LAST MODIFIED Tuesday 17 December 2024 10:41

A checklist of Australian sheet music prints, 1834-c.1850

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A checklist of Australian sheet music prints, 1834-c.1850", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

Page directory

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Publishers/printers first active musically 1830s (chronological)

AUSTIN, John and John INNES (Sydney, 1834)

ANON. (Perth, 1834)

ELLARD, Francis (Sydney, 1835-47; as engraver to 1853/4)

FERNYHOUGH, William (Sydney, c.1836-37)

TEGG, Samuel (Hobart, 1838)

ELLISTON, William Gore (Hobart Town, Courier office, 1839)

BAKER, William (Sydney, 1838-47; also Hibernian Press)

Publishers/printers first active musically 1840s (chronological)

NICHOLAS, William (Sydney, 1841)

DUNCAN, William Augustine (Sydney, Chronicle office, 1842)

PROUT, John Skinner (Sydney, 1842; Australian Lithographic Establishment)

ROLFE, Thomas (Sydney, 1842-44; Hobart)

LILEY, Thomas (1842, Sydney)

BLUETT, Thomas (Sydney, 1842- ; Hobart Town, 1844- )

ANON. (Sydney, 1843)

THOMSON, J. A. (Hobart Town, 1843)

ROLWEGAN, George (Hobart Town, 1843- )

Mercury Office (Maitland, 1843)

RICHARDS, J. (? before 1844, Pitt Street North)

HUDSON, George (Sydney, by 1844 or earlier, to 1853)

MASON, Albert (Sydney, 1845- )

JERVIS, Harry Cooper (Sydney, 1845- )

MOFFIT, William (Sydney, 1845- )

COHEN, S. J. (Sydney, 1845- )

ANON. (Hobart Town, 1845)

WALLACE, Spencer Wellington (Sydney, 1846)

ANON. (? Sydney, 1846)

FORD, William (Sydney, 1846- )

BROWNE, Thomas (Hobart Town, 1847- )

SMYTH, Lucy Fernandez (Sydney, 1847)

BAKER, William (Sydney, July 1847)

GROCOTT, James Turner (Sydney, by 1847/8, to May 1851)

DANIELL, Jonah / WILSON, William (engraver) ? (Sydney, 1848)

GIBBS, John (Sydney, 1850- )

TROOD, Printing Office (Sydney, 1850)

ANON. (? Sydney, ? c. 1850)

British editions of colonial Australian musical works

Prints issued during 1850 by publishers/printers the rest of whose output was later

Bibliography and resources


This is register of all extant or otherwise documented musical prints issued in the Australian colonies by printers and publishers mostly active before the end of 1851.

For extant items, titles are live linked to TROVE entries for catalogue records and digitised exemplars, or in a few cases to repositories whose holdings are not currently listed in TROVE.

The page also serves as a register of prints otherwise documented but for which copies are not currently known to survive.

A few words-only song prints published and sold separately are also listed here, but there appear to have been relatively few of these (compared, for instance, to the mass of song published in homeland Britain as broadsides); in the colonies most such local songs were instead published in newspapers, magazines, and occasionally books (local and UK), and these are not included here but may be found in the main checkists. British broadsides on Australian colonial subject matters (convicts, emigrants) are not included here in the absence of persuasive evidence that they actually circulated here at the time.

Prints only are included here; acccordingly, a few instances of local compositions "published" in manuscript are not included, but can be found in the main checklists. Also not included are "Published" manuscript copies of imported titles produced and sold by local music sellers, such as those sold by Francis Ellard now in the Dowling Songbook, e.g. All around my hat and The sea (Neukomm)

Lithography / engraving / typesetting

In a small number of sheet music editions on this page, the music pages were originally drawn directly onto lithographic stones, or transferred to stones from handwritten exemplars.

From the early and mid 1840s, William Duncan and Isaac Nathan's typeset music editions are the earliest Australian examples of that method.

However, in common with most British sheet music in the first half of the 19th-century, the majority of Australian music pages were either printed directly from engraved plates, or page images from engraved plates (or from printed exemplars) were put onto stones by transfer lithography.

Twyman (1996, 501 and following) warns of the considerable difficulties of identifying the method used from the printed results alone, and outlines some helpful procedures for doing so. It is even more difficult to do so reliably from digitised images, however useful they are in almost all other contexts.

In the case of the fairly small number of Australian editions dating from before the 1850s that have illustrative covers, the cover was more likely to have been printed lithographically, entirely independent of the method used to print the music pages. Where an engraver or lithographer's name appears in the cover design, it should not necessarily be assumed that the same artisan was involved in music engraving.

In the case of reprintings in the 1850s, or reissues of the remains of extant print runs under different covers, the later covers are in some cases printed from moveable type. It does not always follow, therefore, that a printer whose name appears on the cover was necessarily responsible for printing the music pages.

Where several print editions by the same or other publishers/printers used the same plates/stones, or by some means tranferred the original page images to new stones for printing later editions, this is noted (for simplicity in the listings below, the word "plates" is used, regardless of the method).

In some cases the later editions are actual reprints; while, in other cases, the remains of an earlier print run were simply given a new titlepage and/or cover, and often also a new publisher identification (as, for example, where Francis Ellard's editions were reissued, successively, by Woolcott and Clarke, and J. R. Clarke).

At least in some cases, early colonial publishers probably also imported cheap mass-produced printed editions from Britain, and merely reissued them locally under their new own titlepages (a method much more common toward the end of the 19th century).

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A supplementary page, covering publications of the 1850s (printers and publishers first active between 1852 and 1860) is planned for the future. A working list of those borderline printer/publishers, first active during 1850, but who will be included in the later page is given at the foot of the page.


The entries are grouped together by printer or publisher's names, in chronological order of that person's first publication; links to further information also appear under the individual's heading.

Editions are listed under separate headings, first dated or datable prints (in chronological order), followed by undated and so far undatable prints (in alphabetical order by title).

All entries are formatted as follows: Title / composer, arranger / place, publisher or printer / date where known / notification of those prints for which "NO COPY IDENTIFIED" / any further relevant information or links to information

Australian original works (musical composition or arrangements) are shown in gold, and the entry ends with a hyperlink to the Main entry for that item in the chronological checklist; for example:

The parting / [Mary Hely] / Dublin: Ellard for Ellard, Sydney / [Sydney, December 1835] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

Colonial editions of imported musical works or arrangements are shown in black; for example:

Prince Albert's band march / Stephen Glover / Sydney: T. Rolfe, 4 Regent terrace, Hunter Street, [by May 1842] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED ...

In both cases above, no copies of the print has been identified, and the title is simply bolded.

Where a copy or copies of the print are extant and in the bibliographic record, the titles are hyperlinked to a relevant TROVE record, for example:

For an Australian work:

Echo's song / William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: Printed by J. G. Austin ...

For a local edition of an imported title:

Ellard's national country dances for 1843, no. 3 / [various] / Sydney: F. Ellard / [1843]

AUSTIN, John (Sydney, 1834-37)

On John Gardner Austin (1812-1884), see entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

A song of the women of the Menero Tribe / John Lhotsky / Sydney: Sold by John Innes; "Sydney, J. G. Austin, lithographer" / [November-December 1834] / see also Main entry

Echo's song / William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: Printed by J. G. Austin, No. 12 Bridge Street / [February 1837] / see also Main entry

ANON. (Perth, 1834)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Jackets of green / [Anon.] / [Perth: Anon.] / [November 1834] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED (probably words only) / see also Main entry

ELLARD, Francis (Sydney, 1835-47; as engraver to 1853/4)

On Francis Ellard (c.1802-1854), see Main entry

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

The much admired Australian quadrilles / William Ellard / Dublin: Ellard, for Ellard, Sydney / [Sydney, December 1835] / see also Main entry

The parting / [Mary Hely] / Dublin: Ellard for Ellard, Sydney / [Sydney, December 1835] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

The minstrel waltz for 1836 / Thomas Stubbs / Sydney: F. Ellard / [January 1836] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

The Lancers' quadrilles / Paolo Spagnoletti et al. / Sydney: F. Ellard / [16 August 1839] / see also Documentation

