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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–C (Cha-Cla)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–C (Ca-Cla)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- C - (Cha-Cla)
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in June 2023, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one. Years of birth or death, and sometimes also names and spellings of names, thus sourced and presented here, will often differ more or less substantially from those given (but often merely hazarded) in standard Australian and international bibliographic and biographical records.
The texts given in gold aim for the most part to be diplomatic transcriptions, wherever practical retaining unaltered the original orthography, and spellings and mis-spellings, of the printed or manuscript sources. Occasionally, however, some spellings are silently corrected (for instance, of unusual music titles and composers, to assist identification), and some orthography, punctuation and paragraphing, and very occasionally also syntax, editorially altered or standardised in the interests of consistency, clarity, and readability.
CHABRILLAN, Lionel de (Lionel de MORETON; comte de CHABRILLAN)
Amateur musician, composer, French consul
Born Paris, France, 30 November 1818
Arrived (1) Sydney, NSW, 3 August 1852 (per Chusan, from Southampton, 15 May, via Melbourne, 28 July to 1 August)
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, 3 December 1852 (per Sydney, for Europe)
Married Céleste VÉNARD, France, by c. 1853
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 9 April 1854 (per Croesus, from Southampton)
Departed (2) Melbourne, VIC, 15 February 1858 (per Simla, for Marseilles)
Arrived (3) Melbourne, VIC, 17 October 1858 (per Australasian, from Trincomalee)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 29 December 1858, aged "40/41" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHABRILLAN, Celeste de (Elisabeth-Céleste VÉNARD; "Celeste MOGADOR"; comtesse de CHABRILLAN)
Amateur musician, vocalist, pianist, memoirist
Born Paris, France, 27 December 1824; daughter of Anne-Victorie VÉNARD
Married Lionel MORETON de CHABRILLAN, France, by c. 1853
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 4 August 1856 (per James Baines, for Liverpool)
Died Montmartre, Paris, France, 18 February 1909 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)éleste_Mogador (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (31 July 1852), 4
July 29 - P. and O. C. screw steam-ship Chusan, 700 tons, Henry Down, commander, from Southampton May 15th, St. Vincent May 30th. Cape of Good Hope June 19th. Passengers, cabin . . . For Sydney . . . Le Compte de Chabrillan . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (4 August 1852), 2
August 3. - Peninsular and Oriental screw-steamer Chusan, 700 tons, Captain Down, from Southampton May 16, St. Vincent May 30, Cape of Good Hope June 29, and Melbourne 1st instant. Passengers from England - the Count de Chabrillan . . .
"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (4 December 1852), 4
THE SYDNEY - The following is a list of those who have taken their passages by this steamer - For England 1st class - Le Comte de Chabrillan . . .
See also at Public Record Office Victoria: (DIGITISED)
List of passengers arrived at Port Phillip, 9 April 1854, from Southampton, on board the steam ship Croesus; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Ct. Chabrillan // Ct's [Chabrillan] // 1 Child & Servant . . .
"VICTORIA", Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (26 April 1854), 2
Count Lionel de Mouton Chabrillan, who came out to Victoria in the Croesus, is gazetted as French Consular Agent at Melbourne.
"THE FRENCH BALL", The Argus (18 August 1855), 5
. . . The ball of Thursday evening was, without exception, the most brilliant that has taken place in this city. The attendance numbered fully 1500, and included the Governor and Lady Hotham, the judges and the elite of Melbourne society. We have already described in this journal the decorations, which were even improved by the effect of the illumination. The programme gave a list of twenty-four dances, and was scrupulously adhered to. So great was the satisfaction of the company, that towards the close of the entertainment the provision in this respect was even deemed to be hardly sufficient, the demand for a supplementary supply being very general. This was partially met by the co-operation of the band of the Volunteer Rifle Corps, who were in attendance, in addition to the musical staff of the 12th and 40th regiments, and which, in the handsomest manner, complied with the loudly expressed demands of the company, by playing one or two additional pieces of dance music. The mysteries of the Tombola, a new feature introduced by the Comte de Chabrillan, were unravelled about the "witching hour" of midnight, and the hundred successful competitors were invested with the prizes amid the general applause of the company. The lots were drawn by Signor Carandini, maitre de ballet of the Theatre Royal, and who also acted in the responsible capacity of master of the ceremonies. The first dance was announced about ten o'clock, and the programme was concluded at four o'clock by the performance of the British and French national anthems, which were received by the company in the most enthusiastic manner . . . The utmost order prevailed throughout, and the thorough enjoyment of the company was manifested by the spirited manner in which the calls of the M. C. were responded to. The enthusiastic manner in which the people of Melbourne have met the appeal of the French Consul, will have its due effect upon the cordial understanding which exists between the allied nations.
Names and descriptions of passengers per James Baines, from Melbourne, 4 August 1856, for Liverpool; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Countess de Chabrillan / 26 / Lady // . . . [Chabrillan] / 9 / Child . . .
"FRENCH WRITERS ON AUSTRALIA", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (14 November 1857), 2
The Paris correspondent of the New York Tribune, noticing the new books of the season, makes mention of the following: - Les Voleurs d'Or is a story of Australian life, or rather of Australian death, with twelve murders, a hanging, three natural deaths, two illegitimate births, and three weddings. Otherwise the book in itself has nothing remarkable. It is the production of the Countess Celeste de Chabrillan, wife of the French Consul at Melbourne. It has not a line or word intentionally immoral, and, excepting that it lacks interest, is a very proper work. The Countess Celeste was formerly Mlle. Celeste Mogador, one of the celebrities of the Parisian public balls. In a brief preface she has done what was delicate and dangerous to do - made an allusion to her former life, and has succeeded in making it gracefully, modestly, and almost pathetically. More entertaining is a thin volume of Lettres d'un Mineur en Australie: they are written by a Parisian Australian gold-digger, M. Fauchery . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Antoine Julien Fauchery (friend of the Chabrillans)
"SHIPPING . . . MELBOURNE", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 February 1858), 4
February 15. Simla (s.), for Suez . . . The following is a list of passengers by the Simla . . . For Marseilles . . . the Comte de Chabrillan . . .
"SHIPPING . . . MELBOURNE", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 October 1858), 4
October 17 . . . Australasian R.M.S., from Trincomalee. Passenger Le Comte de Chabrillan . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (30 December 1859), 4
On the 29th inst., at Melbourne, the Comte Lionel de Moreton de Chabrillan, French Consul, in the 41st year of his age.
"VICTORIA. PER INTERCOLONIAL TELEGRAPH [From our General Correspondent] Melbourne, December 29", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (30 December 1858), 2
The French Consul, Count de Chabrillan, who caught fever at Trincomlee, and has been ill ever since, died this morning.
[News], The South Australian Advertiser (10 January 1859), 3
. . . he possessed no mean ability as a composer, and has left several published compositions behind him . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 January 1859), 2
THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 At No. 11 Spring-street, the residence of the late Comte Lionel de Moreton Chabrillan, Consul de France.
Sale of New and Valuable Household Furniture . . . operatic music, &c., belonging to the deceased, and consisting of - . . .
An elegant and valuable rosewood cottage pianoforte, by Erard, with certificate of guarantee . . .
12. Invoice of Opera Music.
1. Opera La Traviata, consisting of
6 parts or volumes for male voices
3 do for female do
15 do for 10 instruments
1 complete volume for pianoforte.
2. Opera Rigoletto, consisting of
9 parts or volumes for male voices
3 do for female do
16 do for 13 instruments
1 do for pianoforte.
3. Opera Il Trovatore -
21 parts, for 23 Instruments
1 do, for stage decorator
1 do, for pianoforte, &c. . . .
"CELESTE MOGADOR", The Argus (3 April 1909), 6
By the death of the Comtesse de Chabrillan at the age of 85 years which has just been reported (says the Paris correspondent of the Daily Telegraph) a curious figure passes away. She had acquired celebrity first as a fascinating mondaine, under the name of "Celeste Mogador" and was one of the leading stars of the Bal Mamille, more than a generation ago. Her real name was Mdlle. Celeste Benard, but, being ill-treated as she alleged by her mother, a simple working woman, she ran away from home and soon had a brilliant position in Paris whence she suddenly fell into the depths of poverty and was rescued one night from starvation by another unfortunate girl. She rose again to prominence and the great event was when, on the invasion of Morocco by the French, a mock ceremony was held in which she was baptised with champagne and named Mdlle. Celeste Mogador. The poet Nadaud wrote a famous song in her honour. She then shone in music-halls and circuses, and at all the great popular balls, and in 1854 [sic] M. Lionel de Moreton, Comte de Chabrillan, took a great fancy to her, and married her. She wrote several plays and novels, which had a slight success, but when she set about writing her memoirs the state intervened and prohibited their publication. She finally retired altogether from public notice, and the latter part of her life was spent mostly in an effort to cause Celeste Mogador to be forgotten. Her husband was French consul at Melbourne for some time after he had married her, and she went to live with him in Australia.
Australian memoirs:
Les voleurs d'or par Cé de Chabrillan (Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, 1857) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Un deuil au bout du monde, suite des mémoires de Céleste Mogador par la C'sse Lionel de Chabrillan (Paris: Librairie Nouvelle, 1877) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[128] Notre ami Coulon, le frère de l'artiste de l'Opéra et artiste lui-même, vient d'arriver des mines où il a, je crois, donné quelques concerts . . . Lorsque M. Coulon est ici, il reste chez nous. Il sort le jour avec Lionel; le soir, on fait de la musique; ces heures sont nos plus agréables . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist)
On the French ball on 16 August 1856 (135): (DIGITISED)
On the arrival and reception of Lola Montez (136-37): (DIGITISED)
Lola Montès est arrivée ici, il y a quelque temps, avec sa troupe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (dancer, actor)
Bibliography and resources:
Patricia Clancy and Jeanne Allen, The French consul's wife: memoirs of Celeste de Chabrillan in goldrush Australia (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1998, 2003), 43 (PREVIEW) (PREVIEW)
Lionel Moreton de Chabrillan, Find a grave
CHALKER, Charles William (Charles William CHALKER)
Amateur vocalist, convict, sexton, rush maker
Born England, c. 1785
Sentenced Norwich quarter sessions, 5 May 1821 (7 years, aged "36")
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 July 1822 (convict per Guildford, from England, 4 April)
Certificate of freedom, NSW, 5 July 1828 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], Norfolk Chronicle [Norwich, England] (18 May 1811), 3 (PAYWALL)
On Thursday last, Charles William Chalker was committed to the City Goal by John Steward, Esq. Mayor, charged on oath with breaking open the shop window of Messrs. Dunham and Yallop, silversmiths, and stealing thereout various articles of plate and other goods, their property.
"ASSIZE NEWS", Norfolk Chronicle (17 August 1811), 2 (PAYWALL)
At the Assizes for this city, Charles William Chalker, charged with having committed a burglary in the shop of Messrs. Dunham and Yallop, silversmiths, in the Marketplace, was found guilty, and received sentence of Death, and has been left for execution. - The circumstances of this robbery, which took place November last, will doubtless he strongly in the recollection of our readers . . .
"SESSIONS NEWS . . . PRISONERS", Norfolk Chronicle (19 May 1821), 3 (PAYWALL)
Robert Flegg, Samuel Onions, Chas Wm. Chalker, and William Welling, were severally convicted of stealing, on 24th of Jan. last, four pounds worth of silver, a double nankeen purse containing a 10l. and 19 one pound notes, and about 5l. worth of silver, the property of Simon Peck, of St. Michael's Coslany; & sentenced to seven yean transportation.
[News], Bury and Norwich Post (19 July 1815), 3 (PAYWALL)
At the County Sessions, on Wednesday last, Charles William Chalker was indicted for an assault on Ann Starling, wife of Mr. Starling, of the Market-place, in this city, on the 10th inst. by which she was too seriously injured to attend the Court. Mr. Starling proved, that on the previous Monday evening, whilst he was with his wife and a person named Cross on his way to Norwich, in a one-horse cart, he observed the prisoner by the cross-way at Keswick, to be following them in such a manner as to excite suspicion, and as he was watching the prisoner he saw him throw a stone which struck Mrs. Starling a violent, blow . . . The prisoner was found guilty, and sentenced to be imprisoned in Wymondham Bridewell for 12 months, and afterwards to give security for his good behaviour for two years, himself in 100l. and two sureties in 501. each. He is the same man who some years ago received sentence of death for robbing Messrs. Dunham and Yallop, and was tried for burglary at the last Bury Assizes, for stealing a large quantity of jewellery goods from Mr. Beeton, of that town; but, from defect of evidence, was then acquitted.
"Police Reports . . . WINDSOR. MONDAY, OCT. 16", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 October 1826), 3
Charles William Chalker, a travelling brazier when in Europe, and a good judge of a bad shilling, was brought forwards for drunkenness. Take him altogether he is a civil inoffensive mortal; first offence. Admonished, and discharged.
"Police Reports . . . WINDSOR, T[H]URSDAY, NOV. 21", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (6 December 1826), 3
Charles William Chalker was the Government servant of a man at Richmond,
but whose master did not required his services in his blacksmith's shop, and had, it is presumed,
taken upon himself to recommend the prisoner as a man of good character, although he had himself received the said man from the gaol gang,
under a flattering impression, the prisoner had been appointed sexton at Richmond Church,
and the master had taken upon himself leave to transfer the services of the Government servant,
nor was the blacksmith known to have been appointed sexton, until he was detected in the midst of carousal in the place of Divine Worship,
in company with other Government servants to which spot the constables had been led by the riotous and disorderly conduct of the prisoner.
"Poll of Plymouth Dock," is not a very appropriate song to be vocally performed under the same roof with the 149th Psalm.
Now lodged in the watch-house, and the singing at an end, a disquisition took place as to the legality of an innocent song,
and the probable effect it would have in bar of a ticket of leave.
Before their Worships, "I never did no harm" - plea of two negatives was credible.
Ordered to be sent to Sydney, into the immediate service of Government.
MUSIC: Sweet Poll of Plymouth (song, in the farce of The positive man); see also this early American edition with music
Certificate of freedom, Charles William Chalker, 3 July 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
No. 28/633 / Date 3 July 1828 / Charles Wm. Chalker / Ship Guildford (5) / . . . 1822 . . . / Norfolk A's / 5 May 1821 / Seven years
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
Chalker Charles / 33 [sic, ? 43] / Free by Servitude / Guildford 5 / 1822 / 7 yrs / Rush Maker / [residence] Mrs. Anne Clift / Wallis Plains
Bibliography and resources:
Charles William Chalker, Convict records
CHALKER, Marie (Maria Louisa CHALKER; Maria CHALKER; professionally Marie CHALKER; Miss CHALKER)
Musician, soprano vocalist, pianist, accompanist
Born Melcombe Regis, Dorset, England, 1833; baptised Melcombe Regis, 29 September 1833; daughter of William Charles CHALKER (c. 1806-1886) and Sarah BILLETT (1803-1877) (m. Melcombe Regis, 18 October 1830)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 15 August 1853 (per Gipsy, from Southampton, 15 May)
Active Melbourne, VIC, until 1875
Died Melbourne, VIC, 9 October 1918, aged "85"/"87" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Melcombe Regis in the county of Dorset in the year 1833; register 1813-39, page 102; Dorset History Centre, PE/MCR (PAYWALL)
No. 813 / September 29 [1833] / Maria Louisa Daughter of / William & Sarah / Chalker / Melcombe Regis / Bricklayer . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Melcombe Regis, Dorset; UK National Archives, HO107/1857/287/9 (PAYWALL)
Duke of Cumberland Public House / William Chalker / Head / Mar. / 44 / Victualler / [born] [Dorset Weymouth]
Sarah [Chalker] / Wife / Mar. / 41 / - / [born] Wilts. North Wraxhall
Maria L. [Chalker] / Daur. / Unm. / 17 / - / [born] Dorset Weymouth . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (19 July 1853), 2
The Southampton Emigration Company's ship Gipsy was appointed to take her departure thence, for our port, on the 12th May. The following is a list of the intending passengers: - Messrs. . . . Chalker, wife, and child, and Miss Chalker . . .
Adelaide, SA (15 August 1853 to 10 February 1857):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (16 August 1853), 2
Monday, August 15 . . . Same day - The ship Gipsy, 426 tons, Bolton, master, from Southampton 15th May. Passengers - . . . Chalker 2 . . .
"CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times [SA] (11 March 1854), 4
The first concert of this Society took place yesterday evening in the large room of the Freemason's Tavern, Pirie-street . . . The concert, on the whole, passed off much better than might have been anticipated, considering that the performers were nearly all amateurs . . . Of the vocal performance "The merriest time of all the year," a glee for three voices, and "The sailor sighs," a duet, were managed in very creditable style. A song by Miss Chalker, "Merry is the Greenwood," was sung very sweetly, and was loudly encored by the audience, who must have forgotten in doing so that there was more than sufficient work for this young lady in the part allotted to her for the evening, or they would not have insisted on her repeating a long and somewhat difficult song, a portion of which she only attempted the second time . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Choral Society (association)
MUSIC: Merry is the greenwood (Stephen Glover)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (11 March 1854), 3
. . . Miss Chalker made her debut before a South Australian audience in Balfe's solo and chorus "Come with the Gipsey Bride," in which her rich and powerful soprano voice was heard to soar melodiously above those of the gentlemen who sang the chorus parts. At a later period of the evening the same lady sang "Merry is the Greenwood," and received the honour of an encore . . .
MUSIC: Come with the gipsy bride (Balfe, from The Bohemian girl)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (9 June 1854), 3
CONCERT. MISS CHALKER and MR. BENNETT respectfully announce to the Public that they intend giving a
On which occasion they will be kindly assisted by the Members of the
ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY, As also Miss Petman and Mr. J. W. Daniel.
1. Overture, "Semiramide" - Rossini.
2. Cavatina, "T'Abbrachio," Miss Chalker, with Flute Obligato - Rossini.
3. Solo and Chorus, "Come with the Gipsey Bride," Miss Chalker and Chorus - Balfe.
4. Song, "With rapture dwelling," Miss Pettman.
5. Glee, "Blow gentle gales" (three voices) - Bishop.
6. Song, "Wellington," Mr. J. W. Daniel.
7. "Song of the Danube," Solo and Chorus, Miss Chalker and Chorus - Glover.
An interval of 10 minutes.
8. Overture - Cenerentola - Rossini.
9. Duet, "The Sailor Sighs" (by particular desire) - Balfe.
10. "The Maid of Switzerland," Miss Pettman - Tulley.
11. Duet, "Deh mira quel fiore," Miss Chalker and Mr. J. W. Daniel - Gabussi.
12. Song "Madoline" - Nelson.
13. Song, "Friends of my youth," Miss Chalker.
14. Solo and Chorus, "Far over hill and plain," Miss Chalker and Chorus - Cooke.
Finale, "God save the Queen."
Price of admission, 5s. Tickets may be obtained at the following places:
Platts's, Hindley-street; York Hotel; Napoleon Buonaparte; Mitchell and Snaith's, Leigh-street; Freemasons' Tavern;
Miss Chalker, Hindmarsh-square; and Mr. Bennett, Wakefield-street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Bennett (musician); Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist)
MUSIC: Friends of my youth (George Barker)
"CONCERT", South Australian Register (10 June 1854), 2
The concert of vocal and instrumental music given last evening by Mr. Bennett and Miss Chalker, in the Hall of the Freemason's Tavern, was exceedingly well attended, and the performances throughout were well received. The programme, which comprised a very choice selection, was strictly adhered to Miss Pettman was honoured with an encore, in the song "Remember thee! yes love, for ever;" and the like compliment was paid to Miss Chalker in "Friends of my Youth," which she sang with great pathos . . . The "Song of the Danube," which was performed for the first time before a South Australian audience, was also encored, and bids fair to become a favourite with the public. Among the other gems of the evening, were "T'Abbrachio," "The Maid of Switzerland," and "Deh mira quel fiore" . . .
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (15 July 1854), 2
The Adelaide Choral Society's second quarterly concert was performed last evening before a very large and highly respectable audience. The first part was opened with the overture Tancredi, which was executed with admirable precision. A madrigal from the Italian, adapted to English words, the Echo song, and two glees followed; after which, the song of the Danube was sung as a solo and chorus, and encored. In the second part, Miss Chalker sang, "I Love the Merry Sunshine," in which her remarkably sweet yet powerful soprano voice was heard to great advantage . . .
MUSIC: I love the merry sunshine (Stephen Glover)
"CONCERT", South Australian Register (4 August 1854), 3
Mrs. Edward Jupp's concert, held last evening in the beautiful Hall of Green's New Exchange, and patronised by His Excellency and Lady Young, was also honoured by the attendance of a highly respectable and numerous audience . . . Among the pieces encored were "Charlotte Stanley," by Miss Chalker, "M'Abraccia," by Miss Chalker and Mr. Mitchell, and a performance on the harp, by Miss Horn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Jupp (vocalist, pianist); Mr. Mitchell (vocalist); Annette Horn (harpist)
MUSIC: Charlotte Stanley (Stephen Glover)
"SACRED CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 September 1854), 3
The Sacred Vocal Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund took place last evening in the Freeman-street Chapel, and was, as we predicted, decidedly the most brilliant and successful musical entertainment that has ever taken place in South Australia. The building was crowded, not less we should imagine, than 700 persons being present, amongst whom were Sir Henry and Lady Young, and most of the leading residents in Adelaide and the neighbourhood . . . Mr. Daniels acted as Leader, in a manner which reflected great credit upon him . . . Miss Chalker sang with her accustomed good taste, and was, we thought, in remarkably fine voice. The old favourite "With verdure clad," and the duet from the "Creation," "Graceful Consort," sung by that young lady and Mr. Daniels, were warmly and deservedly encored . . .
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (31 March 1855), 3
The quarterly Concert of this Society took place yesterday evening, at Green's Exchange. The audience, as usual, was exceedingly good, and the entertainment, we need scarcely say, was well deserving their applause which it received. Of the pieces which appeared to us most cleverly executed, we may mention amongst the concerted performance, a March and Chorus from Tancredi, and amongst the vocal, the song, "Should he upbraid," sung by Miss Chalker, whose voice appeared to be in very fine condition. Miss Pettman was rewarded with an encore in "Beautiful Flower, Herald of Spring," an exceedingly pretty song.
MUSIC: Should he upbraid (Henry Bishop)
"CONCERT", South Australian Register (30 May 1855), 2
Miss Chalker's second annual concert took place last evening at the Exchange.
It was exceedingly well attended, the body of the hall being completely filled by a most respectable audience.
The programme included no fewer than sixteen pieces of music, by composers of high reputation, including Mozart, Rossini, Glover, and Cooke.
The performances were commenced by the Overture to Mozart's "Titus;"
and when we state that the large force of the instrumentalists connected with the Choral Society was present, under the able leadership of Herr Linger,
it will be readily believed that full justice was done to this masterly effort of musical conception.
The same remark is equally applicable to the performance of the no less difficult and elaborate Overture to Rossini's "Othello," which formed the first piece in the second part.
We question whether a more efficient corps of amateur Instrumentalists exists in any of the Australian colonies than that which contributed so much to the success of last evening's concert.
The first overture was followed by Glover's "Oh, not for me," which was sung by Miss Chalker with remarkable power, consummate taste, and judgment.
We do not remember any occasion on which we have heard that lady to greater advantage.
Scarcely had the echoes of her fine voice died away on the ear,
before the stalely march and full chorus from the Opera of "Titus" transported the thoughts and sympathies of the audience to the startling scenes and circumstances of ancient times,
when assembled warriors raised the enthusiastic shout -
"Preserve, ye gods, great Titus,
Our true friend and deliverer."
The performance of the chorus embodying the above words was truly excellent, and produced a thrilling effect upon the audience.
We cannot, in this brief notice, allude particularly to each of the other pieces included in the programme;
but we must not omit to state that Miss Petman sang, during the evening, two of the genuine ballads in which she so much excels . . .
Amongst the other pieces which were most successfully performed may be mentioned a duet, "Ah, se de mali miei," by Miss Chalker and Mr. Mitchell,
Cooke's solo and chorus, "The Gipsey's Tent," "The Outward Bound," and "The Conscript's Return."
The three last-named pieces were loudly encored. The national anthem concluded the performances,
and reflected no small degree of credit upon the collective efforts of the performers.
"CONCERT AT THE PORT", Adelaide Times (7 July 1855), 2
It is the intention, we believe, of Madame Carandini and Mons. Coulon, assisted by Miss Chalker and Herr Kunze, to give a concert at the Theatre, Port Adelaide, on Monday next. This, no doubt, will be a treat to the pleasure loving people of the Port.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); Carl Julius Kunze (pianist); Port Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"MADAME CARANDINI AND MON. COULON", Adelaide Times (11 July 1855), 3
These justly celebrated vocalists gave another concert yesterday evening at the Victoria Theatre. The house was even more crowded than on the former occasion . . . We need not say that Miss Chalker sung with taste and sweetness, since she always does so. If there was any difference in her singing last night, it was decidedly for the better, the fair vocalist being apparently more confident in her novel position than on her first appearance at the Theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (3 October 1855), 3
Last evening the above Society gave their third quarterly concert at Exchange . . . Miss Chalker, as on most occasions, contributed in no small degree to the delight and satisfaction of the audience. "I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie" was sung with much feeling and simplicity, and which was loudly redemanded. Her most successful effort, however, was in the song, "When by the cooling breeze," a composition by Street, of much sweetness, in which she displayed great pathos and purity of expression, and which elicited a rapturous encore. A duetto, perhaps one of Balfe's best productions, "The Myrtle Bower," was beautifully sung by Miss Chalker and a lady amateur, in which they were both remarkable for the happy blending and modulation of their voices, the mezzo soprano of the one contrasting with the pure soprano of the other . . .
MUSIC: I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie (George Barker)
"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (3 October 1855), 2
. . . The pretty and plaintive song, "I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie," which was one of those ballads in which Madame Carandini so eminently excelled, was reproduced very sweetly and effectively by Miss Chalker, whose appearance in public is always a signal for some demonstration of the favourable impression she has created, and managed to make a permanent feeling. As a matter of course it was encored . . .
"MUSIC", Adelaide Times (15 December 1855), 2
The second concert by the celebrated Hungarian violinist, Miska Hauser, was given last evening in Neales's Exchange, before a numerous, fashionable, and highly delighted auditory . . . Miska Hauser was ably supported by Mr. Bial, who displayed much ability in his accompaniments . . . Miss Chalker was allotted Nelson's pretty ballad, "Madoline," which she sung with much purity and sweetness, as also "The Captive Girl." The concert passed off with the greatest eclat . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist); Charles Bial (pianist, accompanist)
MUSIC: Madoline (by Sidney Nelson)
"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (10 January 1856), 3
The concert last evening . . . was very well attended . . . The vocal selections were very good, and Mrs. Fiddes was introduced for the first time as a concert-singer . . . Miss Chalker also contributed two ballads, which she sung with such effect, that the latter was re-demanded. The duet, "What are the wild waves saying," was effectively sung by these two ladies, exhibiting in strong contrast the deep, full, and mellow tones of Mrs. Fiddes's voice, and the high soprano of Miss Chalker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist)
MUSIC: What are the wild waves saying (Glover)
"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT AT NEALE'S EXCHANGE", South Australian Register (10 May 1856), 4
Yesterday evening the prima donna of the French and Italian operas appeared for the first time before a South Australian audience. Already have the public been made acquainted with some of the universal attestations to Madame Cailly's extraordinary talent; and half wondering, perhaps slightly doubting, we attended the concert last evening to hear for ourselves the wondrous powers of this celebrity. The programme contained four instrumental pieces, several ballads for Miss Chalker, and no fewer than five of the most difficult compositions attempted even by singers of the first rank for performance by the fair cantatrice . . . Miss Chalker has long been considered a favourite, and she succeeded in obtaining applause for each song, in one instance receiving an encore, when she gracefully substituted the well-known "Minnie" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist)
"PORT THEATRE", Adelaide Times (11 June 1856), 2
On Monday evening, June 9th, a vocal concert came off at the Theatre. There was a very respectable audience, and consequently the applause was not so boisterous as it usually is on these occasions . . . The grand duet, "Deh Conte Norma," by Madame Clarisse Cailly and Miss Maria Chalker, was extremely well sung, and was encored. We cannot help being pleased to find we have some musical talent in the colony, and if Miss Chalker continues to improve as she has done lately, she bids fair to become a Prima Donna herself . . .
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT THIS EVENING", South Australian Register (5 February 1857), 3
The lovers of music of the highest order will scarcely need reminding that Miska Hauser is to leave South Australia by the White Swan to-morrow, with no prospect of revisiting the colony; nor that he has consented, at the especial request of a large number of his admirers, to give a final concert this evening at White's Room . . . he will be accompanied, as usual, by Mr. Buddee, who is also to give two solos on the pianoforte. To the charms of instrumental music will be added the vocal attractions of Miss Chalker and Mr. Edwards.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (pianist, accompanist); Solomon Nicholas Edwards (vocalist); White's Room (Adelaide venue)
"MISKA HASUER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (7 February 1857), 5
. . . Miss Chalker made her last appearance in Adelaide, being about to leave the colony for Melbourne. Her voice was rather tremulous in her first ballad, "Merry is the Greenwood;" but she subsequently gained confidence, and to the same extent was listened to with the pleasure her sweet and unaffected style of singing has always produced since her first debut in Adelaide . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . CLEARED OUT", South Australian Register (11 February 1857), 2
Tuesday, February 10 . . . Same day - The steamer Havilah, 337 tons, McLean, master for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Mrs. Chalker, Miss Chalker . . .
Melbourne, VIC (from February 1857):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 February 1857), 8
UNDER the patronage of General Macarthur.
MISKA HAUSER Has the honour to announce a
GRAND CLASSICAL CONCERT Previous to his departure for Europe, on
MONDAY next, February 23rd, At the Mechanics' Institution, when he will be assisted by
Miss EMILY SMITH, The favourite pianist.
Miss MARIE CHALKER, First Appearance . . .
Conductor - Mr. BIAL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emilie Smith (pianist); Charles Bial (pianist, accompanist); Edward Macarthur (patron); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", The Argus (24 February 1857), 5
Last evening Miska Hauser gave his concert of classical music before a select and numerous audience, in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute . . . The concert has brought before the Melbourne public a new debutante, Miss Marie Chalker, who bids fair to become a favourite. She possesses considerable power of voice, especially in the upper register, and some pretensions to execution. Her lower notes are not so good, but there is a spirit in her style of singing which with study is sure to please. She was encored in one of her songs . . .
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (28 February 1857), 5
Last evening, the celebrated Hungarian violinist, Miska Hauser, who has now occupied nearly two years in making a professional tour of the Australian colonies, took his leave of them in a grand classical concert, at the Mechanics' Institution . . . Miss Marie Chalker, a vocalist of very considerable talent from the sister colony of South Australia, on this occasion made her second appearance before a Melbourne audience in Glover's sweet air, "Music hath a magic," which, on being encored, elicited Romer's "Gaily I'll Roam;" both of which were very tastefully given. Miss Chalker's voice is powerful and of good quality, and only requires a little further cultivation to render it a valuable acquisition to our concerts. She also sang very feelingly the air "Oh yes, thou'rt remembered" . . .
MUSIC: Music hath a magic (Stephen Glover); Oh yes, thou'rt remembered (Foley Hall)
Yesterday evening, Miska Hauser's third concert since his return to Melbourne - on this occasion for the benefit of the talented pianiste, Miss Emilie Smith - was more numerously attended than either of those which preceded it . . . Miss Marie Chalker improves upon acquaintance. This evening she was however, manifestly unwell, or very nervous, and was unable to do herself justice. Her style of singing is entirely unaffected, and of a very superior character. Some times her upper notes are a little too forcible, which makes those of her middle register appear too weak. A little further study we feel assured will render Miss Chalker's voice a great acquisition to our concerts. Her songs this evening were Cowell's "Lonely Harp," and Balfe's "I'm a merry Zingara," with Mrs. Mackinlay's ballad "Remember thee? Yes love for ever!" as an encore to the latter. It only remains for us to pay a well merited compliment to the able pianoforte accompaniments of M. Charles Bial . . .
MUSIC: I'm a merry Zingara (Michael Balfe)
"MISKA HAUSER'S THIRD CONCERT", The Argus (6 March 1857), 5
. . . The vocal portion of the evening's entertainment was contributed by Miss Marie Chalker, who was encored in "I'm a Merry Zingara." This lady appears to want confidence, and her voice would materially benefit by cultivation. In fact, her appearance before the public is premature for her reputation; for a Melbourne audience, though occasionally indulgent, is decidedly critical . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 June 1857), 8
PROFESSIONAL. - Miss Chalker, 6 Spring-street, Flinders-street. Communications respecting engagements to be addressed as above.
"PRINCESS'S THEATRE", The Argus (6 March 1858), 4
Mr. Rogers may attribute the ovation - for it was nothing less - which he received yesterday evening to his own popularity and merit; for, apart from these, the programme was not sufficiently attractive to draw one-half the number of persons who assembled at this theatre last night. We scarcely ever remember witnessing such a reception as the beneficiare obtained on his appearance as Mike in Buckstone's somewhat lugubrious drama of "Luke, the Laborer." Of the cast of the piece we need not say a word. The audience were evidently assembled for the purpose of giving a benefit to a well-known and respected actor; and a benefit they certainly gave him. The house was crowded throughout. Between the first play and-the after-piece of "Secret Service," an admirable musical entertainment, in which Miss Octavia Hamilton, Miss Chalker, Mons. Coulon, Mr. Gregg, and Mr. Rogers took part, was given . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Herbert Rogers (actor, vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Emile Coulon (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Princess' Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"CONCERT", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (15 April 1858), 3
The above concert took place at the Montezuma Theatre last evening, and though the audience was by no means so numerous as might have been expected, they were of a class of which an ordinary Ballarat assemblage is not generally composed, most of our "fashionables" ornamenting the dress circle. The programme was very attractive. Mrs. Turner, Miss Chalker, and Mrs. Vincent were the lady performers . . . Miss Chalker had but one "appearance" by herself, but she made the audience quite enthusiastic with her rendering of "Bid me discourse," and her encore ballad of the "Voices of the Past" by no means diminished the demand everywhere expressed to hear more . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Ann Turner (vocalist); Mrs. Vincent (vocalist); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
MUSIC: Bid me discourse (Henry Bishop)
[Advertisement], The Star (5 July 1858), 3
JOE MILLER HAS ARRIVED, and will appear to-night, Monday, 5th July, and every evening, in addition to the present company, consisting of
MISS MARIA CHALKER, The Eminent Soprano.
MR. McDONALD, The Scottish Vocalist.
MR. JERVIS, The Favorite Tenor.
MR. R. A. R OWEN, Pianist and Conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Miller (comic vocalist); James McDonald (vocalist); Pryce Challis Jervis (vocalist); Richard Arthur Ryder Owen (pianist)
"THE CHARLIE NAPIER", The Star (9 July 1958), 3
The performances last evening were announced for the benefit of Mr. Gregg, and the house was well filled. Donnizetti's comic opera of "L'Elisir d'Amore" was performed for the first time, and Miss Harland as Adina, and Mr. Sherwin as Nemorino, sang and played with their usual success. Mr. Gregg was announced to sing the part of Sergeant Belcore, did not appear, his absence being apologised for by a managerial statement that it was owing to illness and consequent inability. Mrs. Hancock undertook the incongruous part, and sang the music with a success for which we were quite unprepared, knowing the difficulties in the way of her completing her arduous task at so short a notice. Mr. Hancock sang and acted Dr. Dulcamara tolerably. Mr. Norman's management of the orchestral accompaniments, &c., deserves a meed of praise much beyond that which we can render this evening. The opera was succeeded by the first of the four last performances - the great Miska Hauser, the finest violinist who has ever visited our shores. He played a fantasia with marvellous skill, and as a natural result an unanimous encore succeeded, and the "Bird on the Tree," which has so often delighted us before, placed Miska Hauser in his old place in the estimation of a Ballarat audience . . . Miss Chalker then sang "Bid me Discourse" with great taste and execution, though her voice is far too delicate to be suited to the size of the theatre . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser did finally leave Melbourne and Australia for the last time a few days later; Julia Harland (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Linly Norman (musical director); English Opera Company (troupe); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star (14 July 1858), 2
The last night of the English Opera Company was devoted to a benefit to the prima donna, Miss Julia Harland. To mark the occasion the more specially opera was for one evening laid aside and Haydn appropriated the admiration that has hither been paid to our great opera composers . . . Miss Chalker is gradually creeping into the good graces of the public, and her singing in "The marvellous work" and "On thee each living soul awaits," exhibited much sweetness and correctness . . .
[Advertisement], The Star (1 October 1858), 3
DUCHESS OF KENT CONCERT HALL. MISS CHALKER HAS ARRIVED from Melbourne, and will appear every evening in addition to the present company . . .
"SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (18 January 1859), 3
The arrival of a novelty on Bendigo has evidently as much attraction from pleasure seekers as in the palmy days of "lucky diggers." It would scarcely have been possible for the Shamrock Theatre to have been more crowded than it was last night, upon the advent of the new cantatrice, Miss Chalker, who made her debut last night. This lady though, we believe, not very well known in this colony, is a great favorite in Adelaide, where she has sung at many fashionable concerts. A more appropriate selection than the one made by the fair debutante for an introductory song could not have been chosen. She sang one of the gems from Shakespeare's "Tempest" - "Bid me discourse," in a manner that led the audience to wish that she might "discourse such sweet music" again and again. She was of course encored, and again kindly obliged her admirers. As Miss Chalker only arrived by the evening coach, about an hour before she appeared upon the stage, it was an unexpected pleasure on the part of those who were aware of the fact that she made her appearance upon the boards last night. She is almost certain to become a great favorite on Bendigo. Madame Vitelli was equally successful last evening as on Saturday night . . . Mr. Thatcher sang a new song last night upon the current topic of "Sly grog Informers" . . . The instrumental part of the performance, to which Mr. Kohler contributed considerably, was well deserving of favorable notice.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Vitelli (vocalist); Charles Thatcher (vocalist, songwriter); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Shamrock Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"SHAMROCK THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (21 January 1859), 3
the attractive cast that Messrs. Heffernan and Crowley have now at the Shamrock Theatre, continue nightly to draw very large houses. Both Madame Vitelli and Miss Chalker have caused a furor every night they have as yet appeared, and as comparisons are odious, we will not attempt to say which is the greater favorite, as each seems to call for a most exhausting number of encores. In the duets between these two ladies they shew an amount of talent and taste, which, had they sung together for several months, could scarcely have been exceeded. Thatcher sung his new song on the subject of the sly grog cases, with some additions, and was encored.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan and John Crowley (proprietors)
"News and Notes", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (26 September 1859), 2
On Saturday night the Criterion, under the judicious management of Mr. Owen, was again well filled by a numerous audience. The programme was varied and attractive, and if we are to judge from the plaudits of the audience, Miss Chalker and Mr. Hackett are decidedly popular favorites . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Hackett (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 December 1859), 8
On THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th inst., During which period
A SERIES OF PEOPLE'S CONCERTS, a la JULLIEN, Will be held each evening in The VESTIBULE.
Artistes engaged
Mr. MARMADUKE WILSON, (The Inimitable comic vocalist.)
SOLOS on the PIANO By the eminent French artiste Mons FELIX FRAMEZELLE.
Composed for the occasion, by JULIUS SIEDE
Musical arrangements by Mr. JOHN GREGG.
Conductor - HERR SIEDE.
Doors open at half past 7 o'clock, performance to commence at 8.
Admission - Promenade, 1s.; Reserved seats, 2s. 6d.
SPIERS and POND, Proprietors.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Jane Corri Younge (vocalist); Thomas Wilson [sic] (vocalist); Felix Framezelle (pianist); Julius Siede (composer, conductor); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . BEECHWORTH", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (5 May 1860), 2
The Star was re-opened on Saturday last with a concert company, including Miss Chalker, Mr. J. Small, and Mr. J. Gregg.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (comic vocalist); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . CHILTERN", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (12 May 1860), 2
The Star was re-opened on Monday last with a concert company, including Miss Chalker, Mr. J. Small, and Mr. J. Gregg.
ASSOCIATIONS: Star Theatre (Chiltern venue)
"STAR THEATRE, CHILTERN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (7 July 1860), 2
The Star Concert Company on the whole seem improved since they were last at Chiltern. Miss Chalker looks decidedly better, and her voice seems to have become stronger and sweeter than ever. Miss Juliana King maintains her enviable reputation admirably, but we think her health seems to be somewhat impaired, probably from over exertion. Mr. Gregg, who has lately recovered from a severe attack of illness, is himself again and his excellent voice has not suffered in the least from the indisposition he has experienced. Mr. Hurst is Mr. Hurst still, we notice no alteration in him. On Thursday evening Miss Chalker presided at the piano on the stage and acquitted herself most creditably; she is a clever pianist as well as an excellent singer. The present engagement will terminate on Monday night, after which the ladies and gentlemen of the company will take benefits previous to leaving the district.
ASSOCIATIONS: Juliana King (vocalist); Mr. Hurst (comic vocalist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (8 February 1861), 5
The shilling Promenade Concerts at the Prince of Wales, seem rising in public favor. Some credit is due to the lessees, Messrs. Hancock and Varley, for the enterprising manner in which they have conducted them. The vocalists comprise Mrs. Hancock, Madame Carandini, Miss Chalker, Waiter Sherwin, and Mr. Hancock. There is an efficient band under the direction of Mr. E. King, and Mr. George Tolhurst presides at the pianoforte.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Varley (proprietor); Edward King (violin, leader, father of Juliana above); George Tolhurst (pianist, accompanist); Prince of Wales Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . AVOCA", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (18 May 1861), 2
Madame Carandini, with the assistance of Miss Maria Chalker, Mr. Walter Sherwin, and Mr. J. Small, delighted the people of Avoca with a concert on Tuesday. The walls of the Maryborough theatre echoed the strains of the same company on Thursday, and on Friday their harmonious efforts were promised to the little town of Carisbrook.
"TOWN TALK", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (5 July 1862), 5
Coppin's Apollo Music Hall is to be opened for the first time to-night with a grand concert, in which Madame Carandini, Miss Chalker, the Misses Royal, and Messrs. Sherwin, Small, Tolhurst, and Barlow will make their appearance. Mr. George Loder is the musical director, an appointment which, we are sure, will receive the approval of the patrons of the establishment. It is the intention of the management to give selections from the popular operas, a feature which has proved exceedingly attractive at the large concert establishments in London. The first series of extracts will be from "II Trovatore," and the next from Benedict's last lyric production, "The Lily of Killarney." The hall has been beautifully decorated, and will he brilliantly lighted by glass gasoliers of enormous dimensions.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor); Kate and Lizzie Royal (vocalists); Robert Barlow (comic vocalist); George Loder (musical director); Apollo Music Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (7 July 1862), 5
Coppin's Apollo Music Hall was opened on Saturday evening with the most undeniable success. It is undoubtedly the most spacious concert room yet constructed in Melbourne, and its accoustic properties are excellent. The room, as is pretty generally known, is contained in a portion of the buildings attached to the new Haymarket Theatre, the construction of which is rapidly progressing . . . The musical entertainment was of a very excellent description. It comprised selections from opera, ballads, comic songs, and local hits. The performers appeared in plain evening dress, except in some of the burlesque songs. Madame Carandini, the Misses Royal, Miss Chalker, and Messrs. Walter Sherwin, Barlow, and Small were the vocalists . . . Miss Chalker, as accompanyist on the piano, did good service, and Mr. George Loder conducted with ability.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (16 October 1863), 2
The Lancashire Bell Ringers who delighted large audiences at the Mechanics' Institute some months ago, will renew acquaintance with us and commence a series of their popular entertainments at the same place this evening. The amusements will be diversified by some vocal music by Miss Chalker, and violin playing by that wonderful young gentleman Master George Weston, the Australian Paganini . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Weston (violinist); Lancashire Bellringers (troupe)
"BARLOW'S ENTERTAINMENT AT THE TEMPERANCE HALL", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (16 December 1870), 2
What person who has been in the colony for the last sixteen years, has not heard of "Little Barlow," as he was familiarly called in olden days? "Barlow, the Inimitable" . . . Mr. Barlow appeared and sung a variety of those characteristic [REDACTED] songs (including the celebrated "Blue Tail Fly") accompanied by the inevitable "breakdowns," which have so justly earned for him the name of "[REDACTED] Barlow." Although, as we have already stated, Mr. Barlow is sufficient in himself to entertain an audience during an entire evening, he is assisted, and ably so, by Miss Marie Chalker and Miss Florence Lucca, both of whom are accomplished vocalist[s] and pianistes, the former of whom furnishes the musical accompaniment to Mr. Barlow's singing in a very efficient manner. Both ladies have excellent voices, and in their singing display the result of finished musical cultivation. The whole entertainment is of a varied and amusing character . . .
"Deaths", The Argus (29 March 1886), 1
CHALKER. - On the 26th inst., at his residence, Jolimont, William Charles Chalker, formerly of Weymouth, Dorset, England (beloved father of Marie Chalker), aged 79.
"DEATHS", The Argus (12 October 1918), 11
CHALKER. - On the 9th October, at her late residence, 31 Agnes street, Jolimont, Miss Maria Louisa Chalker, daughter of the late William Chalker, of Jolimont, aged 87 years.
Will and probate, Maria L. Chalker, 1918; Public Record Office Victoria (WILL - DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Related musical sources:
A card folder inscribed in mid-19-century hand (probably Chalker's) "Miska Hauser's Compositions", enclosing copies of two works, one printed, and one in manuscript:
Ballad and Farewell (Hauser, 1856-57)
Ballad, composed and respectfully dedicated to Lady Mac Donnell by Miska Hauser ["Thou'rt like unto a flower"] (Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith, Lith., [1856])
"Farewell, by M. Hauser" ["Farewell dear land of hill and dale"]; manuscript, ink on ruled paper; Adelaide, SA, January 1857 (Ballad) (Farewell) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (composer); Blanche Macdonnell (governor's wife, patron); Penman and Galbraith (lithographers, printers)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 January 1857), 1
On THURSDAY Evening next, January 29, at White's Assembly Room, Assisted by Mr. BUDDEE, who will make his last appearance:
also Miss CHALKER and Mr. EDWARDS.
This will be POSITIVELY the LAST APPEARANCE of MISKA HAUSER in Adelaide before his departure to Europe.
In the course of the Evening Miss Chalker will sing the following "Farewell" Song (composed by Miska Hauser): -
"Farewell! dear land of hill and dale.
Of forest and of stream.
A stranger to thy shores I came,
But now a son I seem.
"Farewell! when might-crushed Hungary
And friands of youth I greet,
I'll tell of all thy blessed joys,
And liberty so sweet.
"Farewell! kind hearts and cheering words
Relieved each idle hour
More dear than all the fame I won
By Music's magic power.
"Farewell! to meet again on earth
May not to us be given;
Yet may we meet where kindly thoughts
Are known and prized - in Heaven! . . .
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT THIS EVENING", South Australian Register (5 February 1857), 3
There was a very large and highly respectable audience on Thursday evening, at the farewell concert given by Miska Hauser at White's Assembly Rooms . . . Miss Chalker sang several pretty ballads during the evening, including a farewell song, composed by Miska Hauser, and which was encored . . .
Wedding hymn (Pounsett, 1865)
Wedding hymn, poetry by James Fawsett, music by Henry Pounsett, dedicated by the author very respectfully to Miss Marie Chalker, as a tribute of respect for colonial talent, and to the ladies of South Australia (Adelaide: B. Sander, 1865); "Printed by Joseph Elliott and Co., music printers" (DIGITISED)
"MUSICAL", South Australian Register (23 May 1865), 2
We have received a copy of the "Wedding Hymn," written by Mr. James Fawsett, set to music by Mr. H. Pounsett, dedicated to Miss Maria Chalker and the ladies of South Australia, printed by Elliott & Co., and published by Mr. B. Sander, of Hindley-street. The music is harmonized for four voices, in the key of E flat, with pianoforte accompaniment; but the soprano is of itself sufficiently melodious to be sung as a solo. It may also be sung as solo and chorus by repeating each verse, either with or without the intervening symphony. The printing is clear, and, as a specimen of this kind of typography, a credit to the colony. And as the poetry and music are also suggestive of very pleasing ideas, the "Wedding Hymn" cannot fail of becoming a favourite, particularly with those to whom it is addressed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Pounsett (composer); Bernard Sander (musicseller, publisher); James Fawsett, about whom little else is known, was a school teacher and religious instructor; while serving in the latter role on the emigrant ship Shackamaxon, at sea on 20 November 1852 he married fellow emigrant Elizabeth Cooper Viney (d. VIC, 1888) and registered the marriage in Adelaide on 26 February 1853; in 1868 a case was brought to court against him for having deserted his wife, he apparently having gone to Sydney.
CHALLON, John (John CHALLON; name incorrectly reported)
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 58th Regiment
Active Parramatta, NSW, 1844 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Challon does not appear in the 1844 paylists of the 58th Regiment; it is likely that the prosecutor was indeed a musician in the Band of the 58th Regiment, but his name was evidently incorrectly reported
"FRAUD", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser [NSW] (21 December 1844), 2
James Fullard (ticket-of-leave holder), musical instrument maker, of Church-street, was charged with making away with two watches entrusted to his care to repair. John Challon, a Bandsman of the 58th, had given him a silver watch to repair, but, after waiting three weeks, he found that no watch was forthcoming. Going into Fullard's shop one day, he saw the works of his watch lying there, and he immediately took possession of them. He afterwards found the case, together with a silver chain and seals, in the shop of Messrs. Stephenson and Co., where Fullard had sold it. James Walton had also given prisoner a gold watch to repair, but had never seen it since; he had discovered, however, that it had been sold to an auctioneer in Sydney, named Heydon. The above facts were detailed in evidence against the prisoner, on Thursday last, before the Police Bench, and he was remanded to Saturday next.
"NEWS FROM THE INTERIOR. PARRAMATTA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1844), 4
James Fullard, a ticket of leave holder, was brought before the Police Court yesterday on the following charges - It appeared that about three weeks back, John Challon, one of the band of the 58th, gave the prisoner a watch to repair, but after waiting for some time found that there was very little chance of his ever getting it again. Going to prisoner's house one day he saw the works of his watch, but the case was not there, and thinking to get part of his watch was better than to lose the whole, he took away the works. He afterwards ascertained that the case together with the chain and seals attached to it had been sold to Mr. Stevenson, of Church street. Prisoner had also received a watch from James Walton, the town-crier, to repair, which watch he had sold to Mr. Heydon, of King-street. He was remanded till Saturday.
CHAMBERS FAMILY OF THEATRICAL DANCERS (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Dancer, professor of dancing
Born London, England, 13 April 1816; baptised St. Mary, Whitechapel, 26 May 1816; son of Charles CHAMBERS and Esther ?
Married Jannet CROOKS (c. 1816-1875), St. Dunstan, Stepney, 21 June 1841 [sic]
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 24 December 1841 (per Alexander, from London 1 August and Plymouth 21 August)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 February 1842 (per Alexander, from Melbourne, 26 January)
Died Sydney, NSW, 30 April 1875, aged "62", "for very many years connected with the stage of Australia" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Dancer, premier danseur, professor of dancing
Born London, England, 9 March 1837; baptised St. Mary, Whitechapel, 25 December 1838; son of Joseph CHAMBERS and Janet CROOKS
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 24 December 1841 (per Alexander, from London 1 August and Plymouth 21 August)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 10 February 1842 (per Alexander, from Melbourne, 26 January)
Died Sydney, NSW, 21 July 1874, aged "37" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Born Whitechapel, London, England, 1840 (3rd quarter); daughter of Joseph CHAMBERS and Jannet CROOKS
Married George LYON (c. 1834-1891), VIC, 1859
Died Windsor, VIC, 24 May 1921 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHAMBERS, Sydney (Sydney Samuel CHAMBERS; Sydney CHAMBERS; Sidney)
Born Sydney, NSW, 21 April 1843; baptised St. James, Sydney, 14 May 1843; son of Joseph CHAMBERS and Jannet CROOKS
Died Newcastle, NSW, 8 April 1871, aged "29" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Born Launceston, TAS, 2 July 1847; son of Joseph CHAMBERS and Jannet CROOKS
Died QLD, 8 October 1922 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHAMBERS, Amy (Miss Amy CHAMBERS; Mrs. Charles BROWN)
Dancer, ballet master, teacher of dancing
Born Melbourne, VIC, 1853; daughter of Joseph CHAMBERS and Jannet CROOKS
Married Charles BROWN (1854-1935), Christ Church, Newcastle, NSW, 12 August 1875
Died Carlton, VIC, 15 May 1941 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Mary, Whitechapel, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1816; register 1813-23, page 268; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/MRY1/013 (PAYWALL)
No. 2137 / 1816 May 26 / B[orn] Ap. 13 / Joseph son of / Charles [and] Esther / Chambers / Lambeth Street / Gun maker . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Mary Whitechapel, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1838; register 1832-42, page 114; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/MRY1/018 (PAYWALL)
[1838 Dec'r] 25 / Joseph / [son of] Joseph & Janet / Chambers / Lambeth Street / Gun maker . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Mary, St. George in the East, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/696/9/8/7/7 (PAYWALL)
St. George's Terrace / Joseph Chambers / 20 / Gun m[aker] / [born in county]
Janet / 25 / [born in county] // Joseph / 4 / [born in county] / Whilhelmina / 9 months / [born in county]
Peter Crooks / 15 / Gun m[aker's] Ap. / [born in county]
1841, married solemnized by Banns in the parish of Stepney in the county of Middlesex; register 1840-42, page 206; London Metropolitan Archives, P93/DUN/078 (PAYWALL)
No. 412 / [1841] June 21 / Joseph Chambers / Full age / Bachelor / Gunmaker / 30 Charles St. / [son of] Charles Chambers / Gunmaker
Jannet Crooks / Full age / Spinster / - / 10 New St. / [daughter of] Alexander Crooks / Carpenter . . .
Passengers per Alexander, arrived at Port Phillip, December 1841; Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
Joseph Chambers / 25 // Janet Chambers / 25 / wife // Joseph Chambers / 5 // Mina Chambers / 1
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (11 February 1842), 2
FROM Port Phillip, yesterday, having left the 26th ultimo, the ship Alexander, Captain Ramsay, with sundries.
Passengers. - Mrs. Mossman and four children, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, and two children, and 12 steerage.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist and vocalist)
"THEATRICAL CHIT CHAT", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (19 February 1842), 2
. . . A Mr. Chambers is added to the ballet department of the Olympic.
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 February 1842), 2
FIRST APPEARANCE OF MR. J. CHAMBERS (Late Principal Dancer at the London Theatres) . . .
At the conclusion of the Farce, MR. J. CHAMBERS, (from the London Theatres) will dance the HIGHLAND FLING . . .
C. KNOWLES, Stage Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor, manager)
"THEATRICALS", The Sydney Herald (21 February 1842), 2
The entertainments at the Olympic this evening are rather attractive. In addition to two new pieces, there are seven new performers - a Mr. Chambers, who represents himself (of course) from the London theatres, and a recent arrival here, makes his debut to the Sydney audience . . .
"THE OLYMPIC THEATRE", The Australian (24 February 1842), 2
This really pretty little place seems to meet the success it deserves . . . We were much pleased on Monday evening . . . We have also a valuable accession here in a Mr. Chambers as a dancer. This gentleman is evidently labouring under the effects of his sea voyage, and therefore has not yet exhibited the extent of his capabilities . . .
"THE OLYMPIC", The Sydney Herald (5 March 1842), 2
Under the able and efficient management of Mr. Knowles, this theatre is continuing to furnish the endless round of amusement to the delighted visitors. The spirited Proprietor - Signor Dalle Case is sparing no expense to contribute to the comfort as well as the entertainment of the audience . . . How could we have omitted Mr. Chambers of Highland fling notoriety, one of the most graceful dancers we have ever seen? With such materials and such a manager, it is no wonder that the amusements in this theatre have been so much varied, and so well got up . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case (proprietor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (7 March 1842), 3
OLYMPIC THEATRE . . . THIS EVENING, (Monday), March 7, 1842,
will be presented Kotzebue's celebrated Play, in five Acts, called THE STRANGER . . .
Francis - Mr. J. Chambers, (His first appearance in that character) . . .
For the first time, the popular Dance THE CACHOUCA, By Mrs. Brock and Mr. Chambers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Brock (dancer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (10 March 1842), 3
MISS RENNIE'S School Quarter commences on the 1st of April.
Terms - £3 3s, including Music, Singing (by Mr. Nathan) . . .
The only extra is £1 1s. per quarter for Dancing, taught by Mr. J. Chambers, just arrived from London . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Rennie, daughter of James Rennie (school teacher); Isaac Nathan (musician)
"The Olympic", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 March 1842), 3
. . . The part of Francis was not so good as it might have been. Mr. Chambers is a much better dancer than speaker. He looks the character, well, however, and when he learns not to aspirate his vowels, to make less use, or a better use of his arms, and to speak without a constant attempt to speak finely, he will be very much improved. His second appearance in the character was decidedly better than his first, and if he be willing to learn, there can be no doubt of his ability. Our intention in making these remarks is not to damp his energies, but to increase them. No one who has seen his dancing could say any thing harsh of Mr. Chambers . . .
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian (21 April 1842), 2
This evening Mrs. Ximenes makes her reappearance on this stage as "The Don;" and Mr. Chambers makes his debut in a favourite Highland dance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Winstanley Ximenes (actor, vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"DANCING", The Sydney Herald (21 April 1842), 3
There can be no doubt that our colony is rapidly advancing in the elegant arts, which contribute so much to refine society and improve the general taste. Dancing is unquestionably one of the fine arts, and as such, deserves to be cultivated in polished society. In this, as well as in Painting, Music, Oratory, and the Drama, we have made very considerable advances in Sydney within the last year or so. The arrival of Monsieur Charriere, gave us a superior dancer of the French school, and we are glad to hear that this dancer has been engaged to teach at the Sydney College, where we hope he may meet with every encouragement, and obtain a numerous class. Mr. J. Chambers, again, who arrived from London a few weeks ago, is to our taste an artiste of the highest order in fact, one of the most elegant dancers we have ever seen, though we have been frequently at the Academie Francaise in Paris, where there is the best dancing, it is said, in the world. Mr. Chambers' style is not so violent and distorted as is common on the stage of the French opera, but is more easy, more graceful, more natural, in one word, more English and gentleman-like, while the whole is greatly enhanced and set off by his unassuming modesty, unobtrusive deportment, and polished manners, very different from the forward, flippant, overdone vulgar ceremony, so common among professed dancers. We have seen him teach quadrilles, &c., and were highly pleased with his very superior and pleasing mode of imparting instruction. We understand Mr. Chambers has commenced classes in two of our ladies' schools in Sydney, and we hope he may meet with that encouragement which may enable him to maintain his family with such respectability as his superior talents well merit.
ASSOCIATIONS: Monsieur Charriere (dancer)
"CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1842), 2
A pantomime, called the Fairy of the Coral Cave, was brought out at the Victoria Theatre last night, under the management of Mr. Torning. The introductory scenes are laughable, and after the change, Mr. Torning as Clown, Mr. Lee as Pantaloon, Mr. Chambers as Harlequin, and Madame Louise as Columbine, went with considerable ability through the usual evolutions of a pantomime, interspersed with a number of pretty dances and amusing tricks. Some of the scenery is very good, particularly the fairy scene, with which the piece opens and closes. The house was crowded in every part.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (actor, dancer, manager); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor); Madame Louise (dancer)
Baptisms, St. James, Sydney, 1843; Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
14 May 1843 / born 21 April 1843 / Joseph / son of Joseph and Jannet / Chambers / Dancing Master . . .
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1843), 2
The following schedules were filed on the 10th instant, viz.:-
Joseph Chambers, of No. 1, Kent-street South, Sydney, professor of dancing.
Debts, £182 19s. 7d. Assets - personal property, £30; outstanding debts, £20 2s. Balance deficiency, £132 17s. 7d.
"VICTORIA THEATRE -Juvenile Night", The Australian (23 July 1844), 3
The unfavorable state of the weather last evening, disappointed a number of the little ladies and gentlemen who had been promised an evening's amusement suitable to their tastes in the attractive bill issued by the Management . . . The entertainments, however, went off very pleasantly. Masters Simes and Chambers danced in their best style, and were deservedly applauded; whilst Master Lazar enacted General Bombastes in right gallant style, and sang the songs in a manner which elicited every commendation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Lazar (juvenile actor, vocalist); Master Simes = a son of Thomas Simes (actor, manager)
"STEALING", The Star and Working Man's Guardian [Parramatta, NSW] (21 September 1844), 2
About six o'clock on Sunday morning, an entrance was effected into Mr. Chambers' dancing academy, in Castlereagh-street [Sydney], and wearing apparel, of the value of £3 stolen therefrom.
[Advertisement], The Australian (25 February 1845), 2
THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 27, 1845 . . . the Musical Romance, in 2 Acts, entitled KATE KEARNEY; Or, the Fairy of the Lakes . . .
After which, the Curtain will rise for A GRAND MELANGE, Of Singing and Dancing.
A Grand Pas de Deux, by Madame Louise and Signor Carandini . . .
The Highland Fling, by Master Chambers.
For the first lime in this Colony, SIGNOR CARANDINI AND MADAME TORNING Will have the honor to Dance THE POLKA . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gerome Carandini (dancer); Eliza Torning (dancer, actor)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (26 April 1845), 3
The management has given us an agreeable variety during the week . . . Mr. Chambers' favorite dance, denominated a Highland fling, is a terrible misnomer - it is a caricature upon the country. Chambers, junior, who is a better timeist than his sire, is a promising little fellow, and we shall be happy to see him occasionally . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1845), 2
Miss Kelk will make her first appearance this season, and perform the admired dance called the Mazourka . . .
The Neapolitan Tarantella, by Signor Carandini and Mr. Chambers . . .
An entirely new ballet, "The Bridegroom's Welcome," by Signor Carandini, Mr. Chambers, Madame Veilburn, Miss Kelk, and the Misses Griffiths . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Kelk (dancer); Madame Veiburn (Jane Williamson, dancer); Fanny and Emily Griffiths (dancers)
"STEALING A SHAWL", Morning Chronicle (11 June 1845), 2
Yesterday, Joseph Chambers, dancing master, residing at the corner of Hunter and Phillip streets, was committed to take his trial for stealing a shawl from the shop of Mr. Farmer, draper, Pitt street, on Saturday last.
"SHAWL STEALING", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 June 1845), 2
Joseph Chambers, one the performers attached to the Victoria Theatre, was apprehended near that place of amusement, about seven o'clock on Saturday evening [7 JUNE] on a charge of stealing a shawl, value 25s., the property of Mr. Joseph Farmer, draper, Pitt-street. It appeared in evidence, yesterday, that the prisoner entered the prosecutor's shop between three and four o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and asked to be shown some shawls, which he looked at, but made no purchase; when he left the shop, a female customer, who was standing at the counter, mentioned to one of the shopmen named Meares that the man who had been looking at the shows had taken one away in his hat. Meares went after him, found him in the precincts of the Theatre, and accused him of having a shawl in his hat, the property of Mr. Farmer, when the prisoner admitted that he had one, and gave it up, begging, for God's sake, that no more might be said about the matter. As Mr. Farmer was from home, Chambers was allowed to go at large till he was consulted in the matter. After Mr. Farmer had been told of the circumstance, he directed Chambers to be apprehended; when taken, he prayed the constable and Meares to let him go, as he had a wife and three small children: he also admitted having taken the shawl in question, but said he was drunk at the time, he was remanded for the evidence of the woman who saw him take the shawl.
"SHOPLIFTING", Commercial Journal and General Advertiser [Sydney, NSW] (11 June 1845), 2
Joseph Chambers, professor of dancing, and member of the "corps de ballet," of the Victoria Theatre, appeared before his Worship the Mayor,
on Monday last, charged with having stolen a shawl from the shop of Mr. Farmer, Draper, Pitt-street.
Mr. Richard Meares, shopman, in the employ of Mr. Farmer, stated, that between three and four o'clock on the evening of Saturday last,
the prisoner Chambers, came into the shop and asked to see some shawls, which were shown him by another shopman, named Skinner.
After looking at the shawls the prisoner left the shop - and immediately after he was gone, a woman, who happened to be in the shop at the time,
told the witness that the prisoner had taken one of the shawls away with him in his hat.
He (witness) instantly went in pursuit of the prisoner, whom he found talking to Mr. Wyatt, outside the Victoria Theatre.
He beckoned him aside, and told him that he was informed by a woman that he had taken one of the shawls away in his hat, and asked him if such was the case.
The prisoner immediately replied "Yes, upon my soul I have, but 1 will return it to you, and I hope you will say nothing about it."
They then went round under the gateway leading to the Pitt of the Theatre, where the prisoner took the shawl out of his hat and gave it to him (the witness,)
again requesting of him not to say any thing about it, which he promised not to do.
In consequence, however, of Mr. Farmer telling him (witness) on his return to the shop that he should have given the prisoner into custody,
information was given to two policemen, who went to the theatre, where he was engaged at the time, and took him in charge.
The prisoner was remanded until yesterday morning, when he was again brought up.
John Skinner, shopman to Mr. Farmer, stated that the prisoner came into the shop about one o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday last,
and asked to see some things, which were shown to him, and among which was the shawl produced.
He left without purchasing any thing; and returned about four o'clock, when he asked to see this shawl, and the lowest price that would be taken for it.
He then requested to see some other shawls, and it was while he (witness) was in another part of the shop getting the shawls that the prisoner managed to conceal the shawl in question,
which had been left on the counter before him, in his hat.
The prisoner was committed for trial; and at the request of Mr. Nichols, who appeared for him,
His Worship said that directions would he given to forward the depositions immediately to the Attorney General in order that the prisoner may be tried at the present quarter sessions.
Many of our readers will recollect that about twenty months ago, Mr. John Lazar, the manager of the Victoria,
lost from the drawer of his dressing table, a valuable gold watch, gold guard, and mourning ring, for which he, in vain, advertised a handsome reward.
After the final examination of Chambers, yesterday morning, Mr. Lazar inquired,
at the police office, if, when searching the lodgings of the prisoner, any traces of his watch, &c., had been found.
Mrs. Chambers, it would seem, overhead the inquiry, and went directly to a person to whom her husband had pledged a watch and ring and begged of him to say nothing about it,
in the event of any further inquiries being made.
The party, however, immediately communicated with Mr. Myles, and gave up the property,
which was at once minutely described by Mr. Lazar, and identified as part of that which was stolen from his dressing room.
Chambers will be brought up again this morning on this additional charge.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Joseph Wyatt (proprietor)
"COMMITTAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1845), 3
Yesterday afternoon, the Right Worshipful the Mayor opened a Court in one of the rooms of the house of the Governor of the Gaol, for the purpose of investigating a charge of stealing against Joseph Chambers, already under committal on a charge of stealing a shawl from the shop of Mr. Farmer, of Pitt-street. The charge was, that the prisoner had stolen a gold watch, gold ring, &c., the property of Mr. Lazar, formerly manager of the Victoria Theatre. It appeared that Mr. Lazar, being engaged in his professional duties on the stage, had left his watch and appendages and ring, on a chest of drawers in his dressing-room at the Theatre; before he returned, the watch, he, had disappeared. It was advertised and so forth, but nothing was heard of it until after Chambers's committal for stealing the shawl. Subsequently to that committal, Mr. R. M. Lindsay, a dealer, residing in Kent-street, gave up the watch and ring to the police, they having been pledged to him by the prisoner Chambers. The watch was stolen in September, 1843; from Lindsay's evidence, it appeared that the watch, ring, and a brooch (not produced) had been left with him as security for £4, on 20th December, 1844. Lindsay deposed that it was at first left for sale, but that Chambers afterwards called and requested that it might not be sold, and that he would repay the money; further, that no interest was charged on the loan, as prisoner and witness had had several dealings together before, and the money was lent in consequence of Chambers stating that his son's benefit had failed, and that he was in want of money. The prisoner offered no reason why he should not be committed to take his trial, and was committed.
"A SHAWL DANCE", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (14 June 1845), 4
Joseph Chambers, the individual wot astonished the world at the Victoria Theatre, by the agility of his feet, was on Monday introduced to the Mayor, for surprising Mr. Farmer, of Pitt-street, by the lightness of his hands. It appeared that Chambers, on Saturday called at Mr. F's shop, and asked to look at some shawls, the request was complied with, but after they had been subjected to a thorough examination, it was decided that the "price was not suitable," and he left. A person however, observed that one of the best twenty-five shillingers, had been dropt in the prisoner's hat; and the business of the establishment being one of cash payments, this running account was not admired, and one of the shopmen pursued and overtook him, when he admitted the theft, returned the plunder, and prayed forgiveness, but which was not complied with. Mr. Nichols appeared for the prisoner, and endeavoured by "special pleading" to abate the Chamber practice, averring first that his client had been a little intoxicated, or he would never have been tippet enough to steal a shawl - and secondly that he was in the habit of dealing at the shop, and that it was impossible that a man who got so much for being a Harlequin, could be short of the needful in his pantaloons - but the Bench decreed a committal.
"SECOND COMMITTAL OF CHAMBERS, THE DANCING MASTER", Commercial Journal and General Advertiser (18 June 1845), 3
On Thursday last, a magisterial court was holden at the Gaol, Woolloomooloo, for the purpose of hearing the charge (published in the last number of this journal) against Joseph Chambers (already under committal on a charge of shoplifting) of stealing a gold watch, and mourning ring, the property of Mr. John Lazar, the late manager of the Victoria Theatre. The Right Worshipful the Mayor presided, and Mr. G. B. Nichols appeared for the prisoner. It appeared that one evening in the early part of September, 1843, Mr. John Lazar being engaged in his duties on the stage, left his watch, guard, and ring in a drawer in his dressing room at the Theatre. That on his return to dress at the conclusion of the performance, the watch, &c., was gone, and nothing more was heard of them until the apprehension of Chambers for stealing a shawl from Mr. Farmer's shop. After his examination on that charge Mr. Lazar made some enquiries of the police as to his lost property, and being overheard by Mrs. Chambers, she went to Lindsay, a dealer in Kent-street, to whom a portion of the things had been pledged, and begged of him to say nothing about them. Lindsay, however, took them to the police, and, at this examination, proved the pledging of them by Chambers for £4 in December last: admitting, moreover, that they might have been pledged by him once before, but that he would not state that on oath. Mr. Simes also proved the loss of the watch on the evening in question, and further stated that at the instigation of several of the company - Chambers amongst the rest - a messenger named Gilderoy had been apprehended at the time and kept in custody nine days on suspicion of having stolen the property in question. The prisoner, who appeared to feel his disgraceful situation most keenly, offered no defence, and was fully committed to take his trial.
"Quarter Sessions . . . Saturday, June 14", Commercial Journal and General Advertiser (18 June 1845), 2
Joseph Chambers, of the Victoria Theatre, was found guilty of stealing a shawl from the shop of Mr. Farmer, draper, Pitt-street, and sentenced to 3 months' hard labor in Sydney Gaol, every fourth week to be spent in solitary confinement.
"SYDNEY COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 July 1845), 3
This Court resumed its sittings yesterday. Amongst the prisoners tried was J. Chambers, professor of dancing, at present undergoing a sentence for stealing a shawl, who was again brought up and convicted of stealing a gold watch the property of Mr. Lazar, who at the time of the larceny was manager of the Victoria Theatre. The Court ordered the prisoner to be imprisoned for six months in addition to the sentence for the shawl.
"QUARTER SESSIONS . . . MONDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 August 1845), 2
Joseph Chambers, already under sentence, under a conviction, was indicted for stealing a watch, and pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to hard labour in Her Majesty's Gaol Darlinghurst, for six calendar months, the last three days in each month in solitary confinement.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 September 1845), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8 . . . Master J. Chambers will, for the first time, perform the admired Dance called the Mazourka . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1846), 2
To conclude with the Comic Pantomime of JACK AND THE BEANSTALK; OR, HARLEQUIN OGRE.
Tittle'emtwisto, Master Chambers; Jack, Mrs. Ximines, afterwards Harlequin, Mr. Fitzgerald;
Dollomopsey, afterwards Clown, Mr. Torning; Squallosquatto, afterwards Pantaloon, Mr. Douglas;
Tulip, afterwards Columbine, Madame Torning; Bean Blossom, Queen of the Fairies, Madame Carandini.
ASSOCIATIONS: Dennis Fitzgerald (dancer, actor); Andrew Torning (dancer, actor); James Augustus Douglass (dancer, actor); Maria Carandini (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 March 1846), 2
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . ON MONDAY EVENING, 30th MARCH . . . Gay's admired Opera of the BEGGAR'S OPERA . . .
After which, a Dance, by Master Chambers, (being his last appearance in the colony) . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 April 1846), 2
April 4. - Shamrock. Steamer, Captain Gilmore, for Twofold Bay, Port Phillip, and Launceston. Passengers - . . . Mr. and Mrs. Chambers and three children . . . Mrs. Williamson, Master Williamson . . .
"THINGS THEATRICAL", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (11 April 1846), 2
By the "Shamrock," Mr. John Thomas Smith has received a valuable acquisition to his corps de Ballet, for the approaching season. Madame Vielburn, the celebrated Danseuse, the Taglioni of the southern hemisphere, whose "sylphide" has been termed by real judges, to be the "poetry of motion," and whose "Irish jig" has drawn thousands to the Sydney Theatre to witness it, having arrived under an engagement. In addition to the immense attraction of this lady, Mr. and Master Chambers, said to be the most polished male dancers out of London, are also engaged, and have also arrived. These artistes are well known on the Sydney boards, and are established favorites. We feet assured their visit to Melbourne will be productive of great benefit to themselves and the spirited proprietor of the Theatre, Mr. Smith.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Thomas Smith (proprietor); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THE THEATRE", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (28 April 1846), 3
The house was not as well attended last night, as the performances deserved. The "Somnambulist" (containing the incidents embodied in Bellini's celebrated opera, "La Somnambula") has been played here more than once, by (with a tew exceptions) the same parties. The principal attractions were Madame Veilburn and Master Chambers - their performances really merit the eclat with which they are crowned. The Tarantella, en costume, was beautifully danced by Madame Veilburn and Mr. Chambers, sen. The performance is one which calls into requisition, ease and grace, and a sprightly vigour and activity. Madame Veilburn was particularly successful. Her style and character of dancing is calmer, more graceful, and appears to be characterized by less effort, than that of any colonial danseuse we have seen. Mr. Chambers acquitted himself creditably, and was very well received - particularly in his performance of the "Highland Fling." The "infant phenomenon" of the night, was Master Chambers, a child of about eight years old. He moves with all the vigour and elasticity of a mountain cat, and dances with the grimace of a Grimaldi. His "sailor's hornpipe" alone was worth a box ticket. It is rumoured that the proprietor of the theatre contemplates getting the Howson, and other operatic performers, down from Sydney. It is to be hoped that he will do so. A favorite ballad generally draws a few pounds to the house, and we have seen a better audience induced by an indifferent song between the pieces, than a clever dramatic performance. Operatic entertainments would pay all parties well.
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Argus (19 June 1846), 3
DANCING. MR. J. CHAMBERS, Late of the Corps de Ballet at the Italian Opera House, London, and the Victoria Theatre, Sydney,
HAS the honor to announce to the gentry of the district and the public generally, that he is now prepared to give lessons in dancing -
and from his long professional experience and recent arrival in this colony is enabled to teach the latest and most fashionable dances extant, including
The Polkas.
Mr. C. will attend private families and give private lessons to those who may object to attend his Assembly Rooms,
which for the present will be opened at his residence nearly opposite the stores of Messrs. Dalgety, Borradaile and Co., off Bourke-street.
[manicule] Quadrilles guaranteed to be taught in eight lessons.
For terms, &c., apply to Mr. Chambers at his residence as above.
"Local Intelligence", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (24 September 1846), 2
On Tuesday evening last, Mr. Jacobs, one of the corps dramatique of the Theatre, gave a soiree dansante at the "Waterloo Inn," Little Collins-street, at which the pupils of Madame Veilburn and Mr. Chambers were present. The visitors were numerous and respectable - and were highly pleased with the arrangements of "mine host" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (actor)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (3 October 1846), 3
Queen's Theatre . . . ON SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 3rd . . .
To be followed by a Grand Comic Ballet of Action, entitled the
During the Ballet a variety of Dances, &c., will be introduced, arranged by Mr. J. Chambers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Newson (vocalist); Arthur Falchon (vocalist)
"CLEARED OUT", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (7 November 1846), 2
November 5 - Swan brig 149 tons, Carder master for Launceston. Passengers . . . Mr. Chambers and son . . .
"MR. DULY'S BENEFIT", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (11 November 1846), 871
We have the pleasure to call attention to the musical director's benefit fixed for tomorrow evening, when an attempt will be made to afford an unusual treat to the patrons of the Drama. "Fra Diavolo" was played in London with great success for many nights, and will, we expect, merit a crowded house to-morrow to witness its production, for the first time at the "Olympic." Two new actors are to make their first appearance on "this stage" - Mr. J. Chambers from the Royal Victoria Theatre, Sydney, and Master Chambers (eight years of age), who are said to be accomplished dancers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Frederick Duly (musician); Anne Clarke (actor, manager); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
"MR. AND MRS. STUBBS' BENEFIT", The Cornwall Chronicle (21 November 1846), 901
If the "bumper" house on Thursday, be a criterion of the merits of there performers, little more need be said in their favor, than to congratulate them on having one of the best houses of the season. The whole of the entertainments were well-selected, and ably sustained; Stubbs, as "Guy Ruthven," in the "Inchcape Bell," made a decided hit, and Mrs. Stubbs was an excellent "Becky." Every one was astonished at Master Chambers' personification of the "Dumb Boy," which was done with much truth and effect. Rogers, as "Sir John Trevanley," and Mrs. Oliffe, as "Amelia," were frequently applauded. The "Nautical Ballet of Action," got up, we believe, under the direction of Mr. Chambers, went off exceedingly well. The dancing was varied and good; and the "Combat," by Messrs. Lee and Chambers, was a "terrific" affair indeed. But the most prodigious performance of the evening, perhaps, was the "Chinese Comic Dance," by young Chambers, who was encored, and rewarded with a passing shower of sixpences, which he richly deserved . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William and Hannah Stubbs (actors); George Herbert Rogers (actor); Harriet Oliffe (actor); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, dancer)
"OLYMPIC THEATRE", The Cornwall Chronicle (25 November 1846), 911
The performances on Monday evening, commenced with Shakspere's Tragedy in five acts, of "Richard the Third" . . . Master Chambers' "Medley National Dance," in the Interlude, elicited thunders of applause. Mrs. Rogers and Mr. Chambers went through the "Grand Bohemian Polka" in excellent style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Rogers (dancer, actor)
"THE THEATRE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (27 November 1846), 2
It will be seen, on reference to our advertising columns, that Mrs. Clarke has returned from Launceston, and intends to open the theatre on Monday next. She has brought down a very respectable company . . . Mr. Chambers, the well-known dancer, is also of the company, and his son, who really is an astonishing little fellow. The clown dance which Master Chambers performs on Monday night, is one of the most laughable dances we ever witnessed. The performances consist of "The Old House at Home," the ballett of "The Fair Maid of Perth," and the farce of "Cavaliers and Roundheads." A better selection could not have been made, and if the prices are continued as they have begun, we have no doubt but that Mrs. Clarke will have a good season.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"THEATRICAL", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (24 February 1847), 156
Mrs. Clarke, the enterprising and meritorious lessee of the Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart Town, intends opening the Olympic Theatre, Launceston, on Monday, the 8th of March, with a talented and efficient company. The fascinating actress Mrs. Mereton . . . Mrs. Rogers, and Mrs. Stubbs . . . with Miss Clarke (who has profited much from the instructions of Mr. Chambers), will form the principal female attraction. Messrs. Stubbs, Lee, Mereton, Kenny, Austin, &c., with Mr. Charles Young (who has been lately re-engaged); and last, though not least, the "Bill Farren" of the Australian Colonies - Mr. Rogers, will form the male portion of the corps dramatique. Mr. Chambers and his Son - Joey Grimaldi in miniature - will also accompany Mrs. Clarke . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas and Christiana Mereton (actors); Hannah and Gibson Stubbs (actors); Anne Theresa Clarke (dancer); James Richard Kenney (actor); Charles Young (actor)
OTHER REFERENCES: William Farren (English actor); Joseph Grimaldi (English dancer)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (12 June 1847), 4
ROYAL OLYMPIC THETRE. FOR THE BENEFIT OF Master Chambers. Monday, June 14.
MASTER CHAMBERS has the honour to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Launceston and its vicinity, that
HIS BENEFIT will take place on the above evening, and being his first appeal to the public of this side the island, he respectfully solicits their support and patronage.
The evenings entertainments will commence with the Comical, Tragical, Operatical, Farcical, Burlesque Burletta, entitled, TOM THUMB . . .
GENERAL TOM THUMB - MASTER CHAMBERS With song, "Ladies, how d'ye do" . . .
After which, for this night only, BAVARIAN BROOM DANCE!!! MISS M. CHAMBERS.
To be followed by the Grand Melo-Drama of THE DUMB BOY OF THE PYRENEES; OR THE TORRENT OF THE VALLEY!!! . . .
Myrtillo, a Dumb Orphan - Mr. J CHAMBERS . . .
After which, MASTER CHAMBERS Will (for the first time) appear in a series of Classical Delineations, entitled,
The whole to conclude with a new Ballet of Action, called, The Royal Standard OR, THE SHIPWRECKED SAILOR . . .
During the Ballet, the following Dances &c: -
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (26 June 1847), 4
Tom, the Piper's Son, after Harlequin - Mr. J. CHAMBERS . . .
Harlequin junior - Master CHAMBERS. Colombina - Miss M. CHAMBERS . . .
1847, births in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1107553; RGD33/1/23/ no 1763 (DIGITISED)
No. 1763 / 2 July / Albert / [son of] Joseph Chambers / Janet Chambers formerly Crooks / Professor of Dancing / . . . Elizabeth Street . . .
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (21 August 1847), 4
Mr. Chambers has much pleasure in announcing His Children's Benefit FOR MONDAY EVENING NEXT, AUG. 23 . . .
THE BOHEMIAN POLKA In Character, by Miss M. and Master CHAMBERS.
To be followed by a new Ballet, arranged by Mr. Chambers, entitled, the
[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (20 December 1847), 3
At which will appear for the first time, MISS CHAMBERS, 5 years old, and Master SYDNEY CHAMBERS, 3 years old.
This Evening, December 20, 1847 . . . The entertainments will commence with TOM THUMB.
General Tom Thumb - Master Chambers.
The Bohemian Polka Miss and Master Chambers . . .
"WORTH SEEING", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (29 May 1848), 2
As good a pantomime as we ever saw produced on any stage is that selected for Mr[s]. Avins' benefit, on Wednes-night, next. It is entitled "Harlequin Tom," and got up under the immediate direction of Mr. Chambers, the best ballet master in the colony. A contemporary, last week, gave a sly hit at his brethren of the broad sheet, for what he called "puffing," that is for giving praise where praise is due: an exertion, in every sense of the term, beyond our contemporary's ability; but under certain influences even the dumb speak, and we have no doubt that such would be the effect on our "non-puffing" brother, had he witnessed the representation of this brilliant pantomime, abounding in really clever transformations, humoursome incidents, and striking scenery. The pantomime is really worth seeing, and, with the exception of "Ondine," the only performance during the season, which we considered called for commendation. Amongst the "dancing" to be "introduced," we perceive that Master and Miss Chambers will dance the Bohemian Polka, a sight in itself worth a box ticket . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Avins (actor, dancer)
[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (10 June 1848), 3
MASTER CHAMBERS had the honour to announce to the public of Melbourne and its vicinity,
that his Benefit wilt take place on the above evening, on which occasion he trusts that his endeavours to picase during the past season,
will ensure him their patronage and support.
First time these three years of the celebrated Nautical Drama, entitled the INCHCAPE BELL; OR, THE DUMB SAILOR BOY OF THE ROCKS.
The Dumb Sailor Boy of the Rocks - MASTER CHAMBERS . . .
Sailor's Hornpipe (in character) MISS W. CHAMBERS.
First night of the celebrated Ballet from the BRONZE HORSE, (Brilliantly illuminated with Chinese Lamps)
Grand Chinese Pas de Deux - Mrs. Avins and Mr. Chambers.
Comic Chinese Dances - Master Chambers.
The celebrated Lantern Dance - by the whole of the Company . . .
Double Irish Jig (in character) Miss and Master Chambers.
Comic [REDACTED] Song (My long-tailed blue - first time) Master Chambers.
Grand Overture - "Les Diamans de la Couronne."
The whole to conclude with an entire new Ballet, entitled DANCING MAD; OR, THE GHOST OF THE VILLAGE.
In the course of the Ballet will be introduced the following Dances -
Rustic Pas Seul - Mr. Chambers.
Grand Elfin Waltz - Mrs. Avins and Mr. Chambers.
Pas de Trois - Miss, Master, & Mr. Chambers.
Comic Dance - Master Chambers.
Grand Characteristic Dance, BY THE WHOLE OF THE COMPANY.
In the course of the evening will be exhibited a grand display of Fireworks.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Cambers' Dancing Academy, little Bourke-street, and at the "St. John's Tavern," Queen-street.
No smoking allowed. J. T. SMITH, Proprietor.
"THE THEATRE", The Melbourne Daily News (12 January 1849), 3
The programme for this evening is of first-rate calibre, its only fault being a little too advanced for a Melbourne audience . . . We had almost forgotten the Irish Jig between Mrs. Avins & Chambers, which is worth in itself a box ticket. Mrs. Avins, a pupil of Chambers, has made astonishing progress, and has considerably added by this accomplishment to her deserving popularity.
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News (3 March 1849), 3
Queen's Theatre. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 5,
MR. J. CHAMBERS has much pleasure in announcing that the performances for the above Evening will be for the benefit of his children . . .
The whole to conclude with the Tragical Burlesque Opera of BOMBASTES FURIOSO.
In the course of the Opera the following Songs, &c.
Song, "Ladies how do you do," - Master Chambers . . .
Trio, "O! Cruel Man," Mrs. Chester, Master Chambers and Mr. Belfield . . .
Duet, "I'll quickly run you through," Master Chambers and Mr. Winter.
Finale, by the characters . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (actor, vocalist); Francis Belfield (actor, vocalist); Richard William Winter (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (28 November 1849), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (8 March 1850), 2
Mushapug (the Monkey) MASTER CHAMBERS, for the BENEFIT of MR. J. CHAMBERS. On Monday Evening, March 11 . . .
The evening's entertainment will commence with the new Grand Comic Pantomime, entitled
(The Pantomime written by, and produced under the sole direction of Mr. T. Chambers [sic) . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (20 September 1850), 4
MR. J. CHAMBERS, Professor of Dancing, has the honor to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Geelong and its environs,
that (under the patronage of several distinguished families) he intends to give instructions in the above elegant accomplishment in all its fashionable varieties, as taught by him throughout the Colonies.
In addition to the Drawing-room Polka, he has introduced the New German Polka, the
"National Scottissch,"
The Valse Deux Temps.
New Valse Maszurka La Cellarius.
The Polka - Schottissch - Cellarius can be taught singly, in the course of six lessons - any hour in the day.
Schools and private Families attended at their own residence.
A JUVENILE QUADRILLE CLASS every Tuesday and Thursday.
For TERMS and particulars apply to Mr. Chambers, at the Dancing Academy, Bellerine street, Geelong.
"THEATRE ROYAL", Geelong Advertiser (8 March 1851), 2
Mr. Chambers and his talented famiily take their benefit at the Theatre Royal, on Monday evening next. The announcement of the benefit is alone sufficient to ensure an overflowing house. To praise the dancing of the little pets - Master and Miss Chambers - would be an act of supererogation. They are well known and as well appreciated by the playgoing public of Geelong. The programme of the evening is as varied as excellent, all the pieces having been very judiciously selected. One great attraction of the evening will be the introduction of Master Sydney Chambers, aged six years, and a native of the colonies, who will make his debut on the occasion, and will dance a double hornpipe with his little graceful sister. We hope Mr. Chambers may have a bumper house for he deserves it.
And see program, [Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (10 March 1851), 1
"BOLTER", The Melbourne Daily News (9 May 1851), 4
We think it advisable to put our Adelaide friends, on their guard with respect to the "Jeremy Diddler" tricks of Chambers, the Dancing Master who recently bolted from this province, per the Elizabeth for South Australia, leaving a considerable amount of debts behind him. There is very little excuse for this fellow, as the patronage he received here was far more than he deserved, his knowledge of his "art" being extremely limited, and made up of a medly of steps and positions, filched from quadrilles, mazourkas, valses, &c.; nevertheless it did "very well" for the colony; and enabled the man to get more than a good livelihood, and put him in quite sufficient funds to pay his debts. The circumstance which brought him before the Criminal Court, in Sydney, if more generally known here, would have prevented many from being "done" by "The Chambers Family." The fellow disposed of a house in Geelong only a week or two before he bolted, for £130 or £150. But the worst remains to be told; he has "didled" his printer!!! An atrocity we are bound to detail to our Adelaide Contemporaries who will doubtless resent this injury upon their "order".
"THE THEATRE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (12 May 1851), 3
The Chambers family continue deservedly to attract full and fashionable audiences,
the veteran skill and agility of the parent being all but eclipsed by the dramatic powers of his son and the winning grace of his little daughter,
who seems a veritable "fairy from Fairyland;" both presenting in their finished performances an epitome of the various excellencies of all
"Who in the dance sported merry toes,
Taglionis and Ellslers, Duvernays and Ceritos."
Master Chambers advances other claims to popularity than that of an accomplished dancer.
In his performance on Saturday evening he exhibited comic powers of no mean class;
indeed, our old stagers, with few exceptions, might take lessons in pantomime from either of these talented children.
As the short engagement of "the Chambers family" will speedily terminate,
we would remind those who desire to witness a display of dancing immeasurably superior to anything heretofore produced on our stage that they have no time to lose.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (19 May 1851), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Doors open at 7 o'clock, commence at half past 7 precisely.
MR. CHAMBERS takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the very liberal support he and his Family have received during their short stay in Adelaide,
and begs most respectfully to announce that their engagement having terminated on Saturday evening last, his
BENEFIT will take place THIS EVENING (Monday), May 19, being the LAST NIGHT BUT ONE of the Chambers Family appearing in Adelaide,
when every effort will be made to render the entertainments worthy the patronage and support he solicits for the occasion.
First time in this colony of a Drama of intense interest, called the DUMB MAN OF MANCHESTER,
and the grand Ballet Pantomime DON JUAN; or, the LIBERTINE DESTROYED.
The entertainments will commence with a Domestic Drama of intense interest, in three acts, performed at Astley's Amphitheatre with unbounded success,
entitled the DUMB MAN of MANCHESTER; or the FELON HEIR.
Tom Grey (the Dumb Man) - Mr. Chambers.
In the course of the piece, a characteristic Morris Dance - Miss and Master Chambers.
After which, for the first time here, the CRACOVIENNE - Miss Chambers.
To conclude with a grand serio-comic Ballet Pantomime, with new scenery, machinery, dresses, &c., called DON JUAN; or, the LIBERTINE DESTROYED.
Don Juan (the Libertine) Mr. Chambers; Scaramouch (Don's Clown), Master Chambers; Bridesmaid, Miss Chambers.
During the Ballet, the following Dances will be performed: -
Wreath Dance, Miss Chambers; Australian Hornpipe, Mr. Chambers;
Country Dance, by the Characters; Flower Polka (first time), Mr. and Miss Chambers;
Comic Dance, Master Chambers; Grand Pas de Deux, Mr. and Miss Chambers;
Spanish Galopade, by the Company.
Tickets and Boxes may be obtained from Mr. J. Chambers, Solomon's Terrace, Weymouth-street;
Mr. Lazar, Temple Tavern; and Mr. Coppin, Royal Exchange Hotel.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, proprietor)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (3 June 1851), 2
Dancing Academy, Solomons-terrace, Weymouth-street.
MR. CHAMBERS, Professor of Dancing, has the honour to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Adelaide and its Environs,
that he intends giving instructions in the above elegant accomplishment, in all its varieties, as now taught in London and on the Continent.
The POLKA and SCHOTTISCH can be taught singly in the course of six lessons, any hour of the day.
Schools taught, and Private Families attended at their own residence.
For terms, apply to Mr. Chambers, at his residence.
N.B. - A Juvenile Class every Tuesday and Friday.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", South Australian (13 June 1851), 2
Come and see the PANTOMIME! with the whole of the CHAMBERS FAMILY!! being the last night it will be performed,
in consequence of the arrangements for the OPENING OF THE PORT THEATRE.
On SATURDAY, June I4th, will be produced, for the fourth time, a new Comic Pantomime, entitled
The new Music composed and arranged by Mr. Moore . . .
Harlequin Fat, Mr. Coppin; Drone, Mr. Lazar; Harlequin Bat, Mr. Chambers;
Harlequin, junior, Master Chambers; Clown, Mr. Douglass;
Clown junior, Master F. J. Douglass; Pantaloon, Mr. Hasker;
Pantaloon junior, Master J. Douglass; Columbine, Miss Chambers;
Fortunio, Mrs. Moore; Queen Bee, Mrs. Lambert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew and Rachel Moore (musician and actor); James John Hasker (actor); Harriett Lambert (actor)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (10 July 1851), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Open every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Proprietors - MESSRS. LAZAR AND COPPIN . . .
Highland Fling, by Mr. Chambers . . . Tambourine Pas De Deux, by Miss and Master Chambers . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (14 August 1851), 2
upon which occasion, MR. RADFORD has kindly given the services of himself and his valuable STUD of HORSES, including the celebrated mare BEDA, and horse DANDY.
THE Entertainments will commence with (for the first time in this Colony), the Grand Comic Pantomine [sic], entitled,
HARLEQUIN PRINCE OF PERSIA; or, the Demon of the Hartz Mountains, and the Fairy of the Silver Stream.
Harlequin, MR. J. CHAMBERS. Harlequina, MASTER CHAMBERS. Columbine, MISS CHAMBERS.
Pantaloon, MR. HASKER. Clown, MR. DOUGLAS . . .
Second and last appearance (in this Colony) of MASTER SYDNEY CHAMBERS, who will, by particular desire, dance the NAVAL HORNPIPE . . .
Tickets to be had at the principal Hotels in Town, or at the residence of Mr. J. Chamber's, Sander's Terrace.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Avis Radford (circus equestrian performer)
"BOXING DAY. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS . . . THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 December 1854), 4
The house was crammed to the ceiling . . . "Riddle-Me-Riddle-Me-Ree, or Harlequin and Conundrum Castle," is the name of the pantomime . . . Chambers appearing as Harlequin; Mrs. Young, Columbine; Mr. Barry, clown; and Nunn, pantaloon . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Tom Barry (comedian); Tom Nunn (comedian)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (28 July 1855), 8
COPPIN'S OLYMPIC. G. COPPIN, in announcing the commencement of his
Dramatic Season, most respectfully informs his friends and the public generally,
that the same liberal system of management for which he has been characterised for the last twelve years in the Australasia Colonies shall be fully carried out upon the present occasion.
The Celebrated Tragedian, Mr. G. V. BROOKE will appear for a limited period, supported by the following Efficient Company: . . .
Miss Chambers . . . Mr. J. Chambers, Mr. J. Chambers, jun., Master Chambers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Coppin's Olympic (Melbourne venue)
"QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Argus (31 December 1855), 5
The Pantomime at this theatre continues to attract numerous audiences . . . In the sequel to the burlesque, Mr. Chambers jun. makes an excellent Harlequin. He is undoubtedly the best Harlequin we have. Miss Chambers is a capital Columbine, and the parts of Clown and Pantaloon are admirably filled . . .
"THE SALLE DE VALENTINO", The Age (15 May 1856), 2
At the City Court on Wednesday, Mr. James Ellis appeared to answer the information of Mr. Sub-Inspector Nicolas for "causing stage dancing to be acted in a building called the Salle de Valentino without a license." Mr. Stephen said that this charge had been postponed for a week, in order to enable Mr. Ellis to obtain a license. He had written to the Governor but had not received any reply, and had closed the Salle ever since. Police Constable C. 22. attended the entertainment on the 2nd of May, paid one shilling admission to the door-keeper, and witnessed a stage performance entitled "Mad as a March Hare." He saw Master and Miss Chambers dancing. The entertainment was a species of pantomine [sic] - there was no dialogue, only acting and dancing. In this he was guided by the bill and by his own judgment. There was a Chinese dance in character, and the performance was upon a stage . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ellis (proprietor); Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
"COLEMAN'S LYCEUM", The Age (4 June 1856), 2
This favorite and commodious old house, formerly the Queen's, is to be opened on Monday evening by Mr. Henry Coleman, the spirited lessee of the Castlemaine and Bendigo theatres. The house has been entirely renovated, and brilliantly lit with gas. Mr. Coleman has, with great judgment, selected Mrs. Brougham us his stage directress, and placed at her disposal one of the ablest theatrical corps in the colony. Those engaged include the names of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, Madame Strebinger, Miss Chambers, Messrs. Miran, Chambers, sen. and jun., and others . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Coleman (actor, manager); Emma Brougham (actor, manager); Therese Ferdinand Strebinger (dancer); Charles Miran (actor); Lyceum Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (10 January 1857), 2
There has been little change in the contents of the playbills during the week the great success of the Pantomime having saved the company rehearsals, and the manager, much printing. The house has been well filled every night and the patronage of all classes of the community has been extended to the new colonial production. Charles Young's clown would be almost perfect if he would content himself with relying only upon his pantomimical powers . . . The graceful, fascinating Columbine has complete impersonation at the hands - or to speak by the card, legs - of Madame Strebinger, whose interpretation of the "poetry of motion" is one of the most enjoyable features in the whole performance. Joseph Chambers and his sister also render good service; the latter has much improved, and with hard study and practice under the tuition of such a proficient as Madame Strebinger, may look forward to a good position in her profession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (13 February 1857), 1
THE Performances will commence with Diamond's Romantic Drama of the DUMB BOY OF THE PYRENEES, OR, THE BROKEN SWORD! . . .
Myrtillo (a Dumb Orphan) - Miss Mina Chambers . . .
The Interlude will consist of the Favorite Ballet d' Action arranged by Mr. J. Chambers, entitled
DANCING MAD, Or, the Ghost of Castlemaine!
Julian (a young swain betrothed to Rosalia), - Mr. J Chambers
Pierrot Nimble Toe (always on the hop) - Master J. Chambers
Rosalie (in love with Julian) - Miss Chambers
Madame Annette (Rosalie's mother) Master S. Chambers
Notary - A'Beekett Evans . . . Annette - Mrs. A'Beckett Evans.
Rustic Pas de Deux, Miss & Mr. J. Chambers
Pas de Trois Valise - Miss, Master, & Mr. J. Chambers.
Grand Flower Polka - Miss & Mr. J. Chambers
Pop Goes the Weasel - - Master J. Chambers
Pas de Quarte - Miss, Master S., J. & Mr. J. Chambers . . .
Concluding with the admired Extravaganza, BOMBASTES FURIOSO,
Bombastes Furioso - Miss MINA CHAMBERS
Fusbos (Prime Minister) - Master J. Chambers . . .
Distaffina - Mrs. A'Beckett Evans
Michael Wiggins - Master S. Chambers.
Ladies, how d'ye do - Song - Bombastes . . .
Cruel Man - Trio - Distaffina, King, & Bombastes . . .
My Lodging is on cold ground - Song - Fusbos.
Grand Finale, by the characters - Briny Tears . . .
Several Novelties in preparation, including A GRAND PANTOMIME.
. . . Manager, A'Beckett Evans.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Eliza A'Beckett Evans (actors)
"Benefit of the Chambers Family", Mount Alexander Mail (23 March 1857), 2
This evening, as will be seen by our advertising columns, this talented family take a benefit at the Albert Theatre. Their abilities have been so well recognised, and their efforts to please the public, during their engagement in Castlemaine, have hitherto been so successful, that it might almost be considered unnecessary thus to draw attention to their benefit; but in this instance we cannot avoid particularising the performances. The melodrama of "The Dumb Man of Manchester," with Mr. Chambers, sen., as Tom. Grey, introduces the entertainment: the other parts are filled with the other members of the Chambers Family, and the Albert troupe - all of whom will, doubtless, give the satisfaction that has hitherto attended their efforts. The Spider Dance, as danced most successfully by Mr. J. Chambers, jun, will be presented. Mr. Small sings "The Rowdy Barrister," Miss Montrose assists with her favorite ballads, and Mr. Chambers, jun., will furnish his poses plastiques in "The Sculptor's Studio" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (comic vocalist); Miss Montrose (vocalist)
"THE OPERA", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (21 May 1857), 5
Last evening the Princess's Theatre was filled in every part by a numerous and brilliant audience, to do honor to the "farewell benefit" of Madame Bishop. The bill of fare included the opera of "Linda de Chamounix," the celebrated scene from Rossini's "Tancredi," and some clever dancing by the Chambers' family . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Princess's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (2 December 1857), 3
MONTEZUMA THEATRE. Under the direction of Mr. J. P. HYDES.
Mr. Chambers, Jun. will Dance the JOCKEY HORNPIPE! In the colors of the winner of the Ladies' Purse . . .
Medley Dance - Master Sidney Chambers.
Pas Seul - Miss Mina Chambers.
The Ballarat Race Galop - Mr. T. King . . .
Acting Manager, Mr. CHARLES WALSH.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (actor, proprietor); Thomas King (musician); Charles Walsh (actor, manager); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
[Advertisement], The Star (5 January 1858), 3
MQUTEZUMA THEATRE. Under the direction of Mr. J. P. HYDES.
TUESDAY EVENING. The evening's entertainments will commence with a laughable farce, by Thomas Morton, Esq., entitled
MISS CHAMBERS SEEING HYDES. Susan Griffith - Miss M. Chambers.
SPIDER DANCE, A La Madame Strebinger, by Mr. J. Chambers, Jun.
The evening's entertainments will conclude with a new Pantomime, entitled
Supported by the best Pantomimists in Australia.
Harlequin - Mr. J. Chambers, Jun.
Columbine - Miss Mina Chambers.
Clown - Mr. J. P. Hydes.
Pantaloon - Mr. D. Golding.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Golding (actor, vocalist)
"HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (14 June 1858), 3
On Saturday night this Theatre was re-opened, the proprietor, since its close on the previous Saturday, having brought up from town several attractive novelties. The performances commenced with the Drama of the "Dumb Girl of Genoa," introducing an old Bendigo favorite, Mr. Wolfe, and in which Mr. J. Chambers made his first appearance in Sandhurst. The former sustained the character of Oliver; Mr. Chambers, that of Strapado. Miss Chambers, who enacted the part of Julietta, also made her first appearance, and by her clear pantomimic acting of the dumb girl, greatly conduced to the success of the piece. The introduction of one of those terrific broadsword combats, by Mr. Chambers and Mr. Campbell, was relished exceedingly by the audience, who applauded it as vehemently as ever did the "gods" in either the Coburg or Surrey Theatres. The play was followed by a clever Ballet, supported by the Chambers Family. The dancing was capital, and had it not been for a slight hitch in some of the dances, occasioned by the defective state of the Orchestra, but which was easily accounted for when it became known that there had been only one rehearsal, in consequence of the late hour at which the performers had arrived on the previous evening. This is a fault, however, which subsequent rehearsals will correct, and we expect that this really clever family will prove a great acquisition to the Theatre. Miss Chambers is a very graceful dancer, her pirouettes are executed with a lightness which fully realises the idea of "the poetry of motion" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Melville Wolfe (actor); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"VICTORIA THEATRE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (14 September 1858), 3
"Rob Roy" was produced last night to a good audience. Mr. Mungall was of course, the principal object of attraction, and enacted his character in a most successful manner. Mr. Chambers took the part of the Dugal Creature, and Miss Julia Huttmann that of Francis Osbaldiston. An amusing Chinese dance by Mr. and Miss Chambers followed, and was loudly applauded.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Mungall (actor)
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (30 September 1858), 1
To conclude with the grand Comic Pantomime, entitled TOM, THE PIPER'S SON.
Clown - Mr. Mungall. Harlequin - Mr. J. Chambers. Columbine - Miss Mina Chambers.
Allowed to be the best Pantomimic Company that has ever been in Australia.
Sprite - Mr. S. T. Holmes, (Who has kindly consented to appear on this occasion.)
Pantaloon - Mr. Greville. (For this occasion only.) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Tuson Holmes (actor); John Rodger Greville (actor)
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The South Australian Advertiser (6 October 1858), 2
The performances on Tuesday evening were for the benefit of Mr. and Miss Chambers, and we were glad to see a crowded house on the occasion. The drama entitled "The Wren Boys" was repeated . . . Mr. Holloway and Miss Marie Nelson, upon whom the heavy business devolved, very creditably acquitted themselves, and indeed the whole of the characters were well sustained. A Pas de Deux by Mr. and Miss Chambers was deservedly encored, but the audience consented to forego a repetition on the ground that the parties had still a great deal of fatigue to go through in the ballet "Don Juan," which was decidedly successful. Mr. J. Chambers' imitation of Lola Montes celebrated "Spider Dance," was a very clever performance, but it would be injustice to the lady who introduced the dance into the Australian colonies, not to state that many attitudes not of the most graceful or delicate character were imported into the imitation, of which, the original was free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor); Marie Nelson (actor); Lola Montez (dancer)
"PORT THEATRE", The South Australian Advertiser (8 November 1858), 2
Mr. Henderson took his benefit on Friday evening, in a more truthful acceptation of the word than is frequently the case. The house was well filled in every part, between 500 and 600 people (an unusually large attendance for this place) being present. The excellent dancing of Miss Mina Chambers, and the a genuine humor and rich brogue of Mr. Greville contributed much to the perfect success of the evening's performances . . . This is the last performance of the company in this colony, it being their intention to return to Melbourne, per Goldseeker, sailing to-day.
ASSOCIATIONS: Port Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (20 October 1860), 3
In a variety of most amusing entertainments,
for the Benefit of MISS AMY CHAMBERS, The Infant Wonder . . .
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . BENDIGO", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (9 February 1861), 2
After the departure of Mr. Brooke and Miss Jones, last week, business at the Lyceum was very bad . . . On Monday a somewhat better era was inaugurated by the production of Mr. W. M. Akhurst's pantomime of "Jack Horner," which has since continued to draw tolerably good houses . . . The harlequinade is well sustained by M. Schmidt, Mdlle. Therese, and Messrs. Joe Chambers and Dherang . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst (author); Mons. and Therese Schmidt (dancers); Alfred Dherang (dancer)
"ROYAL VICTORIA - DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney (21 December 1861), 2
. . . A great attraction for the last week or so (besides the drama), has been the beautiful ballet so admirably directed by Mons. Schmidt, the maitre de Ballet of the Victoria. Of Madame Therese, the favourite dansuese, we need not but repeat what we have so often said: she is all grace and lightness, a very butterfly amongst flowers. Mr. Chambers is a young and very promising Comic Dancer, who daily grows in favour with the public . . .
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (2 April 1862), 5
On Monday evening the Theatre Royal was re-opened . . . Miss Amy Chambers, a most accomplished little danseuse, next appeared in a graceful Dance of all Nations, after which she reappeared with Messrs. Chambers, senior and junior, and Mister A. Chambers, as Jack Tars ranging from five feet eight to about four feet high. They danced the Australian or Quadruple Hornpipe, which was vociferously encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Launceston venue)
[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (5 May 1862), 1
Theatre Royal . . . MONDAY EVENING, 5TH MAY . . .
To conclude with the laughable Ballet entitled LE DANSEUR DISTRAIT, or the GHOST OF THIS VILLAGE.
Julian (a young swain betrothed Mr. to Rosalie) - Mr. J. Chambers
Cerriot Nimblotoe, always on the hop - Mr. Chambers, jun. . . .
Mdme. Jeannotte - Master Albert Chambers . . .
Dances Incidental to the Piece.
Pas Seul - Miss A. Chambers.
Comic Pas de Trois - Harry Jackson, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Chambers, jun.
Comic Dance, "Pop go's the Weasel" - Mr. Chambers, jun.
Pas de Fasciatrio - Master A. Chambers.
GRAND FINALE!! Chambers Family and the Corps de Ballet . . .
[News], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (9 September 1862), 2
This evening the performances at the Theatre Royal will be in favor of Mr. Joseph Chambers, a painstaking young actor, and the able director of the ballet so far as it finds a place on our stage. Much of the success which attended the Easter pantomime was due to Mr. Chambers' exertions and talents, and we believe his services are to be retained in the production of the Christmas pantomime. For his benefit this evening are to be performed Shakspere's comedy "As you like it", and a new ballet conducted by himself, under the title of "True Blue". We trust to see Mr. Chambers honored with a large attendance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (7 February 1866), 5
The Entertainment now given nightly at the Theatre Royal, is one of the most varied and attractive we have had there for a long period . . . Introduced by an appropriate overture, Miss Amy Chambers the premier juvenile danseuse of the colonies, appeared like a miniature CELESTE and illustrated the poetry of motion in so engaging and artistic a manner as to draw down thunders of applause and a determined encore . . .
"DEATH OF MR. SYDNEY CHAMBERS", Empire (10 April 1871), 2
We regret to learn that a telegram was received on Saturday evening by Mr. Joe Chambers of the Chambers family, that his brother Sydney, who was playing an engagement at Newcastle, was drowned that afternoon in the harbour while bathing.
[News], Empire (23 July 1874), 3
Poor Joe Chambers is dead. This simple announcement will be read by very many persons with sincere regret, especially by the members of the profession in which the deceased was for many years an ornament. As a balletmaster Mr. Chambers is well known in this colony, and for many years held his own against his numerous rivals in ballet teaching and dancing. Latterly, however, Mr. Chambers has led a life of much suffering, and was forced to relinquish his profession, for which he had an ardent and genuine affection, and finally succumbed to that most trying and insidious disease - consumption - at the early age of 38 years. Although his later life was hard to bear, owing to his extreme suffering, the end of poor Joe Chambers was one of peace, and was welcomed by him and his intimate friends as a happy release. May it prove to be truly so!
"DEATHS", Australian Town and Country Journal (25 July 1874), 35
On July 21, at Foxlow-place, Sydney, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Joseph Chambers, professor of dancing, aged 37 years.
"CLONTARF", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 January 1875), 8
The steamers Hunter and Manly were laid on to run to the above named recreation ground yesterday, and a large number of persons, no doubt tempted by the liberal programme of sports which was announced to take place on the ground, decided to spend their holiday there . . . Dancing, under the supervision of Mr. J. Chambers was carried out by that gentleman in a most satisfactory manner, the music being performed by the Young Australian band.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1875), 1
CHAMBERS. - April 21, at Sydney, Janet, wife of Joseph Chambers, and beloved mother of Miss Amy Chambers, Sydney, and Mrs. Mina Lyon, of Beechworth, Victoria, aged 63 years.
CHAMBERS. - April 30, at Sydney, Joseph Chambers, the dearly beloved father of Miss Amy Chambers, aged 62 years, for very many years connected with the stage of Australia.
"MARRIAGE", The Newcastle Chronicle (11 September 1875), 4
BROWN - CHAMBERS. - On August 12th, at Christ Church, Newcastle, by the Rev. James Norton, CHARLES BROWN, to AMY, youngest daughter of the late MR. JOSEPH CHAMBERS, of Sydney.
"Music and the Drama", Australian Town and Country Journal (8 January 1881), 12
. . . Miss Amy Chambers, the leader of the ballet, is without doubt one of the most popular danseuses the city has ever soon, and was well supported by the graceful young ladies she has trained. Her dancing is to many the chief charm, where all is charming.
"Old Playbills", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (31 August 1886), 4
QUEEN'S THEATRE ROYAL. Benefit of Mr. and Master CHAMBERS, This Evening, July 23rd, 1849.
MAZEPPA, or The Wild Horse. Master Chambers will appear as the Piccannini Congo Minstrel for the first time.
New [REDACTED] Dance "Dan Tucker Polka," Miss and Master Chambers.
A new Indian Ballet "Jacco, the Brazilian Ape" . . .
"THE MELBOURNE STAGE IN THE FORTIES. By J. S. No. IV.", The Argus (7 June 1890), 4
. . . At this time Mr. King was managing the theatre, and the company had been reinforced by the accession of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young who danced "the true Bohemian polka" by way of interlude, between the first and second pieces, and Edward Wilson's pen is clearly traceable in a critique welcoming them back to Melbourne as quite a refreshing change, after having been "dosed with the Chambers family." Male dancers you know are apt to become wearisome after they have been hopping about upon the same stage for several years in succession . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Smith (memoirist); Moreton King (actor, manager); Charles and Jane Young (dancers, actors); Edward Wilson (journalist); for the original article, see "THE THEATRE", The Argus (11 May 1849), 2
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 June 1921), 11
LYON. - On the 24th May, at her daughter's residence, Lewisham road, Windsor, Mina, widow of the late George Lyon, Spring Creek, Beechworth,
and affectionate mother of Amy (Mrs. Nelson), Walter, Ada (Mrs. Hodgkiss), Edie (Mrs. Fyfe), and Mina (Mrs. Boileau).
A colonist of 79 years. At rest.
LYON. - On the 24th May, at her daughter's residence, 68 Lewisham road, Windsor, Mina Lyon, widow of the late George Lyon, Beechworth. Colonist of 78 years. Peace, perfect peace.
"DEATHS", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (16 May 1941), 1
BROWN. - On May 15, at her residence, 276 Faraday-street, Carlton, Amy, widow of Charles Brown (Bland Holt Company), beloved mother of Annie (Mrs. R. McLeod), Edith, Charles and William, loving mother-in-law of Pearl (Mrs. C. A. Brown), Lily (Mrs. W. Brown) and R. MacLeod.
CHAMBERS, Lucy (Mary Ann CHAMBERS; called Lucy CHAMBERS; Miss CHAMBERS; Lucia CHAMBERS; Signora Enrico DONDI; Madame Lucy CHAMBERS; Lucy DONDI)
Musician, contralto vocalist, pianist, teacher of singing
Born Sydney, NSW, 3 July 1834; baptised St. Mary's chapel, 13 July 1834; daughter of Charles Henry CHAMBERS (c. 1796-1854) and Lucia McCROHAN (d. 1854)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 29 January 1862 (per Great Britain, for Liverpool)
Married Enrico DONDI, Italy, ? c. mid 1860s (separated 1875)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 15 January 1870 (per Yorkshire, from Gravesend, 26 October, and Plymouth, 2 November 1869)
Died East Melbourne, VIC, 8 June 1894, aged "54" [sic] [BDM VIC "Lucy Dondi"] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)

