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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–M (Ma-Mac/Mc-Maz)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–M (Ma-Mac/Mc-Maz)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025
- M - (Ma-Mac/Mc-Maz)
MAAS, Herr (Herr MAAS)
Siffleur and vocalist
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1858
[Advertisement], The Star (1 October 1858), 3
MISS CHALKER HAS ARRIVED from Melbourne, and will appear every evening in addition to the present company, consisting of
Herr Maas, The German Siffleur and Vocalist; Miss Sutherland, The finished character danseuse;
Mr. Coxon, The local writer and singer, will sing "Mr. O'Shanassy's Visit," "Coppin's Dodges," &c.;
Mr. Miell, The new Tenor; Mr. Morgan, The admired Basso.
Pianist and Conductor, Mr, R. A. R. OWEN. Admission Free.
Musician (theatrical orchestra), ? convict
? Arrived Sydney, NSW, 15 September 1832 (convict per Eliza (II), from Cork, 10 May 1832)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1837, 1838
W. E. Parry, Port Stephens, letter, 9 October 1833, to Board for the assignment of servants; ed. In the service of the company, vol. 2, letter no. 981
"POLICE", The Sydney Monitor (13 September 1837), 2
? [News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 April 1838), 2
A gentlemen lately connected with the orchestra of the Royal Victoria Theatre, was found the other morning quietly seated in the stocks without his violin; he had been indulging in the "luxuries of the table" over night, and the consequence was, that having expended all his cash, which rendered him incapable of contributing to the "poor fund" the inexorable magistrate sentenced him to pay the usual penalty, one hour in the stocks, - it ought to have been six hours. This man was formerly considered respectable, but intoxication has proved his ruin. Mr. Wyatt has very properly dismissed him.
"POLICE", The Sydney Monitor (13 April 1838), 3
John Andrew, a musician belonging to the orchestra at the theatre, was charged with wilful destruction of property, in the receiving watch-house. Serjeant Price deposed, that the prisoner had been confined for drunkenness. During the night, he made a great uproar, and was removed to a cell. On being taken to the cell, he kicked the door so violently, as to break away part of the iron fastenings. He afterwards called for water, which was taken him in a quart pot. The next morning, the pot was found completely beaten in. Fined 10s., or one month's imprisonment.
[Advertisement], Australasian Chronicle (27 October 1842), 1
"Court of Quarter Sessions", Morning Chronicle (18 February 1846), 2
"DESERTING WIVES AND CHILDREN", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1849), 5
"INSOLVENT COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1850), 2
MACARTHUR, Elizabeth (Elizabeth VEALE; Mrs. John MACARTHUR)
Amateur pianist
Born Devon, England, 14 August 1766
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 June 1790 (per Scarborough)
Died NSW, 9 February 1850 (NLA persistent identifier)
Musical amateur, musical patron, soldier
Born Bath, England, 16 March 1789; son of John MACARTHUR and Elizabeth VEALE
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 June 1790 (per Scarborough)
Died London, England, 4 January 1872 (NLA persistent identifier)
MACARTHUR, Emmeline Emily (Emmeline Emily MACARTHUR; Mrs. Henry Watson PARKER; "Lady PARKER")
Amateur pianist
Born NSW, 1808
Died NSW, 1888 (NLA persistent identifier)
Wife of lieutenant John Macarthur of the New South Wales Corps, Elizabeth Macarthur was the first person to learn to play the piano in Australia. Her instrument was the first, and then only, piano in the colony. George Worgan, surgeon of the Sirius, who had brought it with him on that ship, left it with Mrs. Macarthur when he returned to England in 1791. Since McGuanne in 1901, Mrs. Macarthur has repeatedly shared notice with Worgan in historical summaries of the history of Australian music (for references see Worgan's entry). Some further details appeared in an article in the Herald in 1911:
. . . There was no teacher of music of any kind in Australia, so she set to work to learn from an old Italian Instruction book which was full of small rondos, overtures, and little tunes . . . She sang to her own accompaniment, and had little musical evenings (the first in the colony) . . .
But some or all of this is quite possibly spurious, and overlooks her own testimony that Worgan was her teacher. For further updated details, see George Boucher Worgan.
See entry in chronicle:
The Macarthurs later acquired another piano at the auction of the deceased estate of Thomas Laycock early in 1810.
See entry in chronicle:
Documentation (primary):
Letter to Bridget Kingdon, from Elizabeth Macarthur, Sydney, 7 March 1791, page 9; State Library of New South Wales (PAGE 9 IMAGE)
. . . I shall now introduce another acquaintance, Mr. Worgan, to you, a gentleman I have not hitherto named. He was surgeon to the Syrius, and happened to be left at this place when that ship met with her fate at Norfolk. It is not improbable this Gentleman may himself deliver this letter to you. He is well known to Doctor [illegible]. I assure you in losing him a very considerable branch of our society will be lopped off. I shall now tell you of another resource I had to fill up some of my vacant hours. Our new house is ornamented with a pianoforte of Mr. Worgan's; he kindly means to leave it with me, and now, under his direction, I have begun a new study, but I fear without my master I shall not make any great proficiency. I am told, however, that I have done wonders in being able to play off God Save the King and Foot's Minuet, besides that of reading the notes with great facility. In spite of musick I have not altogether lost sight of my botanical studies . . ..
Letter, Elizabeth Macarthur, Parramatta, 4 February 1826, to Eliza Kingdon; State Library of New South Wale (DIGITISED)
. . . These "Corrobaries" are always on light moonlight nights. Some agreeable spot is always chosen for the exhibition amidst the woods. The number of small fires which are kindled causes quite enough of brilliancy to give effect to our beautiful woodland scenery; & trhow sufficient light on the sable performers. This festivity is generally prolonged until past midnight, & always given to do honor to, & entertain strangers, whom they call "Myall" . . .
. . . Whilst in Sydney, Wallace gave instruction on the pianoforte, in families of the highest distinction, who were anxious to avail themselves of his talents, amongst them were the ladies of Sir Alfred Stephen's family, Judge Josephson, Lady Mitchell, the sister of Sir William Macarthur, Lady Parker, and many others.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (musician, in Sydney 1836-37); Joshua Frey Josephson (pupil of Wallace); Mary Blunt Mitchell (pupil of Wallace, wife of Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, surveyor)
"76th Anniversary of the Consecration of S. John's Church, Camden, June 7th, 1849", Camden News (11 June 1925), 1
Documentation (secondary):
J. P. McGuanne, "The humours and pastimes of early Sydney", The Australian Historical Society Journal and Proceedings1 (1901), 40-42
"EARLIEST WOMAN AGRICULTURIST", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 February 1911), 5
Sibella Macarthur Onslow (ed.), Some early records of the Macarthurs of Camden (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1914)
Transcript of letter quoted above:
Bibliography and resources:
Jill Conway, "Macarthur, Elizabeth (1766-1850)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
McBURNEY, Mona Margaret (Mona McBURNEY)
Musician, pianist, teacher, composer
Born Douglas, Isle of Man, 29 July 1862
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1881
Died Melbourne, VIC, 4 December 1932 (NLA persistent identifier)
Sister of Samuel McBurney (below), she migrated to Victoria probably early in 1881, and with her family lived at Geelong, where she attended the Ladies College. She matriculated to the University of Melbourne in 1881 and in 1892, after the appointment of the first Ormond professor of music G. W. L. Marshall-Hall, enrolled as a music student.
"OBITUARY. Miss Mona McBurney", The Argus (6 December 1932), 6
Bibliography and resources:
Faye E. Patton, "McBurney, Mona Margaret (1862-1932)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986)
McBURNEY, Samuel (Samuel McBURNEY)
Musician, composer, music teacher
Born Glasgow, Scotland, 30 April 1847
Arrived Victoria (1), 1870 (until 1876)
Arrived Victoria (2), 1877 (until 1888-89)
Arrived Victoria (3), 1891
Died Melbourne, VIC, 9 December 1909 (NLA persistent identifier)
"PERSONAL", The Mercury (14 December 1909), 5
The friends of Dr. Samuel McBurney, the well-known musician, will regret (says an exchange) to hear of his death, which occurred in Melbourne on Friday. Dr. McBurney, who was about 60 years of age, took his musical degree at the Dublin University. He was prominently known in Victoria in former years as one of the foremost advocates of the sol-fa system of teaching singing. He was favourably known as a composer of music, and held a prominent position as a teacher of harmony. He was also in considerable request as a judge at musical competitions, and his services in this respect were frequent throughout the State. Apart from music, Dr. McBurney was a man of considerable attainments. He was secretary of the Esperanto Society, and was also very prominent in the interests of the blind and in promoting the Braille system of reading.
Musical works:
The Christmas greeting ("a cantata composed by S. McBurney") ([Melbourne]: Clarson, Massina, printers, [18?]
Victoria ("a school cantata composed and dedicated to the singing masters of the Victorian state schools") (Melbourne: Published for the composer by Clarson, Massina & Co., [1875])
A sea song (no. 5 of Songs for supper by S. McBurney) (Melbourne: A. & W. Bruce, Tonic Solfa Depot, [c.1886]);
Youthful toilers ("an opening ode; words by J.W. Meaden; music by S. McBurney) (Melbourne: Victorian Sunday School Union, 1896)
Australian progressive songster . . . no. 1, for junior classes (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, [?187-])
The Australian graded songster . . . no. 2 for senior classes (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, [?187-])
Bibliography and resources:
Robin S. Stevens, "McBurney, Samuel (1847-1909)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)
Gallery of notable Australian musical educators
Uncle of Annie McBurney: "Musical", Robertson Advocate (16 July 1920), 2
McCANN, James Robert (James Robert McCANN)
Musician, organist, choirmaster, pianist, string-bandmaster
Born Hobart, TAS, 28 May 1854
Died Hobart, TAS, 28 October 1916 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McCANN, James Robert (junior)
Born Hobart, TAS, 1878
Died Hobart, TAS, 1938
McCANN, Arthur Francis (Frank)
Born Hobart, TAS, 7 March 1887
Died 29 October 1966 (NLA persistent identifier)
McCANN, H. A. ("Tom")
Died Sydney, NSW, 25 November 1939
McCANN, Edward John
Born Hobart, TAS, 18 April 1888
Died Lenah Valley, TAS, 18 July 1973 (NLA persistent identifier)
McCANN, Bernard Aloysius
Born Hobart, TAS, 26 October 1892
Died Hobart, TAS, 23 October 1961 (NLA persistent identifier)
McCANN, Leonard Charles
Musician, double bass player, music retailer
Born 1902
Died 1974
"CATHOLIC INTELLIGENCE", Advocate (29 April 1876), 5
. . . The vacancy caused in the choir of St. Mary's, West Melbourne, by the resignation of Mr. J. Furlong, has been filled up by the appointment of Mr. J. R. McCann, who has occupied the position of organist at that church for the last two months. Mr. McCann is a musician of much ability, who has recently come over from Tasmania, and we have no hesitation in saying that he will prove a most useful addition to our local Catholic musicians. Since his appointment to St. Mary's he has given satisfactory proof of his musical capabilities and administrative capacity. The choir is at present well supported by, as soloists, Miss Kennedy, soprano; Mr. Cullen, tenor; and Mr. Costello, bass.
"PERSONAL", The Mercury (24 August 1916), 4
A private cable message has been received from London, by Mr. J. R. McCann, of this city, stating that his son, Private W. J.- McCann, so well known in musical circles, has been wounded in France.
"PERSONAL", The Mercury (30 October 1916), 3
Mr. Jas. Robert McCann, the well known organist and choirmaster of St. Mary's Cathedral, Hobart, passed away at his residence, Claverhill, 328 Upper Murray-street, on Saturday evening, at the age of 63 years. The deceased musician had been ailing for about a mouth, and death was mainly due to heart trouble. He had filled with, the greatest success and the utmost devotion to duty his important posts at the Cathedral for 35 years, and had, besides, a large circle of private pupils. He was a native of Hobart, and early evinced musical talent. In 1872 he proceeded to Melbourne, where he occupied several musical positions, and returned to Hobart in 1881 with the highest credentials to enter upon what has proved to be his life's work. He had acted us accompanist for many distinguished visitors to the city, amongst others, Madame Dolores and Sir Charles Santley; and for long was a familiar figure in the old Theatre Royal orchestra. The deceased was of a kindly and genial nature. Besides a widow and grown-up family of eight sons (two of whom are at the front), and two daughters, he leaves a large number of friends. Monsignor Gilleran, at St. Mary's yesterday, made feeling reference to the deceased's loyalty and devotion to duty. The organ was silent, but at St. Joseph's the "Dead March" in "Saul" was played. After Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Mary's on Tuesday morning, the funeral will take place at Cornelian Bay cemetery.
Bibliography and resources:
Tom Pickering, "McCann, Edward John (1888-1973)"; "McCann, Arthur Francis (Frank) (1887-1966)"; "McCann, Bernard Aloysius (1892-1961)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986)
McCARTHY, Georgina (Georgina McCARTHY)
Contralto (mezzo) vocalist, singing teacher
McCARTHY, Maria (Maria McCARTHY)
Soprano vocalist, singing teacher
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
The "Misses McCarthy, pupils of Garcia", daughters of John McCarthy of Cork, Ireland, made their first appearance in the colony at Eugène Lissignol's concert in March 1859, gave their own "grand concert" under vice-regal patronage in April 1859, and appeared for the Melbourne Philharmonic Society in May. In July Madame Akerman at her Collegiate Institution of Young Ladies in St. Kilda advertised that "The music and singing are taught by the Misses M'Carthy (pupils of Garcia)".
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1859), 8
The concert was eminently successful; and the Misses Macarthy, who constituted its special feature, may take rank among the most established colonial favorites. Their voices are very pure in quality, and possess remarkable flexibility; their style of singing proves them to have studied in a good school-it is exact, finished, and frequently brilliant; and they preserve the sentiment of the composition by the most tasteful management of their intonation. Miss Macarthy's voice is a soprano of considerable compass, and of more than average power in its upper range; that of her sister, Miss G. Macarthy, is a very delicate contralto, whose lower notes have an extremely firm and pronounced character.
[Advertisement], The Argus (12 April 1859), 8
"AMUSEMENTS", The Age (16 April 1859), 6
. . . Two able vocalists, the Misses McCarthy, daughter of Mr. John McCarthy, of Cork, have just given a concert of miscellaneous music, under the patronage of his Excellency the Governor . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 April 1859), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 July 1859), 8
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 September 1860), 3
"MUSICAL NOTES", Empire (27 September 1860), 4
The Philharmonic Society gave their second concert for the season on Tuesday evening, September 17. The Hall was overcrowded . . . The concert is further to be noticed for the debut of the two Misses Macarthy, from London (we believe), via Melbourne; very pleasing duet singers, the oldest, we presume, a high mezzo soprano, rather harsh, but with a very lovely shake; the second - decidedly the best voice - verging to the contralto. But a decision can scarcely be pronounced respecting their powers from their first attempt here, as we believe that one at least was suffering from indisposition. The climate of Sydney is fatal to the voice. The young ladies sang portions of the duets, "Giorno d'orre" (Semiramide), and "Mira o Norma."
McCARTHY, Michael (Michael McCARTHY)
Musician, bandsman (Band of the 12th Regiment), band master
Born c. 1838
Active Bathurst, NSW, by 1868
Died Bathurst, NSW, 25 October 1881, aged "43"
"DEATHS", Freeman's Journal (12 November 1881), 10
McCARTHY. - October 25, at his late residence, Seymour-street, Bathurst, after a short but painful illness, Michael McCarthy, late bandmaster of Bathurst, and formerly of her Majesty's 12th Regiment, aged 43 years. May his soul rest in peace.
"FIRST BANDMASTER", National Advocate [Bathurst, NSW] (19 November 1913), 8
"LATE MR. MICHAEL McCARTHY'S BAND", National Advocate (27 February 1939), 2
Musical amateur, founding president of the Maitland Philharmonic Institute, medical practitioner
Born County Down, Ireland, c. 1813; son of John McCARTNEY and Elizabeth SOY
Arrived Sydney, NSW, c. 1832
Married Matilda LEARD, Maitland, NSW, 1847
Died Maitland, NSW, 22 July 1860, aged "47" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"MAITLAND PHILHARMONIC INSTITUTE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (23 April 1857), 2
A meeting of this society was held in the hall of the School of Arts, on Monday evening, to take into consideration the future management of the society, and also for the purpose of enrolling members. Dr. McCartney, the president of the institution, took the chair, and briefly explained the objects of the society. At the suggestion or Mr. Sinclair, it was moved by Mr. Briggs, and seconded by Mr. Goldman, "That Messrs. Kellermann and Sinclair be authorised to negotiate for a suitable piano." This resolution was passed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Kellermann (member); William Briggs (member); Frederick Sinclair (member); Maitland Philharmonic Institute (association)
"DEATHS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 July 1860), 1
On the 22nd instant, at his residence, High-street, West Maitland, Dr. Michael McCartney, in his 47th year.
MACAULEY, Stewart (Stewart MACAULEY)
Musician, professor of music, pianoforte maker, tuner, repairer
Active Australia, 1860; 1864-68
"MINING INTELLIGENCE. NEW RUSH, INGLEWOOD, March 15", Geelong Advertiser (22 March 1860), 3
On Saturday night Messrs Henderson and Murray opened their new theatre, called the Pavilion, in Lower Commercial-street, with the celebrated San Francisco Minstrels, amongst whom, in addition to several members of the old troupe, there are Mr. Stewart M'Cauley, the leader of the Christie Minstrels, and Mr. Thomas the celebrated harpist.
[Advertisement], Queanbeyan Age (14 July 1864), 3
MR. S. MACAULEY, Pianoforte Maker, Tuner, and Repairer, from the celebrated manufactory of Chickering, New York and Boston, and late of Elvie and Wilkie, Sydney, begs leave to state that he is on a professional tour, and intends remaining in this town for two days only (Friday and Saturday) for the purpose of tuning and repairing Pianofortes, Harmoniums, Melodians, Concertinas, &c. All orders punctually attended to. Address - Mr Stewart Macauley, Professor of Music, Torpy's Hotel, Queanbeyan.
"ILLEGAL DETENTION", Bendigo Advertiser (19 February 1868), 3
Stewart Macauley was charged with illegally detaining a tank, cornopean and table of the value of £4, the property of Pietro Bartino . . . His Worship said the case was one difficult to decide, but he would order defendant to keep the things mentioned in the bill of sale and to deliver up the cornopean.
? "'NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (12 December 1881), 2
. . . a musical and literary entertainment will be given in the Alfred Hall on Friday, 16th December, in aid of the widow and six children of the late Stewart McCauley . . .
McCORMACK, Jeremiah (Jeremiah McCORMACK)
Choir singer, vocalist
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1860s
Died Woolloomooloo, NSW, 10 August 1900
"PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTORS", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 August 1880), 3
"Death of an Old St. Mary's Choir Singer", Freeman's Journal (11 August 1900), 12
A gentleman who had sung in old St Mary's, who was one of the choir in the Pro cathedral, and who had assisted on many occasions in new St. Mary's, passed away at the close of last week. We refer to the death of Mr. Jeremiah M'Cormack at 9 Crown street, Woolloomooloo, on Friday. The accomplished gentleman had been in bad health for some weeks. The deceased was connected with the Public Education Department for very many years. He gained distinction as a teacher in the Fort-street Model School, and was afterwards promoted to the position of Inspector in the Northern district. In his illness he was attended by the Rev. Father Barry, of the cathedral. His remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery at Petersham on Saturday. His old friend, Mr J. A. Delany, choirmaster and organist of the cathedral, paid the deceased several visits during his last days.
McCORMICK, Peter Dodds (Peter Dodds McCORMICK; P. D. McCORMICK; "AMICUS")
Musician, songwriter, composer, singing class instructor, choral conductor, precentor, teacher
Born Port Glasgow, Scotland, 1834
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 February 1855
Died Waverley, NSW, 30 October 1916 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
"FIVE DOCK", Empire (16 March 1865), 4
Yesterday evening a well attended vocal and instrumental concert was given in the Five Dock National School by the members of the Five Dock Singing Class, assisted by lady and gentlemen amateurs. Mr. P. McCormick, of the Dobroyde school, under whose short but able tuition the Five Dock Singing Class has been formed and instructed, officiated as conductor, ably assisted by Mrs. Caldwell as accompanyist; this lady also played with great taste some operatic airs on the pianoforte, which were highly appreciated by the audience. We hear that it is contemplated shortly to give another concert in aid of the Five Dock School-house and Church.
? [Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (2 July 1868), 1
MUSIC. LECTURE by MR. McCORMICK, on "The Old and New System of Notation in Music,"
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 November 1878), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1878), 3
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1878), 5
SATURDAY last being St. Andrew's Day, the annual concert, principally of Scottish music, was held in the evening at the Protestant Hall, and proved a great success. The hall was filled in every part, and the various vocalists, mostly amateurs, acquitted themselves in an admirable manner, and received several encores. Perhaps the most remarkable items of the programme were the glee "The Red Cross Knight", which was directed by Mr. P. D. McCormick, and sung by the company with great taste. The other piece which demands notice was the new patriotic song entitled "Advance Australia fair", which was sung with spirit by Mr. Andrew Fairfax. The music of this song is bold and stirring, and the words are decidedly patriotic. Judging from its reception on Saturday evening it is likely to become a popular favourite.
"AMUSEMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 December 1878), 5
On Tuesday evening last a vocal and instrumental concert which proved of a highly successful character, was given St. Thomas's school, Balmain, by the members of the church choir, assisted by a few friends. The conductor was Mr. J. C. Waterman, and the accompanist Mr. Walter May. The large room was filled to overflowing, and a great deal of enthusiasm was manifested. The solos, duets, and quartettes were well rendered, the feature as regards the first named being the new song "Advance Australia Fair", sung by Amicus.
"NEWS OF THE DAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1878), 5
"ADVANCE, AUSTRALIA FAIR", Clarence and Richmond Examiner (13 September 1879), 3
"CONCERT TO MR. P. D. McCORMICK", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1907), 16
"DEATH OF MR. P. D. McCORMICK", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 October 1916), 8
The death occurred suddenly at his residence, Clydebank, Birrell-street, Waverley, yesterday of Mr. Peter Dodds McCormick, a prominent member of the Presbyterian Church and composer of "Advance, Australia Fair". The late Mr. McCormick was official precentor of the General Presbyterian Assembly of New South Wales and of the Commonwealth assembly. His last official appearance was at the opening at the Presbyterian Military Institution at Liverpool camp by the Governor-General a few days ago. Deceased was for many years one of the Presbyterian instructors in the Public schools in connection with religious training, work in which he was particularly successful. He had been an elder of St. Andrew's Church since 1880. Mr. McCormick was born at Port Glasgow 83 years ago. After serving as a joiner for some years he decided to strike out for a new country, and landed in Sydney in 1855, resuming his trade as a Joiner. A little later he gave up his trade, and enrolled as a school teacher in the Education Department. After 20 years spent in some of the principal schools Mr. McCormick decided to retire from the service. He then devoted himself to church work and the cultivation of music, especially Scottish music, among the younger folk. His principal life work was outside the school-house. Fifty years ago the United Presbyterian Church met in the Supreme Court House, and soon after his arrival Mr. McCormick joined the congregation as precentor, acting in that capacity till a church was erected on the site of the present St. Stephen's. He worked hard to get a choir together, and when he succeeded the elder members of the congregation protested vigorously against the innovation. Mr. McCormick persevered, and was ultimately rewarded by seeing choirs established in the majority of the churches. Outside the church choir work he had the honour of conducting some of the largest choirs which have sung in the Commonwealth. At the Raikes Sunday school centenary demonstration in 1880, he conducted a choir of 10,000 children and 1000 teachers, in addition to an audience of 2000, making a total of 20,000 voices. At the laying of the foundation-stone of the Queen's Statue he conducted a choir of 10,000 child voices. As a composer Mr. McCormick established a reputation with the patriotic song "Advance, Australia Fair", which was first sung by Mr. Andrew Fairfax in 1878, and has come to be recognised as something in the nature of an Australian National Anthem. Another of his compositions which met with favour was "The Bonnie Banks of Clyde". In the early history of Scottish societies he took a prominent part. He joined St. Andrews Society shortly after its establishment in 1870. When the society was disbanded he, with others, established a Caledonian Society, and he continued prominently associated with that body till it was merged into the present Highland Society, of which he was a foundation member. He was also prominently associated with the Burns Club Section of the society, and also with the Burns' Anniversary Choir, which he conducted. Mr. McCormick in 1896 was one of the principal workers in originating the mission work which was begun in a private house at Dover Heights, an outlying part of the Waverley parish. A mission church was opened in 1903, the site being given by Sir Daniel Cooper. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow. The funeral will leave his late residence at 12.30 to-day for Rookwood.
"ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1933), 4
"ADVANCE AUSTRALIA", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 September 1935), 4
Advance, Australia Fair (Sydney: Reading and Co., 1878)
Advance, Australia fair (2nd edition) (Sydney: Reading and Co., 1879)
Bibliography and resources:
Jim Fletcher, "McCormick, Peter Dodds (1834-1916)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986)
McCOWEN, Henry (Henry McCOWEN)
Hotelier, concert hall proprietor
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1858-59
ASSOCIATIONS: Successor to William Tilke; succeeded briefly by John Crawford
[Advertisement], The Age (6 May 1858), 1
McCOWEN'S, Late Tilke's, CONCERT HALL, Bourke-street east . . .
The usual CONCERTS Will be held every Evening.
The ladies and gentlemen at present engaged are:
Madame Leon Naej,
Mrs. Alfred Oakey,
Miss Louisa Sutherland,
Mr. C. F. Percival,
Mr. G. Ellis,
Mr. Burgess,
Mr. Luntly,
Mr. Reeves, and
Mr. Miller.
Pianist - Mr. Alfred Oakey,
Manager - Mr. J. Miller.
Commence at half-past seven o'clock. Admission Free.
N.B. - Females of questionable character will not be admitted.
McCOY, Mr. (Mr. McCOY; Mr. A. McCOY; Corporal McCOY; Alexander McKOY [sic])
Musician, clarinet / clarionet and cornet player, bandsman, Band of the 58th regiment (in NZ)
Active Bathurst, NSW, 1860, and Sydney, NSW, 1861
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY . . .", New Zealander [Auckland, NZ] (21 February 1857), 1 supplement
. . . Strauch (who had to repeat "The trumpet shall sound" - the trumpet solo being again cleverly given by Sergt. McCoy of the hand of the 58th) . . .
Discharge roll, 58th Regiment, New Zealand; UK National Archives, WO 100/18 (PAYWALL)
Corp. Alex'r McCoy / 1580 / Discharged 31 October 1858 (PAYWALL)
Timohty Gallagher / 2254 / Discharged 31 October 1858
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (29 February 1860), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: Timothy Gallagher (musician)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1861), 1
ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE . . . A full and efficient orchestra of first-class artistes. Leader and Director, Mr. G. Peck . . . Clarionet - Mr. McCoy -
McCOY, Alexander (Alexander McCOY [sic])
Amateur musician, concertina player
Active NSW, c. 1869
"EXTRACTS FROM VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE", New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (27 October 1869), 342
McCOY, Thomas (Thomas McCOY)
Musician, bassoon player (Band of the 40th Regiment, later Prince of Wales Theatre; Lyster's opera orchestra)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1850s to July 1860, with regiment
Arrived (2) Sydney, NSW, by March 1864 ("lately arrived from England")
Until mid 1866
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (2nd tour)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (5 June 1860), 3
GRAND MILITARY CONCERT. GEELONG HARMONIC SOCIETY . . . The Concert will commence with the First and Second Parts of HAYDN'S SEASONS, Never before performed in the Colonies . . . the entire BAND OF THE 40TH REGIMENT . . . IN UNIFORM. 33 PERFORMERS! BAND MASTER - Mr. JOHNSON. BASSOONS, Mr. McCoy, Wakefield . . .
"PRINCE OF WALES OPERA HOUSE", Empire (3 March 1864), 5
. . . The orchestra has been considerably augmented, and a great addition made by the engagement of Mr. McCoy, an excellent bassoon player, lately arrived from England.
[Advertisement], The Adelaide Express (23 October 1865), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1866), 8
"THE OPERA", Empire (17 April 1866), 5
Meyerbeer's magnificent opera, "Le Prophete," was produced with sterling success last evening . . . As Fides, Madame Lucy Escott was perfect, and the song (to which Mr. McCoy played the bassoon accompaniment) was excellently given, and with all that feeling and beauty which never fail to accompany all this clever lady attempts . . .
"THE OPERA. DON GIOVANNI", The Argus (3 July 1871), 6
. . . There appears to have been something radically wrong in the orchestra during the past week, but on Saturday night the disorganisation reached such proportions as to call for some comment. On this occasion we noticed that the following places were vacant, namely, those of one contra-basso, the only tenor violin, the only violoncello, and one second violin. Let us hope that by Monday night these vacant seats may be properly filled. The music for the violoncello was played by Mr. McCoy on the bassoon, and it was highly creditable to that gentleman that he was able to give such effect as he did to the beautiful accompaniment to "Batti batti," sung by Zerlina . . .
. . . The orchestra . . . consists of the following players . . . bassoon, Mr. McCoy . . .
"THE OPERA. LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR", The Argus (3 November 1873), 5
. . . T. McCoy, bassoon . . .
"THE HARMONIC CONCERT", The Ballarat Star (27 December 1873), 2
"THE MUSICAL ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA", The Argus (2 December 1878), 7
This society gave an entertainment on Saturday night in the upper concert-room of the Melbourne Athenaeum before a large audience in which ladies were present in considerable numbers. Their first performance consisted of Schubert's Octett in F Op. 156, played by Mr. E. King, first violin; Mr. Ryder, second violin; Mr. Tait, tenor; Mr. A. Montague, violoncello; Mr. S. Hore, contra basso; Mr. Lundborg, clarinet; Mr. Köhler, horn; and Mr. McCoy, bassoon. This is a very beautiful composition and one which is highly prized amongst that numerous company of high class artists in the old country who give increasing attention of late years to all that is known of Schubert's works . . .
"SS. PETER AND PAUL'S, EMERALD HILL", Advocate (10 December 1881), 16
[Advertisement], The Age (30 August 1882), 8
"Funeral Notices", The Age (16 October 1893), 8
McCOY. - The Friends of the late Mrs. ELIZABETH McCOY, relict of the late Thomas McCoy (musician), are respectfully invited to follow her remains to the place of internment, the St. Kilda General Cemetery . . .
McCRAE, Georgiana (Georgiana McCRAE)
Amateur musician, pianist, music copyist, artist, diarist
Born London, England, 15 March 1804
Arrived Victoria, 1840-41
Died Melbourne, VIC, 24 May 1890 (NLA persistent identifier)
Summary (after Richards):
Of McCrae's five extant manuscript music books:
[1] MS begun in Britain and was still being copied into as late as 1842, in Melbourne; State Library of Victoria (La Trobe Library), MS 12018 Box 2519/4
[2] MS, "Chaplin Music Book", University of Sydney, Fisher Library Rare Books 1164.9, dated from 1840 (before emigration) and bound in Melbourne in 1856, the last item, a copy of "The lass of Richmond Hill" is inscribed "GMC Richmond 12th May 1855".
[3] MS described by Rosemary Richards (McCrae Homestead Music Book), was copied in Britain 1822-24
[4] MS music books in State Library of Victoria (La Trobe Library) copied in Britain, "Music Notebook", MS 12831, Box 3740/9(a)
[5] MS music books in State Library of Victoria (La Trobe Library) copied in Britain, "Gordon Castle Music Book", MS 12018 Box 2516/3.
Bibliography and resources:
Norman Cowper, "McCrae, Georgiana Huntly (1804-1890)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Rosemary Jean Richards, Georgiana Gordon McCrae's songbook of 1822-1824 (M.A. (Music) thesis, Monash University, 1997)
Rosemary Richards, 'Frae the friends and land I love': the 'McCrae Homestead music book' (Melbourne: Author, 2005)
Rosemary Richards, Georgiana McCrae's manuscript music collections: a life in music (Ph.D thesis, University of Melbourne, 2017) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Rosemary Richards, "'Heart, my heart, why so sad?': two migrants to Melbourne and their manuscript music collections", in Rosemary Richards and Julja Szuster (eds), Memories of musical lives: music and dance in personal musical collections from Australia and New Zealand (Melbourne: Lyrebird Press/Editions de l'oiseau-lyre, Australia, 2022), 28-52
McCREA, William (William McCREA; W. McCREA; MacCREA)
Music hall proprietor
Born Scotland, c. 1831
Active Ballarat, VIC, c. 1855
Married Ellen FLEMMING, VIC, 1855
Died Hunters Hill, NSW, July 1880; inquest 19 July, aged "49"
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (22 September 1855), 1
McCROHAN, Jeremiah Joseph (Jeremiah Joseph McCROHAN)
Musician, professor of music, music retailer
Born c. 1794
Arrived Sydney, NSW, c. 1839
Active Sydney, NSW, by early 1840
Died Parramatta, NDW, 18 September 1869, "in his 76th year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Early in 1840, McCrohan was part of a 3-way partnership with James Aquinas Reid and George Smith that was to take over Andrew Ellard's recently relinquished Sydney music business. The arrangement appears quickly to have gone awry, however, and, as is well documented, Alexander Maconochie instead bought up much of Ellard's stock for use by his prisoners at Norfolk Island, whence Reid also went as a medical officer, and probably at Reid's original suggestion.
Meanwhile, at Parramatta in December 1840, McCrohan offered lessons in "pianoforte, flute, violin, clarionet, Kent bugle", a combination that suggests he may have been a retired military bandmaster or bandsman.
Though Jeremiah himself lived to a fine age, almost all of his family appears to have been beset by poor health and early deaths.
Marriage, Jeremiah McCrohan, Elizabeth Shanahan, 11 February 1834, Tralee Parish (RC), Kerry, Ireland (2/18/7; KY-RC-MA-82348)
[Advertisement], Kerry Evening Post (26 May 1838), 3
TO RICHARD HORE, ESQ. SIR, WE the undersigned Gentry, Merchants, Traders and Inhabitants of the Town of Tralee and its Vicinity, being informed of your removal from amongst us, beg to express our sincere regret at your departure. While stationed in this Town as Superintendent of the Tralee Branch of the Bank of Ireland, the strictest impartiality that has characterized the discharge of your public duties . . . [etc. signatures include] Jeremiah McCrohan . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (10 December 1840), 3
MR. J. McCROHAN, Professor of Music, begs leave to inform the gentry of Parramatta and its vicinity, that he gives instructions on the pianoforte, flute, violin, clarionet, Kent bugle, &c.; any commands addressed to him at his residence, Parramatta, will be duly attended to. N.B J. McCrohan w.ill attend quarterly to tune and repair pianofortes at the following places, viz: Penrith, Windsor, Liverpool, Kissing Point, and the neighbourhood of Parramatta. Any person requiring his services, by directing a line as above, post-paid, shall be duly attended to.
[Court report], Empire (27 March 1851), 3
"LAW INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 March 1851), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 April 1851), 1
MR. J. J. McCROHAN, having removed to Sydney to practice his profession as Teacher of Music, begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to the gentry and inhabitants of Parramatta and its vicinity for their kind patronage to him for nearly eleven years, and to inform them that he will attend two days in each week to his pupils in Parramatta. He takes the liberty to address the gentry and inhabitants of Sydney and vicinity to inform them that he gives lessons on the piano-forte, violin, flute, clarionet, cornopeon, and brass instruments, &c.; and flatters himself that from his long experience as a teacher (over thirty years) he can impart a sound musical education to those who may honour him with their patronage, when his system will be found concise, and his terms moderate. Any commands addressed to Messrs. ROBINSON and PEARSON, next door to the Royal Hotel; or at his residence, Sussex-street South, opposite to Mr. Hough's Flour Factory, will be duly attended to.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1854), 8
At Parramatta, September 18th, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of J. J. M'Crohan, Professor of Music, leaving a large and young family to deplore her loss. May she rest in peace. Amen.
[Advertisement], Freeman's Journal (22 August 1860), 1
AMOUNT collected at PARRAMATTA for His Holiness Pope Pius IX . . . McCrohan, 1 0 0 . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 September 1869), 1
On the 18th instant, at Parramatta, JEREMIAH JOSEPH McCROHAN, professor of music, in his 76th year.
"DEATHS", Empire (23 September 1869), 1
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1871), 7
"PARRAMATTA. AMUSEMENTS", Empire (23 August 1872), 3
A complimentary concert was tendered on Monday evening last to Mr. D. McCrohan of this town, which was a most unqualified success, the hall of the School of Art being most densely crowded in every part. The American Circus again performed here on Monday and Tuesday evenings last to crowded houses, and on the latter evening they most generously handed over one-third of the proceeds for the benefit of Mr. D. McCrohan.
Bibliography and resources:
"Jeremiah Joseph McCrohan", Australian royalty
Musician, ? bandsman (Band of the 17th Regiment)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1834
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 17th Regiment
"McChroan" is named as a participant in Romberg's quintet in only one of the several published advertisements for bandmaster Thomas Lewis's Sydney concert on 16 September. In all other advertisements, his name is replaced by that of Joshua Frey Josephson, who in the circumstances would have been playing flute. Almost certainly, McCrohan belonged to the band of the 17th Regiment, which, it was reported, made up most of the orchestra for the concert, and as such would have been playing anyway in the concerted pieces, regardless of whether he actually played in the quintet. Hay, not mentioned elsewhere apart from advertisements for this concert was also probably a bandsman.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (15 December 1834), 1
. . . Quintette, two Violins, Flute, Tenor, & Violincello, Messrs. Sippe, Wilson, McChroan, Hay, and Lewis. Romberg . . .
McCULLAGH, Robert (Mr. McCULLAGH; Robert McCULLAGH; "Paddy" McCULLAGH; "Post-horn Paddy")
Musician, cornet-a-piston player, cornopean player, actor, vocalist
Born ? Ireland, c.1814
Active Adelaide, SA, by July 1850
Died Adelaide, SA, 1 March 1869, aged 55 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McCULLAGH, Master and Miss
Musicians, violin and piano
Active Adelaide, SA, 1868
McCULLAGH, Robert (? junior)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1885
? Died Adelaide, SA, 17 June 1909, aged 52
As instrumentalist, comic vocalist, and actor, McCullagh was associated with Adelaide theatre, choral society, bands, and concerts in the 1850s.
Like several other semi-professional Adelaide musicians (notably William Chapman and William Cobbin), Robert McCullagh was employed as a post-office letter carrier.
A "Robert McCullagh, late of Adelaide, musician", perhaps his son, was listed as insolvent in September 1885".
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (3 July 1850), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian (5 July 1850), 1
"THE CONCERT (LAST EVENING)", Adelaide Times (20 July 1850), 5
. . . Mr. Ellard's solo upon the pianoforte left us nothing to wish for, and Mr. McCullagh's cornet-a-piston playing had nearly ensured that gentleman an encore. "God save the Queen," harmonized for a full band and chorus, completed the concert.
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (5 August 1850), 3
"CONCERT", Adelaide Times (7 August 1850), 3
. . . "When a little farm we keep," sung by Miss Lazar and Mr Coppin, kept the house in continued convulsions of laughter, both parts being very happily accomplished. Messrs Lee and Bennett's duet, "La'Stran era" was beautifully played; and McCullagh's performances on the cornopean were highly satisfactory; especially his "Mama," which was warmly encored . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 September 1850), 4
[News], South Australian Register (26 September 1850), 3
. . . After the play there was a duo from "Norma" performed on two cornets by Messrs. McCullagh and Harward, which was most deservedly applauded and encored . . .
"LICENSED VICTUALLERS' SOCIETY", South Australian (11 March 1851), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (8 April 1851), 4
"THE ALEION LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS", Adelaide Times (10 May 1851), 5
. . . To this succeeded a performance of the air of Marlbrook, upon a pair of bellows, by Mr. McCullagh, the "nose" of that very useful kitchen utensil being metamorphised by "Paddy" into the mouthpiece of a musical instrument of no small pretensions. This singular performance was greeted with shouts of laughter and applause, each note of the air being fully intoned, and producing a most mirth-moving effect.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (5 August 1852), 1
"THE LETTER-CARRIERS", South Australian Register (18 May 1853), 3
. . . We beg to remind our readers that the ball takes place this evening. McCullagh's (Post-horn Paddy's) band has been retained, and dancing is to commence at nine o'clock.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (29 March 1854), 1
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (4 October 1854), 1
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (6 April 1855), 1
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Adelaide Times (10 April 1855), 3
A somewhat large and highly-respectable audience assembled yesterday evening in anticipation of the musical entertainment which had been advertised to take place in the shape of a concert, under the direction, and including the performances of, Mrs. Mitchell . . . On the whole, the entertainment was an exceedingly satisfactory one; and we must not forget to mention that portion of it which consisted of a duet on the cornet-a-piston by Messrs. McCullagh and Chapman, which was executed with great precision and taste.
"DIED", South Australian Register (5 October 1858), 2
"ODDFELLOWSHIP", South Australian Register (10 November 1858), 2
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (25 June 1868), 2
A soiree musicale in connection with St. Patrick's Temperance Association was given in St. Francis Xavier's Hall, on Wednesday evening, June 24 . . . During the evening also a little boy and girl, Master and Miss McCullagh, played several popular pieces of music on the violin and piano in very good style . . .
"DEATH", South Australian Register (2 March 1869), 2
McCULLAGH. - On the 1st March, at his residence, Sturt-street, Mr. Robert McCullagh, aged 55 years, highly respected and deeply regretted by all who knew him. He leaves a widow and four children to mourn their loss.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (2 March 1869), 2
We are sorry to announce that Mr. McCullagh, better known as "Paddy" McCullagh, the-letter carrier in Adelaide for so many years, and a local musician, died after a long illness on Monday evening.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (24 March 1879), 6s
"INSOLVENCIES", South Australian Register (4 September 1885), 4
"BIRTHS", The Express and Telegraph (27 October 1885), 2
McCULLAGH. - On the 25th October, at Wright street, the wife of Robert McCullagh, musician, of a son. Both doing well.
Piano tuner, musicseller, music retailer, printer, and publisher
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1855
Trading (with Matthew Stewart) as McCulloch and Stewart, 1858-63 or later
? Died North Fitzroy, VIC, 30 March 1916, aged 91 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 November 1855), 3
PIANOFORTES Tuned by F. McCulloch, late Tuner to the Earl of Eglington and nobility of Scotland. Long experienced as a tuner. Orders left at Mr. Ferguson's, 30 Collins sticet west.
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 August 1858), 1
. . . For particulars apply to Messrs. McCulloch and Stewart, music warehouse, 27 Coliins-street, Melbourne . . .
"LAW REPORT", The Argus (7 December 1867), 6
HOPWOOD AND ANOTHER V. GLEN. A suit instituted by the music publishing firm of Hopwood and Crew, of New Bond street, London, to restrain the defendant, a music seller in Melbourne, from publishing or selling here a pirated edition of the song " Paddle your Own Canoe." Mr. J. W. Stephen for the plaintiffs. Mr. CASEY, for the defendant, consented to perpetual injunction, and a decree for an account as prayed, with costs.
HOPWOOD AND ANOTHER V. McCULLOCH. A similar suit to the preceding one, but against another defendant, a seller of music in Melbourne. Mr. J.W. Stephen for the plaintiffs. Mr. Holroyd for the defendant. His HONOUR granted an injunction till the hearing or further order; costs to be costs in the cause.
LINKS: Paddle your own canoe
"DEATHS", The Argus (17 July 1908), 1
McCULLOCH. - On the 10th July, at her residence, 38 Caroline-street, Auburn, Esther, the beloved wife of Frank McCulloch, music-seller &c., formerly of Collins-street, in her 81st year.
"DEATHS", The Argus (31 March 1916), 1
McCULLOCH. - On the 30th March, 1916, at the Old Colonists' Homes, Rushall crescent, North Fitzroy, Frank McCulloch, aged 91 years.
Bibliography and resources:
Neidorf 1999, 289, 291, also 305 (DIGITISED)
Active WA, by 1830
Martin Doyle (ed.), Extracts from the letters and journals of George Fletcher Moore (London: Orr and Smith, 1834), 62-63
20th [May 1830] - Here am I at Freemantle, after having spent the evening at the house of Mr. Leake, in company with Mr. and Mrs. McDermot, who have lately arrived, we had some airs sweetly played on the piano-forte by Mrs. McDermot, most of the music from Don Giovanni, which was a treat here. Dined yesterday with the Governor . . .
22nd. . . . [63] . . . Not being able to return to Freemantle on Monday, I spent a few hours agreeably at Mr. Leake's, where Mrs. McDermot again gratified us with some excellent music on the piano-forte, with a flute accompaniment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Fletcher Moore
Bibliography and resources:
Cumes 1979, 196-97
McDERMOTT, Henry (1) (Henry McDERMOTT)
Itinerant musician, fiddler, violin player
Died Wangaratta, VIC, 1875
"WANGARATTA POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (11 July 1872), 2
At this Court on Monday, Mr. W. Butler, P. M., and the Mayor were on the bench. - Henry McDermott charged with being an habitual drunkard, was fined 5s., with the alternative of twelve hours imprisonment.
"WANGARATTA POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (21 December 1872), 2
. . . Henry McDermott's application to hold a dance at Jarvis's Traveller's Rest Hotel was granted . . .
"MISSING MAN", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (3 July 1875), 4
It is supposed that a man of the name of Henry McDermott, a violinist, who was when professionally engaged in the habit of occasionally taking a drop too much, has met with his death by drowning. At all events he left his lodgings at Wangaratta last Monday, and has not since been heard of.
"TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCHES", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (31 July 1875), 4
WANGARATTA, Friday. A man named Henry McDermott, an itinerant violinist, who used to wander about throughout the district, has not been seen or heard of since 20th June last, when he played at Mrs. Rawson's restaurant, near the Wangaratta Railway Station. To-day his body was found in the One Mile Creek by a Mrs. Delaney, and was identified by Mr. W. R. Jarvis, of the Travellers' Rest Hotel, where the deceased lodged. It appears that the unfortunate man left Rawson's late at night, and the night being dark, and M'Dcrmott the worse for drink, it is supposed that he fell into the creek. He was an old soldier, and had a pension, and was well known in many parts of the district as an excellent draught player, having contested many matches. He was about 50 years of age. An inquest will be held to-morrow.
"TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCHES", The Argus (3 August 1875), 5
An inquest has been held in Wangaratta on the body of a man named Henry M Dermott who was found in the Three mile Creek. The man was an itinerant fiddler and had been missing since 28th June when he played at Mrs. Hawson's restaurant and when he left there he was drunk. A verdict of accidentally drowned was returned.
McDERMOTT, Henry (2) (Henry McDERMOTT)
Musician, blind musician
Died Melbourne, VIC, July 1879, aged "45"
"ACCIDENTS AND OFFENCES", Illustrated Australian News (2 August 1879), 118
An inquest was held on 12th July upon the body of Henry McDermott, a blind musician, who has been living in Phoenix-lane. John McGuinness, miner, deposed that the deceased had lodged in his house. He was forty-five years of age, and had no relatives in the colony. On the 29th June he was attended by Herr Schliger for a pain in the eye. The doctor ordered some leeches, but no relief from the pain was given. Deceased then obtained a prescription of some drops from a chemist, Mr. Hooper. The drops were labelled, solution of sulphate of atropine. The bottle had "Caution, not to be taken inwardly," written upon it. On the same evening he drank half a pint of gin, which put him to sleep. Next morning he complained of great thirst, and said the pain had left his eye, but that he had a pain in the bowels. Ellen Ritson, wife of a laborer, residing in Lonsdale-street west, stated that on Thursday, 10th July, she saw deceased lying on his bed quite sober. She went for some milk for him, and upon her return found him in a fit. She put him to bed. While she was away deceased had taken something out of a small bottle on the shelf. He several times told witness he would poison himself. Deceased was taken to the Melbourne Hospital in a cab by witness and her husband. H. S. Wood, resident surgeon, stated that deceased died soon after admission into the hospital. The cause of death was pulmonary apoplexy. He had made a post mortem examination, and appearances were consistent with atropine poisoning.
Vocalist, "Negro singer"
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1848
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (1 July 1848), 3
Active VIC, by 1859
[Advertisement], The Pastoral Times and Deniliquin Telegraph [NSW] (22 December 1859), 3
Christmas Amusements.
HOUDIN, (The Great Polynational Mimic,)
Miss McDONALD, (The Celebrated Scotch and Characteristic Vocalist,)
MR. HABBY GOULSTONE, (The renowned and only Double Instrumentalist in Australia.)
NATIONAL DANCES!!! LOCAL HITS!!! &c., &c., &c.
[manicule] PADDY MULDROON will give his decision on the qualities of Silver Tie and Copper Wire in a new
Comic Song, entitled "Deniliquin Teetotalism."
Reserved Seats, 4s. Back Seats, 2s. 6d..
ASSOCIATIONS: Harry Houdin (performer); Harry Goulstone (pianist)
Amateur vocalist, concert organiser
Active Wollongong, NSW, 1841
"ILLAWARRA TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Australasian Chronicle (14 September 1841), 2
Scottish vocalist
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1867-58 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star (27 July 1857), 3
McDONALD, Alexander (Alexander McDONALD)
Musician, cornopean player, cornet player
Active VDL (TAS), 1840-44; Adelaide, SA, 1847
Died Adelaide, SA, 25 October 1847
Macdonald "from the Queen's Theatre, Melbourne" made his debut at Coppin's Adelaide theatre in December 1846. In Launceston in 1844:
ALEXANDER MACDONAND (commonly known as "Mac, the Bugler") proposes to give a Grand Concert, having but just recovered from a severe illness and of which due notice will be given in future advertisement.
In May 1847, it was reported:
Alex. Macdonald, the cornopean player at the Queen's Theatre, was charged by the police with wandering about Hindley-street, not giving a satisfactory account of himself, and appearing to be out of his mind.
See also Bagot, Coppin the great, 90, quoting from Coppin's manuscript memoir, ". . . Mr. McDonald first cornet a piston heard in Melbourne . . ."
"BALL AND CONCERT", The Courier (6 November 1840), 4
A rich treat is anticipated by all the lovers of music at the forthcoming Ball and Concert at Campbell Town, such a one as is seldom to be enjoyed in this colony. We understand the music to be performed is selected from the works of the most eminent composers; the orchestra will be numerous and complete in all its parts, and the very best musicians in the colony have been engaged for the occasion. The principal instrumental performers are Mr. Kowarsik, Mr. Russell, Mr. A. McLeod, late bandmaster of the 21st regiment, Mr. J. Russell from Sydney, Mr. Duly, Mr. McDonald, and a portion of the band of the 51st regiment, assisted by several amateurs. From the number of tickets already disposed of, a very full attendance is anticipated.- Launceston Courier, Nov. 2.
[Launceston news], Colonial Times (11 May 1841), 4
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (4 May 1844), 3
"NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE", South Australian (1 December 1846), 4
"THE THEATRE", South Australian (4 December 1846), 6
"NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE", South Australian (15 December 1846), 5
"POLICE COMMISSIONER'S COURT", South Australian Register (5 May 1847), 3
Alex. Macdonald, the cornopean player at the Queen's Theatre, was charged by the police with wandering about Hindley-street, not giving a satisfactory account of himself, and appearing to be out of his mind.
We are happy to announce that the most complete and successful preparations have been made for the Concert to be given this evening by the Adelaide Choral Society, at the Great Room, Freemasons' Tavern. There have been about twenty rehearsals; and we can testify that the performances will be on a greater scale, and with greater effect, than any yet given in the colony. Four professional musicians - Mr. Bennett, as leader; Mrs. Murray, at the organ; Mr. McDonald, on the cornopean; and Mr. Thompson, on the violoncello will give their services, and they will be assisted by no less than 25 to 30 amateurs. The Coronation Anthem, Handel's Messiah, and several pieces of Haydn and Mozart, will be performed . . .
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Adelaide Observer (28 August 1847), 5
We (Adelaide Observer) were present at the Society's second concert, last night . . . The grand chorus "Hallelujah," was rendered with admirable expression, precision, and power, and evidently left an effect on the audience that well suited a closing performance. Some of the instruments were, on a few occasions, rather out of tune; but the cornopean and bass violin did wonders, and it is hardly a stretch of praise to say that they themselves would form no insignificant orchestra. It is calculated that the two evenings' performances will leave a net profit of £60 or £70 on behalf of the South Australian British Destitution Relief Fund.
"Local News", South Australian (26 October 1847), 3
Mr. Macdonald, player on the cornopean, died yesterday.
McDONALD, Daniel (Daniel McDONALD)
"Practical Violin maker" and repairer (from Edinburgh to Newtown)
Active Sydney, NSW, August 1854
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1854), 1
DANIEL McDONALD, practical Violin Maker, from Edinburgh to Newtown, Sydney. Violins repaired and bows haired.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 August 1854), 2
MacDONALD, George James (George James MacDONALD)
Amateur musician, poet
Born London, England, 12 May 1805
Arrived Sydney, NSW, December 1826
Died Swan Hill, VIC, 21 December 1851 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
He was educated at Blundell's School, Tiverton, Devon, where he gained an education in the classics, literature and music. In NSW by the late 1830s he developed a reputation for his literary and musical accomplishments, as recorded in his own On a movement of Beethoven's (1838) and in the memorial poem by Henry Halloran.
"ANNOT LYLE'S SONG", The Australian (15 August 1837), 4
"ON A MOVEMENT OF BEETHOVEN'S", The Colonist (30 July 1838), 4
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1852), 3
"THE HARP OF THE EMPIRE", Empire (26 January 1852), 3
"BURY THE BARD", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1852), 6
Bibliography and resources:
Vocalist, Scotch vocalist, tenor
Active Melbourne, VIC, c. 1856-57
Dancer, highland dancer
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1857
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (1 January 1856), 8
NEW YEAR'S DAY. - Great Attraction.
National Hotel, Bourke-street. Admission Free.
Grand Concert every evening, supported by the following talented and favorite artistes: -
Mrs. Davis Butler
Madame Florini
Mr. E. J. Piper
Mr. H. J. Lindsay
Signor Bardini, and
Mr. James Macdonald.
Conductor, Mr. Lindsay.
Musical director and pianist, Mr. Piper.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Davis Butler (vocalist); Edward John Piper (pianist); Henry James Lindsay (vocalist)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (27 July 1857), 3
On Saturday evening the above rooms, which, by the way, appeared to be conducted with the utmost order and propriety, were crowded with a numerous and respectable audience. The vocal talent recently enlisted by the spirited proprietor for public entertainment, is far above the standard which usually prevails at similar places of amusement. Miss Stewart appeared to be a great favorite, especially in her Scotch airs, which she gave in very good style and taste. Mr. Donald McDonald, a favorably known exponent of the musical genius of his ain countrie, was encored times without number; and Mr. Fortescue, a gentleman of considerable powers of humor and histrionic talent, gave his entertainments in a very happy manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Stewart (vocalist); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
"STAR CONCERT HALL", The Star (18 August 1857), 3
The engagement of Miss Stewart is a considerable addition to the attractions of these rooms. That lady appeared for the first time last night, and sang several of her best songs in her best manner. James McDonald's vocal, and Donald McDonald's Terpsichorean powers continue to be as highly appreciated as ever, while Mr. Fortescue, as a comic singer and reciter, is well able to command more encores than he appears disposed to act upon. Taken on the whole, the Star is quite deserving of the best favors of all who are inclined for an evening's relaxation.
[Advertisement], The Argus (9 November 1857), 8
. . . Mr. James McDonald, the popular Scotch ballad singer, this evening.
Mr. Tilke . . . has succeeded in making ENGAGEMENTS with the following talented artistes -
Mrs. Vincent; soprano; Mrs. Williams, comic; Mr. Shepherd, baritone; Mr. Youle, comic;
Mr. McDonald, tenore; Messrs. Keely and Anderson, the celebrated bagpipe-players and Messrs. Reeves and Huntley, serenaders.
Pianist and Musical Director, Mr. J. R. Vincent.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Tilke (proprietor)
MACDONALD, John Denis (John Denis MACDONALD)
Composer, naval surgeon, natural historian, lecturer on sound and colour
Born Cork, Ireland, 26 October 1826
Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1857-58
Died Southall, England, 7 February 1908 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 September 1857), 1
"LECTURE AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 September 1857), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 December 1857), 1
JUST PUBLISHED , the Herald Waltzes, with an illustrated title of H.M.S. Herald in the FeeJees, price 3s. ALLAN and WIGLEY, 1, Bridge-street.
"SYDNEY MECHANICS' SCHOOL OF ARTS", Empire (3 February 1858), 5
. . . REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1857 . . . LECTURES . . . September 15. The Analogies existing between Sound and Colour, with a description and comparison of the Organs of Vision and Hearing - J. D. Macdonald, Esq., H.M. Ship Herald . . .
Musical works:
Herald waltzes, composed by John D. Macdonald, H. M. S. Herald ([Sydney]: Allan & Wigley, printers, [1857]) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Musician, cornet player, bandsman (96th Regiment)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 22 September 1841 (per Asia, with regiment)
Active Melbourne, NSW (VIC), by c. 1843
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 96th Regiment
[Advertisement], Launceston Courier (29 March 1843), 5
. . . Instrumental performers - Mr. Kowarzik, leader and conductor of the orchestra; grand pianoforte, Mr. Anderson; Mr. Megson, Mr. Richards, Mr. Bishop, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Beckford, and (by permission of Colonel Cumberland) the orchestra will be strengthened by the excellent band of H. M. 96th regiment . . .
Bibliography and resources:
W. A. Sanderson, "Mr. John Waugh's reminiscences of early Melbourne", The Victorian historical magazine 15 (December 1833), (1-17), 13-14
. . . Another band was formed about 1843 in connection with the Father Mathew Total Abstinence Society. The bandmaster was Mr. J. McDonald, who had been attached to the band of [14] the 96th Regiment at Launceston. "He was," says Mr. Waugh, "a splendid cornet player, and it was very pleasant to hear the then popular air 'Woodman spare that tree' performed by the band under his conductorship" . . .
Governor, musical patron
Active SA, 1855-62 (NLA persistent identifier)
Governor's wife, musical patron
Active SA, 1855-62
Amateur musician, optician and jeweller
Born Dublin, Ireland, c. 1814; son of William MACDONNELL (d. 1841) and Catherine McIVOR (d. 1837)
Married Alice BRUSH (d. 1872), St. Andrew's, Dublin, Ireland, 18 August 1838
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 21 February 1850 (per Prince of Wales, from London, 16 November 1849)
Died Balmain, NSW, 12 July 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"MARRIED", Belfast Newsletter [Ireland] (24 August 1838), 3
On the 18th inst., in St. Andrew's Church, Dublin, by the Rev. Welbore Sleater, Mr. William Macdonnell, of Anglesea-street, to Alice, only daughter of Crane Brush, Esq., of Rathfriland, county Down.
