figures, we believe that L.80 at least were cleared each time. But what must have been the astonishment of the idiots and circumscribed amongst us, when, about six months after the arrival of Mr. Wallace and his family, Mr. Deane also (member of the Philharmonic Society of London) removed him self and family from Van Diemen's Land to New South Wales. As we are never despairing, we did not despair either, in seeing such a vast accumulation of musical talent pour into our colony. We said to ourselves, there are capitalists and settlers of from fifty thousand to five and six thousand pounds of income a-year, there is a high-salaried governor, there are well-paid public officers amongst us. It is impossible that they should not imitate, I would not just say the king, but the respectability and wealth of Great Britain. * * * Several concerts were given both by Mr. Wallace and Mr. Deane; and it must be said, as being very creditable to our public, that every one of them (with the exception of one) was very well attended - and the indifferent attendance of that one was caused by excessive bad weather. We have heard, beginning with Beethoven and Paganini, almost every virtuoso in Europe; we have practised music ourselves in the happier days of our youth; we have therefore some right to review freely the prominent talents which the colony possesses at the present moment."
He then describes Mr. Wallace as one who would be considered "a good solo-player, even in one of the first-rate theatres at home." There are "tones of his" that the colony "does not yet thoroughly comprehend," but he believes it will "grow up to them." Mr. S. W. Wallace is "a very feeling, nay, original flute-player;" and Miss E. W. is "a juvenile performer," whose voice is "even now sweet and melodious," though she is as yet deficient in the pronunciation of Italian. Mr. Deane is "a very diligent and attentive leader, a good performer, and well versed in the theoretical part of music. How beautifully did he lead the quintette of Haydn; such a thorough-wrought piece of music must affect every mind. * * * * It creates a very homely feeling to see Mr. Deane busying himself about his numerous family, for the sake of procuring us recreation, elation, and refinement of mind. Miss Deane labours under the same advantageous predicament as Miss Wallace - she is also very young. It is very creditable to Mr. Deane, to have formed such a skilful pupil as his daughter is. Many hours and days must have passed by, to bring forth such precocious accomplishments. There is no hesitation, there is no mistake in Miss Deane's playing. Look at her Greek March! There she begins, and there it runs on clear and perfect to the very end. Some passages are even sublime, and who can say how far Miss Deane will improve, when she also will have become a big girl. Master E. Deane is rather a phenomenon, and we have never before seen a boy of his age managing the violoncello as he does."
Mrs. Chester, "although the last in our article, is not the least among our colonial performers. She has the strongest, most sonorous, and expressive voice, we have heard in the colony. Amongst other songs, her Auld Robin Gray is an admirable piece, which we would not be tired to hear day after day. But having spoken of Mrs. Chester and our other virtuosoes, we must now observe, that all and every one of them are labouring under a most perplexing disadvantage, and this is the want of a proper orchestra. Look how things are going on at home. There is a band of, say a hundred, or sixty, or forty musicians; the leader with the roll of paper in his hand gives the majestic sign; a whirlwind, a thunder of tones is coming forth; the minds of the audience, as well as that of the virtuoso, are wound up to a proportionate degree of elation; and lo! out of that chaos of tones emerges, like upon celestial wings, the glaring utterance of the virtuoso. He dwells some longer or shorter time in the regions of his fancy and imagination, and when he arrives at a certain stop, a mass of tones is echoing him, mingling, as it were, their joy with the applause and cheering of an electrified audience. How different to this are our present concerts! The tones of a Wallace, of a Chester, of a Miss Deane, are accompanied by the confounded scraping of some botching fiddler; and if there is not a superabundant stock of feeling in the minds of the principal performer, it is certainly not by this accompaniment that such can be ever elicited.
We want therefore a regular orchestra. We want a regular orchestra for the new theatre now erecting - we want one for each of our two cathedrals, &c. The colony is advanced enough, and the treasury is rich enough, that such and similar refinements might be now expected. It would be very expensive to have the performers written for from England, especially as fate, as it were, has cast on our shores a superabundance of musical talent. It was to such immigration of foreign talent, that in the middle ages the Italian states were indebted for that splendour in arts and sciences to which they finally arrived. It was not by sorcery and magic that they reached that splendour. It was because their Sir R. Bourke's, their H. McArthur's, their Sir J. Jamieson's, S. Terry's, &c. were men possessing national pride, and willing to give bread to such immigrants as well out of their own pocket as out of the public revenue. It is said, that the present governor is fond of music, and so it may be. But we beg leave to remind his excellency, that it is not by taking a few tickets that such national improvements as the above will ever be accomplished. If fate had cast during his reign painters on our shores - well, then it would have been in his power to give, in the first instance, this direction to the colony. As things stand now, it is in his hands to make it an eminently musical country."
The article ends with some specialties more for the consideration of the governor than of our readers.
ASSOCIATIONS: The anonymous author of the article was the editor of The reformer, John Lhotsky.
1837 (Sydney)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (9 January 1837), 3
MR. DEANE begs most respectfully to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on Wednesday Evening, the 18th of January, 1837, at the Royal Hotel, George-street. N.B.- Programme will be duly announced.
"THE RIVAL CHIEFTAINS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 January 1837), 3
Mr. Deane and Mr. W. Wallace both announce their intentions of giving a concert on Wednesday the 18th instant. Surely there must be some mistake in this. We should be sorry to find that musicians like doctors sometimes differ. We cannot afford it here at all events, where these gentlemen are so scarce.
NOTE: In fact, on the same page of the same issue, Wallace and Deane advertised that they were giving the concert together:
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 January 1837), 3
MR. WM. WALLACE AND T. P. DEANE [sic], BEG to announce their intention of giving a CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on WEDNESDAY, 18th January. On which occasion they will be assisted by the first Talent in the Colony. By the kind permission of Major England, the aid of the Band of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment will be allowed.
[Correction], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 January 1837), 2
A curious mistake occurred in our last Journal under the head of "The Rival Chieftans." It arose from two advertisements in the Commercial Journal, one being under the other setting forth that Messrs. Wallace and Deane intended each to have a concert upon the same evening, not having consulted each other upon the subject, and consequently unacquainted with the circumstance. Upon matters being explained, it appeared one had obtained the band and the other the room; it was, therefore, thought most beneficial that the concerts should he combined, and it was acted upon accordingly.
"SMALL TALK", The Sydney Monitor (11 January 1837), 2
. . . Mr. Wallace and Mr. Deane we are happy to say have joined issue, and propose giving a Concert in Concert, on Wednesday the 18th Inst. This is as it should be . . .
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 January 1837), 2
In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, the contemplated concert of Messrs. Wallace and Deane was postponed from last evening till Wednesday, 1st February. The quantity of rain which has fallen within the last two days has had the effect of rendering the road at the back of the Barracks totally impassible, the depth of mud in some places is nearly two feet.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Times (21 January 1837), 2
We are pleased to notice the co-operation of Mr. Wallace and Mr. Deane, who give a Concert at the Pulteney on Wednesday Evening, the 1st proximo, for their mutual benefit. Sydney is about to sustain a serious loss in the person of Mr. Wallace, who is preparing to return to England to lead the Orchestra of Covent Garden Theatre; a proof that his great musical talent as a Violinist is appreciated at home. This Concert was to have taken place on Wednesday last, but from the inclemency of the weather was very judiciously postponed.
"DRAMA", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 January 1837), 2
. . . We observe an addition to the orchestra in the person of a son of Mr. Deane, he plays a tenor violin . . .
25 January 1837, Cordelia Cameron's benefit, Pulteney Hotel
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 January 1837), 1
Under the Patronage of the Ladies. MRS. CAMERON begs to announce that her Benefit will take place at the Pulteney Hotel,
under the Patronage of the Ladies, on Wednesday, 25th January, 1837.
Mr. Deane & Family
Have kindly proffered their valuable assistance on this occasion; and Mrs. C. has the pleasure in
stating, that Major England his also kindly allowed the Band of the Fourth (or King's Own) to attend,
who, with Mr. Deane and Family, will compose the Orchestra on this occasion.
The Evening's Amusements will be interspersed with a variety of beautiful Music . . .
1 February 1837, William Vincent Wallace and Deane's concert, saloon of the Royal Hotel, George Street, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 January 1837), 3
Postponed to the 1st Proximo.
BEG to announce their intention of giving
a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel on
Wednesday evening, the 1st of February, 1837.
On this occasion they will be assisted by Miss Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Miss C. Winstanley, Mr. S. W. Wallace,
Master J. P. Deane, Master E. Deane, Mr. J. F. Josephson (who has kindly consented to play a Solo
on the Flute), and the Gentleman Amateur who was so favourably received at the last Concert.
1. OVERTURE - Der Freischutz - - Weber - 4th Band
2. GLEE - The Foresters - Bishop
3. CAVATINA - Una Voce - Rossini - Miss E. Wallace
4. SOLO - Piano-forte - March in Otello - Herz - Miss Deane
5. SONG - Portrait Charmant - French Melody - Amateur
6. SONG - Rise gentle moon - Barnet - Miss E. Wallace
7. DUET - Flow on thou shining river - Moore - Miss Winstanley & Mr. E. Deane
8. Concerto - Violin - Mayseder - Mr. W. Wallace
9. OVERTURE - La Dame Blanche - Boildieu - 4th Band
10. GLEE - Viva Enrico
11. Duet - O Pescator dell'Onda - Mozart - Miss E. Wallace and Amateur
12. CONCERTO - Flute - Tulou - Mr. J. F. Josephson
13. SONG - Black-eyed Susan - Miss E. Wallace
14. SOLO - Violoncello - Master E. Deane
15. DUET - As it fell upon a day - Bishop - Miss Deane and Master E. Deane
16. FANTASIA - Violin - In which will be introduced the Coolun, an Irish Melody - Mr. W. Wallace.
N. B. - By the kind permission of Major England the aid of the Band of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment will be allowed.
Single tickets, 7s. 6d. each; Family ditto, to admit Four, £1 1s.
To be had at Mr. Ellard's Music Warehouse, and of Mr. Tyrer, George-street.
Concert to commence at Eight o'Clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: the "amateur", again, almost certainly, Charles Rodius
[News], The Colonist (2 February 1837), 2
The Concert given by Messrs. Wallace and Dean last night, was numerously, and respectably attended, and the performances were such as to do credit to those concerned. We were particularly pleased with Miss Wallace's style of singing Black Eyed Susan; this young lady is greatly improved since we last had the pleasure of hearing her. Mr. Rhodius distinguished himself as usual by the sweetness of his voice and purity of style. Master Dean astonished the audience by the correctness with which he performed a difficult piece on the violencillo [sic]. We have heard Mr. Wallace play better than he did last evening, yet his performance was such as to cause us to regret that we shall shortly loose this talented gentleman.
"Concert", The Sydney Monitor (3 February 1837), 3
On Wednesday evening Messrs. Wallace and Deane gave a Concert at the Royal Hotel. There were about 200 persons present. As a whole the performance was highly creditable to the Managers. The band of the 4th regiment contributed to the evening's entertainment, as well by their vocal as by their instrumental performances. Miss E. Wallace sang Una Voce with skill; but the public taste, we are happy to find, is gradually getting weary of the Rossini style, and to our imagination Miss W. appeared to much more advantage in the famous old English ballad of "Black eyed Susan" which displayed the full rich compass of her voice to advantage. An amateur was greatly admired in the French melody Portrait Charmant and encored. Flow on thou shining River, as a juvenile performance between Miss Winstanly and Master E. Deane was, notwithstanding the former's timidity, well sung, and on being encored elicited applause. O Pescator dell'Onda was very sweetly sung by Miss E. Wallace and an Amateur. Master E. Deane's performance on the violincello was encored; he displayed great skill considering his extreme youth. Mr. J. F. Josephson contributed much to our pleasure by his execution on the flute. The violin performances of Mr. Wallace, we need not say, gave ample satisfaction; in fact, to be fully appreciated, they must be heard. Miss Deane appeared unwell, it is not fair therefore to judge of her singing, her performance on the piano displayed taste. A grand piano should, if possible, be procured for concerts; the upright piano's not giving sufficient body to the music.
"CONCERT", The Australian (7 February 1837), 2
On Wednesday night last we did ourselves the pleasure to attend the musical entertainment given by Messrs. Wallace and Deane. To those who are already acquainted with the respective excellence which these gentlemen have attained in their profession, it will not now be necessary to say more in their praise. To those (and we hope they are few,) who know it but by report, we can only say that we regret they were not present on this occasion, to witness how truly that report has spoken.
The Concert opened with the overture to Der Friestchutz [sic], which was executed by the Band of the Fourth, with their usual success. Miss Wallace sang the difficult air of Una Voce, and the ballad of Black-eyed Susan, with all the effect that can result from the union of power of voice, scientific method, and diligent study. Portrait Charmant was beautifully sung by the gentleman amateur, who has lately made his debut at our Sydney concerts. The Concerto on the flute of Mr. Josephson was played well, although in our opinion, some of his performances at previous Concerts were far superior. The Solo on the Violoncello, by Master Deane, was as a juvenile performance, surprising, and clearly shewed that the natural talent of this young gentleman must be very great, and his study unremitting. He also distinguished himself in two Duets with Miss E. Winstanley [sic, recte Miss A. . . .]. This young lady, as far as her tender age will allow an opinion to be formed, possesses great capabilities as a singer, and we have no doubt that under the able tuition of Mr. Deane (of whom she is at present a pupil), they will be brought into such celebration as to render her in time a most excellent singer. O Pescator dell'Onda was sung as a duett by Miss E. Wallace and the Amateur, in a manner both tasteful and harmonious. We must not forget Miss Deane's performance on the pianoforte, which obtained for her high and well merited applause. Of Mr. Wallace's performance on the violin, it is really unnecessary for us to write, his execution on that instrument being so well known; but we cannot refrain from a passing tribute to his Concerto of Mayseder, and to express our deep regret at the public announcement of his intended departure from this Colony.
The members of the Band sung two glees in the course of the evening, and were much applauded. The room was nearly full, and every person left highly delighted with the various performances of the evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace (vocalist); Ann Winstanley (vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (flute player)
27 February 1837, Theatre Royal, appearance of Deane's pupil Ann Winstanley
[Advertisement], The Sydney Times (25 February 1837), 3
Theatre Royal Sydney.
MISS WINSTANLEY Has the honour of announcing to her Friends and the Public, that her
BENEFIT IS FIXED FOR Monday, the 27th of February, 1837 . . .
The Interlude will be, for the first time these twelve months, the very popular one, called
In which MISS ANN WINSTANLEY, Pupil of Mr. Deane, will appear for this Night only . . .
In the course of the piece the favourite Songs,
Follow, Follow Over Mountain, AND UP TO THE ALPS, BY MISS A. WINSTANLEY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Winstanley (beneficiare); Ann Winstanley (vocalist)
"To the Editor", The Sydney Monitor (31 March 1837), 3
SIR - I respectfully beg that you will in your journal contradict - "That I have leased the Theatre to any one."
But that, from the great sums I have expended for its re opening, not only the scenery, dresses, and others;
and, though last, not least, a considerable number of musicians; amongst the names of the gentlemen, are -
Mr. Dean (leader), his Three Sons, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Turner, Papping and Son (French horns) [sic], Johnson, White,
Westrop, White, Bowles, and others whose names I have not taken note of.
And I trust, when I take charge of the Theatre, to conduct it with respectability, and make it convenient to a liberal public.
I am, Sir, Your obedient servant,
Thursday, 20th March, 1836.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. White (musician/s); Zachariah Westrop (flute player); Mr. Bowles (musician)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (3 April 1837), 2
We are glad to learn that Mr. Dean is to lead the Orchestra in the Theatre. The selection of music has been indifferent and always the same; the performance was miserable; mere noise. When the house is full, the band may play a little louder; but when it is thin, the loud grinding of the orchestra has been tormenting to the ear, in lieu of being grateful. One would suppose, that when the same pieces are performed two or three times a week, there would be something like music. Quite the contrary; the oftener the band plays a piece; the less music is produced. The way in which performers touch their instruments is truly pot-house like. The band is equally inattentive to the acting. We have seen poor Buckingham come forward and give the signal in such a way, as to spoil, the drama, and yet the orchestra could not comprehend. We often thought, that the smoke of the penny tin lamps which light the orchestra, and which is insufferable in the dress boxes near the stage, rendered the leader of the orchestra half insensible. The smoke is certainly dreadful. Instead of glass curtains made of children's penny looking glasses, and trumpery of this kind, Mr. Levey had much better light the orchestra with lamps, which consume their own smoke. We hope Mr. Dean will refuse to enter the orchestra until the present vile Butchers' lamps are substituted by Argand lamps. If he does not, he will certainly be poisoned and he should consider his large family.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor, vocalist); Barnett Levey (theatre proprietor)
6 April 1837, Sippe and Wilson (benefit), Theatre Royal
[News], The Australian (4 April 1837), 2
Messrs. Sippe and Wilson, the conductor and the leader of the Orchestral Band at the Theatre, take their Benefit on Thursday next. The pieces to be performed are entitled the Chelsea and Greenwich Pensioner, and the Dog of Montargis. Mr. W. Wallace the Australian Paganini will perform a grand concerto on the violin, and the Orchestra will be supplied with the talent of Mr. Deane and Sons and the Band of the 4th or King's Own Regiment.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (6 April 1837), 1
30 April 1837, re-opening of the Theatre Royal, Sydney
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (1 May 1837), 2
The Theatre re-opened on Saturday evening under the management of Mr. Barnett Levy. Of the performance we shall not speak in the present number. There has not been any material alteration made in the body of the house or on the stage. The only improvement we perceived was in the Orchestra, which is under the direction of Mr. Deane, and is much more efficient than hitherto.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Times (27 May 1837), 3
. . . On Thursday Evening we again witnessed Othello, and were very much delighted with Mr. Lazar, Spencer, Mrs. Taylor, and Miss Douglass. Mr. L.'s little dancing daughter, is a perfect Sprite - she was rapturously and most deservedly applauded in a Swiss dance; during the repetition of which, after a persevering encore, a remarkable event took place; there was evidently some slight discrepancy between the time kept by the orchestra, and the sylph-like steps of the little fairy, and which it appears to us could be attributable only to the want of a "rehearsal," that is, of the orchestra having practised to her dancing; when her father, yet Othello, stepped forward, stopping the dancing and the music, and taking his little girl by the hand in a very impassioned manner, protested against such injustice being done to his child by the orchestra playing out of tune or time to her dancing. Mr. Deane, the able leader of the band, looking confounded, as if conscious of being undeservedly censured, immediately retired to the green room, where an explanation took place; and as Mr. Simes explained in a short but neat address to the audience, when by the hooting of "the gods" at the commencement of the afterpiece he was compelled to step forward, it would appear that the matter so feelingly complained of by the father of the little opera dancer, who has danced before the King, arose from Mr. Deane and the orchestra being ignorant of some new step or figure introduced in the Milanese hornpipe. Mr. Deane played the remainder of the evening with commendable good-humour; and the orchestra is decidedly improved under the management of this gentleman; but still this little fillip may have good effect, and it ought to convince the manager, of the necessity of enforcing proper rehearsals.
"MR. LAZAR", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 May 1837), 2
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (15 June 1837), 2
. . . There is one department which has been greatly improved - the Orchestra contains all the talent of last season, with the addition of Mr. Dean as leader, and his three sons. The music is now as good as the Public may reasonably expect . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor); Albert Spencer (actor); Maria Taylor (actor, vocalist); Ellen Hatch Douglass (actor, vocalist); Rachel Lazar (juvenile dancer); Thomas Simes (manager)
1 August 1837, William Vincent Wallace's concert, Theatre Royal, George Street, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Australian (1 August 1837), 2
CONCERT. MR. W. WALLACE . . . will be assisted by Miss
Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. S. Wallace, and Mr. Josephson, who has kindly given his gratuitous services . . .
PART II . . .
91. VARIATIONS ON THE MARCH IN OTHELLO - Herz - Miss Deane . . .
13. GRAND QUARTETT Pianoforte, Violins, & Violoncello - Herz - Mr. W. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, Master E. Deane, & Mr. Deane
By the kind permission of MAJOR ENGLAND, Mr. Wallace will be allowed the valuable
aid of the Band of the 4th Regiment. . .
Diary of Alexander Brodie Spark, 1 August 1837; ed. Abbott and Little, The respectable Sydney merchant, 80
1st . . . to a Concert at the Theatre given by Mr. William Wallace. We were not a little delighted with his performance on the Fiddle, with his sister's singing, and Miss Deane's execution on the Piano.
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (4 August 1837), 2
On Tuesday evening last, we once again had the pleasure, though after much too long an interval, of being present at one of Mr. William Wallace's Concerts. The Theatre was engaged for the occasion, and the attendance was as flattering as rank and numbers could make it. Indeed, nothing but the presence of His Excellency seemed wanting to render this entertainment the most gratifying one of the kind that the Colony has yet presented . . .
. . . Miss Deane's performance on the pianoforte, obtained for her the unqualified approbation of all present, and when her extreme youth, and necessary want of strength in the fingers and the wrist are considered, her facility of touch, her very accurate taste, and power over the instrument, really excite our astonishment as well as admiration. If these young ladies continue in the same progressive developement [sic] of their respective talents, as they have done, since we first had the pleasure of hearing them, a few years will bring them, if not in the first rank of their profession, at least within its precincts . . . The effect of the Quartette by Messrs. William Wallace, Josephson, Deane, and Son, was what might be expected from the respective and united talent of those gentlemen. In speaking of Master Deane, we, of course, speak of him only as a juvenile performer. Both he and his brother, who took a part in the concerto, deserve the highest commendations . . .
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT . . .", The Sydney Herald (7 August 1837), 2
. . . Miss Deane had little to do; but her execution of the variations in the march in Othello manifested not only a judicious instructor, but also her own capability of becoming a first-rate performer on the piano-forte. We do not think that, even now, she is very much behind Mr. Wallace himself on that instrument. Of the other instrumental music - second to the solos on the violin by Mr. Wallace - that which pleased us most was the Quartett, in the second part of the Concert, by Messrs. Wallace, Deane, Josephson (piano-forte), and Master E. Deane . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Times (12 August 1837), 3
. . . In the "first part," the pieces that pleased us most were Costa's fine Cavatina, very sweetly sung by Miss Wallace, and admirably accompanied by her brother and Mr. Deane, &c. and Mayseder's pleasant Polonaise, played with great gusto, and in masterly style by Mr. Wallace on the violin . . .
In the "second part" Miss Deane developed the expanding powers of a fine pianiste, in some difficult variations on a march of Rossini's from the "Otello;" Mr. Wallace, Mr. Josephson, and Mr. Deane and son, gave a lively quartette of Hezzo [Herz], that is about the most simple and natural composition of that clever compounder of mechanical difficulties, that we have hitherto come across . . .
There has been so much to praise, perhaps it may not be deemed invidious in us to fancy we can detect a flaw - and we think even Mr. Wallace himself will admit, on looking over his printed "Programme," that the selection is not what it ought to have been - it scarcely includes a composition of even third-rate merit . . . and we do therefore entreat Mr. Wallace when he next gratifies the public with a Concert - to treat [the] "initiared" with one of Beethoven's magnificent Concertos - with a Quartette of Sphor's [sic, Spohr] - or, at least that he will recollect there are such time-honoured names as Mozart and Haydyn, and such modern ones as Weber, Rossini, and Mendelsohn.
21 September 1837, Eliza Winstanley's benefit, Theatre Royal, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Australian (19 September 1837), 3
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
MISS WINSTANLEY respectfully informs her Friends and the Public that her Benefit is fixed for THURSDAY, September 21 . . .
For this Night only, MISS ANN WINSTANLEY (pupil of Mr. Deane) and MASTER E. DEANE will sing the much admired Duet of
"Flow on, thou shining River,"
Which was so rapturously applauded at Mr. Deane's Concert . . .
The admired Song of "The Rose shall cease to blow," by Miss Ann Winstanley;
And, by particular desire, the favourite Ballad, "Come, my gallant soldier, come," by Miss Ann Winstanley . . .
29 September 1837, William Vincent Wallace's concert, Theatre Royal, George Street, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (29 September 1837), 1
. . . MR. WILLIAM WALLACE . . . will be assisted by Miss Deane, Miss E. Wallace, Mr. S. Wallace, Mr.
Deane and Sons, and the Amateur, who so kindly assisted at Mr. Wallace's previous Concert . . .
PART II . . .
10 - Brilliant Variations on an Air from Norma (Pianoforte) - HERTZ - Miss Dean
11 - Duet - My Pretty Page - BISHOP - Miss Wallace & Master Dean . . .
13 - Quartet - Opera 18 BEETHOVEN (the first time in the Colony) Two Violins, Tenor and Violincello
- Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Master Deane, and Master E. Deane . . .
"CONCERT", The Sydney Times (30 September 1837), 3
The Concert went off last evening with great eclat. We have not space remaining for a critique on the performances; but we may say with great truth and satisfaction, that His Excellency and Mrs. Deas Thomson, who is perhaps the finest female amateur in the colony, as a vocalist - we believe, as well as pianist and harpist, appeared to be highly gratified, as did the Australian Fair, their swains and husbands, with whom the pit and lower boxes were filled. Indeed, we never witnessed a more respectable attendance on any similar occasion. The house was filled literally with the rank, beauty, and fashion of Sydney. Mr. Wallace was, as he ever is, great, on his own peculiar instrument - the violin, and his brother, scarcely inferior to him in a flute concerto. Miss Wallace also delighted us with her unrivalled and unaffected singing. In company with Master E. Deane, in the admired duet of "My Pretty Page," this young lady was rapturously encored. But the most astonishing, and perhaps most meritorious performance of the evening, was Miss Deane's splendid execution of some truly "brilliant variations" on an air from Norma, by Herz. This to be appreciated must be heard, for it is impossible to describe it.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (2 October 1837), 2
. . . Miss Wallace sings with taste and science, but we like her English better than her Italian songs. The lower tones of her voice are particularly effective, and were heard to advantage in Horn's song of The Deep Sea; this young lady also sung the pretty little air called The Light Guitar, with a suitable accompaniement by herself; and, with that clever boy, Master E. Deane, the duet of My Pretty Page, which was honoured with an unanimous encore.
The chief attraction of the evening, however, was the instrumental music, which embraced a novelty in the performance of one of Beethoven's splendid Quartettes, by Messrs. Wallace and Deane, and Masters Deane and E. Deane. We know not whether this particular Quartette was chosen from the works of its great composer, as the one best adapted to display the taste and skill of the performer on the first violin; but, certainly, it had that effect, for not the most brilliant passages in Mr. Wallace's solos on the violin told more delightfully upon the ear than than the subdued melody which he drew from the instrument in this performance. He was, also, ably assisted by Mr. Deane and his sons . . .
The performance of Miss Deane, particularly for one so young, is deserving of great praise . . .
"Mr. Wallace's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (2 October 1837), 2-3
The Concert on Friday, was well attended. The Governor was present, and the Grenadiers under arms, received His Excellency at the door of the Royal Hotel.
. . . Mr. Wallace and Miss Deane, did all we could ever wish to be done on the Piano. And provided these Fantasias, (a good name for the frivolities now in fashion) were interspersed, each with half a dozen of the best Scotch and English airs, we should like them. But without such agreeable and refreshing interludes, we take the same sort of pleasure in witnessing the engine-like precision and rapidity of the fingers as we would regard a juggler with his cups and balls. The art of fingering is purely the art of mechanism, for the music is not worth the name . . . The duet between Miss Wallace and Master Deane, pleased the audience well.
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (6 October 1837), 2
The entire absence of anything approaching to rational public entertainments in the Colony, combined with the general disposition that undoubtedly prevails to encourage them, have rendered the concerts under the direction of Mr. Wallace an event of very great interest and excitement . . .
. . . His Excellency (the steady patron of every thing that is liberal and refined), with his suite honored the concert with his attendance, which of course gave an interest and a spirit to the scene which it would not otherwise have possessed. Mr. Wallace was assisted by his brother Mr. Wellington, Miss Wallace, Mr. Deane and his family, the gentleman amateur who has appeared on many former occasions, and by the band of the 80th regiment [recte Band of the 50th Regiment]. Miss Wallace sang Oh Come Risorgere with considerable science and effect. Her duet My Pretty Page, with Master Deane, was very prettily sung. Miss Dean's performance on the piano did us much honor to herself as it gave pleasure to the auditors. The advances which these young ladies make respectively in their profession, command unqualified praise . . .
. . . One of Beethoven's Quartettes by Mr. Wallace, Mr. Dean and Sons was an excellent performance; but indeed the quartettes of this great man are so divine that if their spirit and harmony be but moderately preserved, they cannot fail to delight . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 50th Regiment
26 October 1837, the Deanes's benefit, Theatre Royal
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor (23 October 1837), 2
By an advertisement in this day's paper we observe, that Mr. Deane (leader of the orchestra) with his two sons, have fixed their benefit for Thursday, 26th Instant, when the amateurs of vocal and instrumental music will no doubt have a rich treat.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 October 1837), 2
By an advertisement in another column it will be seen that Mr. Deane, the leader of the orchestra at the Theatre, takes his benefit on Thursday next. Mr. Deane had provided a rich treat for the occasion, in the shape of a musical feast. We feel much pleasure in being enabled to recommend Mr. Deane to the Public, as the head of a respectable and talented family, who have long contributed to rational recreation - in fact, who have furnished nearly the only amusement which the Theatre affords. We are convinced the public will consider him as well deserving a full share of patronage; and, when we state that in addition to this, the Australian Paganini has handsomely stepped forward to his friend's assistance, and given notice of his intention to play two of his most favorite airs on the violin - can we reasonably expect other than that the house will be filled to overflowing?
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (26 October 1837), 1
Theatre Royal, Sydney.
For the Benefit of Mr. Deane, Leader of the Orchestra, and Sons.
MR. DEANE MOST respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney, that his Benefit will take place this Evening, October 26, 1837,
on which occasion will be performed, for the first time at this Theatre, the popular Legendary Drama, in two Acts, from the pen of C. A.
Somerset, entitled
. . . After which,
A Vocal and Instrumental Melange,
In which Mr. Deane will be assisted by Mr. W. Wallace, (who has kindly offered his services gratuitously on this occasion)
and will play a Solo on the Violin.
Song - Bid me discourse (Bishop) - Mrs. Clarke
Solo, Pianoforte - Pre aux Clercs (Hertz) - Miss Deane
Song - Green Hills of Tyrol - Miss A. Winstanly
Glee - The Swiss Boy, (accompanied by four Guitars) - Miss Deane, Masters J. and E. Deane, and Mr. Deane
Song - Batti, Batti, O' Bel Maseto (Mozart) - Mrs. Clarke
Solo, Violoncello - Master E. Deane
Duet - My pretty Page - Mrs. Clarke and Master Deane
Violin - in which will be introduced Ye Banks and Braes - by Mr. W. Wallace.
The whole to conclude with the broad and laughable Farce called
My Husband's Ghost; OR, THE CORPORAL AND THE DRUMMER . . .
"THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (30 October 1837), 2
The performances on Thursday evening last, were for the benefit of Mr. Deane, the lender of the orchestra, and of his sons. The house was very full. Of the dramatic performances we have little to say . . . The vocal and instrumental music introduced between the pieces, was a pleasing relief. Mr. Wallace played a solo on the violin in beautiful style - Miss Deane was clever and tasteful on the pianoforte - Mrs. Clarke (decidedly the most accomplished singer that has yet appeared upon the Sydney stage), sang an English and an Italian song, besides assisting in other performances with Mr. and the Masters Deane. ln short, the musical selection was very pleasing, of the rest we have already given our opinion. Mr. Deane had a good house, and he merited that tribute to the industry and talent of himself and his family.
"THE PROCLAIMING QUEEN VICTORIA", and "THE THEATRE", The Australian (31 October 1837), 2
Pursuant to the Government notice from the Colonial Secretary's office of the 26th Instant, on Friday last the Royal Standard was displayed at sun rise from Dawes's Battery, and in front of Government house, half staff high. About 11 o'clock, the troops in garrison under the command of Colonel Wodehouse, of H. M. 50th Regiment were marched to the domain, and drawn up in line on the lawn in front of Government house. The proclamation by the Governor and Civil Officers, &c, given elsewhere, announcing the accession of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, to the throne of the British Empire, having been previously signed by His Excellency, the Judges, the Clergy, the Civil and Military Officers, and some of the principal Inhabitants of the Colony, was brought out into the verandah of Government House at 12 o' Clock, and read by the Sheriff, at the conclusion of which three hearty cheers were given by the assembled spectators for Her Majesty's long and prosperous reign. A royal salute was immediately fired from Dawes's Battery, in honor of the auspicious event; and the colors of the 50th Regiment, (or Queen's own,) were lowered under a general salute, and the royal standards were hoisted to the staff head. The military then fired a feu-de-joie, the band playing the national anthem at each discharge of the musketry, and at the conclusion of this portion of the ceremony, the soldiers gave three cheers in honor of their new Sovereign. The procession then moved off through Bridge-street, and up George-street, to the Police Office . . .
THE THEATRE. - Mr. Deane took his benefit on Thursday evening last, and judging from the very full attendance with which he was favored, Mr. Deane must have derived at much profit, as his audience derived pleasure from the evening's entertainment. We heartily congratulate him on this flattering, but well-merited acknowledgment of his claims to Public favor and support. His Excellency the Governor and several families of distinction had engaged boxes for the evening, but were of course prevented attending by the intelligence of the death of the King. Mr. Deane however was in a pecuniary point of view a gainer by this disappointment, as he received the amount for the boxes which had been engaged, and left them available for the casual visitors; though we are quite sure that this did not at all reconcile Mr. Deane to the disappointment he must have felt at the absence of such distinguished patronage.
The opening piece was an interesting little Drama, called the "Mistletoe Bough" . . . In the course of the piece Miss Lazar performed a dance from "La Sylphade" most gracefully. The choice part however of the evening's entertainment was the Musical Melange that followed. Mrs. Clarke sang "Bid me discourse," but we cannot speak of it with unqualified praise - she is manifestly a good musician, sings in tune, has some very fine notes, and an excellent shake, but there is a lifelessness, and a want of general expression in her songs which we think she might easily correct. Her triplets in the above song instead of flowing as they ought, "as Wave into Wave," were labored and too strongly marked. This lady also sung "Batti, batti" which we really think with a little study she could sing well - always bearing in mind that it is the "Soul of Song" which distinguishes the performer and delights the hearer.
The duet "My pretty Page" by Mrs. Clarke and Master Deane was loudly encored. [3] Mr. Deane, with his daughter and two sons, each with a guitar, sang the Glee., "The Swiss Boy," and a highly interesting performance it was. We cannot but envy Mr. Deane the pride and satisfaction he must feel in looking round on his family and seeing the successful results of the care he has bestowed in cultivating the musical capabilities with which they seem by nature to be gifted. We cannot speak too admiringly of Miss Deane's Piano forte performance - the upper notes of the instrument being flat, scarcely allowed her to do justice to herself. Master Deane's Solo, (nel cor piu) on the Violoncello was really admirable. We have frequently admired him, but we never heard him play with a taste and mastery over his instrument at all approaching to his efforts on Thursday evening. He has evidently been a vigilant observer of our musical cynosure Mr. Wallace, and from his efforts to imitate him, he displays a perception of what is excellent, which leads us to anticipate very highly of him. The finale to this well selected melange was the Corinthian capital to the pillar. Mr. Wallace played a solo on the Violin, introducing the air of "Ye Banks and Braes." As we presume that there is no reader of the Australian who has not heard Mr. Wallace, we think it quite sufficient to say that he played, to enable them to fill up the measure of the gratification he imparted to his audience. Mr. Wallace, we perceive gave his services gratuitously on this occasion, a professional liberality which we should be glad to see more generally cultivated. The amusements of the evening were closed by the humorous farce of "My husband's ghost," in which the audience seemed to discover some capital jokes. Mr. Deane seemed to have spared no pains to make his entertainment attractive and agreeable, and we were very pleased to see his exertions so successfully rewarded.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (14 December 1837), 2
Messrs. Sippe and Wilson, we are informed, are engaged to conduct the orchestra for the ensuing season at Mrs. Levy's "Theatre Royal." If this be true, it will be quite enough to damn the Theatre to all intents and purposes. After the able manner in which Mr. Deane and his talented family have conducted this department, the play-going public will never tolerate Messrs. Sippe and Wilson as their substitutes. A more injudicious arrangement could not have been devised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Emma Levey (widow of Barnett Levey, who died on 2 October 1837)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (15 December 1837), 3
SIR - I beg leave to offer to the candid perusal of the Public at large,
the following document, which will prove how little foundation the veracious Editor of the Gazette
has for his scandalous attack upon the Proprietress of the Theatre, in his paper of 14th.
A copy of the Address was transmitted to the Governor, signed by the following Gentlemen,
who were to form the Deputation -
J. JOSEPHSON, for Mrs. LEVEY, Proprietress.
Messrs. DEAN & SIPPE - for the Orchestra.
Mr. LAZAR, MANAGER - for the Company.
Mr. J. SIMMONS, as former MANAGER . . .
"ADDRESS", The Sydney Times (16 December 1837), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Josephson (Sarah Levey's step-father, father of Joshua Frey Josephson); Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist, manager)
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (6 January 1838), 2
A considerable addition has been made to the Orchestra of the Theatre in the person of Mr. Wellington Wallace, a professor upon the flute, and brother to Mr. William Wallace, the Paganini of Australia, of whom report speaks highly. Mrs. Levey has acted judiciously in so doing, since Mr. Deane and his talented family, have retired from the Orchestra, an addition of strength has been much required.
31 January 1838, oratorio, St. Mary's Cathedral, Hyde Park, Sydney
[News], The Australian (12 January 1838), 2
We understand that an Oratorio will be held at St. Mary's Chapel, Hyde Park, on the 26th instant, in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Colony.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (26 January 1838), 4
ORATORIO. THE COMMITTEE who conducted the former Musical Festival at St. Mary's Cathedral,
respectfully announce their intention of repeating it, with variations, on WEDNESDAY the 31st Instant.
On this, as on the former occasion, the combined musical talent of the Colony has been most generously offered.
Single admission Tickets, 7s. 6d; family ditto, to admit four, £1 1s.;
and Books of Words, 1s. each; to be had of Mr. Wallace, Professor of Music, King-street;
Mr. Ellard, George-street; and at Mr. Tyrer's Repository, George-street.
To commence precisely at 7 P.M.
Sydney, Jan. 23, 1838.
"THE ORATORIA" [sic], The Sydney Herald (5 February 1838), 2
A grand Musical Festival took place at St. Mary's Church on Wednesday evening last, which was attended by upwards of five hundred persons. The selection of music was from the best authors; and the professionals of Sydney, who gave their assistance gratuitously, mustered strong on the occasion. Mr. Wallace, as usual was the star of the instrumental performers, and was assisted by Mr. W.'s brother, Messrs. Deane, Cavendish, Edwards, Spyer, Josephson, Lane, and the full Band of the 50th regiment. Amongst the female vocalists we observed Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clark, and several of the Choir of the Chapel. In the vocal department of the other sex there was an evident want of tenors and counter-tenors, which were however judiciously supplied by the stringed instruments. From the short notice of the entertainment, we did not think it possible that such an intellectual treat could have been produced. Such was the effect of the performance that the audience could not be restrained from exhibiting their approbation and applause at the termination of every piece. We regret that our limited space will not allow us to enter more into detail, and do individual justice to the performers. We must conclude by saying that it was altogether highly creditable to the musical profession of Australia.
[Edward Smith Hall], "The Oratorio", The Sydney Monitor (5 February 1838), 2
WE have already noticed the Oratorio at St. Mary's Chapel, or, as it rather deserves to be called, Cathedral, in Hyde Park. We now proceed to describe it . . .
FIRST PART . . . The trio "Te ergo quaesumus" by Mrs. Clarke, Master Deane, and an amateur, was well received, but the inefficiency of Master Deane's voice, which is not yet formed, rendered it less effective than it otherwise would have been. We mention this not as a fault, for looking to his youth, Master Deane acquitted himself admirably . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Spyer (violinist)
[Advertisement], The Australian (6 February 1838), 3
CONCERT. MESSRS. WALLACE & DEANE have the honor to announce to their Friends and the Public their intention to give a CONCERT, on Wednesday, the 28th instant, when they propose to give a grand selection of ITALIAN VOCAL MUSIC, with several other Novelties.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (8 February 1838), 2
We observe that Mr. W. Wallace, in conjunction with Mr. Deane, is about to afford the public a treat at a Concert of vocal and instrumental music, to be given on the 28th instant.
12 February 1838, unexpected and unannounced departure of William Vincent Wallace
[News], The Australian (2 March 1838), 2
We hear that Mr. Deane and family intend shortly giving a Concert. Mr. Wallace's departure for Valparaiso will certainly be a drawback to it, yet, we hope, they will be able to produce such novelties as will draw their friends forward on that occasion; and though so excellent a violinist may not be easily secured to draw so good a bow, yet, we hope, those who remain in the Colony, will not leave us without a formal bow, prior to their departures. - Correspondent.
26 March 1838, opening of the Royal Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street, Sydney
"THE NEW THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (21 February 1838), 2
This beautiful building will shortly be opened under the denomination of the "Theatre Royal Victoria" . . . The orchestra will be under the management of Mr. Deane, who, with his family, has been engaged, and who has undertaken to furnish seventeen instruments.
"The New Theatre", The Sydney Monitor (28 March 1838), 3
Mr. Wyatt's new Theatre opened on Monday evening, according to advertisement, with the play of Othello . . . The orchestra is spacious. Eighteen performers, on different instruments, were quite at their ease. The music was excellent, Mr. Deane leading the band . . . Sixteen hundred persons were present. The house was not quite filled . . .
New South Wales is fifty years old as a colony. Look at her Churches, Schools, and Theatre; her Ships and her Commerce; and it must be allowed, she has made a prodigious advance from a wild uninhabited forest, to a community of intelligent men, where skill in the arts, and sciences, and useful literature, flourish as much as they do in England, in proportion to the paucity of our population.
"THEATRICAL NUISANCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 April 1838), 2
A young man named Smith in the Pit of the Theatre on Thursday night annoyed the audience and (particularly) the Orchestra, near which he had ensconced himself by hissing, clapping, dancing, singing and the commission of other similar extravagances, until Mr. Deane, the Leader, was compelled to give him into custody. He was bound over to the peace on Saturday at the Police Office for his follies.
"Royal Victoria Theatre", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (21 April 1838), 2
. . . The music was first rate, thanks to Mr. Deane's assiduity . . .
"The Theatre", The Australian (27 April 1838), 2
We have not had time to pay a visit to the Theatre since our last publication, but we understand it has been well attended. We are informed that Mr. Deane has purchased for the Orchestra, all the latest overtures published in England, which had been sent out to Mr. W. H. Tyrer.
ASSOCIATION: Joseph Wyatt (theatre builder/owner)
NOTE: Tyrer had advertised in the Commercial Journal and Advertiser (25 April 1838), 2
NEW MUSIC, Ex Kinnear. W. H. TYRER has received by the above vessel, a Collection of the most modern Overtures, Duets, Quadrilles, Songs, &c. . . .
26 April 1838, order of a piano by Miss Deane of Sydney, Broadwood piano manufacturers, London

Broadwood company, London, wholesale ledger, 1834-39 (2185/JB/29/27/3); image above couresty of Cliff Powys, reproduced by permission of Surrey History Centre
Miss Deane, New South Wales / 1838 April 26 / A S.P. PF., 31.10.-, Strings, 7/6, tin 1.6.- & deal 1.5.- Cases / [total] 34 / 8 / 6 . . . By Cash . . .
NOTE: A relatively cheap piano; it is perhaps equally likely that the Miss Deane in question was Mary Deane (Mrs. William Pitt Faithfull, d.1889) or her elder sister; see their 1838 advertisement for a "ladies' school"
30 May 1838, Deane's concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (30 May 1838), 1
(under the above distinguished Patronage) will take place
THIS EVENING, May 30, 1838, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
on which occasion he will he assisted by Mrs. Clancy, Miss Wallace, Mr. S. Wallace, Masters John and Edward Deane, and Miss Deane.
