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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–L (La-Lev)

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–L (La-Lev)", Australharmony (an online resource toward the history of music and musicians in colonial and early Federation Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025

- L - (La-Lev)

L., T. ("T L"; "T. L.")

Music engraver

Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1855


Three sheet music prints issued in Sydney in the the mid 1850s are signed "T L" or "T. L.". Neidorf thought it highly likely that this was Thomas Liley; however there is no evidence that Liley was still in Sydney after c. 1847.

Several other unsigned musical prints from around the same time, including the other contents of the Australian presentation album for 1855, that use similar and type elements and format, were plausibly by the same technician, or, if not, by someone else using the same materials.

Musical prints:

Fading away (W. J. Johnson, December 1854) 

Why do I weep for thee (Woolcott and Clarke, 1855) 

Volunteer march, polka, and galop (Woolcott and Clarke, 1855) 

Bibliography and resources:

Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 189 (T. L.), 191 (liley (DIGITISED)


Musician, cornet player, cornopean player, concertina player, violinist, orchestra leader, bandmaster

Born c.1833/34 (parish of St. George's, Hanover Square, 1841 UK Census, age 7)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 22 December 1854 (per Stebonheath, from London, 31 August)
Active Ballarat, VIC, by late 1857 (or earlier)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, by mid 1866 (for New Zealand)
Died Wellington, Otago, NZ, January 1871 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Musician, English concertina player

Married Alfred LABALESTRIER, VIC, 1865
Died NZ, by 1867


Pianist, vocalist

Active Ballarat, VIC, 1866 (? sister of the above)


In the 1841 English census, 7-year-old Alfred was living with his parents, François (Francis) and Mary Labalestrier (aged 55 and 40), in the parish of St. George's Hanover Square. His parents had traded as milliners until at least 1838, and a "Miss Mary Labalestrier" still appears as a Milliner, at 15 Brook Street, in the Post Office London Directory 1843. Francis, who was recorded at a variety of central London addresses in the membership lists of the Royal Society of Arts in the 1820s, was perhaps also the dancing master, Monsieur Labalestrier, active in the mid 1840s.

Alfred was a regular cornet player in Fleury's band first in Melbourne at the Salle de Valentino and later at the Montezuma in Ballarat in 1858. He also played with Fleury's "Premiere Band of the Australian Colonies" for the Lavenu-Carandini company's Ballarat opera season. At his Montezuma benefit in November 1857, it was announced: "Mons. Labalestrier will perform the Zerline, Bendigo, and Eclipse Polkas on the Cornet-a-Piston, during the evening." The Bendigo polka may well have been that of 1854 by another cornet player, Henry De Grey.

In August 1861, Alfred Labalestrier was bandmaster of the Rangers Brass Band, and was last recorded as being in a legal battle against members of the Ballarat District Band in January 1865. By July 1866 he was at Canterbury, New Zealand, advertising as a "Professor of the Violin, Cornet, and English Concertina". At Wellington in 1870, he was taken into custody "on suspicion of lunacy".

He had married Sarah Hancock in 1865; she is not to be confused with the Ballarat brothel owner of the same name.

Mary Labalestrier (born Kelly, Sanders by a ? later marriage), who died in Melbourne in 1899 at the reported age of 90, was the grandmother of the composer George Clutsam and his brother Frederick (see also SHIPPING, June 1881).


Transactions of the Society Instituted at London for the for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce 44 (1826), xxi 

Transactions of the Society Instituted at London for the for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce 45 (1827), xix 

Transactions of the Society Instituted at London for the for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce 46 (1828), xix 

"NOTICE", The London Gazette (19 June 1838), 1392 

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership subsisting between us the undersigned, François Labalestrier, of Seymour-place, Bryanstone-square, in the county of Middlesex, and Mary, the wife of the said François Labalestrier, and Josephine Debraine, of the same place, Milliners and Dress Makers, and carrying on business under the style or fashion Tibebraine and Labalestrier, has been . . . dissolved by mutual consent . . . this 13th day of June 1838 . . .

1841 English census

7-year-old Alfred living with parents, François (Francis), 55, and Mary Labalestrier, 40, parish of St. George's, Hanover Square

[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (23 June 1842), 1

WANTS a Situation as a LADY'S MAID . . . Direct to R. S. T., at Madame Labalestrier's, 15, Lower Brook street, Grosvenor-square.

The Post Office London Directory 1843, 262 

[Advertisement], Stamford Mercury [England] (29 December 1843), 3

. . . Miss S. F. Weldon, who has been studying the Piano, Harp, and Dancing under Moscheles, Holst, O'Brien, Labalastrier [sic], and other eminent Masters in London, will be happy to give Private Lessons in those accomplishments . . .

[Advertisement], Derby Mercury [England] (26 August 1846), 2

DERBY. LABALESTRIER (from London), MASTER of DANCING to the English Nobility, and Composer of Lady Jersey's Minuet, as Danced at her Majesty's Bal Costume, has pleasure in announcing his SECOND VISIT to DERBY and NOTTINGHAM, where he will resume giving LESSONS in the most fashionable Parisian and London Style of Dancing. Further information may be had at his Academy, Mr. BROWNSWORD, watch-maker, Pelham-street, High-street, Nottingham.

England census, 30 March 1851 (PAYWALL)

John Kelly, 30, Professor of Dancing / 15 Michael Place / . . . Mary Labalestrier, 37 / sister/ married / Alfred, 16, nephew [son] / . . .

List of passengers per Stebonheath, from London 31 August 1854, bound for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Labalestrier Alfred / 22 / Merchant / English [sic]
Kelly John / 28 / Musician / Foreign [sic]
Walker Henry / 36 / [Musician] / [Foreign]
Dherang Alfred / 22 / Equestrian / [? Foreign]
Stebbing Francis / 19 / Equestrian / [? Foreign]
Barlow William / 28 / [Equestrian] / [? Foreign]
Bingham Arthur / 35 / Equestrian / [? Foreign]
Adams Henry / 35 / Ringmaster / [? Foreign]
Bannister Richard / 32 / Equestrian / [? Foreign] . . .

"ARRIVAL OF EQUESTRIAN PERFORMERS", The Argus (23 December 1854), 5 

We are informed that by the Stebonheath from London, which arrived in the Bay yesterday, a large equestrian company has arrived to fulfill an engagement with Mr. Lewis, of Astley's Amphitheatre. The performers are twenty-one in number, many of them being from the French hippodromatic establishments . . .

[Advertisement], The Age (2 January 1855), 1 

ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE, Spring Street, Sole Lessee . . . Mr. George Lewis . . . begs leave to notify to the Inhabitants of the Colony, that his long promised European Troupe of performers, have at length arrived per the "Stebonheath," and the "Champion of the Seas" . . . Leader of the Band, MR. LABALESTRIER . . . Mr. BINGHAM, Acting Manager . . . of the Cirque. Lessons in the Art of Riding, and Horses Broke for the Field or Road, by My. Labalestrier [corrected to "Mr. G. LEWIS" in later advertisements], of whom Cards of Terms may be obtained.

[Advertisement], The Argus (21 April 1855), 8 

SALLE DE VALENTINO. - To-night (Saturday) - Grand Promenade Concert and Ball. Solo clarionet, Herr Funk; solo cornet-a-piston, Mons. Labalestrier; Mons. Fleury, leader and conductor. Concert at 8; Dancing at 9. Admission, One Shilling. C. A. FRY, Proprietor.

[Advertisement], The Argus (25 April 1855), 8

[Advertisement], The Star (11 November 1857), 3


[Advertisement], The Star (19 November 1857), 3 

MONTEZUMA THEATRE. Gala Night. FRIDAY, 20th NOVEMBER For the Benefit of MONS. LABALESTRIER . . . Mons. Labalestrier Will perform the Zerline, Bendigo, and Eclipse Polkas on the Cornet-a-Piston, during the evening . . .


. . . Nor did Mr. Hancock at all disappoint us in "The trumpet shall sound," and Mr. Labalestrier's cornet obligato went far to replace the lacked trumpet . . .

"MONTEZUMA PROMENADE CONCERTS", The Star (6 October 1858), 2

. . . The orchestra play with rare excellence of instrumentation, and M. Fleury's leadership, Messrs. King and Palin's solos on the clarionet and piccolo, and M. Labalestrier's solos on the cornet, were greeted with loud and deserved applause . . .

[Advertisement], The Star (13 October 1858), 3 

. . . La Sonnambula, Bellini - Mons. Labalestrier; New Polka, Ballarat Rifle Corps, By the Monster Band - Composed by Mons. Labalestrier . . .

[Advertisement], The Star (22 October 1858), 3

[Advertisement], The Star (23 December 1858), 3

"EASTERN POLICE COURT", The Star (4 June 1860), 4

[Advertisement], The Star (22 January 1861), 3

[Advertisement], The Star (8 August 1861), 3

"LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. THE BAND OF THE B. V. R. RANGERS", The Star (14 October 1861), 1s

"THE VOLUNTEER BAND", The Star (15 May 1863), 3

Ballarat and Ballarat district directory (1865), 13, 97

[News], The Ballarat Star (13 January 1865), 2

"BALLARAT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY", The Ballarat Star (8 March 1865), 4 

. . . [correspondence] From Mr. Labalestrier, in answer to inquiries made by the Secretary of this society regarding a music band for the National Grain Show, stating that there are no regular bands of music in Ballarat, that musicians are exceedingly scarce in that town, that the best band he could provide would be an orchestral band - a sort of combination or amalgamation of stringed and wind instruments, played by professional men . . .

"EARLY CLOSING ASSOCIATION. SOIREE AND CONCERT", The Ballarat Star (21 November 1865), 3 

. . . Mr. Labelestrier [sic] then performed "Believe me if all those endearing charms," on the concertina, showing that the performer was by no means a stranger to the instrument, though he is not so well known in public, in connection with it as with other instruments. In response to an encore "The last rose of summer was given," with variations . . .

[Advertisement], The Ballarat Star (3 April 1866), 3 

[Advertisement], The Age (19 May 1866), 8 

PRINCESS'S THEATRE. Positively Last Night. THIS EVENING, SATURDAY, 19th MAY, Last GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS, By MARTIN SIMONSEN, the World-renowned Violinist, Mdme. FANNY SIMONSEN, the celebrated Prima Donna, Miss Geraldine Warden, and Mr. L. Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Labalastrier [sic] . . .

[News], Nelson Evening Mail [NZ] (1 June 1866), 2 

We would remind our readers of the attractive entertainment announced to take place this evening at the Provincial Hall, in which Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Kelly, and M. de Labalestrier, artistes of repute, who have recently arrived from Melbourne, will take part. The programme is an especially varied one, including dramatic readings, and musical selections, both vocal and instrumental, and we trust to see a large audience assembled.

[Advertisement], West Coast Times (12 July 1866), 3

MONS. LABALESTRIER, Professor of Violin, Cornet, and English Concertina, wishes engagement. Diggers' Arms Hotel.

[Advertisement], Grey River Argus (4 August 1866), 3 

KILGOUR'S UNION THEATRE. BENEFIT of MONS. LABALESTRIER. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4th. DOING" FOR THE BEST. Violin Solo, Mr. Wright. Cornet Solo, Mons. Labalestrier; English Concertina Solo, Mdme. Labaslestrier . . .

"THE NEWS OF THIS DAY", The Age (1 October 1867), 4 

The friends of Mr. Alfred Labalestrier, late bandmaster of the Ballarat Rangers, will be sorry to learn that that gentleman has met with a terrible affliction in New Zealand. A private letter from Wellington states that a short time since Mrs. Labalestrier died, and since that time the unfortunate man has gone completely mad. He refuses to attend any engagements, and labors under the hallucination that the local Government owe him £30,000 for discovering some imaginary gold-field. Mr. Labalestrier resided for more than ten years on Ballarat, and was greatly respected.

[Advertisement], Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle (9 June 1868), 1 

MUSICAL NOTICE. MONS. A. De LABALESTRIER, leader of the Ballarat Philharmonic Society, and Band-master of the Ballarat Rifle Rangers for some years, has arrived in Nelson, and is prepared to give LESSONS on the VIOLIN, ENGLISH CONCERTINA, CORNET-A-PISTON, and all Brass Instruments. Theory of Music taught. Pianofortes tuned and repaired. Bands provided. For terms, apply at Mr. STANTON'S.

[News], The Nelson Evening Mail (23 October 1868), 2 

A. Labalestrier v. W. H. Newton; this was an action to recover £4 8s. 4d. alleged to be due from the defendant for professional services rendered by the plaintiff at Westport. From the evidence, it appeared that the plaintiff had only been engaged for two nights, for which he had received payment, and he was therefore nonsuited, the defendant's costs, 14s. being allowed . . . The performance last night at the Oddfellows' Hall for the benefit of the manager, Mr. W. H. Newton, was very successful . . .

"LUNACY", Evening Post (15 November 1870), 2 

LUNACY. Alfred Labalestrier, charged on suspicion of lunacy, was remanded for medical examination.

"SHIPPING", Otago Daily Times (1 June 1881), 2

From the European Mail we learn that the Crusader, Captain Davies, from London for Otago, passed Deal on April 7th. Her passengers are . . . Steerage - Fanny Prior, Amelia Prior, Edmund Prior, Mrs. Clutsam, George Clutsam, Frederick Clutsam, and Mrs. Labalestrier.

"DEATHS", The Argus (4 December 1899), 1

LABALESTRIER. - On the 2nd December, at Albert-park, in her 90th year, Mary, beloved mother of Mrs. G. Huyler Clutsam, grandmother of Geo. H. Clutsam (London), and Fred. Clutsam (Melbourne).

"EQUITY COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1906), 15 

S. W. HANCOCK, DECEASED, AND TRUSTEE ACT. This was a petition by Benjamin Hancock and others for the payment out of the share of one Sarah Labalestrier, formerly Hancock. His Honor was asked to presume that death took place between 1863 and 1872. An order was made declaring that the parties were entitled to a refund of their respective shares.

Bibliography and resources:

George De Winton, Soldiering fifty years ago: Australia in 'the forties' (London: European Mail, 1898), 94:

Our leading lady was a Madame Labalastière [sic], whose somewhat aristocratic name was, I grieve to say, from difficulty in correct pronunciation, by many converted into Madam d--n and b---t her.

Major De Winton (99th Regiment) seems to have misremembered her as being at Sydney Theatre in the late 1840s; correctly, he would likely have seen her in Victoria in the 1850s

[Albert Labalestrier], AustLit

LABERNE, George (George LABERNE; G. LABERNE; ? alias)

Bass vocalist, buffo singer

Active Melbourne, VIC, by March 1853; Geelong, VIC, to May 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

DISAMBIGUATION: John Labern (English vocalist, songwriter)


[Advertisement], The Argus (19 March 1853), 1 

THE MELBOURNE COAL HOLE. Manchester Hotel, Queen-street, opposite the Theatre, open eyery evening at 8 o'clock, for public singing and glees. Admission, 1s. THE COAL HOLE.-Principal Singers: Messrs. Gregg, St. Albin, Cumming, Laberne, Hamilton, Goore, Moran, and Reid. Cornet à Piston, Mr. Bloor; Pianists, Hamilton & Waller.

"THE CONCERT AT THE THEATRE ROYAL", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (6 March 1854), 4 

Madame Sara Flower is beyond comparison the Prima Donna of the colony. Her singing on Saturday evening was magnificent. Rich volumes of song burst from her lips - thrilling full round notes, joyous with gladness, or mellowed down to deep pathos, speaking a universal tongue. Mrs. Moore sings best in her lower notes, which are very sweet; but her success is dubious in a higher strain-silvery enough, but wanting volume. Herr Hunerbein is an accomplished performer on the tuba basso; and Mr. Moore elicited great applause, and was encored on the solo on the violin, which was a very intricate piece of instrumentation, and novel withal. We may herd remark that continuous "encores," however flattering, must be very painful to the performers, and somewhat selfish on the part of the audience. Mr. Laberne, the buffo singer, acquitted himself creditably, but we would remind him just friendly that a little attention to stage drill is advisable even to the most graceful . . .

"THEATRE ROYAL, GEELONG", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (28 March 1854), 4 

. . . TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 28TH . . . Buffo Chaunt, by Mr. George Laberne . . .


Bass vocalist, composer

Born UK, 1834/35
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1859
Died Camden, NSW, 21 January 1910, aged 75


"THE LEVEE", The Argus (25 May 1859), 5

"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO HERR SCHMITT", Bendigo Advertiser (13 February 1863), 2

[Advertisement], The Argus (1 August 1865), 3

[Advertisement], The Argus (3 August 1865), 8

"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Argus (8 November 1865), 5

"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Argus (26 December 1865), 5

The famous bass air, "The trumpet shall sound," was sung by Mr. Labertouche, an amateur, who made his debut. He is a vocalist of much promise, for his possession of a splendid voice cannot be denied, but his execution was imperfect, and his mistakes too frequent. Those last were probably increased by the sudden and unexplained absence of the performer who was to play the trumpet obligato, which was undertaken at great disadvantage by Herr Schott, on the oboe.

[News], The Argus (20 January 1866), 5

[News], The Argus (22 January 1866), 4

The Theatre Royal was crowded on Saturday night, when the two first acts of I Puritani and Donizetti's opera buffa, L'Elisir d'Amore, were produced. I Puritani is almost strange to a Melbourne audience, having been so rarely performed here; and its introduction on Saturday was only to enable Mr. G. E. Labertouche, an amateur, to make his debut as Giorgio. In reviewing the performance, we may confine our remarks to this gentleman, for the other singers, especially Mr. Wharton, who was repeatedly hissed for his shortcomings, were so imperfect that the good nature of the hearers was tested to the utmost. From this condemnation we must exclude Mr. Loder and his orchestra, to whom the vocalists were often indebted for a veil over their deficiencies. Mr. Labertouche's reception must have been as highly gratifying to himself as his performance was to his friends. No matter what a musical amateur has gone through in private, to appear in opera in public is perhaps the severest test that could be applied, and this gentleman has now proved his possession of faculties which might with study be ripened into powers not commonly possessed by those who have not made music a profession. His voice is a Strong baritone, deficient in fibre, but excellent in tone, and his vocalization, though wanting in energy, was much better than might have been expected. His part of Giorgio was throughout delivered correctly, and his acting was not without merit, although he was evidently not at ease. We need hardly add that he was frequently and loudly applauded.

"THE OPERA", The Argus (5 February 1866), 5


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1878), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 April 1882), 2


"The Labertouche Case", Australian Town and Country Journal (21 February 1891), 13

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 January 1910), 6  

Musical works:

The Boort schottische (1865)


LACY, C. (Charlotte LACY; Miss C. LACY; LACEY)

Musician, vocalist, pianist

Active Melbourne, VIC, and Sydney, NSW, 1860


"ITALIAN OPERA", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1860), 4 

Arrangements have at length been effected by Mr. Samuel Colville, the enterprising manager of the Prince of Wales Theatre, which are shortly to result in the production here, on a scale of unequalled attraction, of the grand Opera; to be continued for one month only, four nights per week, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays - the Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays being set apart as subscription nights. With this in view engagements have been already concluded with the long expected artists, the Signora and Signor Bianchi, who arrived in this city from Victoria on Friday evening last . . . By telegraphic advices Mr. Colville is informed by his agent at Melbourne of the engagement of Miss Octavia Hamilton, of whom the Victorian Press has always spoken in the highest terms of praise. Herr Schluter, Messrs. Benham, Springhorn, and Benham, together with Mesdames Lacy and Rayment [sic, Raymond], all left Melbourne by the City of Sydney, and are expected to arrive here to-morrow night. The majority of those thus engaged have been performing in conjunction with the Bianchi, and are familiar with operas promised; a circumstance which enables the manager to ensure an unusual variety in the operatic entertainment to be afforded in the above specified time. The liberality and enterprise which have been manifested by the manager in this undertaking will doubtless be rewarded by the substantial support of the musical world of Sydney and the public at large; the more so as Mr. Colville has taken upon himself the entire expense and risk of the opera without that guarantee which he looked for some time since.

ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Colville (venue manager); Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Johann Sprinckhorn (vocalist); Italian Opera Company (troupe); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)

"COPY OF PROTEST", Empire (12 June 1860), 8 

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 March 1861), 1

TOOGOOD'S SALOON - Miss Charlotte Lacy, pianist; Mr. Gibbs, violinist, late leader of Victoria Theatre.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1861), 1 

TOOGOOD' SALOON. - Come and hear Mr. Gibbs in his celebrated Cuckoo solo every evening. TOOGOOD'S SALOON.- Miss Lacey, the celebrated pianist and ballad singer, every evening. Admission free.


Musician, violinist ("The Australian Paganini"), composer, arranger

Born ? England, c.1833 (son of Nicholas LA FEUILLADE senior, and Louise PATTON)
? Married Jane Sarah TOPHAM, St. Mary's, Chatham, Kent, England, 3 August 1857 (aged 24)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, February 1865
Married ? Annie PERRY
Died Glenferrie, VIC, 5 July 1915 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


A Mr. Feuillade, a circus riding master, and stud master, was active in Australia in 1850-51.


[Advertisement], Empire (13 February 1865), 1

"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (20 May 1865), 2

"GENERAL NEWS", The Adelaide Express (20 May 1865), 2 

. . . Mr. N. La Feuillade played the old Cuckoo solo on the violin with considerable execution . . .

[News], The Argus (13 April 1866), 5

"CONTRADICTION OF THE LOUNGER", The Cornwall Chronicle (19 March 1870), 13

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (14 March 1873), 5

Nicholas La Feuillade, of Little Bourke-street west, Melbourne, professor of music. Causes of insolvency - Want of remunerative employment, and being entirely out of employment for a long time in Melbourne and New Zealand, and in consequence of debts contracted by late partner, Frank Weston, while travelling as Weston and La Feuillade's Minstrel Company. Liabilities, £350 14s.; assets, £14; deficiency, £330 14s. Mr. H. S. Shaw, assignee.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 November 1874), 10

"THE SYDNEY MUSICAL UNION", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 November 1879), 6

"INSOLVENCY COURT", The Argus (29 May 1886), 11

"DEATHS", The Argus (6 July 1915), 1

"PERSONAL", Broken Hill Miner (9 July 1915), 2

Mr. Nicholas La Feuillade, whose death has occurred at Glenferrie (Vic.), was the last surviving member of the Christy Minstrel Troupe which, under engagement to Mr. John Washington Smith, opened in Sydney on February 20, 1865, after travels through the United Kingdom, Egypt, India, and Java. Mr. Feuillade, who was a violinist, subsequently was interested personally in several companies, and made his final appearance with Hiscock's Federal Minstrels.

Musical works:

The Weston and Hussey minstrels' book of songs, number 1 (edited by Frank Weston and N. La Feuillade) ([1869]) 

The Weston and Hussey minstrels' book of songs, Number 2 (edited by Frank Weston and N. La Feuillade) ([1869]) 

Flying Squadron galop (by N. La Feuillade, "late of H.M. Brig Arab") ([1869]) 

Tommy Dodd galop (by N. La Feuillade) ([1869]) 

For the old land's sake (written & sung by Beaumont Read; music by N. La Feuillade) ([1885]) 

Our boys welcome home (words by W. H. Leake; composed by N. La Feuillade) ([1885]) 

Bibliography and resources:

Clay Djubal, Nicholas La Feuillade, Australian variety theatre

LAGLAISE, Jean-Baptiste (Jean-Baptiste LAGLAIZE; Jean Baptiste LAGLAISE; Mons. LAGLAISE)

Musician, tenor vocalist, singer, song composer, memoirist

Born ? Belgium, 1826
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1856 (per brig What Cheer, from San Francisco, 17 December 1855)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 29 January 1859 (per Royal Charter, for England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) ( (WorldCat identities)


"Laglaise", as his name almost always appeared in Australia (Laglaize more usually later) was a member of an Italian Opera Troupe under Loder's musical direction in California in 1854/55. He was still in San Francisco late in 1855, and his last documented appearance there was advertised on 9 December. He arrived in Sydney on the What Cheer on 14 February.

At the Prince of Wales Theatre, 23 February 1856, the last night of Anna Bishop's first opera season was also the "First appearance in Australia of the celebrated tenor, MONS. LAGLAISE, (who will appear for this night only)" in "the Grand Opera of NORMA".

Two original songs by Laglaise are documented, both in Adelaide in August-September 1858:

Hearts and souls (words; Byron; "Song composed in Adelaide by Mons. Laglaise") ("English Song, composed in Adelaide by Mons. Laglaise, sung for the first time by Miss Rowe") [Adelaide: Penman & Galbraith, 1858]

My native land ("English song composed in Adelaide by Mons. Laglaise, poetry by Lord Byron. Sung for the first time by Mons. Laglaise")

Addendum 2013

(From information kindly supplied by Alister Hardiman): Laglaise's (? French) naturalization record is indexed at Antwerp Police Records; he had married, Marie Lorquin (b. c.1830). They had at least 3 children, Ernest (b. Australia, 1858); Leon (b. France); and Marie (b. 1865 France), who married singer Charles Rene [Chs. Olivier Rene Bibaud] in 1899 after a divorce from first husband, the pianist Etienne Auguste Jean Monselet, youngest son of the journalist, Charles Monselet. Ernest was an ornithologist, Leon a botanist, both travelers. Ernest stayed in Paris, Leon became a citizen of the USA. Their maternal grandfather, Pierre Joseph Michel Lorquin had been a famous butterfly man (born Versailles, see his wiki for further info) and had journeyed to America for that pursuit. Late in life he published at least five books.


"California", The Musical World 11/1 (6 January 1855), 4

"SHIPPING", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 February 1856), 4 

February 14. - What Cheer, American barque, 860 tons, Captain Baker, from San Francisco 17th December. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Moey, Messrs. G. Laylase [sic], W. Jackson, Russell and 2 sons, and 43 in steerage. Captain, agent.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 February 1856), 1

"HEARTS AND SOULS", South Australian Register (23 August 1858), 1

"MUSIC", South Australian Register (23 August 1858), 2

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (24 September 1858), 1

"CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star (Ballarat) (11 January 1859), 3

"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", The Age (4 February 1859), 6 

Since the close of the opera at the Princess's Theatre, a circumstance chiefly attributable to the ungenerous tone of criticism adopted by a section of the Melbourne press, the company have been dispersed over the various mining communities in search of employment in their professional capacities. We believe they have been only moderately successful. The company included the names of Madame Carandini, Misa O. Hamilton, Miss Julia Harland, Mrs. Hancock, Mons. Laglaise, Signor Coulon, Mr. Sherwin, and Mr. Hancock. Mons. Laglaise has since left, per Royal Charter, for England, and Mr. Farquharson for India.

Documentation (after Australia):

Annales du Théâtre-royal d'Anvers (1861-62),124

Giovanni Laglaise, ténor léger

Le Ménestrel 30-31 (1862), 411

M. Laglaize, ténor au type béarnaise.

Le guide musical 8-10 (1869)

M. Laglaize, ténor, a une voix gutturale et une façon de jouer la comédie qui nuisent beaucoup à son talent de chanteur.

Literary works:

Jean-Baptiste Laglaize, Fantouches d'opéra (Paris: Tresse, 1881), especially 82 

L'Australie est depuis longtemps tributaire des chanteurs italiens: Sydney leur prodigue ses bank-notes, tandis que l'aurifère Melbourne les sature de lingots. LaTasmanie, la Nouvelle-Zélande sont initiées aux partitions de Bellini, Rossini, Verdi et consorts. San-Francisco possède de deux thèâtres italiens, deux de plus qu'à Paris! Honolulu! . . . Honolulu lui-même, vient de céder à l'entrainement, et, l'on m'assure que les Polynésiens viennent de voter une subvention en vue d'un thèâtre italien . . .

Figurines dramatiques (1882)

Pantins et marionettes (1884)

And two historical novels, Eureka (1885) and Lutèce (1888).


Musician, brass player

Active Melbourne, VIC, by June 1854


[Advertisement], The Argus (10 June 1854), 8 

ROWE'S CIRCUS. Concert Extraordinary.
A Band of Italian Musicians, whose talent was unsurpassed in their native country, having recently arrived in this colony, will have the honor of making their first appearance in Melbourne, and giving a grand Concert at Rowe's Circus, on Saturday evening, June 10th, 1854.
Having made arrangements with Caverly Volunteer Fire Company to appear with it on all public occasions, the Band has received permission to take its name and wear its uniform.
The Band will therefore be known as the Caverly Volunteer Band.
It consists of A. Rangoni, Manager, Cornet-a-pistons; Angelo Lagomarsino, Basso; Francesco Volpi, Clarinetto; Giacinto Gagliardi, Flauto; Giovanni Abba, Trombone; Allessandro Belloni, Basso; and Giovanni Grenno, Casa. Herr Ellerner [sic, ? Elsasser] will preside at the piano . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Antonio Rangoni (musician, leader); Francesco Volpi (musician); Giacinto Gagliardi (musician, flautist); Giovanni Abba (musician); Alessandro Bellomi (musician); Giovanni Grenno (musician); ? Charles Elsasser (pianist)

Passenger list, per Charlotte, for Valparaiso, from Melbourne, 21 October 1854; Public Record Office of Victoria (DIGITISED)

Angelo Lagomarsino / 33 / Musico / [for] Valparaiso
Giovanni Abba / 29 / Musico / . . .
Maria Abba / 30 / . . .

LAHY, James (James LAHY; Jim LAHY)

Musician, trombone player, bandsman

Active Sydney, C. 1860


"OLD SYDNEY", Truth (30 January 1910), 11 

LAING, Alexander (Alexander LAING)

Musician, violinist, violin player, fiddler, composer, musical anthologist, convict, constable

Born Forfarshire, Scotland, 1792
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 29 September 1813 (convict per Marquis of Wellington and Emu)
Died Sorell, TAS, 2 September 1868, aged 77 (TROVE tagged)

Short biography (Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office):

Summary (after SL-TAS above):

Laing was a soldier, convict, colonist, police constable in the Sorell district, a musician (fiddler) and composer. He joined the army in 1810, was charged with stealing and transported to Van Diemen's Land in 1813, though he claimed to have served 7 years as a soldier in the 22nd Gordon Highlanders and been present at the Battle of Salamanca in Spain in 1812. He was sentenced to seven years and transported at the age of 23 on the Marquis of Wellington to NSW and the Emu. On the 19 March 1816 at St David's, Hobart he married Esther Robertson (or Hester Roberts) aged 22 (convict, tried in Warwick, 1814, arrived on the Northampton, 1815, and Emu, 1816).

In his journal in November 1816 he described how he was ordered to play the violin for the bushrangers, Michael Howe and his friends, when they visited his master's house at Sorell. The violin had been hanging on the wall "in a green bag", he noted. Laing was chief constable of in the Sorell (Pittwater) district 1819-38. He kept a diary, of which fragments survive and compiled a fiddle manuscript, featuring jigs, strathspeys, hornpipes, marches, reels and waltzes (many by Nathanial Gow, ancestor of the Tasmanian Packers), including some music titled (or in most cases retitled) to local Tasmanian identities. Many of these were dedicated to local personalities and their titles recall both the historical characters of early Tasmania and trace with their dates, the movement of Laing from one township to another over his career as a constable, a unique mid-colonial example of Australian fiddling.


"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner (8 September 1868), 2 

DEATHS. LAING - On Sept. 2nd, at Green Hills, Forcett, Alex. Laing, sen., aged 77.