We have lived and loved together / Henri Herz / Sydney: F. Ellard / [16 August 1839] / see also Documentation

The red-coat quadrilles / arr. W. Cunningham / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George St. / probably late 1839 early 1840 / cover engraved by "Wilson, York St." / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

Musard's Victoria quadrilles / [Philippe Musard] as played at the Victoria Theatre, Sydney, by J. P. Deane, leader, and dedicated by permission to Miss Gibbs / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Alson, George Street / Where may be had the celebrated Lancers and Red coat quadrilles / probably late 1839 or early 1840

Long live Victoria / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: For the proprietor by F. Ellard / [June 1841] / see also Main entry

Where, where is the rover ("sung ... by Miss [Jane] Selina Nathan at the Sydney concerts" [October 1841]) [ / Alexander Lee / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / "Price Sc." (cover) [John Price died 30 July 1844] / Another copy

The parting hour / Stephen Hale Marsh / Sydney: F. Ellard / [? March 1842] / see also to Main entry

The Paget quadrilles / Stephen Hale Marsh / Sydney: F. Ellard / [ ? March 1842] / see also Main entry

Woodland call / [arr. G. Herbert Rodwell] arr. Frederick Ellard / Sydney: F. Ellard / [? by March 1842] / see also Main entry

Swisse air with variations, op. 1 / Frederick Ellard / Sydney: F. Ellard / [March 1842] / see also Main entry

What is love? / John Deane junior / Sydney: F. Ellard / [October 1842] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

How sweet those tuneful bells / George William Worgan / Sydney: F. Ellard / [December 1842] / see also Main entry

The Sydney Corporation quadrilles / Frederick Ellard / Sydney: F. Ellard / [December 1842] / see also Main entry

Ellard's national country dances for 1843, no. 1 / [various] / Sydney: F. Ellard / [1843]

CONTENTS: 1. Sir Roger de Coverley; 2. Rory O More; 3. Such a getting up stairs (American); 4. Jim Crow (American); 5. The college hornpipe; 6. The tank; 7. The Campbells are coming; 8. Garyowen (Irish); 9. Drops of brandy (Irish); 10. The white cockade (Scotch)

Ellard's national country dances for 1843, no. 2 / [various] / Sydney: F. Ellard / [1843]

CONTENTS: 11. The fairy dance; 12. Haste to the wedding; 13. Money musk; 14. The __ among the tailors; 15. Miss Johnstone's reel; 16. Oh, rare, country bumkin (danced in "Love in a village"); 17. Over the water to Charlie (Scotch); 18. Hornpipe; 19. Kinloch (Scotch); 20. Well gang nae mair to yon town (Scotch)

Ellard's national country dances for 1843, no. 3 / [various] / Sydney: F. Ellard / [1843]

CONTENTS: 21. O dear, what can the matter be; 22. Speed the plough; 23. Woo'd and married and a' (Scotch); 24 The recovery; 25. La belle Catherine; 26. Corn rigs (Scotch); 27. Hey dance to the fiddle; 28. Nora Creena; 29. The quaker's wife; 30. The honey moon

Ellard's national country dances for 1843, no. 4 / [various] [? arr. Ellards] / Sydney: F. Ellard / [1843] / includes 9 dances named for ladies of Sydney

CONTENTS: 1. Lady Gipps; 2. Lady Franklin; 3. Lady O'Connell; 4. Lady Wilmot; 5. Lady Dowling; 6. Lady Forbes; 7. Lady Mitchell; 8. Mrs. E. D. Thompson; 9. Mrs. Riddell.

Ellard's national country dances for 1843, no. 5 / [various] [? arr. Ellards] / Sydney: F. Ellard / [1843] / includes 2 dances named for ladies of Sydney

CONTENTS: 10. Mrs. Burton; 11. Mrs. Stephens; 12. The pavilion; 13. The fairy dance; 14. Enrico; 15. The carnival of Venice; 16. Le petit tambour de la Garde Nationale

The lays of the Hebrews / [Jewish liturgical, Matthew Moss] arr. James Henri Anderson / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street / [September 1844] / see also Main entry

CONTENTS: 1. Psalm 91; 2. Psalm 24; 3. Awake! Awake!; 4. Come my beloved

I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls ("as sung by Mrs. Stirling in the opera of The Bohemian girl") / Michael Balfe / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Strt. / [c.1845] (Theodosia Stirling married and became Mrs. Guerin in 1846) / same plates reused by Grocott / see also Other copies/editions

La polka quadrille par Musard/ Philippe Musard / Sydney: published by F. Ellard, music seller / J. Allan, zinc printer, Bridge Street / [cover illustration] "On zinc by A. Torning" / late 1845 or early 1846 [Torning and Allan shared premises at 6, Bridge street, from September 1845]

Le pittoresque quadrille / Florentine Dudemaine / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard Music Seller & Musical Instrument Maker, George Street / [June 1846] / see also Main entry

Railroad gallop [Railway galop] / [? Jullien] / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George St. / [August 1846] / "J. Allen, Zinc Printer, Sydney" (cover) / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

I think of thee (from the German of Goethe) / Frederick Ellard / [titlepage and final page missing, but uses Ellard's stamps and layout] / [? between December 1846 and February 1847] / only known copy at Historic Houses Trust of NSW is blind stamped with Francis Ellard's shop stamp; unusually for a published colonial composition there is neither an advertisment nor review for this edition, though the work itself was advertised to be sung by Eliza Wallace Bushelle on 9 December 1846; see also Main entry

Undated/undatable numbered series:

The Caledonian wreath: a selection of favorite Scotch melodies / arr. Francçois Bernard / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard

No. 1 of the Caledonian wreath / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

No. 2 of the Caledonian wreath / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

No.3 of the Caledonian wreath /

The Hibernian wreath: a collection of favorite Irish melodies / arr. Francçois Bernard / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard

No. 1 of the Hibernian wreath /

No. 2 of the Hibernian wreath /

No. 3 of the Hibernian wreath / see also Other copies/editions

Family hymns selected and newly arranged for the voice and piano forte by J. F. Burrowes / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street

[Burrowes's Family hymns originally published by Chappell, London, c. 1838; see later Advertisement]

Book 1:

Advent hymn / copy at HHT/SLM (Throsby collection) / engraver's stamp "[?] Ellard Sydney" / see Images here

Before Jehovah's awful throne / copy at HHT/SLM (Throsby collection)

The morning hymn ("Awake my soul and with the sun") /

The evening hymn ("Glory to thee my God this night") / [Thomas Tallis] arr. Burrowes /

Through all the changing scenes of life / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Luther's hymn / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Easter & Portuguese hymns / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Book 2

Sicilian [Mariners] & Haydn's hymns / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Lord of all pow'r / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

The Lord my pascure [23rd psalm] / copy at HHT/SLM (Throsby collection)

Vital spark of heavenly flame / copy at HHT/SLM (Throsby collection)

In innocence I wash my handas / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

All people that on earth do dwell {100th psalm, Old hundredth] / copy at HHT/SLM (Throsby collection)

My soul praise the Lord / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Undated/undatable unnumbered series:

A selection of Irish melodies with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson and characteristic words by Thomas Moore / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard, Music Seller, George Street / "Carmichael Sc." (cover) /

She is far from the land / ? same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

The harp that once thro' Tara's halls / [Sydney: F. Ellard] NO COPY IDENTIFIED / ? same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

The valley lay smiling before me / [Sydney: F. Ellard] NO COPY IDENTIFIED / ? same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

Those evening bells / same plates resued by Woolcott and Clarke; Hudson's newly engraved edition (see below) was apparently copied from Ellard's; see Other copies/editions

[Unseen contents] (? compilation of several titles) / ...

A selection of modern melodies arranged as piano forte duetts / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street

Theme d'Aline / Henri Herz /

Undated/undatable (alphabetical by title):

The celebrated alpine march / arr. Louis Leo / Sydney: F. Ellard

The angel's whisper / Samuel Lover / Sydney: F. Ellard, Music Seller, George St. / ? same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

As it fell upon a day / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street / same plates reused by Grocott, and Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions / see Original edition from which Ellard copied

Auld Robin Gray / arr. R. Schroeder / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street

The banks of Allan Water / arr. Charles E. Horn / Sydney: Printed & sold at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street / Another copy

The battle of Prague / Franz Brixi / Sydney: F. Ellard, George St. / "J. Carmichael, Sc." (cover) / same plates reused by Grocott, and Woolcott and Clarke

The bird waltz / Francis Panormo / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George St.