Report of a barque arrived in Port Jackson, this [21 February 1850], Prince of Wales . . .; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 March 1850), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: In partnership with Samuel Brush as Brush and Macdonnell
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1854), 2
SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. - This Society has been established by a number of musical gentlemen, for the cultivation and performance of the most approved Vocal and Instrumental Music. The proceeds, after paying the necessary expenses, to go towards a fund for the encouragement of musical talent in this colony. The Society to be supported by annual subscriptions, and by voluntary contributions; and to consist of members, subscribers, and associates. Members to take an active part in the Society, and subscribers to be admitted to the concerts; the former to pay an annual subscription of £2; the latter of £1 1s. Associates are elected by the committee, and admitted gratuitously. Parties desirous of joining the Society will please send their names, and the amount of their subscriptions, either to the Treasurer, Mr. B. Mountcastle, George-street; the gentlemen of the Committee - Messrs. Gilbert Wright, King street; Frederick Kellerman, Church Hill; Francis Clarke, Town Hall; Charles Younger, Pitt-street; William McDonnell, George-street; or to Mons. EUGENE PARIS, Honorary Secretary, 231, Elizabeth-street North.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Such Mountcastle (amateur); Gilbert Wright (amateur); Frederick Kellerman (amateur); Francis Clarke (amateur); Charles Younger (amateur); Eugene Paris (secretary); Sydney Philharmonic Society
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 July 1883), 1
MACDONNELL. - July 12, at Nicholson-street, Balmain, William Macdonnell, in his 70th year.
Musician, key bugle / keyed bugle player
Active Maitland, NSW, 1844
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (31 August 1844), 3
On Monday night, the 26th instant, a dinner was given by Mr. Samuel Bailey, of the Cottage of Content, East Maitland, to his numerous friends, as a token of regard and respect towards them . . . After the cloth was removed, the company expressed their admiration and esteem for Mr. and Mrs. Bailey for their prompt attendance to the various calls during the repast. The tables being removed, Mr. Fanning, of noted fame, accompanied by Mr. McDonnell, performed their extraordinary feats on the violin and key bugle. The young and airy tripped it away on the light fantastic toe. A number of amateur dancers of the Clarkonian school acquitted themselves very handsomely in the several quadrilles and other dances performed during the night. Some of the old school also acted their part well in the several jigs and reels gone through in good style by them. A Highland fling, danced by Miss Mary Anne Bailey and Mr. James Rae, added very much to the night's amusement, as it was performed with grace and agility. The greatest harmony prevailed during the night, and the ladies acquitted themselves admirably . . .
Contralto vocalist (late Miss Rose Joseph of the Liverpool concerts)
Active Melbourne, VIC, by October 1856 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"WALES", The Musical World (26 September 1844), 320
WALES. Miss Christiana Weller gave a concert at Beaumaris, on Tuesday, and another at Carnarvon, on Wednesday evening, assisted by Braham, and Miss Rose Joseph. With so much attraction, it is needless to talk of full houses, or of the manner in which the performers acquitted themselves. North Wales Chronicle.
"CONCERT ON FRIDAY EVENING", The Age (15 October 1856), 5
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Age (18 October 1856), 6
The principal vocalists consisted of Mrs. Testar, Mrs. McDougal, Mr. Ewart, and Mr Kaye. The former lady took the whole of the soprano parts in "Acis," and besides sang Mozart's "Dove sono" and assisted in duetti and choruses. It is needless to say that her vocalisation was of the same pleasing character which has rendered her so deserving a favorite with Melbourne audiences. There was another lady, however, who shared with Mrs. Testar the applause of the evening. We refer to Mrs. McDougal, who made her debut on the occasion, and if we mistake not, created a very favorable impression. This lady, formerly Miss Rose Joseph, of the Liverpool concerts, enjoyed a deserved repute in England, and her performance this evening bids fairs to extend it. Her voice is a rich though not powerful contralto, which she knows how to manage to the best effect. In conjunction with Mrs. Testar she took part in Mendelssohn's beautiful duett, "O wert thou in the cauld blast." She also sang Keller's "Exile." In both of these she was enthusiastically encored.
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age (29 December 1856), 5
Mrs. McDougal's rich contralto was in some parts scarcely loud enough to be heard over the band accompaniment; but the excellent quality of her voice was abundantly manifest in the pathetic air, "He was despised," and in the concerted music [O death where is thy sting] of the third part.
"CONCERT AT MOONEE", The Age (30 October 1857), 4
Mrs. McDougall, late Miss Rose Josephs, of the Liverpool Concerts, and who has taken contralto soli at the performances of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, proposes to give a concert of vocal music at Mr. Hinkins's schoolroom, near the Moonee Ponds Hotel, on Friday, the 6th proximo, when she will have the assistance of Mrs. Goodliffe, and Messrs Kaye, Compton, and H. J. King. The programme is well arranged, and promises to be a great treat to the residents of this locality, who we feel assured will not be behindhand in assisting this able and deserving artiste.
Thanks: To Kurt Ganzl for bringing Rose McDougal to my attention (January 2015).
MACDOUGALL, John Campbell (John Campbell MACDOUGALL)
Newspaper editor, journalist, ? theatrical and music reviewer
Born c. 1805
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1825
Died Hobart Town, TAS, 21 July 1848, aged 43 (NLA persistent identifier) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Musician, professor of music, pianist, organist, composer
Born Hobart, VDL (TAS), 25 June 1840 (son of the above)
Departed Sydney, NSW, after mid 1863 (for California)
Died San Francisco, USA, January 1890, aged 49 years and 7 months (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Former convict captain John Macdougall, R.N. (1781-1845) arrived in Van Diemen's Land in 1821. In 1825, his son John Campbell Macdougall, joined him in the colony. In 1827, Macdougall junior bought the Tasmanian, and became its editor and publisher. Macdougall and Robert Murray amalgamated their papers which became the Tasmanian and Austral-Asiatic Review in January 1829, until Macdougall withdrew from the partnership late in 1830. In 1838-39 Macdougall was also briefly proprietor and editor of the Tasmanian. In 1839 he bought the Colonial Times, and became its editor, assisted by Thomas Richards, as reporter.
William Macdougall was born to Macdougall junior and his second wife Mary Ann, and was named after his surgeon uncle. "Young Macdougall" first appeared in the news in April 1853 when he was reported as having fallen under the influence of the showman electro-biologist (mesmerist) named Bullock.
His first published composition appeared in Henry Stoney's The Delacourt bouquet in November 1854 when he was just 14. After his widowed mother married K. E. Brodribb in February 1855 he joined her in Melbourne. He then served as a non-commissioned officer in the Bengal Army, but by April 1860 was back in Melbourne and honorary secretary of the volunteer Victorian Mounted Rifles. As the result of a fracas en route to Hobart in mid-1860, he was bound over to keep the peace for six months, with £200 sureties, one of several instances that suggest he was a somewhat headstrong character.
Shortly afterward he relocated to Sydney, where he published five new works between October and December 1861, as well a introducing a new song Watch and wait at a fundraising concert for the volunteer forces in November, which was sung by Flora Harris. Later he composed at least two settings of "Australian melodies" by Harris's husband, Joseph Sheridan Moore, including the last work he published in Sydney, The beauty that blooms in Australia (song; words: J. Sheridan Moore) ("No 1 of Australian National Melodies") in June 1863.
As Sheridan Moore explained when he published his "Australian Melodies" in 1864:
When I first wrote [these lyrics], it was my intention - and I had hopes at the time of being able - to issue a series of Australian Songs, with appropriate music by some of our best composers. Messieurs KENDALL, HALLORAN and MICHAEL kindly consented to cooperate with me in supplying suitable words.
When Cesare Cutolo was compelled to withdraw his offer of a prize of 10 guineas for "extempore performance", to raise funds for the Randwick Asylum for Destitute Children, in January 1862, Macdougall stepped into the breach offering a personal challenge:
To Signor CUTOLO. Believing, from the publication of your testimonial in today's paper, that you would depreciate the ability of those musical professors in Sydney who have not thought proper to allow you to examine their testimonials, I hereby CHALLENGE you to a COMPOSITION, vocal or instrumental, concerted or otherwise, on any instrument and in any key, the theme to be given by the audience at your concert, and the composition to be submitted to the criticism and judgment of Messrs. D. Callen and C. Packer, or any other two professional gentlemen whom you may nominate, subject, of course, to my approval. W. J. MACDOUGALL. Sydney, 28th January.
When in January 1863 the Sydney School of Arts presented a "Great Moving Diorama of the Holy Land and Jerusalem", with "Introductory and illustrative discourse (varied each evening) by Mr. Sheridan Moore", during the "several representations, portions of Mr. W. J. Macdougall's (new and unpublished) Oratorio of "John the Baptist" will be given by Mr. Macdougall on the organ."
Last heard of in Sydney in mid 1863, by August 1865 he was in San Francisco, where the Daily Alta California reported:
We have received copies of the "Happy Release" Waltzes, beautifully illustrated, and the "Inspiriting" Polka. These are both charming and brilliant pianoforte pieces, and are the compositions of Mr. W. Macdougall, a gentleman who has but lately arrived amongst us, and who has gained much celebrity as the composer of the Oratorio of "St. John", the Opera "Yellow Mask", and other works. Mr. Macdougall is the gentleman who (modestly withholding his name,) performed with Signorina Sconcia, the beautiful duet on two pianos at the Academy of Music, and as we understand contemplates remaining here and devoting himself to musical instruction . . .
His concert in December 1865 - at which he played several piano compositions of his own, and Anna Bishop sang "Home Sweet Home" - was warmly reviewed. Bishop also sang for him at Grace Church, where he was director of music, at Christmas 1874. In 1887 he was directing the music at St. Paul's Church.
At least one of his American compositions survives, Though lost to sight published by M. Gray in 1879.
Unfortunately there is no trace of either the oratorio John the Baptist or the opera Yellow mask (presumably based on Wilkie Collins's 1856 story).
"BIRTHS", Colonial Times (30 June 1840), 7
"MEDICAL COLONIAL PUPILS", Colonial Times (27 December 1842), 3
"ELECTRO-BIOLOGY", The Courier (13 April 1853), 3
[Advertisement], The Courier (13 November 1854), 3
"THE DELACOURT BOUQUET", The Courier (14 November 1854), 2
"PORT OF HOBART TOWN", Colonial Times (12 May 1855), 2
[2 advertisements], The Argus (7 April 1860), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 June 1861), 1
"POLICE COURT", The Courier (5 July 1861), 2
"UNPLEASANT FRACAS", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 July 1861), 6
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 October 1861), 10
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 October 1861), 10
[Advertisement]: "GRAND VOLUNTEER CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 November 1861), 1
"VOLUNTEER CONCERT AT THE FREEMASONS' HALL", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 November 1861), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1861), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1861), 1
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 January 1862), 1
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1862), 5
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1862), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1862), 8
. . . New publications in hand - The Darling Point Polka (illustrated); Star of Love Quadrilles (illustrated); and Widow Twankey Polka, with a portrait of Mr. G. H. Rogers as the Widow in Aladdin, All composed by Mr. Macdougall . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 March 1862), 12
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1862), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1862), 8
"THE WAIL FROM ENGLAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 September 1862), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 January 1863), 12
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 June 1863), 1
"THE BEAUTY THAT BLOOMS IN AUSTRALIA", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1863), 8
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 July 1863), 6
"NEW SONG", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1863), 4
"NEW MUSIC", Daily Alta California (23 August 1865)
[Advertisement], Daily Alta California (25 August 1865)
"MANAGERIAL FRACAS" & "PLATT'S HALL", Daily Alta California (6 December 1865)
"FOOT PRINTS ON THE SAND", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 April 1873), 5
[Various], Sherman & Hyde's musical review (Volume v.1 , 1874)
"DIED", Daily Alta California (24 January 1890)
"HAPPENINGS ACROSS THE BAY", San Francisco Call (27 April 1890)
[News], Daily Alta California (1 May 1890)
Musical works:
The Isabelle waltzes (Hobart: Huxtable and Deakin, [1854] in The Delacourt bouquet)
The Lurline quadrille ([Sydney: J. H. Anderson, 1861]) [Wallace's opera was first performed in Melbourne on 1 April 1861, and in Sydney on 29 August 1861]
La gitana schottische (Souvenir de Maritana) (Sydney: J. H. Anderson, [1861])
Watch and wait ("New Australian Volunteer Song . . . composed expressly for the occasion") [November 1861]
The Lucy Escott polka (composed & dedicated to Madame Escott by Mercadante; and arranged for the pianoforte with variations by W. J. Macdougall) (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861])
The Lurline polka (dedicated to Madame Lucy Escott) (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1861]; also included in Clarke's Australian musical album for 1863)
The Darling Point polka (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1862]; also in Australian musical album for 1863)
Star of love quadrilles ([Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1862])
Fantasia on Ever of thee I'm fondly dreaming ("by W. J. Macdougall") ([Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1862])
The Widow Twankay polka ("composed expressly for this occasion"; arr. by Frank Howson Jun.") ([Sydney: J. R. Clarke, 1862] ("with a portrait of Mr. G. H. Rogers as the Widow in Aladdin")
The wail from England (song; from "Australian Melodies"; words: J. Sheridan Moore) [Orpheonist Society Concert, 17 September 1862]
John the Baptist (new and unpublished oratorio) [January 1863]
The beauty that blooms in Australia (song; words: J. Sheridan Moore) ("No. 1 of Australian National Melodies") (Sydney: Wilkie & Elvy, 1863)
Yellow mask (opera) [first mentioned, San Francisco, USA, 1865]
Though lost to sight (By W. J. Macdougall) (San Francisco: M. Gray, 1879)
Bibliography and resources:
J. Sheridan Moore, Spring-life: lyrics (Sydney: Reading & Wellbank, 1864), vii
My thanks: to Macdougall descendent Joy Olney for sharing information, and for her excellent family history webpage
Roman Catholic cleric, founder of St. Patrick's Band (Sydney)
Born Ardsallagh, near Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland, 26 December 1794; son of William McEncroe and Mary D'Arcy
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 June 1832 (per Southworth, from Cork)
Died Sydney, NSW, 22 August 1868 (NLA persistent identifier)
"OLD SYDNEY. . . (By 'OLD CHUM') . . . CLARIONET PLAYER", Truth (17 July 1910), 11
Under date June 23, 1910, Mr. M. J. Conlon, for whose ready and valued assistance in compiling these chapters I am deeply grateful, writes: -
"Dear Old Chum, - One of your correspondents asks in your 'Old Sydney' column in last Sunday's issue if I know the name of the clarinet player who was a farrier in George-street, Sydney,
and who played in Sergeant-Major Baynes's band many years ago.
His name was Michael McMahon, and his shop was next door to Mr. Michael Farrell's Farriers' Arms Inn, George-street, nearly opposite the Royal Hotel.
The spot is now occupied by Lassetter and Co., Limited.
Michael McMahon learned his music this way.
In 1850 [sic] the late Very Reverend Archdeacon McEncroe, who was parish priest of St. Patrick's, Church-hill, started a crusade against intemperance.
He had a meeting one night a week in the school-room that is under the church;
he always took the chair and invited the public, of whatever denomination, to assist at the meetings.
He usually had several gentlemen, fluent speakers, with him, who gave short lecture on temperance.
The meetings were so successful that the Archdeacon thought that he would establish a musical band.
He invited the young men of the parish to come and join - they did so.
The Archdeacon provided all the instruments, and the band, when ready, played at all the temperance gatherings.
Michael McMahon took a clarinet, and his brother, Thomas, a cornet.
The latter turned out one of the best colonial players up to that time.
The band, I think, did not play for money as a band, but individual players in years after did.
Thomas McMahon had a son who was a splendid cornet player, and the press of Sydney was loud in his praise about 25 years ago.
I do not know what became of him, but Michael and Thomas have long since joined the great majority.
There were others, members of that band, well known as citizens.
Mr. Peter Horan played, I think, the trombone.
He became an employee of Messrs. Richardson and Wrench, the real property auctioneers, of Pitt-street, and was with them for over forty years.
At his death the firm paid a very great tribute of respect to his family.
There was a great character who was the drummer in that band. His name was Daniel Dore . . .
McEWEN, James (James McEWEN; Mr. McEWEN)
Musician, violinist
Born ? Scotland, c. 1832; ? son of Samuel McEWEN and Mary ANGUS
Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1856
Died Alexandra, VIC, January 1869, aged "36/37" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McEWEN, John (John McEWAN)
Musician, bass tuba player, vocalist
Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1856
McEWEN, R. (1 or 2) (? McEWIN)
Musician, cornet player, bass vocalist
Active Bendigo, VIC, 1856, 1858
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Radford (musician); Radford's band (VIC 1855-71)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (17 May 1856), 3
Vocalists - Miss Graham, Mrs. B. Ricards (by the kind permission of Mr. Coleman,) Mr. John McEwen, Mr. R. McEwen, Mr. Kerr, Mr. W. Scott, and Mr. S. Knott.
Instrumentalists. - Mr. S. Radford, 1st violin; Mr. James McEwen and Mr. S. Knott, 2nd violins;
Mr. John McEwen, bass tuba; Mr. R. McEwen, cornet; Pianist, Herr Hamberg . . .
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 March 1858), 3
CAMP HOTEL, EAGLE HAWK. Friday Evening, March 5th, 1858.
BENEFIT and last appearance but one of MR. W. WHITE, (Formerly of Rainer's Serenaders.)
The following Gentlemen have kindly volunteered their valuable services: -
Mr. S. Radford - Violin (primo.)
Mr. James McEwan - Violin (secundo.)
Mr. R. McEwin - Cornet.
Mr. Andrew Kerr - Flauto.
Mr. John McEwan - Basso.
Ms. Hunter - Piano.
Mr. M. W. White - Banjo.
Mr. J. Small, the celebrated characteristic and local Singer, who on this occasion will sing, for the first time,
his new song on the " Mining Board Election." Mr. R. McEwan, the admired Basso.
Mr. Hammond, the favorite Comic Singer. Mr. Kerr, the favorite Scotch Vocalist. Mr. White, Tenor and Banjoist.
Prices of Admission: backseats, 2s. 6d.; front do. 4s. To commence at Eight o'clock. DANCING AFTER THE CONCERT.
[Advertisement], Alexandra Times (27 November 1868), 3
"CONCERT AT THE ELDORADO", Alexandra Times (3 December 1868), 2
Seldom has a larger audience congregated in Alexandra than that which assembled at the Eldorado theatre, on Tuesday evening last, the occasion being a grand concert for the benefit of Mr. J. Selby, a member of Radford's band. As is well known this gentleman has been laid upon a bed of sickness for some months past, and there is hardly the shadow of a hope that he will ultimately recover . . . "Joe Bowers," by Mr. J. P. McEwen, was re-demanded and responded to in a style which brought back reminiscences of the good old days on the Point . . .
"DEATH", Alexandra Times [VIC] (7 January 1869), 2
McEWEN - On the 4th inst., at his residence, Alexandra, in his 37th year, after a long and painful illness, James McEwen of Carlisle, England (member of Radford's Band) of dropsy.
"Local and General News", Alexandra Times (7 January 1869), 2
One of those melancholy processions which have been too frequent, unfortunately of late, passed through Alexandra Tuesday last conveying to its final resting place the remains of Mr. James McEwen, a respected member of Radford's band.
Bibliography and resources:
James McEwen, Find a grave
McEWING, Joseph (Joseph McEWING; McEWAN)
Precentor (St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Sydney), singing class instructor
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1838
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (5 October 1838), 1
SACRED MUSIC. MR. McEWEN, Precentor of Saint Andrew's Church, proposes to open an Evening Class for instructing Youth in the elements and practice of Sacred Music, and hopes that his experience in teaching will meet the support of those Parents who desire that their children be taught Vocal Music. The Class will be opened next Monday Evening, the 8th October, at Seven o'clock p.m., and be continued four times a-week. The terms, which will be very moderate, may be learned on application to the Rev. J. McGarvie, or to Mr. McEwen, on the above evening.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (25 November 1841), 3
SACRED MUSIC. MR JOSEPH McEWING, Precentor of St. Andrew's Church, will have a rehearsal of Sacred Music on Friday Evening, 25th instant, at eight o'clock, in that church, when those persons who may be qualified to take part in the formation of a band for Sacred Music, and are friendly to the same, are respectfully requested to attend.
"INSOLVENCY BUSINESS", Australasian Chronicle (26 August 1843), 3
"NEW INSOLVENT", Sydney Chronicle (4 December 1847), 2
NEW INSOLVENT. Joseph McEwing, of the South Head Road, carpenter. Mr. John Morris, Official Assignee.
Vocalist, Scottish entertainer, singing class instructor, ? songwriter, grocer, schoolmaster
Born Dunbarton, Scotland, 1825; son of John McFARLANE and Isabella ?
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1844
Married Catherine McLEAN (d. 1885), Sydney, NSW, 1849
Died Sydney, NSW, 1866, aged "40" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (4 November 1854), 3
MR. J. McFARLANE will, with the assistance of Messrs. Dingwall and Slorn [sic],
give a series of weekly Concerts at the above place, commencing on Wednesday, the 8th inst.
Programme will appear in the daily papers.
Mrs. Shaw, Pianiste.
[Advertisement], Empire (8 November 1854), 1
MR. McFARLANE has the honour to announce to the people of Sydney and its vicinity,
that he will give a series of Weekly Concerts at the above place.
He will be assisted by Mr. Horn, lately from Edinburgh, and W. B. Dingwall, of this city.
Solo and Chorus - "Scots wha' ha'e (Burns). Messrs. McFarlane, Dingwall, and Horn.
Song - "Gloomy winter" (Tanahill). Mr. McFarlane.
Song - "Jock o' Hazeldean" (Sir Walter Scott). Mr. Dingwall.
Song - "Wha's for Scotland and Charlie" (Jacobite). Mr. Horn.
Song - "My boy Tammy" (H. Macneill). Mr. Dingwall.
Song - "My heather hills." Mr. Horn.
Interval of ten minutes.
Solo and Chorus - "The Boatie rows" (unknown). Messrs. McFarlane, Horn, and Dingwall.
Song - "I'm thinking now of thee, Jamie" (unknown). Mr. Dingwall.
Comic Song - "The Widow's Apology" (Alexander Rodgers). Mr. McFarlane.
Duet - "Albion, oh thy fertile plains" (Braham). Messrs. Horn and McFarlane.
Humorous Song - Rantin', Roving Robin' (unknown). Mr. Horn.
Duet - "My Patie is a lover gay" (A. Ramsay). Messrs. Dingwall and McFarlane.
Glee - "Fair Flora decks" (Danby). Messrs. Dingwall, McFarlane, and Horn.
Finale, Song and Chorus - "There is nae luck about the house." By the Company.
Mrs. Shaw, Pianist.
Admission: Reserved seats, 3s.; back ditto, 2s.
Doors open at half-past 7; commence precisely at 8.
Tickets may be had from Mr. Mansfield, at the School of Art;
Mr. Shaw, Watchmaker, South Head Road; Mr. A. Fleming, Grocer, opposite the New Military Barracks;
and Mr. McFarlane, corner of Pitt and Goulburn Streets.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Boyd Dingwall (vocalist); Mrs. Shaw (pianist)
[Advertisement], Empire (4 December 1854), 1
MR. McFARLANE win give his Fifth concert at the School of Arts, on WEDNESDAY, December 6th, 1854,
assisted by Mr. GEORGE WILKINSON. Mrs. SHAW, Pianiste.
"SCHOOL OF ARTS. SCOTCH AND IRISH BALLADS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 December 1854), 5
Mr. McFarlane gave a very interesting and agreeable entertainment at the School of Arts last night, in which, aided by Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Wilkinson, a number of Scotch and Irish melodies were sung to the evident delight of a numerous and respectable audience. Mrs. Shaw presided at the pianoforte, and was warmly applauded for her performance of the overture to" "Fra Diavolo." She also warbled "The glow worm and star" in a very agreeable style. Wilkinson's "Widow Machree" convulsed the audience with laughter, and Mr. McFarlane was deservedly encored for the grotesque manner in which he (dressed in Highland costume) gave "Slum McNab's opinion of the march of intellect."
"SCOTTISH ENTERTAINMENT", Empire (14 December 1854), 4
Mr. McFarlane gave the concluding concert of his weekly series last night, when a large audience assembled in the Theatre of the School of Arts. Scottish songs seem to find favour with the Sydney public, if we may judge from the success that has attended the efforts of Mr. McFarlane, and his predecessor, Mr. Paxton. Mr. Paxton excelled in the pathetic, as does the former in the comic, and one of his songs last night "Kate Dalrymple" was much applauded. One of the verses descriptive of her suitors, and of her new title, when she possesses "siller," was rendered in a humorous manner. A duet by Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Wilkinson was well received, though the lady's voice is nut sufficiently strong to fill the room. "Corn Rigs" by Mr. Wilkinson, was rather lamely sung, but an Irish comic song, in which he accompanied himself, in answer to an encore, touched the risibility of the audience most sensibly, and was heartily approved. Mr. McFarlane gave a song in character preceded by a dissertation on matrimony, and in which his marked accent assisted to make it his best performance. He was encored, and then sang "Highland Jock" most vigorously. We notice that he sometimes strains his voice by undue exertion. The concert was successful, and seemed to give pleasure to all present.
[Advertisement], Empire (27 July 1857), 1
SINGING CLASS. - Mr. McFARLANE will open a Class for Elementary Singing, on TUESDAY, the 28th instant, at 7 p.m., in the Presbyterian Schoolroom, Palmer-street, Woolloomooloo. Course - Hullah's Manual. Parties wishing to join may apply at the Schoolroom any week day during school hours.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 November 1857), 1
WOLLOOMOOLOO SINGING CLASS, for the Study and Improvement of Sacred Music. - The Second Quarter will commence THIS EVENING, at 7 p.m. in the Presbyterian School, Palmer-street. J. McFARLANE.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (10 February 1863), 1
PROGRAMME of the SOIREE To be held in the
Air, "Maitland Volunteer March," Volunteer Band
Address from President, Rev. J. R Thackeray
Song, "Scots' Wha Hae," Mr. McFarlane . . .
Song, "Tight Little Island," Mr. James Dean . . .
Song, "Scotland Yet," Mr. McFarlane . . .
Air, "Selections from the Opera of William Tell," Volunteer Band . . .
Pianist - MR. F. HITCHINS.
T. FOLEY, Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Robert Thackeray (clergyman); James Dean (vocalist); Fortescue Hitchins (piano); West Maitland Volunteer Band (volunteer band)
"PURE SCOTTISH MINSTRELSY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (26 March 1863), 3
At the School of Arts, on Tuesday evening, Mr. J. McFarlane gave an entertainment of a literary and musical nature in illustration of the music of Scotland. The hall was not so well filled as it might have been on such an occasion, yet there was a numerous audience present, many of whom were ladies - all of them highly amused and not a little instructed by the exposition of some true music by an able and accomplished musician. A little after eight o'clock Mr McFarlane came forward, and in a short but graphic manner pointed out the relation of music to poetry, and of both to the better feelings of humanity - all being intimately connected. The national character of national music, he said, was created, and the nationality of its tone given to it in every instance, by the actual scenery, atmosphere, and position of the country itself, and as an instance he pointed out Italy, with its clear bright sky, bracing atmosphere, and lovely scenery, as the country of pure vocal music, while Germany, with its more sombre country, gave us music as of a combination of instruments. After remarking upon the ennobling influences of true music, and the degradation some of our superior songs were forced to suffer by being parodied by incompetents and sung by buffoons, he sang the "Flowers of the Forest" in a thrilling manner. The programme was a lengthy one, containing thirteen pieces, but with all this Mr. McFarlane carefully kept to it, and had to sing "Kate Dalrymple" a second time. In the first part we are sorry to remark that the pianist played far too loudly, thereby making it difficult for the singer to make himself heard, and quite preventing the audience hearing some of the finer passages. In the second part - after the interval - this was partially remedied, and Mr. McFarlane's beautiful voice could be heard clearly in some of the finest cadences of "Jessie the Flower o' Dumblane." The finest song of the evening - "Gloomy Winter" - and one which requires so much expression was not heard to advantage for the reason already assigned. The evening s entertainment concluded by the song "Marry for Love, &c," preceded by the "Laird o' Luggihead's opinion on Marriage," both being received with hearty applause. The list consisted of patriotic, humorous, sentimental, plaintive, and Jacobite songs, and such is Mr. McFarlane's ability as a vocal musician, that each song was given with a true intonation, and all with great expression. At the termination, Mr. Gibb asked whether it were Mr. McFarlane's intention to give another entertainment, and on being answered in the affirmative that gentleman said he hoped on the next occasion the ladies would contribute their powerful aid in cramming the hall with their friends to hear one of the greatest treats, in a musical way, that ever they might have the opportunity of listening to in Maitland. This was received with great cheering, after which the company dispersed.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1866), 1
On the 6th instant, at his late residence, National School-house, Camperdown, Mr. JOHN McFARLANE, teacher, in his 41st year.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 September 1866), 8
will be given in the Non-vested National School, Pitt-street South, THIS EVENING,
for the benefit of the widow and family of the late Mr. J. McFarlane.
Madame FLORA HARRIS, Mr. SHERIDAN MOORE, and several talented Amateurs have kindly volunteered their services.
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist, Mrs. J. S. MOORE); Joseph Sheridan Moore (writer, journalist)
Bibliography and resources:
[Prue Neidorf], "Who wrote our new national anthem", Continuo: Journal of IAML (Australian branch) 13/1 (May 1894), 14
It is generally accepted that Australia's new national anthem, Advance Australia Fair, was written by Peter Dodds McCormick. But was it? Recent inquiries to the National Library of Australia into the origins of the work have focussed attention on a claim that it was actually written by John McFarlane, long before it was first published in 1878. Mrs. Jean McGiffen, of Padstow, New South Wales, says it has been acknowledged in her family for generations that the song was composed by her great-grandfather, John McFarlane. "My grandmother told me that her husband, John McFarlane jnr., and his sisters used to sing this wonderful song as little children long before it was supposedly composed in 1878", she says. John McFarlane, who was born in Dunbarton, Scotland in 1825 came to Australia as a ship's carpenter in 1844 . . . "We believe he used to write Irish and Scottish songs under the name of 'Amicus' which his children were told was formed from the names of his daughters, Agnes, Mary, Isabella and Catherine", Mrs. McGiffen says.
NOTE: There is no record of a daughter Agnes
Warren Bebbington, "Who wrote 'Advance Australia Fair'?", The Canberra Times (26 January 1895), 15
. . . Descendants of some families connected with McCormick's schools maintain that the song was the work of another teacher, John McFarlane (1825-1866). In a letter dated April 8, 1974, to the principal librarian of the National Library of Australia, McFarlane's great-granddaughter, Mrs. Jean McGiffen, of Padstow, NSW, wrote that the song was sung in the McFarlane family "long before it was supposedly composed in 1878". And a certain Mr. Duncan (born 1893), who had been a pupil at Fort Street, another school where McFarlane had taught, came forward to report that when he had learnt the song at school he had been told McFarlane was its composer . . .
Active SA, 1851
[Advertisement], Adelaide Observer (8 March 1851), 2
ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF YATALA. TO GEORGE A. ANSTEY, ESQ. WE, the undersigned qualified Voters for the District of YATALA . . . Peter McFarlane, musician . . .
MACFAULL, Charles (Charles MACFAULL)
Bass vocalist, journalist and publisher (Perth Gazette)
Born UK, 1800
Arrived Perth, WA, 1830
Died Perth, WA, 13 December 1846, aged "46"
Macfaull, as well as possessing a serviceable bass voice, may well have written much of the musical commentary that appeared in the Gazette.
"Performance of Sacred Music", Inquirer (14 May 1845), 1
Next followed the magnificent Benedictus from Mozart's requiem, very admirably sung by Mrs. and Miss Symmons, Mr. Schoales, and Mr. Macfaull. To nine-tenths of the audience, this must have been entirely new, as, from the nature and subject of its composition, this requiem has been very rarely performed in England - at least in public, by professionals. We have had the pleasure of hearing the entire requiem twice in our lives, and we only regret that all our readers are not likely to experience the same happiness.
"DIED", Inquirer (16 December 1846), 2
"DIED", The Perth Gazette (19 December 1846), 2
Musician, professor of music, violinist, violin player, fiddler
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1846 (perhaps partly or even entirely fictional!)
"MORNINGS AT THE POLICE OFFICE", The Courier (17 January 1846), 2
Mr. McGarrell, a professor of music, got phlogisticcated at the Regatta, and paid a visit to Mr. Ramsay, the pawnbroker, stating that he had lost the run of his house, was hard up, &c, and implored his "uncle" not to advance much on a certain fiddle which a woman would bring him to pledge, as he intended soon to redeem it. The fiddle was pawned to the tune of eight shillings. Some time after, Mr. McGarrell took a man assuming to he a constable, to Mr. Ramsay's emporium, demanding the instrument which had been put "up the spout," on the plea that he (McGarrell ) had been robbed of it. The Magistrate smiled, and handed the fiddle to the pawnbroker, who made his own bow on the occasion.
Songwriter, poet, Presbyterian cleric
McGARVIE, William (William McGARVIE)
General and musical retailer, importer of sheet music, circulating librarian
Born Glasgow, 1810
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 9 February 1829 (free per Comet, from Greenock, 14 August 1828, via Hobart Town, 4 February)
Active Sydney, NSW, until 1835 (then in retirement at Port Macquarie)
Died Sydney, NSW, 1 April 1841, aged "31" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
As part of his general retail activities, McGarvie occasionally imported music. Some of the contents of one very large shipment, of "500 pieces of music" from Willis & Co., in London, were listed by title in two advertisements in September 1834, the earliest such detailed and extensive listing of sheet music for sale to appear in any Sydney newspaper (compare earlier Hobart advertisements by John Philip Deane).
[News], The Sydney Monitor (16 May 1829), 4
The Australian Stationery Warehouse is again opened, and the stock is selling at reduced prices, by Mr. McGarvie, the proprietor, brother to the Presbyterian Minister of that name; Mr. McGarvie has connexions at home in the stationery line, and anticipates a supply of stationery of the best description, lower than any other person.
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 June 1829), 2
We are pleased to see something like a bookseller's shop making its appearance in Sydney. Mr. M'GARVIE, at the Australian Stationery Warehouse, has a pretty faif number of volumes on sale, amongst which are some works of the very first class.
[News], The Sydney Monitor (18 July 1829), 3
We are happy to learn Mr. McGarvie has opened a circulating library, and hope it will succeed. No library however will prosper well, unless it commence as a foundation-stock with Miss Edgworth's, Sir W. Scott's, Miss Moore's, and all the best novels of the present time. Mr. McGarvie can purchase the whole set of Scott's if he has not already got them. We know of no books more proper for the young ladies of New South Wales, than Moore's, Scott's, and Edgworth's novels.
A catalogue of books in the circulating library of William McGarvie, Australian Stationary Warehouse, George Street, Sydney (Sydney: Mansfield, 1829)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (21 December 1830), 2
Music at Half Price. WILLIAM McGARVIE, Bookseller and Stationer, begs to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he has just received a large assortment of MUSIC for the Pianoforte, &c. &c. which he will sell at half the English Retail Price.
A catalogue of books in the circulating library of William McGarvie at the Australian Stationery Warehouse, George Street, Sydney (Sydney: Stephens and Stokes, 1833)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (1 September 1834), 3
NEW AND POPULAR MUSIC JUST RECEIVED BY THE LATE ARRIVALS. W. M'GARVIE BEGS to inform his numerous Friends and the Public generally, that he has received an assortment of late Music. The selection consists of the latest Compositions of the most celebrated Authors, amongst which will be found the following popular -
Music for the Pianoforte. - The Alpine Singer's March; Grand Variations on an Air of the Swiss Family; Remember Me, Canzonet; Tu Vedrai, fiom Bellini's Il Pirata; O Cara Memoria; Rosseau's Dream, with Variations; Favorite Airs, from Il Crociato, In Egeto, and Recciardo E Zoraide; An Original Theme, by Loder; Hart's Military Quadrilles and two Waltzes; Les Victorieuse's Set French Quadrilles; Les Deux Soeur's Original Set of Quadrilles; Set 2 of Quadrilles, from La Somnambule; Les Papillon's A 4th Set of Quadrilles; Select Airs, from Bellini's Opera Il Pirata; Introduction and Rossignol Waltz; The Bride of Lammermoor, Introduction and Rondo; A Favorite Austrian March; Two Quadrilles, from La Somnambule, for two Performers; Ma Macelle Fantasia; Air De Ballet; The Diadem Waltz; The March in Mose in Egitto; A Polish Rondo; Three Pieces from Rossini's Opera Othello; Fantasia on the Air A Celui Que l'Aimais; Dos Santo's 3d and 4th Set of Quadrilles, arranged as a Solo; Overture to La Donna Del Lago; Deux Airs, varies 1 and 2; German Waltz and Trio; A selection of Italian Airs, arranged for two Performers; The Rose of Allandale, arranged as a Divertimento; National Medley Overture; Non Piu Mesta, as a Divertimento; Select Airs in the Opera of Guillaume Tell 1 & 2; La Fete Pastorale; Variations on the Fall of Paris; Victoria, Introduction, and Waltz Rondo; A First Capriccio; La Galopade Hongroise; King of Belgium's Waltz; Une Veuve Grecque; Challenger's 1st and 2d Set of Waltzes; Hart's Fancy Ball Quadrilles; Romberg's celebrated Overture in Dor H.; Vacations Sur un Air National Autrichien; Beviamo, from La Gazra Ladra; A Waltz, with Variations; Haydn's On Mighty Pens; Six German Waltzes; Recordanza the Air Comce innocente giovane; Fantasia, in which is introduced Kelvin Grove; Souvenir, Du Tyrol; Impromptu, in which is introduced Popular Airs; A selection of Venetian Melodies, for two Performers; Variations on Ecco Ridente il Cielo; Three Brilliant Waltzes; Three Favorite ditto; A Fantasia, in which is introduced Mary of Castle Cary; The Foresters, a Divertimento; Overture to Le Philtre; Divertimento, by Mayseder; Euterpe's Gifts Fantaisie; Souvenirs a La Pasta, 5 Nos; Rondos from the admired Works of Paganini, 10 Nos.; Trois Rondeaus, 1 and 3; Decameron Musical, 1, 2, and 5; Rossini's Airs, 1 and 2; Airs from Rossini's Armida; Select Pieces from Rossini's and other Operas; The Wreath for Young Performers; Calkin's Two Divertimentos.
Songs for the Pianoforte. [ It was a Dream of Perfect Bliss; Songs of Fashionable Life, No. 4; The Brook is Purling on its Way; Love Wakes and Weeps; Listen ! Ladies, Listen !; March forward to Glory; Songs in the Farce of a Genius Wanted; The Spot where I was Born; Sicilian Vespers; A Brave Old Country Gentleman, All of the Olden Time; Come Deck Me for the Dance Again; I have Sought the Forest Glen; I've heard my own dear Mother Sing; The Rose of Allandale; Juliet to Romeo; Dark Eyed One; The Hour is Come, a Duet; The Blush of Eve hath Tinged the Wave; Oh ! Yes, I too well can describe; My Father Land; O ! How can I his Power Deny; Lis, my Duly Calls; Castle Thierry, a Lay of Romance; Maureen, a Ballad; Wi' Snood, and Wi' Plad; The Lamp that Gleams from Beauties Bower; Helen Trevor, a Ballad; Sweet Rosies, Sweet Posies, Cavatina; The Crusader's Farewell; No More ! Oh, Never More !; How Could he say Good Night; The Woodland Boy; The Lay of the Indian Girl; Sicilian Matins; See, dear Louise, thy Captive Bird; Hunter of Tyrol; The Sea Fairies Song, Canzonet; The Pride of the Village; Pretty Rose; Brave and Gallant; We Look for Her; I Know Who, a Ballad; The Lay of Poor Louisa; Iseult the Queen with the Snow White Hands; The Rising of the Borderers, a Ballad; Here's a Health to Fair Victoria; Oh, this World of Ours; Oh, When in Life's Fair Morning; Beats there on Earth a Heart Sincere; Oh, Meet me where the Graceful Willow Weeps.
Music for the Flute. - Airs from the Opera of Das Unterbrochene, Opferfest, 1, 2, and 3; Six easy Duets, for two Flutes, 1 and 2; Pot Pouri; Twenty-seven Exercises in the Major and Minor Keys, 1 and 2; Solo for the Flute; Tulon's Recreations, 1 and 2; Triente Six Petits Duos, by Berbiquier; Drouet's Perceptive Duets, 1 and 2; Dramatic Flowers, 4 Nos.; Lay of Harmony, 3 ditto.
Music for the Harp and Guitar. - Three Italian Airs for Guitar; Stanco di Pascolar le Pecorelle, for Guitar; Amor che Nasce, Buona Notte, for voices, Guitar; Beethoven's Cantata Adelaida, for Guitar; Divertimento for Guitar; Denwort's Collections of Songs for Guitar; Collection of Italian, French, German, Spanish, and English Songs, for Guitar, 18 Nos.; Favorite Song, by Barnet, for Guitar; Selections from the Overture and Airs of Der Freischutz, for Harp; Two French Airs, for Harp; March and Rondo, for ditto; Select Airs, for ditto; The Bohemian's Horn, ditto; Winter's March in Tamerlane, ditto; Favorite Sonatina, ditto; Rondo, ditto; Panore Jacques, a French Air, ditto; Los Pensees d'un Moment, ditto; Blue Bells of Scotland, ditto; Theme Allemande, ditto; Favorite German Air, ditto; Lieber Augustin, ditto; Quartet in the Interrupted Sacrifice, ditto; Turkish March and Waltz, ditto; Ancient Irish Melodies, ditto; Cruda Sonte, from the Opera of Ricciardo Zoraide; Duet, for Harp and Pianoforte; Le Petit Tambour, arranged as a Duet for Harp and Pianoforte; Three Airs from the Opera of Ricciardo e Zolaide, as Duet for ditto; Russian Dance, as Duet for ditto; Shepherds, I have lost my love ! for Harp and Pianoforte; Defile March, as a Duet for ditto; Venetian Rondo, for Harp; Aure Felici, ditto; Rule Britannia, ditto; The Boatie Rows, ditto; My Lodging is on the cold Ground, ditto; O Pescator, with Variations, ditto; Ah, vous dirai je Mamam, ditto; Gently touch the warbling Lyre, ditto; Lady Mary Douglas, arranged as a Rondo for ditto; God save the King, ditto
W. McGarvie has always on hand, A large assortment of Music Paper and Books, Pianoforte Instructors, Flute, Fife, and Violin Tutors, Harp and Violin Strings, with Flutes, Fifes, and Violins, plain or mounted, Stationery, and School Books. *"* Bookbinding executed with neatness and dispatch.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (29 September 1834), 3
500 PIECES OF MUSIC. W. M'GARVIE BEGS to intimate that he has JUST RECEIVED on assortment of LATE MUSIC, consisting of Songs, Quadrilles, Duets, Glees, Italian and French Vocal Music, and a few Pieces for the Guitar. W. M'G. begs to call attention to this Assortment, us it is from the celebrated House of Willis and Co., Music Sellers to their Majesties.
Songs for the Piano-forte. - The Boquet D'Amour, a Cavatina; The Blue Sea; The Birds are Singing sweet my Love; The Brook is purling on its way; The Bonnie wee Wife; By a Mountain Stream at Rest; The Bride of Erin; The AEolian Harp, a Ballad; The Alpine Rose; A moment there is; Ah! Do not say Farewell; Come to me Dreams of Heaven; The Captive Knight; The Chord is Hush'd; Cherry Ripe, a Cavatina; The Butterfly, ditto; The Banks of the Arno; The Budding Rose; The Better Land; The Bed of Heath; The Bedouin Maid; The Bee, a Ballad; The Deserter, a Ballad; Does the Wave of the Ocean; Come Buy my Roses; Windsor Palace, a Ballad; Viva ! Viva ! The Hymn of the Portuguese Constitutionalists; Oh ! Come where those Roses so sweet; Old Norway, a War Song; Naughty Baby, a French Nursery Song; Brighton, or the Exquisite's Visit; Bruce's Address; De Clifford's Bride, a Romance; Deep 'mid the Battle's Rage; Deck not with Gems; Day is Departing; Day Breaks, a Ballad; The Daughter of Love, a Serenade; England, a Song; England's Dead, a Ballad; The Exile's Lament; Fly away pretty Moth; The Fairest Flowers; The Garden's Pride; The Graves of a Household; The Gondoliers' Serenade; Lillies of the Valley; I'd be a Butterfly; I Remember, I Remember; Have you left the Greenwood Love; He's a Charming Fellow, a Cavatina; He never smiled again; The Hebrew Mother; Hurrah for the Bonnets of Blue; He is mine, a Ballad; The Hunter's Horn in the Morning; The Homes of England; The Horn of Chase; The Greek Bride's Farewell; Give that Wreath to Me; Hey the Bonnie Breast Knots; The Love Knot, a Ballad; The Roman Girl's Song; The Recall, a Ballad; The Parting of Summer; The Pilgrim Fathers; The Parting Song; One Hour with Thee; Oh, Yes ! I often think of Her; Oh ! Wilt thou Leave; Oh ! Sing again though late it be; Oh ! Ask Me not to Sing to Night; Mourn Erin; Morning around us is Beaming; The Mother, a Song; Nice Young Maidens; My Sister dear from Masaniello; My Native Land on thy sweet Shore; My Heart is in the Highlands; May thy lot in life be happy; The message to the dead; Merry May; The midnight Sea; The Land of the Stranger; The Lote Tree; The Old Maid; The Swiss Boy; Steh Nur Auf; or the Swiss Boy; The Streamlet; The Sleeper, a Ballad; The Sally of the Students, ditto; Thy form was fair; Tyrolese Evening Hymn; This Blooming Rose; The Treasures of the Deep; Tam O'shanter and Souter Johnny; Up to the Alps; Untrue to Me; The Wave of the Ocean; The Welcome Home; Woman, a favorite Song; The Wings of the Dove; The young Arab; Zelie; or, Strangers we met; Such Tears are Bliss; She Smiled, and I could not but Love; She ne'er Forgot Him; The Swiss Hunter; The Sighing Willow; Silent Grief; Bring Flowers; Zaras' Ear-rings; The Swiss Bride; The Moorish King; King William the Fourth; The Mountain Child; Thirty-six favourite Songs sung by the Tyrolese Family, 3 Parts.
Duets for Piano-forte. - Beyond the Sea; The Peri; When before us lowly bonding, from Masaniello; Come, let's be Gay; We're told that Man; The Child's first Grief; Evening Song to the Virgin at Sea; Think of me; Was it now at one; The sweet-scented Rose; To the Orange Bower; The Mariner's Farewell; If the treasured Gold could give; I'll be true to thee; The Messenger Bird; The Taming of the Shrew; Mr. and Mrs. Smith, a matrimonial Duet; Remembrance sweet of distant Horns; The Fairy Vale Bells
Glees for Piano-forte. - Yes, 'tis she; Penite per me; 'Tis Life to Young Lovers; Hopt she; German Watchman's Hymn; Waters of Ellie; Old King Cole; The Village Chorister; Lovely Roses; Here, in cool Grot and Mossy Cell; Hear, Holy Saint, from Masaniello; Bohemian Melodies; Farewell, sweet whispering Echo; God save the King; Deck not with Gems; Crows in a Corn Field; The Blue Bells; The Bark before the Gale; See, our Boat scuds o'er the Main; The Snowdrop; Merrily swim we; Maltese Mariner's Hymn; Celebrated scene in the Burletta of Olympic Revels; Mild as the Air; The Italian Peasant's Hymn; Hark, the Notes of Music stealing; Bacchus' Rubies; My sweet Dorabella; The Seasons; Welcome, Sons of Harmony
Quadrilles. - Six Polish Mazurkas; The Sergeant's Wife's Quadrilles; Fourth Set from La Gabriella di Vergg; Les Belles, a Set of Quadrilles; The Lancers' Quadrilles; Quadrilles de Haut Ton; Kirchner's Third Set of Brighton Quadrilles; The National Quadrilles; Hicker's Zarifa Quadrilles; Kirchner's Sixth Set of ditto, from La Pirata and La Straniero; The Kenilworth Quadrilles, 2 Parts; Quadrilles from the Ballet Une Heure à Naples; The Cimarosa Quadrilles; The Neapolitan ditto; The Mid Lothian ditto, Fifth Set; The Partington ditto; Contre Danses Variees; Contre Danses by Herz; Les Ecossois Set of Quadrilles; The Captive Quadrilles; Six celebrated Galopades; Les Trois Graces; The Alpine Quadrilles; Maria Stuart ditto; Cherry Ripe ditto; The Butterfly ditto; Quadrilles from the Siege of Corinth; Four Sets Quadrilles from Masaniello, 3 parts; The Oakly Hunt Quadrilles.
Italian and French. - C Cara, Son Soi Cosi; L'Ultimo Addio; Uno Sguardo, ed un Sospiro; Languir d'Amore; No Non Vedrete; Soave Immagine De Amor; II Consiglio; II Pianto Di Sirsi Sulla Tomba Di Fille; Funesti Pensieri; Ah ! Non V'e Cosa Pin Bella; La Caccia; T'intendo si Mio Cor; Quanto Mai Felici Siete; Vivi tu te One Scongiuro; Se Piu Felice Ogetto; Non Ridir Non Potr Mai; Adelaide, a Song; Ebben ti Rompa La Scrittura; De Piacei Niz Bala il Coru; Three Italian Ariets; La Scusa; Dolce Dell'Anima; Ma Mie Ma Douce Amie; Sereney, a Spanish Serenade; Les Ondes, a Romance; Le Pardon, ditto; La Belle et la Rose, ditto; Le Contrebandier; La Hommage, Duet; Le Refrain Tyrolien, ditto
Music for Guitar. - Twelve Popular Songs, 2 parts; Sola's 30th Set of English Airs; Four Italian Canzonets; Twelve Favorite Songs, 2 parts; May's Instructions for Guitar; Twelve Songs by Mrs. Hemans; Les Amusemens Tiroliens
Twenty Volumes Music assorted, for Pianoforte, Bound; Twenty-six Volumes Popular Songs, ditto, ditto ditto; Four ditto, ditto, Duets, ditto; Seven ditto, ditto; Glees, ditto; Three ditto Quadrilles; Miniature Lyrics, by T. H. Bayley, 3 parts; Music from Opera of Taming the Shrew; Ditto, ditto, Il Crociato in Egitto; Ditto, ditto, Preciosa.
ASSOCIATIONS: "I. Willis & Co. Royal Music Repository"; Isaac Willis, London, Dublin
"DEATHS", The Sydney Herald (2 April 1841), 2
"THE LATE W. McGARVIE, ESQ.", The Sydney Herald (5 April 1841), 2
. . . For some years Mr. McGarvie had the only stationery and bookselling warehouse in the Colony, and had again the merit of establishing an extensive circulating Library. He was also one of the three original proprietors, with Mr. Stephens and Stokes, of the Sydney Herald newspaper . . . He went to England in 1832, and returned in 1833, - but in the voyage home, the vessel shipped a heavy sea, at midnight, filling the cabin with water; and being in a delicate state of health he contracted an illness, of which he was never entirely freed. He subsequently went to Port Macquarie, and settled, but had lately retired from active business . . .
Bibliography and resources (McGarvie)
J. V. Byrnes, "McGarvie, William (1810-1841)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
References (Willis & Co., Royal Musical Repository)
"Willis, Isaac & Co.", Dublin Music Trade (DMT)
See also:"I.+Willis+&+Co""Royal+Musical+Repository"
The Dublin music publisher and seller Isaac Willis established his business in London around 1824; Royal Musical Repository, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, (opposite Bond Street), London; ROYAL MUSICAL REPOSITORY, 55, St. James's Street, London; 7, Westmoreland Street, Dublin
[Advertisement], The Edinburgh Review (October 1827), 15
[Advertisement], The Harmonicon (October 1827)
[Advertisement], The Edinburgh Review (January 1830), 11
[Advertisement], The Literary Souvenir (1830), advertisements 12
Other digitised copies of items listed above (Willis & Co., Royal Musical Repository):
Cherry ripe, a cavatina
The Tyrolese melodies (sung by the Tyrolese family)
Active Hobart, TAS, c. 1853
McGILL, Mrs. (Mrs. McGILL; M'GILL)
Musician, teacher of piano and singing (Logierian system)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1856-59
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 January 1856), 7
PIANO, Singing, on the celebrated Logierian system. Mrs. McGill receives Pupils at 79 Chancery-lane.
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 December 1857), 6
AT 1 Albert-street, Eastern-Hill, Mrs. McGILL gives Private INSTRUCTION on PIANO and SINGING to adult pupils.
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 July 1859), 7
AT ALBERT-STREET, Eastern-hill, Mrs. McGILL gives private INSTRUCTION on PIANO and SINGING, to adult pupils.
McGOWAN, Miss (Miss McGOWAN)
Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1858 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McGOWAN, Lachlan (Lachlan Cowan TODD; alias Lachlan McGOWAN; Mr. L. McGOWAN)
Actor, memoirist
Born Renfrewshire, Scotland, 16 August 1831; baptised Neilston, Renfrewshire, 25 September 1831; son of Robert TODD (1790-1831) and Jean WYLIE (c. 1795-1876)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 September 1838 (per William Rodger, aged "8", with stepfather or guardian)
Married (1) Amelia Fanny LOOSEMORE (alias Miss Fanny SINCLAIR), Melbourne, VIC, 1858
Married (2) Ellen DAWSON, VIC, 1898
Died Surry Hills, NSW, 21 November 1899, aged 68 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert McGowan (actor, performing partner, namesake, unrelated)
McGOWAN, Amelia Fanny (Amelia LOOSEMORE; alias Miss Fanny SINCLAIR; Mrs. Lachlan TODD; alias Mrs. Lachlan NcGOWAN)
Actor, vocalist
Born London, England, 1831
Married Lachlan TODD, Melbourne, VIC, 1858
Died Auckland, NZ, 1887 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Lachlan Todd, aged just 7, and his sister Jane (1828-1897, married John Scott Horton, 1847) arrived in Sydney in September 1838, with their stepfather Hugh Colquhoun (d. NSW, 1840) and his "wife Isabella, aged "30", in fact the children's mother, Jean Wylie (who, still as Jean Todd, died at Goulburn, aged "81", in 1876).
After Hugh's death in Sydney in 1840, the family reverted to their Todd surname, and settled in Goulburn, where Lachlan was apprenticed to a plasterer, Dan Kennedy.
Passengers per William Rodger from Scotland, arrived Sydney, NSW, 26 September 1838; (PAYWALL)
Colquhon Hugh / 32 / Mason / [? orship] / Renfrew
Isabella / 30 / his wife // Jane / 9 // Lachlan / 8 / Their Children
"THINGS THEATRICAL", The Hobart Town Advertiser (18 April 1853), 2
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (4 August 1853), 3
"Public Amusements", The Courier (24 December 1853), 3
Mrs. McGowan (late Miss Fanny Sinclair) is re-engaged by Mr. Watson: her well-known versatility of talent, which has rendered her a general favourite, will make her a desirable acquisition at the present crisis.
England (c. 1859-62):
[Advertisement], Leeds Mercury (7 April 1860), 1 (PAYWALL)
THEATRE ROYAL. - Mr. L. McGOWAN, Comedian, from the principal Australian theatres, and late of the Theatres London and Manchester, will make his appearance here on Easter Monday.
"NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . . . BALMBRA'S CONCERT HALL", The Era [London, England] (31 March 1861), 13 (PAYWALL)
. . . Miss Fanny Sinclair, and Miss Lucy Scott, the former a clever characteristic vocalist, and the latter a very sweet bravura and ballad vocalist, have been added to the company, and are great favourites.
[Advertisement], Exeter Flying Post [England] (26 March 1862), 4 (PAYWALL)
"THE THEATRE", Western Daily Mercury [Exeter, England] (28 May 1862), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Belton intends closing the theatre on Friday next . . . Mr. L. McGowan and Miss Fanny Sinclair intend, we understand, leaving England next week for Australia, to the great regret of their numerous admirers in Exeter and Barnstaple. May success crown their efforts in the antipodes!
Australia and NZ (from 1862):
"THE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail (18 January 1864), 2
"DEATH OF MRS. LACHLAN McGOWAN", Auckland Star [NZ] (19 October 1887), 8
With unaffected regret we announce the death of Mrs. Lachlan McGowan, which took place last night at her late residence in Grey-street. Probably no members of the theatrical profession are so widely known and so highly respected throughout the whole length and breadth of the Australian colonies as Mr. and Mrs. McGowan. In Auckland they have been deservedly held in the highest estimation both in their capacity as private citizens, and publicly as members of the dramatic profession. Mrs. McGowan was a lady of great kindliness of heart and of unblemished character, and as an artiste she was possessed of great aptitude and talent. She was born at Bayswater, near London, in 1831, and was married to Mr. Lachlan McGowan at Christ Church, Richmond, near Melbourne, in 1857 [1858]. Excepting a trip Home in 1859, Mr. and Mrs. McGowan played constantly in the colonies, and always in the same Company up till 1881, when they settled down in Auckland. Four years ago the deceased lady was attacked by diabetes and despite all that medical skill and loving attention could do, the dread malady steadily asserted its strength. Mrs. McGowan passed tranquilly away at 11 o'clock last night, having awaited her end with calm resignation.