Alexander Laing's "diary", 8 December 1857 (in Newitt family papers); SL-TAS, NS1332/1/12

Alexander Laing's fiddle manuscript; photographic copy: SL-TAS/TAHO NS 548/1/1; digitised and freely downloadable complete as a pdf (DIGITISED)

43 pages of violin tunes, copied onto 12-stave manuscript paper; evidently copied by Laing as a unit, sometime after the last dated item (24 January 1861), intended as a presentation copy to be given as a gift to Robert Rollings (1842-1927), of Forcett, Tasmania, in 1863 ("Presented to Mr. Robert Rollings Forcett by Alexander Laing at the Greenhills 1863"). The many items either dated or named for Tasmanian people and events include:

Sorell Waltz (page 1; pdf 3)

Victoria Laing's Waltz (page 1; pdf 3)

Tasmanian Waltz (page 2; pdf 4)

Albert Laing's Waltz (page 3; pdf 5)

Dr Huston's Birth Day 1813 (page 11; pdf 13)

James Gordon Forcett Tasmania by A. L[aing] (page 13; pdf 15)

Mrs. W. Clark Honolulu (page 14; pdf 16) [the Clarke family were passengers on board the Caroline, wrecked off Honolulu in 1850]

Miss L. Price's Wedding at New Norfolk 24/1/61 (page 17; pdf 19)

Betsy Blinkworth at Newtown V.D.Land (page 17; pdf 19)

Miss Gordon's Hornpipe by J. Laing (page 23; pdf 25)

Sir John Franklin near the North Pole (page 25; pdf 27)

Major Kirkwood 40th Regiment 1825 (page 25; pdf 27)

Lieutenant Governor Sorell V.D.Land 1817 (page 26; pdf 28)

Lady Elizabeth M[ac]Qaurie at New Norfolk 1812 (page 27; pdf 29)

Lieut. H[enr]y Brown Derwent Rifles 1860 (page 27; pdf 29)

Miss Victoria Laing's Birth Day 19/4/51 (page 28; pdf 30)

Quick Step Derwent Rifles NEw Norfolk by A. L. (page 28, pdf 30)

Albert Laing's Birth Day 15-2-55 (page 29; pdf 31)

Steam Boat (page 29; pdf 31)

Lieutenant Governor Davey of Tasmania in 1815 (page 30; pdf 32)

Quick step of the 21st Fusiliers (page 30; pdf 32)

Dr. Moore on parade with the Derwent Rifles (page 32; pdf 34)

Quick step of the 17th Regiment (page 32; pdf 34)

Humours of Bagdad (page 42; pdf 43)

Lauchlan Village near New Norfolk (page 45; pdf 46)

Brady's look out in 1825 (page 46; pdf 48)

Richmond Park Tasmania (page 46; pdf 48)

See Peter MacFie's excellent complete inventory and list of concordances: 

James Gordon, Forcett, Tasmania; by A. L.

Laing inscribes three items to himself, either "by A. L." or by "A. Laing", and one "by W. L.". MacFie has shown two of these appear not to be original, but he could not trace a concordance for "James Gordon, Forcett, Tasmania by A. L." (image above; an old colonist James Gordon died at Forcett on 18 August 1842). At least one of the events recorded in a tune title, the visit of Elizabeth Macquarie to New Norfolk in 1812, predates Laing's own arrival in Tasmania, and so must date from somewhat later. Whether a piece such as "Major Kirkwood 40th Regiment 1825" was actually re-titled that early (1825) remains open to question.

Bibliography and resources:

Freda Gray, "Music of the early settlements of the 1800s", Papers and Proceedings (Tasmanian Historical Research Association) 43/2 (June 1996), 59-62

Peter MacFie and Steve & Marjorie Gadd, On the fiddle from Scotland to Tasmania, 1815-1863: the life and music of Alexander Laing (1792-1868), convict, constable, fiddler and composer (Dulcot, Tas: Peter MacFie; Franklin, Tas: Steve and Marjorie Gadd, 2010)

Heather Clarke, "Lady Franklin's Reel", posted 5 May 2015, Australian colonial dance 

Shane Lestideau, "Laing, Findlay and Baillie: identifying Scottishness is the music collections of three Scottish Australian violinists", in Rosemary Richards and Julja Szuster (eds), Memories of musical lives: music and dance in personal musical collections from Australia and New Zealand (Melbourne: Lyrebird Press/Editions de l'oiseau-lyre, Australia, 2022), 53-71

LAING, David (David LAING)

Musical larcenist

Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1837


"Hobart Town Police Court", Colonial Times (13 June 1837), 8

David Laing was held to bail for further examination on a musical charge. Having evinced such a soul for music, that he was about marching off with all Band Major McLeod's instruments.

LAKE, J. and/or T. (J. LAKE; ? T. LAKE)

Amateur vocalist(s)

Active SA, 1850s and 1860s


"PORT ADELAIDE INSTITUTE. OPENING SOIREE", South Australian Register (12 October 1859), 3

The first soiree in connection with the Port Adelaide Institute was held, as announced, on Monday evening, in the large room at the White Horse Cellar . . . The entertainment was commenced with a glee, "Through lanes with hedgerows," which was executed in a most pleasing manner by Mrs. Perryman, Mrs. Daniel, Miss Bowman, and Messrs. Daniel, Christen, and Lake . . .

LAKE, John (John LAKE)

Amateur musician, bass vocalist, choral conductor

Born Bath, England, c.1830
Arrived VIC, 1855
Died Ballarat, VIC, 22 January 1911, aged 81 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S PERFORMANCE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (5 March 1859), 2 

The Theatre Royal was filled last evening by an audience of that peculiar character that a Philharmonic Society's performance on a charitable benefit always calls together, and we believe that it comprised most of our principal citizens. Haydn's Imperial Mass was the first part of the programme, and its rendering was highly creditable to the society, who evince a very respectable amount of musical knowledge, aptly united to industry and zeal . Of the pieces in the mass, the "Gloria" and "Agnus Dei" were those most admired. The solo parts were taken by Mesdames Turner and Moss, and Messrs. Lake and Sherwin. This is the first time Mr. Lake has come before us as a soloist, and his performance has at once placed him in a high position in general estimation . . .

"PERSONAL ITEMS", The Ballarat Star (23 January 1911), 2 

Mr. John Lake, who had been for nearly half a century one of Ballarat's foremost musical enthusiasts, passed away at his home Dana street, yesterday morning, after an illness of several weeks duration. The deceased, who was 81 years of age was born in Bath, England, where his father was manager of the local Gas Company. He arrived in Ballarat in 1855, and a few years afterwards received an appointment in the office of the Ballarat Gas Company. He was for 37 years a valued officer of the company, and retired from active service about 14 years ago. Mr. Lake had two pronounced hobbies, music and flowers. He was for years one of Ballarat's favorite vocalists. He was a foundation member of St. Patrick's Cathedral Choir, and frequently acted as conductor of the choir. He was a generous hearted man, always ready to do a good turn, and always ready to place his musical talents at the disposal of charity. As a recognition of his services in this respect, Mr. Lake, who was for years a member of the Benevolent Asylum committee, was made a life governor of the institution. His love for flowers led him to take a prominent part in the formation of the Ballarat Horticultural Society, and for some years he acted as secretary of that organisation. From respect to the memory of deceased the "Dead March" in "Saul" was played at the eleven o'clock mass at St. Patrick's and the "Qui Tollis," a favorite solo of Mr. Lake's was sung by the choir in the evening. The members of the choir have also expressed a wish to sing the Benedictus at the graveside at the old cemetery on Tuesday, when the funeral will take place. The deceased leaves a grown up family of three sons and two daughters. One son, Mr. John Lake, holds a responsible position in Nicaragua, Central America, as engineer for an English syndicate, while another, Mr. Bert Lake, owns a large general store at Bridgetown, West Australia.


Circus and equestrian performer, acrobat, tight-rope dancer

Arrived Hobart, TAS, 5/7 January 1854 (per Walter Scott, from Mauritius, 30 November 1853)
Departed NSW, after 9 June 1857 (for India)
Died India, August 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Dalle Case (common law partner, and performing partner)

LAMAR, Monsieur de (Mons. de LAMAR; M. de LAMAR)

Vocalist, pianist, professor of the pianoforte and singing (lately from Paris, pupil of Banderali, Stoepel, Turina, Martelli, &c.)

Active Sydney, NSW, August to October 1850


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1850), 1

MR. STANLEY'S GRAND CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, IN THE SALOON OF THE ROYAL HOTEL, ON FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 9th, 1850 . . . Mr. Stanley . . . will also be assisted by Miss Sara Flower, Madame Carandini, Monsieur De Lamar, (lately from Paris, pupil of Baudevali, Martelli, &c) Mr. Waller, and Mr. Baly . . . PROGRAMME. PART 1 . . . [7] Romanza, "Una furtivi lagrima" (from L'Elisir D'Amore) . . . Monsieur De Lamar . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1850), 1

MONSIEUR DE LAMAR, FROM PARIS. Pupil of Banderali, Stoepel, Turina, Martelli, &c, PROFESSOR OF PIANO AND SINGING, In the Italian style, And of the French, Italian, and Spanish Languages, TERMS: For Music, 5 5 0 per quarter, Two lessons a week. Two lessons Languages, 3 3 0 [per quarter, Two lessons a week.] Address at Grocott's Music Saloon, George street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1850), 1

A GOOD SHILLING'S WORTH. GROCOTT'S CONCERT will be held TO-MORROW EVENING, at the ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. The services of Mrs. Guerin, Messrs. Howson, Monsieur Longchamp, Monsieur De Lamar, Mr. Stanley, pianist, and others, have been secured. The following PROGRAMME will convince the most sceptical that the bill of fare offered is well worth the amount named: . . . 6. Aria Italian - La Pastorelle. - Rossini, Mons. De Lamar . . . 8. Double Duet on two pianofortes, being 1st and 2nd Prizes in Grocott's Art Union, never before attempted in the colony, Mr. Stanley, F. Howson, J. Howson, and Mons. De Lamar . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 October 1850), 1

SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT. MISS SARA FLOWER and MADAME CARANDINI take this opportunity of informing their numerous subscribers that their First Concert will positively take place on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 . . . PROGRAMME. PART 1 . . . 6. Aria - Vivi tu - Mr. De Lamar, Donizetti . . . PART 2 . . . 2. Quintetto, from the Opera of Sonnambula - Miss Sara Flower, Mr. J. Howson, Mad. Carandini, Mr. De Lamar, and Mr. F. Howson - Bellini . . . 9. Ballad - In this old Chair - Mr. De Lamar - Balfe . . .

LAMB, Robert (Robert LAMB)

Piano maker

Active VIC, 1859-60 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)



LAMBERT, Harriet (Mrs. Harry LAMBERT) = Harriet JONES

Actor, vocalist

LAMBERT, Joseph Charles (Joseph Charles LAMBERT; J. C. LAMBERT)

Actor, vocalist

Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by December 1854 (per Earl of Eglinton, from England)
Died England, 1875 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Actor, vocalist


[Advertisement], The Argus (12 December 1854), 8 

TO Theatrical Managers, &c. - Two eminent Comedians, Mr. Lambert of the Theatres Royal, Drury-lane, Covent Garden, and Haymarket, London; and Mr. Mungall, of the Theatres Royal, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dundee, are on their passage to Australia. All managers of theatres desirous of entering into negotiations with the gentlemen will please address them to the care of Mr. STANTON LAMBERT, at Richmond, near Sheedy's Royal Hotel.


"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1855), 4

LAMBLE, Samuel (Samuel William Mann LAMBLE; S. W. LAMBLE; Mr. LAMBLE

Musician, bass vocalist, singing instructor, teacher of singing and sol-fa

Born Trinidad, West Indies, 1838
Active Creswick, VIC, by 1861 (via Lancs., England, 1851 census)
Died Brighton, VIC, 13 September 1918, aged 80 years and 5 months


Lamble, who made his Melbourne debut in 1869, was the bass soloist in the first performance of Horsley's Euterpe at the opening of the Melbourne Town Hall in August 1870.


? "CLUNES (From our own Correspondent) 13th February", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (16 February 1861), 4 

A concert was given yesterday by the amateurs of Clunes, for the benefit of the sufferers by the late fire on Ballarat . . . It was a matter of surprise to most of the audience that many difficult pieces could be so admirably presented by our juvenile professionals. Mr. Alpen was very excellent as pianist. Mr. Lancashire was conductor . . . The Lamble family numbered Messrs. S. J. and T. Lamble, who severally were applauded. Mr. Lamble sang a German air, which was well received . . .

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (27 June 1863), 2

"OPENING OF THE NEW TOWN HALL", The Argus (10 August 1870), 5-6

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 March 1875), 12

[Advertisement], The Argus (14 August 1875), 12

"BALLARAT", Bendigo Advertiser (13 December 1879), 3

Outside Opera the two best known bassos in Victoria are, probably, Sam Lamble and B. T. Moroney, of Melbourne, but we have a Jones here, "the only Jones" who can sing bass here, and a member of the pro-Cathedral choir, who is in many people's opinion better than either Lamble or Moroney.

"TONIC SOL-FA ASSOCIATION", The Argus (18 November 1890), 7

"WESLEYAN CHURCH FESTIVITIES", Mornington Standard (8 February 1894), 2

"MELBOURNE", The Independent (8 February 1901), 12

"Doncaster Glee Club", Reporter (6 June 1902), 3

"DEATHS", Leader (21 September 1918), 55

LAMBLE, Thomas James (Thomas James LAMBLE; T. J. LAMBLE; brother of the above)

Musician, professor of music, conductor, music lithographer, music librarian (Philharmonic Society)

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1875
Died South Melbourne, VIC, 16 September 1915

LAMBLE, Mary Ann (Mrs. T. J. LAMBLE)

Musician, pianist, organist

Died Hawthorn, VIC, 7 November 1900


"LOCAL NEWS", Mercury [Fitzroy] (15 May 1875), 4

Our Local Philharmonic Society gave their third concert on Thursday evening at the Town Hall Fitzroy . . . Giorza's Mass No. 1, scored by Mr. Lamble, received full justice from both choir and orchestra . . . Mrs. Lamble did good service at the organ and pianoforte. The less said the better about the audience. We do not remember to have seen a poorer audience at a concert yet held in Collingwood or Fitzroy. This is to be regretted, and we can only conclude that the inhabitants of Fitzroy have not yet been imbued with a taste for high class music.

"THE MAYOR AND MR. LAMBLE", The Argus (30 October 1875), 5

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (7 February 1876), 5

Thomas James Lamble, of Napier street, Fitzroy, music lithographer. Causes of insolvency -Want of constant employment and illness of family. Liabilities, £254 18s 2d; assets, £50 6s 6d; deficiency, £204 11s. 8d. Mr. Jacomb, assignee. 

"THE TONIC SOL-FA SYSTEM. TO THE EDITOR", The Argus (29 May 1890), 5

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 May 1893), 6

"DEATHS", The Argus (8 November 1900), 1

"Seven Years Chronic Cataract of Eyes Cured", Barrier Miner (17 November 1906), 3

"DEATHS", The Argus (18 September 1915), 11

LA MONT, Mrs. J. S. (Mrs. J. S. LA MONT)

Amateur composer, songwriter, school teacher

Active Hobart, TAS, 1859



"NATIONAL SONG", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (25 October 1859), 2

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (16 February 1861), 3

Our own Tasmanian Home, Words and music by Mrs. and Miss Lamont

[Advertisement], The Mercury (14 January 1863), 1 

"OIL PAINTINGS", The Mercury (1 January 1883), 2

Musical work:

Our own Tasmanian home (national song) (words: E. La Mont; composed and dedicated by permission to Lady Young) (Hobart: J. Walch, [1859]) 

See also:

[Collection of pamphlets on mainly Australian and New Zealand poetry]

LAMONT, Henry (Henry LAMONT)

Musician, pianist, concertina player

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1856


[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1856), 8 

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 March 1856), 8 

HAVE you heard the unrivalled Concertina Player, Mr. H. Lamont, at the Napoleon III. Hotel.
IMMENSE ATTRACTION at the Napoleon III. Hotel. Mr, Linsey, the admired Pianist, has been engaged.
IF you wish to Enjoy a good Evening's Amusement, go to the Napoleon III.

NAPOLEON III. - Great Attraction. Free Concert. Conductor, Mr. Linsey; Pianist, Mr. Lamont; Violinist, Mr. Hill.

LAMONT, Maria Augusta (Maria Augusta BARDONLEAN; Mrs. Edward Butler LAMONT; Madame LAMONT)

Musician, contralto vocalist, professor of singing and the pianoforte

Born England, ? c. 1820; daughter of Rene and Esther BARDONLEAN
Married Edward Butler LAMONT, St. Augustine, Bristol, England, 11 April 1837
Arrived Sydney, NSW, February 1855 (per Abdallah, from London, 26 October 1854)
Died Parramatta, NSW, 7 August 1872, aged 48 [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Having first appeared as an associate artist for Miska Hauser in April 1855, Lamont suffered "a long and serious illness" before she first advertised as a teacher in July 1856.


[Advertisement], The Empire (18 April 1855), 1

"MISKA HAUSER'S SECOND GRAND CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 April 1855), 5

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 April 1855), 1

[Advertisement], Empire (30 July 1856), 1

"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 August 1856), 6

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1859), 12

"PARRAMATTA. PUBLIC SCHOOL", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1868), 5

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 August 1872), 1 

On the 7th instant, at Ross-street, Parramatta, Madame MARIA AUGUSTA LAMONT, the beloved wife of Edward Butler Lamont, Esq., of Monydrain, Argyleshire, Scotland, aged 48.



Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1829 (but perhaps partly fictional)


"Daring Robbery", Launceston Advertiser (20 July 1829), 3

On Tuesday night Mr. Lawrence Jun. and two of his friends were spending the evening at an estate of his father's, scarcely a mile from Launceston; they had been in the garden, just after dark, about six o'clock in the evening, and had just entered the house when some persons burst in at the back door, and presenting a gun at thex breasts ordered them into the front parlour . . . They did not remain long in the house, but while there a neighbour, Mr. John Lamont came into the house, and began playing a tune on his bag-pipes, but the robbers not being musically inclined, peremptorily ordered him to desist; one of the gentlemen then shewed him his hands tied . . .

LAMOUREUX, Monsieur = stagename of Henry Osborn THOMPSON

Basso vocalist

Active Sydney, NSW, 1857

LAMOUREUX, Clara (Madame Clara LAMOUREUX) = stagename of Clara BOOTH THOMPSON

Mezzo-soprano vocalist

Active Sydney, NSW, 1859-61 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], Empire (5 May 1857), 1 

PARRAMATTA. THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY'S CONCERT, at Mr. Williams's Hotel, Woolpack Inn, on THURSDAY next, assisted by Mr. I. DAVIS, the Inimitable Violinist, from the Prince of Wales Theatre, and Monsieur LAMOUREUX, the eminent Basso, from the Hanover-square Rooms, London. Seats, 2s. 6d.;, reserved ditto, 5s. To commence at 8 o'clock.


Soprano vocalist (St. James's choir)

Active Sydney, NSW, 1827-29


"ST. JAMES'S CHURCH", The Monitor (3 September 1827), 3

. . . The person who sings a second also in an evening, often begins and continues to lead, in lieu of following Mrs. Lancaster. If the singers would but let the last person really lead, and not only sing under her, but also after her, they would improve the evening choir much. In the morning, Mrs. L. in the piano parts, refrains too much. She need not be afraid of being a little louder in the piano parts. If her pronunciation were as pleasing as her notes, she would be entitled unqualified praise. But at present, she pronounces badly.

[News], The Sydney Monitor (11 October 1828), 5

THE choir of St. James's, after attempting Jubilate Deo, in which they failed, have lately ventured in the evening upon Deus Misereatur. They succeed in this just as perfectly as they fail in the other. Both pieces are exquisite compositions. If a preference be to be given, it is perhaps to Jubilate Deo, because while the harmony, originality, and adaptation of sound to sense, are equal to those of Deus misereatur, the chorus's are more contrasted, and consequently the effect is greater. In Jubilate Deo, we can never hear Mrs. Lancaster, whose voice, from its strength and clear ness, is well adapted to anthems. In Deus Misereatur, it is strong and effective. We cannot understand how the same talents, which succeed so well, in the one anthem, fail so completely in the other. The counter in Jubilate Deo appears to be the air, because Mrs. L. and those who ought to sing, the air, cannot be heard. Hence the fine effect of a counter is lost, for the counter makes a bad first part. If the first and second part were full, the voice of the counter-singer, which is really good if he dare put forth his strength, would produce a delightful effect. But by itself, the counter of course sounds artificially, and makes poor harmony.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Monitor (13 October 1827), 5 

THE choir of St. James's, after attempting Jubilate Deo . . . [as above]

Colonial Secretary LC, Cash vouchers 1829, State Archives NSW, 4/296 (transcr. Rushworth 1988, 363, corrected)

[St. James's Church], Chaplain Hill, £250 [per annum]; Clerk, 20; Collector of Pew Rents, 5; Sexton, 20; Beadles (2), 15 each; Pew openers (2), 10 each; Teacher of the Choir and Organist, Mr. Pearson, £26; ditto, for tuning the organ, 8; Singers, Harriet Edmonds, 10; Ann Lancaster, 5; E. Hoare, J. Parton, G. Shepherd, Wm. Aldis, R. Cooper, S. Pawsey, 5 each; Organ blower, Geo. Mills, 4 6s 8d; Watchman, 13; Grave Digger, 13.


Composer, author

Active Australia, 1850 (returned to London by 1852)


Lancelott's 1852 account of his travels, Australia as it is, has several comments on music and music making in the colonies, notably on corroborees (vol. 1 , 24-25), music in Adelaide (vol. 1, 141), and in "free and easy" public houses in Melbourne (vol. 2, 112-114).

While in Adelaide in 1850, he set to music (perhaps to an existing tune) what was described as an "anti-road and dray tax song", when it was published by Charles Platts in July. Sung at a meeting of the Anti-dray tax League the previous month, it was We've sever'd ourselves from our friends and home ("a song set to music dedicated to . . . Alexander Anderson, Esq." [Chairman of the Anti-Dray Tax League]). The words only survive, beginning:

We've severed ourselves from our friends and home,
And far over the ocean we've come, my boys,
To reap from our toil in this sunny soil,
A better reward than at home, my boys . . .

Lancelott described himself as a "mineralogical surveyor in the Australian colonies".

Whether or not he was related to the composer Francis Lancelott, editor of the Musical bouquet in the mid 1840s, is unclear; see, for instance, by that Lancelott, and originally published in the Musical bouquet, Trust her not! ("translated from the German by Longfellow; music by Lancelott"), a musical supplement to The Adelaide miscellany (3 December 1868).


"ANTI-DRAY TAX LEAGUE", South Australian Register (28 June 1850), 3

[Advertisement], South Australian (2 July 1850), 3


Australia as it is: its settlements, farms, and gold fields (London: Colburn and Co., 1852) (volume 1) (volume 2)

Bibliography and resources:

Peter Gammond, The musical bouquet, a study of a music publisher 1845-1917, website 

LANE, Miss (Miss LANE)


LANE, Mr. (Mr. LANE)


Active Sydney, NSW, 1838-39


Mr. Lane was an instrumentalist at William Vincent Wallace's Oratorio in Sydney in February 1838.

According to eyewitness, Columbus Fitzpatrick, a Miss Lane sang for James Aquinas Reid at St. Mary's in 1839.


"THE ORATORIA", The Sydney Herald (5 February 1838), 2

Mr. Wallace, as usual was the star of the instrumental performers, and was assisted by Mr. W.'s brother, Messrs. Deane, Cavendish, Edwards, Spyer, Josephson, Lane, and the full Band of the 50th regiment.


. . . I have seen Dr. Reid, who was a great man, assisted by his sisters and Miss Lane and a great body of singers . . .

Bibliography and resources:

C. J. Duffy (ed.), Catholic religious and social life in the Macquarie era: as portrayed in the letters of Columbus Fitzpatrick (1810-1878) (Sydney: Catholic Press Newspaper Company, Ltd., 1966), 17-19

Patrick O'Farrell, Documents in Australian Catholic history: 1788-1883 (Sydney: G. Chapman, 1969), 32-33

LANE, Mr. (Mr. LANE)

Actor, vocalist

Active Sydney, NSW, 1830s-42
Active Adelaide, SA, 1842

LANG, John Dunmore (John Dunmore LANG; J. D. LANG; Dr. LANG)

Presbyterian cleric, controversialist, poet, hymn writer (NLA persistent identifier)


Musician, bassoonist, bassoon player

Born Sevenoaks, Kent, England, 29 December 1854
Active Australia, June 1888 to July 1895
Died ? England, ?



"EXHIBITION NOTES", The Argus (12 June 1888), 5

"EVENING POPULAR CONCERT", The Argus (10 September 1888), 9

We believe it is something like 20 years since a bassoon solo has been heard in Melbourne, though we do not think it will be anything like that time before one is heard again. The bassoon, with its great compass and its vox humana upper notes, is, in the hands of a skilful artist, capable of producing extraordinary effects. Mr. P. Langdale is an exceptionally gifted bassoon player, able to perform wonders with it, and he is also, as is very obvious from his performance, possessed of a fund of humour, in which he and his instrument are perfectly at home together. His rendering of the air with variations on "Lucy Long," by F. Godfrey, was so good and yet so irresistibly funny that he had also to submit to an encore. The encore number was decidedly comic, as evincing a serious disinclination to return to "Home, Sweet Home," till "Early in the morning."

"Mr. Philip Langdale", Table Talk (21 June 1889), 15

Mr. Philip Langdale was born on December 20, 18r4, at Sevenoaks, Kent . . . Subsequently Mr. Langdale had occasion to play at the Olympic Theatre, London, with Mr. Winterbottom as conductor, but that gentleman cast a wet blanket over the young man's hopes by declaring he never would make a bassoon player. This statement is all the more remarkable, as Mr. Langdale has been the only bassoon player who has caught the public taste in Melbourne since Mr. Winterbottom's phenomenal success here . . .

Links: John Winterbottom

"MUSIC. CONCERTS, &c.", The Australasian (6 July 1895), 32

The only other solo instrumentalist was Mr. Phil Langdale, who, with his bassoon, made his final bow to Melbourne audiences, as he departed on the following day (Tuesday) from I these shores by the German steamer Darmstadt. The best performer on his instrument perhaps that we have ever had here, Mr. Langdale will be badly missed, and it does not speak well for the progressive state of musical art in what was once considered the most musical city of Australia, that so accomplished an executant should have been allowed to remain comparatively idle, through lack of orchestral and other engagements, until he found it necessary to pack up his traps and move on to a more musically enlightened community - where assuredly his services will be in request On Monday he was encored after both his solos and subsequently presented by Mr. Byron Moore (vice-president) with a ticket for the passage home, which had been purchased by the money previously subscribed by his many friends and admirers. In making the presentation, Mr. Byron Moore aptly described the recipient as "a good musician and a very good fellow," and expressed regret that it was not a return ticket. Mr. Langdale briefly returned thanks, and re marked that when times got better he hoped to find his way back again, and that therefore he would not now say good-bye, but "au revoir." Mr. G. B. Fentum and Mr. Ernest Wood supplied the pianoforte accompaniments.

LANGFORD, Mr. (Mr. LANGFORD; probably George LANGFORD)

Amateur vocalist, merchant

Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), August 1821 (free, per Grace, from London)


"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Tasmanian (27 August 1830), 6 

. . . Bishop's beautiful glee "The Foresters" was then sung most admirably by Messrs. Pemfriest, Bock, Marshall, and Langford . . . Bishop's glee "Beam of Light," then followed by Miss Ludgater, Messrs. Deane, Bock, and Langford . . . And Messrs. Deane, Bock, and Langford, sung the well known glee "Life's a bumper," which is by no means of easy performance, in a manner highly creditable to them . . .

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 September 1831), 1 

ADVERTISEMENT . . . The following are the details of the proceeds of the Concert on the 21st of Sept., 1831, viz:-
Amount received for tickets sold £38 17 0
Paid Mr. J. E. Cox for refreshment for performers and band £6 5 6
Paid Mrs. Hodges 2 2 0
Do. Mr. Williams, Master of the band 2 2 0
Do. 3 men from do. 1 10 0
Do. door-keeper 0 10 0
Advertisements 1 7 0
Concert bills 2 10 0
Music paper and copying 1 12 6
Mr. Deane and family ---
Mr. J. E. Cox. ---
Mr. Langford. ---
Mr. Marshall ---
Mr. Hickson, 63d band ---
Mr. Hance. ---
Mr. Bock. ---
[Subtotal outlays] £17 19 0 . . . [Net proceeds] £20 18 0 . . .
. . . Balance due Mr. Deane - £43 13 4


LAPORTE, Miss (Miss LAPORTE; Mrs. George SIMS)

Actor, comedian, vocalist

Died Sydney, NSW, 1880


"DEATH OF MISS LAPORTE", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (17 June 1880), 2 

LARDNER, William (William LARDNER; Dr. William LARNER; Dr. LARDNER)

Musician, vocalist, composer, military surgeon

Born Dublin, Ireland, 3 February 1803; baptised St. Mary's, Dublin, 10 February 1803; son of William O'Brien LARNDER and Mary Ann KNIGHTLY
Active Melbourne, VIC, June 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Baptisms, St. Mary (CoI), Dublin, 1803; Irish church records (DIGITISED)

/ Feb'y 10 / W'm son of W'm O'Brien & Mary Ann Lardner / Born 3 [February 1803]

"ACCOUNT OF THE EPIDEMIC WHICH ATTACKED THE BRITISH AUXILIARY LEGION IN THE WINTER OF 1835-36, AT VITTORIA IN SPAIN. William Lardner Esq., Surgeon to the 1st, or Reyna Isabel, Regt. of Lancers", The lancet 28/725 (22 July 1837, 622-25 (PAYWALL)

As no account (at least to my knowlegde) of the epidemic which committed such havoc in the Auxillary Legion, has yet been published, a few remarks, founded on sad and ample experience, may contain interest enough to find a place for them in the pages of THE LANCET . . .

[Advertisement], Morning Herald [London, England] (17 October 1839), 1 (PAYWALL)

MR. WILLIAM LARDNER, late a Surgeon in the Spanish Legion, the only brother of Dr. Dionyslus Lardner, of No. 9, Great Queen-street, Westminster, is requested to SEND his ADDRESS to his wife.

ASSOCIATIONS: Dionysius Lardner (Irish scientific writer)

[Advertisement], Liverpool Mail (3 November 1840), 4 (PAYWALL)

The Morning Herald of Monday contains the following announcement: - "Mr. William Lardner, late a surgeon to the First Regiment of Lancers, British Legion, the only brother of Dr. Dionysius Lardner, late of No. 9, Great Queen-street, Westminster, is requested to send his address to his deserted wife."

See also, from the above, "DR. LARDNER", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (6 August 1841), 3 

[Advertisement], Morning Advertiser [London, England] (10 February 1842), 1 (PAYWALL)

NEW MUSlC. - Preparing for Publication,
- 12, Tavistock-street, Bedford-square. - Feb. 8, 1842.

