LAST MODIFIED Wednesday 19 March 2025 9:01
Joseph Reichenberg and family
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"Joseph Reichenberg and family",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
Master of the band of the 40th Regiment, professor of music, clarinet-player, composer
Born Santa Teresa, Naples (Italy) c.1789/92
Married (1) Angelica ? (d. 1843), ? Italy, ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 October 1824 (per Mangles, with headquarters of regiment, from Portsmouth 13 July)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), ? 8 February 1826 (per John, from Sydney, 26 January); ? or 15 February (per Medway, from Sydney, 4 February)
Married (2) Eliza Frances O'MEAGHER (c.1819/20-1899), St. Joseph's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 October 1843
Died Hobart, TAS, 31 January 1851, aged 59 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
REICHENBERG, Angelica (Mrs. Joseph REICHENBERG (1) )
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 23 January 1843 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
REICHENBERG, Eliza Frances (Eliza O'MEAGHER; Elizabeth Frances; Mrs. Joseph REICHENBERG (2) )
Choral singer (St. Joseph's Choir)
Born Dublin, Ireland c. 1819/20
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1836
Married Joseph REICHENBERG, St. Joseph's, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 16 October 1843
Died Hobart, TAS, 9 June 1899, in the 80th year of her age (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
REICHENBERG, Angela (Miss Angela Jane REICHENBERG; RICHENBERG; Angela Augusta; Angela Augustine)
Choral singer, pianist
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 September 1844
Died Hobart, TAS, 18 October 1923 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Organist, vocalist
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 18 December 1845 (registered 1846)
Died Sandy Bay, TAS, 8 July 1932, aged 86 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
REICHENBERG, Cecilia Frances
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 29 June 1847
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 24 June 1848
Artist, teacher of drawing and painting
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 15 May 1849
Died Hobart, TAS, 23 October 1899 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Military service (1809-1829)

Joseph Richenberg, discharge from 40th Regiment, 24/25 December 1829; UK National Archives, WO 97/565/81
His Majesty's Fortieth Regt. of Foot, 8/9/30 . . . These are to Certify
I. THAT Joseph Richenberg born in the Parish of St. Teresse in on near the Town of Naples in the County of Naples was enlisted for the aforesaid Regiment at Messina in the Kingdom of Sicily on the 27th Day of May 1809 at the age of Twenty for unlimited service.
Cha[sseurs] Britanniques / [from] 28 April 1809 / [to] 24 July 1814 / [private] 5 yrs 122 days
40th Foot / [from] 30 Aug't 1814 / [to] 24 Dec. 1829 / [Serjeant] 15 yrs 116 days
Waterloo / 2 yrs
Total of service / 22 yrs 238 days
III. That by authority . . . he is hereby discharged in consequence of Inguinal hernia of several years standing
IV. That he is not . . . incapacitated by the Sentence of a General Court Martial, from receiving Pension.
V. That his general Conduct as a soldier has been Very Good Served on the Peninsula North America and Waterloo.
VI. That he has received all just demands of Pay, Clothing, &c. . . .
VII. I, Sergt. Joseph Richenberg do hereby acknowledge that I have received all my Clothing, Pay, Arrears of Pay [&c. . . .] Certified by W. Dalrymple, Capt'n 40th Reg't
VIII. Description . . . He is about Forty Years of Age, is five Feet Six Inches in height, Lt. Brown Hair, Hazle Eyes Dark Complexion, and by Trade of Occupation a Musician
Under my hand . . . at Hobart Town this 25th Day of Dec'r 1829
[signed] Wm. Turton Major 40th Reg't.
Horse Guards 17 Jan 1830, confirmed . . .

40th Foot . . .
Joseph Reichenberg
Aged - / 41
Served as Serj't / 15 [years] 4 m
Waterloo - / 2
Chas. Brit's - 5 [years] 4 m . . .
Sydney, NSW (27 October 1824 to January 1826)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1820s:
For all TROVE items tagged Band of the 40th Regiment for 1820s:
27 October 1824, Reichenberg arrived Sydney, NSW, per Mangles, with headquarters of the 40th regiment, from Portsmouth 13 July
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 October 1824), 2
Colonel THORNTON, of H. M. 40th Regiment, with the Headquarters of that fine body of men, has arrived per the Mangles. The disembarkation took place yesterday afternoon at three o'clock. The detachment of the 40th already here, paraded under arms on the king's wharf, in order to welcome their "brethren in arms" on the distant shores of Australia. The 3d Regt, and other Troops, were drawn up in Barrack Square to welcome their companions.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Thornton (captain)
"AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL LODGE, 260", The Australian (30 December 1824), 3
Monday being St. John's day, the brethren of the above lodge assembled, according to custom, at two o'clock at brother Payne's. They went in procession to St. James's church, where a sermon was preached by the Rev. R. Hill, and a collection entered into for charitable purposes. They were attended to and from church by the band of the 40th Regt. When they returned from church they proceeded to Mr. Hill's, and there discussed the merits of a good dinner, prepared for the occasion by the hostess. The masonic and usual routine toasts were drank, and the company separated at a late hour; the band having remained during the evening. In the course of the evening the health of Mrs. Macquarie was drank with every testimony of respect.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Hill (clergyman, St. James); Elizabeth Macquarie (wife of past governor)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1825:
For all TROVE items tagged Band of the 40th Regiment for 1825:
23 April 1825, St. George's day and king's birthday, band of the 40th Regiment
"SAINT GEORGE'S DAY - THE KING'S BIRTH DAY", The Australian (28 April 1825), 3
Saturday last was the Anniversary of our Patron Saint, and of the Natal Day of our respected Sovereign . . . Unwilling to allow the illustrious 23d of April, commemorative as it is of two great events, to pass over unnoticed, the principal Gentlemen in the Colony, who resided in or near Sydney, met, and dined at, Hill's Tavern, in celebration of both. Nearly seventy persons were present. The Sheriff, who had interested himself a good deal in bringing the party together, presided on the occasion. The Treasurer was Vice. To mention the names of all who did honor to the day, would be an endless and a superfluous task. The Officers of the Russian ship, the Captain of the Slaney, were there; as also, the Colonial Secretary; the Officer in Command; the Attorney and Solicitor General; the Master in Chancery; the Registrar; the Naval Officer; Sir J. Jamison; the Surveyor General; several Military and Naval Officers; Commanders of some of the ships in the Cove; many of the Gentlemen Merchants, &c. &c. The band of the fortieth regaled the company with music, after Mrs. Hill had regaled them with a good dinner. Good humour existed in perfection. When the cloth was removed, St. George, as might be expected, received every attention: the mention of his name was hailed with enthusiasm; and an elder and very important branch of his Saintship's family was duly honored in the glass; the band striking up an appropriate air. The King was drank in proper style; then followed the usual public toasts. The "Currency Lasses" were bumpered three times three, as we hope they always will be. The Rausunne performed its circumvolutions round the table till a late hour. Nothing whatever interrupted the universal harmony, or gave any one reason to regret the appropriation of that portion of his time.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 April 1825), 2
28 April 1825, announcement of Richenberg's Australian quadrilles

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 April 1825), 1
MR. REICHENBERG, Music Master of the 40th Regiment, respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Colony,
that he has composed a first Set of Quadrilles for Australia, with proper figures adapted to it, for the Pianoforte,
Flute, or Violin; as also, for a full Band. The same may be had in Manuscript, from Mr. REICHENBERG, at the Military Barracks;
or at Mr. CAMPBELL's, No.93, George-street, by giving one Day's Notice. - Price 6s.

[Advertisement], The Australian (28 April 1825), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Campbell (music seller)
"SERIOUS ACCIDENT", The Australian (28 July 1825), 4
A very melancholy accident happened on Monday morning by the overturning of the Eclipse Coach, on leaving Sydney. The coach was proceeding down the Brickfield Hill at rather a quick pace, when a bullock cart suddenly crossed the road. The coachman endeavoured to avoid it by, pressing forward at an encreased rate, but was unable to effect his purpose. The coach came in contact with the cart, and after hanging on a balance for a short distance, fell over with a tremendous crash which broke in the side. One man, a musician of the band of the 40th, was killed almost on the spot; for he died within a very short time after he fell - his skull being fractured. Another is not expected to survive; and three or four more are most dreadfully bruised. There were sixteen persons on the outside, and six inside. Eleven of them were of the 40th's band, who were proceeding to assist in the ceremony of laying the first stone of the Mills and Steam Engine Buildings about to be erected by Mr. John Raine, in that neighbourhood . . . Not a single person it is said except the guard escaped without receiving more or less of injury. The musician who was killed was a very valuable man, and is much regretted by Colonel Thornton. It is a great misfortune that the act of kindness on the part of the Colonel should have been attended with such fatal results; but it is quite impossible to attach the most remote blame to him for consenting to lend the services of the band on the occasion . . . A Coroner's Inquest was held at Hill's Tavern on Tuesday and Wednesday last, upon the body of James Wade, belonging to the band of the 40th. The man died after being removed to the General Hospital, after the accident. Verdict - accidental death.
"POLICE REPORT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 July 1825), 2
On Monday morning last, as the Eclipse Coach was on its way to Parramatta, driving, down the Brickfield-hill, at the bottom of George Street, the horses suddenly took fright, and the coach was unfortunately overturned. There was a great number of outside passengers (nearly twenty, as we are informed), consisting for the most part of the Band of the 40th Regiment, who were proceeding to Parramatta for the purpose of assisting in the ceremony of laying the first stone of the New Mill, all of whom received some serious injury. One man, named Wade, died almost immediately, and several others were taken to the Hospital with severe fractures and bruises. The coachman states that the horses started at a team of bullocks drawing a cart, that happened to be passing at the time.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Wade (bandsman)
28 September 1825, Sydney race week, Turf Club ball
"TURF CLUB BALL", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 October 1825), 3
This Entertainment took place on Wednesday evening last, at Hill's Rooms, Hyde Park, under the management, we believe, of Colonel MILLS and Mr. MACKENZIE. - The few Ladies at this time in Town, and the Races occurring so soon after the Ball given to Baron De BOUGAINVILLE, and the french Officers, it was doubted whether such an assemblage of Ladies could be collected as to make the Ball in the least fascinating, and it was not till Monday last that the invitations were sent out, consequently there was no time to invite the up-country folks; and His EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR, Lady BRISBANE, and Miss MACDOUGALL, could not attend, owing to the recent calamity in the Family. - Notwithstanding these difficulties (and the Club wishing the Ball to be kept as originally intended), we are enabled to sat, that there was a most abundant dsiplay of Beauty and Fashion, without the least crowd or confusion; there was about 60 persons present; one-third of whom were Ladies; one-third Military Officers; and the residue Civilians. - The Dancing commenced at 9 o'clock; after Supper at 12; after which Dancing was resumed, and kept up till day-light. The band of the 40th, assisted by Captain PIPER's Band, played most enchantingly during the evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hyacinthe de Bougainville (head of French naval expedition); John Piper and his band
22 November 1825, masonic address to the departing governor
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 November 1825), 2
[Advertisement], The Australian (1 December 1825), 1
ADDRESS FROM THE LEINSTER MARINE LODGE OF AUSTRALIA. TUESDAY the 22nd 3 p.m. being the hour fixed by His Excellency the Governor for receiving the deputation from the Leinster Masonic Lodge, of Australia, the Following Address was presented and most graciously received . . .
To his Excellency Major General Sir Thomas Brisbane,
K. C. B. - C. M. F. I. &c., &c. Governor in Chief of New South Wales and its dependencies, &c., &c.
We, the Masters, Wardens, Officers, and Brethren of the Leinster Marine Lodge of Australia, No. 266,
held under Warrant from the Grand Lodge of Ireland, conjointly with the subscribed Masonic Brethren residing in the Colony,
beg leave, upon the eventful moment of your Excellency's departure from hence,
very respeclfnlly to tender you our sentiments and feelings of respect, and esteem for yourself and family;
and grateful admiration of the rules and principles which have universally guided and directed your Excellency's administration . . .
. . . your Excellency's most respectful obedient and humble servants,
. . . J. Richenberg, 284 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Reichenberg is listed as having been received into lodge No. 284. Shakespeare Lodge Number 284 was originally established in 1792 in Norwich by the Warwickshire Militia, based there at the time, and relocated with the militia's to Warwick in 1808.
9 December 1825, funeral of John Ovens
"THE LATE MAJOR OVENS", The Australian (15 December 1825), 3
On Friday morning last the remains of the late Major Ovens, the Chief Engineer, were interred in the new burial ground. About quarter past six o'clock the funeral procession moved off from the late residence of the deceased in Bent-street. The military party which was destined to pay their last tribute of respect, consisting of about three companies from the 57th and 40th regiments, commanded by a field officer, marched first in sections with their arms reversed; these were followed by the regimental staff, the bands of the 3rd. and 40th regiments, which continued playing, alternately, slow and solemn airs in unison with the melancholy occasion they were met to celebrate. The Archdeacon in his canonicals, supported on either side by the clergymen of St. Philip's and St. James's, preceded the hearse containing the body . . . military, and civil officers in pairs - many private friends of the deceased, carriages, &c. closed the procession. As the group defiled along Tank-street, Hunter-street and George-street, towards the burial ground, the low plaintive strains of the military music, the hollow beat of the muffled drums, the troops' slow but steady march, were calculated to produce the most melancholy sensations . . .
19 December 1825, reception of governor Ralph Darling
"Government and General Order", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 December 1825), 3
GOVERNMENT HOUSE, SYDNEY, 18th DECEMBER. 1825. AS HIS EXCELLENCY LIEUTENANT GENERAL DARLING, Captain General and Governor in Chief &c. &c. &c. of this Colony and its Dependencies, has arrived, and will land at Four o'clock To-morrow Afternoon, at the King's Wharf, His Honor the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR requests the Whole of the CIVIL and MILITARY OFFICERS will be pleased to assemble at that Point to receive His Excellency on his Landing, and to follow in Procession to Government House . . .
The Band of the Buffs will assemble at the King's Wharf and will precede His Procession, playing Marches until they reach the Gate leading to Government-house. The Band of the 40th Regiment, with a Guard of Honor, consisting of One Captain, Two Lieutenants, Two Serjeants, and Fifty Rank and File of the Buffs, will be formed on the Inside the Entrance Gate to Government-house, and will receive His Excellency with the Compliments due to his distinguished Rank . . .
"GOVERNOR DARLING", The Australian (22 December 1825), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: Ralph Darling (governor); Band of the 3rd Regiment
Columbus Fitzpatrick, reminiscences of the year 1825; in "REMINISCENCES OF CATHOLICISM IN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE COLONY", Freeman's Journal (25 November 1865), 741
. . . In 1825 there were a great number of soldiers in this country and as it happened, the Bandmaster (Mr. Cavanagh) of the 3rd Buffs was a Catholic, as also the Bandmaster (Mr. Richenberg) of the 40th Regiment, an Italian and a great musician. Both regiments were stationed in Sydney at that time, and as Mr. Richenberg was only a hired bandmaster to the 40th regiment he used to devote all his leisure hours to the instruction and formation of a real good choir and I can say with truth that his exertions were crowned with success, for he had taught us to sing with his bandsmen, and it was a common thing to have five or six clarionets, two basoons, a serpent, two French horns, two flutes, a violincello, a first and tenor violin, and any amount of well-trained singers, all bursting forth in perfect harmony the beautiful music of our Church. Oh! it makes my heart thrill when I think of those happy days . . .
[no Catholic musicians in Sydney in the 1830s and 1840s] could ever equal Mr. Richenberg's choir, for he had so many bandsmen, and they played with such precision that finer music could not be found out of Europe. There being as I said before two Catholic bandmasters in Sydney at that time, there was a spirit of emulation in the bands to see who could, do most for the Church, and as Mr. Cavanagh the band master of the Buffs was a fine singer, he gave us the benefit of his voice in addition to playing the violincello. Such choruses I have never since heard . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Columbus Fitzpatrick (memorist); Thomas Kavanagh (master of the band of the 3rd Regiment)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1826:
For all TROVE items tagged Band of the 40th Regiment for 1826:
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (February 1826 onward)
8 February 1826, arrival in Hobart Town, per John (from Sydney, 26 January) of part of the band of the 40th Regiment
15 February 1826, arrival in Hobart Town, per Medway (from Sydney, 4 February) of the remainder of the band of the 40th Regiment
"New South Wales", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (10 February 1826), 4
Letters and Newspapers have reached us to the 30th, inclusive, by the John, in which vessel arrived part of the band and of the corps of drummers, and a detachment of the 40th Regiment, under the command of Captain Stewart. - The remainder, we understand, may be daily expected in the Medway. Although a considerable numerical addition is made to our Military force, yet it is but little effectively increased; for when the band, the drummers, the taylors, and all the other non-combatant odds and ends of a regimental head-quarters are taken into the account, we believe that when the detachment of the 57th goes away, we shall not have so many bayonets for field use, as we have at present. But the great point will be gained - the object which we have all along perfectly understood. We now have a Regiment here! . . .
"Dinner to Major Abbott", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (10 February 1826), 3
On Wednesday, a splendid Entertainment was given at Stodart's Hotel, by the Gentlemen of Hobart Town, to this Veteran Officer and truly-respected Colonist, on the occasion of his appointment by His Majesty to be Civil Commandant at Launceston . . . Several excellent songs were given by different Gentlemen, particularly by Mr. Roberts and Mr. Deane, who with some other amateurs, sung favourite catches and glees, in a manner which afforded ample compensation for the want of the newly arrived Band of the 40th Regt., which, we lament to say, was refused . . .
[News], Hobart Town Gazette (11 February 1826), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (singer, musician); "Mr. Roberts" (singer), probably Peter Roberts (d. 1860), deputy assistant commissary general
"THE BAND", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (24 March 1826), 3
We are sorry to observe that the Band (of the advantages of which so much was said) is not permitted to perform any longer on the Sunday evenings. We understand that the sanctity of the day was considered to be interrupted. We hope His Majesty will adopt this arrangement at Windsor, and that the Bands of the Guards will not longer be permitted to entertain the Terrace visitors, according to long established, but obviously improper custom.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (31 March 1826), 4
Waterloo Store. MR. JOHN P. DEANE begs to inform his Friends, that he is now Selling off, in addition to his former Advertisement, the under-mentioned GOODS . . .
. . . The first set of Australian Quadrills, arranged for the Piano Forte, by J. Richenberg, Music Master of the 40th Band, and a variety of other Music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane (musician, music-seller)
25 April 1826, the king's birthday, St. George's day (from 23 April)
"EXTRACT OF A LETTER DATED HOBART TOWN. APRIL 26, 1826", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (10 May 1826), 3
. . . Yesterday was quite a gay day in Hobart Town. There was a very numerous levee at Government house in the fore noon, and in the evening a very large party sat down to dinner in the long room. The entertainment is described as both sumptuous and elegant, and the greatest glee and cordiality of sentiment prevailed. After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were drank, at each of which the excellent Band of the 40th, played an appropriate air; you will be pleased to learn that his Excellency gave the prosperity of your Colony, as being the elder sister, before that of our own was drank . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Arthur (lieutenant governor of Van Diemen's Land)
22 May 1826, incident concerning Edward Moriarty
"SUPREME COURT. MONDAY, MAY 22", Hobart Town Gazette (27 May 1826), 2
. . . Court was interrupted towards evening by one of the Jury being suddenly obliged to attend at the Barracks in consequence of a melancholy occurrence. Edward Moriarty, a handsome red haired man, who played the French horn in the band of the 40th Regiment had by accident or otherwise, a knife thrust in his mouth to such an extent as to cut the jugular vein, and his life is despaired of.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Moriarty (bandsman)
7 September 1826, Hobart Town Concert
See also concert mainpage:
"Hobart Town Concert", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (29 September 1826), 3
Hobart Town Concert - Yesterday evening, the first Public Concert which this Island has as yet known, took place at the Court-house. The plan of the Concert has been organised by a Committee of Gentlemen, and supported by the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Arthur. Notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather, and the wretched condition of the streets, which were almost impassable, there was a numerous assemblage of Ladies and Gentlemen present - several of whom were from various parts of the country. The number of persons could not have been less than 250 or 300, and the effect of the coup-d'-oeil of the whole was most brilliant. The Band of the 40th Regt. were in their elegant and chaste new uniforms. They were placed in three rows, each row a little elevated in height above the other. The trumpets and horns in the hindmost row, each side of what was the Judge's bench, the trombone in the centre. An excellent grand piano forte was in front, a little on one side - at which Mr. J. P. Deane, the Conductor, presided. The Gentlemen who were kind enough to lend their vocal powers in aid of the evening's amusement, had places assigned to them immediately in front of the whole, to which they passed from their seats amongst the audience, & re-passed at pleasure. We have not time for a detailed account of the performances - we can only say, that they were such as would have astonished and delighted the most fastidious ear of the London critic, scarcely escaped from the fascination of Hanover-square. Amongst the distinguished individuals present, were His Excellency and Mrs. Arthur, Chief Justice and Mrs. Pedder, Colonel Balfour, the Attorney-General, the Solicitor General, the Colonial Secretary; the Rev. Messrs. Bedford, Knopwood, Robinson, and Garrard, and their families; Captain and Mrs. Montagu, Mr. and Mrs. Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Neilly, Mr. and Mrs. Sorell, most of the Officers of the 40th, the Sheriff, the Surveyor-General, &c. &c. We subjoin a list of the evening's performances copied from the hand-bills.
La Fête du Village.....Overture.
Glee......Glorious Apollo.
Song......The Sun that Lights.
Concerto.....Piano Forte.
Glee ....Fair Flora.
Song.......In this Cottage.
Le Nozze di Figaro......Overture.
Glee ......Here in cool Grot.
Recitative and Air......Death of Nelson.
Quintette......The Surprise.
Song ......Dearest Maid.
Glee......The Witches.
Song........ The Wolf.
Messrs. Deane, Swan, and Langford sung the Glees - "Glorious Apollo," "Fair Flora," and "The Witches." Mr. Swan sung "The Sun that Lights the Roses," and "The dearest Maid," the latter in a most masterly style. The Songs, "Death of Nelson" and "In this Cottage," were sung by Mr. Widowson; "The Wolf" by Mr. Deane; the Glee "Here in cool Grot" by Messrs. Smith, Deane, and Swan.
"HOBART TOWN CONCERTS", Hobart Town Gazette (7 October 1826), 4
HOBART TOWN CONCERTS. - The first Concert took place on Thursday last, at the Court House, agreeably to the advertisement, and was numerously and fashionably attended. We sincerely rejoice at so auspicious a commencement of this rational and delightful species of recreation. Van Diemen's Land has always shewn a disposition not to be behind-hand with the elder colony in improvement of every kind. Concerts have for some months past been established in Sydney, and several gentlemen here of the first respectability conceiving that many inhabitants of Hobart Town possessed equal, if not superior musical talents, set on foot a plan for introducing the same source of enjoyment amongst us also; and in this, the first attempt, they have succeeded beyond expectation.
The upper end of the Court House was well fitted up with an orchestra of very respectable appearance, in which, the full Band of the 40th Regiment dressed in their new uniform, was admirably disposed. There was sufficient space in front, on a raised stage, for a grand upright piano, and for eight or ten performers, vocal and instrumental. The room was splendidly lighted, and the entire space before the orchestra fitted with benches for the audience. Before 8 o'clock, there were between 2 and 300 ladies and gentlemen assembled.
For the excellent disposition of the Band of the 40th, we have principally to thank Mr. Reichenberg, the Master, who has taken great interest in the Concert, and to whose exertions, during the evening, much of its success was due. Mr. Deane's powers as a musician are too well known to require our commendation. His concerto on the piano was skilfully and tastefully executed, and loudly applauded. "Here in cool Grot" the celebrated prize Glee for four voices, by Lord Mornington, was the most effective, and elicited a warm encore. The Songs, "In this Cottage," "The Death of Nelson," and "Dearest Maid," were also most deservedly encored. The gentleman who sang the two former has a remarkable fine, natural, and most powerful voice. The gentleman who favoured us with "Dearest Maid," has powers of a different cast. Its peculiar character is flexibility and sweetness, and is improved by much taste. The following is a list of the pieces performed :-
La Fete du Village Voisins, Overture...Boildeu.
Glee, Glorious Apollo.............Webbe.
Song, The Sun that Light...............Williams.
Concerto, Piano Forte..............Dussek.
Glee, Fair Flora................Dauley.
Song, In this Cottage...........Braham.
Concerto, Clarionet............Don Costa Franco.
La Nozze di Figaro, Overture...... Mozart.
Glee, Here in cool Grot...........Lord Mornington.
Recitative and Air, Death of Nelson............Braham.
Quintette, The Surprise...............Haydn.
Song, Dearest Maid...............Slape.
Glee, The Witches ................M. P. King.
Song, The Wolf.........Shield.
The whole concluding with "God Save the King" in full Chorus.
Circumstances having prevented our reporter from being present at this elegant entertainment, we were not able to obtain the above particulars but at too late an hour for insertion in our last number. We have been kindly favoured with the names of the audience, but when we have said that His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Mrs. Arthur and family honoured it with their presence, we consider, that without further mention, we have sufficiently stamped its character, and the high respectability of the large and numerous company which composed it. The applause and general sentiments of unanimity and satisfaction with which the Concert was received will, we doubt not, induce the principal promoters to renew so chaste and rational a recreation at regular intervals, and we have heard, that a Concert of equally elegant and classical composition is proposed quarterly.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Swan (vocalist); Henry Widowson (vocalist); Mr. Smith (vocalist)
30 November 1826, St. Andrew's day
"St. Audrew's Day", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (1 December 1826), 3
Yesterday being the Anniversary of St. Andrew, the Titular Saint of Scotland,
the Van Diemen's Land St. Andrew's Club dined together at the British Hotel.
The Club were kindly favoured by Colonel Balfour with the Band of the 40th Regiment, which played during dinner.
After the cloth was removed, the following toasts were given: -
"The King" - Tune, "God save the King."
"Duke of York and the Army" - Tune, "Duke of York's March."
"Duke of Clarence and the Navy" - Tune, "Rule Britannia."
"Colonel Arthur, and the Prosperity of Van Diemen's Land" - Tune, "Speed the Plough."
"General Darling, and New South Wales". - Tune, "Australian March" . . .
"The Memory of St. Andrew, the Titular Saint of Scotland," in silence - Tune, "Aauld Lang Syne."
"The Land of Cakes." - Tune, "Charlie is my darling."
"Old England." - Tune, "The tight little Island."
"The Emerald Isle." - Tune, "St. Patrick's Day."
"The Clergy" - Tune, "Christ Church Bells."
"Currency Lasses and Sterling Payments," by the Vice President, Mr. Hood. - Tune, "Britons strike Home."
"Colonel Balfour, and the 40th Regiment." - Tune, "The 40th March."
"Colonel Sorell." - Tune, "Because he was a bonny Lad."
"Sir Walter Scott." - Tune, "The Lady of the Lake."
"The Memory of Wallace and Burns" - Tune, "Scot's Wha hae."
"The Kirk." - Tune, "Kiss my Lady."
"The Beggar's Bennison." - Tune, "Ken more."
During the evening, many other excellent Toasts and Songs were given;
and, in short, we never witnessed a more happy and convivial Meeting.
"ST. ANDREW'S CLUB", Hobart Town Gazette (2 December 1826), 2
. . . A meeting of its chief supporters was held on Thursday, being St. Andrew's Day, at the British Hotel, Liverpool-street, and the Members partook of a very elegant and sumptuous dinner, enlivened by the excellent music of the band of the 40th Regiment . . .
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1827:
For all TROVE items tagged Band of the 40th Regiment for 1827:
[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (25 May 1827), 4
Distressing Case. THE distressing circumstances, under which the family of the late Captain LAUGHTON, have been deprived of a Husband and a Father . . . [sums subscribed] . . . Reichenberg, Mr. - 1 0 0 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Laughton (captain, merchant navy, drowned May 1827)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1828:
For all TROVE items tagged Band of the 40th Regiment for 1828:
[Editorial, John Campbell Macdougall], The Tasmanian (29 February 1828), 3
We have received a very long communication, on the subject of the concourse of people who assemble on Sundays, in consequence of the performance of the military band on that day. Disagreeing as we do with the writer, in much of his letter, (which on other accounts is not calculated to meet the public eye,) we, nevertheless, are of opinion, that this practice would be "more honoured in the breach than the observance." It is impossible to witness the licentious assemblies which the attractions of the band and of the barracks call together on Sundays, without feeling convinced, that, however unobjectionable such may be in the Mother or other countries, yet, in a Colony such as this, these are the most powerful objections to it. No one can look at the description of persons, who assemble at the barracks on these occasions, but must be convinced of the extreme impropriety of such congregations at all in such a place, to say nothing of the day on which it takes place. At Sydney, we perceive that the military bands perform twice a week, (on weekdays,) in a public place in the centre of that great town; but neither in the barrack; nor on Sunday, are these exhibitions permitted. We can, if we feel it necessary to continue this subject, be more particular in our objections to its continuance.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Campbell Macdougall (newspaper editor, proprietor)
1828 "EXTRACTS FROM A JOURNAL (Intended for Publication,) kept by a Country Gentleman, during a short visit to Hobart Town", The Hobart Town Courier (22 March 1828), 3
Tuesday, March 18 . . . This evening the spacious apartments recently erected in the Barrack-square, were thrown open by the Officers of the 40th Regiment, to a numerous and fashionable assemblage of their friends, for a splendid Ball and Supper, to which most of the principal inhabitants had received cards. The rooms filled soon after 10 o'clock; and quadrilles and Spanish dances were kept up during the whole night with great spirit. The Mess room was appropriated to dancing. It was brilliantly illuminated, and the floor was well and very tastily painted. In one part of the room was a handsome transparency. At the upper end were the present colours, whilst over the transparency were placed the old and venerable relics of those, which formerly accompanied the regiment to so many fields of glory. The Band was stationed outside, in a balcony, at one end of the room . . . The arrangement of the whole reflected the greatest credit upon the hospitality of the regiment, and the taste of the managing committee . . .
23 April 1828, the king's birthday
"THE KING'S BIRTHDAY", The Tasmanian (25 April 1828), 2
The magnificent assemblage of Ladies and Gentlemen at Government House, in the evening, displayed a collection of beauty and fashion, never before equalled in either of the Austral-Asiatic Colonies . . . It would be injustice to the excellent band of the 40th, not to add that the music was of the first discription [sic] . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (3 May 1828), 3
PIANO FORTE BY BROADWOOD. TO BE SOLD, A Very fine-toned Six Octave PIANO FORTE, with rounded corners and turned legs, made by Messrs. Broadwood, expressly for this climate not two years ago. It is parted with for no fault, and to save, trouble the lowest price is Fifty Guineas; Cash. For particulars apply to Mr. Reichenberg, Master of the Band of the 40th Regiment.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Broadwood and Sons; see also on this site "Broadwood pianos in early colonial Australia"

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (8 August 1828), 3
JOSEPH REICHENBERG, Master of the Band of the 40th Regiment,
begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of this Colony,
that they now can have Manuscript Copies of his Hobart Town Quadrilles.
The Figures are as follows, viz: -
The Safe Arrival; the Scotch Settler; the English Settler; the Irish Settler; and the Union;
all adapted to the style of the three different Nations,
and to the Figures of Payne's 1st Sett of Quadrilles.
J. REICHENBERG has also composed
another Sett for the 40th, which also may be had of him.
The Figures areas follows, viz:-
La Peninsula; La Waterloo; La Paris; L'Australia; and La Tasmania;
adapted to the Figures of the Lancers' Sett.
"FUNERAL of MR. COMMISSARY ASHTON", The Tasmanian (22 August 1828), 3
ON Tuesday, about 3 o'Clock, the remains of MR. D. A. C. G. ASHTON, whose death we announced in our last, were interred in the Church Yard with the usual military honours, the funeral procession moved from his residence at Mount Pleasant . . . Band of the 40th Regiment, Drums muffled, playing the solemn Dead March in Handel [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Ashton (deputy assistant commissary general)
MUSIC: The dead march in Saul (Handel)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (23 August 1828), 1
MUSIC FOR SALE, At Deane's Circulating Library,
THE following MUSIC is offered for Sale, on the most reasonable terms, viz: . . .
