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The Hobart Town Concerts of 1826-27

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "The Hobart Town Concerts of 1826-27", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 26 March 2025


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John Philip Deane and family

The Sydney Amateur Concerts of 1826-27

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (6 September 1823), 2 

TAVISTOCK HOTEL TO LET. THE PROPRIETOR of this Tavern finding himself unable to attend to his business, owing to ill health, will be happy to let his Establishment on a Lease, for such a term of years as may be agreed upon. The House is substantially built, very commodious, and commands a fine view over the town, shipping, and harbour; it has an Assembly Room, and good Cellars; a small but productive garden; and large yard for stabling and other purposes. The premises are situated in Harrington-street, near the Police Office. *** Board & Lodging, with Dinners dressed, as usual. - The Assembly Room may be engaged for Dancing or Concerts.

"To the EDITOR", Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser (18 February 1825), 3

To the EDITOR. SIR, - The liberal and patriotic warmth discernable in your Journal while it shews you are determined to advocate every measure that can make the Colonists happy, induces me to join you in an earnest wish that races were established near Hobart Town as they have long been at Launceston. At present the Inhabitants of this place have no recreation whatever; and it is high time, Sir, that not only ourselves, but our wives and daughters should enjoy some of the pleasures they have been accustomed to elsewhere. Let a respectable monthly ball and concert be subscribed for; let the military band be ordered to play in the Paddock every fine evening; let a walk be prepared round it; let us have a regatta, now and then; and races once a year; and cricket grounds for Gentlemen; and a bowling green; and a good road more than one way out of town; and good roads in town; and then, Sir, then, I shall be satisfied. JOHN BULL.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (30 December 1825), 4 

AT the Request of several respectable Inhabitants, of Hobart Town, the Advertiser begs leave to state, that his Assembly Room will be attended with the best Music and Attendance twice a Week, Mondays and Fridays, or as otherwise bespoke. - None admitted but those invited. DANIEL KELLY 29, Bathurst-street.

"Dinner to Major Abbott", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (10 February 1826), 3 

On Wednesday, a splendid Entertainment was given at Stodart's Hotel, by the Gentlemen of Hobart Town, to this Veteran Officer and truly-respected Colonist, on the occasion of his appointment by His Majesty to be Civil Commandant at Launceston. A. F. Kemp, Esq. in the Chair; Dr. Hood, Vice. It is impossible to do justice to the merits of Mr. Stodart in getting up this Entertainment . . . Several excellent songs were given by different Gentlemen, particularly by Mr. Roberts and Mr. Deane, who with some other amateurs, sung favourite catches and glees, in a manner which afforded ample compensation for the want of the newly arrived Band of the 40th Regt., which, we lament to say, was refused . . .

ASSOCIATIONS: Three Mr. Roberts were employed in the Commissariat in the 1820s; Peter Roberts was a Deputy Assistant Commissary General in 1826; the other two were the brothers (? twins), John Llewellyn Roberts, later a merchant and brewer (died Hobart, 15 June 1832, aged 44), and Robert Arthur Roberts (died Hobart 2 June 1870, aged 82); thanks to family historian A. L. Waugh for this information.

"DIED", The Hobart Town Courier (22 June 1832), 2 

John Philip Deane (1796-1849); image from Orchard 1952, plate after page 30

The status and current whereabouts of the original, the only reported portrait of Deane, is unknown.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (11 August 1826), 1 

Amateur Subscription Concert
Under the Patronage of the principal Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its Vicinity
THE Public are respectfully informed, that an AMATEUR SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT under distinguished Patronage, will take place in the Large Room, at the British Hotel, do the evening of Thursday the 7th September next.

By received Permission of the Commandant, the Band of the 40th Regiment, will lend their powerful aid. Full particulars of the Concert will be arranged by a Committee of Ladies and Gentlemen, and will in due time be published.

As it is intended that the number of Subscribers shall be limited, those Ladies and Gentlemen who propose honouring the Concert with their presence, are requested to favour Mr. J. P. Deane, Elizabeth-street with their names without delay.

*.* Ticket of Admission (not transferable) will be ready for delivery in about three weeks, price 15s. sterling each. Double Tickets to admit one Lady, and Gentleman; or two Ladies, 1 Guinea sterling.

