LAST MODIFIED Tuesday 4 February 2025 9:53

Maria Logan and family

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Maria Logan and family", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025


See also:

>  Ellard family

>  Leggatt family

>  Wallace family

>  Bushelle family

>  Chester family

LOGAN, Maria (Maria ELLARD; Mary ELLARD; Mrs. C. D. LOGAN; Mary, Maria LOGAN)

Pianist, professor of music, organist, composer, collector-transcriber-arranger of Indiegnous song

Born Dublin, 1808 (daughter of Ann and Andrew ELLARD)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 15 February 1835 (per Sarah)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 25 July 1842 (per Eden, from Hobart Town, 21 July)
Died Darlinghurst, NSW, 25 December 1886, aged 78 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

See also Ellard family mainpage:

LOGAN, Charles David ( Charles David LOGAN; Mr. C. D. LOGAN; Charles Drummond LOGAN)

Vocalist, ? collector-transcriber of Indigenous song

Born ? Dublin, Ireland, c.1803/4
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 15 February 1835 (per Sarah)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 18 March 1848 (per Walmer Castle, for London)
Died Pimlico, England, 8 February 1864 (aged 60) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)


LOGAN, Alethea (Aleathea) (c.1816-1882, ? sister or common-law wife of Charles, buried in same grave as him, in Brompton Cemetery, London)

Second generation:

LOGAN, William Robert (born Ireland, ?; died Mosman, NSW, 13 February 1919)

LOGAN, Frederick Charles (born Ireland, ?; died Leichhardt, NSW, 24 June 1893)

LOGAN, Charles (born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 3 March 1836; died Hobart Town, 3 April 1837)

LOGAN, Marcus David (born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), ?, died 23 November 1873)


Pianist, music teacher

Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), baptised 5 January 1840
Died (drowned), Sydney heads, NSW, 20 August 1857

LOGAN, Henry (born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), ? ; died Sydney, NSW, 4 March 1868)

LOGAN, Ernest (born Sydney, NSW, 2 April 1843; died Bayswater, WA, 20 February 1929)

LOGAN, Charles Alfred (born Sydney, NSW, 9 April 1845; died (drowned), Sydney heads, NSW, 20 August 1857

LOGAN, Arthur Philipson (born Sydney, NSW, 25 February 1847; died (drowned), Sydney heads, NSW, 20 August 1857


Maria Logan was a daughter of Dublin music-seller Andrew Ellard and his first wife Ann, a sister of Francis Ellard of Sydney, and a first cousin of William Vincent Wallace and Eliza Wallace Bushelle.

In Dublin in 1834, Charles Logan (who had witnessed Andrew Ellard's second marriage), organised two shiploads of female emigrants from Dublin, and the Logans accompanied one of these, on the Sarah, to Hobart Town, arriving there on 15 February 1835.

Charles was elected secretary of the Hobart Book Society, and in that capacity founded a "Hobart Town Public Library". Maria, as "Mrs. C. D. Logan", established herself as an occasional concert performer and teacher of "Pianoforte and Singing, combining the principles of Thorough Bass and Composition".

According to her later pupil, the singer Lucy Chambers, Logan had herself been a pupil in Dublin of John Bernard Logier.

On Logier and the Wallaces and Ellards, see: 

Late in 1835, Logan collaborated with her cousin Vincent Wallace in his Hobart appearances, and by the time she gave her own last Hobart concert in June 1842, the reviewer of The Courier had concluded that:

. . . in addition to the possession of talent in herself, she has also the happy method of imparting it to so many of her pupils, we have no hesitation in pronouncing her intended departure from these shores as a loss to the rising generation on this side of the island.

Logan has served, meanwhile, as organist of St. David's Church, Hobart, from 1837, and probably earlier, Charles reportedly assisting her as a vocalist.

In 1838, she "presided at the seraphine" at the consecration of St. George's Church, Battery Point, the instrument built by her father in Dublin, as is recorded not only in fact, but in fiction (in the title story to English novelist Penelope Fitzgerald's book of short stories, The means of escape).

Thereafter, she appears to have relinquished the post at St. David's, and taken up the appointment of "organist" at St. George's instead.

One very important musical record of the Logan's activities in Hobart survives, in two manuscript copies of a Song of the Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land (arranged by Mrs. Logan) (see details below). George Augustus Robinson's journal for Sunday 22 October 1836 records:

Spent the evening at Logan's in Macquarie Street. Mr. Logan set to music a song of the aborigines, POPELLER etc., the first ever attempted. Spoke of Dr. R.; censured Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Lempriere.

Referencing Alice Moyle, in the notes to his edition of the journal, Brian Plomley registered Maria's professional musical activities and her published song (see below), and with the ascription on the manuscripts in mind, speculated that she "may also have been the one who transcribed the aboriginal song, Popeller, and not her husband." Equally possible, however, is that Charles did indeed transcribe the melody, and his wife made the arrangements.

A second musical work, but now lost, was a song, The vow that's breathed in solitude, published in Hobart in 1839, "the music arranged by Mrs. Logan" to words by Robert Stewart, author previously of the words to a Vincent Wallace song dedicated to the self-same Mrs. Logan. The Hobart Town Courier greeted it as the "first Van Diemen's Land melody" (if certainly not the first colonial composition, it was the first in print):

A song, entitled "The vow that's breathed in solitude, the words by Mr. Stewart, the music arranged by Mrs. Logan" has been forwarded to us, and, according to our judgment, affords a very creditable specimen of "immortal music married unto verse." This is the first Van Diemen's Land melody it has been our fortune to encounter, and is well worthy of being hailed by all the lovers of song and of Tasmania, with all the gladness and rejoicing of a new birth.

Meanwhile, The Hobart Town Advertiser advised:

We must not pass lightly by the music of Mrs. Logan, a lady who has the merit of being the first musical compositor in the colony.

In 1841 Charles was employed in the Colonial Secretary's Office. From there, in August-September 1841, he was first appointed and then speedily removed from the post of Town Surveyor. By the end of the year he had been bankrupted, which probably led to the Logans moving to Sydney (with five children, and a servant), in 1842.

In Sydney, Maria was reportedly organist of St. Andrew's Church, and teaching music in a private lady's academy by the end of 1842.

Her later pupils included Thomas Livingstone Mitchell's daughter Blanche Mitchell (1843-1869), whose diaries included many references to her (see documentation below).

Another young pianist, Sarah Cross Little (1832-1909), made a manuscript copy (dated "Sydney, 29 January 1853") of the popular song Those evening bells arranged by Mrs. Logan, which is probably hers (see musical works below).

Like his cousin Thomas Leggatt junior, one of Maria's sons spent time in Fiji in the early 1870s (? c. 1873), and having imported a piano, reportedly played it at social gatherings.

My thanks (2018) to family historian, Steve Ford, for kindly sharing the results of his extensive researches into the Leggatt, Ellard, Logan, and Wallace families.


As generally in this site, the document transcriptions below preserve as closely as practicable the orthography of the originals, and spellings and other oddities are standardised or corrected only where confusion would otherwise arise.

Ireland (to 21 October 1834)

1797, 5 February, Limerick, marriage of Maria's parents, Andrew Ellard and Anne McKenna

"Ireland Marriages, 1619-1898," database, FamilySearch (12 December 2014); FHL microfilm 874,438

Andrew ELLARD, and Anne McKENNA (KENNA), marriage, Saint John (CoI), Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, 5 February 1797

1821, 6 and 10 February, and 18 August 1821, Dublin, Ellard's Music Warehouse

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (6 February 1821), 1

[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (10 February 1821), 1

NEW MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A. ELLARD, 27, LOWER SACKYILLE-STREET, MOST respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry, that in consequence of a late arrangement with his predecessor, Mr. J. B. LOGIER, he has delivered to that Gentleman the entire of the Stock which be originally received with the Establishment; and has now newly assorted his Ware-rooms with a variety of NEW MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, of the best description, from the most celebrated Houses in London, which have been selected by a Professor of celebrity, and whose signature the Piano Fortes in particular bear.

NEW MUSIC, Just Published by Phillips and Co. Bond street, London, and at ELLARD'S, Dublin. QUADRILLES. "Les Hussars," Nos. 1 and 2, by Joseph Hart, price each, 3 0; "Les Serees Irlandaise," Nos. 1 and 2, by Monsieur Simon, each 4 0; NEW VOCAL MUSIC. "The Day-beam is over the Sea," Glee, by Sir J. Stevenson, 3 0; "Sing to Love a Roundelay," Song, J. A. Wade, Esq., 1 6; "The Maid with the Love beaming Eye," J. Emdin, Esq., 1 6; "Dear Harp of Sweet Erin," Mr. Leoni Lee, 1 6; "And canst thou bid my heart forget," J. Klose, 1 6; "Dunoise, the Young and Brave" (French Romance) 1 6; With many other beautiful and popular Ballads. ELLARD has this day received a FRESH SUPPLY of PIANO FORTES and MUSIC, per the Thomas and New Harmony, which he will sell at the most reduced London Prices.

"PUBLIC ENTRY OF HIS MAJESTY", Saunders's News-Letter (18 August 1821), 2

. . . Mr. Ellard's Music Warehouse, Sackville-street - Splendidly lighted; in the centre there was grand transparency, surmounted by a wreath, hearing the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock, over which is tastefully placed the appropriate motto of Cead Mille Failtagh, Roth Riagn na Erin - Translation, a hundred thousand welcomes to the King of Ireland! Between both, underneath a Crown, with G. IV. R. surmounted with laurel. This specimen of Irish genious does infinite credit to the artist, who, we understand is the son of Mr. Ellard. Upon the roof of Mr. Ellard's house, during the procession, we also observed a full military band, who played several appropriate tunes all of which added much the splendor of the scene . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: John Bernard Logier (business associate of Andrew Ellard, and oen of Maria's music teachers)

1822, 30 September, Dublin, baptism of Jane Heyns, Maria and Charles sponsors

Baptisms solemnized at St. Mary's pro-cathedral (RC), Dublin 

30 Sept / Jane / of David & Eliza Heyns / [sponsors] Charles Logan / Maria Logan

1825, 6 October, Dublin, death and burial of Maria's mother

Anne ELLARD, burial, 6 October 1825, age 43 years

DUBLIN (COI), ST. MARY, burial register, DU-CI-BU-173789 [d-277-4-1-057] 

1828, 28 November, Dublin, remarriage of Maria's father, Andrew Ellard; Charles Logan is witness

Marriages solemnized in the Parish of St. Mark [CoI] in the city of Dublin, in the year 1828; page 12, entry 35, DU-CI-MA-29263 [d-30-3-1-012] 

No. 35 / Andrew Ellard of Sackville Street, Dublin, of the Parish of St. Mary / and Elizabeth Corker, of the Parish of St. Mark, Spinster . . . this 28th day of November [1828] / [witness] Chas. D. Logan . . .

1832-33, Charles Logan, Dublin

"DINNER TO J. W. CALCRAFT, ESQ., LESSEE OF THE THEATRE", The Pilot [Ireland] (8 October 1832), 1

On Thursday evening, the friends and supporters of the drama in this city entertained, at a public dinner, J. W. Calcraft, Esq., the popular lessee of the theatre . . . in Tommey's hotel, Sackville-street . . . It would be a great injustice to Mr. C. D. Logan (the secretary to the dinner committee), who took an active part in the preparations for this dinner, not to say that the comforts and happiness of the company were greatly increased by the admirable arrangements he made.

"FEMALES IN NEW SOUTH WALES", Dublin Morning Register [Ireland] (27 November 1832), 2

Nearly thirty females, belonging to public institutions, embarked at the North Wall, Ireland, on Friday morning last [23 November], under the superintendance of Mr. Logan, the Australian Agent, for Liverpool, from whence they proceed to New South Wales, where eligible settlements are provided for them.

"NEW SOUTH WALES", Dublin Observer (30 March 1833), 1

Mr. Logan, the Australian Agent, has kindly favoured us with the following extract of a letter in his possession, addressed to a family in this city, by their relative in the above colony, who, with his wife and child, emigrated to Sydney about twelve months since.

"It is with heartfelt pleasure I embrace favourable moment to inform you of our safe arrival in this country; and to inform you of the state of health we now enjoy, which, thanks to God, never was better than at this moment; and, my dear son and daughter, this is one of the healthiest climates in the world, and likewise one of the cheapest; and it is both our wishes that you endeavour to emigrate as soon as possible, as, I can assure you, that wages for mechanics and labourers are very good, and especially your trade; and shoemakers, blacksmiths, and in fact every species of trade or labour, and you may get the prime beef of the market for 2 1/2 d. per pound, and mutton 3d. per pound, and every necessary in proportion, and an acre of good land for five shillings. Dear son and daughter, don't neglect to bring Mary and John, and Margaret - you had better go to Mr. Walkinshaw, of Liverpool, as I have arranged matters with Mr. Morgan, of this town, who is his agent, for the passage of all of you - tell John he will be gratified, beyond his most sanguine expectations, when he arrives, to see the prospect he has before him, from his branch of business, as every thing will be to his wish in every respect. I have to inform you we are very comfortably situated, for we are both living with a single gentleman; he allows a £30 a year for the first year, and every other comfort, which is as good as £20 more, and the little girl is in the house with us, and under the instructions of a school-mistress. Our winter is in now, if we may call it so, but we feel no cold, only an hour or two in the morning and evening, and the native trees are green all the year ground, and fruit is remarkably cheap. Peaches and 1uinces, when they are in season, you can get for a penny a bushel; oranges and lemons are in season now, and remarkably cheap and good; house rent is rather high, but when you come out we will put you in the way of it."

"FEMALES IN NEW SOUTH WALES", The Australian (26 July 1833), 3 

Nearly 30 females, belonging to public institutions, embarked at the North Wall, Ireland, on Friday week, . . . [as above]

1834, 7 August, Dublin, Charles Logan, emigration advertisement

[Advertisement], Dublin Morning Register [Ireland] (7 August 1834), 1

EMIGRATION TO NEW SOUTH WALES. HIS MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT having resolved to send a Vessel to the above Colony from Ireland, fully provisioned and appointed, for the CONVEYANCE OF SINGLE FEMALES of good character, from 15 to 30 years of age, whose Emigration shall be conducted under the superintendence of the DUBLIN EMIGRATION COMMITTEE, such Young Women as desire to take advantage of the opportunity are herebv informed that the splendid New Ship, DUCHESS OF NORTHUMBERLAND, 550 Tons Register, has been engaged for this purpose, and will embark with Emigrants at DUBLIN, on the 10th SEPTEMBER NEXT, beyond which day she can on no account be detained. Each Female will required pay FIVE POUNDS here; or if unable to raise that sum, her Note will be taken for the Amount, to be paid out of her first Earnings in the Colony. Every Female must be provided with an Outfit of Clothes, suitable to a Four Months' voyage, particularly Body Linen, and have a convenient Box to contain the same. Bed and Bedding will found the Committee. None but Females, of Good Character need apply -. Certificates in proof which must be produced, and authenticated the Clergymen of their respective persuasions. THOMAS WRIGHT, Honorary Secretary the Committee.