"POLICE INTELLIGENCE . . . CLERKENWELL. VIOLENT ASSAULTS BY A SURGEON", Morning Post [London, England] (12 February 1842), 7 (PAYWALL)

Thursday, William Lardner, who was described in the police-sheet as a surgeon, residing at No. 12, Tavistock-street, Bedford-square, was placed before Mr. Coombe, charged by Mr. Chaplin Howard, of No. 12, Tavistock-street, with having violently assaulted him.
The prosecutor having been sworn, stated that the prisoner and his wife had been tenants in his house for the last two months. On Wednesday last, during the day, witness and his family were exceedingly annoyed in consequence of his ill-treatment of his wife, who ran to witness, and called upon him to assist and protect her. He proceeded to the prisoner for the purpose of remonstrating with him, when he flew into a violent rage, and beat and kicked him. Witness called the police, on whose arrival the prisoner acted with the greatest violence, resisted and assaulted them, and it was with the utmost difficulty that he was taken to the station-house . . .
Mr. Combe - Pray what are you? Prisoner - I am a military surgeon.
Mr. Combe - Are you a member of the College of Surgeons? Prisoner - I am not a member of the College of Surgeons, but I have gone through the whole course of my studies, to enable me to practise in my profession.
Mr. Combe iaquired why he denominated himself a "military surgeon?" Prisoner - I have served in the Portuguese, Spanish, and Polish armies.
Mr. Combe - What have you to say to all this violence? Prisoner - Why, that I acted under excitement and former convictions. The fact is, that Mrs. Lardner and myself never agreed very well. Unfortunately we have different tempers. We had some words, when she rushed at me with a poker, in order to strike me. I seized hold of her, and quietly put her down. She made an alarm, I was interfered with, and dragged in a most violent and shameful manner out of the house, and pinioned . . .
Mr. Combe said that his conduct had been so extremely violent that he should expect him to find bail. The prisoner said that he had been so long from England that he would have some difficulty to procure bail, as all his friends were in Ireland; but he thought he should be able to do so. You may depend upon it I shall not run away.
Mr. Combe ordered him to find two housekeepers as bail, to answer the charge at the sessions, and he was conveyed to prison. In the course of yesterday, however, he pro- cured bail, and was liberated.

"SONGS", Atlas [London, England] (13 August 1842), 11 (PAYWALL)

. . . 5. The Moon o'er the Hills is Beaming." Composed by William Lardner. Wybrow.
. . . No. 5 has, certainly, a pretty tune - not very unlike every other pretty tune in the world, nor yet so preposterously kacknied as many products of every-day ballad-writing. It has, at all events, an abundance of gay spirit to apologise for its lack of more solid qualities.

"BOW-STREET", Saint James's Chronicle [London, England] (10 February 1844), 3 (PAYWALL)

Yesterday afternoon William Lardner, described on the police sheet as a surgeon, residing at 20, Duke-street, Portland-place, was placed at the bar, before Mr. Jardine, charged with being found in the Mall of St. James's Park, supposed to be in an unsound state of mind. He was some time before he could be prevented using the most incoherent expressions, and accusing the entire police force of acting on several occasions with harshness towards him.
Joseph Lucas 226 A, said that shortly after two o'clock in the afternoon, he found the prisoner in the Mall, talking in the most rambling manner, and having followed him till he arrived opposite Buckingham Palace, a crowd collected in consequence of his vociferous conduct, when a gentleman interfered, and said he ought to be conveyed to the station house . . .
The police-serjeant on duty said, the defendant answered the description given at the different station-houses of an insane surgeon from the neighbourhood of Portland-place.
Defendant. - I declare to your worship I have not the slightest wish to conceal my name or calling. The fact is I am the brother of Dr. Dionysius Lardner, and have not long since arrived from America . . .
Mr. Jardine then directed the constables to convey him as quietly as possible, and leave him, with his compliments, in charge of the parish officers of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields.

? "POLICE COURT", Adelaide Observer (23 November 1850), 4 

William Lardner, a new arrival, was charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct on Saturday evening. He said that he should be out of the colony in a few days, as he was going on to Port Phillip. Discharged with a caution.

Names and descriptions of passengers per Prince Arthur, from Liverpool, 24 January 1853, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . W'm Lardner / 46 / Surgeon / Irish . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (4 June 1853), 3 

MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. MRS. HANCOCK'S grand vocal and instrumental Concert will take place on Monday next, June 6th. Vocalists, Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Hancock, and Dr. Lardnet [sic], the celebrated Barytone, and his first appearance . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (6 June 1853), 12 

. . . PROGRAMME PART I . . . Song - The moon over the hills is beaming, Dr. Lardner - Lardner . . . PART II . . . Song - He loves and rides away, Dr. Lardner - C. Horne [sic] . . .

"MUSICAL", The Argus (7 June 1853), 7 

Mrs. Hancock's Concert last evening passed off very well, and considering the unfavorable state of the weather, there was a very good attendance. The new singer, Dr. Lardner, made a very striking debut at all events, although it could scarcely be considered a very successful one; albeit he was greeted in each song with a very vehement encore. From appearances we are rather confirmed in our impression that it is not Dr. Lardner, the great natural philosopher, who has betaken himself to music, or if so, he must have come to the piano fresh from the elaboration of some analytical experiment on the article of alcohol. The doctor's behaviour and singing were at least peculiar, and we fear that he might find his popularity somewhat impaired if he ventured upon too frequent an appearance. Herr Strebinger again performed a perfect gem upon the violin, and was also greeted with an enthusiastic encore, a compliment very deservedly extended to one or two of the songs of Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Testar. The band of the 40th played some very lively and very pretty pieces, and once by sheer power did good service in bearing down some rather uproarious divisions of opinion on the Lardnerian merits.

ASSOCIATIONS: Dionysius Lardner (natural philosopher, possibly his brother)

Musical works:

The moon o'er the hills is beaming (USA, by c. 1841)

The moon o'er the hills is beaming! a serenade written and composed by William Lardner (Philadelphia: J. G. Osbourn, 1841) 

The watcher (USA, by c. 1841)

The watcher, the poetry written by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, the music composer and most respectfully dedicated to the authoress by Dr. William Larnder, C. G. P. &, &. (Philadelphia: J. C. Smith, [1847]) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

ASSOCIATIONS: Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879)

LARKIN, Michael (Michael LARKIN)

Drum major (50th Regiment)


Pay-list of the 50th Regiment, from 1 January to 31 March 1839; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6131 (DIGITISED)

Drum-major as Serjeant / [no.] 326 / Caddan Robert / Decesased / Died on 11th February 1839
Larkin Michael / From Private Vice Caddan Deceased

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Caddan (deceased)


Actor, vocalist

Active Adelaide, SA, 1853


[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (20 September 1853), 4 

son of Mr. Thomas Buckingham, of the Surrey and Haymarket Theatres,
begs most respectfully to inform his friends, and patrons of the Drama, that his
BENEFIT is fixed for TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, on which occasion he trusts to meet with that patronage which it has ever been his study to merit.
The Performance will commence with the celebrated Nautical Dram, by E. Stirling, Esq., entitled GRACE DARLING: or, THE WRECK AT SEA. Characters by the Company.
Comic Song - Mr. Johnson, from Vauxhall.
Highland Fling - Mr. Newson.
Song - Miss La Roche.
Comic Pas Seul - E. Buckingham.
Song - "Thou art gone from my gaze" - Master Bear.
To conclude with the Laughable Farce of HAVE YOU SEEN MY WIFE?
Characters by the whole strength of the Company . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Buckingham (actor, dancer); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)

LA ROSIERE, Monsiuer (Edward HUGHES; alias LA ROSIERE)

Circus performer and proprietor, acrobat, dancer

Died NSW, 1857 (NLA persistent identifier)

LA ROSIERE, Mademoiselle (Jane KENDALL; Jennie; Mademoiselle LA ROSIERE; Miss LA ROSIERE)

Circus performer and proprietor, acrobat, dancer (People Australia)

LARRA, Mary Ann (Mary Anne CLARK; CLARKE; Mrs. James LARRA)

Actor, vocalist

Born England, c. 1774
Married James LARRA (d. 1839), St. John's, Parramatta, NSW, 8 March 1817
Active professionally, Sydney, NSW, by 1833
Died Sydney, NSW, 20 August 1848, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Marriages, St. John's, Parramatta, 1817; register 1789-1823, page 154; St. John's, Parramatta, REG/COMP/1 (PAYWALL)

No. 546 / James Larra of the parish of Parramatta & Mary Ann Clark [of the parish of Parramatta] were married in this church by banns this [18 March 1817] . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (18 March 1837), 1 

Theatre Royal, Sydney . . . ON MONDAY EVENING THE 20TH . . . OTHELLO TRAVESTIE. In which a variety of Singing will be introduced . . . Songs by Messrs. Buckingham, Winters, Lee, Dyball, and Mrs. Larra . . .

[news], The Sydney Daily Advertiser (22 August 1848), 2 

We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs. Larra, whose exertions have contributed so much to the pleasure of the play-going portion of the community. She expired at her residence at about half-past three o'clock on Sunday last [20 August], and her remains, which are to be interred to-day, will be followed by the principal numbers of the Corps dramatique of the Victoria Theatre.

Bibliography and resources:

G. F. J. Bergman, "Larra, James (1749-1839)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967) 

LASCELLES, Charles (Charles James Lascelles GRAY; GREY; Charles LASCELLES)

Musician, buffo vocalist, pianist, chorus trainer, composer

Arrived Adelaide, SA, 13 May 1868 (from San Francisco, via Hong Kong)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 7 August 1875 (per Osyth, via Melbourne and Cape Town, for London)
Died Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 3 August 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)



"MADAME ANNA BISHOP", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 December 1865), 3

The Alta California of the 4th says: The Academy of Music was well filled last evening, on the occasion of Madame Anna Bishop's first grand concert, and the gratification of the audience was unbounded . . . Mr. Charles Lascelles, the vocalist and pianist, completely surprised the audience. His singing of the duet "Robin Rough", in two voices, bass and tenor, was one of the most astonishingly successful efforts in vocalisation which we have ever heard.

"MADAME ANNA BISHOP", Launceston Examiner (13 February 1866), 5

"HONOLULU", The Mercury (7 May 1866), 3

"WRECK OF THE BARQUE LIBELLE", The Mercury (30 August 1866), 2


"ARRIVAL OF THE ENGLISH MAIL", Border Watch (13 May 1868), 3

"MADAME ANNA BISHOP'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 September 1868), 5

Mr. Charles Lascelles who, besides acting as accompanist, played two pianoforte solos, which, though not affording grounds for a conclusive judgment on his ability, displayed a freedom, taste, and boldness, which suggested a competency to deal with better subjects . . . [Bishop's] arduous duties were relieved by the alternate appearance of Mr. Lascelles in buffo songs of which the selection was very judicious and those given by him with sufficient breadth of humour and point as to provoke mirth without offending the most scrupulous taste. He sang "Margaretta", "Simon the Cellarer", "Molly Bawn", Hood's "Visit of the Skinners", Parry's "Blue Beard", "So very peculiar", displaying a humour and peculiar vocal effects that rendered the songs very entertaining.

1871, births in the district of Collingwood; BDM VIC

Charles Percy Easdown Lascelles [son of] / Charles Lascelles and Sarah Barnes

ASSOCIATIONS: At least one family historian raised the possibility that Sarah Barnes was in fact Percy Easdown, Barnes being her mother's surname at birth

[News], Australian Town and Country Journal (14 August 1875), 13

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 October 1883), 7

News has been received in Adelaide by the Messageries steamer of the death of Charles Lascelles, the well-known opera singer, who died at Maritzburg about six weeks ago. The real name of the deceased was Gray. He was about 60 years of age, and was a native of the south of England. Mr. Lascelles first visited Australia as accompanist to Madame Anna Bishop, on her second tour to these colonies, and was for many years a valuable member of the Lyster Opera troupe, particularly as chorus-master.

[News] , The Argus (17 October 1883), 6

The news has just come of the death of Mr. Charles Lascelles, at Natal, in South Africa. Mr. Lascelles was well known in these colonies, whither he first came about 13 years ago with Madame Anna Bishop on her second visit to this part of the world. He was a very capable vocalist, a competent musician, and a singularly clever artist, his forte in this latter acquirement taking the direction of caricature. Like many other men of remarkable talent, his habits were eccentric, and his way of life fitful. He was an amusing companion, for he had seen a great deal of the world, and he took a cynical view of humanity, a view, however, which did not prevent him from dwelling upon its grotesque aspects. He was with us when opera bouffe was first introduced here, and he was the first Prince Paul in "The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein", or, as we know it more familiarly, "The Grand Duchess". He wandered about the world a good deal after he left Australia, and for some time he had been in various parts of South Africa, where, most recently, his fortunes had been at a very low ebb. With all his faults and failings, he will not be altogether unpleasantly remembered in this city.

"MORE QUICK PASSAGES", Evening Post (21 November 1883), 2

Bibliograhy and resources:

"Charles Lascelles", Design & Art Australia Online 

LA TROBE, Charles (Charles LA TROBE)

Musical amateur, amateur musician, musical patron, district superintendent, lieutenant governor

Born London, 20 March 1801
Died England, 4 December 1875 (NLA persistent identifier)


Washington Irving, A tour on the prairies (Paris: Published by A. and W. Galignani, 1835), 3 

. . . Another of my fellow travellers was Mr. L, an Englishman by birth, but descended from a foreign stock, and who had all the buoyancy and accommodating spirit of a native of the Continent. Having rambled over many countries he had become, to a certain degree, a citizen of the world, easily adapting himself to any change. He was a man of a thousand occupations; a botanist, geologist, a hunter of beetles and butterflies, a musical composer, a sketcher of no mean pretensions; in short a complete virtuoso; added to which he was an indefatigable, if not always successful, sportsman. Never had a man more irons in the fire, and, consequently, never was a man more busy or more cheerful . . .

"THE VIOLIN", Geelong Advertiser and Squatters' Advocate (13 May 1846), 2 

A Mr. Ravac has just arrived from South Australia, where he has been astonishing the natives as a first-rate violinist - at least so say the papers. We learn that Mr. La Trobe, who scrapes in this line in a very creditable manner, can only play "second fiddle" to Mr. Ravac, who has expressed his intention to show his powers in a concert yet to be announced. - Herald.


Jill Eastwood, "La Trobe, Charles Joseph (1801-1875)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)

Colin Holden, "A musical soul: the impact of the Moravian Brethren on Charles Joseph La Trobe", La Trobeana 10/1 (February 2011), 13-18

LAU, Hermann (Peter Diedrich Hermann LAU; Ermano LAU)

Musician, vocalist, accordion player, composer, naturalist, artist, writer, Indigenous culture recorder

Born Soerup, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 22 November 1822
In Australia (NSW, QLD) 1854-59, 1862-?1892/3
Died Gluecksburg (Ostsee), Schleswig-Holstein, 25 May 1904 (NLA persistent identifier)


Son of Johann Friedrich Lau (1775-1856), who served as pastor in Soerup (1821) and Gluecksburg (1827-45). Hermann Lau married Elisabeth Toosbuey, and they had 2 children. He was in New South Wales 1854-59, 1860-62 in Hamburg, and 1862-66 in Grafton New South Wales. His whereabouts 1862-92 are unknown, though a Mr. H. Lau departed Sydney for Europe in March 1893. From 1893 until his death in 1904 he lived in Gluecksburg. 


[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (24 February 1855), 3 

Grand Farewell Concert.
Carlo Ryffel & Ermano Lau,
ADMISSION - Front Seats, 5s.; back ditto, 3s.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Samuel Davis's, Australian Store; Mr. Greig, Baker; Mr. L. Jones, Salutation Inn; Mr. Woodward, Commercial Hotel; and of Mr. Margules, at the Salutation Store.
Doors open at 7 o'clock; to commence at 8 o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Carlo Ryffel (musician)

"CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", Clarence and Richmond Examiner (8 April 1862), 2

The "novelty," and if we may judge from the tumultuous applause of the audience, the "hit" of the evening's entertainment, was Mr. Lau's exhibition of skill in playing the German accordion, and we were really surprised, to see how much can, be made of so homely an instrument. The addition of bells, an invention of Mr. Lau's, had a very pleasing and exhilarating effect - especially in the "Remembrances of New South Wales" composed by the performer. 

[News], Süd Australische Zeitung (3 September 1862), 2

[Advertisement], Clarence and Richmond Examiner (21 October 1862), 3

"CONCERT", Clarence and Richmond Examiner (4 November 1862), 2

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury (18 June 1863), 1

[Advertisement], Clarence and Richmond Examiner (3 April 1866), 1

"PASSENGERS PER R.M.S. OCEANA", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 March 1893), 4

? "THE GOOMBUNGEE SHOW. A LARGE GATHERING", The Brisbane Courier (11 September 1905), 5

Bibliography and resources:

Herman Lau, DAAO

C. Anderson, Palaeontological notes no. II: Meiolania platyceps Owen and Varanus (Megalania) priscus (Owen), Records of the Australian Museum 17/7 (20 February 1930), 309-316, plates xlvii-li; 313-314

John Fletcher, Hermann Lau and his sojourns (1854-1859) in Sydney, Goulburn, Braidwood, Araluen, Moruya and Shoalhaven (Sydney: Book Collectors' Society of Australia, 1991)

Ray Humphrys, Bonyi-Bonyi: life and legends of the Bunya Mountains (Nanango: Wyndham Observer, 1992)


Hermann Lau, Vier Jahre in Australien. Selbsterlebnisse und Reisebilder aus der Colonie New-South-Wales (Hamburg: [Selbstverlag], 1860)

[? unpublished diary, cited by Humphrys]

Thanks (March 2015): To Berthold Hamer, of Gluecksburg, for kindly sharing biographical information incorporated in revised entry (2015-03-26)


Vocalist, delineator

Active Sydney, NSW, 1854


"STANDARD", Theatrical Times (22 April 1848), 134 

This week, Messrs. Dryce, Laurain, Adwin, Marby, and Stainer the original Lantum Serenaders have been giving a series of entertainments consisting of their most popular Glees, Overtures, Solos, and the Locomotive Description of Railway Speed. They are a band of very talented artistes, and those with whom this description of amusement is a favourite will find in the efforts of these vocalists everything to gratify their taste.

NOTE: Joseph Fairchild had recently organised another London company calling themselves the Lantum Serenaders

"GRAND MEDLEY CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1854), 5 

A concert of a medley character is announced for this evening, at the Royal Hotel, by Mr. Laurain.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 July 1854), 1 

ROYAL HOTEL. - Grand Treat, for One Night only. - LAURAIN'S Grand Medley Concert, THIS EVENING, Wednesday, July 5. Mr. LAURAIN, of the Lantum Serenaders, patronised by the nobility and gentry of England and the continent, begs respectfully to announce his first entertainment in this colony, to take place as above. The following artists are engaged: - Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Fairchild, Mr. Turner, and Mr. Wilkinson, who will introduce a variety of Glees, Duets, Songs, &c., to be followed by Mr. Laurain's genuine delineations of the American Negro Character and Song, with banjo accompaniment, with laughter-provoking oddities and quaint sayings, which have gained him universal approbation.
Glee - "Hail Smiling Morn."
Ballad - "Tell me my Heart," Mrs. Hancock - BISHOP.
Song - "Bandit," Mr. Turner - RUSSELL.
Song - "Merry Maids of England," Mr. Fairchild.
Song - "Hurrah for the Red and the Blue." (with Chorus) Mr. Hancock - COOTE.
Ballad - "Madoline," Mr. Fairchild - NELSON.
Song - "Wishing Gate," Mrs. Hancock - SPORLE.
Song - Irish Comic. Mr. Turner.
Duet - "I've Wandered in Dreams," Mr. and Mrs. Hancock - WADE.
An Intermission of Ten Minutes.
Dialogue - Mr. Laurain.
[REDACTED] Song - "Bloodhound," Mr. Laurain.
[REDACTED] Ballad - "Old Log Hut," Mr. Laurain.
Pianoforte - "Etude de Concert," Mr. Wilkinson - GORIE.
[REDACTED] Ballad - "Whar de cum from," Mr. Laurain.
Scotch Ballad - Mrs. Hancock.
[REDACTED] Ballad - "Yalla Bush a Belle," Mr. Laurain.
God Save the Queen, by the Company.
Doors open at Seven to commence at half-past Seven o'clock precisely.
Carriages in waiting at 10 o'clock. Front Seats, 3s.; Back ditto, 2s.
Tickets can be had of Messrs. Marsh and Co ; Johnson and Co.; Buist and Co.; and all the Music-sellers; also at the Bar of the Royal Hotel.

Bibliography and resources:

"Lantum Serenaders", The JUBA project (Early blackface minstrelsy in Britain 1842-1852) 

LAURENCE, James / LAURENT, George Frederick (G. F. LAURENT; George Frederick LAURENT; James LAURENCE; also John LAURENCE; James LAWRENCE)

Vocalist, songwriter/composer, convict

Born London, 1795
Arrived Sydney, NSW, (1), 25 April 1815; (2) 6 January 1820 (per Michael from India)
Free Sydney, NSW, by September 1833; further conviction 1836-53?; active Sydney, early 1859
Died Collingwood, VIC, 1 September 1863 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"George Frederick Laurent, from colonial sentence" was awarded a certificate of freedom during the week of 26 September 1833, and the following week appeared in a concert at Parramatta. He was perhaps the Mr. Laurent who advertised a concert and ball in Hobart in January 1834. Certainly he was back in Sydney in July 1836, when, having been convicted of stealing a cask of beer, he was sentenced to a further 7 years transportation to a penal settlement. If Norfolk Island, he may have first met Charles Packer there (see below). He was probably not however the proprietor of Laurent's in Melbourne in 1854, named presumably after the Londoner Henry Laurent. However, "Formerly of the Theatre Royal, George-street", he presented his own concert in Sydney 1859, with assistance from Charles Packer, Madame Lamont, Flora Harris, Herr Wilhelm Carl Schmitt ("solo violinist Munich"), and Mr. Marmaduke Henry Wilson ("pianist to Lady Amelia Keith Jackson, Lower Walmer").


"CERTIFICATES", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 March 1826), 3

"NETTLETON'S", The Monitor (7 July 1826), 8

"QUARTER SESSIONS - (Monday)", The Australian (12 August 1826), 3

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (7 October 1833), 2

"CERTIFICATES OF FREEDOM", The Sydney Herald (26 September 1833), 4

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (7 October 1833), 2

[ADVERTISEMENT] Parramatta Concert. - The Concert on Friday night, at Nash's Long Room, was respectably attended, but not crowded, under the direction of Mr. LEWIS. The much admired song of the "Cold flinty rock," [Braham] was sung by a gentleman of the name of G. F. Laurent, in a most masterly style, with great applause; Mr. Meredith sang his comic Songs admirably; the whole of the performance went off with great satisfaction to the audience.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 January 1834), 3

"THURSDAY", The Sydney Monitor (9 July 1836), 3

Thomas Sharpe (Episcopalian chaplain), journal, Norfolk Island, 31 December 1840; State Library of New South Wales, MS B218, pages 551-53, 620 (TRANSCRIPT)

. . . Last Sunday [29 December] a Jew of the name of Laurent, had the audacity to write out on the Sunday a Play Bill, [552] of some performance they wished to get up for New Years day, in case the Commandant gave them a Holiday. The Bill was taken from him, but he was not punished. In the list of performances I was sorry to find some of the Church singers, whom I intend to remove, if they gave their consent to be put down as performers a singers in this absurd business. I rather think the Major will give them a half-holiday, but, of course, will not allow them, to perform their play. One, of my men, on Sunday last, was allowed to be absent from Divine Service, for the purpose I fear of doing some work on that day, which had not been finished before. This shews clearly how highly improper it is to place men in authority over the prisoners, who having no religion themselves, care nothing about men under them, having any. The man Laurent, who was allowed by Major Anderson to be absent [553] from Divine Service on Sunday, and, now it appears three more lay claim to the same. This is very wrong every prisoner ought to be compelled to attend, and though wicked and worthless, still the more need they have of being taught their duty . . . [620] . . . The Superintendent appears to know little indeed of prisoners or their general line of conduct and the easiness with which they are led away by the slightest temptation or, he would not seek, to throw the temptations, which he does, in their way, such as plays, songs, playing at night recreations on Sunday, absence from Divine Service, and that general system of idleness and insubordination, which now prevails everywhere . . .

"Norfolk Island. THE SOCIAL SYSTEM. No.1. To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (25 June 1840), 3

. . . A play has been allowed to be performed by the prisoners, to amuse their companions. A prisoner, I think of the name of Laurent, was the chief promoter and performer of this. Some of the colonists in all probability have heard of this hero of the Norfolk Island stage, before today. Now, are the prisoners transported to be amused with this man and his companions' absurdities on the stage? Has not frequenting a play house been the means of sending many to a penal colony? Do not temptations to sin and crime abound in such places? Yet here, at this place of fearful punishment, plays are not only allowed, but encouraged to be performed; and the very room where public worship is held, was elected as the place for Laurent and his friends to have their stage erected, and to amuse the prisoners with rant and buffoonery . . .

"NORFOLK ISLAND. PENAL DISCIPLINE", The Hobart Town Courier (24 July 1840), 3

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 January 1859), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 February 1859), 1

Other documentation:

[1] Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825

LAURENT, George Frederick. Per "St Michael", 1819; 1820 Jan 6: Convict transported from India per "St Michael" (Reel 6018; 4/3521 pp.167, 243); 1823 Oct 15: On lists of prisoners transported to Port Macquarie per "Sally" (Reel 6019; 4/3864 pp.78, 436-7); 1824 Oct 8: Re list of prisoners to return to Sydney (Reel 6019; 4/3864 p.184)

[2] SL-NSW, Dixson MS Q168, Norfolk Island convict papers, ca. 1842-1867

A collection of original manuscript autobiographies, written by Norfolk Island convicts, for Dr. James Aquinas Reid; includes Laurent's MS memoir

Bibliography and resources:

Jordan 2010

Wills 2015

LAURENT, Mademoiselle (Mademoiselle LAURENT)

Contralto vocalist

Active Sydney, NSW, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LAURIE, William Muir (William Muir LAURIE; W. A. LAURIE)

Singing master, conductor, school teacher

Born Edinburgh, Scotland, 1829; baptised St. Cuthbert's, 19 April 1829; son of Robert LAURIE (d. 1874) and Mary SCOTT (d. 1871)
Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1856
Married Mary Jane KERR (SMITH), Adelaide, SA, 28 May 1860
Died ? Australia/Scotland, 8 April 1871


"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (3 September 1856), 3 

It is a source of great satisfaction to find the musical tendencies of our population astir in all directions. Melbourne, Geelong, Sydney, and Adelaide have long had their Harmonic Societies. Portland has been making an effort to get one up, but Sandhurst has succeeded. The conductor is Mr. William Muir Laurie, music master to the Denominational School Board for Sandhurst. We see there is to be an elementary class attached to the society, which will enable it to confer a double advantage on the district in which it is situate. We wish the Harmonic Society of Sandhurst every success.

[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (2 June 1857), 3 

GRAND CONCERT, In Aid of the Library Fund of the Mechanics' Institute.
To be given by the Members of the Sandhurst Philharmonic Society,
ON THURSDAY. JUNE 4, In the Hall of the Institute.
March - Mendelssohn - Mr. J. H. Pollard
Glee, Hail, Smiling Morn - Phil. Society
Song - The Muleteer - Mr. J. H. Pollard
Duet, Music and her Sister, Song - Lizzie Lonsdale and Mr. Bolger
Glee, The Red Cross Knight - Phil. Society
Song, Poor Bessy was a Sailor's Wife - Lizzie Lonsdale
Quartette, Homo, Sweet Home - Phil. Society
Song, Hearts and Homes - Mr. W. M. Laurie
Duet, What are the Wild Waves saying? - Lizzie Lonsdale and Mr. Laurie.
An Interval of Fifteen Minutes.
March - Le Prophete - Mr. J. H. Pollard
Glee, Life's a Bumper - Phil. Society
Song, Land of my deepest, happiest feelings - Lizzie Lonsdale
Song, Philip the Falconer - Mr. J. H. Pollard
Duet, Wecome to thee, Savoy - Lizzie Lonsdale and Mr. Bolger
Quartette, The Boatie Rows - Phil. Society
Duet, A Voice from the Waves - Lizzie Lonsdale
Glee. The Gipsies' Tent - Phil. Society
Mr. J. Henry Pollard, R. A. M., (from the principal Melbourne Concerts,) will preside at the Piano
Conductor - Mr. W. M. Laurie . . .


Bibliography and resources:

William Muir Laurie, Find a grave 


Bandmaster, band leader

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1859

LAVATER, George Theodore Adams

Amateur musician, composer, secretary, Centennial International Exhibition

Born Lausanne, Switzerland, May 1831
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (ship's officer per Hoogly) Died Hawksburn, VIC, 20 November 1915 (NLA persistent identifier)



Conductor, composer, poet

Born St. Kilda, VIC, 2 May 1867
Died St. Kilda, VIC, 22 May 1953, aged 86 (NLA persistent identifier)



"NEW MUSIC", The Argus (3 November 1885), 9

"NEW MUSIC", The Argus (11 April 1888), 4

Punch and Judy's Wedding March is the composition of L. L. Lavater, published in Melbourne, and to be had of all music sellers. It is the work of a lad who has upspringing ideas in music, who has already done better work than this but the "Punch and Judy Wedding March" has already been received with public favour as scored for orchestra by Mr. S. Hore, and hence we suppose the reason for publication in pianoforte form.

"CRICKET", The Mercury (30 January 1890), 3

[News], The Argus (24 October 1890), 4


"NEW MUSIC", South Australian Register (5 April 1897), 3

"AN AUSTRALIAN HYMN", The Argus (1 January 1901), 4

"MR. G. T. A. LAVATER. LONG CAREER CLOSED", The Argus (23 November 1915), 6 

"Poet of the people dies", The Argus (23 May 1953), 5

"A tribute. By BIDDY ALLEN", The Argus (23 May 1953), 5

"DEATHS", The Argus (23 May 1953), 18

Bibliography and resources:

Valerie Kent, "Lavater, Louis Isidore (1867-1953)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986)

LA VENCE, Emma (Emma Golding LA VENCE, Miss LA VENCE; Mrs. David Beveridge ADAMSON; Mrs. ADAMSON)

Amateur vocalist

Born Boar's Isle, Tenterden, Kent, England, 5 November 1831; baptised, 1 January 1832; daughter of Richard Francis LA VENCE (d. 1864) and Sarah KIDD (d. 1848)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 17 June 1839 (per Hooghly, from London 19 February)
Married David Beveridge ADAMSON, Tenterden, SA, 6 November 1849
Died Adelaide, SA, 20 February 1880 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Richard Francis La Vence (1790-1864), and his wife Sarah Kidd, and daughters, from Tentderen, Kent, England, arrived in South Australia in 1839. One daughter, Mary, married James Kentish in 1846; another, Anna, married Henry Broadbent in 1847; thus by 1847, Emma, as the eldest unmarried daughter, was properly Miss La Vence, appearing as such as a vocalist in two Adelaide Choral Society concerts during 1849. In November of the same year she married David Beveridge Adamson (inter alia, a violin-maker), at Tenterden, SA. As Mrs. Adamson, she also sang in a War Fund concert in 1854.

Emma Golding La Vence (Mrs. Adamson)

Emma Golding La Vence (Mrs. Adamson)

See also another later photograph of her, by Henry Jones; State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)


Methodist baptisms, 1831; register, Wesleyan London, 1794-1834, fol. 804; UK National Archives, RG 4/4678 (PAYWALL)

No. 7318 / Emma Golding the daughter of Richard Francis la Vence of Boar's Isle in the Parish of Tenterden in the County of Kent and of Sarah his wife, who was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Kidd was born at Boar's Isle on the 5th day of November [1831] . . . and was also solemnly baptized on [1 January 1832] . . .