New Quadrilles - Webster.
Hobart town, do - Reichenberg.
Tasmanian do. - Deane . . .
MUSIC: Whereas Reichenberg's and Deane's quadrilles were local productions, available for sale in manuscript, the new quadrilles by Webster were almost certainly printed copies imported from England
25/29 September 1828, departure from Hobart Town of the headquarters of the 40th Regiment, with band, per Phoenix, for Bombay
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Tasmanian (3 October 1828), 2
SAILED. On Monday last - The transport ship Phoenix, (Capt. Cousins,) for Bombay, with the Head Quarters and the 1st Detachment of the 40th.
"SUPREME COURT", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (14 December 1828), 4
Criminal Sittings. Before His Honor the Chief Justice. Tuesday, December 5. Jury. - M. Dawson (foreman), S. J. Board, J. Livinstone, R. S. Waterhouse, J. Perkins, J. Deane, J. Oxford, S. Ridler, E. Wilkinson, E. Allison, W. Turner, J. Richenburgh . . .
"SUPREME COURT. THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1828", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (6 December 1828), 2
. . . the folowing jury sworn: - Mr. Michael Dawson, foreman, Samuel Beard, R. G. Waterhouse, James Levingston, John Perkius, John Dean, George Orford, Samuel Riddler, Edward Wilkinson, Edward Allison, William Turner and Joseph Richenburgh . . .
From January 1829 to December 1830, Riechenberg is resident music master at Ellenthope Hall, via Ross
[2 advertisements], The Tasmanian (19 December 1828), 3
MRS. CLARK'S Establishment at Ellenthorpe Hall will re-open on Monday the 2nd of Feb. . . . terms include the expence of every branch of useful and ornamenial education, with the exception of Music, Singing, and the Italian language, which are taught by Mr. Richenburgh at the annual charge of Music £10 10s. Singing £10 10s. Italian ££6 6s . . .
MR. REICHENBURGH, late Band Master of the 40th Regimet, returns his sincere thanks to the Officers of the above Regiment,
and to those Ladies and Gentlemen who have patronized him during his residence at Hobart Town,
and begs leave at the same time to inform them, that he shall, in the early part of the ensuing year,
remove to Ellenthorpe Hall, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. CLARK,
where he intends to give Musical Instruction in all its branches;
also in also in Singing and the Italian Language.
Mr. R. has been teaching Music for twenty years, years,
and with the experience he has acquired during that time,
flatters himself that all those Ladies who may be the placed under his instruction cannot fail to make rapid progress,
particularly as he intends devoting the whole of his time to their improvement.
TERMS - - £ s. d.
MUSIC - - 10 10 0
SINGING - - 10 10 0
ITALIAN - - 6 6 0
N.B. - Piano Fortes Tuned by the Year, at a distance of 60 miles.
Those persons who wish to have them Tuned will be pleased to send notice to Mr. R., at Ellenthorpe Hall.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hannah Maria Davice (Mrs. George Carr Clark); see also Stilwell 1963
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1829:
For all TROVE items tagged Band of the 40th Regiment for 1829:
"WHERE WE ARE", The Hobart Town Courier (31 January 1829), 2
. . . Our concerts, which not long ago were got up with such taste and spirit have now fallen into oblivion. Mr. Reichenberg, the late leader of the Band of the 40th, now promulgates his favourite science among his pupils at Ellinthorpe Hall, and Mr. Deane also, much occupied in teaching the elements, is unable of himself alone to cultivate harmonics for public ears. Hobart town may now be said to be out of tune, and even the mice, it is said, by eating the bellows of the organ, have militated against the melody of St. David's.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (21 March 1829), 3
. . . The departure of Mr. Reichenberg, late Master of the Band of the 40th Regiment, will be severely felt by the families in Hobart town where he has been teaching so long with such success. The accession of so valuable a teacher however to Mrs. Clark's establishment at Ellinthorpe hall must be highly prized by those who have children at that seminary.
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1843s:
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1830:
"Extract of a letter from Hobart-town, Jan. 4, 1830", The times [London] (1 July 1830), 4
Such an improvement has taken place in the musical world in Van Dieman's Land, that my present musical teacher can do much better than remain with me, although he has 200l. per annum, with a cottage to live in, free of expense, besides having every thing found him and his family that my country house affords. He has only to teach from ten till one, and from three till six o'clock every day. Many, I should think, would gladly accept such liberal offers. In fact, there is amply employment in the island for three music-masters, two dancing, two French, and one drawing master.
ASSOCIATIONS: The author of this letter was perhaps Reichenberg's employer, George Carr Clark
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 November 1830), 1
JOSEPH REICHENBERG begs leave to inform the parents of his present pupils, and the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town,
that on the termination of his present engagements, as Music Master at Ellenthorpe Hall, at the end of the year,
he purposes to return to his former residence in Hobart Town,
where he will continue to give Musical Instruction on the Piano Forte, Flute, Violin, &c.
either at his house or at the residence of such Ladies and Gentlemen as may be pleased to patronise him.
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1831:

Joseph Reichenberg's property, on the west corner of Davey and Barrack Streets, Hobart Town, 1841; Archives Office of Tasmania (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (26 February 1831), 1
MR. REICHENBERG begs leave respectfully to inform the Ladies of Hobart town, that he has received by the late arrivals a supply of MUSIC, containing all the modern and most eminent Songs and other pieces of exposition. Barrack street, corner of Davey Street, February 9, 1831.
20 April 1830, Deane's concert
"Mr. Deane's Concert", The Tasmanian (22 April 1831), 5
On Wednesday evening, Mr. DEANE'S third Concert took place. It was very numerously and respectably attended; indeed, the room was so completely inadequate to contain the audience, that the heat was oppressively felt; and, although tickets were issued only for the number which the room was calculated to accommodate, yet some inconvenience was felt from extreme crowding. The Concert was decidedly the best in every respect of the three, both in reference to the arrangements of the music and its performance; and although the former was by the best masters, particularly Haydn, Weber, and Beethoven, and some beautiful variations to a celebrated subject of the latter, composed by Mr. Deane himself, yet the taste of the majority of Mr. Deane's audience would be more gratified by a more familiar, and consequently, popular selection . . .
. . . We regret, that the very improved state of the metropolis considered, that we are without a Music and Assembly Room; it only needs "a beginning" to have a building of this description speedily erected, either by tontine or other method of subscription. - The subject having been cursorily spoken of at the Concert - five gentlemen present offered to subscribe Fifty Pounds each for the necessary purpose. We trust it will not be passed by.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (23 April 1831), 2
The concert at Mr. J. P. Deane's on Wednesday evening was well attended, and gave very general satisfaction.
While on the subject of music we cannot omit here recording our opinion of the improvement in the performances of the band of the 63rd, since the arrival of that regiment in the colony. So indeed it was with the band of the 40th, which improved so much under Mr. Reichenberg's instruction, previous to embarking for India, that it could scarcely be recognised as the same that originally came out raw from England, and Mr. Williams appears equally successful with that of the 63rd. Most of the modern and fashionable pieces are now played by them with much taste and correctness. There is something indeed in the clear, elastic atmosphere of Van Diemen's land which seems to improve the tone, and to add in some degree to the charms of music. We hope to see the science more cultivated than it has hitherto been in the colony. It is one of the most innocent recreations of social life.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 63rd Regiment; William Williams (bandmaster)
"MR. REICHENBERG", The Tasmanian (29 April 1831), 3
IN our little notice of Mr. Deane's concert, we omitted (by accident) to mention Mr. Reichenberg, whose performance, upon all occasions, is so creditable to himself, and satisfactory to his hearers. On the late occasion he performed on the flute and on the violin, in each of the concertos, in his usual scientific manner.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (30 April 1831), 2
We omitted last week in speaking of the Concert at Mr. Deane's, to mention, that one of the most attractive features of the evening's entertainment was the performance on the flute, especially the concerto by Mr. Reichenberg and the solo by Mr. Marshall.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Marshall (flute player)
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (2 July 1831), 1
Seminary for Young Ladies,
MISS BAMBER is requested "by her Friends" to explain every Branch of Female acquirement, as expressed on her Card, viz: -
Spelling, Reading, Poetry, Geography, Orthography, Grammar, Parsing, History, Modern and Ancient;
Magnail's Scriptural and Historical Questions; Writing, Arithmetic, French; plain and all kiuds of Fancy Work.
TERMS: - Board and Education, including the above per annum 40 Guineas
Under 7 years of age 40 "
Day Boarders 25 "
Under 7 years of age 20 "
Music - £ 8 8 0 - Mr. Reichenberg
Drawing - £ 8 8 0 - Mr. Thompson
Dancing - £ 6 6 0 - Mrs. Hodges . . .
. . .
Midsummer [sic] - June 25th to July 10th.
Christmas - Dec. 25th to Jan. 20th . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Thomson (d. 1832; drawing master); Mrs. Hodges (teacher of dancing)
[2 advertisements], The Tasmanian (17 September 1831), 2
New Music.
J. REICHENBERG begs leave most respectfully to inform the Music Amateurs of Hobart Town and this Colony generally,
that by the late arrival of the Vibilia, he has received an extensive Collection of English and Foreign Music,
Vocal and Instrumental, for the Piano Forte, and also the Flute, from the most celebrated Authors, consisting of --
Overtures for one or two performers
Opera pieces
Sonatas, single or double
Airs, with variations
Quadrilles and Waltzes
Songs - English, French, Italian and German
And other varieties, which will be disposed of at moderate prices.
A small assortment of real good Roman Violin Strings for Sale.
- Families in the Country can be supplied by sending notice, and stating the kind of Music they may want.
Corner of Dacey and Barrack-streets.
Concert. Mr. DEANE'S next Concert will take place at the Macquarie Hotel, on Wednesday, 21st September, at 8 o'Clock.
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1832:
9 January 1832, the Deanes' concert
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (14 January 1832), 6
This charming amusement - the only break to the dismal monotony which exists here, was attended not only by the "Haut Ton," as is the phrase, but all the respectable inhabitants of the Town and neighbourhood. Our limits prevent our giving a detailed account of the performance. Miss Deane played to the admiration of the assembly. Mr. Riechenberg [sic], who as an accomplished musician is of known first-rate excellence, played, with Mr. Deane, a violin duetto, in beautiful style; and Mr. Elliston exhibited those vocal abilities, which as a veteran upon the London boards, were known to be of high order. We trust this entertainiment will be speedily repeated, and continued atfegularly fixed intervals.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (14 January 1832), 2
Mr. Deane's concert on Monday evening gave general satisfaction and was well attended, being strengthened by the accession of several new amateur performers besides Mr. Reichenberg to whom the musical talent of the colony is so much indebted.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Deane (pianist); William Gore Elliston (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (14 January 1832), 3
Guitar. FOR Sale, the best Spanish Guitar in the Colony. - Apply to Mr. Richenberg, Barrack-street. January 13, 1832.
![[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (21 January 1832), 3](imageslocal/1832-01-21-reichenberg-tasmanian-quadrilles.jpg)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (21 January 1832), 3
FOR 1832.
THE above are composed for the Piano, and may be had in manuscript copies, by applying to the undersigned, with a Flute accompaniment.
He recommends them as pretty, and not very difficult, and has marked the fingering over them.
N.B. A variety of other Music for Flute, Piano Forte, as also Violin Strings for Sale.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (24 March 1832), 3
Survey Office,
March 24, 1832.
NOTICE is hereby given, that grants or leases, (according to the nature of the claims)
will be issued to the undermentioned applicants, for respective allotments,
in Hobart Town, unless written caveats shall be entered in this office against such issue of the same
on or before the 7th day of April next.
G. T. W. B. Boyes, Davey-stieet, and Fitzroy Place . . .
Joseph Reichenberg, Davey and Barrack-streets . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (6 July 1832), 3
I Do hereby caution all persons not to trespass on my grant of land situated at the Eastern Marshes,
bounded and in front of the N.W. side of the small Lagoon, adjoining Mr. Stanfield's land,
as I have empowered Nicholas Fortosa to impound all stock found trespassing on it.
23 July 1832, the Deanes' concert
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (27 July 1832), 6
Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather on Monday last, we are happy to state that Mr. Deane's Concert, was attended by near three hundred persons; and the whole performance of the evening appeared to give very great and general satisfaction. The grand attraction of the evening, was unquestionably Mr. Russell, whose reputation as a violin player of the first class, has already been made known to our readers; and it is only giving this gentleman his due, for us to add, that high as expectations in this respect had been raised, they were nowise disappointed in the result. His Solo, "Rhodes Air," with variations, was indeed a masterly performance. Of our old friend and favourite Mr. Marshall, we have only to say, that both in his Solo, "the Blue Bells of Scotland," and in his duett with Mr. Reichenberg, we never heard him to greater advantage. Those who are acquainted with the tone and spirit of his playing, will at once understand how much commendation is meant to be conveyed by these words - those who have yet to be gratified in this manner, will do well not to neglect the next opportunity that offers. Mr. Reichenberg was himself in every thing he undertook - correct; and just enough, but not too much of his own instrument, in all the accompaniments in which he was engaged. Mr. Penfrith's song of "Time is ever changing," was loudly and deservedly applauded; and Miss Deane's piano forte performance (which, by the by, was one of the most difficult pieces of Moschelle's composing,) was excellent in the extreme. It affords us very great pleasure to notice Miss Wrathall's marked improvement lately. Her Song, "Oh, say not" was deservedly encored; as was also her duett with Mr. Bock, "The last links are broken." The sweetness and compass of this young lady's voice, lead us to expect, that as she becomes more accustomed to its management, and to a knowledge of music, she will rival some of our first rate English Vocalists. We must not neglect before we conclude, to mention the Band of the 63rd Regiment, and by whose very able performance of Mozart's celebrated Military Overture, the Evening's entertainment commenced. The finale, like most finales of short concerts, was as a matter of course encored.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wilkins Russell (violinist); William Penphrase (vocalist); Miss Wrathall (vocalist); Thomas Bock (vocalist)
7 August 1832, Sophia Davis, concert, Court House, Hobart Town
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (3 August 1832), 1
CONCERT. MRS. DAVIS, respectfully announces to the Public of Hobart Town and its
vicinity, that her CONCERT will take place in the Court House, on Tuesday the 7th August, 1832.
Part 1st.
Overture, "Caliph of Bagdad" .. .. Boildin [Boildieu]
Cavitina, "Di piacer" Mrs. Davis .. .. Rossini.
Quintetto .. .. Haydn.
Song - "Macgregor's gathering" the celebrated Scotch song, Mrs. Davis .. .. A. Lee.
Trio - Flutes .. .. Nicholson.
Song - "Woman's smiles and woman's tears", Amateur .. .. Conran.
Solo violin - Mr. Russell, accompanied by Mrs. Davis on the Piano Forte .. .. Rossini.
Glee, "Hark Apollo strikes the Lyre" Bishop.
Part 2nd.
Overture .. .. Paer.
Song, "The Mocking Bird" with obligato flute, Mrs. Davis .. .. Bishop.
Duetto, Two violins, Messrs. Russell and Dean .. .. Romberg.
Song, "Oh, no we never mention her," Mrs. Davis, accompanied by herself on the guitar .. .. Bishop.
Solo flute .. .. Nicholson.
Glee, "Yes, 'tis the Indian drum" .. .. Bishop.
Song, "The dashing white Serjeant" Mrs. Davis .. .. Bishop.
Finale, "God save the King", as newly arranged by Sir J. Stephenson [Stevenson].
Doors to open at half past seven. Concert to begin at a quarter past eight precisely.
Tickets 7s. 6d. each, (for the admission of children under 10 years 5s.) to he had at Mr.
Deane's Circulating Library, of Mr. Wood, Stationer, Liverpool street, and of Mrs. Davis, at
her residence, Liverpool street, late the British Hotel. Hobart town, July 20, 1832.
[News], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (3 August 1832), 4
We are sorry that the correction of the bill of performance at Mrs. DAVIS'S Concert, as announced in the handbills, did not reach us in time for insertion in proper form. In place of Mr. Russell's solo on the violin, Mrs. Davis will sing the song by BAYLEY, "Sleep on thy Pillow," and MR. REICHENBERG will perform the duett on violins, with Mr. Deane.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (10 August 1832), 5
On Tuesday the lovers of music were regaled by Mrs. Davis's Concert. The performance commenced soon after eight o'clock, long before which time scarcely a seat in the spacious Court-house was left vacant. Mrs. Davis and Mr. Russell were evidently the favorites, and their performances well merited the reception they each received. As the Colony has never yet possessed a lady singer of the standing of Mrs. Davis, we may be expected to offer a few general remarks respecting her performances . . .
The Concert commenced with the overture of the "Caliph of Bagdad," which was performed by the Band of the 63d Regiment, in a masterly manner; but we would strong recommend to the Master of the Band, to recollect the Court-house will not allow the forte to such a degree as it may be given in the open air. Both the overtures; performed by the Band would have been real musical treats had we been outside instead of inside the concert-room; but this overdoing the full parts is not at all an uncommon error of musical men generally . . . The quintetto was passable only - indeed we might here mention, that the whole of the instrumental music was badly selected, and could not be compared to Mr. Deane's usual treats - the whole attraction intended was evidently Mrs. Davis, and little else was thought of by the manager, or the selector of the scheme. Messrs. Richenberg, Deane, Russell, and Marshall, although all performed as well as possible, made no effect; indeed, the nature of their parts would not allow them . . . The flute trio, although well played, was extremely hum-drum, and was not performed in the routine marked out in the bills . . . With one exception Mr. Russell's performance was, without doubt, a master-piece . . .
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (10 August 1832), 5
On Tuesday the lovers of music were regaled by Mrs. Davis's Concert. The performance commenced soon after eight o'clock, long before which time scarcely a seat in the spacious Court-house was left vacant. Mrs. Davis and Mr. Russell were evidently the favorites, and their performances well merited the reception they each received.
The Concert commenced with the overture of the "Caliph of Bagdad," which was performed by the Band of the 63d Regiment, in a masterly manner . . . The quintetto was passable only - indeed we might here mention, that the whole of the instrumental music was badly selected, and could not be compared to Mr. Deane's usual treats - the whole attraction intended was evidently Mrs. Davis, and little else was thought of by the manager, or the selector of the scheme. Messrs. Richenberg, Deane, Russell, and Marshall, although all performed as well as possible, made no effect; indeed, the nature of their parts would not allow them . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sophia Letitia Davis (vocalist, pianist)
28 December 1832, Russell and Reichenberg's Christmas entertainment
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (7 December 1832), 5
Mr. Richenberg and Mr. Russell contemplate affording an evening's amusement very shortly of vocal and instrumental music, to conclude with an exhibition entirely novel in this Colony. It is to be hoped they will meet with encouragement, particularly that veteran Mr. Richenberg, whose goodness of heart alone has stimulated him upon this occasion, for the benefit and encouragement of that rising young performer Mr. Russell, whom some parties, as it is said, have hitherto endeavoured to keep in the back ground. - From a Correspondent.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (28 December 1832), 1
MESSRS. REICHENBERG & RUSSELL respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Hobart town, that a Juvenile Fete will be given (by permission) at the Court House, on Friday evening Dec. 28, 1832, the amusements to commence with a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, and conclude with the exhibition of a splendid Phantasmagoria, introducing illustrations from history, and a great variety of humorous subjects. Admission for children under 10 years of age 3s., above 10 5s. each. Tickets to be had of Mr. Wood, Liverpool street, and of Mr. Dean, at his Circulating Library. Doors to be open at a quarter before 7 o'clock, and Concert commence at half past 7.
[News], Colonial Times (1 January 1833), 2
On Friday last, Messrs. Reichenburg and Russell's concert took place; the Court-house was crowded, but as we were not present, we cannot speak as to the entertainment.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (4 January 1833), 2
Messrs. Reichenburg and Russell's concert and magic lantern exhibitions on Friday last, went off well and gave very general satisfaction.
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1833:
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (4 January 1833), 1
To The Public.
MESSRS. Richenberg and Russell beg to return their grateful acknowledgement,
to their young friends and the public, for the very liberal patronage they met with on Friday evening last;
and having been requested by the heads of several families to repeat the Juvenile Fete,
they beg to announce their intention of so doing, at the close of the present vacation,
with the additional assistance of a Lady of musical talent, lately arrived from London,
and as great a variety of appropriate novelties, as the Colony will produce.
Jan. 4th, 1833.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (1 February 1833), 3
Colonial Secretary's Office, January 30, 1833.
DEEDS of grant in favor of the undermentioned individuals, as notified in the Gazettes of the
2d of November last, and the 18th instant, are now remaining unclaimed in this office : - . . .
Joseph Richenberg . . .
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (5 July 1833), 2
The colony has recently acquired a considerable accession of musical talent in the bandmaster of the 21st fusileers who on the removal of the regiment to India, proposes, we learn, to remain and become a settler in the colony; and Mr. Peck, an experienced performer on the violin, who, we learn, has acquired most of the peculiar talents of Paganani. These being added, to our old and tried favourites Messrs. Reichenberg, Deane, Russel, Marshall, Williams, of the 63d., with several others not actual professors, in conjunction with Mrs. Davis, and other ladies of vocal acquirement, will shortly, we are glad to learn, unite their talents and delight the inhabitants of Hobart-town with a concert inferior to none out of London. Since writing the above, we observe a concert is fixed for Monday next.
ASSOCIATIONS: Angus McLeod (master of the Band of the 21st Regiment); George Peck (violinist)
29 July 1833, Deane's and Mrs. Davis's concert
[News], The Tasmanian (26 July 1833), 5
We understand that the Concert on Monday next, is expected to be one of the very best ever offered in these Colonies. The bill of fare portends something good, and the entertainment will, no doubt, be satisfactory. The Lion of the day, is, of course, Mr. Peck, of whom we have heard much, although we have never yet witnessed his performance. Messrs. Reichenherg, Russell, Peck, and Fulham, of the Theatre Royal, Dublin, (as the bill states) will, no doubt, each shine in his proper sphere. Of the three lady singers, two are well.known to the musical gentry - Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Henson - the third, is a Miss Barron, who appears for the first time before the public - her age will, no doubt, be taken into consideration by the auditors. We might here observe, that prodigies are very rare, and unless those who aspire to something extraordinary, are much superior to what is ordinarily obtainable in common life - the less they are pushed forward in public, the better. A sapient pig, we once heard of, who was really flogged into playing a tune on the piano-forte - but his performance, although very wonderful, was not considered by the Amateurs, as professional skill, or worth hearing as music. At a Concert, the grand aim should be to afford the public, the greatest variety of the very best music, performed in the best possible manner, and not allow any attempt to obtain from an auditory the exclamation of prodigious! - wonderful! - considering her age, or considering the difficulty of the piece!! Where such encroachments permitted in England - as was very nearly the case toward the conclusion of the last war - the musical performances would soon have been reduced in respectability; and, by this time, instead of a Sontag or a Paganini, we should, in all probability, hear of "the wonderful Jew Boy," who played seventeen octaves on a common Jew's Harp, or nonsense of a similar kind. These observations are merely thrown out as a hint, which we have little hesitation in saying, will be kindly taken, and ultimately be advantageous. As to the Concert, from which we have wandered, we might here observe, that the Court House, from what we have understood of the parties who have already applied for tickets, will be thronged with all the respectable part of Hobart Town society - indeed, so much is the demand for tickets, that, we believe, very few more will be issued.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (26 July 1833), 3
Assisted by MESSRS. REICHENBERG, RUSSELL, PECK, AND FULHAM, (Late of the Theatre Royal Dublin),
WILL take place on Monday evening next, July the 29th, at the Court House, Hobart town.
Part First.
Overture, "Tancredi," - Rossini.
Glee, "Chorus of Huntsmen in Der Freischutz," Weber.
Cavatina, "Una Voce poco fa," - Mrs. Davis - Rossini.
Solo - piano forte, "Fall of Paris, with variations," - Miss Deane - Moschelles.
Song, "He was famed for deeds of arms," - Mr. Fulham - Corri.
Solo. - Violin, in which will be introduced some of the peculiaritie of that Celebrated performer Paganini - Mr. Peck - C. De Beriot.
Duett, "My pretty page," - Mrs Henson and Master Deane - R. H. Bishop [sic].
Song, "Alice Gray," - Miss Barron, a pupil of Mrs. Davis's, only 10 years of age - Hodson.
Glee, "Hark! Apollo strikes the Lyre," - H. R. Bishop.
Part Second.
Overture, "La Villanella Rapita" - Mozart.
Song, "No joy without my Love," - Mrs. Davis - T. Cooke.
Solo, flute - C. Nicholson.
Song, "Auld Robin Gray," - Mrs. Henson - A. R. O. Smith.
Concerto, clarionet, orchestra accompaniement, Mr. Reichenberg - Bochsa.
Song, "Death of Nelson," - An Amateur - Braham.
Sone, "Waters of Elle," - Miss Barron - arranged by T. T. Magrath.
Song, "Dashing White Serjeant," - Mrs. Davis - H. R. Bishop.
Finale, verse and chorus, "God save the King," arranged by Stevenson.
Leader, Mr. Russell; Violin Obligato, Mr. Peck; Conductor, Mr. J. P. Deane.
Tickets 5s. each, to be had of Mr. J. P. Deane, Elizabeth street, and of Mrs. Davis and Mr. Wood, Liverpool street.
The doors to be opened at half past 7 o'clock - the performance to commence at a quarter past 8 o'clock.
[News], Colonial Times (30 July 1833), 2-3
The Fourth Concert of Mr. Deane and Mrs. Davis, took place yesterday evening, and never in the Court House of Hobart Town has there been witnessed either such a numerous assemblage, or a more respectable audience. Judging from a cursory glance, we should imagine there must have been present, some three hundred and fifty persons: in fact, the room was as full as it could hold, and even then, a number of persons were obliged to remain in the Counsels' room. Many were so desirous of securing good places, that the room was half filled by the time named for the opening of the doors. Never was there in Hobart Town such a show of beauty; indeed, we were completely astonished at seeing so very many charming faces - and the dress of the ladies too, was of a style very far superior to what might have been expected in a Colony of only some five and twenty years standing. The time elapsing previously to the commencement of entertainments in all places of public amusement, is generally very tedious; at the theatres, the wit of "the gods," passing rough jokes, is amusing, and will sometimes entertain the whole house till the curtain rises. Some few of our would-be leaders of the ton - the Botany Bay fashionables, were however determined that the public, yesterday evening, should not be at a loss for amusement, and so most kindly entertained (we might rather say disgusted) the greater portion of the company, by their indecorous and rude behaviour - these gentry, perhaps, thought themselves highly tonish, and had they been in the one shilling gallery, at "old Drury," might have appeared so, although, at the same time, we must admit that "the gods" of the two shilling gallery would most unquestionably have turned them out. The audience became impatient before the time announced for the commencement of the Concert, and the room being quite filled, it was thought advisable to begin, and Rossini's Overture to "Tancredi" was given in a style which would not have disgraced the Philharmonic. The band of the 63d regiment, in addition to the very numerous corps of professionals and amateurs, did ample justice to the piece, and had we fallen asleep, and been awoke suddenly during its performance, our first impression would have been, that we were either in a theatre or a concert-room at home.
The whole of the instrumental music performed, was highly creditable, but the first overture was certainly the best. The next piece, the "Huntsmen's Chorus in Der Freischutz," has become perfectly stale. It is too much of toujours perdrix, and we were convinced the auditors, one and all, have heard it over and over again in Hobart Town, not taking into consideration the having heard it "ground" upon every instrument elsewhere. Mrs. Davis's song, "Una voce poco fà," was all very well, but the song is difficult, and Mrs. Davis sang it just as if she were practising a lesson. There was no energy - a mamby pamby affair - although all the notes were in proper tune, and the music sung correctly. Miss Deane's "Piano-forte Solo," was exceedingly well played. The piece was difficult, and Miss Deane evinced a masterly show of fingering, as well as rapid execution; but, if we mistake not, we have heard Moschelles perform the same piece some half dozen times, when he has filled up the parts, and really astounded us. The audience was disappointed that Mr. Fulham did not appear. Every body was enquiring after Mr. Fulham - who and what was he? so that when Mr. Deane stepped forward and said, that Mr. Fulham was indisposed, it put us in mind of the old story, so often told, of Mrs. Dickon's coach breaking down. Mrs. Davis kindly volunteered to sing Mr. Fulham's song, "He was famed for deeds of arms," and we think it was her best performance.
The next piece was, "Solo, Violin," - Mr. Peck. Now we have to offer a few remarks respecting this performance. The bills stated, that "the peculiarities of that celebrated performer, Paganini, would be introduced" in this piece; but the piece not allowing such eccentricities to be introduced, many ill-natured surmises had gone forth that nothing of the kind would be attempted. This came to the ears of that gentleman, when he determined to shew that as far as he was concerned, he was resolved to seek and merit public approbation. "Beriot's Solo" was gone through, and then Mr. Peck stepped forward and performed: (as we supposed, for we never heard Paganini) one of the celebrated pieces of that eighth wonder of the world. In the "Solo," Mr. Peck shewed himself a complete master of his instrument. There were "passages" which he performed neatly, and with ease, which no man in the Colony could attempt - and we most particularly admired his [3] "bowing". He received the merited applause - but when he commenced his imitation of Paganini, the whole audience was in motion - admiration filled every breast, and he was scarcely permitted to continue his performance - he was most deservedly encored. To describe the style would be impossible. There was one imitation that was extremely drole, and the audience were in considerable danger of laughing themselves into fits, so immoderately did they demonstrate their satisfaction. Taking Mr. Peck as a violin performer only, we unhesitatingly say, he is by far the best in the Colony. There are several pieces Mr. Russell would perform better than Mr. Peck - but again the latter would play with ease many which Mr. Russell would not attempt.
The Duett "My Pretty Page," Mrs. Henson and Master Deane, was very fairly sung - we have heard it much better performed by the same singers, at Mr. Deane's private concerts - but the audience were satisfied - it was encored, and certainly the repetition was an improvement - perhaps this may be owing to a little want of confidence on the part of Mrs. Henson. That lady's voice is certainly very sweet, it is not powerful, neither is there the least energy in her singing; this is, however, a failing which two or three public appearances will entirely dissipate. There is no trifling contrast between the manner of appearance of the two ladies, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Henson; the first has all the little stage tricks, of such advantage to a public singer - nay, she has too much so; whereas Mrs. Henson, were she to copy a little from that lady, she would wonderfully improve, when presenting herself before an audience.
The next piece was the old ballad, "Alice Grey" - sung by Miss Barron, a very interesting little girl, with a very pretty little voice - and, considering her age only ten years, (as the bill states) she sung the song, we believe, very prettily we say we believe, for the young lady's voice was scarcely heard by above one half the audience. She was, of course, encored - not we suppose because there was any thing prodigiously fine or musical in her singing, but because she was a pretty little infant, appearing before the public in order to do her best to give satisfaction. In the course of time, Miss Barron will no doubt become a good singer:- she has, apparently, all the requisites for a first-rate performer - nor, is a pretty face one of the least of these desirables. As to the propriety of allowing a young child to sing two songs in one evening, it is quite another affair, when adult musicians were not attainable in the Colony, it was all very well to bring forward children to supply the necessary force and interest of musical exhibitions - but when we have such a host of real good musicians, it is a pity to thrust upon the public, children, for the purpose of taking a share in the musical performance. Children should never be brought forward, unless they have some very extraordinary talent. Last evening, the auditors assembled to hear the music, and not for the purpose of being obliged to countenance the wonderful singing of a child. If children must become musicians, and must perform before the public, why not have an infantine concert, where children shall alone perform - and to which concert every child in the town would be sent to witness the performance.