Subscriptions to aid this project, and for assisting such as are wholly destitute (in Collecting which the Committee depend the benevolent zeal of the Parochial Clergy of every denomination) will be received at the Bank of Messrs. J. D. and Co., Castle-street . . . [list] . . . or by Surgeon Wright, 26, Great Ship-street. Communications for the present to be addressed Surgeon Wright, 20, Great Ship street, (under cover to the Under Secretary of State, Dublin Castle.) to whom personal application may be made at Six o'Clock each week-day Morning, after which hour all further information will afforded by Mr. C. D. Logan, 9, Great Brunswick street.

As this Vessel is capable accommodating a larger number of persons than government have directed the Committee to provide for, they are allowed to receive on Board a few Families, of known respectability of character, good conduct, and industrious habits. No single man will be allowed to proceed this way, it being strictly confined to Fathers of Families, any of whose male children must not exceed Twelve Years. The charge for a Man and Wife will by Thirty-seven Pounds, in aid of which Government will assist married Agriculturists with the Loan of Twenty Pounds, and Bedding will be provided for all the Females. It is conceived that to Parents who have a number of Daughters this opportunity presents a great advantage, as the former can go out on the same terms as the individual Emigrants. All applications on this subject be addressed to., CHARLES D. LOGAN, Australian Agency Office, 9, Great Brunswick-street, Dublin.


"EMIGRANT GIRLS", The Sydney Herald (2 March 1835), 3 

1834, 14 October, London and Gravesend, embarkation of the Sarah

"EMIGRATION TO VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", Morning Post [London] (17 October 1834), 1

Yesterday morning, a steam-vessel sailed from the St. Katharine's Steam Packet Company's Wharf, engaged by the Emigration Committee to convey passengers to Gravesend, off which there lay the ship Sarah, ready for their reception, to sail for Hobart's Town, Van Diemen's Land . . . [the text thereafter, largely as copied below]

"DEPARTURE OF EMIGRANTS FOR VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", Mayo Constitution [Ireland] (27 October 1834), 1

On Thursday morning, the Venus steam vessel sailed from the St Katharine's Steam Packet Company's Wharf, engaged by the Emigration Committee to convey passengers to Gravesend, off which lay the ship Sarah, ready, to sail for Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land.

The scene was one of activity and bustle, and not unmixed with painful interest. There were many who, notwithstanding the act of separation was voluntary, and done in the full conviction of anticipated bettering of condition, yet their feelings lingered towards home and kindred left behind, that roused sympathies, which perhaps had been dulled during the excitement of the multifarious preparations necessary for so long a travel and burst out with double force at last when they came to pronounce the last adieu.

When the steamer had got fairly under weigh the whole of the passengers were invited to an excellent breakfast consisting of tea and coffee, cold beef and ham, &c. This was an extra provision for the day, as on account of the confusion occasioned by the transmission of the persons from the steam vessel with their luggage on board of the ship, it would be impossible to provide them with their usual warm dinner. Their dinner for that day was limited to bread and cheese and an allowance of ale.

After the passengers had breakfasted, the committee and few visiters [sic] sat down to breakfast, and partook of the beef and pork that had been provided for the common consumption of the voyage; and, judging from the sample, the provisions must be acknowledged to be of the most unexceptionable quality.

Edward Forster, Esq., chairman of the committee, presided. He took occasion to remark, that there were in all 230 passengers; among which were several families, who did not avail themselves the emigration allowance, but went as cabin passengers. There were 180 females, from two thirds of the counties of England; Ireland furnished 25, and Scotland 20 of the number. The greatest proportion of the emigrants were agriculturists among whom were a family of shepherds. There was not a single workhouse case in the whole. Every emigrant from a distance had as part of the regulation, been recommended by a certification of character from the clergyman of the parish of his or her residence, as might be; and the applications in London had been looked into by the personal visiting of the committee to the references; as a matter of course there were many applications rejected.

We copy the following from the attested copy of the statement of supplies - 150 tons of water and 20 tons in addition for the crew, 12 tons of bread, 35 bushels of oatmeal, 90 barrels of flour, 2 1/2 cwt. of Scotch barley, 20 cwt. of rice, 150 bushels of pease, 75 casks of beef and pork, 36 cwt. of sugar, 7 chests of tea, 7 cwt. of cocoa, 300 gallons of vinegar, 15 cwt. of suet, 15 tons of potatoes, 14 cwt. of currants, 5 hampers containing preserved provisions and milk, 6 dozen of Port wine, 130 gallons of lemon juice, 3 cwt of soap, a quantity of salt fish, 6 quarters of fresh beef, 200 loaves of bred, 12 bottles chloride of lime, a medicine chest fully stocked, under the direction of Mr. Dobbie, the surgeon, a slipper bath, &c.

About one o'clock we were alongside of the ship Sarah, off Gravesend. The vessel had, we believe, been under the command of the same Captain Whiteside, in the China trade. We found the vessel fitted up with every attention to accommodation and proper ventilation, and in every respect commodiously complete as could be possibly expected; the private cabins were excellently adapted. Mr. Logan, a gentleman from Dublin, who had for some time been engaged as agent for the Emigration Committee in Ireland, sailed to settle at Van Diemen's Land, and on the voyage outward is appointed superintendent, his wife, who accompanies him, an intelligent and accomplished young lady, is appointed female superintendent. They have taken with them two infant children and servants from Ireland.

The Archdeacon of Australia, the very Rev. Mr. Blackburn, was on board to receive the emigrants and when they were properly settled he went below, to the between-decks, and gave them a most pathetic address. They were not to suffer themselves to indulge in the hopes that the mere transmission from the one country to the other would better their condition without exertion. The same means were requisite in Van Diemen's Land to be used by the labouring classes as were necessary in this country; but with more certainty of remunerating return for labour, and a good servant would always be sure of good employment and liberal wages; but honesty and virtuous principles and industrious habits, were indispensable recommendations to either. The Rev. Gentleman made a deep impression upon the minds of his audience, by his sincerity of manner and well chosen language and concluded with a short prayer and benediction.

The gentlemen of the committee and the visiters [sic] having then taken their leave of Mr. and Mrs. Logan and the emigrants, returned onboard the steamer to town. An excellent dinner was served during the evening. - True Sun.

"FEMALE EMIGRATION", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch, and Agricultural and Commercial . .. (13 March 1835), 3 

Below our readers will find an article extracted from an English paper, giving an account of the embarkation of the females who lately arrived here per "Sarah," which will be read with interest as relating to those who have now come part and parcel of our little community; and whose conduct hitherto has been so far superior to all the other importations of free females which have reached this Colony under the Immigration plan . . .

"It has been well known for some weeks to those interested in emigration, that the ship "Sarah" had been chartered to take females to Van Diemen's Land by the Emigration Committee, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to conduct the arrangements for conveying females desirous to embark their fortunes in the Australian Colonies, and that the 10th October (Thursday) was the day fixed for the departure of the ship from Gravesend . . .

"When the steam-boat had run alongside the 'Sarah,' the gentlemen of the committee, Archdeacon Broughton (who had gone on board from Gravesend), and the visitors, attended by Mr. Marshall and Mr. Logan, the Superintendent, inspected the accommodations . . .

"THE KIDNAPPERS", The Tasmanian (3 April 1835), 6 

The "Immigration" kidnappers go on swimmingly. They know well the influence of what is called "the Press," and the proneness of the uninformed to believe because it is in print, which they would listen doubtingly to. The following article, originally inserted in the Herald, and bearing evident marks of being a paid for - "Penny a liner," has been caused by the "Kidnappers" to go "the round" as far as their influence extended, or their means could effect. Never was a better exhibition of perfect humbug. It is quite, entertaining, and we strongly recommend Mr. Cameron to dramatise it:-


Yesterday morning a steam-vessel sailed from St. Katherine's Steam packet Company's wharf, engaged by the Emigration Committee to convey passengers to Gravesend, off which there lay the ship Sarah ready for their reception, to sail for Hobart Town, in Van Diemen's Land . . . Mr. Logan, a gentleman from Belfast we believe, who has for some time been engaged as an agent for the Emigration Committee in Ireland, sailed to settle in Van Diemen's Land, and on the voyage outward is appointed superintendent; his wife, who accompanies him, an intelligent and accomplished young lady, is appointed female superintendent. They have taken with them two infant children and servants from Ireland . . .

We ought to have mentioned, that among other precautions taken, letters were sent out, with orders to the Governor to pay to Mr. Logan a bonus of £50, if he discharged his trust properly, and an order for the sum of £10, to be paid to fifteen of the females who should be most strongly recommended for their good behaviour. - October 17, 1834.

Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) (14/15 February 1835 to 21 July 1842)

14/15 February 1835, Hobart Town, the Logans (Charles, Maria, and 2 eldest children) arrive on the Sarah

Charles D. Logan, arrival, 14 February 1835, Sarah; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1471594; MB2/39/1/2 p232 CSO1/1/787 file 16814$init=MB2-39-1-2p126j2k 

"TRADE AND SHIPPING", The Hobart Town Courier (20 February 1835), 3

The Sarah, 488 tons, Capt. Whitsides, arrived on Sunday [15 February], from London, October 14, the Lizard point, 26th ditto, with a general cargo, and 196 emigrants, viz.: - 104 single females, 36 married ditto, 2 single men, 49 children; besides Mr. and Mrs. Logan, superintendents, and 3 female cabin passengers.

"THE SARAH", The Tasmanian (20 March 1835), 7 

The whole of the females excepting three, of the Sarah, have obtained comfortable situations, and, speaking generally, their conduct hitherto has been irreproachable. The greatest praise is due to Mr. and Mrs. Logan, the Superintendents, for the care, kindness, and attention exhibited throughout to the females entrusted to their charge. Mrs. Logan is a highly accomplished musician - and as she purposes giving lessons on the Harp - Piano-forte - Guitar, and Singing, we have no doubt she will receive that liberal encouragement, which the inhabitants of Hobart Town invariably afford to merit.

Letter, Charles D. Logan, Hobart, 24 February 1835, to George Arthur; original London, PRO Reel 262 COZBOI55 pages 467-469 & GO 33/19 page 278

[To] His Excellency, Lieutenant Governor Arthur

Belle Vue
Hobart Town
24 February 1835

Sir, The duties entrusted to Mrs. Logan and myself as Superintendants of the Sarah having now terminated and the male and female Emigrants who were the objects of our charge being placed under the protection of your Excellency and the Ladies Committee I have the honor to enclose for your Excellencys information a Statement of the system we thought it expedient to adopt for the preservation of order and advancement of morals during our Voyage from London to Hobart Town.

The number of Male Emigramts on board the Sarah were I believe much greater than in any other Ship sent to this Colony by the Emigration Committee, but although this circumstance tended in some measure to multiply the duties of Superintendance in other respects it proved highly beneficial as by rendering the services of our married men available on all occasions of ships duty where they could supercede the intercourse which must otherwise have existed between the Seamen and the Single females the later were preserved from improper society and I trust finally secured from Contamination. I should therefore consider it most important to the Moral safety of such Single females as may be again sent to this Colony or New South Wales that each Ship should have at least twenty married men on board not only from the advantage to be derived from their services in such situations as I have adverted to in reference to the Sarah but also from the salutary influence they will be found to exercise amongst the unmarried class and the natural interest they must feel in the maintenance of decency and order wherever their wives and families are embarked.

There are many other observations which my experience on board the Sarah could dictate, but which for fear of being diffuse and of too great an encroachment on your Excellencys attention oblige me to suppress. Any suggestions I could submit will be found practically exhibited in the statement, herewith tramsmitted and to which I beg respectfully to refer your Excellency the arrangement therein detailed were conceived in an ardent desire for the Moral and temporal good of those placed under my care. Should they appear to your Excellency in any degree to have effected their object, I shall ever regard my labours with satisfaction and pride.

I have the honor to be sir
Your Excellencys faithful and obedient humble servant
Charles D. Logan.

Belle Vue, in upper Macquarie Street, was variously used by the government as an orphan asylum and reception centre for immigrants.

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (27 March 1835), 2

The Duchess of Northumberland had arrived at Sydney with female emigrants from Dublin. It is but justice to state that both them and those by the Sarah, which have given so much satisfaction were kindly and gratuitously selected by Mr. Logan now here.

June - October 1835, Hobart Town

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (12 June 1835), 3

MRS. LOGAN HAVING now established her residence at No. 28, Davey-street, is ready to afford instruction on the Pianoforte and Singing, combining the principles of "Thorough Bass" and Composition. Terms may be known on personal application.

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (11 September 1835), 1 

MUSICAL TUITION. MRS LOGAN begs to announce, that she has removed from her late residence in Davey street, to No. 20, Macquarie street, nearly opposite the Chief Justice's. Sept. 3.

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (23 October 1835), 2 

On Tuesday, at a general meeting of the Hobart-town Book Society, Mr. Logan was unanimously elected to the offices of Librarian, Secretary, and Treasurer.

NOTE: The Hobart Town Book Society was founded in 1826; see:

"THE BOOK SOCIETY", Hobart Town Gazette (2 September 1826), 1 supplement 

4 and 11 December 1835, Hobart Town, Maria appears in concert with her cousins William Vincent Wallace and Marian Chester

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (4 December 1835), 1 

MR. WALLACE having been requested to give a CONCERT before his departure for Sydney, begs leave to announce that a Performance of VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE ARGYLE ROOMS, THIS EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1835; On which occasion he will be aided by the talents of Mrs. Chester and Mrs. Logan, and also of some Gentlemen Amateurs.
Overture -
Glee -
Song - "The Misletoe Bough," - Mrs. Logan
"Rondo characteristique pour le Piano-forte" (Hertz) - Mr. Wallace
Song - "Come where the Aspens quiver" - Mrs. Chester
Glee -
Concerto - Violin - (Mayseder) - Mr. Wallace
Song - "Tyrant soon I'll burst thy Chains," - Mrs. Chester
Overture -
Glee -
Duet - Piano-forte (Hertz) - Mr. Wallace & Mrs. Logan
Song - "Farewell to the Mountain" - Mrs. Chester
"Fantasia di Bravura" (Hertz) - Mr. Wallace
Song - "Bid me discourse" - Mrs. Chester
Concerto - Violin (Spohr) - Mr. Wallace
The Officers of the 21st Regiment have kindly allowed Mr. Wallace the valuable assistance of their Band on this occasion.
Tickets, 7s. 6d. each, to be had of Mr. Wallace, 20, Macquarie-street; at Dr. Ross's Reading Rooms; Mr. Carter, Derwent House; Mrs. Davis, Music Warehouse, and Mrs. Hedger's, Elizabeth-street. N.B. - Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
Dec. 4, 1835.