"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (26 February 1849), 2 

. . . "When winds breathe soft"," introduced another pupil of Mrs. Murray's, Miss La Vence, who promises well to make a very pleasing singer . . .

"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (5 March 1849), 2 

In our notice of this Society on Monday last, we were betrayed into the inadvertence of stating Miss La Vence to be one of Mrs. Murray's pupils in singing, instead of Mr. Bennett's . . .

"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (22 September 1849), 3 

. . . Miss La Vence sung her song, the Child of the Regiment, very prettily; but it is by no means one of Donizetti's best - the expression being little beyond namby-pamby. Mrs. Murray and Miss Coglin, as Norma and Adalgisa, gave us the celebrated duet from Norma . . .

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (5 September 1854), 1 

"SACRED CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 September 1854), 3 

The Sacred Vocal Concert in aid of the War Relief Fund took place last evening in the Freeman-street Chapel, and was, as we predicted, decidedly the most brilliant and successful musical entertainment that has ever taken place in South Australia. The building was crowded, not less we should imagine, than 700 persons being present, amongst whom were Sir Henry and Lady Young, and most of the leading residents in Adelaide and the neighbourhood . . . Mrs. Adamson delighted the audience by her beautiful rendering of Handel's "When warlike ensigns;" and Mr. Daniels gave "Arm, arm, ye brave" with very good taste, and was loudly encored . . .

"DEATHS", South Australian Register (21 February 1880), 3 Supplement 

Bibliography and resources:

Julie Evans, "Adamson, David Beveridge (1823-1891)", Australian dictionary of biography supplement (2005) 

LAVENU, Lewis Henry see mainpage Lewis Henry LAVENU

Pianist, cellist, conductor, arranger, composer

Active Australia, from 1853; died Sydney, 1859

LAVER, William Adolphus

Musician, violinist, music teacher, music editor, composer

Born Castlemaine, VIC, 20 August 1866
Died Kinglake, VIC, 2 July 1940 (NLA persistent identifier)


Bibliography and resources:

Thérèse Radic, "Laver, William Adolphus (1866-1940)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986)

LAVERS, Josiah Vincent (Josiah Vincent LAVERS; J. V. LAVERS)

Amateur musician, vocalist, choral singer

Born Kingsbridge, Devon, England, 3 March 1815; son of Thomas LAVERS and Amelia VINCENT
Married Isabella BIRD (d. 1862), St. Laurence church, Sydney, NSW, 25 November 1843
Died Hunters Hill, NSW, 24 April 1899, aged "83/84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Births, Kingsbridge, Devon, 1820-24, registered at Dr. Williams' Library Registry; UK National Archives, RG4/4664/1 (PAYWALL)

No. 2197 / Josiah Vincent Lavers / Kingsbridge, Par. of Kingsbridge, Devon, / [son of] Thomas Lavers and Amelia daughter of Zelophedad Wyeth Vincent / [born] 3 Mar. 1815

MARRIED, The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (25 November 1843), 3 

On Saturday, the 25th instant, by special license, at St. Laurence Church, Sydney, Mr. Josiah Vincent Lavers, of Sydney, to Isabella, second daughter of the late Mr. R. Bird, of Croft House, Cumberland, England.

"SYDNEY VOCAL HARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 January 1859), 4 

. . . Among the basses were the Hon. F. L. Merewether, Charles Nathan, Esq., President of the Society, the Rev. Canon Walsh, Mr. James Waller, formerly well known here as an amateur bass singer, Mr. Wood, and Mr. Lavers, of the Christ Church choir, Mr. Mac Donnel, and many others with whose names we are unacquainted . . .

"DEATHS", The Daily Telegraph (25 April 1899), 1 

LAVERS. - April 24th, at his residence, Mark-st., Hunter's-hill, Josiah Vincent Lavers, J.P., in his 84th year.

LAVERTY, Edward (Edward LAVERTY)

Pianoforte maker, cabinetmaker

Married Frances SMITH, St. James, Piccadilly, London, England, 12 April 1830
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 August 1832 (bounty immigrant per Madeline)
Died Sydney, NSW, June 1833

LAVERTY, Frances (Frances SMITH; Mrs. Edward LAVERTY; Mrs. LAVERTY) = Frances ARABIN

Actor, vocalist, dancer


EMIGRATION. RETURNS TO several Addresses . . . 22 May 1833; - for . . . 2. RETURN of the number of families who emigrated to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land since the formation of the Board of Emigration (London: House of Commons, 1833), 7 

. . . Edward Laverty / Pianoforte-maker / [number of persons in family] 2 [amount granted £] 20

"CORONERS INQUESTS", The Sydney Monitor (8 June 1833), 2 

A Coroner's Inquest was holden on Thursday last, at the CURRIERS' ARMS, Upper Castlereagh Street, on the body of a person named Edward Laverty, who died suddenly on the morning of that day.
Abraham Lang sworn.- I knew the deceased; he was by trade a cabinet-maker; Mrs. Laverty alias Weston, is an actress at the Theatre; I saw them both last evening, at the Three Horse Shoes public house in Pitt Street. It was between 9 and 10 o'clock, and the deceased drank some beer, called half-and half there. He was perfectly sober, and appeared to be in sound health; I took particular notice of him, as I was in conversation with him relative to the business at the Theatre. Mrs. Weston's Benefit was to have taken place tonight, and I was delivering a message to him from Mr. Levey, about the arrangements of the house. The deceased in company with his wife, left the public house to go home; he was perfectly sober at the time.
Cross examined by the Jury.- I have known quarrels between the deceased and his wife, but they were nothing more than what occur frequently in families. The deceased used to drink very hard, and when tipsey, would abuse his wife; I do not know of any agreement between them to separate; there were many persons in the public house on the evening they were there; I know nothing of the death of the deceased. A medical man, Mr. Street, was present, I believe.
Mr. B. Levey sworn - I knew the deceased; his wife is a performer at the Theatre; I saw them both yesterday, in the evening, but not later.
By the Jury.- I do not know, of my own knowledge, that an agreement was made between the deceased and his wife that they should separate; I was told that they were going to separate, and that Mrs. Laverty was to give him 50 l. and a new suit of clothes to leave him; I know that they led a very unhappy life, and I was once the means of reconciling them. The deceased has certainly told me that he suspected his wife's fidelity, & the same was reported amongst the actors; but when I saw them yesterday, they appeared perfectly amicable.
John Boyce.- I was servant to the deceased. I did not stop in the house, but went to it at nearly half-past six in the morning, and left about half-past four in the evening. This morning I went there as usual, and was let in by the mistress. I lit the fire, and as soon as the kettle boiled, which was about seven o'clock, I took a cup of tea to the deceased, who was in bed; when I approached him, he appeared in a dying state, and I went and told my mistress; she burst into tears, and I went off directly for Dr. Street, who came and tried to bleed the deceased, but without effect. The doctor said he was dead.
Cross examined by the Jury - I have lived about five or six weeks with them, and during that time I never heard them quarrel. My mistress was up and dressed, as she usually is when I went to the house. When I returned from the doctors, his mother had come, and I was sent to Mr. Jones' to borrow a tea-cup and saucer for her.
Drs Janneret and Street, who opened the body and examined it, returned a certificate, that the deceased had died of appoplexy, brought on by excessive drinking. They had carefully examined every part of the body, and no violence appeared. A partial inflammation of the stomach also existed. The Jury returned a verdict of - Died by the Visitation of God.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (8 June 1833), 2 

The husband of the most talented actress on our embryo stage - Mrs. Weston - died suddenly on the morning of Thursday last. Her benefit, which was appointed for the evening of the same day, was postponed in consequence; but we see no reason why it should be deferred much longer. Although Mrs. W, cannot appear before the public at present, her friends ought to avail themselves of an early opportunity to evince that in her distress she is remembered.



Active Melbourne, VIC, May 1853 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Musician, vocalist

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 June 1852), 5 

"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (26 August 1852), 5 

We are very glad to see the renewed vigour infused into the management of the Weekly Concerts, attended as it was last Thursday, with complete success, and greeted by a crowded audience. The programme for tonight is first rate, copious, novel, full of variety, and tasteful in arrangement. It is as follows:
Overture - Masaniello.
Trio - The Bells of St. Michael's Tower, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers, and Bancroft
Song - Le Marseillaise, Mons. Lavrence [sic]
Quartet - Now is the month of Maying, by the Hungarian Brothers, with full chorus.
Song - The blind flower girl, Mrs. Testar
Solo Piano - Mr. Buddee, from the Opera of the Prophet
Song - The death of Nelson, Mr. Wilkinson
Madrigal - Down in a flow'ry vale, Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers and Bancroft.
Overture - Italiani in Algiers
Quartet - Poculum poculum elevatum, by the Hungarian Brothers
Song - The Maids of Merry England, Mr. Wilkinson.
Recitation and Air - Fly hence each idle tear, (Violin Obligato, Herr Mater,) Mrs. Testar
Glee - In the lonely vale of streams, Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers and Bancroft
Duet - All's Well, Messrs. Wilkinson and Travers
Catch - Look, neighbour, look, Messrs. Wilkinson, Travers and Bancroft
Finale - National Anthem.

ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Charles Mater (violin, leader); Mr. Wilkinson (vocalist); Mr. Travers (vocalist); Richard Bancroft (vocalist); Thursday Concerts (Melbourne series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)



Active Adelaide, SA, c. 1850


[Advertisement], South Australian (23 December 1850), 3 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Open during the present week, Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
MESSRS LAZAR & COPPIN BEG most respectfully to acquaint their Friends and the Public generally, that the above Splendid Theatre, Being now completed, will open for the Season, THIS EVENING, Monday, December 23rd . . .
THE ORCHESTRA will embrace the leading Talent of the Colony, viz: -
Leader - Mr. Andrew Moore, assisted by Mr. S. W. Wallace, Herr Mater, Herr Zieglar,
Mr. Harwood, Mr. Lawrence, Herr Heunerbein, Herr Kierdel, and Mr. Chapman . . .
The Performances . . . To be preceded by Mozart's Overture to Don Giovanni . . .
In the course of the evening, the Band will play Several New Polkas, Waltzes, &c. To conclude with the Musical Farce in Two Acts, of Love Laughs at Locksmiths.
To be preceded by Auber's Overture to Massaniello . . .

LAWRENCE, James (James LAWRENCE; James LAURENCE) = George Frederick LAURENT


Musician, convict

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1817 (convict per Almorah)


Return of prisoners to be sent to Newcastle per Lady Nelson, June 30th 1818; NSW, Colonial Secretary's papers 

LAWRENCE, Robert Winsor (Robert Lawrence WINSOR; Robert Winsor LAWRENCE; R. W. LAWRENCE; Mr. LAWRENCE)

Actor, theatrical manager, agent, publican, hotel keeper

Born Sheffield, Staffordshire, England, c. 1833; son of Robert LAWRENCE and Amelia WINSOR
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1854
Married Caroline GEORGE (1846-1917), Ballarat, VIC, 1864
Died Ballarat, VIC, 23 November 1880, aged "46/47" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Carry George / Miss Carrie George (actor, wife); Ada Lawrence (1866-1852, actor, daughter)


England census, 30 March 1851, Lambeth, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1571/333/2 (PAYWALL)

3 China Walk / Amelia Lawrence / Head / Widow / 37 / Dress Maker / [born] Buckfastleigh Devon
Robert [Lawrence] / Son / Unm. / 17 / Comedian / [born] Staffordsh're Sheffield

Immigration deposits, 1854; State Records Authority of NSW, 5264 (PAYWALL)

[1854] May 15 / Amelia Winsor / [deposit] £25. 0. 0. / [for] Charles Southwell / 35 // Robert Lawrence Winsor / 20 . . .

"THE LATE R. W. LAWRENCE", The Herald [Melbourne, VIC] (24 November 1880), 2 

"PERSONAL", Bendigo Advertiser (12 May 1917), 11 

LAWRENCE, William (William LAWRENCE)

Harmonic club concert promoter, publican

Active Hobart, TAS, 1850


[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (26 June 1850), 2 

WILLIAM LAWRENCE, of the Duke of Wellington, Macquarie and Barrack-streets, has the honor to announce that the LONG ROOM at his Establishment having been-fitted up for the purpose, the FIRST of a series of SELECT CONCERTS will take place on MONDAY EVENING next, commencing at 7 o'clock.
A LADY will preside at the Pianoforte. As these Concerts are for the respectable Class, the arrangements will ensure VOCAL, and INSTRUMENTAL Performances of a superior order, and it will be the proprietor's anxious study to render the company select and unexceptionable.
June 24, 1850.

"HARMONICS", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (3 July 1850), 3 

LAWS, Horace (Horace LAWS)

Amateur musician, vocalist, conductor (Longford Philharmonic Society)

Active Longford, TAS, by 1853
Died London, 12 October 1888, aged "57"


Secretary of the Longford Philharmonic Society at its foundation in September 1858, Horace Laws was also, with John Adams, among its first conductors. He left NSW for Melbourne in September 1866.


[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (23 September 1858), 3

"THE LONGFORD PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (5 January 1860), 2

"THE LONGFORD PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (8 May 1860), 3

"THE CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (31 May 1860), 3

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (7 July 1860), 2

"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (1 August 1860), 4

"CONCERT OF THE LONGFORD PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (4 October 1860), 3

"LONGFORD", Launceston Examiner (27 September 1866), 2

"Mr. Laws' reply", Launceston Examiner (27 September 1866), 2

"Deaths", The Argus (28 November 1888), 1

"Deaths", Launceston Examiner (1 December 1888), 1

"LONGFORD", Launceston Examiner (29 April 1895), 6

LAWSON, David de Courcy = David DE COURCY (stage name)

Tenor, baritone vocalist

LAWSON, Charles Grant (Charles Grant LAWSON; Mr. LAWSON, younger brother of the above)

Comic vocalist, miner

Born Manchester, England, 7 March 1827; baptised Cross-street chapel (Unitarian), Manchester, 1 May 1830, son of Thomas LAWSON and Sophia Sarah CLARKE
Married Sarah BIRCHALL (Mrs. GREGORY) (d. 1897), Manchester, England, 23 November 1847
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 December 1852 (per Atrevida, from London, 10 September)
Died Ballarat, VIC, 4 May 1864, aged "37" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Baptisms, Cross-street chapel (Unitarian), Manchester, 1830; register 1770-1838, page 220; UK National Archives, RG4/2009 (PAYWALL)

Charles Grant / Lawson [son of] / Thomas / Salesaman / Charlton Row / [and] Sophis Sarah Clarke / [born] March 7 1827 / [baptised] May 1 [1830]

ASSOCIATIONS: In the same ceremony, his sister Sophia Caroline Lawson (born 7 September 1829) was also baptised

1847, marriage solemnized at St. Mary's Church in the parish of Manchester in the county of Lancester; register 1847-49, page 34; Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives 

No. 67 / [1847] November 25 / Charles Grant Lawson / 21 / Bachelor / Commission Merchant / Broughton / [son of] Thomas Lawson / Calico printer
Sarah Gregory / 24 / widow / - / Leeds / [father] Alfred Birchall / Gentleman . . .

England census, 30 March 1851, Barton upon Irwell, Lancashire; UK National Archives, HO107/2218/251/4 (PAYWALL)

[???] Cottage Barton Hamlet / Charles Lawson / Head / Mar. / 26 [sic] / Retired Calico Printer [sic] / [born] Lancashire Manchester
Sarah / Wife / Mar. / 23 / - / [born] Yorkshire Leeds

Names and descriptions of passengers per Atrevida, from London, 10 September 1852, for Port Phillip; Public Record Office Victoria, VRPS 947 (PAYWALL)

. . . Lawson David / 31 / Warehouseman // Lawson Elizabeth / 26 / Wife //
Lawson Charles / 28 [sic] // Warehouseman // Lawson Sarah / Wife // Lawson Charles / 1 . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 January 1853), 5 

PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS:- Mr. JOHN GREGG, Mr. DE COURCY, From the Lyceum Theatre, London, Mr. MOSELY.
PIANIST - Mr. SALAMON. ADMISSION - ONE SHILLING. Chops, Steaks, Kidneys, &c., until half-past Ten o'clock.

ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Wilkie (proprietor); John Gregg (vocalist); Edmund St. Albin (vocalist); George Laberne (vocalist); Mr. Dawson (vocalist); Edward Salamon (pianist)

[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (5 May 1864), 3 

FUNERAL NOTICE.-The friends of Mr CHAS. LAWSON (late of Barkly street west) are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of interment, the Ballarat Cemetery; the funeral procession to move from the Ballarat Hospital, this day Thursday, at 10 o'clock precisely.

Bibliography and resources:

Charles Lawson, Find a grave 


Vocalist, countertenor

Active Parramatta and Sydney, NSW, 1827-29 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"To the Editor", The Australian (7 April 1827), 2 

On Monday last a concert was held at Mr. Nash's inn, Parramatta, when Mrs. Jones made her appearance here, for the first time. The company, amounting to fifty or sixty persons, were very respectable. They were well pleased with Mrs. Jones's songs, which were numerous. Mr. Layton afterwards made his debut, and sung a variety of songs, which were well received by the company . . .

"MR. LEVEY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (22 August 1829), 3 

. . . "O Lady Fair!" a Glee, next followed, and was very well executed. The counter tenor voice of Mr. Layton pleased those well who listened to his notes. This Glee was also loudly encored . . .

LAZAR, John (John LAZAR; Mr. J. LAZAR)

Actor, vocalist, theatrical manager

Born Edinburgh, Scotland, 1 December 1803 [not 1801]; son of Abraham LAZAR and Rachel LAZARUS
Married Julia SOLOMON (c. 1807-1880), London, England, 2 November 1825
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 February 1837 (per Lady Macnaughten, from London, 18 October 1836, via Cork, 5 November 1836; quarantined at Sydney until 14 April 1837)
Departed Adelaide, SA, 1 April 1863 (per Aldinga, for Melbourne, en route to Dunedin, NZ)
Died Hokitika, NZ, 8 June 1879, aged "75/76" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia)

LAZAR, Rachel (Rachel LAZAR; Miss LAZAR; Mrs. Andrew MOORE) see Rachel MOORE

Actor, dancer, vocalist

Born ? London, England, 10 December 1827 (date on gravestone); daughter of John LAZAR and Julia SOLOMON
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 February 1837 (per Lady Macnaughten, from London, 18 October 1836, via Cork, 5 November 1836; quarantined at Sydney until 14 April 1837)
Married Andrew MOORE, Adelaide, SA, 13 November 1850
Died Sydney, NSW, 20 December 1905, aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LAZAR, Samuel (Samuel LAZAR)

Opera and theatrical manager, playwright

Born Sydney, NSW, 1838
Died Cook's River, NSW, 14 November 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

John Lazar

John Lazar 


According to his Hokatika obituary, based on details presumably supplied by his wife Julia, John Lazar was aged 75 ("in his 76th year") at his death, having been born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 1 December 1803 (not 1801 as claimed in 20th century sources), a son of Abraham Lazar, a clothier.

He and Julia had celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at Hokatika on 2 November 1875.

Independent of these dates, no primary source documentation of his birth and marriage is known to survive, and the usual year of birth of 1801 given in 20th century sources is almost certainly an error.

With their young family, they emigrated to NSW on board the Lady Macnaugthton, sailing from London on 18 October 1836. Three of their children died from an outbreak of fever on board, and on arriving in Sydney, on 27 February 1837, they were detained in quarantine until 14 April.

Their eldest daughter, Rachel, made her colonial debut as a dancer at the Theatre Royal, Sydney, on 15 May, and John, as an actor, two days later playing Shylock.

John was only an occasional singer, but performed comic and sentimental songs nevertheless. During his first Sydney season, at the Theatre Royal in September 1837, a performance of Selby's 1835 London comedy Catching an heiress featured Lazar playing Tom Twig "in which character he will sing the original Song of The statue fair, and an entire new Medley Baron Sowererouizensausengen".

That month he was also billed to sing the very popular Scots song Lord Ullin's daughter.

In Adelaide in 1849, the press lamented "a low piece of travestie injudiciously introduced by Mr. Lazar, purporting to be a buffo, in other words, a clap-trap parody on the opera of Cinderella."

His daughter Rachel married the violinist Andrew Moore.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (15 May 1837), 3 

Theatre Royal, Sydney. WHIT-MONDAY.
THE Public is most respectfully informer that on Monday Evening, May 15th,
MISS LAZAR, (a Young Lady ten years of age from the Theatres Royal Italian Opera House, Drury-lane, and Covent-garden)
will appear for the first tine at this Theatre,
and dance a PAS SEUL, in the Masquerade Scene in the Drama of AGNES DE VERE . . .
T. SIMES, Manager.

"SHIP NEWS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 May 1837), 2 

Mr. Lazar, who arrived in this colony by the Lady McNaughton, will make his debut upon the boards of the Sydney Theatre, on Thursday next, in the character of Shylock. Report speaks well of his abilities.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (4 September 1837), 1

[Advertisement], Empire (15 September 1837), 2

[Playbill], Nash's Rooms, Parramatta, Mr. Lazar . . . Tuesday, 25th of June, 1839 (Sydney: Tegg and Co. Printer, [1839]); State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 September 1843), 2 

First appearance of Master S. Lazar, as Tom Thumb, with the original Song . . .
The musical burletta of TOM THUMB. Dance by Mr. Chambers . . .
Mr. J. LAZAR, Manager.

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (8 September 1843), 2 

On Wednesday evening the performances at the Victoria Theatre were selected for the entertainment of the juvenile branches of the community, for whom a "Juvenile Night" is annually appropriated by the management . . . The performances commenced with a new farce written expressly for the Victoria, and entitled "Contradiction, or a Wife upon Sufferance" . . . O'Hara's admirable adaptation of Fielding's famous burlesque tragedy of TOM THUMB followed, and introduced to the juvenile visitants Master S. Lazar as the pigmy prince of giant-killers. This infant aspirant to histrionic humors [sic, honors], who appears to be scarcely five years of age, is an exceedingly clever child, and entered with a spirit, which drew down peals of laughter, and applause, into the mock scenes of "chivalrie and ladye-love of the renounedde Thomasse Thumbe." The "loving allegorie" of "As when the Chimney Sweeper" was sung by him with comical effect, and he kept up the fun of the burlesque throughout. At the fall of the curtain, he was loudly called for, and the humour with which he pressed his hand to his heart, and bowed his thanks to the audience, was inimitable, and appeared to afford unbounded delight to the young folks who crowded the boxes. We perceive by an advertisement in another column, that this young gentleman makes his second appearance on Monday Evening next, on the occasion of his Father's benefit. Mr. Lazar in his capacity of impresario has done so much to secure the best wishes of the lovers of the Drama . . .

"NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (30 December 1848), 3 

Mr. Lazar, ever alive to the taste of the public, produced, on a very splendid scale, for the amusement of the holiday folks, the well-known Arabian Night tale of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. Boxing-night is proverbial for entertainments of this description, and the manager spared no expense in placing the piece before the public in a manner which gave the greatest satisfaction. The part of Kazrac was sustained by Mr. Lazar. He took the audience by surprise his agility and pantomime action being exceedingly clever, and may be ranked among his very best attempts. Miss Lazar not only looked but played Aladdin with much naivete - her combat with Mr. Jacob's was loudly and deservedly applauded. Mad. Vellburne's dancing was all grace and elegance; and the characters throughout appeared to give the piece the effect the author intended it to produce. The patt of Abanazar was taken by Mr. Webster at a very short notice, in consequence of Mr. Thomson's somewhat abrupt departure for Port Phillip. We had almost omitted to mention Master Lazar's very clever performance of Bombastes, which created shouts of laughter, and added another wreath to his histrionic fame.

"MR. GRIFFITH'S CONCERT", South Australian (16 March 1849), 3

"OPENING OF THE JEWISH SYNAGOGUE", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (5 September 1850), 2 

The Jewish Synagogue, Rundle-street, was consecrated on Tuesday last in the presence of about fifty of the principal members of the Jewish persuasion . . . The usual ceremonials consequent upon such occasions were gone through - Messrs. Lazar, Solomon, and Phillips being the chief officiators in Hebrew, and the first-named gentleman and Mr. Judah Solomon in English. The splendid service chorusses weie beatifully performed under the direction of Mr. Lazar . . . The whole passed off exceedingly well, and appeared to give universal satisfaction. - Adelaide Times.

"DEPARTURE OF MR. J. LAZAR", South Australian Register (2 April 1863), 2 

Among the passengers by the Aldinga, for Melbourne, is Mr. J. Lazar, who is accompanied by his wife and daughter, and is proceeding to New Zealand. A large number of Freemasons, of which craft Mr. Lazar enjoys the title of P.D.P.G.M., accompanied him to the Port, and took a parting glass with him on board the steamer.

"NEW ZEALAND [From our Victorian Correspondent] Melbourne, November 16", South Australian Register (17 November 1863), 3 

Mr. John Lazar, thrice Mayor of Adelaide, has been appointed Clerk to the Dunedin Town Board.

"A GOLDEN WEDDING", West Coast Times [Hokatika, NZ] (4 November 1875), 2 

A Golden Wedding day in the colonies is a circumstance of such unusual note, that the friends of Mr. John Lazar, on ascertaining that he and Mrs. Lazar were to celebrate their fiftieth wedding day on Tuesday last [2 November], determined upon recognising the event by a general festivity, and accordingly a number of gentlemen invited Mr. Lazar to the Empire Hotel at eight o'clock, where a suitable repast had been provided, to which between fifty and sixty sat down . . .

"THE LATE MR. JOHN LAZAR", West Coast Times (11 June 1879), 2

Mr. John Lazar was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on the 1st of December, 1803. He was a son of the late Mr. Abraham Lazar, clothier, of that city. His father died at the age of 52. His mother, who was a native of Germany, died in the year 1825. His parents left Edinburgh when he was only 18 months old, and repaired to London, where his father engaged in business on the Stock Exchange, which pursuit he followed up to the time of his death. Mr. John Lazar when quite a young man was engaged as a commercial traveller for the firm of J. F. Pawson and Co., of Cheapside, and in that capacity travelled for several years over England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. A few years later he commenced business on his own account as a silversmith and jeweller, at No. 5 Duke street, Manchester Square, London, from which he afterwards removed to New street, Covent Garden.

He was married to Mrs. Lazar, his devoted partner in life, on the 2nd of November, 1825, and the good old couple celebrated their golden wedding in Hokitika, over three years ago, when a large number of their friends met at the Empire Hotel, and joyfully celebrated the occasion. In the year 1836 Mr. and Mrs. Lazar left England for Sydney, reaching that colony by the ship "Lady McNaughton," which made a passage of 91 days, but during that time there were 123 deaths on board, owing to a terrible fever which had broken out whilst the vessel was becalmed in the tropics. The passengers, after arrival, were compelled to lay in quarantine for 112 days, Mr. Lazar himself having been stricken down with fever, and all hopes of his recovery abandoned. He however lost three of his children by that sorrowful visitation, and has often referred to the appalling incidents of that eventful voyage in connection with his arrival in the colony.

Mr. Lazar's family consisted of ten children, three of whom died in England, three as mentioned, died on board ship, and four are still alive, one of whom, Mr. Samuel Lazar, is well and favorably known, and deservedly respected, in connection with theatrical matters in Sydney to the present day. Miss Lazar who resides in Hokitika, has devoted her life to her aged parents, and is much esteemed by all classes of the community.

In Sydney Mr. Lazar took to the stage, for which he had formed a love in early life, but had only appeared as an amateur, previous to his reaching the colonies. He became very popular as an actor and soon after obtained the management of the Theatre Royal in that city, at a salary of £8 per week, with Mr. Levy, who was then owner of the theatre. Mr. Wyatt, shortly after Mr. Lazar's engagement, bought the theatre for £6000, and six weeks after it changed hands it was burned to the ground. A new theatre was built, and Mr. Lazar obtained the management of it from 1837 to 1840, in which year he left Sydney for Adelaide, where he leased the theatre in that city from Mr. Solomon, at a rental of £10 per week.

In 1843 he again returned to Sydney, and being in tolerably comfortable circumstances, spent some time in visiting Hobart Town, Launceston and Melbourne. In 1848 he settled for the second time in Adelaide, leasing the theatre there in company with Mr. George Coppin.

In 1851 he entered into business there as a silversmith, and often he has related many stories connected with his gold purchases in those days, when it was readily purchased by him at £2 10s per ounce. Between the years 1851 and 1853 he held the office of Alderman in the city, and in 1855 he was elected Mayor of Adelaide. To this high position he was three times returned by the citizens, and in 1858, when he was 55 years of age, he could have retired from business with a handsome competency. On his retirement from the position of Mayor, he was presented with a testimonial, signed by the Chief Justice, the Attorney-General, Judges, Barristers, Members of both Houses of Parliament, Aldermen and Merchants of the City, expressive of the estimation in which he was held, and of the high opinion they had formed of his able judgments in the administration of the business of the Mayor's Court, of which he was the founder, and in the discharge of his many public duties. Mr. Lazar was also appointed by the Government as the first Returning Officer for the district, under the new constitution of South Australia. He was also a territorial Justice of the Peace of that colony. About this time, Mr. Lazar was offered the important appointment of Commissioner of Bankruptcy, but he declined the honor, as it was then his intention to return to Europe and settle down on his well earned competency. He however never carried out that intention, but remained in Adelaide until 1862, having lost his all in mining and other ventures, in which he had embarked.

In 1863 he left South Australia for New Zealand. In Dunedin, if we mistake not, he was appointed the first Town Clerk towards the end of 1863, in which capacity he continued until 1866 when he resolved to leave for Hokitika. At the time he resigned his appointment in Dunedin he was preseuted with £200 from the Corporation there Here in Hokitika he may be said to have been the founder of the first Corporation. He reached this town on the 13th of October, 1866, and on the 21st of the same month, he was appointed Town Clerk. This position was held by him until the year 1873, when he was appointed County Treasurer, and subsequently in 1874 when the County gave place to Provincialism, Mr. Lazar was transferred to the office of Provincial Treasurer. By the action of the Council, responsible Government was formed, and the position of Treasurer was made an elective office in the Council itself - consequently Mr. Lazar's services were no longer required.

From that period up to the time of his death he has not been engaged in any pursuit - his failing sight, and the infirmities of old age entirely precluding him from engaging in any occupation, although his faculties and perceptions remained unimpared to the last.

We may say that the name of John Lazar, as a Freemason, is known in every part of the globe. For many years past his name has been recorded amongst the great Masonic celebrities of the times. He was initiated into Freemasonry in Sydney in the year 1838. His remarkable oratorical powers and commanding address soon gained him prominence in the craft. He was Deputy Provincial Grand Master of South Australia. He also held the same position in the Province of Otago, in this colony, and in March 1871 was installed the Right Worshipful District Grand Master of Westland, under patent received from the Most Worshipful Grand Master of England, the Earl de Grey and Ripon. Mr. Lazar was one of the most able Masons of his day, and his consecrations and installation ceremonies were the admiration of the whole craft. His eloquent delivery, and clear enunciation, added to which his imposing and patriarchal appearance, could not fail to have a deep impression on the minds of his brethren, by whom he was universally beloved. It has always been regarded a "red letter day" in Masonry when Bro. Lazar presided. He has in his time installed many distinguished brethren. He installed the following District Grand Masters under the English Constitution: - John Hyde Harris, Esq., for Otago; Dr. Donald for Canterbury; the late Sir Donald McLean for the North Island; G. S. Graham, Esq., for the Auckland district; Vincent Pyke, Esq., for Otago; and the Hon. W. Whittaker for the Auckland district under the Scottish Constitution. The largest gatherings of Masone ever assembled in this colony have been held in honor of his visits, and at the festive board, he was ever the life and soul of the assemblage. His genial nature expanded with the kindliest feelings; he for ever cast a ray of sunshine about him. He was truly the man to whom the burdened heart could prefer its suit, his benevolent instincts were ever foremost in the good works of charity, and ever ready to assuage the sorrows of his fellow man. In fact he never wearied in doing good, and his wise counsel and matured experience, will not readily be found again by the brethren, with whom he loved to abide.