[Advertisement], Hobart Town Gazette (2 September 1826), 1

Vice-Patronesses: Mrs. CURR, Mrs. De GILLERN, Mrs. HAMILTON, Mrs. HONE, Mrs. KEMP, Mrs. MONTAGU, Mrs. OAKES, Mrs. PEDDER, Mrs. SORRELL, Mrs. STEPHEN.
The Concert will take Place on Thursday the 14th Instant, at the Court-House. - Application for Tickets (which will be ready in a few Days) to be made to Mr. DEANE, price 10s. - Sterling. Where more than two are taken in one Family, the third and each succeeding Ticket 5s. Tickets not transferable.

[News], Hobart Town Gazette (2 September 1826), 4 

The last Sydney Concert was graced by an original bravura, the composition of Mr. Kavannagh. If it have any claims to such merit as the sweet "Australian Air" with which we are already acquainted, we congratulate our neighbours, but these attempts at originality by so young a people are very bold.

"HARMONY RESTORED", Hobart Town Gazette (2 September 1826), 2 

HARMONY RESTORED. - The lively interest we take in every thing which concerns the Muses makes us hail with joy the approaching Concert. The spacious and lofty hall of the Court House, the use of which, we learn, has been very handsomely permitted, will give a fine effect to the music, which, from the parties concerned, we are sure will be of the first description.

[News], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (8 September 1826), 2

A musical concert, under the patronages of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Arthur, will take place next Thursday, at the Court-house. The Vice-patronesses are, Mrs. Curr, Mrs. De Gillern, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Hone, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Montagu, Mrs. Oakes, Mrs. Pedder, Mrs. Sorell, and Mrs. Stephen. - The conductor is Mr. John Philip Deane.

Detail of plan of Court House, Murray Street, Hobart (plans for alteration to Court House, Colonial Architect's Office); Archives Office of Tasmania (DIGITISED)


Thursday, 28 September 1826

Court House, Murray Street, Hobart, TAS


1 OVERTURE - La fête du village Voisins . . . François Adrien BOIELDIEU (1775-1834)

PERFORMERS: The full band

La fête du village voisin, opera comique, en trois actes . . . par A. Boieldieu (Paris: Chez Boieldieu, n.d.) 

[Vocal score] (Paris: Mme. Veuve Launer, [c. 1845]. Plate Ve. L. 3356.) (DIGITISED)

[Vocal score] (Bruxelles: Lauweryns, n.d.) (DIGITISED)

2 GLEE - Glorious Apollo . . . Samuel WEBBE (1740-1816)

PERFORMERS: John Philip Deane (vocalist); Mr. Langford (vocalist); John Swan (vocalist)

A selection of glees, duetts, canzonets, etc. principally taken from the 9 books published at different periods from the year 1761 by Saml. Webbe, volume 3 (London: Rt. Birchall, [c. 1812]), 36-37 

Modern performance by the Apollo Club, Minneapolis and St. Paul, USA 

3 SONG - The sun that lights the roses . . . Thomas WILLIAMS (d. 1854)

PERFORMER: John Swan (vocalist); ? John Philip Deane (accompanist)

The sun that lights the roses, as sung by Mr. Pearman, at the Theatre Royal, English Opera, in Hodgson's new skylark; or, theatrical budget of harmony (London: By and for Hodgson & Co., 1823), 47 (DIGITISED)

The sun that lights the roses, the words by J. W. Lake esq., the music by Thos. Williams (Baltimore: J. Carr. n.d.) (image courtesy of the Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music, The Sheridan Libraries, The Johns Hopkins University) (DIGITISED)

The sun that lights the roses, a favorite song, as sung by Mr. Pearman with the greatest applause, the words by J. W. Lake, Esqr., the music by Thos. Williams (New York: W. Dubois, [1820] (DIGITISED)

4 CONCERTO - Piano Forte . . . Jan Ladislav DUSSEK (1760-1812)

PERFORMER: ? John Philip Deane (pianist)


5 GLEE - Fair Flora decks the flow'ry ground . . . John DANBY (1757-1798)

PERFORMERS: John Philip Deane (vocalist); Mr. Langford (vocalist); John Swan (vocalist)