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (11 December 1835), 1

MRS. CHESTER, BEGS to announce to her friends and the public generally, that her CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC WILL BE GIVEN ON FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, 1835; on which occasion MR. WALLACE, whose Performances were received with the greatest approbation, will afford his valuable assistance, and play Several celebrated pieces on the Piano-forte and Violin, ASSISTED BY THE TALENTS OF MRS. LOGAN, Who will kindly afford her gratuitous services on this occasion, and several Amateurs.
Overture -
Glee, "Should auld acquaintance be forgot"
Song, "Arise Zariffa" - Mrs. Logan
"Fantasia di Bravura" - Mr. Wallace
Song, "Alpine Maid," - Mrs. Chester
Glee, "See our Boat scuds o'er the main,"
Concerto, Violin - Mr. Wallace
Song, "Oh 'tis sweet when the moon is beaming," - Mrs. Chester
Glee, "Ye banks and braes,"
Song, "Savourneen deelish," - Mrs. Chester
Duett, piano-forte, by desire, (Hertz) - Mrs. Logan and Mr. Wallace
Song, "Say not woman's heart is bought," - Mrs. Chester
Concerto, Violin, by desire, in which will be introduced, the admired melody, "'Tis the last rose of summer," - Mr. Wallace
Song, "Tell me my heart," - Mrs. Chester
By the 'kind permission of the Officers of the 21st Regiment, Mrs. Chester is allowed the assistance of the Military Band. Tickets, 7s. 6d., children 5s , obtained of Mrs. Chester, Freemason's Hotel. Mr. Swan, Elizabeth-st., Mr. Davis, Music Warehouse, Mr. Carter, Derwent House. N.B. - Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. Dec. 8, 1835

ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (violinist, pianist); Marian Maria Chester (vocalist); Band of the 21st Regiment


3 March 1836, Hobart Town, birth of Charles Logan

Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. David's, Hobart Town . . . in the year 1836; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1084416; RGD32/1/2/ no 6749 

6 May 1836, Hobart Town

"To the Editor", The Tasmanian (6 May 1836), 7 

The following fact will afford some light to your so often repeated remarks, that the lower the origin of the people, who have accidentally got up here, the more airs they give themselves. The old saying is too true, "set a beggar on horseback, &c."

A short time ago, the Hobart Town Book Society, which for so many years had been a ballot and black ball exclusive concern, was most sensibly thrown open to the public. The expense of subscription afforded excellent security for the books, and I think nothing more is wanted in a Book Society. A certain public officer, (for so he is, although "commissioned") who one would have thought to have been the last who would have ventured to talk about low people, having ascertained this, enquired of Mr. Logan (the librarian) if it was true. Mr. Logan said, and with equal good sense and liberal feeling, that he thought it an excellent measure, for thereby the diffusion of knowledge acquired by reading the excellent books, of which the library consisted, was extensively promoted. He asked the exclusive member, whether he did not consider that to be a great public benefit. The other replied, to Mr. Logan's extreme astonishment, that might be - but that if every "low person" who could pay the subscription could get admitted, "he would withdraw from it."

I hope you will not hesitate to draw attention to this, and I remain A FRIEND TO KNOWLEDGE.

[We know not who is the public officer alluded to. We hope there is some mistake. If the above statement is true, it exhibits a miserably narrow-minded feeling. -ED.]

1836, 22 October, Hobart Town

George Augustus Robinson, journal, Sunday 22 October 1836; as transcribed in Plomley 1987, 391

Spent the evening at Logan's in Macquarie Street. Mr. [? Mrs.] Logan set to music a song of the aborigines, POPELLER etc., the first ever attempted.

See below Song of the Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land

ASSOCIATIONS: George Augustus Robinson (indigenous culture recorder)


January to April 1837, St. David's Church, Hobart Town

"ANTHEM", The Tasmanian (13 January 1837), 7 

On Sunday, after the close of Divine Service, Mrs. Logan, the accomplished "organiste" of St. Davids, performed that beautiful Anthem, "God save the King," in a manner which, considering the power of the instrument, delighted the congregation.

"THE ORGAN", The Tasmanian (24 March 1837), 9 

We have received several communications on the subject of the performance of the Church music at St. David's. There is but one opinion of the ability of Mrs. Logan, or of the unremitting attention of that Lady to the duties she has undertaken, and for which she is so very inadequately remunerated as organist; but it is enquired how it is that she has not arranged some little addition to her own and Mr. Logan's vocal assistance. The answer is very short, she is not permitted to do so. It is quite true that Mr. Bedford, who takes upon himself, by what authority we know not, the whole arrangement of these matters, lately stated to her that she might promise sixpence per week to any of the orphan children who she might engage as choristers; in addition to which, he should not object to go as far as twenty pounds per annum, amongst half-a-dozen respectable females! Of the extreme liberality of this we need not speak. It is usual on that great Christian festival, Easter Sunday, that the anthems peculiar to that day are performed in all churches where "chanting" is at all practised. Nothing of the sort can take place here, although the anomaly is exhibited of chanting the "venite exultemus," omitting every other part of the service usually so performed. So also the "hymns," none of which are permitted in regularly organized churches. Of course the orthodoxy of the Right Rev. Father in GOD, the Colonial Baron Lord Will. G. Australia, will be shocked at learning that such sectarian proceedings take place. Again, the four verses, instead of three, by which the organist is prevented the exhibiting the organ in the only available manner by symphonies. In regular churches, two verses of a psalm, and a doxology, or hallelujah, are the extreme limits of the organ service.

"DOMESIC INTELLIGENCE", Colonial Times (28 March 1837), 6 

Under the heading of "Organ," in the last "Tasmanian", is a learned disquisition on hymns, psalms, chanting and singing. The editor is however perfectly at fault. He first of all knows not the difference between singing and chanting; and what is more, he is evidently all in the wrong as to what singing is customarily sanctioned in churches. Chanting is not customary in any places of worship but cathedrals - although portions of the service are sometimes so delivered in common churches. Hymns are allowed in regularly organized churches, though the editor asserts the contrary. He also says, "again the four verses, instead of three, by which the organist is prevented the exhibiting the organ in the only available manner, by symphonies. In regular churches, two verses of a psalm, and a doxology or hallelujah are the extreme limits of the organ service." We cannot conceive what is meant by these two sentences. What difference can it make to the organist whether there are two or two and twenty verses; the preluding between each verse is always left to the fancy of the performer, and if he chose to continue his symphony for a week, the choir must wait his will and pleasure. We hope the editor will deny having written the article himself, or we shall have a very mean opinion of his musical knowledge.

"THE ORGAN", The Tasmanian (31 March 1837), 7 

We noticed in our last the inconvenience which the accomplished organist of St. David's experiences in consequence of the irregularity of the system in practice there. Owing to the length of the services of the two last Sundays, had Mrs. Logan exhibited her own powers, or those of the organ in the only manner in which an organist can do so with effect, by lengthened symphonies, what with extra service and extra lengthened service, the congregation would have been kept in the church until long after the time usual - so also the singing and chanting. - The hymns and psalms are sung except the 100th, the jubilate, which is chanted. Now, it is the invariable custom in all churches where there is chanting at all, (cathedrals excepted where it is the chief nature of the service) to chant, in most cases, Te Deum, the Jubilate, and the responses to the Decalogue, and we think that the same system ought to be adopted here, if there is to be chanting at all, which indeed is now universal in England in all large churches possessing a good organ and choir. Hymn singing is not permitted in any church of high order - it is not authorized by the Canons of the Established Church, which sanction only the new version of the psalms, and we have no doubt that neither the Bishop; the Archdeacon, nor the Rural Dean would permit such an innovation of church orthodoxy, if the subject was brought regularly under their notice. In the evening service at St. David's, the singing the evening hymn is altogether sectarian.

"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Colonial Times (4 April 1837), 7 

The editor of the Tasmanian has in his last another little treatise on "the organ." What he is driving at no one can tell, unless it be to impute censure to the Rev Mr. Bedford, and praise to the accomplished organist. However, from reading the little article before us, it is quite evident the editor is as good a judge of sermons and church service as he has shewn himself to be of music. He complains of the length of the service, and yet he would encrease the length by chaunting te deum and jubilate; and by also allowing lengthened symphonies. The editor says, "it is customary in all churches in England where there is chaunting at all to chaunt in most cases te deum, the jubilate, and the responses to the decalogue" - Indeed! We were not aware of this! We had always understood that in cathedrals, and some few leading churches, te deum, jubilate, and the responses, were sung, not chaunted. It is quite evident the editor does not understand the difference between chaunting and singing. He says also Hymn singing is "not permitted in any church of High order." - Indeed! We have heard Hymns sung in the first Protestant Cathedral in the world! But Mr. Tasmanian goes still further, and says, "hymn singing is not authorised by the Canons of the Established Church; which sanction only the new version of the psalms," and the singing "the evening hymn at St. David's is altogether sectarian." We should be much obliged by the Editor pointing out the Canon which only admits the new version of the psalms to be orthodox! If we mistake not, there is at the end of every psalm book of the new version - a series of hymns, such as the morning and evening - Easter Sunday, &c.

NOTE: The organ of St. David's Church having been imported and installed in 1825 by William Hance, the local musician and merchant John Philip Deane was appointed first organist, and served in the post, though apparently with some absences, until he ran into serious financial difficulties in the second half of 1835. While he was briefly detained for in custody for insolvency, his daughter Rosalie Deane took over as organist, until the family left the island permanently for Sydney in April 1836. Maria Logan has been appointed to the vacant post by January 1837, if not earlier.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Bedford (colonial chaplain)

"MUSIC", The Sydney Herald (2 February 1837), 2 

We have received fium Messrs. Austin and Co., a new musical production called the "Echo Song; the words by George [sic] Stewart, Esq., composed and dedicated to his friend Mrs. Logan, of Hobart Town, by William Wallace, late leader of the Anacreontic Society, Dublin." We have not had leisure to look into the merits of the publication - the name of William Wallace, however, is a sufficient recommendation to the musical folks of Sydney.

[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 February 1837), 2 

Mr. Stewart, the Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, has composed a very pretty little song , called "Echo's Song," which he has dedicated to Mrs. C. Logan, of Hobart Town; it has been set to music by Mr. W. Wallace, and is printed by Austin & Co., in a style that does these gentlemen credit. The printing of the music is excellent, but the printing of the words have not been taken the same pains with. It is to be had at Messrs. Ellard, Tyrer's and at the printers.

5 April 1837, Hobart Town, death of Charles Logan (infant)

Burials in the Parish of St. David's, Hobart Town . . . in the year 1837; NAME_INDEXES:1180420; RGD34/1/1 no 4822 

June to July 1837, St. David's Church, Hobart Town

THE CHURCH SERVICE", The Tasmanian (2 June 1837), 7 

Several of the Members of the Scots "Established Church" were present at St. David's, on Sunday, in consequence of St. Andrew's being closed for the day. They were astonished to hear the morning hymn, and the psalms for the day performed by the organ, solus, not a single voice being lifted up to accompany it. This arises from the manner in which that accomplished musician, Mrs. Logan, has been treated. That lady has exerted herself ever since she received the appointment of organist in getting up "a choir" at her own expence, and we understand she is expected so to do out of the pitiful pittance which she receives, and which she accepts solely because she is unwilling to let the organ be left unoccupied, as must be the case was she to quit it. We shall submit the whole circumstances of this matter to the public.

[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (9 June 1837), 3 

St. David's Church. WANTED to assist in a choir, four Boys or Girls, to whom a moderate remuneration will be afforded. Application to be made to Mrs. Logan, at her residence, 20 Macquarie-street, between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning, or 5 and 6 in the evening. June 8, 1837.

"THE ORGANIST", The Tasmanian (7 July 1837), 7 

When we first saw Mrs. Logan's advertisement for persons to form a choir in St. David's Church, we imagined that of course there would have been something like liberality in appropriating a proper stipend for such a purpose. Judge of our surprise when we learnt that Mrs. Logan is permitted by Mr. Bedford to offer twenty pounds a year, to be divided amongst eight persons! Of course this is out of the Reverend gentleman's chaplaincy revenue, for it is quite impossible that he could permit it to be taken from any other fund. We have not heard what salary Mrs. Logan is to receive for form the choir from the raw material thus cheaply to be supplied.

4 August 1837, Hobart Town

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (4 August 1837), 1

Hobart Town Public Library. IN consequence of the intended removal of the Books into the room recently erected, the Members are informed that the Library will be closed on Thursday the 10th and Saturday the 12th inst. CHARLES LOGAN. Aug. 3.


26 May 1838, consecration of St. George's, Battery Point, Hobart Town

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (25 May 1838), 2

St. George's Church, at the Battery Point, will be consecrated by the Bishop of Australia to-morrow morning. The service will commence at eleven o'clock, after which a sermon will be preached by his Lordship, and a collection made in aid of the funds. Upon this occasion, the powers of a new Seraphine, by Ellard, will be tried by Mrs. Logan, who, we understand, has most kindly offered her services gratuitously, until arrangements can be made for the permanent appointment of another organist . . .

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (29 May 1838), 7

On Saturday, St. George's Church, at the Battery Point, was solemnly consecrated with the usual form by the, Bishop of Australia, amidst a large concourse of persons. The Rev. Mr. Bedford read the morning service, and the Bishop and Archdeacon officiated at the Communion Table; his Lordship then preached a very impressive sermon on the necessity of a pure and proper propogation of the Holy Scriptures. A very interesting novelty was introduced in the Seraphine, upon which was beautifully performed by Mrs. Logan; the 26th and 100th psalms. This instrument, which has all the sostentato power of the organ, is nearly as portable as a piano, and is admirably adapted to Churches of the ordinary size. The instrument at St. George's is larger than that at Newtown, and comprises 5 octaves, with some notes of extraordinary power and sweetness. Owing to the prolonged duration of the service, the full scope of the instrument could not be exhibited, as Mrs. Logan was precluded from performing a voluntary. The Seraphine is an instrument, invented, we believe, by Mr. Ellard, Mrs. Logan's father, who manufactures very many for the small Rural Churches in the Mother Country, for which, being infinitely less expensive and cumbersome, than an organ, it is admirably suited.

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (1 June 1838), 3

On Saturday last, the Right Reverend, the Bishop of Australia, consecrated the new Church, called St. George's, at the Battery point . . . The seraphine was played by Mrs. Logan with her usual skill, and, accompanied by the voices of several ladies, produced a very pleasing and gratifying effect. Some of the congregation seemed to think that the tone of the instrument was not sufficient to contend against the voices. For our part we like to hear the congregation join (as they ought to do) heart and soul in the psalmody. Nothing can be worse during the singing of a psalm, than to hear the organ, without being capable of distinguishing the voices; it betrays a lukewarmness of devotional feeling which is not to be defended, and is totally inconsistent with the true principles of piety and Christianity.

"THE NEW CHURCH", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch . . . (1 June 1838), 7 

The new church called Queenboro', (we suppose because it has nothing in common with that district), was consecrated as is the phrase, on Saturday. The farce of a petition to the Bishop to perform that ceremony was previously gone through. We should suppose it was a duty, if so, why petition for it? The only part of the exhibition of the slightest interest was Mrs. Logan's admirable performance upon a seraphine, constructed by her father Mr. Ellard, of Dublin.