Programme Concert.
1. Overture - Der Freischutz - Weber.
2. Glee and Chorus - God Save the Queen!
3. Song - Si m'analore il dio - Costi - Miss Wallace
4. Grand variations (Piano forte) - Le Petit Tambour - Czerny - Miss Deane
5. Song - Cease your Funning - Farinelli - Mrs. Clancy
6. Duet - Hark! the Echoing Horn - Louis Leo - Miss and Master Deane.
7. Song- Al dolce qui domi - Donizetti - Mrs. Clancy
8. Song - 'Tis the last Rose of Summer - (accompanied by herself on the Harp) - Miss Wallace
9. Solo Violin, in which will will be introduced the favorite Air of My Lodging is on the Cold Ground - Master J. Deane.
1. Overture - La Gazza Ladra - Rossini
2. Song - The Soldier Tired - Arne - Mrs. Clancy
3. Fantasia - Flute - Nicholson - Mr. S. Wallace
4. Song - Black Eyed Susan - Miss Wallace
5. Solo - Violoncello - Nel cor piu, with new variations - Muntz Berger - Master E. Deane
6. Song - The Lass of Gourie - Lee - Mrs. Clancy
7. Cavatina - Vive tu - Flute obligate Mr. S. Wallace - Donnizetti - Miss Wallace.
By the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse, Mr. Deane will be allowed the aid of the
Band of the 50th Regiment.
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each, to be had of Mr. Tyrer, Fancy Repository, George-street;
Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon, George-street; and Mr. Deane, Macquarie-street.
** The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock precisely,
"Concert", The Sydney Monitor (1 June 1838), 2
On Wednesday evening, Mr. J. P. Deane's Concert, according to announcement, was held in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, under the patronage of Lady Gipps. The Saloon was filled. Among the company, we noticed His Excellency Sir George Gipps and lady, Colonel Snodgrass and lady, the Honorable E. Deas Thomson and lady, Sir J. Jamison, Colonel Shadforth, J. H. Plunkett Esq., and family, R. Therry, Esq. and lady, J. E. Manning, Esq., and family, and a galaxy of beauty and fashion. Prince Tubontutai, the Feejean Chief, was present. His hair was enclosed in a covering of Tappa, and had the appearance of the Drum major of the 50th's late immense cap, covered with a sheet of split wadding. He appeared highly delighted with the musical portion of the Concert. The overture in La Gasza Ladra, by the full band, seemed to afford him the greatest pleasure. It was curious to mark the contrast between his broad dark shoulders and the fair shoulders of a young lady, in a low dress, who sat next to him.
At eight o'clock, the Concert opened, by the band of the 50th regiment playing Weber's overture to Der Freischutz; then followed a glee and chorus, (God save the Queen!) which was received with the warmest demonstrations of loyalty. Miss Wallace sung Si m'avvalava il dio - her voice displayed much compass and richness. She has greatly improved in its modulation and sweetness. Miss Deane performed the Grand Variations on the pianoforte (on Le Petit Tambour), in a masterly style, and shewed a complete command of the instrument. Mrs. Clancy sang Cease your Funning - and although her voice was sweet, and she displayed great compass, yet there lacked spirit; and if there had been any fun in the song, there was none in her manner of singing it. Animation was what was required. A duett, between Master and Miss Deane (Hark the Echoing Horn), was but indifferent. Miss Deane's voice, though very sweet, is not adapted for an assembly; and Master Deane's was rather husky. We should, in fact, recommend, that Miss D. should confine herself to her pianoforte, at which she will gain laurels. Mrs. Clancy sang another Italian song (Al dolce qui domi), which was well received. The great novelty of the evening, however, was Miss Wallace's song ('Tis the last Rose of Summer), accompanied by herself on the harp. The beauty of the song, and the taste with which Miss W. imbued it, with the pleasing accompaniment of the harp, which is much better adapted for accompanying the voice than the piano, rendered great pleasure to the audience who were mute with delight. It would have been a great treat, if Miss Wallace had sung Savourneen Deelish, with harp accompaniment. The first part concluded by Master J. Deane's solo on the violin, introducing the air My Lodging is on the Cold Ground. This was Master J. Deane's first attempt at a solo before an audience, and he did ample credit to his instructor. His touch is in the same style as Wallace's - but, in the air, he lacked that sweetness and pathos which so entirely commanded the feelings of the audience in Wallace's performance: nevertheless, in the variations, he displayed considerable skill, and some of the passages were very superior. When he gets a little older, and can enter more fully into the feeling of the songs, he bids fair to rival his predecessor (Mr. Wallace).
The second part opened with the overture La Gazza Ladra, which was well played by the full band. The horns were rather too loud for the Saloon. Mrs. Clancy sang the Soldier Tired, with considerable success, and displayed more spirit in it than in either of her other songs, and was much and deservedly applauded. Mr. S. Wallace played a Fantasia on the flute with surprising execution, and gave great satisfaction. Miss Wallace sang the beautiful English ballad of Black Eyed Susan with much judgment and feeling. Of all songs, commend us to the good old English or Irish melodies for an appeal to the homely sympathies of the heart. Miss W. has certainly much improved in the conception of this song, since we last heard her. Master E. Deane played a solo on the violincello, which was only interesting, so far as it excited surprise, that a boy so little, should be able to command an instrument so big. Mrs. Clancy sang the Lass of Gowrie, and sang it very sweetly; but it lacked animation; and where "The auld folks soon gied their consent," we should have surmised that they had given a refusal, and that the laird of Gowrie was lamenting his hard fate. Miss Wallace concluded the evening's pleasure by singing an Italian Cavatina, Vivi tu, with flute obligato by Mr. S. Wallace, in a very superior manner. The band played "God save the Queen," and the company separated, highly gratified with their evening's entertainment.
We should think it must have been matter of surprise to Sir George Gipps to have witnessed the arts of civilized and settled society, introduced and patronized in this Colony, within 50 years of its being dressed in nature's wildest garb.
Before closing, our remarks on the concert, we would recommend to the manager to erect certain forms all round the orchestra, so that certain gentlemen (?) who are excessively desirous of attracting the attention of the fair portion of the audience, may be elevated, whereby less inconvenience would be occasioned to the ladies, who could then view them at a distance which would be preferable to having them so near as to preclude their seeing the performance.
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (1 June 1838), 2
According to announcement, Mr. Deane's Concert took place on Wednesday evening, at the Royal Hotel. The night was as fine as could be desired, and the room began to fill shortly after seven o'clock, it being understood that the Governor would be punctual to the time. Exactly at eight o'clock, His Excellency led Lady Gipps into the concert room, and the band of the 50th Regiment, which occupied the elevated orchestra, struck up God Save the Queen. His Excellency, who was dressed in a plain suit, bowed to the greetings of the assembly as he passed to a seat reserved for him at the top of the room, which, shortly after his arrival was pretty well filled.
When His Excellency was seated, the full band played Weber's overture to Der Freischutz, with happy effect. The music, for an overture, was not too loud for the room, and the performance was greeted with applause; after which, Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clancy, supported by the vocal performers, advanced and sung God Save the Queen, the audience standing during the anthem. Si m'avvatora il dio by Miss Wallace, with a pianoforte accompaniment, at once displayed the extraordinary compass and power of that young lady's voice. When led forward by Mr. Deane, she was greeted by the company, and at the close of her song, the pleasure her performance had given was again acknowledged. Miss Deane then took her seat at the piano, and through Czerny's beautiful variations on La Petit Tambour, managed as she always did, to gain the admiration of the company, who applauded her exertions in a manner that must have been gratifying to Mr. Deane. Mrs. Clancy then sung Cease Your Funning; but appeared to be labouring under a timidity natural to a first appearance at a public concert. She has a sweet musical voice, strong and clear upon the upper notes, but rather weak though always in time upon the lower. Hark the echoing horn, by Miss and Master E. Deane was greatly applauded; and Al dolci Guidame by Mrs. Clancy, gave that lady an opportunity of recovering her self-possession, and of impressing the company with the sweetness of her voice; the air is plaintive and was admirably sung. 'Tis the last Rose of Summer, by Miss Wallace, who accompanied herself on the harp, was sung by that lady with great feeling, but we would prefer hearing her in a higher key, especially in ballads which require only feeling in the performer to make them entrance. The close of the first part of the concert was Master John Deane's solo on the violin. The improvement this young gentleman has made since his first entrance on the musical field in New South Wales, evinces not only first-rate musical ability, but it is a proof of the industry with which he applies himself to his profession. Some parts of his performance were really first-rate, and the whole received the highest tribute of praise.
No unnecessary delay occurred between the parts of the performance, and the band struck into Rossini's Overture to La Gazza Ladra with spirit, and performed it in good style. Mrs. Clancy sang The Soldier Tired, to a piano accompaniment, and she sang it well. The effect of the song, however, was not what it would have been with a trumpet accompaniment, but Mrs. C's modulations were taken with much ease and clearness, and shows that her power and knowledge of music are good, and have been acquired from able masters. We scarcely know how to speak of Mr. Wellington Wallace's Fantasia on the flute; it was such a compound of extraordinary tone, facile execution, and chaste feeling, that all that could be said on the subject would convey a faint idea of the impression it produced on the company. It brought forcibly to the recollection of all present the witchery of his brother's violin, and the plaudits between each variation must have been gratifying to that gentleman. Miss Wallace's Black Eyed Susan was well greeted; and Master E. Deane's Solo on the violoncello was acknowledged in a manner that appeared to embarrass the young violinist; but the last and best songs were Mrs. Clancy's The Lass of Gowrie, and Miss Wallaces Vivi Tu by Donizetti, with a flute obligato by Mr. W. Wallace. The former was indeed rich and well adapted to Mrs. Clancy's voice, and the latter give ample scope to Miss Wallace's compass of voice, and the excellence of her execution. Mr. Wallace's flute accompaniment give a richness to the song that was delightful. The band played God save the Queen, until the company had retired, His Excellency taking the lead and bowing to the party as he passed to his carriage. We think that there must have been about three hundred persons present, who all seemed highly gratified and satisfied, and Mr. Deane seemed proud and pleased at the applause given to, and the attention shewn to his talented family. The Concert was over about a quarter to eleven o'clock.
"THE CONCERT", The Colonist (2 June 1838), 3
WE feel much pleasure in expressing our sentiments of approbation and high satisfaction respecting the Concert given by Mr. Deane last Wednesday evening, in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. We do not by any means profess to be a connoisseur in the science of music, but judging from the visible gratification experienced by the numerous and respectable company who were present, we conceive our impressions were not erroneous. To appreciate the finer strains of melody, and the bolder and more exquisite touches of art, require nothing more than a certain susceptibility of taste; but to be able to unfold the hidden soul of harmony, or to criticise the defects or beauties of professional performances, demands some knowledge of the technicalities and arcana of the science, which we can not boast of. Every man is not expected to be so conversant with the terms and principles of so refined and subtile an art, as to be able learnedly and critically to affect the connoisseur: yet we concur entirely with the sentiment of the poet, when he says: -
The man that hath no music in himself,
Or is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils :
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus:
Let no such man be trusted.
Although, therefore, our remarks should not be deserving of much weight on such a subject as music, we would consider it unjust or at least uncourteous to those who so ably and effectively exerted themselves in their different departments that evening for the entertainment of the public, to pass by their concert without expressing our cordial approval and unaffected gratification.
At eight o'clock, His Excellency the Governor, and Lady Gipps, entered the Saloon, and the Concert then opened, as was due, with the Queen's Anthem, performed with grand effect by a full orchestra, consisting of the Band of the 50th Regiment, accompanied by several distinguished professional musicians on the platform. During the performance of the Anthem, the company stood up with one universal feeling of loyalty and respect. The pieces mentioned in the programme were then commenced; and the special entertainment of the evening opened with Weber's splendid Overture in Der Frieschütz, by the musicians on the platform, accompanied by some of the trumpets and bass instruments of the military band. This, we believe, is one of Weber's most astonishing and intricate pieces of music; and strikes an audience with that feeling of astonishment and wild sublimity, which characterises the great works of Weber and others of the German school. The manner in which this Overture was performed was masterly, and displayed great skill and effect in the style of execution. God save the Queen was then sung by Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clancy, in a manner that elicited the merited applause of the audience. The voice of the former of these ladies is full and energetic in an extraordinary degree; and her powers of deep intonation and varied modulation, are calculated to excite the warmest admiration. The voice of Mrs. Clancy, on the other hand, is peculiarly soft, melodious, and sweet; there is also an interesting simplicity in her style of singing, which secured to that lady the willing applause of the whole company. Miss Wallace then sang an Italian song, of which the music was lofty and intricate; but we must here confess, that however much we may admire the skill and facility with which the wonderful evolutions of foreign music may be performed, we still cannot appreciate their peculiar beauties as we would those of our own national airs. We would, for our own taste, enjoy much more heartfelt pleasure from the singing of some of the most fashionable and modern English songs, interspersed with a few simple Scotch and Irish ditties. In regard, however, to instrumental performances, we have not the same antipathy to foreign works. For instance, Miss Deane's performance of the grand variations on Le Petit Tambour by Czerny, was an exquisite treat, and displayed a variety of splendid execution kept up with the most intense interest. It was really electrifying and bewildering to watch the lightening-like velocity with which this lady's fingers flew along the keys, and with what energy, ease, and accuracy, she brought out the most intricate and elaborate passages in the long and admirably sustained performance. Miss Deane has amply evinced that she is mistress of her Piano; and the instinctive ease and magical celerity of her execution on this occasion, could not fail, we conceive, to secure the same opinion from the respectable audience before whom she performed. Mrs. Clancy sung, Cease your funning, with soft and touching sweetness. The Duet, Hark! the Echoing Horn, was sung by Miss and Master Deane; for which the juvenile performers received the cheerful plaudits of the company. Indeed the whole family of Mr. Deane seems to be essentially a musical one; for all, in their various departments, are not only proficient, but quite superior, adepts in the art. 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer, was sung by Miss Wallace, accompanied by herself on the Harp. This is the sort of entertainment which we love much better than all the French and Italian frippery that could be produced in this hemisphere. Mrs. Clancy sang The Soldier Tired, with spirit, and afterwards The Lass of Gowrie, with almost Scottish taste and feeling. Miss Wallace in the second part of the evening's performances, sung Black Eyed Susan, in a style nearly equal to the celebrated Mrs. Wood, formerly Lady Lennox, whom we had the pleasure of hearing sing that very song. Mr. S. Wallace performed a Fantasia on the Flute, on which instrument he plays with all the ease and execution of a master-hand. There was more, however, of the mirabile than of the dulce in the fantastic performance with which he entertained the company. He was repeatedly greeted with applause during the piece, which gave token of the admiration which his playing excited. Mr. W. is decidedly as exquisite a Flutist, as his brother is a Violinist. Not the least of the amusements of the evening was the performance of Master E. Deane on the Violincello. He played a Solo, entitled Nel cor piu, by Muntz Berger, with astonishing ease and fluency, and produced withal much rich and harmonious music of the kind from an instrument considerably larger than himself. On the whole the Concert did very great credit to the various performers, both male and female, by whose combined exertions this entertainment was got up; and Mr. Deane deserves the greatest praise for the able and tasteful manner in which he arranged and conducted the performances of the evening. The Concert concluded a few minutes to eleven o'clock, and the company slowly dispersed while the military band again played with strong effect the Anthem, God Save the Queen.
"The Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 June 1838), 2
Mr. Deane's concert, under the patronage of Lady Gipps, was held in the saloon of the Royal Hotel on Wednesday evening. The room was well filled by eight o'clock, at which time His Excellency and Lady Gipps arrived, accompanied by His Excellency's Private Secretary. On the entrance of the Governor the Band of the 50th, stationed in the orchestra, struck up the National Anthem. The concert commenced with Weber's celebrated "Overture to Der Frieschutz," which was well executed by the Band; but its effect was entirely lost, owing to the room being much too small: it would have sounded well in the open air. Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clancy's "God Save the Queen" was also rendered less effective a from the same cause. We did not like Miss Wallace's "Si m'avvalord il dio" nearly as well as her other performances; her voice did not appear to be as clear as usual; it was, however, applauded, and appeared to give satisfaction. Miss Deane's performance on the piano was splendid, in point of execution; notwithstanding this, we should have been much better pleased had she introduced one or two of Moore's Melodies; they would have delighted the audience more than long and difficult pieces; her performance, however, excited much admiration. We never heard Mrs. Clancy sing before; her "Cease your Funning" was well executed, but she wanted nerve; her voice is very sweet, but not powerful - neither is her shake first-rate; her "Soldier Tired," in the second part of the performances, was by far her happiest effort; she had then evidently shaken off much of her natural timidity; the song was rapturously received; this lady's voice, we should think, is better adapted for a private room. Miss and Master E. Deane's "Hark, the Echoing Horn" was a failure; Miss Deane's voice is not good, and the duett was not sung in tune; Master Deane, who has a sweet voice, would have sung "My Pretty Page" better. Mrs. Clancy sung "Al dolce qui domi" sweetly and with effect. Miss Wallace, accompanying herself on the harp, sung "'Tis the last Rose of Summer" very prettily; this young lady's voice, however, does not accord well with the harp. Master John Deane's solo on the violin obtained more applause than any other part of the evening's performance; his execution on this difficult instrument for so young a lad, is really surprising; the applause bestowed upon his exertions must have been highly gratifying to his talented parent and instructor.
The second part of the entertainment commenced with Rossini's "Overture to La Gazza Ladra," which was exceedingly well executed, and with much better effect than the first Overture. Of Mr. S. Wallace's performance on the flute, we cannot speak too highly; he was listened to with the greatest interest, and excited universal admiration. Miss Wallace sung "Black Eyed Susan" with great power; it was by far the happiest of her performances, one in which her deep rich voice had full scope for effect, and she made the most of it. We have before heard Master Deane play a solo on the violincello with equal gratification as on the present occasion; the talent of this boy is quite in keeping with that of the other members of this promising family. The two last songs, "The Lass of Gowrie" by Mrs. Clancy, and "Vivi tu" by Miss Wallace, were both well executed, and made a very good winding up to an evening's amusement that seemed on the whole to be very well received. We congratulate Mr. Deane on the success of his concert, which, independent of the substantial profit he gained by his exertions, serves to show him that he possesses the esteem and patronage of the respectable portion of the public. We understand that Miss Wallace intends getting up a similar entertainment shortly, and that His Excellency the Governor has kindly promised to patronise her on the occasion.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (4 June 1838), . 2
The attendance at the Concert, on Wednesday evening last, was rather numerous, and the performances (vocal and instrumental) generally well got through. Immediately after the entrance of Sir George and Lady Gipps with their suite, the Concert commenced with the performance by the full band, of the overture to Der Freischutz, followed by God save the Queen, sung by the whole strength of the orchestra - Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clancy taking the principal parts. The whole audience remained standing during the performance of the national anthem, which, on its conclusion, was responded to with enthusiastic applause. The talent of Miss Wallace, as a singer, is now so well appreciated by the lovers of music here, that it is almost needless to say more than that she acquitted herself with her usual taste. This young lady's voice is also considerably improved, by having increased in volume without having lost any of its sweetness. Her Italian singing seems to us to be that with which she is herself most pleased, but, although as a manifestation of musical science and taste, it is deserving of high eulogium, we prefer the simple ballad. The song of The last Rose of Sumner, which Miss W. accompanied on the harp, was given with somewhat too much of ornament, but Black eyed Susan was all that could be wished. A Mrs. Clancy made her first appearance on this occasion as a concert singer. She possesses a sweet, but rather weak voice, particularly in the lower notes, and appeared to be somewhat timid. The best of her songs were Al dolce qui domi, and the Lass of Gowrie. The Soldier Tired is rather beyond her power of voice, although the cadences were got through with great clearness. This song is generally sung with a full orchestral accompaniment, in which the trumpet assumes the most prominent part. Mrs. C., however, sang it to a piano forte accompaniment, which, considering her apparently limited power of voice, was judicious. Miss Deane performed some beautiful variations on the air Le Petit Tambour, on the piano-forte, with great skill and taste, and together with her brother, Master E. Deane, received much applause for the vocal duet, Hark the echoing horn. Nothing could be finer than Mr. W. Wallace's Fantasia on the flute, he is as great a master of that instrument as his brother, Mr. W. Wallace, was of the violin. His performance drew down rapturous applause. Master J. Deane appeared, for the first time in public, to perform a solo on the violin; and acquitted himself in a very satisfactory manner. He has acquired a considerable command of the instrument, and executes very difficult passages with great correctness and ease. The tones he produces are, however, somewhat wiry, and he lacks feeling in playing a simple melody. But these are imperfections which the practice of each succeeding day will gradually remove. Altogether the performance gave promise of much future excellence. Master E. Deane's solo on the violoncello was also listened to with much pleasure. For such a youth, his performances on an instrument somewhat bigger than himself, are really surprising. Vivi tu, by Miss Wallace, with obligato flute accompaniment by her brother, closed the vocal performance; after which the band played God save the Queen, and the company retired. The Concert was over a little before eleven o'clock.
Among the company we noticed, besides His Excellency the Governor, Lady Gipps, and suite - Colonel Snodgrass and lady, Hon. E. D. Thomson and lady, J. H. Plunkett, Esq., and lady, R. Scott, L. Macalister, Esqs., Sir John Jamison, Colonel Shadforth, Drs. Bowman and Mitchell, R. Therry, Esq., and lady, J. E. Manning, Esq., and family, &c. &c. &c. The Fejeean Chief, Tubontutai, was also present, and appeared to enjoy the music.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Clancy (vocalist); George Gipps (governor of NSW); Edward Deas Thomson and Anna Maria Deas Thomson (musical patrons); John Hubert Plunkett and Maria Plunkett (musical patrons); Roger Therry and Ann Therry (musical patrons)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (23 June 1838), 1
MISS DUBOST, IN returning thanks to her Friends and the Public lor their liberal encouragement,
begs to intimate, that after the vacation her school will re-open on the 9th of July . . .
Music (taught by Mr. Dean) - 12 12 0 [per annum] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henrietta Dubost
15 and 22 September 1838, the opera of Der Freischutz (Weber), Royal Victoria Theatre, for the Deane's benefit, 22 September
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (19 September 1838), 2
. . . The opera of Der Freischutz (though "got up" for a benefit - that of Mr. Peck) has, all things considered, been produced in a very creditable manner. With respect to plot, this piece is a rich specimen of outrageous denouement; but it is well worth a long walk to listen to the beautiful, wild music of Weber, which is performed, even in the Sydney theatre, in a very creditable style. We could not help admiring the manner in which Mr. Deane (but let not Mr. Wallace's delightful flute be forgotten) led the orchestra through the intricate mazes of some of the most extraordinary music ever composed . . .
MR. J. P. DEANE, Leader of the Orchestra, AND HIS FOUR SONS
Royal Victoria Theatre
J. P. DEANE (for himself and Sons,) begs to intimate to his Friends and the Public, that their BENEFIT will take place on
Saturday Next, the 22nd Inst.
The Performance will commence with the celebrated grand Operatic Legendary Drama, with the original Music,
by CARL MARIA VON WEBER, in three Acts, entitled
Rodolph - MR. PECK.
Zamiel (Demon Huntsman) - Mr. Lee
Agnes, Daughter of Kuno - Mrs. Clarke
Ann, her Cousin - Mrs. Taylor.
In the course of the Piece, the celebrated
Chorus of Invisible Spirits.
Appearance of the Forest Fiend!
The Moon changes to Blood Red.
Spectre of Rodolph's Mother - Spectre of Agnes;
Diabolical Blessing of the Bullets.
Casting the Bullets.
Mystic appearance of Zamiel, surrounded by a tremendous Shower of Fire, and every species of
horror to deter DER FREISCHUTZ from the completion of his object - awful death of Caspar,
who is borne away in a Body of Fire by the Demon Huntsman to the unknown regions.
AFTER WHICH, Miss Lazar will Dance a Pas Seul, As Danced at her own Benefit.
MR. BUCKINGHAM WILL SING A Favorite Comic Song, in Character.
In the course of the Evening MASTER CHARLES MUZIO DEANE, only 5 years old, will LEAD THE ORCHESTRA in a Set of Quadrilles.
The whole to conclude with the grand historical Drama, in three Acts, called
To be preceded by the original Overture.
Gustavus the Third (King of Sweden) - M. Grove
Count Ankarstrom - Mr. Spencer.
Conspirators - Dehorn - Mr. Cameron; Voralberg - Mr. Arabin; Klaubert - Mr. Collins.
Oscar (favorite Page to the King) - Miss Lazar.
(her first appearance in that character.)
D'Armfield - Mr. Lane; Roslin - Mr. Fenton
Segel - Mr. Hollis.
Rostock - Mr. Bennett; Karle, Mr. Fitzgerald.
Christian Engleheart - Mr. Meredith.
Amelia (Countess Ankarstrom) - Mrs. Cameron
Arvedson (a Fortune teller) - Mrs. Clarke, with a favorite Song.
In Act 1. The original Chorus, "Long live the King," will be sung, for the first time, by the whole of the characters.
Act II. A wile and desolate rocky Glen, on the Borders of Stockholm, by moonlight.
ACT III. Grand Ball Room of the Palace, magnificently decorated and illuminated for a Masked Ball.
On the first production of Gustavus, at the Theatre Royal, George-street,
this Scene was pronounced the most successful attempt ever witnessed in the Colony;
the extensive resources of this establishment will enable the Manager to re-produce it with increased effect;
the full extent of the Stage will be given, representing ILLUMINATED ARCHES,
And the whole forming one of the most splendid exhibitions ever witnessed in this Theatre.
In this scene, Messrs. Hollis, Fitzgerald, and Lee will dance An entire new Chinese Dance.
Tickets and Boxes to be had at Mr. Gibson's, Victoria Hotel; Mr. Barlow's Repository, Bridge-street;
Mr. Ellard's Music Saloon; and Mr. Deane's residence, Macquarie-street.
[News], The Australian (21 September 1838), 2
Mr. Deane's benefit for himself and Sons, will take place to-morrow evening, with the opera of Der Freischutz will be performed. Mr. Deane's youngest son, a boy of five years of age, will make his debut as a public performer, and although so young, we understand he has considerable talent. We are happy to find that the most of Mr. Deane's boxes are taken, and we think his family deserve encouragement, on account of the great improvement they have effected in the orchestra.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (vocalist, violinist);
17 October 1838, Eliza Wallace's concert
[News], The Australian (9 October 1838), 3
We understand, that Miss Wallace, with the assistance of her brother, Mr. Wellington Wallace, Mr. Deane's family and others, is about to get up a Concert, during the recess of the Theatre. Since the last Concert several valuable acquisitions in the musical field have been added to the Colony. Master Muzio Deane, the Infant Paganini, will play a solo on the violin, accompanied by his brothers, which will form a high attraction, and the preparations altogether are of a high order.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (17 October 1838), 4
MISS WALLACE BEGS to inform her Friends and the Public,
that her CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place on the 17th instant,
in the Saloon of the "ROYAL HOTEL;" on which occasion she will be assisted by Mr. J. P. DEANE and FAMILY,
a celebrated Vocal Amateur, Mr. WORGAN, Mr. W. STANLEY - Mr. SIPPE - Miss A. WINSTANLEY - and Mr. WALLACE.
1. Overture - Otello - ROSSINI - Orchestra . . .
8. Non più andrai, with full Orchestral accompaniments - MOZART - Amateur
9. Solo - Violin - MAYSEDER - Master Deane
1. Overture - Le Cheval de Bronze - AUBER - Military Band . . .
3. Solo - Violoncello - Mast. E. Deane
Miss Wallace will be assisted by the Band of the 50th Regt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George William Worgan (vocalist); William Stanley (pianist, accompanist); "celebrated vocal amateur" = John Bushelle
[News], The Australian (1 November 1838), 2
Mr. Deane (late leader of the band of the Royal Victoria Theatre) and his talented family intend shortly to give a Concert at the Royal Hotel; nearly all the vocal and musical talent in the Colony have already offered their services. This gentleman and his family are so well known to the musical world, that he need not be under the least apprehension, but that he will meet with the patronage of all the lovers of the art.
"CONCERTS", The Colonist (7 November 1838), 3
We understand that Mr. Deane, who has, by some trickery, been excluded from his situation as leader of the Orchestra at the Theatre, is about to give a series of Concerts in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, assisted by the members of his own talented family, and the principal musicians in the colony . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (10 November 1838), 3
MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public, that his CONCERT OF VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC will take place on WEDNESDAY, the 21st instant, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on which occasion be will be assisted by Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clancy, a celebrated Vocal Amateur, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Leffler, and Mr. Wellington Wallace. * * By the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse, Mr. Deane will be assisted by the Band of the 50th Regiment.
[Advertisement], The Australian (20 November 1838), 1
MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public, that his
CONCERT OF VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, will take place at the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on
Wednesday Evening next, the 21st instant, on which occasion he will be assisted by
Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clancy, the Vocal Amateur whose performance elicited such unqualified applause at the last Concert,
Mr. Worgan, Mr. Leffler, and Mr. Wellington Wallace.
Overture - Gustavus - Auber - Military
2. Song - Il braccio mio conquise - Nicolini - Miss Wallace
3. Duetto - All 'idea di que'l metallo - Rossini - Miss Wallace & Amateur
4. Trio - The Red Cross Knight - Callcott - Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan, and Amateur.
5. Fantasia - Flute - Nicholson - Mr. Wallace
6. Song - Bid me Discourse - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy
7. Solo - Violin - Viotti - Mr. Leffler.
8. Song - I've been roaming - Pacini - Miss Wallace
9. Non piu Andrai, with full orchestral accompaniment - Mozart - Amateur.
1. Overture - Medley - Bishop - Military
2. Song - My Soldier Love - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy
3. Duetto - Lasciami non t'ascotti - Rossini - Miss Wallace & Amateur
4. Glee - The Flocks shall leave the Mountains - Handel - Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan, & Amateur
5. Solo - Violoncello - Lindley - Master E. Deane
6. Song - Il Soave e bel Contento - Pacini - Miss Wallace
7. Duetto - Cinque dieci - Mozart - Mrs. Clancy and Amateur
8. Song - White Squalls - Mr. Worgan
9. Song - Largo Factotum - Rossini - Amateur.
** By the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse, Mr. Deane will be assisted by the Band of the 50th Regiment.
Tickets fo be had at Mr. Ellard's, Mr. Tyrer's, and Mr. Spark's, at the Royal Hotel.
N. B. - The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
"Mr. Deane's Concert", The Australian (20 November 1838), 2
In consequence of the prevalence of the catarrh in the town, and several of the vocal performers being incapacitated from performing by its infliction, Mr. Deane has been compelled to postpone his intended concert, until a future day, which will be duly notified. Independently of the affliction of his performers, he could not have acted a wiser part, as the general illness would have prevented many of his friends attending, and would have proved a loss to them as well as to him.
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (21 November 1838), 1
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (5 December 1838), 2
Mr. Deane's concert, which was to have taken place about a fortnight since, and was postponed until this evening in consequence of the prevailing malady, had been postponed for another month, the disease, instead of decreasing, being rather on the increase.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Leffler (violinist, not listed in the final advertisement)
"Musical Society", The Australian (29 December 1838), 2
Most of the Professors, and a number of Amateurs, have formed themselves into a society for the encouragement of this science, and part of their arrangements consist in having periodical concerts, which will be supported by the Society generally. The Society is divided into three classes, the first consisting of Professors, by whose talent the other classes will benefit, and consequently they are exempted from contributions to the fund. The second class, which is to consist of professional amateurs who will receive mutual instruction, and rational amusement, contribute a small monthly sum to the fund for providing music, lights, &c.; and the third class, consisting of those not being performers themselves, but who are fond of music, will also contribute a small sum to the funds, the principal support of which will be drawn from periodical concerts at which all the members being so disposed will assist. The society has been named the Cecilian Society, and has already upwards of an hundred members enrolled. The direction of the meetings, which will take place every Wednesday evening, has been entrusted to Mr. J. P. Deane, who, from his acknowledged talent and gentlemanly deportment, will do justice to the society. At present, the musical strength of the society, including amateurs of great proficiency, is upwards of sixty. The performances are regulated with judgment and order, and the weekly meetings form a delightful concert in themselves. Mr. Cavendish, who has always been foremost to promote the interests of the profession, has given his room for the occasion, but as the list increases rapidly, future meetings will be held in the school room of the old court-house, Castlereagh-street, which has been kindly lent for the occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: The Cecilian Society
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (11 January 1839), 2
We are happy to learn, that Mr. Deane and Sons are again engaged to conduct the Orchestra at the Theatre. This part of our Theatricals has not pleased the public since Mr. Deane's secession. Mr. D. is a favourite with the public; and a favourite on the highest ground, namely, the father of a large, talented, and well-conducted family. It is equally an honour to Mr. Wyatt and Mr. Deane to see the latter once more at the head of our Theatrical music.
"THEATRICAL CHIT-CHAT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 January 1839), 2
Peck has resigned the leadership of the orchestra and returns to Hobart Town. Deane and his family are re-engaged, and join the theatrical corps to-night. A new piece called FIDELIO, written by Mr. Morrice Phillips, the author of THE MASSACRE OF JERUSALEM, is in preparation.
ASSOCIATIONS: Morrice Phillips
23 January 1839, Deane's concert (incorrectly advertised for "Wednedsay 21st")
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Standard and Colonial Advocate (21 January 1839), 3
The musical talents of Mr. Deane, are well known to the inhabitants of Sydney. We are glad to perceive, by his advertisement, that we are to be entertained with a Concert on Wednesday next. We trust that he will receive that meed of encouragement to which his zeal, his talents, and his private worth, entitle him. We hope, for Mr. Deane's own sake, that he will not be compelled to call to his aid any distinguished amateurs whose presence may do much to prevent many respectable persons from attending, as was the case at a Concert held in the same room, not one hundred years since. We assure Mr. Deane, our sense of what is due to respectability and to our own character, will never allow us to overlook a violation of public decency. We have no desire to pry into the private affairs of any one, but when a man or a woman's own unhappy conduct has given them an infamous notoriety, the mere fact of their possessing talents, shall never save either them or their employers from our reprobation. We trust, Mr. Deane will receive these remarks in the same spirit in which they are given.
[News], The Australian (22 January 1839), 2
Mr. Deane's Concert, which, on account of the prevailing sickness, has been postponed for some weeks, is to take place on the 23d . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 January 1839), 1
MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public that his
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on
WEDNESDAY, the 21st [sic] instant, on which occasion Mr. Deane will be assisted by
Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clancy, the Vocal Amateur whose performance elicited such unqualified applause at the last Concert,
Mr. Worgan, Master Deane, and Mr. Wellington Wallace.
Overture - Gustavus - Auber - Military
2. Song - Il braccio mio conquise - Nicolini - Miss Wallace
3. Duetto - Lasciami non t'ascotti - Rossini - Miss Wallace & Amateur
4. Glee - The Red Cross Knight - Calcott - Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan, and Amateur.
5. Fantasia - Flute - Nicholson - Mr. Wallace
6. Song - Bid me Discourse - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy
7. Solo - Violin - Mayseder - Master Deane
8. Song - I've been roaming - Pacini - Miss Wallace
9. Non piu Andrai, with full orchestral accompaniment - Mozart - Amateur.
1. Overture - Medley - Bishop - Military
2. Song - My Soldier Love - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy
3. Duetto - All 'idea di quel metallo - Rossini - Miss Wallace and Amateur
4. Glee - The Flocks shall leave the Mountains - Handel - Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan, and Amateur
5. Solo - Violoncello - Lindley - Master E. Deane
6. Song - Il Soave e bel Contento - Pacini - Miss Wallace
7. Song - When time hath bereft thee - Auber - Amateur
8. Song - White Squall - Mr. Worgan
9. Song - Largo Factotum, with Orchestral Accompaniments - Rossini - Amateur.
By the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse, Mr. Deane will be assisted by the Band of the 50th Regiment.
Tickets fo be had at Mr. Ellard's, Mr. Tyrer's, and of Mr. Spark's, at the Royal Hotel.
N. B. - The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (25 January 1839), 2
We are happy to say for the honour of "the art divine," that Mr. Dean's concert on Wednesday evening at the Royal Hotel was attended by a room full though not crowded. The evening was delightfully cool. In consequence of an attack of the Standard newspaper on one of the singers, he was received with unusual applause and encouragemnent. But he was much agitated in the first duett. We appeal to the Editor, in the spirit of Him who has commanded us "not to bruise the broken reed, nor quench the smoking flax," whether the cause which we suppose this attack is intended to promote, is not injured by his endeavouring to crush a man, whose powerful talents delight thousands, as well in their psalmody and highest feelings of devotion, as in their innocent recreations, for notwithstanding we lately met in some author the remark, that music is altogether a sensual gratification, we know of none of the senses by which sentiment and imragination are so highly excited as by music, whether in our public devotions or private recreations. Well might our immortal bard in whose day music must have been in a very humble state of improvement, say, "music hath charms to soothe the savage breast; to soften rocks and send the knotted oak." A sentence which has been parodied until its intrinsic force and beauty has been, perverted to the imagination. To parody real beauty of language, is the same outrage on good taste and malty feeling, as if a ruffian were to compel a beautifull woman to submit, while with a brush, he painted her face into the form of a Scaramouch.
But, to return to the Concert. The performances are too numerous to criticise individually. Suffice Is to say, that Miss Wallace sang with great taste, great judgment, and great skill. Her voice still improves, and she has great powers. We are always afraid this lady's talents will ultimately lead her from the Colony, or that like Mrs. Kent, she will be tempted one of these days by some wicked tempter in the shape of a Benedict, to forsake the town and flee to our pastural hills and dales, and there "waste her sweetnes, on the desert air." Mrs. Clancy's voice continues as sweet as ever, but she should never sing in glees, as her voice becomes insignificant. "My soldier love," was sung by Mrs. C. with great sweeteess, but the applause was small, owing we suppose', to this song being in itself of a common place character. Mr. Worgan was getting on beautifully with the "White Squall," when, missing a line, and the accompaniment on the piano procedding onwards, he spoilt the conclusion. This gentleman's voice is heard to best advantage in solos. But his pronunciation of certain words is illiterate. And this by the bye reminds us of the syllable ess which the "amateur," to our great astonishment, proununced iss. We forgot the word, but we do not forget the syllable.
The flute fantasia was spoilt as usual, by an ocean of tedious preludes and senseless ramblings up and down the gamut, which divested the piece of what little character it might have had. Who wants to hear execution on an instrument, which except played in a lonely room, or in the still hour of night, is, of itself, insignificant? A flute in a large room full of company, is scarcely more powerful than a musical snuff box; and unless it redeems our time by the soft pathetic tones of which it is capable in a first rate composition, we would just as soon listen to the bell-like warblings of that little instrument. The flute should be introduced in a series of pathetic solos, in relief of the grand Piano in some stirring piece. Mr. Wallace's flute has no volume. It is not superior in power to the flageolet, without possessing the reedy sweetness of that instrument. The violin and violencello of the two master Dean's are subject to the same objection as Mr. Wallace's fantasias: they were spoilt by the display of mechanical or manipular skill. We would rather see a juggler tossing his cups and balls, than listen to these frivolous tweedle-dums. What an audience now-a-days requires is, not mechanical display: we want soul, mind, intellect, and power; power either to subdue by its softness, or heart-stirring to stimulate and exalt. Nevertheless, these young gentlemen showed great skill on their respective instruments, and the fine volume of Mr. Deane's violin overcame his efforts to spoil Mayseder's music by his preluding. We felt grateful to the great Handel, that his majestic notes in "the Flocks shall leave the mountains" were incapable of being injured by frivolities of this kind.
The band of the 50th Regiment played the two overtures of "Gustavus" and Bishop's "medley" in their usual superior style. But a full military band is too powerful for a concert room, unless the performers play considerably under their usual strength; putting forth their full power only once or twice in the course of a piece, by way of electrifying their hearers. The performer on the trombone did that instrument great justice. The clarionets were so loud, as to lose part of their music; they were at times scarcely in tune.
"THE CONCERT", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (26 January 1839), 2
On Wednesday evening last, the lovers of harmony were gratified by various vocal and instrumental performances at Mr. Deane's Concert, in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. The evening's entertainments commenced with Gustavus, (Auber) by the band of the 50th Regiment - the execution was good, but by far too powerful for so small a room. Il braccio mio conquise (Nicolini) by Miss Wallace, created such a sensation on the audience, that she alone was heard to speak. There is some thing, so remarkabjy rich in her voice, at the same time so powerful and well regulated, that we could fancy ourselves listening to a songstress, whose talents in the mother country, have called down upon the possessor so much commendation. We look forward to the time, when Miss Wallace shall, astonish us as Madame Catalini, and delight us after the fashion of that departed star, Madame Malibran. All' 'idea di quel metallo (Rossini) by Miss Wallace and amateur. In this duett, we hardly knew which was the better performer, Miss Wallace or the Amateur, for they sang so harmoniously, that you might fancy the voices sprang from the same fountain of music. The Amateur's voice was clearer and more at command at this, than at the last Concert. We are sure if the sapient editor of the Sydney Standard had been there, he must have felt ashamed, when he endeavoured in his journal of personalities to blast this fine voice, to prevent the public from enjoying the treat prepared for them by that respectable and indefatigable musician Mr. Deane. The Red Cross Knight (Callcott) by Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan and Amateur, was very good, but the voices of the two former were drowned by that of the latter. Mrs. Clancy and Mr. Worgan, there is no doubt are very good musicians but their voices are not adapted for a Concert, where their voices are heard solus.
Mr. Wellington Wallace's Fantasia (Nicholson) on the flute, was delightful, but there was more mechanical display than real beauty, and harmony. The Fantasia performed by this gentleman the last Concert, we liked much better. We are surprised that there are not a few duetts played on various instruments; what for instance, would be more delightful than a flute duett - and what we once heard at a musical festival in England, a trio with trombones, each of them set to some old yet popular English, Scotch or Irish air. It would seem that our Sydney musicians, take more delight in storms than in simple harmony. The solo on the violin by master Deane, gratified us much; this young aspirant, if he goes on improving, as he most assuredly does, ere long he will be looked upon as the Australian Paginani. Some of his cords were remarkably, rich and bold. Master E. Deane's solo on the violoncello, was a surprising performance for so young a lad. Indeed the parent, must feel gratified with the display. We have now spoken of all the performers; but not of all the songs: - to comment upon the whole would occupy more space than we can spare. The selection of pieces generally speaking, for the Concert, was somewhat better, than the last, in that there were more favorite airs produced, no doubt caused by the hint thrown out in the public journals after the last musical treat.
If any husband has a wife, or a wife a husband, troubled with melancholy, let the Amateur be sent for to sing Largo al Factotum, which song would make a hermit smile and skip. We are quite sure His Excellency the Governor and lady, would have been highly gratified, if they had been in the room. Some persons have whispered that His Excellency would not attend these Concerts, because certain persons were allowed to sing; for our parts we can hardly think His Excellency is quite so weak minded, as to give utterance to such feelings; if he did, all that we have to say is, that we would sooner dispence with His Excellency's company at any time than be deprived of hearing a good song, for such morality's sake!
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 January 1839), 2
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Standard and Colonial Advocate (28 January 1839), 3
"TO CORRESPONDENTS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (30 January 1839), 2
"A Strict Observer of the Performance" of Mr. Deane's Concert, this day week, has been received; but, on account of its personality, and its not being in accordance with our sentiments, is in admissible. We shall have no objection to insert the communication as an advertisement . . .
27 February 1839, Eliza Wallace's concert
"CONCERT", The Colonist (27 February 1839), 2
Miss Wallace gives a concert under the patronage of Lady Gipps, in the saloon of the Royal Hotel this evening . . . Mr. Deane and his talented family we regret to observe do not give their assistance on this occasion, owing, it is said, to a prohibition from Mr. Wyatt, of the Victoria Theatre. If it be so we must say, that the policy which dictated the prohibition was of a miserably short-sighted description . . .