Miss Lucy Chambers, 1870; Johnstone, O'Shannessy & Co., photographers, Melbourne; State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
Lucy Chambers was born in Sydney, NSW, a daughter of Irish parents, Charles Henry Chambers, a solicitor, and his wife Lucy McCrohan (her forename also given as Lucinda or Lucia).
Charles had arrived in the colony in 1822, and his wife followed in 1824. Charles was originally a Protestant, and before he converted to his wife's Catholic faith, their older children were first baptised as Episcopalians (Anglicans).
Lucy was almost certainly their last documented child, registered at birth as Mary A. L. Chambers (BDM NSW V1834/425/129), and whose baptism record, at St. Mary's Catholic chapel, on 13 July 1834 (as "Mary Ann") gives her date of birth as 3 July 1834. She was their second child they called Lucy (Lucia, Lucinda Ann), the first, born in Sydney on 23 February 1828, having died on 10 November 1832, aged 4 years and nine months.
Lucy made her first recorded public appearance, aged 10, at the Sydney mayoral fancy ball in August 1844, as a "fairy", accompanying her parents. By that time she may already have been a music pupil of Maria Logan, who had arrived in Sydney (from Hobart) in 1842.
Around 1853 her family gradually relocated to Tasmania, to settle there with Lucy's elder sister, Margaret Elizabeth (1825-1897), wife of George Gilmore (1814-1884), a Launceston city alderman. Her mother Lucy died there on 8 March 1854, and her father Charles less than a month later, both possibly suffering from the same severe bowel complaint.
It was accordingly in Launceston, in February 1856, that Lucy - then aged 28 - came to the attention of the touring Irish vocalist, Catherine Hayes. She was evidently by then a formidable pianist, for, at Hayes's invitation she acted as her accompanist for her second and third Launceston concerts (local professional Julius Imberg, having played for the first, perhaps found wanting). By Chambers's own later account, Hayes also offered to take her to Europe for further vocal study. But it was probably not until 1860 or 1861 (Hayes died in August 1861) that Chambers ultimately sailed from Melbourne, bound first for Britain (her sister and brother-in-law also sailed for England in March 1862, and spent most of the decade in Bristol, before returning to Launceston).
In the meantime, by later reports (1869, 1877), Chambers played a leading role in Launceston amateur music-making in the later 1850s, notably appearing as an soloist alongside Robert Farquharson in a performance of The creation on 6 May 1858 by the joint forces of the Launceston Philharmonic Society and Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society, conducted by John Adams. At the time, she came to the musical notice of the press there only once more by name, when, on 31 March 1859, she appeared as a solo vocalist, and in duets with Susan Fereday, at another concert given by the Philharmonic Society, conducted by Arthur John Marriott.
By later accounts, Chambers began her European decade in London, studying first there with Manuel Garcia, and later in Italy with Pietro Romani.
For the two years she spent studying in Florence before her public debut (1862-63), Chambers reportedly had few friends or supporters other than her teachers, the vocalist Luigi Vannuccini and the actor Ferdinando Pelzet (husband of Maddalena Pelzet).
Her operatic debut, as Azucena in Il trovatore, on 24 January 1864 at the Teatro Pagliano, Florence, was widely reported in the English and Australian press. However, a fact less widely known at first - that while in Italy she had married the Italian bass, Enrico Dondi - was only mentioned in one of her obituaries, that placed by her family in Launceston.
It was with Dondi that Chambers finally returned to Australia in 1870, as part of an Italian contingent engaged in Milan by William Lyster, though for professional (and perhaps already also for personal) reasons, she was to perform under her own name. Dondi sailed alone for Europe in November 1875, never to return, while for the remaining almost 20 years of her life, Chambers lived and worked in Melbourne as a singing teacher.
She died in Melbourne on 8 June 1894, reportedly aged 54, but correctly 59, less than month shy of her 60th birthday.
Baptisms, St. Mary's Catholic chapel, Sydney, 1834; Biographical Database of Australia; = "Mary A. L. Chambers" (BDM NSW 1834/425/129) (PAYWALL)
Mary Ann / baptised 13 July 1834 / born 3 July 1834 / [daughter of] Charles Henry Chambers & Lucia McCrohan [sic] / sponsor Henry O'Brian & Miss Elizabeth Chambers: "Papa says for Charlotte Boyde"
ASSOCIATIONS: Margaret Elizabeth Chambers, the infant's 9-year older sister, was standing proxy for Charlotte Boyd
"MAYOR'S FANCY DRESS BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (23 August 1844), 2
The fancy dress ball of the Right Worshipful the Mayor to the citizens of Sydney, took place in the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday evening, the 21st instant.
It was a gorgeous spectacle, and, unless we had been present, we could not have conceived it possible for Sydney, in its present condition,
to have brought together such a vast variety of costly and magnificent garbs, and costumes of all nations, as greeted our eyes on the present occasion . . .
The Victoria Theatre, we think, never looked more brilliant. Extensive preparations had been made to turn the capacious stage and pit into one ample ball room.
The pit was for this purpose boarded over - and the extent of area enclosed by this splendid room, from the back of the stage to the boxes,
will be easily understood by any person who his visited the theatre.
The excellent band of the 99th regiment was stationed in the centre of the upper boxes, and the theatrical band at the back of the pit . . .
LIST OF THE COMPANY PRESENT . . . Mr. H. C. Chambers, Doctor Syntax; Mrs. Chambers, Fancy Dress; Miss Lucy Chambers, Fairy . . .
See also "THE MAYOR'S FANCY DRESS BALL", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (24 August 1844), 92
ASSOCIATIONS: James Robert Wilshire (mayor); Band of the 99th Regiment (military); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (25 July 1848), 3
A YOUNG Lady (a pupil of Mrs. Bushelle and Mr. Nathan) is desirous to undertake the tuition of a few young ladies, at their own residences, in singing and the pianoforte. For cards of address, &c., please to apply to Mr. Grocott, Music Seller, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Wallace Bushelle (vocalist, teacher); Isaac Nathan (musician, teacher); James Turner Grocott (musicseller)
"MISS HAYES CONCERT", The People's Advocate or True Friend of Tasmania [Launceston, TAS] (25 February 1856), 2
The concert on Friday evening [22 February] by this "Sweet idol of the Passionate and Wild! / Enchantress of the soul!" was, indeed, a most brilliant triumph! . . . Never before have the Cornwall Assembly Rooms received within its walls so great, so beautiful, and elegant an assemblage, as was, on Friday evening, gathered to render homage to the Swan of Erin . . . On Miss Hayes appearing, a burst of applause welcomed her . . . then came the breathless silence that marked the deeply absorbed feelings with which her "Robert, toi que j'aime," was listened to, it was rendered with brilliant effect, and the finished perfection of the crescendo from the quick to the slow movement was divine. It is superfluous to say that the plaudits were rapturous . . . Miss Hayes's next was that beautiful Irish ballad, "The Harp that once thro' Tara's Hall," which was most deliriously rendered with all that pathos and flow of soul, which makes her so divine in the touching melodies of her country, and which marked also her "I'm sitting on the stile, Mary," which she sang as an encore . . . The Cavatina, "Come per me serena" (Sonambula) was a perfect gem, heightened in its brilliancy, and widened in its celebrity by Miss Hayes' superb and feeling execution; the delicious roulades of Miss Hayes are most exquisite, and thunders of applause shook the building as she concluded. The English ballad "Why do I weep for thee" composed expressly for her, was full of that pathos which makes every chord of the heart vibrate. The finale was the celebrated Vocal Polka, and this defies our pen to describe. Never before did we listen to such a display of flexibility and compass of voice; the fioritura of the passages was beyond conception brilliant, yet rendered with that ease and distinctness, developing the eminent powers of Miss Hayes, and so justly places her on the upmost pinnacle of Fame. In reply to the enthusiastic shouts of applause and "encore," the sublime chanteuse repeated the Polka, and amidst showers of bouquets, and wild enthusiasm the Concert closed; never, never, till time shall be no more, to be forgotten by her profound, ardent and devoted admirers. We cannot conclude without noticing the accomplished, and perfect mastery of the instrument, with which Miss Hayes was accompanied by Miss Chambers; but as we believe she appeared in public only to oblige her esteemed and richly prized friend, we feel a delicacy in even paying this slight tribute to her refined skill, and purity of style . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Cornwall Assembly Rooms (Launceston venue)
"LAUNCESTON (From our own Correspondent) February 22nd, 1856", The Tasmanian Daily News [Hobart Town, TAS] (26 February 1856), 2
. . . At 8 o'clock the concert opened with an overture by Mr. Sharp's string band, which was followed by the song, "Good bye Sweetheart," by Mr. Lyall. Miss Hayes then made her appearance, and was loudly greeted. Following her came her friend Miss Chambers, who has laid the public of Launceston under a great debt of gratitude by coming before them to accompany Miss Hayes. Through her generous exertions the want, so lamentably felt in the first concert was completely obviated, and the consequence was increased gratification to the audience, by the taste, and embellishments which Miss Hayes was enabled to throw into the performance. Miss Chambers shewed an artistic knowledge of the instrument by the admirable manner in which she played to Miss Hayes singing. The first song "Robert toi que j'aime" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Sharp (violinist, leader, and pianist, see below); Charles Lyall (vocalist); local professional Julius Imberg had accompanied Hayes at her first Launceston concert
"MISS CATHERINE HAYES", The Cornwall Chronicle (27 February 1856), 5
This accomplished lady gave a second concert on Friday evening last, at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms, to a crowded and enraptured audience, who cheered and applauded her most enthusiastically. She was accompanied on this occasion by Miss Chambers, a young lady of considerable musical promise, and we must say that the fair debutante (for such as a public accompanyist we learn she is), acquitted herself in a highly creditable manner, wanting only, as was natural to expect for the first time, a little more nerve and confidence, to make her at home in that difficult and delicate part of a performance . . .
It was not Miss Hayes' intention to have sung again here after her second concert; but notwithstanding indisposition and her other engagements, she kindly consented to appear once more for a benevolent object. The Assembly Room on Thursday night [6 March] was crowded by an enthusiastic audience, and Miss Hayes had a most hearty reception. She was accompanied on the pianoforte by a lady whose musical reputation is in private circles, only inferior to her own . . .
"LAUNCESTON (From our own Correspondent) 7th March, 1856", The Tasmanian Daily News (10 March 1856), 3
Last evening Miss Hayes added another wreath to her laurels, already so thickly accumulated in Launceston . . . Miss Hayes sang "I know that my redeemer liveth." This beautiful song, from the Messiah, gave Miss Hayes full scope to show the rich fullness of her voice; and although she was not encored, it was evident that this song made a deep impression on the audience . . . "Da quel di che," by Miss Hayes, which was vociferously encored, concluded the first part . . . Miss Hayes then sang "No jewelled beauty is my love," and on being encored sang "Oh Erin, my country." Her voice seemed to ring through the room as she sang this song. It was so clear and sparkling, as well as powerful. Her next song was "Auld Robin Gray," by desire, and being again encored she sang "Coming thro' the Rye." The usual rounds of applause followed both these, only exceeded by the cheering after the "Vocal Polka," the last song of the evening, and I suppose the last Miss Hayes will sing in public here. She returned with Miss Chambers, who had accompanied her through the evening, and gracefully acknowledged the enthusiasm of the audience, who seemed anxious to detain her in their sight as long as they possibly could . . . Mr. Sharp, jun., accompanied Messrs. Lyall and Gregg.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); Thomas Sharp (pianist)
MUSIC: No jewell'd beauty is my love (composed for Hayes by John Adams of Launceston)
"LAUNCESTON", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (29 April 1858), 3
. . . Arrangements have been completed for giving a grand Amateur Concert in aid of the Indian Relief Fund on Thursday, the 6th May. Mr. Farquharson and several other well-known talented singers have kindly volunteered their services. Haydn's Oratorio "The Creation," is the piece selected for the occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Farquharson (vocalist); for a report of the concert, which John Adams (above) conducted, and in which Chambers appeared as soprano soloist, see "GRAND CONCERT IN AID OF THE INDIAN RELIEF FUND", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 May 1858), 5
"THE BIRTHDAY BALL", Launceston Examiner (27 May 1858), 2
The Ball given by His Excellency the Governor on the occasion of the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, took place at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms, on Tuesday night [25 May]. The following is a list (which is as nearly as possible complete) of the company: . . . Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore and Miss Chambers . . .
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (2 April 1859), 4
Never within the recollection of that mythical and oft' quoted individual the oldest inhabitant, was there a greater treat offered to the music loving citizens of Launceston, than was the soiree of the Philharmonic Society on Thursday evening last, at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. Our ticket of admission intimated that we were to prepare ourselves for a "private" soiree of the Society, and consequently when we arrived at the rooms were astonished as well as gratified at finding that the privacy of the entertainment was somewhat questionable, since were assembled all the fashionable world of Launceston. The ladies and gentlemen who delighted the audience with their sweet sounds were also more numerous than we were lead to expect - and the music itself was of that excellence seldom enjoyed in any society. The arrangements were most ably conducted by Mr. A. J. Marriott, whose musical proficiency is well known and highly appreciated. In speaking of the special performances we are at a loss to find words to describe the thorough excellence of the music tendered by Miss Chambers and Mrs. Fereday. The former lady, gifted with a power of song probably possessed by few in the world, of a rich mellow tone, yet extraordinary compass, carolled the delightful music of Mozart, Mendelssohn, and Rossini, completely enthralling her hearers. Nor was Mrs. Fereday less successful, she sang one of the most delightful solos it was ever our delight or privilege to listen to. The duetts by these two ladies were marked as well by the delightful sweetness with which they were rendered, as by the elegant and scientific precision of execution. In speaking of the chorusses were all was so excellent, it is impossible to make selections, although occasionally strains from voices struck upon the ear, that we would have been delighted to hear singing alone. A little band of gentlemen amateurs under the leadership of M. Kowarsic, consisting of five violins and a flute gave admirably one or two beautiful overtures, thereby rendering the change from the vocal to the instrumental a delightful relief. Altogether this soiree was pronounced one of the most satisfactory yet held. We shall look forward with great interest to the next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur John Marriott (conductor); Susan Fereday (vocalist); Francis Kowarzik (violinist); Launceston Philharmonic Society
Names and descriptions of passengers per Great Britain, from Melbourne, January 1862, for Liverpool; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Miss Chambers / 26 [sic] . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 January 1862), 4
CLEARED OUT. - JAN. 29 . . . Great Britain, ship, 3,500 tons, John Gray, for Liverpool. Passengers - saloon: . . . Miss Chambers . . .
"Il Rusignolo di Australia", Il Lampione [Firenze, Italia] (13 February 1864), 48 (DIGITISED)
È stato fatto a tutti gli amatori dell'arte musicale un vero regalo con l'apparizione come Azucena nel Trovatore al Teatro Pagliano del nuovo contralto australese signora LUCIA CHAMBERS. Si sa che questa giovane signora di nascita distinta ha dovuto lottare contro molla opposizione prima di venire in Europa, e cominciare in Italia quella carriera musicale alla quale le abitudini più pratiche che artistiche di una nuova colonia non sono tanto favorevoli. Ma il risultato ha ben ricompensato il coraggio e l'energia della giovane debuttante. Noi possiamo con sicurtà profetizzare che fra non molto il nome di LUCIA CHAMBERS terrà un posto allo e generalmeute riconosciuto nel Teatri d'Europa.
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 April 1864), 5
The numerous friends of Miss Lucy Chambers, and indeed the colonies at large - for this lady is a native of New South Wales - will be gratified to learn that the high opinion of her musical powers formed by a large, though private circle of admirers during her stay here some three years since have been amply justified. Miss Chambers left Melbourne for Europe in 1861 [sic], in order to study her art in Italy, and her friends here learn by the present mail that she made a highly successful debut in Florence at the close of January last. The part she chose was Azucena in "Trovatore," and an artist who satisfies so critical an audience as the opera-going public of Florence, and in so difficult a part as this can need no more powerful guarantee of success in any other place in which she may appear.
"MISS LUCY CHAMBERS. THE AUSTRALIAN NIGHTINGALE", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (20 April 1864), 4-5
It is indeed with great felicity that we publish below the copy of a letter, and extracts from Italian journals, which we have received from this young lady, who seems likely to glisten a star of great brilliancy in the musical world of Europe. All the natives of Australia will be no less gratified and proud of the success that has marked her debut than those who knew her here in private life, and who have been charmed by her delightful melodies upon many happy occasions. May that success increase a thousand fold, and go on increasing, which from the enthusiastic commendations of the hypercritical (in matters musicale) press of Florence, we have not the slightest doubt it will.
"Italy, Florence, Feb. 21.
To the Editor of the Cornwall Chronicle, Launceston.
"Dear Sir, - On the 24th of January, 1864, I made my debut at the theatre "Pagliano,"
in the character of Azucena, in Verdi's opera, "Il Trovatore," and am happy to say with much success.
I have taken the liberty of forwarding you the journals in which my name is mentioned,
and also translations of the different articles, and if you will kindly allow them to be inserted in your journal I shall esteem it as a particular favour.
Apologising for the liberty I have taken, I have the honour to remain.
Yours truly, &c., LUCY CHAMBERS."
(From the Florentine Theatrical Chronicle.)
"SATANA. In addition to the clever artiste above mentioned, the Signora Lucia Chambers was also engaged.
The metal of voice of this new artiste is so powerful that it surprises us.
We know her to be a thorough musician, and she possesses a beautiful method of singing;
from all which it is easy to imagine that the 'Trovatore' was perfectly rendered.
At the second act La Chambers displayed such power of [5] voice and perfect musical intelligence,
that at the 'Stride La Vampa,' as well as in the duet with the tenor, she was much applauded."
(From the Italiana Artistica, Feb. 3)
"The Signora Lucia Chambers, as we have already said, is a debutante, for which reason we cannot make any remark in regard to her acting.
She has a magnificent voice, and the bass notes in particular are quite out of the common.
She sings with taste and mastership, and was much applauded at the aria, the narrative, and duets with the tenor, and was recalled at the third and fourth acts.
Under better auspices she could not commence the theatrical career, following in the study of which will be for her very brilliant.
We congratulate the Signora Chambers on her beautiful requisites, and on her very happy debut."
Translation from the "Lampione" of 13th February, 1864.
"THE AUSTRALIAN NIGHTINGALE. - A true gift has been given to the lovers of music by the appearance of the new Australian contralto,
Signora Lucia Chambers, in the character of Azucena in the opera 'Il Trovatore,' at the Theatre Pugliano.
It is known that this young lady of distinct birth has had to struggle against much opposition before coming to Europe to commence in Italy that musical career,
to which habits, more practical than artistic, of a new country are not so favourable.
But the result has well compensated the courage and energy of the young debutante.
We can with security prophecy that before long the name of Lucia Chambers will hold a place high and generally known in the theatres of Europe."
From "II Sistro" Literary Artistic Theatrical Journal, 5th February 1864.
"La Chambers, under the appearance of Azucena had many difficulties to surmount;
that is, being a debutante and not Italian, and having to undergo the comparison with the public
(accustomed to measure in the scale the merit of artistes) could make with other artistes who had already played this difficult part.
La Chambers, however, was able to overcome all those difficulties and came off victorious.
Her voice in beautiful, and very extensive, Italian her accent, and sufficiently dramatic her diction.
The public proved how much they appreciated her beautiful gifts, and loaded her with applause, as much for the aria as in the concerted pieces."
"THE SYDNEY MONTHLY OVERLAND MAIL . . . SUMMARY OF MONTHLY NEWS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (21 May 1864), 5
Miss Lucy Chambers - the new Australian contralto, who has made such a successful debut at Florence - is a native of this colony, the daughter of Mr. C. H. Chambers, solicitor, and was for many years a pupil of Mrs. Logan, musical artist of this city.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Logan (musician, teacher)
"MISS CHAMBERS", The Cornwall Chronicle (4 June 1864), 4
The correspondent of the Morning Post, writing from Florence on February 5, says: -
By far the most important dramatic and musical event that has marked this year's carnival in Florence is the sudden,
unexpected, and complete success of an English contralto from the antipodes.
Lucy Chambers, "the Australian nightingale," as the prophetic admiration of her friends in the great southern colony had already termed her before she left their shores,
and as the voices of four applauding Italian audiences have amply justified.
Her debut last Saturday on the boards of the large Pagliano Theatre was effected under very great disadvantages.
She was not, as originally arranged, to have made her first appearance before Lent, and then in one of the thorough contralto parts adapted to her peculiar powers.
But from the necessity of suddenly finding some singer capable of replacing the mezzo-soprano representing the gipsy in the "Trovatore,"
who had been prevented from undertaking the part, the manager of the Pagliano applied to Miss Chambers, requesting her to anticipate her debut;
and, after having had only two orchestra rehearsals, she complied - not without risking her chance of success - with the request.
The public, which had been prepared with no preliminary puffing for the exhibition of her vocal powers, and had even, in the vast majority of cases,
only learned her existence for the first time that morning by the curt announcement in the play-bill,
that, "Azucena" would be performed by a certain Lucia Chambers, had mustered in less force than usual, it happening that one of the greatest balls of the season -
the first at the Casino-Borghese - came off on the same night, and drained away more than the usual proportion of operagoers.
Nevertheless, so great was the impression produced that on the second night the theatre was crowded to over flowing,
and the admiration of her remarkable powers has increased with each subsequent representation.
The depth and power, and richness of her lower notes are absolutely startling;
and when I mention that most accomplished and fastidious critics are instituting elaborate comparisons between her and an Alboni or a Trebelli,
it will perhaps be admitted that, in the present instance, Australia has done something more than send to the opera-going world of Europe a precious musical nugget,
and that even the later and more complete stages of artistic refinement have been aimed at and secured.
Indeed, by nothing have the musical connoisseurs of Florence been more surprised than by the degree of self-possession and self-command in purely histrionic matters which,
on her very first appearance, Miss Chambers has revealed.
To be sure she has had excellent training during her sixteen months' residence in Florence, under both Vannuccini and Romani,
for the cultivation of her voice, and under the veteran Ferdinando Pelzet for the thousand little niceties of stage effect.
At the same time a degree of flexibility in her stage movements and gestures is still wanting, as well as a little more study of that all-important matter, stage costume, in which it is, perhaps,
hardly fair to expect that the Australian eye should be found at once educated up to the mark of the decorative taste in costume of the Pagliano or the Pergola, the San Carlo or the Scala.
From the vast proportions of the Pagliano (I believe that there is the difference of but a few feet between it and the Scala)
it is evident that the notes of "the Australian nightingale," which make themselves heard in the remotest corners of the building, will equally fill any other theatre in Europe;
and it may be safely predicted that before long as regards some of the most renowned theatres such will be the case.
Nowhere were the great depth and richness of her voice, as well as the perfect command possessed by her over its most delicate modulations,
so remarkably displayed as in the last act in which her sad dreaming chant -
"Ai nosti monti ritorneremo . . .
L'antica pace . . . ivi godremo!"
made itself felt with a mingled power and pathos that justly elicited universal and heartfelt applause.
I have just heard that, immediately after the "Trovatore," there is to be represented as the Pagliano, Pacini's opera of "Saffo,"
in which Miss Chambers will find a more appropriate opportunity of displaying her full contralto excellence.
Nothing, I ought to add, could be more gratifying or flattering than the sympathizing spirit which this Australian lady's success has called forth,
not only in the other members of the Pagliano company but generally, in the Florentine press and public -
serenades and most laudatory criticisms being the order of the day, ever since her first appearance.
When I add that the new Australian debutante is of very good family - a perfect gentlewoman,
and highly esteemed and honoured in the domestic and social relations of her life for her many excellent qualities of head and heart
- when I further mention that not a few difficulties, akin to those by which Madlle. Piccolomini's earnest longing to tread the boards was for some time thwarted,
have in the present case too been bravely and honorably overcome - I trust I have said enough to awaken elsewhere in her behalf some slight portion,
at least, of the interest which she now commands in Florence.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marietta Alboni (contralto vocalist); Zelia Trebelli-Bettini (mezzo vocalist); Luigi Vannuccini (vocalist, teacher); Ferdinando Pelzet (teacher, actor), husband of Maddalena Pelzet (actor); Marietta Piccolomini (vocalist, famously overcame her family's moral objections to her pursuing a stage career)
For the original, see "ITALY . . . FLORENCE, FEB. 5", Morning Post [London, England] (11 February 1864), 6 (PAYWALL)
"THE DEBUT OF MISS LUCY CHAMBERS, AT THE OPERA HOUSE, FLORENCE (From our Paris Correspondent)", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1864), 5
Do your readers happen to remember the allusion contained in one of my recent letters, to the approaching debut of a young lady, Miss Lucy Chambers, a native of Australia, possessing a most magnificent contralto voice, and promising, with the aid of that splendid organ, and of an organization admirably fitted for the stage, to throw the renowned Alboni into the shade. Miss Chambers, after many fruitless attempts to hit upon a practicable Italianising of her obstinately English name, has made her appearance at the Pergola - the first opera house in Florence, where the sustained the role of Azucena with an easy power that sufficiently indicated the genuineness of her dramatic vocation; while her voice, with its unusual range, its wonderful volume, and extreme richness of tone, trained after the best traditions of the Italian school, by Professor Vannuccini, of Florence, excited the enthusiasm of the house to a degree rarely called forth by a debutante. Her action excited as much admiration as her singing; plaudits and bouquets were showered upon her; three of her solos were encored, and the young aspirant for popular favour was called for after each act, and called back three times at the close of the performance. The first appearance of "La Signora Lucia Chambers" in the very arduous part selected for the occasion, has been followed by her appearance in other parts, in all of which she has been equally successful. The Italian journals are loud in the praise of the young foreigner, whom they declare to speak their beautiful tongue without the slightest foreign accent, and with whose aid they anticipate the revival of many operas which it has been impossible of late to bring out properly for lack of that rarest of all classes of voice - the rich, round, mellow, passionate contralto.
The Paris journalists are as loud as their Italian brethren in proclaiming the triumph of the Australian cantatrice, whom, however, they persist in designating as "a creole." They are impatient to hear her here, and are predicting for her, on the faith of the descriptions given of her powers by their Italian correspondents, a success as brilliant as that which she has achieved in Florence. What renders more remarkable the signal success achieved by this young lady - the first native warbler produced by Australia! - is the fact that she had no friends in Italy beyond the professors, who have taken so earnest an interest in the training of their gifted pupil; so that the plaudits won by her first appearance were prompted solely by the brilliant qualities displayed by her. Not only has the course of training she has gone through been unusually short, but her debut was preceded only by one partial rehearsal and two full ones; a fact without precedent in operatic annals, the first appearance of a new dramatic vocalist being usually preceded by nine or ten rehearsals, and often by double that number. The physique of the new diva is admirably adapted for the stage. Her figure is large, ample, and flexible, like her voice; her features are expressive; her black eyes and her masses of black hair set off the play of the countenance; and lastly, the ensemble of her personal appearance is of a character which comes out well under the footlights. It is Miss Chambers' intention, after gathering the laurels which undoubted await her in all the great capitals of Europe, to visit all the great dependencies of the British crown, taking the United States on her way; and ending her career among her family and friends in the great insular continent of the South, for which she cherishes so enthusiastic an affection.
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 January 1865), 5
The Italian journals continue to record the growing popularity of the Australian contralto, Miss Lucy Chambers.
At the opening of the Opera-house at Lucca, on the 23rd of August last, when "Il Ballo in Maschera" was performed,
Miss Chambers sustained the part of the fortuneteller, Ulrica; and Lo Tenzero (a daily paper published in Florence)
characterizes her voice as "a colossal contralto, rich, agile, and flexible;" while she is described as acting her part like an old artiste.
The Cosmorama Pettorica describes her voice as magnificent, and her acting as perfection.
The Satana compliments her on her rare intelligence and refined taste, and predicts a brilliant future for her.
Lo Tenzero, noticing Miss Chambers' delivery of the cavatina of Arsace, in the opera of "Semeramide," [Semiramide]
states that she produced an immense effect in it, was rewarded by the enthusiastic plaudits of a crowded house, and was honoured with two calls.
At Florence, the Teatro Pagliano was re-opened on the 5th of October, with the ever-popular "Trovatore,"
when Miss Chambers appeared as Azucena and experienced a cordial reception.
L'Italia Artistica says of her in this part: -
"Her voice is very beautiful, rich, and extensive; and the bass notes are magnificent.
She sings with taste, feeling, and spirit; is full of intelligence and talent, and plays the character of the gipsy superbly.
Her Stride la vampa, in the racconto, was given with true dramatic accent, and warmly applauded;
and after her duet with the tenor she was called for, amidst enthusiastic demonstrations of applause.
We congratulate this excellent artiste on the splendid future she has before her;
as she is certain to become an ornament of the most celebrated theatres in Europe."
The other journals are equally laudatory in their criticisms on Miss Chambers, who at the latest date was about to proceed to Rome,
in order to fulfil an engagement in that city during the carnival week.
From thence she will probably make her way to Naples and Milan,
preparatory to undergoing the final test of her powers before Parisian and London audiences.
[News], The Argus (27 April 1865), 5
It is gratifying to be able to state that Miss Lucy Chambers, the Australian contralto, has appeared with unequivocal success at La Scala. The Milanese papers are delighted with her superb voice, and astonished at her pure accent. La Revista Teatrale characterises her voice as Californian in its richness, and a somewhat similar comparison is employed by another journal, La Lombardia. The musical critic of La Revista Melodrammatica describes her voice as extraordinary alike for its power, its compass, and its sweetness; while La Ghironda congratulates the Italian stage upon the acquisition of a songstress possessing so magnificent an organ, combined with such a thorough knowledge of music, so good an accent, and so natural a style of acting. La Perseveranza, after remarking that "Miss Chambers has a splendid voice, which one can hear, and a person one can see," goes on to observe that "her Italian accent is so pure and perfect that she shames many of the native artistes, who mumble their words preposterously. Her contralto voice is full, extensive, very powerful, and extremely sweet." The completeness of Miss Chambers's success in the noblest theatre in Northern Italy may be inferred from the fact that engagements have been offered her by the managers of the opera-houses at Barcelona and Vienna.
"LAUNCESTON . . . MADAME ANNA BISHOP'S CONCERTS", The Tasmanian Times (8 March 1869), 2
The music-loving people of Launceston are now being indulged with a series of the richest musical treats they have enjoyed since the year 1857, the period when the lamented Catherine Hayes, and shortly after Madame Anne Bishop visited Tasmania. At that time our small musical world was at its zenith, led by Miss Chambers (who has since become a world-renowned Cantatrice, though I have not heard of her recently), Mr. Adams, Mr. Marriot, Rev. W. A. Brooke and numerous other amateurs of high standing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Warren Auber Brooke (amateur musician, pianist)
"MISS LUCY CHAMBERS", Evening Journal [Adelaide, SA] (29 December 1869), 3
Regarding Mr. Lyster's new prima donna "Mr. Viellard, en music," sends us the following: -
"Seeing in your journal of Saturday last an extract from the Melbourne Argus, quoting a letter from Mr. W. Lyster in reference to his new operatic speculations,
I find the name of Miss Lucy Chambers prominently mentioned as having very much facilitated his arrangements in Italy with the artistes he has succeeded in engaging for the colonies.
I trust I am not out of place in saying that all things pertaining to the cultivation of native Australian talent,
no matter by what sort or order, nor of what colony, reflect credit upon all, and should be on every occasion possible,
but more especially so in things relating to les beaux arts.
We have, I maintain, talent, if not genius, equal, or perhaps greater, in proportion, to the older countries had we but even half the means of producing it in the shape of education.
I hope, therefore, for these reasons you will be good enough to let appear in your paper the few remarks I make in reference to the lady whose name heads this letter.
"Miss Lucy Chambers was born in Sydney; is the youngest daughter of the late Charles Henry Chambers, Esq.,
a Magistrate of the colony of New South Wales, in his time a leading member of the legal profession (Chambers, Holden, and McArthy),
as well as a man of great probity and benevolence. From her earliest years she was remarkable for her vivacity and talent.
At 13 years of age she could - I was going to say render, but the word is too fearful to contemplate - sing a scena from "Semiramide," or "Tu che accendi," from "Tancredi,"
or anything else you like, in her even then rich contralto - not like an amateur, but comme un vrai musicien.
Later she became naturally a good pianist and comprehensive musician.
She was the delight of her own circle and those who came within its circumference - possessing a keen sense of wit, and, above all, a good heart.
I may as well mention here she is a descendant of Erin by both parents, and hereditarily has all the best characteristics of that unfortunate land of genius and song.
"Times change, and we change with them."
All who have lived long in these colonies know well the uncertainties and fluctuations of commercial prosperity.
One of those changes came over the Chambers family. The subject of our remarks saw the change, and bravely determined to meet it.
The necessity for action was immediate. She determined to follow the musical profession - declined no doubt many good alliances, and devoted herself to art.
She went some 17 years ago [sic] to Italy, studied made her debut (if I forget not in Bologna) with good success, and was at once received -
something, mark ye, for a young Australian. She sung in La Scala and other great theatres.
Went to Spain, sung in Madrid, always increasing in favour, and gaining fresh laurels.
Back again to Italy, where she has remained nearly ever since, till she was engaged by Mr. W. Lyster as prima contralto,
with perhaps one of the finest operatic troupes that ever came to these shores.
No doubt she will have Benvenuto" wherever she goes in the colonies; therefore let us not be the last in the field, but rather first, and give honour where honour is due.
The time may come when South Australia may have a fair cantatrice coming back to do her honour, as this lady is now doing her compatriots in Sydney and Melbourne.
I trust you will insert this little effusion as a compliment to Miss Chambers,
whom we may soon have the pleasure of seeing and hearing here.
I forgot to mention that it was principally owing to Kate Hayes Miss Chambers finally determined upon taking to the stage."
ASSOCIATIONS: William Saurin Lyster (manager, entrepreneur)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Yorkshire, from Gravesend, 26 October 1869, for Melbourne, 15 January 1870; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin . . . Chambers / Lucia / 30 [sic] / Artiste // Dondi / Enrico / 28 / Actor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Enrico Dondi (vocalist, husband)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 January 1870), 4
ARRIVED. - JAN. 15, Yorkshire, ship (Money Wigram and Sons' line), 1,000 tons, Frederick Anderson, from London, via Plymouth 2nd November. Passengers - cabin: Miss Lucy Chambers, Signora Lucia Barratti, Signor Enrico Dondi, Signor Barratti . . .
[News], The Argus (17 January 1870), 4-5
The first instalment of Messrs. Lyster and Smith's English, Italian, and French opera company (who are to open at the Theatre Royal on February 5), arrived in Melbourne per ship Yorkshire, from London, on Saturday last. It includes the "leading ladies" of the troupe - Mdlle. Lucia Barratti, prima donna soprano; Miss Lucy Chambers, prima donna contralto - and the primo basso, Signor Enrico Dondi. So soon as the Yorkshire was telegraphed, Mr. J. W. Smith started from Sandridge in the steamer Resolute, in order to welcome the strangers, who were thus enabled to reach shore and establish themselves at the Port Phillip Hotel at an early hour. They appear to have gained golden opinions on board, and their performances at a few musical reunions not only secured the gratitude of the passengers, but impressed every one who heard them sing with the belief that their vocal powers were higher than any yet known in Melbourne. Whether this splendid anticipation will be realised remains for the future to prove. The two ladies and the gentlemen appear in excellent health, and on Saturday evening witnessed the performance of the pantomime-burlesque at the Theatre Royal from the manager's box. Miss Lucy Chambers, who is of Australian birth and family, has already been warmly welcomed by numbers of old friends. Mdlle. Barratti is accompanied by her father, a composer of some fame. She has recently been performing in the leading Italian theatres. Miss Chambers has already achieved celebrity at La Scala at Milan, at Madrid, and elsewhere, and had she not received Mr. Lyster's offer, which gave her an opportunity of revisiting the scenes of her early youth, she would have appeared next season in London. Signor Dondi has also been making a reputation for himself in Italy. The news of the arrival of these distinguished vocalists having spread through the professional musical confraternity of Melbourne, a plan to welcome them by serenade was hastily formed, and would have been executed but for the interference of Mr. J. W. Smith, who objected to a demonstration the meaning of which was open to misinterpretation. The remainder of the company is expected to arrive, with Mr. W. S. Lyster, by the incoming mail [5] steamer. It consists of Signor Neri, primo tenore; and Signor Mari Cornia, primo baritone . . .
"THE NEW OPERA COMPANY", The Age (24 January 1870), 3
The first appearance of the five operatic performers introduced by Messrs. Lyster and Smith to the colonies will probably prove the most important event in our musical annals so far; and as the new comers are of European fame, a few biographical particulars respecting them may not be uninteresting . . . Miss Lucy Chambers was born among us, and pursued her studies in Italy under Romani and Lamberti. Her standing in the profession is evidenced by the fact that she played for three seasons at the La Scala Theatre, and three seasons also at Berlin, where she was honored with the highest distinction. She has also performed in Hamburg, Brussels, Madrid, Lisbon, Oporto, Turin, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Naples and elsewhere. Miss Chambers was making arrangements to proceed to London, when she received an offer from Mr. Lyster which led her to determine upon first visiting her native land. She is an accomplished performer in English as well as Italian opera, and will no doubt become the prime favorite among the company . . .

Lucy Chambers as Maffeo Orsini in Lucrezia Borgia, Melbourne, February 1870 (Johnstone, O'Shannessy & Co., photographers) (State Library of Victoria) (DIGITISED)
"ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. LUCREZIA BORGIA", The Argus (15 February 1870), 6
The opera of "Lucrecia Borgia" was selected for the first appearance of Signor Mario before a London audience. In Melbourne it was chosen for the debut of Miss Lucy Chambers. In 1839 it was denounced by those who were supposed to guide and elevate the popular opinion (we quote the language of the leading review of that day) as "utterly worthless." Here in Melbourne after a vigorous existence of over 30 years, it is looked forward to and welcomed by the most crowded audience of the season, and it would be a hazardous thing to say that there was one amongst the audience last night to whom the work was not familiar or who had not felt his admiration for it increase with every repetition . . . It will be almost needless to say that the reception of Miss Lucy Chambers by a Melbourne audience was such as to satisfy the anticipations which she must have formed many a time since the idea of return to this country first assumed tangible shape. The scene may be described as consisting of noise, bouquets, and waving handkerchiefs on one side of the footlights, and a splendidly-dressed and somewhat jaunty young nobleman of stalwart build, with jet moustaches and a Brutus wig of black hair, bowing and kissing his hand to all the friends who had come to see him. This was a very good beginning, and from this point the opera went on swimmingly, except for the interruptions caused by the entrance of the Lucrezia (Signora Barratti) and the other members of the Italian corps, who were all subjected to the peculiar warmth of a Melbourne welcome. The performance of the short aria, "Nella fatal di Rimini," at once put the minds of the audience at rest that they heard a voice of rare power, and the applause which followed was of course hearty in the extreme. The character of the brave and choleric yet placable young Orsini is not one which admits of any great display of vocalisation, the principal opportunity for which occurs in the well-known drinking song where the young fellow, who has just been withheld with difficulty from killing Gubetta, or being killed by him, at the request of his friends begins to smile, and taking a glass in his hand tells them, after the manner of young men in such circumstances, "The way to be happy" (Il segreto per esser felice). This was received with great favour by the audience, who were evidently charmed at the power, depth, and sweetness of the lady's voice - a voice the like of which we have not heard since Sara Flower was in her prime. The appearance of Miss Chambers serves to strengthen the company materially, and it may be that in parts such as Arsace, Orsini, and others of like calibre, our Melbourne opera will be as well supported as it is at this time likely to be in any country. Her appearance and performance were altogether gratifying . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist)
"THE OPERA", The Age (15 February 1870), 2-3
. . . The performance last night was a great success, and was remarkable for giving an opportunity for the first appearance of Miss Lucy Chambers, a lady - a native of Australia - who having studied under the best masters in Europe, and having in many cities in Germany, Italy and Spain, achieved great success, has now returned to charm those amongst whom her earlier years were passed. Miss Chambers possesses a contralto voice of great compass in the lower register, and has also much histrionic talent. The part she undertook [3] in Lucrezia has, with one exception, no great scope for the display of her vocal abilities; but in the celebrated Brindisi in the last act, she fairly carried all before her, and retired with the sincere wish of all that her most deserved success might be the forerunner of many other triumphs, and prove that her country is by no means destitute of vocal and musical talent . . .
"THE ITALIAN OPERA COMPANY. LUCREZIA BORGIA", The Herald (15 February 1870), 2
The debut of Miss Lucy Chambers last evening drew a crowded house at the Royal. The opera chosen for the occasion was Donizetti's "Lucrezia Borgia," in which the debutante took the part of the hot-headed and jaunty Maffeo Orsini . . . Miss Chambers, who was dressed with exceeding taste, and who looked the pompous, reckless nobleman of the period, was greeted with a perfect storm of applause that lasted for several seconds. The opening aria of "Nella fatal di Rimini" was successfully sung, and all doubt as to the quality of Miss Chambers' voice was at an end . . . Miss Chambers came well out of the ordeal of "Il Segreto." Her low notes are exceedingly fine, and she possesses a perfect control over her voice. A certain degree of nervousness, palpably observable, lessened the effect of her efforts to please. We have no hesitation in saying that [after] to-night, when the trepidation attendant upon a first appearance has worn off, she will do full justice to the music of "Il Segreto" . . .
"Miss Lucy Chambers", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (2 July 1870), 3
On her departure from her native city and scene of her recent vocal triumphs, a few passing notes of the professional career of this highly gifted and much esteemed Australienne will not prove uninteresting to her many personal friends and admirers in Sydney. For reasons - into which it is now unnecessary to enter - Miss Chambers, in the year 1855 [sic], being then seventeen years of age, left Sydney for the purpose of studying music with a view to following its practice as a profession. Gifted by Nature with a voice of rare excellence and endowed with talents of a high order, her progress in the acquisition of musical proficiency was remarkably rapid, and in little more than two years she made her first appearance on the lyric stage, with unqualified success . . .
"RETURN OF MISS LUCY CHAMBERS TO TASMANIA", The Tasmanian [Launceston, TAS] (11 February 1871), 11
Mr. Henry Beaumont arrived here on Wednesday from Melbourne as the avaunt courier of Miss Lucy Chambers and a company of opera singers who are to pay us a visit during the race week. Miss Lucy Chambers has never been in Launceston since she became a world-wide celebrity in Italy as a great prima donna, and no doubt she will receive a hearty welcome back to the town upon which her great ability has reflected credit during her public career in Europe and the adjoining colonies. Miss Chambers will be accompanied by Signora [sic] Dondi, Signora Devoti [sic], Mrs. J. H. Fox, and Mr. Charles Lascelles, the latter one of the greatest favorites who has ever delighted a Launceston audience.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ugo Devoti (vocalist); Sarah Hannah Fox (vocalist); Charles Lascelles (pianist, vocalist); on the concert, see "MISS LUCY CHAMBERS'S GRAND CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (18 February 1871), 5
[News], The Ballarat Courier [VIC] (13 February 1871), 2
The statement has found its way into the Press that the lady we have we long known on the operatic stage as Miss Chambers has been Signora Dondi for some years, but that it was preferred that the lady should retain her maiden name upon the stage. Now that the season is over, so is the reason for withholding the fact.
"THE OLD PHILHARMONIC AND LUCY CHAMBERS. To the Editor of the . . .", Launceston Examiner (16 February 1871), 5
SIR, - Perhaps it may be unnecessary to remind the old members of the Philharmonic and other musical societies
(all but the pleasant memories of which have now passed away) of the claims of Lucy Chambers - of her former kind association with them,
under the late John Adams, and subsequently to his death of her unselfish efforts to make their meetings agreeable as well as instructive;
and her readiness at all times to render their benevolent efforts for our local charities successes.
All will remember, too, her most successful appearance in the old Cornwall room, in aid of the Indian Fund, in which concert,
with old Farquharson, she delighted her audience in the grand "Creation" of Haydn.
Let every member of the Philharmonic unite with their follow townsmen and townswomen in rendering the concert on Friday,
evening as successful in a pecuniary way as the limited space of the Town Hall will permit.
It is indeed much to be regretted that the Mechanics' Hall is occupied;
for in that hall, where she has so often delighted a Launceston audience, she ought to make her new appearance.
It would be a most generous act on the part of Mr. Coppin, if for this one night only he were to offer the use of the hall -
I will not say to Miss Chambers only, but to the people of Launceston; they would not forget it as a favor conferred on themselves.
Yours obediently, PHILHARMONIC.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Adams (late conductor); George Coppin (theatrical manager)
[News], The Express and Telegraph [Adelaide, SA] (2 February 1874), 3
"For circumstantiality and a sort of epistolatory loquacity, the following,
from a private letter descriptive of the late fracas at the Opera House in Melbourne," writes the Western Independent,
"puts to shame the celebrated letters of Lord Chesterfield to his son": -
"I suppose you have heard something of the row at the Opera.
However, I will give you full particulars, which you know you can rely on.
Last (Thursday) night week they were playing 'Poliuto'; Dondi came on the stage tragically, as usual, but got no applause.
He got savage and made a mess of the first bars he had to sing.
Gunning, of the chorus, was talking to Miss Smith, and Dondi rushed him (knocked down two supers)
and caught him by the throat and threw him off the stage in the second act.
A large portion of the audience thought it part of the 'acting' of the piece, but the 'cognoscenti' knew better.
Gunning went away, and did not show up until the end, when the curtain fell on the final recall, when he rushed on and knocked Dondi down.
Lucy Chambers in the meantime had come to the theatre, and hearing of the first row, and fearing its consequences,
brought with her Nobili, who now keeps the Garrick's Head, and was an Italian prize-fighter,
who rushed at Gunning, but was met by your friend Francisco, who struck him fair between the eyes.
Dondi went away into his room and cried. Nobili struck out wildly a hit Bell, who smashed in his face for him.
The women were clapping and crying out, and the audience, who were just going out, did not know what to make of it.
The usual cry of fire was raised, Lady Bowen and others fainted. Nenoni was swearing at 'you --- English,' and Mrs. Bell collared and woolled her.
Mrs. Benham slapped Lucy Chambers in the face. Kitts told Dondi what he thought of him;
Lyster swore all round indiscriminately, and sacked everybody; Miss Flemming nursed Dondi, with whom she is smitten, and got abused by Lucy for her pains.
Lyster at last decided on sacking Gunning, Benham, and his wife.
The whole chorus then struck and advertised a meeting at George Hudson's next day, when Lyster met them and gave in,
the quarrelsome members going to Sydney instead of Ballarat.
I was awfully excited, and went out and saw all the round, after leading the audience off with cries of 'shame.'"
ASSOCIATIONS: James Edward Kitts (vocalist)
"Signor Dondi", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (5 November 1875), 3
The departure of Signor Dondi for Europe by the mail, may render a few notes of his career in Australia of interest. This grand basso singer and actor took his passage from Italy for Melbourne in the year 1869, in company with Signor Neri, tenor, Signor Contini, baritone, Signora Baratti, prima donna, and Signora Lucy Chambers, contralto, all under engagement to Mr. W. S. Lyster, who secured them during his visit to Milan. They opened at the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, in Verdi's Ernani, Signor Dondi performing Don Silva . . .
"A CORRECTION. To the Editor of the Examiner", Weekly Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (10 November 1877), 16
SIR, - In a recent issue you stated that the late concert by St. Joseph's Band for the Indian Famine Fund gave the largest sum that has been realised in Launceston by any one concert.
Allow me to inform you that one given in aid of the Crimean Relief Fund, conductor, the late Mr. J. Adams, Miss Lucy Chambers, Mr. Farquharson, and the members of the Philharmonic and Sacred Harmonic Societies,
the amount realised was £106, the reserved seats being 10s 6d, and the work performed Haydn's "Creation." -
Yours truly, W. STOKES. Nov. 5.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stokes (former member); see also "W. S." 1892 below
"MADAME LUCY CHAMBERS", The Argus (25 November 1884), 7
The familiar name of this well known artist and teacher appears in another column, in connexion with an entertainment to be given in the Town hall next Saturday night, in the presence of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Loch. This will be the first benefit concert given in Melbourne in favour of Madame Chambers. It is the suggestion of a number of her pupils, who will themselves take part in the concert, at which will also appear the following well known artists, namely, Mr. Armes Beaumont, Mr. S. Lamble, Mr. T. H. Guenett, Miss Gertie Frazer, and the Metropolitan Liedertafel, conducted by Mr. Julius Herz. Madame Chambers will accompany the performance of her pupils.
Madame Chambers, the daughter of Charles Henry Chambers, is a native of Sydney, where her father was in practice of the law. Early developing a contralto voice of superior quality, she began to cultivate it under the tuition of Mrs. Logan, a pupil of Logier, and cousin of Wallace, the composer of "Maritana." Miss Chamber's first incentive to adopt the Italian operatic stage as a profession came from Catherine Hayes. This impulse, which was at first resisted, was at last obeyed, and in January, 1862, the subject of this notice went to London, where she studied for a while under Garcia, and from thence took her departure for Italy . . .
"SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY (W. S.)", Launceston Examiner (19 November 1892), 7
. . . At the time of the Indian mutiny the society united with the Philharmonic and produced the "Creation" in aid of the fund for the wounded, which was a great success, the tickets being 10s 6d and 7s 6d, and the proceeds upwards of £600. The leading parts were Miss Lucy Chambers, soprano; Mrs. Hamilton, contralto; Mr. Henslow, Hobart, tenor; Mr. Farquharson, bass; Mr. J. Adams, conductor; Rev. W. A. Brook, pianist. This society teen numbered 100 members, but, like everything in this city, interest and attendance declined, and eventually the society was dissolved, the property sold, and the books, etc,, placed in care of the Mechanics' Institute, where, I suppose, they might be perused on application to the librarian, Mr. Johnetone, who was one of the old members.
The high esteem in which Madame Lucy Chambers is deservedly held by the general public was evidenced by the very large audience that assembled in the Town hall yesterday evening at her benefit concert, whilst the number of ladies and gentlemen who generously placed their services at her disposal testified to the kindly feelings entertained towards her by the members of the musical profession. When the receipts and expenses have been balanced there will no doubt be a handsome balance on the right side of the ledger. A well assorted programme included two numbers that were of special interest to many of the citizens who were able to call to mind the concert and state appearances of Madame Chambers about 20 years ago. These were Sullivan's "The Lost Chord" in which the vocalist had the assistance of Herr Scherek the pianoforte and an organ obbligato skilfully played by Mr. Ernest Wood, and Giordani's well known "Caro mio ben." As the beneficiaire stepped on to the platform she was welcomed with a hearty and continued round of applause. Without entering into particulars concerning a voice that is of course not exactly what it was 20 years ago, it is sufficient to state that in her singing of both numbers Madame Chambers proved that she still possesses those artistic qualifications which she has so successful imparted to her numerous pupils with such results as have secured for herself distinction and fame as an instructress. After the first song she was presented with a larger number of floral tributes and after the second she was prevailed upon to add "Answer" (Robyn) as an encore . . .
"Melbourne Gossip", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (28 October 1893), 905
"Hard times" have brought Madame Lucy Chambers once more before the public, and a most enthusiastic and sympathetic audience assembled in the Town-hall on Wednesday evening on the occasion of her benefit concert . . . A few fathers and mothers remembered her as a girl of 16 in Sydney, her native city; even at that age, her fine contralto voice and power of dramatic expression used to bring crowds to the windows of her friends' houses when she sang. Her brilliant career as a prima donna was over 20 years ago; but she has done excellent work as a teacher . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (9 June 1894), 1
CHAMBERS. - On the 8th inst., at her residence, 510 Albert-street, East Melbourne, Lucy, youngest daughter of the late Charles Henry Chambers, of Sydney.
"DEATH OF MADAME LUCY CHAMBERS", The Argus (9 June 1894), 8
It is with the utmost regret that we announce the death of Madame Lucy Chambers, which took place rather suddenly yesterday afternoon. The sad event was not entirely unexpected, as Madame Chambers had for some months previously suffered from an affection of the heart of so serious a nature as to necessitate the attendance of Mr. Fitzgerald. The symptoms of her illness first made themselves apparent after her benefit performance in the Town-hall in October last, but it was not until her Christmas holiday, which she spent in Tasmania with her sister, Mrs, Gilmore, that she was really prostrated. Her vacation was indeed practically passed on a sick bed, but thanks to careful nursing she recovered sufficiently to take up her teaching work. Still her health was so impaired that she suffered from continual attacks of illness, although the energy which was so marked a feature of her disposition enabled her to rally to a surprising degree. The insidious progress of the disease was, however, fully apparent to her medical adviser, and some three weeks ago he wrote to Mrs. Gilmore in Tasmania pointing out that the case was hopeless, and advising her to come to Melbourne at once. Mrs. Gilmore lost no time in responding to this warning, and for the last three weeks had been visiting her sister every day. Yesterday afternoon Madame Chambers insisted upon going through her usual round of music lessons, but while at the piano was taken suddenly ill. Restoratives were applied without effect, and the unhappy lady was assisted to her bed, where she died in her sister's arms. Mr. Fitzgerald was present some 20 minutes before the fatal occurrence, and almost immediately afterwards.
The deceased lady was a sister of Mrs. Gilmore, of Crosby lodge, Launceston, widow of Captain Gilmore. Her nephew, Mr. G. C. Gilmore, is a member of the Tasmanian House of Assembly. Her brother, Mr. D. D. Chambers, was widely popular as inspecting Superintendent of the Victorian police.
Madame Chambers was born in Sydney, where her father was a solicitor, and a partner of the celebrated William Charles Wentworth. At an early age she proved herself the possessor of a very fine contralto voice, and Catherine Hayes offered to take her to Europe and superintend her training. The proposal was not accepted, but a few years later Madame Chambers proceeded to England, where, under Manuel Garcia (the teacher of Madame Marchesi), she began her artistic education. In pursuit of her studies she passed under the tuition successively of Pietro Romani (teacher of Grisi, Mario, Pasta, Ungher, and the old Australian favourite Lucy Escott), Cavalier Francisco Lamperti, Lauro Rossi, and Vannucini. During this time she appeared as principal contralto in almost all the leading lyric theatres in Italy, and was the first and only Australian who had sung at La Scala, Milan, until Madame Melba's recent appearance at that theatre. She also sang at Berlin, Hamburg, Spain, Portugal, and Brussels, and returned to Australia under the auspices of the late Mr. W. S. Lyster in 1870. At the termination of her engagement she took up her residence in Melbourne as a teacher of singing, and achieved considerable success in her profession. Most of the leading Australian vocalists were trained by her, including Miss Alice Rees, Miss Amy Sherwin, and the Misses Colbourne-Baber, Edith Moore, Fannie Liddiard, Ida Osborne, Violet Varley, Cicely Staunton, and Florence Young. Her last public appearance was in the Town-hall, Melbourne, on October 18 last year, when her many friends assembled in large numbers at a complimentary benefit concert organised on her behalf. The deceased lady will be long remembered, not only by her pupils, who must number many hundreds, but by a very large circle of friends both in the musical profession and in private life.
"OBITUARY. MADAME LUCY CHAMBERS", Launceston Examiner (11 June 1894), 5
In our cable messages on Saturday notification was given of the death of the celebrated singer, Madame Lucy Chambers, news which will cause a feeling of profound regret throughout the musical world, for the talented lady had during her career on the lyric stage won the admiration of all who had the pleasure of hearing her in opera. The deceased lady was born in Sydney, and was the daughter of Charles H. Chambers, of the well known firm of Chambers and Wentworth, solicitors, of that city. She first studied in Sydney under Mrs. Logan, a well-known teacher and accomplished musician. When Catherine Hayes came to Australia she was so struck with Miss Chambers's remarkable voice that she at once offered to take her to Italy and supervise her vocal education as a cantatrice. This offer could not then be accepted, but subsequently she went to London and studied under Manuel Garcia, the teacher of Madame Marchesi. She also spent some eight years studying for lengthened periods under other great masters, such as Pietro Romani (teacher of Grisi, Mario, Pasta, Migher, and Lucy Escott), Cavalier Francesco Lamperti, Lauro Rossi, Vannaccini, Ettore Fiore, and Tamburini. During this time she sang as principal contralto in all the leading lyric theatres of Italy, notably La Scala of Milan, Il Regio of Turin, La Pergola of Florence, Bologna, Venice, Lucca, and others. She was the first Australian who had the honour of singing at La Scala, and until Madame Melba's recent triumph at that theatre the only one. The local press in criticising her performance paid her the compliment that she possessed "the voice of Albani, the hand of a duchess, and the grace of an Andalusian." As the Gipsy in "Un ballo in Maschera" she was said to have been the only contralto who ever made the part stand out, and those who saw her in that opera never forgot her splendid singing and her magnificent tragic acting. At La Scala she was complimented by the composer of the opera. Contraltos did not as a rule care about the part, regarding is as a secondary one, but Madame Chambers's performance always brought it into [6] prominence. She also sang as principal contralto in Berlin, Hamburg, Spain, Portugal, and at the Theatre de la Monnaie, Brussels, where Madame Melba made her brilliant debut. During two seasons she was principal contralto with the companies of which Madame Patti was the star.
On the late esteemed and lamented William Saurin Lyster visiting Italy for the purpose of forming an Italian opera company for Australia, Madame Chambers was induced by him to return to her native land as prime contralto of his company. On the conclusion of her engagement with Messrs. Lyster and Smith, Madame Chambers retired from the stage, and undertook the practice of her profession as a teacher of singing, for which naturally her training and experience thoroughly fitted her, and which she followed most successfully for 21 years. Amongst her numerous pupils were Miss Alice Rees (since married to that clever artist, Herr Max Vogrich, of New York), and who, when she sang in New York, created such a furore that the critics were loth to believe that her musical education had been solely received in Victoria; Misses Colbourne Baber, Edith Moore, Lucinda Blackham, Fannie Liddiard, Ida Osborne, Violet Varley, Cicely Staunton, Florence Esdaile, Ada Walker, Florence Young, and Alice Dunning Lingard and others who occupy at the present time prominent positions on the lyric stage of Australia. Among male pupils the following may be mentioned: - Henry Stockwell and William Walshe, well-known vocalists.
On October 18 last Madame Chambers, after a retirement of 20 years, made her re-appearance in the Melbourne Town Hall in a benefit concert. The reception which the beneficiare received on that occasion was a remarkable one, and after the singing of her first number, "The lost chord,"
"men and women," recorded an exchange "stood on all sides, and the heartiest of cheers were mingled with the deafening handclaps, that told the singer how tenderly she dwelt in the hearts of the Melbourne public. The floral display had never before been equalled; from every direction rushed bearers of beautiful floral gifts until the platform became one mass of flowers, wreaths, horseshoes, and dozens of lovely baskets were piled round the singer, who bowed her acknowledgments again and again, the number of offerings being so great that no attempt was made to remove them from the platform until the close of the performance."
The press published full descriptions of the floral offerings, many of which were from professional musicians, and who held the singer in very high esteem. The event was an epochal one in the history of music in Australia, and will long be remembered by those who were present.
Madame Chambers was married during her residence in Italy to Signor Dondi, the celebrated basso, with whom she returned to Australia. She was popular, not only on account of her artistic talents, but her wit and genial qualities. She was a clever linguist, having spoken four languages fluently. Besides her husband she leaves a sister, Mrs. George Gilmore, and nephew, Alderman G. Crosby Gilmore, M.H.A., of this city, to mourn their loss. The deceased lady had no children.
"THE LATE MADAME LUCY CHAMBERS", The Daily Telegraph (11 June 1894), 5
The good woman, and once celebrated singer, who passed away in Melbourne last Friday, and a brief chronicle of whose death appeared in our issue of Saturday, was in many respects a representative and distinguished Australian. For over 20 years the late Mme. Lucy Chambers, whose age could not have been much less than 55, has been known in the public only by her phenomenal success as a teacher of singing, but those who can go back in memory to the sixties can recall the time when Australia's first contralto going as a girl from Sydney to Europe won fame for herself and honor for her country in the world's chief centres of musical art. All Australians interested in music received with feelings of pardonable pride last year the news of Mme. Melba's brilliant success in opera at La Scala, Milan, but it is safe to say that only a few old colonists were aware of the fact that when Mme. Melba was but a prattling infant Lucy Chambers had conquered the most critical operatic audience in the world in La Scala. Lucy Chambers was born, and spent her youth, in this city. Her father was for many years in partnership with William Charles Wentworth, the lawyer and statesman, who is honored to-day as the most commanding figure in the whole political history of the Australian colonies. The clever Sydney girl made rapid advance in her musical studies under Mrs. Logan, who was a pupil of Logier, and a cousin of William Vincent Wallace, the composer of "Maritana" and "Lurline." While the budding contralto was charming her friends with her rich voice it so chanced that Catherine Hayes, "the swan of Erin," visited Sydney [sic]. Impressed by the girl's voice and talent, the gifted Irish singer, whose triumph in Australia is a matter of history, volunteered to lake her to Europe and superintend her studies. This generous offer was declined, but some years later Lucy Chambers plucked up courage to go to London . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bernard Logier (musician); William Vincent Wallace (composer)
Bibliography and resources:
H. Morin Humphreys (comp.), Men of the time in Australia, Victorian series, second edition (Melbourne: McCarron, Bird & Co. 1882), [xxvii]-[xxviii] (DIGITISED)
Chambers, Madame Lucy, was born in Sydney, and is the daughter of the late Chas. Henry Chambers, Esq., who was a well-known legal practitioner in that city. Being gifted by nature with a beautiful contralto voice, she began to cultivate it when quite young, under the tuition of Mrs. Logan, a lady who holds a very high position in Sydney as a teacher of music. Mrs. Logan is cousin to the author of "Maritana," and was a pupil to the celebrated Logier. When Catharine Hayes came to Australia she heard Miss Chambers sing, and at once offered to take her to Italy and superintend her vocal education as a cantatrice. This offer was not accepted for family reasons, which, however, eventually gave way, and in January, 1862, Miss Chambers went to London, studied there for a few months under Garcia, and from thence took her departure for Italy. At Florence she became the pupil of Vannuchini, conductor of the opera there; also of the great teacher Romani, the master who taught Grisi, Mario, Pasta, Ungher, Lucy Escott, &c. After a year's tuition she made her first appearance as Azucena in "Il Trovatore" at the Pagliano Opera House, Florence, with Madame Medore and Signori Villani, Pizzicati and Dellacosta. Her success was very great, and the opera ran for a month. From Florence she went to Lucca, and sang there during the Fair season with Mademoiselle Perrelli and Signori Collini and Sirchia. From Lucca went to Milan, where she found a telegram summoning her again to Florence, to which city she returned and sang her old part in "Trovatore" for two weeks. Her next appearance was at La Scala, Milan, where she sang in the operas "Trovatore," "Faust" and "Un Ballo in Maschera," with Mesdames Galletti, Lotti Dellasanta and Colson. [xxviii] The male singers were Signori Annastasi, Carrion, Saccomano, Medini and Bartolini. During her residence at Milan, Miss Chambers studied under the great teacher Lamperti, and from that town went to Venice, under special engagement to sing the role of Climene, in Pacini's opera "Sappho," at the Malibran Opera House, the Venice Opera House being closed for some political reason, as Venice was at the time occupied by Austrian troops. From Milan she went to Lugo, and played Maffeo Orsini in "Lucrezia Borgia," with the celebrated Bendazzi, and Signori Bignardi, Cotogni and Rigo. Her next trip was to Bologna, where she was engaged for a season, and at a benefit performance sang the great scena in "Semiramide" (in costume) a few nights after Alboni had sung it at a concert. Miss Chambers made an immense hit, and was recalled four times. From Bologna returned to Milan, and then she went to Turin, where she sang with Adelina Patti at the Regio Theatre, and there sang the contralto part in the opera "Matilda di Shabran" with the celebrated Signor and Signora Tiberini. She next paid a visit to Portugal, and sang in Lisbon and Oporto; thence to Germany, where at Berlin she made her first appearance at the Victoria Theatre, with Mesdames Sarolta, Artot and Carozzi and Messieurs Vizzani, Tombisi and Perdilha. With this company Miss Chambers went to Hamburg, from thence to Berlin, and then to the Theatre de La Monnaie at Brussels, where she appeared with the celebrated Madame Sass. In 1870 Madame Chambers came to Australia, under engagement to Mr. Lyster, together with Signora Barratti and Signori Neri, Dondi and Contini, and took a premier position at once. For several years Madame Chambers was the leading contralto in Australia, but after singing throughout the colonies she decided upon leaving the lyric stage to commence the profession of musical instructress. In this vocation she has been very successful, and has presented to the public some very promising pupils, amongst whom may be mentioned Miss Alice Rees, Miss Blackham, Miss Marie St. Clair, and Miss Ada Gardiner. She also prepared Mrs. Alice Dunning Lingard for the role of Josephine in "H.M.S. Pinafore." The result of the teaching in this case everyone knows.
James D. Brown and Stephen S. Stratton, British musical biography . . . (Birmingham: S.S. Stratton, 1897), (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Chambers, Lucy, contralto vocalist, born Sydney, New South Wales, where her father was a lawyer. Her early studies were under Mrs. Logan, a cousin of W. Vincent Wallace; and, encouraged by Catherine Hayes, at the time in Australia, she decided to adopt the lyric stage as a profession. In January, 1862, she went to London, and studied under Garcia; then, proceeding to Italy, became a pupil of Luigi Vannuccini, and Romani, at Florence. After a year, she made her appearance as Azucena, in Il Trovatore, at the Teatro Pagliano. She was then engaged for two seasons at La Scala, Milan, and while there continued her studies with Lamperti. A general tour of Europe followed, and in 1870 she returned to Australia. There she had a long career of unbroken success, her repertory being extensive and varied. She formed an Academy at Melbourne, and died in that city in 1894.
Nicole Anae, "A crowned and selected band of women": Tasmanian actress/celebrities of the nineteenth century and "home-grown" identity (Ph.D thesis, University of Tasmania, 2005) (DIGITISED)
Colin Fowler, "An early Catholic household at Pyrmont: The family of Sydney's first Town Clerk (Charles Henry Chambers)", Australian Catholic Historical Society 38 (January 2017), 6-19
Amateur bellringer, bell captain, change ringer, hatter, publican, licensed victualler
Born Gloucestershire, England, 12 September 1801; baptised St. Peter, Frampton Cotterell, 15 September 1801; son of Peter CHAMPION (d. TAS, 1852) and Hester GOULDING (d. VDL, 1838
Married (1) Maria MANN (d. TAS, 1855), St. Stephen, Bristol, England, 23 March 1822
Convicted Gloucester, England, 7 April 1823 (14 years transportation)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 17 January 1824 (convict per Asia, from England, 27 July, aged "22")
Married (2) Elizabeth CHAMPION, Dursley church, Gloucestershire, England, 5 July 1856
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 25 September 1871 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHAMPION, William (William CHAMPION; Mr. CHAMPION, jun.)
Amateur bellringer
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 December 1827; baptised St. David's, Hobart, 20 April 1828; son of William CHAMPION and Maria MANN
Married Ellen WISEMAN, Hobart, TAS, 28 May 1852
Died Hobart, TAS, 10 March 1853, aged "25/26" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Bell tower, Trinity Church, Hobart; foundation stone laid October 1841; from a stereo photograph, c. 1865; Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office (DIGITISED)

Champion's handbell set, bell chamber, Trinity Church, Hobart; see also Daniels 1998
Baptisms, Frampton Cotterell, Gloucestershire, 1801; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
15 September 1801 / William / son of Peter and Hester / Champion
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Saint Stephen in the county of Bristol in the year 1822; bishop's transcripts, c. 1822, page 80; Bristol Archives, Ep/V/4/44
No. 240 / William Champion of this parish and Maria Man [sic] of this parish were married in this church by banns this [23 March 1822]
"Sessions & Assize Intelligence", Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette [Somerset, England] (17 April 1823), 2 (PAYWALL)
Gloucester Assizes . . . TRANSPORTATION: Seven Years: Wm. Martin, for stealing a great quantity of materials used in the manufacture of hats, from his master, Mr. W. A. Glover, of Tetbury. Fourteen Years: Wm. Champion, for receiving the same knowing them to stolen.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Dursley in the county of Gloucester in the year 1823; register 1813-28, page 132; Gloucestershire Archives, P124 in 1/10 (PAYWALL)
No. 1053 / [1823] October 9th / Hesther Maria D'r of / William & Maria / Champion / Dursley / Hatter . . .
Convict records, William Champion, per Asia, 1824; NAME_INDEXES:1380070; CON23/1/1 No 604; CON31/1/6$init=CON23-1-1-P078 (DIGITISED)
[no.] 604 / Champion William / 5 ft 7 / . . . [age] 22 / Hatter / Gloucester / 7 April 1823 / 14 / . . . [born] Gloucestershire . . .$init=CON31-1-6P207 (DIGITISED)
[No.] 604 / Champion Wm. / Gloster Apr' 7 1823 14 [years] /
Transport'd for receiving stolen goods / Gaol report "former character good respectably connected very orderly" . . . Married . . .
Cond'l Pardon 469 30th March 1833 . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Hobart Town in the county of Buckingham in the year 1828; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1080228; RGD32/1/1/ no 2586 (DIGITISED)
No. 297 /[1828] 20th April / [born] 16th December 1827 / William / [son of] William and Maria / Champion / Hatter . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (3 August 1847), 1
THE Undersigned having promised to do all in his power to form a COMPANY of RINGERS for the new Bells in Trinity Church Belfrey,
will feel obliged by the attendance at his house on Tuesday evening, the 10th of August, at 7 o'clock,
of those who are desirous of assisting in such an object as Ringers.
Jolly Hatters, Melville-street, July 30, 1847.
ASSOCIAIONS: Trinity Amateur Ringing Association (association)
"BELLS AND BELL-RINGING", The Courier (7 August 1847), 2
We have before observed that the bells which have arrived for Trinity Church were cast at the manufactory of Messrs. Mears and Co., of Whitechapel, and have hinted at the celebrity they have attained in the trade . . . We now refer to the peal intended to gladden the hearts of our citizens. We believe that upwards of two hundred pounds have been subscribed to hang them, and that preparations are being made to carry out the object. Additional sums are required, and we doubt not but the liberality of our citizens will readily furnish them. Meantime, Mr. Champion, an experienced ringer, is endeavouring to raise a troupe of artists. From his abilities, we augur that the first peal will have an electrifying effect in the bosoms of the population. Happy may the bride be whose nuptials are first announced in a merry, joyous, wedding peal!
"BELL RINGING", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (12 August 1847), 2
The meeting called for Tuesday evening, to organize a company of Bell Ringers, was attended by more than thirty persons.
After several excellent peals had been rung on the hand bells belonging to Mr. Champion by several old ringers present, and one or two amateurs,
Mr. W. G. Beaumont, of the Old Wharf, was called to the Chair, and the business of the evening commenced.
A rough draft of Rules for the government of the Belfry operative Council were read, and referred for re-consideration on Friday (to-morrow) evening, at 7 o'clock.
They were prepared by an old English ringer, assisted by the master of the bells, Mr. Champion.
Eight persons entered themselves as acquainted with the art of bell-ringing, and eight others as students.
There cannot be a doubt therefore, that a very considerable musical noise will be made on the first trial at a treble bob major.
There will be no sleep that night, for some people.
Three peals were rung at the conclusion of the proceedings, in honor of the Chair, and then
"All went merry as a marriage bell."
Lord John Manners, the present regenerator of old British sports, ought to have been present.
His health must not be forgotten on the night the first peal is opened.
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (31 August 1847), 3
. . . By an announcement in our present number, it will be seen that on Monday next, the Theatre will be re-opened for the benefit of the Masonic Benevolent Fund, an instance of liberality on the part of the managers for which they deserve great praise. The entertainments have not yet been announced, but we may mention a very striking novelty which will be produced by the chimes of Mr. Champion's Bells, as a sort of miniature prelude to those of Trinity Cathedral, whose melodious and sonorous peals we may soon expect to hear from the well-adopted eminence of Trinity Hill. With respect to the performances generally, they will no doubt be selected with the usual taste and judgment of the management . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"MASONIC BENEVOLENT FUND. THE THEATRE", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (9 September 1847), 3
The call made by the members of the Masonic Benevolent Institution, in aid of its funds, were most generously responded to on Monday last . . . Messrs. Mezger, Toby, Champion, W. G. Beaumont, Downer, and Lovett were in attendance, to receive visitors and strangers . . . During the evening, the Hand-bells, kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Champion, were rung in a way which promises a very successful opening of the Belfrey of Trinity Church by the same artists. They are entitled to our best thanks. The Band of the 96th regiment, under the direction of its talented and very obliging master, Mr. Bishop, played some splendid and animated pieces, such as were likely to rouse the better feelings of our nature . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Bishop (master); Band of the 96h Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (15 October 1847), 2
THE BELLS. A Considerable difficulty having arisen in the way of completing the Belfrey of Trinity Church in time for the next ensuing Regatta,
in consequence of more money being required to meet expences than was contemplated in the first instance,
it is, at the request of many of the Subscribers, suggested that a meeting of all interested should be held
THIS EVENING, at seven o'clock precisely, at Mr. Champion's Inn, Melville-street, to adopt such measures as may then be considered advisable under the circumstances.
October 15, 1847.
"THE CATHEDRAL BELLS" [sic], Colonial Times (29 October 1847), 3
We are glad to announce that measures have been adopted to ensure the completion of the cathedral [sic] tower, and the hanging of the bells in time for the regatta and through the liberality of certain of our worthy citizens, who at the meeting held at Mr. Champion's, on Tuesday evening last, handsomely came forward and furnished the Rev. Mr. Palmer (the Rural Dean) with a guarantee for £200, the sum at which the work is estimated . . .
"TRINITY CHURCH BELLS", The Courier (13 November 1847), 2
Since our last notice, the frame-work has been elected in the steeple by Mr. Wright, the contractor, and the light bells hung in their places, without the slightest accident, under the superintendence of Mr. Champion. The latter operation was commenced on Wednesday morning, and concluded yesterday afternoon. So complete are the preparations, that if the ringers were well practised in performing with each other, a peal might be rung at an hour's notice. The young men will, however, exercise themselves daily in going through all the complicated evolutions of a "peal," although by a process of what is called "tying the bells," they will emit no sound audible to the community. The bells will be "publicly opened" on the morning of the Regatta.
"THE BELLS", The Courier (17 November 1847), 2
We have had the satisfaction of inspecting the eight bells now hanging in the tower of the belfry of Trinity Cathedral. Under the superintendence of Mr. Champion, with the assistance of some able coadjutors, the whole of the arrangements are so far completed tlint the ringers will commence practice immediately with dumb bells, and be ready to usher in the morn of the Regatta day with a sonorous peal.
"Local Intelligence", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (2 December 1847), 3
THE BELLS rung a merry peal at half-past three, a.m. yesterday morning. The following were the ringers: -
No. 1 Norton, 2 Champion, Jun., 3 Davis, 4 Creswell, Jun., 5 Hilton, 6 Bastian, 7 Milson, and 8 W. G. Beaumont,
"THE CHURCH BELLS OF ST. TRINITY", The Courier (4 December 1847), 2
We have casually noticed, in our regatta report, the public opening of the bells at an early hour in the morning.
After that, the bells were twice rung-first at half-past eight, and again at a quarter-past four in the afternoon, with a marked improvement in the performances.
When we consider that, with two exceptions, the ringers are native youths, who have had no experience but by practice with Mr. Champion's hand-bells,
and a very brief period of ringing with the muffled bells since they were placed in the tower, much more was achieved than might have been anticipated giving promise of future excellence.
The following are the names of the ringers who opened the bells:-
No. 1, Norton; 2, Champion, junr.; 3, Davis; 4. Creswell, junr.; 6, Hilton; 6, Basstian; 7, Milson; and 8, W. G. Beaumont.
"THE CATHEDRAL BELLS", Colonial Times (7 December 1847), 3
Certain hyper-critical connoisseurs (!) in the art and mystery of bell-ringing, have been pleased to find fault with the manner in which the "merrie peals" were rung on the Regatta Day; but these worthy persons have forgotten one circumstance, and that is, the (at present) inexperience of the young ringers. "Aye," quoth the wiseacres, "very true; but why not engage 'old hands,' accustomed to the business at home?'" For two very good reasons we answer. First, although doubtless "old hands" could be obtained to handle the ropes, and who for the very novelty of the thing, would have proffered their services on the Regatta Day, yet, what dependance could be placed upon them in the event of any emergency, a wedding, for instance, or a similar joyous occurrence? Why, in our opinion, very little for business or pleasure might interfere to prevent their attendance. Not so, however, with our colonial youth, who, trained up to the practice, will take a praise worthy pride and emulation in their exertions to perfect themselves, and be at all times most ready and willing to favour the public with as many "merrie peals" as may be required. We really think that great credit is due to Mr. Champion and his coadjutors, no less for their unremitting exertions in the hanging of the bells, and in arranging definitively for their purchase by becoming security for a considerable sum of money, but for their judgment in selecting colonial youths as ringers, who will become, as it were, identified with the vocation, and very soon acquire the means of delighting us with a peal as well rung, as any in Old England itself. The bells have been cast by one of the first founders in London, and all that is required is attentive practice to ensure perfect success. In the meantime those who have placed their names upon the subscription list, ought to make good their payments, while others who have not done so, should forthwith perform this pleasing duty, so that the bells may be exclusively the property of the public.
"THE BELLS", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (6 July 1848), 3
The choir of Bell-ringers deserve greater praise than can be awarded. Night after night they practise without any remuneration, or reward beyond the satisfaction of gradually making themselves perfect in an art which cannot but afford pleasure to others. Mr. Champion, as the number one of the club, deserves a testimonial which he can hand down to after times, and every other promoter of the manly British exercise, so congenial to the feelings of us all, ought also to be held in kindly estimation. Let every one remember that the bells ring nearly every night, without any charge upon the community of a single shilling, and let those who grumble at a wrong pull now and then, just think of what we have now stated in favour of the ringers.
"THE BELLS", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (29 March 1849), 3
Although we never hear the bells ring but we think of the manner in which the trustees have been treated (which muffles, as it were, the pleasure of their sound), yet we conquered this feeling on Thursday last and threaded our way up into the belfry, where the ringers were pulling away joyously after the fashion of "merrie" England, that mother and nurse of manly pastimes and enjoyments. All the day, excepting the usual hours for refreshment, was devoted to the marriage of Miss Dunn, the ringers having previously been very generously provided with a liberal retaining fee from Mr. Wilmot, by the hands of Mr. Champion, who has taken so much interest in the bells. Experienced ringers inform us that the members present on that day rung well, and that they will very soon be equal to any club in either of the colonies. Great praise is due to them, and as far as we are concerned we feel obliged for their exertions. Perhaps, at some time or other, the clergy or the laity will make an effort to pay the debt due to the trustees. We think it is the especial duty of the former to look to this. But to return to the practical working of the bells, as we said, the day was devoted to Major Smyly's marriage, and the evening ended by an hour's peal for Mr. Thomas Mezger (married the same morning), which closed the ringing harmony of the day.
"MARRIAGE", The Courier (29 May 1852), 2
On the 28th instant, by special Licence, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Dr. LILLIE, WILLIAM CHAMPION, jun., son of Mr. Champion, Melville street, to ELLEN, eldest daughter of Mr. John Wiseman, Elizabeth-street.
"DEATHS", The Courier (14 March 1853), 2
On the afternoon of the 10th, at his residence, Melville-street, in the 26th year of his age, WILLIAM CHAMPION, jun., after an illness of 14 days. His loss will be sincerely felt by his relations and friends, by whom he was universally esteemed. He has left a young wife and infant child. The funeral will take place on Friday, the 18th instant, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.
On Sunday morning, the 13th instant, the infant daughter (aged 10 days) of Mr. William Champion, jun., whose decease is noticed above. The funeral of the child will take place on the same day and at the same hour as appointed for that of the father.
See also obituary, "THE LATE MR. CHAMPION", The Hobart Town Advertiser (19 March 1853), 2
"DIED", Colonial Times (6 March 1855), 2
At her residence, Melville-street, on Sunday, the 4th instant, MARIA, the beloved wife of Mr. William Champion, after a long and painful illness, aged 57 years. Friends are respectfully informed that the funeral will take place on Friday, the 9th instant, at half-past two o'clock p.m.
1856, marriage solemnized by licence in the parish of Dursley in the county of Gloucester; register 1837-88, page 113; Gloucestershire Archives, P124 in 1/14 (PAYWALL)
No. 226 / July 5 / William Champion / Full [age] / Widower / gentleman / Dursley / [son of] Peter Champion / Deceased
Elizabeth Champion / Full [age] / Spinster / - / Dursley / [daughter of] Samuel Champion / Saddler . . .
"BIRTHDAY PEAL", The Mercury (13 September 1869), 2
Yesterday morning at eight o'clock the "Trinity Amateur Ringing Association" rung a peal in honor of Mr. William Champion having completed his sixty-eighth year. Twenty years ago Mr. Champion took the leading part in promoting the hanging of Trinity Church Bells, and was successful in organising a company of ringers. Under his instructions they were enabled to ring the bells for the first time on the 1st of December 1847, the occasion being the tenth anniversary of the Hobart Town Regatta. The successive companies of ringers, practising in later years in the Trinity Church Belfry, have in many ways been indebted to Mr. Champion, who has uniformly manifested a deep interest in the progress of the art of Change-ringing. The compliment paid to him yesterday was a genuine and cordial mark of respect.
ASSOCIATIONS: Trinity Amateur Ringing Association (organisation)
"DEATHS", The Mercury (26 September 1871), 1
CHAMPION. On 25th September, at his residence, No. 3, Burnett-street, William Champion, in the 71st year of his age. Friends are invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday next, 27th inst, at half past 2 o'clock. 57
"THE LATE MR. CHAMPION", The Mercury (26 September 1871), 2
Scarcely had the grave closed over one of our oldest fellow-colonists when the ceaseless hand of death removed another from amongst us. Mr. William Champion, so well known throughout the colony, died yesterday morning at his residence in Burnett-street, in the forty-eighth year of his sojourn in this Island, and in the 71st year of his age. The deceased was a useful colonist in his day, and it may be interesting to mention that he produced, from his own hands, the first hat that was ever made in this colony, starting business in his trade shortly after he landed in the year 1824 in a small stuccoed cottage, up two or three steps, just opposite the Elephant and Castle in Bathurst-street. There, on the 6th of August in the year aforesaid, the first Tasmanian beaver was sent into the sunshine on the head, strange to say, of one who still survives in Mr. Isaac Froud, of the Native Corners. The article in question, and now far beyond all question we suppose, was formed of wool, and the hair of the silver-grey rabbits, which animals had been only a year or two before introduced to the colony, and set at liberty on Betsy's, now called Franklin, Island, by one Captain King, who, for some time afterwards, made money of the skins in the China market. The hat trade failing, Mr. Champion commenced business as an hotel-keeper, and for a long, long time the Jolly Hatters, in Melville-street, was the home of most of the opulent settlers when they visited the metropolis. The good old man's success in life enabled him to afford spirited and benevolent assistance on many occasions, and, although he never mentioned the matter himself, we happen to be aware that the Trinity bells, which chime so sweetly over the city on gala days, owe to his liberality something like one hundred and twenty-five pounds, that sum having been contributed by Mr. Champion towards the expenses of their suspension, and never repaid to this day. He died of the decay of nature, and without a pang or a struggle.
"BELLS AND BELLRINGING", The Mercury (9 July 1887), 3
. . . It is with pleasure we draw attention to our own peal of bells at Trinity Church,
and trust that all who hear them will take a greater interest in them after reading the short history of them which we give below.
No small amount of trouble has been taken to collate the facts which follow, and it may be that one or two little details are missing,
but if so, they are likely to be brought to light by the publicity now given.
During the year 1844 the Reverend Philip Palmer, who held the office of rural dean, and was perhaps better known as Dean Palmer,
went to England for the purpose of collecting money to build what is now Holy Trinity Church.
His mission was attended with great success, and amongst other who gave substantial subscriptions to the fund,
were Her Majesty Queen Victoria, her mother the Duchess of Kent, and the Earl of St. Germains.
Dean Palmer finding that he had collected more than enough to pay for the construction of the church decided to apply the surplus to the purchase of a peal of bells.
The surplus, however, was not sufficient for the purpose, but upon his (Dean Palmer's) return to the colony the late Mr. William Champion took the matter up,
and called a meeting at which it was decided to open a subscription list to defray the residue of the coat,
Mr. Champion himself heading the list with a very substantial sum.
Indeed, we find in the obituary notice of this gentleman, which appears in The Mercury of September 26, 1871, the following sentence: -
"Although he never mentioned the matter himself we happen to be aware that the Trinity bells which chime so sweetly over the city on gala days owe to his liberality something like £125,
that sum having been contributed by Mr. Champion towards the expenses of their suspension, and never repaid to this day."
Two days after the above-mentioned date The Mercury, in referring to Mr. Champion's funeral, wrote: -
"Before and after the funeral service the Trinity bells tolled a muffled peal, and then the fine old man was silently left in his resting place."
There is no authentic record of the cost of the bells, but they must have totalled over £700 for purchase, freight, and fixing.
At the present time a similar peal would cost very nearly the same, as the selling price in England is £475.
The bells, eight in number, are considered the best in the colonies next to the Balaarat peal.
A very popular error exists in that the bells are believed to be the property of the Trinity parish,
but that is not the case, as they are public property, and are only in the possession of the Trinity churchwardens as custodians.
After they were hung in 1847 a bellringer's association was formed, and the bells were heard chiming week in and out for a number of years.
Mr. C. B. Hardinge was master ringer for many years, and after his resignation Mr. Bryant Webb took the mastership;
but a few years ago the association collapsed, mainly on account of the dangerous state of the framework on which the bells are hung . . .
"HOLY TRINITY DIAMOND JUBILEE", The Mercury (28 August 1909), 7
. . . The bells (still supplying the only peal we have in the city), eight in number, were obtained from Messrs. Mears and Stambank, of Whitechapel, London, at a cost of £500, and brought out by the Rev. Philip Palmer when he returned from England in 1847. The weight of the tenor bell, which is the heaviest, is 10cwt., and upon it is cast in raised letters the inscription - "Their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words into the ends of the world." Mr. Champion, a brewer, residing in Melville-street, took much interest in procuring the bells and in the training of the first ringers . . .
Bibliography and resources:
William Denison, Varieties of vice regal life . . . volume 1 (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1870), 65
[Regatta day, 1 December 1847] . . . The day was ushered in by the sound of the first peal of bells I believe that have ever been heard in the southern hemisphere, or at least in Australia. It has amused me to hear so many of the young people who have been born here say that they never heard a peal of bells and express their curiosity to hear these. The bells have recently been purchased by subscription, and brought out from England for the new Church which is now nearly finished here. Great exertions have been made to get them up in time to ring the first peal today. I thought that they should have reserved this honour for Christmas Day, but it seems that this, the birthday, as one may call it, of the island into the civilized world, is the great day of the year here . . .
Lou Daniels, "Champion, the master bellringer", Tasmanian ancestry (Genealogical Society of Tasmania) 19/3 (December 1998), 165-67 (DIGITISED)
Milford McArthur, "William Champion, a colonial cabinetmaker?", Australiana (February 2001), 20-23 (DIGITISED)
Patricia Jane Graham, Church and community: the changing social role of Holy Trinity Church in Hobart, 1833-1945 (Ph.D thesis, University of Tasmania, 2015), 176 and following (on the bells), especially 182-92, and 217 (DIGITISED)
CHANSON, George (George CHANSON) = alias of George LOYAU
CHAPMAN, Abraham Western (Abraham Western CHAPMAN; A. W. CHAPMAN)
Music engraver, printer, postage stamp engraver and printer
Born Westernport settlement, NSW (VIC), 6 July 1827; baptised St. Mary's chapel, Sydney, NSW, 1 January 1828; son of Abraham CHAPMAN (c. 1798-1874) and Hannah GLYNN (c. 1796-1880)
Married Bridget Mary CHERRY (c. 1829-1914), Newcastle, NSW, 24 August 1850
Died Surry Hills, NSW, 31 March 1892, aged "64/65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Abraham Western Chapman was born at Western Port, in what is now Victoria, on 6 July 1827 (though the date is usually reported as 17 July), where his father was then stationed as a soldier in the 57th Regiment, and where, in July-August 1827 it was documented that "Mrs. Chapman and child" were given an extra ration of milk "from the Government cows". Back in Sydney, he was baptised at St. Mary's Catholic chapel on 1 January 1828.
Aged 16, and probably already learning his future trade as a print worker, he was in Sydney in early 1844, perhaps living with his sister Catherine and her husband, Sergeant Thomas Bagot, when he was allowed a passage on the government transport, the Governor Phillip, from Sydney on 20 April, to join his parents on Norfolk Island. When he returned to Sydney again on the Fortescue in January 1846, the passenger manifest listed his profession as engraver. Probably dating from later in that same year, his earliest identified signed work was an engraved cover for Francis Ellard's sheet music edition of In happy moments, from his cousin William Vincent Wallace's opera Maritana.
In late 1855 and early 1856, for the pianist and composer Edward Boulanger and the publisher Frederick Mader, he executed the 53 pages of elaborately scored and intricately engraved piano music that originally made up Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856. The sole identified surviving copy is now missing its first 10 pages; but those 43 pages that remain attest to Chapman's skill and artistry as a music engraver, barely less singular and virtuosic as a colonial production than the piano music itself.
Baptisms, St. Mary's Catholic chapel, 1828; Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
1 January 1828 / born 6 July 1827 / Abraham Western / son of Abraham Chapman, 57th Regiment . . .
"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (29 February 1844), 2
. . . yesterday . . . For Norfolk Island, the same day, the brig Governor Phillip, Captain Boyle, with stores, &c. Passengers . . . Mr. A. Chapman, two in the steerage, and a military guard.
"Shipping Intelligence", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature [Sydney, NSW] (27 April 1844), 561
. . . Saturday [20 April] . . . Same day, for Norfolk Island, the brig Governor Phillip, Boyle, master, with stores. Passengers, Mr. Chapman, Captain Reid, a sergeant, corporal, and 10 rank and file of the 99th Regiment, and 11 prisoners of the crown.
Report of the Fortescue, from Norfolk Island, 14 January 1846, arrived Port Jackson, 29 January 1846; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Abraham Chapman / Engraver / Settler . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 January 1846), 2
January 29 - Fortescue, barque, 300 tons, Captain Pellatt, from Norfolk Island the 19th instant. Passengers - . . . and Mr. Chapman.
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (10 May 1855), 6
A. W. CHAPMAN AND CO., Music Punchers, Engravers, and Copperplate Printers, No. 1, Charlotte-place.
Work done for the trade with punctuality, despatch, and moderate terms.
"DEATHS", The Australian Star (1 April 1892), 1
CHAPMAN. - March 31, 1892, at his residence, 362 Bourke-street, Surry Hills, Abraham Western Chapman,
in his 65th year; 35 years foreman of the Postage Stamp Branch, Government Printing Office.
First white child born Western Port, Victoria. Requiescat in pace.
Musical prints:
In happy moments (published by Francis Ellard, Sydney, c. 1846; cover only engraved by Chapman)
In happy moments, ballad, sung by Mr. H. Phillips, in the grand opera Maritana, composed by W. Vincent Wallace (Sydney: F. Ellard, [? c. 1846-47]); cover: "Sc. Chapman" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (composer); Francis Ellard (musicseller, music engraver, publisher, Wallace's cousin); Ellard's edition was pirated from the London original edition, and Chapman also emulated the style and detail of the original engraved cover; see which: (DIGITISED)

Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856 (published by Frederick Mader, Sydney, 1856; all music engraved by Chapman)
Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856 (Sydney: F. Mader); "Engd. A. W. Chapman" (ONSITE LINK)
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (composer);
Frederick Mader (publisher); the edition was a set of 6 titles, separately paginated;
a unqiue copy, missing 10 of music pages at the beginning, is preserved at University of Sydney, Library, Rare Books, RB CON 860 9080,
in a bound album originally belonging to Boulanger's Sydney pupil, Teresa Curtis (1843-1910; Meillon-Boesen) [Curtis 9080];
[1] Serenade from Don Pasquale (only page 11 now survives, unsigned), to view follow link above;
[2] Nocturne de concert (5 pages, at foot of 5: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman"), to view, see off-print below;
[3] Caprice sur Norma (13 pages, at foot of 13: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman", see image above);
[4] Concert waltz (12 pages, at foot of 12: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman");
[5] Caprice nocturne (7 pages, at foot of 7: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman");
[6] Souvenir d'Amerique (5 pages, unsigned)
See also later off-print, Nocturne de concert (Sydney: J. R. Clarke), from same plates as above: "Engd. A. W. Chapman" (DIGITISED)
"REVIEW", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1856), 5
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 144 (DIGITISED)
"Abraham Western CHAPMAN", Voices from the past
Musician, band leader, cornet-a-piston player, flageolet player, harpist, musical instrument maker, music seller
Born Shoreditch, London, England, c. 1826; son of William CHAPMAN (b. c. 1806)
Married (1) Sarah Orynthia GIGNEY (1829-1866), St. John's, Hackney, London, 5 June 1845 ["full age"]
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 26 November 1852 (per Arundel, from London, 14 July, via Plymouth, 26 July, aged "27")
Married (2) Harriet ATKIN (widow MARSHALL) (c. 1831-1909), St. Paul's, Melbourne, VIC, 3 October 1868
Died Elsternwick, VIC, 6 April 1895, aged "69/70" (TROVE tagged) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Wheeler Gigney (musician, brother-in-law)

George Chapman, lithograph by Ludwig Lang, from the cover of Chapman's L'arpeggio polka (1864) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Lang (lithographer)
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Leonard Shoreditch, Tower Hamlets; UK National Archives, HO107/707/1/12/17 (PAYWALL)
[Wilson St.] / William Chapman / 35 / Musician / [born in county]
Ann [Chapman] / 25 / - / [born in county]
George [Chapman] / 15 / [Musician] / [born in county]
Mary / 13 // Emma / 8 . . .
1845, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of Hackney in the county of Middlesex; register 1843-47, page 14; London Metropolitan Archives, P79/JN1/067 (PAYWALL)
No. 28 / June 5th / George Chapman / Full age / bachelor / Professor of Music / Morning lane / [son of] William Chapman / Professor of Music
Sarah Orynthia Gigney / underage / Spinster / - / Morning Lane / [daughter of] Samuel Gigney / Baker . . .
? [Advertisement], Sheffield Independent [Yorkshire, England] (5 October 1850), 1 (PAYWALL)
ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Jullien (conductor); John Winterbottom (musician, also later in Melbourne); the Chapman listed here was also possibly Samuel Chapman (see below), who toured with Winterbottom and other soloists from Jullien's band in 1852
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Botolph Bishopgate, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1524/563/47 (PAYWALL)
33 Primrose Street / George Chapman / Head / Mar. / 25 / Musician / [born] [Middlesex] Shoreditch
Sarah [Chapman] / Wife / Mar. / 22 / - / [born Middlesex Shoreditch]
William [Chapman] / Son / 5 / - / [born Middlesex Shoreditch]
George Chapman / Son / - / 1 / - / [born] Midd'x Bishopgate
William [Chapman] / Brother / Un. / 27 / Musician / [born] [Middlesex] Shoreditch
Martha [chapman] / Sister / Un. / 21 / Box Maker / [born Middlesex Shoreditch] . . .
Melbourne, VIC (from 26 November 1852):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Arundel, from London, 14 July 1852, for Melbourne, 26 November 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
. . . Chapman George / 27 / Musician . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Oakey (musician, fellow passenger)
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 December 1852), 5
The following is the programme for this evening: -
Part 1. Overture. - Zauberflote - Full band.
Glee. - O, by rivers. - Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Fiddes, Messrs. Lyon, Ray, and Hancock.
Solo (Cornopean). - Air and variations - Mr. Chapman . . .
Grand Wedding March. - Full band . . .
Part II. Overture. - II barbiere di Seviglia . .
Waltz - Die Rheinfahrt . . .
Overture - Guy Mannering. (By desire.) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ellen and Edward Hancock (vocalists); Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist); William Charles Lyon (vocalist); Edgar Ray (vocalist); Thursday concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 December 1852), 8
ROYAL HOTEL. Grand Opening Ball.
MESSRS. CHAS. WILKIE & J. GREGG beg to announce that they will open the large room of the Royal Hotel, with a
Grand Ball, on Monday, December 27th, 1852.
The Room has been most gorgeously decorated by Messrs. Hancock and Dassett.
The Band is under the direction of Mr. G. Chapman, late of Jullien's Band.
Pianist: M. Sa1amon.
1. Quadrille - Rein de Var.
2. Polka - Alice.
3. Waltz - Prima Donna.
4. Lancers - Original.
5. Schottische - Hungarian.
6. Quadrille - La Favorite.
7. Polka - Bijou.
8. Waltz - Star of night.
9. Schottische - Original.
10. Gallop - Sturm march.
11. Country dance.
12. Quadrille - Steeple chase.
13. Polka - Drum.
14. Caledonian - Original.
15. Waltz - Faust.
16. Schottische - Hungarian.
17. Quadrille - La belle aux Cheveax d'or.
18. Polka - Sontag.
19. Waltz - Fairest of the fair.
20. Schottische - Original.
21. Galop - Post Horn.
God Save the Queen . . .
Master of the Ceremonies - Mr. J. E. Jones.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wilkie (musician, manager); John Gregg (vocalist, manager); Edward Salamon (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 January 1853), 5
MR. CHARLES WILKIE'S Fifth Grand Ball, January 10th, 1853.
Tickets on admission 10s. 6d., with the priviledge of introducing a lady. Dancing to commence at nine o'clock.
The Band is without exception the best in the Colony; it is under the direction of Mr. George Chapman, M.C., Mr. J. E. Jones.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 January 1853), 8
Chapman's Celebrated Quadrille Band. Admission 2s. 6d. Dancing to commence at Nine o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 January 1853), 1
MR. GEORGE CHAPMAN, Professor of Music,
who has had the honor of appearing before Her Majesty the Queen, at Buckingham Palace, and late of Jullien's Band,
begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity that he has opened classes for instruction on the
Cornet a-piston, Harp, Violin, and Flute, and hopes they will favor him, as they have hitherto done, with their kind patronage.
Music provided for Balls and Quadrille Parties.
For terms, &c., Address George Chapman, at Mr. E. Plummer's,, Chemist and Druggist, 145, Elisabeth-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 February 1853), 8
ROYAL HOTEL. CHARLES WILKIE'S Cider Cellars, open every evening . . .
Mr. Chapman, the celebrated Cornopean player, will play a solo this evening, Thursday, 3rd January . . .
Mr. Salamon, Pianist. To commence at eight o'clock. Admission, 1s.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 February 1853), 8
MR. GEORGE CHAPMAN, teacher of the Cornet-a-Piston, Flageolet, Flute, Violin, and Harp,
136, Queen-street. N.B. - Music provided for balls and quadrille parties.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 February 1853), 3
ADMISSION ONE SHILLING. Great Combination of Musical Talent, at the
CIRCUS, Top of Bourke-street, east. Open every Evening.
Immense Success of the Grand Promenade Concerts, a la JULLIEN, every evening.
Vocalists: Mrs. Fiddes, universally popular as Miss Harriet Cawse;
Mr. John Gregg, the eminent Basso, from the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, &c.
Mr. W. F. Sayer, from the London Concerts; Mr. Dawson, comic.
Principal Instrumental Solo Performers: Cornet-a-Piston, Mr. Chapman; Violin, Mr. Weston, Ophicleide, Mr. Hartigan.
Conductor : Mr. J. Winterbottom, Who will perform a Solo on the Bassoon every evening.
IN consequence of the enthusiastic reception of the Derby Galop and the Drum Polka, they will be repeated every evening.
The Great Exhibition Quadrille, composed by M. Jullien, on THURSDAY next.
Mr. Creed Royal will perform one of his celebrated Solos on the Flute, on Wednesday next.
Doors open at half-past seven; Concert commences at eight o'clock.
Admission, one shilling. Dress circle, half a-crown.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Francis Sayer (vocalist); Mr. Dawson (comic vocalist); John Winterbottom (conductor, bassoon); John Weston (violin); Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide); Creed Royal (flute); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 February 1853), 8
MR. CHAPMAN begs to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Melbourne, Collingwood, and vicinity, that his
First Select Full Dress Ball will be held as above, when his celebrated Band, including the most popular musicians in Melbourne, will attend.
The services of Mr. Denning, proprietor of the Quadrille Assemblies, have been engaged as Master of the Ceremonies.
Tickets to admit one Gentleman and Two Ladies, 10s 6d.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Denning, 186, Great Bourke-street, east, and at the Protestant Hall; and on the Assembly Evening, at Passmore's Hotel;
at Mr. Chapman's 136, Queen-street and Mr. Plummer's, Druggist, 146, Elisabeth-street.
Refreshments will be supplied by Mr. Tuck, at moderate charges.
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cornelius Peter Denning (dancing master); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 March 1853), 12
TO NIGHT, MR. CHAPMAN'S BENEFIT. Vocalists: Miss Lewis, Mr. Dawson.
Instrumental Solo Performers: Cornet-a-piston - Mr. Chapman;
Bassoon - Mr. Winterbottom; Violin - Mr. A. Moore. Admission One Shilling.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Lewis Salamon (vocalist); Andrew Moore (violinist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 March 1853), 12
SELECT QUADRILLE ASSEMBLY. Protestant Hall, MR. DENNING, Proprietor. THE Orchestra for this evening will be considerably augmented and complete; including Mr. Chapman, Signor Maffei, Mr. Sayer, Mr. Cooze, and other talented musicians, conducted by Mr. Reed.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Maffei (musician); William Joseph Cooze (musician); Thomas Reed (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 March 1853), 12
THE CIDER CELLARS IMPROVED!! New and additional Attractions! . . .
Instrumental Solo Performers: Mr. Charles Wilkie, concertina.
Mr. Chapman, who stands unrivalled on the cornet and flageolet.
And the celebrated violinist, Mr. Moore . . .
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (24 March 1853), 9
The following is the programme for to-night [Thursday]: -
PART I. Overture - Il Italiani in Algeri (full band) . . .
Waltz - Amelia (full band) . . .
Polka - The Bridesmaid's (full band).
PART II. Overture - Guy Mannering (full band) . . .
Solo - (French Flageolet) Mr. Chapman . . .
Gallop - Duke of Cambridge, (full band) Cornet Variations, Mr. Chapman . . .
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (31 March 1853), 9
The reorganisation of the orchestra of the weekly concerts under the auspices of Mr. Megson,
has resulted, as might be anticipated, very successfully, and last week's concert was a very good one indeed, and very well attended . . .
The following is the programme of to-night [Thursday]: -
PART I. Overture - Tancredi - Full Band . . .
Solo (Cornet a piston) - Mr. Chapman . . .
Waltz - Pensees d'Amour - Full Band.
PART II. Overture - Les Diamans de la Couronne - Full Band . . .
Quadrille - English - Full Band . . .
Gallop - Crystal Palace - Full Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violinist, leader)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 April 1853), 3
MR. GEORGE CHAPMAN can attend private or public quadrille parties, with violin, harp, flageolet and cornopean,
136, Queen-street. - N.B. Cornopean, violin, flageolet, and harp taught.
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 April 1853), 8
THIS Society has been formed for the purpose of presenting to the public a series of Concerts at which no expense shall be spared to secure the services of the first musical talent in the Colony,
and to perform the compositions of the most eminent composers.
The Committee also beg to state that their first Concert takes place on Monday Evening, the 25th instant, at the Protestant Hall, on which occasion they hope to receive a liberal patronage.
For particulars see future advertisements. Leader of the Band, Mr. Fischer. Musical Director, Mr. George Chapman.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Fischer (musician); a very slightly earlier manifestation of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association) formed in October-November of that same year
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 April 1853), 12
Principal Vocal Performers - Miss Graham (her second appearance). Mr. Moran.
Leader - Mr. F. Fischer.
Director - Mr. G. Chapman.
THE Band will consist of the following talented performers: -
Violins - Mr. A. Fischer, Mr. Strebinger, Mr. Thomson.
Viola - Mr. Thomas. Basso - Mr. C. Elza and Mr. Hardman.
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. G. Chapman. Clarionet and Oboe - Sig. Blume.
Flute - Mr. Rosenstengel. Pianoforte - Mr. Hertz and Mr. Thomson.
Overture - Anna Bolena - Donizetti.
Song - Annie Laurie (by desire), Miss Graham.
Waltz - Crystal Palace - D'Albert.
Solo, Oboe - Adagio Bolero, Sig. Blume - Kavalgiofsky.
Song - In this old Chair, Mr. Moran.
Polka - Infant (first time) - D'Albert.
Overture - Don Juan - Mozart.
Song - Peace of the Valley, Miss Graham (first time)
Solo, Violino - Concerto, De Beriot, Mons. F. Strebbinger.
Waltz - Die Aelpler - Lanner.
Solo - All is lost (Sonnambula) Cornet-a-Piston, G. Chapman - Bellini.
Quadrille - Cherbourg - D'Albert.
Song - Madoline (by desire), Mr. Moran.
Finale - God save the Queen, full band.
Concert to commence precisely at 8 o'clock.
Prices of admission: Reserved Seats, Three Shillings. Body of the Hall, Two Shillings.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Graham (vocalist); Mr. Moran (vocalist); Frederick Strebinger (violin); Mr. Thomson (violin, piano); Herbert Thomas (viola); Mr. Elze (double bass); Daniel Hardman (double bass); Sig. Blume (clarinet and oboe); Ferdinand Nichols Rosenstengel (flute); Mr. Hertz (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 May 1853), 12
By general desire will be held THIS EVENING, 25th instant. At the Protestant Hall.
THE orchestra will include Mr. Megson, (his final professional engagement), Mr. Johnson, Band Master 40th regiment,
Mr. Reed, Messrs. Cooze, Chapman, and other talented musicians . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Johnson, master of the Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 June 1853), 12
MR. GEORGE CHAPMAN, Musician, can attend private or public quadrille parties, with violin, harp, flageolet, or cornopean,
143, Swanston-street. N.B. Violin, harp, flageolet, or cornopean taught.
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 June 1853), 4
MUSICIANS. - Musicians provided for balls, dinners, and quadrille parties, on the shortest notice.
Mr. George Chapman, 143, Swanston-street. N.B. A brass band can attend if required.
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 August 1853), 8
GRAND BALL, Protestant Hall.- To-night, Tuesday August 2nd . . . Chapman's Band . . .
for the benefit or Mr. George Chapman; tickets to be had at Mr. Peck's Music Ware-house Swanston-street, and at the rooms.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician, musicseller); by early 1855 Chapman had taken over Peck's music business and premises at 117 Swanston-street
"TERPSICHOREAN HALL", The Argus (12 August 1853), 9
Crowther's Assembly rooms, under this classical designation, were opened with a public ball on Wednesday night. The hall is of considerable size, and very tastefully decorated and lighted. Nearly a hundred persons were present at the opening ball, which passed off with great spirit and propriety, the company being decorous and respectable. Mr. Chapman's excellent quadrille-band kept Terpsichore alive till daylight did almost appear, when the party broke up highly delighted with their evening's amusement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Crowther (dance hall proprietor); Terpsichorean Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1853), 3
GEORGE CHAPMAN, professor and teacher of Music. Large or small bands provided for balls or quadrille parties;
address by letter to G. C., at Peck's music warehouse, Swanston-street.
"SANDRIDGE", The Banner (19 August 1853), 10
On Friday evening a concert in connection with the Mechanics' Institution took place here. The fullness and attention of the audience gave us great pleasure and hope, as indicating that these recreations must speedily become general, both here and in the neighbouring townships, and take the place of less gentle enjoyments. It was ably conducted by Mr. Power, of Melbourne, who acquitted himself with ability. His delivery of "As I view those scenes so charming," was very masterly, and elicited a loud applause. Mr. Peck and Mr. Chapman gave each a solo, the former on the violin, and was loudly encored - the latter on the harp, with equal results . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Pierce Power (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 August 1853), 8
ROWE'S CIRCUS. - TO MORROW, August 20th. WINTERBOTTOM'S Grand Monster Concert, nearly One Hundred Performers . . .
Solo, flageolet - La Rosignol, Mr. Chapman - Collinet . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hubert Collinet, French flageolet player who performed with Jullien's band (see 1850 above); the composition was perhaps Jullien's waltz Le rossignol
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 September 1853), 8
QUADRILLE Bands. - George Chapman, Musician, begs to inform his friends and the public, that he is ready to provide large or small bands for public or private parties.
From his long experience, and thorough knowledge of all kinds of dance and appropriate music, as well as having at his command some of the best professional musicians in Melbourne,
he flatters himself he will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to those who may honor him with their preference,
and is not afraid to enter into competition with any other advertising parties whatever, English or foreign.
Address Peck's Music Warehouse, 117, Swanston-street, N. B. Every instrument taught
"THE OPENING OF THE LONSDALE-STREET ARCADE", The Argus (26 September 1853), 5
The ceremony of opening the Arcade is announced to take place to day at eleven o'clock . . . The festivities of the day are to terminate in a grand full dress ball, which will be held in the evening at the Arcade . . . Mr. Denning being the Master of the Ceremonies. The orchestra is to consist of upwards of twenty persons, under the conductorship of Mr. G. Chapman, and many of the most talented and efficient musicians in the colony have been engaged . . .
"OPENING OF THE LONSDALE-STREET ARCADE", The Argus (27 September 1853), 4
. . . At three o'clock the Arcade was re-opened for the performance of the concert . . . under the direction of Mr. Winterbottom . . . The performance consisted of the following compositions: the overture of Auber's opera Fra Diavolo, which was given with great spirit, accuracy and precision; it elicited much admiration. The Dew Drop, and Montgomery's valse, The Ladies of England, followed . . . The other musical selections performed by the Band were, "The Abbotsford Polka," and "Ibrahim Pasha's Quadrilles." Among the vocal performances . . . "The shells of the ocean" was given by Miss Martin, with a harp accompaniment by Mr. Chapman, executed with good effect . . .
The whole of the day's festivities were wound up by a Ball in the evening, which was extremely well attended, there being about 600 persons assembled. The dancing, which principally consisted of quadrilles, polkas, and schottisches, was kept up in a very spirited manner until a late hour in the morning. The music, under the direction of Mr. Chapman, was excellent; and several new pieces, composed by him for the occasion, were very effectively executed by the band.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Martin (vocalist)
MUSIC: Shells of the ocean (Cherry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 September 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, Thursday, September 29th, 1853. Sacred Concerts . . .
Tickets to be had of . . . Mr. G. Chapman, Musicseller, Queen's Arcade, Lonsdale-street . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 October 1853), 8
ALL kinds of musical instruments bought, sold, and repaired at Mr. G. Chapman's Music Warehouse, Queen's Arcade. A choice collection of new music always on sale.
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 October 1853), 6
A BAND for the Diggings. - To be Disposed of, a splendid Barrel Organ, in Spanish mahogany case, upwards of thirty tunes; to be seen at Chapman's Music Warehouse, Queen's Arcade.
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 November 1853), 8
MUSIC! Music! Music! - Mr. GEORGE CHAPMAN, in returning his sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Melbourne and its vicinity for the kind and liberal patronage bestowed upon him since the commencement of his musical career in this colony,
begs to inform them that at his music warehouse Nos. 8 and 9 Queen's Arcade, a constant supply of music and musical instruments of all kinds and at all prices -
Violins, Harp, and Guitar Strings, Music Paper, and every requisite of the profession is continually on hand.
Mr. Chapman does not intend to follow the puffing system now so prevalent in Melbourne; but he challenges competition in any branch of the business.
He proves and warrants every instrument himself, engages Bands for parties, balls, &c., numbering from two to thirty performers, all gentlemen of known and proved efficiency.
Tunes and repairs all kinds of instruments, and respectfully solicits from the amateur, as well as the members of the profession, a visit to his establishment,
feeling sure that any one will be amply repaid for so doing.
[Advertisement], The Banner (17 January 1854), 15
MUSICIAN. - MR. G. CHAPMAN, Professor of Music, is still attending quadrille parties dinners, balls, &c. The only establishment where punctuality and ability are combined. 8 and 9 Queen's Arcade.
MUSIC. - Pianoforte and Harp taught by a professional lady. MR. G. CHAPMAN'S Music Warehouse, 8 and 9 Queen's Arcade. Pianofortes and all kinds of musical instruments tuned and repaired.
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 February 1854), 2
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - Wanted a man that understands the Repairs of Musical Boxes, Flutinas, and all kinds of Musical Instruments at Mr. G. Chapman, Music Warehouse, 8 and 9 Queen's Arcade.
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 March 1854), 8
PIANOFORTES, Harps, Harmonicons, Organs, and every description of musical instruments on Sale . . .
PIANOFORTES, Musical Boxes, Accordeons, and every description of musical instruments tuned and repaired, at Mr. G. CHAPMAN'S Music Warehouse, 8, 9, 10, 11, Queen's Arcade.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 April 1854), 8
PIANOFORTES, Harpsichords [sic], and all kinds of Musical Instruments, for Sale. Pianos, Flutinas, Musical Boxes accurately tuned. Mr. G. Chapman, Music Warehouse, 8, 9, 10, 11 Queen's Arcade.
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 April 1854), 8
CRITERION HALL, Criterion Hotel, Great Collins-street, Melbourne.
Grand Concert Promenade (a la Gungle), THIS EVENING (Saturday), 8th April, 1854, and every evening during the week, with change of programme,
Madame Maria Carandini, accompanied by Mons. Lavenu, Herr Strebinger, Herr Harendorf, Mr. Winterbottom,
Mr. George Chapman, Mons. Frank Koehler, Mr. Johnson, and a full Orchestra, carefully selected from the best talent of the colony . . .
Leader of the Orchestra - Herr Strebinger.
Conductor - Mr. George Chapman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (pianist); Hermann Harndorff (musician); Franz Andreas Kohler (musician); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE TRADESMEN'S BALL", The Argus (4 October 1854), 5
This long-talked-of affair came off last night at the Criterion Hall. His Excellency Sir Charles Hotham and Lady Hotham and suite arrived about half-past nine o'clock . . . The room was very dusty, and required frequent watering to keep the atmosphere at all tolerable. Chapman's band was in attendance and performed various new pieces of dance music with much taste . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Jane Hotham (governor and wife)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 February 1855), 8
THE Stock-in-Trade of Mr. George Chapman, 8, 9, 10, and 11 Queen's Arcade, having been purchased by Mr. George Rice, the business will be carried on in the same premises as usual.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Rice (musicseller, vocalist, M.C.)
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 February 1855), 8
CRITERION HALL. - Grand Bal Masque on Wednesday next. Mr. Chapman and band will attend.
CRITERION HALL. - Bal Masque, Wednesday next, nine o'clock. M. C., Mr. George Rice.
ASSOCIATIONS: Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
"NEW INSOLVENT", The Argus (3 August 1855), 5
George Chapman, of 117, Swanston-street, Melbourne, musician: debts, £1395; assets, £385 15s.
Causes of insolvency arise from dullness of his profession and trade, pressure of creditors, and a long period of ill health.
"INSOLVENT COURT. Wednesday. 19th September, 1855 . . . IN RE GEORGE CHAPMAN", The Age (20 September 1855), 5
This was a second meeting. The insolvent was examined by the Commissioner, and stated as follows: I have been carrying on the business of a musician and music seller for the last two years. In July 1854, Mr. Silverlock and I contracted with William Robertson, through his agent, for the purchase of certain land and two cottages, at the rear of the North Star, in North Melbourne, for £1200, payable, £200 in cash, and the remainder by bills. We paid the £200 cash equally between us, and gave bills for the remainder with interest. We have never been able to get a conveyance of this property, nor possession. We brought an action against Robertson for the £200 paid, and have recovered a verdict for that amount against him. The bills are still outstanding; one is in the hands of the Bank of Victoria, I do not know where the others are. I attribute my insolvency to this transaction. The allowance of £8 per week until the third meeting, which was fixed for 31st October.
"INSOLVENT COURT. Wednesday, October 31st, 1855 . . . IN RE GEORGE CHAPMAN", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (1 November 1855), 5
This was a third meeting. Mr. Sievewight appeared for the insolvent . . .
The official assignee read the following report: - "In this estate the stock-in-trade has been a sold at a fair price;
this insolvent appears to have made some landed property over to a Mr. Rice without having received any consideration for it, and having executed a conveyance to Rice;
he has by this means prevented the estate from being promptly realised. (Signed) R. E. JACOMB, Official Assignee."
It was intimated that a special meeting would be called for the purpose of going into Mr. Rice's transaction with regard to this land.
A suit in Equity was also spoken of. The insolvent was allowed to retain his furniture, and the meeting closed.
"INSOLVENT COURT. Monday, 17th December, 1855 . . . IN RE G. CHAPMAN", The Age (18 December 1855), 5
This was a certificate meeting in the estate of Mr. George Chapman, of Swanston street, musicseller.
The official assignee and the insolvent, with his solicitor, Mr. Sievewright, were present.
His Honor said there was a voluntary conveyance of certain property to a person who was not present.
This bore upon the face of it the suspicion that it was done for the purpose of defrauding the creditors.
Mr. Sievewright said the conveyance was made to protect Mr. Chapman from the holders of three bills of exchange, who had sold him goods not worth a straw.
His Honor said that it was not right to meet one fraud by committing another.
It might have been mere thoughtlessness.
Mr. Sievewright said Mr. Chapman was the victim of misplaced confidence.
His Honor: It was clear that to the extent of the value of this land, the creditors have been wronged.
Mr. Sievewright: He might have said nothing about it.
His Honor: Well, he would then have committed a fatal fraud, and rendered himself liable to a punishequal to fifteen years transportation, and would have richly deserved it.
Mr. Sievewright said Mr. Rice might possibly be in Melbourne by Christmas.
His Honor said he would therefore adjourn the meeting till the first Monday in February.
"INSOLVENT COURT. Monday, 16 June 1856 . . . IN RE GEORGE CHAPMAN", The Age (18 June 1856), 3
This was a certificate meeting. The insolvent, who for some time carried on business as a music seller, in Swanston street, where he is still residing, having been enabled to re-commence operations. The Official Assignee having spoken in the highest terms of the insolvent. The certificate was granted.
"THE ODD FELLOWS' BALL", The Argus (4 October 1856), 5
The annual ball given by the members of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, in aid of the funds of the Melbourne Hospital and the Benevolent Asylum, took place last evening in the Exhibition Building . . . the band of the 40th regiment and Chapman's quadrille band I provided the musical portion of the entertainment . . . Mr. Denning officiated as M.C.
ASSOCIATIONS: Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
On Friday evening the Philharmonic Society gave their fifth subscription concert for the year at the Exhibition Building, to one of the most numerous and brilliant audiences that have for some time assembled to listen to the efforts of this meritorious body . . . The first portion of the concert consisted of Handel's Dettingen "Te Deum." This magnificent work has not previously been produced in Melbourne, consequently some amount of curiosity was excited - and we must say was not disappointed, though it had the imperfections necessarily attendant on a first attempt. For the purpose of rendering this fine work with due effect, the Society had largely supplemented the band, and provided the requisite solo talent. Trumpets and drums were not forgotten - the latter kindly supplied by Mr. Chapman, music-seller. Some little unsteadiness was noticeable in the chorus in the earlier part of the work, but before long they acquired greater confidence, and under the assuring conduct of Mr. Russell's baton they brought the work to a successful conclusion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor)
"POLICE. CITY COUTY (Friday)", The Argus (15 December 1856), 5
Frederick Higham was charged with picking pockets. Mr. Isaac Barnet heard a noise in the back part of his premises early in the morning, and saw two men, one of whom was the prisoner, rifling the pockets of a third, who was drunk. Mr. Chapman, the music-seller, of Swanston-street, said that the prisoner was in his employ, and that he and the drunken man were shipmates. The latter was present, and said that he had been up the country before with prisoner, and had always found him very honest. There did not appear to have been any dishonest intention on the part of the prisoner, and he was discharged.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Higham (employee)
"THE BLACKWALL LINER SWIFTSURE", The Age (17 April 1857), 4
On Wednesday evening the celebrated Blackwall liner Swiftsure was the scene of some elegant festivities held in celebration of her first visit to Hobson's Bay . . . The decks were fully awned and curtained from the taffrail to the break of the topgallant forecastle, and lined with every imaginable national and fancy flag. On the last named spot were stationed the Band of H.M. 40th Regiment; immediately beneath, were placed Chapman's excellent quadrille band . . . The ball was continued with great spirit all night long, and the guests did not attempt to separate till daylight did appear. This fine vessel is announced to sail on the 28th inst. . . .
"COUNTY COURT (£200 jurisdiction) Friday, 15th May, 1857 . . . CHAPMAN v. LAURIE", The Age (16 May 1857), 6
This was an action brought by the plaintiff, who is a music-seller, against the defendant, keeper of a public-house, for the recovery of the expenses attendant on providing three musicians on Christmas Eve last. Mr. Stark appeared for the plaintiff; no appearance for the defence, but a plea of not indebted had been entered. Verdict for the plaintiff for 10l 10s, with costs. Immediate execution to issue.
"DEATHS", The Argus (21 April 1858), 4
On the 20th inst., at his father's residence, Brighton Road, Alfred Felix, fifth son of George Chapman, music-seller, Swanston Street, Melbourne, aged 11 months.
"BIRTHS", The Argus (15 February 1859), 4
On the 13th inst., at her country residence, Elsternwick, wife of Mr. G. Chapman, music-seller, of a daughter.
George Chapman, a music seller, was summoned by Laura Prater, the wife of Mr. Hugh Fraser, of Mount Moliagul, for illegal detention of property. This case has been on a previous occasion, but in another form, before the Court, when defendant was charged with obtaining goods under false pretences. The complaint in that form could not be sustained, and fresh action was taken at the suggestion of the Bench. After a somewhat lengthened examination and cross-examination of both parties, and some special pleading had been heard on one side at least, Mr. Hackett set aside the agreement defendant had drawn up and got signed by Mrs. Fraser, and, deciding that the piano had been illegally removed from the complainant's house, ordered the instrument, or its value, which he assessed at 25l., to be given up to the complainant, with costs, 2l. 2s.
Sir, - In justice to myself and the Castlemaine band, over which I have the pleasure to preside,
I must protest against the very unfair manner in which the prize for the best volunteer band was awarded on Tuesday last, at the Werribee.
The judges appointed were Captain Wilkie, and Messrs. Chapman and Glen . . .
I remain yours, &c.,
SAMUEL TAYLOR, Bandmaster. Castlemaine, April 25.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (judge, musicseller); William Henderson Glen (judge, musicseller); Samuel Taylor (musician)
Sir, - I am extremely sorry in being under the necessity of replying to Mr. Taylor's letter in your issue of this morning.
Mr. Taylor says he "must protest against the very unfair manner in which the prize for the best volunteer band was awarded."
It is very remarkable that Mr. Taylor does not in one instance attempt to bring forward anything to prove that the prize was unfairly given.
He certainly ought to have known better than to have listened to what Captain Wilkie or anybody else might have said,
considering he was master of his own band, and was not bound to play any particular class of music.
I, as a musician, consider he (Mr. Taylor) sacrificed his band by the selection he made in competing for the prize,
and, as Bell's Life justly remark in their report, that the performance was "somewhat marred by an injudicious accompaniment of the bass drum."
The main object in my replying to Mr. Taylor's letter is because he has not confined himself to the truth.
He says distinctly that I told him the decision was left with Captain Wilkie and Mr. Glen.
I most emphatically deny it, for I never saw or spoke to Mr. Taylor on the subject after the prize was awarded.
I, moreover, called on Mr. Glen this morning, and he also denies ever having said that the decision was left with Captain Wilkie and himself.
By inseiting this in your journal, you will oblige, -
Your obedient servant,
Music Warehouse, 117 Swanston-street, April 28.
A grand banquet was given, in St. George's Hall, on Saturday evening, under the auspices of St. Patrick's Society . . . An efficient band, under the direction of Professor Hughes, was in attendance, and some capital songs were given during the evening by Messrs. Donaldson, Angus and Amery, who were accompanied by Professor Hughes on the piano, and by Mr. Chapman on the harp . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Patrick Henry Hughes (musician); Charles Alexander Donaldson (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Edwin Amery (vocalist); St. George's Hall (Melbourne venue)
"DEATHS", The Argus (16 June 1866), 4
CHAPMAN. - On the 15th inst., at Elsternwick, of bronchitis, Sarah Orinthia, wife of George Chapman, musicseller, Swanston-street, aged thirty-six years, leaving six children to mourn their loss.
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (5 October 1868), 4
CHAPMAN - MARSHALL - On the 3rd inst., at St. Paul's Church, Melbourne, by the Rev. S. L. Chase, Mr. George Chapman, music-seller, Swanston-street, to Harriet Marshall, of Melbourne.
"MR. CHAPMAN'S BAND", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (13 February 1871), 2
Mr. George Chapman, musical instrument make, of Swanston-street, and the Royal Arcade, Melbourne, arrived here yesterday with his brass and string bind, with a view of offering the services of the band at some of the race festivities. Mr. Chapman was patronised by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, and received a letter of approval from Lieut. Haig. He conducts the music at the leading balls in Victoria, and his visit affords a good opportunity for securing first-class music for a race ball. The band will march from the steamer Derwent, in uniform, at 11 o'clock this morning, and perform through some of the leading streets in the town.
"VICTORIA", Morning Bulletin (16 January 1882), 2
Eliza Burke, who recently caused a sensation in Swanston-street by attempting to shoot George Chapman, an assistant in a music warehouse, has been discharged, as Chapman has left the colony for New Zealand.
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (28 August 1894), 5
George Chapman the elder, of 155 Swanston-street, music seller. Complete schedule - Liabilities, £7,490 8s. 3d.; assets, £17,747 10s.; surplus, £10,257 1s. 9d. Debts owing on mortgage, £6,072 11s. 6d.; and to unsecured creditors, £1,417 16s. 9d. Value at present of insolvent's real property, £16,185; of his personal property not held as security, £1,505; and of debts owing to him, which he believes will be paid on demand, £57 10s.
[News], The Argus (16 February 1895), 6
Certificates of discharge from their debts were granted in the Insolvency Court yesterday by Judge Molesworth to the following insolvents: - George Chapman, sen., of Melbourne, music-seller, on the application of Mr. L. S. Woolf . . .
[news], The Lorgnette (April 1895), 3
We record, with great regret, the death of Mr. George Chapman, the veteran musician, which took place at his residence, Elsternwick, on Saturday, April 6th, in his 70th year. Mr. Chapman was a colonist of over forty years, and prior to his arrival in Australia, he was a member of the world-famous Julian's [sic] Band, and had the honor of appearing on more than one occasion before Her Majesty the Queen. The deceased was one of the founders of the Australasian Dramatic and Musical Association, and was one of the vice-presidents and trustees of the same. His death was not unexpected, as he had been suffering for some time from heart disease and dropsy.
"Music and Musicians", Table Talk (12 April 1895), 6
THIS week's obituary includes Mr. George Chapman, the respected music seller. It is forty years since he started business in Melbourne. He married the widow of George Marshall, the eminent predecessor of Blackham, as a cricketer, behind the sticks, with his "How's that umpire?" Marshall was the first to establish an important cricketing depot in Melbourne. On a reduced scale the widow continued it for a number of years, next to Chapman's music shop.
"DEATHS", The Argus (13 April 1895), 1
CHAPMAN. - On the 6th inst., at his residence, Suffolk-cottage, Cole-street, Elsternwick, George Chapman, music-seller. Passed away in his 70th year after a painful illness; deeply regretted by his widow and family. A pioneer musician, he arrived in Melbourne in 1852. Interred in the Melbourne General Cemetery, April 7, 1895.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald (13 April 1895), 2
Mr. George Chapman, one of the oldest musicians in the colony of Victoria, died at Elsternwick, on Saturday last, 6th April, in his 70th year. The deceased had been identified with musical matters from 1852, being a well-known performer on the cornet. Prior to his arrival in Melbourne, he was a bandsman in the Royal Navy, was one of the principal cornet players in Jullien's band which created a furore at the time of the first Exhibition in London, 1851. Soon after his arrival Mr. Chapman organised "Chapman's Band," which was to be heard at every public and many private functions in Melbourne for a number of years. Mr. Chapman also embarked in business as a music-seller, and continued this business to the day of his death. The deceased has left a widow and several children.
Will, probate, administration, George Chapman, musical instrument seller, 1895; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
. . . There also appeared Mr. George Chapman, an excellent cornet player, afterwards much better known as the founder of the music ware house, in Swanston street, later conducted by Wright and Rowden, and later still by the father of the present Collin Brothers, himself a great French pianist. Mr. Chapman did not often play in public, but we find his name in conjunction with those of Messrs. Weston (violin), Hartigan (ophicleide), and Winterbottom (bassoon) in a concert given at the Olympic Circus on February 5, 1853. He was not well adapted to the conduct of the music business, for he was very impatient with customers who gave him any trouble, some times saying sarcastic things, which were not always appreciated. One customer inquired if she might speak to Mr. Smith, whom she had been accustomed to see there. "He is not with us now," said Chapman. "Will you please let me know where I can find him?", was the next inquiry. "Well," said Chapman, "shortly after leaving me he was taken to the cemetery, but where he is now I would not like to say except that he always liked warm weather." Eventually, having sold his business to Messrs. Wright and Rowden, he turned his attention elsewhere . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Montague (musician, memoirist)
Musical works and editions (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
The Yarra Yarra schottische (1857)
The Yarra Yarra schottische, arranged by George Chapman and respectfully dedicated to Capt'n Stoney, of Her Majesty's 40th Regiment, Melbourne ([Melbourne]: G. Chapman's Music Warehouse, [1857]); "F. Price, Litho." (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Butler Stoney (dedicatee); Frederick Price (lithographer)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 September 1857), 8
MUSIC! Music! - The YARRA YARRA SCHOTTISCHE is now being published at G. Chapman's, 117 Swanston-street.
L'arpeggio polka (1864)
L'arpeggio polka, dedicated by permission to Lady Darling, composed for the piano forte by George Chapman (Melbourne: Music Warehouse, [1864]): "L. Lang" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Ludwig Lang (lithographer)
[Advertisement], The Age (1 November 1864), 1
MUSIC. - Just published, L'Arpeggio Polka, dedicated, by permission, to Lady Darling. Chapman's, 117 Swanston street.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (8 November 1864), 2
"L'Arpeggio Polka," is the title of a new piece of dance music, composed for the pianoforte by Mr. George Chapman, of Melbourne, and on sale by the various music-sellers. The polka is simple, has a pleasing melody, and as the subject is treated harp-fashion, it has the charm of novelty.
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 September 1866), 8
MAYOR'S BALL. - L'ARPEGGIO POLKA, successfully played by Chapman's Band, may be obtained. Chapman's, 117 Swanston-street.
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 263 (DIGITISED)
CHAPMAN, Henry [1] (Henry CHAPMAN)
Amateur musician, teacher of psalmody, singing instructor, builder, carpenter, architect
Born London, England, 27 March 1794; baptised St. Martin in the Fields, 27 April 1794; son of Isaac CHAPMAN (d. TAS, 1850) and Elizabeth Catharina BLANDY (d. TAS, 1847)
Married Eliza PERKINS (1801-1843), St. Saviour's church, Southwark, England, 10 July 1819
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 26 January 1825 (free per Phoenix, from the Downs, 16 September 1824)
Died Hobart, TAS, 4 June 1855, aged "61/62" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptized in April 1794, St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex; register 1791-1808, page 74; City of Westminster Archives Centre, STM/PR/1/18
[1794 April] 27 / Henry Chapman of Isaac & Elizabeth Catharina [born] 27 Mar. [1794]
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Saint Saviour Southwark in the county of Surrey in the year 1819; register c. 1819, page 138; London Metropolitan Archives, P92/SAV/3048/001 (PAYWALL)
No. 412 / Richard Henry Chapman of this Parish Batchelor [sic] and Eliza Perkins of this Parish Spinster
were married in this Church by Banns this [10 July 1819] . . .
Arrivals, per Phoenix, Hobart Town, 26 January 1825; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:412599; HTG 28 JAN 1825
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and 3 children . . .
[News], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (28 January 1825), 3
The following is a list of passengers per the ship Phoenix . . . steerage . . . Mrs. Chapman and 3 children . . .
"WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION (From a Correspondent)", The Hobart Town Courier (29 June 1832), 4
The report of the Anniversary of this useful Institution which was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Melville street, on Whit-Monday last has been unavoidably delayed . . . We would not be faithfully discharging our duty, if we omitted to notice the superior singing displayed by the children of this school, both on Sunday at divine services and also on Monday evening before the general meeting. We learned that the public derived this pleasure through the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Henry Chapman, whose ability in sacred singing, is so well known. He convened and attended the children on the week evenings, several weeks previous to the anniversary, and a special vote of thanks was unanimously given him at the meeting, for his said services. Above 800 children have been under tuition in this institution.
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Wesleyan churches (general)
"Wesleyan School Meeting", The Hobart Town Courier (31 March 1837), 2-3
A meeting, which we would have desired to see better attended, of the friends of the Wesleyan Schools, took place on Monday evening, Joseph Hone, Esq. in the chair . . . [3] . . . The singing of the children (taught, we believe, by a Mr. Chapman) was exceedingly creditable to both master and pupils. We wish we could hear and see something of the kind attempted at St. David's Church, where the congregation, instead of joining with, and participating in the psalmody, as a part of their devotions, seem rather to endure it as an interruption, to be employed in staring at the organ, or at each other.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Hone (musical amateur); St. David's church (Hobart)
"WESLEYAN CENTENARY CHAPEL", The Courier (27 November 1840), 3
The new Methodist Chapel, in Melville-street, now presents a finished appearance, and Divine worship has been performed within its precincts for three or four weeks past. As this building is rather out of the ordinary style of architecture and magnitude, it may not be deemed unworthy of notice. This chapel presents an attraction quite English in its appearance. Usefulness, and not ostentation, being the order of the day with the Wesleyans, their places of worship seldom exhibit anything but what is exceedingly plain; but as regards the new edifice in Melville-street, the interior portion of it is fitted up with a degree of elegance and beauty that is seldom surpassed. There is a spacious gallery, one portion of which is occupied by the singers; all round the interior this is supported by Ionic columns; these present nothing very peculiar in their appearance but their seeming durability; they are however remarkably neat . . . The chapel is well supplied with windows, so that during the winter solstice an abundance of light will be admitted; this is also of advantage both to the preachers and congregation; there is also an excellent clock. Having noticed so far, we cannot withhold our meed of praise from the spirited architect, Mr. Henry Chapman, who has displayed throughout a considerable degree of professional tact, combined with economy . . .
"WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL", Colonial Times (25 March 1845), 3
The branches of this school are five in number, one in Melville-street, one in High-street, one in Harrington--street, one in Davey-street, and one in O'Brien's Bridge Chapel. The number of children under tuition is stated to be above five hundred, and the total number admitted since the establishment of the schools amount to 4471. The examination of the children yesterday . . . gave great satisfaction. After the examination the children were entertained with tea and cakes in the usual way. At five o'clock the teachers and friends of Sunday schools took tea together in the male school room. At seven the annual meeting was held in the Chapel, and was opened by the Rev. Mr. Turner giving out a hymn, which was excellently sung by Mr. H. Chapman and his young selected choir . . .
"THE WESLEYAN CHURCH", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (26 April 1849), 3
We omitted to notice the service of this church on Easter Sunday, and although late, we do so now, in order to acknowledge the gratification we experienced at hearing the choir under the direction of Mr. Chapman, sing the hymns selected for the day, one particularly, composed, as we understand, by the late Bishop Heber, the music of which is very beautiful . . .
1855, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1193030; RGD35/1/4 no 1967 (DIGITISED)
[No.] 1967 / [1855] June 4th / Henry Chapman / Male / Sixty two years / Surveyor / Apoplexy . . .
"DIED", Colonial Times (6 June 1855), 2
On Monday, the 4th inst., at his residence, Elizabeth-street, Hobart Town, Mr. HENRY CHAPMAN, Surveyor, in his 62nd year.
Actor, comedian, theatrical manager, ship builder
Born c. 1832
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 14 May 1853 (per Stratheden, from London, 6 December 1852, and Portsmouth, January 1853)
Active Geelong, VIC, by November 1854
Married Eliza Rosa MOSSENTEN (Mrs. SHINTON alias DEERING), VIC, 1856
Active Bendigo, VIC, by August 1859
Died Melbourne, VIC, 12 July 1872, aged "40" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHAPMAN, Eliza Rosa (Eliza Rosa MOSSENTEN; [1] Mrs. DEERING; [2] Mrs. Henry CHAPMAN) see main entry Eliza Rosa DEERING
Actor, dancer, vocalist (shareable link to this entry)