The second part commenced with Mozart's Overture, "La Villanella Rapita;" and next followed, "No Joys without my Love," sung by Mrs. Davis. It was well sung, but did not seem to please very much. The flute Solo was excellent, and gave very general satisfaction. "Auld Robin Gray," by Mrs. Henson, was much applauded; but the singer, as we have before remarked, wants confidence. Mr. Reichenberg's "clarionet concerto," with orchestra accompaniments, was really a treat. The "Death of Nelson," by an amateur (Mr. Penphrase), was excellent, and would have been encored (to the great satisfaction of ninety-nine out of a hundred who were present), but some few dissatisfied spirits must need commence hissing, and then a regular Tom and Jerry squabble took place - a regular shilling gallery affair. Mr. Penphrase came forward, but finding the company not likely to be of accord, he withdrew. Miss Barron's "Waters of Ella," could have been dispensed with; besides the song was too difficult for a child, and once or twice she lost herself in the cadences. She was, of course, encored. The "Dashing white Serjeant," Mrs. Davis sings remarkably well, and she was in good voice for that song. The entertainment finished with " God save the King". The whole Concert went off remarkably well, and the audience seemed more than usually satisfied. We understand the fifth Concert will soon be announced.
"FROM A CORRESPONDENT", The Austral-Asiatic Review (20 August 1833), 3
There is no country under the Sun, where the people are entirely without a taste for Music; and in proportion as any country rises into a state of civilization, so does the genius of the people increase in Musical talent.
The Concert on Monday the 5th Inst [sic, recte 29 July], for the benefit of J. P. Deane, and Mrs. Davis was commenced with an Overture by Rossini, the parts of which were well filled up, but rather hurriedly performed.
Mrs. Davis attempted to sing Rossini's beautiful "Una Voce." As this lady takes very high grounds as to her vocal talents, she invites criticism upon her performance. We did not see the score from which she sung, but we think that it was the key of B natural. When she stretches her voice, her tones are powerful, but the G sharp is false, and when she falls down to A and B natural, the intonation is flat; the cadenzas likewise want decision of tone. There is so great a sameness in her style, voice, and manner, that we heard one person ask another, if she sung all her songs to one tune.
A Mr. Peck recently arrived from England, performed a Concerto on the Violin, in which he laboured through the double stop; produced a few aerial sounds, (technically called Harmonics,) run over a long range of difficult harpsicord movements with great ease, and introduced the air of "Robin Adair," the sweet tones he drew from the Instrument in the air, appeared to suspend every breath; and the eflect of the appogiatura in the second part was delightful. After the Concerto, Mr. Peck performed the air of "My Lodging is on the cold ground," in which he introduced a most extraordinary stoccato [sic] passage running through nearly four octaves, likewise an accompaniement at the same time to the air in what the Italians call pinching tones - this acquirement is from Paganini. In the "Carnival of Venice," he attempted another curiosity in imitation of the human voice; the effect is produced by one finger only. Mr. Peck certainly displayed a great mastery over the technicalities of the Instrument.
A little girl sung the mournful ditty of "Alice Grey," but we do not like to see children brought before the public to perform in any way.
The Flute solo player is an acquisition to the musical world. Mr. Richenberg's abilities are too strongly appreciated to render comment necessary.
Mr. Pendfrist sung the "Death of Nelson." There appeared to be some dissatisfaction arising out of his having been announced as an Amateur, he being one of the "Soiree" performers. It was unfair to resent this upon him.
Mr. Deane will do well to dissolve partnership with Mrs. Davis. If that lady possess the attractions she considers she has, a concert of her own, must prove eminently advantageous. The support Mr. Deane and his very interesting family have obtained from the public has established his claim, and no doubt he would find it much to his advantage to form an union with Mr. Peck.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Fulham (vocalist); Mrs. Henson (vocalist); Margaret Barron (vocalist)

Oh! no we never mention her, as sung by Miss Stephens [poetry by T. H. Bayly; symphonies and accompaniments by Henry R. Bishop] (London: Goulding & D'Almaine, [1815]) (DIGITISED)
Oh! no we never mention her, sung by Mr. H. Phillips and Miss Stephens, at the concerts, festivals, &c, the poetry by T. H. Bayly esq'r., the symphonies and accompaniments by Henry R. Bishop . . . fifth edition (London: Goulding & D'Almaine, [first edition 1815]) (DIGITISED)
30 October 1833, Peck's concert, first documented performance of Reichenberg's Variations on Oh! no we never mention her
[Advertisement], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (29 October 1833), 3
MR. PECK respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Hobart Town and its Vicinity,
that he intends giving a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the Court House,
To-morrow Evening, the 30th October, assisted by Messrs. DEANE and family, REICHENBERG, and RUSSEL,
Mrs. HENSON, and Mrs. TAYLOR, daughter of the late Mr. HILL, of Covent Garden Theatre.
Overture, "Der Friechutz" - Weber.
Glee, "Welcome Merry May" - Blewitt.
Song, Mrs. Hanson, "Away to the Mountains' Brow" - A. Lee.
Concerto, Piano-forte, Miss Deane. -
Grand Variations on the Greek March in Rossini's Opera, "The Siege of Corinth," introducing Herz's new style of fingering - Herz.
Song, Mrs. Taylor, "Come where the Aspens quiver" - A. Lee.
Scotch Air, in Harmonics, to be performed on the Violin by a Gentleman Amateur.
Glee and Chorus, "The Red Cross Knight" - Calcott.
Overture, "Preciosa, or the Gypsy Girl" - Weber.
Glee, "O by Rivers by whose Falls" - Bishop.
Solo, Violin, Mr. Peck, collected and diversified, from various works of Mayseder, De Beriot, Paganini, &c.
Song, Mrs. Henson, "Tell me my Heart" - Bishop.
Variations on ":Oh! no we never mention her," Clarionet, Mr. Reichenberg - Reichenberg.
Song, Mrs. Taylor, "O merry now the bonnie Bark" - Parry.
Melange, "The beauties of Der Friechutz," Flute and Piano-forte - Lindsay.
Finale. - Glee and Chorus, with orchestral accompaniments, "To welcome Mirth and harmless Glee" - Shaw.
The doors to be opened a 7 o'clock, and the performance to commence precisely at 8 o'clock Tickets, 5s. each,
to be had at Mr. J. P. Deane's, Elizabeth-street.
"Domestic Intelligence", The Tasmanian (1 November 1833), 5
That facetious Journal, the Trumpeter, in its leading article of this morning, vows vengeance against all Concerts, giving as a reason, that these gratifying treats turn the heads of its Editors; and renders them totally incapable of filling in a proper and dignified manner, the Editorial chair. However much the Trumpery Editors may lose their senses, (which we much doubt they ever possessed) we, at all events, are sufficiently compos mentis to describe to our friends, who were not present on Wednesday, the treat which they have had the misfortune to lose. We may commence by saying, that Mr. Peck's Concert was the best ever yet got up in Van Diemen's Land - every thing went off-remarkably well, and very general satisfaction was given to a highly respectable and numerous assemblage of auditors. The overtures of "Der Frieschutz" and "Preciosa," performed with the assistance of the band of the 63rd regiment, were splendid; and we cannot help regretting, that the public are about suffering a loss, which, we are fearful, cannot be replaced - we mean that of the departure of the band of the 63rd regiment; the loss will be more severely felt, on account of the public having become, as it were from the frequent appearance of the band at the concerts, acquainted with them individually - we trust, however, we shall have, at least, one other concert before these accomplished and obliging musicians leave us.
Blewitt's glee,of "Welcome merry month of May," was well supported, in all its parts, by Mrs. Henson, Miss Deane, Messrs. Hulks, Marshall and Peck, and pleased remarkably. We have so frequently heard Miss Deane - on the piano-forte, that, unless there was indeed peculiar and rare talent evinced in her performance, we should have become tired of always seeing her brought forward - as it is, on every occasion, she makes us listen to her with attention and compels us to be first and foremost among those who wish an encore. The style (called Hertz's new style) of fingering, has an extraordinary effect, which, of course, would not be understood but by a musician. Mrs. Taylor appeared, for the first time, before a Van Diemen's Land public. She sang two songs - Lee's "Come where the Aspens quiver," and "O merry row the bonnie bark." The former, a very difficult performance - the latter, somewhat more of a ballad. With respect to this lady's singing, it will, of course, be expected that we should offer a few remarks. Mrs. Taylor, if we mistake not, is the daughter of Mr. Hill, who some twenty five years, or more, since was the only rival dreaded by the English Apollo - as he has been termed by some of his admirers- Braham, and, as might naturally be expected, a daughter of such a musician, Mrs. Taylor is perfect in all the mysteries of harmonic science. Her voice however, is, much more adapted for the showy difficult performances, than it is for plaintive melody - Rossini should be her favorite composer. Jackson, Arne, nay Bishop, and such like gentry are not worthy of her consideration: her tonation is distinct, and in the rapid movements of a cadenza, every note strikes on the ear as distinctly as though it had been produced by a keyed instrument: she has great range, and her upper notes partake not of that shrill harshness which is so common with most female vocalists. We have not heard Mrs. Taylor in a private room, but, judging from her performance on Wednesday, we should consider her voice much more adapted for a concert than for amateur singing - but we may be judging wrongly. She was, of course, encored in both songs; but the first was much more adapted to her voice, than was "O merry row."
Mrs. Henson, whose plaintive voice we have so often admired, sung much better than we ever before heard her. She appeared to feel more confident than hitherto - perhaps, she had been taking a lesson from Mrs. Davis - "Away to the Mountain's Brow" was deservedly encored - in our opinion; "Tell me my Heart" was her best performance. The "Scotch Air in Harmonics" was most unquestionably the attraction of the evening: it was announced to be performed by an amateur. This amateur was no other than that talented musical gentleman, Mr. Adam Smith. On his coming forward, we really looked to the ceiling, thinking the applause would be sure to awaken from their sleep the beams which supported the roof. We have never before had occasion to speak of this gentleman's performance, but, from what we ourselves heard on Wednesday, we must acknowledge it to be superior. Mr. Smith, as is usually the case with amateurs, was a little confused on his first appearance, but he soon recovered himself, and commenced the performance in a most masterly style. We do not know which most to admire - his bowing, his fingerin, or his execution - they were each superlative, and we must not omit mentioning, that an amateur who can stand up and perform an air in Harmonics, must be extraordinarily gifted. The piece was, as a matter of course, encored.
Mr. Peck attempted a solo on the violin; but, although we considered that gentleman's performance quite equalled to any we ever heard by Spagnolleti, still, after Mr. Smith's brilliant harmonics, it would not go down - he was rapturously applauded, but not encored.
Mr. Reichenberg's variations on "Oh! no we never mention her" were excellent, as was, also, the melange of "Lindsay," performed by Messrs. Deane and Marshall. The glees, too, of "The Red Cross Knight," "Oh by Rivers, by whose Falls," and "To welcome Mirth and harmless Glee," were deservedly appreciated by the audience, who appeared, on the termination of the Concert, highly delighted with the entertainment.
Before leaving music and the profession, we might observe, that our corps de musique is now strong - that we have real talent, and that if the profession will abstain from private quarrelling among themselves, the better will it be for the public, and very much better for the parties concerned. It was asked, why was not Mrs. Davis one of the performers - we believe that lady was the only one public singer who was absent. We beg to ask the same question, because, we know, she was invited to take her place in the orchestra. The public will not be trifled with. Mrs. Davis must either cordially assist at this public Concerts, or else consider herself as a retired performer. The addition of such a real splendid singer as Mrs. Taylor to our musical corps will render the retirement of Mrs. Davis less felt; but we cannot help remarking, that more unison is required among the musical professors of Hobart Town, than is usually the case.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (1 November 1833), 2
At Mr. Peck's concert on Wednesday evening, the Court house was crowded to the doors. The selection was very judiciously made and the instrumental music in particular was admirably performed. We rejoice to see these truly rational amusements so well received by our townsmen, and among the pleasing effects of the encouragement which they receive is the very marked improvement which is regularly taking place in the talent of the performers, so that in time we may reasonably anticipate that the delightful science of music in Hobart town, will arrive at a very respectable standard. Of the performances, if we except Mr. Peck's inimitable collections and diversifications from Paganini and others, Mr. Reichenberg's beautiful variations in the popular air of "Oh no, we never mention her," performed with such exquisite taste and spirit with violin accompaniments on the clarionet, was the only original production of the evening. Though if we may augur from the manner in which the concert was got up there were several others present, who could if they pleased turn their hand with some effect to the art of composition. The gentleman amateur (Mr. A. Smith) who kindly came forward to assist, equally surprised and delighted the audience with his performance of "the Yellow hair'd laddie," on the violin in harmonics, an art not exceeded by Paganini himself. Mrs. Taylor, recently arrived, who we regret to say is labouring under severe indisposition, was of course the great attraction. The two pieces which she sung, though simple of themselves, were exceedingly well executed, and she and Mrs. Henson divided the applause for the vocal music of the evening.
"THE CONCERT", The Austral-Asiatic Review (5 November 1833), 3
Mr. Peck's Concert took place as advertised on Wednesday evening. We apprehend, however, that Mr. Deane's inauspicious partnership with Mrs. Davis having been dissolved, a new and infinitely more congenial alliance has been formed with Mr. Peck, and if so from the appearance of Wednesday it gives promise of the most perfect success. The Court Room was so crowded that to use the hacknied term, there was not even standing room. The performances were extremely well selected, and in every instance admirably performed . . .
. . . The instrumental performers are all well known. Mr. Reichenberg performed some beautiful variations of his own composing, on the Clarionet, with his well known taste and accuracy. His musical ability is so well known and established, that it is unnecessary to say more . . .
[News] Colonial Times (5 November 1833), 2
Mr. Peck's Concert, held on Wednesday last, was the very best ever heard in Van Diemen's Land. The Tasmanian gives the following:- "Every thing went off remarkably well, and very general satisfaction was given to a highly respectable and numerous assemblage of auditors . . . [as above]
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Taylor (vocalist, actor ); Henry Hulkes (vocalist, actor)
2 December 1833, Maria Taylor's concert
[Advertisement], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (19 November 1833), 1
MRS. Taylor most respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Hobart Town and its Vicinity,
that she intends giving a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, on Monday Evening, December 2d, 1833,
assisted by Mr. J. P. Deane and Family, Mr. Peck, Mr. Riechenberg, Mr. Russell, and all the professional Talent of Hobart Town,
together with the splendid Band of the 63d Regiment. - Further Particulars of which will be announced in a future Advertisement.
[News], Colonial Times (3 December 1833), 3
Mrs. Taylor's Concert took place yesterday evening, and went off remarkably well; the instrumental pieces were, in particular, well performed, and the vocal parts sustained in a highly creditable manner . . . We are sorry to add, that the Court-house was not so well attended as usual, and that it is feared that Mrs. Taylor will not benefit by her benefit. One of the principal reasons given as to why the Concert was not so well attended as is usual, is, that an Aristocratical Concert took place the same evening, by which means, very many persons were prevented from patronizing Mrs. Taylor. We have a better opinion of Mrs. Pedder, than for one moment to believe that she purposely fixed on the same evening for her private Concert, as that chosen by Mrs. Taylor for her benefit . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Pedder (d. 1855)
[Advertisement], Trumpeter General (27 December 1833), 3
MR. REICHENBERG has received, by the arrival of the Gem,
a very large collection of new Music for the Pianoforte, Flute, Violin, and Guitar;
also, some by the best authors, well adapted for young performers.
Mr. Reichenberg continues to give instruction on the Pianoforte, Flute, &c.,
at home or abroad, and will study to render proficient those pupils who may be placed under his tuition.
Piano-fortes and other instruments, tuned in a masterly manner.
Mr. R. has strings for these instruments, warranted durable.
Davey-street, opposite the Barracks.
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1834:
Ross's Van Diemen's Land Annual and Hobart Town Almanack for the year 1834 (Hobart Town: James Ross, 1834), 30
Besides various private teachers, - Mr. Green and Mr. Lewis have each Dancing Academies, and Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Deane, Mr. Russel, Mr. Peck are established Teachers of Music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ross (editor, "Dr. Ross"); Emanuel Charles Green (dancing master); Henry Lewis (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (3 January 1834), 1
MUSIC, &c.
J. REICHENBERG respectfully acquaints the musical people of Hobart town and the interior, that by the arrival of the Gem,
he has received a very fine collection of music for piano, flute, violin and guitar, from renowned authors,
the greatest part of it well adapted for young performers; also a good assortment of strings for the above instruments, which J. R. warrants to stand well.
N. B. - J. R. continues to give instruction on the piano, flute, &c. at his or other persons houses,
and shall continue to use his utmost endeavour to forward the progress of those pupils who may be placed under his instruction.
Pianos and other instruments are also perfectly tuned by him.
Apply at the Green Cottage, opposite the military barrack gate.
"CATHOLIC MEETING", The Tasmanian (24 January 1834), 5-6
On Monday evening the most interesting public Meeting we ever witnessed in Van Diemen's Land, was held in Dr. Ross's Reading-room, in consequence of a notice advertised in the newspapers, and by placards, calling upon the friends of the Roman Catholic Religion to meet there, for the discussion of a subject, intimately connected with their best interests. Soon after seven o'clock, the hour appointed, not only was the room completely filled, but every avenue - even the outsides of the windows - with the Respectable Roman Catholic inhabitants of this town and neighbourhood. The Rev. Mr. Connolly, the Roman Catholic stipendiary clergyman, accompanied by Messrs. Talbot and Lascelles on either side, having taken his seat at the bottom of the table, Mr. Hackett addressed the Meeting, and proposed that the Reverend Gentlemen be called to the Chair. After some little pause and consultation with his two friends, he refused to do so, and this in a tone which certainly would infer that not the very best understanding existed between himself and his flock . . .
[6] . . . Mr. Connolly, however, having thus refused the Chair, Mr. Hackett was called to it by the unanimous voice of the Meeting, who having returned thanks in a short address. Mr. McArthy rose to move the first resolution. It was seconded by Mr. Rowe, and was declaratory of the causes of their dissatisfaction with the present "incumbent" . . .
. . . The original resolution was then put, and all present (excepted as above) were so unanimous in its support, that the Chairman declared, most correctly, that it was carried by acclamation. Mr. Reardon then proposed the second resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Reichenberg, and was expressive of the anxious desire of the Meeting to obtain the advantage of additional Spiritual assistance, by procuring another clergyman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Connolly (d. 1839) (Roman Catholic priest); James Hackett
25 January 1834, Theatre, Freemason's Tavern
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (24 January 1834), 3
ON Saturday evening next Jan. 25, will be performed (first time) the Comedy, of
"The Bavarian Broom Girl," in character, will be sung by Mrs. Cameron.
To conclude with
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Peck - Director of the Music, Mr. Reichenberg.
Tickets 6s. each, children under 12 years of age, 4s. each (not transferable), issued from the bar of the Freemason's Tavern only.
Doors open at half past 6 o'clock, performance to commence at 7 o'clock. No money taken at the doors.
[Advertisement], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (28 January 1834), 1
Theatre, Hobart Town.
THIS EVENING, January 28, will be performed, (second time) the Comedy of
She Stoops to Conquer . . .
Song, "The Swiss Toy Girl," by Mrs. Cameron.
A Fancy Dance by Mrs. Mackay.
The Air of "Oh no! we never mention her," on the Clarionet, with variations, by Mr. Reichenberg.
To conclude with the Farce of
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Peck; Director of the Music, Mr. Reichenberg . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Cordelia Cameron (actor, vocalist); Frances Mackay (later Frances Arabin, actor, dancer)
27 January 1834, Deane and Russell's juvenile entertainment
"THE JUVENILE FETE", The Tasmanian (31 January 1834), 6
Nothing could exceed the gratification afforded to the numerous assembly of "young folks," (old children included, who were quite as much delighted) by Messrs. Deane and Russel's dramatic entertainment at the Court House, on Monday evening . . . Messrs. Deane, Russel, Reichenburg, Peck, Marshall, and the other instrumental performers never appeared to greater advantage, for as the audience were in high good humour, so was every exertion made to keep them so . . .
Edward Markham, journal entry, February 1834; State Library of New South Wales; ed. Stieglitz 1952 (DIGITISED)
[Hobart, February 1834]: I met a German music master who had married a Neopolitan, an ugly Diva. But he was pleased to find another person who understood something of his language.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Markham (1801-1865)
1, 5, 8 February 1834
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (31 January 1834), 3
Theatre, Hobart Town. TOMORROW EVENING, February 1, will be performed, (second time [sic]) the Comedy of SHE STOOPS to CONQUER . . .
[Advertisement], The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (4 February 1834), 1
The Theatre, Hobart Town.
TO-MORROW EVENING. Feb. 5, will be performed, the Comedy of
A Dance, in character - Mrs. Mackay.
Mr. Peck will perform a Concerto on the Violin, by Mayseder.
In the course of the evening, Mrs. Taylor will sing a favourite Song.
To conclude with the Farce of FORTUNE'S FROLIC . . .
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (7 February 1834), 2
Mrs. Centlivres' excellent comedy of the Wonder was admirably performed by Mr. Cameron's company on Wednesday, every one of whom very perceptibly improve, by every successive means of practice. The orchestra especially, since Mr. Reichenberg has directed the music, is of the highest order, and is in itself well worthy hearing.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (7 February 1834), 3
THEATRE, HOBART TOWN. ON Saturday evening next Feb. 8, will be performed (second time) the Comedy of THE WONDER, A Woman keeps a Secret . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, manager)
"CATHOLIC MEETING", The Tasmanian (7 February 1834), 7
We have much satisfaction in publishing the following; minutes of the proceedings of the Catholic Committee:-
At a Meeting of the Catholic Committee, held in Murray-street, 26th January, 1834, Mr. REICHENBERG in the Chair.
It was Resolved - That this Committee, in pursuance of the objects for which it was elected,
do proceed at once to obtain subscriptions for the purpose of introducing proper clerical assistance to this Colony . . .
. . . Resolved - That the names of all the gentlemen who have so liberally come forward,
by subscription, to obtain religious aid and instruction for the Roman Catholic community,
be published by our Secretary.
12 and 15 February 1834,
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 February 1834), 3
Theatre, Hobart Town.
TO MORROW EVENING, February 12, will be performed Shakespeare's play of the
To conclude with, second time, the Farce of
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Peck; Director of the Music, Mr. Reichenberg . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (14 February 1834), 3
THEATRE, HOBART TOWN. ON Saturday evening next Feb. 15, will be performed (second time) Shakepeare's MERCHANT OF VENICE . . .
The Bavarian Broom Girl, in character, Mrs. Cameron.
A Concerto on the Violin, Mr. Peck . . .
22 and 25 February 1834, Theatre, Freemason's Tavern
[Advertisement], Trumpeter General (21 February 1834), 3
During Lent the nights of performance will be Tuesdays and Saturdays.
ON SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 22, will be performed, the Comedy of The Heir at Law . . .
To conclude with the farce of The Spectre Bridegroom . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (25 February 1834), 3
THIS EVENING, February the 25th, will be performed the Comedy of THE HEIR AT LAW . . .
To conclude with the burlesque Extravaganza of BOMBASTES FURIOSO . . .
1 and 8 March 1834, Theatre, Freemason's Tavern
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (28 February 1834), 3
By desire of the Committee, and under the immediate patronage of the Subscribers to the Derwent Regatta,
ON Saturday evening next, March 1, will be performed the nautical drama of
In the course of the evening Mr. Jacobs will sing the Cabin boy . . .
After which, THE RENDEZVOUS . . .
To conclude with (2nd time) the burlesque extravaganza of
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (7 March 1834), 3
ON Saturday evening next, March 8, will be performed the comedy of THE HONEY MOON . . .
A Sailor's Hornpipe, in character, Mr. Mackay.
In the course of the evening, a variety of Masonic Airs.
To conclude with the farce of LOVERS' QUARRELS . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Lewis Jacobs (actor, vocalist); Angus Mackay (actor, dancer)
15 March 1834, Deane's oratorio
"THE ORATORIO", The Tasmanian (14 March 1834), 7
To-morrow, Mr. Deane's noble New Concert Room will be open, with one of the most interesting entertainments of modern times - a performance of Sacred Music by the most eminent composers. Mr. Deane having determined that this entertainment shall be upon the most extensive scale the musical resources of the Colony will permit, has spared no expense, either in the arrangement of his Saloon, or in the engagement of performers. Indeed to such a liberal extent has he gone in these respects, that when the leader's bow gives the usual orchestra "preparation," one hundred pounds will have been expended. The whole musical strength of the Colony is engaged upon this occasion. Mrs. Inkersole, (late Miss Daniels) a lady of first rate musical ability - Mrs. Davis, who is decidedly an accomplished musician, are at the head of the vocalists. We must not omit Mrs. Henson, of whom we venture to say that her performance of Handel's beautiful piece, "He was despised" being peculiarly calculated for her style of singing, will be eminently successful. The instrumental performers are the whole which Mr. Deane could obtain. Messieurs Peck, Reichenberg, Russell, and Marshall are well known and admired that it is sufficient to name them. We had apprehended that considerable difficulty would have been experienced by Mr. Deane, in obtaining a sufficient vocal strength for the grand chorusses which form the chief beauty of these entertainments. But we have the authority of Mr. Reichenberg, (perhaps better cannot be) that he has succeeded beyond expectation. There can be no doubt but that the public will be eager to support this deserving artist. His large and interesting family give him strong claims; but when it is known, that he receives no salary for his services as organist of St. David's Church, and that the usual annual subscriptions have wholly ceased, we are convinced the public will not fail to render him that support to which he is so fairly entitled.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (14 March 1834), 1
MR. DEANE respectfully informs the inhabitants of. Hobart town and its vicinity,
that a selection of Sacred Music will be performed at the Argyle Rooms,
on Saturday, March 15th 1834.
Principal Performers.
Mrs. Inkersole, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Henson, Mr. Richenberg, Mr. Russell, Mr. Peck, and Mr. McCloud.
assisted (by permission) by the band of his Majesty's 21st Regiment.
Grand Symphony - Mozart.
Anthem - Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Henson and Mr. Marshall - Our Lord is risen from the dead" - Dr. Arnold.
Quartett - Haydn.
Song - Mrs. Inkersole, Lord remember David - Handel.
Solo - Piano Forte, Miss Deane - J. B. Cramer.
Song - Mrs. Henson, He was rejected - Handel.
Recit. Mrs. Davis - And God said let there be light -
Chorus -The Heavens are telling - Haydn.
Military Overture - De Zelmire - Rossini.
Song - Mrs. Davis - Let the bright Seraphim, Trumpet obligato acct. - Handel.
Solo, Violin - Mr. Peck - Mayseder.
Song - Mrs. Inkersole, Lord to thee each, night and day - Handel.
Solo, flute, - Nicholson.
Anthem - Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Henson - Hear my prayer - Kent.
Chorus -Hallelujah - Handel.
Leader, Mr. Russell- Violin principal, Mr. Peck.
Conductor, Mr. J. P. Deane.
Tickets (not transferable) 7s. each
Children 5s.
To be had at Mr. J. P. Deane's, Circulating library, Argyle street, and at Mr. Wood's, Liverpool street.
Door to be open at 7 o'clock, the performance will commence at 8 o'clock.
"THE ORATORIO", The Colonist and Van Diemen's Land Commercial and Agricultural Advertiser (18 March 1834), 3
Mr. DEANE's very splendid new Room was opened on Saturday evening last, with an Oratorio - the first of the kind yet performed in Van Diemen's Land . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Hannah Inkersole (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Trumpeter General (8 April 1834), 3
RESOLVED, that a deputation of our Committee, consisting of Messrs. Reichenberg, Hackett and O'Sullivan,
do wait upon His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, on Tuesday next,
to obtain copies of such letters as are of essential importance to the interest of the Roman Catholic Community.
J. R. ROWE, Sec. April 3, 1834.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jeremiah O'Sullivan (d. 1845)
[2 advertisements], Colonial Times (6 May 1834), 2
Minutes of a Meeting Convened by the Performers, composing Mr. Cameron's Company,
At the Freemason's Tavern, on Monday, the 5th May, 1834.
THE Meeting was grounded upon the express purpose of passing a vote of censure upon Mr. Jordan,
for his highly indecorous and improper conduct, in appearing before the audience,
on Saturday night last, drunk, thereby being incapable of undertaking his duties . . .
The whole of the above proposition having been carried nem. con. a vote of thanks was passed upon Mr. George Peck,
who most ably filled the Chair.
Samson Cameron,
Manager . . .
To the Public.
LADIES and GENTLEMEN - I am sorry to inform you that the Proprietor of the Theatre has ordered both myself and Mrs. Mackay to withdraw therefrom,
as our services are no longer required by him; and although I offered to play for Messrs. Peck and Reichenberg gratuitously,
yet he would not allow me to do so; I therefore hope the blame, if there be any, will not be attached to me,
as it was on Wednesday night last at the benefit of Mr. Fenton, on whose account some portion of this community are venting forth their rage for my not playing for him.
The reason of my not doing so, I will candidly and faithfully explain . . . your most obedient servant,
Bathurst-street, Monday Morning, May 5, 1834.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Jordan (actor, vocalist)
10 May 1834, Reichenberg's benefit, Theatre
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (9 May 1834), 3
Mr. Reichenberg's benefit takes place tomorrow, who independent of his being so old and tried a favourite of the public, has we observe made so excellent a selection of entertainments, including some admired solos and duetts on the clarionet and flute, as to afford a high treat to the lovers of the drama. We are glad to see that the temporary feeling excited by Mr. Jordan's faux pas on the occasion of Mr. Peck's benefit, has from the measures so properly taken and his own very prompt apology, completely subsided, and Jordan is again reinstated in the high esteem which the public entertained for him on account of his excellent histrionic talents. None of the performers we are sure will ever after this forget propriety so far as to commit himself in a similar way, so as to offend the public.
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (9 May 1834), 3
Theatre, Hobart Town.
(For the Benefit of Mr. REICHENBERG.
TO-MORROW EVENING, May 10th, will be performed,
AFTER WHICH Miss in her Teens.
The whole to conclude with the farce of MONSIEUR TONSON.
May 9, 1834.
27 June 1834, amateur performance, Theatre
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (4 July 1834), 3
On Friday evening a delightful entertainment was given by a party of young gentlemen to a large and highly respectable company at the Freemasons' tavern. The amusements commenced with the performance of Home's classic tragedy of Douglas, enacted to the life by the amateur party on the little stage recently occupied by Mr. Cameron . . . Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Offer, Mr. Deane and sons, Mr. Russel and others assisted in the orchestra. An excellent supper was provided for the occasion, and the dancing was kept up till a late hour. No entertainment in the colony was ever more rationally conducted or passed off more pleasantly.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Offor (d. 1848; ? instrumentalist)
28 October 1834, George Gordonovitch's concert
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 October 1834), 1
MR. GORDONOVITCH respectfully begs leave to announce to the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that he will (with the assistance of his kind friends and the professional talent of the town,)
give a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Court House,
This Evening, the 28th instant.
Colonel Leahy has kindly permitted the attendance of the splendid Band of his regiment.
Mrs. Davis will preside at the Piano-forte.
Overture - "Der Freischutz" - Weber.
Bravura - from "Der Freischutz," Mr. GORDONOVITCH - Weber.
Violin Solo, Mr. LEFFLER - Mayseder.
Song - "Annot Lisle," Miss BARRON - Hodson.
Cavatina - "La Gazza Ladra" - Rossini.
Song - "The Gay Guitar," Mr. GORDONOVICTH - Barnett.
Flute Solo - Keller.
Song - "Flow on that shining river," Mrs. KESTERTON, accompanied by herself on the harp - Moore.
Mr. LEFFLER will play a Voluntary, on that newly invented instrument, the Seraphine.
Overture - "Fra Diavolo" - Auber.
Song - "A Polish Air," Mr. GORDONOVITCH.
Clarionett Solo - Mr. REICHENBERG - Mayseder.
Song - "Sul Margine d'un rio," Miss BARRON - B. G. H. Gibsone.
Violin Solo - Mr. Peck - Beriot.
Song - "Love's Ritornella," Mr. Gordonovitch.
French Horn Echo - Band.
Song - "This Blooming Rose," Miss BARRON - Philipps.
Finale - "God Save the King" - Stevenson.
Tickets, (not transferable) 7s. each, Children, half price;
to be had of Mrs. Davis, 22, Liverpool-street.
*** Doors to open at half-past 7, and the Concert to commence at a quarter past 8 o'clock.
Oct. 24, 1834.