The blighted flower / Michael Balfe / Sydney: F. Ellard

Overture to The caliph of Bagdad / Adrien Boieldieu / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Strt.

The British staff quadrilles / W. H. Montgomery / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George St.

Caller herring [sic] (a favorite Scotch air) / arr. Philip Knapton / Sydney: F. Ellard, George Street / same plates reused by J. R. Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

The child's friend, a series of familiar melodies / Various, including arr. Frederick Ellard / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / [? 1842 or earlier ] / see also Main entry

Come dwell with me / Alexander Lee / Sydney: F. Ellard, George Street

The daughter of Israel / Charles Sloman / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George St.

Les demoiselles (quadrilles, new series 1st set) / Duarte J. Dos Santos / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George St.

Do not mingle (from La Sonnambula) / Vicenzo Bellini / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon / ? same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

The duke of Reichstadt's waltz ("to which is added the popular Venetian barcarolle ... or Italian air") / [Johann Strauss I] arr. Henri Herz / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George St. / same plates reused by Grocott

The celebrated echo quadrilles / arr. F. Muzard [P. Musard] / Sydney: F. Ellard / ? same plates reused by Grocott and ? Woolcott and Clarke

The fairy boy / Samuel Lover / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George St.

The favorite overture to the opera of Fra Diavolo / Daniel Auber / Sydney: Printed and sold by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George Street

Overture to Der Freyschütz / Carl Maria von Weber / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / same plates resued by Woolcott and Clarke (copy in music collection at Rouse Hill farm, R74/23:30, Sydney Living Musuems)

The gems or Les favorites (a set of quadrilles) / Henri Herz / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / "Fourth edition"

Overture to Guy Mannering / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: F. Ellard, Music Seller, George St. / ? same plates later reused by Grocott / see also Other copies/editions

Hart's Rory O More quadrilles / Samuel Lover; Joseph Binns Hart; arr. Charles Hart / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street

Hart's seventh set of quadrilles ... from Rossini's operas / Joseph Hart / Sydney: F. Ellard, Music Seller, George St. / "J. Carmichael Sc." (cover) / same plates reused by Grocott

Home! sweet home! / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George Street / "Thirteenth edition"

I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows / Charles E. Horn / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George St. / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

I love but thee / Pio Cianchettini / Sydney: F. Ellard / ? same plates reused by Grocott and Woolcott and Clarke

In happy moments (from Maritana) / William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George St. / "Chapman Sc." (cover) / same plates reused by Henry Marsh / see also Other copies/editions

Homage to Charlie (a celebrated scotch song) / arr. R. Schroeder / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street

The ivy green ("as sung by J. Howson at the Victoria Theatre, Sydney") / Henry Russell / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street

Kathleen Mavourneen / F. N. Crouch / Sydney: Printed and sold at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street / same plates later reused by J. R. Clarke

The land of the west / Samuel Lover / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Salloon [sic] / plates signed "F. Ellard, Sydney" / plates reused by Grocott and Woolcott and Clarke / see also Another copy and Other copies/editions

The overture to Lodoiska / Rodolphe Kreutzer / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street

The light bark / J. T. Craven / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / "T. Robinson Sc." (cover)

Long time ago (or, Near the lake where droop'd the willow) / Charles E. Horn / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George Street / "T. Robinson Sc." (cover)

Love not / John Blockley / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / same plates later reused by Grocott and Woolcott and Clarke [1] and Woolcott and Clarke [2] / see also Other copies/editions

Love's ritornella / T. Cooke / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George Street / "Carmichael Sc." (cover)

Mary of Castle Cary ("as sung by Mrs. Bushelle with rapturous applause at the Sydney concerts") / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George St. / [? 1829/40]

The minute gun at sea / Matthew Peter King / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George St. / same plates retouched and reused by Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

Mozart's three favorite waltzes / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George St.

Mrs. Macdonald / Philip Knapton / Sydney: F. Ellard, George Street

My dark hair'd girl / Samuel Lover; arr. Charles E. Horn / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

My pretty page look out afar / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / same plates reused by Grocott ? and Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

Norah the pride of Kildare / John Parry / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George Street

A duett for two performers on the piano forte ... O dolce concento / T. Latour / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street / same plates reused b Grocott

O'er the lone sea / Henri Herz / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street

Oh give me but my Arab steed! / George Alexander Hodson / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / "Fifteenth edition"

Pretty star of the night / Harriet Waylett / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street

Quadrille de Punch (Punch quadrilles) / ? / Sydney: F. Ellard, George Street / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke; see also Other copies/editions

Rise gentle moon / John Barnett / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George St. / "T. Robinson Sc." (cover) / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

Rory O'More, or, Good omens / Samuel Lover / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street

Rosa walzer, op. 76 / Johann Strauss I / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street / same plates reused by Grocott

The Royal Irish quadrilles (piano duet) / arr. Ernest Kollman / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, Music Seller, George St.

The Royal Irish quadrilles, second set / Louis Jullien / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / "Carmichael Sc." (cover image) / ? same plates reused by Grocott

Savourneen deelish (Oh! the moment was sad) / arr. Sidney Nelson / Sydney: F. Ellard, George Street / "T. Bluet Print" (cover image) / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

See from ocean rising / Joseph Mazzinghi / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / same plates later reused by Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

Some love to roam o'er the dark sea foam ("sung with acclamation by Mr. J. Bushelle at the Sydney concerts" / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, music seller, George Street / [? 1839-42]

Still so gently o'er me stealing / Bellini (La sonnambula) / [under cover: "A selection of english ballads by various authors"] / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke / and later by J. R. Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

Sweetly o'er my senses stealing / Nicolo Zingarelli, arr. Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street

Swiss boy / R. Schroeder / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George St. / see also Other copies/editions

The tarentella, from Belphegor / arr. Charles W. Glover / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard

Tell me where is fancy bred / arr. Edward J. Loder / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / same plates reused by Woolcott and Clarke

'Twere vain to tell thee all I feel (Der Abschied, a celebrated Swiss air) / Franz Stockhausen / Sydney: Published at F. Ellard's Music Saloon, George Street

When thy bosom heaves the sigh! / John Braham / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / see also Other copies/editions

Wilt thou meet me there, love? / B. Hime / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street / "Third edition"

The woodland call / G. Herbert Rodwell / Sydney: Published by F. Ellard, George Street


Introduction and the Huntsman's chorus [from Der Freischütz] / [Weber] arr. G. Kiallmark / [? Sydney: F. Ellard]

Titles engraved by Ellard for other printer/publishers (mostly dateable):

Francis Ellard was still being referred to in the press as a music-seller, as late as October 1851; however, in the course of insolvency proceedings which commenced in February 1847, his Music Saloon and stock were taken over by James Turner Grocott by March 1847, or slightly earlier, and in late May Ellard advertised that he was visiting Windsor in his reduced capacity as a "Pianoforte Tuner and repairer". On 11 February 1848, Ellard advertised another forthcoming tuning tour to the metropolitan hinterland (Liverpool, Campbelltown, Appin, Wollongong) but describing himself more fully as a "Music Puncher, Musical Instrument Maker, Pianoforte Tuner and Repairer". This was the first time he advertised his services as an engraver ("music puncher"); he did so again, for the last time, in September 1850, but he nevertheless probably continued to engrave music for publication by others until close to the time of his death. Titles he engraved and signed, so far identified, are listed below:


The fall of Paris and the favorite rosignol waltz / [various] / Sydney: Grocott / engraved: "F. Ellard Sydney" (? i.e. after March 1847; Ellard had almost certainly published from these same plates himself, unsigned)

Kathleen mavorneen / F. N. Crouch / Sydney: J. R. Clarke / from same plates as Ellard's edition

The land of the west / Sydney: Grocott / but see also above, Ellard's own edition from same signed plates issued previously