Henry Chapman, in character as Bailie Nicol Jarvie in Rob Roy, c. 1860s (courtesy of Andrew Chapman, 2024)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Stratheden from London, 6 December 1852, for Port Phillip, 14 May 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Henry Chapman / 21 / Shipbuilder / [English] . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 May 1853), 12
WE, the undersigned passengers per barque Stratheden from London to Melbourne, Port Phillip,
cannot separate without expressing our warmest approbation of the great ability, tact, zeal, good judgment, and care displayed by Frederick Turner, commander of the said barque . . .
[Signed] . . . Henry Chapman . . .
"THE THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (9 November 1854), 4
Yesterday evening the musical drama of Rob Roy was acted at the Theatre. The part of Rob Roy was taken by Mr. C. Kemble Mason, who delineated the character of this bold, but at the same time honorable freebooter, with much force and effect. Mrs. W. Evadne Evans personated Helen Macgregor, and portrayed with much ability, the masculine daring combined with feminine softness, which formed the two principal features in the character of Macgregor's wife. The Baillie Nicol Jarvie of Mr. Chapman was a most excellent piece of acting, and was well sustained throughout. Mr. Elrington as Rasleigh Osbaldistone, most correctly conveyed to the mind of his audience the deep cuning and villany of which the character of Rasleigh is composed. Mr. Clement White as Francis Osbaldistone, acquitted himself satisfactorily in several songs which he sang. The rest of the characters were creditably sustained.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Kemble Mason (1805-1875, actor); Mrs. W. Evadne Evans (actor); Richard Goodall Elrington (actor); Clement White (actor, vocalist); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
"THE THEATRE", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (11 November 1854), 4
Yesterday evening . . . The first piece ehosen for reprerentationa was Shakspeare's play of "King Lear" . . . Mr. Chapman took the part of Prince Edgar, and showed much in those scenes where the Prince, being disguised, feigns to be mad . . .
"MONTEZUMA THEATRE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (21 January 1857), 3
There was a full house on Monday night, to witness the play of "Macbeth" . . . Mrs. Brougham's Lady Macbeth was carefully and effectively played . . . Mr. Chapman's Macduff did not strike us as a very happy intepretation, although it would be difficult, perhaps, to tell in detail where our disappointment lay . . . Mr. Walsh, as Hecate, and Mesdames Hydes, Chapman, and Webster, as the weird sisters, went through their parts very well, if we except a little deficiency of Mrs. Hydes, who needed the prompter in the cauldron scene . . . At the close of the performance Mr. Buchanan, Mrs. Brougham, and Mr. Chapman, were called before the curtain. The piece was repeated last night.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Brougham (actor); Charles Walsh (actor, vocalist); Augusta Huttmann Willis Hydes (actor, vocalist); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"CHARLIE NAPIER", The Star (21 May 1857), 2
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman made their first appearance at this Theatre last night in Guy Mannering, and were honored with an enthusiastic call before the curtain at the close of the Play. The house was well attended, and the performances went off with great spirit.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"MONTZEUMA THEATRE", The Star (3 May 1858), 3
On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Chapman took a benefit at this theatre. On this occasion the first and second acts of Guy Mannering were performed. Mr. Chapman played Dandie Dinmont in that style which showed how thoroughly at home he was in it. Mrs. Chapman's Meg Merrilies was also a telling and effective piece of acting, her make up being excellent. The [other] parts . . . were undertaken by amateurs, who acquitted themselves very creditably . . . Mr. Chapman was called before the curtain, and thanked the audience for their attendance, and stated that it was his intention to proceed to England, but he would return to Australia in a short time, when he hoped to receive that support which he had enjoyed hitherto.
Voyage to and from Liverpool, England (14 May to 28 December 1858); England (1 September to 22 October 1858):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Eagle, from Melbourne, 14 May 1858, for Liverpool, 1 September; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. & Mrs. H. Chapman / 35 / 32
Wardock Chapman / [male, sic] 9 . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Royal Charter, from Liverpool, 22 October 1858, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . 303 / Henry Chapman / 37 / Shipbuilder [sic]
Mrs. Rosa [Chapman] / 34 / Wife
Wardeck Deering / [female] 9 . . .
From 28 December 1858:
"THE HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (4 August 1859), 2
The performances at this house yesterday evening were not as well attended as the character of the entertainment provided would have led us to expect. The operatic drama of "Guy Mannering" was performed. Miss Kate Warde played Julia Mannering with her accustomed vivacity. Mrs. Chapman's rendering of Meg Merrilies showed a good conception of the character. Mrs. Moore was well worthy of notice in Lucy Bertram, and sang remarkably well in the concerted pieces of music. Mr. Chapman as Dandie Dinmont, was the hard-drinking and fighting Liddesdale Borderer to the life, both in make up and dialect. Mr. Conna as Henry Bertram, sang most effectively, especially in the Echo duet with Julia. Mr. Vinson as Dominic Sampson, was " prodigious!" The other characters were fairly filled, and the piece was as well put on and carried through as could be expected from the appliances of the establishment . . . The pieces selected for this evening's entertainment are "Guy Mannering" and "Jack in the East."
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Warde (actor, vocalist); Rachel Lazar Moore (actor, vocalist); F. W. Conna (actor, vocalist); James Hetters Vinson (actor); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (20 October 1859), 3
First appearance of MR. & MRS. CHAPMAN Since their return from England,
in the musical drama of GUY MANNERING.
Meg Merriles - Mrs. Chapman; Dandie Dinmont - Mr. Henry Chapman . . .
"CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (3 January 1860), 3
Messrs. Chapman and Barrick, having now assumed the lesseeship of the above place of amusement, determined to signalise their opening night of the new dramatic season by a reduction of the prices to the old scale. The result was seen in an excellent house. The first piece selected for performance last night was "The Sea of Ice" . . . Mr. Chapman sustained the character of Captain de Lascours, in which he evinced his usual judgment and discrimination . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Bowes Barrick (property master, basket-maker) Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (15 July 1872), 4
CHAPMAN. - On the 12th inst., Mr. Henry Chapman, comedian, formerly of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, aged 40 years.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"Funeral Notices", The Argus (15 July 1872), 8
The Friends of the late Mr. HENRY CHAPMAN, comedian (formerly of the Theatre Royal),
are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, Melbourne General Cemetery.
The funeral to move from his late residence, Lincoln street, off Church street, North Richmond (near Simpson's-road), on Tuesday, 15th inst., at half past 2 o'clock p.m.
JOHN DALEY, Undertaker, Latrobe and Spring-streets, Melbourne.
"INQUESTS", The Argus (17 July 1872), 1 supplement
On the 13th inst. [? 15th], Mr. Candler, the district coroner, held several inquests at the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum . . . on the body of Henry Chapman, who was admitted on the 14th November, 1869, and died on the 14th inst. [? 12th]. In accordance with the medical evidence, a verdict of death from apoplexy was found . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (16 August 1872), 2
The benefit of Mrs. H. Chapman, at the Polytechnic, this evening, deserves a special notice. She is the widow of a well-known actor, who was engaged in a responsible position at the Theatre Royal during Mr. Barry Sullivan's management; and, through an accumulation of misfortunes, she has been left very badly off. Mr. Richard Stewart, Mr. T. S. Bellair, Mrs. J. R. Greville, and Miss Maggie Stewart have kindly proffered their assistance, and will appear this evening . . . Mrs. Greville and Miss Stewart will sing in the course of the evening; and the Wielands and Mons. Klaer's educated dogs also give their performances.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barry Sullivan (actor, manager); Richard Stewart (actor); Thomas Smith Bellair (actor); Charlotte Greville (actor, vocalist); Maggie Stewart (actor, vocalist)
"ENTERTAINMENTS", The Herald (17 August 1872), 3
The benefit for Mrs. Chapman was not such as we expected, in spite of the excellence of the entertainment. This is to be regretted, as the object was a legitimate one for public support . . .
Musician, professor of music, violoncello player, cellist, double bass player, viola d'amore player
Born ? England, c. 1821; son of James CHAPMAN
Married Charlotte HAYWARD (widow PULHAM) (c. 1803-1868), St. James, Clerkenwell, London, England, 31 March 1845
Active Melbourne, VIC, by September 1853
Died Richmond, Melbourne, VIC, 10 August 1881, aged "60" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
1845, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. James Clerkenwell in the county of Middlesex; register 1837-45, page 227; London Metropolitan Archives, P76/JS1/046 (PAYWALL)
No. 454 / [1845] March 31st / Samuel Chapman / full [age] / B[achelo]r / Musician / 18 Garnault Place / [son of] James Chapman / Watch Maker
Charlotte Pulham / full age / W[ido]w / - / 18 Garnault Place / [daughter of] John Hayward / Miller & Farmer . . .
[Advertisement], Berkshire Chronicle [England] (13 March 1852), 4 (PAYWALL)
MR. T. PAYNE ASHLEY begs to announce that he has engaged the
Principal Solo Performers of MONS. JULLIEN'S BAND, to give a GRAND CONCERT, Vocal and Instrumental, at the
Mansion House, Newbury, on Tuesday Evening next, March 16th, 1852, to commence at Eight o'clock.
PRINCIPAL, Viotti Collins, Violin; J. Winterbottom, Bassoon; A. C. Rowland, Double Bass; F. Collins, Flute;
E. Stanton Jones, Cornet a Piston; T. Winterbottom, Clarionet;
S. Chapman, Viola d'Amour; G. Collins, Violoncello; M. Rice, of Her Majesty's Theatre, Alto . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Jullien (conductor); John Winterbottom (bassoonist, also later in Melbourne, see immediately below)
Melbourne, VIC (by September 1853):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 September 1853), 12
ROWE'S CIRCUS. - Winterbottom's Benefit Saturday next, September 10th.
Jullien's Exhibition Quadrille. Jullien's Drum Polka! Laughing Jackass Galop!
Vocalists: Miss Lewis, who will sing Shells of the ocean.
Mr. John Gregg, the renowned basso, who will sing The Slave Sale.
Last time of the Singing Lesson.
Solo Instrumentalists: M. Tucker, M. Edwards, Radford, Louthusl, Webb, Burgess, Chate, Boullemer, Tranter,
S. Chapman, Wigney, Holt, Hore, Simpson, Wheeler, Oakey, Marks, Thatcher, &c.
Cornet-a-Pistons, M. Chapman.
Leader, M. Tucker.
Conductor, M. Winterbottom.
Mr. Hore and his sons will perform several of their grand operatic selections on the Saxe Horns.
Programme: Part I.
Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber
Quadrille - Bloomer - Jullien
Song - The Slave Sale, Mr. Gregg - Russell
Valse - Prima Donna - K. Bulla -Cornett-a-piston Obligato - M. Chapman
Song - Ocean Shells, Miss Lewis - Cherry
Solo, Violin - Carnival de Venice, M. Tucker - Paganini
Great Exhibition Quadrille, founded on the all absorbing question of that day, the Exhibition of 1851 - Jullien
Part II.
Quadrille - Jetty Treffz, with solo for cornet and flute - Jullien
Duetto Buffo (last time) - The Singing Lesson, Miss Lewis and Mr. Gregg - Barnet
Valse - The Prize - Oakey
Song - Erin my country, Miss Lewis - Lee.
Polka - Drum - Jullien
Solo Bassoon, M. Winterbottom - Winterbottom
Song - As I View, Mr. Gregg - Bellini
Galop - Laughing Jackass - Farmer
Prices of admission: Dress Boxes, 5s.; Boxes, 2s. 6d. Promenade, One Shilling.
Doors open at Seven, to commence at Eight.
ASSOCIATIONS: Annie Lewis Salamon (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Edward Tucker (violin); Henry Edwards (violin); Mark Radford (violin); Joseph Bird Burgess (violin); Alfred Henry Chate (double bass); Anthony Boullemier (musician); William Tranter (double bass); William Wigney (musician); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician); Alfred Oakey (conductor); Charles Thatcher (flute); Joseph Hore and sons (saxhorns); Joseph Andrew Rowe (proprietor); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 November 1853), 8
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Grand Promenade Concert. Saturday Evening, 12th November, 1853.
Under the direction of Mr. Alfred Oakey.
In announcing he the inhabitants of Melbourne the first of a Series of Saturday Evening Promenade Concerts,
Mr. Rowe begs to state that he feels great confidence in submitting the Evening's Entertainments to his patrons . . .
The Monster Band
Will embrace all the available talent in Melbourne, assisted by several members of the band of the 99th regiment.
Miss Hartland, her first appearances.
Mr. Walsh
Mr. Foster, (his first appearance)
Herr Rahm and Herr Gross . . .
Grand Pianoforte - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Violin Primo - M. Tucker and Mr. Peck.
Violin Secondo - Mr. Howson and Mr. Mathers.
Viola - Mr. Boullimeir.
Violoncello - Mr. J. Chapman [recte S. Chapman].
Contra Bass - Mr. Tranter and Mr. Chate.
Flute - Mr. Hill and Mr. Thatcher.
Cornet Primo and Saxe Clavicore - Mr. P. C. Burke.
Saxe Horn - Mr. Hore and Sons.
Clarionet Primo - Mr. R. Martin.
Clarionet Secondo - Mr. J. Bull.
Ophecleide - Mr. Wigney.
Trombone - Mr. Freeman.
Tambour and Triangle - Mr. Sharp.
Gran Cassa Cymbals - Mr. Shottan.
Leader, Mr. Edward Tucker.
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
- Madame Sara Flower is hourly expected . . .
Charles Walsh (vocalist);
Veit Rahm (zither);
George Peck (violin);
Henry Howson (violin);
William Mather (violin);
Robert Martin (clarinet), master of the Band of the 99th Regiment (military);
Arthur Silvester Hill (flute, 99th band)
Peter Constantine Burke (cornet player);
Frederick Sharp (percussion);
Sara Flower (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1853), 8
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, Corner of Stephen and Lonsdale Streets.
The sixth of a series of Grand PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place at the above place of amusement on Saturday evening, December 17th, 1853.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's Monster Orchestra, aided by several members of the band of the 40th Regiment, including Mr. Hartigan, the celebrated performer on the Ophicleide . . .
Instrumentalists. Pianoforte - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Violino primo - Mr. Radford and Mr. Peck.
Violino Segundo - Mr. Mather and Mr. Burgess. Viola - Mr. Tolhurst.
Violincello - Mr. S. Chapman and Mr. Minton . . .
Leader - Mr. M. Radford. Conductor and Composer - Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military); George Tolhurst (viola) of his father William (also viola); Thomas Minton (cello)
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 January 1854), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION - Monday, January 30th, 1854.
Mr. Winterbottom's GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL . . .
Solo instrumentalists - Bassoon, M. Winterbottom.
Violoncello, Mr. S. Chapman (from Jullien's Band, and the Royal Italian Opera - his first appearance.) . . .
Pianist - M. Salaman. Conductor - M. Winterbottom.
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . Solo - Violoncello, Mr. S. Chapman, his first appearance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Salamon (pianist, accompanist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (23 February 1857), 5
This evening also the veteran violinist, Miska Hauser is to give a grand concert at the Mechanics' Institution, supported by Miss Emilie Smith, so favorably known for her brilliant execution on the pianoforte, and Miss Chalker from the Adelaide concerts. Besides ordinary attractions, the concert is to include the novelty of Beethoven's quartette, No. 4, C. Minor executed by Miska Hauser, Mr. E. King, H. Thomas, and S. Chapman, on first and second violins, tenor, and violincello. The same gentlemen will also perform Onslow's variations of God Save the Queen. This is the first time we believe that an instrumental quartette has been produced at a public concert, within the colony, and a great treat may be anticipated by the music loving community.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violin); Edward King (violin); Herbert Thomas (viola)
"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", The Argus (24 February 1857), 5
Last evening Miska Hauser gave his concert of classical music before a select and numerous audience, in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute. Independent of the fame of the maestro himself, great interest attached to the concert from the production, for the first time in this colony, of a species of music of the highest class. The performance of Beethoven's, No. 4 Quartette, in C minor, must be considered as an event, and we trust that the experiment, which was last night in every point perfectly successful, will be repeated while the public taste is still alive to it. Miska Hauser, Mr. E. King, second violin, Mr. H. Thomas, tenor, and Mr. S. Chapman, violoncello, were the instrumentalists, and it was satisfactory to find that we were in possession of sufficient musical talent to enable M. Hauser to attempt so difficult and critical a work. The various movements, four in number, were executed with commendable precision, the andante, in particular, was delightfully rendered, and elicited the loudest tokens of satisfaction from the audience . . . In the third part M. Hauser and his three assistants performed Onslow's variations on "God save the Queen." It was a musical treat of a very attractive character . . .
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (10 March 1857), 5
. . . Miska Hauser has latterly introduced a novelty into his concerts which should commend them to the favorable notice of the public. We refer to the performance of sinfonies of Hayden, Beethoven, and Mayseder, by Messrs. Reed, Chapman, Thomas, King, and himself. The credit of having introduced this choice element into our concerts is due to Miska Hauser, and we are glad to say has been duly recognised by the public.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reed (violin, viola, cello)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA . . . THE PRINCESS'S THEATRE", The Age (13 April 1857), 5
The Princess's Theatre, as the Amphitheatre in Parliament place (late Spring street) has now been designated, is fast approaching to completion, and will decidedly be ready for use by Monday night, though the opera will not be opened till Thursday . . . The operatic corps includes Madame Anna Bishop . . . The chorus will include no less than thirty well trained voices, and the band twenty-five performers, all carefully selected. Mr. Geo. Loder is to be conductor and musical director, and Mr. E. King, leader of the band. This will include the well known names of Mr. Chapman, (double bass); Mr. Johnson, (clarionet); and Mr. Usher, (violin). The whole has been under assiduous rehearsal for several days, and cannot fail in rendering the opera in a style surpassing any former attempt in Victoria . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); George Loder (conductor); Henry Johnson (clarinet); Alfred Usher (violin); Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age (25 April 1857), 4
The second concert of the year is to be given on Tuesday next at the Exhibition Building. The selection of music is to be chiefly secular . . . The chorus will sing several part songs and glees; and Mr. S. Chapman will introduce the novelty of a solo on the double bass, taken from Mayseder Op. 40. The concert promises to be one of the most popular of the season.
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: Variations brillantes (Mayseder, op. 40, originally for violin, as adapted for double bass)
[Advertisement], The Age (25 April 1857), 1
THE EXHIBITION BUILDING, On Tuesday Evening, April 28th, 1857 . . .
Contra-Basso Soloist: Mr. Chapman (late of her Majesty's Theatre) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Her Majesty's Theatre = Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA . . . PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Age (27 April 1857), 5
To-morrow evening this society will give their second concert for the year . . . In addition to these attractions Mr. S. Chapman, the clever double-bass player from her Majesty's Theatre, is to play a solo on that instrument from the works of Mayseder - the orchestral parts arranged by Mr. G. Loder. Altogether we anticipate a rich treat.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Age (29 April 1857), 4
The second concert for the year came off yesterday evening, at the Exhibition Building, before a numerous and brilliant audience . . . The band was full and effective, and performed in the most brilliant manner the overture in "Semiramide" and one of Romberg's symphonies. They also proved of the best service in the accompaniment to Mr. S. Chapman's able contra-basso solo from the works of Mayseder. Mr. Chapman's playing was loudly applauded . . .
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (29 April 1857), 5
. . . The next instrumental composition was Bottesini's favourite Contra-basso Solo, Op. 40, with orchestral accompaniments, arranged by Mr. G. Loder. The solo was taken by Mr. Chapman, who is already known favourably to the Melbourne public as having obtained a distinguished position as an instrumentalist at her Majesty's Theatre. Mr. Chapman though not ranting a second Bottesini, is yet no mean performer, and, when the difficulties of the contra-bass are taken into consideration, it may be fairly said that he far exceeds the ordinary manipulators in mastery over the instrument; and it must be remembered that a solo on the contra-bass is always a wonder when accomplished . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Giovanni Bottesini (Italian double bass player)
"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", The Argus (4 June 1858), 4
It is a healthy sign of an improved taste for the highest class of musical entertainments in this city that last night, notwithstanding the powerful counter attractions presented at each of the theatres, there was a very large audience at the concert given in the Mechanics' Institute, and we believe that there was not an individual present who was not highly gratified with the musical treat provided. The concert opened with Mozart's quartet if we mistake not, the same which the great composer himself was accustomed to take part in at the musical parties given by the Storaces, when Haydn played the first violin, Baron Dittersdorf the second, Mozart the tenor, and Vaubull [Vanhal] the violincello. On the present occasion it was performed by Miska Hauser, Messrs. Strebinger, King, and Chapman, and admirably did they combine to render this glorious work, written when Mozart was in the zenith of his power as a composer, and exhibiting the affluence of his genius not less remarkably than did the operatic chef d'oeuvres first produced in the preceding year. The quartett party must have felt that the rapt attention with which each portion of the composition was listened to was as complimentary to their interpretation of it as was the applause which broke forth at its close . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violin)
"DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL", The Age (15 June 1858), 6
. . . Miska Hauser the celebrated Hungarian violinist, after having been amongst us for some years, takes his departure for Europe by the mail. He has given a series of farewell concerts which have been attended by overflowing audiences. He was assisted by our principal vocalists, and by Messrs. Strebinger (second violin), Mr. E. King (tenor), and Mr. Chapman (violoncello). The quartett party played in the most admirable style several of the most remarkable of Beethoven's, Haydn's and Onslow's symphonies.
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Age (21 January 1859), 5
M. Boulanger's concert at the Mechanics' Institution, last evening, attracted the usual knot of connoisaeurs [sic], and a few others, who ordinarily support the givers of miscellaneous musical entertainments. Those who were not present lost the opportunity of hearing one of the most classical and successful performances which it has been our lot to note in this city . . . The performance was strictly confined to instrumental music, and evidently intended to afford M. Boulanger the fullest opportunity of displaying his abilities personally. Notwithstanding, the aid afforded by Mr. E. King on the violin, Mr. Chapman on the violincello, and Mr. Bial on the second piano, relieved the entertainment of anything like monotony or want of interest. The first part of the concert chiefly consisted of the performance of Beethoven's Third Trio in C minor, the various movements being played at thrice, in order, we assume, to prevent the feeling of tedium apt to be experienced by mixed audiences if such works are performed in their entirety without interruption. The trio was given with wonderful brilliancy and precision, epithets which we must also employ in describing the admirable manner in which the allegro from the same composer's first trio in B flat, was given by Messrs. Boulanger, King, and Chapman, the artistes engaged in each . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist); Charles Bial (pianist, accompanist)
. . . The first part of the concert consisted of trios by Messrs. Boulanger, King, and Chapman, on the piano, violin, and violoncello, the subject being Beethoven's 3rd trio in C minor, divided into three portions, in the intervals of which Mr. Boulanger executed solos . . .
"SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERTS", The Age (31 January 1859), 5
The success which attended the concert, given at the Mechanics' Institution on Saturday evening, ought to justify the projectors,
Messrs. E. King, Megson, and S. Chapman in continuing similar entertainments once a week,
for the benefit of a large body of the citizens of Melbourne, who are anxious to listen to the performances of first-class music at a moderate expense,
and under circumstances as far removed from the influences of the hotel as from the rigid observances supposed to be indispensable to the due conduct of first-class musical entertainments.
The happy medium has been struck, and a desideratum so long felt bids fair to be supplied, provided the management do not slacken their endeavors,
and the public give them their countenance at the outset of the undertaking.
In time, we have no doubt, it will be found necessary to procure the uses of a larger structure, in which case the Exhibition building would afford ample room for promenade,
a feature which made Jullien's concerts so popular.
As may be seen from the subjoined memorandum, the programme was sufficiently varied to please all tastes: -
Overture - Semiramide - Rossini
Song - The White Squall (Mr. Ewart) - Barker
Quartette - For two violins, tenor, and bass - Mozart
Quartette - Sonnambula
Song - Up to the Forest, hie! (Miss King) - Lee
Waltz - Peri - D'Albert
Overture - Masaniello - Auber
Song - Willie We have Miss'd You (Miss King) - Foster
Quartette Allegro Movement - Beethoven
Song - Tom Bowling (Mr. Ewart) -
Fantasia on American Melodies - J. B. Wheaton
Duett - I've Wandered in Dreams (Miss King and Mr. Ewart) - J. A. Wade
Galop - Champagner - Lumbye
The band, numbering fourteen persons, and including Messrs. King, Thomas, Chapman, Johnson, and Hartigan, was most effective.
Nothing could be finer than their execution of Rossini's splendid overture to "Semiramide," or that to the "Masaniello" of Auber,
and we can unhesitatingly affirm that better instrumentation has not been heard in the colony.
The dance music was also admirably performed, as were the accompaniments to several of the songs.
The classical music of Mozart and Beethoven was skilfully and tastefully interpreted by the veteran quartette party - King, Megson, Thomas, and S. Chapman.
In accordance with a custom which seems to be obtaining here, Mozart's quartette was played at twice.
The vocal element in the concert was supported by Miss Juliana King and Mr. Ewart.
The former had the advantage of a good instrumental accompaniment, and sang as encores to her songs "I am a merry Zingara," and "Bessie Gray."
With Mr. Ewart she sang Wade's pretty duett, "I've wand'red in dreams," and for an encore engaged with him in a comic duett.
Mr. Ewart must not let his desire to be useful and accommodating tempt him to imperil his deserved repute as a vocalist, by the repetition of any similar miscalculation.
This gentleman sang very pleasingly as an encore to his "Tom Bowling," Shield's touching little air "The Thorn."
We had almost forgot to mention in terms of praise Mr. Wheaton's solo on the pianoforte, founded on American airs.
The entertainment went off smartly, and closed at a reasonable hour.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin); Juliana King (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); J. B. Wheaton (pianist); Joseph Hartigan (musician)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (7 February 1859), 5
Messrs. E. King, Megson, and S. Chapman's concert at the Mechanics' Institution on Saturday evening, was very sparingly attended notwithstanding the high character of the programme. The performers were identically the same as those who made their appearance on the Saturday previous. We hear some talk of a change of night for these entertainments, but dispute the success likely to attend such a change.
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 March 1859), 8
MR. S. CHAPMAN, of Her Majesty's Theatre, TEACHER or PIANO and MUSIC, 100 Clarendon-street, Victoria-parade.
[Advertisement], The Age (1 June 1859), 1
THEATRE ROYAL. Sole Proprietor - Mr. G. V. Brooke.
The Public is respectfully informed this this establishment will re-open for the
NEW SEASON, and under NEW MANAGEMENT, On Thursday next, June 2nd . . .
THE ORCHESTRA Carefully selected, will comprise the following members: -
Leader - Herr Strebinger. Clarionet - Mr. Lundborg
1st Violin - Mr. F. Coppin. Cornet - Mr. Richardson
2nd Violin - Mr. Levy. Trombone - Mr. Bury [Berg]
Contra Basso - Mr. Chapman. Harp - Mr. Seabrooke
Drums - Mr. Hillsey [sic]. Flute - Mr. Julius Siede
Conductor - MR. JOHN WINTERBOTTOM (His first appearance these four years) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor, manager); John William Lundborg (clarinet); Frederick Coppin (violin); James William Richardson (cornet); Barnett Levy (violin); Charles Berg (trombone); George Seabrook (harp); Robert Ilsey (drums); Julius Siede (flute)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (4 July 1859), 6
On TUESDAY, July 19th, and THREE FOLLOWING DAYS, a series of
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .
The ORCHESTRA will, be more numerous and efficient than any that has over before been heard in these Colonies . . .
CONTBABASSI. Mr. Chapman, from Melbourne; Mr. J. Brown; Mr. A. H. Chate . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Walter James Brown (double bass); Alfred Henry Chate (double bass); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1859), 4
YESTERDAY afternoon commenced the long expected series of grand musical performances collectively termed a "Festival," and held in celebration of the opening of the Hall of the Sydney University . . . Mr. Packer presided at the organ. Mr. Chapman (of Melbourne) had the double bass and Mr. Kohler (also of Melbourne) the cornet . . . The orchestra was a very numerous and efficient one, playing with great precision and brilliancy (especially the violinists) and was as stated by part of the band of the Twelfth Regiment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (organist); Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet); Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1860), 8
Mr. BOULANGER Has the honour to Inform the public that his
CONCERT Will take place at the TOWN-HALL, ST. KILDA, On MONDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 1, 1860,
On which occasion he will be assisted by Miss OCTAVIA HAMILTON, Mr. CHAPMAN, and A GENTLEMAN AMATEUR . . .
Programme: Part 1. 1. Trio (in C minor), for piano, violin, and violoncello - Messrs. S. Chapman, Boulanger, and a Gentleman Amateur - Beethoven . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist)
[News], The Argus (12 June 1861), 5
The second subscription concert of the Philharmonic Society, which took place last night, drew a large audience to the Exhibition Building . . . The society may be congratulated on the decided improvement which has taken place in its position since Herr Elsasser has held the post of conductor . . . We must not omit to notice the performance of the overtures to "Der Freischutz" and "Fidelio" by the band, which had the benefit of the valuable assistance of Herr Strebinger and Mr. Chapman (double bass). Mr. Lewis presided at the organ with his customary ability.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Elsasser (conductor); Louis Lucas Lewis (organist)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (30 December 1861), 5
Mr. Alexander's concert at Hockin's Assembly Rooms on Saturday evening called up reminiscences of four or five years ago, when Miska Hauser was here, and when a classical concert could be announced with a much greater assurance of success than at present, - a fact not flattering to us, for it indicates anything but an advanced stage of social culture. It is indeed a pity that concerts, of which the performance of classical instrumental music should form the principal feature, are not more frequently given. The reason cannot be that we have not the material, for the orchestra of the Theatre Royal, for example, includes three or four musicians of very great ability; and in fact the concert of Saturday, though far from exhausting the resources of Melbourne in this respect, showed what we can do even now . . . The chief concerted composition on Saturday was Beethoven's trio in C minor, which was admirably performed by Messrs. Alexander (piano), Strebinger (violin), and Chapman (violoncello). The performance was most attentively listened to . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Alexander (piano); Hockin's Assembly Rooms (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (24 February 1862), 5
The first of a series of afternoon concerts was given by Mr. C. E. Horsley at the Mechanics' Institute, on Saturday afternoon. There was a good though not an overflowing attendance, and upon the whole a favorable commencement was made. The programme embraced Mozart's quartet in G minor, admirably rendered by Mr. Horsley, pianoforte, Mr. King, violin, Mr. Thomas, Viola, and Mr. Reid [Reed], violoncello; Mendelssohn's "Song Without Words," Haydn's quartet in G major, and Beethoven's sonata solo; concluding with Mendelssohn's trio in D minor, in which the parts were taken by Mr. Horsley, Mr. Strebinger, and Mr. Chapman. Unquestionably the concert was one of the highest class of musical entertainments that has yet been given in Melbourne, and Mr. Horsley must have been gratified with the appreciation manifested by the audience. The musical portion of our citizens have now an opportunity of again hearing the gems of the great composers satisfactorily rendered, and it remains with them to reward Mr. Horsley's deserving experiment with success.
ASSOCIATION: Charles Edward Horsley (pianist)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (10 March 1862), 5
The second of Mr. Horsley's series of chamber concerts took place in the Mechanics' Institute, on Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a numerous audience, in which we noticed several of the leading musical professors and well-known dilettanti of Melbourne. The programme was as much distinguished for the variety as for the excellence of the compositions to which it referred. First came Beethoven's quartette in E flat - a charming work, admirably interpreted by Messrs. Horsley, Strebinger, Thomas, and Chapman. The pianoforte was well subdued in all instances in which it became simply an accompanying instrument, and the executants generally seemed to be completely at one in their determination to play the music as well as it could be played. This quartette was, to our mind, unquestionably the gem of the concert . . .
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (31 May 1862), 2
The few short days which elapsed between the close of the opera season, and the commencement of the promenade concerts, have sufficed to enable Mr. Lyster to effect a compete metamorphosis in the appearance of the room . . . On Saturday night the house was so crowded that many hundreds of people were unable to obtain admission; and despite the unpleasant weather of the week the theatre has been fairly attended. And, indeed, it would have been discreditable to the music-loving population of the city had Mr. Lyster's enterprise not received a considerable share of public encouragement. The solo performers, several of whom have attained a high degree of eminence include Mr. Strebinger, violin; Mr. Siede, flute; Mr. Chapman, double bass; Mr. Berg, trombone; Mr. Lundberg, clarionet; Mr. Kohler, cornet-a piston, besides an infinite number of other instruments, and Mr. Canna, tympan. The vocal artistes are Madame Escott, Miss Hodson, and Messrs. Squires and Farquharson; while the conductor is Mr. Reiff. The opening concert on Saturday was one of the best, if not the best, ever given in Victoria. The magnificent overture to "Oberon," with which it commenced, the National Anthem sung by the four principal performers, and the magnificent scena from "Robert le Diable" - "Robert toi que j'aime," by Madame Escott, were amongst the most successful morceaux. The programme was varied every evening, but on each occasion the audience heard a selection of music, vocal and instrumental, from the best composers. Mr. Lyster's new experiment deserves to prove quite as successful as his attempt to acclimatise Opera in Victoria.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Saurin Lyster (manager); Pietro Canna (drums, timpani); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); Henry Squires (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Anthony Reiff (conductor); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"A FEW NOTES FROM A MUSICIAN ON TRAVEL", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (29 March 1864), 4
The following extracts are from the letter of a gentleman well known in musical circles here, who left Sydney a short time since, and proceeded to Italy; he is an American by birth, and his idea of Continental "men and things" is expressed in a very amusing way. The letter is dated Rome, December 7, 1863. "According to promise, I will give you some of my musical and other impressions of Italy . . ." The next letter is dated Genoa, December 18th, 1863. "Thank goodness I am out of the Roman States, for there residents are very hard upon the pockets of travellers. At Florence I went to see an opera - the orchestra was composed of about sixty performers, but there were no players in it to compare with Chapman, Siede, Strebinger, or Rice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: The correspondent was Anthony Reiff (above); Walter John Rice (Sydney violinist)
"THE HARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Ballarat Star [Ballarat, VIC] (17 April 1865), 1 supplement
The performance of Haydn's charming oratorio, "The Creation," on the evening of Good Friday, was the latest achievement of the Ballarat Harmonic Society . . . The local talent was largely supplemented from Melbourne, and the score or more of instrumentalists included Mr. E. King (principal violin); Mr. David Lee, conductor of the Emerald Hill Philharmonic Society (violin); Messrs. Ernest and Alfred King (violas); Mr. Johnson, master of the Head Quarters Band (oboe); Mr. Chapman, (double bass.) . . . Mr. Rutter's abilities as conductor were displayed throughout the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: David Lee (violin); Ernest King and Alfred King (sons of Edward King above); Henry Johnson (as above) on oboe; George Oswald Rutter (conductor); Ballarat Harmonic Society (association)
"DEATHS", The Argus (10 July 1868), 4
CHAPMAN. - On the 9th inst., at her residence, Victoria-parade, Mrs. Charlotte Chapman, wife of Samuel Chapman, Esq., of the Theatre Royal, and relative of Mr. John Hayward, rate-collector, of Fitzroy.
"MUSIC", The Australasian Sketcher with Pen and Pencil (14 June 1873), 47
By the time this paper sees publication the Italian opera season of 1873 will have come to an end . . . Signor Zelman and his instrumentalists, and Mr. John Hill and his chorus singers, have done their duty well throughout the season. The orchestra Has lost one good player in Mr. S. Chapman, a violoncellist of the right school, whose long connexion with music in this country has made his name a household word amongst professional players. He takes an extended pleasure trip to China and Japan . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alberto Zelman (conductor); John Hill (chorus master)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. HOBSON'S BAY . . . ARRIVED. - AUG 28", The Argus (30 August 1875), 4
Somerset, E. and A. M. Co.'s ss 1500 tons, H. M. Morris, commander, from Foochow 10th ult., and Sydney 26th Inst. Passengers-saloon: Five Sisters of the Order of St. Joseph, Mr. Brown, Mr. S. Chapman; and three Chinese in the steerage. D. Jack, purser; Bright Bros and Co., agents.
[News], The Argus (1 August 1876), 5
A meeting of the trustees of the Musical Association of Victoria was held at Nissen's Cafe on Saturday evening. Mr. S. Chapman was unanimously elected a member . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Musical Association of Victoria formed in 1876, successor to the Victoria Musical Association (association)
"THE OPERA. FAUST", The Argus (4 August 1877), 7
"Faust" was performed last night in the Opera-house in a manner which was greatly admired by all who witnessed it . . . The present combination, under the management of Mr. Lyster, means the union of the best two bands of choral singers that could be brought together and far more than this, it means an orchestra hitherto unequalled in Melbourne for individual talent and concerted skill. We have the opera played in the orchestra with as near an approach to the original scoring as can be hoped for with a band of 30. We have not 30 players in this orchestra, but there are those amongst the artists who are conducted just now by Signor Giorza who can make themselves equal to the work of two or three men - witness Herr Luttich and Mr. McCoy men who can double their parts whenever the "reed" instruments are wanted. It is not likely that at any time we shall hear better first violins than the five who are to be heard during this season. There is one violoncello, Mr. Hart (backed up by another player, name unknown), who has touch at his fingers' ends, which brings out all that can be desired in the way of tone. Mr. S. Chapman is the best contra bassist in this part of the world, and he has two others after him in the same orchestra who have only a little less skill than be. The rest of the instrument are to be ranked as the reader likes, and they must be acknowledged to be in the hands of good players . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Paolo Giorza (conductor); Frederick Luttich (musician, d. 1913); Thomas McCoy (musician)
"INQUESTS . . . FOUND DROWNED", The Argus (1 February 1879), 8
An inquest was held by Dr. Youl at the morgue yesterday concerning the death of David Marks, aged 54 years, a money lender who was found drowned in the Yarra on the previous day.
Samuel Chapman, professor of music, living in Gipps street, Richmond, said the deceased had lived with him for 11 years.
The deceased was a widower and had left no children.
Took tea together last Wednesday evening. Witness then went out, and on returning found the deceased gone.
Occasionally the deceased drank, and he was drinking on Wednesday. Was not aware of anything which might have driven him to commit suicide.
Rose Steele, barmaid at the London Tavern stated that the deceased called at that house at 8 o'clock on Thursday morning, and had some brandy and soda.
He was in good spirits and appeared to be sober.
B. Bolger, ironmoulder, living in Carlton deposed that at about half past 12 o'clock on Thursday he was walking on the north bank of the Yarra with some friends,
when they saw the deceased lying upon the bank of the river, with the lower portion of his body in the water. They pulled him out and he gave a moan, but that was the only sign of life.
Constable Kealy, who was called to take charge of the body, said he found the deceased dead, and removed his remains to the morgue. Found a purse containing £5 17s 11d in his pocket.
Charles S. Ryan, surgeon, who had made a post mortem examination, said there were no external marks of violence on the body. The cause of death was drowning.
Verdict - That the deceased was found drowned, but that there was no evidence before the jury to show how he got into the water.
"THEATRICAL AND MUSICAL", The Age (3 October 1879), 3
. . . At a musical entertainment given by the Musical Association of Victoria, Schubert's Octett for strings and wind was performed by Messrs. Weston and Ryder (violins), Jaeger (viola), Hart (violoncello), Chapman (contra bass), Lundborg (clarionet), Kohler (horn), and Lutich (bassoon), in a truly artistic manner, under the direction of Mr. T. H. Guenett . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Weston (violin, son of John Weston above); George Hopwood Ryder (violin); Ernest Augustus Jager (viola); Sidney Herbert Hart (cello); Franz Andreas Kohler (horn); Thomas Harbottle Guenett (conductor)
"THE MUSICAL ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA", The Australasian (19 February 1881), 1 supplement
A meeting of this body was held in Glen's rooms on Saturday night, and was numerously attended. Mr. Julius Siede was in the chair . . . After this business the following programme of music was performed: - Schubert's quartette in A minor, Op. 29, a work of great originality and much beauty, was played by Messrs. Curtis, Ryder, Wiedemann, and S. Chapman. A little more rehearsal would have produced a smoother effect . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Curtis (violin); Traugott Wiedemann (viola)
"Deaths", The Argus (11 August 1881), 1
CHAPMAN. - On the 10th inst., at his residence, Adelaide-cottage, Lennox-street, Richmond, Samuel Chapman, musician.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (11 August 1881), 3
The death which took place yesterday of Mr. Samuel Chapman, the well known musician, will be heard of with deep regret by his many friends, more especially those of the musical profession. Mr. Chapman's skill as a double bass and violoncello player has been often enough recognised, and well appreciated by both public and press during his long residence in the colony. Mr. Chapman arrived in Australia nearly thirty years ago. He was one of the members of the celebrated Julien [Jullien] orchestra in England, and has been associated with the Opera House band in this city since the opening of that theatre. The funeral of the deceased is to start from his residence in Lennox-street, Richmond, at two o'clock to-morrow.
. . . Thanks, however, chiefly to my friend Mr. "Sam" Chapman, who was himself a 'cello player, but was then playing contra bass, I was soon elevated to the first desk . . . My two first friends in the orchestra of the Philharmonic were Mr. Daniel ("Daddy") Hardman and Mr. "Sam" Chapman, 'cello and double bass players respectively . . . Mr. "Sam" Chapman came to us from London, and was a member of the celebrated Julien [sic, Jullien] band, one of the most efficient orchestras in Europe. He also played both 'cello and double bass, and was a fine solo player on the 'cello. On the double bass he had no rival, keeping the premier position till the close of his life. Chapman frequently spoke of the band he had belonged to, and told many anecdotes of the conductor. Julien's name was continually before the public in my early youth, and I had a great dislike of him because he turned my favourite operas and even symphonies into quadrille and other dance music. Opinion was much divided whether he was a great mountebank or a great musician. Chapman, however, was all in his favour, speaking of his enormous orchestras of 80 to 100 players, and the artists from all over the world who played with him. He objected, however, to Julien's extraordinary mode of dressing, and to his affectation of wearing new gloves when conducting any of Beethoven's works. At all events, it seems certain that there were never such concerts before or after as those of Julien's time . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Montague (musician, memoirist); Daniel Hardman (musician)
DISAMBIGUATION: Samuel Lithgow Chapman; S. L. Chapman (d. 1898, musicseller, South Yarra, unrelated); see "INSOLVENT COURT", The Australasian (11 August 1883), 21
Charles J. Lee, late music-seller, of Prahran, who is now under sentence for larceny as a bailee, was examined on the 9th inst. at the Insolvent Court, before his Honour Judge Noel. The principal creditor in the estate is Samuel L. Chapman, who sold his business for £898 to insolvent, who got into arrears with the monthly payments of the purchase-money . . .
CHAPMAN, William (William CHAPMAN; Mr. W. CHAPMAN; Mr. CHAPMAN, senior)
Musician, amateur and semi-professional, violinist, orchestral and band leader, cornet-a-piston player, viola player, tailor, letter carrier, postal worker
Born Sevenoaks, Kent, England, 20 August 1820; baptised Sevenoaks, 29 October 1820; son of Thomas CHAPMAN and Catherine MARRIOTT (d. SA, 1872) (m. Knockholt, Kent, 10 August 1820)
Married Julia WIGZELL (1823-1891), Halstead church, Kent, England, 24 December 1843
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 26 December 1849 (per Asiatic, from London and Plymouth)
Died Adelaide, SA, 1 January 1897, aged "76/77" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHAPMAN, William (William CHAPMAN, junior; Mr. W. CHAPMAN; Mr. CHAPMAN, junior)
Musician, amateur and semi-professional, violinist, letter carrier, postal worker
Born Sevenoaks, Kent, England, 1844; baptised Sevenoaks, 14 April 1844; son of William CHAPMAN and Julia WIGZELL
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 26 December 1849 (per Asiatic, from London and Plymouth)
Married Jemima EMERY (1846-1920), Methodist New Connexion Church, Adelaide, SA, 4 May 1865
Died North Kensington, SA, 8 August 1930, aged "86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

William Chapman senior (DIGITISED)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Sevenoaks in the county of Kent in the year 1820; register 1813-34, page 98; Kent History & Library Centre, P330/1/B/1 (PAYWALL)
No. 779 / October 29th [1820] / William son of / Thomas & Catherine / Chapman / Sevenoaks / Servant . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, Sevenoaks, Kent; UK National Archives, HO107/485/3/17/27 (PAYWALL)
Tho's Chapman / 40 / Post Boy / [born in county]
Catherine / 40 / [born in county]
William / 20 / Tailor Ap. / [born in county]
Thomas / 15 / Gardener / [born in county]
1843, marriage solemnized by banns in the church of Halstead in the county of Kent; register, from 1839, page 7; Kent History & Library Centre, P166/1/D/2 (PAYWALL)
No. 14 / December 24 1843 / William Chapman / 23 / Bachelor / Tailor / Halstead / [son of] Thomas Chapman / Postboy
Julia Wigzell / Under age 20 / Spinster / Working Woman / Healstead / [daughter of] George Wigzell / labourer . . .
Baptisms, Sevenoaks, Kent, April 1844; register 1831-53; Kent History & Library Centre, P330/1/A/15 (PAYWALL) (PAYWALL)
[1844] April 14/ William son of / William & Julia / Chapman / . . . Tailor
Adelaide, SA (from 26 December 1849):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Adelaide Times (27 December 1849), 2
Wednesday, December 26 . . . Same day - The ship Asiatic, 700 tons, A. S. Waddell, master, from London and Plymouth . . .
Passengers per Asiatic - . . . And the following in the steerage: - William Chapman wife and four children . . .
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (6 February 1850), 3
We perceive by advertisement, in another column, that the new "Dramatic Hall," in Leigh-street, over Mr. Crawford's offices, will be opened on Thursday next (to-morrow), by some of the performers who have seceded from the Queen's Theatre. Mr. Opie has very neatly decorated the house, and painted a pretty drop scene and proscenium . . . The managers, Messrs. Jacob, Elmer, and Gardener, announce their intention to conduct this place of recreation that "families can visit it without fear of being insulted by obscene language on the stage, or elbowed by improper characters among the audience." A Mr. Chapman makes his debut as a solo player on the cornet a piston. The musical arrangements are very creditable, and we have no doubt, if conducted on a respectable plan, with careful study, and short intervals between the acts, the public will support and encourage the concern.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Andrew Opie (scene painter); John Lewis Jacobs (actor, manager); John Adam Elmer (actor, manager); Joseph Gardiner (actor, manager); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (6 February 1850), 2
Dramatic Hall, Leigh-street, Adjoining Mr. HILL's Hotel . . . will open on Thursday, February 7th . . .
A variety of singing and dancing. In the course of the evening, a solo on the Cornet-a-Piston, "Love Not," by Mr. Chapman (lately arrived from London) . . .
MUSIC: Love not (John Blockley)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (18 March 1850), 2
SIX GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS A LA JULIEN - At the Exchange, King William-street.
Under the Direction of MR. W. WALLACE. The first Concert will take place on Tuesday evening, 19th March.
The Chorus and Orchestra will consist of upwards of thirty-five performers,
and the programme will be selected from the works of Julien, Mozart, Labitzky, Rossini, Lanner, Weber, Strauss.
The evenings amusements will embrace Waltzes, Quadrilles, Gallopades, Polkas, and Overtures; also Solos both Vocal and Instrumental.
Miss Lazar, Mr. Lee, Her Cranz, Mr. Cobbin, Her Fisher, Mr. Cobbin, jun.
Her Kidel, Master Cobbin, Her Zeigler, Mr. Richards, Her Matter,
Mr. Harwood, Her Huenerbiers, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Hewett.
Also a Chorus of German Gentlemen Amateurs.
PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Overture (Il Italiana in Algierio) Rossini - Orchestra . . .
4. Quadrilles, from Auber's Les lac de Fees - Julien - Full Orchestra . . .
9. Le Courier (Polka) - Koenig - Orchestra.
PART II. 1. Overture (Le Nottze de Figaro) Mozart - Orchestra . .
4. Waltz (Les pensees D'Amour) Lanner - Orchestra . . .
9. The Post Horn Galop (first time in this, colony) Full Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (musician, director); Rachel Lazar (vocalist); Philip Lee (violin); August Cranz (musician); William Cobbin and sons (musicians); George Fischer (vocalist); Augustus Keidel (musician); Charles Ziegler (musician); Henry Augustus Richards (musician); Charles Albert Frederic Mater (musician);; William Harward (musician); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); George Bennett (musician), Mr. Hewett (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 April 1850), 1
New Queen's Theatre. THURSDAY, APRIL 11th . . .
Comic Duet - "Ballad Singer" - Miss Lazar and Mr. Coppin.
Solo - Cornet a Piston - "Love Not" - Mr. Chapman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, vocalist, manager)
"THE PROMENADE CONCERT", Adelaide Times (27 April 1850), 5
The concert of Friday evening, as we anticipated, was more numerously attended than any that have preceded it. From the commencement of the first overture the spacious room of the Exchange was thronged, and the colonists having at length got rid of the gaucherie they first manifested at the novelty of being compelled to stand during a concert, walked about and enjoyed the ad libitum, freedom of the scene. The introduction of Promenade Concerts in England mainly contributed to the direction and cultivation of that taste for the higher branches of music which our countrymen are rapidly acquiring. By their agency, thousands have become acquainted with the works of our best composers, the splendid masterpieces of Beethoven and Mozart, who, under other circumstances, would inevitably, from the high prices of admission, and the exclusiveness of musical societies, have remained ignorant almost of their immortal names. Jullien, Musard, Strauss, and their brethren, empirics though they be called, have done more real service to music than multitudes of soi disant composers who have fancied that high art can only be appreciated by the aristocratic coteries. The entertainment of Friday evening fully sustained the reputation acquired by its predecessors, and as the members of the band are now getting well drilled and accustomed to each other, the ensembles of the instrumental pieces performed, were more effective. Mozart's Titus Overture, and Boieldieu's Dame Blanche, were well given, the latter particularly, and the usual infusion of Polkas, &c., were spiritedly played, Koenig's Post horn galop being encored. By the way, we should like to know the reason why every piece of dance music performed, should be laid at Jullien's door, that individual having quite sufficient to answer for, without the credit of the authorship of the L'Amour Annen, or Agnes Polkas, and the Railroad Galop, the latter a stupid, tricky thing by Gung'l, which was the only failure of the evening, the individual who got the steam up, forgetting that if the vapour escaped in the manner he wished to convey it did, the locomotive would have some slight difficulty in reaching its destination . . . The solo on the tuba basso by Herr Huenerbein was played better than at Herr Cranz's concert. It was much relished by the audience. While upon the instrumental portion of the entertainment we must not omit to mention Mr. Chapman's cornet-a-piston playing, it was really excellent, and his post horn obligato reminded us of the original . . .
"ODDFELLOWSHIP", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (9 May 1850), 2
The sixth Anniversary Dinner of the Albion Lodge of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, took place on Tuesday night last at Host Potters, Morphett-street . . . About one hundred and fifty brothers, friends, and visitors sat down to a sumptuous dinner, served up in excellent style . . . A band, led by Mr. Chapman, performed polkas in fine style during the removal of the covers, while a welltoned piano, presided at by Mr. Bennett, accompanied by the vocal talent of Messrs. Harwood and Mitchell, left nothing to be desired . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Harward (amateur vocalist); Mr. Mitchell (amateur vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian (19 July 1850), 1
85 PERFORMERS!!! . . . INSTRUMENTAL. Conductor - Mr. Wallace.
Principal 1st Violins. Messrs. Wallace, Osborn, Lee, and F. Coppin.
2nd Violins. Messrs. Chapman, Berry, Cobin, jun, and Herr Matter . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Osborne (violin); Frederick Coppin (violin); Mr. Berry (violin)
"CONCERT", Adelaide Times (1 August 1850), 3
The Concert of the Adelaide Choral Society took place, yesterday evening, in the New Exchange, but owing to the roughness of the weather the attendance was very limited, there being only one hundred and twenty persons present, including, however, His Excellency, Lady Young, Bishop Short, and a large proportion of the elite. The music, in general, was very good. The first overture, and glee, and chorus, gave entire satisfaction . . . Chapman's solo on the Cornopean was well executed, but he appeared to feel uncomfortable in playing alone . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife); Adelaide Choral Society (association)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (15 October 1850), 2
MR. A. MOORE BEGS to inform the Public of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he intends giving
A SERIES OF Four promenade concerts, TO TAKE PLACE On the 15th and 29th October, and the 12th and 26th November.
MR. MOORE Is happy to say that in conjunction with his own Band, which comprises the principal talent of South Australia,
he has succeeded in obtaining the kind assistance of the
FORMING THE LARGEST ORCHESTRA Ever yet brought together in this Colony . . .
Leaders: MR. LEE & MR. OSBORNE.
Leader of Reed and Brass Band: HERR HEUNERBEIN.
Conductor and Director: - ANDREW MOORE.
PROGRAMME OF FIRST CONCERT. PART I . . . 3. Solo, Cornopean, "Thema," with variations, Chapman - Mr. Chapman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Moore (violin, conductor)
[News], South Australian Register (16 October 1850), 3
We were pleased to observe a very good attendance at the first of Mr. Moore's promenade concerts, which came off last evening in the Exchange-hall . . . Mr. Chapman's Solo Cornopean, and Herr Mater's Solo Clarionet, were both superior performances . . .
"PROMENADE CONCERT", South Australian Register (27 November 1850), 3
The last series of promenade concerts, given by Mr. Andrew Moore, took place last evening, and was tolerably well attended. The programme presented no very imposing array of performers or pieces, but everything attempted was done to the satisfaction of the audience, who appeared to enjoy most heartily the entertainment. Mr. Chapman's solo on the cornopean, and a duet on two clarionets by Messrs. Huenerbein and Mater, in the first part, were exquisite performances, and elicited loud and repeated manifestations of approval . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 December 1850), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre . . . MESSRS. LAZAR AND COPPIN
BEG most respectfully to acquaint their friends and the public generally, that the above Splendid Theatre,
Being now completed, will open for the Season, THIS EVENING, Monday, December 23rd . . .
THE ORCHESTRA will embrace the leading talent of the colony, viz: -
Leader - Mr. Andrew Moore, assisted by Mr. S. W. Wallace, Herr Mater, Herr Zeiglar, Mr. Harwood,
Mr. Lawrence, Herr Heunerbein, Herr Kierdel, and Mr. Chapman.
The performances will commence with a Musical Extravaganza, entitled THIS HOUSE TO BE SOLD . . .
To be preceded by Mozart's Overture to Don Giovanni . . .
In the course of the evening the Band will play Several New Polkas, Waltzes, &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lazar (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (13 March 1851), 2
will be performed, for the first time at this Theatre, Bulwer's celebrated and much-admired Play of the LADY OF LYONS . . .
In compliance with the request of several families, who have signified their intention of visiting the Theatre on this evening, and in order to produce an additional novelty, a
GRAND CONCERT will be given, upon which occasion Messrs. Lazar and Coppin have great pleasure in announcing that, in conjunction with their own unrivalled Band, the
AMATEUR BRASS AND REED BAND have kindly consented to attend, under the direction of their Leader,
Herr Huenerbein, and will play during the evening some favourite pieces as performed at Mr. Moore's late Promenade Concerts . . .
7. Quartette for four brass instruments on the favourite German air "Lorilu" [? Lorelei] - Messrs. Chapman, Harward, Huenerbein, and Mater . . .
"MAD. F. ALLEN'S CONCERT", Adelaide Times (14 March 1851), 2
Madame Allen's concert took place on Wednesday evening, at the Exchange. We were sorry to find that our anticipations, so far as regarded the attendance, were not realised; empty seats being far more prevalent than we could have either wished or imagined. The orchestral department was very meagre, but the little the instrumentalists had to do was performed satisfactorily, although the programme was not adhered to, a fact to be so far lamented, that instead of the Gazza Ladra Overture, which was set down to open the second part, the audience was treated to a hackneyed galop of Gung'l's, which has been already done to death at the Theatre . . . We are no admirers of the cornet a piston, but that instrument was done full justice to by Messrs. Chapman and Harward, who played the duet "I know a bank" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francesca Allen (vocalist)
MUSIC: I know a bank wheron the wild thyme grows (C. E. Horn)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 May 1851), 2
WE the undersigned Members, in accordance with Rule number "15" of the above Society, providing for "Special General Meetings,"
request that a MEETING of the MEMBERS of the "ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY" may be convened . . . [concerning] Mr. Thurlow's letter
[signed] W. F. Osborne; Aug. Fried. Cranz; Redford Clisby; Wm. Harris;
John Snaith; Wm. Chapman; Wm. Cobbin; C. Linger; Matthew Sharp; Robert Wiener.
D. J. Hiskens; Amil R. Weber.
To the Secretary of the Adelaide Choral Society . . .
E. PARIS, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Alston Thurlow (member); Redford Clisby (member); John Snaith (member); Carl Linger (member); Robert Wiener (member); Emil Rudolph Weber (member); Eugene Adolphus Paris (secretary)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (17 September 1851), 4
THIS EVENING (Wednesday, September 17th) . . . at the EXCHANGE, King William-street . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 9. Grand Chorus, from the Opera "Euryanthe," C. M. v. Weber,
with Bass [sic, ? Brass] Accompaniment by Messrs. Chapman, F. Coppin, Herren Huenerbein, Keidel, and Ziegler - Deutsche Liedertafel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Deutsche Liedertafel (association)
"LOCAL COURT, ADELAIDE. Wednesday, September 8th . . . CIVIL JURISDICTION . . . CHAPMAN v LAZAR", South Australian Register (24 September 1852), 3
For £3 3s., for lessons on the violin, to the defendant's son. £2 2s. paid into Court. Postponed for the attendance of Mrs. Lazar, whom the plaintiff desired to call as a witness.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Lazar (pupil, son of John Lazar above)
? Names and descriptions of passengers per Queen of Sheba from Adelaide, 18 September 1852, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Cabin passengers . . . W. Chapman . . .
? Names and descriptions of passengers per Queen of Sheba from Melbourne, 27 October 1852, for Adelaide; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Will'm Chapman / 30 / English . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (25 December 1852), 1
MUSIC. MUSIC. MUSIC. MR. W. CHAPMAN begs to inform his friends and the Public generally,
that having returned from Victoria, he is ready to provide MUSIC for Balls, Quadrille Parties, Dinners, &c., &c.
Terms may be known on application to the above at the Royal Victoria Theatre, where all letters, &c., will meet with immediate attention.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (14 April 1853), 4
CONCERT. MADAME M. CRANZ'S CONCERT will take place at the Exchange, on
THURSDAY, this evening, April 14, under the patronage of His Excellency and Lady Young.
PROGRAMME. PART FIRST . . . 5. (By desire) Fruelings Wenderschaft, Cornopean Obligato - Kücken - Mad. Cranz and Mr. Chapman . . .
PART SECOND . . . 4. The Standard Bearer, with Cornopean obligato - Lindpainter - Mr. J. W. Daniel and Mr. Chapman . . .
Mr. Linger will preside at the Piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist)
"DINNER TO J. H. FISHER, ESQ., M.L.C.", Adelaide Times (19 May 1853), 2
In celebration of a triumph which the political admirers of J. H Fisher, Esq.,
have lately obtained by the return of their candidate for the important district of West Adelaide,
a dinner was given last evening to that gentleman in the saloon attached to the Theatre.
Fully two hundred gentlemen were present . . .
An excellent band occupied a kind of balcony at the end of the room, and enlivened the intervals between the toasts with appropriate airs.
The cloth having been drawn, the usual loyal and introductory toasts were proposed from the Chair, and duly responded to . . .
Alderman Solomon . . . proposed "The Clergy of all denominations in South Australia" . . .
Solo (cornet-a-piston) "Love Not" - Mr. Chapman . . .
Alderman Sherwin had great pleasure in proposing, "The Bench and the Bar" . . .
"Rogue's March" - by the band . . .
The Chairman having called for bumpers, rose to propose the health of their worthy and honoured guest, J. H. Fisher, Esq . . .
Air "Old English Gentleman, by the band, the company joining in the refrain . . . Polka, by the band . . .
Toast from the Chair - "Our Native Land." Air - "Home, Sweet Home," by the band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hurtle Fisher (member of the legislative council)
"ASSEMBLY BALL", Adelaide Times (21 May 1853), 2
The third of the series of Assembly Balls took place on Thursday evening, at the Exchange. His Excellency and Lady Young were present, and the company numbered almost one hundred and sixty. Mr. Chapman's band was in attendance and performed some novelties in dance music. We have heard of some singular proceedings on the part of the Stewards with reference to excluding some highly respectable parties on the score of their being tradesman, but we are reluctant to believe that such unmitigated "snobbism" can exist in this colony. We however intend to make further enquiries, and if the allegations we have heard prove to be facts, the exclusionists shall not escape exposure.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (19 October 1853), 2
Under the immediate patronage of Capt. Cadell, the navigator of the Murray, who has signified his intention of being present.
MISS BLACKHURST'S SOIREE MUSICALE. Miss Blackhurst, nine years a pupil in the Royal Academy of Music, London . . .
Instrumental Performers - Messrs. Thurloe, Lillywhite, John Cobbin, Swift, John Cobbin, jun., McCullagh, Walker, Tuxford, Smith, Mantegeni . . .
Leader - Mr. Chapman . . .
Part I. 1 Overture - Massaniello - Auber - Band
Part II. 1 Overture - Guy Mannering - Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Blackhurst (vocalist); Charles Alston Thurlow; William Lillywhite (musician); correctly William Cobbin sen. and jun. as above; Thomas Swift (musician); Robert McCullagh (musician); Alfred Mantegani (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (10 January 1854), 2
SELECT BALL. ROBERT RAMSEY begs to intimate, that he intends giving a
SELECT BALL, at his new room adjoining the Napoleon Buonaparte Hotel, on Thursday evening next, the 12th instant.
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each, to be had at the bar; refreshments included.
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. Chapman's Quadrille Band will be in attendance.
[3 advertisements], South Australian Register (21 February 1854), 2
FLOWER-SHOW BALL. A SELECT BALL will be held at the Napoleon Bonaparte, King William-street, on Thursday next, the 23rd instant.
Tickets, single or double, 7s. 6d. each, to be obtained at the bar.
Mr. Chapman's Quadrille Band will be in attendance.
A SELECT BALL will be held at the Thistle Inn, Weymouth-street, on Friday, 24th instant. Tickets 7s., single or double, to be obtained at the bar.
Mr. Chapman's Quadrille Band will be in attendance.
FARRIERS' ARMS, STURT. C. S. HANNINGTON begs to inform his friends and the public generally that a
BALL will be held at the above house on the second night of the BRIGHTON RACES, March 2nd next. Single Tickets 3s. 6d., double 5s.
Messrs. Swift and Chapman are engaged for the occasion.
"PROMENADE MUSICALE", Adelaide Times (5 April 1854), 4
To a bumper "house," Mr. Eldin, to whom great credit is due for his praiseworthy efforts to introduce a novel species of entertainment for the denizens of Adelaide, held, last evening, the first of a series of Promenades Musicales he contemplates at his newly established and elegant Pantheon. It was not strictly speaking, a "promenade," for so attractive was the character of the evening's programme, that there was barely room to stir, or for friends to come in contact when once separated. The band, consisting of 3 violins, a piano, violincello, cornet-a-piston, and trombone, played a variety of pieces and fearfully exciting polkas, to the manifest delight of the audience. The instrumental portion of the entertainment was diversified by interludes of vocal music, in which new adjuncts to the musical corps of Adelaide "assisted" most creditably. The whole affair was admirably conducted, and will doubtless be a popular resort if the subsequent soirees be as judiciously conducted as the premier pas. Mr. Chapman led the band; Mr. Cobbin was first violin, and Mr. McCullagh's cornet-a-piston harmonised sweetly throughout.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Edlin (proprietor, promoter); Pantheon Assembly Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"PROMENADE MUSICALE", South Australian Register (10 May 1854), 3
The attendance at the musical entertainment provided last evening by Mr. Edlin, at the Pantheon, was exceedingly good. His Excellency and Lady Young were present . . . A large number of the fair sex also graced the room with their presence. The orchestra was led by Mr. Chapman, as first violinist, and included Mr. MacCullagh, and several other gentlemen of known musical talent. Mr. Montegani presided at the pianoforte. The programme consisted of no fewer than sixteen musical compositions, and with but one trifling exception was strictly observed. Miss Pettman was in excellent key, and was encored in "The Maid of Switzerland" . . . The instrumentalists acquitted themselves on the whole with great credit but we think a few perceptible defects might have been avoided by two or three rehearsals previous to the concert. The whole, however, passed off extremely well, and we trust it will not be long before a similar entertainment is provided by the spirited proprietor, and that it will be as well supported.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist, later Mrs. Smart, as see below)
"APPOINTMENTS", South Australian Register (9 June 1854), 3
William Chapman, to be a Post Office Letter carrier, vice Michael, resigned.
See also "SOUTH AUSTRALIA. [Public Service] SUPERANNUATION FUND (. . . December 18, 1855)", South Australia votes and proceedings of the Legislative Council during the first session, 1855-6 (Adelaide: W. C. Cox, government printer, 1856), 2 (DIGITISED)
RETURN showing NAMES of PRESENT CONTRIBUTORS . . . their AGES, the DATES on which they respectively ENTERED the SERVICE . . .
Robert McCullagh / 40 / 8th Dec., 1852 . . . // William Chapman / 35 / 1st June 1854 // . . . Emanuel Spiller / 32 / 16th April, 1849 // . . . William Cobbin / 52 / 6th Oct., 1851 . . .
B. T. FINNISS, Colonial Secretary.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 October 1854), 1
beg to inform, their friends and the public generally, that they will give a
at the PANTHEON, King William-street, for which occasion Mr. P. LEE has kindly offered his services, as also the following well-known talent: -
Vocalists: Miss Chalker, Miss Pettman, and Mr. Marshall (being his first appearance.)
Instrumentalists: - 1st Violins - Mr. P. Lee and Mr. Chapman.
2nd Ditto - Mr. Wm. Cobbin, jun., Mr. Watts and Mr. Mark Thayer, who has also kindly offered his services.
Viola - Mr. W. Cobbin, sen.
Violincellos - Mr. J. R. Smith and Mr. Swift.
Contra Bass - Mr. Betteridge.
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. McCullagh.
Flutes - Mr. R. Clisby and Mr. Phillips.
Oboe - Mr. Sumsion.
Pianists - Mrs. Young and Mr. Linger.
1. Overture, "Don Juan," Orchestra - Mozart.
2. Song, "My Father Dear," Miss Pettman - S. Nelson.
3. Song, "England, England, Glorious Land," Mr. Marshall, his first appearance.
4. Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, Cavatina, from the Opera "Romeo and Juliet," Mr. McCullagh - Bellini.
5. Song, "Dream on, Young Hearts," Miss Chalker - Sporle.
6. Song, "The Maid of Switzerland," Miss Pettman - J. H. Tulley.
7. "The Star of the Night Valses," Orchestra - Charles D'Albert.
An interval of fifteen minutes.
1. Overture, "Il Barbiere di Siviglia," Orchestra - Rossini.
2. Song, "An Angel Bright," Miss Pettman - Donizetti.
3. Quartette, Slow Movement, Messrs. Chapman, Watts, W. Cobbin, sen., and J. R. Smith - Haydn.
4. Song, Miss Chalker.
5. Solo, Pianoforte, "La Pluie de Perles," Mrs. Young - Osborne.
6. Song, "England, Home of Freedom," Mr. Marshall - Hopkinson
7. Song, "As if you didn't know," Miss Pettman - L. Phillips
8. The Etna Galop, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert.
Tickets, 5s. each, reserved seats, 7s. 6d. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist); Mr. Marshall (vocalist); James Watts (violin); Mark Thayer (violin); John R. Smith (cello); Henry Betteridge (double bass); William Sumsion (oboe); Rebecca Cash Young (piano)
"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", Adelaide Times (12 October 1854), 3
The Concert given last evening by Miss Pettman and Mr. Chapman, in the Pantheon, was most numerously attended. The attractions displayed in the programme were more than realised, especially in the instrumental selections. Before particularising any part of the performance, we must express our regret that the Pantheon was chosen as a concert-room on the present occasion, as the construction of the building, and the peculiar nature of the roof, marred most materially some of the finer effects in the orchestral performances, while it deadened and rendered at times offensively flat the vocal selections. The entertainment opened with Mozart's Overture to "Don Juan," which was creditably produced, and was followed by a Song by Miss Pettman, "My father dear." The first appearance of Mr. Marshall was tolerably successful; and Mr. McCullagh made a most decided hit, his Solo on the cornet-a-piston being equal to most of those heard at first-rate provincial concerts in England. Miss Chalker, who was very flatteringly received, sang tastefully, and in a very pleasing style, the song "Dream on, young hearts;" and the song which succeeded, "The Maid of Switzerland," received a more successful rendering at the hands of Miss Pettman. The performance of the very charming "Star of the Night" valses, gained a meed of deserved applause, and was followed by an interval of fifteen minutes. The second part opened with a very brilliant execution of the Overture to "Il Barbiere di Siviglia;" and Miss Pettman gained an encore in her song "An angel bright." A finely and well executed quartette, by Messrs. Chapman, Watts, W. Cobbin, sen., and J. R. Smith, paved the way for the introduction of the gem of the evening, the pathetic and familiarly-known ballad "Annie Lawrie," sung by Miss Chalker. We never recollect to have heard the song interpreted in a more chaste or beautiful style. It was warmly encored. The solo on the pianoforte, "La Pluie de Perlis," by Mrs. Young, was a performance of great merit. The unpretending and graceful style of this lady's execution, while thoroughly effective, possesses a pleasing attraction which more florid, but less meritorious performances, will never gain. We must not conclude this short notice without remarking upon the excellence of the instrumentation throughout; and we may be permitted to express a hope that it has been in all points equally successful.
"HERR LINGER'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (26 September 1855), 2
There was a large and highly respectable attendance at the concert of sacred music given by Herr Linger last evening at Neales's Exchange. His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell were present. The performances commenced with Handel's stately overture to the oratorio of "Saul," which was performed with spirit and precision by a full and efficient band. The quartette and chorus "Tuba mirum," and "Dies irae," from the Requiem of Mozart, followed. Its solemn strains formed a striking contrast to the joyous, spirit-stirring overture which preceded it . . . The orchestra was led by Mr. Chapman, who in fast rising in public estimation as a skilful violinist. Taken as a whole the concert was eminently successful.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Blanche Macdonnell (governor and wife)
"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT AT NEALE'S EXCHANGE", South Australian Register (10 May 1856), 4
Yesterday evening the prima donna of the French and Italian operas appeared for the first time before a South Australian audience . . . In justice to the orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. Chapman, we must say that their instrumentation exhibited a very marked improvement, especially in Herrmann Schmidt's overture, "The King's Command" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist)
"AMUSEMENTS", South Australian Register (23 August 1856), 4
. . . The great musical event of the season was a grand concert given in White's Assembly-room on the 18th inst., for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the soldiers who fell in the late war . . . As announced, the concert was conducted by Herr Linger, and Mr. Chapman was the leader. The band of instrumentalists and the choir of vocalists were more numerous and complete than on any former musical festival within our recollection in Adelaide . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: White's Rooms (Adelaide venue); the proprietor was George White, a tailor by profession, for whom Chapman had worked as a tailor before taking employment as a government letter carrier
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (2 July 1857), 2
This Society is advancing very favourably in the estimation of the public, and deservedly so, for almost every successive concert shows a marked improvement in some respect over the preceding one. The concert of last evening at White's Assembly Room, must have been as gratifying to the performers as it certainly was to the audience, who applauded freely and very judiciously. Herr Linger, the conductor of the Society, is deserving of all praise, for the great care he has constantly evinced to render the Society as effective as possible under existing conditions. The excellence of his pianoforte accompaniments must be well appreciated by his pupils, and the choir generally. The instrumental department played effectually with great precision some operatic selection; Mr. Chapman, the leader, cleverly sustaining the difficulties . . .
"VICTORIA THEATRE", South Australian Register (22 April 1858), 2
. . . On Wednesday evening, the charming spectacle of "Cinderella" was repeated, with all its enchantments and fairy-like accompaniments . . . Chapman's band formed the orchestra, and the house was brilliantly lighted . . .
"THE HANDEL FESTIVAL", South Australian Register (15 April 1859), 3
The second part of this entertainment took place on Thursday evening . . . "Alexander's Feast" was the oratorio chosen for this part of the festival . . . To the instrumentalists generally too much praise can hardly be given when it is considered that they are all amateurs; and foremast amongst them is Mr. Chapman, the leader, whose violin-playing would be no disgrace to the best orchestra in the world. Mr. Jarvis, tenor violin, also deserves honourable mention . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Jarvis (viola); Handel Centenary (general)
"HANDEL COMMEMORATION FESTIVAL", South Australian Register (18 April 1859), 5
. . . The first part of the commemoration took place on Wednesday, the 13th inst., in White's large concert room; and the second on the following evening . . . The following is a list of the instrumental performers with the instruments which they severally played upon: - Violins - Chapman, White, Lower, King, Schrader; viola - Schrader; violoncellos - Lillywhite, Allen, Marshall; double bass - Betteridge, Schrader; flutes - Proctor, Spiller; clarionets - Heydecke, Sumpse [? Sumpsion], Clisby; harmonium - Light; sax horns - Vincent, Wheatley; cornopean - Wheatley . . . Mr. Linger wag the conductor and Mr. Chapman leader, while Mr. Daniel filled the important office of choral master on the occasion. The [first] oratorio selected was the "Messiah" . . . To the instrumentalists generally too much praise can hardly be given when it is considered that they are all amateurs; and foremost amongst them is Mr. Chapman, the leader, whose violin-playing would be no disgrace to the best orchestra in the world. Mr. Jarvis, tenor violin, also deserves honourable mention. The number of persons in attendance at both concerts has amounted to nearly a thousand . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Baxter White (violin); Frederick William Lower (violin); Heinrich Schrader (violin &c.); Nicholas Proctor (flute); Emanuel Spiller (flute); Theodor Heydecke (clarinet); George Thomas Light (harmonium); James Edward Wheatley (saxhorn and cornopean)
"MR. WHITE'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (18 May 1859), 2
An instrumental and vocal concert, announced by advertisement as under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor, took place in White's Room, on Tuesday evening, May 17. In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, there was a small attendance, which, however, was highly respectable, and included several members of the Ministry . . . The instrumental portion was occupied principally by Mr. White, who performed several very difficult and beautiful solos on the violin with wonderful proficiency and taste . . . The performance of Mr. Chapman on the violin was deserving of special notice . . .
"NORWOOD PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The South Australian Advertiser (22 October 1861), 3
On Monday evening the Norwood Philharmonic Society gave their second grand concert, and notwithstanding the threatening state of the weather, there was a good attendance, the Town Hall being tolerably well filled with a highly respectable audience, numbering about 250. The performance commenced with an introduction by the band, which was followed by Handel's chorus, "Sing unto God," sung by the whole company, comprising seven female and 14 male voices, and 11 instrumental performers, viz.- one cornopean, Mr. McCulloch [McCullagh]; one clarionet, Mr. Sumsion; two flutes, Messrs. Spiller and Proctor; five violins, Messrs. Chapman, Finniss, Chapman, jun., and Schrader; one bass viol, and one double bass. This piece was well performed, but the volume of sound was too great for the size of the hall. Mrs. Smart then sung "Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre," in which she was deservedly encored. Mr. Herbelet accompanied her on the harmonium, and Mr. Chapman on the violin. The entire company next gave that magnificent chorus from Haydn's Creation, "The heavens are telling," and it was admirably sung, and drew forth a hearty round of applause. Horsley's beautiful trio (sacred), "When shall we three meet again," was then very sweetly sung by Mesdames Wishart and Smart, and Mr. Fry. Mrs. Wishart was in very good voice, and sung with great taste and precision. They were accompanied by Mr. Herbelet on the piano, and Mr. Chapman on the violin. The first part of the performance was concluded by the whole company giving the chorus from Handel, "Unto us a child is born," which was done with very good effect.
The second part of the entertainment (secular) began with Auber's Overture "Fra Diavolo " which was performed by the band with great spirit and execution, and was loudly applauded and encored. The whole company then gave Rossini's Grand Ode, which was followed by C. F. Adams' Serenade "Maiden Listen," sung by Messrs. Bundle, Harris, Gooden, and Fry; after which Mrs. Wishart sung Hobbs's "Nina" in her best style; being encored she substituted "Lovely Night." The male performers then sang the chorus from Tancredi (Rossini) accompanied by the band. The next song was "The Blind Girl to her Harp" by Mrs. Smart, and this also was encored, when "Mary of Argyle" was substituted. Mr. Proctor then played a flute solo by Clinton, with a quartette accompaniment, which was also encored. Glover's Duet, "A Voice from the Waves" was then sung by Mrs. Smart and Mrs. Wishart. An attempt was made by a number of noisy and ill behaved boys to get up an encore, but the performers did not seem inclined to yield; the lads, however, kept up a disturbance for several minutes; at last the band commenced the last piece, but were completely put down by the noise. Mr. Chapman, the conductor, then addressed the assembly, saying that he thought there had been quite encores enough, and any reasonable person should be satisfied without another at that late hour (past 11 o'clock). The sensible portion of the meeting agreeing to this, the last piece was brilliantly executed - The chorus of Gipsies - from "II Trovatore" (Verdi.)
The entertainment did not close till past 11 o'clock almost too late an hour for the quiet inhabitants of Norwood and Kensington, but the length of the evening was somewhat protracted by the repeated encores, even in the case of songs which in themselves were quite long enough. It is really too bad to tax the singers to such an extent when a good programme is prepared, and displays neither good taste nor good manners. After making these remarks we feel bound in justice to say that the encores were entirely got up by a number of boys, who ought to have had some one to keep them in order. The whole entertainment was a highly creditable one to this Society, which is still in its youth, and most of the performers being amateurs. We thought before hearing the concert that the charge for admission was rather high, but from the large attendance and excellent entertainment provided, we were inclined to alter our opinion, for we have frequently heard performances in Adelaide where the charge has been higher, and the entertainment not a whit better. We are very glad to see the Norwood Town Hall called into such frequent requisition for rational amusement and instruction. We think the Norwood Philharmonic Society might venture on giving then next concert in White's Room.
ASSOCIATIONS: Boyle Travers Finniss (violin); Mrs. Smart (vocalist, Mary Ann Pettman above); Susannah Wishart (vocalist); James William Heberlet (piano); Norwood Philharmonic Society (association)
"THE GROCERS' ASSOCIATION DINNER", The South Australian Advertiser (18 December 1863), 3
The anniversary dinner of the above Association was held at the Norfolk Arms, Rundle-street, on Thursday evening, December 17.
About 60 gentlemen partook of an excellent and abundant repast, prepared by the well-known host, Mr. George James.
Chapman's band was in attendance, and its enlivening strains added a great deal to the enjoyment of the evening . . .
The Chairman proposed the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, which were responded to, the band playing the usual loyal airs . . .
Band - "St. Patrick's Day" . . . Band - "Here's a health to all good lasses" . . .
Band - "Song of Australia" . . . Band - Selections from Operatic pieces . . . Band - "Overture" . . .
Solo on the violin, Mr. Chapman - "Auld Robin Gray" . . . Band - "He's a jolly good fellow" . . .
"MARRIAGE", The Adelaide Express (5 May 1865), 2
CHAPMAN - EMERY. - On the 4th May, at the Methodist New Connexion Church, Franklin-street, by license, by the Rev. James Maughan, Mr. William Chapman, Jun., eldest son of Mr. William Chapman, of the Post Office, to Jemima, second daughter of Mr. John Emery, of New Woodford, near Magill.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (31 December 1872), 4
CHAPMAN. - On the 29th December, at her son's residence, Angas-street east, Catherine Chapman, aged 72 years, mother of Mr. William Chapman, sen.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (12 August 1891), 4
CHAPMAN. - On the 11th August, at her residence, Sevenoaks Cottage, Angas-street, Julia, the beloved wife of William Chapman, sen., aged 69 years.
"THE LATE MR. WILLIAM CHAPMAN", The Advertiser (2 January 1897), 7
The death is announced at the age of 77 years of Mr. William Chapman, who was well-known in the city as "the father of the post-men." Some years ago Mr. Chapman had an attack of influenza from the effects of which he never recovered, and he died at his residence, Angas-street, on Friday. Mr. Chapman was born at Sevenoaks, Kent, England, on August 20, 1820, and was educated at the local school. He was afterwards apprenticed to the tailoring trade at Sevenoaks, and worked at the trade for some years in England, and also in South Australia with the late Messrs. G. Barclay and G. White. He arrived in the colony by the ship Asiatic on December 26, 1849, and had resided in Adelaide ever since, with the exception of two visits to the Victorian diggings in 1852 and 1853, though with little success. He entered the Government service as a letter-carrier on June 1, 1854, and held that position up till May 31, 1893, when he was compelled to resign owing to failing health, having completed 39 years in the Post-Office. Mr. Chapman was very fond of music and received his first lessons on the violin when only seven years old. He played with the celebrated Jullien's band in London in the early forties. For many years he was conductor of one of the first bands in Adelaide, being connected with the late Herr Carl Linger as leader of the choral society, which first produced the now well-known Song of Australia. He was in possession of a certificate from the Handel Commemoration Festival, given for services rendered at the first production of the Messiah and Alexander's Feast, in this colony. The certificate is signed by Mr. E. W. B. Glandfield, chairman, Herr Carl Linger, conductor, Mr. J. W. Daniel, choral master, and Mr. William Chapman, leader. There was not a ball or dance of any consequence for which he did not supply the music, being famed for accenting and timekeeping, and he was also a member of the Philharmonic Society which was instrumental in getting the beautiful organ now in the Town Hall. Chapman's Band was likewise well known at the flower shows and concerts, Victoria Theatre and operas. He could also play the cornet and viola when required to make up a part if short of a man. He was a life member of the Adelaide Liedertafel. Mr. Chapman was a Freemason, having been a member of the Lodge of Harmony No. 3. He was a member of the Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows from the time he arrived in the colony, and for some time he was a trustee of the Adelaide Lodge. His wife, who accompanied him from England, died five years ago. Besides four sons who came out with him he had eight children born in the colony; nine of the twelve survive him. The eldest son (Mr. William Chapman) is now No. 1 letter-carrier, having been in the public service for 34 years. The deceased also leaves 25 grandchildren. The funeral will take place at the West-terrace Cemetery, to-morrow afternoon.
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide Liedertafel (association); on the funeral, see also "THE LATE MR. WILLIAM CHAPMAN", The Advertiser (4 January 1897), 7
"DEATHS", The Advertiser (4 January 1897), 4
CHAPMAN. - On the 1st January, 1897, at Sevenoaks Cottage, Angas-street, William Chapman, sen., in his 77th year. For 39 years a letter carrier G.P.O.
. . . My friend also reminds me of a very old identity in Paddy McCullogh [Robert McCullagh], who played in the orchestra for most of the visiting companies, and was quite a host in himself. He used also to be much in demand for private dances. Poor old Paddy! Always up to some mischief! If a pea was discovered in the mouthpiece of Schrader's cornet, or a handful of feathers in the bell of the trombone, Paddy got the credit of it whether he was guilty or not; but I am bound to admit that he generally was. Paddy was a letter-carrier all day, and his massive form and genial Irish face were well known by Adelaideans. Chapman, another letter carrier, was also a musician, and played second violin under Johnny Hall for many years at the Theatre Royal with Wiedenhofer as bass, Weber as clarionet, Proctor as flute, and dear old Schrader as cornet . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Lyons (memoirist); John Thomson Hall (violin); Dietrich Heinrich Weidenhofer (double bass); Peter Weber (clarinet)
"MR. CAWTHORNE'S REMINISCENCES", Evening Journal (22 June 1912), 6
. . . A good violinist whom I must not omit to mention was Mr. W. Chapman. He was a wonderful man; always punctual, although he had official duties at the G.P.O. to attend to. I often played five nights a week with him. He was one of the finest dance-music players I have met. He refused more than once to accept a higher position in the G.P.O., because it would cause him to give up playing his beloved violin. We had very pleasant times together. He could read anything at sight - a great blessing when one is continually playing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Cawthorne (musician)
"EARLY DAY LETTER CARRIERS", Observer (7 February 1925), 34 (with photographs)
From May, 1885, Adelaide letter carriers for many years wore a uniform of belltopper with band,
scarlet cut-away coats (as shown in the photographs), and blue trousers. Later white cut-away coats were worn in summer. Our photo graphs show:-
William Chapman, letter carried for 30 years, and leader of Chapman's musical band.
William Chapman, jun., of Kent Town, postman for nearly as many years as his father.
"LETTER CARRIERS OF OLD ADELAIDE", The Register (10 February 1925), 14
From A. T. SAUNDERS: In last week's Observer are photographs of Mr. William Chapman and his son, William, in the uniform of Adelaide letter carriers.
The father joined the postal service on June 1, 1854, and retired in 1893, and the son joined on November 1, 1863, and retired in 1909:
so, for 55 years father and son were well known to Adelaide's citizens.
Mr. William Chapman, a tailor by trade, and an ardent musician, left Seven Oaks, England, arrived in the Asiatic (26/1[2]/49) during a howling dust storm,
and worked at his trade in the employ of Mr. White and Mr. Barclay (before he became a postman).
The Weekly Dispatch of 21/5/53 has a petition from the five Adelaide postmen who then were Robert McCullagh, Frederick Strong, Otto Michoel, William R. Cobbin, and Robert May.
In the Blue Book for 1868 are the names of the then 10 Adelaide letter carriers, and Robert McCullagh, who joined the service in 8/12/52, is the only survivor of the five of 1853.
The other nine, in 1868, were William Chapman, joined 1/6/54: J. Eichoff, 11/7/60; William Maley, 10/7/61; William Chapman, jun., 1/11/63 (now of 13 Howard street, North Kensington);
C. J. Gent, 14/9/64; S. Bosher, 5/3/66; E. L. Virso, 16/6/67; W. T. Marlow, 1/6/67; and F. W. Geisler. 15/4/1868.
In May, 1855, a scarlet uniform, coat, dress coat patterns, and black belltopper with a 2 in. gold band, were issued to the letter carriers,
and subsequently blue coats and waistcoats, and afterwards caps, as shown in the photographs, succeeded the belltoppers.
Light unbleached drill coats were worn in the summer.
The surviving Mr. Chapman has preserved an almost unused scarlet coat.
Mr. Chapman brought with him, in 1849, four sons, William, born 18/3/1844, and still on deck,
as is George, the youngest, born 27/2/1847, and still carrying on his trade as a tailor in Freeman street.
Henry, who was in the employ of Mr. W. Kither, and of The Advertiser, is dead, as is also Charles, an iron moulder, who died, 3/3/1924.
Mr. William Chapman, jun., delivered letters to Lower North Adelaide, in the early days before the present bridge and King William road existed,
and when the Devil's half-acre, Frying Pan Alley, and Irish Town, were parts of Lower North Adelaide.
Early Adelaide people from 1849 knew Mr. William Chapman as a musician.
He played the violin and cornet, and was taught the former instrument in England, at the instance of Lord Stanhope.
Chapman's Band was an institution, and provided music on the visit of the Duke of Edinburgh, in 1867, and on the visit of the present King in 1880.
He was leader of the Victoria Theatre Orchestra, and furnished music for Government House functions, flower shows, and &c.
The late Carl Linger and he were associated, and the Italian opera companies of the '80's and '70's had his services.
He was a foundation member of the chamber music concerts, in connection with the father of the now famous Percy Grainger.
Mr. George Chapman, of Freeman street, was apprenticed to John A. Northmore, draper, of Rundle and King William streets, and father of Judge Northmore, of Western Australia.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Thomas Saunders (memoirist); Philip Stanhope (Lord Stanhope, of Kent, patron); John Harry Grainger (amateur musician)
"Walked Six Times Around The Earth", The Register News-Pictorial (9 August 1930), 2
Mr. William Chapman, 86, who died yesterday at Howard street, North Kensington claimed to be the oldest living scholar of Pulteney Grammar School. Born at Sevenoaks, Kent, he was brought to Australia when five years old. He was 45 years in the postal service, and was a letter carrier for 35 years, in which time, he reckoned he walked the equivalent of six times around the earth. He was a capable violinist, and his father formed Chapman's Band, the first orchestra in South Australia to take part in the performance of Handel's Messiah.
"LINKS WITH CARL LINGER", The Advertiser (17 February 1936), 14
. . . William Chapman was one of South Australia's most prominent violinists in his day, and was leader of the orchestra which Carl Linger conducted in the "Adelaide Rooms," or "White's Rooms," King William street, Adelaide, on April 13 and 21, 1859, on the occasions of the first performances in this state of Handel's immortal Messiah. A Handel Festival Committee had been formed for the purpose of organising a centenary commemoration festival in honor of the hundredth anniversary of this master's death. With a choir of 70 and an orchestra of 20 performers, and an audience of distinguished citizens, which included the Governor and Sir Charles Cooper (Chief Justice) - suitable homage was paid to Handel; and when the poetical eulogy of "The Register" musical critic of that time is read, it is realised that every effort was made to do justice to the occasion in this department also: -
"All who were at White's room last evening, at least all who are sensible of the potent influence of that divinest science which 'takes the prisoned soul and laps it in Elysium,' must have en- joyed no inconsiderable treat. The very occasion - an in memoriam to the genius of Handel, to whom belongs par excellence the fame of having clothed Christian verities in grandest tones, was attractive and congenial, while the thought that the tribute of admiration was being paid on the very day on which 100 years before the soul of that mighty musician passed to the quirestry of eternity, spread a diapason of deep and solemn feeling . . ."
Mr. Stephen Parsons, who was good enough to turn up the old files of "The Register" for the writer, remembers well the singing of J. W. Daniel in the early eighties, and also the excellent violin playing of William Chapman, who was described in the press report already quoted from as being "worthy of a place in any orchestra in the world" . . .
Circus performer, clown, ring master, equestrian, dancer, vocalist, manager
Active Launceston,VDL (TAS), by 1847 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (20 November 1847), 1
MR. & MRS. MERETON Beg most respectfully to solicit the support of their friends and public generally on this occasion . . .
the following Interlude;
Don't be Addicted to Drinking - Mr. GASKIN.
White Squall - Mr. CHAPPELL . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas and Christiana Mereton (actors, managers); Mr. Gaskin (vocalist); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
MUSIC: The white squall (Barker)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (11 December 1847), 3
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . . . On Monday Evening Next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Gardiner (actor, vocalist); William Campbell (dancer)
MUSIC: The gipsy king (music by Sidney Nelson)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (29 December 1847), 3
Clown to the Circus - Mr. AXTELL
Riding Master - Mr. CHAPPELL
Chinese Vaulter - Mr. RADFORD
Billow Barlow - Mr. GASKIN . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Axtelle (clown); Radford's Circus (troupe)
"CIRCUS ROYAL", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (7 October 1847), 3
On Wednesday last we visited Mr. Oliver's Amphitheatre, for the purpose of witnessing the evening's performance, with which we, as well as the audience generally, were highly pleased . . . A man named Ashton rode very well, indeed . . . Mr. Chappel conducts the ring in a very proper manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ashton (equestrian); Oliver's Circus (venue, troupe)
"RISLEY'S BENEFIT", Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (10 February 1849), 364
This young man asks for a bumper house at the Circus next Monday, and as one of the four Acrobats, he seems to have a fair claim to notice . . . The master of the ring, Chappel, will add to the harmonic department, by singing a favourite song, and the other stage performances appear to be of a promising character . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Risley (acrobat, dancer)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (13 June 1849), 647
the ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS. introducing the negro melodies of "Old Dan Tucker," "Buffalo Girls," and "Boatmen Dance;"
by Messrs. Lee, Holloway, Hubbard, Chappel and Reuben . . .
J. H. S. LEE, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor, vocalist, manager); Edmund Holloway (actor, vocalist); Mr. Hubbard (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (4 August 1849), 773
the Ethiopian Serenaders will display their instrumental and vocal talent in the following negro melodies: -
"Buffalo Gals," "De Boatmen Dance," and "Goodmorning, ladies all." =
J. R. KENNEY Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Howson (vocalist); James Richard Kenney (manager)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (4 July 1849), 695
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE, Wednesday, July 4 . . .
The interlude will consist of SONG - MR. CHAPPEL . . .
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (25 August 1849), 2
Royal Amphitheatre!! MURRAY STREET. This Evening, Saturday, Aug. 25 . . .
Riding Master, Mr T. Chappell . . .
MR. C. AXTELLE, Acting and Equestrian Manager.
"SHIP NEWS", The Cornwall Chronicle (24 October 1850), 730
Oct. 22. - Peri, (brig), 145 tons, Winsburrow master, for Adelaide . . . Passengers per Peri for Adelaide. - Mrs. M. Radford, Master John Radford . . . Steerage - . . . Thomas Chappel . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times [SA] (5 November 1850), 2
MR. R. RADFORD BEGS most respectfully to inform the Public of Adelaide and its environs that this New and Novel Race of Amusement will open this evening . . .
Riding Master, Mr. Chappell . . . Manager, Mr Axtelle.
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (9 June 1851), 1
First appearance of MR. CHAPPELL, (from Radford's Royal Amphitheatre, Hobart Town.)
THIS EVENING, JUNE 9, 1851 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (16 June 1851), 1
Under the Management of Mr. C. Axtelle.
THIS EVENING AND WEDNESDAY, June 16th and 18th, 1851 . . .
The whole to conclude with a Serio Comic Ballet of Action, arranged by Mr. Chappell, entitled
THE MUMMY ; or the Rival Lovers . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Chittenden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Chittenden (musician)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (16 February 1853), 3
On Thursday, February 17th, 1853. To the Public.
ALTHOUGH the proprietor is about to play at Newcastle, Sydney, &c., &c.,
he (Mr. Ashton) has in the kindest manner consented to give a
BENTFIT to Mr. & Mrs. CHAPPELLE, and the Maitland Grimaldi, Mr. BELL.
The former being partial strangers here (although intending to become permanent residents in Maitland),
have no claim upon the generous people of Maitland and its localities.
Mr. Chappell, though an untoward accident having fractured his leg, which debarred him from the pleasure and honor of appealing before his audience, for eight weeks,
and Mrs. C. having played but three times, her debut having been made here nevertheless.
Knowing the philanthropy of the Maitland folks, they throw themselves on their mercy and liberality, which they will endeavour to deverse. -
In reference to Mr. Bell, he is so well known that volumes would be wasted to eulogise on his abilities and capabilities,
feeling confident that his aged, as well as his old friends, new friends, and their friends also,
will rally round him and his friends and in anticipation of such an event, the trio subscribe themselves their hopeful but devoted servants,
ASSOCIATIONS: Ashton's Circus (troupe)
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (13 October 1855), 11
Sole Lessee; Mr. J. Ashton; Equestrian Manager - Mr. E. Yeamans; Maitre du Cirque, Mr. T. H. Chappelle.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ned Yeamans (equestrian)
? Identification (Thomas H. Chapple / Chappell):
Trial of Thomas Chapple, theft, housebreaking, 6 April 1840; Old Bailey online
1281. THOMAS CHAPPLE and CHARLES KING were indicted for breaking and entering the dwelling-house of John Porter, on the 7th of September,
at St. Giles-in-the-Fields, and stealing therein, 14 spoons, value 12l.; 1 ladle, value 5l.; 3 rings, value 3l.; one watch, value 5l.; 1 seal, value 2l.;
one chain, value 1l.; 1 bag, value 2s.; 1 coat, value 5s.; 1 pair of trowsers, value 2s.; 8 sovereigns, and 3 100l. and 12 10l. Bank-notes; his property:
and CHARLES CHAPPLE, ELIZA PLANT, ANN KING, HENRY COX, and SOPHIA COX, for feloniously harbouring the said prisoners, well knowing them to have committed the felony aforesaid . . .
JOHN PORTER . I am a solicitor, and carry on business in Lincoln's Innfields, in the parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields -
I occupy the ground floor for offices - my servant sleeps on the premises, and takes care of the house - I let the other part out in chambers.
On the 7th of September last, the prisoner Thomas Chapple was acting as porter to my establishment,
and his wife Sophia was the laundress - they slept on the premises, and had the charge of them when the gentlemen had left . . .
the prisoner Sophia [Cox] is Thomas Chapple's sister . . .
T. CHAPPLE - GUILTY. Aged 32. C. KING - GUILTY. Aged 32. Transported for Fifteen Years.
Convict record, Thomas Chapple, per Layton, 1841; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1380229 (DIGITISED)
2248 Pn. / Chapple Thomas / Tried C. C. Ct. 6 April 1840 / 15 yrs /
Embarked 30th March 1841 Arr'd 1st Sept. 1841 / Protestant / Can read & write
Transported for House Breaking . . . My brother Charles Chapple transported to this Colony per Ld'y Raffles /
Married Wife Sophia at N. P. & 1 child . . .
Trade - Paper Box maker / 5 ft 4 in / Age - 32 . . . / Native place - Harrow on the Hills . . .
21 Sep'r 1847 T. L. . . .
29 Jan'y '50, Radford, Launc. Miscond't in performing at a Theatre contrary to regulations . . .
28 Jan'y '50, Radford, Launc. Miscond't in performing at a Theatre . . .
C. P. App'd 30/4/50 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chapple (younger brother, convict)
Marriage permissions, 1845; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1248284; RGD37/4 : 1845/1995 (PAYWALL)
2248 / Chapple Tho's / Layton 4 // 222 / Mary Fannon / Hope / 3 Nov'r App'd
1845, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:832797; RGD37/1/4 no 1995 (DIGITISED)
No. 1995 / 24 November 1845 / St. John['s] Chruch Launceston /
Thomas Chappell / 30 / Prisoner Painter / T. H. Chappell, Widower [sic] . . .
Mary Fannon / 20 / Prisoner / . . . Single Woman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: The death of a Sophia Chappell in the district of Hendon (which included Harrow on the Hill), perhaps his first wife,
was not registered until 1847; see also Chapple's claim for remittance of costs,
"COURT OF REQUESTS. TUESDAY, March 2. THIRTY POUND COURT . . . Coote v. Chappell", Launceston Examiner (4 March 1846), 6
Admissions, Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute; State Records Authority of NSW
No. 1081 / Tho's Chapple / 65 / England / 29 Sep. 1874 / [discharged] / 4 Feb'y '75 / 65 / [arrived per] Layton / 1834 [sic] / Painter
ASSOCIATIONS: 1834 was a year that the Layton convict transport arrived in NSW, not 1841 in VDL; several later admissions and discharges were recorded for Chapple, the last discharge on 22 July 1878; a Thomas Chapple, aged 69, died at Parramatta, NSW, on 7 September 1878, see Find a grave
? DISAMBIGUATION: Convict record, James Chappel, per Forfarshire, 1843; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1380216 (DIGITISED)
No. 10,420 / Chappel James / Tried Cheshire Nether Knutsford Q. S. 4 January 1843 / 7 years
Emb'k'd 17 June 1843 Arr'd 12 Oct. 1843 / Protestant Can read and write / Transported for Larceny . . . Convicted twice befor . . .
Trade - Laborer / . . . Age - 17 . . . / [born] Maccesfield / Released from 1st Stage of Probation 12th Jan'y 1845 . . .
3 August 1847 T. L. / 29 Mary '49 / Davis. Launc. / Misconduct in being in the Circus Theatre. Six (?) days sup'd hard labor . . .
Amateur musician, piper, bagpiper, bagpipes player, farmer
Born Scotland, c. 1821; son of John CHARLESON (c. 1802-1880) and Mary FINLAYSON (c. 1804-1875)
Arrived VIC, c. 1848
Married Jessie LAMOND, VIC, 1851
Died Clunes, VIC, 7 August 1918, aged "97" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Scottish music in colonial Australia (general)
"GATHERING OF COMUNN NA FEINNE", Geelong Advertiser (3 January 1860), 2
At half-past nine o'clock yesterday morning the piper played the "Gathering of the Clans,"
and by ten o'clock a tolerable muster of the members of Comunn na Feinne formed in a procession from the Mechanics' Institute and marched to the ground in South Geelong.
The weather was far from favorable, and as the day wore on, it became decidedly worse and worse . . .
PIPE MUSIC (MARCHES). Peter Bruce, 1st prize; Peter Mitchell, 2nd prize.
PIBROCH. Mr. Charleson, 1st prize (set of silver mounted bagpipes, valued 30 guineas); Peter Bruce, 2nd prize.
STRATHSPEYS AND REELS (MUSIC). Peter Bruce, 1st prize; Mr. Mitchell, 2nd prize . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Bruce (piper); Peter Mitchell (piper)
"CALEDONIAN GATHERINGS", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (6 January 1862), 3
. . . The Caledonian Games at Sandhurst were also held on New Year's Day. The attendance was greater than on any previous occasion; the occasion was made a holiday, and, says the Bendigo Advertiser, there were about 7000 present. In selecting the programme of games for the first day, the committee very judiciously avoided the strict nationality which characterised the first day of the last gathering . . . The music, too, which was provided for enlivening the proceedings, was not confined to the national bagpipe, but the Sandhurst band were stationed at the grandstand, and performed at intervals during the day. Some dozen or fifteen gentleman appeared in the tartans of their respective clans . . . The first prize for marches and strathspeys fell to Charleson, the second to Edgar.
"THE CALEDONIAN GAMES", The Star (2 January 1863), 2
The fifth annual gathering of the Ballarat Caledonian Society come off on New Year's Day at the Copenhagen Grounds,
when from 4000 to 5000 persons assembled to honor the occasion . . .
The band of the B.V.V.R. and bagpipe players, with lungs of invincible power and resource of wind, kept the whole day long alive with music,
so that what with crowds, colors, music and shouting, the scene, from the bagpipe overture of "Auld lang syne," to the brass band finale of "God save the Queen," was one of ceaseless life and thorough holiday jollity.
The first note of the day's proceedings was the starting of the procession from Roy's Hotel, in Bridge street,
headed by pipers, whose performances alternated with the music of the brass band . . . The following were the events of the day: -
Best dressed Highlander.- Society's silver medal and chain, value £4. Judges, Messrs. McLennan, H. Gray, and McLachlan.
Entries- A. McDonald, J. Edgar. F. Charleson, J. Brown, Finlayson, Watty.
The prize was awarded to Charleson, who was dressed in the "Blackwatch" or "Auld forty-two" tartan.
A prize of £2 was also awarded to Edgar, who wore the Tullievardine tartan, and one of £1 to Watty, who wore the Forbes tartan.
Pipe Music, Pibroch - 1st prize, £4; 2nd do, £2. Judges - Messrs. McLennan, Rankin, and McLachlan.
Entries- McDonald, S. Edgar, F. Charleson. 1st prize, McDonald, air "Farewell to Kintyre;" 2nd do, Charleson, "Battle of the Park." Edgar played "McDonald's Lament" . . .
Pipe Music - Marches and Strathspeys - 1st prize, £4; 2nd do, £2. Judges - Messrs. McLennan, J. D. Rankin, and McLachlan.
Entries- S. Edgar, G. Edgar, Charleson, Finlayson. 1st prize, Finlayson (march, "Bodach na Briogaisein," or, "Carl o' the Breeks;" strathspey, "Moniemusk");
2nd do, Edgar (strathspey, "Brachin Castle") . . .
"THE BUNINYONG HIGHLAND SOCIETY", The Star (28 December 1864), 4
The eighth grand gathering of this society, instituted for the preservation of the music, dress, and athletic games of the Highlands of Scotland,
came off on Monday on the Society's grounds, contiguous to the quiet but ancient and picturesque township of Buninyong . . .
the number of spectators could not have been very far short of 1000 persons . . .
3. Music - Piabaireachd on the great Highland bagpipes - First prize, six guineas; second prize, £2.
The kilted rivals in pipe music were J. Finlayson, F. Charleson, and D. Charleson, and the prizes were assigned to the two first in the order named.
4. Music - Strathspeys and Reels - First prize, £4; second prize, £2. A. Wattie, D. Charleson, and J. Finlayson competed. The two first obtained the rewards . . .
"COUNTRY SPORTS . . . MARYBOROUGH", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 January 1905), 8
The 48th annual gathering of the Highland Society in Prince's-park was attended by between 10,000 and 12,000 people. Results: - . . . Pibrochs. - F. Charleson, Clunes, 1; R, M. Morrison, Burnley, 2 . . .
"Horsham Caledonian Society. ANNUAL SPORTS GATHERING", The Horsham Times [VIC] (26 October 1906), 3
On Wednesday morning [24 October] . . . when the clans gathered at the White Hart corner at 11.30, there was the largest and most picturesque muster seen for many years past. Here the procession was formed . . . They were followed by no fewer than eleven pipers, all of course correctly garbed down to the smallest detail of their clans' traditions. This unique band of masters on the national instrument comprised Messrs. Pipe-Major Stewart, James Stewart, O. P. McGlashan, R. Morrison, F. Charleson, H. Fraser, D. Cameron, A. Cameron, L. Fraser, G. Dickson, L. Cunningham . . .
"OBITUARY", Clunes Guardian and Gazette (9 August 1918), 2
The death occurred on Wednesday of a very well-known and highly respected resident of the district in Mr. Farquhar Charleson, of Lord Clyde. The deceased was one of that band of sturdy pioneers who did so much in connection with early settlement in this country and he lived to a ripe old age to see the great progress made. He was only three years short of the century, having succumbed at the age of 97. The funeral will leave his late residence, "Hillside," Lord Clyde, this afternoon at 12.30 p.m. for the Creswick cemetery.
"OBITUARY", Creswick Advertiser (9 August 1918), 3
A very old and highly respected resident of Lord Clyde district passed away on Wednesday last, 7th inst., in the person of Mr. Farquhar Charleson, and at the time of his death he had peached the great age of 97 years. The late Mr. John Charleson, of Green Hill, the late Mr. Christopher Charleson, and the late Mr. Finlay Charleson, of Glendonald, were brothers of the deceased. Mr. Christopher Charleson died on 2nd August, 1914, at the age of 81 years, and Mr. Finlay Charleson on 26th July, 1915, at the age of 69 years. The deceased came to Victoria from the Old Country with his parents in the year 1848, and he was thus a colonist of 70 years' standing, being the eldest of six brothers. The family sett led at Glendonaid 56 years ago. For the past five months the deceased had been confined to his bed, and was given skilled and loving attention during his failing days. His wife had predeceased her husband, but a grown-up family of five daughters and three sons survive to mourn their loss, these being Christina, Mary, Jessie, Annie, Martha, Hector, Farquhar and John, and they have the sympathy of very many friends in their bereavement, the demise of such an old and sterling pioneer being deeply regretted. The funeral of the deceased will take place to-day (Friday), the cortege leaving his late resilience, "Hillside," Lord Clyde," at 12.30 o'clock for the Creswick Cemetery.
"Crossed the Bar", Weekly Times [Melbourne, VIC] (17 August 1918), 24
Mr. Farquhar Charleson, 97, a pioneer of the Chines district, died at his residence at Lord Clyde on August 7. He was a colonist of 72 years. In his younger days he had a reputation as a player of bagpipes.
Will and grant of probate, 1918; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
See also "Wills and Estates", Weekly Times (26 October 1918), 26
Active Adelaide, SA, 1850 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal [Adelaide, SA] (12 October 1850), 2
MR. A. MOORE begs to, inform the Public of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he intends giving a Series of
FOUR PROMENADE CONCERTS, TO TAKE PLACE On the 15th and 29th October, and the 12th and 26th November . . .
Conductor and Director - ANDREW MOORE.
Programme of First Concert:
PART I. 1. March, Figlia de Regimento, Donizetti - Full Band.
2. Song, By the Sad Sea Waves, Benedict - Mr. Robert Charleton - his first appearance . . .
PART II. 1. Polka - The Drum, Julien - Full Band.
2. Song - Molly Bawn, Lover - Mr. Robert Charleton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Moore (violinist, conductor)
MUSIC: By the sad sea waves (Benedict); Molly Bawn (Lover)
"MR. MOORE'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (17 October 1850), 4
On Tuesday evening Mr. Moore gave the first of his series of Promenade Concerts at the Exchange, being assisted by Mr. Ellard, Miss Lazar, Herr Hunerbein, Herr Matter, Mr. Charleton, and a most efficient band. The March from the Filia de Regimento, with which the concert commenced, was very well given by the band. Mr. Charleton's song, "By the Sad Sea Waves," was less successful. This gentleman, who made his first appearance on Tuesday, though possessed of a good voice, must endeavour to sing a little more in time and tune if he wishes to acquire a good reputation here. He must also try to introduce some expression into his style, and not, as on Tuesday, sing, "The Sad Sea Waves" and "Molly Bawn" with equal solemnity . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (vocalist, pianist); Rachel Lazar (vocalist); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); Charles Albert Frederic Mater (musician); Exchange Rooms (Adelaide)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (19 October 1850), 3
. . . A Mr. Robert Charleton made his bow to a South Australian audience, and in two successful efforts gave promise of becoming our best male vocalist, a position, considering his competitors, not very eminent. He possesses the great desideratum a good voice, and a tolerable ear, but his manner is open to great improvement. He must, to give effect to his songs, endeavour to express their spirit, and not, as on Tuesday night last, give a droll ditty with all the solemnity of the De Profundis . . .
Actor, vocalist, songwriter
Born c. 1823
Active Green Hills, VIC, by late 1856
Died Forest Hill, VIC, 4 February 1859, aged "36" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? [Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 February 1853), 1
Male Vocalists . . . Mr. Charlton, Ballad singer . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Exchange Hotel (Melbourne venue)
"GREEN HILLS", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (31 December 1856), 2
The storekeepers and others residing on the Green Hills, having generously given a purse of money to be expended in prizes to be given away on Boxing-day, several old English sports took place on the Main-road, climbing the soapy pole, jumping in sacks, diving for oranges, and foot and hurdle races for boys, &c, &c. Above 400 persons were present, who appeared to be highly delighted with the sport. A grand rifle and several shooting matches took place on Saturday, at which a great number were present. The whole of the sports, and the ball at Jullien's Salle de Dance, were under the management of Mr. W. F. Charlton. - Communicated.
"CHRISTMAS SPORTS ON FOREST CREEK", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (5 January 1859), 2
. . . The evening entertainments consisted of free concerts, etc., supported by Mrs. Byrne, so long a favorite on Forest Creek, Mr. Ingles, the comedian and comic singer, Mr. Smith, pianist, who sung some of Henry Russell's compositions very creditably, Mr. W. F. Charlton, local writer and singer, (this gentleman convulsed his audience with three or four of his local compositions; his song on the late Bazaar is well worth a trip to Forest Creek to hear). Miss Burnett and Mr. J. Carroll diversified the entertainments with some really capital dancing, ably accompanied by Mr. W. Hunter, the violinist, who has recently joined the company, which, together with a ballet, played by the whole of the corps dramatique, forms a pleasing and rational evening's amusement, and it is to be hoped the public will support the proprietor for his endeavors to promote their gratification . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina Bourn (vocalist); W. Hunter (violinist)
"DEATH OF AN ACTOR", Mount Alexander Mail (11 February 1859), 4
On Friday, Mr. W. F. Charlton, an actor, who has been performing for some time past at the Mount Alexander hotel, died very suddenly, from congestion of the brain. While out shooting with Mr. Cowper, and several other friends near Mount Alexander, the deceased after partaking of a hearty dinner, suddenly complained of illness, and almost immediately expired. His companions were exceedingly shocked at this unexpected event. In seeking the assistance of the police, the party lost themselves in the bush, and experienced some difficulty in finding their way back to the corpse. The unfortunate man is said to have been excessively addicted to ardent spirits, and there is no doubt that this habit had predisposed him to sunstroke. Mr. Charlton was the author of some verses of local celebrity.
Inquest, W. F. Charleton, 5 February 1859; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . The Examination of Joseph Patrick of Forest Creek . . . I am a miner and reside at Forest Creek. Have known deceased for several months . . . He has been drinking hard of late . . .
. . . The Examination of George Ingles of Forest Creek . . . I am a professional singer and reside at Forest Creek. I have known deceased for two years . . . I don't know the age of deceased but he may be about 36 years old . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Ingles (vocalist)
"INQUESTS", Mount Alexander Mail (11 February 1859), 5
The following inquests have been held by Dr. Preshaw, district coroner. On the 5th instant, at Harcourt, on the body of W. F. Charlton, aged 36. It appeared that deceased died from congestion of the brain, caused by exposure to the sun; and the jury accordingly returned a verdict to that effect. In his pocket was found an order on Mackay, Baines, and Co., for a sum of money; the coroner directed the police to hand it to the curator of intestate estates . . .
Active Parramatta, NSW, 1855 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 July 1855), 1
which by the kind permission of the Rev. the Head Master, will be given in the Dining-hall of the King's School,
on MONDAY EVENING, July 23rd, 1855.
PART I . . . Romance - "Childhood's Days" (Joseph) - Mehul. Master Charlton (his first appearance) . . .
PART II . . . Song - "The merry Sunshine" - S. Glover. Master Charlton . . .
Mr. Packer will preside at the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (pianist, probably Charlton's music teacher); Miss Griffiths (pianist, probably another of Packer's pupils)
MUSIC: "Childhood's days" probably = Romance (Mehul, from Joseph, act 1 no. 2); I love the merry sunshine (Stephen Glover)
"A NEW CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC FAVORS", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (28 July 1855), 2
An accomplished vocalist, named Mrs. Frank Andrews, has recently arrived in Sydney, where she has been giving a variety of concerts which met with a very cordial reception. Mrs. Andrews gave a concert in the hall of the King's school, Parramatta, last Monday evening, Mr. Packer presided at the pianoforte. Besides Mrs. Andrews, the other vocalists were Miss Griffiths, Mr. Packer, Mr. Banks, and Master Charlton. The entertainment comprised a list of favorite songs, duets, &c., and was well and respectably attended. It is probable that Mrs. Frank Andrews will visit Goulburn in the course of her professional tour.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Banks (vocalist)
CHARLTON, John Thompson (John Thompson CHARLTON; Mr. J. T. CHARLTON)
Merchant, importer of pipe organ
Born Hull, Yorkshire, England, 1826; baptised Hull, 21 June 1826; son of Thomas CHARLTON and Rebecca THOMPSON (m. Selby, 17 July 1825)
Married Hannah Elizabeth BREEZE, St. Mary, Lambeth, Surrey, 30 September 1850
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1852
Died Bridbane, QLD, 10 December 1878. age "51" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
"Deaths", Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser [QLD] (10 December 1878), 2
THOMPSON - On the 26th November, in Brisbane, of consumption, aged 51 years, Mr. John Charlton Thompson [sic], surveyor, of Townsville, late of Rubyanna, Burnett, beloved and only brother of Mrs. Sibley, of South Brisbane, the only son of the late Thomas Robert Charlton, of Hull, Yorkshire. His end was peace.
"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. I", The Argus (25 December 1878), 6
[History] . . . The first performance was given in the hall of the Mechanics Institution on Christmas Eve, 1853, the performance being a selection from Handel's "Messiah." Mr. Russell conducted, Mr. Ashton, organist of the Wesleyan Chapel, Collins street, was organist, playing on an instrument lent to the society for three months by Mr. J. T. Charlton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Russell (conductor); Michael Ashton (organist); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
Bibliography and resources:
Enid Noel Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 111, 134
John Thompson Charlton,
Bookseller, theatrical printer and publisher of songsters
Born Charlwood, Surrey, England, 15 April 1798 (date on gravestone); baptised, St. Nicholas, Charlwood, 3 June 1798; son of James CHARLWOOD and Phoebe WICKS (PENFOLD)
Married Jane LAKER (1800-1883), St. Nicholas, Brighton, Sussex, England, 28 April 1823
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 4 March 1851 (per Success, from London and Plymouth, 24 October 1850, via Adelaide)
Died Kew, VIC, 27 April 1860 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Bookseller, theatrical printer and publisher of songsters
Born Norwich, England, 10 September 1827 (date on gravestone); son of Arthur CHARLWOOD and Jane LAKER
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 7 January 1850 (per Harpley)
Died Kew, VIC, 5 October 1858, aged "31" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Bookseller, theatrical printer and publisher of songsters
Born Norwich, England, 28 March 1836; son of Arthur CHARLWOOD and Jane LAKER
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 4 March 1851 (per Success, from London and Plymouth, 24 October 1850, via Adelaide)
Married Hepzibah Parker ANTHONY (1832-1922), Norwich, England, 1863 (2nd quarter)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 9 September 1863 (per Suffolk, from London, and Plymouth, 28 June)
Died Beechworth, VIC, 25 November 1905 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Trading as Charlwood and Son (also "Charlwood and Sons"): (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (songwriter, comic vocalist)
![Charlwood and Sons [sic], Bourke-street east; lithograph by Calvert [c. 1855]](imageslocal/charlwood-and-sons.jpg)
Charlwood and Sons [sic], Bourke-street east; lithograph by Samuel Calvert [c. 1855]
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Calvert (artist, engraver)
Baptisms, St. Nicholas, Charlwood, Surrey, 1798; register 1794-1812, Surry History Centre (PAYWALL)
June - 3d. Arthur son of James & Phoebe Charlwood
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Brighthelmston [St. Nicholas, Brighton] in the county of Sussex in the year 1823; register 1820-23, page 276; East Sussex Record Office, PAR 255/1/3/3 (PAYWALL)
No. 836 / Arthur Charlwood of this parish bachelor and Jane Laker of this parish spinster were married in this church by banns this [28 April 1823] . . . [witness] Phoebe Charlwood . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, St. Andrew, Norwich; UK National Archives, HO107/788/1/15/23 (PAYWALL)
[Brideswell Alley] / Arthur Charlwood / 40 / Printer / [not born in county]
Jane / 40 // Stephen / 13 // Elizabeth / 11 // [all not born in county]
Phebe / 9 // Phillip / 7 // Edward / 5 // Charles / 8 months / [all born in county]
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (5 March 1851), 2
March 4 - Success, ship, 621 tons, from London via Adelaide 19th ultimo. Passengers (cabin) . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charlwood and family . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 January 1855), 8
THEATRICAL. - Professional Ladies and Gentlemen wanted to complete a company for the country. Thespis, Charlwood Son's.
THEATRICAL, - Musicians, Singers, Dancers wanted. State terms and full particulars. Address (by letter), Thespis, Charlwood and Son's.
"PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN AUSTRALIA. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ERA", The Era [London, England] (12 September 1858), 10 (PAYWALL)
Theatre Royal, Melbourne, July 10th, 1858.
Sir, - A letter from your old friend, the Wizard, sent from the other end of the world, may not be unacceptable.
There are a few occurrences happening here daily which must have interest to many of your readers at home,
and there are many people in this colony whose names are by no means strange to those who have read THE ERA diligently for the last few years.
A short reference to these occurrences, and a word or two about the people to whom I have alluded, cannot make very bad reading matter to your subscribers, and surely cannot be superfluous information.
THE ERA seems to be pretty widely circulated in Melbourne. There is a bookseller of the name of Charlwood, in Bourke-street, who displays a door-post covered with back numbers of it. On the arrival of each Overland Mail the news-boys hawk it about the streets . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Anderson (magician); The era (London theatrical and general weekly newspaper)
"DIED", The Age (7 October 1858), 4
On the 5th October, at his residence at Kew, in deep consumption, Stephen, the eldest son of Mr. A. Charlwood, of the firm of Charlwood and Son, Bourke street, Melbourne. Deeply lamented by his relations and friends. Aged 31 years.
Probate, Stephen Charlwood, 1858; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"DEATHS", The Argus (28 April 1860), 4
On the 27th instant, at his residence, Kew, Mr. Arthur Charlwood, aged 62 years, of the firm of Charlwood and Son, Bourke-street.
See also headstone transcription (PAYWALL)
Here rest in sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection to eternal life the mortal remains of Arthur CHARLWOOD born 15 Apr 1798 died 27 Apr 1860 and Jane his beloved wife born 8 Jun 1800 died 17 Apr 1883 also their children Stephen born 10 Sep 1827, died 5 Oct 1858 Philip born 10 Apr 1834 died 3 May 1856 Susanna born 29 Aug 1842 died 7 May 1871 Elizabeth CHARLWOOD born 23 Oct 1829 died 4 Aug 1893 . . .
Probate, Arthur Charlwood, 1860; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Suffolk, from London, 20 June 1863, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Steerage Continued . . .
Charlwood Edward / 28 / Goldseeker / English . . .
[Charlwood] Hepzibah / 29 / Wife / [English] . . .
"DEATH OF MR. EDWARD CHARLWOOD", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (29 April 1905), 5
Just as the business of the day was commencing in Beechworth on Tuesday morning, the sad news was circulated of the death of Mr. Edward Charlwood, at his residence, in John-street, at the age of 68 years. The deceased was a native of Norwich, England, and came to Victoria many years ago to rejoin his father who had established a bookselling and printing business, in which theatrical work was a specialty, adjoining the general post office in Bourke-street, Melbourne. Here he was employed for a number of years and at Royal-lane, to which place the printing business was removed at the death of Mr. Charlwood, senior. He sustained serious financial reverses and, about 25 years ago Mr. Edward Charlwood took a printing plant to Bright and attempted to establish a newspaper. The venture did not prove successful and, acting upon advice, Mr. Charlwood shifted his type and machinery to Beechworth, where it was purchased by A. Porritt & Co., of the "Ovens Register" office, who also gave the deceased and his son positions on their staff. For upwards of 20 years he remained in the employ of the firm, until failing health caused his retirement some three years ago. Mr. Charlwood was one of the founders of the now defunct Beechworth Liedertafel, and his geniality so endeared him to members that, when he was no longer able to sing with the society, he was always an honoured guest at their festive gatherings, where his remarkable, ready wit always formed a feature of the evening's amusement. For the past three years his health, though not good, still permitted him to get about, and he was in full possession of all his faculties. He was reading his Bible on Easter Monday night and retired in his usual health. Early next morning he tried to turn in his bed and only then found that be was partly paralysed. The discovery came as a great shock and he died in a few minutes. He leaves a widow, two sons and one daughter.
Extant playbills:
![[Playbill], Cremorne Gardens, 22 November 1856; Charlwood and Son (State Library of Victoria)](imageslocal/cremorne-gardens-1856-11-22.jpg)
[Playbill], Cremorne Gardens, 22 November 1856; Charlwood and Son (State Library of Victoria)
Several favorite Overtures, Marches and Operatic Pieces will be introduced by the
will commence the
Will introduce the following Dances on the
La Tyrolienne, Pas de Chasse, and a Sailor's Hornpipe.
will give a GRAND SELECTION from the
7 feet 6 inches high,
Mr. PRESCOTT will give a
Consisting of Waterpieces, Rockets, Shells, Balloons, and Set Devices, concluding by
Illuminating MOUNT VESUVIUS with Colored Fires!
after which,
Dancing will take place on the Rotunda.
It is the intention of the Manager to give a GRAND JUVENILE NIGHT every Saturday Evening during the Season.
GALA NIGHTS - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,
Upon which occasion the ERUPTION of MOUNT VESUVIUS will take place.
Charlwood & Son, Printers, 7, Bourke-street, East.
See also [Advertisement], The Age (22 November 1856), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Dalle Case (acrobat, dancer); Felix Lalanne (acrobat, dancer); English Opera Company (troupe); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue); George Coppin (proprietor)
Theatre Royal, vice-regal command, this evening Friday, June 16, 1865, Barry Sullivan (Melbourne: Charlwood & Son, 1865) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Barry Sullivan (actor); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
Published songsters:

List of contents of The Victoria songster, parts 1-4
See here, in the Charles Thatcher mainpage, for a full listing of contents of all the Charlwood songsters below
The Victoria songster (5 parts; Melbourne: Charlwood, 1855-58; new edition of part 5, 1859; second edition of part 5, 1860)
The Victoria songster (part 1)
The Victoria songster, containing various new and original colonial songs together with a choice selection of the most popular songs of the day from the best authors [part 1] (Melbourne: Charlwood & Son, 1855)
Copy at State Library of New South Wales; incomplete (not digitised)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 April 1855), 8
NOW READY, Part I, of the Victoria Songster, containing several new and original Colonial Songs; together with a choice selection from the most popular authors of the day. Price One Shilling. Charlwood and Son, 7 Bourke-street east.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 April 1855), 8
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER contains Villikins and his Dinah, original version; Forty Shillings and take him away.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER: New Songs - Cockney Emigrant, Song of the Gold-miners, Where's your License, Lilly Dale.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER; Original Songs - New Aristocracy, Persevering Gold-digger, Unlock the Lands; Barrister at Melbourne.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER, price 1s., contains a choice selection of Colonial Songs, Charlwood and Sons [sic], 7 Bourke street east.
"VICTORIA SONGSTER", The Argus (25 April 1855), 5
A collection of favorite songs, with a large infusion of ditties of colonial authorship, has been published by Messrs. Charlwood and Sons, of Bourke-street. The book contains a well-executed cut of Coppin, singing "Villikins and his Dinah."
The Victoria songster (part 2) [Melbourne: Charlwood & Son, 1855]
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 July 1855), 7
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER. New Songs in No. 2: Foreigners in Melbourne, The Worked up Gully, Lilly Bell.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER. Original local Songs in No. 2: I'll away with my Swag, Jack Jolt, Happy Land.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER, No. 2, contains They've all got a Down upon me, Brigg's Dream, Lads of Australia.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER - Choice songs in No. 2: Fairy Car, Thou art gone from my Gaze, The Russian War.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER, No. 2, will be published on Monday. Price One Shilling.
Charlwood and Son, 7 Bourke-street east; and all booksellers.
"VICTORIA SONGSTER", The Argus (10 July 1855), 5
The second number of this work was published yesterday, by Messrs. Charlwood and Son, Bourke-street. The collection of songs includes many original ones by local authors, and some of them are remarkably well written. The price of the book is only sixpence, and as the contents have been compiled with much care, and are well printed, it ought to command a rapid and extensive sale.
The Victoria songster (part 3) ([Melbourne: Charlwood & Son, 1855])
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 December 1855), 7
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER No. 3, now ready, price Is. Charlwood and Son, 7 Bourke-street, and all booksellers.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER contains The Adventures of Barney O'Keefe in Australia, and Shaking the Washing-Stuff.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER No. 3 contains the Pathetic Recital of the Loves of Lilly-white Sand and the Ratcatcher's Daughter, with a first-rate Engraving.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER. - New Songs, The New Constitution, Advance Victoria, Hail Columbia, Star-Spangled Banner, Jack Robinson.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER contains A Conversation between a Nugget and a Sovereign, Miss Briggs, The Digger Bold.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (1 August 1856), 1
On Sale at the ARGUS STATIONERY DEPOT, THE VICTORIA SONGSTER, Containing Parts 1, 2, and 3, amongst which will be found several of Mr. Thatcher's favorite Songs, New and Original Colonial Songs; also, a choice Selection of the most Popular Songs of the day.
The Victoria songster (part 4)
The Victoria songster . . . [part 4] (Melbourne: Charlwood & Son, 1856)
Copy at State Library of New South Wales, pp. 110-32, incomplete at end
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 August 1856), 7
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER. - This Day is Published, price one shilling, the 4th number of the Victoria Songster.
Also, may be obtained, stitched in a neat wrapper, price 2s. 6d., the first three numbers of the above popular Song Book,
containing the best selection of colonial songs ever published. CHARLWOOD and-SON, 7 Bourke-street, and all booksellers in town and country.
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER, No. 4, contains - "The New Black and White List," "All There," "Billy Barlow," "Minnie Grey."
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER, No. 4, contains - "Who's your Hatter?" "John Chinaman, My Jo," "Walk round and show your muscle."
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER, No. 4, contains - "Colonial Travelling on the Corduroy Road," "Coming down the Flat," "Norah McShane."
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (25 August 1856), 4
THATCHER'S SONGS. VICTORIA SONGSTER, No. 4, Containing Six Original Songs by Thatcher, including "Bendigo Runaway." GEO. SLATER, Bookseller, Three doors from the Shamrock.
The Victoria songster (part 5)
The Victoria songster . . . [part 5] (Melbourne: Charlwood and Son, 1858; new edition, 1859; second edition, 1860) (147-80)
Copy (second edition, 1860) at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Copy second edition, 1860) at Stanford University, facsimile (Libraries Board of South Australia, 1964) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Note, in addition to Thatcher's and unattributed songs:
Willie, we have missed you - As sung by Miss Emma Stanley, at the Princess' Theatre (151)
I'm the pet of my papa - As sung by the inimitable Sprightly, with vociferous applause; Tune - "Low-back'd car" (When first I saw my papa . . .) (154-56)
Australian humbugs - Written by Mr. Mulholand; Tune - "The king of the cannibal islands" (If attentive ears you'll yield to me . . .) (163-65)
The white-washed Yankee - Written by Mr. Mulholand; Tune - "The old English gentleman" (I'll sing you quite a novel song, made by a colonial brick . . .) (168-69)
Yankee fixins - As sung by Mrs. Barney Williams; Tune - "Old dog Tray" (I don't mind telling you . . .) (172)
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Stanley (vocalist); James Mulholland [sic] (vocalist); Maria Pray Williams (1828-1911, Mrs. Barney Williams) (American vocalist and delineator active in Britain, George Coppin had earlier offered her an Australian engagement)
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 August 1858), 8
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER. - The FIFTH NUMBER of this popular songbook, just published, contains, in addition to a variety of best local songs by Thatcher, the only correct version of "Old Dog Tray," "Willie, we have missed you," "My Maryanne," "Bobbing Around," "Wait for the Waggon," &c. Charlwood and Son, 7 Bourke street, and all booksellers in the colony.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 July 1859), 7
THE VICTORIA SONGSTER. - In consequence of the great demand for this popular song-book, a new edition of the fifth number has been published, which contains, in addition to the choice selection of colonial songs, the popular ballads of "Willie we have missed you," "Ever of Thee," "Good News from Home," and Tennyson's new war song, &c, price 1s. each number, or four parts in a neat wrapper, 8s. 6d. sold by all booksellers in the colony. Charlwood and Son, 7 Bourke-street east.
Thatcher's colonial songster (3 parts; Melbourne, Charlwood, 1857-58)
Thatcher's colonial songster, containing all the choice local songs, parodies, &c., of the celebrated Chas. R. Thatcher [Parts 1 and 2] (Melbourne: Charlwood & Son., 1857)
Copy at State Library of New South Wales; 72 pages (not digitised)
Thatcher's colonial songster (part 1)
Thatcher's colonial songster . . . [part 1] (Melbourne: Charlwood & Son., 1857) (3-36)
Copy at State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"THATCHER'S SONGS", The Age (25 April 1857), 4
We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Charlwood and Son, copies of he first part of "Thatcher's Colonial Songster." The number, which is exceedingly well got up, contains seventeen of the vocalist's best compositions, and is exceedingly well worthy public patronage.
Thatcher's colonial songster (part 2)
Thatcher's colonial songster . . . [part 2] (Melbourne: Charlwood & Son., 1857) (37-72):
[Advertisement], The Age (12 August 1857), 3
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER. - No. 2 now ready. All Colonial Songs. Charlwood, 7 Bourke street, and all Booksellers.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 August 1857), 8
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER contains Faithless Nursemaid, The Fight at the Rush, Lake Burrumbeet, Life of a Loafer.
THATCHER'S SONGSTER contains Mary's Dream, and the celebrated song of Petticoat lane (sung by him 275 nights at the Charlie Napier, Ballaarat; Rifle Brigade.
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER contains Scrumptious Young Gals, Song of the Trap, State of the Markets.
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER No. 2, contains The Chinaman, Tom Jones. Price one shilling. All new colonial songs.
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER. - Nos. 1 and 2 are now ready; also the Victoria Songster Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Price one shilling each,
or the four parts of the Victoria Songster, stitched in a neat wrapper, may be had for 8s. 6d.
The above are, without exception, the most popular Song Books ever published.
CHARLWOOD and SON, 7 Bourke-street east, and all Booksellers.
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER, No. 2. containing- "Ballaarat in 1855," "Best Way to Spend Your Pile."
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONG, No. 2, contains "Blatherskyte," "By-and-bye," "Changes since 1852," "Chinaman's Fate."
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER, Second Number, contains - "Cockney's Lament," "Colonial Curiosities," "Dream of Home," "English Notions of Diggings Life."
Thatcher's colonial songster (part 3) [Melbourne: Charlwood & Son., 1858]
"REVIEW", Bendigo Advertiser (2 July 1858), 2
THATCHER'S COLONIAL SONGSTER: - Charlwood and Sons [sic], Melbourne.
A week or two since we gave a passing notice of the last publication of this amusing and interesting production, containing parts 1, 2, and 3, and including all the choice local songs, parodies, &c., written by Mr. Thatcher. The work, how ever, deserves something more than a mere record of its appearance, and we gladly take an opportunity of devoting some further space to its notice. Mr. Thatcher's career as a songster, is bound up with the goldfields, and more especially with Bendigo, where, we believe, he first gained that applause which has since become general . . .
Thatcher's colonial minstrel (3 parts, Charlwood, 1859-61; reissue under single cover, 1864)
Thatcher's colonial minstrel; new collection of songs by the inimitable Thatcher, only authorized edition of his songs [parts 1-3] (Melbourne: Charlwood and Son, 1859-61)
Thatcher's colonial minstrel; new collection of songs by the inimitable Thatcher, only authorized edition of his songs [parts 1-3] (Melbourne: Charlwood and Son, 1864)
Copy at the State Library of New South Wales; 108 pages (PARTLY DIGITISED - 8 pages only)
Copy at Stanford University (108 pages) from facsimile (Libraries Board of South Australia, 1964) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Thatcher's colonial minstrel (part 1)
Thatcher's colonial minstrel [part 1] (Melbourne: Charlwood and Son, 1859; 1864) (3-36) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 June 1859), 8
THATCHER'S COLONIAL MINSTREL. On Wednesday will be published (price one shilling) the first number of a new collection of SONGS by the inimitable Thatcher,
to be completed in three numbers, uniform with Thatcher's famed Colonial Songster.
Sold by all booksellers in town and country Charlwood and Son, booksellers, stationers, and printers, 7 Bourke-street east.
THATCHER'S COLONIAL MINSTREL. - The first number of a new collection of SONGS by the inimitable Thatcher.
Thatcher's colonial minstrel (part 2)
Thatcher's colonial minstrel [part 2] (Melbourne: Charlwood and Son, 1859/61; 1864) (37-72) (DIGITISED)
Thatcher's colonial minstrel (part 3)
Thatcher's colonial minstrel [part 3] (Melbourne: Charlwood and Son, 1861; 1864) (73-108) (DIGITISED)
"THATCHER'S COLONIAL MINSTREL", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (16 March 1861), 2
We have received No. 3 of Thatcher's Colonial Minstrel; comment on this work is needless, as Mr. Thatcher is well known as a song writer of the first class, the humorous style of his writing is admired by all, and in this series he has displayed more than ordinary ability. We would advise all who wish to make themselves acquainted with the history of the colony for the last eight years to purchase a copy of this little work, and they will never have cause to regret the expenditure of a bob.
Bibliography and resources:
Don Charlwood, "Charlwood and Son, printers and booksellers: some family notes", La Trobe journal 78 (Spring 2006), 4-10 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Don Charlwood (author, descendent)
Dancer, professor of dancing, theatrical dancer, ballet dancer, actor
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 July 1841 (per Salazes, from Bourbon, Mauritius, 27 May)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 22 January 1843 (per City of Aberdeen, for New Zealand) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Dancing teacher, actor
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 July 1841 (per Salazes, from Bourbon, Mauritius, 27 May)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 22 January 1843 (per City of Aberdeen, for New Zealand) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: A French refugee, Mons. Le Charriere, opened a dancing academy at Southernhay, Exeter, England, in the late 1780s. Lewis Charriere, jun., was likewise active as a dancing master at Oxford, England, by 1798. He married Ann Turner at St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, on 12 April 1801, and his name appeared intermittently in the press until the end of 1813, when his 11-year-old son Lewis reportedly died. He was again advertising subscription balls at Oxford in November 1834, and a Mrs. Charriere, noticed as "formerly of this city" [Oxford], died in 1838, aged 54. What relation they were, if any, unknown; although, since the Sydney couple appear to have spoken English with difficulty, they are unlikely to have spent much time in England.
Batavia (2 October 1836 to 31 July 1838):
"BATAVIA. Aangekomen", Javasche courant [Batavia, Java] (5 October 1836), 1
Oct. 2. - . . . Frans. schip Alexander, van Bordeaux den 29sten junij, passagiers, der heer Minard en vrouw, de heer Alexander en vrouw, de heer Charriere en vrouw, de Heer Condraij en vrouw, de heer Gautrand [sic, recte Gautrot] en kine, en de heeren Noël, Donadieu en Ropert.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (musicians, later in Australia)
[News], Javasche courant (15 October 1836), 2
M. Charriere et son Epouse, se proposent de donner des lecons de Danse; s'adresser a l'hotel de Provence.
"THÉATRE FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (16 November 1836), 2
. . . A la fin de I'opéra-comique les Rendez-vous Bourgeois, pièce qui nous a fait rire, M. Charrière nous donna, par son pas de Polichinelle une grande preuve de son talent; nous souhaitons beaucoup que le climat de ce pays n'aura point d'influences pernicieuses sur son physique . . . Le vaudeville les Gants Jaunes, est tres-bien exécuté, M. Charrière a prouvé qu'il est au-dessus du médiocre, dans son genre; cette petite pièce a bien amuse l'auditoire . . .
"THÉATRE FRANÇAIS", Javasche courant (7 December 1836), 1
. . . Mme. Alexandre et M. Charriere ont dansé le pas espagnol avec autant de grâce que d'habileté . . .
"VERSCHILLENDE DEKENDMAKINGEN", Javasche courant (5 July 1837), 1
. . . an he geven van danslessen wijden kan. CHARRIÈRE . . . donner des leçons de danse. CHARRIÈRE . . .
[2 advertisements], Javasche courant (18 July 1838), 1
SPECTACLE-FRANÇAIS . . . Vendredi 20 Juillet 1838 . . .
LE BOUFFE ET LE TAILLEUR, Opera en 1 acte . . . Mme. GAUTROT . . .
Entre les 2 pièces LA POLICHINELLE, Dansé par M. CHARRIERE . . . F. Minard, gérant.
VERTREKKENDE PERSONEN. M. Charrière et son épouse partent pour Maurice; messieurs Herment et Blavet sont chargés de leurs pouvoirs. Batavia, 17 Juillet 1838.
ASSOCIATIONS: François Minard (actor, manager, later in Australia with the Gautrots)
[Shipping], Javasche courant (1 August 1838), 2
Julij 31 . . . Frans. bark La Lucile, J. F. Lebesque, naar Bourbon, passagiers, de heer J. Charriere echtgenoot en kind . . .
Mauritius (? 1838-41):
Sydney, NSW (10 July 1841 to 22 January 1843):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 July 1841), 2
From Bourbon, same day [10 July] whence she sailed the 27th May, the French ship Salages, Captain Williams, with sugar. Passengers, Monsieur Charrier, Lady, and servant [and child], Monsieur Dellacas [Dellecase] and two children, Monsieur Froget, Monsieur Fourcade, Monsieur Jourbert [Joubert], and Monsieur Mayuel [? Mazuel].
ASSOCIATIONS: Luigi Dalle Case and the signorinas Anna and Emilia (circus performers)
[News], The Australian (13 July 1841), 2
The French ship just arrived brings us a curious importation which promises to add materially to the means of amusement for our towns' folks. Signor Dalcase has arrived here with two Brazilian feminine rope dancers of the respective ages of seven and nine years, who were indentured to him, under the promise, that when they arrived at the age of sixteen, they would be returned to their native country, with a certain sum of money in their possession. We have had an interview with the Signor, who gives us a wonderful account of the performances of these girls, who are able to ascend a rope at any elevation without the use of balancing poles. The Signor himself is a "professor of the Herculean sciences," and performs wonderful notions such as the lifting of weights, and the management of the Olympic column. We also have to add that a Monsieur Charriere will make his appearance before an admiring Sydney audience as a comic ballet dancer, in which "profession" he is said have great merit; and though last, not least, we hear of a clever dog that plays at cards like a discreet dowager, and of a monkey that fires a gun. This corps of "acrobates" and "funambules," in other words, of tumblers and rope-dancers, will, no doubt, vastly amuse the younger portion of our friends, and reap a substantial reward for their arduous and dexterous labour.
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Monitor (16 July 1841), 3
DANCING Taught in Twenty Lessons.
MONSIEUR CHARRIERE, HAVING recently arrived in Sydney by the Salazes, from Paris,
hastens to announce to the Public of Sydney that he intends forthwith, to open an
ACADEMY for the reception of Pupils who are desirous of taking
LESSONS IN DANCING, and acquiring a knowledge of the various
which Mr. C., by a new method, can teach those who honour him with their patronage, in the
MONSIEUIR CHARRIERE having whilst in Paris, for a number of years given Lessons in Dancing in the first circles of Society,
is hopeful that his exertions in the Colony will meet with that support from the Gentry of Sydney, that it will ever be his anxious care to deserve.
Letters addressed to Monsieur Charriere, at Messrs. Guion & Co., Jewellers, George-street, will meet with immediate attention.
MADAME CHARRIERE, WHO has recently arrived from Paris, begs to announce to the Gentry of Sydney, that it is her intention to
GIVE LESSONS IN DANCING at the Residences of those Ladies who may require her Attendance, or at those Academies where Young Ladies are taught Dancing.
As MADAME CHARRIERE can within a very short period teach the whole of the
ELEGANT PARISIAN DANCES recently introduced, it will be an Acquisition to those Ladies who already are perfect in the Dances hitherto in vague [sic].
[manicule] MADAME CHARRIERE does not intend Dancing in public, as it is her intention to devote her energies solely to Private Tuition.
Letters addressed to Madame Cherrier, at Messrs. Guion & Co., Jewellers, George-street, will meet with immediate attention.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (17 August 1841), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. First appearance of Monsieur Charriere.
Between the 1st and 2nd Acts of Simpson & Co., Mons. Charriere Will Dance the Pas Seul called
"THE POLICHINELLE," With characters as represented in The Carnival of Venice,
Paddy's Wedding, by Mr. Falchon.
To conclude with the celebrated Comic Ballet of Action entitled The Family of the Turncoats; OR THE BIRTH OF LOVE.
C. KNOWLES, Stage Manager.
T. SIMES, Acting Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (vocalist, actor); Conrad Knowles (actor, manager); Thomas Simes (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Australian (17 August 1841), 3
To conclude with for the first time at this Theatre the celebrated Comic Ballet of Action, as performed at the French Theatres with unbounded applause called
Matharide [sic, ?] (the Father of the Innocents) - Mr. Fenton
The three Innocents - INNOCENT - MONSIEUR CHARRIERE; Lucas - Mr. Lee; Basil - Mr. Fitzgerald
Dame Michaud - Mrs. Larra
The Three Sisters - Annette - Miss Strickland; Flora - Mad. Veilburn; Louise - Miss Jones
Visitors - Mesdames Knowles and Grove, Messrs. Dyball and Riley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fenton (actor); John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor); Dennis Fitzgerald (actor); Mary Ann Larra (actor); Eliza Strickland (actor); Jane Adele Veilburn (dancer); Matilda Jones (actor); Harriet Knowles (actor); Mr. Dyball (actor)
"THEATRE", The Australian (19 August 1841), 2
Theatricals are "looking up." Within the last week we have had two valuable accessions, which both from their intrinsic excellence and novelty of character, give an agreeable change to the current of histrionic proceedings. On Monday evening Mrs. Montigue made her first appearance in the excellent little farce of "Simpson and Co" . . . On the same evening, we had, under the direction of Monsieur Charriere, the novel introduction of a legitimate ballet. That he is perfect master of his business, is unquestionable. His style is first-rate, and his action, in the highest degree, graceful. But notwithstanding the great capabilities of Monsieur Charriere, to make the ballet department really effective, there must be a little additional strength. With one or two tolerable dancers, there can be no doubt that this gentleman would produce something worthy of being seen. The ballet on Tuesday evening was simple in plot, humorous in incident, and most successfully executed, and we need hardly say, that the audience was highly diverted. Between the act of "Simpson and Co.", Monsieur Charriere danced Le Polichinelle most unexceptionably; his grotesque action and suppleness of limb were quite a treat. He was loudly encored, but he excused himself on the ground of indisposition and the succeeding labours of the evening, which apology the audience very good-naturedly accepted. We hope to hear that Monsieur Charriere purposes to remain in the colony, inasmuch as his services would tend, not only to enhance the character of the drama generally, but would furnish pleasant relief to the everlasting see-saw of sanguinary melo-drama and common-place farces.
"Royal Victoria Theatre", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 August 1841), 2-3
[3] . . . Between the acts, Monsieur Charriere made his first appearance; he danced the pas seul, called Polichinelle, with such grace and animation, as to draw from all parts of the house, an uproar of applause that was truly deafening; his pantomimic tricks, evolutions, and attitudes, were certainly astonishing, and confirmed all who beheld him, that the clever Frenchman was a clown of the first order. Monsieur Charriere has made an impression, and we have little doubt that he will long continue a favourite with the public. In the ballet, he exerted himself greatly, and during the whole piece, acquitted himself to the perfect satisfaction of the whole audience. This talented performer makes his second appearance this evening.
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (28 August 1841), 2
The introduction of the Ballet seems to have given a new impetus to stage matters. And certainly the style and action of Monsieur Charriere presents something that can always be viewed with pleasure. Under the skilful guidance of this gentleman, with Madame Veilburn, Mr. Phillips, and others, this department of the drama may be advanced on our boards to considerable excellence; in which case the Proprietors of the Theatre may calculate on the presence and patronage of the higher classes. This evening Monsieur Charriere favours us with an excellent new ballet, in the progress of which there will be some elegant dancing, and in the interval of the acts of the first piece, he will go through the graceful and much admired dance of La Tarantalla [sic, Tarantella]. The ballet is entitled The Millers; or, The Night Rendezvous - a light, well arranged, humourous little piece.
ASSOCIATIONS: Morrice Phillips (actor, dancer); for the program and cast, see [Advertisement], The Australian (28 August 1841), 3
At length we have something in the Theatrical department that is really genuine. We hardly remember to have seen anything on the boards in this Colony, which afforded us so rich a treat as the Ballet on Saturday evening last, under the direction of Mons. Charriere. An entertainment of this description was doubtless novel to many of the visitors; but there did not appear to be one who did not relish it exceedingly, nor could it in the nature of things, from its real excellence, be otherwise. The action of the Ballet was in the highest degree amusing, while in Mons. Charriere, both in elegance of style and graceful movement, with a rich vein of humour, superadded to a consummate knowledge of his business, we find every thing that could be desired. The exertions of this gentleman must give a high stimulus to the business of the drama here; we therefore, congratulate Mr. Knight, on his acquisition in the services of Mons. Charriere, and play goers, that such a choice fund of entertainment is opened to them. An ample audience may be relied upon whenever a Ballet is announced. We hope that they will not be at long intervals.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Knight (proprietor)
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (23 September 1841), 2
On Monday night a ballet entitled the "Deserter," was produced for the first time at the Victoria Theatre - it was got up under the management of Monsieur Charriere, at a very heavy expense to the spirited proprietor. The labour attending the excellent manner in which the performers went through their parts must have been excessive - we can say with truth that we never saw an audience that more fully appreciated the exertions made for their amusement than on this occasion. Charriere's acting is inimitable, his forte lies in taking every person by surprise, under the guise of the veriest simplicity he conceals an expression of the most arch humour. It would be impossible for us to do ample justice to this certainly very talented performer in any brief notice - our advice therefore is that all those who have any curiosity on the subject, should visit the Victoria when the "Deserter" is next brought forward, which we hear will be shortly, and we promise them an evening's amusement that rarely fails to the lot of the play-going world of Australia.
"THEATRICALS", The Omnibus and Sydney Spectator (2 October 1841), 3
. . . We saw Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle with their two pupils the very interesting Brazilians the senoritas Anna, and Emilia, who though they do not understand English, seemed to enjoy, with childish delight all they saw - more particularly the very clever grotesque dancing of their Compagnon de Voyage, M. Charriere, in the, ballet of the Maturins, with childish delight, one of them declaring that she had sustained a principle character in it herself, a great while ago - when she was young. The ability of M. Charriere as a dancer and teacher of his art, is now too well known to require remark - he has shown, us that the Sydney Theatre is not without the material to form good dancers - we seldom find the versatility of talent exhibited by Miss Strickland, and little Miss Jones, Mrs. Grove, and Mrs. Montigue, every one of whom dance well and gracefully, in the Quadrilles, while two of the them are good singers, and the other two excellent actresses in their respective lines. Mrs. Knowles was quite at home in her lively part in the play too . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John and Eliza Bushelle (vocalists); Signorinas Anna and Emilia (vocalists); Eliza Strickland (dancer); Mrs. Montigue (dancer, actor)
[Advertisement], The Omnibus and Sydney Spectator (9 October 1841), 14
MONSIEUR CHARRIERE, INTENDING to Establish himself in Sydney, will continue to give lessons in Dancing, to Pupils in their own houses and in Ladies' Schools, on reasonable terms. Address at Mr. Guion's, Watch and Clockmaker, in George-street.
"THEATRICALS", The Omnibus and Sydney Spectator (30 October 1841), 34
We understand that M. Charriere will shortly, take a benefit at the Victoria; on which occasion the French Vaudervilles [sic] will be performed, besides the favorite Ballet called Le grand Galop de Gustave; or, Le Bal Masque. Besides Monsieur and Madame Charriere, the public will enjoy a treat, as well as a novelty, in witnessing the performance of Mrs. Larra, who has passed a large portion of her life in France, - and speaks the language well; and also that of Mr. Knowles, who is, we believe, a good French scholar, assisted by other ladies, and gentlemen amateurs, who have consented to take a part in the two Vaudevilles. We sincerely hope, for the honor of Australia's claim to good taste, that, when the day is named, the fashionables will be in a hurry to secure seats, for, independent of the talents of this young couple as artistes, and the great additional attraction given to our theatrical entertainments by the performance of his Ballets, M. Charriere has claims, on the patronage of the public, as a modest gentleman, such as an English parent would select for introduction to his family, to teach his art.
ASSOCAITIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor)
MUSIC: Galop (Auber, from Gustave III)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 December 1841), 2
On Thursday night, our oldest actress, (Mrs. Larra) took her benefit at the Victoria - the house was well attended, and, though not full to overflowing, was such as to mark Mrs. L. as no ordinary favourite with the public. The pieces chosen on this occasion, were . . . the ballet of "The Millers" the life and soul of which was the inimitable Frenchman (Monsieur Charrier) who, as usual, notwithstanding his bad state of health, astonished the natives, by his wonderful agility . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Larra (actor)
[Advertisement], The Australian (27 January 1842), 3
Under the distinguished Patronage of SIR MAURICE O'CONNELL . . .
MONSIEUR CHARRIERE . . . MONDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1842 . . . his BENEFIT . . .
MADAME CHARRIERE Will make her first appearance before a Sydney public on this occasion, in a popular French character . . .
The Entertainments will conclude with the comic Ballet, in one Act, to be performed by six of Monsieur Charriere's Pupils, ENTITLED
INFANTINE GIMNASE; Or, the Family of the Innocents. Ballet in One Act.
Father la Joie - MONS. CHARRIERE.
his sons - Innocentin - Miss Jones; Basile - Miss Thompson; Lucas - Miss Mears.
Madame Michaut - Mrs. Larra.
Her daughters - Jeanette - Miss E. Jones; Fauchette - Miss Stanley; Suzette - Miss Mears.
Tickets to be had of Mrs. Mears, Tobacconist, Pitt-street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maurice O'Connell (patron); Mary Thomson (dancer); Emma Jones (dancer); Sarah Mears (dancer, actor)
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 February 1842), 2
On Monday night last, Charriere had his benefit at the Victoria, and we have not seen so well and brilliantly attended boxes for this long time. It really delighted us, to see the galaxy of rank and beauty that thronged the dress circle, imparting to us a hope that the "light of other days" had not entirely faded, but that the star of Australian theatricals which had long been on the wane, was about to shine forth in its former splendour. "Une Passion" is a fiery pretty petite comedie, and Charriere played his part with considerable spirit, and altogether in a rather amusing manner. Nothing is more easy to play, to a person possessed of the slightest judgement, than the characters in the light French vaudevilles. They are mere impersonations of characters, known by heart by all the bons enfans of Paris. Of Madame Charriere, we can say but little in praise; her acting was lame, cold and lifeless, without one redeeming point, except that she spoke the few words she had to say so quickly as possible. Knowles' French was peculiarly English, and beautifully incomprehensible. Mrs. Larra acquitted herself a merveille, and with the amateur, being a Frenchman, of course we can find no complaint; his French servant being a character that any Frenchman, and no Englishman, can play properly. Charriere's Polichinelle, upon stilts, was executed in an excellent style, and was a real treat. He was loudly encored, but as usual, found an excuse for re-appearing. No doubt, Monsieur Charriere is quite right in not making himself too common, by dancing too often, but he must know that an English audience do not like to be bearded by a person who draws his living from them. We rather expected an émeute on Monday night, but respect for the persons who filled the boxes served in a great measure to allay the irritation of the populace. The Irishman in London went off very well. The Ballet of the "Innocents" closed the performances played by some of the young pupils of Monsieur Charriere. Altogether we had a pleasant evening.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (5 February 1842), 3
Australian Olympic Theatre, HUNTER-STREET.
SIGNOR DALLE CASE most respectfully informs his friends and the public generally . . .
that . . . he has formed engagements, for the ensuing season . . .
with MONS. CHARRIERE & MRS. BROCK for the Ballet department and principal Dancers . . .
An Efficient Orchestra is now forming, which will be led by Mr. Deane, jun. . . .
C. KNOWLES,. Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Brock (dancer); John Deane (musician, violinist); Olympic Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (28 February 1842), 1
DANCING taught in the most fashionable style by MR. CHARRIERE, No. 5, Pitt-street North, nearly opposite the Union Bank;
Private lessons at all hours to ladies and gentlemen of any age wishing privacy and expedition.
An evening class twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, from seven until nine o'clock in the evening.
Terms - Two guineas a quarter for those attending the class, to be paid in advance. Schools and private families attended.
"THEATRRICALS", The Australian (5 March 1842), 2
At the Olympic, Monsieur and Madame Gautrot had a benefit night. The entertainments were of the most varied and liberal description: French and English farces, vocal and instrumental melange, et ceteras. Of this evening's performance we may truly say, "where is the choice where all are fit to choose." But, if we were to select, we should certainly give priority to Monsieur Charriere and Monsieur Gautrot. The characters taken by the former in the two French pieces, were exquisitely well played. While their respective outlines were faithfully preserved, the artistic colourings imparted an unmistakeable individuality in the most humorous and interesting points of view: the achievement of which, is, indeed, the perfection of the mimic art. As a dancer, Monsieur Charriere is unquestionably first-rate . . .
ASSOCATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist and vocalist); see also the program, [Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (2 March 1842), 1
"DANCING", The Sydney Herald (21 April 1842), 3
There can be no doubt that our colony is rapidly advancing in the elegant arts, which contribute so much to refine society and improve the general taste. Dancing is unquestionably one of the fine arts, and as such, deserves to be cultivated in polished society. In this, as well as in Painting, Music, Oratory, and the Drama, we have made very considerable advances in Sydney within the last year or so. The arrival of Monsieur Charriere, gave us a superior dancer of the French school, and we are glad to hear that this dancer has been engaged to teach at the Sydney College, where we hope he may meet with every encouragement, and obtain a numerous class. Mr. J. Chambers, again, who arrived from London a few weeks ago, is to our taste an artiste of the highest order in fact, one of the most elegant dancers we have ever seen, though we have been frequently at the Academie Francaise in Paris, where there is the best dancing, it is said, in the world . . .
ASSOCATIONS: Joseph Chambers (dancer)
"THEATRE FRANCAIS", Australasian Chronicle (5 May 1842), 2
The first performance of this company was given last evening, and, making due allowance for unavoidable deficiencies, may be said to have gone off well. The chief faults were in the selection, and the extreme length of the performances, caused by the interpolation of songs unconnected with the pieces, and the great delay between the parts. The first piece, Remi, is contemptible at best, and not very delicate. For instance, Mlle. Baptistine, when discovered issuing from Anatole's chambre a coucher, answers quite naivement, "ce n'est pas la premiere fois." The Buffo Singer is a piece of far different character. It contains much wit and some good music. The part of Barbeau was admirably performed by M. Charriere, who also represented the itinerant accordeur des pianos in the subsequent piece with much humour . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Foreign Operatic Company (troupe)
"THE FRENCH THEATRE", The Sydney Herald (6 May 1842), 2
About two hundred persons assembled in the saloon at the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday evening, to witness the performance of the little company which has been formed of French and Italian performers. Charriere is inimitable here, and Madame Charriere will make an excellent actress; Madame Gantrot was not in voice; Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle did well, but theirs was not "French," - the singing, however was good; the two young gentlemen, Adolphe and the amateur, want practice.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza and John Bushelle (vocalists); Monsieur Adolphe (actor); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (9 June 1842), 1
MONSIEUR CHARRIERE, gratefully acknowledging the patronage extended to him since his arrival in Sydney,
begs to announce that he continues to give private lessons at any hour of the day, at his residence, Hunter-street at the corner of Phillip-street.
He has also opened a Class fur adults and young persons, Tuesdays and Fridays from seven till ten in the evening,
the terms for that class and for schools, are Two Guineas per quarter payable in advance.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (18 June 1842), 1
FRENCH AND ENGLISH Seminary for Young Ladies, Victoria House, Macquarie-street, Parramatta.
MADAME DALMAS, having been induced to open a select establishment for young ladies . . .
Monsieur Charriere, dancing master, attends weekly . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Dalmas (teacher)
"INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. TUESDAY . . . PROOF OF CLAIMS", The Sydney Herald (23 June 1842), 2
In the estate of Aloes Lubeski, a third meeting; J. Tegg, £22 18s.; J. Charrier, £18 13s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Aloes Lubeski (schoolmaster); James Tegg (bookseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 July 1842), 1
Subscription Fancy Dress Ball.
MESSIEURS CHARRIERE AND GAUTROT beg to announce that this Ball will take place in the
Lower Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on MONDAY, the 18th July, 1842.
Programme. - Quadrilles of all the newest figures from the modern Operas, danced by Amateurs.
Characteristic Dances on the Stage by Monsieur Charriere and Pupils. -
Grand Galopade from Gustavus, with all the figures executed at the Royal Academy of Music at Paris. -
Spanish and Chinese Dances of the newest description,. -
English Country Dances, Waltzes, &c.
MONSIEUR GAUTROT, at the head of a numerous and effective Orchestra, will execute splendid Quadrilles, never before performed in public in Sydney.
The Subscribers will of course be at liberty to dance the old figures, should they prefer them to the new ones.
The Ladies and Gentlemen subscribing will be entitled to attend REHEARSALS at the Royal Hotel,
every intervening WEDNESDAY, from eight until ten, to enable them to receive the advantage of Monsieur Charriere's instruction in the new figures.
Ticket for One Person - £ 0 16; Ditto for Gentleman and Lady - 1 10
Including Tea, Coffee, Supper, &c. The refreshments will be supplied by Mr. Sparke.
All subscriptions payable in advance to Mr. Sparke, Royal Hotel, and at Monsieur Charriere's Hunter-street, corner of Phillip-street.
Fancy Dresses can be obtained by reference to Monsieur Charriere. To commence at nine o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (18 July 1842), 3
DRESS BALL. MONSIEUR CHARRIERE has the honour to inform the public, that his Fancy Dress Ball, which was to have taken place on Monday, the 18th instant, is unavoidably postponed till the 25th instant.
"INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS . . . WEDNESDAY . . . In the insolvency of Luigi Dalle Case", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 August 1842), 2
John Bushelle was called by Mr. DILLON, for the trustee, and deposed: - I know the insolvent . . .
I know a person named John Charles; I paid a visit to Messrs. Charriere and Gautrot, and was consulted by them as to the propriety of their receiving a number of boxes from the insolvent,
when I at once told them that they were rendering themselves liable to a severe punishment if they received them, and that they had better send them back at once;
I told them so the day after the sequestration; a long time afterwards,
I heard from the insolvent that one of the boxes which had been sent to Messrs. Charriere and Gautrot's had been sent back,
after John Charles had taken out sufficient things to satisfy his claim against the insolvent . . .
I know that the insolvent applied to Charriere to stale that he had given him (Charriere) a Turkey carpet six months before, for the tuition of the young ladies in dancing . . .
Joseph Charriere called, and examined by Mr. Dillon, through Mr. E. C. Greene, deposed: I know that Dalle Case sent some boxes to my house; I do not know when he sequestrated; I cannot say whether it was in April last.
It was about three months ago when they were sent; I was out giving a lesson, and when I came home I found that some cases and trunks had been sent to the house occupied by me and Monsieur Gautrot;
I afterwards went to Dalle Case, and told him I would not receive them; at that time I had not seen Mr. Bushelle; I never spoke to Bushelle about the boxes, but I think we have spoken on the subject;
I believe there were three boxes and a bag; the boxes came to my house when I was living in Hunter street; it might have been two or three weeks before I left Hunter-street, but I am not sure.
At the time of the fitting up of the Royal Hotel as a theatre, in company with Gautrot, we borrowed a Turkey carpet from the insolvent;
this was at the first representation; the carpet is still at the Royal Hotel, and belongs to Dalle Case; I do not recollect that he instructed me to say that the carpet did not belong to him;
he did not instruct me to say that he had given me the carpet for the instruction of the children.
I do not recollect that he ever wanted me to make any representation as to who was the owner of the carpet.
It does not belong to me nor did he ever give it to me.
I told him about two months ago to take it away.
He owed me some money, and I having none, he lent me a watch to keep until he paid me, this was given me before Madame Gautrot; this took place before he became insolvent.
I have been thirteen months in the colony. I do not recollect whether he gave me the watch before or after the first performance at the Royal Hotel.
It was a month before I left Pitt-street, and I left it three months ago . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emanuel Charles Greene (dancing master, interpreter)
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1842), 2
On Monday evening, M. Charriere took his benefit at the theatre. The house was well filled. In the boxes were Sir Maurice O'Connell and family, the Colonial Secretary and Lady, the Colonial Treasurer, and a great number of other leading members of society. The performances appeared to give general satisfaction, although the dialogue in the first piece was almost inaudible from the uproar caused by the gods of the upper and lower regions, who unacquainted with French, wanted an English version of the performances, and became at length so uproarious, that the performances were stopped, until Mr. Simes had come forward and quieted them by an appeal, which, at the same time conveyed a very just reproof. The conduct of some parties in the pit was too disgraceful to pass unnoticed, as they appeared at all events to be of a class which should be somewhat acquainted with the decencies of life. They appeared to have taken their places in the pit for nothing else but a drinking bout; their noise was incessant, and at length they became so drunk and unmanageable, that those around them had to leave their places, and the proprietor of the theatre had to interfere. The next time they offend in such a manner, there should be no hesitation in sending them to St. James's watch-house. The exercises on the slack rope by Auguste gave great satisfaction, as did also Madame Veilburn's dancing, and M. Charriere's Punch on stilts. Indeed these portions of the performance appeared much better relished by the pit and gallery than the remainder. M. Charriere has reason to congratulate himself on the manner which the announcement that he was to take a benefit, has been met, as the house was one of the best filled of the season . . .
For the program, see [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1842), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1842), 3
MISS HINCKESMANN begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that her
DANCING ACADEMY will open on Tuesday next, at her residence, Castlereagh-street, under the superintendence of Monsieur Charriere,
and will be continued every Tuesday and Friday, at seven o'clock, during the vacation.
For terms apply to Miss Hinckesmann, or to Mons. Charriere.
N.B. On Mondays and Thursdays, for Music and Singing, under the superintendence of Miss Hinckesmann and Madame Gautrot.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Hinckesman (musician)
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1843), 3
with sincere thanks for past favours, begs leave to inform his patrons and the public generally,
that he has this day retired from his profession in favour of Mr. John Clark,
of King-street, Sydney, to whom, from experience, he can confidently and warmly recommend them.
J. CHARRIERE. December 31.
MR. JOHN CLARK in returning his sincere thanks to the parents and guardians of pupils and the public in general,
for the liberal support with which he has been favoured for the last five years,
begs leave respectfully to inform them that his classes will recommence on Friday next,
the 6th instant and that he has made arrangements with Monsieur Charriere to attend professionally at the various establishments he had the honour of visiting,
with whose acknowledged acquirements, and a continuance of strict attention on his own part,
Mr. C. flatters himself he will be enabled to give such satisfaction as will ensure continuance of their support.
King-street, Sydney, Jan. 4.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Clark (dancing master)
"DEPARTURES", Australasian Chronicle (24 January 1843), 3
JANUARY 22 . . . For New Zealand, the brig City of Aberdeen, Captain Monro, with sundries. Passengers - M. and Madame Charriere, child, and servant . . .
The Charrieres are not however definitely recorded as having arrived in New Zealand; see "AUCKLAND", New Zealand Colonist and Port Nicholson Advertiser (28 February 1843), 2
CHATE, Alfred Henry (Alfred Henry CHATE; A. H. CHATE; Mr. CHATE)
Musician, double bass player, violinist, tailor
Born Brighton, Sussex, England, 1828; baptised St. Nicholas, Brighton, 31 December 1828; son of Henry CHATE (1802-1887) and Elizabeth (Eliza) TERRY (1801-1864) (m. February 1828)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, ? by February 1852
Married Alarina PAUL (1830-1910), Sydney, NSW, 13 August 1855
Died Woolloomooloo, Sydney, NSW, 20 May 1876 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, parish of Brighton, Sussex, 1831; East Sussex Record Office, parish register transcriptions (PAYWALL)
31 December 1828 / Alfred Henry / son of Henry & Elizabeth / Chate / North Street / Tailor
England census, 6 June 1841, Brighthelmstone, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1122/8/14/39/27 (PAYWALL)
Bedford Square Road / Henry Chate / 35 / Tailor // Eliza / 35 // Alfred / 12 // Fanny / 10 // Caroline / 9 / Jane / 4 // Mary / 14 [? niece]
England census, 30 March 1851, Brighthelmstone, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1646/416/24 (PAYWALL)
21 Norfolk Road / Charlotte Cockerell / Head / Widow / 59 / House Agent
Stephen Cockerel / Son / Unm. / 24 / Ironmonger's assistant . . .
Alfred H. Chate / Visitor / Unm. / 22 / Journeyman Tailor / [born] Hove Brighton Sussex
Australia (by 1852);
? Names and descriptions of passengers, per Prince of Wales, from Melbourne, 11 February 1852, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria
. . . A Chale [sic] / 24 / English / Labourer / Sydney . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (21 February 1852), 2
February 20. - Prince of Wales.-brig, 112 tons, Captain Gaunt, from Port Phillip, 17th instant. Passengers . . . A. Chale . . .
"EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA", Brighton Gazette [Sussex, England] (24 June 1852), 7 (PAYWALL)
The news from the "diggings" continues to be encouraging, and numbers are about to quit this town for the Australian colony. Some fifty or more purpose leaving Brighton this morning, to embark on board the "Statesman," which was towed down the Thames to Gravesend on Saturday afternoon, from which place she sailed on Tuesday afternoon for Portsmouth, and is intended to leave the latter place to-morrow. Among those who are either going or gone, are Mr. Mussell, North Street, and his son George; Mr. Wight, the landlord of the Regent Hotel; Mr. Thom (musician) and wife . . . Mr. Tucker, jun., musician . . . Mr. J. Bambridge, musician . . . Mr. Alfred Chate, tailor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Bream and Eliza Thom (musician and actor); Edward (John) Tucker (musician); Chate's name does not appear in the Statesman's passenger list on arrival 23 September 1852; see Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITIED)
Bream and Eliza Thom and several others arrived on the Delganey on 16 November 1852; see Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
"THE BRIGHTON EMIGRANTS TO AUSTRALIA", The Brighton gazette [England] (2 June 1853), 5 (PAYWALL)
In another part of the paper will found extracts from letter with which we have been favoured by the parents or friends of those who have emigrated to that land of promise, the gold fields of Australia. We say favoured, because many of those who receive letters from their relatives abroad do not wish to appear desirous of parading their names before the public. The publication of these letters, however, is actually a boon to the public, because they are characterised by a truthfulness unmistakeable, and must have weight with those who have thoughts of emigrating. Many who have received letters by the "Sarah Sands" are most averse to seeing them in print.
Our readers may gather from the letters which we publish to-day that the gold diggings continue to be perfect lottery, but that the odds are completely against the emigrants with few exceptions, such as carpenters, bricklayers, and persons employed in building. How many a clerk who left a comfortable home to seek his fortune in Australia, bitterly repents the hour when he made up his mind to leave his native land. But even now we believe that hale, hearty and sinuous persons are capable of realising a good living in Australia; it is the hardy sons of toil who are most likely to enrich themselves. All accounts agree in the fact that murder and rapine stalk that country unmolested; and a singular instance of bare-faced robbery and violence is given in the letter of Mr. Godden.
It is, perhaps, rather remarkable that not one of the Brighton party appears to have been successful at the diggings. Some have laboured hard, whilst others have scarcely put a spade into the ground, when they have either given up in despair or become disgusted with the scenes around them, and returned to Melbourne almost penniless. Mr. Hamblin, head cook at the Bedford Hotel, has received letter from his brother, who left good situation to go out to Tahiti; but having the gold fever must needs try his luck at the diggings. He failed, as many hundreds have done besides, and has written to say that he is now returning to Tahiti, where has a brother in business. Three companions who went out in the same ship with him had £35 each, when they landed in Australia; and they were soon reduced almost to beggary.
Mr. Thatcher's son has sent a letter to his parents, on the King's Road, giving a very discouraging account of the country, more especially of the state of society. This letter is fully corroborated in that respect by another received from the son of Mr. Evans, green grocer and fruiterer, Western Road. Among other letters received here, we learn that Mr. Tucker, son of Mr. Tucker, Western Road, and Mr. Alfred Chate, son of Mr. Chate, Bedford Place, are playing at promenade concerts, the former as leader, at £5 5s. a week, the latter, at £4 4s. We believe that Thatcher's son is also with them, deriving a similar emolument from music. Mr. Bryer, the dancing master, is in Melbourne, under the assumed name of Jones; and Mr. John Fleeson has taken the name of Fortune . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (musician); Mr. Jones (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (10 September 1853), 12
ROWE'S CIRCUS. - Winterbottom's Benefit Saturday next, September 10th.
Jullien's Exhibition Quadrille. Jullien's Drum Polka! Laughing Jackass Galop!
Vocalists: Miss Lewis, who will sing Shells of the ocean.
Mr. John Gregg, the renowned basso, who will sing The Slave Sale.
Last time of the Singing Lesson.
Solo Instrumentalists: M. Tucker, M. Edwards, Radford, Louthusl, Webb, Burgess, Chate, Boullemer, Tranter,
S. Chapman, Wigney, Holt, Hore, Simpson, Wheeler, Oakey, Marks, Thatcher, &c.
Cornet-a-Pistons, M. Chapman.
Leader, M. Tucker.
Conductor, M. Winterbottom.
Mr. Hore and his sons will perform several of their grand operatic selections on the Saxe Horns.
Programme: Part I.
Overture - Fra Diavolo - Auber
Quadrille - Bloomer - Jullien
Song - The Slave Sale, Mr. Gregg - Russell
Valse - Prima Donna - K. Bulla - Cornett-a-piston Obligato - M. Chapman
Song - Ocean Shells, Miss Lewis - Cherry
Solo, Violin - Carnival de Venice, M. Tucker - Paganini
Great Exhibition Quadrille, founded on the all absorbing question of that day, the Exhibition of 1851 - Jullien
Part II.
Quadrille - Jetty Treffz, with solo for cornet and flute - Jullien
Duetto Buffo (last time) - The Singing Lesson, Miss Lewis and Mr. Gregg - Barnet
Valse - The Prize - Oakey
Song - Erin my country, Miss Lewis - Lee.
Polka - Drum - Jullien
Solo Bassoon, M. Winterbottom - Winterbottom
Song - As I View, Mr. Gregg - Bellini
Galop - Laughing Jackass - Farmer
Prices of admission: Dress Boxes, 5s.; Boxes, 2s. 6d. Promenade, One Shilling.
Doors open at Seven, to commence at Eight.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor); Annie Lewis Salamon (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Edward (John) Tucker (violin); Henry Edwards (violin); Mark Radford (violin); Joseph Bird Burgess (violin); Anthony Boullemier (musician); William Tranter (double bass); William Wigney (musician); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician); Alfred Oakey (conductor); Joseph Hore and sons (saxhorns); Joseph Andrew Rowe (proprietor); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
"LETTER FROM A BRIGHTON EMIGRANT", Brighton Gazette (6 October 1853), 7 (PAYWALL)
I beg to forward, per Mr. Alfred Martin, few incidents respecting Brighton friends and the colony,
according to promise made to several people at Brighton before leaving.
John Tucker has gone to Sydney, to play at the concerts.
Alfred Chate ditto ditto
Henry Edwards (King's Road) ditto
Stephen Cotterill ditto to assist ditto . . .
Many have done right in coming, myself among the number; others curse the day they left.
Remember - "Fools rush in Where angels fear to tread."
Your obedient servant, CHARLES R. THATCHER.
"THE DIGGINGS", Brighton Gazette (3 November 1853), 7 (PAYWALL)
A great number of letters from Brighton emigrants have lately been received here their friends . . . Mr. Henry Chate, tailor, has received a letter from his son. It appears that he has been with Winterbottom's musical corps in Sydney; and has done pretty well. They have latterly returned to Melbourne. Mr. Tucker, son of Mr. Tucker, Western Road, is the leader. He is called at Melbourne the English Paganini. Mr. Thom, who also went from Brighton, is engaged at the Theatre in Geelong. He leads the orchestra, and Mrs. Thom is engaged as an actress. Mrs. Thom took her benefit the Theatre, on July 16th, when nearly £100 was taken at the doors. Mr. Thom took his benefit the next night, and £107 was taken. The performances were Guy Mannering and a Concert. Many of our readers will doubtless remember Mr. Creed Royal, an excellent flute player. He is engaged in the same orchestra as Mr. Thom.
ASSOCIATIONS: Creed Royal (flute)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 November 1853), 8
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS. Grand Promenade Concert. Saturday Evening, 12th November, 1853.
Under the direction of Mr. Alfred Oakey.
In announcing he the inhabitants of Melbourne the first of a Series of Saturday Evening Promenade Concerts,
Mr. Rowe begs to state that he feels great confidence in submitting the Evening's Entertainments to his patrons . . .
The Monster Band
Will embrace all the available talent in Melbourne, assisted by several members of the band of the 99th regiment . . .
Grand Pianoforte - Mr. Alfred Oakey.
Violin Primo - M. Tucker and Mr. Peck.
Violin Secondo - Mr. Howson and Mr. Mathers.
Viola - Mr. Boullimeir.
Violoncello - Mr. J. Chapman [recte S. Chapman].
Contra Bass - Mr. Tranter and Mr. Chate.
Flute - Mr. Hill and Mr. Thatcher.
Cornet Primo and Saxe Clavicore - Mr. P. C. Burke.
Saxe Horn - Mr. Hore and Sons.
Clarionet Primo - Mr. R. Martin.
Clarionet Secondo - Mr. J. Bull.
Ophecleide - Mr. Wigney.
Trombone - Mr. Freeman.
Tambour and Triangle - Mr. Sharp.
Gran Cassa Cymbals - Mr. Shottan.
Leader, Mr. Edward Tucker.
Conductor - Mr. Alfred Oakey . . .
George Peck (violin);
Henry Howson (violin);
William Mather (violin);
Samuel Chapman (cello);
Robert Martin (clarinet), master of the Band of the 99th Regiment (military);
Arthur Silvester Hill (flute, 99th band)
Peter Constantine Burke (cornet player);
Frederick Sharp (percussion)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1853), 5
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, Corner of Stephen and Lonsdale streets.
The sixth of a Series of Grand PROMENADE CONCERTS . . . Saturday Evening, December 17th, 1853.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's Monster Orchestra, aided by several members of the band of the 40th Regiment, including Mr. Hartigan, the celebrated performer on the Ophicleide . . .
Instrumentalists . . . Violino primo - Mr. Radford and Mr. Peck . . .
Contra Basso - Mr. West and Mr. Chate . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Hartigan (ophicleide); Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 October 1854), 8
TO-NIGHT! Melbourne Casino to-night! The great night of the season.
For the Benefit of the Band. On this occasion the following eminent Artists, among many other professional friends, have kindly volunteered their services: -
First violins - W. and S. Radford. Second violins - Chate, Edwards, and Griffiths
Tenor - J. Baker. Double basses - W. Tranter and Herr Plock . . . Drums - Fred. Sharpe . . . Piano - R. Owen . . .
To conclude with a Fancy Dress Ball. Admission, 5s.
ASSOCIATIONS: William and Sidney Radford (violins);
Adam Plock (double bass);
Frederick Sharp (drums);
Richard Arthur Ryder Owen (piano)
"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (8 January 1855), 258
January 6. - City of Sydney (s), 750 tons, Captain R. T. Moodie, from Melbourne the 3rd instant. Passengers - Mr. Winterbottom . . . Messrs. . . . Chat [sic], Rice, Sharp, and 85 in the steerage. A. S. N. C, agents.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter John Rice (musician)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (4 July 1859), 6
GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES Will be held to celebrate the opening of the HALL of the Sydney University in which the performances will take place . . .
CONDUCTOR - Mr. L. H. LAVENU . . . CONTRABASSI. Mr. Chapman, from Melbourne; Mr. J. Brown; Mr. A. H. Chate; And a gentleman amateur, member of the Philharmonic Society . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Samuel Chapman (double bass); Walter James Brown (double bass); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association); Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
"MR. LAVENU", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1859), 5
A MEETING of the friends of the late Mr. Lavenu took place at Clark's Assembly Rooms, Elizabeth-street, yesterday afternoon, at three o'clock. Between thirty and forty gentlemen were present. Mr. J. R. CLARKE was voted into the chair, and opened the proceedings by stating that a number of Mr. Lavenu's personal friends were desirous of organising two benefits - the proceeds of which were to be forwarded to his wife and children, at present in England . . . Mr. STEWART proposed "That a committee of professional gentlemen from both theatres be formed to make the necessary arrangements as to the performances, and when they are to take place." The following names were then carried . . . For the Victoria Theatre - Messrs. Black, Usher, Chate, R. Stewart, and E. Holloway . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (chair); Alfred Usher (musician); Richard Stewart (actor); Edmund Holloway (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (8 August 1859), 1
Alfred Usher, Esq., leader of orchestra, Royal Victoria Theatre; A. Chate, Esq., orchestra, ditto . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1859), 1
AT A GENERAL MEETING of the THEATRICAL PROFESSION, held November 19th, it was resolved -
"That none of the following members of the profession shall receive any engagement from Mr. Charles Poole,
or any deputed manager of his, until the present pecuniary claims of the whole professional body shall have been indemnified in full."
In guarantee whereof the following signatures were affixed:
. . . A. Usher . . . A. H. Chute [sic] . . . F. J. Sharp . . .
R. STEWART, Chairman. FRANK VARLEY, Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (actor, theatre manager); Frank Varley (secretary); Australian Dramatic and Musical Association (association)
[Advertisement], Empire (23 November 1859), 1
for the benefit of the Dramatic and Musical Artists, late of the Victoria and Prince of Wales Theatres, will take place
THIS EVENING, the 23rd instant, At the School of Arts, When the following combination of talent will appear: -
Pianist, Mr. C. Packer. Leaders, Messrs. Usher and Eigenschenck . . .
Tenori, Messrs. Rice and Davis . . . Violoncello, Mr. F. Howson, jun.
Contra Bassi, Messrs. Chate and Brown . . .
PART I. Overture, Guillaume Tell - (Rossini), - by double orchestra . . .
Quadrille, L'Indienne, with brilliant variations, and new effects, 1st time in Sydney . . .
Polka, with obligato movement, first time in Sydney - R. W. Kohler . . .
PART 2. Overture, La Bayadere, 1st time in Sydney (Auber) . . .
Finale - Galop, Champagne, with original effects, by R. W. Kohler . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Packer (pianist); Charles Eigenschenck (co-leader); Isaac Henry Davis (viola); Frank Alfred Howson (cello); Richard Wildblood Kohler (cornet); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney venue)
"COPY OF PROTEST", Empire (12 June 1860), 8
Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney, Tuesday Morning, May 22nd, 1860.
WE, the undersigned, professors of music, vocal and instrumental, and also the chorus engaged in the forthcoming Opera season,
deem it a bounden duty, taking into consideration an article appearing in this morning's Empire,
to protest against the ability of Sig. CUTOLO, as a conductor of grand opera,
at the same time believing him to be, without doubt, an excellent pianist; but from inexperience, unable to wield the baton as conductor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (musician); Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Jacques Paltzer (replacement conductor); Henry Prince (musician); Edward Fahey (musician); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"MR. WINTERBOTTOM", Empire (14 August 1861), 5
A very gratifying testimonial was presented to Mr. Winterbottom, the eminent bassoonist and conductor, previous to his departure from Sydney, yesterday, for Melbourne, en route for England, by several of the artistes who have been members of the corps d'orchestre, under Mr. Winterbottom, since he arrived in these colonies. The testimonial consisted of a handsome frame, containing photographic portraits, very beautifully executed by Mr. Glaister, of Pitt-street, of Mr. Winterbottom himself (in the centre), surrounded by those of the following artistes: Mr. Eigenschenck (leader), Mr. J. Hall (second violin), Mr. Rice (viola), Mr. Vaughan (flute), Mr. Chate (basso), Mr. Prince (cornet), Mr. Seamore (trombone), and Mr. Sharp (drums); all of whom, we understand, have, with slight intermission, been connected with Mr. Winterbottom during the last nine years in his professional career in Australia. The manner in which they have thus testified their regard and sympathy for their late talented conductor, is at once appropriate and suggestive, and we doubt not, will be long cherished by the accomplished artiste to whom it has been offered, and whose departure from these colonies will create a vacuum in the musical world which it will be extremely difficult to supply.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Glaister (photographer); John Thomson Hall (violin); Robert Vaughan (flute); Richard Seymour (trombone)
"THE OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1865), 5
Another crowded and fashionable audience yesterday evening, assembled at the Prince of Wales Theatre, anticipating that "Trovatore," (always popular), would be performed. Mr. Squires, however, who as was evident on the previous evening, suffered from an affection in the throat, was compelled to succumb to its virulence, and could not appear last night . . . "Sonnambula" was substituted . . . Herr Lundberg performed on the clarionet . . . We may again refer in terms of approbation to the orchestra and chorus, and to the excellent violin playing of M. Fleury, who as a leader is unquestionably of the first order. There are so many first-class instrumentalists - including Messrs. Rice, McCoy, Eigenschenck, Hodge, Chase [Chate], Creed Royal, and the performers on the French horn - that it would be strange indeed if the instrumentation were not superior to what has been heard here before . . . This evening, the "Bohemian Girl" will be performed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Squires (vocalist); John William Lundborg (clarinet); Achille Fleury (leader, violin); Thomas McCoy (musician); Sebastian Hodge (musician); Creed Royal (flute); George Loder (conductor); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
[Funeral notices], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 April 1867), 8
FUNERAL. - The Friends of Mr. ALFRED HENRY CHATE are invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased Son ALFRED WILLIAM; to move from his parents' residence, Liverpool-street, near Crown-street, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock . . .
[Funeral notices], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1869), 16
FUNERAL. - The Friends of Mr. ALFRED H. CHATE are invited to attend the funeral of his late beloved Son, GEORGE WALLACE CHATE; to move from his residence, 295, Liverpool street, near Crown-street, THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at half-past 2 o'clock . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1875), 8
VICTORIA THEATRE . . . The Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. W. RICE, comprising the following artistes:
W. J. Rice, Leader. S. Hodge, clarionet. J. Miller, 2nd violin. J. Taylor, cornet.
J. Gibbs, viola. F. White, trombone. A. Chate, basso. A. Brodie, tympini. W. Martin, flute . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (viola)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 May 1876), 1
CHATE. - May 20, at his residence, 16, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo, Alfred Henry Chate, aged 47, after a long and painful illness, a native of Brighton, England, leaving a wife and seven children to mourn their loss.
CHAUNCY, Philip (Philip Lamothe CHAUNCY; Philip CHAUNCY)
Reporter and transcriber of Indigenous music
Born Datchet, Buckinghamshire, England, 21 June 1816
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 11 October 1839 (per Dumfries, from London)
Married (1) Charlotte Humphries KEMMIS (1816-1847), Trinity Church, Adelaide, SA, 16 March 1841
Married (2) Susan Augusta MITCHELL (1828-1867), Swan, WA, 30 August 1848
Died Ballarat, VIC, 9 April 1880 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"PORT ADELAIDE SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", South Australian Register (19 October 1839), 3
Sunday, October 11 - The barque Dumfries, 468 tons, Richard Thompson, Commander, from London, with a cargo of British merchandise. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Kemmis and family, Miss Kemmis . . . Mr. Phillip Snell La Mothe Chauncy . . .
"Deaths", The Argus (10 April 1880), 1
CHAUNCY. - On the 9th inst., at Ballarat, Philip Lamothe Chauncy, late district surveyor, and afterwards bishop's registrar, Ballarat, after a long illness.
[News], Gippsland Times [VIC] (12 April 1880), 3
The Ballarat Courier mentions the decease of Mr. Philip Chauncy, at his residence on Friday morning after a long and painful illness. The deceased arrived in Western Australia about forty years ago, and was the author of a valuable work on the aborigines of Australia. He was afterwards for many years in the Victorian Survey department. Mr. Chauncy also took a hearty interest in the advancement of Church of England matters, having been registrar for the Bishop of Ballarat until failing health compelled his retirement from that position. He died beloved and respected by all who knew him.
"THE LATE MR. PHILIP CHAUNCY", The Church of England Messenger and Ecclesiastical Gazette for the Diocese of Melbourne and Ballarat (7 June 1880), 6
In our last issue was recorded the, death, at Ballaarat, on Friday, 9th April, of Mr. Philip Chauncy, the late universally respected Registrar of this Diocese.
On the 22nd November last Mr. Chauncy, in consequence of failing health, resigned that important office.
On the same day he was attacked with very serious illness, and a few days later with congestion of the lungs.
During December he rallied somewhat, but dropsy supervened. On Easter Sunday an alarming change took place.
On the following Saturday, at his own earnest request, he, together with four of his children, received the Holy Communion;
and on Friday, 9th April, only two or three hours later than Archdeacon Innes, "the best and kindest and dearest of fathers" (to use the words of one of his children) passed peacefully away to everlasting rest.
It does not become us to intrude within the sacred precincts of domestic sorrow.
Feeling, however, that Mr. Chauncy belonged to more than a domestic circle - that the Church had in him a special property - we venture to add a few, necessarily hasty, notes respecting him.
Philip Lamothe Snell Chauncy was born at Datchett, in Buckinghamshire, on 21st June, 1816.
Considerations of health led to his being educated as a surveyor, instead of as an aurist, as first intended by his step-uncle, Sir John Curtis.
In October, 1839, he arrived at Glenelg, S.A., and commenced the practice of his profession in Adelaide.
In 1841 he was appointed Assistant-Surveyor in Western Australia in connection with the Imperial service.
In that colony he gained important experience amongst the natives, in whom he took much interest, learning to speak several of their dialects.
In 1847, when on leave of absence, he paid his first visit to Portland Bay, Melbourne, and Sydney.
In 1853, resigning his appointment, he settled with his family in Melbourne . . .
Chant of the Aboriginals at Swan River ("a line of one of their chants"), in R. Brough Smythe, The Aborigines of Victoria (1878), vol. 2, 266 (DIGITISED)
. . . Monotonous and harsh as their chants are, the natives are by no means unsusceptible of the power of music. The young people readily learn to sing, and some of them to play on [Western] instruments. Often, when approaching a native encampment on one of those lovely mornings which, at Swan River, shed an indescribably balmy influence on all around, I have heard the plaintive morning song - the men as they sat sharpening their spears, the women as they lazily put together the smouldering embers, while the others slept around. The following is a line of one of their chants . . .

See also checklist entry:
"Notes and anecdotes of the Aborigines of Australia, by Philip Chauncy, J.P., District Surveyor at Ballarat", in R. Brough Smythe (ed.), The Aborigines of Victoria (1878), vol. 2, Appendix A, 221-84 (DIGITISED)
Papers, MS; State Library of Victoria
Philip Chauncy diaries and survey books, 1840-1875; State Library of New South Wales
Philip Chauncy diary, business, domestic, travels; State Library of New South Wales
Profiles of Aborigines of King George's Sound taken by Philip Chauncy Esq'r in 1852; later copy of Chauncy's original head profiles, pen and brush; National Gallery of Australia (DIGITISED)
1. Cartool. 2. Nijan. 3. Nimmagul. 4. Wallong. 5. Webbinburt.
6. [unnamed]. 7. Kooron. 8. Wylie. 9. Gelgaran (Wylie's wife). 10. Dennin . . .
"The outline of all the heads is good excepting No. 6.
The figures and attitudes were added recently by the person (gentleman) who copied the original busts,
Bibliography and resources:
Mark Twain, Following the equator (Hartford: American Publishing Co., 1897), 216
. . . Mr. Philip Chauncy, an officer of the Victorian Government, contributed to its archives a report of his personal observations of the aboriginals which has in it some things which I wish to condense slightly and insert here . . .
"Philip Lamothe Snell Chauncy", Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
CHERRY, Martin Cronin (Martin CHERRY; Martin Cronin CHERRY)
Amateur musician, bandsman, bandmaster
Born Limerick, Ireland, 1826; baptised St. Munchin, Limerick, 10 November 1826; son of John CHERRY and Ann CRONIN
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1848 (per Hyderabad from London, 27 October and Plymouth, 12 November 1847)
Married (1) Mary FLANNERY (d. 1879), St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney, NSW, 30 January 1850
Married (2) Clara EASTMURE (1837-1921), St. Augustine's church, Balmain, NSW, 14 February 1881
Died Balmain, NSW, 28 August 1898, aged "72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Munchin, Limerick, November 1826; National Library of Ireland (DIGITISED)
[1826 November] 10 / B[apt.] Martinum / Joannis Cherry & Annae Cronin . . .
Assisted immigrants per Hyderabad, arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1848; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Cherry Martin / 21 / Gardener / [born] Limerick Ireland / Roman Catholic / Reads and writes . . .
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (23 April 1853), 12
LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS towards the Erection of a Church at Kiama . . . Mr. Martin Cherry - 1 0 0 . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 January 1874), 1
VOLUNTEER LAND ORDERS. LOST, on the 16th December last, supposed between corner of King and George streets and top of William street . . .
viz. No. 72-47, originally issued to Martin Cherry, private Brigade Band, and transferred to W. C. Bundock, Esq., 8th February, 1872.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Volunteer Brigade Band (volunteer forces)
"BRIGADE PICNIC", Evening News (22 January 1875), 2
The complimentary picnic, tendered by the members of the Brigade Band to Mr. M. Cherry, their late bandmaster, came off yesterday, at Clifton Gardens, Chowder Bay. The Pyrmont Company's steamer Prince made two trips to the spot chosen for the day's recreation, conveying about 200 people, all eager to show their appreciation of Mr. Cherry's conduct while occupying the position above mentioned. The day was fine, and, if it had been ordered for the occasion, could not have been more suitable. The steamer made her first trip, starting from the Circular Quay, at 11 o'clock, and arrived at her destination a few minutes before 12, so that before she made her second trip, there was plenty of time for the visitors to amuse themselves with the various games, such as quoits, &c., while the ladies amused themselves on the light fantastic in the spacious pavilion, to the enlivening strains of the Brigade Band, which was under the conductorship of sergeant Thompson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Alexander Thompson (band sergeant)
"DEATH OF MR. MARTIN CHERRY", Freeman's Journal (3 September 1898), 12
Mr. Martin Cronin Cherry, one of the best-known Irishmen in Sydney, a bright-witted genial soul, passed away at his late residence, "Monaleen," Clare-street, Balmain West, on the 28th inst. He had reached his 72nd year, but he preserved his wonderful gaiety of heart almost to the very last. For some four or five years Mr. Cherry suffered from rheumatism, but his chief concern in connection with this affliction was that it deprived him of the pleasure of dancing an Irish jig, an exercise which he maintained was essential to good health and true patriotism. It would be hard to name an Irish gathering held in Sydney for well-nigh half a century - sports, dancing, banquet, hurling, or picnic - from which he was absent. It might in truth be said of him, as it has been said of Shamus O'Brien, that he figured with equal grace at a christening, a wedding, or a funeral. Mr. Cherry enjoyed the personal friendship of Father Therry, Archdeacon McEncroe, the Very Rev. Dr. Forrest, the learned and witty Rector of St. John's College, and Father George Dillon. He was one of Archdeacon McEncroe's celebrated Temperance Brass Band, and was also a leading player in the first band formed in Balmain . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Joseph Therry (cleric); John McEncroe (cleric); St. Patrick's Band (Sydney)
CHERRY, Robert (Robert CHERRY)
Musician, band sergeant, bandmaster Band of the 14th Regiment
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 6 November 1866 (per Monarch, from Auckland, NZ, 16 October)
Married Mary Ann CHANLEY, Trinity church, Adelaide, SA, 25 May 1869
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 19 March 1870 (per Walmer Castle, for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 14th Regiment (military)
"BAND OF THE 2-14TH REGIMENT", The Tasmanian Times [Hobart, TAS] (2 September 1868), 2
We really must congratulate Bandmaster Cherry on the great and continued improvement in the band of the detachment of the 14th Regiment now stationed here. The selections played on the "march-out" on Monday (particularly one from the opera of Somnambula) were admirably performed - shewing an amount of proficiency to which, since the departure of the 12th band, we have been strangers. We understand that Bandmaster Cherry has had no very easy task to perform, as the men he has trained were not brought up as musicians, and the instruments at his disposal were simply "cast off" by the band of the regiment in Melbourne. We trust that some arrangements may be made for the band to perform in Franklin square and the Botanical Gardens during the coming summer.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (military)
"SUPREME COURT - CRIMINAL SITTINGS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (20 May 1869), 3
. . . and the prisoner called Sergeant Cherry, of the 14th Regiment, who stated that on Monday, 10th May, the prisoner came into Sergeant Murray's quarters to dinner, about 10 minutes past 1 o'clock, and stayed till Sergeant Murray had dinner . . .
"MARRIAGES", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (3 August 1869), 1
CHERRY - CHANLEY. On the 25th May, at Trinity Church, Adelaide, by the Rev. Henry Howitt, Robert Cherry, Sergeant H.M. 14th Regiment, to Mary Ann Chanley, youngest daughter of the late Mrs. Hamer, Hobart Town, Tasmania.
"MUSICAL DAYS. HISTORY OF THE HOBART BANDS", The Mercury (30 August 1917), 2
. . . Most of the 12th Regiment left a few years after for New Zealand, and it was not until 1866 (after the New Zealand war) that another regiment, the 2nd Battalion of the 14th West Yorkshire (now Prince of Wales West Yorkshire) arrived, and a detachment band, formed in Adelaide, arrived in 1867 to join the regiment. Mr. Millist Vincent, of this city, was a member. Mr. Robert Cherry was the bandmaster. So ends the history of the imperial military bands in Tasmania . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Millist Vincent (bandsman)
CHESTER, Marian Maria (Miss CRAWFORD; Mrs. CHESTER) see main entry Marian Maria CHESTER
Musician, soprano vocalist, actor
CHESTER, William (Mr. W. CHESTER) see main entry William CHESTER
Theatrical manager, theatre treasurer
CHESTER, Sidney Yates (Master Sidney CHESTER) see main entry Sidney Yates CHESTER
Juvenile vocalist, theatrical performer
Amateur musician, violinist, vocalist, choir singer, hay and corn merchant
Born Launceston, VDL (TAS), 19 June 1843; baptised St. John's, Launceston, 12 July 1843; son of William CHICK (1803-1875) and Elizabeth WATTS (d. 1882)
Married (1) Sarah ROUSE (d. 1879), St. John's, Launceston, TAS, 3 March 1870
Married (2) Ada Emily DAVIS (d. 1940), St. John's, Launceston, TAS, 29 March 1880
Died Launceston, TAS, 3 August 1925, aged "82" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

John Chick
A hay and corn merchant by trade, John Chick was active from an early age as a vocalist and violinist, a member of the choir of St. John's church, Launceston, and as an adult was a prominent musical amateur. He may have received his very earliest musical training from Francis Howson (who left Launceston in 1852), and later from William and Thomas Sharp.
Births in the district of Launceston, 1843; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1105502; RGD33/1/23/ no 1525$init=RGD33-1-23-P729 (DIGITISED)
No. 1325 / 19 June / [no name given] / Male / [son of] William Chick / Elizabeth Chick formerly Watts / Shoemaker / . . . Wellington Street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: A Hoxton bootmaker and bridle cutter, William Chick (1803-1875) was convicted of breaking and entering and transported to Van Diemen's Land on the William Miles in 1828. His wife Elizabeth Watts (d. 1882) joined him the colony, and John was born to them in Launceston on 19 June 1843.
"OUR MONTHLY SUMMARY", Launceston Examiner (18 May 1867), 5
The second of the series of Penny Readings was given in the Mechanics' Institute on Thursday night . . . The entertainment was opened by Mr. Hanchett giving a pretty and lively medley on the pianoforte . . . Mr. J. Chick sang "The moon behind the hill" in a very creditable manner, but he has a way, when singing the lighter notes, of shaping his mouth as if about to yawn . . . A vote of thanks . . . was passed to the readers and singers, especially to Mr. T. Sharp for, his valuable services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Justinian Hanchett (musician); Thomas Sharp (musician)
. . . . In dissolving the Musical Union, the members had determined to present to Mr. Sharp a memento expressive of their appreciation of his services.
They had decided upon presenting to him a time-piece, and an address . . . [signed]:
Thos. Brain, hon. sec.; Frederick Lakin, Frederick Richards, Thomas J. Doolan, John Frost,
John Chick, A. M. Wadham, A. McArthur, Wm. Sharp, J. J. Hanchett, Anthony Hart, S. Smith,
Caroline Richards, Agnes Doolan, Alban Roper, Miss Wadham, Esther Green, Geo. Orpwood . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brain (member); Thomas Joseph Doolan (member); William Sharp (member); Anthony Hart (member); Alban Roper (member); George Orpwood (member)
"PROMENADE CONCERT", The Cornwall Chronicle (13 October 1869), 2
The promenade concert at the Mechanics' Institute was not so well attended yesterday evening as might have been expected, considering the ability of the musical amateurs under the conductorship of Mr. T. Sharp . . . The concert was opened with the overture to the opera "Bohemian Girl," and it was finely rendered by Mr. T. Sharp, Rev. W. A. Brooke, Messrs. W. Abbott, S. Joscelyne, A. Hart, C. Galvin, Roberts, Chick, and Harris . . . Song, "The Death of Nelson," Mr. J. Chick . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Warren Auber Brooke (musician); W. Abbott (violin); Samuel Joscelyne (cello); Anthony Hart (cello); Charles Galvin (clarinet); Henry Roberts and/or son (violin)
"MECHANICS INSTITUTE", Launceston Examiner (21 October 1869), 2
A popular entertainment by amateurs was given at the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday evening, but was sparsely attended . . . We append the programme. - Guy Mannering, Messrs. Abbott, Roberts, Galvin, J. M. Davies, A. Hart, Joscelyne, Biggs, C. Kemp, and Chick . . . overture, - "Tancredi," Messrs. Abbott, Henry, Hart, Biggs, Davies, Galvin, Joscelyne, and Chick . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jesse Biggs (bassoon)
"THE CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE ON FRIDAY LAST", The Cornwall Chronicle (3 January 1872), 2
In our notice of this concert in Monday's issue, the overture to each part of the concert is attributed to the string band of the Messrs. Roberts. Our reporter was not present when the first overture was performed, but we are informed on good authority it was a brilliant performance. It was the overture to "Guy Mannering" by Mr. McIver, leader (first violin), Mr. Chick (second violin), Mr. J. M. Davies (flute), Mr. Harris (cornet), Mr. A. Day (cornet), Mr. Charles Galvin (clarionet), and Mr. Hanchett (pianoforte) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Probably John McIver (violin, leader); John Morris Davies (flute); Andrew John Day (cornet)
"GRAND AMATEUR CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (25 July 1872), 2
A grand amateur concert of vocal and instrumental music, in aid of the funds required for the improvement of the boat used in the Mission work in Bass's Straits, was given at the Mechanics' Institute on Tuesday evening . . . The concert was commenced about a quarter to eight, by an overture "Fra Diavolo" by a very full and efficient orchestra, consisting of the Rev. W. A. Brooke and Messrs. T. Sharp, Abbott, Chick, Day, Galvin, J. M. Davies, W. Sharp, Joscelyne, and Douglas Harris . . .
"GRAND CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Cornwall Chronicle (4 September 1872), 2
On Monday evening a grand vocal and instrumental concert was given in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute in aid of the widow of the late Mr. Jesse Biggs . . . The concert commenced with Auber's overture to "Masaniello," by ten performers - Mr. Thos. Sharp, Mr. Abbott, and Mr. Chick (violins), Mr. Wm. Sharp (double bass), Mr. Joscelyne and Mr. A. Hart (violoncellos), Mr. C. Galvin (clarionet), Mr. J. M. Davies (flute), Mr. A. Day and Mr. R. D. Harris (cornets), and Mrs. H. B. Nicholls presided at the pianoforte. The overture was excellently performed, in perfect time, and with fine effect. It gave entire satisfaction, and elicited universal applause . . .
"SACRED & SECULAR CONCERT", Weekly Examiner (5 July 1873), 14
The members of St. John's Church Choir, assisted by a few friends, on Tuesday evening last gave a concert in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute,
in aid of a fund for providing an organ for St. John's Church Sunday School . . . rendered to a large audience in a manner that must have been as gratifying to the conductor,
Mr. T. Sharp, as it was satisfactory to those present.
The first piece was a sacred overture "Samson," by the orchestra, composed as follows: - Messrs. W. Abbott (piano),
Thomas Sharp, John Chick, Jas. Tevelein (violins), W. Sharp (bass viol), A. Hart (violincello), J. Galvin and T. J. Doolan (clarionets),
A. Day and Douglas-Harris (cornopeans), J. M. Davies (flute).
This is, perhaps, the best orchestra that can be formed in Launceston, and this grand overture was performed in fine style,
as was also the sublime, soft, and silvery pastoral symphony subsequently . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Tevelein (violin); St. John's church (Launceston)
"CONCERT AT CARRICK (By our Special Reporter)", The Cornwall Chronicle (30 March 1874), 3
On Friday last another of those pleasant little concerts for which Carrick is acquiring a reputation was given in the new school-room . . . and the arrangements were conducted by Mr. T. Sharp . . . the orchestra for the opening piece[,] Messrs. T. Sharp, W. Sharp, A. Hart, W. Abbott, Douglass Harris, Day, Chick, and Tevelein then stepped forward and delivered the favorite overture, "Il Tancredi," in a style that called forth great applause . . . After an interval of ten minutes the orchestra performed the overture "The Caliph of Bagdad," and gave the country residents another treat, as it is rarely such a band of performers can be found at a country entertainment . . .
This being the day fixed for the solemn opening of the new Roman Catholic Church at Westbury,
by the Most Rev. Bishop Murphy, arrangements were made for giving eclat to the ceremonies,
and special efforts were made to render the music as perfect and attractive as possible.
The programme included the celebration of solemn High Mass Coram Pontifice, the choir, with full orchestral accompaniments,
to perform Mozart's No. XII. Mass . . . The Orchestra comprised the following:
Violins - Messrs. T. Sharp, W. Abbott, J. Chick, J. Tevelein;
Violoncellos - Messrs. A. Hart, S. Joscelyn; Contrabasso - Mr. W. Sharp; Flute - Mr. J. M. Davies;
Cornopean - Messrs. R. D. Harris and A. Day; Organ - Miss Dowling . . .
The vocal department was under the direction of Mr. J. H. Melvyn; the instrumental arrangements were under the superintendance of Mr. T. Sharp . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Hadock Melvyn (choir leader)
"DEATHS", Daily Telegraph (4 August 1925), 1
CHICK. - On the 3rd August, 1925, at his residence, 80 Balfour-street, Launceston, John, the dearly beloved husband of Ada Emily Chick, aged 82 years.
CHILD, Mrs. (Mrs. CHILD)
Active Sydney, NSW, December 1834 to March 1835 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: A London concert singer Miss Child or Childe had, by mid-1832, married the bass singer Edward Seguin, and was appearing as Mrs. E. Seguin; but I have found no reference to any other public singer of that name active in homeland Britain immediately before of after 1834-35.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald [NSW] (11 December 1834), 3
TO-MORROW EVENING, 16th December, 1834, under the immediate Patronage of His Excellency the Governor.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
1. - Overture to Gustavus, full Orchestra - Auber.
2. - Glee three voices, "Merrily o'er the bounding sea" - Godbé.
3. - Song, "Slowly wears the day, love," Mrs. Child.
4. - Air, "Blue Bells of Scotland," with Variations, which Mr. Josephson has kindly consented to perform this evening, accompanied by his brother.
5. - Song, "Maid of Judah," Mrs. Taylor - Sloman.
6. - Quintette, two Violins, Flute, Tenor, & Violincello, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, McChroan, Hay, and Lewis - Romberg.
7. - Song, "Fleur du Tage," with Guitar accompaniment, Mr. Bonner - Rousseau.
8. - Duet, "As it fell upon a day," Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Ellis - Bishop.
9. - Chorus, "Hail, smiling morn" - Bishop.
10. - Song, "Awake! awake! my own love," Mrs. Taylor - Di Pinna.
11. - Overture to Boyerdere [Bayadere] - Auber.
1. - Overture, Fra Diavolo - Auber.
2. - Glee, four voices, "Foresters sound the cheerful horn," - Bishop.
3. - Song, "O, give me but my Arab steed," Mrs. Taylor, - Hodgson.
4. - Concerto, Piano Forte, Mr. Josephson - Duvac.
5. - Song, "Bonny Breast Knots," by a Lady.
6. - Duet, "Sweet in the Woodlands," Mr. Bonner, and Mr. Ellis.
7. - Solo, Clarionet, Mr. Lewis, - Gambarro.
8. - Song, "We met," Mrs. Child - Burnett.
9. - Glee, three voices, "Mynheer Van Dunck" - Bishop.
10. - National Melody, "Erin go Bragh," Mrs. Taylor - Moore.
11. - Overture, "Guillaume Tell" - Rossini.
FINALE, "God save the King."
[manicule] Tickets, 7s. 6d. each, to be had at Mr. Ellard's Musical Saloon, Hunter-street;
Mr. Evans's, Bridge-street; Mr. Moffitt's, Pitt-street; and at the Pulteney Hotel.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Lewis (master 17th band); Joshua Frey Josephson and brother (flute, piano); George Sippe (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician); Maria Taylor (vocalist); Mr. Ellis (vocalist); Band of the 17th Regiment (military); Pulteney Hotel (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Slowly wears the day, love (music by Nicholas Charles Bochsa, later in Australia); We met! ("melodies selected by Thomas Haynes Bayly", though attributed to "Burnett")
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 December 1834), 2
Mr. Lewis's concert at the Pulteney hotel on Tuesday evening was very fashionably and rather numerously, attended . . . Mrs. Child, who made her first public appearance at this concert, has a pretty voice, but it is not of much compass, and she is deficient in the art of managing it with effect . . . but all the performances would have gone off better had the orchestra been situated at the other end of the room, where there is no heavy gallery above to impede the expansion of the sound.
"Mr. Lewis's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (20 December 1834), 2
. . . Mr. Lewis promised to introduce at his Concert all the vocal talent of Sydney. Where were Mrs. Ellard, Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Boatwright? In lieu of these, Mrs. Child was for the first time introduced to a Sydney audience. This lady has a good voice. and her attempts at expression were good, and we think she will, with practice, become a popular singer. We say attempts at expression, because there was some deficiency or other which occasioned the pleasantry of some of the auditors, and which they expressed with a freedom inconsistent with decorum. Mrs. Child's manner would not, we think, have excited mirth on the stage, and we must say, we did not think it overdone. But a ludicrous idea was started by some young humourist present, and it spread like lightning amongst his companions and caused a titter during the song . . . We Met, by Mrs. Child, was very well sung . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joanna Ellard (vocalist); Isabella Tempest Bird (vocalist); Harriet Jones (vocalist); Sarah Boatright (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Australian (20 March 1835), 3
MRS. TAYLOR RESPECTFULLY announces to her Friends and the Public generally, that her
CONCERT will take place at the Pulteney Hotel on TUESDAY next, the 24th instant,
assisted (with permission of Colonel Despard) by the band of the 17th Regiment.
1. Overture, Gustavus - Auber
2. Glee, three voices, Ye Shepherds, Mazzinghi
3. Song, Mrs. Child, Will thou say farewell - Stevenson
4. Duet, When a Little Farm we Keep, by Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Knowles - Mazzinghi
5. Song, Mrs. Taylor, Lulled by the Siren Voice - Smith.
6. Solo, Clarionet, Mr. Lewis - Gambarro
7. Song, Mr. Gordonovitch - Polish Air
8. Song, Mr. Simmons, Mountain Maid - Sinclair
9. Song, Mr. Bonnar, The Boatie Rows, accompanied on the Guitar by himself - Scotch
10. Song, Mrs. Boatright, The Rover's Bride - Lee
11. Song, Mrs. Taylor, Isle of Beauty, accompanied on the Metalaphone - Rawlinson
12. Overture, Zauberflote - Mozart
1 . Overture, the Battle of Waterloo
2. Glee, Three Voices
3. Song, Mrs. Boatright, Muffled Drum - Lee
4. Matrimonial Duett, Mr. Simmons and Mrs. Taylor - French Air
5. Song, Mrs. Child, Farewell to Love - Mrs. Child
6. Solo, Flute, Mr. Stubbs - Nicholson
7. Song, Mrs. Taylor, Young Coquette - Lee
8. Song, Mr. Gordonovitch, Maid of Judah - Sloman
9. Glee, The Sea Sprites - Godbe.
10. Song, Mr. Bonnar, The Guitar of Spain, accompanied on the Guitar by himself - M.S.
11. Song, Mr. Simmons, The Misletoe Bough -
12 Song, Mrs. Taylor, Minstrel Boy, with Band accompaniments - Stevenson
13. Sinfonia - Mozart.
Mr. Cavendish will preside at the Piano-forte.
[manicule] Tickets, 7s. 6d. each, to be had at Mr. Ellard's Hunter-street, and at the Pulteney Hotel.
MUSIC: Wilt thou say farewell, love (Moore and Stevenson); the second song, Farewell to love appears to be billed as her own composition; a song "Farewell to Love sung by Miss Childe" [sic] was among new publications from Bland and Waller in London in summer 1817; see "REVIEW OF NEW MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS", New Monthly Magazine (1 September 1817), 150-51 (DIGITISED)
. . . Farewell to Love sung by Miss Childe . . . Composed by John Parry. Bland and Weller . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Parry (composer, vocalist)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (26 March 1835), 3
Mrs. Taylor gave her Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Saloon of the Pulteney Hotel, to rather a thin house, scarcely sufficient we should think to cover the expenses. The performers were Mesdames Taylor, Boatwright, and Child, and Messrs. Simmons, Ellis, Gordonovitch, and Bonner; Mr. Cavendish presiding alternately at the Seraphine and Pinoforte [sic] . . .
. . . Mrs. Child - attempted two songs, her style is very simple.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (28 March 1835), 3
. . . Mrs. Child - attempted two songs, her style is very simple . . .
CHINNER, George Williams (George Williams CHINNER; G. W. CHINNER)
Amateur musician, musical composition judge (Gawler Prize), composer, lyricist, merchant, draper, newspaper proprietor
Born Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, England, 29 November 1824; son of John CHINNER (1800-1846) and Ann WILLIAMS (d. 1826)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 24 November 1845 (per Templar, from London, 25 July)
Married (1) Caroline BOWEN (1831-1861), Adelaide, SA, 6 April 1849
Married (2) Mary EDWARDS (1845-1916), Pirie-street Chapel, Adelaide, SA, 8 September 1863
Died Brighton, SA, 27 May 1880 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHINNER, William Bowen (William Bowen CHINNER; W. B. CHINNER)
Musician, organist, pianist, teacher of music, composer
Born Adelaide, SA, 27 October 1850; son of George Williams CHINNER and Caroline BOWEN
Married (1) Emma COTTON (1852-1908), Pirie-street Wesleyan Church, Adelaide, SA, 23 June 1875
Married (2) Annie Elizabeth CLARIDGE (1879-1960), East Adelaide, SA, 21 April 1910
Died Adelaide, SA, 2 July 1915, aged "65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
CHINNER, George Frederick (George Frederick CHINNER; G. R. CHINNER)
Amateur musician, organist, choirmaster
Born Adelaide, SA, 1 August 1852; son of George Williams CHINNER and Caroline BOWEN
Died Parkside, SA, 18 July 1918 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

George Williams Chinner, self-portrait in watercolour, signed "GC 1845"; State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)
Register of births, Great Chapel (Baptist), Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire, 1785-1837, fol. 43v; UK National Archives, RG4/1274 (PAYWALL)
George Williams Chinner son of John Chinner and Ann his wife, of the Parish of Middleton Cheney in the County of Northampton, was born November 29, 1824 . . .
"ADELAIDE SHIPPING. ARRIVED", Adelaide Observer (29 November 1845), 4
Monday, Nov. 24 . . . Same Day - The ship Templar, 565 tons, W. E. Brown, master, from London . . . Intermediate. - G., J., and Ann Chinner . . . Government emigrants . . . Chas., Wm., Mary, and J. Chinner . . . Eliza, Chas., Ruth, and Sarah Wilde . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wylde (Chinner's cousin, amateur vocalist)
"MARRIED", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (12 April 1849), 3
On Friday, April 6, 1849, by the Rev. T. Q. Stow, at the residence of the lady's father, Mr. G. W. Chinner, draper, Rundle-street, to Caroline, only daughter of Mr. R. G. Bowen, builder, Weymouth-street.
"LOCAL NEWS", South Australian [Adelaide, SA] (11 February 1851), 2
A tea meeting was held yesterday evening at the Baptist Chapel, in Pulteney-street. The chair was afterwards taken by W. Peacock, Esq., and the company was addressed by the Rev. Daniel, minister of the chapel, the Rev. Mr. Haimes, Messrs. Bonwick, Wickes, Randall, Reynolds, and several other gentlemen. The evening was enlivened by the performance of sacred quartettes, &c. by Messrs. J. W. Daniel, Burford, Chinner, and Wylde. In the course of the evening a collection was made amounting to upwards of £30, for the cieling and plastering of the building.
ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist, son of the Rev'd Joseph Daniel); William Henville Burford (vocalist); Music in Baptist churches (general)
"THE BAPTISTS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA", South Australian Register (16 April 1851), 2
The members and friends of the Baptist denomination in connexion with the chapel in Pulteney-street met on Monday evening last to celebrate the final completion of that edifice . . . Mr. Daniels, the minister to the congregation . . . proposed Mr. Slatter to occupy the chair . . . The Chairman, then introduced to the meeting Messrs. Daniels, Burford, Chinner, and Wylde, who had kindly volunteered, their services as vocalists . . . We cannot let this pass without complimenting the gentlemen vocalists, not only upon the good feeling displayed in volunteering for the occasion, but for the care and skill with which they went through the various pieces executed by them - nine in number, and selected from the best masters, including Mozart, Sarte, Spohr, Novello, Handel, and Kreutzer.
"BAPTIST CHAPEL, NORTH ADELAIDE", South Australian Register (16 May 1851), 2
The first anniversary of the opening of the Baptist Chapel, on Lefevre-terrace, North Adelaide . . . was held on Sunday last . . . A public meeting, in connection with the same object, was held on Monday evening, William Peacock, Esq., in the chair. A comparatively small number of persons attended on this occasion, many others being prevented by the unfavourable state of the weather; and had it not been for the unity and good feeling which evidently pervaded the meeting, and were greatly heightened by the influence of sacred song, it must have been what it all day threatened to be, a very dull affair. It was, however, not so . . . and select pieces of sacred music were sung at intervals by Messrs. Daniel, Burford, Chinner, and Wylde, in very effective style and exquisite taste, to the marked gratification of all present. The subscriptions to the Chapel funds during the services amounted to upwards of £30.
"DINNER TO F. S. DUTTON, AND G. M. WATERHOUSE, ESQRS.", South Australian Register (11 July 1851), 2-3
The Committee of F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.L.C., gave a dinner to the hon. gentleman on Wednesday evening, at the Hamburg Hotel,
as a fitting finale to the long and arduous contest so successfully terminated by the triumph of the candidate whom they supported as the exponent of their political principles.
G. M. Waterhouse, Esq., member for East Torrens, was also a guest, as well as a few other gentlemen, amongst whom we noticed Mr. Whittridge, of the Austral Examiner,
some members of the Press, and Messrs. Daniels, Chinner, and Wylde, of the Choral Society. About 60 gentlemen sat down to a magnificent entertainment . . .
When thanks was returned and the cloth removed . . .
Quartetto arranged expressly for the occasion by J. W. Daniels: -
"Fair is the statesman's honour'd crown,
And fair his laurell'd wreath;
The lustre of their bright renown :
Fades not, bedimm'd by death."
By Messrs. Daniel, Chinner, Burford, and Wylde . . .
Glee - "Hail smiling Morn" . . . Glee - "Forresters Sound the Cheerful Horn" . . .
[3] . . . Glee - "The Souls of the Brave" . . . Glee - "Awake, Eolian Lyre" . . .
Quartette - "Where is the German's Fatherland?" . . . Glee - "Sleep, Gentle Lady" . . .
the vocalists commenced the "National Anthem," upon which the company rose simultaneously and joined in the refrain.
That terminated the proceedings, Messrs. Dutton and Waterhouse retiring amid loud cheers and followed by the company.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Stacker Dutton (politician, amateur musician); George Marsden Waterhouse (merchant, politician); Adelaide Choral Society (association)
"YATALA ELECTION DINNER", South Australian Register (19 August 1851), 3
The friends of W. Giles, Esq., the successful candidate for Yatala, celebrated his return for that district by a sumptuous dinner yesterday evening, at the Norfolk Hotel, Rundle-street. The Chair was filled by F. S. Dutton, Esq. . . . During the evening the proceedings were greatly enlivened by the superior glee-singing of Messrs. Daniels, Wylde, Chinner, and Burford; and in addition to the comic song by Mr. Fisher, there was another written expressly for the occasion, and sung by Mr. Dicker, which elicited loud applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Giles (politician); Daniel Fisher (vocalist); Frederick Hamilton Dicker (vocalist)
"UNION CHAPEL, COROMANDEL VALLEY, UPPER STURT", Adelaide Observer (2 April 1853), 3
A social meeting of a very animating description was held here in the afternoon and evening of Good Friday, to celebrate the opening of the Chapel on the same day in 1851. The neat Chapel, which would have proved too small to accommodate many visitors in addition to its ordinary congregation, had its accommodations enlarged by a tent erected at the vestry end . . . On re-assembling after tea, the company was agreeably entertained by a piece of sacred music, performed by a choir from Adelaide, consisting of Messrs. Chinner, Daniells, jun., Burford, and Wylde. This was continued at short intervals throughout the evening . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (29 July 1854), 3
WITH a desire to aid in the successful accomplishment of the great object now before the public, the undersigned have taken steps to carry out a SACRED CONCERT;
and with a view to its being efficiently and solemnly conducted, hereby invite the cooperation of all who are practised in concerted singing.
They have obtained the cheerful acquiescence of the office-bearers of Freeman-street Chapel, who have, without hesitation, granted its use for the purpose.
A Committee will be formed, and immediate notice given of the time and place for practice.
ASSOCIATIONS: George White (tailor, amateur vocalist)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (5 September 1854), 1
CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC - Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Young.
will be held in Freeman-street Chapel, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 6th September.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture, "Samson", - Handel; Chorus, "Sing unto God," - Handel;
Quartett, "Unto Thee, O Lord," and Chorus, "Thy Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom," - G. W. Chinner . . .
Pianist - Mrs. Young and F. S. Dutton, Esq. M.L.C.
Conductor - Mr. J. W. Daniel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Cash Young (pianist); Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife)
See also printed program, State Library of Victoria: (DIGITISED)
QUARTETTE. - G. W. Chinner.
Unto thee, O Lord, do we give thanks, for that thy name is great thy wond'rous works declare.
DUETT. Thou hast a mighty arm, strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand. Thou rulest the raging of the sea; thou stillest the waves thereof when thy arise.
QUARTETTE. Unto thee, O Lord, do we give thanks, &c. . . .
FULL CHORUS. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.
"SACRED CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 September 1854), 3
The Sacred Vocal Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund took place last evening in the Freeman-street Chapel, and was, as we predicted, decidedly the most brilliant and successful musical entertainment that has ever taken place in South Australia. The building was crowded, not less we should imagine, than 700 persons being present, amongst whom were Sir Henry and Lady Young, and most of the leading residents in Adelaide and the neighbourhood. Before noticing the performance in detail, we feel no hesitation in stating that in the management of the choruses, and the great science and judgment displayed in their execution, the performance of last evening - excepting, of course in point of numbers - would bear by no means a discreditable comparison with those we have been accustomed to hear in Exeter Hall. Mr. Daniels acted as Leader, in a manner which reflected great credit upon him. It, perhaps, was to be regretted that a fuller instrumental accompaniment was not available; although the two pianofortes, under the tasteful and brilliant management of Mrs. Young and Mr. Francis Dutton, were made the most of. We can only briefly refer to some of be more prominent features of this highly interesting entertainment, and amongst them we would mention as deserving of special praise the alto of Mr. Burford, which was eminently successful throughout. Miss Chalker sang with her accustomed good taste, and was, we thought, in remarkably fine voice. The old favourite "With verdure clad," and the duet from the "Creation," "Graceful Consort," sung by that young lady and Mr. Daniels, were warmly and deservedly encored. Mrs. Adamson delighted the audience by her beautiful rendering of Handel's "When warlike ensigns;" and Mr. Daniels gave "Arm, arm, ye brave" with very good taste, and was loudly encored. We will not conclude this necessarily hurried notice without recording our unqualified approval of the unaccompanied quartette of Franz Abt, "Morn awakes in silence," sung by Messrs. Burford, Chinner, Wilds, and Daniels, in very excellent style. The unsparing efforts of Messrs. White and Burford, to carry out the arrangements of the Concert with credit and eclat, have been completely successful, and we cordially compliment those gentlemen and all other parties concerned in the arrangements, upon the gratifying result of their exertions.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist); Emma La Vence Adamson (vocalist)
"ANNIVERSARY SERVICES", South Australian Register (6 December 1854), 3
On Sunday last, the 3rd December, services in commemoration of the fourth anniversary were held in the Baptist Chapel, Lefevre terrace, North Adelaide . . . On Tuesday evening a tea meeting, held in the chapel, was well attended . . . During the evening some excellent pieces of sacred music were sung by Messrs. Burford, Chinner, Daniel, and Wylde . . .
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (1 October 1859), 8
A PRIZE of TEN GUINEAS, for Original MUSIC to "The Song of Australia," will be offered by the Gawler Institute,
immediately after the Judges shall have awarded the prize for the Words, when further particulars will be advertised.
JUDGES FOR THE MUSIC: G. W. Chinner, Esq.; A. Ewing, Esq, D.A.C.G.; F. S. Dutton, Esq., M.P.; W. Holden, Esq.
GEORGE ISAACS, Sec. Institute Committee.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Ewing (judge); William Holden (judge); George Isaacs (secretary); Gawler Prize (event); Gawler Institute (association)
"GAWLER MUSIC PRIZE", South Australian Register (5 November 1859), 2
The Judges who had undertaken to decide upon the music set to the "Song of Australia" met yesterday, and, after due examination, agreed to the following report: -
"The Judges appointed to award the prize for the best musical composition set to the words of the prize song,
entitled 'The Song of Australia,' met on Friday, the 4th November - present, Messrs. Dutton, Ewing, Chinner, and Holden.
Twenty-three compositions were examined, and the prize was unanimously awarded to the composition bearing the motto 'One of the Quantity.'
Those bearing the mottoes 'Long Live our Gracious Queen,' 'Garibaldi,' and 'Con Amore' so nearly equalled the prize composition in merit that the Judges had great difficulty in coming to a decision.
Immediately upon receiving this report we telegraphed to the Secretary of the Gawler Institute to ascertain the name of the successful competitor,
and we find from his reply that the composer who has thus distinguished himself is Mr. Carl Linger.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (composer); the winning entry was published as The song of Australia (1859)
"MARRIAGES", Adelaide Observer (12 September 1863), 5
CHINNER - EDWARDS. - On the 8th September, at Pirie-street Chapel, Adelaide, by the Rev. John Watsford, George W. Chinner, to Mary, second daughter of Mr. William Edwards, both of Brighton.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (28 May 1880), 4
CHINNER. - On the 27th May, at Brighton, G. W. Chinner, aged 55 years.
DEATH OF MR. G. W . CHINNER", Evening Journal (28 May 1880), 2
We have to record the death of Mr. G. W. Chinner, which occurred at Brighton on May 27. Mr. Chinner was for many years in partnership with Mr. Parkin, in a drapery business in Rundle-street, but a number of years ago retired from business. The deceased, who was 55 yesrs of age leaves a numerous family, the eldest of whom is Mr. W . B. Chinner, the organist.
"News", The South Australian Advertiser (29 May 1880), 5
We regret to announce the death of Mr. G. W. Chinner, of Brighton, who was formerly a well-known draper in Rundle-street, where he carried on business in conjunction with Mr. William Parkin, J.P., in the premises now occupied by Mr. John W. Parkin. Mr. Chinner never took an active part in public affairs, but he was much respected by a wide circle of friends, and was latterly a prominent member of the Wesleyan Church. He was distinguished for his knowledge of the musical science, and was one of the judges who awarded the prize to Herr Carl Linger for the music of "The Song of Australia." Mr. Chinner's musical tastes and abilities are evidently inherited by his elder sons, Mr. W. B. Chinner, the able organist, and Mr. G. F. Chinner. From 1864 to 1871 the deceased gentleman was one of the proprietors of this paper and the other journals issued from this office, and be afterwards took a great interest in their advancement. For some time past Mr. Chinner had been in a delicate state of health; so that his death, although much regretted, cannot be said to have been altogether unexpected. He leaves a widow and a large family.
"MR. W. B. CHINNER", Critic (14 January 1899), 9
Undoubtedly the most prolific musical composer in Adelaide is Mr. W. B. Chinner. One of a family wellknown in S.A. in the fields of literature, art, music, and athletics, W.B.C. is organist at the Pirie-street Church. He received his musical education in Adelaide and Melbourne. Has written some 50 or 60 works - songs, anthems, pianoforte and organ pieces. His most popular anthem is "Lord God of Heaven and Earth." Four cantatas - "The Magna Charta," "The Prodigal Son," "Solomon's Last Song," and "The Light of the World." The words in many of his songs and longer works have been supplied by his brother, G.F.C.
"DEATH OF MR. W. B. CHINNER", The Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1923), 2 July 1915), 2
The death occurred shortly before 11 o'clock this morning, of Mr. William Bowen Chinner, the well known organist, composer, and teacher of music. The deceased, a son of the late Mr. G. W. Chinner, was born at Brighton, and had been identified with the musical life of Adelaide for many years, although since his resignation of the post of organist at the Pirie Street Methodist Church he had lived at his residence in Hutt street, city, practically in retirement. Mr. Chinner, as a composer, enjoyed the distinction of being not only the most prolific, but also the most successful, of local writers. He came of a distinctly musical and artistic family. His father was an enthusiastic amateur musician, and in his day a recognised local authority upon matters musical. It is worthy of note that in this capacity he acted as one of the committee who awarded the prize to Professor Carl Linger for his "Song of Australia." The deceased received his education in English and the classics at St. Peter's College during the headmastership of Canon Farr, and his ability in scholastic subjects was abundantly manifested during his seven years' sojourn at that institution, where he finallv won a scholarship named after the late Bishop Short. Although working hard at his studies, he invariably found time to devote to his favourite recreation - music, in which he had received a thorough grounding at the hands of his father. After leaving school he decided to follow music as a profession. As there was at that time no Chair of Music at the University, and Adelaide presented but poor facilities for obtaining a sound musical education, Mr. Chinner relinquished the organship [sic] of Pirie Street Church, to which he had been appointed in 1869, and proceeded to Melbourne, where he took advantage of the best instruction procurable. On his return to South Australia in 1873 he was reappointed at Pirie Street Church, and immediately commenced to practise his profession as a teacher of music . . .
See also an extended version of the above, with list of compositions, in [News], The Register (3 July 1915), 8
"DEATH OF MR. W. B. CHINNER", The Express and Telegraph (2 July 1915), 4
The death of Mr. W. B. Chinner, which occurred early this morning at his residence, Hutt-street, city, has removed one of Adelaide's leading musicians. Mr. Chinner was a native of Brighton. Mr. Chinner was for many years one of the best-known figures in Adelaide musical circles. An accomplished pianist and organist, he filled an important place as a leader of musical taste and culture. For 30 years he was organist and choir-master at the Pirie-street Methodist Church, and during that period the musical service was raised to a high degree of excellence, which won for it recognition through the whole of Australia, and even beyond these southern lands. But it was through his published compositions that his name became most widely known . . .
"DEATH OF MR. G. F. CHINNER", The Express and Telegraph (18 July 1918), 2
The Methodist Church lost another staunch supporter in Mr. George Frederick Chinner, whose death occurred on Thursday at his residence, Parkside South. He was 66 years or age. A son of the late Mr. G. W. Chinner, of Brighton, he spent a great part of his earlier life in that suburb, where for many years he was organist of the Methodist Church. Later he removed to Parkside, where he was identified with the Methodist Church almost from its inception, and for a lengthy period was a trustee and choirmaster. He published two or three volumes of poems, and wrote a number of Sunday-school song services, which his brother, Mr. W. B. Chinner, set to music, and which became very popular in Methodist schools. Mr. Chinner was unmarried. ried. Six brothers survive - Messrs. J. H. Chinner, C. W. Chinner, A. R. Chinner, W. E. Chinner, H. G. W. Chinner; and A. S. Chinner.
See also "THE LATE MR. G. F. CHINNER", Australian Christian Commonwealth (23 August 1918), 6
See also:
Elizabeth Silsbury, "Chinner, Norman (1909-1961)", Australian dictionary of biography 13 (1993)
ASSOCIATIONS: Musician, grandson of George Williams CHINNER, and son of C. W. CHINNER
Musician, trombone player, (civilian) master of the Band of the 28th Regiment, professor of music, composer
Born Rome, Italy, c. 1786
Joined 28th Regiment (as civilian bandmaster), 1828
Married (1) Maria ? (c. 1804-1840), before 1836
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 20 January 1836 (with regiment, per John Barry)
Married (2) Ellen MacCABE (d. 1852), St. Patrick's, Parramatta, NSW, 20 May 1840
Resigned from 28th regiment (as civilian bandmaster), NSW, March 1842
Married (3) Anna WINTER, Parramatta, NSW, 23 January 1853
Naturalised Parramatta, NSW, 27 June 1853 (aged "65")
Died Parramatta, NSW, 5 December 1858, aged "71/72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 28th Regiment (military band)
On being naturalised as a British subject in Sydney in June 1853, Vincenzo Chiodetti gave his age as 65 and his birthplace as Rome. Trained as a trombone player, he was admitted as a graduate of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia on 13 December 1824, and was later reported to have worked briefly in Constantinople and Corfu. In 1828, he was appointed civilian band master of the British 28th Regiment, then stationed in the Mediterranean, and later followed it to Ireland, England, and New South Wales. Not wishing to proceed with the regiment to India, he finally resigned in March 1842, and settled in the colony.
Chiodetti's first wife, Maria, died at Parramatta, and was buried on 8 April 1840, reportedly aged 36 (registered as "CHIODOTTI"). On 20 Mary 1840, at St. Patrick's church, Parramatta, Vincenzo Rafael Eustaicho [sic] Chiodetti married Ellen McCabe. Their daughter, Mary (married Charles Weedon, 1860; died 1932) was born at West Maitland on 22 June 1842, and baptised (RC) Maria Sancta Fortunata Chiodette [sic] on 3 July 1842.
On 16 March 1846, Ellen Chiodetti was granted title to a town allotment in Parramatta, bounded on the east by Marsden Street North. Ellen died in Parramatta in 1852, and the following year Vincenzo married Anna Winter. In June 1853, probably largely in order to be able to hold the title to his land, Chiodetti was naturalised. He died at Parramatta on 5 December 1858, aged 72, and was buried at St. Patrick's cemetery.
Catalogo dei maestri compositori dei professori di musica e socii di onore della congregazione ed accademia di Santa Cecilia di Roma (Roma: Perego-Salvioni, [1840/43]), 32 (DIGITISED)
DI TROMBONE . . . Chiodetti Vincenzo, Romano, 13. Decembre 1824, dimorante in Constantinopoli . . .
Catalogo dei maestri compositori, dei professori di musica e dei socii di onore della Congregazione ed accademia di Santa Cecilia di Roma (Roma: Perego-Salvioni, [1842/43]), 59 (DIGITISED)
. . . DI TROMBONE . . . Chiodetti Vincenzo, Romano, 13. Decembre 1824, dimorante in Corfu . . .
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (21 January 1836), 2
The Head Quarters and Band of the 28th Regiment, came ashore yesterday, from the John Barry, and were escorted to the Barracks by the Band of the 17th Regiment. The Band of the 28th is said to be of a superior description.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 17th Regiment (military)
"THE BAND OF THE 28TH", The Sydney Gazette (2 February 1836), 2
In my humble capacity, I hail with pleasure the arrival of any thing which can contribute to the advancement - or even the rational amusement of this colony, and so I do also the arrival of Mr. Cheadile, the first Italian band master this colony ever possessed. His band plays with more strength and pith than any other I have ever heard in this place, and this can be derived from that reason that the players have yet some British blood in their veins. They look all stout and well, and are therefore able to blow with pith into their instruments. It would be well to keep them continually within the walls of the barracks, or they will also get soon mere skeletons (in this loose town), and their walking in the evening become proverbial!
It is generally acknowledged that their airs are rich and powerful, and their bass full of resonance.
However, in praising new things, one should not be forgetful of the merits of more ancient friends,
and then I might acknowledge that Mr. Lewis took great pains to prepare a large stock of all new interesting and scientific music he could get hold of,
and the choice of marches, overtures, and other tunes, reflects great credit on the 17th.
It is, at any rate, very pleasant to any man, to hear again and again common-place tunes he heard thirty years ago. -
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Lewis (master of the 17th band)
"LAST FRIDAY'S EVENING'S CONCERT (From a Correspondent)", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 March 1836)
It affords us great pleasure to state that the second Concert given by Mr. Wallace, on Friday evening last, was a triumphant one, both as to performance and attendance. The room was crowded to an excess. The Concert commenced, with Rossini's overture to the "Barber of Seville," which was played in fine style by the band of the 28th Regiment (who attended by the permission of their Col. whom the public, as well as Mr. W. must thank) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (violinist, pianist)
"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (22 February 1841), 2
We have the most unfeigned pleasure in announcing to our musical friends, that the celebrated composer, Nathan, has arrived by the York, from England, at Port Phillip, with his family, on his way to Sydney. The strength of our musical corps will thus receive a most important addition, and, with the aid of the band of the 28th, under the scientific superintendence of their able master, Cheodetti, and by the kind liberality of Colonel French, we may have the satisfaction of obtaining concerts of a superior description to any ever witnessed here. We greatly want public amusements, and we know of none more deserving of encouragement than music - national or foreign, or both, we care not, so that the pieces be well selected, and all the foreign pieces confined to the instrumental music; but in our present state of advancement, we strongly object to vocal pieces in foreign languages, known to very few of the auditors . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (composer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (13 February 1839), 2
Band Master to Her Majesty's 28th Regiment,
Master of the first class of Music, knowing also Full Harmony, Legate e Fugate,
having likewise a stamped Certificate to the above effect, which he can produce,
HEARING that a certain Music Master in Sydney took the liberty of ridiculing him in presence of one of his Scholars,
proposes to enter into a discussion on Music with that Gentleman.
The Band Master of the 28th Regiment having seen the system adopted by the Gentleman alluded to,
begs to point out the following errors to him:
5 5th octave consecutively is a classical error in composition, when 2 5th cannot be written one after another.
Mr. Chiodetti having likewise seen a small Cadame (bass) F G, the superior part being C and D,
points this out for the Gentleman's information as a gross error, and tends to show be may have learned the interval of major and minor,
but not how to take out diminutive and superfluous, consequently the Gentleman's musical education appears rather imperfect.
Mr. Chiodetti is very sorry any Gentleman professing the Science of Music should so far forget himself as to ridicule one with whom he is not acquainted,
and consequently cannot be a judge of his abilities as a Master of Music;
everyone must live by his profession, that has one to depend upon only for his support,
and the observations made by the Gentleman alluded to were as unwarranted as unexpected.
Mr. C. is sorry he came in given Challenge on the subject of Music in the style Fugat,
not having a competent judge of that style in the Colony, but he will accept of a subject on Melody from that Gentleman,
and will give him one to be rendered into Harmony.
The discussion to take place in a room where there are neither Instruments or Books; afterwards both compositions to be played in public;
the musical public, when they hear them, will be able, to judge as to the abilities of the parties.
If this Challenge is accepted, Mr. C will go to Sydney, or the Gentleman shall come to Parramatta,
provided the expenses be paid by the parties defeated; under these circumstances, or by a private letter of excuse, the name of the party will be kept secret;
otherwise, if no answer is received before a fortnight, Mr. C. will publish the name of the Gentleman and of his author.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (21 April 1842), 5
having been Band Master of the 28th Regiment for the last fourteen years, and having left the service to avoid going to India,
has resolved to settle in High-street, West Maitland, in which town, and throughout the vicinity,
he will teach the Pianoforte, Guitar, Violin, and other instruments, and give complete instructions in Bass and Composition.
He will also tune pianofortes.
April 4.
A very flattering certificate of character, and musical proficiency, signed by Lieutenant Colonel French, Major Messiter,
and Lieutenant Colonel Cotton, of the 28th Regiment, stamped with the regimental seal, and bearing date June 3, 1842,
is now in possession of Signore Vicenzo Chiodetti, Professor, of Music, and late Bandmaster of the 28th Regiment.
It appears from this document, that "S. Chiodetti joined the regiment in 1828, and left it in March, 1842;"
that "the regiment found him to be of good conduct, and of great capacity in his profession;
that the cause of his leaving the regiment was the weak state of his health, being unable to encounter the climate of India".
Independent of great acquirements in the theory and practice of music, for which S. Chiodetti, while a student at Rome, gained several prizes,
he has a knowledge of several languages, which, in conjunction with his other qualifications, must make him an acquisition to the Maitlanders,
amongst whom, since leaving the Slashers, he has been residing.
[Advertisement], The Weekly Register (13 January 1844), 381
HAS heard with surprise, that Mrs. Brown, now Mrs. Hadsley, who has recently left Windsor, where she kept a school,
said to her pupils before leaving that he, the said Professor is incompetent to teach the Pianoforte.
V. Chiodetti cannot conceive what reason this lady had for making such an assertion.
Having spent many years under masters of the first rank in the Colleges and Conservatories of Italy,
from which he holds his Diplomas as a Professor of the Art.
Having studied harmony in all its varieties, from the simplest counterpoint to the sublimity of the fugato style, he flatters himself that he is qualified to give lessons on the Pianoforte.
To do this with effect, it is no doubt necessary to know all the intervals, major, minor, and diminished -
the modulations from one key to another - the simple complicated and, interrupted cadences - the perfect and imperfect chords - also discords with the manner of resolving them.
But how little of all this does Mrs. Hadsley know, who can only pretend to teach her pupils to commit to memory a few airs which they perform mechanically without knowing why or wherefore?
And how few of the pupils of those "buy-a-broom professors" are ever competent to play a new piece at sight by themselves?
Yet it so happens that parents are often led by their ears to prefer those mechanist professors to persons who have made a regular course of study of the art,
and disdain to degrade it by thus appeal ing to parental vanity, but, who devote their labours to convey a solid theoretical and practical course of instruction,
which is calculated to be a future resource to the mind, as well as to confer an immediate gratification.
This is the object V. Chiodetti proposes to himself and his pupils.
Should Mrs. Hadsley, or her friends, feel offended at this necessary vindication,
V. Chiodetti is prepared to discuss the subject in public academy, at Sydney, with any one they may appoint.
Windsor, January 19 [sic], 1844.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frances Brown Hadsley (music teacher)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (20 December 1845), 3
. . . ON SALE, at the Stores of the undersigned . . . Real Roman VIOLIN STRINGS from Signor Chiodetti. W. LIPSCOMB. West Maitland.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Lipscomb (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 October 1849), 1
MR. C. has spent the most part of his youth in the study of the fundamental parts of Music,
from the commencement that nature gave to man to the highest study of the present age -
harmony, chromatics, cromatics, distance, interval, major, minor, diminuate, superfluous.
The study of music is divided in two parts, the simple and sublime.
Mr. C. can teach the above in the same manner as the Italian College.
Mr. C. teaches thorough baas with pianoforte, singing in French and Italian, with proper pronunciation.
Thorough bass is very necessary to become clever on the pianoforte.
Any family wishing to have instructions from Mr. C, his address is at
Mr. Hudson's, Music Seller, 377, Pitt-street, near the Union Bank, Sydney.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hudson (music seller, musician)
Certificate to naturalize Vincenzo Chiodetti, 27 June 1853; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
WEHERAS . . . Vincenzo Chiodetti, of Parramatta, Professor of Music . . .
a native of Roma, sixty-five years of age . . . having arrived by the Ship "John Barry" in the year 1836,
he is now residing in the town of Parramatta and being possessed of Real Property within the said Colony and anxious to obtain legal title thereto . . .
GIVEN this [27 June 1853] . . .
Legislative Council, "NATURALIZED ALIENS (RETURN RELATIVE TO) . . 5 October, 1858" (Sydney: New South Wales Legislative Council, 1858), 4 (DIGITISED)
Chiodetti Vincenzo / [born] Rome / [Arrived in the colony] 1836 / [date on the certificate] 27 June [1853] . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1858), 8
CHIODETTIE - December 5th, at his residence, Phillip-street, Parramatta, Vincent Chiodettie, 72 years of age.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 January 1859), 1
In the Will of VINCENZO CHIODETTI, late of Parramatta, gentleman, deceased . . .
NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof,
ANNA CHIODETTI, widow of the abovenamed . . . and Executrix appointed in and by his will, intends to apply to this honorable Court,
that Probate of her said late husband's will may be granted to her . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Reminiscences by J. B. M. (being a reprint from the Camden Times, 1883) (Camden: A. J. Doust, 1884), 40-41 (DIGITISED)
. . . The amusements of the Sydneyites were confined to small family parties; and a few fiddlers found steady employment by hiring out for the evening. Pianos were rarely heard, and Ellard's was the only music shop; but the daily playing of the military bands compensated for the deficiency. Ladies obtained their best music through the officers, and bandsmen earned a good deal by copying it. [41] Mr. Thomas Stubbs, the great auctioneer, Signor Chiodetti, and Mr. Stanley taught among the best families, and for the encouragement of pupils musical parties were held occasionally, at which the brothers Spyer, the merchants, Germans, who were charming amateur violinists, used to assist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Benson Martin (memoirist); Francis Ellard (musicseller); Thomas Stubbs (musician); William Stanley (musician); Lawrence and Stephen Spyer (merchants, amateur musicians); see also "Reminiscences. THE CAMDEN DISTRICT. FIFTY YEARS AGO (By J. B. M.) (Concluded)", Australian Town and Country Journal (26 January 1895), 14
CHISHOLM, Marquis (James Marquis CHISHOLM; Marquis CHISHOLM)
Musician, pianist, "harmoniumist", harmonium player, composer, improviser, pianoforte tuner and repairer, piano tuner
Born Neilston, Scotland, c. 1837
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 14 August 1862 (per Great Britain, from Liverpool, 14 June)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 27 May 1863 (per Monita, for Shanghai)
Died Toronto, Canada, 29/30 November 1877, aged "42" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 June 1862), 8
WILL ARRIVE EARLY in AUGUST, per steamship Great Britain,
Accompanied by Mr. MARQUIS CHISHOLM, the eminent Pianist and Composer.
For particulars, see future announcements.
ASSOCIATIONS: Margaret Aitken (actor, elocutionist)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Great Britain, from Liverpool, 14 June 1862, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Marg't E. Aitken / 26 // Mary [Aitken] / 41 // Marcus [sic] Chisholm / 25 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 August 1862), 8
Miss AITKEN, The Great Scottish Tragedienne and Reader.
On which occasion she will give a Selection of her famous Readings from Shakspeare, Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Tennyson, Dobell, the Ettrick Shepherd, Landon, &c.,
Accompanied by Mr. MARQUIS CHISHOLM, The Eminent Pianist and Harmoniumist.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Harmonium, Overture (Rossini) - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
Grand Fantasia, Don Pasquale (Engel) - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
PART II. Solo, "Homage to Wallace" (Chisholm), as performed by the composer at the great Wallace Banquet, at Stirling, June 24. 1861 - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
Harmonium, Imitation of the Highland bagpipes (Chisholm) - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
Finale, "God Save the Queen," (National) - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 August 1862), 8
. . . MISS AITKEN will give her inimitable READINGS of Tennyson's MAY QUEEN, with descriptive music, composed by Mr. Marquis Chisholm, at the Exhibition Building, on Tuesday evening.
[News], The Argus (27 August 1862), 5
A large audience gave Miss Aitken "a Highland welcome" last evening at the Exhibition Building . . . Between the various items of the programme Mr. Marquis Chisholm performed a selection of operatic and Scotch music on the harmonium, and received several encores. He appears to combine delicacy with decision of touch, and to evade, with considerable dexterity, the difficulties which this instrument offers to the executant upon it of lively music . . .
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (23 September 1862), 3
MISS AITKEN BEGS to announce that she will give her
GREAT READINGS From famous, authors, in the above place, this evening,
Tuesday, 23rd September, assisted by MR. MARQUIS CHISHOLM, the Celebrated Harmoniumist . . .
PROGRAMME. PART FIRST. Overture - "William Tell," (Rossini) - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
Grand Fantasia - "Don Pasquale," (Engel) - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
PART SECOND. Popular Airs - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
Imitation of the Highland Bagpipes - (Chisholm) Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
"God Save the Queen" - Mr. Marquis Chisholm . . .
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (8 October 1862), 1
MISS AITKEN begs to announce that she will shortly give in Adelaide her GREAT READINGS from Shakspeare, Burns, Tennyson, Scott, Hood, and other eminent authors, assisted by Mr. MARQUIS CHISHOLM, the celebrated Harmoniumist.
"RECITATIVE AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (15 October 1862), 5
By the Tasmania on her next trip, three artistes are expected to arrive in Hobart Town, for the purpose of giving a series of entertainments, of whose talents the Melbourne papers speak in the most flattering terms. They are, Miss Aitken, who has been giving dramatic readings in the neighboring colony with great success; Miss Amelia Bailey, who took a distinguished part as a soprano singer in the Tri-Annual Festival of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society; and Mr. Marquis Chisholm. an accomplished instrumentalist. Mr. Smythe, the agent of this select company, has arrived in town to make the necessary arrangements for their first appearance on Monday evening next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Robert Sparrow Smythe (agent)
[Advertisement], The Mercury (3 November 1862), 1
MONDAY, NOV. 3rd, AND FOUR FOLLOWING NIGHTS. Change of Programme Every Evening.
MISS AITKEN Begs to announce that she has taken the Theatre Royal for
The second part of the Entertainment will consist of
Descriptive of the celebrated Victorian Exploring Expedition, and the deaths of BURKE AND WILLS.
Preparations for the departure of the Expedition - Adieu! -
The Start - Evening in the Bush - Recollections of Home -
Morning - Songs of the Birds - The Route - The Work accomplished.
The Homeward Journey - Leaving Carpentaria -
The Storm - Sufferings of the Explorers - Hope -
Cooper's Creek - The deserted depot - Despair -
Approach of Death - The Heavenly Music - The Prayers - The closed eyes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Hobart venue); although Chisholm probably "composed" or improvised much of the music in this Hobart version of "The dead heroes", it was almost certainly instigated and partly created by Robert Sparrow Smythe (above), who was probably responsible for the original scenario and selection of "appropriate airs" as premiered in June 1862, in Adelaide, SA, by Horace Poussard and Rene Douay, for whom he was also acting as agent, and as described in the press; see "TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (12 June 1862), 2
"MISS AITKEN'S ENTERTAINMENTS", The Mercury (4 November 1862), 5
The second part of the entertainment consisted of" The Dead Heroes," called in the bills a Musical "Drama,"
but it should have been more appropriately named a musical poem;
as the former word was likely to mislead the mind from the fact of the whole being an endeavor by musical representation on the harmonium,
to give a synopsis of the events connected with the great exploring expedition of Burke and Wills.
In this song without words, our readers need not to be reminded of the difficulties existing in the way of musical representation,
at all adequate to convey some of the following ideas: . . .[as in the synopsis above] . . .
Mere imitative instrumental music, whatever may be the discrimination, taste and ability on the part of the composer,
and the power of perception of the different phases of melody by the audience,
must fail in all but strongly marked effects of conveying a full idea of the meaning to be rendered.
But in this case the difficulty has been to a great extent overcome by the judicious interweaving of various airs throughout the composition;
such airs as live in the memory of all who know, or have ever felt, what music is.
Thus the association of ideas connects the events in one harmonious whole.
Of the performance, we can only say that the constant changes afforded full opportunity to Mr. Chisholm to exhibit his artistic skill and finish,
both in the rapid and brilliant, and the sweet soft and slow.
Unquestionably the finest part of the composition is the closing scene: "The approach of death, the heavenly music, the prayer, and the closed eyes;"
and its pathetic power must be heard to be appreciated; its gradual subsidence reminding us of the poet's words:
"So fades a summer cloud away,
So sinks the breeze when storms are o'er,
So gently shuts the eye of day,
So dies a wave along the shore."
Regarded as a mere effort of memory, for no score is used, the performance is a most extraordinary one,
taking, as it does, some thirty five minutes in execution . . .
"SACRED CONCERT", The Mercury (6 December 1862), 4
Last evening Miss Amelia Bailey and Mr. Marquis Chisholm gave a grand Concert of Sacred Music at the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute. The programme comprised selections of some of the choicest gems from the Works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, and Rossini, and full justice was rendered to the fine compositions of those great masters of harmony. Miss Bailey is evidently at home in sacred music, and her rendering of that glorious air from the "Creation," On mighty Pens," was a fine piece of vocalization; she also sang "I know that my Redeemer liveth," from the "Messiah," with great effect. The performances of Mr. Chisholm on the harmonium were remarkable for brilliant execution combined with much delicate feeling; the "Cujus Animam," from Rossini's "Stabat Mater," was a beautiful piece of instrumentation. We cannot, however, help thinking that the accompaniment would have been much better on the harmonium than the pianoforte. The recitations by Miss Aitken agreeably diversified the entertainment; the pathos with which this lady read "Wee Davie," a touching tale of domestic joy and sorrow, elicited much applause.
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (4 February 1863), 8
PIANOFORTE TUNING. - M. STEWART (late McCulloch and Stewart, 10 Collins street east) is happy to announce that he has made arrangements with
Mr. MARQUIS CHISHOLM, the eminent pianist and harmoniumist (for six years principal tuner to the firm of De Monti and Co.,)
by whom in future all orders for tuning will be executed.
Terms - Town, 5s., within two miles, 7s 6d, within three miles.
ASSOCIATIONS: Matthew Stewart (musicseller, publisher)
[News], The Argus (4 March 1863), 5
The Histrionic Society, which has now earned its title of the leading amateur club, in Melbourne, played last evening at the Theatre Royal . . . As an interlude, Mr. Marquis Chisholm played a charming fantasia on the harmonium, which the audience strove to encore twice, so delighted were they . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 March 1863), 8
PIANOFORTE TUNING . . . [as above 4 February] . . .
Starlight polka, by Marquis Chisholm. Just Published (with portrait of the composer). Price, 3s. Mr. Stewart, musicseller, 10 Collins-street east.
"THEATRICAL", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (28 May 1863), 5
The Monita left yesterday for Shanghai, having on board the clever wizard, Washington Simmons, his agent, R. S. Smythe, Miss Amelia Bailey, a soprano, and Marquis Chisholm, a pianist and harmonium player. This company, who intend to give a series of entertainments at Shanghai, Hongkong, Macao, &c., took with them a portable theatre, musical instruments, and the necessary equipments. We opine that Washington Simmons will astonish the Celestials.
ASSOCIATIONS: "Washington Simmons", alias of Hugh S. Lynn (magician); see also "MR. MARQUIS CHISHOLM AT JAPAN", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (31 December 1864), 2
And "A CHINESE GIANT", The Lancet [London, England] (9 September 1865), 303 (DIGITISED)
And "JAPANESE MUSIC", The London and China Telegraph (10 June 1867), 296 (DIGITISED)
"DEATH OF MR. MARQUIS CHISHOLM (From the Toronto Globe, Dec. 1)", Greenock Telegraph and Clyde Shipping Gazette [Scotland] (18 December 1877), 3 (PAYWALL)
“On Thursday night (Nov. 29) a man named Marquis Chisholm died at the General Hospital from general debility.
Chisholm, who was a musician of some ability, used to travel in company with a peripatetic Chinese Giant.
Latterly he resided in Seaforth, from which place he was brought to the Hospital here on the 29th of October for treatment.
His constitution was too much broken down, however, to be built up again even in the Hospital, and he gradually sank and died.
He left a wife and family in very poor circumstances. He stated before he died that he was a Freemason,
and the Hospital authorities have applied to the Order here to see whether they will bury the remains."
[Most of our readers will have keen recollection of Mr. Chisholm, whose performances on the pianoforte and harmonium have afforded thousands in Greenock no little pleasant entertainment.
He was rather of a roving disposition, and could ill bear the restraints that plodding men of business and even bright-minded professionals submit to,
and this may have to a large extent helped to render his desultory efforts abortive.
As a consequence, he was for the most part in difficulties, and are sorry to observe that his amiable widow and family are left distressfully circumstanced in a strange land.
Perhaps some friendly help may reach them hence. Mr. Chisholm, it will be remembered, brought over from Shanghai the celebrated Chinese giant Chang,
when he returning from a musical tour round the world.]
Mr. R. S. Smythe, "the much travelled," who has piloted more celebrities, through Australia than any other manager,
has practically been at the business all his life.
". . . My next star was a very talented Scotchwoman, Margaret Aitken, daughter of an old Scotch comedian.
She was a tall, fine woman, with a leonine voice.
She first went on the stage, but a Presbyterian clergyman, noticing her great elocutionary talent, took her from the stage and induced her to take to the platform as an elocutionist.
For two or three years she was a reigning favorite at the Glasgow Edinburgh and Saturday night popular Entertainments.
Hearing that many thousands of Scotchmen had joined in the rush to the Victorian diggings, and that the streets of Melbourne were paved with gold,
she decided to start for the Southern capital, bringing with her an accompanist and harmonium player, Mr. James Marquis Chisholm.
On their arrival in Melbourne a cordial reception was given them by her countrymen at the old Exhibition Building,
and front seats went off like wildfire when it was announced the committee of the Caledonian Society would appear on the platform in their kilts.
Miss Aitken, how ever, was before her time.
Her high-class entertainments, in which some of her recitations were given with piano accompaniment . . . were in advance of the times . . .
Other sources:
"THE ADVENTURES OF A TRAVELLING MUSICIAN IN AUSTRALIA, CHINA, AND JAPAN, BY MARQUIS CHISHOLM (From the Glasgow Weekly Herald) No. 1", Glasgow Herald (23 September 1865), 6 (PAYWALL)
The musical and histrionic talents of the dwellers in Hobart Town were so far from elevated that Miss Aitken and myself,
strive as we might, failed to obtain a satisfactory appreciation of our performances,
and at the end of a struggle kept up for six weeks we found our finances in anything but a flourishing condition.
I was driven to my wits' end to get up some "fluke" to replenish our exchequer,
and after thinking over a great many plans, I at length fell upon a scheme which proved for a time very successful,
although its end was to me, its author, a very sad one.
About the time of which I am writing considerable excitement prevailed in Australia regarding the fate of a party of explorers sent out by the Government, under the leadership of Burke and Wills.
For a long time nothing was heard of them, and the public anxiety became so great that, a subscription was raised in Melbourne,
and another band of men were sent out to search for the missing ones.
This second party returned sometime afterwards with the bodies of Burke and Wills,
and with the sad tidings that of the 32 men who set out only one was spared to tell the story of the trials and death of his companions.
It occurred to my professional mind that I might improve the existing state of public feeling by composing a musical poem which should body forth, as far as possible, the progress and fate of the exploring party.
I set to work, and soon composed a piece of this kind suitable for the harmonium, which I called "The Dead Heroes."
The opening movement was intended to convey an idea of the preparations for the departure, and from this I proceeded to carry the explorers on their way,
ending with - "the approach of death" - "the heavenly music" - "the prayer" - and finally "the closed eyes,"
endeavouring to give connection and beauty to these movements by the introduction of appropriate airs.
I laboured specially in giving a fitting ending to the poem, studying to realise, in the gradual subsidence of the music, the poet's lines: -
"So fades a summer's cloud away,
So sinks the breeze when storms are o'er,
So gently shuts the eye of day,
So dies a wave along the shore."
Well, the poem without words gave a turn to our fortunes. The theatre was draped in black, and, on the second night,
we were honoured with the presence of the Governor in the regal box . . .
Extracts, including the above, reprinted as "TASMANIA ONCE MORE. FROM A TRAVELLING MUSICIAN's POINT OF VIEW", Tasmanian Morning Herald [Hobart, TAS] (8 December 1865), 3 (DIGITISED)
"THE ADVENTURES OF A TRAVELLING MUSICIAN IN AUSTRALIA . . . No. 2", Glasgow Herald (27 September 1865), 3 (PAYWALL)
The adventures of a travelling musician in Australia, China & Japan by Marquis Chisholm (reprinted from the Glasgow Herald) ([?: ?], 1865)
See also "Town Talk and Table Chat", The Cornwall Chronicle (27 July 1867), 4
Mr. Marquis Chisholm, who it will be remembered accompanied Miss Aitkin to this colony some years back, and so shamefully libelled the people of Tasmania on his return to Scotland, has now settled in Greenock, and has opened a pianoforte and Harmonium warehouse in West Blackhall-street in that town.
Bibliography and resources:
David Baptie, Musical Scotland, past and present: being a dictionary of Scottish musicians, 29-30 (DIGITISED)
CHISHOLM, JAMES ("Marquis"), born Neilston, about 1837; died Toronto, December, 1877: Pianist and composer. Best known under the name of "Marquis" Chisholm. As accompanist and solo pianist he obtained considerable renown throughout the West of Scotland, and ultimately went abroad, visiting several parts of Australia, China, and Japan. He returned bringing with him the Chinese giant Chang (died November, 1893), a dwarf, and a pretty woman (supposed to be Chang's wife), and travelled about the country with them, acting as pianist and interpreter. In 1865 he published a little book at Glasgow, "Adventures of a Travelling Musician," which excited some interest, and composed the song, "The Battle [30] of Stirling," by which he is now best remembered. His youngest brother, DAVID BOWMAN CHISHOLM, born Neilston, 18th March, 1840, enjoys the deserved reputation of being one of the best piano-tuners in Scotland, an excellent mechanician and conscientious artist.
John R. Black, Young Japan: Yokohama and Yedo: a narrative of the settlement and the city from the signing of the treaties in 1858 . . . vol. 1 (New York: Baker, Pratt & Company; London: Trubner & Co.; Yokohama, Kelly & Co., 1883), 261 (DIGITISED)
[October 1863] The monotony of social life was broken about this time, by the arrival of some musical artists from Australia. They were Miss BAILEY, Mr. MARQUIS CHISHOLM, Mr. SIPP and Signor ROBBIO . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Reddie Black (author, amateur musician); Rudolf Sipp (musician); Agostino Robbio (musician)
James Marquis Chisholm, Find a grave
Musician, violinist, viola (tenor) and violoncello player, vocalist, band leader, bellringer, carpenter, amateur cricketer
Born Staplehurst, Kent, England, 14 March 1811; baptised All Saints, Staplehurst, 14 April 1811; son of William CHITTENDEN and Mary PILBEAM
Married Sarah (Ellen) KINGSNORTH (1812-1896; Mrs. Isaac TOLHURST), Bethersden, Kent, England, 15 February 1834
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 June 1838 (assisted immigrant per Westminster, from London, 26 March, aged "27")
Departed Sydney, NSW, c. 1858 (for New Zealand)
Died Nelson, NZ, 20 May 1879, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHITTENDEN, George (junior) (George CHITTENDEN; Mr. CHITTENDEN, junior; Mr. G. CHITTENDEN)
Musician, violinist, violoncello player, vocalist, quadrille band leader, dancer, minstrel, serenader, piano tuner, amateur cricketer
Born Bislington, Kent, England, 1834; baptised Bislington, 21 December 1834; son of George CHITTEDEN and Sarah KINGSNORTH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 June 1838 (assisted immigrant per Westminster, from London, 26 March, aged "4")
Died Singleton, NSW, 2 October 1875, aged "40" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Vocalist, actor
Born Kent, England, 1838; baptised Mersham, Kent, 11 March 1838; daughter of George CHITTEDEN and Sarah KINGSNORTH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 June 1838 (assisted immigrant per Westminster, from London, 26 March, "infant")
Died Bathurst, NSW, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, violinist, vocalist, dancer, dancing master
Born Sydney, NSW, c. 1838; son of George CHITTEDEN and Sarah KINGSNORTH
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 June 1838 (assisted immigrant per Westminster, from London, 26 March, aged "27")
Departed Sydney, NSW, by early 1858 (for New Zealand)
Married Eliza LANEY, Nelson, NZ, 5 June 1862
Died Marlborough, NZ, 24 October 1921, aged "84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Baptisms in the parish of All Saints, Staplehurst, Kent] The Year 1811; register page 77; Kent History & Library Centre (PAYWALL)
Chittenden George [son] of William & Mary was born March 4th and Christened April 14th . . .
[Baptisms in the parish of Bethersden, Kent, in 1834] (PAYWALL)
15 February 1824 / George Chittenden and Sarah Tolhurst
[Baptisms in the parish of Bislington, Kent, in 1834] (PAYWALL)
21 December 1834 / George / son of George & Sarah Chittenden
Assisted immigrants arrived per Westminster, June 1838; State Records Authority of NSW