Richard Clark (ed.), The first volume of poetry, revised, improved, and considerably enlarged, containing the most favorite pieces, as performed at the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Catch Club, the Glee Club, the Harmonists' Society, the Argyll Glee Club, the Lodge of Antiquity, the Somerset House Lodge, the Lodge of Inverness, and the Lodge of Prudence, 122, of Freemasons, the Amateur Glee Club, evening parties, and all public societies, in general (London: Editor, 1824), 73 (DIGITISED)

"Fair Flora decks, glee for three voices, composed by Danby", The musical times (1 May 1857), supplement (DIGITISED)

6 SONG - In this cottage my father once dwelt. . . John BRAHAM (c. 1774-1856)

PERFORMER: Henry Widowson (vocalist)

Farewell, the celebrated echo-song, sung by Mr. Braham, in the comic opera call'd Narensky, or The road to Yaroslaf, at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane (London: Printed by Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co., [c. 1814/15]) 

Farewell, the celebrated echo-song, composed & sung by Mr. Braham, in Narensky, or The road to Yaroslaf (Philadelphia: G. E. Blake, [c. 1814-20]) (DIGITSED)

7 CONCERTO - Clarionet . . . Isaac Franco DACOSTA (1778-1866)

PERFORMER: ? Joseph Reichenberg (clarinet); ? with full band, ? or piano accompaniment


6me concerto de P. Rode arrangé pour la clarinette par Dacosta Franco (Paris: Chez Imbault, [1800]) (DIGITISED)

An arrangement for B flat clarinet of the Sixth violin concerto in B flat by Pierre Rode

See also "NÉCROLOGIE", Le Guide Musicale (18-26 July 1866), 8 (DIGITISED)

Sont décédés: A Bordeaux, le 12 juillet, M. Isaac-Franco Dacosta, né à Bordeaux, le 17 janvier 1778, le doyen des clarinettistes, ancien membre de l'orchestre de l'Opéra et de la Société des concerts de Paris. (Notice dans Biogr. univ. des musiciens, de Fétis, t.II, p.410)


8 OVERTURE - Le Nozze di Figaro, Overture . . . Wolfgang MOZART (1756-1791)


9 GLEE - Here in cool grot . . . earl of MORNINGTON (Garrett WESLEY) (1735-1781)

PERFORMERS: John Philip Deane (vocalist); Mr. Smith (vocalist); John Swan (vocalist)

"Here in cool grot and mossy cell, for four voices, earl of Mornington", The Musical Times 1 (1848), supplements 16-18 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)

The British minstrel, and musical and literary miscellany, vol. 1 (Glasgow: William Hamilton, [1845]), 85-88 (DIGITISED)

10 RECITATIVE AND AIR - The death of Nelson . . . John BRAHAM (c. 1774-1856)

PERFORMER: Henry Widowson (vocalist)

Nelson, the celebrated recitative and air, as performed in the comic opera of the Americans, at the Theatre Royal Lyceum, written by S. J. Arnold esq., composed & sung by Mr. Braham (London: Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co., [n.d.]) (image courtesy of the Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music, The Sheridan Libraries, The Johns Hopkins University)

11 QUINTETTE - The Surprise . . . Joseph HAYDN (1732-1809)

Andante from no. 3 of Haydn's grand symphonies composed for Mr. Salomon's concerts, and arranged for five instruments viz. two violins, a German flute, a tenor and a violoncello with an accompaniment for the piano forte ad libitum (London: Rbt. Birchall, [c. 1800]) (DIGITISED) (piano part - DIGITISED)

ORIGINAL: Surprise symphony (Hob.I.94)

12 SONG - Dearest maid, I adore thee . . . SLADE

PERFORMER: John Swan (vocalist); ? John Philip Deane (accompanist)

Deane later listed the song, otherwise unidentified, among "Music for sale" in this advertisement:

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (23 August 1828), 1 

MUSIC FOR SALE At Deane's Circulating Library,
THE following MUSIC is offered for Sale, on the most reasonable terms, viz: . . .
SONGS . . . Dearest Maid I adore thee - Slade . . .