"Mr. Lachlan McGowan", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (10 September 1893), 2
In the township of Goulburn, N.S.W., 50 years ago (1847) I first made my appearance as an amateur actor, being then on a visit to my sister and brother-in-law, Mr. John Horton, a brother of the once celebrated Miss Priscilla Horton, of the London stage, afterwards Mrs. German Reed, of the "Gallery of Illustrations" fame, having arrived there from Sydney, where I had been a pretty regular visitor to the old Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street . . . I had not been long here when I fell in with a young comrade of my own age, Robert McGowan, and whose acquaintance I had made in visiting the theatre together in Sydney, where we both acquired a liking for theatricals . . . Robert and I formed the idea of trying our hands at an entertainment . . . we made out a list of about half-a-dozen songs and recitations, a nautical hornpipe, and a scene from the 3rd act of "Othello," between Othello and Iago. We had no assistance in the shape of music, as you will hear; nevertheless each item was well received by a highly delighted and appreciative audience (I was going to say spectators, but the former has a higher tone). The most amusing and successful portion of the entertainment was due to Robert, who danced the hornpipe in real nautical style (the steps very superior to those introduced nowadays, and decidedly more picturesque), and sang a comic song, "For this is the Very Identical Flute," playing the refrain between each verse on the flute, he being a very excellent flautist. These constituted the programme, in which we had the assistance of a Mr. John Holland, who volunteered from the audience to sing two songs and whistle an accompaniment to the hornpipe, being an excellent whistler. The entertainment gave every satisfaction, being appreciated as a free show, so that we were solicited to give another, it being quite a novelty in the way of amusement . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas German Reed (composer, entertainer), son of Thomas Reed of Melbourne
"OLD MEMORIES OF GOULBURN", Goulburn Herald (5 October 1898), 4
"GENERAL NEWS . . . Death of Mr. Lachlan McGowan", Goulburn Herald (22 November 1899), 4
The news will be learned with general regret of the death of that veteran Australian actor, Mr. Lachlan McGowan, an event which occurred at his residence, Crown-street, Sydney at seven o'clock last night. The late Mr. McGowan was a kindly and upright man, and was much respected both by his comrades on the stage and by those who knew him in private life. He was sixty eight years of age. His proper name was Lachlan Todd, and in his boyhood he was apprenticed to Mr. Dan Kennedy, plasterer, of Goulburn.
"OLD GOULBURN DAYS. OUR FIRST 'THEATRE'. Lachlan McGowan's Memories", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (24 June 1924), 1
Bibliography and resources:
"Lachlan McGowan Cowan Todd", Find a grave
McGOWAN, Robert (Robert B. G. McGOWAN; Robert McGOWAN; Mr. McGOWAN)
Actor, dancer, vocalist, flautist, flute player
Born ? Dublin, Ireland, c. 1831; son of Patrick McGOWAN (c. 1810-1874) and Isabella GILLESPIE (c. 1810-1874)
Arrived NSW, ? January 1835 (per Henry Poacher, with father and/or family)
Active NSW, by 1847
Married Fanny GRIFFITHS, Gosford, NSW, 1852
Died Sydney, NSW, 24 August 1864, aged "33" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McGOWAN, Fanny (Mrs. Robert McGOWAN) = Fanny GRIFFITHS
Actor, dancer
Robert McGowan was the eldest surviving son of Patrick McGowan (born Sligo, Ireland, c. 1810), a soldier in the 50th Regiment, and his wife Isabella Gillespie (daughter of a fellow soldier), who had married at Weedeon Bec, Northamptonshire, England, on 20 October 1827. Having arrived in Sydney as a guard on the convict ship Henry Poacher in January 1835, Patrick took his discharge on 31 May 1835, and he and his family settled first at Parramatta, and later was in charge of government prisons at Bathurst and Goulburn. It was at Goulburn that Robert befriended Lachlan Cowan Todd, a boy of his own age, the two developing a theatrical act, and the latter taking the former's surname professionally, as Lachlan McGowan.
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (3 August 1853), 3
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (4 August 1853), 3
"ORIGINAL POETRY", Goulburn Herald (20 April 1861), 4
"DEATHS", Sydney Mail (27 August 1864), 9
McGOWAN - August 24th, at his residence, Yurong-street, Mr. Robert McGowan, comedian, after a long and painful illness, aged 33 years.
"General Intelligence", Queanbeyan Age and General Advertiser (15 September 1864), 2
It is not generally known that Robert McGowan, the comedian, who lately died in Sydney, was formerly employed in Goulburn as clerk in the office of Mr. Kitson, solicitor. An amateur dramatic club having been formed in that town in 1848, turned the bent of deceased's taste towards the stage, which profession he afterwards followed.
"Mr. Lachlan McGowan", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (10 September 1893), 2

The werry identical flute, a celebrated comic song, written by Mr. J. Labern (London: J. Duncombe, n.d.)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Labern (English comic vocalist)
In the township of Goulburn, N.S.W., 50 years ago (1847) I first made my appearance as an amateur actor, being then on a visit to my sister and brother-in-law, Mr. John Horton, a brother of the once celebrated Miss Priscilla Horton, of the London stage, afterwards Mrs. German Reed, of the "Gallery of Illustrations" fame, having arrived there from Sydney, where I had been a pretty regular visitor to the old Victoria Theatre, Pitt-street . . . I had not been long here when I fell in with a young comrade of my own age, Robert McGowan, and whose acquaintance I had made in visiting the theatre together in Sydney, where we both acquired a liking for theatricals . . . Robert and I formed the idea of trying our hands at an entertainment . . . we made out a list of about half-a-dozen songs and recitations, a nautical hornpipe, and a scene from the 3rd act of "Othello," between Othello and Iago. We had no assistance in the shape of music, as you will hear; nevertheless each item was well received by a highly delighted and appreciative audience (I was going to say spectators, but the former has a higher tone). The most amusing and successful portion of the entertainment was due to Robert, who danced the hornpipe in real nautical style (the steps very superior to those introduced nowadays, and decidedly more picturesque), and sang a comic song, "For this is the Very Identical Flute," playing the refrain between each verse on the flute, he being a very excellent flautist. These constituted the programme, in which we had the assistance of a Mr. John Holland, who volunteered from the audience to sing two songs and whistle an accompaniment to the hornpipe, being an excellent whistler. The entertainment gave every satisfaction, being appreciated as a free show, so that we were solicited to give another, it being quite a novelty in the way of amusement . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas German Reed (composer, entertainer), son of Thomas Reed of Melbourne
MUSIC: The werry identical flute (song, words only); The legacy (tune)
"OLD GOULBURN DAYS. OUR FIRST 'THEATRE'. Lachlan McGowan's Memories", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (24 June 1924), 1
Bibliography and resources:
"Robert McGowan", Find a grave
McGRATH, James (James McGRATH; J. M. McGRATH; J. McGRATH; also J. MAGRATH)
Musician, pianist
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1856; 1861-68
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 June 1856), 3
MR. J. MAGRATH, Pianoforte Teacher.
Swiss Cottage, Brunswick-street, second house from Gertrude-street, Collingwood.
[News], The Argus (15 November 1861), 4
The Nightingales' concert at the National Hall Collingwood, on Wednesday evening, was well attended, the room being filled in all parts. The children sang with unusual spirit, many of the songs and choruses being encored. Of the first, we would make particular mention of "Jamie o' the banks o' Dee," by Miss Wray, composed for that young lady by the late Mr. Wray; and "The Lucky Star," a new song, sang, for the first time in Melbourne, by Miss Mary Wray. The violin solo, by Master Wray, was excellent. The Wrays were assisted by some ladies and gentlemen amateurs, belonging to the Orpheus Society, who delighted the audience with their skilful sung part songs, as well as by some admirably performed solos by Miss Mortley and Mr. Beaumont. Mr. McGrath presided at the pianoforte in a very efficient manner.
[News], The Argus (11 December 1868), 5
McGRATH, Joseph (Joseph MCGRATH)
Musician, violinist, violin player
Died Sydney, NSW, 1853
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 June 1853), 4
THE Public are respectfully informed that a Ball and Refreshments will take place in the Saloon of the Saracen's Head Hotel,
corner of King and Sussex-streets, on Tuesday, 21st June, 1853, for the Benefit of the Widow and Children of the late Mr. Joseph McGrath,
Violinist for several years to the Shamrock and Australian Quadrille Clubs.
Tickets, 10s. each, to be bad at the above named Hotel.
By order of the Committee, W. JOHNSON, Secretary.
N.B. - Fourteen Musicians have kindly offered their services for this occasion gratis.
"Local and Provincial News", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (25 June 1853), 2
The ball at the Saracen's Head on the evening of Tuesday, the proceeds of which were handed over to the widow of Mr. Joseph McGrath, a musician well known in this city, was most numerously and respectably attended; and we have been requested to convey the recipient's most grateful acknowledgements for the substantial assistance thereby rendered her. To the Messrs. Craw's effective band, whose services were gratuitously volunteered, as also to the stewards, she likewise feels sincerely indebted.
Pianoforte pupil (of Henry Witton)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1862
[Advertisement], The Courier [Brisbane] (24 October 1862), 1
F. A. McGREGOR (Pianoforte), Fitzroy-st., Collingwood" [pupil of Henry James Witton]
Scottish vocalist
Active Bendigo, VIC, 1858
"AMUSEMENTS, SPORTING, &c.", Bendigo Advertiser (13 November 1858), 2
. . . The Victoria Concert Hall, in which a tri-weekly performance takes place, is generally crowded to excess. At this place the admission is free. At present the great attraction is a Mr. Frazer McGregor, who sings Scotch songs, and dances Scotch dances in the Highland costume . . .
Amateur vocalist (Hobart Town Choral Society), tailor
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1 October 1846, aged 39 years (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"THE ORATORIO", The Courier (23 May 1846), 3
We are compelled to restrict our notice of the excellent performance of the Choral Society, on Tuesday evening, to little more than the expression of general commendation. If a crowded audience and every manifestation of satisfaction and delight may be presumed to afford satisfactory evidence of public appreciation, there is enough to encourage and stimulate the Society in their laudable efforts and to increased exertion. The choruses were well sustained, and the solos were executed with taste and skill, by Madame Gautrot, Mr. McGregor, Mr. Allen, and Mr. Belbin. The latter, who made his public debut on this occasion, will, with the confidence that longer practice will impart, become a valuable acquisition to the Society. The duet. "O Lovely Peace," was very sweetly sung by Mrs. Elliott, and Master Allen; and, in the accompaniment to the "Tantum ergo," the soft tones of Mr. Marshall's flute came in with admirable effect. The "Te Deum" was well performed by the full orchestra, and with evident advantage from a more intimate acquaintance. This piece, we must observe, is from an unpublished MS., by Paisiello, presented to the Society by the Bishop of Tasmania. We can only add that this Society deserves all the support of which it receives so liberal a share, and claims the grateful acknowledgments of every lover of sacred harmony, and, more especially, of every admirer of the lofty strains of Handel. Its progress and success reflect the highest credit on the judgment which directs it, and on the public taste which appreciates its labours and its merits.
"THE EXHIBITION", Colonial Times (26 June 1846), 4
. . . Not a hundred yards off we look upon No. 22, also a portrait of one of our citizens, Mr. Macgregor, of Elizabeth-street, by Mr. Bock. There is no mistake about this; the likeness is a living one: the portrait all but breathing out of the canvas. The artist has evidently bestowed great pains upon this, as upon all his other productions: had the portrait hands to be shaken, we should have held out the sign of a friendly greeting . . .
1846, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1186972; RGD35/1/2 no 1187
[No] 1187 / John McGregor / male / Thirty nine yrs. / Tailor / Brain fever . . .
"FUNERAL", The Courier (7 October 1846), 2
"THE LATE MR. JOHN MACGREGOR", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston] (14 October 1846), 791
In our obituary of the week we regret (who is there that does not?) to place the name of Mr. John Macgregor, of Elizabeth-street. A true, kind-hearted, single-minded man has gone out from amongst us, and left a void among our citizens it will be difficult to fill. Brought much in contact with men of all classes, he was respected by all, lamented by a large circle of acquaintances. As a tradesman he was honest, upright and considerate. A true friend, and affectionate husband - qualities which entitle him to an eulogium which few who enjoy a position of more pretence in society would receive at our hands, because few, very few indeed, so well deserve it. Rarely indeed, even for the highest, does death spare a memory which will be respected and cherished like his. On Monday last, he was borne to his long home, attended by the greatest number of persons we have seen at any funeral in the colony. One hundred and seventy-five mourners were in the procession, besides a crowd which nearly filled the cathedral. The masons, among whom he occupied a high rank, almost unusually followed to pay him the last tribute of respect. After the funeral service, the Choral Society, of which he was a most efficient member, sung the beautiful anthem "Vital spark of heavenly flame," after which the procession moved on to St. David's burying ground, and the earth received its own, all that was left of a true and honest-minded man. - H. T. Advertiser.
Letter, Henry Elliot, Hobart Town, 3 November 1846, to Sophia Letitia Davis; Papers of Sophia Letitia Davis, MS 15531, State Library of Victoria
[1r] Hobart Town / Macquarie Street / 5 Nov'r 1846
My dear Mrs. Davis
. . . I now turn to a subject which gives me pain to dwell upon - the death of poor Mr. Macgregor (Tailor); he died rather suddenly of Brain fever - he had a very large funeral; 170 people followed;
we (the Choral Society) sang an Anthem (Vital Spark &c.) over his remains in the Church -
Mr. Macdonald (commonly known as the Sea lawyer) also died very suddenly;
and a young man who followed poor Macgregor in perfect health was carried to his resting place 4 days after;
these my dear friend are so many warnings to us who are left to prepare for that awful Change which will come and may come upon us in an instant and summon us before that Tribunal of justice and when every man will be dealt with according to their deeds done in the body whether good or evil.
I almost forgot to mention the death of Mrs. Fitzgerald; she died in childbed and has left 8 children (Fitzgerald of the Hospital I mean) . . .
Caroline sends her kind love to you and joins with me in kind remembrance to Mr. Davis and James and believe me your dear friend
H. Elliot
P.S. This is an offhanded affair so excuse all blemishes and make it out it you can.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Caroline Elliot (musicians, members of the Choral Society); Sophia Letitia Davis (musician)
McGREGOR, John (Dr. John J. McGREGOR)
Vocalist, lecturer on Irish music, surgeon, medical practitioner
Born Dublin, Ireland, ?; ? son of
John James McGREGOR
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1861
"SYDNEY SHIPPING", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (17 August 1861), 3
The Government emigrant vessel, Sovereign of the Sea, of 1227 tons, Captain James F. Cruickshank, belonging to Messrs. James Baines and Co, of Liverpool, sailed from Birkenhead on the 27th of May for Sydney, New South Wales, with 4 married couples, 34 single men, 48 single women, 6 boys between the ages of 1 and 12, and 6 girls between the same ages, making a total of 101 souls, equal to 95 1/2 statute adults, under charge of Surgeon-Superintendent John J. McGregor, M.D., assisted by the services or Miss A. Dickson, matron.
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 November 1861), 1
TO JOHN J. McGREGOR, Esq., M.D., Sydney.
DEAR SIR - Having heard of the great success of your Lectures on Irish Music, at Calcutta, and ofther places abroad,
and in England, and from our own knowledge of your musical talents, we request you to devote an evening to the Sydney public,
for the purpose of giving them an opportunity of hearing your exposition and illustrations of the immortal tyres of the Emerald Isle.
We are, &c.,
T. A. Murray; Charles Cowper; Merion Moriarty; Robert Wisdom;
James Hart; W. R. Piddington; George Markham; Edward Broadhurst;
G. Eagar; William Macleay; Peter Faucett; C. W. Finch;
R. M. Isaacs; Charles Tompson; W. Spain; Alexander Campbell;
J. V. Gorman; W. H. Suttor; A. S. Webster; Joseph Leary;
Joseph H. Levien; Samuel W. Gray; John Ryan Brenan; J. G. Waller;
Henry Moore; Charles Meymott; J. H. Plunkett; S. Emanuel;
John Sutherland; George O'Brien; F. W. Meymott; Edward A. Lang;
W. M. Arnold; W. McDonell.
Sydney, 5th November, 1861.
GENTLEMEN, - I feel highly flattered by your kind request,
and purpose giving an evening on Irish Music, to be held at the Exchange,
on MONDAY EVENING, the 11th instant, at 8 o'clock,
Your faithful servant,
Sydney. J. J. McGREGOR.
EXCHANGE HALL. MONDAY EVENING, November 11th, at 8 o'clock.
A Night with TOM MOORE, by J. J. McGREGOR, Esq , M.D.
Literary Reminiscences, with musical illustrations of the Irish melodies,
which will be accompanied by Mr. T. Brooks, the celebrated harpist, and by Mr. W. J. Cordner, on the pianoforte.
Solo - Harp - My Heart and Lute, arranged by T. Brooks
Song - The Harp that once thro' Tara's Halls, with harp accompaniment - Dr. McGregor
Comic song - The Widow Malone - Dr. McGregor
Song - The Meeting of the Waters - Dr. McGregor
Duet - Harp and pianoforte - Mr. Brooks and Mr. Cordner
Song - When he who adores thee - Dr. McGregor
Comic song - Molly Carew - Dr. McGregor.
Solo - Harp - Mr. Brooks.
Song - The Minstrel Boy, with harp accompaniment - Dr. McGregor.
Song - I saw from the beach - Dr. McGregor.
Duett - Harp and Pianoforte - Mr. Brooks and Mr. Cordner.
Comic Song - Brown Portuguese - Dr. McGregor.
Tickets may be had at Clarke's, musicseller, George-street;
Jeremiah Moore, bookseller, George-street, and at the principal musicsellers,
and also from Dr. McGregor, 45, Hunter-street.
Reserved seated 5s.; unreserved seats. 2s.
Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock, performance to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
"IRISH NATIONAL MUSIC", Freeman's Journal (9 November 1861), 5
"DR. McGREGOR'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 November 1861), 4
McGUANNE, John Percy (John Percy McGUANNE; J. P. McGUANNE)
Born Ireland, 1 May 1848
Died Sydney, NSW, 5 July 1936 (NLA persistent identifier)
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1879), 9
"ART IN AUSTRALIA", Western Mail (29 September 1921), 39
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1936), 16
J. P. McGuanne, "The humours and pastimes of early Sydney", The Australian Historical Society Journal and Proceedings 1 (1901), 40-42
. . . What Old Sydney preferred was something cheerful after its hard day's work. Music, singing, and dancing were greatly enjoyed. Just a word about each. We always had a piano in Sydney. When Surgeon Worgan left the Colony in 1790 he left the first piano as a present to Mrs. Macarthur, but the instrument was silent for want of a player-the only Government House lady was not a musician. When the first organ was imported there was no player until Mr. Merritt, a blind man, arrived in 1831. Sydney was never without its Military Band - at times an exceptionally good one. This Band played twice a week within Barrack Square; when the Band stopped there was the sun-dial to excite curiosity in the young folk, while their elders bethought them of dials like The Seven. When Cummins first opened his Hotel, now known as Petty's, its proximity to the Band was considered by visitors one of its many uncommon advantages. At other times Citadel Hill, and Macquarie Place were sites for military music. Second-rate hotels provided long tables, forms, and chairs, for free entertainments at which a person would preside, holding a hammer to demand silence while the voluntary song was given. 1826 was a notable year for giving birth to intellectual enjoyment for Sydney. Bandmaster Kavanagh, of the 3rd Regiment, composed The Trumpet Sounds Australia's Fame and The Currency Lads-both became popular; the Australian March, slow time, dedicated to Governor Darling; a Grand Australian March, quick time, dedicated to Governor Brisbane; and Hail, Australia,' dedicated to Colonel Stewart. His compositions, in manuscript, were for sale at Sydney's first Music Shop, opened in 1824, at 93 George Street, by Robert Campbell, from Clement and Company, London. Here the pianoforte, harp, organ, violin and other musical instruments were obtainable. James Pearson was the pianoforte tuner at this time. In the year when Kavanagh made Australia musical, we find the youth Charles Thompson, of Clydesdale, publishing his home-made verse, dedicated to his tutor, that early Sydney classic the Rev. Henry Fulton, B.A. In the same month, December, of the same year, the Aurora Australis of Dr. Lang was published. They were not poets in the sense that Kavanagh was a musician. In January, 1826, a second music shop was opened at No. 70 George Street, by J. Wood. Early in the same year the first meeting was held to establish an Australian Subscription Literary and Reading Room, the history of which you are familiar with. Public Entertainments were first advertised in 1826, when a series of monthly amateur concerts, commencing in May, were held in the temporary, or, so-called, New Court House-that was the Georgian School, Castlereagh Street. When the Royal Hotel was opened in 1826, Edwards and Sippe, musicians, assisted by Barnett Levy, Mrs. Jones and sonic amateur singers, gave a concert-on the 27th September in its concert room, of which the recording critic wrote, "it was a great SUCCESS. We liked Miss C. and Miss F. very much. There was a very large and respectable audience." You will note how the principals are ignored. The old Gazette, like its modern namesake, had no sense of humour. Most colored people are sad in their publications. Hence we are not indebted to Howe for our knowledge of the people's pastimes. The first concert, under Vice-Regal patronage, was given by Edwards and Sippe on 4th September, 1826. Self-indulgent Sydney was neither monetarily nor numerically strong enough to support a constant entertainment. On the 23rd August, 1832, Mr. Sippe gave a grand concert at which the band of the 17th Regiment played the overtures to The Slave and Guy Mannering; its bandmaster, Mr. Lewis, delighted the audience of two hundred persons with his clarionette solo. Mr. Edwards led the orchestra and Mr. Sippe conducted. Colonel Despard, as a patron of entertainments, gladly allowed the instrumental assistance. The Sydney Philharmonic Society held its first concert in April, 1833, in the same large room which the present society of that name now uses for rehearsals, and used in 1854 when the old name was revived. Some of the best class concerts were held in the large room of the Pulteney Hotel, opened by Mr. Petty in 1832, and until recent years the home of the Australian Club. William Vincent Wallace, bandmaster of the 29th Regiment, of Maritana fame, his brother S.W., the violinist, his sister Eliza, and John Bushelle, the popular tenor, were notable for their excellent music and singing. Wallace was a master of the violin and demanded his twenty-five guineas for assisting at a night's entertainment. The large room of the Sydney College, our present Grammar School, was frequently used for high class concerts. In 1839 the Cecilian Society absorbed its predecessors and became prominent as a musical centre. While we have music and singing by the ear, one or two important items deserve noting. Sydney's earliest singers were Mrs. Rust, Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Lancaster of St. James' Choir, Misses Eliza and Sarah Wallace, Miss Douglas, Miss Winstanley, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Chester, both the latter from Drury Lane, all of whom were most estimable persons except, perhaps, the lady of whom lang syne was written:
John Thomas was a Shropshire man,
And eke a worthy nailer,
He had a stout-built, portly frame,
And his flame she was a Taylor.
The male singers were Gordonvitch, a Polish refugee, Rhodius, the artist, Simmons, comic singer. Father Spencer was a musician and choirmaster. The foremost musicians were Edwards, Sippe, Josephson, Stubbs, and William Wallace, (the two latter were flute players, though Stubbs could play several instruments), all the bandmasters, and the Deane family. At 17 Phillip Street, Stubbs taught the violin, bugle, flute and French horn. Tom Stubbs was the first Australian-born composer. In 1836 he composed the Minstrel Waltz, which was dedicated to Mrs. H. Deas-Thomson, and the family name still sounds in waltz music. Had we the names of all who took part in the selections from The Messiah and The Creation, given at old St. Mary's on the night of the 21st September, 1836, when the leading singers and musicians united under Mr. Cavendish to worthily introduce oratorio in our midst, we could find singers and musicians who, if living, would sustain a foremost place in modern concert rooms. Our first French Opera Company, of five members, opened at the Royal Victoria Theatre on 15th March, 1839; they were poorly patronised-M. and Madame Gautrot of the Company became resident teachers of music and singing. . . .
J. P. McGuanne, Old St. Mary's, Sydney ([Sydney]: [Author], 1915)
Choir trainer, singer
Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1820
According to Columbus Fitzpatrick's 1865 eyewitness recollections of early Catholic community in Sydney:
. . . when Father Therry came to the Colony [in 1820] he was surprised and delighted to find . . . a good few people who could sing the church services, for my mother [Catherine Fitzpatrick] and a man named McGuire used to meet at Mr. [James] Dempsey's to teach the youth of both sexes to sing, long before the arrival of Father Therry.
Bibliography and resources:
C. J. Duffy (ed.), Catholic religious and social life in the Macquarie era: as portrayed in the letters of Columbus Fitzpatrick (1810-1878) (Sydney: Catholic Press Newspaper Company, Ltd., 1966), 17-19
Patrick O'Farrell, Documents in Australian Catholic history: 1788-1883 (Sydney: G. Chapman, 1969), 32-33
Amateur musician, bandmaster
Active Launceston, TAS, c. 1860s-80s
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Joseph's Band (Launceston association)
Musician, cornet player (Royal Lyceum)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1861
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 August 1861), 1
MONDAY EVENING. August 5th . . . A full and efficient orchestra of first-class artistes.
Leader and Director - Mr. G. Peck . . . Cornet - Mr. McHarnith . . .
McHENRY, George (Dr. George McHENRY)
Songwriter, grazier
Active SA, by 1864
Died Cannes, France, 9 May 1890
"THE AUSTRALIAN EMIGRANT'S SONG", South Australian Register (27 January 1864), 3
"THE LATE DR. McHENRY'S WILL", Adelaide Observer (28 June 1890), 31
"DEATH OF MR. J. L. G. McHENRY", The Advertiser (10 April 1896), 4
Active Brisbane, QLD, by 1865
Died Sydney, NSW, September 1869, aged "43"
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (24 May 1865), 1
LADY BOWEN BAND - Brass or String - Open to Engagement, Town or Country. Apply, L. TORTONI, Edward-street. B. H. McIlraith, Manager.
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (7 August 1865), 1
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT - SATURDAY", Empire (24 February 1868), 3
Bernard McIlraith, charged with wife desertion, was remanded until Monday next, bail allowed. Defendant also stands charged with deserting his male child, leaving it without visible means of support.
NSW-BDM: 1057/1869
"FUNERALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 September 1869), 8
THE FRIENDS of the late Mr. McILRATH, musician, are invited to attend his Funeral; to move from his late residence, No. 412, Pitt-street, near Goulburn-street, THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, at half-past 2 o'clock. J. and G. SHYING, Undertakers, No. 719, George-street, opposite Christ Church.
McINTOSH, Robert (Robert McINTOSH; Sergeant McINTOSH)
Musician, bandmaster, master of the Band of the 46th Regiment, teacher of music
Born Logierait, Perthshire, Scotland, 30 January 1781; baptised Logierait, 4 February 1781; son of John McINTOSH and Isobel McINTOSH [sic] (m. 1773)
Married Ellen DUDGEON (c. 1826), St, Michael's, Dublin, Ireland, 8 July 1807
Enlisted (private, 46th Regiment), 25 June 1813
Arrived (with regimental HQ) Sydney, NSW, 11 February 1814 (per Windham, from England, 23 August 1813)
Promoted sergeant, Sydney, NSW, 9 May 1814
Discharged Sydney, NSW, 7 September 1817
Died Sydney, NSW, 3 November 1829, aged "48" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 46th Regiment (military)
Pay-list of the 46th Regiment of Foot, 25 June to 24 December 1813 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
McIntosh Robert / . . . Rec't Head Quarters
Pay-list of the 46th Regiment of Foot, 25 March to 24 June 1814 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
Serjeants . . . McIntosh Robert / [from] 9 May / . . . Promoted from Private 8th May
16 August 1817; paid from the Police Fund in remuneration of services rendered by the band in performing church music; Colonial Secretary's papers, State Records Authority of NSW (Reel 6038; SZ759 p.374) (DIGITISED)
"GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL ORDERS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (16 August 1817), 2
The TRUSTEES of the POLICE FUND, in Account Current with D'ARCY WENTWORTH, Esq. Treasurer, for the Quarter ending the 30th of June, 1817 . . .
Serjt. McIntosh, in Remuneration for Services rendered by the Band, in performing Church Music, from 1st April, 1816, to 31st March, 1817. - 8 / 10 / 0 . . .
Pay-list of the 46th Regiment of Foot, 25 August to 24 October 1814 (Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office) (DIGITISED)
Serjeants . . . McIntosh Rob't / [to] 7 sept. / Discharged 7th Sept'r 1817 in N.S. Wales
1 October 1817; on list of free settlers who are to receive land immediately at Pittwater; Colonial Secretary's papers, State Records Authority of NSW (Fiche 3266; 9/2652 p.40) (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (31 January 1818), 2
Robert McIntosh respectfully begs to inform, that he has commenced teaching Music at his House in York-street,
and hopes that an early experience of his assiduity and attention to Pupils on the various Instruments will recommend him to public Favor.
Terms 2s. 6d. per lesson on the Piano Forte, & 2s. per lesson for the Violin, Clarionet, Hautboy, and other wind Instruments.
Instruments tuned and put in order when they require it.
Also, Music furnished for Balls and private Entertainments at a short Notice, and at a moderate Rate of Charge.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (7 February 1818), 2
[As above]
5 June 1819; appointed constable in districts of Pitt Water and North Harbour; Colonial Secretary's papers, State Records Authority of NSW (Reel 6038; SZ1044 p.52) (DIGITISED)
20 June 1820; to be transported to Newcastle for four years; prisoners tried at Court of Criminal Jurisdiction; Colonial Secretary's papers, State Records Authority of NSW (Reel 6023; X820 p.7) (DIGITISED)
"Sydney . . . CRIMINAL COURT. TUESDAY", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (24 June 1820), 3
. . . Robert McIntosh, for robbing the King's Stores, was found Guilty, and sentenced to four years transportation to Newcastle.
9 August 1821; to be returned from Newcastle to Sydney; Colonial Secretary's papers, State Records Authority of NSW (Reel 6008; 4/3504 p.217) (DIGITISED)
8 September 1821; assigned as servant to Mrs. McIntosh; victualled from H.M. Magazines; Colonial Secretary's papers, State Records Authority of NSW (Reel 6016; 4/5781 p.66) (DIGITISED)
25 December 1821; referred to [incorrectly as former "Master of the band of the 102d Regiment"] re charges brought against Major Druitt; Colonial Secretary's papers, State Records Authority of NSW (Reel 6053; 4/1755 p.213) (DIGITISED)
NSW census, 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
McIntosh Rob't / 46 / Came Free / Wyndham / 1814 / Prot. / Landholder / Pittwater . . .
[McIntosh] Elizabeth / 50 / Free by Servitude / Glatton / 1803 / 7 yers / Cath. / . . .
Robert J'r / 18 / Came Free / Wyndham / 1814 / Prot . . .
John / 16 / [Came Free] / [Wyndham] / [1814] / [Prot] . . .
Mary / 14 // Ellen / 9 // James 12 1/2 // Charles / 10 // Sarah / 7 / [all born in the colony]
[Probate advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (22 December 1829), 4
John Dunmore Lang, An historical and statistical account of New South Wales . . . volume 1 (London: Cochrane and McCrone, 1834), 44
. . . The first free emigrant, and indeed the first person of any class in society, who obtained a grant of land in the colony of New Sooth Wales, was a German, of the name of Philip Schoeffer. He had been sent out in the first fleet as an agricultural superintendent, chiefly with a view to attempt the cultivation of tobacco, on account of government; as the province of Virginia, from which that article had previously been obtained, had then ceased to be a British colony, and as the soil and climate of New South Wales were supposed likely to prove not unfavourable for its cultivation. Schoeffer's grant was the largest of all those I have enumerated, comprising an extent of one hundred and forty acres. Unfortunately, however, he had contracted habits of intemperance and contrived to get rid of it in due time. He afterwards obtained a grant of fifty acres, in what now constitutes an exceedingly valuable locality in the town of Sydney, but was induced to surrender it to the colonial government for public purposes about the year 1807; receiving as a compensation twenty gallons of rum, which was then worth £3 a gallon, and a grant of similar extent at Pitt Water, one of the inlets of Broken Bay. There had been a female convict in the first fleet - a native of the isle of Skye in Scotland - of the name of Margaret McKinnon, who had been transported for the crime of arson, having set fire to her neighbour's house in a fit of jealousy. Schoeffer married this woman and settled on his farm at Pitt Water, where he lived many years; but old age, poverty, and intemperance, induced him at length to sell it by piecemeal, and he died at last in the Benevolent Asylum or Colonial Poor's House. I took the liberty to state the circumstances I have just detailed, in a memorial I addressed to His Excellency General Darling, on behalf of Schoeffer's widow, in the year 1828; adding that a Scotch highlander, who had formerly been master of the band of His Majesty's 46th regiment, and had settled in the colony when the regiment proceeded to India, was willing to maintain the old woman during her lifetime, provided a small compensation should be allowed him by the government. General Darling was pleased to order a hundred acres of land to be measured off to the highlander at Pitt Water, pledging the government that a grant of the ground should be made to him at the old woman's death, provided it should appear to the Governor that he had fulfilled the terms of his engagement. About a year after this arrangement had been effected, the highlander died, and old Peggy is now an inmate of the Benevolent Asylum, where in all likelihood she will spend the remainder of her days.
[Advertisement], The Australian (11 September 1844), 1
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. In Equity . . .
PURSUANT to a decree . . . all persons claiming to be next of kin to Rober McIntosh, late of Clarence street, Sydney, Musician,
deceased, who died on or about the third day of November, on thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine . . .
"LAW INTELLIGENCE . . . THE QUEEN v. McINTOSH", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1851), 2
. . . The SOLICITOR-GENERAL opened the case to the Jury.
The question was whether Robert McIntosh the defendant, was entitled to the property in question,
under the grant from the Crown set forth in the pleadings.
The facts not in dispute were the proclamation by Governor Darling, and the title of Robert McIntosh the elder to a grant under that proclamation.
Old McIntosh came out to this colony about the year 1814, as band-master of the 41st [recte 46th] regiment; he was at this time married,
and his wife had issue of a former marriage, the defendant Robert McIntosh, and a daughter, whom he brought out with him.
There were issue of the marriage of Robert McIntosh the elder, James McIntosh, the prosecutor, and four other children,
of whom James McIntosh was the heir-at-law of his father.
In 1827, McIntosh the elder, who had previously purchased the interest of the lessee from the Crown in the land in question,
applied to the Government for a grant to be made to him under Governor Darling's proclamation, which application was acceded to,
but no further steps were taken in the old man's life time.
In 1829, old McIntosh died intestate, and letters of administration of his effects were granted to Robert McIntosh,
the defendant. It appeared that no question was at this time raised by the other members of the family, they treating this property as personally,
and Robert McIntosh, the defendant, as the fittest person to make distribution . . .
[witness] Margaret Ternan: Knew old McIntosh and the defendant twenty-seven years ago;
defendant is like old McIntosh in his features more like him than his mother; witness' husband was a bandsman in the 46th Regiment,
under old McIntosh; knows John McIntosh, he was eighteen months old when she first saw him . . .
[witness] William Gritten: Copied the inscription from the McIntoshs' tombstone, [It was proposed by defendant's counsel that the inscription should be read,
and objected to by the prosecutor's. After argument, His HONOR admitted the evidence,
on the ground that the evidence tended to show that the tombstone to Mrs. McIntosh was put up by old McIntosh in his lifetime, or by his authority.]
The following is the inscription on the tombstone: "Sacred to the memory of Ellen McIntosh, wife of Robert McIntosh,
who departed this life 30th of August, 1826, aged 38 years.
Also, Mr. Robert McIntosh, late bandmaster of H.M. 46th Regiment, who departed this life 3rd of November, 1829, aged 48 years, leaving eight children to lament their loss.
Also, James McIntosh, grandson of the above, who departed this life 3rd of November, 1840, aged 6 years.
Also, Ellen McIntosh, grand-daughter of the above, who departed this, life 7th of March, 1849, aged 15 months . . .
The prosecutor's counsel put in evidence the following marriage certificate of Robert McIntosh, the elder, with his wife:
"I certify that Robert McIntosh, musician, and Ellen Dudgeon, spinster, were married by me on the 8th day of July, 1807,
according to the legal rites of the established Church of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
a license having first been obtained for that purpose. Thomas Gamble, Curate, St. Michans, Dublin" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Ternan (bandsman)
Bibliography and resources:
Clifford McIntosh, Bandmaster to Farmer/Settler (Leura, NSW: C. S. McIntosh, 1984)
"Familiar Names", Ku-ring-gai Historical Society Inc. Monthly Newsletter 24/9 (October 2006), 5
. . . The first Robert McIntosh (1781-1829) was born in Perthshire, Scotland, came to Australia in 1814 as Bandmaster of the 46th Regiment of Foot. He was accompanied by his wife Ellen and children - six year-old Elizabeth, Robert (age 5) and John (age about 2). They later had five more children. He was mainly associated with Pittwater and held land there, as did his son Robert (c.1809-1889). It was this son who was the centre of later Court actions when the Crown claimed that he had posed as his father to receive a Pittwater grant intended for the father. Robert II's brother James also claimed that this Robert II, who married Jane Pymble, was not the rightful heir to their father's property. A descendant, Clifford S. McIntosh (1909-1994), included the details in his book titled Bandmaster to Farmer/Settler . . .
Mackintosh families in Australia - John McINTOSH - Isobel McINTOSH
Robert McIntosh, Find a grave
Robert McIntosh, Australian royalty
Granted land at Pittwater; in 1817 appointed constable in the districts of Pittwater and North Harbour; in 1820 convicted of an unknown crime and sent to Newcastle for 4 years; was returned to Sydney in 1821 and assigned to his wife Ellen as servant.
"Robert McIntosh", Men of the 46th Regiment (from no longer active site:
Born Glealbert, Parish of Logierait, Perthshire, Scotland, on the River Tay, 30th January 1781. Father John, mother Isobel (nee McIntosh). Brother Donald, sisters Grizel and Margaret. He enlisted as a Private soldier in the 46th Regiment of Foot on 25th June, 1813, being paid a bounty of 11 guineas. Enlisting party were paid three pounds four shillings; McIntosh's pay was to be one shilling per day. He was promoted to Sergeant on 9th May, 1814, in succession to Sergeant Samuel Watts who had been demoted to the ranks. McIntosh arrived in Australia on 11th February, 1814, on the Windham with the Headquarters of H.M. 46th Regiment of Foot as Regimental Sergeant Band Master. His wife Ellen, daughter Elizabeth and sons Robert and John accompanied him. McIntosh left the army on 7th September, 1817, and became a landholder. He died on 3rd November, 1829, age 48.
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Robert McIntosh", Australia's redcoat settlers (1997-2009) (archived at NLA Pandora) (DIGITISED)
McIVER, Arthur (Arthur McIVER; McIVOR; Arthur McIVER junior)
Musician, bandmaster
Born ? Belfast, Ireland, c.1830
Died Launceston, TAS, 15 May 1894, aged 64 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McIVER, John (John McIVER; McIVOR)
Bandmaster (Launceston Volunteer Rifles Band), choirmaster, organist, composer
Born c. 1831
Died Melbourne, VIC, 9 October 1909, aged 78 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McIVER, Francis (McIVOR)
Born ?, c.1839
Died Launceston, TAS, 10 Octobert 1889, aged 50
McIVER, Mary (Miss McIVER; Miss McIVOR)
Vocalist, choral singer
Died Port Phillip Heads, VIC (at sea), 6 March 1866
Summary (after family history):
Arthur McIver senior served in the 50th and 96th Regiments. He enlisted in the 50th on 14 April 1826, at Drogheda, Ireland. He departed England 4 June 1834 on board Norfolk convict ship arriving Van Diemen's Land 15 February 1835. He settled at Launceston c.1844. His sons Arthur (junior) and Francis were founding members of the St. Joseph's Band.'s+Band (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
DISAMBIGUATION: A Francis McIver was a child convict on the Lord Lyndoch (2) to Tasmania in 1836; he was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, about 1822, and was convicted with Daniel Bain for the crime of theft, habit and repute, with a previous conviction in the High Court, Edinburgh, Scotland, on 19th May 1835.
"EASTER FESTIVAL", The Cornwall Chronicle (26 April 1848), 2
The most attractive entertainment in the District, on Monday, was the Grand Festival, at the new building near St. Joseph's Church, intended for the use of the Catholic Schools. It having been intimated that, in addition to the "creature comforts" provided for the occasion, there would be a treat of no ordinary character for the votaries of good music - vocal and instrumental - and that the profits of the Festival would be devoted to the School Building Fund . . . During the evening, there was likewise a pleasing variety of vocal performances, which elicited much applause. Miss Leary and Mr. Leffler sang the favorite duett of "Dear Home Belov'd," from Donizetti's Opera of La Favorite . . . Mr. Yorkey's bass solo, "the Wolf," was deservedly encored. His powers of intonation are well-known, and he must be a very serviceable member of St. Joseph's choir. In the several glees, too, Mr. Yorkey, as also a little boy (McIvre) of very promising musical talent, rendered valuable assistance. "The Red Cross Knights," "Of all the Brave Birds," and a glee and chorus "Come unto those Yellow Sands," were sung in a very pleasing style, as was also the finale, "God save the Queen." Mr. Leffler presided at the piano-forte, with his accustomed ability . . .
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (15 January 1861), 4
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (2 March 1865), 5
"TOWN TALK AND TABLE CHAT", The Cornwall Chronicle (15 March 1865), 4
We have received a copy of the "Wild Flower Schottische," composed by Mr. John McIver, printed by Mr. R. Harris and gold by Mr J. J. Hudson of Launceston, Mr. Wm. Fletcher, of Hobart Town, and all the music sellers of the adjoining colonies. This is a very brilliant piece of dance music highly creditable to the author, who though a young man has been long a resident of Launceston. The air of the "Wild Flower" is very pleasing and certain to become a favorite with the "Ladies of Tasmania" to whom the author has gallantly dedicated it. The "Wild Flower" has been very neatly printed by Mr Harris. We are aware of the difficulty of printing music, and this being the first piece published in Launceston, it must be admitted that it has been turned out in a most creditable manner.
"HORTICULTURAL SHOW", Launceston Examiner (6 April 1865), 5
"FLOWER SHOW", Launceston Examiner (18 October 1866), 3
"THE VOLUNTEER RIFLES BAND SOIREE DANSANTE", The Cornwall Chronicle (8 December 1866), 4
"MONUMENT TO THE MEMORY OF THE LATE MISS McIVER", The Cornwall Chronicle (26 January 1867), 4
"NEW MUSIC", Launceston Examiner (13 November 1877), 5
"The Beauties of Melbourne" is the name of a waltz we have received from Messrs and Miss Roberts, of that city, for whom it has been written, by Mr John McIvor. The introduction is in bold march time, from which it passes to the simple yet well marked waltz. It has more variety than is usual in such music, and the air is pretty throughout. It is published by Allan & Co., and the title page is quite original, representing several of the "beauties" of Melbourne, who will probably be recognised by those who have been accustomed to "do the block" in Collins-street. Mr. McIvor will be remembered as a Launcestonian, and we are glad to hear that he is a rising aspirant for musical fame. His latest effort, "The Beauties," is very popular, and considerably over 500 copies have been sold already.
"MIDLAND AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION", Launceston Examiner (10 October 1878), 2
. . . The Rifle Band arrived from Launceston by the first train, and under the able leadership of Mr. Arthur McIvor, played selections during the day in its well-known style . . .
"MIDLAND JOCKEY CLUB", Launceston Examiner (12 March 1883), 3
. . . During the day the Oatlands Band, under the conductorship of Mr. Arthur McIver, rendered selections in a manner which reflected creditably upon their instructor, considering the short time the band has been in existence . . .
"CAMPBELLTOWN STEEPLECHASE MEETING", Launceston Examiner (2 October 1885), 3
. . . The Campbell Town Band was present during the day, and under the conductorship of the band master, Mr. Arthur McIver, played selections in creditable style, considering the time the members have been under his charge . . .
"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner (31 December 1885), 1
McIVER. - On 30th December, at the residence of his son, Lower George-street, Mr. Arthur McIver, late of 50th and 96th Regiments, aged 77 years. R.I.P.
"CAMPBELL TOWN RACE CLUB", Launceston Examiner (31 March 1886), 3
. . . The Campbell Town Band, under the conductorship of of their bandmaster, Mr. Arthur McIver, discoursed selections of music during the day in a style which did the members credit . . .
"DEATHS", The Colonist (19 October 1889), 28
McIVOR. - On the 10th October, Francis, third son of the late Arthur McIvor, of 96th Regiment, aged 50 years.
"OLD IDENTITY", Launceston Examiner (16 May 1894), 4
Shortly after noon yesterday an old identity in Launceston musical circles passed away at the Invalid Depot in the person of Mr Arthur McIvor, aged 64, who succumbed to an attack of paralysis. The deceased came to the colony when only a boy with his parents from Ireland, and received a good education, after which he was apprenticed to bootmaking, which trade he learnt well. In 1845 he joined the St. Joseph's Band, when it was first formed, and remained there as a clarionet player for some years. He afterwards joined the Rifle Band, which comprised about ten members, and remained in this for some length of time. Afterwards he joined the Artillery Band, and when the City Band was formed in 1873 he was a member of that for a while. Being an excellent musician, he got a higher position, and took charge of the Oatlands Band, and afterwards the one at Campbell Town, remaining there until about three years ago, when he came back to Launceston. He has three brothers alive, two in Victoria and the other one in Launceston, and they were all musically inclined, one of them, John, being organist at the Church of Apostles for several years. He was a well educated and very intelligent man, and was well-known by a large circle of old Launceston residents.
"ST. JOSEPH'S BAND. FIFTY YEARS' HISTORY", Launceston Examiner (6 July 1895), 3
. . . The first bandmaster was the late Mr. John Agnew, of the 96th Regiment, and the original members were Messrs. Charles Galvin, John McKenzie, William Mainsbridge, Andrew Skate, Arthur McIver, Francis McIver, Morgan O'Meara, William O'Meara, David O'Keefe, Thomas Keogh, Thomas Leary, John Murphy, and Bernard Lynch. Ten of these early players are dead, the only surviving members of the original band being Messrs. Morgan O'Meare, who is now in New Zealand; David O'Keefe, at present in Victoria; and Thomas Leary, who is carrying on business as a chemist in Victoria . . .
"DEATHS", Examiner (16 October 1909), 1
McIVER. - On the 9th October, at Melbourne, John McIver, formerly of Launceston, aged 78 years. "May his soul rest in peace."
"Church Anniversary", Examiner (8 November 1909), 5
Yesterday was the 43rd anniversary of the dedication and solemn opening of the Church of the Apostles, Launceston . . . The organist of St. John's Anglican Church presided at the organ on the occasion, and the church choir was also reinforced by some members of St. John's choir. The conductor was Mr. John McIvor, recently deceased . . .
"AUSTRALIA'S OLDEST BAND", The Mercury (5 August 1929), 8
"THE 'RIP' SEVENTY YEARS AGO", The Mercury (4 June 1936), 12
. . . A notable young soprano, Miss Mary McIver, only daughter of Captain Arthur McIver, stationed at Launceston, had been asked to sing at the opening of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne, where her fame as a singer had spread. On March 4, 1866, she left Launceston on board the vessel Black Swan, her young heart filled with joy at the prospect of achieving new triumphs in the Victorian capital. Mary was seated with others on deck, nursing Edward Joseph Lowe, aged about eight years, when suddenly arose a huge wave, which hurled itself over the small ship. When order had been restored and the sea had calmed down Mary and the child were missing. Their bodies were never recovered . . .
Musical works: (John McIver)
Varsoviana [unpublished, 1861]
Wild flower schottische (published Launceston, 1865)
Rondo Her bright smile [unpublished, 1865]
March (Thy bright smile) [unpublished, 1866]
Polka (Orange blossom) [unpublished, 1866]
Beauties of Melbourne waltz by John McIver (Melbourne: Allan & Co., [1877])
MACKAY, Angus (Angus B. MACKAY, Mr. MACKAY; Angus Brown MACKAY)
Actor, dancer, teacher of dancing
Active Sydney and Parramatta, NSW, 1833
Active Hobart Town, VDL, 1834
Departed Sydney, NSW, August 1836 (for Britain) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
MACKAY. Mrs. = Frances ARABIN
Actor, vocalist (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"POLICE INCIDENTS. MONDAY", The Sydney Herald (18 April 1833), 2
Morris Lenard appeared before the Bench to answer a complaint preferred against him by Mr. Angus Brown Mackay . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (26 August 1836), 2
Mr. Mackay has thought it advisable to seek his fortunes in mother land. He was a very valuable member of the corps, from the versatility of his talents, as well as from the advantage of a clear voice and general good appearance. As he is now absent we will not speak of his faults . . .
McKEE, Mr. (Mr. McKEE)
Musician, bandmaster
Active Melbourne, VIC, c. late 1840s
Bibliography and resources:
"Garryowen" [Edmund Finn], Chronicles of early Melbourne 1835 to 1852, vol. 2 (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888)
. . . Associations for the promotion of Temperance were formed early in Melbourne . . . land was purchased in Russell Street . . . and a comfortable Hall erected, in which meetings were held. As it was found advisable to provide attractions for the meetings, a band of music was formed in 1847, which numbered over twenty performers, and have great satisfaction on its first public appearance. On each Tuesday evening, when the public meeting took place, the band paraded the streets for upwards of an hour, and attracted an audience which more than filled the hall . . . The members of the band were unselfish, and gave the proceeds of their services to the Society for the purchase of new instruments and towards defraying the debt on the hall. After a time, as Bandmaster Tickle became unsteady, an old Peninsular veteran named McKee supplied his place until 1849, when the Messrs. Hore arrived in the colony . . . (539)
McKELLO, Andrew (Andrew McKELLO)
Bellman, bell ringer
Died Sydney, NSW, 5 December 1833
"Coroner's Inquests", The Sydney Herald (9 December 1833), 1s
A Coroner's Inquest was held, on Friday, at the Red Bull, King-street, on the body of Andrew M'Kello, a bellman, aged about 70 years, who came to his death under the following circumstances . . .
"CORONER'S INQUEST", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser ( 10 December 1833), 2
Actor, vocalist, clown, circus performer
Active VDL (TAS), 1846
Musician, professor of music and singing, composer
? Born Bampton, Oxfordshire, England, c.1819/1824
Married Eliza Baller (d. 1886), Kennington, London, 7 June 1853
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 November 1853 (per Queen Margaret, from the Downs, 19 July)
Active Sydney, NSW, until January 1865
? Died Bideford, Devon, England, 24 May 1889, "aged 65" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Musician, professor of singing, wandering minstrel, Shakespearian reciter
Born Cheltenham, England, c.1812
Married Ann (Anne) Melton, Bideford, Devon, England, 1838
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 16 November 1853 (as above)
Died (suicide) Woollahra, Sydney, NSW, 11 December 1875, aged 63 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
With their respective wives, Harry and T. D. Mackenzie, "Professors of Music and Singing" and reciters - and brothers - arrived in Sydney from England in November 1853.
Harry composed at least three published songs, a lost Volunteer song to lyrics by Henry Halloran (1811-1893), and two by the young University of Sydney graduate and lawyer Walter Allen (d.1867), of which Such is life (1855) appears to have been popular enough to be reissued several time over many years, the latest in Paling's annual no. 22 (1901).
Tom, who continued to present Shakespearian readings after his dismissal from the customs service, and an insolvency, committed suicide in 1875. Harry disappeared from sight at least a decade earlier, probably having returned to England round the mid 1860s.
"British Melodies", Exeter and Plymouth Gazette [England] (8 April 1843), 4
British Melodies. The Words by Mrs. McMullan, the Music by Harry Mackenzie. Published under the gracious patronage of her Majesty, Prince Albert, and the Duchess of Kent. - We scruple not to eulogise this pleasing selection of songs, and to pronounce them worthy the attention of every lover of vocal music. Mr. Mackenzie has chosen the good old British airs for adaptation, and has arranged them effectively with taste, animation, and scientific knowledge. - Both words and music are entitled to great praise, and, doubt not, will be received with general approbation. The first melody is brilliant and inspiring, and fully enters into its enlivening and patriotic subject: but we particularly admire the 3rd song, "Fear not, while all around thee." The air is expressive, and the accompaniment flowing and pretty; - as a whole this work is highly creditable, and infinitely superior to the generality of modern compositions.
"JUDICIAL COMMITTEE of the PRIVY COUNCIL", Evening Mail [London] (22 May 1844), 5
ANNE MACKENZIE (WIFE OF TOM DIGHT MACKENZIE), APPELLANT; AND WILLIAM ARDNDELL TEO, ESQ., RESPONDENT . . . The question was as to the validity of a paper writing, purporting to be codicil to the will of George Acland Barbor, Esq., and bearing date the of July, 1838, against which the Court below had pronounced. The sole purpose of the writing was to give the appellant the sum of 5,000l., and it purported to have been attested by Mackenzie himself (who in subsequent month of August married Anne Melton, the appellant) . . . It appeared that Miss Melton had been one of the testator's mistresses, and that Mr. Mackenzie knew of this before his marriage . . . It appeared that the deceased had shortly anterior to the month of May, 1838, had formed an illicit connexion with Ann Melton, who then kept a small day school in Barnstaple, and took in needlework. About the month of May, 1838, the deceased, who was a gentleman of fortune (possessing real property to the amount of 4,000l. per annum, but with charges upon it to the extent of about one-half, and personal property to the amount of about 4,000l.) residing in the neighbourhood of Barnstaple, visited Bath, and on his return thence in June, entirely broke off the connexion with Anne Melton, and it was never renewed. She had then, and during, and not prior to, the connexion with the testator, become acquainted with Tom Dight Mackenzie, a poor music-master, who visited her alone at her lodgings. She was the daughter of a person of the name of Melton, who had been gentleman's servant, and subsequently kept a tavern, and who had died in wretched circumstances. In answer to interrogatories which she herself had thought fit to put, it appeared that it was not believed that she was highly accomplished, or that her education much extended beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic; but that prior to her connexion with the testator becoming known, she had been outwardly respectable enough in station, visiting the tradespeople of the town; that when she first went to Barnstaple she had been put to a dressmaker . . .
[News], Exeter and Plymouth Gazette [England] (26 August 1837), 3
Mr. T. D. Mackenzie, well known in Devon and the adjoining counties as a member of the "Oxfordshire Minstrells" (once of this City, now of Bideford.) is a candidate for the situation of Chorister in Exeter Cathedral. He has lately visited Exeter and submitted his vocal abilities to the opinion of Mr. Wesley who expressed himself highly pleased, but in consequence of being too late in his application, (the only vacancy being filled the week previous) he stands candidate for the next vacancy.
"MACKENZIE v. YEO" [6 June 1842], Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical & Maritime Courts, volume 1, Easter Term 1841 to Trinity Term 1842 (London: Thomas Blenkarn, 1843), 516-30
[6 June 1842] This was a business of proving in solemn form of law an alleged codicil to the will of Mr. George Acland Barbor, late of Fremington, Devon, who died at Frankfort, 7th July, 1839, a bachelor, aged 39, leaving personal property to the amount of between £3,000 and £4,000, and a real estate of the net value of £2,500 per annum. By his will, dated 15th October, 1830, he bequeathed the bulk of this property to his cousin germane and only next of kin, Dr. William Arundell Yeo, whom he appointed sole executor and residuary legatee, and who proved the same 27th August, 1839. In December, he was called upon to take probate of the paper in question, purporting to be a codicil in favour of Anne Melton (now Mackenzie, the wife of Tom Dight Mackenzie), bearing date 6th July, 1838 . . .
"THE BRITISH EXODUS", Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser [England] (29 September 1852), 2
On Monday the 29th inst., a public meeting, convened by the Hunter River Gold Mining Company, was held in the theatre of the Mechanics' Institution, Southhampton buildings. the company, according to the prospectus was formed "on the cost-book principle," for working of a mineral district of 2,000 acres, and granting 4,000 passages, by allotment, in first class vessels to Australia . . . This extraordinary country presented extraordinary attractions to emigrants from other countries as the climate was unusually salubrious and healthy. Thomas D. Mackenzie said that it might indeed be said to have no winter at all; in New South Wales especially. It is alleged by some, however, that there were occasionally exceedingly hot scorching winds . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Empire (17 November 1853), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 November 1853), 1
THE MACKENZIE BROTHERS. MESSRS. T. D. MACKENZIE and, HARRY MACKENZIE, Professors of Music and Singing, honoured by the patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, H. R. H. Prince Albert, H. R. Highness the Duchess of Kent, &c, &c., beg to announce their arrival in Sydney, where they intend giving a series of Entertainments, comprising readings from Shakespere, and original vocal composition. Particulars in future advertisements.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1853), 3
NEW SONGS, by HARRY MACKENZIE - "I was Happy 'till I knew Thee;" "I Mention not Her Name;" "Never Give Up;" - "A more vigorous and spirit stirring air is rarely published. - Eliza Cook's Journal ; also vide Times, Musical Review, &c. To be had at Mr. H. MARSH'S, George-street, and Mr. JOHNSON, Pitt-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1854), 5
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1854), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 September 1855), 8
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1857), 1
"CUSTOMS DUTIES", The Argus (27 June 1860), 5
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 August 1860), 8
[Advertisement]: "VOLUNTEERS' SONG", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 December 1860), 10
"INSOLVENCIES DURING THE MONTH", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 October 1863), 9
[Legislative Assembly], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1864), 6
[Advertisement], Empire (8 October 1864), 1
"New Music", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 January 1865), 4
Under the title of "Good Bye," a new ballad has just been published by Mr. W. J. Johnson, of Pitt-street. The words are by Walter Allen, and the music is the composition of Harry Mackenzie. Both words and music are pretty, and the song bids fair to become a favourite.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1867), 1
"CORONER'S COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 December 1875), 4
The City Coroner held an inquest yesterday, at Kramer's Woollahra Hotel, touch the death of a man named Tom Dight Mackenzie. The following depositions were taken: - Anne Mackenzie deposed: She resides at Waverly Road, near Piper-street, Woollahra; the deceased was her husband, a native of Cheltenham, England; he was formerly employed in the Customs and Treasury, and latterly in the Lands Department; he had been in very bad health lately, and his mind was quite gone; at times he was not conscious of what he was doing; he had been that way for at least two years; during the last week he had been unable to attend to his duties . . . The jury fund "That the said Tom Dight Mackensie at Woollahra, on the 11th instant, committed suicide by taking an overdoes of strychnine while labouring under temporary insanity."
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1875), 1
"The Lion Flag of England. By Harry Mackenzie", The Spectator (18 November 1876), 27
[News], Exeter and Plymouth Gazette [England] (9 May 1877), 3
Mention has been made in several Devonshire papers recently of the new song of the Bideford poet, [Edward] Capern - "The Lion Flag," and just praise has been given both to the words and to the music to which it has been set. The composer of the music is Mr. Harry Mackenzie, but I do not think it is generally known that he is the Harry Mackenzie, the author of so many English melodies, and that he has been residing at Northam for some years; but such is the case . . .
1881 England Census for Harry Mackenzie, Devon, Bideford
20 Quay [Street] / Harry Mackenzie / 62 / No profession or business, but income derived from New South Wales / [born] Bampton, Oxfordshire/ Eliza do. / 64
England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1889
MACKENZIE, Harry. Personal Estate £119 1s. 8d. 27 June [1889] The Will of Harry Mackenzie late of Bideford in the County of Devon Gentleman who died 24 May 1889 at Elmsleigh-terrace in Bideford was proved at Exeter by James Wyatt of 17 High-street Bideford Draper the sole Executor.