"Literature and Science. REVIEW", The Colonist (16 March 1839), 4
REVIEW. Lectures on the Poets and Poetry of Great Britain, delivered at the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts. By W. A'BECKETT, Esq. - Sydney. 1839 . . .
. . . In this country, and among this people indeed, all moral and intellectual life is, and ever hath been, torpid, pulseless, and all but defunct - low, grovelling, sensual, and eminently unspiritual. Our whole souls seem steeped in oil, or wrapped up in wool; we are almost entirely absorbed in calculating the increase of our kine, and the extent of our acres. We live in a pastoral country, and follow pastoral pursuits; yet have we not, an atom, no, not a jot, of the pure, simple, antique pastoral spirit. Our community is composed of, the most clashing, heterogeneous, and unamalgamating elements. Our habits are unsocial and utterly undomestic; and, moreover, quite uncongenial to the climate. Our Capital inherits all the evils and immorality of a large city in an old country, without any one corresponding or counterbalancing advantage. Our institutions are neither Aristocratic nor Democratic. Our self made and mushroom aristocrats, are principally in men who have waxed wealthy on wool, or grown fat on the fisheries; whose modes of life are made up of second-hand imitations of imported manner and style - whose coats of arms have been "found" by Mr. Clint, and are to be seen any day and every day emblazoned on ill appointed equipages, driven by convict coachmen, dressed in dirty drab liveries faced with flaming yellow, and covered with crestless buttons; our Democrats, as a body, are without either, energy, public spirit, or intelligence. Our literature consists of the most common-place disquisitions on colonial politics, and our journals are pungent only when seasoned with the pepper of fierce personality, and violent party invective, enriched with all the affluence of abusive, epithet, and the beautiful flowers of Billingsgate rhetoric. Our religion consists in the correct and rigid observance of all external forms and ceremonies, and of the covert practice of all sensual vices. Our highest conception of practical morality is to "meet our bills" at the Bank, and, "keep up our credit." Our aspirations are of "the earth, earthy," our God is Mammon, and our worship, only "the dark idolatry of self."
This is certainly rather a dark drawn picture of our social condition, and will be set down by some as a caricature, by others as an overcharged exaggeration. But is it so in reality? We, of course, think otherwise, and we speak from some observation and experience, and without being actuated by any self-known bias or prejudice. It may, then, be well asked by our readers, "Is this state of 'thought's stagnant chaos" to last for ever? Are there no indications of the approach of a more advanced stage of refinement? No symptoms of a transition state yet discernible? And we answer, with hope and confidence Yes; "the time is at hand-the spirit is gone forth;" the indications are already discernible, faint and imperfect though they be; that we recognize them in the publication of these Lectures of Mr. a'Beckett, in the Poetry of Mr. Halloran, in the projection that has been given to the musical taste of the public by Mr. Wallace and Mr. Dean, in the success that has attended the establishment of the Mechanics' School of Arts, and in the increase of our printing and publishing establishments . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William A'Beckett (author); Henry Halloran (poet)
[Opinion], Bent's News and New South Wales Advertiser (13 April 1839), 2
We hope that Miss Wallace will, at no very distant period, again induIge us with another concert, since her last met with so much success, their Excellencies Sir George Gipps and Sir Maurice O'Connell, with their respective suites, having been present. We think Miss Deane would also do well to give another concert shortly. Both these young ladies would be sure to be well patronized.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maurice O'Connell (commander of the military forces in NSW); Mary O'Connell
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Colonist (8 May 1839), 2
THE progress of this Society has just received a check of a nature to discourage any but the gentlemen who founded it, from persevering in their laudable desire of promoting and diffusing a taste for the delightful science of music in this colony.
Those individuals who have been favoured with admissions to the Society's concerts, are aware that the Society was assisted by the leading professional musicians of Sydney, who gratuitously gave it their support. Most of these gentlemen are engaged by Mr. Wyatt, the proprietor of the Sydney Theatre, and play three or four nights in the week; Mr. Wyatt, however, not contented with their attendance on all the nights on which he requires their services, has chosen to prohibit any of the members of his orchestra from playing at the Cecilian Society.
Mr. Deane, Mr. Wallace, and others may only have to regret this act of Mr. Wyatt's, in common with the supporters of the Society; but those members of the theatrical orchestra who were paid by the society for the aid of their services have surely some cause to complain of such illiberal treatment. - Correspondent.
[Editorial] We fully concur in the terms of indignant contempt with which our correspondent writes, respecting the illiberal, tyrannical, and selfish spirit manifested by Mr. Wyatt of the Victoria Theatre, in imposing his domineering veto on the liberty of the professional musicians of his orchestra to perform elsewhere than within the walls of his temple in Pitt Street . . .
"The Cecilian Society", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (10 May 1839), 2
"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 May 1839), 2
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Australian (11 May 1839), 2
"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (13 May 1839), 2
Mr. Wyatt has called on us to say, that so far from prohibiting Mr. Deane from giving his services to the Cecilian Society, he particularly requested him not to secede from it on his account, because, in the first place, his assisting at the society was a matter of indifference to Mr. W.; and secondly, because he foresaw, that such a prohibition would be taken hold of by the society, and through its friends, by the Press, to his (Mr. W.'s) prejudice. Mr. Wyatt considers the Cecilian Society harmless; that is to say, if it detract from his Theatre one way, it aids it another . . .
"CONSPIRACY IN THE CAMP", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (15 May 1839), 2
We have been informed that the musicians in the orchestra of the Victoria,
intend shortly to strike a discord, as they cannot harmonize their feelings with those of the Dean.
- Correspondent Bishop of Gamut.
"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Colonist (15 May 1839), 2
"TO THE EDITOR OF . . . ", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (17 May 1839), 2
Sydney, May 15, 1839.
SIR,- Mr. Wyatt having denied the correctness of the statement sent you
respecting the cause of the secession of Mr. Deane and other members of the Cecilian Society,
it is incumbent upon those who were instrumental in putting it forth, to let the public know,
upon what authority they did so, that it may be seen that they have acted becomingly and properly throughout.
The facts upon which that statement was founded are briefly as follow: - Mr. Deane in at a Committee of the Cecilian Society, slated, that he regretted that in consequence of an order from Mr. Wyatt, prohibiting any member of the Theatrical Orchestra from assisting the Society he was under the necessity of withdrawing himself and sons; also those gentlemen who had been engaged as performers on the horn, would not be able any longer, to render their services. Accordingly, Mr. Deane and Sons and the horn-players left the Society. This explanation must exonerate the authors of the paragraph in your paper from having acted in any other motive than a wish that the friends of the Society might be aware of the cause of so serious a diminution of its orchestral strength. I am requested by the Committee to forward you this communication. CORRESPONDENT.
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Colonist (18 May 1839), 2
. . . We have since seen Mr. Deane, the talented leader of the orchestra in the Victoria Theatre; and from the candid and simple explanation which that gentleman has given us respecting the matter in question, we feel perfectly satisfied that he has acted at once a prudent and an honorable part, both in his relation to the public and to his employer Mr. Wyatt.
. . . we find from the statement of Mr. Deane, that that gentleman was engaged by Mr. W., at the opening of the Victoria at a salary 400l. per annum as the leader of the orchestra and the superintendent of the musical department; and it was expressly stipulated by Mr. W., and agreed to by Mr. D., that he should not perform at public concerts, but restrict his public performances entirely to the theatre. Now, knowing that he was under such an engagement, Mr. Deane felt called upon to ask Mr. Wyatt's permission, when solicited to encourage the Cecilian Concert by, his professional assistance. In reply to his request Mr. Wyatt reminded Mr. Deane of the special nature of his engagement, and said that he might attend if he pleased, but hinted gently, at the same time, that he would rather that he should not, and that if he persisted in violating his agreement he should not perhaps have an opportunity of doing so next year.
Now, what was Mr. Dean to do? He wished the Cecilian Society well; but then his conscience told him, that M. W. had a decided and exclusive claim to his public services, and that he should certainly be acting a very improper part to his employer if he continued to perform at the Cecilian Concerts, so long as his doing so did not meet the unqualified approbation of Mr. Wyatt. It was therefore from a regard to Mr. W., to whom he felt bound in honour to fulfil his reasonable engagements, that Mr. Deane seceded from the Cecilian Society. He felt that he could not take 400l. from his employer, and yet compromise the special conditions upon which that salary was given him . . .
Mr. Deane repudiates the insinuation of his having abandoned the Cecilian Society from any selfish or sinister motive, or from any feeling of illiberality or indifference to its welfare; and instead of having represented Mr. Wyatt's virtual prohibition as tyrannical or unreasonable, Mr. Deane viewed it only as the right of Mr. Wyatt to prohibit him, and his own bounden duty conscientiously to fulfil to that gentleman the terms of his engagement . . .
21 June 1839, Caledonian ball, New Court House, Darlinghurst
"St. Andrew's Ball", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 June 1839), 2
The recently formed Caledonian Society gave their annual Ball in commemoration of St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland, on Friday evening last. The Ball, it will be recollected, was to come off on St. Andrew's Day, the 29th November, but in consequence of the distressing prevalence of influenza towards the close of last year it was thought advisable to postpone the festival till some future period . . .
The Ball was given (by permission of His Excellency the Governor) in the spacious hall of the new Court House, Woolloomooloo, which was brilliantly lighted up . . . The music was also unusually good. The Band of the 28th Regiment and a Band of civilians under the direction of Mr. DEANE composed the orchestra, and the style in which they played the various dances and a variety of celebrated overtures during the evening excited much admiration. Without wishing to detract from the merit of the military musicians, which it would not be in our power to do, we consider it but just to the civilians to compliment them also on the very efficient manner in which they acquitted. On all such occasions hitherto the Colonists have been obliged to avail themselves of the kind attention of the commanding officers of the various regiments in order to procure the assistance of their valuable bands. In future this will scarcely be necessary. The dancing was carried on with much animation. Besides the usual variety of quadrilles, waltzes, gallopades, &c., the reel - the Scottish national dance, was introduced and kept up with much glee . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 June 1839), 3
To the Editor of the Sydney Gazette.
SIR, SEEING in your last a statement that the Band at the St. Andrew's Ball was under the direction of Mr. DEANE,
I beg to state that such was not the fact. The music was prepared by me, and the orchestra was under my direction,
and Mr. DEANE'S services were not engaged for the occasion.
June 26, 1839.
"ST. ANDREW'S BALL", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 June 1839), 2
In our report of the St. Andrew's Ball, at the new Court House, it was stated that the civilians' band was under the direction of Mr. Deane. This, it appears, was a mistake, and originated in our having seen Mr. D. there, and being informed by a gentleman that he was there arranging the musical department; while, in fact, the band was led by Mr. P. Lee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Lee; Band of the 28th Regiment
1 July 1839, Royal Victoria Theatre, opening of the season
"THEATRICALS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (26 June 1839), 2
The Victoria opens for the ensuing season on Monday next. The only change that we have heard of is, that Mr. Wallace is to have the management of the orchestra, in place of Mr. Deane . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (10 July 1839), 2
On Monday evening last, was produced a drama, in two acts called "The Whistler; or, The Fate of the Lily of St. Leonard's" . . . The house was tolerably full, and, if the pieces and the performances in future prove equal to those of Monday, it is likely to continue so. The music seems to be unpopular. You hear the cry of "where's Deane?" But we consider such intimations may not proceed from judges of music, but from partizans. We will at present give no opinion on the music.
"THE THEATRE", Bent's News and New South Wales Advertiser (20 July 1839), 2
. . . We are glad to find that Mrs. Clarke has been re-engaged . . . but we must say that the Orchestra has sustained a great loss in the absence of Mr. Deane and sons . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (new leader of the theatrical orchestra); Anne Remens Clarke (actor, vocalist)
13 August 1839, Deane's concert (previously advertised for the 6th and 15th)
"CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (13 August 1839), 1
Mr. Deane's Concert takes place in the saloon of the Royal Hotel this evening. We understand that every exertion has been made to do justice to the music selected, and whoever wishes to do "away with melancholy" will be a "Cheval de Bronze" indeed, if he does not "softly sleep" after listening to the witching wonders of an Auber, a Weber, a Boieldieu, a Mayseder. A greater consideration is the duty of encouraging an art, and the only art, which produces unmixed good in society. - We hope to see a crowded saloon.
[Advertisement], The Australian (13 August 1839), 1
Under Distinguished Patronage
MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public, that his
TUESDAY EVENING, August 13th, 1839, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel.
1. Overture - La dame Blanch - Boildieu
2. Duett - I know a Bank - Horn - Miss Deane and Miss Pettingell
3. Trio - Violin, Violincello, & Pianoforte - Moschelles - Miss Pettingell, Master E. Dean and Mr. J. Deane
4. Song - Vain each base endeavour - Herold - Miss Deane
5. Glee - O! Stranger lend thy gentle barque - Steven - Miss Pettingell, Master E. Deane and Amateur
6. Song - The Swiss Bride - Pisis - Miss Pettingell
7. Polonaise - Violin - Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane
1. Overture - Le Cheral de Bronze - Auber
2. Glee - Merrily Swim We - Smith - Miss Pettingell, Master E. Deane and Amateur
3. Duett - Oh! do not give way to this Doubt and Despair - J. Benedict - Miss Deane and Master E. Deane
4. Pianoforte - Grand Fantasia - Thalberg - Miss Deane
5. Song - O! Araby, Dear Araby - Weber - Miss Pettingell
6. Violincello - Solo - Berger - Master E. Deane
7. Song - Oh! Softly Sleep my Baby Boy - Smith - Miss Deane
8. Duett - Violin and Pianoforte - Herz and Lafont - Miss Pettingell and Mr. J. Deane
Finale - God Save the Queen
*** Tickets. 7s 6d each; Family Tickets to admit four, £1 1s;
to be had at Mr. Ellard's Music Saloon; Mr. Tyrer's Fancy Repository;
Mr. Sparke's Royal Hotel, George-street; and of Mr. Deane, Macquarie-street.
The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock.
"The Concert", The Australian (15 August 1839), 2
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (16 August 1839), 2
With respect to the main character of Mr. Deane's Concert on Tuesday eveing, it may be said, it was a Concert of youth, innocence, and beauty, rather that of vocal talent. Nevertheless, Miss Petingale and Miss Deane have good voices, and which, if cultivated, will make them stars in due time, provided they be placed under the best tuition. Miss Deane sang "Oh softly sleep, my baby boy," in a very sweet manner, and was deservedly encored. She sang it in excellent tune, very uniformly and correctly, and, in the enunciation of certain words, in which a certain effort was made at distinctness of articulation, the effect was excellent. From the specimen Miss Deane gave the audience in this song, we augur she will make a popular singer of English songs, and which we recommend her to cultivate rather than the Italian, for everybody sings Italian, while English songs are neglected. But it is English songs which will please the million, and bring full rooms. The instrutmental music of the evening was very good. The Overtures were performed by violins in chief the military instruments only supporting them. The effect was not too loud for the room, as all former Overtures have been; and we consider Mr. Deane's new mode of executing the Concert Overtures a great improvement. They went off capitally. Young Mr. Deane, the elder, displayed great energy and skill on his violin, and the younger did well on his violincello; but the latter commits a great blunder in displaying his skill in the high notes of his instrument, and giving us so few of the lower. The glorious bass notes of a violincello are what charm the ear; the high notes have little melody in them, and when carried to excess, are absolutely discordant. Miss Deane and Miss Pettingale both displayed great execution on the Piano, much precision in time, and much feeling; and an ounce of feeling is worth a pound of execution on any occasion. The entertainment finished with "God save the Queen," which was sung and played with excellent effect. Sir Maurice O'Connell and family were present, and we were happy to see a full, and some say, a crowded room . . .
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 August 1839), 2
On Tuesday evening Mr. Deane gave his concert in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. The place was crowded, although not so respectably attended as on former occasions. Sir Maurice O'Connell and family visited the concert, for a short time, but did not remain long, taking their departure very early. The only novelty of the evening was Miss Pettingell, who appears to have a good voice, but it requires cultivation. Miss Deane's song, "Oh softly sleep my baby boy," was of itself worth the price of admission, and was vociferously and deservedly encored. This young lady is possessed of a voice of great compass and sweetness, and of particular clearness in the higher notes. The best performances of the evening wore the two overtures, Boldieu's "La dame Blanch," and "La Cheval de Bronze" of Weber [sic], by Mr. Deane's band, assisted by a few of the military. The violin and violoncello solos of Mr. Deane's sons were such as might be expected from this talented family perfect in every respect, and were deservedly well received. We trust that Mr. Deane reaped ample remuneration in the profits of the evening for the amusement he afforded.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Colonist (21 August 1839), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: Marianne Pettingell Adcock (pianist, vocalist)
21 August 1839, James Reid's concert (benefit for the Association for the Relief of the Poor), Old Court House, Castlereagh Street, Sydney
"Local Intelligence", Australasian Chronicle (16 August 1839), 1
. . . We observe that Mr. Deane and his family are to perform at Dr. Reid's concert next week.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 August 1839), 1
. . . Mr. Deane and family, Mr. Curtis and several other gentlemen have kindly offered their services in the Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Aquinas Reid (organist, pianist, composer); Richard Curtis (violoncello player)
"MUSIC", Australasian Chronicle (23 August 1839), 1
We understand that it is the intention of Mr. Deane, with the assistance of his talented family and other performers, to entertain the public by giving weekly musical services, and monthly concerts. We believe the proceeds of Mr. Deane's first performance will be handed to the Treasurer of the Benevolent Association for the use of the distressed. As Mr. D. is one of the oldest professors of music in these Colonies, we trust he will be encouraged by the public.
3 September 1839, Deane's soiree for the benefit of the poor (postponed to 24 September)
[Advertisement], The Colonist (31 August 1839), 3
For the benefit of the Poor.
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public of Sydney, that his Soiree of Vocal and Instrumental Music
will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on Tuesday Evening, September 3, 1839,
the Proceeds of which will be given to the Association for the Relief of the Poor.
Tickets of Admission, 5s. each. Particulars will be duly advertised.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 September 1839), 3
For the Benefit of the Poor.
Begs to inform the Gently and Public of Sydney, that his
SOIREE OF Vocal and Instrumental Music,
WILL take place at the MECHANICS' SCHOOL or ARTS, on TUESDAY (THIS DAY) Evening, September 3,
the proceeds of which will be given to the ASSOCIATION FOR THE RELIEF OF THE POOR.
1. Overture "Tancedi" - Rossini
2. Song, "Di piacer mi balza ti cor," - Rossini - MRS. CLANCY.
3. Song, "The light of other days," - Mr. W. Balfe - MR. THOMSON.
4. Solo, Pianoforte, "Marche d'Othello," - H. Herz - MISS DEANE.
5. Song, "Why did I love," - J. Barnett - MRS. CLANCY.
6. Song, "Gentle Goddess," - V. Bellini - MISS DEANE.
7. Solo, Violin - MR. J. DEANE.
1. Overture "Le Cheval de Bronze," - Auber
2. Song, "Love's poisonous shafts," MRS. CLANCY
3. Solo, Violincello - MASTER E. DEANE
4. Song, "Pity the Slave," - Bishop - MISS DEANE
5. Duetto, Violin and Pianoforte - MISS and MR. T. DEANE
6. Song, "What is the spell," accompanied by himself on the guitar, - W. M. Rooke - MR. THOMSON.
** Tickets - Five Shillings each.- To be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon;
Mr. Tyrer, Fancy Repository; Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist, George-street; Mr. Watson, Mechanics' School of Arts;
and Mr. Deane, Macquarie-street.
To commence at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Thomson (vocalist, guitarist)
"MUSICAL WORLD", The Colonist (4 September 1839), 3
This position of our community appears to be increasing in magnitude every day. We have now the Busheles, the Gautrots, the Reids, the Ellards, the Deanes, the Curtises, and others whose names we do not remember all singing and playing and teaching others to sing and to play. There is a very unpleasing circumstance existing as regards the professors of music. They are almost invariably unfriendly to each other, and music, which in other beings tends to soften the soul and awaken best sympathies, appears in them to increase envy and malice. We hope to see this evil remedied, but if not, the profession cannot expect to get on. A house divided against itself, must and will fall.
"SOIREE", Australasian Chronicle (6 September 1839), 1
Owing to the inclement state of Tuesday evening, Mr. Deane's Soiree, which was to have taken place at the School of Arts, was postponed to Tuesday next.
"To-Morrow's Concert", The Australian (10 September 1839), 3
We never remember having been present at any musical entertainment from which we derived greater pleasure
than we experienced on Friday evening during the general rehearsal for Mrs. Bushelle's Concert, at the Theatre.
The orchestral accompaniments - on a very large scale - were marked by a precision exceeding our most sanguine expectations . . .
. . . Mr. Deane, with a feeling highly creditable to him, has put off his "Soiree" for the present,
lest it should clash with Mrs. Bushelle's Concert. We hail it as the omen of an amicable termination of differences which,
though slight in themselves, cannot fail to be a great drawback on the success of the object we have in view -
that is, exciting a love for the most delightful of the fine arts.
"Thus then combining,
Hands and hearts entwining,
Music inspiring,
Unity and joy---."
11 September 1839, Eliza Wallace Bushelle's concert
[Advertisement], The Australian (5 September 1839), 1
CONCERT: Royal Victoria Theatre. MRS. BUSHELLE, (late Miss Wallace) has the honor to announce, that her Concert will take place, at the Theatre Royal, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th of September next. She will be assisted by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mr. Deane and Family, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, and all the Theatrical Band, and Mr. Bushelle . . .
NOTE: The Deanes were not listed separately in the later advertisement
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (11 September 1839), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Gautrot (violinist) and Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Thomas Leggatt (oboist, clarinettist, arranger)
20 September 1839, Lucy Fernandez's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (20 September 1839), 3
. . . MISS FERNANDEZ has the honor to announce that her CONCERT will take place in the OLD COURT HOUSE,
THIS EVENING, the 20th September, when she will be assisted by MONSIEUR and MADAME GAUTROT,
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, and a most efficient Orchestra . . .
OVERTURE - "Fair Maid of Perth."
1 - "Care Zitelle," Florio, Duet - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle.
2 - "Hours of Rapture," Lee, Song - Mrs. Bushelle.
3 - "Rondo," Pianoforte, with quartet accompaniaments - Moschelles - Miss Fernandez.
4 - "Una Voce," Rossini, Song - Mad. Gautrot.
5 - "My Heart's in the Highlands, Phillips - Mr. Bushelle.
6 - "Lasciami," Rossini, duet - Madame Gautrot and Mrs. Bushelle.
7 - "Solo," Pianoforte, Herz - Miss Fernandez.
OVERTURE -"Siege of Rochelle."
1 - "On donc est il," Carafa, Song - Mad. Gautrot
2 - "Non piu Andrai," Mozart - Accompanied by the full Band, Mr. Bushelle.
3 - "Trio," Beethoven - Miss Fernandez, Mons'r Gautrot and Master Deane.
4 - "Solo," violin - Mons. Gautrot.
5 - "Fremar Vonce," Cimarosa - Mrs. Bushelle.
6 - "Crudel Perche," Mozart, Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle.
7 - "Largo al factotum," Rossini - (by desire) Mr. Bushelle.
FINALE - "God save the Queen," full Band.
Colonel Wodehouse has kindly allowed the assistance of the Band of H. M. 50th Regiment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Fernandez (pianist)
24 September 1839, Deane's soiree
"MR. DEANE'S MUSICAL SOIREE", Australasian Chronicle (24 September 1839), 1
This Concert, which was very properly postponed, that it might not interfere with the arrangements of Mrs. Bushelle and Miss Fernandez, will take place to night . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (24 September 1839), 2
For the Benefit of the Poor.
MR. DEANE BEGS to inform the Gentry and Public of Sydney; that his Soiree
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts,
This Evening, Sept. 24, the proceeds of which will be given to the Association for the Relief of the Poor.
1. Overture, "Tancredi," Rossini
2. Song, "Di Piacer Mi Balza il cor" Rossini - Mrs. Clancy
3. Song, "The light of other days" M. W. Balfe - Mr. Thompson
4. Solo, pianoforte, "March d' Otello" H. Herz - Miss Deane
5. Song, "Why did I love?" J. Barnett - Mrs. Clancy
6. Song, "Gentle goddess" V. Bellini - Miss Deane
7. Solo, violin - Mr. J. Deane
1. Overture, "Le cheval de bronze" Auber
2. Song, "Love's poisonous shafts" Mrs. Clancy
3. Solo, violincello - Master Deane.
4. Song, "Pity the Slave" Bishop - Miss Deane
5. Duetto, violin and pianoforte - Miss Deane & Mr. J. Deane
6. Song, "What is the spell?" accompanied by himself on the guitar, W. M. Rooke - Mr. Thomson
Tickets 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon; Mr. Tyrer's Fancy Repository;
Mr. Spark, Royal Hotel; Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist, George-street; Mr. Watson, Mechanics' School of Arts; Mr. Turner, Fruiterer, King
street; and Mr. Deane, Macquarie street. To commence at Eight o'clock.
"LOCAL NEWS", The Australian (26 September 1839), 2
On Tuesday night, Mr. Deane's Soiree for the benefit of the poor, came off at the Mechanics' School of Arts in Pitt-street. The night was the most unpropitious that could be imagined, and in consequence not more than thirty persons were present. The room itself is well adapted in point of sound and arrangement for a musical class. The performers were all damped with the appearance of the house, most of the audience being wet and uncomfortable, and Mr. Deane very judiciously shortened the performance, which closed by half-past nine, and returned the money to those who desired it.
[Advertisement], The Colonist (28 September 1839), 3
SOIREE. MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends, and the public in general, that his Soiree will be held at the School of Arts, Pitt-street, every Tuesday Evening, to commence at Eight o'clock precisely. Admission 2s. 6d.; subscription Ticket for the Quarter, 21s.; double Ticket, to admit Lady and Gentleman, 30s. To be had of Mr. Deane, Macquarie-street.
"Mr Deane's Soirée", The Australian (3 October 1839), 2
The first of Mr. Deane's weekly concerts took place at the School of Arts on Tuesday night. The room was about half filled and the performance was very good. The orchestra consisted of Mr. Deane's family assisted by one second violin, which was quite sufficient force for the room which is well constructed for sound. Miss Deane and Mrs. Clancy acquitted themselves well, and especially Mrs. Clancy, who sang "Love's Poisonous Shafts" with great feeling and judgment. An amateur singer (Mr. Thompson) accompanied himself on the guitar, and excelled greatly in the song, "What is the Spell?" but the cracked instrument he played on was ill adapted to a pleasingly soft bass voice. The other parts of the entertainment were well executed, but the pieces were selected more as a display of execution, and were not adapted to the ear of the audience, who, nevertheless, were extremely well satisfied with their cheap and rational evening's amusement. The expense of getting up these soirees is small, and if Mr. Deane will take care to select appropriate national melodies, leaving Italian alone, he may calculate on the support of an audience which is deterred from attending the usual concerts by the excessive high price of admission. Few families can afford to attend the concerts at the rate of seven and sixpence a head, charged indiscriminately for old and young. It is reported that Mr. Wyatt intends fitting up the old theatre as a concert room . . .
"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (4 October 1839), 2
Mr. Deane has made arrangements for giving a concert in the School of Arts every Tuesday evening, and the price being low - half a crown for adults, and one shilling for children - persons who cannot afford to go to more expensive concerts, will have an opportunity of hearing good music. The performance consists of two overtures, two or three songs by Mrs. Clancy, who sings very prettily, a song from Miss Deane, a song by a Mr. Thompson, who accompanies himself on the guitar, a concerto on the piano by Miss Deane, who is well known to be a first rate player, a solo on the violin by Mr. J. Deane, and two or three concerted pieces for violin, piano, and violincello. We trust that Mr. Deane, in his efforts to provide music for the public at a cheap rate, will be encouraged.
"MR. DEANE'S SOIREE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (4 October 1839), 2
The second of these new evening musical entertainments, given by Mr. Deane, at a price which admits the second class of society to enjoy the pleasure of good music, both vocal and instrumental, took place on Tuesday evening at the Mechanics' School of Arts. The room was full, but not crowded. Mrs. Clancy sung in her usual pleasing unostentatious manner, and was deservedly encored. Miss Deane sang, "The Baby Boy," as delightfully as before. The company separated a little after ten, much gratified with the exertions of the performers.
2 October 1839, George Peck's concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (2 October 1839), 1
to inform his Friends and the Public that he will give a
GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT of Vocal und Instrumental Music, at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
PITT-STREET, THIS EVENING, October 2nd, when he will be assisted by the entire musical talent of Sydney,
being his FAREWELL BENEFIT CONCERT prior to his departure for England.
The Instrumental and Vocal Departments will be upon the most extensive scale, comprising upwards of Seventy Performers.
PRINCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS: - Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, and Mr. Griffiths.
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Miss FERNANDEZ, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Deane and Family, Mr. Peck, Mr. Leggat [sic],
Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, and (by the kind permission of Colonel Wodehouse)
the Band of the 50th Regiment.
Leader, Monsieur Gautrot; Conductor: Dr. Reid; Violin obligato, Mr. Peck; Flute obligato, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Harp, Mrs. Curtis;
Pianoforte, Miss Fernandez . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wallace senior (instrumentalist); William Griffiths (vocalist); Emma Curtis (harp player)
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 October 1839, Deane's weekly soirees
"News of the Day", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (11 October 1839), 2
Mr. Deane's weekly concert was well attended on Tuesday. We feel confident the plan will succeed. The music and songs are well worth the very moderated charge of 2s. 6d. for adults, and a shilling for youths. In consequence of the price, a good number of the latter attend. They are excellent for encouraging the performers, for they applaud every thing with most obstreperous glee. Mr. Thomson sang his songs well. He accompanied himself on the guitar - and if the latter had not been a very bad instrument, the accompaniement would have been good. Miss Deane's choice of songs was not judicious. She did not succeed in "Vain each base endeavour." We would recommend this young lady, who is a great favourite with the public, to confine her singing to the popular songs of the day and ballads of old. There ought to be no Italian singing at these Soirees. It is quite out of place; and we are surprised, when so much fault has been found with gamut singing in the higher concerts, attempts should be made to commit the same fault in this more humble and popular entertainment. It is bad policy and in bad taste. The class who will pay Mr. Deane for getting up these Tuesday meetings, despise foreign music; they delight in English, Scotch, and Irish Airs, both vocal and instrumental; and if Mr. Deane intends to succeed, he must confine himself to popular music, and abjure fantasio. Mrs. Clancy sang "There's sunshine in thy brooks, my love," very sweetly. Her "Donald" also gave great satisfaction. Miss Deane's execution on the Piano is beyond her years. By the bye, the uproar made by the feet of the youths, who attended on Tuesday, in the applause of the performances, was a perfect nuisance, and it will be necessary that Mr. Deane should, at the commencement of the concerts, in future, request the young gentlemen present to be moderate in expressing their approbation. Every youth present exerted himself in producing, by stamping, more noise than his school-fellows next him. The boisterous applause of these youngsters being repeated every song or piece without discrimination, turned the whole into burlesque. So far, the obstreperous mirth of the young gentlemen was amusing; but there was too much of it.
"LOCAL", Australasian Chronicle (25 October 1839), 1
MR. DEANE'S SOIREE was well attended on Tuesday last. We are glad to observe that the frequency of these miniature concerts detracts nothing from their popularity, and that the public appreciate Mr. Deane's desire to gratify them, at a price within the reach of all. Miss Deane's performances on the piano, and Mrs. Clancy's songs, are the most attractive features of these interesting soirees.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (30 October 1839), 2
The weekly soiree given by Mr. Deane is beginning to attract public attention, and we can cordially recommend all who are admirers of good music at a cheap rate to patronise Mr. Deane. The price is so moderate, that persons in middle circumstances can afford to take their families winch they cannot do at more expensive concerts.
"MR. DEANE'S SOIREE", Australasian Chronicle (1 November 1839), 1
This entertainment was rather thinly attended on Tuesday, on account of the weather, but it went off with more than the usual effect. Two songs by Mrs. Clancy were deservedly encored; a Fantasia of Herz, by Miss Deane, a Violoncello Solo, by Master E. Deane, and a Trio, by Messrs. Deane, were much applauded . . .
5 and 12 November 1839, Deane's weekly soiree
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (5 November 1839), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his SOIREE of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
1. Two Violins and Violoncello - Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "The Peace of the Valley," Balfe - Mr. Thomson.
3. Song, "We Met," Baily - Miss Deane.
4. Song, "Should he upbraid," Bishop - Mrs. Clancy.
5. Solo - Miss Deane.
6. Song, "Tell me my Heart," Bishop - Mrs. Clancy.
7. Glee, "In peace Love tunes the Shepherd's Reed," Attwood - Miss Deane, Master E. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
- o -
1. Trio, two Violins and Violoncello - Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
2. Duetto, "As it fell upon a Day," Bishop - Miss Deane and Mr. Thomson.
5. Song, "Loves poisonous Shafts," Mrs. Clancy.
4. Glee - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
5. Solo, Violin - Mr. J. Deane.
6. Song, "Away, away, to the Mountain's brow," Lee - Miss Deane.
7. Song, "Roland the Brave," Arkwright - Mr. Thomson.
Admission 2s. 6d. - Quarterly Subscription Tickets 21s. - Double Ticket to admit Lady
and Gentleman, 30s. To be had of Mr. DEANE, Macquarie-street. Nov. 1, 1836.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (12 November 1839), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts,
1. Trio, two Violins and Violoncello - Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "Roland the Brave," Mr. Thomson.
3. Song, "Mountain Maid," Miss Deane.
4. Song, "Let us seek the Yellow Shore," Mrs. Clancy.
5. Solo, Pianoforte - "The Fall of Paris," Moscheles - Miss Deane.
6. Glee - Master Weavers, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Deane.
7. Song, "Pilgrim of Love," Mrs. Clancy.
1. Trio, Two Violins and Violoncello - Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, & Master E. Deane.
2. Song, " Meet me in the Willow Glen" Lee - Miss Deane.
S. Solo, Violincello - Master E. Deane.
4. Duetto, "The Singing Lesson" - Miss Deane, and Mr. Deane.
5. Song, "Roy's Wife" - Mrs. Clancy.
6. Song, "Death of Nelson," Mr. Thomson.
7. Glee," Hark, 'tis the Indian Drum," Miss Deane, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Admission 2s. 6d. Quarterly Subscription Tickets 21s.- Double Ticket to admit Lady.
and Gentleman. 30s. To be had of Mr. DEANE, Macquarie-street. Nov. 8, 1836.
13 November 1839, the Gautrots' city concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (13 November 1839), 1
GRAND CONCERT. MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT have the honor to announce that their CONCERT will take place on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 13, in the SALOON OF THE ROYAL HOTEL. Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT will have, on this occasion, the valuable assistance of Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, Miss Fernandez, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Peck, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane and Sons; and, by permission of Colonel Wodehouse, the BAND OF THE FIFTIETH REGIMENT will attend . . .
19 and 26 November 1839, Deane's weekly soiree
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (19 November 1839), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts,
1. Quintett - Haydn.
2. Song - "The Death of Nelson," Braham - Mr. Thomson.
3. Song - "There's Sunshine in the Brooks my love." Lee - Mrs. Clancy.
4. Solo - Pianoforte, Lowinski - Miss Deane.
5. Glee - "The Canadian Boat Song," Stevenson - Master Weavers, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Deane.
6. Song - "Under the Walnut Tree" - Miss Deane.
7. "Laughing Glee," Martini - Master E. Deane, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Deane.
1. Duetto - Violin and Tenor, Mozart - Mr. J. Deane and Mr. Deane.
2. Song - "O Nanny wilt thou gang with me" - Mrs. Clancy.
3. Song-"' When time hath bereft thee" - Mr. Thomson.
4. Song - "The Baby Boy," Smith - Miss Deane.
5. Solo Violin - "Le Petit Tambour," Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane.
6. Song - "Donald," Bishop - Mrs. Clancy.
7. Glee- "Mild as the Moonbeams," - Miss Deane, Master Weavers, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
Admission 2s. 6d. - Quarterly Subscription.
Tickets 21s.- Double Ticket to admit Lady and Gentleman. 30s. To be had of Mr. DEANE, Macquarie-street. Nov. 8, 1836.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (26 November 1839), 4
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
Tuesday Evening Next, Nov. 26, 1839.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "I'm free, I'm free" - Mr. Thomson.
3. Song, "To Norma"' - Bellini -Miss Deane.
4. Glee - Master Weavers, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Deane.
5. Song, " Glory from the Battle Plains" - Horn - Mrs. Clancy.
6. Solo, Pianoforte - Herz - Miss Deane.
7. Song, "The Woodpecker" - Kelly - Mr. Thomson.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "Soldier tir'd" - Arne - Mrs. Clancy.
3. Song, "When the morning first dawns" - Rooke - Miss Deane.
4. Solo, Violoncello - Master E. Deane.
6. Duetto, "The minute gun at sea" - King - Miss Deane sand Mr. Thomson.
6. Song, "The Lass of Gowry" - Mrs. Clancy.
7. Glee, "The Minstrel Boy" - Miss Deane, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
Admission 2s. 6d. - Quarterly Subscription Tickets 21s.-Double Ticket to admit Lady
and Gentleman, 30s. To be had of Mr. DEANE, Macquarie-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Weavers (boy vocalist)
3, 10, 17 December 1839, Deanes' weekly concerts
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (3 December 1839), 4
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
Tuesday Evening Next, Dec. 3, 1839.
Mr. Deane will have, on this occasion, the valuable assistance of
Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto, Haydn.
2. Song, "The Sea," Neukomm - Mr. Thomson
3. Glee, " Here in cool grot," Mornington - Master Weavers, Mr. Deane, Master E. Deane and Mr. Thomson.
4, Fantasie, Piano-forte, Herz - Miss Deane.
5. "Chanson de Rossini" - Madame Gautrot.
6. Duetto, - "The Slinging Lesson," Herz - Miss Deane and Mr. Deane.
7. Air, with variations, on the Violin - Monsieur Gautrot.
1. Quartett, Haydn.
2. Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen," Lee - Miss Deane.
3. Duetto, Piano-forte and Violin - Mr. Deane and Mr. J. Deane.
4. Song, "La Coquette de Village" - Madame Gautrot.
5. Song, :What is the Spell," with Guitar accompaniment, Rooke. - Mr. Thomson.
6. Sung - "Green Hills of Tyrol," Rossini - Miss Deane.
7. Trio, Pianoforte, Violin; and Violoncello, Moshcelles - Miss Deane, Mr, Deane, and Mr. E. Deane.
8. The celebrated "Laughing Glee," Martini - Mr. Thomson, Mr. Deane, and Master E, Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely . . .
"Deane's Weekly Concert", The Australian (5 December 1839), 2
On Tuesday evening, we paid another visit to Mr. Deane's concert at the Mechanics' School of Arts, and were glad to see it so numerously and respectably attended. Madame Gautrot is a charming singer; her "Chanson de Rossini" was a splendid performance, as also, her "La Coquette de Village," which was enthusiastically encored. Miss Deane's extraordinary fantasias on the pianoforte are very clever and very surprising, but we cannot believe them very pleasing to the majority of amateurs, who go to hear melody and not to witness manipular feats of execution. We regretted that this young lady was prevented, by severe cold, from getting through our favourite "Singing Lesson," but she treated us to an extra fantasia instead, which we would have gladly excused. The glees were well practised and well sung and Monsieur Gautrot's valuable assistance contributed much to the harmony of the evening.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (10 December 1839), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
Tuesday Evening Next, DEC. 10, 1839.
Mr. Deane has engaged for a few evenings, the valuable assistance of
Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "The Friar" - Mr. Thomson.
3. Song; "Air de le Pie Voleuse", Rossini - Madame GAUTROT.
4. Solo, Pianoforte, "'Guillaume Tell" - Herz - Miss Deane.
5. Song, "Fly away, pretty Moth" - Bayly - Master Weavers.
6. Song, "'Air du Clair de lune" - Boildieu - Madame GAUTROT.
7. Glee, "Lightly tread" - Scotland - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
8. Rondo, Violin - Rode - Mons. GAUTROT.
1. Quartett, "God save the Queen" - Onslow - Mons. GAUTROT, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "I'm free, I'm free" - Mr. Thomson.
3. Solo, Violoncello - Muntz Berger - Master E. Deane.
4. Song, "Air de la Lettre de charge" - Bochsa - Madame GAUTROT.
6. Trio, Pianoforte, Violin, and Violoncello - Pixis - Miss Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
6. Song, "Meeting of the Waters" - Stevenson - Mr. Thomson.
7. Duetto, Pianoforte and Violin - Miss Deane and Mr. J. Deane.
8. Glee, "When the rosy Morn" - Webbe - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, and Mr. Thompson.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely . . .
MUSIC. To the Editor of . . .", The Australian (7 December 1839), 2
SIR. - When Shakepeare spoke of the
"Wild and wanton herd
Of youthful and unhandled colts' making
"A mutual stand.
Their savage eyes turn'd to a modest gaze
By the sweet power of music,"
he surely did not allude to that species of music which it is the fashion of the present day to admire;
if he did, the horses of his time, to have been able to discover its beauties,
which by the bye I apprehend is more than many of their rational fellow creatures can do,
must have possessed a much greater share of sagacity than our modern Rosinantes.
Fresh from the country, and hoping to enjoy an intellectual treat, I last night visited Mr. Deane's musical "soiree," where I confess that (apparently) a great deal of skill and expertness was displayed by Miss Deane, and others, in the performance of various seemingly difficult, and doubtless scientific musical compositions, but which did not possess a single charm for the unskilled, and I will venture to say very few for the initiated part of the audience, a proposition in which I am sure the latter would bear me out if they had courage enough to resist the dictates of fashion. Now I would ask, sir, why are all the melodious airs of England, Ireland, and Scotland, banished from our musical entertainments? Their beauties are unquestioned; and requiring no previous preparation of the mind to render them pleasing, their effects are equally felt by the savage and the civilised; the whole of the faculties are involuntarily surrendered to their delightful influence, and such exquisitely pleasurable emotions are aroused as cannot be described, but will generally find vent in an effusion of tears, or in the manifestations of exuberant mirth, according to the gravity or gaiety of the strain. I have known more real pleasure evinced at, and more unqualified applause elicited by, Mr. Wallace's "Garry Owen" than I ever saw manifested at the execution of an overture, or any other elaborate composition. But granting that fashionable music possesses all the beauties which are attributed to it, I believe that to appreciate those beauties they must be understood - that the taste which enjoys them must have been previously cultivated - that in fact they are not the beauties that "Have charms to soothe the savage breast."
I affirm that it is unfair to the middle and lower orders of society, for whose refinement, I take it, the musical exhibitions at the School of Arts are intended, and who, at any rate, pay for amusement, to have this species of harmony thrust upon them, to the exclusion of their own delightful and simple melodies, from which alone they derive pleasure, and which are so full of sensibility and sweetness.
The object of extending the pleasures of music to the lower orders
(and the thanks of the community are certainly due Mr. Deane for the intention) is their moral improvement;
it is (by the power which music possesses) to soften the asperities of their natures, and humanize and exalt the feelings.
But how are these objects to be attained if those feelings are not reached -
if the means which are employed do not penetrate to the region of the emotion?
Let our old spirit stirring tunes be revived, and our beautiful modern melodies be promulgated -
those strains which excite the phlegmatic and soften the obdurate;
then will our musical exhibitions be replete with entertainment to the refined us well as to the vulgar,
while the latter will be delighted and improved.
I am, &c.,
December 5, 1839.
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (11 December 1839), 2
At present the town of Sydney is very flat and dull; and would be past all durance, but for Deane's soirees at the Mechanics' Institute, and Barlow's Exhibition in Bridge-street, which during the Victoria recess, it is hoped, will meet with the patronage they respectively merit. The above two novelties claim the particular attention of the public, for they are entertainments both instructive and moral, and fit for the inspection of the most fastidious.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward David Barlow
"News and Humours of the Day", Australasian Chronicle (13 December 1839), 4
The Gautrots and Mrs. Clancy continue to sing at Mr. Deane's: weekly Concerts. Mrs. Bushelle's Grand Concert takes place on Wednesday next; Scotch and Irish Melodies predominate in the selection.