NOTE: On Andrew Ellard's model seraphine:

"NOVEL MUSIC INSTRUMENT", Wexford Conservative (4 January 1834), 4

NOVEL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. Amongst the modern inventions and improvements in automaton mechanism, there are few more interesting than the Self acting Piano forte, an instrument less curious from the beauty and peculiarity its construction than convenient, as supplying the place of a performer, presenting to the uninitiated a substitute for instrumental skill, and to family parties a rare desideratum enabling them to unite all their members in the dance, instead of one being confined to the Piano-forte, and hearing, as is often the case, a quadrille incomplete. We have seen an instrument of this description at Ellard's Music Saloon, Sackville street, which, besides a number of delightful airs, the productions of Rossini and others, executes a full set of quadrille tunes; and exclusive of the qualities above enumerated, also presents the facility of being played upon as an ordinary Piano-forte, either distinctly from, or in unison with, the self acting power. Its effect, in either case, is so truly fine, that such of our readers as are led from this account to hear its performance, will we are sure, experience delightful treat.

And see also: [Advertisement], Dublin University Magazine Advertiser (September 1836), 32-33

14 July 1838, Hobart Town, immigration

Letter, Charles D. Logan, Hobart, 14 July 1838, to Colonial Secretary's Office; Tasmanian State Archives, CSO5/1/287/3293 

Colonial Secretarys Office
14 July 1838

Sir, I hope I shall not be considered obtrusive in asking you to submit to the Lieutenant Governor my request to be allowed remuneration for my services respecting the Immigrants per "Bussorah Merchant."

As his Excellency is already, to a certain extent aware of the arduous duties of the services performed as they were under the circumstances of peculiar difficulty and demanding no ordinary degree of exertion I feel relieved from the necessity of adverting to them specifically. The duties to which I attended commenced on 12 December and ended on 12 May last, a period of five months during which I conducted all the arrangements connected with the supplies for the Immgirants in Quarantine as well as the general superintendance and disposal of them at Belle Vue which the Immigrants were at the latter Asylum. My time was usually occupied from 5 to past 8 in the morning and from 5 p.m. to nearly 12 at night and the difficulties I had to encounter in obtaining employment for them will be appreciated when the prejudices prevailing against them in the public mind, from the persistence of disease and other causes are taken into consideration.

On the ground of economical management I trust my [? desires] may receive some attention and I hope I shall not be guilty of invidious comparison in exhibiting by facts my claims under this head? On reference to the official authorities I find the expenses for supplies furnished to Immigrants who arrived by previous vessels at Hobart Town and Launceston were as follows -

The Sarah at Hobart Town with about 150 Immigrants - 178 pounds. [15 February 1835]

Charles Kerr at Launceston with 155 Women, 12 Men - 177. 14. 2 1/2 [20 November 1835]

Boadicia at Hobart Town 210 Immigrants - 194. 17. 10 1/2 [3 February 1836] This sum refers mainly to a period of two months and does not include the cost of maintenance for [ illegible ] females kept in the Asylum for nearly a year.

Amelia Thompson at Launceston with about 180 adults - 211. 7. 3 1/2 [20 August 1836]

William Metcalf at Hobart Town with 190 adults - 201. 7. 4 1/2 [24 January 1837]

Bussorah Merchant at Hobart Town with 76 male and 90 female adults (166) and 60 children 181. 16. 11 1/4 [12 December 1837] This latter sum includes House rent and is the actual expense incurred at Belle Vue during a period of three months.

I have the honor to be Sir
Your Most Obedient Servant
Charles D. Logan

P.S. I beg to add that I have disbursed from my own pocket about 2 pounds 10 shillings for the contingent expenses on account of the Immigrants and I trust His Excellency will be pleased to grant an authority for its repayment to me. C.D.L.

NOTE: The CSO approved an advance of 2 pounds 10 shillings be repaid to him, August 1838

On the ships named: 

October to November 1838, St. George's Church, Battery Point, Hobart Town

"ST. GEORGES CHURCH", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (9 October 1838), 7 

WE were agreeably surprised on Sunday upon visiting "the Chapel Royal," as it is called, to find it indeed well worthy the designation it has so generally received. There was a highly respectable congregation of upwards of 200 persons present, chiefly the families in the neighbourhood. It is our parish (Queenboro') church, and we regret we have not attended it before. The reverend Mr. Ewing, the incumbent, performed the service with great correctness . . .

We were delighted with the musical portion of the church service, it was quite a treat. Acquainted as we were with Mrs. Logan's talent, we never heard that lady to so much advantage as at the seraphine, an instrument which, possessing quite sufficient powers for the church, its peculiar softness renders it an admirable accompaniment for good voices. The anthem was sung beautifully; the harmony correctly sustained in the different parts . . .

"The Chapel Royal", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (23 October 1838), 7 

On Sunday His Excellency Sir John Franklin and family attended Divine Service at- the St. George's Chapel Royal. The Rev. Mr. Ewing continues rapidly to improve in the manner of his pulpit oratory. His discourses are always excellent, enforcing in a very able manner practical Christianity. It is impossible to speak in too high terms of Mrs. Logan's choir. Handel's beautiful anthem, "Jehovah's Awful Throne," was performed in a manner which would not have discredited the "St. George's" at Windsor. The attractions of superior church music are well known; eminently great as they are at present, we understand they will be much encreased, it being intended to assimilate the service to that of the Cathedral Chapel Royal, the "Jubilate," the Responses to the Communion, &c. The interior decorations are rapidly progressing, the splendid medallions and frieze work are assuming a beautiful appearance. The encrease of the congregation of course keeps pace with all these attractions.

"The Chapel Royal", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (13 November 1838), 7 

The admirers of sacred music had a fine treat on Sunday. Mrs. Logan's charming choir were in fine voice, and independent of the Psalms, chaunted the Jubilate and the concluding response to the Communion service delightfully. Obdurate indeed must have been that heart which was not softened by the latter. In this we conceive to be the great purpose of that beautifully sublime harmony, for which the most celebrated of the sacred music composers (Handel in particular,) are distinguished. It was regretted that Mrs. Logan omitted to favour the congregation with her accustomed voluntary. The Rev. Mr. Ewing preached with his usual impressive eloquence.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas James Ewing (colonial chaplain)


9 April 1839, first notice of publication of The vow that's breathed in solitude (words by Robert Stewart; music by Mrs. C. D. Logan)

"Colonial Music", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (9 April 1839), 7 

Who shall say that the march of civilization, one of the greatest blessings which man can know, is now rapidly progressing here, when we find a gentleman finishing the poetry, and a lady the music of a beautiful little composition recently published by Mr. Elliston. The melody and the harmony are agreeably creditable to the taste and ability of Mrs. Logan. The impression, we understand, consists but of a limited number, which will of course soon be disposed of.

ASSOCIATIONS: William Gore Elliston (publisher)

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (26 April 1839), 2

A song, entitled "The vow that's breathed in solitude" - the words by Mr. Stewart - the music arranged by Mrs. Logan - has been forwarded to us, and, according to our judgment, affords a very creditable specimen of "immortal music married unto verse." This is the first Van Diemen's Land melody it has been our fortune to encounter, and is well worthy of being hailed by all the lovers of song and of Tasmania, with all the gladness and rejoicing of a new birth.

ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Stewart (attorney, lyricist)

"MUSIC", The Hobart Town Advertiser (3 May 1839), 4 

Not only from our desire to contribute by every means in our power to the information and amusement of our readers, but induced also by our love of music, and all that appertains to it we have latterly gone through a good deal of reading under the head of Music, and Musicians, in order to glean instruction as to the tone of feeling at present evinced in England on that subject. From this we gather that music is at present, as other sciences have been occasionally - at a pause, neither advancing or deteriorating, and that it appears likely so to continue until some new and peculiar style of composition is introduced. We do not profess to understand whether this change is most likely to be occasioned by the composition of the Musician, or by the song writer, - by the introducing by the latter of an unusual metre, at the end of lines, or verses, or as we say, by the compositor; but it is evident that the present order of melody is considered to have been so varied, and transformed, as that it is scarcely possible now to touch a note which has not been already worn senseless.

We may here observe, that the song of "The Sea, the Sea, the open Sea," - is one of a new style of cadence, which being new and full of peculiar pathos, guve it an extraordinary celebrity. Briefly then the musical world at present appears, to be waiting the arrival of some event, the springing up of some peculiar genius, who, like Scott in literary composition, will give a new tone to English melody - and to English song writers.

Whilst on this subject, we think it right to offer a passing remark on a new song, entitled "The vow that's breathed in solitude," the music arranged by Mr. Logan, the words by Mr. Stewart. It is very highly spoken of, and we will give a notice of it in our next number.

ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Abbott (journalist, editor)

MUSIC: The sea (Neukomm)

"POET'S CORNER", The Hobart Town Advertiser (10 May 1839), 4 

Words by R. Stewart, Esq. - Set to music by Mrs. Logan.

The vow that's breathed in solitude
Is dearer far than all;
When lonely thoughts of grief intrude,
And latent love recal.

The mystic spell that binds the soul,
What tongue may e'er reveal?
Though seas between us darkly roll,
The self-same throb we feel.

I cannot lay me down to sleep,
To dream of home and thee,
Or restless on my pillow weep
The tear that none may see,

But that I feel some spirit nigh,
Soft whisper in mine ear,
She too breathes out the lonely sigh,
And blesses with a tear.

It was our intention to have offered our opinion upon the above original song, both as respects its poetical claims, and the musical composition of the air. We regret that we cannot do so, the words only having been forwarded to us. It is true, we might have hazarded the conjecture that any effort of Mrs. Logan's in musical composition, must be good; we should feel quite safe in saying this, but we do not approve this conjectural review writing, and especially where a lady is interested, who has the merit of being the first musical compositor in the Colony. We must not pass lightly by "the music by Mrs. Logan," and therefore we will give a notice of it a place in a future number. Of the words, we say that they are excellent, and had they but the fashion of a name, the song, if well set to music, which no doubt it is, (in the plaintive and impressive style of composition,) would become very popular. - The "Bayleys" have written several songs in no one respect better, but in their name there is a fashion in the musical world; this gives to them and to others, celebrity. We shall be happy to give Mr. Stewart's compositions a place in our Poet's corner at any time, it being our wish to introduce into our columns as much varied reading as possible.

ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Haynes Bayly (songwriter, composer)

[Editorial], The Hobart Town Courier (17 April 1840), 4

Here is another poem from the never-dying muse of Moore! . . . [a review of The epicurean, a tale and Alciphron, a poem, by Thomas Moore] . . . We are not blessed with hurdy-gurdies or barrel-organs in this hemisphere, but claim some exemption from the tomb of oblivion, in an occasional offering to the muses, which passes through the colony with the swiftness of the Highland fire-brand, visiting the mansion and the cottage, and thereby indicating a taste for the "tender and true". We allude more particularly to

The vow that's breathed in solitude . . .

"TO CORRESPONDENTS", The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (5 June 1840), 2 

In answer to several inquiries on the subject, we beg to state that Mr. R. Stewart is not the author of Hobartia, but that he is of the "vow that's breathed in solitude."

28 May 1839, concert, Joseph and Madame Gautrot, Hobart Town

[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (28 May 1839), 1 

GRAND CONCERT, (Under distinguished Patronage.) Mons. & Mad. Gautrot, HAVE the honor to announce that their Concert will take place on Tuesday next, the 27th May [sic, recte 28], at the Theatre Royal, Campbell-street.
By the kind permission of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, the band of the 5lst Regiment will attend.
Overture - Militaire.
1. - Air, Il Barbiere de Seviglia - "Una Voce," Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
2. - Variations on the Violin, Gautrot - Monsieur Gautrot.
3. - Air from "Tancredi," Rossini - Madame Gautrot.
4. - Solo, Clarionet - M. Reichenberg.
5 - Air, Francais (Le plaisir des Dames,) Auber - Madame Gautrot.
Symphony - Militaire.
1 - "O Dolce Concento," with variations, composed by Mons. Gautrot - Madame Gautrot.
2. - Quartett, Instrumental.
3. - Air with variations, De Beriot - Monsieur Gautrot.
4. - Air, Francais, from Pre Aux Clercs, Herold - Monsieur and Madame Gautrot.
Finale - Rule Britannia.
Mr. Lefler will preside at the Pianoforte.
- The Concert will commence at eight o'Clock.
Tickets 7s 6d each - Children's do 5s each. To be had of Monsieur Gautrot, Ship Hotel; Mr. Tegg, Circulating Library; Mr. Guesdon, Musical Repository; Mr. Hedger, Confectioner; and Mr. Lester, Ship Inn.

"THE CONCERT", The Hobart Town Courier (31 May 1839), 2 

The Concert of Monsieur and Madame Gautrot took place at the Theatre on Tuesday evening last . . . Madame sings with great taste, but the compass of her voice is too powerful for a small theatre. Some of the tones are exceedingly rich, but as she proceeds it seems to want more melody and modulation, and its great power in so limited a space astonishes sometimes more than it delights. We were, however, much gratified by several of her performances, which we hope to see repeated before her departure from this colony, as they serve to remind us that we are not altogether excluded from the excellencies of the old world. Madame Gautrot was applauded enthusiastically throughout the evening, and one or two airs which she sung were vigorously encored. With regard to Monsieur Gautrot - in his case, music may be said most fairly to be married to song. His execution on the violin is rapid, and at the same time possessing that ease which denotes a thorough command over the instrument.

We must not omit to mention, that in the absence of Mr. Leffler, who was to have presided over the pianoforte, Mrs. Logan consented at once to relieve Monsieur and Madame Gautrot from the embarrassment in which they must otherwise have been placed. The audience failed not to appreciate the kindness, and she was led on the stage amidst universal applause. Through the courtesy of Lieutenant-Colonel Elliott, the fine band of the 51st was permitted to be present, and relieved the interludes with several delightful pieces of music.

[News], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (4 June 1839), 4 

. . . The concert itself afforded general satisfaction. Mr. Leffler who had been announced in the silly though usual manner to "preside" at the Piano Forte, having failed to appear Mr. Elliston came forward and in a very neat address stated that Mrs. Logan had very handsomely consented to take the vacant seat; the change, so much for the better, was received, as it deserved, with vehement applause. We need not add that Mrs. Logan's performance was distinguished for its usual excellence. Mr. Reichenberg's concerto on the clarionet also elicited warm approbation, and the admirable performance of the band of the 51st, which attended by kind permission of Colonel Elliott, gave great general satisfaction.

ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Gautrot (violinist); Madame Gautrot (soprano vocalist); Edmund Leffler (pianist); Joseph Reichenberg (clarinettist); William Gore Elliston; Band of the 51st Regiment

July 1839, St. George's Church, Battery Point, Hobart Town

"The Reverend Mr. Ewing", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (30 July 1839), 7 

This esteemed Clergyman parted with the congregation of St. George's, on Sunday, his duties as Head Master of the Orphan School, and Chaplain residentiary at Newtown, commencing on the 1st of the month. His Excellency Sir John Franklin was present, and the Church was crowded to the full extent of its spacious capacity . . . Mrs. Logan's arrangement of the church music entitled that accomplished lady to the highest praise. The choir under her able superintendence is always excellent, but on this occasion two beautiful anthems were performed in a manner which would have done credit to the British prototype of the Hobart Town Chapel Royal. The Jubilate Deo, and the Responses to the Decalogue were also admirably chaunted.