13 GLEE - The Witches . . . Matthew Peter KING (c. 1773-1823)

PERFORMERS: John Philip Deane (vocalist); Mr. Langford (vocalist); John Swan (vocalist)

A new edition revised by the author of the witches' glee from the first scene in Macbeth, composed by M. P. King (London: Goulding & D'Almaine, [c. 1810s]) 

Lowell Mason and George J. Webb (eds), The Boston glee book: consisting of an extensive collection of glees, madrigals, and rounds, selected from the works of the most admired composers (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1838), 162-65 

14 SONG - The Wolf . . . William SHIELD (1748-1829)

PERFORMERS: John Philip Deane (vocalist); ? Joseph Reichenberg (accompanist)

The wolf, a favorite song sung by Mr. Bannister in the Castle of Andalusia, the music by Mr. Shield, the words by Mr. O'Keefe ([London]: Printed for G. Walker, [c. 1800])

medialocal/shield-wolf.pdf (DOWNLOAD PDF) (DIGITISED)

The Edinburgh musical miscellany, or, modern songster (Edinburgh: Printed for John Elder, T. Brown and C. Elliot, and W. Coke, Leith, 1793), 84-87 (DIGITISED)

The Edinburgh musical miscellany, or, modern songster . . . the second edition, vol. 2 (Edinburgh: Printed for Mundell, Doig, & Stevenson . . ., 1808), 84-87 (DIGITISED)

15 FINALE, God save the king

PERFORMERS: "in full Chorus"

All performers

John Philip Deane (violin, vocalist, ? pianist)

Mr. Langford (vocalist)

Mr. Smith (vocalist)

John Swan (vocalist)

Henry Widowson (vocalist)

Band of the 40th Regiment (military band; winds and strings)

Joseph Reichenberg (master of the 40th band)

"Hobart Town Concert", Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (29 September 1826), 3 

Yesterday evening, the first Public Concert which this Island has as yet known, took place at the Court-house. The plan of the Concert has been organised by a Committee of Gentlemen, and supported by the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Arthur. Notwithstanding the unpropitious state of the weather, and the wretched condition of the streets, which were almost impassable, there was a numerous assemblage of Ladies and Gentlemen present - several of whom were from various parts of the country. The number of persons could not have been less than 250 or 300, and the effect of the coup-d'-oeil of the whole was most brilliant. The Band of the 40th Regt. were in their elegant and chaste new uniforms. They were placed in three rows, each row a little elevated in height above the other. The trumpets and horns in the hindmost row, each side of what was the Judge's bench, the trombone in the centre. An excellent grand piano forte was in front, a little on one side - at which Mr. J. P. Deane, the Conductor, presided. The Gentlemen who were kind enough to lend their vocal powers in aid of the evening's amusement, had places assigned to them immediately in front of the whole, to which they passed from their seats amongst the audience, & re-passed at pleasure. We have not time for a detailed account of the performances - we can only say, that they were such as would have astonished and delighted the most fastidious ear of the London critic, scarcely escaped from the fascination of Hanover-square. Amongst the distinguished individuals present, were His Excellency and Mrs. Arthur, Chief Justice and Mrs. Pedder, Colonel Balfour, the Attorney-General, the Solicitor General, the Colonial Secretary; the Rev. Messrs. Bedford, Knopwood, Robinson, and Garrard, and their families; Captain and Mrs. Montagu, Mr. and Mrs. Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Neilly, Mr. and Mrs. Sorell, most of the Officers of the 40th, the Sheriff, the Surveyor-General, &c. &c. We subjoin a list of the evening's performances copied from the hand-bills.


La Fête du Village - Overture.
Glee - Glorious Apollo.
Song - The Sun that Lights.
Concerto - Piano Forte.
Glee - Fair Flora.
Song - In this Cottage.
Concerto - Clarionet.


Le Nozze di Figaro - Overture.
Glee - Here in cool Grot.
Recitative and Air- Death of Nelson.
Quintette - The Surprise.
Song - Dearest Maid.
Glee - The Witches.
Song - The Wolf.

Messrs. Deane, Swan, and Langford sung the Glees - "Glorious Apollo," "Fair Flora," and "The Witches." Mr. Swan sung "The Sun that Lights the Roses," and "The dearest Maid," the latter in a most masterly style. The Songs, "Death of Nelson" and "In this Cottage," were sung by Mr. Widowson; "The Wolf" by Mr. Deane; the Glee "Here in cool Grot" by Messrs. Smith, Deane, and Swan.