For Henry Marsh (1851)

The spirit of the ball / Otho Fitzgerald / Sydney: H. Marsh / [August 1851] / also later by J. R. Clarke / "Engraved by F. Ellard", "125 S.P.W." / see also Other copies/editions

Marguerite polka / Emma Sengel / Sydney: H. Marsh / "Engraved by F. Ellard", "126 S.P.W."; copy NZ, Canterbury Museum (my thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Nichol, 2018-19, for bringing this item to my attention)

For Stephen Marsh (1851)

The Ferrolana polka / S. H. Marsh / Sydney: [author], 1851 / "PUNCHED BY F. ELLARD SYDNEY" / first impression April 1851 / same plates for Woolcott and Clarke July 1851

For Woolcott and Clarke (1851-53)

Merry old England quadrilles / Charles W. F. Stier / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [December 1851] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" / see also Main entry

The rich man's bride / Charles William Glover / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [by September 1852] / "F. Ellard 3.5.8 Sydney" / see also Other copies/editions

The Olga, or, Princess waltz / Louis Jullien / Sydney : Woolcott and Clarke / [September 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" / see also Other copies/editions

The celebrated reverie [in G, op. 31 no. 1] / Henri Rosellen / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [September 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" / see also Other copies/editions

What are the wild waves saying / Stephen Glover / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [September 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" / see also Other copies/editions

You ask me if I love you! / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [October 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney." / see also Other copies/editions

I met her in the crystal halls / Stephen Glover / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [October 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney."

Ida / George Linley / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [November 1852] "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney." / see also Other copies/editions

The Great Britain polka / Frederick Ellard / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [November/December 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney"

I'm a merry laughing girl / Charles William Glover / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [December 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" / see also Other copies/editions

The New Year's gift schottische / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [December 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard Sydney"

A young lady's dream [The young lady's dream] / ? / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [December 1852] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney"

Les rats quadrille [Les rats quadrilles] / G. Redler / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / ["Third edition" July 1853] / "Engraved by F. Ellard" / see also Other copies/editions

La prima donna valse / Louis Jullien / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [by July 1853] "Engraved by F. Ellard" / see also Other copies/editions

I'm leaving thee in sorrow Annie / George Barker / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / [August 1853] / "Engraved by F. Ellard, Sydney" / same plates later reused by J. R. Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

Fairest of the fair waltzes / Charles D'Albert / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / first advertised as forthcoming July 1853, "F. E." / first two pages only also reused in The ladies of Sydney waltzes, issued April 1854 / same plates later reused by J. R. Clarke

Titles probably engraved and published by Ellard before 1847, reprinted by other printer/publishers (mostly undateable):

Beautiful blue violets / G. Herbert Rodwell / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

Dermot Asthore / F. N. Crouch / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / see also Album view

Hibernian wreath / arr. Samuel Lover / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke

I'd mourn the hopes / arr. John Stevenson / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / ? from Ellard's "A selection of Irish melodies" (above)

Oh come to me, when daylight sets / arr. John Stevenson / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / ? from Ellard's "A selection of Irish melodies" (above)

When a little farm we keep / Joseph Mazzinghi / Sydney: Woolcott and Clarke / see also Other copies/editions

FERNYHOUGH, William (Sydney, c.1836-37)

See entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Walze favorite du Duc de Reichstadt / [Johann Strauss I], arr. William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: W. H. Fernyhough / [est. mid to late 1836, or early 1837] / see also Main entry and Other copies/editions

Australian jubilee waltz / Thomas Stubbs, arr. William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: W. H. Fernyhough / [January 1838] / see also Main entry

TEGG, Samuel (Hobart, 1838)

See entry in Biographical register

Dated/datable (chronological):

The first set of the Van Diemen's Land quadrilles / unidentified composer ("The late music master of H.M S. Wellesley and Alfred") / Hobart: Tegg and Dowling, Launceston / [July 1838] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

ELLISTON, William Gore (Hobart Town, Courier office, 1839)

See entry in Biographical register

Dated/datable (chronological):

The vow that's breathed in solitude / Maria Logan / Hobart Town: ? / [April 1839] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

A collection of psalms and tunes for the use of St. George's Church / [various], edited by John Dickson Loch / Hobart Town: Elliston, printer / [April] 1843 / see also Main entry

BAKER, William (Sydney, 1838-47; also Hibernian Press)

See entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

The Australian psalmist, no. 1 [? A selection of Psalm tunes ... in use amongst Presbyterian congregations] / [? ed. George Swinnerton Yarnton] / [Sydney: W. Baker] / [November 1843, February 1844] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

Sweet smiles and bright eyes (from Merry freaks in troublous times) / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: W. Baker, Hibernian Press / [July] 1845 / see also Main entry

Oh! for the olden time (from Merry freaks in troublous times) / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: W. Baker, Hibernian Press / [July] 1845 / see also Main entry

The grand fancy ball / [Anon.] words by David Burn / [Sydney: William Baker] / [September 1845] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

Leichhardt's grave / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: W. Baker, Hibernian Press, King-street east / [September] 1845 / see also Main entry and Other copies/editions

Sir Wilfred (from The queen's love) / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. Baker, 101, King-street / [November 1845] / see also Main entry

The lord's prayer / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. Baker, Hibernian Press, King-street / [October] 1845 / see also Main entry and Other copies/editions

A dream of the mayor's fancy ball / Maria Hinkesman / W. Baker, lithographer, in Heads of the people / Sydney: W. Baker / 10 July 1847 / see also Main entry

Undated/undatable (alphabetical by title):

Walze favorite du Duc de Reichstadt / [Johann Strauss I] arr. William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: W. Baker, King Street East / clearly pirated/copied from, but not using the same plates as, Fernyhough's edition above / see also Main entry

First active 1840s

NICHOLAS, William (Sydney, 1841)


Dated/datable (chronological):

The sacred minstrel no. 1 / [Mozart, Gluck, Pergolesi, haydn, et al.] arr. William Augustine Duncan / Sydney: W. Nicholas / March 1841 / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

The sacred minstrel no. 2 / [Haydn, Cramer, Mozart, Gluck, Pergolesi, et al.] arr. William Augustine Duncan / Sydney: W. Nicholas / April 1841 / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

DUNCAN, William Augustine (Sydney, Chronicle office, 1842)

See entry in Biographical register

Dated/datable (chronological):

Adoro te devote / [Rossini] arr. William Augutsine Duncan / Sydney: [Chronicle office] / [April 1842] / see also Main entry

Kyrie eleison / [Karl Heinrich Graun] arr. William Augutsine Duncan / Sydney: For the editor [? Chronicle office] / [April-May 1842] / see also Main entry

NOTE: These are the two earliest published colonial editions to use moveable music type. Isaac Nathan later used the same set regularly, doing so for the first time in 1845 for A good black gin.

PROUT, John Skinner (Sydney, 1842; Australian Lithographic Establishment)

On Prout (Stephen Hale Marsh's brother-in-law), see Biographical entry; also NLA persistent identifier (person) and NLA persistent identifier (organisation)

Autumn leaves (written by Charles Dickens) / John Hullah; / Sydney: Australian Lithographic Establishment / [September 1842] / "Australian edition of popular songs selected by S. H. Marsh" / see also Other copies/editions

ROLFE, Thomas (Sydney, 1842-44; Hobart, 1844-45; Launceston, 1845-47; Melbourne, 1847)

See entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Prince Albert's band march / Stephen Glover / Sydney: T. Rolfe, 4 Regent terrace, Hunter Street, [by May 1842] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / cf. US edition

The Aboriginal mother / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: For the composer [by ? T. Rolfe ] / by April 1842 / see also Main entry

The eagle chief / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Isaac Nathan, Ada Cottage, Prince Street [by ? T. Rolfe] / by April 1842 / see also Main entry

A sensitive plant (from The mock Catalani) / Charles Nagel / Sydney: T. Rolfe / [May 1842] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

It was but a dream (from The mock Catalani) / Charles Nagel / Sydney: T. Rolfe / [May 1842] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