[Editorial], The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (17 April 1840), 4 

Here is another poem [extracts from The epicurian . . . and Alciphon reproduced below] from the never-dying muse of Moore! In playfulness of fancy, and brightness of imagery, it is equal to some of his best compositions. We make no excuse, therefore, for presenting our readers with rather lengthened extracts, quite certain that the inhabitants of Tasmania, notwithstanding the negative qualities of disposition and character imputed to them at home, are fully able to appreciate their beauties. We are not blessed with hurdy-gurdies or barrel-organs in this hemisphere, but claim some exemption from the tomb of oblivion, in an occasional offering to the muses, which passes through the colony with the swiftness of the Highland fire-brand, visiting the mansion and the cottage, and thereby indicating a taste for the "tender and true." We allude more particularly to

The vow that's breathed in solitude . . .


August to December 1841, Hobart Town, insolvency

"TOWN SURVEYOR", The Courier (6 August 1841), 2 

C. D. Logan, Esq., of the Colonial Secretary's Office, is to receive this appointment under the new arrangements which have been made respecting it. He will have abundant opportunities of proving his zeal and activity in correcting the evils and omissions which have recently characterized this department.

"TOWN SURVEYOR", Van Diemen's Land Chronicle (10 September 1841), 2 

Mr. Logan has been suddenly removed from the office of Town Surveyor, to which he was Gazetted last week. Public speculation has been busy as to the cause. The more intelligent portion of our townsmen attribute this sudden prostration of the full-blown honours of Mr. Logan to the unwholesome mildew of the Upas tree . . .

[Advertisement], The Courier (5 November 1841), 3 

IN the matter of the Insolvency of Charles David Logan, of Macquarie-street, Hobart Town, Gentleman. Notice is hereby given, that the above-named Charles David Logon did, on the 30th day of October instant, present a petition to William Sorell, Esq., Commissioner of Insolvent Estates for Hobart Town, praying that the petitioner might be declared insolvent, that a provisional assignee of his estate and effects might be appointed, and that the same might be distributed generally among his creditors, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Council . . .

Charles David Logan, bankruptcy, 17 November 1841; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1496470; AE764-1-177 

"ABSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION", The Courier (24 December 1841), 2 

TUESDAY. Household Furniture, &c, at the residence of Mr. C. Logan, Macquarie-street - Mr. D. Taylor.

[Advertisement], The Courier (31 December 1842), 3 

CARD - MRS. LOGAN begs to announce that, her Vacation having terminated, she will resume Tuition in Music on Monday, the 3rd January, 1842, at her residence, 20, Macquarie-street. December 31.

[Advertisement], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (13 May 1842), 2 

Colonial Bank Shares. BY MR. D. TAYLOR, WITHOUT THE LEAST RESERVE, At his Mart, Elizabeth-street, TO-MORROW, the (4th instant, precisely at 1 o'clock, TWO COLONIAL BANK SHARES, on which £6 each have been paid, and being the residue of the estate of Mr. Logan, Insolvent. Terms - Cash.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (7 June 1842), 1 

C. D. Logan's Insolvency. NOTICE is hereby given, that a first and final dividend of 7s. 6d. in the pound is now payable to those creditors of the above named insolvent, who have proved their debts, upon application to the Assignee, Buckingham House. May 30, 1842.


22 January 1842, Hobart Town

[News], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (31 December 1841), 2 

THAT very handsome edifice, the new Catholic Church, Macquarie-street, was opened immediately after midnight, at the commencement of Christmas Day, with that beautiful service appropriated to the occasion, so characteristic of the solemnity of the Catholic Church . . .

Although no doubt curiosity was the prevalent motive of many of the Protestant visitors, yet all present seemed under the influence of a solemn religious feeling. It is to be regretted, that there is no cathedral service performed here. When St. George's church opened, the Rev. Mr. Ewing, the first "incumbent" (if that word can be applied to the ecclesiastical tenure of any colonial chaplain), was introducing that service, and Mrs. Logan was forming a very attractive choir; the Jubilate and some of the Responses were chaunted, and it was understood that regular cathedral service was in the course of introduction. Circumstances impeded this for the time, but it is to be hoped that the Rev. Mr. Fry, the present officiating minister there, whose zeal and ability are subject of general eulogium, will not fail to use his endeavour to effect that excellent purpose. There is a very well qualified organist at St. George's, and particular circumstances place it in the power of Mr. Hone and Mr. Barnard, the Churchwardens, to establish a choir to any extent, and of voices who only require the instruction which the organist can well bestow, to become of first rate excellence.

The same might be done at St. David's, which being the original church of the colony, it might be hoped that the well known zeal of the Rev. Mr. Bedford would stimulate him in the wish to render his church the cathedral of the colony. In the Catholic church, Mr. Reichenberg, whose musical abilities are of the first order, renders the service, in itself eminently impressive, much, more so, by the admirable manner in which the choir is conducted. Throughout the whole continent of Europe, this portion of the church service, while it is most solemnly devotional, forms a very great portion of general attraction . . .

"Van Diemen's Land", Australasian Chronicle [Sydney] (22 January 1842), 2 

. . . When St. George's church opened, the Rev. Mr. Ewing, the first "incumbent" (if that word can be applied to the ecclesiastical tenure of any colonial chaplain), was introducing that service, and Mrs. Logan was forming a very attractive choir; the jubilate and some of the responses were chaunted, and it was understood that regular cathedral service was in the course of introduction. Circumstances impeded this for the time . . . - Murray's Review.

9 June 1842, Mrs. Logan's farewell concert, Hobart Town

[Advertisement], The Courier (3 June 1842), 1 

CONCERT. - Mrs. LOGAN Begs to announce that she will give a CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC on THURSDAY EVENING, the 9th instant, at the HALL of the MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, the use of which has been kindly allowed by the Committee for this occasion. A programme of the performances will appear immediately. June 2.

"INTENDED CONCERT", The Courier (3 June 1842), 2 

We understand that it is Mrs. Logan's intention to give a farewell concert, under the patronage of Lady Pedder, on Thursday evening next, in the Mechanics' Institute, which the Committee have kindly placed at her disposal for that purpose. The entertainment augurs well, since in addition to this lady's acknowledged musical talent, the assistance of the numerous singers belonging to the Albert Rooms has been procured: though we doubt not but the numerous friends which Mrs. Logan has conciliated during her sojourn in this town will feel pleasure in affording a last testimonial of good-will, independently of what they may reasonably hope of the intrinsic merits of the performances.

"MRS. LOGAN'S CONCERT", The Courier (10 June 1842), 2

Last evening, Mrs. Logan, assisted by Mrs. Clarke and the elite of her company, afforded a musical entertainment, which every person present seems disposed to pronounce one of the best of which Hobart Town has ever boasted. The room, being large and sonorous, showed to advantage the vocal powers of the different singers, on whose part we have never before witnessed such evident exertions to do their utmost. The orchestra told well, and performed their overtures with, as it appeared to us, more than ordinary effect; indeed, for the antipodes, nothing remained to be wished for. Of Mrs. Logan's proficiency on the pianoforte we had heard much, and, in due ratio, expected much; but our anticipations certainly fell short of the pleasing reality which broke upon us in her solo upon that instrument. Her precision of fingering is not more remarkable than the taste which she so happily bestows on each and every part of the musical theme, and without which the execution of a Hertz may surprise, but cannot gratify. But it was more especially in the act of accompanying that this lady bestowed in contestible proofs of intuitive talent; we say " intuitive," because excellence on this point, depending on a l'on ne sait quoi which the experienced singer, without being able to define, immediately appreciates in the person by whom he is well accompanied, cannot be acquired by practice, but is innate with its possessor. Without appearing to drag far behind, Mrs. Logan can allow full scope to the taste of the vocalist; and catching, as it were, the outline of his musical feeling, with him she can pass through the various gradations from the pianissimo to the fortissime. In Hertz's duo à quatre mains, for the pianoforte, Mrs. Logan performed the treble part, and one of her pupils, a young lady not exceeding ten or eleven years of age, the bass. The manner in which the latter went through her task, was as highly creditable to herself as it spoke unequivocally to the system of tuition followed by her teacher. It was evident, from the truth of time, the freedom of touch, and, above all, the exemption from that mechanical musical-snuff-box style so ordinary with young performers, that Mrs. Logan begins her tuition at the beginning, and by paying attention to the groundwork of the accomplishment, lays a solid foundation for future excellence. Without possessing a strong voice, this lady knows well how to modulate her tone so as to make the most of it. Indeed, by exquisite taste and judgment, her melliflowing sounds are such as, with attention, to ensure the highest gratification. Her duet with Signor Carandini, "Che veggio" was deservedly encored: the two voices blended well together, and Signor C's certainly never before sounded to such advantage as it did on that occasion. "Kathleen Mavourneen" also received the entire quantum of expression of which this favourite song is so susceptible. On the subject of the other performers, space will not allow of our noticing the individual exertions of each, and to singularise may appear invidious: we will, therefore, confine ourselves to expressing our opinion of the credit due to Mrs. Clarke for the gratuitous assistance which she contributed, by herself and company, to the attractions of the evening, and to each member of that company for the unceasing exertions of which they gave proof, to enhance the general effect. Mrs. Stirling, whose classic style has always pleased us in her vocal performances, exhibited an additional talent, for which we had not till then given her credit, in the piano accompaniment, which she disposed of with apparent ease, though containing operatic passages requiring a certain degree of fingering.

Now that we have had an opportunity of judging for ourselves that Mrs. Logan's reputation amongst us has not exceeded her merits, and that, in addition to the possession of talent in herself, she has also the happy method of imparting it to so many of her pupils, we have no hesitation in pronouncing her intended departure from these shores as a loss to the rising generation on this side of the island. However, since such is to be, we regret that, for her farewell entertainment, the weather should not have been more propitious, as, had it not been for the rain, we doubt not but that the attendance (about two hundred and fifty) would have been far more numerous.

NOTE: The above, reprinted as "MRS LOGAN'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (23 June 1842), 3 

. . . would have been far more numerous. - Hobart Town Courier, June 10.

(Mrs. Logan is sister to Mr. Ellard of George street,and may shortly be expected in Sydney.)

"MRS. LOGAN'S CONCERT", Colonial Times (14 June 1842), 3 

On Thursday evening last, Mrs. Logan held her farewell concert in the Lecture-room of the Mechanics' Institute, which was kindly lent her for the occasion. She was assisted by Mrs. Clarke and her company. We were unable to attend from indisposition; but from all that we can learn, it is generally allowed to have been one of the best ever given here. The manner in which Mrs. Logan's talents is appreciated was clearly evinced from the fact, that notwith[standing . . . ] one who could hot obtain a vehicle from arriving at the Concert Room without being thoroughly drenched, there were upwards of 250 persons present.

ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Remens Clarke (soprano vocalist); Gerome Carandini (tenor vocalist); Theodosia Stirling (later Mrs. Guerin) (soprano vocalist, pianist)

[Advertisement], The Courier (22 July 1842), 1 

BROADWOOD'S PIANOFORTE.-For SALE, an excellent toned Pianoforte, by Broadwood and Son, late the property of Mrs. Logan, to be seen at Buckingham House. July 22.

Sydney, NSW (from 25 July 1842 onward)

25 July 1842, the Logans arrive in Sydney

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE: ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (26 July 1842), 2

FROM Hobart Town yesterday, having left the 21st instant, the barque Eden, 523 tons, Captain Jones, with Government stores, &c. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Logan, five children, and servant . . .

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (29 July 1842), 3 

MUSICAL TUITION. MRS. LOGAN, PROFESSOR of the PIANOFORTE and SINGING, begs to acquaint the public that she intends as early as possible to open an academy, for instruction in music, combining its theory and practice. In the mean time, Mrs. Logan will be happy to receive pupils at the house of her brother, Mr. Ellard, George street. Sydney, July 28.

ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (Maria's brother)

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 August 1842), 3 

COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL. MISS RENNIE begs to announce that she has engaged Mrs. Logan (sister of Mr. Ellard), who is reputed to be highly accomplished in music, to teach the pianoforte in her establishment. Terms, in advance, £3 3s. a quarter, including music and the higher accomplishments, without extras. Miss Rennie has room for one boarder.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 September 1842), 1 

COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL. MISS RENNIE respectfully announces that her School quarter for Young Ladies commences on the 1st October. Terms paid in advance £3 3s., which includes, along with all the common branches, the higher and fashionable accomplishments of music (two lessons per week), taught in the first style by Mrs. Logan, Organist of St. Andrew's; Singing by Mr. Worgan, Organist of St. Mary's . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: George William Worgan

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 October 1842), 1 

INDIAN LABOUR. A MEETING of the Committee of the Association for obtaining permission to import Coolies or other Labourers from India, will be held at the Exchange Rooms, on Friday Evening next, the 14th instant, at seven o'clock, to have the Draft of a Memorial to the Right Honorable the Secretary of State submitted to them. CHARLES D. LOGAN. Honorary Secretary. 11th October.

St. Andrew's temporary church, Sydney (Morris Moss, [1867-68]); SLNSW

St. Andrew's temporary church, Sydney, built 1842; photo: [1867-68] Morris Moss ... photographic establishment, Sydney; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)


"MR. C. LOGAN", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (13 January 1843), 3 

We perceive by the Sydney Herald that our late townsman, Mr. C. Logan, is appointed Secretary to the Committee for importation of Coolie labour. The following notice appears in that journal:- "An advertisement will be found in another column, calling upon the parties to whom have been entrusted copies of the memorial to Lord Stanley respecting the importation of Coolie labourers, to return them to Mr. Logan, the Secretary of the Committee, by the end of the year. Those settlers, therefore, who have not yet signed the memorial should lose no time in doing so, for it will be sent to England early in January, and it is desirable to have as many signatures as possible."

Maria Logan, advertisement, Sydney, January 1843

[Advertisement], The New South Wales magazine 1/1 (January 1843), [advertising page 1] 

BEGS to intimate, that she has removed from Castlereagh-street, to No. 6 College-street (Mr. Burdekin's new buildings), opposite the Hyde Park.
Mrs. Logan has already announced, that, in her teaching, she adopts the system of Logier,
combining theory of Music with its practical exercise, as pursued in the best Continental schools.

4 April 1843, Sydney, birth of Ernest Logan

"BIRTH", Australasian Chronicle (4 April 1843), 3 

At College-street, Hyde Park, on the 2nd inst., Mrs. Logan, of a son.

"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Australian (22 April 1845), 3 

A preliminary meeting of this society took place at St. Lawrence school-house, on Friday evening last . . . The meeting then formed itself into a general committee, when the following gentlemen were elected: president, Rev. Mr. Walsh; secretary, Mr. Hatch; treasurer, Mr. Hirst; conductor, Mr. Johnson; leader, Mr. W. Johnson. An active committee of management was also formed, composed of - Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hirst, Dr. Nathan, Mr. Sincombe, Mr. Logan, Mr. Deane, and Mr. W. M'Donell. A vote of thanks was awarded to Mr. Hatch, as the active originator of the society, and to Mr. Purchase for his strenuous co-operation, and for his efforts in the cause of music . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Choral Society; James Johnson (conductor); William Jonathan Johnson (leader); Charles Nathan (committee member); John Philip Deane (committee member); Henry John Hatch (committee member)


"DEPARTURES", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 March 1848), 2 

. . . March 18. - Walmer Castle, ship, 656 tons, Captain Thorne, for London. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson and two children . . . Mr. C. D. Logan . . .