Mr. Lazar, both as a Mason and a citizen, has from time to time received many valuable testimonials. As a Mason his breast was literally covered with most costly presentation jewels which gave him a most imposing appearance. The good old man has now gone to his rest at the ripe age of 76, beloved by all classes of the community. It may truly be said of him, that he was oae of Nature's gentlemen, an honest, conscientious, and noble minded man, and one who will be missed in society for many years to come.

"OBITUARY. MR. SAMUEL LAZAR", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1883), 11

Mr. Samuel Lazar, who during the past 10 years was a prominent figure in theatrical circles here, died on November 14th, at Dr. Tucker's private Asylum, Cook's River, now conducted by Dr. Vause. Mr. Lazar was one of a theatrical family. His father was for a longtime lessee of the old Victoria here, and Samuel Lazar himself made his appearance on the stage at a very early age. Afterwards he became confidential manager for Messrs. Bennett and Fisher, stock and station agents, Adelaide, but subsequently again engaged in theatrical business. With Messrs. Barnett and Levy he built the Theatre Royal. Two years ago it became evident that Mr. Lazar was becoming insane, and softening of the brain set in so rapidly that it became necessary to place him under restraint and he remained at the Cook's River Asylum until his death.

"The Late Mr. Samuel Lazar", The Lorgnette [Melbourne, VIC] (29 November 1883), 4 

THE above named gentlemen was the proprietor of the Theatre Royal Sydney, now leased by Messrs. J. C. Williamson, A. Garner, and George Musgrove. At a very early age, he became acquainted with the stage in Adelaide of appearing as an "Infant Phenomenon." In after years, he Went into commercial pursuits and for a considerable period was the confidential managing man for Messrs. Bennett and Fisher, the wealthy stock and station agents of Adelaide. In the course of time the deceased, gentleman built the first Theatre Royal in that "farinaceous" city. The course of events took him to Sydney, and there he, for years, devoted his time and energies in providing musical and dramatic entertainments for the people of New South Wales, and was instrumental in introducing very, many artistes into the "City of the Cornstalks." About two years since, his state, of health gave great anxiety to his many, many friends, as signs, of insanity plainly developed themselves, he being more dangerous to himself than to others. From the first, his medical attendants did not entertain the slightest hopes of his recovery and about a year and a half ago he was removed to the Cook's River Asylum near Sydney, where he languished and died on the night of November 14th, 1883. Mr. Lazar, was greatly respected and liked by all with whom he was brought in contact and all his business relations were characterised by thorough uprightness and integrity. The only speculation of any great moment in which the late Mr. Lazar was interested in this city (Melbourne), was the inauguration of an opera season at the Theatre Royal on Saturday Feb. 17 1877, when he produced several new Italian operas and introduced new artistes to the people of Melbourne . . .
- W. H. W.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Waters (obituarist)

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 December 1905), 10 

MOORE - December 21 at her residence, Hargrave-street, Paddington, Rachel, relict of the late Andrew De Horne Moore, aged 78 years.

Bibliography and resources:

G. L. Fisher, "Lazar, John (1801-1879)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)

LAZARUS, Abraham Barnet

Amateur violinist (pupil of James HUNTER), conductor (Bendigo Liedertafel), medical doctor

Born VIC, 1864 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


LAZARUS, Daniel Barnet

Amateur violinist, politician

Born VIC, 1866 (NLA persistent identifier)

LEAKE, Mary Ann (Mary Ann WALPOLE; Mrs. LEAKE; Mrs. Luke LEAKE senior)

Amateur musician, pianist

Born ? UK, c. 1801
Arrived Perth, WA, 27 January 1833 (per The Cygnet from London and Portsmouth, 19 September 1832)
Died Perth, WA, 14 May 1872, "in her 72nd year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal (2 February 1833), 18 

Martin Doyle (ed.), Extracts from the letters and journals of George Fletcher Moore: Esq., now filling a judicial office at the Swan River settlement . . . (London: Orr and Smith, 1834), 224-25 

. . . On the 10th [February 1833] I rode to Guildford; walked thence to Perth, which I did not leave until the 12th; at Mr. Leake's, and enjoyed the grand piano which Mrs. Leake, who had recently arrived, had brought with her. The two natives of King George's Sound (who are on their return) were greatly delighted with the music; they danced the kangaroo dance . . . Afterwards they seated themselves in arm-chairs, with the greatest self-complacency, and drank tea.

[Extract], The Hobart Town Courier (26 December 1834), 4 

"Performance of Sacred Music", Inquirer (14 May 1845), 1-2

. . . The celebrated air "Let the bright Seraphim", from Handel's Oratorio of "Samson", was next sung in first-rate style by Mrs. Symmons, feelingly accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Leake. We missed Harper's trumpet obligato, but in other respects there was little to desire . . . The Benedictus was followed by a chorus from the "Te Deum," by Graun, succeeded by that enchanting duett from Judas Maccabaeus, "O lovely peace," which was given with surpassing excellence by Miss and Mrs. Symmons. If it be permitted, or possible, to single out particular beauties where all was so lovely, we should say that this was the gem of the evening. We have heard the same duett many times, and we can honestly declare that we never heard it sung with more exquisite taste and feeling; the accompaniment, too, was most delightfully played throughout by Mrs. Leake, forming altogether the greatest musical treat we have had for many years . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Harper (English trumpeter)

"DIED", The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (17 May 1872), 2 

"DEATH OF SIR LUKE LEAKE", Western Mail (8 May 1886), 26 

"OBITUARY", The Daily News (8 November 1929), 12 

"RECOLLECTIONS. By C. E. V. Shenton, nee Lochee", The West Australian (19 October 1935), 7 

AS Perth from its very earliest days has always been a musical and music loving people and still remains so, I think I ought to say something of their doings. There were some very fine musicians I have been told in those early days. Mrs. Luke Leake, senior, piano; Mrs. Hamersley, singing; the Rev. Wittenoom, cello, being among the foremost . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Recovering musical data from colonial era transcriptions of Indigenous songs: some practical considerations", in Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin (eds), Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics, 2017), 354-55 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED) (FREE DOWNLOAD)

LEARY, Thomas (Thomas LEARY)

Amateur musician, bandsman, founding member of St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)

Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), by c. 1845


Musician, vocalist, concertina and banjo player, entertainer, minstrel serenader

Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1860 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LE CREN, Louisa (Louisa Maria DAWSON; Mrs. Thomas LE CREN)


Born c. 1843; daughter of Lancelot DAWSON and Eliza STEWART
Married Thomas LE CREN, VIC, 1862
Died VIC, 13 August 1883, aged 40 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[News], The Herald (4 July 1868), 2 

The usual meeting of the Victorian Musical Association (of professional musicians) took place on Thursday, 3rd July. The following names were proposed, ballotted for, and elected: - Mrs. Le Cren, Messrs. Rutter, Amery, Donaldson, G. Fincham, T. Dudley, Peters, Herr Elsasser, Herr Collin . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Oswald Rutter (musician, composer); Edwin Amery (vocalist); Charles Donaldson (vocalist); George Fincham (organ builder); Leopold Frederick Collin (musician)

"POLICE. PRAHRAM COURT. MONDAY, MARCH 31 . . . THREATENING SUICIDE", The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (5 April 1873), 3 

Mrs. Louisa Le Cren, charged with threatening to commit suicide, was handed over to some friends who promised to take care of her.

"DEATHS", The Australasian (25 August 1883), 11 supplement 

LE CREN. - On the 13th inst., Louisa Maria, the beloved wife of Thomas Le Cren, aged 40 years.

LEE, Mr. (Mr. LEE)

Violinist, fiddler, pianist, inventor

Active Woods Point, VIC, 1867


"ITEMS OF NEWS", Mount Alexander Mail (1 May 1867), 2 

[News], South Bourke Standard (3 May 1867), 3 

A rather novel invention for playing on the piano is mentioned by a Wood's Point journal. Mr. Lee, who performs on the fiddle at Treseder's concert room, has attached a number of pedals to a piano, which strike the piano finger keys in eighths, fifths, and thirds, producing a chord to any tune that can be played. "These pedals Mr. Lee works with his feet, whilst he plays the violin, and produces excellent music."

LEE, David (Mr. David LEE)

Musician, professor of music, pianist, organist, organ builder, music retailer, music publisher, composer

Born Armagh, Ireland, 20 March 1837
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 26 July 1864 (per Morning Light)
Died South Yarra, Melbourne, VIC, 12 May 1897, aged 60 (NLA persistent identifier) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Brother of Harcourt LEE, David Lee was active in Melbourne by 1865, as a concert artist and as organist of St. Luke's Emerald Hill and associated with the Melbourne Philharmonic. In Collins-Street east in September 1866, "Mr. David Lee and Mr. Samuel Kaye (professors of music)" opened a Pianoforte and Harmonium Warehouse (see entry on Samuel KAYE for details of their publishing business). Lee and Kaye served as conductor and organist of the Melbourne Philharmonic, and later briefly shared responsibilities as City Organist, a role taken over by Lee alone after Kaye's departure.

According to organist George PEAKE (quoted in Carne, scanned edition, 27):

Mr. Lee was a musician of undoubted ability, shrewd, business like and full of energy. Mainly by his own personal exertions and natural gifts he rose from a bank clerk to become one of the most successful and popular musicians in the Colony. Leaving the banking business, he became a piano tuner, organist of Collins Street Independent Church, Conductor of the Philharmonic Society, City Organist, music seller and organ builder. He was ever on good terms with himself, bright and cheery in disposition, and generally successful in impressing his friends with the value of his ability. His advice to the chorus 'to keep one eye on the Conductor and one on the music' came bubbling to the surface with great frequency, much to his own enjoyment. His keen business instinct possibly affected his musical judgment, while his bonhomie and personal popularity probably disarmed criticism, much to his own disadvantage as a public musician. His musical enterprise appeared to be influenced by a desire to please the public and win popularity rather than promote the educational and progressive advance of musical art. His troops of friends and easily-won popularity were not calculated to lead to any continuous development of his natural gifts and fine musical talent. Altogether he gained an ascendancy in the Philharmonic Society which made him aggressive and difficult to manage . . .

An interesting lost musical work by Lee is a song called The ins and outs of responsible government (words by E. G. Fitzgibbon), newly published and briefly reviewed in The Argus in February 1880.


"DUBLIN", The Musical Times 11 (1 March 1863), 8

[News], The Argus (27 February 1865), 4

[News], The Argus (8 March 1865), 4

[News], The Argus (6 December 1865), 4

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 September 1866), 8

"INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION", The Argus (4 December 1866), 5

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 December 1868), 8

"MR. DAVID LEE'S CONCERT", The Argus (17 March 1874), 4

[Advertisement], The Argus (27 December 1875), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 July 1876), 3

"THE SCOT'S CHURCH", The Argus (25 July 1876), 7

"ALLAN AND CO.'S NEW MUSIC WAREHOUSE", The Argus (5 October 1876), 10

[News], The Argus (28 February 1880), 6

"DEATHS", The Argus (13 May 1897), 1

"DEATH OF MR. DAVID LEE", The Argus (13 May 1897), 6

"DEATHS", The Argus (10 May 1916), 1

Bibliography and resources:

H. Morin Humphreys (comp.), Men of the time in Australia, Victorian series, second edition (Melbourne: McCarron, Bird & Co. 1882), [lxxx]-[lxxxi] (DIGITISED)

Carne 1954

Sally O'Neill, "Lee, David (1837-1897)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)

Helen Jones, "Lee, Mary (1821-1909)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986)

LEE, Harcourt (Harcourt LEE)

Professor of Music, pianist, orchestral conductor, composer

Born Ireland, c.1844 (younger brother of David LEE)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, January 1862 (assisted immigrant per Morning Light, aged 18, from Liverpool)
Died Melbourne, VIC, 18 May 1908, aged 64 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Argus (2 September 1863), 8

"CORONER'S INQUEST", The Argus (15 February 1864), 5

[News], The Argus (12 October 1867), 4

"Deaths", The Argus (6 June 1908), 12

"DEATHS", The Argus (24 June 1908), 1

Musical works:

The duke of Edinburgh waltz ([Melbourne]: [W. H. Glen], [1867]) 

Melbourne Exhibition quadrille, in Glen's Exhibition album (Melbourne: W. H. Glen, [1880?])

LEE, Thomas (Thomas LEE; Mr. T. LEE)

Equestrian and circus performer

Born Dumfries, Scotland, c. 1823
Married (? common law) Emma COOKE, by c. 1844
Died Dunedin, NZ, 24 July 1878, aged "57" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LEE, Emma (Emma Jane Barlow COOKE; [1] Mrs. Thomas LEE; Mrs. T. LEE; Mrs. LEE; Madame LEE; E. LEE; [2] Mrs. Frederick BLAKELEY)

Dancer, equestrian and circus performer

Born Hampshire, England, 1826; baptised Newport, 30 June 1826; daughter of Thomas Edwin COOKE (1802-1897) and Jane DIPROSE (1806-1886) (m. 1825)
Married (? common law) [1] Thomas LEE, by c. 1844
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 3 November 1854 (per Calabar, from London, 4 August)
Departed ? Adelaide, SA, c. early 1863 (? for India)
Married [2] Frederick BLAKELEY, Calcutta, India, 5 February 1870
Died New York, USA, 15 February 1901, aged "74" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

ASSOCIATIONS: Cooke's circus (troupe); William and John Barlow (cousins)


Baptisms, Newport, Hampshire, 1826; England, Select births and christenings, (PAYWALL)

30 June 1826 / Emma Jane Barlow daughter of / Thomas and Jane / Cooke

England census, 30 March 1851, Brighton, Sussex; UK National Archives, HO107/1645/766/22 (PAYWALL)

28 Kensington Gardens / Thomas Lee / Head / Mar. / 28 / Equestrian / [born] Scotland Dumfries
Emma Lee / Wife / Mar. / 24 / Equestrian / [born] Hants. Southampton
Jane / Daur. / 5 // [born] Lancashire Market Deeping
[Edwin] Thomas / 1 month / [born] Sussex Brighton

[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (21 November 1854), 1 

Mr. George Lewis, Lessee of Astley's Amphitheatre, would respectfully address himself to the Citizens of Melbourne and of the Colony generally, relative to the successful attempt which he has made to establish in their midst a capacious institution for the amusement of the inhabitants . . .
The proceedings of the past week at Astley's, unprecedented since the foundation of this Colony, Mr. Lewis submits, fully redeems every pledge he gave. The arrival and appearance of Mr. Barry, Mr. Lee, and others, the first contingent of his London Troupe - the crowded houses - and the overflowing thousands who were shut out from Boxes, Pit, and Gallery, during the week, proclaim for Mr. Lewis the fidelity with which at this extreme point of the earth he has sustained his public engagements . . .
Mr. Lewis has now the additional satisfaction of announcing the arrival of another of his brilliant stars, in the person of Mrs. Lee, the celebrated Tight Rope Dancer, from Astley's London, the daughter and pupil of Cooke, the present lessee of that renewed arena, and can with confidence invite the public to witness her wonderful performances on the vibrating rope . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George Lewis (lessee, manager); Tom Barry (clown, also arrived on the Calabar); Astley's Amphitheatre (London venue, it was correctly her uncle William who was lessee from 1853, but her father was part of the business) Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Peter's Melbourne in the county of Bourke in the year 1855; register 1848-59, page 180; St. Peter's Eastern Hill (PAYWALL)

No. 2585 / 2660 / May 4 [1855] / [born] 11 March 1855 / Frederick Cooke Barlow [son of] / Thomas & Emma / Lee / Spring Street / Equestrian . . .
No. 2586 / 2661 / May 4 [1855] / born 28 Feb'y 1851 / Edwin Thomas [son of] / Thomas & Emma / Lee / Spring Street / Equestrian . . .

"DEATHS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 December 1867), 4 

LEE. - On the 8th October (date of intelligence), at Calcutta, Jane, eldest daughter of Thomas and Madame Lee, late of Melbourne, scarcely twenty-two years of age. New Zealand papers please copy.

Marriages, Calcutta, Bengal, India, 1870; India, Select marriages (PAYWALL)

5 February 1870 / Emma Lee, daughter of Thomas Cooke / and Frederick Augustus John Blakely

"DEATHS", Otago Daily Times [Dunedin, NZ] (26 July 1878), 2 

On the 24th July, at Dunedin Hospital, Thomas Lees [sic], equestrian, late of Astley's Amphitheatre, London, aged 57 years.

Bibliography and resources:

Emma Blakely [sic], Find a grave 

LEE, John Calvin (John Calvin LEE; Mr. J. C. LEE)

Musician, vocalist, bones player (New York Serenaders, Totten's Harmoneons)

Born c. ?; son of William LEE
Arrived (1) George Town, near Launceston, TAS, 26 February 1851 (per Spartan, from California, via Tahiti)
Departed (1) Fremantle, WA, 10 December 1851 (per Royal Saxon, for Calcutta)
Married Adelaide VENTURA, Calcutta, Bengal, India, 17 February 1853 (aged "24" [sic])
Arrived (2) Melbourne, VIC, 2 May 1853 (per Marlborough, from Calcutta, 12 March)
Departed (2) Fremantle, WA, 4 January 1855 (per Eleanor, for Port Louis, Mauritius) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

See also (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (1 March 1851), 133

"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 October 1851), 2

Marriages, Calcutta, 1853; India, Select marriages database (PAYWALL)

17 February 1853 / John Calvin Lee [aged] 24 [son of] William Lee
Adelaide Ventura [aged] 14 [sic] [daughter of] Giuseppe Ventura

Passengers per Marlborough, from Calcutta, arrived Melbourne, 2 May 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Mr. Nash, Mr. Pierce, Mr. Kitts, Mr. Reading, Mrs. Ventura, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Lee . . .

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (3 May 1853), 4 

May 2. - Marlborough ship, 1210 tons, Allen Young, from Calcutta 12th March. Passengers - cabin . . . Mrs. J. C. Lee, Madame Ventura . . . J. W. Reading, J. O. Pearce, J. C. Lee, J. E. Kitts, J. P. Nash . . . and seventy in the steerage . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Wittman 2010, Empire of culture, 51 (DIGITISED)

LEE, J. H. (J. H. LEE)

Minstrel, serenader, banjoist, banjo player (West's Minstrels, Empire Minstrels)

Active Bendigo, VIC, and Adelaide, SA, 1858


[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (23 June 1858), 1 

[Advertisement], South Australian Weekly Chronicle (31 July 1858), 1 supplement 

LEE, John Herman Selwyn (John Herman Selwyn LEE; J. H. S. LEE; Mr. LEE)

Actor, manager, comedian, comic vocalist

Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by June 1834
Died Geelong, VIC, July 1851 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged)

LEE, Clara (Clara LEE; Miss Clara LEE; Miss C. LEE; Miss LEE)

Juvenile dancer, actor


Lee, later described as an "Irish comedian", first appeared at the theatres in Hobart and Launceston during 1834 and 1835, before sailing for Sydney. Last heard of, Lee was managing the Theatre Royal, Geelong, in Victoria in April 1851. Two years later, in Adelaide, one of the performing dogs of "the late J. H. S. Lee" was billed to appear at the theatre.

Though principally an actor, he also danced and sang, mostly comic songs, but also occasionally in more serious solos and duets. He appeared in a principal role in George Peck's production of Weber's Der Freischütz in Sydney in 1838, though it is unclear whether, or perhaps more likely not, he sang. During the 1840s he also appeared with his performing dogs.


"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (17 December 1835), 2 

From Liverpool, via Hobart Town, on Tuesday last, having sailed from the former port the 29th of July, and the latter the 1st instant, the barque Jessie, Captain William Bell, with merchandize. Passengers, Mr. William Myles, Mr. Richard Short, Mrs. Short, Mr. M. Murphy, Mrs. Murphy, Mr. Robert Gray, Mrs. Gray and six children, Mr. Charles Carman, Mr. James Moore, Mr. John Sooseman, and Mr. J. H. S. Lee.

[Advertising], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (15 September 1838), 3 

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (9 April 1851), 1 

"BENEFIT FOR THE LATE MR. LEE'S DAUGHTER", Geelong Advertiser (16 July 1853), 2 

Tonight a performance will take place for the benefit of Miss Lee, who has been left an orphan by the demise of her father, who was buried yesterday. The dramatic "corps" of our town, have volunteered their services gratuitously for the occasion, and Mr. Deering has liberally granted the Theatre on the same terms. Much honor to all parties for their liberality, to which we hope the public of Geelong will respond in a similar spirit, and give the orphan a bumping benefit.

[Advertisement], The Courier (29 September 1853), 2 

. . . DOG "SCHWARTZ," Justly celebrated for his docility, sagacity and courage, trained by the late Mr. J. H. S. Lee expressly for the piece to be performed, will appear FOR THIS NIGHT ONLY In the celebrated Drama of the FOREST OF BONDY; OR, THE DOG OF MONTARGIS. . .

LEE, John (John LEE)

Itinerant musician, composer

Active Hobart, TAS, 1862


"POLICE COURT . . . IDLE AND DISORDERLY", The Mercury (14 October 1862), 2

John Lee charged with being an idle and disorderly person, and begging from public-house to public-house under pretence of shewing his manuscript musical compositions, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment, this being the second occasion on which he had left the Invalid Depot to pursue the same course.

LEE, Joseph (Joseph LEE0

Travelling musician, itinerant musician

Active TAS, 1856


"KINGSTON. THE LATE APPALLING MURDER", The Courier (13 November 1856), 2

. . . Joseph Lee, sworn. - Stated that he was a travelling musician; helped the last witness to carry the body of the deceased on Thursday from off the bush to the township; did not know the deceased.

LEE, Mary (Mary LEE; Miss LEE; Mrs. Henry COLLIER; Mrs. H. COLLIER)

Amateur vocalist

Born Broughton, Manchester, England, 1845; baptised St. Mark, Cheetham, 1 June 1845; daughter of John Bedford LEE (d. VIC, 1899) and Anne LOCKLEY (d. VIC, 1878)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 9 November 1853 (per Sea Ranger, from New York and Boston, 16 July)
Active Bendigo, VIC, by c. 1860
Married Henry COLLIER, Whittlesea, VIC, 16 August 1869
Died Blakehurst, NSW, 16 June 1933, aged "88" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Manchester and Chapelry [of] Cheetham in the county of Lancester in the year 1845; register 1837-49, page 68; Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives (PAYWALL)

No. 541 / [1845] June 1st / Mary Dau'r of / John Bedford and Anne Lee, Broughton, Joiner

List of the passengers arrived at Melbourne, 9 November 1853, from New York, per Sea Ranger; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

John Bedford Lee / 33 // Mrs. Lee / 33 // Mary Lee / 8 // Sarah Lee / 6 months / British

"POLLARD'S SCHOOL REUNION", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (3 February 1860), 2 

"MARRIAGES", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (23 August 1869), 4 

COLLIER - LEE. - On the 16th inst., at Whittlesea, by the Rev. Wm. Soutar, Henry Collier to Mary, eldest daughter of John Bedford Lee, late of Sandhurst.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1833), 12 

COLLIER. - June 16, at her son's residence, Blakehurst, Mary, relict late Henry Collier, and dearly loved mother of Edith, Emmalene, George, and Marcus aged 88.

LEE, Philip (Philip LEE; P. LEE; Mr. LEE)

Musician, violinist, orchestra leader, quadrille band leader, pianist, publican

Born ? c. 1810 (? 1812)
Arrived Kingscote, Kangaroo Island, SA, 20 November 1836 (per Tam O'Shanter, from London, 20 July)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1839; Adelaide, SA, from 1839
Died Glenelg, SA, 8 January 1861, aged 51 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


An Adelaide merchant, Lee gave a "Select Ball" in December 1838 at which he played the violin and a Herr Draving sang and played guitar. He was perhaps related to the actor and singer John Lee active in Sydney theatre. Philip was anyway in Sydney during the first half of 1839, playing with Deane at a Cecilian Society meeting in March. In June, Lee directed a civilian band at a "St. Andrew's Ball" (though obviously not St. Andrew's Day) and was himself leader at a Cecilian Society concert which included the overtures of Don Giovanni, Barber of Seville, and Masaniello.

Back in Adelaide, Lee was "Leader of the Orchestra" when Cameron announced theatrical entertainments in October. In February 1848, he was leader of the band at Lazar's New Queen's Theatre, and in 1849, he was an associate artist in Wallace and Ellard's concerts. In 1851-52 he was still giving his services to the theatre gratuitously.


[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette (29 July 1837), 1

[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (19 May 1838), 2 

[Advertisement], South Australian (15 September 1838), 2

[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette (15 December 1838), 4

"The Cecilian Society", The Australian (9 March 1839), 3

[Letter], "To the Editor", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (27 June 1839), 3

"CECILIAN SOCIETY", The Sydney Herald (28 June 1839), 2

"THE CECILIAN CONCERT", The Colonist (29 June 1839), 2

"THE ST. ANDREW'S BALL" & "CECILIAN CONCERT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (29 June 1839), 1

[Advertisement], South Australian (30 October 1839), 2

[Advertisement], South Australian (9 February 1841), 1s

[Advertisement], South Australian (13 August 1841), 1

[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (26 December 1846), 1

"ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (2 January 1847), 3 

"THE HUNT BALL", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (26 June 1847), 2 

. . . The orchestra, composing eight good performers - in which a well played flute deserves mention - was under the guidance of Mr. Philip Lee - better known by the soubriquet, first given to him by the great O.G. at a large and fashionable party of intending colonists in London, in 1836, as the "South Australian Paganini." It is but justice to Mr. Lee to say that on this occasion the music was excellent, and tended greatly to promote the pleasures of the evening . . .

"RESIDENT MAGISTRATES COURT", South Australian Register (10 June 1848), 4

[Advertisement], South Australian (29 February 1848), 2

[Advertisement], South Australian (6 October 1848), 3

"WEDNESDAY'S CONCERT", South Australian (13 March 1849), 3

[Advertisement], South Australian (1 May 1849), 3

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (1 September 1851), 2

[Advertisement], South Australian Register (8 May 1852), 2

"DEATHS", South Australian Register (10 January 1861), 2

"THE LATE MR. PHILIP LEE", The South Australian Advertiser (10 January 1861), 2 

"The Week", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (27 October 1888), 11 

We have to record the death of another old colonist in the person of Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, whose demise occurred at Glenelg at an early hour on Tuesday morning. The deceased, who had reached the age of 74 years, had not been in her usual health for some four weeks past, and the sad event was not unexpected by her friends. She arrived in South Australia with her husband, the late Philip Lee, in the Tam O'Shanter in 1836, and has lived here ever since. The late Philip Lee was well known to old colonists as a talented violinist. Mrs. Lee and her husband were the first Jewish settlers who landed in the colony. The deceased lady was very fond of talking over the early history of the colony, and had a vivid recollection of events which happened in those days. She was of a cheerful disposition, and until the illness which proved fatal had had no serious ailment. The family left are Mr. J. P. Lee, of Adelaide; Mr. L. P. Lee, who is in America; Mrs. Louis Barnard, of Melbourne; Mrs. B. Solomon and Mrs. S. Barnard, of Glenelg; and one single daughter. There are nine grandchildren.





Chinese musicians

Active Ballarat, VIC, 1863


[Advertisement], The Star (3 October 1863), 3

"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (5 October 1863), 2

. . . At about nine o'clock Mr. Lang, the assiduous president of the institute, brought up to the orchestra a band of some tea or a dozen Chinese, whose services he had enlisted in the good cause. It had been announced that Mr. Ah Coon, the Government interpreter, would favor the company with songs in the Malay, Amoy, and Chin Choo dialects, but Mr. Ah Coon, it appears, did not feel himself in sufficiently robust health to trust his reputation as a vocalist to the hazard of an attempt that evening, confining himself to heralding to the audience the performances of his compatriots. With Chinese music and musical instruments our readers are somewhat familiar, but we dare say they will not be sorry to have the comments of an explanatory paper handed to us on Saturday evening by the president. From this we learn that Ge Sin played on the Kong-wai. The drums covered with buffalo skins were played by Ah Kow, and the gong by Le Tak. The Chinese guitar, or moot-kem, a flat circular instrument with four strings, played on by means of a small piece of bone, was manipulated by Lee-Sem. Wee-Pin played with bone the Sam-yen, a guitar like instrument of three strings, the sounding board being covered with snake-skin. The pan-ewoo, a flat disc of wood for the purpose of keeping time, was beaten by sticks. The shap-ar, a small oblong piece of hardwood six inches by three, was also used for marking time. Wee Pin played the cymbals or cha, well known to dwellers in Ballarat East. Lee Tak also played the gong or laur,  "very effective", as Mr. Lang says, "in producing loud music". Lee Yeng and Lee Chok played the tee-uh or tuk-tie, which produced sounds similar to the Scotch bagpipes, or Scotch organ, as Ah Coon calls the instrument. As we have before stated, Mr. Ah Coon did not sing, but Lee Tak and Kong Wai did. The first sang in his natural voice, and the second in falsetto; but, owing to the ponderousness of the accompaniment, neither could be heard. At the conclusion of the songs, the party retired amidst the applause which courtesy, if not appreciation demanded.

"CHINESE SINGING AND PLAYING", Bendigo Advertiser (7 October 1863), 3

LEECH, Frederick (Frederick LEECH; Mr. F. LEECH)

Musician, violinist

Born Manchester, England, c. 1830; son of Jospeh LEECH
? Married Hannah OATES, St. Mary, Barton-Upon-Humber, Lincoln, England, 1853 (aged 23)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, c. 1858
Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1860
Departed 1873 (for New Zealand)
Died Dunedin, NZ, 18 February 1912, aged "81"


? England census, 30 March 1851, Barton on Humber St. Mary, Lincolnshire; UK National Archives, HO107/2118/309/17 (PAYWALL)

Butts Road / Rachel Leech / Head / Widow / 51 / Engaged in household work / [born] Lancashire Audenshaw
Frederick [Leech] / Son / unm. / 22 / Engineman R[ailwa]y / [born] Cheshire Newton Moor


. . . The proceedings, although comprising a large number of toasts, partook of a social and pleasant character - music of an agreeable kind, provided by Messrs. Leech (violin), and Salaman (piano), enhancing the pleasure of the evening, while a number of songs were volunteered and excellently well sung by the members present . . .

"MUSICAL", Bendigo Advertiser (16 June 1865), 2 

We have to call attention to the benefit, which will be given to-night in the Temperance Hall, to Mr. F. Leech. This gentleman has for a long time been connected with the theatrical orchestra and the concerts in Sandhurst, as a violinist of considerable reputation. The programme of musical performers which he issues for to-night comprises many of the best amateurs of the district, besides a number of professionals. Amongst the latter will be noticed Mr. N. Hallas, now one of the most accomplished performers on the cornet; and Miss Geraldine Warden, formerly of Sandhurst, but who has recently made her debut at the Polytechnic, in Melbourne, where she has earned the favorable opinion of the metropolitan musical connoisseurs. Altogether, the music offered to the public to-night should secure a full house.