Musical publications (Harry)
British Melodies . . . The words by Mrs. McMullan [1843; 1850]; copy at British Library
Fear not if while around thee, ballad, the poetry written by Mrs. McMullan [1843; 1850]; copy at British Library
I mention not her name [? 1853]
I was happy till I knew thee, ballad . . . the words by F. Kortright [1853]; copy at British Library
Never give up [song] Written by M. F. Tupper [1853]; copy at British Library
The lion flag of England [song] (London: Boosey, [1876])
Such is life, ballad, the words by Walter Allen, the music composed and respectfully dedicated to the Misses Allen (Toxteth Park) by Harry Mackenzie (Sydney: published for the author by H. Marsh & Co, [1855]); The Australian cadeau no. 15 (8 September 1855)
Such is life (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1857]); from Marsh's plates above
Volunteer's song (words: Henry Halloran) ([Sydney: W. J. Johnson, 1860])
Good bye (words: Walter Allen) ([Sydney: W. J. Johnson, 1865])
Such is life (Sydney: J. Reading, [1870]); from Marsh's plates above
Such is life (Sydney: W. H. Paling, [? 1901]); in Paling's annual no. 22
Musician, bagpiper, pipe major
Active Queensland, QLD, by 1876
[News], The Darling Downs Gazette (25 November 1876), 5
"CALEDONIAN SOCIETY", The Darling Downs Gazette (11 December 1879), 3
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (24 September 1887), 2
[News], The Brisbane Courier (28 September 1892), 4
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (29 June 1907), 2
Musician, bandsman
Active VDL (TAS), by 1851
Died Launceston, TAS, 2 October 1873, aged 73
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (9 August 1851), 7
(ADVERTISEMENT.) A LETTER appeared in Wednesday's Chronicle (of the 6th instant) detailing an account of grievances suffered by Mr. Allan, formerly fifer of the 96th regiment, and now messenger of the sheriff's office. It is a gross falsehood, as far as relates to St. Joseph's Band, except two statements. They are as follows. The letter alluded to, as giving the sentiments of the committee, that the band would not play on a political occasion, is true; the drummer did receive £l, at nine o'clock, on Friday night; he, the drummer, did not know that he was to get anything to that moment; he never was promised any reward for not playing; the pound he got was nearly all subscribed by the band, not one penny of it was got from any of the League or government party; the words ticket-of-leave were never mentioned or alluded to; the band do not know whether the drummer holds a ticket-of-leave or not. In justice to Mr. Dowling, I am bound to state that he never interfered on the occasion referred to, nor did any member of the League. Other statements are well known to be invented falsehoods, and not worth contradicting. Now for Fifer Allen's loyalty that the Chronicle speaks of. He, the said fifer, played for the delegates, and would do so to-morrow again for one half-crown. So much for his loyalty. He was discharged from the St. Joseph's Band for want of ability to teach them, although he found it very convenient to pretend friendship to the members of the band. His being dismissed is the only possible reason he could have for trying to slander them. JOHN McKENZIE. August 9, 1851. N.B. - If I shall hear any more of Mr. Allen's nonsense I shall explain a little more in a future period.
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (20 August 1851), 526
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (27 August 1851), 2
"DEATHS", Launceston Examiner (7 October 1873), 2
At Forest Road, on 2nd October, John McKenzie, aged 73.
MACKENZIE, Robert Ramsay (Robert Ramsay MACKENZIE)
Musical amateur, politician
Active Brisbane, QLD, 1857-58 (NLA persistent identifier)
"SIXTY YEARS OF MUSIC IN BRISBANE", The Telegraph (26 November 1945), 4
The first prominent settler in the Moreton Bay district entitled to the credit of having brought professional musicians to what shortly afterwards became the State of Queensland was Mr. R. R. Mackenzie, who, when Separation was actually granted, became Sir Robert Mackenzie, and the first Colonial Treasurer in the Herbert Ministry. This point was made by Mr. C. G. Austin, in a paper read to members of the Historical Society of Queensland . . . "R.R. Mac," as he was familiarly termed, who had settled on sheep country in the Brisbane River Valley in 1846, paid a visit to Sydney early in 1857 and attended some concerts which had been organised there by Mr. W. H. Paling, an accomplished violinist, of Dutch nationality, whose name afterwards became familiar through out Australia. Another musician who came to Australia with the same party was Professor W. A. Seal, who eventually settled in Brisbane and whose family became particularly well known. Through the enterprise of Mr. Mackenzie a concert party consisting of Professor Seal and his brother, with two performers named Cramer, were brought to Brisbane to play a season of high-class music in the Botanic Gardens. All of these were induced to settle in Brisbane . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (musician); but, correctly, none of the four musicians in question, neither the Seal brothers (whose German surname was Siegel), nor the Cramer brothers, had arrived in Australia with Paling
C. G. Austin, "Early history of music in Queensland", Journal of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland 6/4 (1962), 1052-1067
MACKIE, Mr. (? Robert MACKIE below)
Musician, organist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1855
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 December 1855), 1
MR. MACKIE, late Organist of Trinity Church, London, is at present open to an Engagement. References are kindly permitted to the Dean of Melbourne. Piano-forte tuition on moderate terms. Bouverie place, North Melbourne.
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 March 1856), 3
ST. KILDA.-Mr. Mackie, Organist of the church, Pianoforte Teacher and Tuner, 179 Flinders-street east.
MACKIE, Robert (Robert MACKIE)
Musician, piano tuner and repairer, music seller, music publisher, musical agent, composer
Born Scotland, c.1821
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1856 (late of Edinburgh)
Died South Yarra, VIC, 21 April 1865, aged "44/45" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Robert Mackie, "late of Edinburgh" and for "fifteen years principal Tuner with the eminent firms of Collard and Collard, and Allison and Allison, London" was active in Melbourne early in 1856.
He published his own Toorak polka in June 1859, and in 1860 a "new edition" of Jessie's dream (a story of the relief of Lucknow . . . written by Grace Campbell; composed by John Blockley) (a re-issue under his own cover of the almost identical edition by McCulloch and Stewart in 1860, Jessie's dream).
His own "Australian Scotch song", The birthday o' the year, a setting of words by George Lindsay, appeared at New Year 1861.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 February 1856), 7
PIANOFORTES Tuned and Repaired promptly, town and country. Robert Mackie, from Collard's, 179 Flinders-street east.
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 March 1857), 3
LONDON PIANOFORTE WAREHOUSE, 32 Swanston-street. - ROBERT MACKIE, fifteen years principal Tuner with the eminent firms of Collard and Collard, and Allison and Allison, London. Pianofortes tuned and thoroughly repaired. N.B. - R. M. docs not keep a staff of ignorant pretenders, but attends to Tuning personally. Tuning within a circuit of five miles from Melbourne, Half Guinea.
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 April 1857), 6
JUST Received : per Lightning, all the Newest MUSIC from home. Robert Mackie, 32 Swanston-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 May 1857), 3
QUADRILLE OFFICE, for Providing Bands and Pianists for Balls and Parties. Robert Mackie, 32 Swanston-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 November 1857), 1
[Advertisement], The Argus (11 June 1859), 7
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 March 1860), 7
[News], The Argus (15 January 1861), 5
We have pleasure in drawing attention to another colonial musical production, which cannot fail to become a favourite when known. It is, "The birthday o' the year: Australian Scotch song," of which the words are by Mr. George Lindley, and the music by Mr. Robert Mackie, the publisher. Both words and music show much taste and feeling. We are really glad to know that we have among us composers and writers of songs so good as this, and that we noticed yesterday [Louis Lewis's What Sounds are these]. We must also congratulate the musical public on the fact, that native producers in this line do not, as is generally the case, deem it necessary to exact for the native production a sum thrice as much as for the imported article. These songs are published at about the same price as they would be in London.
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 September 1863), 7
NOTICE is hereby given, that the PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned Robert Mackie and William Anderson, in the business of pianoforte and music sellers, and carried on at No. 32 Swanston-street, in the city of Melbourne, under the style of R. MACKIE and Co., has been DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All debts due by the late firm, and all outstanding accounts due to the said partnership, will be paid and received by the said Robert Mackie, who will for the future continue to carry on the said business. Dated the tenth day of September, A. D. 1863. ROBERT MACKIE. WILLIAM ANDERSON Witness - Edw. M. Gibbs, articled clerk to James Wisiwould, solicitor, Melbourne.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (11 February 1865), 4
We observe that, on Monday evening next, a grand concert, for the benefit of Mr. Robert Mackie, formerly musicseller, Swanston street, is to take place in St. George's Hall. The concert is to be under the patronage of the Mayor and corporation of the city, and of Captain Standish, Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons under the English Constitution, and of the freemasons generally, of which ancient fraternity Mr. Mackie has been a member for twenty-five years. Mr. Horsley has kindly consented to officiate as conductor and Mr. King as leader of the orchestra; while Mr. Montague and Mr. Mackie will alternately preside at the piano. All the artistes have obtained a more or less distinguished position in the musical world in this city; and amongst the names we observe those of Miss Warden and Miss Liddle, and the Messrs Angus, Howson, King and Ewart. The programme comprises selections from favorite operas, interspersed with popular songs and ballads.
[News], The Argus (13 February 1865), 5
"DEATHS", The Argus (24 April 1865), 4
MACKIE- On the 21st inst., at Clutha-cottage, South Yarra, Mr. Robert Mackie (late of Edinburgh), in his forty-fifth year. Edinburgh papers please copy.
"Funeral notices", The Argus (24 April 1865), 8
THE Friends of the late Mr. ROBERT MACKIE, musicseller (late of Swanston-street), are respectfully invited to follow his remains to the place of Interment, Melbourne Cemetery.
Funeral to move from Clutha-cottage, Victoria street, South Yarra, THIS DAY (Monday), at one o'clock p.m, passing Prince's-bridge, about half-past one.
Bibliography and resources:
Neidorf 1999, 286 (DIGITISED)
Actor, vocalist
Active Hobart, TAS, 1850
Actor, vocalist
Active Hobart, TAS, 1850
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner [TAS] (21 September 1850), 11
McKONE, William (William McKONE)
Musician, convict
Born London, England, c. 1793
Married Maria COLE (1792-1868), Christ Church, City of London, England, 31 March 1809
Tried London, England, 2 December 1812 (sentenced death, commuted to life transportation)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 February 1814 (per General Hewitt, from London, August 1813)
Died Sydney, NSW, 28 May 1843, aged "49" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Christ Church in the City of London, in the year 1809; London Metropolitan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 1736 / William McKone of this Parish of Christ Church Bachelor & Maria Cole of the same Parish Spinster were married in this Church, by banns this [31 March 1809] . . .
Trial of William McKone, John Doggerty, and William Norman, violent theft, highway robbery, 2 December 1812; Old Bailey online
37. WILLIAM McKONE, JOHN DOGGERTY, and WILLIAM NORMAN, were indicted for feloniously making an assault upon William Bunting,
on the 31st of October, in the king's highway, putting him in fear, and taking from his person and against his will, a hat, value 10s. and two shillings, the property of William Bunting . . .
[Notice], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 November 1825), 3
HIS EXCELLENCY the GOVERNOR has been pleased to give Directions that FREE PARDONS may be prepared,
and submitted for His Signature to the Individuals whose Names are specified below; viz. . . .
William McKone - General Hewitt . . .
Australian almanac and general directory for the year of our lord 1835 (Sydney: W. W. O'Shaughnessey, 1835), [unpaginated] (DIGITISED)
. . . McKone, John, Currier's Arms, Upper Castlereagh-street
McKone, John, sadler and harnessmaker, George-street
McKone, William, musician, Upper Elizabeth-street . . .
"ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION", New South Wales Government Gazette (15 March 1859), 647
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales . . .
In the Will of William McKone, late of Elizabeth-street, Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, musician, deceased,
that William Tunke, of Balmain, in the Colony of New South Wales, gentleman, intends, at the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof,
to apply to the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction,
that probate of the last Will and Testament of the above-named William McKone, deceased,
may be granted to him as one of the Executors named in the said Will. - Dated this fourteenth day of March, a.d. 1859.
RICHARD DRIVER, Proctor for the said Executor. 176, Pitt-street, Sydney. 4s. 6d.
NSW probate register, 1859, no. 4311; State Records Authority of NSW
No. 4311 / In the name of God amen. This is the last Will and Testament of me William McKone of Elizabeth Street, Sydney in the colony of New South Wales Musician . . . I give devise and bequeath unto my friends William Tunks of Sydney Publican and John Hill of the same place Cabinet Maker their heirs executors and administrators all my real and personal estate . . . [28 November 1842] . . . 1st April 1859 . . .
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 November 1868), 1
On the 15th instant, at her son's residence, 257, Elizabeth-street, MARIA McKONE, relict of the late William McKone, Aged 77.
Bibliography and resources:
William McKone, Find a grave
Sacred to the memory of John McKone who departed this life the 4th Feb'y 1838 in the 28th year of his age he had left a wife and two children to lament their loss . . .
Also William McKone father of the above who departed this life May 12 1843 aged 49 years . . .
McLACHLAN, Lachlan (Lachlan McLACHLAN; Mr. L. McLACHLAN)
Amateur musician, piper, bagpipes player, magistrate
Born Scotland, c. 1808; son of Neil McLACHLAN
Died VIC, 1885, aged "75/76"
McLACHLAN, Moffat (Moffat McLACHLAN)
Amateur musician, piper, bagpipes player
"PERSONAL", Sunday Times [Sydney, NSW] (17 October 1920), 5
"DOCTOR in the DRINK", Western Mail [Perth, WA] (5 August 1954), 10
Musician, orchestral musician
Active Sydney, NSW, 1854
[Advertisement], Empire (25 August 1854), 1
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. Andrew Torning, Sole Lessee and Manager.
THE LESSEE feels great pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public, that the above popular place of amusement,
with extensive improvements, will open for dramatic and operatic performances (on a scale superior to any yet attempted in the colonies) on
MONDAY, August 2d., with the following company: -
Mr. Frank Howson, Operatic Manager.
Mr. Lavenu, Musical Director.
Mr. John Gibbs, Leader of the Orchestra . . .ORCHESTRA. Messrs. Lavenu, John Gibbs, C. Riffel,
G. Strong, J. Guerin, Davis, R. Vaughan, M. Vaughan, Wright, Wheeler, Turner, Seymour, McLaughlin, Bing, Theobald, Earle, and Master Hudson.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (26 August 1854), 3
. . . ORCHESTRA . . . McLauglin, Bing, Theobald, Erle, and Master Hudson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (manager); Frank Howson (operatic manager); Lewis Henry Lavenu (musical director); John Gibbs (leader, violin); Carlo Ryfell (musician); George Strong (violin); James Guerin (violin); Robert and Michael Vaughan (flute and musician); Mr. Wright (musician); Stephen Wheeler (cornet); John Turner (musician); Richard Seymour (trombone); Mr. Bing (musician); Robert Bishop Theobald (musician); Mr. Earle (musician); George Hudson junior (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
McLAUGHLIN, James Ruthven (James Ruthven McLAUGHLIN; "J.R.M.")
Playwright, songwriter, ? singer, schoolmaster
Born Ireland (? Londonderry), c. 1802/3
Died Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"ST. PATRICK'S DAY IN MELBOURNE", Advocate (20 March 1880), 13
. . . Something in Milesian style, the "Old Irelanders" used to keep a bard, or fileadh - a species of poet laureate - to supply Irish odes and melodies for special occasions. A Mr. J. R. McLaughlin held this office by general acclaim for many years; and some of the effusions of his muse (usually printed in The Herald) had the true Parnassian ring, and possessed no little merit. He was a schoolmaster by profession, and, before the late T. P. Hill was heard of, sometimes prepared "young orators" for elocutionary displays. The great fault with him was that he was too much of an Irishman; for, not content with drowning the shamrock on Patrick's night, he kept drowning it every night in the year, until both himself and his shamrock went down together. Like too many of his countrymen at home and abroad, he was too thirsty a soul. He was a disciple of that easy-going devil-may-careish creed of modern Epicureanism propounded by another "Mac" - the well-known Irish gin-bibber Dr. Maginn - in the following "nipping" verse: -
"Who cares a potato Solon or Plato, Those dull philosophical pedants of yore? A glass of good stingo is better, by Jingo, Than all their flash sayings, their wisdom, or lore. What's gruff Aristotle to a well-plenished bottle? With whisky can Socrates ever compare? If grief should attack us we'll call upon Bacchus, Renowned for his hatred to sorrow and care."
Poor "J.R.M." was a man of much culture and rare gifts; he was an excellent teacher, but free-hearted and convivial to a fault. He settled in the Old Cemetery full twenty years before his time, like scores of others who prematurely cut themselves off as the willing victims of "one bottle more" . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Fotheringham 2006, Australian plays for the colonial stage: 1834-1899, 99, 11 (PREVIEW)
McLEAN, Edward (Edward McLEAN; Teddy McLEAN)
Dancer, theatrical dancer, ballet master
Born Dublin, Ireland, 1840; son of John McLEAN
Active Sydney, NSW, by late 1850s
Died Randwick, NSW, 23 June 1915, aged 75
McLEAN, Elizabeth (Elizabeth SHAPTER; Mrs. Edward McLEAN; Miss Lizzie SHAPTER)
Dancer, theatrical dancer
Born NSW, 1844; daughter of Edward SHAPTER and Mary Ann FRY
Married Edward McLEAN (1840-1915), NSW, 1863
Died Point Piper, NSW, August 1886
Edward Shapter's daughter, Miss Lizzie Shapter was a danseuse with the Lyster and Cagli Opera company in the 1870s, and was married to Edward McLean, ballet master at the Theatre Royal, Sydney.
[Advertisement], Empire (25 December 1863), 1
"THE LATE FATAL FIRE . . . THE PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire (9 January 1872), 3
The late Prince of Wales Opera House, which has just been destroyed by fire, was re-built and completed on the 21st of May, 1863, upon the ruins of the old one, which had experienced a similar fate about two years and a half before . . . In regard to the losses sustained by "the poor players" . . . the losses of Mr. Charles Young only amounts to £10 or £12, but the materials can only be replaced by purchase from some of the London houses. So also with the members of the orchestra. The Ford sisters who have long since established themselves favourites with the play-going public of Sydney, are very considerable sufferers . . . Mr. Edward McLean, the ballet master, lost all his music and splendid wardrobe of pantomimic dresses . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 October 1872), 8
DIRECTORS, Messrs. LYSTER and CAGLI . . . Conductor - Signor ALBERTO ZELMAN . . .
MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, October 21st and 22nd,
will be produced, with now and magnificent scenery, and a powerful cast, Meyerbeer's great work,
Roberto, Duke of Normandy - Mr. Armes Beaumont
Rambaldo, betrothed to Alice - Signor Leandro Coy
Bertramo - Signor Enrico Dondi
Alberto - Signor Pietro Favas
Alfredo - Mr. G. W. Johnson
Master of the ceremonies - Signor Benso
The Demon - Mr. E. McLean
Helena, the Spectre Abbess - Miss E. Shapter
Isabella, in love with Roberto - Signora Tamburini Coy
Alice, Roberto's foster sister - Signora Margherita Zenoni . . .
Chorus and Corps de Ballet . . .
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (5 February 1874), 1
The Ethereal Sisters ZUILA and NYRA, The Most Graceful and Daring Lady Gymnasts of the Day.
Miss LIZZIE SHAPTER, The accomplished Danseuse from Lyster and Cagli's Opera Company.
LOYAL, the MIRACULOUS, Champion Gymnast and Bicycle Rider of the World.
E. McLEAN, The Celebrated Pantomimist, Ballet, and Comic Dancer.
FRANK LLOYD, Star Comique and Buffo Vocalist.
The Orchestra under the Leadership of Mr. Charles Smith . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", Evening News (29 July 1876), 4
"Funerals", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 August 1886), 12
THE FRIENDS of Mr. W. SHAPTER are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late beloved SISTER, Mrs. McLean;
to move from her residence, 130, Point Piper-road, THIS MORNING, at 9 o'clock, and proceed to the Waverley Cemetery.
THE FRIENDS of Mr. EDWARD McLEAN are informed that the Funeral of his deceased beloved Wife, Elizabeth, will move from his residence . . .
"GOSSIP OF THE THEATRES", Referee (30 June 1915), 15
McLEAN, Hector Roderick (from 1880s Hector MACLEAN)
Organist, choir director, music examiner, composer
Born St Pancras, London, England, 1851
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1874
Died Parramatta, NSW, 29 January 1935, aged 82 [sic] (NLA persistent identifier) Libraries Australia Authorities)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1874), 11
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 January 1935), 12
"OBITUARY. Mr. H. R. MACLEAN", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 February 1935), 19
Mr. Hector R. Maclean, a musician of former years, died at Parramatta on Tuesday, aged 82 years. Mr. Maclean had a long and varied experience as an organist and choirmaster, his first appointment being to Partis College. Bath, at the age of 17. He obtained his professorship in music at Trinity College, London. On his arrival in Sydney in 1875, he secured the appointment as organist and choir director at St. Philip's, Church Hill. In 1877, he transferred to St. James', where he was organist and musical conductor for 20 years. Later, he served at St. Barnabas, Sydney, and St. John's, Parramatta. Mr. Maclean was one of the founders of the Sydney College of Music in 1894. He was an examiner in music for the Sydney University, and adjudicated at many eisteddfods and conducted several choral societies. He composed songs, pianoforte pieces, anthems, an operetta, Populaire, performed at Government House while Lord Carrington was Governor, and a setting of the Greek play, Agamemnon, which was produced by University students. He was a member of the Musical Association of New South Wales, and was at one time a member of the council . . .
Musical works (early):
The adieu (nocturne for pianoforte) (Sydney: Elvy, [1874])
McLEOD, Angus (Angus McLEOD; Mr. M'LEOD)
Musician, bandmaster, master of the band of the 21st Regiment, professor of music, flautist, pianist
Born West Indies (with 21st Regiment), 17 October 1786
Arrived Sydney, NSW, October 1833 (per Lord Lyndoch)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), December 1833
Died Richmond, TAS, 12 February 1863, aged 77 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
See also Band of the 21st Regiment
McLEOD, John (John McLEOD; M'LEOD)
Musician, viola (tenor) player, orchestra leader, ? bandsman (21st Regiment)
Active Hobart and Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1838-41
Angus McLeod arrived in Hobart with his wife and children by July 1833, announcing immediately his intention to stay and settle in Hobart when eventually his regiment moved on.
With his band of the 21st Regiment, he took his benefit at the Theatre Royal in Hobart in July 1837, performing "a piece of music entitled The British camp in Portugal", the advertisement for which lists the titles of 17 movements, corresponding roughly with the list given for a version of the same work performed in Leeds, England, by the Band of the 5th Dragoon Guards in 1827 (elsewhere attributed to "Blaney").
At his benefit in February 1838, the program included Neukomm's song The sea, sung by Arthur Falchon and "Accompanied by the band of the regiment, and arranged expressly by Mr. M'Leod for the occasion", and the "celebrated French Horn Echo".
As previosuly announced, he stayed on to settle in Hobart when his regiment left early in 1839.
At the Government Ball in November 1839:
the music, under the conduct and arrangement of that very talented musician, and very estimable man, Mr. M'Leod, was well selected, and admirably performed. Quadrilles and Waltzes were the order of the night.
At a concert in June 1840 McLeod played a "Flute concerto, with orchestral accompaniments, OTTO", and Mayseder's Paganini variations. The string player John McLeod, who appeared with him in Launceston in 1841, is probably a relative.
Probably a relative of Angus McLeod, John McLeod acted as "leader of the orchestra" (the band of the 21st Regiment) at Hobart Theatre in August 1838.
"THE ARMY", Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier [Ireland] (10 March 1831), 3
"THE ARMY", Freeman's Journal [Dublin] (11 March 1831), 4
"THE ARMY", Morning Advertiser [London] (14 March 1831), 4
The Colonel and Officers of the 21st Fusileers, at Kilkenny, have presented an elegant silver snuff-box, beautifully engraved with regimental and harmonic devices, to Angus McLeod, master of the band, for his long and faithful services in that regiment.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (5 July 1833), 2
The colony has recently acquired a considerable accession of musical talent in the bandmaster of the 21st fusileers who on the removal of the regiment to India, proposes, we learn, to remain and become a settler in the colony; and Mr. Peck, an experienced performer on the violin, who, we learn, has acquired most of the peculiar talents of Paganani. These being added, to our old and tried favourites Messrs. Reichenberg, Deane, Russel, Marshall, Williams, of the 63d., with several others not actual professors, in conjunction with Mrs. Davis, and other ladies of vocal acquirement, will shortly, we are glad to learn, unite their talents and delight the inhabitants of Hobart-town with a concert inferior to none out of London. Since writing the above, we observe a concert is fixed for Monday next.
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (21 October 1833), 2
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (5 December 1833), 2
For Madras via Hobart Town, this morning, the ship Lord Lyndoch, Captain William Johnstone, in ballast. Passengers, Colonel Leahy, Lieutenant Wrixon, Lieutenant Lamotte, Lieutenant Mundy, Lieutenant Ansley, Quarter-master Fairgrieve, 10 sergeants, 4 drummers, and 127 rank and file of the 21st Regiment; Captain Mandillon, 54th Regiment; Mrs. Wrixon, Mrs. Fairgrieve; and child; Mr. Mc'Leod, Band-master, Mrs. Mc'Leod, and 4 children; 24 women, and 22 children. Dr. Stewart, R. N., in Medical Charge of the Troops.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (19 August 1836), 3
We beg to invite the attention of the friends of the regular drama and music, to the benefit of Mr. M'Leod, the professor of music, which takes place on Monday. The entertainments will well repay the audience, especially the music, which is, we learn, most select and novel.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 July 1837), 3
Theatre Royal, Hobart Town. MR. ANGUS McLEOD respectfully begs leave to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that his BENEFIT will take place on Monday next, the 17th instant, on which occasion he humbly solicits their kind patronage. The performance will commence with that favorite piece, called ROBROY MCGREGOR, with the Original Overture. After which, The Military band, in attend[ance by the] kind permission of Major Deare, will perform on the Stage, a piece of Music intituled, The British Camp in Portugal, Containing the following movements: - 1. At night previous to battle; 2. Day Break; 3. Morning gun, loud clash of drums; 4. Reveille, with drums and fifes; 5. Sun-rise, bird music; 6. Morning parade, roll on the drums to assemble the troops; 7. The respective Companies marching to the Grand Parade; 8. Troop on Parade; 9. The Enemy discovered at a distance; 10. The alarm bugle; 11. Enemies alarm; 12. The French marching at a distance; 13. The drums in the British Camp beating to Arms; 14. The gallant 42nd Highlanders marching to Battle; 15. The Engagement; 16. English Trumpet of Victory; 17. Grand March of Victory; FINALE - God have the King. After which, the favorite overture of FRA DIAVOLO. The whole to conclude with the laughable Farce of THE DISAGREEABLE SURPRISE. N. B. - In order that the whole may be concluded at an early hour, the performance will commence at 7 o'clock precisely.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (6 February 1838), 3
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (9 February 1838), 2
Theatre Royal. Hobart Town. For the Benefit of MR. McLEOD. MR. McLEOD, Bandmaster, begs most respectfully to inform his friends, patrons, and the public of Hobart, and its vicinity, that his benefit will take place on MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 12, 1838, on which occasion he most humbly solicits their patronage and support. The Evening's entertainments will commence with the celebrated Scottish drama, entitled, WARLOCK of the GLEN. BETWEEN THE PIECES, A Solo on the flute - composed by Charles Scholl, first flute player at the Theatre Royal, Vienna - by a Pupil of Mr. McLeod. SONG - "THE SEA." Accompanied by the band of the regiment, and arranged expressly by Mr. McLeod for the occasion, - MR FALCHON. The celebrated FRENCH-HORN ECHO, by the full Band of the Regiment on the stage. The Evening's entertainments to conclude with, for the last time this season, the celebrated opera of MIDAS . . .
"DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE", Colonial Times (11 December 1838), 7
. . . The Band-master, Mr, M'Leod, who is universally esteemed, will not accompany the regiment to India, but, will, we are happy to say, remain here with us.
[News], Colonial Times (26 February 1839), 6
We have great pleasure in publishing a Letter from Major Deare, Commanding the 21st R. S. F, to the late Band-Master of that Regiment, Mr. McLeod : it is highly complimentary to Mr. McLeod, and most creditable to Major Deare and his brother Officers. Mr. McLeod, we understand; has been, so to speak, fifty-two years attached to the Regiment, having, in fact, been born in it, and, some years ago, he was presented, on parade, with a handsome and massy silver snuff box, the gift of the officers, in token of their esteem for his excellent conduct and most assiduous exertions as Band-Master. We can, from our knowledge, confidently speak of Mr. McLeod's politeness and amenity; and we feel gratified in keeping him amongst us, as a teacher of an art, in which be so greatly excels, and which now constitutes almost a necessary accomplishment:
(1.) Hobart Town, Feb. 24, 1839. DEAR SIR, - I beg to enclose you a copy of a Regimental Order, I have thought it proper to issue on your retirement from the Regiment. I have done so, because I wish to be recorded, in writing, the opinion entertained (by me, after an acquaintance of twenty years, and the whole of the Officers at present serving in the Regiment, as well as those who have left it), of your character, and of your value. It is my intention, before I embark, to address a letter to the Colonial Secretary, in which I shall strongly recommend you for an appointment under the Colonial Government, should it, at any time, be your wish to enter into its service; and this I shall do with as much pleasure as confidence, knowing, that, in offering your services to the Government, I shall be introducing to it an Individual, in whose integrity and honor, it may place the highest reliance. I regret very much indeed the loss of you; but, after your long service, it would be unjust even to wish, that you and your young family should accompany us to India. I beg, again, to assure you of the very sincere regard I feel for you, and the interest I Shall have in the future welfare of yourself and family, of which, I request you will from time to time do me the favor to inform me. I shall always be glad to hear of you, and, the more so, if that prosperity attends you, which I most sincerely hope and trust will. - In this hope, believe me, dear Sir, your faithful friend, GEO. DEARE, Major, Commanding 21st Fusileers.
(2) Extract from Regimental Orders, dated 24th of February, 1839. Major Deare cannot embark with the head-quarters without expressing in public orders his great regret, at the loss the regiment sustains in the retirement of Mr. Angus McLeod. Through an unusually long period of honorable service of upwards of 40 years, Mr. McLeod has maintained, and most truly deserved, the highest character, of which indeed he has for some years worn, the most honorable distinguishing badge bestowed upon him by his King. Having already received this mark of his Sovereign's approbation, it only remains to Major Deare to express to Mr. McLeod the sincere regret felt by him and the whole of the Officers at losing his services - the same of which have at all times been fully appreciated by the regiment; and to assure Mr. McLeod that he bears with him the good and kind wishes of all the Officers of the Royal Scotch fusileers, for his future welfare and prosperity,- and for that of Mrs. McLeod and all his family.
(3.) Hobart Town, 25th Feb., 1839. SIR, -It is impossible for me to express, in adequate terms, the gratitude which I feel for the truly handsome Regimental1 Order, which you have been pleased to issue upon the departure of the 21st Royal Scotch Fusileers for India, so far beyond my merits or expectation, - increased as the obligation is by the kind manner in which you have honored me by communicating it. Born in the regiment, it is natural I should feel the approaching separation, as from that of a beloved parent; but when to this is added the recollection, which will go with me to my grave, of the generous manner in which I have ever been treated by every Officer of that distinguished corps, particularly those in command, I need not say that to express my feelings is impossible. I can, then, only add, that I shall ever anxiously look for intelligence of the 21st Royal Scotch Fusileers; and its prosperity as a body, yours, as its Commanding Officer, and that of every Officer and individual serving in it, is and ever will be the object nearest my heart. - I have the honor to be, Sir, your ever grateful servant, ANGUS McLEOD. [to] Major Deare, Commanding 21st Fusileers.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (8 October 1839), 2
Music. MR. McLEOD, late Band Master to the 21st R. S. F., begs to Inform his friends and the public, that he has removed to Fusileer Cottage, near St. George's Church, his own residence, recently occupied by the Rev Mr. Ewing. He gives lessons on the Piano Forte, and other Instruments, mentioned in his former announcements; and his capacious Music Room is open at all times for the practice of his pupils. October 7, 1839.
"The Government Ball", Colonial Times (12 November 1839), 5
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (9 June 1840), 2
"The Campbeltown Ball", Launceston Courier (3 May 1841), 2
[Launceston news], Colonial Times (11 May 1841), 4
"THE LATE MR. ANGUS McLEOD", The Mercury (14 February 1863), 2
Our obituary to-day records the death of a very old and respected colonist of nearly thirty years standing. Mr. Angus McLeod formerly band-master of the 21st Regiment of Royal Scottish Fusileers, expired at his son-in-law's residence at Richmond on Thursday evening last, at the ripe age of 77. Mr. McLeod was born on the 25th October 1786. He served in the 21st Regiment for a period of upwards of 40 years, during which he was for 25 years bandmaster . . .
"DEATH OF A VETERAN", The Cornwall Chronicle (21 February 1863), 3
Our obituary contains a notice of the decease of Mr. Angus McLeod, an old colonist, who was much respected in the various circles in which he was known. He died in the 77th year of his age, after an illness of about four months, during which he was attended by Dr. Agnew until about a month ago, when he removed from Hobart Town to the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. William Harrison, Richmond. At Richmond he had the professional services of Dr. Coverdale, until nature succumbed to disease and decay, and he died very peacefully in the presence of several members of his family and other sympathising friends, after having received with them the Holy Sacrament at the hands of the Rev. Mr. Galor, of the Church of England, of which church he was a firm, consistent, and honored member. As the deceased was formerly in the Army, it may be gratifying to many friends to give a few particulars. He was born on the 25th October, 1786, in the 21st, or Royal North British Fusiliers to which regiment his father, a Highlander, belonged. His birth took place, we are informed, in the West Indies, and in early life he became a member of the profession of his father. His conduct in the regiment was so exemplary and honorable that he won the esteem of the officers, and his comrades, which indeed he never forfeited ; those who served with him in the regiment (and there are several of his old comrades surviving in the vicinity of Hobart Town) always regarded him as a genuine soldier, scrupulously attentive to his duties, and remarkable for those principles of honor, uprightness, and integrity, which characterise the best of Britain's defenders. It is not surprising that the path of promotion was open to him, and that he was in good time advanced to that position in the regiment which made him a model non-commissioned officer, and secured the notice and approval of his immediate superiors. In the latter end of 1830, having been some years a non-commissioned officer and Master of the Band, Mr. McLeod obtained an honorable discharge from the service; but the officers of the regiment, in order to mark their sense of his value, presented him with a very massive silver snuff box, purchased with one day's pay of the officers, from the highest to the lowest. This testimonial was presented with much ceremony, in the presence of the regiment by Lord Forbes the Colonel, an interesting account of which was published in the United Services Journal . . .
Mr. McLeod, although discharged from the regiment in the usual way, was immediately appointed Master of the band, for the functions of which he was so competent; and when the 21st was ordered to Van Diemen's Land, he accompanied it, arriving in the colony with the Head Quarters by the Lord Lyndoch in December, 1833. At the end of five years the regiment was ordered to India, when Mr. McLeod determined to retire from the post of Band Master, and with his family, a young and rising one, to settle in the colony . . .
Mr. McLeod obtained an appointment in the Probation Department, and on the 15th October, 1841 he became Superintendent of the Probation Station at Jericho, near Oatlands, under the administration of Sir John Franklin. The duties of that office Mr. McLeod fulfilled with the same manly and upright regard to the wishes of his superiors in the Department and the same kind and [illegible] humanity, which had distinguished his career as a soldier, and his management of the men and boys placed under his care, ensured the entire satisfaction of Captain Forster, the Comptroller General, and all concerned. On changes occurring in the department some four or five years afterwards, Mr. McLeod was transferred to the female House of Correction at Launceston as Superintendent, Mrs. McLeod being appointed Matron of the same establishment. The death of Mrs. McLeod about 1847, necessitated another change, and Mr. McLeod became Superintendent of the Hiring Depot, Launceston, an office which he filled until further changes were made, and he finally retired from the department with a pension. Deceased has left six children, five of whom are in this colony, three married. Mr. McLeod was a much esteemed member of the Masonic Order, formerly of Lodge 33 J.C and recently of Lodge 345. To show the respect felt for his memory, the brethren of the Lodges and Companions of the Chapters are summoned to follow the remains in Masonic costume, an honor but seldom accorded. The funeral is fixed to take place on Monday afternoon, from the residence of an esteemed friend, Mr. Mackay, New Town, to the New Town Church.
Documentation (John):
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 August 1838), 1
[Advertisement], The Courier (6 November 1840), 1
[Launceston news], Colonial Times (11 May 1841), 4
Bibliography and resources:
"Fusileer Cottage, Hobart", On the convict trail (blog), posted 6 July 2014
. . . Originally built as a gentleman's residence in Battery Point, this pretty little cottage was built using sandstone but also included quite a lot of bluestone . . . It was built around 1840 for Angus Mcleod, a Scottish musician and soldier who was the bandleader for the 21st Royal Scottish Fusiliers regiment . . .
References (The British camp in Portugal)
Playbill, The Theatre, Leeds [England], 7 September 1827
[Advertisement], Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal [England] (1 December 1829), 1
THEATRE, CANTERBURY . . . On FRIDAY Evening, DECEMBER 4th, 1829 . . . In the course of the evening, will performed by the BAND the 5th Dragoon Guards, on the Stage, a grand Military Piece, and surprise from the Enemy previous to Battle called, THE BRITISH CAMP IN PORTUGAL, by BLANEY ; 1 Sun Rise; 2 Bugle Reveille; 3 Morning Gun; 4 The assembly of the Troops; 5 Morning Parade; 6 The Enemy described at a distance; 7 The Alarm; 8 Evening's Bugle; 9 French March at a distance; 10 Drums beat to Arms; 11 42nd Royal Highlanders marching to Battle; 12 88th Conaught Rangers ditto; 13 The Engagement; 14 British Trumpet of Victory; 15 Funeral March, Burial of the Dead; 16 Grand March of Victory; 17 Downfall of Paris; 18 GOD SAVE THE KING . . .
[Advertisement], Leicester Journal [England] (28 October 1831), 3
THEATRE, LEICESTER. Mr. DODD BEGS leave to return his grateful acknowledgments to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general for past favours, and respectfully announces that his BENEFIT is fixed for MONDAY NEXT, Oct. 31, when will be performed the Celebrated Comedy of PAUL PRY . . . After which a Descriptive Military Piece, entitled THE BRITISH CAMP IN PORTUGAL, performed on the Stage by Two Military Bands, in full Costume. To conclude with a Farce called THE ILLUSTRIOUS STRANGER OR, MARRIED AND BURIED.
McLEOD, James (James McLEOD; M'LEOD)
Musician, itinerant musician, blind musician
Died Sydney, NSW, 17 July 1851, aged 42
"WATER POLICE OFFICE", Empire (19 July 1851), 3
"CORONER'S INQUESTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 July 1851), 3
. . . on the body of James McLeod, aged 42, then lying dead in the Infirmary . . . it appeared that the deceased was a poor blind man, an itinerant musician, and was brought to the Infirmary on the night of the 10th July, almost insensible; nothing could be elicited from him as to his usual residence. He was rapidly sinking from exhaustion, and he ultimately expired on the 17th inst. . . . it appeared that the deceased was a poor blind musician, well known about Sydney and the suburbs . . .
Musician, trombone player, bandsman (band of the 99th Regiment)
Regiment active Australia, from 1843
Died Hobart, TAS, 4 September 1849, aged 39 years
"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
Memorial plaque at Anglesea Barracks, Hobart:
Sacred To the memory of Norman MCLAUGHLIN Late Musician in H.M. 99th Regt. who died on the 4th Sept 1849 Aged 39 years.
This stone is erected by Catherine MCLAUGHLIN in memory of her beloved husband.
Bibliography and resources:
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Norman McLoughlin", Australia's red coat settlers (archived NLA Pandora)
McLUSKIE, Thomas (Thomas McLUSKIE; Thomas McCLUSKEY)
Musician, convict
Active Sydney, NSW, 1831-33
Sydney convict barracks, register, 1831
McCluskey, Thomas / Musician, tunes pianos, groom, soldier
2187. M'Luskie Thomas, Waterloo, musician, groom, and soldier, to John McLaren, Sydney.
[Convict notices], New South Wales Government Gazette (16 January 1833), 27
McCluskie Thomas, No. 31-764, Waterloo, 31, Musician, tunes piano's, Groom and Soldier, Dublin, 5 feet 8, grey eyes, brown hair, sallow freckled comp. D under left arm, two raised moles under outer part of right eye, from Mr. McLaren.
McMAHON, Edward
Amateur musician, cornopean player
McMAHON, Michael
Amateur music, clarionet, clarinet player
? McMAHON, Thomas
Active Sydney, NSW, 1848
"SUPREME COURT. Friday. BEFORE the full Court. IN THE MATTER OF THE ST PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE BENEFIT SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 April 1848), 2
The ATTOURNEY-GENERAL appeared on behalf of the Society, presenting a petition which set forth that the above Society was in existence pursuant to the Act to regulate Friendly Societies in the colony; that one Edward McMahon, blacksmith, was on the 4th January, 1848, duly admitted a member of the Society, and also a member of the musical band attached thereto; that as a member of the band, a musical instrument called a cornopean was entrusted to him to practise on during the pleasure of the Society; that amongst the rules of the Society there was one to the effect that every member should refrain from intoxicating liquors; that the said Edward McMahon was, on the 29th February, duly expelled from the Society, for a glaring breach of this rule; that by an order of the said Society, a demand was made upon him to deliver up the said instrument, which he had repeatedly refused to do; the petition prayed that their Honors might order him to deliver up the said instrument to the trustees and treasurer of the said society, and that he might be ordered to pay the society their costs of this application. The facts set forth in the petition were verified by an affidavit. This petition was presented to the Court pursuant to the 14th section of the 7 Vic. 10, the Act in question, McMahon did not appear. The majority of the Court were of opinion, that the petitioners were entitled to the order as prayed; Mr. Justice Manning however dissented, he being of opinion that the Legislature could never have intended by that section to have given the Court summary jurisdiction to compel a party to deliver over a chattel of this description, as in the petition prayed. The order granted was that Edward Mahon return the instrument forthwith, the Court setting the costs at three guineas, and ordered him to pay them.
[News], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (10 May 1848), 2
"OLD SYDNEY. . . (By 'OLD CHUM') . . . CLARIONET PLAYER", Truth (17 July 1910), 11
Under date June 23, 1910, Mr. M. J. Conlon, for whose ready and valued assistance in compiling these chapters I am deeply grateful, writes: -
"Dear Old Chum, - One of your correspondents asks in your 'Old Sydney' column in last Sunday's issue if I know the name of the clarinet player who was a farrier in George-street, Sydney,
and who played in Sergeant-Major Baynes's band many years ago.
His name was Michael McMahon, and his shop was next door to Mr. Michael Farrell's Farriers' Arms Inn, George-street, nearly opposite the Royal Hotel.
The spot is now occupied by Lassetter and Co., Limited.
Michael McMahon learned his music this way.
In 1850 [sic] the late Very Reverend Archdeacon McEncroe, who was parish priest of St. Patrick's, Church-hill, started a crusade against intemperance.
He had a meeting one night a week in the school-room that is under the church;
he always took the chair and invited the public, of whatever denomination, to assist at the meetings.
He usually had several gentlemen, fluent speakers, with him, who gave short lecture on temperance.
The meetings were so successful that the Archdeacon thought that he would establish a musical band.
He invited the young men of the parish to come and join - they did so.
The Archdeacon provided all the instruments, and the band, when ready, played at all the temperance gatherings.
Michael McMahon took a clarinet, and his brother, Thomas, a cornet.
The latter turned out one of the best colonial players up to that time.
The band, I think, did not play for money as a band, but individual players in years after did.
Thomas McMahon had a son who was a splendid cornet player, and the press of Sydney was loud in his praise about 25 years ago.
I do not know what became of him, but Michael and Thomas have long since joined the great majority.
There were others, members of that band, well known as citizens.
Mr. Peter Horan played, I think, the trombone.
He became an employee of Messrs. Richardson and Wrench, the real property auctioneers, of Pitt-street, and was with them for over forty years.
At his death the firm paid a very great tribute of respect to his family.
There was a great character who was the drummer in that band. His name was Daniel Dore . . .
Musician, professor of music, organist
Born Paramatta, NSW, 1838
Died Waverly, NSW, 23 November 1916
"PARRAMATTA", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 April 1869), 7
MISS AITKEN. Pursuant to announcement this popular favourite made her reappearance before a Parramatta audience at the School of Arts, on Monday evening last . . . The intervals between the readings were ably filled up by lady and gentlemen vocalists, who contributed in no small degree to the success of the entertainment. Mr. Alfred M'Manus presided at the pianoforte with customary effect.
"Parramatta", Greville's official Post Office directory of New South Wales (1872- )
"PARRAMATTA", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 February 1877), 7
"SOCIAL", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (26 April 1890), 912
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1916), 6
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 24
. . . [St. John's, Parramatta] . . . No organist's name is recorded until 1858 when the office was held by Mr. T. Beddeck [sic] . . . From 1860 the organist was Alfred McManis . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Beddeck (prior organist)
"Going on ahead", Blog, Dictionary of Sydney (28 September 2011)
"Every picture tells a story", Blog, Dictionary of Sydney (12 September 2013)
Associations (see 2013-09-12 above)
Alfred McManus was nephew of James McManus (d.1839), who, in October 1829, murdered Edward VALLACE, the bellman of St. John's Parramatta, in the churchyard. Burgin's trick photo, ? c.1870, possibly features later members of the McManis family. Several male and female members of the BURGIN family were also active as amateur musicians and salaried organists in Parramatta c.1900.
McMINN, Joseph (Joseph McMINN; Mr. McMINN)
Amateur musician, North Adelaide Choral Society
Active North Adelaide, SA, c. 1850s
Died North Adelaide, SA, 6 April 1874, aged "79/80"
MacNAMARA, Francis (Frank MacNAMARA; "Frank the Poet")
Convict, singer, songwriter
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 8 September 1832 (transported per Eliza)
Died Mudgee NSW, 29 August 1861
"SUDDEN DEATH", Empire (4 September 1861), 3
"FRANK THE POET", Bathurst Free Press (18 June 1862), 2
"THEY SAILED TO PRISON", The Argus (14 July 1956), 10
Other sources (biographical):
Convict details:
Conduct record:,250,174,L,54
Sources of attributed works
"Trimingham manuscript"; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
Thomas Whitley, manuscript transcriptions (c.1891) of poems by Francis MacNamara; State Library of New South Wales
Martin Cash, the bushranger of Van Diemen's Land in 1843: a personal narrative of his exploits in the bush and his experiences at Port Arthur and Norfolk Island (Hobart: J. Walch, [1870]) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Reece 1991
R. H. W. Reece [Bob Reece], "MacNamara, Francis (1810-1861)", Australian dictionary of biography suppl. (2005)
Brownrigg 2016
Mark Gregory, "Frank the Poet" (blogspot)
McNAMARA, Daniel (Daniel McNAMARA; Mr. McNAMARA)
Musician, trombone player, bandsman (40th Regiment), soldier
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1850s (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
McNAMEE, John (John McNAMEE)
Musician, trumpeter, bandsman (99th Regiment)
Regiment active Australia, 1843-56
See also Band of the 99th Regiment
"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
Organ builder
Active Tasmania, 1851
"TASMANIAN CONTRIBUTIONS", The Cornwall Chronicle (29 January 1851), 59
. . . organ-pipes of Huon pine, bored in the solid with stops in writing-desk muskwood, inlaid with pine, blackwood, she oak, and myrtle by Mr. McNaughten.
Actor, vocalist
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1834
[Advertisement], The Independent [Launceston, VCL (TAS)] (17 September 1834), 1
Will be presented, the Nautical Melo-drama of THE INCHCAPE BELL.
Massaroni's Ritornella, in character, MR. SPENCER.
A Favorite Song, by Mr. JACOB.
After which, the Farce of The Mayor of Garratt.
Duett, Violin and Horn - Variations on the Maid of Lodi - Messrs. Peck & Clark.
SONG, - "The Harp that once through Tara's Halls" - Mr. McNEILLY.
To conclude with the laughable Farce of THE MARRIED BACHELOR. Vivant Rex et Regina.
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Spencer (actor, vocalist); John Lewis Jacobs (actor, vocalist); George Peck (violinist); James Clark (horn); Theatre British Hotel (Launceston venue)
MACONOCHIE, Alexander (Alexander MACONOCHIE)
Commandant Norfolk Island penal settlement, prison reformer, musical amateur (NLA persistent identifier)
ASSOCIATIONS: James Aquinas Reid (surgeon, musician); Andrew Ellard (Sydney musicseller); Charles Sandys Packer (convict musician); Henry James Witton (convict actor, musician, vocalist); James Monds (convict actor, vocalist); James Lawrence (convict actor, vocalist); James Porter (convict actor, vocalist);
[News], Commercial Journal and Advertiser [Sydney, NSW] (26 February 1840), 2
Captain Machonochie, the new Superintendent for Norfolk Island under the new system, and Mr. Charles Ormsby, the Assistant Superintendent, have been sworn in Magistrates of the Territory, and will shortly proceed to their destination. We have not heard if the musician are ready [sic], nor if the library of books has been packed up for the gentry at Norfolk Island.
![[Playbill], ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, Norfolk Island, 25 May 1840](imageslocal/1840-norfolk-island-playbill.jpg)
[Playbill], ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, Norfolk Island, 25 May 1840; original UK National Archives, PRO CO201/199, page 108; copy NLA MS 2738
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. NORFOLK ISLAND", The Sydney Herald (24 June 1840), 2
On Monday, 25th May, in honour of
Will be Performed, by Permission,
Two Acts of the admired Comic Opera of the
Don Caesar - John Lawrence
Scipio - George Rolfe
Fernando - James Walker
Alphonso - Henry Witton
Spado - James King
Pedrillo - James Monds
Sanguino - James Cranston
Rapino - James Porter
Calvette - William Smith
Vasquez - R. Sanderson
Lorenza - [ ]
Banditti, &c.
Glee - Prithee, Brothers, speed to the Boat, Witton, Walker, Porter, Cranston, Sanderson, Smith
Song - Old England for ever, H. Witton
Comic Song - Walker, the Two-penny Postman, J. Monds
Song - Bound 'Prentice to a Waterman, J. Lawrence
Glee - Fisherman's Glee, same as first
Song - Paddy from Cork, J. Walker
Song - Powder Monkey Peter, J. Lawrence
Glee - As before
Song - Spirit of the Storm, H. Witton
Song - The tight Irishman, J. Porter
Glee - Some love to roam, as before
Song - The Old Commodore, J. Lawrence.
The Tent Scene in Richard III., by H. Witton.
Dance - Tyrolese Waltz, by Thomas Barry.
After which, the Musical Entertainment of
The Baron - James Cranston
Theodore - G. Rolfe
Edmond - W. Yelverton
Will Steady - John Lawrence
Sally - James Monds
Page - John Rae
After which, Paddy Carey, in character, by John Lawrence.
Song - Banner of War, H. Witton.
The whole to conclude with the National Anthem
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lawrence (convict actor, vocalist); Henry James Witton (convict actor, musician, vocalist); James Monds (convict actor, vocalist); James Porter (convict actor, vocalist)
MUSIC (PIECES): The castle of Andalusia (opera); The castle of Andalusia (another score); The purse; or, The benevolent tar (score, William Reeve); The purse; or, The benevolent tar (J. C. Cross, play with songs)
"SUPREME COURT. CRIMINAL SIDE . . . TUESDAY, 11 MAY", Free Press and Commercial Journal [Sydney, NSW] (12 May 1841), 2
Before Mr. Justice Burton . . . Hugh Gilfeather, William Radwell, Robert Lewis, and John Brown, were indicted for breaking into the dwelling-house of Jonah Barker, at Woolongong, on the 3rd of February last, and stealing therefrom, various articles of clothing, bedding, &c., also three sides of bacon, three bags of flour and other property . . . Nothing was heard for about a month after, when sundry portions of the property were discovered on the premises of Mr. Mackay, brewer, of Wolongong, to whom Gilfeather was assigned; Brown was assigned to Mr. Kennedy; the other two prisoners called themselves musicians, and lived together, and a portion of the property was found on their premises . . . His Honor summed up the evidence, and the jury found the prisoners all guilty except Brown. His Honor sentenced them to be transported for ten years and Brown was ordered to be remanded on another charge. His Honor desired a note to be made, that they were to be employed at labor and not as musicians as they had of late. His Honor had heard that musicians were in request at Norfolk Island.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Westbrooke Burton (judge); William Radwell (musician, labourer, convict, however not sent to Norfolk Island)
"COMMISSARIAT OFFICE", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (4 January 1845), 2
"COMMISSARIAT OFFICE. Hobart Town, 2nd January, 1845. Sale by Public Auction.
On Tuesday next, the 7th instant, immediately after the sale of the "Tasmania's" Surplus Stores, &c.,
Mr. T. Y. Lowes will sell on account of the Convict Service -
A small quantity of biscuit dust, and unserviceable tobacco.
ALSO A quantity of Music and Musical Instruments, from Norfolk Island, consisting of -
Trumpets, &c.
Terms cash, and the lots to be cleared away immediately after the sale.
GEO. MACLEAN, Deputy Commissary-General.
MACORD, Samuel (Samuel MACORD)
Amateur vocalist, shopkeeper
Active Bendigo, VIC, by 1850s
Died Bendigo, VIC, 1869
"KANGAROO FLAT CHORAL SINGING CLASS", Bendigo Advertiser (29 July 1858), 3
The complete success of the inaugural concert improvised by Mr. Pollard last evening, in connection with the above class, is an evidence of the warm interest excited in this district in the cause of choral music. Several glees and part songs, executed by amateurs of Bendigo, reflected great credit upon their musical taste and talent. We may especially notice "Lutzow's Wild Hunt," and "Strike the Lyre," which were vociferously applauded. Miss Louisa Swannell delighted the audience with several of her favorite sorigs. Mr. Macord produced a perfect furore with the popular song of "Dog Tray," and his comic songs, and Mr. Pollard, as pianist and vocalist, received several encores . . . The house was crowded.
Hymn singer, executed convict
Executed Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 3 July 1827
"EXECUTION", Hobart Town Gazette (7 July 1827), 4
Daniel Macpherson, a boy aged 19, next ascended [the gallows]. He was remarkably fervent and sung the hymn on the scaffold with great loudness and strength of voice; he was formerly a servant to a settler at Ralph's bay, and dated his crimes from the time of his entering the Penitentiary, which he declared had been his ruin, and wondered that such a sink of crime had not long since been swallowed up.
Governor, soldier
MACQUARIE, Elizabeth Henrietta (Elizabeth Henrietta CAMPBELL; Mrs. Lachlan MACQUARIE)
Amateur musician, pianist
Born Scotland, 1778
Married Lachlan Macquarie, 1807
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 31 December 1809 (per Dromedary)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 15 February 1822 (per Surry)
Died Jarvisfield, Mull, UK, 11 March 1835 (NLA persistent identifier)
Letter, Elizabeth Macquarie, to Mary Ann Piper, 9 February 1822 (ed. Eldershaw 1939/73, 123)
Sydney Febry. 9th. 1822. Dear Mrs. Piper. My state of health prevents my being able to call on my acquaintances in this Colony to take my leave, I therefore take only the means in my power of assuring you of my good wishes for a long continuance of health, and prosperity to you, Captain Piper and all your family. I have to request your & Captain Pipers acceptance of a Violoncello, which I hope will be found to sound well in your house at Point Piper. - I am Dear Mrs. Piper with much regard Yours sincerely E. H. Macquarie.
Richard Cobbold, Mary Anne Wellington: the soldier's daughter, wife and widow (London: H. Colburn, 1846), vol. 3, 57
. . . Thomas Hewitt was, in truth, made much of. He was so diligent in his application to the study and practice of his clarionet, that it obtained him frequent introductions into the most polite circles in Sydney, where music was much cherished by the Governor's lady, who was very partial to this elegant accomplishment. Frequently was he sent for, to accompany that lady in the best concerto music which could be procured, and in her fashionable and crowded drawing-room this brave man was treated with the respect due to his talents and his demeanour.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Hewitt (bandsman)
Bibliography and resources:
Marjorie Barnard, "Macquarie, Elizabeth Henrietta (1778-1835)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Clem Sargent, "The British garrison in Australia 1788--841--Part 3: Bands of the garrison regiments", The Free Library (1 December 1999)
"Mystery cello comes out to play", The Australian (16 March 2010)
Heather Clarke, "Mrs Macquarie's Cello & The Flowers of Edinburgh", posted 12 January 2012, Australian Colonial Dance
Julie Power and Teije Hylkema, "Taking Mrs Macquarie's legacy for a drive", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 2014)
[includes video clip of Hylkema playing the Macquarie-Piper cello]
"Elizabeth Macquarie", Wikipedia
"Mrs. Macquarie's cello": violoncello, made in England by by Thomas Kennedy, by 1814
McROBERTS, Edward (Edward McROBERTS)
Musician, bandsman (Band of the 3rd regiment), parish clerk and school-master (St. Philip's church, Sydney)
Born Newry, Ireland, c. 1799; son of Edward and Eliza McROBERTS
Married (1) Jane SHANKS, Newry, Ireland, 25 February 1817
Enlisted 3rd Regiment (Buffs), Newry, 21 April 1820
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29 August 1823 (per Commodore Hayes, with the 3rd regiment)
Transferred to 57th Regiment, Sydney, NSW, 24 October 1827
Discharged from 57th Regiment, 25 March 1828
Married (2) Louisa PETERSON SHEPHARD (1805-1881), St. Andrew's temporary church, Sydney, NSW, 17 March 1846
Died Rockhampton, QLD, 23 June 1878, aged 79 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
McROBERTS, Jane (Jane SHANKS; Mrs. Edward McROBERTS)
Musician, organist (St. Philip's church, Sydney)
Born Ireland, c. 1797/99; daughter of Ezekiel SHANKS
Married Edward McROBERTS, Ireland, 1817
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 29 August 1823 (per Commodore Hayes, with the 3rd regiment)
Died Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1845, aged "48"
McROBERTS, Sarah Jane (Sarah Jane McROBERTS; Mrs. George UHR)
Musician, organist (St. Philip's church, Sydney)
Born Sydney, NSW, 10 September 1823; daughter of Edward McROBERTS and Jane SHANKS
Married George Richard UHR, Sydney, NSW, 13 June 1843
Died Pyrmont, NSW, 6 August 1848

Edward McRoberts (see also Steele 2003, 44)
Edward McRoberts married Jane Shanks in Armagh in 1817. In March 1818 he advertised as a teacher of vocal music in Newry. In July 1820, having left their two infant daughters Eliza and Mary Ann in the care of relatives, they left Belfast (the event recorded in a poem, "The Adieu" addressed to the remaining daughters). Edward enlisted in the 3rd regiment in 1820, and he and Jane, with an infant daughter Isabella, sailed with the regiment for Sydney in 1823.