[Broadside] A concert of vocal and instrumental music, at the Court House on Tuesday the 28th instant ([Hobart]: [for G. Gordonovitch], [1834](
Copy at the Libraries Tasmania (from papers of Sophia Letitia Davis)
"MR. GORDONOVITCH'S CONCERT", Trumpeter General (31 October 1834), 2
The Concert on Tuesday night, was numerously and respectably attended, amongst the company we observed His Honor the Chief Justice and Mrs. Pedder, Colonel Leahy and his Officers, Mr. Kemp and family, with most of the leading fashionables of Hobart Town.
The overtures and airs by the band, were performed in a style, which fully gratified the high expectation of the audience, and did great credit to the musical taste and talents of Mr. MacLeod. The house was electrified by the overture Fia Diavolo, which was loudly encored. The French horn echo, was peculiarly effective, the mutes were must distinctly executed, and there was a great disposition to encore the piece, but the lateness of the hour prevented its repetition. Mr. Gordonovitch was evidently much overcome, by the situation, in which he found himself placed, on a first appearance as a public performer; and fell short, of what we have heard form him in private. His Polish air was sung with great feeling, which, being real, no doubt took away from the execution, in the estimation of musical critics; but the clearness of his shake, and the beauty of his cadences, astonished some excellent judges. His song of "Love's Retornella," was loudly applauded and encored, indeed from the whole of his performances, the best judges present, think, that had he made the science of music his study, he must have excelled in any country. Mrs. Davis' pupil, the liitle Miss Barron, did infinite credit to her teacher, and astonished and delighted her hearers. Mr. Reichenberg, who understands the Italian correctly, and several other good judges, were astonished to hear a child of her age so very correct in the Italian pronunciation; her voice in this, was not so full, as in the two English songs; her style in Annot Lyle, was most beautiful, but she certainly excelled in the last song, "This blooming rose," which was deservedly encored. Her style of singing that very difficult song, would have done credit to snore of the best performers at home. Mrs. Kesterton's performance on the harp, was a great attraction, and gave much satisfaction.
We are no great judges of violin music; and though certainly we must admit Mr. Leffler to be fully master of his instrument, we did not admire his solo so much as we did that of Mr. Peck, but being a stranger, he appeared to be deficient in that confidence, with which Peck met his old acquaintances. We were amused by the remark of a gentleman, who apparently in ecstacy at Peck's performance, exclaimed "that man can make his fiddle talk more than all the play actors can talk."
The piano forte accompaniment of the different pieces and songs, performed by Mrs. Davis, were in that lady;s first slyle, which is saying enough. But we must particularly notice her accompaniment of Mr. Peck on the violin, and Mr. Reichenberg on the clarionet, which were equal to anything that we ever heard on that instrument. As to Mr. Reichenberg, his talents are so well known, and his clarionet performances so much admired, that any praise from us would be superfluous. The whole went off well; though we confess that we missed Marshall's flute, as will every lover of music in the Colony; but the solo on the flute was as well given as it probably could have been by any man in the Colony, excepting Marshall himself. Mrs. Davis's inability to undertake any vocal put, on account of a cold under which she has been suffering for several weeks, was a great disappointment, but she certainly got great praise for her successful exertions in bringing forward such a singer as Miss Barron, in so short a time, and at so early an age.
The audience, through the kindness of Mr. Arthur Frankland, was gratified by hearing a new instrument called the seraphine, which appears to be an improvement, and a very great one on the chamber organ. Mr. Frankland's conduct, in connection with this concert throughout, was highly honorable and creditable to his feelings, and has made a most favorable impression on the public mind.
We know that Mr. Gordonovitch feels very grateful to all those parties through whose kindness he was enabled to get up this Concert. Ladies do not like to have their names put in the newspapers, but we must take the liberty of noticing the kindness of Mrs. Arthur, who, though not present, we presume on account of a late family bereavement, was so kind as to lend her harp to Mrs. Davis for the occasion. Mrs. Pedder's kind interference in the matter, and its important results, are not unknown to us, but we understand, that like all who act from truly generous motives, she does not like to hear her good deeds trumpeted. Mrs. Davis look all the trouble of the arrangements, and all the performers very handsomely gave their services gratuitously.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Gordonovitch (vocalist); Emeline Kesterton (vocalist, harpist); Edmund Leffler (keyboard player); Arthur Frankland; Eliza Arthur (harp owner, wife of the lieutenant governor)

Court House (Supreme Court), Murray Street, c.1838 (detail); State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
"Hobart Town Police Report", Colonial Times (4 November 1834), 6-7
Mr. Robertson was charged, on the information of Mr. District Constable Swift, with being drunk and disorderly, at half-past three o'clock on the morning of the 29th instant, and with raising a false alarm of fire . . .
Mr. McLeod, Band Master of the 21st Regiment, deposed, that he supped with Mr. Robertson at Mr. Davis's on the night in question. Mr. Davis requested himself, Mr. Reichenberg, and Mr. Robertson, to see that the Court-house was safe as they went home. They all left about two o'clock in the morning, and found the Court-house lit up exactly as the company had left it. The Court-keeper appeared to be drunk . . .
Mr. Robertson in his defence said, that after the Concert on Tuesday night last, him- self and two or three other persons went together to sup at Mr. Davis's; several ladies were there, and all that he drank was five glasses of wine. Mr. Davis observed while at supper, that there might be some danger from the lights at the Court-house, and requested himself, Mr. Reichenburg, and Mr. McLeod, the Band Master of the 21st Regt., to see, on their way home, that all was safe . . .
Mr. M'Leod [said] Mr. Robertson was quite sober. Mr. Peck corroborated the last witness's testimony. Mr. Robertson observed, if the Magistrate was not satisfied, he had several other witnesses who would prove that he was sober. Mr. Mason said he was quite satisfied that Mr. Robertson was perfectly sober . . . Complaint dismissed.
"POLICE OFFICE. Friday, October 31", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (4 November 1834), 4
Before Mr. Assistant-Police Magistrate Mason.
Mr. Gilbert Robertson appeared on the following summons:-
"Police Office, Hobart.
"To Mr. Joseph Morgan, Chief Constable, and to all Constables and others in the said Island, whom it may concern. -
Whereas information and complaint hath been made before me one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for Van Diemen's Land and its Dependencies,
that Gilbert Robertson was, on the morning of this twenty-ninth day of October instant, drunk and disorderly in the streets of Hobart Town,
in breach of the Peace, &c. These are therefore to require you forthwith to summon the said Gilbert Robertson,
to appear before me at the Police Office, in Hobart Town, on the thirty-first day of October, instant, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon of the same day,
to answer to the said complaint, and be you then there to certify what you shall have done in the premises. Herein fail not.
Given under my hand this twenty-ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.
Thomas Mason.
On Mr. Robertson standing up, Mr. Mason informed him that he was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and committing a breach of the peace by creating a false alarm.
Mr. Robertson said, that he had received a summons for being drunk and disorderly, but at the present was the first intimation of his having made a false alarm. He had not the summons then with him, but he could not have overlooked such a charge.
Mr. Mason said that such was the charge preferred, and that it would be easy to refer to the original summons. Mr. Robertson made no further objection, and the case proceeded: it appeared that the information was laid by Constable Swift who conducted the prosecution, and called witnesses.
Constable John Lovel sworn; I was on duty on the morning of the 29th instant at the Police office; I saw Mr. Gilbert Robertson at the Police office-yard gate about half past three in the morning; I was close to Mr. Robertson; the first word he asked me was, if I was a constable, I said I was, and he then said "Damn you, you have been asleep, I have been looking all over the town for constables and could not find one;" he informed me that the Court House was all on fire, and that all the constables in the town were asleep; he then asked where Mr. Morgan was, and Constable Stephen made answer, he was in bed, and could not be seen that night. (M.R.) said "I'll be damned if I dont see him before I go away to night; he said that he wanted the constables to go and put the fire out at the Court House; I cannot speak of my own knowledge, that the Court House was not on fire that night or morning. I felt alarmed at Mr. Robertson's remark, and in consequence, Stephens was sent off with another constable, to see if the Court House was on fire, and I went to my box at the station; I could see the Court House from my box, but I could see no fire; it was quite light, and if the Court House had been on fire, I could have seen it.
Mr. Robertson. - Really this is extraordinary evidence; I am summoned here to answer the charge of drunkeness and disorderly conduct, and would ask what the evidence before the Court has to do with that charge.
Mr. Mason said, that Mr. Robertson was charged with making a false alarm, and that he considered the course of examination quite appropriate.
Mr. Robertson. - I beg to differ with your Worship. The summons I received, was to answer for being drunk, and disorderly conduct, and has nothing to do with alarms of any sort. I would submit, that I am taken by surprise at this additional charge. Suppose I was summoned here to answer a charge of drunkenness, and a charge of murder was forthwith preferred against me, how could I be prepared to rebut that charge. Mr. Mason considered the course of proceeding quite regular, and, as before stated, Mr. Robertson might have time if he was not prepared to enter on his defence. Mr. Robertson was indifferent about the delay, as he was satisfied of being able to clear himself.
Examination continued. Mr. Robertson appeared to me to be in liquor; he was in liquor; it was about half past three in the morning; I had not been asleep on my post.
Mr. Robertson. - I submit the question cannot be put to him, as it affects his own character. I must state that this charge is brought against me merely to prevent my bringing a charge against the constable for being asleep.
The Chief Justice, who was requested by Mr. Robertson to attend, entered the Court room, and some debate arose as to the necessity of His Honor's testimony, and his Honor sat down.
Lovel cross examined by Mr. Robertson. - The first word you said, was, "Damn you, you have been asleep; you made use of the expression damn; I did not communicate the report of your being drunk to the Chief Constable that night; I saw that you could not, walk straight, you went down towards Mr. Morgan's; it is customary for me to put a person who is drunk at that hour of the night into the watch-house, but I did not think proper to do it with you, as I could do it another way; Mr. Morgan was called before I went to the gate; Stephens was the person who reported it, and Mr. Morgan sent him off to see if the Court House was on fire; Stephens told me this; you said that the Court House was on fire, and not that it would be on fire if some person did not go up; I gave information of your being drunk to Mr. Swift, the next morning; I recollect your saying that you would complain to the Police Magistrate of my being asleep on my post.
The Chief Justice intimated that he was forced to attend to particular duties and could not stop; but would return at any hour, if warned of the time he should be wanted. Mr. Robertson said, that it was on one point only, that he wished His Honor's testimony, and that was on the state of the Court keeper who, Mr. Robertson had been informed, His Honor reproved for improper conduct. Mr. Mason said, that he observed the man, and heard his Honor's remarks at the Concert; and it was his (Mr. Mason's) opinion, that the man was then sober.
The Chief Justice sworn for the defence, in consequence of His Honor being obliged to attend the Council. - I attended the Concert held at the Court House, on Tuesday last; it struck me, that the court keepers conduct was very improper, and I reproved him for it; if the person who was in charge of the Court House, it being lighted up, was drunk, I should say there would be great danger; at the same time I am bound to say, that I do not think the court keeper was drunk, at the time I reproved him; this was after the performance, and before all the company had left.
Constable Stephens sworn. - I was at the Police Office on the morning of the 29th instant; about twenty minutes before three, I was alarmed by a very loud knocking at the Chief Constable's door; I got up and saw Mr. Gilbert Robertson there; he asked if Mr. Morgan was at home, and I answered yes; he said, that had it not been for him and another gentleman, the Court House would have been burned to the ground; he said the Court House keeper was drunk, and that he, (Mr. R.) could not find a constable in Macquarie-street, nor was there any in front of the Police Office; he said he wanted to know, if there was any other Police Station, where he could apply for a constable, for the purpose of going to the Court House, and bringing the messenger away, as he (the messenger) was drunk and the Court House was not safe; I told him there ought to be constables in every street, but that if he would wait, I would dress myself and go with him; the exact words that he said were, that if it had not been for him and another gentleman, the Court House would have been burned to the ground; I went to the Court House myself by order of Mr. Morgan; Mr. Robertson was not sober; he was drunk; I was not present when he was talking to the other constables, but I heard some part of the conversation; I recollect Mr. Robertson saying to the other constables, "you have been asleep, and I shall report you;" I did not see any person with Mr. Robertson at the time; it was on account of Mr. Robertson's statement, that I went to the Court House, and I did not see any danger when I got there, nor any appearance that there had been danger.
Cross examined by Mr. Robertson - You could not walk exactly straight, I did not see any other symptoms of your being disorderly than that; you talked very loud ; I think that not walking straight is a symptom of being drunk; I looked after you and thought you would fall; you went down the street towards your own shop; I generally put persons who are drunk at that time of night in the watch house.
Mr. Robertson stated that he was quite satisfied with the sincerity of this man's evidence, which was substantially correct, with the exception of his opinion as to the drunken part; and he gave him credit even for this part, as it was his (Mr. R.'s) opinion from the veracious manner in which he had spoken that he really believed that he (Mr. R.) was drunk.
Stephens examined by Mr. Mason - When I went up to the Court House it was not lighted up, but there was a candle in the messenger's room; I saw the court keeper, who appeared to me not to be drunk exactly, but as if he had been drinking and sleep recovered him; he was in bed, and I knocked some time before I could get admittance; there was a candle burning on a shelf by the fire place; I go by the Court House frequently, and it is not customary to keep a light there; if I saw one at any time I shall knock them up.
Constable James Webber sworn - I am watch house keeper in the Police yard; I was on duty about three o'clock in the morning of the 29th instant; I saw Mr. Gilbert Robertson about three o'clock that morning outside the Police office gate; I went to the gate in consequence of his knocking; I did not see him knocking; I did not see him knock, but I knew it was him because there was no other person there; he said the Court House was all on fire, and he could not a find a d----d constable to go and distinguish it; I suppose he meant to put it out: he said distinguish.
Mr. Mason- You say distinguish, but I should not think Mr. Robertson said so.
Mr. Attorney Constable Swift, who was for the prosecution, explained that Mr. Robertson, was a little fluttery in the tongue at the time.
Examination continued - I felt greatly alarmed at the report.
Mr. Mason - I see the drift of this question, Swift, and I tell you that it is no use you proving that a constable who was on duty was alarmed at the report; to support the charge you must prove that some of the inhabitants were alarmed.
Examination continued by Swift; Mr. Robertson said that he and two other gentlemen had been obliged to go and put the light or the fire out; I cannot say whether he said light or fire; Mr. Robertson used no other blackguard language more than what I have stated; he appeared very angry at it; I had a good view of Mr. Robertson who was drunk.
Cross examined by Mr. Robertson - I am a prisoner sentenced for life; constable Lovell is a free man, I believe; I saw you walking down the pathway from the Police Office gate, towards Mr. Morgans', and you staggered about. Mr. Robertson, on being called on for his defence, related the facts as they had occurred, and which, being elicited in the evidence, we omit as a recapitulation.
Mr. Angus Macleod sworn, - I supped with Mr. Robertson after the concert at Mr. Davis's house, in Liverpool Street; I walked home with Mr. Robertson, from Mr. Davis's house, which we left about half-past two in the morning. On quitting Mr. Davis, that gentleman requested us to look in and see if the lights were all put out in the Court House; when we arrived at the Court House, we found the lights as they were left after the Concert; I must explain, that on leaving the Concert room before I went to Mr. Davis's, a man who appeared to be tipsey accosted Mr. Robertson in a very impertinent manner; he said he was the keeper of the Court, and I remarked that "he was well in for it," as he appeared so hearty. In consequence of seeing the man in this state, we thought it necessary to go to the Court House, thinking it would not be safe; we went to the door,and knocked, and they refused us admittance; we reasoned with them, and at last they opened the door; one man was sitting on his bed; he was not asleep; I went to the Orchestra, where Mr. Reichenberg's piano stood, and the lights stood on each side of it; there was a candle on the music stand of the piano, which, had it got leave to burn down, would have set the piano on fire; I put all the lights that I could get at, out, and we walked away without saying any more; when I came out I asked where Mr. Robertson was gone, and Mr. Reichenberg said, "I am sure he is gone for a constable."
By Mr. Mason. - Mr. Robertson did not return; I think there were some lights on the wall that we could not reach, but no danger could accrue from them; one of the persons I saw when Iast at the Court House was drunk, but I cannot say whether it was the man that accosted Mr. Robertson.
By Mr. Robertson. - I am certainly of opinion you were not drunk, at least if you were, I do not know what they term drunk; you were well collected, and knew what you were about; I was in your company the whole of the time from the ending of the Concert, until we went to the Court House; from the whole tenor of your conduct during the evening, I saw nothing that could induce me to suppose you were in a state of inebriety.
Cross-examined by Swift. - I had been at Mr. Davis's previously to my going to the Court House; we did not delay after we left Mr. Davis's; Mr. and Mrs. Reichenberg were in company with us. Swift. - I suppose you made yourselfs pretty hearty at supper.
Mr. McLeod. - Mr. Robertson drank wine with me, but I cannot say how many glasses.
Mr. Robertson. - Really this is too bad; are the domestic concerns of a private family to be invaded and made a subject of public examination. The next question will be what we had for supper, and what conversation ensued at supper, I must beg that your worship will put a stop to this course.
Mr. Mason. - I think the course of examination is regular, although the wording is not proper. Put the question, "did Mr. Robertson drink to excess?"
Cross-examination continued. - Mr. Robertson was as cool and collected as I am, at this moment; I do not know, that coming into the air after having been drinking, has the effect of increasing inebriety; I did not see Mr. Robertson, after he left the Court House; I drank wine with Mr. Robertson, and I dare say he drank wine with other persons; on the following day, when I was at Mr. Reichenburg's he told me that Mr. Robertson's taken up or summoned for being drunk the night before, and I expressed my astonishment at it.
Mr. Peck sworn. - I took supper with Mr. Robertson, at Mr. Davis's house, on Tuesday night, after the Concert; I recollect Mr. Robertson leaving the house; I accompanied Mr. Robertson, Mr. McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. Reichenburg, as far as the Court House ; I recollect Mr. Robertson going away, and I supposed at the time that he was gone for a constable; I can certainly say that, Mr. Robertson was not drunk at that time, I should say he was sober; I had been in his company from the time we sat down to supper at Mr. Davis's, until we parted at the Court House; I did not observe the least appearance of inebriety in his conduct, during the whole of the evening; I should think, there was danger in lights being left in the Court House.
By Swift. - I was under the impression of there being danger, that we went in, and had the lights put out; I did not remain for any length of time at the Court House; I did not put out the lights, Mr. McLeod put them out; I held the light to shew Mr. McLeod out of the lobby; I did not see Mr. Robertson, after the lights were put out; I did not see any constables come to the Court House, while we were there; I suppose we were at the Court House, about nine or ten minutes. Mr. Robertson stated, that he had other witnesses in waiting, who could speak as confidently to his being sober, but he would not take up the time of the Court, feeling that Mr. Mason must be satisfied, with the nature of the charge.
Mr. Mason stated he was satisfied with the evidence before the Court, and dismissed the case.
ASSOCIATIONS: Gilbert Robertson (editor, The true colonist; d. 1851); see Angus McLeod, master of the Band of the 21st Regiment, which had played at Gordonovitch's concert; James Wentworth Davis (husband of Sophia Letitia Davis)
13 November 1834, Leffler's concert
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 November 1834), 3
MR. LEFFLER respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that his Concert will take place on
Thursday Evening next, November 13, 1834, at the Argyle Rooms, on which occasion
Messrs. Reichenberg, Peck, Deane, and Family will assist.
Through the kind permission of the Proprietor of the "SERAPHINE," that delightful instrument will be exhibited on this occasion only.
Overture - "Torvaldo e Dorlisha" - Rossini.
Song - Mrs. CLARKE, (late Miss Remens,) "La Vidovella" - Sola.
Piano-forte Solo, Miss DEANE - Kalkbrenner.
Glee - "The Wreath," Mrs. CLARKE, Mr. PECK, and Mr. MARSHALL - Mazzinghi.
Violin Solo - Mr. LEFFLER - De Beriot.
Song - Mrs. KESTERTON, "Wilt thou say farewell, Love?" by desire, accompanied by herself on the Harp -Moore.
Fantasia on the "Seraphine," with accompaniments - Cramer.
Grand Symphony - Mozart.
Overture - "Miller and his Men" - Bishop.
Song - Mrs. CLARKE, "To win the Love of thee" - Sola.
Concertante Violin and Piano-Forte - Kreutzer.
Glee - Mrs. CLARKE, Messrs. DEANE, PECK, and MARSHALL.
Flute Solo - Mr. MARSHALL - Nicholson.
Song - Mrs. CLARKE, "The Banks of Allan Water" - Bishop.
Solo Clarionette - Mr. REICHENBERG.
Glee and Chorus - "God Save the King" - Stevenson.
Doors to open at 7 o'Clock, performance to commence at 8 precisely.
** Tickets, 5s. each; to be had of Mr. Leffler, at Mr. Dixon's, Liverpool-street;
of Mr. J. P. Deane, at the Argyle Rooms, and of Mrs. Hedger, Elizabeth-street.
November 11,1834
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (vocalist, theatrical manager)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1835:
[Advertisement], Morning Star and Commercial Advertiser (13 January 1835), 3
PIANO FORTES BUFFED, TUNED, &c. MR. JACOB NEVILLE, late of Mr. A Ellard's, Musical Instrument Manufactory, Sackville Street, Dublin, having arrived in Hobert Town, by the Cabotia, on his way to Sydney, purposes, from the encouragement he has received here, to remain a few months, during which time he will buff and tune piano fortes, having been brought up in that department; and trusts he will give general satisfaction to those, who may employ him. - Any commands left with Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Davis, or at the office of this paper, will be punctually attended to.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Neville (piano tuner, musician); Andrew Ellard (Dublin music seller and music instrument maker)
18 April 1835, Cameron and Deane's oratorio
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (17 April 1835), 3
MESSRS. CAMERON & DEANE respectfully inform the inhabitants of Hobart town and its vicinity,
that a selection of Sacred Music will be performed at the Theatre
on Saturday the 16th April 1835.
Overture - Weber
Recitation and Song, Mrs. Clark - Handel
Jubilate Deo, Chorus, &c. - Hemple
Solo pianoforte, Miss Deane - Czerny
Song, Mrs. Clark - Handel
Solo clarionet, Mr. Reichenberg - Pleyel
Mene Dimitti, Messrs. Clark, Deane, &c. - Hemple
Overture - Rossini
Song, Mrs. Clark, Let the bright Seraphim - Handel
Solo violin, Leffler - Berriot
Solo flute - Nicholson
Song & chorus, Martin Luther's hymn - Luther
Chorus, Hallelujah - Handel
Leader - Mr. Deane; Violin principale - Mr. Leffler; Conductor - Mr. Reichenberg.
Tickets (not transferable) 5s. Children, 3s. to be had at the Theatre, and at Mr. J. P. Deane's
Circulating Library. Doors to be opened at 7 o'clock, performance to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, manager)
1 June 1835, Reichenberg's benefit, Theatre
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (29 May 1835), 1
Theatre, Hobart Town,
ON Monday Evening, 1st June, 1835.
MR. REICHENBERG respectfully informs his friends, and the ladies and gentlemen of Hobart Town, that his
will take place on the above evening, on which occasion, will be presented, the Melo-Drama of
Song, "Gaily Sounds the Castanett," by Mrs. Clarke
Clarionette, Solo - Mr, Reiehenberg
Song, "The brook is purling on its way," Mrs. Henson.
To conclude with the Farce of
Three Weeks after Marriage.
The Orchestra will be augmented by Messrs. Peck and others, who have kindly agreed to join for that night,
when several Overtures, and other Popular Airs will be performed.
May 29, 1835.
"To the Editor of the True Colonist", The Tasmanian (21 August 1835), 6
SIR - However apparent to the Public it may be,
that every defamatory statement which appears in your Journal, however baneful, carries with it its own antidote,
and requires not the trouble of refutation, yet your attack on the "Roman Catholic Committee" is probably an exception.
It is possible that you did not intend yourself personally to insult that body,
but you are the mouth-piece of a miserable and defeated party,
who have endeavoured in vain to perpetrate the degradation of the whole Roman Catholic Community of Van Diemen's Land.
Your first accusation against the Committee is, "poverty," and certainly one would have thought you would have avoided,
(if you possibly could), to have made such a charge against them. But even here you fail.
Permit me to tell you, that of that maligned and insulted Committee,
three individuals alone possess collectively, wealth to the amount of at least £20,000, in spite of your anti-prosperity mania.
These three are Messrs. O'Sullivan, Reichenberg, and McCarthy.
The other members are not, perhaps, so opulent; but I have never heard of outstanding claims upon them . . .
"THE PLATE AND THE 'ATTACHED' TAIL", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (4 September 1835), 2
We called upon Mr. Hackett last week, to furnish us with a list of twenty Catholics, of "repute" who were "grateful and attached," and he has replied by exhibiting his "tail" at "one hours' notice." As we have never before heard of those "men of repute," excepting Mr. Joseph Molloy, we presume they must have arrived in the Colony since we have been lodging with Mr. Capon; and they no doubt have brought with them the prosperity of which Mr. Hackett boasted. But they have not had much time to prove the "zealous and uniform attention" which has called forth this sudden "gratitude and attachment." What has become of Messrs. Reichenberg, O'Sullivan, and McCarthy, whose names Mr. Hackett put forth in the letter of "A Catholic;" have they refused to "march through Coventry" with "the tail?" We are told that His Excellency fancied that we had dirtied "the Plate" by meddling with it, and that he would not touch it for fear of dirtying his fingers - so Mr. Hackett brings his tail to give it a wipe. "A dirty wipe," says Jemmy Belford, who comes in bawling, "More Copy."
"ADJOURNED QUARTER SESSIONS. Wednesday, December 23, 1835", Colonial Times (29 December 1836), 8
"ADJOURNED QUARTER SESSIONS. Wednesday, December 23, 1835", The Tasmanian (1 January 1836), 8
Robert Huthaway stood charged with stealing a parcel containing Bank notes and cash, the property of his master, Robert Pitcairn, Esq., Solicitor, in Davey-street . . .
Joseph Thomas Smailes, being sworn, said, I am clerk to Mr. Stanley, and, on the 24th of November, about half-past three o'clock in the afternoon, I received from Mr. Stanley a packet, with directions to take it to Mr. Pitcairn's office. I took the packet to Mr. Pitcairn at from half-past five to a quarter to six o'clock. I did not know the contents of the packet, but it was weighty for its size, so that I thought it contained cash or plate. I went to Mr. Pitcairn's office - it was shut up; but I saw a man standing at the gate - he had his sleeves tucked up. I enquired of the man for Mr. Pitcairn's private house; the prisoner said he could take anything in for him. I gave the packet to the man who went up the gateway as, I suppose, to go in at the back door of Mr. Pitcairn's house - that man is the prisoner now at the bar. I went from thence to the Post-office - it was then five minutes to six o'clock, and I put some letters into the office. Previous to my going to Mr. Pitcairn's, I had been up Davey-street to Mr. Reichenberg's - I am quite certain the prisoner is the man to whom I gave the packet. Cross-examined by Mr. Home for the prisoner. - I received the packet at half-past three o'clock; left the office at four. Went up Bathurst-street, into Murray-street, then into Liverpool-street, and passed by the Government Mill to Mr. Reichenberg's; and did not put in the letters when I was first near it in Murray-street, nor did I then pass on to Mr. Pitcairn's, but went first to Mr. Reichenberg's, where I stayed one hour, and took a lesson in music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Thomas Smales [sic] (pupil)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1836:
"THE THEATRE", The Tasmanian (22 January 1836), 8
Mr. Meredith is entitled to much praise, for the manner in which he endeavours to afford the rational amusement of the Theatre, to the people of this town. His exertions have been extraordinary, to avoid encountering the difficulties which his predecessors Mr. Cameron and Mr. Deane, were unable to overcome. He has not only fitted up the Theatre, stage, seats, boxes, gallery, (as the divisions are called) entirely by his own operatives, but he is also his own scene painter, his own lamplighter, his own dressmaker - in a word, the work of every department of his Theatre is performed within his own "company;" who certainly do their utmost to obtain the public favor. The Orchestra is decidedly the best ever collected here; Mr. Peck, the best violin performer in the Island, leads, supported by two Masters of Bands, highly accomplished musicians, Messrs. Reichenberg and McLeod, assisted by six or eight other excellent performers. The stage performances, are taken as a whole, at least, not inferior to any which have preceded them. Mr. Meredith is a host in himself. He is perfectly master of all the tact of the London stage - walks well, dances well, and speaks well. Mrs. Meredith has but recently appeared on "the boards;" she is attentive to the general business of the Theatre, and exerts herself to the utmost. Mrs. Brown is very much improved since she was in Mr. Cameron's company, and Miss Waterson, at present a novice in the "profession," will no doubt soon become a favorite. Mr. Meredith, with great judgment, limits his performances entirely to little light pieces, chiefly from the French, which his performers, by care and attention, get through, so as to afford an audience an agreable evening's amusement. Mr. Falchon, sings without affectation and in tune, two great points; and Mr. Smith entertains the gallery with interlude dancing quite as well as Mr. Mackay, who was considered "a star" in that line. The time between the performances is too long; it should never exceed ten minutes, whereby, not only the amusement of the audience would not be permitted to flag, but the performances would close at a proper time - certainly, it should never be later than eleven o'clock. Mr. Meredith will do well to attend to this for many reasons. We are happy to learn, that the officers of the 21st Regiment are about to favor the theatre with a "bespeak," which, as of course, it will be attended by all the "fashionables" - will draw a "bumper." We heartily wish Mr. Meredith every success, which his past exertions in his undertaking, after former failures, so well entitles him to.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor, manager); Arthur Falchon (actor, vocalist)
6 March 1836, death of Jacob Neville, Launceston
"Fatal Accident", The Australian [Sydney, NSW] (25 March 1836), 6
We extremely regret to state, that an accident of the most lamentable description occurred at Launceston Races. Mr. Neville, a young gentleman who, many of our readers will recollect, arrived here about a year ago as Professor of Music, was riding on the course, when he was encountered by another horseman, and overturned with such force, that he received so much injury, both in his head and body, that he died on Sunday in extreme agony. It is indeed a calamitous event. Mr. Neville married some few months back a daughter of Mr. Wilson, formerly Hospital Serjeant of the 40th regt., and has thus left enciente, a widow, not yet 17 years old. Her mother's history is remmkable. She is one of the very few female survivors of the terrible retreat of Sir John Moore to Corunna in 1809, during the whole of which, she, then but 15 years old, accompanied her husband; and on ascending the mountains of Betanzos, was delivered of her first child, and after a halt of not an hour, the French advance closely upon them, exerted herself so as to keep up with the brigade, and to continue the march to Corunna, where she got on board ship, with her child alive, the day before the action. She was one of the group so graphically described in Colonel Napier's history of that disastrous retreat, composed of half a dozen persons, one of whom was a woman with a newly born child at her breast, frozen to death us they rested in the snow against the bank, Mrs. Wilson alone surviving. Her daughter's situation is now extremely pitiable. Mr. Neville, although an admirahle artist, rapidly advancing in his profession, having arrived here with that profession only as his support, has been unable to do more than provide for current expenses. Mrs. Reichenberg, wife of the highly respected musician, late master of the Band of Mrs. Neville's father's regiment had most kindly brought her up after her father's death; and this becoming known to the Rev. Dr. Browne, the Government Chaplain of Launceston, that gentleman with great consideration, took upon himself the melancholy task of communicating to her the distressing intelligence in the following letter:-
Launceston, March 6, 1830.
MADAME - It becomes my painful task by Mrs, Neville's desire, to be the medium of communicating to you,
the melancholy accident which occurred to Mr. Neville last Thursday,
a gentleman rode against him with such violence as to occasion the fracture of his arm,
and other injuries of the body, with which he most patiently lingered till this day at 12 o'clock,
when it pleased the Lord to relieve him from his sufferings.
Mrs. Neville is as well as could be expected, under her afflicting situation.
A very strong sympathy has been very generally excited on the occasion,
and measures are taking to prevent her sufferings being increased by his affairs should they require assistance.
It is right to inform you that the gentleman, who most unintentionally occassioned Mr. Neville's death,
and was himself hurt, feels most acutely the misery his giddiness has produced;
he was with Mr. Neville at the time of his death.