"IRISH EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 January 1850), 3 

On Wednesday a meeting was convened in the Court-house, Cavan, for the purpose of hearing an address from Charles Logan, Esq., explanatory of the objects and regulations relating to emigration . . . The society with which Mr. Logan is connected affords peculiar facilities for emigration, which Mr. Logan, who had been fourteen years in Australia, would state to the meeting . . . To remedy the evils of the want of emigration, the inhabitants of what is called the Middle District of New South Wales raised a fund for the purpose of aiding industrious people of good character, who were starving in Ireland, to go out there, and that is the fund he (Mr. Logan) has at his disposal; therefore all emigrants assisted by this money would be sent to that part of the colony. The money was originally raised for the relief of Irish distress, and forwarded to the Hon. F. Scott. That gentleman, conceiving it better to appropriate it to emigration, as the surest remedy for distress, applied for leave to that effect, and got it. He (Mr. Logan) had to come to Ireland on private business, when his friend Mr. Scott requested him to seek out for deserving parties whom they could send out or aid to emigrate . . .


10 July 1854, Sydney, death of Maria's brother, Francis Ellard

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1854), 8

On Monday, July 10, at his residence, Pitt-street South, after a weeks' illness, Mr. Francis Ellard, aged 52 years, only surviving son of Andrew Ellard, Esq., of Sandymount, near Dublin.

"AUSTRALIAN AFFAIRS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 July 1854), 5 

A deputation relative to Australian affairs had an interview with the Earl of Aberdeen on Saturday, at his official residence in Downing-street. The deputation consisted of Viscount Mandeville, M.P., Lord Nass, M.P., the Honourable Francis Scott, M.P., Mr. J. B. Denison, M.P., Mr. Charles Cowan, M.P., Mr. Edward Divett, M.P. (Chairman of the South Australian Bank), Mr. William Brown, M.P., Mr. H. G. Gordon, (Chairman of the Oriental Bank), Mr. James Hutchinson (Chairman of the Committee of the Stock Exchange), Mr. Robert Brooks, Mr. A. Young, Mr. Robert Campbell, Mr. J. Robinson, Mr. H. Sewell, Mr. D. Lanarch, Mr. G. R. Griffiths, Mr. C. D. Logan, Mr. R. Tooth, Mr. John Lamb, Mr. J. N. Smith, Mr. Alexander Denison, Mr. W. Milliken, and Mr. T. Taylor. The Duke of Newcastle and Sir James Graham were present at the interview. - Morning Chronicle, May 8th.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1854), 2 



8 January 1855, Sydney, Maria departs for London

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1855), 6 

Excellent Household Furniture. Brilliant-toned Semi-grand Pianoforte by Broadwood; Square Piano by Tomkison. And other effects. MR. EDWARD SALAMON will sell by Auction, at the residence of Mrs. Logan, Bligh-street, on MONDAY, January 8th, at 11 o'clock, All the superior household furniture (principally of Lenehan's manufacture) and effects, comprising:

Telescope dining table, sideboard
Hair-seated sofa, morocco-seated chairs
Cheffoniere, cane-seated chairs
China, glass, and plated ware
Rosewood loo table, balloon-back chairs
Ditto whatnot, couch covered in damask and chintz covers
Occasional chairs, ottomans
Splendid toned semi-grand pianoforte by Broadwood
Brussels carpets and rugs, fenders and fireirons
Choice engravings, elegantly framed
Window hangings, cornice poles, bands, &c.
Square pianoforte, by Tomkisson [Tomkison]
Iron bedsteads, hair matresses, and bedding
Washstands and furniture, toilet tables and glasses
Kitchen furniture and utensils, and other effects.
Terms, cash.

"CLEARANCES", Empire (10 January 1855), 4 

January 8. - Vimeria, ship, 1037 tons, Captain Neatby, for London. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Campbell and 4 children, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Miss Bailey, Misses Miller (2), Master Miller, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Misses Sinclair (4), Masters Sinclair (2), Mr. W. T. Cape, Masters Cape (2), Miss Cape, Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Misses Webb (3), Masters Webb (4), Mrs. Logan and 4 children, Mrs. Macquold, Mr. Severne, Mr. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Mr. Fairfax, Captain Ball, Lieutenant-Colonel Singleton, Mrs. Singleton, and 28 in the intermediate and steerage.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 June 1855), 1

EDUCATION. - Miss B. RANDALL'S Establishment for YOUNG Ladies will re-open on MONDAY, 9the July. No. 19, Elizabeth-street North. Miss B. R. has lately received from England the whole of Logier's system of Instruction in music, and from the proficiency most of her pupils have made in that branch of education, she can safely solicit a share of public patronage. Private lessons may be given after 4 pm. Miss B. R. will have the assistance of a young lady for some time a pupil of Mrs. Logan's. One or two young ladies can be accommodated as boarders.


6 January 1856, Maria returns to Sydney from Britain

"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (7 January 1856), 2 

January 6. - La Hogue, ship, 1331 tons. Captain Henry Neatby, from London October 10. Passengers - The Honorable E. Deas Thomson, family, governess, and 3 servants; Miss Thomson, Captain Lethbridge and 2 daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Nutt, Mr. and Mrs. McArthur child and nurse, Rev. Mr. Sim, Mrs. Sim, Miss Sim, Miss Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bushby and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Duffill and child, Master Campbell and nurse, Mrs. Logan, Miss Lamert . . . and 20 second and third cabin passengers . . .

"TESTIMONIAL TO CAPTAIN NEATBY", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1856), 4 

THE following is the copy of the address presented to Captain Neatby, on the 1st Instant, a few days before entering our Heads, by the cabin passengers of La Hogue: -

1st January, 1856,
Sir, - We cannot allow our agreeable in La Hogue, from Plymouth to Sydney, to terminate, without expressing our warm and unanimous thanks for the very liberal and efficient arrangements made for our comfort, convenience, and safety, during the whole period. We gratefully acknowledge the personal courtesy which has been invariably extended to each of us individually; whilst we must express our admiration of the indefatigable zeal and attention which have characterised your management of the remarkably fine ship which you now command. Whether in the continuance of your present arduous life, or in the more tranquil retirement to which so many years of laborious duties justly entitle you, we beg to wish you every happiness and prosperity.

We trust that you will not fail to believe that this tribute to your merits as an able and most careful commander is dictated by motives of unfeigned sincerity, and in testimony of which we beg you to accept the accompanying trifling earnest of our friendship and esteem; hoping that you will expend it in the way that may be made most agreeable to your own wishes, and at the same time best calculated to preserve in year memory a pleasing recollection of the happy days we have spent together on board La Hogue, and of those who have now the pleasure to subscribe themselves.
Sir, your faithful friends,

E Deas Thornton; Charles W. Teage Robt. Lethbridge; Edward Seaton Pullan Alex. Busby; Jas. R. Fairfax R. W. Nutt; R. D. Gibbes R. McArthur; John Glynes Samuel Simm, Clerk; Jesse Gregson George Hibbert Duffell; George Deverill Michael O'Grady; Henry Van Homrigh Arthur Harvey; Maria Logan Chris. Newton; Mary E. Farmer John W. Wilson; J. Lamert John E. Manning; A. Baker. Thos. Thomas

To Captain Henry Neatby, Commander of ship La Hogue.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 May 1857), 1 

WANTED, a General Servant, where there are two in family; character indispensable. Apply to Mrs. LOGAN, No. 3, Elizabeth-terrace, Upper William-street, Woolloomooloo.

20 August 1857, Sydney Heads, death by drowning of 3 Logan children

"FURTHER PARTICULARS OF THE Shipwreck at the Heads", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 August 1857), 1 supplement 

Herald Office, Saturday Morning.

The hopes we entertained last night that the wreck would not be the Dunbar, have proved fallacious. That unfortunate vessel must have struck between the Gap and the Lighthouse, and have instantly been dashed into a thousand pieces, and not a single soul is saved to tell the sad and melancholy story. We proceeded to the Heads this morning at daylight. The bodies were still being washed to and fro in the ledges of the rocks, and articles from the wreck continued to be brought ashore. Amongst the latter was a pillow case with the name "S. Peek" marked upon it. Other evidence also continues to come up of the fact that all on board must have perished.

The following is a correct list of the passengers: - Mr. and Mrs. Kilner Waller, 6 children, and servant; Mr. and Mrs. A. Myers, 6 children, and servant; Mr. and Mrs. S. Peek; Mrs. Egan, son, and daughter; Mr. Hyacinth Macquoid; Mr. Severn; Misses Hunt (2); Captain Steane, R.N; Mr. James; Mr. Downey, architect; Mr. Isaac Simmons; Mr. Troughton; Miss Logan and 2 Masters Logan; Two Mr. Mylnes and two Miss Mylnes; Mr. Davidson; Mr. Tyndal; Twenty-four second and third cabin passengers. Crew about 60.

Of the above Mr. and Mrs. S. Peek were well-known colonists, Mr. Peek having been for many years a large importer, and formerly a partner with Mr. Robert Porter. Mrs. Egan was the wife of Mr. Daniel Egan, M.L.A., and was accompanied by his son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cuhnac. Mr. Kilner Waller, was a brother of Mr. J. G. Waller, of this city. Mr. Kilner Waller was the author of several interesting and valuable letters respecting emigration, which have lately appeared in this journal. Mr. A. Myers was a brother of a gentleman at Bathurst of the same name. Mr. Milne was, we believe, a squatter in the Northern district. Mr. Adrian de Young James, was the only son of Mr. H. Kerrison James, the Bishop of Sydney's Secretary. This young gentleman had been to England pursuing his studies preparatory to entering the Church. The Miss Logan and two Masters Logan are the children of Mrs. Logan, of this city . . .

Mr. Pilot Jenkins has found two boards, name "Dunbar" on them; also, the bodies of a female and child.

12 o'clock.

The city continues in a state of the greatest excitement. Thousands of people have gone out to the Heads. A report has just reached us that one man is alive under the cliffs, and mounted policemen were dispatched to Sydney for ropes, &c, with the hope of saving him . . . Coffins are just going down in the Washington steamer . . .

Half-past 12.

It is now reported that three men are alive under the rocks. Mr. North, Water Police Magistrate, Captain McLerie, and Captain Pockley, with the assistance of Messrs. Mitchell and Co., are doing their utmost to try and discover if there are any survivors.

1 o'clock.

No bodies have yet arrived from Middle Harbour, but it seems certain that 12 have gone ashore.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1857), 1 

Drowned, at midnight, on Thursday, the 20th instant, at the entrance of Port Jackson, by the wreck of the ship Dunbar, Ida Logan, Charles Alfred Logan, and Arthur Phillipson Logan, the beloved children of Mrs. Logan, of Upper William-street, Woolloomooloo.

Drowned, on the night of the 20th instant, by shipwreck of the Dunbar, John Holl, coming out to his brother, Robert Holl, South Creek, near Penrith.

On the night of Thursday, the 20th instant, by the melancholy wreck of the Dunbar, Captain Green, near the entrance to the Sydney harbour, after a previously prosperous voyage from London, G. Troughton, Esq., relative of Charles James Troughton, Esq., banker, of 187, Shoreditch, London.

The "Dunbar memorial", St. John's Church, Darlinghurst; erected by Charles and Mary Logan in memory of Ida, Charles Alfred and Arthur

The bell of the Dunbar, acquired by the Logans at an auction of salvage from the wreck, to serve as the bell of St. John's Church, Darlinghurst; the bell was originally installed in a niche on west front, and is now in the west porch


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1858), 1 

WANTED, a General House Servant. Apply to Mrs. LOGAN, 3, Elizabeth-terrace, Upper William street, Woolloomooloo.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 September 1858), 1 

WANTED, a General Servant who can make up fine linen, for two in family. Apply to Mrs. LOGAN, No 3. Elizabeth-terrace. Woolloomooloo, before 9 or after 6 o'clock. Characters indispensable.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1859), 10 

WANTED, a GENERAL HOUSE SERVANT; character indispensable. Apply Mrs. LOGAN, 3, Elizabeth-terrace, Darlinghurst.

12 August 1859, Dublin, death of Maria's father, Andrew Ellard

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 August 1859), 1

On the 26th May last, at his residence, Tritonville, Sandemont, near Dublin, Andrew Ellard, Esq., aged 79 years.

ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Ellard (father)

1858-59, diary entries, concerning Maria, by her pupil Blanche Mitchell

Blanche Mitchell, diary entries (selected), 1858-59; State Library of New South Wales, ML MSS 1611

Papers of Blanche Mitchell, a Notebook, 1850, containing poems and cuttings b. Diary, 28 Jan. 1858-7 Nov. 1859, 5 June 1860 - 27 February 1861, mostly written at Craigend Terrace, Woolloomooloo, N.S.W., describing her social life; many mentions of her own and her sister's music lessons with "Mrs. Logan" (28 January to 27 December 1858) (30 December 1858 to 7 November 1859) (5 June 1860 to 27 February 1861) (TRANSCRIPT)

The following just a sample of 31 entries mentioning Mrs. Logan:

Friday 29th January [1858] Walked home at half past eight. Went to Mrs Logan's, from thence to Mrs Arnold's where we stayed an hour at German . . .

Tuesday 16th February [1858] Went as usual to Mrs Logan's, from thence to Mrs Arnold's, from where we returned at one . . .

Tuesday 16th March [1858] Mrs Logan sent in to say that she was very ill, so could not give us our lessons today . . .

Tuesday 23rd March [1858] Very cold morning. Rose early, and practised music. At nine went to Mrs Logan's. Alice made all sorts of mistakes, quite puzzling to Mrs Logan, who could not account for it . . .

Wednesday 12th May [1858] Miss Suttor came. Alice went with her to Mrs Logan's to buy some music. She is coming to dine here on Friday. Minnie Mann and Mrs Hely came . . .

Tuesday 18th May [1858] Went to Mrs Logan's. She told us to come on Thursdays at the same time, and then we are to learn theory with a class . . .

Saturday 22nd May [1858] . . . Alice went to her singing lesson at Mrs Logan's . . .

Thursday 27th May [1858] . . . From ten to one to theory at Mrs Logan's . . .

Monday 14th June [1858] . . . After breakfast, went to music, and thence to Mrs Logan's, where I was very stupid indeed . . .

Tuesday 27th July [1858] . . . Went to Mrs Logan's, was praised by her, which is a most wonderful act on her part . . .

Thursday 23rd September [1858] Practised my music, then went to Mrs Logan's, where we stayed until one . . .

Monday 18th October [1858] . . . Rec'd a note from Mrs Logan, telling us she had taken a holiday. She is always taking holidays on our days . . .