13 December 1839, Martha Thomson's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 December 1839), 3
Under the Patronage of the United Australians.
GREAT NOVELTY!! MRS. THOMSON BEGS to inform her friends and the Public,
that in consequence of her having been prevented taking her Benefit at the Victoria theatre, as intended during the last Season,
she has obtained permission from E. DEAS THOMSON, Esq., Colonial Secretary, to give an
ENTERTAINMENT At the Mechanics' School of Arts,
Upon which occasion MR. J. SIMMONS has kindly volunteered to appear gratuitously . . .
She will also be assisted by an Amateur of considerable talent, Mr. D. O'Fairlie, Mr. Thomson,
Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Master E. Deane. In the course of the Evening, a Gentleman Amateur will occasionally preside at the Pianoforte.
PART I. OVERTURE. - Mr. Deane and Family, with numerous Assistants . . .
DUETTO, Violin and Piano, Mr. Deane and Mr. J. Deane . . .
GRAND FINALE, Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Master E. Deane, and numerous Assistants . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martha Thomson (actor, vocalist); D. O'Fairlie (vocalist)
17 December 1839, Deane's weekly concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (17 December 1839), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public, that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on,
This Evening, Tuesday, DEC. 17, 1839.
Last Appearance but Two OF Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "The Wolf" - Shield - Mr. Thomson.
3. Song, "Cease your funning" - Mrs. Clancy.
4. Poland Fantasia, on the national airs of God Save the Queen and Rule Britannia, for the Pianoforte, as performed by the composer before her Most Gracious Majesty
Queen Victoria - Thalberg - Miss Deane.
5. Song, "Di tanti palpiti" - Rossini - Madame GAUTROT.
6. Aria Varie, Violin - Mons. GAUTROT.
7. Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen" - Lee - Miss Deane.
8. Glee, "When the Rosy Morn" - Webbe - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, and a Mr. Thomson.
1. Quartett - Beethoven - Mons. GAUTROT, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, and Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "The Soldier Tired" - Arne - Mrs. Clancy.
3 . Song, "The Friar" - Reeve - Mr. Thomson.
4. Song, "The Peasant Boy" - Master Weavers.
5. Song, "Cupid, hear me!" - Cooke - Miss Deane.
6. Song, "La Troubadour, Romance" - Boildieu - Madame GAUTROT.
7. Glee, "Hark, 'tis the Indian drum" - Bishop - Miss Deane, Mr. Thomson, and Mr. Deane
To commence at 8 o'Clock precisely . . .
18 December 1839, Eliza Bushelle's concert
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (18 December 1839), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre. MRS. BUSHELLE . . .
will be assisted by Madame Gautrot, Miss Deane, Mr. Bushelle and Amateurs;
Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. Worgan, Masters J. and E. Deane,
Mr. Wallace senior, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Walton, several Amateurs, all the Theatrical Band, and, by permission of
Colonel Wodehouse, the BAND of the FIFTIETH REGIMENT.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Symphony, (Beethoven) - Full Orchestra . . .
PART II. Overture of the "Marriage of Figaro," (Mozart) - Full Orchestra . . .
3. - Grand Fantasia for the Pianoforte on the Air "I tuoi frequenti," (Sowenski) - Miss Deane . . .
"MRS. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (25 December 1839), 2
Concert has followed so close up on concert lately, that really we find it difficult to think of anything to say upon the subject. What can we say, after having noticed the abilities of the same performers, and the character of nearly the same music, so repeatedly and so recently? At the last concert there were more English songs - a decided improvement upon former concerts . . . It is somewhat long since we heard Miss Deane, and we congratulate her on on her improvement as a pianiste. Let her practise with assiduity for some twelve months longer and we predict that she will become one of the best players in the Colony . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Humphrey Walton (instrumentalist)
24 December 1839, Deane's weekly concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (24 December 1839), 4
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public, that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
This Evening, DEC. 24, 1839.
Last Appearance but One OF Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song , "The Land" - Neukomm - Mr. Thompson.
3. Song. "Air du Barbier de Seville," - Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
4. Solo, "Piano Forte," - Herz - Miss Deane.
5. Song - Master Weavers.
6. Song - Miss Deane.
7. Air Varie Violin - Monsieur Gautrot.
1. Quartetto - Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, Master E. Deane.
2. Song - Miss Deane.
3. Solo, " Violoncello" - Hunken - Master E. Deane.
4. Duetto, "Ye Banks and Braes" - Philipps - Miss Deane, Mr. Thompson.
5, Song, "The Wolf" - Shield - Mr. Thompson.
6. Song, "Jeune Brigette Romance" - Madame Gautrot.
7. Glee, "The Watchman" - Miss Deane, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely . . .
7 January 1840, Deane's weekly concert
"DEANE'S SOIREE'S", The Colonist (1 January 1840), 2
Mr. Deane is determined to deserve, at least, the patronage of the public. He has engaged Simmons, late of the Victoria, to assist at his weekly soiree, and in a short time it is probable that he will have two a week. An amateur nommé Williams is also engaged. We have heard much talk of the vocal powers of this new candidate for public favour, but have not as yet been present at any of his performances . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (7 January 1840), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public, that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
THE LAST NIGHT OF Monsieur and Madame GAUTROT.
1. Quintetto - Haydn.
2. Song, "Hurrah for the Road" - Mr. Thompson.
3. Song, "When the Sigh long suppressed" - Auber - Miss Deane.
4. The Celebrated Laughing Glee - Martini - Mr. Thompson, Master E. Deane, Mr. Deane.
5. Solo, Pianoforte - Herz - Miss Deane.
6. Song, Air, "Joanne D'arc, de Carafe" - Madame GAUTROT.
7. Duetto, "The Singing Lesson" - Horn - Miss Deane, Mr. Deane.
1. Quartett - Mons. GAUTROT, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane, Master E. Deane.
2. Song, "'Tis the Last Rose of Summer" - Miss Deane.
3. Glee, "Canadian Boat Song" - Master Weavers, Mr. Deane, Mr. Thompson.
4. Air Varie, Violin, Mons. GAUTROT.
5. Song, "The Land" - Neukomm - Mr. Thompson.
6. Song - Master Weavers.
7. Song, "Romance, Pre an Clercs" - Herold - Madame GAUTROT.
8. Glee, "Hark Apollo Strikes the Lyre" - Miss Deane, Master E. Deane, Mr. Deane.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Simmons (actor, vocalist)
9 January 1840, Horatio Williams's benefit concert, Mechanics' School of Arts
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (8 January 1840), 1
1. - Overture, arranged as a trio . . .
6. - Duetto, Piano and Violin - Messrs. Deane.
1. - Trio, two Violins [and Violoncello]
5. - Solo, Violin "Mayseder" - Mr. J. Deane.
8. - Celebrated Laughing Glee, "Martini" - Mr. Deane, Master E. Deane, and Mr. Thomson . . .
22 January 1840, Deane's concert, Parramatta
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (22 January 1840), 1
MR. DEANE, BEGS TO INFORM THE GENTRY AND Public of Parramatta, that he intends giving a
On which occasion he respectfully solicits their patronage.
1. - Trio, Two Violins and Violoncello - Muller - - Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Master E. Deane.
2. - Song, "Vain each base endeavour," Herold, - Miss Deane.
3. - Glee, The Canadian Boat Song - Stevenson, - Master Weaver, Master E. Deane, Mr. Deane.
4. - Solo, Pianoforte, "March d'Ottello" - Herz. - Miss Deane.
5. - Song, "The Peasant Boy" Master Weavers.
6. - Song, "The blighted Flower" Kirkby - Miss Deane.
7. - Solo, Violin. De Beriot - Mr. J. Deane.
1. - Quintetto - Haydn.
2. - Glee, "Lightly tread " Scotland - Master Weavers, Master E. Deane, Mr. Deane.
3. - Solo, Violencello, Reinagle - Master E. Deane.
4. - Song, "Fly away pretty Moth" Bayley. - Master Weavers.
5. - Duetto, Pianoforte and Violencello - Mr. J. Deane, Master E. Deane.
6. - Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen" - Lee - Miss Deane.
7. - Duetto, "The Singing Lesson" - Horn - Miss Deane, Mr. Deane.
Finale - God Save the Queen.
To commence at Eight o'Clock.
Tickets 5s. each - To be had of Mr. Tyrer, Cheapside; Mr. Nash, Woolpack Inn, George-street;
Mr. Mortimer, Emu Inn, George-street; and Mrs. Walker, Red Cow Inn.
January 20, 1840.
3 March 1840, Elizabeth Clancy's concert
[Advertisement], The Australian (3 March 1840), 1
Under the Patronage of Lady O' Connell. MRS. CLANCY
HAS the honor to announce that her Concert will take place in the Old
Court House, Castlereagh-street, on Tuesday Evening, March the 3rd, 1840, on which occasion
she will be assisted by Madame and Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Deane and Family,
Mr. Leggett, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Sippe, and the Cecilian Society, who have kindly offered
their assistance. Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Pianoforte, Mr. Johnson; who
have also kindly offered their assistance.
1. Overture - Preciosa - Weber . . .
6. Solo - Pianoforte - Quick March - Herz - Miss Deane . . .
1. Overture - Italiana - Rossini . . .
5. Song - Green Hills of Tyrol - Miss Deane . . .
[News], The Australian (5 March 1840), 2
Mrs. Clancy's concert was very flatteringly attended on Tuesday, and presented on the whole a very pleasant evening's entertainment . . . Miss Deane is a much better pianist than cantatrice; her capabilities on the instrument are indeed surprising when her youth and other professional disadvantages are considered . . .
21 April 1840, Deane's concert, Parramatta
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (21 April 1840), 3
Grand Concert at Parramatta, under distinguished Patronage. MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his friends and the public of Parramatta and its vicinity, that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on Tuesday evening, April 21, 1840, at Mr. Nash's New Room, George-street, Parramatta, on which occasion he will be assisted by Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, and other professionals from Sydney, and, by the kind permission of Colonel French, the band of the 28th regiment. Tickets 7s. 6d. each. Family tickets, to admit four, 21s. To be had of Mr. Tyrer, Cheapside; Mr. Nash, Wool-pack Inn, George-street; Mrs. Walker, Red Cow Inn, and Mr. John Deane, Macquarie-street.
26 May 1840, Eliza Bushelle's concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (26 May 1840), 1
CONCERT. Under the patronage of Lady Gipps, Lady O'Connell, Lady Dowling, Mrs. Deas Thompson,
Mrs. Plunkett, Mrs. Hely, and several other ladies of distinction.
MRS. BUSHELLE has the honour to announce, that her Concert will take place on TUESDAY, the 26th instant, at the Theatre Royal;
she will be assisted by Miss Deane, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Deane and Sons, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Walton, Mr. Parbury, all the members
of the Theatrical Orchestra, Mr. Wallace, Mr. W. Wallace, and Mr. Bushelle. Several amateurs have also kindly offered their assistance.
Overture - Full Orchestra
1. Duet - Suoni la Tromba, from I Puritani, (Cornetto Obligato Mr. Leggatt) Full Orchestral Accompaniments - Mrs. & Mr. Bushelle
2. Song - When the sigh long suppressed - Auber - Miss Deane
3. Song - When time hath bereft thee - Orchestral Accompaniment - Auber - Mr. Bushelle . .
PART II . . .
2. Song - The Mocking Bird, (Flute Obligato, Mr. W. Wallace) - Bishop - Miss Deane . . .
"MRS. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (27 May 1840), 2
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle were in excellent voice; Mr. Wallace's Solo on the Violin was an exquisite performance, and Miss Deane, as usual, displayed wonderful execution on the Piano . . .
"(From a Correspondent)", The Australian (28 May 1840), 2
. . . Miss Deane performed a solo of Herz, which is well known. This young lady has considerable powers of execution on the pianoforte. We could, however, gladly hear her draw out more expression from the instrument. It is true that Herz is one of the most heartless of composers, and therefore perhaps the task would be difficult. May we venture to say that the young lady's personal toilette might be improved under the skilful eye of a tasteful "modiste" . . .
"CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 May 1840), 2
. . . Miss Deane's pianoforte was a rich treat, going through the beautiful, brilliant, and rapid passages, with such confidence and grace as to elicit the applause of the whole house . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (28 May 1840), 2
. . . Miss Deane played her solo on the piano with that brilliant execution which has already placed her high in the profession . . .
"MRS. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (29 May 1840), 2
. . . Miss Deane ran over a few of the absurdities of Henri Herz with wonderful dexterity . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Portbury (instrumentalist, double-bass player)
Early June 1840, race week concerts, Maitland
"COUNTRY NEWS. MAITLAND HURDLE RACE", The Australian (13 June 1840), 3
Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle gave three concerts (two at the Rose Inn, and one at the Court-house), assisted by Mr. and Miss Deane, which were well attended, and seemed to give general satisfaction. Mrs. B. was in fine voice, and her singing was enchanting. "The Land of the West" produced a most rapturous encore; for, independent of its beautiful melody, its appropriateness to the westernites made them listen to it with much rapture. Mr. Bushelle's Largo, and several other Italian airs, were well sung, but his powerful voice was lost, the room being too small for him; however, the "Groves of Blarney" made every one laugh - and as laughing was the order of the night, he had to repeat it. Miss Deane executed a difficult concerto on the pianoforte, in good style, but her voice was not so good as was expected - she sang very correctly, but not very pleasingly - the contrast between her and Mrs. Bushelle was too great. Mr. Deane played a solo on the violin with much taste.
8 July 1840, Deane's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (8 July 1840), 2
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage
his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the THEATRE ROYAL on
WEDNESDAY, July 8th, 1840, He will he assisted by MRS. BUSHELLE, MADAME GAUTROT, MISS DEANE,
MR. PARBURY, MR. J. DEANE, of Parramatta; All the Members of the Theatrical Orchestra, and
several Amateurs who have kindly profferred their assistance.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Wallace.
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
Overture - BAND
1. Duet - Serbami ognir - Rossini - MRS. BUSHELLE AND MRS. CLANCY
2. Song - My Boyhood's home with Orchestral Accompaniments Rooke - MRS. BUSHELLE [sic]
3. Song - Aria Cenerentola - MADAME GAUTROT
4. Solo - Piano Forte - Grand Fantasia on the National Airs of "God save the Queen," and "Rule Britannia,"
as performed by the composer (Thalberg) before Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria - MISS DEANE.
5. Song - The last Rose of Summer - MRS. CLANCY.
6. Song - Basta Miei Cari - MRS. BUSHELLE.
7. Solo - Violin - MR. DEANE.
Overture - Bronze Horse - BAND
1. Duette - Ai Caprici - MR. AND MRS. BUSHELLE.
2. Song - The Tyrolien Maidens' Song - MRS. CLANCY.
3. Song - Le Rendezvous composed by Monsieur Gautrot - MADAME GAUTROT.
4. Quintett - Composed by Monsier Gautrot, for 2 Tenors, 2 Violoncellos, and 1 Double Bass.
1st. Tenor, MONSIEUR GAUTROT; 2nd. MR. DEANE; Violoncello, MR. CURTIS and Mr. E. DEANE; and Double Bass, MR. PARBURY.
5. Song - King Death With Orchestral Accompaniments - MR. BUSHELLE.
6. Song - Lo! Here the Gentle Lark, Flute Obligato, Mr. S. W. Wallace - MRS. BUSHELLE.
7. Duet - Piano Forte and Violin, Le Postellon de Lonjumeau - Herz and Lafont - MR. J. DEANE AND MISS DEANE.
8. Glee - "The Chough and Crow," - MRS. BUSHELLE, MRS. CLANCY AND MR. BUSHELLE.
9. God Save the Queen. (Chorus) MR. BUSHELLE.
The Pit will be elegantly fitted up as a Concert Saloon, and will communicate with the Boxes.
The Orchestra will be erected on the Stage.
TICKETS to be had of MR. ELLARD, MR. TYRER, MR. ALDIS, George-street, MR. CURTIS, Hunter-street,
and MR. TURNER, King-street.
TICKETS. - BOXES, 7s. 6d. UPPER BOXES, 4s. GALLERY, 2s. 6d.
The Concert will Commence at Eight o'Clock.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (9 July 1840), 3
We have just returned from this concert, and have only time to say that it went off with great eclat; that Mesdames Gautrot, Bushelle, and Clancy, were in excellent voice; that Miss Deane was better by far than ever on the piano; that Mr. Bushelle was delightful; that Monsieur Gautrot's and Master Deane's fiddles were in good tune; and that all would have been well but for certain stupid rascals who had got themselves perched among the gods aloft, and who took it into their heads to encore everything; in consequence of which his Excellency the Governor took his departure in the middle of the second part; and we lost the "Chough and Crow," and one or two other pieces. We were exceedingly pleased to find so full a house, and to see his Excellency, Lady Gipps, and the members of our colonial court in their proper places.
"CONCERT", The Colonist (9 July 1840), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert, last night, went off much better than expected, considering the unfavourable state of the weather. The vocal performances of Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle were as usual good, as was that also of Madame Gautrot. Mrs. Clancy was well received, and was warmly applauded in the Last Rose of Summer; Miss Deane displayed some clever execution on the pianoforte. Master Deane was encored in a solo on the violin. The instrumental performances were well got up and executed. The audience, which was numerous and respectable, among whom were His Excellency and the Colonial Secretary, were highly pleased, and we hope that the returns of the evening may have turned out equally profitable to Mr. Deane, who well deserves the patronage of the public.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (10 July 1840), 2
Mr. Deane's concert in the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday, went off remarkably well. The house, notwithstanding the weather, and the state of the streets, was very nearly full. We have not space to enter into a lengthened detail of the performance, but will merely observe, that Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Madame Gautrot were in excellent voice, that Mrs. Clancy sang two pretty ballads, one of which the Tyrolese maiden's song, was very sweetly performed, that Monsieur Gautrot's quartette was ably led by himself, his tenor violin playing being a perfect master piece. That Mr. J. Deane's violin, (who was encored) and Miss Deane's fantasia on the pianoforte, were very good, but rather too long, and that the overtures were well played, the oboe of Mr. Legatt being remarkably fine. The Governor and family and a very respectable audience were in the boxes.
[Advertisement], The Australian (11 July 1840), 2
MRS. J. P. DEANE'S Establishment, for a very select and limited number of Young Ladies, O'Connell-street, Sydney. - Her course of Instruction unites the different Branches of Polite and Useful Education. Terms per annum - For Day Boarders, twenty-five guineas. Day Pupils, twelve guineas. Extras - Drawing, Dancing, Music. A quarter's notice is required previous to the removal of a Pupil.
30 October 1840, the Gautrots' Sydney farewell concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (29 October 1840), 3
have the honour to announce that their
LAST CONCERT will take place at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street,
Tomorrow (Friday), the 30th October, 1840.
Programme. -- Part I.
Overture, Der Freischutz, Weber
1. Duet, Semiramide, Mrs. Bushelle and Madame Gautrot
2. Song, "Let us seek the yellow shore," Bishop, Mrs. Clancy
3. Song, "The Wolf," orchestral accompaniments, Mr. Bushelle
4. Fantasia on the "March In Otello," Hertz, Miss Deane . . .
Part 2.
Medley overture, Leggatt, full orchestra . . .
16 November 1840, Royal Victoria Theatre, opening of the season
"THE THEATRE", Australasian Chronicle (10 November 1840), 2
This place of public amusement will re-open on Monday next, and the season is expected to continue for six months. We have been favoured with a list of the performers already engaged, which are as follows: - Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Grove, Mrs. Larra, Madame Veilburn, Miss Winstanley, Miss A. Winstanley, Miss Jones, Messrs. Simes, Spencer, Fenton, Lee, Riley, Fitzgerald, and Collins. Mr. Wallace is appointed leader of the band, assisted by Messrs. Deane and sons . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles and Harriet Knowles (actors); Daniel Parsons Grove (actor); Mary Ann Larra (actor); Madame Veilburn (dancer); Matilda Jones (dancer, vocalist); Charles Fenton (actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (30 December 1840), 3
CHRIST CHURCH COLLECTING COMMITTEE. - List of donations obtained by the Members of this Committee,
towards the erection of the above Church, in the Parish of Saint Lawrence, as reported by them at the different fortnightly meetings;
terminating with the meeting holden on the 14th December, 1840 . . .
. . . M. John Dean, O'Connell-street - [£]1 1 0 . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (12 January 1841), 1
To Parents and Guardians.
MRS. J. P. DEANE'S Establishment Young Ladies will Re-open on Monday, the 18th instant.
O'Connell-street, Sydney, Jan. 8, 1841.
10 February 1841, John and Eliza Bushelle's concert
[Advertisement], Free Press and Commercial Journal (6 February 1841), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, ON WEDNESDAY, 10TH FEBRUARY, 1841. MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, at the solicitation of several Families of distinction, have fixed their CONCERT for the above-named day, which is also that appointed for the Floral and Horticultural Exhibition. They will be assisted by the Professionals of Sydney, several distinguished Vocal Amateurs, by a young Lady a pupil of Mrs. Bushelle's, Messrs. Wallace, Leggatt, Dean and son, Sippe, Flaherty, Partbury, Downes, Pappin, Westrop, and the rest of the THEATRICAL BAND . . . Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Charles O'Flaherty (violinist); William Downs (instrumentalist); Stephen Pappin (instrumentalist); Zachariah Westrop (instrumentalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (12 February 1841), 1
COOK AND WASHERWOMAN WANTED, by a family going to New Zealand, in which there are other servants; to a steady well conducted woman, liberal wages will be given. Enquire at Mr. Deane, O'Connell-street. February 10, 1841.
"FUNERAL SERMON", The Sydney Herald (16 February 1841), 3
On Sunday last the Reverend Mr. Steel, at St. Peter's Church, Cook's River, delivered an excellent and pathetic address to his Congregation, from the 3rd Gen. 19 to 6v, "Dust are thou, and unto Dust shall thou return," on Mrs. Prout, a lady highly esteemed, and suddenly taken from a lovely young family and an affectionate husband. It was made known from this address that Mrs. Prout's funeral was the first in the newly consecrated ground of St. Peter's Church. It is matter of regret, that so many of our Sydney friends who seek a Sunday drive, do not visit this beautiful Church, where, from the talents of Mr. Steel, they would derive much pleasure in listening to his truly admirable discourses, and performing a duty incumbent on all. The musical part of the service on this occasion was admirably conducted by Mr. Deane, "Vital Spark" was well performed and sung, the principal Vocalist was Master C. Weavers. - Correspondent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Garratt Prout (d. 1841), wife of Cornelius Prout (1793-1855)
"HARMONIC CLUB", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 February 1841), 2
The spirited members of the Club have at length obtained a first-rate piano forte, which is now placed in their rooms in Pitt street; it was tried in presence of the club on Wednesday night last, and from its rich and powerful tones, which were fully drawn on by that able performer, Mr. Deane, it could not fail of giving satisfaction. The cost of this splendid instrument amounts, we hear, to £85; after three months trial, if it does not suit, it will be taken back. We understand that next week a full meeting of the club is to assemble, to chose a new committee and office bearers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Australian Harmonic Club
24 March 1841, Maria Prout's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (24 March 1841), 1
. . . Mrs. J. S. PROUT, Pianist, begs to announce that her Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music
will take place at the Royal Victoria Theatre, THIS EVENING, March 24.
She will be assisted by Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Worgan, several vocal amateurs,
Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. T. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton,
Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Downes, and the other members of the theatrical orchestra.
Colonel French has also kindly allowed the use of the excellent Band of the 28th Regiment.
Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Prout (pianist, harpist)
17 March 1841, alleged "theft" from music, from the collection of the Cecilian Society
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Herald (25 March 1841), 2
Yesterday Mr. W. Ward appeared at the Police office before Mr. Windeyer, for having in his possession books belonging to the Cecilian Society, alleged to have been stolen from the Society's press. Mr. Deane appeared for the prosecution and identified about ten volumes of music as being his property which he had lent to the Cecilian Society, and which had been to his knowledge kept with the property of the society in a press in the old Court House, and had been abstracted from that place of safety about the 17th instant. In consequence of information a search warrant was issued for the house of Mr. Curtis, but the property was ultimately found in the house of Mr. Ward, who immediately gave up the property, and also gave every information as to how the property claimed came into his possession . . .
. . . Mr. Windeyer said [that] he very much doubted whether there was any evidence at all of a felony having been committed; it was possible that Mr. Curtis, having a claim, in his own opinion, on the society, might, however wrongfully, have removed the books in order to secure payment of his legal demand, and, besides, Mr. Deane had not supplied him with any evidence, that his books were marked in any way so as to be distinguished from those of the society, and therefore, until that was made out, he had no evidence that even, in his case, a felony had been committed, and therefore, until he had an information from Mr. Deane, or from some some member of the committee of the Cicilian Society, he should forebear issuing a warrant against Mr. Curtis. The case occupied the Court for nearly three hours, and from the great number of musical gentlemen that were present it evidently excited great interest among the profession.
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY'S MUSIC", Australasian Chronicle (25 March 1841), 2
Yesterday Mr. J. W. Ward, clerk to Mr. Clark, the attorney, appeared on summons at the police office to answer the charge of having in his possession a quantity of music the property of the Cecilian Society, and which was supposed to have been stolen from the press in which the music of the society is kept, in the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street. Mr. J. P. Deane, of O'Connell-street, proved that ten volumes of the music, worth about £10, were his property. The rest of the music, value about £20, was the property of the society. A great number of witnesses were examined, and the statement made by Mr. Ward himself having been corroborated by several of them, we merely give it as unravelling the mystery, and removing the imputations of a contemporary concerning the abstraction of the music from the chest in which it was deposited . . .
"THE AUSTRALIAN HARMONIC SOCIETY", Australasian Chronicle (5 June 1841), 2
A new society, under the above name, has lately been formed in Sydney by several of the leading harmonists, for the purpose of enjoying a few social hours after the business and cares of the day. We understand that it meets every Wednesday evening, in a private room of Mr. Scrase's, Pitt street. The amusements of the evening are conducted in a very superior manner. On Wednesday evening last our informant was introduced as a visitor, and was highly delighted with the evening's entertainments, consisting of vocal and instrumental music. Mr. Wallace, in his usual effective style, played several solos on the violin, and Mr. Deane some beautiful overtures on the pianoforte. The eloquence and wit of the president of the society, Mr. Slatterie, contributed much to the enjoyment of the evening. We understand the rules which have been drawn up for the government of this infant society are such as to ensure its being carried on upon the most respectable footing; and we heartily wish, not only it, but all other societies formed amongst us for the promotion of social and rational enjoyments, every success.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel and Edwin Scrase (members, Australian Harmonic Club); Apollos Joseph Slatterie (president)
30 June 1841, oratorio, St. Mary's Cathedral, Hyde Park, Sydney
"THE ORATORIO", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (16 June 1841), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (30 June 1841), 1
ORATORIO. MR. NATHAN has the honour to announce that on WEDNESDAY, June 30th 1841,
Vocal Performers: Mrs. Bushelle, a Young Lady (pupil to Mrs. Bushelle), the Misses Nathan, Miss Baron,
Miss Sullivan (pupil to Miss Baron), Miss Strickland, Miss Winstanley, Miss S. Smith, Mr. Bushelle,
Mr. Nathan, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Edwin Grobety (organist to St. Peter's Church, Campbelltown),
Mr. Boyce, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Allen, Mr. Falchon, Mr. Darley, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Wye, Master Leggatt,
Master Edward Allen, Master A. Moore, and Master Reilly; with the aid of several amateurs,
who have kindly volunteered their services on this occasion.
Instrumental Performers: Mrs. Prout, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. Edward Deane.
Mr. William Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen. Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Strong and Mr. Walton;
with the kind assistance of the gentlemen amateurs from the Cecilians Society,
and (by permission of Colonel French) of the Band of the 28th regiment.
Leader, Mr. Wallace; Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
The whole under the entire management of Mr. Nathan, who will preside at the organ . . .
"The Oratorio", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (2 July 1841), 2
"ORATORIO", The Australian (3 July 1841), 2
. . . Mr. Deane has announced a Concert for next Friday under most distinguished patronage. This gentleman and his talented family have strong claims on the public, and we confidently anticipate that they will be amply recognized. A lady just arrived in the Colony (Mrs. Emanuel) will assist on this occasion, and from the flattering terms in which we have heard amateurs speak of her singing, we feel extremely anxious to judge for ourselves.
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (composer, conductor, organist); Eliza Emanuel (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (9 July 1841), 1
MRS. J. P. DEANE begs to inform the Parents of her Pupils, that her Establishment for Young Ladies will reopen on MONDAY, the 12th of July, 1841. O'Connell-street, Sydney.
14 July 1841 (originally advertised for 9 July), Deane's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney
"CONCERT", Sydney Free Press (6 July 1841), 2
Mr. Deane has given notice of his intention, to treat the inhabitants of Sydney to a musical entertainment at the Victoria Theatre, on Friday next, under the distinguished patronage of Lady Gipps, and the fair elite of the Colony. The principal musical talent of the Colony are engaged to attend, and among others we understand that a Lady of great vocal ability, who has recently arrived in Sydney, will make her debut. The Concerts of Mr. Deane have always been got up with great care and attention, and his long exertions for the amusement of such as love the joyous science, entitle him to the encouragement and indulgence of the public. We have little doubt, therefore, that the Concert will be well attended, and that our expectations of a pleasant evening will be fully realised.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 July 1841), 2
In our observations on the Victoria Theatre in last publication, we forgot to mention that Mr. Simes came forward, and intimated to the audience, that a concert was to take place there on Friday for the benefit of Mr. Deane, under the distinguished patronage of Lady Gipps and other Ladies of the first circles. We have been given to understand that all the musical and vocal ability of the Colony will be in requisition on this interesting occasion. Mr. D. deserves highly of his fellow townsmen for his unremitting attention in getting up something worthy of patronage, a matter that of late has been woefully overlooked by the caterers of public amusement. We trust Mr. Dean will give us no cause to grumble. Mr. Dean's son, a boy of about eight years, is to perform a solo on the violin.
"Summary of Public Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 July 1841), 3
. . . In consequence of the Governor's being unable to honour with his presence the Concert, that was to have taken place at the Victoria Theatre last night, Mr. Deane thought it advisable to get the day postponed until Friday next . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 July 1841), 1
Under the distinguished Patronage of Lady Gipps and Mrs. E. Deas Thomson,
Mrs. Gibbes, and other Ladies of distinction.
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage,
his CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, on a very extensive scale, will take place at the Theatre Royal,
on WEDNESDAY, the 11th July, 1841.
VOCAL PERFORMERS - Mrs. Bushelle, Miss Deane, and Mrs. Emanuel (being her first appearance),
Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Allen, and several other Gentleman Amateurs.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Prout, Miss Deane, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Deane and Sons,
Mr. Wallace, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walton, and other Gentleman, who have kindly offered their assistance,
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Wallace; Conductor - Mr. Leggatt
By the kind permission of Colonel French, the Band of the 28th Regiment will assist.
Overture - D'Otello - Rossini
1. Song - Arab Steed - Mrs. Emanuel (her first appearance in public.)
2. Solo - Greek March - Hertz - Miss Deane
3. Song - La tremend ultirce spada - Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle
4. Song - As I view these scenes so charming - Mr. Bushelle
5. Duetto - Harp and Pianoforte, "God save the Queen" - Bochsa - Mrs. Prout & Miss Deane
6. Duetto - Buffo (with full Orchestral Accompaniments arranged by Mr. S. W. Wallace) - Mr. Bushelle, Mrs. Bushelle
7. Song - To Norma's Arms - Miss Deane
8. Solo - Violin - Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane
Overture - La Dame Blanche
1. Song - Oh! softly sleep - Miss Deane
2. Solo - Violin (Juvenile Performance) - Master Charles Muzio Deane
3. Song - Land of the West - Mrs. Bushelle
4. Duet - Pianoforte - "The celebrated Duet from Gulielmus Tell." - Mrs. Prout, Miss Deane
5. Song - Orynthia, my beloved - Mrs. Emanuel
6. Song - Largo al Factotum - Mr. Bushelle
7. Solo - Long live Victoria (with Chorus, and full Orchestral Accompaniments) - Mrs. Bushelle
The Pitt will be elegantly fitted up as a Concert Saloon, and will communicate with the Boxes.
The Orchestra will be erected on the Stage. Tickets - Boxes, 7s. 6d.;
Upper Boxes, 4s.; Gallery, 2s. 6d. The Concert will commence at eight o'clock.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Ellard, Mr. Perkins; Mr. Aldis, George street; Mr. Turner, King-street;
Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; Mr. Barnett, Wine Stores, Pitt-street; and Mr. Deane, O'Connell-street.
"THE CONCERT", Sydney Free Press (15 July 1841), 2
Last night Mr. Deane's concert came off with great eclat, the Governor having honoured Mr. D. with his presence on the occasion. Colonel French kindly allowed the band of the 28th to assist, they gave us an air or two, in which Corporal Malon's Solo, on the Kent Bugle was very good. Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle sung a Duetto Buffo, which was loudly encored. Miss Deane sings sweetly; her song, "To Norma's Arms," was very good indeed. In the second part of the performance she sung "Oh softly sleep," and was greatly applauded. Next came the young Paganini of the evening, Mr. C. W. Deane [sic]. This child's performance on the violin was truly astonishing, and well deserved the rapturous applause it did receive. Mrs. Bushelle sung the "Land of the West," with sweetness and feeling . . .
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (15 July 1841), 2
This entertainment took place last evening in the presence of a full and respectable audience, and went off with the usual eclat that attends Mr. Deane's praiseworthy endeavours to gratify the public. Mrs. Emanuel made her debut with success, and we think she will yet do better. Her voice is good, but her articulation is indistinct, and she wants a little finishing in other respects. Among the principal performances were a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, which was deservedly encored, though to our taste it was greatly deteriorated by the strange overacting introduced into it; a violin solo by Mr. J. Deane, who displayed considerable skill upon that difficult instrument; a rondino (violin) by Master C. M. Deane, a little fellow about seven years old, who astonished everybody; the eternal "Largo al Factotum," which was as usual encored, and the "Long Live Victoria," by Mrs. Bushelle, with chorus. There was also some good piano playing by Mrs. Prout, Miss Deane, and Mr. Emanuel. We were glad to see his Excellency and the principal families in the colony present. In this country, above all others, it is the duty of the wealthy to patronise the arts, and music is the most beneficial of them. We understand Mr. Nathan intends to give his first concert in a few days, to which we shall look forward with interest.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (16 July 1841), 2
Mr. Deane's Concert, on Wednesday Evening, attracted a numerous and highly respectable audience. His Excellency the Governor, Lady Gipps, the families of Sir Maurice O'Connell, of the Attorney General, of Colonel Gibbes and of many others of high distinction were present. The military officers mustered strong, and their propriety of demeanour, and gallant bearing contrasted remarkably with the puppyism and vulgarity of certain worthies of the 50th who disgraced a similar assembly last year. On the entrance of the Governor who met with a warm reception, the band played "God save the Queen."
The performances of the evening began with the overture to Otello and the style in which that delightful composition and "La dame Blanche," were executed reflects much credit on the talented leader Mr. W. Wallace, and on Mr. Leggett who performed with great skill and precision. We could have wished to hear a Violin or Flute solo, from the former gentleman, who is incomparably the best performer on both instruments, in the Colony. The audience were however well pleased with the efforts of the young Deane's, and we must not be too critical. The Instrumental solos were awfully long, occupying two hours and a half - rather too much of a good thing. The Debutante Mrs. Emanuel, has a pleasing voice, which with cultivation may be made effective. Mrs. Prout and Miss Deane, sustained their well earned reputation, the former lady displayed great versatility of talent and was much applauded . . .
We congratulate Mr. Deane on his bumper, and we trust that his success may lead to a series of such delightful entertainments.
"Summary of Public Intelligence", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 July 1841), 3
[News], The Australian (17 July 1841), 2
Mr. Deane's Concert on Wednesday afforded us a very pleasant evening's entertainment, and, from the appearance of the house, we conclude that the result of the undertaking was equally satisfactory to that gentleman himself.
The programme presented a well chosen variety, and in the execution of the several pieces, our old favourites sustained the reputation long since accorded to them. We had, moreover, two first appearances in Mrs. Emanuel and Master Muzio Deane . . .
Master Deane's juvenile performance on the violin, was really surprising in a child of such tender years, about seven, we believe. The little fellow played perfectly in tune, and with the greatest confidence. Master Deane (the elder brother of this young gentleman) also deserves the highest praise for his violin solo. He has a firm bow, produces a very fine note, and plays in tune; but there is a deficiency of feeling. But this, with the delicate touches peculiar to the violin, can be acquired only by long continuous practice, and the opportunity of hearing first rate players. Master Deane's performance, however, on this occasion, was very clever. We must also notice the able assistance he received on the occasion from Mr. W. Wallace, as leader of the Orchestra, who performed the duties assigned to him with his usual talent and ability . . .
Mr. Deane is a deserving man, and we congratulate him on the issue of his exertions on this occasion. It is gratifying to see a taste for music becoming so general amongst us . . .
"DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (17 July 1841), 2
On Wednesday evening the Concert given by Mr. Deane at the Victoria Theatre was very fully and most respectably attended. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Gipps, accompanied by their son, a very fine boy, entered their box at eight o'clock, when the orchestra struck up "God save the Queen." His Excellency was well received by the audience, looked in high spirits, appeared throughout the evening to enjoy the performance, and did not withdraw till past eleven o'clock, - near the close of the whole.
The overture to Rossini's " Otello," which, with some fine and brilliant passages, exhibits a good deal of this master's usual claptrap and straining after effect, was better performed than overtures generally are by our Sydney musicians. It was, however, as a whole, rather feeble and non-effective . . .
. . . Miss Deane performed on the pianoforte a solo by Hertz, a gay, lively, light, (perhaps we might say) slecht piece, not badly adapted to set off a young lady-performer at a boarding school examination. Miss Deane executed the more difficult parts with considerable ease and rapidity, and her touch was both firm and free in the less difficult and more musical passages . . .
Mrs. Prout, on the harp, and Miss Deane, on the pianoforte, gave a duet of Bochsa's, called "God save the Queen," in the programme; and somewhere about the middle of the piece, we observed the National Anthem siddled in (we do not know the technical term) in a strange sort of manner amongst the double demi-semi quavers which preceded and followed, without rhyme or reason, so far as we could make out. Brilliant passages, there were, out of question, such as Bochsa knows well how to compose, but they seemed to be in as much accordance with "Rory O'More" or "Nix my Dolly" as with "God save the Queen." Miss Deane performed some of these with considerable taste and good execution. Mrs. Prout's harp seemed to be out of order or an indifferent instrument, and the tones being husky and jingling, sadly marred the beauty of her performance . . .
Miss Deane sung "To Norma's arms," but so overlaid every part with ornament, in place and out of place, that we altogether lost the "links" of the air in the "linked warblings long drawn out" of the ornaments. Tosi writes a book on what he calls "The Florid Song," and it is probable it may have fallen into this young lady's hands; but the day of this fashion is, we hope, gone by, and is, or ought, in good taste, to be replaced by what Horace calls the simple mundities.
Mr. J. Deane performed a solo by Mayseder on the violin, having for a tema "With a Helmet on his Brow." It was one of the excellencies which we admired in Paganini, that he played his Tema at first in the plainest manner, and endeavoured to out-rival all competitors in the clearness of his tones and the exquisite simplicity of his style. This great example was far departed from by Mr. J. Deane, both in his original tema, aforesaid, and still more in the Scots air "YE BANKS AND BRAES," introduced in the finale, which he so belaboured with ornament that some of the musical passages were as unintelligible as if he had given Burns's words in Arabic or Chinese. We were sorry to remark this, for Mr. J. Deane showed a great command of his instrument, and a power of execution, by no means common, besides an evidently keen feeling for the beauty of the music; a striking characteristic of Paganini, and indeed of all great performers. We beg to remind Mr. J Deane, however, that it is not the rapid execution of difficult passages, which constitutes a first rate musician, but the effect produced, and this is often greatest from the simplest and least ornamented passages.
. . . The overture from "La Dame Blanche" was performed with unusual power and spirit, and pleased us well.
Miss Deane sung " Softly Sleep" greatly better than her first song, and we were able to catch about one-third of the words. We strongly recommend her to study distinct enunciation as indispensable to all superior singing. If the words are sung unintelligibly, Italian or any other language will do as well as English.
Master C. M. Deane, though quite a child, performed a solo on the violin very creditably to himself and his instructors . . .
"ST. MARY'S ORGAN", Australasian Chronicle (20 July 1841), 2
It has been justly remarked that genuine talent is as free from envy as ignorant pretension is full of it. The following anecdote bears testimony to the justice of this remark. On Sunday evening Mr. Nathan, who presided at the organ at St. Mary's, played an extemporaneous voluntary, as is usual after the service. The composer, in the enthusiastic feeling of the moment, modulated from one key to the other by the diminished 7th, introducing the chord of the 9th, with its various accompanying harmonies, and seemed in the full glory of forgetfulness when he was reminded by one of his daughters that the people would not leave while he continued playing; upon which he replied "are they not gone?" and instantly jumped up and closed the instrument. Mr. Deane and his eldest son, both musicians of considerable talent, and also, we believe, organists, who were attracted by the performance to remain, with about a hundred other persons who listened to the voluntary, on seeing Mr. Nathan pass through the entrance of the church, caught hold of his hand, and exclaimed, "O, Mr. Nathan, I have been delighted; I never heard the organ played till this evening." It is well known that extemporaneous performances on the organ, though they cannot be always strictly confined "within the rules," have a much more powerful effect than ordinary compositions. The late Mr. S. Wesley used to produce the most astonishing effects by this kind of voluntaries.
4 August 1841, Isaac Nathan's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (5 August 1841), 2
. . . We must also despatch with a word the two bands of the 28th and 80th, who deserve a separate article for the manner in which they executed the overtures and accompaniments under the direction of Mr. Deane, whom we have never seen appear to such advantage in point of liveliness and fire as on this occasion. Mr. Deane seemed to feel that the composer was at his ear, and certainly he proved also that he understood his ideas . . .
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (6 August 1841), 2
. . . The Overture from the "Illustrious Stranger," was in a much lighter style than the first, and being excellently led by Mr. Deane, was much better performed than the very feeble and tame things of this kind usual in Sydney. In the first movement, the clarionette had a solo which was taken up by the bassoon a la Fugue, and ably executed. The violin followed in an obligato such as we have rarely witnessed here, by Mr. J. Deane, a young man of rising talent and decided musical genius, who will, we have little doubt, soon take a lead as a musician in this Colony . . .
. . . Mr. Falchon's "Dicky Dolus" was excellent, there was so much rich humour, and so much also of taste, and what painters call keeping, as to prove Mr. Falchon to be thoroughly acquainted with stage effect. He was loudly and deservedly encored. The orchestra and the leading of Mr. Deane were beyond all praises . . .
We cannot conclude without drawing public attention to the fact that, with one or two exceptions the music, vocal and instrumental, was the composition of Mr. Nathan himself. Mr. Deane, as leader, performed his numerous duties to the admiration of every body present . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (7 August 1841), 2
. . . The overtures (both of them from the pen of Mr. Nathan), are very skilful and agreeable compositions, and were most efficiently performed. Mr. Deane officiated as leader, with his usual ability, and Master J. Deane played a violin part in first rate style. We expect great things from this young man . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (vocalist); Band of the 80th Regiment
15 September 1841, Cecilian Society concert
"THE CECILIAN CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (17 September 1841), 2
On Wednesday evening the amateurs of the Cecilian Society performed a concert in St. James's Parochial school room . . . The two overtures of Weber were among the best performances of the kind we have heard in the Colony, in a great degree owing to the masterly leading of Mr. Deane and the superior conducting of Mr. Johnson. We regretted much that sudden illness prevented Mr. J. Deane from performing his violin solo, as we had anticipated a high treat from this very clever young player . . .