"HOBART TOWN CONCERTS", Hobart Town Gazette (7 October 1826), 4 

HOBART TOWN CONCERTS. - The first Concert took place on Thursday last, at the Court House, agreeably to the advertisement, and was numerously and fashionably attended. We sincerely rejoice at so auspicious a commencement of this rational and delightful species of recreation. Van Diemen's Land has always shewn a disposition not to be behind-hand with the elder colony in improvement of every kind. Concerts have for some months past been established in Sydney, and several gentlemen here of the first respectability conceiving that many inhabitants of Hobart Town possessed equal, if not superior musical talents, set on foot a plan for introducing the same source of enjoyment amongst us also; and in this, the first attempt, they have succeeded beyond expectation.

The upper end of the Court House was well fitted up with an orchestra of very respectable appearance, in which, the full Band of the 40th Regiment dressed in their new uniform, was admirably disposed. There was sufficient space in front, on a raised stage, for a grand upright piano, and for eight or ten performers, vocal and instrumental. The room was splendidly lighted, and the entire space before the orchestra fitted with benches for the audience. Before 8 o'clock, there were between 2 and 300 ladies and gentlemen assembled.

For the excellent disposition of the Band of the 40th, we have principally to thank Mr. Reichenberg, the Master, who has taken great interest in the Concert, and to whose exertions, during the evening, much of its success was due. Mr. Deane's powers as a musician are too well known to require our commendation. His concerto on the piano was skilfully and tastefully executed, and loudly applauded. "Here in cool Grot" the celebrated prize Glee for four voices, by Lord Mornington, was the most effective, and elicited a warm encore. The Songs, "In this Cottage," "The Death of Nelson," and "Dearest Maid," were also most deservedly encored. The gentleman who sang the two former has a remarkable fine, natural, and most powerful voice. The gentleman who favoured us with "Dearest Maid," has powers of a different cast. Its peculiar character is flexibility and sweetness, and is improved by much taste. The following is a list of the pieces performed :-


La Fete du Village Voisins, Overture...Boildeu.
Glee, Glorious Apollo.............Webbe.
Song, The Sun that Light...............Williams.
Concerto, Piano Forte..............Dussek.
Glee, Fair Flora................Dauley.
Song, In this Cottage...........Braham.
Concerto, Clarionet............Don Costa Franco.


La Nozze di Figaro, Overture...... Mozart.
Glee, Here in cool Grot...........Lord Mornington.
Recitative and Air, Death of Nelson............Braham.
Quintette, The Surprise...............Haydn.
Song, Dearest Maid...............Slape.
Glee, The Witches ................M. P. King.
Song, The Wolf.........Shield.
The whole concluding with "God Save the King" in full Chorus.

Circumstances having prevented our reporter from being present at this elegant entertainment, we were not able to obtain the above particulars but at too late an hour for insertion in our last number. We have been kindly favoured with the names of the audience, but when we have said that His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Mrs. Arthur and family honoured it with their presence, we consider, that without further mention, we have sufficiently stamped its character, and the high respectability of the large and numerous company which composed it. The applause and general sentiments of unanimity and satisfaction with which the Concert was received will, we doubt not, induce the principal promoters to renew so chaste and rational a recreation at regular intervals, and we have heard, that a Concert of equally elegant and classical composition is proposed quarterly.

"A CHRONOLOGY OF 1826, FOR VAN DIEMEN'S LAND", Hobart Town Gazette (6 January 1827), 4 

September 20 [sic] A concert takes place in the Court-house, patronised by His Excellency and Mrs. Arthur.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (26 January 1827), 1 

Hobart Town Concert, UNDER the Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, and Mrs. Arthur.

Conductor--Mr. J. P. Deane.

The Concert will take place on Thursday, the 15th Day of February, at the Court House. Application for Tickets, to be made to Mr. J. P. Deane, at his Stores, on the Wharf. PRICE -*Ten Shillings Sterling; where more than one are taken in a Family, the third and, each 5s. *.* Tickets not transferable.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (9 February 1827), 1 

Hobart Town Concerts.

Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, and Mrs. Arthur.

The Second Concert will take place on Thursday evening next the 15th Instant, at the Court House, at 8 o'Clock precisely. *** Application for Tickets (not transferable) to be made to the Conductor, Mr. J. P. Deane, at his Stores, on the Wharf. - Price, 7s. 6d. Sterling, each Person.

[News], Hobart Town Gazette (10 February 1827), 2 

We anticipate much gratification from the second Public Concert on Thursday next, and feel it due to the Gentlemen who have the management of this most rational amusement to express our satisfaction at the pains they have taken to secure good performances, and to reduce, as low as is at present practicable, the price of the ticket. We have authority to state that the Conductor, Mr. J. P. Deane, was considerably a loser at the close of the last Concert (as appears by the accounts which the Committee have audited, and directed to be submitted for public inspection); but we trust he will be reimbursed by the approaching one. We learn also that if the receipts should, in future, exceed the expenses, the surplus will be appropriated to charitable purposes.

Court House, Hobart, c. 1838

Court House (Supreme Court), Murray Street, c. 1838 (detail) (image State Library of Victoria) (DIGITISED)


Thursday, 15 February 1827

Court House, Murray Street, Hobart, TAS


1 OVERTURE - Milton's Masque of Comus (1815) . . . Luigi CHERUBINI (1760-1842)

MILTON'S COMUS: A MASQUE, in two acts, as revived at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, 28 April 1815; the original music by Handel And Arne, with additional songs by Bishop, and overture by Cherubini

On Henry Bishop's 1815 revival of Milton's Comus with overture by Cherubini

[Broadside], Miss O'Neill's night: Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden: This present Saturday, April 29 1815, will be acted the tragedy of the Grecian daughter ... After which (2nd time) Milton's revived masque of Comus . . . the original musick by Handel and Arne, with additions by Bishop, the overture by Cherubini. (DIGITISED)

[New music composed by Henry Bishop; original performance materials] 

The borrowed overture has been identified variously as that from Anacreon, and as Le crescendo

Cherubini's favourite overture del CRESCENDO, as performed at the Philharmonic Concert, arranged for the piano-forte, with an Accompaniment (ad lib.) for the flute, violin, and violoncello, [review], Gentleman's magazine and historical chronicle (November 1815), 443

2 GLEE - The Bells of St. Michael's Tower . . . William KNYVETT (1779-1856)

The Bells of St. Michael's Tow'r, a favorite glee for three voices, sung by the Messrs Knyvetts at the Nobility's Concerts, composed by Wm. Knyvett (London: Rt. Birchall, [c. 1800]) (DIGITISED)

3 SONG - 'Tis love in the heart (rondo, in The Election) . . . Charles Edward HORN (1786-1849)

"NEW MUSIC", Belle Assemblée: Or, Court and Fashionable Magazine (January 1818), 46 

'Tis love in the heart, the much admired rondo as sung and composed by Charles Horn (New York: Dubois, n.d.) (image courtesy of the Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music, The Sheridan Libraries, The Johns Hopkins University) (DIGITISED)

4 CONCERTO - Violin (in which is introduced "Home, sweet Home") . . . Giovanni Battista VIOTTI (1755-1824)

PERFORMERS: ? John Philip Deane (violin)


5 SONG - Cherry ripe . . . Charles Edward HORN (1786-1849)

Cherry ripe: a cavatina, sung . . . by Madame Vestris in Mr Poole's popular comedy Paul Pry . . . by C. E. Horn (London: J. Willis, [1824]) (DIGITISED)

6 GLEE - The chough and crow (from Guy Mannering) . . . Henry Rowley BISHOP (1787-1855)

The overture, songs, duetts, glees, and chorusses in the musical play of Guy Mannering composed & arranged . . . by Thos. Attwood and Henry R. Bishop (London: Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter & Co., [1816]), 39-52 (DIGITISED)

7 CONCERTO - Clarionette . . . Nicholas Charles BOCHSA (1789-1856)

PERFORMERS: ? Joseph Reichenberg (clarinet)