The pretty bark hut in the bush (from The mock Catalani) / Charles Nagel / Sydney: T. Rolfe, Regent Terrace, Hunter St. / [May 1842] / see also Main entry

Wellington (from The mock Catalani) / Charles Nagel / Sydney: T. Rolfe / [May 1842] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

The Australian musical bijou, no. 1 / [various] / Sydney: Rolfe / June 1842 (see Review) / NO COMPLETE COPY IDENTIFIED / contents:

[1] She wore a wreath of roses (Knight)

[2] Woodman spare that tree (Russell)

[3] Still so gently o'er me stealing (Bellini, La Somnambula)

Billy Barlow's visit to Sydney / arr. George Coppin / Sydney: Published by Thomas Rolfe, music-seller, 26, Pitt Street / 1843 / see also Main entry

Dos Santos's 5th set of original quadrilles Les etoilles / Duarte J. Dos Santos; arr. A. C. Whitcombe / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, Hunter Street / October 1843 / copy at University of Sydney Library

Les Portugaises, 2nd set of original quadrilles and a waltz / Duarte J Dos Santos / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, Hunter Street / October 1843 / copy at University of Sydney Library

Prince Albert quadrilles, the Royal Eleventh Hussars / arr. John Weippert / Sydney: T. Rolfe, George Street / April 1844 / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

I'll speak of thee, I'll love thee too / Maurice M. C. Dowling / Sydney: T. Rolfe, George Street / April 1844 / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Undated/undatable (chronological by address; alphabetical by title):

Sydney, NSW, O'Connell Street, until March/April 1842

Sydney, NSW, 4 Regent Terrace, Hunter Street, from April 1842 until November/December 1842

Sydney, NSW, 26 Pitt Street, November/December 1842 until July 1843

Love not / John Blockley / "Second edition" / Sydney: Published by Thos. Rolfe, Pitt Street [and Wm. Rolfe, King Street, Manchester]

Sydney, NSW, 4 Regent Terrace, Hunter Street, from July 1843 until December 1843/January 1844

Child of earth with the golden hair / Charles E. Horn / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, Hunter St.

Sydney, NSW, George Street, from December 1843/January 1844 until August/September 1844, whereafter Tasmania

Dos Santos's 3rd set of original quadrilles, La reine d'ocean / Dos Santos; arr. A. C. Whitcombe / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, George Street / NOT IN TROVE / copy at University of Sydney Library

Had I a boat on some fairy stream / John Rogers / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, George Street / Another copy

The missletoe bough / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, George Street

The rover's bride / Alexander Lee / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, music seller, George Street /

Second set of Royal Irish quadrilles / Louis Jullien / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, music seller, George Street / copy at University of Sydney Library

Through the wood / Charles E. Horn / Sydney: Published by T. Rolfe, Hunter Street

Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), Elizabeth Street, by September

When other lips / from Balfe's opera The Bohemian girl / in Tasmanian musical miscellany / Hobart Town: T. Rolfe, music-seller / ? October 1844

LILEY, Thomas (1842, Sydney)

See main entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Koorinda braia / [Indigenous], arr. Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Printed by T. Liley, Litho. &c, 13 Brougham Place / [July 1842] / see also Main entry

Mable MacMahon / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: For the composer ... printed by T. Liley, Litho. &c, 13 Brougham Place / [July 1842] / see also Main entry

Star of the south / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Printed by Thos. Liley, Litho. &c. &c., Brougham Place / [August 1842] / see also Main entry

BLUETT, Thomas (Sydney, 1842-43; Hobart Town, 1844- )

See entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Australia the wide and the free! / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: published by the composer, Elizabeth St. Sth.; T. Bluett, lithographer, Brougham Place / [December 1842] / see also Main entry

The Aboriginal father / Indigenous; arr. Isaac Nathan / Sydney: T. Bluett, Litho[grapher], Brougham Place / [January 1843] / see also Main entry

Josephian hymn / Joseph Gautrot / Hobart Town: T. Bluett, Lithog., Liverpool Street / [March-April] 1844 / see also Main entry

Note also that the cover image for Ellard's edition of Savourneen deelish is signed "T. Bluet Print"

ANONYMOUS (Sydney, 1843)

Dated/datable (chronological):

The Irish volunteers / [new words by Eliza Hamilton Dunlop] "the music composed by a professor in Dublin, in 1780" / [? Sydney, ? ] / [April 1843] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

THOMSON, James Alexander (Hobart Town, 1843)

See main entry in Biographical register

Dated/datable (chronological):

Tasmanian waltzes [first series] / John Howson / Hobart Town: Printed For the author by J. A. Thomson / [July 1843] / see also Main entry

Tasmanian waltzes, second series / John Howson / [? Hobart Town: For the author by J. A. Thomson] / [November 1843 / see also Main entry

ROLWEGAN, George (Hobart Town, 1843- )

Dated/datable (chronological):

The psalmist, part 1 / ed. Anon. / [Hobart: Sold by Rolwegan and Tegg] / [July 1843] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

Mercury office (Maitland, 1843)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Billy Barlow in Australia / [new words by Benjamin Pitt Griffin] / [Maitland: Mercury Office] / 1843 / NO COPY IDENTIFIED, probably words only / see also Main entry

Though no publication details have been found for the following, it derives from the same year and area, and is filed here for convenience

The muscle of Merton / "Rigdum Funnidas" / [n.p.: ?, 1843] / see also Main entry

RICHARDS, J. (? before 1844, Pitt Street North)

Nothing certain is known about Richards; Low's City of Sydney directory for 1844-45 lists 277 [sic] Pitt Street North as the premises of Hudson & Dolan (late Richards) (Neidorf 1999, 181); ? was he John Richards)

Undated/undatable (alphabetical):

Les etrangéres / Henri Herz / Sydney: Published by J. Richards and Co., Pitt Street North

Still so gently o'er me stealing / (from La sonnambula) / Vincenzo Bellini, arr. Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published by J. Richards and Co., Pitt Street North / pub. no. "19" (same plates as Hudson) / see also Other copies/editions

HUDSON, George (Sydney, by 1844 or earlier)

See Main entry

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

G. W. Hudson, music seller (formerly Richards's), 377 Pitt Street, West side; from Joseph Fowles's Sydney in 1848 (DIGITISED) 

Dated/datable items (chronological)

My lov'd my happy home / William Cleary / Sydney: Hudson & Co. / [August 1844] / Another copy / see also Main entry

The banner of old England / Charles Nagel / Sydney: Published for the author by G. Hudson / [August] 1845 / Another copy / see also Main entry

The Australian grand waltzes / Arthur Silvester Hill / Sydney: Published for the author by G. Hudson / [1848] / see also Main entry

Will you love me then as now? / / Sydney: Published by G. Hudson, music-seller, 377, Pitt Street / probably February 1849 / see also edition under series cover below

The Montague polka / Montague Levey / Sydney: G. Hudson / [July 1851] see Another copy of same edition but without Hudson's imprint / see also Main entry

The Escort polka / George Strong / [1853] / A selection of favourite polkas ... (see below) / Sydney: Published by G. Hudson, 377 Pitt St. North / see also Main entry

The catodon polka / George Strong / Sydney: Published by G. W. Hudson, music seller, Pitt-street North / [January 1854] / see also Main entry

Dated/datable series under single cover (1848)

A selection of favourite songs arranged for the piano forte, as sung by Madlle. Jenny Lind / Sydney: Published & sold by G. Hudson, No. 377 Pitt Street North, and Mr. A. Emanuel Teacher of the Pianoforte at his Musical Repository 22 Hunter Street / March 1848

1 / Our parting is near ("I know that the hour") / Gaetano Donizetti

2 / Fatherland ("Farewell my fatherland") / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Ordered lists

A selection of favourite polkas arranged for the piano forte by Jullien &c. &c. / Sydney: Published by G. Hudson, 377 Pitt St. North

1 / Jullien's original polka / Louis Jullien

2 / The Bohemian & Parisian polka dance ("Parisian polka") / Jacques Offenbach / Sydney: Printed & sold by G. Husdon, No. 377 Pitt St. North