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Australian (18 September 1841), 2
. . . The orchestra was certainly inadequate in numbers to do full justice to that beautiful overture "Preciosa." And, unfortunately, we were deprived of Master Deane's violin solo, through the sudden indisposition of that young gentleman . . . Mr. Deane, as leader, acquitted himself with his usual zeal and efficiency. We were much disappointed in not hearing Miss Deane on the occasion, either in her vocal or instrumental capacity . . .
"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (22 September 1841), 3
. . . Mr. John Deane's indisposition, as stated by his father, we were disappointed of the solo on the violin, and we could perceive that his services were missed from the orchestra, so much so that the last overture to the "Illustrious Stranger," by Nathan, was omitted; we trust, however, to hear it at the next concert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Johnson (conductor)
22 September 1841, Eliza and John Bushelle's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (22 September 1841), 1
. . . FAREWELL CONCERT, Royal Victoria Theatre, Wednesday, the 22nd of September, 1841;
which day is also appointed for the Horticultural and Floral Exhibition.
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE will, on this occasion, make their last public appearance in Sydney,
and respectfully solicit the same patronage and liberal support they have for so many years
experienced from the gentry, and inhabitants of New South Wales.
Vocal Performers: Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Bushelle, Signorina Emilia, Mr. Bushelle, and amateurs.
Instrumental Performers: Mrs. Prout, Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. Leggatt. Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Deane,
Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. Sippe, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Downes, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Westrop.
The rest of the theatrical orchestra; and, by the kind permission of Colonel Baker,
a select number from the far-famed band of the 80th regiment, under the superintendence of Mr. Egerton.
Leader, Mr. S. W. Wallace; conductor, Mr. Leggatt . . .
PART II . . .
2 "JEPHTHA'S DAUGHER," accompanied on the harp, flute, and violoncello, by Mrs. Prout,
Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Mr. E. Deane - (Nathan) - Mrs. Bushelle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Signorina Emilia (vocalist); Samuel Edgerton (master of the Band of the 80th Regiment)
29 September 1841, Australian Harmonic Club concert
"AUSTRALIAN HARMONIC CLUB", Sydney Free Press (2 October 1841), 2
The members of the above Society on Wednesday the 29th last, gave a supper at their club room in Pitt-street; Mr. Slatterie in the chair, Mr. Simmons officiating as Vice-President. The members of the Cecilian Society, who assisted in the performances at the Theatre on Tuesday evening, were of course invited, and added greatly to the hilarity and conviviality of the evening. There were also among the guests assembled upon this occasion, nearly all the leading musical talent of Sydney: Mr. Nathan, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Dean, Mr. Morgan [sic, Worgan], and many other deserving public favourites . . .
27 October 1841, Isaac Nathan's concert
"NATHAN'S GRAND CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (28 October 1841), 2
. . . The orchestra, including the band of the 28th regiment, was led by Mr. Deane, in his usual able style . . .
"NATHAN'S GRAND CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (29 October 1841), 2
. . . In the second part, Nathan's overture to "The Illustrious Stranger" was, to our taste, the gem of the night, both with respect to modulation and harmony, and to excellent performance. The bandsmen and leader, Mr. Deane, deserve all praise for their beautifully classic execution of this exquisite piece . . .
"Mr. Nathan's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 October 1841), 2
. . . The second part commenced with Mr. Nathan's overture to the "Illustrious Stranger." It was well played. The violin solo by Mr. Deane, junior, was executed with great taste and tone . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (29 January 1842), 3
WANTED, a Laundress; a satisfactory reference as to character, &c. Apply to Mrs. J. P. Deane, O'Connell street. January 29.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 February 1843), 3
Australian Olympic Theatre, HUNTER-STREET.
SIGNOR DALLE CASE most respectfully informs his friends and the public generally
(who have hitherto so liberally supported him) that, anxious to deserve their increasing patronage,
he has formed engagements, for the ensuing season, with
and with MONS. CHARRIERE & MRS. BROCK for the Ballet department and principal Dancers . . .
An Efficient Orchestra is now forming, which will be led by Mr. Deane, jun. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case (circus performer, manager); Eliza Winstanley O'Flaherty (actor); Ann Winstanley Ximenes (vocalist, actor); Monsiuer Charriere (dancer); Mrs. Brock (dancer)
21 February 1842, opening of the season, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (17 February 1842), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
First Night of the Season . . .
MR. S. W. WALLACE, Leader, Mr. Deane, Master Deane, Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Wallace, sen., Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury,
Mr. Pappin, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Robertson, Master Strong, Mr. Boyle, &c. &c. . . .
ON MONDAY, FEB. 21, The Theatre will re open . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Strong (violinist)
23 February 1842, Eliza Wallace Bushelle's concert
[Advertisement], The Australian (22 February 1842), 3
which day is also that fixed for THE FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION . . .
MRS. BUSHELLLE . . . will be assisted by Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Bushelle, and Amateurs, in the vocal department;
and by Mrs. J. S. Prout, pianiste, Mr. S. W. Wallace, leader, Mr. Leggatt, conductor of the concert,
Mr. Deane, Mr. Wallace, senior, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Edward Deane, Mr. Walton, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Pappin,
and the rest of the Theatrical Orchestra, as instrumental performers . . .
9 March 1842, Maria Prout's concert
[Advertisement], The Colonial Observer (9 March 1842), 181
GRAND SOIREE MUSICALE. MRS. PROUT has the honour to announce,
that her ANNUAL CONCERT will take place THIS EVENING, March 9, 1842, at the Royal Victoria Theatre . . .
Mrs. Prout will play . . . in a quartette for the harp, pianoforte, flute, and violoncello,
with Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane, and. Mr. Marsh . . . PART I . . .
8. Quartette from La donna dell Lago, for harp, pianoforte, flute, and violoncello,
Mr. Marsh, Mrs. Prout, Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Deane - Bochsa . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (harpist, pianist, composer)
? "INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS", The Sydney Herald (12 May 1842), 2
. . . In the estate of Luigi Dalle Case, a second meeting- W. G. A. Fitzharding, £89 3s. 9d.; John Deane, £24 10s . . .
30 May 1842, Nathan's concert
"CONCERT. To the Editor", The Australian (31 May 1842), 2
Sir, - I am induced to trouble you with a letter, for the purpose of congratulating the inhabitants of Sydney on the very good Concert which was given last evening in the Hall of the College, by Mr. Nathan and his talented family . . . The band was ably led by Mr. Deane, and conducted by Mr. Nathan . . .
2 and 9 June 1842, Stephen Marsh's concerts
[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (2 June 1842), 3
At his Residence, in Bligh-street, This Day, June 2, 1842.
PART I . . . Cantata, "Spirit of Music," Miss Deane - Marsh . . .
Song, " Meet me in the Willow Glen," Miss Deane - A. Lee . . .
PART II . . . Song, " Oh, cast that Shadow from thy Brow," Miss Deane, accompanied on the Harp - Linder Cobbe . . .
"CONCERTS", The Sydney Herald (4 June 1842), 2
Mr. Marsh's morning and evening Concerts on Thursday last, afforded a rich treat to all who had the good fortune to be present. The vocalists were Miss Deane and Mr. Marsh. The instrumental performers, Mrs. Prout, Mr. Marsh, and a highly gifted amateur . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (9 June 1842), 3
at his residence, in Bligh-street, THIS DAY, Thursday, June 9, 1842 . . .
PART I . . . Song: "Vain each base endeavour" - Miss Deane - Herold . . .
Song: "Land of the West" - Miss Deane - S. Lover . . .
PART II . . . Song: "Away to the Mountain's Brow" - Miss Deane - A. Lee . . .
"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (14 June 1842), 2
We omitted to mention last week Mr. Marsh's second chamber concert, at which there was a fair attendance in the morning, and a full room in the evening. The novelty in the instrumental department was Czerny's trio for six hands on one piano, which was ably performed by Mrs. Prout, Mr. Marsh, and Master Ellard . . . The vocal department at these concerts is not equally strong with the instrumental, but Mr. Marsh, although far from a first-rate singer, is pleasing, and Miss Deane displays much taste in singing those pieces which are within the compass of her voice: a little Irish melody by Lover was sung by this young lady very prettily . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (pianist)
8 July 1842, Nathan's concert (benefit for the Benevolent Asylum), Hall of Sydney College, College Street, Hyde Park, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 July 1842), 1
. . . THIS EVENING, the 8th of July, 1842 . . .
Leader - Mr. Deane.
Conductor - Mr. Nathan, who will preside at the pianoforte.
THE BAND OF THE 80th REGIMENT will attend, by the kind permission of Colonel Baker.
Overture - Arranged for full Orchestra, by Mr. Nathan - Paer . . .
Overture - Nathan . . .
Quartetto - Two Violins, Tenor and Bass. "God Save the Queen," with variations - Onslow . . .
"CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (9 July 1842), 2
Mr. Nathan's first annual concert for the benefit of the benevolent asylum took place last evening . . . We have not time to notice the pieces separately; we can only say that the Nathans, the Gautrots, the Deanes, and Griffiths, performed with all their usual taste and ability . . .
"CONCERT FOR THE BENEVOLENT ASYLUM", The Sydney Herald (11 July 1842), 2
. . . We must not forget the excellently performed Quartetto of Mr. Deane and his three clever sons . . .
"Mr. Nathan's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 July 1842), 2
. . . Mr. Deane, and three members of his talented family played a Quartetto in admirable style, and shall receive what they are abundantly entitled to - our thanks and praise . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (16 July 1842), 3
WANTED, a man servant of allwork. Apply to Mr. J. P. DEANE.
17 August 1842, the Gautrots' concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 August 1842), 1
. . . Wednesday, the 17th August, 1842.
MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT . . . have obtained the valuable assistance of Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Marsh, Messrs. Deane and Sons,
Mr. O'Flaherty, and other professionals.
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Deane, Sen.
1. Symphony - Orchestra . . .
5. Russian Air, with variations, a Sestett for Pianoforte, two Violins, two Flutes, Violoncello, and Double Bass, composed by Mons. Gautrot . . .
7. Grand Quattett Concertante, for Pianoforte, Violin, Tenor, and Violoncello - Mr. Marsh, Mons. Gautrot, and Messrs. Deane . . .
1. Septett for Pianoforte, two Violins, two Flutes, Violoncello, and Double Bass; composed by Mons. Gautrot . . .
By the permission of Colonel Baker, the Band of the 80th Regiment will execute a grand Orchestral Symphony . . .
31 August 1842, oratorio, Messiah (Hendel)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1842), 1
GRAND ORATORIO in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Society.
PATRONS: His Excellency the Governor, His Honor the Chief Justice, His Excellency the Commander of the Forces,
The Honorable the Colonial Secretary, The Honorable the Colonial Treasurer, Alexr. McLeay, Esq.,
President of the Benevolent Society, Colonel Baker, 80th Regiment.
SUPERINTENDING COMMITTEE: Colonel Barney, Major Christie, James Donnithorne, Esq., A. a'Beckett, Esq.,
W. H. Mackenzie, Esq., Lieutenant O'Connell, G. Cooper Turner, Esq., R. Windeyer, Esq.
MANAGING COMMITTEE: Mr. Leggatt, Mr. Johnson, Mr. E. Scrase, Mr. Cole, Mr. Deacon, Mr. J. P. Deane.
TREASURER, Mr. Waller; SECRETARY, Mr. W. B. Boyce.
will be performed in aid of the Funds of the Benevolent Society,
in the Royal Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street,
on which occasion the following professional performers have kindly offered their gratuitous assistance -
Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Messrs. Leggatt, Johnson, Deane, E. Deane, Griffiths, Allen, Worgan, and Egerton.
The Chorus will consist of 20 trebles, 12 altos, 14 tenors, 16 basses.
The Orchestra will consist of 5 first violins, 6 second violins, 4 violas, 4 violoncellos,
2 double basses, 2 oboes, 2 flutes, 2 clarionetti, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 fagotti, 3 contra basses, 1 tromboni,
2 double drums; making a grand total of 104 performers.
PRINCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Bushelle, Mrs. S. W. Wallace, Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Waller, Mr. Griffiths
Mr. Allen, and Master Weavers.
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Mr. Leggatt, Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Deane, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. E. Deane,
Mr. Portbury, and, by the kind permission of Colonel Baker, a Selection from the Band of the Eightieth Regiment.
Conductor - Mr. Leggatt.
Leader - Mr. S. W. Wallace.
Chorus Master - Mr. Johnson . . .
14 September 1842, Deane's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1842), 2
On Monday evening, M. Charriere took his benefit at the theatre . . . Mr. Simes intimated, that the next occasion on which the theatre would be open would be for Mr. Deane's annual concert, and introduce to the audience young Master Deane, who is to perform a solo on the violin on the occasion of that concert.
"MR DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 September 1842), 2
Mr. Deane gives a concert at the Victoria Theatre to-morrow evening, when he will, besides his own family, be assisted by Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Bushelle, M. Gautrot, Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Bushelle. It may be allowable to mention that at the oratorio, Mr. Deane, and three of his sons, gave their assistance gratuitously.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 September 1842), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public that under the above distinguished patronage
his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental music, on a very extensive scale,
will take place at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
VOCAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, and Mrs. Wallace;
Mr. Bushelle, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Allen, and several other gentlemen amateurs.
Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Portbury, Mr. Walton, Mr. Wilson, Mr. O'Flaherty,
and other gentlemen who have kindly offered their assistance.
Leader - Mr. Deane.
Conductor - Mr. Leggatt.
By the kind permission of Colonel Baker and the Officers, the Band of the 80th regiment will attend.
Overture, "Gustavus III.," Auber - Full Band
1. Comic Duet,from L'Elizire d'Amore, Donnizetti - Mr. Bushelle, Mrs. Bushelle
2. Pianoforte Solo, Grand Fantasia on the national airs "God Save the Queen," and "Rule Britannia,"
performed in the presence of her Majesty Queen Victoria, by Talberg - Miss Deane
3. Song, "The Last Rose of Summer" - Madame Gautrot
4. Solo, Flute, Drouet's celebrated variations to "Rule Britannia" - Mr. S. W. Wallace
5. Grand Scena, from the "Maid of Artois," "My Thoughts which forth had wandered," Balfe - Mrs. Bushelle
6. Buffo Song, "Madamina il catalogo e questo," from "Don Giovanni," Mozart - Mr. Bushelle
7. Solo, Violin - Mr. J. Deane
Overture, " Acteon," Auber - Full Band
1. Grand Air, with Chorus, "Sommo Cielo," rapturously encored at Monsieur Gautrot's last concert,
Violin Obligato by Mr. S. W. Wallace, Pacini - Mrs. Bushelle
2. Solo, Violin, (juvenile performance) - De Beriot - Master C. M. Deane
3. Song, "Sweetly o'er my Senses stealing," Zingarelli - Mrs. S. W. Wallace
4. Solo, Violoncello, Muntz Berger - Mr. E. Deane
5. Duet, Buffo, Rossini - Madame Gautrot, Mr. Bushelle
G. Finale to Cinderella, "Now with Grief no longer bending," (by desire), Rossini - Mrs. Bushelle
7. Irish Serenade, from "II Paddy Whack in Italia," "Molly Bawn," the words and music by Lover - Mr. Bushelle
The pit will be elegantly fitted up as a concert saloon, and will communicate with the boxes, as at the Oratorio.
The orchestra will be erected on the stage.
Tickets - boxes, 7s. 6d; saloon 5s.; upper boxes, 4s.
The concert will commence at eight o'clock.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Ellard, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Aldis, George-street; Mr. Turner, King-street;
Mr. Wright, Victoria Hotel; and Mr. Deane, O'connell street.
"CONCERT", The Colonial Observer (14 September 1842), 469
It will be seen by our advertising columns that a Concert will be given by Mr. Deane, assisted by several Professional and Amateur Musicians at the Victoria Theatre to-night. Mr. Deane, who is well-known as the organist of Newtown Church, and a gentleman of great professional ability, has on the present occasion made every exertion to furnish a rich treat to the musical World of Sydney; and we trust will meet with a due share of public countenance and support.
"DEANE'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (15 September 1842), 3
We have often had occasion to speak in terms of praise of Mr. Deane and his talented family; and we have always done so with greater pleasure, that with merit superior to many of our professional performers, they exhibit none of those overbearing pretensions that we have sometimes been constrained to check in others. The concert of last evening was in, many respects an improvement upon Mr. Deane's former efforts. The pieces were, with one or two exceptions, well chosen, and with the exception of "Sommio Cielo" and the Finale to Cenerentola, which was sadly deficient in the accompaniment, were well performed. Among those worthy of particular notice were;- Instrumental. - Mr. J. P. Diane's violin solo, which would have been admired in any part of the world; Mr. E. Deane's violoncello solo, of which the same may justly be said; and a beautiful solo by Mr. S. W. Wallace. Of Miss Deane's fantasia, it is enough to say that it was one of Thalberg's, and that she got through it correctly. This of itself was a feat of no ordinary kind. Among the vocal pieces we were particularly pleased with "Madamina il catalogo," by Mr. Bushelle, which would have borne an encore. Zingarel!i's "Sweetly o'er my senses," very sweetly sung by Mrs. Wallace, and the duet, "Dunque io sono," by Madame Gautrot and Mr. Bushelle. We had almost forgot to notice the juvenile violinist, who has progressed considerably since we last heard him.
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 September 1842), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert, on Wednesday last, went off well as usual. He had spared no exertion to render it deserving patronage, and we were glad to see his industry so well rewarded. The house was full. The Colonial Secretary and his lady were present. Among the performances of the evening most deserving notice was Mr. Bushelle's "Madamina." He never pleased us so much. The beautiful accompaniment was correctly played, and the singer was quite at home. A severe critic might perhaps have found fault with him for occasionally leaving out a word in order to take breath - this is certainly not right, and may always be avoided by judicious management. This is merely a hint en passant: we give Mr. Bushelle great praise for his performance. The scena, from the "Maid of Artois," was not sung with sufficient energy - a very rare fault with Mrs. Bushelle - and may perhaps be owing to our recollection of the immortal Malibran, whose delivery of the words "dash the bauble down" was almost electric in its effects. Mrs. Bushelle was also too liberal with her chromatics, which, from a cold, or some other cause, were by no means distinct. We must not leave our prima donna, however, without saying that she quite recovered herself in the finale to Cinderella, although by no means well accompanied. Mr. S. W. Wallace performed a difficult solo on the flute, in a masterly style. Miss Deane's performance of Thalberg's difficult Fantasia, gave general satisfaction, and showed that much practice had been bestowed upon it. Mr. J. Deane's violin solo was loudly and deservedly applauded; his tone is fine, he plays with much feeling, and executes whatever he undertakes with unerring neatness: his performance was one of the treats of the evening. Mr. E. Denne, and Master C. M. Deane, also delighted us much in their solos on the violoncello and violin. Mr. Deane's family is really talented, and gave abundant proof this evening of the care and attention with which he has superintended their musical education; they are a concert in themselves. But Mr. Deane seemed determined to cater well, and, in addition to the performers we have noticed, secured the aid of Madame Gautrot and Mrs. S. W. Wallace. Madame Gautrot was as usual excellent in all she undertook. Mrs. S. W. Wallace maintained her reputation as a songstress : she was encored in "Sweetly o'er my senses;" for what we could not divine. Mr. Bushelle's comic effusion sent the audience away in a very good humour, doubtless much pleased with their evening's entertainment. Miss Hinckesmann's concert will, we believe, be the next.
"Mr. Deane's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2
Mr. Deane's concert on Wednesday evening attracted a brilliant, and considering the "pressure of the times," a numerous audience, at the Victoria. The overtures to Gustavus and Acteon were well executed, and seemed more calculated to please the Sydney amateurs than those selected on former occasions, which, though doubtless more scientific, wanted the lightness and brilliancy of Auber's compositions. The band of the 80th seemed to blend most happily with the string instruments - equalising, by a judicious softening down of its power, the hitherto ill-matched contention of catgut against brass. It is much to be regretted that more frequent opportunities should not be afforded for such happy displays of instrumental skill as that of Wednesday evening. The defects were slight, the consequences of a hurried rehearsal, while the beauties were numerous - proving, beyond all question, that we possess the elements of an orchestra, that, under the skilful management of our experienced masters, and the absence of petty professional jealousy, would bid fair to equal, if not surpass many of those of the principal theatres at home . . .
. . . Miss Deane's solo on the piano-forte was performed with much skill. The violin solo of her brother, Mr. J. Deane, was fully appreciated, and most deservedly applauded: it was in fact a masterly performance. Mrs. W. Wallace sang "Sweetly o'er my Senses Stealing" with her usual good taste, and was vehemently encored. Mr. Wellington Wallace's flute solo displayed the great execution which marks all that gentleman's performances. We were also much pleased with the juvenile violinist, Master C. Deane, who bids fair in the course of a few years to rival those who have so much benefited by the same excellent instruction.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Australian (19 September 1842), 2
The boxes were well filled, and the house generally appeared well attended, which we hope will have proved profitable to Mr. Deane. The Concert commenced with Auber's Overture from Gustavus, well executed. Miss Deane performed Thalberg's very difficult Fantasia on the National airs, "God save the Queen," and "Rule Britannia," with great accuracy and precision, without defect of intonation, thus at once establishing her correctness of fingering, one of the chief and most important requisites for a pianist. In saying thus much, we cannot pass a greater compliment on this lady's performance, for the piece she so ably executed is one of the most difficult compositions that could be selected.
Madame Gautrot sang, with considerable feeling and taste, "The last rose of summer." We heartily congratulate that excellent vocalist on her distinct pronunciation of our English language, not a word was lost. Mr. J. Deane's solo on the violin was a master piece of performance. His sostenuto notes were beautifully sustained, with the full advantage of the crescendo and diminuendo, free from that abominable occasional scrape, which has so often grated in our ears. His staccato bowing was equally effective, and we were not only delighted, but also astonished, at the rich treat he afforded us, by his pizzicato touches a la Paganini, most gracefully performed, with perfect truth, clearness, and distinctness of intonation, by the fingers, during the intervals, of bowing. This composition commences in A minor, which modulates into A major, and afterwards into F, where Mr. Deane made every heart in the house sympathize, in the feeling he himself must have been inspired with, whilst producing the most melodious sounds that can possibly be described, on the fourth string of his instrument. This admirable piece of perfect performance excited one general acclaim of approbation throughout the Theatre. He concluded his solo by the well known air in A major, "My Lodging is on the cold ground," which he executed with extraordinary brilliancy and expression. We have no hesitation in saying, that we shall someday hear of this talented youth taking the lead among the first violinists, at the London concerts.
The second act commenced with Auber's Overture of Acteon, which was well performed by the band of the 80th Regiment, which we were sorry to see on the stage with little or nothing to do, but to perform one or two overtures. The chef d'oeuvre of this act was a solo on the violoncello, by Mr. E. Deane. It was "Hope told a flattering tale," with variations, in the key of G. One variation was performed by harmonics only, skilfully produced with truth and clearness, which gave the effect of sweet sounds issuing from musical glasses. Mr. E. D. appears to possess all the taste, feeling and execution of his brother; the tones he produces on the violoncello are clear, full, and rich in the extreme, and he also possesses the same advantage as his brother, namely, of playing in perfect tune.
We cannot but remark, in conclusion, that the other performances, were executed in a perfect and pleasing manner, by Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, whose talents are well known to the musical world, and therefore do not require at our hands, any especial notice.
22 September 1842, Royal Victoria Theatre, race week, opening of the season
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 September 1842), 2
It is with much pleasure we avail ourselves of calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement in our columns of to-day, announcing the re-opening of the Victoria Theatre, on the evening of Thursday next, under the distinguished patronage of the Stewards of the Homebush Races, and the Members of the Jockey Club . . .
. . . The following are the members of the Corps Dramatique, for the season: -
Messrs. Nesbitt, Knowles, Fenton, Jones, Peat, Lee, Chambers, Collins, Simes, Dibden, and Grove;
Mesdames. O'Flaherty, Thomson, Knowles, Larra, and Wallace; two Misses Jones, Miss Thompson, and 6 from England.
The Orchestra: Mr. W. Wallace; Mr. Wallace, sen.; Mr. Leggatt; Mr. Deane; Messrs. Deane, Portbery, Walton, O'Flaherty, Pappin, Downes,
and Weston; also Mr. Gibbs, from England, who is expected daily by the Trial.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (violinist, on arrival to become leader of the theatre orchestra)
12 October 1842, Maria Hinckesman's first Sydney concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney morning herald (8 October 1842), 3
. . . At the Royal Hotel, Sydney.
MISS HINCKESMANN begs to announce to the gentry of Sydney, and its vicinity,
that her first SOIREE MUSICALE will take place on
WEDNESDAY, October 12th, to commence at eight o'clock precisely, on which
occasion she will be assisted by the following eminent talent:
Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. S. W. Wallace, and Madame Gautrot; Mr. Allan, Mr. Griffiths, and Mr. Bushelle; Messrs. Deane, J. Deane, and E. Deane . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman
28 October 1842, first notice of the publication of What is love by John Deane junior (words by Mrs. Lynch)
NOTE: No copy of this ballad is known to survive; it was first issued in Sydney in the composer's absence, John Deane junior having sailed for Hobart on 2 October, where he spent most of the year as leader of the orchestra at the Royal Victoria Theatre (see below)
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 October 1842), 2
"What is Love?" A very pretty ballad, a maiden composition, by Mr. J. Deane, published by Ellard. The poetry is by a gentleman, and of much the same order as the words of popular songs have been for some time past. The music, especially when regarded as a coup d'essai, is highly creditable to the talented young musician who composed it. The melody is very pretty, and well adapted; and if our estimation of colonial musical taste be correct, will become a great favorite. We have always looked upon Mr. J. Deane, Junior, as a musician of much promise, and are glad to be able to notice his first composition with the commendation that we feel is due to "What is Love."
"NEWS AND RUMOURS", The Colonial Observer (29 October 1842), 572
A musical composition entitled "What is love," the maiden effort of Mr. J. Deane, jun., has just appeared, and is spoken of as a highly creditable production.
[W. A. Duncan], "NEW MUSIC", Australasian Chronicle (29 October 1842), 2
What is Love? A ballad, by John Deane, Jun. F. Ellard, Sydney.
THIS is we presume the maiden effort of one of Mr. Deane's sons, and as such deserves a favourable notice. In the melody there are some very agreeable phrases, among which the pleasing simplicity of the opening bar is particularly worthy of commendation. The air, however, loses this characteristic as it proceeds, and is, we must say, somewhat disfigured by the introduction of a few runs, triplets, and chromatics, which have no object or meaning, although they are doubtless suggested by the "now pleased, now crazy" fits of the love-sick swain who has done the poetry (?) of the piece. The harmony is very full, and belongs to a decidedly good school, though we cannot say much for its distribution or correctness in some passages. For example, in the middle bar at the bottom of page 1, we have a seventh added to the common chord of the dominant which pervades the bar, and is immediately dropped, without resolution; and the same error recurs when the passage is repeated. At page 3, in the two bars following the rallentando there are handfuls of discordant notes which appear to us to be without meaning, and at any rate should have been fingered if they were intended to be played in the position in which they are written. We notice these among a few other faults because we are inimical to all straining at effects either in melody or harmony, and this composition contains not a few such endeavours intermingled with better things. If Mr. Deane will only be true to nature and study simplicity in his melody, and the same fulness, with strict correctness in his harmonies, we have no doubt that he may yet attain some rank as a composer; and in this view we cheerfully commend this creditable essay to the public patronage.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (engraver, publisher); William Augustine Duncan (editor of the Chronicle, reviewer)
NOTE: The internal half line quoted by Duncan in his review identifies the lyrics as those written by Mrs. Lynch and set as a glee for 3 voices by Henry R. Bishop; see Thomas Ludford Belamy (ed.), Lyric poetry of glees, madrigals, catches, rounds, cannons, and duets, as performed in the noblemen and gentlemen's Catch Club, the Glee Club, the Melodists Club, the Adelphi Glee Club, and all the vocal societies of the United Kingdom (London: Richard and John Edward Taylor, 1840), 523-24 (DIGITISED)
GLEE, for 3 Voices. - H. R. Bishop, Mus. Bac.
(Soprano, Tenor, and Bass.)
What is love, you ask, fair creature?
Mark the notes of every sigh,
Mark the glow of every feature,
Mark the maddening, melting eye.
Restless, trembling, blest, uneasy
As the youth beside thee sits,
Views thy smiles; now pleased, now crazy,
Calm by turns and wild by fits.
Ask the voice that sweetly falters,
Ask the ardent thrilling squeeze;
Ask the countenance that alters,
Smiles that melt and frowns that freeze.
Words by Mrs. Lynch.
(D'Almaine and Co.)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 October 1842), 3
MR. DEANE begs to announce that he has now a few hours to devote to instruction on the Pianoforte, Violoncello, &c. &c., and he will he happy to receive a few pupils at his residence, as well as to attend a few families in the vicinity of Sydney, on Mondays and Thursdays. Mr. D. has at present on hand a very excellent Seraphine, which he will either sell or exchange for a pianoforte. Pianofortes carefully tuned and repaired. O'Connell-street, October 29.
23 November 1842, the Bushelles' concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1842), 3
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, gratefully acknowledging the friendly support and constant patronage extended to them for so many years by the gentry and public of Sydney,
have spared no exertion to render the programme of their FAREWELL CONCERT attractive and national . . .
Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Wallace, the Debutante, Miss Jones, and Mrs. Bushelle, the Gentleman Amateur, a numerous Chorus, and Mr. Bushelle.
Mr. S. Wallace, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Walton, an efficient Orchestra,
and by kind permission of Colonel Baker, the Band of the 80th Regiment.
Leader, Mr. Wallace; Pianist, Mr. Emanuel; Conductor, Monsieur Gautrot.
Overture to the Flauto Magico, (Mozart.) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Emanuel (pianist)
John Deane in Hobart (11 October 1842 to after 10 August 1843)
11 October 1842, John Deane, junior, arrived Hobart Town
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Courier (14 October 1842), 2
11 - Arrived the schooner Marian Watson, 146 tons, Tinley, from Sydney 2nd October, with 1000 bags flour - passengers, Mr. Strickland, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. J. Dean.
21 October 1842, Edmund Leffler's benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart Town
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier (28 October 1842), 3
The appeal made by Mr. Leffler, on Friday evening last, to the generosity of the public, was more successful than most persons, when taking into consideration the long list of preceding benefits, could have been inclined to prognosticate . . . Mr. Deane, junior, performed a fantasia on the violin, with orchestral accompaniments, which, deducing from the continued plaudits, seemed to afford universal delight: for our part, we are at a loss on what score to be the most prolific of praise; whether on that of unbounded execution, of exquisite taste, or of the faultless truth of tone, which forms so main a desideratum on his scopeful instrument. Certain it is, that many a day has elapsed since his equal (for concerto-playing) has been heard in this colony . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Leffler (violinist, leader of the theatrical orchestra)
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (18 November 1842), 1
NEW MUSIC- Just published, a NEW BALLAD, "What is Love?" by Mr. Ellard, of Sydney, composed by Mr. J. Deane, jun.; to he had at Mr. Davis's and Mr. Tegg's, Elizabeth-street; and Mr. Deane's, 33, Brisbane-street.
Mr. Deane also most respectfully begs to inform his friends and the public,
that he intends giving LESSONS on the Pianoforte, Flute, Violin, Violoncello, Guitar, &c, and hopes, by strict attention,
to merit their patronage and support.
November 17.
22 November 1842, St. Cecilia's day musical festival, St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town
[Advertisement], The Courier (18 November 1842), 4
. . . Principal Violin, Mr. J. Deane . . .
29 November 1842, Frank Howson's concert
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (29 November 1842), 2
. . . Violin Solo - Mr. J. Deane, jun. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (vocalist)
17 February 1843, the Bushelles' concert, Hobart Town
[Advertisement], The Courier (17 February 1843), 1
. . . INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS: Mr. John Deane, Leader; Mr. J. Howson, Conductor; Mr. Russell, sen., Mr. H. Howson, Mr. Duly, sen., Mr. Duly, jun., Mr. Curtis, Mr. Singer, Mr. Russell jun.; the remainder of the Theatrical Orchestra augmented (by the kind permission of Colonel ELLIOTT) by a large portion of the excellent band of the 51st Regiment . . .
"MR. BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Courier (24 February 1843), 2
. . . With the overture to "La Gazza Ladra" began the first division of the entertainment. The addition to the theatrical orchestra of several musicians from the 51st band had, it appeared to us, an effect rather prejudicial than otherwise, for though each performer undoubtedly possessed his individual merits, yet, as the augmentation lay principally in the wind instruments, the sounds from which are the most penetrating, it was at times somewhat difficult to trace the leading violin through its various themes. Mr. Deane certainly exerted himself to the utmost, but it is too much to expect a single performer, however great his talent, to resist the drowning of some fifteen others. An equipoise of instruments is one of the main desiderata in this kind of music, though but too often lost sight of when reduced to practice: for instance, in those numerous passages in which the clarionet is made to follow the flute in lower thirds, Serjeant Ravelyn completely overpowers the latter instrument by his unblended strength of tone, whilst Mr. Duly, junior, in each flute solo which falls to his share, exhibits his impression that the more the speed the greater the effect, at times almost transforming an intended andante into an allegro, notwithstanding the numerous checks which we have observed him to receive at the hands of the leader . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist, instrumentalist); William Wilkins Russell (violinist); Henry Howson (violinist); Abraham Philip Duly (clarinet player), master of the Band of thr 51st Regiment; George Frederick Duly (flute player); Sergeant Rablin (clarinet player, sergeant, band of the 51st Regiment); Richard Curtis (violoncello player); John Singer (violinist)
12 April 1843, Anne Clarke's oratorio, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart Town
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 April 1843), 1
. . . Leader - Mr. Deane, Director - Mr. J. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist, proprietor, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (18 April 1842), 1
Royal Victoria Theatre . . . Leader - Mr. Deane; Musical Director - Mr. J. Howson . . .
"THE CONCERT", Colonial Times (23 May 1843), 3
Mr. Bushelle's second concert, although not quite so numerously attended as the first, exhibited an audience, composing many of the elite of our colonial society . . . The performances commenced with Mozart's sprightly overture to Figaro: composed as a fugue, it was played as a fugue ought to be played, as it were, in a canter, Mr. Deane leading with great spirit and precision, and the orchestra playing up to him with corresponding ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bushelle (vocalist)
4 August 1843, Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart, last night of season and John Deane's benefit
[Advertisement], The Courier (4 August 1843), 1
Mr. J. DEANE (Leader of the Orchestra) respectfully begs to inform his friends and the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that his BENEFIT takes place THIS EVENING, on which occasion he solicits their kind patronage and support.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with the very interesting Melodrama, in Three Acts, by John Kerr, Esq., entitled
Grand Entertainment of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, consisting of the following Songs, Duets, Solos, &c.:-
Song -"Where is the Rover" - Miss Young.
Duetto - "Hear me, Norma" - Mrs. Stirling and Mr. J. Howson.
Solo - Guitar - "The Spanish retreat" - Mr. J. Deane.
Song - "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing" - Mrs. Clarke.
Air, with variations - Mr. G. F. Duly.
Song - "I love her, how I love her" - Mr. J. Howson.
Song - - Mrs. Stirling.
Solo, Clarionet (with full orchestral accompaniments) - Mr. Rablin.
Song, Comic - "Berlin Wool" - Mr. F. Howson.
Solo, Violin (an one string, in which will be introduced the favourite airs of "Auld Robin Gray" and "Nix my Dolly, pals") - Mr. J. Deane.
To be followed by the much-admired NEW TARANTELLA, by Miss Young, Mrs. F. Howson,
and Signor Carandini with Vocal Accompaniments by Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Stirling, Mr. J. Howson, and
Mr. F. Howson. The subject from Rossini's celebrated Tarantella, entitled "La Danza."
The scene taken from the "Mercato in Naples," with appropriate dresses, tambourines, castanets, and guitars.
After which (for the second time in this colony,) a BOHEMIAN GIPSY DANCE, from the Grand Opera of "Esmeralda,"
by Miss Young, Mrs. F. Howson, Mrs. Stirling, and Messrs. F. Howson, J. Howson, and Wrench.
The whole to conclude with the favourite and very laughable Farce, entitled
Stage Manager, Mr. F. Howson; Leader, Mr. Deane; Musical Director, Mr. J. Howson;
Director and Composer of the Ballet, Signor Carandini . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Stirling (vocalist); Gerome Carandini (dancer); Sergeant Rablin (clarinet player, band of the 51st Regiment); Emma Young (vocalist, dancer; later Mrs. G. H. Rogers)
10 August 1843, John Deane departs Hobart, for Sydney (20 August)
"Shipping Intelligence", Australasian Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (23 August 1843), 3
20. - From Hobast Town, having left 10th inst., the basque Rajah, 352 tons, Furgsuon, with sundries. Passengers - Mrs. Furguson, Miss Wilson, Messrs. Wilson, Tate, Deane, and Lisle.
1843 (Sydney)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1843), 1
MR. DEANE, at the commencement of the present year, begs leave to offer his sincere thanks
to his friends and patrons for the support which they have extended to him throughout his professional career,
and he flatters himself with the hope that his assiduity and efficiency in forming Musical Eléves [sic]
are sufficiently known to obviate the necessity of saying more than that he will continue to receive pupils at his residence,
and to attend families within the limits of the city of Sydney, upon his usual terms.
To those families who have recently arrived in the colony and, consequently,
are unacquainted with Mr. Deane's success in teaching the Pianoforte, Violin, Violoncello, and Flute
he begs to intimate that he will with pleasure afford them the strongest evidences of the high state of perfection
which most of his pupils have attained in the science of music, as well vocal as instrumental.
O'Connell-street, December 27.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (10 January 1843), 1
SERAPHINES, FOR CHURCH OR CHAPEL, - For Sale, an excellent fine toned Seraphine, price £35; one second hand ditto, £15. Apply to Mr. Deane, Pianoforte Teacher, O'Connell-street. Jan. 7, 1842.
8 March 1843, professional concert for the benefit of the Gautrots
"NEWS AND RUMOURS OF THE DAY", Australasian Chronicle (18 February 1843), 3
It is intended shortly to get up a musical entertainment, in favour of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, in order to enable them to return to Europe.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 February 1843), 3
ON this occasion the assistance of the principal Members of the Musical Profession . . .
Mr. Wallace, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Pappin, Mr. Leggatt, W. Deane, Downs, Gibbs, O'Flaherty, Turner, Deane Sen.,
Portbury, Walstrop [Westrop], MONSIEUR GAUTROT, AND AMATEURS . . .
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt. Leader, Mr. Wallace. J. C. Russell, Esq. Treasurer.
1. Overture: Gaza ladra, Rossini . . .
1. Overture: Tancredi, Rossini . . .
"MUSIC AND MUSICIANS", The Australian (10 March 1843), 2
The depression in every department of trade, and all branches of industrial energy, and a variety of local causes, uncontrollable by taste, seem to militate against any hope of considerable resuscitation for the drooping votaries of Polyhymnia. The professors of "harmony divine" are, therefore, gradually disappearing from our cycle, and music and musicians, with us, will soon number only amongst the things that were. Few artistes have, arrived here towards which so much interest has attended as to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot . . . The times, however, have shed their evil influences on those interesting foreigners, and it has been with regret we have heard that misfortune has pressed heavily upon them. To enable them to seek in other climes that fostering patronage which the Sydney public could no longer extend to them, it was arranged that a concert should be got up for their benefit, and the requisite arrangements having been made under the auspices of their kind friend and patron Dr. Russell, the performance took place on Wednesday evening, at the Royal Hotel. The principal members of the musical profession afforded their gratuitous aid; the programme, including an admirable selection, sustained by the talent of Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Gibbs, - among the vocalists, and of Monsieur Gautrot, Messrs. Wallace, Leggatt, Gibbs, Deane, O'Flaherty, &c., amongst the instrumental performers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Gibbs (vocalist); Caroline Wallace (vocalist); James Charles Russell (d. 1867; fund treasurer); John Turner (instrumentalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 March 1843), 3
WANTED, a Laundress. None need apply such a can produce respectable reference as to character and capability. Apply to Mrs. Deane, O'Connell-street Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 May 1843), 3
WANTED, a man servant, as plain cook, and to make himself generally useful; also, a laundress. Apply to Mrs. Deane O'Connell-street.
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTH-DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 May 1843), 2
Yesterday being the twenty-fourth anniversary of Her Majesty's birth, was observed as a holiday, and the usual festivities took place . . . At one o'clock, His Excellency the Governor held a Levee, which was numerously attended. Previous to the general levee, His Excellency received the following gentlemen . . . J. P. Deane . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 September 1843), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public of Sydney and its Vicinity,
that having through the distressed state of the times, a great deal of spare time,
and wishing to meet the views of his friends and supporters,
he will be happy to attend or receive pupils at his house, upon such moderate terms as will meet the present depressed state of affairs.
Mr. Deane will give Lessons on the Pianoforte, Violin, Violincello, Flute, Guitar, Singing, &c.
N.B. - Pianofortes correctly tuned and re pared, O'Connell-street.
TO BE LET. - For Offices or Apartments for a respectable family.
In the most central part of Sydney, near the Club House.
Three spacious rooms and one small room, with detached kitchen.
N.B.-These apartments, with many conveniences, may be had on the most reasonable terms.
Apply to Mr. J. P. Deane, Professor of Music, O'Connell-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 December 1843), 2
MR. DEANE'S FAREWELL CONCERT will take place at an early date.
Full particulars will be shortly published.
Mr. Deane begs most respectfully to announce to his friends and patrons that, owing to the pressure of the times,
he owes it to the interests of himself and family to take his leave of Sydney.
Mr. Deane begs to say, with heartfelt gratitude,
that he thanks all those who have been his friends and supporters during his ten years' residence in this city,
and it is with the deepest regret that he finds himself now obliged to relinquish the many ties that he his formed here.
He now announces his Farewell Concert and hopes those friends and supporters
to whom he is already so much indebted will support the exertions of himself and family on this occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Gipps (patron)
8 January 1844, farewell concert (originally advertised for 4 January, postponed due to the inclemency of the weather)
"CONCERT", The Dispatch (6 January 1844), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert which was to have taken place on Thursday last, is, in consequence of the state of the weather, postponed till Monday evening. Lady Gipps has consented to appear as Lady Patroness.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1844), 2
Mr. Deane being about to leave the colony, gives a farewell concert at the Royal Hotel, this evening. Mr. Deane has resided in this colony upwards of ten years, during which time he has always conducted himself as a good citizen, and has, with the proceeds of his own talent and industry, brought up a large family in a highly respectable manner. We shall be pleased, therefore, to find that he is well supported, and that his farewell concert is a real benefit to him.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1844), 1
MR. J. P. DEANE begs to announce that his Farewell Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place
THIS DAY, January 8th, 1844, in the Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL;
on which occasion he will be assisted by Miss Deane, Mr. J. Deane,
Mr. E. Deane, Master C. Deane, Mr. Wilson, Mr. W. Deane, and Mrs. Clancy,
who has kindly given her services on this occasion.
OVERTURE - Masaniello - Auber - Military
1. TRIO - This magic Wove scarf - Barnett
- Miss Deane, Mr. E Deane, and Mr. J. Deane
2. SONG - 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer - Mrs. Clancy
3. DUETTO - The Singing Lesson - Horn - Miss Deane & Mr. Deane
4. GRAND FANTASIA - Pianoforte - Dohler - Miss Deane
5. DUETTO - Call her My Bride - From the celebrated Opera of Guillaume Tell - Rossini - Messrs. J. & E. Deane
6. SONG - When the Sigh long suppressed - Auber - Miss Deane
7'. SONG - The Soldier Tired - Arne - Mrs. Clancy
8. SOLO - Violin - W. Wallace - J. Deane
OVERTURE - Gustavus - Auber - Military
1. DUETTO (Comic) - Through the Village as I Pass - From the Opera of Joan of Arc - Balfe - - Miss Deane and Mr. J. Deane
2. SONG - Tyrolese Air - Mrs. Clancy
3. SOLO - Violin (Juvenile) - De Beriot - Master C. Deane
4. SONC - As I View these Scenes - From the Opera of the Somnambula - Bellini - J. Deane
5. SOLO - Violincello - Rode's celebrated air - E. Deane
6. SONG - Hope told a flattering tale - Arne - Miss Deane
7. Long Live Victoria - Full Band accompaniment - Nathan.
N.B.-By the kind permission of Colonel Baker, Mr. Deane will be allowed the aid of the splendid band of the 80th Regiment.