After the birth of their son Richard Thomas, on 29 October 1825, McRoberts and his family went with a detachment of the 3rd regiment to Port Macquarie, where he was perhaps seconded to act as schoolmaster. When the 3rd regiment left for India early in 1827, Edward transferred to the 57th regiment, remaining at Port Macquarie until February 1828, when another son, Edward, was baptised there.
Edward finally took his discharge from the 57th and from the army in March 1828, and returned to Sydney with his family sometime before August. His tenure as schoolmaster of St. Philip's church, Sydney, probably dates from 1829, and certainly from 1830, when he received an annual salary of £40.
Edward became parish clerk and schoolmaster of St. Philip's church, Sydney. The two daughters who had remained in Ireland joined the family in Sydney in 1838, Eliza with her husband Francis McDonnall and 6 children. Mary Ann married John Bray in 1841.
Edward's second wife, Louisa Peterson (Shephard) was the half-sister of his son-in-law, George Uhr.
Edward resigned as St. Philip's schoolmaster in 1855 to become headmaster of the Society for Destitute Children. He finally retired in 1869, but remained as an assistant.
Edward was especially devoted to his and Louisa's only child, Mary Louisa Ann, and gave her a vocal score of Messiah on her 12th birthday in 1859 (Steele 2003, 53). He was in her care at Rockhampton, QLD, and where her husband (and cousin) Daniel Peterson was postmaster, when he died in 1878.

Card, Edward McRoberts, Newry, Armagh, March 31, 1818 (Steele 2003, 45) (image above)
Vocal Music.
BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public that he had commenced teaching VOCAL MUSIC in its theoretical and practical parts,
including the system of Solmization,* or singing by syllables.
He had opened a Vocal Music School in the new Sunday School Room, Mr. BRODIE'S YARD,
foot of High-street on - [space left blank to fill in day by hand] - Evenings.
Time of attendance from 8 o'clock till 10. E. McROBERTS will also attend any young Ladies or Gentlemen who request it,
in their own families, at the hours aforesaid. He hopes by unwearied diligence,
and studied attention to the improvement of his Pupils, whether public or private,
to merit the approbation of the public.
Public Tuition per Quarter, one night in the week [blank] British
Private - [blank] ditto.
E. McROBERTS will also attend an Hour on FRIDAY Evenings, in the School-room, gratis,
for the purpose of teaching Psalms and Hymn Tunes.
Newry, March 31, 1818.
* Solfaing.
Statement of the receipts into and the disbursements from the colonial fund of New South Wales for the year ended on 31st December, 1824; State Records Authority of NSW, Colonial Secretary's papers (PAYWALL)
"ECCLESIASTICAL ESTABLISHMENT", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 October 1825), 1
St. Phillip's Church, Sydney . . .
Paid Serjeant Reid, and others of the band of the 48th Regt. for performing sacred music, from 1st April 1823, to 1st April 1824 - 42 00
Ditto John Onions, for conducting the psalmody, on Thursday evenings, and Sunday afternoons, from Mar. 18, to Sept. 7 - 19 00
Ditto Edward Hoare, for ditto from 8th Sept. to 7th Dec. - 10 00
Ditto Serjeant Kavanagh, and others, for conducting the psalmody on Sunday mornings, from 7th March, to 7th Sept - 21 00
Ditto McRoberts, for ditto and writing music, from 8th Sept. to 7th Dec - 13 00 . . .
Ditto Robert Howe, for 2 advertisements, 10s. 100 printed receipts, 12s. 6d. and 10 quires of medium paper for music, 50s. from 25th Dec. 1823, to 12th June, 1824 - 14 10
Ditto T. Edwards, for a mop, 1 hair, and 2 rush brooms, 8s. 6d. binding 4 music books, 20s - 5 70 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sergeant Reid; others of the Band of the 48th Regiment; Edward Hoare (singing leader); Thomas Kavanagh (master of the Band of the 3rd regiment; John Onions (singing leader); Robert Howe (printer)
Paylist, 3rd regiment, March to June 1825; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)
. . . McRoberts Edward / . . . / Band
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 1843), 3
By special license, at the temporary place of Worship in the Parish of Saint Andrew, on Tuesday, the 13th instant, by the Rev. J. C. Grylls, Minister of St. Philip's, Mr. George Richard Uhr, to Sarah Jane, third and youngest daughter of Mr. Edward McRoberts, both of Pyrmont, Sydney.
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 September 1845), 3
On Friday evening last, the 27th instant, at her residence, Newry Terrace, Pyrmont, aged 48 years, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. Edward McRoberts, who, during a residence of twenty-two years in the colony, was equally beloved and esteemed by the small circle of friends which her retired habits had drawn around her.
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 March 1846), 4
On Tuesday, the 17th instant, by license, at the Temporary Church of St. Andrew, Sydney, by the Rev. W. Cowper, D.D., Mr. Edward McRoberts, of Newry Terrace, Pyrmont, to Mrs. Louisa Shephard, late of Jersey, and of Walworth, London.
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1848), 3
At her residence, Pyrmont, on Saturday evening, the 6th instant, Sarah Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. George Uhr.
"DEATHS", The Brisbane Courier (26 June 1878), 2
McROBERTS - On the 23rd June, at the residence of his son-in-law, Daniel Peterson, Postmaster, Rockhampton, Edward McRoberts, formerly master of Old St. Phillip's Primary School, Sydney, New South Wales, aged 79 years.
Bibliography and resources:
[Joseph Michael Forde] "OLD SYDNEY . . . NEW ZEALAND NOTES", Truth [Perth, WA] (23 July 1910), 12
"OLD SYDNEY . . . SCHOOLMASTER McROBERTS", Truth [Perth, WA ] (6 August 1910), 10
"OLD SYDNEY . . . The Story of St. Philips Continued and Concluded", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (4 May 1913), 12
. . . Mr. Edward MacRoberts was parish clerk of the old church, and had been master of the infant school for many years. He contributed £137 towards the building of the new church. His wife was the first organist of whom there is any record, her connection dating back to the year 1840. As to that organ there is no record as to when it was placed in the church. It is known, however, that it required three persons to play it. There were the organist, the bellows-blower, and the stop-drawer. In 1840 Mrs. MacRoberts was the organist, James MacRoberts, her, son, was the bellows blower, and James H. Greenway was the stop-drawer. Mrs. MacRoberts received £20 a year, James MacRoberts £1 6s. and J. H. Greenway £1. Mr. MacRoberts received for his services as parish clerk £26 14s per annum. The other officers of the church at this time were Francis Abel, senior, who lived in Cumberland-street, sexton, salary £15 17s per annum; the beadle, Joshua Allott, who was also crier of the Supreme Court, and lived in Kent-street, near the Gasworks; he got £17 8s. The bell-ringer and church-cleaner was James Winters, who got £26 14s, and the grave digger was John Furey, whose remuneration was £6 10s. At that time there were no fewer than fourteen paid members of the choir. In 1844 Sarah Jane Uhr was organist; she was, no doubt, a relative of Mr. George Uhr, of the Sheriffs Office. Later in the same year Mr. John P. Deane, a professor of music living in Castlereagh street, became organist, with a salary of £50 a year. The organ appears to have given some trouble, and Mr. William J. Johnson, organ-builder, with his workshop at Flood's Wharf, and his residence at 53 Pitt-street, sent in alternative tenders for erecting a new instrument, either in the gallery or in the body of the church, but the old organ was patched up and continued to do duty until the new church was opened. The clock and bells also seem to have given a good deal of trouble . . .
Peter Meyer, Organs and organists of the churches in the parish of St. Philip, Church Hill, Sydney (Sydney: Peter Meyer, 1966)
Ruth C. Smith, "Schoolmaster McRoberts (c.1799-1878)", Descent 9 (September 1979), 92-100;res=IELAPA;dn=800321464
[95] . . . By this time [1840] McRoberts was also Parish Clerk at a salary of £20/14/0 per annum . . . His wife Jane acted as organist at Old St. Phillips [sic] from 1840 to 1845, at a salary of £20 per annum. It is recorded that this organ took three persons to play it: the organist; James McRoberts [her son], bellows-blower; and the stop-drawer, James Greenway. James received £1/16/0 and young Greenway £1/0/0.
Graeme D. Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales: the instruments, their makers and players 1791-1940 (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger, 1988), 20
. . . It is not known if there was an organist at St. Philip's [Sydney] prior to 1840, but in that year the position was held by Mrs. Edward McRoberts, wife of the Parish Clerk, at a salary of £20 per annum. Operation of the organ evidently required two assistants - a bellows blower (her son, James, paid £1 16s) and a "stop-drawer" (James H. Greenway, paid £1). At that time the church also employed 14 paid choristers.
Mrs. McRoberts was succeeded by Sarah Jane Uhr, c.1844 [her daughter], and then by John Philip Deane from August 1844 until his death in 1849 . . .
David J. Ward, "Erana Whakauariki and Richard McRoberts", New Zealand genealogist (November-December 2000), 387-
John Gladstone Steele, The Petersons and the Uhrs: an Australian family since 1825 [revised and enlarged from the 1st edition of 1980] (Auchenflower: J. G. Steele, 2003), 44-46, 53
Edward McRoberts, 1799–1878 (aged 79 years), Australian royalty
Jane Shanks, 1797-1845 (aged 48 years), Australian royalty
MADDEN, Daniel (Daniel MADDEN; Mr. D. MADDEN)
Musician, tenor vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1866
[News], The Herald (7 September 1866), 2
The Emerald Hill Philharmonic Society gave their third subscription concert for the present year last night, in the large hall of the local Mechanics' Institute, when Handel's oratorio of "Samson" was performed with full orchestral accompaniments. The principal vocalists engaged were Mrs. J. C. Ellis, Miss M. A. Liddle, Mr. D. Madden, and Mr. T. Brown . . . . Mr. Daniel Madden made his first appearance as a principal, and it may be said that he was decidedly successful. He displayed great taste in the delivery of the tenor solo "Total Eclipse" . . . Mr. Walter Bee also made his first appearance as organist, and rendered good service by the correct manner in which he accompanied the recitatives . . . The band, under the able leadership of Mr. Durrant, was admirable . . . Mr. David Lee, who has recently been elected conductor of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, officiated as conductor . . .
MADER, Frederick (Frederick MADER; F. MADER)
Music printer, music publisher, bookbinder, general stationer
Born Carlsruhe, Germany, c. 1810
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 23 December 1841 (per Chatham, from London, 26 August, via Cape of Good Hope, 3 November)
Active Sydney, NSW, as Kern and Mader, 1845-53
Married Mary RAMSEY, St. Mary's cathedral, Sydney, 2 September 1847
Active Sydney, NSW, as F. Mader, 1856
Died Dubbo, NSW, 23 December 1882, aged 72 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
As Kern and Mader (c.1850-53), Mader published several works for Isaac Nathan; later, Mader alone published Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856 (see Edward Boulanger's list of musical works)
England, alien arrivals, 1841; UK National Archives
No. 657 / Port of Dover / 2nd May '41 / Fred'k Mader, Bookbinder, native of Germany / [arrived from] France . . .
Report of a barque arrived in Port Jackson this 23rd Day of Dec'r 1841; State Records Authority of NSW
"Shipping Intelligence", Australasian Chronicle (25 December 1841), 3, and 2
DECEMBER 23.- From London, via the Cape of Good Hope, having left the former the 26th August, and the latter the 3rd November, the barque Chatham, 400 tons, Captain Oppenheim, with general cargo. Passengers - . . .
. . . Mader, Gaunson, Wilson, and Baker.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 May 1845), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 November 1845), 1
"MARRIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1847), 3
Certificate to naturalize Frederick Mader, 27 September 1849; State Records Authority of NSW
. . . that Frederick Mader is a native of Carlsruhe, Germany, thirty nine years of age, and that having arrived in the ship Chatham in Sydney in the year 1842 [sic] he is now residing in Sydney and carrying on business as a Stationer and to enable him to hold landed property in this colony . . . this Twenty seventh day of September [1849] . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (25 June 1853), 2
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1882), 1
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 189 (Kern and Mader), 194 (Mader) (DIGITISED)
MAFFEI, Joseph (Giuseppe MAFFEI; Joseph MAFFEI; Signor MAFFEI)
Musician, professor of music (cornet-a-pistons, cornopean, trumpet)
Born Italy, c. 1812
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 18 November 1852 (passenger per Dinapore, from London via Dartmouth, 16 August)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, July 1854 (per Queen of the South, for Southampton, aged 40 [sic]) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Giuseppe Maffei, by profession "artiste" and a native of Italy, arrived at Dover, England, on 30 January 1848, and two weeks later was advertised as second trumpet in the Michael Balfe's orchestra for the coming opera season at her Majesty's Theatre, London, whose star soprano was Jenny Lind. He was perhaps a younger brother or cousin of Andrea Maffei, in whose I Masnaderi, especially written for Her Majesty's with music by Verdi, Lind had appeared the previous season.
A Signor Maffei, reportedly a chorus member, sang Masetto, in Don Giovanni in New York in September 1860 (Strong on music, vol. 3, 354)
Several of Maffei's English-born children (including Victor Maffee [sic], c. 1856-1909), and their mother (his wife?) Jean Bushby (c. 1832-1909), later settled and died in Victoria.
[Advertisement], John Bull [London] (12 February 1848), 1 (PAYWALL)
Director of Music and Conductor, M. Balfe . . .
The ORCHESTRA, in which, amongst other experienced and distinguished Artistes, the following have been engaged: - M. Tolbecque, Leader . . .
M. Zeiss, 1st Trumpet; Signor Maffei, 2d Trumpet; . . . Mr. Winterbottom, 1st Trombone . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Winterbottom (trombone), brother of John Winterbottom (musician)
[Advertisement], Weekly Chronicle [London] (8 September 1850), 9 (PAYWALL)
Lessees, Messrs. Shepherd and Creswick . . . Conductor, Herr Meyer Lutz . . .
MR. TRAVERS has the pleasure to announce that his BENEFIT is fixed for WEDNESDAY NEXT, Sept. 11th . . .
by express desire, the much admired and favourite opera of The Sonnambula . . .
After which, for this night only, Signor Maffei will perform a solo on the cornet-a-piston . . .
"REUNION DES ARTS", Sun [London] (18 December 1851), 3 (PAYWALL)
This society gave last night, its sixth and final soirée for this season, the entetainment being brilliantly and numerously attended. There was a very great assemblage of our best and foreign artists, as well as the amateurs. In the first part Beethoven's quintett for piano, oboe, clarionet, horn, and bassoon was most admirably played, with the finest and most delicate touches on piano, by Mme. Goffrie, Messrs. Harding, Boose, Wain, and Snelling. The solo on cornet by Signor Maffei, on flute by Mr. Wustermann, Mr. Gollmick on piano, (fantasia by Thalberg), were very beautiful and much applauded . . .
List of passengers per Dinapore from London, arrived Port Phillip, 18 November 1852; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Giuseppe Maffei / 40 / - / Italian
William Tanner / 21 / Musician / English . . .
Theodore Valere / 27 / Gentleman / French . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Tanner (musician); Theodore Valere (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (20 November 1852), 8
MR. JOSEPH MAFFEI, of the Italian Opera, Professor of Music, viz : Cornopean and Trumpet, wishing to follow his profession, is ready to accept any engagement and to teach the before-mentioned instruments. Can be seen at Rhodes's boarding house, next door to Passmore's Hotel, Lonsdale-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1852), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (18 March 1853), 12
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 May 1853), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 June 1853), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 June 1853), 8
"THURSDAY CONCERT", The Argus (21 July 1853), 5
Under the direction of Signor Maffei, the above entertainment again claims the support of the public this evening, when, judging from the programme, a good concert may be expected. We observe two or three new names, with the reappearance of that of Miss Graham, who is rather a pleasing singer. Again we can point to the moon, and reckon on a full house, especially with the attraction of three ladies.
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 September 1853), 8
[Melbourne news], Colonial Times (3 December 1853), 2
The entertainment to the ex-Mayor, T. J. Smith, Esq., which took place on the evening of the 24th [November], seems to have been a most brilliant affair . . . The taste and judgment of Mr. Ellis and his chief auxiliaries, M. Robillard and Mr. Brogden, were called into play; the vast space was soon covered in with ball-room comforts . . . and the bands engaged were those of the 40th Regiment, led by Mr. Johnson, their bandmaster, of the 99th, led by their bandmaster, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Ellis's band, which comprises most of the best musicians in the colony; conducted by Monsieur Fleury and Signor Maffei . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 January 1854), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 June 1854), 8
[Advertisement], Windsor and Eton Express [England] (12 August 1865), 1 (PAYWALL)
- An Italian Gentleman of considerable experience in tuition, intends to establish himself in Windsor, giving LESSONS in the above . . .
Address, Signor A., care of Mr. Maffei, 59, Peascod-street, Windsor.
[Advertisement], Windsor and Eton Express [England] (30 December 1865), 1 (PAYWALL)
WINDSOR AND ETON, Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institution . . .
MR. S. SMITH has kindly promised to Preside at the Pianoforte.
Miss Rainforth, Mrs. H. Barnby, Miss Kellner, R.A.M., Mr. H. Barnby, Mr. Hunt, Mr. S. Smith,
Signor Maffei, J. B. Durant, Esq., and others, will give their valuable services . . .
"LITERARY INSTITUTION SOIREE", Windsor and Eton Express [England] (6 January 1866), 4 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Maffei played a passable solo upon the cornet (the air popularly known "When other Lips," in the Bohemian Girl) . . .
MAFFEY, Mr. W. H. (Mr. W. H. MAFFEY)
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1860
"News and Notes", The Star (3 August 1860), 2
The Theatre Royal will re-open tonight, when the performances will be for the benefit of that indefatigable caterer for our entertainment - Mr Hoskins, the manager . . . A concert will follow, in which Miss Harland, Miss E. Melville, and Mr. W. H. Maffey will sing, and Messrs Fleury and Norman perform on their respective instruments, accompanied by other members of the orchestra in chorus.
MAGENNIS, Patrick (Patrick MAGENNIS)
Church singer, Roman Catholic cleric
Born Kilkenny, Ireland, 1812
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1839
Died Appin, NSW, 20 April 1866 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"EASTER SUNDAY. SYDNEY", Australasian Chronicle (13 April 1841), 2
On Sunday a solemn high mass was celebrated at the cathedral, by the Rev. Mr. Hogan, the Very Rev. F. Murphy acting as assistant priest; the Rev. Mr. Kenny as deacon, the Rev. Mr. Magennis as subdeacon . . .
"THE LATE DUKE OF ORLEANS", Australasian Chronicle (13 December 1842), 2
. . . In the choir the solemn Gregorian Missa pro defunctis was beautifully chaunted by the Very Rev. Vicar-General Murphy, as cantor, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Magennis, Mr. Duncan, and Mrs. Curtis, and a select choir, and accompanied on the organ by Mr. Worgan. The "Requiem," "Kyrie eleison," " Dies irae," "Sanctus," "O Salutaris," "Agnus Dei," together with the preface, pater noster, and the versicles and responses followed in succession, and the whole service, which is of the most solemn and deeply religious character, produced a marked effect upon the assembly, among whom were observed the greater portion of the foreign residents it Sydney, together with numbers of our own countrymen, some of whom had known his late Royal Highness in his early years, and who were led by former recollections to perform this last act of Christian charity in his behalf. At the conclusion of Mass the choir chaunted the psalm "De profundis," while the clergy, accompanied by the officers of the Embuscade, again proceeded from the high altar to the catafalque to perform the ablutions, with which the solemnity concluded . . .
"THE FESTIVAL OF ST. AUGUSTIN, AT CAMPBELLTOWN", Australasian Chronicle (23 August 1842), 2
At an early hour this morning (Wednesday) our little town presented a most animating sight. From all parts of the neighbourhood might be seen hundreds of happy faces, every person dressed in his Sunday suit, wending his steps towards the church of St. John, which was soon filled to excess; indeed so great was the press for room that numbers were compelled to remain outside the doors, through the disappointment of not being able to procure sittings. At half-past eleven o'clock the service of the mass commenced by a most beautiful chorus in the key of G major, which was given with fine effect; immediately afterwards the Rev. N. Coffey officiated as high priest, assisted by the Very Rev. the Vicar General, and the Rev. Messrs. McEvoy and Grant, as deacon and subdeacon. The mass of Count Mazzinghi, in B flat, was sung with great precision and taste by the Rev. Messrs. Sumner and Macginnis, and the choir, accompanied on the seraphine by Mr. Grobety, the organist, of Campbelltown. This splendid composition we believe was never before sung in this colony, and we can only say that it was performed with a judgment and ability that did ample justice to the composer. The various parts in this mass (which is composed for a treble, tenor, and bass) are most happily blended, and the modulations are extremely beautiful; the "Gloria in excelsis" is altogether a masterpiece of art. The whole of this movement, together with the "Kyrie Eleison," is in B flat, thence it proceeds by a most beautiful change to modulate in the key of E flat major, and thence by a skilful arrangement into C major. The grandest piece in this mass was the "Credo" in B flat, and had it been sung by a large choir, it would no doubt have had a more pleasing effect; however, as it was, allowing for the limited number of voices, it was well sung, and the entire service was concluded in a superb manner . . . There were seventeen clergymen present at the celebration of this festival. In the evening the Very Rev. the Vicar General sung the vespers, assisted as in the morning by the choir, who performed their part most efficiently. We only regret the limited number of singers, and the want of a constant steady practice, and if that were to be attended to Campbelltown would vie with Sydney. As it was, the musical services of the day were excellently performed, considering the many difficulties they had to encounter. The collection amounted to about £20. - Correspondent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Groberty (organist); John Spencer (cleric, vocalist)
MUSIC: ? Mass for three voices (Mazzinghi)
"DEATH OF THE REV. P. MAGENNIS", Freeman's Journal (28 April 1866), 266
MAGILL, John Napier (Lieutenant MAGILL)
Amateur musician, flute player, flautist, lieutenant (96th Regiment)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1843
Died (lost in the bush), WA, by 1 July 1848
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian (1 July 1842), 3
[News], South Australian (9 December 1842), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian (7 November 1843), 3
"AMATEUR CONCERT", South Australian Register (11 November 1843), 3
[News], South Australian Register (1 July 1848), 2
[News], South Australian Register (27 September 1848), 2
Bibliography and resources:
Anthony F. Harris, "Lieutenant John Napier Magill, 96th Regiment of Foot", Sabretache 49/3 (September 2008), 15-20
Musician, vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, and Launceston, TAS, late 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Having most recently sung with Catherine Hayes in Dublin in March and April 1857, and Limerick in early May (billed as "From the Italian Opera House, Paris"), Magiorotti appeared briefly in London at the end of that month, evidently immediately prior to sailing for Melbourne. Maggiorotti first appeared in concert with Enrico Grossi in Melbourne in November 1857, when the Argus reported that he previously had toured with Catherine Hayes "both in Europe and the West Indies", and was "with one or two exceptions . . . the best buffo actor we have seen in opera".
He sang with Laglaise and Coulon in Maria Carandini and Lewis Lavenu's company into December, but disappears from the Australian record thereafter.
Was he the bass Luigi Maggiorotti active in the 1820s and 1830s?
According to one guess-estimate, Maggiorotti was born in the late 1790s and died in the early 1860s; but more or less disappeared from view in the 1840s and early 1850s.
Whether or not, he was almost certainly the Maggiorotti who was singing with Marietta Piccolomini in the United States in 1859.
"MOVIMENTO THEATRALE", L'omnibus pittoresco [Naples (Italy)] (19 November 1853), 312 (DIGITISED)
. . . Compagnia di canto pel Teatro di Copenaghen formatasi dall'Agenzia Guffanti. Prima donna assoluta, Veronica Gaziello . . . Basso comico, Luigi Maggiorotti. Altro buffo comico, Enrico Grossi . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Enrico Grossi (vocalist)
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail [Ireland] (21 March 1857), 5
THEATRE ROYAL. - On Monday evening the present series of operas commenced with Lucia de Lammermoor, in which Miss Catherine Hayes and Mr. W. J. Tennant sustained the leading parts. On Tuesday evening Don Pasquale was presented, with Miss Hayes as Norina, Mr. Tennant as Ernesto, Signor Badiali as Malatesta, and Signor Maggiorotti as Don Pasquale . . . Signor Maggiorotti sustained the part of Don Pasquale admirably, both in acting and in singing, and was frequently applauded . . .
[Advertisement], Limerick Reporter [Ireland] (1 May 1857), 1
MR. HARRIS has the honor to announce he has made arrangements with the celebrated Artiste,
Miss Catherine Hayes, To appear for THREE NIGHTS in ITALIAN OPERAS,
supported by an efficient Company, selected from the principal Opera Houses in Europe . . .
Buffo, SIG. MAGGIOROTTI, from the Royal Italian Opera House, Paris, his first appearance . . .
[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (30 May 1857), 1
To commence at 3 o'clock. - The Opera selected for THIS DAY (SATURDAY) is DON PASQUALE,
supported by Madame Gassier, Signor Nerini, Signor Maggiorotti . . .
"HANOVER-SQUARE ROOMS", Sun [London] (18 July 1857), 6 (PAYWALL)
Last evening, Signor Guiseppe Operti gave his annual vocal and instrumental concert in the above-named rooms. The attendance was better than could be expected at this time of the year, and was all that coud be desired, both in numbers and respectability . . . The concert was itself a rich and well-selected banquet of music, containing gems of the pure and beautiful works of Donizetti and Verdi . . . Among the vocalists were - Madame Sanville, Madame Desprey, Miss Clarissa (a pupil of Signor G. Operti, and a very promising young artiste), Madame Newton Frodsham, Madame Russelli, Madame Bellosio, Madlle. Martinetti, Signor Grossi, Signor Sebastien Crockaert, Signor Annoni, and Signor Mazzioritti [sic, Maggiorotti]. The orchestra and choruses were complete and satisfactory in their effect. A terzetto in Verdi's opera of "I Lombardi," was well sang by Signor Enrico Grossi, Signor Sebastien Crockaert, and Madame Sanville, and was loudly applauded. An aria in the opera of "Traviata," by Signor Monari, was deserving of notice; but the piece that seemed to have delighted most was a duetto -"Elisir d'Amore," by Donizetti, and beautifully sung by Madame Sanville and Signor Grossi. Madame Sanville displayed a great compass and flexibility of voice in the executien of her part of the duetto, but Signor Grossi gave greater tokens of strength and vigour than of taste and refinement. The whole concert passed off satisfactorily.
ASSOCIATIONS: Giuseppi Operti (vocalist)
Australia (from 5 November 1857):
Names and descriptions of passengers per South Carolina, from Liverpool, 28 July 1857, for Melbourne, 5 November 1857; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Hy Grossie / 29 / Gent. / [Foreign]
Loui Maggrotto [sic] / 52 / [Gent.] / [Foreign . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (20 November 1857), 8
from the Grand Opera La Scala, San Carlo, and Her Majesty's, London,
will make their first appearance in these colonies in a GRAND LYRIC ENTERTAINMENT . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Miska Hauser (violinist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (23 November 1857), 5
. . . Two candidates for public approbation made their appearance on these boards on Saturday evening, in a lyrical entertainment provided for that purpose. These were Signori Maggiorotti and Grossi; both of them natives, we believe, of the city which gave Madlle. Piccolimini to the English stage. Signor Maggiorotti has been singing with Miss Catherine Hayes, both in Europe and the West Indies, and his acting indicates a through familiarity with the boards. In fact, with one or two exceptions, he is the best buffo actor we have seen in opera, full of dramatic fire and verve; but somewhat too ponderous in frame for such light and mercurial parts as Figaro. Signor Maggiorotti's voice is somewhat limited in range, time apparently having impaired the chest notes. In other respects, so far as we could judge on a first night, and from only hearing him in two cavatinas (both of which were encored, by the way) and a duett, the vocalist's voice is a good one, both in regards quality and power, whilst his acting, as we have said, is admirable . . .
Marietta Piccolomini (Italian vocalist; she was born in Sienna, not Mantua, as was later reported to be Grossi's birthplace);
Catherine Hayes (vocalist);
see also "THE AUSTRALIAN STAGE (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) MELBOURNE", The era [London, England] (7 February 1858), 11 (PAYWALL)
. . . at the THEATRE ROYAL . . . On the 21st of November the Bachelor of Arts formed the prelude for the introduction of the musical talents of Signors Maggiorotti and Grossi, who then made their first appearance, after a trip of some 16,000 miles from the old country. They were represented as from Her Majesty's Theatre, London, and La Scala, at Milan. The former's buffo interpretations, and the baritone execution of the latter, were well received, but the audience evidently thought that there was nothing extraordinary in their musical capabilities . . .
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (23 November 1857), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 November 1857), 8
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (8 December 1857), 3
"Theatre Royal", The Cornwall Chronicle (9 December 1857), 5
"OPERA", The Courier (11 December 1857), 3
"DETROIT. MICH.", New York Musical Review and Gazette 10/10 (14 May 1859), 148
Bibliography and resources:
Vera Brodsky Lawrence, Strong on music: repercussions 1857-1862 [volume 3] (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), 596
Maggiorotti, Luigi, luigi
Engraving; Colleoni, Benedetta; Maggiorotti, Luigi; Verger, Giovanni Battista, [? c. 1830]
MAGNEY, Herman Augustine (Herman Augustus MAGNEY; Herman Augustine MAGNEY)
Choir singer, baritone vocalist
Born Singleton, NSW, 1848
Died Woollahra, NSW, 31 July 1897, aged "49"
Choir singer, tenor vocalist
"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT", Freeman's Journal (26 September 1874), 10
A complimentary concert was given to Miss Winifred O'Hara (the blind vocalist) in St. Francis's hall last Wednesday, when upwards of a thousand persons awarded their patronage . . . Mrs. Gray (late Miss James), Miss Clara Lea, and a number of lady and gentlemen amateurs (principally Madame Bushelle's pupils) rendered valuable assistance, and were frequently encored . . . The duet between Messrs. P. Egan and J. Hinchy was well received, and Mr. H. A. Magney, who sang the 'Slave Ship,' was loudly applauded . . .
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 1897), 1
"OBITUARIES", Freeman's Journal (7 August 1897), 16
Mr. Herman Augustine Magney, one of our oldest Catholic choir-singers, and a well-known figure in the city, died at his residence, 'Tarella,' on Saturday night. Mr. Magney joined old St. Mary's choir when a boy, and he was afterwards for many years connected with the pro-cathedral choir and St. Joseph's, Woollahra. He was a prominent member of the old Civil Service Musical Society, and some years ago appeared frequently as a soloist at church and charity concerts. He had a fine baritone voice. Mr. Magney began life 'at the case' in the Freeman office, afterwards joining the S. M. Herald staff. He was one of the first members of the Waverley Bowling Club, but for the last two years he has 'been a member of the City Club. He leaves a mother and sister and three brothers, one of whom is Alderman T. Magney, Mayor of Woollahra. As a. token of respect to the memory of the deceased gentleman, "The Dead March in Saul" was played at the conclusion of the 11 o'clock Mass on Sunday at St. Joseph's Church, Woollahra. The funeral to the Waverley Cemetery on Monday was largely attended. Messrs. John Bede Magney and Thomas Magney were the chief mourners. Mr. Martin Magney, the youngest brother, was too ill to leave his home. The Rev. P. B. Kennedy, O.S.F., assisted by the Rev. T. A. Fitzgerald, O.S.F., officiated at the grave. The late Mr. Magney was in his 49th year.
Active Hobart, VDL (TAS), 1849
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (18 August 1849), 4
OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Monday Evening, August 20.
The Orchestra will, consist of Mr. H. Howson, Mr A. Howson, Mr. Gard and Mr. Maguire . . .
To be followed by an interesting and novel scene in the circle, in which MR. ASHTON will make his first appearance since arriving from Sydney.
CLOWN, to the circle MR. AXTELL . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Messrs. Henry and Alfred Howson . . .
Acting and Equestrian Manager, Mr. C. Axtelle.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Axtelle (circus performer, manager); Henry Howson (musician); Alfred Howson (musician); Joseph Gard (musician); James Ashton (circus performer); Royal Amphitheatre (Hobart venue)
Musician, teacher of pianoforte and singing, singing class instructor (Hullah's system)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1853-55
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (18 May 1853), 1
VISITING GOVERNESS. - Mrs. MACGUIRE desires to engage in two or three families;
she will instruct in the various branches of English Education, together with French. Terms, Four Guineas
per month, for two hours each day, except Saturdays.
Mr. MACGUIRE, formerly a Member of the Choir in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin,
continues to give Lessons on the Pianoforte and in Singing, either at the residence of pupils, or at his house.
The organ or harmonium and thorough bass, &c, if required.
South Head Road, Hyde Park.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 1855), 1
HULLAH's Method of Teaching Singing - Mr. MAGUIRE will attend at the Rev. Mr. HUSTON's school-room, Edgeworth-place, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, THIS EVENING, the 10th July instant, a 7 o'clock, when he will explain the system, and receive the names of those wishing to join the classes.
Bugler (51st Regiment)
Born Dublin, Ireland, c. 1824
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), February 1839 (from UK; via Sydney, December 1838)
Arrived Swan River Colony (WA) (with 51st regiment)
Married Maryanne WILLIAMS (c.1827-1873), Roman Catholic Chapel, Perth, WA, 12 June 1845
Departed WA/TAS, ?
Reported to have died in India, 1847
Maguire was a private and bugler with the 51st Regiment in the Swan River Colony in 1845, and later in India. According to information and documents kindly shared by Steve Danaher (May 2019), Maguire and his wife did not die in the reported cholera outbreak in 1847 (though their child did). John later transferred to the 74th Regiment and saw service during the Indian Mutiny before retiring to Scotland.
"THE 51ST REGIMENT", Inquirer [Perth] (8 December 1847), 1s
Letters have been received, by way of England, conveying a deplorable account of the mortality that has prevailed amongst the detachment of the 51st, recently stationed here, from that scourge of the East, cholera. Amongst the deaths are enumerated those of Serjeants Saxbeach and Chadwick, Corporal George, Private Ault and child, Maguire (bugler), wife and child, with twenty others, whose names are not recorded, and a great number of women and children . . .
UK archives; WO97/1608/46
[folio recto] 49631 / HER MAJESTY'S 74th Highland REG. OF Foot . . .
Aberdeen 24th January 1863, PROCEEDINGS OF A REGIMENTAL BOARD, held this day . . .
for the purpose of verifying and recording the Services, Conduct, Character, and cause of Discharge of
No. 3617 Serjeant John Maguire of the Regiment above mentioned . . .
. . . by Trade a [None] was BORN in the Parish of Stillorgan in or near the Town of Stillorgan in the County of Dublin
and was ATTESTED for the 51st Regiment of Foot at Dublin in the County of Dublin on the 6 February 1838 at the Age of 15 years . . .
the SERVICE up to this day . . . amounts to 21 years 33 days [sic] . . .
during which period, he served Abroad 20 11/12 years, viz. -
In New South Wales - 6 1/12 years,
In East Indies - 14 10/12 years
and further, that his DISCHARGE is proposed at his own request to pension upon completion of 21 years service . . .
[folio verso] . . . Detailed Statement of Service . . .
51st [Regiment] / Private / [From] 6th Feb. 1838 / [To] 5 Feb. 1841 / (Underage) [therefore not counted in service]
[51st Regiment] / [Private] / [From] 6th Feb. 1841 / [To] 31 Oct. 1842 / 1 [Year] / 268 [Days]
[51st Regiment] / Appointed Bugler / [From] 1 Nov. 1842 / [To] 24 March 1846 / 3 [Years] / 144 days
[51st Regiment] / In Confinement / [From] 25 March 1846 / [To] 21 January 1847 / - / -
[51st Regiment] / Bugler / [From] 22 Jany. 1847 / [To] 31 Octo. 1847 / - / 283 [Days]
[51st Regiment] / Private / [From] 1 Nov. 1847 . . .
[51st Regiment] / Promoted Corporal / [From] 3 March 1850 . . .
[51st Regiment] / [Promoted] Serjeant / [From] 25 Feb. 1851 . . .
[51st Regiment] / In Arrest - / [From] 2 Dec. 1853 / [To] 18 Dec. 1853 . . .
[51st Regiment] / Reduced Private / [From] 19 Dec 1853 / . . .
Volunteered to 74th Foot . . . Madras, 2 March 1854 . . . Transferred Private 1 April 1854 . . .
MAHONEY, Charles
Mouth organ player and singer
Active Sydney, NSW, 1833
"POLICE INDICENTS", The Sydney Herald (8 July 1833), 3
Charles Mahony and Ann Mahony, a rare Darby and Joan couple, "For contemplation he and valour formed, For softness she and sweet attractive grace," were charged with rolling through the public streets overnight, he playing on a mouth organ, and she screeching in concert . . .
Amateur musician, founder member of St. Joseph's Band (Laucneston)
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1845
Died South Melbourne, VIC, 22 July 1885, aged "73"
Amateur musician, harpist, harp player
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 November 1821 (per Royal George, from England, 18 May)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 1 December 1825 (per Mary Hope, for England)
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Brisbane (governor, brother-in-law)
Letter from Elizabeth Macarthur, Parramatta, 4 September 1822 (ed. Sibella Macarthur Onslow (ed.), Some early records of the Macarthurs of Camden (Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1914), 373-374 (DIGITISED)
We continue to like our present Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane. Lady Brisbane and her sister Miss Macdougall are gentle and amiable - perfectly unaffected in their manners and habits, yet possessing all the acquirements of wellborn and well educated persons . . . The ladies are fond of and live in great retirement. They mix little in society and give none of those large entertainments, which Mrs. Macquarie used to do. They have a Dinner Party once a week. Their table is handsomely set out, and served in a manner superior to anything we have yet seen in the Colony. Lady Brisbane has a good Piano, on which she occasionally plays, and accompanies the instrument with her voice. Miss Macdougall plays the Harp, and Mr. Rumker the Piano in turn . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Macarthur (correspondent); Christian Rumker (amateur musician)
Venue proprietor
Born Dundee, Scotland, 12 November 1806; baptised Dundee, 16 November 1806; son of Thomas MALCOLM and Mary FALCONER
Married Margaret MOFFATT (b. 1808), by c. 1829
Arrived Sydney, NSW, July 1841 (per Helen)
Died ? by 1865
List of immigrants per Helen, arrived 21 July 1841; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
Malcolm John / 33 [sic] / Gardener [later note: Tailor - for many years foreman to Alderman Broughton] / Protestant / [Born] Dundee
[Malcolm] Margaret / 31 / House Servant / Protestant / [Born] Dalkeith
Thomas / 13 // John / 7 / Walter / 5 // Peter / 3 / [all born] Dalkeith
Bibliography and resources:
Mark St. Leon, "Theatre, amphitheatre and circus in Sydney, 1833-60", Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 97/2 (2011), 220-43 (PAYWALL)
Musician, pianist, organist, women's suffrage activist
Born London, England, 27 March 1842
Arrived Brisbane, QLD, 12 May 1864 (per Prince Consort)
Married (Willmore), Brisbane, QLD, 28 December 1885 (separated by 1900)
Died Wynnum, QLD, 22 August 1938, in her 97th year (NLA persistent identifier)
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (5 July 1866), 1
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (13 July 1866), 1
"ENTERTAINMENT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Queenslander (6 April 1867), 8
[Advertisement], The Brisbane Courier (1 February 1872), 1
[News], The Brisbane Courier (30 October 1878), 2
The newly-appointed organist of All Saints' Church, Mr. W. G. Willmore, who arrived by the Largs, entered upon his duties on Sunday last. We are informed that Mr. Willmore acted as organist at the Philadelphia Exhibition. He has been a pupil of Sir George Cooper, organist and choir master of her Majesty's Chapel Royal, St. James', and is well known to Mr. Henry Smart, Berthold Tours, and other eminent London professors.
[News], The Brisbane Courier (5 May 1880), 3
"SUPREME COURT. Willmore v. Willmore", The Brisbane Courier (5 June 1900), 7
Mr. Woolcock (instructed by Messrs. W. H. Wilson and Hemming) made an application for alimony pending an action for alimony commenced by Henrietta Willmore against Walter Graham Willmore, organist. The plaintiff stated that since 24th July, 1896, she had only earned sums amounting to £20 in her profession as an organist and professor of music, and her income since that date was only £110, from property at Toowong. The sum of £118 had been received by her from defendant since 16th March, 1897. It was asserted that she was without means of livelihood for herself and daughter, and that her husband was possessed of property, and for the purpose of proving this evidence was called.
"DEATHS", The Courier-Mail (24 August 1938), 14s
"PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT", The World's News (5 April 1933), 7
The only survivor of the Chapel Royal choir which sang at the wedding of King Edward and Queen Alexandra at Windsor in 1863 is believed to be Mr. Walter Willmore, who now lives in Victoria, British Columbia. Mr. Willmore sang the solo in the anthem at the wedding.
"DID MUCH FOR MUSIC IN BRISBANE. Late Mrs. H. Willmore", The Courier-Mail (25 August 1938), 2s
WITH the passing of Mrs. Henrietta Willmore, at her home at Wynnum on August 22, Brisbane lost one who helped to lay the foundations of musical culture in this city. As Madame Mallalieu, she taught many students to appreciate and interpret the works of the great composers. Madame Mallalieu, who later became Mrs. Willmore, was born in England, where her elder sister was also known as a brilliant musician. In collaboration with Mr. R. T. Jefferies, she helped to arrange popular concerts, and was organist at the old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, in Wickham Terrace. She was a keen worker for the Queensland Women's Electoral League, acting president of the Toowong branch it one time, and a vice-president of the council. Some years ago friends with whom she wished to keep in touch formed the Willmore Discussion Club, it which matters of public interest were discussed. The late Mrs. Willmore, who was in her 97th year, leaves two daughters, Mrs. W. Craig, of Wynnum, and Miss H. Mallalieu.
Bibliography and resources:
Betty Crouchley, "Willmore, Henrietta (1842-1938)", Australian dictionary of biography 12 (1990)
Peter Roennfeldt, "The power of persistence: musical advocates north of the Tweed", Queensland Review 18/1 (January 2011), 42-53
MALON, Corporal (? Michael MALLON; Owen MALLEN)
Musician, bandsman, Kent bugle player (Band of the 28th Regiment)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1841
See also Band of the 28th Regiment
"THE CONCERT", Sydney Free Press (15 July 1841), 2
Last night Mr. Deane's concert came off with great eclat, the Governor having honoured Mr. D. with his presence on the occasion. Colonel French kindly allowed the band of the 28th to assist, they gave us an air or two, in which Corporal Malon's Solo, on the Kent Bugle was very good . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Barrie and Margaret Chapman, "Corporal Michael Mallon (1797-1848)", Australia's red coat settlers (archived NLA Pandora)
MANDELSON, Caroline (Caroline SAMUEL; Mrs. Naphtali MANDELSON)
? Amateur musician, pianist, vocalist
Born Sydney, 1838; daughter of Kauffman and Rosetta SAMUEL
Married Naphtali MANDELSON (1835-1877), NSW, Sydney Synagogue, 16 September 1857
Died Sydney, NSW, 6 April 1878, aged 39 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
MANDELSON, Caroline (Caroline JOSEPH; Miss C. JOSEPH; Mrs. Emanuel MANDELSON)
? Amateur musician, pianist, vocalist
Born Singleton, NSW, 1841; daughter of Nathan JOSEPH (c. 1811-1859) and Sarah MOSES (c. 1817-1892)
Married Emanuel MANDELSON, Sydney, NSW, 1 February 1860
Died Glebe, NSW, 23 July 1931
"MARRIAGES", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 September 1857), 1
On the 16th instant, at the Sydney Synagogue, by the Rev. Dr. Hoelzel, Mr. Napthali Mandelson, of Tumut, to Caroline, second daughter of the late Mr. Kaufman Samuels, of Wellington, New Zealand.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1878), 1
MANDELSON. - April 6, at her residence, Upper William-street North, Caroline, relict of the late Napthali Mandelson, formerly of Tumut, aged 39 years.
The Heliotrope mazurka by William Stanley (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, n.d. [1857]) (DIGITISED)
Titlepage; 3 pages music (1-3); The Heliotrope mazurka, dedicated to Miss C. Joseph, by W. Stanley [1]; 1 is a verso, and so on
Musical album:
Owner bound album of mid-nineteenth century dances and songs for piano, "C. Mandelson"; National Library of Australia
MANSFIELD, Eliza Anne (Eliza Anne SOWERBY; Mrs. William Montagu MANNING; Mrs. W. M. MANNING; Mrs. MANNING)
Musical amateur, amateur musician, pianist
Married William Montagu MANNING, St. Saviour, Argyle, NSW, 7 June 1849

Concert waltz composed for the piano-forte, respectfully dedicated to Mrs. W. M. Manning, by E. D. Boulanger in Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856 (Sydney: F. Mader, 1856)
12 pages of music (1-12), at foot of 12: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman"; page 1 pictured above; also later advertised for sale (c. 1857) under a new cover by J. R. Clarke
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Boulanger (composer); Frederick Mader (publisher); Abraham Western Chapman (engraver)
Actor, vocalist
Active Adelaide, SA, 1840
"THE THEATRE", South Australian Register (18 January 1840), 4
. . . Since our last notice, Mr. Cameron has received an acquisition in Mrs. Mansfield, who not only acts tolerably, but sings sweetly and with taste.
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor, manager)
Amateur musician, bandsman, vocalist, choir singer, choir leader, baker
Born Mallow, County Cork, Ireland, c. 1822; son of Pierce MANSFIELD and Mary BOHAN (d. 1873)
Arrived Melbourne, NSW (VIC), c. 1841
Married Catherine FITZGIBBON, VIC, 1846
Died Geelong, VIC, 17 January 1903, aged "80/81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"TOWN TALK", Geelong Advertiser (12 April 1871), 2
It will be learned with regret that Mr. John Mansfield, through pressure of business, is about to retire from the choir of St. Mary's Church. Mr. Mansfield, in conjunction with Mr. Cosgrove, the present City Treasurer of Melbourne, was the first to establish a Roman Catholic choir at St. Francis', Melbourne, when that church was simply a wooden edifice. Since then Mr Mansfield has been one of the originators of the choir of St. Mary's, where his well-known voice has aided - without fee or reward - the services for many years. It is to be hoped that some of the young men of the congregation will emulate his example, and make an effort to fill his place at the choir.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Cosgrave (amateur musician); Music at St. Francis's church (Melbourne)
"THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS . . . THE CHURCHES", Geelong Advertiser (27 December 1879), 3
. . . Mass at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church was celebrated by the Yen. Archdeacon Slattery, D.D., at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. . . . There was a full clioir at the church; Giorza's No. 1 Mass was spiritedly rendered, the solos being taken by Miss E. Tuite (soprano), Miss M. Mansfield (contralto), Mr. J. Mansfield (bass), and Mr J. Doyle (tenor). The anthem, "Adeste Fideles,"and the Hallelujah chorus, were both effectively sung, especially the latter, the strong chorus, led by Miss E. Miller, quite eclipsing previous efforts. The organist, Miss K. Mansfield, is deserving of great praise. At vespers the Rev. W. M. Finn assisted the Ven. Archdeacon. The solos, "Comfort ye my people," and "O Salutaris," were rendered by Mr. J. Mansfield and Miss M. Mansfield respectively.
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate Mansfield (1855-1910, Mrs. Cahill); Maggie Mansfield (1858-1937, Mrs. Rahilly)
A well-informed correspondent, writing from Geelong, has favored me with the following curious facts on this subject: -
"The first choir at St. Francis', Melbourne, consisted of Dr. C. J. Sandford, with Mr. J. P. Smith, a solicitor,
and Mr. William Clarke, a music seller and music teacher, who kept a shop in Collins street east.
Clarke was supposed to act as president, and took a prominent part in the singing.
There was a fourth (F. L. Clay, another attorney ? ), whose name has passed out of my recollection.
Though none of them belonged to the faith of which St. Francis was supposed to be one of the great expounders,
they were not the less all "jolly good fellows," but most decidedly better adapted to "trolling a catch" than chanting High Mass.
The next attempt at choir-making was essayed by the Misses O'Farrell, assisted by the Rev. Father Watkins, one of the young ladies very efficiently doing the instrumental part.
But such praiseworthy efforts were intended to serve only temporary purposes, and consequently only performed on special occasions and at Benedictions, Vespers not being sung in those remote days.
It happened that three or four young fellows who met at a wedding talked over forming a choir as Father Geoghegan had been speaking to some of them about it.
These were Tom Kennedy, Michael Lyons, Davy Hurley, plasterers; John Cosgrove, late city treasurer, John Mansfield and James Reilly.
They determined to form a class, and take lessons from Wm. Clarke, already mentioned.
One of the party was so eager in the matter that he sold his watch to pay his share of the preliminary expenses.
Their first attempt in the church was on the occasion of Archbishop Polding's first visit to Melbourne.
After having acquitted themselves to their own entire satisfaction,
they were complimented by the Rev. Father McEvey as they were leaving the little square box that did duty for a vestry on having made "a precious mess of it."
They persevered, however, and, with the assistance of a few ladies, got on very well.
John Dowling, with his violin, and Robert Newstead with flute, helped at the practices to keep them together.
After a little while Micky Mac picked up an old harmonium in some sale-room and made it a present to the choir.
A Miss Lyons - now Mrs. Dutfoy (now of Rokewood), sister to the late Mrs. Quirk, and a daughter of Peter Whelan (who once kept the Daniel O'Connell in Bourke street, near the Post Office)
- with a few other ladies, joined. J. Cosgrave, as well as singing, learned the harmonium from Mr. Clarke; beside; which he had McDonald on the cornopian, P. Phelan, clarionet.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Watkins (cleric)
See also slightly edited version of the above, in The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 967 (DIGITISED)
The chronicles of early Melbourne, 1835 to 1851, by Garryowen [ = Edmund Finn] (Melbourne: Fergusson and Mitchell, 1888), 534-35, 967 (DIGITISED)
THE FATHER MATTHEW SOCIETY . . . In 1844 the [535] movement acquired considerable numerical importance, and the meetings were held in a schoolroom erected rearward of the St. Francis' Presbytery in Lonsdale Street. Probably in consonance with the light-hearted elasticity of the Irish temperament, the Father Matthewites went in strongly for outside spectacular display - such as processions, picnics, and excursions. A band was formed, which acquired more celebrity than that of the Society before referred to. The functions of this musical combination were somewhat mixed, being partly lay and partly ecclesiastical, for on special occasions it used to assist at the church services.
The first bandsmen were Mr. John Cosgrave, (late City Treasurer), then (in 1844) a smartly-made well-shaped, good-looking juvenile, who performed on the clarionet; Mr. John Mansfield, now a seriousfaced, white-haired "Geelongoose," proprietor of one of the best-established bakeries in "The Pivot," who worked a trombone; four strapping youngsters known as Phelan, Egan, Connor, and Conlon, (a compositor), operating on various instruments, the whole concluding with Mr. J. P. ("Jerry") Dalton, who thundered away on a big drum. The Society's first street demonstration was on the 22nd January, 1845, when 150 of them marched forth with band and banners, wended their way to the then grassy and well-wooded Richmond Paddock (now the cut up and disfigured Yarra Bank), where they bivouaced on the fragrant bank of the river, drank "billied" tea brewed in big pots, and crammed themselves with sandwiches, cakes, and ginger beer, returning in the evening, blowing and half-bursting specimens of total abstinence. On Easter Monday (24th March) there was a grand "Father Matthew" procession through the principal highways of Melbourne, and after "doing the town" the members adjourned for refreshments to the St. Francis' school-room, finishing with a dance in a tent pitched on the Church reserve; and amongst a number of admiring outsiders were the then Resident Judge, the Honorable Roger Therry, and his better half. The Society has now so far succeeded as to number 600 members, and the funds looked so promising that there was some notion of building a "Father Matthew" Hall.
"TOWN TALK", Geelong Advertiser (19 January 1903), 2
The death of Mr. John Mansfield, which occurred on Saturday afternoon, at his residence, Malop-street, removes a widely-respected citizen from the town, and cuts off another link that binds the present Geelong with the past. In 1841 the deceased arrived in Melbourne, and shortly after his arrival took a prominent part in the establishment of the Total Abstinence' Society band at St. Francis' Church. In 1844 the late Mr Mansfield accompanied the then Rev. Father Geoghegan to Geelong on the occasion of the opening of the first St. Mary's Church, and was afterwards appointed to take charge of the Catholic school in this town. He retaned this post till 1851, when he entered into business as a baker in Bellerine-street, where he remained for some years, and afterwards removed to Malop-street. He was in business in the latter place for over 40 years, and gained the respect of all with whom he came in contact for his uprightness and kindly disposition. The deceased gentleman man was for many years connected with St. Mary's choir, and his fine rich basso voice, coupled with his thorough knowledge of music, was a factor in the rendidition of the masses of the best composers. His daughter (Mrs Cahill) was organist at St. Mary's for many years. The deceased, who had attained his 81st year, leaves a family of three daughters - Mrs. Cahill, Mrs J. F. Rahilly, and Miss Mansfield. Only a short time ago, the deceased had a paralytic stroke, and his end was hastened by a diarrhoeal complaint, from which he suffered during the past week. The Ven. Archpriest McKenna prefaced his sermon at the 11 o'clock mass at St. Mary's Church yesterday by making reference to the deceased. He touched on Mr Mansfield's connection with the church for so many years, and stated that the deceased had led an edifying life. The deceased was a classical scholar, and had a thorough knowledge of the music and liturgy of the church. He regretted that the choir were not prepared to sing a Requiem High Mass. The Archpriest concluded by stating that the body of the deceased would be brought to the church this morning, and a mass offered for the repose of his soul. At the conclusion of the services at St. Mary's and S.S. Peter and Paul's yesterday, the organists played the Dead March in Saul, in memory of the decreased. His funeral takes place this afternoon.
"DEATHS", Advocate [Melbourne, VIC] (24 January 1903), 23
MANSFIELD. - At his residence, 138 Malop-street, Geelong, John Mansfield, baker, in his 81st year. A colonist of 62 years. Native of Mallow, County Cork, Ireland.
"DEATH OF MR. JOHN MANSFIELD", Advocate (24 January 1903), 17
We regret to record the death of Mr. John Mansfield, one of the pioneer Catholics of this State, and one of the most patriotic Irishmen who landed on these shores. Mr. Mansfield was born in Mallow, County Cork, where his two brothers held prominent positions in the medical profession. He was also a near relative of Mr. Wm. O'Brien, MP. Mr. Mansfield arrived in Melbourne in 1841, and took a prominent part in the musical services at St. Francis' Church in those days. He was one of the founders of the brass band established in connection with the Catholic Temperance Society. In 1843 he went to Geelong and was appointed master of the first Catholic school in that town, and being gifted with a splendid voice, and considerable musical ability, he almost to the day of his death was identified with the fine choir of St. Mary's. Mr. Mansfield was of an extremely retiring disposition, which prevented him from taking part in public affairs, but in all matters connected with Irish National politics he ever took an enthusiastic interest. On Monday a requiem Mass was celebrated by Archpriest McKenna in St. Mary's Church, Geelong, in the nave of which the body had been placed. The funeral was largely attended, nearly all of the representative men of the district being present The service at the grave was performed by Archpriest McKenna, assisted by six priests, some of whom came long distances to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased. On Sunday Archpriest McKenna warmly eulogised the services rendered to the church by the deceased gentleman, and at the conclusion of Mass the Dead March in Saul was played on the organ. R.I.P.
"News in Brief", Weekly Times [Melbourne, VIC] (24 January 1903), 15
Mr. John Mansfield, a very old resident of Geelong, died last week, aged 81 years. Deceased arrived in Melbourne in 1841. He was for many years conductor of the choir in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Geelong.
MANSON, William (William MANSON)
Musician, bandsman (Band of the 28th Regiment)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1841
See also Band of the 28th Regiment
"LAW INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (16 February 1841), 2
William Manson, late bandsman of the 28th Regiment, who had been convicted of a similar offence [sexual abuse of child], was next placed at the bar, and like the others had nothing to offer in arrest of judgment.
Musician, pianist, composer, merchant
Born Wisbech, UK, 5 October 1829
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 16 April 1850 (per Julindur, from Plymouth, 6 January)
Died Adelaide, SA, 5 June 1861, aged 32 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
At a Moonlight Grand Concert in Adelaide in August 1853, Alfredo Mantegani introduced his new The Helen waltz, named after his fiancée, Helen Thomas, one of the colony's earliest arrivals, and daughter of the proprietor of the South Australian Register, Robert Thomas. Other named works by Mantegani include Away with melancholy with variations ("Solo, Pianoforte . . . Montigani" [sic]) and the Pantheon waltz ("Solo, Pianoforte . . . by A. Montegani" in 1854.
At the Victoria Theatre in January 1855:
The interlude was only remarkable in other respects for some original airs played off by a Mr. Montegani, who, not feeling satisfied with the manner in which he was received in one instance, deprived the audience of the opportunity of repeating it by withdrawing his valuable services from the bill of fare.
"POLICE COURT", South Australian Register (30 May 1850), 3
George Rowland Dyer, surgeon, was charged with stealing an ebony flute and case, the property of Alfreddo Mantegani, on the 11th inst.. Alfreddo Mantegani stated that he was a merchant and resided at the "Clarendon Hotel." He had been about seven weeks in the colony. The flute produced was his property: it cost £4 in London just before he (witness) started for this colony.