91. Chittenden, Geo., 27, Carpenter & joiner // 92. Chittenden, Sarah, 25 // 93. Chittenden, Geo., 4 // 94. Chittenden, Eliza, inf.
A return of the disposal of the immigrants by the ship Westminster from London, which arrived at Sydney, 27 June 1838; State Records Authority of NSW
Chittenden George / County Kent / Carpenter & Joiner / 27 / [wife] 26 / [boys] 1 / [girls] 1 / Protestant / Read and write / [engaged by] R. Jones / Sydney
"CRICKET", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW} (22 May 1845), 2
The match between the Australian and Maitland Clubs was commenced on Monday . . . The fielding of the Maitland Club was very steady and much admired. The bowling was very good . . . The Maitland players being considered excellent batsmen, were expected to make a great score, they commenced the innings with Martyr and Holdstock at the bat, and Martyr was caught out in striking at a full pitch from R. Still; in the early part of the innings, Taylor and Chittenden succeeded in making some fine hits to the leg, and made a good score; but were not sufficiently supported by the others to make the score heavy, the whole eleven scoring 44 runs, leaving a majority in favour of the Australians of 63 runs . . .
"ODD FELLOWS' DINNER", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (21 October 1848), 2
On Thursday evening the anniversary of Good Design Lodge of Odd Fellows, M. U., was celebrated by a dinner at host Reeves's, Fitzroy Hotel, West Maitland . . . About fifty brethren and visitors were present, many being prevented from attending by the bad weather, which had prevailed for some days . . . A band of music was present, conducted by Brother Chittenden, and added much to the enjoyment of the party . . .
"THE POLICE REGISTER . . . A NOTE OF DISCORD", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer [Sydney, NSW] (2 November 1850), 2
Mr. George Chatterden [sic], the saw-dust Paganani, was compelled to procure a summons against the celebrated Marquis, Count, Don, Monsieur, or Mr. La Rosiere, alias Patrick Hughes [sic], the great gun of the York-street Circus, for a small balance of wages due to him for accompanying the highly accomplished animals, bipedal and quadrupedal, of that establishment. His two sons were also engaged in the same musical cause, at the rate of two pounds per week. Things went on very pleasantly till payment of the salary was required; then it was found that the two parties could not act in concert, and the notes of discord were struck. Chatterden would have preferred notes of the Union Bank, but La Rosiere was not to be strung by notes of the fiddle; he turned a deaf ear to all his charming. The incensed musician flew for a summons, determined to bring La Rosiere face to face with their Worships; but his intents were frustrated, for, instead of his foe, he met the redoubtable George Robert, who, for a legitimate fee, soon convinced the Bench that the Circus Paganini had no right to play his wages-tune in any Court but that of Chief Commissioner Cheeke. The fiddler, on hearing this, looked the "bow ideal" of wretchedness, and quitted the office evidently unstrung.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Hughes La Rosiere (circus proprietor); La Rosiere's Circus (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 April 1851), 1
The celebrated Pantomimic from the Royal Amphitheatre, London,
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Chittenden; Riding Master, Mr. Raymond . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Axtelle (clown, manager); John Malcom (proprietor); Edward Raymond (equestrian); Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 May 1851), 1
MALCOM'S ROYAL AUSTRALIAN CIRCUS, York-street, under the entire management of Mr. Charles Axtelle . . .
Leader of the orchestra, Mr. Chittenden . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1851), 3
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Chittenden, Jun. . . .
"POLICE OFFICE. THURSDAY . . . SUMMONS FOR WAGES. Chittenden v. Malcom", Empire (4 October 1851), 3
Mr. John Malcom, proprietor of the Circus, and Adelphi Hotel, York-street,
appeared to answer the complaint preferred against him by George Chittenden, of Crown-street, carpenter, for refusing to pay the sum of £4 5s.. due to him, for work performed.
Mr. Cory appeared for the defendant. According to the evidence of the complainant, it appeared that he had been engaged on the 25th of last July by the defendant,
as a carpenter, at the rate of five shillings per diem.
He had to fit up seats, and perform other carpenter's work in the Circus.
He had completed the work, but had been unsuccessful in his applications for payment.
The complainant alleged that the sum of £4. 5s. was due to him, and he had not received any portion of the money.
Another contract was between the parties, the defendant having engaged the services of complainant and his two sons to perform in the orchestra during the performances at nights.
Complainant had received some money for the musical services of himself and sons, but not the amount due;
but his claim on that score was not brought before the notice of the Bench on this occasion.
Mr. Cory examined the complainant, with a view to prove that some money, which he acknowledged having received, was paid for carpenter's work, but the learned gentleman was unsuccessful.
Charles Axtelle was called to give evidence for the complainant, and deposed as follows: -
"I am an equestrian pantomimic, and artificial fool. I know the complainant and defendant.
I know that the complainant and his sons were engaged as musicians, at the rate of £2 5s. per week.
I also know that the complainant was engaged as a carpenter and have seen him at work during a fortnight,
but I left the employment myself, because I could not get paid.
I do not know the terms of agreement between the parties with regard to the carpenter's work, as I was not a witness when that agreement was entered into.
I had the paying of persons in Mr. Malcom's employ, during his absence in the country, and know that during his absence the repairs were carried on by the complainant."
Mr. Cory submitted to the bench that the complainant was engaged as a musician, and that if he remained up performing until midnight,
he could not be able to work as a carpenter during the day.
He then called William Knight, who remembered on a Saturday night, about eight or nine weeks ago Mr. Malcom was in the country, and Mrs. Malcom was unwell;
on that occasion he went to pay the men, and paid £2 into the complainant's hand;
but in answer to the inquiries of the Bench and of the complainant, he said that after he had paid the workmen he had no money to pay the complainant,
who thereupon requested him to send into Mrs. Malcom for two pounds for him, which was accordingly done,
and the money was sent by Mrs. M. and delivered to the complainant.
The witness did not, upon delivering the £2, state that it was on account of the carpenter's work performed;
witness only knew complainant as a carpenter, and knew nothing of his other engagements.
The Bench decided that the complainant had fully established his claim, and ordered the defendant to pay the amount claimed, namely,
£4 5s. 6d., together with £s. 4d. costs, in default a levy to be made on defendant's goods and chattels,
and in the event of their proving insufficient, defendant to be imprisoned seven days.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 October 1852), 1
At the request of several of the most respectable and influential families of the neighbourhood,
these much-admired entertainments will be repeated on the following evenings:
This Evening (Tuesday), To-morrow (Wednesday), 6th, Thursday, 7th, Friday, 8th, Saturday, 9th.
A variety of novelties will be produced on each evening.
N. B. - Thursday, October 7th, is fixed for the benefit of Miss Eliza Chittenden.
Door open at Half-past Seven; commence at Eight. Reserved seats, 2s., pit, 1s.
Carriages in attendance at half-past 10 o'clock.
Tickets to be obtained of Mr. Love, at the Hotel.
"THE OLYMPIC CIRCUS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (29 May 1852), 3
The performances at this place of amusement during the week have been of of a first-rate description. On Wednesday evening the performance was for the benefit of Mrs. Cardoza, on which occasion the whole strength of the company was put forth . . . Last evening the performances were for the benefit of Mr. and Master Chittenden. There was a very good house, and the performances went off with great eclat. We were particularly pleased with Master Chittenden's hornpipe dance, which was encored. Messrs. Ashton and Cardoza have completed their engagement in Sydney, and are about to make a tour shortly with their talented company into the interior.
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Circus (Sydney venue); Maria and Joachim Cardoza (equestrians)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Eagle, from Melbourne, 24 May 1853, for Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Geo'ge Chittenden / 19 / Musician / Irish [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (8 October 1853), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, BATHURST . . .
MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 10TH 1853, Will be presented the grand Romantic Drama entitled the
In the course of the Drama a Grand Incantation and invisible chorus . . .
To be followed by the Cuckoo Solo. - Violin - Mr. G. Chittenden, Jun. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue)
MUSIC: The cuckoo solo (violin)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (22 October 1853), 2
Crowded audiences have thronged to witness the amusements of this little temple of Thespis during the past week, and we can justly record a marked improvement in the style of the performances. Of the lessee Mr. Douglas it is unnecessary we should say much, as he is evidently "an old stager" and well up to his business . . . In the female department of the corps Miss Millan takes the lead, and is decidedly a clever girl . . . Miss Chittenden's juvenile accents are also considerably too soft for ordinary ears. In fact except Miss Millan who appears to be not half so sparing of her breadth, the female performers seem to harbour the delusion that they are joint tenants of a whispering gallery. Mr. Chittenden Jun, plays the violin with good taste. In short the whole affair is much superior to anything we anticipated and betrays a disposition on the part of the lessee to spare neither pains nor expense in his management.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Douglas (actor, manager); Rose Millan (actor)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (19 November 1853), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, BATHURST.
Monday, 21st Nov., 1853. Second appearance of MR. FANING, who has kindly offered his services on this occasion.
The evening's entertainments will commence with a new domestic and Nautical Drama of thrilling interest entitled
PHILIP (the Lost Son) - MR. FANING
Jenny - Miss Chittenden.
The whole to conclude with THE IRISH TUTOR . . .
In the course of the piece a grand Country Dance.
Tickets to be obtained of Mr. Chittenden, at his residence, Lower Kelso, and at the Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Faning (musician, actor); Henry T. Clarke (vocalist)
MUSIC: By the sad sea waves (Benedict)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (1 April 1854), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
GLEE - "GODDESS DIANA" - by Messrs. G. Chittenden Sen., G. Chitlenden Jun., D. Chittenden, and Miss Chittenden . . .
F. BELFIELD, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Belfield (actor, manager)
MUSIC: Hark, the goddess Diana (Spofforth)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (15 April 1854), 3
MESSRS. RICHARDSON & COX respectfully inform the public of Bathurst and its vicinity,
that they will give the first of their projected series of Entertainments
THIS EVENING, April 15th, at the Assembly Room, Mrs. Whitton's, Commercial Hotel,
upon which occasion the following choice Programme will be presented.
Overture - Band.
Favorite Ballad - Miss Millan.
Solo, Concertina - "Casta Diva," from the Opera of Norma - Mr. Richardson.
Glee - The Spider and the Fly - Messrs. & Miss Chittenden.
Song - Mr. Cox.
Valse - "The Faust," instrumental - Messrs. Richardson, Ryall and Chittenden . . .
Glee - To all you ladies now on land - Messrs. and Miss Chittenden . . .
Overture - Company.
Ole Aunt Sally - Mr. Richardson.
Life by the Galley Fire - Mr. Cox.
Sukey Dear - Mr. G. Chittenden . . .
Going Ober de Mountain - Mr. Chittenden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Richardson (concertina); Richard Henry Cox (vocalist); John James Ryall (musician)
"THEATRICAL", Bathurst Free Press (17 June 1854), 2
In consequence of the inclemency of the season the theatre has been but indifferently attended of late, and the absence of music by reason of the sickness of the Chittenden family has operated as an additional drawback . . . Macbeth is in course of preparation for Mr. Cox's benefit, on which occasion new scenery will be presented. We trust that the efforts of the Manager to cater for public amusement will not be unappreciated, as from the convalescence of the Chittendens, and for other reasons which it is now unnecessary to detail, we understand that our Thespian temple will regain something more than it has lost.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (16 September 1854), 3
MR. PAXTON will give another Grand Entertainment on the SONGS OF SCOTLAND.
First Violin - Mr. G. Chittenden.
Second Violin - Master Chittenden.
Violoncello - Mr. Chittenden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Paxton (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (23 December 1854), 3
the above Theatre will open on Tuesday Evening, December 26, 1854, with a new and efficient Company from Sydney,
embracing all the favorites of the Bathurst Company, consisting of the following ladies and gentlemen: - . . .
Miss Millan, the pathetic actress from the Theatre Royal, Marylebone, London.
Miss Chittenden, the juvenile actress of undoubted promise.
Mr. Edward Raymond, from the Dublin and Sydney Theatre.
Mr. Cull, of the provincial and Sydney Theatres. Mr. Wilson, of the Sydney Theatres . . .
Signor Bachrach, from the Hamburgh Concerts.
Assisted by a numerous train of auxiliaries.
Leader of the Orchestra: Mr. E. G. CHITTENDEN, JUN. [sic]
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"HORSE STEALING", Bathurst Free Press (21 April 1855), 2
Michael Macnamara was indicted for stealing a horse belonging to Mr. G. Chittenden, musician, Bathurst . . . The prisoner was found guilty, and sentenced to 7 years upon the roads.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 August 1855), 3
Royal Prince of Wales Theatre, BATHURST.
First appearance of MRS. W. EVADNE EVANS, The Celebrated Tragic Actress, from the London and American Theatres.
MR. WILLIAM EVANS, the Lessee . . . This evening, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th . . .
Acting Manager, Mr. W. EVANS; Stage Manager, MR. T. HALL; Leader of the Orchestra, MR. G. CHITTENDEN, Jun. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. and Mrs. William Evans (actors, managers)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (20 October 1855), 3
G. Chittenden Jun. PROFESSOR OF MUSIC,
BEGS to acquaint the public of Bathurst and surrounding district that at the request of several gentlemen
he has been induced to open an Academy for the purpose of teaching the VIOLIN & FLUTE.
G. C. being a thorough Master of Music trusts by strict attention to the pupils who may entrust themselves to his tuition that he may receive such support as will induce him to carry out the wishes of his friends.
Pianos tuned at any place within thirty miles of Bathurst, and if not approved of, no charge will be made.
Public Balls or private Parties attended with a full band at five minutes notice.
For further particulars enquire at Mr. Chittenden's residence, Piper-street,
or at Mr. W. L. Pyke's Emporium of Fashion, Howick-street, Bathurst.
"THE BATHURST BELLS", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (8 December 1855), 2
Owing to the indefatigable exertions of Messrs. Mockett, Arthur, and Chittenden, 5 out of the 6 bells are already hung, and the 6th will be hung to-day. The next step will be to organize a corps of ringers, and if this can be effected in the course of this week, the townspeople will be treated to a peal next Saturday evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Mockett (bell ringer)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (30 April 1856), 1
On which occasion Mrs. Frank Andrews will preside at the Piano Forte . . .
Thursday evening, May 1st . . . An enlarged and efficient Orchestra has been provided for the occasion.
Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. G. Chittenden.
PROGRAMME. PART FIRST. Overture - Orchestra . . .
Charming May - (Ballad) - Miss Chittenden . . .
New Year's Eve - (Ballad) - Miss Chittenden . . .
Overture - Orchestra.
One Careless Word - (Ballad) - Miss Chittenden . . .
Overture - Orchestra.
Mary, Queen of my Soul - (Ballad) - Miss Chittenden . . .
Grand Finale Chorus - Red, White, and Blue - Miss Fanny Young and Company . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Frank Andrews (vocalist, pianist); Fanny Young (actor, vocalist)
MUSIC: O charming May (Rodwell); Mary, queen of my soul (music by Miss Wollaston)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (28 June 1856), 1
MR. & MRS. WHEELER, BEG to announce that their Second Grand Concert in Bathurst will be given in the above Theatre, on
MONDAY, JUNE 30TH 1856, When they will be assisted by MISS STEWART AND MR. GEORGE CHITTENDEN . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen and Mary Wheeler (cornet player and vocalist, pianist); Eliza Stewart (Ellis) (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (31 January 1857), 3
Grand Gala Night on the occasion of the Complimentary Benefit, tendered to W. L. PYKE,
ON which occasion the following Galaxy of talent have kindly volunteered to assist . . .
MRS. W. EVADNE EVANS, MR. JAMES ASHTON, and his talented troupe.
Mr. G. R. Morton, Mr. W. Evans,
Mr. G. Chittenden, Sen.
Mr. G. Chittenden, Jun.
Mr. D. Chittenden, Mr. Brown, And for this night only,
The evening's performances will commence with the popular Musical Vaudeville,
THE LOAN OF A LOVER . . . During the piece Miss Chittenden will sing -
"I don't think I'm ugly," "I've no money," and "To-morrow will be market day" . . .
After which MISS CHITTENDEN has kindly consented to sing (by desire) for this night only,
her favorite ballad, "Charming May" . . .
The Orchestra under the able direction of Mr. Chittenden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Palmer Brower (serenader); Dorrel Fair Boley (serenader); William Alonzo Porter (serenader); Dave Carson (serenader); James Ashton (circus performer); G. R. Morton (serenader, manager); James Brown (violinist)
"CRICKETING", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (7 February 1857), 2
A single-wicket match came off on Monday afternoon last at the cricket-ground, Durham-street between Mr. E. White and Mr. W. Boyles, the latter gentleman betting £10 to £7 against his opponent. Mr. Chittenden, Jun. having been appointed umpire for Mr. White and Mr. Chittenden, Sen. for Mr. Boyles . . .
"THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (7 February 1857), 2
If the estimation in which Mr. Pyke is held, were to be measured by the patronage showered upon him on Monday evening last, he may certainly takes credit to himself for being one of the most popular men in the district. The house, figuratively, was crowded to the ceiling - boxes, pit, and gallery - all crammed. The Serenaders put forth their best powers, Miss Chittenden sang like a nightingale, and Mrs. Evadne Evans outdid herself in the representative art . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Wolf Lewis Pyke (proprietor)
"WESTERN DISTRICT (From the Bathurst Free Press of Saturday) . . . ANNIVERSARY OF ST. PATRICK", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (26 March 1857), 2
The Anniversary of Ireland's Patron Saint was celebrated by the sons and descendants of the Green Isle of Erin, residing in Bathurst, by a ball and supper, the preparation for which were on the most sumptuous and costly scale . . . The musical department was intrusted to the Chittenden family who were aided by Messrs. Boley and Porter, the former on the piano, and the latter on the cornopean, the whole making an excellent quadrille band . . .
"BELL RINGING", Bathurst Free Press (30 May 1857), 2
We omitted to mention amongst the various demonstrations of loyalty on Monday night last, the conspicuous part played by the bell-ringers of All Saints' Church. The merry peal of five Sent forth its notes in very joyousness, and we were glad to mark the decided progress made by the young men who have betaken themselves to the ropes. Out of the chaos of sounds which at first grated the ear we have now something like order, regularity and harmony, and the change is creditable to the leading ringer, Mr. Chittenden. The sixth bell only is wanting to give us an increased and pleasant variety of changes, and we learn with pleasure that it is now on its way to England to be recast.
"THE THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 July 1857), 2
Owing to the rains of Thursday night the attendance at the Prince of Wales was not large, but the performance proceeded as usual. There is one feature in the present company to which we have neglected to allude. The music, under the leadership of Mr. Davis, and comprising Chittenden's Quadrille Band is of a very superior character, and by no means the least important part of the performance. The lovers of melody will do well to avail themselves of an opportunity of indulging their tastes.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (14 October 1857), 4
Five-roomed Cottage in Stewart-street, known as Chittenden's Cottage
MESSRS. R. & W. OAKES HAVE been, instructed by the Proprietor,
Mr. George Chittenden, sen., to sell by public auction . . .
The Proprietor having made arrangements to leave the district, is the only reason the property is in the market . . .
[Advertisement], Wellington Independent [NZ] (14 July 1858), 2
Mr. D. Chittenden begs to inform his Friends, Parents, Guardians and the Public generally
that he will open his dancing Classes at his new Rooms in Mulgrave Street, Thorndon Flat, near the Hospital on
Friday, next the 16th July, 1858, and trusts by strict attention to his duties and the selectness of his Pupils to meet a share of the Public patronage.
FASHIONABLE DANCING. And Calesthenic Exercise.
D. C. begs also to state that he will give private lessons to Ladies and Gentleman of any age in all the newest Dances of the day: viz -
La Gurlitza Polka, Mazurka, La Varsoviana Redowa Waltz, Valse a deux temps,
La Hongroise, Cellarius, Polka, Schottische, &c., &c., &c.,
and which can be obtained at all hours of the day by those wishing privacy and expedition.
Juvenile class every Monday and Friday from 3 to 5. Adults, 7.
Private lessons as per arrangements. Private Families and Schools punctually attended to with Music included.
TERMS KNOWN ON APPLICATION. Fees paid in advance. 13th July, 1858.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (22 April 1859), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan and John Crowley (proprietors); Johnny Burgess (dancer); Otto N. Burbank (dancer, minstrel); Mons. and Therese Schmidt (dancers); Worrell sisters (dancers); Edward Salamon (pianist); San Francisco Minstrels (troupe); Shamrock Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (13 January 1860), 5
Comprising Messrs. D. F Boley, Dave Carson, O. N. Burbank, G. Chittenden, and P. Brower . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thatcher (vocalist); Frederick Leeman (vocalist); Annie Vitelli (vocalist); Theatre Royal (Castlemaine venue)
[Advertisement], Otago Witness [NZ] (26 October 1861), 4
MR. GEORGE CHITTENDEN, Violinist and Alto;
MR. WALTER HOWSON, Banjoist and Barytone; Mr. O. P. RITCHIE, Tenor;
MR. J. J. BURGESS, The Champion Clog Boot and Pump dance and Inimitable Delineator of Ethiopian Character;
MR. J. TAYLOR, The celebrated Delineator of Dibdin's Sea Songs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Howson (minstrel); John Taylor (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 March 1863), 1
LYCEUM THEATRE - Glorious Success of the COURT MINSTRELS . . .
New Songs and Ballads, New Dances, Burlesques, &c.,
THIS (Monday) EVENING, March 2nd. PROGRAMME . . . G. Chittenden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
George Chittenden, junior, Adelaide, SA, December 1863 or January 1864; B. Goode, 155, Rundle Street, near the York Hotel, [Adelaide]; State Library of New South Wales
[On reverse] Poor George Chittington [sic] violinist 1862
ASSOCIATIONS: Bernard Goode (photographer)
"TOPICS OF THE DAY. The Campbell Minstrels", The South Australian Advertiser (19 December 1863), 2
The Campbell Minstrels performed before a good audience on Friday evening . . . The "Irishman's Shanty," by Paul Maxey; "Be Kind to thy Father," by A. Pierce, and "Remember me kindly at Home," by Edward Harvey, were greeted with expressions of satisfaction on the part of the audience. "Way down in Cairo," by Billy Bent, drew forth a similar compliment. The first part of the performance concluded with "The Sleeping Chorus," introducing 13 popular airs. Then followed a humorous and clever piece, entitled "The Young Scamp" - a farce which exhibited the comicality of Messrs. Maxey and Bent, and the musical capabilities of Mr. Geo. Chittenden on the violin . . . . Mr. George Chittenden followed with a hornpipe, performing the difficult task of accompanying himself on the violin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Campbell Minstrels (troupe); Paul Maxey (minstrel)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 July 1864), 1
First Appearance On MONDAY EVENING, July 25, Of the INIMITABLE BARLOW . . .
In conjunction with his celebrated Troupe, the
Solo, English concertina - V. Templeton
Song and dance (comic) - Billy Bent
Ballad (new) - L. Braham.
MINSTRELS OF THE MOON. Bah-Loh How-Sung [sic, Walter Howson] and George Chittenden.
Silver Belt Jig - Dick Sanford . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"DISTRICT NEWS [FROM OUR VARIOUS CORRESPONDENTS) SINGLETON. SINGLETON AMATEUR MINSTRELS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (28 November 1864), 3
For some time past a number of young gentlemen in this town have formed themselves into a company, under this designation, for the praiseworthy object of giving entertainments in aid of different public institutions. Under the able tuition of Mr. Chittenden (late of the Campbell Minstrels) the Singleton Amateur Minstrels made such rapid progress that they were in a position to give their first entertainment on Thursday evening, the 23rd instant, in aid of the building fund of the Singleton Mechanics' Institute. Notwithstanding the threatening aspect of the weather the large pavilion was well filled, and nearly £30 must have been realised by the performance. The entertainment opened with an overture, followed by opening chorus by the whole company. The favorite song, "Let Me Kiss Him for his Mother," was then well rendered by Ephraim, followed by a comical song named "Johnny's gone on a fine Loo Loo" by Toney (the best singer in the company); the song of "Annie Lisle" followed by "Grand Father's Farm-yard," by Bones, which created loud laughter, and was encored; the song "Massa's in the cold Ground" was then very nicely rendered by Julius, and the first part of the entertainment was concluded by a medley chorus very effectively rendered by the whole company. After a short interval, the second part of the entertainment commenced wiith the well-known comic song, "Rhinoceros," given by Ephraim and Bones in a very effective manner, and which was encored. The gem of the evening then followed, being a violin solo ("Molly Asthore," with variations), by Mr. Chittenden. This solo was very nicely rendered, and Mr. Chittenden was deservedly applauded. Upon being encored, he gave that well known German melody, "Freut euch des Lebens," with variations, very effectively. The laughable farce of "Stage Struck" was then given by Julius, in character, and excited the risible faculties of the audience to such an extent that he was loudly encored. The second part of the entertainment terminated with the laughable burlesque of the "Music Lesson," by Chittenden, Toney, and Bones. In the third part the Minstrels had divested themselves of their sable appearance, to order to perform the well-known extravaganza, entitled "The Virginian Mummy; or, one thousand years dead" . . .
"SINGLETON (From the Singleton Times of yesterday) . . . SIR WALTER SCOTT'S CENTENARY", The Maitland Mercury (17 August 1871), 1
. . . To the memory of the latter a tribute was paid here last night, and it was a honour to Singleton to see such an assemblage. There could not have been less than 280 ladies and fully sixty gentlemen, showing truly that the delineator of the Lady of the Lake and Marmion still has his words upon the heart of the fair sex. The performance began with a well executed overture to Guy Mannering, under the able leadership of Mr. George Chittenden . . . Readings of two gentleman amateurs, and the vocal performances of three ladies, but, above all, when a blind young man sang the "Bonnie Hills of Scotland," feelingly expressed the so well known words . . . The entertainment concluded with Auld Lang Syne, and was one of the most successful entertainments we have had here . . .
"SINGLETON . . . CONCERT IN AID OF SINGLETON HOSPITAL", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 December 1871), 4
The concert in aid of the funds of this excellent local charity took place on Wednesday evening, in the large hall of the Mechanics' Institute, and was in every respect eminently successful . . . the Singleton string band opened the second part with the Singleton Volunteer Galop, composed by Mr. Chittenden . . .
"DISTRICT NEWS [FROM OUR VARIOUS CORRESPONDENTS] SINGLETON. SINGLETON VOLUNTEER RIFLES", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (28 February 1874), 6
. . . After parade on Saturday last the annual meeting of the company took place . . .
The Secretary (Ensign Gould) then read the report of the committee for the past twelve months . . . as follows: . . .
Band. - Your committee extremely regret that they, like their predecessors for the year 1872,
are compelled to report unfavourably on the position of this branch of the company.
It will be remembered that when they took office, many members of the band had left the district, and for divers reasons the band was then well nigh defunct.
An effort was however made by your committee to revive this body,
but although they got several members together rented a practice room, and secured the services of band-master Meulman for a fortnightly instruction,
yet for many reasons the attempt did not succeed satisfactorily, and the committee were obliged to dispense with the services of Mr. Meulman.
Your committee, feeling convinced of the importance of a good brass band, both for the interests of the company,
as indeed for that of the town determining to make another effort to re-establish the same on a better footing than ever,
have had a series of rules prepared for the management of the band, and have been negotiating for the services of an efficient instructor (Mr. Chittenden),
who will be prepared to give lessons and practices bi-weekly,
but your present committee will have to leave the final arrangement of this matter to their successors in office;
(although they have made a temporary arrangement with Mr. Chittenden) who will, however,
find the way paved for them to make this re-establishment satisfactorily and on a good and fixed basis.
As this engagement will entail on the Company heavy weekly payments,
members will have to bear in mind the absolute necessity of paying their subscriptions punctually in order to have a band that will be a credit to the company and town . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Meulman (musician)
"UNITED ST ANDREW'S LODGE. To the Editor of ", The Singleton Argus and Upper Hunter General Advocate (2 October 1875), 3
SIR . . . I allude to the case of Mr. George Chittenden,
who for some time past has been suffering from a serious illness, and who, I fear,
ere this reaches the homes of many of your readers,
will have gone to "ehere the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are a at rest."
It has been asked, "How is it that the Freemasons do not render their stricken brother any assistance in his present state?" . . .
I wish to state that a subscription has been commenced on behalf of our suffering brother, which, when completed,
will, no doubt, amount to something that will meet the requirements of so pitiable a case . . .
Yours respectfully, CHARLES BIRD, W. S. W., Singleton.
"Died", The Singleton Argus and Upper Hunter General Advocate (6 October 1875), 2
ON Saturday, 2nd October, at his residence, Campbell-street, Singleton, GEORGE CHITTENDEN, aged 40 years.
"DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT", The Singleton Argus and Upper Hunter General Advocate (6 October 1875), 2
Mr. Geo. Chittenden., teacher of music, died on Saturday morning, after a residence of some ten years in Singleton. He had been ailing, as our. readers are aware, for some months before his death, and for about six weeks was entirely confined to bed. We all have our faults, and Mr. Chittenden was not free from his; but he had many good qualities which endeared him to a large circle of friends. De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
"DEATHS", Nelson Evening Mail [NZ] (17 May 1879), 2
CHITTENDEN. - May 17th, at the residence of his Son, Parera street, Toi-Toi Valley, Mr. George Chittenden, aged 74 years.
[News], Colonist [NZ] (20 May 1879), 3
By the death of Mr. George Chittenden, Nelson loses another of her old and respected settlers. In years past deceased was noted for his prowess in the cricket field, and he was always an ardent admirer of that fine old English game.
"UP AND DOWNS OF LIFE (By J. STANLEY)", National Advocate (14 June 1913), 7
Sydney entrepreneurs and others give Bathurst a bad name for not appreciating their scraggy Squalini's and raspy-voiced worn-out tenors when they visit us on a professional tour. No wonder we want something better. We breed tenors and sopranos, and also successful performers on variety and dramatic lines. I have a list of forty-three local people, who are or were connected with the show business . . . The three Chittendens, father and two sons, played in the "Court Minstrels." They lived in Koppel-street and hung the first peal of bells in All Saints . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John George Stanley (musicseller, musical instrument maker and seller)
"DEATH", New Zealand Times [wellington, NZ] (2 November 1921), 1
CHITTENDEN. - On October 24th, 1921, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. L. Gibson, Blenheim, Daniel Chittenden; aged 84 years. R.I.P.
"PERSONALIA", New Zealand Times (2 November 1921), 3
There passed away on October 24th, at the residence of his son-in-law Mr. Len. Gibson, Blenheim, one of Marlborough's oldest and most respected residents, in the person of Mr. Daniel Chittenden, at the advanced age of 84 years. The late Mr. Chittenden came to New Zealand 60 years ago, and was well-known in musical circles, being a violinist of great ability, and was ever ready to assist a worthy cause. His wife predeceased him some four years ago. Requiem Mass was held in St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, the Rev. Father Heffernan conducting the service and the Rev. Father O'Reilley conducted the service at the graveside. A long cortege followed the remains to their last resting place. Much sympathy was felt for those left behind to mourn their sad loss. There are nine children, forty-seven grandchildren, and sixteen great-grandchildren.
Musician, professor of sacred music, conductor, vocal instructor, late pupil of John Hullah, psalmody instructor, carpenter
Born Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, England, 1817; baptised Bowerchalke, 9 November 1817; son of William CHIZLETT (1773-1849) and Mary BOND (c. 1775-1845)
Married (1) Sarah MORRIS (d. c. 1851), by c. 1848
Married (2) Louisa Adelaide PHILLIPS (1823-1886), Westminster, London, England, April 1854
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 September 1854 (assisted immigrant per Tantivy, from Southampton, 3 June)
Died Ashfield, Sydney, NSW, 29 August 1884, aged "67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CHIZLETT, Louisa Adelaide (Louisa Adelaide PHILLIPS; Mrs. Charles CHIZLETT)
Soprano vocalist
Born London, England, 1824; baptised London, 29 April 1824; daughter of Philip PHILLIPS and Louisa ?
Married Charles CHIZLETT, Westminster, London, England, 1854 (2nd quarter)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 September 1854 (assisted immigrant per Tantivy, from Southampton, 3 June)
Died Sydney, NSW, 8 March 1886, aged "63/64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Bower Chalk in the county of Wilts in the year 1817; register 1813-70, page 6; Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre, 1280/3
No. 47 / Nov'r 9th / Charles Son of / William & Mary / Chizlett / this parish / Carpenter . . .
Baptisms, St. Sepulchre, London, 1824; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
29 April 1824 / Louisa Adelaide / daughter of Philip and Louisa / Phillips
England census, 30 March 1851, St. John's, Westminster; UK National Archives, HO107/1479/982/63 (PAYWALL)
138 Lillington St. / Charles Chizlett / Head / Mar. / 33 / Carpenter &c. (Journeyman) / [born] Wilts Bower Chalk
Sarah [Chizlett] / Wife / mar / 32 / - / [born] Wilts Salisbury
Mary A. / Daur / 3 / - / [born] Midd'x Chelsea
Adelaide / Daur / 1 / [born] [Midd'x] West[minster]
New South Wales, Australia, Assisted immigrant passenger lists; per Tantivy, September 1854; State Archives NSW
Chizlett Charles / 36 / Joiner / [born] Bower Chalk Wiltshire / [son of] Wm. and Mary both dead / Baptist / [Read and write] Both / [Relations in the Colony] None
Louisa A [Chizlett] / 31 / - / Marylebone / . . . / [Baptist] / . . .
Mary Ann / 6 / Chelsea, Middlesex / . . . / [Baptist] / . . .
Adelaide / 4 / Westminster, London / . . . / [Baptist] / . . .
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (24 November 1855), 1
VOCAL MUSIC. - C. CHIZLETT, late pupil of Mr. Hullah, St. Martin's Hall, London,
begs to announce that he is about to commence a course of fifty elementary lessons from Hullah's Manual, commencing on
FRIDAY EVENING, November 30, in the School-room adjoining Dr. Ross's Chapel, Pitt-street.
Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a sound knowledge of vocal music will find this a rare opportunity.
Terms, including books containing all the figures and exercises, 10s. per quarter, or 15s. the whole course.
Tickets and books may be obtained of Mr. Soole, George-street, four doors north of King-street; Mr. Elworthy, opposite the Royal Hotel;
Mr. Eldridge, dyer, York-street; Mr. Dixson, Waverley House, Brickfield-hill; or, of the Conductor, 142, Liverpool-street East;
or, at the above room, until Tuesday, December 4th.
Two lessons will be given each week, commencing at 8 o'clock p.m., Tuesday and Friday evenings.
Mr. Chizlett will deliver an introductory address on Tuesday Evening, November 27th.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hullah (English music educator)
[Advertisement], Empire (24 December 1855), 6
THE PEOPLE'S SINGING SCHOOL. - Notice, next TUESDAY being Christmas day, the next lesson will be given on FRIDAY evening next, December 28th. C. CHIZLETT.
[Advertisement], Empire (4 March 1856), 1
PART SINGING. - THIS EVENING, Tuesday; Admission free!!! -
The first class of the People's Singing School will sing the songs contained in the first part of Hullah's Manual, commencing at half-past 7 o'clock.
All persons interested in part singing are respectfully invited to attend. C. CHIZLETT, Conductor.
[Advertisement], Empire (21 March 1856), 1
SYDNEY MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS. CLASSES. - The Quarter will commence on MONDAY, March 31 . . .
The Violin - Mons. Paling / Two [lessons per week] / Gratuitous . . .
Vocal Music, Hullah's system / Mr. Charles Chizlett / Two [lessons per week] / 12s. 6d. the course of 50 lessons
The Pianoforte, with use of instrument / Mons. Paling / Two [lessons per week] / Three Guineas . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (musician); Mechanics' School of Arts (Sydney)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 April 1856), 1
SYDNEY MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS: - A Lecture will be delivered on
TUESDAY EVENING next, the 8th instant, in the new Hall of the Institution,
on Part Singing, according to Hullah's system, by Mr. CHARLES CHIZLETT, the newly-appointed teacher at the above Institution.
The lecture will be illustrated specimens of the progress already made by a class under Mr. Chizlett's instruction.
At the close of the lecture the names of those desirous of learning will be taken down, and the proposed classes will be organized at once.
The lecture will commence at half-past 7 precisely. F. DYER [sic], secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Dyer (secretary)
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1856), 1
SCHOOL OF ARTS' VOCAL MUSIC CLASS. - The Pupils of this Class are respectfully informed that M. CHIZLETT will not be able to give his usual lesson THIS (Monday) EVENING.
PSALMODY. - C. CHIZLETT most respectfully invites amateur Vocalists to join a Class for the practice of pure psalmody and other sacred music,
to meet every TUESDAY EVENING, at half-past seven o'clock, in the Tabernacle opposite the Legislative Chambers, Macquarie-street.
To commence on Tuesday evening, June 10th. Terms, 5s. per quarter.
See also, for a satirical commentary on "pure psalmody", "HOLT IN LUCK'S WAY", Bell's Life in Sydney (14 June 1856), 2
"MISCELLANEOUS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1856), 3
Not the least interesting event in connection with the School of Arts is the recent opening of a vocal music class by Mr. Chizlett, in which gratuitous instruction is given to members of the institution and their friends. The object is chiefly to show the progress that may be made in a short time under the admirable system of Hullah. Already, we understand, such a degree of proficiency has been attained as to realise a pleasing and harmonious result, and to inspire with confidence those who may wish to acquire this attractive accomplishment.
"THE EIGHT HOUR MOVEMENT", Empire (21 October 1856), 5
A general meeting of operative Carpenters and Joiners was held yesterday evening, in the old Assembly Rooms, King-street,
for the purpose of forwarding the Short Time Movement. The opponents of that system were also invited to attend.
There were over 300 persons present . . . Mr. CHARLES CHIZLETT felt great pleasure in moving the next resolution, which was as follows: -
That this meeting congratulates the committee on the steady and solid progress of the Short-time Movement since the commencement of the agitation,
and pledges itself to support them in their efforts, until the Eight-hour Movement be universally adopted. (Cheers.) . . .
"PITT-STREET BAND OF HOPE", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (29 November 1856), 3
The first anniversary of the Pitt-street Band of Hope was celebrated by a public tea-meeting on Wednesday evening in the Hall of the School of Arts . . . In the course of the evening many pieces of music were well sung by an extensive choir, under the conductorship of Mr. Chizlett. In fact, the meeting throughout was most harmonious.
"SCHOOL OF ARTS. - CHORAL MUSIC", Empire (25 February 1857), 4
A vocal entertainment was given by Mr. C. Chizlett's upper classes, at the School of Arts last evening, before an audience numbering from three to four hundred persons. The programme was of a varied nature, comprising selections of secular and sacred music, from Handel, Mendelssohn, and others, the object of the entertainment having been, as Mr. Chizlett observed, to show that, although classes might be trained to sing sacred music it did not follow that they would be unable to execute secular pieces. The choir consisted of from thirty to forty performers, including a fair proportion of soprano voices. The harmony was almost as complete as could be desired; in fact, the whole of the music was very creditably rendered, and the singers, with their worthy conductor, deserved the applause which was warmly bestowed upon efforts.
"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1857), 5
The favourable reception of Mr. Massey's selections from some of the most celebrated oratorios, on Monday evening, induced him to repeat them last night at the School of Arts, when the body of the hall was moderately filled. The programme comprised some of the finest airs, choruses, and duets from the oratorios of "Judas," "The Creation," and "The Messiah," for the performance of which Miss Flora Harris, with several gentlemen amateurs, and a numerous choir, were engaged. Mr. Massey conducted, and Mr. Packer executed the organ accompaniments . . . Mrs. Chislett [sic] gave the recitative "There were shepherds" with pleasing firmness and finish . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Massey (conductor); Flora Harris (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (organist)
"MR. CHIZLETT'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1857), 5
A Sacred Music Concert was held, last evening, in the School of Arts, in connection with this gentleman's Vocal Musical Classes, connected with the institution. The Rev. Samuel Humphrey (on behalf of the class, which numbers forty), after a preliminary address, presented to Mr. Charles Chizlett, Professor of Sacred Music, a purse, containing 21 guineas, as a token of the esteem in which he was held by his pupils. Mr. Chizlett having acknowledged the testimonial, the performance went on. Several of the pieces were encored, and all were applauded by a thronged and delighted audience. The performance of the class, considering the short time it has existed, is equally creditable to the capacity of the pupils, and the system of their teaching.
But see also "TO THE EDITOR . . .", Empire (23 July 1857), 2
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 August 1857), 1
The Committee of the above have great pleasure in informing the members and the public generally that,
on MONDAY EVENING, August 10th, the classes under the direction of Mr. Chizlett will give a
CONCERT of Glees and Madrigals, with organ accompaniment, at the Hall of the School of Arts . . .
Organist. Mr. C. PACKER. Conductor. Mr. C. CHIZLETT . . .
VOCAL MUSIC. - C. CHIZLETT, Teacher of Vocal Music in the National Schools of Sydney, the Mechanics' School of Arts, &c.,
begs to inform the inhabitants of Redfern, Chippendale, and its vicinity, that he has engaged the Schoolroom at the back of the Congregational Chapel,
Cleveland-street, and will give the first of a course of Fifty Lessons from Hullah's Manual, on
TUESDAY EVENING, August 11th, to commence at half-past 7 o'clock.
The first lesson, with introductory remarks, will be given free!!!
All parties Interested in the diffusion of sound musical knowledge are respectfully invited to attend.
N.B.-It is also Intended to form an advanced class for the practice of psalmody, anthems, and other Church music.
For terms, &c., apply as above on TUESDAY EVENING next.
[Advertisement], Empire (14 November 1857), 1
the Members of Chizlett's Upper Singing School will give a repetition of the following selection of Sacred Music, with Organ Accompaniment :
Hundredth Psalm - "With One Consent let all the Earth"
Motet - "O be Joyful" - Palestrina
Anthem - "Lord for Thy tender Mercies Sake" - Farrant
Choral - "Since on the Cross" - Martin Luther
Hymn - "Forth from the Dark" - Rousseau
Motet - "I will give Thanks" - Palestrina
Hymn - "O God of Truth" - B. Rogers
Eighth Psalm - "O King Eternal and Divine" - Dr. Croft
Hymn - "Thou that from Thy Throne" - Haydn
Hymn - "Give us Peace" - Russian Melody
Motet - "Go not far from me" - Zingarelli.
Recitative and Air - "Eve's Lamentation" - King
Anthem - "The Lord Descended from Above" - Dr. Hayes
Quartette - "Cast thy Burden upon the Lord" - Mendelssohn
Anthem - "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem" - Scott
Anthem - "I know that the Lord is Great" - Sir F. A. G. Ouseley
Terzetto - "Lift thine Eyes" - (from the Elijah) - Mendelssohn
Choral - "To God on High" - (from the St. Paul)
Anthem - "Cry Aloud and Shout" - Dr. Croft
Chorus - "Envy, Eldest Born of Hell" (from Handel's Saul).
Chorus - "Fixed in his Everlasting Seat - (from Handel's Samson)
To conclude with Handel's Grand Hallelujah Chorus.
Tickets - for Reserved Seats, 2s.; Gallery and Promenade, 1s. each . . .
"THE NATIONAL SCHOOLS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1857), 4
A large number of visitors (about 230) assembled at Fort-street on Wednesday [23 December 1857].
The Governor General and Lady Denison were kind enough to distribute prizes . . .
the pupil teachers and assistant teachers sang a selection of pieces (chiefly from Hullah's part music) in evidence of their proficiency.
Unfortunately two of the young teachers were absent on account of illness, and their places were supplied by the Inspector and Mr. Chizlett, their instructor in music.
Most of the pieces were well sung. The following was the programme:
- Sacred - 1. Choral - "Since on the Cross," Luther;
2. Motet - "O be joyful," Palestrina; 3. Hymn - "Give to us Peace," Russian Melody;
4. Motet - "I will give thanks," Palestrina; 5. Hymn - "Ave Sanctissima," Webbe;
6. Motet - "Go not far," Zingarelli.
Secular. - 1. Glee - "Awake Eolian Lyre," Danby; 2. Part song - "O never fear," German;
3. Part song - "Mayday," Meithart; 4. Part song - "Harvest," German;
5. Glee - "Ye spotted snakes," Steevens; 6. Glee - "Come let us a-maying go," Alterbury;
7. National Song - "Rule Britannia," Arne.
Although the singers were rather nervous at first, as might be expected, we are inclined to the opinions that the part songs, "Mayday," and "Harvest," were the best executed;
next the Glee, "Ye spotted snakes." This performance gave pleasure apparently to all the visitors.
The Governor-General and Lady Denison thanked the singers for the entertainment which, they said,
gave them much gratification. The children were then assembled in front of the lawn and sang "God save the Queen" . . .
ASSOCIATION: William and Caroline Denison (governor and wife)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 February 1858), 5
Mr. Chizlett's concert of sacred music, which was held last evening in St. James' School-room, was more than usually successful, both as regards the attendance, which was large and respectable, and the performance, which afforded general satisfaction. Mr. Chizlett conducted the vocal music, and Mr. Cordwen [sic] presided at the organ. The first part of the programme comprised several excellent anthems and choruses, culled from Haydn, Hullah, Croft, &c., as well as a hymn and chorale composed by Prince Albert. The second part was entirely devoted to selections from "The Messiah." Mr. Chizlett gave the recitative, "Comfort ye my people," with much clearness, and in well-expressed tones; and the audience, by prolonged applause, induced him to give a repetition. The choir was numerous, and with the assistance of Mrs. Chizlett, gave good effect to the varied harmony of Handel's great work. The concert terminated with the well rendered and always impressive "Hallelujah chorus."
ASSOCIATION: William John Cordner (organist)
[Advertisement], Empire (15 April 1858), 1
BALMAIN SINGING CLASS. - C. CHIZLETT will give the first of a course of Fifty Elementary Lessons, in the Parochial School-room, Adolphus-street, to commence at half-past 7.
Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of joining the above are respectfully invited to attend. For tickets and further particulars, apply to Mrs. RAMSAY, opposite St. Mary's Church.
"ADVANTAGES OF MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 October 1858), 5
The following are the preliminary observations made by J. H. Plunkett, Esq., M.P., on Tuesday evening last, in his lecture delivered at the Lyceum Theatre: -
. . . I will take the opportunity of making a few preliminary observations on the advantages to be derived from the general cultivation and encouragement of music among us . . .
The system alluded to, and known as Hullah's system of singing, has been generally adopted (as we perceive) in England, and also, I find, in Scotland . . .
Mr. Chizlett, Mr. Colley, and others teach the same system here, and it would be very desirable to see it practised more generally at our public and private schools . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (musical amateur)
"THe SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 November 1858), 6
A numerously attended and spirited meeting was held in the Castlereagh-street Schoolroom, on Thursday evening, the 18th instant, to establish a society under the above designation. The chair was taken by Mr. Charles Nathan, F.R.C.S., at a few minutes past eight o'clock. There were present in the room a large number of gentlemen who have taken part in the transactions of musical societies in Sydney, and considerable satisfaction was expressed at the prospect which the meeting afforded that Sydney was at last shaking off the apathy that has been so long evinced in musical matters here. The musical profession was also represented by several of its leading members. At the request of the chairman, Mr. Dyer read the advertisement convening the meeting, and also the prospectus explanatory of the objects of the society. This prospectus has appeared in our advertising columns. The Rev. H. J. Hose, Warden of St. Paul's College, moved the first resolution, which was "That a society be now formed, to be called the Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society" . . . The resolution was seconded by Mr. Dyer, who took occasion to point out that there was at the present time more hope of success for such a society than at any previous time, in consequence of the large number of singing classes that were in operation in various parts of the city. Mr. Dyer also alluded to the efforts of Mr. Charles Chizlett as having given a great impulse to the cultivation of music here, and trusted that the vocal class which it was intended to form in connection with the society would still further extend the pleasing accomplishment of part singing. The motion, having been put from the chair, was carried unanimously. Mr. W. Wilkins, inspector and superintendent of the National schools moved the second resolution, which was: "That the object of the society be the cultivation and practice of vocal music by uniting in one choral body the large number of singers more or less trained, now to be found in this city, and the establishing of a school for instruction in part singing" . . .
ASSOCIATION: Charles Nathan (chair); Henry Judge Hose (member); William Wilkins (member); Sydney Vocal Harmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1859), 12
CHIZLETT'S VOCAL MUSIC SCHOOL. - Ladies and Gentlemen who can rend music at sight are respectfully invited to join the upper school,
which will henceforth MEET in the Hall of the School of Arts on every WEDNESDAY EVENING, at half-past 7.
During the next quarter the Practice will be principally the Choruses of the Messiah and Haydn's Creation,
with a view to their performance at the University Festival, in June next.
C. CHIZLETT, Conductor.
ASSOCIATION: Sydney University Musical Festival (event)
"THE CREATION", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1859), 10
It will he seen from an advertisement in another column that the whole of this oratorio is to be performed at the School of Arts this evening, by Mr. Chizlett's Upper School, assisted by Madame Flora Harris, and other artistes. The pupils of Mr. Chizlett - many of whom have been under the training of this gentleman for upwards of three years - have been practising this oratorio for a considerable time with a view to assisting at the approaching University Musical Festival; and in order to afford the numerous patrons of Mr. Chizlett's Upper School a musical treat at a price within their reach, he has consented to give the concert this evening. We understand that the organ in the hall of the School of Arts is about to be removed; consequently, such an opportunity is not likely to occur again.
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Empire (26 May 1859), 8
. . . The Vocal Harmonic Society, though but a short time in existence, is already doing wonders towards the attainment of the desired end. The Society is established for the purpose of bringing before the public the master-productions of the Titans of the Kingdom of Music - the Oratorios of the great composers. One gentle hint - do your work slowly - do it well: time will give a greater triumph than all the short-lived ephemeral fame to be acquired by present applause. Too much praise cannot be awarded to Mr. Chizlett, for the vocal classes that are gradually acquiring perfection under his able guidance; let him not spare himself - let him extend his benefits to those who would gladly partake of them if their ability were but equal to the desire . . .
"TO THE EDITOR", Empire (31 May 1859), 5
SIR - In an article on Music and the Drama which appealed in your journal on Thursday last,
I observed you noticed in a very laudatory manner my efforts to teach the people Vocal Music,
but as I scarcely understand your remark when you say (in reference to myself) let him not spare himself -
let him extend his benefits to those who would gladly partake of them if their ability were but equal to the desire.
I beg to offer the following remarks for your consideration, that you and the renders of the Empire may judge whether I am sparing myself,
and as to whether I can do more in the way that you suggest, than I am now doing.
In the first place, I may inform you that I give fourteen lessons each week in the National Schools of Sydney, and two at Mr. Coveny's School;
and my evenings are engaged in the following manner - on Monday I conduct a practice at the School of Arts, to which all singers are invited on Tuesday evenings.
I give a lesson at Paddington, Wednesday. I meet my upper school at the School of Arts, Thursday; an elementary lesson in the same place -
and I have just entered into an engagement with the Redfern Mutual Improvement Association to a course of lessons on Friday evenings there,
and after my meetings in town I have always to walk to Upper Paddington after half-past nine o'clock.
On Saturday evening I give a private lesson at Paddington.
I may further add that the Committee of the School of Arts has thrown open the classes there to all who may wish to join them,
irrespective of their being members of the Institution, and presents two handsome prizes to each class, in the year, to boot;
and that inasmuch as the terms for the course of lessons amounts to something less [than] three pence each lesson,
I do not see how we can extend these benefits to any who cannot partake of them on the above very moderate terms.
We have just formed a new elementary class, which numbers about forty members, and, having all the materials for teaching as many as the place will hold,
we should have been glad to accommodate three times the number of the above class, and if any desire to learn,
who really are too poor to pay the above named price, let them come and we will teach them for nothing.
Thanking you for your kind notice, and wishing you success in your present undertaking.
I remain, yours, &c.
Paddington, May 30th, 1859.
"SCHOOL OF ARTS", Empire (12 July 1859), 5
Mr. Chizlett's vocal concert given last night at this institution in aid of its building fund, deserved to have been better patronised. The degree of excellence attained by Mr. Chizlett's classes in part singing is so superior, that we can only regret that we have not oftener an opportunity of hearing their performances. In concerted music there is a degree of perfection with regard to harmony and correct time, that is worthy of imitation by the more powerful choirs of the city. As examples may be mentioned, the quartette and chorus, "Blessed are They," from Spohr's "Last Judgment;" Mozart's chorus, "To Rome's Immortal Leader;" and Mr. C. S. Packer's hunting chorus "The Stars still Shine." Mr. Waller, whose excellent powers as a solo singer (bass) tell with particular effect, was enthusiastically encored in Balfe's song, "I'd be a Soldier still," to which with the scena by Paisiello, "Destruction of Jerusalem," he did ample justice. Several compositions of Mr. C. S. Packer were executed to the satisfaction of the audience. The thanks of the public are due to Mr. Chizlett for his efforts in the cause of vocal music.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Waller (vocalist)
"SYDNEY UNIVERSITY FESTIVAL", The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (30 July 1859), 318
THE greatest musical treat ever afforded the inhabitants of this colony has just concluded, in celebration of the opening of the Sydney University [Great Hall, 19-23 July]. To judge by the large attendance on each of the days, the immense efforts made to present a real musical treat, have been fully appreciated. The glorious compositions of the Creation and the Messiah, were rendered in a manner highly creditable to the amateur and professional musicians. The exertions of Mr. Lavenu, the conductor, have been continuous throughout the long period of preparation for these concerts, and certainly the result has proved a triumph. The chorus numbered 250 voices, pupils of Messrs. Cordner and Chizlett. The Orchestra was very numerous and efficient, playing with great precision and brilliancy. Handel's Messiah was twice performed, on Tuesday and on Friday; Haydn's Creation on Wednesday. A full and attentive audience greeted these marvellous compositions on each occasion. A miscellaneous concert took place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, each well attended.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor)
"SYDNEY VOCAL MUSIC ASSOCIATION", The Australian Home Companion (5 November 1859), 23
THIS society, formed out of the upper classes under Mr. Chizett's instruction, held its opening soiree at the School of Arts, on the 19th ultimo; inaugural addresses were given by Dr. Woolley, and others. A miscellaneous selection of pieces were rendered with excellent taste and skill during the evening, by the members of the society. A second concert was given on Wednesday evening last, November 2nd. On each occasion Mr. Packer presided at the organ, and Mr. Chizlett conducted.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Woolley (member)
[News], Empire (8 May 1860), 4
The second concert for the season of the People's Vocal Association, given at the Temperance Hall, last evening, was of so superior a character, and so admirably carried out, that we only regret not having sufficient room to notice each piece of the varied programme, and would - as in the case of the last concert - earnestly recommend a repetition of the same entertainment. The programme included selections from the part songs of Danby, Neithardt (of the Berlin Cathedral), Stevens, Farmer, Horsley, Webbe, Lord Mornington, Mendelssohn, and others. Mr. Chizlett, the talented conductor, has, in some points, brought the members of his chorus almost to perfection; the exquisite light and shade interspersed in the singing of some of the glees, and the marked precision of the time, rendered the execution of them equal to anything we remember to have heard for sometime, and caused regret at not having a more frequent opportunity of hearing music so delightful. The pieces most admired and enthusiastically encored, were - "The Brook," by Farmer (words by Tennyson), "Here in Cool Grot," "From Oberon," by Stevens, the latter being most exquisitely vocalised. There were many other gems. Mr. Chizlett certainly deserves great praise for the proficiency displayed by his classes, and we sincerely hope that the concerts will be strongly supported. The concert was, on the present occasion, well attended.
ASSOCIATIONS: Temperance Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1861), 1
at the Masonic Hall, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 17th;
the programme to consist of HAYDN'S ORATORIO, "THE CREATION,"
The principal soprano and tenor solos are assigned to Madame Flora Harris, and Mr. John Howson.
Tickets - One shilling; reserved seats, Two shillings; may be had of the music sellers.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist); Freemasons Hall (Sydney venue)
"PADDINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 December 1870), 2
The new school house at Paddington, erected by the Council of Education, has just been completed, and was formally opened on Friday last, when the school broke up for the Christmas holidays . . . The children then sang "Christmas Day," "My Native Land," "Minnie Darling," "The Fisherman, "Ring the bell, Watchman," "Convent Bells," and some other charming compositions in very effective manner, under the leadership of Mr. Charles Chizlett . . .
"MUSICAL SOCIETIES. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1876), 7
SIR, - Having read, with great interest, the discussion in your journal on the abovenamed subject,
I desire, with your kind permission, to offer a few remarks on what appears to me to be one of the chief causes of the failure of former choral societies in this city;
and having been engaged for above twenty years in teaching the elementary principles of the art of singing,
with a view to preparing pupils to take part in the great choral works of Handel, Haydn, and others,
many of which works I studied for some years with great delight, under Sir Michael Costa,
I hope it is not unbecoming in me to presume to offer an opinion on such matters.
Most of the evils have been noticed by your other correspondents;
but one of the chief evils has been, in my opinion, too lightly dwelt upon namely,
the admission to chorus of persons who are unable to sing the simplest music at sight without the aid of an instrument.
This I conceive to be the most serious evil of all.
If my long experience has taught me anything, it is this, that this practice operates in several ways injuriously.
In the first place, it tends to make young pupils indifferent about the elementary instruction they need;
secondly, persons who have tolerably good voices and can read a little imagine that choruses can be sung by persons far beneath them in musical attainments;
and again, it keeps good readers away from the choral practices.
I was, some years ago, present at a rehearsal in St. James' school, when the conductor was nearly three-quarters of an hour drilling the tenors in their part,
of the simple old madrigal, "Now is the month of Maying."
Will good readers attend, night after night, to be called upon by the conductor, to stand and sing,
or bawl their part into the ears of persons who really have no right to be there.
With regard to the Tonic Sol-fa method, I concur in the opinions of Mr. Younger, and also of Mr. Horn,
both of whom may have confounded the system, or movable "Do," with the notation;
but it is obvious, that it is the notation which both these gentleman object to.
I think it well to mention what Mr. Curwen says in the second chapter of the "Standard Course,"
it is, that our duty is to lead our pupils by the most direct road to the mastery of the established notation, with its staff of five lines.
Yet, they go on year after year, providing their pupils with some of the best music in the lettered notation, thus practically teaching them to ignore the old.
It is well known to most of the musical people that I commenced to teach on what is called in England Hullah's method,
both at the School of Arts and in the principal Public schools, and I was so far successful that my adult classes were soon able to sing the choruses of the Creation,
which they learned by sol-fa-ing them without the aid of an instrument till about three (at the most) meetings before we gave a performance of that work at the Masonic Hall.
In my first classes I endeavoured to imitate Hullah's school, confining my upper school to those who could read at sight;
but this was soon broken in upon by the formation of a society, who threw open the doors of their chorus to all who were willing to join.
This same evil I have had to complain of down to the present time.
About seven years ago the Council of Education, having directed me to teach the children in the several schools
(to which I had hitherto given lessons in Hullah's method), in the Tonic Sol-fa method, I commenced need teaching my adult classes on the new methods in the School of Arts and other places.
I succeeded in teaching pupils plain psalmody, &c., but when we attempted much beyond that it was a failure.
That has been my experience in teaching the old notation by the Tonic Sol-fa method;
whereas, when I used to teach the old notation in the Public Schools, there were but few children with good voices who were not prepared to join choirs, &c., when they left school.
I should now like to give your readers Mr. Hullah's opinion of the movable "Do" method.
[He says nothing about the lettered notation. It seems as if he thought it beneath his notice.]
Of the old method, he says: "For a quarter of a century the third edition has maintained a circulation both large and steady.
Large as it has always been, however, and larger as it has recently become,
its magnitude is but a very inadequate measure of the extent to which it has been employed,
for the publication of the exercises on large sheets his rendered it available in places innumerable."
I have made this quotation to show that the great advance in choral music in England is not wholly the result of the Tonic Sol-fa method, as some would endeavour to make us believe.
Many years ago the issue of the exercise-books was at the rate of a thousand per day, and now it appears it is greater than that.
In the preface to his new method (which I am now using in my adult classes) he says, -
"As Inspector of Music in the Training Colleges I have had unusual, indeed unequalled, opportunity, of testing results of the well-known methods of using the Sol-fa syllables.
The use of the movable 'Do,' as it has come under my notice, does involve both difficulty and inconsistency."
In 1874 he gives several extracts from his yearly report of inspection, and among others the following -
"Of the bodies of second year students taught on the movable 'Do' principle who sol-faed a piece I put before them in the course of my examination,
not one noticed or acknowledged the most striking feature of it - that the key had changed, and, therefore, the 'Do' should have been chanced.
With charmingly unconscious violation of the principles so painfully instilled into them they went on sol-faing as if the key had not changed.
As for individuals I found few of those who could sol-fa at all in more than two keys besides that of C."
I find in my journal memoranda made at the moment like the following:
"Utter confusion about 'movable Do,' disposition on the part of students to shirk sol-faing altogether;"
"notes called by any name, but the right, &c.."
Such is a few of the statement, of this most gifted and experienced inspector, from whose new work I should like to quote more at length,
but fear to trespass further on your valuable space.
The Editor of the Musical Times (Mr. Novello) says - "Considering that Mr. Hullah adapted Whilhem's method [sic. Wilhem's method] for English use in 1840,
and that since that time he has been incessantly engaged in class teaching, it may fairly be said that he has well earned his right to a patient hearing on the subject."
In conclusion, I quite agree with Mr. Fisher in his remarks about the Saturday evening concerts,
and concerning the ambition of amateurs I am of opinion too,
that the music presented to the public by coloured performers is by no means calculated to improve the taste of our young people,
and I fear that kind of music is finding too much favour in many of our churches, for even there I often hear tunes that always remind me of black faces and castanets.
Music-master to Council of Education, &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Costa (English conductor); Montague Younger (musician); Charles Horn (musician); James Churchill Fisher (musician); Black-face music and performers (general)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 September 1880), 1
Mr. CHARLES CHIZLETT, for many years teacher of Singing under the late National Board and late Council of Education,
has for a long time been unable to follow his profession, in consequence of severe physical suffering.
It is universally admitted that Mr. Chizlett, during a period of more than 20 years,
has done much to foster a taste for vocal music in the community, and especially among the young.
Under the circumstances some friends have thought it desirable that his past labours should receive some recognition,
and, having formed themselves into a Committee, they are endeavouring to raise funds for that purpose.
They now appeal to a grateful and sympathetic public to assist them, by liberal contributions, to carry out the worthy object they have in view.
Subscriptions will be thankfully received and acknowledged by the hon. treasurer, A. ADAMS, Training School, Fort-street, or by any member of the Committee.
Signed on behalf of the Committee,
W. WILKINS, Chairman.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins (chair)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 November 1880), 2
GRAND CONCERT, in aid of the Chizlett Testimonial Fund, MONDAY, 6th December.
Large chorus of PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS and SOLO SINGERS . . . P. D. McCORMICK, Hon. Sec.
ASSOCIATIONS: Peter Dodds McCormick (secretary)
[News], The Sydney Daily Telegraph (4 February 1881), 2
The presentation of the Chizlett Testimonial fund took place at the Temperance Hall last night . . . The fund, which amounted to £132 3s 6d, was handed to him by the chairman, Mr. Wilkins, Under-Secretary for the Department of Public Instruction, who made some appropriate remarks, and Mr. Chizlett suitably replied . . .
[Advertisement], Evening News (8 April 1882), 6
SINGING CLASS. - A new Elementary Class, conducted by Mr. C. CHIZLETT, will be formed on Wednesday Evening next, in St. James's schoolroom; entrance in Elizabeth-st. 8 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1884), 2
EVENING CLASSES . . . DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. Instructor - Mr. Percy Fitz-Stubbs.
Music - Mr. Percy Fitz-Stubbs, Tuesday and Friday.
Class Singing - Mr. Charles Chizlett, Monday and Friday.
ASSOCIATIONS: Percy Fitz-Stubbs (music instructor)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1884), 13
Those intimate with the musical world will sincerely regret to hear of the death of Mr. Chizlett, who for many years had held a prominent position as a teacher of vocal music to Sydney. Many of the most successful vocalists of the past, as well as many promising ones of the future, owe their primary musical education to Mr. Chizlett, who through his life stuck tenaciously to the system adopted by the late Mr. John Hullah, whose pupil he was. Failing health for some years rendered Mr. Chizlett incapable of taking that prominent part at public concerts which was his wont in days past, but his advice and assistance were at all times cheerfully tendered to young musical societies, in the prosperity of which he took so lively an interest. His death at the last was very sudden, as he succumbed in a few hours to a stroke of paralysis.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1884), 1
CHIZLETT. - At his residence, Cromwell Cottage, Milton-street, Croydon, suddenly, Charles Chizlett, aged 67.
CHIZLETT. - August 29, at his residence, Cromwell Cottage, Milton-street, Ashfield, Charles Chizlett, in the 67th year of his age.
"Chizlett Memorial", Evening News (27 February 1885), 6
A final meeting of the committer and subscribers in connection with the Chizlett Memorial fund was held in the Protestant Hall on Wednesday night.
The balance-sheet showed that £50 had been expended in the purchase of a marble monument selected from the yard of Mr. McNab, of Rookwood.
The monument is erected on a massive stone base and is well designed and sculptured.
The inscription is surmounted by a harpsichord [sic, harp] in marble, and above this is a fluted column, bearing the following words -
"In memory of Charles Chizlett, public teacher of singing, who died August, 29, 1884, ages 67 years. Erected as a mark of esteem by this pupils and friends."
CHORLEY, Frances Maria (Frances Maria ?; Mr. James CHORLEY)
Actor, hotel and theatre saloon keeper, publican's wife, matron of the Hobart Orphan School
Born c. 1801
Married James CHORLEY, England, by 1827
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 6 October 1827 (per Orelia, from England, 16 June)
Died East Maitland, NSW, 19 November 1852, aged "51" (NSW BDM 1852/1672 38B) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"Ship News", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (12 October 1827), 2
Arrived on Saturday last, the ship Orelia, 382 tons, Captain Hudson, from England the 16th of June, with an extensive Cargo of merchandize, chiefly for this Colony, as will be been by her manifest inserted in the last page.- Passengers, (for Van Diemen's Land.) . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie [sic] . . .
Correspondence concerning James and Frances Chorley, from 1827; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1621915 (DIGITISED)
I beg leave to inform you that Mr. & Mrs. Chorley arrived from England on Saturday last in the Orelia
having been appointed from Earl Bathurst as school master and mistress . . .
I am Sir with every respect your most obe't & very humble serv't,
James Chorley
Hobart Town, Oct'r 10th 1827 . . . (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Bathurst (English politician)
[News], The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (31 October 1827), 3
A Mr. and Mrs. Charlie, passengers per the ship Orelia, it appears have been sent out as master and matron of the Orphan School, about to be established at Van Diemen's Land.
"From the Gazette of this Day", The Hobart Town Courier (6 December 1828), 2
The Reverend James Norman is appointed Master, and Mrs. Norman, Matron of the King's Female Orphan School, vice Mr. and Mrs. Chorley, removed for improper conduct.
[Editorial], Colonial Times (13 March 1829), 2
. . . However we may deprecate the cause of the removal of Mr. and Mrs. CHORLEY, from the situation of Master and Matron of the Female Orphan School, still we cannot help advocating their cause, and thereby endeavouring to call the notice of the local Government to their present destitute position . . . The consequence is, that Mrs. Chorlie is compelled to offer herself in the menial capacity of a servant, to enable her to return to her friends . . . If His Excellency refuses this act of benevolence, which we do not believe he will, yet we are sure a Tasmanian Public, by a spontaneous co-operation of assistance, will by a subscription, obviate the necessity of Mrs. Chorlie working her passage home.
See also [Editorial], Colonial Times (20 March 1829), 3
"THE GAZETTE OF THIS DAY CONTAINS", The Hobart Town Courier (30 May 1829), 2
The magistrates are to meet on Monday the 15th June next, to transfer the St. Patrick public house, Harrington street, from Mr. T. Pitt to Mr. James Chorley.
"Hobart Town Police Report. Monday, February 3rd", Colonial Times (11 February 1834), 6
Mrs. Chorley was fined 10s. and costs, and in default of payment, within one week, to be imprisoned and kept to hard labor in the House of Correction for three days, for assaulting Mr. District Constable Swift, in the execution of his duty. It appeared that Mr. Swift, in the discharge of his duty, had to search the Hope and Anchor public-house, accompanied by an officer of the Alligator, for deserters and runaways; that being positively refused admittance to certain rooms in the house, Mr. Swift proceeded in the mildest way to enforce the search, when Mrs. Chorley shewed fight and obstructed him. An offence of this kind, by the 7th clause of the Police Act, subjects the offender to a penalty of from £5 to £20.
But see also, "Original Correspondence", Colonial Times (18 February 1834), 5
[Advertisement], Trumpeter General (4 April 1834), 3
By desire, and under the immediate Patronage of the Merchants of Hobart Town.
TOMORROW EVENING, April 5th, 1834. Will be performed, the Comedy of Speed the Plough -
Sir Philip Blandford, Mr. Fenton . . . Sir Abel Handy, Mr. Jacobs -
Bob Handy, Mr. Spencer - Henry, Mr. Mackay - Farmer Ashfield, Mr. Jordan - Evergreen, Mr. Collins - Gerald, Mr. Townsend. -
Miss Blandford, Mrs. Cameron. - Lady Handy, Mrs. Mackay, - Susan Ashfield, Mrs. Brown.
- Dame Ashfield, Mrs. Chorley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fenton (actor); John Lewis Jacobs (actor); Albert Spencer (actor); Angus and Frances Mackay (actors); Thomas Collins (actor); Cordelia Cameron (actor); Theatre Freemasons Tavern (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (25 November 1834), 3
Theatre, Argyle Rooms.
MRS. CHORLEY begs leave to inform her friends and the public in general, that she has taken the Theatre for One Evening only,
on which occasion she will (under the superintendence of MR. PECK) produce such a concentration of talent and novelty,
as must ensure the approbation and support of her numerous patrons and the public.
ON SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, November 29, 1834,
Will be performed the favorite Comedy of SPEED THE PLOUGH . . .
Dame Ashfield - Mrs. Chorley . . .
Song - "the Slave," Mr. Jacobs.
Comic Song - "what a Woman is like," Mr. Mackay.
Song - "[?] is thine heart," Mr. Jacobs.
The whole to conclude with the laughable Farce of MISS IN HER TEENS . . .
Tag - Mrs. Chorley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (manager, actor, musician); Theatre Argyle Rooms (Hobart venue)
"From a Correspondent", Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (2 December 1834), 2
On the night of Mrs. Chorley's benefit, who was anxious to please her friends,
as she had been promised Mr. Peck's assistance, the audience were astonished at the delay.
The reason was, that at 7 o'clock, neither scenes nor dresses were ready.
The key of the room in which the paraphernalia is usually deposited, was reported to be in the younger Mr. Deane's pocket,
who had unfortunately left his establishment to take a bathe.
Mr. Campbell appeared, but not until 8 o'clock, and in high spirits.
Mr. Jacobs refused to play, because of Mrs. Chorley's remonstrance, upon his playful manners with a Shepherdess behind the scenes.
Mr. Deane had been paid ten pounds in advance for his house, and Mr. Chorley was to receive the receipts at the door,
instead of Mrs. Deane, as has been the custom.
No Orchestra was prepared - Miss Deane's assistance was refused upon the occasion, and ten ten minutes before 12 o'clock,
the green curtain was torn down, when three minutes longer would have closed the performance.
- ED. - These disgraceful transactions surely justify our remarks upon Theatricals,
and we cordially thank Mr. Levy for ridding us of some of our actors.
We regret that those performers who conducted themselves with more propriety, should suffer for the guilty.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane and wife (proprietors); John Deane junior (son); Rosalie Deane junior (daughter, pianist); Mr. Campbell (actor); Barnett Levey (Sydney theatre proprietor)
"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (2 December 1834), 6
On Saturday last, Mrs. Chorley took her benefit, at Mr. Deane's Theatre. The house was very respectably attended, and the performance went off very tolerably well. During the evening, a few blackguards in the gallery chose to make a disturbance, which greatly annoyed the respectable portion of the auditors; there were two in particular, who not only made use of indecent language, but behaved themselves, in every sense of the word, like Botany Bay scoundrels - we believe both were bakers; we had intended to name the parties; we shall not do so this time, but . . .
"The Theatre", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (9 January 1835), 2
On Wednesday evening, Mr. Cameron's theatrical company, presented the comedy of the "Heir at Law," to a very thin but respectable house . . . Mrs. Chorley played Lady Duberly much better than we expected, never having before seen that lady, who, by the bye, is not a regular professional, play any think [sic] but subordinate characters; her Lady Duberly, however, entitles her to rank certainly only second to Mrs. Cameron, as an actress . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, manager)
"THEATRE", Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (19 May 1835), 2
Mrs. Chorley's benefit took place on Friday night last, and it was expected the novelty filled the house. By some strange adventure, Agnes, said to be the only one in the Colony, was announced as having been mislaid, and the farce of the Rendezvous as a substitute, which seemed to pacify that part of the audience then present. On Mr. Jacobs's appearance in the Rendezvous, the whole house was in an uproar and by a general tumult the audience insisted upon Raymond and and Agnes. Away trudged General Taylor and mustered his theatrical corps for the melo drama. This delay caused much confusion; and to quell the tumult and amuse the audience until the corps appeared, Mr. Peck volunteered his services, and sung Hip, Hip, Hurrah, in new style. There was quite Hurrah enough without this; however, the good folks were satisfied; at last Raymond and his appeared, and the piece went on without the book; all hands appeared pacified with the exertions of the performers, who were all alternately prompters. The reason of this disappointment and confusion at the Theatre; we are only acquainted with by reports, and therefore decline commenting thereon; but we cannot think either the managers or any of the performers intentionally placed these obstacles to the prejudice of Mrs. Chorley, who has upon all occasions offered her service gratuitously to the Theatre.
"The Prompter, AND DRAMATIC CENSOR", Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register (20 May 1837), 4
The Theatre on Monday evening last, being Whitsuntide, was fully attended by a respectable audience. The entertainments were "High Life below Stairs," "The Irish Tutor," and "The Sleeping Draught" . . . Much attention is given by one of the Lessees to the orderly management of the House, so that respectable families may not feel annoyed by an improper mixture of persons in the boxes. Dress-rooms are also provided for the Ladies, where they can leave their cloaks, bonnets, &c., and which are under the care of Mrs. Jordan, a very steady and deserving woman. The Saloon, conducted by Mrs. Chorley, with much satisfaction, is now finished and furnished in a very neat and handsome manner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal, soon to be named Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
"Original Correspondence. To the Editor of the . . .", Colonial Times (11 September 1838), 6
SIR, - Through the medium of your valuable Journal, the Colonial Times, will you be pleased to insert the reason,
why my benefit did not take place, according to advertisement?
which I think it my duty to make known to my friends and the public, who, I am sure, would have served me, on that occasion.
I was given to understand, that the Theatre was placed in the hands of Trustees, and that the following Gentlemen were the persons: -
Thomas Hewitt, William Bunster, and W. T. Macmichael, Esquires.
Accordingly, I made application for permission to have the use of the Theatre, for a benefit, and they were kind enough to sign the following document: -
"We, the undersigned, do hereby consent to allow Mrs. Chorley to receive a benefit at the Theatre, before it is closed.
Under these circumstances, I waited on the Commanding Officer of Her Majesty's 21st Regiment, who had the kindness to permit the Band to attend on that occasion.
I then went to the expence of printing and publishing, when I saw an anonymous paragraph in the Colonial Times, that the Theatre was closed;
I paid no attention to that, for I saw the person shrunk from his name, but caused my tickets and bills to be circulated; when, on a sudden,
the doors of the Theatre were nailed up, and I found it useless to proceed further.
I return my friends, and the public in general, my sincere thanks for their kind intentions towards me;
and, at some future time, when the affairs of the Theatre are more amicably adjusted, it is my intention to take a benefit,
when my friends, I know, will not be backward on the occasion. -
I am, Mr. Editor, your's, &c. &c.,
Hobart Town, Sept. 10, 1838.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 21st Regiment (military)
"Shipping Intelligence", Colonial Times (13 August 1839), 4
AUG. 12. - Sailed the barque Marquis of Hastings, 452 tons, Naylor, master, for Sydney. Passengers . . . Mr. Chorley and wife.
Sydney and Maitland, NSW (from August 1839):
"Theatricals", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (26 February 1842), 2
On Monday evening last [21 February], the Victoria opened for the season . . . In the female department, we have Mrs. Thomson, an actress of distinguished merit, her daughter, Miss Jones [sic, Mrs.], Miss Mathews and Mrs. Chorley . . . The Theatre opened with the second part of King Henry the Fourth, a well chosen play for showing off the capabilities of the various actors . . . Mrs. Thomson as Lady Percy, made the most of what little she had to do in the piece. Mrs. Chorley also made her first appearance on the Sydney stage on Monday night, in the character of the Hostess. This lady has evidently considerable talent in her line, and as a substitute for Mrs. Larra, will be an excellent change for the best . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martha Thomson (actor); Mary Jones (actor); Mary Ann Larra (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The New South Wales Examiner [Sydney, NSW] (14 May 1842), 2
Mrs. Chorley, late of the "Victoria Theatre, has the honour to announce to her friends and the public that she intends to take a
Benefit at the Olympic Theatre, On MONDAY, the 16th Mat, 1842,
on which occasion will be presented THE ROBBERS OF THE RHINE.
After which a variety of entertainments, consisting of Tight Rope Dancing by Mr. CROFT.
Songs by Mr. FALCHON; and a Recitation by Mr. PALMER, his first appearance on the stage.
The whole to conclude with the laughable and entertaining farce, received with so much applause, entitled CROSSING THE LINE.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Croft (acrobat); Arthur Falchon (vocalist, actor); Olympic Theatre (Sydney venue)
"CHARGE OF BEING A COMMON SCOLD", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (1 May 1852), 2
Yesterday Sarah Whittey appeared before the bench, charged by James Chorley with being a common scold. Mr. Ward appeared for the defence. The three shops known as Brown's buildings, Melbourne-street, East Maitland, are occupied by Chorley, Whittey, and David Penfold; Chorley now deposed to obscene and abusive language used to him and his wife by Mrs. Whittey on Saturday evening last, to their being frequently annoyed by her singing indecent songs and using blasphemous language late in the evening, and to her being in these ways a nuisance; he could, however, only specify two distinct occasions . . . The bench said there was plenty of proof of the use of indecent language, but scarcely enough perhaps to prove defendant's being a common nuisance; but they decided to postpone the case for three weeks to see if the promise to quit was kept.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Whittey (defendant)
"Deaths", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 November 1852), 3
At East Maitland, on the 19th November, Mrs. Francis Chorley, the beloved wife of Mr. James Chorley, formerly matron of the Orphan School, Van Diemen's Land, aged 51 years.
Bellringer, bell ringer, change ringer, bell captain
Birth London, 12 November 1837; baptised St. Saviour, Southwark, 3 December 1837; son of Robert CHRISFIELD and Sarah HEXTALL
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by 1863, ? or earlier
Married Alice PEARCE (1843-1914), Melbourne, VIC, 1864
Died Melbourne, VIC, 16 September 1883, aged "46" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Bells and bellringers (generic)
Baptisms in the parish of Saint Saviour, Southwark, in the county of Surrey, in the year 1837; register 1837-52, page 16; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 123 / [December] 3 / Born 12 Nov'r 1837 / William Son of / Robert & Sarah / Chrisfield / Bank Side / Cooper . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Saviour, Southwark, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1558 (PAYWALL)
87 Bakside / Rob't Chrisfield / Head / Mar. / 50 / Warehouseman & Colour Works / [born] Kent Deptford
Sarah [Chrisfield] / Wife / Mar. / 47 / - / Leicestershire
Robert / 19 / Barge Builder - Apprentice // Sarah / 15 // John / 11 // [all born] Surrey Rotherhithe
Wm. [Chrisfield] / [Son] / 13 / Scholar / [born] [Surrey] St. Saviour // Ann / 9
[News], The Argus (22 January 1863), 5
Yesterday the ringers of St. James's rang on the bells of the church a muffled peal, as a tribute of respect to the memory of Burke and Wills. The ringers engaged were - Wm. Chrisfield, treble; Richard Maddocks, second; Edmund Norman, third; Benjamin Greening, fourth; Isaac Davis, fifth; James Cook, tenor. The peal was conducted by Wm. Chrisfield.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. James's church (Melbourne)
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (7 March 1863), 5
On Tuesday last, the 5th instant, three of the Ringers of this city, assisted by three of the Lancashire Hand Bell Ringers, rang on the bells of St. James's Cathedral, the full extent of changes in the Grandsire method, being the first scientific ringing ever rung in any of the Australian colonies. Great credit is due to the Lancashire Hand Bell Ringers for assisting them, and also to the Ringers of this city in accomplishing the same. The names of the performers were - George Harrison, treble; William Chrisfield, 2nd; John Whittaker, 3rd; Peter Wills, 4th; John Rose, 5th; James Cook, tenor. The peal was called, and conducted by William Chrisfield.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lancashire Bellringers (troupe)
[News], The Herald (11 September 1863), 2
Yesterday, the Lancashire Hand-bell Ringers assisted by the ringers of St. James's rang on the bells of that church several peals in the Grandsire method in the art of change ringing, being the greatest achievement ever accomplished in any of the Australian colonies. The ringers were - Edmund Norman, treble; William Chrisfield, 2nd; John Whittaker, 3rd; Peter Mills, 4th; William Shenton, 5th; Isaac Davis, tenor; conducted by Wm. Chrisfield.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Adelaide Express [SA] (2 September 1864), 2
The Albert Bells Committee met on Thursday, September 1, Mr. Thomas English in the chair. Letters were read from Messrs. G. S. Walters and F. H. Faulding, stating that subscription-lists had been opened in London for persons interested in the colony to enter their names as subscribers to the Bells Fund, and hoped they should be able to report satisfactorily. A further letter was received from Messrs. Warner & Sons; also one from Messrs. Naylor, Vickers, & Co., steel bell manufacturers; and an extract of a letter on the same subject (steel bells) was read from a friend of Mr. A. S. Clark, stating that the preference in England is given to the usual bell metal. Letters were also read from Mr. William Amner, of Sydney, and Mr. William Chrisfield, Melbourne, offering their services to hang, &c., the bells on arrival . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Amner (bell ringer, Sydney)
[News], The Age (11 January 1865), 4
The proceedings of the Board for the Distribution of Premiums for New Industries have been the subject of much comment . . . Some of the claims were altogether preposterous. For instance, a Mr. Cameron wanted a reward for having in his possession some half-bred Angora goats . . . and a Mr. Chrisfield for "change ringing" . . .
"DEATHS", The Age (17 September 1883), 1
CHRISFIELD. - On the 16th September, at his late residence, 63 Errol-street, Hotham, after a long and painful illness, the beloved husband of Alice Chrisfield, aged 46 years.
"MUMMER MEMOIRS . . . SOME OLD TIME BELL-RINGERS - BILL CHRISFIELD. No. 187. By 'Hayseed'", Sydney Sportsman [NSW] (8 November 1911), 3
"Old Chimes" (Hawthorn, Melbourne) writes: -
'In Mummers' Memoirs,' you mention St. James's Cathedral Bellringers and their assistance to Mr. Barry Sullivan when he staged 'Faust.'
It may interest the readers of this very entertaining series of old-time doings to know that the William Chrisfield referred to was a member of the London College of Bellringers,
and on Christmas Day, 1865, called and conducted at St. James's Cathedral the first ten complete peals in the grandsire method (each, peal consisting of 120 changes) in the Australasian colonies.
The ringers were Wm. Chrisfield (conductor), B. Gunning, E. Norman, W. Shenton, J. Davis, G. Sydenham.
The widow of Mr. Chrisfield is still living, and one of his sons and one grandson are in the Commonwealth Public Service."
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed"); Barry Sullivan (actor, manager)
Musician, bass vocalist, chemist and druggist, restaurant keeper
Born c. 1840; son of Heinrich Gottlieb CHRISTEN
Arrived Adelaide, SA, by September 1858
Married Auguste Caroline Philippine HABICH (1851-1919), Adelaide, SA, 4 August 1872
Died North Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1898, aged "57/58" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (24 September 1858), 1
Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady MacDonnell.
The following persons will appear :-
MISS ROWE, Mons. Laglaise's Pupil; her first appearance in Singing; MRS. WALLACE.
HERR H. CHRISTEN, Basso Profundo, lately arrived from Germany.
MONS. LAGLAISE. HERR KUNZE will Preside at the Pianoforte.
PROGRAMME. PART FIRST . . . "Die- Augen ein Meer" (German Melody) Herr H. Christen - J. Witt . . . [sic, L. F. Witt]
PART SECOND . . . Recitative and Air from "The Bohemian Girl" - Herr H. Christen - Balfe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); Richard and Blanche Macdonnell (governor and wife); Louisa Jane Rowe (pianist, vocalist); Maria Wallace (vocalist); Carl Julius Kunze (pianist, accompanist); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"MONDAY EVENING'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (28 September 1858), 2
The concert of vocal and instrumental music, given on Monday evening to Mons. Laglaise, under the patronage of His Excellency and Lady MacDonnell, was attended by a large and very fashionable audience. The accomplished vocalist, for whose benefit the entertainment was given, was assisted by Miss Rowe, Mrs. Wallace, Herr H. Christen, and Herr Kunze; and the pieces selected for performance included a choice variety of operatic, ballad, and other music by some of the most celebrated composers . . . Herr Christen, who was announced in the programme as a "Basso Profundo, lately arrived from Germany" rather surprised the audience by the peculiarity of his style, particularly in the operatic piece he had selected. We prefer, however, waiting to hear him again before expressing any decided opinion respecting his capabilities . . .
"FAREWELL CONCERT OF MONS. LAGLAISE", The South Australian Advertiser (28 September 1858), 2
. . . Herr Christen in "Die Augen ein Meer," developed some splendid bass notes, although the general character of his singing was too inanimate . . . Herr Christen gave a recitative and air from the "Bohemian Girl," with great precision and magnificent tone of voice, but with the same want of animation which characterised his first song . . .
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (16 June 1859), 3
On Wednesday evening last Signor Cutolo gave a grand concert at White's Rooms . . . we must not forget Miss Rowe . . . Her voice was also very clearly and sweetly heard in the trio with Mr. Daniel and Miss Bryan, as well as in Mendelssohn's quartette, "First Spring Day," which was sung without musical accompaniment of any sort, and was warmly encored. Mr. Christen well sustained his part in the quartette and trio, of which he sang the bass, controlling well a voice of great volume and extensive compass. Mozart's "Arie ex Zauberfloete" was admirably sung by him, and, being warmly encored, led to the repetition of the latter verse of it . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist); Jane Elizabeth Bryan (vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist)
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (16 June 1859), 2
. . . A duet by Messrs. Daniel and Christen followed, with a pianoforte accompaniment by Miss Rowe. The singing of this piece was artistic and tasteful . . . Mr. Christen next sung a solo from Zauberflote. Some of the deep bass notes of Mr. Christen's voice called down rounds of applause, and he was immediately encored in the piece. A trio, partly instrumental and partly vocal, came after, in which Miss Rowe acquitted herself with her accustomed skill and power. The harp accompaniment was executed by Miss Horn, and that on the piano by Signor Cutolo. The piece was very well received. A quartette followed by Misses Rowe and Bryan, and Messrs. Daniel and Christen. The harmony was very well preserved, and the beautiful cadence at the close excellently rendered. The audience impatiently demanded an encore, and the piece was repeated. The only fault which it seemed to possess was, that it was much too short . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Annette Elise Horn (harp); for the programme see, [Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (11 June 1859), 1
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (14 July 1859), 1
WHITE'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS. MISS TOZER has the honour to announce that she will give a
Grand CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC on Thursday evening, the 14th July, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief.
Principal Performers - Miss Tozer, Miss C. A. Tozer, Miss Polhill, Master Watson, Mr. R. B. White, Herr Ignaz Roitzsch (Pupil of the Leipzig Conservatorium),
Mr. H. Christen. Conductor - Mr. J. W. Daniel . . .
PROGRAMME . . . PART II . . . 8. Song, "Home" - Mr. H. Christen - Reissiger . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline and Elizabeth Tozer (vocalists); Victoria Polhill (vocalist); Joseph James Watson (vocalist); Richard Baxter White (violinist, pianist); Ignaz Roitzsch (pianist)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (15 July 1859), 1
in WHITE'S ASSEMBLY ROOM, THIS EVENING (Friday), July 15, 1859.
The Deutsche Liedertafel (under the conductorship of Herr Linger) have kindly given their assistance;
the other portion of the Musical Entertainment will be conducted by Mr. J. W. Daniel.
PROGRAMME. Chorus - "Mueller's Wanderlied (the Miller's Wander Song), the Deutsche Liedertafel . . .
Song - "As I View these Scenes so Charming" (La Sonnambula), Mr. H. Christen - Bellini . . .
Chorus - "Coeur Koenig" (the King of Hearts), the Deutsche Liedertafel . . .
Chorus - "Lob des Kriegerstandes" (Praise of a Soldier's Life), the Deutsche Liedertafel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Linger (conductor); Adelaide Liedertafel (association); South Australian Institute (association)
"MISS TOZER'S CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (16 July 1859), 5
On Thursday last, Miss Tozer gave a grand concert at White's Rooms, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief. Coming on the evening between the Tradesmen's Ball and the Quarterly Soiree of the South Australian Institute, it might have been safely predicted that the attendance would not be large, and when the evening turned out to be showery a thin audience became a positive certainty. The room was not more than a third full - a circumstance calculated to throw a damp upon both singers and audience. We must, however, do the former the justice to say that they exerted themselves to the utmost to please, and rendered the several pieces with great spirit and effect . . . Miss Tozer sang "There be none of beauty's daughters" with great sweetness and expression, and was warmly encored. The song told all the more coming immediately as it did after the fine manly tones of Mr. H. Christen in "Home, dear home." Indeed it was the song of the evening . . .
Adelaide Observer (16 July 1859), 1 supplement
The quarterly soiree of the above Institute was held at White's Room, on Friday, the 15th inst. . . . The room was filled as usual to the doors, and the entertainment, both as to lecture and music, was a decided success . . . The music of the evening was of a very excellent order, and was led of by the Deutsche Liedertafel, under the conduct of Herr Linger in admirable style. The chorus performed was "Mueller's Wanderlied," which was given in the precision as to time for which Germans are so noted, and with a great amount of spirit and accuracy in other points of view. Indeed, when speaking of this body of gentlemen, who ministered gratuitously on the occasion, we may say that their performance gave considerable eclat to the conversazzione, and their absence on future occasions will cause considerable disappointment. It may be fairly presumed that many of the German portion of the inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity avail themselves of the benefits of the Institute; and it is only reasonable to expect that they should contribute in some degree to the success of its conversaziones. The encores which the band received may be a proof beyond anything which a critic might say of the sincere appreciation by the audience of their services. Mr. Christen, also a German, sang a song from "La Sonnambula;" but it was evident he was suffering from some affection of the throat, which prevented him winning upon the audience as he generally does. There was a dragging in the pianoforte accompaniment to the song which some what improved the matter for the worse . . .
"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE", The South Australian Advertiser (18 July 1859), 5
. . . "As I view those scenes so charming" followed, and was given as a solo by Mr. Christen with considerable power . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (26 July 1859), 1
Mr. H. CHRISTEN will have the honour to give a CONCERT on Thursday, the 23th July,
when he will be assisted by Misses Tozer, Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mr. Ignaz Roitzsch, Messrs. Schrader and Heidecker.
Concert to commence at 7 o'clock. Double Tickets, 4s. Single, 2s. 6d. Programmes at the door.
ASSOCIATIONS: Heinrich Schrader (musician); Theodor Heydecke (musician)
"PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE", South Australian Register (12 October 1859), 3
The first soiree in connection with the Port Adelaide Institute was held, as announced, on Monday evening, in the large room at the White Horse Cellar . . . The entertainment was commenced with a glee, "Through lanes with hedgerows," which was executed in a most pleasing manner by Mrs. Perryman, Mrs. Daniel, Miss Bowman, and Messrs. Daniel, Christen, and Lake . . . Two more glees and a song by Mr. Christen followed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Peryman = Caroline Tozer (as above); Miss Bowman (vocalist); Mr. Lake (vocalist)
"SALISBURY LITERARY SOCIETY", South Australian Register (29 October 1859), 2
We have been favoured with the following from a correspondent: - "The annual meeting of this Institute was held in the Assembly Room on the evening of Wednesday, the 26th inst. . . . The business having been concluded by the election of a Committee for the ensuing year, a concert was given by Mr. Daniel, assisted by three ladies and Mr. Christen, whose fine deep bass voice told with excellent effect in the concerted pieces. Mrs. Perryman's merits as a vocalist are too well known to require any comment, but Miss Bowman's singing ought not to be passed over without some notice . . . her part in the quintette "Beautiful Star" was universally applauded . . Altogether, the musical arrangements were such as reflect great credit on Mr. Daniel and gave general satisfaction to a numerous audience . . .
"SIGNOR CUTOLO'S FAREWELL CONCERT", South Australian Register (9 December 1859), 3
The concert given by Signor Cutolo on Thursday evening was extremely well attended . . . Mr. Christen made his first appearance during the evening in the second part, when he essayed a solo named in the programme "Fatherland for me," by Gumbert. A dirge in Adagio with muffled drums as an accompaniment, could not have gone off heavier. Mr. Christen has a splendid bass voice, but either he had made an injudicious selection or his interpretation of the composer's ideas was defective. In the concerted pieces his fine voice told with much greater effect . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), 27 February 1860), 1
Assisted by Miss Tozer, Miss Polhill, Mr. Christen, and Mr. Schrader.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 4. Standard-Bearer - Mr. Christen - Lindpainter . . .
PART II . . . 4. When other Lips - Mr. Christen - Balfe . . .
MUSIC: The standard bearer [Die Fahnenwacht] (Lindpaintner); When other lips (Balfe, from The Bohemian girl)
"MR. WHITE'S CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (1 March 1860), 3
A grand concert of instrumental and vocal music was held in White's large room, on Wednesday evening, which was tolerably well attended . . . There, however, could not have been fewer than 300 ladies and gentlemen present. The programme was a very attractive one, and consisted of selections from popular composers executed by the very best local artistes procurable. Mr. White was the chief attraction . . . Miss Bryan and Miss Tozer sung pome very beautiful solos and duets in an admirable manner, and Mr. Christen, in the songs allotted to him, exhibited some of the very best notes of his very fine bass voice . . .
"MR. R. B. WHITE'S CONCERT", Adelaide Observer (3 March 1860), 2 supplement
. . . Mr, Christen sang with his usual accuracy, but required a little more animation in order to enable the audience folly to appreciate his fine vocal powers . . .
"WOODSIDE [From our own Correspondent] . . . July 22", Adelaide Observer (26 July 1862), 2 supplement
. . . The friends and supporters of mechanics' institutions and circulating libraries will be gratified to learn that the Woodside Institute has again started into life under most favourable auspices. A soiree and lecture were given in the Court-House on the evening of the 7th instant . . . During the evening Mrs. Smith and Dr. Esau (also an accomplished pianist) played several selections from "Zampa" and other operas, interspersed with an occasional lively country tune, that sent a kind of tremor through the feet of all the young people present . . . Herr Christen, of Nairne, next made his debut, and sang "The Standard hearer," "The Song of Australia," &c.; his deep bass voice sounded to perfection in the large room, and he was warmly applauded . . .
"NAIRNE [From our own Correspondent] . . . October 13", South Australian Register (16 October 1862), 2
The anniversary of the establishment of the Nairne Institute took place on Monday, the 6th instant, and was very numerously attended. tended. From sixty to seventy persons sat down to tea . . . Between the parts of the lecture Messrs. H. J. Christen and W. O. Ashton sung some pleasing songs . . .
"WEEK'S INSOLVENCIES", Adelaide Observer (10 January 1863), 5
Hugo Johannes Christen, of Nairne, chemist and druggist.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (31 January 1863), 8
WE hereby give NOTICE that we will NOT be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted since the 6th day of January, 1863,
by H. J. CHRISTEN, late of Nairne, Chemist and Druggist . . .
A. F. CHRISTEN & CO. Adelaide, January 29, 1863.
ASSOCIATIONS: August Franz Christen (elder brother or cousin, married, SA, 27 January 1857; d. SA, 1870)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (21 January 1865), 5
The Polytechnic Hall will be re-opened on Monday evening with the first of a series of vocal and instrumental concerts, proposed to be given by a party of musicians representing a large share of the musical talent of Melbourne. The instrumentalists engaged are Messrs. King, E. King, Thomas, Montague, Arndorff, Schott, and C. E. Horsley; the vocalists being Miss Liddle, Miss Fanny Reeves, Herr Christen, and Signor Castelli. A fresh programme of performances will be presented three times in the week.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violin); Ernest King (violin); Herbert Thomas (viola); Alfred Montague (cello); James Arthur Schott (oboe); Charles Edward Horsley (piano); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); Fanny Reeves (vocalist); Charles Castelli (vocalist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (24 January 1865), 4
The first of a series of concerts of vocal and instrumental music, in which most of the professional musicians of note in Melbourne are engaged, was given last night, in the Polytechnic Hall. There was a good number of people present, but the attendance was not so large as the merit of the performances deserved. The selections were rendered, for the most part, unexceptionably . . . The vocal portion of the entertainment was dependent upon Miss Liddle, Signor Castelli, and Herr Christen; but, on Thursday evening, Miss Fanny Reeves, the young lady who made so successful and appearance recently at the Philharmonic Society's concert will be added to the list . . . Herr Christen, who has a good bass voice, sang an air from "The Magic Flute" very effectively, and received his share of the applause. The same programme will be repeated this evening, and the selections will be changed on Wednesday.
[News], The Argus (13 July 1865), 5
The monthly reunion of the "Melbourner Deutscher Turnverein," on Monday evening, was of more than usual interest. True to their object of lending a helping hand to the higher arts, while promoting social intercourse, the society gave a most successful dramatic entertainment. The opening piece was a smart little bustling comedy, in one act, entitled "Der Diener Zweier Herren" (The Servant of Two Masters), by W. Friedrich, which was preformed with an ability far above the common style of amateurs. Herr Troedel played with much vivacity and humour the part of Lorens, the man, and Brummer, a gentleman at ease, was well sustained by Herr Christen. This was followed by a lively farce, "Ein Wandernder Schauspieldirector" (a wandering theatre manager), the work, we believe, of Herr Lefranc . . . The piece was otherwise chiefly made up of a selection of songs by various German poets and composers, which afforded a pleasing proof of the musical talents of the company, who were aided by a good orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Troedel (member)
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (5 June 1869), 5
Hugo J. Christen, Melbourne, clerk. Causes of insolvency -
Having been induced to endorse bills of exchange by false representations.
Liabilities, £182 14s. 6d.; assets, £5; deficiency, £177 14s, 6d. Mr. Jacomb, official assignee.
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (6 August 1869), 2
On Friday, July 30, a grand amateur concert was given in Preston's Assembly Rooms, Angaston . . . the overture in part 1 being played by Mr. Plumpstead in his usual effective manner. The quartette, a hunting chorus, by Messrs. Fischer, Wiener, Sobels, and Haraler deservedly elicited great applause . . . A bass solo, "Fiauto Magico," was then given by Mr. Christen, of Melbourne, in which he brought out the full power of his magnificent voice . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Plumstead (pianist); George Fischer (vocalist); Robert Wiener (vocalist)
"ANGASTON, JULY 5", The South Australian Advertiser (8 July 1872), 3
The Draeger family, assisted by Herr Christen (basso profundo), performed at the Institute. The room was tolerably well filled. Mr. Christen has a splendid bass voice, and his songs were a great treat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Draeger family (musicians)
"MISCELLANEOUS", Northern Argus [Clare, SA] (30 August 1872), 3
At the Wallaroo Local Court, on the 20th inst., Herr Christen sued Herr Draeger for £39 13s 4d, for money advanced and services rendered. Judgment was given for the plaintiff for £27 9s 4d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Draeger (musician)
Marriages, Adelaide, SA, 1872; Australia, marriage index (PAYWALL)
4 August 1872 / Residence of William Thomas, Adelaide / Hugo Johannes Christen / son of Heinrich Gottlieb Christen /
Caroline August Habich [sic] / daughter of Johann Friedrich Habich
"MARRIAGES", South Australian Register (19 March 1873), 4
CHRISTEN - HAEBICH. - On the 4th August, 1872 [sic], by the Rev. T. Jasper Smyth, M. A., of St. John's, Halifax-street east, Hugo Johannes Christen, fourth son of the late H. G. Christen, of Hamburg, to Philippine Auguste Haebich, second daughter of Wm. C. Haebich, of Hahndorf.
"THE CONCERT AT WHITE'S ROOMS", The Express and Telegraph (19 March 1874), 3
. . . Herr Christen has a magnificent bass voice, the lower notes especially being effective. He wants more soul thrown into his songs to do himself full justice . . . The last piece on the programme was Balfe's well-known bass song, "Though fortune darkly o'er me frowns," sung by Herr Christen. In this song the Herr warmed up, and did something approaching justice to his magnificent voice. We have never heard him to greater advantage . . .
Register of insolvencies, 1878; State Records of South Australia, GRG66/1 (PAYWALL)
3321 / Christen Hugo Johannes / Adelaide / Restaurant Keeper / Oct. 16 / . . .
"THE SYDNEY LIEDERTAFEL", Goulburn Evening Post [NSW] (13 November 1894), 4
ON Saturday evening the Sydney Liedertafel gave a smoke concert in the Academy of Music . . . Mr. Hugo Christen has an extraordinarily powerful bass, and reached unfathomable depths in "Drinking," which by special request he substituted for "Out on the Deep," using the German words. In reply to an enthusiastic encore and a large bouquet Mr. Christen repeated a verse . . .
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (18 March 1898), 1
CHRISTEN. - March 17, suddenly, at his residence, Aldgate, Blue's Point, North Sydney, Hugo John Christen, beloved husband of Agusta Christen, aged 58 years. Inserted by his loving wife and children.
Burials, St. Thomas, North Sydney, 1898; Sydney Anglican Diocesan Archives (PAYWALL)
44 / Hugo John Christer / Blues Pt. / [died] Mar. 17 / March 19 / St. Thomas' / 57 / Chemist . . .
"BREVITIES", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (21 March 1898), 4
The funeral of the late Mr. Hugo John Christen, of East Crescent-street, Blue's Point, took place on Saturday, the remains being interred in St. Thomas's Cemetery, North Sydney. In addition to the relatives of the deceased there were also present several members of the Sydney Liedertafel, of which the deceased was one of the oldest members.
"THE ADELAIDE LIEDERTAFEL", The Register [Adelaide, SA] (17 September 1908), 7
. . . The Adelaide Liedertafel . . . was constituted in the year 1858 . . . It has had the support of talented and prominent men. Among them were such as Messrs. Armbruster, Schierenbeck, Mumme, Oehlmann, Christen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Armbruster (member); Johann Wilhelm Schierenbeck (member); Charles Edmund Mumme (member); Hermann Oelmann (member)
Musician, contralto vocalist, teacher of singing, pupil of Manuel Garcia
Born Garrison, Quebec city, Canada, 6 March 1848; baptised Garrison church (Anglican), 26 March 1848; daughter of John CHRISTIAN (1817-1892) and Ellen McLEOD (1826-1870)
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 31 July 1871 (per J. M. Joshua, from London)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 5 March 1879 (per Victorian, for Adelaide, then per Rodney, for the Cape of Good Hope)
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 12 May 1880 (per Victoria, from London)
Died Potts Point, NSW, 31 May 1941, aged "93" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Garrison baptism records, 1848; Institut Généalogique Drouin, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (PAYWALL)
Christian Baptized / Mary Ellen daughter of John Christian Gunner and [?] Royal Artillery of of Ellen his wife was Born on the sixth and was baptized on the [26 March 1848] . . .
Passenger list, arrived at Melbourne, VIC, 31 July 1871, from London, per J. M. Joshua; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Miss Christian / 23 / British . . .
"A NEW CONTRALTO", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (4 August 1871), 2
We have to chronicle the arrival of a most accomplished contralto in Melbourne. The name of the lady is Miss Christian, and we are told that she will prove a most welcome addition to our musical circles. Mr. Lyster heard her in London, and has a very favorable opinion of her voice.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Saurin Lyster (manager)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (15 August 1871), 3
A grand concert, as a complimentary benefit, is to be given to Mr. Wm. Saurin Lyster at the Town Hall on Saturday week; and from the undoubted popularity of that gentleman as an operatic manager of ten years' experience in Victoria, he ought to have a compliment paid to him that he will remember. All the Italian artists and the English Opera Company will take part in it, as well as the majority of the music professionals of this city, including Messrs. Horsley, Schott, Siede, and Lee. Miss Chambers will also sing; and Miss Christian, a pupil of the Academy of Music, will make her first appearance before a Melbourne public . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (musician); James Arthur Schott (musicians); Julius Siede (musician); David Lee (musician); Lucy Chambers (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe); Royal Academy of Music (London institution)
[News], The Argus (24 August 1871), 4
The programme for the great testimonial concert to be given to Mr. Lyster on Saturday night next at the Town-hall, has been published . . . Furthermore, a lady vocalist - Miss Christian - who comes to this country with weighty credentials from such an authority as Sir. W. Sterndale Bennett, makes her first appearance before an audience, whose approval it will be something to gain . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Sterndale Bennett (English musician and composer)
"THE LYSTER TESTIMONIAL CONCERT", The Argus (28 August 1871), 5
. . . Miss Christian made an agreeable impression upon her first appearance. She has a good style about her, and a sweet mezzo-soprano voice, which will yet be heard to more advantage when not so much affected by the nervousness incidental to a first appearance in a strange place. The beautiful romance from "Faust," "When all was young!" which is so seldom heard here, would have been all the better if it had been taken in quicker time . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (28 August 1871), 2
Tho Town Hall was completely filled last Saturday evening, on the occasion of Mr. Lyster's benefit . . . Miss Christian, from London, made her debut, and had a good accolade of course. The piece she chose was Die Staven Wufke, that is if the bills have got it correctly. It is a song of The Forsaken type, addressed only to the deep cognoscenti, and of which the general public cannot make head or tail. Miss Christian was very nervous, but made a favorable impression. Her voice sounded rather small at first, but swelled out considerably as she advanced. It is of good tone, and on future occasions Miss Christian will no doubt be able to make much better use of it . . .
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The Herald (28 August 1871), 2
The new Town Hall presented a very brilliant appearance on Saturday evening . . . There could not have been less than 4000 persons present, who were most enthusiastic in their applause and demands for encores . . . Miss Christian made a successful debut, and there is no doubt that she is a great acquisition here. Her voice, a pure "mezzo-soprano," is liquid, round, and capable of more than she gave on Saturday . . .
[News], Leader (17 May 1873), 18
The Exhibition Concert Company, consisting of Mrs. Smythe, Miss Christian, and Messrs. Lamble, DuBoulay, and Huenerbein, arrived at Ballarat from Hamilton on Sunday night, after a tour in the western district and the South Australian border towns. The company, which was under the direction of Mr. R. S. Smythe, appears to have been highly successful, and the artistes must have worked hard. During the month the company appeared in thirteen towns, and with one exception, when the mail coach was late, a concert was given every evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey Smythe (vocalist); Samuel Lamble (vocalist); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); Robert Sparrow Smythe (agent, manager)
"MADAME ARABELLA GODDARD'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1873), 4
The lady who has come amongst us, and who has already received a welcome such as is seldom accorded to artistes who have visited Sydney, gave her second concert in this city last evening at the Masonic Hall. She was again honoured with the highest patronage, and the concert itself was a grand success . . . Mrs. Smyth and Miss Christian, two vocalists of great ability and excellent voices (from Melbourne) were very warmly complimented by expressions of approval . . . Glover's duet, "See the land appears in sight," sung by Miss Christian and Mr. Fairfax, was rendered in a manner that deserves to be spoken of in the highest terms. The trio which concluded the entertainment, "The winds whistle cold," sung by Mrs. Smythe, Miss Christian, and Mr. Fairfax, was not less successful than the duet. Besides taking part in the concerted pieces, both Mrs. Smythe and Miss Christian rendered several songs during the evening with exquisite skill and spirited effect, and were enthusiastically applauded . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arabella Goddard (pianist); Andrew Fairfax (vocalist)
"MADAME A. GODDARD'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1873), 4
Yesterday evening, at the Masonic Hall, York-street, Madame Arabella Goddard gave her fourth grand concert in Australia, being her last concert in Sydney. The hall was densely crowded in every part by members of the leading families in Sydney ana its immediate neighbourhood . . . Madame Goddard was assisted by Mrs. Smythe (soprano); Miss Christian, of the Royal Academy of music (contralto), Mr. Andrew Fairfax, and Mr. Paling (a gentleman amateur) who acquitted himself admirably in two solos on the violin. The accompanist was Mr. Montague Younger. The concert began with Mendelssohn's beautiful duet, "I would that my love," in which the voices of Mrs. Smythe and Miss Christian harmonized very sweetly, and prepared the minds of the audience for the further treat that followed. Miss Christian then sang with much precision and good effect Mercadante's aria "Ah s'estinto" . . . Macfarren's favourite ballad, "The beating of my own heart," was so exquisitely sung by Miss Christian that she was recalled to the stage, when she gave with great vocal power and deep feeling, "Heaven spare my child," from "William Tell. In this also Miss Christian won universal applause . . .
Births, St, Leonards, NSW, registered 1875 (birth November 1874) (PAYWALL)
Robert Christian Smythe / son of Robert Sparrow and Mary Ellen / Symthe
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE CLEARED OUT", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 March 1879), 4
MARCH 6 . . . Victorian, s.s., 656 tons, Wm. McLean, for Adelaide. Passengers - saloon . . . Miss Christian . . .
"OUR LETTER HOME", The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (15 March 1879), 1 supplement
. . . The principal musical event of the month has been the farewell benefit of Miss Christian, at the Town-hall, on the 1st of March. Miss Christian is now on her way to England, via the Cape . . .
"Shipping News . . . CLEARED OUT", Evening Journal [Adelaide, SA] (12 March 1879), 2
TUESDAY, MARCH 11 . . . RODNEY, ship, 1,447 tons, A. Louttit, master, for London, via Cape of Good Hope. Passengers . . . For Cape Town: Miss Christian . . .
"A LETTER PROM THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . . . CAPE TOWN, FRIDAY, APRIL 10", The Australasian (21 June 1879), 19
. . . The Rev. Charles Clark and his indefatigable' agent, Mr. Robert Sparrow Smythe, have been here, and have done remarkably well at first - in fact, coined money, one may say. Then Miss Christian came along from Adelaide in the ship Rodney en route to London. She got off ship and played here three nights in conjunction with the gifted lecturer. Strange to say, their combined efforts were not in any way a success. The trio (Clark, Smythe, and Christian) then made a sudden and very hurried departure, not completely fulfilling their engagements. They were advertised and billed to play, as it were, tonight, but a steamer leaving for London in the afternoon of advertised day of performance they quietly packed up and cleared . . .
"ODDS & ENDS FROM THE OLD COUNTRY (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) LONDON, JAN. 12", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1880), 7
Apropos of musical doings, the colonies are to be congratulated on the approaching return of Miss Christian, certainly one of the finest contraltos at present in London. She cannot be persuaded to risk her fine organ any longer in this perilous climate. She prefers the sunny skies of her adopted country, and considering what the spring, autumn, and winter, nay even the summer of 1879 have been, we cannot wonder at her choice, however much we may regret it.
"Half-Hours with the Stars,", Melbourne Punch (29 April 1880), 8
Another star whose return to her proper sphere, or at any rate hemisphere, may be daily looked for, is Miss Christian. It is said that the sweet singer will be accompanied by her sister, another vocalist; but then it is also said, "two stars shine not in a single sphere."
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Catherine Christian (1859-1946; married William Tiley, VIC, 6 January 1892)
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (12 May 1880), 3
Miss Christian, the favorite vocalist, and who is professor of singing at the Presbyterian Ladies' College, is a passenger by the s. s. Orient, expected in Hobson's Bay this evening.
[News], The Argus (14 May 1880), 5
. . . The passenger list of the Orient just arrived, included the name of Miss Christian, who has returned after a 14 months visit to the old country. She will shortly renew her acquaintance with the musical public of this city . . .
"MADAME CHRISTIAN'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Argus (3 October 1894), 6
Madame Christian's popularity was evidenced by the number of leading musicians who rallied to her assistance at the farewell concert in the Town Hall yesterday evening, and also by the large audience that assembled. The favourite cantatrice, who for twenty years or more has worthily occupied a foremost position amongst Australian vocalists, was received with a hearty round of applause as she came on to the platform . . .
See also "At 90, Melba's Teacher Still Works On . . .", The Australian Women's Weekly (16 July 1938), 2
. . . "I was born in Canada," she explained, "but at two years of age my family took me to England, where later I began training for an operatic career." Madame Christian then became a Westmoreland Scholar and Potter Exhibitioner at the Royal Academy of Music. Later she studied in many parts of Europe and embarked on what promised to be a very successful career. She suffered severe congestion of the lungs and was advised to go to Australia to recuperate. She landed at Melbourne in 1871. After touring for three years with Sir Charles Santley, one of the greatest baritones, Madame Arabella Goddard, the English pianist, and Jenny Claus, the French violinist, she decided to settle down to imparting the knowledge of Manuel Garcia to young Australian singers. She was not thirty when she began to teach Nellie Mitchell, later to become the immortal Melba, who at that time was 16 years of age. "Although Nellie Mitchell was somewhat of a madcap at the time," she laughed, "I could sit for hours and listen to her wonderful voice, and I knew at once she was going to be a great singer. I gave her the first three years of her singing tuition, then she went to study under Madame Marchesi in Paris, and in six months was singing grand opera in Brussels. After this I lost touch with her . . ." . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Manuel Garcia (vocalist, teacher); Jenny Claus (violinist); Nellie Melba (vocalist)
"OBITUARY. MADAME CHRISTIAN", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1941), 4
Madame Christian, one of the world's greatest singing teachers, whose pupils included Melba and many now-iamous Australian artists, died at Potts Point on Saturday, at the age of 93. Known for the past 47 years as Sister Mary Paul of the Cross, she carried on her teaching work until last year at St. Vincent's Convent, Potts Point. Some time after reaching Australia in 1869 [sic, 1871] by the sailing ship J. M. Joshua she became the teacher of the then 15-year old Melba. Other pupils who have achieved fame Include Molly de Gunst, Gertrude Concannon, Ella Caspers, Kate Rooney, and Clarrie Lanceley. The celebrated Manuel Garcia, who lived until he was 101, was Madame Christian's only teacher. In his memory she named the Garcia School of Music controlled by the Sisters of Charity, to whose order she belonged. Madame Christian was born in Quebec, Canada, of English parents, in 1848. All her musical study, under Garcia, was done at the Royal Academy of Music, London. During her time at the Academy, in the 60's, there were only 48 pupils. At the conclusion of her studies Madame Christian's voice became affected by the London fogs, and on medical advice she came to Australia. Later she toured the country with Mr. (later Sir) Charles Santley, the famous English baritone. They were the two principal artists at the opening of the Sydney Town Hall. In 1877 [sic, 1879] Madame Christian returned to London. Soon afterwards she was engaged by Ricordi for the first performance of Verdi's "Requiem" and for "Mors et "Vita," but the London fog again won, and she was obliged to return to Australia, where she took up teaching and concert singing. In 1894 she became a nun, joining the Order of the Sisters of Charity in Sydney, after having taught singing in Melbourne. Recovering from a serious illness at the age of 91, she resumed teaching, until in October last year her final illness began. A Requiem Mass will be held at 8.30 a.m. to-day at St. Vincent's Convent. (Portrait on Page 12.)
See also "Madame Christian Dead at 93. Sister of Charity World-Famous Singing Teacher", The Catholic Press (5 June 1941), 7
Bibliography and resources:
Samantha Frappell, "Christian, Mary Ellen", Dictionary of Sydney (2011)
Musician, teacher of music, violinist, phonographer, boot and shoemaker, alderman
Born Newburgh, Fifeshire, Scotland, 1836; baptised Newburgh, 5 June 1836; son of William CHRISTIE (1810-1860) and Marion (Maria) HEDGER (1809-1892)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 23 September 1849 (per Kate, from London and the Downs, 14 June)
Married Elizabeth PAYNTER (d. 1900), Waratah church, NSW, 2 April 1859
Died Sydney, NSW, 15 June 1916 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Colin Christie, with his children, from left, Colin (1864-1950), James (1862-1945), and Margaret (1861-1941); Newcastle, NSW, c. early 1870s (DIGITISED)
See also: (DIGITISED)
Baptisms, Newburgh Associate Congregation, Fife, 1836; Scotland, select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
5 June 1836 / Colin / son of William Christie and Marion Hedger
List of immigrants per Ship Kate, arrived Sydney, NSW, 23 September 1849; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Christie William / 38 / Shoemaker / Carnbee Fifeshire // Maria / 40 / London //
Colin / 13 / Newburgh Fifeshire // Maria / 11 / Newburgh Fifeshire // William / 3 / Newburgh Fifeshire
"MARRIAGE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (5 April 1859), 3
On the 2nd instant, at Waratah Church, by the Rev. W. Chaucer, Presbyterian Clergyman, Mr. Colin Christie, to Miss Elizabeth Paynter, both of Newcastle.
"BIRTH", The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News [NSW] (30 March 1861), 2
At her residence, Hunter-street, Newcastle, on the 27th instant, Mrs. Colin Christie, of a daughter.
"THE CHRISTIE FAMILY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (3 December 1874), 3
Mr. Colin Christie, of Newcastle, and his talented family, gave a vocal and instrumental concert in the School of Arts, West Maitland, last evening, and it must have been matter for regret to those who desire to see merit acknowledged that there was not a larger attendance. The entertainment is one well deserving of patronage. Mr. Christie's family - all young children - are undoubtedly clever, and he has reason to be proud of them, the more so as they received their tuition entirely from himself. Their entertainment consisted of songs, concerted vocal pieces, instrumental solos, and music from the full band of juvenile performers, and the audience, though not large, were highly pleased. Mr. Christie may therefore reasonably hope, as the merits of his entertainment become better known, to receive more general patronage. The performance of Master James Christie on the violin, "Blue Bells of Scotland," with variations, would have done credit to a much older player. The lad gives promise of becoming a first-class soloist.
"CITY HALL", Newcastle Morning Herald (10 November 1877), 5
. . . the Christie family displayed their versa[ti]lity in some charming glees, comic renderings, and pieces of concerted music . . .
See also "To the Editor", Newcastle Morning Herald (23 July 1877), 3
"St. Patrick's Day Excursion", Newcastle Morning Herald (19 March 1878), 2
. . . A very successful quadrille party was held in the City Hall in the evening, when dancing was kept up till a late hour to the music of Mr. Christie and family's excellent string band.
"DEATH OF MR. COLIN CHRISTIE", Newcastle Morning Herald (17 June 1916), 5
Mr. Colin Christie, one of the oldest residents of Newcastle, died in a Sydney hospital on Thursday night, after an operation for an internal trouble. The deceased, who was in his 80th year, arrived in Newcastle with his parents when thirteen years old. His mother established the first school in Newcastle. He was one of the first aldermen, being elected to the council shortly after the incorporation of the municipality. At one period he filled the office of Mayor, and always manifested a keen interest in public affairs. He was a gifted musician, in addition to his many other qualifications, and for some years he held a Government appointment as shorthand instructor of the Sydney suburban schools. The funeral is to take place in Netecastlo this afternoon.
"THE LATE MR. COLIN CHRISTIE. A VIRILE PERSONALITY", Newcastle Morning Herald (19 June 1916), 4
. . . The chief mourners were Messrs. Alexander, Richard, Edwin, and Charles Christie, sons, Mrs. G. W. Mulvey and Miss Christina Christie, daughters . . . The late Mr. Christie was a self-made man of the vigorous, unbending, pushful type, who met obstacles only to overcome them . . . The deceased gentleman was also an accomplished musician, and it is probable that he was more widely-known through music than in any of his other manifold and always capable parts. He was a good musician and sound in technique, as one would imagine. It was, however, as a teacher that he was at his best. He could play practically any instrument, though the violin was the most treasured. He loved to hear a violin well played. He made his pupils play well, and his own sons and daughters, by inherited love of music and by hard practice, were all capable musicians, with probably one exception, the exception in this case that proved the rule. He made his pupils practice long and continuously. It is said that he was a hard taskmaster in the imparting of his knowledge, but he only had in mind the benefit of the student. "I won't have a pupil unless he or she is willing to learn. I won't have them wasting my time and their own," he would say, and so they practised and studied or else out they went. In orchestration the late Mr. Christie was widely known, both to the musical fraternity and to the lay members of the community who listened at concerts or engaged in dancing as a pastime. In Newcastle no name is more honourably or pleasurably associated with music than that of "Christie," firstly in the man who has just passed away, and in his children . . .
Amateur musician, violinist, miller
Born Scotland, 1832; son of James CHRISTIE (d. 1866) and Elizabeth ?
Married Elizabeth FROOMES, Christ church, Castlemaine, VIC, 2 April 1858
Died Mosman, NSW, 30 March 1916, aged "83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"MARRIAGE", Mount Alexander Mail (5 April 1858), 3
By special license, on the 2nd inst, at Christ Church, Castlemaine, by the Rev. John Barlow, Elizabeth, third daughter of William Froomes, Esq., sen., late of Hounslow, England, to John Christie, late of Oldcroft, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
[Advertisement], The Kyneton Observer [VIC] (7 September 1858), 4
THE Members of the above Club beg to inform the ladies, gentry, and public in general of Kyneton and district, that their
SECOND PERFORMANCE will take place at the JUNCTION HOTEL, On the evening of THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1858, For the Benefit of the Kyneton Hospital . . .
Song, in character, "The Canteener" - Mrs. BOURNE.
Song, comic, Mr. WOODIN (Who has kindly given his services for this night) . . .
Stage Manager - Mr. E. Watmore.
Prompter - Mr. B. Coleman.
Musical Director - Mr. Woodin.
Leader of the Band - Mr. Christie.
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina Bourn (actor, vocalist); Frederick Woodin (musician); Barned Jullien Coleman (actor, manager)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (23 March 1860), 5
The second annual meeting of the Philharmonic Society, was held last night at the Church of England School Room, Mr. Jung in the chair. Mr. Hodson, the secretary, having read the report, the meeting proceeded to elect the officers for the ensuing year, and the following gentlemen were chosen: - Captain Bull, President; Dr. Preshaw, Vice-President; Mr. John Christie, Treasurer; Mr. Hodgson, Secretary; Mr. Hasler, Librarian, and Messrs. Brown, Heley, Banister, Perkins, and Young; Mr. Moss, Conductor, and Mr. Howson, Leader. The Chairman having presented two very handsome books to Mr. Moss as a slight acknowledgment of his gratuitous and valuable services as conductor of the Society for the last two years, Mr. Moss returned thanks and the meeting separated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Moss (conductor); Henry Howson (leader, violin); Castlemaine Philharmonic Society (association)
"DEATH", Mount Alexander Mail (13 September 1866), 2
CHRISTIE - At Oldcroft, Stirlingshire, Scotland, on the 24th July, James Christie, father of John Christie, Miller, Castlemaine. Aged 73 years.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 March 1916), 6
CHRISTIE. - March 30, at his residence, Cremona, Orlando-avenue, Mosman, John Christie, aged 83 years.
Vocalist, minstrel, serenader, bones player
Active Goulburn, NSW, 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (27 October 1858), 4
MR. R. J. OSBORNE, Late Manager of the Prince of Wales Theatre, Sydney.
MRS. R. J. OSBORNE, Late Miss A. FRAMPTON, Premier Danseuse.
MR. J. FRAZER, Vocalist from the Melbourne Theatres.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Ann Osborne (actors, manager, dancer); John Leveson (agent)
"OSBORNE'S TROUPE", The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (13 November 1858), 2
Mr. R. J. Osborne's company have been performing, for the last eight or ten days, at Mr. Cohen's, Chequer's Inn; and, notwithstanding the number of nights they have been among us, the attendances have been very good. The performances of the dog Jonathan are very surprising, and well exemplify the great control under which a judicious system can bring the lower animals. Seth Christie, as a singer of Ethiopian melodies, gives great stisfaction, and, as a performer on the bones, stands perhaps unrivalled in the colonies.
Convict, "tunes pianofortes"
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1822
Musician, violinist
Active Campbell Town, VDL (TAS), 1841 (shareable link to this entry)
"Concert at the Assembly Rooms, Campbelton", Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (6 May 1841), 3
On Wednesday week last these rooms were filled with company to enjoy a Morning Concert, of which the following is a programme: -
Overture to Zampa - Herold
Flute Solo, with Piano Forte - Sola
Grand Concerto (Violin by Mr. Howarzik [sic]) - Kreutzer
Horn Concerto - Pacini
Overture to the Caliph of Bagdad - Boiledieu
Overture to Massaniello - Auber
Solo, Violin, with Piano Forte accompaniment - De Beriot
Overture to Tancredi - Rossini
Horn Concerto (repeated by desire) - Pacini.
Flute Solo, with orchestra accompaniment - Otto
Grand Symphony - Kutchera . . .
There was a good deal of amateur musical talent in the room, and it was admitted by all, that the different overtures and accompaniments to the concertos were, without exception, admirably performed.
Such was the universal satisfaction with which both Ball and Concert came off,
that the lists for the two coming meetings for October and March were numerously signed, so that these elegant periodical amusements may now he fairly considered and established.
The Quadrille Band (at the Ball) gave entire satisfaction; their most attractive performance was some entirely new sets of quadrilles,
from the latest French operas, arranged by Musard for the pianoforte, &c. These were gone through with the greatest precision and spirit, as under:-
First Violin - Mr. Howarzik
Second ditto - Mr. Clair
Tenor - John McLeod, Esq.
Double Bass - Mr. Russel
Piano Forte - Dr. Hanchette
Clarionette - Mr. Rabelin
Cornupia [Cornopean] - McDonald.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Frederick Kowarzik (violin); John McLeod (viola); William Wilkins Russell (double bass); John Justinian Hanchett (piano); John Rablin (clarinet); Alexander McDonald (cornopean)
CLANCY, Elizabeth (Elizabeth FIELD; Mrs. Thomas CLANCY; Mrs. CLANCY)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, teacher of pianoforte and singing
Born Bath, Somerset, England, c. 1807; daughter of James FIELD (1775-1822) and Elizabeth SAUNDERS (1786-1816) (m. Bath St. Michael, 9 August 1803)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), ? by late 1835
Married Thomas CLANCY (d. 1867), Trinity Church, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 February 1836
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 23 December 1837 (per Susan, from Hobart Town, 14 December)
Died Sydney, NSW, 28 May 1860, aged "53" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
And see also: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Argyle chapel (Independent), Bath, c. 1841, where Elizabeth's father, James Field, was organist until his death in 1822
The Field family of Bath
Elizabeth Field (Mrs. Thomas Clancy) was a daughter of James Field (1775-1822), a musician, and Elizabeth Saunders, who married at Bath St. Michael on 9 August 1803. Elizabeth died on 12 April 1816, and in 1820 James married Julia Constance Burke.
At the time of his own death on 9 October 1822, James was 43 years old, resident in Hanover Street, and organist of the Argyle Chapel (Independent), Bath, under its already long-serving minister, William Jay. Elizabeth's elder brother James (1804-1839) and a younger brother George Saunders Field (b. 1809, a musician) were both baptised at the Argyle Chapel, but no record of Elizabeth's baptism has been found.
James's younger brother, Thomas Field (c. 1776-1831), was organist of Bath Abbey from 1795 to his death, and was in turn father of the pianist Henry Ibbot Field (1797-1848). Thomas's daughter Mary (1804-1855), meanwhile, became a concert and stage singer. As Miss Field she made her debut in Bath in 1823, and appeared in London at the major theatres from 1831. From 1834 she appeared under her married name as Mrs. Belville Penley, and in the 1851 census was back in Bath, listed as a "Professor of Singing" at Walcot, while her husband was a "Superintendant of Baths".
The pianist-composer John Field (1782-1837), who also lived in Bath briefly in 1793, was not related.
After James's death, his widow Julia Field (d. 1857, aged 67), Elizabeth's step-mother, opened a girls school at Kingsmead Terrace, Bath, before working in other schools at Frome Selwood, Somerset, and later in London, where from 1840 she ran Whitelands College, Chelsea, with the help of her own daughter Ellen Julia (1821-1895, Mrs. Charles Alexander Johns), until the latter's marriage in 1843.
Nothing is known of Elizabeth's early years, apart from what little can be construed from her family circumstances, in particular, her father's early death when she was aged about 15. The single exception is her first and only public appearance in England, aged about 25, as Miss E. Field, at her cousin Henry Field's Bath concert in April 1832.
Australia (from c. 1835):
In Hobart on 16 February 1836, Elizabeth married Thomas Clancy, a widower, who, as "T. Clancy, late of Jermyn-street, St. James . . . Tailor and Habit Maker", had first advertised in Hobart in October 1832.
They arrived in Sydney on 23 December 1837, and in January 1838, Elizabeth advertised her intention to open a day school for young ladies offering instruction in music. At the end of the same month she made her public debut singing in William Vincent Wallace's second and final oratorio in St. Mary's cathedral.
She appeared regularly in Sydney concerts with the Bushelles, Deanes, and Gautrots
For periods in the late 1830s and early 1840s she also sang in choir of St. Mary's cathedral.
Her last documented concert appearances were for the Deanes in January 1844, however she continued to advertise as a teacher of pianoforte and singing into 1850.
In 1843, her husband Thomas was appointed trustee in the insolvency of the musician George William Worgan.
Thomas was himself declared insolvent in April 1847, but he was granted his certificate of discharge relatively quickly, in July that same year.
Elizabeth died in 1860, aged 53. At the time of his death in 1867, Thomas had reportedly been living with his son-in-law, a Mr. Underwood, in Newtown, although there is no record of a Clancy-Underwood marriage in the Australian indexes, nor any other record yet identified of their daughter or other surviving children.
[News], Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette [Somerset, England] (18 April 1816), 3 (PAYWALL)
Friday died, after a short illness, Mrs. Field, wife of Mr. Field, watchmaker, Trim-street; the careful and affectionate mother of numerous family.
"DIED", Bath chronicle and weekly gazette [Somerset, England] (17 October 1822), 3 (PAYWALL)
Wednesday [9th] died, Mr. Jas. Field, the much-respected organist of Argyle-Chapel, and son of the late Mr. Thos. Field, watchmaker, of this city.
![[Advertisement], Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette (12 April 1832), 3](imageslocal/clancy-miss-field-1832-04-13.jpg)
[Advertisement], Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette (12 April 1832), 3 (PAYWALL)
Assembly Rooms, Bath.
MR. HENRY FIELD respectfully announces to his Friends and the Public that his
CONCERT Will take place on FRIDAY EVENING, April 13th, 1832.
MADAME BATTISTE, (From the Academie Royale, Paris; Primo Contralto of the King's Theatre, London)
MISS E. FIELD (For this Night Only.)
Miss ALICIA WINDSOR Will make her Second Public Appearance in Bath, and
Perform on the Harp a GRAND FANTASIA, by BOCHSA.
Mr. LODER, on the Violin; and Mr. ESAIN, and Mr. HENRY FIELD, on the Piano-Forte,
Will perform Solos, Concerted Pieces, &c.
Leader of the Band - Mr. LODER.
Conductor - Mr. WINDSOR.
The Concert to commence precisely at Eight o'Clock. Tickets, 7s. each, to be had at the Rooms, at Mr. Henry Field's, 56, New King-street, and 11, Prospect-place,
and the principal Music Warehouses, and Libraries.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Field (musician, cousin)