Tickets, 5s. each; to be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon, Mr. Rolfe, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Sparke, George-street; Mr. Turner, King-street; and Mr. Deane, O'Connell-street.
The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1844), 2
Mr. Deane had a large and respectable audience at his concert, last night, among whom were His Excellency the Governor, Lady Gipps and suite. Of the performance, an account may be written in a very few words:- instrumental, very good - vocal, very so so.
"HOUSEBREAKING" and "MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Dispatch (13 January 1844), 3
. . . On Monday night last, whilst Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, of Miller's Point, were at Deane's concert, their house was forcibly entered, and a quantity of wearing apparel carried off . . .
We were much pleased to see the "Farewell Concert" of this gentleman, which took place at the Royal Hotel, on Monday evening, so well and so respectably attended, and that it appeared to give general satisfaction to the audience. To closely criticise the performance would be ungenerous, as the talent was nearly confined to the exertions of his family. We confess we did not think much of Mrs. Clancy; Bravura is not her forte. Miss Deane is greatly improved, both in voice and style. Arne's Song "Hope told a flattering Tale," was given with much taste, and deservedly encored. The overtures to Masaniello, and Gustavus were splendidly executed by the Band of the 80th; the latter was particularly effective. The Violin Concerto by Mr. J Deane, was the gem of the evening, and displayed considerable knowledge of the powers of the instrument, with neat execution; Miss Deane's Fantasia on the pianoforte was greatly admired. Mr. E. Deane, on the Violincello, and Mr. C. Deane, on the Violin, received a due meed of applause. The whole went off with much spirit. His Excellency Sir George Gipps, and Lady Gipps honoured Mr. Deane with their presence, together with a large portion of the elite of Sydney - a mark of respect to private worth, and propriety of conduct, which, we trust, will not be lost as an example to other members of the musical profession.
10 January 1844, farewell concert, Newtown
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1844), 3
MR. DEANE begs to announce to his friends and the public, that his
who has kindly offered it on this occasion.
1. OVERTURE- "La Gazza Ladra" - Rossini
2. GLEE - "Amid these Verdant Bowers" - Pucitta
- Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane
3. SONG - "Do not Mingle" From the celebrated Opera of the Somnambula - Bellini - Miss Deane
4. TRIO - Pianoforte, Violin, and Violoncello - Moschelles - Miss Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane
5. SONG- "When time hath bereft thee" - Auber - Mr. J. Deane
6. DUETTO - "See from Ocean rising" - Mr. and Mrs. Harper
7. SOLO - Violin- Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane
1. OVERTURE - Massaniello - Auber
2. TRIO - "This magic wove scarf" - Barnett
- Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane.
3. GRAND FANTASIA for the Pianoforte - from the favorite Cavatina "I tuoi frequenti palpiti" - Lowinski - Miss Deane
4. SONG - "Annie Lawrie" - Mrs. Harper
5. SONG - "Jeptha's Daughter" - Nathan - Miss Deane
6. GLEE - "My Sweet Dorabella" - Mozart - Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane
Tickets, 5s. each; to be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon; Mr. Rolfe, George-street; and Mr. Deane, O'Connell street.
The Concert will commence at Eight o'clock.
"CONCERT AT NEWTOWN", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 January 1844), 2
Mr. Deane's concert, at Newtown, was attended by a highly respectable audience, who expressed themselves much pleased with the entertainment afforded them. After the concert, there was a ball and supper given by a number of the inhabitants, to which Mr. Deane and family were invited, and dancing was kept up until "daylight did appear."
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1844), 4
WH. CHAPMAN, City Auctioneer, will sell by auction, on the premises of Mr. J. P. Deane, O'Connell-street,
THIS DAY, January 15th, 1844, at eleven o'clock, without reserve, in consequence of his departure from the colony,
all his furniture, comprising fourpost, tent, and other bedsteads, and bedding, chests of drawers, loo tables, sofas, chairs, fender and fireirons,
six octave horizontal grand pianoforte by Collard (full tone),
kitchen range, dresser, forms, music desks, quantity of printed music, milch cow in calf, and various effects.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1844), 3
PIANOFORTE. WH. CHAPMAN, City Auctioneer, begs to remind lovers of a good instrument, that the same can be obtained at Mr. Deane's sale, THIS DAY, in O'Connell-street. He would advise purchasers to go and judge for themselves, as from the brilliancy of tone, and the name of the maker, (Collard,) he feels confident in stating it is not to be surpassed in the colony, added to which, the fact of its being Mr. Deane's own instrument, will be a sufficient inducement for great competition, in order to possess a memento of this respected player. The above will be sold at 12 o'clock precisely.
18 January 1844, departure for Hobart Town
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Australian (20 January 1844), 2
SAILED. Jan. 18. - The brig Caroline, Loten, master, for Hobart Town, with sundries. Passengers. Mr. and Mrs. Deane, Messrs. J. E. and W. Deane, Masters C. A. and H. Deane, Misses R. and J. Deane, Mrs. Melville, Mrs. Davise, Mr. Hopkins, Master Moncrief, Mrs. Rogers and child, and ten steerage.
Van Diemen's Land (TAS; 26 January to 20 May 1844)
26 January 1844, arrival in Hobart Town, from Sydney, 18 January
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF HOBART TOWN", The Courier (26 January 1844), 2
26 - Arrived the brig Caroline, 113 tons, Cook, from Sydney 17th instant, with a general cargo - cabin passengers, Mr. and Mrs. Dean and family . . .
"ARRIVALS FROM SYDNEY", Colonial Times (30 January 1844), 3
Our fellow townsmen Mr. J. P. Deane, and Dr. Lloyd, have returned to this colony, the former accompanied by his family, and with the intention of following his profession as a teacher of music, while Dr. Lloyd purposes to do the same as a medical and surgical practitioner. The accounts they bring of the "Great Colony" are actually appalling, for while meat may be bought at a penny and even a half-penny per lb., and every other necessary of life in proportion, there is neither penny nor halfpenny wherewith to procure them. The Government contracts are taken at five-eighths of a penny per lb., and the most deplorable distress is everywhere prevailing, many individuals who have been respectable being compelled to seek their nightly lodging in the Domain, with no other covering than their own scanty clothing and the "wide canopy of heaven!" Several persons, we are informed, who left this colony in disgust some time ago, are prepared to return to avoid absolute starvation in Sydney. To recur to Messrs. Deane and Lloyd, we most sincerely and very heartily wish them every success in the resumption of their several callings.
"CONCERTS", Colonial Times (6 February 1844), 3
This evening Mons. Gautrot gives a farewell Soiree Musicale at Mr. McLoughlin's residence in Argyle-street. The concert is upon a small scale, there being only four performers, one of whom is a lady amateur, of whom report speaks favourably. The music, both vocal and instrumental, is entertaining, and we have no doubt but that the visitors will be amused accordingly.
On Friday Mr. J. P. Deane re-introduces himself to a Tasmanian public, in a concert, which has the recommendation, amongst other things, of being performed, with one exception, by Tasmanians "bred and born." The concert will be performed in the hall of the Mechanics Institute - a building, in our opinion, too small to contain the crowds which will flock to it, not only to welcome back Mr. Deane and his talented family to our city, but to hear some very excellent music. From the programme, which will be found in our advertising columns, it will be seen that Mr. Deane still retains his predilection for good music; for he will present us with some of the very highest order, such as shall not merely tingle the ear for the moment, but sink deep into the mind, exciting a wish for its repeated performance. Most heartily do we wish our fellow-townsman every success in his resumption of a profession of which he and his family are such ornaments.
Both concerts are, as will be seen, "under distinguished patronage;" and we learn that his Excellency has taken tickets for Mr. Deane's, which will induce, we hope, the extended and tangible patronage of the public.
9 February 1844, Deane family concert
[Advertisement], The Courier (9 February 1844), 1
MR. DEANE begs to announce that his
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place
THIS EVENING, Feb. 9, at the Mechanics' Institute.
Overture - La Dame Blanche - Boildieu.
Glee - "Amid these verdant bowers," from the much-admired Opera of La Coccia D'Enrico 4th - Pucitta - Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Trio - (Juvenile) - Two violins and violoncello - Master C. Deane, Master H. Deane, and Master A. Deane.
Song - "To Norma's arms" - Bellini - Miss Deane.
Duetto - "Call her my bride" - from the celebrated Opera of Guillaume Tell - Rossini - Mr. E. Deane and Mr. J. Deane.
Grand Fantasia for the Pianoforte, upon the "Marche D'Otello" - Hertz - Miss Deane.
Song - "The while squall" - Bailey - Mr. J. Deane.
Solo Violin - Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane.
Quartetto-Two violins, tenor, and violoncello - Onslow - Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. W. Deane, and Mr. E. Deane.
Duetto (Comic) - "Through the village as I pass" from the Opera of Joan of Arc - Balfe - Miss Denne and Mr. J. Deane.
Solo Violoncello - "Nel cor piu non mi sento" - Muntz Berger - Mr. E. Deane.
Trio - "My sweet Dorabella" - Mozart - Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
Solo Violin - (Juvenile) - De Beriot - Master C. Deane.
Song - "Hope told a fluttering tale" -Arne - Miss Deane.
Glee - "Long live Victoria" - Nathan.
Tickets 5s. each; to be had of Mr. Tegg, Mr. De la Hunt, Mr. Davis, at the Ship Hotel, and of Mr. Deane, 55, Collins-street.
The Concert will commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
12 February 1844, Anne Remens Clarke's benefit, Der Freischutz (Weber)
[Advertisement], The Courier (9 February 1844), 1
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT" and "THEATRE. MRS. CLARKE'S BENEFIT", Colonial Times (13 February 1844), 3
We are glad to find that the Concert of this old Colonist was well attended on Friday evening, there being nearly two hundred persons present. The performances of the juveniles seemed to afford the greatest gratification; and truly when we consider the difficulty which exists, even to adults, in the mere handling of musical instruments, the surprise at the youngsters' performance was doubly increased. We must state, at the outset, that Miss Deane has greatly improved in her singing; in her low notes she greatly resembles that accomplished vocalist, Mrs. Bushelle; this was particularly observable in the glee "Amid these verdant Bowers," and in the fine song of "To Norma's Arms returning." The juvenile trio, by two violins and violoncello, by the youngsters, was extremely well played, and had a good effect. We greatly prefer Miss Deane, however, as a pianist; her grand fantasia upon the march from Rossini's Otello was splendidly executed, and excited well-merited applause; in fact, her fingering on the piano excels anything we ever before heard. Balfe's comic duet of "Through the Village as I pass," by Mr. J. Deane, and Miss Deane, was encored; while the violin solo, from that accomplished musician De Beriot, and played by Master C. Deane, was one of the most excellent and delightful performances of the evening. The solo on the violoncello, by Mr. E. Deane, truly astonished us; we had no idea that such sounds could be elicited from such a (to us) clumsy instrument; we never before had the pleasure of seeing it handled in so masterly a manner. In a word, the concert went off with what we may truly say, eclat. Mr. Deane's family is decidedly musical; nay more, it is a clever family; and now that he has resumed his sojourn amongst us, sincerely do we hope that we shall have a repetition of these soirees musicale, that tend so much to harmonise the jarring feelings which will prevail amongst us. We are just informed that Mr. J. P. Deane has been the sole instructor of his truly musical family. The result proves that his talents as a teacher are of the very first-rate order.
THEATRE. - MRS. CLARKE'S BENEFIT. - Last night our enterprising lessee took her benefit with the splendid opera of Der Freischutz, and the after-piece of "A Roland for an Oliver," and to a house which, considering the circumstances of the times, was better than we had expected. And first, of the music, which is not only of so singular a character, but of the finest possible description. And here we should state that the great assistance rendered to the orchestra by Mr. J. P. Deane and three of his sons, forming two violins, a violincello, and double bass, was so rendered, without any pre-engagement on the part of either party, but by an impulse which so worthily instigated one professional person towards another, and which reflects the highest credit upon Mr. Deane. With an excellent orchestra, then, the fine overture to this opera was performed in a very superior manner, the difficult parts being severally sustained with a spirit and precision which even the lamented composer, had he heard it, would have commended. The music of the various concerted pieces was also well and finely performed, both vocally and instrumentally, while the acting of our old favourites, Mrs. Clarke and Mr. F. Howson especially, contributed greatly to sustain the wild and wondrous character of the opera. Of Mr. Lee's pantomimic acting, we have already spoken in terms of praise. In the performance of Zamiel, a leading character in the diablerie of Der Freischutz, he really equalled in some of the scenes the admirable acting of T. P. Cooke, the Zamiel at Covent Garden Theatre. At this late hour we have no room for a lengthened critique. We must remark, however, that with the " appliances and means" of our pretty little Theatre, the opera was got up in a very superior manner. The dance between the acts was cruelly encored, a mark of approbation which might have been omitted. The farce of A Roland for an Oliver, one of the best farces ever written or performed, kept the house literally in a roar from beginning to end. Mrs. Clarke's Maria Darlington, F. Howson's Alfred Highflyer, Rogers's Sir Mark Chase, and Lee's Fixture, the latter displaying great and clever versatility, all contributed not merely to amuse, but actually to convulse the audience with loud merriment. Mrs. Stirling and Miss Young take their benefit conjointly on Thursday next, in the very amusing opera of Paul Clifford, founded upon Lytton Bulwer's satirical novel of that name. We have no doubt but that the house will be, as both these favorites greatly deserve, a bumper.
Late February, March 1844, concerts in Green Ponds, Oatlands, and Campbell Town, etc.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (20 February 1844), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen who are resident in the country,
that he intends giving Concerts of Vocal and Instrumental Music on his way to Launceston,
in the several Townships of Green Ponds, Oatlands, and Campbell Town, &c.,
on which occasion he solicits their kind patronage and support.
Overture -
Glee - "Hark, 'tis the Indian Drum - Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane
Song - "Away to the mountain brow - Miss Deane
Glee - "Why sure there never met" - Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Deane
Grand Fantasia - Pianoforte - Miss Deane
Song - "Some love to roam" - Mr. J. Deane
Duetto - "All's Well" - Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane
Overture -
Duetto - (Comic) "Thro' the village as I pass" - Miss Deane, Mr. J. Deane
Solo - Violoncello - Mr. E. Deane
Song - "Let others rejoice" - Mr. J. Deane
Song - Miss Deane
Solo and Chorus - "Long live Victoria"
February 20, 1844.
NOTE: advertisement last appeared on 1 March
7, 9, and 11 March 1844, concerts, Launceston
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (6 March 1844), 3
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (9 March 1844), 3
[News] The Cornwall Chronicle (9 March 1844), 2
Mr. Deane, it will be seen by advertisement, gives his third and last concert on Monday evening next, in the large room of the "Prince of Wales," opposite the Court-house. The gratification we hear expressed by those person, who were present on both occasions, induces us to remind the inhabitants who are fond of vocal and instrumental music not to lose the opportunity Mr. Deane's concert, on Monday next, will afford them for indulgence.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (13 March 1844), 3
Mr. Deane's last concert attracted a numerous and fashionable attendance. The instrumental performances were of a very superior class. Mr. J. Deane's violin solo was deservedly admired for peculiar sweetness of tone, great rapidity of execution, and remarkable distinctness. A "juvenile performance," as it was called, by Master C. M. Deane, eleven years of age, might have afforded a lesson to many professional musicians. Master E. Deane's solo on the violincello was highly applauded. Miss Deane delighted the company with a brilliant fantasia on the pianoforte. In the vocal department, this lady had an arduous ditty, and acquitted herself to the general satisfaction of the audience; indeed, all the performances elicited expressions of approbation. To find so much musical talent existing in such various branches, amongst the members of a single family, is rather extraordinary; and the manner in which that talent has been cultivated reflects much credit upon the father, under whose immediate personal tuition, we believe, it has been brought to its present perfection.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERTS", Launceston Advertiser (14 March 1844), 2-3
It is so many years since Mr. Deane and his family have displayed their talents in Van Diemen's Land, that it required some little exertion to bring his old admirers around him; after his first appearance, however, in Launceston, his concerts gradually won their way in popularity, and were every night better attended. On Monday, night last his concluding concert drew together a large audience, and as the band of the 96th assisted, by introducing an overture with their full force at the commencement of each part, the entertainment was highly relished. As a remark of general critical tendency, we decide that the talents of the Deanes are of a superior order in their instrumental, than in their vocal acquirements; Mr. Deane himself has by far the clearest voice of the family, and, although Miss Deane sings with what is termed "execution," even in her we observe an occasional huskiness that detracts very much from feeling and expression; we observe too that this lady is far more pleasing in such songs as "Meet me in the willow Glen," and "Away, away to the mountain Brow," than in the Swiss Bride with Madame Malibran's difficult variations, or Harold's [sic] grand Cavatina - "Vain each base endeavour." It is also evident that the voices of Mr. J. and Mr. E. Dean, want both that modulation and variety of tone, which in glees and trios especially, is indispensable amongst the singers who support the piece. We may advise Mr. Deane therefore to introduce his daughter as a songstress, in more ballads than he has hitherto chosen, whilst in his performances for two or three voices, selections ought to be made from such humorous glees &c., as require no great management of the tone and utterance. It is certainly in their instrumental skill, that the forte of this talented family is to be found; Miss Deane's fingering as a pianist is wonderfully rapid and correct; Mr. E. Deane's management of the violincello, gives that instrumental notes and charms which few would believe it possessed, and we can say we never heard anything here, that exceeds the exquisite music that poured forth from the bow of Mr. J. Deane when performing on the violin - this gentleman's solo on the violin on Monday night last, was received with rapturous and deserved applause; Master C. M. Deane is a prodigy of a youthful musician, who if he progress, as well as he promises, bids fair to be the star of the tribe. The Deanes are now on their way through the country towards Hobart Town; they in-[3]-tend giving concerts at Oatlands, Campbell Town, and at other places where opportunities may offer, returning to Launceston in about six weeks.
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (29 March 1844), 1
Pianoforte Teaching.
MR. DEANE begs most respectfully to inform his friends and the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that he will give lessons on the PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO, and FLUTE.
Mr. DEANE has also a quantity of Pianoforte, Violin, and Flute music for sale; also some new songs.
He begs also to state that Miss DEANE will be happy to receive pupils for singing, or on the Pianoforte.
Pianofortes carefully and correctly tuned.
N.B. The Soirees Musicale will commence immediately.
No. 55, Collins-street, March 26, 1644.
30 April 1844, Deane family concert (previously advertised for 23 April, and 25 April)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 April 1844), 1
GRAND CONCERT. Under Distinguished Patronage.
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public of Hobart Town and its Vicinity,
that previous to his departure for Sydney, he will give a
CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, on a very extensive scale,
VOCAL PERFORMERS. Madame Gautrot, Miss Deane, Gentleman Amateur, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Master A. Deane.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS. Violins, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Leffler, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. Singer, Mr. Charles Deane, and Master H. Deane.
Tenors, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Duly, Mr. Piecroft, and Mr. W. Deane.
Violoncellos, Mr. Curtis and Mr. E, Deane. Double Bass, Mr. Russell.
By Permission, Part of the Band of the 51st Regiment will assist.
Overture - La Gazza Ladra - Rosini
Glee - "Foresters sound the cheerful horn" Bishop - An Amateur, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
Song - "Vain each base endeavour," (from the Opera of Pre aux Clercs) accompanied by herself on the Pianoforte - Herold - Miss Deane.
Trio - Two violins and violoncello, in which will be introduced the favourite airs, "Home sweet home," and "Hey the bonnie breast knots,"
and which will be performed by three juvenile Tasmanians - Mast. C. Deane, Mast. H. Deane, and Mast. A. Deane.
Grand Air - "All is lost," (in the Opera of La Somnambula) - Belini - Madame Gautrot.
Song - "What is the spell," (from the Opera of Amelie, or the Love Test) accompanied by himself on the Guitar. - Rooke - Mr. J. Deane.
Fantasia - And brilliant variations for the Pianoforte on the Cavitina from Anna Bolena, "Civi Tu,"
performed by the author at his Concerts in London, before Her Majesty Queen Victoria - Dohler - Miss Deane.
Duetto - "My pretty page, look out afar" - Bishop - Miss Deane and Mast. A. Deane.
Ballad - "Mary of Castle Cary" - An Amateur.
Solo Violin - (Juvenile performance) - De Beriot - Mast. C. Deane.
Overture - Barbier de Seville - Rosini.
Duello - "The Singing Lesson" - Horn - Miss Deane and Mr. Deane.
Grand Scena - (From the Opera of Semiramide) - Rosini - Mad. Gautrot.
Solo - Violoncello, Rode's celebrated air - Mr. E. Deane.
Song - "Away, away to the mountain's brow" -Lee - Miss Deane.
Duetto - Vaghi colli ameni prati (in the grand serious Opera of Il ratto de Proserpine) - M. C. Mortellan - Mad. Gautrot and Mr. J. Deane.
Laughing Trio - "Why sure there never met," written and adapted to Martin's celebrated Terzetto-Addison - Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
Quartetto - A celebrated Swiss Air, accompanied by themselves on Guitars - Moschelles - Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Solo and Chorus - "Should auld acquaintance be forgot."
The Concert will commence at Eight o'Clock precisely.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Tegg, bookseller; Mr. De La Hunt; Mr. Davis; Mr. Lester, Ship Inn, Elizabeth-street; and Mr. Deane, Collins-street.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Courier (3 May 1844), 2
MR. DEANE'S CONCERT on Tuesday was numerously and fashionably attended, and the performances went off with great éclat. We understand that many parties were unable to secure admission, which induces us to hope that Mr. Deane will give another concert before his departure for Sydney by the "Caroline," which is now coming in.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (7 May 1844), 3
On Tuesday last our old fellow-colonist Mr. J. P. Deane gave a Concert in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Melville-street, which, we are happy to say, was numerously and fashionably attended, so numerously indeed, that the spacious Hall was crowded. Encouraged by so good an audience, the performers exerted themselves most admirably, and the result was a very excellent Concert. We have not space to enumerate the particular or individual performances, but we may mention the singing of Miss Deane as even better than we witnessed before, while her piano playing is admirable, her "fingering" being rapid, brilliant, and tasteful - she is indeed a very accomplished musician, every way worthy of her experienced and talented preceptor. In the Fantasia on the air of Vive Tu, Miss Deane displayed her talent to great advantage, and was warmly applauded; the Trio performed by the three juvenile Masters Deane, was really clever, and elicited much approbation; the Scena from the Semiramide of Rossini, a difficult and showy piece, was well sung by Madame Gautrot, who reminds us, in many parts, of Mrs. Bushelle, unquestionably the most accomplished cantatrice over witnessed in Van Diemen's Land. The instrumental pieces were well and spiritedly executed, particularly the very beautiful and characteristic overture to Rossini's "II Barbiere di Seviglia " (the Barber of Seville). Mr. Deane, we perceive, is partial to Rossini's lively and attractive music, and truth to speak, we like it passing well ourselves. We should, however, have been better pleased had Mr. Deane given us one overture at least of some other eminent composer; but we ought not to cavil when the performance of what he did give was so good.
On Saturday next, we perceive Mr. Deane gives a Concert at Bagdad, at Mr. Stodart's Hotel, when he will be assisted in the instrumental department by Mr. Stodart himself, who plays an admirable violin. Mr. Deane deserves much praise for thus scattering the "concord of sweet sounds" over the colony, and we sincerely hope he will meet with the success and encouragement which he certainly so highly deserves. He has our best wishes at any rate.
11 May 1844, concert at Bagdad
[Advertisement], The Courier (10 May 1844), 3
Mr. DEANE has the pleasure to inform the inhabitants of Bagdad and its vicinity that a
CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC will take place at the above-mentioned Hotel
TOMORROW, the 11th instant. Mr. Stodart had gratuitously offered the use of his concert room,
as well as his personal exertions in the instrumental department.
Overture -
Glee - "The merry month of May" - Blewitt - Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Song - "Come where the aspens quiver" - Lee - Miss Deane.
Glee - "Mynheer Van Dunk" - Bishop - Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Solo Pianoforte - "Pres aux Clercs" - Herz - Miss Deane.
Song - "Hurrah for the bonnets of blue" - Mr. J. Deane.
Trio - Violin, Violoncello, and Pianoforte, in which will be introduced several national airs by Mr. Stodart,
who has kindly offered his services on the occasion - Mr. Stodart, Mr. Deane, and Mr. E. Deane.
Overture -
Duetto - "The celebrated Singing Lesson" - Miss Deane and Mr. Deane.
Solo Violin - (Juvenile performance) - De Beriot - Master C. Deane.
The celebrated Laughing Glee - Addison - Mr. Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Song - "Glory from the battle plains" - Rossini - Miss Deane.
Solo and Chorus - "Auld lang syne."
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Stodart, Stodart's Hotel, and Mr. Best, Royal Hotel.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Stodart (publican, amateur violinist, composer)
14 May 1844, farewell concert
"MR. DEANE'S FAREWELL CONCERT", Colonial Times (14 May 1844), 3
Agreeably with the wishes of many admirers of good music, Mr. Deane gives another, and a last Concert, this evening, at the new Music Hall in Collins-street, previously to his speedy departure to Sydney, by the Caroline. The mere announcement of such a treat is sufficient to gather together a full audience, while the programme to be found in another column, amply sustains the taste and excellence ever displayed by Mr. Deane in the selection and performance of the music. While we, perhaps, selfishly regret his departure from amongst us, thereby depriving us of many pleasant hours of intellectual entertainment, we nevertheless, most sincerely wish him and his family all the prosperity and happiness which they unquestionably merit: to each and all we cordially say, valete, valete, iterumque, valete!
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (14 May 1844), 2
Mr. Deane's Farewell Concert.
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Public that having been earnestly solicited by many of his friends,
he is induced, previous to his departure for Sydney by the Caroline, to give a
THIS EVENING, on which occasion he solicits their kind patronage and support.
The Band of the 51st Regt., with permission, will be in attendance.
Overture - "Fra Diavolo" - Auber.
Glee - "Amid these verdant bowers" - Pucitta - Miss Deane, Messrs. E. and J. Deane.
Song - "Glory from the battle plain" - Rossini - Miss Deane.
Trio - Two violins and violoncello, in which will be performed several favourite airs - Masters C., H., and A. Deane.
Song - Mr. J. Deane.
Grand Fantasia for the Pianoforte on the favourite Cavatina from Pacini, "I tuoi frequenti palpiti" - Miss Deane.
Song - "Air varie" - Rode - Madame Gautrot.
Trio - Pianoforte, violin, and violoncello - Miss Deane, Messrs. J. and E. Deane - Moschelles.
Overture - "Actaeon" - Auber.
Duetto (comic) - "Through the village," in the Grand Opera of "Joan of Arc" - Miss Deane and Mr. J. Deane.
Solo (juvenile performance) - De Beriot - Master C. Deane.
Song - "La fauvete" - Madame Gautrot.
Solo Violoncello - Mr. E. Deane.
Song - "Meet me in the willow glen" - Miss Deane.
Laughing Trio (by particular desire) - "Why, sure there never met" - Messrs. E. and J. Deane and Mr. Deane.
Finale - "God save the Queen."
Tickets, 5s. each; children half-price.
To be had of Mr. Tegg, Wellington Bridge Stationery Establishment; Mr. Davis, Stationery and Seed Warehouse, Elizabeth-street;
and Mr. Deane, Collins-street.
Performance to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
May 14, 1844.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Courier (17 May 1844), 2
This Concert, which was given on Tuesday evening in the Music Hall, was respectably attended, there being present, among others, Colonel Elliott, the Colonial Treasurer, and Mr. Hone, - and the performance was received with repeated plaudits. Miss Deane shotted great execution in playing on the pianoforte, and sang pieces which required no common science. The violin performances of the young Masters Deane were greatly applauded, and also the singing of Madame Gautrot.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERTS", Colonial Times (21 May 1844), 3
We are pleased to find that Mr. Deane's concert at Mr. Stodart's, Green Ponds, on Saturday week, was not only numerously, but most respectably attended. The performance was excellent, and that of Mr. Stodart much admired. On Tuesday last, Mr. Deane's farewell concert took place at the New Music Hall, in Collins-street, and although the attendance was highly respectable, it was not so numerous as we expected. This, in some measure may be attributed to a mistake, committed, but not intentionally, we feel assured, by a contemporary, who advertised that the concert would take place on Wednesday, and not on Tuesday evening. As it was, however, the concert went off remarkably well.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (14 May 1844), 2
SUPERIOR PIANO, FURNITURE, &C. TO-MORROW, at one o'clock precisely,
MR. STRACEY, THE AUCTION COMPANY'S AGENT, is requested by Mr. J. P. Deane (who is returning to New South Wales,)
to sell without any reserve, at his residence, Collins-street, near the corner of Harrington-street,
A VERY SUPERIOR PIANO, equal to any in the Colony. Chairs, Tables, Carpets Bedstead and Bedding, Kitchen utensils, dish covers.
With a variety of property, all nearly new. Terms as usual.
20 May 1844, departure, for Sydney
"Shipping Intelligence", Colonial Times (21 May 1844), 2
May 20. - Sailed the brig Caroline, Loten, master, for Sydney, with a general cargo, and 37 passengers, including Mr. J. P. Deane and family.
Sydney, NSW (from 28 May 1844 onward)
"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (1 June 1844), 78
May 28, - Caroline, brig, 113 tons, Captain Loten, from Hobart Town, 21st May, with grain, &c. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Deane and eight children . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 June 1844), 3
PIANOFORTE TEACHING. MR. DEANE begs respectfully to intimate, that having commenced his profession, he will be happy to attend Pupils for the Pianoforte, Violin, Flute, Guitar, &c., on the most reasonable terms. Miss Deane will be happy to give lessons in singing. N.B. - Pianofortes carefully tuned. No. 275, Castlereagh-street, opposite Old Court House.
August 1844, John Philip Deane appointed organist of St. Philip's church, Sydney
Meyer 1866; Rushworth 1988, Historic organs of New South Wales, 20
. . . It is not known if there was an organist at St. Philip's [Sydney] prior to 1840, but in that year the position was held by Mrs. Edward McRoberts, wife of the Parish Clerk, at a salary of £20 per annum. Operation of the organ evidently required two assistants - a bellows blower (her son, James, paid £1 16s) and a "stop-drawer" (James H. Greenway, paid £1). At that time the church also employed 14 paid choristers.
Mrs. McRoberts was succeeded by Sarah Jane Uhr, c.1844 [her daughter], and then by John Philip Deane from August 1844 until his death in 1849 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Philip's church, Sydney; Jane McRoberts; Sarah Jane Uhr
9 September 1844, concert, Parramatta (postponed from 28 August)
[Advertisement], Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (7 September 1844), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform the inhabitants of Parramatta and its vicinity that he intends giving a CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music,
on MONDAY next, September 9th, 1844, at Mr. Nash's, "Woolpack Inn," on which occasion he solicits their patronage and support.
GLEE - "Amid these verdant bowers" - Pucitti.
SONG - "Glory from the battle plain" - Bishop.
TRIO (Juvenile), in which will, be introduced the favourite airs, "Home, sweet home," and "Hey the bonny breast knots" - Deane.
SONG - "The white squall" - - - -
GLEE - "The merry month of May" -
SOLO - Violoncello - - - - - - Rode.
DUETTO - "Through the Village as I pass" - Balfe.
SOLO - Violin (Juvenile) - - - De Beriot.
LAUGHING GLEE - "Why sure they never met" - - Martini.
TRIO - Pianoforte, Violin, arid Violoncello - - - Moschelles.
SONG - "Away to the mountain brow"
GLEE - "Long live Victoria!" - - -
Tickets; 4s. each, to be had of Mr. Shackles, and at Mr. Nash's, Parramatta; and of Mr. Dean, Castlereagh Street; Sydney.
Concert will commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
11 September 1844, concert, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 September 1844), 1
"DEANE'S CONCERT", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (14 September 1844), 132
Mr. Deane gave his family concert at the City Theatre on Wednesday last. The performers, instrumental and vocal, were Mr. Deane, five sons, and Miss Deane. We certainly never remember to have seen a family where so much harmony seemed to prevail. The house was not so completely filled as we could have wished, but all present gave loud and frequent manifestations of their enjoyment of the evening's performance. We give our decided preference to the instrumental portion, of which Onslow's quartetto at the commencement of part two was the gem. We never heard this beautiful composition more smoothly or correctly played.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 October 1844), 3
PIANOFORTES FOR SALE. MR. DEANE will be happy to receive Pupils, on very moderate terms,
for the Pianoforte, Flute, Guitar, Violoncello, &c.
For sale, one cottage and two square Pianofortes, an excellent Violoncello, easy Pianoforte Music for beginners,
Roman and English Violin Strings, Hairs for Bows, Bridges, &c.
Music copied correctly and with despatch.
Wanted to purchase, a good Cabinet Pianoforte, for Cash.
N.B. - Pianofortes carefully and correctly tuned.
275, Castlereagh-street, Opposite the Old Court House.
6 November 1844, Eliza Wallace Bushelle's concert, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Australian (6 November 1844), 1
. . . INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Leggatt,
Mr. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane . . .
. . . PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . 6. Solo, Violincello, "Nel cor piu," Muntz Berger - Mr. E. Deane . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 February 1845), 3
Maitland Concerts.
MR. DEANE begs respectfully to inform the gentry and inhabitants of Maitland and its vicinity that he will give
TWO CONCERTS of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, in the Large Rooms at the Northumberland Hotel, on Wednesday, the 12th March,
and Saturday following, on which occasion he respectfully solicits their patronage and support.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be had at Messrs. Potts and Co.'s, at Mr. Lipscombe Library, and at the Northumberland Hotel, West Maitland;
and from Mr. W. Cole, at Mr. C. S. Pitt's, East Maitland.
The Concerts will commence at Eight o'clock.
P. S.- Pianofortes carefully and correctly tuned.
Apply to Mr. Deane, at the Northumberland Hotel.
12, 15, 19 March 1845, Deane's concerts and oratorio, Maitland, NSW
[2 advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 March 1845), 2 supplement
Oratorio - Sacred Music. On Wednesday Evening, March 19, 1845,
MR. DEANE begs most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Maitland and the surrounding country that he intends giving an
To-morrow Evening (Wednesday), March 19,
at St. Mary's Church, West Maitland; on which occasion he solicits their kind patronage.
Overture - Handel
Recitative, and Air - "Comfort ye my people," and "Every Valley" - Handel
Trio - "The Portuguese Hymn," two Violins, and Violoncello (Juvenile) - Deane
Song - "Thus saith the Lord" - Handel
Anthem - "Hear my Prayer" - Kent
Song - "O Lamb of God" - Mozart
Anthem - ."Long live Victoria" - Nathan
Overture - Handel
Air - "But thou didst not leave his soul in hell" - Handel
Fantasia - Piano Forte - Thalberg
Glee - "Hark, the Vesper Bell is stealing" - Bishop
Song - "Why do the Nations" - Handel
Song - "Jephtha's Daughter" - Nathan
Anthem - "God save the Queen."
The Oratorio to commence at Half-past Eight o'clock precisely.
Tickets, 2s. 6d. each, to be had of Mr. Cole, and Mr. C. S. Pitt, East Maitland;
at Messrs. Potts and Co.'s, Mr. Lipscomb's Library, the Mercury Office, and of Mr. Yeomans,
or Mr. Deane, at the Northumberland Hotel, West Maitland.
Price £60. Wheat, or other colonial produce, will be taken in payment.
Apply to Mr. Deane, at the Northumberland Hotel.
"Mr. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (15 March 1845), 2
We have seldom witnessed a more elegantly attended concert than that of Mr. Deane on Wednesday evening last. The elite and beauty of Maitland were there assembled. The overtures to Tancredi and Fra Diavolo were well performed by the whole of the company. Miss Deane has improved wonderfully in the vocal art since we last had the pleasure of hearing her; her voice is soft and flexible, though it wants the compass necessary for some of the music of the Italian masters; she was loudly encored in the duet of "My Pretty Page" and "Through the village as I pass," in the last of which she was really admirable, not only singing, but playing what was meant by the author. Mr. S. Deane [sic] sang the beautiful scena from La Somnambula, "Vi raviso," but his voice wants sweetness to give due effect to the music of that admired master. Miss Deane's solo on the pianoforte was brilliantly executed, showing that young lady to be a perfect mistress of her instrument. The Gypsey Chorus from Guy Mannering, "The Chough and Crow," and Nathan's Anthem, "Long live Victoria," closed the parts into which the evening's amusements were divided, and were well received, the company rising at the commencement of the latter. Altogether the concert passed off with considerable eclat, and gave universal satisfaction. The second concert takes place this evening, at the Northumberland, with a rich and varied selection of music. From the feeling evinced on Wednesday evening, and the promises of support already received, there is little doubt the room will be crowded. The programme will he found in our advertising columns.
"Mr. DEANE'S CONCERT AND ORATORIO", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 March 1845), 2
Mr. Deane gave the second of his concerts on Saturday last, and we are happy to say that it was well attended, though the room was not so crowded as on the previous occasion. The performers acquitted themselves to the perfect satisfaction of the audience, and Miss Deane's performance of the beautiful aria from "La Gazza Ladra," Di piacer, adapted to English words by Bishop, was loudly applauded, and was certainly the choice piece of the evening. This young lady has a remarkably sweet voice, and sings in excellent taste, and we have no doubt that in a short time, under the able tuition of her father, will become an ornament to the vocal profession. On Wednesday evening the Oratorio, in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Society, took place, and in spite of the inclemency of the weather, a numerous and highly respectable audience attended in St. Mary's Church. The selections were well made, from the most admired of Handel's operas, and from other sacred pieces. The nett proceeds on the occasion, after payment of all expenses, were £9 2s. 6d., to be divided between Mr. Deane and the society. Assuredly Mr. Deane deserves the thanks of the inhabitants of Maitland, not only for furnishing them with a rich musical treat, to cheer the dull monotony of their evenings, but also for his disinterested exertions in the cause of charity.
14 April 1845, Royal Victoria Theatre, opening night of the winter season
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 April 1845), 2
THE public is most respectfully informed, that this Theatre will Re-open for the Winter Season on
MONDAY EVENING, April 14, 1845. The nights of performance are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday . . .
. . . The Orchestra - Mr. J. Gibbs, Leader; Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane, Mr. Friedlander, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. W. Deane,
Mr. Westroppe, Mr. O'Flaherty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Wright . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Friedlander (instrumentalist); Michael Vaughan (instrumentalist)
22 April 1845, notice of formation of the Sydney Choral Society
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 April 1845), 1
PATRON The Lord Bishop of Australia.
COMMITTEE: Rev. Dr. Cowper; Mr. Nathan, M.R.C.S.;
Rev. R. Allwood; Mr. H. Tingcombe;
Rev. R. K. Sconce; Mr. W. McDonell;
Rev. J. C. Grylls; Mr. J. Deane;
Rev. W. H. Walsh; Mr. C. D. Logan.
Chairman - ; Mr. H. J. Hatch, Secretary; Mr. J. Johnson, Conductor;
Mr. J. R. Hurst. Treasurer. Mr. W. Johnson, Leader.
THE above Society has been formed by Members of the Church of England,
in the hope that by encouraging a taste for choral singing generally,
much improvement may be effected in the Chaunting and Psalmody of Divine Worship.
In furtherance of so important an object, it is requested that all persons who are possessed of musical talent,
and are desirous of rendering their assistance as singing members,
will give in their names to one or other of the Committee on or before Wednesday next.
Churchmen generally, whether they join the Quires or not, may be admitted as members.
The meetings of the Society will be held, by permission of the Reverend the Incumbent, in the St. James's Infant School,
Castlereagh-street, every Wednesday evening, at half-past seven o'clock.
The entrance fee is ten shillings; and the subscription one pound a year, or two shillings a month, to be paid in advance.
Further information may be obtained by application to the Secretary, at Napoleon Cottage, Sheriff's Gardens,
from whom may be obtained the separate parts of the pieces ordered for practice on Wednesday evening next.
H. J. HATCH, Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Choral Society; William Grant Broughton (bishop, patron); Henry John Hatch (secretary); Charles Nathan (committee); Henry Tingcombe (committee); Charles David Logan (committee); James Johnson (conductor); William Johnson (leader)
30 May 1845, Hinckesman's concert
[Advertisement], Morning chronicle (28 May 1845), 3
(Under distinguished Patronage.)
MISS HINCKESMANN RESPECTFULLY informs her Friends and the Public, that she intends giving a
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the above Theatre,
ON FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1845 . . .
. . . The Theatrical Band will comprehend Messrs. O'Flaherty, Deane, E. Deane, W. Deane, Turner, Friedlander,
Westrip, Adams, Wright, Vaughan; and will be assisted by the Members of St. Patrick's Band . . .
20 June 1845, the mayor's grand teetotal festival concert, Deane, conductor
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1845), 3
AT the Right Worshipful the Mayor's Grand Teetotal Festival,
that will be held in the Victoria Theatre, This Evening, the following Vocal and Instrumental Music will be performed . . .
Conductor, Mr. Deane. Pianist, Mr. Worgan.
The Bands of the Sydney and St. Patrick's Total Abstinence-Societies will be in attendance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Patrick's Band
9 July 1845, Deane's first lecture on music
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1845), 3
"COMMERCIAL READING ROOMS", The Australian (12 July 1845), 3
A Lecture on Music was on Wednesday delivered at the City Theatre, by Mr. Deane. As might have been expected, the subject brought a full audience, with more than the usual proportion of ladies. Mr. Deane gave an interesting discourse, with agreeable musical illustrations. This Institution begins to stand high in popular favor, and we are gratified to see such favorable results to the exertions of the zealous, intelligent members of the Committee.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1845), 1
MR. DEANE begs most respectfully to inform his pupils, friends, and the public in general,
that having some spare time he will be happy to receive pupils at his Music Rooms,
No. 80, Hunter-street, or attend them.
His terms for teaching the pianoforte, violin, guitar, and singing, £2 2s. per quarter.
N. B. - Pianofortes carefully and correctly tuned.
No. 80, Hunter-street, corner of Elizabeth-street.
18 July 1845, Australian Harmonic Club, John Deane, leader
"AUSTRALIAN HARMONIC CLUB", The Australian (19 July 1845), 3
. . . Mr. J. Deane, jun., was the leader, and we feel bound in justice to say that he acquitted himself admirably.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1845), 3
A FIRST-RATE CABINET PIANO-FORTE, by Stoddart, by private sale;
first cost £120. Apply to MR. W. G. MOORE,
Auctioneer, Pitt street; or, MR. DEANE, Hunter-street. July 28.
13 August 1845, Deane's second lecture on music
"MUSIC", The Australian (14 August 1845), 3
Lectures on this delightful science are, we are glad to see, becoming very popular. Mr. Deane's second lecture, forming part of the series given on behalf of the Commercial Reading Rooms, was delivered last evening at the City Theatre, before a highly respectable and more ample audience, than we have seen there for tome time. His Worship the Mayor and family were present, with very many of our respectable inhabitants. Several well-chosen airs, among which was the Laughing Chorus from Der Freischutz, were given in illustration of the subject, which was well treated and flatteringly received.
5 September 1845, Australian Harmonic Club concert, John Deane, leader
"AUSTRALIAN HARMONIC CLUB", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1845), 3
. . . The overture to Masaniello was performed with great energy and spirit, much to the credit of the leader, Mr. John Deane . . .