I should also afford you the melancholy satisfaction to know every possible assistance was procured for Mr. Neville,
and I believe all the doctors in town attended him, but it pleased the Lord to direct that their efforts in this should not be successful.
Any assistance or exertion on my part that you will be pleased to communicate
shall be immediately attended to as far as practicable, by Madam, Your obedient servant,
W. H. BROWNE, Chaplain.
Mrs. Reichenberg upon receipt of the above, lost not a moment in proceeding to Launceston, in order to render Mrs. Neville every comfort and consolation in her power. The lady of Captain Stewart, formerly the Captain of the company, in the 40th regt. to which Serjeant Wilson belonged, has been most kind and attentive. Indeed, the awful calamity has excited universal sympathy.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Francis Patrick Napier (general, Peninsular War); William Henry Browne (chaplain)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (18 March 1836), 3
IN an Establishment for Young Ladies, an Assistant, competent to teach the different branches of polite Female Education.
None need apply who are not proficient in musical Tuition, to whom a very liveral [sic] salary will be given.
Application to be made to Mr. Reichenberg, Davey-street, or at the Office of this paper.
March 12, 1830.
22 March 1836, Deane's farewell concert
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (18 March 1836), 3
A Grand Concert
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, will take place at the Argyle Rooms, on
Thursday, the 24th instant, further particulars of which will be given in a future advertisement.
J. P. DEANE has for 13 years past endeavoured to afford amusement to his Friends and the Public in general,
but untoward circumstances will cause him to leave Van Diemen's Land for the Sister Colony, where he anticipates more patronage.
The depressed state of this Settlement, and his large family compel him to seek a livelihood elsewhere,
and it is absolute necessity alone that induces him to leave Hobart Town, where he has so many well wishers and friends.
J. P. Deane, therefore, begs to announce that the Concert will be his last application to the Public for patronage,
and he trusts his "FAREWELL" will be attended by all his former friends,
whose circumstances will allow their expending a trifling sum for a musical entertainment.
The Concert will be assisted by Messrs. Russell, Peck, Reichenberg, Leffler,
and the whole of the musical talent in the town, who have kindly offered their assistance on this occasion.
Leader, Mr. Russell; Violin Principal Mr. Peck; Conductor Mr. J. P. Deane.
Tickets 5s. each Children's do. 3s.
To be had of Mrs. Davis, Musical Repository, Elizabeth-street, Mrs. Hedger, Confectioner, Elizabeth-street, and Mr. Peck, 30,
"The Roman Catholics", Bent's News and Tasmanian Three-Penny Register (11 June 1836), 4
. . . "Catholic Meeting, Mr. Riechenberg in the chair.
"Resolved, - That having learned that the Right Rev. Dr. Poulding has been pleased to suspend the sarcedotal functions of the Rev. Mr. Connoly,
that we most heartily concur in the propriety of that proceeding.
Resolved, - That as the Right Rev. Dr. Poulding has been grossly insulted by Mr. Connoly,
who has this day caused a writ to be served upon him by the hands of a Sheriff's Bailiff,
we do immediately claim the protection of the Government for the Head of our Church in this Island."
A deputation forthwith proceeded to Government House, and His Excellency was pleased to promise to afford the Catholics all the protection in his power . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Philip Connolly (priest); John Bede Polding (bishop)
27 August 1836, George Peck's benefit, Theatre Royal, Hobart Town
[Advertisement], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (26 August 1836), 8
Theatre Royal,
On Saturday Evening, August 27, 1836, The Public is respectfully informed that Evening's Entertainment will be the greatest treat of the Season,
and the attention of the Patrons of the Drama is earnestly invited.
The PEDLAR'S ACRE OR THE Wife of Seven Husbands . . .
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music; in which some Amateurs of celebrity have kindly offered their assistance.
Song, Maid of Judah - Mr[s]. TAYLOR.
Song, Chapter of Accidents - Mr. MEREDITH.
Solo, Flute (Swiss Air with Variations) - Mr. RElCHENBERG.
Song, the Gipsey Prince - Mr. FALCHON.
Recitation, Bucks have at ye all, in character - Mrs. MEREDITH.
Reminiscences of Paganini,
In which will be introduced one of his favorite Airs on the Fourth String.
Finale Overture to the
To conclude with, for the first and only time, the favorite Comic Farce of the
ASSOCIATIONS: John Meredith (actor, vocalist); Amelia Meredith (actor)
7 September 1836, Miss Smith's benefit, Theatre Royal, Hobart Town
"THE THEATRE", The Tasmanian (9 September 1836), 6
Miss Smith took her" Benefit" on Wednesday evening. The late father of this young orphan having been well known to the old Colonists, and her exertions to support her mother and sisters having been highly appreciated, the house was numerously and respectably attended . . . We cannot omit paying the merited tribute of applause to the Orchestra, which is certainly superior to any to be found in the best constituted provincial theatre in England. We need only say, that three such accomplished musicians as Messrs. Reichenberg, McCloud, and Peck are seldom to be found in a theatrical orchestra . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (9 September 1836), 4
Notice is hereby given, that the following claims for grants, will be ready for examination by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose,
upon or immediately after the 2nd day of November next, before which day, any caveat or counter claim, must be entered - . . .
John Eddington and Joseph Reichenburg, trustees for Amelia Ann Beaumont, 130 acres, Canning parish . . .
See also "IN EQUITY", The Mercury (9 December 1893), 1 supplement
. . . The deed of settlement was dated August 27, 1833, and was between Thomas Restell Crowder and Amelia Ann Beaumont, with John Eddington and Joseph Reichenberg as trustees, and conveyed a parcel of land in the City of Hobart, and another in the country, in trust for Amelia Ann Beaumont . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Ann Beaumont (Mrs. Thomas Crowder)
19 December 1836, Theatre Royal, Hobart Town
"THE THEATRE", The Tasmanian (23 December 1836), 7
On Monday, Mr. Meredith afforded the visitors to the theatre a great musical treat. The favorite opera of Guy Mannering was performed in a manner which would have done credit to any theatre out of London. Of the "old hands," it is unnecessary to speak further, than that Mrs. and Mr. Meredith, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Mackay, and Miss Smith perfectly sustained their well merited reputation. Mr. Grove, a gentleman recently from the Sydney theatre, is a very industrious and deserving performer. He does his utmost to please, and, as is generally usual in such cases, succeeds. He has a good voice, and sings with much taste. Mr. Arabin, from London, is a promising actor, and we have no doubt will soon become a great favorite. It is impossible to speak too warmly of the Orchestra. It is sufficient to say, that three such performers as Mr. Peck, Mr. Reichenberg, and Mr. McLeod, are scarcely to be met with in any provincial-theatre. Mr. Peck is a violinist of great merit. He is most attentive to his business as "leader," upon whom so much depends in rendering every assistance to the singer, giving the melody powerfully when he finds it necessary, taking care that the combinations of the harmony are properly attended to; in this, much tact and judgment are shewn by the three highly accomplished musicians, whose abilities Mr. Meredith, at a considerable expense, retains for the public entertainment at his theatre. On Wednesday, the part of Hamlet was very ably performed by a celebrated amateur to a crowded and respectable audience.
ASSOCIATIONS: Daniel Parsons Grove (actor, vocalist)
MUSIC: Guy Mannering (Bishop)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1837:
"Assignments", The Hobart Town Courier (5 May 1837), 2
James Grant, M. Vicary, Mr. Dale, G. Meredith, J. Reichenberg, Mrs. Ramus, Mr. Brodribb, George Madden . . .
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (8 December 1837), 1
To treat young Performers with.
MR. REICHENBERG begs to announce that he has received by the Andromeda,
a choice selection of new and easy music, purposely composed and arranged to improve young performers on the piano and flute;
also, pieces for first rate performers on different instruments, with a variety of foreign songs,
with English words, and a selection of orchestra music for a small band.
La Gaite quadrilles, duetts for two performers on one piano, flute and piano, violin and piano,
trios for piano, violin and violincello exercises, sacred music, &c.,
the whole of which he can recommend as being really good,
and is composed and arranged by some of the best foreign composers,
and can be had at his Music Room, opposite the Military Barracks;
as also, violin and guitar strings of the best kind.
Also, for sale, a real good square Piano, by Broadwood, lately imported;
and a second hand guitar cheap, with an assortment of other, music for first-rate performers;
likewise, Italian, French, and English songs.
Dec. 5, 1837.

St. John the evangelist Catholic church, Richmond, TAS; glass plate negative, probably taken by C. P. Ray, c. early 1900s (NS392); Archives Office of Tasmania (Libraries Tasmania) (DIGITISED)
31 December 1837, opening mass at the new Catholic church, Richmond
"ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, RICHMOND (From a Correspondent)", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (5 January 1838), 5
In pursuance of the advertisement announcing the opening of this unique and classic edifice for divine worship on Sunday, a highly respectable and numerous assembly of gentry arrived at eleven o'clock, to witness this most solemn and imposing ceremony.
Nothing could equal the surprise of the audience at finding a most efficient choir contributing to the solemnity of the scene. The well played clarionet of that professor of music, Mr. Reichenberg, aided by the skill on the piano of a talented young gentleman, a son to Francis Smith, Esq. with the delicate taste displayed by a lady, who accompanied that instrument, in incomparable style, and also by the skill of Mr. Solicitor Wynne, from Hobart Town, contributed to excite feelings of religious fervor and enchantment amongst the entire audience.
The Vicar General sang the high mass with great ability. An extemporaneous discourse on the benefits of the extension of religious instruction, and the erection of houses to the glory of God, was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Cotham, and met with general approbation. The liberality of the subscription which then took place set the impress of approval beyond the regions of doubt. It was delightful to witness practical Christianity so fully exemplified - Dissenters from the form of worship of the Catholics lending their unpurchased and unpurchasable ability to sing the praises of God, and it were well if equal liberality characterised the government of this colony, when distinctions would vanish, and Christian unanimity prevail.
A sumptuous repast was prepared by Mr. Cassidy, for his friends of the choir and others, when the health and prosperity of the worthy host, (to whose instrumentality the erection of the Catholic Church was mainly due,) was drank in the warmest manner by the guests, who returned to Hobart Town in the evening, delighted with their day's pilgrimage to Richmond.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Smith (pianist, son of Francis Smith); Robert Wynne (solicitor, musical performer, d. 1856)
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1838:
"Assignments", The Hobart Town Courier (23 February 1838), 4
Edmund Douglass, Messrs. Shoobridge, S. & J. Austin, Jesse Morrell, Thomas Edols, J. Reichenberg, Wm. Worstfold, Wm. Burton, Esh Lovel, C. Wilcocks, Geo. Meredith, Philip Smith . . .
[Advertisement], The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (23 March 1838), 3
To be Raffled for,
A Very handsome first rate ROSEWOOD COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, makers Broadwood and Sons.
By forty Subscribers at two guineas each,
March 23.
23 October 1838, convict Pietro Callegari assigned to Reichenberg
Piedro Calligana [sic], convict record; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1378562; CON31/1/7$init=CON31-1-7p412 (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Pietro Callegari; on 11 February 1839 Callegari was accused of insolence towards Angelica Reichenberg
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for the year 1839:
26 February 1839, concert, Peck (advertised, and rehearsed, but did not take place due to problem with access to the venue)
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (26 February 1839), 1
MR. PECK begs leave respectfully to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town, and'its vicinity, that it is his intention to give a
Of Vocal and Instrumental Music, to take place on the Evening of
In the Theatre, Campbell-street, Hobart Town; the use of the same having been kindly offered by Mr. John Moses, the proprietor, for the occasion.
Mr. P. trusts that from his long residence in the Colony, and his arduous endeavours on all occasions to contribute to the entertainment of his numerous patrons,
he will receive that support which it lias ever been his pride to merit.
Principal Instrumental Performers. - Mr. Duly, Mr. Peck, Mr. Reichenberg, and a Lady and Gentleman Amateurs from the Liverpool Concert.
Principal Vocal Performers - Miss Nathan, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Jackson, and Mr. Bland.
Overture - Il Barbiere de Seviglia - Rossini.
Glee, three voices - "Blow gentle Gales" - Bishop.
Solo Violin - From La Favorite L'Europe et Souvenir ma patrie, MR. PECK - Mayseder & Eliason.
Song - "Araby's Daughter," A YOUNG LADY - Moore.
Solo Flute. - Favorite Air with variations, Mr. Duly, Band-master 51st Regiment - Nicholson.
Trio Concertante - Flute, Violincello, and Piu Forte, Piu Leta, Pia Bella, Mr. Duly, and a Lady and Gentleman Amateurs - Forde.
Glee - "Peace to the Souls of the Heroes" - Calcott.
Overture - The Maniac - Bishop.
Overture - Il Turco in Italia - Rossini.
Glee four voices - "Here in cool Grot" - Earl Mornington.
Solo Clarionet - "Oh no we never mention her," with variations, Mr. REICHENBERG - Reichenberg.
Glee three voices - "Zitti Zitti Piano," II Barbiere de Seviglia - Rossini.
Song - Cornet a Piston and Pia Forte accompaniment "The Light of other days." - Balfe.
Duett Concertante - Two Violins, Messrs Peck and Singer - Bruni.
Song - The Maid of Judah - Sloman.
Trio Concertante - Flute, Violoncello, and Piano Forte, Mr. Duly, and a Lady and Gentleman Amateurs - Blangini arranged by Forde.
Finale - God Save the Queen.
The Orchestra will consist of the following performers:-
1st Violins, Messrs Peck and Russell. - 2nd Violins, Messrs Singer and Dyer. - Viola and Clarionett, Mr Reichenberg.
- Violoncello, Gentleman Amateur, from the Liverpool Concerts - Flute, Mr. Duly, Bandmaster,
2 French Horns, 2 Bassoons, Serpent and Ophecleide, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarionets, Trumpet and Drum, 51st regiment.
Piano Forte by a Lady amateur from the Liverpool Concerts.
Mr Russell will preside at the Piano Forte.
Doors to be open at 7, and the performance to commence at 8 o'clock, precisely.
Tickets 5s. each, to be had of Mr. Peck at the Theatre; at the Musical Repository, Elizabeth-street;
at Mr. Marshall's, Confectioner, Elizabeth-street; and at the St. John's Tavern.
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Philip Duly (master); Band of the 51st Regiment; John Macdonald Singer (violinist); Benjamin Dyer (violinist)
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (7 May 1839), 3
For Sale,
GRAND PIANO FORTE, by Stoddart, nearly new, and selected with great care by the gentleman who sent it out to this Colony.
Enquire of Mr. Gregory, at the Treasury, of Mr. McLeod, Music-master, Melville-street, or of Mr. Reichenberg, Music-master, Davey-street.
Hobart Town, May 6.
28 May 1839, the Gautrots' first Hobart concert
"CONCERT", Colonial Times (28 May 1839), 7
From the "Bill of Fare," we anticipate a high treat from the Concert of this evening. Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, we learn from our Sydney friends, are both proficient, in their respective lines; the lady, as a vocalist, the gentleman as a violinist or fiddler. We shall not mystify our readers with any disertation upon the quality, compass, state, &c. of Madame's voice, leaving the learned of the Incomparable to perform that foolery; but, we may be permitted, from the little knowledge we possess of such matters, to promise the public good and rational entertainment, from the concert in question. In addition to Monsieur and Madame Gautrot, Mr. Reichenberg will perform a solo on his favourite instrument the clarionet, and Mr. Leffler will preside at the piano; the fine band of the 51st Regiment will also be in attendance. We heartily wish our musical visitors every success.
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (28 May 1839), 1
(Under distinguished Patronage.)
Mons. & Mad. Gautrot,
HAVE the honor to announce that their Concert will take place on Tuesday next, the 28th May, 1839,
at the Theatre Royal, Campbell-street.
By the kind permission of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, the band of the 5lst Regiment will attend.
Overture - Militaire.
1. - Air, Il Barbiere de Seviglia - "Una Voce," Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
2. - Variations on the Violin, Gautrot - Monsieur Gautrot.
3. - Air from "Tancredi," Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
4. - Solo, Clarionet - M. Reichenberg.
5. - Air, Francais (Le plaisir des Dames,) Auber - Madame Gautrot.
Symphony - Militaire.
1. "O Dolce Concento," with variations, composed by Mons. Gautrot - Madame Gautrot
2. - Quartette - Instrumental.
3. - Air with variations, De Beriot - Monsieur Gautrot.
4. - Air, Francais, from Pre Aux Clercs, Herold - Monsieur and Madame Gautrot.
Finale - Rule Britannia.
Mr. Leffler will preside at the Pianoforte.
B3- The Concert will commence at eight o'Clock.
Tickets 7s 6d each - Children's do 5s each.
To be had of Monsieur Gautrot, Ship Hotel; Mr. Tegg, Circulating Library;
Mr. Guesdon, Musical Repository; Mr. Hedger, Confectioner; and Mr. Lester, Ship Inn.
{Editorial], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (4 June 1839), 4
WE had not intended to have touched the very disagreable occurrence at Mons. Gautrot's Concert the other evening, but that both the Courier and the other Journals of Friday, having brought it prominently under the public notice, we feel ourselves compelled not to pass it by in silence . . .
. . . The concert itself afforded general satisfaction. Mr. Leffler who had been announced in the silly though usual manner to "preside" at the Piano Forte, having failed to appear Mr. Elliston came forward and in a very neat address stated that Mrs. Logan had very handsomely consented to take the vacant seat; the change, so much for the better, was received, as it deserved, with vehement applause. We need not add that Mrs. Logan's performance was distinguished for its usual excellence. Mr. Reichenberg's concerto on the clarionet also elicited warm approbation, and the admirable performance of the band of the 51st, which attended by kind permission of Colonel Elliott, gave great general satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Gautrot (violinist) and Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Maria Ellard Logan (pianist)
12 May 1839, Sunday mass, Catholic chapel
[News], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (14 May 1839), 5
. . . The object of both Catholic and Presbyterian seems felt, that it is to humble themselves before the Creator, to thank him for the past - to supplicate him for the future. For this respectful demeanour in their churches, we repeat, the Catholic and the Presbyterian congregations are eminently distinguished. The imposing and highly poetic ceremonies of "the Mass" were most impressively performed on Sunday by the Vicar General, and the response service, with several beautiful little anthems, were very well performed by a numerous choir, accompanied on the setaphine by that excellent musician, Mr. Reichenberg . . .
[News], The Tasmanian (31 May 1839), 7
We have been informed, that it is the intention of Mr. Reichenberg to get up a short series of subscription concerts; we trust he may succeed in so doing, as we concede no class of public amusements so deserving of encouragement.
13 June 1839, the Gautrots' second and last Hobart concert
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (11 June 1839), 2
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot
Have the honor to announce that their
At the Theatre Royal, Campbell-street,
18th Instant, at 8 o'clock.
Bv the kind permission of Lieut-Colonel Elliott, the Band of the 51st Regiment will attend.
Overture - Militaire
1, - Air, La Fauvette, Gretry - Madame Gautrot
2, - Solo, Flute, Mr. Duly
3. - Air, "II braccio Mio Conquisa," from the Opera of Tancredi - Madame Gautrot
4. - Violin Concerto, Rode's Air, with variations, Monsieur Gautrot
Overture - Militaire
1. - Cavatina, "Di piacer," - Madame Gautrot
2. - Solo, Clarionet - Mr. Reichenberg
3. - Solo, Violin - Air, with variations, from the Opera of "La Vestale" Spontini - Monsieur Gautrot
4. - Air, from "The siege of Corinth," Rossini, Madame Gautrot
5. - Favorite Air, (De Beriot) on two strings and harmonics a la Paganini - By an Amateur
*** On this occasion Madame Gautrot will, at the request of many friends, attempt our National Air of Rule Britannia.
The doors will be opened at seven o'clock.
Box Tickets, 5s. - Pit Tickets, 3s. - Children's
Tickets for the Boxes, 3s. 6d., to be had of Monsieur Gautrot, Ship Hotel; Mr. Tegg,
Derwent Circulating Library; Mr Guesden, Musical Repository, Elizabeth-street; Mr.
Hedger, Confectioner; and of Mr. Lester Ship Inn.
"THE CONCERT", The Tasmanian (14 June 1839), 7
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot's second concert took place in the Theatre, last evening. The house was not so well attended as on the former occasion, yet there was a very respectable audience of between 200 and 300. The performance, during the evening, was first-rate, especially Monsieur Gautrot's execution on the violin, which was indeed a rich treat, and can be seldom equalled. Madame sung the national air of "Rule Britannia," in which she was accompanied by the band of the 51st regiment, as a finale, in beautiful style; in which she was encored, and received with rapturous applause. His Excellency was not present.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 July 1839), 2
WE, the Jurors, summoned to enquire into the death of T. O'Byrne,
feel it a duty to bring the Case of the Widow and Family of the deceased before the Public,
and solicit, on their behalf, the contributions of the benevolent, for their aid and support.
The deceased, T. O'Byrne, was a stone mason, in the employ of Messrs. Kirk and Fisher, and whose character for honesty,
sobriety, quiet and peaceable habits, are spoken highly of, by his late employers, by his fellow workmen, and by all who knew him . . .
[SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED] . . . J. Richenberg - [0] 10 0 . . .
"Assignments", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (2 August 1839), 2
From Prisoners' Barracks, Hobart - Thomas Chaffey, Charles Meredith, R. A. Roberts, R. S. Waterhouse, J. Reichenberg, J. Williams . . .
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1840s:
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (10 March 1840), 2
Roman Catholic Church.
THE REV. J. J. THERRY, having been recently put, as the Representative of the Catholic Community of Hobart Town,
into peaceable possession of the Land granted them by Government as a site for their intended Church,
is anxious to commence it as soon as possible, and respectfully solicits the subscribers to the fund for its erection,
to pay as soon as may be convenient the amount of their respective subscriptions to any one of the Trustees,
or at the Van Diemen's Land or Union Bank.
The following Trustees were unanimously elected, on the 26th of last December, at a meeting of Catholic seat-holders,
in accordance with the provisions of the Church Extension Act.
- PETER MILLER, Secretary.
March 9, 1840.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Joseph Therry
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (14 April 1840), 3
FOR Sale, a remarkably fine-toned Seraphine,
late the property of Mr. Frankland, deceased; or it will be exchanged for a Piano Forte.
Apply to Mr. Reichenberg, opposite the Barrack Gate.
April 13, 1840.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Frankland (surveyor)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (21 July 1840), 3
By Private Contract,
Piano Fortes, six octaves, with transverse strings and metallic plates, &c, &c.
One Plain Square Pianoforte, six octaves, with metallic plate, grand pivot action, &c.
The above are the very best class of instruments, which, for tone and standing, cannot be surpassed,
and are recommended confidently as a first-rate article.
They have been inspected by Messrs. Reichenberg, Leffler, and Duly, to whom, by kind permission, reference is courted to be made. Terms liberal.
Auction Mart, Elizabeth-st.
July 21, 1840.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Wolf (piano maker); see
"Shipping Intelligence . . . IMPORTS", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (25 September 1840), 4
Vessels entered Inwards from the 17th September to the 23d September, 1840, inclusive.
Per bark Valleyfield . . . 1 case music, J. F. Reichenberg . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (27 November 1840), 3
SUBSCRIBERS to ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Mount Carmel, Hobart Town.
. . . J. Reichenberg - 20 0 [0] . . .
"ROMAN CATHOLIC MEETING", The Courier (29 January 1841), 2
On Wednesday, the 27th instant, the members of the Roman Catholic congregation assembled for the purpose of recording their sentiments as respects the Very Reverend Vicar-General J. J. Therry. John Cassidy, Esq., of Richmond, having been called to the Chair, Mr. Hackett opened the business . . .
. . . Resolved, that it appears to us essential, previously to pronouncing upon character that experience should justify such procedure, and as years and many of them have been passed in the sister colony by our estimable Vicar, as resident head of the church, ten of them, without the slightest provision from Government, arising from his uncompromising independence, we confidently hope that hasty aspersions, from which no person, however elevated, is exempt, may not effect that divine who, having suffered from other sects, ought at least expect consideration from members of his own community. Moved by Mr. Hackett, seconded by Mr. Reichenberg.
Resolved, that a deputation, consisting of Messrs. Reichenberg, Barrett, O'sullivan, Hackett, Kramer, Walsh, and Cleary, do present these resolutions to the Very Reverend J. J. Therry, and that they be published in the local newspapers and disseminated amongst the Roman Catholic Bishops and Clergy of Great Britain. - Correspondent.
"SUPREME COURT. CRIMINAL SIDE", Colonial Times (2 February 1841), 2
Jury: - S. D. Holcombe, Esq. Foreman ; Messrs. Priest, Richenburg, Sherwin, Bell, Joseph Morgan, Bailey,
Stracey, Sherbert, Barnard, Dixon, and Benjamin . . .
"EX OFFICIO INFORMATION FOR LIBEL", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch . . . (5 February 1841), 2
. . .The following Jurors were sworn:
James Priest, Publican
Joseph Reichenberg, Music Master
John Sherbert, Whaler
Frederick Bell
Michael Evans, Accountant of the Insurance Company
Joseph Morgan, Chief Constable
Elisha Baillie, Dealer
J. C. Stracey, Auctioneer
John Sherwin, Land-holder
G. D. Holcombe, Manager of the Bank of Australasia
James Barnard, Government Printer
H. S. Benjamin, Publican . . .
[Advertisement], Tasmanian Weekly Dispatch (26 February 1841), 3
Hobart Town, Febrary 22, 1841.
We, the undersigned Inhabitants of the District of Hobart Town,
beg to request that you will be pleased to call a Meeting of the inhabitants of the District,
for the purpose of electing Commissioners under the Act 4th, Vict. No. 35.
intituled "An Act for the making, altering, improving, and defining the Main and other Roads of this Island."
To Josiah Spode, Esq., Chief Police Magistrate.
C. Swanston
Samuel Smith
Wm. Gore Elliston
Patrick O'Meagher
Joseph Allport
William Wilson
Joseph Reichenberg . . .
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier (16 April 1841), 2
On Wednesday the very interesting and affecting melo-drama of "Mabel's Curse" was well performed to an extremely poor house. The performers, one and all, much to their praise and credit, exerted themselves to the utmost, and played with an esprit du corps which evinced a good feeling on their part. Mrs. Thomson's Mabel was an excellent piece of acting. This lady's enunciation is most distinct, her attitudes appropriate, and her acting always natural and spirited. Mr. Searle performed the comic part of Jabez Flint with considerable drollery. We must not forget to notice in terms of commendation the small but select orchestra, led by Mr. Leffler, and ably supported by Messrs. Duly, senr. and junr., Reichenberg, &c. Mr. Leffler's selection of music is extremely tasteful - comprising the compositions of the best masters. So long as the performances are conducted as they now are, with so much propriety, talent, and decorum, many a pleasant hour may be passed, and many a salutary lesson imbibed, by an occasional visit to the Victoria Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: Martha Thomson (actor)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (18 May 1841), 3
LIST OF DONORS . . . SUBSCRIBERS FOR 1841 . . . Riechenberg, J. [sic] - - - 1 1 0 . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (31 August 1841), 2
The late John Ibbotson.
THE Parties acting for the Subscribers to this Estate, have been induced,
owing to false representations and insinuations, to publish the following List of Subscriptions,
with a full statement of the accounts.
- Reichenberg - - - 1 0 0 . . .
NOTE: A public appeal for the family of John Ibbotson, "the driver of the Launceston coach, who was seized with a fit of apoplexy while driving near the entry to Oatlands", on 6 July 1840; "he fell forward from the coach-box, and the horses running away, the wheel passed over his head, and he was killed on the spot; he has left a widow and four young children to deplore his untimely end"; see "SUDDEN DEATHS", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch (10 July 1840), 7
5 October 1841, concert, Reichenberg and Caroline Elliot
"CONCERT", The Courier (24 September 1841), 3
Mrs. Elliot, who has recently arrived in the colony, announces in our advertising columns her intention of giving a concert, in conjunction with Mr. Reichenburg. We have heard much of Mrs. Elliot's talent, and anticipate something really worthy the name of a concert under her superintendence. We trust she will realise our expectations by a judicious selection of the best class of music, for a neglect of this has, even more than indifferent execution, heretofore distinguished our attempts at this interesting class of entertainments.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (5 October 1841), 1
respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that they will give a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Theatre,
THIS EVENING, October 5th, 1841, assisted by all the available Professsional talent and several Amateurs.
The Orchestra of string'd and wind instruments will comprise upwards of twenty performers - the whole under the superintendence of Mr. Reichenberg.
Overture to Zampa, by full Orchestra - HEROLD
Song - Della Tromba il suon guerriero, Mrs. Elliot - V. PUCITTA
Solo (Flute) - Durante and Belerma, Mr. G. Duly - KUHLAN
Glee-Three voices - CALLCOTT
Song - Go! forget me ... Mrs. Elliot - KNIGHT
Concerto Clarionett (Orchestral accompaniment) Mr. Reichenberg - BOCHSA.
Overture - L'ltaliana in Algeri, by full Orchestra - ROSSINI
Song - Pien di contento in sono - Mrs. Elliot - ROSSINI
Glee - Three voices - BISHOP
Solo (Piano) - La Parisienne - Mrs. Elliot - H. HERZ
Trio (Piano, Violin, and Violoncello) Messrs. Russell, Leffler, and Curtis - ROSSINI
Duet concertante (Piano and Clarionet) Mrs. Elliot and Mr. Reichenberg - WEBER
Finale - God save the Queen.
*** At the particular request of Colonel Elliott and the Officers of the 51st Regiment the Band of
that distinguished corps will perform the two Overtures.
Tickets, 6s. each; to be had at Mr. Davis's, Stationery and Seed Warehouse, No. 23;
Mr. Tegg's, Bookseller, No. 39 1/2; Mr. Hedger's, Confectioner, Elizabeth-street;
Mr. Reichenberg, 25, Davey-street; and Mr. Elliot, 64, Macquarie street.
Doors will be opened at 7 o'clock, and Concert commence precisely at 8 o'clock, to enable the audienco to retire in good time.
October 1, 1841.
"THE CONCERT", The Courier (8 October 1841), 3
On Tuesday evening Mrs. Elliot and Mr. Reichenberg's Concert took place before one of the most respectable audiences we have ever seen in the Theatre. The house was appropriately prepared for the occasion; the seats in the pit covered, so as to afford the audience an opportunity of occupying this portion, which is by far the best for hearing the music to advantage; but our aristocracy could not be tempted even with agreeable appearance of the seats to sacrifice their more elevated region, the boxes. The performance on the whole was very creditable, although we still have to complain of the selection. Amongst the host of splendid compositions which are so easily accessible, and while superlatively good equally likely to please a mixed auditory, why should we have again and again repeated the familiar pieces which were presented on Tuesday evening, par example the school-piece "La Parisienne," and Bishop's eternal "Up rouse ye then?" It is true they are beautiful compositions; but are there not others equally beautiful, and much less familiar? We consider Mrs. Elliot a great acquisition to our corps musicale; she has not a sufficiently powerful voice for concert singing, strictly speaking, but she has other qualities as unusual as welcome amongst our public singers-judgment and a lady-like taste in all she does. There is no straining at violent exercises of the voice, but correctness mixed with the proper spirit of the composition. She had by far too heavy a task on Tuesday, the chief part of the performance devolving upon herself. There is great want of support in the concerted pieces, although we should be unjust to say that Mr. Duly did not acquit himself creditably, although, as he must know, singing is not one of the ninny talents he possesses. The trio from Rossini by Messrs. Leffler, Russell, and Curtis, was really admirably played, and did those performers great credit; there was a correctness of expression, and combined decision of tone and feeling, which rendered it in our opinion the most meritorious piece of the evening. The military band was of course perfect in its performances; indeed these occasions would be nothing without its valuable co-operation. We would however hint to those singers who join in the national anthem, that their so doing in the chorus is but a perfect waste of exertion, for let them shout ever so loud the band reigns triumphant, and drowns in its "brazen voice" the other puny efforts. Colonel Elliot and many of the military officers were present, as well as the greater portion of the most respectable families of the town and its neighbourhood.