3 / Brecon polka / copy with nos. 2, 3, 4, and 7 bound under one cover

4 / Bohemian polka / copy with nos. 2, 3, 4, and 7 bound under one cover

5 / Post horn polka / see also Other copies/editions

6 / Hyacinten polka /

7 / Her majesty's court polka /

8 / Jeannett and Jeannot polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

9 / Beaufort polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

10 / Willoughby polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

11 / Bridal polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

12 / The Nightingale polka ("Jenny Lind's nightingale polka") / see also Other copies/editions

13 / Der Schottische [? polka] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

14 / Coquette polka /

[15] / Salon polka /

16 / The original schottische polka /

20 / The trumpet polka /

[?] / Devonshite polka / Madame Oury / see also Other copies/editions

[?] / The fire fly polka / Henry W. Goodban / see also Other copies/editions

[?] / The queen's polka /

[?] / Victoria schottische /

Undated (under series cover)

A selection of favourite quadrilles ... / Sydney: Printed & sold by Hudson & Co., 377, Pitt Street North

Les echos quadrilles / pub. no: "29"

Les folatres quadrilles / pub. nos: "17", "41"

Lancer's quadrilles /

The Royal Irish quadrilles / Louis Jullien /

The Royal Scotch quadrilles /

A selection of favourite songs ... / Sydney: Published by Hudson & Co., 377, Pitt Street North

The Araby maid / arr. J. T. Surenne /

Farewell to the mountain /​ John Barnett

Happy land / Edward F. Rimbault

I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls / Michael Balfe / Sydney: Hudson & Co. / see also Other copies/editions

I'll speak of thee, I'll love thee too / Maria B. Hawes

Kate Kearney / arr. Alexander Lee

Molly Bawn / Samuel Lover

The old oak tree / [?]

O smile as thou wert wont (from The daughters of St. Marks) / Michael Balfe

The peace of the valley / Michael Balfe

The spell is broken / Juliet Bellchambers

Then you'll remember me / Michael Balfe / see also edition with different cover below

Will you love me then as now? / See also edition under separate cover below

A selection of favourite waltzes, composed & arranged for the piano forte by Strauss, Labitzky, &c / Sydney: Printed & sold by Hudson & Co., 377, Pitt Street North

Sleigh waltz / ?

[5 waltzes] / Gabrielen waltz; Rosa Waltz; Sonnambula waltz; The British Lion waltz; Valse a la Strauss

[6 waltzes] / 10. Echo waltz; 11. Royal star waltz; 12. The minstrel's waltz; 13. Sunset waltz; 14. The troubador's waltz; 15. Tic e tic waltz

A selection of national melodies from the celebrated composers of Italy, Germany, France, &c., arranged for the piano forte by Henri Herz / Sydney: Printed & sold by Hudson & Co., 377, Pitt Street North

Air de Norma / Vincenzo Bellini

The alpine march /​ Henri Herz

[5 melodies] 1. Tu Vedria, cavatine du pirate; [2] The woodland call; [3] Non piu mesta; [4] My lodging is on the cold ground; [5] March from Otello

Those evening bells / arr. John Stephenson / pub. no. "49" / compare Other copies/editions

Undated (under individual covers)

The dream / Joseph Philip Knight / Sydney: G. Hudson & Co., 377, Pitt St. North

Love not / John Blockley / 3rd edition / Sydney: G. Hudson & Co.

Still so gently o'er me stealing (from La sonnambula) / Vincenzo Bellini, arr. Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published by G. Hudson & Co., Pitt Street North / pub. no. "19" (same plates as J. Richards above) / compare Other copies/editions

Then you'll remember me / Michael Balfe / Sydney: G. W. Hudson, music seller and publisher, 377, Pitt Street North / "F. Cunninghame, printer" (cover)

MASON, Albert (Sydney, 1845- )

Dated/datable (chronological):

Australia, the land of my birth / [Anon.] words by Edward Geoghegan / [Sydney: Albert Mason] / [April 1845] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED (at the price of 1d, almost certainly words only) / see also Main entry

JERVIS, Harry Cooper (Sydney, 1845- )

See entry in Biographical register

Dated/datable (chronological):

Hail to thee mighty one! / Stephen Hale Marsh / Sydney: Engraved & printed by H. C. Jervis, Pitt St. / [August 1845] / see also Main entry

Lady O'Connell's waltz / Thomas Stubbs [arr. Isaac Nathan] / Sydney: Engraved, printed & published by H. C. Jervis, Pitt St. N. / [September 1845 ] see also Main entry

MOFFIT, William (Sydney, 1845- )

See entry in Biographical register

See all tagged items (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

A good black gin / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. Moffitt, Pitt-street / [February] 1845 / see also Main entry

Humbug, executed by amateurs / Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. Moffitt, Pitt-street / [March] 1845 / see also Main entry

COHEN, S. J. (Sydney, 1845- )

Dated/datable (chronological):

The mayor's tea party / [tune borrowed, words Anon., ? Cohen] / Sydney: "the cigar wrapper of Mr. S. J. Cohen, tobacconist, of 99, King-street" / [1845] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED (words only) / see also Main entry

ANON. (Hobart Town, 1845)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Tasmanian Total Abstinence song book / [ed. Anon.] / [? Hobart Town, ?] / [September 1845] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED (probably words only) / see also Main entry

WALLACE, Spencer Wellington (Sydney, 1846)

Dated/datable (chronological):

In happy moments / William Vincent Wallace / [Sydney: ? for S. W. Wallace ] / [September 1846] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / ? query same plates as either Ellard or Hudson; see also Other copies/editions

Notice of this edition, see [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1846), 1 

ANON. (? Sydney, 1846)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Old England I live but for you / Henry John Witton / [? Sydney: ? ] / [January 1846] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

FORD, William (Sydney, 1846- )

See entry in Biographical register

Dated/datable (chronological):

The currency lasses / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. Ford, Lower George-street / [January 1846] / see also Main entry

Thy greeting home again (Leichhardt's return) / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by Wm. Ford, George Street / [May 1846] / see also Main entry

The first, second, and third of a series of lectures on the theory and practice of music / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. Ford, George Street / [October 1846]

The southern Euphrosyne (literary and musical collection) / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: By the editor and sole proprietor [? largely printed by W. and F. Ford; only the last 4 sheets printed by Thomas Forster] / [? January 1848]

Overture (to Don John of Austria) [off-print from The southern Euphrosyne] / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, George Street / [? 1848] / see also Main entry

The visions of youth (from Don John of Austria) [off-print from The southern Euphrosyne] / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, George Street / [? 1848] / see also Main entry

I dare not say how much I love (from Don John of Austria) [off-print from The southern Euphrosyne] / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, George Street / [? 1848] / see also Main entry

Canst thou bid the hand its cunning forget (from Don John of Austria) [off-print from The southern Euphrosyne] / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, George Street / [? 1848] / see also Main entry

I'll go to sleep (from Don John of Austria) [off-print from The southern Euphrosyne] / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: Published by W. and F. Ford, George Street / [? 1848] / see also Main entry

The people's tune book, a collection of . . . original church music / [Sydney: W. and F. Ford / advertised August 1850

BROWNE, Thomas (Hobart Town, 1847- )

See entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Ancient Hebrew melodies / [Jewish traditional] arr. Joseph Reichenberg / Hobart-Town: Thomas Browne, lithographic printer / [April 1847] / see Main entry

Songs of Zion no. 1 / Francis Hartwell Henslowe / Hobart Town, V.D.L.: Printed by Thos. Browne, 31 Macquarie Street / [June 1849] / see also Main entry

Songs of Zion no. 2 / Francis Hartwell Henslowe / Hobart Town, V.D.L.: Printed by Thos. Browne, 31 Macquarie Street / [September 1849] / see also Main entry

Songs of Zion no. 3 / Francis Hartwell Henslowe / Hobart Town, V.D.L.: Printed by Thos. Browne, 31 Macquarie Street / [1849/50] / see also Main entry

Songs of Zion no. 4 / Francis Hartwell Henslowe / Hobart Town, V.D.L.: Printed by Thos. Browne, 31 Macquarie Street / [1849/50] / see also Main entry

Where is thy home? / Francis Hartwell Henslowe / Hobart Town, V.D.L: Printed by T. Browne, 31 Macquarie St. / [July 1849] / see also Main entry

The Campbell-Town waltzes / Francis Hartwell Henslowe / Tasmania: Thomas Browne, Lithographic Printer, Hobart Town / [January 1850] / see also Main entry

Tasmanian quadrilles / Julius Imberg / [lithography by Thomas Browne] / [December 1850 / January 1851] / see Review / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

SMYTH, Lucy Fernandez (Sydney, 1847)

See entry in Biographical register

Exercises and studies for the pianoforte selected, arranged, and fingered expressly for the use of her pupils, by Mrs. Smyth / [no details, probably lithograph] / [June 1847] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

BAKER, William (Sydney, July 1847)

See entry in Biographical register

A dream of the mayor's fancy ball / Maria Hinckesman / in The heads of the people (10 July 1847) [Sydney: W. Baker], plate facing page 106

GROCOTT, James Turner (Sydney, by 1847/48, to May 1851)

See in Grocott main page

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) CURRENTLY 56 ITEMS

Trading as "publisher, stationer, printseller, picture frame maker, printer", at 476 George Street (until March 1847); there is no certain evidence that he published any music before taking over Ellard's busines and premises.