10 September 1845, Deane's third and final lecture on music
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", The Australian (11 September 1845), 3
MR. DEANE'S CONCLUDING LECTURE ON MUSIC was delivered, last night, to a fair and crowded audience, at the City Theatre. Albeit, "no orator as Brutus," Mr. Deane is so far removed from the "I am Sir Oracle" genus, and has through so many by-gone years laboured with zealous industry in his vocation, that we "should be made of sterner stuff" than we deem ourselves to be, were we "to consider" his little blemishes "too curiously." The passages, moreover, of the lecture were brief - the musical illustrations many - a large amount of sack to a halfpenny worth of bread. Among the instrumental performers, Mr. Ellard's Concertante (?) on the pianoforte experienced a clamorous and merited encore. Mr. Bailey displayed his mastery and execution in two solos on the flute. This performance, however, is not exactly to our taste, being calculated rather to surprise than to delight. Burns' famous drinking song "Willie brewed a Peck o' Maut" was admirably sung, ay, and acted, too, by Messrs. Waller, Mountcastle, and Salter, but not to Burns' music. We could not, like the stranger, exclaim we had "heard that air before," nevertheless, a beautiful air it was, and elicited the rapturous encore it so well deserved. Mr. Deane wound up his entertainment with the National Anthem. Surely this must have been an after thought, for it appeared to be every man for himself with the singers. "God save the Queen," indeed, why it was a traitorous dragging of her sacred Majesty to ignominious, public, execution. By the way, could Mr. Deane enlist none of the gentler sex to aid his illustrations of the gentle and harmonious art?
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (pianist); Edward Baly (flute player); James Waller (vocalist); Benjamin Mountcastle (vocalist); Mr. Salter (vocalist)
17 September 1845, Deane's concert, Royal Hotel, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1845), 1
MR. DEANE begs most respectfully to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney and its vicinity, that he intends giving a
At the Royal Hotel, George-street, on WEDNESDAY, 17TH SEPTEMBER, 1845.
On which occasion he solicits their patronage.
1. Overture, "Masaniello" - Auber.
2. Recitative, and Aria, Perche non posso - Mercadante - Mrs. Bushelle.
3. Song, " King Death," with full orchestral accompaniments, arranged by Mr. J Deane - Mr. Waller.
4. Fantasia, and brilliant variations for the pianoforte, on the cavatina from "Anna Bolena," "Vivi tu," - Dohler - Miss Deane.
5. Song, "I seek her on every shore," - A Lady Amateur
6. Solo, Violoncello, Linley - Mr. E. Deane.
7. Song, "Jeptha's Daughter," (by particular desire) violoncello obligato, Mr. E. Deane - Nathan - Mrs. Bushelle.
8. Song - Mr. Worgan.
9. Solo, Violin, Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane.
1. Overture, "Zampa." - Herold.
2. Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen." - Lee - Lady Amateur.
3. Trio, Two Violins and Violoncello (Juvenile) - Deane - Masters C., A., and H. Deane
4. Song, "Der Erl König," "The Earl King." a Romance of Goethe, set to music by F. Schubert, as sung by Madame Schroder Devrient - Mrs. Bushelle
5. Solo, Flute, "Rule Britannia," with variations - Drouet - Amateur.
6. "The Gondolier's Song," (composed by Mrs. Bushelle) - Mrs. Bushelle.
7. Song, "The Last Man," (by the earnest request of several parties) the orchestral accompaniments by Mr. J. Deane - Callcott - Mr. Waller.
8. The celebrated Laughing Glee (by particular desire) - Mr. J. Deane and Messrs. J. and E. Deane
9. Solo, Ophiclied Variations, "My own loved Devon." - Mr. R. Martin.
10. Grand Finale, Solo, and Chorus, "Rule Britannia," by Mrs. Bushelle and all the Vocalists.
Leader - Mr. J. Deane
Conductor - Mr. Deane
TICKETS, 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon; the Commercial Reading Rooms;
Mr. Aldis; Mr. Sparkes, Royal Hotel, George street; and Mr. Deane, No. 70, Hunter-street.
The Concert will commence at eight o'clock precisely.
"MUSIC", The Australian (20 September 1845), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert on Wednesday evening was extremely well attended, and the entertainments were highly satisfactory. The attraction of the evening was Mrs. Bushelle's song, "Jeptha's Daughter," which was exquisitely given. We have seldom heard her to such advantage, notwithstanding the disadvantage of the saloon, - utterly unfit for musical, and more especially for vocal performances. Herold's overture, "Zampa," is a delightful composition, and, with the able assistance of the Band of the 99th, was most effectively performed. Mr. Worgan sang "The Death of Nelson" with treat taste, skill, and effect, and was unanimously encored. With this gentleman's vocal qualifications, we are surprised that he so seldom appears in public musical entertainments. Miss Deane displays great facility and execution on the piano - her solo was warmly acknowledged. The junior branches of Mr. Deane's family obtained well-merited applause for their respective executions on the violin and violincello, Mr. Waller's "Last Man" was a very wretched affair. In fact his voice, which is from the head, never had any charms for our ear, and in such an ill-constructed place as the Royal Hotel Saloon, it was particularly unmusical. The evening's entertainment went off most satisfactorily in every respect.
8 October 1845, Deane's concert, Royal Hotel
[Advertisement], The Australian (7 October 1845), 2
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public that To Morrow
evening, (Wednesday), he will give a Concert at the Royal Hotel,
on which occasion he will be assisted by the first professional talent of Sydney.
Tickets to admit one gentleman and two ladies 5s., single tickets 2s. 6d., children 1s.
Leader Mr. J. Deane, Junr.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
17 October 1845, Deane's lecture, City Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 October 1845), 1
LECTURE. - MR. DEANE will deliver a Lecture on Sacred Music, at the City Theatre,
THIS EVENING, (Friday,) 17th October, and will introduce the following Illustrations:
RECITATIVE. - "Deeper and deeper still."
ARIA. - "Waft her Angels." - Handel.
ARIA. - "Why do the Nations so furiously rage together?" - Handel.
TRIO. - "The flocks shall leave the Mountains." - Handel.
QUARTETTO. - Two violins, tenor, and violoncello - "Hymn to the Emperor." - Hadyn.
RECITATIVE. - "For behold darkness shall cover the Earth." - Handel
ARIA. - "The people that walked in darkness." - Handel.
Doors open at Seven o'clock; commence at half-past.
Admission, 1s. Boxes, 10s.; which may be engaged at the Commercial Reading Rooms.
22 October 1845, Deane's Balmain concert
[Advertisement], The Australian (21 October 1845), 2
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Subscribers and his friends that the Concert will take place on Wednesday evening,
October 22, 1845, at 8 o'clock precisely.
Tickets for Non-Subscribers may be had of Mr. Elliott, Surgeon, opposite the New Church, Balmain.
N. B. - Carriages will be in attendance at Mr. Ternan's, St. Patrick's Head, Balmain.
"ADVANCE AUSTRALIA", The Australian (1 November 1845), 3
We have much pleasure in stating, that the attempt made by Mr. Deane to introduce the Fine Arts into the neighbourhood of Garryowen, was crowned with complete success. His first Concert at Broughton House, having been attended by upwards of eighty of the elite of that rising neighbourhood. The room is admirably adapted for the purpose, being about forty-eight feet long, twenty-four wide, and twenty high. Mr. J. P. Deane's solo on the violin, was the gem of the evening, and so gratified were the audience with the whole arrangements, that Mr. Deane has been pressed to get up another Concert as speedily as possible.
NOTE: On Broughton House, see Broughton Hall Psychiatric Clinic (Dictionary of Sydney)
12 November 1845, Deane's Parramatta concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 November 1845), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform the Subscribers, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Parramatta and its vicinity, that his
CONCERT will take place on Wednesday Evening, November 12, 1845, at Mr. Nash's Rooms,
Woolpack Inn, on which occasion ha solicits their patronage.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Shackles, Church-street, and at Mr. Nash's.
The Concert will commence at eight o'clock precisely.
** For particulars see small bills.
"PARRAMATTA . . . MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1845), 2 supplement
Notwithstanding the disadvantages Mr. Deane laboured under in fixing his Concert on an evening when there were the counter attractions of the Windsor regatta and the Oddfellows' dinner, he succeeded in obtaining a very fair audience; and as a report prevails that he intends giving another concert at an early date, it is reasonable to infer that success has attended the present one. The performances showed the same ability which has always distinguished the entertainments of this character given by Mr. D., and the audience testified their approval of the exertions made to please by frequent and loud bursts of applause.
3 December 1845, Stephen Marsh's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
. . . Orchestra, which will be full and complete, consisting of the following instruments in two New Overtures: -
1st Violins - Messrs. Gibbs, Wallace, John Deane.
2nd Violins - Messrs. O'Flaherty, Strong, Guerin.
Violas - Messrs. Deane, H. Deane, Friedlander.
Violoncello - Messrs. E. Deane, Walker.
Double Bass - Mr. W. Deane . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Strong (violinist); James Guerin (violinist)
23 December 1845, oratorio, Messiah (Handel), Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 December 1845), 3
with Mozart's additional accompaniments . . .
Mr. J. Deane, Mr. E. Deane. Mr. W. Deane, Mr. F. Deane [sic], Mr. O'Flaherty,
Mr. Gearing, Mr. Friedlander, Mr. Walter, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Strong, Mr. Westropp,
assisted by numerous amateurs; and, by permission of Colonel Jackson,
ASSOCIATIONS: Timothy Gearing (violinist); Band of the 99th Regiment
8 May 1846, Australian Harmonic Club, John Deane, leader
"HARMONIC CLUB", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1846), 2
The first concert of the season given by this institution took place on Friday evening last, in the theatre of the School of Arts. A very respectable and crowded audience attended. The orchestral arrangements were under the direction of Mr. Deane, and considering the limited means placed at his disposal were highly effective. The last overture especially, from Rossini's Italiano in Algiero, was exceedingly well performed. Several glees were well sung, although we think the selection was rather too Bacchanalian in its character. On the whole the concert went off well, and augured favourably for the permanency of the institution.
13 May 1846, Deane's concert
"City Council. SATURDAY MAY 9", Morning Chronicle (13 May 1846), 2
The MAYOR intimated that Mr. Deane, the musician, had applied to him for his patronage, and for that of the Council, to a concert he was about to give on Wednesday neat (this day,) and as far as he (the Mayor) was concerned, he would attend - the Council might act as they thought proper.
Mr. HYNDES begged to know if the Council consented to go, if each member must take a ticket, whether he went or not.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1846), 1
Who, in addition to several distinguished parties, have kindly signified their intention of being present.
MR. DEANE begs to announce that, under distinguished patronage, he purposes giving a
At the Royal Hotel, THIS EVENING, 13TH MAY,
On which occasion Mr. Deane will be assisted by Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Carandini,
Miss Deane, Mr. Wallace, the Messrs. Deane, the Harmonic Club, and, by the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the Band of the 99th Regiment.
Overture, "Masaniello" - Auber.
1. Song - "Then you'll remember me, love," from the celebrated opera of the " Bohemian Girl." Balfe - Mdm. Carandini
2. Grand solo, Flute, "Rule Britannia," with variations - Drouet - Mr. Hill
3. Aria. "Oh ! adverse Fortune." Rossini - Mrs. Bushelle
4. Solo. Grand Pianoforte, March D'Otello - Herz - Miss Deane
5. Aria, " Al dulce guidumi," from the opera of Anna Boleyn - Donizetti - Mdm. Carandini
6. Trio, "Rosseau's Dream," with variations, in which will be introduced the "Cuckoo Solo," "The Hen and Chickens,"
and "Believe me, of all those endearing young charms" On the fourth string - Masters C. A. & H. Deane
7. Ballad, "Dermot Asthore" the celebrated answer to "Kathleen Mavourneen" - Crouch - Mrs. Bushelle
8. Solo, Violin - Mr. Wallace - Mr. J. Deane
Overture, "Zampa" - Herold
1. Song, "Grand Scena" from the opera ov "Sappho." - Pacini - Mdm. Carandini
2. Solo, Violoncello, Air Varie, full orchestral accompaniments - Bandiot - Mr. E. Deane
3. Sommo Cielo, Confido in te Grand Scena, from "La Schiava," Violin Obligato accompaniments - Mrs. Bushelle & Mr. Wallace
4. Solo, Ophecliede, full Military Band accompaniments - Basquiet - Mr. T. Martin
5, Grand Duet, from Norma - Bellini - Mrs. Bushelle & Mdm. Carandini
6. Chorus, "Vive le Roi," by the gentlemen Amateurs from the Harmonic Club, who have kindly offered their assistance on this occasion.
Leader - Mr. J. Deane.
Conductor - Mr. Deane.
To be had of Mr. Ellard, Music Saloon; the Commercial Reading Rooms; Mr. Aldis,
George-street; Mr. Sparkes, Royal Hotel, George-street; and Mr. Deane, No. 70, Hunter-street.
[Richard Thompson] "MUSIC", The Spectator (16 May 1846), 202
Mr. Deane's Concert, which was announced not only in the ordinary humble manner of a hand-bill, or a programme, but with all the pomp and solemnity of an important undertaking, from the Civic Chair, and duly discussed by that very harmonious body the City Council, took place on Wednesday last, the 13th, at the Royal Hotel. The company began to assemble at an early hour, and the ample room was nearly filled as soon as the doors were opened. The musical public appeared to anticipate a treat, and they had no reason to feel disappointed, for we can without hesitation declare that we never listened to so good a concert before in this colony. Deficiencies, and very great deficiencies, must of course obtrude themselves on the recollections of the habitue of the concert rooms of Europe: reminiscences of the Haymarket, of the Grand Opera, of San Carlo with [sic] arise, and the half-remembered strain of Pasta or Malibran, the echo of the tones of Lindley and Dragoneiti will vibrate on fancy's ear. These deficiencies, however, cannot be remedied until the musical strength of the colony be greatly extended, which it soon would be if the caterers to the public entertainments generally possessed a large share of energy and judgment. The taste and liberality of the public would, we are certain, afford ample encouragement to judicious attempts.
Mr. Deane provided for Wednesday's entertainment all that the city afforded him, and the programme contained a selection of good and pleasing music. We feel also much indebted to him for calling into requisition the talent of Mrs. Bushelle, whose absence from the musical entertainments of the season is a matter of public regret. The concert opened with the Overture to Masaniello, which though somewhat hackneyed, always pleases; it was accurately and spiritedly given, as was Herold's Overture to Zampa, a piece peculiarly adapted for a wind band; the crash of the brass instruments of the 99th Regiment was most effective. Madame Carandini sang Balfe's "Then you'll remember me," Donizetti's " A1 dolce guidami," and a Grand Scena from Pacini's "Opera of Sappho," as well as a Duett from Norma with Mrs. Bushelle, with all of which the audience appeared much gratified. This lady possesses a powerful organ and evinces great improvement in the management of it, but her ear and style still require cultivation. Study and instruction will render her a brilliant singer. Mrs. Bushelle was in fine voice; she was enthusiastically greeted, and seemed herself to feel delight at resuming her proper post in the concert room. She gave Rossini's Aria " Oh! adverse fortune," and the Grand Scena "Sommo Cielo, confido in te," with brilliancy and taste, splendidly accompanied by Mr. Wallace, whose violin obligato was indeed a gem. Mrs. Bushelle also sang the favorite ballad of "Dermot Astore," with delicious purity and sweetness. The Grand Duett from Norma was magnificently given, both ladies sang well up to each other, and blended their voices in the most accurate harmony. The instrumental portion deserves the highest commendation. Miss Deane evinced great command over her instrument, in an exceedingly difficult Concerto on the Pianoforte, by Herz and was loudly applauded, as were Mr. E. Deane, in a solo on the Violoncello, and Mr. J. Deane in a solo on the Violin, by Mr. Wallace; we cannot, however, refrain from observing that it is hardly treating the composer fairly to make extensive charges in a piece of this nature. We must rot pass over a Flute solo by Mr. Hill of the 99th Regiment, full of Drouet's difficulties, and a solo on that seemingly unmanageable instrument the Ophicleid, by Mr. T. Martin of the same regiment, which were listened to with great pleasure. The trio by the younger Deanes, although clever, we could have wished omitted: much rising talent is ruined in England, by these precocious displays. We trust that Mr. Deane will have reaped the harvest of remuneration that he so well deserves on the present occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Macdermott (mayor of Sydney); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Thomas Martin (ophecliede player, band of the 99th Regiment); Arthur Hill (flute player, band of the 99th Regiment)
10 June 1846, Deane's concert, Boughton House, Garryowen
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1846), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the inhabitants of Broughton and its environs,
that his concert of vocal and instrumental music will take place on Wednesday, June 10, 1846.
On which occasion he has engaged the assistance of Signor and Madame Carandini, with other available talent.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Elliott, Balmain; and of Mr. Deane, 70, Hunter-street.
The concert will commence at 8 o'clock precisely. N. B - Carriages will be in attendance at Mr. Ternen's, St. Patrick's Inn, Balmain, from 6 o'clock.
17 June 1846, Eliza Bushelle's concert, Royal Hotel
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1846), 1
. . . Principal Violins. - Leaders Mr. Wallace - Principal first Violin - Mr. Gibbs. Principal Second Violin - Mr. J. Deane.
Principal Tenor - Mr. Deane. Principal Violoncello - Mr. Edward Deane. Double Bass - Mr. William Deane.
Flutes, Clarionets; Oboes, Horns, Trumpets, Trombones; Ophicleids, Drums, &c., &c., &c., including the full strength of the
Military Band, and numerous other Performers . . .
Overture, "La Fiancee," (first time in the colony) - Auber - Grand Orchestra . . .
Overture, "Egmont" - Beethoven - Grand Orchestra . . .
24 June 1846, Australian Harmonic Club, John Deane, leader
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1846), 1
AN AMATEUR CONCERT in aid of the Funds of the Sydney Infirmary and Dispensary,
Will take place THIS EVENING, WEDNESDAY, 24TH JUNE, At the City Theatre, Market-street,
(which has been kindly lent for the purpose) on which occasion, in addition to the amateur talent,
by which the performances at the monthly concerts of the Club have been principally sustained,
they will be assisted by the following members of the profession, viz.:
VOCAL - Madame Carandini.
INSTRUMENTAL- Mr. John Deane, (leader to the Club), Messrs. J. P., E., and W. Deane,
Mr. Friedlander, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Guerin.
The Orchestra will be completed by the Instrumental Amateurs of the Club.
And by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield, the excellent Band of the 11th Regiment.
Overture " D'Otelo," (Rossini) - Full Orchestra
1. Glee, "Foresters sound the Cheerful Horn," (Bishop) - Amateurs
2. Ballad, "When other lips," from the "Bohemian Girl" (Balfe) - Madame Carandini
3. Grande Fantasia, pianoforte, (Herz) - Mr. Ellard, Jun.
4. Song, " Woman," (Phillips,) - Orchestral accompaniments - Amateur
5. Trio, "Come, Fairies, trip it o'er the grass - Parry - Madame Carandini and Amateurs
6. Solo, Violin, (Wallace) - Mr. John Deane
7. Chorus, "Long live the Queen," from "Catherine Gray," with full orchestral accompaniments - Amateurs
Overture, "Waverly," first time in the colony, (Hector Berlioz) - Military Band.
1. Glee, " See our oars with feathered spray" (Stevenson) - Amateurs.
2. Ballad, "Woodman spare that Tree," (Russell) - Madame Carandini.
3. Solo, Flute, Variations on "God save the Queen, (Drouet) - Amateur.
4. Song, "England, Glorious Land," Orchestral accompaniments, (Westropp) - Amateur.
5. Potpourri, "Guillaume Tell, (Rossini) - Military Band
6. Chorus, " Vive le Roi), from the Siege of Rochelle, with full Orchestral accompaniments, (Balfe) - Amateur.
Will commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
TICKETS OF ADMISSION, 3S. EACH; To be had at Messrs. Ellard's, Colman's, Ford's, and Sands's, George-street; Mr.
Mountcastle, Market-street; and of any member of the Committee of the Australian Harmonic Club.
JOHN PRICE, Hon. Secretary. June 19.
N.B. - No money will be received at the doors of the house.
[Richard Thompson], "Music. AUSTRALIAN HARMONIC CLUB", The Spectator (27 June 1846), 273
In our last number we alluded to the benevolent intention of this Society, to give a Concert for the benefit of the funds of the Sydney Infirmary and Dispensary . . . the Committee's philanthropic design was nearly frustrated, when Mrs. Burdekin in the most handsome manner granted the use of the City Theatre for the occasion, and on Wednesday evening last this elegant theatridium was crowded to excess by a highly respectable auditory . . .
. . . The services of the brilliant band of the 11th Regiment were kindly permitted by Colonel Bloomfield, and we need scarcely observe, therefore, that the effort of Mr. John Deane and his clever coadjutors were ably assisted. Rossini's overture to "Othello," and Hector Bolioz's [sic, Berlioz] overture to "Waverly" were certainly the chefs-d'oeuvres of the evening: the latter (performed by the Military Band alone) is new to the Colonists, and is a masterly composition. We must compliment the leader of the eleventh on the admirable manner in which it was given by the band, whose steady obedience to the conductor's baton was the subject of warm commendations throughout the house. Mr. Ellard, jun., in the Fantasia on the Piano-forte (as played by him at Mrs. Bushelle's concert), Mr. John Deane in a Violin Solo of Vincent Wallace's, and Mr. Bayley in Drouet's famous Flute Solo (introducing variations on "God save the Queen") again received similar tributes of applause to those which it has so often been our pleasure to record in these and other columns . . .
8 July 1846, Maria Carandini's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1846), 1
. . . the excellent Band of H.M. 11th Regiment will be in attendance. Principal Instrumental Performers. - Leader, Mr. W. Wallace; Principal First Violins, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane; Principal Tenors, Mr. Walton; Principal Violoncello, Mr. Edward Deane; Double Bass, Mr. William Deane; Principal Second Violin, Mr. Guerin; Flutes, Clarionets, Oboes, Horns, Trumpets, Trombones, Ophicleids, Drums, &c., &c., including the full strength of the Military Band . . .
29 August 1846, the Gautrots' concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1846), 1
. . . Principal Violins - Mr. S. W. Wallace, Mr. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane. Tenors - Messrs. Deane and Friedlander. Violoncello - Mr. E. Deane. Double Bass - Mr. W. Deane. Second Violin - Mr. Gearing. With numerous other performers, comprising a GRAND AND EFFICIENT ORCHESTRA! Mr. A. Emanuel will preside at the Pianoforte. Leader - Mr. S. W. Wallace. Conductor - Monsiuer Gautrot . . .
"Music". The Spectator (1 August 1846), 333
The Farewell Concert of Mon. and Mdme. Gautrot took place on Wednesday last in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel . . . The Messrs. Deane, Friedlander, Guerin, and other instrumentalists lent their efficient aid, and the overtures to "L'Irato" and "Fra Diavolo" were performed with admirable effect.
2 September 1846, Spencer Wellington Wallaces' concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 September 1846), 1
"Music". The Spectator (5 September 1846), 391
. . . Mr. Wallace's Concert, under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor and Lady Mary Fitz Roy, took place on Wednesday, at the Victoria Theatre . . . The programme presented the names of Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, Mr. F. Howson, and Mr. J. Howson, in the vocal department and of Mr. Wallace and Mr. E. Deane in the instrumental : assisted by Messrs. Deane, Walton, &c., and by the band of the 99th Regiment . . . Mr. E. Deane was much applauded in a solo on that difficult but delightful instrument the violoncello; and the overtures to the Freyschutz and Zampa, both peculiarly calculated to display the powers and beauty of wind instruments, could not, of course, fail in producing their full effect . . .
9 December 1846, Spencer Wellington Wallaces and Frederick Ellard's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 December 1846), 1 supplement
. . . 1st Violin, Mr. Gibbs; 2nd Violin, Mr. Guerin; Tenor, Mr. Friedlander; Violoncello, Mr. E. Deane; Double Bass, Mr. W. Deane; Leader, Mr. Wallace. Also, by the kind permission of Colonel Despard, C.B., the admired BAND OF H.M. 99tH REGIMENT . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1847), 1
MR. DEANE, Pianist, having removed from Broughton, to 170, Castlereagh-street, Sydney,
begs to observe to his friends and the public generally, that having spare time,
he will be happy to receive pupils at his residence, or attend them at theirs.
He gives lessons on the Pianoforte, violin, violoncello, flute, guitar, and singing.
Pianofortes tuned, &c.
Wanted to hire for one month, a Grand Pianoforte, which will be liberally paid for in advance.
Mr. Deane's terms are moderate. Letters not post-paid, will be immediately attended to.
170, Castlereagh-street, January 6.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1847), 4
VALUABLE CITY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES . . . Lot 4 . . . 1. Those two three-storied brick houses in Castlereagh-street, occupied by Messrs. Deane and Jarman, yielding a rental of £140 per annum . . .
[Advertisement], Sydney Chronicle (8 May 1847), 3
. . . LOT 5. The three-storied brick dwelling-house and premises in Castlereagh-street, occupied by Mr. Deane, with the rooms over the archway, reserving a right of way to the adjoining lot. Rent, £80 a year . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 June 1847), 3.
TOWN RESIDENCE, CASTLEREAGH-STREET - To let, suitable for a respectable family, the house lately occupied by Mr. Dean, which has just undergone a thorough repair, Castlereagh-street, near Park-street, containing nine rooms, detached kitchen, servants' room, conch-house, stable, yard, &c. . . .
"THE FANCY BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 July 1847), 2
THE Right Worshipful the Mayor having issued invitations for a Fancy Ball, to be held at the Victoria Theatre,
on Wednesday last, upwards of eight hundred ladies and gentlemen accepted his worship's invitation . . .
The band of the 99th occupied the right hand corner in the upper tier, and the theatre band the corresponding box on the other side . . .
We subjoin a list of the parties present on the occasion . . . Mr. Deane, Costume of H.M. Customs; Mrs. Deane, Fancy Dress;
Mr. J. P. Deane, Doctor of Music; Mrs. Deane, Fancy Dress; Miss Deane, Greek Girl; Miss I. Deane, Highland Lass . . .
21 July 1847, Deane's concert at Windsor
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1847), 1
"'NEWS FROM THE INTERIOR (From our Correspondents) WINDSOR. CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 July 1847), 3
Mr. Deane and family entertained the inhabitants of Windsor on Wednesday evening last with a rare treat, in the shape of a Concert of vocal and instrumental music. The only suitable place in town procurable for such a purpose was the Court-house, which we were pleased to observe was fitted up with considerable taste - the Bench forming what we will call the dress circle, where an assemblage of elegantly dressed ladies were to be seen seated, and the performers being placed at the lower end of the Court upon a stage erected for the occasion. By eight o'clock, an audience of above a hundred of the most respectable persons in the district having assembled, the performances commenced with an overture, quickly followed by the glee "Mynheer Von Dunck." Songs by the ladies came in their course, of which the principal were sung by Miss Deane, assisted by an amateur. The audience were evidently highly delighted with Miss Deane's performance; she sang not only melodiously but feelingly. Her principal pieces were "There is a Flower that bloometh," and "The Maid of Cashmere," which was received amidst much applause. A trio upon two violins and a violoncello by three juvenile Deanes was rapturously applauded; but above every thing else the solo on the violin by Master Deane, which excited the most inconceivable admiration, and called forth the highest encomiums upon the talented juvenile; his solo was declared to be the master-piece of the evening. We cannot go through the whole of the pieces, merely noticing the laughing glee by Mr. Deane, sen., and two sons, and the duetto "All's well," by the two junior Mr. Deanes, which to say the least were both well done. The performances ended about half past ten, with the Australian solo and chorus by the whole company, (eight in number), "Long Live Victoria," music by the Sydney master, Nathan, which was executed in exquisite style. Nothing could have exceeded the harmony of the evening; and when the time arrived to arise and depart, the good people of Windsor felt a reluctance to do so most inconceivably unpleasant. We are in hopes that the Deane family will ere long favour us with a repetition of their musical visit.
11 August 1847, Australian Grand Lodge concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 August 1847), 1
A CONCERT will be held at the "Australian Grand Lodge Rooms" of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
adjoining the Saracen's Head Inn, Sussex street, This Evening, August 11.
Overture - "Dame Blanche" (Auber) - By the Band.
1. Glee and Chorus - "Alice Brand, (Callcott) - Amateurs.
2. Song - "The Maniac" (Russell) - Amateur.
8, Solo - Violin, (De Beriot) - Master C. Deane
4. Glee - "Hark! Apollo," (Bishop) - Amateurs.
6. Song - "I'll be no Submissive Wife," (Tully) - Mrs. Gibbs.
6. "Hark, through the Woods" (Cook) - Amateurs.
7. Chorus - "Long live the Queen," (Balfe) from the Opera of Catherine Gray, with full orchestral accompaniaents - Amateurs.
Overture - "Acteon" (Auber) - By the Band.
1. Glee - "Here in cool Grot" (Lord Mornington) - Mrs. Gibbs and Amateurs.
2. Song - "The Spell is broken" (Miss Bellchambers) - Mad. Carandini.
3. Solo, Flute - Introduction and Air, "Swiss Boy," with variations (Richardson) - Amateurs.
4. Duet - "Sol fa," (Barnett) Mad. Carandini and Mrs. Gibbs.
5. Descriptive Song - "The Ship on Fire," (Russell) - Amateur.
6. Trio - "Rousseau's Dream," with variations, in which will be introduced the Cuckoo Solo,
Hen and Chickens, and My Lodging is on the cold ground- The Masters Deane.
7. Catch - "Mr. Speaker," (Baildon) - Amateurs.
8. Chorus-" Vive le Roi," (Balfe) from the Opera of the "Siege of Rochelle," with full Orchestral Accompaniments - Amateurs.
In Consequence of the severe indisposition of a gentleman who was to have sung on the occasion,
MR. HORNCASTLE has been engaged at a very short notice, and will sing the following songs:
"Ye Tormentors," from Cinderella
"Maurice Connor."
Single tickets. 5s.; family (to admit six), 21s.; to be had of the undermentioned Stewards, namely:
Brs. Isaac Titterton / Brs. J. J. Reynolds
" B. S. Mountcastle / " John Gibbs
" James Allan / " J. P. Deane
" Thomas Buxton / " T. F. McDonell
" William Turton / " James Oatley
" James Barnett / " J. Napthaly
" W. A. Wright / " Charles Tibbey
At Mr. John Turner Grocott's [sic] Music Saloon, George-street; and of Brother J. E. Elliott, at the Lodge Rooms.
Concert to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Leader - Brother Gibbs
Conductor - Brother Deane
T. F. McDONELL, Secretary.
Sussex-street, August 10.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Turner Grocott (music seller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 September 1847), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that having spare time he will be happy to give lessons in music.
Mr. Deane teaches the pianoforte, violin, guitar, singing and thorough bass. The terms are very moderate.
Pianofortes carefully tuned. For sale, an excellent new rosewood cottage pianoforte, 6 octave.
Mr Deane's address, 6 doors south of the Sydney College.
29 September 1847, Deane's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1847), 1
Who have signified their intention of attending,
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public, that under the above distinguished patronage,
his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Royal Victoria Theatre,
Mr. Deane will be assisted by Madame Carandini, Miss Deane, Mrs. Ximenes, Messrs. F. and J. Howson,
Mr. Horncastle, Messrs. J. and E. Deane, Messrs. Guerin, Walton, Friedlander, Strong, Wilson,
and by the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the splendid
Leader, Mr. Gibbs; Conductor, Mr. Deane.
Overture - Full Band
1. Quartette - "Farewell to the Mountain" from Barnett's Opera of the Mountain Sylph, harmonised by W. Hawes - - Mad. Carandini, Messrs. J. and F. Howson, and Mr. E. Deane
2. Song - O'er Hill and Dale - Mrs. Ximenes
3. Recitative and Aria "The Heart Bow'd down," from the Opera of the Bohemian Girl - Balfe - F. Howson
4. Solo - Pianoforte - Variations Brillantes avec Accompagnement de Grand Orchestra - Herz - Miss Deane
6. Buffo Song - The Widow of Estramadura - Bishop - Mr. Horncastle
6. Trio - "Rosseau's Dream," with variations, in which will be introduced the Cuckoo Solo, Hen and Chickens, and My Lodging is on the Cold Ground - The Masters Deane
7. Song - The Bride's Farewell to her Mother, composed by J. Howson expressly for Madame Carandini - Madame Carandini
8. Grand Scena - "Yon dark neglected Sepulchre," from Donizetti's Opera of Lucia di Lammermoor - John Howson
9. Grand Duet - Pronta io son," from the Opera of Don Pasquale - Donizetti
10. Solo - Violin, Wallace - Mr. J. Deane
Overture - Full Band
1. Martini's celebrated Laughing Glee - Messrs. J. and F. Howson, and Mr. Deane.
2. Solo Flute - Air with Variation and Polacca - Richardson - Amateur
3. Duet - With Grand Orchestral accompaniment, Gustavus Noble Master - Messrs. F. and J. Howson
4. Song - "The last sweet Chime" - Mrs. Ximenes
6. Solo - Violoncello - Mr. E. Deane
6. Ballad - "Adieu, Fair Land," from Wallace's new and successful Opera of Matilda of Hungary - Mr. J. Howson
7. Song- Jephtha'a Daughter - Nathan - Madame Carandini
8. Descriptive Scena - "The Gambler's Wife" - Russell - Mr. F. Howson
9. Grand Scena - Cinderella - John Parry - Mr. Horncastle
10. Celebrated Quadrilles and Chorus performed by the Band of the 99th Regiment.
The orchestra will be erected on the stage. The second tier will be elegantly fitted up as a Dress Circle.
Tickets, Dress Circle, 5s.; Pit, 2s.; Gallery, 1s., no half-price.
The Concert will commence at eight o'clock precisely. Boxes to be obtained of Mr. Wyatt at the Royal Victoria Theatre, and of
Mr. Deane, next to Burdekin's Terrace, Hyde Park. Tickets to be obtained from Mr. Grocott, Music Saloon;
Mr. Aldis, Tobacconist; Mr. Ford. Stationer; Mr. Sparkes, Royal Hotel, George-street; Mr. Wyatt and Mr. Moffltt, Pitt-street, and from Mr. Deane.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Sydney Chronicle (30 September 1847), 3
We feel pleasure in congratulating Mr. Deane upon having succeeded in getting up one of the most brilliant affairs of this kind it has been our lot to witness in the Australian metropolis. The Victoria Theatre was yesterday evening literally crowded with the elite of Sydney, and the performance was quite worthy of the attendance. Our space will not allow us to notice the excellencies of the different pieces on the programme. The audience seemed pleased with every one of them. We were peculiarly delighted with Mr. F. Howson's "Heart bowed down," and "Rosseau's Dream" by the Masters Deane. Mr. Horncastle in "Pronta io son," and Mr. J. Deane's violin solo drew numerous and repeated plaudits from the audience.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (2 October 1847), 2
The very select and judicious programme issued by Mr. Deane attracted an unusually numerous and distinguished audience to the Victoria Theatre, on Wednesday evening. The dress circles presented a brilliant array of beauty and fashion, while every other part of the house was crowded to excess. About half-past eight his Excellency Sir Charles Fitz Roy and party entered the Governor's box, the Band playing the National Anthem, and the assembly rising en masse. The performances commenced with the Overture to the celebrated Opera of GUSTAVE, to which the splendid Band of the 99th did every justice. Of the vocalists we can afford but a brief notice. Madame Carandini in "Jeptha's Daughter" and the "Bride's Farewell" was rapturously applauded. She sang with exquisite taste and feeling, infinitely surpassing anything we had previously heard from this lady, and heartily do we congratulate her on the universal meed of adulation awarded her on this occasion by an audience composed of those so peculiarly capable of appreciating talent. Mrs. Ximenes sang with her usual naivete and sweetness. The Messrs. HOWSONS, it is almost needless to-say, were amongst the principal contributors to the success which has so deservedly crowned Mr. Deane's labours. The comic powers of Mr. HORNCASTLE were brought out in "The Widow of Estremadura" and "The Ballad from Cinderella;" but we think a more choice selection might have been made for the display of this gentleman's acquirements. The Piano Solo by Miss Deane, the Violin Solo by Mr. John Deane, and the trio, "Rosseau's Dream," by the Masters Deane, were remarkably clever performances, and indicative of a practical acquaintance with the Art, in which this gifted family have acquired no little celebrity. To sum up, we have merely to observe, that the affair went off admirably, and gave unequivocal satisfaction to all present; the only event in any way tending to damp the pleasures of the evening being the absence of Lady Mary Fitz Roy. For the sake of variety, we presume, a private fracas was got up in one of the boxes, caused by the forcible intrusion of a gentleman in opposition to the wishes of its occupants. The aggressor, however, was speedily ejected in a most unceremonious and undignified manner, and was subsequently confided to the protection of certain of Miles's Staff.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1848), 1
PIANOFORTE TEACHING. - Mr. DEANE will he happy to receive pupils for the pianoforte, flute, and violin. Mr. Denne takes this opportunity- of returning his sincere thinks to his pupils that have finished their studies, and solicits their recommendations, which it will be his study to deserve. Pianofortes tuned at the shortest notice. Ladies residing in the country taught to tune pianofortes in twelve lessons.
? "CRICKET", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (25 March 1848), 2
On Saturday last a match came off on Hyde Park between eleven junior members of the Marylebone and eleven juniors of the Cumberland Cricket Clubs. The Marylebone having the choice took first innings, sending in J. Deane and Smithers, the former making three threes, one five, two twos, and fourteen ones, was caught by L. Solomon; the latter was caught by Crabb, having made seven twos and four ones; Graham followed, scored one, and was caught by Crabb; E. Deane, leg before wicket, four . . .
? "MARYLEBONE CLUB", The Australian (21 April 1848), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (3 June 1848), 4
MR. DEANE Will be happy to receive pupils for the Pianoforte, Violin, and Flute. His terms are very moderate. An excellent rosewood cabinet Pianoforte for sale. N.B. - Pianofortes carefully tuned. College-street, Hyde Park.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 July 1848), 4
. . . The above allotment is situate in College-street, Hyde Park, Burdekin's-terrace, being the south boundary, and the house occupied by Mr. Deane, music master, its northern boundary . . .
"Odd Fellows", The Sydney Daily Advertiser (8 August 1848), 3
"Odd Fellows", The Sydney Daily Advertiser (12 September 1848), 4
. . . Grand Organist - J. P. Deane. [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (12 September 1848), 3
MR. DEANE, Organist of St. Phillip's Church, would be happy to receive pupils for the piano-forte, violin, or flute, etc., etc. Terms moderate. Piano-fortes carefully tuned. College-street, Hyde Park.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (16 September 1848), 3
WANTED. A general house servant. - apply to Mrs. J. P. Deane, next door to Burdekin's Terrace, Hyde Park.
"FANCY BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1848), 2
THIS civic festival - decidedly the most popular demonstration of the Council of the city of Sydney - took place on Tuesday night last,
at the Pantechnicon, late a portion of the premises of Mr. Robert Cooper . . .
We subjoin below a list of the ladies and gentlemen who attended the ball, with the characters they represented . . .
Mr. John Dean, senior, Master of Arts; Mrs. Deane; Miss Deane, Medora; Miss Deane, (secunda) Fair Maid of Perth . . .
"THE DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (23 December 1848), 2
The great novelty of the season, the Opera of the "Corsair," was produced on Monday night at the Victoria, for the benefit of Mr. J. Howson . . . This composition opens with an obligato movement in the orchestra. The solos were beautifully played by Mr. F. [sic] Deane on the violincello, and one of the military band on the bassoon . . .
30 March 1849, Deane, concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 March 1849), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public, that, under the above distinguished patronage, his Concert of
VOCAL AND INSTUMENTAL MUSIC Will take place at the
Mr. Deane will be assisted by Mrs. Guerin, Mrs. Ximenes, Miss Abrahams (her first appearance), from the Royal Academy, London;
Messrs. J. and F. Howson, Messrs. Deane, Guerin, Friedlander, Strong, Turner, Vaughan,
Hudson, Ducros, Wright; and by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and officers, the splendid
Overture. - La Gazza Ladra, Rossini - Full Military Band.
1. Madrigal - "Lo the Bee on Fairy Wings," From Balfe's Opera of the Maid of Honour - Mrs. Guerin and Messrs. J. and F. Howson.
2. Song. - "Mary, pretty Mary." Wallace - Mrs. Ximenes.
3. Recitative and Aria. "The Heart bow'd down." Balfe - Mr. F. Howson.
4. Solo. Pianoforte. - La Violette. Hertz. Miss Abrahams.
5. Ballad. - "They say there is some distant Land," from the Bondman. Balfe - Mr. J. Howson.
6. Song. "Bird of Passage" - Mrs. Guerin.
7. Solo. - Violin. Mayseder - Mr. J. Deane.
Overture - Der Freischutz. Weber - Full String and Military Band.
1. Recitative and Aria. "Dearest Companions." Bellini - Mrs. Guerin.
2. Cavatina - A te diro. Donizetti - Mr. J. Howson.
3. Solo.- Flute - Amateur.
4. Scena.- "She comes in all her Loveliness," from "Matilda of Hugary" Wallace - Mr. F. Howson.
5. Flower Duet.- Night Dancers - Mrs. Guerin and Mr. J. Howson.
6. Song - "In the merry days when we were young." - Mrs. Ximenes.
7. Duett.- Mighty Jove - Messrs. F. and J. Howson.
The orchestra will be erected on the stage. The second tier will be elegantly fitted up as a dress circle.
Tickets - Dress Circle, 5s.; Pit. 2s.; Gallery, 1s.
The Concert will commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Boxes to be obtained from Mr. Wyatt, at the Victoria Theatre; and of Mr. Deane, 110,
Elizabeth-street. Tickets of Mr. Grocott, Mr. Ford, Mr. Aldis, Mr. Sparkes, Royal Hotel.
George-street; Mr. Wyatt, Mr. Moffit, and Mr. Deane, at his residence.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1849), 3
We were glad to see that notwithstanding the "hard times" the people of Australia know how to appreciate and support talent and industry when opportunity occurs. The appearance of the Victoria on Friday evening last must have convinced every one present of this fact, the circles being crowded to excess by a most fashionable audience. Miss Abrahams made a very successful debut having been deservedly encored, she appears a very clever child, and will, if she persevere in her profession, become and ornament to it. "Dearest Companions," from Bellini's opera of La Sonnambula, was sung by Mrs. Guerin divinely; she was in excellent voice, and evidently felt what she sang. Mr. J. Deane's solo on the violin was a treat that we rarely now enjoy. The violin is one of the most perfect instruments, and is capable of being made to speak the language of the heart, a fact that none will deny who listened to that beautiful air, "My Lodging is on the cold Ground," on Friday evening last. Mr. J. Deane is a highly talented young man, and deserves the highest praise for the perfection to which he has arrived. We would wish to listen to him oftener, but he seems chary of his thrilling tones. This was decidedly the gem of the evening. Mr. F. Howson did not lessen the good opinion we entertain of him, and we would not wish to hear Balfe's beautiful recitative and aria "The Heart bow'd down," sung better. Mr. J. Howson sang in his usual brilliant style. The Flute Solo by an amateur reminded us forcibly of Richardson, in his Swiss Boy he has caught his style exactly, and must have devoted much of his time to the study of his instrument. We imagine Mr. Deane was well pleased with the result of his exertions; but we assure him that though he has the profit of it, he was not more pleased than appeared the audience one mid all.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 April 1849), 2
Amidst the bustle and confusion of the late electioneering movements, the Concert of this veteran performer, who may be justly styled the "Father of music" in Australia, afforded a pleasing relief. The patronage which he received also affords a gratifying testimony to his merits, and a convincing proof that the colonists are as ready to reward the claims of an old favorite as to further those of any stranger who may deserve support. The appearance of the Victoria on the 30the March, was most brilliant; the boxes exhibited a full assemblage of the fashionables of Sydney; while the other portions of the house were filled to overflowing. Of the performers we feel ourselves that called on to make mention of Miss Abrahams, a young lady who has acquired considerable fame in England as a pianiste. Her performance on Friday fully established the favorable reports of her capabilities; she played with great precision and execution and received a unanimous encore. The instrument is not of a nature to allow the display of much feeling, piano-forte playing being little more than a mechanical acquirement. Mr. J. Deane performed a Solo on the violin exquisitely; the touching air "My lodging is on the cold ground," which he introduced was given with great delicacy and feeling. Mrs. Guerin in "Dearest Companions" excelled herself, and was in as good voice as we ever heard her. Messrs. F. and J. Howson added fresh laurels to their already crowded wreaths, and Mrs. Ximenes for, perhaps, the last time, lent her pleasing aid to the concert of Mr. Deane, who certainly have every reason to congratulate himself on the admirable manner in which it passed off, and the flattering support that he received.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Abrahams (pianist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist, formerly Mrs. Stirling); George Hudson (instrumentalist); John Henry Ducros (instrumentalist); Band of the 11th Regiment
"DRAPER'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (12 May 1849), 2
The first annual concert of the Australian Draper's Assistant's Association was held at the Royal Hotel on Wednesday evening. . . . The concert commenced with the overture of Fra Diavolo, which was admirably performed by Mr. Gibbs, Messrs. Deane, and Mr. Stanley, pianist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stanley (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1849), 1
MEMBERS of this Institution are informed that a
MUSIC CLASS, in two sections, has been established, and is now in operation.