Thursday 2nd December. Went home this morning, told every body about the Ball. Went to Mrs Logans, where we were scolded very much for losing so many lessons, and at two took our departure again . . .

Monday 17th January [1859] . . . Went to music. Was given by Mrs Logan a very difficult piece of music. Do not think I will have time to practise it . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Blanche Mitchell (music pupil)


January 1864, change of address

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 January 1864), 4

MRS. LOGAN begs to inform her Pupils that she purposes REMOVING on the 16th instant to the house now occupied by Mr. Garrick, Victoria-street North.

8 February 1864, London, death of husband Charles Logan (resident in Britain since 1848)

Register of burials in the West of London and Westminster Cemetery, Earl's Court, Old Brompton

36546 / Charles Drummond Logan / 98 Harwick Street, Pimlico / [buried] Feby 13 / 60 years / [service at the grave] Revd. N. Liberty / [having been removed from] St. George's Hanover Square Church . . .

"DEATHS", Sydney Mail (23 April 1864), 9 

LOGAN - February 8th, at Warwick-street, Pimlico, Charles D. Logan, Esq., late of Sydney, New South Wales, aged sixty.

May 1864, Sydney, regarding Maria's former pupil Lucy Chambers

"MISS LUCY CHAMBERS", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 May 1864), 5 

. . . [The above statements have been forwarded to this journal for publication. It may not be generally known that Miss Chambers was for many years a pupil of Mrs. Logan, musical artist, of this city.

"THE SYDNEY MONTHLY OVERLAND MAIL", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 May 1864), 5 

Miss Lucy Chambers - the new Australian contralto, Who has made such a successful debut at Florence - is a native of this colony, the daughter of Mr. C. H. Chambers, solicitor, and was for many years a pupil of Mrs. Logan, musical artist of this city.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1867), 3 

MUSICAL TUITION. - Mrs. C. D. LOGAN begs to intimate to her pupils that she will be prepared to receive them again on MONDAY next, the 30th instant. Rialto-terrace, Upper William-street S., Woolloomooloo.

1867-68, Maria's son Ernest Logan, and his cousin (her nephew) Thomas Leggatt, junior, at Fiji

"CLEARANCES", Empire (23 October 1867), 4 

October 22. Gleaner, schooner, 43 tons, Starcich, for South Sea Islands. Passengers - Messrs. Leggatt, Binning, Middleton, and Logan.

"FIJI", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1868), 5 

A few gentlemen of Levuka, wishing to show their respect for Captain Milne, of the Magellan Cloud, Colonel T. W. White, of the Christchurch (Canterbury) Volunteers, and Mr. Ernest Logan, of Sydney, invited the white residents of Ovalau to meet them, on Tuesday evening, January 28, at a public dinner. The large Assembly Room was very tastefully decorated for the occasion, and the table, which was laid out for the accommodation of fifty guests, was most bountifully provided with comestibles, &c. The dinner was presided over by H. M. Acting Consul, Mr J. B. Thurston, who in a neat speech, proposed the health of the guests to whose honour the entertainment had been provided. After this and other toasts had been proposed and responded to, the company was entertained with a good selection of songs and pieces - the ladies present contributing most freely to the evening's amusement by presiding at the pianoforte and harmonium . . .

"A LETTER FROM FIJI", Empire (27 October 1868), 3 

Taviuna Island, Fiji, August 12, 1868. "My dear, I am at last able to fulfil my promise to you of giving you an account of Fiji . . . We left Levuka 12th June, in the Gem, 180 tons, with ourselves and household goods on board - house, trade, and store for one year. We arrived at Taviuna 14th June, called the "garden of Fiji," and very aptly so too. A more lovely spot I never saw; splendid soil, rich dark loam. Cocounut palms, oranges, lemons, bananas, guavas, bread fruit, mummy apple, and numbers of trees in profusion, with the most splendid and luxuriant vegetation . . . There are about forty whites on plantations, scattered throughout Taviuna. We have neighbours, Miller and Rous (Rous is a nephew of Admiral Rous, and ex-mate in the navy - a China medal man), at two miles; and Mr. and Mrs. Logan a quarter of a mile off - a newly-married couple, very nice and agreeable; they have a piano, &c. . . .

4 March 1868, Sydney, death of son, Henry Logan

"DEATH", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 March 1868), 1 

On the 4th instant, at 5, Rialto-terrace, Upper William-street South, HENRY, fourth son of Mrs. C. D. LOGAN, aged 26 years.


[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1872), 3 

MUSICAL TUITION. - Mrs. C. D. LOGAN begs to intimate to, her Pupils that she RESUMES business on MONDAY, the 8th January, 1872. Rialto terrace, Woolloomooloo.


18 July 1873, Sydney, death of Maria's sister, Susan Ellard Leggatt

"DEATHS", Evening News (18 July 1873), 2 

DEATHS. On the 16th July, at her residence, Paul-street, Balmain, Susan, relict of the late Thomas Leggatt, of Sydney, aged 75 years.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 November 1873), 1 

MUSIC - Mrs. C. D. LOGAN begs to inform her pupils that she will RESUME her Tuition on MONDAY, 1st December. 6, Rialto-terrace. 27th November, 1873.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 January 1876), 6 

MUSICAL TUITION. - Mrs. C. D. LOGAN begs to inform her Pupils that she resumes her duties on the 10th instant. Rialto-terrace. 5th January, 1876

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 July 1878), 2 

MUSICAL TUITION. - Mrs. C. D. LOGAN begs to inform her pupils that she purposes resuming her tuition on the 17th July. 6, Rialto-terrace.


November 1884, biography of Maria's most famous former pupil, Lucy Chambers

"Madame Lucy Chambers", The Argus (25 November 1884), 7

The familiar name of this well known artist and teacher appears in another column, in connexion with an entertainment to be given in the Town hall next Saturday night, in the presence of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Loch. This will be the first benefit concert given in Melbourne in favour of Madame Chambers. It is the suggestion of a number of her pupils, who will themselves take part in the concert, at which will also appear the following well known artists, namely, Mr. Armes Beaumont, Mr. S. Lamble, Mr. T. H. Guenett, Miss Gertie Frazer, and the Metropolitan Liedertafel, conducted by Mr. Julius Herz. Madame Chambers will accompany the performance of her pupils.

Madame Chambers, the daughter of Charles Henry Chumbers, is a native of Sydney, where her father was in practice of the law. Early developing a contralto voice of superior quality, she began to cultivate it under the tuition of Mrs. Logan, a pupil of Logier, and cousin of Wallace, the composer of "Maritana." Miss Chamber's first incentive to adopt the Italian operatic stage as a profession came from Catherine Hayes.

This impulse, which was at first resisted, was at last obeyed, and in January, 1862, the subject of this notice went to London, where she studied for a while under Garcia, and from thence took her departure for Italy. At Florence she became the pupil of Vannuchini, and also of Romani, the master who taught Orisi, Mario, Pasta, Ungher, Lucy Escott, and others. After a year's tuition Miss Chambers made her appearance at the Teatro Pagliano, Florence, as Azucena in "Il Trovatore." Her debut was a great success, and the opera ran for a month. After this the way was open for her to appear at the great La Scala, in Milan, where she was engaged as prima donna contralto assoluta for two seasons, singing in "Il Trovatore," "Un Ballo in Maschera," and "Faust." While living in Milan Miss Chambers continued her studies under the eminent teacher Lamperti.

From Milan, Miss Chambers was engaged as first contralto in the principal Italian Opera-houses and then went to Portugal, and performances were given in Lisbon and Oporto; from thence to Germany, where, in Berlin Miss Chambers made her first appearance at the Victoria Theatre. Her European tour ended with her singing at the Theatre de la Monnaie, at Brussels.

In 1870 our Australian prima donna contralto returned with Mr. W. S. Lyster and the company which included Signora Baratti and Signori Neri, Contini, and Dondi. From this time forward the professional career of Madame Chambers as an operatic artist, and, finally, as a successful teacher of singing, is well known to all our readers.

Amongst many pupils who have been taught by her to use their natural gifts in an artistic manner we should mention the names Miss Alice Rees, Miss Blackburn, Miss Marie St. Claire, and Miss Ada Gardiner (Ida Osborne) Madame Chambers also prepared Miss Alice Dunning Lingard for her well-remembered performance as Josephine in "H. M. S. Pinafore." In her experiences as an Italian operatic singer, Madame Chambers has, amongst others, added the following subjects to her repertory, namely, "Lucrezia Borgia," "Gli Ugonotti," "Il Profeta," "Faust," "Il Trovatore," "Un Ballo in Maschera," "Maritana," "La Sonnambula," "Guglielmo Tell," "Semiramide," "Il Barbiere di Siviglia," "Martha," "Rigoleto," "Safo," "La Forza del Destino," "Luisa Miller," "La Donna del Lago," "L'Italiana in Algieri," "Tancredi," "Romeo e Giulietta," "Linda di Chamouni," "Ione," "Dinorah," and "Maria di Rohan."


8 September 1885, family history by Maria's nephew William Barnes Ellard ("Timothy Fogarty")

"Timothy Fogarty" [William Ellard], "PROUD OF BEING AN IRISHMAN. To the Editor", Evening News (8 September 1885), 6 

PROUD OF BEING AN IRISHMAN. To the Editor. Sir, - In these days of trimmers and shams, it is refreshing to hear a man of such gifted attainments as Mr. Dion Boucicault declaring "that he was an Irishman, and proud of his country." Yes, he is an Irishman, and who but an Irishman could have written the "Shaughran" or the "Colleen Bawn." It is now about twenty-four years since I saw him and his gifted wife in the Theatre Royal, Dublin, acting in the "Colleen Bawn," and remember that lady's clear, sweet voice aa she sung the "Cruiskeen Lawn," and saw Myles Nacaupleen personated by Mr. Boucicault, where he sings his inimitable song "Charlymount is a purty place in the merry month of July." But enough; you must see Mr. Boucicault act to have any idea of his ability. The subject, however, dearest to Mr. Boucicault's a heart is the desire to elevate the character of the Irish people. Others have striven in their own limited way to stand up for their country, when, at times in these colonies, some persons have had the temerity to assail Ireland and its inhabitants. Not very long since a number of gentlemen left Sydney on a tour to the United Kingdom and Ireland. On the return of these excursionists, several letters appeared, stating what some of these gentlemen saw and what they did not see. But one gentleman wrote in such a manner that he put me in mind of the story of "The Travelled Ass." However, no person noticed him, until he commenced writing about Dublin, and stating "that he did not see any pies in the parlors of the residents of Dublin." This was quite sufficient; immediately I replied to this excursionist, and brought him down with the first shot. Like a true sportsman, I kept the right hand barrel of my gun ready, expecting another excursionist to get on the wing; but since that day, until the present time, I never had any chance to fire into that lot. I read with much pleasure Mr. Boucicault's story of "Cautherin Jack," and his drive from the Punchestown races. I have seen two such characters on the Naas-road. No wonder Mr. Boucicault is full of wit and fun, hailing as he does from Dublin: and while I think of it, now that his story has brought it to my mind, I will relate a story which I have no doubt Mr. Boucicault will remember. During the time Mr. Robert Barton, better Known as "Bob Barton," was leader of the orchestra, Theatre Royal, Dublin, a celebrated Italian violinist was engaged to perform at that theatre. At this particular time the steam packet did not come nearer to Dublin than the Pigeon-house. A few musical celebrities determined to meet this violinist on his arrival, and to give him a warm reception as well as a public dinner. Amongst this lot was a leading genius, William Ellard, eldest son of Andrew Ellard, and one of the most accomplished musicians of his day. In fact, he was the moving spirit in his father's large musical instrument manufactory, 47, lower Sackville-street, Dublin. I think Mr. Boucicault knew him; if not, I know his brother in Queensland did. Well, the steampacket arrived; also the violinist. He was received with a hearty Irish welcome. After dinner a fiddler is heard playing outside the hotel. The foreigner's musical ear catches the sweet tones brought from Barton's violin - for Barton was a magnificent performer. He inquires, "What is that?" Ellard told him, one of those travelling fiddlers: at the same time desired the waiter to bring him into the dining-room. Bob was ushered in, and he made a very humble bow; was asked to have something to drink; and, as the "groceries" had been brought in, Bob chose a tumbler of whisky punch. As soon as he swallowed it. Ellard told him to play something. Bob commenced playing some of his best selections, and the Italian showed great uneasiness; he became deadly pale. Ellard asked what was the matter? He said, "I am very sick, and would wish to go back to London." He was asked why? He stated, "When you have musicians like this begging, what chance have I here?" The poor fellow was completely frightened, and with great difficulty they succeeded in convincing him that Barton was one of their best performers, and that the whole affair was got up for a joke.

Possibly there was not any place in Dublin where such eminent men, both of letters and music, were to be found than at A. Ellard's musical establishment in Sackville-street. And, like Mr. Boucicault, I not only feel proud of being an Irishman, but of belonging to the Ellard family, few of whom are now alive to bear the name; and I would be sorry if a brilliant Irishman like Mr. Dion Boucicault left Sydney without the Irishmen of this city marking their appreciation of his talents in such a manner as they know well how to do. - Yours, &c., TIMOTHY FOGARTY. Sydney, September 5, 1885.

ASSOCIATIONS: Dion Boucicault (actor, vocalist)


11 June 1886, Sydney

"The LY-EE-MOON RELIEF COMMITTEE", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 June 1886), 4 

A meeting of the committee which was appointed at the Town Hall on the 7th instant to afford relief to the sufferers through the Ly-ee-Moon disaster was held in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon . . . A number of letters were received from different persons, enclosing cheques towards the fund now being raised, amongst them being one from Mrs. C. D. Logan, of Jessie-terrace, Upper William-street South, who forwarded the sum of two guineas. This lady stated that she felt very deeply for those who bad been bereaved by the recent calamity, as she herself had lost a son and a daughter by the wreck of the ill-fated Dunbar . . .

On the disaster, see: "STEAMSHIP LY-EE-MOON. BETWEEN 60 AND 70 LIVES LOST", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 June 1886), 7 

August-September 1886, Sydney, Maria's son, Ernest, convicted of embezzlement

"ANOTHER ALLEGED CASE OF EMBEZZLEMENT in the RAILWAY DEPARTMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 August 1886), 5 

At the Water Police Court yesterday, before Mr. M. Marsh, S.M., Ernest Logan was charged on an information which set forth "that on or about the 31st day of July, 1885, at Bathurst, one Ernest Logan, being then employed in the public service as a clerk in the Railway Department at Bathurst, did embezzle certain moneys - to wit, £20 - the property of her Majesty the Queen" . . .

Criminal record, Ernest Logan, State Archives and Records NSW 

25 December 1886, Sydney, Maria's death, burial, and probate

Death registered in New South Wales, Australia

[1886] 2239 / 25 December 1886 Darlinghurst Road / Maria Logan / Female 78 years / Cardiac disease / [father's name] Ellard / [informant] Frank Logan, Grandson / [buried] 27 December 1886, Church of England Cemetery, Balmain / [born] Dublin Ireland, 45 years in N.S. Wales / [Marriage] Dublin [aged] 21 [to] Charles David Logan / [Children of marriage] William, 53, Frederick, 52, Ernest, living, 4 males, 2 females dead

"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1886), 1

LOGAN. - On the morning of Christmas Day, at Victoria-terrace, Darlinghurst, Maria, relict of the late C. D. Logan, aged 78.