"POLICE", South Australian (31 May 1850), 3
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (31 July 1852), 2
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 August 1852), 3
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (28 August 1852), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 August 1853), 2
"PROMENADE MUSICALE", South Australian Register (20 March 1854), 1
"PROMENADE CONCERT", South Australian Register (5 April 1854), 3
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (24 April 1854), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (16 November 1854), 1
"VICTORIA THEATRE", South Australian Register (19 January 1855), 2
"MARRIED", South Australian Register (26 June 1855), 2
"CRESWICK INTELLIGENCE", The Star (9 April 1859), 3
"MASONIC BALL AT CRESWICK", The Star (13 December 1859), 4
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (8 June 1861), 2
"THE OLDEST COLONIST, Late Mrs. Helen Mantegani", The Register (18 August 1921), 7
"OBITUARY", The Register (25 August 1926), 8
"Organist in Same Church 70 Years", Southern Cross (7 November 1947), 3
Bibliography and resources:
Papers of Helen Mantegani (1815-1921), at SL-SA
Desmond O'Connor, "A home away from home: Alfred Mantegani in Australia", in Riflessi e riflessioni (Adelaide: Italian Discipline, Flinders University of South Australia, 1992), 157-187
MARGETTS, Tom (Thomas MARGETTS; Tom MARGETTS; "Dimply Tom")
Entertainer, singer, dancer, bellringer
Born c. 1850
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1869
Died Bendigo, VIC, 28 December 1903, aged 53
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 March 1869), 8
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 August 1869), 8
"MEMORANDA", The Telegraph (16 July 1870), 6
The great attraction at the Prahran Popular Entertainment on Tuesday evening last was the announcement that Mr. Tom Margetts would appear, which had the desired effect of filling the hall. He sang Robinson Crusoe with his customary vigour and so pleased the audience that nothing less than a double encore would satisfy them, which he kindly acceded to.
"BENDIGO", The Argus (29 December 1903), 3
Mr. Tom Margetts, a well-known figure in local theatrical circles, died on Monday, aged 53. He was an old resident, and in his youth was a capable actor in London.
"THE TOM MARGETTS MEMORIAL", Bendigo Advertiser (3 February 1904), 5
"Prahran in the Early Days (No. 4) by Squint" (1906)
Turning down Palermo Street, from Chapel Street, one comes to a three-roomed, iron cottage, where resided Edward Young and his family; subsequently the home of one Dimply Tom, from the fact that he had two large dimples on his cheeks and one on his chin. For many years Tom was a great favourite, always ready at the call of charity. He was a splendid mimic, and one who rendered great and valuable assistance in the days when Penny Reading Concerts were given in Prahran. He subsequently joined the Lynch Family of Bellringers, and travelled with them for years. Tom Margetts died in Bendigo a few years back.
Musician, violinist
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1841
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (17 June 1841), 2
MARIOTTI, Signor (Signor MARIOTTI; MARRIOTTI; initials variouly given as L., F., and S.; Jules MARIOTTI)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 December 1859 (per William, from San Francisco, California, 1 October)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 11 January 1862 (per Iconium, for San Francisco)
ASSOCIATIONS: Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists)
Passengers arrived at Melbourne, 21 December 1859, on board the William from San Francisco; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
[Cabin] Mr. Beaincha / 30 // and Lady / 27 // Jules Mariotti / 25 // [all] Italian . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. HOBSON'S BAY", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 December 1859), 4
ARRIVED. - December 21 . . . William, American ship, 522 tons, Joseph T. Berry, from San Francisco 2nd October. Passengers - cabin: Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi, Captain W. Cheyne, Mr. L. Mariotti; and three in the steerage . . .
[News], The Argus (9 October 1860), 4
A meeting of the Garibaldi Testimonial Committee was held yesterday, at the Criterion Hotel, Mr. James Smith in the chair, for the transaction of general business. The committee had under consideration an offer on the part of Signor and Signora Bianchi to sing, either in an opera or at a concert, for the benefit of the fund, and decided on adopting the latter method. The secretary, (Signor Dardanelli) was requested to communicate with Signor Bianchi on the subject, Mr. James Smith was appointed treasurer of the fund, and Messrs. Marletti [sic, ? Mariotti] and James Smith a sub-committee to confer with artists on the design for the sword to be presented to Garibaldi. The subscriptions already amount to about £300, and it is expected that fully £500 will be ultimately contributed.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Smith (treasurer); the fund was to honour Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Italian republican patriot
"CLEARANCES. JANUARY 11", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 January 1862), 4
Iconium, ship, 549 tons, Captain Heustis, for San Francisco. Passengers - Mr. J. O. Gorman, Signor and Signora Bianchi. Signor Grossi, Messrs. Herman, Marriotti, Emmerson, J. Gregg, and 15 in the steerage.
MARR, Elizabeth (Elizabeth ALLISON; Miss ALLISON; Mrs. Alexander MARR)
Dancing instructor, teacher of dancing
Active Sydney, NSW, 1844-45
"MARRIED", The Sydney Herald (22 February 1842), 3
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 October 1844), 3
[Advertisement], The Australian (28 December 1844), 1
[Advertisement], The Australian (11 October 1845), 2
DANCING. MRS. ALEXANDER MARR begs must respectfully to inform her numerous friends and the public, that she has opened a select Academy for Dancing, in that large Hall lately occupied by Signor Carandini), corner of Phillip and Hunter streets, where she hopes to meet with that patronage it has ever been her study to merit.
Amateur musician, vocalist, conductor
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), by 1846
Died Nice, France, 31 March 1866, aged "44" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Journalist, theatre and music reporter
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by July 1853
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 July 1853), 1
MR. MARSDEN, "Velocipede" of the Sunday Times, Birmingham Journal, &c., who introduced a new system of reporting the events of the season, under the editorial management or the late John Kemble Chapman, wishes for an engagement to report sporting, dramatic, musical or other subjects; address Velocipede, office of this paper.
MARSDEN, John Hudson (John Hudson MARSDEN; J. H. MARSDEN)
Musical amateur, amateur vocalist
Died Sandringham, VIC, 25 December 1913
"THE MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. I", The Argus (25 December 1878), 6
. . . The musical triumph of the year [1857] was the first production in the southern hemisphere of Mendelssohn's grand oratorio "Elijah" . . . The alto chorus then included Armes or more familiarly "Ted" Beaumont, Perraton, Johnson, Cook, Marsden, and a host of "boys" who are now bearded Benedicks . . . June 23 was the night appointed . . .
MARSDEN, Samuel (1) (Samuel MARSDEN)
Anglican (Episcopalian) cleric
Born Farsley, Yorkshire, England, 24 June 1765 (? 1764)
Arrived Sydney Cove, NSW, 10 March 1794 (per William, from England, 1 July 1793)
Died Windsor, NSW, 12 May 1838 (NLA persistent identifier)
MARSDEN, Samuel (2) (Samuel MARSDEN)
Amateur musician, cellist, bass viol player
Died Windsor, NSW, 24 March 1854
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 March 1854), 8
On Friday, the 24th instant, at his residence, Macquarie-street, Windsor, Mr. Samuel Marsden, aged 58, brother of the late Thomas Marsden, Esq., merchant, of this city.
Bibliography and resources:
Reminiscences (personal, social and political) of a fifty years' residence at Windsor, on the Hawkesbury: a lecture . . . by William Walker (Sydney: Turner and Henderson, 1890), 10 (DIGITISED)
[10] . . . The Wesleyans also had a temporary place until they built a suitable chapel in Macquarie-street [Windsor]. The minister was the late Rev. John Schofield. I used frequently to attend the missionary meetings held annually. There were no American organs in those days, and the music was led by a clarionet player and a bass viol, the latter being played by the late Mr. Samuel Marsden, of Macquarie-street . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Walker (memoirist)
MARSDEN, William
Musician, composer, upholsterer
Active Bathurst, NSW, 1850; Sydney, ? 1850, 1852
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (7 September 1850), 5
. . . Waltz - Composed by Mr. W. Marsden.
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press (21 September 1850), 5
BY PERMISSION. FIRST MONTHLY CONCERT AT MR. MINEHAN'S LARGE ROOM, CROOKED BILLET, DURHAM-STREET. The Musicians and Singers of the above establishment . . . PIANO FORTE - Mr. Marsden; 1st VIOLIN - Mr. Brown; 2nd DITTO - Mr. Shapter . . .
"BATHURST SERENADERS", Bathurst Free Press (12 October 1850), 4
"DESERTION", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1850), 2
A man named Marsden, a pot-house musician, but whose proper occupation appears to be that of an ornamental painter, yesterday appeared before Messrs. Brenan and McLerie, charged by his wife with having deserted her and his child, leaving her without means of support, and refusing to make her any allowance, although well able to do so; adding, moreover, insult to injury by defaming her character whenever he met her in the public street. Their Worships ordered him to make a weekly payment of seven shillings towards the maintenance of his wife and child.
"MASTERS AND SERVANTS ACT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1851), 2
"SYDNEY POLICE COURT", Empire (7 April 1852), 2
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 February 1852), 1
"CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 October 1856), 4
MARSH, Henry
MARSH, Maria Heathilla (Mrs. PROUT; Mrs. John Skinner PROUT)
MARSH, Stephen Hale
See main page on Stephen and Henry Marsh and family:
Active c. 1861
"THE MARSH TROUPE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (20 June 1861), 4
Musician, pianist, accompanyist
Active North Melbourne, VIC, by 1857
This rising musical society was established in February last, having previously existed in the form of an elementary class, under the management of Mr. G. L. Allan, one of the singing masters engaged by the Denominational School Board . . . The second concert given by the society was held last evening in St. Mary's school room, North Melbourne, with an amount of success which we had scarcely anticipated, and afforded much gratification to a crowded audience . . . we must not fail specially to compliment the sopranos, who, by their numbers, and hearty, brilliant vocalisation, mainly contributed to the success of the evening. Nor must we neglect to speak in high terms of the able accompaniments of Miss Marshall, who also preceded each of the two parts into which the concert was divided by fantasias, which were very tastefully executed . . .
Comic vocalist
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1844 (from NZ)
Wellington, NZ (1843):
[Advertisement], New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator (17 May 1843), 1
BY PERMISSION of the MAGISTRATES. Wellington Saloon, Ship Hotel.
AT the earnest request of several ladies and gentlemen, who could not get admission on Thursday evening last, the same entertainment will be repeated.
To commence with the drama of a Ghost in Spite of Himself,
Nicodemus, Mr. Mariott; Paul, Mr. Marshall; Diggory, Mr. Hardeman; Georgiana, Mrs. Baker.
In the course of the evening several, Songs and Duets,
to conclude with the farceof the Village Lawyer,
Scout, Mr. Marriott; Snarl, Mr. Hardeman; Sheepface, Mr. Marshall; Mrs. Scout, Mrs. Baker.
Doors open at 7, to commence at half past 7. Front-Seats 2s., Back Seats 1s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Hardeman (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator [NZ] (3 June 1843), 1
Glorious Fun for Monday next, Whit Monday.
GEORGE BRIGGS, of the New Hotel, Kai Warra, not wishing Whitsuntide, a season for so much frolic in the Mother Country,
to pass unheeded in this distant part of the world, begs to inform his friends and the public in general, that he intends having a
A FOOT RACE for £5 . . . Duck Shooting, Skittle Match, and various other popular matches will enliven the day . . .
Other entertainments have been kindly promised by Messrs. Marriott, Hardeman, Marshall, &c., &c.,
and a BALL will take place in the evening. An excellent Band will be on the ground.
The whole to conclude with a splendid' display of FIRE WORKS. June 2, 1813.
[Advertisement], New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator (9 September 1843), 1
the above elegant and commodious Theatre will be opened for the first time
on Tuesday evening next, September 12, 1843 . . .
The Performance will commence with "God save the Queen," by the whole of the Company;
after which Will be presented, for the first time, a drama, to be called the
ROVER OF THE SEAS, with entire new scenery, dresses, & decorations . . .
Lawrence Glennon, Squire of Motly Manor House, Mr. Marriott . . . Diedrick, a Smuggler, Mr. Marshall;
Marmaduke Magog, with Songs, Mr. Hardeman . . .
A grand March by the Band. After which . . . CROSSING THE LINE, OR THE TWIN BROTHERS.
Walter Von Broom, with the Song of "Drink deep of Wine," Mr. Marriott;
Wonter Yon Broom, Mr. Hardeman . . .
The whole of the entertainment produced under the immediate direction of Mr. Marriott . . .
Sydney, NSW (1844):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 October 1844), 1
WILL be opened on Saturday Evening next, at half-past Seven. NO CHARGE FOR ADMISSION.
Mr. MARSHALL and Mr. HARDIMAN, late of the London Theatres.
"'Tis not in mortals to command success,
But we'll do more, we'll well deserve it." - Skakspeare.
Conductor, Mr. Marshall.
In the course of the evening, Mr. MARSHALL will sing the Tartar Drum, Firm as Oak, and the Merry Month of May, in character.
The celebrated SCOTCH VOCALIST will sing a variety of favorite Scotch Ballads.
Mr. HARDIMAN will sing Justarvus, the Razor Grinder; and will deliver the History of Mr. Muggins, Lady Fintweazel, and the Little Lap Dog Shock.
A variety of Solos by Mr. ROBINSON.
Several talented Amateurs have kindly promised their attendance.
This Saloon will be opened on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, to commence at half-past Seven.
Two gentlemen of celebrity will preside at the Pianoforte.
Entrance to the Saloon in King-street.
Professional Singers wanted.
Active Adelaide, SA, 1854
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 October 1854), 1
beg to inform, their friends and the public generally, that they will give a
at the PANTHEON, King William-street, for which occasion Mr. P. LEE has kindly offered his services, as also the following well-known talent: -
Vocalists: Miss Chalker, Miss Pettman, and Mr. Marshall (being his first appearance.)
Instrumentalists: - 1st Violins - Mr. P. Lee and Mr. Chapman.
2nd Ditto - Mr. Wm. Cobbin, jun., Mr. Watts and Mr. Mark Thayer, who has also kindly offered his services.
Viola - Mr. W. Cobbin, sen.
Violincellos - Mr. J. R. Smith and Mr. Swift.
Contra Bass - Mr. Betteridge.
Cornet-a-Piston - Mr. McCullagh.
Flutes - Mr. R. Clisby and Mr. Phillips.
Oboe - Mr. Sumsion.
Pianists - Mrs. Young and Mr. Linger.
1. Overture, "Don Juan," Orchestra - Mozart.
2. Song, "My Father Dear," Miss Pettman - S. Nelson.
3. Song, "England, England, Glorious Land," Mr. Marshall, his first appearance.
4. Solo, Cornet-a-Piston, Cavatina, from the Opera "Romeo and Juliet," Mr. McCullagh - Bellini.
5. Song, "Dream on, Young Hearts," Miss Chalker - Sporle.
6. Song, "The Maid of Switzerland," Miss Pettman - J. H. Tulley.
7. "The Star of the Night Valses," Orchestra - Charles D'Albert.
An interval of fifteen minutes.
1. Overture, "Il Barbiere di Siviglia," Orchestra - Rossini.
2. Song, "An Angel Bright," Miss Pettman - Donizetti.
3. Quartette, Slow Movement, Messrs. Chapman, Watts, W. Cobbin, sen., and J. R. Smith - Haydn.
4. Song, Miss Chalker.
5. Solo, Pianoforte, "La Pluie de Perles," Mrs. Young - Osborne.
6. Song, "England, Home of Freedom," Mr. Marshall - Hopkinson
7. Song, "As if you didn't know," Miss Pettman - L. Phillips
8. The Etna Galop, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert.
Tickets, 5s. each, reserved seats, 7s. 6d. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Chalker (vocalist); James Watts (violin); Mark Thayer (violin); John R. Smith (cello); Henry Betteridge (double bass); William Sumsion (oboe); Rebecca Cash Young (piano)
Precentor (Presbyterian)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1860
A class has been formed by the precentor, Mr. Marshall, for instruction in sacred music About 35 young persons have joined it, and it is expected that the psalmody of the church, which has already undergone considerable improvement, will by this means be still further improved.
"VALEDICTORY SERVICE", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1860), 9
Pianoforte maker, piano tuner and repairer, piano retailer
Born c. 1824; son of Alexander and Matilda MARSHALL
Active Sydney, NSW, by December 1851
Died Forest Lodge, NSW, 22 January 1880, aged "56" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1851), 1
MR. A. EMANUEL, Professor of Music, in opening the above establishment, respectfully solicits the patronage of the Musical World . . .
New and second-hand Pianofortes for hire by the month or year.
The Pianoforte tuning and repairing department will be carried on [by] Mr. Henry Marshall, fourteen years with Broadwood and Sons,
who is constantly in receipt of Pianofortes from them.
N.B. - Charge for tuning, (5s.) five shillings.
Repairing equally moderate. Pianofortes sold on commission; charge, five per cent.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1852), 1
A. EMANUEL begs to call the attention of intending purchasers of PIANOFORTES to the very extensive selection now offered for Sale,
at his establishment, decidedly the largest ever seen in New South Wales . . .
On Sale by Mr. Henry Marshall, some very superior Pianofortes, by Broadwood and Sons.
H. M. being in constant receipt of Pianofortes direct from the above firm, and also from Rowed and Co.,
is enabled to offer them to the public cheaper than any other house in the colony . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Emanuel
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1852), 1
Piano-fortes tuned and repaired by Mr. Henry Marshall, many years with Messrs. Broadwood and Sons, of whom he holds a certificate of recommendation.
Pianofortes placed in his hands for repair will be finished after the style of the above celebrated makers.
Tuning cottage, cabinet, and square pianofortes, 5s.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 October 1855), 2
PIANOFORTES, in Rosewood and Walnut, by the best makers, warranted superior in every respect. At HENRY MARSHALL'S, Queens-place. N.B.- No extra charge.
. . . Henry Marshall, Balmain, pianoforte maker - [stated liabilities] 878 17 6 [stated assets] 625 0 0 . . .
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 January 1880), 1
MARSHALL. - January 22, at his residence, Junction-street, Forest Lodge, Mr. Henry Marshall, sen., pianoforte tuner, aged 56 years.
Amateur musician, flute player, flautist, vocalist, committee member Hobart Town Choral Society, cricketer, bank employee
Born England, c. 1796
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by 1830
Married Caroline ROBERTS, St. David's church, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 29 September 1838
Died New Town, TAS, 7 September 1876, aged "80 years"
A regular solo flautist at concerts since 1830, by 1833 Marshall was listed by the Courier as one of Hobart's musical "old favorites", along with Reichenberg, Deane, Russell, and Williams of the 63rd.
He played for William Russell's farewell benefit at the Argyle Theatre in September 1834 (where he was perhaps a regular member of the band), and at Edmund Leffler's Hobart concert in November he sang (? bass) in Mazzinghi's glee The wreath and played a flute solo by Nicholson. He, John Philip Deane, and George Peck also sang glees at the St. Andrew's Day dinner that month.
Into the 1840s, he was regularly involved with the Hobart Town Choral Society, served as its treasurer, and in 1850 moved regretfully to wind up the society's affairs.
"VAN DIEMAN'S LAND NEWS. MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (2 October 1830), 4
. . . Bishop's beautiful glee "The Foresters" was then sung most admirably by Messrs. Pemfriest, Bock, Marshall, and Lanford . . . Bishop's glee, "Beam of Light," then followed by Miss Ludgater, Messrs. Deane, Bock, and Langford . . . The first act closed with a piece from Hayden, by the whole of the performers, and the second act opened with another piece of that celebrated master . . . followed by the celebrated glee "The last rose Summer," by Miss Ludgater, Messrs. Deane, Marshall, and Bock . . . A beautiful Quartetto from Haydn then followed, by Mr. Deane the Violin, Mr. Marshall the Flute, Mr. Bock the Tenor, and Mr. Hoffer the Violoncello. | It was admirably executed.
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (30 April 1831), 2
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (28 September 1831), 1
"VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", The Australian (7 December 1832), 3
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (25 January 1833), 2
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (5 July 1833), 2
[News], Colonial Times (5 November 1833), 2
[News], The Hobart Town Courier (6 December 1833), 2
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (26 September 1834), 3
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 November 1834), 3
"To the Editor", The Courier (29 October 1844), 3
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (15 March 1845), 2
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", Colonial Times (1 October 1847), 3
. . . The Organ Duett "Cum Sancto Spiritu," accompanied by Mr. Marshall on the flute was most beautifully executed; and we are pleased to observe, that there is no lack of energy or exertion on the parts of those who having organized our Choral Society, have now brought it to so high a point of excellence.
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (26 March 1850), 1
"FIRST CHORAL SOCIETY IN TASMANIA", The Tasmanian (17 May 1873), 8
? "DEATH OF MR. JOHN MARSHALL", The Mercury (8 September 1876), 2
? "DEATH", The Mercury (9 September 1876), 1
"MUSIC & MUSICIANS", The Mercury (29 August 1928), 8
"Hobart Woman Celebrates 97th Birthday", The Mercury (4 April 1946), 7
"MISS K. H. MARSHALL CELEBRATES 96th BIRTHDAY TODAY", The Mercury (H4 April 1946), 5
. . . Born at Lyndhurst, New Town Rd., she is a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Marshall. Her father, who migrated from England, and first took up a grant of land at New Norfolk, was a keen cricketer. His daughter inherited his love of music, and from her childhood until recent years maintained her piano playing and singing . . .
Bibliography and resources:
"John Marshall (cricketer, born 1796)", Wikipedia,_born_1796)
MARSHALL, Sampson (Sampson MARSHALL, alias WEBSTER) see Sampson WEBSTER (and wife and daughter)
Actor, vocalist
Musician, organ and pianoforte maker, musicseller, music importer and publisher, mechanic
Born Tole, Yorkshire, England, 15 June 1803 (date on gravestone)
Married (1) Martha FIELD (c. 1803-1846), St. John the Baptist, Halifax, Yorkshire, England, 12 August 1822
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 25 February 1839 (per Thomas Harrison, from London, 20 November 1838, via Deal)
Married (2) Jane MYLES, Adelaide, SA, 12 April 1847
Died Plympton, Adelaide, SA, 28 March 1879 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged)
Image: Samuel Marshall, c. 1865
MARSHALL, William (William MARSHALL; William Field MARSHALL)
Musicseller, piano tuner
Born Halifax, Yorkshire, England, 9 January 1823; baptised (Wesleyan), 2 April 1823; son of Samuel MARSHALL and Martha FIELD
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 25 February 1839 (per Thomas Harrison, from London, 20 November 1838, via Deal)
Married (1) Mary BLAND (d. 1855), SA, 1844
Married (2) Eliza ARGALL, Adelaide, SA, 12 July 1855
Died Adelaide, SA, 17 August 1899
MARSHALL, Alfred Witter
Musicseller and music publisher
Born Adelaide, SA, 31 October 1850
Died St. Peters, SA, 16 December 1915
MARSHALL, John Myles
Musicseller and music publisher
Born Adelaide, SA, 14 May 1854
Died Adelaide, SA, 6 May 1877
Musicseller and music publisher
Active in the firm from 1891 (son of Alfred)
Active in Adelaide by 1842, Marshall had reportedly begun building organs by 1845. He later also built pianos, but was also more widely known as a machinist and builder of agricultural reapers. From his premises in Currie-street and later in Rundle-street, he ran a music repository, a family business carried on after his death. Under the imprint "S. Marshall & Sons" he also published music, mainly local reprints of European works (searchable via Trove), but also some South Australian compositions.
In 1860, he advertised the publication of Carl Linger's lost Fantasia on the Song of Australia ("Fantaisie brilliante on the Gawler prize Song of Australia for pianoforte"), and in 1867 the Song of the kooyanna: a native bird of Australia (Music by Mrs W. P. A; words: "Ellie").
In March 1876, he took his two sons in partnership, and they henceforth traded a "S. Marshall and Sons", though Marshall himself effectively retired from day-to-day running of the business at this time.
One son died only a year later, in May 1877, leaving Alfred Marshall to carry on the firm, nevertheless under the same style. In 1878, it republished Linger's long out-of-print The song of Australia, and W. B. Chinner's Concordia: fantasia for pianoforte on the Song of Australia and God save the queen.
After Samuel's death, the firm issued W. B. Chinner's anthem Awake, awake! put on thy strength, O Zion in 1886, and later also reissued an edition of W. C. Oldham's The Kapunda Rifle schottische.
Marriages solemnized in the Parish Church of Halifax in the County of York in the Year 1822; register 1822, page 181; West Yorkshire Archive Service, WDP53/1/3/19 (PAYWALL)
No. 542 / Samuel Marshall of Northowram of this Parish Cabinetmaker a Bachelor
and Martha Field of Northowram of this Parish Spinster were married in this Church by Banns . . . this [12 August 1822] . . .
Register of births, Wesleyan, Blackmires (Halifax), 1823; UK National Archives, RG4/3384 (PAYWALL)
William, son of Samuel & Martha Marshall, of the Township of Northowram, parish of Halifax, county of York, Joiner, was born Jan'y 9, 1823 & baptized April 2, 1823 . . .
"SUPREME COURT", South Australian (15 March 1842), 3
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (31 December 1845), 2
[News], South Australian Register (13 February 1847), 2
[News], South Australian Register (11 March 1848), 2
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (22 April 1848), 3
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (9 September 1848), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (16 May 1855), 1
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (7 April 1855), 1
NOTICE. THE Undersigned respectfully informs his Friends and the Public,
that William Marshall is no longer in his employ, and has no authority to tune Piano-fortes, or receive any monies on his account.
All the pianofortes engaged to be Tuned periodically, will be properly attended to at the usual time; and all Tuning and Repairs proper [sic] executed.
SAMUEL MARSHALL, Musical Repository, 38, Currie-street, Adelaide. March, 9, 1858.
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (31 December 1859), 1
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (11 January 1860), 1
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (31 December 1861), 1
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (31 July 1863), 1
[Advertisement], Evening Journal (29 March 1876), 4
PUBLIC NOTICE. - I have this day TAKEN INTO PARTNERSHIP my SONS, ALFRED WITTER MARSHALL and JOHN MYLES MARSHALL. The Style of the Firm after this date will be S. MARSHALL and SONS, Musicsellers and Importers, 52, Rundle-street. SAMUEL MARSHALL. March 25, 1876.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (31 March 1879), 4
"OBITUARY. DEATH OF MR. S. MARSHALL", South Australian Register (19 April 1879), 5s
We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Samuel Marshall, the well-known music-seller. The deceased has not taken any active part in business for the last two years, and for the past three months he has been confined to his bed. He was an old colonist, having arrived here in the year 1839, and we believe he was the first to make reaping-machines in the colony. He gradually, however, relinquished this branch of industry for the music business, which he has carried on for the last 23 years. He was formerly connected with the Methodist New Connexion Church, but after the Rev. J. Maughan's death he associated himself with the Wesleyans. He died at his residence, at Plympton, at the age of 76, greatly esteemed for his upright character, and leaving a wife and several sons and daughters.
"SONG OF AUSTRALIA", South Australian Register (20 December 1878), 4
"ADELAIDE'S PIONEER MUSIC FIRM", The Register (1 October 1925), 11
Bibliography and resources:
Singer at the "Black Boy" Hotel
Active Sydney, NSW, 1844
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 October 1844), 3
BLACK BOY TAVERN, Corner of King and George streets, directly opposite Mr. Woolley's.
MR. P. McKEW returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the very liberal support he has met with since he opened the above establishment,
and trusts that continuing the sale of the same good liquors for which the establishment has become notorious,
combined with civility, and attention to business, will ensure him a continuance of the same.
Messrs. MARSHALL and HARDIMAN, in catering for the public amusement, deem it not necessary to make use of any contemptible puff,
but respectfully invite their friends to pay them a visit at the Saloon, and they will then be capable of forming an opinion as regards the entertainments of the evening.
SONGS: The Outlaw - Buccaneer - Pirate's Bride - and - The merry month of May: Mr. MARSHALL.
Come my jolly lads - Black-eyed Susan - Angels' whisper - Kate Kearney: Mr. FISHER.
Seven Ages - Razor-grinder - Miseries of a washing-day - and - The Dramatic Barber: Mr. HARDIMAN.
The celebrated [REDACTED] Singer, JAMES BROWN, will sing (in character) Black Pink - Roley Boley - Lucy Long - Gumbow Chaffe - Opossum on a rail, &c.
In the course of each evening, A GENTLEMAN AMATEUR will sing The Life, Adventures, and Origin of Jim Brown - assisted by several Gentlemen Amateurs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Hardeman
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1844), 3
NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! IF HENRY HARDEMAN, Singer at the "Black Boy," George street,
does not call and pay the amount of his bill for board and lodging for himself and Samuel Marshall singer at the same place for whose expenses he became responsible,
the conjuring machines, woodcuts, and bills of "Billy the Snob,"
(the song which elicited such applause on the occasion of the benefit at the Theatre of one of the Brothers of the Odd Fellows Society)
will be sold within ten days from this date, to defray the same.
GEORGE BRIGGS. Miller's Point, Sydney, 26th December.
MARSHALL, Stephen (Stephen MARSHALL)
Cornet pupil (of Henry Witton)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1862
[Advertisement], The Courier [Brisbane] (24 October 1862), 1
STEPHEN MARSHALL (Cornet), Church-st. [pupil of Henry James Witton]
MARSHALL, William (William MARSHALL)
Musician, piano and harmonium tuner and repairer, composer
Born c. 1816
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1860
Died Sydney, NSW, 18 May 1875, aged "59"
"NEW MUSIC", Empire (9 November 1860), 5
The season for the publication of songs and other music seems approaching. Scarcely one piece passes our pen when another comes under our notice. To day we have to record the issue (from the " Musical Bouquet" office of "The Awakened Harp of Erin," composed by Mr. W. Marshall. The melody (in three flats) is pleasing enough, and will, no doubt, find its admirers.
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Mail (10 November 1860), 3
A new song, entitled the "Awakened Harp of Erin," composed by Mr. Marshall, has just been issued from the Musical Bouquet office. The air is sweet, and the range easy. It is dedicated to Mr. Marmaduke Wilson.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1860), 12
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 September 1861), 10
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1861), 3
P1ANOFORTES, Concertinas, Flutinas, &c., Tuned, and Repaired. W. MARSHALL, Pitt-street, opposite the Polytechnic.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 August 1863), 8
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 December 1867), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 March 1870), 9
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1875), 1
MARSHALL. - May 18, at his late residence, No. 129, George-street, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with christian fortitude, William Marshall, musician, aged 59 years.
Musical works:
The awakened harp of Erin (New song . . . by W. Marshall . . . dedicated to Mr. Marmaduke Wilson) (Sydney: Musical Bouquet Office, [1860])
MARTENS, Conrad (Conrad MARTENS; Mr. MARTIN [sic])
Amateur musician, ? vocalist, painter, visual artist (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia)
"MR. WALLACE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (9 June 1836), 2
The encouragement given in a young Country to the Professors of the Fine Arts, is the best and most certain indication that can be afforded of the nascent taste, refinement and liberal spirit of its community - it has been, therefore, with especial pleasure that we have witnessed first, the arrival on our shores of such men as Mr. Wallace, Mr. Dean, Mr. Martin, and Mr. Nicholas, and then the enlightened appreciation of their merits, and the liberal support that has encouraged them in their efforts to form the taste of the public mind and give it a directing impulse; and it must, we think, be a source of secret satisfaction to these gentlemen to know, that they may be now laying the foundation-stone of future schools of art that may flourish in this far land, when the Institutions of the older nations of Europe (the sun of whose fame has probably already passed its zenith) may be dying and dwindling away into the inertness and inanity of exhausted energy and age-enfeebled efforts. And when we recollect that it is a question that has often been canvassed and propounded by philosophers, whether the artistic genius of the Greek, Roman, and Italian nations, as manifested in their great works in painting, sculpture, and music, did not in a great measure result from the inspiring influence of their fine climates - it is surely no far-fetched or unfair inference to suppose that the blue cloudless skies, and brilliant atmosphere of our own beautiful climate, will ultimately exercise the same moulding influence on the mental constitution and temperament of our community. We have been led into these introductory observations, from witnessing the very numerous and respectable audience that attended Mr. W. Wallace's Concert on Wednesday last . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (musician); John Philip Deane (musician); William Nicholas (artist)
"ORATORIO", The Sydney Herald (30 June 1836), 2
A performance of sacred music, on a grand scale, is shortly to be given at St. Mary's Church Hyde Park, the objects of which, are said to be the advancement of the science of music and musical talent, and to assist in raising funds for an organ. The Oratorio is to be under the direction of Mr. Wallace. Mrs. Rust, Mrs. Chester, Miss Wallace, Mrs. Curtis, Messrs. Cavendish, Clarke, Deane, Stubbs, Spencer, Gordonovitch, Martin, the Choir of the Church, and many Amateurs, have already consented to perform. The two Military Bands are also engaged. The Oratorio is expected to take place on the 26th of next month.
ASSOCIATIONS: Margaret Rust (vocalist); Marian Maria Chester (vocalist); Eliza Wallace (vocalist); Mary Curtis (amateur vocalist); William Joseph Cavendish (musician); ? Francis Clarke (amateur); John Benedict Spencer (cleric); George Gordonovitch (amateur); Band of the 4th Regiment (military); Band of the 50th Regiment (military); St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney); in the event, the oratorio came off on 21 September 1836
Musician, bandmaster (German band)
Active Adelaide, SA, 1855
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (13 June 1855), 3
AMUSEMENTS. NOTICE. - In consequence of the great success of HERR MARTIN'S BAND, they will continue to give their MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS at the BLENHEIM on each MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Evening during their stay in Adelaide, commencing at 7 o'clock and finishing at 10. June 8, 1855.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (3 July 1855), 1
The MARTIN FAMILY will give a MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT at the above house every Tuesday and Saturday regularly.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (9 October 1855), 2
HERR MARTIN'S BAND will perform at the BLENHEIM THIS EVENING, commencing at 7, closing at 10 p.m. September 8, 1855.
Musician, harmonium player, composer (pupil of Julius Buddee)
Active Hobart, TAS, 1859
"FAREWELL SERVICE", The Courier (25 April 1859), 3
The Rev. J. A. Manton, late president of Horton College, and who for twenty-eight years has laboured on the various stations in Australia and Tasmania, preached his farewell sermon in the Wesleyan Chapel, Melville-street, last evening, to a crowded congregation, amongst whom were several members of other denominations . . . The performances of the choral part of the service were very beautiful, the tunes being, with one exception, selected fom the works of the old masters in psalmody, as arranged by Novello, and not of that light and ephemeral character which too often, is heard in our places of public worship. The exception we have alluded to is the composition of a native-born Tasmanian, who presided at the harmonium, Mr. Martin, a pupil of Herr Buddee. The tune is in the style of the German chorale, and although wanting that majesty which distinguishes the works of the old masters in harmony, yet is a meritorious composition, and is well harmonised.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julius Buddee (musician); John Allen Manton (Wesleyan minister)
Musician, violinist
Active Braidwood district, NSW, 1863-64
"COUNTRY DISTRICTS", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (19 September 1863), 2
On Monday evening, an unusually pleasing entertainment, by the Braidwood Dramatis Personae, took place in the Theatre Royal, Commercial Hotel, in favour of the funds for the completion of St. Bede's Church. The pieces were well sustained throughout . . . The musical arrangements were entrusted to Messrs. Brown and Martin. The violin solos by Mr. Martin, accompanied on the piano by Mr. Brown, were exquisitely performed, and afforded a rich treat to the lovers of sweet melody . . . - Braidwood Observer, Sept. 16.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. F. Brown (pianist)
"FATAL ACCIDENT AT ARALUEN", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle {NSW] (30 April 1864), 4
Intelligence has reached town to the effect that Mr. F. Brown, pianist, who has for some years been a resident of the district, and spent a considerable portion of that time at Little River, died on Monday from the effects of a fall from a horse on Sunday last. Deceased will best be remembered in his public capacity as having travelled with Messrs. Oakey and Foans in their rounds of entertainments at Gininderra, Queanbeyan, Cooma, Gundaroo, Goulburn, and other places in the southern districts, and if we remember rightly, he was a native of Alsace. He has latterly been residing at Mr. W. H. Johnston's, Araluen, and was to have formed one of the corps musicale at the Odd-fellows' dinner and ball at the Doncaster to-morrow evening. The particulars of the accident are as follows: -
It appears that the deceased was about to proceed to Braidwood on horseback to procure the services of an accoucher for a female expected to be confined, and had just mounted for that purpose when the animal gave a buck and threw Mr. Brown, who was rather a heavy man, violently upon the ground on his right shoulder, his head coming into contact with the ground. He was for some time insensible, but was taken into the house and recovered, and on being asked by Mr. Johnston if he was seriously hurt, answered, "O no! I shall be right directly." Mr. Martin, the violinist, mounted the same horse and performed the errand, never doubting but he should find his friend all right when he returned. The injuries received, however, proved of a fatal nature. The deceased lived until Monday morning when all was over. Mr. Commissioner Griffin, accompanied by Mr. Clemenger, proceeded to Araluen yesterday to prosecute a magisterial enquiry. - Braidwood Dispatch.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Milton Foans (serenader); Charles Oakey (comic vocalist)
Musician, teacher of music with theory
Active Sydney, NSW, 1858
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1858), 6
MISS M. A. FLOWER'S Morning Classes will open for the March Quarter on the 25th instant . . .
Music, with theory - Miss Martin; Singing, Madame S. Flower; Dancing and calesthenics, Mrs. Acutt . . .
Terms on application, at 15, Elizabeth street North.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (singing teacher); Penelope Acutt (dancing teacher)
MARTIN, Alexander (A;exander MARTIN)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1874
[News], The Argus (23 February 1874), 5
Alexander Martin, a musician, was charged at the City Police Court, on Monday, with deserting his wife. He had taken his passage by the ship Sobraon, which sailed on Saturday for London. The wife heard of his intention to desert her, and Detective Patten was sent to bring him back from the ship. The Bench ordered him to find one surety of £50 that he would pay her 20s. per week for 12 months.
Amateur musician, pupil of the piano, orphan
Active Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1838
"HORRIBLE CASE", The Cornwall Chronicle (27 October 1838), 2
A female child, named Anne Martin, an orphan, entrusted, we learn, to the guardianship of Mr. Weston, who, for the purpose of affording her the opportunity of receiving tuition at Launceston, placed her under the care of one Courtney, a resident in Brisbane-street, has been noticed lately by many of the neighbours and other persons, to be exceedingly depressed in spirits, and seemingly to labor under some injury, the nature of which she would not communicate. A day or two since, when at school, the child could not take her usual lesson upon the piano, alleged that her finger was bad, which, upon examination, struck her teacher with horror . . .
MARTIN, Boyle (Boyle Coghlan MARTIN; Boyle MARTIN; Mr. MARTIN)
Theatrical mechanist, carpenter, timber merchant
Active Melbourne and Geelong, NSW (VIC), by c. 1840 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
MARTIN, Charlotte (Charlotte MARTIN; Mrs. Frederick QUAIN; QUIN)
Born Ireland, c. 1830
Active Melbourne, VIC, by July 1853
Married Frederick QUAIN, St. Francis's, Melbourne, VIC, 6 February 1854
Died (accidentally drowned) Lake Lonsdale, VIC, 14 January 1862, aged "32" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
"THURSDAY CONCERTS", The Argus (29 July 1853), 5
. . . Miss Martin is a nice, quiet, lady-like little body, utterly destitute of all affectation. We had not much opportunity of judging of her execution, but her voice is very sweet, clear, and pleasing - her articulation natural and distinct - and her tout ensemble simple and agreeable. A little very natural timidity prevented Miss Martin from doing her very best, but her first appearance may be considered to have been decidedly successful . . .
"MARRIED", The Argus (9 February 1854), 4
"MELBOURNE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Banner (17 March 1854), 15
. . . Then followed . . . Lover's "Fairy Tempter" by Miss Martin . . .
"MRS. HANCOCK'S CONCERT", The Argus (6 October 1854), 5
. . . Mrs. Quain, formerly Miss Martin, was much applauded in one ore two little English ballads . . .
The body of Mrs. Quain has at length been found, the lady has been drowned, and the evidence I give you below, almost verbatim, as testified to by the various witnesses at the inquest, will explain the melancholy circumstances. The search after this truly unfortunate lady has been continuous from Wednesday morning, the 15th, up to the hour of her body being discovered floating on the water. Monday especially deserves particular notice. On that morning, at about half-past five, the Wesleyan Chapel bell was rung, and a large number of men turned out, who, joined by parties from the neighbourhood of the Silver Shilling and Deep Lead Diggings, searched the bush thoroughly; while another body dragged in the water. Several stories were afloat that Mrs. Quain was seen wandering in the neighbourhood, and although the rumours were generally considered vague, the exertions of both the public and the police continued until about six o'clock on Tuesday evening last, when it was publicly announced by the bellman that the lady had been found drowned. This news, melancholy as it was, seemed a great relief to the inhabitants, who now knew the worst.
. . . Miss E. J. Bennett called. - Was one of the pic-nic party on Tuesday the 14th; was with Mrs. Quain nearly all the forenoon, also at dinner and part of the afternoon, She was very cheerful ; had swing with her and the other ladies. . . When we called at Stawell for her she complained of the heat in cooking for the party, and said she was not well. This was at ten in the morning. We all dined together at two o'clock. Mrs. Quain did not eat much. In the afternoon the ladies were dancing, and she was humming a tune for the dance. I heard her remark that in the evening they would have some singing . . .
. . . Mrs. Quain was buried in the same grave in which her child was interred four months since, the coffin being taken out to make room for the mother. It was a most melancholy night, Mr. Quain being deeply affected. Mrs. Quain was thirty-two years of age, and a native of Ireland, and of the Roman Catholic Church.
"DEATHS", The Argus (1 February 1862), 4
QUAIN. - On the 14th ult., accidentally drowned at Lake Lonsdale, Charlotte the beloved wife of Mr. F. Quain, C.P.S., of Pleasant Creek. May her soul rest in peace.
MARTIN, Frank (Frank MARTIN)
Tenor vocalist
Active Melbourne, VIC, c. 1856
MARTIN, George
Tenor vocalist (late of Rainer's Serenaders)
Active Ballarat, VIC, 1864
[Advertisement], The Star (16 September 1864), 3
MADAME ANNE CELIA, The popular character danseuse and vocalist.
MISS JULIA RILEY, The infant nightingale.
MR JOHNNY RILEY, The renowned protean comic singer.
MR. GEORGE MARTIN, The favorite tenor (late of Rainer's Serenaders), And a host of others.
Leader, Mr. Brock; cornet, Mr. Sims; flageolette, Mr. Quinn; pianist and conductor, F. W. Cullamore . . .
MARTIN, John Benson (John Benson MARTIN; "J. B. M.")
Musical memorist
Active Sydney, NSW, c. 1845
Reminiscences by J. B. M. (being a reprint from the Camden Times, 1883) (Camden: A. J. Doust, 1884), 40-41 (DIGITISED)
. . . The amusements of the Sydneyites were confined to small family parties; and a few fiddlers found steady employment by hiring out for the evening. Pianos were rarely heard, and Ellard's was the only music shop; but the daily playing of the military bands compensated for the deficiency. Ladies obtained their best music through the officers, and bandsmen earned a good deal by copying it. [41] Mr. Thomas Stubbs, the great auctioneer, Signor Chiodetti, and Mr. Stanley taught among the best families, and for the encouragement of pupils musical parties were held occasionally, at which the brothers Spyer, the merchants, Germans, who were charming amateur violinists, used to assist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (musicseller); Thomas Stubbs (musician); Vincenzo Chiodetti (musician); William Stanley (musician); Lawrence and Stephen Spyer (merchants, amateur musicians); music copying and copyists (general); see also "Reminiscences. THE CAMDEN DISTRICT. FIFTY YEARS AGO (By J. B. M.) (Concluded)", Australian Town and Country Journal (26 January 1895), 14
Amateur musician, vocalist, choir singer
Born Ireland, c. 1795
Married John MARTIN, Glanmire, Cork, Ireland, 5 July 1819
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 6 November 1821 (immigrant per John Barry)
Died Sydney, NSW, 23 September 1876, aged "81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (People Australia)
"DEATHS", Evening News (27 September 1876), 2
MARTIN. - September 23, at her residence, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, Mary, relict of the late Mr. John Martin, aged 81 years.
. . . THE CHOIR. The members of the choir were very much hampered for space. They were placed just at the back of the present pulpit, and had about ten feet square accommodation formed by curtains on iron rings attached to a few bars of iron. The principal musical instrument was a seraphim [seraphine], something similar to a harmonium. The principal performers in the choir were Mrs. Martin and her two daughters - mother and sisters of the late Sir James Martin, Chief Justice of New South Wales. Mrs. Martin and her family were indefatigable in their endeavour to foster and encourage church music. A few years later the choir was removed to its present position. The opening of the new choir gallery was the occasion of much rejoicing, and a special oratorio was given. Miss Flora Harris, who married the late John Sheridan Moore, was the principal artist at the performance of the oratorio. Miss Harris was at that time the leader of St. Mary's choir, and was a woman of exceptional musical talent; in fact, it was generally recognised that no concert programme was complete without her name. Other members of the choir just occurring to me are the late Mr. Cordner and his wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Bridson (the latter organist, afterwards succeeded by Mr. Walton) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Joseph Conlon (memoirist); Michael Andrew Corish (1818-1864, cleric); Flora Harris (vocalist); Joseph Sheridan Moore (musical amateur); William and Ellen Cordner (musicians); Thomas and Sarah Bridson (musicians); ? Humphrey Walton (organist); St. Benedict's church (Sydney)
Bibliography and resources:
Bede Nairn, "Martin, Sir James (1820-1886)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)
Sir James Martin (1820-1886), politician and chief justice, was born on 14 May 1820 at Midleton, Cork, Ireland, eldest child of John Martin, castle steward, and his wife Mary, née Hennessey (1795-1876), who were married on 5 July 1819 at Glanmire, Cork. Offered employment by Governor Brisbane, John sailed with his family in the John Barry, reached Sydney on 6 November 1821, and worked as a groom at Parramatta. Reputedly baptized at St Mary's by J. J. Therry, James was educated at Parramatta at a dame's school . . .
Musician, band corporal, band sergeant, "band master" (99th Regiment), clarionet / clarinet player, oboe player, composer
Born London, England, 7 January 1821 (date on gravestone)
Enlisted (99th Regiment), Bury, Hampshire, 29 September 1835, aged "15 2/12"
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1852, and Plymouth, 5 October, via Hobart Town, 14 January 1843)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Departed ?
Married (2) Mary Margison ALLENSON (1849-1916), St. Martin In The Fields, London, 16 January 1877
Died London, England, 14 October 1906 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Musician, bandsman (99th Regiment), ophecleide player
Born Westminster, London, c. 1817
Enlisted (99th Regiment) Gosport, Hampshire, 14 October 1835, aged "18"
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1852, and Plymouth, 5 October, via Hobart Town, 14 January 1843)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Died Sandy Bay, TAS, 24 September 1858, aged "39" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Musician, bandsman (99th Regiment), clarionet/clarinet player
Born Romsey, Hampshire, England, c. 1815
Enlisted (99th Regiment), Bury, Hampshire, 31 July 1835, aged "20"
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1852, and Plymouth, 5 October, via Hobart Town, 14 January 1843)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Departed ?
Died Whitton, London, England, 21 February 1860
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)
It is not known whether, or how, the three Martins of the band of the 99th regiment in Australia were related.
As alluded to in both the Sydney and Hobart press in 1847, Robert Martin introduced vocal finales to several of his band numbers:
We cannot dismiss the 99th without alluding, in terms of delighted commendation, to the performances of their exquisite Band, which that intelligent and indefatigable conductor, Mr. Martin, had organised so admirably. The Troop and Marches of Wednesday were charmingly effective-especially the slow march, which, like the quick-step which a few months since, took us by surprise, is rendered peculiarly characteristic by a marked and thrilling vocal chorus which came rushing on the ear in all the fullness of martial melody. The custom is a familiar one to the German service, but we can call to mind no British Band save the 99th's by whom it has been adopted. We trust Mr. Martin will occasionally favour us with a few of these sparkling adaptations."
A published example survives in his The chaunt quadrilles. (Piano score for 5 quadrilles, and "chaunt" for voice (treble, 2nd treble or alto, bass) and piano), included in The Delacourt bouquet (1854).
Another composition Tchernaya galop (by R. Martin, 99th) was performed in December 1855.
? Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Romsey and the adjacent parishes in the county of Hants by the Wesleyan Methodist ministers of the Southampton circuit in the year 1815/16; UK National Archives, RG 4 / 1398 (PAYWALL)
No. 12 / Born March 22 1814 Baptized April 22 1814 / John Son of / John & Hannah / Martin / Romsey Extra / Of the North Hants Militia . . .
No. 24 / Born the 13 may 1816 Baptized June 16 1816 / William Son of / John & Hannah / Martin / Romsey Extra / Flax dresser . . .
"The Army. CHATHAM. SEPT. 15", West Kent Guardian (17 September 1842), 8 (PAYWALL)
This morning the head-quarters of the 99th regiment marched from this garrison, under the command of Major Last, with Ensign Erden and Ensign Mends. The head-quarters proceeded to Deptford, where they embark on Friday, on board the convict ship Earl Grey, bound for Van Dieman's Land. The head-quarters consisted of 5 sergeants, with 27 rank and file, with band-master, band and drums, 10 women, and 20 children . . .
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)
Serjeants / . . . 599 / Cleary Mich'l / . . . Band (DIGITISED)
Corporals / . . . 604 / Cleary Will'm / . . . Band
805 / Martin Robert / . . . Band
1552 / Martin Tho's / . . . [band not indicated]
803 / Martin Will'm / . . . Band
1569 / Martin James / . . . Moreton Bay
1050 / Martin Denis / . . . Illawarra
1115 / Martin Miles / . . . Berrima
1637 / Martin Jam's / . . . Bathurst
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael and William Cleary (band sergeant and corporal); Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)
"THE TEETOTAL BAND", Parramatta Chronicle and Cumberland General Advertiser (9 March 1844), 2
We understand Mr. Martin, the talented master of the 99th band, is about to be engaged by the Teetotal Society to organise a band for the Society in Parramatta. Thirty Pounds are required for the purchase of instruments, &c., but, we are given to understand, that, by a judicious selection of instruments, which a regular professional man like Mr. Martin (who has had the management of a military band) can only select - half of that sum will be found ample to carry into effect the laudable object of the Society.
"THE BAND OF THE 99TH", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1844), 3
"CONCERT", The Dispatch (9 November 1844), 2
Mrs. Bushelle's concert on Wednesday evening came off at the City Theatre, and we are happy to say was numerously and respectably attended . . . The band of the 99th played several overtures in masterly style, and the solo of Mr. Martyn on the ophocleide, surprised and delighted the audience.
"Music and Musicians", The Atlas (21 December 1844), 44
"MUSIC AND MUSICIANS", Commercial Journal and General Advertiser (24 May 1845), 2
. . . And first of the Overtures to "La Gazza Ladra," and "Le Lac des Fees" admirably performed by the Band of the 99th Regiment, under the dashing leadership of Mr. Martin. The individuals in this band are confessedly in high ranks of instrumentalists; while its aggregate has the advantage of the constant and steady impress of one mind to direct it. This was distinctly perceptible in the result of the performances of the two Overtures. Not only were they beautifully played as to precision, but the higher aim of masterly exposition of their meaning was attained throughout . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
. . . Oboes - Messrs. R. Martin, W. Cleary; Principal Clarinets - Messrs. W. Martin, A. Cleary . . . Ophecleides - Messrs T. Martin, Waterstone . . .
"MUSICAL NOVELTY", The Australian (12 August 1847), 3
"THE 99TH REGIMENT", The Australian (24 December 1847), 3
"MISCELLANEA", The Courier (8 November 1851), 2
"FUNERAL OF SERGEANT O'BOYLE", The Courier (6 November 1852), 3
[Advertisement], The Courier (13 November 1854), 3
"THE BAND AND THE BAZAAR. TO THE EDITOR", Colonial Times (20 July 1855), 3
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 November 1853), 8
"THE BAND of the 99th Regiment", The Courier (5 December 1855), 3
Proceedings of a regimental board, 99th Regiment, Private Thomas Martin, Hobart Town, 14 October 1856; UK National Archives, WO97 / 1426 / 158
. . . Discharge of No. [blank], Private Thomas Martin . . .
by Trade a Musician was BORN in the Parish of Westminster in or near the Town of London in the County of Middlesex
and was ATTESTED for the 99th Regiment of Foot at Gosport, in the County of Hants on the 14th October 1835 at the Age of 18 years . . .
the SERVICE up to 31st October 1856 . . . amounts to 20 years, 108 days . . .
during which period he served abroad 13 1/12 years;
viz. at Australian Colonies 13 1/12 years
his DISCHARGE in consequence of being unfit for further military service
CHARACTER and CONDUCT . . . very good . . .
Proceedings of a regimental board, 99th Regiment, Serjeant William Martin, Camp Aldershott, 14 September 1858; UK National Archives, WO97 / 1676 / 13
. . . Discharge of No. 803, Sergeant William Martin . . .
by Trade a Musician was BORN in the Parish of Romsey in or near the Town of Romsey in the County of Hants
and was ATTESTED for the 99th Regiment of Infantry at Bury, in the County of Hants on the 31st July 1835 at the Age of 20 years . . .
the SERVICE up to this day . . . amounts to 23 years, 46 days . . .
during which period he served abroad 13 years;
viz. at Australian Colonies 13 years
his DISCHARGE is proposed in consequence of being unfit for further service and for the purpose of joining the permanent staff of the 2d Midd'x Rifle Militia . . .
CHARACTER and CONDUCT . . . has been exemplary . . .
Private / 31 July 1835 // Sergeant / 23 Aug't 1843
Deaths in the district of Hobart, 1858; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1222159; RGD35/1/5 no 1130$init=RGD35-1-5P263JPG (DIGITISED)
No. 1130 / September 24th [sic] / Thomas Martin (died Sandy Bay) (born England) / Male / 39 years / Pensioner / Consumption / [informant] A. Cleary friend Collins street . . .
"DEATHS", The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (12 October 1858), 2
September 22 [sic] - At Sandy Bay, Mr. Thomas Martin, late of the band of the 99th regiment.
"DEATHS", The Mercury (11 July 1860), 2
On the 21st February, at his residence, Whitton, England, MR. WILLIAM MARTIN, late Bandmaster, 99th Regiment.
Proceedings of a regimental board, 99th Regiment, Serjeant Robert Martin, Cork, 30 September 1860; UK National Archives, WO97 / 1676 / 11
. . . Discharge of No. 805, Sergeant Robert Martin . . .
by Trade a [BLANK] was BORN in the Parish of London in or near the Town of London in the County of Middlesex
and was ATTESTED for the 99th Regiment of Infantry at Bury, in the County of Southampton on the 29th September 1835 at the Age of 15 2/12 years . . .
the SERVICE up to this day . . . amounts to 22 years, 64 days . . .
during which period he served abroad 14 7/12 years;
viz. at Australian Colonies 12 11/12 years
in East India 1 8/12 years
his DISCHARGE w'out pension at this own request having completed 21 years of service . . .
CHARACTER and CONDUCT . . . very good . . .
Private / 29 Sept'r 1835 // Corporal / 1 June 1842 // Serjeant / 23 Oct'r 1850

Professors of the military music class, 1862; standing, from left, Hartmann (flute), Zeiss (cornet), Snelling (bassoon), Mandel (director), Robert Martin (clarinet), Mann (horn); seated from left, Hughes (ophicleide), Phasey (euphonium), Lazarus (clarinet), Barrett (oboe), Sullivan (bombardon) and Cole (schoolmaster); photograph reproduced in Herbert and Barlow, Music & the British military in the long nineteenth century, 146 (PREVIEW)
"THE MILITARY SCHOOL OF MUSIC. (From The Schools for the People, by G. C. T. Bartley)", The Musical Standard (25 July 1874), 51-52
The Military School of Music at Kneller Hall, near Hounslow, London, was established in the year 1856, for the purpose of giving a thorough musical education to such soldiers as are selected by their Commanding Officers to become more efficient members of regimental bands . . . [53] . . . The classes for teaching the various instruments are presided over by the very best instructors that can be obtained. It was for this reason that the school was located in the vicinity of London, so that the resources of the metropolis might be available at as little cost as possible. The payments to these masters form the largest item in the outlay of the institution, being about £1,000 a year. Among those at present employed may be mentioned Messrs. Lazarus, Park, and Martin for the clarionet; Mr. Chapman for the flute; Mr. Fowler for the oboe; Mr. Snelling for the bassoon; Mr. Mann for the French horn; Mr. Prospere for the cornet and tenor brass instruments; Mr. Cousins for the bass brass instruments; and Mr. Mandel for the theory and instrumentation, &c. . . .
Headstone, Twickenham Cemetery, London Borough of Hounslow, Section A, grave no. 150; Find a grave
. . . Robert Martin born Jan 7th 1821 died Oct 14th 1906 Late Bandmaster of the 99th Regiment and for 42 years Professor of Clarionet Knellar [Kneller] Hall.
1 or more musicians, basso / double bass player, flautist
Active Beechworth, VIC, 1857
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (10 January 1857), 4
GRAND CONCERT & BALL, Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.
THE Proprietors have great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of the Woolshed that they have succeeded in an arrangement with Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton,
the original comic duet singers, and delineators of domestic life.
Mr. Pendleton, the unrivalled performer on the three Tambourines, and Bones Soloist.
Mrs. Pendleton, the pleading comic Vocalist.
Mr. Pendleton will sing a variety of Irish Comic Songs, assisted by several gentlemen of talent.
1st Violin - Mons. Myer Fransie
2nd ditto - Herr Vandeberg
Concert Flute - Herr Varherr
Clarionet - Herr Schlu
Cornet-a-piston - Mr. Fitzhenry
Harp - Mr. Wicks
Basso - Herr Martin.
Leader of the Band, Herr Weishmann, from the Olympic Theatre, Melbourne.
Admission - Free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Heinrick Weichmann (leader); Myer Fransie (violin); Jacob Van den Berg (violin); Hermann Vorherr (flute); Henry Schlue (clarinet)
? "BEECHWORTH COUNTY COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (14 August 1857), 3
W. Martin v J. V. De Berg. No Appearance. Struck out.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (22 August 1857), 3
THE BRITANNIA HOTEL AGAIN. Amusement for the Million!
J. V. DE BERG begs to inform the people of the Woolshed, and the public in general,
that in consequence of the great success attending the concert of the celebrated
ALPINE AND TYROLESE MINSTRELS, it the above hotel, he has succeeded in effecting a
RE-ENGAGEMENT with them for one night only, TUESDAY, AUG. 25.
In addition to the above, the following artists are engaged:
MR. ROMBOM, First Violin.
MADAME SCHLUTER, who will preside at the piano.
MR. MARTIN, the celebrated flutist.
MR. SLEW, Clarionet.
MR. HARGUS, Cornet-a-piston.
And, at ten o'clock, Mr. De Berg will introduce a novelty, - a Cat with a Horse's Tail!
ASSOCIATIONS: Alwine Schluter (piano); Julius and Margeritta Haimberger (Alpine and Tyrolese minstrels)
MARTIN, William (William MARTIN)
Bandsman (volunteer military)
Active Hobart, TAS, 1870
"LAW INTELLIGENCE . . . A ROW AMONG MUSICIANS", The Mercury (17 June 1870), 2
"BOARD OF INVESTIGATION", The Mercury (20 June 1870), 2
A complaint having been made that bandsman Wm. Martin, of the H.T.V.A. band, had been guilty of insubordination, on the occasion of the band's visit to the Boyarin, after the interment of the Assistant Paymaster of that vessel, a Board of Investigation has been appointed to inquire into the circumstances of the case. The investigation will take place on Friday afternoon, in the orderly room, at the parade ground.