ASSOCIATIONS: Nathan Hallas (musician); Geraldine Warden (vocalist)

"Theatrical Gazette", Referee [Sydney, NSW] (6 March 1912), 15 

Frederick Leech who recently passed away in Dunedin, was one of the oldest musicians and teachers in New Zealand. Some of the oldest man's pupils are in New South Wales. Mr. John R. Leech, a son of the departed veteran, lives in Sydney. Born in Manchester, England, Fred Leech came to Australia in 1858. He went to New Zealand as violinist with the Lyster Italian Opera Company in 1873, and stayed there. For some time Mr. Leech was musical director at the Princess Theatre, Dunedin. He was practically the founder of the Dunedin Orchestral Society.

Bibliography and resources:

Frederick Leech, Find a grave 

DEATH: 18 Feb 1912 (aged 80-81), Andersons Bay Cemetery, Dunedin, Block 16, Plot 68.
LEECH, FREDERICK , Teacher of Violin, Viola, and Double Bass. "The Violin School," Moray Place, Dunedin. Mr. Leech, who is one of the oldest and most successful teachers in Dunedin, was born in Manchester, and studied under Mr. John Wild, a well known musician of that town. He went to Victoria in 1858, and in 1866 was attracted by the gold rush and came to Hokitika. Mr. Leech came to Dunedin with Cogle and Lyster's Royal Italian Opera Company, in 1873, and afterwards secured an engagement as Musical Director of the Princess Theatre, under the management of Geddis and Willis. Shortly afterwards he started teaching, and his orchestra formed the nucleus of the present Orchestral Society. Last Address: SMITH ST, Notes: [Occupation: MUSICIAN, Native of: ENGLAND, Years in NZ: 46, Place died: DUNEDIN], 20 Feb 1912 interment date.
Spouse: Honorah Reidy Leech (1822-1889)

LEEMAN, Frederick (Frederick Augustus LEEMAN; Mr. F. LEEMAN; Mr. LEEMAN; also LEMAN; LEAMAN)

Musician, bass vocalist

Born ? York, England, c. 1824/25
Active Bendigo, VIC, by March 1856
Died Melbourne, VIC, 10 July 1872, aged 48 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 September 1855), 3 

SANDHURST Catholic Church Building Fund Subscriptions received to August 31st . . . £1 each . . . F. A. Leaman, J. F. Dixon . . .

290, Golden Lodge of Bendigo, Sandhurst, Victoria, No. 924, admissions for year 1856; in register of admissions, United Grand Lodge of England; Library and Museum of Freemasonry 

[1856] May 27 / July 15 / Leeman / Frederick Augustus / 32 / Vocalist . . .
[1856] [May 27] / July 8 / Aug. 19 / Salaman / Edward / 31 / Professor of Music . . .
[1856] [July 15] / Aug. 19 / Sep. 15 / Dixon / John Frederick / 26 / Vocalist . . .
[1856] Oct. 10 / Lavenu / Lewis Henry / 34 / Vocalist . . .

"DEATH", Bendigo Advertiser (28 December 1872), 2 

On the 10th July, at the Melbourne Hospital, Frederick Leeman, aged 48 years. York papers please copy.

"MELBOURNE", Bendigo Advertiser (30 December 1872), 2 

Mr. Edward [sic] Leeman, who will be remembered as the popular and capable renderer of Russell's songs in the early times on the Shamrock platform, and, I think, even later at the Lyceum, has just died in the Melbourne Hospital.

LEES, Professor and sons (Professor LEES and sons)

Entertainers, dancers

Active 1853-55

LEES, F. E. (F. E. LEES)

Musician, pianoforte player, pianist

Active Sydney and Maitland, NSW, 1854 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 March 1854),1 

[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 September 1854), 2 


Musicseller, music retailer

Active Gippsland, VIC, by 1856


[Advertisement], Gippsland Guardian (14 November 1856), 3 


LEFFLER, Edmund Ironsides (1809-1873)

LEFFLER, Elizabeth Madeleine (b.1847)

See mainpage "Edmund Leffler and family"

LEFTWICH, Mr. and Mrs. (Mr. and Mrs. LEFTWICH)

Vocalist, ? actor, barber

Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), 1848


[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (7 September 1848), 3 

[Advertisement], The Port Phillip Patriot and Morning Advertiser (12 September 1848), 3 

"A THEATRICAL MANIA", Port Phillip Gazette and Settler's Journal (20 September 1848), 2 

. . . On Monday last an application was made to the presiding magistrate by Mrs. Falchon (formerly a member of the Melbourne corps dramatique,) for a warrant to bind to the peace a Mr. Leftwich, a journeyman "snip," who has latterly been astonishing the playgoing portion of the public, and neglecting his legitimate occupation of the shears. Mrs. Falchon was attended by a lady whom she introduced as Mrs. Leftwich, and who it appeared having had a sickener of matrimony, had turned out her lord and master and was lodging with Mrs. Falchon. When denied admittance Leftwich according to the complainant's account armed himself with a knife, and threatened he would let the daylight into both the complainant and his wife, and it was in consequence of this threat that the present application was made. Mr. Westby declined to issue either a summons or a warrant, telling Mrs. Falchon that she had the remedy in her own hands by ejecting the wife, when doubtless the husband would discontinue his visits.

ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Falchon (actor)

LEGG, Alfred Littlewood (Alfred Littlewood LEGG; A. LEGG; A. L. LEGG; LEGGE)

Amateur musician, flautist, flute player, choir leader (Wesleyan), conductor of psalmody

Born Bradford, Yorkshire, England, 1823; baptised Bradford, 9 March 1823; son of William Burford LEGG (d. 1853) and Elizabeth ?
Arrived Launceston, TAS, by 1856
Married Marianne Elizabeth JARMAN (1836- ), Launceston, TAS, 17 July 1861
Departed Launceston, TAS, 1862 (for England)
Died Chorlton, Manchester, England, 3 October 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


"CONCERT OF THE LAUNCESTON SACRED HARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (18 April 1857), 2 

According to announcement the members of this society gave a concert in the Assembly Room on Thursday evening, in aid of the funds of the Town Mission. We were glad to notice that the audience was a very large one, both hall and gallery being crowded by respectable inhabitants. In fact we do not recollect a larger audience at any previous concert; over four hundred tickets were taken at the door. The members of the society made an imposing display on the platform, thirty eight voices taking part, under the leadership of Mr. Pullen, the conductor of the society. Miss Sharp presided at the harmonium. Messrs. Sharp and McIvor played the violin accompaniments, Mr. Sharp, sen., basso; that gentleman having also we understand assisted in the arrangements for the concert. Messrs. Legg and Lewis performed a flauto obligato.

ASSOCIATIONS: George Pullen (conductor, leader); Caroline Sharp (harmonium); Thomas Sharp (violin); Mr. McIver (violin); William Sharp (double bass); Launceston Sacred Harmonic Society (organisation)

"Sacred Harmonic Society's Concert", The Cornwall Chronicle (19 December 1857), 5 

We regret to say that the concert given by this society, on Thursday evening, for the benefit of the Cornwall Hospital, was not quite so well attended as on former occasions . . . The pieces were delightfully sung, and the instrumental pastoral symphony was deserving of all the applause it elicited. Mr. Legge's accompaniment upon the flute was exquisitely performed. The choicest pieces were the "Ode on the Nativity;" and "Now pray we for our country;" both were rapturously encored. Several very fine voices were conspicuous amongst the others . . . Previous to the National Anthem being sung, the Mayor rose, and on behalf of the Trustees of the Cornwall Hospital thanked the society for their services, and for the pleasure they had thus afforded to all present. The President Mr. Sharp made a suitable reply . . .

"WESLEYAN SUNDAY SCHOOLS", Launceston Examiner (23 November 1858), 2 

The anniversary of these schools was celebrated on Sunday and Monday. At Patterson street Chapel on Sunday the Rev. J. Cope .preached two powerful sermons . . . The children of the schools were placed on a platform on either side of the pulpit, and hymns selected for the occasion were sung. On Monday morning the children underwent the usual examination, and were regaled In the afternoon at the Horticultural Gardens. The tea meeting in the evening was attended by about 250 . . . Mr. Crookes, Mr. W. J. Norwood, the Rev. Mr. Cope, Mr. Gleadow, Mr. Legge, and the Rev. Mr. Harris addressed the meeting, and some sacred pieces were performed. During the meeting Mr. Gleadow, on behalf of the teachers, presented Mr. Legge with a handsome edition of Scott's poems, as a token of their appreciation of his services as conductor of the psalmody.

ASSOCIATIONS: John Cope (clergyman)

"WESLEYAN SABBATH SCHOOLS", Launceston Examiner (17 November 1859), 2 

The anniversary sermons of the Launceston Wesleyan Sabbath-schools were preached in Patterson-street Chapel last Sunday . . . On Monday . . . evening . . . a tea meeting was held in the chapel in Margaret-street. Above 300 persons were present. After tea several hymns were sung by the assembly . . . A vote of thanks was given by the meeting to Mr. Legge and the choir of Patterson-street Chapel for the diligent and successful attention they had paid to the children in training them to sing. The singing by the children in the Sunday services was very delightful, and reflected great credit on those who had trained them for the service . . .

"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (11 January 1860), 4 

The annual Meeting of the Sacred Harmonic Society was held in the Trinity School Room on Thursday evening, January 5, 1860 . . . The following officers were elected for the ensuing six months, - President, Mr. J. S. Harvev; Conductor, Mr. T. Sharp; Secretary, Mr. W. Stokes; Treasurer, Mr. W. Gurr; Librarian, Mr. W. F. Wathen. Committee, Messrs. R. Sharpe, A. Legg, R. Kenworthy, W. F. Wathen, and H. Stephens . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Smithen Harvey (member); William Stokes (member); William Gurr (member); William Fowler Wathen (member); Robert Sharpe (member); Robert Kenworthy (member)

Marriages in the district of Launceston, 1861; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:862949; RGD37/1/20 no 409$init=RGD37-1-20P214 (DIGITISED)

No. 175 [409] / July 17 1861 Charles Street Launceston / Alfred Littlewood Legg / 38 / Draper / . . . Bachelor
Marianne Elizabeth Jarman / 25 / - / . . . Spinster . . . According to the rites . . . of the Wesleyan Church . . .

[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (3 June 1862), 6 

Household Furniture, Milner's fire-proof Safe, Superior Harmonium, Double Gun, &c.
MR. HOWE is instructed by Mr. Legge, who is leaving for England, to sell by auction on the premises, opposite the Wesleyan Chapel, Patterson-street, on THURSDAY, 5th June, at 11 o'clock, The whole of the Household Furniture, most of which was very recently made to order, consisting of
Fine toned harmonium . . .

England census, 1871, Chorlton on Medlock, St. Luke's, Manchester; UK National Archives, RG 10 / 3990 (PAYWALL)

64 Hyde Grove / Alfred Legg / Head / Mar. / 38 / Clerk Cotton Yarn / [born] Yorkshire Leeds
Marianne [Legg] / Wife / 35 / - / [born] Tasmania . . .


LEGGATT, Thomas (d. 1846)

LEGGATT, Thomas, junior (d. 1873)

See mainpage "Thomas Leggatt" 

LEGGE, William (William LEGGE)

Musician, professor of music, piano tuner, composer

Active Gippsland, VIC, by 1862 (formerly of Bury St. Edmunds, England)
Died Sale, VIC, 2 June 1876, aged "47"


[Advertisement], Gippsland Times (18 April 1862), 1

"MR. LEGGE'S CONCERT", Gippsland Times (31 October 1862), 3 

"THE INQUEST", Gippsland Times (27 February 1863) 4

[News], The Argus (30 July 1867), 5

[Advertisement], Gippsland Times (24 September 1867), 2

[News], Gippsland Times (28 September 1867), 2

Our readers will recollect that Mr. W. Legge, so well known in musical circles, whilst out shooting some time ago on the Avon River met with an accident which necessitated the amputation of his left arm. To a professor of music, this was an irreparable loss, and Mr. Legge has had many friends to sympathise him in his misfortune.

"AMATEUR DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE", Gippsland Times (3 October 1867), 3

"AMATEUR COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT", Gippsland Times (14 March 1868), 3

"AMATEUR CONCERT", Gippsland Times (5 December 1868), 3

A quadrille "Le jour de naissance", composed by Mr. W. Legge was rendered by the band in an inspiriting manner.

"DEATHS", Gippsland Times (3 June 1876), 2 

Musical work:

Thou art lovelier, song, poetry written by Richard Howitt, music composed & dedicated to the lady musical amateurs of Gippsland, by William Legge (Melbourne: C. Troedel, litho., [1873]) 

LEGREW, Charles (Charles LEGREW; LE GREW)

Musician, violinist, violin player, orchestral leader, actor, entertainer, serenader, minstrel

Active Melbourne, VIC, by June 1857
Died at sea, Southern Indian Ocean, 1863 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisement], The Argus (20 June 1857), 8

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 October 1858), 1

"STAR THEATRE", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (12 November 1858), 2

. . . Nor must we forget Mr. Legrew, who may be compared to an anphibious animal, being equally capable of delighting us with the Sweet strains of music, as he is in treating us to the pleasures of the sack and buskin . . .

[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (20 November 1858), 2

[Advertisement], The Argus (18 October 1860), 8 

[News], Geelong Advertiser (2 December 1863), 2 

Many of our readers will be glad to learn some of the particulars of the sad fate of Mr. Charles Legrew, who for a long time was a favorite violinist of Maldon. Mr. Sandford, the champion dancer, informs us that the Negro Operatic Troupe, of which himself, Legrew, little White and Boley, all well known on Tarrengower, were voyaging from Madagascar to the Mauritius, when the ship was overtaken by a violent squall while on a lee shore; she foundered about a mile from land; poor Legrew was one of the first lost, and Boley, although a strong swimmer, was so disheartened at witnessing his wife and family drowned that he succumbed and sank. Two seamen and White and Sandford alone reached the shore alive, but White and the seamen fell victims to the fever after a short time, and Sandford is the sole survivor left to tell the melancholy tale. - Tarrengower Times.


Dedicatee of musical works, explorer, naturalist

Born Trebatsch, Brandenburg, Germany, 23 October 1813
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1842 (passenger per Sir Edward Paget, from London, October 1841)
Died ? Queensland, mid 1848 (NLA persistent identifier)


Ludwig Leichhardt, letter to his brother-in-law, Carl Schmalfuss, 23 March 1842; transcr., transl., Marcel Aurousseau, The Letters of F. W. Ludwig Leichhardt (London: Hakluyt Society, Cambridge University Press, 1968), II, 432 (translation 439)

Since I left my native land and left you all behind, I have never felt so much at home as I do here. One of my fellow passengers was a music teacher, a young married man with no children who had followed his brother-in-law [John Skinner Prout] to Sydney. When we arrived, he took a house at the exorbitant rent of 1000 dollars a year. As he had a small room to spare, he asked me to lodge with him to help him to meet his expenses.

Letter to Stephen Hale Marsh, 12 August 1844 

Ludwig Leichhardt, letter to C. Schmalfuss, 21 October 1847; Aurousseau, III, 960 (translation 965)

I've never been so deeply moved by music as I once was during my passage from England to Sydney. It was on a stormy night . . . I had been listening intently to the confused uproar for a long time when I suddenly got up and stepped into Mr. Marsh's cabin . . . And there he was, improvising on the harp. The measured sounds, after the rushing and roaring disorder of the wind and the waves out there in the dark, moved me with such strength and reassurance as to bring tears to my eyes. I had the same feelings when I read Schiller again. With what instinctive, clairvoyant understanding he was able to interpret situations in which his own life could never have placed him:

. . . by harsh custom far estranged,
Along the glad and guileless track
To childhood's happy home unchanged,
The sweet song wafts the wanderer back.

"LEICHHARDT'S LAST HOME CORRESPONDENCE", The Argus (13 September 1865), 5

An intelligent, much-liked tobacco merchant, named Aldis, had assisted me when I started before most friendly and strongly, and he was the first whom I met when I landed. When he had recollected me (and this took a pretty long time) he gave vent to his feelings in such a glorifying welcome that I did not know what to think of it. And when he accompanied me to Lynd's house, and called out to everybody in the street. "There is Leichardt, whom we buried long ago, about whom we sang songs of death; he comes from Port Essington, and has conquered the wilderness."

John Frederick Mann, Eight months with Dr. Leichhardt, in the years 1846-47 (Sydney: Turner and Henderson, 1888), 66 

. . . He really had no taste for drawing, nor could he distinguish one picture from another any more than he could distinguish one tune from another; he did not like music, there were only two tunes he cared to listen to. They were the huntsman's chorus in Der Freischütz and the overture to Masaniello . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Aldis (acquaintance); Stephen Hale Marsh (travelling companion, composer, harpist);

Isaac Nathan (composer)

Musical works (for Leichhardt):

Leichhardt's grave; an elegiac ode, on the scarcely doubtful fate of the amiable and talented naturalist - Leichhardt - whose life there is too much reason to fear has been sacrificed in the cause of science, whilst endeavouring to effect an overland route to Port Essington; poet Robert Lynd, esq; composer, I. Nathan, esq.

(Sydney: W. Baker, Hibernian Press; London: Falkner, 1845) 

Thy greeting home again; a paean on Leichhardt's return from Port Essington; poet: A. K. Silvester, esq. - composer: I. Nathan, esq.

(Sydney: Wm. Ford; London: Cramer, Addison and Beale, n.d. [1846]) 

[Recte, E. K. Silvester]

The traveller's return, song, with an accompaniment for the harp or piano-forte, composed on the occasion of Dr. Leichhardt's return to Sydney, and dedicated to the members of the Royal Geographical Society, by S. H. Marsh ("[words] written by A. K. Sylvester"

(London: T. Boosey & Co., n.d.)

[Recte, E. K. Silvester] 

Dr. Leichhardt's march, for the harp, composed on the successful termination of his expedition, after having traversed a distance of nearly 3000 miles through a portion of Australia, hitherto untrodden by civilized man, by his friend, S. H. Marsh

(London: T. Boosey & Co., n.d.) 

Dr. Leichhardt's march, for the piano . . . 


Colin Roderick, Leichhardt, the dauntless explorer (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1988), 169

. . . [Marsh] had a difference with Isaac Nathan . . . Nathan walked straight into the upper circle of Sydney society and was much in demand. Marsh, on the other hand, had no such credentials. He had a wretched life with his first wife, and led a cat-and-dog life with his second. Leichhardt was uncomfortable in this family circle, the only member of which with whom he felt happy being the wife of the artist John Skinner Prout, Marsh's brother-in-law . . .

As Roderick explained, when Robert Lynd then offered Leichhardt free lodging at the George Street Barracks, he was happy to move on.

LEIGH, Stephen Thomas (Stephen Thomas LEIGH; S. T. LEIGH)

Printer, lithographer, music printer

Died Hunters Hill, NSW, 20 March 1905, aged 76



Musician (German band)

Active Brisbane, NSW (QLD), 1855-56


"ACCIDENT WITH FIREARMS", The Moreton Bay Courier (22 December 1855), 2

On Monday evening last, as a young man named Johann Leinhardt, one of the German band of musicians brought up by the Circus company, was firing a pistol near the ferry wharf, during the general rejoicing on account of the victory at Sevastopol when the pistol exploded, lacerating his hand in a terrible manner. He was conveyed to the hospital where it was found that one of the fingers was blown off, and the other had to be amputated. This poor young man, quite a stranger in the colony, has been maimed, and prevented from future pursuit of his musical career, by the thoughtless but well-intentioned manifestation in his sympathy with the general feeling, and his case seems well worthy of commiseration, and something more substantial, from the inhabitants.

"RAPID CURE", The Moreton Bay Courier (5 January 1856), 2

L'ERSON = correctly I'ERSON



Active Beechworth, VIC, 1857


"POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (24 June 1857), 2


Musician, flautist, flute player, composer

Born Ballarat, VIC, 22 June 1861
Died Darlinghurst, NSW, 16 August 1949 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged) (NLA persistent identifier)


Summrary (to 1900):

Lemmone (pronounced and sometimes spelt "Lemmoné") was born John Lemon, was the son of a Greek emigrant gold miner (originally Lamoni). Largely self-taught on the tin whistle and fife, Lemmone was 12 when he bought his first flute with gold he'd panned himself on the Ballarat goldfields. In his teens he began playing in Melbourne theatre orchestras, and having changed his name to Lemmone, toured Australia with Amy Sherwin in 1887-89. Lemmone spent the mid-1890s in Europe, appearing in concert again with Nellie Melba (they first appeared together in Melbourne in 1884, their joint debut concert), Adelina Patti, and Paderewski. Already by 1897, he had diversified his activities away from merely performing to concert presenting. That year, The Sydney Morning Herald reported: "Mr. John Lemmone arrived in Sydney yesterday after an absence of more than three years, during which time this Australian artist has won a recognised position as the foremost flautist of the day in London; he now expects to remain in Australia in order to bring out world famous artists, contracts with some of whom are already signed."


"MISS NARELLE'S CONCERTS", The Mercury (22 January 1902), 3 

. . . Mr. John Lemmone stands alone in Australia as a flautist. Musicians who excel on this delightful instrument make a small percentage of members of the profession. The names of Giammona, Lemmone, and Stoneham are, perhaps, the only ones that will at once occur to the average Australian looking back twenty years or more. Mr. Lemmone's performances on Tuesday night can only be described by the use of the word "splendid." His first number was a descriptive solo, "The wind among the trees," by Briccialdi, and his second (in the programme) "Echoes of Naples," by Paggi. The reproduction of the wind whistling among the trees was wonderfully vivid, and the production of soft sounds, followed by their echo, was a marvel of composition and execution.

Bibliography and resources:

Mimi Colligan, "Lemmone, John (1861-1949)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986) 

Donald Westlake, Dearest John: the story of John Lemmoneé, flute virtuoso and Nellie Melba . . . (Terrey Hills: Bowerbird Press, 1997) 

Graeme Skinner, "Lemmone, John", Dictionary of Sydney (2008)



Active ? Melbourne, and Geelong, VIC, 1853

LENCIONI, Maurice (Maurice LENCIONI)

Musician, vocalist, choirmaster, Roman Catholic cleric

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1843
Active Adelaide, SA, by 1847
Died Morphett Vale, SA, 6 April 1864, in his 50 year


An Italian Passionist priest, Lencioni taught music and singing, and it is recorded that on 8 August 1847 he conducted the choir at a Pontifical High Mass at St. Patrick's Church, ? Adelaide. One of his singing pupils, Thomas Bastard, recorded:

After a time I was summoned by the Bishop, and told it was my duty to join the choir. I explained that I was but a poor scholar, and did not understand English, much less Latin; but he introduced me to Father Maurice Lencioni, a good man, who held the office of choir singing-master and confessor, and whose duty it was to visit the sick, bury the dead, and bring young people together for marriage. Everybody liked this priest, myself particularly. He was an Italian, a splendid musician, and gifted with a good voice; he undertook to teach me the Latin service, and he had his work to do. It was a long time before I could manage it; but at length I succeeded fairly well, but never became A1.


"SOUTH AUSTRALIA", Empire (27 March 1856), 2

"MUSIC FESTIVAL AT MINTARO", South Australian Register (9 October 1860), 3

"THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL", South Australian Register (2 April 1861), 3

"DEATHS", South Australian Register (7 April 1864), 2

"THE LATE REV. MAURICE LENCIONI", South Australian Register (8 April 1864), 2

Bibliography and resources:

Thomas Bastard, The autobiography of Cockney Tom (Adelaide: McClory and Masterman, 1881)

LENCIONI, Luigi (Signor P. [? Pierluigi])

Basso buffo vocalist

Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 1886
Died Sydney, NSW, 4 February 1891


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 July 1886), 2

"An Eventful Career", Evening Journal (8 December 1887), 3 

Signor Luigi Lencioni, who is the basso buffo in the Amy Sherwin Concert Company, and whose singing was so much admired at the Exhibition concert on Tuesday evening, has had a much more varied experience of life than even the generality of professionals, but perhaps he will provoke most interest in a section of the community because he is a brother of the late Father Maurice Lencioni, who laboured in South Australia for seventeen years, and died at Morphett Vale on March 6, 1864, when Archbishop Reynolds was parish priest of that district. The Priest was also very musical, and competed for the music of the "Song of Australia." Signor Lencioni, who left Italy when 18 years of age, first appeared on the operatic stage in the United States. While pursuing his professional career there he was associated with the celebrated Ilma de Murska, Paulina de Lucca, and many of the choicest singers of the last generation. He was in America when the Civil War broke out, and was to appear at Brooklyn just before active hostilities commenced. In the excited state of public feeling when the war fever had hold of the whole North the prospects of a successful season were very remote, and the young Italian, seized with the universal feeling, enlisted in the 14th Brooklyn Regiment on May 15, 1861. In this regiment he met the celebrated Henry Ward Beecher, who was chaplain of the regiment, and as a lieutenant he went through eleven battles in two years. He was with the army of the Potomac, and took part in the battles of Bull's Run and Manassas, his heroism being rewarded with a medal, which the stalwart basso now exhibits with considerable pride. While on the battlefield Father Reynolds, now the Archbishop, wrote notifying his brother's death. After two years' service and experience of the vicissitudes of camp life Signor Lencioni was attacked with typhoid fever. After his active service expired he returned to the operatic stage, and travelled throughout America and on to Honolulu. While playing in New York he daringly extinguished a fire that broke out at the back of the stage, and was commended for his promptness, which it was alleged saved the building from probable destruction, and prevented great lose of life. He managed the music at the Philadelphia Exhibition, and since then has performed in many cities of the new world, having reached Australia about fifteen months ago. While a lad the Signor, who is now past the prime of life, was associated with the great Fra Giovanni, who was accounted the premier tenor of his day; but since he was 18 years of age the subject of this notice has not visited his sunny Italy.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1889), 2

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 February 1891), 8

Bibliography and resources:

Gyger 1990, 60


? Composer

Active Ballarat, VIC, 1867


"THE LEVEE", Portland Guardian (16 December 1867), 3

The Duke was also presented with a copy of a local musical production by Mr. Lennox, entitled "The Duke's Welcome to Australia."

J. G. Knight, Narrative of the visit of his royal highness the duke of Edinburgh to the colony of Victoria, Australia (Melbourne: Mason, Firth, 1868), 126 

LENY, Mrs. Charles (Mrs. Charles LENY; correctly TERRY) = Jane Hunter TERRY

Musician, composer

Active Melbourne, VIC, 1854

LEO, Thomas (Thomas LEO)

Musician, trombone player, bandsman (Band of the 99th Regiment)

Regiment active Australia, 1843-56

See also Band of the 99th Regiment


"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3

[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1

LEONARD, Alfred (Alfred LEONARD)

Musician, member of Captain Piper's Band

Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1817 (free per Matilda)

ASSOCIATIONS: John Piper (employer); Captain Piper's Band (member)


Alfred Leonard, general muster, September 1825

NSW census, general muster, September 1825; UK National Archives, HO10/19 (DIGITISED)

Leonard Alfred / Came Free / Matilda 1817 / Musician employed by Capt'n Piper


Musician, bandsman (Burton's Band)

Active SA, 1856


"MOUNT BARKER", South Australian Register (7 November 1856), 3 

Jacob Young, Jacob Düne, Conrad Sander, Heinrich Rodenbout, Carl Leonhardt, Daniel Müller, and Christian Prothenbuck, known as "Burton's Band", appeared to answer the complaint of Mr. Henry Burton, for that they having contracted to serve the said Henry Burton as musicians, and having entered into his service, did neglect and refuse to fulfil the same.


Ballet troupe, theatrical dancers, musicians


Born London, England, c. 1825; son of Thomas WOOLDRIDGE and Susan ?
Died Carlton, VIC, 18 June 1871, aged "46"

LEOPOLD, Henry (Joseph Henry WOOLDRIDGE; alias Mr. Henry LEOPOLD; Harry LEOPOLD)

Born London, England, 13 July 1830; baptised St. Andrew, Holborn, 2 October 1830; son of Thomas WOOLDRIDGE and Susan ?
Married Henry WOOLDRIDGE (LEOPOLD), St. John's church, Manchester, England, 30 November 1856
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 1905, aged "75"

LEOPOLD, Fanny (Fanny MARTIN; "Fraulein Fannie"; Mrs. Joseph Henry WOOLDRIDGE; alias Mrs. Henry LEOPOLD)

Born c. 1836; daughter of Samuel MARTIN
Married Henry WOOLDRIDGE (LEOPOLD), St. John's church, Manchester, England, 30 November 1856 (aged "20")
Died Fitzroy, VIC, 12 July 1885, aged "46"

LEOPOLD, George (George WOOLDRIDGE; alias George LEOPOLD)

Ballet master

Born London, England, c. 1832; son of Thomas WOOLDRIDGE and Susan ?
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by December 1857
Died Fitzroy South, VIC, August 1904, aged "72"


Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, London, and in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1830; register 1820-31, page 435; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/And2/A/01/Ms 6667/23 (PAYWALL)

No. 3457 / 1830 Oct'r 2 / Henry / [son of] Thomas [and] Susan / Wooldridge / 11 Dean St. Holborn / Groom / . . . Born 13 July 1830

1856, marriage solemnized at St. John's Church in the parish of Mancester in the county of Lancaster; register 1856-57, page 145; Greater Manchester County Record Office (PAYWALL)

no. 290 / [1856] November [30th] / Henry Joseph Wooldridge [sic] / Full age / Bachelor / Artist / 14 Quay St. / [son of] Thomas Wooldridge / Artist
Fanny Martin / 20 / Spinster / - / - / [daughter of] Samuel Martin / Artist . . .

Names and descriptions of passengers per Messenger, from Liverpool, 12 September 1857, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

. . . Thos. Leopold / 30 / Artiste
Jos. [Leopold] / 34 / [Artiste]
Fanny [Leopold] / 19 / Wife
Geo. [Leopold] / 22 / Artiste . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 December 1857), 8

"MR. GEORGE COPPIN, THE AUSTRALIAN MANAGER", The Courier (25 January 1858), 2

The celebrated Leopold family, consisting of Joseph Leopold, George Leopold, Jane Leopold, Fanny Leopold, and a corps de ballet, sailed middle of September for the Christmas Harlequinade, all first-class artistes in their departments.