Grocott's music saloon (formerly Ellard's), 486 George Street, with Skinner's Hotel, at corner of Hunter Street, on the left; from Joseph Fowles's Sydney in 1848 (DIGITISED) 

Trading as "printer, stationer, and music seller", at 486 George Street (formerly Francis Ellard's premises, from March 1847, at which time he appears also to have acquired Ellard's plates, until May 1851, at which time Grocott appears to have ceased trading; he never returned to music publishing and his/Ellard's plates were in turn acquired by Woolcott and Clarke, and later J. R. Clarke)

See Grocott's February 1850 advertisement: 

See Grocott's Catalogue (August 1850)

Dated/datable (chronological):

The new song of the captive Greek girl / John W. Hobbs / Sydney: Published by Grocott, Late Ellard, George Street / [? 1847]

The bride's farewell to her mother / John Howson / Sydney: Published for the Composer by J. T. Grocott / [1 January 1848] / see also Main entry

Farewell my fatherland (as sung by Jenny Lind) / [March 1848] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Jenny Lind polka / [March 1848] "incorrect from first to last, in fact a perfect disgrace as a musical colonial production, published by a certain printer in George-street" / NO COPY IDENITIFIED

There's a good time coming, boys / Henry Russell / [May 1849] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

The Fitzroy quadrilles / James Henri Anderson / Sydney: Published by J. T. Grocott, 486, George Street / [by September 1850] / see also Main entry

In that devotion ("sung by Mrs. Guerin, in the opera of Matilda of Hungary") / William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: Grocott, Publisher, 486, George Street / [March 1850]

The old arm chair ("sung by Miss Sarah Flower at the Royal Hotel" [May 1850] / Henry Russell / [Sydney]: To be had at Grocott's Music Saloon, 486, George Street / [? May-June 1850] / compare Other copies/editions

By the sad sea waves ("sung by Miss Sarah Flower, on Friday evening, May 3, 1850, at the Royal Victoria Theatre" / Jules Benedict / [Sydney]: Printed and published by J. T. Grocott, music saloon, 486, George Street / [May 1850] / pub. no: "563" /

Tell him I love him yet / William Stanley / Sydney: Printed and published for Mr. Stanley by J. T. Grocott ... 486, George Street / [June 1850] / see also Main entry

Ordered series:

A selection of favorite polkas, arranged for the piano-forte by Jullien, &c. / Sydney: Published by J. T. Grocott, 486, George Street

? Final list of 50 (? c. 1851) on cover of Drum polka

1 / Jullien Original Polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

2 / Parisien polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

3 / Brecon polka / Louis Jullien

4 / Bohemian polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

5 / Post horn polka / Louis Jullien / compare Other copies/editions

6 / Hyacinthen polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

7 / Her majesty's court polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

8 / Jeanette & Jeanott polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

9 / The Beaufort polka / Louis Jullien

10 / Willoughby polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

11 / Bridal polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

12 / The nightingale polka / Louis Jullien / compare Other copies/editions

13 / The imperial polka / Louis Jullien

14 / Les folies de Paris polka / Louis Jullien

15 / Sheffer polka / se     e copy with separate titlepage below

16 / Jenny Lind polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / but datable to March 1848, see above

17 / Railway polka / Louis Jullien

18 / Old Dan Tucker polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

19 / Lucy Neal polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED but ? SLNSW 

20 / Annen polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

21 / Victoria polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

22 / La redowa polka / [Anon.]

23 / La branche d'accacia polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

24 / Rhine polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

25 / Rage of Berlin polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

26 / American polkas (a set) / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

27 / Schottisch [? polka] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / Der Scottisch or German polka, "just published" (18 July 1849)

28 / Eisle and Biesle polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

29 / The flora polka / P. Jewell

30 / The drum polka / Jullien / compare Other copies/editions

31 / The fire fly polka / H. W. Goodban / compare Other copies/editions

32 / Schottishe duetts / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

33 / Agnes polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

34 / Esmeralda polka / Louis Jullien

35 / The Helena polka / Louis Jullien

36 / Victoria Schottish / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

37 / Berliner polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

38 / Trumpet polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

39 / Devonshire polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

40 / L'entrain polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

41 / Australian polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / [ ? was there a Grocott edition of Henry Marsh's Australian polka]

42 / Moonlight polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / but see copy with separate cover below

43 / Champaigne polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

44 / Kitty Schottish / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

45 / Taglioni polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

46 / Polka d'amour / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

47 / Polka des Voyagers / NOT IN TROVE / copy at University of Sydney

48 / Princess polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

49 / Prince of Wales polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

50 / Very last polka / NO COPY IDENTIFIED

Undated/undatable (alphabetical by title):

As it fell upon a day / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published at Grocott's Music Saloon, George Street / from Ellard's plates / compare Other copies/editions

The battle of Prague / Franz Brixi / Sydney: Grocott / from Ellard's plates / compare Other copies/editions

Berliner schottisch / ? Marschan / Sydney: printed and published by J. T. Grocott, Music Saloon, 486, George Street / pub. number "725"

The celebrated Danish quadrilles ["Musard's 63d set"] / "F. Muzard" [Philippe Musard] / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street

The duke of Reichstadt's waltz (to which is added Venetian barcarolle or Italian air) / [Strauss] arr. Henri Herz / Sydney: Published by Grocott, music seller, George St.

The celebrated echo quadrilles / "F. Muzard" [Philippe Musard] / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street / ? from Ellard's plates

The celebrated Grand overture to Henry the Fourth / Padre Martini / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street

Dearest, then I'll love you more / C. W. Glover / Sydney: Printed and published by J. T. Grocott, Music Saloon, 486, George Street

A duett for two performers ... O dolce concento / Thomas Latour / Sydney: Published at Grocott's Music Saloon, George Street / from Ellard's plates

The fall of Paris and the favorite rosignol waltz / [various] / Sydney: Published at Grocott's Music Salon / engraved: "F. Ellard" (? i.e. after March 1847)

Hart's seventh set of quadrilles ... from Rossini's operas / Joseph Binns Hart / Sydney: Grocott's Music Seller, George St. / from Ellard's plates

The house at home / Edward J. Loder / Sydney: Grocott

I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls / Michael Balfe / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street / from Ellard's plates [as Ellard's, names Theodosia Stirling (since ? August 1846 Mrs. Guerin) on cover, probably dating from her performances in 1845; / compare Other copies/editions

I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows / Charles Edward Horn / Sydney: Grocott / compare Other copies/editions

I love but thee / Pio Cianchettini / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street / from Ellard's plates / compare Other copies/editions

In happy moments / William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: Grocott / ? from Spencer Wallace 1846 plates, compare George Hudson's edition

Land of the west / Samuel Lover / Sydney: Published at Grocott's Music Saloon / engraved: "F. Ellard Sydney" (? i.e. after March 1847)

Mary! queen of my soul / Miss Wollaston / Sydney: Grocott / compare Other copies/editions