Section 1. - For the study and practice of Vocal Music, under the management of James Johnson, Esq.
Section 2. - For the practice of Instrumental Music, under the management of J. P. Deane, sen., Esq.
Members of the Institution are admitted to the Music Class on payment of 6s. 6d. per quarter in advance,
which fee will entitle them to the privileges of either or both sections.
The Music Class has been established with a view of giving Monthly Concerts,
to which other Members of the Institution will also be admitted on payment of 6s. 6d. per quarter in advance,
and have the privilege of introducing one Lady, being a member of his family.
The sons, or other male relatives of the Members of the Institution, being of the age of ten to seventeen years,
are admitted to this class as students on payment of 8s. per annum, in addition to the class fee.
Members desiring to secure tickets for the Concerts are requested to append their names
to the list in the hands of the Librarian, of whom any further information can be obtained. May 18.
"HER MAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 May 1849), 2
YESTERDAY, being her Majesty's Birthday, the troops of the garrison were reviewed by the Commander of the Forces and the staff in the Outer Domain . . . As soon as the review was over, the officers joined with the throng who were wending their way to Government-house, to pay the customary tribute of respect to her Majesty's representative in this colony, on the occasion of the anniversary of her birth. The following is a list of the persons presented at the levee: - . . . W. Deane, J. P. Deane . . .
18 July 1849, first Wednesday soiree (shilling concert), School of Arts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 July 1849), 1
MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public, that he will give a Soirée on Wednesday, at eight precisely, at the School of Arts. Admittance, 1s. July 14.
25 July 1849, second Wednesday soiree (shilling concert), School of Arts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1849), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public, that he will give
a SOIREE, THIS DAY, July 25, at the School of Arts.
1. - Quintette - Haydn.
2. - Song, - Molly Bawn"
3. - Song, "Meet me in the Willow Glen" - A. Lee.
4. - Quartette - Pleyel.
5. - Song, "Isle of Beauty" - Whitmore.
6. - Song, "The Boys of Kilkenny"
1. - Quintette - Haydn.
2. - Song, "Kitty O'Lynch"
3. - Song, "Up to the Forest" - Barnett.
4. - Song, "Shivery and Shakery" - Bolar.
5.- Trio, two violins and violoncello - Deane.
6. - Song, "Down among the Dead Men" (by desire) - Bishop.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Tickets to be had at GROCOTTS.
8 August 1849, third Wednesday soiree (shilling concert), School of Arts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 August 1849), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he will
give a SOIREE, THIS EVENING, WEDNESDAY, August 8, at the School of Arts. On which
occasion Mr. Deane will be assisted by the City Band.
1. - Introduction - City Band.
2. - Song - "Come down to the Lattice" - Horn.
3. - Duetto - "Happy Land" - Powell.
4. - Song - "Happy Moments" - Wallace.
5. - Song - "Queer time coming, Boys" - Bruton.
6. - Solo - Violin, 7th Air, with Variations - De Beriot.
1. - Favourite Airs - City Band.
2. - Duetto - "Come o'er the Moonlit Sea" - Devereaux.
3. - Solo - Flute - Richardson.
4. - Song - "The Mermaid's Cave" - Horn.
5. - Song - "Fine young single Gentleman" - Smith.
6. - Railroad Gallop - City Band.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Admission, 1s.
"MR. DEANE'S SOIREES", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (11 August 1849), 3
Mr. Deane's third musical meeting was held at the School of Arts on Wednesday evening. The attendance was not only numerous but select, and the performances were listened to with the greatest attention. In addition to the vocal department, which was strong, the instrumental was assisted by the CITY BAND, led by Mr. Hudson, whose musical capabilities are too well known to need eulogism from us. The programme was well selected, and calculated to please the palates (varied as they might be) of all. The instrumental opening by the City Band was followed by the ballad - "Come down from the Lattice," sung with great taste and feeling by a lady, evidently not an amateur, but whose efforts were somewhat marred by a "halting" accompaniment; and, as this occurred in another solo in the evening, we think that Mr. Deane should have behaved more gallantly to a lady than he did; and one who not only possesses a sweet voice and a cultivated taste, but also great musical knowledge. But spite of this formidable drawback, the "Mermaid's Cave" was encored. "Happy Land," a duet, by two lads, the oldest apparently not more than fifteen years, was very sweetly delivered both in time and harmony. Our old friend (not so old neither) - "Moor-on-roar-of-Shivery-Shakery-Frigidity-Digidy-Lord-y-Tom-Noddy-Queen's-Monkey" - was all there, and encores attended his efforts. In fact, the shares in his prospectus rose up in a moment like Burra Burra's. A solo on the violin by young Deane was exquisitely performed. The whole entertainment went off in a first-rate style, notwithstanding the influenzatic miasma which somewhat damped the powers of the singers; and we trust that Mr. Deane will, from the patronage he has received, feel called upon to continue these musical meetings, and use every exertion to remedy any defects which we have been called upon (much against our inclination) to point out.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hudson (master), City Band
22 August 1849, fourth Wednesday soiree (shilling concert), School of Arts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1849), 3
MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. THE DRAPERS' CONCERT taking place on Wednesday evening, August 16, Mr. Deane will not hold his Soirée at the School of Arts till Wednesday, August 22nd.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1849), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public, that he will give a
SOIREE, THIS EVENING, WEDNESDAY, August 22, at the School of Arts.
1. - Quintette - Haydn.
2. - Song - "Will you love me then as now".
3. - Song - "The Maniac" - Russell.
4. - Duetto - "The Minute Gun at Sea" - King.
5. - Song - "The King of the Sea" - Ransford.
6. - Song - "Queen's Wedding".
1. - Quintette - Haydn.
2. - Duetto - "Come with the Lute to the Fountain" - Hullah.
3. - Song - "The peace of the Valley" - Balfe.
4. - Song - "I'm a poor Shepherd Maid" - Lee.
5. - Glee - "The Red Cross Knight" - Calcot.
6. - Song - "The Invitations of St. Anthony" [sic].
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Admission 1s.
29 August 1849, fifth Wednesday soiree (shilling concert), School of Arts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 August 1849), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public that he will
give a SOIREE THIS EVENING, Wednesday, August 29, at the School of Arts.
On this occasion Mr. Deane will be assisted by the St. Patrick's Band.
1. - Introduction - Band
2. - Duetto - "Flow on thou shining River" - Stevenson
3. - Song - "The Ivy Green" - Russell
4. - Duetto - "My Pretty Page" - Bishop
5. - Song - "Dearest, then I'll love thee more," (answer to "Will you love me then as now")
6. - Song - "Do not mingle" - Bellini
1. - Favourite Airs - Band
2. - Duetto - "The Bird that sings in yonder Cage," (from the Opera of the Cabinet) - Braham
3. - Trio - Two Violins and Violoncello - Deane
4. - Song - "I'm afloat" - Russell
5.- Song- "The Echo Song" - Wallace.
6. - Glee - "The May Fly" - Calcot.
To commence at Eight o'clock precisely.
Admission 1s.
12 September 1849, sixth Wednesday soiree (shilling concert), School of Arts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 September 1849), 1
MR, DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public that he will give
1. Overture - "La Gazza Ladra" - Rossini.
2. Song - "Hunter of Tyrol" - Nelson.
3. Song - "Maid of Athens" - Kiallmark.
4. Duetto - 'I know a Bank" - Horn.
5. Song - "Bid me discourse" - Bishop.
6. Song - "The California rage" - Deane.
1. Overture - "La Dame Blanche" - Boieldieu.
2. Song - "Wake, Lady, wake" - Meves.
3. Song - "The Nobby Waterman" - Day.
4. Solo - Flute. "Di Tanti Palpiti," with variations - Drouet.
5. Song - "Some love to roam" - Russell.
6. Song - "Where is the rover" - Russell.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Admission 1s.
19 September 1849, seventh Wednesday soiree (shilling concert), School of Arts
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 September 1849), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public, that he will
1. Overture. - Il Barbiere di Seviglia - Rossini
2. Song. - The Maid of Athens - Kiallmark
3. Song. - To Norma's arms returning - Bellini
4. Trio -Two Violins and Violoncello - Deane
5. Song. - My Boyhood's Home - Balfe
6. Song - Pretty Mocking Bird - Flute Obligato - Bishop.
1. Overture. - La Dame Blanche - Boieldieu
2. Song - The Irish Emigrant - Barker
3. Solo.- Flute - Nicholson
4. Duetto. - The Convent Bells - Horn
5. Song - The Pilgrim Fathers - Hemans
6. Trio. - Why sure there never met - (Celebrated Laughing Glee) - Martini.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Admission, one shilling.
Vivat Regina.
7 November 1849, concert, Parramatta
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1849), 1
2. DUETTO - " Flow on, thou shining river" - Stevenson.
3. SONG - "Dearest, then I'll love thee more." Answer to "Will you love me then as now."
4. TRIO - Two Violins and Violoncello - Deane.
5. Song - "Do not mingle" - Bellini.
6. Solo - Violin. - De Beriot.
1. Overture.
2. DUETTO - "A Voice from the Waves" - Glover.
3. SOLO - Flute - Nicholson.
4. SONG - " The Maniac" - Russell.
5. SONG - "There is no home like my own" - Malibran.
6. DUETTO - "I know a bank" - Horn.
TICKETS, 2s. 6d. EACH.
May be obtained of Mrs. NASH, Mrs. WALKER, Mr. McKAY, Mr. CURRAN, and Mr. SHACKELLS.
14 November 1849, first promenade concert (shilling concert), saloon, Royal Hotel
"PROMENDADE CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1849), 3
That most indefatigable colonist Mr. Deane, determined to supply the good people of Sydney with music at a cheap rate, has latterly been giving shilling concerts, and we perceive that he is now endeavouring to establish something on the system of the Promenade Concerts which are so extremely popular in London. The saloon of the Royal Hotel has been altered and materially improved, and in it the first Concert is to take place this evening.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1849), 1
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he purposes giving a
on which occasion the Grand Saloon will be lit up, and prepared in a style not to be surpassed out of London.
Mr. Deane will be assisted by St. Patrick's Band, a Stringed Band, Madame Carandini,
and also by several Amateurs of considerable talent.
1. Introduction - St. Patrick's Band.
2. Song - Madame Carandini.
3. Quadrilles - Band.
4. Song - "The Galley Fire" - Gentleman Amateur.
5. Polkas, &c. - St. Patrick's Band.
6. Solo - Violin - De Beriot.
1. Favorite Airs - St. Patrick's Band.
2. Song - "The Soldier Tired," Dr. Arne - Madame Carandini.
3. Waltzes - Band.
4. Solo - Flute - Richardson.
5. Song - "Ginger Blue" - Gentleman Amateur.
6. Favourite Airs - St. Patrick's Band.
7. Song - The Finale to the Opera of Matilda, Wallace - Madame Carandini.
"God Save the Queen."
TICKETS, 1s. EACH. May be obtained of Mr. Deane, Messrs. Ford, Mr. Trood, and Mr. Sparkes, Royal Hotel.
To commence it 8 o'clock precisely.
"PROMENDADE CONCERTS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (17 November 1849), 3
Independently of his musical talent, Mr. Deane has the genius or happy knack (call it what you will) of striking out new paths and pleasant ones for the public to tread. Nor is Mr. D. an idle man; in the nook and corner of every dramatic recess up springs a little mushroom or two bearing his impress - the true pleasing coinage of the Deane family. His latest novelty was the Promenade Concert at the Grand Saloon of the Royal Hotel, which (to use the term of the announce bill) was lit up for the occasion, and in a style not to be surpassed out of London. Mr. Deane being a most modest and un-egotistical man, also engaged the services of Madame Carandini, the St. Patrick's Band, his own stringed band, and several amateurs of considerable talent; the consequence of which was, that the New Saloon of the Royal was crowded on the opening night by music-loving peripatetics. The whole of the entertainment went off in first-rate style, and, much as we had been delighted with Madame Carandini's musical powers upon every previous occasion, we experienced a far richer treat from them on Wednesday. Her magnificent voice and brilliant execution were never more fully developed; in fact, she so enraptured us with her musical beauties, that we actually for one moment (the only one in our lives) forgot her powerful personal attractions. Should this confession meet her eye, we trust she will absolve us from the above involuntary sin. If Mr. Deane's Promenade Concerts be as well patronized as they ought to be, and as we wish them, he will have nothing to regret in originating, or rather in reviving them, as we believe Mr. John Gibbs, the talented loader of the Victoria Orchestra, was the first person who introduced those pleasing amusements to the Australian public. By the way, in examining the largo concert room at the Royal, which is in a most lamentable state of decay, the worthy proprietor, Mr. Sparkes, who was our cicerone on the occasion, apologised for the scarcity of rats, only one badger-headed old gent, having condescended to greet our arrival. Mr. S., in order to relieve our minds from an extreme pressure of dubiousness, informed us very complacently that the reason of the absence (as well as abstinence) of the rats was, that the eight quarters of barley which were originally deposited upon the floor of the room had been consumed by the "whiskerandos," who were therefore compelled to shift their quarters, which, not liking to do things by halves, they had done in toe-toe, and having once lived like Lords, they would not condescend to live upon short Commons. Mr. Frank Howson, who honoured us with his company upon the above occasion, remarked, that, with the exception of one gent, the cork-screw-ringletted-uncommonly-think-well-of-himself-down-wester-bone-playing-small-voice-[REDACTED]-melody-perpetrator-Hydes, he, i.e. Mr. F. H., never heard a more diabolical attempt at a joke; in fact, nautically speaking, it put him in mind of people firing at the Queen, "it missed stays."
ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (comic vocalist)
7 December 1849, second - and final - promenade concert (shilling concert), saloon, Royal Hotel
"PROMENADE CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1849), 2
Mr. Deane's Promenade Concert will take place this evening at the Royal Hotel; the Programme contains a variety of Instrumental and Vocal Music, and with the addition of the Military Band the tout ensemble is good. Mr. Deane, the oldest musician in the southern hemisphere, and a colonist of twenty-eight years standing, from his perseverance, deserves encouragement.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1849), 3
MR. DEANE begs to inform his friends and the public that the Promenade Concert will take place
THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, 7th December, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on which occasion,
by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and Officers, he will be assisted by the splendid
Band of the 11th Regiment.
1. Overture, Olympia, Spontini - Military Band.
2. Cavatina, from the Opera of Puritani, Bellini - Military Band.
3. Miscellaneous Music - Military Band.
4. Solo, Pianoforte, Herz - Military Band.
5. Song, "The Irish Emigrant," Barker.
6. Miscellaneous Music - Military Band.
7. Solo, Violin, Mayseder.
1. Overture, Zampa, Herold - Military Band.
2. Song, "Dearest, then I'll love you more." Answer to, "Will you love me then as now."
3. Miscellaneous Music - Military Band.
4. Solo, Flute, "Rule Britannia," Drouet.
5. Miscellaneous Music - Military Band.
6. Cavatina, "Peace and Joy," Marliani.
7. The Railroad Gallop (by particular desire), Jullien.
Admission, one shilling.
Tickets may be obtained from Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel; Mr. Ford, George-street; and Mr. Deane, No. 110, Elizabeth-street.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
9 December 1849, death of Alfred Deane
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1849), 3
Yesterday morning, Alfred, fifth son of Mr. J. P. Deane, Elizabeth-street, aged 14 years and 4 months
17 December 1849, departure of John Deane, junior, for San Francisco
"DEPARTURE", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 December 1849), 2
December 17. - Sea Gull, schooner, 62 tons, Captain Napper, for San Francisco via Tahiti. Passengers - Messrs. Thomas Smith, George Smith, G. F. C. Smith, W. H. Smith, F. M. Smith, T. Robinson, J. Deane . . . and two aboriginals of New South Wales.
18 December 1849, death of John Philip Deane
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1849), 5
Yesterday, the 18th December, 1849, Mr. John Philip Deane, Professor of Music, at his late residence, No. 110, Elizabeth-street, Sydney, after a short and painful illness, in the 54th year of his age.
19 December 1849, burial of John Philip Deane, Newtown/Camperdown Cemetery
[Funeral notice], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1849), 5
The friends of the late Mr. J. P. Deane are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, which will take place This Afternoon, at half-past three o'clock. The procession will move from his late residence, Elizabeth-street South. Mrs. BEAVER, Undertaker.
The gravestone of John Philip Deane and Alfred Deane, broken but otherwise largely complete, can now be found, laid flat on the earth, about 10 metres north and very slightly east of the Dunbar Memorial in Newtown/Camperdown Cemetery; the original inscription reads:
On her death in 1873 was added below:
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1849), 1
MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS. CONCERT POSTPONED. THE Members of this Institution are informed, that in consequence of the lamented sudden death of the late Leader, Mr. Deane, the Concert to be given by the Music Class an this (Wednesday) evening, the 19th instant, is postponed.
"THEATRICALS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (22 December 1849), 3
. . . Whilst on the subject of theatricals,
we must advert, with feelings of regret, to the sudden death of an old and respected member of the Victoria,
Mr. Deane, senr., who died, after a short and painful illness, on Monday last.
He had lately lost a very promising son, who had just attained his fourteenth year,
and on Sunday last he had taken farewell of his oldest son, who has left Sydney for California.
That these bereavements pressed too heavily upon him, and caused his death, we have every reason to believe.
The deceased was a most estimable man in all the relations of life;
and his death will be keenly felt by his surviving family.
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (22 December 1849), 3
. . . The orchestral department is appreciated by the bow of the able Monsieur Gautrot, whose chaste and correct style of playing is well known in the musical world. Thursday night's opera, The Bohemian Girl, ascended the scale in an audience every way characteristic of harmonic support . . . The orchestral department felt the sudden bereavement of one of its most talented musicians, the late Mr. Deane, who, as a loss to the profession cannot be more lamented even by his family and large circle of friends.
Documentation (after the death of John Philip Deane)
See all TROVE items tagged John Deane 1820-1893 for the 1850s:
See all TROVE items tagged Edward Smith Deane for the 1850s:
9 and 25 January 1850, Edward Deane, promenade concerts (shilling concert), saloon, Royal Hotel
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1850), 3
PROMENADE CONCERT. MR. E. DEANE (Son of the late Mr. J. P. Deane), having been induced by the advice of many friends of the family to carry out the series of Promenade Concerts, commenced by his late Father, begs to inform those friends and the public generally, that the next Promenade Concert will take place This Evening, January 9, at the Royal Hotel, on which occasion he solicits their patronage and support . . .
"PROMENADE CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 January 1850), 2
Mr. Deane's Promenade Concert took place at the Royal Hotel on Wednesday evening last; in spite of the oppressive heat of the weather, about 300 people were present. The music was good, and the arrangements were in every respect complete, and we have little doubt that these entertainments, if carried on with spirit and discretion, will become very popular in Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1850), 3
"DEANE'S PROMENADE CONCERTS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (2 February 1850), 2
The remarkable success which has attended Mr. Deane's spirited introduction of these delightful entertainments demands our cordial congratulations. They fill up one of the many hiatuses which the exclusiveness and absurd restrictions of Australian society have imposed upon our citizens, and will we trust be permanently established upon the highly respectable basis on which they were originally projected. We think they may more frequently be introduced, and that the public would hail as a boon their weekly recurrence.
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (16 February 1850), 3
. . . -Mr. Deane's Promenade Concerts, at the Royal Hotel, are suspended during Lent . . .
3 April 1850, Edward Smith Deane, grand concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1850), 1
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (6 April 1850), 3
This was one of the most brilliant affairs of the season. His Excellency the Governor, the honorable Mrs. Keith Stewart, the Officers of the Eleventh Regiment, and a large portion of the elite of Sydney were present. Mrs. Guerin, Madame Carandini, and Messrs. F. and J. Howson were the principal singers, and Mr. Stanley the pianist. The Military Band of the Eleventh, and the admirably drilled Orchestra under the superintendence of Mr. John Gibbs made another very agreeable feature in the entertainments of the evening. We were delighted to observe the Concert so successful, as the fact showed at once an appreciation of the departed and living talent of the Deane family. Eulogy cannot go further.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 January 1851), 1
MUSIC - SYDNEY. MR. DEANE begs to inform the public that he continues to give Lessons on the pianoforte, flute, violin, violoncello, guitar, &c. PARRAMATTA. And also begs to add that his days of attendance at Parramatta as Teacher of Music are Mondays and Thursdays, for which days he is desirous of making arrangements with a few more pupils. Address - At Sydney, 110, Elizabeth-street; at Parramatta, Mr. Shackles', Church-street. Pianofortes tuned.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1852), 1
MR. DEANE, Professor of Music, Teacher of the Pianoforte, Violin, Flute, Flutina, and Guitar, Pianofortes correctly tuned. Residence, York-street, three doors South of the Wesleyan Chapel.
8 February 1853, publication of Edward Smith Deane's The electro-biological schottische
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 February 1853), 5
NEW POLKA AND SCHOTTISCHE, In the Press, and will be published on Tuesday, the 8th instant, at W. J. Johnson and Co.'s Music Repository, 314, Pitt-street. The Biological Polka, composed by C. W. Harwood, and dedicated to Mr. Daly; also, the Electro-Biological Schottische, by Mr. Edward Deane, with critiques from Mesmeric Observer, Daily [Daly] News, Electro-Biological Journal, Virginian Gazetteer, and Electric Telegraph. W. J. JOHNSON AND Co. Music Publishers, 314, Pitt-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1853), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: James Daly ("electro-biological" showman)
The electro-biological schottische

The electro-biological schottische, composed by E. S. Deane (Sydney: W. J. Johnson, [1853]) (DIGITISED)
14 February 1855, marriage of John Deane and Annie M. Perrier, San Fransciso, USA
"MARRIAGE", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1855), 8
By special license, at San Francisco, on the 14th February last John Deane, Esq., formerly of Sydney, professor of music, to Annie M., eldest daughter of Henry Perrier, Esq.
ASSOCIATIONS: The Perriers were neighbours of the Deanes in Elizabeth Street, Sydney, 1849-50
8 July 1856, return to Sydney of John and Annie Deane, from San Francisco, 27 April
"DEPARTURE OF THEATRICALS", Sacramento Daily Union [USA] (23 April 1856), 2
M'lle Duret, the actress; John Fairchild, the theatrical scene painter; John Dunn, the comedian; Geo. Loder and John Dean, musicians, depart this week on the ship Horizont for Australia.
"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (14 July 1856), 146
July 8. - Horizont, American ship, 1200 tons, Captain Becker, from San Francisco 27th April. Passengers - Mrs. C. N. Sinclair, Mademoiselle Marie Daret, Madame Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Dean and child, Messrs. Sedley, Sawkie, J. E. Brown, G. Loder, J. Brown, and 40 in the steerage. Captain, agent.
Their infant child, Anne, was evidently listed in the ship's passenger manifest, and duly transcribed; she had died during the voyage
[George Loder], "RECOLLECTIONS OF CALIFORNIA & AUSTRALIA" [continued], The Musical World (14 August 1858), 515
. . . Among our passengers were a gentleman [John Deane and his wife [Annie Perrier], musicians, who were returning to their native land, Australia. They had a most lovely little girl of about seven months old: she was the pet of the whole ship, and in the warm tropical latitudes used to lie in a hammock on deck, and kick up her little legs, and crow with delight. We were not very far from the Navigator's Islands. It was a dead calm, and extremely hot, and all the passengers had been enjoying themselves upon the poop with song and jest, assisted by a decoction of my invention, the principal ingredients of which were Scotch whiskey, sugar, and lemon syrup; and I had retired at midnight to my virtuous pillow, when I was awakened by a friend who begged me instantly to rise, as the baby was dead or dying. We had no doctor on board, and I was generally looked up to as that functionary, and a few moments brought me on to the poop, where I found the little darling quite dead. Every effort was made to restore animation, but in vain. It seems that she had been left in the berth asleep, and the evening being so very calm no danger was apprehended, but the little pet had by some means got the pillow over her head and was smothered in her innocent sleep. But then came the awful scene. After the bustle incident upon our efforts to restore animation was over, a deathlike stillness seemed to close like a pall around us, a low convulsive sob from the agonised mother alone breaking the solemn silence, when with an awful yell like some wild beast in fearful agony, the father, who had been vacantly gazing at the corpse of his first born, sprung to the bulwarks, and had he not been restrained by the giant arm of the first mate, would have dashed himself into the sea. Those around seized him; but he was perfectly frantic, and for three hours experienced a succession of epileptic fits which were horrifying to witness. While in the paroxysms it took five strong men to hold him, although he was a very small and slight man. The convulsions were at last broken by the use of strong spirits of ammonia, and then I calmed the poor broken-hearted fellow with a strong dose of brandy and water, and an enormous pipe, and succeeded in getting him into a sound sleep, from which he did not awake until noon of the next day, weak and sore from his struggles, but apparently tranquil; but for several days we never suffered him to be alone. The calm still continued, and it was impossible for us to make the Island of Eowa (the nearest land) where we wished to bury the little innocent, and we had to resign it to the fathomless ocean; the carpenter made a little coffin, which was loaded heavily to sink it. And here I must relate a little trait of our captain, which really endeared him to us all, despite his dawdling propensities. He had some flowers in pots, which were a great delight to him and his dear little wife, and just before we closed the coffin lid, he cut up every one of his plants to decorate, in his own country's sweet and poetical custom, the sleeping infant: that man had a heart, and God bless and prosper him, wherever he may be.
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 April 1857), 1
SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY . . . COMMITTEE . . . E. Deane . . . SECRETARY - Mr. John Deane . . .
MR. JOHN DEANE, Professor of Music, will attend pupils at their residences every MONDAY and THURSDAY; will receive pupils at his own every TUESDAY and FRIDAY; and will visit Parramatta every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY; and on the latter evenings will return to Sydney to instruct a juvenile class for the Violin and Violoncello from 7 o'clock to 8, at his residence, 16, Jamison-street.
2 July 1857, marriage of Edward Smith Deane and Sophia Flegg
"MARRIED", Empire (10 July 1857), 4
On the 2nd instant, by the Rev. L. E. Threlkeld, Edward Smith, second son of the late John Philip Deane, to Sophia, youngest daughter of Charles Hebert Flegg, Esq., of Hobart Town.
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1858), 1
On the 10th instant, at her residence, O'Connell-street, Mrs. Edward S. Deane, of a daughter.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1858), 10
MR. EDWARD DEANE, Professor of the Pianoforte, Violin, Guitar, and Concertina, 13, O'Connell-street.
See all TROVE items tagged John Deane 1820-1893 for the 1860s:
See all TROVE items tagged Edward Smith Deane for the 1860s:
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 September 1861), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1863), 12
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1864), 12
17 December 1864, first notice of publication of The free trade polka (possibly by Deane; no copy identified)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1864), 12
JUST PUBLISHED. THE FREE TRADE POLKA, dedicated to the Hon. Charles Cowper, M.L.A., by J. Dennis [sic]. J. H. ANDERSON, 360, George-street.
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 January 1865), 3
. . . Two pieces have made their appearance since the departure of last mail - "The Free Trade Polka," by Mr. Dean of Parramatta, and published by Anderson, of George-street; and the " Octave Waltz," by Mr. Rea, published by Reading and Wellbank. The former is a pretty piece of dance music . . .
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Empire (19 February 1866), 2
. . . The Orpheonist Society did not keep up its usual prestige for excellence at their last concert of the season, several of the pieces being sung out of time and tune . . . Mr. Deane acted as accompanyist in place of Mr. Ryall. Mr. Deane also played a violincello solo on airs from "Martha," and the conductor, Mr. D. Callen, executed a violin solo with much skill and effect for which he deserved and obtained great applause . . .
"SYDNEY", The musical times [London] (1 May 1866), 298
. . . THE Orpheonist Society's Concert is not spoken of in the highest terms by the paper forwarded to us, although much praise is given to Mr. D. Collen [sic], for a violin solo, and to Mr. Deane, for a violoncello solo . . .
10 November 1867, first rehearsal of the reformed Sydney Philharmonic Society, John Deane, conductor
"WEEKLY REGISTER", Empire (11 November 1867), 6
A number of influential gentlemen met the other afternoon and determined to establish a musical society in Sydney, to be called "The Sydney Philharmonic Society;" and to see how it would take with the musical amateurs, a number of invitations were issued, and last evening about twenty-six-mustered under the conductorship of Mr. John Deane. We believe that nearly fifty have already consented to join the society.
"THE SYDNEY MONTHLY OVERLAND MAIL", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1867), 5
A new musical society, which many of the members of the old Philharmonic Society have joined, under the above title, has been organised, and had a practice last Thursday evening. The conductorship has been offered to, and accepted by, Mr. John Deane, a name well known in connection with the musical profession in this city.
See all TROVE items tagged John Deane 1820-1893 for the 1870s:
See all TROVE items tagged Edward Smith Deane for the 1870s:
2 November 1870, death of Annie Martha Deane
"DEATHS", Empire (4 November 1870), 1
On the 2nd November, at her residence, Balmain, after a short and painful illness, Annie Martha, the beloved wife of John Deane, Professor of Music, aged 31 years.
2 June 1873, death of Rosalie Deane, senior
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 June 1873), 1
On the 2nd instant, ROSALIE DEANE, widow of the late John Philip Deane, aged 73.
29 March 1877, birth of Lawrence Phillip Deane
"MUSICAL", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (1 June 1878), 4
The musical circles in our district will regret to learn of the intended departure in about six weeks' time of Mr. E. S. Deane, professor of music, who has successfully instructed many of our young people, and who with his talented family have done so much in providing us with agreeable concerts and high-class music, besides ably presiding at the organ at St. Saviour's Cathedral. Mr. Deane leaves because his boys are now getting of an age for going out into the world; and he thinks there are better prospects for them in the metropolis than in a country town. Previous to his departure Mr. Deane contemplates giving a concert, when there can be no doubt those whom he has so often delighted will gladly seize the opportunity of hearing the performances of himself and family for probably the last time.
3 September 1879, death of Edward Smith Deane
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1879), 1
DEANE. - September 3, at his residence, Maitland House, Adolphus-street, Balmain, Edward Smith Deane, professor of music, second son of the late John Philip Deane.
"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1879), 8
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 October 1879), 10
MISS DEANE, Teacher of Music (daughter of the late E. S. Deane), Professor of Music, Maitland House, Balmain, and Paling's, George-street.
See all TROVE items tagged John Deane 1820-1893 for the 1880s:
4 April 1888, death of Rosalie Deane
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 April 1888), 1
DEANE - April 4 at Manly, Rosalie, eldest daughter of the late John Phillip Deane, formerly of Sydney, professor of music.
"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (1 June 1888), 3828
In the lands, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of Rosalie Deane, late of Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, spinster, deceased, intestate . . .
1890s and after
13 March 1893, death of John Deane
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 March 1893), 1
DEANE - March 13, 1893 at his residence Union-street, Blue's Point, North Sydney, John Deane, Professor of music, aged 77 years; an old and well-respected resident of St. Leonards.
"THE STRUTTER'S PAGE", The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (12 February 1910), 3
Mrs. Edward Smith Deane, who died at Burwood a fortnight ago, was the widow of Edward S. Deane, who was a well-known 'cellist and teacher of music, and one of the founders of the original Sydney Philharmonic Society. Mrs. Deane was the mother of Grace E. Deane, soprano and teacher of music, so well known in amateur presentations of opera some years ago, and of Arthur and Sydney Deane, operatic baritones, who are now fulfilling engagements in Europe and America.
22 November 1910, death of William Deane
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 November 1910), 10
DEANE. - November 22, 1910 at his late residence. Burwoodene, Waimea street, Burwood, William Deane, Solicitor, in his 85th year. By special request, no flowers.
Mr. Wiliam Deane, who died at his residence, "Burwoodene," Waimea-street, Burwood, on Tuesday, was the oldest solicitor on the roll of attorneys in New South Wales. He was 84 years of age, and was admitted as a member of the lower branch of the legal profession in May, 1852, over 58 years ago. Mr. Deane was the founder of the firm of solicitors of Messrs. Deane and Deane in the early fifties, and he retired about five years ago, and had lived quietly since. In his young days Mr. Deane was strongly imbued with the military spirit, and was captain of No. 6 Battery. He was a lover of music, and displayed much interest in all local musical matters. Of Mr. Dean's family, two sons and three married daughters survive him. The funeral took place this afternoon, the remains being interred in the Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood.
13 July 1915, death of Charles Muzio Deane
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 July 1915), 10
DEANE. - At his late residence, Viola, Waimea-street, Burwood, Charles Muzio, in his 84th year.
"LATE MR. C. M. DEANE", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1915), 10
Mr. Charles Muzio Deane died on the 13th instant at his residence Viola, Waimea street, Burwood, in his 84th year. He was a native of Hobart, Tasmania, and was associated with the firm of Messrs. Montefiore, Joseph, and Co. in early life. About 1871 he was appointed accountant to the Prothonotary of the Supreme Court, a position which he retained till his retirement on a pension about 19 years ago.
In 1864 Mr. Deane with others, headed a petition for the incorporation of Darlington as a municipality. The petition was granted and the first meeting of the electors was held at the John Bull Inn Newtown road, on September 16 1864, Mr. Deane was elected one of the aldermen and he signed the minutes as chairman till 1867. About 1872 he removed to Burwood and remained their till his death. He continued his municipal connection with Darlington for two years. In 1874, when the Burwood Municipality was formed, Mr. Deane was elected an alderman.
As a musician he was in the foremost rank and he was first violinist at most of the musical societies of 30 years ago. His brother, John Deane, was also prominent as a conductor, and another brother, Edward, was a well known 'cellist.
Mr. Deane, in the pioneer days of volunteering, did five years service, for which he, in common with others, received a Government land grant of 50 acres. His funeral took place at the Necropolis, in the Church of England section of the Cemetery, on Wednesday. He left a family of three sons and four daughters.
"Musical Gossip", Evening News (30 May 1914), 7
Miss Grace Edward-Deane, the well-known teacher of singing and descendant of the Deane family that did so much for music in the early days here, is the authoress of a musical comedy-drama, shortly to be produced here. The subject is Japanese and the title "Matsu." In addition to the plot, dialogues, and scenario, Miss Deane is also responsible for the Incidental music.
"AMUSEMENTS. IN AID OF ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 April 1920), 10
7 March 1922, death of Henry Deane
"MR. HENRY DEANE. Oldest Solicitor Dead", The Sun (8 March 1822), 6
The oldest solicitor on the rolls, Mr. Henry Deane, of Messrs. Deane and Deane, 33 Rowe-street, Sydney, died at a private hospital yesterday at the age of 85.
Mr. Deane had been ill for three years. He is survived by his widow and a family of seven.
A native of Tasmania, he came to N.S.W, as a boy with his parents, beginning his business life as a bank clerk. Later he studied law, and then joined his brother, Mr. W. Deane, and established the present firm. He retired in 1903 after 30 years service.
Mr. Deane was well known in musical circles. He was a member of the Amateur Orchestral Society from its inception, and of the old Philharmonic Society, of which his brother John was conductor. A s a young man he was an enthusiastic member of the volunteer defence corps, holding the rank of captain in the artillery, and being in command of the old No. 2 Battery. He was also a cricketer of note, playing for the now defunct Albert Club, and representing N.S.W. in several interstate matches.
Bibliography and resources
Brewer 1893
Francis Campbell Brewer, The drama and music in New South Wales, published by authority of the New South Wales Commissioners for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 (Sydney: Charles Potter, Government Printer, 1892), 56, also 59, 90, 94 (DIGITISED)
[56] . . . In 1836 the Deane family arrived from Hobart Town, and it is only justice to them to record that they did much towards the introduction of classical music into the concert-room. Mr. Deane, senior, was organist of St. David's Church, Hobart Town, for ten years previous to his making Sydney his home. He was, before his emigration to Tasmania, a performer at the London Philharmonic Society's concerts, and was a sound musician. Miss Deane was a well-cultured vocalist, and a good pianist; John Deane (fils) was well known in Sydney as a violinist, sometimes leader and conductor; and Edward Deane made the violoncello his speciality. Vincent Wallace at once availed himself of this valuable addition to the musical profession, and gave concerts in conjunction with the Deanes, at which, it may be said, the first string quartette performances took place. The Deane family long held a foremost position in the musical world of Sydney, and, to the present day, the name is familiar in the concert programmes. They were the first to give promenade concerts in Sydney, at the Royal Hotel, in 1850, an example followed by Mr. Emanuel, a pianist and musical instructor, in 1851. It may be of interest to mention here that the late Mr. W. H. Aldis was a frequent vocalist at concerts given by Mr. Deane . . .
Forde 1913
[Joseph Michael Forde] "OLD SYDNEY . . . The Story of St. Philips Continued and Concluded", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (4 May 1913), 12
. . . Mr. Edward MacRoberts was parish clerk of the old church, and had been master of the infant school for many years. He contributed £137 towards the building of the new church. His wife was the first organist of whom there is any record, her connection dating back to the year 1840. As to that organ there is no record as to when it was placed in the church. It is known, however, that it required three persons to play it. There were the organist, the bellows-blower, and the stop-drawer. In 1840 Mrs. MacRoberts was the organist, James MacRoberts, her, son, was the bellows blower, and James H. Greenway was the stop-drawer. Mrs. MacRoberts received £20 a year, James MacRoberts £1 6s. and J. H. Greenway £1. Mr. MacRoberts received for his services as parish clerk £26 14s per annum. The other officers of the church at this time were Francis Abel, senior, who lived in Cumberland-street, sexton, salary £15 17s per annum; the beadle, Joshua Allott, who was also crier of the Supreme Court, and lived in Kent-street, near the Gasworks; he got £17 8s. The bell-ringer and church-cleancr was James Winters, who got £26 14s, and the grave digger was John Furey, whose remuneration was £6 10s. At that time there were no fewer than fourteen paid members of the choir. In 1844 Sarah Jane Uhr was or ganist; she was, no doubt, a relative of Mr. George Uhr, of the Sheriffs Office. Later in the same year Mr. John P. Deane, a professor of music living in Castlereagh street, became organist, with a salary of £50 a year. The organ appears to have given some trouble, and Mr. William J. Johnson, orgau-builder, with his workshop at Flood's Wharf, and his residence at 53 Pitt-street, sent in alternative tenders for erecting a new instrument, either in the gallery or in the body of the church, but the old organ was patched up and continued to do duty until the new church was opened. The clock and bells also seem to have given a good deal of trouble . . .
Hall 1951-54
James Lincoln Hall, "A history of music in Australia, 12: Early period - New South Wales, The Deanes from Hobart Town", The canon 5/5 (December 1951), 203-10
- ". . . 13: Early period - New South Wales, Chamber music in Sydney" 6/1 (January 1952), 263-65
Passim, in later parts, 14-26
Orchard 1952
Orchard 1952, Music in Australia, passim, esp. plates after page 30 (DIGITISED)
[227, index] . . . Deane, Edward, 13, 18, 19, 30, 31, 51, 136
Deane, John Phillip, xiii, 2, 3, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 30, 32, 90, 113, 136
Deane, John, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 53, 121, 122, 136, 137-8, 168
Deane, Sydney, 154 . . .
Australian encyclopaedia 1958
"DEANE, John Philip (1796-1849)", The Australian encyclopaedia . . . second edition (1958), volume 3, 218;view=1up;seq=262
DEANE, John Philip (1796-1849), early musician, was born in London on 1st January 1896. He arrived at Hobart on 19th June 1822, intending to become a merchant, but apparently did not do so [sic]. A few years later her was appointed organist of St David's Church, Hobart. Deane and his family transferred to Sydney in 1836 and he and his daughter opened at studio in Terry's Buildings, Pitt Street, where they taught music. Within a few months of their arrival they gave two concerts in Sydney, and subsequently the Deane family and Vincent Wallace (q.v.) were associated in the musical world of Sydney for a number of years [sic]. Deane died on 18th December 1849 and was survived by his widow (formerly Rosalie Smith) and a family. His son, John Deane, was conductor of the Sydney Philharmonic Society for many years and was active in Sydney's musical circles both as a conductor and violinist. When the Vocal and Harmonic Society [sic] was formed, in 1858, he was appointed orchestral leader.
Butler 1961
G. T. Butler, Galamial Butler, a family history compiled (Hobart: [?]. 1961)
. . . [2] . . . In 1810, at the age of 27 years, he married Sarah Paine, the daughter of Edward Paine of Richmond, a livery tailor to George the Third . . . In 1819, Edward [Paine], Sarah's eldest brother, had set off [for] the Antipodes in the "David Shaw" to investigate openings in the export trade, returning to England two years later. The following year he sailed for Van Dieman's Land once again, this time taking with him his wife Georgina, whom he had just married, his brother Matthew, [and] one of his sisters [sic] and her husband, John Philip Deane . . . [Edward Paine drowned in a boating accident at Tinderbox Bay and] On 13th July, 1822, Edward's unhappy young widow . . . advertised notice of her application for Letters of Administration of her late husband's estate in the Hobart Town Gazette, and appointed her sister-in-law's husband, John Philip Deane, as her Attorney.
[3] When news of the tragic accident reached Gamaliel, he decided to go out to Van Dieman's Land himself . . . with some other person, [he also] had sunk the very considerable sum of £10,000 in a cargo of sugar which they had sent to Van Dieman's Land . . . [he also] decided to go to Van Dieman's Land himself to see what had become of the cargo . . . With the couple [Gamaliel and Sarah], when a Miss Leach, a cousin [sic] of Sarah Butler and her sister [sic], Mrs. J. P. Deane, and a Miss Georgina Ash, a god-child and ward of Sarah's . . . [on the Prince Regent, arriving July 1824]
[6] . . . On 1 August 1825, [Butler] put in a standard application for a free grant of land, [listing among his assets at that date] a "two story house and premises in Elizabeth Street called Waterloo Stores now in my occupation", [valued at £2,000], a house which had originally been built by John Philip Deane and which Gamaliel sold to the Crown for use as a police office in 1826 for £1,600 . . .
Meyer 1966
Peter Meyer, Organs and organists of the churches in the parish of St. Philip, Church Hill, Sydney (Sydney: Peter Meyer, 1966)
Wentzel 1966
Ann K. Wentzel [Carr-Boyd], "Deane, John Philip (1796-1849)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
Beedell 1992
Beedell 1992, The decline of the English musician, 257 and note 144
. . . John Philip Deane had come to Hobart in 1822, apparently on a commercial venture with a cousin, who unfortunately drowned, leaving Deane without legal claim to their merchandise. That at least was the story as it came down through the family ([Footnote] 144 This was the story according to John Philip Deane's descendant, Mr. W. H. Deane, with whom I spoke in Sydney in 1976.
Rushworth 1988
Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 20
Largely after Meyer 1966; Rushworth gives a brief biography, mentions pianist daughter "Rosa" [Rosalie], cellist Edward, and a violinist son "Morris" [? Charles Muzio]
Skinner 2011
Skinner 2011, First national music, especially 87-92 (DIGITISED)
Other online resources:
Peter Reynolds, "Broughton Hall Psychiatric Clinic", Dictionary of Sydney
Early residents - D. T. Dawson, William Deane, Springwood Historians Blog, posted 24 February 2011
© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025