8 SINFONIA - Military Band . . . Marco PORTOGALLO (1762-1830), "Maestro Portogallo"

PERFORMERS: Band of the 40th Regiment, master Joseph Reichenberg


9 GLEE - Stay, prythee stay (from opera The Miller and his Men) . . . Henry Rowley BISHOP (1787-1855)

Boosey and Co.'s edition of Sir Henry R. Bishop's glees (London: Boosey, [c. 1870]), 133-40 

Paul Douglass, "The miller and his men", Romantic-era songs (website) (SOUND FILE)

10 CONCERTO - Piano Forte . . . Daniel STEIBELT (1765-1823)


11 SONG - Burlington Bay ("The rain fell in torrents") . . . Charles Edward HORN (1786-1849)

Theatrical Observer (1825), n.p. 

Diprose's naval and military song-book (London: David Bryce, n.d.), n.p. 

12 SONATA - Piano forte and Violin, introducing "Hope told a flattering tale" . . . Ignace PLEYEL (1757-1831)

The favorite air of La Molinarella, or, Hope told a flattering tale, with variations for the piano forte, by J. Pleyel (Philadelphia: G. Willigs, n.d.) (image courtesy of the Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music, The Sheridan Libraries, The Johns Hopkins University)

Hope told a flatt'ring tale, Paesiello's admired air, arranged for the pianoforte, and sung by Mr. Jefferson (Philadelphia: G. Willigs, n.d.) 

13 DUETT - I love thee . . . "BRAHAM" [recte Henry BISHOP]

I love thee! the admired duet composed by Henry R. Bishop (London: Goulding & D'Almaine, [c. 1823])

14 FINALE - God save the king

[News], Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser (16 February 1827), 2

The great and sudden influx of matter which we have this week received both from England, Sydney, and India, has induced us to give a Supplement; by which our publication has been unavoidably delayed. Many things are still standing, which must be deferred until next week; among which is the report of the Concert last evening, at the Court-house.

"THE SECOND CONCERT", Hobart Town Gazette (24 February 1827), 2 

THE SECOND CONCERT. The Second Concert took place at the Court House, Hobart Town, on the 15th instant. The following is a list of the performances:-


Overture ... Milton's March of Comus ... Cherubini.
Glee ... The Bells of St. Michael's Tower ... W. Knyvett
Song ... 'Tis Love in the Heart ... Horn.
Concerto ... Violin (in which is introduced "Home, sweet Home") Viotti.
Song ... Cherry Ripe ... Horn.
Glee... The Chough and Crow ... Bishop.
Concerto ... Clarionette ... Boscha (P.)


Sinfonia ... Military Band ... Portugallo.
Glee ... Stay, pry'thee Stay ... Bishop.
Concerto ... Piano Forte ... Steibelt.
Song ... Burlington Bay ... (Unknown)
Sonata.... Piano forte and Violin, introducing "Hope told a flattering tale" ... Pleyel
Duett ... I Love thee ... Braham
To conclude with "God save the King!"

The company was not numerous, nor did the entertainment go off with spirit. We understand that the people who applied to Mr. Deane for tickets were under the necessity of having their respectability, &c. questioned by a committee, consisting of Mr. Stephen, Mr. Hamilton, and two other gentlemen; and that, instead of its being a Public Concert, the tickets were countersigned by two of these gentlemen, as a passport, otherwise the holder was not admitted! These are the little things which keep up party feeling, which we are satisfied it is the wish of some persons to encourage, but which every real friend to the Colony must deplore.


"VAN DIEMAN'S LAND. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER FROM HOBART TOWN", Oxford University and City Herald [UK] (12 January 1828), 2; and

Hampshire Chronicle [UK] (14 January 1828), 3

. . . We are not so dull as you imagine. We have races, and though they are not quite equal to those you and I have been at, we contrive to find amusement at them. We are badly off for entertainments; we have had one or two concerts, under the direction of J. P. Deane, the organist of St. David's Church. (This is the only organ in the colony.) Deane plays and sings. We paid 10s. each for the first, and 15s. for the second concert; double tickets one guinea; and they were wall attended. We have had only one ball, and the higher grade would not attend it. There were thirty ladies at it - only one unmarried; so you see the faint hopes for your friend in the matrimonial way . . .

And see also:

"THE FIRST CONCERT IN HOBART", The Mercury (11 October 1883), 2s 

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