"CHARLIE NAPIER", The Star (8 November 1858), 2

"ODDS AND ENDS", The Courier (4 February 1859), 2

At the Melbourne District Court, recently, Mr. George Leopold, on behalf of the Leopold family, sued Mr. George Coppin, the proprietor of the Theatre Royal, for £3 10s., being wages for the part they performed in the morning pantomime of the 8th January. The family had entered into an agreement in London before coming to Melbourne, and were there given to understand that all morning performances were to be paid for extra. . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 December 1863), 8

"HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (5 August 1859), 3

"PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN AUSTRALIA, on Things Theatrical at the Antipodes. TO THE EDITOR OF THE ERA", The Era [London, England] (21 August 1859), 10 (PAYWALL)

Melbourne, June 13, 1859.
Sir, - Things have changed in Melbourne as they have in Sydney . . . The Olympic is to be opened by Mr. Coppin, and to be worked by the Younges, to oppose Mr. Brooke. Who the leading lady of their company is to be is at present a mystery. Miss Mortyn is retained by Mr. Brooke. She is the best at present in Victoria, but the bursting of a blood-vessel the other day has entirely incapacitated her for a time. It remains to be seen which way public sympathy will go. The profession is with Brooke, and so are the greater portion of the public. I forward you with this the large picture from Melbourne Punch of this week in which Sir Lucius O'Trigger is represented in the scene wherein he reproaches Bob Acres for his perfidy. Sir Lucius is G. V. Brooke, while Bob Acres is personated by the Hon. George Coppin. The cut will prove to you how much the dispute has become the subject of town-talk, not that it is the only feud in which Mr. Coppin is concerned. There is that between him and the Leopolds, for instance; and in THE ERA of April 10, which has just arrived here, I see Mr. Anson's reply to Mr. Leopold's letter to you, in which I notice that Mr. Anson, in endeavouring to defend Mr. Coppin, has fallen into a few mistakes. Mr. Leopold was perfectly right in his letter to you, entitled "Advice to Pantomimists" (published in the previous number of THE ERA), to advise Pantomimists and all other artistes to "stay at home, and not come out here" to the Hon. G. Coppin; and Mr. Anson has made a very lame defence on Mr. Coppin's behalf. If artistes wish to come out let them come without an engagement to any one. That is the way for them to get on in this country. Mr. Anson says that he knows "many, very many parties of four who would think themselves fortunate with 20 a-week for three years." But they are parties who have never visited Australia, and who know no more of what that amount of money is in Australia than Mr. Anson knows. In England it would be something like a salary - in Australia it is another thing. It just amounts to 16s. 8d. a-day for each of the Leopold Family. Why, I went up to Bendigo the other day, and in the room of the Buck-eye Inn, where the coach stops before going up to Kangaroo Flat, I found a laboring mason grumbling because he could only get eighteen shillings per day for eight hours of daily labour; yet Mr. Coppin wished the Leopolds to go through their performances twice in one day during the sweltering weather of January in Melbourne, for the sum of 16s. 8d. each. I would advise every one at home to do as anybody else who has been out here would do again - come out untrammelled, and never mind Mr. Anson or Mr. Coppin if they intend to visit Australia . . .
I am, dear sir, yours, very truly,
Wizard of the North.

Names and descriptions of passengers per Prince Consort, from Melbourne, 3 August 1861, for Calcutta; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)

Thomas Leopold / 36 // Henry [Leopold] / 38 // George [Leopold] / 26 // Fanny [Leopold] 20 //
Dave Carson / 24 // Thomas Brown [sic, Brower] / 33 // . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Dave Carson (serenader); Thomas P. Brower (serenader)

"PRODUCTION OF SHAKESPEARE'S TEMPTEST AT THE PRINCE OF WALES", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 September 1869), 5

"DEATH OF MR. TOM LEOPOLD", South Australian Register (26 June 1871), 4

The Herald chronicles with regret the decease of this gentleman on Sunday last, June 18, at his residence, Lygon street, Carlton. The late Mr. Leopold was a dancer and pantomimist of the highest class, and gained his early experience from Tom Matthews, Barnes, Jefferini, and other English pantomime artists. In company with his brothers George and Henry, and Fraulein Fanny (Mrs. Henry Leopold), he left England under engagement to Mr. George Coppin, and with them appeared for the first time in Australia in Akhurst's pantomime, Whittington and his Cat, in December, 1857. Some two years back Mr. Leopold caught a very violent cold, which ultimately took the form of chronic pleurisy, to which he ultimately succumbed after severe suffering. He was privately buried in the Melbourne Cemetery. 

"Deaths", The Argus (15 July 1885), 1

"DEATH OF FRAULIEN FANNIE (MRS. HENRY LEOPOLD)", The Lorgnette (20 July 1885), 2 

"OLD LAUNCESTON PLAYBILLS", Launceston Examiner (28 November 1891), 1s

"DEATHS", Evening News (29 April 1895), 4

"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 April 1895), 8

[News], Barrier Miner (15 August 1904), 2

"DRAMATIC NOTES", The Mercury (17 August 1904), 7

[News], The Argus (6 September 1904), 5 

"DRAMATIC NOTES", The Mercury (5 October 1904), 7

The late Mr. George Leopold (says Melbourne "Sporting and Dramatic News") left £2,814 to various members of his family. The real estate was valued at £2,265 and personal £549. The will was proved under his proper name - Geo. Wooldridge.

Bibliography and resources:

Irvin, Dictionary, 160

LEOPOLDT, Augustus (Augustus LEOPOLDT)

Theatre proprietor, publican

Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1855


"THE LYCEUM THEATRE", Empire (26 February 1855), 4 

Mr. Augustus Leopoldt, of the Adelphi Hotel, York-street, has become the lessee of this popular little theatre, which has now been closed for nearly five weeks. A strong and well chosen corps of the favourite actors of the day has been engaged, under the management of Mr. Belfield, lately of the Victoria Theatre. The house will be re-opened on Wednesday night, and it is to be hoped that the inhabitants of Sydney will, by a numerous attendance, encourage the spirited lessee to continue his efforts for their amusement.


Tenor vocalist

Active Sydney, NSW, June and July 1843


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 June 1843), 2 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. OPEN EVERY EVENING. THIS EVENING, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1843, WILL he presented for the first time in this Colony, Rossini's celebrated Opera of "FIGARO, THE BARBER OF SEVILLE, - with the whole of the original Music, and in which Mr. LESLIE (a gentleman of great musical Celebrity), will have the honour of making his first appearance before a Sydney audience . . . Mr. J. LAZAR, Manager.

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (21 June 1843), 2

THE BARBER OF SEVILLE was performed on Monday night; and, as we predicted, drew a full and fashionable audience . . . The overture - very creditably sustained by the band - the charming duets "Ecco ridente," and "All idea"; the cavatina "Una voce poco fa"; the mock bravura "Largo al factotum"; the trio "Zitti, zitti"; and the beautiful finale to the second act, were amongst the compositions of Rossini retained in the libretto, and even with the ineffaceable recollections of European performances, we were much delighted. A debutant named Leslie made his bow as Fiorello, and exhibited vocal powers of a very superior kind. His voice is a tenor of moderate compass, but of much sweetness in the upper notes; and whilst he made no attempt to astound by its stentorian power, he displayed a quiet beauty of style, a passion, and a general refinement, which we have seldom heard exceeded save in those rare examples to which the stamp of greatness has been affixed in Europe, and with which it would be unfair to compare Mr. Leslie. Mr. Lazar has added to his reputation by his spirited performance of Figaro. Independent of his admirable delineation of the character, his execution of the difficult music afforded a gratification, compared with which, some recent buffa displays are insignificant and insipid . . .

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 June 1843), 2 

THIS EVENING, Friday, June 23, 1843 . . . for the second time, Rossini's popular Opera of FIGARO, THE BARBER OF SEVILLE . . . and in which Mr. LESLIE will have the honour of making his second appearance in the character of FIORELLO . . .

"NEW MUSIC", The Australian (28 June 1843), 2 

Mr. Ellard has just published Balfe's beautiful song of "The Blighted Flower," which has been recently introduced with distinguished success by Mr. Leslie, at the Victoria Theatre, in The Barber of Seville. We recommend this delightful specimen of Balfe's genius to our musical friends, and we also avail ourselves of this opportunity to advert with gratification to our improved musical prospects, consequent on the operatic arrangements in active progress at the Victoria, where Euterpe is rapidly gaining ground on the realm so long possessed by Melpomene and Thalia.

"THEATRICALS", The Australian (28 June 1843), 2 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THE BARBER OF Seville, to the production of which we adverted in our last review, has been since repeated with increased success, and we are glad to learn that Mr. Wyatt has concluded an engagement with Mr. Leslie, who will appear in a succession of musical pieces. Amongst the early arrangements contemplated by Mr. Lazar, are The Cabinet, The Beggars' Opera, and Der Freischutz, and as the major part of the original music will be preserved in each of these operas, we may assure our musical friends that they can anticipate some delightful evenings. That elegant piece de faste, The Carnival Ball, will be performed to-morrow evening, and from the lavish expense bestowed on its production, we may predict its successful run.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 June 1843), 2 

ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. THIS EVENING, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, will be presented . . .. To conclude with, for the first time at this Theatre, an Operetta called SWISS SWAINS. The part of Walter, (with Songs) Mr. Leslie. MR. J. LAZAR, Manager.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The New South Wales magazine 1/ 6 (July 1843), 361 

. . . The "Barber of Seville" was revived for the purpose of introducing a young musical debutante in the person of Mr. Leslie. Debutantes are proverbially treated with indulgence, and as first appearances are not fair criteria, we are not justly empowered to be harsh. That Mr. Leslie possesses taste, was clearly evinced by his expression in the beautiful ballad of "The Blighted Flower;" and it he will but steadily study and improve his articulation by the careful cultivation of the solfeggio, we may yet speak of his performances and musical expression in very flattering terms.

"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Australian (24 July 1843), 2 

. . . The beautiful Opera of The Cabinet will be performed this evening, and we have no doubt of its attracting a full and fashionable audience. Mrs. Leslie [sic] as Prince Orlando, Mr. Lazar as Whimsiculio, and Mrs. Gibbs as Floretta, will prove able representatives of these difficult characters . . .

Musical editions:

The blighted flower, ballad, words by John Hazlett; composed by M. W. Balfe (Sydney: F. Ellard, [1843]) 

Bibliography and resources:

Gyger 1999, Civilising the colonies, 47-48, 247

LESLIE, Alexander John (Mr. A. J. LESLIE; Alexander John LESLIE; brother of Henry LESLIE)

Amateur violinist, orchestra leader

Born St. George's, Hanover Square, London, England, 17 January 1825; son of John LESLIE and Mary TAYLOR
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, December 1856 (per South Carolina, from Liverpool, 7 August)
Active Melbourne, until 1863
Died ? Chelsea, London, January-March quarter 1870, aged 45 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Alexander Leslie was born into a prosperous London business family. His father was John Leslie, who established his family business as a tailor before expanding into engineering, and who was also an enthusiastic amateur viola player. His older brother Henry Leslie, also a tailor and engineer by profession, was, more importantly, a talented amateur cellist, conductor, and composer. In the 1851 census, Alexander, aged 26, had evidently having taken over the original family business, and was listed as a "tailor employing 12 men". Along with his father, Alexander was a performing member during 1854 and 1855 of the Amateur Musical Society of London, of which Henry was conductor.

Having been declared bankrupt in October 1855, and his application for a certificate twice refused on the grounds of fraud, in August 1856 Alexander sailed from Liverpool for Melbourne. There he was active as a violinist in 1858 and 1859, and in 1860 became orchestral leader of the newly formed amateur Musical Union.

In May 1861, he was leader for a performance by the Union of his brother's oratorio Judith; see: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

He is last documented performing in the Union's Christmas Messiah in 1862, and as a witness in court proceedings with Eugene Lissgnol in November 1863.


Register of births & baptisms of the Scots Church Swallow Street, St. James, Westminster, 1825 

May 10 / Alexander John son of John Leslie and Mary his wife was born on the seventeenth of January last in Conduit Street, Parish of St. George Hanover Square and baptised this day the 10 May 1825.

England census, 30 March 1851; St. George's Hanover Square 

59 and 60 Conduit St. / John Leslie / Head / 55 / Engineer, [employing] between 30 & 40 men / [born] Middx. St Ja's Westm.
Mary [Leslie] / Wife / 55 / [Middx.] St. George Hanover Sq.
Marian [Leslie] / Dau. / 34 / [Middx. St. George Hanover Sq.]
Henry [Leslie] / Son / 28 / Engineer / [Middx. St. George Hanover Sq.]
Alexander [Leslie] / Son / 26 / Tailor employing 12 men [Middx. St. George Hanover Sq.]
[and 4 younger children, 24, 22, 17, 16, and five servants]

"MR. LAURENT'S PRIZE WALTZ", Illustrated London News (13 March 1852), 222 (DIGITISED)

On Monday afternoon, the trial for the prize of ten guineas, given by Mr. Charles Emile Laurent, took place at the Argyll Rooms, in the presence a numerous and fashionable auditory. Amongst the Jury were the following amateurs and professors: Viscount Burghersh, Lord Gerald Fitzgerald, Sir Henry Webb, Bart., Captain Hugh Baillie, Captain Breedon, Messrs. Albert Smith, Charles Kenny, Wiliert Beale, A. J. Leslie, J. Browne, C. L. Grüneisen, Barret, Boose, Bosisio, Dervien, Godfrey, J. Herz, Labarre, Lazarus, Macfarlane, Mellon, Nadaud, Pilati, Pluys, Pratten, Rousselot, Schott, J. H. Severn, Tutton, Waddell, Zerbini, &c . . .

"AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY", The Musical World (18 March 1854), 182 

. . . the Amateur Musical Society, whose policy is liberal, has been able to bring forward, from time to time, compositions which, in spite of their merit, have failed to obtain a hearing in other places, where greater pretensions are accompanied by greater exclusiveness (not to say prejudice). Among these, it is enough to name the symphony in F of Mr. H. Leslie, an amateur, and that in D of Mr. Macfarren, a professor, both of which are well worth a place in any programme . . . First Violins: . . . Alexander Leslie . . .; Tenors: . . . John Leslie . . .; Contra-Bassi: Frederick Leslie

"AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY", The Morning Post (25 June 1855), 2

At the annual meeting of the Orchestral Members, held recently, at the Hanover-square Rooms, Lord Gerald Fitz-Gerald in the chair, the following resolutions were agreed to : - "That Mr. Henry Leslie be requested to act as conductor in 1855-6 . . . "That Mr. Val. Morris and Mr. Alexander Leslie be requested to act as managers of the orchestra" . . .

"AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY", The Musical World (10 February 1855), 89 

. . . Conductor - Mr. Henry Leslie . . . First Violins: . . . A. J. Leslie . . .; Violas: . . . J. Leslie . . .;

[Notice], The London gazette (28 March 1856), 1215 

"BANKRUPTCY COURT. April 8 . . . IN RE LESLIE", London Evening Standard (9 April 1856), 1

This was an application for certificate by Alexander John Leslie, of Conduit-street, Hanover-square, coal-merchant and gas-contractor, also of Herne Bay. Mr. Grey opposed for the Travellers' Marine and Insurance Company; Mr. Bagley, for the assignees, also opposed; Mr. Reed supported. Mr. Bagley complained that the bankrupt had for several years been conducting a business in Conduit-street, which he had represented as his own, whereas it afterwards appeared that the bankrupt was a "tailor's man," with no salary, and that the business belonged to his father. In July a bill drawn by a person named Levy became due, which was addressed to "Alexander John Leslie, 60, Conduit-street," and was accepted by the bankrupt in that name and with that description, and after some demur the solicitor for Levy was informed that he (Leslie) was not a trader, nor did it appear he was until the 20th of April, 1855, when he joined his brothers in a speculation, by which it was proposed to supply the inhabitants of Herne Bay with gas, and upon which trading in October he became bankrupt. It appeared that Levy threatened to take proceedings in this court if the bill was not paid, and then it was that the bankrupt borrowed 100l. from his father to pay the bill, for which he now figured as a creditor in the balance-sheet. The debts amounted 1200l.; liabilities on accommodation transactions and loans, wbich were chiefly incurred long before the gas speculation, 3800l.; and there would not be a penny for any of the creditors. It had been stated by the bankrupt when he came on his own petition that his estate would realise 150l.; but even the estate had not realised that miserable amount. The private expenses had been 875l., for which the bankrupt state that he had no vouchers - that the 875l. was principally spent in pleasure, and he attempted to account for a part of the sum by a debit of 538l. in the balance-sheet as gifts received from his father. He believed a complaint would be preferred by the Travellers' Marine and Insurance Company, that the bankrupt had improperly obtained a loan of 1000l. from them, and he urged that it was a case which disentitled the bankrupt to any certificate whatever. Mr. Levy and Mr. Lewis, his attorney, were examined, and their evidence corroborated the statement of the learned counsel in the most material points. The case was ultimately adjourned.

"COURT OF APPEAL IN CHANCERY. Friday, June 27", County Courts Chronicle (1 August 1856), 9-10

Re LESLIE, ex parte LESLIE. Bankruptcy - Conduct as a trader - Fraudulent debt contracted before trading - Bankrupt Act, ss. 198, 256. A bankrupt, before engaging in trade, contracted by means of fraud a debt which was proved in the bankruptcy. A part of the fraud consisted in this: that he falsely represented himself to his creditor as being then a trader: Held, that he had committed an offence under the bankrupt law disentitling him to a certificate. The bankrupt having represented himself to be trader, could not avail himself of the defence that he was not a trader when the representation was made . . .

This was the petition of the bankrupt, Alexander John Leslie, coal merchant and gas contractor at Herne-bay, by way of appeal from a decision of Mr. Commissioner Evans refusing the bankrupt his certificate on the ground that he had contracted a debt by fraud and false pretences. The bankrupt was the son of a tailor, carrying on business at 60, Conduit-street, London, and in the month of Oct. 1854, being then twenty-nine years of age, but living with his father, and having never been in business on his own account, he applied to the Travellers and Marine Insurance Company for a loan of 1000l. of which 600l. was for his brother's accommodation, and 400l. for his own. The company furnished him with a printed application called a "loan proposal," containing questions which the applicant was required to answer . . . The petitioner filled up this form by stating as the purpose for which the loan was required, "the extension of business;" the word "private" was struck through, and his business address was stated to be "60, Conduit-street." His occupation was stated to be that of a tailor, and the answer to the remainder of this question was, "in business for five years." Upon this representation the company advanced the 1000l., the petitioner at the same time insuring his life in the office, and executing a bond to secure the advance. No part of the 400l. received by the petitioner was employed for the purposes of his business; but it was alleged on his behalf that the loan to his brother was employed in his brother's trade . . . Lord Justice Knight Bruce said, that as late Oct. 1864, the bankrupt, being the son of a London tradesman, and upwards of twenty-eight years age, and having passed his life between London and Paris, was in want of money, or, as his counsel preferred to express it, "desirous of having money," partly on account of himself, and partly on account of his brother, and applied to an insurance company . . . the case of the appellant failed. The petition was dismissed with costs.

[Advertisement], The Argus (16 December 1856), 1 

HENRY M. SHAPCOTT, Esq., Commander of Ship SOUTH CAROLINA. -
Dear Sir, Before our departure from on board the ship SOUTH CAROLINA, we, the saloon passengers, beg leave to assure you of our great respect for your private worth and high appreciation of your professional skill . . .
we beg to subscribe ourselves your faithful friends,
A. J. Leslie . . . Ship South Carolina, December 9th, 1856.

[Advertisement], The Age (27 April 1858), 1

In connexion with THE OPENING OF THE ORGAN.
Principal Vocalists, Mrs. Goodliffe, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Fox, Miss Parsons, Mr. Williams, and others selected from the Collingwood Harmonic Society.
Conductor, Mr. Kaye. Leader of the Band, Mr. Leslie. Organist, Mr. Boswell.
Band and Chorus will number nearly 100 Performers . . .


. . . Mr. Kaye acted as conductor, and Mr. Leslie as leader, under whose able management, the concert passed off in the most satisfactory manner . . .

"MR. LISSIGNOL'S CONCERT", The Argus (24 January 1859), 5

. . . Mr. Lissignol was assisted by Messrs. Leslie and Kaye, and by Mrs. Andrews and Miss Pilkington. The first named gentleman, without pretending to rival either Sivori or Miska Hauser, is undoubtedly an accomplished violinist . . . Mr. Leslie's two solos displayed some very masterly handling of the bow . . .

[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (7 February 1859), 3 


. . . Mr. Lissignol confined himself to one solo on the piano, but he took part in the three trios from "Le Prophète," "Les Huguenots," and "II Trovatore," which were most carefully and exactly given on the harmonium, pianoforte, and violin, by himself on the first named instrument, and Messrs. Pringle and Leslie on the pianoforte and violin respectively. The solo of the latter gentleman, though very cleverly executed, was more distinguished for its difficulties than its beauties . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (28 August 1860), 8 

[News], The Argus (19 April 1861), 5 

Mr. Albert Alexander's concert at the Town Hall, St. Kilda, last night, was but poorly attended, a circumstance partly owing, perhaps, to the high prices charged for admission. The vocalists were Madame Stuttaford and Herr Strauch, a gentleman whom we have not had the pleasure of hearing before; and the instrumental performers were Messrs. Reed and Leslie. Mr. Alexander himself presided at the pianoforte, and performed in Hummell's grand trio in G major, with violin and violoncello; Pauer's "La Cascade," which was encored; Beethoven's sonata for pianoforte and violin, Opera 23; and Mendelssohn's "Andante and Rondo Capriccioso" . . . Mr. Leslie's solo on the violin might have been omitted with advantage.

[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1861), 8

MUSICAL UNION. GRAND CONCERT, in aid of the Fund for Relief of the Widows and orphans of the Soldiers of the 40th Regiment who have fallen in New Zealand, will be given in the EXHIBITION BUILDING, THIS EVENING, MAY 22 . . . Programme will consist of Overture - "Ruy Blas" - Mendelssohn,
And Mr. Henry Leslie's JUDITH.
All for the first time In Victoria.
(The latter work composed expressly for, and performed at, the Birmingham Musical Festival, Sept. 1863.)
Principal Vocalists:
Principal Violin - Mr. A. J. LESLIE.
Conductor - Mr. G. R. G. PRINGLE . . .

[News], The Argus (23 May 1861), 5 

. . . "Judith," a work produced by Mr. Henry Leslie, an English amateur, expressly for the Great Festival in Birmingham, in 1858, was a wise choice for the Union to make. The introduction is full of brilliant passages, and Judith's prayer, as sung by Madame Stuttaford, deservedly received applause. The second part of the prayer is inferior as regards composition - it was too elaborate and showy. Occasionally there was a great preponderance of "brass" in the instrumental part of the music - a fault not owing to the conductorship so much as to the style of the composer. The "Chorus of Revellers" was, perhaps, one of the best "bits" of the evening; but altogether the performance reflected great credit upon the members of the Union, and their success must have been to them a pleasing reward for the time they have bestowed in rehearsing, in order to attain their present proficiency.

"TOWN TALK", The Herald (23 May 1861), 5 

The Musical Union Concert at the Exhibition last evening was a complete success. The whole strength of the performance being attached to the instrumental department, and the orchestra was well employed, and well did the artistes acquit themselves. The "Walpurgis Night," by Mendelssohn, was comparatively, a failure, inasmuch as the music is too abstruse for the English ear. Mr. Leslie's oratorio "Judith" is a composition of a high order of merit, much after the Spohr school; the instrumental effects being, if not copied from, at least affected after that master. Madame Stuttaford achieved a real triumph as Judith, and Mr. Beaumont was very praiseworthy, notwithstanding a rather hard delivery . . .

[Advertisement], The Argus (9 September 1861), 8 

[Advertisement], The Argus (24 December 1862), 8 

"LAW REPORT. ASPINWALL v. MERIC", The Argus (7 November 1863), 6

. . . The witnesses examined in support of this view were M. Eugene Lissignol and Mr. A. J. Leslie . . .

LESLIE, Harry (Harry LESLIE)

Entertainer, minstrel, comic vocalist, comedian

Active Sydney, NSW, by 1857
Died Allygar, India, 3 July 1876


Minstrel, comic vocalist, falsettist, burlesque artist


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1857), 1

GREAT ATTRACTION. - BUUDDER BONES' Benefit, at the Fortune of War, Pitt-street, corner of Brougham-place, on MONDAY EVENING, April 6th. Benefit of the BROTHERS LESLIE. Harry Leslie in his great Chin-chopping solo for this night only. Harry Leslie in his unequalled Bone Solo. Harry and W. S. Leslie have the pleasure of announcing their first benefit will take place as above, on which occasion they will appear for the first time in Sydney, in character, introducing in their own inimitable style new songs, speeches, burlesques &c. Cards of admission One Shilling.

"A BUDGET OF NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICA", The Australasian (6 June 1872), 19 

[Letter from Cape Town] . . . The Christy Minstrels are on the point of leaving here for Australia. Their company is a good one, and lately they did a . . . burlesque on "La Grande Duchesse." It went amid roars of laughter. W. S. Leslie was the Grand Duchess, Louis Braham was Prince Paul, J. Truro General Baum, and Hughey Dogherty was Frits. Overtures were being made to them and Ned Harvey to revisit the interior prior to departure, but I cannot positively state their certain future movements.

[Advertisement], The Illustrated London News (5 June 1875), 526 

. . . THE MOORE AND BURGESS MINSTRELS . . . Mr. W. S. Leslie, the Marvellous Alto, will sing at every performance.

"Death of an Old Favorite", The Cornwall Chronicle (25 October 1876), 2 

Harry Leslie, the Ethiopian comedian, died at Allygar, on July 3rd . . . Harry Leslie was formerly a wharf clerk in Melbourne, and appeared . . . at the Surrey Music Hall, Royal Charter Hotel . . . He afterwards joined the Court Minstrels, and obtained great fame, performing at the Pantheon Theatre, Cremorne Gardens, and all over the colonies . . .

LESLIE, William Coleman (William Coleman LESLIE; W. C. LESLIE)

Bookseller, stationer, newsagent, songster publisher

Born Kingston, Jamaica, October 1835; baptised St. David, Kingston, 22 December 1836; son of Hugh Fraser LESLIE (1802-1873) and Rachel CHAMBERLAIN (1813-1903)
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1859
Married Louisa Esther ADDISON (1848-1927), Petersham, NSW, 17 July 1866
Died Balmain, NSW, 10 December 1913, aged "78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Record of baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. David's in the County of Surry [Jamaica] in the year 1836; register page 279; (PAYWALL)

[No.] 56 / Dec'r 22'd 1836 / Wm. Coleman Leslie 14 months / [parents' names not recorded] Cambridge Hill . . .

[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (12 July 1859), 8 

. . . W. C. LESLIE, General News Agent, 49, Parramatta-street.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 October 1859), 1 

JAMES SMITH, of Aberdeen, Carver and Gilder, is requested to communicate with Mr. W. C. LESLIE, son of H. F. Leslie, Esq., Powis House, Aberdeen; he will hear of something greatly to his advantage.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 February 1862), 1 

JUST OUT, quite new - The N. S. W. Perfect Cures' Comic Songster contains The Ironsides, the great song of the day. Price, 6d.
PERFECT CURE'S Comic Songs, Dixey's Land, in the Strand, now ready. Circulating Library, 49, Parramatta-street.
LATEST EXCITEMENT. - The favourite songs, Bob Ridley, Colleen Bawn, and Peter Gray, all in the Comic Cure Songster. Price, 6d.
COMIC SONGS . -The Perfect Cure's Portrait of the original Cure, - encored nightly at Toogood's. Price, 6d. 49, Parramatta-street.

ASSOCIATIONS: Toogood's Saloon (Sydney venue)

"MARRIAGES", Empire (23 July 1866), 1 

LESLIE - ADDISON. - July 17, by special license, at Bullah Cottage, Petersham, by the Rev. M. Quaife, Mr. William C. Leslie, eldest son of Hugh F. Leslie, Esq., of Powis House, near Aberdeen, N. B., to Louisa Esther, eldest daughter of Mr. G. R. Addison, Sydney.

"DEATHS", The Daily Telegraph (11 December 1913), 8 

LESLIE. - December 10th, 1913. at his late residence, 48 Beattie-street, Balmain, William Coleman, beloved husband of Louisa Leslie; aged 78 years.

LESTER, Miss (Miss LESTER; stage name of Margaret ALEXANDER; Mrs. George William FARROW)

Theatrical and ballet dancer

Born Dry Creek, SA, 9 January 1849; daughter of Thomas ALEXANDER and Margaret PITT
Married George William FARROW, Salisbury, SA, 7 January 1867
Died Adelaide, SA, 13 November 1867, aged "18/19" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Births in the district of Adelaide, 1849; South Australian births index (PAYWALL)

9 January 1849 / Margaret daughter of Thomas Alexander and Margaret Pitt / Dry Creek

[Advertisement], The Wallaroo Times and Mining Journal [Port Wallaroo, SA] (25 February 1865), 4 

YOUR OLD FRIEND, H. J. HALL Will shortly arrive, and give a Series of Dramatic Entertainments in his
NEW BIJOU THEATRE, complete with Stage, Sceneiy, and Appointments, accompanied by the fascinating Artistes,
MISS ANNIE LESTER (From the Theatre Royal, Melbourne),
MISS MARION LESLIE (The favourite Dansense and Actress) . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: "H. J. Hall" alias Barned Jullien Coleman (polyphonist, actor, manager)

[Advertisement], The Wallaroo Times and Mining Journal (4 March 1865), 4 

. . . Mr. H. J. HALL, the Polyphonist, as an actor . . .
Miss MARION LESTER, the Favourite Danseuse . . .

Marriages in the district of Salisbury, 1867; Australia, marriage index (PAYWALL)

7 January 1867 / George William Farrow and Margaret Alexander, daughter of Thomas Alexander

[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (18 March 1867), 1 

"LYSTER'S OPERA", South Australian Register (31 October 1867), 3 

"Lurline" was produced for the third time by the Lyster Company on Wednesday night, and with general success . . . At the closing scene a passing sensation was caused by reason of one of the flames catching the dress of a ballet girl, who was behind time, and had pressed in to reach her place. The boxes were cleared in a second; but Madame Escott, with great presence of mind, assured the audience that it was but a trifling affair - a fact which was proved by the fire being at once extinguished, with no more serious results than the singeing of the girl's arm . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)

"DEATH FROM BURNING", South Australian Register (16 November 1867), 2 

In our notice of the performance of the opera of "Lurline" on the night of October 30, we mentioned that in the closing scene the flames from the coloured fire caught the dress of a ballet girl. At the time it was thought that no worse injury had resulted than the singeing of her arm. Dr. Clark was sent for, and on his arrival he ordered the poor girl, whose name was Margaret Alexander, but who was known as Miss Lester, to be taken to her home in Flinders-street, whither he accompanied her, and ascertained that she had been seriously burnt nearly all over her body. Since then he has attended her assiduously, but without avail, as she died on November 13. She was about nineteen years of age, and had been on the stage for several years.

"THEATRICAL . . . Provincial . . . DEATH OF A BALLET DANCER FROM BURNING", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (16 November 1867), 2 

During the late opera season in Adelaide, a young lady, Miss Lester, one of tho opera ballet troupe, accidentally caught her dress on fire while dancing in the opera "Lurline." She lingered in great pain for some days, and we learn by telegram that she died on Thursday from the effects of the injuries she received.

ASSOCIATIONS: But note that a "Miss Lester" and "Miss P. Lester" continued to be billed in Melbourne theatres in 1868

Bibliography and resources:

Margaret Farrow, Find a grave 

LESUEUR, Charles-Alexandre (Charles-Alexandre LESUEUR; C. A. LESUEUR)

Indigenous culture and music recorder, artist, natural historian, naval gunner

Born Le Havre, France, 1 January 1778
Active NSW and Tasmania, 1801-03
Died Le Havre, 12 December 1846 (NLA persistent identifier)


Lesueur and his colleague, the astronomer Pierre-François BERNIER, notated the 3 music items printed as Plate 32 in Lesueur and Petit 1824. Manuscript music material relating to the print is held in the Lesueur collection, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Le Havre; music items no. 16057R, 16059-1; reproduced in Fornasiero and West-Sooby 2015, 24-25.