MARTINI, Antonio (Antonio MARTINI)
Amateur vocalist, pianist, guitarist, publican, convict
Born Isla de Leon, Cadiz, Spain, c.
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 January 1812 (convict per Guildford)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), c. 1812 (per Ruby, from Sydney)
Married Mary O'MARA (d. 1836), Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1833
Died Launceston, TAS, 6 March 1867, aged "87"
Convict record, Antonio Martini; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1415057$init=CON13-1-1P23 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, TAS] (22 February 1842), 1
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (25 February 1842), 1
GRAND MORNING CONCERT, OF Vocal and Instrumental Music,
Late Student of the Royal Academy of Music, Hanover Square, London,
under the patronage of Her Majesty and Prince Albert,
THANKFUL for the patronage bestowed upon him at his last Concert,
begs most respectfully to inform the Ladies und Gentlemen of Campbell Town and its vicinity that he purposes,
under the distinguished patronage of the Committee of the Subscription Ball at Campbell Town,
to give a morning Concert prior to the Ball in the evening, and, aided as he now is by the assistance of
Mons. De la Martini,
From the Italian Opera, Paris, its being the first of his appearance in this Colony,
and with the assistance of other professionals he hopes to produce an entertainment worthy of public patronage.
Overture, Massaniello - AUBER.
Song - Mr. Hunt - "The Light of other Days," Solo part piano - J. H. Anderson - BALFE.
Solo Guitar - Mons. Martini - "Det de la Contessi," - LOUISA PAGET.
Grand Scena - Mr. J. H. Anderson - "All is lost now," (La Somnambula) - BELLINI.
Duet - Miss Lee and Mr. Hunt - "List, dearest, list," by particular desire from the romantic opera of Keolanthe - BALFE.
Song - Mons. Martini - "Du pre aux Clercs," - MEYERBEER.
Soto Flute - Amateur - NICHOLSON.
Duetto - Mr. J. H. Anderson and Mons. Martini - "Deh Con-Tente," from the celebrated opera Norma - BELLINI.
Divertimento - J. H. Anderson - Piano-forte - MOSCHELLES.
Duet - Grand Piano-forte - Mr J. H. Anderson and Mons. Martini - CZERNY.
Song - Mr. Hunt - "The White Squall," - BRAHAM.
Aria - Mons. Martini - "Doux ciel de L'Italie," accompanied by himself on the guitar - par CINTI.
Song - Miss Lee - "Pretty Star of the Night." - BISHOP.
Song - J. H. Anderson - "Farewell to the Mountain," as sung by Mr. H.Phillips in the grand opera of the Mountain Sylph. - BARNETT.
Concertante - Piano, J. H. Anderson; flute, an Amateur. - CHATIEU.
Song - Mon. Martini - "La dame Blanche," - AUBER.
Solo Fantasie - J. H. Anderson - "Semeramidie" - De ROSSINI.
Finale - " God save the Queen," verse and chorus.
Pianist and Accompanist, Mr. J. H. Anderson, who will accompany the vocal Music.
Tickets - Front seats, 7s. 6d.each; Back ditto, 5s, to be had at the Assembly Rooms.
MARTYR, Caroline (Caroline HOPPS; Mrs. T. W. L. MARTYR)
Musician, teacher of music, composer
Born Leeds, England, 6 July 1827; baptised Boston Spa, 20 July 1827
Married Thomas William Lockyer MARTYR, Holy Trinity, Micklegate, York, England, 15 August 1848
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 1851
Died Perth, WA, 21 April 1904 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Caroline Martyr, who held a qualification from the Royal Academy of Music in London, arrived in Victoria with her surgeon husband in 1851. They were in New Zealand in the early 1860s, and were in Ballarat in 1872 when their son, Clement, was active as a member of a Volunteer regiment.
In 1873, as Mrs. T. W. L. Martyr she published the third edition of her The Victorian Volunteer waltz. There were at least 14 "editions", though no attempt was ever made to correct its several errors, and, as advertised on the cover, it had also been arranged for band by "Mr. T. Ellis, Bandmaster, 1st B.V.R.". The Argus noted it together with new compositions by Alfred Anderson and Madame Onn as being "of the average order of merit in the style to which each belongs".
Widowed in 1883, as Mrs. Caroline Martyr she taught music in Perth and Fremantle, Western Australia, during the 1890s, and died there.
[News], The Ballarat Courier (14 February 1871), 2
We have been shown by Mrs. Martyr, the wife of Dr. Martyr, of the Redan, the manuscript of a new piece of music, entitled "The Victorian Volunteer Waltz." We understand the band of the 1st B.V.R. will play it next Friday evening, in the Rotunda, if Mr. Ellis can meanwhile find time to arrange the music for the different instruments; if not, then it will be played on the following Friday. Dr. Martyr has been suffering from illness for some time past, and Mrs. Martyr has composed this piece of music to obtain pecuniary aid in her trouble. In England there is a medical society to meet such cases as these. What are our Ballarat medical men about that they do not initiate something of the same kind here?
"THE ACCIDENT TO THE VOLUNTEER MARTYR. To the editor . . .", The Argus (22 April 1872), 7
[News], The Argus (24 November 1873), 5
"MUSIC FEES", The West Australian (9 February 1895), 2
"MRS. CAROLINE MARTYR", Western Mail (30 April 1904), 34
The funeral took place on April 22, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Corpaccioli, William-street, Perth, of an old colonist in the person of Mrs. Caroline Martyr, relict of the late Dr. Thos. Wm. Lockyer Martyr, R.C.S.E., and sister-in-law of Major-General R. J. C. Martyr, First Dragoon Guards. The deceased lady, who was a daughter of Dr. Hopps, England, was at one time well known in musical circles, having been a member of the Royal Academy of Music. She arrived in Victoria with her husband in 1851, and eventually settled in this State in 1802. She leaves three sons, six daughters, and many grandchildren, most of whom are residents of this State. The interment took place in the Church of England cemetery, Karrakatta . . .
"IN MEMORIAM", The West Australian (21 April 1906), 1
MARTYR. - Mrs. Caroline [Amelia] Martyr, cert. Royal Academy of Music, London, and widow of the late Dr. T. W. L. Martyr . . .
MARTYR, Clarissa Fearnell (Clarissa Fearnell MARTYR; C. F. MARTYR; Miss Clara MARTYR)
Amateur pianist, vocalist, music collector
Born c. 1823; baptised St. Alphege, Greenwich, England, 26 February 1823 (daughter of George and Sarah MARTYR)
Died Boat Harbour, Bellinger River, NSW, 5 November 1887, aged "64" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Birth and death notices give her name as Clarissa, but the 1882 report of her grand-nephew's death at Goulburn gives her forename as Clara. Her brothers George (d. 1881) and John (1819-1882), both active in NSW as early as the mid 1840s, settled at Goulburn, where John's wife (Helena Green), later assisted by her daughter Honoria ("Norah") (1848-1899), ran a school in Montague Street from 1855 until as late as 1870.
It is, of course, possible that Norah (who did not marry until 1880) was the Miss Mater who played Osborne's La pluie de perles at the 1874 soiree for St. Saviour's Cathedral Sunday School (see below). However, (her aunt) Clarissa/Clara's album also contains a sheet music edition of the piece, though the album itself cannot have been bound until later, c. 1880 at the earliest.
When George's daughter Alice Clara (Mrs. Mecham) died in 1878, Clarissa/Clara took over care of Alice's son, Richard, a "delicate child" who died, in her care, aged 7 in 1882. She herself died only 5 years later.
It is not yet clear what connection she had, if any, with the Throsby-Osborne family, or how and when they came into possession of her album.
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Greenwich [St. Alphege] in the county of Kent in the year 1823; page 110
No. 879 [1823] Feby. 26 / Clarissa Fearnell daughter of / George & Sarah / Martyr (private) / King Street / Gentleman / . . .
"ST. SAVIOUR'S SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEA-MEETING AND SOIREE", The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (28 February 1874), 4
. . . Miss Martyr played very pleasingly La Pluie de Perles, by Osborne . . .
"INQUEST", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (2 September 1882), 4
"DIED", Goulburn Evening Penny Post (15 November 1887), 2
Musical sources:
Owner bound album of sheet music, cover label "C. F. Martyr", probably bound c. 1880; from the Throsby Park Music Collection, Sydney Living Museums
The contents, all instrumental piano music, are mostly London editions, probably collected mainly during the 1860s and 1870
Two items bear the retailer's stamp of Henry Paskins, musicseller, of West Maitland: Sea side polka by Henry Parker (London: Sheard, n.d.) and The foxhunter's galop by "Marion" (London: John Blockley, [1860])
Two items are local editions, and both are also colonial compositions:
The Poonah waltz by L. A. Waddy (Sydney: Elvy & Co., [1878]), another copy at State Library NSW; and:
The Barham mazurka by "Louise N*****" (Sydney: J. A. Engel, printer, [1876]), see another copy at National Library
Osborne's La pluie de perles, mentioned above, is a Boosey & Sons Music Library edition, probably dating from no later than c.1865, and bears the name of a previous owner "L. M. Brodie"; one other item, is signed and dated, "A. G. May 1872"
MASON, Mrs. (Mrs. MASON)
Musician, music teacher
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1860
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 August 1860), 8
LESSONS in MUSIC. Mrs. Mason, 114 Collins-street east.
MASON, Albert (Albert MASON)
Songbook / songster publisher, general publisher and printer, compositor
Born Clerkenwell, London, England, 22 August 1823; son of William MASON and Sarah COATES
? Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 July 1842 (per Emma, from Adelaide, 19 July)
Died Liverpool Asylum, NSW, 4 February 1903, "aged 78" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
See also:'s+Ethiopian+songster (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Albert Mason and his elder brother Edmund Mason (1818-1899) were active as printers and stationers in Sydney and Parramatta. Sons of William Mason of London, they do not appear to have been closely related (if related at all) to the brothers Charles V. Mason and George B. Mason, both of whom performed under the alias Howard, as Howard's Serenaders.
No copies of either of Mason's serenader songsters, Howard's Ethiopian songster (1850), or The Sydney melodeon (1853) have been identified.
Registers of births, non-conformist and non-parochial; UK National Archives
638 / Albert Mason, Clerkenwell Green, Parish St. John Clerkenwell, Co. of Middlesex, Reg. Sept. 2nd 1825, [son of] William Mason and Sarah, dau. of George Coates / [born[ 22 Aug't 1823
NSW unassisted passenger lists; Emma, 1842; State Archives of New South Wales
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 July 1850), 1
Containing all the most popular [REDACTED] Songs, as sung by the above celebrated Company of Serenaders in Sydney.
CONTENTS. - Carry me back to Ole Virginny; The Skiff is by the Shore; Mary Blane;
Lucy Neal; Black-Eyed Susyannah; Who's dat Knocking at de Door; A Life by de Galley Fire; Oh, Susannah;
Ober the Mountain; Dina Clare; De Boatman's Dance; Don't belieb in Stephen; My Canoe am on de Ohio; Stap dat Knocking;
Come, come, my Darkies, sing; Ole Aunt Sally; Come day, go day; Rosa Lee, or, don't be foolish, Joe;
Dearest Mae; Whar am de spot we were born on.
To be had of the publisher Mr. A. Mason, 147, Castlereagh-street; Mr. W. Moffitt, Stationer, Pitt-street;
Mr. Grocott, Music Saloon, George-street; Mr. E. Mason, Printer and Stationer, Parramatta ;and all other Book sellers.
[Advertisement], The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator (21 September 1850), 15
HOWARD'S ETHIOPIAN SONGSTER, containing all the most popular [REDACTED] Melodies, as sung by the above Company of Serenaders in Sydney.
CONTENTS: - The Yaller Bush-a- belle - Jim Crack Corn
Ginger Blue - The Jolly Raftsman
Ole Uncle Ned - Ole Dan Tucker
Give me a Hut - Origin of Jim Crow
Lucy Luff - A new Negro Song
Dandy Broadway Swell - Ole Joe
I'se Going Along Down - Good Bye, John
Dandy Jim - Walk Jaw Bone
Buffalo Girls - De newly imported
Chickarack, Corowack, ho! ho! ho! - Get out ob de way
Rise, Child of Missouri! - Johnny Baker
To be had of the publisher, A. Mason, 147, Castlereagh street; Mr. Moffitt, Pitt-street; Mr. Grocott, Music Saloon, George-street;
Kern and Mader, Hunter-street ; Mr. Britton, Pitt- street; Mr. J. Moore, George street; and of Mr. E. Mason, Printer and Stationer,
Parramatta. Sent to any part of the Colony on the receipt of eight penny stamps.
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (5 March 1853), 3
The first number of the "Sydney Melodeon,"
containing a choice selection of Negro Melodies, as sung by Howard's, Rainer's, and the New York Serenaders,
and never before published; illustrated by an engraving of Mr. C. V. Howard, the Celebrated Tambourine-Player.
Price Sixpence. Forwarded to any part of the country on the receipt of Ninepence in Postage Stamps.
ALBERT MASON, Printer, 147, Castlereagh-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 March 1853), 3
PUBLISHED THIS DAY, THE SYDNEY MELODEON; containing the whole of the most favourite Negro Melodies, as sung by Howard's, Rainer's, and New York Serenaders. Illustrated by an Engraving of Mr. CHARLES B. HOWARD [sic], originator of Ethiopian minstrelsy in N.S.W., from a Daguerreotype by Gow and Adey.
CONTENTS. Ben Bolt; Banjo solo - Juba; Hard Times; Behind de Old Gum Tree; Walk in Joe; Juliana Johnson; Cornfield Chorus; The Phantom Chorus; Gum Tree Canoe; The Virginian Rose Bud; Melinda May; The Darkey's Serenade; Negro's Seven Ages; Dolcy Jones; Camptown Races; New Medley song; Nancy Tease; Phobe Morell; Would I were a Boy again; She sleeps in the Grave; Rosa Dear; I'm off for Charleston; Oh, come, Darkies, come; Massa sound is sleeping; Julia Green; De Days when I was young; Katy Dean; Jane Monroe; Fi Hi Hi; Parody; Old Aunty Brown; Julius from Kentucky; Nell Bly; Julius' Bride; Emma Dale; The Haunted Well; Have a Little Dance; My Sally I shall see; Gum Tree Canoe; Johnny Boker at de Bowling Green; You'll see dem on de Ohio; Come to de old Gum Tree; Bell Ringers' Medley; Happy are we Darkies so gay; Virginia's Lovely Ground; Gal wid de Blue Dress; Old Folks at Home; Dem [REDACTED]s am dead and gone.
To be had of the Publisher, A. MASON. 147, Castlereagh-street; and of Mr. E Mason, Printer and Bookseller, Parramatta. Forwarded by post to any part of the Colony, on the receipt of 9d. in postage stamps.
"THE SYDNEY MELODEON", Freeman's Journal (24 March 1853), 9
We have received some satisfaction from a perusal of this well finished little work. The melodies, which have enjoyed a long and deserved popularity, may now be obtained by those admirers who have so frequently listened to them with delight, of the publisher, Mr. Albert Mason. The frontispiece, an excellent portrait of Mr. C. V. Howard, improves the appearance of the work, and on the whole it is an exceedingly creditable production, and will we doubt not meet with extensive and remunerative sale.
Register of burials, St. Luke's church, Liverpool, 1890-1907;
MASON, Charles Kemble (Charles Kemble MASON; Mr. Kemble MASON)
Born England, 1803; baptised St. John, Peterborough, 10 July 1803; son of Henry MASON and Jane ?
Active Australia, 1854-59
Died New York, NY, USA, 12 July 1875, aged "72" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Baptisms, St. John, Peterborough, July 1803; Northamptonshire Record Office, 261P/50 (PAYWALL)
July 10 / Chas. Kemble S. of Henry & Jane Mason
Charles Kemble Mason, an actor of the old style and of a past era, died yesterday at the residence of his sister, Mrs. J. Hilllyard, No. 182 Quiucy street, Brooklyn. The theatre-goers of the present will scarcely know him, unless that they have listened to ihe garrulity of some old-time frequenter of "the pit." Yet he was an actor who deserves to be remembered. Not by any means a great performer, he was yet one of varied ability and in every part that he assumed he expressed and commended to the attention of his auditors something that aided toward an exact understanding of it. Charles Kemble Mason was born in Peterborough, England, in November, 1805, and he was, consequently, in the 70th year of his age. His father was Henry Mason and his mother was a sister of Mrs. Siddons. He was therefore a nephew of Charles Kemble, a cousin of the celebrated Mrs. Fanny Kemble (Butler), and a relative of the present Mrs. Scott-Siddons. He made his first appearance in Loudon in 1823, when he was eighteen years old, his part being that of Young Norval . . . In 1857 [sic] Mr. Mason paid a visit to California, but did not remain there long. Thence he went to Australia . . . Mr. Mason was a kind hearted gentleman and had numerous private friends. His funeral will take place to-morrow afteruoon, from his late residence.
NOTE: According to the death notice in the Brooklyn Eagle (12 July 1875) he died on 11 July aged "72"
"One of the First Wallack Company", The sun [New York, USA] (13 July 1875), 1
Charles Kemble mason, who died in Brooklyn on Sunday, was born in 1805 [sic], and was son of a sister of the world-famous actress, Mrs. Siddons. He made hi debut when eighteen years old, in London, as Young Norval. He came to the United States about 1834 . . .
MASON, Cyrus (Cyrus MASON)
Music lithographer, musical amateur, founder of musical societies, visual artist
Born Camberwell, London, England, 1829; son of John MASON and Jane BROWNING
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 27 April 1853 (per James L. Bogart, from London)
Died East Melbourne, VIC, 8 August 1915, aged 86 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
England census, 30 March 1851; Middlesex, Staines; UK National Archives, HO 107/1696
28 [Hale Bridge] / John Mason / Head / 54 / Gentleman . . .
Jane Mason / Wife / 50 . . .
Cyrus Mason / Son / 22 / Artist / [born] Surry Camberwell . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (28 April 1853), 4
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 May 1853), 1
[Advertisement], The Age (16 December 1854), 1
VICTORIAN WALTZ, composed by Mrs. Charles Leny [recte Terry]. Price 4s. CYRUS MASON, 35 Swanston Street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 December 1854), 1
"NEW SONG", The Argus (23 January 1855), 5
We have received a copy of an original song, published by Mr. Cyrus Mason, which has for its title The Song of the Bush. It is illustrated by a lithograph of rather primitive execution, which depicts four hirsute bush men, engaging themselves with a smoke and bottled beer, in the foreground a fifth frying chops, and three old men kangaroos hopping about in the distance . . .
"NEW MUSIC", The Argus (1 May 1857), 5
Mr. Weinritter, the composer of the "Kangaroo Hunt Polka," has just published a new schottische, called the "Picnic Point Schottische" . . . It is neatly lithographed by Mr. Cyrus Mason, and is embellished with a view of the favourite spot whence it taken its name.
"DEATHS", The Argus (11 August 1915), 1
Musical prints:
Australian song: The song of the bush ("words by Velocipede; music by Rimmer") ([Melbourne: Cyrus Mason, 1854])
The Victorian waltz (composed by Mrs. Chas. Terry) (Melbourne: Cyrus Mason. Lith, [1854])
Copy in album collected, c.1853-1856, by Marianne Rolfe Sargood, private collection
The Pic-nic Point schottische for piano composed by G. M. Weinritter (Melbourne: J. Wilkie, [1857])
The Melbourne varsovienne (Melbourne: Wilkie, [185-?])
Monument in memory of N. C. Bochsa (erected by Anna Bishop over his grave in Camperdown Cemetry, 1856; drawn by E. Thomas, Cyrus Mason lithographer, Melbourne)
Bibliography and resources:
Neidorf 1999, 316
"Cyrus Mason", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)
See also Mason Family Papers (State Library of Victoria)
MASON, Charles Voelker (alias HOWARD; stage name Charles V. HOWARD)
Musician, vocalist, tambourine player, leader (Howard's Serenaders), agent, theatre manager
Born Islington, London, England, 13 September 1826; baptised St. James, Clerkenwell, 11 October 1826; son of Abrham John MASON and Robinianna BONNER
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1850
Died Sydney, NSW, 29 July 1881, aged "53" ("Charles Valker MASON") (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
MASON, George Birkbeck (alias HOWARD; stage name George B. HOWARD)
Musician, music teacher, quadrille pianist, teacher of the accordion and flutina, composer, actor, journalist, publican
Born London, England, 29 October 1828; baptised St. James, Clerkenwell, 23 November 1828; son of Abrham John MASON and Robinianna BONNER
Active ? Hobart Town, VDL, by 1849
Married Margaret K. TOMLINS, Gosford, NSW, 1852
Active Sydney, NSW, until early 1853
Active Melbourne, VIC, by July 1853
Died Thargomindah, QLD, 2 October 1899, aged "70" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
These two musicians were sons of the engraver Abraham John Mason (1794-1858) and his wife Robinianna Bonner (1792-1881), and younger brothers of the engraver Walter George Mason (1820-1866).
Having identified himself as "Howard", a name "merely adopted by him during a brief experience of Theatrical life", Mason advertised as a teacher of flutina and accordion in Sydney in 1855.
His Temperance: song and march ("Dedicated to the Committee of the Alliance for the Suppression of Intemperance") (Sydney: H. Lee, Office of the Home Companion, [1860]) appeared during his association with the temperance magazine, The Australian Home Companion and Band of Hope Journal (1859-61).
Later in Brisbane he was the proprietor of the Music Hall where, among others, Lyster's opera company presented its performances.
Baptisms, St. James, Clerkenwell, Islington, Middlesex, 1826; register 1813-55; London Metropolitan Archives, P76/JS1/026 (PAYWALL)
[1826 October] 11 / Charles Voelker [son of] / Abraham John [and] Robini Anna / Mason / Spencer St. / Engraver . . . [born] 13 Sep'r '26
Baptisms, St. James, Clerkenwell, Islington, Middlesex, 1828; register 1813-55; London Metropolitan Archives, P76/JS1/026 (PAYWALL)
[1828 November] 23 / [born] 29 Oct'r '28 / George Birkbeck [son of] / Abraham John [and] Robini Anna / Mason / Spencer Str't / Engraver . . .
"THE VICTORIA THEATRE", Colonial Times (19 January 1849), 2
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney (6 April 1850), 2
"ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", Bell's Life in Sydney (6 April 1850), 3
Mr. Blythe Waterland, Mr. C. V. Howard, Mr. G. B. Howard, and Mr. J. W. Reading, have given two concerts at the Royal Hotel, which have been remarkably successful. This company has the merit of being the first that has brought the peculiarities of the "[REDACTED]", in a contracted way, before the Sydney public . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 May 1850), 1
"BLYTHE WATERLAND'S SERENADERS", The Maitland Mercury (1 June 1850), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1850), 1
"THE SERENADERS", Bathurst Free Press (29 June 1850), 5
"ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", Geelong Advertiser (23 July 1850), 2
"HOWARD'S ETHIOPIAN SERENADERS", The Maitland Mercury (11 September 1850), 2
"MUSWELL BROOK", The Maitland Mercury (25 September 1850), 2
"To the Editors", Bell's Life in Sydney (7 February 1852), 3
"MARRIED", Empire (19 July 1852), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 October 1854),1
NOTICE.- Mr. G. B. MASON wishes his friends and acquaintance particularly to understand that the nama of "Howard " was merely adopted by him during a brief experience of Theatrical life, and that the above is my real name, by which he hopes in future to be addressed. GEORGE BIRKBECK MASON.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1852), 1
HOWARD'S SERENADERS. Increased attraction of the Sydney Friday Concerts: Favourite and eccentric Programme: The Company consists of five performers, each and all unrivalled, vis., Charles V. Howard, tambourine; J.W. Sandford, Guitar; E. W. Pierce, Flute; Walter Howson, Banjo; and J. P. Hall, Bones.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 September 1852), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1853), 3
[Advertisement], Empire (14 February 1853), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1855), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1857), 1
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 May 1858), 1
"TEMPERANCE SONG AND MARCH", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1860), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 June 1861), 1
[Advertisement], The Courier (20 August 1861), 1
"CONCERT", Empire (11 November 1861), 4
A musical entertainment, consisting of literary reminiscences and illustrations of Moore's Irish Melodies, will be held tonight at the Exchange Hall, Dr. J. J. McGregor being the chief performer. The services of Mr. Brookes, the celebrated harpist, and of Mr. Cordner, have been secured . . . We observe that the arrangements have been left to Mr. Charles V. Howard, which is in itself a fair guarantee of success.
"ROCKHAMPTON", The Courier (9 December 1861), 3
Mr. G. B, Mason, of Brisbane, has been giving two musical entertainments, entitled, "Modern Minstrelsy." The first was given a week ago to a full audience, in the new court-house. The first part of the programme consisted of English and Irish songs, and the second of negro melodies. Mr. Mason gave a brief description of the merits of the composer of each song, and then sang, accompanying himself on a harmonium. The second entertainment was given to-night, and was a repetition of the first, introducing two or three negro songs. On the first occasion great disorder prevailed among the audience, some beating time on the floor with their feet and sticks, and others joining boisterously in chorus - a la taproom.
Mr. Charles, V. Howard, the indefatigable agent, is the secretary to [Emma Neville and George Loder's] forthcoming entertainment.
"THE OPERA", The Brisbane Courier (28 July 1865), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 June 1873), 8
"INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS", The Maitland Mercury (7 January 1886), 4
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 October 1899), 1
Bibliography and resources:
"George Mason", Design & Art Australia Online (DAAO)
English colonial male wood engraver and painter who taught music and set up Brisbane's first theatre. Apart from being bankrupted twice, he advertised as an art teacher, ran a hotel and illustrated newspapers; son of Abraham Mason and brother of Walter G. Mason, he was born in London.
MASON, Walter George (Walter George MASON; W. G. MASON)
Musical amateur, wood engraver
MASON, Edward (Edward MASON; E. MASON)
Amateur musician, pianist, wood engraver
Born London, England, 1845; son of Walter George Mason (1820-1866)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1852
Died 1923 (NLA persistent identifier)
"ORPHEONIST SOCIETY'S ANNUAL MEETING", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (1 July 1862), 5
"Peat's Ferry and the Hawkesbury. BY A TRAVELLING CORRESPONDENT", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (15 June 1885), 8
Peat's Ferry has had the pleasure of a visit from the Cora Mclan Company, comprising the lady whose name heads the bill, the time-honored veteran Mr. Charles Burford - who renews his youth like the eagle (whatever that mysterious process may be) - Miss Lucy Frazer, Mr. Martin Hagan, and Miss Carrie Burford. They opened in Dick's Assembly on Monday to a fair house, and gave a capital performance, consisting of scenes from dramas and comedies, songs, dances, &c. I was nearly forgetting to say, that Mr. Mason, the accomplished wood engraver, presided very ably at the piano . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Burford (actor)
MASON, Mr. H. (Mr. H. MASON)
Amateur musician, trombonist (St. Patrick's Total Abstinence Band)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1848
"ST. PATRICK'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Sydney Chronicle (25 April 1848), 2
. . . The band, though consisting entirely of very young practitioners, performed in a very efficient manner, and was much applauded. A solo on the trombone was very well played by Mr. H. Mason . . .
MASON, Mr. W. (Mr. W. MASON)
Dancing instructor
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1860
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (5 November 1860), 8
DANCING. - Mr. MASON (pupil of Grosse, and Baron Nathan, London), assistant to Mr. Denning, Protestant Hall, TEACHER of Scotch, Irish, Hornpipe, and other dances.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cornelius Peter Denning (dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 December 1860), 8
It is expected that all visitors of both sexes observe the rule in reference to attire, no slovenly dressed person being received.
Ladies are reminded to produce the Assembly card of entrance, or admittance will be refused.
The private soiree on Thursday evening next.
The tuition classes (under able masters) Wednesday and Friday evenings.
The singing class is filling up, and will commence immediately after the holidays under Mr. Henry King, organist of St. James Cathedral, &c.
Note. - Picnic parties the holidays may be supplied with musicians from Mr. Denning's band and the class rooms may be hired for dance parties.
Leader of the assembly band, Mr. H. Cousins; principal is the assistant teacher, Mr. G. Smart.
The Scotch Reel and Hornpipe Class, &c., is under the highly approved and able tuition of Mr. W. Mason.
The special cards introducing to the Thursday evening private party are obtainable only upon calling at the hall.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry John King (singing class instructor); George John Smart (dancing instructor)
MASSETT, Stephen Charnock (Stephen Charnock MASSETT; Stephen C. MASSETT; S. C. MASSETT)
Musician, vocalist, violinist, song composer
Born St. Botolph Bishopgate, London, England, 4 August 1819
Active USA, from 1837
Arrived (1) Melbourne, VIC, December 1856 (from California)
Departed (1), after July 1857 (for India)
Arrived (2) Hobart, TAS, May 1878 (from NZ)
Departed (2), after September 1878
Died New York, USA, 20 August 1898 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
Anna Bishop introduced Massett's "New Scoth Ballad" Take back the ring, dear Jamie, especially written for her, in Sydney in March 1856 (she had first sung it, and it had been published, in California in 1854).
Bishop programmed further Massett songs on her 1868-69 Australian tour, some of which were published locally in arrangements by Charles Edward Horsley, notably My Bud in heaven ("pianoforte accompaniment newly edited by C. E. Horsley; as sung by Madame Anna Bishop") (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1868]).
Massett himself arrived during Bishop's first tour, and his programs included his own popular "imitation of Madame Anna Bishop". Local editions of Massett's songs were issued to coincide with his first tour, notably When the moon on the lake is beaming in The Illustrated Journal of Australasia (February 1857), and Take back the ring dear Jamie (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1857]).
"SACRAMENTO AND PLACES", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 April 1850), 3
"Editor's Table", The Pioneer or California Monthly Magazine 2 (November 1854), 314
[Advertisement], Empire (1 March 1856), 1
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (3 December 1856), 1
"NEW COMPOSER", The Courier (18 December 1856), 2
"MR. STEPHEN MASSETT", The Argus (19 December 1856), 6
This gentleman to whose abilities as a vocalist and as an instrumentalist, we are able to bear testimony announces his first entertainment to take place at the Mechanics' Institute, on Monday evening. Mr. Massett was formerly known as a composer and singer in England, and he subsequently obtained considerable popularity in the United States, and more particularly California. His voice is a baritone [full of] sweetness, and his falsetto is scarcely, inferior to John Parry's, whom he resembles in his powers of mimicry.
"CHARLIE NAPIER", The Star (22 January 1857), 2
"MR. MASSETT'S BALLAD CONCERT", South Australian Register (4 April 1857), 3
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 April 1857), 5
"MR. MASSETT'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 May 1857), 5
"Mr. STEPHEN MASSETT'S SONGS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1857), 4
"MR. STEPHEN C. MASSETT", Colonial Times (18 June 1857), 3
"NEW SONG", The Hobart Town Courier (24 June 1857), 2
"MR. STEPHEN C. MASSETT'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Cornwall Chronicle (11 July 1857), 5
"MR. MASSETT", The Hobart Town Mercury (27 November 1857), 3
[News], The Argus (15 May 1868), 4
"MADAME ANNA BISHOP'S LAST EVENING CONCERT", The South Australian Advertiser (29 May 1868), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 November 1868), 1
"NEW AND CHOICE MUSIC", The Maitland Mercury (24 December 1868), 3
"MR. STEPHEN MASSETT", The Mercury (7 May 1878), 2
"MR. MASSETT'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Argus (5 June 1878), 6
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (10 September 1878), 4
Other sources:
Biographical sketch, words of the songs, ballads, &c., of the composer and vocalist, Mr. Stephen Massett, "Jeems Pipes, of Pipesville." With opinions of the press on his entertainments in England, California, Oregon, Australia, the Sandwich Islands, and the East Indies (New York: 1858)
Drifting about, or, What Jeems Pipes, of Pipesville, saw-and-did: an autobiography . . . with many comic illustrations by Mullen (New York, Carelton, 1863)
Musical works and books:
MASSEY, Joseph (senior) (Joseph Richard MASSEY)
Musician, choral conductor, band leader, double bass player, musicseller, music retailer, tailor
Born England, c. 1827/28; son of Joseph and Sarah MASSEY
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 August 1833 (with parents, unassisted passengers per Richard Reynolds, from London, 19 March)
Married Mary PATRICK (c. 1835-1898), Sydney, NSW, 21 June 1853
Died Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1900, in his 73rd year (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
MASSEY, Joseph (junior)
Musician, organist, choral conductor, composer
Born Sydney, NSW, 1855; son of Joseph MASSEY, senior, and Mary PATRICK
Married Eliza Jane GRESTY, All Saints' church, Parramatta, NSW, 20 March 1879
Died Sydney, NSW, 30 May 1943, aged 89 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
MASSEY, Arthur
Organist, choral conductor, composer
Born Sydney, NSW, 1861; son of Joseph MASSEY, senior, and Mary PATRICK
Died Manly, NSW, 10 August 1950
MASSEY, Edward John
Organist, choral conductor
Born Sydney, NSW, 1866; son of Joseph MASSEY, senior, and Mary PATRICK
Died NSW, 1941
MASSEY, Thomas Henry
Organist, choral conductor
Born Sydney, NSW, 1871; son of Joseph MASSEY, senior, and Mary PATRICK
Died Newcastle, NSW, 15 November 1946 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Joseph Massey senior was founding conductor of the Wesleyan Sacred Choral Society in Sydney in 1856, from 1857 the Wesleyan Choral Society. He and his sons later went into business as J. Massey and Sons, music and instrument retailers, in Park Street, Sydney, in April 1881. Three other musically active sons were Arthur Massey, Edward John Massey, and Thomas Henry Massey. A third generation of Massey family musicians included Victor Massey and Noel Massey.
Passenger list, per Richard Reynolds, unassisted immigrants;
Joseph Massey / 35 / Cabinet maker
Sarah Massey (his wife) / 36
[other children 9, 3, 21 months, infant]
. . . Joseph Massey / 6
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Herald (15 August 1833), 2
From London, yesterday, having sailed from thence the 19th of March, the ship Richard Reynolds, 300 tons, Captain Thomas Dickson, with merchandize. Passengers . . . Mr. Joseph Massey, cabinet-maker, Mrs. Sarah Massey, Elizabeth, Sarah, James, Bass, and Joseph Massey . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (9 June 1856), 1
WESLEYAN SACRED CHORAL SOCIETY - President - Rev. S. RABONE. - The first public meeting of this Society will take place, on MONDAY EVENING, June 9th, at the Wesleyan Chapel, York-street, at half-past seven o'clock - when selections from Handel and other approved pieces will be sung . . . Conductor, J. Massey. Although this infant society has been for nearly two years in almost utter obscurity it has not failed in securing the patronage of a few friends of the Wesleyan body, but we do hope and expect friends of every Church, and members of every Christian congregation will come and testify their approval of a society of this class by a numerous attendance THIS EVENING, the sole object being the cultivation and advancement of Sacred Harmony, which is calculated to inspire the mind (if not abused) with the purest devotional feelings.
[Advertisement], Empire (23 June 1856), 1
President - Rev. S. Rabone.
Vice-President - Mr. R. Callaghan.
Mr. J. Caldwell, Honorary Secretary.
Mr. J. Sansom, Treasurer.
Conductor - Mr. J. Massey.
The objects of the above society are the promotion and cultivation of sacred music and improvement of congregational singing.
So far as the promoters of this society are concerned, with the length of time they have laboured,
we are persuaded that congregational singing has improved in addition to the progress made in the higher class of sacred music.
Since the design of this institution has in some measure been appreciated,
the committee resolves on laying before the public at large a brief representation of the society,
and likewise to use their influence and contribute their services with renewed vigour towards its advancement.
It is contemplated to give our next demonstration of progress about September, when selections from the Messiah will form part of the programme;
and, in order that congregational singing may be improved the simple four line hymn tune will not be despised;
and while we endeavour with untiring zeal to give general satisfaction, and carry out the object on a right principle,
we respectfully solicit the lovers of the divine art, and admirers of the discreet performance of it,
to patronize this institution by becoming subscribers at one guinea per annum.
Persons willing to support this society by contributions will please to communicate with the honorary secretary,
Mr. Caldwell, Pitt-street, where a copy of the rules may be seen.
Persons desirous of joining this society as singing members can do so by applying to Mr. Caldwell, or any of the members.
Contribution, half-guinea per annum.
Practice meetings held on Monday evenings, at York-street Chapel, at eight o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 December 1856), 1
Subscribers' Public Meeting will take place in the Centenary Chapel, York-street, on MONDAY EVENING next, December 29th, at half past seven o'clock.
Tickets 2s.; Juveniles 1s. each, with books containing the words to be sung, are left at the disposal of Mr J. Caldwell,
Pitt-street; at Mr. J. G. Crouch's Toy Bazaar; and at Mr. Buist's, Music Seller, George-street.
Recit., Comfort ye - Handel's Messiah.
Chorus, And the Glory of the Lord - Ditto
Anthem, This is the Day - Anon.
Chorus, The Lord Gave the Word - Handel.
Anthem, Behold a Virgin - Jarman.
Anthem, Twenty-fourth Psalm - Smith.
Anthem, Joy to the World.
Chorus, Behold the Lamb of God - Handel.
Anthem, Star of Bethlehem.
Chorus, Hallelujah - Handel.
Conductor - Mr. J. Massey.
"WESLEYAN CHORAL SOCIETY", Empire (30 December 1856), 5
A public meeting of the subscribers to this Society was held in the Centenary' Chapel, York-street, last evening, when several anthems and choruses (the latter being chiefly selected from Handel's Messiah and the Creation) were sung in a skilful and spirited manner by the choir. Indeed, the music could hardly have been better executed, although it might have been more effective, had there been more female voices. A vote of thanks, coupled with a request that the ladies and gentlemen who had afforded the meeting so excellent an entertainment, would, upon an early and convenient occasion, repeat the performance, was carried unanimously. The president, the Rev. Mr. Rabone, in an appropriate speech, conveyed the resolution and the request to the chair. The conductor, Mr. J. Massey, responded, and said the choir would be most happy to accede to the wish of the meeting. Mr. Rabone then stated that due notice would be given of the next performance, and called upon the congregation to unite in singing the hymn "Praise God from whom all blessings flow;" after which he offered up a prayer, and closed the proceedings with a benediction. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the attendance was very thin; but it is confidently expected that, upon the next meeting of the Society, should the weather be favourable, the chapel will be filled.
"WESLEYAN CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 March 1857), 4
A public meeting of this society, established for the practice of sacred music will be held in York-street chapel, this evening. The selections are from the Messiah, and include the following pieces:- "Comfort ye my people;" "And the glory of the Lord;" "The Lord gave the Word;" "And suddenly there was with the Angel;" "Glory to God;" "Behold the Lamb of God;" "Thus Saith the Lord;" "Hallelujah." The conductor is Mr. Massey, and the organist a lady amateur.
[Advertisement], Empire (15 May 1857), 1
ORATORIO AND MUSICAL FESTIVAL. - MR. JOSEPH MASSEY begs to acquaint the lovers of Sacred Harmony, that having from an early period of life in this colony devoted much time and study to the art of Music, and for several years laboured effectually in connection with the Wesleyan Choral Society, intends giving a Sacred Musical Festival at the School of Arts, Pitt-street. Selections from Handel's Messiah and Judas, and Hayden's Creation. The Solos will be sustained by several talented gentlemen recently arrived from England, and supported with an efficient Chorus. J. Massey earnestly solicits the patronage of the public of Sydney on this occasion, being his first appeal, and that its success will be followed by other Concerts given in aid of the funds subscribed for the erection of a Temperance Hall in this city. See particulars on Monday or Tuesday.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1857), 1
"ORATORIO AND MUSICAL FESTIVAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 June 1857), 5
This evening, Mr. J. Massey's musical entertainment takes place in the School of Arts. To ensure the effective production of the Oratorio, we understand that the services of Miss F. Harris, as principal treble, have been secured, together with those of several gentlemen amateurs, and members of the Wesleyan Choral Society. Mr. C. Packer is to preside at the organ. The selections are from the sublime productions of Handel and Haydn, and will consist of the choicest portions of Judas, Messiah, and the Creation.
"ORATORIO AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 June 1857), 5
"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1857), 5
The favourable reception of Mr. Massey's selections from some of the most celebrated oratorios, on Monday evening, induced him to repeat them last night at the School of Arts, when the body of the hall was moderately filled. The programme comprised some of the finest airs, choruses, and duets from the oratorios of "Judas," "The Creation," and "The Messiah," for the performance of which Miss Flora Harris, with several gentlemen amateurs, and a numerous choir, were engaged. Mr. Massey conducted, and Mr. Packer executed the organ accompaniments. After the introductory overture to "Judas," performed with the organist's usual excellence, Miss Harris sang "Pious Orgies," - an air which gave little scope for display, but which was executed with pleasing clearness of expression. "Arm, arm, ye brave," sung by an amateur, was creditably done, and was followed by Miss Harris's sweet and simple rendering of the invocation to Liberty, which was received with a favour justly due to the piece and its performance. Following this, a duet, by the same lady and a gentleman amateur, was received with approbation by the audience, and introduced the chorus, "Lead on, lead on," which, by its stirring spirit and the evident care of the conductor in its production, must have given not a little gratification to the lovers of sacred harmony. These, with the cheerful duet and chorus, "Hail, Judea, happy land" - the former given by Miss Harris and an amateur, with the exception of the concluding chorus, which was rendered with power and effect were the only pieces in the first part calling for remarks. But in the selection from "The Creation," "With verdure dad," Miss Harris exhibited a grace of execution, with flexibility and sweetness of voice leaving little to be desired. Passing the chorus in the same oratorio, "The heavens are telling," we may notice an air, also by that lady, the charmingly sweet and plaintive lamentation of Eve on leaving Paradise - the morceau choisi of the evening - which owed the only encore of the occasion to the pathos and skill displayed by the artiste. Choice pieces from the Messiah succeeded, including the fine chorus "And the glory of God," an air by an amateur, and the chorus "Behold the Lamb of God," the exquisite and varied melody of the latter of which was most certainly deserving the applause it received. Mrs. Chislett gave the recitative "There were shepherds" with pleasing firmness and finish, and the grand choral piece "Glory to God" was followed by the creditably executed air "The trumpet shall sound" by an amateur. The concert, which derived excellent support from the conductor and organist, was brought to a worthy conclusion by the performance of the grand and joyous "Hallelujah' Chorus."
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 October 1857), 1
YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Library and Reading .Room», 322, George-street, near Market-street. The committee have to announce to subscribers and to young men wishing to join, that the new quarter of the Institution commences with November . . . The following are the arrangements for the classes . . . . Music / [Mr.] J. Massey / Thursday / 5s. q[uarte]r . . .
"THE WINDSOR FIRE . . . The Euphonic Choral Society", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1875), 4
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 April 1881), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1881), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 July 1893), 16
"Deaths", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 February 1900), 1
[News], The Daily Telegraph (15 February 1900), 5
Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Joseph Massey, sen., died at the residence of his son, Mr. E. J. Massey, 347, Bourke-street, Darlinghurst. The deceased, who was 75 years of age, was in good health up to the last hour. After dining as usual, he went out for his customary rest in the garden, and shortly afterwards (2 o'clock) passed peacefully away. He leaves a family of one daughter and five sons - Joseph, Arthur, Edward, James, and Thomas - all church organists, and well-known members of the musical profession. In the early days, Mr. Massey was prominently identified with the progress of music in New South Wales. He conducted the Sydney Choral Society, which used to assemble at the old Sydney School of Arts. This was the time when Cordner was organist of St. Mary's Cathedral, and Chizlitt had charge of the singing in the public schools. With the Choral Society, Mr. Massey produced "The Messiah," "Judas Maccabaeus," and other works. Charles Packer, composer of "The Crown of Thorns" oratorio, was the accompanist. The funeral will take place to-day.
"THE LATE MR. JOSEPH MASSEY, SEN.", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 February 1900), 8
We have to record the death of Mr, Joseph Massey, sen., which took place on Wednesday at his late residence, 317 Bourke-street, Darlinghurst, after a brief illness, at the age of 73 years. The immediate cause of death was valvular heart disease. The deceased was well known amongst the musical profession, and had for many years been prominently associated with the advance of music in the colony. As conductor of the Sydney Choral Society he did much valuable work encouraging the production of good music amongst it's members and produced the "Messiah," "Judas Maccabaeus," and other well known oratorios with success. The deceased gentleman had up to quite recently given his assistance in performances in the city und suburbs, and within the past fortnight was one of the performers (double bass) in the orchestra at St. Thomas' Church, North Sydney. The deceased, who was a widower, leaves a family of five (one daughter and four sons), all of whom take a prominent place in the musical profession. Of the sons, Mr. Joseph Massey is the well-known organist of St. Thomas' Church, North Sydney, Mr. Arthur Massey is organist at St Barnabas' Church, George-street, Mr. E. J. Massey, at the Woollahra Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Thomas H. Massey, at the Bathurst Cathedral. The funeral, which took place at the Waverley Cemetery yesterday, was well attended. The chief mourners present were the sons named above, with Messrs. Harold and Hilton Massey (grand sons). The Rev. C. C. Dunstan conducted a short service at the house, and also at the grave. Numerous wreaths, &c., were forwarded from the relatives and friends of the deceased's family, the members of the choirs of St. Thomas' Church and St Barnabas'. Telegrams and letters of sympathy were received from the Rev. H. Martin, Mons. A. Wiegand (city organist), and others. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. Charles Kinsela.
"A Former Mudgeeite", Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (23 February 1900), 7
Amongst the obituary records in Sydney papers last week we observe that Mr. Joseph Massey, father of the well-known city organists, died at his residence, Darlinghurst. The deceased was engaged in the tailoring business in Mudgee some 25 years ago. He was best known as an enthusiastic musical conductor, was choir master of the Wesleyan Church, in which capacity Mr. Kellett will credit the deceased gentleman with good work, and as the conductor of Mudgee's Philharmonic Society our old townsman, Mr. Slachter, will bear testimony to the great worth of Joseph Massey, who in those days had to work up the raw recruits of the town, most of whom were ignorant of a note of music until Massey's popular concerts were inaugurated. Being desirous of bringing up their family in the musical profession, Mr. and Mrs. Massey left Mudgee to reside in Sydney, where, too, he became prominent as a musical conductor in connection with the Sydney Choral Society, producing the "Messiah," "Judas Maccabeus," and other well-known oratorios with success. The deceased, who was a widower, his wife having died a year or so back, leaves a family of five (one daughter and four sons) all of whom take a prominent place in the musical profession. Of the sons, Mr. Joseph Massey is the well-known organist of St. Thomas' Church, North Sydney; Mr. Arthur Massey is organist at St. Barnabas' Church, George Street; Mr. E. J. Massey, at the Wollahra Presbyterian Church; and Mr. Thomas H. Massey at the Bathurst Cathedral.
"Mr. Joseph Massey", Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (9 June 1921), 7
It has been decided to make a presentation to Mr. Joseph Massey, the veteran organist of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, who has been 55 years a church organist and 21 years organist at the Cathedral. Mr. Massey has served (after starting 55 years ago in a country church) at St. Mary's Waverley, All Saint's Parramatta, St. Thomas' North Sydney (20 years) and the Cathedral (21 years). He has given many big organ recitals in the city, and is a composer of several organ pieces. There is to be an organ recital in the Cathedral on July 28, and afterwards a presentation at the Chapter House. Mr. Massey is a native of Mudgee, and spent his boyhood days in the town and went to school here. His father was a tailor, with a shop in Church street, where the Government Savings Bank now stands, and was also instructor of the town band of those days and a teacher of instrumental music and of singing. Mr. Joseph Massey left Mudgee for Sydney when quite a lad, and quickly made good. He has several brothers and sisters, all of them musical.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 May 1943), 8
MASSEY. - May 30, 1943, passed away at his home, Joseph Massey, formerly organist of St Andrew's Cathedral.
"DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH MASSEY", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 June 1943), 9
Mr. Joseph Massey, who was organist and master of the choristers at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, for 23 years, died at his home at Woolwich on Sunday, aged 89. The name of Massey has been associated with Australian church music for nearly 100 years. Mr. Joseph Massey began his career as an organist at the age of 10 and was still practising his art a few weeks before his death. One of his sons. Mr. Victor Massey, is music master at The Scots College, and has been choirmaster and organist at All Saints', Woollahra, since 1920. His nephew, Mr. Noel Massey, is organist at St. Luke's, Concord. He had four brothers, all musicians. One, Mr. Thomas Massey, is organist at Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Mr. Joseph Massey was a foundation member of the Sydney College of Music, and he had considerable gifts as a composer. He is survived by Mrs. Massey, seven sons, and three daughters.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 August 1950), 14
Bibliography and resources:
Graeme Rushworth, Historic organs of New South Wales (1988), 380-82
MASSEY, Thomas William (Thomas William MASSEY; T. W. MASSEY; Mr. MASSEY)
Theatrical venue proprietor, publican, licensed victualler
Died Launceston, VDL (TAS), 1 May 1838, aged "31"
ASSOCIATIONS: Theatre British Hotel (Launceston venue)
MASSINA, Alfred Henry (Alfred Henry MASSINA; A. H. MASSINA)
Printer, general printer, music printer (NLA persistent identifier)
MATER, Charles Albert Frederic (Herr MATER; Lt. MATER)
Musician, violinist, clarinettist, band leader, concert organiser
Born c. 1828
Active Adelaide, SA, 1850 - April 1852; Melbourne, VIC, April 1852-53
Died Florence, Italy, 11 April 1875, aged 47 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Mater was a colleague and friend of August Huenerbein, senior, who later took over Mater's business interests in Mater and Co.. Mater Street, Collingwood, VIC, is named after him.
"DECLARATION OF CONFIDENCE IN MR. JOHN STEPHENS", South Australian Register (7 March 1850), 2s
ASSOCIATIONS: John Stephens (newspaper editor and proprietor, died Adelaide, SA, 28 November 1850)
[Advertisement], South Australian (2 April 1850), 3
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (7 April 1851), 2
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 April 1852), 2
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (6 May 1852), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 June 1852), 5
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (7 June 1852), 5
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (28 June 1852), 5
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (29 July 1852), 3
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 October 1852), 3
"THE FINE ARTS", The Argus (4 December 1852), 5
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (7 January 1853), 5
"DEATHS", The Argus (24 July 1875), 1
MATER. -On the 11th April, at Florence, Charles Albert Frederic Mater of Hamburg, v. d. H. and late of Melbourne, aged 47 years.
[News], The Argus (14 August 1876), 4
The trustees of the Musical Association of Victoria met on Saturday evening in the German Association's rooms. There was a full attendance. The following gentlemen, who were proposed at the last meeting, wore unanimously elected as associates: Messrs. R. L. J. Ellery, E. Ascherberg, J. C. W. Nicholson (of the firm of Nicholson and Ascherberg), and Graham (of Messrs. W. H. Glen and Co.) Mr. J. Siede proposed Mr. W. H. Glen, and Mr. A. C. Huenerbein (of the firm of Mater and Co.); and Mr. C. G. Elsasser proposed Mr. R. J. Paling as associates, to be balloted for at the adjourned meeting on Saturday evening next.
"TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 January 1877), 6
Musician, violinist, orchestra leader
Active Melbourne, VIC, by 1857
Active Ballarat, VIC, by 1861
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 June 1857), 8
[Advertisement], The Star (21 June 1861), 3
CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE. Complimentary Benefit to MR. W. MATHER, (Leader of the Orchestra at the Charlie),
Who has sustained great losses by the late fire, will take place on
WEDNESDAY EVENING, 12th JUNE, On which occasion, and by kind permission of Major Wallace,
the Band of the Ballarat Volunteer Rifle Rangers will appear in full military costume,
and perform several of their admired selections under the direction of Mr. T. Ellis, Band Master,
together with the following artistes, who have kindly given their services . . .
Mr. Llewellyn Thomas, The celebrated Welsh harpist, will perform one of his favorite solos . . .
"BALLARAT EAST PUBLIC LIBRARY", The Star (20 September 1864), 3
MATHEW, Emma (Emma Maria MATHEW; Miss MATHEW)
Musician, professor of the pianoforte and Spanish guitar
Active Sydney, NSW, 1832
Emma Maria Mathew arrived in Hobart as matron on the Princess Royal in August 1832. Mrs. Mathew and Miss Emma Mathew departed from Sydney for Calcutta in 1833, though, probably as an oversight, Emma was relisted in the 1834 directory as still resident (see Cumes, Their chastity was not too rigid, 188)
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian (31 August 1832), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (12 November 1832), 1
BEGS to acquaint the Ladies of Sydney and its Vicinity, that it is her intention to give Lessons on the above Instruments and Dancing, and requests the favor of their patronage.
Schools attended. Apply at Mr. Girard's, George-street.
November 8, 1832.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . DEPARTURES", The Sydney Herald (6 June 1833), 2
MATHEW, Daniel Dering (Daniel Dering MATHEW)
Amateur violin maker
Born England, c. 1785
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 1812 (free per Clarkson)
Died St. Leonards, NSW, 13 June 1856, aged "71"
On 6 October 1823, while trying to gain government work in Sydney as an architect, Mathew sent the Colonial Secretary a violin made by his own hands, and with native timbers, as an example of his skill.
Daniel Dering Mathew, 6 October 1823; letter . . . sending a violin he had made; State Records Authority of NSW, Colonial Secretary's papers, main series of letters received, 1788-1826 (DIGITISED)
"DIED", Empire (18 June 1856), 4
Bibliography and resources:
Herman Morton, Early Australian architects and their work (Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1954)
Alan Coggins (with introduction by Michael Lea), Violin and bow makers of Australia (Blackheath: For the author, 2009), 6, 130-31 (DIGITISED short entry summaries archived at Pandora)
Reporter, collector and transcriber of Indigenous songs, school-teacher, Presbyterian cleric, anthropologist
Born Aberdeen, Scotland, 31 May 1849
Arrived Queensland, 1864
Died Coburg, VIC, 11 March 1929 (NLA persistent identifier)
See main entry:
"OUR NATIVE RACES", The Daily Telegraph (23 September 1899), 6
"OBITUARY", The Brisbane Courier (13 March 1829), 14
Dr. John Mathew (aged 80 years), Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Australia from 1922 to 1924, and of Victoria in 1911, died at his residence, at Coburg (Vic), on Monday. In addition to being prominent in the Presbyterian Ministry, Dr. Mathew was one of the foremost ethnologists in Australia. He made a very close study of aboriginal life and the language. He was greatly helped in the work by his contact with the Kabi tribe, when he lived near the Burnett River in Queensland.
Bibliography and resources:
M. D. Prentis, "Mathew, John (1849-1929)", Australian dictionary of biography 10 (1986)
Amateur musician, bandsman
Active Launceston, TAS, 1855
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (21 April 1855), 3
SIR, - Allow me, through the medium of your Journal, to make a few statements concerning the Tasmanian Band and the flower show previous to the last.
Also, to give a reply to the balderdash signed G. W. Walker, which appeared in your contemporary the Chronicle this morning.
In G. W. Walker's morceau, he apprises the community that I have set before them falsehoods, as he and the members of the band term them, and which they have the audacity to deny.
In his letter he remarks that the band gave in their amount as £10, and not £8, as I on a former occasion made known to the public;
but it is it tissue of falsehoods, as they were only offered £8,
and the reason was that these would-be musicians did not condescend to accept the £8 was on account of their not being able to pay themselves for their time, which they would lose in going to the show.
The leader (Walker) out of the money would require £2 for his valuable services,
and four or five of what they term themselves first performers, would not leave their work without receiving twenty or twenty five shillings each, as they said it would not pay them.
And now, Mr. Editor, what were the other five or six young men to receive for their time, when those few disturbers of the peace received their exorbitant charge;
and this is the Tasmanian band, that have been supported by the inhabitants of Launceston liberally, for the last twenty months,
and would not play for a society for £8, as it would not pay them, - when, if they had gone and have played for the same amount as the quadrille band received,
they would have done no more than what they ought to do, considering the money that they have received from the inhabitants for doing nothing.
This man of music, who hath many musical charms, begs the committee, should there be anything false, to contradict it, and states that I have nothing whatever to do with them.
How can these calumniators presume to infer that I had no connexion with them at the time?
It is a well known fact, and which I can prove, that I was one of the strongest supporters the band had,
and was a member of the same before Walker took the band, and was with them at the last election.
And now the public will be able to judge whether Walker has spoke the truth.
I now conclude by trusting that these remarks will close their lips from issuing forth any more base untruths.
Farewell Tasmanian band.
From yours, &c.,
George-street, Launceston.
ASSOCIATIONS: George William Walker (bandmaster); Tasmanian Band (Launceston)
MATHEWS, Adelaide (Adelaide Eliza MATHEWS) = Adelaide OATES (Mrs. Hardy Hamilton OATES; Mrs. OATES)
Actor, vocalist, sister of Julia below
Mezzo-soprano vocalist, burlesque actor, dancer
Born London, England, 14 December 1842; daughter of James MATHEWS (c. 1803-1874) and Sarah GEORGE [TWINER] (1808-1876)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 22 August 1854 (per Africa, from Liverpool, 5 April, via Melbourne, 23 July to 12 August)
Married William Henry MUMFORD, Dunedin, NZ, 23 April 1864
Died St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 19 May 1876, aged "30/31" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Saint Clement Danes, in the county of Middlesex, in the year 1843; register 1840-49, page 91; City of Westminster Archives
No. 723 / [1843 May] 28th / Julia Ann Isabella / [daughter of] James & Sarah / Mathews / 4 Beaufort Buildings / Tailor . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Michael Burleigh St., Westminster; UK National Archive, HO107/1482/317/18 (PAYWALL)
66 Drury Lane / James Mathews / Head / Mar. / 48 / Tailor / [born] Creiff Pethshire [Scotland]
Sarah / Wife / Mar. / 44 / - / [born] St. George Bloomsbury
Adolphus / Son / Unm. / 13 / - / [born] Dundee
Adelaide Mathews / Daur. / Unm. / 16 / - / [born] Dundee
Thomas Mathews / Father / Widower / 73 / Tailor / [born] Cultognhey Perthshire . . .
Julia Mathews / Daur. / 8 / - / [born] St. Clements Danes
Names and descriptions of passengers per Africa, from Liverpool, 5 April 1854, for Melbourne, 23 July 1854, and Sydney, 22 August 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . James Mathews / 50 / Tailor
Sarah / 48 / Wife // Adelaide / 18 / Daur. // Julia / 10 / [Daur.] . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (25 August 1854), 1
Miss JULIA MATTHEWS, the Infant Prodigy, from the London Theatres . . .