"The Concert", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (8 October 1841), 3
The Grand Concert given by Mrs. Elliot and Mr. Reichenberg on Tuesday evening was more numerously attended than on any recent occasion. The families of most of the respectable inhabitants in the town and neighbourhood were present, and not a single place was vacant in either tier of boxes. Colonel and Mrs. Elliott with a large party occupied the centre box. It is to be regretted that some of the leaders of fashion had not the good taste to seat themselves in the pit, (the whole theatre was appropriated to box tickets) where they could have seen and heard so much more conveniently than by standing in the back rows of the boxes. As no leading families set the example the pit remained entirely unoccupied, while every other part of the house was inconveniently crowded. The performance was of the highest order, too high we apprehend for the taste of Van Diemen's Land, while old and well-known popular English pieces, rather than the Italian music of the highest order selected, would have been much more warmly received. For example, Bishop's well-known "glee" originally performed in the "Miller and his Men," induced more applause than any other of the evening. Mrs. Elliot is a superlative piano performer, and sings with great judgment. Her voice is clear and mellow, and she is constantly a great acquisition to the musical department of the island. The piano was Mr. Davis's, a very fine instrument. Mr. Reichenberg's Clarionet Concerto was admirable, and highly admired. Mr. Russell and Mr. Leffler, two old favourites, exhibited their usual ability. The noble Band of the 51st Regt. performed two Overtures, and accompanied the Finale "God save the Queen" in their usual splendid manner. The Overtures were rather too powerful for the compass of the house. The Concert gave universal satisfaction, although we trust that the next of the season will be of a less scientific and more popular character.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Elliot (vocalist, pianist); Richard Curtis (violoncello player); George Frederick Duly (flute player, son of Abraham Duly)
[News], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (31 December 1841), 2
That very handsome edifice, the new Catholic church, Macquarie-street, was opened immediately after midnight, at the commencement of Christmas Day, with that beautiful service appropriated to the occasion, so characteristic of the solemnity of the Catholic church. The Very Rev. the Vicar General Therry officiated, with his usual impressiveness. Although at so late an hour of the night, or tather so early of the morning, the church was crowded to its utmost capacity . . . In the Catholic church Mr. Reichemberg [sic], whose musical abilities are of the first order, renders the service, in itself eminently impressive, much more so by the admirable manner in which the choir is conducted. Throughout the whole continent of Europe, this portion of the church service, while it is most solemnly devotional, forms a very great portion of general attraction.
Also reprinted in Sydney, "Van Diemen's Land", Australasian Chronicle (22 January 1842), 2
31 December 1841, convict Elizabeth Bell, mustered to Joseph Reichenberg (until August 1843 or later)
Convict record, Elizabeth Bell, Tasmanian names indes; NAME_INDEXES:1372306; CON40/1/2$init=CON40-1-2p83 (DIGITISED)
In 1842 Bell was charged at the Police Court on the complaint of Constable Hadfield with absconding from the service of Mr. Reichenberg on 19 July and remaining illegally at large until she surrendered; plea guilty; sentence 3 months at the wash tub at Cascades Female Factory, after which she returned to Reichenberg's service; she was later also charged with insolence.
"The Theatre", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (10 June 1842), 3
"The Beggar's Opera" has been twice performed to crowded and respectable houses. Mrs. Clarke's "Macheath" is an admirable performance; we need not say that she sings all the songs capitally. So also the charming music in that favorite opera, which whatever may be said of its immorality, is one of the highest piece's of theatrical satire ever written; it is so entirely a "stock piece" at all the theatres in London that it is performed every season for several nights with untiring gratification. It is so well got up at Mrs. Clarke's little theatre, that few, if any, provincial theatres in England could produce singers at all comparable with Mrs. Stirling, Miss Young, and the Howsons, by whom the chief characters in the opera are represented. In the "ballets" which follow, Carandini, who exhibits talents as a dancer superior to any ever produced in any colony, is admirably accompanied by Mrs. F. Howson and Miss Young. The orchestral ability we have so repeatedly noticed, that it is only necessary to mention that veteran favorite of the public, and accomplished musician Mr. Reichenberg (who has to boast of having been master of two most celebrated bands in the British Army, the Chasseurs Britanniques, and the 40th Regiment), Messrs. Russel, Leffler, and Duly, with other excellent performers. Upon the whole, Mrs. Clarke's Corps de Theatre is infinitely superior in every way to any which the public ever possesed the advantage of availing itself of for a rational evening's entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodosia Stirling (vocalist; Mrs. Guerin); Gerome Carandini (dancer); Emma Young (Mrs. G. H. Rogers; dancer, vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); Emma Howson (Mrs. Frank Howson; dancer); John Howson (vocalist)
"The Theatre", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (2 September 1842), 3
This place of rational entertainment is now so well conducted by Mrs. Clarke, that the most fastidious families can partake its amusements. We are glad to find that it obtains the fullest support accordingly. The admirable singing of the Meisrs. Howsons, dancing of Signor Carandini, and the other artistes, and the excellent orchestra, of which that old favourite Mr. Reichenberg, forms a chief componency, cannot fail to attract crowded houses.
"The Theatre", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (9 September 1842), 3
This, the only place of amusement possessed by the inhabitants of Hobart Town, daily or rather nightly increases in public favor. This is certainly mainly attributable to the musical talent which Mrs. Clarke so very skilfully selected in England, and to the ballet ability of M. Carandini, never equalled here. The Messrs. Howson are deservedly great favorites, and the ladies of the Theatre possess theatrical ability which render the evening's entertainment complete. The Orchestra is of very superior order, Mr. Reichenberg being himself a host of strength. The arrangements before the curtain are also equally creditable to Mrs. Clarke's management, perfect decorum being strictly observed in every respect.
22 November 1842, St. Cecilia's day oratorio, St. Joseph's, Hobart
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (22 November 1842), 2
THE Public is most respectfully informed that a Grand Selection of SACRED MUSIC,
from the works of Handel, Haydn, Pergolesi, &c., &c.,
will be given at the above Church, on Tuesday, 22nd instant, in aid of the funds for completing the edifice,
for which purpose, the principal professional talent of the colony, both vocal and instrumental,
have kindly and gratuitously offered their services.
Overture to St. Paul - Mendleshonn.
Solo and Chorus-" Sound the loud timbrel" - Solo, Mrs. Clarke.
Song - "Rolling in foaming billows" - Creation - Mr. F. Howson.
Solo and Chorus - "Marvellous works" - Solo, Mrs. Stirling.
Song - "Lord! remember David" - Mr. J. Howson.
Song - "Oh, had I Jubal's lyre" - Miss Young.
Quartette - "Lo, my Shepherd" - Mrs. Stirling, Messrs. F. and J. Howson, and Mr. Reichenberg.
Song - "Angels, ever bright and fair" - Mrs. Clarke.
Scena - "The last man" - Mr. Edwards.
Song - "The infant's prayer" - Mrs. Stirling.
Chorus - "Achieved is the glorious work."
Song - "Lord, have mercy upon me!"- Mr. F. Howson.
Chorus - "The arm of the Lord."
Overture - Occasional.
Sony - "Let the bright Seraphim" - Mrs. Clarke
Chorus - "Let their celestial concerts all unite."
Song - "Hymn of Eve" - Miss Young.
Song - "Comfort ye my people" - Mr. J. Howson.
Chorus - " And the glory of the Lord."
Song - "With verdure clad" - Mrs. Stirling.
Chorus - "The Heavens are telling."
Song - "Now Heaven in fullest glory shone" - Mr. F. Howson.
Quartette - "Dal tuo stellato soglio" - Signor Carandini, Mrs. Clarke, and Messrs. Howsons.
Song - "In native worth" - Mr. J. Howson.
Motetto - "O God! when thou appearest."
Grand Chorus - "Hallelujah."
The choruses will be complete and efficient.
First Violins
Second Violins
Contra Bassos
Cornet a Pistons
Pianists - Mrs. CURTIS and Mr. RUSSELL.
Leader, Mr. LEFFLER. Director, Mr. J. HOWSON.
Doors open at half-past seven, and commence at eight o'clock precisely.
Tickets, 7s. each, for Gallery and Front Seats, and 4s. each, for Back Scats, to be had of Mr. Tegg and of Mr. Davis, Stationers, Elizabeth-street,
and also of the Committee, viz - Dr. Rowe, Messrs. Reichenberg, Leffler, F. Howson, J. A. Thomson, and M. Clarke.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Edwards (vocalist); Mrs. Richard Curtis (pianist); Michael Clarke (husband of Anne Clarke)
2 January 1843, census, VDL
Joseph Reichenberg; Van Diemen's Land, Census of the year 1843; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:481875; CEN1/1/52 (DIGITISED)
22 January 1843, death of Angelica Reichenberg
1843; Deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1185177; RGD35/1/1 no 1336 (DIGITISED)
1336 / Angelica Reichenberg / female / 50 years / Music Master's Wife / Enlargement of the Liver / Joseph Reichenberg, Husband, No. 25 Davey Street . . .
"DEATH", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (27 January 1843), 2
After a continual series of illness for a long time, at her residence, Davey-street, on the 22nd instant, Mrs. Angelica Reichenberg, wife of Mr. James Reichenberg, professor of music in Hobart Town, (and formerly band master of the 40th Regt.) much lamented by her husband and friends.
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (3 February 1843), 1
Newest English and foreign Music. MR. REICHENBERG invites all Musical Professors and Amateurs, who may require NEW MUSIC of the most celebrated authors, to call at his house at No. 25, corner of Davey and Barrack Streets, where they will find a very fine collection of Vocal and Instrumental Music of all sorts; and a very fine-toned and high-finished PICOLO PIANOFORTE, of an improved plan, for sale. January 31.
[Advertisement], The Courier (7 April 1843), 3
Joseph Reichenberg, Esq. - 6 10 0 . . .

St. Joseph's Church, Macquarie Street, Hobart (with old St. David's behind); engraving published by Thomas Bluett, Hobart, 1844
[Advertisement], The Courier (12 May 1843), 1
ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH. - At a Meeting of the Committee of this Church, held on the 7th instant, it was unanimously resolved
1st, That Joseph Reichenberg, Esq., is entitled to the best thanks of the Catholic community, for having formed and gratuitously conducted their Choir for the last five years.
2nd, That as that gentleman still refuses to receive any remuneration whatever for his valuable services,
feeling that in consecrating them to the interest of religion he is performing a meritorious and,
at the same time, an agreeable duty; and as a severe domestic calamity, a delicate constitution,
and his various public and private professional duties must tender it exceedingly inconvenient to him
to continue to attend the Choir with that systematic punctuality for which he has ever been distinguished;
he be requested by our chairman to engage at our expense some other able professional gentleman as an Assistant in our Choral Department,
and to continue as long as his health and convenience may permit to act as its principal Director.
JOHN JOSEPH THERRY, V. G., Chairman. May 9.
16 October 1843, marriage of Joseph Reichenberg and Eliza O'Meagher
1843; Marriages in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:826719; RGD37/1/3 no 480 (DIGITISED)
480 / 16th October 1843 in the Church of St. Joseph / Joseph Richenberg, full age, Music Master / Eliza O'Meagher, do. / [by] John Joseph Therry . . .
"Married", Colonial Times (31 October 1843), 2
On the 16th instant, at St. Joseph's Church, by the Reverend J. J. Therry, Mr. Reichenberg, Professor of Music, to Eliza, second daughter of Mr. O'Meagher, of Hobart Town.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (9 January 1844), 2
Musical Tuition.
MR. REICHENBERG respectfully begs to intimate, that he intends to resume giving music-lessons on the Piano and Flute, &c., on the 15th instant,
and having now spare time to instruct an additional number of pupils,
persons who may wish to have instruction from him will please to apply at No. 25, Davey street, opposite the Military Barracks.
N.B. - Pianos also tuned.
January 9, 1844.
19 March 1844, St. Joseph's day, St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town
Reichenberg is not named in any advertisements or reports of this event, but was almost certainly involved
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (19 March 1844), 1
ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH, MACQUARIE-STREET. THE FESTIVAL or ST. JOSEPH, will be celebrated THIS DAY, the 19th instant, in this church, by a solemn Mass, Vespers and Benediction. The Morning Service to commence at eleven; Evening Service at seven o'clock. A new Hymn will be sung (for the first time), at the latter, by Madame Gautrot, which, with its musical arrangement by Monsieur Gautrot, is, in the course of a few days, to be lithographed, and afterwards sold for their benefit. March 19, 1844.
"St. Joseph's Church", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (22 March 1844), 3
On Tuesday last the festival of St. Joseph was celebrated in the church of that name, by a solemn mass, vespers and benediction. The ceremonies connected with the celebration were most impressively performed by our excellent and esteemed Vicar-General, Mr. Therry, ably assisted by the choir.
[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (26 April 1844), 2
Pianoforte for Sale. A PICCOLO, or Michrocordon Cottage Pianoforte, with patent check action, &c., highly finished, and of a superior tone, (by Messrs. Kirkman & Son); can be seen at Mr. Reichenberg's, No. 25, Davey-street. N.B. - Persons who may wish to have Pianofortes from Messrs. Kirkman & Son, of London, of any kind, and at any price, can be so accommodated by applying to Mr. Reichenberg, who will show a model of them, and warrant them as real fine instruments. Auril 19, 1844.
30 April 1844, Deane family concert (previously advertised for 23 April, and 25 April)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (30 April 1844), 1
GRAND CONCERT. Under Distinguished Patronage.
MR. DEANE begs to inform his Friends and the Public of Hobart Town and its Vicinity,
that previous to his departure for Sydney, he will give a
CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, on a very extensive scale,
VOCAL PERFORMERS. Madame Gautrot, Miss Deane, Gentleman Amateur, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. E. Deane, and Master A. Deane.
INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMERS. Violins, Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Leffler, Mr. Deane, Mr. John Deane, Mr. Singer, Mr. Charles Deane, and Master H. Deane.
Tenors, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Duly, Mr. Piecroft, and Mr. W. Deane.
Violoncellos, Mr. Curtis and Mr. E, Deane. Double Bass, Mr. Russell.
By Permission, Part of the Band of the 51st Regiment will assist.
Overture - La Gazza Ladra - Rosini
Glee - "Foresters sound the cheerful horn" Bishop - An Amateur, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
Song - "Vain each base endeavour," (from the Opera of Pre aux Clercs) accompanied by herself on the Pianoforte - Herold - Miss Deane.
Trio - Two violins and violoncello, in which will be introduced the favourite airs, "Home sweet home," and "Hey the bonnie breast knots,"
and which will be performed by three juvenile Tasmanians - Mast. C. Deane, Mast. H. Deane, and Mast. A. Deane.
Grand Air - "All is lost," (in the Opera of La Somnambula) - Belini - Madame Gautrot.
Song - "What is the spell," (from the Opera of Amelie, or the Love Test) accompanied by himself on the Guitar. - Rooke - Mr. J. Deane.
Fantasia - And brilliant variations for the Pianoforte on the Cavitina from Anna Bolena, "Civi Tu,"
performed by the author at his Concerts in London, before Her Majesty Queen Victoria - Dohler - Miss Deane.
Duetto - "My pretty page, look out afar" - Bishop - Miss Deane and Mast. A. Deane.
Ballad - "Mary of Castle Cary" - An Amateur.
Solo Violin - (Juvenile performance) - De Beriot - Mast. C. Deane.
Overture - Barbier de Seville - Rosini.
Duello - "The Singing Lesson" - Horn - Miss Deane and Mr. Deane.
Grand Scena - (From the Opera of Semiramide) - Rosini - Mad. Gautrot.
Solo - Violoncello, Rode's celebrated air - Mr. E. Deane.
Song - "Away, away to the mountain's brow" -Lee - Miss Deane.
Duetto - Vaghi colli ameni prati (in the grand serious Opera of Il ratto de Proserpine) - M. C. Mortellan - Mad. Gautrot and Mr. J. Deane.
Laughing Trio - "Why sure there never met," written and adapted to Martin's celebrated Terzetto-Addison - Mr. E. Deane, Mr. J. Deane, and Mr. Deane.
Quartetto - A celebrated Swiss Air, accompanied by themselves on Guitars - Moschelles - Miss Deane, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Deane, and Mr. J. Deane.
Solo and Chorus - "Should auld acquaintance be forgot."
The Concert will commence at Eight o'Clock precisely.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Tegg, bookseller; Mr. De La Hunt; Mr. Davis; Mr. Lester, Ship Inn, Elizabeth-street; and Mr. Deane, Collins-street.
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Courier (3 May 1844), 2
MR. DEANE'S CONCERT on Tuesday was numerously and fashionably attended, and the performances went off with great éclat. We understand that many parties were unable to secure admission, which induces us to hope that Mr. Deane will give another concert before his departure for Sydney by the " Caroline," which is now coming in.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane and family
12 May 1844, Sunday mass, St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town
Reichenberg is not named in any advertisements or reports of this event, but was almost certainly involved
"THE CATHOLIC BISHOP OF HOBART TOWN", Colonial Times (14 May 1844), 3
On Saturday evening, his Lordship arrived in the Bella Marina, and about nine o'clock landed quite privately, proceeding to St. Joseph's Church, he returned thanksgiving for his safe arrival. On Sunday morning, he was inducted into his See in the usual manner, the imposing ceremony whereof, the rich dresses of the celebrants, and sweet music of the chaunt used, forming at once an attractive spectacle to the inhabitants who were present. Subsequently the Rev. Mr. Bond celebrated the Divine Service of the Mass, and the Rev. Mr. Hall, after announcing a forty days' indulgence, granted to the faithful, delivered a short discourse from the epistle of the day, "Be ye not only hearers of the word, but doers thereof." At the evening service, the church was literally crowded.
14 May 1844, oratorio, St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town (cancelled)
Reichenberg is not named in any advertisements or reports of this event, but was almost certainly involved
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (7 May 1844), 2
GRAND ORATORIO AT St. Joseph's Church.
ON TUESDAY, MAY 14, there will be given a GRAND ORATORIO, in St. Joseph's Church, at Eight o'clock in the Evening, for the Benefit of the CHORAL DEPARTMENT. The Performances will consist of a choice selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music, by the chief Musical Talent of Hobart Town; and by the kind permission of Colonel Elliott, the celebrated Band of the 51st Regiment will not only assist in the general Entertainment, but will also perform several well selected pieces of music.
Overture - Handel.
Josephian Hymn - Part 1, words by the Very Rev. J. J. Therry, music by Mons. Gautrot - Miss Deane.
Chorus - "But as for His people" - Handel.
Duet - "The Lord is a Man of War" - Handel - Madame Gautrot and an Amateur.
Solo - "The Orphan Girl" - J. Howson.
Chorus - "May no rash intruder" - Solomon.
Solo - "Tantum Ergo" - Violin Obligato - Mons. Gautrot and Madame Gautrot.
Solo - "Tears such as tender Fathers shod", Theodora [Handel] - Amateur.
Chorus - "Swell the full Chorus" - Solomon [Handel].
Hymn - Words by Madame Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
Solo - "What tho' I trace" - Amateur.
Quintette - Composed by Monsieur Gautrot - two Tenors, two Violoncellos, one Bass.
Overture - Haydn.
Josephian Hymn - Part 2, words by the Very Rev. J. J. Therry, music by Monsieur Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
Recitative - "And Israel saw the great work", Judah [Handel] - Amateur.
Chorus - "Arise O Judah" - Judah.
Solo - "Cujus Animam" - from Stabat Mater Rossini - J. Howson.
Chorus - "Now Elevate" - Judah.
Solo - "Sanctum et Terribile" - Pergolesi - Mad. Gautrot.
Chorus - "Kyrie Eleison" - Rossini.
Solo - "With Verdure clad" - Creation [Haydn] - Miss Deane.
Chorus - "The Heavens are Telling" - Creation.
Grand Chorus - "God save the Queen," and "Hallelujah" - Handel.
May 3, 1844.
[Advertisement], The Courier (10 May 1844), 1
[All as above, except that the first part of the hymn was to be sung by Madame Carandini, and Miss Deane's solo With verdure clad omitted.]
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (14 May 1844), 2
NOTICE. We are requested to state, that the CONCERT of SACRED MUSIC will not take place at the Catholic Church of St. Joseph, as was advertised, for this Evening. May 14. 1844.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist)
"PUBLIC MEETING. TESTIMONIAL TO THE REV. J. J. THERRY", Colonial Times (10 July 1844), 2
On Monday evening a numerous meeting of the Rev. Mr. Therry's friends took place at the Argyle Rooms, Mr. Reichenberg in the chair, to present the late Vicar-General with a complimentary address, as well as some more tangible token of their esteem and regard . . .
Mr. Reichenberg having quitted the chair, Mr. Nicholson was voted into it, when he addressed the meeting in avery animated manner, cordially concurring, Protestant though he was, in its objects and purposes. He bore ample testimony to the extended goodness of "Father Therry," and after a cordial vote of thanks to Mr. Reichenberg, a long and loud cheer from every person present, shook the roof of the building, and the meeting separated, the Committee already appointed being deputed to carry into effect the objects concurred in . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (10 July 1844), 2
TESTIMONIAL TO THE VERY REV. J. J. THERRY, WITH the view of carrying out the objects of the Public Meeting held at the Argyle Rooms, on Monday last, the 8th instant, for the purpose of presenting a Testimonial to the Very Rev. J. J. Therry, the Committee beg to intimate, that Subscription Lists are opened at the residences of the following members: Joseph Reichenberg, Esq., (Treasurer), Messrs, Aherne, Alcock, Cleary, Donnellan, Insley, McGrath, McCarthy, O'Sullivan, Regan, and Sheehy. And in order to allow of an extended manifestation of esteem and regard to the Very Rev. Gentleman, it has been arranged that no individual subscription shall exceed Five Shillings in amount. The list of subscribers will be published when completed. J. O'SULLIVAN, Chairman of Committee. Committee Room, July 9, 1844.
12 August 1844, naturalisation of Joseph Reichenberg
Naturalisation document; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:447701; SC415/1/1 pages 34-37 (DIGITISED)
"TESTIMONIAL TO MR. THERRY", Colonial Times (10 September 1844), 3
In reply to many inquiries, we have to state that the committee are only waiting for the transmission of the subscriptions from the country, to decide upon the description of testimonial to be presented to our highly esteemed and respected (late) Vicar General. When completed, the lists of subscribers will be published, specifying the amount collected by each member of the committee. We may add that a considerable sum has been already paid into the hands of the worthy Treasurer, Mr. Reichenberg.
"To the Editor of . . .", The Courier (14 September 1844), 3
Davey-strcet, 10th September, 1844.
REV. SIR, - The Catholic Committee have requested me to ascertain from you if it would be convenient to receive the deputation appointed at the late public meeting
to present an address and testimonial of esteem to you as their late pastor on Sunday next, at 3 o'clock p.m.,
and to learn what description of testimonial you would prefer as most agreeable to your wishes.
An early answer will oblige, Rev. Sir, your obedient servant.
(Signed) Joseph Reichenberg, Esq. . . .
14 September 1844, birth of Angela Reichenberg (d. 1923)
1844, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1068781; RGD33/1/2/ no 512 (DIGITISED)
512 / 14th September / [un-named] female / Joseph Reichenberg, Professor of Music, 25 Davey Street (father) / Eliza Reichenberg, formerly O'Meagher / . . . [baptised] Angela Jane . . .
"ADDRESS AND TESTIMONIAL TO THE REV. MR. THERRY", Colonial Times (17 September 1844), 3
On Sunday last a deputation, consisting of the several Members of the Committee, appointed to carry into effect the objects of the Public Meeting, held some time ago, to present a testimonial to the Rev. Mr. Therry, waited upon that gentleman at his residence in Harrington-street, when Joseph Reichenberg, Esq., the Chairman of the Meeting and Treasurer of the Testimonial Fund, read and presented the address, which has already appeared in this journal. The address having been read, Mr. Reichenberg presented a resolution to Mr. Therry, signifying the acquiescence of the Committee to accede to the suggestions of the Rev. gentleman: - that the fund collected should be paid over to Captain Swanston, in aid of the erection of a building for the Sisters of Mercy, to be erected upon a piece of land, liberally granted by Captain Swanston for that purpose, at New Town. Mr. Therry then addressed the deputation at considerable length, the report of which, which was taken by our Reporter, shall be inserted in our next.
"To the Editor of . . .", The Courier (29 October 1844), 3
Hobart Town, 23rd October, 1844.
MR. EDITOR, - On perusing your paper of the 22nd instant I found an account of the performance of the Hobart Town Choral Society,
and was much surprised that two of the performers, whom the Society found it necessary to employ,
and who received a remuneration for their services, should have been noticed, while others,
to whom the Society is under the greatest obligation, were not named.
I allude to Messrs. Reichenberg, Marshall, and Vautin, who have been most indefatigable in their exertions to benefit the Society,
the latter gentleman coming a distance of two miles every Tuesday evening -
I am, Sir, your most obedient enthusiast for fair play.
[Our notice of the Choral Society was not intended to beget any petty jealousy because this or that individual who may have exerted himself is not particularly mentioned in our brief remarks. Messrs. Reichenberg, Marshall, und Vautin have, no doubt, done - as we are sure they would do in whatever they may be engaged - their duty, but they do not of themselves form the Choral Society; we speak of it as an entire body; a unity of talent capable of producing the most agreeable and gratifying results. Let them go on with energy - in harmonious unison - we wish well to the Choral Society as a body, and as such only can they prosper. - Ed. H.T.C.]
ASSOCIATIONS: James Vautin (member); Hobart Town Choral Society
21 November 1844, the Gautrots' concert
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian and Austral-Asiatic Review (21 November 1844), 3
MONSIEUR AND MADAME GAUTROT beg most respectfully, to inform their Friends and the Gentry of Hobart Town and its vicinity,
that they propose giving a GRAND CONCERT on the above Evening,
when they will be kindly favoured with the valuable assistance of all the principal Professional Talent of Hobart Town, as well as that of two Amateurs.
Monsieur and Madame Gautrot most respectfully solicit the kind support and patronage of the Public,
and beg to assure them that they will use their utmost exertion to produce such an Entertainment as must ensure the approbation of their Patrons.
The following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly tendered their valuable assistance:-
Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. J. Howson, Mr. F. Howson,
Mr. H. Howson, W. Howson, A. Howson, Mr. Russell, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Duly, Mr. Singer, Mr. Pyecroft,
Mr. G. F. Duly, Mr. Allen, Master Allen, and several Amateurs.
Overture - Rossini.
Song - "No Flower excels the Rose," - Mrs. Stirling
Song - "Lay of the imprisoned Huntsman" - Mr. Pyecroft
Song - "Through the Wood" - Mrs. Rogers
Song - "Welcome thou tranquil Cloister" - Donnizzetti's "La Favourite" - Mr. J. Howson
Grand Air - "Francis du pre au Clercs," composed by Herrold - Madame Gautrot
Song - "When Time hath bereft thee" - An Amateur
Solo - Clarionette Mr. G. F. Duly
Comic Duet - "Anticipations of Switzerland" - Mrs. Stirling and Mr. F. Howson
Song - "Come dwell with me" - Juvenile Amateur
Aria - "Nel cor non piu mi sento" - variations, composed by Mons. Gautrot, for Mad. Gautrot - Madame Gautrot
Solo - Violin - Air and Variations composed expressly for this occasion, by - Mons. Gautrot
Duet - Harp and Violin - Mrs. Curtis and Mons. Gautrot
Duet - "Mighty Jove" Messrs. J. & F. Howson
Air - "Where are now the hopes" (Norma) - Mrs. Stirling
Descriptive Song - "The Newfoundland Dog" - Mr. F. Howson
Ballad - "What care I tho' Fortune frowns" the Music composed by Mr. F. Duly - Mrs. Rogers
Scena - "A te diro" (from Donnizzetti's Roberto Devereux) - Mr. John Howson
Duet - "Say, Rover, say" - Mad. Gautrot & Mr. Allen
Solo - "Cornet a piston" - Mr. J. Howson - Pianoforte accompaniment - Mrs. Stirling
Song - "The Land" An Amateur
Duet - "I Know know a Bank" - Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Stirling
Aria - "The Soldier tired" - Madame Gautrot
Finale - "God save the Queen" - Madame Gautrot, Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Rogers, GRAND CHORUS.
1st Violin - Mr. Russell; Mr. H. Howson.
2nd Violin - Mr. Singer; Master A. Howson.
Tenor - Mr. Reichenberg; Mr. Duly.
Violincello - Mr. Curtis; Amateur.
Contra Bass - Mr. Pyecroft; Amateur.
Flute - Mr. G. F. Duly.
Clarionette - Mr. Rablin; Mr. W. Howson.
Horns - Mr. ; Mr.
LEADER - Monsieur Gautrot.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Tegg, Bookseller, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Haynes, Confectioner, Murray-street;
Mr. McLoughlin, Argyle-street; Mr. Robertson, Liverpool-street;
at the Trumpeter Office, the Advertiser Office, the Courier Office; Mr. Johnson, Liverpool-street,
and Mons. Gautrot, Harrington-street.
Tickets, 5s. each. Family Tickets to be had of Mons. Gautrot only.
Doors open at Half-past Seven - to commence at Eight precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Rogers (formerly Miss Young); Sergeant Rablin (clarinet player, 51st Regiment); Joseph Pycroft (vocalist, double-bass player)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (21 January 1845), 1
Cottage Piano for Sale.
of a fine silvery tone, and good touch finished in a superior manner, with a metallic plate, at the London price.
Apply at Mr. Reichenberg's, corner of Davey and Barrack Streets.
January 21, 1845.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (15 March 1845), 2
THE Committee of this Society, in addition to their printed Annual Report, beg further to explain to the public its views and objects which they are induced to do from a belief that the intentions of the Institution has not been sufficiently understood.
As stated in that Report the Society was established in Januiry 1843, by a few individuals (chiefly amateurs) for the practice of Sacred Music, and more particularly the works of those great masters whose noble compositions of Oratorial Music have shed such lustre on the science.
Its further objects were the creating and fostering in the youth of the colony a taste for that branch of Music. With such views it was intended to establish Schools under competent professional teachers, to instruct the Members and their families, both in the Vocal and Instrumental parts.
Notwithstanding the very flattering support the Society has experienced, the Committee, after the most careful investigation, find they are not enabled out of their present funds to pay sufficient salaries to competent teachers; they will therefore be compelled (on the establishment of the school) to charge a small extra subscription from each pupil, such subscription not at present to exceed 10s. per quarter.
A Lady of talent and respectability (viz. Mrs. Elliott) has been engaged to teach the treble voices, which will be composed of Ladies, GirIs, and Boys, all of whom must be Members of the Society, or relatives of Members.
It is likewise intended to engage one or more professional gentlemen to teach the other voices and the instruments. It will be expected (as a matter of course) that all the Pupils, either Vocal or Instrumental, shall attend regularly the Society's Practice Rehearsals, and Oratorios (the primary object of the Society being to encourage and improve amateur talent in this branch of music).
The Committee, in further calculating the Society's resources, find that it must be some time ere they will be in condition to appropriate any of the Society's funds for any other purpose than that of the current and incidental expenses. The purchase of music and of instruments (including an organ), and to augment the funds for the purchase of those articles, it is intended to give one or more extra Oratorios. The Tickets to be paid for by those attending.
The Committee further beg to announce that they have completed arrangements with the Managing Committee of the Mechanics' Institute for the joint occupancy of their Lecture Hall in Melville-street, where practice is held every Tuesday evening.
In thus laying before the public the intentions of the founders of the "Choral Society," they beg to state that every economy has, and will be observed in their finances; in proof of which, up to this time, the only salaried officer of the Society is their Leader.
In conclusion, the Committee beg to call upon the public (but especially upon the musical amateur portion) in aid and furtherance of the objects of this Society; and, at the same time, to return their grateful acknowledgments to those professional Ladies and Gentlemen who have at all times kindly lent their powerful aid to support the Institution.
President - The Right Rev. Francis Russell Nixon, D.D., Lord Bishop of Tasmania.
Vice-Presidents - Rev. W. Bedford, D.D., and J. Hone, Esq.
Treasurer - Mr. John Marshall.
Secretary - Mr. John C. Hall.
Director - Mr. Richard Curtis.
Conductor - Mr. A. P. Duly.
Leader - Mons. Gautrot.
Librarian - Mr. Henry Elliott.