"MR. HENRY FIELD'S CONCERT . . . ", Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette (19 April 1832), 3 (PAYWALL)
. . . on Friday last attracted a very numerous and brilliant assemblage. This was precisely what our highly gifted native professor deserved, and it was gratifying to ourselves to find that our fellow citizens were ready to award their patronage on the occasion. It would be useless to remark now on his splendid piano-forte playing . . . Miss. E. Field was also introduced for the first time to a Bath audience, and was very well received. She sang in a very chaste and creditable style, and we shall expect to see her one day attain no inconsiderable rank among our English singers. Her voice is of a good quality, her taste unvitiated, and her execution time will, of course, improve . . .
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (c. 1835 to 14 December 1837)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Trinity in the county of Buckingham in the year [1836]; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:822496; RGD36/1/3 no 3237$init=RGD36-1-3p17 (DIGITISED)
No. 237/3237 / Thomas Clancy of this Parish Widower and Elizabeth Field of this Parish Spinster were married in this Church by Banns . . . this Sixteenth day of February in the year 1836 . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 November 1837), 7
J. CLANCY [sic] having declined business in the Colony, begs leave to return thanks to those gentlemen who have hitherto patronized him, recommends to their notice, Mr. Fitzgerald, of Elizabeth-street, as being far superior to any tailor in Van Diemen's Land and not inferior to any in London . . .
[Advertisement], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (22 December 1837), 8
. . . ROBERT WILSON (late foreman to Mr. Kean) begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has opened the shop No. 55, Elizabeth street, formerly occupied by Mr. Clancy, Tailor . . . Dec. 12, 1837
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Hobart Town Courier (22 December 1837), 2
DEPARTURES. [Dec.] 14 - the bark Susan, 572 tons, Neatby, for Sydney, in ballast - passengers . . . Mr. J. Clancy [sic], wife and 2 children.
Sydney, NSW (from 23 December 1837):
[Advertisement], The Australian (19 January 1838), 3
MRS. CLANCY BEGS leave to inform the Public, that she intends opening a Day School for Young Ladies on Monday, the 28th Instant;
Instruction in Music, with, the general routine of English Education.
Terms may be known on application to Mrs. C. at her Residence, 14, King-street. January 17, 1838.
31 January 1838, oratorio, St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney
"THE ORATORIO", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 February 1838), 2
The grand musical festival at the Roman Catholic Chapel, Hyde Park, came off on Wednesday evening last in presence of a very crowded audience numbering among them, the Acting Governor and most of the fashionables of Sydney. The principal female performers were Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Clancy, and some amateurs. Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clarke sang with their usual ability, and in some pieces elicited rapturous applause. Mrs. Clancy, whom we never had the pleasure to hear before, sang with much taste and feeling; her voice, which must be very effective in a smaller room, did not however possess sufficient power and compass to enable her to do herself justice in so large a building, perched up as the performers were in the out of the way gallery in which the managers had mewed them up . . . Mr. Wallace led the orchestra with his usual ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (conductor, leader); Eliza Wallace (vocalist); Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist); St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney)
"The Oratorio", The Sydney Monitor (5 February 1838), 2-3
. . . Mrs. Clancy sang "With verdure clad." This is a sweet pastoral air, and after our ears had been gratified with the grander efforts of musical talent, the soft symphonious strains of this piece, sung in a very sweet and chaste, though not powerful manner, had an excellent effect . . . A Duet in Latin by Miss Wallace and an amateur, and a Latin hymn by Mrs. Clancy and amateurs, closed the evening's entertainments, (except the Queen's Anthem) and gave general satisfaction. The Queen's Anthem from some cause or other disappointed the audience. One of the defects was, the too great loudness of the singers, and especially of Mrs. Clarke . . . Even Mrs. Clancy, whose voice is not strong, was distinctly heard . . .
MUSIC: With verdure clad (Haydn, from The creation)
[News], The Australian (6 February 1838), 2
. . . We heard for the first time Mrs. Clancy, who sang "With verdure clad," with great taste and feeling, leaving us nothing to regret but the want of proportion between her physical powers and the size of the edifice; her voice is a beautiful soprano . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (9 March 1838), 1
T. CLANCY, Formerly Foreman to Mr. Myers, of 36, Conduit-street, Bond-Street, London, Tailor to the Royal Family,
BEGS leave to inform the Public that he intends commencing business in the above line,
on Monday, the 12th inst., when he flatters himself, from his experience in so fashionable a house,
he will be able to give satisfaction to those Gentlemen who may favour him with their support.
N.B. - Regimentals and Navy Uniforms executed in a superior style. 14, King-street.
30 May 1838, concert
"The Concert", The Australian (25 May 1838), 2
Among our advertisements of this day, will be seen Mr. Deane's bill of fare, for the forthcoming Concert, on the 30th instant . . . Mrs. Clancy of King-street, a lady of unassuming, but great vocal ability, sings several ballads, for which her voice is excellently adapted . . .
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (30 May 1838), 1
MR. J. P. DEANE BEGS to announce that his CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC . . .
will take place THIS EVENING, May 30, 1838, in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
on which occasion he will he assisted by Mrs. Clancy, Miss Wallace, Mr. S. Wallace, Masters John and Edward Deane, and Miss Deane.
Programme Concert. PART I . . . 2. Glee and Chorus - God Save the Queen! . . .
5. Song - Cease your Funning - Farinelli - Mrs. Clancy . . .
7. Song - Al dolce qui domi [Al dolce guidami] - Donizetti - Mrs. Clancy . . .
PART II . . . 2. Song - The Soldier Tired - Arne - Mrs. Clancy . . .
6. Song - The Lass of Gourie - Lee - Mrs. Clancy . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (violin, conductor); Eliza Wallace (soprano vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (flute); John Deane (violin); Edward Deane (cello, vocalist); Rosalie Deane (piano, vocalist); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Cease your funning (from The beggar's opera), probably Cease your funning from The beggar's opera, with all the grace as sung by Madame Catalani (London: Clementi & Co [c. 1805]); Al dolce guidami (Donizetti, from Anna Bolena); The soldier tired (Arne); The lass o'Gowrie (arr. Alexander Lee)
"Concert", The Sydney Monitor (1 June 1838), 2
. . . Mrs. Clancy sang Cease your Funning - and although her voice was sweet, and she displayed great compass, yet there lacked spirit; and if there had been any fun in the song, there was none in her manner of singing it. Animation was what was required . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (1 June 1838), 2
. . . When His Excellency was seated, the full band played Weber's overture to Der Freischutz, with happy effect. The music, for an overture, was not too loud for the room, and the performance was greeted with applause; after which, Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clancy, supported by the vocal performers, advanced and sung God Save the Queen, the audience standing during the anthem . . . Mrs. Clancy then sung Cease Your Funning; but appeared to be labouring under a timidity natural to a first appearance at a public concert. She has a sweet musical voice, strong and clear upon the upper notes, but rather weak though always in time upon the lower . . . Al dolci Guidame [sic] by Mrs. Clancy, gave that lady an opportunity of recovering her self-possession, and of impressing the company with the sweetness of her voice; the air is plaintive and was admirably sung . . . Mrs. Clancy sang The Soldier Tired, to a piano accompaniment, and she sang it well. The effect of the song, however, was not what it would have been with a trumpet accompaniment, but Mrs. C's modulations were taken with much ease and clearness, and shows that her power and knowledge of music are good, and have been acquired from able masters . . . but the last and best songs were Mrs. Clancy's The Lass of Gowrie, and Miss Wallace's Vivi Tu by Donizetti, with a flute obligato by Mr. W. Wallace. The former was indeed rich and well adapted to Mrs. Clancy's voice, and the latter give ample scope to Miss Wallace's compass of voice, and the excellence of her execution . . .
"The Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 June 1838), 2
. . . The concert commenced with Weber's celebrated "Overture to Der Frieschutz," [sic] which was well executed by the Band; but its effect was entirely lost, owing to the room being much too small: it would have sounded well in the open air. Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clancy's "God Save the Queen" was also rendered less effective a from the same cause . . . We never heard Mrs. Clancy sing before; her "Cease your Funning" was well executed, but she wanted nerve; her voice is very sweet, but not powerful - neither is her shake first-rate; her "Soldier Tired," in the second part of the performances, was by far her happiest effort; she had then evidently shaken off much of her natural timidity; the song was rapturously received; this lady's voice, we should think, is better adapted for a private room . . . Mrs. Clancy sung "Al dolce qui domi" sweetly and with effect . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Colonist (2 June 1838), 3
. . . God save the Queen was then sung by Miss Wallace and Mrs. Clancy, in a manner that elicited the merited applause of the audience. The voice of the former of these ladies is full and energetic in an extraordinary degree; and her powers of deep intonation and varied modulation, are calculated to excite the warmest admiration. The voice of Mrs. Clancy, on the other hand, is peculiarly soft, melodious, and sweet; there is also an interesting simplicity in her style of singing, which secured to that lady the willing applause of the whole company . . . Mrs. Clancy sung, Cease your funning, with soft and touching sweetness . . . Mrs. Clancy sang The Soldier Tired, with spirit, and afterwards The Lass of Gowrie, with almost Scottish taste and feeling . . .
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (4 June 1838), 2
. . . A Mrs. Clancy made her first appearance on this occasion as a concert singer. She possesses a sweet, but rather weak voice, particularly in the lower notes, and appeared to be somewhat timid. The best of her songs were Al dolce qui domi, and the Lass of Gowrie. The Soldier Tired is rather beyond her power of voice, although the cadences were got through with great clearness. This song is generally sung with a full orchestral accompaniment, in which the trumpet assumes the most prominent part. Mrs. C., however, sang it to a piano forte accompaniment, which, considering her apparently limited power of voice, was judicious . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (27 July 1838), 3
MRS. CLANCY BEGS respectfully to announce, to her Friends and the Public her intention of giving a CONCERT, at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, on the 15th of August next, the Programme of which will be published in due time.
[News], The Australian (27 July 1838), 2
Mrs. Clancy, the vocalist, intends shortly delighting the admirers of music with a concert, on which occasion she will be assisted by all the vocal and instrumental talent in the colony.
NOTE: The proposed concert did not occur
14 October 1838, dedication of St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney
"Roman Catholic Chapel", The Australian (16 October 1838), 3
Sunday was set apart for the dedication of this edifice which is nearly completed . . . The first part of the performance consisted chiefly of pieces which have been sung repeatedly, but an "Agnus Dei" (Mozart's) sung by Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Bushell and Mr. Worgan, whose voices blended most harmoniously, was a rich treat, as were also the choruses at the closes of the service, which contained some beautiful fuges [sic], cleverly executed. The "Agnus Dei," however, was the masterpiece, the rich deep tones of Mr. Bushell were finely contrasted with the swelling tenor of Mr. Worgan when he took up the part, and when the three voices swelled in the body, the harmony was rich . . . The choir was assisted by all the musical talent in Sydney, and they were lavish in their exertions . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bushell (bass vocalist); George William Worgan (tenor vocalist)
"New South Wales", Bent's News and Tasmanian Register (21 December 1838), 2
Mr. John Philip Deane, our old and much esteemed townsman, was to have given a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music on the 2lst of November, but was postponed in consequence of the Influenza. He was to be assisted by Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clancy, late of Hobart Town . . .
23 January 1839, Deane's concert (incorrectly advertised for "Wednesday 21st")
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (23 January 1839), 1
Concert. MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public that
his CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel,
on WEDNESDAY, the 21st [sic] instant, on which occasion Mr. Deane will be assisted by
Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clancy, the Vocal Amateur whose performance elicited such unqualified applause at the last Concert,
Mr. Worgan, Master Deane, and Mr. Wellington Wallace.
PROGRAMME CONCERT. PART I . . . 4. Glee - The Red Cross Knight - Calcott - Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan, and Amateur . . .
6. Song - Bid me Discourse - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy . . .
PART II . . . 2. Song - My Soldier Love - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy . . .
4. Glee - The Flocks shall leave the Mountains - Handel - Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan, and Amateur . . .
MUSIC: Bid me discourse (Bishop); My soldier love (Bishop); The red cross knight (Callcott); The flocks shall leave the mountains (Handel, from Acis and Galatea)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (25 January 1838), 2
. . . Mrs. Clancy's voice continues as sweet as ever, but she should never sing in glees, as her voice becomes insignificant. "My soldier love," was sung by Mrs. C. with great sweetness, but the applause was small, owing we suppose, to this song being in itself of a common place character . . .
"THE CONCERT", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (26 January 1839), 2
. . . The Red Cross Knight (Callcott) by Mrs. Clancy, Mr. Worgan and Amateur, was very good, but the voices of the two former were drowned by that of the latter. Mrs. Clancy and Mr. Worgan, there is no doubt are very good musicians but their voices are not adapted for a Concert, where their voices are heard solus . . .
"TO CORRESPONDENTS", Commercial Journal and Advertiser (30 January 1839), 2
"A Strict Observer of the Performance" of Mr. Deane's Concert, this day week, has been received; but, on account of its personality, and its not being in accordance with our sentiments, is in admissible. We shall have no objection to insert the communication as an advertisement. With reference to Mrs. Clancy's performance at the Concert, we do feel a little astonished at her failure upon that occasion, when we contrast her excellent execution, and the melody of her tones, at St. Mary's Cathedral, on Sunday last. The only way that we can account for this failure, is that the selections for her part in the Concert, were the worst that possibly could have been made. In future, we should recommend her to select for herself simple national ballads, to which her soft musical voice gives expression. This we really recommend, not only for the gratification of the audience, but also for her celebrity as a singer.
24 September 1839, Deane's soiree (postponed from 4 September
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (4 September 1839), 3
FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE POOR. MR. DEANE BEGS to inform the Gently and Public of Sydney, that his
SOIREE OF Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts,
THIS EVENING, September 24, the proceeds of which will be given to the Association for the Relief of the Poor.
PROGRAMME. ACT I . . . 2. Song, "Di piacer mi balza il cor," - Rossini - Mrs. Clancy . . .
5. Song, "Why did I love?" - J. Barnett - Mrs. Clancy . . .
ACT II . . . 2. Song, "Love's poisonous shafts," Mrs. Clancy . . .
MUSIC: Di piacer mi balza il cor (Rossini); Why did I love? (John Barnett); Love's poisonous shafts (?)
"Mr. Deane's Soirée", The Australian (3 October 1839), 2
The first of Mr. Deane's weekly concerts took place at the School of Arts on Tuesday night. The room was about half filled and the performance was very good . . . Miss Deane and Mrs. Clancy acquitted themselves well, and especially Mrs. Clancy, who sang "Love's Poisonous Shafts" with great feeling and judgment . . .
"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (4 October 1839), 2
Mr. Deane has made arrangements for giving a concert in the School of Arts every Tuesday evening, and the price being low - half a crown for adults, and one shilling for children - persons who cannot afford to go to more expensive concerts, will have an opportunity of hearing good music. The performance consists of two overtures, two or three songs by Mrs. Clancy, who sings very prettily . . .
"MR. DEANE'S SOIREE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (4 October 1839), 2
The second of these new evening musical entertainments, given by Mr. Deane, at a price which admits the second class of society to enjoy the pleasure of good music, both vocal and instrumental, took place on Tuesday evening at the Mechanics' School of Arts. The room was full, but not crowded. Mrs. Clancy sung in her usual pleasing unostentatious manner, and was deservedly encored . . .
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 October 1839, Deane's weekly soirees
"News of the Day", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (11 October 1839), 2
Mr. Deane's weekly concert was well attended on Tuesday . . . Mrs. Clancy sang "There's sunshine in thy brooks, my love," very sweetly. Her "Donald" also gave great satisfaction . . .
MUSIC: There's sunshine on the brooks, my love (Alexander Lee); Donald (Bishop, from Guy Mannering)
"DEANE'S SOIREE", The Australian (17 October 1839), 3
. . . Mrs. Clancy is s sweet singer - her voice is musical and feminine, and the charm of her singing consists chiefly in the simplicity of her style, which we recommend to the former lady [Rosalie Deane] for imitation, although the "Soldier tired," though replete with difficulties and intricacies, she executed in a manner that surprised us . . .
"LOCAL", Australasian Chronicle (25 October 1839), 1
MR. DEANE'S SOIREE was well attended on Tuesday last. We are glad to observe that the frequency of these miniature concerts detracts nothing from their popularity, and that the public appreciate Mr. Deane's desire to gratify them, at a price within the reach of all. Miss Deane's performances on the piano, and Mrs. Clancy's songs, are the most attractive features of these interesting soirees.
"MR. DEANE'S SOIREE", Australasian Chronicle (1 November 1839), 1
This entertainment was rather thinly attended on Tuesday, on account of the weather, but it went off with more than the usual effect. Two songs by Mrs. Clancy were deservedly encored . . .
5 and 12 November 1839, Deane's weekly soiree
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (5 November 1839), 3
SOIREE. MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his SOIREE of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on
THIS EVENING, TUESDAY, Nov. 5, 1830 . . .
4. Song, "Should he upbraid," Bishop - Mrs. Clancy . . .
6. Song, "Tell me my Heart," Bishop - Mrs. Clancy.
[PART 2] . . . 5. Song, "Loves poisonous Shafts," Mrs. Clancy . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (12 November 1839), 3
WEEKLY CONCERT. MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts,
4. Song, "Let us seek the Yellow Shore," Mrs. Clancy . . .
7. Song, "Pilgrim of Love," Mrs. Clancy.
PART 2ND . . . 5. Song, "Roy's Wife" - Mrs. Clancy . . .
MUSIC: Should be upbraid (Bishop); Tell me my heart (Bishop); Let us seek the yellow shore (Bishop, in Maid Marian); The pilgrim of love (Bishop)
19 and 26 November 1839, Deane's weekly soirees
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (19 November 1839), 3
WEEKLY CONCERT. MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts,
PROGRAMME. PART 1ST . . . 3. Song - "There's Sunshine in the Brooks my love." Lee - Mrs. Clancy . . .
PART 2ND . . . 2. Song - "O Nanny wilt thou gang with me" - Mrs. Clancy . . .
6. Song - "Donald," Bishop - Mrs. Clancy . . .
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (26 November 1839), 4
WEEKLY CONCERT. MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music
will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on Tuesday Evening Next, Nov. 26, 1839.
PROGRAMME. PART 1ST . . . 5. Song, "Glory from the Battle Plains" - Horn [sic, Rossini] - Mrs. Clancy . . .
PART 2ND . . . 2. Song, "Soldier tir'd" - Arne - Mrs. Clancy . . .
6. Song, "The Lass of Gowry" - Mrs. Clancy . . .
MUSIC: O Nanny wilt thou gang with me (ballad); Glory from the battle plain = Di piacer (Rossini, adapted by C. E. Horn)
"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Colonist (4 December 1839), 3
The Society's concert, to take place on Wednesday, the 11th December, being the anniversary of its formation. The members will have the talented assistance of Miss Fernandez on the piano, Mrs. Curtis on the harp, Mrs. Clancy, and several others of proficiency, who have kindly consented, at the solicitation of the committee, to play gratuitously for the Society on the occasion. We have no doubt the old Courthouse will be crowded, and that the subscribers will have a great treat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Fernandez (piano); Emma Curtis (harp); Cecilian Society (association)
"News and Rumours of the Day", Australasian Chronicle (13 December 1839), 4
The Gautrots and Mrs. Clancy continue to sing at Mr. Deane's weekly Concerts. Mrs. Bushelle's Grand Concert takes place on Wednesday next; Scotch and Irish Melodies predominate in the selection.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violin and soprano vocalist)
17 December 1839, Deane's weekly concert
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (17 December 1839), 3
WEEKLY CONCERT. MR. DEANE begs to inform the Gentry and Public,
that his Weekly Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at the Mechanics' School of Arts, on, This Evening, Tuesday, DEC. 17, 1839 . . .
PROGRAMMME. PART 1ST . . . 3. Song, "Cease your funning" - Mrs. Clancy.
PART 2ND . . . 2. Song, "The Soldier Tired" - Arne - Mrs. Clancy . . .
8 January and 12 February 1840, monthly meetings, Cecilian Society
"News of the Day", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (13 January 1840), 2
The Cecilian Monthly concert was held on Wednesday evening in the Court-room, Castlereagh-street, and was well attended . . . Mrs. Clancy's notes evinced her usual sweetness of intonation. Her "Donald" is an excellent song, both for sentiment and music, and she sang it well . . .
"CECILIAN CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (14 February 1840), 2
This Concert took place on Wednesday evening, and was well attended . . . Mrs. Clancy was never in better tune. She sang well the whole evening, and the songs allotted to her were excellent . . .
4 March 1840, Elizabeth Clancy's concert, Old Court House, Castlereagh-street
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (24 February 1840), 3
MRS. CLANCY begs most respectfully to inform her friends and the Public, that she intends giving a
CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, on TUESDAY, March 4th, at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street.
Further particulars of which will be made known.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary O'Connell (patron); Old Court House (Sydney venue)
"CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (25 February 1840), 2
We perceive by an advertisement, that Mrs. Clancy is to give a concert, under the patronage of Lady O'Connell, on Tuesday, the 3rd proximo, assisted by Madame Gautrot, Mr. Deane and family, and by the principal performers of the colony. We consider Mrs. Clancy well deserving of support, and as the lovers of music have not been called upon to exercise their patronage for some time, we conceive this to be a fair opportunity of calling for a full house.
"MRS. CLANCY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (26 February 1840), 2
We are happy to see that this Lady intends to dissipate, as far as lies in her power, the present dullness of the town, by giving a concert on the 4th March. Mrs. Clancy's voice is not equal in power, nor does she come up in execution to Mrs. Bushelle or Madame Gautrot; but in English songs, Mrs. Clancy shines. There are some English songs, in which she cannot be excelled by either of these ladies. Her voice is singularly sweet. We remember her singing a pastoral, from Haydn, at the Oratorio, at St. Mary's Cathedral, in a very beautiful style.
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (29 February 1840), 2
Mrs. Clancy's Concert takes place on Tuesday evening next, at the Old Court House. For particulars of the pieces selected, we refer the lovers of harmony to our advertising columns - and at the same time trust that they will not be backward in extending their patronage, for a more deserving songstress never came before an Australian public. Her talents are not first-rate, but her execution is pleasing and true to a degree of nicety seldom equalled. We wish her every success.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (3 March 1840), 1
Concert Will take place in THE OLD COURT HOUSE, Castlereagh Street,
THIS EVENING, March 3, 1840 On which occasion she will be assisted by
Madame and Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Deane and Family, Mr. Leggett, Mr. Curtis,
Mr. Sippe and the Cecilian Society, who have kindly offered their assistance.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. S. W. WALLACE, Piano, Mr. Johnson, who have also kindly given their assistance.
Programme Concert:
1. Overture - Precosia, Weber
2. Song - Success, (Words by Linsburg, Music by Monsieur Gautrot,) Madame Gautrot
3. Duett - When thy bosom heaves the Sigh, Mrs. Clancy & Mr. Worgan
4. Song - Follow him - Mr. Griffiths
5. Song - Let us seek the yellow shore, Mrs. Clancy
6. Solo - Pianoforte, Quick March, Herz, Miss Deane
7. Song - Some love to roam - Amateur
8. Song - Donald - Mrs. Clancy
1. Overture - Italiana, Rossini
2. Song - The Land, Neukomm - Amateur
3. Song - Tell me my heart, Bishop - Mrs. Clancy
4. Solo - Violin - Monsieur Gautrot
5. Song - Green Hills of Tyrol - Miss Deane
6. Duett - Love in thine eyes, Jackson - Mrs. Clancy & Amateur
7. Song - Black Eyed Susan - Madame Gautrot
8. Song - The Gipsey Prince, Sporle, Mr. Griffiths
9. Song - Tyrolese Girl - Mrs. Clancy
N. B.- Tickets 7s. 6d. each, to be had at Mr. Ellard's, Mr. Aldis's, Mr. Turner's,
and at Mrs. Clancy's Residence, 14, King-street.
The Concert will commence precisely at 8 o'Clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (leader, violin); William Griffiths (vocalist); Thomas Leggatt (musician); George Sippe (musician); Richard Curtis (musician); James or William Johnson (piano accompanist)
[News], The Australian (5 March 1840), 2
Mrs. Clancy's concert was very flatteringly attended on Tuesday, and presented on the whole a very pleasant evening's entertainment. There was nothing perhaps very brilliant, but there is more gratification in a quiet, unobtrusive exhibition, than one with higher pretensions which may not effect what it promises. The overtures (with Mr. Wallace as leader) were well played, infinitely better than we have ever heard them here by a military band, if we except that of the 17th. Regt. Mrs. Clancy sung "Tell me my heart," "Cease your funning," and the Tyrolese Girl very prettily. Her voice is particularly sweet and clear, but there is a lameness which weakens the effect. So to speak, it lacks vitality; yet her songs are pleasing. Madame Gautrot sang two pieces in very good style, the first, a French air, was animating and melodious, but somewhat lengthy; the second, Black Eyed Susan, was very successfully executed, and with few exceptions her defect of accent was not perceptible. Miss Deane is a much better pianist than cantatrice; her capabilities on the instrument are indeed surprising when her youth and other professional disadvantages are considered. The amateur who sung "Some love to roam" promises to be a superior singer when his voice, which is of excellent quality, is more developed. Of the other amateur we cannot speak in terms of very high laudation - his tones seem to proceed so directly from the throat, that to hear him is certainly not attended with any high musical enjoyment. Mr. Griffiths has a good quality of voice if he had style and energy to turn it to account. Monsieur Gautrot's violin solo confirmed the high opinion which we have so often expressed of his talent as a first rate musician; this gentleman is advanced in years, and therefore in estimating his professional attainments, this circumstance must not be forgotten: he is, however, a sound musician, and plays with great taste and precision. We saw Lady Gipps, Lady O'Connell, Mr. and Mrs. Plunket, Mr. Therry, and several other persons of distinction in the Concert Room, and the evening's entertain ment went off very satisfactorily.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Gipps (wife of the governor); John Hubert and Maria Plunkett (musical amateurs); Roger Therry (judge)
"LOCAL", Australasian Chronicle (6 March 1840), 2
Mrs. CLANCY'S CONCERT on Tuesday was well attended, and, upon the whole, went off in a very satisfactory manner. The Overtures to Preciosa and the Italiani were well played by the Cecilians, and Mrs. Clancy's own songs were sung with her usual pleasing delicacy. Madame Gautrot's Black-eyed Susan was a very decided improvement upon her former English songs. The young gentleman who sang Some love to roam, made an excellent debut; let him practice under a good master, and attend to the purity of intonation, and we venture to predict that he will sing to some purpose in a little time. He possesses all the requisites of a good singer, but instruction and practice, and these require time. Neither the other amateur, nor Mr. Griffiths should ever sing out of their own families, and Mr. Worgan, unless he can got a new diapason to his organ, should at once and for ever stop its bellows; we believe in other departments he is a fair musician. Miss Deane and Monsieur Gautrot performed their respective soli in their usual brilliant manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Augustine Duncan (journalist, editor, reviewer)
"CONVICT DISCIPLINE", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (13 March 1840), 2
At Mrs. Clancey's Concert, last week, a convict Messenger of the Court of requests named Nixon, who has been only about twelve months in the Colony, entered the room, his person adorned with sundry chains and rings and trinkets, and took his station among the most respectable of the audience. On being desired by some of the gentlemen present to take up a less prominent station, he told them he had as much right as they had to occupy the place he had selected.
NOTE: Eliza and John Bushelle were notable, but not unexpected, absences from the programme of Clancy's concert; Eliza was in the last stages of pregnancy, and three days later, on 6 March, gave birth to their son John Butler Bushelle. She returned to the concert stage on 26 May (see below).
1 April 1840, monthly meeting, Cecilian Society
"CECILIAN CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (3 April 1840), 2
This Concert, which entertains about two hundred of the respectable inhabitants once a month, went off on Wednesday evening with the usual eclat. The Overtures were well chosen, and well played. One was encored, and deservedly. Mr. Wallace has great credit as leader of the Orchestra, in all respects. The singing was also good - Mrs. Clancy's first song was the best, but being sung rather too slowly, it was hymn-like. This tune has been set to sacred words, to which it is adapted, when sung very slowly. The Amateur who sung "John Anderson ma Joe" could sing it well, and in fact did sing it well; but he would greatly improve it, by singing it a little quicker. This song is not pathetic; it is a cheerful song, though not without a degree of plaintiveness, which this gentleman overcharged.
"(From a Correspondent)", The Australian (28 May 1840), 2
We were, present at Mrs. Bushelle's concert on Tuesday evening last, and were gratified at witnessing such a numerous and respectable auditory assembled to hail the re-appearance of so universal a favourite as is the lady in question. We shall beg to make n few remarks which have forcibly occurred to us, assuring, however, the parties in question that these hints are meant in the kindest possible feeling towards them. With respect to the programme on this as well as many similar occasions, we are quite convinced that we express the popular sentiment when we suggest, in lieu of so much Italian music, it would be highly desirable to insert a larger proportion of our own national melodies. The simple and beautiful ballads and glees of old British masters would more aptly and effectively appeal to the feelings of our Sydney audiences, than so much foreign embellishment, which is ill understood, and, sooth to speak, not always understood . . . We shall conclude by wondering what has become of our old favorites Mrs. Clancy and Madame Gautrot? A concentration of talent would have been desirable, and these ladies would have added much to the effectiveness of the evening's amusement, which, however, we are bound to add, afforded us, on the whole considerable gratification.
8 July 1840, Deane's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (8 July 1840), 2
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public, that under the above distinguished Patronage his
Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the
THEATRE ROYAL on WEDNESDAY, July 8th, 1840, He will he assisted by
All the Members of the Theatrical Orchestra, and several Amateurs who have kindly proferred their assistance.
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Wallace.
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt.
PART I . . . 1. Duet - Serbami ognor - Rossini - MRS. BUSHELLE AND MRS. CLANCY . . .
5. Song - The last Rose of Summer - MRS. CLANCY.
PART II . . . 2. Song - The Tyrolean Maidens' Song - MRS. CLANCY.
8. Glee - "The Chough and Crow," MRS. BUSHELLE, MRS. CLANCY AND MR. BUSHELLE . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Humphrey Walton (musician); Benjamin Portbury (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Serbami ognor (Rossini, from Semiramide, act 1); The chough and crow (Bishop, from Guy Mannering)
[W. A. Duncan], "MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (9 July 1840), 3
We have just returned from this concert, and have only time to say that it went off with great eclat; that Mesdames Gautrot, Bushelle, and Clancy, were in excellent voice; that Miss Deane was better by far than ever on the piano; that Mr. Bushelle was delightful; that Monsieur Gautrot's and Master Deane's fiddles were in good tune; and that all would have been well but for certain stupid rascals who had got themselves perched among the gods aloft, and who took it into their heads to encore everything; in consequence of which his Excellency the Governor took his departure in the middle of the second part; and we lost the "Chough and Crow," and one or two other pieces. We were exceedingly pleased to find so full a house, and to see his Excellency, Lady Gipps, and the members of our colonial court in their proper places.
"CONCERT", The Colonist (9 July 1840), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert, last night, went off much better than we expected, considering the unfavourable state of the weather. The vocal performances of Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle were as usual good, as was that also of Madame Gautrot. Mrs. Clancy was well received, and was warmly applauded in the Last Rose of Summer . . . and we hope that the returns of the evening may have turned out equally profitable to Mr. Deane, who well deserves the patronage of the public.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (10 July 1840), 2
Mr. Deane's concert in the Victoria Theatre on Wednesday, went off remarkably well. The house, notwithstanding the weather, and the state of the streets, was very nearly full. We have not space to enter into a lengthened detail of the performance, but will merely observe, that Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Madame Gautrot were in excellent voice, that Mrs. Clancy sang two pretty ballads, one of which the Tyrolese maiden's song, was very sweetly performed . . .
5 August 1840, monthly meeting, Cecilian Society
"CECILIAN CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (7 August 1840), 2
This concert was held on Wednesday evening m Castlereagh street, and was well attended. The Overtures continue to be well selected, and well executed, and to give great satisfaction to the subscribers . . . The vocal Department will never be equal to what Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle can produce, but some of the amateurs are the pupils of Mr. Bushelle, and in one year or two there will be a vast improvement in the vocal performances of the Cecilian. Mrs. Clancy was in excellent voice; when this lady is in health and nerve, her notes are very sweet and true, and she effects no ad libitums, which lovers of real music are right glad of.
5 October 1840, Spencer Wellington Wallace's benefit, Royal Victoria Theatre
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", The Colonist (3 October 1840), 3
. . . On Monday tight, Mr. Wallace, the leader of the Orchestra, takes his first benefit. Mr. W. is so well known that we need say nothing to induce our readers to give hin ample support, and we will, therefore, merely advert to the nature of the performances which are appointed for the evening. First, there will be THE LADY OF THE LAKE (Sir Walter Scott's poem dramatised.) Next, a Concert, vocal and instrumental, in which Mrs. Bushelle, Madame Gautrot, and Mrs. Clancy will assist. Miss Strickland, a pupil of the Royal Academy of music, will also sing . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Strickland (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser (5 October 1840), 3
THIS EVENING, OCTOBER 5, 1840, Upon which occasion he has the honour to announce
MRS. BUSHELLE, MADAME GAUTROT, MRS. CLANCY, AND MISS STRICKLAND . . . have kindly volunteered their services . . .
The Performance will commence with . . . THE LADY OF THE LAKE . . .
Overture to Fra Diavolo. - Auber
Cavatina "Tell me, my Heart" - Miss Strickland
Favorite Ballad "We've lived and loved together - Madame Gautrot.
Song, "My Friend and Pitcher," - Mrs. Clancy.
The Scotch Ballad, "Mary of Castlecary" - Mrs. Bushelle.
Song, "Just by Twilight," - Miss Strickland.
The English Ballad, "Wapping Old Stairs" - Mrs. Bushelle.
French Air, by particular desire, "Provera Signora." - Madame Gautrot.
Swiss Melody - Mrs. Clancey.
"Lo here the gentle Lark," with Flute Obligato Accompaniment - Mrs. Bushelle and S. W. Wallace . . .
MUSIC: My friend and pitcher (William Shield, from The poor soldier)
"THEATRICALS", The Australian (8 October 1840), 2
Mr. Wallace had, as we anticipated, a closely packed house, to witness the entertainments he had provided for his benefit night. We congratulate him on the result, not only us regards musical considerations, but as a manifestation of the public favor in which he is deservedly held. As a musician he stands in the first rank; he is ever ready to contribute his services in behalf of his professional colleagues; and as a leader of the orchestra, at the theatre he is assiduous and efficient . . . The Lady of the Lake was the introductory piece . . . The concert (so to speak) which followed gave unqualified satisfaction . . . Mrs. Clancy sang "My friend and pitcher," and a Swiss air. This lady has unquestionably a very sweet voice, and, as we think, a correct ear, but the former does not possess that force and compass required at the theatre . . .
30 October 1840, the Gautrots' concert, Old Court House
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (29 October 1840), 3
CONCERT .- Under the patronage of Lady Gipps, Lady Dowling, Mrs. Deas Thomson, and other Ladies of Distinction.
MONS. and MAD. GAUTROT have the honour to announce that their
LAST CONCERT will take place at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street, Tomorrow (Friday), the 30th October, 1840.
Programme. - Part I . . . 2. Song, "Let us seek the yellow shore," Bishop, Mrs. Clancy . . .
Part 2 . . . 1. Song, "Donald," - Mrs. Clancy . . .
7. Song, "Cease your funning," Mrs. Clancy . . .
"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Herald (8 March 1841), 2
We are happy to learn that Mrs. Clancy and Miss Strickland have made an offer of their assistance to the Cecilian Society for their first concert, which comes off during the present month. When these ladies have a concert or benefit of their own, the least that the Cecilian Society can do is to afford them all the patronage which they can command, which we have no doubt will be the case, not only as a testimony of their intrinsic worth, but also to show that those who exert themselves to please the public will not go unrewarded.
16 May 1841, high mass, St. Mary's cathedral
[W. A. Duncan], "THE FRENCH MISSIONARIES", Australasian Chronicle (18 May 1841), 3
On Sunday last a high mass was celebrated in St. Mary's cathedral, in thanksgiving for the safe arrival of these gentlemen. The mass was sung with great solemnity by the Rev. Père Garin, the Very Rev. Vicar General acting as assistant priest, the Rev. Mr. Platt as deacon, the Rev. Mr. Hogan as subdeacon, and the Rev. Mr. Kenny as master of the ceremonies. The other clergymen present assisted in surplices and stoles. The choir was rather more effective than it has been of late, Mrs. Clancy having lent her effective assistance. It is to be hoped this lady will join the new choir about to be formed by Mr. Nathan; we are confident her correct intonation would be well appreciated by our great maitre de chapelle.
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (musician)
"ST. MARY'S ORGAN", Australasian Chronicle (27 July 1841), 2
MR. EDITOR, - In the Sydney Gazette of Saturday, and under the above head,
appears a letter from "an Australian," who, however, had not the good luck to be born in his native land,
but, like many a better man, was wafted hither very much against the inclination of his mother's son.
I do not, however, notice that letter for the purpose of appealing to any parish register upon the subject,
nor because the writer says, with characteristic falsehood, that I once said I "preferred Reid's fifth to Mozart's twelfth,"
but simply to contradict the atrocious falsehood that
"at the present moment the Catholics are devising some plan to get rid of the horrifying nuisance that exists in the choir of that place of worship."
Some persons are, indeed, of opinion that there was once a nuisance in that choir, but all are agreed that nothing of the kind now exists in it;
and, so far from there being any intention to make any change it the director,
the committee have unanimously pledged themselves at their two last meetings to support their present very talented maestro in his strenuous exertions
to form something that may here after be worthy of being designated "the choir."
A choir cannot, indeed, any more than a city, be built in a day;
but, if a certain noisy person had any talents in that way, he might have laid the foundations of one in the course of several years.
What is the fact? I leave "an Australian" himself to say how many choristers this turbulent person left behind him.
I could say more, but, being as unwilling to appear under so awkward a name as to dispute about its applicability,
I leave the support of our infant choir in your hands, and hasten to subscribe myself by my newly conferred title,
P.S. Haydn's No. I, with a portion of Mozart's I. and II., went off in fine style on Sunday last,
and Mrs. Clancy, who is in herself a host, will strengthen the sopranos in future.
NOTE: This letter "to the editor" was actually written by the editor, W. A. Duncan, in defence of himself and of Isaac Nathan, the director of music at the cathedral; it was in reply to "St. Mary's Organ. To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 July 1841), 3; which in turn was written in response to Duncan's article, "ST. MARY'S ORGAN", Australasian Chronicle (20 July 1841), 2
MUSIC: Mass no. 1 (in B flat, Hob.XXII:10; "Heiligemesse") (Haydn, Novello's edition); Mass no. 1 (in C, K. 317, "Coronation") (Mozart, Novello's edition); Mass no. 2 (in C, K. 257) (Mozart, Novello's edition)
"St. Mary's Organ . . .TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 July 1841), 3
SIR, In justice to myself and also to another,
on whom the worthy "Vicar of Bray" would fain saddle the writing of a letter which appeared under the above head in Saturday's Gazette, I once more trouble you . . .
I re-assert the opinion of the Catholics that the - -- are nothing of themselves.
We had the benefit of Mrs. Clancey's assistance, without paying two hundred a year, and also of a great many vocalists certain parties beat up last week . . .
I am a true, AUSTRALIAN . . .
4 August 1841, Isaac Nathan's concert, Royal Victoria Theatre
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", Australasian Chronicle (5 August 1841), 2
Having to stop the press in order to give the earliest notice of this musical treat, we should regret the brevity which this circumstance imposes on us were it not that justice would compel us to repeat almost the same commendations upon the performance of nearly every piece. As we before observed, the entire selection (with the exception of Lover's "The land of the west," which was most sweetly sung by Mrs. Clancy) was new to a Sydney audience; and this circumstance, together with its being the first appearance of the Misses Nathan before a general audience, gave an interest and zest to the evening's entertainment . . . Mrs. Clancy sung Nathan's "When she said farewell for ever" in her usual sweet and beautiful manner; Miss Nathan sung "Do not mingle" in fine style; and the whole concluded with Nathan's "Long live Victoria," which bids fair to live longer than any of those whose names are connected with it . . .
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (6 August 1841), 2
MR. NATHAN'S concert, on Wednesday evening last, was most respectably attended, and went off much better than any similar assembly during the season, the audience being very highly pleased, if we may judge from the circumstance of the numerous encores, more in number than we recollect of ever witnessing at any concert, either here or in Britain. Three encores were mentioned as a wonder in a late London paper, but here we had double that number. Miss Nathan was encored in two songs, the two younger Misses Nathan were encored, the three Misses Nathan were encored, the Misses Nathan and Mr. Griffiths were encored, Miss Jones was encored, Mr. Falchon was encored, and Miss Strickland was encored. A good deal of this enthusiastic support of the audience was understood to arise from the fact of there being no Italian in the programme, and also the public determination to disapprove of and put down an illiberal spirit of detraction and combination said to exist with respect to Mr. Nathan, and if this be really the case, very disgraceful to all concerned . . . Mrs. Clancy's "farewell for ever" [was] very sweetly sung . . . Mrs. Clancy sung Lover's "Land of the West" (sung at last Concert by Mrs. Bushelle) in a very sweet and elegant manner so as to cause regret, that we have heard her so seldom. Her voice is not indeed so powerful as Mrs. Bushelle's, but in many of its tones it is of surpassing sweetness . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Falchon (comic vocalist)
MUSIC: The land of the west (Lover); When she said farewell for ever (Nathan, from The illustrious stranger)
"MR. NATHAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 August 1841), 3
On Wednesday evening last Mr. Nathan's grand concert took place at the Royal Victoria Theatre. The assembly though not so numerous as we have witnessed, on similar occasions, gave, however, pleasing indication to Mr. N., both by their numbers and respectability, a mark of the high esteem he and his talented family are held in, by the Australian public . . . Mrs. Clancy sung "When she said farewell for ever," in an exceedingly sweet and chaste style . . .
"CONCERT", The Australian (7 August 1841), 2
. . . We must not omit to notice Mrs. Clancy's Land of the West, which was sung with touching pathos and simplicity. There is a peculiar purity of style in this lady's singing, which we especially admire. We cannot understand why Mrs. Clancy favours us so seldom in our musical entertainments, inasmuch as she must always be heard with pleasure, and would in any concert be a desirable auxiliary . . .
22 September 1841, the Bushelles' farewell concert
[Advertisement], Sydney Free Press (21 September 1841), 1
FAREWELL CONCERT, Royal Victoria Theatre, Wednesday, 22nd September, 1841,
which day is also appointed for the Horticultural ana Floral Exhibition.
MR. and MRS. BUSHELLE, will, on this occasion, make their last Public Appearance in Sydney . . .
Vocal Performers. - Mrs. Clancey, Mrs. Bushelle, Signorina Emilia, Mr. Bushelle, and Amateurs . . .
Part I . . . Grand Trio, from the "Matrimonio Segreto," Cimarosa - Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Bushelle, Mr. Bushelle . . .
"Let us seek the yellow shore" - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy . . .
Part II . . . "Tell me, my heart" - Bishop - Mrs. Clancy . . .
Duet, from Tancredi - Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Bushelle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Signorina Emilia (vocalist)
MUSIC: Cosa farete (Cimarosa, from Il matrimonio segreto); L'aura che in torno (Rossini, from Tancredi)
"BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (24 September 1841), 2
IT must have been very gratifying to Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle, to be received as they were on Wednesday evening by so crowded and fashionable a house - the most crowded indeed which has been witnessed at any concert for the last twelve months. At eight o'clock, His Excellency the Governor and Lady Gipps, attended by Mr. Miles, entered, when the orchestra struck up "God save the Queen" . . . Cimarosa's Grand Trio was sung very flatly, all the three singers being out of tune . . . Mrs. Clancey, as usual, sung "Let us seek the yellow shore" very sweetly and chastely, but her voice is rather too weak to fill the theatre effectively . . . We have little more left to report, except that Mrs. Clancy sang "Tell me my heart," very sweetly and prettily . . .
"BUSHELLE'S CONCERT", Sydney Free Press (25 September 1841), 3
. . . Then came the "Grand Trio," from the "Matrimonio Segreto," by Mr. and Mrs. Bushelle and Mrs. Clancy, which we considered rather inferior to many of their other performances . . .
"Bushelle's Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 September 1841), 2
. . . Mrs. Clancy as usual sang most delightfully, and in "Let us seek the yellow shore" shone forth conspicuously, and gave to one and all of the audience unmixed satisfaction . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (5 February 1842), 3
M. JONSON begs to announce, that he devotes three evenings in the week to communicate a pure pronunciation and syntactical construction of this elegant and useful language, to a select class, in which there are now four vacancies.
M. Jonson's Evening Class for Pencil Drawing will also admit of an increase of four pupils . . .
application . . . by applying at his apartments, at Mr. Clancy's, No. 14, King-street, near Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Guillaume Jonson (language and drawing teacher)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 May 1842), 3
THE CONOSCENTI are respectfully, invited to view an eminent beautiful CABINET PICTURE, by a celebrated Old Master, which is to be disposed of by Lottery, on MONDAY, the 16th instant, at Mr. Clancy's, 14 King-street East. The number of Subscribers is limbed to 15 at One Guinea each, altho' the stake is a Gem exceeding £30 in value
8 March 1843, concert for the Gautrots, Saloon, Royal Hotel
[Advertisement], The Australian (8 March 1843), 4
ON this occasion the assistance of the principal Members the Musical Profession, as well as that of several Amateurs,
will be gratuitously afforded, and a novelty presented to the public in the performance, by four of the latter,
of several Swiss Melodies, in the style of the Bavarian Brothers and the Rayner Family,
in which the characteristic Jodlin [yodelling] of the Swiss Peasantry will be introduced, for the first time in this colony.
PRINCIPAL INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS - Mr. Wallace - Mr. E. Deane - Mr. Pappin - Leggatt - W. Deane - Downs - Gibbs - O'Flaherty - Turner -
Deane, sen. - Portbury - Westrop - Monsieur Gautrot and Amateurs.
VOCAL PERFORMERS - Mrs. Clancy, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Wallace, Madame Gautrot, MR. JOSEPH SIMMONS, And Gentlemen Amateurs.
Conductor, Mr. Leggatt. - Leader; Mr. Wallace. J. C. Russell, Esq., Treasurer.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 6. Song, "The Last Rose of Summer," - Mrs. Clancy . . .
PART II . . . 2. Song, "Sweetly o'er my senses stealing" - Mrs. Clancy . . .
8. Song, "Tyrolean Maiden's Song" - Mrs. Clancy . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maurice O'Connell (patron); Eliza Gibbs (vocalist); Caroline Wallace (vocalist); Joseph Simmons (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: The last rose of summer (Moore and Stevenson); Sweetly o'er my senses stealing (Zingarelli, arr. Bishop)
"MUSIC AND MUSICIANS", The Australian (10 March 1843), 2
. . . We had almost forgotten to notice the affront offered to the public by Mrs. Clancy, who, after promising to assist at this concert, refused to sing, because, forsooth, her name was not at the head of the programme! This impertinence is too ridiculous for serious comment. For ourselves, we can only say, that the absence of this grand lady was more agreeable than her presence would have proved; a feeling which was generally expressed throughout the room.
"PROFESSIONAL LIBERALITY", The Sun and New South Wales Independent Press (11 March 1843), 3
Our attention has been drawn to the conduct of one of the ladies of the "vocal" department, of the musical fraternity, upon the late benevolent occasion of the Concert given at the Royal Hotel, for the purpose of assisting Mons. and Madame Gautrot, to leave the Colony. To the credit of the Sydney professionals, it is to be observed, that both vocal and instrumental performers, upon that occasion, contributed their gratuitous services in aid of so praiseworthy an object, with the solitary exception of Mrs. Clancey, whose husband, we understand, refused to let her appear, although he consented to her name being included in the Programme of the performances. One of the gentlemen, who so benevolently and disinterestedly conducted the Concert, called upon Mrs. C. on the day following, to ascertain the cause, when Mr. Clancey answered for his wife, that it was sufficient for her name to have appeared in the bills, with out her being required to exercise her vocal powers - in fact, that it was "never intended that she should sing."! On being told that his conduct was highly reprehensible, in causing the public to be misled. The reply of the "little great tailor," was, "I consider you an impertinent scoundrel for saying so." So intemperate was the conduct of this gentleman throughout, that we have been requested to enquire, whether he is yet as rigid an adherent to the Teetotal principle as he has, heretofore, professed himself to be? It is but justice to Mr. Sparke of the Royal Hotel, and Mr. Wyatt of the Victoria Theatre to state, that they behaved with the same liberality as the professionals, who favoured Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, with their gratuitous assistance.
"To the Editor", Australasian Chronicle (14 March 1843), 2
SIR - Allow me, through the medium of your paper, to contradict a statement which appeared in the Australian of Friday last,
relative to Mrs. Clancy's singing at Madame Gautrot's concert.
When Monsieur Gautrot applied to me on behalf of Mrs. Clancy's assistance, I told him no;
that Mrs. Clancy had long since given up singing at concerts, as it interfered too much with her domestic concerns;
but upon the repeated entreaties of Monsieur Gautrot, I told him he might put her name in the programme.
A fortnight previous to the concert taking place, I waited on Madame Gautrot, and told her decidedly (in the presence of Miss Hinckesman,
who acted as interpreter upon the occasion,), that I would not allow Mrs. Clancy to sing.
The reason assigned in the Australian for her not singing is a gross and malicious falsehood. - I am, sir, your obedient servant,
[Advertisement], Morning Chronicle (14 October 1843), 3
ON MONDAY EVENING, October the 16th, 1843, a GRAND AND AMUSING FESTIVAL will be held at the Old Court House, Castlereagh-street,
For the Benefit of St. Patrick's Band . . .
Upon which occasion, the Band will use every exertion to render the evening's entertainment worthy the public patronage.
In the course of the evening several Popular Airs, got up expressly for this occasion, will be performed by the Instrumental Department;
together with a great variety of GLEES, DUETTS, SOLOS, &c., &c.
VOCAL PERFORMERS - Mrs. Bushelle, Miss Hinckesman, Mrs. Clancy, and Mrs. Curtis;
Mr. Griffiths, Messrs. Allen, Worgan, Beattie, Callaghan, Commins, Caughlan, and Jibby [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Patrick's Band (teetotal band); Maria Hinckesman (piano); Mary Curtis (vocalist); Edward Allen (vocalist); Charles Tibbey (vocalist)
8 January 1844, Deane's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1844), 1
MR. J. P. DEANE begs to announce that his Farewell Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place
THIS DAY, January 8th, 1844, in the Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL; on which occasion he will be assisted by Miss Deane, Mr. J. Deane,
Mr. E. Deane, Master C. Deane, Mr. Wilson, Mr. W. Deane, and Mrs. Clancy, who has kindly given her services on this occasion.
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 2. SONG - 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer - Mrs. Clancy . . .
7. SONG - The Soldier Tired - Arne - Mrs. Clancy . . .
PART II . . . 2. SONG - Tyrolese Air - Mrs. Clancy . . .
7. Long Live Victoria - Full Band accompaniment - Nathan . . .
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Dispatch (13 January 1844), 3
We Were much pleased to see the "Farewell Concert" of this gentleman, which took place at the Royal Hotel, on Monday evening, so well and so respectably attended, and that it appeared to give general satisfaction to the audience. To closely criticise the performance would be ungenerous, as the talent was nearly confined to the exertions of his family. We confess we did not think much of Mrs. Clancy; Bravura is not her forte . . .
MUSIC: Long live Victoria (Isaac Nathan)
15 July 1846, the Gautrots' concert, saloon, Royal Hotel
[Advertisement], The Australian (9 July 1846), 1
MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT, about to proceed to Calcutta, beg respectfully to announce their intention of giving a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Entertainment,
in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday, the 15th Instant,
On this occasion will be engaged all the available musical talent in the colony,
amongst which will be Solos performed by Mesdames Bushelle, Gautrot, Clancy, and Carandini;
Messieurs S. W. Wallace, Gautrot, F. Ellard, Jun., F. and J. Howson, Worgan, Turner, Carandini, and an Amateur.
The programme, with full particulars, will be published in a few days.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria and Gerome Carandini (vocalists); Frederick Ellard (vocalist); Frank Howson and John Howson (vocalists); John Turner (vocalist); but note that the concert was postponed to 29 July, when Clancy was no longer listed as a participant
"NEW INSOLVENTS", Sydney Chronicle (28 April 1847), 3
Thomas Clancy, of 123, King-street, Sydney, tailor. Debts, 91l. 2s. 5d.
Assets - personal property, 22l.; outstanding debts, 38l. 19s.;
bad debts, 160l. 7s. 4d.; balance deficiency, 30l. 3s. 5d.
The applications of Thomas Clancy and John Wilson, being unopposed, were granted.