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier (8 April 1856), 2
The entertainments concluded with the Manager's Daughter, in which Miss Julia Mathews surprised and delighted the audience by personating no less than six characters; and whether she represented a growing Yankee, a blossom from the Highlands, an Irish bog trotter, a French minstrel, or a first-rate genius, she was equally successful. Her singing was excellent, her dancing graceful, in every look and gesture she stood out a perfect actress. It would be superfluous to add, but for the sake of recording the fact, that she was mightily applauded during the piece . . .
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. MACBETH", The Courier (15 April 1856), 2
The banquet scene, its accessories, and novel effects pleased the audience mightily; the scene upon the heath, the subsequent transformation, the rich music of Locke, admirably vocalized by Mr. C. Walsh and Miss Julia Mathews, the flight of Hecate, and the satanic orgies in the cave of Acheron, elicited the most favourable comment.
[News], The Argus (3 November 1860), 5
The little musical drama of "The Waterman" forms the afterpiece, in which Miss Julia Mathews appears to great advantage, her singing is really excellent, and we know of few, if any, who surpass her in characters of the kind she has to fill in this and similar compositions.
"MISS JULIA MATHEWS", Illustrated Sydney News (15 June 1867), 8
Miss Matthews sails for London in the Dunbar Castle, Herr Carl Schmitt accompanying her as conductor and musical composer. Miss Mathews is gifted with a mezzo soprano voice, with a compass of three octaves. Her style is extremely unaffected, and her execution often brilliant; but whether warbling a simple ballad, or singing a difficult scena, she always succeeds in securing the admiration of her hearers. Miss Mathews' present intention is to make a tour through England, the Continent, and America, intending finally to return to Australia.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Schmitt (musical director)
"MISS JULIA MATHEWS", Australian Town and Country Journal (16 July 1870), 24
It is reported since the arrival of the English mail that Miss Julia Mathews has separated from her husband, but about the causes of the disagreement nothing is known.
Petition for divorce, Mumford v. Mumford, 27 April 1870 to 1872; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
[News], Empire (11 August 1874), 2
Mr. James Mathews, father of Miss Julia Mathews, died at the residence of that well-known burlesque actress, in London, on the 17th May last. Mr. Mathews was an old resident of Sydney, and had reached the three score years and ten allotted to man when he died . . .
Registry of deaths in the city of St. Louis, 21st to 23rd May 1876; Missouri State Archives (PAYWALL)
Died 19 May / Certified 21 May / Julia Mathews / age 30 / [born] England / [died at] St. Louis Hospital / Insufficiency of Aortic valve . . .
"DEATH OF MISS JULIA MATTHEWS", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 June 1876), 5
The news has been received by the Californian mail of the death of Miss Julia Matthews. Everybody in Australia will be sorry to hear of it, for although not a native of Australia she came out to these colonies when so young that her stage education may be said to have been entirely conducted in this part of the world. She was quite a child when she made her first appearance in this city at the old Theatre Royal, and it was not until some time afterwards that her rare vocal capabilities began to be recognised. But she steadily advanced in favour until in 1861, at the Princess's Theatre, Mr. George Fawcett being then manager, she took the position of a leading favourite. It was as Aladdin, in the extravaganza of that name, that she made her first notable impression, and from that time, whether as singing soubrette or in burlesque parts, she took a leading position. She was subsequently for some time in New Zealand, where she was married to Mr. Mumford, and for a time she retired from the stage; but she eventually returned to it, and when she came back again to Melbourne it was as a star. Her voice had then wonderfully improved, and in dash, humour, and that pleasant abandon which is such an agreeable quality in any actress she stood out with a marked distinctness. Her determination to visit England, therefore, was what everybody expected and approved. Arrived in London, she found no difficulty in procuring an engagement, and her appearance at Covent-garden Theatre as the Grand Duchess, in Offenbach's universally popular opera-bouffe, at once established her in favour with the metropolitan public. From that time she has been a pronounced favourite, and in continued request. One of her latest successes has been Clairette, in "La Fille de Madame Angot". Her death will cause a feeling of deep regret, for besides being most deservedly popular on the stage, she was greatly liked in private for her bright, cheery, unaffected manner.
England, national probate calendar, 1876; UK National Archives (PAYWALL)
MUMFORD Julia Isabella otherwsise MATHEWS Julia / Effects under £1,000 / 18 September. The Will with a Codical of Julia Isabella Mumford (Wife of William Henry Mumford) (otherwise Julia Mathews) late of 380 City-road in the County of Middlesex who died 19 May 1876 at St. Louis in the United States of America was proved at the Principal Registry by Adelaide Eliza Oates (Wife of Hardy Hamilton Oates) of 4 Rupert-road Upper Holloway in the County of Middlesex the Sister one of the Executors. Probate being granted under certain Limitations.
"A BOOKSELLER'S SHOP. BY MARCUS", The Inquirer & Commercial News (5 December 1877), 2
"MUMMER MEMOIRS. A letter from the Far East - Some Reminiscences, by Mrs. E. S. Patton (nee Miss Emily Holroyd)", Sydney Sportsman (25 November 1908), 2
I have another very interesting letter from Mrs. Patton (nee Miss Emily Holroyd of half a century ago). Amongst other items, the lady says. -
". . . Mr. Brooke had taken the Princess as well as the Royal in Melbourne, and the company had to be in readiness to play at either house . . . George Fawcett, who was stage manager . . . was an extraordinarily eccentric character. I saw him once when he was playing the Widow Twankey in the burlesque of 'Aladdin,' in which poor Julia Mathews created such a furore, one evening, just as he was going on the stage, snatch oft old Mrs. Mathews' battered old night bonnet, put it on his own head, and stalk on with it. Mrs. Mathews always sat sewing or knitting and watching her daughter. She and her husband were the meanest couple that ever were seen, and were so stingy that they never allowed poor Julia any of the money she earned, but put it all by for themselves. The girl was never even properly dressed for her parts, her parents were so mean; but her talent was so great her voice so sweet, her dancing and acting so full of verve and go, that she was the greatest favorite with the public in spite of her shabbiness.
"Poor O'Hara Burke, - the gallant leader of the exploring expedition which crossed the continent of Australia, and who lost his life on the return journey through starvation, was madly in love with Julia, and would have married her had he lived. She subsequently married the mate of a ship named Mumford, went with him to America, and died there prematurely in a few years. Take her for all in all, she was the most clever and attractive young actress that we have had in Australia.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Holroyd (actor); Robert O'Hara Burke (explorer)
Bibliography and resources:
Jean Gittens, "Mathews, Julia (1842-1876)", Australian dictionary of biography 5 (1974)
Julia Mathews, Find a grave
Bricklayer, singer
Active Deniliquin, NSW, 1855
"DENILIQUIN PETTY SESSIONS", The Argus (11 July 1855), 4
James Mattherson, of Maiden's Punt, was charged with singing obscene songs at Deniliquin, in the beginning of the month of June. The defendant is a bricklayer by occupation, and was so engaged at Deniliquin when he committed the offence of which he then stood charged by the chief constable, Mr. John Sands. Mattherson was fined £5 and costs, and he was then brought up for using offensive language in the house of Mr. John McKenzie, of South Deniliquin, and for this offence he was fined £3 and costs. The defendant is under articles of the peace and he appears to be going a straightforward way to forfeit his bail.
Musician, smith, brightsmith, whitesmith
Born Bristol, England, 1825; baptised St. Augustine-the-Less, Bristol, 23 October 1825; son of George MATTHIAS and Maria ?
Married Matilda Gane COX, St. Augustine the Less, Bristol, England, 24 June 1849
Active Beechworth, VIC, by 1855
Died Melbourne, VIC, 1 July 1892, aged "66/67" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Augustine-the-Less in the city of Bristol in the year 1825; register 1663-1868, page 128; Bristol Archives, Ep/V/4/24 (PAYWALL)
No. 1029 / [1825] 23d Oct'r / James Henry son of / George & Maria / Matthias / Stony Hill / Bright Smith . . .
1849, marriage solemnized at the parish church in the parish of St. Augustine-the-Less, in the city of Bristol; register 1848-64, page 32; Bristol Archives, P/St.aug/R/4/F (PAYWALL)
No. 64 / [1849] June 24 / James Henry Matthias / Full age / Bachelor / Smith / Stony Hill / [son of] George Matthias / Smith
Matilda Gane Cox / Full age / Spinster / - / Stony Hill / [daughter of] Samuel Cox / Gardener . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. James, Bristol; UK National Archives, HO107/1950/85/3 (PAYWALL)
5 Upper Maudlin St. South Side / James Matthias / Head / Mar. / Smith, Journeyman / [born] Bristol St. Michael
Matilda [Matthias] / Wife / Mar. / 28 / Shop Keeper / [born] Somerset Glastonbury
Emma [Matthias] / Daur. / - / 18 mo. / - / [born] Bristol
Ann Cox / Mother in Law / Widow / 52 / - / [born] Somerset Glastonbury
"CIRCUS MUSIC", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (17 February 1855), 6
James H. Mathias, engaged by Mr. Burton as a musician, was brought before the court on the 14th inst., and £2 of the wages due to him abated for "disobedience of orders," in absenting him self from "parade" (as proceeding through the diggings in the musical waggon belonging to the establishment is technically called), and entering into a private speculation on the race-course.
Names and descriptions of passengers per Sea Breeze, from Bristol, 1856, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Matilda Matthias / 33 / Emma [Matthias] / 6 // Will'm Henry [Matthias] / 3 . . .
"THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (2 October 1861), 5
The Victorian Exhibition of 1861 was opened yesterday by His Excellency the Governor, and, despite the drawback of unfavourable weather, the event was a success . . . The next stand is covered with musical instruments. Here there are copies, in colonial wood, of Gaspar de Cavero's three quarter sized bass, Stradivarius's violin belly, and Joseph Granarion's violin - those contributed by Mr. J. Devereux, of Fitzroy. Mr. S. Lansdell exhibits an Eolian lyre, and Mr. J. H. Matthias a bass drum . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
"DEATHS", The Herald (2 July 1892), 2
MATTHIAS. - On the 1st inst., at his residence, Clifton House, Drummond street, Carlton, James Henry Matthias, in his 67th year.
Will and probate, James Henry Matthias, 1892; Public Record Office Victoria (Will) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
"WILLS AND BEQUESTS", Melbourne Punch (3 November 1892), 16
James Henry Matthias, formerly of Bristol, whitesmith, but late of Drummoud-street, Carlton, corporation official, who died on the 1st July, 1892, by his will, dated 14th January, 1865, appointed his widow, Matilda Gain Matthiss, sole executrix. He devises the whole of the estate to his widow, to be used for tbe support of herself and children during her life, and at her decpase the estate to be equally divided between the children of testator. Value of real aud personal estate, £1131.
Bibliography and resources:
James Henry Matthias, Find a grave
MATTOS, Faustino de (Faustino de MATTOS; ? Antonio Faustino de MATTOS; DE MATTOS)
Musician, professor of music
Arrived, Sydney, NSW, 23 November 1853 (per Dom Affonso, from Oporto, 18 July)
Married Elizabeth BURNES, Sydney, NSW, 1856
Active Sydney, NSW, until 1864
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Maitland Mercury (30 November 1853), 2
23. - Dom Affonso, Portuguese ship, 582 tons, Captain António José de Santa Anna, from Oporto July 28. Passengers - Alexandre Rodrigues, Antonio da Fonseca Abreu, Joao Joze d'Oliveira Melchior, António Faustino de Mattos, Faustino de Mattos, Domingos Terriera de Paiva, Pedro Pais de Oliveira (2), Custodia Joseph Vieyro Santos, and Antonio Pereira.
[Advertisement], Empire (28 March 1856), 1
begs respectfully to inform the public, that he has taken those commodious and splendid Rooms, No. 65, Sussex-street,
late in the occupation of Mr. W. Clark, where he intends giving a series of Evening Assemblies,
and where only persons of the highest respectability will be admitted.
The arrangements he is now making for the accommodation of his friends and patrons,
are such as he trusts will give universal satisfaction.
The Rooms will be open on THURSDAY, the 10th April, for the first time, on which occasion,
Signor Mattos will give a GRAND BALL AND SUPPER.
Price of admission, opening night, single tickets, 7s. 6d.; double tickets, 12s. 6d.
After the first night-only 2s. will be charged for admission to each gentleman, no charge being made for ladies.
No lady admitted without being accompanied by a gentleman.
Admission tickets may be obtained, on application to CHARLES T. SANDON, J71, George-street, next Empire Office,
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 October 1856), 1
Register, no. 665, the Letland Lodge of Australia, Sydney, New South Wales; Museum of Freemasonry (PAYWALL)
[Admission] 1862 July 3 / Mattos / Antonio F. de / 36 / Sydney / Tobacconist . . .
Sands directory, Sydney, 1864, 240
Mattos, Antonio Faustino, tobacconist and grocer, 525 and 690 George-street
MAUGHAN, William (William MAUGHAN)
Musician, piper, bagpiper, bagpipes player
Active Launceston, TAS, 1854
"DISTURBING THE PEACE", Launceston Examiner (25 April 1854), 2
At the police office this morning a Caledonian named Wm. Maughan, whose dress exhibited a curious medley of the national plaid and gutta percha, was brought before the magistrate charged with disturbing the peace at a late hour last night by a prolonged performance on the bag-pipes, near the sign of the Scottish Chief, in Wellington-street. The constables stationed on the Sand Hill, supposing that music was being murdered, hastened to the spot, and the police magistrate was himself disturbed in his own house by the noise. The musician was discharged with a caution.
MAUM, William James (William James MAUM, junior)
Amateur musician, violinist
Born Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 1831
Died Hobart, TAS, 6 April 1901, aged "69/70"
William James Maum, senior (1780-1859) was exiled to NSW and later to Norfolk Island for his part in the Wicklow uprising of the United Irishmen in 1798. He was a Protestant, but at this time they had joined with the Catholics to defy the English landlords.
A violin by Thomas Wiggins (senior) is inscribed "Wm. Maum, 1850, Tasmania". William Maum, junior, was born on Norfolk Island and arrived in Van Diemen's Land with his parents four years later than Thomas Wiggins. William Maum's diary for February 1850 records:
I bought a violin and case for £3.0.0 and gave the remainder of my wages to my mother.
He had just returned from the gold rush in California.
"DEATHS", The Mercury (9 April 1901), 1
William Maum, Tasmanian Records, NG1489
Bibliography and resources:
L. L. Robson, "Maum, William James (1780-1850)", Australian dictionary of biography 2 (1967)
Freda Gray, "Music of the early settlements of the 1800s", Papers and Proceedings (Tasmanian Historical Research Association) 43/2 (June 1996), (59-62), 60-61
. . . William Maum Junior was born on Norfolk Island and arrived in Van Diemen's Land with his parents four years later than Thomas Wiggins. William Maum was another who liked to keep a diary, and in an entry for February 1850 he records, "I bought a violin and case for £3.0.0 and gave the remainder of my wages to my mother". He had just returned from the gold rush in California and there can be no doubt that his is the violin held at Narryna and labelled a "Wiggins violin" . . .
MAXEY, Edwin (Edwin MAXEY)
Amateur musician, flautist, school master
MAXEY, Jane (Jane Sarah LAMERT; Mrs. Edwin MAXEY)
Musician, teacher of music and singing
Born Margate, Kent, England, 8 August 1831; baptised St. Mary's, Whitechapel, 14 September 1831 (daughter of George and Harriet Lamert)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, January 1856
Married Edwin MAXEY, St. Peter's, Cook's River, NSW, 20 February 1857
Active Launceston, TAS, by late 1859
Died Arncliffe, NSW, 28 November 1912, aged 81
Jane Maxey advertised that in "music her masters were Kiallmark and Sterndale Bennett, and in singing Sola and Crivelli". The Kiallmark in question was probably the pianist and teacher George Frederick Kiallmark (1804-1887), son of the composer George Kiallmark, and important as an English disciple of Chopin. Her other claimed masters "for singing" were Domenico Crivelli (c. 1795-1856) and the guitarist Charles Michael Sola (1786-1857).
"ARRIVALS", The Shipping Gazette and Sydney General Trade List (7 January 1856), 2
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1856), 8
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 June 1857), 1
"MARRIED", Empire (24 February 1857), 4
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (18 December 1860), 1
MRS. MAXEY, of Broadland House, will after the Christmas vacation receive pupils for Italian (Tuscan). French (Parisian), German, music; with composition, singing, and English generally. Dec. 18.
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (29 December 1860), 1
MRS. MAXEY, Broadland House, will receive a few pupils, for Italian, French, Music, Singing, and English generally. In Music her masters were Kiallmark and Sterndale Bennett, and in singing Sola and Crivelli. December 28.
"CECILIAN CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (21 December 1861), 5
The first concert of the Cecilian Harmonic Society took place yesterday evening, in the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. There was only a limited attendance. Mr. Thos. Sharp acted as leader and conductor, and Miss Sharp presided at the piano. A flute solo by Mr. Maxey was much admired; and in the first part of the programme, the pretty duett "I've wandered in dreams" was loudly encored. The rest of the pieces were more or less applauded, and the concert passed off very well.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas and Caroline Sharp (musicians)
[Advertisement], Launceston Examiner (2 January 1877), 1
MRS. MAXEY will be ready to receive music and singing pupils after the 18th of January, 1877. Apply to Mrs. Maxey, at the house of Rumpff, Esq., Lyttletton street.
"DEATHS", Examiner (13 December 1912), 1
MAXEY. - On the 28th November, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. C. J. Cameron, Arncliffe, Sydney, Jane Sarah, relict of the late Edwin Maxey, M.A., in her 82nd year.
Bibliography and resources:
Ellsworth 2016, 243
MAXEY, Paul (Paul MAXEY)
Musician, vocalist, minstrel serenader
Born c. 1832
Active VIC, by 1863
Died Sydney, NSW, November 1865, aged "33"
Bibliography and resources:
Col. T. Allston Brown, "Early history of negro minstrelsy, its rise and progress in the United States", The New York clipper (8 June 1912), 1 (DIGITISED)
Max Irwin was born in Cincinnati, O . First appeared in New York with Wood's Minstrels. Was married to Augusta Lameraux, danseuse, in Philadelphia, Aug. 19, 1859. Went to Australia in 1862. Died on Aug. 9, 1864 [sic], in Adelaide, Australia, where he had assumed the name of Paul Maxey. He was a brother of Selden Irwin, the actor.
MAXWELL, William (William MAXWELL)
Amateur musician, violinist, music collector, music copyist, retired soldier, farmer, gardener
Born Langholm, Dumfries, Scotland, 23 August 1793; baptised Langholm, 9 September 1793; son of David MAXWELL and Anne PARK
Married Mary MOFFATT, Langholm, Dumfries, Scotland, 19 May 1817
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 28 September 1839 (per Amelia Thompson, from London, 11 June)
Died Lithgow, NSW, 5 December 1874, aged "81" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
William Maxwell, a retired soldier and amateur violinist, was a neighbour and close friend of James Murray, of Warrawang. After Maxwell's death, his music collection, which included printed items that had originally belonged to his father, and manuscript music that he himself had copied, was incorporated in the Murray family collection as now preserved at the State Library of New South Wales (MLMSS 9923).
At least one item from Maxwell's manuscript copybook MLMSS 9923/1884) can be positively dated; his copy of the piano score of The native flower polka by Charles Stier was evidently taken directly from the 1851 printed edition published for the composer by the Sydney musicseller Henry Marsh. The piece immediately preceding it, a piano score of the uniquely preserved The Goulburn polka is probably also a local composition, copied from a lost print advertised by Sydney musicsellers, Woolcott and Clarke, in 1852.
Baptisms, Langholm, 1793; Scotland, select births and baptisms database (PAYWALL)
9 September 1793 / born 23 August 1793 / William / [son of] David Maxwell and Anne Park
Marriages, Langholm, 1817; Scotland, select marriages database (PAYWALL)
19 May 1817 / William Maxwell / Mary Moffatt
"MARRIAGES", Carlisle Patriot [England] (31 May 1817), 3 (PAYWALL)
At Langholm, on the 19th inst., Lieut. Wm. Maxwell, of the 3rd garrison batt. son of Capt. Maxwell, Westwater, to Miss Mary Moffat, daughter of Mr. James Moffat, surgeon, Langholm.
"Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (1 October 1839), 2
From London, on Saturday last [28 September], whence she sailed the 11th June, the barque Amelia Thompson, 477 tons, Captain Dawson, with 209 Bounty Emigrants, under the superintendence of Dr. Ensco. Passengers . . . Messrs. James and William Maxwell . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: His (? only) son James (b. 21 May 1818; baptised, Langholm, 1 June; d. Meadow Flat, NSW, 28 August 1866)
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1874), 1
MAXWELL. - November 28, at Esk Bank, the residence of Thomas Brown, Esq., his brother-in-law,
Brevet Captain William Maxwell, late of the 14th Regiment of Foot, son of the late David Maxwell, Esq., of Broomholm, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, aged 81 years.
Was with Lord Hill's division of army through the Peninsular War,
and received a medal and three clasps for battles "Toulouse, "Orthes," and "Nivelle."
ASSOCIATIONS: William's sister, Mary (c. 1804-1878) married Thomas Brown (1811-1889) at Langholm on 5 June 1838; they emigrated to NSW with William and his son James, and settled in the Lithgow valley on their property Eskbank (residence built c. 1841-42)
Other sources:
Diary of James Murray, Warrawang (near Wallerawang, NSW), 9 November 1848 to 28 June 1850; manuscript original in private collection; see also transcript at National Library of Australia; original spellings retained below, but some punctuation added
November 1st 1848: Wednesday A fine day; William, Matthew, the Boys, and I went and felled down a tree to split into slabs; we came home to tea; fine night.
Monday 15th [January 1849]: A fine day; I rode down to Wallerawang and stoped all night; I met with Mr. A. Brown, Mrs. and Miss De Phillipstall; we had a dance at night.
Tuesday 16th: A fine day; I came home after Breakfast; Matt has got all the wheat ready for the Miller; William was working in the garden; a fine night.
Monday 22nd [April 1849]: . . . Matt went to Wallerwang; he stoped all night to dance; frosty
Friday 25th [May 1849]: A very cold day with snow; I was copying music for Sybella; Matt went up to hear preaching; he brought home a letter from my sister mentioning that my Brother William died on the 15th December 1848, and was buried on the 20th . . .
Tuesday 29th: A dul cold day; Mr. Thomas Brown came home from Sydney; he brought me a walking staff and a gardener's knife . . .
Friday June 1st [1849]: A fine day; Mr. Maxwell and I came to Wallerowang to dinner and got to Warrawang to tea; found all well at night; a little rain.
Saturday 2d: A dul cold day; Mr. Maxwell the Boys and I sawd above a 100 logs for the fire; wet.
Sunday 3d: A wet day; I read a chapter and Sermon . . .
Monday 4th: A very cold [day]. Mr. Maxwell was copying music. I was copying some for Sybella . . . ; frosty.
Tuesday 5th: A dul cold day it had been a very heavy frost . . . Mr. Maxwell and I put in the rhubarb plants.
Wednesday 6th: A fine day. W. Maxwell the Boys and I put in a number of Rasberry bushes . . .
Wednesday 29th [August 1849]: A wet day and cold; nothing doing.
Thursday 30th: A cold showery day; I was copying music for Alison Walker; it was a very cold night with rain & snow.
Friday 31st: A col day; the ground is laying white with snow . . .
Saturday 20th [October 1849]; A fine day; Mr. Maxwell and I had a walk to the black fellow's camp; it came on to thunder and rain; it would do good.
Thursday 29th [November 1849] A showry day; I went out and shot a few parrots. Mr. Maxwell was writing music . . .
Friday 30th: A fine day cloudy; Mr. Maxwell and I heeled up some of the potatoes . . .
Wednesday 19th [December 1849]: A fine day; Mr. Maxwell was copying music; I was hoeing weeds among the Rasps; James and George were getting fire wood and wheeling dung into the garden; fine & cold.
Thursday 20th: A dul day with a little thunder and a little rain; Mr. Maxwell was copying music; I was working on the Map; a dull night.
Friday 21st. A fine day cloudy; Mr. Maxwell was copying music; Mrs. Brown [of] Cooerwull sent us two young pigs and a hive of bees by there servant; fine.
Saturday 22d: A fine day; Mr. Maxwell was copying music; Matt made a house in the garden for the Bees . . .
Tuesday January 1st 1850: A fine day; I finish the fly vail; Matthew made a whip for Mr. T. Brown; Mr. Maxwell was copying music . . .
Wednesday 2d: A dul morning; Mr. Maxwell went a way; Matthew went with him . . .
Thursday 2d [May 1850]: A fine day, blowey; Mr. Maxwell was copying music; I was pruning some trees in the garden . . .
Tuesday 7th: A fine day . . . Robert, Fred and I walked up to the road; Mr. Maxwell came up in the coach [from Sydney]; he brought a lot of music; fine night.
Thursday 13th [June 1850]: A fine day; cloudy; Mr. Maxwell was copying music and I was squaring paper for Music . . .
Saturday 15th: A cold day with a little rain; Mr. Maxwell and I were copying music; frosty.
Sunday 16th: A dul day; I read a chapter and sermon; Mr. Campbell and Mr. George came to dinner; it came on to snow they went away for home.
Monday 17th: A dul day; Mr. Maxwell and I were copying music; Nelly took out the sheep . . .
Tuesday 18th: A dul cold day; Mr. Maxwell went away for Cooerwull . . .
Wednesday 19th: A dul day with a little snow; the ground is laying about half a foot of snow . . .
Thursday 20th: A dul day; I was making candles . . .
Friday 21st: A fine day; I finished making candles; I made in all 15 dozen . . .
Friday 28th: A fine day; cold; George and I put in 9 young trees and 13 filberts which I brought from Cooerwul; it was a very coarse night with rain and snow.
Saturday 29th: A fine day; very cold; it had been a very heard frost during the night and snow; I was copying Ellard's Violin tutor for George; cold frosty.
Sunday 30th: A fine day; I read a chapter and sermon; Little Jeaney came to see Nelly; cold frosty.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Murray (diarist, farmer, amateur musician, near neighbour of Maxwell's);
also Murray mentioned that he himself had copied some music, on 4 June 1849, for his daughter Sybella (1832-1891; Mrs. Henry Baylis);
and, on 29 June 1850, "Ellard's Violin tutor" for his son George (1837-1910);
the book in question, otherwise unidentifiable, had presumably been purchased, sometime in the previous decade,
from Francis Ellard (Sydney musicseller)
Musical sources:
Music and other items from the collection of William Maxwell, in Murray family music manuscripts and printed music, c. 1845-2000; State Library of New South Wales, Murray family further papers, 1793-2010, series 4, MLMSS 9923, boxes 17-22

Manuscript book - minuets (MLMSS 9923/1703)
MLMSS 9923/1703 - Manuscript music - a set of minuets scored for 2 violins and bass = MLMSS 9923/1884 (below) nos. 12-17; ? in the hand of William Maxwell
Violin duets Luigi Borghi (MLMSS 9923/1886 and 1889)
MLMSS 9923/1886 - on spine "Borghi / Primo"; on flyleaf: "W'm Maxwell" [Violino primo]
MLMSS 9923/1889 - on spine "Borghi / Secondo"; on flyleaf: "W'm Maxwell" [Violino secondo]

A second set of six duets for two violins (in two books) composed and humbly dedicated to his patrons and friends in England by Lewis Borghi, book 1 (London: Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard and Davis . . . 26, Cheapside, [? 1801])
A second set of six duets for two violins (in two books) composed and humbly dedicated to his patrons and friends in England by Lewis Borghi, book 2 (London: Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard and Davis . . . 26, Cheapside, [? 1801])

Sei divertimenti per due violini umilmente dedicati a sua excellenza Monsieur D'Ageno,
ministro della S. R. di Genova alla corte di Londra, da Luigi Borghi, op. 3a
(London: Printed by Broderip and Wilkinson, No. 13 Hay Market, [? 1805]);
1886 inscribed "Westwater Octo'r 11 1810 / Cap't David Maxwell";
1889 inscribed "Captain David Maxwell Westwater"
See here for another edition of the Divertimenti

Arcangelo Corelli - solo sonatas, op. 5 (MLMSS 9923/1885)
Preludi allemande correnti gigue sarabande gavotte e follia da Arcangelo Corello parte seconda [op. 5, nos. 1-12] (London: Printed by Preston & Son at their Warehouses 97, Strand, [n.d.])

Corelli - trio sonatas, opp. 1-4 (MLMSS 9923/1887 and 1890)
MLMSS 9923/1887 - on spine: "Corelli / Primo"; on flyleaf: "W'm Maxwell" [Violino primo, bound in order opp. 1, 4, 2, 3]
MLMSS 9923/1890 - on spine: "Corelli / Secondo"; on flyleaf: "W'm Maxwell" [Violino secondo, bound in sequence opp. 1-4]
Arcangelo Corelli opera prima XII sonatas of three parts for two violins and a bass with a through bass for the organ harpsichord or arch lute engraved from the score and carefully corrected by the best Italian masters (London: Printed for J. Walsh . . . in Katherine Street . . . No. 364, [n.d.])
Arcangelo Corelli opera seconda XII sonatas of three parts for two violins and a bass with a through bass for the organ harpsichord or arch lute engraved from the score and carefully corrected by the best Italian masters (London: Printed for J. Walsh . . . in Katherine Street . . . No. 365, [n.d.])
Arcangelo Corelli opera terza XII sonatas of three parts for two violins and a bass with a through bass for the organ harpsichord or arch lute engraved from the score and carefully corrected by the best Italian masters (London: Printed for J. Walsh . . . in Katherine Street . . . No. 366, [n.d.])
Arcangelo Corelli opera quarte XII sonatas of three parts for two violins and a bass with a through bass for the organ harpsichord or arch lute engraved from the score and carefully corrected by the best Italian masters (London: Printed for J. Walsh . . . in Katherine Street . . . [on secondo only] No. 367, [n.d.])

William Maxwell - manuscript copy book (MLMSS 9923/1884)
MLMSS 9923/1884 - on front cover" Secondo"; on front flyleaf recto "William Maxwell"
except where indicated otherwise, individual items below appear to be secondo violin parts
[1a] Russian Pas Redoble / Forzio (pastedown on front flyleaf verso)
[1b] Russian Pas Redoble (1)
[2] Quick Step by Walsh (1)
[3] O say not Woman's Heart is bought (1)
[4] Overture, Lady of the manor [James Hook, 3 movements] (2-3)
[5] Waltz by Rosini (4)
[6] The Green Hills of Tyrol (4)
[7] Waltz (the Vow) . . . By P. Maxwell (4)
[8] Alpine Waltz (5)
[9] Mazurka (5)
[10] Bennett's Waltz (5)
[11] Lord Hill's Waltz (5)
[12] Minuet No. 1 (6) = MLMSS 9923/1703 (above) Minuets 1-6
[13] Minuet No. 2 (6)
[14] Minuet No. 3 (6)
[15] Minuet No. 4 (6)
[16] Minuet No. 5 (7)
[17] Minuet No. 6 (7)
[18] How imperfect is expression (7)
[19] Spanish Dance (7)
[20a] The Mill End Quadrilles (1st Sett) No. 1. The Naiades (8)
[20b] -----------------------------------No. 2. The Oceanides (8)
[20c] -----------------------------------No. 3. The Pleaides (8)
[20d] -----------------------------------No. 4. The Sibyllae (9)
[20e] -----------------------------------No. 5. The Nereides (9)
[21] Princes Victoria's Waltz (9)
[22a] The Clifton Quadrilles - No. 1 (10)
[22b] -------------------------No. 2. La Calliope (10)
[22c] -------------------------No. 3. La Clio (10)
[22d] -------------------------No. 4. La Terpsichore (11)
[22e] -------------------------No. 5. La Finale (11)
[23] [Untitled, G major 3/8] (11)
[24] We met! (12)
[25] Bony Prince Charlie [sic] (12)
[26] The Rosa Waltz [piano score, copied upside down] (13)
[27] Caledonian Quadrilles Nos. 1-5 (14-15)
[28] Spanish Saraband [piano score] (15)
[29] The Mill End Quadrilles (2d Sett) Nos. 1-5 (16-17)
[30] Triumph (17)
[31] [Untitled, quadrille set, 5 movements] (18-19)
[32a] Hart's "Hunter of Tyrol" or Alpine Quadrilles. No. 1 (20)
[32b] -----------------------------------------------No. 2. "Rose of Tyrol" (20)
[32c] -----------------------------------------------No. 3. "The Old Oak Tree" (20)
[32d] -----------------------------------------------No. 4. "Alpine Evening Song" (21)
[32e] -----------------------------------------------No. 5. "The Alpine Maiden's Song" (21)
[33a] Hart's 13th Sett of Quadrilles. No. 1. Macbeth (22)
[33b] --------------------------------No. 2. Macduff (22)
[33c] --------------------------------No. 3. The Witches (22)
[33d] --------------------------------No. 4. Banquo (23)
[33e] --------------------------------No. 5. The Echo (23)
[34a] First Sett of Waverley Quadrilles. No. 1. (24)
[34b] -----------------------------------No. 2. Davie Gallately (24)
[34c] -----------------------------------No. 3. Rose Bradwardine (24)
[34d] -----------------------------------No. 4. Flora Mac Iver (25)
[34e] -----------------------------------No. 5. Fergus Mac Iver (25)
[35a] [Untitled quadrilles] No. 1. Le Pantalon [piano score] (26)
[35b] ----------------------No. 2. L'Ete [piano score] (26)
[35c] ----------------------No. 3. La Poule [piano score] (27)
[36] The Charming Woman [violin duo score] (28)

[37] The Goulburn polka [piano score, piece of that title published Sydney Woolcott and Clarke 1852] (29)
[38] The Native Flower Polka [piano score, C. W. F. Stier, published Sydney, 1851] (29)
[39] [Untitled, ? dance set, 5 movements] (30-21)
[40] Sonata [D major] - [a] Andante; [b] Siciliano; [c] Pomposo (32-33)
[41] Tartan Pladie [first part on page, second part on foldout] (33)
[42] Dance by Sig. Morie [sic, ? Mori] (33)
[43] Aileen Baidach / Old Highland Air [melody] (34)[44] Since I am Doomed [? melody] (34)
[45] Grand Parade (34) - [duo, second part on foldout]
[46] Black Dance / Primo [melody] (34)
[47] [Untitled] (35)
[48] Stratton Cassino (35)
[49] Trip to Bude (35)
[50] Dame February / Primo (36)
[51] [Untitled, C major] (36)
[52] [Untitled, C major] (36-37)
[53] [Untitled, C major] (37)
[54] [2 untitled waltzes, F major, G major] (38)
[55] [3 untitled waltzes, all B flat major] (39)
[56] Weber's last Waltz [set, piano score] (40-41)
[57] [Untitled waltz, D major] (41)
[58] [Untitled, 4 movements or pieces] (42-43)
[59] [Untitled waltz set, 3 movements] (44-45)
[60] [Untitled, G major (46-47)
[61] Robin Adair (48-49)
[62] Rondo [violin duo score] (49)
[63a] Royal Ensign Quadrilles. No. 1. Pantalon; No. 2. L'Ete; No. 3. La Poul [melody] (50)
[64] The Sunset Waltz [melody] (51)
[65] [Untitled, D major] (52)
[63b] [? Royal Ensign Quadrilles, melody] No. 4. La Trenise; No. 5. Finale (53)
[66] Here's a health to the Queen & Prince Albert (54)
[67] [Untitled, B flat major] (54)
[68] [Quadrille set, piano score] No. 1. When a little Farm we keep;
No. 2. March to the Battle Field; No. 4 [sic] Up and war them-a-Willie;
No. 5. The Laird o'Cockpen ([55]-[57])
[69] [Untitled, E flat major, piano score, 2 movements] ([58])
[70] [Untitled quadrille set, melody] Pantalon; L'Ete; La Poule; La Trenise; Finale ([59]-[61])
[71] [Untitled, B flat major, bass part] ([61])
[72] Saw ye Johnnie coming quo she [piano score] ([62] plus foldout)
[73] [Quadrille set, melody] No. 1. Pantalon; No. 2. L'Ete; No. 3. La Poul;
No. 4. Columba a Tortorella (Mozart); No. 5. An old man would be wooing ([63]-[64])
[74] [Untitled waltz, G major, melody] ([64])
[75] [Quadrille set, melody] No. 1. Pantalon or Le Gureen Volage; No. 2. Le Pas d'Ete; [3 untitled];
No. 4. Le Neuvel An; No. 5. Cosi L'Amour (Vaudeville) ([65]-[66])
[76] [Untitled, B flat major] ([66])
[77] Gallopade [piano score] ([67])
[78] [Untitled, melody, C major] ([68], [69] blank)
[79] [Untitled, bass part and treble part, G major] ([70]-[71])
[80] [Untitled, D major, incomplete] ([72], [73] blank)
[81] Bonnie Bessie Lee [piano score] ([74]-[75])
[82] Pestal [vocal and piano score, on explanatory slip: ". . . Written by W. H. Bellamy. Arranged by C. E. Horn"] ([76]-[78])
[83] [Untitled, C major] ([79])
[84a] Kinloch [D major, melody] ([79])
[84b] Kinloch [E flat major, melody = the above up a semitone] ([80])
[85] [Untitled, melody, incomplete, G major] ([81])
[86] [Untitled, melody, G major] ([81])
[87] [Untitled, melody, D major, = [80] above] ([82]-[83])
[88] [Untitled, melody, E flat major] ([83]-[84])
[89] [Untitled, melody, B flat major] ([84])
MUSIC CONCORDANCES: See here for the original 1851 Sydney printed edition of The native flower polka (by Charles Stier)
The Warrawang quadrilles (MLMSS 9923/1891-92)
A dance program for a ball at the Murray's residence, Warrawang, probably sometime in the early 1850s; probably devised by and in the hand of William Maxwell
[folio 1r] Programme / of the / EVENINGS MUSICAL / PERFORMANCES / At / Warrawang
1 A Spanish Air
2 Les Chatts Quadrilles
3 La la la
4 Miss MEIN's March
5 Les Rats Quadrilles
7 London March
8 Austrian Retreat
9 Galopade Quadrilles
10 The German Waltz
11 An Italian Air
13 Tic E Tic Waltz
14 The Celebrated German Minuet
15 The Warrawang Quadrilles
16 The Wolgan Waltz (German)
17 The Gipsy Girl
18 The Clifton Quadrilles
20 A French March
21 Trab Trab Quadrilles
22 Sunset Waltz
23 Saw ye JOHNNIE coming
24 Caledonian Quadrilles
25 Lady BRUCE's Waltz
26 Savourna Deelish
27 RORY O'MORE Quadrilles
28 Capt' FLETCHER's Waltz
29 Carlione
30 Royal Ensign Quadrilles
31 Masaniello Waltz
32 Lord HARDWICK's March
33 Quadrille A La Tyroleon
34 New German Waltz
35 The KING of Prussia's March
36 The Birks of Invermay
37 The Pantheon Cotillion
38 Scotch Set of Quadrilles
39 The Strathbogie Waltz
40 Caller Herring or I'll never leave thee
41 Royal Blue Jacket Quadrilles
42 The Antwerp Waltz
43 Coolun
44 The West India Quadrilles
45 French Waltz

(From the Musical World)
Oppressed I mourn
Three-quarters madv
Money gone
Credit none
Duns at door
Half a score
Wife in lain
Twins again
Others ailing
Nurse a railing
Billy hooping
Betsy crouping
Besides poor Joe
With fester'd toe
Come, then, my Fiddle
Come, my time-worn friend
With gay and brilliant sounds
Some sweet tho' transient solace lend
Thy polished neck in close embrace
I clasp, while joy illumes my face.
When o'er thy strings I draw my bow
My drooping spirit pants to rise
A lively strain I touch - and lo!
I seem to mount above the skies.
There on Fancy's wing I soar,
Heedless of the duns at door;
Oblivious all! I feel my woes no more;
But skip o'er the strings,
As my old Fiddle sings,
"Cheerily oh! merrily go!
"Presto! good master,
"You very well know
"That I will find Music,
"If you will find bow,
"From E, up in alto, to G, down below."
Fatigued, I pause to change the time
For some Adagio, solemn and sublime.
With graceful action moves the sinuous arm;
My heart, responsive to the soothing charm,
Throbs equably; whilst every health-corroding care
Lies prostrate, vanquished by the soft mellifluous air.
More and more plaintive grown, my eyes with tears o'erflow,
And Resignation mild, soon smooths my wrinkled brow,
Reedy Hautboy may squeak, wailing Flauto may squall
The Serpent may grunt, and the Trombone may bawl;
But, by Poll,* my old FIDDLE's the prince of them all.
Could e'en Dryden return, thy praise to rehearse,
His Ode to Cecilia would seem rugged verse.
Now to thy case, in flannel warm to lie,
Till call'd again to pipe thy master's eye.
* Apollo.
See original, "THE POOR FIDDLER'S ODE TO HIS OLD FIDDLE", The musical world [London, England] (5 August 1841), 88 (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
William Fraser, The book of Carlaverock, memoirs of the Maxwells, earls of Nithsdale, lords Maxwell & Herries (Edinburgh: Privately printed for William lord Herries, 1873), 596 (DIGITISED)
Edward J. Cowan (ed.), Chronicles of Muckledale, being the memoirs of Thomas Beattie of Muckledale, 1736-1827 ([Edinburgh]: The European Ethnological Research Centre, [? 2017]), 295-97 (DIGITISED)
[32] . . . There was at that time a noted Fiddler in Langholm called Robert Elliot. My Father was much delighted with Robert's music altho he sometimes criticised it most injudiciously. But nothing would please my father but I must enter to Robert as a scholar and learn to play as he did. I was therefore entered to Robert in Autumn, 1751, and began playing upon a little half fiddle, sent me in compliment by an acquaintance of my Father's. This Robert Elliot came from the same quarter of the country where Kick Malerie resided, who I noticed before. Robert's father was a fiddler taught by Kick. Robert began his playing with his father and afterwards went to different places seeking improvement where he could meet with it, but he had never been regularly taught. He could read very little but, by the help of an excellent ear and famous hands, his execution was singular. Mr Maxwell of Broomhold [i.e. Broomholm], who is an excellent judge and published a much admired treatise upon music,[endnote 53] says he was the first performer of Scott's music he ever heard and a musician who had been in the Duke of Buccleugh's Fencibles. Speaking of Elliot, [he] said to me "Oh, music died when he died, for I have been over all Scotland and I never yet heard his equal." But if he was distinguished in his profession he was defective enough in other respects being a man of neither capacity nor economy; he lived and died in poverty. Under this man I began to scrape but made very little progress for, altho he played exceedingly well himself, he did so from no sort of theory but merely from the impulse of a Musical genius and as it was impossible for him to communicate this to his Scholars he was a bad Teacher.
ASSOICATIONS: Printed anonymously, but attributed to "Mr. Maxwell"/ John Maxwell; An essay upon tune. Being an attempt to free the scale of music, and the tune of instruments, from imperfection (Edinburgh: Printed for C. Elliot, 1781) (DIGITISED)
In has also been attributed to Francis Kelly Maxwell (1729-1782), chaplain to the Magdalen Asylum, London; see also anonymous later London edition (London: William Boag, 1794) (DIGITISED)
[256] In the year 1792 David Maxwell, son of Mr. Maxwell, Broomholm, got a part of John Scott's farm of Hopsrigg, viz. the low part of Westwater . . .
[288] In the beginning of this year or end of 1804 our good old friend John Maxwell of Broomholm . . .
[295] . . . I mentioned that our good old friend Mr Maxwell of Broomholm was [296] to be interred . . . I mentioned that he was struck with a Palsy sometime before; he continued much in the same way to the beginning of March, 1806, when, on a sudden, he had another shock which deprived him of almost all motion and he continued to doze for some days and then departed calmly without any struggle. He was a man, take him for all and all, I shall not live to see his like again, at least not in our country . . . Mr. Maxwell's oldest son, Captain George Maxwell, succeeded to the Estate of Broomholm, he is a very sensible man and is esteemed very charitable to the poor, but of strange, stiff, unaccommodating temper, keeps no sort of company and seems to regard no man . . .
David Maxwell, farmer in Westwater, is Mr. Maxwell's next oldest surviving son; he was likewise bred to the Army. He was first in the Militia and afterwards went to the East Indies in the Company's service but before he went away he had contracted an intimate connection with one Anne Park, only a shepherd's daughter, but an exceeding pretty woman and had privately married her, but durst not acknowledge it to his father, but went away greatly against his will. After he was gone old Mr Maxwell found out about the marriage, took the girl home and behaved like a father to her all the time David was in India. Some time after he went away she brought forth [297] a son who was named David. She seemed inconsolable all the time he was in India and he stayd there with ill will, did no good and in about 7 or 8 years came home pretending bad health. He lived with his wife but as they had no proper residence, Mr. Maxwell applied to the Duke and got them first a part in Westwater and, upon John Scott's demise, they got the whole of Westwater and Loganhead, so that he has now one of the largest and best farms upon the Buccleugh Estate, but David has turnd out a sort of trifling character, seems to have relish for nothing but playing on the Fiddle. He has by his wife a numerous family but he is seldom at home and seems to pay little regard either to them or his business . . .
Brianna Robertson-Kirkland, Radical object: programme of the evening's musical performances at Warrawang; History workshop, digital magazine (posted 12 January 2022)
MAY, Mr. (Mr. MAY)
Teacher of dancing, deportment, and calisthenics, violinist
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles D'Albert
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 March 1853), 8
MR. MAY (late Assistant to Monsieur D'Albert, the celebrated composer of dancing music and teacher of Dancing, London),
has the honor of announcing to the ladies and gentlemen of Melbourne and its vicinity that he intends opening Classes for the above accomplishment,
in the Protestant Hall, on Monday, the 7th March instant.
Mr. M. will introduce for the first time in Melbourne, the most recent, new, and much admired Dance, La Gorlitza;
also, the much admired Scotch style of Dancing, as practised and danced in that country before Her Majesty the Queen at Balmoral.
Mr. May will be in attendance at the Hall on Friday the 4th, and Saturday the 5th inst.,
between the hours of twelve and two o'clock, to enter pupils and make arrangements as to hours of attendance, &c.,
and he hopes that parties intending to send their young friends to join his Classes, will do him the honor of meeting him there in order to make the necessary arrangements.
Boarding Schools and Private Families attended. Terms, per quarter, in advance, £2 2s.
A few violin pupils wanted.
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 April 1853), 10
Dancing, Deportment, and Calisthenic Exercises.
MR. MAY, Teacher of the above at the Holbourne Academy, and late assistant to Mons. Charles D'Albert, London,
has the honor to announce that he is open to engagement for attending Schools and Families,
either for dancing, drill, or calisthenic exercises; also, that he has commenced a class at Miss C. Drager's establishment for Young Ladies, Richmond.
Address 123, Flinders-street, east.
MAY, Elsa (Miss THOMPSON; Mrs. Boothroyd FAIRCLOUGH)
Soprano vocalist
Born Melbourne, VIC, ?
Arrived Townsville, QLD, February 1880 (from Singapore)

"Townsville", Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (7 February 1880), 2
[News], Mackay Mercury and South Kennedy Advertiser (28 February 1880), 2
The Shakespearian and operatic entertainments given by Mr. Fairclough and Miss May at the School of Arts Theatre, on Thursday and last evening, were much beyond anything of the kind that has ever been witnessed in Mackay. Mr. Faircough is a first-class actor. Miss May is a well finished and accomplished vocalist, and is fairly entitled to the honour of being "Prima Donna of the East" . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (17 April 1880), 12
"THE OPERA. SATANELLA", The Argus (26 April 1880), 6
The Opera house was filled on Saturday night by an audience eager to make acquaintance with the debutante, Miss Elsa May, concerning whom report had been busy with favourable rumours. Balfe's admirable opera, "Satanella," was the work chosen for representation . . . Elsa May is the nom de theatre adopted by the young lady who played the part of Satanella on Saturday night We are informed that she is a native of this city and that during the last four or five years she has been travelling in India and the East in the exercise of her profession as the leading lady of a dramatic and musical company. In facial appearance she is intelligent and very pleasing in figure petite and at present apparently of delicate physique, she speaks her words with rare deliberation for a vocalist, and shows that she knows how to carry herself upon the stage. Her voice is a pure soprano of a round and flute like quality, and produced in fine volume and apparently with perfect ease as far as we heard it - namely, to the very high note D in alt, which she sang in the duet between Ahrimanes and Satanella in the third act. Miss Elsa May is fortunate in the possession of an organ of rare quality and one which is well equalised throughout the whole register. It is perfectly free from vibration, and is altogether a most sweet organ to listen to. A profound silence fell upon the audience as she commenced (in the scene of "The Demon's Tower ) the recitative, "Myself once more, the page I cease to play," and the admirable quality of her pure tones made itself felt in every ear. The more rhythmic movement, " There's a power whose sway" - generally known as "The Power of Love" - was taken in well measured tempo, and with admirably clear delivery, the value of every word, and every tone was given with such intelligent and sympathetic phrasing as was especially grateful to those who attach due weight to that important branch of vocalisation. The charm of this performance was complete, and the young singer was enthusiastically applauded. Amidst cheers and bravas and much stamping and hand clapping she was literally pelted with bouquets and wreaths - the latter, from the number of them, showing that many friends had come prepared to recognise the native talent of a young and gifted townswoman. The approval was unanimous and emphatic throughout the whole house, no matter whether it was spontaneous or premeditated, it expressed unbounded admiration, and was fairly won by the charming young singer. The curtain was raised upon the conclusion of this act (the musical finale to which was not well managed), and after that the young prima donna was honoured with a special recall. The quality of her performance and her reception in the first act may be taken as the measure of her success through out the entire opera. Satanella is one of the most arduous parts through out the whole range of English opera - the heavy work to be performed when on the stage, and the constant changing of dress when behind the scenes, taxing the best energies of the most robust of performers. Miss May, although of slight physique stood this test well, singing with great brilliancy and power in the duet before referred to and giving splendid effect to the final trio, in which her solo passages were marked with excellent musical feeling, and most satisfactory histrionic power. The only want which we could name in connexion with this young lady's first appearance is one which may not be felt when she shall have over come the nervousness inseparable from such an occasion, namely, a slight lack of warmth in some situations wherein such a display would have been conducive to higher effect, but we may refer more particularly to the subject at some other time should it appear to us that it still requires notice. Miss May was recalled after each act except the third (wherein the thunderbolt was mismanaged, and the climax marred) and may be congratulated upon having made a genuine and legitimate success . . .
"BIRTHS", The Argus (28 June 1800), 1
"THEATRICAL NOTES", Launceston Examiner (30 June 1880), 3
Miss Elsa May (Mrs B. Fairclough) recently made her debut in opera in Melbourne, in connection with Mr. W. S. Lyster's company, and is very highly spoken of. Mrs Fairclough is a sister of Mr. J. Thompson the talented leader of the Mammoth Orchestra, and whose violin solos were much appreciated here.
"THE FAIRCLOUGH ENTERTAINMENT", Gippsland Times (7 May 1884), 3
"On and off the Stage", Table Talk (6 January 1899), 8
WHEN the run of The Belle of New York is over, Mr. George Musgrove intends to produce another musical comedy of the same type, The American Beauty, in which Miss Elsa May, the Australian prima donna is to appear. In private life Miss May is Mrs Fairclough, wife of the once well-known tragedian.
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1906), 4
MAY, John (John MAY)
Musician, bandsman, Band of the 3rd Regiment (Buffs)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1823-1827
See also Band of the 3rd Regiment
London, National Archives, PRO, WO12/2118: 3rd Regiment of Foot (Buffs) payrolls 1824-26; microfilm copy at SL-NSW: PRO Reel 3695
MAYCOCK, Mrs. (? Eliza TRIGG; Mrs. Bayly MAYCOCK)
Amateur musician, vocalist
Active Perth, WA, 1845
Died Perth, WA, 8 December 1891
"Performance of Sacred Music", Inquirer (14 May 1845), 1
The next was an exquisite air, and trio, of Fitzpatrick, "Father of Mercy", very beautifully sung by Mrs. Maycock, Miss A. Trigg, and Mr. G. Nash . . .
? "Arrival of the Mail Steamer 'Shanghai'", Inquirer (25 May 1853), 1s
"A PUBLIC Tea-Metting", The Inquirer (14 October 1857), 2
"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Inquirer (20 January 1869), 3
"ENTERTAINMENT", The Inquirer (30 August 1871), 3
[Advertisement], The Inquirer (6 March 1872), 2
"AMATEUR CONCERT", The Perth Gazette (8 March 1872), 3
"THE DORCAS SOCIETY'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Inquirer (22 November 1876), 3
? "Deaths", The West Australian (16 December 1891), 4
[News], The Inquirer (9 December 1891), 2
MAYHEW, George (George Holmes MAYHEW; George MAYHEW)
Bellman, bill sticker, hotel keeper, publican
Born USA, c. 1825; son of Truman MAYHEW and Eveline ?
Married (1) Mary Jane WHITTIER, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA, 1845
Active Beechworth, VIC, by 1855
Married (2) Catherine Mary SEXTON (d. 1892), Beechworth, VIC, 1859
Died Wogonga River, NSW, early January 1864, aged "33/34" [sic]
"OLD MEMORIES", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (20 October 1906), 8
Bibliography and resources:
George Holmes Mayhew, Find a grave
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1863
"LAW REPORT", The Argus (12 March 1863), 7
IN RE JOHN MAYNARD. The insolvent, a music-seller of Melbourne was in attendance. No creditors appeared, and the meeting closed.
MAYNE, Daniel (Daniel MEEHAN; Daniel MAYNE; Dan MAYNE)
Amateur musician, organist, journalist, newspaper proprietor, memoirist
Born Windsor, NSW, ? 1828 (? 1831); baptised St. Mary's, Sydney, 4 August 1831; son of James MEEHAN and Mary NOONE
Died Bathurst, NSW, 26 July 1911, aged "85" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Baptisms, St. Mary's chapel (RC), Sydney, NSW, 1831; Biographical database of Australia (BDA) (PAYWALL)
4 August 1831 / Daniel son of / James Meehan and Mary Noon / sponsors Edward Slaney, Mary Slaney
"THE ERRING ORGANIST", The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate [Parramatta, NSW] (6 March 1907), 2
Mr. Dan. Mayne, continuing his reminiscences of arly days at Windsor, refers to the time when he was organist at the R.C. Church.
"I got through all right, and stuck to it for the next 15 months, when, lo! I got into disgrace.
The Homebush races had come on. It was a Saturday, and off I went to see them along with Charlie Eather, of Kurrajong, and a lot of other sporting chaps, principally from Richmond.
We drove to Parramatta (which was then the railway terminus), left our vehicles there, and went on by train.
After the races were over, instead of coming straight home, as I had intended, they persuaded me to go on to Sydney, where a new bowling alley had been opened in Pitt-street.
Eather coaxed me to stay all night.
I protested that I had to play the organ at Windsor at 10 o'clock next morning; but he guaranteed to see that I got there in time.
Alas! The best, laid schemes, etc. I played till I was broke.
Then I caught the first morning train, and drove as hard as I could from Parramatta, but only to reach Windsor just as the church was coming out.
They had had to do without the music.
Father Hallinan apologised for my absence, so I afterwards learned, in terms somewhat thus:
'Mr. Mayne should have been here, but, instead of that, he goes away to the Homebush races, and leaves the church without music.
From this out while I am priest of the parish, he shall not play the organ again.'
And it was so. I never played again. But worse disgrace followed. I had been paid up some months in advance, and Father Hallinan asked me to refund the money.
This I could not do. He thereupon sued me at the District Court, before Judge Cheeke.
I forget who appeared for him - Richard Coley or William Walker.
Any way, I acknowledged the debt, but said I was unable to pay the money just then, but would do so as soon as I could.
I complained of the proceedings adding further expense.
Some time after that I left Windsor, and got into business at Bathurst;
and out of the first money I made I sent down to Father Hallinan a draft for £30, to cover the refund and the costs.
A nice letter came back from the priest, thanking me, and wishing me all sorts of prosperity.
ASSOCIATIONS: Patrick Hallinan (d. 1903) was appointed priest at Windsor in 1852 and served there until 1874
"DAN MAYNE", Windsor and Richmond Gazette (5 August 1911), 12
Bibliography and resources:
Daniel Mayne, Find a grave
MAYNE, Ensign (Robert MAINE, MAIN)
Musician, cornopean player, soldier
Active Parramatta, NSW, 1844-45
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 58th Regiment (military)
Paylist of the 58th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1844; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/6744 (DIGITISED)
Ensigns / Main Robert / Embarked for N.S.Wales 14th May
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 September 1844), 2
"PARRAMATTA. POLICE OFFICE", The Australian (28 December 1844), 3
"PARRAMATTA. POLICE OFFICE", The Australian (13 February 1845), 4
It may be in the recollection of some of our readers, that about six weeks' since a man named Fullerd [Fullard], (a ticket-of-leave holder, by trade a musical instrument maker,) was committed for trial for embezzlement, in disposing of several articles entrusted to his care for reparation, but which, owing to there being a point of law, the Attorney General declined prosecuting, and Fullerd was dealt with summarily by the Bench, by the cancellation of his ticket-of-leave, and his being placed on Cockatoo Island. Among the articles missing was a cornopean, the property of Ensign Mayne, of the 58th Regt., given to him to take a dinge out, which he admitted selling to Mr. Cohen, of the Hall of Arts, George-street, Sydney, but which the latter, on being called on at that time to produce, stated his inability to do so, on account of having disposed of it . . .
"LAW INTELLIGENCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1845), 2
MISDEMEANOR. Edward Daniel Cohen appeared on the floor of the Court to take his trial, an information having been filed against him for that he, on the 29th January, 1845, "unlawfully did receive and have one cornopean of the value of £6 sterling, and one horn of the value of £6 sterling, and one cornopean case of the value of £1 sterling, the property, goods, and chattels of one Robert Main . . . The SOLICITOR-GENERAL briefly stated the case, and then called James Flannaghan, band-master of H.M. 58th Regiment, who deposed to the effect, that he had received the cornopean in question from Mr. Main for the purpose of selling; that there was a dint in it, and that he gave it to Fullard, who was a musical instrument maker, and was frequently employed by him, to take the dint out, telling him at the same time that the instrument was for sale, and if he heard of a purchaser to refer to him . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Maitland Mercury (13 June 1849), 3
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