Musical editions: 

LETHBRIDGE, Harold Octavius (Harold Octavius LETHBRIDGE; Dr. H. O. LETHBRIDGE)

Indigenous culture and song recorder, song transcriber, amateur musician, cellist, orchestra founder and leader

Born Forest Vale Station, Mitchell, QLD, 30 January 1880
Died Sydney, NSW, 5 November 1944 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (Austlit)



Lethbridge's adult life fell mostly within the 20th-century, and his career was as a medical practitioner and amateur musician in Narrandera, NSW. He is included here because of his role in preserving a set of Indigenous songs of the Maranoa region of southern QLD/northern NSW, which he and his siblings were taught as children, c. 1890, by Indigenous friends and elders. He transcribed these songs in the 1930s, and they were published in 1937 in arrangements by his colleague Arthur Steadman Loam (1898-1976).

See main entry in checlist of colonial era Indiegnous song transcriptions: 


"BIRTHS", Australian Town and Country Journal (14 February 1880), 42 

"A PIONEER OF GIPPSLAND", Rosedale Courier (11 July 1918), 2 

"THE BEAUTIES OF MUSIC", The Murrumbidgee Irrigator (1 July 1838), 5 

A DELIGHTFUL CONCERT ARRANGED BY DR. H. O. LETHBRIDGE AT Y.A.H.S. A LARGE number of guests were entertained at the Yanco Agricultural High School on Saturday night, 25th inst., at a concert given by Dr. H. O. Lethbridge, of Narandera. Dr. Lethbridge was assisted by the Maranoa orchestra, conducted by Mr. A. S. Loam . . . The last item of the programme was of unusual interest, as it comprised a group of Aboriginal melodies collected by Dr. Lethbridge and arranged by Mr. A. S. Loam. The "Maranoa Lullaby," originally crooned by the Maranoa (Queensland) tribe of blacks captivated the audience when interpreted by Mrs. Skinner and by the orchestra. "Jabbin Jabbin," the song which Lawrence Tibbet sang recently in Sydney, was also rendered by Mrs. Skinner. Finally the orchestra played the exciting "Narranyeri Dance" which employed the stirring rhythms of a tribal war dance with great vividness . . .

"ENTERTAINMENT AT LEETON", Daily Advertiser (8 November 1938), 5 

. . . The Maranoa Orchestra is appropriately named from the beautiful aboriginal melody rendered by the combined orchestra, and which is one of the Australian aboriginal songs collected and translated by Dr. Lethbridge. In the orchestral arrangement Mr. A. S. Loam has built around the frame-work of the original melody, which is a cradle-song of the aborigines. The crooning melody in a minor key appears to be the embodiment of the hidden spirit of the Australian wild. This poetic rendering was followed by the martial strains of the Narranyeri dance. This is from Central Australia and is known as a war dance or corroboree . . .

The Narrinyeri song referred to was Loam's arrangement of transcription by Taplin; see: 

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1944), 10 

"OBITUARY", Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (7 November 1944), 2 

. . . Dr. Lethbridge, who was in his middle sixties, spent the early part of his life on a station in the Maranoa district in Queensland. There he saw much of the aborginal life. He learned to admire the aborigines, and spent a good deal of his time with them, learning their habits and customs. So much did he learn of the folk lore of the aborigines and so fascinated was he with their customs, that he became one of the best authorities in the country on the life and customs of the aborigines. No one had more sympathy for the aborigines than Dr. Lethbridge, and during his life he interested himself in collecting specimens of their hunting and other implements. With the passing of time he entered the Sydney University and graduated as Bachelor of Medicine in 1901. After serving the early years after qualifying as a medical practitioner in the metropolitan area he came to Narandera in 1908 and practised here for the remainder of his life. Soon after the Great War broke out he volunteered for service abroad and served for about three years in the various battle fronts, as well as in England. On returning to Australia after the Peace Treaty had been signed, he resumed his practice in Narandera . . .

He loved music for music's sake, and formed an orchestra here a number of yean ago. This orchestra made many public appearances, and as the years went by and members of it left the town he would always find recruits, and when the services of an orchestra were required at a patriotic or other function Dr. Lethbridge's orchestra was generally available. His orchestra took part in the performances the Narandera Musical and Dramatic Society, and its services were always much appreciated . . .

DEATHS, The Courier-Mail (16 November 1944), 6 

LETHBRIDGE. - On 5th November, at Gloucester House, Sydney, Harold Octavius Lethbridge, M.B.E., M.B., Chm.M., F.R.A.C.S., of Nerrandera, N.S.W., born January 30th, 1880, at Forestvale Station, Mitchell, Qld.


Australian Aboriginal songs; melodies, rhythm and words truly and authentically Aboriginal collected and translated by H. O. Lethbridge, accompaniments arranged by Arthur S. Loam (Melbourne: Allan and Co., 1937) 

Bibliography and resources:

W. S. Oliver, The great white father: the biography of a great Australian, Dr. H. O. Lethbridge (1880-1944) (Terranora, NSW: W. S. Oliver, 1999) 

Bill Casey, "Modernity denied: the case of Harold Blair's 1956 EP, Australian Aboriginal Songs", in Robert Dixon and Veronica Kelly (eds), Impact of the modern: vernacular modernities in Australia 1870s-1960s (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2008), 52-61 (PREVIEW)

LEVEY, Barnett (Barnett LEVEY; Mr. LEVEY; also Barnet LEVEY; Mr. LEVY)

Vocalist, theatre proprietor, concert presenter, entrepreneur

See mainpage: 

DISAMBIGUATION: Barnett LEVY (violinist) below


Vocalist, actor

Born ? UK, c. 1829/30; son of Alexander LEVESON and Esther ASSCHER
Arrived VIC, c. 1852
Active VIC, by 1856; NSW, by 1860
Died Sydney, NSW, 27 September 1905, aged "76", "8 years in VIC, 45 in NSW" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Vocalist, actor

Born London, England, c. 1836; son of Alexander LEVESON and Esther ASSCHER
Arrived c. 1852
Died Sydney, NSW, 25 November 1907, "55 years in colony"


"Obituary", The Hebrew Standard of Australasia (29 September 1905), 7 

The death is announced of Mr. John Leveson at his residence, 115 Womerah Avenue, Sydney, on Wednesday last, aged 76 years. Deceased was an old colonist and had been connected with opera companies in years past. He was a Past Grand Warden of the Masonic Fraternity, a member of the Royal Arch body, and was well-known in connection with the "Freemason's Chronicle" which he edited in past years. The funeral to Rookwood was attended by a large number of his friends, the Jewish burial service being read by the Rev. A. D. Wolinski and the Masonic service by W. Bro. Wm. Kirkham W.M., of Lodge Zetland, the Lodge which Mr. Leveson was a member for over thirty years.

"DEATH OF MR. BEN LEVESON", The Australian Star (28 November 1907), 6 

Ben Leveson has followed his brother John to the world beyond the grave. In the palmy days of grand opera, under the William Saurin Lyster management, the two Levesons were members of the chorus. John Leveson, who, looked like Napoleon III, gave up stage work, same thirty years ago, and went into the advertising and publishing business. Ben Leveson continued as a chorus singer, and his last engagement was as a member of the Williamson Opera Co. This year he applied for the old-age pension. "Big Ben," as he was sometimes called, ended his days at Dowling-street, Moore Park. The elder brother was a prominent Mason.

LEVETT, Mr. G and/or Mr. J. LEVETT


Active Melbourne, VIC, 1852


"MUSICAL", The Argus (21 October 1852), 5 

Once more we have great pleasure in bearing our testimony to the spirit and industry of the conductor of the weekly concerts. His annexed programme will be acknowledged on all hands to be first rate and we only trust that a fine moonlight night will enable the public to do such an entertainment the justice it deserves.
Part I. Overture - Der Freischutz
Song - Fill the bowl - Mr. Gregg
Duett -Lightly, Lightly Mesdames Testar and Pellatt.
Solo—Cornet a'Piston, Air and Variations, Salute to the British, Mr. De Grey.
Song - Dearest, then, I'll love thee more, Mr. G. Levett.
Polka - The Elephant
Air - The Exile, Mr. J. Lounds
Song - Bid me discourse (by desire), Mrs. Testar
Part II. Overture - Fra Diavolo
Trio - The faded wreath, Mesdames Testar and Pellat, &c.
Song - The Wanderer - Mr. Gregg.
Duett -From the Barber of Seville, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Gregg.
Quadrille - The Crusader.
Song - The Slave, Mr. J. Levett.
Air - The old house at home, Mrs. Pellatt
Finale - God save the Queen.

LEVEY, Abraham (Abraham LEVEY; Mr. A. LEVEY; often LEVY)

Prompter, publican

Active Sydney, NSW, 1830s

LEVEY, Montague (Montague LEVEY)

Amateur musician, composer, property developer, patron

Born UK, c.1834
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 27 July 1835 (per Hercules, with parents Isaac and Dinah LEVEY)
Died Sydney, NSW, 9 May 1884 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)


"ARRIVAL OF THE NEW GOVERNOR", The Australian (3 August 1846), 3

"HER MAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 May 1849), 2

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1851), 1

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 August 1861), 8

"AMATEUR COMPOSITION", Empire (23 May 1864), 4

The publication of works emanating from the pen of professional composers is, like every other transaction in business, made, in some measure, a mere speculation, pieces, like books, being often written that will attract attention rather by some particular local circumstance of dedication, popularity or other point on which to hinge a title that will command a sale. How far more gratifying for the sake of art is it, when we find those who are not desirous of acquiring profit by the efforts of their talents, but rather of making them contribute to the cultivation and advancement of the art they practice. Mr. Montague Levey,  Wynyard-square, a well-known citizen of this city, had forwarded to us a series of seven polkas, the results of his facile conception in the realms of composition. The author is well known in Sydney as one of our very best musical amateurs, with a decided penchant and taste for pianoforte music. It is most gratifying to see gentlemen possessed of wealth make use of it to so excellent a purpose as the advancement of the fine arts. These polkas are not published for sale, but for circulation amongst friends; and engraved (by Turner) and printed as they are in the most elegant style must have cost a very large sum, in these dull times - a benefit, also, to the artisan; their publications would meet with a ready demand. They are all dedicated to the ladies of Sydney, by whom they cannot fail to be thoroughly appreciated; the ladies, indeed, will be thankful to have a cavalier who thus devotes his time, talents, and fortune for their amusement. Without entering into any analysis of the particular merits of these polkas, we may easily weave the thread of a very interesting tale from their several titles; the "I don't know" represents the state of doubt into which the mind of the composer is thrown as in which of the fair sex to which it is dedicated should be chosen; the "Selina" names the most charming, as the heroine; the "Montague" represents thee "free selector" or hero, both being united in "The bride and bridegroom"; the "Venus" suggests the goddess who watches over the happy union; the "Turon" is the happy retreat for the honeymoon; while the "Aboriginal", of course, alludes to the natives met there whilst passing the time most happily; and this last one is certainly a very unique and original composition.

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 September 1875), 5

Mr. Montague Levey has sent to this office seven polkas, which he composed some twenty years ago, and which he has republished in Sydney. At the time they were originally published they were very highly spoken of by the Press. They are dedicated to the ladies of Sydney. The composer has not re-published them with any view to profit, and as presentation copies to his friends they will no doubt be acceptable.

"A JEWISH WEDDING", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1881), 6

In recognition of the kindly aid recently given by Mr. Levey, and with a view of showing his interest in the race to which by birth he belongs, Mr. Henry Ketten had again borrowed his Pleyel grand and sent it to Mr. Levey's, and as the bride entered the band suddenly stopped and Mrs. Louis Hart was welcomed by the "Wedding March", played on the piano as only Mr. Ketten has played it . . . When the delighted plaudits had subsided, the bride and groom, with three of the bridesmaids and grooms-men, according to an old Hebrew custom, danced a quadrille.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1884), 1

Levey's 7 polkas:

The Montague polka ("Dedicated to the Ladies of Sydney") ([Sydney]: [?], [1851]; Sydney: G. Hudson, [?]) 

The Turon polka (composed by Montague Levey; Dedicated to the ladies of Australia) (Sydney: W. Hudson, [?]) 

The Selina polka (composed by Montague Levey; and dedicated to Miss Selina Marks) ([?]: C. Davis, [?]) 

The I don't know polka (by Montague Levey; Dedicated to the ladies of Sydney) (Sydney: J. H. Anderson, [1861]) 

The bride & bridegroom polka (for the piano forte, composed by Montague Levey) ([Sydney: M. Levey, 1875]) 

Venus polka


Aboriginal polka


LEVIEN, Jonas Felix (Jonas Felix LEVIEN; J. F. LEVIEN)

Amateur vocalist

Born Williamstown, Port Phillip district, NSW (VIC), 28 March 1840
Died St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, 24 May 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


[Advertisements], Geelong Advertiser (3 January 1860), 4 

MR. JONAS FELIX LEVIEN, AT THE Recreative Concert to-night will sing THE MARSELLASIE HYMN, Etc. Etc . . .

"DEATH OF MR. J. F. LEVIEN", The Argus (25 May 1906), 5 

LEVIEN, Joseph (Joseph Henry LEVIEN; Joseph LEVIEN; J. H. LEVIEN)

Musical amateur, member and secretary, Cecilian Society

Active Sydney, NSW, 1841 (Wikipedia)


"THE CECILIAN SOCIETY", Australasian Chronicle (16 February 1841), 3

In consequence of a requisition from the leading members of this institution, a public meeting was held on Friday, in the society's temporary concert rooms, when after the report had been read, the following resolutions were moved, seconded, and adopted by the meeting:
1. That the report of the committee now read be adopted and received by the meeting.
2. That as the expenses at present incurred in carrying on the operations of this society considerably exceed its income, some other arrangement with regard to performing members is imperatively called for. The committee therefore earnestly and respectfully urge all those persons possessed of musical talents, and who are anxious for the promotion of so delightful a science, to come forward and support this society with their abilities at a time when it so much requires their aid.
3. That as the operations of this society are much impeded by the irregular attendance of the members of the committee, that it shall be a standing rule of this society that any member of the committee absenting himself for three nights consecutively shall be ineligible for re-election.
4. That the thanks of this meeting he presented to the Right Reverend Dr. Polding, through the Rev. Francis Murphy, for his kindness in allowing the use of the Catholic school room to the society, and for his uniform kindness in furthering the interests of the society upon every occasion which presented itself.
5. That the thanks of this meeting be given to the gentlemen and officers of the committee for their very efficient services during the last meeting, and that the following gentlemen be requested to act for the ensuing year, namely,
Mr. W. E. Rogers, treasurer; Mr. Joseph Levien, secretary; committee - Messrs. Bradridge, Thomson, Le Britton, Barnett, James Johnson, Leggatt, Greville, Challis, Tomlins, and R. Johnson.
6. That the thanks of this meeting be tendered to the chairman for his kind attention to the business of the meeting.

LEVISON, Benjamin (Benjamin LEVISON) = Benjamin LEVESON


Musician, bandsman (NSW Corps), master of the band (102nd Regiment; 100th Regiment), conductor of church music, farmer, grazier

Born Dublin, Ireland, 25 March 1781 [sic]; son of William LEVISTON and Margaret LESLIE (c. 1755-1825)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 18 May 1798 (free per Barwell, from Portsmouth, 7 November 1797, with mother and stepfather)
Enlisted (NSW Corps), Sydney, NSW, 13 December 1798 [sic]
Married (1) Ann GIBBS (1787-1811), Sydney, NSW, 1807
Departed Sydney, NSW, 12 May 1810 (per Dromedary and Hindostan, for England)
Married (2) Jane CHAMPION (1794-1878), Horsham, Sussex, England, 15 April 1811
Discharged, Chatham, England, 28 April 1818
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, 14 September 1818 (per Glory, from, Sheerness, 18 May, with wife and 3 children)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), December 1818 (per Prince Leopold, from Sydney, 1 December)
Arrived Geelong, VIC, ? c. mid to late 1840s (from TAS)
Died Geelong, VIC, 25 September 1857, aged "74"

ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the New South Wales Corps (military band)


Because he enlisted shortly before reaching the age of 18, Leviston's date of birth was recorded by the NSW Corps as 25 March 1781.

When his younger brother, John (d. Geelong 1857), was baptised at Manchester cathedral on 30 March 1783, their father William was described as a "foot soldier".

Leviston was aged 17 when he first arrived in Sydney on 18 May 1798, free on the convict ship Barwell, with his mother and stepfather, Samuel Beachy (or Beechey) (c. 1763-1811), a former soldier in the 87th Irish Fusileers who enlisted in the NSW Corps on arrival in the colony.

Leviston also enlisted as a private in the NSW Corps soon after arrival, three months shy of 18, on 13 December 1798, giving his forename as James.

He was almost certainly active as a trainee musician some time during his half decade of service, probably either as a clarinettist or oboist. He was also active as a bugler (the cause of a later debility). He was tranferred from private to drummer on 25 October 1805, and then back to being a private in the "band" in May 1806 (the first month for which band membership was consistently indicated in the paylists).

He and his first wife Ann Gibbs (convict per Glatton, who arrived 11 March 1803 with one natural child already) married in 1807, but had been living together by then for several years. They had at least three children in Sydney: William (born 1 October 1804; baptised St. Philip's, 13 January 1805); Elizabeth (born 25 January 1807; baptised St. Philip's, 22 November 1807); and Joseph (born 6 February 1809; privately baptised St. Philip's, 19 February 1809).

He and his family left Sydney with the regiment for England in May 1810, and it was evidently then that Leviston (now consistently "William"), promoted to corporal and then sergeant, succeeded to the mastership of the band, in place of Harry Parsons, who, tranfering to the NSW Veteran's Company, remained in the colony.

Between then and his discharge, early in 1818, Leviston was stationed with the regiment in Guernsey (1811-12), and then spent for almost 2 years in Bermuda and North America (1813-15), notably on incursions into United States and Canada under the command of Sidney Beckwith.

On 15 April 1811, at Horsham, Sussex, he had married Jane (or Jenny) Champion, and their first two children were Mary Ann (born Guernsey c. 1812; married John Gill, Hobart 1827; died Geelong, 1857) and John (born c. 1815; died Geelong, 1857).

Leviston was discharged under the forename William in April 1818, reportedly aged "about 37".

Having sailed from Sheerness on the Glory on 18 May, Leviston arrived back in Sydney on 14 September 1818, intending to settler, with his wife and three children. The youngest, Henry Pounder Glory Leviston, was born on the voyage, on 7 July (St. Philip's, Sydney, 20 September 1818), and named after the ship and it's captain, Henry Pounder.

Although he may first have intended to settle in NSW, in November he successfully petitioned the NSW governor for a grant of land and other assistance in "the Derwent" (Tasmania), and in December sailed at government expense (and in a government brig) to Hobart, where other family members were already living. His brother John was appointed district constable for Black Snake, Tasmania, in July 1819; and his mother, Margaret Beechey, died in Hobart in July 1825.


Alphabetical statement of service to 24 June 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office, WO 25/1070) (DIGITISED)

[Private] Levinstone James / [enlisted in NSW Corps] 13 December 1800 [sic, 1798] / [Date of birth, enlisted under 18] 25 Mar. 1786 [sic, 1781] . . .

Description book, c. 1805 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

[Private] / Levinst[on . . . illegible] . . . [age] 24 yrs 5 mths / [height] 5 ft 5 in / [served] 4 years 161 days / [born] [parish of] St. James / Dublin / Ireland . . . (DIGITISED)

[?] Serjeant Leviston Will'm / . . . [no details recorded except height] 5 ft 6 in . . .

Monthly pay-list and muster-roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 October 1805 to 24 November 1805 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Captain Johnston's company . . . Drummers or Fifers . . . Levinston James . . . / From Private 25th Oct.

Monthly pay-list and muster-roll of the New South Wales Regiment of Foot from 25 April 1806 to 24 May 1806 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Major's [Foveaux] company . . . Levinston James / Band / From Drummer in Cap't Johnston's Comp'y 25 [April]

Description book, 1810s (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

[Private] Levinston [sic] Ja's / [enlisted] 13th Dec'r 1798 / [Date of birth, enlisted under 18] 25th Mar. 1781 / . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (12 February 1810), 1 

To be Sold by private Contract, a well-built Dwelling House, weatherboarded and shingled, comprising two capital Rooms, a good Kitchen well floored and lofted, with glass windows, a Garden, Stock Yard, and an excellent Well. - For further particulars apply to Wm. Leviston, Soldier's Back Row.

Pay-list of the 102nd Regiment of foot, 25 September to 14 December 1810 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)

Serjeants . . . Levinston Wm. / . . . from Corp'i 25th Oct. . . .

Discharge, William Leviston, Col. Serj't, 28 April 1818; UK National Archives, WO97/1069

Discharge, William Leviston, Col. Serj't, 28 April 1818; UK National Archives, WO97/1069 (PAYWALL)

The 100th Regt/ of Foot . . . 1st. THAT William Leviston, col. Serj't born in the Parish of Saint James's in or near the Town of Dublin in the County of Dublin was enlisted for the aforesaid Regiment at Sydney in the County of Cumberland on the 13th Day of December at the age of Eighteen for Unlimited Service.
2nd. THAT he hath served in the Army for the space of Nineteen Years and 137 days after the age of Eighteen, according to the subjoined: 100the Reg't / From 13 Dec'r 1798 / To 28 April 1818 / Serjeant 9 yrs 227 days / Corporal 183 days / Private 9 yrs 92 days / Total 19 yrs 137 days / in East or West Indies 1 yr 302 days
3rd. THAT in consequence of the Regiment being Disbanded and affliction of the Chest with debility occasioned by blowing the bugle & exposed to the vicissitudes of the weather on the Expedition com[mande]d by Sir S. Beckwith in the year 1813 . . .
8th. . . . William Leviston . . . is about 37 years of age [sic], is 5 feet 6 inches in height . . .
Given . . . at Chatham this 17th Day of March 1818 . . .

Admissions, Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner, 100th Regiment, 29 April 1818; UK National Archives

Admissions, Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner, 100th Regiment, 29 April 1818; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)

[Admission] [29 April 1818] / Wm. Leviston / [age] 37 / [service] Serjeant 9 yr 8 mo / Corporal 6 mo / Private 9 yr 3 mo / [total] 20 yr 4 mo / Disbandment affliction of the Chest with debility by blowing the Bugle / [born] St. James Dublin / Labourer / 5 ft 5 in . . .

"Ship News", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 September 1818), 3

On Monday last arrived the Glory, Captain Pounder, from England, with 170-male prisoners, having lost none during the voyage, and sustaining no other casualty than in the death, from a lingering illness, of Michael Fitzgerald, a private of the 87th Regt. who was one of the guard; of which 28 are arrived under the orders of Lieut. Ervine, of the same Regiment. Dr. Stuart, R. N. arrives also, charged with the medical duties of the voyage, and the Superintendance of the prisoners, the whole of whom delivered to his care, it is highly gratifying to repeat, are safely arrived at their distant place of destination. Passenger, Mr. Wm. Levingstone, formerly Master of the Band in the 102d, since the 100th Regiment.

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Gazette and Southern Reporter (12 August 1820), 1 

NOTICE. - All Persons are hereby cautioned against tresspassing, by Stock or otherwise, on my Farm, situate in the District of Glenarchy, bounded on the S. W. by Kingston's and Oakley's Farms, on the N. by Burn's Farm, on the S. by Crown Land, and on the W. by a Line running 30 Chains up the Hills; as all Stock found tresspassing thereon, after this public Caution, will be impounded agreeably to Regulations.

"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", Hobart Town Gazette (9 May 1821), 3s

Government House, Hobart Town, Friday May 4th, 1821.
HIS Honor the Lieutenant Governor is pleased to direct, that the following Statements of the Police Fund of Van Diemen's Land, for the Quarters ending, respectively, the 30th September and 31st December, 1820, and 31st March, 1821 . . . shall be published for general Information . . .
The Police Fund of Van Diemen's Land, in Account Current . . . for the Quarter ending March 31st, 1821 . . .
Mr. J. Levingstone, Services as Conductor of Church Music, from 15th Sep. to 31st Dec. at 20l. per Annum - 5 18 0 . . .
Rev. Robt. Knopwood, for that sum paid by him for a violincello, for the use of the church - 5 0 0 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Knopwood (clergyman)

GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", Hobart Town Gazette (6 October 1821), 1s

Government House, Hobart Town, Saturday, October 6th, 1821.
HIS Honor the Lieutenant Governor is pleased to direct, that the following Statement of the Police Fund of Van Diemen's Land, for the Quarter ending the 30th June, 1821 . . . shall be published for general Information . . .
Mr. J. Livingstone, one Quarter's Allowance for conducting the Church Music - 5 0 0 . . .

"GOVERNMENT ORDER", Hobart Town Gazette (25 February 1826), 2s

ABSTRACT of the EXPENDITURE of VAN DIEMEN'S LAND for the Year ending 31st December, 1825 . . .
Ditto, J. Pearson, as Conductor of Church Music - 2 9 7 . . .
W. Livistone, an Allowance in Lieu of Shoes, when Conductor of Church Music - 2 0 0 . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: James Pearson (musician)

"ACCIDENTS", Colonial Advocate, and Tasmanian Monthly Review and Register (1 April 1828), 52 

. . . As two little girls, sisters, about six years of age, were the other day playing round a bush fire near Mr. Berresford's, on the high road one pushed the other on the embers, when she was so dreadfully burnt about the breast and face, that, after lingering in great agony, two or three days, the little innocent expired. The children belonged to Mr. Levingstone, the Musician.

Census, William Leviston, Glenorchy, 2 January 1843; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:479094; CEN1/1/61$init=CEN1-1-61-182B (DIGITISED)

[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (4 August 1843), 3 

Valuable Small Farm of about 80 Acres, six and a-half miles from Town, opposite the Berriedale Inn, Glenorchy,
MR. T. Y. LOWES will SELL by AUCTION, at the Exchange Mart, Elizabeth-street, On MONDAY, August 28,
by order of the mortgagee and with consent of the proprietor, to be sold without the least reserve,
A very excellent FARM (known at Leviston's,) situate at Glenorchy, 6 1/2 miles from town, comprising about 80 acres of capital land, 40 of which are in cultivation, together with the extensive garden, dwelling house, and premises . . .

"MURDER OF MR. MANN", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (13 October 1847), 2

We related some particulars in our last issue of the murder of Mr. Robert Mann, auctioneer and appraiser, of this city, near his own residence at Glenorchy, on the evening of Thursday last . . . On arriving at Mr. Farquharson's, the Berriedale Inn, he remained for about four hours, during which period he drank two or three glasses of spirit and water. He left the Berriedale at about nine o'clock at night, a man of the name of James Taylor, a baker, whose house is nearly opposite the inn, going out at the same time. Taylor saw Mr. Mann enter the lane which leads to his own farm and residence. This was the last time the unfortunate gentleman was seen alive . . . Miss Mann, about 17 years of age, had three young female friends from town on a visit at her father's house . . . There was no female domestic at the establishment, but three men-servants. One of these, Henry Livingstone, is a free man; he was reared on the farm, which formerly belonged to his father, who had been bandmaster of the 102nd regiment, and of whom it was purchased by Mr. Mann . . .

"TOWN COUNCIL", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (18 February 1853), 1 supplement 

The Town Council resumed their duties yesterday morning, in revising the valuations lately made in the various Wards of the town: -
KARDINIA WARD . . . Levingstone, William, Irish Town, 8, confirmed . . .

Bibliography and resources:

Pamela Statham (ed.), A colonial regiment: new sources relating to the New South Wales Corps 1789-1810 ([Canberra]: P. Statham, 1992), 309

Levingston, James (Livingstone; William Levingstone), enlisted (? in colony) private 13 December 1800 [sic]; drummer 25 October 1805; private 25 March 1806; band 1806-1810; returned to UK May 1810

B. and M. Chapman, "Colour Sergeant William James Leviston (1781-1857)" [sic], Australia's red coat settlers (archive NLA Pandora)

"William James Leviston", Find a grave 

LEVY, Barnett (Barnett LEVY; Barnett LEVI)

Musician, professor of music, violinist, leader (Theatre Royal orchestra; Royal Italian Opera Company), composer, arranger

? Active Launceston, TAS, and Melbourne, VIC, by 1859; Melbourne, 1865
Died Emerald Hill, VIC, 22 October 1880, aged 54 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


LEVY, Jules (Isaac LEVY; Jules LEVY)

Musician, cornet player

Born London, England, 24 April 1838 (brother of violinist Barnett LEVY above)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, February 1877
Departed Melbourne, VIC, November 1877
Died Chicago, 28 November 1903 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


Documentation (Barnett):

"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (25 May 1859), 5

. . . Connected with the theatre we have inadvertently omitted to make mention of the name of Mr. Levy, the leader of the band. As a musician, Mr. Levy cannot be surpassed. His "arrangement" of music, it is admitted, cannot be excelled, - and, as a player, he has the fame of being "nulli secundus." With the disadvantages he has encountered, - with the "up-hill" work he has had to contend against - few, if any, connected with the musical profession would have acquitted themselves so creditably as Mr. Levy has done since his engagement with Mr. Brooke at the Theatre Royal in Launceston.

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 June 1859), 7 

[Advertisement], The Argus (11 August 1865), 8 

The Victoria Post Office directory (1866), 98

"Funeral Notices", The Argus (11 November 1867), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (7 December 1869), 8

[Advertisement], The Argus (29 January 1870), 8

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (14 October 1872),5

[Advertisement], The Argus (8 February 1873), 8

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1877), 2

"VICTORIA", Launceston Examiner (29 October 1880), 3

An inquest was held by Dr. Youl, the City Coroner, on Saturday, on the body of Barnett Levy, late a theatrical musician, who died suddenly at his residence at Emerald Hill on the 22nd inst. The wife of the deceased stated that the latter, who was fifty-four years of age, had complained of a pain in his chest, but was up and at a rehearsal the day of his death. In the evening he returned home, and after sitting down suddenly expired . . . Mr. Lucas, surgeon, who was called in to see the deceased, and who after wards made a post-mortem examination, stated that death resulted from acute inflammation of the spleen with disease of the liver and stomach. He added that deceased drank a good deal. The deceased was a brother of the [sic] Levy, the celebrated cornet player.

Documentation (Jules):

[Alfred Mellon's summer concerts], The Musical World (15 August 1863), 517

The other solos were, one on the flageolet . . . and one on the cornet à pistons ("Carnival of Venice"), by Mr. Levy, who, as the programme informs us, is "about to depart for Australia".

"LEVY, THE GREAT CORNOPEAN PLAYER", The Argus (23 March 1877), 6

"FIRST APPEARANCE OF MR. LEVY", The Mercury (9 August 1877), 2

"LEVY, THE  CORNET SOLOIST", Camperdown Chronicle (17 August 1877), 3

"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Argus (13 November 1877), 5

Isaac Levy, of the Esplanade, St. Kilda, musician. Causes of insolvency: Losses in connexion with a professional tour through South Australia and at Melbourne. Liabilities, £364 10s; assets, £170; deficiency, £194 10s. Mr. Jacomb, assignee.

"VICTORIAN ITEMS", The Mercury (19 November 1877), 3

"MUSIC", The Australian Sketcher (24 November 1877), 138

"LEVY, THE CORNET PLAYER", Launceston Examiner (15 December 1879), 3

Bibliography and resources:

George C. Foreman, "Levy, Jules (1838-1903), cornet virtuoso, composer", Grove music online 

"Jules Levy", Music in Gotham 

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