Love not / John Blockley / Sydney: Published by Grocott

The moonlight polka / W. H. Cooke / [Sydney]: Grocott's edition

My pretty page look out afar / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street / from Ellard's plates / compare Other copies/editions

The old arm chair / Henry Russell / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street / compare Other copies/editions

Overture to Guy Mannering / Henry R. Bishop / Sydney: Grocott / ? from Ellard's plates / compare Other copies/editions

Overture to Tancredi / Giacomo Rossini / Sydney: Published by Grocott, music seller, George St / NOT IN TROVE / copy at University of Sydney

The Pestal waltz / W. H. Bellamy, arr. C. E. Horn / Published by L. Cocks [R. Cocks] & Co, London, and at Grocott's Saloon, George Street, Sydney

Prince Albert's own, or The Royal Eleventh Hussar quadrilles / arr. John Weippert / Sydney: Grocott, George Street

Rosa walzer, op. 76 / Johann Strauss I / Sydney: Published at Grocott's Music Saloon, George Street / from Ellard's plates

Scenes that are brightest / William Vincent Wallace / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George Street

Second set of the royal Irish quadrilles / Louis Jullien / Sydney: Grocott / ? from Ellard's plates

Scheffer polka / M. Lardelli / Sydney: Published at J. T. Grocott's Music Saloon and Stationery Warehouse George St.

She wore a wreath of roses / Joseph Philip Knight / Sydney: Published by Grocott, George St. / compare Other copies/editions

Will you love me then as now / C. W. Glover / Sydney: Published by J. T. Grocott, Music Saloon, 486, George Street

Woodman spare that tree / Henry Russell / Sydney: Grocott

DANIELL, John Alfred (alias of Alfred HEARNE) / WILSON, William (engraver) ? (Sydney, 1848)

On Daniell see entry in Biographical register

On Wilson see entry in Biographical register

Dated/datable (chronological):

La militaire quadrilles / Jonah A. Daniell / Rushcutter's Bay: To be had ... of the Author; Wilson, York St. [Sydney] / [March 1848] / see also Main entry

GIBBS, John (Sydney, 1850- )

See entry in Biographical register

See all tagged music (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Dated/datable (chronological)

The Irish emigrant / George Barker / [Sydney: J. Gibbs, 377, Pitt Street] / [December 1850] see Advertisement

They say there is some distant land / Michael Balfe / [Sydney: J. Gibbs, 377, Pitt Street] / [December 1850] see Advertisement

The old arm chair / Henry Russell / [Sydney: J. Gibbs, 377, Pitt Street] / [December 1850] see Advertisement

60 Polkas [undoubtedly including George Hudson's polka editions, perhaps unders a new cover] / [Sydney: J. Gibbs, 377, Pitt Street] / [December 1850] see Advertisement

Woman's heart / Michael Balfe / Sydney: Published by J. Gibbs, 89, Phillip Street / [July 1851] see Advertisement

TROOD, Printing Office (Sydney, 1850)

Dated/datable (chronological):

Songs of the serenaders no. 1 / [various] edited by James W. Reading / Sydney: Printed at Trood's Printing Office / [by June 1850] / words only / see also Main entry

The printer Thomas Trood died in January 1850, and his wife Anne (d. 1871) carried on trading at Trood's Albion Printing Office until she sold the stock and trade early in 1851.

ANON. (? Sydney, ? c. 1850)

Undated/undatable (alphabetical):

The meeting of the east and west [not in TROVE] / Isaac Nathan / [no details] / [? c.1850] / see also Main entry

The spell that beams in woman's eye / Stephen Hale Marsh / [no details / [? c.1850] / see also Main entry

British editions of colonial Australian musical works

Currency lasses (an admired australian quadrille, composed by a lady at Sydney) / [Tempest Margaret Paul] / London: Engraved, printed & published by J. Cross, 18 Holborn, opposite Furnivals Inn, price 1/6 / [c. early 1830s] / see also Main page

Eight sets of quadrilles / Henry Mundy / London: Robert Cocks / [? 1837] / copy at Launceson, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Peter Sims Collection, catalogue record not in TROVE / see also Main entry

A set of six waltzes / Henry Mundy / London: Cocks and Co. / [1839] / NO COPIES IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

The Australian valse / Stephen Hale Marsh / London: T. Boosey & Co. / [by November 1848] / see also Main entry

Leichhardt's march (for the harp) / Stephen Hale Marsh / London: T. Boosey & Co. / [by November 1848] / see also Main entry

Leichhardt's march (for the piano) / Stephen Hale Marsh / London: T. Boosey & Co. / [by November 1848] / see also Main entry

The traveller's return (ode to Leichhardt) / Stephen Hale Marsh / London: T. Boosey & Co. / [by November 1848] / see also Main entry

Hail to Victoria! queen of the ocean / Stephen Hale Marsh / London: T. Boosey & Co. / [by November 1848] / see also Main entry

I drink to thee / Stephen Hale Marsh /London: [? T. Boosey & Co.] / [?1848/49/50] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

The following items were issued during 1850 by publishers/printers whose output will be listed fully in later page:

ARNOLD, Edward

Hark to the strains that triumphant are swelling / Frank Hooper / Melbourne: Edward Arnold, Elizabeth Street / [c.1850] / see also Main entry


Loyalty / Isaac Nathan / Sydney: [? Kern and Mader] / [October 1850] / see also Main entry

MARSH, Henry

The Australian polka / Henry Marsh / Sydney: Published at the author's music rooms / [October] 1850 / see also Main entry


The song of Victoria / Thomas Reed / [Melbourne: T. Reed, Harrison] / [November 1850 / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

WILKIE, Joseph

The Separation polka / Joseph Wilkie / [Melbourne: Joseph Wilkie] / [December 1850] / NO COPY IDENTIFIED / see also Main entry

Music lithographic stone, first half 19th century; Nederlands Steendrukmuseum, Valkenswaard

Music lithographic stone, first half 19th century, unidentified publisher, with "plate" number "331"; Nederlands Steendrukmuseum, Valkenswaard (Dutch Museum of Lithography); reproduced here with the kind permission of the curators 

For other comparable images of lithographic stones, see Twyman 1996, 65 (plate 40), 67 (plate 41); and for a relief-etched stone, 63 (plate 39).

Bibliography and resources

[Antoine Raucourt], A manual of lithography; or, Memoir on the lithographical experiments made in Paris . . . translated from the French by C. Hullmandel, second edition (London: Rodwell and Martin, 1821) 

John Degotardi, The art of printing in the various branches . . . with specimens and illustrations (Sydney: J. Degotardi, 1861), (1982 facsimile edition)

Friedrich Chrysander, "A sketch of the history of music-printing, from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century (concluded)", The musical times and singing class circular (1 December 1877), 584-87 (PAYWALL)

T. L. Work, "The early printers of Melbourne 1838 to 1858" [18 parts], Australasian typographical journal (July 1897-March 1899), esp. Feb 1899 

William Gamble, Music engraving and music printing: historical and technical treatise (London: Pitman, 1923; New York: Da Capo, 1971) 

Michael Twyman, Early lithographed music: a study based on the H. Barron Collection (London: Farrand Press, 1996) 

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999) (DIGITISED)

"Sheet-music cover", in Maurice Rickards (ed.), The encyclopedia of ephemera: a guide to the fragmentary documents of everyday life for the collector, curator, and historian (New York: Routledge, 2000), 291-95, especially 292 (PREVIEW)

"Transfer lithography", Rickards 2000, as above, 338-39 (PREVIEW)

Dennis Bryans, A seed of consequence: indirect image transfer and chemical printing: the role played by lithography in the development of printing technology (Ph.D thesis, Swinburn University of Technology, 2000) (DIGITISED)

Rudolf Rasch, Music publishing in Europe 1600-1900: concepts and issues, bibliography (Berlin: BWV Verlag, 2005) (PREVIEW)

"Lithography", Wikipedia 

"Lithography", Music printing history 

David Day, "Collection of early music lithography (1803-1829)", posted 6 March 2011; Brigham Young University, Harold B. Lee Library, L. Tom Perry Special Collections 

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