The south side of King Street, Sydney, with the Rainbow Tavern on the corner of Pitt Street, at right; from Joseph Fowles's Sydney in 1848 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 April 1847), 1
THIS beautiful Animal will be exhibited for a few days prior to its departure for England,
at Mr. Thomas Clancy's, King-street East, a few doors from the Rainbow Tavern, Pitt-street.
Admittance, one shilling; children, half price. Open from nine A.M., till five P.M., on Monday, the 24th instant, and during the Easter Holiday.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1848), 1
A TREAT. - In celebration of Her Majesty's Birth-day, the 24th of May, the splendid Royal Bengal Tigress will hold a Levee, and as many ladies and gentlemen as can make it convenient to attend, will be most gracefully received. Admission 6d.; open from eight in the morning till eight in the evening, at Mr. Thomas Clancey's, King-street East, near Pitt-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 October 1848), 3
TO NATURALISTS. TO BE RAFFLED for - a splendid Royal Bengal Tigress, by forty members at one pound each,
to which the lovers of nature are particularly invited.
The list will be left at Mr. Thomas Clancey's, King-street East, where the animal can be seen.
The raffle to come off when the list is complete, of which members will have notice.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 August 1849), 1
MRS. CLANCY begs leave to inform her friends and the public that she is now prepared to receive Pupils at her residence 123, King-street East, for the Pianoforte and Singing, on moderate terms.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1850), 1
MRS. CLANCY begs leave to inform her friends and the public, she is prepared to receive Pupils, at her residence, or to go out to them for Pianoforte and Singing. Terms moderate. 123 King-street.
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 June 1851), 3
BIRTHS. On the 10th June, instant, at her residence, King-street East, the wife of Mr. Thomas Clancy, of a son.
NOTE: The birth of this child is not indexed at NSW-BDM
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1859), 1
THOMAS CLANCY, Tailor, &c, begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has REMOVED from his old premises in King-street, to Market-street East, within one door of Castlereagh-street.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1860), 1
On the 28th instant, at her residence, Market-street, aged 53, Elizabeth Clancy, daughter of the late James Field, of Bath, and the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Clancy, of this city, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. Bath papers please copy.
"FUNERAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1860), 8
The Friends of Mr. THOMAS CLANCY are invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased wife ELIZABETH. To move from his residence Market-street, THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, at a quarter to ten o'clock. JAMES CURTIS, undertaker, Hunter-street.
"SUDDEN DEATH", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1867), 4
An old man named Thomas Clancy died very suddenly at n coffee-house in Parramatta-street last evening. He had gone into the coffee-house for some refreshment; the mistress of the establishment left him sitting in the room, and when she returned, after a short time, she found him sitting in his chair dead. Deceased formerly kept a tailor's shop in Market-street, but having lately been living with his son-in-law, Mr. Underwood, of Juliet-street, Newtown. His body was convoyed to the Benevolent Asylum, where an inquiry will be held this morning before the City Coroner.
"CORONER'S INQUEST", Sydney Mail (6 July 1867), 2
An inquiry was held before the City Coroner, on Wednesday, at his office, respecting the death of Thomas Clancy, 81 years of age. Deceased was a tailor, and resided with his son-in-law at Enmore; he enjoyed good health . . .
Bibliography and resources:
"William Vincent Wallace, the Composer. BY ALCIPHRON JONES", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (19 March 1881), 446
. . . At the several concerts, given by William Vincent Wallace in Sydney, he was assisted by Mons. and Madame Gautrot [untrue], both accomplished artists, Mrs. Clancy (a cousin of the celebrated George Field, of Bath, and the daughter of an organist of St. Paul's, London), not to mention the principal instrumentalists that took part in those entertainments . . .
William Charles Mark Kent, "Field, Henry Ibbot (1797-1848)", Dictionary of national biography 18 (1889),_1885-1900/Field,_Henry_Ibbot
. . . pianist, born at Bath on 6 Dec. 1797, was the son of Thomas Field, for many years the organist at Bath Abbey, by his wife, Mary Harvey, who died 15 June 1815. The father died 21 Dec. 1831. Henry was the eldest of a family of seven children. He was educated first at Holdstock's academy, and afterwards at the Bath grammar school . . . He gave his last concert, in association with his sister, Mrs. Belville Penley, on 13 May 1848, in the Bath Assembly Rooms . . .
Deirdre Dare and Melissa Hardie, A passion for nature: 19th-century naturalism in the circle of Charles Alexander Johns (Penzance: Hypatia Publications, 2008), 99, 193-94 (PREVIEW)
And thanks to Kurt Gänzl (November 2020) for kindly bringing Mary Field (Mrs. Belville Penley) to my attention.
CLAPHAM, Newton (Newton CLAPHAM; Mr. N. CLAPHAM; also "Mr. NEWTON")
Amateur musician, tenor vocalist, iron founder, moulder
Born Keighley, Yorkshire, 18 February 1832; son of Samuel CLAPHAM (1786-1833) and Grace Newton SUGDEN (1788-1859)
Married (1) Martha CLAYTON (1831-1883), All Saints, Bingley, Yorkshire, 17 February 1851
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 14 January 1858 (per Planter, from Liverpool, 17 October 1857)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 23 April 1861 (per Donald McKay, for Liverpool, England)
Married (2) Maria WILKINS (1843-1912), Keighley church, Yorkshire, 28 July 1886
Died Keighley, Yorkshire, England, 21 March 1890 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Register of births, Particular Baptist Church, Keighley, Bradford, 1791-1833 (taken from the Old Church Book, 1833); West Yorkshire Archives, BK16/1/1/1 (PAYWALL)
[No.] 143 / Newton Clapham, son of Samuel and Grace Clapham of Greengates Keighley in the county of York - was born [18 February 1832] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: According to a family history, Newton, the youngest of his family, first sailed with two of his married elder brothers for North America in 1849, but returned to Yorkshire rather than settling. He married in 1851, and he and his wife had 3 daughters in the following years. Late in 1857, he left his family behind in Yorkshire to sail for Victoria; or, as the family history has it: "Newton was packed off to Australia by his brothers to try and make something of him". He returned home in 1861 and resumed his original trade as an iron moulder.
1851, Marriage solemnized in the Parish Church in the Parish of Bingley in the County of York; West Yorkshire Archives, 5D94/1/3/8 (PAYWALL)
No. 218 / February 17 / Newton Clapham / Minor / Bachelor / Moulder / New Road / [father] Samuel Clapham / Mechanic
Martha Clayton / Minor / Spinster / - / New Road / [father] George Clayton / Shoe Maker . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Keighley, Yorkshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2287 (PAYWALL)
Low Street / George Clayton / Head / 60 / Cordwainer / [born Yorkshire Keighley] . . .
Martha Clapham / dau'r / 20 / [Power Loom Weaver] / [born Yorkshire Keighley]
Newton [Clapham] / Son in Law / 19 / Iron Moulder - Journeyman / [born Yorkshire Keighley] . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Planter, from Liverpool, 17 October 1857, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . 1339 / Newton Clapham / 25 / Married English / [for] Melbourne . . .
"THE CONCERT IN AID OF THE HOSPITAL FUNDS", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (1 July 1859), 2
Most of our readers will no doubt ere this have seen the announcement in our advertising columns of the concert to be given in aid of the funds of the Bendigo Hospital, on Monday next, by the pupils of Mr. Pollard's Choral Singing Class . . . The first and second parts of the concert are to be devoted solely to selections from the oratorios of the "Creation" and the "Messiah," and having attended the rehearsal of the class last evening we can assure our readers that the members are all up to the mark in their respective parts. In the second part the class will sing some new concerted pieces, the solo parts being taken by Miss Warden, Mr. Newton Clapham, Mr. Bucknall, Mr. W. Watson, and Mr. Macord. We trust that the public will attend in such numbers as will induce Mr. Pollard to give many more of his pleasing and entertaining reunions.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Henry Pollard (musician); Agnes Florence Warden (vocalist); Samuel Macord (vocalist); William or Frederick Bucknall (amateur)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (5 July 1859), 2-3
Last evening the fourth public concert given by the members of Mr. Pollard's Choral Singing Class was held at the Presbyterian Schoolroom. Notwithstanding the counter attractions at the Theatre and elsewhere, the room was completely filled with a most respectable audience. The first two parts of the evening's entertainment were devoted entirely to the singing of selections from the oratorios of the "Messiah" and the "Creation", the choruses chosen for the occasion being rendered with great effect by the members of the class; the "Glory of the Lord," from the Messiah being by far the most successful of the evening . . . the solos leading into the choruses, as sung by Mr. Newton, were really given in a style which stamps that gentleman as a musician of no common order, his voice, which is a most powerful tenor, being specially adapted to the class of music sang last evening . . . [3] . . . The second part of the concert was devoted to secular music. In it Messrs. Bucknall, Newton, W. Watson, and Macord, together with Miss Warden, who, by the way, was the only lady who ventured on a solo during the evening, sang a selection of the latest songs, which were all most vociferously applauded . . .
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE (To the Editor of the . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (6 July 1859), 3
Sir, - "Truth," says an old adage, "should be adhered to at all times and under all circumstances."
However, the reporter of the Mercury had not this old saying impressed upon his mind sufficiently last evening,
when taking notes of the proceedings at the Concert given in aid of the Hospital,
or he would not have made such an incorrect statement as appeared in this day's issue.
He says that Mr. Lissignol presided at the harmonium.
If so, how in the name of goodness was it that Mr. Pollard stepped in front of the platform and apologised for that gentleman's nonappearance,
and begged to introduce Mr. Barwick as a substitute - which met with the approval of the audience?
Another gentleman, too, who sang several pieces in a masterly style, and has, on more than one or two occasions,
rendered great service by his assistance was altogether unnoticed: I allude to Mr. Newton Clapham.
Now, Mr. Editor, if such gentlemen as the above come forward at a sacrifice (which they doubtless do,) to give their help on such occasions, -
for they cannot have interested motives in view, - should be in some way noticed by the Press,
or on future occasions of the same nature their help may be denied, justly,
and this excellent Choral Society in Sandhurst may lose some of the best members they have. Apologising for the length of this.
I am, sir, yours obediently,
July 5th, 1859.
[As far as we are concerned, we regret if we have done injustice to Mr. Clapham by omitting his surname. - ED.]
ASSOCIATIONS: Eugene Lissignol (musician); Thomas Barwick (musician)
"THE SERVICES AT ALL SAINTS CHURCH, SANDHURST", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (21 July 1859), 3
The Mercury of Monday has the following: "The late unfortunate dispute about Mr. Barker's account, gave rise to some very disgraceful proceedings in this church yesterday, both at morning and evening service. It appears that being requested by the two trustees and a portion of the committee to resume their services, the choristers yesterday morning proceeded to take their usual places round the Harmonium. One gentleman, Mr. Charles Bridges, took his seat, when Mr. Bannerman, one of the trustees, came up and ordered him to leave the choir, but he positively refused to do so. Thereupon Mr. Bannerman left him, and in conjunction with Mr. Maer, another of the trustees, lately elected took up positions at the foot of the stairs leading to the choir, and each of them placing a foot on the stair, effectually barred the entrance of any more of the old choristers. Mrs. Barker, Miss Collier, Miss Lee, and Messrs. Watson, Newton, Clapham [sic], Hopkins, an Fly, had in turn to submit to this gross insult . . . In the evening, and before the commencement of evening service, the old choristers had resumed their places in the choir, when the Rev. J. Stone sent a message to Mr. Barwick, the organist, informing him there would be no singing during the evening service, and therefore there was no need for his attendance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Anglican churches (general)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (3 September 1859), 1
THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between James Jopling, James Miller, and Newton Clapham,
trading as Jopling, Miller, and Clapham, at Ironbark, Founderers, has this day been Dissolved by mutual consent . . . 2nd September, 1859.
"THE SANDHURST ATHENAEUM", Bendigo Advertiser (21 September 1859), 2
The inaugural promenade concert of this institution took place yesterday evening, in the Town Hall (the use of which had kindly been accorded by the Council), and was certainly a most decided success, it being most largely and respectably attended. As to its being a promenade concert, that was, in this case, a misnomer, as it was a serious task to find standing or sitting room . . . we believe that upwards of 400 persons were present, including a very large proportion of ladies . . . As to the performances themselves . . . The singing of Mr. Newton Clapham in that fine old ballad "The Death of Nelson," exhibited a powerful and well regulated voice, and was honored with an encore . . .
MUSIC: The death of Nelson (Braham)
"THE FIFTH CHORAL REUNION", Bendigo Advertiser (12 October 1859), 3
Notwithstanding the threatening aspect of the weather, there was a good attendance at the reunion of Mr. Pollard's pupils, in the Town Hall, last evening; upwards of two hundred persons being present . . . In again noticing Mr. Newton's "Death of Nelson," it need only be added that last evening he sang with as much power and taste as on the occasion of the Athenaeum Concert . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Bendigo Advertiser (23 December 1859), 3
The inaugural concert given by the members of the Bendigo Philharmonic Society last evening in the Town Hall was one of the most successful affairs that has taken place in Sandhurst for some time back. The hall was filled by a large and respectable audience . . . The number of performers on the occasion, including instrumental and vocal, the latter comprising a great proportion of ladies, was about forty; the baton of conductor being wielded by Mr. Pollard, Mr. Linden leading on the harmonium . . . The first portion of the concert consisted of selections from Haydn's "Creation" . . . The introductory "Representation of Chaos" by the band was in everyway an excellent performance, and the splendid recitative by Mr. Leeman (who was in better voice than we have heard him for some time) - "In the Beginning," was beautifully given. Another recitative by the same gentleman, "And God said," was also well sung. The solo and chorus, "The Marvellous Work," by Mrs. Ellis and chorus was the gem of the first part, and was rapturously applauded. Mr. Newton Clapham sang the recitative, "In Splendor Bright," very artistically. The concluding chorus of the first part, "The Heavans are Telling," shewed the admirable course of training which the chorus had undergone under the direction of Mr. Pollard, the voices and instruments of the members according together most faultlessly . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Otto Linden (harmonium); Frederick Leeman (vocalist); Eliza Stewart Ellis (vocalist); Bendigo Philharmonic Society (association)
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (7 March 1860), 3
The second subscription concert of the Bendigo Philharmonic Society was held last evening, at the Presbyterian Schoolhouse. Neither the attendance nor the entertainment came up to that of the last concert . . . In bringing out Schiller's Lay of the Bell, set to Romberg's music, they evidently overrated their own powers. From the first chorus to the last, it was evident that few of the singers were really up in their parts; and although one or two of the choruses went very well, still as a whole, the performance was not successful. The same fault may be found with the amateurs who sang the principal parts in the "Lay." Mr. Newton's first solo, "That morn has fled," was tolerably well rendered, but in the second, "Though passion may fly" - far superior to the other in point of merit as a composition, he, to use a somewhat vulgar phrase, "fell through" . . .
MUSIC: The lay of the bell
"MR. POLLARD'S CHORAL REUNION", Bendigo Advertiser (28 August 1860), 3
The Town Hall was crowded to excess last evening by a most respectable audience, on the occasion of the eighth concert of Mr. Pollard's pupils, assisted by a number of gentlemen amateurs, who, in addition to Messrs. Hid and Barwick, volunteered their services. Operatic music, even in large towns, is difficult to render with success by amateurs, and it is, therefore, paying no ordinary compliment to Mr. Pollard an his pupils when we say that every chorus which was given last evening went off with an eclat which would have redounded even to the credit of a professional band of chorus singers. Nor was it alone in the choruses that the class excelled, the various songs and duets introduced into the programme being in nearly every case satisfactory to the audience. Where all exerted themselves to such advantage it may, perhaps, appear invidious to particularise names; we must, however, mention the "When other Lips" of Mr. Newton, from the "Bohemian Girl," which was really sung in a masterly manner by that gentleman. The duet of "Smile Love," Mr. Newton and Miss Lee, from "Sonnambula" was also entirely successful, an encore being demanded by the audience . . . Of the choruses, Bellini's "With the sun sheltering canopy o'er us" was as well, if not batter, rendered than any. Amongst the miscellaneous portion of the concert may be mentioned a part song by Messrs. Deague, Fowler, Nelson, and Newton, "When Evening's Twilight" . . .
"SANDHURST GARRICK CLUB", Bendigo Advertiser (5 November 1860), 2
We have to call attention to the performance of the members of the Garrick Club to-night, at the Theatre Royal, in aid of the building fund of the Mechanics Institute . . . The musical interlude will comprise among other songs, the new song of "Riflemen Form," by Mr. Newton Clapham, an amateur of some popularity . . .
For the program, see [Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 November 1860), 1
The crowded state of the Haymarket Theatre last evening is sufficient evidence that when a first class musical entertainment is brought within the reach of the Bendigo public they know how to appreciate it . . . It is a work of some labor for a body of vocalists, consisting of amateurs, with but one exception, that of Mrs. Ellis, to produce even respectably as heavy an oratorio as is "The Creation" and that the concert of last evening was more than respectable, none will deny . . . Mr. Newton Clapham cannot be too highly complimented for the really superior manner in which he gave the whole of the tenor solos - his "In native worth" and "In rosy mantle appears," being particularly worthy of notice, his rendering of the former most difficult piece stamping him as a vocalist of considerable ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (26 December 1860), 1
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - Massaniello - Band
Opening Chorus - Chough and Crow - Company
Song - When I beheld the Anchor Weighed - Mr. Fairchild
Ballad - The Last Rose of Summer - Mrs. Mitchell
Waltz - Band
Glee - Mynheer Von Dunk - Messrs. Leeman, Deague, and Clapham . . .
Song - Riflemen Form - Mr. Clapham . . .
PART 2. Overture - Otello - Band
Glee - by Celias Arbour - Messrs. Von Ende, Deague, Clapham, and Barnard . . .
Trio - Magic Wove Scarf - Mrs. Ellis, Mr. Clapham, and Mr. Leeman . . .
Song - Death of Nelson - Clapham
God Save the Queen - By the Company
Musical Conductor - Mr. O. Linden
Leader - Mr. A. Usher . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Madelina Forbes Mitchell (vocalist); Henry Deague (vocalist); Charles William Von Ende (vocalist); Alfred Usher (violin, leader); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"MRS. ELLIS' CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (27 December 1860), 2
The attendance at this lady's matinee yesterday, at the New Lyceum Theatre, was considerable. The general character of the singing may be pronounced above mediocrity, and in one or two instances excellent . . . Mr. N. Clapham's "Riflemen Form" resulted in a demand for a repetition; and Mr. Holloway, in his "Cheer, boys, cheer," commanded attention to the extent of a second encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (vocalist, actor)
"CONCERT AT THE TOWN HALL", Bendigo Advertiser (9 January 1861), 2
A concert was given last evening in the Town Hall by the members of the Church of England choir, assisted by the leading members of the Philharmonic Society, in aid of a District School Fund . . . The recit. and air of "If with all your hearts," decidedly the most telling solo of the evening, which was originally intended for Mr. Clapham, who, we regret to hear, has left the district for Melbourne, but was taken, at very short notice, by Mr. Farrant - an alto singer of some pretensions - who, though not doing full justice, still managed to get through it decently. The loss of Mr. Clapham will be generally felt in musical circles here, he having been almost the only amateur tenor singer in the district, and as he was ever ready to assist at any concert, which had a charitable object in view, we fear it will be found difficult to supply his place . . .
"MR. N. CLAPHAM", Bendigo Advertiser (12 February 1861), 2
A meeting of gentlemen desirous of expressing their appreciation of the good service rendered the charitable institutions of the district by Mr. N. Clapham, (who, since its establishment, has been the leading tenor of the Philharmonic Society,) prior to his departure for England, was held at Abbott's Hotel last evening. It was agreed that, in order to allow the public to subscribe to the movement, a farewell concert should be given at the Temperance Hall on Wednesday, the 20th instant, the proceeds, in addition to several sums collected privately, to be devoted to the purchase of a suitable testimonial. Messrs. Watson, Von Ende, and Collier were appointed a committee to carry out the object of the meeting. As nearly the whole of the available amateur and professional talent on Sandhurst have volunteered their services, the concert is likely to be a success.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (20 February 1861), 1
IT having been determined to present Mr. N. Clapham with a Testimonial, prior to his departure for England,
the Committee have the honour to announce that in furtherance of the object, a Concert will be given on the above date at the Temperance Hall,
when the following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly consented to appear:
Mesdames Ellis and Barker; Misses Lee, Collier, Robson, Haynes, Fawcett, and Regan.
Messrs. Miell, Deague, Von Ende, Watson, Gilbert, Peel, Hall, Fowler, Nelson, Dyason, Farrant, Fraser, Barnard.
Conductor - Mr. J. H. Pollard. Pianist - Mr. Barwick.
Prices of Admission - Front Seats, 3s; Back Seats, 2s Particulars in Programmes.
"FAREWELL CONCERT TO MR. NEWTON CLAPHAM", Bendigo Advertiser (21 February 1861), 2
The concert given at the Temperance Hall last evening in aid of a testimonial to Mr. N. Clapham prior to his leaving the colony, was attended by a numerous and most respectable audience. Through the indisposition of Mr. Clapham, considerable alteration had to be made in the programme, but despite the disappointment consequent on his not singing, the efforts of the whole of the ladies and gentlemen, who had volunteered their services, were fully appreciated by the audience. We have to notice here the very correct manner in which the glees of "Here in Cool Grot," and "Awake Aeolian Lyre," were executed by the full choir. Most of the songs and duets are known to the Bendigo public; we must, however mention "The Beating of my own Heart," a song by Miss Robson, and a duet, translated from the German, by Miss Lee and Mr. Pollard, as being particularly worthy of notice. It is a pity Mr. Von Ende cannot do away with the mannerisms which tell seriously against the otherwise able way in which he rendered one or two of Henry Russell's most admired songs. Mrs. Ellis met with a good reception, and sang two favorite ballads well. The success of the concert speaks well for the esteem in which Mr. Clapham is held in Sandhurst; last night he could not but have felt gratified at the verry enthusiastic reception he met with on his appearance with Mr. Pollard, to apologise for his not being able to perform his portion of the announced performance.
And see also, "AMATEUR SINGERS AND THEIR CRITICISERS (To the Editor . . .)", Bendigo Advertiser (22 February 1861), 3
Names and descriptions of passengers per Donald McKay from Melbourne, 23 April 1861, to Liverpool; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Newton Clapham / Single male / 23 [sic] . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Newton Clapham, Find a grave
CLARE, Isabella (Isabella CLARE; Miss CLARE; Mrs. John Harris THOMPSON; Mrs. J. THOMPSON; also THOMSON)
Actor, theatrical dancer
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1840
Married (?) John Harris THOMPSON, VDL (TAS), by early 1841 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE THEATRE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (1 May 1840), 3
We have much PLEASURE in being able to speak in terms of the highest commendation of the great improvement visible, in Mrs. Clarke's Dramatic corps . . . Miss Clare should resign old women to Mrs. Brown, whose Dame Tugscull was superior to any thing we have before seen her play . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (actor, manager); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Tasmanian Weekly Dispatch (22 May 1840), 3
ROYAL Victoria Theatre, CAMPBELL-STREET. On Saturday, May 23 . . .
"THE THEATRE", Tasmanian Weekly Dispatch (5 June 1840), 7
. . . In the Scotch Pas de Deux, Miss Clare and Mr. Smith acquitted themselves very respectably. This Dance was very properly encored, although it must be very disheartening to perform in any way, to empty benches.
"THEATRE", The Courier (19 January 1841), 2
Mr. Thompson took his farewell Benefit last night, when we were sorry to perceive such an indifferent house (barely, we should say, covering his expences) as he is a very creditable performer, and deserving of support. The performances were Douglas, Lovers' Quarrels, and the Siamese Twins, with singing and dancing. The play was exceedingly well got up, and the most perfect representation we have witnessed on these boards. Mrs. G. Thomson's Lady Randolph was extremely well acted throughout - it would do credit to a London Theatre . . . Thompson's Glenalvon was well sustained - he seemed to us to be labouring under a cold. After the play, Mrs. Thompson (late Miss Clare, the pretty dancer) danced the Highland Fling, in full highland costume, with great taste and judgment. We hear it is her intention of having a benefit on the last night of the season, and that there will he a grand Ballet got up for the occasion, assisted by numerous amateurs, when we trust - as her husband received but so poor support - that she will have such a house as their united services deserve.
"HOBART TOWN POLICE", The Courier (17 December 1841), 2
[Last Saturday, 11 December] . . . A scene of rather theatrical description next came on, Mr. John Harris Thompson being charged by Mr. O'Flaherty with stealing a shirt, his property. Much time was occupied, and from all that could be gathered in the turmoils of such heterogeneous evidence it appeared to be one of those outbreakings of envy and malice so peculiar to the votaries of the sock and buskin; at all events the magistrates so thought by dismissing the charge. Application was then made by the complainant, Mr. O'Flaherty, for a warrant for Miss Clare, as the guilty one in the above affair, which was granted to be heard on Monday . . .
. . . Miss Isabella Clare, alias Thompson, brought in on warrant charged with stealing a shirt, the property of Mr. O'Flaherty; the prosecutor not making his appearance, the charge was necessarily dismissed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Charles O'Flaherty (actor); see also "Hobart Town Police Report . . . Saturday, December 11", Colonial Times (14 December 1841), 3
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (9 November 1844), 3
On Wednesday evening the tragedy of Othello was performed to a better house than we have recently witnessed . . . Mrs. J. Thomson's Emilia was as good as we have seen in London, which is as great praise as if we wrote a column on the subject . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Campbell Macdougall (editor, reviewer)
"MR. JONES'S BENEFIT", Colonial Times (8 February 1845), 3
By the Bills and Advertisements we perceive that Mr. Jones takes a Benefit on Monday night, conjointly with Mrs. J. Thomson. The Bill of Fare is certainly tempting, and promises abundant entertainment. Sheridan Knowles's fine tragedy of The Wife, or a Tale of Mantua, is full of incident, interest, and passion; and it is excellently cast: We have Mrs. Coppin, her first appearance in this Colony; we have Nesbitt and Arabin, and Jones and Rogers: and Mesdames Stirling and Rogers, with other favourite actors, all combined to render the play attractive. Miss Eliza Thomson, too, makes her first appearance as a danseuse, while Mrs. Thomson and Mr. Coppin appear in a new afterpiece piece, called "The Young King." Mr. Young, too, sings his favourite [REDACTED] song "Clar da Kitchen," and, in short, we have seldom seen a more favourite or more attractive Bill of Fare . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Jones (actor); Maria and George Coppin (actors); Theodosia Stirling (actor); George and Emma Rogers (actors); Francis Nesbitt (actor); Gustavus Arabin (Actor); Martha Thomson and daughter Eliza (actor, dancer); Charles Young (actor, vocalist)
"MR. THOMPSON", Adelaide Times (1 January 1849), 2
This actor, who has so long appeared on the boards in Adelaide, left the colony last week, by the Souvenir, for Melbourne. Whatever may have been the cause of Mr. Thompson's abrupt departure, the play going public of Adelaide cannot but regret the exit of an actor so accomplished in certain favourite characters, which he invariably acted so well, and which seemed so natural that there apparently appeared no effort on his part to sustain them admirably throughout. We allude in particular to his personification of old veterans, and similar characters of dignified deportment - characters in which he has invariably received the unanimous and warm plaudits of the numerous audiences before whom he so effectually performed for so long a period without a single exception. He, in short, commenced his career by becoming a favourite actor with the public, and continued to be so to the last.
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", The Argus (16 January 1849), 2
January 15 - Souvenir, schooner, 64 tons, Skey, master, from Adelaide. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Thomson . . .
Builder and musical instrument maker
Active ? Sydney, NSW, 1840 (but perhaps never arrived) (shareable link to this entry)
"UNCLAIMED LETTERS", The Colonist (7 March 1840), 2
. . . Mr. Clark, builder and musical instrument maker . . .
CLARK, Harriet (Harriet CLARK; Harriet Catherine CLARK; Mrs. David ANDERSON)
Musician, teacher of music and dancing, piano tuner, school teacher
Born England, c. 1807; daughter of John Joseph CLARK and Harriet ? (d. 1856)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 January 1833 (free per Palambam, from London, 24 August 1832, aged "25")
Married David ANDERSON (d. 1867), St. Philip's, Sydney, NSW, 27 June 1833
Died Paddington, NSW, 3 October 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Nicholas, Rochester, 1808; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
24 April 1808 / Harriet / daughter of William and Harriet / Clark
List of passengers by the ship "Palambam" from London, for Sydney, 10 January 1833; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
In the Steerage . . . Harriet Clark / 50 years of age // Harriet Clark / 25 years of age // James Ewen / Cabinet Maker // Ann Ewen / His wife [and 6 children, eldest 14]
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Clark was a witness to the marriage of James Ewen and Ann Dunn at St. James, Piccadilly, on 17 December 1816
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 February 1833), 3
MISS CLARK, lately from England, most respectfully announces to the Inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity, that she intends,
on Monday, the 3d February, opening a School for the reception of young Ladies.
Miss C. has been regularly instructed for a Governess, and accustomed to tuition, having been principal Assistant in a Ladies' seminary nearly 3 years,
and can produce letters to that effect, and give the most unquestionable references.
She flatters herself, that by unwearied attention to those young Ladies entrusted to her care, she shall merit and obtain a share of public patronage and support.
Miss C. will, if required, instruct young Ladies in French, Music, Drafting, and Dancing, at their respective homes.
Pianofortes tuned at the usual price.
For cards of terms, apply to Mr. Fenwick, Baker, George street, at the Offices of the Sydney Gazette and Sydney Herald, or at No. 5 Goulburn-street, near Pitt-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 June 1833), 3
MISS CLARK returns the sincere and grateful thanks to those Ladies and Gentlemen who have so liberally supported her during or short residence in Sydney,
and begs to announce, that her SEMINARAY will, in future, be conducted by her Mother and herself.
Mrs. and Miss Clark's School will re-open on Monday, July 1st, 1833, when they hope, by diligently attending to the mental improvement of those young Ladies intrusted to their care,
to merit and obtain a continuance of that favour so liberally bestowed.
Upper Pitt-street, June 21st, 1833.
"MARRIED", The Sydney Monitor (29 June 1833), 3
MARRIED - On the 27th instant, at St. Philip's Church, DAVID ANDERSON, of York-street, Baker, to HARRIET CATHERINE CLARK, of Pitt Street, Teacher of Music.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Sydney Monitor (10 July 1833), 2-3
An Inquest was holden at the sign of the Somerset-House, at the corner of George and Liverpool streets,
on Monday last, on view of the body of an infant seven years old, named Mary Jane Barnes.
On the opening of the Court, the Coroner informed the Jury, that the Inquest had been held on the body of the child in question,
on the preceding Saturday; when, after due examination, the Jury had returned a verdict of "Died by the visitation of God."
The minutes of the former Inquest were then read over by the Coroner, and were to the following effect.
The father of the deceased came to the colony about six months back, and the deceased was placed at a Boarding School kept by Mrs. Clark, in Pitt street, at the rate of £20 per annum.
The deceased had been at home during the vacation; and on Monday last had returned to the school, at which time she complained of a slight head-ache & a nausea at the stomach.
Mrs. Clark gave her a small quantity of magnesia, which had remained from a dose given some time previously to a Miss Williams, another scholar.
On Friday the deceased was observed to very ill, and vomited several times.
She was put to bed, and notice sent to the parents, who arrived just in time to close her eyes.
At the close of the Inquest held on Saturday the father was not satisfied with the verdict.
He accordingly sent for Dr. Bland, who opened the child, and pronounced that the child had died by poison.
The new inquest viewed the body, and the following witnesses were called, Dr. Bland's Certificate. -
"I have carefully examined the body of the deceased Mary Jane Barnes and am clearly of opinion that the child died from the effects of some corrosive poison."
Mrs. Harriet Clark - I have been about seven months in the colony. I arrived in the Palambam, about the beginning of January last.
I now reside in Upper Pitt-street, and keep a Seminary for Young Ladies. My Daughter opened a School on her arrival in the colony.
I joined my daughter in the school the last quarter.
The deceased came to the colony in the same ship as I did; and I think that she was the first scholar we had.
She was placed as a boarder at our school on the same terms as the other children.
Her father expressed himself perfectly satisfied with our treatment of the child.
The deceased's step-mother stated, that her husband ill treated her, and she left him at Hobart Town on that account. -
She has only just arrived from Hobart Town, and joined her husband. I never saw the parents ill treat the deceased.
The deceased returned to our seminary on Monday last, after the vacation, and she complained of having a slight headache.
Her father brought the deceased back to the school on Monday; and from Monday until the Friday following,
she remained in her usual state of health, excepting that she appeared heavy and dull during the four days, but I did not consider her to be seriously ill.
On Friday last, a little before twelve o'clock, the deceased appeared flushed in the face and her eyes heavy, but she continued working at her needle.
My daughter suggested to me the propriety of giving her at little magnesia. I coincided; and my daughter gave her some.
I did not see my daughter mix the magnesia. I remained in the school-room.
My daughter got the magnesia from Miss Williams, one of the scholars, who had the remainder of a dose she herself had taken about a mouth before, and which she had preserved in a little bag.
The Doctor came afterwards, and asked for the paper in which the magnesia had been contained.
I went into the kitchen and found the paper now produced, as though it had just been thrown down.
I showed the paper to my daughter and Miss Williams, and they were both of opinion that it was the same paper which had contained the magnesia.
Miss Williams had taken some of the same magnesia about three weeks before this, and had appeared better after it.
The paper with the moiety of the magnesia, which was tied round with a bit of cotton, was put into her bag by Miss Williams, and remained there until taken out to give the deceased.
It was exactly in the same state as when put by.
The deceased took the magnesia about twelve o'clock on the Friday, as before stated, and about one, the children came in and said, that she had been vomiting.
Previously to this, she had attended at dinner, but she eat very little.
She said she was ill and went out.
When the girls told me that she was vomiting.
I had her conveyed to bed, and she continued vomiting some time after.
When the vomiting ceased she had some tea given to her.
I sent off for the Doctor and also for her father.
When she ceased vomiting she had a fit.
Mrs. Ewen, my sister-in-law, came in, and asked for water, and she put the deceased's feet into it.
I left them and ran away for the father, as I considered she was dangerously ill.
I was away about a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes.
The deceased died in the interim.
About the beginning of May last, I commissioned my daughter to purchase some arsenic to destroy rats.
It was purchased, and the arsenic was folded up in a light coloured paper, with a second envelope of light green paper, and on the paper was written poison.
I particularly noticed it, because the word poison was spelled "poyson."
We held a conversation as to how it should be mixed, and it was proposed, that it should be mixed with dripping.
I had some fowls, and my daughter said, that it was dangerous to use it.
The arsenic was put into a jar, which was used to put some old things in, and put into a cupboard.
It was not used at that time, and when we looked for it, it was gone, and we could never find it afterwards; nor can I imagine how it went or who got it.
Dr. Bland, who was present during this examination, stated, that he was now of opinion, from the testimony of the witness, that the poison by which the child had died, was arsenic. He had applied a test which would have discovered oxalic acid, but the test had not answered. His reason for having supposed it to be oxalic acid was, from the violent symptoms exhibited, and the speedy manner in which it had worked. He had observed a mark upon the lips of the deceased, which had induced the believe [sic] that it was oxalic acid. But from the length of time that elapsed before the poison began to operate, it could not be oxalic acid. The test he had applied to the poison was lime water, and it had not answered; but it remained yet for him to find whether the little water was good. He had sealed up the contents of the stomach, and would apply a further test. He was however, fully convinced, that the child had died from taking some corrosive poison.
Harriet Clark re-examined, - There were two distinct quantities of magnesia sent by Mrs. Williams to the daughter, at two different times;
the first packet contained sufficient for two doses, one half of which Miss William took, and the remainder remained in her bag.
The second time that magnesia was sent, Miss Williams took it, the whole of it.
It was, therefore, the remainder of the first quantity that was given to the deceased.
By a juror. - I put the child to bed myself and at that time we did not think she was so extremely ill.
About ten days before this, Miss Williams was with her mother, who went to buy her a pair of shoes, a comb, and something else.
When she returned she had a dose of magnesia, although there was one in the bag, and she said, that her mother said she was to take it.
I did not see her take it, but she went into the kitchen and took it.
Mrs. Ann Williams confirmed the evidence respecting the magnesia, save that she stated, she had given the second quantity into Mrs. Clark's own hand;
whereas, the impression of the latter was, that she had given it to her daughter.
The daughter of the last witness, an infant of nine years of age, was examined, but nothing material was elicited.
Mrs. Harriet Catherine Anderson. - I keep a School in Pitt street.
I had a child named Barnes under my care, I mean the deceased.
My house was much infested with rats; and in May last I purchased some arsenic at Mr. Nielson's, to destroy them.
It was not used, but was placed in a cup or goblet, amongst some paint in a cupboard.
I missed it from the cupboard when I went to look for it.
The cupboard in which it was put, was on one side of the fireplace, and not backed.
There are two cupboards, one on each side of the fireplace.
The children did not frequently go to the cupboard where the arsenic was placed, which was used to keep old jars and lumber in, but they might have gone to it, had they been inquisitive.
The poison was wrapped in a green paper, and I have not seen the paper since.
Both myself and my mother made minute search after it; and, I believe, my mother asked the boarders about it, but did not tell them the contents of the paper.
We emptied the whole of the cupboard in looking for it, but we did not search the children's bags for it.
I can not in any way account for arsenic getting into deceased's possession.
By a juror. - The paper which contained the magnesia which I gave to the deceased, was tied round with a piece of cotton thread.
The arsenic was tied with twine, and was in green paper.
When I put the arsenic in the cup or goblet, I placed the cup at the back of the cupboard.
I considered the cupboard as safe a place as I could put it in.
The other cupboard was left for the use of the children, who had no occasion to go to this one.
Mrs. Ann Williams recalled. - I can not recollect in what sort of paper I wrapped the magnesia that I sent, about five weeks ago, to my daughter [3] I think I tied it round either with a piece of darning cotton or silk: I can not remember which.
Mrs. Ann Ewen. - I reside at No.4, Upper Pitt-street; my husband is a cabinet maker, and lives with me. I arrived by the Palambam, on the 10th of January last. I knew Mr. Barnes, father of the deceased. The child enjoyed good health during the voyage, and since her arrival in the colony, during which time, she has been at school at my sister-in law's, Mrs. Clark's. I saw the deceased on Thursday last, when she appeared in good health. On Friday last, my niece, Mrs. Anderson, came to me, and asked my daughter where Mr. Barnes lived? She then asked me if I would step in, as the deceased was very ill. I went in, and seeing the child so bad in fits, I put her feet into hot water. She did not speak or even stir, after went in. When I put her feet in hot water, my sister in-law went for her father, and my niece went for the deceased's mother. My sister-in-law had not been gone two minutes when the child died. I could scarcely perceive that she was dying, except from her joints becoming stiff; she went off so quietly. The moment I went into the house I called for the hot water, and my sister-in-law ran off for the father. I never heard my sister-in-law say any thing about the loss of a packet of arsenic.
Verdict. - "That the deceased came by her death by having been given poison instead of magnesia."
"CORONER'S INQUEST", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 July 1833), 3
. . . The Coroner, in announcing the verdict, took occasion, in strong terms, to reprehend the conduct of Mrs. and Miss Clarke,
for leaving so deadly a poison within the reach of children entrusted to their care.
[The admonition was, perhaps, rightly given; but it does not seem that any thing transpired to fix negligence (properly so called) on Mrs. or Miss Clarke.
Such deadly drugs, however, if it be found necessary to be possessed of them at all, should he kept under close lock and key. - ED.]
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1856), 8
On Wednesday morning, February 13th, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. David Anderson, 496, Crown-street, Mrs. Harriet Clark, 70 years of age.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1887), 1
October 3, at the residence of her son-in-law, 98, Glenmore-road, Paddington, Catherine Harriet, relict of the late David Anderson.
Bibliography and resources:
Harriett Clark, Find a grave
[Headstone inscription] "Harriet Clark, widow of John Joseph Clark . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: A John Joseph Clark, aged 40, of Southwark, was buried at St. George, Hanover Square, on 26 October 1823
CLARK, James (James CLARK)
Musician, music Master, theatre musician, horn and bugle player, music copyist
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), c. 1825
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1837 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Independent [Launceston, VCL (TAS)] (17 September 1834), 1
Will be presented, the Nautical Melo-drama of THE INCHCAPE BELL.
Massaroni's Ritornella, in character, MR. SPENCER.
A Favorite Song, by Mr. JACOB.
After which, the Farce of The Mayor of Garratt.
Duett, Violin and Horn - Variations on the Maid of Lodi - Messrs. Peck & Clark.
SONG, - "The Harp that once through Tara's Halls" - Mr. McNEILLY.
To conclude with the laughable Farce of THE MARRIED BACHELOR. Vivant Rex et Regina.
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor, vocalist); John Lewis Jacobs (actor, vocalist); George Peck (violinist); Mr. McNeilly (vocalist); Theatre British Hotel (Launceston venue)
? "Hobart Town Police Report . . . Thursday, March 9", Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (21 March 1837), 10
James Cantwell, William Mason, James Clark and William Jones, were each fined 5s. for drunkenness.
"Hobart Town Police Report . . . Thursday, March 23", Colonial Times (28 March 1837), 8
Mr. John William Winch, stating himself "Builder, in Murray-street," complained of James Clark, (calling himself a Musician and Music Master, but with his old rough ragged coat, a face of all colors and only a faint view of the place where eyes should be seen, bore more the appearance of a costermonger) having robbed him. Clark had been apprehended by warrant on oath of Winch, for stealing a shirt and other articles, and what appeared strange, had taken them in Winch's presence. On being called on by his Worship to explain, he stated he lodged with the complainant, and had taken his own things only; that being principal French horn and bugle player, and music copyer, at the New Theatre, where his services were required, he hoped his Worship would discharge him. He was about further explaining the nature of the last fight and a little of the bye-play in which Mr. Winch's name was introduced, but was suddenly stopped for the complainant to confirm his former statement, when on cross-examination for defendant, he partly admitted prisoner's defence, and expressed a wish to close the piece without any more of Mr. Clark's music. As no felony was proved, the curtain dropped.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre Royal (Hobart venue)
"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editor of the . . .", Colonial Times (4 April 1837), 7
SIR - You are aware that my name appeared in the Police Report inserted in the "Colonial Times" of Tuesday last,
as being connected it with some nefarious transaction on the charge of of one William Wynch.
I admit that in general the Police reports appearing in the "Times," are correct,
but it will sometimes happen that an humble individual may suffer great injury, not only in character, but in his calling, if cases are carelessly reported.
I consider this to be the case with me, and shall therefore offer a plain statement of facts.
On my return to this town from Launceston, Wynch invited me to lodge with him in Murray-street at a weekly rent which I regularly paid.
After leaving the Theatre on Saturday night the 18th instant, where I am engaged as a musician, I proceeded home quietly,
and after knocking at the door several times, I was refused admittance, as Wynch did not think proper to let me in, having some woman (whether free or bond I know not,) in the house.
I was obliged to go away, and on the Monday following I called at my lodgings,
when Wynch said that I should not remove my little wearing apparel, but I did not heed him, and took my things;
but at the same time asking him to look at them, which he would not do, I then removed them to Collett's house, next door.
Yet this man Wynch had the impudence to obtain a warrant for me, charging me with felony.
I had to appear at the Police Office, where Wynch was compelled to acknowledge that all the things produced were my property, upon which the warrant was discharged.
What I chiefly complain of is, that the Police Report states that "as no felony was proved," I was of course discharged.
It is very well known that persons are often discharged for want of proper evidence against them, and yet may be guilty.
This could not be the case with me, for Wynch admitted to the constable who executed the warrant, that he was confident I had not robbed him.
Persons in humble circumstances of life, chiefly depend on character for support,
and as I have now resided fourteen years in this Colony without even a shadow of suspicion against me as to felonies and misdemeanors,
I am compelled to make this public appeal, and I trust it will not be received the less favorably, because I am a very humble individual, and of little consequence.
[We are sorry that Mr. Clark should have misconstrued the tenor of our report.
Clark has since his stay in this Colony maintained a good character for honesty and integrity.
We however insert Clark's letter as he seems to wish it,
but we consider the report he complains of in a different light to what he does as a complete exoneration of any blame that could possibly attach to him on the score of Wynch's foolish charge against himself. - REPORTER.]
NOTE: A James Clark arrived free in Hobart on the City of Edinburgh in April 1825; another James Clark, a former soldier, arrived as a convict by the Lady East in April 1825, and received a free pardon in 1836; see also, Trial of James Clark and John Colclough, 3 June 1824; Old Bailey online
1000. JOHN COLCLOUGH & JAMES CLARK were indicted for, that the said John Colclough, on the 26th of March, at Chelsea, feloniously, willingly, and knowingly,
did personate and falsely assume the name and character of one James Worthington, a gunner of the Royal Artillery,
entitled to certain prize-money, for service done by the said James Worthington in his Majesty's army,
to wit, at the capture of the Isle of France, in order to receive such prize-money due to the said James Worthington,
for such service done by him as aforesaid, with intent to defraud the Treasurer of the Royal Hospital, at Chelsea, against the statute, &c. . . .
CLARK pleaded GUILTY - DEATH. Aged 22.
CLARK FAMILY OF DANCING MASTERS (shareable link to this entry)
CLARK, Charles Miller (Charles CLARK; Charles Miller CLARK)
Dancing master, professor of dancing, musician, violinist, publican
Born Old Kilpatrick, Dunbarton, Scotland, 7 October 1811; baptised Old Kilpatrick, 20 October 1811; son of Nicol CLARK (c. 1791-1854) and Margaret DUNBAR (c. 1789-1856) (m. 17 December 1810)
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 17 April 1840 (assisted immigrant per Glen Huntly, from Greenock, 14 December 1839, aged "28")
Married (1) Ann McLAREN (d. 1853), St. Andrew's Scots church, Sydney, NSW, 1840
Arrived Maitland, NSW, by c. 1841
Marrid (2) Catherine McLAUCHLAN (c. 1863), Congregational chapel, West Maitland, 7 Nobvember 1853
Married (3) Elizabeth DEUTCHER, Maitland, NSW, 1864
Died West Maitland, NSW, 14 January 1870, aged "59/60" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLARK, John see separate entry below John CLARK (1816-1871)
Dancing master, professor of dancing, musician, violinist
Born Markinch, Fife, Scotland, 17 January 1816 (date on gravestone); son of Nicol CLARK (c. 1791-1854) and Margaret DUNBAR (c. 1789-1856) (m. 17 December 1810)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 July 1837 (per John Barry, from Dundee, 25 March, aged "24"; into quarantine)
CLARK, William (William CLARK)
Dancing master, professor of dancing
Born Markinch, Fife, Scotland, 7 May 1827; baptised Markinch, 27 May 1827; son of Nicol CLARK (c. 1791-1854) and Margaret DUNBAR (c. 1789-1856) (m. 17 December 1810)
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 17 April 1840 (assisted immigrant per Glen Huntly, from Greenock, 14 December 1839, aged "14")
Married Elizabeth VICARY (VICKERY) (1827-1918), Windsor, NSW, 1847
Died Athol Gardens, Bradley's Head, NSW, 1 June 1882, aged "55" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLARK, Charles Miller (junior) (Charles Miller CLARK; C. M. CLARK)
Musicseller, dancing master, professor of dancing, theatre manager, amateur actor, theatrical historian
Born Windsor, NSW, 26 January 1849; baptised St. Matthew's church, Windsor, 25 February 1849; son of William CLARK and Elizabeth VICKERY
Married Eleanor STYLES, Sacred Heart church, Darlinghurst, NSW, 10 January 1872
Died West Melbourne, VIC, 8 April 1931 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Charles was the eldest son of Nicol Clark (c. 1791-1854) and Margaret Dunbar (c. 1789-1856), originally from Old Kilpatrick, Dunbarton, Scotland, and later of Markinch, Fife, where his younger brothers, John Clark, and William, were born, all three later active as dancing masters in Australia. John was the first member of the family to arrive in the colonies, as an assisted immigrant on the John Barry in mid 1837, and settled in Sydney. Charles (with his wife Ann) and William both arrived with their parents and siblings, on the Glen Huntly, first landing in Melbourne in April 1840.
Baptisms, Old Kilpatrick, Dunbarton, Scotland, 1811; Scotland, select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
20 October 1811 / born 7 October 1811 / Charles / son of Nicol Clark and Margaret Dunbar
Baptisms, Markinch, Fife, 1827; Scotland, select births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
27 May 1827 / born 7 May 1827 / William / son of Nicol Clark and Margaret Dunbar
Disposal list of immigrants per ship Glen Huntly, from Greenock, 14 December 1839, for Port Phillip, 17 April 1840; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
28 / Chas. Clarke / Labourer / 28 / 5 Flinders Lane // Ann [Clarke] Wife / Housemaid / 26 . . . (DIGITISED)
87 / Wm. Clarke / Labourer / 14 / Dr. Cotter . . . (DIGITISED)
139 / Nicol Clarke / labourer / 46 // 140 / Marg't / Dairy woman / 48 // 141 Chas [recte, William] / 6
ASSOCIATIONS: Also siblings Janet 17 housemaid, Nicol 22 (tailor with wife Mary 23; died 3 April 1850), Christine 21, Mary 19
Charles Miller Clark in Australia:
[Advertisement], Port Philip Gazette (3 June 1840), 2
Tuition in Dancing. MR. CHARLES CLARK, Teacher of Dancing, Respectfully announces to the Public of Melbourne and its vicinity, his arrival in the Colony, and intention of following his profession in Melbourne. Mr. Clark will be ready after Thursday next to devote his attention to the tuition of families and schools, in all the fashionable dances now practised in Paris, London, and Edinburgh, viz.: - Quadrilles, Waltzes, Gallopades, Mazourkas, &c., &c.; and he trusts that from his long experience in his profession, he will succeed in giving satisfaction to such parents and guardians as may honor him with their patronage. Cards of address may he obtained on application at the Book and Stationery Warehouse, Collins-street. Lessons on the Violin, 2nd June.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (2 July 1840), 3
Teacher of Dancing BEGS leave respectfully to inform the Public that he has taken the house in Bourke-street,
recently occupied by Dr. Cotter, and is now ready to receive Pupils for his public or private classes.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (28 December 1840), 3
J. CLARK, Professor of Dancing, King-street West [sic. East],
avails himself of the present opportunity of expressing his thanks for the very great patronage and support he has received from the inhabitants of Sydney and places adjacent since his commencement,
and begs to acquaint then that the duties of his Academy will be resumed, after the Christmas vacation, on Tuesday, the 12th January,
when no exertion shall be wanting on his part to facilitate the advancement of his pupils;
in which he will be assisted for a time by his brother, Mr. C. Clark, who hay recently arrived from England,
bringing with him a variety of new Quadrille and other new Music;
it being his intention to establish himself as a Professor of Dancing in one of the rising towns of Australia, which will be announced in a future advertisement.
December 25, 1840.
"THE EMIGRANT'S ANNUAL BALL", Australasian Chronicle (7 January 1841), 2
On Friday night last, the fifth anniversary of this festival took place at Mr. Clarke's dancing academy,
King-street, and went off in a style that reflected much credit upon the stewards.
About eight o'clock the musicians occupied the tastefully decorated orchestra.
On entering the ball-room, over the archway, the guest was greeted with a cheering "WELCOME," done fancifully in yellow small flowers in gold imitation;
and then, at the other end over the orchestra, in a similar style, stood boldly forth "Land of my Fathers,"
underneath and surrounded by festoons of sweet flowers and evergreens, which luxuriantly appeared along the centre of the ceiling and round the cornices of the spacious dancingroom.
About half-past nine the ball was commenced with a country dance, led off by one of the stewards, which was admirably gone through,
and followed by the first set of quadrilles; the next was a Spanish waltz, which was pretty fairly gone through;
then came the lanciers and were well danced; but in the triumph, country dance, which followed, I assert that nothing I have seen for years could excel the precision,
which appeared to be in a great degree attributable to the just and well arranged music of the leader,
Mr. Cornish, supported by Mr. Sutton on the clarionet, with which the other instruments formed a band of nine.
The Caledonian quadrilles and Scotch reel followed, which completed the first part in the programme.
I cannot omit noticing that the general admiration of the assembly was elicited at the splendid manner in which Mr. Clarke's pupil, Miss Thompson, aged twelve years, acquitted herself in a pas suel.
The dances in part 2 were then begun, comprising, Patronella, country dance; Paine's first set quadrilles; the Circassian circles; lanciers; Towe's first set; Scotch reel and Spanish waltz.
Between the second and third parts Mr. Clarke, brother to the Professor, entertained the company with an admirable hornpipe,
at the conclusion of which the stewards ordered the whole company up for the last country dance, when six full sets appeared,
leaving about forty ladies and gentlemen yet in their seats, forming in the party about 112 persons.
Heaven's clear Iight appeared ere the "delighted gents' and ladies fair" thought of going, after a happy night during which
The merry dance and music's song,
Led the Jocund hours along. - Correspondent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Cornish (violin, leader); Mr. Sutton (clarinet); Eliza Thomson (dancer, pupil)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald [NSW] (23 January 1841), 1
DANCING. - MR. C. M. CLARK, Professor of Dancing, Pupil of the celebrated Guordoxfells, of Paris, and late of London, and Edinburgh,
begs leave to intimate to the public and gentry of Maitland, Patrick's Plains, and Newcastle, that he intends opening Classes in Maitland, on the 20th instant,
to teach Dancing, in all its various branches, and in the most approved modern styles, viz -
quadrilles, sixdrilles, gallopades, mazourkas, waltzes, Circassian circles, Cracoviacs, &c.,
and from his experience in teaching, and the attention paid to the advancement of his pupils in that genteel carriage and demeanour, so essential to good society,
Mr. Clark trusts he will merit a share of public patronage.
TERMS: - Two Guineas per Quarter, two lessons in each week. Private instruction, Three Guineas per Quarter.
Private Families and Hoarding Schools punctually attended within thirty miles of Maitland, should a sufficient number of Pupils offer to form a Class.
P.S. - Letters addressed Post Office, Maitland, will be attended.
[Advertisement], The Hunter River Gazette; and Journal of Agriculture, Commerce, Politics, and News [West Maitland, NSW] (22 January 1842), 2
Dancing and Calisthenic Exercises. MR. C. M. CLARKE, Professor of the above Accomplishments,
TAKES leave to return his warmest thanks to the gentry and public generally or Maitland and neighbourhood,
for the liberal share of patronage which he has enjoyed since he commenced teaching here, and respectfully solicits a continuance of their favours.
Pupils are taught the greatest variety of the most new and fashionable figures at present practised on the continent and in the mother country.
Schools and families attended within one day's ride of Maitland. Terms - Two guineas per quarter, payable in advance. West Maitland, January 20, 1842.
"LOCAL NEWS. Publicans' Licenses", The Hunter River Gazette; and Journal of Agriculture, Commerce, Politics, and News (11 June 1842), 3
At a petty sessions held on the 31st. ultimo . . . a license to sell wine and beer was also granted to Charles M. Clarke for a house in West Maitland now in progress of being finished . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 January 1843), 3
Dancing and Calisthenic Exercises. MR. C. M. CLARK,
in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Maitland and its vicinity for the patronage he has received in the above profession for the last two years,
takes the opportunity of informing the heads of Boarding Schools and of private families that he is now ready to receive pupils at his own residence,
or to attend upon their respective establishments, at any place within one day's ride of Maitland. West Maitland, January 19, 1843.
"MAITLAND UNION BENEFIT SOCIETY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (28 January 1843), 2
On Thursday evening last, the members of the above society, to the number of thirty-five, sat down to an excellent and substantial dinner, provided by Mr. C. M. Clarke, of the Buck's Head, West Maitland, to commemorate their third anniversary. The room was tastefully decorated with evergreens, and the arrangements and accommodation afforded to the guests were such as reflected great credit upon the judgment and taste both of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. A band was in attendance, which during the evening played several appropriate airs . . .
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature [Sydney, NSW] (23 December 1843), 331
Charles Miller Clark, of West Maitland, innkeeper: debts, 393l. 6s.; assets, landed property, 35l.; personal property, 15l. 15s.; outstanding debts, 33l. 4s.; balance deficiency, 309l. 7s
"INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. FRIDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1843), 2
In the estate of Charles Miller Clarke, a single meeting: Isabella Scott, £8; B. Smaile, £45 10s.; F. Pendray, £6. The meeting afterwards allowed the insolvent to retain his furniture and wearing apparel, after which the meeting was adjourned till January 11.
"SUPREME COURT (INSOLVENCY JURISDICTION) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 [sic, 2]", The Australian (3 October 1844), 3
In the estates of the following insolvents, the certificates sanctioned by the Chief Commissioner were granted, viz.: . . . Charles Miller Clarke . . .
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (17 January 1846), 3
MR. C. M. CLARK begs to inform his friends that he will Open a CLASS at Mr. Farquharson's, Newcastle, on Monday, the 26th instant;
and will be happy also to attend Private Families or Boarding Schools in the vicinity.
He has made the following arrangements: Newcastle Monday and Tuesday. West Maitland Wednesday and Friday. East Maitland and Morpeth Thursday. And at the Paterson On Saturday.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (13 February 1847), 3
Dancing. MR. C. M. CLARK, Professor of Dancing, will visit Morpeth in future on the Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
and Singleton on the Fridays and Saturdays of every week, when he will be happy to make arrangements with Seminaries,
Private Families, &c., for giving the junior members instruction in the above art.
N.B. - Families within a day's ride of Maitland attended
"THE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY'S BALL", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 April 1847), 2
The ball in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Society in this town took place last night, and went off with considerable eclat. The room was filled with all the fashion and beauty of the district. Mr. Clark, of Maitland, attended, and lent his valuable assistance gratuitously. Several of his pupils were present, and we noticed a great improvement in their dancing. Quadrilles, gallopades, waltzes, country dances, the polka, &c., were danced by the company in a very graceful and spirited manner. Dancing was kept up till six o'clock the following morning, when the gentlemen, with their fair partners, returned to their respective homes. Henry Dangar, Esq., M.C., and his lady, were present . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Grace Dangar (pastoralists)
"JUVENILE BALL", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 July 1847), 3
We have been given to understand that Mr. C. M. Clark, of Maitland, intends giving a ball to his pupils on Friday, the 6th of August; and we have no doubt that the ball-room will be pretty crowded, more especially as balls and other public parties have for a long time been "few and far between."
"Deaths", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (7 February 1849), 3
At Glasgow, Scotland, on the 21st July, Janet, the beloved wife of Mr. John McLaren, in the 66th year of her age, mother of Mrs. Charles Miller Clark, of West Maitland, and sister of the Rev. Archbold McLay, New York, leaving a numerous family to lament her loss.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (20 March 1850), 3
Preparatory to the Proprietor leaving the District.
MR. JEREMIAH LEDSAM has been honored with instructions from Mr. Charles M. Clark, preparatory to his departure from Maitland,
to sell by public auction, at his Residence, Devonshire-street, near the "Australian Inn," West Maitland, on MONDAY, the 25th day of March, 1850, at Eleven o'clock, a.m.,
A quantity of good and serviceable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . . .
Musical Instruments, Violins, &c. . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 April 1850), 1
begs to announce to the nobility, gentry, &c., of Sydney, and its vicinity,
that he has recently opened an Academy in George-street, Sydney, 3 doors north of the Herald Office,
where dancing will be taught in all its various branches and in the most modern and approved style;
consisting of Quadrilles, Polkas, Mazurkas, Waltzes, Circassian Circles, &c., together with the six Drills, and the double Lancers.
Mr. C. flatters himself that his long experience and extensive practice for upwards of 20 years, in Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, and this colony,
will ensure him the patronage and confidence of those who may place themselves under his tuition.
N. B. - Private families, and boarding schools attended, within thirty miles of Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (14 September 1850), 3
Dancing. MRS. CHESTER begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Maitland that she has opened a
DANCING ACADEMY for YOUNG LADIES and GENTLEMEN, for which she solicits their patronage.
The Class meets twice a week, at her Residence, next door to the late residence of Mr. C. M. Clark, West Maitland.
Every attention will be paid to the manners and deportment of all Pupils entrusted to her care. Terms on application.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist, actor, dancing instructor)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (13 March 1852), 1
Dancing. MR. C. M. CLARK begs to acquaint the inhabitants of the Hunter River, that he intends OPENING HIS CLASSES, as usual, after the 1st April. Sydney, March 4, 1852.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (6 November 1852), 3
Commercial Education. REFERRING to previous announcements,
MR. MITCHELL respectfully intimates that his Classes for DAY PUPILS for the General Branches of Education will be opened on MONDAY, 8th November, at his Academy, in Devonshire-street . . .
Classes are being formed for Instructions on the VIOLIN, FLUTE, ACCORDEAN, and for Sacred and Secular SINGING.
Terms, Thirty Shillings per quarter, two lessons per week.
For further particulars inquire of Mr. Clark, or Mr. Mitchell, at the Academy.
Mercantile, Music, and Dancing Academy, Devonshire-street. November, 1852.
ASSOCIATIONS: D. Mitchell (instructor); for a more detailed prospectus of the music classes offered, see [Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (13 October 1852), 3
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (16 April 1853), 3
To the Lovers of Dancing. MR. C. M. CLARK, having formed a CLASS to receive INSTRUCTIONS in DANCING,
in the Large Room of Mr. Ashton's Inn, West Maitland, will be happy to receive Pupils as usual.
C. M. C. still continues to teach at East Maitland.
N.B. - Private Families and Boarding Establishments will also be attended to, if within a day's ride of Maitland. April 15th, 1S53.
"Deaths", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (29 March 1854), 3
At his residence, Balkham Hills, on the 22nd of March, after a lingering illness, Mr. Nicol Clark, in the 63rd year of his age (father of Mr. C. M. Clark, professor of dancing, Maitland), deeply regretted by his family and a large circle of friends.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (11 April 1855), 3
Dancing. MR. C. M. CLARK begs to announce that the first of a Series of QUADRILLE PARTIES will take place, at his Assembly Rooms, Devonshire-street, on MONDAY EVENING, 16th instant.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Clark only. Dancing to commence at Eight o'clock. Private families and boarding schools attended as usual. A private class twice a-week at his own residence.
April 10, 1855.
"WEST MAITLAND POLICE COURT. MONDAY, 6TH JUNE . . . BREACH OF THE PUBLICANS' ACT", Northern Times [Newcastle, NSW) (8 June 1859), 2
Thomas Brown, innkeeper, West Maitland, was charged by the Chief Constable, with having allowed music and dancing on the evening of the 2nd June, in his licensed public house, at Campbell's Hill.
Mr. Briggs appeared for the defendant. Sergeant Kerrigan, on the night in question, was on duty at Campbell's Hill, and heard music and dancing in Mr. Brown's house.
He asked if Mrs. Brown had got permission from the Police Magistrate, and she said that Mr. Clark, the dancing master, had said to her that it was not necessary.
Mr. Clark was playing the fiddle, and the parties numbering about eight or nine were dancing.
Cross-examined: The parties did not appear to be drinking. There were children present and some adults. He could not say that it was a dancing class.
For the defence: Charles Miller Clark deposed that he went on the night in question to open a dancing class from half-past seven till half-past eight o'clock; the parties present were all children.
Honora Brown, the wife of the defendant, stated that Mr. Clark who teaching dancing in a private room, which she had for the use of her own family.
There were no strangers, and only her own family and a few neighbours' children. The Bench dismissed the case.
"DETAINING A PIANO", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 March 1863), 2
C. M. Clark appeared at the court, West Maitland, yesterday, to answer a remanded charge of detaining a piano from R. P. Foster. There was no appearance of complainant and the case was dismissed
"CORONER'S INQUEST", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (6 August 1863), 2
An inquest was held at the Royal Arch Inn, Devonshire-street, yesterday morning, on view of the body of Catherine Clark, aged thirty-two years, and who had died suddenly between twelve and one o'clock the same morning. Charles Miller Clark deposed that he was a master of dancing, residing in Devonshire-street, West Maitland, and had been married to the deceased about seven years; his wife was a steady and ordinary healthy woman; she was at the theatre with witness last Saturday night, and in the enjoyment of good health at that time; on Tuesday, the deceased went up the street to Munro's, to settle a bill; when she returned he was lying on the sofa; he was not certain what day it was, neither could he say whether she was in bed yesterday or not, nor did he know the hour at which she died. From the evidence of the other witnesses Ellen Crotty and Mary Soars it appeared that on Monday evening last the deceased and her husband went to bed about ten o'clock; about half-past six o'clock the next (Tuesday) morning Mr. Clark met his niece, Ellen Crotty, on the stairs, and told her that Mrs. Clark was speechless; at Mr. Clark's request, his niece went into her room and attempted to wake her, but was unable to do so; at that time the body of the deceased was not at all discolored; Dr. Liddell was then sent for, and he applied remedies, which had the desired effect of restoring the deceased to consciousness about the middle of the day; at twelve o'clock on Monday night Dr. Liddell was again sent for, the deceased expressing it as her belief that she was dying; in answer to a question put to her, she said she had not taken anything that had disagreed with her; she died at twenty-five minutes to one o'clock on Tuesday morning. According to the statement of Mary Soars, Mr. Clark was about all the day, but was not sober all the time. The medical testimony went to show that, generally speaking, the body of Catherine Clark was healthy; the liver, however, was very large, and the right lung completely congested with blood, and presented traces of inflammation. It was the opinion of Dr. Liddell that the deceased died from suffocation caused by the congested state of the right lung, which might have been connected with, or caused by, the congested liver; her death, apparently, was an easy one. The jury returned a verdict of natural death.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (14 November 1863), 1
GRAND QUADRILLE PARTY will be held at Mr. C. M. Clark's Assembly Rooms, Devonshire-street, West Maitland, on Wednesday Evening next, the 18th inst.
Tickets 4s, to admit one gentleman and two ladies, to be had of the undersigned; at Mr. Stonehill's, Volunteer Hotel; and at the door.
Doors open at Half-past Seven, dancing to commence at Eight o'clock. A good String Band will attend.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (28 February 1867), 1
DANCING. - A Quadrille Party will take place at Mr. C. M. Clark's, on Friday, 1st March.
"DEATH OF AN OLD MAITLAND RESIDENT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (15 January 1870), 2
Our readers, more especially those belonging to the older generation, will experience regret upon hearing that a very old Maitland townsman, Mr. C. M. Clark, the dancing-master, of Devonshire-street, is dead. We believe that Mr. Clark had lived in Maitland for nearly if not quite forty years. Mr. Clark had an attack of paralysis some little time since, and had never completely recovered. He died on Thursday.
"MAITLAND . . . DEATH", The Newcastle Chronicle (15 January 1870), 4
Mr. Clark, for many years a resident of Maitland, and the favourite dancing-master in the northern district, died yesterday (Friday). Mr. Clark was a brother of the Messrs. Clark, of Sydney. It is in the recollection of your readers, that this unfortunate gentleman received a paralytic stroke some months since, on the East Maitland road, since which he has been confined to his bed, and, though every attention was paid him, and the best medical skill provided, he never rallied sufficiently to inspire any hope of his recovery.
"DEATH", Empire (15 January 1870), 1
Died, on the 14th instant, at his late residence, West Maitland, Charles Miller Clark, for many years teacher of dancing to Glasgow, Scotland (and the Hunter River district), eldest son of the late N. Clark, of Baulkham Hills, Windsor Road, and eldest brother to Mr. John Clark, of the Colonnade, Elizabeth-street North, Sydney, in the 60th year of his age.
"MAITLAND, OLD AND NEW", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (23 May 1906), 1370
. . . the High School, of which the Rev. William McIntyre was principal, first opened in a dancing room in Devonshire-street in the house of Charles Clark, brother of John Clark, who was so well-known in Sydney as a teacher of dancing. The school teachers were named respectively Armstrong and Maclardy . . .
William Clark and his son Charles Miller Clark junior in Australia:
[Advertisement], Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser [NSW] (28 June 1845), 3
Fashionable Dancing.
MR. WILLIAM CLARK most respectfully begs to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Parramatta and its vicinity that he opened an
Academy for Dancing, on Tuesday evening last, the 1st of July, at Mr. McRoberts'.
Practice will commence at Seven o'clock on Tuesday and Friday evenings.
Terms, (two evenings' tuition each week) £1 1s. per quarter.
"WINDSOR. HAWKESBURY REGATTA", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 December 1846), 2
On Monday last, the second annual regatta came off on the Hawkesbury, on the reach of the river facing Windsor . . . The regatta being ended, it was succeeded by a ball and supper, which took place on the same night at Mr. George Freeman's Hotel, Fitzgerald-street, under the management of Mr. William Clark. The long room was tastefully decorated with evergreens, and an entering it presented a most animated appearance.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 February 1848), 1
FASHIONABLE DANCING. - Mr. WILLIAM CLARK, Professor of Dancing, Parramatta,
begs most respectfully to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney, that he has taken those spacious rooms, No. 245, Pitt-street,
lately occupied by Mr. John Dillon, as offices, and where he intends giving lessons in the above accomplishment, in all its branches.
The class will commence in the above rooms, on Tuesday, the 8th instant, and will be continued twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 7 to 10 P.M.
Private families and schools attended, where a sufficient number offer to form a class,
For cards, specifying terms, &c., apply on the premises.
N.B. - Mr. William Clark embraces this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Windsor, Parramatta, and Liverpool,
for the very liberal patronage with which they have favoured him, during the last two seasons;
and trusts, by unremitting attention, to merit a continuance of their support.
215, Pitt-street, February 1.
[Advertisement], Empire (27 January 1853), 1
FASHIONABLE DANCING. MR. J. CLARK begs to announce that he intends leaving the colony for a few months,
and to state that, during his absence, the classes will be conducted by his brother, MR. WILLIAM CLARK.
All debts due by Mr. J. Clark will be discharged by his brother, who will also receive all accounts per contra.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1854), 5
DANCING ACADEMY. - MR. WILLIAM CLARKE [sic], lately managing his brother's practice during his professional visit to Europe,
begs to acquaint his friends and the public generally that he has taken those large Rooms, No. 59, York-street,
where he has opened Classes for instruction in dancing, in all its branches, and trusts, by strict attention to his pupils,
to meet with a liberal share of the patronage bestowed on him during his late engagement.
The Evening Classes meet on Mondays and Thursdays, at 7 o'clock p.m.
Private Families and Schools punctually attended to, and Private Lessons to those who may not wish to join the Classes, at his rooms, or at their residences.
Sydney, 14th January, 1854.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1854), 1
DANCING ACADEMY. - Mr. WILLIAM CLARK begs to announce to his pupils and friends that he intends removing from No. 59, York-street, to those large rooms,
No. 65, Sussex-street, opposite the Patent Slip, and will open his Dancing classes on Monday, 3rd July. Sydney, 23rd June.
GRAND BALL. - Mr. WILLIAM CLARK begs to announce to his pupils and friends, that he intends opening his new Rooms, No. 65, Sussex-street, opposite the Patent Slip,
with a Ball und Supper, on Wednesday, 5th July. Tickets may be had at his present residence, No. 59, York-street, until Monday, 3rd July.
"BALL IN AID OF THE PATRIOTIC FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 March 1855), 7
Following the excellent example of his brother, Mr. William Clark has announced his intention to give a grand ball at his academy on the evening of Easter Monday, the whole of the net proceeds of which will be handed over to the Central Committee of the Patriotic Fund.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1855), 1
RAILWAY BALL, Parramatta. - Mr. WILLIAM CLARK begs to announce that a Ball will take place, at Mr. Williams' Family Hotel, on Tuesday, 6th November. Tickets to be had of Mr. WILLIAMS and of Mr. CLARK, No. 65, Sussex-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 November 1857), 1
MR. W. CLARK'S Monthly Quadrille Assembly on WEDNESDAY next, at his academy, Royal Polytechnic.
For tickets of admission, apply to Mr. CLARK, at his residence, 205, Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Polytechnic (Sydney venue)
"DEBATING SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal (20 February 1858), 3
The first anniversary of this society was celebrated on the 10th instant, by a grand ball and dinner . . . The ball was numerously attended, and under Mr. William Clark's superintendence passed off with great eclat . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 March 1858), 1
WANTED, a Pianist. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM CLARKE [sic], Dancing Academy, William-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 May 1858), 1
DANCING taught by Mr. W. CLARK, at the Royal Polytechnic, Pitt-street.
DANCING TAUGHT by Mr. WILLIAM CLARK, at his Residence, 75, William-street.
"THE CITIZENS' RETURN BALL TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL THE MAYOR", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (27 November 1858), 2
This brilliant affair came off in the Prince of Wales Theatre on Tuesday evening with immense eclat.
The theatre was most gorgeously and appropriately decorated; the music of the first class;
and the attendance fashionable and sufficiently numerous without being inconveniently so.
The costumes were quite equal as regards both variety and elegance to those which graced the late ball given by His Worship.
Shortly after nine o'clock, the Mayor and Mayoress arrived and the dancing immediately commenced.
The scene was a magnificent one, and such as stupid prose must assuredly fail in attempting to pourtray.
Call we therefore to our aid
Our rhymester-in-chief
To describe it in brief.
THE FANCY BALL! Oh say who could not write
On theme so fraught with recollections bright? . . .
And now William Clark
As M. C. (save the mark,)
A partner is seeking for every spark;
Till at length vis-a-vis
Are hundred pairs three
In place for commencing the night's revelry.
Quadrilles, schottische,
Fair hands in each
The young idea to love may teach . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"TEMPERANCE BALL", Empire (26 July 1859), 4
The first Temperance Ball in Sydney takes place to-morrow evening, in the spacious Hall, lately erected by the Society for the Suppression of Intemperance. From the well-known character of Mr. William Clark, the Master of the Ceremonies, we have no doubt the arrangements will be carried out in the most satisfactory manner. We understand that an excellent Quadrille Band has been engaged . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Temperance Hall (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 September 1859), 1
WINDSOR RACE BALL. Mr. W. CLARK'S Annual Ball will take place, at Windsor, on TUESDAY, 13th September. For tickets apply to Mr. COBCROFT; and to Mr. W. CLARK, 75 William-street.
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1859), 1
begs to announce that his Ball will take place at his
Assembly Rooms, Windsor, on TUESDAY, December 27th. Tickets can be obtained of the following gentlemen of the COMMITTEE -
Mr. C. Doust, Mr. J. Dargin, D. Cobcroft, R. G. Ainsworth, and J. A. Walker.
J. CASSIDY, hon. secretary.
LIVERPOOL. - Mr. W. CLARK'S Full Dress BALL will take place at
Mr. Andrew's Hotel, on THURSDAY, December 22nd. For tickets apply to Mr. WILLIAM CLARK.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1861), 1
WINDSOR DANCING ACADEMY.- Mr. W. CLARK, having become a resident of the district,
begs to call the attention of the Inhabitants to the facilities now offered for tuition in dancing.
Arrangements made with families, schools, &c., within thirty miles of Windsor.
Address Mr. W. Clark, Macquarie-street, Windsor.
"THE NEW FREEMASONS' HALL", Empire (23 April 1861), 4
The ceremony of inaugurating and consecrating the new Freemasons' Hall, in Clarence-street, will take place this day . . . In the evening there will be a grand ball and supper, in the new hall, which, being one of the finest and mast commodious in the city, will afford the votaries of Terpsichore ample opportunity to enjoy themselves . . . We notice that the brothers John and William Clark are to act a "masters of ceremony" at the ball. This circumstance alone is a guarantee that the festivities will be worthy the occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Freemasons Hall (Sydney venue)
"SAINT MARY'S COLLEGE, LYNDHURST", Freeman's Journal (21 December 1864), 3
On Monday morning last at noon the annual distribution of prizes to the successful students attending the collegiate institution took place in the study hall in the presence of a numerous body of clergy . . . Dancing is now so necessary for a person in the world, that in nearly all educational establishments this forms part of the curriculum of studies. In Lyndhurst College this branch is under the charge of Mr. William Clark, and this is a sufficient guarantee that it receives every care and attention. To make this part of the programme more interesting to the students and more agreeable to the visitors, Mr. Clark has brought his young daughters as well as several young ladies, pupils of his own and friends to the students of Lyndhurst. The usual quadrilles, schottisches, lancers, were gone through to the sound of the violin, piccolo, and piano. The highland fling in full costume was danced by Master Bergin, from whom an encore was demanded, but being too exhausted his place was occupied by Master Donovan. A sailor's hornpipe was also danced by a young gentleman to the entire satisfaction of the audience. Sir Roger de Coverly concluded the programme . . .
"THE FREEMASONS' BALL", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (28 June 1865), 5
The brethren of the craft may, in truth, congratulate themselves on the complete SUCCESS of the ball given by them, in their hall, last night, in celebration of the Masonic festival of St. John . . . Herr Appell's German band invited the guests to the merry dance, which was kept up with uninterrupted spirit throughout the night, under the care of Mr. W. Clark . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Appel (musician)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (11 February 1871), 1
MR. CHARLES MILLER CLARK (Nephew of the late Mr. C. M. Clark, Professor of Dancing, of West Maitland; and Son of Mr. W. Clark, Professor of Dancing, Sydney,) most respectfully begs to intimate to the Ladies and Gentlemen of West Maitland that his CLASSES will COMMENCE on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 15th instant - Juveniles at Four, Adults at Seven p.m. TERMS: One Lesson per Week, £1 10s. per Quarter; Private Lessons given, according to arrangement; Families taught at their own residence; Schools attended. Address-Post Office, West Maitland.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 March 1872), 1
On the 10th January, by special license, at the Sacred Heart Church, by the Rev. S. J. A. Sheehy, Vicar-General, CHARLES MILLER CLARK, of West Maitland, eldest son of Mr. William Clark, of Sydney, to ELEANOR, youngest daughter of the late Mr. George Meldonhall Styles, of Surry Hills, sister to G. M. Styles, Commercial Bank, Cooma.
See also suit for divorce, "SUPREME COURT. MONDAY, MARCH 4 . . . CLARK v CLARK", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 March 1889), 7
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1872), 9
Tendered to Mr. W. CLARK, Professor of Dancing, by his pupils and friends,
in commemoration of the twentieth-fifth anniversary of that gentleman's professional career in Sydney.
COMMITTEE: H. Priestly, Esq.; J. Napthali, Esq.; W. Camb, Esq.; R. W. Tulloch, Esq.;
F. Underwood, Esq.; J. Harkness, Esq.; J. Gribben, Esq.; W. Beattie, Esq.;
N. J. Simmons, Seq.; H. Lewis, Esq.; E. Goodwin, Esq.; J. Fyffe, Esq.;
R. S. Watson, Esq.; R. W. Bucknell, Esq. of whom tickets can be obtained.
Gentlemen's tickets, 12s 6d.; ladies, 7s 6d. German Band engaged.
"LOCAL MUSIC", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12 August 1876), 4
We have received a copy of a new song entitled "A Waif of the Streets," written and composed by Mr. Randolph Arndell, of West Maitland, and which was sung by Miss Rosa Towers, when playing in the piece bearing the title given to the song . . . "A Waif of the Streets" is published by Mr. C. M. Clark, music seller, of High Street, and is lithographed by De Cruchy & Co. of Melbourne [sic].
ASSOCIATIONS: Roland Randolph Arndell (composer); Henry De Gruchy (lithographer, printer)
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 June 1882), 1
CLARKE. - June 1, William Clarke, late of Athol Gardens, Sydney, after a long illness, aged 55 years.
"Reminiscences . . . 50 Years' Residence at Windsor . . . by WILLIAM WALKER, M.L.C.", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (13 September 1890), 1
The second regatta took place about Christmas of the following year [1846]. In my 17th year at the time, I was placed on the committee, and made my first public speech at one of the meetings. This regatta, which was an improvement on the first, was wound up with a capital ball and supper at Freeman's Australian Hotel, in Fitzgerald-street; the Master of the Ceremonies being the late Mr. William Clark. I had the happiness of being present at the affair, which went off very pleasantly . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Walker (memoirist, musical amateur)
"DAN MAYNE. HIS REMINISCENCES (DICTATED)", National Advocate [Bathurst, NSW] (15 July 1911), 6
. . . It was at the old "Cricketers' Arms" that I learnt the art of dancing, from a Mr. William Clarke, who hired an assembly room there, and also visited Richmond. He had a brother John in the same line in Sydney. They were fine follows. It was while conducting these assemblies that William Clarke met his wife, a nice, clever young lady living with the Freemans, who adopted her on the death of her parents when she was very young . . . Thomas Freeman's hotel was just about where Mr. Swords' sladdlery shop is now, and his fiddler was a red-headed chap. Music was allowed in the Hotel bars then, and dancing and singing. Not the dancing such as Mr. Clarke taught, but hornpipes and four-handed reels, especially the former. Tommie Burns and Blind Loftus were great at it, and were in demand by the publicans . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Mayne (memoirist, musical amateur); Tommie Burns (fiddler); Blind Loftus (fiddler, dancer)
"OLD SYDNEY . . . (No. 253, by 'Old Chum')", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (25 August 1912), 12
. . . Another valued correspondent writes as to many things: ". . . Old Shapter, in 1857-8-9, kept a dancing saloon in the old theatre in Sussex-street, spoken of by 'H.M.' and 'W. H. Ford.' His son, Bill, married a connection of Miss Liddy. Teddy McLean married Miss Shapter. She was a very capable Columbine in the old days. Time was when I used to dance with her at Madame Farrelly's, Wm. Clark's, &c., &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Michael Forde ("Old Chum"); William Henry Ford (actor, memoirist); Lizzy Shapter McLean (dancer, actor); Florentine Farrelly (dancing master)
"Mr. Charles Miller Clark", The Maitland Daily Mercury (24 January 1929), 6
Mr. Charles Miller Clark, formerly well-known resident of West Maitland, will celebrate his 80th birthday on Saturday next, January 26. Mr. Clark, at one time, was a music and dance teacher in West Maitland, where he resided for over 40 years. He first started business in West Maitland, as a music and book seller, but afterwards he added to this a newsagency. Returning to Sydney, he started a similar business, but, as a hobby, he commenced writing the history of "Drama in Australia." He compiled records of the stage dating back from 1780 to 1830, and from the start of drama from 1832 to 1920. These are still available, and are often referred to for information, giving, as, they do, every first appearance in Sydney right up to date. His Melbourne records date from 1842 to 1920, a period of 87 years. Mr. Clark now resides at West Melbourne. When in Maitland, Mr. Clark was manager for about 20 years, of the old Olympics, afterwards renamed the Victoria Theatre. He was also a member of the Maitland Amateur Dramatic Club, which was in existence at that time.
See also "The First Play. CONVICTS AS ACTORS", Daily Mercury [Mackay, QLD] (4 March 1929), 8
"PERSONAL", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (14 April 1931), 9
The death has occurred at the home of Mrs. Clark Davies, his daughter, in Hawke Street, West Melbourne, of Mr. Charles Miller Clark, aged 82 [photo] He was known in Melbourne as a bookseller and former theatrical manager. He made a hobby throughout his life of more than 50 years in Australia of collecting information about the history of plays performed here. Much of this is now in the Mitchell Library, Sydney. Mr. Clark found that the first play acted in Australia was Farquhar's comedy, "The Recruiting Officer," and the actors were all convicts. Mr. Clark was a bookseller in New South Wales for many years, and for 20 years managed the Maitland Theatre, N.S.W. He was born in New South Wales.
[Notice], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1931), 2
CHARLES MILLER CLARK late of Edgecliff New South Wales Retired Bookseller died 8th April 1931. Probate of the Will was granted to the Public Trustee on 13th July 1931.
CLARK, John [1] (John CLARK; Mr. J. CLARK; Mr. CLARK)
Dancing master, professor of dancing, musician, violinist
Born Markinch, Fife, Scotland, 17 January 1816 (date on gravestone); son of Nicol CLARK (c. 1791-1854) and Margaret DUNBAR (c. 1789-1856) (m. 17 December 1810)
Married Elizabeth CAMERON (1817-1875), Glasgow, Scotland, 17 July 1836
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 13 July 1837 (per John Barry, from Dundee, 25 March, aged "24"; into quarantine)
Died Sydney, NSW, 1 June 1871, aged "56/57" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLARK, John [2] (John CLARK, junior)
Dancing master, teacher of dancing, cricketer
Born Sydney, NSW, 1839; son of John CLARK and Elizabeth CAMERON
Last documented Sydney, NSW, c. 1866 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLARK, Margaret (Margaret CLARK; [1] Mrs. John McGarvie McINNES; [2] Mrs. Francis John CLARKE)
Dancing master, teacher of dancing
Born Sydney, NSW, 12 October 1841; baptised St. Andrew's Scots church, Sydney, 15 November 1841; daughter of John CLARK and Elizabeth CAMERON
Married (1) John McGarvie McINNES (1839-1868), Sydney, NSW, 8 June 1864
Married (2) Francis John CLARKE, Sydney, NSW, 1877 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Marriages, Glasgow, Lanark, 1836; Scotland, select marriages (PAYWALL)
17 July 1836 / John Clark / Elizabeth Cameron
Assisted immigrants per John Barry, 13 July 1837; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Clark / John / Fifeshire / 24 [sic] / Married / Presbyt. / Read & Writes / Joiner / [no relatives in the colony]
[Clark] Elizabeth / Ayrshire / 22 / Married / Presbyt. / Read & Writes / Joiner / [no relatives in the colony]
"THE EMIGRANTS' ANNUAL BALL", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (4 January 1838), 2
The second Anniversary of the Emigrants' Annual Ball came off at the Pulteney Hotel on Monday evening last . . . After supper the "Highland Fling" was danced in full costume by Mr. Clark, one of the stewards, and encored by the united plaudits of the whole assemblage . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Pulteney Hotel (Sydney venue)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 May 1838), 2
Lovers of good dancing may enjoy a treat to their heart's content at Mr. Clark's Dancing Academy, opposite the School of Industry, Macquarie-street, any Tuesday or Friday evening after 7 o'clock. Mr. Clark has only very recently arrived in the colony, and his pupils have already attained to an amazing proficiency in the art of tripping it "on the light fantastic toe."
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 May 1838), 3
DANCING ACADEMY. MR. CLARK begs to intimate to his Friends and the Public, that he has opened an
Academy for the Tuition of Dancing in Macquarie-street, opposite the School of Industry,
where he will teach the most fashionable Dances now practised in Paris, London, and Edinburgh,
viz. - Quadrilles, Waltzes, Gallopedes, Mazourkas, Hornpipes, &c.
Those Parents who may entrust him with the tuition of their Children may depend upon the strictest attention being paid to their general carriage and deportment.
Further particulars may be obtained from Mr. Clark, on application at his Academy, Macquarie-street.
N.B. - Private Families and Boarding Schools punctually attended to.
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Monitor (18 May 1838), 2
On Monday evening . . . A Mr. Clarke, an emigrant by the John Barry, made his appearance for the first time on the boards, and danced a Highland Fling, and a hornpipe, both of which were encored . . . The house was nearly filled at full price, but at half price, not a seat could be procured. It was as full as on the night of opening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (recently opened Sydney venue)
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY . . . THE CARNIVAL", The Australian (25 May 1838), 2
Amongst the amusements got up expressly in honor of the occasion, was a subscription fancy ball, in the saloon of the Royal Hotel. The room was handsomely lit up, and adorned with a well devised transparency in the centre of the orchestre, with festoons of artificial flowers interspersed with variegated lamps. The band, which was strong and effective, was in the orchestra, under which was laid out a cold collation provided for the guests. About 11 o'clock, the room was pretty well filled with Richard's, Romeo's, and fascinating Juliet's. Turks and Greeks gallopaded with rustic milk maids, who were admitted to the company of empresses for "this night only." Several persons appeared in splendid highland costume, and, take it all in all, the ball went off with eclat. A strong police force was in attendance to prevent the intrusion of improper persons. Mr. Clarke, the dancing master, of Macquarie-street, acted as master of the ceremonies, and fulfilled his engagement perfectly to the satisfaction of the guests, who did not separate until an early hour in the morning.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (8 July 1840), 2
ASSEMBLY BALL. MR. J. CLARK intends giving his Pupils a Ball on Friday, July 10, in his new Rooms, King-street,
when the Parents and Guardians of his Pupils are most respectfully requested to attend.
Tickets of admission may be had of Mr. Clark, at his residence, King-street.
"BALL", The Colonist (9 July 1840), 3
Mr. Clarke, dancing-master, of King-Street, intends giving a ball tomorrow evening to his pupils and their friends, at his new rooms, in King Street. Mr. Clarke has been for some time established in Sydney, and, from the increasing number of his pupils, has been induced to remove from Macquarie Place. We hope his ball will be well attended. These balls always afford more real enjoyment than can possibly be found in masquerades or fancy-dress assemblies.
[Advertisement], The Australian (16 July 1840), 1
REMOVAL. - J. CLARK, Professor of Dancing, Macquarie-street, Sydney,
in returning grateful thanks for the very liberal patronage which he has experienced since his arrival in this Colony,
begs most respectfully to acquaint his friends and the public, that he has removed to a more commodious house, in King street, opposite the Supreme Court,
where he trusts by strict attention to the comfort and advancement of his pupils, to merit a continuance of the flattering distinction hitherto shown him.
J . C. also begs to remind his patrons, that he has introduced into his new establishment, the newest and most fashionable style of Dancing of any in the Colony, viz: -
Mazourkas, Waltzes, Quadrilles, Six Drills, Circassian Circles, Galopades, Circle Waltzing, Caledonian, Lancers, C. Quadrilles, &c. &c.
TERMS - Two Guineas per Quarter. Private instructions Three Guineas per quarter.
Two lessons each week. Private Families and Boarding Schools punctually attended to.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (28 December 1840), 3
J. CLARK, Professor of Dancing, King-street West [sic. East],
avails himself of the present opportunity of expressing his thanks for the very great patronage and support he has received from the inhabitants of Sydney and places adjacent since his commencement,
and begs to acquaint then that the duties of his Academy will be resumed, after the Christmas vacation, on Tuesday, the 12th January,
when no exertion shall be wanting on his part to facilitate the advancement of his pupils;
in which he will be assisted for a time by his brother, Mr. C. Clark, who hay recently arrived from England,
bringing with him a variety of new Quadrille and other new Music;
it being his intention to establish himself as a Professor of Dancing in one of the rising towns of Australia, which will be announced in a future advertisement.
December 25, 1840.
"THE EMIGRANT'S ANNUAL BALL", Australasian Chronicle (7 January 1841), 2
On Friday night last, the fifth anniversary of this festival took place at Mr. Clarke's dancing academy,
King-street, and went off in a style that reflected much credit upon the stewards.
About eight o'clock the musicians occupied the tastefully decorated orchestra.
On entering the ball-room, over the archway, the guest was greeted with a cheering "WELCOME," done fancifully in yellow small flowers in gold imitation;
and then, at the other end over the orchestra, in a similar style, stood boldly forth "Land of my Fathers,"
underneath and surrounded by festoons of sweet flowers and evergreens, which luxuriantly appeared along the centre of the ceiling and round the cornices of the spacious dancingroom.
About half-past nine the ball was commenced with a country dance, led off by one of the stewards, which was admirably gone through,
and followed by the first set of quadrilles; the next was a Spanish waltz, which was pretty fairly gone through;
then came the lanciers and were well danced; but in the triumph, country dance, which followed, I assert that nothing I have seen for years could excel the precision,
which appeared to be in a great degree attributable to the just and well arranged music of the leader,
Mr. Cornish, supported by Mr. Sutton on the clarionet, with which the other instruments formed a band of nine.
The Caledonian quadrilles and Scotch reel followed, which completed the first part in the programme.
I cannot omit noticing that the general admiration of the assembly was elicited at the splendid manner in which Mr. Clarke's pupil, Miss Thompson, aged twelve years, acquitted herself in a pas suel.
The dances in part 2 were then begun, comprising, Patronella, country dance; Paine's first set quadrilles; the Circassian circles; lanciers; Towe's first set; Scotch reel and Spanish waltz.
Between the second and third parts Mr. Clarke, brother to the Professor, entertained the company with an admirable hornpipe,
at the conclusion of which the stewards ordered the whole company up for the last country dance, when six full sets appeared,
leaving about forty ladies and gentlemen yet in their seats, forming in the party about 112 persons.
Heaven's clear Iight appeared ere the "delighted gents' and ladies fair" thought of going, after a happy night during which
The merry dance and music's song,
Led the Jocund hours along. - Correspondent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Cornish (violin, leader); Mr. Sutton (clarinet); Eliza Thomson (dancer, pupil)
"BIRTH", The Sydney Herald (14 October 1841), 3
At her residence, King street East, on the 12th instant, Mrs. John Clark, of a daughter.
Baptisms, St. Andrew's Scots church, Sydney, 1841; Australia, births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
15 November 1841 / Margaret / daughter of John Clark and Elizabeth Cameron
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1843), 3
NOTICE. MONSIEUR CHARRIERE, Professor of Dancing, with sincere thanks for past favours, begs leave to inform his patrons and the public generally,
that he has this day retired from his profession in favour of Mr. John Clark, of King-street, Sydney, to whom, from experience, he can confidently and warmly recommend them.
J. CHARRIERE. December 31.
FASHIONABLE DANCING. MR. JOHN CLARK in returning his sincere thanks to the parents and guardians of pupils and the public in general,
for the liberal support with which he has been favoured for the last five years,
begs leave respectfully to inform them that his classes will recommence on Friday next, the 6th instant,
and that he has made arrangements with Monsieur Charriere to attend professionally at the various establishments he had the honour of visiting,
with whose acknowledged acquirements, and a continuance of strict attention on his own part, Mr. C. flatters himself he will be enabled to give such satisfaction as will ensure continuance of their support.
King-street, Sydney, Jan. 4.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mons. J. Charriere (dancing master)
"ACCIDENT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (11 January 1845), 3
On Tuesday morning, as Mr. Clarke, dancing master, of King-street, was about to mount his gig, opposite his own door, the horse began lashing and plunging, and taking fright and becoming quite unmanageable, he galloped off down King-street towards George-street. The servant was pitched out, but did not sustain much injury beyond the fright. The horse then pursued his wild career down King-street, until he was stopped by the gig coming in violent contact with the lamp-post at the corner of George-street, which overturned the gig and smashed it to pieces.
[Advertisement], The Australian (22 November 1845), 2
GRAND ASSEMBLY BALL, MR. J. CLARK'S New Assembly Rooms, Elizabeth-street, North, on Friday, the 28th November, 1845. Tickets of admission to be had from Mr. Clark only.
[Advertisement], The Australian (27 December 1845), 1
NEW YEAR'S BALL. MR. J. CLARK begs leave to announce that his Annual Ball will take place at his New Assembly Rooms, Elizabeth-street, North, on Thursday, the 1st January, 1846 . . .
"AUSTRALIAN GRAND LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS", The Australian (22 May 1847), 3
A ball and supper on a very extensive scale, took place in the Hall of the Australian Grand Lodge (adjoining Elliott's, the Saracen's Head Hotel,) on Wednesday evening last, at which there assembled upwards of two hundred persons, the majority of those present being of the fair sex. Never at any meeting of the sort in this Colony were the male votaries of Terpsichore better supplied with partners, whether for the social country dance, the giddy-begetting waltz, that combination of dances yclept the Circassion circle, or the less wearisome and more elegant quadrilles. The Hall of the Australian Grand Lodge, in which the ball was held, is elegantly furnished, and it therefore required no additional ephemeral decoration to beautify the room. At about nine o'clock the party began to assemble, and shortly after, the festivities of the evening commenced by the band (a very efficient one, conducted by Mr. Gibbs,) playing a lively march. At its conclusion, the master of the ceremonies (Mr. Clarke) announced the first dance, in which twenty-four couples stood up, and had the hall been large enough, twice that number would have placed themselves, in dancing array . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs (violinist, leader)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (16 June 1849), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre.
UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THE G. M. DIRECTORS, AND BRETHREN OF THE Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in Australasia.
FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR. & MRS. GIBBS, Revival of the celebrated Opera of CINDERELLA.
Mr. Gibbs has the honor of informing his friends and the public generally, that
MR. CLARK, Professor of Dancing, has kindly offered his gratuitous services on this occasion,
and will dance "The Highland Fling" and A Sailor's Hornpipe" . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (27 January 1853), 1
FASHIONABLE DANCING. MR. J. CLARK begs to announce that he intends leaving the colony for a few months,
and to state that, during his absence, the classes will be conducted by his brother, MR. WILLIAM CLARK.
All debts due by Mr. J. Clark will be discharged by his brother, who will also receive all accounts per contra.
"WELCOME HOME", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (24 December 1853), 3
On Thursday night the friends of Mr. John Clark, Teacher of Dancing, Elizabeth street, met together for the purpose of enjoying an evening's entertainment and for publicly congratulating Mr. Clark upon his return from Great Britain and the Continent. There was a vevy numerous and highly respectable assemblage in attendance. A grand ball was the introductory part of the evening's entertainment; after which, the company sat down to supper, a most sumptuous repast having been provided and served up in the southern end of the long room, to which the company adjourned. The whole of the public apartment was tastefully decorated with evergreens, flowers, and devices adapted for the occasion. Mr. Clark's health was drank with the usual honors, to which he made a short but suitable reply. Several other gentlemen addressed the assemblage, and the whole party continued to enjoy themselves with the utmost satisfaction and pleasure, until "the wee sma hours ayont the twal" began to accumulate, and daylight to warn all hands that it was necessary for the best of friends to part.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1854), 5
DANCING ACADEMY. - MR. WILLIAM CLARKE [sic], lately managing his brother's practice during his professional visit to Europe . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 September 1854), 2
KING'S SCHOOL, PARRAMATTA. The Rev. Thomas Druitt, Head Master . . .
Mr. C. Packer. Singing . . . Mr. J. Clark Dancing . . . Mr. Packer, Music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Druitt (teacher); Charles Sandys Packer (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1855), 8
FASHIONABLE DANCING and CALISTHENIC EXERCISES, with elastic chest expanders, taught by Mr. J. CLARK, at his Class Rooms, Elizabeth street North. -
Days of attendance, Tuesdays and Fridays, from 4 in the afternoon till 6, and from 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening.
Lessons in La Gorlitza, Polka, Schottische, Valse a Deux-Tems, Redowa Waltz, Polka Mazurka, La Hongirose, Cellarius, &c., &c.,
and which can be obtained at all hours of the day by ladies and gentlemen wishing privacy and expedition, with the great advantage of practising with his son and daughter.
Private families and schools punctually attended to.
"POLICE PICKINGS. CLY-FAKING v. CAT-GUT SCRAPING", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 June 1856), 3
A case of unusual interest came before our very worshipful and much worshipping P.M., G. Allen, Esq., on Saturday last, relative to an attempt made on the preceding Thursday, by one George Rogers, unduly to examine the effects contained in the paletot pouch of Mr. John Clark, of saltatory notoriety. The "professor" (we hate "professions") of dancing had taken a holiday on the day in question, and accordingly determined to execute a pas seul as far as Homebush race-course, which he did, barring, as Pat would say, that he took his boy with him. Beaming with delight at the anticipations of his day's fun, John's face grew more rubicund than ever, as he set his somewhat prominent conk straight for Billy Cutts'. Having witnessed, with considerable delight, the opening galop, John Clark, sen., accompanied by the "juvenile jumper", John jun., took three steps, a la valse, to a neighbouring booth, there to enjoy a refresher. Hardly had the stout votary of Terpsichore raised the crystal to his lips, when on a sudden he felt what the "Cosmopolitan" would term "a stranger in the gallery", owing to a certain unaccountable pressure upon the fleshy prominence in immediate proximity to his cly. With the rapidity of a proficient, Mr. Clark executed a changement de pieds, and "turning about and wheeling about," looked at Rogers (for it was no other) as much as to ask him how he could "do just so" Receiving anything but a satisfactory answer in the glance which escaped from George's left peeper, as he turned upon his heel, the "old 'un," set young "hopping John" to mark Rogers' notions, while he sought for assistance from one of Captain McLerie's corps. The charge once made, Rogers was soon taken in hand, and an examination made of the contents of his own pocket, and outward apparel. The result appeared entirely confirmatory of the Dancing Masters' suspicions, inasmuch as the pocket of Rogers' own "upper Benjamin" was so contrived, that when the hand of its legitimate wearer was inserted therein, it could easily pass through and "pursue its investigations" (as the explorers say) into the unknown regions of other people's "Rag-carrier." Now as this peculiar cut of pocket, is not to be found in the most extensive and aristocratic Emporiums of male attire, not excluding Ben Lazarus, Harry Cohen's or even Moses and Son's, no doubt remained in the mind of the Peeler who for the nonce proved a detective, that the extraordinary opening in Rogers' coat, must have been contrived by one "on evil thoughts intent;" moreover Mr. Thompson of Brickfield Hill, the "Fidus Achates if we mistake not of Dr. Duigan at the late Nomination for the City, also bore testimony to having felt undue attention paid to his pocket by the prisoner, and under the circumstances Mr. Rogers was committed to take his trial at the Quarter Sessions. We fear it is all the "quarter" he will get.
[Advertisement], Empire (4 November 1856), 1
GRAND OPENING BALL. - Mr. J. CLARK begs to announce to his pupils and friends, that he intends opening his new and spacious Assembly Rooms,
in Elizabeth-street North, with a Grand Ball and Supper on FRIDAY EVENING, the 14th November.
Tickets for the above may be had at Mr. J. CLARK'S Residence, 46, Elizabeth-street North.
ANNUAL JUVENILE MORNING ASSEMBLY. Mr. J. CLARK begs to announce that his Annual Juvenile Morning Assembly will take place at his New Rooms, Elizabeth-street North,
on FRIDAY, 14th November, when the parents and guardians of his juvenile pupils are respectfully requested to honour him with their presence.
The pupils will make their entree at 3 o'clock p.m. precisely.
"ASSEMBLY ROOMS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 November 1856), 5
That great desideratum in the City of Sydney - rooms where select concerts, balls, and dinners might be suitably held - has at length been provided by the enterprise of Mr. Clark, professor of dancing, Elizabeth-street. Mr. Clark's building is no temporary or trumpery structure. The building, which is situated in Elizabeth-street, between the corner of Hunter-street and Mr. Norton's offices, is one of those substantial and architectural erections which are rapidly making this city worthy of the title bestowed upon her of Metropolis of the South.
"MR. J. CLARK'S NEW ASSEMBLY ROOMS", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 November 1856), 5
This new and commodious establishment was yesterday the scene of an unusually gay and novel entertainment, in the shape of a morning juvenile ball intended to illustrate the progress in dancing achieved by the pupils of Mr. Clark during the season. There were about 140 of these young ladies and gentlemen present, and certainly, whether we regard their personal appearance, cultivated manner, quiet yet fashionable attire, or their thorough proficiency in the terpsichorean art we cannot but acknowledge that they formed as a whole a very striking exemplification of the truth that the British race loses nothing by its reproduction in Australia. The programme consisted of the following, amongst other pieces, March, Quadrille 1st division, Polka, Exercises with elastic chest expanders, Cellarius, Highland Fling, La Varsoviana, Quadrille 2nd division, Redowa Waltz, La Gorlitza, Galopade, Circassian Circle, Polka 2nd division, Quadrille, Schottische, Lancers Quadrille, and the Polka Mazurka, all of which were executed in a style not less creditable to the pupils than to their very efficient instructor Mr. Clark. Seated in double rows round the large saloon, as spectators of the ball, were the lady and gentlemen visitors, chiefly the parents and friends of the juvenile performers, whilst in the adjacent rooms was provided a copious supply of refreshments, in the shape of confectionary, coffee, fruit, &c. In the evening Mr. Clark entertained a large number of his adult friends to a ball and supper in the same place, in the course of which the health and success to his enterprise were proposed in highly complimentary terms, and as gracefully responded to. We may add, in conclusion, that the building was decorated with the flags of various nations, tastefully relieved and diversified by wreaths of evergreen. Altogether the ceremony of what we may call the formal opening of the Assembly Rooms was in every respect a brilliant one, and, so far as we could learn, gave complete satisfaction to the very large and respectable assemblage who engaged in it. Among those present we noticed Mr. Macarthur, M.L.A., and family; Mr. Holroyd, M.L.A.; Mr. Egan, M.L.A.; Mr. Justice Therry; Mr. Thornton, J.P.; and many other gentlemen of note.
"HOMEBUSH RACE BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 May 1857), 4
The Prince of Wales was on Friday evening converted, from an Opera House into a ball-room, where the votaries of Terpsichore (of which the "Fairest of the Fair" appeared to be the most devoted), might revel in "the mazes of the witching dance" . . . His Excellency the Governor-General arrived at 10 o'clock . . . Not the least noticeable feature of the night was the music - an excellent band, presided over by Mr. Kohler, who performed successively on the Turkish bells, flageolet, and cornet-a-piston, contributed to the success of the ball. Mr. Clarke fulfilled the duties of Master of Ceremonies with his usual ability . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"MR. J. CLARK'S DANCING ASSEMBLY", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 November 1857), 2
The customary morning assembly given by Mr. Clark at the close of the season, to show the progress made by his pupils in "the poetry of motion,"
as dancing has been not inaptly called, took place yesterday in the large hall, Elizabeth-street North.
The company was numerous and highly fashionable; so numerous, indeed, that between the pupils, who numbered nearly 200, and their friends and relatives, the rooms were for a time inconveniently full.
The hall itself is the finest in the city for the purpose it was designed to serve, and from the thorough manner in which it is ventilated, the pleasure of dancing is greatly increased.
The programme consisted of two parts, each comprising eleven dances, viz.
(part 1.): - March, polka, varsoviana, quadrille (1st division), exercises with elastic chest expanders, cellarius, highland fling, polka mazurka,
redowa waltz, la gorlitza, Circassian circle, valse a deux temps.
Part 2 consisted of Quadrille (2nd division), schottische (1st division), lancers' quadrille, polka (2nd division),
Spanish waltz, hornpipe, galop, polka mazurka (2nd division), schottische, quadrille, waltz and galop, pop goes the weasel.
The ease, grace, and precision with which the pupils acquitted themselves were the theme of universal praise,
which must have been highly gratifying to Mr. Clarke, the amount of whose labour in bringing so many scholars into so high a state of training it were not easy to estimate.
"COMPLIMENTARY BALL TO MR. JOHN CLARK", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 September 1859), 8
Yesterday evening the numerous friends and patrons of Mr. Clark, the well-known professor of dancing in this city, gave that gentleman a complimentary ball and supper, which was very numerously attended. The company began to assemble shortly before nine o'clock, and included many of the principal families of Sydney and its vicinity, to whom Mr. Clark has long been favourably known as one of the first professors who, in this colony, ever undertook to teach the Terpsichorean art. The ball took place at Mr. Clark's Assembly Rooms, Elizabeth-street, and went off with much eclat. The rooms were decorated with the greatest taste, and the music, which formed the accompaniment to "the poetry of motion," was in every way worthy the occasion. Shortly after twelve o'clock, the company, which numbered upwards of 300, sat down to a sumptuous supper, Mr. George Thornton occupying the chair. After the repast, the health of Mr. Clark was proposed by the chairman, in highly eulogistic terms, and drank by the company with all the honours. Mr. Clark having acknowledged, in a few hearty, well turned sentences, the honour conferred upon him, one or two other toasts followed. A general move then took place to the ball-room; the music again struck up, and dancing was resumed and maintained in unabated spirit till near the dawn of day. We must not omit to mention that Mr. J. Clark, jun., officiated as master of ceremonies, and discharged his duties efficiently and with the utmost suavity.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Thornton (chair)
The Albert Cricket Club, last evening, gave the first ball in connection with a cricket club given In New South Wales. The ball was in Mr. John Clark's splendid room . . . Mr. John Clark, junior a member of the club, officiated aa M. C. with great ability. The ball commenced with the Iceland quadrille, after which a new and pretty polka, composed by a young lady, a native of this city, expressly for the occasion, and named after the club, was played by the band, and greatly admired . . .
"COMPLIMENTARY BALL", Empire (10 October 1862), 5
A complimentary ball to Miss Clark will take place this evening, at Mr. John Clark's Assembly Rooms (Collonade), Elizabeth-street North, It being the anniversary of her birthday, it is the intention of the committee to present Miss Clark, on this occasion, with one of Broadwood's best pianofortes, as a mark of esteem for her kind and untiring attention.
ASSOCIATIONS: For the names of the committee, see [Advertisement], Empire (9 October 1862), 1
"SYDNEY NEWS . . . COMPLIMENTARY BALL", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (16 October 1862), 4
A ball was given, on Friday night, in compliment of the twenty-first birthday of Miss Clark, daughter of Mr. John Clark, professor of dancing, so well known, and so long recognised, that he requires no compliment at our hands. The ball was given as a graceful means of presenting to Miss Clark a grand pianoforte, as a suitable testimony to the kindness and the accomplishment with which she had always aided her father in his professional career, and of the esteem and regard in which she was held amongst his pupils and friends - Empire, Oct. 13.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1864), 1
MR. J. CLARK, Junr.'s, Quadrille Assembly on MONDAY next. Elizabeth-street North.
"COMPLIMENTARY BALL", Empire (17 May 1864), 4
A number of the friends and pupils of Mr. John Clark, so well known in this city as a professor of the Terpsichorean art, purpose on Friday evening, giving a ball at the Assembly Rooms, in Elizabeth-street, in compliment to his accomplished daughter who is retiring from the profession in which she has for considerable time so materially aided her father's efforts to render his academy at once the most select and fashionable of any of its kind in these colonies. Miss Clark's uniform, courteous, and obliging disposition, and the desire she has always evidenced to make the assembly meetings, which her presence has graced, agreeable, have won for her many friends and admirers, and the ensuing entertainment we are sure will be of such a nature, as will not only be worthy of the lady whom it is intended to honour, but alike creditable to the subscribers.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 June 1864), 1
On the 8th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. John Dougal, of St. Andrews' Scots' Church, John McGarvie, eldest son of the late Mr. Daniel McInnes, and nephew of the late Rev. Dr. McGarvie, to Margaret, only daughter of Mr. John Clark, professor of dancing, Colonnade, Elizabeth-street North. No cards.
Last evening, a number of gentlemen interested in cricket, met at Mr. Clark's rooms, Elizabeth-street, for the purpose of presenting a testimonial to Mr. John Clark, junior, as top scorer in the late Intercolonial match at Brisbane. The presentation took place in the presence of the party assembled in the ball-room, dancing being suspended for the time . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 June 1865), 1
The GERMAN BAND will be in attendance. Admission by tickets only, to be had at his residence, Colonnade, Elizabeth-street North . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 March 1866), 12
MR. J. CLARK'S (jun.) Quadrille Assembly, Macquarie-street, Windsor, on MONDAY EVENING, 2th [sic, 5th] March.
SCHOOL OF ARTS, Balmain - Fashionable Dancing. Mr. J. CLARK, jun., grateful for past favours.
begs respectfully to announce that he intends REOPENING his DANCING CLASSES, at the school of Arts, Balmain, on THURSDAY, the 15th instant.
"THE BENEDICTS' BALL, PICTON", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 July 1866), 4
Last Tuesday, a ball upon a grand scale was held in the Courthouse, Picton, at which about ninety of the elite of the district was present. The room was tastefully decorated with evergreens and flags. An efficient band was in attendance, Mr. J. Clark officiating as master of ceremonies with his usual success. The programme consisted of twenty two of the most fashionable dances. Two of Mr. Clark's pupils danced the Highland Fling and a hornpipe in a manner which reflected much credit on their instructor . . .
. . . The Masonic Hall was the adopted place of reunion . . . When we mention that the excellent quadrille band of H.M. 50th Regiment discoursed the music, and Mr. John Clark, of Clark's Assembly Rooms, officiated as master of the ceremonies, we believe we give some idea of the completeness of the arrangements . . . Between three and four hundred ladies and gentlemen were present, in every variety of costume and dress . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 50th Regiment (military); Freemason's Hall (Sydney venue)
"THE HIGHLAND GATHERING", Empire (3 January 1871), 2
. . . No. 17. - Highland Dancing, Highland Fling, Reels, and Gillie Callum. Prizes, L2 each.
Of these dances, Mr. John Clark had consented to act as judge, and the following were his awards,
which were thoroughly acquiesced in by those learned in the intricacies of Highland dancing:
Highland Fling: - Major, his fellow dancer being Ramsay.
Gillie Callum (or sword dance): The same competitors and winner.
Scotch Reel: - Major against [sic, again] the winner, the other competitors being Ramsay, McLeod, and Campbell . . .
No. 20. - Highland Piping, Marches, Strathspeys, and Reels. Prize, £2 each.
Each competitor had given in to the judges the names of three pieces of each description of music,
and the judges (Messrs. Campbell and J. Clark) selected the following to be played:
Marches. 72nd Highlanders, Hills of Glenorchy, Johnny Cope, Mackay's March, and Muckin of Geordie's Byre.
Strathspeys. - The Braes of Tullymet, Money Muck, Angus McKays Awa, Miss Drummond of Perth, and Caber Feigh.
Reels. - Mrs. McLeod of Rasay, Jenny Dang the Weaver, Because he was a Bonny Lad, The Reel of Tulloch, and A Niar Dhu nan Gealchas (literally "My black girl with the white feet.)"
The result of the piping, which occupied about an hour, was that A. Campbell took the 1st prize; J. Ramsay the 2nd, and J. Campbell the 3rd. There were two other competitors . . .
"ANNIVERSARY DAY . . . ANNIVERSARY BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 January 1871), 2
Mr. J Clark, the well-known dancing master, maintained his invariable custom of celebrating the day with a ball in the evening. This was one of those enjoyable events which, owing to his extensive professional connection (dating back to a period when the majority of ball goers were born), he has carried out with so much success for the last twelve years. It was given at his fine assembly room, the Colonnade, Elizabeth street, the spacious hall being neatly decorated for the occasion, and all requisites for the convenience and refreshment of the visitors carefully provided. During the evening some fifty or sixty couples engaged in the fashionable dances comprised in the programme, their movements being accompanied by the exhilarating strains of an efficient band. Mr. Clark's well practised skill as master of the ceremonies, and his experience in the management of these pleasant reunions, conduced largely to the gratification which this celebrated ball afforded to the large party who attended.
"DEATHS", Empire (2 June 1871), 1
On 1st June, at his residence, Elizabeth-street North, Mr. John Clark, in the 57th year of his age.
See also masonic funeral notices, The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1871), 8
"DEATH OF MR. JOHN CLARK", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1871), 5
Mr. John Clark, a well-known and much respected citizen, died yesterday, at his residence, near the corner of Hunter-street and Elizabeth street. For some days previous Mr. Clark had been suffering severely from asthma, the symptoms of which were aggravated by a very serious attack of influenza, the combined effects of which gradually prostrated the energies of the invalid. He was attended by Dr. Nathan, and everything was done that could be done to promote his convalescence, but he died somewhat suddenly yesterday morning, at 7 o'clock, from the bursting of a blood-vessel. He was found by one of the members of his family in his room in a dying state, having apparently fallen out of bed in a fit. Two friends of Mr. Clark, Mr. George Commins and Mr. John Gribben, were at once called in by the agonised family, but it was found that the vital spark had fled. Mr. Clark was 57 years of age, and was a very old colonist, having been a resident of Sydney for the last 31 years [sic]. He was remarkable for the urbanity of his manners and his kindly disposition, and he will be long remembered with a very general regret. As a member of the Masonic body he is understood to have ranked high having been the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Irish Constitution. His Lodge was the "Leinster Marine," No. 266. He was Past Principal in the Royal Arch, and had, we believe, gone through all, or nearly all, of the higher degrees of masonry. He stood very high in the estimate of the whole craft, and was liked by all. It is understood that he is to be buried with Masonic honours tomorrow, in the Balmain Cemetery, at 2 p.m.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nathan (doctor); see also headstone inscription:
To the memory of John Clark Born Jan 17 1816 Died June 17 1871. Who at the time of his decease a Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Order of Free and Accepted Masons under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Ireland
See also "FUNERAL OF MR. JOHN CLARK", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 June 1871), 4
And [News], Empire (3 June 1871), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1871), 1
DANCING. - The friends and pupils of the late Mr. JOHN CLARK, Colonnade, Elizabeth-street North, are respectfully informed that the classes will be
RESUMED on MONDAY next, 12th instant, by his daughter, Mrs. McINNES, many years a teacher in the school.
Mrs. McINNES will be assisted by her uncle, Mr. WILLIAM CLARK;
and parents and guardians may with confidence depend upon the utmost attention being bestowed upon all pupils placed under their charge.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1875), 6
DANCING. - Mrs. McINNES (daughter of the late Mr. John Clark) gives privato LESSON'S to Ladies and Gentlemen. Class days, MONDAYS and FRIDAYS. Afternoon Class at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Elizabeth-st. North.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 March 1875), 1
CLARK. - March 17, at her residence, Colonnade, Elizabeth-street, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr. John Clark, aged 58 years.
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1877), 1
CLARKE - McINNES. - November 22, at 502, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, by the Rev. Dr. Steel, Francis John, third son of the late Mr. James Richard Clarke, of Balmain, to Margaret, widow of the late Mr. John McGarvie McInnes, and only daughter of the late Mr. John Clark, Professor of Dancing, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
"My School Days in Parramatta. By WALTER S. CAMPBELL, F.R.A.Hist.S.", The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate [Parramatta, NSW] (15 December 1920), 4
. . . The other "extra" was dancing, in which instruction was given by Mr. Clark, dancing master, Sydney. Nearly all the boarders attended this class including myself. The dining-room was cleared, and the boys appeared in shoes, made especially for dancing, known as "pumps" or "dancing pumps." These had very low heels and broad straps just below the in-step, which were tied across with black ribbon into most elegant bows. This sort of shoes I have not seen for many years. I think they must be extinct. With these beautiful dancing pumps we capered about in the most charming manner, learning how to turn out our toes and mince along, all the time inclined to burst out laughing at this fantastic sort of work. Mr. Clark played away with great vigor, stepping out and giving directions at the same time. Occasionally his son assisted him, and then he was much relieved. We managed to learn our steps and various dances, or imagined we did, and felt quite ready to embark on practical work when opportunity offered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Scott Campbell (pupil); William Wools (schoolmaster)
CLARK, John [3] (John CLARK; Mr. CLARK)
Musician, vocalist, banjo player, minstrel, serenader
Active Melbourne and Geelong, VIC; Adelaide, SA; Perth, WA, 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 June 1854), 8
CRITERION HALL, Great Collins-street.
Thursday Evening, June 1st, 1854.
Unrivalled Success of TOTTEN'S HARMONEONS.
Under the Patronage of the Mayor of Melbourne . . .
John Hodgson, Esq., M.L.C., Mayor of Melbourne, and other distinguished guests.
Grand Family Night. The Harmoneons in White Faces! Another Great Hit.
MR. BAKER, As Miss Lucy Long, has met with the approbation of the crowds who have witnessed his performances.
PART I. With White Faces.
Opening Glee - The sun's gay beams, (from Weber's Eurianthe) - Kitts, Pierce, Thayer and Dixon.
Song and Chorus - She's seen when the vapors of morn arise, (Music from The Enchantress,) - Kitts and Company.
Quartette - Napoleon's Grave - Thayer, Dixon, Pierce, and Kitts.
Fantasia - Concertina, with pianoforte accompaniment by Thayer - Pierce.
Glee - To Greece we give our shining blades - Pierce, Kitts, Thayer, and Dixon.
Comic Song - Thayer.
An Interval of Ten Minutes.
PART II. Ethiopian.
Overture - Wrecker's Daughter - Full Band.
Ever be happy (Music from the Enchantress) - Company.
Fire down below - Pierce.
Farewell to Old Tennessee - Dixon.
How do, John? - Thayer.
Uncle Tom's Cabin Home - Kitts.
Lynchburg Town - Baker.
Duet - Come to the Old Gum Tree - Pierce & Kitts.
Poor Uncle Tom - Dixon.
Oh! Lemuel - Thayer.
Finale to Part Second, Trio - The Darkey Schoolmaster - Kitts, Pierce, and Thayer.
Solo - Flutina - Pierce.
Solo - Banjo - Clark.
To conclude with the Laughable Negro Extravaganza, entitled
Mr. Ned Swizzle, proprietor of a show shop - Thayer.
Jim, a sweeper of the floor, and a philosopher on dust, water, &c. - Pierce.
Mr. Johnson, a violin player who understands catching flies - Baker.
Bones, a would be philosopher - Lee.
Pete Snooks, a bill-sticker who understands what bill-sticking is - Pierce.
Mr. Smithers, conductor of the band, and a member of No. 2 - Lee.
Lamplighter - Clark.
Mademoiselle Lucy Long - Baker.
Audience, check-takers, apple dealers, &c., by a host of auxiliaries.
Musical Director - Mr. J. O. Pierce . . .
E. TOTTEN, Manager.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elbert Totten (manager); Benjamin F. Baker (minstrel); John Calvin Lee (minstrel); Mark Thayer (minstrel); Frederick Dixon (minstrel); John Ottis Pierce (minstrel); Totten's Harmoneons; Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (11 October 1854), 1
MR. JOHN CLARK, Banjoist of Totten's Harmoneons, begs respectfully to inform his friends and the public generally that his
BENEFIT is fixed for THURSDAY EVENING next, October 12th, 1854,
on which occasion a choice Programme will be offered; and J. C. trusts that his friends will rally round and give him a bumper.
"Keep your hands off dat coat."
Attention, company.
"TOTTEN'S HARMONEONS", South Australian Register (30 October 1854), 3
Clark, the banjoist, whose benefit was deferred after he had incurred considerable expense, in consequence of the accident which happened to the company, appeals to his friends this evening for their countenance and support. The programme presents unusual attractions, the aid of auxiliary professionals having been secured to give variety and completeness to the entertainment. The concert of vocal music in the first part is well selected, and the miscellaneous olio which forms the second part must attract many visitors, comprising, as it does, the magnificent descriptive song "The Slave Ship," by Gale; a solo on the pianoforte, by Montegani; a solo on the flutina, by Pierce; "Ben Bolt," for the first time here, by Thayer; "The Virginia Breakdown," by Baker, and all sorts of comicalities on the banjo, by the beneficiare. The laughable [REDACTED] farce of "The Doctor and his Patient" will wind up the fun and frolic of the evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Mantegani (pianist)
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (22 December 1854), 2
On the 14th instant, the barque Eleanor, Cook, master, from Adelaide bound to Mauritius, put in leaky. Pasengers - Captain and Mrs. Robinson, Messrs. Lee, Kitts, Thayer, Baker, Clark and M. Tomson.
Musician, tenor and countertenor vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1826; ? until 1835 (but see below) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Clarke, a tenor vocalist, appeared in the first Sydney Amateur Concert on 7 June 1826, and continue to appear throughout the series. Evidence that he was perhaps at least semi-professional, he took his benefit in the very last concert on 9 January 1827. A complete record of his participation in the 1826-27 series is documented at Sydney Amateur Concerts.
Almost certainly the same Clarke next reappeared in concerts in 1829 and 1831, and probably also in 1834.
By 1835, however, there were at least two, and possibly three male musicians named Clark or Clarke active in Sydney, including the violinist Mr. Clarke in the band of the Theatre Royal. A Mr. Clark "favoured the company with songs" at a St. George's Day Dinner, and another or the same Clarke sang in Thomas Stubbs's concert, both in April 1835. According to Columbus Fitzpatrick, the architect Francis Clarke, who arrived in the colony in 1833, was also an amateur vocalist, and sang in St. Mary's cathedral choir in the mid 1830s. However, it may also be that the Clark referred to as singing there in May 1836 was the above.
Unfortunately, there are no other references, earlier or later, that allow positive identification.
"AMATEUR CONCERT", The Monitor [Sydney, NSW] (9 June 1826), 4
A very respectable and select Coterie assembled on Wednesday Evening at the Freemason's Tavern, to participate in the luxury of the long-talked of musical Melange. Hankinson's best room was very neatly fitted up for the occasion, and although the Ladies were not so numerous as we could have wished - the few who did grace the party, gave it additional brilliancy. DR. CALLCOTT's fine composition, "Peace to the souls of the heroes," was sung with much effect by Messrs. Edwards, Sippe, Clarke, and Kavannagh . . . "Now at Moon-light's Fairy hour" is a charming song, - Mr. Clarke's voice possesses much sweetness and modulation; but he wanted confidence, so essential in a public singer. "The Witch's Glee" and "Glorious Apollo" were deservedly encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Edwards (vocalist); George Sippe (vocalist); Thomas Kavanagh (vocalist); Sydney Amateur Concerts (series)
MUSIC: Now at moonlight's fairy hour (Thomas Thompson)
"SYDNEY AMATEUR CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 June 1826), 3
The second Concert took place on Wednesday evening last. By the kindness of His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR, the Subscribers were allowed the use of the large room immediately over the Court-house, in Castlereagh-street . . . "See our Oars," a delightful glee for 4 voices, by Sir John Stevenson, followed the overture, and was very effectively given by Messrs. Kavenagh, Clark (a gentleman who promises to become a considerable acquisition to the vocal department), Edwards, and Sippy, and was ably supported by a train of judicious and effective accompaniments by the latter gentleman, who presided at the pianoforte . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ralph Darling (governor); Old Court House (Sydney venue)
"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", The Monitor (21 July 1826), 5
ON Wednesday Evening about four hundred persons of both sexes assembled at the public School Room in Castlereagh-street, to listen to the musical selections of our Amateur performers of our new monthly Concert . . . Mr. Clarke was not present in the Orchestra - we consider the latter gentleman, with Mr. Blanch, and Mr. Edwards, able to execute every thing required by an Australian audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Blanch (amateur vocalist)
"FOURTH CONCERT", The Monitor (11 August 1826), 5
About three hundred persons of both sexes, again assembled at the New School Room in Castlereagh-street, on Wednesday evening at half-past seven, to listen to the strains of vocal and instrumental harmony . . . "All's Well" is a song that requires greater powers than Messrs. Clarke and Levey can command. Still, however, they accomplished their arduous task in a very agreeable manner, and the song was received with just applause . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (amateur vocalist)
MUSIC: All's well (Braham)
"MR. EDWARDS'S BENEFIT", The Monitor (25 August 1826), 5
A Friend has transmitted us the following Report of the FIFTH CONCERT. THE Concert Room presented on Wednesday Evening a brilliant appearance; the public seemed by their extensive patronage on this occasion to reward the exertions of the indefatigable Leader Mr. Edwards . . . "It was a Friar of Orders grey," brought forward Mrs. Jones and Mr. Clarke, who, assisted by Mr. E., executed it in a pleasing manner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Jones (vocalist)
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (26 August 1826), 3
. . . Mrs. Jones, Messrs. Edwards and Clark, next recited a glee. The female voice was evidently weak, but not devoid of sweetness. Mr. Clark's counter-tenor did him infinite credit . . .
"Amateur Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 September 1826), 3
. . . Glee, "The Minstrel Boy," the words by Thomas Moore, Esq. and arranged by Sir John Stevenson, sung by Messrs. Clark, Paul, and Edwards, was much and deservedly applauded . . . A comic glee, "When Arthur first at Court," by Messrs. Clark, Blanch, and Edwards, concluded the first part. Rossini's Overture to Tancredi commenced the second part, after which Mr. Clark sang the beautiful Scotch ballad, "Kelvin Grove" with an union of sweetness and spirit seldom surpassed. It was listened to with a silence scarcely disturbed by respiration, and the effect it produced is almost indescribable. It is needless to add that this song was encored by a simultaneous impulse. The "Canadian Boat Glee" for three voices, Messrs. Clark, Paul, and Edwards . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Paul (vocalist)
[News], The Monitor (29 September 1826), 5
THE Seventh Concert took place on Wednesday Evening. The assemblage was not so numerous as on some former occasions, but still the room was respectably filled . . . Mr. Clarke took a new style of songs this evening, in which he was eminently successful . . .
"Amateur Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (30 September 1826), 3
The Concerts . . . continue to be a source of considerable attraction with numbers of the Sydney fashionables. That, on Wednesday evening last, was most respectably, though not numerously attended . . . Tom Starboard, sung with much taste and feeling by Mr. Clark, was encored, as also two glees by Messrs. Clark, Paul, and Edwards . . .
MUSIC: Tom Starboard (song from The turnpike gate)
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (30 September 1826), 3
. . . Mr. Clark attempted a sea song; his voice was but ill adapted for it; it did not succeed well . . .
"MR. SIPPE'S BENEFIT CONCERT", The Monitor (13 October 1826), 5
THE public evinced their appreciation of talent, and the liberality of their disposition, by a most respectable and very numerous assemblage at the Concert-room, on Wednesday evening, for the benefit of Mr. Sippe, whose unremitted exertions merited the return they met with . . . Bishop's admired "Overture to the Miller and his Men" was a soul-inspiring performance, and put the audience in proper temper to listen to the mellow tones of Mr. Clarke, who never acquitted himself more respectably than on this occasion [in "Adieu my native land"] . . . "Now at moon-light's fairy hour," by Messrs. Edwards and Clarke, is a good duet - the words were rather apropos . . .
MUSIC: Adieu my native land (song)
"THE CONCERT", The Monitor (8 December 1826), 3
We have received the following account of the Concert which took place on Monday evening last, for the benefit of the Benevolent Society . . . The company was select. Mrs. Paul took a leading part in every duet. A very popular air now singing in London by Madame Vestris, "Cherry Ripe," was rapturously encored, as was a pathetic ballad "Oh Rosa, when you quit the spot," in which the protege of public favour, Mr. Clarke, came off with distinguished eclat . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Tempest Margaret Paul (vocalist, pianist); Lucia Vestris (London vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Australian (30 December 1826), 2
MR. CLARKE HAS THE HONOR T0 announce to the Lovers of Harmony, that Tuesday, the 9th of January, 1827,
is fixed for the next Concert, for which a very choice selection of musical pieces, vocal and instrumental, are in rehearsal.
In course of the evening, Mr. C. will introduce, by desire, Braham's much-admired Scottish ballad, "Let us Haste to Kelvin Grove."
An outline of the. performance in future advertisements.
Tickets, 5s. each, may be had of Mr. Lord's, Macquarie-street; Mr. Sippe's, Military Barracks; Mr. Edwards, Mr. Foxall's, and Mr. Levey's, George-street.
"Subscription Concert", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 January 1827), 2
Mr. CLARKE'S Benefit Concert took place on Tuesday evening, and, we regret to say, was but thinly attended. How such happened to be the case we can hardly account for, particularly when we remember, that during the season of the Amateur Concerts, Mr. CLARKE contributed in no trifling degree to their success, and, as we are given to understand, not only afforded the aid of his talents, which are far from inconsiderable, but devoted a very large portion of his time towards furthering the views of the Amateur Society, without receiving the slightest remuneration. Under such circumstances, it was but reasonable that he should look forward towards efficient support on this occasion, and none who have experienced pleasure from his successful exertions to add to the attractions of the Sydney Amateur Concert, can help regretting that he failed in reaping that reward to which he was most unquestionably entitled. An unaccountable apathy seemed to have prevailed; where the blame lay we cannot, nor do we pretend to say, but blame certainly is attachable somewhere.
The Concert took place at Mr. LORD'S rooms, in Macquarie-place, and the company, though, as we have, already stated, limited, was respectable.
The room was neatly and commodiously fitted up, and well lighted.
Mr. EDWARDS, who is always ready to oblige wherever occasion offers, led the band;
Mr. SIPPE performed on the violoncello, and accompanied the vocal music on the piano-forte; and Mr. CAVANAGH was principal second violin.
The most successful efforts of the evening were "Friend of the Brave," a song by Mr. EDWARDS;
Braham's beautiful ballad, "Let us haste to Kelvin grove," and the song "O share my Cottage," by Mr. CLARKE, all of which were received with the most rapturous applause, and honoured with an unanimous encore.
"Kelvin Grove" is particularly adapted to Mr. CLARKE'S style of singing, and the beautiful pathos of the air and words, whereby "the sound is made an echo to the sense," was most effectively preserved in the delivery.
In fact, we have scarcely heard any thing more pleasing, nor which appeared to impart more general satisfaction;
and this is particularly worthy of remark, as a thin auditory is not in general the greatest stimulus to successful exertions, even in those who are the most disinterested.
An Amateur, whose name we have not heard, nor whom we do not recollect in the orchestra on any former occasion,
attempted "The Death of Abercrombie," and "Adieu my Native Land," but whether it was the fault of the gentleman's inexperience or timidity,
or what the cause was we cannot say, but really we could not help at the moment quoting from Miss Biddy Fudge's letter,
"No-never was known in this riotous sphere
Such a breach of the peace as his singing, my dear."
The singer was sometimes before the accompaniment, and sometimes the accompaniment was before the singer;
but, notwithstanding, very considerable power of voice was apparent, which, we have no doubt, under judicious guidance, might be rendered capable of better things,
always providing that its owner essays to divest himself of a portion of that mannerism which would counteract the best efforts of the most distinguished vocal powers.
Several glees were sung by the vocalists, and some scientific overtures,
particularly "Adelaide," performed by the band, and exactly at ten o'clock the evening's amusements terminated.
Of the company present, we have not much to observe, further than that confined as we regret to say it was, the room still presented some, whose
"Beauty hung upon the cheek of eve,
Like a rich jewel in au Ethiop's ear;"
but, really whether the lady in the pink body, or the charming lassie in the blue robe, drew the most attention from the music, we will not now undertake to decide.
The latter, we think - but, no; we will not offer our opinion, but leave the ladies to guess.
As to the gentlemen who strutted about in jackets, we have only one remark to make, "they order these things better in France;"
and, with this quotation from STERNE, we will take our leave of the subject, at we should get stern too (we do not mean to pun),
by reflecting on so flagrant an inroad on the usages of good society, and so direct a breach of decorum.
We regret that Mr. Clarke's claims, in fact, have not been duly appreciated, and we hope we are correctly informed, that his friends are determined to evince their sense of his deserts,
by simultaneously coming forward to repair the losses he must have sustained on this occasion on another night,
which, we understand, will shortly be announced for the purpose.
ASSOCIATIONS: Simeon Lord (merchant, proprietor of the venue); this was the last of the 1826-27 public concerts, and in the event, no subsequent public concert was held for several years
MUSIC: Let us haste to Kelvin Grove (Braham, in Guy Mannering); O share my cottage, dearest maid (song)
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (18 September 1829), 2
Last Wednesday evening's Concert went off, as we anticipated, in a highly creditable manner. The house was very respectably filled, and the whole performance was conducted with a degree of spirit and decorum, which has proved highly creditable . . . At length about eight, the performance commenced with one of Mozart's Overtures from the wind and stringed instruments. This was followed by a glee "The Bells of Saint Michael's Tower," which was well supported by Messrs. Aldis and Clarke, who took the counter tenor part, whilst Mr. Edwards chimed in with his naturally full, rich, and sonorous base . . . and about Eleven the finale, a Glee, "Lightly tread this hallowed ground," between three voices, Messrs. Clark, Edwards, and Aldis, concluded the evening's entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Aldis (vocalist); 1829 Sydney concerts (series); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 September 1829), 2
. . . Let us then say a few words in reference to the performances at the Royal Assembly Rooms on Wednesday last. And first, we would premise that the exertions of the spirited Proprietor for the accommodation of a very numerous and respectable audience cannot be too highly lauded . . . The other entertainments consisting of two songs and two glees by Amateurs, were highly creditable to the singers, one of whom, Mr. Clarke, was an old favourite at the Sydney Amateur Concerts . . .
"Wednesday's Concert", The Sydney Monitor (19 September 1829), 3
This Concert was conducted by Mr. Edwards, and he had the good fortune to meet a house, which if not crowded, was pleasantly full, and consisting of persons at the first rank in the Colony . . . Mozart's Overture of La Clemenza commenced the evening's entertainment . . . The glee of "The Bells of St Michael's Tower" went off remarkably well, and gave much satisfaction - it was sung by Messrs. Clarke, Aldis and Edwards (bass) . . . The glee of "The Red cross Knight" was as much applauded as the former glee . . . The second part commenced with Mozart's Overture of "La Villanella Rapita." This is a spirited lively piece and went off capitally. "It is the Hour", was sweetly sung by Mr. Clarke. A gentleman called out to Mr. C. to sing louder. This is not decorous . . . "Two different passions sway my mind" by Mr. Aldis was well received. The glee of "Lightly Tread" however called for much louder plaudits; it was sung by Messrs. Aldis, Clarke and Edwards . . .
MUSIC: It is the hour (William Reeve)
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (26 February 1831), 2
Upwards of 200 respectable persons attended Mr. Sippe's concert, on the evening of Thursday last. The music, vocal and instrumental, was very creditably performed, and the singers were honoured with several encores. A trio, for two violins, and a violincello, was much admired, particularly on account of the masterly playing of Mr. Edwards, whose science and taste, on the violin were never more successfully displayed. Mr. Clarke, an old and very deserving favourite at the Sydney Amateur Concerts, sung "It is the Hour", a Serenade, the music by Reeve, with much sweetness and feeling, and was rapturously encored . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (21 August 1834), 3
Mrs. Bird gave her first Concert on Tuesday evening last, at the Pulteney Hotel, and was patronised by about 100 persons of respectability . . . the public may form an idea of the quality of the performances when we state, that Mesdames Paul and Bird, and Messrs. Clark, Paul, Williamson, Simmons, &c. were the vocalists; Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, Josephson, &c. &c. the musicians; accompanied with the assistance of some of the military band; leader, Mr. Lewis . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isabella Tempest Bird (vocalist); Joseph Simmons (vocalist, actor); Mr. Wilson (musician); Joshua Frey Josephson (musician); Thomas Lewis (master, 17th Band); Band of the 17th Regiment (military); Pulteney Hotel (Sydney venue)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 August 1834), 2
. . . The duet, As it fell upon a day, by Mrs. Bird and Mr. Clarke was, in our opinion, one of the most effective of the vocal performances of the evening. Here's a health to thee Tom Moore, the words by Lord Byron, was very tastefully sung by Mr. Clarke, and deservedly applauded . . .
MUSIC: As it fell upon a day (Bishop); Here's a health to thee Tom Moore (Kelly)
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (23 April 1835), 2
Mr. Stubbs' Concert, at the Royal Hotel, on Tuesday evening last [21 April], went off with the most perfect eclat to a crowded and respectable audience . . . Mrs. Rust made her appearance in the beautiful duet of Bishop's Oh! Maiden Fair, with a gentleman named Clark, and we must confess ourselves disqualified to point out its varied beauties - it was a first-rate exhibition of vocal talent. At its conclusion followed one of the most noisy bursts of applause we have heard for some years, forming a strange contrast with the recent mellifluous tones. This lady also sung the song of Lo! here gentle lark, and another duet with Mr. Clark, When thy bosom heaves a sigh . . . The glees appeared to want more animation, although the singers no doubt "followed copy;" the Muleteer's Glee was the most satisfactory . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Stubbs (musician); Margaret Rust (vocalist)
MUSIC: Oh maiden fair (arr. Bishop, from Paisiello's The barber of Seville); When thy bosom heaves a sigh (Braham, from Narensky)
"St. George's Dinner", The Sydney Monitor (25 April 1835), 2
On Thursday evening [23 April] about one hundred and ten gentlemen sat down to an excellent dinner at the Pulteney . . . The President proposed the health of Mr. Edye Manning and Mr. Clark who had favoured the company with songs. (Three times three), Air - March. Mr. Clark for himself and Mr. M. returned thanks . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Edye Manning (attendee)
[News], The Australian (24 May 1836), 2
The admirers of sacred music had a rich treat in the service at St. Mary's' Church last Sunday, the whole of which, we believe, was under the superintendence of the Rev. Mr. Spencer, who displayed great taste in his selection of the music. Part of the mass was from Magginghi [Mazzinghi], which was peculiarly pretty, and part from that splendid composer Mozart. Mrs. Rust sung two beautiful solos, one "Ave verum," arranged by Myren [Nyren], and the "Agnus Dei," from Mozart, which she executed with her usual brilliancy and feeling. The offertory was extremely beautiful, the treble by Mrs. Rust, the tenor by Mr. Clark, and the bass by Mr. Bushell . . . We also observed Mr. Deane and Mr. Wallace in the choir, who added their valuable assistance. Mr. Cavendish presided most scientifically at the Seraphine . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: The Clark referred to was possibly Francis Clarke (amateur vocalist); John Benedict Spencer (cleric, choir leader); John Bushelle (vocalist); John Philip Deane (musician); William Vincent Wallace (musician); William Joseph Cavendish (musician); St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney)
Musician, violinist
Active Sydney, NSW, 1835 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 May 1835), 3
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY.
THE LESSEES respectfully inform the Patrons of the Drama, and the Public in general,
that the Theatre will open on Monday Evening, May 4th, 1835 . . . .
The Lessees are highly gratified in informing the public, that they have succeeded in engaging all the
first Musical Talent in Sydney to form their Orchestra, which consists of the following gentlemen, viz.
Leader of the Band - Mr. CLARKE;
Violins - Messrs. SPYER, JOHNSON, DYER, and SCOTT;
Principal Flute - Mr. STUBBS;
Violincello and Grand Piano Forte - Mr. CAVENDISH;
Clarionetts - Messrs. TURNER & SHARP;
Bassoons - Messrs. HOARE & BALL;
Bugle - Mr. PAPPIN; Drums - Mr. VAUGHAN . . .
The Music Department will be considerably improved under the direction of Mr. Cavendish . . .
The Acting and the Stage Management under the direction of MR. JOSEPH SIMMONS.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Spyer (violin); Mr. Johnson (violin); Benjamin Bissell Dyer (violin); Mr. Scott (violin); Thomas Stubbs (flute); William Joseph Cavendish (cello, piano); Stephen Turner (clarinet); Mr. Sharp (clarinet); Mr. Hoare (bassoon); Stephen Pappin (bugle); Michael Vaughan (drums); Joseph Simmons (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Sydney)
MUSIC: Overture to Joseph (Mehul)
"THE THEATRE", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (11 June 1835), 2
On Monday evening an unusually crowded audience assembled to witness the performance, and to welcome the return of Captain Piper to town, who, agreeably to advertisement, honoured the theatre with his presence on that night . . . The orchestra struck up "See the conquering Hero comes;" and Captain Piper, in the fullness of heart occasioned, no doubt, by the cordial welcome he met from his fellow-colonists, shortly addressed the audience, thanking them for the feeling of kindness they had manifested towards him . . . The performance commenced with a small interlude in one act called the Dead Shot, in which Mrs. Taylor, in the character of Louisa Lovetrick, shone conspicuously. Her personifications of the termagant and romp were admirable, and commanded the frequent plaudits of the audience. Simmons's exertions, also, as Mr. Hector Timid, were favourably received, as were likewise Mr. Mackay's Frederick, and Mr. Groves's Captain Cannon. The orchestra, as usual, made a sad bungle on this occasion: when the period had arrived for Mrs. Taylor's introducing the "Sale of loves," Mr. Cavendish was not to he found, and the Pianoforte was therefore silent. Mrs. T. kept walking up and down by the foot lights for several minutes, beseeching one or other of our crack violin players to accompany her, but all in vain. Mr. Clarke's fiddle was mute, and Mr. Spyers's bow had, as we suppose, been soaped by some mischievous wight, "for the deuce a bow would either of them draw." Mrs. T. and the audience had just given up all hopes of the song, when Mr. Cavendish entered the orchestra in breathless haste, and made good the deficiency his absence had occasioned . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (vocalist)
"To the editor of . . .", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 August 1835), 3
In your paper of this day's date, you very correctly observed that the band of the theatre is incomplete.
It is impossible to have a full band in this colony, but I have to notice many greater faults than those that you, and your contemporary point out.
I am fully aware that the present band of the theatre costs more than a full band of first rate talent at any of the minor London theatres,
who have treble the work, for they have to attend day rehearsals;
which none do here, and I know from the best authority that each of the three gentlemen, viz. Messrs. Clarke, Spyer and Cavendish,
get almost double the salary of any performer of that establishment;
yet what musical treat do they afford us, or what talent do they evince.
In former times, when any one had to sing, Mr. Sippe would arrange parts for four of five instruments,
and well we remember with what tact Mr. Wilson led and accompanied;
but now when Mrs. Taylor sings what do we have? a piano forte accompaniment solely;
and no doubt those three gentlemen rank themselves as men of great musical talent and flatter themselves,
they do justice to the public and their employers.
The greatest improvement that ought or should took place, is, that all the songs should be accompanied by the band,
and the director (Mr. Cavendish) should prepare the parts;
and we do assure him, we do not like to see him sit like a boarding school young lady with a pianoforte copy before him and Messrs. Clarke, Spyers and the other little fry,
sit gaping and gazing at the singers, as if they were of the audience.
It is really disgraceful to see individuals who receive from the Treasury (so report says) £250 per annum each, do so little for it;
and really if their services are worth that enormous and extravagant sum what must the services be worth of Mr. Simmons, Mrs. Taylor or Mr. Knowles,
who are always before the public and perform more arduous duties in one night, than those three gentlemen in a month.
I have long noticed this abuse, but out of pity to these gentlemen's feelings, I refrained from exposing it;
but now the abuse is so glaring, that it cannot be passed over any longer.
I wish you, Mr. Editor, to bear in mind that all the music which has been played lately, in the stock pieces, is from the pen of Mr. Sippe.
Such, Sir, is the true state of the band of the theatre, and as the lessees are paying so truly liberally for the music,
perhaps, these three gentlemen will take this gentle hint to improve their department.
Your insertion will oblige all lovers of theatricals and music, and none more so than one that visits the dress boxes generally at
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Wilson (leader, violinist)
CLARKE, Anne (Miss REMENS; Miss REMANS; Mrs. Michael CLARKE) see main entry Anne CLARKE
Soprano vocalist, actor, dancer, theatre manager
CLARKE, Michael (Mr. CLARKE) see main entry Michael CLARKE
Theatre manager, actor
CLARKE, Anne Theresa (Anne Theresa CLARKE; Miss CLARK) see main entry Anne Theresa CLARKE
Theatrical dancer, actor
Musical amateur, vocalist, founder member of Sydney Philharmonic Society, surveyor, architect
Born England, 1801; son of James CLARKE
Married Margaret ROBERTSON, St. John's, Smith Square, London, England, 27 May 1823
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 July 1833 (per Warrior, from London, 13 March, via Hobart Town, 21 July)
Died QLD, 16 December 1884, aged "83" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of St. John the evangelist, Westminster, in the county of Middlesex, in the year [1823]; register, 1020-25, page 5; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 15 / Francis Clarke, Bachelor of this parish
and Margaret Robertson, Spinster, of the same parish were married in this Church by Bann this [27 May 1823] . . .
[witnesses] B. Winslade, Mary Anne Reeve
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (29 July 1833), 2
From London via Hobart Town, on Friday last, having sailed from the former port on the 13th of March, and the latter on the 21st instant, the ship Warrior, 478 tons, Captain Stone, with a general cargo. Passengers, from England . . . Francis Clarke Esq. surveyor, Mrs. Clark, and two children . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 August 1833), 3
MR. FRANCIS CLARKE, Architect, and Surveyor (late Architectural Draftsmen to DECIMUS BURTON, Esq., and Measuring Surveyor to John Nash, Esq., attached Architects to the Board of Works London), begs to inform the Public he has taken the House No. 53, South-end of Clarence-street, Sydney . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Decimus Burton (English architect); John Nash (English architect)
[News], The Australian (24 May 1836), 2
The admirers of sacred Music had a rich treat in the service at St. Mary's Church last Sunday, the whole of which, we believe, was under the superintendence of the Rev. Mr. Spencer, who displayed great taste in his selection of the music. Part of the mass was from Magginghi [Mazzinghi], which was peculiarly pretty, and part from that splendid composer Mozart. Mrs. Rust sung two beautiful solos, one "Ave verum," arranged by Myren, and the "Agnus Dei," from Mozart, which she executed with her usual brilliancy and feeling. The offertory was extremely beautiful, the treble by Mrs. Rust, the tenor by Mr. Clarke, and the bass by Mr. Bushell. We have never heard this gentleman before - his voice is a very fine bass, and he sung the last mentioned piece in admirable style. We also observed Mr. Deane and Mr. Wallace in the choir, who added their valuable assistance. Mr. Cavendish presided most scientifically at the Seraphine. We observed a great number of Protestant ladies and gentlemen in the body of the Church, which was crowded in every part.
ASSOCIATIONS: The Clark referred to was also possibly Mr. Clarke above, however, see 1866 below; John Benedict Spencer (choirmaster); Margaret Rust (soprano); John Bushelle (bass); John Philip Deane (violinist) William Vincent Wallace (violinist); St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 June 1836), 2
We are much pleased in being enabled to state, that a Society under the above designation is rapidly progressing. A Meeting of its promoters took place on Wednesday evening last at the house of Mr. Deane, when Mr. Francis Clark having been called to the chair, several resolutions (of which we are promised a copy) were adopted. Mr. W. Wallace is to be the leader, and a deputation will wait upon His Excellency the Governor, to solicit him to become the Patron, which, from the readiness he has always shewn to encourage institutions of this nature, will no doubt be favourably responded to. The Philharmonic Society may therefore be now considered as effectually put in operation, and it will only require the lovers of real harmony, whether Professors or Amateurs, (both of whom are, we learn, invited) to come forward at once to ensure its complete success.
ASSOCIATIONS: Philharmonic Society (Sydney 1836)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1854), 2
SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. - This Society has been established by a number of musical gentlemen,
for the cultivation and performance of the most approved Vocal and Instrumental Music.
The proceeds, after paying the necessary expenses, to go towards a fund for the encouragement of musical talent in this colony.
The Society to be supported by annual subscriptions, and by voluntary contributions;
and to consist of members, subscribers, and associates.
Members to take an active part in the Society, and subscribers to be admitted to the concerts;
the former to pay an annual subscription of £2; the latter of £1 1s.
Associates are elected by the committee, and admitted gratuitously.
Parties desirous of joining the Society will please send their names, and the amount of their subscriptions,
either to the Treasurer, Mr. B. Mountcastle, George-street; the gentlemen of the Committee -
Messrs. Gilbert Wright, King street; Frederick Kellerman, Church Hill; Francis Clarke, Town Hall;
Charles Younger, Pitt-street; William McDonnell, George-street;
or to Mons. EUGENE PARIS, Honorary Secretary, 231, Elizabeth-street North.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Such Mountcastle (amateur); Gilbert Wright (amateur); Frederick Kellerman (amateur); Charles Younger (amateur); William Macdonnell (amateur); Eugene Paris (secretary); Sydney Philharmonic Society
. . . the day on which our venerated Archbishop first landed in Sydney. On that occasion Dr. Ullathorne, now Bishop of Birmingham, had made every preparation for a grand High Mass, and poor Cavendish (who was drowned with his sister off Bradley's Head in after years) had charge of the choir; he exerted himself to the utmost and secured the assistance of a great cantatrice (Mrs. Rust) who happened to be in the colony at the time. Mr. Clarke the architect was a fine singer also lent his aid . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Columbus Fitzpatrick (memoirist); John Bede Polding (newly arrived bishop); William Bernard Ullathorne (cleric); for a report on event, [News], The Sydney Herald (21 September 1835), 3
The inauguration of the Roman Catholic Bishop Poulding, took place yesterday, at Saint Mary's Chapel, Hyde Park . . . During the Mass, which followed, several new musical pieces were performed by Mrs. Rust, the Rev. Messrs. Spencer and Corcoran, &c. Mrs. Chester and several other professional singers were also in the choir, Mr. Cavendish presiding at the Seraphine.
"DEATHS", The Brisbane Courier (17 December 1884), 1
CLARKE. - On the 16th December, at Kenilworth, Red Hill, the residence of his son-in-law, after a lingering illness Francis Clarke, formerly of Bowen, aged 83 years.
Bibliography and resources:
Otto Cserhalmi, Francis Clarke, architect 1801-1884, his life and work (B. Arch. thesis, University of New South Wales, 1974)
C. J. Duffy (ed.), Catholic religious and social life in the Macquarie era: as portrayed in the letters of Columbus Fitzpatrick (1810-1878) (Sydney: Catholic Press Newspaper Company, Ltd., 1966), 17-19
Patrick O'Farrell, Documents in Australian Catholic history: 1788-1883 (Sydney: G. Chapman, 1969), 32-33
"Hort Brown, Theresa (1836-1927)", Obituaries Australia
. . . Mrs. Hort-Brown was the widow of Dr. Henry Hort-Brown, of Maryborough, Queensland. Her father, Mr. Francis Clark, came from England about 90 years ago with letters of introduction from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to Sir Richard Bourke and Sir Thomas Mitchell, the latter being head of the Surveyor-General's Office at that time. Mr. Clark was an architect, and designed several of the public buildings of the day, notably St. Patrick's Church on Church Hill, and certain details of St. Mary's Cathedral. He had brought with him from England his wife, formerly Miss Margaret Robertson. The late Mrs. Hort-Brown was christened in St. James' Church, King-street . . .
Francis Clarke, Find a grave
CLARKE, Hamilton (James Hamilton CLARKE; Mr. Hamilton CLARKE)
Conductor, organist, composer
Born Birmingham, England, 25 January 1840
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 22 July 1889 (per Garonne, from England)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, July 1891
Died Banstead, Surrey, England 9 July 1912 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
CLARKE, Henry T. (Henry T. CLARKE; H. T. CLARKE; ? Henry Thomas CLARKE)
(1 or 2) vocalist, actor, venue proprietor, whipmaker, leather worker
Active Bathurst, NSW, by 1853
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1859 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (29 October 1853), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre. MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 31st, 1353.
THE public is respectfully, informed that A Grand Drama in three acts, with new scenery, dresses, &c., will be presented for the first time, entitled
Charles II. (King of Spain) - Mr. Cull . . .
Don Caesar de Bazan - Mr. Douglas
Marquis de Rotondo - Mr. Clarke . . .
Maritana (the Gipsy) - Miss R. Millan . . .
W. H. DOUGLAS, Sole Lessee.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Cull (actor); William Henry Douglas (actor, manager, lessee); Rose Millan (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (5 November 1853), 2
Don Caesar de Bazan has had a successful run during the past week, and considering the difficulties attending the production of such a piece with a limited company, deservedly so . . . Mr. Clarke's comic songs with which he appears to be well stocked, contribute in no small degree to the entertainments of the Royal Victoria. His Marquis de Rotondo is a fair delineation of the sycophant. In other respects he takes his part in the general business of the theatre with effect. Upon the whole the past week's performances have been satisfactory to the patrons of the drama in our town and we hope profitable to the enterprising lessee.
Also, on the same page, "FOUND DEAD"
A report was extensively circulated on Monday morning last to the effect that a dead body had been found in Howick-street near the Commercial Hotel, under circumstances of strong suspicion, and some degree of excitement prevailed upon the subject. An enquiry into the facts however which may be gathered from the evidence given at the inquest which was held on the same afternoon, goes far to show that the deceased, a man named John Wilson, either met with his death accidentally or died from natural causes . . . Henry Thomas Clark deposed that he slept in the same room with the deceased and a Chinaman on Sunday night . . . He did not hear any disturbance during the night. A circumstantial verdict stating the manner in which he was found and the other attendant particulars was returned. From the evidence however it appears probable that he must have fallen from the balcony during the night.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (19 November 1853), 3
Royal Victoria Theatre, BATHURST.
Monday, 21st Nov., 1853. Second appearance of MR. FANING, who has kindly offered his services on this occasion.
The evening's entertainments will commence with a new domestic and Nautical Drama of thrilling interest entitled
PHILIP (the Lost Son) - MR. FANING
Jenny - Miss Chittenden.
The whole to conclude with THE IRISH TUTOR . . .
In the course of the piece a grand Country Dance.
Tickets to be obtained of Mr. Chittenden, at his residence, Lower Kelso, and at the Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Chittenden and family (musicians); Edward Faning (musician, actor)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (9 December 1859), 1
A LARGE ROOM to LET. Apply Mr. H. T. CLARKE, whipmaker, 197, Castlereagh-street, opposite the Infant-School.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1859), 1
CONCERT, TO-MORROW EVENING, People's Concert Hall, 197, Castlereagh-street. Conductor, Mr. H. T. CLARKE; Pianist, Mrs. IRVING.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1859), 1
PEOPLE'S CONCERT HALL, 197, Castlereagh-street. Conductor, Mr. H. T. CLARKE. Pianist, Mrs. IRVING.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (10 August 1861), 3
THE FIRST NUMBER OF "THE SATIRIST," A Weekly Foreign and Domestic Journal, will appear on Saturday, the 7th proximo . . .
Orders and communications to be addressed to the temporary Office, at H. T. CLARKE'S, 190, Castlereagh-street.
Henry T. Clarke, whipmaker, summoned John Hugh Davies, N.G.A, or chief officer of the Order of Druids, and Henry J. Peat, secretary of the same order . . .
CLARKE, Jacob Richard (Jacob Richard CLARKE; J. R. CLARKE)
Musicseller, music publisher, bookbinder
Born Taunton, Somerset, England, 1821; baptised Taunton St. Mary Magdalene, 11 October 1821; son of John CLARKE (d. 1861) and Mary JOGGETT (d. 1863) (m. Taunton St. Mary Magdalene, 1812)
Married (1) Louisa HUGHES (d. 1860), Wollaston, Northamptonshire, England, 1 August 1846
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 22 April 1850 (per Comet, from Nelson, New Zealand)
Active Sydney, NSW, as J. R. Clarke, until September 1850, "Printseller, 333 George Street"
Active Sydney, NSW, as J. R. Clarke, October 1850 to 1851, "Music Warehouse 555 George Street"
Active Sydney, NSW, as Woolcott and Clarke, April/July 1851 until August 1856, "Music Warehouse 555 George Street"
Active Sydney, NSW, as J. R. Clarke, from August 1856, "Music Warehouse 555 George Street"
Married (2) Emma GATER (Mrs. JONES), St. James's church, Sydney, NSW, 10 April 1862
Died Woolloomooloo, NSW, 12 July 1893, aged "71" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony - mainly musical) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony - mainly general) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
NOTE: As of 2023 this entry contains only general biographical data; in due course Clarke's voluminous output of musical publications will be dealt with separately elsewhere
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Taunton St. Mary Magdalene in the County of Somerset in the year 1821; register 1813-26, page 168; Somerset Heritage Service, D\P\tau.m/2/1/5 (PAYWALL)
No. 1337 / 1821, October 11 / Jacob Richard / [son of] John and Mary / Clarke / Fore Street / Sadler / . . .
1846, marriage solemnized by banns in the parish of Wollaston in the county of Northampton; register 1837-67, page 34; Northamptonshire Record Office, 369P/11 (PAYWALL)
No. 68 / [1846] 1st August / Jacob Richard Clarke / of full age / Bachelor / Warehouse-man / [of] London / [Father] John Clarke, Saddler
Louisa Hughes / of full age / Spinster / - / [of] Wollaston / [father] Benjamin Hughes, Merchant . . .
Sydney, NSW (from 22 April 1850):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 April 1850), 2
April 22. - Comet, schooner, 92 tons, Captain Cork, from Nelson the 6th instant. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Clark and three children . . . The ship signalised to the northward yesterday evening, had not entered the heads up to the time of our going to press.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 May 1850), 1
WITH a large and valuable stock of rare engravings, water colour drawings, and richly illustrated architectural and general literature . . .
A large proportion of the above have been selected from the extensive stocks of M. Smith, Lisle-street, Leicester-square;
and Messrs. Evans', Queen-street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London . . .
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1850), 1
NEW MUSIC. THE UNDERSIGNED . . . has received by late arrivals,
all the New and Popular publications of the season from the houses of Messrs. Chappell, Cramer, Beale and Co.;
Boosey, Wessell, and Jullien, which his agent Mr. Clarke has for disposal,
together with some very superior Pianofortes, imported direct from the best manufacturers only.
The Exile's Lament, Sung by Mademoiselle Jetty Treffz
The Flowers are Sleeping, Sung by Mademoiselle Jetty Treffz
"Gertrude," by Linley; "Medora," by ditto
"Friends of my Youth," George Barker
The Careless Word, Honourable Mrs. Norton
" The Vestibule Polka, by Gerald Stanley
" Nectar Polka, by Koenig
" Pleiades Waltz, by Gerald Fitzgerald
Der Alpen, Ketlen Walser, Koenig
The Elinda Quadrille, Jullien.
Music Warehouse, 555, George-street, next the Bank of Australasia.
J. R. CLARKE, Agent for Mr. Marsh.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (musician, musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 February 1851), 1
OPERA of NORMA, complete, in boards, 12s. 6d.
Marriage of Figaro, 21s. Il Barbiere de Seville, 21s.
La Sonambula, 16s. Der Freischutz, 16s.
Don Juan, in course of publication in seven numbers, 3s.
The above contain the entire vocal score, with pianoforte accompaniment.
JULLIEN'S MUSICAL ALBUM FOR 1851. (Three Guineas worth of Music for One Guinea)
Those who are desirous of securing copies of these new and elegant selections of Music should make early application,
the excellence of the music and lowness of price ensuring a speedy sale.
JUST RECEIVED. - D'Albert's new Schottische, "The Hungarian", The new German Redowa, by D'Albert
DUET QUADRILLES - Jullien's British Army, Charles II, Hibernian, Jetty Treffz, Hungarian, La Pacha, Paris, Marguerite
Military Music, arranged for a full Band, consisting of Quadrilles, Polkas, Marches, &c.
The most complete assortment of the newest Polkas, Quadrilles, Waltzes, and Piano and Vocal:
Music of every description, in any of the Australasian colonies, Imported direct from the publishers.
MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 555, George-street, next the Bank of Australasia.
J. R. CLARKE, Agent for Mr. Marsh.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 April 1851), 1
HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY. MESSRS. W. P. WOOLCOTT and J. R. CLARKE, perceiving the necessity of an establishment in Sydney for the registry of Houses and Estates intended to be let or sold, beg to announce that they purpose opening offices at 555, George-street, next Bank of Australasia . . . Rents collected. Coal orders received. April 14.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Prout Woolcott (business partner, 1851-56)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 July 1851), 1
the libretto of this admired Opera, as performed at the VICTORIA THEATRE.
WOOLCOTT AND CLARKE, Music Warehouse, 565, George-street, Next Bank of Australasia.
In course of Publication, A Series of Six Views of the GOLD FIELD, drawn from nature and on stone, by Mr. G. F. ANGAS. Subscribers' names received by the publishers, where proofs may now be seen.
On sale - Maps of the Gold District A variety of Mr. Angas's original water-colour drawings made for his works on New Zealand, South Australia, &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: George French Angas (artist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 January 1854), 5
On Monday, January 2nd, Emily Grace, the infant daughter of Mr. J. R. Clarke, 555, George-street, Sydney.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 December 1854), 1
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1854), 5
At Darlinghurst, on Christmas-day, Arthur Wallis, the youngest son of Mr. J. R. Clarke, of this city.
"ANNUAL LICENSING MEETING, 1856 . . . PUBLICANS' LICENSES . . . GRANTED", Empire (15 May 1856), 5
. . . Jacob Richard Clarke, Cremorne Gardens Hotel, North Shore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cremorne Gardens (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 August 1856), 6
NOTICE is hereby given that William Prout Woolcott and Jacob Richard Clarke, of George-street, Sydney, in the colony of Now South Wales, stationers and booksellers, and of the Cremorne Gardens at the North Shore, did, on the nineteenth day of August instant, duly make and execute and assignment of all their real and personal estate, credits and effects whatsoever to John Godfrey Cohen, of George-street, in Sydney aforesaid, auctioneer, one of the firm of Messrs. Cohen and Harbottle, of the same place, auctioneers, and John Sands, of George-street, in Sydney aforesaid, bookseller and stationer, one of the firm of Messrs. Sands and Kenny, of the same place, booksellers and stationers, in trust for the benefit or all their creditors . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Sands (bookseller)
"QUARTERLY LICENSING MEETING. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 . . . TRANSFERS GRANTED", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 September 1856), 5
. . . Cremorne Gardens Hotel, North Shore, from J. R. Clarke to H. Marsh . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (musician, musicseller, venue proprietor)
[Notice], New South Wales Government Gazette (16 September 1856), 2454
DISSOLUTION. THE Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, William Prout Woolcott and Jacob Richard Clarke, of George-street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, booksellers and stationers, and of the North Shore, near Sydney aforesaid, as proprietors and conductors of the Cremorne Gardens, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. - Dated Sydney, 19th August, 1856 . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1857), 1
On the 1st October, at Strawberry Hills, Amy Gertrude, the infant daughter of Mr. J. R. Clarke, of this city.
"DEATHS", Empire (13 November 1860), 1
On the 12th instant, at her residence, Chelsea-street, Surry Hills, after a protracted illness, Louisa, the wife of Mr. J. R. Clarke, of the city, in the 34th year of her age.
"DEATHS", Sydney Mail (18 January 1862), 1
CLARKE - At his residence, in Taunton, Somersetshire, in the 79th year of his age, Mr. John Clarke, father of Mr. H. L. N. Clarke, of Nelson, New Zealand, and of Mr. J. R. Clarke, of this city.
"MARRIAGE", Empire (14 April 1862), 1
CLARKE - JONES. - On Thursday, the 10th instant, at St. James' Church, Sydney, by the Rev. Canon Allwood, Mr. J. R. Clarke, of this city, fifth son of the late Mr. John Clarke, of Taunton, Somersetshire, to Emma, relict of the late Captain Jones, I.S.N. Co., youngest daughter of Mr. Gater, of Pimlico, Middlesex.
"THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL ALBUM FOR 1863", Freeman's Journal (21 January 1863), 3
The success attending the publication of a musical album some years ago, at the time of the Catherine Hayes Anna Bishop, and Miska Hauser excitement (the work being embellished with portraits of all these celebrities), was such as to induce Mr. J. R. Clarke, music-publisher, of George-street, to issue a second volume. The "Australian Musical Albam, for 1863," is worthy to be placed side by side, not only with the former Album, but with any publication of a similar character, emanating from the famed litbograpbic and other artistic establishments of London and Vienna; the sketching and printing of the illustrations, the clear and well-defined notes of the music, the superfine paper, and elegant binding and gilding, redound very highly to the credit of the colony that can produce such workmanship in the various branches requisite for the issue of this work, rendering it a very superior present, fit for the most refined taste of the "fairest of the fair." The music is from the well-known establishment of Degotardi; the illustrations were executed by Messrs. Allen and Wigley. From one fault of its predecessor, the Album of 1863 is free; the former contained a number of pieces by eminent composers, of so difficult a nature that scarcely any one could play them; the music in the present work is within the scope of amateurs of moderate abilities, with the exception of one or two pieces. Utility is therefore combined with ornament. With two exceptions, the illustrations (twelve in number) are from tbe pencil of Mr. E. Thomas, whose drawings are known to every one in the colony. The sketches in this artistic work are all subjects easily recognised; spots of suburban country with which all are familiar. The title-page is drawn by F. C. Terry, another artist of fame in this colony; it represents the entrance to Sydney harbour by the Middle Head; the colouring is very delicate.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 January 1864), 1
On the 16th November last, at Taunton, Somersetshire, aged 74, Mary Joggett, widow of Mr. John Clarke, late of the same town and the lamented mother of Mr. J. R. Clarke, of this city, and of Mr. H. L. N. Clarke, of Nelson, New Zealand.
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. FRIDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 March 1864), 5
Jacob Richard Clarke was brought before the Bench by detective Elliott, who deposed that, between the hours of twelve and one p.m. yesterday, he apprehended him, on warrant, charged with forgery . . . Mr. Evans, who appeared on behalf of the prisoner, not objecting, the prisoner was remanded.
"SYDNEY SUMMARY. MONDAY afternoon", Goulburn Herald (16 March 1864), 2
A very painful feeling was caused in Sydney on Thursday afternoon by the announcement that Mr. J.R. Clarke, the bookseller of George-street, had been arrested upon a charge of forgery. The manner in which the fraud was discovered was as follows: - It appears that Mr. Field, bookkeeper to Mr. Sands, bookseller, was on Wednesday last in conversation with a bill-broker, who showed him a bill with the endorsement of "John Sands," which was at once pronounced by Mr. Field to be a forgery. Mr. Sands was immediately communicated with, and having looked at the bill, declared the endorsement was not his writing; he then called on Mr. Clarke, charged him with forgery, and demanded to have the bill brought to him the next morning. Mr. Clarke thereupon having obtained the money - between £400 and £500 - retired the bill, and attempted to erase the endorsement, in which he partially succeeded. The bill was yesterday morning taken to Mr. Sands, and immediately on obtaining it he took out a warrant, and Mr. Clarke was apprehended and lodged in gaol in the course of the morning. Upon this forgery being discovered inquiries were made respecting other bills that Mr. Clarke had given, and it was found that other persons had been victimised in the same manner, and for large amounts. We learn that bills given by Mr. Clarke, with the forged endorsement of Mr. Sands' name, are held by Messrs. Threlkeld and Co., by Mr. Hoffnung, and by Messrs. Spyer; the circumstance of Mr. Clarke being frequently seen in company with Mr. Sands doubtless giving probability to the supposition that the latter had consented to give his name to the bills; and these having hitherto been all met, no forgery appears to have been suspected. The shop was closed at an early hour in the evening, possession having been taken by Mr. Raine, who holds a bill of sale over the stock. On the following morning Jacob Richard Clarke was brought before the bench . . . [as above]
ASSOCIATIONS: Spyer brothers (merchants)
"Apprehensions", New South Wales Police Gazette (16 March 1864), 84
Jacob Richard Clarke, music-seller, Sydney, charged on warrant with forgery, has been arrested by Detective Elliott and committed for trial.
Jacob Richard Clarke pleaded guilty to three indictments for forgery and utterances of a like number of acceptances, purporting to be acceptances by Mr. J. Sands . . . The Rev. Canon Walsh stated that he had known the prisoner over fifteen years, and had had many business transactions with him; had been always struck by Clarke's rigid integrity; had found him particularly conscientious in many matters as to which ordinary tradesmen were unscrupulous. The prisoner also received a character as a striving man of business of very good commercial reputation, from Mr. Parsons, of the firm of Keep and Parsons; Mr. L. Spyer, of the firm of Spyer and Co.; and Mr. Buist, pianoforte maker and importer. The latter stated that he had often lent Clarke money without security . . . The sentence of the Court was that the prisoner should be imprisoned and kept to hard labour in Darlinghurst gaol for the space of four years.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Spyer (merchant, musical amateur); David Buist (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1864), 2
MUSIC, BOOK, and PRINT DEPOSITORY . . . 356, George-street (late Clarke's), Sydney.
READING and WELLBANK beg respectfully to announce to their friends and the public of New South Wales,
that they have purchased from the trustees of the estate of Mr. J. R. Clarke, the whole of the Stock,
comprising Music, Oil Paintings, Engravings, Framed and Unframed Lithographic and other Prints, Photographs,
Stereoscopes and Slides, Photographic Albums . . .
PRINTED MUSIC. The large and choice selection of printed music, vocal and instrumental,
for which the establishment is already celebrated, will be supplemented by monthly importations -
per Overland Mail - of every new and popular publication from London.
Catalogues of the principal Songs, Pieces, &c., are in course of preparation, and, when ready, may be had on application gratis . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Reading and Wellbank (booksellers, musicsellers)
Admission book, Parramatta Gaol, 1866; State Records Authority of NSW, 4/6537 (PAYWALL)
No. 171 / Jacob R. Clarke / [Arrived by ship] Comet / 1850 / [born] 1823 [sic] / Somerset / Protestant / Bookbinder / May 10th / Sydney C. Ct. / 4 Four years / Forgery & Uttering / Remitt'd 31 July 1867
"Assault in Hunter-street", Evening News (20 November 1973), 2
At the Water Police Court, this morning, John C. Street was brought up by warrant, by detective officer Richard Elliott,
wherein he was charged with having on the 4th of April, 1873, unlawfully assaulted, beaten, wounded, and ill treated one Jacob Richard Clarke, then residing in Hunter street, in this city.
The complainant, who is a well-known citizen, and proprietor or a music and print shop, deposed:
I was standing at my shop door in Hunter-street, and saw prisoner coming towards me from the direction of Tierney's corner.
I turned my face in the other direction, when suddenly I received a blow on the left side of the face, and heard prisoner say 'take that.'
I fell back, and lost conscious ness for a minute or two. I don't know what became of the prisoner.
I bled very much from the nose after the blow. Mr. McCarthy washed the wound, and by his advice I went to Dr. Wright at once, who sewed the wound up.
About half an hour after I received the wound the stone produced was shown to me by my wife.
By the prisoner: The warrant has been out since the day of my information, and I never withdrew it.
Mrs. Clark deposed: On Friday, the 4th of April, 1873, my husband came to me, on the back premises, and said he had received a violent blow from Mr. Street.
The blood was running from the wound so freely that I could not staunch it.
On the step of the door of the shop I afterwards found the stone produced. There was fresh wet blood on it. I gave the stone to my husband . . .
Mr. Charles Packer deposed: On the evening of the 4th April, 1873, I was at Mr. Clarke's shop selecting some music.
While Mr. Clarke was at the door, I heard an exclamation, and on looking round, saw complainant at the door with his hand to his face, staggering backwards.
His face was covered with blood, bleeding from a wound in the face. I did not see the wound inflicted.
I saw Mrs. Clarke afterwards bring in a stone, like the one produced, which had blood upon it.
The evidence of detective Elliott as to the arrest of prisoner closed the case for the prosecution.
When the prisoner was asked what he had to say, he made a long rambling statement of occurrences prior to the assault, but which was no defence at all.
The prisoner was committed for trial; bail allowed, self in £30; and two sureties in £40 each.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Sandys Packer (musician); on the trial, see also "QUARTER SESSIONS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 December 1874), 5
"INSOLVENCY COURT. TUESDAY . . . SURRENDERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1880), 7
Jacob Richard Clarke, of Pitt-street, Sydney, music publisher. Liabilities, £1015 17s 6d., of which £357 10s 10d. is secured. Assets, £65 11s 3d. Mr. Sandeman, official assignee.
"Insolvency Court. SURRENDERS", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (24 October 1885), 907
Jacob Richard Clarke, print-seller, of Dowling-street, Sydney. Liabilities, £376 3s. 3d. Assets, £480. Mr. E. M. Stephen, official assignee.
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 July 1893), 1
CLARKE. - July 12, at his residence, 124 Dowling-street, Woolloomooloo, Mr. J. R. Clarke, a native of Taunton, Somersetshire and for over 40 years dealer in fine arts, musicseller, bookseller and stationer in this city, aged 71 years. Home papers please copy.
[News], The Australian Star (14 July 1893), 6
Mr. J. R. Clarke, for many years a resident of Sydney, died yesterday [sic] at his residence, Dowling-street, at the age of 71 years. He was for a great number of years associated with Mr. W. P. Woolcott, and Mr. Clarke's music repository was the resort of all the musical and dramatic artists of those days. He leaves a grown-up family, Mr. J. W. R. Clarke, of this city, being one of his sons.
"The Late J. R. Clarke", Evening News (14 July 1893), 4
Our announcement of the death of Mr. J. R. Clarke, formerly so prominent a man in the business life of Sydney,
has caused many inquiries as to the date of his funeral by those who wished by their presence to express their regret at his loss.
We learn that it was Mr. Clarke's express wish that the funeral, which took place yesterday, should be as private as possible, no public announcement being made.
One who had known the deceased gentleman for some years has addressed us a note, in which he says of him:
"Mr. Clarke, in spite of his failings, was one of the best informed men on art matters, especially music and the drama, that we have had here.
I well remember his frequent contributions to the Evening News, in letters which always were full of knowledge of the subjects treated of, and always without a sting or unkind word even when caustic.
It is years since I saw him, but I often think of the many pleasant conversations snatched from the luncheon half-hours,
when he was always ready to descant on the beauties of the old English cathedrals, and illustrate his remarks by exhibiting a fine photo of which he had a good collection.
He had a wonderful recollection of all the great men and women who had visited the colony, whether preachers, actors, singers, lecturers, &c.,
and he had a most discriminating judgment as to the merits of each.
"A BIT OF THE PAST", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (29 October 1904), 13
[1893; repr. 1904] Our obituary of to-day announces the death of another old citizen, who was for many years connected with the progress of literature and art in this city, Mr. J. R Clarke. For many years Mr. Clarke, of George-street, was known as one of the leading booksellers and music publishers of Sydney. He was long associated with the late Mr. W. P. Woolcott, and the title pages of many of the music albums, and of the principal pieces of music published in the colony, bore the imprint of Clarke and Woolcott, and later of J. R. Clarke, especially those of Boulanger, Henry Marsh, and other well known pianists of 35 years ago. Mr. Clarke's Repository of Music was the resort of all the musical and dramatic artists of those days. Here were constantly to be met Lucy Escott, Catherine Hayes, Madame Anna Bishop, Madame Sara Elizabeth Flower, the Carandinis, Rosalie Durand, the brothers Lyster, Squires, Farquharson, Armes Beaumont, G. V. Brooke, Kitts, Kean, Booth, and almost every other celebrated artist who visited our shores. Mr. Clarke's knowledge of pictures, and especially of every class of engraving, was proverbial, and he was an acknowledged authority on the subject of church architecture. He studied the subject at Taunton, his native place. Mr. Clarke was 72 years of age. In late years he kept an art repository in Pitt-street, near Bridge-street, and subsequently held a Government appointment. He has left a grown up family.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (pianist); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Anna Bishop (vocalist); Sara Flower (vocalist); Maria Carandini and daughters (vocalists); Rosalie Durand (vocalist); William and Fred Lyster (manager and vocalist); Henry Squires (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Armes Beaumont (vocalist); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); James Edward Kitts (vocalist)
"OBITUARY", Colonist [Nelson, NZ] (21 September 1906), 2
On Wednesday last there passed away at the Old People's Home a very old and respected settler, in the person of Mr. H. L. N. Clarke, formerly in business in Nelson as a saddler and harness maker. The late Mr. Clarke arrived in Nelson in the early fifties, and resided here for many years . . . In the early days of Nelson the late Mr. Clarke was well known in musical circles and was renowned as a flautist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hender Luke Noble Clarke (born Taunton, 1828, Clarke's youngest brother, the only sibling with a NZ connection)
Bibliography and resources:
E. J. Lea-Scarlett, "Clarke, Jacob Richard (1822-1893)", Australian dictionary of biography 3 (1969)
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 144-149 (J. R. Clarke), 245-50 (Woolcott and Clarke), and many other references (DIGITISED)
CLARKE, James (James CLARKE)
Musician, band leader
Active Maitland, NSW, 1842 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"MAITLAND. SUBSCRIPTION BALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1842), 3
The spirited people of Maitland held their last ball of the season in the long room of Mr. Cox's Hotel, at East Maitland, on the evening of Friday, the 30th ultimo. The room was admirably lighted with three chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, and with lights tastefully arranged in various parts of the room, which was elegantly decorated with flowers and evergreens. The orchestre (under the management of Mr. James Clarke, who acted as leader) was placed at one end of the room, elevated on a platform, ornamented with evergreens and a variety of flags. The music, which was excellent and spirited to the last, and provided from Maitland, consisted of first and second violin, violoncello, flute, and trombone . . .
CLARKE, Percy (Percy CLARKE)
Musician, professor of music
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1865 (shareable link to this entry)
Ballarat and Ballarat district directory (1865), 57, 183
Professors of Music . . . Clarke, Percy, Scott's Parade . . .
CLARKE, William (William CLARK; William CLARKE; Mr. CLARKE)
Amateur bellringer, change ringer, former convict, carpenter
Born Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, 24 February 1792
Convicted Surrey Quarter Sessions, Croydon, England, 23 August 1821 (7 years transportation)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 20 May 1822 (convict per Phoenix, from Portsmouth, 5 January)
Died Hobart, TAS, 1 August 1877, aged "85/86" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Bells and bellringers (generic)
"Assize Intelligence . . . SURREY. CROYDON. AUG. 24", British Neptune [London, England] (26 August 1821), 7 (PAYWALL)
Joseph Cook, John Chapman, and William Clark were indicted for stealing, on the 24th of June last, in the parish of St. John, Shad Thames, 25 bushels of wheat, value 7l., and also a quantity of oats, the property of Messrs. Hayes and Wheeler warehouseman. Mr. Arabin appeared for the prisoners, and Mr. Turton stated the case for the prosecution; he called James Grady, a watchman, who stated he was going his rounds near the premises of Messrs. Thomas, Shad Thames, (which adjoins those of Messrs. Hayes and Wheeler) on the 24th of June last, at three o'clock in the morning; he heard a noise on the roof of Messrs. Hayes and Wheeler's premises, which aroused his suspicions; he procured a ladder and ascended the building, when, with the assistance of other watchmen, he secured the Cook and Clark; Chapman made his escape, but was taken shortly after near the sput. Mr. Wheeler said, his premises had been robbed of a quantity of wheat, and the samples produced were part of his stock of wheat which was in bulk in his warehouses. Several witnesses proved the same facts. Mr. Justice Burrough summed up the evidence, and the Jury instantly found all the prisoners Guilty. The learned Judge sentenced them to be transported for seven years.
Convict record, William Clarke, per Phoenix, 1822; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1380805; CON23-1-1-P073; CON31/1/6$init=CON23-1-1-P073 (DIGITISED)
No. 460 / Clarke William / 5 ft 6 / [aged] 30 / Corn Porter / [tried] Croydon / 23 Aug't 1821 / 7 [years] / Phoenix 1822 / . . . [born] Bury St. Edmunds . . .$init=CON31-1-6p159 (DIGITISED)
no. 460 / Clarke Wm. / Phoenix 1822 / Croydon 23 Aug't 1821 - 7 [years] /
Transport'd for "Felonry" / Gaol report "Character Bad" . . .
Oct 20 1821 . . . 50 lashes / Dec. 8 1821 . . . 50 lashes / Sept 18 1827 . . . 25 lashes . . .
"LOCAL", The Tasmanian Tribune [Hobart Town, TAS] (25 February 1876), 2
No doubt many wondered yesterday afternoon at hearing a merry peal rung out from the bells of Trinity. We ascertained that it was done in honour of the 84th birthday of a former member of the society, Mr. Clarke. The old man was present in the belfry, and seemed highly delighted to hear the bells ringing in his especial honour.
ASSOCIATIONS: Trinity Amateur Ringing Association (association)
"TRINITY CHURCH BELLS", The Mercury (25 February 1876), 2
At five o'clock yesterday afternoon the bells of Trinity Church were rung in honour of the 84th birthday of Mr. Clarke, a former member of the T. A. B. Society. Mr. Clarke was in the belfry at the time, and was delighted at being thus honoured.
"DEATHS", The Mercury (2 August 1877), 1
CLARKE. - At his late residence, Harrington-street, after a lingering illness, Mr. William Clarke, in the 86th year of his age. His funeral will leave his late residence on Saturday, at 2 o'clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
See also death record; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1226633; RGD35/1/9 no 641
"DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT", The Mercury (4 August 1877), 2
Our obituary columns to-day contain the announcement of the death, in his 86th year, of Mr. William Clarke, who carried on the business of undertaker, at his late residence, Upper Harrington-street. We have since been informed that Mr. Clarke has resided in this city for 55 years, having arrived from England in 1822, in the ship Phoenix the first. Mr. Clarke was well-known in connection with the Trinity Church bellringers, having been associated with that body since its origin.
Bibliography and resources:
Patricia Jane Graham, Church and community: the changing social role of Holy Trinity Church in Hobart, 1833-1945 (Ph.D thesis, University of Tasmania, 2015), 176 and following (on the bells), especially 217 (DIGITISED)
Musician, professor of music, organist, pianist, musicseller, music and instrument seller, piano tuner and repairer, gold broker
Born Cockermouth, Cumbria, England, 8 July 1802; baptised St. Peter, Liverpool, 18 December 1812 [sic]; son of William CLARKE and Sarah WOODBURN
Married Mary HEAP (1806-1867), Christ church, Hunter Street, Liverpool, England, 12 January 1826
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 11 April 1841 (per Argyle, from Liverpool, 7 November 1840)
Died Prahran, VIC, 13 April 1866, aged "64/65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLARKE, William (William CLARKE, junior; W. CLARKE)
Musician, organist, pianist, professor of music, piano tuner and repairer, gold broker
Born Liverpool, England, 1827; baptised St. Peter, Liverpool, 23 May 1827; son of William CLARKE and Mary HEAP
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 11 April 1841 (per Argyle, from Liverpool, 7 November 1840)
Married Jane ROADKNIGHT (d. 1914), Melbourne, VIC, 1847
Died Williamstown, VIC, 25 February 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLARKE, Henrietta (Henrietta CLARKE; Miss CLARK; Mrs. George VICARY)
Amateur musician, pianist
Born Liverpool, England, 1828; baptised St. Peter, Liverpool, 9 October 1828; daughter of William CLARKE and Mary HEAP
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 11 April 1841 (per Argyle, from Liverpool, 7 November 1840)
Married George VICARY (d. 1897), St. Peter's church, Melbourne, VIC, 17 March 1851
Died Taradale, VIC, 21 December 1865 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