Probate, Sydney, 31 December 1886; Last will and testament of Maria Logan (no. 14302) (transcript by Steve Ford)

This is the last will and testament of me, Maria Logan of Rialto Terrace, Woolloomooloo, Sydney, New South Wales.

After payment of all my just debts, & funeral expenses, I give devise, & bequeath the land at the North Shore, to my eldest son William R. Logan, also the land at Fiji (mortgaged to me by my son Ernest) I give and bequeath to the said son Ernest Logan and all the residue & remainder of all my cash & personal property, I give and bequeath to my grandchildren Marcus & Maude Logan to be managed for them made the sole control of my son William Robert Logan & my good cousin, William Ellard Executors of this my will.

And I hereby appoint William Robert Logan & William Ellard Executors of this my will as witness my hand this eleventh October 1878. Signed and acknowledged by the said Maria Logan the testatrix . . .

Codicil. I Maria Logan the testatrix in the will written on the other side further direct that before my chattel property is sold my Executors William Robert Logan & William Ellard reserve such articles therefrom as they may decide to retain & dispose of the same at their discretion. Dated this twelfth day of October [1878] Maria Logan. Signed by the above named Testatrix . . .

"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (31 December 1886), 8852 

In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the will and codicil of Maria Logan, late of Rialto Terrace, "Woolloomooloo, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, widow, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof in the New South Wales Government Gazette, application will be made to this Honor able Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that probate of the last will and testament of the abovenamed deceased, who departed this life at her residence Rialto Terrace, Woolloomooloo, Sydney, on the 25th December, 1886, may be granted to William Robert Logan and William Ellard, the executors in the said will named. - Dated this 29th day of December, a.d. 1886.
J. WILLIAMSON, Proctor for the said Executors, Williamson's Chambers, King-street, Sydney.
8949 6s. 6d.


Logan memorial fund

"THE LATE MRS. C. D. LOGAN", The Daily Telegraph (3 July 1888), 3 

It is proposed by some of the numerous pupils and friends of the lute Mrs. C. D. Logan to erect some enduring memorial of the esteem and affection with which the deceased lady was regarded by her pupils. Mrs. Logan arrived in Tasmania in the year 1835, when Colonel Arthur was Lieutenant-Governor, and settling in Hobart Town followed her profession as a teacher of music with great success for some years. She was, it is believed, the first organist of St. David's Cathedral, the oldest church in the colony. Upon leaving Hobart with her family for Sydney in 1842, she received very gratifying testimony of the esteem in which she was held by her numerous pupils and friends. For a considerable time after her arrival in Sydney she was almost the only representative of the musical art engaged in tuition, and although she never took part in public performances, confining herself entirely to teaching, the faithfulness and thoroughness of her work in that branch were widely known and appreciated. The significance of this will be better understood when it is mentioned that there was scarcely a family of influence identified with the early history of Tasmania or New South Wales which had not at some time the advantage of her instruction during the 51 years she resided in Australia. Some difficulty has been experienced by the promoters in agreeing upon the form the memorial should take, since to establish a scholarship for music would require a large sum of money. It is now proposed that an annual prize bearing Mrs. Logan's name should be founded in connection with St. Andrew's Cathedral Choir School. This appears to be a peculiarly appropriate way of commemorating Mrs. Logan, as she was one of the first organists of St. Andrew's Cathedral when its local habitation was the little wooden church that many Sydney residents remember. It is also thought that the object of the cathedral school - the study of the highest kind of music for the highest Christian influence - would have warmly commended itself to the venerable lady, whose earnest piety was well known.

We are requested to state that Lady Martin, Woollahra-house, and Miss Hogarth Pringle, Aird-street, Parramatta, will be very pleased to receive from pupils and friends of Mrs. Logan any contributions to the above object.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1888), 2 

Both former pupils of Maria Logan, though from very different eras, Isabella Lang Martin (1834-1909) was eldest daughter of William Lang, of "Tusculum", Potts Point, and married James Martin in 1853; and Alice Maud Hogarth Pringle (1866-1952), a daughter of George Hogarth Pringle of Parramatta.

[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1888), 9

As a memorial of the esteem and affection, with which the late Mrs. C. D. Logan was regarded, some of the pupils and friends of that lady propose to found an annual prize, bearing Mrs. Logan's name, in connection with St. Andrew'- Cathedral Choir School. The reason this form has been chosen is that Mrs. Logan, who taught music for 51 years in Australia, was one of the first organists of St. Andrew's Cathedral. By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that subscriptions will be received by Lady Martin and Miss Hogarth Pringle.

"LOGAN MEMORIAL FUND", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1894), 6

Some years ago a meeting was called of the former pupils of the late Mrs. C. D. Logan with the object of perpetuating her memory in some suitable way. Miss Maud Hogarth-Pringle, of Parramatta, organised the movement, with the result that a small fund has just been placed in the hands of the Primate, to be expended in the presentation of two yearly prizes for music to the choristers of St Andrew's Cathedral. Mrs. Logan was for long identified with the musical progress of the colony in its earlier days. Originally this lady arrived at Hobart in the year 1835 by the immigrant ship Sarah, of which her husband was superintendent. Mrs. Logan remained in the Tasmanian capital until 1842, and soon became one of the principal resident teachers of music" on the "Logerian system". She officiated first as organist of St. David's Church (where the Cathedral now stands), and later as honorary organist of St. Georges Church, Battery Point. In February, 1842, Mrs. Logan arrived in Sydney, was appointed organist of St. Andrew's pro-Cathedral, and trained the choir. The Rev. Mr. Watson was then incumbent. Mrs. Logan continued to officiate when well advanced in years, during Canon O'Reilly's time. Altogether Mrs. Logan carried on her valuable work as a teacher dining a period of 46 years, numbering amongst her pupils the daughters of the Hon. Mrs. Keith Stewart (daughter of Governor Fitzroy), of Sir Alfred Stephen, Sir Edward Deas-Thomsom, Sir Thomas Mitchell, the Right Hon. W. B. Dalley, Mr. W. C. Wentworth, Sir James Martin, Archdeacon Cowper, Sir Roger Therry, the Hons. Robert Campbell and Robert Fitzgerald, Mr. Alexander Gordon, Mr. James K. Fairfax, and many other well-known Australian families. Mrs. Logan, who passed away on Christmas Day, 1886, was a first cousin of Vincent Wallace, the eminent composer.

"The Logan Memorial Fund", Evening News (21 February 1894), 7 

To those interested in the music of St. Andrew's Cathedral, it will be pleasing to learn that a Email fund has just been placed in the hands of the Most Reverend the Primate with the object of presenting the choristers of St. Andrew's Cathedral with two yearly prizes for music. This fund is to be called the "Logan Memorial Fund," and has been organised by Miss Maud Hogarth-Pringle, of Parramatta, in memory of her much respected friend and teacher, Mrs. C. D. Logan, who passed away on Christmas Day, 1886. A meeting was called some years ago, and many of Mrs. Logan's old pupils responded to the invitation, and promised to send subscriptions to establish a prize for music in memory of the teacher whom they all honored for her great musical abilities, and for her power of imparting that knowledge of music to her pupils. The difficulty of obtaining the addresses of many of Mrs. Logan's pupils, now resident in distant lands, has prevented the memorial from being so widely known as it should have been, but it is hoped, through the courtesy of the Press, that this little notice will bring the matter before many old pupils who have not already been appealed to, and also before those who promised to contribute when the object of the memorial should be finally decided upon, and that they will send in their promises to the Reverend the Precentor of St. Andrew's Cathedral, and make this trust a fitting memorial to one who did so much for the advancement of music in this country, and thus for the benefit of the cathedral choir. Mrs. Logan was the daughter of Mr. Ellard, of Dublin, and a first cousin of the eminent composer, Vincent Wallace.

Musical works and arrangements

Song of the Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land (arranged by Mrs. Logan; voice and piano) (Hobart Town, c. 1836) (2 unpublished MS sources)

Song of the Aborigines of Van Diemen's Land arranged by Mrs. Logan; MS, copy, ? c.1840s, original Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery; Archives Office of Tasmania, holographic copies (digitised by State Library of Tasmania) (TROVE PAGE 1) (DIGITISED PAGE 1) (TROVE PAGE 2) (DIGITISED PAGE 2)

This earlier copy dates perhaps from the 1840s, though copying errors suggest that it was not made by Logan herself.

9 Popela (Logan 1836, earlier MS) 1
9 Popela (Logan 1836, earlier MS) 2


Song of the Aborigines arranged by Mrs. Logan; MS, copy, 1890s, at University of Tasmania Library (the catalogue record dates this sketch MS to 1856) (TROVE)

This later copy appears to have been made, c.1890s, by Henry Lloyd, of Prahran, VIC.

See fuller details in the checklist entry on the above pair of manuscript sources: 

The vow that's breathed in solitude (song; voice and piano; printed edition) (Hobart Town, 1839)

The vow that's breathed in solitude, the words by Mr. [Robert] Stewart, the music arranged by Mrs. Logan

([Hobart Town]: Elliston, [1839])


Words by Robert Stewart

See also Checklist entry (1839-04-09)


"Colonial Music", The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (9 April 1839), 7 

Who shall say that the march of civilization, one of the greatest blessings which man can know, is now rapidly progressing here, when we find a gentleman finishing the poetry, and a lady the music of a beautiful little composition recently published by Mr. Elliston. The melody and the harmony are agreeably creditable to the taste and ability of Mrs. Logan. The impression, we understand, consists but of a limited number, which will of course soon be disposed of.

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (26 April 1839), 2

A song, entitled "The vow that's breathed in solitude" - the words by Mr. Stewart - the music arranged by Mrs. Logan - has been forwarded to us, and, according to our judgment, affords a very creditable specimen of "immortal music married unto verse." This is the first Van Diemen's Land melody it has been our fortune to encounter, and is well worthy of being hailed by all the lovers of song and of Tasmania, with all the gladness and rejoicing of a new birth.

Also: Hobart Town Advertiser (10 May 1839)

We must not pass lightly by the music of Mrs. Logan, a lady who has the merit of being the first musical compositor in the colony.

[Editorial], The Hobart Town Courier (17 April 1840), 4

We are not blessed with hurdy-gurdies or barrel-organs in this hemisphere, but claim some exemption from the tomb of oblivion, in an occasional offering to the muses, which passes through the colony with the swiftness of the Highland fire-brand, visiting the mansion and the cottage, and thereby indicating a taste for the "tender and true". We allude more particularly to The vow that's breathed in solitude

Those evening bells (arranged by Mrs. Logan) (piano solo) (unpublished MS)

Those evening bells arranged by Mrs. Logan; MS copy by Sarah Cross Little (1832-1909), dated "Sydney, 29 January 1853"; State Library of New South Wales, MLMSS 7115/2-3, manuscript book (1 of 5), contents c. early 1850s, page 43 

For sources song, see edition by her Maria Logan's brother, and also later reprints by George Hudson and Woolcott and Clarke:

Those evening bells; words by T. Moore; arranged by Sir J. Stevenson (Sydney: F. Ellard, [c.1840s]) 

Bibliography and resources

Brewer 1892, The drama and music of New South Wales, 55 (DIGITISED)

. . . In the early days of Australian colonisation musical performances were, as might be imagined, of a primitive kind, if we except the regimental bands. Indeed, several of the musical celebrities of fifty years ago had been attached to military bands, and, leaving their regiments, became teachers and performers in Sydney. The piano was almost confined to the manipulation of ladies, some of whom, particularly Mrs. Prout and Mrs. Logan, were excellent players and instructors. Concerts were given, with vocal programmes entirely of ballads and glees, with solos on the key-bugle, the flute, seldom the violin, and occasionally the oboe. It was fortunate that a lady holding a very high position in the Colony was not only a warm patron of music, but an accomplished musician herself; this was Miss Bourke, daughter of His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke, and afterwards Lady Deas-Thomson. Under her fostering care such talent as was available in the early thirties often appeared in public . . .

Alice Moyle, Tasmanian music, an impasse?, edited by W.F. Ellis, in records of the Queen Victoria Museum (Launceston: Museum Committee, Launceston City Council, 1968)

N. J. B. Plomley (ed.), Weep in silence: a history of the Flinders Island Aboriginal settlement with the Flinders Island Journal of George Augustus Robinson, 1835-1839  (Hobart: Blubber Head Press , 1987), 391, 657 note

A. J. Hammerton, "'Without natural protectors': female immigration to Australia, 1832-36," Historical Studies 16/65 (1975), 539-66 

Re Charles Logan 549-550, 563

"The means of escape", in Penelope Fitzgerald, The means of escape: stories (Bath: Chivers Press; London: Flamingo, 2000), 

(New York: Houghton, Miffin, Harcourt, 2013), (1-22), 3-4 (PREVIEW)

ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, Hobart, stands high above Battery Point and the harbour . . . before the organ was installed, the church used to face east, and the music was provided by a seraphine. The seraphine was built, and indeed invented, by a Mr. Ellard, formerly of Dublin, now a resident of Hobart. He intended it to suggest the angelic choir, although the singing voices [4] at his disposal . . . were mostly male. Who was able to play the seraphine? Only, at first, Mr. Ellard's daughter, Mrs. Logan, who seems to have got £20 per year for doing so, the same fee as the clerk and the sexton. When Mrs. Logan began to feel the task was too much for her - the seraphine needs continuous pumping - she instructed Alice Godley, the rector's daughter . . .

See also reviews, e.g. Frank Kermode, "Playing the seraphine", London review of books 23/2 (25 January 2001), 15 

. . . The most ambitious piece is the one from which the collection takes its name. Here the setting is, in true Fitzgerald fashion, mid-19th-century Tasmania . . . this rector's daughter, Miss Godley, plays the seraphine in church. The seraphine, according to the OED, is an "instrument of the reed kind" invented by a Mr John Green in 1833 . . . Indeed Fitzgerald, defying the lexicographers, says the instrument was invented by a Mr. Ellard, formerly of Dublin, now resident in Hobart. "He intended it to suggest the angelic choir." As between Green and Ellard, I would take Fitzgerald to be right, even against the testimony of the Dictionary, since she always is . . .

Graeme R. Rushworth, A supplement to historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Camberwell: Organ Historical Trust, 2006), 16, 19, 20 

Skinner 2011, First national music, 12, 37, 47, 51-52, 58, especially 125-28, 130, 132, 257, 268, 353, 419, 442, 443, 444 (DIGITISED)

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Recovering musical data from colonial era transcriptions of Indigenous songs: some practical considerations", in Jim Wafer and Myfany Turpin (eds), Recirculating songs: revitalising the singing practices of Indigenous Australia (Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics, 2017), 349-74, especially 354-61 (on "Popela / Popeller") 

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