Collector - Mr. William Holdship.
Auditors - Messrs. J. Hall & J. A. Thomson.
Trustees W. Watchorn & W. Carter, Esqrs.
COMMITTEE: Messrs. Creswell, Dyne, Degraves, Harbottle, Milward, McGregor, Reichenberg, Vautin.
That the Officers of the Society shall consist of one President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, Secretary, Director, Conductor, Leader, Librarian, two Auditors, two Trustees, and eight Committee-men. All these Officers must be Members of the Institution, and are to be elected annually.
The Committee of Management shall consist of the before-mentioned Officers, to whom the government of the Society shall be confided. Every Member must contribute One Guinea annually to the funds of the Society - Payment to be made in January of each year. (Any person joining the Society after the 30th July to be liable for the payment of Ten Shillings and Six-pence only as his subscription for that year.) A Donation of the value of Ten Pounds in Music, Instruments, of Money, shall constitute the Donor a Member for life.
Candidates for admission are to be nominated by two Members of Committee, and at their subsequent meeting the propriety of his or her admission will be settled by a majority of the Committee then present. No new Member to enjoy any of the privileges of the Society until his Subscription be paid.
No Money shall be paid out of the funds of the Society but by order of the Committee of Management, such order to be made in writing, signed by the Chairman, and countersigned by the Secretary.
That a General Meeting of the Subscribers shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in January, or on such other day as the Committee may appoint. That thereupon the Annual Report of the Committee of Management shall be read, together with the Treasurer's audited Account for the post year, and the Officers for the ensuing year shall be elected. The Committee of Management shall have the care, superintendence, and control of the Society.
No business, however, can he transacted in the Committee unless five of its Members are present.
That all the Funds and Property of the Society shall be vested in the Trustees on behalf of the Members jointly and severally. The Practice Meetings will take place every Tuesday Evening at the Society's Hall at seven o'clock from April to October; and at eight o'clock, from November to March inclusive.
Members with their families (except boys above fifteen years of age) will be admitted on the first Tuesday in each month,
but on the other Nights of Practice none but Performers will be admitted.
The Public nights will be held quarterly - in January, April, July, and October.
No paid Officer of the Society shall be allowed to vote.
March 15, 1845.
15 April 1845, fourth quarterly oratorio, Hobart Town Choral Society
[Advertisement], The Courier (15 April 1845), 3
Choral Society.
of this Society will take place at the Lecture Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Melville-street,
THIS EVENING, the loth of April, at seven o'clock.
Quartette, "Lo, my Shepherd," Haydn.
Motetto, "Oh, God ! when thou appearest," Mozart.
Trio, "Give ear, O Lord," Cherubini.
Chorus, "Now elevate," Haydn.
Solo, "Oh, Thou that dwellest," Mozart.
Chums, "Kyne Eleison," Righini.
Solo, "Lord, remember David," Handel.
Recitative, "And Israel saw Thee," Haydn.
Chorus, "Arise, O Judah," Haydn.
Recitative, "And the Lord said unto," Haydn.
Chorus, "Father, we adore Thee," Haydn.
Recitative, "Behold, I'll tell you a mystery," Handel.
Solo, "The Trumpet shall sound," Handel.
Grand Chorus, "Hallelujah," Handel.
"The Transient and the Eternal," A. Romberg.
Tickets 3s. each, (including programme,) may be had of Mr. Macgregor and Mr. Wilkinson,
Elizabeth-street; Mr. Johnson, Liverpool-street; and of the Secretary, at the Advertiser Office, Elizabeth-street.
JOHN C. HALL, Secretary.
17 April 1845, Frank Howson's farewell concert
[Advertisement], The Courier (15 April 1845), 3
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian and Austral-Asiatic Review (17 April 1845), 3
Mr. F. Howson's Grand Farewell Concert, Thursday, April 17.
MR. F. HOWSON'S GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT, Mechanics' Institute, Melville-street, THURSDAY, April 17th, 1845.
- MR. F. HOWSON begs most respectfully to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he intends giving a GRAND FAREWELL CONCERT,
on the most extensive scale, at the Mechanics' Institute, on the above Evening,
previous to his positive departure for Sydney by the "Waterlily;"
when he respectfully solicits a continuance of that liberal patronage he has hitherto experienced and most gratefully acknowledges.
The whole of the Musical Talent of Hobarton have most generously tendered their valuable services upon this occasion,
and the Programme consists of selections from the greatest modern Composers;
therefore MR. F. H. feels confident that he will be enabled to give the greatest satisfaction to those who may kindly
honour him with their patronage and support.
Overture, "Don Giovanni," Mozart.
Trio, "Soft is the murmur of the summer breeze," (from the celebrated opera of "Nourjahad,") Mrs. Stirling, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson - Balfe.
Song, "The breaking of the Day," Mr. F. Howson - C. Horn.
Air and Variations, "Nel cor non piu mi sento," Mad. Gautrot, (arranged by M. Gautrot.)
Song, "My boyhood's home," (from the opera of "Amilie, or the Love Test,") Mr. J. Howson - Rooke.
Ballad, "Welcome, rosy May," Mrs. Stirling (with Flute Obligato) Mr. G. F. Duly - G. Linley.
Solo, Violin.
Grand Descriptive Scena, "The Ship on fire," Mr. F. Howson (by particular desire) - Russell.
Duet, "Let thine Eyes," (from the opera of "Cinderella") Mrs. Stirling and Mr. J. Howson - Rossini.
Solo, Flute, Mr. G. F. Duly.
Comic Song, "Wanted a Wife," (1st time, as sung by Mr. J. Parry, at the London Concerts.) Mr. F. Howson - J. Parry.
Trio, "Come and let us be gay," Mrs. Stirling, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson - Martini.
Overture, "Don Pasquale" (2nd time in this colony) - Donizetti.
Aria, "Lovely Girl" (the celebrated air "Vivi tu" from the opera of "Anna Bolena") Mr. J. Howson - Donizetti.
Ballad, "Come live with me and be my love," Mrs. Stirling - Barker.
Descriptive Song, "The Newfoundland Dog" Mr. F. Howson (by desire) - Russell.
Tyrolienne, "My fondest, my fairest," Mad. Gautrot - Linley.
Serenade, "O summer Night," (from "Don Pasquale") Mr. John Howson - Donizetti.
Aria, "O thou with power to bless," (from "Masaniello") Mrs. Stirling - Auber.
Solo, Trombone, Thema "Credissi Misera" and Finale" Mr. J. Howson - Bellini.
Comic Song. "The fine young English Lady" (additional verses) Mr. F. Howson.
Trio, "Sweetly sleep," (from the opera of "Keolanthe") Mrs. Stilling, Mr. J. Howson, and Mr. F. Howson - Balfe.
Finale, "God save the Queen."
Violins- Mr. Gautrot, Mr. Leffler, Mr. H. Howson, Mr. Russell, Mr. Singer.
Tenors - Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Duly, sen.
Violoncellos - Mr. F. Howson, Mr. --
Contra Basso - Mr. Pyecroft.
Flute - Mr. G. F. Duly.
Clarinette- Mr. Rablin.
Horns - Mr. -- Mr. --
Basse - Mr. -- Mr. --
Leaders - M. Gautrot, Mr. H. Howson, and Mr. Leffler.
Conductor and Pianist - Mr. J. Howson.
Tickets 4s. each ; Family Tickets, to admit six, One Guinea each. To be had of Mr. Tegg, Bookseller;
Mr. Macgregor, Clothier, Elizabeth stteet; Mr. Chick, Bookbinder, Liverpool-st., opposite Watchorn's Emporium; Mr. Haynes,
Pastrycook, Murray-street; and of Mr. F. Howson, 521; Argyle-strect.
* Doors open at Half-past seven, commence at eight o'clock precisely.
1 July 1845, the Gautrots' concert
[Advertisement], The Observer (1 July 1845), 1
GRAND CONCERT, (By the kind Permission of the Committee)
MONSIEUR GAUTROT has the honor to inform his Friends and the Gentry of Hobart Town,
that on the 1st of July he intends to give a GRAND CONCERT, and humbly solicits their kind patronage.
He has composed, expressly, a new Piece, with variations, for the Violin, "Le plaisir des Dames," on one string, dedicated to the Ladies.
On the above evening he will be favored with the valuable assistance of all the principal Professional Talent in Hobart Town, as well as that of several Amateurs.
MONSIEUR and MADAME GAUTROT beg to assure the Public, that they will use their utmost exertions to produce such an Entertainment as must ensure the approbation of their Patrons.
The following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly tendered their valuable assistance: -
Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Curtis, Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. K--, (Amateur), Mr. A-- (Amateur), Mr. H. Howson, Mr. Duly, Mr. Singer, Mr. G. Duly, Mr. Pyecroft, Mr. Rablin.
OVERTURE - Rossini.
BALLAD - "By the sad Sea Waves," from the Opera of the Brides of Venice - Mrs. STIRLING.
SONG - "I'll speak of thee, I'll love thee too." - MRS. CLARKE.
AIR FRANCAIS - Grande Scene, imitation d'un Oiseau, Concertant avec la Flute - MADAME GAUTROT & G. DULY.
SONG - "La Gitana, or Come wander with me," Auber - Mrs. STIRLING.
LE PLAISER DES DAMES - Variations on one string, Dedicated to the Ladies, and composed for this occasion by MONS. GAUTROT.
DUET ITALIEN, "Ah! se di mala miei." Mrs. CLARKE and MADAME GAUTROT.
SOLO, Piston.
SONG, "Love on, love on, my Soul," J. Hockley [ ? Blockley] - MADAME GAUTROT.
SOLO, Clarinet - MR. RABLIN.
SONG, "Those sweet Chimes," A. Lee - MRS. CLARKE.
SONG, "Swiss Boy," (Tyrolean,) as sung by Mad. de Malibran - MADAME GAUTROT.
DUET, (Opera of Norma) Bellini, Mrs. STIRLING, Mad. GAUTROT.
GRAND AIR, with variations, for the Violin, MONS. GAUTROT.
SONG, "Mountain and Forest," - MRS. STIRLING.
FINALE, "God save the Queen," - MAD. GAUTROT, MRS. CLARKE, and MRS. STIRLING.
1st Violin, Mr. H. Howson, Mr. -- Amateur.
2nd Violin, Mr. Singer, Mr. -- Amateur.
Tenor - Mr. Reichenberg, Mr. Duly.
Violincello. - Mr. -- Amateur, Mr. -- Amateur, Mr. Pyecroft.
Flute, Mr. G Duly. Clarinet, Mr. Rablin, Mr. -- Amateur.
Horn, Mr. --, Mr. --.
Mrs. Curtis will preside at the Piano.
TICKETS to be had of Mr. Tegg, Bookseller, Elizabeth-street; Mr. Haynes, Confectioner, Murray-street; Mr. McLoughlin, Argyle-st;
at the Advertiser Office; the Courier Office; Mr. Johnson, Draper, Liverpool-street; and at Monsieur Gautrot's, Argyle-street.
TICKETS - FIVE SHILLINGS EACH. *** Family Tickets to be had of Monsieur Gautrot only.
Doors open at half-past Seven-to commence at Eight precisely.

Hobart Synagogue, opened in 1845, designed by James Alexander Thomson; photo 1961, Australian News and Information Bureau; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
4 July 1845, opening and consecration of the Hobart Synagogue
Order of service at the dedication of the synagogue, Argyle Street, Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, on Friday, the 4th July, a.m., 5605-1845 (Hobart Town: Printed by E. & M. Wolfe, 1845)
Copy at the STORS Tasmania (with ticket of admission)$init=AUTAS001144583507_01 (DIGITISED)
Copy at the State Library of Victoria (DIGITISED)
THE beautiful little building in Argyle-street devoted to religious service by the scattered remnant of Israel in this town,
was opened according to announcement, on Friday last. Every seat was occupied, and the doors closed punctually at three o'clock . . .
the melodious notes of the introductory symphony, cut short our reflections . . .
The procession, consisted of the president, treasurer, and other officers, each with a white scarf over his shoulder,
two of them bearing the rolls of the law wrapped in embroidered silk, preceded by the reader, whose hat and bands we could not but remark were singularly clerical.
The doors being opened to them, they took their stand beneath a temporary canopy -
while the choir stationed round the reading desk chaunted appropriate sentences.
The procession then advanced slowly towards the ark - the reader saying, or rather chaunting other sentences.
Arrived within the rails which surround the curtained ark, the choir burst forth in the very language of the sweet Psalmist of Israel a song of melodious praise.
Then followed a seven times circuit of the synagogue, the rolls of the law still being borne as before.
At each circuit a psalm was slowly chaunted by the reader, and at the end of each, as the procession approached the ark,
the monotony was broken by the cheerful notes of a lively chorus, vocal and instrumental . . .
The afternoon and evening services then proceeded, in which latter the choir sang two pieces without the aid of the instrumental band.
The reader was Mr. H. Jones, the leader of the choir, Mr. M. Simeon; the band was led most ably by Mr. Reichenberg, and included Messrs. Duly, Curtis, Gautrot, Singer, &c.
The consecration service was arranged chiefly by Mr. P. Moss, by whom the original prayers, we understand, were composed;
their translation into Hebrew being done with the assistance of two Members of the Committee . . .
[Editorial], Colonial Times (8 July 1845), 2
. . . The ceremony commenced with one of Haydn's most favourite symphonies admirably performed by a choice orchestra led by Monsieur Gautrot, Mr. Reichenberg presiding at the piano. The choir was admirable, and singing of very first order; the melodies beautiful, and the harmonies perfect. A procession composed of the officers of the congregation circumambulated the avenues formed by the visitors seven times, at each interval the choir, accompanied by the orchestra, singing select passages of appropriate Psalms, but arranged to beautiful melodies . . . The 39th Psalm was then chaunted by the choir with great taste and effect. Another prayer then followed, after which the 150th Psalm was sung by the choir, the Hallelujahs particularly beautifully, indeed it is only due to the gentlemen who formed the choir to say that their performances would have done credit to any London Concert of Sacred Music. The ceremony concluded about seven o'clock with the celebration of the ordinary afternoon and Sabbath eve Services, which will be in future regularly performed in this building, and will no doubt attract numerous Christian auditors.
. . . Mr. H. Jones officiated as reader; his chaunts were given with admirable intonation. The orchestral department combined the talent of Messrs. Gautrot, Curtis, Duly, and Singer, ably led by Mr. Reichenberg. The choir was exceedingly effective, the principal parts being admirably given by Mr. M. Simeon, who possesses a falsetto voice of good quality and rarely met with . . .
"OPENING OF THE SYNAGOGUE AT HOBART TOWN", Launceston Advertiser (10 July 1845), 2
This elegant place of worship, erected by the Jews of Hobart Town, was opened and dedicated with great solemnity, on Friday last. A great number of visitors were kindly admitted by ticket to witness the ceremonies, and all are said to have been highly gratified with the whole ceremonial. The officers of the congregation who took part in the dedication were - the president, L. Nathan, Esq., and the treasurer, Judah Solomon, Esq., with Messrs. D. Moses, D. Heckscher, R. Hart, J. Friedman, P. Levy, J. Solomon, and the secretary, Phineas Moss, Esq. Mr. H. Jones officiated as reader. In the orchestra were Messrs. Gautrot, Curtis, Duly, and Singer, led by Mr. Reichenberg; and the choir is said to have been highly effective. The synagogue is described in the Hobart Town papers as a very highly finished building, reflecting great credit on Mr. Thomson the architect.

Hobart Synagogue, opened in 1845, designed by James Alexander Thomson, interior view; photo 1961, Australian News and Information Bureau; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
"THE SYNAGOGUE", Colonial Times (11 July 1845), 3
In answer to numerous enquiries as to whether the gentlemen composing the choir at the opening of the Jewish Synagogue last Friday were professionals, we can inform our readers that the whole of them (consisting of Messrs. M. S. Simeon, treble; D. Allen, tenor; E. Isaacs, counter tenor; Isaac Solomon and H. Nathan, bass;) were young men of the Hebrew religion, one of whom (Mr. Simeon) had assisted in a similar ceremony at home, and remembering the melodies, sung them to Mr. Reichenberg, who most felicitously melodized them. Mr. R attempted, and it must be admitted, accomplished the teaching five persons to sing in parts, and acquiring himself sufficient Hebrew to comprehend what he had to teach, in a manner which must increase the already high opinion entertained by the Tasmanian public of his professional superiority.
"THE SYNAGOGUE", The Observer (15 July 1845), 3
In our last a paragraph was omitted in which we sought to do justice to some whose names were not mentioned with that praise which was due to them for the part they performed in the opening service at the Synagogue. The music we learn was brought to this colony by Mr. Simeon, whose melodious voice was so much admired in company with the voice of Messrs. Edward Isaacs, Henry Nathan, David Allen, and Isaac Solomons. The vocal attraction at the Synagogue is likely to draw many visitors from time to time, whose interest is not likely to stop with that gratification, or benefit be confined to the hearing of the ear.
[Advertisement], The Courier (30 July 1845), 1
Hebrew melodies. To be published shortly, if a sufficient number of subscribers will patronise them, NINE HEBREW MELODIES, As sung by the Jewish choir, with accompaniments, at the opening of the Synagogue, at Hobart Town, on the 4th July, 1845. The whole arranged, and harmonised for the pianoforte, by J. Reichenberg. Price 8s. Persons intending to become subscribers will please to give their names to Mr. J. Reichenberg, 25, Davey street; or to Mr. S. A. Tegg, Bookseller, Elizabeth street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Simeon (singer); Edward Isaacs (singer); Henry Nathan (singer); David Allen (singer); Isaac Solomon (singer); Thomas Browne (lithogarpher, printer)
MUSIC: For the 1847 published edition, see below Ancient Hebrew melodies
"ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ORGANIST", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston] (12 July 1845), 2
. . . to the applicants - one of whom was Mr. Leffler, who we consider has no small claim upon the seat-holders of St. John's Church; he was recommended by Mr. Reichchenburg, the talented professor of Hobart Town, for the situation of organist to the Catholic Church of that place, which he obtained, and filled for three years, to the most perfect satisfaction of the Catholic body . . .
"ROBBERY BY A SERVANT", Colonial Times (18 November 1845), 2
A woman, named Elizabeth Banks, has been detected in an extensive practice of "weeding" her employer, Mr. Reichenberg, the well-known Musical Professor, of Davey-street. Mr. Reichenberg having, for some time, missed several articles of table-linen, wearing apparel, &c, suspected his pass-holder servant, Banks, but failed in detection until Saturday night, when the woman was given into custody for drunkenness. On being taken to the watch-house, previously to her being searched by Mrs. Watkins, she contrived to drop a bundle of pawn tickets by the door, which, on being examined, were found to designate many of the articles abstracted from Mr. Reichenberg. Constable Goldsmith, who has the case in hand, will, no doubt, with his accustomed diligence, fix the charge upon the prisoner.
"Shipping Intelligence", The Observer (12 December 1845), 2
IMPORTS . . . Per Auriga, Wrankmore, from London . . . 1 piano, Reichenberg; . . .
18 December 1845, birth of Jane Reichenberg (d. 1932), registered 1846
1846, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1069712; RGD33/1/2/ no 1451 (DIGITISED)
1451 / December 18th, 1845 / [un-named] female / Joseph Reichenberg, Professor of Music, Father, No. 25 Davey Street / Eliza Reichenberg formerly O'Meagher . . .
30 January 1846, testimonial from John Dixon, Hobart Town, to John Williams, piano maker
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (2 March 1849), 3
THE Undersigned, returning thanks for past favors, begs respectfully to draw the attention of the Public to the annexed
Certificates from purchasers of his Pianofortes, soliciting, at the same time, an inspection of the Instruments.
The original Certificates may be seen at his Warehouse, where price lists and conditions of sale may be seen.
J. WILLIAMS, Elizabeth Street. Hobart Town, March 2, 1849 . . .
Hobart Town, January 30, 1846.
SIR, - I consider my pianoforte a first-rate instrument - very powerful, and a sweet tone;
it is, in my opinion, equal, if not superior, to any London-made piano that I have heard.
I may add that, before purchasing it, I took the opinion of Mr. Reichenberg, who spoke very highly of it,
and, to use his own expression, "was one that would last for ever." - Yours, &c.,
ASSOCIATIONS: John Williams (pianoforte maker)
"CONCERT", Colonial Times (6 February 1846), 3
A miscellaneous concert, "in aid of the funds of the Choral Society," was given last evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute; but, owing to the shortness of the notice, the hall was not so crowded as we should have liked to have seen it; nevertheless, there was a very genteel audience, the fair sex sweetly predominating. In the orchestra were the "old faniliar faces," both vocal and instrumental. Monsieur Gautrot - considerably recovered from his late severe indisposition - presided, and played with great spirit and effect. We had also Messrs. Curtis - an enthusiast of the highest note - Duly, Leffler, Reichenberg, Marshall - a flue flutist - Singer, and others, whose names we do not know, but who in the aggregate constituted, we should rather say composed, a very effective and tasteful orchestra, Mrs. Elliott presiding at the piano, and playing and singing in the most delightful manner possible. Amongst the vocalists, we recognised Messrs. McGregor, Allen, and Madame Gautrot; and Mr. Edwards, well known to many of us, highly gratified the audience by his singing generally, and especially by his execution of the fine bass song, "Friend of the Brave." We have no room further to particularise, but we must award our most unqualified praise to both the intention and the performance of these soirees musicale. We are pleased also to find that the Choral Society - a Society which has our warmest wishes for its success - entertains a partiality for good old English music, not omitting those charming compositions, glees. In their future announcements, we would recommend the Committee to notify the names of the several composers, a matter of some moment to the uniniated. In conclusion, we must say that the concert, although short, was a great treat, and that as far as we could observe, it was eminently successful.
ASSOCIATIONS: John McGregor (vocalist)
"HOBART TOWN QUARTER SESSIONS. MONDAY, APRIL 6", The Courier (8 April 1846), 3
and the following jury.
W. T. Macmichael, Foreman / Michael Dawson
John Rich / Henry Brock
Hugh McGuinness / James Priest
Edward Wilkinson / John Scott Turnbull
William Turner / William White
Joseph Reichenberg / William Wilson . . .
"HOBART TOWN QUARTER SESSIONS . . . WEDNESDAY, MAY 27", The Courier (30 May 1846), 3
Before JOSEPH HONE, Esq., Chairman, Messrs. R. LEWIS and J. DAVIS, and the following Jury:
J. C. Walker (foreman.) / Wm. Turner.
Wm. Wise. / John Powell.
Geo Woodward. / Henry Brock.
James Barnard. / Thomas Collins.
Ellis Grimsay. / James Priest.
A. H. Maning. / Joseph Reichenberg . . .
[Funeral notice], Colonial Times (14 August 1846), 2
The Funeral of the late Miss O'Meagher will take place from the residence of Mr. Reichenberg, Davey-street, TO-MORROW, the 15th instant, at three o'clock p.m.
[Government gazette], Launceston Examiner (5 December 1846), 8
COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. December 1, 1846. Notice is hereby given, that the following claims for grants of land will be ready for examination by the commissioners appointed for that purpose, upon or immediately after the 1st day of February next, on or before which day any caveat or counter claim must be entered . . .
William Hall, William Kenny, and Joseph Reichenberg, City of Hobart Town, Ir. 13 1/2p., originally T. W. Birch, and sold at public auction to C. Newman and J. Moses, and subsequently sold to J. Bosward, J. J. Therry, J. Regan, and T. Allcock, applicants claim as trustees . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (9 March 1847), 1
Additional Subscriptions made at St. Joseph's Church, Hobart.
. . . Mr. Cleary . . . 1 0 0
Mr. Reichenberg . 1 0 0 . . .
23 April 1847, publication of Ancient Hebrew melodies

Ancient Hebrew melodies sung at the consecration of the Synagogue, Argyle Street, Hobart-Town V.D.L. dedicated to Mrs Louis Nathan, harmonized and arranged for the pianoforte by J. Reichenberg (Hobart-Town: Thomas Browne, lithographic printer, n.d. [1847])
(1 How goodly are thy tents; 2 Come let us sing unto the Lord; 3 Blessed be he who cometh in the name of the Lord; 4 Thanks to thee O Lord; 5 Thine, O Lord is the greatness; 6 His glory is above all the earth; 7 Ascribe unto the Lord; 8 Praise God in His sanctuary)
Copy at the State Library of Tasmania$init=AUTAS001131821845P269 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (23 April 1847), 1
JUST PUBLISHED, At T. Browne's Stationery and Lithographic Printing Establishment, 54, LIVERPOOL-STREET,
ANCIENT HEBREW MELODIES, sung at the Consecration of the Synagogue, Argyle-street, Hobart Town. Arranged and Harmonised by J. Reichenberg. Price - Six shillings.
"LITHOGRAPHY - HEBREW MELODIES", Colonial Times (23 April 1847), 3
Our indefatigable and enterprising townsman, Mr. Browne,
has added another proof to his skill in the practical working of the fine arts,
by the lithographic printing of a set of ancient Hebrew melodies,
as sung at the opening of the Jews' Synagogue in this city,
and as arranged by our veteran musician, Mr. Reichenberg.
The melodies themselves are characteristic and beautiful,
replete with solemn harmony, and constituting a valuable addition to our somewhat slender stock of sacred music.
The printing is executed in Mr. Browne's usual excellent manner;
indeed we may apply to him the compliment which Dr. Johnson, that mighty Bonassus of literature,
applied to his eccentric but talented friend, Dr. Goldsmith:
"Nihil tetigit quod non ornavit" - in other words,
"he touches nothing that he does not beautify."
"NEW MUSIC", The Courier (28 April 1847), 2
In noticing the appearance of a collection of ancient Hebrew Melodies, harmonised and arranged for the pianoforte by Mr. J. Reichenberg, and dedicated to Mrs. Louis Nathan, of this city, we feel ourselves called upon to express our satisfaction that an able series of noble compositions have thus been rendered accessible in a most available form. By a skilful exercise of the musical resources of his genius, Mr. Reichenberg has been fortunately successful in the arrangement of these lofty themes, and many of the passages will be gladly wecomed by those who can appreciate the truly majestic strains of sacred harmony. "The Harp of Judah a Solemn Sounds" are peculiarly calculated to awaken the dignity of man's nature in its sympathy with ideal beauty; and to elevate us to that pitch, the harmonist, with a simplicity of profession and correctly scientific application of musical embellishment, has contributed in no small degree. As an invaluable addition to the musical gems of Tasman's Land, the present collection will assume an enviable position, heightened by the recollection of the masterly performance of the several pieces at the consecration of the Synagogue in Argyle-street; while as a specimen or the advance of lithographic art, executed by the publisher, Mr. Browne, of Liverpool-street, it may be pronounced to exceed out expectations. There are, in the whole, eight pieces; amongst the number, the Hallelujah, which was sung, on the occasion referred to, with so much energy and spirit. We cordially hope that the sale of the work may exceed the anticipations of the joint artistical spectators.
"SYNAGOGUE MUSIC", Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (24 July 1847), 3
In our perambulatlons, this week, around the scientific and literary curiosities of our improving City, we chanced to make a call upon Mr. Browne, Lithographic Printer, 54, Liverpool Street. On his table, we were most agreeably surprised, to find a Publication, by him, of a Piece of Music, extending to fifteen pages, price 6s., which would really, for artistical skill and lithographic elegance, do credit to any of our most superior Lithographic metropolitan artists. The music is entitled "Ancient Hebrew Melodies," sung at the recent Consecration of the Jewish Synagogue, and dedicated to a Lady, of our city, of very excellent taste and most justly appreciated amiability - Mrs. Louis Nathan. This production is arranged for the Piano Forte, by our leading Pianist - Mr. Reichenberg.
On making inquiries as to the success of the publication, great was our astonishment to find, that only two families, of our lsraelitish community, had patronized this publication, by purchase! Though Christians, we are free to confess, that the Israelitish body, for intelligence, energy, and intellect, are on a par with any race of men. We believe that in deeds of pure generosity and active benevolence, they exceed most even of our own Christian brethren. We truly rejoice. at the equalization of their civil rights amongst the Christian nations of our globe. We abhor that persecuting wrath, which, as issuing from hell itself, under the name, but without the spirit, of Christianity, infernally robbed and slaughtered the Israelites, in their once enfeebled condition. We rejoice in their equal enjoyment of the common rights of citizenship and nationality. These rights shall always have our support. But with all this feeling, we must be permitted to say, that our lsraelitish friends, in this excepted case of Mr. Browne, have sadly departed from their usual liberality. This highly gifted, though too unobtrusive, artist, at their instance, published this Music - only two Jewish families purchase - a larger, though trifling, proportion of our Christian population do subscribe - the consequence is, the poor confiding artist is a victimized sufferer to the extent of many pounds! Surely this should not be. The dignified splendour of our city Synagogue, which reflects so much credit on the magnificent charities of our Jewish friends, should not be permitted to be, even in imagination, eclipsed by any cloud of neglectful disregard - even towards a Christian artist. We are well assured, that the Jews have invariably been marked for disinterested kindness towards their Gentile neighbours.
We feel ourselves privileged to speak thus plainly - as it is our purpose, as Journalists, to enlist through our columns, the best sympathies of the Christian public, as to the extraordinary march of intellectual, moral, and political power, evidenced of late years, throughout Europe, and the world, by the Jewish race.
Most gladly shall we announce, when in our power, that justice has, at length, been so far done to Mr. Browne, that his expences are at least cleared. And it is hardly necessary to add, that this paragraph is perfectly voluntary and wholly unsolicited - in fact suggested to our minds, as much through a feeling of deep respect for our lsraelitish friends, as for the wrongs - the undeserved wrongs of one of our most honorable and talented Artists.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Louis Nathan; see also "DEATH OF AN OLD HOBARTIAN", The Mercury (17 June 1886), 2
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (14 May 1847), 1
ADDITIONAL NAMES attached to THE PROTEST against the proceedings of
the Public Meeting held at the Theatre on the 6th instant:
John Moore, printer
J. H. Haywood, farmer
. . .
Charles Wilson, shoemaker
William Crump, tobacconist
William Murray, grocer
W. R. Seal, tobacconist
Joseph Reichenberg, professor of music . . .
[Advertisement], Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (22 May 1847), 1
To His Excellency Sir William Thomas Denison, Knight,
Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Van Diemen's Land and its dependencies.
WE, whose names are hereunto attached, beg leave to address your Excellency in reference to the Public Meeting,
convened by the Sheriff, and held on the 6th instant, at the Theatre,
"to consider the Question whether the Transportation of Convicts to this Colony should cease."
We attended that Meeting; some of us being prepared to take a part therein; but we have to assure your Excellency,
that to those who presented themselves to that Assembly, and who were opposed to the adoption of the first resolution, no hearing whatever was given.
We deem it right to state thus much, in order that the Petition adopted at that Meeting should be appreciated by your Excellency,
and the Secretary of State for the Colonies at its true value;
without, however, offering any opinion on the Question, as to whether it be desirable that Transportation to this Colony, should forthwith cease . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (lieutenant governor)
29 June 1847, birth of Cecilia Reichenberg (d. 1848)
1847, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:951980; RGD33/1/3/ no 122 (DIGITISED)
122 / June 29th / [un-named] female / Joseph Reichenberg, Professor of Music, Father, No. 25 Davey Street / Eliza Reichenberg formerly O'Meagher . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (1 March 1848), 1
A Grand Square Pianoforte for sale,
the owner by Mr. Anderson, the Queen's pianist.
Apply to Mr.Reichenberg: or to Messrs. Hay and Ivey, at whose rooms it will be on inspection.
ALSO, A GUITAR for Sale of most approved principle.
February 24.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (pianist)
"ADJOURNED PUBLIC MEETING OF THE ROMAN CATHOLICS", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (22 March 1848), 2, 5
On Monday evening last the Meeting which was adjourned from Friday last took place at St. Joseph's boys' school room, at 7 o'clock . . .
The Rev. W. O. Woolfrey, said Rev.
chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I have been requested, and deem it an honor
to propose to you the third resolution -
3. "That, we beg to express to express to His Holiness our unbounded respect for his Sacred
(person and) character, and admiration of his glorious struggle in the cause of national liberty;
and national independence, - and to assure His Holiness that our prayers shall be offered up to
heaven for his long and prosperous reign upon the Papal Throne" . . .