William Clarke, senior, Melbourne, c. 1860
Baptisms, St. Peter, Liverpool, 1812; register 1789-1812; Liverpool Record Office, 283 PET/1/7 (PAYWALL)
Born 8 July 1802 / Baptised 18 December 1812 / William / Son of William Clarke, Roper Maker, Leece Street, and Sarah Woodburn
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Christ Church in the county of Lancaster in the year 1826; bishop's transcripts, 1820-29, page 6; Lancashire Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 19 / William Clarke / of this parish of Liverpool / Professor of Music /
and Mary Heap / of this parish of Liverpool, Spinster & minor
Were married in this church by licence with consent of Samuel Heap lawful father of the said minor
this [12 January 1826] in the presence of Alexander Clarke, Ann Heap, William Bickerstaff . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish church of St. Peter, Liverpool, in the county of Lancester, in the year 1827; register 1826-27, page 253; Liverpool Record Office, 283-PET-2-13 (PAYWLl)
No. 2018 / [1827 May] 23rd / William / [son of] William & Mary / Clarke / Seymour St. / Musician . . .
? [News], Liverpool Albion [Lancashire, England] (27 May 1833), 5 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Clarke requests us to contradict the statement which appeared in the Saturday's Chronicle, that he had resigned the situation organist at Sefton Church, and that a person had been appointed in his stead.
[Advertisement], Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser (15 July 1834), 1 (PAYWALL)
MR. CLARKE begs to inform his Friends an the Public that his ACADEMY will be Reopened on MONDAY, the 21st instant.
He also takes this opportunity of informing them that he has several excellent Cabinet and Square PIANOFORTES,
by the first London Makers, which he is determined to dispose of at very Reduced Prices.
"St. Mary's, Edge-hill", Liverpool Mercury (16 January 1835), 6 (PAYWALL)
A new organ, built by Messrs. Bewsher and Fleetwood, of this tows, was opened at this church on Sunday last. This instrument, in fineness of tone, is not surpassed by any in the town, and is only equalled in depth of bass by those in the Roman Catholic Chapels of St. Patrick and St. Anthony, to both of which it is superior in having a double row of foot pedals. The speaking length of the largest pipe is 19 feet, and the inside diameter upwards of fourteen inches square. We understand Mr. Clarke is appointed organist.
[Advertisement], Liverpool Telegraph (11 January 1837), 1 (PAYWALL)
MR. CLARKE begs to inform his Friends and Pupils, that his ACADEMY will be RE-OPENED To-morrow (THURSDAY), the 12th instant.
An elegant CHAMBER-ORGAN on Sale.
"DIED", Liverpool Mercury (17 March 1837), 3 (PAYWALL)
Yesterday, after a long a painful illness, aged 6 years, Alfred Woodburn, son of Mr. Clarke, professor of music, Norton-street.
A course of counterpoint and fugue by L. Cherubini . . . translated by J. A. Hamilton (London: R. Cocks & Co, 1837), ix (DIGITISED)
SUBSCRIBERS . . . Clarke, Mr. W., Organist, St. Mary's Church, Liverpool . . .
Melbourne, NSW (VIC) (from 11 April 1841):
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (28 April 1841), 2
MUSIC, MR. CLARKE, Professor of Music,
respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Melbourne and its neighbourhood, that he gives instruction on the Pianoforte, Organ, and in Singing.
His terms may be known at his residence, No. 3, Cleveland Terrace, Eastern Hill.
Schools attended. Mr. C. has for sale, several excellent fine toned Pianofortes. Pianofortes tuned and repaired.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (26 July 1841), 3
MONSIEUR GAUTROT HAS the honor to announce, that a
Concert of Vocal and instrumental Music will take place this Evening, the 26th instant, at the Lodge Room of the Royal Exchange Hotel,
at seven o'clock, under the especial patronage of The Lodge of Australia Felix.
Upon this occasion, a number of gentlemen Amateurs have kindly tendered their powerful assistance.
Overture (full Orchestra) - GAUTROT.
Masonic Glee "Hail, the Craft" - PANCY.
Duett (Piano and Violin) - HERZ et LAFONT.
Witches' Glee - M. P. SANDS. [King]
Air - (Madame Guutrot), a la Catalani (accompanied by Mr. Clark on the Piano) - RHODE. [Rode]
Variations on the Violin - AMATEUR.
Waltz - (By Amateurs), on two Violins, Flute, Clarionet, Violincello, Bassoon, Trombone, two Cornets, double Bass, arranged by M. Gautrot.
Military March (full Orchestra) - GAUTROT.
Romance du pre aux Clercs, (Madame Gautrot) - WILDE.
Air - (With variations by M. Gautrot) - DE BERIOT.
Air - (Pianoforte And Flute) - AMATEURS.
Air - Du Proscrit (Md. Gautrot) - AUBER.
Finale - God save the Queen.
Mr. CLARK will preside at the Pianoforte.
Tickets - 10s. 6d. each, to be procured at the Royal Exchange Hotel; Kerr & Holmes' Book and Stationery Warehouse; and of M. Gautrot.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Madame Gautrot (violinist and vocalist)
"MUSIC", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (2 August 1841), 2
We have been requested to direct attention to tire advertisement of Mr. Clarke, in another column, by which it will be perceived that he still continues the practice of his profession. Gentlemen having a taste for vocal music will be enabled to improve themselves by attending a class Mr. C. has formed for instruction in glee singing.
[2 advertisements], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (2 August 1841), 3
MUSIC. MR. CLARKE begs to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Melbourne and its neighbourhood that he has removed from Cleveland Terrace to Richmond Cottage,
corner of Swanston-street and Flinders-lane, where he continues to give instructions on the Piano Forte and in Singing, -
and where are also on sale several excellent fine-toned Piano Fortes, and a variety of Piano Forte Music,
consisting of pieces by different authors, Overtures, Duetts, Waltzes, Quadrilles, Songs and Glees.
GLEE CLASS. MR. CLARKE has the honor to inform the Gentlemen Amateurs that his Glee Class will commence their studies on Tuesday evening at seven o'clock.
The terms are Two Guineas for the season, payable in advance.
"MUSIC", Port Phillip Gazette (7 August 1841), 3
We point public attention with much pleasure to the notice of Mr. Clarke, (contained in our advertising columns) that a Glee class has been "duly formed" in Melbourne. The numerous amateurs now resident amongst us, required but this incentive to practice, without which it is hardly possible to give proper effect to Glee singing.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (8 November 1841), 3
Musical education. MR. CLARKE, professor of music, continues to give instructions on the piano forte, and in singing either at his own or his pupils' residences.
Mr. C. has had long experience in his profession in one of the largest towns in England, where he had many excellent performers in the first families,
as well at in the most respectable ladies' boarding schools, and where the best amateurs,
as well as many in the profession have benefitted by his knowledge in the theory as well as in the practice of music.
Parents and guardians would do well to avail themselves of such an opportunity of getting their children well and properly taught.
He would strongly recommend such to have their children early taught to sing, as a most delightful and healthy exercise, and one which affords them great pleasure.
Terms - payable in advance - may be known by applying at Richmond Cottage, corner of Swanston and Flinders-lane.
Mr. Clarke has on sale a great variety of music consisting of songs, glees, pieces for the piano forte by different authors, overtures, quadrilles and piano forte duetts, Mozart and Haydn's masses.
He has also on sale a splendid 6 3/4 octave mahogany cabinet piano forte, with columes and French polished, by one of the first London makers.
Parties wishing to dispose of their instruments cannot do better than place them with him for sale,
at the same time the public may rest assured he will offer no instruments for sale but such as will be well recommended.
Piano fortes tuned, and carefully and properly repaired. November 4.
"ST. JOHN'S DAY", Port Phillip Gazette (1 January 1842), 3
The anniversary of the Masonic Tutelar Saint [27 December] passed off with the accustomed ceremonies . . . The festival followed at the hour of seven p.m., and was held at the Lodge Room of the Royal Exchange, about sixty of the fraternity having assembled upon the occasion . . . All the toasts were accompanied by Glees or Songs, which were performed in exquisite style. Monsieur Gautrot attended and performed a Fantasia on the violin upon one string, accompanied by Brother Clarke on the piano, which was received with well merited applause. It is almost needless to add that the whole entertainments passed off with the utmost harmony and conviviality.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (1 January 1842), 2
Musical Education. MR. CLARKE will resume his professional duties after the vacation on Monday next, 3rd January.
"WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOL", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (31 March 1842), 3
The proceedings of the Third Anniversary of the Melbourne Wesleyan Sunday School, commenced on Sunday, 27th March . . . The congregations were large and attentive . . . During the services the children sung several chaunts and hymns appropriate to the occasion, in a delightful manner, under the conduct of Messrs. Clarke and Peers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Jones Peers (amateur musician); Music in Wesleyan churches (general)
"CHURCH VOCAL MUSIC", Port Phillip Gazette (2 April 1842), 3
The Wesleyan congregation in Collins-street, are daily making great improvements in the character of their Church music, vocal as well as instrumental; on Easter Sunday the anthems, Te Deum and the Jubilate, followed by the Easter anthem, were executed with great effect by the children of the Sunday school connected with the Chapel; Mr. Clarke, the musician, to whose training they do great credit has been assisted by Mr. Peers, on whom the praise of originating these performances chiefly devolves.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (21 April 1842), 3
MR. TEGG, HOBART TOWN, has just received a large assortment of SACRED MUSIC, from the works of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Handel, and others;
and as many of these are large works, he has been advised to put them in LOTS, varying in values from £20 downwards, and offer the same to the public by tickets at 30s. each.
Parties who know, and can appreciate the works of the above GREAT MASTERS, would do well to avail themselves of such an opportunity, as probably so valuable a collection may never again be offered.
Every information concerning this music can be had at Mr. Tegg's Stationery Warehouse, Hobart Town, or from his agent, Mr. Clarke, Professor of Music, Swanston-street, Melbourne, where tickets are now on sale.
Early application is necessary, as the drawing will take place on the 21st of MAY NEXT.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Augustus Tegg (importer, bookseller); Art unions (musical)
Kerr's Melbourne almanac and Port Phillip directory for 1842 (Melbourne: Kerr and Thompson, 30 April 1842), 333
Leader - Mr. Charles Beswicke.
Conductor - Mr. William Clarke.
Treasurer - Mr. John Jones Peers.
Secretaries - Messrs. Benjamin Heape and William Dredge.
The Harmonic Society meets every Thursday evening, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Beswicke (amateur);
Benjamin Heape (amateur);
William Gilpin Dredge (amateur);
and see also "THE CHRONICLES OF EARLY MELBOURNE . . . by Garryowen [ = Edmund Finn]", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (23 June 1883), 3
In 1841 was established the first musical combination, viz: - The Melbourne Harmonic Society, with the following office-holders - Leader, Mr. Charles Beswicke; Conductor, Mr. William Clarke; Treasurer, Mr. John Jones Peers; Secretaries, Messrs. Benjamin Heape, and William Dredge. They met every Thursday evening, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Collins street, and their role was select sacred music performances, or rather private rehearsals, but the effort did not come to much.
And see also The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 488 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (2 June 1842), 3
UNDER MASONIC PATRONAGE. THEATRE. ( Licensed for charitable and benevolent purposes.)
THE Public are respectfully informed, that on THIS EVENING, June 2nd, 1842,
will be represented, Planche's celebrated Historical Drama, Charles the Twelfth; OR, THE SIEGE OF STRASBURG . . .
After which, A Musical Melange, Under the superintendence of BRO. W. CLARKE.
Song, "The Squatters" - AMATEUR.
Comic Song (in character) - MR. BUCKINGHAM.
Jim Crow (in character) - AMATEUR.
Tho whole to conclude with . . . the highly amusing farce of Mischief-Making; OR, THE WASHERWOMEN.
With all the original Songs and Choruses . . .
In the course of the piece, a Comic Medley Parody of the most popular old ballads, by Mr. Buckingham . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham (actor, vocalist, theatre manager); Pavilion Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[2 advertisements], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (4 July 1842), 3
Seminary for Young Ladies. MRS. CLARKE begs to inform the ladies of Melbourne,
that it is her intention to open a Seminary for a limited number of young ladies on Wednesday, the 13th July.
Terms may be known at Mr. Clarke's, Music Academy, Richmond Cottage, Swanston-street.
MUSIC. MR. CLARKE will resume his professional duties after the winter vacation, on Monday the 11th July.
Mr. C. is now prepared to form a Singing Class of little ladies and gentlemen;
he is also anxious to form a Glee Class, and as the terms (payable in advance) will entirely depend on the number offering for each class,
he will be glad to receive the names of all who may he desirous of availing themselves of such an opportunity as early as possible.
Mr. C. has on sale a great variety of printed Music, consisting of Songs, Glees, Sacred Music, Masses, Piano Forte pieces by various authors, P. F. Duetts, Overtures, Waltzes and Quadrilles.
Teachers and Governesses will find much excellent teaching music in this collection, among which are
CRAMER's celebrated Instruction Book, KALKBRENNER'S New Method, HERZ's Exercises, and CZERNY'S masterly School for the Piano Forte, in two volumes, the only copy in these colonies.
Piano Fortes on sale or hire. Piano Fortes tuned. Music Academy, Richmond Cottage, Swanston-street.
"To the Editor of the . . .", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (29 August 1842), 3
SIR, - I am sorry that you were not furnished with a full and correct account of the organ for the chapel earlier;
but it did not occur to me that the public would take so much interest in it.
From the annexed scale may be formed some idea of its magnitude, when it is known that each of the stops numbered 1 and 2, &c., in the organs,
are rows of pipes extending from one end of the instrument to the other - with only one exception, that of the flute in the choir;
and also of the quantity of mechanism required in the different coupling movements and composition pedals named therein.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient servant.
The organ expected daily for the Wesleyan Chapel in Colins-street, has three rows of keys for the different organs, viz: great, choir and swell.
The compass is from G G (including G E) in the bass to F in alt., in all 59 notes.
There is also another set of keys for the feet called pedals. The stops are as follow: -
In the Great Organ. - No. 1 - Metal open diapason. 2 - Ditto smaller ditto ditto. 3 - Stopped ditto. 4 - Principal. 5 - Twelfth. 6 - Fifteenth.
7 - Sesquialtera or 4 rank mixture. 8 - Trumpet.
The Choir Organ. - No. 1 - Dulciana. 2 - Stopped diapason. 3 - Principal. 4 - Twelfth. 5 - Fifteenth. 6 - Flute to 4 feet C.
The Swell Organ. - No. 1 - Open diapason. 2 - Stopped ditto. 3 - Claribella. 4 - Principal. 5 - Twelfth. 6 - Fifteenth. 7 - Hautboy. 8 - Trumpet.
Pedals. - Two octaves of large open diapasons, from C C C 16 feet to C 4 feet.
There are coupling stops to couple the pedal keys to the great organ, or to the choir organ. A coupler for the great organ and swell. Ditto for ditto and choir.
Ditto for the choir and swell. Also a set of composition pedals for different mixtures.
"NEW ORGAN", Melbourne Times (1 October 1842), 2
We mentioned in a late number that a splendid organ was daily expected from London for the use of the Wesleyan congregation in this town. We have the pleasure of informing our readers that the instrument has arrived by the Tuscan, and a building is being erected for its reception at the rear of the new chapel, Collins-street. It is 17 feet high, 13 feet wide, and 10 feet deep. We understand Mr. Clark, the celebrated musician, has been engaged to preside at the instrument, so that in a short time we may calculate upon a rich treat of this soul inspiring music.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Port Phillip Gazette (16 November 1842), 3
We are much gratified at finding that a body of gentlemen in this town have already enrolled themselves as members of a Philharmonic Society, having for its object the encouragement of both vocal and instrumental music in this province. At the one or meetings already held, several concerted pieces as well as glees were performed in a highly creditable manner, taking into consideration that the society is almost entirely composed of amateurs. Being, however, conducted and aided by the powerful talents of Mr. Clark, Professor of Music, a rapid improvement in the performances may be anticipated. Looking back at the extremely low ebb to which this delightful science has hitherto fallen in this colony, it is to be hoped that the formation and practice of this body may prove of essential service in promoting music in every branch, and that the society may shortly be able to vie with similar institution in the mother country.
ASSOCIATIONS: Probably correctly Melbourne Harmonic Society, as above, but see also Philharmonic society below
"THE WESLEYAN ORGAN", Port Phillip Gazette (3 December 1842), 2
This noble instrument is at last erected in the organ gallery, which has been recently built for its reception, and, independent of its rich and racy tones, is altogether a very handsome piece of furniture. The instrument was furnished to order, by Nicholson, of Rochdale, a maker of no mean repute, and contains twenty-five stops, with two octaves of German peddles: it has also three distinct rows of keys for the swell, choir, and great organs: and the manner in which it has been put up, redounds infinitely to the credit of Mr. Hurlestone and his compeers. It is the intention of the Wesleyan body to open this organ on the evening after Christmas day, with a grand oratorio, consisting of selections from the most celebrated sacred compositions of Handel, Hadyn, and Mozart, the whole of which will be performed by the chapel choir, assisled by amateurs, who are now practising under the professional eye of Mr. Clark, the organist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Nicholson (Rochdale organ builder); Peter Hurlstone (organ builder); the event was postponed to January due to warping of some of the large pipes caused by extreme heat in December
"COLONIAL INTELLIGENCE. MELBOURNE", Portland Guardian (31 December 1842), 3
The Organ Committee of the Wesleyan Chapel have fixed upon Monday fortnight 9th January, for this grand festival to take place. For several weeks past preparations have been made under the able superintendence of Mr. Clarke, to bring out the vocal talent of the province on the opening of the new organ, but difficulties, which are now happily overcome, stood in the way. Several amateurs of first-rate talent have volunteered their services, and as the selections are from the admired sacred music of Handel, Haydon, Mozart, and other eminent composers, the public may expect a rich treat. Mr. Clarke, the talented organist, will preside at the new instrument . . . - Herald.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (7 January 1843), 1
GRAND ORATORIO, UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HIS HONOR THE SUPERINTENDENT C. J. LA TROBE, ESQUIRE, Who has signified his intention of being present with his family.
MISCELLANEOUS SELECTION of SACRED MUSIC, from the works of HANDEL, HAYDN, MOZART, And other eminent composers,
ON MONDAY, THE 9TH JANUARY, 1843, CONDUCTOR, MR. CLARKE, Who will preside at the Organ,
OVERTURE to the Messiah - Handel.
RECITATIVE, Comfort ye my people - Ditto.
ARIA, Every valley - Ditto.
CHORUS, And the glory of the Lord - Ditto.
ORGAN PIECE, Nachspiele (By Mr. Clarke) - Rinck
ARIA, With verdure clad - Haydn.
RECITATIVE, And God said - Ditto.
RECITATIVE, In splendor bright - Ditto.
CHORUS, The Heavens are telling - Ditto.
AN ANTHEM (By R. Wainwright)
DUETT, I heard a great voice
SOLO, And I saw one like the Son of Man
CHORUS, I am he that liveth
GRAND CONCERTO, Organ (by Mr. Clarke) - Rinck
AN ANTHEM, (by Dr. Clarke)
CHORUS, Oh! praise God
SOLO, Praise him in the sound
SOLO, Praise him on the cymbals
CHORUS, Let everything that hath breath
QUARTETT, Kyrie eleison - Mozart
CHORUS, Gloria in excelsis - Ditto
PASTORAL SYMPHONY (by desire) - Handel
ARIA, Now Heaven in fullest - Haydn.
RECITATIVE, And God created man - Ditto
ARIA, In native worth - Ditto.
FINALE, Hallelujah chorus - Handel.
Doors to be opened at half-past seven o'clock, and the performance to commence at eight o'clock precisely.
The following gentlemen have consented to act as Stewards on the occasion:
Family tickets, 10s. 6d. each, and Single tickets 12s. 6d.
To be had at the Newspaper Offices: from Mr. Ker, Jun., Stationer; Mr. Cooper, Druggist; Mr. Wilson, Druggist; and Mr. Dredge, Collins-st.;
Mr. Harrington, Druggist, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Clarke, Professor of Music, Swanston-street and at Geelong, from Mr. Harrison, Post Office.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles La Trobe (superintendent)
MUSIC: I heard a great voice as of a trumpet (Richard Wainwright); from 36 Nachspiel (by Christian Heinrich Rinck, composer)
"THE ORATORIO", Port Phillip Gazette (11 January 1843), 2
The occasion of opening the splendid new organ at the Wesleyan Chapel took place on Monday evening. The selections were chiefly from Handel and Mozart. As the vocal part was sustained entirely by amateurs we refrain from too nice criticism, but justice requires us to say that the whole passed off remarkably well, and did the performers great credit. The chorusses, particularly "The Heavens are telling" and "Gloria in excelsis," were sung with great precision and excellent effect. The organ fully equals the expectations formed of it, but its power was somewhat decreased by ornamental drapery on each side of it, and in the piano tones there occurred now and then a hardness (so to speak), which, however, will probably wear off with use. The instrument was admirably played by Mr. Clarke, whose execution of the pastoral a symphony, from the Messiah, delighted the whole audience. His Honor the Superintendent, his Worship the Mayor, with their respective families, and a large and highly respectable audience, attended the performance. The decided success of the first oratorio will, we trust, induce a repetition.
"THE ORATORIO", Melbourne Times (14 January 1843), 3
There was a Grand Oratorio on Monday evening last, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Collins-street, when the new organ, purchased for that chapel, was opened . . . The musical selections were from the first Masters, and were admirably performed. We cannot praise too highly the Grand Concerto by Rick [sic], performed by Mr. Clarke on the organ. The vocal department, which was composed chiefly of amateurs, was sustained with great spirit. Altogether, the entire thing passed off very harmoniously.
"MELBOURNE . . . THE ORATORIO", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (28 January 1843), 3
. . . The pieces selected for performance were from Handel, Mozart, and Haydn; and, considering that the performers were amateurs, except Mr. Clarke under whose very able management the whole was conducted, exceedingly well executed. Mr. Clarke's performance on the organ, whose rich and deep tones he so well succeeded in drawing forth, was the admiration of all, as well as the pieces sung by Dr. Sandford and Mr. Pullar. The choruses sung by Messrs. Heape and Vaughan, together with the performance of Miss Gale and Miss Edwards, gave general satisfaction. On the whole, this, the first Oratorio got up in the province, went off in a manner highly creditable to all concerned, and for the taste of selection, and mode of execution, could not be exceeded in either Sydney or Hobart Town . . . - Herald.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Pullar (vocalist); Charles Vaughan (vocalist)
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Port Phillip Gazette (22 March 1843), 2
Mr. CLARKE'S CONCERT took place last evening. The overtures from Masaniella, and La Gazza Ladra were admirably executed; as was the solo on the piano by Mr. Clarke; though the selection of the latter was not well suited to a miscellaneous audience. The vocal parts of the concert were equally well sustained, and the amateur who sang "The three ages of Love" displayed a clearness of enunciation which the others will do well to emulate. Mr. Clarke was justly encored in "The Pirate Crew," and the whole performance passed of with the greatest eclat. We were happy to observe his Honor Mr. La Trobe, his Worship the Mayor, the Mayoress, and a very numerous assemblage present on the occasion.
"PUBLIC CONCERT", Melbourne Times (25 March 1843), 2
On Tuesday evening last [21 March], Mr. Clarke, Organist, gave his first public concert in the large room of the Mechanics' School of Arts, which was magnificently illuminated on the occasion by three superb lamps. Mr. Clarke was assisted by the instrumental and vocal performers of the Philharmonic Society, who tendered their services for this evening, as an acknowledgment to that gentleman of the high estimation they had of his abilities. The programme presented a most tempting list of overtures, glees, duetts, and songs, the greater part of which were admirably executed. Auber's overture to 'Masaniello' really went off as if performed 'by clockwork,' nor must we omit to recur to the delightful manner in which Lover's morceau 'The three ages of love' was sung. Mr. Clarke was very successful in the 'Pirate Crew,' and was deservedly encored; De Begnis' celebrated laughing glee brought down thunders of applause, appealing as it did most forcibly to the risible propensities of the audience - ah! ah! The concert terminated with 'God save the Queen,' sung verse and chorus and accompanied by the full band. As near at we could guess, we should think that about one hundred and seventy ladies and gentlemen were present, amongst whom we observed his Honor the Superintendent, His Worship the Mayor, (by whose permission and under whose patronage the concert was given,) Aldermen Russell, Mortimer and other members of the corporation. To the honor of Mr. Clarke and his musical friends who assisted him, it should be recorded, that taking the whole of the pieces collectively into consideration, so rich a musical treat has never before been presented to the lovers of melody in Melbourne, and we can only reiterate the feeling of many of our fellow citizens in hoping it will not be long before Mr. Clarke enables us to enjoy another such an agreeable evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Philharmonic Society (1840s association); Mechanics Institution (Melbourne venue)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Port Phillip Gazette (13 May 1843), 2
The first Quarterly meeting of this Society was held on Wednesday evening, in the Mechanics Hall, upon which occasion about two hundred and fifty of the elite of Melbourne were present . . . Being entirely an amateur performance, with the exception of Mr. Clark, who presided at the Pianoforte, it is but justice to state, that there needs not the usual plea for exemption from criticism; for as far as the execution was concerned, the most fastideous would fail to censure. The only faults, if they can be so termed, being a deficiency of a few base wind instruments, and the selection of pieces of music that are only adapted for the ear of science. "Symphonies" and most "Senatas" are too erudite to please the public taste. Those selected upon the present occasion were doubtless executed in first-rate style, but failed to elicit that applause which attended the "Overtures," although it must be admitted that Der Freizchutz and Otello both from the manner in which they were executed and the character of the compositions, would in competition cast almost all others beyond the radius of comparison. The songs and glees introduced in relief to the instrumental performances were well chosen, being universally admired, and were deservedly applauded, especially, the songs of "Sisters of Acheron," and "Dermoc Astore." The Madrigal "Down in a flowery Vale" required the addition of a treble voice to give it due effect and the "Tableau" would have received thereby a decided improvement . . .
"SINGING", Port Phillip Gazette (23 August 1843), 3
We understand Mr. Clarke, the professor of music, is about to establish a singing class in Melbourne. The first meeting of this class will shortly take place in the Mechanics' Hill.
"MR. CLARKE'S CONCERT. DIFFERENCE OF OPINION", Port Phillip Gazette (11 October 1843), 2
The following account of the Concert conveys our own and a correspondent's view of the performance: -
OUR OWN. In noticing the performances of Wednesday evening last, we regret we cannot congratulate Mr. Clarke upon the sterling success of his exertions.
Whether the price of admission influenced the attendance or not, we are unable to determine, but merely express a hope that any future soirée musicals will meet with, a more extended patronage . . .
In consideration of the paucity of professional talent in Melbourne, and the great difficulty under which Mr. Clarke would labour if unsupported, several amateurs,
well known and admired in the musical circle of Melbourne, most generously came forward and offered their services . . .
The opening overture, Le nozze di Figaro [sic], for three pianofortes, gave universal delight, and was played with an expression and brilliancy that would have done honor to the Hanover Rooms.
"The Knight that came," a quartett sung by amateurs, was executed in a style and correctness that would be creditable to practiced professionals.
"When time hath bereft thee," from Auber's opera of Gustavus, was sung by Mr. Clarke, and favorably received;
the singer was not no happy in his management of this song, and seemed to produce the higher notes with difficulty and labour.
"Vadasi via di qua," a laughing trio, by De Begnis and written for his own buffa style, proved so innocuous to the audience, that their laughs insensibly produced a sort of chorus.
The overture to Masaniello, on three pianofortes, was brilliantly executed, and received repeated applause;
this pleasure was, however, more than counterbalanced by the performance of that injudiciously selected and unattainable song of Purcell's, "Mad Tom,"
which, like his "Soldier tired," is calculated rather to exhibit the extent and power of the voice than its more pleasing qualities.
Mr. Clarke's success in fantasia by Kalkbrenner again redeemed the day, and the introduction of the simple melody of Robin Adair,
with variations, gave the performer ample opportunity of displaying a spirit and delicacy of finger which did full justice to the merits of the composition.
There are few audiences who would have failed to encore the piece, however de gustibus, &c . . .
The glee of "Old King Cole" closed the entertainments, and was equally well sung with the preceding ones.
The room appeared to contain about £30.
OUR CORRESPONDENT'S. This very able professor of music presented to the public, on Wednesday evening last, a rich treat, and the lovers of harmony were highly delighted. True it is that the means and appliances were not so large as those we witnessed at Mr. Clarke's former concert, but this alone evinces the triumph of Mr. Clark's genius over difficulties which would render the exertions of any but a master of his art powerless. Loder's celebrated song of "The brave old oak," was sung with a freedom and power by Mr. Clarke that came home alike to the ear and heart. A duet for two performers, or one pianoforte, was exceedingly effective. The old glee "To all you ladies" was also sung very sweetly. This was followed by the famous comic trio by De Begnis, "Vadasi via di qua," and the singing laughter of the parties who executed it told admirably. We were particularly struck with friend Clarke's manner and appearance. He evidently enjoyed the thing as much as his auditors, and he sung it throughout with the true spirit of a fine and hearty boon companion. The second part commenced with Auber's celebrated overture to the opera of "Masanielle," which was most charmingly executed by Mr. Clarke, assisted by Miss and Master Clarke, on three pianofortes; and we do not know that we were ever more delighted, even when we have heard the famous pianist Scapper, assisted by two of his ablest pupils, execute the same rich and varied composition. In the song "Mad Tom," by Purcell, Mr. Clarke displayed great power and compass, and gave it very effectively; but the song is a must difficult and trying one, and really requires every sort of voice: and it would seem that the gifted composer was determined to try how few professors would be able to sing it. Of this few, however we may safely say Mr. Clark is one. A solo on the pianoforte by Mr. Clarke, in which the dear old air of "Robin Adair" was introduced, was played with a feeling and delicacy most touching. We wish we were at liberty to name the amateurs who so greatly contributed to the evening's amusement, but we are compelled to sing their praises to the tune of "Oh no we never mention them." A lady gave a sweet song very sweetly, but had we the honor of her acquaintance, we would recommend her not to be so afraid of the sound of her own voice, which is a very melodious one. Mr. Clarke is as good a neighbour and friend as a professor of music; and we feel sure our friends in Melbourne will mark their sense of his merits by that patronage he so greatly deserves.
MUSIC: Grande fantaisie sur l'air écossais Robin Adair (Kalkbrenner); Mad Tom (attributed to Purcell); and see also a Mad Tom (shorter version)
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (18 November 1843), 1
SINGING, On the celebrated Wilhem System, as taught by Mr. Hullah in London, and throughout England.
MR. CLARKE has been induced, at the solicitation at several of his friends, to introduce the above system of singing into Melbourne;
and is now forming a class of little Tuesday and Friday afternoons, at three o'clock. as convenient.
N.B. - singing on the above system is taught daily at Mrs. Clarke's Seminary. Swanston street, October 30.
ASSOCIATIONS: Guillaume Louis Bocquillon Wilhem (French singing instructor); John Hullah (English singing instructor); Hullah issued the first edition of his Wilhem's method of teaching singing, adapted to English use in 1841; see here for a later edition; bust see also A few words on Hullah-ism (1843)
"MUSIC", Port Phillip Gazette (2 December 1843), 2
We beg to call the attention of our readers to the late advertisements of Mr. Clarke, professor of music, intimating to the public that he has opened a class for the tuition of children of both sexes, during the day, and for adults every evening. Independently of the accomplishment being a graceful and delightful one in itself, it should be considered in its equally important bearing as a most beautiful exercise, and as conducive to the general vigour of the system as any other physical exertion, and this is proved by the well ascertained fact that almost all public singers who have given themselves fair play by moderately abstaining from dissipation, have lived to good old ages the same may also be remarked of public speakers. Notwithstanding the constant excitement and the varied atmosphere of the various assemblies, attended by both of these classes of persons, they still appear to enjoy their "days as long in the land," if not longer, than any other class of individuals. Of Mr. Clarke's talents and acquirements in his profession, there can be no doubt and the very moderate charge of one guinea per quarter from each pupil would lead us to hope that there exists sufficient taste in the mind of our fellow towns men for the enjoyment of this innocent and elegant accomplishment, to ensure Mr. Clarke a remunerative patronage.
"MR. CLARKE AND HIS PUPILS", Port Phillip Gazette (10 January 1843), 2
In pursuance of Mr. Clarke's advertisement, inviting the public to witness the success of his pupils in the art of music, as taught by him on the Wilhem principle, the Mechanics' Institution, despite the unfavourable state of the weather, was crowded at the appointed hour. We have seldom beheld a more interesting spectacle than that exhibited by the master and his pupils on this occasion. The case and self-possession of these young persons, and the truly wonderful proficiency they displayed, could only be acquired by the willing application of the pupil and the most untiring diligence on the part of the master. Mr. Clarke prefaced the matter by explaining the principles of the system on which he taught, and remarked generally on the benefits to be derived from the science. The passion for music and musical instruction was, he said, now so prevalent in England, that the Primier, Sir Robert Peel, and Lord Wharncliffe had lent all the sanction of their names, and the power of their position to promote its cultivation, being satisfied with its humanizing influence, its moral tendency and physical effect on the body of the people. It had always been observed, he said, that where this art was prevalent, the civilization of the people was equally apparent. The Wilhem system was calculated to make the pupil thoroughly acquainted with the principles and ground-work of music, and when any person had fully understood and gone through his method, he or she might be esteemed a perfect musician. The system laid down that the learner should be made perfectly conversant with each step as he proceeded. Mr. Clarke then entered into a full and minute explanation of the elementary principles of his art, particularising the importance and time of each note, as also the method he took to impress it on the minds of his pupils. Numerous diagrams were appended to the walls, explanatory of the system under which he instructed, particularly the musical "ladder," showing by distance the relative formation and connection of notes. This diagram merely illustrated the matter in the key of C natural. It could of course have been drawn in any other key the lecturer thought proper. He then explained the qualities of the notes with respect to time, which his pupils illustrated by "sol fa"-ing to different time also marking or counting it by moving the arm. After a variety of exercises, in which these young persons evinced surprising correctness and proficiency, they sang from score a very pretty song (written by Abbot) in a most faultless manner. The song was encored. Next followed an air written by Lord Mornington, in B flat, in which the time changes, and a difficult minor is introduced. We confess that when the children arrived at the first bar of this passage we were apprehensive of finding them at fault, but with surprising correctness and ability they sang every note with a truth commendable to more practised hands. Vociferous applause ensued, and continued for some time, during which Mr. Clarke explained to his pupils, in a most appropriate and simple manner, the meaning of the audience. The song was then repeated. "God save the Queen" concluded the scene, in which Mr. Clarke and his pupils were kindly assisted by there [sic] gentlemen present. The reader may imagine it not to be a matter of much astonishment to hear young persons sing correctly under the tuition of a professor who can drill any succession of notes into the memory, by repetition and attention, in a space of some months; but had he seen mere children, barely escaped from infancy, singing from note, counting correctly, with every tone in perfect time, and those children thus perfect from six weeks tuition, he would be apt to form a widely different opinion. From what we have heard of Mr. Clarke's manner in instructing his pupils, (we do not augur from what some might imagine to be the "holiday" manner of a public exhibition,) we should anticipate the most favourable results. He appears to treat them with all the consideration of a parent, while they look up to him with the confidence of a friend. As to the method of his instruction, the moving principle is that which is best employed with youth, where judgment and thought are barely awake; we mean the mere mechanical acquirement of the elementary principles, such as to be able to read music correctly, without understanding the exact science of its construction, or the principles of "thorough bass."
"MELBOURNE . . . MR. CLARKE'S MUSICAL PARTY", Geelong Advertiser (11 January 1844), 3
. . . After a few judicious prefatory remarks by Mr. Clarke, the pupils, "little ladies and gentlemen," as he termed them, proceeded to execute under his direction, the exercises which they had been studying, consisting of solfeggios, in unison and in harmony, several canons, Lord Mornington's well known glee, "Here in cool grot," Attwood's "Hark! the Curfew," and closed with "God Save the Queen." The surprising progress during the short space of six weeks, excited the astonishment of all present; the truth of intonation, he attention to time, and evident proof that they understood and felt what they performed, surprised and delighted in an equal degree, and the enjoyment which the little performers derived from their parts, added in no small measure to the pleasing effect of the scene . . . - Herald.
"MR. CLARKE AND HIS PUPILS", Port Phillip Gazette (4 May 1844), 2
The second public examination of Mr. Clarke's pupils, in the science of music, as taught by this gentleman on the Wilhem principle, came off at the Mechanics' Institution, on Wednesday last. The attendance of the public on the first occasion was flattering in the extreme to Mr. Clarke, and his exertions on the day mentioned attracted an assemblage of more than two hundred and fifty persons. Before the exercises of the day commenced, the professor read a short essay on the advantages to be derived from the science, morally and physically, and repeated a short analysis of the system given on his opening day. He explained that the exercises were probably not the most taking for an audience, but for the explanation of the system, and as a demonstration of its success, their performance was essential. The opening or introductory lessons were similar to those on the first occasion, exhibiting the voice as independent of instrumental music, and depending on a knowledge of the mechanism of music, or rather of its fundamental construction and principles, than on a natural taste or correct ear. The exercises, of course, related wholly to time, the pupils singing from score or large musical diagrams; they were all performed with a correctness so creditable to the pupil and the master, that we know not to whom we should award the "palmam qui meriut." On one side was evidence of the greatest indefatigability to instruct, and on the other, more than the industry and intelligence usually displayed by children of the tender years forming Mr. Clarke's pupils. At the conclusion several glees and catches were sung by the learners, assisted by several musical amateurs, who were not only admirers of the talents of the professor, but of the system he has introduced. Lord Mornington's glee, "Here in cool grot," was not sung better than on the former trial, when it elicited universal applause. Several of the voices, however, were fuller and improved in strength and steadiness of tone by practice since the last occasion; "Hark, the Curlew," by Attwood, we had also heard before; it was now given in bolder style as confidence had evidently been acquired. When Mr. Clarke announced the next performance to be Sir John Stevenson's beautiful composition, "Hark, the vesper hymn is stealing," we imagined from the large scale required that such young voices would be unequal to the compass; three months ago they decidedly would have been, but in this instance the performance when concluded, was greeted with a prolonged and well merited expression of approbation; the minor bars which are not only peculiar in time but melody, were capitally executed. A very sweet glee, by Blockley, "List 'tis music stealing," concluded the exhibition; and being simple in its melody and score, was quite within the powers of the singers. We cannot conclude our remarks without observing that Mr. Clarke has been the first introducer of this system into any of the British Colonies, and has set an example which will, doubtless, find imitators. Music has for the last fifty years formed an essential branch in the education of the other sex; it has, however, with in the last few years changed its character as an accomplishment, having emancipated itself from a kind of tinsel taste into a sterling art, to which point Mr. Clarke endeavours to direct his pupils' abilities. His Honor Mr. La Trobe and his Worship the Mayor were present and publicly complimented the professor in his exertions and success. We were glad to see his class had considerably increased in numbers.
"THE CONCERT", Port Phillip Gazette (3 August 1844), 2
On Thursday a public concert was held at the Mechanics' Institution, the proceeds of which are to be added to the fund already created from other sources for the support of the sufferers shipwrecked in the Isabella. The instrumental music was chiefly selected by Mr. Clarke, the amateurs choosing their own songs. At an early hour the hall began to fill, and before half-past eight o'clock the room was thronged to suffocation. Among the visitors present we observed His Honor the Judge and nearly all the elite of the town. The opening overture to Masaniello was beautifully performed, and decidedly the best performance of the evening. Of the instrumental pieces generally we think that they were not the happiest selection for a mixed audience, being more calculated to interest a professional person than those who love "the concord of sweet sounds," and prefer them to the most brilliant execution of difficult works. Several glees and catches were sung by amateurs, assisted by Mr. Clarke's pupils, and received well merited applause. Mr. Clarke's "Mad Tom" was performed with great force and vigour, and considering the voice required to do it justice, we are of opinion that he did more than could have been expected. A catch by Webbe, entitled "Would you know," kept the audience in fits of laughter. The overture (Mozart) which concluded the first part of the evening's entertainments was executed with a talent and taste not often heard from amateur performers; the leader, particularly, delighted the audience by making his instrument (violin) do ample justice to the genius of the composer.
The second part opened with Weber's overture to Der Freischutz; in this piece also the room rang with continued applause. The glee, "When winds breathe soft," by Webbe, was not equally successful with the other performances; some of the parties appeared to be suffering from cold - it was evident that the exertions in the first part of the programme had somewhat distressed their voices. The most admired song was one entitled "The Owl," and was sung by an amateur, who possesses a very powerful barritone - clear, round, and full in every tone; he had also the advantage of accompanying himself, and was consequently enabled to humour his style and voice. A vociferous encore ensued, and the gentleman again went through his performance with equal success. A quartett, arranged by Hummell, on a work of Mozart's, was the next performance. Of this we would observe, that a professional listener would have been more pleased than the generality of parties composing a mixed audience. A solo, "Friend of the brave," by Calcott, was sung by a well known and talented musical amateur; and in addition to the real beauties of the song, the music served to display more cultivation of voice than any other performer whom we heard. De Begnis' laughing chorus of vadasi via de qua (the stock piece of all amateur concerts that have as yet appeared in Melbourne), kept the audience in laughter throughout its performance, and the concluding bars were completely buried by the tumult of laughter created. About three hundred of the elite of Melbourne were in attendance. We have been informed that the sale of tickets amounted to about £40.
ASSOCIATIONS: See on the "WRECK OF THE ISABELLA", Geelong Advertiser (4 July 1844), 2
MUSIC: Probably a movement from Hummel's arrangements of Mozart's late symphonies for piano, flute, violin, and cello
[2 advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (7 August 1844), 3
has been formed in Melbourne for the instruction of youth in the usual branches of a Classical, Literary, Scientific, and Mercantile Education . . .
Head Master - Mr. Wm. Brickwood . . . Music Master - Mr. Clarke.
Yarra House Establishment, For the Education of Young Ladies,
MR. & MRS. CLARKE respectfully inform their numerous friends and the public,
that they have taken the large and spacious mansion in Flinders-street, known as the Yarra House,
in which they propose to take a limited number of Young Ladies to board and educate on the most moderate terms . . .
SINGING will form part of the daily school business, on the system so much approved by Her Majesty's Government,
and so successfully introduced throughout Great Britain by Mr. Hullah of London, by which a thorough knowledge of the science of music will be obtained.
The musical department will be under the superintendence of Mr. Clarke, who is desirous of forming classes to play in concert, also to study the theory of music . . .
[Newss], Morning Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (9 November 1844), 3
His Grace Archbishop Polding read Mass in St. Francis' Church [Melbourne], last Sunday forenoon . . . Yesterday [Monday], Confirmation was administered in St. Francis' Church to 312 persons, composed both of young persons and adults. High Mass was sung by the Bishop of Adelaide assisted by the Rev. Mr. McEncroe as deacon, and the Rev. McEvey as sub-deacon; and Mr. Clarke, with several members of the Philharmonic Society, were present, who contributed their vocal assistance on the occasion, which, blended with the sacred service of the church, contributed much to heighten its solemn and devotional effect. As on the preceding day, so on this, the church was crowded in every part . . . - Port Phillip Herald.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Bede Polding (cleric); Francis Murphy (cleric); John McEncroe (cleric); St. Francis's church (Melbourne)
"ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY", Port Phillip Gazette (4 December 1844), 2
The annual dinner of the St. Andrew's Society was held on Friday last, in the hall or the Mechanics' Institution . . . The more heavy business of the evening having concluded about nine o'clock, the cloth was removed, and the no less agreeable and lighter duties inseparable from the occasion, were ushered in by the President proposing in rotation, after a few happily chosen prefatory remarks, the loyal and stock toasts of "the Queen," "Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and the other members of the Royal Family," and the "Army and Navy," all of which were received with the most unequivocal demonstration of the most loyal enthusiasm, Messrs. P------, S ------, and S -------, amateurs, accompanied by Mr. Clarke on the piano, singing "God save the Queen," and "Rule Britannia," the beautiful and correct execution of which being equally admired and applauded, and the band, under the very able management of Mr. Richards, performing the "Duke of York's March" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Augustus Richards (musician)
{Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette (11 January 1845), 3
MUSIC ACADEMY. MR. CLARKE respectfully informs his Friends that the summer vacation will end on Monday, the 13th January, when his various Music Classes will resume their studies.
Terms for the Pianoforte or Singing, may be known on applying at the Yarra House, Flinders-street.
N.B. - Parties desirous of disposing of their Pianofortes, may meet with ready sale by sending them to the Music Academy.
BOARD AND EDUCATION FOR YOUNG LADIES. MRS. CLARKE'S Seminary for the education of young ladies will re-open ou Monday, the 13th January, 1845 . . .
"NEW MUSIC", Port Phillip Gazette (26 March 1845), 2
We beg to call the attention of our readers to a most valuable collection of new music now on sale, at Mr. Clark's stationary warehouse, Collins-st.
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Port Phillip Gazette (30 April 1845), 2
Mr. Clarke the celebrated teacher of music, is, we are happy to say, about to form a society for the purpose of singing; we shall give a detailed account of his plan in a future publication, and now add that we approve of the scheme which will be an excellent thing for the town.
"DIED", Port Phillip Gazette (17 May 1845), 2
On Thursday, at half past nine o'clock, Emilie Woodburn Clarke, aged 7 years and a half, second daughter of Mr. William Clarke, Professor of Music.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (18 July 1845), 3
THE Gentlemen Amateurs connected with the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, having been applied to . . .
in the QUEEN'S THEATRE (the proprietor, Mr. Smith, having kindly offered the use of the same for the purpose,)
On FRIDAY, the 18th JULY next . . .
Mr. Coppin has also most liberally offered the gratuitous assistance of the musical portion of his Launceston Company.
The services of Mr. Clarke have likewise been secured, who will preside at the Pianoforte.
PART 1st.
Overture - "Zampa." - HEROLD.
Duet - "Comrade, your Hand," (from the "Bohemian Girl" - BALFE.
Song- "Dear Maid," (from "Joan of Arc") - BALFE.
Glee - "Discord, dire Sister". - WEBBE.
Duet - "Violoncello" and Pianoforte.
Song - "The Heather Hills" - GEIKS.
Scene - "For thee hath Beauty," from Oberon, (with orchestral accompaniments) - WEBER.
Song - "Wanted a Governess" - PARRY.
Overture - "Semiramide" - ROSSINI.
PART 2nd.
Overture - "Men of Prometheus" - BEETHOVEN.
Song - "Non piu andrai" - MOZART.
Glee - "Return blest Days" - J. S. SMITH.
Song - "Sister Dear," (from "Masaniello") - AUBER.
Fantasia - Pianoforte - KALKBRENNER.
Song - "Some Love one Day," from Der Freischutz, (with orchestral accompaniments) - WEBER.
Glee- "Come Live with Me" - WEBBE.
Duet - "When a little Farm we Keep," (with orchestral accompaniments) - PARRY [sic, Mazzinghi].
Overture - "Masaniello" - AUBER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (actor, manager); Joseph Megson (violinist, leader of Coppin's band); John Thomas Smith (theatre proprietor); Queen's Theatre (new Melbourne venue)
"PORT PHILLIP, HOSPITAL CONCERT", Commercial Journal and General Advertiser [Sydney, NSW] (30 July 1845), 3
The concert for the benefit of the Melbourne Hospital, given by the gentlemen amateurs of the Philharmonic Association, strengthened by the very liberal assistance of the musical portion of Mr. Coppin's Company, took place on Friday evening under the direction of Mr. Clarke. The lovers of music, we presume, anticipated a treat, for, not withstanding the very unfavourable state of the weather, not only the boxes but the approaches were before the hour announced for the commencement filled, by the most distinguished portion of our community, including his Honor the Judge, lady and family, his Worship the Mayor and lady, &c., &c.; the pit and gallery were less numerously but very respectably peopled. The selection containing several novelties; and, particularly among the vocal pieces, consisted of music of a higher class than has hitherto been adventured on in Melbourne; the manner in which it was received shews that the good taste of the public had not been miscalculated. The overtures were performed with a brilliancy and taste that proved the performers felt and understood their parts, and with a precision and unity greatly to the credit of the director; a remark which will equally apply to the glees and concerted pieces. The gratification of the audience was unequivocally expressed by repeated encores of the songs, and by the general wish at the close of the performance that it had lasted "half an hour longer." Mr. Clarke played Kalkbrenner's celebrated variations of "Rule Britannia" with great effect, and Mr. Coppin, with Mrs. Rogers, con vulsed the house with laughter in the comic duet "Wheh a little farm we keep;" in alluding to which we must not omit Mrs. Roger's "Wanted a Governess." The institution on behalf of which this very praiseworthy exertion lias been made, will, we are happy to learn, benefit to the extent of fifty or sixty pounds after all expenses are paid. - Port Phillip Herald.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Rogers (actor, vocalist)
MUSIC: Variations on Rule Britannia (Kalkbrenner)
"Port Phillip. ST. FRANCIS' CHURCH", Morning Chronicle [Sydney, NSW] (5 November 1845), 3
This place of worship was opened by a solemn service at eleven o'clock on Thursday last; the very Rev. Mr. Geoghegan officiating, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Walsh, the Catholic incumbent of Geelong; Mr. Clarke presided at the seraphine, while in the vocal line some gentlemen amateurs kindly and liberally volunteered their valuable assistance - a circumstance which must place the Catholic community under the most grateful obligations to them . . . Several highly respectable families attended, though differing in creed from their Catholic brethren; amongst them might be noticed his Worship the Mayor, Mayoress, Dr. Black and family, the family of Mr. Sidney Stephen, the leading members of the Jewish persuasion . . . P. P. Herald.
ASSOCIATIONS: Patrick Bonaventure Geoghegan (cleric)
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Argus (16 June 1846), 3
Music, Musical Instrument, and Stationery Warehouse.
WILLIAM CLARKE BEGS to announce to the public, that he has received by the "Eleanor Lancaster," (and will be landed in a few days,) a large supply of Musical Instruments, viz:
Cornopeans, Trombones, French Horns, Trumpets, Bugles; a great variety of Flutes, Fifes, and Violins, Clarionets, Violincello, and Hunting Horns.
ALSO, Violin pegs, bows, hair, necks, tail pieces, resin strings, and bridges, Trombone Mouthpieces, Bass Bows, &c., &c.
ALSO, New Quadrilles, Polkas, Waltzes and Gallops, Solos or Duets.
NEW SONGS, and every other variety of Piano and Instrumental Music.
Collins-street, June 15th, 1846.
"NEW MUSIC", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (2 July 1846), 2
Mr. W. Clarke, Collins-street, has received the mast extensive assortment of new Music ever imported into the colony - consisting of the newest and most popular songs, comic ditto, Polkas, Quadrilles, Waltzes, Glees, Trios, Duetts, &c. Also, a few of the Musical Annuals for 1846 - the Musical Bijou, with the majority of the songs, airs, scenes, &c., from Wallace's celebrated opera of "Maritana." The above are on sale at Mr. Clarke's Musical Warehouse. - Advertisement.
"THE COMING ELECTIONS", The Melbourne Argus (30 October 1846), 2
. . . It is in La Trobe Ward, however, that the great excitement exists. At the eleventh hour . . . Mr. Clarke, Professor of Music, has come forward and is cantering over the course at a remarkably easy course . . . Mr. Clarke's appearance has sadly disturbed this comfortable state of affairs, and, it seems, has induced a facetious friend of the angry editor to remark upon the singularity of a professor of harmony being the occasion of so much discord, a joke which has induced the rejoinder that the obnoxious candidate is only engaged in the way of his trade in beating the "Big Drum" . . .
Clarke was duly elected to the council over his rival O'Shaughnessy; see also in support of Clarke's candidacy, [Advertisement], The Melbourne Argus (30 October 1846), 3
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Argus (22 January 1847), 3
EDUCATION. Piano-Forte and Singing, MR. CLARKE, Professor of Music, respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has resumed his Tuition after the Christmas recess.
Terms may be known by applying at the Music and Stationery Warehouse, Collins-street. N.B. - Schools attended. 12th January, 1847.
"APPOINTMENTS", Geelong Advertiser (27 April 1847), 2
The Trustees of the Church of England have appointed Mr. W. Clarke, Jun. to the situation of Organist, and Mr. C. Bean to that of Sexton.
[2 advertisements], Geelong Advertiser and Squatters' Advocate (25 June 1847), 3
STATIONERY Music and Musical Instrument WAREHOUSE, MARRABOOL STREET, Next to Mr. Towle, Draper.
CLARKE & BEAVER BEG to inform the public that they have opened the above Establishment . . .
The Ladies Are especially invited to inspect their Stock, and they will also find an excellent assortment of
NEW MUSIC, Consisting of Songs, Valses, Quadrilles, Polkas, Pianoforte Pieces, and Overtures as Solos or Duetts.
ALSO ON SALE, Flutes, Fifes, Violins, Bugles, Hunting Horns, &c.
- Violin Bridges, Bows, Tailpieces, necks, Resin, Keys, and Strings.
To Violinists - They can especially recommend their Strings, being genuine Roman.
Schools and the Trade Supplied.
A CARD. Mr. W. CLARKE, Jun., QUADRILLE PARTIES ATTENDED. Terms may be known on application at the Warehouse of Clarke & Beaver.
[Advertisement], Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (21 July 1847), 3
The Performances will commence with THEODORE THE BRIGAND, OR THE MAIDEN OF CORSICA.
Dance - Mr. Harris. Song - Mr. Hambleton.
Naval Hornpipe - Monsieur Duvant. Song - Mr. Clarke . . .
Leader of Orchestra - Mr. Megson. J. T. SMITH, Proprietor.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Squatters' Advocate (13 August 1847), 2
BISHOP'S, Lord Mornington's, and Parry's Glees, in volumes; also Songs, &c., from the popular Opera of the Bondman, by Balfe.
Waltzes, Quadrilles, &c., and the MUSICAL BIJOU FOR 1847. N.B. - BOOKS BOUND
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Argus (7 September 1847), 3
NEW MUSIC, CONSISTING of a great variety of New Songs, from the latest Operas, Waltzes, and Quadrilles.
Piano Forte pieces, by different authors. The whole of Handel's Oratorios.
Hayden's Creation; Beethoven's Mount of Olives; Beethoven's Grand Mass in C.
Handel's Songs, newly arranged by Bishop, in books;
Lord Mornington, Parry, and Bishop's Glees;
Tallis' Cathedral Service; Charles; Kent's Anthems,
and a few of the gorgeously splendid Bijous for 1847,
"ST. FRANCIS' CHURCH", The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (29 September 1847), 2
A requiem mass was performed yesterday for Mr. O'Connell, at which a numerous and fashionable auditory attended. The musical arrangements were excellently conducted by Mr. Megson, and in the vocal department we recognised Mr. Clarke's voice predominent. A funeral oration was pronounced by the Very Rev. P. B. Geoghegan, in which he very warmly eulogised the subject of the service, exonerating him from all but perfectly upright motives, and extolled his adherence to the Catholic church. The service lasted about two hours, and although not more than perhaps half of the assembly were members of the congregation, the effect seemed gratifying to all.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel O'Connell (Irish national leader)
"MECHANICS' INSTITUTION", Geelong Advertiser (21 January 1848), 2
The annual grand meeting of this institution was held in the Theatre, on Tuesday evening last . . . With respect to the future operations of the Institution, the report stated "the subject of Lectures had engaged the attention of the Committee, and they were happy to announce that the following gentlemen had been communicated with and had consented (circumstances permitting) to deliver one or more, during the ensuing season, when, doubtless, the members will evince their appreciation of such efforts, by their unanimous attendance: Rev. A. Love, Introductory; William Clarke, Esq., on Music . . .
[Advertisement], The Melbourne Daily News and Port Phillip Patriot (20 October 1848), 3
Wanted. ONE or Two Female Singers for the Choir of a Protestant Church, in Melbourne. A very liberal salary will be given. Apply to Mr. CLARKE, Music-seller, Collins-street.
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (20 April 1849), 2
The musical treat, presented by the amateurs connected with the Mechanics' Institution, went off in the first rate style which we predicted . . . Mrs. Reynolds was suffering from a bad cold, but with her usual affability, did her best, rather than disappoint the large audience assembled, and was kindly accompanied on the piano by Mr. Clarke . . .
ASOCIATIONS: Mrs. Reynolds (vocalist); Mechanics' music class (association)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (26 June 1849), 3
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (12 July 1849), 1
Singing on the Hullah or Wilhelm System.
WM. CLARKE, (Organist of Christ's Church,)
WISHES to inform Members of the Congregation and others, that he has been kindly permitted to hold a class in the School House,
on Monday and Thursday evenings, of each week, for the above purpose;
in addition to which, and in the course of the system, will be introduced the method of Chaunting.
Quarterly tickets - 10s. 6d.
Persons desirous of becoming members will please let Mr. Clarke know as soon as possible,
by leaving a note at the "Chronicle" office, or by personal application.
"VOCAL MUSIC", Geelong Advertiser (11 August 1849), 2
Our attention has been called to this subject by the advertisement of Mr. Clarke, who, it will be seen, is endeavoring to form classes to be taught on the Wilhelm method . . . Since penning the above, we have been informed by the President of the "Juvenile Choral Society," (Mr. Fawcett) that Mr. Clarke's services have been engaged to go through Wilhelm's course with them.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Fawcett (instructor); Geelong Juvenile Choral Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 April 1850), 1
Account Books, Fancy Stationery, Music and Musical Instruments, Ex "Cornhill" and "Fanny."
WILLIAM CLARKE BEGS to announce . . . that he has just received by the above ships an immense increase to his great stock of Goods,
consisting chiefly of a very large and choice assortment of Account Books, Paper, Fancy Stationery,
Music, and Musical Instruments too numerous to particularise in an advertisement, but among which will be found the following, viz . . .
Flutes - Concerts, thirds, fifths, and octaves, from one to eight keys; box and cocoa woods
Flageolets - plain and tipt; one to six keys
Double Flageolets - eight and nine silver keys.
Clarionets - B and C, with six, eight, ten, and thirteen keys, with improved patent slide.
Clarionet mouth pieces and reeds
Violins - a great variety; Roman and English violin strings, violin pegs, bridges, tail pieces, finger boards, violin necks end bows
Violoncellos, tenors, strings and bridges.
Cornopeans, a silver valve Sax horn, and Hunting horns
Harp strings, Pandean pipes.
A large quantity of vocal and Piano Forte music.
Instruction Books . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 November 1852), 5
PIANOFORTES. Tuned, repaired, and regulated by MR. EDWARD POHLMAN, from Allison and Allison's patent pianoforte manufactory, London. Orders left at the shop of Mr. Clark, No. 67, Collins-street, west, will be punctually attended to.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Pohlman (pianoforte maker)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 April 1853), 3
AMOS RADCLIFFE, who arrived per ship Lady Head, last October, will hear of his brother Charles, at William Clarke's, gold broker, 67, Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Radcliffe (musician)
[Advertisement], The Age (4 December 1854), 1
ORGAN MUSIC. Bach's Fugues. Novello's Select Organ Pieces.
Rinck's Organ School. Rinck's Organ Pieces.
Mozart's Masses. Haydon's Masses. Beethoven's Mass in C.
Oratorio of "Jeptha" - Handel.
" "Samson" do. "Solomon" do.
" "Israel in Egypt" do.
" "Alexander's Feast" do.
" "Joshua" do.
" "Joseph" do.
" "Acis and Galatea" do.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Consisting of Violins, Tenors, Flutes, Fifes, and Clarionets;
Trombones, Saxe-Horns, and Cornopeans, Accordeans, Flutinas, and Concertinas, Piano Fortes,
on sale by WILLIAM CLARKE, 67 Collins Street, East.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (10 February 1855), 7
VIOLINS. A LARGE stock of VIOLINS, from 6s. and upwards. On sale by WILLIAM CLARKE, 67, Collins-street, East, Melbourne. Jan. 12.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 June 1856), 7
CHARLES WILKIE'S (late W. Clark's) Music Warehouse, 67 Collins-street. Established fourteen years. Near Swanston street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wilkie (musicseller, musician)
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (31 January 1861), 5
The adjourned annual meeting of the Philharmonic Society was held at the Mechanics' Institution yesterday evening, Captain Pasley, vice-president of the society, in the chair. About 60 members were present . . . The officers elected were as follow: President, Sir R. Barry; vice-presidents, Capt. Pasley, Mr. T. J. Sumner; treasurer (requested to act), Mr. E. Wyld; conductor, Herr Elsasser; organist, Mr. L. L. Lewis; committee, Messrs. W. G. Dredge, G. O. Rutter, J. Russell, E. Wyld, W. Clarke; librarian, Mr. S. Moxon . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Pasley (vice-president); Redmond Barry (president); Theodotus John Sumner (member); Charles Elsasser (conductor); Louis Lucas Lewis (organist); William Gilpin Dredge (member); George Oswald Rutter (member); John Russell (member); Septimus Moxon (member); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (association)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (20 February 1863), 5
A very successful "inauguration," to borrow the fashionable phrase, of the new organ erected in the Independent Church, Commercial Road, Prahran, took place last evening. The occasion was taken advantage of to supplement the fund already raised, by giving what proved to be one of the most satisfactory performances of sacred music ever attempted in the colony. The programme consisted of a well arranged selections of solos and choruses from Handel, Haydn, Mendelssohn and other great masters. The members of the Philharmonic Society kindly lent their aid, so that it is almost needless to say that, in conjunction with local talent, each part was admirably mirably sung, and loudly applauded by the large audience who attended, every vacant space in the church being taken up. Mr. C. E. Horsley and Mr. W. Clarke presided at the organ, Mr. Russell undertaking the duties of the baton . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (organist)
"NOTES AND NEWS", South Bourke Standard (8 December 1865), 2
A service in connection with the opening of the new organ at Christ Church, Hawthorn, took place last Friday evening. The church was well filled, most of the notabilities of Hawthorn, Kew, and the surrounding neighbourhood being present . . . Mr. W. Clarke, sen., presided at the organ, and gave full effect to the qualities of the new instrument; while the performance of some well-chosen anthems by the choir materially contributed to the enjoyment of the congregation. The organ was built by Mr. J. Moyle, of Prahran, and is an instrument of great power and purity of tone.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Moyle (organ builder)
"DEATHS", The Argus (22 December 1865), 4
VICARY. - On the 21st inst., at Taradale, Henrietta, the beloved wife of Mr. George Vicary, and eldest daughter of William Clarke, Esq.
"DEATHS", The Argus (14 April 1866), 4
CLARKE. - On the 13th inst., William Clarke, aged sixty-five years.
[News], The Argus (14 April 1866), 5
We have to record the decease of another old colonist, in the person of Mr. William Clarke, the gold-broker, of Elizabeth-street. Mr. Clarke arrived here some five-and-twenty years ago, and for a long period followed the practice of his profession, as a musician. As an organist, Mr. Clarke was for many years without a rival in Melbourne, and he was also well versed in the theory of music. Immediately after the gold discovery, Mr. Clarke commenced the business of a gold-broker, in which he has ever since been engaged. The deceased gentleman was much esteemed by all who knew him, for the simplicity of his character, and for his bon hommie and geniality of disposition.
"SUMMARY FOR EUROPE BY THE MADRAS", The Age (25 April 1866), 1 supplement
During the month an old colonist, whose name is intimately associated with one of our greatest producing interests, has passed away from us.
Mr. William Clarke, the senior partner of the firm of William Clarke and Sons, died at the age of sixty-five on the 13th inst.,
the immediate cause of death being aneurism of the aorta, the melancholy event being precipitated by violent spasms in the stomach,
with which the deceased gentleman was seized, a few hours before his death.
Up to that time he was in the enjoyment of his usual health and spirits.
Mr. Clarke was a native of Cockermouth, and was educated for the musical profession.
Up to his latest hour he was affectionately devoted to music in all its forms, but especially to the organ, upon which instrument he was one of our most accomplished performers.
In Liverpool he was organist at the Edgehill Church, of which the then incumbent was Dr. Barker, now Bishop of Sydney.
Mr. Clarke brought his family to Victoria (then the district of Port Phillip) in 1841.
For some time he continued to teach music, and the first organ ever imported was planned by Mr. Clarke.
But, as is not unusual in new countries, Mr. Clarke gradually became interested in commercial pursuits, and with success.
He was one of the first buyers of gold after its discovery here, and opened a melting and assaying establishment.
In one shape or other, a very large proportion of the entire gold yield of the colony has passed through the hands of his firm.
Through this, and a general connection with mining, Mr. Clarke's name became a household word wherever the digger pitched his tent.
His directness and simplicity of character won for him general respect and confidence.
He was of genial disposition, and his uniform cheerfulness attracted a wide circle of friends, who regarded him with strong personal affection.
Mr. Clarke was formerly a member of the city council of Melbourne, and at the time of his death was a councillor of the borough of Prahran, where he resided.
The interment was attended by an unusually large assemblage of friends;
and some of the leading members of that profession to which Mr. Clarke was so enthusiastically devoted took part in an impressive musical service, Mr. C. E. Horsley presiding at the organ.
Of Mr. William Clarke it may with confidence be said that he leaves behind him hosts of friends and not one enemy.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Barker (Anglican cleric, incumbent of St. Mary's Edge Hill, Liverpool)
"DEATHS", The Argus (13 February 1868), 4
CLARKE. - On the 26th November, 1867, at Montreal, Lower Canada, Mary, relict of the late William Clarke, gold-broker, of this city, aged sixty-two.
"Deaths", The Argus (26 February 1883), 1
CLARKE. - On the 25th inst., at Williamstown, William Clarke, formerly of William Clarke and Sons, aged 56 years.
Bibliography and resources:
"THE CHRONICLES OF EARLY MELBOURNE . . . by Garryowen [ = Edmund Finn]", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (23 June 1883), 3
. . . In 1843, a Philharmonic Society was started, but was not so successful. Yet in those early years very praiseworthy efforts were made, and amongst those who did good service in that way the most prominent names, were Messrs. William Clarke, John Pridham Smith, Frederick L. Clay, John J. Peers, C. J. Sanford, Charles Vaughan, and Joseph Megson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Pridham Smith (amateur, solicitor); Frederick Lord Clay (amateur); John Jones Peers (amateur); Charles John Sandford (amateur); Charles Vaughan (amateur); Joseph Megson (musician); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (1840s association)
The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 967 (DIGITISED)
. . . A well-informed correspondent writing from Geelong, has favoured me with the following: -
"The first choir at St. Francis', Melbourne, consisted of Dr. C. J. Sandford, with Mr. J. P. Smiths, Solicitor;
Mr. William Clarke, a music seller and music teacher, who kept a shop in Collins Street East;
and a fourth (F. L. Clay, another Attorney ?) whose name has passed from my recollection.
They were all "jolly good fellows," but better adapted to "trolling a catch" than chanting High Mass.
Vespers were not sung in those remote days.
Three or four young fellows - Tom Kennedy, Michael Lyons, Davy Hurley, John Cosgrave (late City Treasurer), John Mansfield, and James Reilly, determined to form a class.
One of the party was so eager in the matter that he sold his watch to pay his share of the expenses.
Their first attempt in the church was on the occasion of Archbishop Pohlding's first visit to Melbourne, when they were complimented by the Rev. Father McEvey, on having made "a precious mess of it."
They persevered, however, and with the assistance of a few ladies, got on very well.
After a little while "Micky Mac" picked up an old harmonium in some sale-room, and made it a present to the choir.
A Miss Lyons - now Mrs. Dutfoy (of Rokewood), sister to the late Mrs. Quirk, and a daughter of Peter Whelan (who once kept the Daniel O'Connell in Bourke Street, near the Post Office), with a few other ladies, joined.
J. Cosgrave, as well as singing, learned the harmonium from Mr. Clarke; besides which, he had McDonald on the cornopean, and P. Phelan, clarionet."
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cosgrave (pupil);
Alexander McDonald (cornopean);
see also "Memories and Musings", Advocate (15 January 1848), 12
"MR. A. E. CLARKE", Examiner [Launceston, TAS] (15 October 1906), 6
In the current issue of the "Stock Exchange Journal" there is an interesting sketch of Mr. A. E. Clarke . . . It says:-
"The father of Mr. A. E. Clarke, the late Mr. William Clarke,
was one of those enterprising spirits who ventured forth from the old country in the earlier half of the last century to lay the foundation of England's Empire beyond the seas in these latitudes.
Setting sail from Princes' Dock, Liverpool, on November 7, 1840, by the Argyle (Captain Battery), he,
with his Wife and family, arrived in New Holland, as it was then generally called, about the middle of April, 1841.
It was a far cry in those days from the Thames or the Mersey to the Yarra, and the characteristic grit, courage, and energy exemplified in undertaking the migration to this,
at that time, ultima thule, have certainly been inherited by the subject of our sketch, who, however, was not one of the family of five children leaving home in the Argyle,
but is an Australian native . . . born on June 11, 1843, in Flinders-street, just about where the Port Phillip Club now stands, within a stone's-throw of Princes' Bridge . . .
Mr. Clarke was educated first at Fraser's Academy . . . then at Mr. Mars-Miller's Academy. . . and finally at the Scotch College . . .
Leaving school a boy of 15, in 1858 he entered the office of William Clarke and Son, founded by his father in 1851, the leading gold buyers of the colony . . .
"Central Mission Gazette. The Diamond Jubilee. Wesley Church. No. 5, By A. J. Derrick. Wesley Church Organ", Spectator and Methodist Chronicle (18 September 1918), 933
The "Port Phillip Herald," of August 26th, 1842, contained the following: - "We were in error in stating, a few days back, that the Freemasons had purchased Mr. Clay's imported organ for 600 guineas, the price is 350 guineas. Our error arose out of our confounding Mr. Clay's organ with the one hourly expected to arrive for the Wesleyan Chapel, a drawing of which we have recently seen. This splendid instrument will cost 600 guineas, and is of immense power and architectural beauty. It is 17 feet high, and 13 feet wide, and 10 feet deep, and has four rows of keys. The music of the Wesleyan Church is superior to anything of the kind even attempted in Sydney, and as Mr. Clarke, the celebrated musician, has been engaged to preside at the new instrument, admirers of sacred music will soon derive a real and solemn treat by attending divine service at this place of worship" . . . Mr. W. Clarke, the first organist was a gold broker. He was an able musician . . .
"A Musical Pioneer! George Leavis Allan. By J. ALEX. ALLAN", The Argus (25 June 1932), 6
. . . On August 20, 1855, St. Paul's Church committee appointed Allan choirmaster and organist at the same salary as Russell, the retiring official. At this time Allan could not play the organ, but at the age of 27 he set out to learn. Let his diary tell its own story: - "I was allowed to engage an organist until I could play, and accordingly engaged first Mr. Ruxton, then Mr. Richardson, then Mr. Clarke; and on his leaving I resigned (as organist only) in favour of Mr. Russell on February 2, 1856. I returned £9 of the salary for the church debt fund, and paid rather more than the rest of the salary, during my appointment, in salaries to organist and singers, besides a contribution of £5 to the church debt fund, and £5 for the minister's stipend. Mr. Clarke refused to receive any salary for the time he had played, and as I would not keep the amount myself I devoted it to the pay of choir singers to the end of 1856. The sum was about £20" . . .
Enid Noel Matthews, Colonial organs and organbuilders (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1969), 72, 74, 111, 118, 119, 144
Graeme D. Rushworth 1988, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players, 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale & Iremonger, 1988), 54
Music and general publisher, music and general printer, naturalist
Born Staffordshire (Warwickshire), 1832; baptised, Cole Hill chapel (Presbyterian), Tamworth, 24 April 1832; son of William CLARSON and Ann ?
Married (1) Sarah BARRATT (c. 1828-1854), St. Peter's church, Dale End, Birmingham, England, 6 July 1850
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 25 May 1853 (per Caroline Chisholm, from Lonbon, 3 February, with wife and son, William Alfred)
Married (2) Caroline STABBACK (d. 1899), Melbourne, VIC, 10 July 1855
Married (common law) Annie CLAMPETT, by c. 1870
Died (suicide) Mildura, VIC, 30 December 1890 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarson, Massina, and Co. (firm); Clarson, Shallard and Co. (firm)
Children baptised by me from my coming to Tamworth on Nov'r 18th 1829 - John Owen; Cole Hill (Presbyterian) chapel, Tamworth; UK National Archives, RG4/2979 (PAYWALL)
April 24th 1832 William son of William and Ann Clarson Tamworth
England census, 30 March 1852, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2019 (PAYWALL)
Stafford Road / William Clarson / Head / 20 / Clerk Merchant's / [born] Stafford Tamworth
Sarah [Clarson] / Wife / 22 / Authoress / [born Stafford Tamworth]
Names and descriptions of passengers per Caroline Chisholm, from London, 20 January 1853, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Clarson Wm. / 21 / Warehouseman // Clarson Sarah / 23 / Wife // Infant / 1 . . .
Inquest, William Clarson, Mildura, 9 January 1891; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . William Clarson who committed suicide on the 30. 12. 90 . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 149 (Clarson, Shallard, and Co. [NSW]), 263-64 (Clarson, Massina, and Co.; Clarson, Shallard, and Co. [VIC]) (DIGITISED)
"Clarson, William (1832-1890)", Obituaries Australia
See also "Clarson, William Alfred (1852-1906)", Design & Art Australia online (DAAO) (NLA persistent identifier)
CLASEN, Madame and Miss (Madame and Miss CLASEN; Madame CLASIN)
2 musicians, vocalist, pianist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (6 October 1852), 5
We hear great things of the preparations for the Concert of tomorrow evening. The programme is not yet issued, but we understand that no fewer than four lady singers will appear, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Pellatt, a Madame Clasen, and a Miss Hall. Miss Clasen is to perform on the piano, as well as Master Stevens, who was so warmly encored on Thursday last, and the Concert is to be still further enriched by a German chorus or two, and by the efforts of a gentleman amateur. Herr Mater is very active and enterprising and deserves encouragement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Isabella Pellatt (vocalist); Miss Hall (vocalist, pianist); Master Stevens (pianist); Charles Mater (musician, conductor); Thursday concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (7 October 1852), 5
The following is the programme of the Concert for this evening:-
PART I. Grand Overture - No 2.
Song - Grecian Daughter.
Piano Solo - Carnival de Venice, Miss Hall.
Song - Oh, sing with me, Mrs. Pellatt.
German Chorus - Der alte der die stun den mist.
Scena - Non piu mesta, Madame Clasin.
Song - When the Swallow, Gentleman Amateur.
Ballad - Beautiful Spring, Mrs. Pellatt.
Sinfonia - Presto.
Vocal Duett - From our merry Swiss Home, Mrs. Testar and Miss Hall.
PART II. Overture - Lady of the Manor.
Duett - We come to thee, Savoy, Mesdames Testar and Pellatt.
German Chorus - Die Schildwache.
Ballad - Tartini's Dream. (Violin Obligato, Herr Mater,) Mrs. Testar.
Piano Solo - (By desire.), Master Stevens.
Song - The minstrel's harp, Madame Clasin.
Cavatina - Charming May, Miss Hall.
Finale - God Save the Queen.
CLAUS, Jenny (Jenny CLAUS; Madame PERNET)
Musician, violinist
Born Besançon, France, 24 November 1843; daughter of Sébastien CLAUSS (1808-1861) and Elisabeth HUTTIN (1813-1881)
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, 19 March 1873 (per Racer, from Mauritius)
Departed (1) Brisbane, QLD, 19 June 1875 (per R.M.S. Brisbane, for Batavia)
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, 14 September 1876 (per City of San Francisco, from Honolulu)
Departed (2) Sydney, NSW, 20 October 1876 (per City of New York, for San Francisco)
Married Auguste Charles PERNET, Paris, France, 2 June 1877
Died Namur, Belgium, 24 December 1907 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)

Jenny Claus, Ballarat, VIC, December 1874 (photo: William Bardwell) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Bardwell (photographer)
[News], The Argus (20 March 1873), 5
A fresh addition to the musical talent of the colony has just been made by the appearance of M. Rekel and Miss Rekel, and Miss Claus, who arrived from Mauritius yesterday, in the barque Racer. Each of the three has a specialty, Miss Claus having a reputation as a violinist, Miss Rekel as a vocalist, and M. Rekel as a pianist and composer; and from journalistic records in their possession, their performances in London, Paris, and elsewhere seem to have been meritorious.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph and Jeanne Rekel (accompanist, manager; daughter, vocalist)
"DEPARTURES", The Queenslander (26 June 1875), 12
June 19. - R.M.S. Brisbane, E. and A. Co.'s, 894 tons, Captain R. Balfour, for Keppel Bay, Bowen, Townsville, Cooktown, Somerset, Batavia, Singapore, and Hongkong. Passengers: . . . For Batavia . . . Mademoiselle Jenny Claus, Herr Rekel . . .
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", Australian Town and Country Journal (23 September 1876), 31
September 14, City of San Francisco, steamer, 3500 tons, Waddle, from San Franecisco 17th August, via Honolulu and Kaudavu. Passengers . . . From Honolulu: . . . Miss Jennie Claus . . .
"INTERCOLONIAL TELEGRAMS", The Mercury (27 October 1876), 4
The City of New York sailed to-day for San Francisco. Mdlle. Jenny Claus was a passenger.
Marriage, no. 350, Pernet et Claus, 1877; Archives de Paris, Actes de mariage (PAYWALL)
[2 June 1877] . . . Auguste Charles Pernet chanceleur de Consular Français . . . a Honolulu . . . et de Jenny Claus, artiste lyrique . . . [born at Besancon 24 November 1843 daughter of Sébastien Clauss and Elisabeth Huttin] . . .
"LOCAL BREVITIES", Los Angeles Herald [California, USA] (21 July 1878), 3
The San Francisco papers say that Madame Pernet, nee Jenny Claus, who is now in that city on route to join her husband at Honolulu, proposes, before sailing, to give a series of concerts in the principal cities of California. She will be assisted by Madame Coursen and will probably visit Los Angeles.
Bibliography and resources:
Jenny Claus, Geneanet
Freia Hoffmann, "Prins-Clauss, Clauss, Claus, Fanny (Françoise-Charles)", Europäische Instrumentalistinnen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, Sophie Drinkler Institut
Musician, pianist
Born Belgium, c. 1830
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 March 1854 (per Doctrina et Amicitia, from London)
Died Sydney, NSW, 2 June 1854, aged "24" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Wilhelmine Clauss (pianist, active in London c. 1852-54)
March 18. - Doctrina et Amicitia, Dutch ship, 650 tons, Captain Phaagsona, from London 25th November. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Osbourne and 2 children . . . Wieland . . . Chauss [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Ann Osborne (actors, manager); Thomas Steeden Wieland (comedian, circus performer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1854), 1
UNPRECEDENTED NOVELTY. - Preliminary Notice. -
Osborne's troupe of talented artists have arrived from London, per Doctrina et Amicitia . . .
Mr. J. Crosby, late stage director of the Strand Theatre; Wieland and Hernandez . . . from the Cremorne Gardens, and Drury Lane Theatre . . . Herr Leopald and Company . . .
Master J. Bradley, the infant vocalist; Madlle. Elise Clauss, the well known pianist from the Wednesday evening concerts, Exeter Hall . . . H. H. TWIGHT, agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Twight (agent)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (22 April 1854), 3
Malcom's Amphitheatre.
Last Night but One of their Engagement.
First appearance in the Colonies MADLLE. ELISE CLAUSS, The celebrated Pianist.
New Pieces and new Talent. An early application for Tickets is necessary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Malcom's Amphitheatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Illustrated Sydney News (29 April 1854), 10
ROYAL OLYMPIC ARENA, CASTLEREAGH-STREET. OPENS ON MONDAY, MAY 8th. Sole Lessee - Mr. R. J. Osborne . . . THE following is a list of Mr. Osborne's Troupe . . . and Mademoiselle Elise Clauss, from the Exeter Hall Concerts. Programme of Entertainments. Dramatic Pieces - Musical Farces - Panoramic and Dioramic Representations . . . Drawing-room Entertainments - Trapez Exhibition - Vocal and Instrumental Music - Shakesperian Readings, with illustrations, &c., &c. Prices: - Reserved Seats, 4s.; Side Boxes, 3s.; Pit, 2s. H. H. TWIGHT, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Olympic Circus (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 May 1854), 1
OLYMPIC ARENA, Castlereagh-street - Sole Lessee. Mr. R J. Osborne. - Open Every Evening during the week . . .
On THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Evenings, the entertainments will commence with a Grand Moving Panorama of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers,
with an an appropriate Lecture: Pianist, Mdlle. Elise Clauss.
After which . . . Serenading Melody by the Infant Bradley.
Song from a favourite opera, Mr. C. Johnson. Comic Melody, Mr. R. J. Osborne . . .
Duet, Concertina and Pianoforte, Mdlle. Elise Clauss and Mr. R. J Osborne.
"ROYAL OLYMPIC ARENA", Illustrated Sydney News (13 May 1854), 4
We were both surprised and pleased by a visit to this place of amusement, which was thrown open to the public on Tuesday evening. . . . We should be unjust if we omitted to notice the very striking pianoforte-playing, of Mdlle. Elise Clauss. This young lady possesses a real genius for music, and would be an acquisition to the most fashionable concert. She plays with taste and feeling, her execution is brilliant, and her touch is light, yet decided. Indeed, the pleasure of hearing Mdlle. Clauss's playing would alone be worth the price of admission. On the whole, we were highly pleased with the performances at the Olympic; and, as this new theatre becomes more generally known, we predict for it an increasing success.
"ROYAL OLYMPIC ARENA", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (20 May 1854), 4
We recommend those visitors and citizens who take delight in variety, and in the marvellous, to pay an evening's visit to the "Olympic," in Castlereagh-street, under the management of the merry and amusing Bob Osborne. The Moving Panorama, depicturing the most interesting American scenery on the banks of the famous Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, is a most attractive spectacle, eliciting general applause, and as the ever varying landscape moves across the stage, the strains of the most musical and popular American airs, add considerably to the interest which appears to be universally experienced by the audience, if we may take as criterions the unbroken silence while the Panorama is passing, and the loud plaudits at the conclusion . . . The musical accompaniments at the Olympic are very good, pre-eminent amongst them being the skilful piano-forte performance of the good-looking, good-tempered Miss Eliza Clauss.
"ACCIDENT AT THE OLYMPIC ARENA", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 May 1854), 2
On Monday evening, a few minutes prior to the commencement of the performances, Mademoiselle Elise Clauss, the pianiste, was being led across the stage to her seat at the piano by one of the persons belonging to the orchestra, when her muslin dress was accidentally set on fire in passing the footlights. She was instantly in a blaze, and rushed screaming distressingly through the theatre to the private residence of Mr. Osborne the Lessee. One of the performers, called Herr Leopold, had sufficient presence of mind immediately to clasp Mademoiselle Claus in his arms and roll over on a carpet, by which means he saved her at any rate from immediate death, although unhappily but faint hopes are entertained of her ultimate recovery. The garments were completely burnt to the very tapes and strings. Dr. Houston is in attendance upon the unfortunate young lady.
"INQUESTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1854), 2
. . . A fourth inquest was held yesterday, at the Three Tuns Tavern, corner of Elizabeth and King streets, on view of the body of Elise Clauss, then lying dead in the Sydney Infirmary.
Charles White, residing at Mr. Osborne's, in Castlereagh-street, deposed as follows:
Mr. Osborne is the lessee of the Olympic Theatre.
The deceased was pianist in the theatre; she was a foreigner (I believe from Belgium); she was 24 years of age; I am the agent for Mr. Osborne.
On Monday night week last, previously to the commencement of the performances, I as usual rang the bell for the musicians to go in;
immediately after ringing I saw the deceased at the ladies' dressing room ready to go in; I spoke to her and then went out;
I was in the act of going up the passage leading to Castlereagh-street, when I heard a cry of fire;
this was about ten minutes after my seeing the deceased;
I immediately rushed to the pit door, thinking the Circus was on fire, but finding that all right, I came out again, when I observed the dressing room much lighter than usual;
I hastened to the spot instantly, and met the deceased at the stage entrance enveloped in flames;
I instantly clasped her in my arms and threw her down on the floor, and rolled her over again,
by which means I succeeded in extinguishing the flames in about half a minute, but not before the deceased was severely burned.
She was attired in a light muslin dress with slight under-clothes; she was burned to the stays.
Medical aid was promptly sent for, and in a few minutes surgeon Houston arrived and applied the usual remedies.
The next morning it was thought advisable to remove her to the Infirmary, where she has been ever since.
Mr. Nathan, surgeon, deposed to the injuries sustained, when a verdict of accidental burning was returned.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nathan (surgeon)
CLAXTON, Catherine Ann (Catherine Ann CLAXTON; Mrs. William MOSS)
Amateur vocalist, choral singer, contralto vocalist, member Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society
Born c. 1838; daughter of Johnson CLAXTON (1806-1884) and Ann GURNEY (1806-1895) (m. St. Stephen, Norwich, 19 December 1831)
Arrived Geelong, VIC, 12 January 1855 (per Diligentia, from London, 12 September 1854)
Married William MOSS (d. 1877), Geelong, VIC, 27 April 1856
Died (murdered) Ballarat, VIC, 21 May 1870, aged "32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Stephen, Norwich, Norfolk; UK National Archives, HO107/1815/243/22 (PAYWALL)
St. Stephen's Street / Johnson Claxton / Head / Mar. / 42 / Stay Shop / [born] Norfolk Burnham
Ann Claxton / Wife / Mar. 42 / - / [born] London
Alfred Claxton / Son / Unm. / 16 / Apprentice / [born] Norwich
Harriet Claxton / Daur. / 14 / - / [born] Norwich
Catherine Claxton / Daur. / 9 / - / [born] Norwich
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine and Harriet were perhaps reversed here; according to her 1866 VIC death record, Harriet Amelia (Mrs. Richard Doolen) was born c. 1842
Names and descriptions of passengers per Diligentia, from London, 12 September 1854, for Geelong; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Claxton / Ann / 40 // [Claxton] Harriett / 17 // [Claxton] [unnamed female] / 16 . . .
"THE SACRED CONCERT IN AID OF THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTION", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (20 February 1856), 2
The Oratorio given by the Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society last evening, was in every respect successful. The large chapel in McKillop-street was crowded, most of the elite of Geelong being present; His Worship the Mayor and the Lady Mayoress amongst the number. The overture was very creditably performed by the orchestra, and the various recitatives and choruses were all admirably executed. Mrs. Testar was in capital voice . . . The air "Come unto Him" was beautifully sung by Mrs. Goodlifle, from Melbourne . . . "Behold a virgin shall conceive," was sung by Miss Claxton (a member of the Society) with praiseworthy effect; and the recitative, "He was cut off out of the land of the living," together with the air "But Thou didst not leave," performed by another young lady member of the society, whose name did not appear, were exquisitely sung . . . Mr. I'erson, the Conductor . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Anne Goodliffe (vocalist); Thomas I'Erson (conductor); Geelong Sacred Harmonic Society (association)
"MARRIED", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (29 April 1856), 3
On Sunday last, by the Rev. Samuel Hewlett, Mr. William Moss, of Union-street, to Catherine Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Johnson Claxton, Moorabool-street, Geelong.
"AWFUL TRAGEDY AT BALLARAT", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (21 May 1870), 3
. . . This melancholy affair will certainly cause great excitement in Geelong, where the unfortunate lady and her family were for years well known and greatly respected. For some considerable time, dating, we believe, from 1855, Mrs. Moss, then Miss Claxton, was one of the leading amateur vocalists in that town, and for some time was connected with the choir of the principal Baptist Church. She was also one of the best amateur contralto singers then in Victoria. She was also a member of the Sacred Harmonic Society in that town, and it was during her connection with that body that she made the acquaintance of Mr. Moss, to whom she was eventually married. Mr. Moss was then associated in business as a wholesale tinsmith with Mr. Bennett, a gentleman highly respected by his brother townsmen. A strange fatality seems to have attached to this ill-fated firm and family, for some few months after his marriage with Miss Smith (another member of the some musical society), Mr. Bennett was accidentally shot while in the height of enjoyment at a picnic at Mount Moriac. Shortly after this melancholy event Mr. Moss relinquished business in Geelong and left for Ballarat, at which place he has up to this time been carrying on a large business . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Music in Baptist Churches (general)
Inquest, Catherine Ann Moss, Ballarat, 21 May 1870; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
The inquest on the bodies of Mr[s]. Moss and the murderer Cook was held by Dr. Clendinmng at Cherry's Victoria hotel, Ballarat, near Mr. Moss' residence, on Saturday afternoon . . .
at the conclusion the jury, after about forty minutes' deliberation, returned the following verdicts:-
"We find that the deceased, Catherine Ann Moss, died on the 21st of May, 1870, at the residence of William Moss, 13 Armstrong-street, Ballarat,
and her death was caused by exhaustion from shock to the nervous system from excessive hemorrhage from a gunshot wound in the chest,
inflicted upon her by James Matthew Cook upon the same day and in the same place."
On the body of Cook the verdict returned was: -
"We find that his death took place on the 21st of May, 1870, at the residence of Wm. Moss, 13 Armstrong-street, Ballarat,
and was caused by shock to his nervous system with severe and extensive injuries to his skull and brain,
by a gun shot wound inflicted by himself on the same day and in the same place,
and we are of opinion that there has not been sufficient evidence before us to enable us to express an opinion as to the state of deceased's mind" . . .
"THE BALLARAT TRAGEDY. To the Editor of . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 May 1870), 5
SIR, - It is possible that many residents of New South Wales, and I am certain of many in Queensland,
who having resided in Geelong in 1853-4-5, and 1856, would not be aware that the unfortunate Mrs. Moss was the Miss Claxton of the Sacred Harmonic Society -
a circumstance with others, mentioned in the Melbourne Herald's report - but as I was the originator and conductor of that Society for several years,
I can vouch for the truths expressed in the said report.
I thought perhaps by using my name in connection with any further report might be of service to many in Victoria.
Yours, &c., JOHN ROGERS,
Secretary School of Arts.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Rogers (conductor)
CLAY, Frederick Lord (Frederick Lord CLAY; F. L. CLAY; death registered as Frederick Lord CLAYE)
Amateur musician, violinist, vocalist, importer of a pipe organ, leader of the first Melbourne Philharmonic Society (c. 1843-47), ? member of Melbourne Philharmonic Society (founded 1853), solicitor
Born Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, England, 30 March 1813; baptised 8 June 1813; son of Richard CLAY and Penelope PEMBERTON
Married Caroline Isabella SPENCE (d. 1905), Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, England, 24 December 1832
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 18 October 1840 (per London, from London, 23 June)
Died Toorak, VIC, 3 January 1885, aged "72/73" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, 1813; England, select births and christenings (PAYWALL)
8 June 1813 / born 30 March 1813 / Frederick Lord / son of Richard and Penelope / Clay
Marriages, Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, 1832; England, select marriages (PAYWALL)
24 December 1832 / Frederick Lord Clay / Caroline Isabella Spense
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser [Melbourne, NSW (VIC)] (22 October 1840), 2
October 18 - LONDON, barque, 388 tons, Gibson master from London 23rd June. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Clay and four children . . .
"Ship News . . . IMPORTS", Melbourne Times (23 July 1842), 2
22. - Platina, from London . . . 6 cases, Clay . . .
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Port Phillip Gazette (20 August 1842), 3
A splendid organ is daily expected from London for the Wesleyan chapel, Collins-street, and for which an addition will be made to the present building. The organ imported by Mr. Clay has been purchased by the Masonic body for £350.
[News], Port Phillip Patriot (2 January 1843), 2; transcribed Rushworth below
The splendid organ lately imported by Mr. Clay has been purchased on behalf of St. James' Church, and a collection is now being made to defray the expense. The organ is on too limited a scale to be very remarkable for power, but we certainly never heard a finer instrument.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. James's church (Melbourne); see also "MELBOURNE . . . ORGAN FOR ST.JAMES CHURCH", Geelong Advertiser (2 January 1843), 3
We understand a gentleman has purchased an organ for the use of St. James' Church for £100, and several members of that communion have resolved that he shall sustain no loss by the praiseworthy speculation, have set on foot a subscription to indemnify him from any loss in consequence, to which we invite the attention of the public generally.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 February 1852), 3
A LECTURE will be delivered before the members of the above Institution on
MUSIC (illustrated) by F. L. Clay, Esq., on Monday the 8th of March, 1852.
Mr. Clay will be assisted in the illustrations by Mrs. Testar and Mr. Buddee.
To commence at Eight o'clock, p.m. Non-members admitted by paying one shilling at the door.
WM. ROYCRAFT, Secretary. Feb. 24, 1852.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Julius Buddee (pianist); William Roycraft (secretary, c. 1813-1859); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue and association); Lectures on music (general)
"MUSICAL", The Argus (9 March 1852), 5
Mr. Clay's lecture upon music, last evening, was tolerably well attended, but not so well as it deserved, highly interesting as it was, and beautifully and skilfully illustrated by Mrs. Testar and Mr. Buddee. Of course in a single discourse upon the science of sweet sounds, the subject was necessarily treated in a sketchy and cursory style, but as much as could be condensed into one lecture was very ably given in a very pleasant and unassuming manner by Mr. Clay, and if no very important information was imparted, at all events an agreeable and elegant evening's amusement was provided, which was very highly appreciated by all parties present.
"A TREAT, INDEED", The Argus (1 June 1852), 3
The following programme has been issued for Mr. Clay's lecture upon Music to-morrow evening, at the Mechanics' Institution: -
Introductory Remarks - Early Sacred Music - Introduction of Music into the Church - Ambrose, Gregory, Palestrina, Rink, and Bach - Fugue.
Fugue Pianoforte - Rink.
Church Music at the time of the Reformation - Calvin - Music of the Protestant Church - Luther.
Luther's Hymn, Cornopean obligato - Luther.
New Era in Sacred Music - Handel - his career.
"I know that my Redeemer liveth," (from the Messiah) - Handel.
Succeeded by Mozart - his Career - Music of the Church of Rome.
Benedictus, four voices, Violin Obligato (Mass No. 12) - Mozart.
Contemporary Composers - Haydn - Beethoven - Cherubini.
Ave Maria - Cherubini.
Church Music in England from the Sixth Century [sic, ? 16th] - Ritual of the Church of England - Marbeck, Psalmody - English composers - Kent.
"Hear my Prayer" - Kent.
Mr. Clay will be assisted in the illustrations by Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Buddee, Cogdon, Wheeler, and Nicholson.
To those who has the pleasure of hearing Mr. Clay's last lecture upon the same subject it is unnecessary to give more than a hint that he is going to lecture again.
But those who did not hear the last lecture, may rest assured that they lost a very admirable essay upon a very interesting art;
and if they wish to make up for that loss, by listening to a discourse by a gentleman whose very evident enthusiasm aids very considerable intelligence,
and who take care to lend the seductions of most adequate illustration to the instruction conveyed by the lecture itself,
they should not neglect the opportunity presented to-morrow evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Cogdon (vocalist); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (cornopean player)
MUSIC: Fugue probably by Christian Heinrich Rinck (composer); Ave Maria (Cherubini); Hear my prayer (Kent)
"EVENING LECTURE", The Argus (4 June 1852), 2
The Mechanic's Institution was crowded to excess last night, upon the occasion of Mr. F. L. Clay delivering his promised lecture on Sacred Music.
The illustrations which were performed vocally by Mrs. Testar, and instrumentally by Mr. Buddee,
were selected with great judgment to describe the variations and improvements introduced into musical art,
from its earliest adoption by the Hebrews, through the succeeding ages of Rink, Luther, Handel, and Mozart, up to the more recent era of Cherubim and Kent. - Melbourne Morning Herald
[Cherubim! Cherubim! "More recent era of Cherubim and Kent!"
We do not profess to be particularly learned as to the composers of sacred music,
but though that the Cherubim "era" was much more remote than that of Handel or Mozart.
Probably Mr. Clay will furnish us in his next lecture with a little more information on the subject,
and perhaps even with a specimen of the "Cherubim" style - ED A.]
"MONSTER CONCERT", The Argus (18 June 1852), 3
Whatever difficulties in the concert way may beset the path of the Committee of the Mechanics' Institution, Mr. Reed appears to have made arrangements to come out to-morrow on a scale of unexampled magnitude, if we may judge by the programme put forth this morning. Private information, too, fully confirms the expectations excited by the printed details. Mr. Reed talks of his powerful orchestra in the most glowing terms, and dilates upon his success in mustering "ten fiddlers" with a gusto worthy of an alderman who had invented a new mode of treating turtle. The programme is certainly first rate. Amongst other gems we are glad to see a recitative and air of Handel, "Hush ye pretty warbling choir." This is, we fancy, the same piece sung at Mr. Clay's first lecture; and, beautifully accompanied as it was by the violin of that gentleman, we think it about the most beautiful thing we ever heard in that room.
"THE CHRONICLES OF EARLY MELBOURNE . . . by Garryowen [ = Edmund Finn]", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (23 June 1883), 3
. . . In 1843, a Philharmonic Society was started, but was not so successful. Yet in those early years very praiseworthy efforts were made, and amongst those who did good service in that way the most prominent names, were Messrs. William Clarke, John Pridham Smith, Frederick L. Clay, John J. Peers, C. J. Sanford, Charles Vaughan, and Joseph Megson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Clarke (musician); John Jones Peers (amateur); Charles John Sandford (amateur vocalist, surgeon); Charles Vaughan (amateur); Joseph Megson (musician); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (1840s association); and see also The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen [ = Edmund Finn] (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 488 (DIGITISED)
"DEATH", The Herald (3 January 1885), 2
CLAYE - On the 2nd inst., at Washington street, Toorak, Frederick Lord Claye, in his 73rd year.
[News], The Argus (5 January 1885), 4
Mr. Frederick Lord Claye died on Friday evening, the 2nd inst., at his residence, Washington-street, Toorak. He had been ill and confined to his house for the last eight months. Mr. Claye was the oldest solicitor in the colony, having been admitted on the 8th May, 1841, but he retired from practice many years ago. He was in his 73rd year at the time of his death.
The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen [ = Edmund Finn] (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 967 (DIGITISED)
[967] . . . A well-informed correspondent writing from Geelong, has favoured me with the following: -
"The first choir at St. Francis', Melbourne, consisted of Dr. C. J. Sandford, with Mr. J. P. Smiths, Solicitor;
Mr. William Clarke, a music seller and music teacher, who kept a shop in Collins Street East;
and a fourth (F. L. Clay, another Attorney ?) whose name has passed from my recollection.
They were all "jolly good fellows," but better adapted to "trolling a catch" than chanting High Mass.
Vespers were not sung in those remote days . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Francis's church (Melbourne); see also "Memories and Musings", Advocate (15 January 1848), 12
"FREDERICK LORD CLAYE. TO THE EDITOR OF . . . ", The Argus (30 November 1905), 7
Sir, Will you kindly permit me to add a few facts that additional interest to your announcement of the death of the widow of Frederick Lord Clay.
There are so few living now who can remember how we were indebted to him in the cause of charity and our amusement.
When I first arrived in Melbourne, in early June 1845, I brought with me a good dramatic company, in addition to myself and wife,
consisting of Mr. Charles Young (leading man) and Mrs. Young, Mr. Rogers (a genius in the representation of old men) and Mrs. Rogers,
Mr. E. A. Opie (comedian and scene-painter), J. Hambleton, (heavy business), F. B. Watson (prompter), John Wilks and Ben Rae (utility),
Mrs. Thompson (old women), Mrs. Hambleton (utility), Mr. J. E. Megson (leader of the band), three of the Howson family,
Mr. McDonald (cornet), and two others, constituting the first professional band ever formed in Melbourne.
Mr. Claye was not only one of the first solicitors, but he was also the leader of a quintet party that assisted myself and band to play the first overtures that were ever given in Melbourne.
As we only played three nights in a week, we could combine and give a good concert that was always attractive.
My stay in Melbourne was comparatively short at that time, as I sailed for Adelaide in August 1846, and remained there until the gold was found.
Yours &c., GEO. COPPIN.
The Anchorage, Sorrento, Nov. 28.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre company from the Olympic Theatre, Launceston, for the new Queen's Theatre, Melbourne, headed by George and Maria Coppin (actors); Charles and Jane Young (actors); George and Emma Rogers (actors); Martha Thomson (actor); John and Mrs. Hambleton (actors); Feltham Bold Watson (actor); Joseph Megson (musician, violinist); Alfred Howson (musician); William Howson (musician); Henry Howson (musician); Alexander McDonald (cornet); see also "Shipping Intelligence", The Melbourne Courier (16 June 1845), 2
MUSIC: For the programme of overtures Coppin referred to, see [Advertisement], Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (21 June 1845), 3
Queen's Theatre Royal, QUEENS-STREET.
Previous to the Play, and during the Evening the Band will play -
Overture - "Il Italiani in in Algero" - Rossini.
Overture - "Fra Diavolo" - Auber.
Waltz - "Les Homages" - Strauss.
Quadrille - "Royal Irish" Jullian . . .
"THE LATE MR. FREDERICK LORD CLAYE. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Argus (4 December 1905), 4
Sir, - Referring to your correspondent's remarks in "The Argus" of Saturday,
the late Mr. Claye resumed the final "e" to his name while in England a few years before his death,
when dealing with old family property at Clay Cross, Derbyshire.
Mr. Claye built an office in Chancery lane, at the west corner of the lane, now leading to Scott's Hotel.
The then (1840) General Post Office was on the east corner and the Governor's offices opposite.
There will doubtless be old colonists still living who remember him as the originator of the Philharmonic Society.
He led their concerts for many years with a Cremona violin bearing date 1676, and with the name of one of his ancestors engraved on it with the date 1760.
The violin is now in the possession of one of his granddaughters.
Mr. Claye was also one of the founders of the old Mechanics' Institute.
He served his articles with Swain and Co., of Old Jewry, one of the oldest firms of solicitors in London,
and occupied an office seat which had just been rented by Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield).
This room is still preserved, with all its old furniture, intact.
Dec. 2.
ASSOCIATIONS: The correspondent was probably referring to the earlier Melbourne Philharmonic Society (c. 1843-47)
"OLD MEMORIES. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Argus (8 December 1905), 7
Sir, - If not too late, I should like to add a few words in regard to early Melbourne musical memories.
As a son of G. B. Hailes, one of the first string quartet in this city, I am pleased to see his name mentioned after so many years.
My father and Mr. Claye arrived in 1840, and were vocalists, as well as instrumentalists.
I have now some glee books, given to Mr. Hailes by Mr. Frederick Lord Claye.
With Mr. John Russell, W. G. Dredge, and others they attempted to form a philharmonic society, but their numerical strength being insufficient, the society was not publicly started till 1853.
I myself joined in 1860. I have a programme of the "Messiah" performance of 1854.
Mr. John Russell was the conductor; Joseph Griffiths, first violin and leader; G. B. Hailes, 'cello.
The programme does not mention Mr. Claye, nor can I recollect his being leader at any time.
My brother Frank still plays on the old instrument, which arrived here in 1840.
My father never missed a rehearsal or concert from the start, till his death in 1875,
consequently he was known as the father of the Philharmonic.
Many of the old members are still alive, notably Mr. W. H. Williams, an excellent tenor in his day. - Yours, &c.
Dec. 6.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Hailes (correspondent), son of George Button Hailes (musician); John Russell (musician); William Gilpin Dredge (amateur); Joseph Griffiths (leader); Melbourne Philharmonic Society (later association formed 1853)
"AT POVERTY POINT", The bulletin (23 July 1914), 9 (DIGITISED)
"Kaniva": Died at Dunolly (Vic.), aged 80, Richard Clay, who arrived in Melbourne in 1840. His father, Frederick Lord Clay, one of the first solicitors in Port Phillip, was also one of its most capable musicians. With G. B. Hailes, J. E. Megson and another he formed the string quartette which played in Melbourne in the early '40's. Geo. Coppin, on his arrival in June, 1845, could play only three nights a week, so his orchestra, which included three of the talented Howson family, joined the quartette and gave concerts on the other evenings . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Button Hailes (amateur cellist); George Coppin (proprietor); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
Bibliography and resources:
"Central Mission Gazette. The Diamond Jubilee. Wesley Church. No. 5, By A. J. Derrick. Wesley Church Organ", Spectator and Methodist Chronicle (18 September 1918), 933
The "Port Phillip Herald," of August 26th, 1842, contained the following: - "We were in error in stating, a few days back, that the Freemasons had purchased Mr. Clay's imported organ for 600 guineas, the price is 350 guineas. Our error arose out of our confounding Mr. Clay's organ with the one hourly expected to arrive for the Wesleyan Chapel, a drawing of which we have recently seen. This splendid instrument will cost 600 guineas, and is of immense power and architectural beauty . . .
Graeme D. Rushworth 1988, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players, 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale & Iremonger, 1988), 55-56
"Frederick Lord Clay, 1813-1885, Solicitor, early settler", Collingwood Notables Database
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