[5] . . . Mr. Reichenberg seconded the resolution, which was put to the meeting and carried . . .
24 June 1848, death of Cecilia Reichenberg
1848, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1187794; RGD35/1/2 no 2009 (DIGITISED)
2009 / June 24th / Cecilia Frances Reichenberg, female / twelve months / Professor of Music's child / Croup / Joseph Reichenberg,Father, Davey Street . . .
"DEATH", Colonial Times (27 June 1848), 2
At the residence of her father, in Davey-street, on Saturday last, the 24th instant, Cecilia, youngest daughter of Joseph Reichenberg, Esq., aged 12 months.
"SHIPPING NEWS", The Courier (8 July 1848), 2
IMPORTS . . . Per Aden, from London - . . . 1 case, Reichenberg . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (5 December 1848), 4
New Pianos for Sale.
MR. J. REICHENBERG begs to inform his Friends, and those who require Pianos,
that he has some to dispose of, which for elegance, fine tone, and light touch, he can well recommend.
A fine assortment of Music also for disposal.
December 1, 1848.
"SUPREME COURT. TUESDAY, DEC. 5, 1848", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (6 December 1848), 2
(Before his Honor the Chief Justice.)
This morning the criminal sitting of the above court commenced.
There were seventeen prisoners for trial, four of whom were charged with murder . . .
. . . the following jury sworn: -
Mr. Michael Dawson, foreman; Samuel Beard; R. G. Waterhouse; James Levingston; John Perkins;
John Dean; George Orford; Samuel Riddler; Edward Wilkinson; Edward Allison; William Turner and Joseph Richenburgh . . .
"SUPREME COURT", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (14 December 1848), 4
"TESTIMONIAL", Colonial Times (9 March 1849), 2
Several gentlemen, headed by Capt. Loughnan, waited upon J. Reichenberg, Esq., at his residence in Davey street, a few days back, for the purpose of presenting that gentleman with a handsome silver snuff-box, as a testimonial of their appreciation of his valuable and untiring services in the instruction of the choir of St. Joseph's Church for a great number of years. Mr. Reichenberg, upon receiving the present, returned a neat and appropriate acknowledgment.
15 May 1849, birth of Rosalie Reichenberg (d. 1899)
1849, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:953379; RGD33/1/3/ no 1513 (DIGITISED)
1513 / May 15th / [un-named] female / [daughter of] Joseph Reichenberg, Professor of Music / Eliza Reichenberg, formerly O'Meagher / Jos. Reichenberg, father, Davey St. . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (20 July 1849), 1
Hobart Town Choral Society.
Hobart Town, July 17, 1849.
SIR, - We respectfully request you will be pleased to convene a Special General Meeting of the Members of the Choral Society,
for the purpose of considering the state of its funds, and for other business connected therewith. -
We are, Sir, your obedient servants,
Joseph Hone,
James Thomson,
J. Marshall,
W. Dossetor,
Henry Elliott,
Jos. Reichenberg,
B. H. Creswell,
J. Martin,
W. Belbin,
G. P. Creswell.
The Secretary Hobart Town Choral Society.
In compliance with the above requisition, I hereby convene a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING
of the Members of the HOBART TOWN CHORAL SOCIETY, to take place in the Hall of the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE,
Melville-street, on Tuesday Evening next, 24th instant, at 7 o'clock precisely.
F. H. PIESSE, Hon. Sec.
Hobart Town, July 20, 1849.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (20 July 1849), 2
ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH. AT a Meeting of Lay Members of the Catholic Community, held in St. Joseph's School Room, 13th July, 1841, convened by the Churchwardens, in pursuance of a requisition from some Members of the Community, for the purpose of removing certain allegations publicly made against the Right Rev. the Bishop; J. M. Loughnan, Esq., Churchwarden, in the Chair . . .
Proposed by Mr. Cox, seconded by Mr. Reichenberg. Resolved, 3. - That the charge of supineness on the part of the Bishop, in not wishing to effect a settlement of the lamentable affairs of the Church is a contradiction to recorded facts . . .
. . . Resolved, 6. - That a copy of these resolutions, signed by the Chairman, be respectfully presented to the Right Reverend the Bishop . . .
Proposed hy Mr. Reichenberg, seconded by Mr. McGrath. Resolved, 7 - That Messrs. Loughnan, Fitzgerald, Cox, Watkins, senior, Watkins, junior, Reichenherg, Doolin, Moore, McGrath, and Dr. McCarthy do form the deputation to present it to his Lordship, with power to add to their number.
For all TROVE items tagged Joseph Reichenberg for 1850s:
"CAVEAT BOARD. WEDNESDAY, 15th MAY, 1850", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (18 May 1850), 3
APPLICATION made by the Very Rev. William Hall, and Messrs. William Kenny, and Joseph Reichenberg, for a Grant of one rood and thirteen and one-half perches of land, in the city of Hobart Town, being the land on which St. Joseph's Church in Macquarie street, with the priests' dwelling and School House, are erected . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (22 June 1850), 1
Colonial Manufactures.
THE undersigned, returning thanks to his numerous patrons and friends for past favours,
begs to intimate that specimens of his manufacture may be seen at the Music Rooms of Mr. Reichenberg,
Davey-street, and Mrs. Elliott's, Macquarie-street, where there are three different sorts; also at the Stores of C. J. Weedon, Esq., Launceston.
These instruments are kept in tune one year free of any expense, and exchanged if not approved.
Musical instruments of all descriptions tuned and repaired.
J. WILLIAMS (from Broadwood's), Elizabeth-street, Hobart Town.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (12 November 1850), 4
Cottage Pianos for Sale.
MR. REICHENBERG begs to inform his friends and the public, that he has two COTTAGE PIANOS for Sale,
which are of a good tone, and handsomely finished, in the newest style, of 6 3/4 octaves.
Davey-street, opposite the Barracks, November 12, 1850.
31 January 1851, death of Joseph Reichenberg, Davey Street, Hobart Town
1850-51, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1189222; RGD35/1/3 no 513 (DIGITISED)
513 / January 31 / Joseph Reichenbreg / male / Fifty nine / Musician / Disease of the Kidneys / F. O'Meagher, brother in law, Milton Street. . .
"DIED", Colonial Times (31 January 1851), 2
Died: This morning, at his late residence, Davey-street, Mr. JOSEPH REICHENBERG, Professor of Music, aged 59 years. Friends are respectfully informed that his funeral will take place on Monday next, the 3rd February, from St. Joseph's Church, Macquarie-street, at 3 o'clock p.m.
After 1851
"SACRED CONCERT", The Mercury (7 July 1874), 2
. . . Miss Richenberg very ably presided at the organ.
9 June 1899, death of Eliza Frances Reichenberg (O'Meagher)
1899, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1143148; RGD35/1/68 no 952 (DIGITISED)
952 / 1899, Macquarie St. / Eliza Frances Reichenberg, born Ireland / Female / 80 years / Widow of the late Joseph Reichenberg / Fatty heart, Jaundice , Dr. Wolfhagen . . .
"DEATHS", The Mercury (10 June 1899), 1
REICHENBERG. - On the 9th inst, at her residence, 182 Macquarie street, Eliza Frances, widow of the late Joseph Reichenberg, in the 88th year of her age, and fortified by the rites of the Holy Catholic Church. No flowers.
"DEATH OF AN OLD COLONIST", The Mercury (13 June 1899), 2
On Friday last, Mrs. Elizabeth Frances Richenberg, an old and esteemed colonist, who had resided in Hobart 68 years, died at her residence. Macquarie street, aged 79 years. The mothet of the deceased also died in this city at the advanced age of 89 years. Mrs. Richenberg was the widow of the conductor of the first Catholic church choir in Hobart, when Mass was celebrated in the Argyle Rooms, Liverpool street, upon the site of which the Carlton Club Hotel now stands. This was before the first Catholic church, properly so called - St. Joseph's, Macquarie street - was built by the late Rev. J. J. Therry. For many years past, Mr. and Mrs. Richenberg's daughter, Miss Jane Richenberg, has been organist of St. Joseph's Church. The deceased lady's mother was the friend of the first Catholic missionary or chaplain in Tasmania, the Rev. Philip Connolly. On Sunday evening the remains of Mrs. Richenberg were removed from her residence to St. Joseph's Church, where they were placed in the nave, in front of the high altar, till the funeral took place yesterday morning. At vespers on Sunday evening the Rev. T. Kelsh, who occupied the pulpit, paid a feeling tribute to the memory of the deceased and her husband, and spoke of the valuable services rendered to St. Joseph's Choir by their daughter. At the conclusion of the service the Dead March from Saul was played on the organ by Master J. R. McCann. Yesterday morning a solemn High Mass and Requiem coram cadavere, was celebrated at St. Joseph's for the repose of the soul of the deceased. Tho celebrant of the mass was the Very Rev. P. R. Hennebry, the deacon, the Rev. T. Kelsh, the sub deacon, the Rev. P. O'Reilly, and the master of ceremonies, the Rev. M. W. Gilleran. The Rt Rev. Dr Delany, Bishop of Laranda, presided, and offered up the last prayers at the coffin. The Gregorian music of the service was rendered with artistic and devotional effect by the choir. The funeral, which was attended by a representative body of citizens, took place at Queenborough Cemetery.
"ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH", The Mercury (10 October 1899), 2
23 October 1899, death of Rosalie Mary Reichenberg
1899, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1143403; RGD35/1/68 no 1208 (DIGITISED)
1208 / 1899, 182 Macquarie St. / Rosalie Mary Reichenberg, born Tasmania / Female / 49 years / Spinster / Malignant disease of omentum, Dr. Wolfhagen . . .
"DEATHS", The Mercury (28 October 1899), 2 supplement
REICHENBERG - On October 23, at her late residence, Macquarle-street, Rosalie Mary, youngest duughter of the late Joseph and Eliza Reichenberg; after a long and painful illness.
Miss Janie Reichenberg's 50 years association with the choir of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church was marked by a complimentary concert and presentation at the Town Hall last night, when a large audience assembled . . .
"ORGANIST'S UNIQUE RECORD", The Mercury (1 September 1923), 15
A record, probably unique for Australia, has been achieved in Hobart by Miss Jane Reichenberg, who a few days ago completed 55 years of service practically without a break, as organist of St. Joseph's Church. In the year 1866 Miss Reichenberg and her sister, both natives of Hobart, joined the choir of St. Joseph's as vocalists, and two years later the younger of the two was appointed organist in succession to the late Mr. Edmund Roper, who later took a similar position at St. Patrick's, Sydney. Under the conductorship of the late Mr. Henry Hunter, Miss Reichenberg had an excellent training in the high-class sacred music which was so well rendered by the small, but efficient choir of St. Joseph's Church, as to earn some fame for it even beyond Tasmania, and the young organist became a proficient exponent of the church music of Mozart, Haydn, Gounod, and other masters. Notwithstanding such long service, Miss Reichenberg is still capable of efficiently rendering such difficult compositions. Her career, like the history of the church in which she has spent so much of her life, has some interesting associations with the musical history of Hobart. Her father, Mr. Joseph Reichenberg, who died in 1851, was band-master of H.M. 40th Regiment, and conducted the first musical concert of which there is a record in Hobart as far back as 1826. In 1841, when the church of St. Joseph was first opened, he became its first choirmaster and organist, and among his successors prior to his daughter taking her position were the late Charles Packer, uncle to the well-known musical family of that name and a musician of the highest degree; also Mr. Edmund Roper, Mr. Hook, and other musicians of 60 years and more ago. Past and present congregations of St. Joseph's have initiated, and the musical community of Hobart generally is heartily co-operating in a movement to celebrate in a worthy manner Miss Reichenberg's most worthy record. This is to take the form of a musical festival to be held in the Town-hall, at which the artists of the city, professional and amateur, will appear. The event will be under the patronage of His Excellency the Administrator, their Graces the Archbishop of Hobart, Dr. Delany, and the Coadjutor Archbishop (Dr. Barry), the Mayor, all the church organists of Hobart, and representatives of musical organisations. Further particulars will be announced in a few days.
18 October 1923, death of Angela Reichenberg
"DEATHS", The Mercury (20 October 1923), 1
RICHENBERG. - On October 18, 1923, at her residence, Mountview, Macquarie-street, after long suffering, Angela Augustine, eldest daughter of the late Joseph Richenberg, aged 79 years. Requiescat in pace.
15 August 1928, Jane Reichenberg, 60th anniversary as organist of St. Joseph's, Macquarie Street
"MUSIC & MUSICIANS. Miss Janes Reichenberg. Sixty Years Organist", The Mercury (15 August 1928), 5
On August 15, 1868, Miss Jane Reichenberg first took up the post of organist at St. Joseph's Church, Hobart, and she has held it without a break ever since. This term of sixty years given to the highest ends which music can serve is unmatched in the whole Commonwealth if not indeed throughout the world.
Miss Reichenberg, who was born at Hobart Town 82 years ago, is still bright and active and recalls many interesting memories of musical life in the early years of the settlement. One of the leading musicians of that time was her own father, Mr. Joseph Reichenberg, who was born at Naples and educated at Palermo in what before the achievement of Italian unity was the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. He joined the army at Messina as bandmaster of the Chasseurs Britanniques as the regiment is styled in his papers. He left Italy to join the 40th Infantry in England and came out with a detachment to Sydney and in 1825 to Hobart Town where he left his regiment and settled down as a music-teacher. He played piano-forte, harp, violin, flute, oboe and bassoon. He read with ease in all the clefs formerly used in choral works and could play a mass stialght from the full score. He arranged music very capably and filled many books with copies of music for diffeient voices and instruments. He founded the choir of St. Joseph's Church and among the papers which Miss Reichenberg has hoarded is a bundle of receipts and letters concerning the church funds. There is a quaint touch about a note dated "Hobart Town, the 10th October, 1843" and in which the Very Rev. John Joseph Therry requests one of the churchwardens William Insley "to call on Mr. Reichenberg for whatever collection money may remain in his hands and to pay the amount to such of the Church Workmen as may appear to be most in need of it." Mr. Reichenberg was the first organist at St. Joseph's where he plaved for more than 14 years. The instrument used in the early days, as in other Tasmanian churches of the time was the Seraphine, a kind of small harmonium. Miss Reichenberg still remembers how her father used to take her as a very little girl up with him into the choir, which was over the altar, and was screened off with red curtains. In that same choir Miss Reichenberg's mother sand. This lady was born in Dublin, a daughter of Patrick Meagher, a close friend of Father Connolly, Tasmania's first priest.
MISS REICHENBERGS TEACHERS. Miss Reichenberg's first teacher was Mr. Frederick Packer, organist at St. David's Cathedral, Hobart. He laid a good foundation. Later lessons were with Mr. Samuel Tapfield, organist of St. Andrew's Church, who came from Cambridge (England), and founded a glee club, which Miss Reichenberg's sister joined. Both of them entered St. Joseph's choir under Mr. Henry Hunter, who was an architect and a very good conductor. At that time a Mr. Hook was organist, and the choir emjoyed a reputation reaching beyond Tasmania for capable singing of the best music. This body of musicians did much to set up a high standard of musical art in Hobart.
"The way I came to play the organ," said Miss Reichenberg during an interesting talk, "was by having to take the post over when our organist, Mr. Edmund Roper, who followed Mr. Hook, left for Sydney. I had to learn the organ at the same time. We began very quietly, with only three sopranos, but my sister was a very good leader, who read music well. We both belonged to the movement organisted by Mr. Frederick Packer to give concerts to raise funds for an organ at the Town Hall. We used to love singing at these concerts. Mr. Packer had a very brilliant style of choosing music. Then we belonged to Mr. Tapfield's Orchestral Society, and later to Herr Schott's Orchestral Union, in which I was the organist. We gave many concerts for different objects such as the support of orphanages in the country and the building of churches. Under Herr Schott the orchestra played several fine overtures, such as Egmont, Semiramide, and Wilhelm Tell. Herr Schott played the oboes very well and took the oboe part in Wilhelm Tell. Herr Schott was the finest conductor we ever had. After his time, with Mr. Hamilton Maynard as condutor we had a very fine cabinet organ and the orchestra played Schubert's Mass in F at the Town Hall. Mr. Biggs, the organ tuner played the bassoon. At one of Mr. Packer's concerts some one threw him a penny which he stuck into the opening at the top of his insliument to the great delight of the onlookers, who cheered and cheered. Mr. Packer used to get his concerts up very nicely. The ladies wore uniforms, rose-pink for the sopranos and pale green for the altos. The gentlemen wore evening dress. Mr. Packer was the one who started the movement to get an organ at the Town Hall. He had concerts year after year until he had riased £500, and then the Corporation of Hobart found the rest.
ST. JOSEPH'S ORGAN. The organ on which Miss Reichenberg played for the past sixty years was built by Bishop, Starr, and Richardson, the builders of the organ at St. George's, and of the original organs at All Saints', and at St. David's. St. Joseph's organ is virtually as it was when first set up, except that it shows signs of wear and tear, particularly in the pedals, which are worn hollow. One of Miss Reichenberg's earliest memories is that of seeing the cases in which the parts of the organ came from England standing in the schoolyard and hearing her father remark that as the instrument had a pedal board he would have to find some one to teach him the art of pedal playing. The instrument has many interestlng peculiarities. Thus the compass of the pedal is only from G to D, an octave and a half, and there is no separate pedal organ, all voices being borrowed from the manuals. The upper manual is a so-called tenor swell running from C to F, where as the lower manual (great organ) begins a fourth lower at G, and runs to F, not quite four octaves.
SPECIFICATION. The organ has the following draw knobs -
Hautboy - 8 feet
Principal - 4 feet
Open Diapason - 8 feet
Double Diapason - 16 feet
Mixture - 2 ranks
Coupler: Swell to Great
Flute (beginning at C) - 4 ft.
Principal - 4ft.
Clarabella - 8 ft.
Dulciana (beginning at C) - 8ft.
Open Diapason - 8 ft.
Stopped Dlapson bass - 16 ft.
Among the masses that Miss Reichenberg has accompanied on this organ are Mozart's 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 12th; Haydn's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 16th; four of Gounod's and others by Weber, Schmidt, Winter, Liebl, and von Bree. Some of the works that sound best on the instrument are Handel's Largo, Batiste's Andante in G, and the Dead March in "Saul."
Speaking of her personal taste in music, Miss Reichenberg said that she was very fond of Schubert's songs and that her mother had always encouraged both her and her sister to cultivate the best music. She also expressed her gratitude to Mr. Henry Hunter under whom she began to sing in St. Joseph's choir 60 years ago. He had been trained in Nottingham Cathedral choir, knew all the services and taught the singers right through. He used to sing at the Town Hall in the Messiah at Christmas, "Comfort Ye" and "Every Valley." Miss Relchenberg recalled this with especial pleasure and added, "He had a very fine voice and sang these things very well. I have never heard anyone sing them better." The time passed very quickly as one musical subject after another was discussed and the parting words of the enthusiastic veteran artist were: "It has been a thorough pleasure to me to take part In music."
"MISS REICHENBERG'S JUBILEE. Gathering of City Organists. Guest's Wonderful Record", The Mercury (16 August 1928), 3
Miss Jane Relchcnberg yesterday completed 60 years of service as organist of St. Joseph's Church,
and at the suggestion of Mr. George A. Jackson the unique occasion was commemorated at a meeting of the organists of the city
churches held at the Grotto during the afternoon.
All denominations were represented as follows: - Church of England: St. George's (Mr. George A. Jackson),
Holy Trinity (Miss Ida Morris), St. John's, Goulburn Street (Mrs. Eltham),
St. James's (Mr. G. Bingham), St. Stephen's (Mrs. Foster), St. Peter's (Mrs. Cranstoun).
Roman Catholic: St. Mary's Cathedral (Mrs. Roper), St. Joseph's (Miss Reichenberg), Sacred Heart (Miss Freeman).
Congregational: Memorial (Mr. James Marsh), Davey Street (Mr. E. Watson), New Town (Mr, J. G. Long).
Methodist: Davey Street (Mrs. Purchas), Sandy Bay (Mrs. Bennett).
Presbyterian: St. Andrew's (Mr. J. D. Tanner), St. John's (Mrs. Saunders), New Town (Miss Williams).
Baptist: Tabernacle (Miss Marsh), Sandy Bay (Miss Clements).
Apologies were received from Mr. J. Scott-Power (St. David's Cathedral),
Miss Evershed (All Saints'), St. John's, New Town (Mr. A. Watt), Miss Daisy White (Melville Street Church), Miss
Smith (New Town Methodist Church), and Mrs. Edwards (Swan Street Methodist Church).
Mr. James Marsh, In proposing a toast to the guest of honour, said that Miss Reichenberg's name had always stood for the best of music and the best of service.
As a lad, before he had taken on choir work, he used to go and listen to her.
"We all know," he said, "what an organist's work is, and what great patience and self-sacrifice it entails.
In my early time Miss Reichenberg's choir was the model choir for the whole city."
(Applause.) Although there was now only a remnant of the original choir, the speaker said, people still went to St. Joseph's for the music, and got it.
Referring to the large gathering, he said that Mr. Frank Bowden and he had often wished to get the organists together once
a month for tea and a little talk, and he hoped that all present would consider the notice which was to be sent out, and try to fall in with the Plan.
He hoped that Miss Reichenberg would be with them for many years.
The toast was drunk to the singing of "She's a jolly good fellow."
Mr. George A. Jackson said that Miss Reichenberg had never once missed a Christmas service in 60 years.
As a boy, he had heard her play, and had wondered whether he would ever be able to play like her.
It was astonishing how many people had had something kind to say about her this last week,
things of which most people had known nothing, her charitable disposition, and her great kindness.
Her work, enthusiasm and tact, had held the choir together, and Archpriest Hennebry had once said that there had never been any occasion for a difference of opinion.
To fit in with the service and to suit the clergy was, the speaker said, no small thing.
Nobody else but Miss Reichenberg could play St. Joseph's organ, which had a G compass and a G pedal.
She was now working to get a motor. He hoped that she would get it in time for her diamond jubilee.
- Mr. J. D. Tanner brought best wishes from the Presbyterian churches, and hoped that Miss Reichenberg would long
be spared to carry on the good work that she had been doing for so many years.
Miss Reichenberg, who spoke very, feelingly, said that she had not thought that there were so many organists in Hobart.
She thanked them most sincerely for their kindness.
8 July 1932, death of Jane Reichenberg
"DEATHS", The Mercury (9 July 1932), 1
REICHENBERG. - On July 8, 1932, at Mount St. Canice, Sandy Bay, Jane F. C. Reichenberg, aged 86 years. R.I.P.
"OBITUARY. MISS JANE REICHENBERG", The Mercury (11 July 1932), 6
The funeral of Miss Jane F. C. Reichenberg, organist of St. Joseph's Church, Hobart, for more than 60 years, who died at Mt. St. Canice, Sandy Bay, on Friday, took place at Cornelian Bay Cemetery on Saturday morning. Following a short service at Mt. St. Canice, the body was conveyed to St. Joseph's Church, where a service was conducted by the Rev. Father J. H. Cullen (archpriest). Among the gathering were several musicians and others who had been associated with Miss Reichenberg in her work. The service at the graveside also was conducted by Father Cullen. Owing to the fact that Miss Reichenberg had no relatives living in Hobart it was left to church friends to make the necessary arrangements for the interment, and the gathering at the graveside consisted of her old friends. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. Alex. Clark and Son Ltd.
"THE LATE MISS REICHENBERG", The Mercury (13 July 1932), 6
With deep regret the death of Miss Jane Reichenberg is recorded. She was born at Hobart Town in 1846, her father being Mr. Joseph Reichenberg, who was at one time bandmaster of the Chasseurs Britanniques at Messina, and left Italy to join the 40th Regiment in England. He came out with a detachment to Sydney, and in 1825 to Hobart Town, where he left his regiment and settled down as a music-teacher. He founded St. Joseph's choir, and was the first organist. In the choir Miss Reichenberg's mother sang. This lady was born in Dublin, a daughter of Patrick Meagher, who was a close friend of Father Connolly, Tasmania's first priest. Miss Reichenberg began to sing under Mr. Henry Hunter in St. Joseph's choir 69 years ago, and was organist of that church for well over 60 years. She was a foundation member of the Choirmasters' and Organists' Fellowship, and was greatly esteemed by all with whom she came into touch.
Bibliography and resources
Fitzpatrick 1865
[Columbus Fitzpatrick], "REMINISCENCES OF CATHOLICISM IN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE COLONY", Freeman's Journal (25 November 1865), 741
. . . In 1825 there were a great number of soldiers in this country and as it happened, the Bandmaster (Mr. Cavanagh) of the 3rd Buffs was a Catholic, as also the Bandmaster (Mr. Richenberg) of the 40th Regiment, an Italian and a great musician. Both regiments were stationed in Sydney at that time, and as Mr. Richenberg was only a hired bandmaster to the 40th regiment he used to devote all his leisure hours to the instruction and formation of a real good choir and I can say with truth that his exertions were crowned with success, for he had taught us to sing with his bandsmen, and it was a common thing to have five or six clarionets, two basoons, a serpent, two French horns, two flutes, a violincello, a first and tenor violin, and any amount of well-trained singers, all bursting forth in perfect harmony the beautiful music of our Church. Oh! it makes my heart thrill when I think of those happy days. I have since then heard the organ of St. Mary's; I have seen Dr. Reid, who was a great man, assisted by his sisters and Miss Lane and a great body of singers, but they could not equal the choir formed by Richenberg. I never heard anything like it except once, that was the day on which our venerated Archbishop first landed in Sydney. On that occasion Dr. Ullathorne, now Bishop of Birmingham, had made every preparation for a grand High Mass, and poor Cavendish (who was drowned with his sister off Bradley's Head in after years) had charge of the choir; he exerted himself to the utmost and secured the assistance of a great cantatrice (Mrs. Rust) who happened to be in the colony at the time. Mr. Clarke the architect, who was a fine singer, also lent his aid, and these with the assistance of the regular choristers quite astonished the, Bishop. Dr. Polding was only bishop, at that time and he did not expect to hear Mozart's Mass sung in Botany Bay, and well sung too: he was accompanied by several rev. gentlemen, some of whom were fine singers, amongst these were the Rev. Mr. Spencer, who afterwards went home, and the Rev. Mr. Sumner, who was the first priest ordained in these colonies. He could sing very sweetly at that time, but neither these nor the Rev. Mr. Watkins, who took charge of the choir, could ever equal Mr. Richenberg's choir, for he had so many bandsmen, and they played with such precision that finer music could not be found out of Europe. There being as I said before two Catholic bandmasters in Sydney at that time, there was a spirit of emulation in the bands to see who could, do most for the Church, and as Mr. Cavanagh the band master of the Buffs was a fine singer, he gave us the benefit of his voice in addition to playing the violincello. Such choruses I have never since heard . . .
See also C. J. Duffy (ed.), Catholic religious and social life in the Macquarie era: as it is portrayed in the letters of Columbus Fitzpatrick (1810-1878) (Surry Hills: Catholic Press Newspaper Co., 1966)
Mercury 1883
"THE FIRST CONCERT IN HOBART", The Mercury (11 October 1883), 2 supplement
Smythies 1894
R. H. Raymond Smythies, Historical records of the 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment . . . from its formation in 1717, to 1893 (Devonport: A. H. Swiss, 1894) (DIGITISED)
On the 40th Regiment
Jacques 1905
"HOBART CHURCHES. ST. JOSEPH'S (by 'Jacques')", The Mercury (8 July 1905), 11
. . . The foundation-stone was laid by Father Therry on July 10, 1840, and upon that occasion acknowledgement was made by the priest of the liberality of a member of the Jewish persuasion, who permitted the church to acquire the site upon the same terms as those upon which he purchased it, "at a considerable sacrifice of personal interest." The church was opened on Christmas night 1841, with solemn mass, chanted by Father Therry, in the presence of a crowded congregation, the choir being under the direction of Mr. Joseph Richenberg . . .
Oman 1913
C. W. C. Oman, Wellington's army, 1809-1814 (London: Edward Arnold, 1913)
On the Chasseurs Britanniques, 225-28 (DIGITISED)
Mercury 1927
"TASMANIA'S EARLY DAYS", The Mercury (7 March 1927), 3
From Dr. James Ross's "Hobart Town Almanack" . . . We then arrive at Ellenthorpe Hall, in Chatsworth parish, at a distance of about 20 miles from Oatlands, or 70 from Hobart Town. This is the residence of Mr. G. C. Clarke, where is that useful and well-conducted seminary for young ladies, kept by Mrs. Clarke, a lady whose long and successful experience in teaching, both here and in England, gives general satisfaction to parents, and whose school may be considered, a valuable acquisition to the colony, being situated in so central, convenient, and healthy a part of the island; music is very ably, taught in this seminary under the direction of Mr. Reichenberg, late bandmaster of the 40th Regiment . . .
Mulhall 1927
"OLD HOBART. A 90-Year Resident's Reminiscences", The Mercury (4 July 1927), 3
Art in Australian 1942
"Australia's first music", Art in Australia (June 1942), 56, 7, and 5 pages supplement (fascsimile)
Incorrectly conflates Reichenberg's lost 1825 quadrilles with the coverless copy of Ellard's The much admired Australian quadrilles (1835) in the State Library of New South Wales (facsimile as 5-page supplement)
Hall 1951
James Hall, "A history of music in Australia [3]: early period - New South Wales: 1818-1826", The canon: Australian journal of music (March 1951), 375
. . . In the same year (1825), Mr. Reichenberg, music master of the 40th Regiment, composed a set of "Australian Quadrilles" . . .
Wentzel 1962
Ann Wentzel [Carr-Boyd], "Early composers of music in Australia", Quadrant 6/2 (Autumn 1962), 29-36
Stilwell 1963
G. T. Stilwell, "Mr. and Mrs. George Carr Clark of 'Ellinthorp Hall'", Papers and proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 11/3 (April 1963), (72-109), 82-83;dn=81114276306;res=IELAPA (PAYWALL)
Bowden 1964
Keith M. Bowden, Captain James Kelly of Hobart Town (Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1964), 87
. . . Surviving accounts record the lessons given to Sophia and Mary Ann Kelly on the pianoforte by one Joseph Reichenberg, who also tuned the cottage piano. They list twelve guineas for six months tuition, six shillings for two sets of nocturnes - less three pounds because Reichenberg omitted to give thirteen lessons at 4s. 8d. a time . . .
Covell 1967
Roger Covell, Australia's music, 1967, 8-9, 292
Cumes 1979
J. W. C. Cumes, Their chastity was not too rigid: leisure times in early Australia (Melbourne: Longmans Cheshire, 1979), 65, 109, 195
Brownrigg 2006
Jeff Brownrigg, "Music", The companion to Tasmanian history (Centre for Tasmanian Historical Studies, 2006) (ONLINE)
. . . European music came with the first settlement in 1803 in the diverse groups of early settlers: convicts, their guards, sealers and other free settlers. In 1822 John Deane (1796-1849), an English violinist, teacher and organist, came to Hobart as a bookseller and entrepreneur. In 1825 Australia's first pipe organ was installed in St David's Church in Hobart where Deane became organist. Prior to this the choir was accompanied by a small band of wind instruments augmented with low strings. Deane encouraged and assisted Italian-born British Army musician (40th Regiment bandmaster) Joseph Reichenberg (1790-1851) in his musical activities. In 1826 Reichenberg's public concerts included an arrangement of Haydn's Surprise Symphony arranged for string quintet. The previous year he published, in Sydney, what he called 'the first set of Quadrilles for Australia'. These pre-dated 'Sydney Quadrilles' by William Ellard, published in the 1830s. Reichenberg's other compositions include 'The Hobart Town Quadrilles' and pieces for military band. In 1829 he moved to a girls' school at Ross where he continued to encourage musical activities, and taught singing and Italian. Deane and Reichenberg were mainstays of music-making in Hobart in the 1820s and 1830s . . .
Skinner 2011
Graeme Skinner, Toward a general history of Australian musical composition: first national music, 1788-c.1860 (Ph.D thesis, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney, 2011), 73-80 (DIGITISED)
© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025